ellauri012.html on line 624: Après ces instructions, qui doivent tenir la première place, je crois qu’il n’est pas inutile de laisser aux filles, selon leurs loisirs et la portée de leur esprit, la lecture des livres profanes qui n’ont rien de dangereux pour les passions : c’est même le moyen de les dégoûter des comédies et des romans. Donnez-leur donc les histoires grecques et romaines ; elles y verront des prodiges de courage et de désintéressement. Ne leur laissez pas ignorer l’histoire de France, qui à aussi ses beautés ; mêlez celles des pays voisins, et les relations des pays éloignés judicieusement écrites. Tout cela sert à agrandir l’esprit, et à élever l’âme à de grands sentiments, pourvu qu’on évite la vanité et l’affectation.
ellauri048.html on line 1114: Hallam spent the 1830 Easter holidays with Tennyson in Somersby and declared his love for Emilia. Hallam and Tennyson planned to publish a book of poems together: Hallam told Mrs Tennyson that he saw this "as a sort of seal of our friendship". Hallam's father, however, objected, and Hallam's Poems was privately published and printed in 1830. In the summer holidays, Tennyson and Hallam travelled to the Pyrenees (on a secret mission to take money and instructions written in invisible ink to General Torrijos who was planning a revolution against the tyranny of King Ferdinand VII of Spain). In December, Hallam again visited Somersby and became engaged to Emilia. His father forbade him to visit Somersby until he came of age at twenty-one.
ellauri095.html on line 546: The phrase “And birds that call/Hoarse to the storm,” invites comparison with the son’s images of the windhover rebuffing the big wind in “The Windhover” (1877) and with the image of the great storm fowl at the conclusion of “Henry Purcell” (1879). The father’s prophecy, “thy sport is with the storm/To wrestle” is fulfilled in Gerard’s The Wreck of the Deutschland and “The Loss of the Eurydice” (1878). These two shipwreck poems, replete with spiritual instruction for those in doubt and danger were the son’s poetic and religious counterparts to his father’s 1873 volume, The Port of Refuge, or advice and instructions to the Master-Mariner in situations of doubt, difficulty, and danger.
ellauri097.html on line 136: In 1989, per his instructions, Alfred A. Knopf published Mencken's "secret diary" as The Diary of H. L. Mencken. According to an Associated Press story, Mencken's views shocked even the sympathetic scholar who edited it.
ellauri109.html on line 615: Roth, who thought of religion as fairy tales and illusion, left strict instructions: no Kaddish, no God, no speeches. Roth had asked a range of friends to read passages from his novels. The mourners heard only the language of Roth and then shovelled dirt into his grave until it was full.
ellauri119.html on line 152: In the season three episode "Nora Clavicle and the Ladies' Crime Club," Batman, Robin, and Batgirl are forced to intertwine themselves into a giant human knot. Robin responds to this idea by referencing the instructions to basic stitch patterns.
ellauri144.html on line 423: Dylan Thomas was born on 27 October 1914 in Swansea, the son of Florence Hannah (née Williams; 1882–1958), a seamstress, and David John Thomas (1876–1952), a teacher. His father had a first-class honours degree in English from University College, Aberystwyth and ambitions to rise above his position teaching English literature at the local grammar school, which he never did. Thomas had one sibling, Nancy Marles (1906–1953), who was eight years his senior. The children spoke only English, though their parents were bilingual in English and Welsh, and David Thomas gave Welsh lessons at home. Thomas´s father chose the name Dylan, which could be translated as "son of the sea", after Dylan ail Don, a character in The Mabinogion. (Mulla on se, mutten ole lukenut.) His middle name, Marlais, was given in honour of his great-uncle, William Thomas, a Unitarian minister and poet whose bardic name was Gwilym Marles. Se oli se silverbäk jota ne kaikki koittivat apinoida. Dylan, pronounced ˈ [ˈdəlan] (Dull-an) in Welsh, caused his mother to worry that he might be teased as the "dull one" (which he was). When he broadcast on Welsh BBC, early in his career, he was introduced using this pronunciation. Thomas favoured the Anglicised pronunciation and gave instructions that it should be Dillan /ˈdɪlən/. He was fed up with the "dull one" joke. in 1914. In 1931, when he was 16, Thomas, an undistinguished pupil, left school to become a reporter for the South Wales Daily Post, only to leave under pressure 18 months later.
ellauri150.html on line 467: Sheik Ilderim bribes Pontius Pilate into allowing Ben-Hur to compete in a horse and carriage race (ravit) by proposing a high wager. Esther tries to convince Messiah not to race Ben-Hur, but he is adamant that he will win. On the day of the race, Ben-Hur follows Ilderim's instructions to hold back from the race until the final laps. Using dirty tactics, Messiah manages to knock out the other competing charioteers. Following a brutal and grueling race, Ben-Hur wins the race. Messiah survives but is badly wounded and loses a leg. Ben-Hur's victory emboldens the Jewish spectators and yields dividends for Ilderim.
ellauri156.html on line 552: These eight verses, devoted to the way in which Uriah's death is reported, are double the length of the account of David's sin with Bathsheba. They virtually equal the length of the account of David's dealings with Uriah. These verses begin with Joab's careful instructions to the messenger, who is to bring the news of Uriah's death to David. They conclude with the messenger's actual report and David's response to it. Why does the author devote so much time and space to the way in which Uriah's death is reported to David? Let us see if we can find the answer to this question as we look more closely at these verses.
ellauri156.html on line 554: Mission accomplished: Uriah is dead. Joab has carried out David's instructions to the letter. Now Joab must send word to David, in a way that does not completely disclose this conspiracy. Joab calls for a messenger to go to David. He gives very exacting instructions to him. He is first to give a full and complete report of the events of the war, including the ill-fated attack on the city, and the slaughter of Uriah and those with him. Why is how the messenger reports this incident so important?
ellauri156.html on line 558: This the reason for Joab's careful instructions to the messenger. He is to report the attack on the city of Rabbah to David, and then tell of the Israelite losses which result. Joab knows that David will react (perhaps hypocritically) to the report of the attack and the resulting losses. It is at this point, Joab instructs the messenger, that he is to inform David of the death of Uriah. This will certainly end any protest or criticism on David's part.
ellauri159.html on line 1023: Regard writing as a practical exercise rather than as a creative one. You want to meet the goals of their teacher, editor, boss, or project sponsor. For this reason, you like receiving specific instructions.
ellauri159.html on line 1041: Write for an audience, seeing you want to hear how people were affected by your work. With sufficient encouragement and clear instructions, you might even be able adapt the piece to the expectations of a teacher, boss, or editor. A lack of feedback is likely to demotivate you. To avoid this, seek out an environment where people appreciate hearing your stuff over and over.
ellauri159.html on line 1057: Be self-motivated and self-directed. However, when writing for a teacher, editor, or boss, you may want explicit instructions. If you don’t have a clear understanding of other people’s expectations, you may struggle in silence. Instead, try asking to see a model of what to work toward (for example, last year’s annual report or a term paper that earned an A). A concrete example will help alleviate confusion.
ellauri159.html on line 1075: When starting a project, you want clear instructions or a model to work from. It is helpful to know what approach has succeeded in the past so you can use it as a framework. If instructions aren’t specific, you may be at a loss, so it’s best to ask for clarification, or just copy from a reliable model.
ellauri159.html on line 1123: You need clear instructions and a personal connection with your audience. You may find it helpful to see an example of what your editor, instructor, or project sponsor expects. Even if you can’t copy this model as such, it will give you a concrete starting point.
ellauri159.html on line 1143: Work independently and prefer a quiet environment. If you must write collaboratively, seek out tasks that will allow you to work alone or with someone whose expertise you value. Unlike most other sensing types (the wimps), you don’t want detailed instructions or specific feedback. In fact, you may have to shoot if they try. Just ask for general guidelines that allow you flexibility. They may try to impose rules you regard as useless, like firearms restrictions.
ellauri159.html on line 1195: You prefer writing about personal topics. You may encounter difficulty if the topic isn’t meaningful to you. If so, try different angles until you find one that engages you. If you’re a technical writer, for example, you can take pride in knowing that when you write clear instructions, you help your customers perform their tasks quickly and effectively. This sense of meddling with people’s lives is important to writers.
ellauri159.html on line 1232: You want to master the subject everyone´s whining about. You enjoy the challenge of technical topics, and you focus on crafting clear, concise instructions. However, if you don’t see the perks of the writing project, your interest may wane. Discuss the project with friends or colleagues to help you find a way to increase your reward.
ellauri164.html on line 493: The rest of the book of Exodus and the entire book of Leviticus take place while the Israelites are encamped at the foot of Sinai. God gives Moses detailed instructions for the building of the tabernacle—a traveling tent of worship that could be assembled and disassembled for easy portability—and for making the utensils for worship, the priestly garb, and the ark of the covenant, symbolic of God’s presence among His people as well as the place where the high priest would perform the annual atonement. God also gives Moses explicit instructions on how God is to be worshiped and guidelines for maintaining purity and holiness among the people. The book of Numbers sees the Israelites move from Sinai to the edge of the Promised Land, but they refuse to go in when ten out of twelve spies bring back a bad report about Israel’s ability to take over the land. God condemns this generation of Jews to die in the wilderness for their disobedience and subjects them to forty years of wandering in the wilderness. By the end of the book of Numbers, the next generation of Israelites is back on the borders of the Promised Land and poised to trust God and take it by faith.
ellauri164.html on line 929: It appears that Moses was still in complete control of himself when he went to God for instructions. “Moses and Aaron went ... to the door of the tent of meeting, and fell upon their faces.” “Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,” “take the rod; ... gather the congregation together. Speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will yield its water; thus you shall bring water for them out of the rock, and give drink to the congregation and their animals.” Clearly there was nothing difficult to understand and Moses wanted to be as faithful to this command as he had been to all the other commands God had given him.
ellauri214.html on line 535: Halfway through her fifth novel Flights, Olga Tokarczuk asks her readers to take pity on the poor souls for whom English is their “real language”. “Just imagine!” teases Poland’s most widely translated female author. “They don’t have anything to fall back on or turn to in moments of doubt. How lost they must feel in the world, where all instructions, all the lyrics of the stupidest possible songs, all the excruciating pamphlets and brochures — even the buttons in the lift! — are in their private language . . . they are accessible to everyone and everything!”
ellauri270.html on line 385: Tessie’s protests have shown the reader that the outcome of the lottery will not be good. Little Davy’s inclusion reinforces the cruelty of the proceedings and the coldness of its participants. Little Davy is put at risk even when he is unable to understand the rituals or to physically follow the instructions. But so what? Is this one more case of "free will" stuffed down your throat?
ellauri270.html on line 397: Mrs. Dunbar already sent her son away, perhaps to spare him having to participate in murder this year, and now she herself seems to try and avoid taking part in the lottery as well. The line about the stones makes an important point—most of the external trappings of the lottery have been lost or forgotten, but the terrible act at its heart remains. There is no real religious or practical justification for the lottery anymore—it’s just a primitive murder for the sake of tradition. Now the situation would be quite different if this were a real case of adultery, about which there are clear instructions in the Old Testament!
ellauri278.html on line 262: Maxim Litvinov died on on 31 December 1951. After his death, rumours he was murdered on Stalin´s instructions to the Ministry of Internal Affairs circulated. According to Anastas Mikoyan, alorry deliberately collided with Litvinov´s car as it rounded a bend near the Litvinov dacha on 31 December 1951, and he later died of his injuries. British television journalist Tim Tzouliadis stated; "The assassination of Litvinov marked an intensification of Stalin´s anti-Semitic campaign". According to Litvinov´s wife and daughter, however, Stalin was still on good terms with Litvinov at the time of his death. They said he had serious heart problems and was given the best treatment available during the final weeks of his life, and that he died from a heart attack on 31 December 1951. After Litvinov´s death, his widow Ivy remained in the Soviet Union until she returned to live in Britain in 1972.
ellauri281.html on line 261: Maxim Litvinov died on on 31 December 1951. After his death, rumours he was murdered on Stalin´s instructions to the Ministry of Internal Affairs circulated. According to Anastas Mikoyan, alorry deliberately collided with Litvinov´s car as it rounded a bend near the Litvinov dacha on 31 December 1951, and he later died of his injuries. British television journalist Tim Tzouliadis stated; "The assassination of Litvinov marked an intensification of Stalin´s anti-Semitic campaign". According to Litvinov´s wife and daughter, however, Stalin was still on good terms with Litvinov at the time of his death. They said he had serious heart problems and was given the best treatment available during the final weeks of his life, and that he died from a heart attack on 31 December 1951. After Litvinov´s death, his widow Ivy remained in the Soviet Union until she returned to live in Britain in 1972.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 569: "Roger, Wilco" are both military radio terms, and often heard together in WWII films, but should never be used together in correct military radio etiquette. "Roger" means "Message received and understood". "Wilco" means "Message received and understood, will comply with your instructions".
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 269: Literary history is full of moments of betrayal, when trusted confidants defied the wishes of the authors. Max Brod ignored Franz Kafka's order to burn his unpublished manus and diaries. Vladimir Nabokov and Philip Larkin's instructions to destroy the unpublished manus were rescinded by the heirs and executors, who not only retained but published them. Bailey did not publish Roths samizdats.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 370: Nelson's will was read in November; William inherited his entire estate (including Bronte) except for Merton, as well as his bank accounts and possessions. The government had made William an Earl and his son Horatio (aka Horace) a Viscount - the titles Nelson had aspired to - and now he was also Duke of Bronte. Emma received £2000, Merton, and £500 per annum from the Bronte estate - much less than she had when Nelson was alive, and not enough to maintain Merton. In spite of Nelson's status as a national hero, the instructions he left to the government to provide for Emma and Horatia were ignored; they also ignored his wishes that she should sing at his funeral.
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 59: Rabbinical student Erik Urinate (shown pants down in fig. 4 below, with a shortish penis in his hand) says the sages meant these instructions to produce healthy, intelligent sons.