ellauri014.html on line 546: Pariisissa tyttöjä valvotaan silmä kovana, mutta rouvilla on aika vapaata. Ted tykkää päinvastaisesta järjestelystä: Naimattoman Julkun kaa on kivaa nussiretkellä, mutta jos oltais naimisissa, niin kyllä loppuis siltä hutsuttelu. Teddy peukuttaa naisten alistamista ylistämällä. Juulia on pantu pedestaalille, noin on hyvä, täst mie piän, älä liikahda. Sitä kismittää pariisilaisten naisten lähes tasa-arvo joissain ja lähes yliote joissain asioissa, ja siihen liittyvä sukupuolten mutkattomampi viestintä. Se ei tunnu kivalta.
ellauri014.html on line 560: Mut nythän paska mätkähti taas tuulettimeen oikein voimalla. Pröö kyynelehtii (tai jotain) kirjepaperin aivan märäxi, nyt tuli tehdyxi mitä ei ois saanu tehdä, eikä mitenkään saa tekemättömäksi, se on käynyt epähuomiossa vieraissa. Helvetian kaverit (joojoo nehän ne) hommas sen bordelliin. Se joi muka vahingossa valkkua kuin vettä, ja heräs vanhan hutsun punkasta housut nilkassa. Haahaa, muka vahinko. Tais vaan pussit vuotaa ylitse. Kuivat Julkun kuvan kaa ei oo ihan riittävää. Nyt se ulvoo ja selittelee vuolaasti.
ellauri018.html on line 51: Jou, hei mä oon Juhani hutsut imee munaani.
ellauri041.html on line 604: Behutsam schon ihr Morgenei.

ellauri051.html on line 1317: 717 By the city's quadrangular houses -- in log huts, camping with lumbermen, 717 Kaupungin nelikulmaisten talojen luona -- hirsimökeissä, telttailemassa puumiesten kanssa,
ellauri080.html on line 609: Life on the island. A running gag is the castaways' ability to fashion a vast array of useful objects from bamboo, gourds, vines and other local materials. Some are simple everyday things, such as eating and cooking utensils, while others (such as a remarkably efficient lie detector apparatus) are stretches of the imagination. Russell Johnson noted in his autobiography that the production crew enjoyed the challenge of building these props. These bamboo items include framed huts with thatched grass sides and roofs, along with bamboo closets strong enough to withstand hurricane-force winds and rain, the communal dining table and chairs, pipes for Gilligan's hot water, a stethoscope, and a pedal-powered car.
ellauri110.html on line 1068: Things that prevent you from eating include anger, pain, sickness, sabbath, or being unable to get food. So mendicants, for a human being with a hundred years life span I have counted the life span, the limit of the life span, the seasons, the years, the months, the fortnights, the nights, the days, the meals, and the things that prevent them from eating. Out of compassion, I’ve done what a teacher should do who wants what’s best for their disciples. Here are these roots of trees, and here are these empty huts. Practice absorption, mendicants! Don’t be negligent! Don’t regret it later! This is my instruction to you.”
ellauri112.html on line 652: Marlo is a physical wreck, ugly fat and unkempt, a woman who doesn’t get enough or not at all and is chronically fatigued. She shuffles around in sweatpants and baggy sweaters as the house gets dirtier, the kids get noisier, and her husband gets "lazier". Everything becomes a battle for Marlo – keeping Jonah in school, putting a meal on the table, finding time to bathe, even getting her husband to hump her. He shuts her out at night, retreating to the bedroom alone to play video games with himself headphones on. Cant fix that part without fixing the hole.
ellauri147.html on line 722: Michael Balint hat auf die basale Anfälligkeit des Säuglings für Mängel in seiner primären Umgebung hingewiesen und kann mit seiner Theorie der „Grundstörung“ als Pionier einer Theorie narzisstischer Störungen gelten.. Auch Winnicott lenkt mit seinem Konzept der „primären Mütterlichkeit“ auf die Bedeutung der frühesten Objektbeziehung für das Gelingen oder aber Scheitern der seelischen Entwicklung. Schliesslich hat vor allem die Narzissmustheorie Heinz Kohuts und ihre Weiterentwicklung zur Selbstpsychologie in den dazu beigetragen, in der therapeutischen Situation, aber auch in den diagnostischen Kategorien und in der metapsychologischen Betrachtung den Blick auf die „Existenz eines rudimentären Selbst in der frühesten Kindheit“(8) zu richten und damit den Focus von der ödipalen, vom Triebkonflikt bestimmten Ebene auf die Ebene der „frühen“ oder eben „narzisstischen“ Störung zu verschieben.-->
ellauri180.html on line 488: The palaces of crowned kings—the huts, Kruunupäiden palazit, majat,
ellauri180.html on line 573: All of the people of the earth have been doomed to live in darkness. They burn everything around them, from palaces to huts and eventually religious materials. They are desperate for any kind of light to see by.
ellauri188.html on line 132: old people, green from long drinking of kava-worth- less wretches in a huddle of huts on the shore. What I did see was an enormous valley, over a mile wide
ellauri198.html on line 589: As when a trap shuts - you're inside the den! Ansa laukesi nähtävästi pirun merran!
ellauri375.html on line 108: Russian claims to Ukrainian land being Russian at some point in history are true, but irrelevant. Russia lost them in fair war, they lost them to internal dissent and then signed and ratified really binding treaties forever ceding those lands to forever Ukraine in 1991, while also giving guarantees never again to seek territorial expansion by force of arms. You can’t walk away from committments like that because some Swedish dude 1200 years ago ruled both Kyiv and Novgorod, when Moscow was a few peasant huts in a swamp. Or you can actually, if you are able to. Only you aren't, we'll see to that.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 664: The hall door shuts again, and all the noise is gone. Ei kuulu enää midiä, aina parempi.