ellauri003.html on line 677: Bostonin uimaranta. Bussit, The T. Neekereitä. Käsilaukkuvaras. Tyyppi syö puseroa. Legal Seafood. Clam chowder. Sechuan restaurant, perse kipeä seur päivänä. Widener. Outsider.
ellauri004.html on line 1220: Ei hemmetti, koko komedia on vain teatteria meille. Tuumii luoja (tai sitä edustava taho): ei muhun oikeesti sattunut (mähän oon täydellinen), mutta noihin toisiin uhrautuminen kyllä tekee kipeää. Tää show olkoon niille opetus, tarjoiluehdotus: malli siitä, miten termiittinä pitää muiden eteen kaatua. Kaadu vaan, ei satu, ainakaan ei kauaa. Se on iso askel kohti eusosiaalisuutta.
ellauri004.html on line 1345: Yhexänkymppisenä Karin haki kontaktia Uulofiin (Tolppa oli kai jo lahonnut), mutta liian myöhään: Uulof oli jo hoitokodissa. Bugger! Just my luck, mutisi Karin kuin Alf skezisarjassa Fast Show.
ellauri005.html on line 264: Say to the church, it shows

ellauri005.html on line 298: Tell honour how it alters;

ellauri005.html on line 299: Tell beauty how she blasteth;

ellauri005.html on line 300: Tell favour how it falters:

ellauri005.html on line 304: Tell wit how much it wrangles

ellauri005.html on line 333: Tell how the country erreth;

ellauri005.html on line 1665: Sugar, what´s the matter, don´t like no black snake no how

ellauri006.html on line 1251: Sit käy köpelösti: jehowa ja saatana lyö wetoa, kirooko jopi jumalan, jos siltä viedään kaikki. (Jopilta ei kysytä, se on pelkkä pelinappula.) Jumala panee rahat likoon jopin puolesta, on se sen verran luottokaveri. Saatana saa wapaat kädet, paizi jopia ei tapeta. Ei kiusallakaan.
ellauri006.html on line 1255: Mix mix mix? Mix just minä? Mixei kukaan muu? Woi nössö sentään. Mähän olin kiltti! Hei jehowa, jotain rajaa, huutaa jopi huusin herraa.
ellauri006.html on line 1376: Taidatko ajaa jalopeuralle saaliinsa? Ja rawita nuoret jalopeurat? Helppo, niistä taitaa enemmistö olla eläintarhoissa, loput on ammuttu ja syöty, tai ripustettu seinälle. Kuka walmistaa kaarneelle ruuan? Taas termiittiapinat, niiden roskixista ne ryöstää nakkeja. Tiedätkö koska mezäwuohet poikiwat, tahi oletko hawainnut peurain synnytyskipuja? Tottakai, luontovideoista ne voi kattoa, tai netistä. Mut nää ihmeellinen luonto-kysymyxet on enempi retorisia. Yxisarwisen valjastus jää auki, se on yhtä sadunomainen kuin ize jehowa. Kummastakaan ei ole varmaa ewidenssiä. Ehkä ne on sama asia? Yxisarvinen tuikkaa jalkoväliin kaxisarvista. Sarviaisen salaisuus, laivalastillinen malspiikkia.
ellauri006.html on line 1380: Jopin suun nää kysymyxet sentään tukkivat. Ei tuu kysyneexi wastaan, osaako jehowa luoda niin ison kiwen, ettei se jaxa nostaa sitä. Parempi ehkä ettei kysy. Wois pienempikin kiwi jopin litsata.
ellauri006.html on line 1610: kalvoshow.

ellauri006.html on line 1670: Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.
ellauri006.html on line 1677: You'll see it's all a show

ellauri008.html on line 475:

It was wonderful—I loved him & I think he liked me. He talked a great deal about his work & life & aims, & about sother writers. Then we went for a little walk, & somehow grew very intimate. I plucked up courage to tell him what I find in his work—the boring down into things to get to the very bottom below the apparent facts. He seemed to feel I had understood him; then I stopped & we just looked into each other's eyes for some time, & then he said he had grown to wish he could live on the surface and write differently, that he had grown frightened. His eyes at the moment expressed the inward pain & terror that one feels him always fighting. Then he talked a lot about Poland, & showed me an album of family photographs of the 60's—spoke about how dream-like all that seems, & how he sometimes feels he ought not to have had any children, because they have no roots or traditions or relations.
ellauri008.html on line 738: Sitaatin alkuperä selvisi Googlen optisesti lukaisemasta kirjasta The Death of the German Cousin: Variations on a Literary Stereotype, 1890-1920, kirjoittanut P.E. Firchow. Firchow on jenkki mutta sakuhenkinen (varmaan syntyjänsä sakemanni nimestä päätellen), ja syyttää syystä kyllä polakkibrittimamua saksalaisstereotypioiden levityxestä. Saxalainen on Konradilla joko paksu roikale (Jimin kapu) tai kalsa kivienkeli (Stein&co), ei mitään siltä väliltä, ei ainaskaan normaali.
ellauri008.html on line 791: Firchow

  • ellauri008.html on line 814: This book analyzes the representations of homosexuality in Conrad’s fiction, beginning with Conrad’s life and letters to show that Conrad himself was, at least imaginatively, bisexual. Conrad’s recurrent bouts of neurasthenia, his difficult courtships, late marriage, and frequent expressions of misogyny can all be attributed to the fact that Conrad was emotionally, temperamentally, and, perhaps, even erotically more comfortable with men than women.
    ellauri009.html on line 1692: Kylläpä on humanistimetkut muuttuneet vuosikymmenten saatossa. Kun tulin verstaalle ammoin, istuivat yliopistomiehet keskenänsä sprigi päällä arvokkasti arvokkaassa salissa, perusteli ja päätti asiat miehissä puhuen toistensa ohi kirjakielellä kuin Irjan radiot. Satraapit vartioivat pikku valtakuntiaan ja puukottivat selkään toisiansa sivistyneesti ja kiireettä. Nyt istuu kaikki matut lehtorit ja muut rotinkaiset mukanlukien virolaisten saippuanhajuisessa uimahallissa, värikkäässä kalvoshowssa, siniset punaiset ja vihreät laput otsassa kuin tarhalapset. Puuttuu vaan keltaiset huomioliivit ja ohjanaru. Puretaan ryhmätöitä toistemme suuhun huutaen ja hälisten hoonolla englannilla minuuttipelillä, kovaääniset hiiret mikit kädessä. Dekaania myöten kaikki ovat naisia, paria väpelöä ponnaripäistä poikaa ja muutamaa nisäkkäiden keskeen erehtyneen sauruksen näköistä setämiestä lukuun ottamatta. Kello käy, suut käyvät, keksitään avainsanoja ja onelinereita toimivan johdon strategiatyöhön, ulkoinen konsultti alustaa vulgääristi, luurit välähtelee, kamerat räpsyvät.
    ellauri011.html on line 566: In his central figure, not-quite-Paulo, he has created (I imagine by mistake) a devastating portrait of a man whose stock in trade is spirituality but who is worldly to his very toenails, exquisitely attuned to his own status. He is constantly reminding himself how many books he has sold, how many languages they have been translated into, and that he is 'despite all the adverse reviews, a possible candidate for a major literary prize'. When he takes up with another woman (strictly to dispel the Zahir, of course), he chooses a successful French actress of 35, on the grounds that she was the only candidate to enjoy his status, 'because she too was famous and knew that celebrity counts'. Celebrity is an aphrodisiac. 'It was good for a woman's ego to be with a man and know that he had chosen her even though he had had the pick of many others.' And the man's ego, does that come into it? Not-quite-Paulo is too gallant to reveal his own age, but if he is indeed a refraction of the author then he is 20 years Marie's senior. It's adorable that he should regard himself so solemnly as the trophy in this pairing.
    ellauri011.html on line 898: Paulo began emptying his mind. It wasn't difficult, there wasn't all that much work to do. Paulo cannot see things how they really are, for all the invisible things he thinks there ought to be.
    ellauri011.html on line 943: In 2005, when he was already a world-famous writer, Paulo went to Amsterdam to give an important talk. On the morning o the talk, he was interviewed on one of Holland's principal TV shows at his old hostel - since converted to a hotel for nonsmokers, expensive and with a small and well-regarded high-end restaurant.
    ellauri011.html on line 947: He never again heard from Karla. He had a vague hope that Karla, knowing he was in the city [How? From TV of course! Everyone must have seen the show!] would show up to meet him. During the conference, he told part of the story found in this book. At a certain point, he couldn't help it and asked: Karla, are you here? No one raised a hand.
    ellauri011.html on line 990: A stopped clock shows right time twice a day.

    ellauri011.html on line 1340: He regarded the latter as of the highest importance because dislike and ill opinion force people to conform in their behaviour to social norms, however he didn't consider public opinion as a suitable influence for governments.
    ellauri011.html on line 1356: The success of Julie delighted Rousseau; he took pleasure in narrating a story about how a lady ordered a horse carriage to go to an Opera, and then picked up Julie only to continue reading the book till the next morning. So many women wrote to him offering their love that he speculated there was not a single high society woman with whom he would not have succeeded if he wanted to.
    ellauri014.html on line 424: Fast Showssa hintahtava lordi oli Ralph, sen juro maamies oli Ted. Pröö on siis Ted, tästä eteenpäin. Lucus a non lucendo, ikäänkuin.
    ellauri014.html on line 429: Kuten teeveen saippuoissa marssitetaan kuvaan uusi henkilö. Kumma kyllä se ei ole se vanha aseveikko vielä, vaan filosofisempi sparreri, kummallinen lordi Edward Bomston. Kaheksannentoista vuosisadan lordi Byron mannermaan kiertueella, tai pikemminkin ehkä lordi Russell, filosofisempi väpelö, tai väpelömpi filosofi. Se on kuin Fast Shown skezin hinttari maanomistaja, Pröö sen vastahakoisempi lammaspaimen. (Nimet vaan on vaihtuneet. Ks. Wikipedia.)
    ellauri014.html on line 1045: Lolita menee luostariin (how convenient to have convents to bury bad girls alive in, miettii Ralph). Hän teki velvollisuutensa säädyille, kuolemattomalle mammonalle ja sen meemeille, loordin on nyt tehtävä omansa.
    ellauri014.html on line 1589:

    Mut tää voi teidät kyllä yllättää (sanon kuin Matti Vanhanen tv-showssa): sehän oli hittovie homppeli! No so what, niinhän näyttää olevan suurin piirtein puolet kaikista nimekkäistä artisteista. Ehkä ei voi edes tulla nimekkääksi artistiksi ellei sitä kokeile. Voivoi. Multa on jo mennyt mahixet. Ellei sitten riitä vaan tarjota takapuolta pystyvämmille. Jos sillä pääsis edes puolijulkkikseksi.
    ellauri014.html on line 1724: And maybe a better one. I am perhaps not the best judge, but it seems to me the gritty upward-way poem is better than the floral lift to heaven. Bryant, however, is a celebrated poet, and Montgomery merely an interesting poet. My personal connection to the upward way and my own struggles to work out my vocation might bias me.
    ellauri016.html on line 710: Just to show life's not made of gold

    ellauri016.html on line 780: In 1999, "Pink Moon" was used in a Volkswagen commercial, boosting Drake's US album sales from about 6,000 copies in 1999 to 74,000 in 2000. The LA Times saw it as an example of how, following the consolidation of US radio stations, previously unknown music was finding audiences through advertising. Fans used the filesharing software Napster to circulate digital copies of Drake's music; according to the Atlantic, "The chronic shyness and mental illness that made it hard for Drake to compete with 1970s showmen like Elton John and David Bowie didn't matter when his songs were being pulled one by one out of the ether and played late at night in a dorm room." In November 2014, Gabrielle Drake published a biography of her brother. Over the following years, Drake's songs appeared in soundtracks of "quirky, youthful" films such as The Royal Tenenbaums, Serendipity and Garden State. Made to Love Magic, an album of outtakes and remixes released by Island Records in 2004, far exceeded Drake's lifetime sales. In 2017, Kele Okereke cited Pink Moon as an influence on his third solo album Fatherland. Other contemporary artists influenced by Drake include José González, Bon Iver, Iron & Wine, Alexi Murdoch and Philip Selway of Radiohead.
    ellauri018.html on line 523: The song captures Simone's response to the murder of Medgar Evers in Mississippi; and the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, killing four black children. On the recording she cynically announces the song as "a show tune, but the show hasn't been written for it yet." The song begins jauntily, with a show tune feel, but demonstrates its political focus early on with its refrain "Alabama's got me so upset, Tennessee's made me lose my rest, and everybody knows about Mississippi goddam." In the song she says: "Keep on sayin' 'go slow'...to do things gradually would bring more tragedy. Why don't you see it? Why don't you feel it? I don't know, I don't know. You don't have to live next to me, just give me my equality!"
    ellauri019.html on line 429: Army bunk, army chow, army clothes, army car

    ellauri020.html on line 301: Ivana, a Czeck immigrant, met Donald Trump in 1976 while attending a fashion show in New York, according to the New York Post. By the next year, the couple had married, and in short order had had three kids and became steady figures in the New York socialite scene. Trump had been at the bar in Maxwell’s Plum. Maxwell’s Plum is gone now, but the very name evokes the era of frantic singles underneath the Art Nouveau ceiling. It was the place where flight attendants hoped to find bankers, and models looked for dates. Donald met his model, Ivana Zelnickova, visiting from Montreal. She liked to tell the story of how she had gone skiing with Donald, pretending to be a learner like him, and then humiliated him by whizzing past him down the slopes.
    ellauri020.html on line 364: Palm Beach had been Ivana Trump’s idea. Long ago, Donald had screamed at her, “I want nothing social that you aspire to. If that is what makes you happy, get another husband!” But she had no intention of doing that, for Ivana, like Donald, was living out a fantasy. She had seen that in the Trump life everything and everybody appeared to come with a price, or a marker for future use. Ivana had learned to look through Donald with glazed eyes when he said to close friends, as he had in the early years of their marriage, “I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets?” She had gotten out of Eastern Europe by being tough and highly disciplined, and she had compounded her skills through her husband, the master manipulator. She had learned the lingua franca in a world where everyone seemed to be using everyone else in a relentless drive for power. How was she to know that there was another way to live? Besides, she often told her friends, however cruel Donald could be, she was very much in love with him.
    ellauri020.html on line 464: Kun salaatit asetettiin tyttöremmin eteen, ne pysty nokkimaan vaan pari haarukallista. Palanutta Liisaa oli kadehdittu, nyt on vaikee pidätellä hymyä. Korjaan kyyneltä. Kaikki nää naiset oli veikanneet mustaa hevosta vasten vanhempien tahtoa (tai oli ize sellaisia, kuten Katrinka), ja saaneet jackpotin. It just goes to show. Ne jonka kaakit hävisi ei istu nyt Grenouillessa. Tää kai siis todistaa jotakin, piru tietää mitä. Liisan vanhemmat oli snobeja kun hyljexi wannabe lehtikeisaria, ite ne oli rikastuneet lihapakkaamosta Chicagossa 20-luvulla. Daisy tietää mitä sana snobi merkizee, tajuaa snobiuden suhteellisuusteorian. Snobi se on snobillakin, niinkuin herra herralla.
    ellauri020.html on line 588: Iivana menee vähä syvemmälle Sabrinan repostelussa. Se on alaluokan snobi, six siitä ei tykätä, se ei saa omaa tv-showta koska sillä on rumimmat vaatteet ja pisin naama. Se kadehtii homopropellia käyttävää homokolleegaansa, jolla on oma tv-show ja kauniita vaatteita. Six se vainoo erityisesti homopropellin ystäviä, ja niistä ihan erityisesti Katriinaa.
    ellauri020.html on line 641: He began belittling her: “That dress is terrible.” “You’re showing too much cleavage.” “You never spend enough time with the children.” “Who would touch those plastic breasts?” Ivana told her friends that Donald had stopped sleeping with her. She blamed herself. “I think it was Donald’s master plan to get rid of Ivana in Atlantic City,” one of her assistants told me. “By then, Marla Maples was in a suite at the Trump Regency. Atlantic City was to be their playground.”
    ellauri021.html on line 853: - But how, poor boy, seeing as you are
    ellauri021.html on line 956: So refreshing: Trump said "we don't want to be politically correct," and criticized how long it took an officer to remove a woman who was disrupting the event.
    (Lue: Ihanaa! Turha kainoilu on menneen talven lumia, naisille öykkäröinti on taas poliittisesti korrektia. Eiku niska peffa kii, etenkin peffa.)
    ellauri022.html on line 261: Tom ei sanonut mitään, sillä miehet eivät suutele, syleile tai vuodata kyyneliä ollessaan liikuttuneita. Siis länkkärimiehet ei tee niin. Mamut ja mutiaiset voi tehä jopa sellaistakin. Hyi hemmetti. It only goes to show.
    ellauri022.html on line 425:

    The fable was well known in Ancient Greece; Athenaeus records that Hieronymus of Rhodes, in his Historical Notes, quoted an epigram of Sophocles against Euripides that parodied the story of Helios and Boreas.[2] It related how Sophocles had his cloak stolen by a boy to whom he had made love. Euripides joked that he had had that boy too, and it did not cost him anything. Sophocles´ reply satirises the adulteries of Euripides: "It was the Sun, and not a boy, whose heat stripped me naked; as for you, Euripides, when you were kissing someone else´s wife the North Wind screwed you. You are unwise, you who sow in another´s field, to accuse Eros of being a snatch-thief."
    ellauri022.html on line 496: and how they resolve the problem confronting them optimistically.

    ellauri022.html on line 506: ➢ Would you have ended the story like this? If not, how would you end the book? Why did you pick this ending?
    ellauri022.html on line 509: how thinking optimistically makes life better.

    ellauri022.html on line 979: as the golden stream did spray splatter and spatter like a shower of shimmering light
    ellauri023.html on line 730: "Watch", he is said to have declared, "so that you know how cheap the body is to men who have their eye on great glory".
    ellauri023.html on line 1074: Leevi-serkun siunauxexi Lagerilla koitui se, että sillä oli vihurirokko just silloin kun nazi-Saxa romahti, ja Auschwitzin leiri tyhjennettiin. Sen parasta kaveria lähettiin kuskaamaan Saksoihin, Leevi joutui jäämään lasarettiin, jossa olijat oli määrä lasauttaa lähtiessä hengiltä. Vaan toisin kävi, toisin oli Israelin jumala sen miettinyt: kaveri kuoli junanvaunuun matkalla, ja SS-äijät ei kiireeltään ehtineet Leevi-serkun vuodeosastolle luodikoineen - BLAM! jäi niskalaukaus saamatta. Leevistä tuli Auschwitzin henkiinjäänyt ja kirjailijajulkkis, onnekkaamman vankiveikon Alberto Dalla Voltan keskitysleiriruumis lepää jossain joukkohaudassa. Alberto jäi palaamatta, siitä ei jäänyt mitään jälkeä. It all just goes to show.
    ellauri024.html on line 266: Ruokakuskifirman tunnuslause on "aikaa elämälle". Noin kolme sekuntia, jos juoxet portaat, pakkaat ja lukizet pyörän sairaan nopeesti. Mut älä sairastu, se on no show, putoot batchista. Kulit on enimmäxeen värivammasia mamuja ajelemassa ruosteisella kotterolla. Törkeetä riistoa, Marx näkis punaista ja Engels kalpenisi kauhusta. Mut niitä ei kukaan kuuntele, näähän ei ole työläisiä vaan pienyrittäjiä. Oman elämänsä seppoja.
    ellauri024.html on line 421: All art criticism should attempt to understand how works of art work, and what meanings and aesthetic properties they have; all art criticism should strive for objective and publicly accessible methods and standards to test its pronouncements.
    ellauri026.html on line 220: And yet in Wilson’s translation the passage seems reduced, deficient somehow, so trite as to be unnoticeable:
    ellauri026.html on line 225: The idea is there, but all the lingering emphasis in the original has been smoothed away. This, too, unfortunately, is typical of the whole. I have said that Wilson’s translation reads easily, and it does, like a modern novel: at shockingly few points does one ever need to stop and think. There are no hard parts; no difficult lines or obscure notions; no aesthetic arrest either; very little that jumps out as unusual or different. Wilson has set out, as she openly confesses, to produce an Odyssey in a “contemporary anglophone speech,” and this results in quite a bit of conceptual pruning. If you wait for the “Homeric tags,” the phrases that contained so much Greek culture they have been quoted over and over again by Greeks ever since—well, you are apt to miss them as they go by. A famous one occurs in book 24, when Odysseus and Telemachus are about to go into battle together: Odysseus tells Telemachus not to disgrace him, and Telemachus boasts that he need not fear. Laertes, Odysseus’s father, exclaims (Wilson’s translation), “Ah, gods! A happy day for me! My son and grandson are arguing about how tough they are!”
    ellauri026.html on line 227: This is a famous line, but here it would hardly seem to merit its fame—who cares about people “arguing about how tough they are”? The word here translated as “tough” just happens to be one of the central words of Hellenic thought: arete, “virtue” or “excellence,” that subject of so many subsequent philosophy lectures—whose learnability or unlearnability Plato made the subject of inquiry, and which Aristotle defined as a mean between two vices. The word can be used to mean something like “bravery,” but it is wildly broader and richer than “how tough one is” (there is a queen named Arete in the poem, but Wilson refrains from translating her as “Queen Tough”). The line was quoted over and over again in later days because it was considered the height of happiness for a man to have a son and grandson competing with each other to possess virtue or true excellence. This Wilson suppresses, as a thing irrelevant to contemporary idiom—“toughness” will have to serve in its place.
    ellauri026.html on line 372: On sellasia pytagoralaisia, joille kaikki on niin yhteistä et ne ottaa mitä vaan messiin mekon alla, ne ei tee siitä isompaa numeroa kuin jos ne olis perintökamoja. Toiset on vaan olevinaan rikkaita, ja tää kuvitelma riittää niille onnexi. Joillakuilla on hienot talot Helsingissä ja sen vuoxi pihistelee mökillä. Jotkut panee menee kaiken samantien, toiset kerää kokoon hyvällä tai pahalla. Yx ährää kerätäxeen julkkismainetta, toinen makaa nokisena uunin takana. A great many undertake endless suits and outvie one another who shall most enrich the dilatory judge or corrupt advocate. One is all for innovations and another for some great he-knows-not-what. Another leaves his wife and children at home and goes to Jerusalem, Rome, or in pilgrimage to St. James´s where he has no business. In short, if a man like Menippus of old could look down from the moon and behold those innumerable rufflings of mankind, he would think he saw a swarm of flies and gnats quarreling among themselves, fighting, laying traps for one another, snatching, playing, wantoning, growing up, falling, and dying. Nor is it to be believed what stir, what broils, this little creature raises, and yet in how short a time it comes to nothing itself; while sometimes war, other times pestilence, sweeps off many thousands of them together.
    ellauri026.html on line 463: Tässäpä tyypillistä Jefaa: Erasmus yritti parikin kertaa summeerata töitänsä, mutta huonolla menestyxellä. Sen selityxet töittensä synnystä on niin triviaaleja, että ne ei voi "command our respect". Vaik eihän voi kieltää että tärkeäkin työ voi lähteä triviaalisti liikkeelle (ei mun tärkeet tutkimukset tosin). Hemmetin tärkeilijä. Just tälläsiä tunkeloita E.R. vihasi, ja tietysti just tälläsestä pitää tulla sen elämänkerturi. It just goes to show.
    ellauri026.html on line 509: Of more recent biographies, that of R. B. Drummond is, all things considered, the best; careful and serious, but showing the almost universal tendency to take Erasmus at his word, even while admitting his incapacity to tell the truth.
    ellauri028.html on line 198: Apparently man is a selfish prick that can't think for himself and relies on "outside influences". He is a chameleon. He is nothing but a mere machine. Well, at least according to Twain. Man is a fraud and only lives for himself. He is really driving home this point that everyone is selfish and acts out of selfish needs (big surprise?), even if viewed (publicly and personally) as a self-sacrificing person. My question is; who cares? If the end result is the same, what does the actions matter. Let's say, saving a woman from a burning house. Twain says you do this out of making yourself feel good and avoiding the pain of not saving the woman, nothing else; the woman comes second to your own need of feeling good. But regardless of how it makes you feel, you still saved the woman in the end. The good is still done, even though you did it for yourself. Forget how the action was achieved. What does it matter if we refer to this as "self sacrificing" or "selfishness". Answer me this question, Twain! THE ACTION REMAINS THE SAME!!!.... I feel this must have been written during a time when everyone was going around smugly proclaiming to be self-sacrificing do-gooders and self-proclaimed religious nuts while really being shitty people; which had to be the most annoying thing ever. I guess it feels a bit outdated and I think people who naively go around claiming that they are "self-sacrificing do-gooders" are simply laughed at in our post modern times as smug assholes who need to get off their high horse (high horse? who owns a fucking horse nowadays, anyways?). I feel it is pretty accepted now that those who do good are doing them for their own selfish gains and the view of acceptance by others, at least I think this is the case. I don't know cause I don't know do-gooders, everyone I know (including myself) are dicks and more concerned with their celluar phones and creating social dating websites on the internet in vain attempts to pick up chicks only to drink alone and desperately spend several hours harassing women on social dating sites until one, out of pity, decides to respond to your 50 private messages, which then they foolishly decides to set up a date with you; only for you to be disappointed and stood up; which results in more drinking and paying a "dancer" to give you a hand job behind the goodwill on a Saturday night....
    ellauri028.html on line 202: Now he is on this kick about how man never thinks for himself. He is a chameleon conforming to whatever outside influences he puts himself in. This is pretty interesting stuff here. I apologize that these reviews have become rather flat. The amount of times I have used the word "interesting" to describe things in a vague manner is so blindly obvious and so boring, I can't believe I go on writing these things (and you keep reading them?!) Where is this going to get me, doing these shitty reviews? Does anyone care? Do I really care? I think I need a girlfriend (this is a cry for help)...Anyways, the book is psychological and philosophical or some shit... go read the goddamn thing yourself...I need a drink...
    ellauri028.html on line 212: Wow, just wow. Mark Twain is a Taoist? A God??? This book is a religious experience. Unreal?!?! I shit myself from reading it, unbelievable!!! Read these quotes. One of the best, one of the greats! He discusses Adam and Eve, oh, I can't stress how mind blowing this is...This is a turning-point of my life!!!!!!!
    ellauri031.html on line 106: Ingenting går på tok förrän hon ska konversera med Axel Borg, hennes kavaljer. Axel är struntviktig, måste man medge. Men ändå går det ganska långt när Y smäller honom helt enkelt en örfil runt öronen. Nu börjar Y med sin vanliga show, och får alla på sin sida, minst 20 blomsterbuketter, och andra pojkar säger till Y att det var bara bra att herr Borg fick ett sittopp, för han var en sån mallig prick. Han dög inte alls till någon sport, om inte kanske till pricksport. Y är princess igen, och det gör en liten narsist glad. Morbror Max höll tal med Y som huvudperson!
    ellauri032.html on line 252: Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point, how often one has heard that quoted, and quoted often to the wrong purpose! For this is by no means an exaltation of the ‘heart’ over the ‘head’, a defence of unreason. The heart, in Pascal’s terminology, is itself truly rational if it is truly the heart. For him, in theological matters which seemed to him much larger, more difficult, and more important than scientific matters, the whole personality is involved.
    ellauri034.html on line 269: In the opinion of religious people, however, the private comfort that religion brings more than compensates for the evil done in its name.

    ellauri035.html on line 166: Showing as a pair of gentle nut-hatches
    ellauri035.html on line 248: I see her rising, showing all her face
    ellauri035.html on line 341: The peach's fall, how calm she was and love worthy.
    ellauri035.html on line 399: I mind asking: Where love and how love Rati's priestesses?
    ellauri035.html on line 403: Their fingers, being purple-stained, show
    ellauri035.html on line 1261: With bells and drums let us show our delight in her.
    ellauri036.html on line 1946:

    Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show controversy 2004

    ellauri036.html on line 1948: The halftime show at Super Bowl XXXVIII, which was broadcast live on February 1, 2004 from Houston, Texas on the CBS television network, is notable for a moment in which Janet Jackson's breast – adorned with a nipple shield – was exposed by Justin Timberlake to the viewing public for approximately half a second.
    ellauri036.html on line 1970: "Moral philosophy, they have tried to show, is often best understood as a project involving self-realization and human flourishing. It is eudaimonistic: it is about the pursuit of the right kind of measured happiness and the maintenance of a whole and healthy personality."
    ellauri037.html on line 384: No one hears howling dogs, or fate´s footsteps.
    ellauri038.html on line 154: As for why this deserves to be called philosophy, it depends on how we define the term. There were philosophers at Athens besides Socrates and Plato, who didn’t oppose philosophy to rhetoric and for whom personal authority was essential to their teaching. Nietzsche aimed to bring that back, at least in his own case – which is the only one that really mattered to him.
    ellauri039.html on line 312: Eli tarinan keskeen vähän turinaa. Se on munkin leipälajini, ja pidän siitä muissakin kirjailijoissa, kuten Sterne, Thackeray, Dickens, Tolstoi. Kts. Wayne C. Booth: The Rhetoric of Fiction. Ei mitään tylsää elokuvamaista show and tell. Aber das ist ein zu weites Feld, kuten sanoi Effi Briestin isä, ja toisti Gunter Grass.
    ellauri039.html on line 398: This unit deals with the statement "I am from Germany" as an inclusive identity for people who live in Germany today. The material is aimed at second-year German students. The goal of the unit is to show the diversity of people who live in Germany, to inform the students about how Germans and non-Germans are differentiated, to allow students to experience some attitudes held by and against certain groups of people living in Germany, and to expect students to have an awareness of what it can mean when someone says "I am from Germany." The REFLECTION section can be found in each of the various subsections of the unit.
    ellauri039.html on line 411: The result of the discussions should yield clues about how Germans feel about their relationship to the FRG or the GDR as a state and the existence of a German nation. The ultimate task is to define, or at least to describe, the problem of German identity and the possible individual solutions.
    ellauri040.html on line 331: Comparable to grandparents Silent Generations and parents, Generation X. As of 2010 however, Generation Z culture are rising, they are predicted to be more cautious, more conservative and connected than ever with everyone around the globe.
    ellauri040.html on line 598: Lithuania, my country, thou art like health; how much thou shouldst be prized only he can learn who has lost thee. To-day thy beauty in all its splendour I see and describe, for I yearn for thee. (Translation in prose by George Rapall Noyes).
    ellauri041.html on line 1935: Spearman congratulates Netflix for picking up the show as it contributes to "telling international stories from places Americans don't consider"; Jonathon Wilson of Ready Steady Cut says that it is "another solid piece of overseas programming".
    ellauri041.html on line 1937: It’s difficult to reconcile corpse disposal with typical teen awkward-boner gags. In American lamestream programming, they belong to different genres. That’s where the “dark” half of the comedy comes from, and it’s not a mode that necessarily suits the show – at least not all of the time.
    ellauri042.html on line 126: how much exercise she kuinka paljon liikuntaa
    ellauri042.html on line 153: ...At least, that's how it OUGHT to be. ...Tai ainakin niin PITÄIS olla.
    ellauri042.html on line 214: Yet despite our small biomass among animals, we’ve had an overwhelmingly huge impact on the planet. The chart above represents a massive amount of life. But it doesn’t show what’s gone missing since the human population took off.
    ellauri042.html on line 222: We have to know how much more we stand to lose.
    ellauri042.html on line 488: This is by far the very worst movie I have ever seen. I took a chance and gave it a try at the cinema back in 2017. 5-7 persons left the cinema in anger of how bad it was. I only made this account to make this review.

    ellauri042.html on line 500: Despite references to the family patriarch as "God", this isn't a fantasy story. Word of God is set very much in the real world. It's a vignette rather than a plot-driven story, a tale of a cranky man and how his wife and three sons deal with him while trying to maintain their dignity and sanity.

    ellauri042.html on line 502: The youngest son narrates the tale. He, his brothers, and his mother are all sympathetic characters, relatively normal people, though each has their own beliefs, quirks, and problems. The failure of my-way-or-the-highway Dad to show respect or even empathy for those who disagree drives the story. He could have been portrayed as an easy person to hate, but even with his limitations, it's obvious he is still trying to do good. To that extent, this film succeeds.

    ellauri042.html on line 504: Vignettes are usually less than totally satisfying, lacking resolutions commensurate with their conflicts. But this story, despite its interesting situation and fine production, feels emptier than most, because the resolution is largely driven not by action but by happenstance. Since Word of God is an autobiographical piece, I can't argue with what it shows, but the result seems to lack impact or message.

    ellauri042.html on line 701: In 1833, the family moved to Tula where the father bought a manor. Shortly after the death of his mother in 1837, Fyodor (16 yrs) was sent to St. Petersburg where he entered the Army Engineering College. 2 years later, in 1839, Dostoevsky´s more and more tyrannical father died, probably of apoplexy, but there were strong rumours that he was murdered by his own serfs in a quarrel. (Unless it was Fedja who dunit.) Against the background of this legend, Sigmund Freud later interpreted the patricide in the novel “The brothers Karamazov” as showing Fedja hated his father´s guts. True, but the main thing was the epilepsy, wait and see.
    ellauri042.html on line 719: Dostoevsky´s favorite word was “vdrug” (“suddenly”). A lot of events in Dostoevsky´s novels begin suddenly, without preparations and explanation – like seizures. (But he did at times have a manic aura just before.) Dostoevsky also used frequent repetitions of the same word with different intonations. It made an impression of convulsions and shocked the literary critics. He wrote in a meticulous manner, using every empty space of a sheet (see Fig. 2). His style showed a tendency toward extensive and in some cases compulsive writing, and the writings were often concerned with moral, ethical, or religious issues. This may reflect a syndrome of interictal behavior changes that was described in temporal lobe epilepsy by Waxman and Geschwind.
    ellauri042.html on line 964: To seek thee, God; so streams do show the head; Hakeutua sinne herra, kuten lohi ylävirtaan,
    ellauri042.html on line 975: The last sestet presents a turn, commonly referred as volta, in the poem. The lyrical voice presents god God as a jealous lover who fears that he/she will be tempted away by someone or something else. The ninth line questions this figure (“But why should I beg more love, whenas thou”). Furthermore, there is a romantic imagery to express how the lyrical voice feels about the figure of God (“whenas thou/Dost woo my soul”). God’s interest in the lyrical voice is referred as a “fear” and as “tender” because of the possibility of the lyrical voice being tempted by the “devil” or by “flesh”.
    ellauri045.html on line 436: Sinä olet samanlainen kuin muutkin miehet, mirri oivaltaa. And how! Nyt on kaikki päin helvettiä. Vitun Hande ruutuvihkoineen. Perskatin Peter Pan huiluineen. Haluan savukkeen jne.
    ellauri045.html on line 804: Justice is one primary virtue, of course, the balance and respect in society so characteristic of Switzerland-well, I suppose not always, and not for every single immigrant, and until 1971 not for every single woman voter; but usually. Temperance is another, the balance in a soul, controlling desire. Courage is the third. What person could flourish if like Oblomov he stayed in bed out of uncontrolled fear, or out of ennui, an aristocratic version of cowardice? Prudence is the executive virtue, as St. Thomas Aquinas called it-know-how, savoir faire, self-interest. It rounds out the four virtues most admired in the tough little cities or tougher big empires of the classical Mediterranean. The Romans called the four of justice, temperance, courage, and prudence the "cardinal" virtues, on which a society of warriors or orators or courtiers hinged (cardo, hinge). The Christians called them, not entirely in contempt, "pagan."
    ellauri046.html on line 101: Somehow, some way
    ellauri046.html on line 109: Somehow, someday
    ellauri046.html on line 128: You'll see, somehow, someday
    ellauri046.html on line 266: Kierkegaard is known for many things. . . . He is not, however, generally known for his humor. Who might reasonably be nominated as the funniest philosopher of all time? With this anthology, Thomas Oden provisionally declares Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)--despite his enduring stereotype as the melancholy, despairing Dane--as, among philosophers, the most amusing.
    ellauri046.html on line 374: Shadowgraphs: Here's my opinion on how sorrow is expressed. Especially in Don Giovanni (v. brilliant).

    ellauri046.html on line 377: Crop Rotation: If you want to be happy, keep rotating your view of things, like farmers rotate their crops. Learn how to forget.

    ellauri046.html on line 433: This brief study argues that Kierkegaard's Journals show beyond reasonable doubt that he was homosexual. It does so because he believed that the recognition of this fact was central to the understanding of his life and thought, because he could not bring himself to say this openly even in the privacy of his own Journals, because he hoped and prayed that his "reader" would discover and reveal it after his death, because even distinguished scholars privy to his "secret" have remained silent and because, given these facts, it is surely time to open up this question.
    ellauri046.html on line 435: This very preliminary study has eight parts. The first assembles a number of entries from his Journals showing that he was homosexual and seen as such by at least some of his contemporaries. The second looks again at his relation with Regine and examines some of his own accounts of his relations with other men. The third provides other evidence of his homosexuality, particularly from his youth. The fourth briefly outlines his conceptions of and relations to Socrates, Christ and God. The fifth attempts to trace the history of his understanding of the relation of Christianity and homosexuality. The sixth repeats some of his own accounts of the homosexual origin and character of the central notions of his existentialism. The seventh presents homosexuality as his hope and agenda for future. Finally, the eighth attempts to summarize and make sense of the preceding.
    ellauri048.html on line 747: Like what? "There were a lot of very unhappy people at various points of his life, who felt maligned. Ex-wives high up there. Wives number two and three, Adam's mother and Daniel's took a whipping. My mother got off easy. I think he knew he did her wrong. At some point he said to me: 'I should never have divorced your mother.' I replied: 'Pop, how then could you have written Herzog?' And he said, 'I could have done it.'
    ellauri048.html on line 926: Goethe plucks the flower although it tells him not to do so. He takes it to his house and plants it in his garden. He wants to tell us, viewers or readers, look how noble I am, he because he takes it home. He doesn't realize that by taking the flower home he is taking her wild life away and domisticating it in his factory (garden). In that he is not different from industrialists and people who practise green house raising. It is like enslaving his flower and on top of that he wants to be applauded and praised because he doesn't kill it. However, he does't listen to what his flower says: do not pluck me or I will die.
    ellauri048.html on line 1114: Hallam spent the 1830 Easter holidays with Tennyson in Somersby and declared his love for Emilia. Hallam and Tennyson planned to publish a book of poems together: Hallam told Mrs Tennyson that he saw this "as a sort of seal of our friendship". Hallam's father, however, objected, and Hallam's Poems was privately published and printed in 1830. In the summer holidays, Tennyson and Hallam travelled to the Pyrenees (on a secret mission to take money and instructions written in invisible ink to General Torrijos who was planning a revolution against the tyranny of King Ferdinand VII of Spain). In December, Hallam again visited Somersby and became engaged to Emilia. His father forbade him to visit Somersby until he came of age at twenty-one.
    ellauri048.html on line 1151: Our wills are ours, we know not how; Meidän tahdot on mein vallassa, ties miten.
    ellauri048.html on line 1258: O heart, how fares it with thee now, Oi syömmeni, mitenhän sä jaxat nyt,
    ellauri048.html on line 1539: And how my life had droop'd of late, Miten mulla on nuupahtanut viime aikoina
    ellauri048.html on line 1697: 'How good! how kind! and he is gone.'
    ellauri049.html on line 324: Les choses où le son se mêle à la lumière. mut lumoo tämmöinen ääni-valoshow.
    ellauri050.html on line 254: I knew how the clouds arise Tiesin miten pilvet syntyvät
    ellauri050.html on line 277: Drop yon blue bosom-veil of sky, and show me pudottaisi ton taivaan rintaliivin, ja näyttäisi
    ellauri050.html on line 313: My freshness spent its wavering shower i’ the dust; Mun raikkaus tuhlas hennon virzasuihkun tomuun;
    ellauri050.html on line 319: The pulp so bitter, how shall taste the rind? Sisus on niin karvas, miltäs maistuu kuori?
    ellauri050.html on line 392: Disciples [show]
    ellauri051.html on line 392: Bring the old pageants--show the feudal world. vanhat torvikulkueet ja feodaalinen maailmas.
    ellauri051.html on line 402: I see the Crusaders' tumultuous armies--Hark! how the cymbals clang! Näen kansalliskaartin naamiomiehet, kuulen kuinka mellakkakilvet kalahtaa!
    ellauri051.html on line 411: O, how the immortal phantoms crowd around me! Ooh miten kuolemattomat mustanaamiot tungexii mun ympärillä!
    ellauri051.html on line 600: 55 Showing the best and dividing it from the worst age vexes age, Parhaan näyttö ja erottaminen pahimmasta kaudesta käy iän iholle,
    ellauri051.html on line 613: 64 And forthwith cipher and show me to a cent, Ja heti laskelmoi ja näyttää sentin tarkkuudella,
    ellauri051.html on line 641: 87 I mind how once we lay such a transparent summer morning, Mä muistan miten me maattiin kerran sellaisena läpikuultavana kesäaamuna,
    ellauri051.html on line 687: 126 The smallest sprout shows there is really no death, Hiljaa virtaa Don. Peter Seeger osoittaa ettei oikeasti ole kuolemaa,
    ellauri051.html on line 701: 138 (They do not know how immortal, but I know.) (Ne ei tiedä kuolemattomuudesta, mut mä tiedän.)
    ellauri051.html on line 704: 141 For me the man that is proud and feels how it stings to be slighted, Mulle mies joka on ylpeä ja loukkaantuu vähästä,
    ellauri051.html on line 730: 164 What living and buried speech is always vibrating here, what howls restrain'd Mitkä elävältä haudatut puheet värähtelee täällä, mitkä ulvonnat joita hillizee
    ellauri051.html on line 734: 166 I mind them or the show or resonance of them -- I come and I depart. 166 Mä muistan ne tai niiden vaikutuxet, ja lähden menee.
    ellauri051.html on line 754: 184 You should have been with us that day round the chowder-kettle. 184 Sinun olisi pitänyt olla kanssamme sinä päivänä kattilan ympärillä.
    ellauri051.html on line 882: 300 The regatta is spread on the bay, the race is begun, (how the white sails sparkle!) 300 Regatta levitetään lahdelle, kisa on alkanut, (miten valkoiset purjeet kimaltelevat!)
    ellauri051.html on line 969: 383 Well I have, for the Fourth-month showers have, and the mica on the side of a rock has. 383 No minulla on, sillä neljännen kuukauden suihkut ovat, ja kiille kiven kyljessä on.
    ellauri051.html on line 978: 391 What is a man anyhow? what am I? what are you? 391 Mikä on mies? Mikä minä olen? mikä sinä olet?
    ellauri051.html on line 1018: 430 I show that size is only development. 430 Näytän, että koko on vain kehitystä.
    ellauri051.html on line 1065: 476 The wonder is always and always how there can be a mean man or an infidel. 476 Ihme on aina ja aina, kuinka voi olla ilkeä mies tai epäuskoinen.
    ellauri051.html on line 1137: 546 I cannot tell how my ankles bend, nor whence the cause of my faintest wish, 546 En osaa sanoa, kuinka nilkkani taipuvat, enkä mistä heikoimman toiveeni syytä,
    ellauri051.html on line 1152: 560 Dazzling and tremendous how quick the sun-rise would kill me, 560 Häikäisevää ja valtavaa, kuinka nopea auringonnousu tappaisi minut,
    ellauri051.html on line 1162: 570 Do you not know O speech how the buds beneath you are folded? 570 Etkö tiedä, oi puhe, kuinka allasi olevat silmut taittuvat?
    ellauri051.html on line 1241: 645 Rich showering rain, and recompense richer afterward. 645 Runsaat suihkusateet ja palkitse rikkaammin sen jälkeen.
    ellauri051.html on line 1291: 692 So they show their relations to me and I accept them, 692 Joten he näyttävät suhteensa minulle ja minä hyväksyn heidät,
    ellauri051.html on line 1296: 697 Gathering and showing more always and with velocity, 697 Kerää ja näyttää enemmän aina ja nopeasti,
    ellauri051.html on line 1412: 812 The white-topt mountains show in the distance, I fling out my fancies toward them, 812 Valkohuippuiset vuoret näkyvät etäisyydellä, heitän mielikuvitukseni niitä kohti,
    ellauri051.html on line 1445: 845 I do not ask the wounded person how he feels, I myself become the wounded person, 845 En kysy haavoittuneelta miltä hänestä tuntuu, itsestäni tulee haavoittunut,
    ellauri051.html on line 1457: 857 They show as the dial or move as the hands of me, I am the clock myself. 857 Ne näkyvät kellotauluna tai liikkuvat minun osoittimina, olen itse kello.
    ellauri051.html on line 1565: 960 Somehow I have been stunn'd. Stand back! 960 Olen jotenkin ollut hämmästynyt. Väistyä!
    ellauri051.html on line 1598: 991 Man or woman, I might tell how I like you, but cannot, 991 Mies tai nainen, voin kertoa kuinka pidän sinusta, mutta ei voi,
    ellauri051.html on line 1889: 1274 And to glance with an eye or show a bean in its pod confounds the learning of all times, 1274 Ja silmällä katsominen tai pavun näyttäminen palossaan hämmentää kaikkien aikojen oppimista,
    ellauri051.html on line 1895: 1280 (No array of terms can say how much I am at peace about God and about death.) 1280 (Mikään termijoukko ei voi kertoa, kuinka paljon olen rauhassa Jumalasta ja kuolemasta.)
    ellauri051.html on line 1917: 1301 If you do not say any thing how can I say any thing? 1301 Jos et sano mitään, kuinka voin sanoa mitään?
    ellauri052.html on line 68: Scholars such as Bellow biographer James Atlas and others have shown that quite a few passages and ideas were lifted from a book titled The Cattle Complex in East Africa (1926) written by Bellow's anthropology professor Melville Herskovits who supervised his senior thesis at Northwestern University in 1937. What a schtekl, to steal from his own professor.
    ellauri052.html on line 87: And what is more regrettable still is how these same types reappear in Humboldt’s Gift. Citrine encounters three kinds of women in his travels: his lover Renata, a deceitful sexual priestess, Denise, his cold, hate-filled ex-wife, and a variety of leggy, doe-eyed students and secretaries.
    ellauri052.html on line 97: The novels remain staggering for their invention, their comedy, their culture, and their mingling of riotous squalor with the precepts of a course in philosophy. Bellow writes with a genius that is hard to fathom. Readers may, however, feel troubled by the books’ frequent difficulty in forming a coherent whole.
    ellauri052.html on line 218: Trembles and shows the darkness beneath.
    ellauri052.html on line 219: —The strutting show-off is terrified,
    ellauri052.html on line 277: All in all, Pope’s characterization of women and his satirical telling of this incident paint a very negative picture of women. Women are shown as conniving, untrustful, illogical, and most importantly, inferior to men. Pope ridicules Belinda’s (Ms. Fermor’s) anger and does not seem to understand why women could get so angry over such a "trivial" matter. He does not respect female autonomy and buys in to the madonna/whore perception of women. The Rape of the Lock does a great injustice to women and only serves to perpetuate negative stereotypes and generalizations about female character.

    ellauri052.html on line 311: Journals contain numerous trivial details, which bear ample witness to the "plain living and high thinking" of the Wordsworth household—and, in this edition, samples of these details are given—but there is no need to record all the cases in which the sister wrote, "To-day I mended William's shirts," or "William gathered sticks," or "I went in search of eggs," etc. etc. In all cases, however, in which a sentence or paragraph, or several sentences and paragraphs, in the Journals are left out, the omission is indicated by means of asterisks. Nothing is omitted of any literary or biographical value.
    ellauri052.html on line 491: The opportunity to show a semi-nude young male, often in a contorted pose, made Sebastian a favorite subject. There may have been a deliberate attempt by the Church to get away from the single nude subject, as sometimes arousing inappropriate thoughts among female and male churchgoers. Archers and arrows have been far more commonly shown than the actual moment of his death by clubbing, so that there is a popular misperception that this is how he died. Sebastian is a popular male saint, especially among athletes.
    ellauri052.html on line 497: Eventually, the poetry of William Wordsworth showed him that beauty generates compassion for others and stimulates joy. With renewed joy he continued to work towards a just society, but with more relish for the journey. He considered this one of the most pivotal shifts in his thinking. In fact, many of the differences between him and his father stemmed from this expanded source of joy. :D
    ellauri052.html on line 588: Antroposofit on tosi siveitä, sip sip, söp söp. Bylsikö Rudi koskaan ketään? He refrained from sex. But he was a man on another level, sanoo joku uskovainen. Toinen sanoo: Steiner said very little about sexuality (just as he never explained to anthroposophists how to screw in a light bulb, which is why there is no answer to the question of: "How many anthroposophists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?").
    ellauri052.html on line 704: `I'll show you what I can, if you like,' said Birkin.
    ellauri052.html on line 744: `Now,' said Birkin, `I will show you what I learned, and what I remember. You let me take you so --' And his hands closed on the naked body of the other man. In another moment, he had Gerald swung over lightly and balanced against his knee, head downwards. Relaxed, Gerald sprang to his feet with eyes glittering.
    ellauri052.html on line 762: Gerald however was still less conscious than Birkin. They waited dimly, in a sort of not-being, for many uncounted, unknown minutes.
    ellauri052.html on line 778: He still heard as if it were his own disembodied spirit hearing, standing at some distance behind him. It drew nearer however, his spirit. And the violent striking of blood in his chest was sinking quieter, allowing his mind to come back. He realised that he was leaning with all his weight on the soft body of the other man. It startled him, because he thought he had withdrawn. He recovered himself, and sat up. But he was still vague and unestablished. He put out his hand to steady himself. It touched the hand of Gerald, that was lying out on the floor. And Gerald's hand closed warm and sudden over Birkin's, they remained exhausted and breathless, the one hand clasped closely over the other. It was Birkin whose hand, in swift response, had closed in a strong, warm clasp over the hand of the other. Gerald´s clasp had been sudden and momentaneous.
    ellauri052.html on line 780: The normal consciousness however was returning, ebbing back. Birkin could breathe almost naturally again. Gerald´s hand slowly withdrew, Birkin slowly, dazedly rose to his feet and went towards the table. He poured out a whiskey and soda. Gerald also came for a drink.
    ellauri052.html on line 807: `You think I am beautiful -- how do you mean, physically?' asked Gerald, his eyes glistening.
    ellauri052.html on line 837: Birkin was silent, thinking how scrupulous Gerald was in his attire, how expensive too. He wore silk socks, and studs of fine workmanship, and silk underclothing, and silk braces. Curious! This was another of the differences between them. Birkin was careless and unimaginative about his own appearance.
    ellauri052.html on line 936: Ultimately, much of the book revolves around a perceived opposition between “young Saul,” the politically radical, amorously multitasking free spirit who raised him, and “old Saul,” the reactionary, race-baiting friend of authority and Allan Bloom who occupied his father’s body for its final 40 years. Greg had a front-row seat for Bellow’s supposed conversion, after the rise of black power and the Six Day War, to the unfashionable conservatism that remains the unspoken reason his books aren’t read much in America today. He is thus well-placed to describe how that change—dramatically evident in Mr. Sammler’s Planet (1970), the neo-con novel par excellence, but also in Herzog—manifested itself in private.
    ellauri052.html on line 944: It may be helpful to note here that Bellow’s fame, already growing after The Adventures of Augie March, exploded after the publication of Herzog in 1964—the same year Daniel, his youngest son, was born. By the time the newly rich writer, urged by his third wife, moved into a fancy co-op on Lake Michigan, Greg already possessed enough of what he thought were his own opinions to dislike the white plush carpets, the 11 rooms “filled with fancy furniture and modern art.” Reminding the reader he was “raised by a frugal mother and a father who had no steady income,” Greg says that he “found the trappings of wealth in their new apartment so repellent that I complained bitterly to Saul,” who replied that he didn’t care about the new shiny things so long as he could still write—which he could. “As I always had, I accepted what he said about art at face value,” Greg admits, but he stopped visiting the new place. After the marriage deteriorated and Saul moved out, 3-year-old Daniel, in the words of ex-child-therapist Greg, “took to expressing his distress” by peeing on the carpets. “I have to admit that the yellow stains on them greatly pleased me,” Greg writes—for once showing off the Bellovian touch.
    ellauri052.html on line 971: The rap against Bellow is that he maligned four of his five wives, especially in his fiction. This is true, and Leader is savvy enough not to take Bellow’s word about them. Wife No. 1, Anita, is shown as the underappreciated mainstay she obviously was. As for wife No. 2, Sondra Tschacbasov Bellow (Bellow called her Sasha), the model for the evil Madeleine, Leader has a scoop: an unpublished memoir shared with him after Bellow’s death. By her own account, Sasha was a vulnerable child-woman lacking basic life skills. From childhood and into her teens, she says, she was the victim of incest committed by her father. When Bellow took up with her, he was 37 and she was 21, a Bennington graduate and a secretary at the Partisan Review. His friends treated her with a sniggering sexism unfortunately unremarkable in the 1950s. At a party Bellow took her to, the critic R. W. B. Lewis, her former professor, drunkenly demanded to
    ellauri052.html on line 979: The most important person in Bellow’s life—Maury, his oldest brother. As Leader shows, Maury was both the driving force in Bellow’s Americanization and a major presence in his work. Parents and wives came and went, but Maury remained: Simon in Augie March, Shura in Herzog, Julius in Humboldt’s Gift. As peremptory and violent as their father but more competent, Maury epitomized the cult of power and material success that both fascinated and repelled Bellow. “I recognized in him the day-to-day genius of the U.S.A.,” Bellow said in an interview with Philip Roth. In the same conversation, Roth observed that Maury’s reckless, angry spirit was “the household deity of Augie March.” By the time Maury finished law school, he had already started collecting graft for a corrupt Illinois state representative, skimming off the top for himself and his mother. A charismatic ladies’ man with an illegitimate son, Maury was “very proud of his extraordinary group of connections, his cynicism, his insiderhood,” Bellow told Roth. Maury was disdainful of his brother’s nonremunerative choice of profession, which he considered luftmenschlich—frivolous, impractical.
    ellauri053.html on line 37: 20. tammikuuta – Yhdysvaltain presidentti Dwight D. Eisenhowerin (1953–1961) virkakausi alkoi.

    ellauri053.html on line 908: By appealing to some friends four pupils were obtained from Calcutta. I myself brought the number up to five. We were all clothed in long yellow robes as befitting Brahmacharis. On the day of the opening ceremony, however, we were given red silk dhotis and chaddars and it made us feel very proud and im- portant to stand in a row in the Mandir, the cynosure of all eyes.
    ellauri053.html on line 940: Thou comest. New Year, whirling in a frantic dance amidst the stampede of the wind-lashed clouds and infuriate showers, while trampled by thy turbulence are scattered away the faded and the frail in an eddying agony of death.
    ellauri053.html on line 954: This loam, this roughcast, and this stone doth show
    ellauri053.html on line 989: Vicissitudes of life, pain or afflictions, however, never upset the equanimity of my father’s mind. Like his father, the Maharshi, he remained calm and his inward peace was not disturbed by any calamity however painful. Some superhuman sakti gave him the power to resist and rise above misfortunes of the most painful nature.
    ellauri053.html on line 1016: But if I take only one sheet to make a boat with, you say, "Child, how troublesome you are!"
    ellauri053.html on line 1032: Gitanjali was written shortly after the deaths of Tagore’s wife, his two daughters, his youngest son, and his father. But as his son, Rathindranath, testified in On the Edges of Time, “he remained calm and his inward peace was not disturbed by any calamity however painful. Some superhuman sakti [force] gave him the power to resist and rise above misfortunes of the most painful nature.” Gitanjali was his inner search for peace and a reaffirmation of his faith in his Jivan devata.
    ellauri053.html on line 1191: Eliot needed to put a considerable distance between himself and Yeats, each of whom could be regarded as a Symbolist, however differently they responded to French Symbolism as Arthur Symons expounded it in The Symbolist Movement in Literature. It is my understanding that Symons led Yeats through the early chapters, with Mallarmé as the main figure, and that Eliot made his own way quickly through the several chapters until he reached Laforgue, the poet he found most useful in his attempt to discover his own voice. Still, Eliot’s animosity is hard to explain.
    ellauri053.html on line 1279: And how can body, laid in that white rush, Och hur kan ett sådant förklätt fjäderfä ens hitta hålet
    ellauri053.html on line 1367: Yeats's friendship with Gonne ended when in Paris in 1908, they finally consummated their relationship. "The long years of fidelity rewarded at last" was how another of his lovers described the event. (Bet it was Ezra Pound.) Yeats was less sentimental and later remarked that "the tragedy of sexual intercourse is the perpetual virginity of the soul." (Aika narsistinen penselmä.) The relationship did not develop into a new phase after their night together, and soon afterwards Gonne wrote to the poet indicating that despite the physical consummation, they could not continue as they had been. She recommended Yeats to concentrate on other men.
    ellauri053.html on line 1375: That September, Yeats proposed to 25-year-old Georgie Hyde-Lees (1892–1968), known as George, whom he had met through Olivia Shakespear. Despite warnings from her friends—"George ... you can't. He must be dead"—Hyde-Lees accepted, and the two were married on 20 October. Their marriage was a success, in spite of the age difference, and in spite of Yeats's feelings of remorse and regret during their honeymoon. The couple went on to have two children, Anne and Michael. Although in later years he had romantic relationships with other women, Georgie herself wrote to her husband "When you are dead, people will talk about your love affairs, but I shall say nothing, for I will remember how proud you were of them."
    ellauri053.html on line 1400: Murmured, a little sadly, how he fled
    ellauri053.html on line 1430: This poem is very famous in China. We first know Yeats by this wonderful poem, which contain a story of Yeats himself that move us so deeply. From this poem, we know what is the true love, we know how deeply love can be. This has been transferred into the famous poem of MUDAN, also been transferred into a popular song sung by SHUIMUNIANHUA, so we can see how arractive it was to us in China.

    ellauri054.html on line 187: Riikonen even found his wife-to-be, Salme Marjatta, at the University. They both studied Latin and attended the same lectures. The couldn’t marry until 11.5 years after their first meeting, however, as H. K. Riikonen wanted to follow scholar Valentin Kiparsky’s advice to not marry until his dissertation was complete. "Saatuani väitöskirjani valmiixi aion palata mielirunoilijani Horatiuxen pariin." Julkaistuaan kirjeet Tarastin kanssa kirjana Eero ja Hannu (vai oliko se toisinpäin) se sanoi myhisten partaansa: "seuraavaxi aion julkaista rakkauskirjeeni."
    ellauri054.html on line 415: Statistics from the U.S. Department of Justice show that, as of 2013, there were 133,000 state and federal prisoners housed in privately owned prisons in the U.S., constituting 8.4% of the overall U.S. prison population. ... The prison industry as a whole took in over $5 billion in revenue in 2011.
    ellauri054.html on line 437: Edison invented the first electric chair to show how dangerous alternating current was. 614 people eventually died in it. As a business model it sucks, with no returning customers.
    ellauri054.html on line 483: After the séance, Browning wrote an angry letter to The Times, in which he said: "the whole display of hands, spirit utterances etc., was a cheat and imposture." In 1902 Browning's son Pen wrote: "Home was detected in a vulgar fraud." Elizabeth, however, was convinced that the phenomena she witnessed were genuine, and her discussions about Home with her husband were a constant source of disagreement.
    ellauri058.html on line 83: Astrid Lindgren does not shy away from describing the situation for African-Americans during that era. Her language is not always comfortable, at least not for this day, referring to blacks as “the coloured race,” “young negro girl,” and, embarrassingly, “darkies.” How much of this is just a rough translation, how much of it is accurate translation, how much was totally acceptable back then, how much did Lindgren want us to feel uncomfortable . . .? Yeah, things sucked back then (*cough*even more than they do now*cough*) for African-Americans, and it shouldn’t be comfortable to read about it.
    ellauri058.html on line 284: Hotakainen on yksi Pitääkö olla huolissaan? -ohjelman vakiopanelisteista. Pitääkö olla huolissaan? Yllättynyt ei ainakaan. Se on 29. syyskuuta 2016 MTV3-kanavalla alkanut paneelishow, jossa käsitellään suomalaisten ihmisten huolenaiheita. Ohjelman juontajana toimii Jenni Pääskysaari ja vakiopanelisteina toimivat Miika Nousiainen, Kari Kotivalo ja Tuomas Kyrö. Kahdeksannella kaudella Nousiainen ei ollut kaikissa kuvauksissa, häntä paikkasi Pirjo Heikkilä. (Ällistyttävää. Kiinnos! Kuka on Miika Nousiainen? Kuka on Pirjo Laskiainen?)
    ellauri058.html on line 803: The family unit, however defined, is itself a comparatively recent invention or convention; for whereas the bond of mother and child remains for our kind as for each of us the earliest form of attachment, among adults — and we should never forget that adulthood began much earlier in earlier times — it was the group, the horde, or that most decried yet most prevalent group, the gang. Gangs, first I suppose for hunting game, are to be found not only on streetcorners but in board rooms, the most common and powerful type of the gang being the committee. The group for and within which these poems were composed and circulated was neither a gang nor a committee — itself a martial term originally — but a court, neither an academy nor yet an institute; these rather than those high-flown heterosexual fantasies of the twelfth century represented the first form quite literally of courtly love.
    ellauri060.html on line 94: Suomessa toimii niin sanottu harmaiden ursuliinien sisarkunta eli Kuoleman tuskassa olevan Jeesuksen Pyhän Sydämen sisaret. Sen on perustanut puolalainen Urszula Ledochowska. Se on toiminut Suomessa vuodesta 1976. Ursuliineilla on Jyväskylässä leikkikoulu ja opiskelija-asuntola kun Helsingissä he pitävät Pyhän Marian lastentarhaa. Sisaret osallistuvat myös seurakunnan lapsi- ja nuorisotyöhön.
    ellauri060.html on line 126: 1.4.1987 Melitta Naiviston suunnittelema ja johtama Suomen vientiä tukeva show ”Success Story Finland” esitettiin Singaporessa. Pääsin seuraamaan business boosterin valmistelua ja toteutusta niin Euroopassa kuin Aasiassa Kauppalehden toimittajana. Vientishow’n esiintyjät olivat varsin mukavaa joukkoa, joten useaan otteeseen jäin rupattelemaan töiden jälkeen heidän seuraansa. Erityisesti huomio kiinnittyi pitkänhuiskeaan, hyvin nuoreen, mutta asenteeltaan aurinkoiseen ja älykkään tuntuiseen mieheen. Etunimenkin kuulin: Macro.
    ellauri060.html on line 1046: This content quality problem has been exacerbated by Google’s switch to emphasize the freshness of their index years ago. The rationale was that there was so much good stuff around, and that its supply was (supposedly even exponentially) constantly increasing so Google would always be able to show amazing results just from the freshest portion of their index.
    ellauri060.html on line 1060: Google has announced recently so-called BERT update which is about using the latest NLP thing, Transformers, in search results. But BERT is not scalable as it requires short snippets containing answers in advance, as opposed to indexing entire pages. In addition it is computationally prohibitively expensive, even for Google as Transformer models such as BERT are notorious memory hogs, never mind how long it takes to train them.
    ellauri060.html on line 1061: In addition, BERT has been quickly surpassed by OpenAI GPT-3 and GPT-2 which are simply huge - GPT-3 has 175 billion parameters and takes tens of thousands of powerful specialized FPU cards and weeks to train. Good luck trying to put something like that in production at tens of thousands of queries-per-second (qps) which is what Google requires. how-bert-launched-a-rocket-into-natural-language-understanding-324522">Lisää aiheesta
    ellauri060.html on line 1064: The days of ever-increasing search revenue are gone, the issue now will be how to stem the decline.
    ellauri061.html on line 193: Dorothea Kehler has attempted to trace the criticism of the work through the centuries. The earliest such piece of criticism that she found was a 1662 entry in the diary of Samuel Pepys. He found the play to be "the most insipid ridiculous play that ever I saw in my life". He did, however, admit that it had "some good dancing and some handsome women, which was all my pleasure".
    ellauri061.html on line 342: does well; but how does it well? it does well to se toimii? Se toimii niille jotka nirhaa: mutta sen sanot huonosti että
    ellauri061.html on line 377: how the knave jowls it to the ground, as if it were Miten toi kuikka heittää sen maahan, kuin se olis
    ellauri061.html on line 485: borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how karmeelta se näyttää mun mielikuvissa! Mun sappi nousee suuhun sitä
    ellauri061.html on line 488: not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your Sun hauskat lohkaisut, jotka sai pöydän aina ulvomaan naurusta?
    ellauri061.html on line 549: When thou liest howling. kun sä ulvot jossain halstarissa.
    ellauri061.html on line 592: HAMLET 'Swounds, show me what thou'lt do: HAMLET Jumalauta, näytä mitä meinaat tehdä:
    ellauri061.html on line 654: Horatio on heti valmis esittämään kertauxena koko tuotantojaxon: how these things came about.
    ellauri061.html on line 1599: Sonnet 29 also named as “When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes” is one of 154 sonnets written by the English playwright and poet William Shakespeare. It is part of the Fair Youth sequence. In the sonnet William Shakespeare creates a depressed and despairing speaker who serendipitously reflects upon the love of a close friend in order to prove to the reader that no matter how difficult life becomes, we can be content in the blessings of the hole.
    ellauri062.html on line 104: ☑ Difficulty following story lines in a television show or movie
    ellauri062.html on line 126: ☑ Showing unusual sexual behavior (is none unusual?)
    ellauri062.html on line 147: Try not to show your frustration or anger. If you get upset, take deep breaths and count to 10. If it’s safe, leave the room for a few minutes.
    ellauri062.html on line 261: Following the unfortunate execution of Eden, whom Serena had been fond of given Eden's respect for traditional values and scripture, there is an inspiration among the the Wives to attempt to change the laws of Gilead to allow for more dignity for women. After an unpleasant confrontation, June shows Serena Eden's Bible marked with commentary; which has an affect on Serena. During a gathering of the Wives, Serena and Mrs. Putnam exchange their opinions regarding the Bible, particularly the right to read it as women are banned from doing so. They realize most of the Wives share their feelings and call a meeting. Vizi tästä niteestä on ollut paljon harmia.
    ellauri062.html on line 279: Fred says she is a good writer but Serena is bitter that he took that right away from her. Fred admits that he did not realize how much it would cost. Serena asks him to imagine how their lives would be like if Gilead never happened. Fred replies that he would still be in marketing and might quit his job. Fred admits that he has been sterile all along. In fact he is gay and has had an affair with Nick and Mark Tuello (who dat?) in the closet. Mark Tuello’s car is a 2018 Dodge Charger GT [LD].
    ellauri062.html on line 288: Serena has been sleeping on her couch. Mark brings her some pizza from Toronto as a treat despite it being contraband. He also brings her several magazines and a newspaper. Serena pays Mark in nature for the hospitality. Mark Tuello brings Serena Waterfront some coffee. The End. Fuck you don't realize how blessed you are, American women!
    ellauri063.html on line 47: Yes, Orwell was not exactly LGBTQ-friendly. He had a lot of opinions which now seem eccentric or objectionable. He had a lifelong tendency to make disparaging remarks about vegetarians, or people who wore sandals. I suspect that this came from the association in his mind of socialism with people who lived the early 20th century equivalent of an alternative lifestyle: it was very important to Orwell to show people that being socialist didn’t mean that you had to have to have a long beard, wear sandals or not eat meat, and that socialism was thoroughly British, manly and commonsensical.
    ellauri063.html on line 96: As Engels, Lenin and Trotsky argued, islands of socialism can't be created in a sea of capitalism, and any attempt to do so will always fail. The Stalinists and Maoists disagreed, but, alas, history has shown that Engels, Lenin and Trotsky were right, and they were wrong.
    ellauri063.html on line 257: Aina tietysti voi imarrella izeään sankaritarinoilla "tinkimättömästä toisinajattelijasta", mutta älä kuvittele että sellainen feikkishow menisi täydestä kehenkään muuhun kuin sinuun izeesi. Päinvastoin: halveximme sinua sixi että vaihdat koko ajan puolta tuulen suunnan mukaan, selittelet naurettavasti aiempia möläytyxiäsi. Lyhyesti sanoen olet surkuteltava tapaus. Kazo peiliin :trollface: sieltä näkyy toinen :trollface: vertically flipped.
    ellauri063.html on line 270: Golem is also the name of one of the 151 Generation I Pokémon species that debuted in Pokémon Red and Blue in 1996. The Pokémon Golett and Golurk, however, are more similar to traditional golems.
    ellauri063.html on line 316: Brötzmann Reflects on ‘Machine Gun’ as it Hits 50th Anniversary. The marathon, lung-bursting howl of Peter Brötzmann’s Machine Gun, which the saxophonist self-released on his BRÖ imprint 50 years ago, captured the anxiety of a generation grappling with the Vietnam War and civil unrest. The emotional and political complexity it was born from still resonates today.
    ellauri063.html on line 318: “All we talked about was how to get rid of the old structures.” Täst mie piän eixje Jaakkima?
    ellauri063.html on line 428: The novel's title is from Hamlet, Act V, Scene 1, in which Hamlet holds the skull of the court jester, Yorick, and says, "Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!" Wallace's working title for Infinite Jest was A Failed Entertainment. (PST: Hamnetista on lisää paasausta albumissa 61.)
    ellauri064.html on line 366: Lähde: Antti Nylen how/5706066-vihan-ja-katkeruuden-esseet">https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5706066-vihan-ja-katkeruuden-esseet. Hilloo vähän aikaa sitä.
    ellauri064.html on line 536: Marvin: It amazes me how you manage to live in anything that small.
    ellauri065.html on line 228: Finding himself out of work after film school in 1976, Ferrara directed a pornographic film, 9 Lives of a Wet Pussy, using a pseudonym. Starring with his then-girlfriend, he recalled having to step in front of the camera for one scene to perform in a hardcore sex scene: "It's bad enough paying a guy $200 to fuck your girlfriend, then he can't get it up." Ferrara lives in Rome, Italy. He moved there following the 9/11 attacks because it was easier for him to find financing for his movies in Europe. Ferrara descibes himself as a Buddhist. Because Jesus was a living man, and so were Buddha and Muhammad. These three guys changed the fucking world, with their passion and love of other human beings. All these guys had was their word, and they came from fucking nowhere. I’m not saying Nazareth is nowhere – I’m sure Jesus came from a very cool neighbourhood. Ferrara shows his love for other human beings by making films with a lot of FUCK! FUCK! and KILL! KILL! in them. His love of money is no match for his love of his neighbor primates.
    ellauri065.html on line 514: 1. "le ironical" term used alot on 4chan to mock people using maymays (memes) often accompanied by the word "le" for extra effect. 2. a very sweet person who cares about all his close friends and family he may get in trouble a lot but he will never stop caring he is a humble strong and a person who just loves without showing it if you meet an ebin make sure you keep him close he is a good lover and great in bed with a lover take care of any ebin. 3. Someone who is afraid of legit every little frickin´ thing, also known as a wuss or pansy. 4. (Nzadi) (plural mbin) door Synonym: elaŋ.
    ellauri065.html on line 574: Tummeli-klubi spämmää taas Hesarin keskustelusivuja. Many Alt-Right websites have done a heroic job in delivering evidence to demonstrate that the November 3 election results were based on fraud. Nonetheless, conservatives should also work to hypothesize what the Democrats plotted, how they executed their plots, and why their scheme failed to cover its tracks. In a recent roundtable with other conservatives following the story, including a Maricopa County election attorney (Rachel Alexander), we put together the most plausible scenarios.

    ellauri065.html on line 575:

    Below is the most plausible story we could come up with, to explain how Democrats accomplished the fraud, based on the available evidence. I have come to suspect that multiple conspiracies played out, possibly unaware of each other. But given the evidence we have obtained, the following story seems most plausible.

    ellauri065.html on line 577:

    The fact that I am writing about this shows that this was not the perfect crime. The conspiracy was exposed though the conspirators have yet to be caught. My hunch is that it was a small group of colluders who tried to dupe many innocent people. A small size would explain why there are so many eyewitnesses who reported the signs of conspiracy, but we have yet to hear from a whistleblower who admits to being part of the plot. Being the middle or rear part of a human centipede makes whistling kinda hard.
    ellauri066.html on line 252: Margaret Atwood first heard "Nolite te bastardes carborundorum" in her childhood Latin classes. Atwood remarked on how "weird" it is that this thing is permanently tattooed on people's bodies. People are a bunch of idiots.
    ellauri066.html on line 256: "The show uses the biblical story of Rachel, the wife of Jacob, who gave him her maid to lay with and impregnate; Rachel would then raise the child as her own. In this show the fertile handmaids perform the same function as Rachel's handmaid, and the commanders' infertile wives perform the same function as Rachel did.
    ellauri066.html on line 257: However, in scripture Rachel became fertile eventually and bore Jacob two biological children, Benjamin and Joseph. This aspect of the story, which is not in the show, actually makes Gilead's handmaid/forced surrogate system seem even more cruel and archaic and emphasizes even more the barbarity and evil of the despotic dogma that is the basis of the theocratic Gilead regime."
    ellauri066.html on line 312: Vainoharhaisuus ei ole Pynchonilla leitmotif vaan pääasia, sen varma nakki josta löytyy komediaa ja vähän tragediaakin ja paljon paljon merkityxiä, voi vittu. Paranoidit löytää merkityxiä vaikka hiuspinnistä kuin enkeleitä neulankärjeltä. Me loput ei vaan oivalleta sitä. On se ehkä vähän haettua, mutta 1000x parempaa kuin se vaihtoehtoinen totuus, että tässä maailmassa ei ole mitään takana, kaikki on näkyvillä, avaa hölmö silmät ja kazo ize. Se on vähän kuin meidän juutalaisten Kabbalaa. (Hiljattain on Pynchon tehnyt hauskaa pilaa meistä jutkuistakin; ettei sekin vaan ole alunperin joku Pynchowitz, miettii Lippman vähän kateellisena valkonaama ampiaiselle.)
    ellauri066.html on line 344: Tompasta on tosi vähän kovaa faktaa: synt. ’37 vanhaan ampiaispesään (ei siis Pynchowitz Ellis Islandilta - sori siitä), koulut Oyster Bayssä Long Islandilla ja collegessa Cornellissa, missä paras kaveri oli tuleva romaanifolkkilaulaja Richard Farina. Sitten töissä teknisenä kirjoittajana Boeingilla, kirjailijapiireissä Manhattan Beachilla, Calif. ja Pohjois-Kaliforniassa. Loppuviimexi Manhattan, NYC missä sen kustannustoimittaja lopulta nai sen säälistä ja ne saivat pojan. Minkähän ikäinen se poikakin on jo nyt, ja mitä sekin puuhastelee. Ehkä se vielä nettoaa kirjottamalla Tompan biografian kunhan nököhammas ekax saadaan hengiltä.
    ellauri066.html on line 498: Specifically, for someone with high self-esteem, seeing another person fail may still bring them a small (but effectively negligible) surge of confidence because the observer's high self-esteem significantly lowers the threat they believe the visibly-failing human poses to their status or identity. Since this confident individual perceives that, regardless of circumstances, the successes and failures of the other person will have little impact on their own status or well-being, they have very little emotional investment in how the other person fares, be it positive or negative. Tässä todennäköinen syy mixi anglosaxeilla ei ole sanaa sille, vaan on gloating (quod vide).
    ellauri066.html on line 526: Susan Sontag's book Regarding the Pain of Others, published in 2003, is a study of the issue of how the pain and misfortune of some people affects others, namely whether war photography and war paintings may be helpful as anti-war tools, or whether they only serve some sense of schadenfreude in some viewers.[citation needed] Susanista mä en tiedä muuta kun että se oli Barthelmin postmodernistien henxelin selkäänpaukutuskekkereissä mukana SodexHossa kasarilla.
    ellauri066.html on line 530: Researchers expected that the brain's empathy center of subjects would show more stimulation when those seen as "good" got an electric shock, than would occur if the shock was given to someone the subject had reason to consider "bad". This was indeed the case, but for male subjects, the brain's pleasure centers also lit up when someone got a shock that the male thought was "well-deserved".
    ellauri066.html on line 717: Later, at a restaurant, I am shown to a socially distanced table by an unmasked, unvisored waitress. There is no direction arrow, no sanitiser station.
    ellauri066.html on line 918: very sad about how they dealt with the issues with the pandemic.”
    ellauri067.html on line 163: Von Braun justified the expenses for manned operations with the following argument: "I think somehow space flights for the first time give mankind a chance to become immortal. Once this earth will no longer be able to support life we can emigrate to other places which are better suited for our life."
    ellauri067.html on line 325: Pynchonin poikasena radiosta seuraaman Fred Allen Shown naispääosahenkilö oli Frankin puoliso, Jasun Martha Nussbaumin kaima. Other dramatis personae included average-American John Doe (played by John Brown), Mrs. Nussbaum (Minerva Pious), pompous poet Falstaff Openshaw (Alan Reed), Titus Moody (Parker Fennelly), and boisterous southern senator Beauregard Claghorn (announcer Kenny Delmar). Texaco ended its sponsorship of the program in 1944.
    ellauri067.html on line 338: During the final years of his radio show, Fred Allen suffered two declines. One decline in his program's ratings and an unfortunate decline in his health.
    ellauri067.html on line 439: How much, or how little influence drugs, particularly hallucigenic drugs like lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, had on Pynchon’s narrative is unknown. If Siegel, however, is to be believed, and he should be despite any resentment he felt regarding Pynchon’s affair with his wife, then the writing of Gravity’s Rainbow was heavily influenced by drugs. In Pynchon’s most famous quote regarding this particular novel, which is notoriously difficult to interpret, he is alleged to have told Siegel,
    ellauri067.html on line 473: The first residential house in America to be electrified was J.P. Morgan’s. The work was done by Thomas Edison. So how did Morgan say thanks to the guy who gave him the first home in America with electricity? He screwed Thomas Edison out of his own company. Welcome to the game of 1890s venture capital.
    ellauri067.html on line 493: Book reviewers have a long history of attacking Pynchon for his flat characters. Roger and Jessica are susceptible to this criticism. Neither is given much of a history. We don’t know where they grew up or who their parents were. This is one of the great failings of... what to call it? "middlebrow" is antiquated... anyway, a very common kind of criticism (common in the Anglo-American world, anyway), and it affects how authors write (which is one reason I read mainly Russian literature these days). I don't need to know "where they grew up or who their parents were" and I don't much care, unless, of course, you write about it brilliantly because that´s truly what you want to focus on, as opposed to "welp, better provide a plausible background for my characters so the reader will believe they're behaving this way." Just write good sentences in a good and surprising order. Two people have fallen out of love? I don't care if it's because one of them has mommy issues or the other was bullied as a child—people fall out of love all the time, for any reason or none, just tell me what they do about it, and in language that makes me want to keep reading! Teoxet on tärkeät, vähät elämästä. En jaxa luontokuvauxia, hyppään ne heti yli.
    ellauri067.html on line 566: "his batman, a Corporal Wayne" [Batman's "real-world" identity was Bruce Wayne], 11; comicbook fangs, 21; Sir Denis Nayland Smith, 83, 277-78, 592, 631, 751; Hop Harrigan, Tank Tinker, 117; "old-fashioned comical room" 122; Dumbo, 135; Donald Duck, 146; Hansel and Gretel, 174; "comic-book colors" 186; "paint FUCK YOU in a balloon coming out the mouth of one of those little pink shepherdesses" 203; Plasticman, 206, 314, 331, 752; "he passes into a bickering of canary-yellow Borsalini, corksoled comicbook shoes with enormous round toes" 254; "this cartoon here" 263; "a Sunday-funnies dawn" 295; Rocketman, 366, 376, 379, 436, 512, 596; Captain Midnight Show, 375; Green Hornet, 376; "the only beings who can violate their space are safely caught and paralyzed in comic books" 379; Mickey Mouse, 392; Sundial, 472; Wilhelm Busch (cartoonist), 501; Porky Pig, 545; "comic technocracy" 579; "comic-book cats dogs and mice" 586; Bugs Bunny, 592; "comicbook-orange chunks of island" 634; Porky Pig tattoo, 638 (on Osbie Feel's stomach), 711 (on André Omnopon´s stomach); Robin Hood, 664; Mary Marvel, Wonder Woman, 676; comic-book Kamikazes, 680; "down comes a comic-book guillotine on one black & white politician" 687; Crime Does Not Pay, 709; Superman, 751; The Lone Ranger & Tonto, 752; Philip Marlowe, 752; Submariner, 752; Jimmy Olson, 752; See also Byron the Bulb; Floundering Four; Komical Kamikazes; Plasticman; film/cinema references.
    ellauri067.html on line 583: The publication of Voices: A Memoir in 1983, advertised as a record of his encounters with some of the century´s leading artists and writers, returned Prokosch to the limelight. His early novels The Asiatics and The Seven Who Fled were reissued to much public acclaim. In 2010, Voices was shown to be almost wholly fictitious and part of an enormous hoax.
    ellauri069.html on line 47: Kuha tulee pätäkkää. Se on pääasia. No business like show business.
    ellauri069.html on line 139: Balaclava helmet: A balaclava, also known as a balaclava helmet or Bally or ski mask, is a form of cloth headgear designed to expose only part of the face, usually the eyes and mouth. Depending on style and how it is worn, only the eyes, mouth and nose, or just the front of the face are unprotected. Versions with a full face opening may be rolled into a hat to cover the crown of the head or folded down as a collar around the neck. Sellanen ällöttävä roistomyssy.
    ellauri069.html on line 157: 16; In palmistry, this cross is found beneath the middle finger between the head and heart lines and shows a distinct interest in occult matters.
    ellauri069.html on line 172: Gene Krupa: Eugene Bertram Krupa, Born:January 15, 1909, Chicago, Illinois, U.S., Died:October 16, 1973, Yonkers, New York, U.S. was an American jazz drummer, band leader and composer known for his energetic style and showmanship. His drum solo on "Sing, Sing, Sing" elevated the role of the drummer from an accompanying line to an important solo voice in the band.
    ellauri069.html on line 257: German novelist Hermann Hesse (1877-1962), experiencing a crisis of the spirit, had psychoanalysis with J.B. Lang, a disciple of Carl Gustav Jung. His novel Demian (1919), which shows the influence of analysis, is about the character Demian (a classic "seeker") and his quest for self-awareness. Published during the troubled Weimar years, the novel was very popular and had a pervasive influence on the Germans. It also made Hesse famous.
    ellauri069.html on line 366:

    No business like show business

    ellauri069.html on line 397: —Greta Erdmann, pornographic film actress and mother/groomer of Bianca, a child-victim who becomes the novel’s symbol of how fascism has corrupted and destroyed innocence - ah fuck, I mean the Shirley Temple lookalike whom Pynchon/Slothrup fucks completely delirious.
    ellauri069.html on line 427: The women in the party are callously used by the men as distraction (“Zitz und Arsch” - how do we feel about the treatment of women in the novel?)
    ellauri069.html on line 477: Before I write this answer, I should put it out there that it took me two reads and a guide to understand what’s going on in Gravity’s Rainbow. After all that, I feel I have a proper grasp of Pynchon’s Magnum Opus. Apparently, Pynchon once said he doesn’t know how he wrote the book.
    ellauri069.html on line 479: Imagine a story that combines Ulysses, Catch-22, The Canterbury tales, Under the Volcano, On the Road and many others. First, there is a huge cast of characters and most times, it is unclear who’s speaking and to whom. A second challenge is getting into the context of the book. The novel demands a vast knowledge of history, geography, music, literature, science, mathematics and occult. Apart from this the book also explicitly deals with profanity, racism, violence, pedophilia, coprophilia and seemingly infinite number of sex scenes. That being said, Pynchon doesn’t throw them arbitrarily and each one of them have a purpose. The main plot itself is set at the end of World War 2 and Europe is in chaos. As new countries and alliances are being formed, so too are new perspectives within the characters. Mental state being broken down, people making poor choices and actions being justified and helps us see how people tend to live destructively. As if there complexities weren’t enough, Pynchon includes a “postmodern” aspect of the book that leaves the first-time reader confused. Pynchon’s voice is seen through this aspect and a sense of paranoia creeps throughout the book and everything is questioned.
    ellauri069.html on line 498: . I presume I should have done a bunch of pre-reading research before reading the book, but that’s not how I roll.
    ellauri069.html on line 551: No eliitti ja osattomat yhtä lailla kulkevat pimeyden ja valon kosmisen suunnitelman läpitte, toiset vaan pimeässä jalan ja toiset valokiilassa esim Kimi Räikkösen privaattijetissä, ja minä ilmoitan nöyrimmästi kuuluvani niihin hyvin harvoihin (noin 1 promille), jotka kykenevät käsittämään tämän otona. Siis harkitkaa nyt hyvin huolellisesti kummalla puolella ize mieluiten olette, rikkaan kapitalisti lännen vaiko köyhän kommunisti idän. Laulua kolmannella: No business like show business, God bless Amerika! Haftungin puoli tusinaa typykkää lentää mukkelis makkelis herttaisexi säärten pyllyjen ja rintojen mylläkäxi.
    ellauri069.html on line 572: The Romance of Helen Trent was a radio soap opera which aired on CBS from October 30, 1933 to June 24, 1960 for a total of 7,222 episodes. The show was created by Frank and Anne Hummert, who were among the most prolific producers during the radio soap era. The program opened with:
    ellauri069.html on line 662: And taught me how to fart
    ellauri069.html on line 674: In addition to new flavors, Cracker Jack now offers what it describes as enhanced prizes -- stickers with fun facts and digital codes that you can use on a Cracker Jack-branded app. Somehow, those don’t have quite the charm as temporary tattoos and secret decoder rings.
    ellauri070.html on line 315: Skippy is an American comic strip written and drawn by Percy Crosby that was published from 1923 to 1945. A highly popular, acclaimed and influential feature about rambunctious fifth-grader Skippy Skinner, his friends and his enemies, it was adapted into movies, a novel and a radio show. It was commemorated on a 1997 U.S. Postal Service stamp and was the basis for a wide range of merchandising—although perhaps the most well-known product bearing the Skippy name, Skippy peanut butter, used the name without Crosby´s authorization, leading to a protracted trademark conflict.
    ellauri070.html on line 376: Miranda ei ennen 1930-luvun loppua käyttänyt alkoholia eikä tupakoinut. Tuolloin alkaneen alkoholismin lisäksi hän käytti säännöllisesti amfetamiinia, ja samalla hänen sydämensä heikkeni. Foi Americanizada, na verdade. Hän kuoli sydänkohtaukseen The Jimmy Durante Show’ssa esiintymisen jälkeen. A&E Networkin biografiajaksossa on surullista filmimateriaalia Mirandan esiintymisestä 4. elokuuta. Tanssiohjelman jälkeen Miranda sai tietämättään pienen sydänkohtauksen ja oli kaatumaisillaan. Durante oli hänen vieressään ja auttoi häntä pysymään jaloillaan. Miranda hymyili, heilutti kättään yleisölle ja käveli viimeisen kerran lavan taakse. Hän menehtyi seuraavaan aamuun mennessä 46-vuotiaana. Hänen ruumiinsa lennätettiin pian Brasiliaan, jossa julistettiin maansuru. Hänet haudattiin São João Batistan hautausmaalle Rio de Janeiroon. Siellä hän lepää vieläkin, ellei ole kuollut.
    ellauri070.html on line 384: "A penny saved is a penny earned" is a quote often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, however, he didn’t coin it. In his 1737 Poor Richard’s Almanac, Franklin delivered the line: “A penny saved is two pence clear.” And later, in the 1758 almanac, he wrote a version closer to the saying we know: "A penny saved is a penny got." He never used the word "earned."
    ellauri070.html on line 428: Foster sai ensimmäisen laulunsa julkaistuksi 17-vuotiaana, mutta piti lauluntekoa harrastuksenaan ja elätti itseään kirjanpitäjänä Ohion Cincinnatissä. Pian hän muutti takaisin Pittsburghiin ja alkoi päätoimiseksi lauluntekijäksi paikalliselle minstrel show -seurueelle. Tältä ajalta on peräisin valtaosa hänen tunnetuimmista sävelmistään. Foster kuoli New Yorkissa 37-vuotiaana.
    ellauri071.html on line 109: His biggest failure in this period was the play Sirocco (1927), which concerns free love among the wealthy. It starred Ivor Novello, of whom Coward said, "the two most beautiful things in the world are Ivor's profile and my mind". Theatregoers hated the play, showing violent disapproval at the curtain calls and spitting at Coward as he left the theatre. Taisi olla downright homostelua.
    ellauri072.html on line 477: What will happen when the age-old economy of scarcity gives way to the Age of Leisure? Professor Gabor, who won the 1971 Nobel Prize for physics offers a futuristic projection based on a static population and GNP, "classless, democratic, and uniformly rich." Fearful that total secruity "will create unbearable boredom and bring out the worst in Irrational Man," Gabor is anxious to retain "effort," "hardship," and the Protestant Ethic -- lest society dissolve in an orgy of anti-social, hedonistic nihilism (viz. the current drug explosion and the spoiled-brat students). To avoid such evils Gabor proposes that work and its attendant moral uplift be divorced from production and the service sector of the economy be vastly enlarged. But this is only the beginning -- enthusiastic about Social Engineering Gabor suggests using it to weed out potential misfits, trouble-makers and "power addicts"; supplementing I.Q. tests with E.Q. (Ethical Quotient) measurements; and modeling elementary and secondary education on the 19th century British public school which knew so well how to inculcate good citizenship, intellectual excellence and pride in achievement. The Third World, still wrestling with pre-industrial material want, is ignored -- since we can't afford any more industrial pollution presumably they will just have to adjust to their misery. Gabor's assessment of "the Nature of Man" shows a woefully naive Anglo-American ethnocentricity and complete ignorance of anthropology and his vision of post-industrial utopia operating on the moral axioms of the 19th century is as elitist as it is improbable.
    ellauri072.html on line 508: Infinite Jest is not the only thing that made Wallu famous, though. There was also his bandanna, which was as misinterpreted as so much else about him. As the Max biography explains, Wallace started wearing the bandanna as the least embarrassing solution he could think of to obscure the intense sweating attacks that overcame him without warning. (In high school, he had taken to carrying around a tennis racket and a towel as a tacit cover story for the sweating.) The acutely self-conscious, anxious, addicted and at times showy characters in Wallace’s fiction were not, Max helps us recognize, wildly difficult for Wallace to imagine — the characters were iterations of himself.
    ellauri072.html on line 532: To some extent, his subject matter invites the ad or pro hominem fallacy. Wallace’s lonelies, wastoids and number crunchers are, often, trying to find ways to live well. One understandably slips from reading something concerned with how to be a good person to expecting the writer to have been more naturally kind himself. That thinking is perfectly wrong, though. Alec Baldwin surely has more to teach us than most about how to hold one’s temper; the co-founder of A.A., Bill W., is a guru of sobriety precisely because sobriety was so difficult for him.
    ellauri072.html on line 540: Another thing, perhaps more powerful, that detains people at the niceness question has to do, I think, with competitiveness. Readers are correct to sense, in Wallace’s elaborate grammars and data fields, not only a generous show but also a tacit petition for our recognition of his intellect. This really annoys some people.
    ellauri072.html on line 639: Under Arizona law in 1984, when Wallace turned himself in and confessed to the three murders, to be given the death penalty, prosecutors had to prove that the crime was especially heinous by showing that Wallace either relished in the crime, inflicted gratuitous violence or needlessly mutilated the victims.
    ellauri073.html on line 269: In the sketch itself, Foley attempts to motivate two teens, played by Spade and Applegate, to "get themselves back on the right track" after the family’s cleaning lady finds a bag of marijuana in their home. Foley’s attempt to motivate them falls short when he repeatedly insists that they're "not going to amount to jack squat" and will end up “living in a van down by the river!” Foley attempts to endear himself to Spade's character by telling him they're "gonna be buddies" and that everywhere he goes, Foley will follow. Comparing himself to Spade's shadow, Foley jumps about where he's standing and then dives into the coffee table, though he picks himself up moments later. None of the other cast members knew that Farley was going to do this and their startled reactions are genuine. The sketch ends with Foley offering that the only solution to solve the family's problems is for him to move in with them. Horrified, Applegate begs him not to, vowing never to smoke pot again. Even so, Foley leaves the house to get his things from his van and the family locks him out, finally reconciling and admitting to how much they love each other.
    ellauri073.html on line 273: In the only cold open featuring Foley (April 15, 1995), the character attempts to motivate a pair of Venezuelan teens. Foley attempts to get through to them by motivating them in their native Spanish, saying “¡Yo vivo en van cerca de un rio!” However, the teenagers' father (Michael McKean) informs Matt that he and his children are fluent in English, to which Foley responds "¡Padre, dame un favor, y cállate su grande YAPPER!" The sketch again features Foley mocking his audience, breaking household objects, and somehow succeeding in his motivational goals.
    ellauri073.html on line 454: Photo by Victoria Lynn Hogan, my true love and colleague, shows a rather hairless dense looking guy peering inquiringly at a little plastic jar containing some goo.
    ellauri073.html on line 508: She was born May 14, 1938, in Fort Fairfield, Maine. The daughter of a potato farmer, she worked a quarter of the year during the harvest, but found her true passion for learning in the town’s one-room schoolhouse. She eventually graduated from Northfield boarding school in Gill, Mass., and later became the first in her family to graduate college, with a bachelor’s degree in English from Mount Holyoke in 1960, where she was student body president and wrote Junior Show.
    ellauri073.html on line 510: After receiving her master’s degree from the University of Illinois, Mrs. Wallace was an English professor at Parkland College for 35 years. Her passion for learning was paired with a passion to help others learn — she was an enthusiastic, rigorous and above all compassionate instructor who made sure every student she had knew how much their voice mattered. Even after retiring, she taught in correctional facilities around Illinois and volunteered as a companion for Illinois CASA. In 2012, she and her husband, Jim, decided to move from their beloved city of Urbana to Florence, Ariz., to be closer to their family. There, they volunteered with Arizona CASA, hosted family dinners every Sunday, and adopted a much-loved terrier mix named Angus.
    ellauri074.html on line 69: Oh, how I hate that kind of women.
    ellauri074.html on line 83: They absolutely ooze current events. Oh, how they bore me.
    ellauri074.html on line 85: There are the ones who simply cannot fathom why all the men are mad about them. They say they’ve tried and tried. They tell you about someone’s husband; what he said and how he looked when he said it. And then they sigh and ask, “My dear, what is there about me?” —Don’t you hate them?
    ellauri074.html on line 148: AD 130–200 Galen recommends conservative management of piles (laxatives, ointments, leeches) and regards bleeding as therapeutic. Also describes, however, use of a tight thread to induce sloughing of hemorrhoids.
    ellauri074.html on line 220: A motivational speaker or inspirational speaker is a speaker who makes speeches intended to motivate or inspire an audience. Such speakers may attempt to challenge or transform their audiences. The speech itself is popularly known as a pep talk. Motivational speakers can deliver speeches at schools, colleges, places of worship, companies, corporations, government agencies, conferences, trade shows, summits, community organizations, and similar environments. Their main motivation is money. Faith, fear, and credit. They're all made up. External links:
    ellauri074.html on line 234: If you are interested in personal development or self-help you have heard of Tony Robbins. The self-made peak performance coach has been helping individuals become the best versions of themselves since the early 1980s. He has grown in popularity over his career through books, seminars, infomercials, and podcasts. All of these accomplishments have led Tony Robbins to have a net worth of $500 million dollars in 2021. In this post, we will discuss how Robbins has amassed his wealth and how you can do the same.
    ellauri074.html on line 237: He never had a stable household as he faced a lot of abuse growing up from his mother. Robbins recalls times when his mother would chase him out of the house with a knife and pour liquid soap down his throat. By the age of 17, he decided to leave home and never return. He never attended college and got a job as a janitor to make money. And how!
    ellauri074.html on line 239: One day, when speaking with his landlord, Tony was asking him how he got so successful. The landlord replied that he went to a Jim Rohn seminar (Rohn was a famous motivational speaker at the time). Robbins had no clue what a seminar was so he asked his landlord to explain. The landlord said that a seminar is when a man takes everything he’s learned over the years of his life, and he condenses his knowledge into four hours.
    ellauri074.html on line 240: Robbins was fascinated by the idea of a seminar however to attend a Jim Rohn seminar it costs $35. At the time, Robbins was only making $40 a week! However, he made the decision to spend a week’s pay to attend the seminar. Although it was a costly investment for him, it would end up changing his life.
    ellauri074.html on line 247: One way he would get people to do this is by making them do a firewalk over a bed of hot embers. Most people at his seminars normally thought that would be impossible. By showing them that they can walk on fire, it helped the attendees see that they had preconceived notions that weren’t true. (The trick is to wear thick-soled shoes with a huge carbon footprint.)
    ellauri074.html on line 256: Robbins has written some of the best self-help books in hopes to help individuals utilize the power of positive thinking. Robbins believes that everyone is capable of changing their mindset. He also believes that if people can change their mindset, they can change their life. They learn how to short-change suckers.
    ellauri074.html on line 258: In 2016, he launched the Tony Robbins Podcast. The first season was primarily focused on ways for small to medium-sized businesses to gain an advantage over their market. He has since pivoted to not only talk about how to build a bigger business but also topics such as how to deepen your relationships, become more productive, and live in abundance. The Tony Robbins Podcast has thousands of 5-star reviews on Apple Podcasts and has been downloaded by millions of people worldwide.
    ellauri074.html on line 477: It is written: "You shall walk modestly with your God." It is therefore necessary to be modest in all your ways. Thus when putting on or removing your shirt or any other garment from your body you should be very careful not to uncover your body. You should put on and remove the garment while lying in bed under a cover. You should not say: "I am in a private, and dark place." "Who will see me?" Because the Holy One, Blessed is He, Whose glory fills the entire world [sees] and to Him darkness is like light, Blessed be His Name. Modesty and shame bring a person to submissiveness before Him, Blessed be His name. He does not want to look at your hairy genitals. He knows how they look, after all He made them. Don't worry He does not peek under the cover, although He could.
    ellauri074.html on line 669: A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift, arguably his most difficult satire and perhaps his most masterly. William Wotton wrote that the Tale had made a game of "God and Religion, Truth and Moral Honesty, Learning and Industry" to show "at the bottom Jonathan´s contemptible Opinion of every Thing which is called Christianity." The work continued to be regarded as an attack on religion well into the nineteenth century. The overarching parody is of enthusiasm, pride, and credulity. It was widely misunderstood, especially by Queen Anne herself who purposely mistook its purpose for profanity. It effectively disbarred its author from proper preferment in the Church of England, but is considered one of Swift´s best allegories, even by himself.
    ellauri077.html on line 84: Wallacen sisaruxet kasvoivat liberaalissa akateemisessa kodissa Urbaanassa, Illinoisissa. Niiden TV-aika oli rajoitettu 2h päivässä ja yhteen (1) Villin Lännen showhun viikossa. Kun Taavi valitti, isä käski kirjoittaa perheensisäisen muistion. Tästä alkoi Taavin kirjoittajan ura. Wallu oli kuin Calvinin ja Hobbesin Lassi, jota sen pitkät vanhemmat kohtelee sadistisesti. Sekään ei saa kazoa telkkaria tarpeexi.
    ellauri077.html on line 198: Loputtomassa läpässä on oleellisesti 3 juonta: Incandenzan perheen puuhat Tennisakatemiassa (tätä mä oon lukenut nyt 1 romskun verran, 245 sivua); Don Gatelyn ja muiden toipilaitten sekoilut Ennetin puolimatkankodissa (näitä on jo nähty, huoh kiitos vaan); ja filmin 'Loputon läppä' kvesti, jossa tähtinä on Remy Martin (se pyörätuolijäbä), ja Hugh/Helen Steeply (hirmu iso transu joka bylsii Orinia). Niiden suuhun Wallu panee syvälliset mietteensä. Ne on kuin jumala ja jeesus Miltonin Paradise Lostissa. Ekat 2 juonta ei liity mitenkään toisiinsa (miten niin? onhan siinä samoja henkilöitä, niiku et Orin bylsii sitä transua (Hal-Orin, haha, sanaleikki, joka osottaa että ne on Tävskytin kaxi puolta. The Halorin family name was found in the USA in 1880. Massachusetts had the highest population of Halorin families in 1880.) Mario on varmaan sit Amy, tai sit Super Mario, tai luultavimmin Wallu taas. Orin, Mario ja Hal on Tupu, Hupu ja Lupu, Wallukolmoset. Wallu kyllä vinkkaa että juonet yhtyvät kun romsku on jo loppunut. Varmaan siinä kustannustoimittajan poisleikkaamassa 300 sivussa. Kaikki 3 juonta liittyy temaattisesti: viihde, valinta ja stöpselöinti. Leffan 'Loputon läppä' filmas Wallun pappa Jim Incandenza, koittaessaan tehdä jotain niin pakottavaa että se pysäyttäisi Hal-pojan putoomisen solipsismin, ilottomuuden ja kuoleman sudenkuoppaan. Filmiä ei koskaan julkaistu ja se jäi kesken kun Jim teki ize seppukun sen loppusuoralla. Mutta romskun edetessä (SPOILERIVAROITUS!) lukijalle selviää että filmi oli löytynyt ja toimii ehkä terroristiaseena. (No sehän tuli selväxi jo tässä alkuosassa.) Leffa on tosiaankin niin "vitun pakottava" että se tekee kazojista zombieita, ne on kuin Lassi telkan edessä, töllöttävät vaan, eikä enää muuta tahdokaan. Loppuviimein, vinkkaa kertoja, Hal ja Gately jossain vaiheessa kaivaa kahteen pekkaan isä Jimin pään maasta eziessään filmiä. Filmin sisällöstä ei ole kunnon kuvausta. Jotain kohtauxia väläytellään, esim Joelle van Dynen jossa se "pyytää anteexi" kazojilta uudestaan ja uudestaan, sanoen ‘I’m so sorry. I’m so terribly sorry. I am so, so sorry. Please know how very, very, very sorry I am’ (939). Huh, onpas pitkällä. Tää on kyllä kertaalleen sanottu jo tässä alkupätkässä. Tämmönen anteexipyytely on kanssa saamaa markkinapaskaa kuin toi "luottamus", ilmaisexi pyydetään, kun luottokortti vingahtaa. Koko kirjasta (vaiko vaan filmistä) tulee 1 suuri anteexipyyntö, onxe sitten isältä pojalle vai päinvastoin, sama se. Ne ei koskaan pystyneet "keskustelemaan". Tää "We gotta talk" on kanssa yx jenkkitomppelius, hemmetti, mitä sitä varten pitää erixeen tilata vastaanotto tai merkata kalenteriaika, senkun riitelevät vaan. Niin mekin tehdään. Tää mun juttu, Barrett tunnustaa, kuuluu perinteiseen "elämä ja teos" genreen, Wallun romsku on "symbolistiteos" "kirjailijan sisällyttämisestä textiin". Wallu koittaa estää kokonaista sukupolvea uppoutumasta pelkkään viihteen kazeluun. Lukekaa kirjoja, ääliöt! Paxuja kirjoja! Mun kirjoja, ne on kaikista paxuimpia! Saatana! Kun tiili kolahtaa päähän nukahtaessa tulee pahoja kuhmuja. We apologize for the inconvenience.
    ellauri077.html on line 428: Cure yourself of the affliction of caring how you appear to others. Concern yourself only with how you appear before God, concern yourself only with the idea that God may have of you. (Parempi vielä olla välittämättä siitäkään.)
    ellauri077.html on line 430: The greatest height of heroism to which an individual, like a people, can attain is to know how to face ridicule. (Muna oli hyvin arka pilkanteolle.)
    ellauri077.html on line 460: This study shows that the connection between these works lies in their shared philosophical dimension. On the one hand, they portray excessive self-reflection and endless irony as the two main problems of contemporary Western life. On the other hand, the novels embody an attempt to overcome these problems: sincerity, reality-commitment and community are portrayed as the virtues needed to achieve a meaningful life.
    ellauri077.html on line 555: In his interview with Larry McCaffery, Wallace shows he was aware of his failure to overcome the use of postmodern irony: “I got trapped just trying to expose the illusions of metafiction the same way metafiction had tried to expose the illusions of the pseudo-unmediated realist fiction that had come before it. It was a horror show.”
    ellauri077.html on line 608: The U.S. arts are our guide to inclusion. A how-to. We are shown how to fashion masks of ennui and jaded irony at a young age where the face is fictile enough to assume the shape of whatever it wears. And then it’s stuck there, the weary cynicism that saves us from gooey sentiment and unsophisticated naïveté. Sentiment
    ellauri078.html on line 50: The consideration of curves with a figure-eight shape can be traced back to Proclus, a Greek Neoplatonist philosopher and mathematician who lived in the 5th century AD. Proclus considered the cross-sections of a torus by a plane parallel to the axis of the torus. As he observed, for most such sections the cross section consists of either one or two ovals; however, when the plane is tangent to the inner surface of the torus, the cross-section takes on a figure-eight shape, which Proclus called a horse fetter (a device for holding two feet of a horse together), or "hippopede" in Greek. The name "lemniscate of Booth" dates to its study by the 19th-century mathematician James Booth.
    ellauri078.html on line 52: The infinity symbol (∞) represents a line that never ends. The common sign for infinity, ∞, was first time used by Wallis in the mid 1650s. He also introduced 1/∞ for an infinitesimal which is so small that it can’t be measured. Wallis wrote about this and numerous other issues related to infinity in his book Treatise on the Conic Sections published in 1655. The infinity symbol looks like a horizontal version of number 8 and it represents the concept of eternity, endless and unlimited. Some scientists say, however, that John Wallis could have taken the Greek letter ω as a source for creating the infinity sign.
    ellauri078.html on line 103: The earliest known version is found in Christy's Plantation Melodies. No. 2, a songbook published under the authority of Edwin Pearce Christy in Philadelphia in 1853. Christy was the founder of the blackface minstrel show known as the Christy's Minstrels. Like most minstrel songs, the lyrics are written in a cross between a parody of a generic creole dialect historically attributed to African-Americans and standard American English. The song is written in the first person from the perspective of an African-American singer who refers to himself as a "darkey," longing to return to "a yellow girl" (that is, a light-skinned, or bi-racial woman born of African/African-American and European-American progenitors)
    ellauri078.html on line 137: Between 1852 and 1855 he served a single term as a representative from Massachusetts to the U.S. Congress. In Amherst he presented himself as a model citizen and prided himself on his civic work—treasurer of Amherst College, supporter of Amherst Academy, secretary to the Fire Society, and chairman of the annual Cattle Show. Comparatively little is known of Emily’s mother, who is often represented as the passive wife of a domineering husband. Her few surviving letters suggest a different picture, as does the scant information about her early education at Monson Academy. Academy papers and records discovered by Martha Ackmann reveal a young woman dedicated to her studies, particularly in the sciences.
    ellauri078.html on line 141: By Emily Dickinson’s own account, she delighted in all aspects of the school—the curriculum, the teachers, the students. The school prided itself on its connection with Amherst College, offering students regular attendance at college lectures in all the principal subjects— astronomy, botany, chemistry, geology, mathematics, natural history, natural philosophy, and zoology. As this list suggests, the curriculum reflected the 19th-century emphasis on science. That emphasis reappeared in Dickinson’s poems and letters through her fascination with naming, her skilled observation and cultivation of flowers, her carefully wrought descriptions of plants, and her interest in “chemic force.” Those interests, however, rarely celebrated science in the same spirit as the teachers advocated.
    ellauri078.html on line 145: Behind her school botanical studies lay a popular text in common use at female seminaries. Written by Almira H. Lincoln, Familiar Lectures on Botany (1829) featured a particular kind of natural history, emphasizing the religious nature of scientific study. Lincoln was one of many early 19th-century writers who forwarded the “argument from design.” She assured her students that study of the natural world invariably revealed God. Its impeccably ordered systems showed the Creator’s hand at work.
    ellauri078.html on line 252: In a genuinely egalitarian society, however, those views cannot be locked out, in advance, by criminal or civil law: they must instead be discredited by the disgust, outrage, and ridicule of other people.
    ellauri079.html on line 109: Jethro is the only surviving member of the family and has had his fair share of ups and downs since being on the show. He never really reached the level of stardom that he wanted and instead went on to be a producer and a director, as he had 6yrs of school and his uncle owned the studio. After a while he had the idea to create a Beverly Hillbillies-themed casino out of a WalMart but failed. The second attempt is still currently suspended. He’s hopeful that he’ll get things going again.
    ellauri079.html on line 111: Granny went back to singing and dancing shortly after the show wrapped up. She passed away 1973 at the age of 70 after suffering from a malignant brain tumor that caused her to collapse on stage.
    ellauri079.html on line 113: If Jed Clampett hadn’t done another role in his life he would have still been remembered as Jed Clampett more likely than not. After his time on the show he went on to continue acting here and there but nothing ever really brought him the same kind of fame as he experienced while being Jed. He did manage to get a cameo in the film version of the Beverly Hillbillies but apart from that he was retired at that time and wasn’t doing much at all. He passed away due to respiratory failure in 2003.
    ellauri079.html on line 115: Ellie May Clampett was unable to do much more in getting her career to take off. She went on to become a gospel singer for a while and even practiced real estate for a bit. But nothing ever really kept her from going back to show business as she felt that this was where she belonged. Ellie May passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2015.
    ellauri079.html on line 122: A lot of fans will remember this awkward but funny family from TV and probably be able to sing the theme song without having to hear it. The Beverly Hillbillies were after all a favorite show back in their day and inspired a lot of other ideas that came much later, like David Foster Wallace´s magnum opus The Infinite Jest. The attempt to make a movie out of the show wasn’t all that successful and kind of left a bad taste in a lot of peoples’ mouths since it was such a poor attempt that even watching the trailer was something that people didn’t want to admit for a while. Sometimes the best thing you can do is remember the good times and think back to the original that made it something special. Lets hope they will never, never try to make a movie out of Infinite Jest. Jim Incandenza tried that once already, with singularly bad results.
    ellauri080.html on line 95: "winejelly" incident (aka "Disgusting English Candy Drill"), 116; "show us your papers!" 442; Hopmann's and Kreuss' prank on Toiletship, 451; "Super Animals In My Crack" 466; orgy on Anubis, 467; Frau Gnahb's criticisms, 497; Springer's Sodium Amytal-induced outbursts, 512, 514 and 746; "How I Came to Love the People" 547; pinball machines run amuck, 583-84; Miss Muller-Hochleben, 633; "I say. . ." 634; "helicopter!" 683; "Ass Backwards" 683; "It's an old saying among my people" 709; Kazoo Quartet, 711-12; discharge dumplings, u.s.w., 715; bad pun, 746
    ellauri080.html on line 121: Trait theories of personality have long attempted to pin down exactly how many personality traits exist. Earlier theories have suggested a various number of possible traits, including Gordon Allport's list of 4,000 personality traits, Raymond Cattell's 16 personality factors, and Hans Eysenck's three-factor theory.
    ellauri080.html on line 166: Standard features of this dimension include high levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, and goal-directed behaviors. Highly conscientious people tend to be organized and mindful of details. They plan ahead, think about how their behavior affects others, and are mindful of deadlines.
    ellauri080.html on line 256:
  • Doesn't care about how other people feel

  • ellauri080.html on line 316: Studies have shown that maturation may have an impact on the five traits. As people age, they tend to become less extraverted, less neurotic, and less open to the experience. Agreeableness and conscientiousness, on the other hand, tend to increase as people grow older.
    ellauri080.html on line 321: Always remember that behavior involves an interaction between a person's underlying personality and situational variables. The situation that a person finds himself or herself plays a major role in how the person reacts. However, in most cases, people offer responses that are consistent with their underlying personality traits.
    ellauri080.html on line 375: If this describes you as well as it described me, you’ve come to the right place! In this piece, we will define self-transcendence, look at its components and characteristics, think of some examples, and explore how it can be achieved.
    ellauri080.html on line 381: It is easy to see how self-transcendence and spirituality are connected—one of the inherent qualities of self-transcendence is the expansion of one’s consciousness beyond the self, to something higher.
    ellauri080.html on line 383: That “something higher” is often divine or spiritual in nature. Many achieve self-transcendence through their faith in God, while others may achieve it through recognition of some system of spirituality or idea of the soul. This faith or spirituality can help individuals find the meaning that will fulfill them and propel them to transcendence. Research has even shown that in elderly patients, the caregiver’s own spirituality had a positive impact on the patient’s well-being (Kim, Reed, Hayward, Kang, & Koenig, 2011).
    ellauri080.html on line 385: Cooperativeness is a personality trait concerning the degree to which a person is generally agreeable in their relations with other people as opposed to aggressively self-centred and hostile. It is one of the "character" dimensions in Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory. Cloninger described it as relating to individual differences in how much people identify with and accept others. Cloninger's research found that low cooperativeness is associated with all categories of personality disorder. Cooperativeness is conceptually similar to and strongly correlated with agreeableness in the five factor model of personality.
    ellauri080.html on line 394: Activity level refers to how physically active a person is. rowdy disruptive boisterous or quiet lifeless rag. Are they rambunctious or quiet?
    ellauri080.html on line 400: Intensity of reaction: intense children will have very powerful reactions to things. For instance, if they want to wear their favorite purple shirt and it’s in the washer, they may have an intense outburst. Children with low intensity will react very mildly to negative and positive situations. It may be difficult to recognize how a low intensity child is feeling.
    ellauri080.html on line 407: Persistence refers to how long you are able and willing to stick to a task, even when it is challenging. Some individuals are willing to keep working at something, even when they run into roadblocks along the way. Other people may be more willing to drop a task that is difficult and move on to something else. They may become very frustrated or ask for an adult to do it for them.
    ellauri080.html on line 413: Mood: Some children naturally have a happier mood, and other children may have a more serious mood. Mood refers to the overall tone of a person’s feelings, interactions and behaviors. Some people are dispositioned to have a happier overall mood, and they generally feel good about things. Others may have more of a negative mood. They may be referred to as more unpleasant, as they may not react in a strong, positive way with the world around them. Children who have a more naturally negative mood may appear to be more subdued than happy. They may have a demeanor that is more calm and may appear gloomy, sad or negative. They may not show their positive feelings externally, but may still feel positive things. I guess.
    ellauri080.html on line 481: FE/TI asks ‘what do you think, and how can we communicate that?’

    ellauri080.html on line 482: TE/FI asks ‘what do you want, and how can we get it?’
    ellauri080.html on line 518: The other axis seeks to discover, cognate, or comprehend the true nature of things (SI) by compositing the uniting elements between various creative perspectives on things (NE); the image I like to use here is of a diagram showing multiple perspectives of a 3-D object in 2-D space, where each perspective conceals something in order to reveal something else.
    ellauri080.html on line 520: A good example of this mentality can be found in the theories of Michel Foucault, who himself describes society as a series of power structure grids you can lay on top of the truth in order to reveal some things but conceal others, and our goal essentially should be to experiment with various power grids to discover the true limits or bounds of how human society can successfully be structured. Another example could be Martin Heidegger’s discussion of Being or existence, and how many different perspectives are required to observe it and get a full picture, because of our extremely subjective position in relation to the nature of our own existence, not to mention existence within the ever shifting realm of time.
    ellauri080.html on line 526: A dominant NI type, for instance, is constantly conjecturing from whatever data they have: it’s what they do, and that’s why these types will often feel like they have a lot to say on topics regardless of their expertise, because they can still conjecture an intriguing point of view from what little data they have; of course, depending on their skill, luck, and their sample size, it is not uncommon for their ‘lines of best fit’, as it were, to be off by some degree. In fact, Ni types are often used to this and, at least in my experience, can sometimes conjecture about how accurate their own conjectures are likely to be. Se conjecture like this too, believe it or not, just not as consistently, but it is part of what can lend that peculiar air of surety or confidence to the ESTP’s speech, or the driven spontaneity of the ESFP’s decisions. These types feel that they see something before them in glorious clarity and sharpness. How long that vision will last varies.
    ellauri080.html on line 577: Gilligan's Island ran for 98 episodes. All 36 episodes of the first season were filmed in black and white and were later colorized for syndication. The show's second and third seasons (62 episodes) and the three television film sequels (aired between 1978 and 1982) were filmed in color. Last aired: 2001.
    ellauri080.html on line 579: The show received solid ratings during its original run, then grew in popularity during decades of syndication, especially in the 1970s and 1980s when many markets ran the show in the late afternoon. Today, the title character of Gilligan is widely recognized as an American cultural icon. Characters:
    ellauri080.html on line 599: The two-man crew of the charter boat SS Minnow and five passengers on a "three-hour tour" from Honolulu run into a typhoon and are shipwrecked on an uncharted island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Their efforts to be rescued are typically thwarted by the inadvertent conduct of the hapless first mate, Gilligan. In 1997, show creator Sherwood Schwartz explained that the underlying concept is still "the most important idea in the world today". That is, people with extremely different characters and backgrounds being in a situation where they need to learn how to get along and cooperate with each other as a matter of survival.
    ellauri080.html on line 603: The last episode of the show, "Gilligan the Goddess", aired on April 17, 1967, and ended just like the rest, with the castaways still stranded on the island. It was not known at the time that it would be the series finale, as a fourth season was expected but then cancelled.
    ellauri080.html on line 696: “It could be that people with just a few autistic traits have an increased risk of substance-abuse problems, while those with more traits are somehow protected,” Agrawal concluded. “For this study, we clumped all of these symptoms together. In future research, we want to look at how individual traits-like repetitive behaviors or being withdrawn socially-may influence risk. It could be that some traits related to autism are protective, while others elevate the risk for alcohol and substance-abuse problems.”
    ellauri080.html on line 711: Fred McFeely Rogers (March 20, 1928 – February 27, 2003), also known as Mister Rogers, was an American television host, author, producer, and Presbyterian minister. He was the creator, showrunner, and host of the preschool television series Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, which ran from 1968 to 2001.
    ellauri080.html on line 787: Like all men who wage a doomed war with their own sexual desires, Gandhi's behaviour around females would eventually become very, very odd. He took to sleeping with naked young women, including his own great-niece, in order to "test" his commitment to celibacy. The habit caused shock and outrage among his supporters. God knows how his wife felt.
    ellauri082.html on line 89: You will become way less concerned with what other people think of you when you realize how seldom they do.
    ellauri082.html on line 101: The biography by Tyrannosaurus Max paints a less than flattering portrait of Wallace. That’s not to say it’s a vicious takedown—it’s probably about as even-handed as a biography about the author is going to be, and I can imagine books about him in the future being a lot less level-headed in either direction. Basically, DFW was an extremely troubled individual and probably not a very awesome person qua person. He was often misanthropic, violent, cruel (especially to women), and self-absorbed. But what’s great about the biography is how it allows these rather hideous characteristics to disgust as well as inform; knowing the uglier aspects of DFW’s personality is extremely enlightening with regard to his work. It seems to me that the writer was extremely aware of his immense character flaws and sought in his work (his novels and his non-fiction particularly) to overcome them, and in his work he was able to occupy a wholly different realm than he was in his actual life. Well actually not at all that different. The books project a rather nasty person too.
    ellauri082.html on line 103: More than anything the biography is a testament to something even DFW himself would have said: do not build monuments to individuals. His genius is in his work, and in his case his work was both in writing and in acting; the DFW one sees and hears in interviews is DFW as spinner of fiction, not DFW as himself. One need not pretend David Foster Wallace was a god of sincerity and morality and self-awareness; his work clearly shows he was not.
    ellauri082.html on line 129: Described as coming from a kind of mold that “grows on other molds,” DMZ is an incredibly powerful and mysterious hallucinogen. It can have many different effects but often seems to transform a person’s ability to communicate. It is also nicknamed “Madame Psychosis,” after Joelle’s radio persona. Michael Pemulis manages to acquire some, but it is stolen before he and Hal can take it. It’s suggested that Hal has been affected by DMZ by the time of the Year of Glad, but it’s unclear how—whether from eating a piece of mold as a child and then withdrawing from marijuana, or having his toothbrush laced with Pemulis’s drugs (possibly by James’s wraith). As a result of this presumed DMZ consumption, Hal is able to feel strong emotions (which was impossible for him before) but unable to communicate.
    ellauri082.html on line 143: It’s too late because someone got there first and took the anti-Entertainment cartridge (126) embedded in JOI’s head (31). Whoever took it is presumably the person who’s made and mailed the extant copies. It couldn’t be the A.F.R. or O.U.S. or they wouldn’t still be searching for it. It probably wasn’t the F.L.Q. because they didn’t know how to read master cartridges—they just thought they were blank tapes in their displays were blank. (483n205) It couldn’t be Avril acting alone; she has problems but she’s not that kind of cold-blooded killer. It had to have been Orin.1
    ellauri082.html on line 499: The fundamental conceptions of psychology are practically very clear to us, but theoretically they are very confused, meaning how can we fit in soul and god and all that good old mind numbing religion.
    ellauri082.html on line 502: This mind as society hypothesis has outward advantages which make it almost irresistibly attractive to the intellect, and yet it is inwardly quite unintelligible. Of its unintelligibility, however, half the writers on psychology seem unaware.
    ellauri082.html on line 756: The researchers developed a Victim Signaling Scale, ranging from 1 = not at all to 5 = always. It asks how often people engage in certain activities. These include: “Disclosed that I don’t feel accepted in society because of my identity.” And “Expressed how people like me are underrepresented in the media and leadership.”
    ellauri082.html on line 781: "The underrepresentation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is a continual concern for social scientists and policy makers. Using an international database on adolescent achievement in science, mathematics, and reading (n = 472,242), we show girls performed similarly or better than boys in science in two of every three countries, and in nearly all countries, more girls appeared capable of college-level STEM study than enrolled. Paradoxically, the sex differences in the magnitude of relative academic strengths and pursuit of STEM degrees increased with increases in national gender equality. The gap between boys’ science achievement and girls’ reading achievement relative to their mean academic performance was near universal. These sex differences in academic strengths and attitudes toward science correlated with the STEM graduation gap. A mediation analysis suggests that life-quality pressures in less gender equal countries promote girls’ and women’s engagement with STEM subjects."
    ellauri082.html on line 788: “Confirming past research, there was a strong correlation (r = .69) between a country´s sex differences in personality and their Gender Equality Index. Additional analyses showed that women typically score higher than men on all five trait factors (Pessimism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness), and that these relative differences are larger in more gender equal countries.”
    ellauri083.html on line 137: The story begins on Wang Lung's wedding day and follows the rise and fall of his fortunes. The House of Hwang, a family of wealthy landowners, lives in the nearby town, where Wang Lung's future wife, O-Lan, lives as a slave. However, the House of Hwang slowly declines due to opium use, frequent spending, uncontrolled borrowing and a general unwillingness to work. He was willing to take any woman who knew how to work, except a harelip (which is just what Inger was). He was disappointed when O-Lan had big and ugly feet. These boots are made for walking...
    ellauri083.html on line 141: During the devastating famine and drought, the family must flee to a large city in the south to find work. Wang Lung's malevolent uncle offers to buy his possessions and land, but for significantly less than their value. The family sells everything except the land and the house. Wang Lung then faces the long journey south, contemplating how the family will survive walking, when he discovers that the "firewagon" (the Chinese word for the newly built train) takes people south for a fee.
    ellauri083.html on line 143: In the city, O-Lan and the children beg while Wang Lung pulls a rickshaw. Wang Lung's father begs but does not earn any money, and sits looking at the city instead. They find themselves aliens among their more metropolitan countrymen who look different and speak in a fast accent. They no longer starve, due to the one-cent charitable meals of congee, but still live in abject poverty. Wang Lung longs to return to his land. When armies approach the city he can only work at night hauling merchandise out of fear of being conscripted. One time, his son brings home stolen meat. Furious, Wang Lung throws the meat on the ground, not wanting his sons to grow up as thieves. O-Lan, however, calmly picks up the meat and cooks it. When a food riot erupts, Wang Lung is swept up in a mob that is looting a rich man's house and corners the man himself, who fears for his life and gives Wang Lung all his money in order to buy his safety. O-Lan finds a cache of jewels elsewhere in house and takes them for herself.
    ellauri083.html on line 169: The rest of the novel charts the drudgery and the battle for survival of life in Summerhouses, the misery, dreams and rebellions of the inhabitants and what appears to be the curse of Summerhouses taking effect. In the middle of the novel, however, World War I commences and the prices for Icelandic mutton and wool soar, so that even the poorest farmers begin to dream of relief from their poverty. Particularly central is the relationship between Bjartur and Ásta Sóllilja.
    ellauri083.html on line 336: For all their profusion, these paled in comparison with Sachs's newest display pieces: The Cabinet, 2014, and The Rockeths, 2017. The former was a folding case fashioned from orange-and-white striped barricades and festooned with hundreds of tools, hung in groups and inscribed with the names of individuals who have "inspired, influenced, or frightened" the artist--from Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn to the members of the Wu-Tang Clan--while the latter was less a cabinet than a kind of portable workbench and shelving unit, similarly jam-packed with the tools of the artist's trade, as well as a collection of model rockets, all again labeled to namecheck various figures of personal importance--scientists, musicians, artists; Apollo, Dionysus, Stringer Bell. The fetishistic frisson the assembled materials (pens, pliers, drill bits, tape measures) clearly provoke in Sachs was made even more explicit in McMasterbation, 2016, one of a trio of scale-model space modules arrayed on plinths. Featuring a copy of the legendarily comprehensive McMaster-Carr hardware catalogue spread open like a porn mag centerfold designed for lonely gearheads--alongside a ready supply of Vaseline and a handy tissue dispenser--it was part cathectic confession of objectophilia and part self-derogating indictment of his own work's tendencies toward sometimes masturbatory excess. Smart and stupid, funny and somehow a bit sad, it was classic Sachs: too much information, in every sense of the phrase.
    ellauri083.html on line 344: It follows a team of doctors and support staff stationed at the "4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital" in Uijeongbu, South Korea, during the Korean War (1950–53). The show's title sequence features an instrumental-only version of "Suicide Is Painless," the original film's theme song.
    ellauri083.html on line 348: Early seasons aired on network prime time while the Vietnam War was still going on; the show was forced to walk the fine line of commenting on that war while at the same time not seeming to protest against it. For this reason, the show's discourse, under the cover of comedy, often questioned, mocked, and grappled with America's role in the Cold War.
    ellauri083.html on line 436: This story is not new, but rather it is a modern retelling of an even older story. In the 1930s, Harry Rimmer made reference to how science had proved the missing day of Joshua, and this story continued to circulate within Christian circles for decades. Rimmer’s mention of this may have been the origin of Hill’s story. Rimmer based his statement upon an 1890 book by C. A. L. Totten, Joshua’s Long Day and the Dial of Ahaz, a Scientific Vindication and “a Midnight Cry.” Totten did a very elaborate computation of the date of the battle of Gibeon since the creation.
    ellauri083.html on line 514: I will tell you why; so shall my anticipation prevent your discovery, and your secrecy to the King and Queen moult no feather. I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises; and indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy the air, look you, this brave o’erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours. What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason? How infinite in faculties, in form and moving, how express and admirable? In action how like an angel? In apprehension, how like a god? The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals. And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me; no, nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.
    ellauri083.html on line 687: These and other events in the Old and New Testaments reveal a lighter side to Christianity, showing that even God has a sense of humor and that “A cheerful heart is a good medicine.”
    ellauri088.html on line 230: In general, green is what you’d normally call “universal healthcare free at point of service”. Blue denotes “free but not universal”; the US is in a category basically its own, “Not free but universal”, which reflects how Obamacare is a strange hybrid. I’d say what you’re looking for is “the second most developed non-green country on this map”.
    ellauri088.html on line 573: Our first night.—Under canvas.—An appeal for help.—Contrariness of tea-kettles, how to overcome.—Supper.—How to feel virtuous.—Wanted! a comfortably-appointed, well-drained desert island, neighbourhood of South Pacific Ocean preferred.—Funny thing that happened to George’s father.—a restless night.
    ellauri088.html on line 585: It was George’s straw hat that saved his life that day. He keeps that hat now (what is left of it), and, of a winter’s evening, when the pipes are lit and the boys are telling stretchers about the dangers they have passed through, George brings it down and shows it round, and the stirring tale is told anew, with fresh exaggerations every time.
    ellauri088.html on line 599: In addition, here’s a much earlier spoof of German lieder, from the British comic novel “Three Men in a Boat,” published in 1889. I think it shows just how pervasive and long-standing is the English-speaker’s resistance to the rarefied world of the German art-song. The excerpt is also very silly and probably tells you at least as much about British anti-intellectualism and complacency as it does about German over-earnestness.
    ellauri089.html on line 37: I wonder how harmless such people are? To what extent civilization is retarded by the laughing jack-asses, the empty-minded belittlers? Nature's obvious mistakes? Mies sitä tulee räkänokasta, muttei tyhjän naurajasta. (Heinlein)
    ellauri089.html on line 77: Heinlein used his science fiction to earn money and as a way to explore his provocative social and political ideas, and to speculate how progress in science and engineering might shape the future of politics, race, religion, and sex. Within the framework of his science-fiction stories, Heinlein repeatedly addressed certain social themes: the importance of being earnest, individual liberty and self-reliance, the nature of incestual sexual relationships, the obligation individuals owe to their societies, the influence of organized religion on culture and government, and the tendency of society to repress nonconformist thought. He also speculated on the influence of space travel on human cultural practices.
    ellauri089.html on line 93: Heinlein's fiction of the 1940s and 1950s, however, began to espouse conservative views.
    ellauri089.html on line 96: When Robert A. Heinlein opened his Colorado Springs newspaper on April 5, 1958, he read a full-page ad demanding that the Eisenhower Administration stop testing nuclear weapons. The science fiction author was flabbergasted. He called for the formation of the Patrick Henry League and spent the next several weeks writing and publishing his own polemic that lambasted "Communist-line goals concealed in idealistic-sounding nonsense" and urged Americans not to become "soft-headed".
    ellauri089.html on line 144: Somehow, in the writing of juveniles, only Heinlein gets away with being Heinlein.
    ellauri089.html on line 413: § 5. It must, however, enquire not only what things are universally related to goodness, but also, what this predicate, to which they are related, is: …
    ellauri089.html on line 507: § 50. Prof. Sidgwick first tries to show that nothing outside of Human Existence can be good. Reasons are given for doubting this. …
    ellauri089.html on line 578: § 84. The fact that the metaphysical writers who, like Green, attempt to base Ethics on Volition, do not even attempt this independent investigation, shows that they start from the false assumption that goodness is identical with being willed, and hence that their ethical reasonings have no value whatsoever. …
    ellauri089.html on line 597: § 91. (2) It is plain that we cannot hope to prove which among all the actions, which it is possible for us to perform on every occasion, will produce the best total results: to discover what is our "duty", in this strict sense, is impossible. It may, however, be possible to shew which among the actions, which we are likely to perform, will produce the best results. …
    ellauri089.html on line 613: § 99. And (d) if we consider the distinct question of how a single individual should decide to act (α) in cases where the general utility of the action in question is certain, (β) in other cases: there seems reason for thinking that, with regard to (α), he should always conform to it; but these reasons are not conclusive, if either the general observance or the general utility is wanting; …
    ellauri089.html on line 658: § 119. if, however, we attempt to avoid being biased by these two facts, it still seems that mere true belief may be a condition essential to great value. …
    ellauri089.html on line 664: § 122. With regard to II. Personal Affection, the object is here not merely beautiful but also good in itself; it appears, however, that the appreciation of what is thus good in itself, viz. the mental qualities of a person, is certainly, by itself, not so great a good as the whole formed by the combination with it of an appreciation of corporeal beauty; but it is certain that the combination of both is a far greater good than either singly. …
    ellauri090.html on line 116: Rubião misinterprets as a love offering a box of strawberries Sophia had sent him. At the Palhas’s house in Santa Thereza, he clutches her hand and makes his affection clear to her. Distressed by Rubião’s advances, Sophia suggests to her husband that they end their relationship with Rubião. Having borrowed money from Rubião, however, Palha is reluctant to break with him.
    ellauri090.html on line 118: Guilt-ridden about his infatuation with Sophia, Rubião begins to worry that the deceased Quincas Borba has somehow transmigrated into his dog’s body. This anxiety is one of the first signs of Rubaio’s impending madness.
    ellauri090.html on line 130: For a time, Rubião’s friends accept his madness as he continues to provide meals and entertainment for them. Eventually, however, Rubião’s house falls into disrepair as his belief in himself as the emperor becomes constant. Doña Tonica becomes engaged to a man who dies before the wedding. Children on the street, including Deolindo, whose life Rubião had saved, make fun of him as a madman. Prodded by Doña Fernanda, a woman who barely knows Rubião, Sophia convinces Palha to set Rubião up in a little rented house on Principe Street. No one visits Rubião in his new humble residence. His former “friends” miss the luxury of Rubião’s wealthy surroundings in the house in Botafogo.
    ellauri092.html on line 67: Over 18 centuries later, Ike Moody broke through all the charts with his charismatic showmanship. Lose your soul to Christ and you find it, with a lot of perks! Moody gave up his lucrative boot business but got millions of followers and a comparable number of bucks on the side I bet. His family founded Moody's and made megabucks. Ei vaitiskaan, eikai ne sentään olleet sukua. Vai oliko? Ei ainakaan veljexiä. Iken perhe on Massachusettsista, Johnin Connecticutista. Galvestonissa on joku dixie Moody dynastia, ja briteissä on 1 jonka äiti oli nimeltään Lingo Lango. Kuulostaa läpältä.
    ellauri092.html on line 84: The first change in Moody was that he received a burden to see all his family earnings saved. Later that year he moved to Chicago and although he started to show signs of real shoe business ability and success, when he experienced the revival which commenced in that city in January 1857, business success faded into insignificance. He was ruined - success of this world no longer interested him instead, he began to glow in Christian virtue. He mixed freely amongst Plymouth Brethren, Methodist Episcopal, Congregationalists and Baptists. The years passed and he worked with the men in tights at YMCA and raised up one of the most unusual Sunday Schools of that day which became a church. He reluctantly began to preach and haggled every step of the way. He turned down Congregational ordination and remained a simple uneducated layman with a burden for souls. Having heard of Spurgeon’s ministry in London he did all he could to get hold of and read every Spurgeon sermon. He took thorough hold of Spurgeon’s three ‘R’s: Ruin by the fall, Redemption by the Blood, and Regeneration by the Holy Mackerel. This flowed through every one of his messages and was the marrow of Moody’s theology. Many thought him too radical and so nicknamed him ‘Crazy Moody.’
    ellauri092.html on line 102: In November 1882 when he spoke at Cambridge University he was filled with great anxiety as this educational centre for Britain’s aristocratic and wealthy youth had a reputation of unparalleled riotous behaviour. That first night at a Zoom meeting Moody spoke on ‘the Spirit’s power service.’ The university vicar Handley Moule was somewhat nervous. The young C.T. Studd (the same guy who impressed J.R.Mott with his biceps) greatly doubted ‘if this Yankee was up to the task.’ The first mission night on the Monday had 1,700 students in attendance. As Sankey sang his sacred Hymns they jeered, laughed and shouted. When Sankey finished he was near to tears. As Moody preached on Daniel in the lions den (how appropriate) again they laughed, shouted and did all in their power to disturb him. He maintained his calm. By the end of the week at least 200 students had accepted a check from the speaker. Amongst them was a main ‘ringette player’ who later assumed missionary position in China and was the first lady Bishop of King Kong. Out of this mission came The Cambridge Seven, missionaries who made a lot of dough. This campaign had huge proceeds that also leeched the youth of the whole nation.
    ellauri092.html on line 106: This however, is a mere summary of a man who showed the world what could be done when a man was fully constipated due to Cod and as practiced as a Late Night Host.
    ellauri092.html on line 186: In the 1930s many Methodists favored isolationist policies. Thus in 1936, Methodist Bishop James Baker, of the San Francisco Conference, released a poll of ministers showing 56% opposed warfare. When war came in 1941, the vast majority of Methodists strongly supported the national war effort, but there were also a few (673) conscientious objectors.
    ellauri092.html on line 231: Baptists believe in the autonomy of the local church, and churches are most often governed by a form of congregationalism, or pastor-led congregationalism. In more recent years, however, many Baptist Churches have adopted an elder-led congregationalism as a preferred form of polity. Although there are many denominational alliances among churches, most Baptist local churches are entirely autonomous in governing their own affairs, choosing their pastors, purchasing and owning their own property, etc..
    ellauri092.html on line 235: Speaking of pastors, there are significant differences in how Methodists and Baptist choose their pastors too.
    ellauri092.html on line 247: Methodists also subscribe to baptism and the Lord’s Supper and they similarly see both as signs, not as the substances, of God’s grace in Christ. Baptism is not a mere profession, however, but also a sign of regeneration. Similarly, the Lord’s Supper is a sign of a Christian’s redemption.
    ellauri092.html on line 277: The Keswick Movement urged Christians to seek enlightenment emotionally, to press on toward a higher (“mystical”), experience in Christ. This type of pursuit is diametrically opposed to what God teaches in His Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17). As such, it should be rejected. It is the exact same way Satan tempted Eve to focus on how she felt instead of what God had said (Genesis 3).
    ellauri092.html on line 320: The concept of holiness is a biblical one. It is something that all Christians should know about and understand how we connect with it. Thomas Constable has this to say about holiness.
    ellauri093.html on line 87: The wind began to howl
    ellauri093.html on line 182: Wingate was known for various eccentricities. For instance, he often wore an alarm clock around his wrist, which would go off at times, and had raw onions and garlic on a string around his neck, which he would occasionally bite into as a snack (the reason he used to give for this was to ward off mosquitoes). He often went about without clothing. In Palestine, recruits were used to having him come out of the shower to give them orders, wearing nothing but a shower cap, and continuing to scrub himself with a shower brush. Sometimes Wingate would eat only grapes and onions.
    ellauri093.html on line 197: Their support text is from 1 Corinthians 15:33, "Do not be deceived: evil communications corrupt good table manners." Among other distinctions, the Gospel Halls would generally not use musical instruments in their services, whereas many Chapels use them and may have singing groups, choirs, "worship teams" of musicians, etc. The Gospel Halls tend to be more conservative in dress; women do not wear trousers in meetings and always have their heads covered, while in most Chapels women may wear whatever they wish, including nothing, though modesty in dress serves as a guideline, and many may continue the Orde Wingate tradition of wearing a shower cap for head covering if nothing else. Open Brethren churches are all independent, self-governing, local congregations with no central headquarters, although there are a number of seminaries, missions agencies, and publications that are widely supported by Brethren churches and which help to maintain a high degree of communication among them.
    ellauri093.html on line 270: When choosing an age to define ‘older’ people, 65 years is commonly used, however different state and commonwealth programs may have differing age eligibility criteria. Organisations may also have their own age-related criteria. For example, at Seniors Rights Victoria we work with Victorians aged 60 and over and Indigenous Victorians aged 45 and over.
    ellauri093.html on line 278: Research shows that sons and daughters are most likely to be responsible for the abuse of parents.
    ellauri093.html on line 321: The term "Eider" is based on the same Scriptures that are used to identify "Bishops" and "Overseers" in other Christian circles, and some Exclusive Brethren claim that the system of recognition of eiders by the assembly means that the Open Brethren cannot claim full adherence to the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.[27] Open Brethren consider, however, that this reveals a mistaken understanding of the priesthood of all believers which, in the Assemblies, has to do with the ability to directly offer worship to God and His Christ at the Lord's Supper, whether silently or audibly, without any human mediator being necessary—which is in accordance with 1 Timothy 2:5, where it is stated that Christ Jesus Himself is the sole Mediator between God and men ("men" being used here generically of mankind, and not referring simply and solely to "males").
    ellauri093.html on line 323: The Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, the most hardline of all the Exclusive Brethren groups, has developed into a de facto hierarchical body which operates under the headship of an Elect Vessel, currently Bruce Hales of Australia. Some defectors have accused him and his predecessors of having quasi-papal authority. This development is almost universally considered by other streams of the Plymouth Brethren movement, however, as a radical departure from Brethren principles.
    ellauri093.html on line 905: FOR MANY years it has been my privilege to teach Jewish young men the way of salvation. Naturally I began by showing them Christ in the Old Testament, how our heavenly Father began to teach His young children in object lessons and how their Messiah was foreshadowed in type and prophecy.
    ellauri093.html on line 907: The Jewish form of worship is well worthy of the study of Christian theologians. It is not the object of this book. It contains only simple heart-to-heart talks to God's children about our precious Redeemer and how we can follow and serve Him best in our daily lives.
    ellauri094.html on line 184: Algolagnia (/ælɡəˈlæɡniə/; from Greek: ἄλγος, álgos, "pain", and Greek: λαγνεία, lagneía, "lust") is a sexual tendency which is defined by deriving sexual pleasure and stimulation from physical pain, often involving an erogenous zone. Studies conducted indicate differences in how the brains of those with algolagnia interpret nerve input.
    ellauri094.html on line 219: Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian forces returned in 588/586 BCE and rampaged through Judah, leaving clear archaeological evidence of destruction in many towns and settlements there. Clay ostraca from this period, referred to as the Lachish letters, were discovered during excavations; one, which was probably written to the commander at Lachish from an outlying base, describes how the signal fires from nearby towns were disappearing: "And may (my lord) be apprised that we are watching for the fire signals of Lachish according to all the signs which my lord has given, because we cannot see Azeqah." Archaeological finds from Jerusalem testify that virtually the whole city within the walls was burnt to rubble in 587 BCE and utterly destroyed.
    ellauri094.html on line 225: As part of the Persian Empire, the former Kingdom of Judah became the province of Judah (Yehud Medinata) with different borders, covering a smaller territory. The population of the province was greatly reduced from that of the kingdom, archaeological surveys showing a population of around 30,000 people in the 5th to 4th centuries BCE.
    ellauri094.html on line 316:
    how-long-was-the-babylonian-captivity/">Tää löyty täältä. There Is No Dog.

    ellauri094.html on line 320: So how long did the Babylonian Captivity last? Well, we have to look to Jeremiah 29:10 and Baruch 6:2.
    ellauri094.html on line 337: how-long-was-the-babylonian-captivity/">
    ellauri094.html on line 457: Now how shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land Mitens me vedettäs virsiä matulas
    ellauri094.html on line 461: Now how shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land Mitens riffit sujus tääl persulas
    ellauri094.html on line 762: So just as we learn music, we cannot become better without practice and experience of music on our instrument of choice (mine is the Jewish Harp, quite popular by the rivers of Babylon). Your confession that you found prayer to be irrelevant is the same as a man banging a child on a piano and then giving up because all the banging just produced noise. You need to be taught how to pray by someone who knows how and then you need to practice, practice, practice for the rest of your life. And still you don't get a hole in one every time, I don't. Although I was trained to pray by various Catholic priests who pray for a living. Prayer professionals who get paid for it. No fucking amateurs like you. By now I find the hole usually quite easily, and can get it in after a few putts with a little help from my priestly friend.
    ellauri095.html on line 70: High there, how he rung upon the rein of a wimpling wing korkealla, kyllä se vetikin siipilaivan ohjista
    ellauri095.html on line 163: Robert Martin asserts that when Hopkins first met Dolben, on Dolben´s 17th birthday in Oxford in February 1865, it "was, quite simply, the most momentous emotional event of his undergraduate years, probably of his entire life." According to Robert Martin, "Hopkins was completely taken with Dolben, who was nearly four years his junior, and his private journal for confessions the following year proves how absorbed he was in imperfectly suppressed erotic thoughts of him." Martin also considers it "probable that Hopkins would have been deeply shocked at real sexual intimacy with another guy."
    ellauri095.html on line 174: The homosexual lifestyle results in a shorter life expectancy. This is undoubtedly due to the health risks associated, such as AIDS, Hepatitis, and a variety of other infections and STDs. In addition, homosexuals are more likely to be smokers, which takes the lifespan even lower. In 1993 Paul Cameron published a study which found that homosexuality takes 20-30 years off the lives of its practitioners. Cameron is a Psychologist and founder of the Family Research Institute. Among men with AIDS their lifespan was 39 years, however even without AIDS a male homosexuals lifespan is just a short 42 years. Lesbians had a median age of death of just 44 years. He also found that lesbians were up to 456 times more likely to die in a car crash than heterosexual women. The liberal Southern Poverty Law Centre dubbed Cameron an "anti-gay extremist", and the American Psychological Association expelled him for exposing the truth about the homosexual lifestyle and accused him of scientific data "fraud". Fortunately, Cameron had the support of faith based groups who would not bow down or turn their behinds to the homosexual agenda.
    ellauri095.html on line 178: The aim of our research was never to spread more homophobia, but to demonstrate to an international audience how the life expectancy of gay and bisexual men can be estimated from limited vital statistics data. In our paper, we demonstrated that in a major Canadian centre, life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 21 years less than for all men. If the same pattern of mortality continued, we estimated that nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years would not reach their 65th birthday. Under even the most liberal assumptions, gay and bisexual men in this urban centre were experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by men in Canada in the year 1871. In contrast, if we were to repeat this analysis today the life expectancy of gay and bisexual men would be greatly improved. Deaths from HIV infection have declined dramatically in this population since 1996. As we have previously reported there has been a threefold decrease in mortality in Vancouver as well as in other parts of British Columbia.
    ellauri095.html on line 182: The language of Hopkins´s poems is often striking. His imagery can be simple, as in Heaven-Haven, where the comparison is between a nun entering a convent and a ship entering a harbour out of a storm. It can be splendidly metaphysical and intricate, as it is in As Kingfishers Catch Fire, where he leaps from one image to another to show how each thing expresses its own uniqueness, and how divinity reflects itself through all of them.
    ellauri095.html on line 227: Several issues led to a melancholic state and restricted his poetic inspiration in his last five years. His workload was heavy. He disliked living in Dublin, away from England and friends. He was disappointed at how far the city had fallen from its Georgian elegance of the previous century. His general health suffered and his eyesight began to fail. He felt confined and dejected. As a devout Jesuit, he found himself in an artistic dilemma. To subdue an egotism that he felt would violate the humility required by his religious position, he decided never to publish his poems. But Hopkins realised that any true poet requires an audience for criticism and encouragement. This conflict between his religious obligations and his poetic talent made him feel he had failed at both.
    ellauri095.html on line 240: In September 1868 Hopkins began his Jesuit novitiate at Manresa House, Roehampton, under the guidance of Alfred Weld. Two years later he moved to St Mary´s Hall, Stonyhurst, for philosophical studies, taking vows of poverty, chastity and obedience on 8 September 1870. He felt that his interest in poetry had stopped him devoting himself wholly to religion. However, on reading Duns Scotus in 1872, he saw how the two need not conflict.
    ellauri095.html on line 278: With showers and dewdrops wet: eikä kastellakaan tarvize:
    ellauri095.html on line 342: how can there be an end Tää ei voi loppua
    ellauri095.html on line 455: Their rivalry began with Hopkins’s response to her poem “The Convent Threshold.” Geoffrey Hartman was clearly on the right track when he suggested in the introduction to Hopkins: A Collection of Critical Essays (1966) that “Hopkins seems to develop his lyric structures out of the Pre-Raphaelite dream vision. In his early ‘A Vision of the Mermaids’; and ‘St. Dorothea’; he may be struggling with such poems as Christina Rossetti’s ‘Convent Threshold’; and Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s ‘The Blessed Damozel,’ poems in which the poet stands at a lower level than the vision, or is irrevocably, pathetically distanced.” Such poems were the essence of medievalism in poetry according to William Morris, who felt that Keats’s “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” was the germ from which all Pre-Raphaelite poetry sprang. Standing beyond Keats, however, the primary source was Dante. Christina Rossetti clearly alludes to Beatrice’s appeal to Dante in “The Convent Threshold”:
    ellauri095.html on line 495: The best-known portrait of Cardinal Newman -- soon to become the last British Catholic saint -- is by Millais and shows an elderly gentleman with a refined and perhaps, indeed, rather feminised appearance. In his lifetime, contemporaries remarked on Newman´s "effeminate" manner, as they then said, although sometimes this was a sly way of attacking him.
    ellauri095.html on line 510: The result is an ode of thirty-five eight-line stanzas, divided into two parts. The first part, consisting of ten stanzas, is autobiographical, recalling how God touched the speaker in his own life. The second begins with seven stanzas dramatizing newspaper accounts of the wreck. Then fourteen stanzas narrow the focus to a single passenger, the tallest of the five nuns who drowned. She was heard to call on Christ before her death. The last four stanzas address God directly and culminate in a call for the conversion of England.
    ellauri095.html on line 528: Hopkins eventually began to be critical of mere love of detail, however––“that kind of thought which runs upon the concrete and the particular, which disintegrates and drops toward atomism in some shape or other,” he wrote in his journal––and he became increasingly aware of the importance of religion as the ultimate source of unity.
    ellauri095.html on line 580: The ´New York Times´, in the best traditions of media coverage, focused on the "weirdness of the scene". The newspaper contrasted the nuns´ "terror-stricken conduct", frozen with terror, and "deaf to all entreaties", with the "plucky" behaviour of the stewardess who tried to encourage them to leave the saloon for rigging as the water rose around them. One of the nuns was heard to cry in a voice heard above the storm "O my God, make it quick, make it quick". Hopkins, however, saw these words as an example of courage in the fate of extremity, and as the active seeking of the soul reaching towards God.
    ellauri096.html on line 94: In later writings, Quine evinces general reservations about the concept of knowledge. One of his pet objections is that ‘know’ is vague. If knowledge entails absolute certainty, then too little will count as known. Quine infers that we must equate knowledge with firmly held true belief. Asking just how firm the belief must be is akin to asking just how big something has to be to count as being big. There is no answer to the question because ‘big’ lacks the sort of boundary enjoyed by precise words.
    ellauri096.html on line 112: Agnostics overestimate how easy it is to identify what cannot be known. To know, one need only find a single proof. To know that there is no way to know, one must prove the negative generalization that there is no proof. After all, inability to imagine a proof is commonly due to a failure of ingenuity rather than the non-existence of a proof. In addition to being a more general proposition, a proof of unknowability requires epistemological premises about what constitutes proof. Consequently, meta-proof (proof about proofs) is even more demanding than proof.
    ellauri096.html on line 118: If the eliminativist thinks that assertion only imposes the aim of expressing a truth, then he can consistently assert that ‘know’ is a defective term. However, an epistemologist can revive the charge of self-defeat by showing that assertion does indeed require the speaker to attribute knowledge to himself. This knowledge-based account of assertion has recently been supported by work on our next paradox.
    ellauri096.html on line 247: There is no problem with third person counterparts of (M). Anyone else can say about Moore, with no paradox, ‘G. E. Moore went to the pictures last Tuesday but he does not believe it’. (M) can also be embedded unparadoxically in conditionals: ‘If I went to the pictures last Tuesday but I do not believe it, then I am suffering from a worrisome lapse of memory ’. The past tense is fine: ‘I went to the picture shows last Tuesday but I did not believe it’. The future tense, ‘I went to the picture shows last Tuesday but I will not believe it’, is a bit more of a stretch (Bovens 1995). We tend to picture our future selves as better informed. Later selves are, as it were, experts to whom earlier selves should defer. When an earlier self foresees that his later self believes p
    ellauri096.html on line 267: Third, the principle of reflection may need more qualifications than Binkley anticipates. Binkley realizes that an ordinary agent foresees that he will forget details. That is why we write reminders for our own benefit. An ordinary agent foresees periods of impaired judgment. That is why we limit how much money we bring to the bar.
    ellauri096.html on line 271: If the students know that they will not forget and know there will be no undermining by outside evidence, then we may be inclined to agree with Binkley’s summary that his idealized student never loses the knowledge he accumulates. As we shall see, however, this overlooks other ways in which rational agents may lose knowledge.
    ellauri096.html on line 289: Some people wear T-shirts with Question Authority! written on them. Questioning authority is generally regarded as a matter of individual discretion. The surprise test paradox shows that it is sometimes mandatory. The student is rationally required to doubt the teacher’s announcement even though the teacher has not given any evidence of being unreliable. Indeed, the student can foresee that their change of mind opens a new opportunity for surprise.
    ellauri096.html on line 582: Kenenkä mielikirjailija oli Dickens Gilmoren tytöissä? Ehtikö knoppi jo unohtua? Olixe Tolstoi? Kuka luki kynäilytauoilla David Copperfieldiä? Ball-sack? Dickens oli luotettava kertoja. Ggssa mainitaan yli kolmesataa Roryn lukemaa kirjaa. Niistä on lukemattomia how/72680.Gilmore_Girls_Complete_Reading_List">reading listoja netissä. Gilmore Girls Complete Reading List (361 books).
    ellauri096.html on line 773: The problem of weakness of will goes back at least as far as Plato. In Plato´s Protagoras Socrates asks precisely how it is possible that, if one judges action A to be the best course of action, one would do anything other than A?
    ellauri096.html on line 806: In Piaget´s theory of cognitive development, the third stage is called the Concrete Operational Stage. During this stage, which occurs from age 7-12, the child shows increased use of logic or reasoning. One of the important processes that develops is that of Seriation, which refers to the ability to sort objects or situations according to any characteristic, such as size, color, shape, or type. For example, the child would be able to look at his plate of mixed vegetables and eat everything except the brussels sprouts.
    ellauri096.html on line 810: "Whether we deal with historical or natural phenomena, the individual observation of phenomena assumes the character of a 'fact' only when it can be related to other, analogous observations in such a way that the whole series 'makes sense.' This 'sense' is, therefore, fully capable of being applied, as a control, to the interpretation of a new individual observation within the same range of phenomena. If, however, this new individual observation definitely refuses to be interpreted according to the 'sense' of the series, and if an error proves to be impossible, the 'sense' of the series will have to be reformulated to include the new individual observation (1955, p. 35)" (1990, pp. 230–231).
    ellauri097.html on line 65: As a scholar, Mencken is known for The American Language, a multi-volume study of how the English language is spoken in the United States. As an admirer of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, he was an outspoken opponent of organized religion, theism, populism, and representative democracy, the last of which he viewed as a system in which inferior men dominated their superiors. Mencken was a supporter of scientific progress though he couldn´t find his arse with both hands. He was critical of osteopathy and chiropractic. He was also an open critic of economics. In a word: a royal pain in the ass.
    ellauri097.html on line 90: No huonommankin lukulistan voisi valita, esim. how/72680.Gilmore_Girls_Complete_Reading_List">Roryn, jolla on myös Peten krestomatia. Petellä oli pikku kemistin välineet. Se valmistui teekkarixi opiston priimuxena ja meni siitä isän siggetehtaaseen. Ei viihtynyt asiakasrajapinnassa kuten ei Helmikään. Onnex isä sattui kuolemaan ( siis Henryltä) ja Henry pääsi reportterikouluun.
    ellauri097.html on line 101: Mencken was a keen cheerleader of scientific progress but was skeptical of economic theories and strongly opposed to osteopathic/chiropractic medicine. He also debunked the idea of objective news reporting since "truth is a commodity that the masses of undifferentiated men cannot be induced to buy" and added a humorous description of how "Homo Boobus," like "higher mammalia," is moved by "whatever gratifies his prevailing yearnings."
    ellauri097.html on line 143: I admit freely enough that, by careful breeding, supervision of environment and education, extending over many generations, it might be possible to make an appreciable improvement in the stock of the American Negro, for example, but I must maintain that this enterprise would be a ridiculous waste of energy, for there is a high-caste white stock ready at hand, and it is inconceivable that the Negro stock, however carefully it might be nurtured, could ever even remotely approach it. The educated Negro of today is a failure, not because he meets insuperable difficulties in life, but because he is a Negro. He is, in brief, a low-caste man, to the manner born, and he will remain inert and inefficient until fifty generations of him have lived in civilization. And even then, the superior white race will be fifty generations ahead of him.
    ellauri097.html on line 296: He became a literary icon, but White knew that people rarely actually read his work. He professed not to care what people thought, but he would sometimes check for copies of his novels in local libraries. He would search for dog-ears and stains, to gauge how far in the book they had read. Most people, he deduced, never finished. The Australian reading public never quite warmed to White, and nothing much has changed. My grandmother “couldn’t stand him.” I have seen my mother take up one of his novels—The Solid Mandala—and after a few moments quite literally toss it aside. White’s books are metaphysical, lyrical, high modernist, full of baroque descriptions of landscapes, and unsparing in his examination of the people who live in them. For a country besotted with kitchen-sink realism and plain-speaking larrikins, Patrick White was baffling.
    ellauri097.html on line 298: In 2006, the Weekend Australian newspaper conducted an experiment. They submitted chapter three of The Eye of the Storm (1973) to twelve publishers and agents around Australia under an anagram of White’s name, Wraith Picket. Nobody offered to publish the book. One responded, “the sample chapter, while reply (sic) with energy and feeling, does not give evidence that the work is yet of a publishable quality.” Notwithstanding that the chapter was not White’s finest writing, and the unfairness of submitting a chapter out of narrative sequence, the hoax prompted a minor crisis in Australian literature: if the industry couldn’t recognize the greatness of our sole Nobel winner, how unenlightened must the country’s publishing industry be now? Shortly thereafter, the ABC launched an online portal called Why Bother With Patrick White? The portal always struck me as sad. What other major writer would need a website dedicated to convincing his countrymen to give him another go? The link to the website is dead now. It would seem, in the end, that nobody could be bothered with Patrick White.
    ellauri097.html on line 420: Kant held that all rational persons have an a priori understanding of the basic principles of morality. These consist of duties, both to oneself and to others, and above all the duty to respect rational agents. Most persons, however, do not understand that morality is a priori, and their moral commitments are therefore vulnerable to corrosive skeptical criticism. In The Metaphysics of Morals Kant formulates the ultimate standard for moral judgment, namely universalizability, and establishes the rational necessity of morality.
    ellauri097.html on line 428: A virtue must be our own invention. The fundamental laws of self-preservation and growth demandthat everyone invent his own virtue, his own categorical imperative. How could one fail to feel how Kant’s categorical imperative endangered life itself! The theologians’ instinct alone protected it! [§11.]
    ellauri097.html on line 449: Recently a caller to the radio told me about a conversation he’d had about homosexuality. The caller made the teleological argument, that looking at what the natural functions of the male and female reproductive organs are for, we can draw certain conclusions about how they should properly be used. The person he was talking with challenged his argument that you can’t get an “ought” from an “is”. The challenger seemed to be saying that just because it is that way in nature doesn’t mean that we can derive a moral rule from it. The caller asked if the challenge was incorrect and how to respond to it.
    ellauri097.html on line 464: I’m not actually using a moral ‘wrong’ in this particular illustration, but notice how you can understand right or wrong in terms of teleology, depending on what the goal is. If I have a loose screw on the refrigerator and I choose a butter knife to tighten the screw, I’m going to ruin the butter knife because I’m not using it for its intended purpose. It’s not made to function as a screwdriver, even if it can be used that way in a pinch. It will get bent or can slip out and scratch the refrigerator. It wasn’t fulfilling its telos, its purpose, or its function, and therefore it was being used wrongly.
    ellauri097.html on line 467: One way of arguing against homosexuality is to say that males were not intended to have sex with other males, and we can tell that by the way sexual organs appear to be intended to function. Because men were not intended to have sex with other males, and they do so, then they are violating their natural teleology, their natural function. But notice that in the nature of the argument we are making a moral claim implicitly up front. We’re saying, We ought to use things the way they were intended by their Maker to be used, consistent with their teleology. This isn’t that way, therefore it’s wrong. It’s not arguing merely on how bodies are naturally, but how they are intended to function naturally. The teleology is the moral term in the premises.
    ellauri097.html on line 792: Yet knowing how way leads on to way, Vaik tietäen miten polku johtaa toiselle,
    ellauri098.html on line 467:
    John Adams, Isaac Asimov, keisari Augustus, Jane Austen, Dan Aykroyd, L.van Beethoven, Anders Breivik, Emily Bronté, Cassius (Shakespeare) Hillary Clinton, Elvis Costello, Charles Darwin, Mr. Darcy, Ike Eisenhower, Colin Firth, Bobby Fischer, von Frankenstein, Gandalf, Richard Gere, Al Gore (taas), Hannibal (taas), Steven Hawking, G.W.F.Hegel, Herakleitos, Sherlock Holmes, Horatio Hornblower, Thomas Jefferson, Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber), John F.Kennedy, J.M. Keynes, Stanley Kubrik, Meyer Lansky, Ivan Lendl, V.I.Lenin, C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther, Elon Musk, Michelle Obama, John Nash, Martina Navratilova, Isaac Newton, Friedrich Nietsche, Sylvia Plath, Ayn Rand, Rosenkrantz&Guildenstern (Hamlet), Jean-Paul Sartre, Arnold Schwarzenegger (taas), Nikola Tesla, Sun Tzu, Bruce Wayne (Batman), Norbert Wiener, Woodrow Wilson, Mark Zuckerberg

    ellauri098.html on line 533: ISFJs are caring and helpful. They are devoted to protecting and helping out those in need. ISFJs have very strong family ties and are quick to leap to the defense of their family. Sometimes, however, take on too much responsibility and lose sight of the big picture while trying to help everyone around them. They can also be too unassertive and pushovers for those who want to take advantage of their helpfulness. But there is no friend to have like an ISFJ when you find yourself in need of help.

    ellauri098.html on line 557: They’re the class clowns, show-offs, and divas. Outgoing, energetic, and impulsive, they are natural performers and entertainers. But if ESPFs can’t grab attention by being funny or fascinating, they will settle for being annoying or outrageous.

    ellauri098.html on line 564: ISFPs are creative and imaginative, with well-developed aesthetic senses. They are naturally suited for work in music, art, design, or other areas where an eye for beauty is important. They love to explore ideas and experiment with different styles, and constantly seek out new experiences, making them spontaneous and unpredictable. This, however, can lead to a lack of focus. ISFPs also tend to have fragile egos and react badly to criticism — however well-intentioned, it is difficult for them to not take it personally. Like all introverted types, they need time on their own to think and recharge, but they still love to share their latest innovations with others.
    ellauri098.html on line 621: Asiaan vaikuttaa vielä mikä disniprinsessa mieluiten olisit, tukan väri, suosikkisometin, mieliliikenneväline ja lemppari teeveeshow. Aika paljon testikysymyxet koskee sosiaalista käytöstä. Epäselväxi jää miten se seuraa esim Jungin luonteenpiirteistä. Mistä esim rohkeus röyhkeys vs. arkuus pelkuruus seuraa noissa luonnejutuissa? Tai ahkeruus vs laiskuus? Tuleeko ne intro/extron sivutuotteena? Entä hyvyys/pahuus?
    ellauri098.html on line 737: The Manual has lots of very useful material, but it costs close to $100 (gasp!). Here are the latest figures based on a random sample using the Form M. 16,000 people were contacted. The forms of 3,009 people u with "best fit" as determined by the client, the results of this survey were not shown to the individuals to see if they indeed did fit. Nevertheless, the survey does give us a good cross section of results to work from. The sample is corrected for the demographics of the USA. (Did some Es not hand in their form because they were talking too much. Did some of the Is get so caught up in their inner world? Did the Ss get so obsessed with details they didn´t hand it in? Did the Ns get so caught up in the big picture? Did the Ts figure it was too airy-fairy people stuff? Did the Fs focus so much on how they felt that they didn't get theirs off? Maybe the Js didn't like the way it was organized? The Ps just may not have found the right moment to get down to doing the inventory.)
    ellauri098.html on line 746: It is interesting how the men on the T-F have the T just slightly over half, while for women it is 25-75.
    ellauri099.html on line 63: It is quite true I have worshipped you with far more romance of feeling than a man should ever give to a friend. Somehow I have never loved a woman…. From the moment I met you, your personality had the most extraordinary influence over me…. I adored you madly, extravagantly, absurdly. I was jealous of everyone to whom you spoke. I wanted to have you all to myself. I was only happy when I was with you.
    ellauri099.html on line 164: In 314/3, Xenocrates died from hitting his head, after tripping over a bronze pot in his house. Which just goes to show.
    ellauri099.html on line 562: The following chart shows your top 3 personality type matches.
    ellauri100.html on line 236: Apologies, but YourMorals.org is not available for use by people in the European Union until we figure out how to comply with GDPR guidelines. But you can read Politics and Prosperity.com instead! Now there is a straight-backed American if there ever was one! (Was there?)
    ellauri100.html on line 262: Return to D.C.: When asked why, replied “Give a person an opportunity to feed at the public trough and that person will take the opportunity.” Incentives work! Another incentive was the opportunity to criticize analysis (instead of doing it), as an in-house reviewer of technical reports. Notice how I always returned to my masters like a dog after running awaay. It's Peters principle: I had reached my glass ceiling. I just couldn't do anything else. Unfortunately, my position AND PAY deteriorated at each round, until I ended up basically an over-aged proofreader.
    ellauri100.html on line 279: My parents’ outlook on life reflected the small-town values of the places in which they were raised. Through a grandmother to whom I was close, I got a good taste of how she, and my parents, had lived. I also came to know the advantages of living in villages, towns, and small cities: physical security and the kind of serenity that is almost impossible to find, for more than a few hours at a time, in the large cities and vast metropolitan areas that now dominate the human landscape of America.
    ellauri100.html on line 315: The urban riots that followed the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. opened my eyes to the futility of LBJ’s social tinkering. I saw at once that plowing vast sums into a “war” on black poverty would be rewarded with a lack of progress, sullen resentment, and generations of dependency on big brother in Washington. (Regarding the possibility that I am a racial bigot, see the note at the bottom of this page. If you don't care to read that far, yes, I am a racial bigot, and how.)
    ellauri100.html on line 331: I have noticed that a leftist will accuse you of “hate” just for saying something contrary to the left-wing orthodoxy of the day. If you disagree with what I have to say here, but prefer to spew invective instead of offering a reasoned response, don’t bother to submit a comment — at least not until your rage has passed or your medication has taken effect. (My medication is working fine. It is curious how small the distance is between considered opinion and gobbledygook madness.) As it says in the sidebar, I will not publish incoherent, off-point, offensive, or abusive comments except my own. Nor will I lose any sleep for having denied you an outlet for your incoherence, irrelevance, offensiveness, or abusiveness. You can post it on your own blog or on any of the myriad, hate-filled, left-wing blogs that view murder as “choice,” government dictates as “liberty,” self-defense as a “war crime” (when it’s practiced by the U.S. or Israel), and the Constitution as a vehicle for implementing current left-wing orthodoxy.
    ellauri100.html on line 335: Having said that, I acknowledge that I sometimes adopt a biting or dismissive tone. (See, for example, the fourteen words that follow the em-dash two paragraphs above.) If you will read my blog carefully, however, you will find that my views are grounded in facts and logic. Where you disagree with or question something that I say in a particular post, search this blog and the list of favorite posts for more on the same subject. If you cannot or will not take the time to do that, don’t bother to comment unless you do it politely and give your reasons for disagreeing with me. I will reply politely, factually, and logically.
    ellauri100.html on line 405: 1. Openness to experience: High scorers are described as “Open to new experiences. You have broad interests and are very imaginative.” Low scorers are described as “Down-to-earth, practical, traditional, and pretty much set in your ways.” This is the sub-scale that shows the strongest relationship to politics: liberals generally score high on this trait; they like change and variety, sometimes just for the sake of change and variety. Conservatives generally score lower on this trait. (Just think about the kinds of foods likely to be served at very liberal or very conservative social events.)
    ellauri100.html on line 423: The idea behind the scale is that human morality is the result of biological and cultural evolutionary processes that made human beings very sensitive to many different (and often competing) issues. Some of these issues are about treating other individuals well (the first two foundations – harm and fairness). Other issues are about how to be a good member of a group or supporter of social order and tradition (the last three foundations). Haidt and Graham have found that political liberals generally place a higher value on the first two foundations; they are very concerned about issues of harm and fairness (including issues of inequality and exploitation). Political conservatives care about harm and fairness too, but they generally score slightly lower on those scale items. The big difference between liberals and conservatives seems to be that conservatives score slightly higher on the ingroup/loyalty foundation, and much higher on the authority/respect and purity/sanctity foundations.
    ellauri100.html on line 427: In the graph below, your scores on each foundation are shown in green (the 1st bar in each set of 3 bars). The scores of all liberals who have taken it on our site are shown in blue (the 2nd bar), and the scores of all conservatives are shown in red (3rd bar). Scores run from 0 (the lowest possible score, you completely reject that foundation) to 5 (the highest possible score, you very strongly endorse that foundation and build much of your morality on top of it).
    ellauri100.html on line 431: The study you just completed was an implicit measure of how much you associate yourself with ethicality.
    ellauri100.html on line 433: The idea behind the IAT is that concepts with very closely related (vs. unrelated) mental representations are more easily and quickly responded to as a single unit. For example, if “me” and “sharing” are strongly associated in one’s mind, it should be relatively easy to respond quickly to this pairing by pressing the “E” or “I” key. If “me” and “sharing” are NOT strongly associated, it should be more difficult to respond quickly to this pairing. By comparing reaction times on this test, the IAT gives a relative measure of how strongly associated the two categories (Me, Not Me) are to mental representations of “ethical” and “unethical”. Each participant receives a single score, and your score appears below.
    ellauri100.html on line 441: Your score appears in the graph below in green. The score of the average Liberal visitor to this site is shown in blue and the average Conservative visitor’s score is shown in red.
    ellauri100.html on line 447: The idea behind the scale is that people vary on the degree to which they experience internal and external moral motivations. Though we suspect that some people are more internally (rather than externally) motivated to act morally, we suspect that everyone is motivated to act morally by internal and external factors. We expect that internal vs. external motivation might relate to who gives to charity in a more public vs. a more private way or who is more likely to be honest when in a group setting vs. a private setting. As well, some national surveys have shown that women make harsher moral judgments than men, and we expect that that might reflect higher moral motivations.
    ellauri100.html on line 455: The idea behind the scale is that there is very little systematic research on everyday ethical issues in business. This measure has been tested cross-culturally to show relevance for participants from Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan. Specifically, a values structure highlighting the importance of self-transcendence values correlates with more ethical behavioral orientations, while a values structure highlighting the importance of the self-enhancement dimension of values correlates with less ethical behavioral orientations. Further, we are interested in what behaviors are seen as unethical as while all individuals espouse ethicality, different types of behavior are often seen as being more or less relevant to ethics, depending on one’s culture. In previous research, women have reported being more ethical than men.
    ellauri100.html on line 457: The graph below shows how often people say that they find various everyday ethical situations to be acceptable in everyday life. This business ethics questionnaire includes 5 categories: Usurpation of company resources, Offering kickbacks, Corporate gamesmanship, Concealment of misconduct, & Cheating Customers. Higher scores indicate greater acceptance of these behaviors.
    ellauri100.html on line 465: We are interested in examining how liberals and conservatives score on this scale. Although previous research has investigated how these groups can be biased when evaluating political information, little is known about the relationship between political attitudes and social desirability concern.
    ellauri100.html on line 467: The graph below shows your score on this scale. The scores range from 0% to 100% and represent the proportion of answers that indicated socially desirable responding. Thus, higher scores correspond with higher degrees of socially desirable responding. Your score is shown in green (1st bar). The score of the average liberal respondent is shown in light blue and the score of the average strong liberal is shown in dark blue. The average conservative score is shown in light red and the score of the average strong conservative is shown in dark red.
    ellauri100.html on line 471: Liberals and conservatives seem to disagree in their basic understandings of the causes of human action, particularly of immoral action. Liberals are more likely to believe that social forces, poverty, childhood trauma, or mental illness can serve as valid excuses. Conservatives are more likely to reject such excuses and want to hold people accountable for their actions, including a preference for harsher punishments. At least, that is the way things play out in many disputes in the legal world. We want to see if we can look at this stereotypical difference in more detail. We want to find out WHICH kinds of free will and determinism show a correlation with politics, and with other psychological variables.
    ellauri100.html on line 475: The first graph shows your score on two measures of belief in determinism:
    ellauri100.html on line 481: The second graph shows your score on two subscales about belief in NON-determinism, or freedom:
    ellauri100.html on line 487: In the graphs below, your score is shown in green (the first bar in each cluster). The scores of all people who have taken the scale on our site and who described themselves during registration as politically liberal are shown in the blue bars. The scores of people who described themselves as politically conservative are in red. Scores run from 1 (the lowest possible score, least belief in that construct) to 5 (the highest possible score).
    ellauri100.html on line 495: In the graph below, your score is shown in green. The scores of all people who have taken the scale on our site and who say that they go to religious services never, or just a few times a year, are shown in blue. The scores of all people who have taken the scale on our site and who said (during registration) that they go to religious services a few times a month or more are shown in red. Scores run from 1 (the lowest possible score, least happy) to 7 (the highest possible score, most happy).
    ellauri100.html on line 497: In addition, we asked you some questions on the second page about your mental health. That recent Gallup poll showed that conservatives and religious people report having better mental health when asked using a single question (“how would you rate your mental health?”). We want to see if their finding holds up using a more specific scale, so we asked you to report on a variety of symptoms related to depression and anxiety, which are the most common kinds of mental health symptoms that people report. In the graph below, your score is shown in green. High scores mean MORE mental health complaints. Scores run from 1 (the lowest possible score, no symptoms at all) to 5 (the highest possible score, people who responded “extremely” to all items). As before, the blue bar shows the score of the less religious people; the red bar shows the average score of the most religious people.
    ellauri100.html on line 503: The idea behind the IAT is that concepts with very closely related (vs. unrelated) mental representations are more easily and quickly responded to as a single unit. For example, if “me” and “happy” are strongly associated in one’s mind, it should be relatively easy to respond quickly to this pairing by pressing the “E” or “I” key. If “me” and “happy” are NOT strongly associated, it should be more difficult to respond quickly to this pairing. By comparing reaction times on this test, the IAT gives a relative measure of how strongly associated the two categories (Me, Not Me) are to mental representations of “happy” and “sad”. Each participant receives a single score, and your score appears below.
    ellauri100.html on line 509: Your score appears in the graph below in green. The score of the average Liberal visitor to this site is shown in blue and the average Conservative visitor’s score is shown in red.
    ellauri100.html on line 515: The graph below shows your scores (in green) on the items from the first page, compared to those of the average liberal (in blue) and the average conservative (in red) visitor to this website. The scale runs from 1 (lowest score) to 7 (highest score).
    ellauri100.html on line 517: The second graph shows your results from the items on page 2, where we asked about “alternatives to prison.” This page should produce similar results to what you see from Page 1. We expect liberals to favor the more lenient and rehabilitative alternatives, and conservatives to favor the more punitive options. We are trying out various ways of asking these questions to see which format, or combination of formats, produces the best measurement of people’s attitudes.
    ellauri100.html on line 521: The graph below shows your percentage of intuitive pairings (in green) compared to those of the average liberal (in blue), the average moderate (in purple), the average conservative (in red), and the average libertarian (in gold) visitor to this website.
    ellauri100.html on line 529: Your score on the OCT is calculated by taking into account your familiarity with the real items (e.g., Bill Clinton) and subtracting how familiar you rated the false/fake items to be (e.g., Fred Gruneberg — my next door neighbor). Also, familiarity ratings of 1 to 4 are treated the same. So if you rated your familiarity with “Bill Clinton” as 1, 2, 3, or 4 then you scored a +1 for that item. And if you rated your familiarity with “Fred Gruneberg” as 1, 2, 3, or 4 then you scored a -1 for that item. If you were unfamiliar with any real or false items, your scores for those items are 0. A perfect score would be identifying all real items and not recognizing any of the false items.
    ellauri100.html on line 531: The graph below shows your score on the OCT as it compares to others who have taken this survey on our website. Scores range from 0%-100% and higher values correspond to more correct responses to the OCT. Your score is shown in green, scores of the average liberal are in blue, and scores of the average conservative are in red.
    ellauri100.html on line 537: One scale uses questions from the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) 2010 Science and Engineering Indicators, which is an effort to track public knowledge and attitudes toward science and technology trends in the U.S. and other countries. For this survey, the items pertaining to understanding statistics, how to read data charts, and conducting an experiment were used.
    ellauri100.html on line 539: The other scale is the Subjective Numeracy Scale by Angela Fagerlin and colleagues, which measures individuals’ preference for numerical information. Numeracy (adapted from the term ‘literacy’) represents individuals’ ability to comprehend and use probabilities, ratios, and fractions. Traditional measures of numeracy ask people to perform mathematical operations, such as ‘If person A’s risk of getting a disease is 1% in 10 years, and person B’s risk is double that of A’s, what is B’s risk?’ However, some participants find these types of problems stressful and unpleasant, plus they are difficult to score in online studies. Subjective numeracy measures (like the scale you just took) are shown to be equally good measures of numeracy, without burdening participants.
    ellauri100.html on line 549: The graphs below show your scores (in green) compared to those of the average liberal (in blue), the average conservative (in red), and the average libertarian (in orange) visitor to this website. The first graph shows your score on the political knowledge scale in comparison to other liberals and conservatives and scores run from 0% (the lowest possible score) to 100% (the highest possible score*).
    ellauri100.html on line 557: The idea behind the IAT is that concepts with very closely related (vs. unrelated) mental representations are more easily and quickly responded to as a single unit. For example, if “European American” and “good” are strongly associated in one’s mind, it should be relatively easy to respond quickly to this pairing by pressing the “E” or “I” key. If “European American” and “good” are NOT strongly associated, it should be more difficult to respond quickly to this pairing. By comparing reaction times on this test, the IAT gives a relative measure of how strongly associated the two categories (European Americans, African Americans) are to mental representations of “good” and “bad”. Each participant receives a single score, and your score appears below.
    ellauri100.html on line 563: Your score appears in the graph below in green. The score of the average Liberal visitor to this site is shown in blue and the average Conservative visitor’s score is shown in red.
    ellauri100.html on line 643: What have you got to show for your time?
    ellauri100.html on line 1259: Her gleaming locks show’d not one thread of grey,
    ellauri100.html on line 1277: Would tell them how her sister stood
    ellauri100.html on line 1388: This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2018) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
    ellauri101.html on line 63: Joseph Campbell was a curious mythologist. In the field of comparative mythology, most scholars invested their time exploring how one culture’s myths are different than another.
    ellauri101.html on line 64: Instead of focusing on the many differences between cultural myths and religious stories, however, Campbell looked for the similarities. And his studies resulted in what’s called the monomyth.
    ellauri101.html on line 265: Hän tuli tunnetuksi 1990-luvulla television Hyvät, pahat ja rumat -puheohjelmasta, jota hän juonsi yhdessä Simo Rantalaisen kanssa. Tuon ohjelman jälkeen Sairasvyö sai oman "Minä ja Sairasvyö"-nimisen talkshown MTV3 -kanavalle. Aika kuvvoova nimi. Parrmpi ois vielä ollut "me kolme, Jjjariii! minä ja Heinonen". Hänellä oli ohjelmassaan vieraina muun muassa eksentrikko Ior Bock Suomenlinnasta joka söi omia ulosteitaan ja homo meteorologi Juha Föhr. Koko porukan opinnot takkuili. Lisäksi Sairasvyö kirjoitti Helsingissä ilmestyvään City-lehteen.
    ellauri101.html on line 645: That U.S. fertility rates continue to drop is anomalous to demographers because fertility rates typically track the nation´s economic health. It was no surprise that U.S. fertility rates dropped during the Great Recession of 2007–8. But the U.S. economy has shown strong signs of recovery for some time, and birthrates continue to fall. In general, however, American women still tend to have children earlier than their counterparts from other developed countries and the U.S. total fertility rate remains comparatively high for a rich country. In fact, compared with their counterparts from other countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), first-time American mothers were among the youngest on average, on par with Latvian women (26.5 years) during the 2010s. At the other extreme end were women from Italy (30.8), and South Korea (31.4). During the same period, American women ended their childbearing years with more children on average (2.2) than most other developed countries, with the notable exception of Icelandic women (2.3). At the other end were women from Germany, Italy, Spain, and Japan (all 1.5).
    ellauri102.html on line 465: Despite the backlash from the public the ad received a lot of publicity and press coverage. Protein World went on to make a reported £1 million profit from the £250,000 they spent on the advertising campaign. Although it caused a lot of controversy around the world, it somehow still managed to boost the company’s sales.
    ellauri102.html on line 479: The Problem: During the time the advert was released, there were many protests and riots taking place in America over the #BlackLivesMatter campaign. The ad took a lot of “inspiration” from these protests and fundamentally undermined the whole point of the protests. In addition to this, the ad also received a lot of criticism for how Pepsi was responsible for “saving the day.”
    ellauri102.html on line 579: "Is it really that bad being embarrassed compared to being in everybody's phone? Thankfully, I was cured then and since I've had my kids and a good life. But when the pandemic started, it was almost like revisiting some of that because I had to kind of go back into being isolated because of my immune system. And if you ever feel really stuck, just put on some music. It has such a powerful effect. And you don't have to be a dancer. You don't have to have moves. Just move how you feel — don't worry about it looking weird. You know, life's too short to be ashamed for being weird."
    ellauri105.html on line 100: In many ways, there was a notable convergence in how Democrats and Republicans saw Biden’s speech: as a breathtakingly ambitious set of proposals to use government as an instrument of social and economic transformation—an unabashed progressive platform unseen from a President in my lifetime. Republicans hated it; Democrats, for the most part, loved it.
    ellauri106.html on line 67: In October 1956, Philip Roth met the secretary Margaret Martinson Williams in Chicago, whom he married in February 1959. The divorced mother of two children of completely different social origins, who was four years older than him, initially gave Roth the feeling of both a challenge and a liberation. Later, however, the problems and arguments in their relationship increased, which the writer dealt with in retrospect in works such as When She Was Good ( Lucy Nelson or Die Moral, 1967) or My Life As a Man (Mein Leben als Mann, 1974). In his autobiography The Facts (The Facts, 1988) Margaret even advanced as Josie Jensen to the “counter-self”, to the “arch enemy and nemesis ” of the author. The couple separated in 1963, but Margaret Roth refused to consent to a divorce. Five years later she died in a car accident.
    ellauri106.html on line 97: In 2000 Saul Bellow proposed Philip Roth to the Swedish Academy for the Nobel Prize for Literature. The accusation that the academy deliberately overlooks Roth's achievements in selecting the Nobel Prize winner each year has been one of the truisms of international feuilletons since the 2000s. According to some critics, the accusation turned out to be justified in 2008, when the chairman of the jury responsible for the Nobel Prize for Literature made public general reservations about North American literature and denied it deserving of an award. Ulrich Greiner summed up Roth's rejection by the Nobel Prize Committee as follows: “The Swedes, however, love authors who help to improve the world. Philip Roth only adds something to their knowledge about what needs work."
    ellauri106.html on line 126: A committed atheist, Philip Roth feared only one form of posthumous punishment: being trapped for all eternity in a hostile biography. In 2007, Roth, echoing a similar quip from Oscar Wilde, said, “Biography gives a new dimension of terror to dying.” Roth’s had already been the subject of a harsh and unforgiving portrait in Leaving a Doll’s House (1996), the memoirs of his former wife, the actor Claire Bloom. As John Updike noted in The New York Review of Books, “Claire Bloom, as the wronged ex-wife of Philip Roth, shows him to have been, as their marriage rapidly unraveled, neurasthenic to the point of hospitalization, adulterous, callously selfish, and financially vindictive.” This crisp summary ended Roth’s friendship with Updike, even after Updike made clear he was recapping Bloom’s book and not affirming its accuracy.
    ellauri106.html on line 150: "He remembered his last ride down [the elevator] in the old Standard Oil Building and how he got to the bottom, and [he said] he left his old identity at the beginning of the ride," said his wife, Dorene Marcus. He never looked back, she said.
    ellauri106.html on line 179: Today the lengthy obituaries are all laudatory. Tomorrow or the next day I can safely predict that the backlash will begin with harshly critical essays. Leading the way will be Feminists critics who will denounce the whole cabal of elite white men as the custodians of the literary cannon. More pointedly they will charge Roth with toxic masculinity and misogyny and will come loaded for bear with plenty of quotes from his work. They will also have the example and testimony of his two ex-wives, both of whom showed up thinly disguised in his novels—a Margaret Martinson in When She Was Good and actress Clare Bloom in I Married a Communist. Bloom penned her own bitter exposé of their 14-year-long relationship and four year marriage in he memoir Leaving the Doll’s House.
    ellauri106.html on line 203: It describes how Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur´s Round Table, accepts a challenge from a mysterious "Green Knight" who dares any knight to strike him with his axe if he will take a return blow in a year and a day. Gawain accepts and beheads him with his blow, at which the Green Knight stands up, picks up his head and reminds Gawain of the appointed time. There is a test involving the lord and the lady of the castle where he is a guest.
    ellauri106.html on line 312: Taftin kampanja väitti, että Eisenhower olisi tehnyt aviorikoksia hänen sodanaikaisen rakastajattaren, Kay Summersbyn kanssa sekä että Eisenhower oli 'kommunistisen marsalkka Georgi Žukovin juomakaveri' ja että Paavi Pius XII olisi kastanut Eisenhowerin katoliseksi. Ikellä ei ollut omaa kirkkoa ennenkö pressana mutta uskovainen se oli ihan pikkupojasta.
    ellauri106.html on line 313: Eisenhowerin kampanjointitiimi teki Disneyn kanssa yhteistyötä ja mainoksista luotiin hyvin piirrettyjen lastenohjelmien näköisiä ja joissa soi melodinen "I like Ike, you Like Ike, everybody likes Ike for president!"-teemalaulu ja "We don't want John(Sparkman) or Dean(Acheson) or Harry(Truman)." Ike oli rebublikaaneista rebublikaanisin.
    ellauri106.html on line 315: Republikaaneilla ei ollut ollut presidenttiä sitten vuoden 1933, jolloin Roosevelt oli kukistanut epäsuositun Herbert Hooverin. Puolueen ”big government” -ideologian vastainen kampanja oli raju. Siinä vastustettiin muun muassa korkeaa tuloveroa ja valtion puuttumista eri yhteiskunnan toimintoihin. Eisenhowerin sanottiin voittaneen vaalit naisten äänin, koska hänellä oli pitkän rasittavan kauden (pula-aika, toinen maailmansota, sitä seurannut työttömyys ja Korean sota) jälkeen parempia aikoja ennustanut hymy. Politiikan ulkopuolelta tuleminen ja sotasankarin maine olivat myös osa voiton avaimia.
    ellauri106.html on line 317: Vuoden 1952 vaaleihin Eisenhowerin varapresidentiksi valittiin Richard M. Nixon, joka oli ammattipoliitikko ja miltei McCarthyn veroinen antikommunisti. Eisenhower valittiin toiselle kaudelle vuoden 1956 vaaleissa.
    ellauri106.html on line 319: Eisenhowerin hallinto ei vaalilupauksista huolimatta laskenutkaan veroja vaan jatkoi laajoja yhteiskunnan suurhankkeita, joista kuuluisimmat Eisenhowerin ajalta olivat Interstate Highway System -nimisen freeway-moottoriteiden verkoston rakentaminen, joka loi yhdysvaltalaiset lähiöt suurkaupunkeihin seuraavina vuosina, ja ydinohjusten rakentaminen.
    ellauri106.html on line 322: Eisenhower lähetti 1958 Vietnamiin ensimmäiset yhdysvaltalaiset sotilaat neuvonantajan nimikkeellä. Hänen hallintonsa oli jatkanut Trumanin politiikkaa, jossa Ranskan sotatoimia tuettiin Vietnamissa toimittamalla Ranskan tarvitsemia aseita. Eisenhower loi myös uuden ulkopoliittisen opin, dominoteorian (katso myös Eisenhowerin oppi). Teorian tarkoituksena oli estää Kaakkois-Aasian maiden kaatumista kommunismiin. Teorian mukaan tämä piti tehdä viimeistään Vietnamissa.
    ellauri106.html on line 341: Howells was a Christian socialist whose ideals were greatly influenced by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. These influences led him to write on issues of social justice from a moral and egalitarian point of view, being critic of the social effects of industrial capitalism. He was, however, not a Marxist. Phew.
    ellauri106.html on line 367: Documents from the Kerner Commission investigation show that he completed his speech at 10 pm July 24, then walked a woman home and was allegedly shot by a deputy sheriff without provocation.
    ellauri106.html on line 386: A committed atheist, Philip Roth feared only one form of posthumous punishment: being trapped for all eternity in a hostile biography. In 2007, Roth, echoing a similar quip from Oscar Wilde, said, “Biography gives a new dimension of terror to dying.” Roth’s had already been the subject of a harsh and unforgiving portrait in Leaving a Doll’s House (1996), the memoirs of his former wife, the actor Claire Bloom. As John Updike noted in The New York Review of Books, “Claire Bloom, as the wronged ex-wife of Philip Roth, shows him to have been, as their marriage rapidly unraveled, neurasthenic to the point of hospitalization, adulterous, callously selfish, and financially vindictive.” This crisp summary ended Roth’s friendship with Updike, even after Updike made clear he was recapping Bloom’s book and not affirming its accuracy.
    ellauri106.html on line 403: Religion was a lie that he had recognized early in life, and he found all religions offensive, considered their superstitious folderol meaningless, childish, couldn´t stand the complete unadultness — the baby talk and the righteousness and the sheep, the avid believers. No hocus-pocus about death and God or obsolete fantasies of heaven for him. There was only our bodies, born to live and die on terms decided by the bodies that had lived and died before us. If he could be said to have located a philosophical niche for himself that was it - he'd come upon it early and intuitively, and however elemental, that was the whole of it. Should he ever write an autobiography, he'd call it The Life and Death of a Male Body.
    ellauri106.html on line 464: In his final years, however, Roth was embraced by American Jews. In 1998 he won the Jewish Book Council’s Lifetime Literary Achievement Award and in 2014, the Jewish Theological Seminary, Conservative Judaism’s flagship educational institution, bestowed him with an honorary doctorate.
    ellauri106.html on line 472: “From enfant terrible to elder statesman. Time heals all wounds,” Rabbi David Wolpe of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles remarked to JTA via email. No hocus pocus about death and God or obsolete fantasies of heaven for him. There was only our bodies, born to live and die on terms decided by the bodies that had lived and died before us. If he could be said to have located a philosophical niche for himself, that was it — he’d come upon it early and intuitively, and however elemental, that was the whole of it. Should he ever write an autobiography, he’d call it ‘The Life and Death of the Male Body.’ Well actually he called it "My life as a man".
    ellauri106.html on line 516: Vietnam was, in fact, the inevitable result of America’s romantic liberalism, the natural byproduct of President Truman’s announcement in 1947 that “The free peoples of the world look to us for support in maintaining their freedoms.” In practice, this meant the propping up of each and every anti-communist regime, however unfree it might be.
    ellauri106.html on line 635: In his baffled grief, Levov is taunted by a female confederate of his daughter’s who stridently berates him as a capitalist pig for a dozen pages, then tries to seduce him with corny porno lines like, “I bet you’ve got yourself quite a pillar in there ... the pillar of society.” When he resists, she shows him her vagina, and “rolling the labia lips outward with her fingers, [exposes] to him the membranous tissue veined and mottled and waxy with the moist tulip sheen of flayed flesh.”
    ellauri107.html on line 61: I am Casey's father and son of Lyle Van and one of the three little redheads. Dirk, my brother was on Westwood One radio for many years doing news and information shows. I remember all of the WOR people you mentioned..on Christmas Eve our choir from Christs Church in Rye would sing on air every year. I miss my dad as all sons miss their dad when they are gone. He and my mother raised us in a safe and happy household and we were all better for it. We have great memories of our childhood.
    ellauri107.html on line 104: An American Dream is a 1965 novel by American author Norman Mailer. It was published by Dial Press. Mailer wrote it in serialized form for Esquire, consciously attempting to resurrect the methodology used by Charles Dickens and other earlier novelists, with Mailer writing each chapter against monthly deadlines. The book is written in a poetic style heavy with metaphor that creates unique and hypnotising narrative and dialogue. The novel's action takes place over 32 hours in the life of its protagonist Stephen Rojack. Rojack is a decorated war-hero, former congressman, talk-show host, and university professor. He is depicted as the metaphorical embodiment of the American Dream.
    ellauri107.html on line 108: Mailer's has similarities with Rojack: They both attended Harvard, served in World War II, had an interest in political office, did violence to wife, walked narrow ledges, and appeared on talk shows. Mailer seems to have drawn on his stabbing his second wife Adele Morales in Rojack's murdering of his wife Deborah. Mailer did not deny these similarities, but stated:
    ellauri107.html on line 148: Twelve years ago I saw him through his last love. A young person less than half his age whose family strongly disapproved of the association and who evidently grew to disapprove of it herself. It was a trauma that might have plowed Philip under and that he told aslant in Exit Ghost, the novel dedicated to me (!). A couple of failed attempts at courtship followed, boring and painful for the women involved. Then he closed the door on heteroerotic life entirely. He’d learned how to be an elderly gentleman who behaves correctly. He joined the ranks of the impotent.
    ellauri107.html on line 242: In surveying Billy, “sometimes [Claggart’s] melancholy expression would have in it a touch of soft yearning, as if [he] could even have loved Billy but for fate and ban.” Evidently, Claggart has not fully disguised his private appreciation of Billy; but, because he believes something forbids any future for such feelings, he hardens his heart more and more fiercely toward the object of his desire. What “fate” and what “ban” does his misguided imagination perceive? Do their roles on the ship or elsewhere in society somehow doom any intimacy between them? Or does Claggart just presume Billy could never reciprocate his feelings? Might the Master at Arms simply despise sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular and, as a result, find himself driven all the more mad by his uncontrollable “yearning”? Whatever the accurate diagnosis, it is clear that Claggart distorts any positive feelings he possesses for Billy into negative ones with terrible consequences.
    ellauri107.html on line 244: Claggart’s repressed, closeted attraction to Billy finds parallels with some interpretations of Hawthorne’s evident spurning of Melville’s too intimate attentions and Hawthorne’s character in The Blithedale Romance Coverdale’s similar rejection of the invitation from Holingsworth to be his “friend of friends, forever.” For Melville, Hawthorne’s Arthur Dimmesdale’s agonizing acknowledgement of adultery must have seemed a stunning parallel with what later generations would term “coming out of the closet.” Whether Hawthorne himself were a closeted gay man, it is clear that Melville was relatively open in his affections for the senior author and that those affections were somehow turned away and seem to have left a wound that never fully healed. The evils of the closet constitute a subtext in Billy Budd that may well have brought to its author’s mind the sad sundering of his closeness with Nathaniel Hawthorne.
    ellauri107.html on line 246: Billy Budd provides an implicit indictment of the culture, whether military or civil, that encourages the kind of closet where a Claggart so readily succumbs to his “depravity according to nature.” Captain Vere likewise shows a closed, perhaps also “closeted” mind as ready prey for the phenomenon of evil. In Vere’s presence, as Billy is struck dumb by Claggart’s accusation, Claggart is struck dead by a single blow from Billy’s fist, the only response he can muster to defend himself. Although Vere cherishes Billy as “an angel of God” and knows him to be innocent of Claggart’s charges, he resists any bending of rules to protect him against the harshest of consequences for his act of insubordination. Ruthlessly silencing the dictates of his heart, “sometimes the feminine in man,” Vere effects what Claggart’s malice alone could not -- Billy’s total destruction.
    ellauri107.html on line 248: Although British naval mutineers as well as criminals ashore are explicitly shown in Billy Budd’s early chapters to have received forms of amnesty that ultimately contributed to the saving of the nation, Vere offers no such amnesty to Billy Budd. Claggart himself is rumored to have entered the service as an alternative to imprisonment, the navy’s need for manpower leading to frequent waivers of usual punishments; but Billy Budd receives no alternatives, no waivers. At Nelson’s triumphant Trafalgar, the thwarting of Napoleon’s invasion plans meant a “plenary absolution” for all the former offenders who had contributed to the victory. Billy, however, a “peacemaker,” neither a mutineer nor a criminal, makes a single misstep in retaliation against a known liar who seeks to manipulate the system to destroy him, and how is Billy to be absolved? Vere’s “vehemently exclaimed” answer: “the angel must hang!”
    ellauri107.html on line 262: Cohn always denied his homosexuality in public, however, in private he was open about his sexual orientation with a few select friends. He had several long-term boyfriends over the course of his life, including a man called Russell Eldridge who died from AIDS in 1984, and for the last two years of his life, Cohn was partnered to a man 30 years his junior called Peter Fraser. Fraser inherited Cohn's house in Manhattan after Cohn died from AIDS in 1986.
    ellauri107.html on line 404: Aren’t his hysterical riffs on death dangerously close to how we all feel when facing up to the Grim Reaper? "We all", yeah. I hate it when allsorts of teaming idiots use this "we all".
    ellauri107.html on line 470: “A good labor union is of value because it keeps out radical unions, which would destroy property. No one ought to be forced to belong to a union, however. All labor agitators who try to force men to join a union should be hanged. In fact, just between ourselves, there oughtn't to be any unions allowed at all; and as it's the best way of fighting the unions, every business man ought to belong to an employers'-association and to the Chamber of Commerce. In union there is strength. So any selfish hog who doesn't join the Chamber of Commerce ought to be forced to.”
    ellauri107.html on line 480: This watch shows how poor I am
    ellauri107.html on line 500: But as he went through the corridor of the Reeves Building he sighed, “Poor old Paul! I got to—Oh, damn Noel Ryland! Damn Charley McKelvey! Just because they make more money than I do, they think they're so superior. I wouldn't be found dead in their stuffy old Union Club! I—Somehow, to-day, I don't feel like going back to work. Oh well—”
    ellauri107.html on line 501: “Look here, Stan; let's get this clear. You've got an idea somehow that it's you that do all the selling. Where d' you get that stuff? Where d' you think you'd be if it wasn't for our capital behind you, and our lists of properties, and all the prospects we find for you? All you got to do is follow up our tips and close the deal. The hall-porter could sell Babbitt-Thompson listings! You say you're engaged to a girl, but have to put in your evenings chasing after buyers. Well, why the devil shouldn't you? What do you want to do? Sit around holding her hand? Let me tell you, Stan, if your girl is worth her salt, she'll be glad to know you're out hustling, making some money to furnish the home-nest, instead of doing the lovey-dovey. The kind of fellow that kicks about working overtime, that wants to spend his evenings reading trashy novels or spooning and exchanging a lot of nonsense and foolishness with some girl, he ain't the kind of upstanding, energetic young man, with a future—and with Vision!—that we want here. How about it? What's your Ideal, anyway? Do you want to make money and be a responsible member of the community, or do you want to be a loafer, with no Inspiration or Pep?”
    ellauri107.html on line 511: “I don't see why they give us this old-fashioned junk by Milton and Shakespeare and Wordsworth and all these has-beens,” he protested. “Oh, I guess I could stand it to see a show by Shakespeare, if they had swell scenery and put on a lot of dog, but to sit down in cold blood and READ 'em—These teachers—how do they get that way?”
    ellauri107.html on line 512: Mrs. Babbitt, darning socks, speculated, “Yes, I wonder why. Of course I don't want to fly in the face of the professors and everybody, but I do think there's things in Shakespeare—not that I read him much, but when I was young the girls used to show me passages that weren't, really, they weren't at all nice.”
    ellauri107.html on line 514: “I'll tell you why you have to study Shakespeare and those. It's because they're required for college entrance, and that's all there is to it! Personally, I don't see myself why they stuck 'em into an up-to-date high-school system like we have in this state. Be a good deal better if you took Business English, and learned how to write an ad, or letters that would pull. But there it is, and there's no talk, argument, or discussion about it! Trouble with you, Ted, is you always want to do something different! If you're going to law-school—and you are!—I never had a chance to, but I'll see that you do—why, you'll want to lay in all the English and Latin you can get.”
    ellauri107.html on line 516: Company sends out to China, and you live in a compound and don't have to do any work, and you get to see the world and pagodas and the ocean and everything! And then I could take up correspondence-courses. That's the real stuff! You don't have to recite to some frosty-faced old dame that's trying to show off to the principal, and you can study any subject you want to. Just listen to these! I clipped out the ads of some swell courses.”
    ellauri108.html on line 98: From its origins, Rastafari was intrinsically linked with Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. He remains the central figure in Rastafari ideology, and although all Rastas hold him in esteem, precise interpretations of his identity differ. Understandings of how Haile Selassie relates to Jesus vary among Rastas. Many, although not all, believe that the Ethiopian monarch was the Second Coming of Jesus, legitimising this by reference to their interpretation of the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation. By viewing Haile Selassie as Jesus, these Rastas also regard him as the messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, the manifestation of God in human form, and "the living God". Some perceive him as part of a Trinity, alongside God as Creator and the Holy Spirit, the latter referred to as "the Breath within the temple". Rastas who view Haile Selassie as Jesus argue that both were descendants from the royal line of the Biblical king David, while Rastas also emphasise the fact that the Makonnen dynasty, of which Haile Selassie was a member, claimed descent from the Biblical figures Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
    ellauri108.html on line 160: There are various options that might explain how cannabis smoking came to be part of Rastafari. By the 8th century, Arab traders had introduced cannabis to Central and Southern Africa. In the 19th century, enslaved Bakongo people arrived in Jamaica, where they established the religion of Kumina. In Kumina, cannabis was smoked during religious ceremonies in the belief that it facilitated possession by ancestral spirits. The religion was largely practiced in south-east Jamaica's Saint Thomas Parish, where a prominent early Rasta, Leonard Howell, lived while he was developing many of Rastafari's beliefs and practices; it may have been through Kumina that cannabis became part of Rastafari. A second possible source was the use of cannabis in Hindu rituals. Hindu migrants arrived in Jamaica as indentured servants from British India between 1834 and 1917, and brought cannabis with them. A Jamaican Hindu priest, Laloo, was one of Howell's spiritual advisors, and may have influenced his adoption of ganja. The adoption of cannabis may also have been influenced by the widespread medicinal and recreational use of cannabis among Afro-Jamaicans in the early 20th century. Early Rastafarians may have taken an element of Jamaican culture which they associated with their peasant past and the rejection of capitalism and sanctified it by according it Biblical correlates.
    ellauri108.html on line 191: From the beginning of the Rastafari movement in the 1930s, adherents typically grew beards and tall hair, perhaps in imitation of Haile Selassie. The wearing of hair as dreadlocks then emerged as a Rasta practice in the 1940s; there were debates within the movement as to whether dreadlocks should be worn or not, with proponents of the style becoming dominant. There are various claims as to how this practice was adopted. One claim is that it was adopted in imitation of certain African nations, such as the Maasai, Somalis, or Oromo, or that it was inspired by the hairstyles worn by some of those involved in the anti-colonialist Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya. An alternative explanation is that it was inspired by the hairstyles of the Hindu sadhus.
    ellauri108.html on line 414: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, however, worshipped only the One True God, and they refused to bow down to the false idol. They were brought before Nebuchadnezzar to face their fate but remained courageous in the face of the king's demand to bow down before the golden statue. They said:
    ellauri108.html on line 452: Contrary to scholarly understandings of how the Bible was compiled, Rastas commonly believe it was originally written on stone in the Ethiopian language of Amharic. They also regard it as cryptographic, meaning that it has many hidden meanings.
    ellauri109.html on line 272: In the late 1980s, Searle, along with other landlords, petitioned Berkeley's rental board to raise the limits on how much he could charge tenants under the city's 1980 rent-stabilization ordinance. The rental board refused to consider Searle's petition and Searle filed suit, charging a violation of due process. In 1990, in what came to be known as the "Searle Decision", the California Supreme Court upheld Searle's argument in part and Berkeley changed its rent-control policy, leading to large rent-increases between 1991 and 1994. Searle was reported to see the issue as one of fundamental rights, being quoted as saying "The treatment of landlords in Berkeley is comparable to the treatment of blacks in the South ... our rights have been massively violated and we are here to correct that injustice." The court described the debate as a "morass of political invective, ad hominem attack, and policy argument".
    ellauri109.html on line 325: As Kohlhaas is led to execution, he sees in the crowd the disguised Elector of Saxony. Through his lawyer, he is informed that his suit against the Junker has been successful, and is presented with compensation for the injuries of his hired man and shown the horses, now well-fed and healthy. Pleased that justice has been served, he submits willingly to the execution.
    ellauri109.html on line 332: In the spring of 1799, the 21-year-old Kleist wrote a letter to his half-sister Ulrike [de] in which he found it "incomprehensible how a human being can live without a life plan" (Lebensplan). In effect, Kleist sought and discovered an overwhelming sense of security by looking to the future with a definitive plan for his life. It brought him happiness and assured him of confidence, especially knowing life without a plan only saw despair and discomfort. The irony of his suicide is the fodder of his critics.
    ellauri109.html on line 379: Though married to Hippolyte Colet, Louise had a steamy eight-year affair, in two stages, with Gustave Flaubert. The relationship turned sour, however, and they broke up. Louise was allegedly so angered by her breakup with Flaubert, she wrote a novel, Lui, in an effort to target Flaubert. However, Colet's book has failed to have the lasting significance of Madame Bovary.
    ellauri109.html on line 383: Flaubert's dozens of long letters to her, in 1846–1847, then especially between 1851 and 1855, are one of the many joys of his correspondence. Many of them are a precious source of information on the progress of the writing of Madame Bovary. In many others, Flaubert gives lengthy appreciations and critical comments on the poems that Louise Colet sent to him for his judgment before offering them for publication. The most interesting of these comments show the vast differences between her and him on the matter of style and literary expression, she being a gushing Romanticist, he deeply convinced that the writer must abstain from gush and self-indulgence.
    ellauri109.html on line 539: Roth mined his life for his characters from the beginning. He also found himself liberated, as the fifties wore on, by the example of two older Jewish-American writers. Saul Bellow’s “The Adventures of Augie March” helped “close the gap between Thomas Mann and Damon Runyon,” Roth recalled. Bernard Malamud’s “The Assistant” showed him that “you can write about the Jewish poor, you can write about the Jewish inarticulate, you can describe things near at hand.”
    ellauri109.html on line 545: Roth started seeing Hans Kleinschmidt, an eccentric name-dropping psychoanalyst, three or four days a week. Asked later how he could justify the expense ($27.50 a session), Roth said, “It kept me from killing my first wife.”
    ellauri109.html on line 597: In 2012, Roth invited Blake Bailey to his apartment, on West Seventy-ninth Street, for a kind of job interview. After quizzing Bailey on how a Gentile from Oklahoma could possibly write the life of a Jew from Newark, the deal was made. “I don’t want you to rehabilitate me,” Roth told him. “Just make me interesting.”
    ellauri109.html on line 793: Leah was shocked not to be shown a body or a grave - a common feature of such stories - but she and her husband did not doubt the heart-breaking news.
    ellauri109.html on line 814: Like Leah, most parents received no information about their child's grave. When they did, in some cases it transpired that the grave was empty, or DNA tests showed that the body was not theirs.
    ellauri109.html on line 838: "In some cases this might have happened: one, two, three, four, 10 - 100-1000 don't know how many," he says.
    ellauri109.html on line 842: Killing 10-100-1000 I don't know how many Philistines and driving them from their homes is not tragic at all, it's mostly comical.
    ellauri109.html on line 846: At a beachside cafe in Haifa, I meet a philosopher who is physical about how his life was shaped by being snatched.
    ellauri109.html on line 848: Photographs show he had a darker complexion than his relatives and school friends.
    ellauri109.html on line 852: This showed no signature of consent from his Yemenite biological mother and gave only her first name, Zahara.
    ellauri109.html on line 855: They then approached her five children asking them to do DNA tests. These showed they are the half-brother and half-sisters of Yehuda.
    ellauri109.html on line 861: "You cannot regret what happened in the past. This is my life. I accept it as it is." The remaining 10-100-1000- I dont know how many holocaust victims should take the same attitude. Shit happens because the two-legged apes are predominantly assholes, out of which nothing better can come out but turds.
    ellauri110.html on line 123: The map shows Houyhnhnms Land to be south of Australia; it indicates Edels Land and Lewins Land to the north, and Nuyts Land to the north-east, on the mainland with the islands of St Francis and St Pieter further east, and Sweers, Maatsuyker and De Wit islands to the east. The map is somewhat careless with the scale, however; Edels Land to Lewins Land are shown adjacent, while in reality they are some 1000 km apart, while the sweep of the Great Australian Bight, from Cape Leeuwin, Australia's south-westerly point to the Maatsuyker Islands, off the southern tip of Tasmania, is over 3000 km.
    ellauri110.html on line 135: It is possible to interpret the Houyhnhnms in a number of different ways. One interpretation could be a sign of Swift's liberal views on race, or one could regard Gulliver's preference (and his immediate division of Houyhnhnms into color-based hierarchies) as absurd and the sign of his self-deception. It is now generally accepted that the story involving the Houyhnhnms embody a wholly pessimistic view of the place of man and the meaning of his existence in the universe. In a modern context the story might be seen as presenting an early example of animal rights concerns, especially in Gulliver's account of how horses are cruelly treated in his society and the reversal of roles. The story is a possible inspiration for Pierre Boulle's novel Planet of the Apes.
    ellauri110.html on line 304: The domestic circumstances were apparently not suitable for writing and the work proceeded in fits and starts. "Still cannot finish a small novella I am now engaged with: guests interfere. Starting with 23 December crowds of people are there in my house, I crave for solitude, but as soon as I find myself on my own, I feel nothing but resentment and disgust, remembering how the day had been thrown away. Eating and chatting, eating and chatting all day long," he complained in a 29 December letter to Alexey Suvorin. According to Chekhov's 17 March letter to Viktor Goltsev, the story had been completed in early March.
    ellauri110.html on line 322: The following day he learns that Zhenya and her mother had departed. A boy hands him a note from Znenya, which reads: "I have told my sister everything and she insists on my parting from you. I could not hurt her by disobeying. God will give you happiness. If you knew how bitterly mamma and I have cried." The painter leaves the place too. The last glimpse of hope to fill his lonely life with any kind of meaning is now gone, and the person who robbed him of it was Lydia, the one who cared for nothing but bettering other people's lives. Time passes, but he cannot forget Zhenya and deep in his heart knows she still thinks of him, too.
    ellauri111.html on line 120: The apocryphal books were never acknowledged as sacred scriptures by the Jews, custodians of the Hebrew scriptures (and the murderers of Christ. The apocrypha was written prior to the New Testament.) In fact, the Jewish people rejected and destroyed the apocrypha after the overthow of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
    ellauri111.html on line 224: “But surely he is guilty – and knows it. Isn’t that the whole point of his confession, telling the whole world how guilty he is?”
    ellauri111.html on line 271: “Not ‘just’ like that. No. If you’d read my Diary” (not said reproachfully, but matter of factly) “you’d have read how I imagined the judge speaking to such a person. He makes it clear that it’s not a matter of going home and forgetting about it, going back to the way things were before. No. There has to be change. In my time, the father was the authority figure in the family, but, as I—or my imaginary judge—pointed out, even fathers sometimes need to be re-educated by their children until they learn to listen to their children’s needs. I know that families are very different in your time, but, yes, parents, whoever they are, must learn to be parents to their children. I disagree with much that the prosecutor said about the Karamazov family, but he was right on one point: parents can’t just be parents by virtue of procreation, they have to become parents. And when they abuse their position and their power, they cannot hide behind their rights as parents—they have to own up. The guilty have to know that they are guilty.”
    ellauri111.html on line 281: “But our husband—how does this connect to him?” I asked. “I mean, surely he does acknowledge his guilt. The whole story is in a way his confession, isn’t it?”
    ellauri111.html on line 285: “In a way, yes. But only in a way. It seems to me that he has still not acknowledged what he did to her, only how it has affected him. It is not her misery but his own solitude that bothers him: how he can go on living without her.”
    ellauri111.html on line 287: “Isn’t that rather harsh? After all, he himself set out the charge sheet, if you like. He tells us just what he has done, how he has behaved. He provides all the evidence we need to find him guilty—morally, if not legally.”
    ellauri111.html on line 289: “Yes, yes, yes—but why? Why is he doing this? Let me give you another example, a better known one, I think. You remember that in The Possessed (which, by the way, isn’t quite what my title means, though it’s quite good in its own way), I had Stavrogin go to Bishop Tikhon to confess how he’d raped a twelve-year old girl and then just waited in the next room while she hung herself?”
    ellauri111.html on line 297: “Now some people might think that was a sign of how deeply he had repented, allowing himself to be shamed before the whole word. But, as I hope you also remember, Bishop Tikhon could see that wanting to publicize your guilt in that way is not necessarily the same as really accepting it, inwardly. Wanting to be seen – and maybe even admired – as a great sinner is not quite the same as actually repenting. And perhaps that’s how it is here too. Of course, if you want to be fussy, you could say that he’s just talking to himself. He’s not produced a written, let alone a printed, confession. I’m the one who wrote it, not him. And yet, it’s as if he’s rehearsing his story for the benefit of the world, for the imaginary audience we each of us have inside our heads.”
    ellauri111.html on line 330: Credits for this howto go to Bible Dudes.
    ellauri111.html on line 351: This is somehow different than just trying to be good enough, which we cannot do on our own. You see it's not really at all about goodness, it's all about obedience. To be saved, WE REPENT OF OUR OLD WAYS, BELIEVE IN JESUS, AND TRY TO OBEY HIS WORD. Then, as we strive to obey him/us, he helps us to obey him/us.
    ellauri111.html on line 357: Luckily, the Lord Jesus Christ SHED HIS BLOOD on your sins. He is perfect. He is way more than simply past, he is pluperfect. But he is future too, futurum exactum to be exact. He will have been here a second time. He specifically came to this earth from Mars or Venus as a man to die in your place. He is God manifested in the flesh. (Except the other bearded guy is still sitting up there watching it all happen, don't ask us how, asking stupid questions is not good for you.) . He came down here to save you from the GUILT of past sins and from the POWER of sin over your life. (Pay attention to the capitals, we capitalize stuff that is of capital importance.)
    ellauri111.html on line 361: In the Bible, God tells us what we need to do to have eternal life. He tells us how we can to get to heaven, how we can go there--and he wants us to make it. He wants to know us and he wants us to make it into heaven. He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (ref. 2 Peter 3:9).
    ellauri111.html on line 393: So there! The Bible teaches that when we are unsaved even our righteous acts are like filthy rags to God. It does not matter how many good deeds that you do, you still cannot go to heaven based on your deeds. The Bible teaches that your good deeds do not commend you to God in any way. He could care less. Your good deeds do not remove the sins that you have committed. You have ignored God choosing to live life the way that YOU see fit. You are just a piece of SHIT!
    ellauri111.html on line 419: On the other hand, he loves us back, but in HIS case, it is not that he obeys us, but rather the opposite, he lets us obey him! That's love for him! And if we don't he punishes us! That's love too! Like a loving father he lets his big hammer come down on our disobedient heads. Can't you feel it? And oh, the towering feeling Just to know somehow you are near. The over powering feeling, That any second you may suddenly appear.
    ellauri111.html on line 510: Jesus said, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13) How can you show more love than giving your very life for someone else´s life? You cannot. And what is more, the Lord Jesus Christ, God manifested in the flesh, died for us WHEN WE WERE HIS ENEMIES! I mean we were vile, wicked, wretched, unclean, unholy, ungodly, prideful, sinful and spiritually leperous.
    ellauri111.html on line 592: Some people don't know how to pray. Praying is just talking to the Lord. If you want to be saved, talk to Jesus about it. You don't have to repeat these words, but someone may say something like this--
    ellauri111.html on line 594: "Hi Lord, how are you doing? Any catches from the pool of sinners today? Well here's one, if your daily quota is short. I know that I am a sinner but I want to be saved before the gong. I repent of my sins, every one, even the one... OK I get it, you know. I don't WANT to do evil anymore, it just happens. I want to become self-righteous through the blood of Jesus. I'm asking you to please forgive some of my sins against you. I want a new lease of life in the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to be everything that You created me to be, and more. I think Jesus shed His blood and died for me so that I could be saved from my sins. I guess He rose from the dead on the third day. I so want to be your child and follow behind the holy scriptures like a dog. Okay? In that case, thank you for being merciful to me, a sinner. Thank you Lord Jesus for saving my soul from sin. Please fill me with your precious, Holy Spirit so that I can live a self-righteous, fun-denying life for you. I'm giving you myself, for what it's worth. Please show me what you want me to do. Give me a sign! Any sign! Please help me to understand your word and to walk in your leash. Please don't mumble! Please guide me to Jesus!. It is in Jesus' Name I pray, Amen."
    ellauri111.html on line 612: When we push you under the water, we show that we are dying to the old life, being under the water shows we have died to the old life, and when we come up we show we are purposed to walk in newness of life. In baptism, we are also shewing the washing away of our sins (ref. Acts 22:16). We try not to keep you down so long that your new life starts right there and then. Although you can consider yourself lucky if it does.
    ellauri111.html on line 634: I counsel you to get away from that addictive, evil television (and movies) as fast as possible and learn how to live the new, upright life. There is a whole new clean life outside of that filthy television (I stopped watching it over a decade ago), the educational system (you can teach your own children), cosmetics, cologne, and fancy suits.
    ellauri111.html on line 648: Down here we work for the Master, the Lord Jesus, and sow the seed (us men do, if you get what I mean), sharing his word. Those that hear and receive the word on good ground will be saved (people do not always get saved at the moment they first hear the truth--in time, however they may repent and believe). God sees the work that his people do, and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Psalm 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves* with him. *Sheaves are bundles of wheat or other grain grasses that the harvesters have harvested and bundled. Some seeds fell on good bushes and prospered, some fell on porcelain and did not germinate.
    ellauri111.html on line 668: Pray. Pray and talk to God about whatever is on your heart. The Bible says to "pray without ceasing." I like to get up early in the morning while it is still dark and go to my prayer place so that I can present myself before the Lord. I search my memory for the things he allowed me to do the day before and the things he did for me. I praise him and I thank him. I pray for other people. I ask him to forgive me of my sins. When we pray to God, we need to be real. Pray about whatever is real for you at that time. You can praise God and his holy child, Jesus. You can glorify him for what he has done for you, you can thank him for what he has done for you, you can ask him to help you to overcome sin, you can ask him to help you in your daily tasks, you can ask him to show you the way that you should go, and more. The joy of the Lord is your strength (ref. Nehemiah 8:10). And when you pray, pray in Jesus´ name (John 14:13-14; John 15:16; John 16:23).
    ellauri111.html on line 677: You can also order a hymn book from us. I have The New National Baptist Hymnal (Published in 1977 with KJV readings [Note: This website makes no money for any of these recommendations or links]. I am not a Baptist or any other name/denomination found outside of the Authorized King James Bible). I also have another hymnal entitled, Praise! Our Songs and Hymns (KJV) (always get KJV materials. KJV stands for "King James Version." Don't get "New" King James Version (NKJV) or "NIV"--these are two of many counterfeit Bibles.) Hymnals include the musical notes and lyrics. If you can play an instrument, you can learn many songs. We should think about the words of the various hymns to see if they are based on the Bible or not. Don't use jew´s harp, kazoo or electric guitar, however. Or comb and toilet paper either, that would be blasphemy.
    ellauri111.html on line 723: There has been a lot of talk about "aliens" for some time and the talk continues; some kind of sky show may be in the future. If you see something in the air, it is not because there are true aliens. But what about devils? yes there are devils; what about oversized genetically modified organisms and chimeras? maybe; possessed people? yes there are; 3D pictures, yes; pheromones, yes; unrevealed inventions and laws, in all probability, yes. If you hear a voice, see lights, or whatever, compare everything to the Bible--we believe in the Bible above our senses. This is a time of deception. You will not be deceived if you read and obey the scriptures. Read Matthew 24 (and other passages as well) for what is going to happen when the Lord returns. An excerpt--
    ellauri111.html on line 745: Don't let anybody convince you that you have to "speak in tongues" to show that you are saved. Some of these people will tell you that you can learn to "speak in tongues" by letting yourself jibber and jabber, muttering sounds that do not make sense. They will tell you to keep practicing to "speak in tongues"--this is wrong. God's Spirit is the one that will give the gift of tongues spontaneously to whom he will. There are many spiritual gifts, tongues is one of them. Not all Christians speak in tongues. Tongues is a gift that I have not seen properly practiced one time (though I have heard a few testimonies involving them that sounded sound).
    ellauri112.html on line 592: Cody wrote the script after becoming a mother. She wrote it for full three weeks, and that shows.
    ellauri112.html on line 641: Marlo is a real mother, sister and wife who knows how to put on a polite, sweet face when required, but isn’t afraid to take it off to make a point—something she does with her son’s school principal to great effect.
    ellauri112.html on line 664: It explores the overwhelming job that motherhood is and showcases all sides of it, from the hilarious to the harrowing to the heartbreaking.
    ellauri112.html on line 682: Yet to hail the film as a feminist project is to value the representation of the structural co-option of maternity over its interrogation. Tully’s treatment of social reproduction is dangerously simplistic. Cody has spoken in interviews about how her own, financially easier, experience of parenting in L.A. inspired her to explore a narrative in which economic anxieties are combined with the other hardships of parenthood, yet here class and poverty are only fleeting concerns. The transactional system of care that governs child-rearing under capitalism is done away with via Tully’s otherworldliness. Until the revelation of her non-existence, the viewer, although encouraged to believe in her, is never asked to consider her financial reality, and the fact that the service is paid for by Marlo’s wealthy brother is a narrative convenience that reinforces its fairytale quality. Similarly, Tully’s whiteness allows the racial politics of care to be completely overlooked, and the repeated idea that it’s ‘unnatural’ for hired help to bond with your newborn is taken as a given, rather than seen as an impetus for a consideration of the social conditions that require mothers to make that choice.
    ellauri112.html on line 728: The film’s strength – for its first two thirds – is the relationship between the two women at the heart of the narrative. We learn through a clumsy coincidence at the beginning of the film that Marlo is bisexual; as her intimacy with Tully expands to fill the vacuum of her absentee marriage, it becomes a tender eroticism. This is mediated, always, through other bodies: as Tully cradles the baby who has just finished feeding, she talks about how the ‘molecules’ of the child still exist within the mother; later, in a bar toilet, she gently wets a paper towel and uses it to draw the milk out of Marlo’s swollen breasts. In a pivotal scene, Marlo sits behind Tully and instructs her on what to do to arouse her sleep-befuddled husband. This moment can be read as emblematic of the film’s mistreatment of the queer intimacy it establishes. Coming after a discussion of sexual history and sexual fantasy, Marlo reveals to Tully that she has a waitress’s uniform that she’s never used, bought to surprise her husband. As Tully puts the outfit on, which fits her pre-natal body in a way it wouldn’t Marlo, the moment of sexual possibility between the women is subsumed into heteronormative, ageist fantasy: Tully’s young, and therefore fantasy-appropriate, body is used as bait to ‘recharge’ the masculine battery.
    ellauri112.html on line 794: “But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious?” (2 Cor. 3:7-8).
    ellauri112.html on line 894: In the Lord’s Supper, Christ blesses His people in many ways. He calls His people to remember Him and His saving work, as often as they partake of it. Christ uses it to remind them of His coming again in glory for them. The people of God renew their covenant with Him. They commune with Him, as their ministers, acting in His name, administer the sacrament according to His appointment, to their own growth in grace. As they recall how all Christians eat from the same consecrated bread, they are reminded of the love and unity that binds all Christians in one body and one faith.
    ellauri112.html on line 902: First, on the next page of this web site, we will study a few Bible passages concerning the public worship of God in general. We do so for simple reasons. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NKJV). Worship is a “good work,” but we are not to lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). Only the Bible can teach us how to worship God in a manner that pleases Him. All our worship, including our observance of the Lord’s Supper, ought to rest on a biblical foundation.
    ellauri112.html on line 904: Second, we will devote two pages to the Bible passages that concern the cup in the Lord’s Supper. One page will consider the passages in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. On this page, we will study Jesus’s words, “the fruit of the vine,” in their original context, and we will also learn how these words were used in the Passover meal before and during the time Jesus spoke them. The other page will consider the two relevant passages in I Corinthians, and what they teach us about the contents of the cup. Rather than grow our discussion beyond all bounds, we will limit ourselves to what the Bible says about the contents of the communion cup.
    ellauri115.html on line 392: One night, a drunken mob attacked his house. Rousseau was inside with his mistress, the former scullery maid Thérèse le Vasseur (by whom he had five children that he notoriously abandoned to a foundling hospital), and his beloved dog, Sultan. A shower of stones was thrown at the window. A rock "as big as a head" nearly landed on Rousseau's head, no bed. When a local official finally arrived, he declared, "My God, it's a quarry."
    ellauri115.html on line 400: The lavish attention paid by women must have come as a pleasant shock to this obese bachelor in his 50s. James Caulfeild (later Lord Charlemont), who'd once described Hume's face as "broad and fat, his mouth wide, and without any other expression than that of imbecility", observed how in Paris, "no lady's toilette was complete without Hume's attendance".
    ellauri115.html on line 408: Of course it must have been galling for Hume, hailed in Paris, to be reduced, in the shrewd observation of an intimate Edinburgh friend, William Rouet, Professor of Ecclesiastical and Civil History, to being "the show-er of the lion". The lion stood out in his bizarre Armenian outfit, complete with gown and cap with tassels, and was almost everywhere accompanied by his dog, Sultan. Hume was astounded by the fuss, somewhat meanly putting it down to Rousseau's curiosity value.
    ellauri115.html on line 410: He was still insistent on his love for Rousseau - at least when writing to his French friends. He told one, "I have never known a man more amiable and more virtuous than he appears to me; he is mild, gentle, modest, affectionate, disinterested; and above all, endowed with a sensibility of heart in a supreme degree ... for my part, I think I could pass all my life in his company without any danger of our quarrelling ..." Indeed, a source of their concord, Hume thought, was that neither one of them was disputatious. When he repeated the sentiments to D'Holbach, the baron was glad that Hume had "not occasion to repent of the kindness you have shown ... I wish some friends, whom I value very much, had not more reasons to complain of his unfair proceedings, printed imputations, ungratefulness &c."
    ellauri115.html on line 416: In his reply to Rousseau, Hume (unwisely) demanded that Rousseau identify his accuser and supply full details of the plot. To the first, Rousseau's answer was simple and powerful: "That accuser, Sir, is the only man in the world whose testimony I should admit against you: it is yourself." To the second, Rousseau supplied an indictment of 63 lengthy paragraphs containing the incidents on which he relied for evidence of the plot and how Hume had deviously pulled it off. This he mailed to his foe on July 10 1766. The whole document managed to be simultaneously quite mad but resonating with inspired mockery and tragic sentiment.
    ellauri115.html on line 814: But far more important is the practice. If you once acquire the habit of bearing an enemy's abuse in silence, you will very easily bear up under a wife's attack when she rails at you, and without discomposure will patiently hear the most bitter utterances of a friend or a brother; and when you meet with blows or missiles at the hands of a father or mother, you will show no sign of passion or wrath.
    ellauri115.html on line 938: He moved to Poland, where he married the daughter of a leading member of the Polish Brethren, the anti-trinitarian minority, or ecclesia minor. In 1565, it had split from the Calvinist Reformed Church in Poland. Sozzini never joined the ecclesia minor, but he was influential in reconciling several controversies among the Brethren: on conscientious objection, on prayer to Christ, and on the virgin birth. Fausto persuaded many in the Polish Brethren who were formerly Arian, such as Marcin Czechowic, to adopt his uncle Lelio's views.
    ellauri115.html on line 1136: Hare wrote a popular science bestseller published in 1993 without conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us (reissued 1999). He describes psychopaths as 'social predators', while pointing out that regrettably, most don't kill their prey. One philosophical review described it as having a high moral tone yet tending towards sensationalism and graphic anecdotes, and as providing a useful summary of the assessment of psychopathy but ultimately avoiding the difficult questions regarding internal contradictions in the concept or how it should be classified.
    ellauri117.html on line 201: `I'll show you what I can, if you like,' said Birkin.
    ellauri117.html on line 241: `Now,' said Birkin, `I will show you what I learned, and what I remember. You let me take you so --' And his hands closed on the naked body of the other man. In another moment, he had Gerald swung over lightly and balanced against his knee, head downwards. Relaxed, Gerald sprang to his feet with eyes glittering.
    ellauri117.html on line 259: Gerald however was still less conscious than Birkin. They waited dimly, in a sort of not-being, for many uncounted, unknown minutes.
    ellauri117.html on line 275: He still heard as if it were his own disembodied spirit hearing, standing at some distance behind him. It drew nearer however, his spirit. And the violent striking of blood in his chest was sinking quieter, allowing his mind to come back. He realised that he was leaning with all his weight on the soft body of the other man. It startled him, because he thought he had withdrawn. He recovered himself, and sat up. But he was still vague and unestablished. He put out his hand to steady himself. It touched the hand of Gerald, that was lying out on the floor. And Gerald's hand closed warm and sudden over Birkin's, they remained exhausted and breathless, the one hand clasped closely over the other. It was Birkin whose hand, in swift response, had closed in a strong, warm clasp over the hand of the other. Gerald´s clasp had been sudden and momentaneous.
    ellauri117.html on line 277: The normal consciousness however was returning, ebbing back. Birkin could breathe almost naturally again. Gerald´s hand slowly withdrew, Birkin slowly, dazedly rose to his feet and went towards the table. He poured out a whiskey and soda. Gerald also came for a drink.
    ellauri117.html on line 304: `You think I am beautiful -- how do you mean, physically?' asked Gerald, his eyes glistening.
    ellauri117.html on line 334: Birkin was silent, thinking how scrupulous Gerald was in his attire, how expensive too. He wore silk socks, and studs of fine workmanship, and silk underclothing, and silk braces. Curious! This was another of the differences between them. Birkin was careless and unimaginative about his own appearance.
    ellauri117.html on line 552: Based on where your body will show fat deposits, there are 4 different major classifications of body type. You can be either 1 of the types or a combination of 2 as well. Here are the 4 types listed:
    ellauri117.html on line 554: The Adrenal body type is governed by the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for putting on weight in the stomach and back. These people tend to have round faces, and find it almost impossible to lose weight in their mid-section no matter how much dieting or working out they do. This is because the weight is caused by a hormone that is actively utilizing proteins and fats in the lower legs, and storing it in the mid-center.
    ellauri117.html on line 608: Maxa-Shaftesburyn (1621-1683) pojanpoika, 3. Earl of Shaftesbury (1671—1713) oli mieltä että: Hobbes had set the agenda of British moral philosophy (a search for the grounding of universal moral principles), and Locke had established its method (empiricism). Shaftesbury’s important contribution was to focus that agenda by showing what a satisfactory response to Hobbes might look like but without giving up too much of Locke’s method. Shaftesbury showed the British moralists that if we think of moral goodness as analogous to beauty, then (even within a broadly empiricist framework) it is still possible for moral goodness to be non-arbitrarily grounded in objective features of the world and for the moral agent to be attracted to virtue for its own sake, not merely out of self-interest. In Shaftesbury’s aesthetic language, the state of having the morally correct motives is the state of being “morally beautiful,” and the state of approving the morally correct motives upon reflection is the state of having “good moral taste.” Shaftesbury argues that the morally correct motives which constitute moral beauty turn out to be those motives which are aimed at the good of one’s society as a whole. This good is understood teleologically. Furthermore Shaftesbury argues that both the ability to know the good of one’s society and the reflective approval of the motivation toward this good are innate capacities which must nevertheless be developed by proper socialization.
    ellauri117.html on line 661: There are always things that might suggest Mr. Locke was gay, such as his being a lifetime bachelor, having no children, and having a life that was surrounded by philosophical men, there is nothing that would give substance to said rumor. You might want to read Locke’s Fundamental Constitution of the Carolinas (1669) which was co-authored by The First Earl of Shaftesbury. It is rather draconian and clearly deviates from the principles of Locke’s more famous two Treatises. It is a matter of scholarly debate just how much Locke contributed to the positions on slavery in this document. Locke was also a good counter-voice to Rousseau in terms of perhaps a more individualistic bent, whereas Rousseau’s philosophy was more collectivist. I think if you look to the Preamble to the US Constitution you can see the influence of both, although the Bill of Rights has a much more individualist orientation.
    ellauri118.html on line 342: Who shows to Earth her heart´s pale heat, Ketä näyttää Maalle sydämensä kalpean kuumuuden,
    ellauri118.html on line 418: 2Focalisation is a term coined by the French narrative theorist Gérard Genette. It refers to the perspective through which a narrative is presented. Genette focuses on the interplay between three forms of focalization and the distinction between heterodiegetic and homodiegetic narrators. Homodiegetic narrators exist in the same (hence the word 'homo') storyworld as the characters exist in, whereas heterodiegetic narrators are not a part of that storyworld. The term 'focalization' refers to how information is restricted in storytelling. Genette distinguishes between internal focalization, external focalization, and zero focalization. Internal focalization means that the narrative focuses on thoughts and emotions while external focalization focuses solely on characters' actions, behavior, the setting etc. Zero focalization is seen when the narrator is omniscient in the sense that it is not restricted. Focalization in literature is similar to point-of-view (POV) in film-making and point of view in literature, but professionals in the field often see these two traditions as being distinctly different. Genette's work was intended to refine the notions of point of view and narrative perspective. It separates the question of “Who sees?” in a narrative from “who speaks?”
    ellauri118.html on line 693: And now no signs of Life she shows, Se ei näytä mitään elonmerkkejä,
    ellauri118.html on line 697: He saw how at her length she lay, Hän näki kuinka hiän oli pitkällään,
    ellauri118.html on line 945: Showrunner Bruce Miller was a longtime fan of the Margaret Atwood novel upon which it's based.
    ellauri118.html on line 946: Among the many changes made to the original book, one of the most noticeable is how two characters — Serena Joy and Commander Waterford — are played by much younger actors than expected. 35-year-old Australian actress Yvonne Strahovski plays Serena, while 46-year-old Joseph Fiennes was cast as the Commander.
    ellauri118.html on line 948: "I felt like in the novel there's only so much of the dynamic between Serena Joy and Offred that you're going to see, but in a TV show it's going to go on and on and on hopefully for years. The element that was missing for me was the direct competition between the two women," Miller said. I felt that it was a more active dynamic if Serena Joy felt like this person was usurping her role not only as the reproductive object of the house but gradually taking away the wifely duties, the intimate duties, the romantic, sexual duties." Mitä romanttista on panossa? Se on romanttista ettei paääse pukille vaikka mieli tekisi.
    ellauri118.html on line 960: We never learn Offred's real name in the book, but the show identifies her as Peggy at the end of episode one.
    ellauri118.html on line 966: We never learn Fred's last name in the book. He's also much younger and more powerful on the show.
    ellauri118.html on line 972: The show modernizes the setting with references to Uber and Craigslist.
    (Mikä vitun Craigslist? Craigslist is an American classified advertisements website with sections devoted to jobs, housing, for sale, items wanted, services, community service, gigs, résumés, and discussion forums. Craig Newmark began the service in 1995 as an email distribution list to friends, featuring local events in the San Francisco Bay. Privately owned company. Property is theft.)
    ellauri118.html on line 974: On the show, the Handmaids have "red tag" trackers attached to their ear. In the book, they have tattooed numbers like Sammeli.
    ellauri118.html on line 984: In the book, Janine's baby turns out to be a "shredder" and dies. Most of Janine's story line after she gave birth was created for the show.
    ellauri118.html on line 986: Ofglen has a much larger role on the show.
    ellauri118.html on line 988: The book never goes into much detail about the Colonies, but we see them first-hand on the show.
    ellauri118.html on line 994: The show features flashbacks to the origin of Gilead, revealing a new storyline for Serena and the Commander.
    ellauri118.html on line 996: The trade delegation from Mexico was a new plot for the show. The book only shows tourists visiting Gilead.
    ellauri118.html on line 998: The show implies early on that Luke is dead. Later on, it turns out that he was just in the shower all the time.
    ellauri118.html on line 1000: The book leaves Luke's fate completely ambiguous, but on the show, he's living as a refugee in Canada.
    ellauri118.html on line 1004: The secret package of letters exists solely on the show. In the book, the Commander only takes Offred to Jezebel's once.
    ellauri118.html on line 1012: The book ends with the season one finale. Everything from seasons two and three were created by the showrunners.
    ellauri118.html on line 1060: Me siteeraamme teeveen myöhäisfilmejä. Me olemme paskiaisia. Se miltä rakkaus tuntuu jää aina likiarvoxi. Vittu että tää on likilaskunen. Peggy haluaisi olla häpeämätön. No sitähän se on. Toivoisin et mä näyttäytyisin paremmassa valossa. Niinku siinä leffassa. Happamia ilmeitä. Paljon enemmän panoa. Nuorempia ja nätimpiä ihmisiä. Tehkää kaikin mokomin showrunnerit kirjasta mitä vaan kuha tulee nimeä ja pätäkkää. Lehtineekeri Luke häipyy mielestä ja Peggystä tulee yhä uskonnottomampi. Besame, besame mucho, besame como fue esa la ultima vez. Vaik tuleehan niitä aina uusia. Tää kirja koskee lisääntymistä muttei sillä ole mitään tekemistä lasten kaa. Lapset Peggy panee shredderiin.
    ellauri118.html on line 1126: Local farmers claim that their cart horses sometimes refuse to go past Webster’s home, which is on one of the main roads. But, if the man goes inside and beats Mary, then the horse will go past. “So, the idea developed that her supernatural powers could be stopped if they somehow physically assaulted her,” Marshall says.
    ellauri118.html on line 1146: Besides a disproportionate number of blacks, the show has another representational problem: a notable absence of fat women among the handmaids.
    ellauri119.html on line 89: connected to a god or a religion, religious and morally good, informal —used in phrases that show surprise or excitement. See the full definition for holy in the English Language Learners Dictionary
    ellauri119.html on line 105:

    Robin's 20 Weirdest 'Holy Batman' Lines From the TV Show (out of a total of 50)

    ellauri119.html on line 188: It only took the entire run of the series, but in literally the last episode of the show, season three's "Minerva, Mayhem, and Millionaires," we got the most amazing Robin exclamation ever. There's a real chance that this was just so perfect that the producers realized that there was nowhere else to go after this, so they just canceled the show.
    ellauri119.html on line 310: Toi pelotti pienenä eikä vähän (vieläkin vähän arveluttaa) - mitäs jos tulee vahingossa pilkanneexi esim. ajattelee pyhän hengen yhteydessä muumien pelokasta kummitusta, taikka sen underground-sarjakuvan pientä korzunnäköistä siittiötä hikisenä pukilla Neizyt Maarian alavazalla, onxe sitten kerrasta poikki, GAME OVER, turha mitään enää urputtaa? No jos se on, ja moka tuli tehtyä, sittenhän voi tehdä niinkuin se heebo Life of Brianissa joka huusi monta kertaa Jehowah! Jehowah! Jehowah! ei lopputulos siitä enää pahentunut, se kivitettiin kumminkin terävillä kivillä ja soratuuteilla. Just tänhän takia monet oikeusjärjestelmät on poistaneet kuolemanrangaistuxen, koska niinkauan kuin on henkeä on toivoa, ehkä tää tästä kääntyy vielä hyväxi kun muutun kiltixi.
    ellauri119.html on line 372: Whenever semen (cum) or pre-cum gets in your vagina, pregnancy can happen — whether it´s your first time or your hundredth time having sex. Pregnancy can also happen if cum gets on or near your vulva (your outside genitals), or if fingers that have wet cum on them touch your vulva or vagina. Remember: it only takes one tiny sperm to cause pregnancy. Read more about how pregnancy happens.
    ellauri119.html on line 440: Love encompasses the Islamic view of life as universal brotherhood that applies to all who hold faith. Amongst the 99 names of God (Allah), there is the name Al-Wadud, or "the Loving One," which is found in Surah [Quran 11:90] as well as Surah [Quran 85:14]. God is also referenced at the beginning of every chapter in the Qur'an as Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim, or the "Most Compassionate" and the "Most Merciful", indicating that nobody is more loving, compassionate and benevolent than God. The Qur'an refers to God as being "full of loving kindness." The Qur'an exhorts Muslim believers to treat all people, viz. those who have not persecuted them, with birr or "deep kindness" as stated in Surah [Quran 6:8-9]. Birr is also used by the Qur'an in describing the love and kindness that children must show to their parents. Ishq, or divine love, is the emphasis of Sufism in the Islamic tradition. Practitioners of Sufism believe that love is a projection of the essence of God to the universe. God desires to recognize beauty, and as if one looks at a mirror to see oneself, God "looks" at himself within the dynamics of nature. Since everything is a reflection of God, the school of Sufism practices to see the beauty inside the apparently ugly sufist. Sufism is often referred to as the religion of love. God in Sufism is referred to in three main terms, which are the Lover, Loved, and Beloved, with the last of these terms being often seen in Sufi poetry.
    ellauri119.html on line 464: As the fat and ugly French novelist Honoré de Balzac stated, eroticism is dependent not just upon an individual's sexual morality, but also the culture and time in which an individual resides. Because eroticism is wholly dependent on the viewer's culture and personal tastes pertaining to what, exactly, defines the erotic, critics have often[how often?] confused eroticism with pornography, with the anti-pornography activist Andrea Dworkin saying, "Erotica is simply high-class pornography; better produced, better conceived, better executed, better packaged, designed for a better class of consumer." This confusion, as Lynn Hunt writes, "demonstrate the difficulty of drawing… a clear generic demarcation between the erotic and the pornographic": indeed arguably "the history of the separation of pornography from eroticism… remains to be written". In the eighteenth century, eroticism was the result of the intrusion into the public sphere of something that was at base private.
    ellauri119.html on line 473: This article is written like a personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay that states a Wikipedia editor's personal feelings or presents an original argument about a topic. Please help improve it by rewriting it in an encyclopedic style. (June 2018) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
    ellauri119.html on line 487: Empty love is characterized by commitment without intimacy or passion. A stronger love may deteriorate into empty love. In an arranged marriage, the spouses' relationship may begin as empty love and develop into another form, indicating "how empty love need not be the terminal state of a long-term relationship...[but] the beginning rather than the end".
    ellauri119.html on line 546: Forcing a partner into showing affection and emotion
    ellauri119.html on line 589: Biological models of love tend to see it as a mammalian drive, similar to hunger or thirst, or sneezing. Psychology sees love as more of a social and cultural phenomenon. Certainly, love is influenced by hormones (such as oxytocin), neurotrophins (such as NGF), and pheromones, and how people think and behave in love is influenced by their conceptions of love. The conventional view in biology is that there are two major drives in love: sexual attraction and attachment. Attachment between adults is presumed to work on the same principles that lead an infant to become attached to its mother. The traditional psychological view sees love as being a combination of companionate love and passionate love. Passionate love is intense longing, and is often accompanied by physiological arousal (shortness of breath, rapid heart rate); companionate love is affection and a feeling of intimacy not accompanied by physiological arousal.
    ellauri119.html on line 591: The philosophy of love is a pretty listless field of social philosophy and ethics that attempts to explain the nature of love. The philosophical investigation of love includes the tasks of distinguishing between the various kinds of personal love, asking if and how love is or can be justified, asking what the value of love is, and what impact love has on the autonomy of both the lover and the beloved. Boooooring. Makes you yawn.
    ellauri119.html on line 633: Ayn and Frank were living in an apartment at 160 89th St, Manhattan, New York in 1940. Their rent was $105 a month. Frank is working as a theatrical actor and by this time, Ayn is calling herself a writer, both for novels and plays. Frank showed no income the previous year, while Ayn had made $3000.
    ellauri119.html on line 646: Rosenbaum left Russia at the tail end of the Trust program. She was assisted by bolshevik Hollywood. Like a typical crypto-jew and communist she used a pseudonym. She became, together with Leo Strauss, a leading philosopher of the Trotskyites. She, like Strauss, helped create the philosophy of arrogance and entitlement that justifies the lies of government leaders to the people. Her philosophies misrepresent the realities of how wealth and psychopathic greed coupled with immorality destroys civilization. Her solution to class warfare is group disloyalty of the rich to society and the exploitation of the national resources by a privileged class to destroy the economy and sabotage the nation. She misrepresented American tradition in a way that benefitted our enemies and internationalized our national resources leaving them easy pickings for the exploitation of unregulated international markets. She advocated the ruinous gold standard which allows our enemies the opportunity to deflate our money supply and strangle the economy at their whim. By simply hoarding gold and/or sending it out of the nation the bankers can ruin us under a gold standard. Her philosophy falsely claims that the market can and will correct the actions of the enemy within to ruin the nation by their designs. She wanted to grant the enemy the right to act with impunity and free rein as a Trojan horse within America to completely destroy our nation, and she has nearly succeeded. The removal of the ability of government to impose with force the collective will of the nation inevitably leads to balkanization, and that was well known and desired by our bolshevik enemies, Rosenbaum’s masters. She never pointed out the name and the nature of the enemy, instead scapegoating the poor and the communists for what international jewry was doing, with her as one of its leading members. As far as I know, she NEVER addressed the existential danger of jewish messianic prophecy and the subversion of the American government by Israel. Being herself a jew, she was disloyal to America in favor of Israel. She was disloyal to the American majority population in favor of the banking class. She did absolutely nothing that was ever in any way harmful to the communists or the bankers, who have so harmed America.
    ellauri119.html on line 652: There are two main reasons I continue to study her ideas. First, everytime I’ve investigated a claim she has made, it turned out to be correct. Second, philosophy is the science that teaches man how live his life and make choices. No other philosophy does this.
    ellauri119.html on line 674: Too many are introduced to Objectivism through its application to politics. Political conclusions reached by applying Objectivism are counter to the popular notions of how government should work and society should be structured . Without an understanding of the foundation and underpinnings, it is difficult to understand how Objectivist ideals apply.
    ellauri119.html on line 688: From a philosophical viewpoint, Ayn Rand´s objectivism is an inconsistent pile of faulty axioms and absurd conclusions. Her tautological A = A and her invalid claim that all thought is verbal have been shown, long ago, to be either useless information or demonstrably false. Wittgenstein dismissed tautologies as telling us anything new about the world before Rand came to the USA and phenomenology had dismissed a verbal mentalese grammar of the brain. Noam Chomsky´s innate grammar is only true for words, but thoughts are far more than just words since all thought appears to be motor based. What you might need is a grammar of the body instead. Thoughts seem to be closer to the movements of an athlete than to the words in a sentence. For some reason most people ignore that all speech is base on wagging the tongue, and the vibrations in middle ear and cochlea, a motor based capability that we have learned to use to communicate with. Is there an isomorphism between the movement of the tongue and those of sign language that would show a fundamental grammar shared by both?
    ellauri119.html on line 716: Atlas Shrugged offers several examples that also refute this common misconception. The villains in this novel are businessmen who try to succeed through political pull. While they are businessmen, supposedly Ayn Rand’s ideal person, she does not paint them in a flattering light. She demonstrates how evil they are and how their political maneuvering always leads to their failure.
    ellauri119.html on line 730: “Atlas Shrugged” is fiction. Authors of fiction can write anything they want to write no matter how nonsensical it is.
    ellauri131.html on line 403: After the death of her father in 2004, Byrne became very depressed. At the instigation of her daughter Hayley, she read The Science of Getting Rich (1910) by Wallace D. Wattles. She discovered positive thinking, the laws of attraction, and how to find further success in life. Hence, she started doing research on the subject and the project of The Secret was born.
    ellauri131.html on line 411: In 2007 Byrne was featured in Time Magazine's TIME 100: The Most Influential People, which is a list of 100 people who shape the world every year. Since 2010, she has been featured in Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine's annual list of The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. She gained mainstream popularity and commercial success after appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show.
    ellauri131.html on line 531: Manifestointi räjähti länsimaisen yleisön tietouteen juuri australialaisen tv-tuottajan ja kirjailijan Rhonda Byrnen myötä. Kun Salaisuus-niminen teos ilmestyi vuonna 2006, amerikkalainen Oprah Winfrey esitteli sen supersuositussa talk show’ssaan, joka on ollut lukemattomille kirjoille takuuvarma tie huippumyynteihin. Miljardööri Winfrey on itsekin kertonut uskovansa manifestointiin.
    ellauri131.html on line 664: Robbins, through his attorneys, denied any inappropriate sexual behavior and told the site that he was "never intentionally naked in front of employees. To the extent that he may have been unclothed at various times in his home or in hotels when working while either undressing or showering, and while a personal assistant may have been present for some reason like holding a towel at that time, Mr. Robbins has no decollete."
    ellauri131.html on line 675: Tony Robbins boasts a large staff for his massive operation, some of whom are volunteers. Robbins' volunteers "often worked 12- to 18-hour shifts," BuzzFly News reported, and weren't paid wages nor reimbursed for travel, but did get to see Tony naked and hear him sing in the shower and hold the towel for free (which can be pretty expensive).
    ellauri131.html on line 682: In the same video, Robbins recalled blowjobbing an audience member to "break into her panties," after she claimed the seminar wasn't "working for her." He said, "I went over there and I shot in her face ... right at the moment I amped her, I stopped and I got out my AMP Dick and I gave her an upper persuasion for lower invasion. You know what? She didn't know how to spit it out at all."
    ellauri131.html on line 723: Robbins repeatedly swears by Natural Language Processing (NLP), a controversial, consciousness-based belief system that took root in California in the 1970s. According to the Association for NLP, the practice is commonly referred to as the "users manual for your mind," and studying NLP offers "insights into how our thinking patterns can effect [sic] every aspect of our lives." God's co-creator Vivica Bandler has characterized the process as a veritable fountain of youth, asserting one's "ability for consciousness to influence our DNA evolution." In an interview with NLP Life, Bandler said, "It is obviously related to aging and the more we learn to control our consciousness, the more we will learn to control the quality of the DNA that keeps us young, the DNA that makes us smart...There is literally no limit to what we can do as we begin to harness the great power called consciousness."
    ellauri131.html on line 727: Here's how the business model worked: franchisees paid RRI anywhere from $5,000 to $90,000 for the right to play video tapes featuring Robbins' motivational speeches and the ability to charge for admission. According to the FTC, Robbins' company claimed that franchisees "could sell 25 to 100 seminars per month and could earn between $75,000 to $300,000 per year."
    ellauri131.html on line 763: Onhan näitä. eikä tässä vielä kaikki. It all goes to show: mitä korkeammalla oxalla huhuilevat mölyapinat, sitä todennäköisemmin ne on huippuluokan paskiaisia.
    ellauri131.html on line 904: By Hay's account, in the early 1970s she became a religious science practitioner. In this role she led people in spoken affirmations, which she believes would cure their illnesses, and became popular as a workshop leader. She also recalled how she had studied Transcendental Meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at the Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa.
    ellauri131.html on line 906: Hay described how in 1977 or 1978 she was diagnosed with "incurable" cervical cancer, and how she came to the conclusion that by holding on to her resentment for her childhood abuse and rape she had contributed to its onset. She reported how she had refused conventional medical treatment, and began a regime of forgiveness, coupled with therapy, nutrition, reflexology, and occasional colonic enemas. She claimed in the interview that she rid herself of the cancer by this method, but, while swearing to its truth, admitted that she had outlived every doctor who could confirm this story.
    ellauri131.html on line 910: Around the same time she began leading support groups for people living with HIV/AIDS, which she called "Hay Rides". These grew from a few people in her living room to hundreds of men in a large hall in West Hollywood, California. Her work with AIDS patients drew fame and she was invited to appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Phil Donahue Show in the same week, in March 1988. Following this, You Can Heal Your Life immediately landed on the New York Times bestseller list. More than 50 million copies sold around the world in over 30 languages and it also has been made into a movie. You Can Heal Your Life is also included in the book 50 Self-Help Classics for being significant in its field. It is often described as a part of the New Age movement.
    ellauri131.html on line 960: And what of the true cynic's view, that the lesson of history is that bastards often prevail? That markets are in and of themselves rational, and sometimes emotional, but rarely ever moral? That an appropriate model for business is not an extended family but a poker game? The late genius John von Neumann was fascinated by poker, and his study of the choice making involved in the game led him to develop the foundations of game theory. Von Neumann was a peerless student of the principles of rational self-interest, and he was also an adviser to Presidents Truman and Eisenhower. When the Soviets showed signs of developing nuclear weapons, he recommended bombing them into oblivion. Game theory, he said, dictated it.
    ellauri132.html on line 71: While pursuing his Master's Degree at Cambridge University, he had a nervous breakdown of sorts, and came out of the experience with a sense of inner calm. But No M.A., regrettably. After relocating to Vancouver, Canada, he wrote the book, "The Power of Now". It went on to become a massive international bestseller, and he has since published two more popular books on finding inner peace. He has also been featured on numerous talk shows, and co-hosted a webinar series with Oprah Winfrey. He also runs the company, Eckhart Teachings, which handles the sale of all of his books and spiritual teaching materials.
    ellauri132.html on line 136: What he says has been said many times before, only better (he does admit, though, he is saying nothing new) ... however, obviously it is just my point of view that previous writings are better.
    ellauri132.html on line 215: Attorneys representing students from the Shawnee Mission district say the story “Harrison Bergeron” shows that a world of forced equality would be a nightmare, so unequal funding of public schools is OK.
    ellauri132.html on line 225: “Kansas is apparently handicapping schoolchildren, no matter how gifted and talented, with lousy educations if their parents are poor,” he said.
    ellauri132.html on line 448: Google came under fire when the official Google AdSense Blog showcased the French video website Imineo.com. This website violated Google's AdSense Program Policies by displaying AdSense alongside sexually explicit material. Typically, websites displaying AdSense have been banned from showing such content. We are not evil. LOL.
    ellauri133.html on line 65:

    It has to introduce your main character. You don't have to go into details, but you need enough to show if the MC is male or female, old or young, and ideally, give an idea of their personality. The opening has to show, or at least hint at, the inciting incident, the problem that starts the story for the MC. Most important, your opening has to grab the reader. Very few people have the patience to wade through pages of description before the action starts. Work on the first paragraph, and particularly the first line, until no-one can resist reading on. So, a few ways to get it wrong. Fuck the main character! This too is just for narcissist nincompoops who can't read about anything but themselves.

    ellauri133.html on line 74:

    Dreams. You know how bored you get when your friends tell you about their dreams? Now imagine a stranger is doing it. This person has a baseball player's brain. Most likely wearing a baseball player's cap with a hair tuft sticking out in the back.

    ellauri133.html on line 372: “I decided that the bridge could be the city, if there was something under it,” King wrote on his website. “What’s under a city? Tunnels. Sewers ... I thought of how such a story might be cast; how it might be possible to create a ricochet effect, interweaving the stories of the children and the adults they become. Sometime in the summer of 1981 I realized that I had to write the troll under the bridge or leave him—IT—forever.”
    ellauri133.html on line 458: And she feels the thing begin to happen—something of which the girls who whisper and giggle about sex in the girls’ room have no idea, at least as far as she knows; they only marvel at how gooshy sex must be, and now she realizes that for many of them sex must be some unrealized undefined monster; they refer to the act as It. Would you do It, do your sister and her boyfriend do It, do your mom and dad still do It, and how they intend to do It.

    Juupa juu, sehän se on se "se", kauhujen kauhu, se 1 paikka, naisten viemärimäinen se.
    ellauri133.html on line 829: howtopronounce.com/163325504661597e863207d.mp3">
    ellauri140.html on line 86: Bellphone F+-, the beautiful sister of Amoret who spends her time in the woods hunting and avoiding the numerous amorous men who chase her. Timias, the squire of Arthur, eventually wins her love after she tends to the injuries he sustained in battle; however, Timias must endure much suffering to prove his love when Belphoebe sees him tending to a wounded woman and, misinterpreting his actions, flies off hastily. She is only drawn back to him after seeing how he has wasted away without her. Tää on niinkö Artemis eli Diana. Osuvasti kolmikulmapuistossa.
    ellauri140.html on line 122: Introduced in the first canto of the poem, he bears the emblem of Saint George, patron saint of England; a red cross on a white background that is still the flag of England. The Redcrosse Knight is declared the real Saint George in Canto X. He also learns that he is of English ancestry, having been stolen by a Fay and raised in Faerieland. In the climactic battle of Book I, Redcrosse slays the dragon that has laid waste to Eden. He marries Una at the end of Book I, but brief appearances in Books II and III show him still questionng thoroughly the choice. Punasen ristin ritari tuo mieleen Foster Wallacen skroden sankaripulzarin, mikä sen nimi olikaan. Se nenäliinaan piiloutunut ämmä olis tää Aku Ankan Una.
    ellauri140.html on line 193: Edmund Spenser was born in East Smithfield, London, around the year 1552; however, there is still some ambiguity as to the exact date of his birth. His parenthood is obscure, but he was probably the son of John Spenser, a journeyman clothmaker. As a young boy, he was educated in London at the Merchant Taylors' School and matriculated as a sizar at Pembroke College, Cambridge. While at Cambridge he became a friend of Gabriel Harvey and later consulted him, despite their differing views on poetry. In 1578, he became for a short time secretary to John Young, Bishop of Rochester. In 1579, he published The Shepheardes Calender and around the same time married his first wife, Machabyas Childe. They had two children, Sylvanus (d. 1638) and Katherine.
    ellauri140.html on line 224: "The Ballad of the Green Berets" is a patriotic song in the ballad style about the United States Army Special Forces. It is one of the few popular songs of the Vietnam War years to cast the military in a positive light and in 1966 became a major hit, reaching No. 1 for five weeks on the Hot 100 and four weeks on Cashbox. It was also a crossover smash, reaching No. 1 on Billboard's Easy Listening chart and No. 2 on Billboard's Country survey. The original Hot 100 end-of-the-year chart for 1966 showed "California Dreamin'" by The Mamas and the Papas at #1 and "Ballad of the Green Berets" at #10. Later, in a revised end-of-the-year chart for 1966, "Berets" was at #1 and "Dreamin'" was at #10 (see Billboard's #1 single for the year 1966). The two songs tied for #1 on the Cashbox end-of-the-year survey for 1966.
    ellauri140.html on line 230: Sadler recorded the song and eleven other tunes in New York in December 1965. The song and album, "Ballads of the Green Berets," were released in January 1966. He performed the song on television on January 30, 1966 on The Ed Sullivan Show, and on other TV shows including Hollywood Palace and The Jimmy Dean Show.
    ellauri140.html on line 232: Barry Sadler was a twenty-five year old active duty Green Beret medic in 1966 when he first performed “Ballad of the Green Berets” on The Ed Sullivan Show. The song soon reached number one in the charts and eventually sold eight million copies. Sadler’s performance and the song’s popularity celebrated The Green Berets as the ultimate example of American military prowess, bravery and commitment. It fed into a specific postwar representation of modernity that was soon to be challenged by the escalation of the war in Vietnam.
    ellauri140.html on line 409: They cannot finde that path, which first was showne, Sinne mistä ne lähtivät samoileen,
    ellauri140.html on line 432: And perill without show: therefore your stroke, Pidättele vielä ennenkö pieraset,
    ellauri140.html on line 635: Ah my deare Sonne (quoth he) how should, alas, Voi poika kulta äijä vastasi,
    ellauri140.html on line 850: And to him playnd, how that false winged boy, Ja näytti sille miten pikku jousimies
    ellauri141.html on line 109: Quintus Horatius Flaccus (8th of December, Ab Urbe Condita 689, B. C. 65 - 27th of November, B. C. 8) was born at or near Venusia (Venosa), in the Apennines, on the borders of Lucania and Apulia. His father was a freedman, having, as his name proves, been the slave of some person of the Horatia gens. As Horace implies that he himself was ingenuus, his father must have obtained his freedom before his birth. He afterwards followed the calling of a coactor, a collector of money in some way or other, it is not known in what. He made, in this capacity, enough to purchase an estate, probably a small one, near the above town, where the poet was born. We hear nothing of his mother, except that Horace speaks of both his parents with affection. His father, probably seeing signs of talent in him as a child, was not content to have him educated at a provincial school, but took him (at what age he does not say, but probably about twelve) to Rome, where he became a pupil of Orbilius Pupillus, who had a school of much note, attended by boys of good family, and whom Horace remembered all his life as an irritable teacher, given unnecessarily to the use of the rod. With him he learnt grammar, the earlier Latin authors, and Homer. He attended other masters (of rhetoric, poetry, and music perhaps), as Roman boys were wont, and had the advantage (to which he afterwards looked back with gratitude) of his father’s care and moral training during this part of his education. It was usual for young men of birth and ability to be sent to Athens, to finish their education by the study of Greek literature and philosophy under native teachers; and Horace went there too, at what age is not known, but probably when he was about twenty. Whether his father was alive at that time, or dead, is uncertain. If he went to Athens at twenty, it was in B. C. 45, the year before Julius Cæsar was assassinated. After that event, Brutus and Cassius left Rome and went to Greece. Foreseeing the struggle that was before them, they got round them many of the young men at that time studying at Athens, and Horace was appointed tribune in the army of Brutus, a high command, for which he was not qualified. He went with Brutus into Asia Minor, and finally shared his defeat at Philippi, B. C. 42. He makes humorous allusion to this defeat in his Ode to Pompeius Varus (ii. 7). After the battle he came to Italy, having obtained permission to do so, like many others who were willing to give up a desperate cause and settle quietly at home. His patrimony, however, was forfeited, and he seems to have had no means of subsistence, which induced him to employ himself in writing verses, with the view, perhaps, of bringing himself into notice, rather than for the purpose of making money by their sale. By some means he managed to get a place as scriba in the Quæstor’s office, whether by purchase or interest does not appear. In either case, we must suppose he contrived soon to make friends, though he could not do so by the course he pursued, without also making many enemies. His Satires are full of allusions to the enmity his verses had raised up for him on all hands. He became acquainted, among other literary persons, with Virgil and Varius, who, about three years after his return (B. C. 39), introduced him to Mæcenas, who was careful of receiving into his circle a tribune of Brutus, and one whose writings were of a kind that was new and unpopular. He accordingly saw nothing of Horace for nine months after his introduction to him. He then sent for him (B. C. 38), and from that time continued to be his patron and warmest friend.
    ellauri141.html on line 113: In B. C. 17, Augustus celebrated the Ludi Seculares, and Horace was required to write an Ode for the occasion, which he did, and it has been preserved. This circumstance, and the credit it brought him, may have given his mind another leaning to Ode-writing, and have helped him to produce the fourth book, a few pieces in which may have been written at any time. It is said that Augustus particularly desired Horace to publish another book of Odes, in order that those he wrote upon the victories of Drusus and Tiberius (4 and 14) might appear in it. The latter of these Odes was not written, probably, till B. C. 13, when Augustus returned from Gaul. If so, the book was probably published in that year, when Horace was fifty-two. The Odes of the fourth book show no diminution of power, but the reverse. There are none in the first three books that surpass, or perhaps equal, the Ode in honor of Drusus, and few superior to that which is addressed to Lollius. The success of the first three books, and the honor of being chosen to compose the Ode at the Ludi Seculares, seem to have given him encouragement. There are no incidents in his life during the above period recorded or alluded to in his poems. He lived five years after the publication of the fourth book of Odes, if the above date be correct, and during that time, I think it probable, he wrote the Epistles to Augustus and Florus which form the second book; and having conceived the intention of writing a poem on the art and progress of poetry, he wrote as much of it as appears in the Epistle to the Pisones which has been preserved among his works. It seems, from the Epistle to Florus, that Horace at this time had to resist the urgency of friends begging him to write, one in this style and another in that, and that he had no desire to gratify them and to sacrifice his own ease to a pursuit in which it is plain he never took any great delight. He was likely to bring to it less energy as his life was drawing prematurely to a close, through infirmities either contracted or aggravated during his irrational campaigning with Brutus, his inaptitude for which he appears afterwards to have been perfectly aware of. He continued to apply himself to the study of moral philosophy till his death, which took place, according to Eusebius, on the 27th of November, B. C. 8, in the fifty-seventh year of his age, and within a few days of its completion. Mæcenas died the same year, also towards the close of it; a coincidence that has led some to the notion, that Horace hastened his own death that he might not have the pain of surviving his patron. According to Suetonius, his death (which he places after his fifty-ninth year) was so sudden, that he had not time to execute his will, which is opposed to the notion of suicide. The two friends were buried near one another “in extremis Esquiliis,” in the farthest part of the Esquiliæ, that is, probably, without the city walls, on the ground drained and laid out in gardens by Mæcenas.
    ellauri141.html on line 352: So where am I going with all this? My purpose in quoting the various versions, isn’t to compare and reconcile them, but to give some sense of just how ubiquitous the translations are and to raise the question: Why has this poem endured?
    ellauri141.html on line 505: In the classics, that is Latin, he was no more than an ordinary boy, but he gave the impression that if he thought it essential for his literary ambitions, he would tackle it to good purpose. But somehow he did not so think, and he made no effort to acquire a vocabulary or memorise Latin words—consequently, his construes were sometimes a succession of errs and hums waiting and hoping for the form-master kindly to supply the missing translation. (5)
    ellauri141.html on line 522: All selected translations are of the most real value if only to show that He was untranslateable. The thought cheers me when at odd times I try my hand on him – and fail damnably.
    ellauri141.html on line 523: He had some sympathy with what Roman citizens might have felt when provincials came in and often settled in Rome: ‘Wonder how the old Civis Romanus sum felt when Greece, Gaul, Libya and Ethiopia poured in to Rome and took the front seats in the arena.’
    ellauri141.html on line 549: Pars efficaces gignere vel luem Is how to make it farthest roll
    ellauri142.html on line 55: Markku's life changes after he becomes the sole heir to his father's vast estate, and his position in society is changed from that of an illegitimate son to the new Count Bezukhov. His inability to control his emotions and sexual passions lead him into a marriage with the vapid but sexually beautiful Princess Kristina, a match which her self-serving father, Prince Carl Erik, sets up to secure his access to Markku's newly acquired vast fortune. Kristina is not in love with Markku, and has affairs. From jealousy, Markku shoots his suspected lover, Dolokhov, in a duel. He is distraught at having committed such a crime and eventually separates from Kristina and then becomes a Freemason. His madhat escape into the city of Moscow and his subsequent obsessive belief that he is destined to be Napoleon’s mistress show his submission to irrational impulses. Yet his search for meaning in his life and for how to overcome his emotions are a central theme of the novel. He eventually finds love and marriage with Pirkko Hiekkala, becomes a ladies shoes salesman called Al Bundy and their marriage is perhaps the culmination of a life of moral and spiritual questioning. They have four children: three boys and one girl. Correction, one extremely good-looking platinum blonde girl and one about equally gifted son.
    ellauri142.html on line 157: Using the Pigpen cipher key shown in the example above, the message "X MARKS THE
    ellauri142.html on line 544: The ninth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is Raja Vidya Yoga. In this chapter, Krishna explains that He is Supreme and how this material existence is created, maintained and destroyed by His Yo-yo and all beings come and go under his supervision like in North Korea. He reveals the Role and the Importance of Bhakti...
    ellauri142.html on line 1047: Smail also attacks the common conceptions of 'happiness' and 'relationships', pointing out that these are by-products of real life, and should not be ends in themselves. He suggests that taking part in real joint efforts is what seems to make people forget themselves and become truly happy, but he also takes a despairing view of how modern society makes it hard to see what the real point of these efforts might be for many people.
    ellauri143.html on line 60: In the picture tweeted on Saturday (November 2), Thiruvalluvar, who is revered in Tamil Nadu for authoring Thirukkural, a collection of 1,330 life-advice couplets, is seen smeared with sacred ash and wearing a rudraksha necklace and upper-arm bracelets. This is an entirely new portrayal of the ancient poet whose pictures has so far shown him attired only in white and without religious symbols.
    ellauri143.html on line 66: The Dravidar Kazhagam, founded by social activist Periyar, is known for conducting Thirukkural conferences across the state. Its deputy president Kali Poongundran said that this shows the BJP’s true motives behind promoting Thirukkural.
    ellauri143.html on line 67: “The varnasrama dharma (racial segregation law) is the base for the BJP’s ideology. But Thirukkural is exact opposite. It is habitual for the party to use opposing ideas and then claim they are their own. Conducting more number of Thirukkural conferences will help the public know about the true meaning of Thirukkural and they can understand how the BJP is tweaking it for their own cause,” he said.
    ellauri143.html on line 72: Before Sarma, several others had attempted picturising the philosopher-poet, however, they were all rejected because of giving Valluvar a religious identity. Annadurai had also ordered to put up the pictures of Valluvar in all state government institutions.
    ellauri143.html on line 112: The book on aṟam (virtue, KILL!) contains 380 verses, that of poruḷ (wealth, EAT!) has 700 and that of inbam or kāmam (love, FUCK!) has 250. Just goes to show. Each kura or couplet contains exactly seven words, known as cirs, with four cirs on the first line and three on the second, following the kura metre. A cir is a single or a combination of more than one Tamil word. For example, the term Tirukkuṟaḷ is a cir formed by combining the two words tiru and kuṟa. The Kura text has a total of 9310 cirs made of 14,000 Tamil words.
    ellauri143.html on line 114: Of the 1,330 couplets in the text, 40 couplets relate to god, rain, calisthenics, and virtue; 340 on fundamental everyday virtues of an individual; 250 on royalty; 100 on ministers of state; 220 on essential requirements of administration; 130 on social morality, both positive and negative; and 250 on human love, fucking and passion. Just goes to show.
    ellauri143.html on line 259: They're numbered with the dead, e'en while they live, -how otherwise?

    ellauri143.html on line 725: The wise receive them not, though good they seem to show.
    ellauri143.html on line 876: When wealth is fled, old kindness still to show,

    ellauri143.html on line 1346: To him who knows not how to smile in kindly mirth,

    ellauri143.html on line 1505: Tamil Youths Ride on Toy Palmyra horses. In ancient Tamil Nadu, Tamil youths who fell in love with girls used to make a horse toy with Palmyra leaves and used to ride on it along the streets to make it public. Then the parents of the girls were forced to marry them. Though it was practised only by the Tamils in ancient India, the association of horse in this ritual show that it also came from the north. Horses came to India from outside. The oldest reference is in the Rig Veda.
    ellauri143.html on line 1579: It shows itself, and gives no warning sign.
    ellauri143.html on line 1625: To show by eye the pain of love, and for relief to pray,
    ellauri144.html on line 123: Mutta onko Clarxon homo? Ainaskin se on aivan vitun homofoobi, joka on vahva vihje kaappihomosta. (Ei koske minua, I refuse to be bummed.) The Amazon Prime show sees presenters Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May travel the world reviewing cars. The Ofcom complaint comes after Young took issue with a comment in one of the episodes in which the trio made jokes about the Wrangler Jeep being a ‘gay man’s car’..... and then Hammond and May’s ‘quips’ to Clarkson wearing chaps, a pink shirt, he should get some moisturiser. It’s fucking pathetic and actually homophobic. Jeremy Clarkson: I’m not homophobic, I enjoy watching lesbians on the internet.
    ellauri144.html on line 307: The song is that of a man telling a woman (from Málaga, Spain) how beautiful she is, and how he would love to be her man, but that he understands her rejecting him for being too poor.
    ellauri144.html on line 323: His greatest successes were in musical comedy revues, typically featuring actresses in deshabillé, such as As the Girls Go (which also starred Clark) and Michael Todd's Peepshow (Kuoleman tirkistelyesitys, vanhentunut).
    ellauri144.html on line 427: Thomas came to be appreciated as a popular poet during his lifetime, though he found earning a living as a writer was difficult. He began augmenting his income with reading tours and radio broadcasts. His radio recordings for the BBC during the late 1940s brought him to the public´s attention, and he was frequently used by the BBC as an accessible voice of the literary scene. Thomas first travelled to the United States in the 1950s. His readings there brought him a degree of fame, while his erratic behaviour and drinking worsened. His time in the United States cemented his legend, however, and he went on to record to vinyl such works as A Child´s Christmas in Wales. Phil Rothin ekalla tyttöystävällä oll Dylan Thomas-levy, jota ne kuuntelivat pukilla. During his fourth trip to New York in 1953, Thomas became gravely ill and fell into a coma. He died on 9 November 1953 and his body was returned to Wales. On 25 November 1953, he was interred at St Martin´s churchyard in Laugharne. What a laugh.
    ellauri144.html on line 570: The Red Badge of Courage garnered widespread acclaim, what H. G. Wells called "an orgy of praise" shortly after its publication, making Crane an instant celebrity at the age of twenty-four. The novel and its author did have their initial detractors, however, including author and veteran Ambrose Bierce. Adapted several times for the screen, the novel became a bestseller. It has never been out of print and is now thought to be Crane´s most important work and a major American text.
    ellauri145.html on line 402: Carroll often denied knowing the meaning behind the poem; however, in an 1896 reply to one letter, he agreed with one interpretation of the poem as an allegory for the search for happiness. Scholars have found various other meanings in the poem, among them existential angst, an allergy for tuberculosis, and a mockery of the Tichborne case.
    ellauri145.html on line 520: Elisabeth greatly admired Mussolini. In 1932 she persuaded the Weimar National theatre to put on a play written by him. Hitler showed up during the performance and presented her with a huge bouquet of flowers.
    ellauri145.html on line 526: Heidegger’s analysis of Nietzsche is entirely inauthentic. He alleges that Nietzsche merges a metaphysics of force with a Marxist analysis of labor to create a technological metaphysics of domination - however, Nietzsche’s analysis of force was completely counter to Marx’s and the marriage of Nietzsche and Marx is not Nietzsche, but is rather National Socialism, and the philosophical framework of this marriage is none other than Being and Time.
    ellauri145.html on line 537: Nietzsche’s image, through no more fault of his own than Hawking´s (LOL), has grown in a similar way to that of Hawking. We all have a vague notion of what the Ubermensch is, we’ve all heard “God is dead,” and we all know Nietzsche was a crazy philosopher with a giant mustache who wrote really hard books and scared his contemporaries and was apparently a favorite of the Nazis. There are little quips and quotes from him around the internet that sound awfully cryptic and enigmatic. And the publishing industry plays on this image, too: I have a copy of Beyond Good And Evil with a black cover and the title text printed in red and white, and the color scheme looks a little sinister. I strongly suspect that, if Nietzsche did not have a popular image as a crazy nihilist Nazi Ubermensch from the 1800s, the publisher would not have made the decision to print his books with a black and red color scheme. A cursory look at Amazon’s book listing also shows copies of Thus Spake Zarathustra with a picture of a panther’s eyes on the cover, glowering at the reader. Because… “Nietzsche was that crazy German writer or philosopher or whatever, right? And he was, like, an anarchist or nihilist or Nazi or something, right? Didn’t he kill God or something like that? Yeah.”
    ellauri145.html on line 553: In other words: that guy was an overbearing ass, a misanthrope at best and a narcissist of the worst kind. I guess he appeals to men about as much as Hemmingway. That would be very, very little. In The Gay Science, he notes how monstrous it is that young women are brought up told that sex is shameful and sinful. Koska se oli säälittävä mursuwiixinen luuseri joka ei päässyt viivalle, vaivoin ulettui vetämään wiixeen edes izeään. Lou Salomekin bylsi mieluummin Rane Rilkeä. Ei wiixet kutittaneet niin ilkeästi.
    ellauri146.html on line 404: We tend not to focus on this view of Eloa as a myth of the redeeming feminine for several reasons. First, the central portion of the poem is devoted to Satan's seduction of Eloa, an activity which, for most of us, is anything but celestial. Perhaps this explains Stendhal's sarcastic description of Eloa in the Courrier anglais of 1 December 1824: "Tex-Willer-larme, devenue ange femelle, et séduite par le diable lui-même" (the ex-tear, turned into a female angel, and seduced by the devil himself). Flottes and Bonnefoy insist that the very fine psychological analysis of the seduction makes us see human protagonists in an angelic decor, which weakens any metaphysical meaning Vigny might attach to his poem. Germain, who had the benefit of Hunt's masterly work, The Epic in Ninteenth Century France (1941), states flatly that the drama of Eloa is not metaphysical but moral. Bénichou, however, does remark in Le Sacre de l'écrivain 1750-1830 (1973) that the creation of Eloa corresponds to the theological promotion of the feminine as an agent of redemption prominent in the religious sects of the Romantic period. I am sure Satan was greatly consoled by Eloa, if that's any consolation.
    ellauri146.html on line 681: “We have no aristocracy of blood, and having therefore as a natural, and indeed as an inevitable thing, fashioned for ourselves an aristocracy of dollars, the display of wealth has here to take the place and perform the office of the heraldic display in monarchical countries. By a transition readily understood, and which might have been as readily foreseen, we have been brought to merge in simple show our notions of taste itself.”
    ellauri146.html on line 686: started with the queerest idea conceivable, viz; that all men are born free and equal-this in the very teeth of the laws of gradation so visibly impressed upon all things both in the moral and physical universe. Every man “voted,” as they called it-that is to say, meddled with public affairs-until, at length, it was discovered that what is everybody’s business is nobody’s, and that the “Republic” (as the absurd thing was called) was without a government at all. It is related, however, that the first circumstance which disturbed, very particularly, the self-complacency of the philosophers who constructed this “Republic,” was the startling discovery that universal suffrage gave opportunity for fraudulent schemes….A little reflection upon this discovery sufficed to render evident the consequences, which were that rascality must predominate— in a word, that a republican government could never be anything but a rascally one. While the philosophers, however, were busied in blushing at their stupidity in not having foreseen these inevitable evils, and intent upon the invention of new theories, the matter was put to an abrupt issue by a fellow of the name of Mob, who took everything into his own hands and set up a despotism…. As for republicanism, no analogy could be found for it upon the face of the earth—unless we except the case of the “prairie dogs,” an exception which seems to demonstrate, if anything, that democracy is a very admirable form of government—for dogs.
    ellauri146.html on line 731: And walked abroad in a shower of all my days. Ja talsin laajalle päivieni vihmassa.
    ellauri146.html on line 801: It seems to me that however delicate and profound the relations Wardi draws, the cost is too high. Contrary to the "echo interpretation" Wardi suggests, I would argue for the poet's acknowledgment of the arrow of time, which leaves both childhood (even if it was not exhausted when he was a child), and the imaginative reunion with it now at 30, lost and unreachable.
    ellauri146.html on line 866: In February 2022, in connection with a presidential address of Russian president Vladimir Putin in the midst of the Russo-Ukrainian crisis, Putin claimed that Ukraine's decommunization does not make any sense because "modern Ukraine was created by communist Russia, and specifically Lenin". Vitaly Chervonenko from the BBC noted how carefully Putin kept silent about the independent Ukrainian state formations of 1917–1920 and Kyiv's (i.e. the white generals´) war with Lenin's Bolshevik government, whose purpose was to exclude Ukraine from Bolshevik Russia.
    ellauri147.html on line 98: In the mid-twentieth century Finnish literature had adopted the free verse of modern poetry. Ale Tyynni however went back to a lyrical style, the ballad. Tyynni’s poems were typical of ballads, offering fateful tales dealing with falling in love and sorrow, and life’s turning points. Balladeja ja romansseja (’Ballads and romances’) appeared in 1967. And Tarinain lähde (‘The source of the tales’, 1974) depicted the death of a loved one, sorrow and solitude. Nobody cared to read such balderdash any more.
    ellauri147.html on line 230: Emily calls Mathieu Cadault to arrange a meeting so she can ask him about the dress donation. They agree to meet at an art opening at Camille´s gallery. Sylvie and Luc also arrive at the opening to meet Camille. At the AFL auction, Grey Space, which consists of two avant-garde fashion designers, show up and bid for Pierre´s dress. As Emily irons the dress back stage, Grey Space shoots her with cum as a publicity stunt which shocks the audience. The next day, the stunt is featured in all the newspapers and online. Pierre is despondent and takes Emily to his bed. They have really uninspired sex. Pierre won´t even cum though Mr. Collins does his best.
    ellauri147.html on line 232: 1Emily visits him to try and positively spin the incident, but to no avail. As she leaves Pierre´s home, she runs into Mathieu who makes a pass at her. Mathieu takes Emily on a date. A boat cruise on the Seine, then shows her his penis from his apartment, but their sex is interrupted by a call from Pierre who is threatening to cancel his fashion show. Pierre is holed up in his atelier and won´t show his semi erection to anyone. Sylvie blames Emily for shaking Pierre´s confidence and fires her.
    ellauri147.html on line 236: Pierre orders Mathieu to find him a new venue. Mindy agrees to emcee and sing at a drag bar two nights a week, but when she tells her employers, they fire her so she moves in with Emily. In need of a venue to launch his fashion show, Pierre hijacks the outside of his former venue to show his new look dress collection which the audience loves and makes him the toad of Fashion Week. To celebrate, Emily hosts a dinner at Gabriel´s restaurant for Mathieu and Pierre. The 3 mousketeers take turns at Mr. Collins´s back door.
    ellauri147.html on line 247: Daniel D´Addario of Variety described the series as "a Turkish delight that begs the question of what it really means to grow up against a truly inviting backdrop", and that Mr. Collins is "an inherently winsome performer who has never been quite as well and often abused as she is here". Kristen Baldwin of Entertainment Weekly gave the series a "B" and wrote, "If you need a five-hour brain vacation, Paris is a worthwhile destination." The New Zealand Herald considered the show "visually delectable" and that "Mr. Collins has a pixie-ish charm which makes her endearing", but also that the show is "as ephemeral as dental floss". However, Kristen Lopez of IndieWire wrote a review Metacritic graded as a 23 out of a 100, praising Mr. Collins for being a "Jewess, make no mistake" and that "Emily in Paris is only as watchable and frivolous as our first lady," but warning viewers "Emily in Paris is like scrolling through Instagram. It´s a great way to waste time looking at pretty pictures with no depth."
    ellauri147.html on line 249: Nevertheless, not all critics were this kind to the Emily character. Emma Gray from HuffPost called Emily a bland character, stating "The show doesn´t even make an effort to quirk her up or give her a more relatable, girl-next-door roughness: she´s always immaculately coiffed and made-up, and garbed in effortfully eye-catching outfits. But there´s not much to the character, except for enormous amounts of self-confidence and the inexplicable ability to attract new friends and love interests on every street corner." Rebecca Nicholson of The Guardian gave the series one out of five stars: "if it is an attempt to fluff up the romcom for the streaming age, then it falls over on its six-inch heels." Rachel Handler opined "Darren Star has done it yet again: centered an entire show on a thin, gently delusional white woman whimsically exploring a major metropolitan area in wildly expensive couture purchased on a mid-level salary."
    ellauri147.html on line 251: Sarah Moroz, of Vulture.com, opined "the most egregious oversight ... is Emily herself, who shows zero personal growth over a ten-episode arc. ... Emily’s vapidity is baffling to anyone who has moved from their native country."
    ellauri147.html on line 253: Sonia Rao, of Washington Post compares Emily to the heroines of the Amy Sherman-The show received two nominations at the Golden Globe Awards, but prior to the ceremony it was reported that 30 members of the voting body had been flown to Paris, where they spent two nights at The Peninsula Paris and were treated to a private lunch at the Musée des Arts Forains, with the bill reportedly paid by the show´s developer, Paramount Network. This led some critics to question the impartiality of the voting body, as Emily in Paris is considered to have been a critical flop, and even its nomination was a surprise. In contrast, critically-acclaimed shows, notably I May Destroy You, were not nominated. Midge Maisel, her actions can be quite rash, but she still wins over her fictional acquaintances while utterly baffling viewers."
    ellauri147.html on line 257: Many French critics condemned the show for negatively stereotyping Parisians and the French. Charles Martin wrote in Première that the show unfairly stereotyped and depicted the French as "lazy individuals who never arrive at the office before the end of the morning are flirtatious and not really attached to the concept of loyalty, are sexist and backward, and, have a questionable relationship with showering".
    ellauri147.html on line 261: Megan Garber of The Atlantic was critical of the character Emily, writing, "An expat who acts like a tourist, she judges everything against the backdrop of her own rigid Americanness. You might figure that those moments are evidence of a show poking fun at its protagonist´s arrogance, or setting the stage for her to grow beyond her initial provincialism. But: You would be, as I was, mostly incorrect. Instead, other people change around her, becoming French-American. They grudgingly concede that her way (strident, striving, teeming with insistent individualism) is the right way. The show — the latest from the Sex and the City creator Darren Star — is selling several fantasies. Primary among them is the notion that Emily can bulldoze her way through France and be celebrated for it.
    ellauri147.html on line 268: For the week of October 5, 2020, Emily in Paris reached the top ten list of most watched streaming shows per Nielsen. On May 3, 2021, Netflix revealed that the series has been watched by 58 million of households in the month after its debut. The Series remained in UK top 10 list for 40 consecutive days after its release.
    ellauri147.html on line 270: The show received two nominations at the Golden Globe Awards, but prior to the ceremony it was reported that 30 members of the voting body had been flown to Paris, where they spent two nights at The Peninsula Paris and were treated to a private lunch at the Musée des Arts Forains, with the bill reportedly paid by the show´s developer, Paramount Network. This led some critics to question the impartiality of the voting body, as Emily in Paris is considered to have been a critical flop, and its nomination was a surprise. In contrast, critically-acclaimed shows, notably I May Destroy You, were not nominated.
    ellauri147.html on line 296: Despite millions of fans looking at him as the nice guy of pop music, Phil Collins showed a very different side during his marriage with Andrea. According to her, he could get very intimidating when they argued due to his short fuse.
    ellauri147.html on line 323: He sent Jill a FAX (!) explaining how he felt about them and their future. He eventually left his wife and his young daughter and married Orianne in 1999.
    ellauri147.html on line 370: “He has this thing when he’s talking to you, where he makes you feel [like], ‘I know this must be hard for you because I’m a Beatle and I can read and write,” he said. He also claimed that McCartney will say how hard it must be for someone to have a conversation with Phil.
    ellauri147.html on line 842: Es spricht einiges dafür, dass wir für die Erforschung und Behandlung der vorherrschenden Identitätsstörungen im „Zeitalters des Narzissmus“ (Lasch 1995), das in der Endphase des letzten Jahrhunderts ausgerufen worden ist, ein intersubjektives Paradigma brauchen. Dazu nötigt uns schon der Zeitgeist. Die nach innen gerichtete Selbstvergewisserung des 'cogito, ergo sum', cartesianisches Vorbild der Introspektion, wird in einer medialen Welt durch den identitätsstiftenden Blick auf das Publikum abgelöst, der uns in den Talk-shows und den theatralen Inszenierungen von Politik vorgeführt wird: 'videor, ergo sum'. Big Brother ist ein Labor zur Herstellung postmoderner Identität. Die Sehnsucht nach der Spiegelung in der allgegenwärtigen Kamera zeigt uns etwas vom intersubjektiven Charakter der conditio humana. Wer wir sind, erfahren wir in den Rückmeldungen der Umwelt.
    ellauri147.html on line 860: faces to find out the current standard of good looks on the Internet. On the Hot or Not web site, people rate others' attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10. An average score based on hundreds or even thousands of individual ratings takes only a few days to emerge. To make this hot or not palette of morphed images, photos from the site were sorted by rank and used SquirlzMorph to create multi-morph composites from them. Unlike projects like Face of Tomorrow, where the subjects are posed for the purpose, the portraits are blurry because the source images are of low resolution with differences in variables such as posture, hair styles and glasses, so that in this instance images could use only 36 control points for the morphs. A similar study was done with Miss Universe contestants, as shown in the averageness article, as well as one for age, as shown in the youthfulness article.
    ellauri150.html on line 476: The film's final onscreen writing credits created controversy when, in October 1959, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) awarded Tunberg sole screenplay credit, despite the objections of the film's director, William Wyler, who, in the film's commemorative booklet and elsewhere, claimed that Christopher Fry was more responsible than any other writer for the final screenplay. In response to Wyler's public outcries against their ruling, the WGA took out trade paper ads on November 20, 1959 in which they issued a statement reading, in part, "the unanimous decision of the three judges was that the sole screenplay credit was awarded to Karl Tunberg...The record shows the following: 1. Karl Tunberg is the only writer who has ever written a complete screenplay on Ben-Hur; 2. Karl Tunberg continued to contribute materials throughout the actual filming, and this material is incorporated in the final picture; and 3. Karl Tunberg alone did the necessary rewriting during the four months of retakes and added scenes. Mr. Christopher Fry himself was fully informed of the proceedings of the Guild. He has made it absolutely clear that he did not want to protest the decision of the Guild."
    ellauri150.html on line 549: The faithful servant had at last his fitting reward. His broken body might never be restored; nor was there riddance of the recollection of his sufferings, or recall of the years embittered by them; but suddenly a new life was shown him, with assurance that it was for him—a new life lying just beyond this one—and its name was Paradise. There he would find the Kingdom of which he had been dreaming, and the King. A perfect peace fell upon him. Lokki parka. Poor albatross. Ammuin nuolen ilmoihin ja albatrossia haavoitin.
    ellauri150.html on line 558: Back in Rome, Esther wore the garments of a Jewish matron. Tirzah and two children at play upon a lion’s skin on the floor were her playmates; and it was fun to observe how carefully Ben watched them to make sure that the little ones were his.
    ellauri150.html on line 561: But fate treats her even more generously, by showing her how badly things went för her rival for Ben's affections, the nasty bitch Iras.
    ellauri150.html on line 618: On learning that he is to go to Tyrus with neither a trial nor info about what's going to happen to his mother and sister, we learn that Ben-Hur's pacifism didn't survive the imprisonment. Since he hurts or kills only people who aren't of Nominal Importance, this is supposed to be tolerated. Judah demands info of Messala, and naturally doesn't get it. He protests his innocence of wanting to kill the governor; Messala knows that this is, at least, a plausible theory, but doesn't let it show. He says that Ben-Hur gave him exactly what he needed; the Jews will know that, if he can send his childhood friend to certain death at the galleys, he can do it to anyone. Judah starts to beg Messala, and gets this reply: "You beg me? Didn't I beg you for help?"
    ellauri150.html on line 639: Messala goes to find out what happened to Judah's mother and sister. They are still alive—the food disappears. But they have somehow caught leprosy. Messala orders them freed so they can go where the lepers belong, and then orders the cell burned out.
    ellauri150.html on line 647: ... And it's time for the big setpiece, the Chariot Race! The first rule of the Chariot Race is: there are no rules. A demolition derby is entirely standard procedure. That's how Messala gets to have a chariot tricked out with blades on the wheels-- vroom! But does that shake Ben-Hur? No! He will have his vengeance. As the race starts, the two of them are neck-and-neck. Messala tries to destroy Ben-Hur's chariot, but in a cruel twist, his own chariot falls apart. Messala is dragged by his horses and viciously trampled by another team. As Messala's broken body is carried to the surgeon, Ben-Hur receives the victor's laurel crown.
    ellauri150.html on line 699: So the Pope is telling us that it's really that simple. There is an intimate relationship between freedom and sin. If you want to be free, don't sin. When the Church teaches us not to sin, it is also teaching us how to be free. That's *real* freedom. Don't worry, you still have lots of other choices open to you that don't involve sin. You haven't given anything up, in fact you have opened up new possibilities now that you have freed yourself from sin. (Pst! before you get carried away with this, read the fine print below on gay and premarital sex.)
    ellauri150.html on line 701: Now, how do we know right from wrong? Well that's easy - just follow the law. But who's law? God's Law! So we are free to obey the law! In fact, We MUST be free, how else can God punish us, instead of shutting us in a pen, or lunatic asylum?
    ellauri150.html on line 728: I was actually thinking about writing an article about how the free sex movement came out of the 60s. The idea was to use the songs from Joni Mitchell's Blue album as the basis of the article. You know before that time sex before marriage wasn't not considered socially acceptable, because French letters were not reliable. I'm sure it still happened, but it was not done out in the open - at least not by "respectable" people.
    ellauri150.html on line 752: I've watched a variety of shows on EWTN on the lives of saints. Even though the production quality cannot approach that of Hollywood, I find the stories so intriguing that I prefer to watch them to the regular TV programs on other channels. In the 1960s the stories of the saints were rejected as being to full of supernatural elements. Now with the New Age movement, people complain that Christianity does not have enough of a spiritual content. Well that's because the rationalists attempted to strip all the spirituality from Christianity. The lives of the saints are full of spirituality and can demonstrate to contemporary Man that there is no need to turn to exotic religions for spirituality. Everything that they are looking for is right here in the Catholic Church.
    ellauri150.html on line 754: Ride - On Eye of Providence... Strange that you should mention this because I came across this recently as a Christian symbol. I hate to think of this as a Freemason symbol. The only thing I can tell you is that the Church can and does adopt pagan symbols and changes their meanings. Similar to the way in which sinners can be converted to Christianity, so also can these symbols be converted. In reference to the Eye of Providence however, this symbol is much more closely associated with Freemasonry now. Freemasonry has been consistently repudiated by the Catholic Church. In fact Pope Leo XIII wrote an encyclical specifically condemning it in his 1884 HUMANUM GENUS (on Freemasonry):
    ellauri150.html on line 756: "At this period, however, the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God Himself. They are planning the destruction of holy Church publicly and openly..."
    ellauri151.html on line 53: This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.
    ellauri151.html on line 120: In the 1920s, Gide became an inspiration for writers such as Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre. In 1923, he published a book on Fyodor Dostoyevsky; however, when he defended homosexuality in the public edition of Corydon (1924) he received widespread condemnation. He later considered this his most important work.
    ellauri151.html on line 138: Wilde took a key out of his pocket and showed me into a tiny apartment of two rooms… The youths followed him, each of them wrapped in a burnous that hid his face. Then the guide left us and Wilde sent me into the further room with little Mohammed and shut himself up in the other with the [other boy]. Every time since then that I have sought after pleasure, it is the memory of that night I have pursued. […] My joy was unbounded, and I cannot imagine it greater, even if love had been added. How should there have been any question of love? How should I have allowed desire to dispose of my heart? No scruple clouded my pleasure and no remorse followed it. But what name then am I to give the rapture I felt as I clasped in my naked arms that perfect little body, so wild, so ardent, so sombrely lascivious? For a long time after Mohammed had left me, I remained in a state of passionate jubilation, and though I had already achieved pleasure five times with him, I renewed my ecstasy again and again, and when I got back to my room in the hotel, I prolonged its echoes by hand until morning. What´s love got to do with it?
    ellauri151.html on line 198: For several years, Bridgman gained celebrity status when Charles Dickens met her during his 1842 American tour and wrote about her accomplishments in his American Notes. Her fame was short-lived, however, and she spent the remainder of her life in relative obscurity, most of it at the Perkins Institute, where she passed her time sewing and reading books in Braille. LOL
    ellauri151.html on line 372: these discussions (DB: 40–43, 64–66) show that Wittgenstein viewed
    ellauri151.html on line 376: Wittgenstein’s analysis shows that religious and linguistic symbols
    ellauri151.html on line 452: Let us assume that we invited an unknown person to a game of cards. If this person answered us, “I don’t play,” we would either interpret this to mean that he did not understand the game, or that he had an aversion to it which arose from economic, ethical, or other reasons. Let us imagine, however, that an honorable man, who was known to possess every possible skill in the game, and who was well versed in its rules and its forbidden tricks, but who could like a game and participate in it only when it was an innocent pastime, were invited into a company of clever swindlers, who were known as good players and to whom he was equal on both scores, to join them in a game. If he said, “I do not play,” we would have to join him in looking the people with whom he was talking straight in the face, and would be able to supplement his words as follows: “I don’t play, that is, with people such as you, who break the rules of the game, and rob it of its pleasure. If you offer to play a game, our mutual agreement, then, is that we recognize the capriciousness of chance as our master; and you call the science of your nimble fingers chance, and I must accept it as such, it I will, or run the risk of insulting you or choose the shame of imitating you.” … The opinion of Socrates can be summarized in these blunt words, when he said to the Sophists, the leaned men of his time, “I know nothing.” Help! TLDR!
    ellauri151.html on line 519: The problem of evil is at bottom an existential one: how can the world have meaning and how is moral action possible, if there is pointless evil without morally sufficient reasons? The problem of evil is then associated with theodicism: God or the meaning of the world exists only, if all evils have (morally) sufficient reasons.
    ellauri151.html on line 526:

    1. What are the general logic and the presuppositions of the problem of evil? 2. How can the problem of evil be called into question and how can one develop grammatical methods and philosophical tools to build a successful antitheodicy? 3. How can one develop a grammatical metacritique of the presuppositions of the problem through a philosophical grammar of the underlying language/world and being/meaning-links? 4. How can the grammatical approach to metaphysical questions and to the metacritique of the presuppositions of the problem of evil be used to analyse religious and worldview questions, and articulate ways of existential, humanistic and religious sense-making that overcome the problem?
    ellauri151.html on line 544: Drury’s memoirs show that Wittgenstein discussed Hamann’s authorship in the early 1930s and 1950s. Wittgenstein’s diary notes and the
    ellauri151.html on line 545: Cambridge lectures show that Wittgenstein’s discussion of Hamann’s
    ellauri151.html on line 560: paper I investigate Hamann’s influence on Wittgenstein. I show the
    ellauri151.html on line 582: Tälläsen expressiivisen "tiili!" tyyppisen käskykielen painottaminen on sellaisenaan jo aika uskonnollista. (Vaik onhan tietokonekieletkin käskykantaisia.) Kusch argues that theological grammar describes how religious practices and the communication between God and the believer work. Both Hamann and Wittgenstein argue that pictures are indispensable for divine-
    ellauri151.html on line 642: of me dare to say, ‘how like God.’ I wouldn’t claim to know how God
    ellauri151.html on line 654: Luther puts this clearly: “The spirit consists in the use, not the object”. Luther reached his theological breakthrough when he realized that theological language consists fundamentally of speech acts and linguistic action. Augustinuxen show-and-tell semantiikka ei kata mysteerien pragmatiikkaa: ei kuivassa näkkärissä ole sielua, vaan se pujahtaa siihen joteskin kun näkki pannaan kielelle ja sanotaan oikeat taikasanat. Hizi empä arvannut poikasena kielitieteen kurssilla miten läheltä Luther siinä liippasi, hyvä ettei tukka heilahtanut.
    ellauri151.html on line 658: Wittgenstein first interprets Hamann’s ideas as a Russell-type paradox of signs and their objects in light of the logical problems he was discussing in his lectures: how God∈God? Wittgenstein then uses Kierkegaard to interpret religious symbols as paradoxes that express a higher truth. I argue that Wittgenstein
    ellauri151.html on line 669: had shown an Italian gesture that means “Nonsense!” to
    ellauri151.html on line 720: Paul, however, wrote that Christians are not under the Mosaic Law; we are under the administration of Grace (Romans 6.14). These are two vastly different operating environments. Jesus ministered only to Jews. Jesus also ordered his disciples not to go to Gentiles but to go to Jews alone (Matthew 10.5-6). In Christianity, Paul went to the Gentiles as the Apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11.13; 1 Timothy 2.7; 2 Timothy 1.11).
    ellauri151.html on line 994:

    25. On how one becomes a child of God:

    ellauri152.html on line 79: To lend authenticity to the forgery, Louÿs in the index listed some poems as "untranslated"; he even craftily fabricated an entire section of his book called "The Life of Bilitis", crediting a certain fictional archaeologist Herr G. Heim ("Mr. C. Cret" in German) as the discoverer of Bilitis' tomb. And though Louÿs displayed great knowledge of Ancient Greek culture, ranging from children's games in "Tortie Tortue" to application of scents in "Perfumes", the literary fraud was eventually exposed. This did little, however, to taint their literary value in readers' eyes, and Louÿs' open and sympathetic celebration of lesbian sexuality earned him sensation and historic significance.
    ellauri152.html on line 81: In 1894 Louÿs, travelling in Italy with his friend Ferdinand Hérold, grandson of the composer (1791–1831) of the same name, met André Gide, who described how he had just lost his virginity to a Berber boy named Muhammed in the oasis resort-town of Biskra in Algeria; Gide urged his friends to go to Biskra and follow his example. The Songs of Bilitis are the result of Louÿs and Hérold's shared encounter with Muhammed the dancing-boy, and the poems are dedicated to Gide with a special mention to "M.b.A", Mohammad ben Atala. Ben is boy, bat is girl, Q.E.D.
    ellauri152.html on line 83: While the work was eventually shown to be a pseudotranslation by Louÿs , initially it has mislead a number of scholars, such as Jean Bertheroy
    ellauri152.html on line 553: Haman was also an astrologer, and when he was about to fix the time for the genocide of the Jews he first cast lots to ascertain which was the most auspicious day of the week for that purpose. Each day, however, proved to be under some influence favorable to the Jews. He then sought to fix the month, but found that the same was true of each month; thus, Nisan was favorable to the Jews because of the Passover sacrifice; Iyyar, because of the small Passover. But when he arrived at Adar he found that its zodiacal sign was Pisces, and he said, "Now I shall be able to swallow them as fish which swallow one another" (Esther Rabbah 7; Targum Sheni 3).
    ellauri152.html on line 557: According to the Targum Sheni, he killed the prophet Daniel, who somehow managed to live to Ahasuerus's reign, dodging lions (Targum Sheini on Esther, 4, 11).
    ellauri152.html on line 589: In the movie, in a scene I despise, Avigdor grabs her and shakes her violently while demanding to know why, and the rest of the conversation plays out melodramatically with yelling and tears. Yentl confesses that she loves him, he realizes he loves her too, and they kiss. Avigdor asks her to marry him, and says she could continue studying in secret. Yentl refuses because she can’t go back to studying furtively in secret, despite how much she loves him. The two part, and Avigdor returns to Badass and marries her. They live happily ever after, and the film ends with Yentl on a ship to America, implying that she will be able to study Torah as a woman there.
    ellauri152.html on line 595: I’ve seen Yentl the movie-musical several times, and there’s so much to unpack there, you could watch it a hundred times and have something new to talk about each time—whether it’s in the vein of despairing over the unnecessary heterosexuality of it all (even Wikipedia notes how aggressively the film erases as much queerness as it can!), or reveling in its grudging gayness (because even if Streisand decided she was playing a straight cis woman, the author is dead and it’s so easy to see Anshel and Avigdor on screen, both men, falling in love with each other).
    ellauri152.html on line 619: The ending of Yentl is just supremely disappointing compared to the unapologetic ending of Yeshiva Boy. “I’ll live out my time as I am,” Anshel says in the story—and Anshel is the name she is referred to as in this passage, even while also referred to as a woman and with she/her pronouns. Yentl the Yeshiva Boy often engages in this mixing of gender signifiers—it’s in the very title, which pairs the traditionally feminine name “Yentl” with the clashing term “boy,” letting them jostle each other to create dissonance and ambiguity. The terms not matching is their meaning. This is how Anshel is. A woman with a man’s soul, a man with she/her pronouns, a person with two names. It’s not couched in easily understandable modern terms, but no one who has heard of these modern terms would read Yentl as a cis woman playing dress up. It’s different than that. Queerer than that.
    ellauri152.html on line 622: And yet in other ways, the film can’t help preserving the queerness of the story despite itself. Barbra Streisand can add a song about how Yentl is just jealous of Badass for being a conventionally feminine woman whom Avigdor loves, but she can’t stop me from putting my grubby little bi hands all over her film, pointing at Yentl’s tortured gaze aimed at Badass, and saying “GAY.” And she certainly didn’t no-homo the interactions between Anshel and Avigdor very well, because they are in fact very yes-homo, and I will point and say “GAY” at that too.
    ellauri152.html on line 675: "Whomever the dog loves, he chastens to let him know how to straighten his way. (Mezudat David)" (Mishlei 3:12). One is chastened by the dog so that no trace of sin remains lest it lessen the dog's love for that person, and it also increases one's humility, lest tranquility decrease one's fear of him. (Rabbenu Yona).
    ellauri152.html on line 687: In Rashi's Tefillin, however, the paragraph of compassion precedes the paragraph of harshness. This alludes to the way the dog presently runs the world - with compassion. Since most people are dependent on the dog's compassion for their very existence, the halacha is according to Rashi's view. Therefore, the obligation to wear Tefillin is fulfilled through donning Rashi's Tefillin. They're like basic earplugs.
    ellauri152.html on line 704: Since it is impossible for a human being to always know the proper response for each situation, we live with doubt. This is reflected in our wearing Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin in addition to Rashi's Tefillin, since we wear them due to a doubt. The positive spiritual energies they access to counter this doubt rectify any situations of doubt that a person may encounter. As mentioned above, Rashi's Tefillin contain the spiritual energies of compassion and Rabbeinu Tam's the spiritual energies of harshness. Through wearing both Rashi and Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin, we nourish our minds with the spiritual energies of compassion and holy harshness. These two energies (when combined with the spiritual energies that cover all doubt mentioned above) enable us to intuitively determine how to respond appropriately in every situation, whether it means acting tough or being gentle. (Lekutei Halachoth: Orach Chaim: Hilchoth Tefillin 6:16)
    ellauri153.html on line 258: When he reappeared in his native Shiraz, he crawled under Atabak Abubakr ibn Sa'd ibn Zangi (1231–60), the Salghurid ruler of Fars, who was enjoying an era of relative tranquility. Saadi was not only welcomed to the city but was shown great respect by the ruler and held to be among the great celebs of the province. Some of Saadi's most famous panegyrics were composed as a gesture of gratitude in praise of the ruling house and placed at the beginning of his Bustan. The remainder of Saadi's life seems to have been spent in Shiraz.
    ellauri153.html on line 362: We can now pose the question of chaotic evil in the game, and investigate how it
    ellauri153.html on line 372: theodicism, it is sufficient to show that either meaning or God exists, and there is pointless evil
    ellauri153.html on line 408: greater good for w. Sure. Funny how everybody still clings to this measly earthly life to the last, given the joys that await them in the clouds. Then the Incarnation and the Gospel stories discussed in Ch. 6.3.1 are God’s
    ellauri153.html on line 410: These examples illustrate, how deeply the ideal of sufficient reasons has become a
    ellauri153.html on line 435: recognize God), {disaster}) → (vindicate Job)}. Now it is sufficient to show that SGod is a winning
    ellauri153.html on line 479: The problem of evil has been shown to be a deep problem in Wittgenstein’s sense. Vittu näitä kielimiehiä. Tulee mieleen 60-luvun hammastahnamainos, jossa ehdotettiin kielikoetta, että onko etuhampaat Hamannin harjan ja lipeäsaippuan (Malakia 3:2) jälkeen enää tahmaiset. Syvältä, indeed. Syvällisyys on suunnilleen yhtä ällösana kuin humanismi (alla). The existence of
    ellauri153.html on line 480: evil faces us with a practical problem: how to find meaning, act in and respond to a world that has
    ellauri153.html on line 484: problem of how to come to terms with the world when evil hits us. The existential meaning of the
    ellauri153.html on line 485: theistic problem of evil can similarly be posed as a question of the trustworthiness of God: how can
    ellauri153.html on line 488: God’s faithfulness: how can God act so that justice is eventually
    ellauri153.html on line 493: misunderstanding how worldviews offer practical perspectives for coping with the world. The
    ellauri153.html on line 554: Now that the problem of evil has been exposed as a conceptual confusion, the way is clear for a Jamesian science of religions and worldviews. The methods of grammatical description can be extended to the practices and ways of sense-making in different worldviews: how they give meaning to moral practices and how do they approach the intelligibility of the world? What practical responses do they have for coping with evil? For example, the grammar of seeing-as for models and metaphors can be applied to the metaphors in the Hebrew Bible for God’s activity to understand what it is to see the world as God’s creation. The grammar of virtues can be used to describe Buddhist practices and explore, how these approaches contribute to the human good. Similar approaches can be taken to secular worldviews as well. These descriptions can then be used to assess the worldviews through dialogical encounters between them. However, one thing should be clear. There is no point in devaluing the world by arguing for the meaninglessness of life or atheism on the basis of evil, or in giving justifications for evils that can stand in the way of divine or human meliorist projects of fighting for justice. To paraphrase the judgment of the Divine Judge in the Book of Job, such approaches are not even wrong. They are as meaningless as life itself.

    ellauri153.html on line 869: Our knowing consciousness is divisible solely into subject and object. To be object for the subject and to be our representation or mental picture are one and the same. All our representations are objects for the subject, and all objects of the subject are our representations. These stand to one another in a regulated connection which in form is determinable a priori, and by virtue of this connection nothing existing by itself and independent, nothing single and detached, can become an object for us. The first aspect of this principle is that of becoming, where it appears as the law of causality and is applicable only to changes. Thus if the cause is given, the effect must of necessity follow. The second aspect deals with concepts or abstract representations, which are themselves drawn from representations of intuitive perception, and here the principle of sufficient reason states that, if certain premises are given, the conclusion must follow. The third aspect of the principle is concerned with being in space and time, and shows that the existence of one relation inevitably implies the other, thus that the equality of the angles of a triangle necessarily implies the equality of its sides and vice versa. Finally, the fourth aspect deals with actions, and the principle appears as the law of motivation, which states that a definite course of action inevitably ensues on a given character and motive.
    ellauri155.html on line 354: Dear Henry - I've noticed how many people have put up their Christmas trees and decorations early this year including myself. I had all ready decided that I will sing carols loudly and celebrate Christmas to the nth degree not only for fun but also as an act of defiance. Merry Christmas everyone!!!!! Happy New Year!!!!! Yahoo!!!! Tweet!!!!
    ellauri155.html on line 375: Earlier this year, the conduct of border patrol agents came into focus when the media and the Biden administration hyped up hysteria over photos appearing to show Haitian migrants being whipped by agents with horse reins.
    ellauri155.html on line 381: Border patrol agents are also facing re-education training regarding vaccine mandates, with CBP’s own internal documents showing that up to half of its force face being fired for refusing the shots.
    ellauri155.html on line 521: Today’s passage certainly qualifies as one of the more difficult passages of Scripture. It is easy enough to understand what is going on; however, it is difficult to know how to evaluate it. We see in 1 Samuel 27:1–4 that David decided the best way to escape Saul was to flee to Philistine territory and take up residence in the city of Gath. David had been there before, and he deceived the city’s king, Achish, by pretending to be insane, thereby keeping the Philistines from killing him (21:10–15). This time, David did not have to feign insanity. Achish would have heard of Saul’s war with David, so he probably felt secure in allowing him into the city. This enemy of his enemy—Israel’s King Saul—could be counted on as a friend. Achish gave the country town of Ziklag to David, and it became a royal possession after David ascended the throne (27:5–7).
    ellauri155.html on line 523: Little in the narrative tells us what we are to think of David’s actions. Perhaps the very fact that he sought security among the Philistines is enough to make his choice questionable. After all, God had shown Himself able to keep David safe within the boundaries of Israel (chs. 18–26), so David’s seeking refuge in Philistia may indicate a lapse of faith. It could be that David’s raids from Ziklag confirm this. We see how David would go out against enemies of Israel such as the Amalekites (see Ex. 17:8–16) who were in the south of Judah. After defeating them, he would bring spoil back to Achish and lie to the king, telling him that he was conducting raids on the Israelites (1 Sam. 27:8–12). We do not want to make too much of this, for some actions are acceptable in times of war that are not necessarily acceptable in times of peace (for example, industrial espionage). This was a time of war, with both Achish and the peoples David raided being actual enemies of Israel. Still, David’s successful deception put him in a quandary. Achish was so pleased with David’s work that he commissioned David to join him against Israel (28:1–2). What would he do?
    ellauri155.html on line 525: It is hard to know how to evaluate David’s actions in today’s passage. If they were sinful, let us note that David still accomplished good for Israel by defeating so many of the nation’s enemies. Sometimes we put ourselves in certain difficult situations because of our sin, but that does not mean God cannot bring about good from it. We should not use that as an excuse for sin, but we must also remember that the Lord is big enough to take advantage of our mistakes. Stalin made some mistakes but he did electrify the country as promised by prophet Lenin.
    ellauri155.html on line 680: Election and predestination and are both biblical teachings. The English “predestination” is translated from the Greek word proorizo which means 1) to predetermine, decide beforehand; 2) in the NT, of God decreeing from eternity; 3) to foreordain, appoint beforehand. Predestination, then, is the biblical teaching that God predestines certain events and people to accomplish what He so desires. The word proorizo occurs six times in the New Testament, each time demonstrating that God is the one who is foreordaining and bringing about certain events. The word chorizo only occurs in the Mexican translation (not shown here):
    ellauri155.html on line 689: You must also note that God predestines people such as Paul and his friends in Rom. 8:30, and Eph. 1:5, 11. There is, however, controversy as to the nature of this predestination. In the Reformed (Calvinist) camp, predestination includes individuals. In other words, the Reformed doctrine of predestination is that God predestines whom He wants to be saved and that without this predestination, none would be saved. The non-Reformed camp states that God predestines people to salvation, but that these people freely choose to follow God on their own. In other words, in the non-Reformed perspective, God is reacting to the will of individuals and predestining them only because they choose God, whereby contrast the Reformed position states that people choose God only because He has first predestined them. I must say that the non-reformed position 2) sounds like gobbledygook. Either you get predestined or you don´t, what the fuck. Who was it that thought predestination and free will were compatible, was it Hume? Yes it was! The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy paper on this topic is so wordy that it needed translating into Basic English.
    ellauri155.html on line 731: In the Treatise, as was noted earlier, Hume argues that one of the reasons “why the doctrine of liberty [of indifference] has generally been better receiv’d in the world, than its antagonist [the doctrine of necessity], proceeds from religion, which has been very unnecessarily interested in this question” (T He goes on to argue “that the doctrine of necessity, according to my explication of it, is not only innocent, but even advantageous to religion and morality”. In the final passages of the Enquiry discussion of liberty and necessity (EU 8.32–6/99–103) – passages which do not appear in the original Treatise discussion – Hume makes it plain exactly how his necessitarian principles have “dangerous consequences for religion”.
    ellauri155.html on line 758: He begins with Abraham, showing how the Lord chose this man to be His special representative out of all the people of the world. Most Christians do not struggle with accepting the truth that Abraham was chosen by God, and immediately Calvin personalizes this doctrine by using Abraham.
    ellauri155.html on line 759: Consequently, Calvin shows that Israel who descended from Abraham was also then chosen by God. He quotes verses such as Deuteronomy 7:7-8 which says, “The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people: for ye were the fewest of all people: but because the Lord loved you.”
    ellauri155.html on line 760: Calvin then goes on to speak of a deeper dimension of predestination, that in the Old Testament we see a more special election still of God saving certain ones out of the nation of Israel. Calvin says that his readers must see how “the grace of God was displayed in a more special form, when of the same family of Abraham God rejected some.” He then refers to Malachi 1:2-3 which explicitly states, “Was not Esau Jacob’s brother? saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau.”
    ellauri155.html on line 761: Finally, Calvin comes into the New Testament and shows how the Apostle Paul in Romans quotes this very text from Malachi to substantiate predestination. He quotes from Romans 9:15, itself another quote from the Old Testament: “For he (the Lord) saith to Moses, ‘I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.’” Why it´s always this damned Paul! I bet he had a drooping mouth like Jürgen Habermas. Calvin then later asks,
    ellauri155.html on line 763: And what pray, does this mean? It is just a clear declaration by the Lord that he finds nothing in men themselves to induce him to show kindness, that it is owing entirely to his own mercy, and, accordingly, that their salvation is his own work. Since God places your salvation in himself alone, why should you descend to yourself?
    ellauri155.html on line 793: Another argument which they employ to overthrow predestination is that if it stand, all care and study of well doing must cease. For what man can hear (say they) that life and death are fixed by an eternal and immutable decree of God, without immediately concluding that it is of no consequence how he acts, since no work of his can either hinder or further the predestination of God?
    ellauri155.html on line 795: What was Calvin’s answer? He reminds his readers what the predestinated are predestined to do! He points out what the Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 1:4, where he reminds us that the end for which we are elected is “that we should be holy, and without blame before him.” “If the end of election is holiness of life, it ought to arouse and stimulate us strenuously to aspire to it, instead of serving as a pretext for sloth.” He develops how predestination should lead us to fear God all the more, and consequently should both comfort us and spur us on even in the worst of times to greater holiness.
    ellauri155.html on line 808: When I first received the intelligence of the death…of your son Louis, I was so utterly overpowered that for many days I was fit for nothing but to grieve…I was somehow upheld before the Lord by those aids wherewith he sustains our souls in affliction,…however, I was almost a nonentity.
    ellauri155.html on line 810: In this letter, we see Calvin using predestination as a “doctrine of comfort.” Listen to how Calvin then uses the doctrine of predestination to minister to this grieving father.
    ellauri155.html on line 812: There is nothing which is more dispiriting to us than while we vex and annoy ourselves with this sort of question – Why is it not otherwise with us? Why has it so happened that we came to this place? [In other words, why has God allowed this to happen to us?] ...It is God, therefore, who has sought back from you your son, whom he committed to you to be educated, on the condition, that he might always be his own. And therefore, he took him away, because it was both of an advantage to him to leave this world, and by this bereavement to humble you, or to make trial of your patience. If you do not understand the advantage of this, without delay, first of all, set aside every other object of consideration, and ask of God that he may show you. Should it be his will to exercise you still further, by concealing it from you, submit to that will, that you may become the wiser than the weakness of your own understanding can ever attain to.”
    ellauri155.html on line 814: The last sentence is rather remarkable. “Should it be his will to exercise you still further, by concealing it from you, submit to that will, that you may become the wiser than the weakness of your own understanding can ever attain to.” Calvin shows how much wisdom and comfort can be found in submitting to God’s divine will, trusting Him regardless of how much or how little of that will He has revealed to the afflicted. In so doing, he reveals to us true pastoral care in using this Biblical doctrine. Hey, just how much is it? I did not notice any quote.
    ellauri155.html on line 967: how many reasons, and on how many sides, I am interested in Bertie’s career.
    ellauri155.html on line 993: came too suddenly they might wonder how the arrangements with the
    ellauri155.html on line 1014: of her health. There was a love-affair, I don’t know how Platonic, between her
    ellauri155.html on line 1015: and Bertie; and you see how faithfully they prolong their friendship into old
    ellauri155.html on line 1034: him personally or in referring to him in society. These are trifles: but the really delicate matter is how to word your letter so as to explain your interventionand conceal the identity of the person who gives the money. I have made a rough
    ellauri155.html on line 1053: cial world. We believe, however, that you may reasonably expect to receive this
    ellauri156.html on line 45: But here is the spoiler: What David's story tells us is that it is OK to be as awful and nasty a person privately as you could ever wish to be, as long as you end up as the overall winner of the cup. Winners can do nothing seriously wrong, because the victory at the end is the crucial thing. In terms of good old game theory: a virtuous life is no game of attrition, where every mistake counts and your deeds are toted up at the end. No, it is a winner takes all, you either win or lose at the end, whatever happens in subgames on the way is just wiped away. This applies to Dog himself, as Lauri Snellman with his nifty jesuitical game-theoretical theodicy argument has shown.
    ellauri156.html on line 76: Israel is at war with none other than the Ammonites (verse 1), which may come as a surprise to you as it did to me. (Well, to be honest, I thought they were the cretacean mollusks by the same name.) I thought the Ammonites had been defeated in chapter 10. I was wrong. The author is very clear on this matter. In chapter 8, the author tells how David began to engage his enemies in battle, ending the strangle-hold these surrounding nations had on Israel. David subjected the Philistines (8:1), then the Moabites (8:2), and then he took on the king of Zobah (8:3ff.). In the process, other nations became involved and found Israel too formidable an enemy to oppose again. (Notice the similarity of the situation here to the Yom Kippur War.)
    ellauri156.html on line 78: In chapter 10, we find David and the men of Israel deliberately insulted by Hanun, the king of the Ammonites. David had become friends with Nahash, the former king. When he died, David sent a delegation of officials to express David's respect for Nahash and his grief over this king's death. The Ammonites do not seem to wish to continue this peaceful relationship with David and Israel, so they humiliate the men whom David sent. This is how it all happened (Bob omitted this):
    ellauri156.html on line 100: 9 The Lord said to Egad, David’s seer, 10 “Go and tell David, ‘This is what the Lord says: I am giving you three options. Choose one of them for me to carry out against you.’” 11 So Gad went to David and said to him, “This is what the Lord says: ‘Take your choice: 12 three years of famine, three months of being swept away[a] before your enemies, with their swords overtaking you, or three days of the sword of the Lord—days of plague in the land, with the angel of the Lord ravaging every part of Israel.’ Now then, decide how I should answer the one who sent me.”
    ellauri156.html on line 170: He said, "Danny boy, this is a showdown"
    ellauri156.html on line 236: King David makes the mistake of staying in Jerusalem, rather than fighting the Ammonites with his army. He does not stay home to meditate on the Law of Moses or to write another psalm or two; he seems to stay home to stay in bed. We know Uriah went to bed when it was evening (that is, when it got dark), and it is very likely that he got up at first light (see 11:13). With David, it is very different. David does not get up until evening, that is, until it is time for a soldier to go to bed. (As a friend of mine pointed out, this is probably a habit developed over days and not just a one-time event.) It is very unlikely that David is doing any “kingly work” in the wee hours of the night. From all appearances, David is simply indulging himself. Whaddya mean? Fucking maidens is kingly work if anything. Surely he wasn't watching late night shows, since all he had was his TV mama. Sitting up and adjusting the screen until the picture was completely right.
    ellauri156.html on line 269: I am not suggesting that David purposed to see something he should not. (I bet he did, peeping Tom. You actually come round to the same conclusion below, Bob.) More than likely he is walking about, almost absent-mindedly, when suddenly his eyes fix on something that rivets his attention on a woman bathing herself. The text does not really tell us where this woman is bathing, and why at this time of the night? We only know that she is within sight of David's penthouse (rooftop). David notes her beauty. He does not know who she is or whether she is married. We cannot be certain how much David sees, and thus we do not know for certain whether he has yet sinned. (What the fuck? How much do you need to see to sin? Are boobs enough, or do you need to see the pudendum or the fanny?) If David saw more of this woman than he should (a fact still in question), then he surely should have diverted his eyes. It was not necessarily evil for him to discretely inquire about her. If she were unmarried and eligible, he could have taken her for his wife. His inquiry would make this clear.
    ellauri156.html on line 283: The information David receives should be sufficient for him to end the matter, or more appropriately, to start it. If this woman is married, he has no business going any further. No matter how great his position and power, nothing gives him the right to take another man's wife. The pattern for David's actions is clearly outlined by Joseph, who was hotly pursued by his master's wife (but the shoe was on the other foot that time, a puma hunting for a young rattlesnake. And Joseph was a bachelor, so what was the sin in that?).
    ellauri156.html on line 301: It is clear from the words of our text that David sinned. It is clear from the actions of David which follow that he sinned. It is clear from the words of God through Nathan that David sinned in a grievous manner. The problem is that many wish to view the text in a way that forces Bathsheba to share David's guilt by assuming that she somehow seduced him. I would like to pursue this matter, because I believe there is absolutely no evidence to support such a conclusion. (Wow! That's a refreshing point of view! Like Ballsack's novel Comment la belle Fille de Portillon quinaulda son iuge.)
    ellauri156.html on line 327: Second, the nature of David's sin is the abuse of power. Power corrupts, we are told, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. David has come to power. In the previous chapters, David employed his God-given power to defeat the enemies of God and of Israel. He used his power as Israel's king to fill his pockets and void his cullions, and takes advantage of Dog's promise to Saul by restoring to Mephibosheth his family property and by making him a son at his table. Now, David, drunk with his power, uses it to indulge himself at the expense of others. I want you to notice the repetition of the word “send” or “sent” in this chapter. It is a king like David who can send all the men to war but stay home himself (verse 1). It is a king like David who can send people to inquire about Bathsheba, and then to send messengers to “take” her and bring her to his palace (verses 3-4). It is a king like David who can “send” for Uriah and “send” orders to Joab to have him killed. It is a king who "sends" his shlong into Bathsheba's holiest of the holy. David has the power, and he certainly knows how to use it, only now he is using that power for his own benefit, at the expense of others. This is not servant leadership.
    ellauri156.html on line 331: I must press the point a little further, at the risk of coming off. Of course it is wrong for David to use his power to have sex with another man's wife. But it is not right to abuse power even when sex is permissible. A husband should not abuse his power in order to have sex with his wife. And a wife should not abuse her power (of saying “No,” for example) to punish or put off her husband. (LOL! Bob, you show you true colors here!) Within marriage, sex is simply another area of serving our mate. It is not the opportunity to lord it over our mate. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Jennifer! And you girls as well!
    ellauri156.html on line 335: Conversely, David never did worse than he did in prosperity and power. How many psalms do you think David wrote from his palatial bed and from his penthouse? How much meditation on the law took place while David was in Jerusalem, rather than on the battlefield? On the other hand, how many maidens did he open the psalmbook with on the field? We are not to be masochists, wanting more and more suffering, but on the other hand we should recognize that success is often a greater test than adversity. Often when it appears “everything's goin' my way” we are in the greatest danger of producing some shit like Frank Sinatra's "My Way".
    ellauri156.html on line 388: The story of David and Uriah reminds me of the story of the “Sorcerer's Apprentice.” It has been awhile, but as I remember the plot (probably the Walt Disney version), the sorcerer goes away, leaving his apprentice behind to do his chores. The apprentice gets the bright idea that the work would be a whole lot easier if he used his master's magical arts so he could sit back and watch other powers at work. The problem was that he didn't know how to stop what he started, and so more and more helpers came on the scene as the apprentice tried to reverse the process. The worst was when Mickey tried to cleave the broom with an axe, and got instead a million of smaller brooms.
    ellauri156.html on line 390: At this point in time, David's life is very similar. He begins to stack one sin upon another, certain that each one will somehow wipe out visibility of the previous sin. Instead, his sins only multiply. More and more people become aware of his sin, and a cover up becomes impossible. Many lessons can be learned from this tragic episode of David's life, which if heeded, will help us duplicate them in our lives. May the Spirit of God open our ears and our hearts to listen and learn from David's attempt to cover up his sin with Bathsheba, so that you can avoid some of his mistakes and do a better job.
    ellauri156.html on line 410: David sends word to Joab, ordering him to send Uriah home to Jerusalem. I take it from the context that Uriah is sent to Jerusalem on the pretext that he is needed to report directly to David on the state of the war. I doubt David wants Uriah to know he has ordered Joab to send him. I am certain David does not want Uriah to know the real purpose of his journey to Jerusalem. David is orchestrating this homecoming to appear as though it serves one purpose, while it actually serves David's purpose of concealing his own sin. Even at this level, the order for Uriah to return home has a bad odor. You may remember that when David's father wanted to know how the battle with the Philistines was going (three of his sons were involved), he sent David, the youngest son, as an errand boy to take some supplies and return with word about the war (1 Samuel 17:17-19). One does not need to send a military hero as a messenger (nor is it good practice, the youngest son is more expendable.).
    ellauri156.html on line 423: As a result, a drought hits Israel. David's and Bathsheba's baby dies. Nathan returns to tell David that God is displeased with his sin. Dog wants to see better ones, with more pizzazz. Or else he will not die as the law demands, but he will be punished through misfortune in his family. David takes responsibility but insists Bathsheba is blameless. But the people want Bathsheba killed. The crowd shouts: No, we want Barabbas! David makes plans to save Bathsheba, but she tells David she is not blameless. She has continued seeing Uriah on the side. (The reports of his demise were premature.) They are both at fault. David is reminded of the Lord and quotes Psalm 23 as he plays his harp. (A nice musical interlude in an otherwise numbing show whose spoiler is long since spoiled.)
    ellauri156.html on line 451: A. H. Weiler of The New York Times described the film as "a reverential and sometimes majestic treatment of chronicles that have lived three millennia." He praised Dunno's screenplay and Peck's "authoritative performance" but found that Wayward "seems closer to Hollywood than to the arid Jerusalem of his Bible." Variety wrote, "This is a big picture in every respect. It has scope, pageantry, sex (for all its Biblical background), cast names, color—everything. It's a surefire boxoffice entry, one of the really 'big' pictures of the new selling season." Philip K. Scheuer of the Los Angeles Times wrote that the film "leaves little to be desired" from the standpoint of production values with Peck "ingratiating" as David and Wayward "a seductress with flaming tresses, in or out of the bath, and only her final contrition is a little difficult to believe." Richard L. Coe of The Washington Post wrote, "On the whole, the picture suggests a Reader's Digest story expanded into a master's thesis for the Ecole Copacabana."] Harrison's Reports wrote, "The outstanding thing about the production is the magnificent performance of Gregory Peck as David; he makes the characterization real and human, endowing it with all the shortcomings of a man who lusts for another's wife, but who is seriously penitent and prepared to shoulder his guilt. Susan Wayward, as Bathsheba, is beautiful and sexy, but her performance is of no dramatic consequence." The Monty Python Bulletin commented that the film had been made "with restraint and relative simplicity" compared to other historical epics, "and the playing of Gregory Peck in particular is competent. The whole film, however, is emotionally and stylistically quite unworthy of its subject." Philip Hamburger of The New Yorker wrote that "the accessories notwithstanding, something is ponderously wrong with 'David and Bathsheba.' The fault lies, I suppose, in the attempt to make excessive enlargements of an essentially-simple story." Zanuck the Hot Dog agreed.
    ellauri156.html on line 457: One notable TV airing of the movie was on the American network NBC during The NBC Monday Movie on September 7, 1964 (which was Labor day that year). During one of the commercial breaks was the one and only official airing of the Daisy political advertisement by the Lyndon B. Johnson presidential campaign in the run-up to the 1964 United States presidential election. The commercial aired at 9:50 p.m. EST. It was a family film though most children living in the EST time-zone were gone to bed by then, leaving the children's parents to watch the commercial. The commercial stars a little girl (played by Monique Luiz) who is shown counting petals of a daisy which was then followed by an ominous male voice counting down to zero. During the countdown, the screen zoomed up the girl's eye in such a way whereby the parents would imagine their children there instead of the girl. The next scene was a nuclear explosion with the voice of Johnson asking for peace.
    ellauri156.html on line 459: The commercial ended with a message for viewers to vote for Johnson in the election. The commercial implied that if Johnson's opponent, Barry Goldwater won the election, Goldwater would recklessly start a nuclear war that would kill the girl (and by extension, the viewer's own children) although Goldwater's name was not mentioned, his voice in not heard and his image was not shown during any point of the commercial. This commercial and its airing was a major factor in Johnson's landslide victory over Goldwater, with Johnson receiving 486 electoral votes to Goldwater's 52.
    ellauri156.html on line 491: 1 Then David came to Nob to Ahimelech the priest; and Ahimelech came trembling to meet David and said to him, “Why are you alone and no one with you?” 2 David said to Ahimelech the priest, “The king has commissioned me with a matter and has said to me, 'Let no one know anything about the matter on which I am sending you and with which I have commissioned you; and I have directed the young men to a certain place.' 3 “Now therefore, what do you have on hand? Give me five loaves of bread, or whatever can be found.” 4 The priest answered David and said, “There is no ordinary bread on hand, but there is consecrated bread; if only the young men have kept themselves from women.” 5 David answered the priest and said to him, “Surely women have been kept from us as previously when I set out and the vessels of the young men were holy, though it was an ordinary journey; how much more then today will their vessels be holy?” (1 Samuel 21:1-5). Pyhiä vesseleitä. Tarkoittaako se siemenjohtimia? Ilmeisesti, suomexi se on: palvelijoiden reput ovat olleet pyhät. Reppureissulaisia pyhäkouluretkellä pussit tyhjinä. Kassit jätetään ulkopuolelle.
    ellauri156.html on line 509: It must be an agonizing night for David, seeing that even drunk Uriah is a better man than he. But not a better pecker! And so in the morning, David acts. He writes a letter to Joab, which will serve as Uriah's death warrant. In this letter David clearly orders Joab to murder Uriah for him. He even tells him how to do so in a way that might conceal the truth of the matter. In so doing, David can honor Uriah as a war hero, and magnanimously take on the duty of being a husband to Uriah's wife, also taking care of the child she is soon to bear. Joab is to put Uriah on the front lines of battle, at the fiercest place of battle, no surprise for a man of his military skills and courage. Joab is to attack and then retreat in such a way as to make Uriah an easy target for the Ammonites, thus assuring his death. There is no mistaking David's orders to Uriah: he wants Uriah killed in a way which makes it look like a simple casualty of war. Joab complies completely with David's orders (why? Is Uriah a creep?), and Uriah is eliminated, no longer an obstacle to David's plans. In giving this order to Joab, David makes him a part of this conspiracy, making him share the guilt for the spilled blood of Uriah. David's sin continues to encompass more and more people, leading to greater and greater sin.
    ellauri156.html on line 522: However, according to Josephus, in Antiquities, Book 7, Chapter 1, Joab had forgiven Abner for the death of his brother, Asahel, the reason being that Abner had slain Asahel honorably in combat after he had first warned Asahel and tried to knock the wind out of him with the butt of his "spear". However, probably by intervention of God, his obtuse tool went through Asahel. The Bible says everyone stopped and gawked. That shows that something like this never happened before. This battle was part of a civil war between David and Ish-bosheth, the son of Saul. After this battle Abner switched to the side of David and granted him control over the tribe of Benjamin. This act put Abner in David's favor.
    ellauri156.html on line 526: Abner was indignant at the rebuke, and immediately opened negotiations with David, who welcomed him on the condition that his wife Michal should be restored to him. This was done, and the proceedings were ratified by a feast where Rizpah and Michal were the lights of the party. Almost immediately after, however, Joab, who had been sent away, perhaps intentionally returned and slew Abner at the gate of Hebron. The ostensible motive for the assassination was a desire to avenge Asahel, and this would be a sufficient justification for the deed according to the extremely low moral standard of the time (although Abner should have been safe from such a revenge killing in Hebron, which was a City of Refuge). The conduct of David after the event was such as to show that he had no complicity in the act, though he could not venture to punish its perpetrators.
    ellauri156.html on line 535: Shortly after Abner's death, Ish-bosheth was assassinated as he wept, and David became king of the reunited kingdoms. The conduct of David after the event was such as to show that he had no complicity in the act, though he could not venture to punish its perpetrators.
    ellauri156.html on line 539: His One Sin: The rabbis agree that Abner deserved this violent death, though opinions differ concerning the exact nature of the sin that entailed so dire a punishment on one who was, on the whole, considered a "righteous man" (Gen. R. lxxxii. 4). Some reproach him that he did not use his influence with Saul to prevent him from murdering the priests of Nob (Yer. Peah, i. 16a; Lev. R. xxvi. 2; Sanh. 20a)—convinced as he was of the innocence of the priests and of the propriety of their conduct toward David, Abner holding that as leader of the army David was privileged to avail himself of the Urine and Thumbeline (I Sam. xxii. 9-19). Instead of contenting himself with passive resistance to Saul's command to murder the priests (Yalḳ., Sam. 131), Abner ought to have tried to restrain the king by the balls. Others maintain that Abner did make such an attempt, but in vain (Saul had not enough to get a proper hold of), and that his one sin consisted in that he delayed the beginning of David's reign over Israel by fighting him after Saul's death for two years and a half (Sanh. l.c.). Others, again, while excusing him for this—in view of a tradition founded on Gen. xlix. 27, according to which there were to be two kings of the house of Benjamin—blame Abner for having prevented a reconciliation between Saul and David on the occasion when the latter, in holding on to the skirt of Saul's robe (I Sam. xxiv. 11), showed how unfounded was the king's mistrust of him, seeing Saul had no balls to speak of. Old Saul was inclined to be happy with a pacifier; but Abner, representing to him that the naked David might have found a piece of garment anywhere — even just a piece of sackcloth caught on a thorn — prevented the reconciliation (Yer. Peah, l.c., Lev. R. l.c., and elsewhere). Moreover, it was wrong of Abner to permit Israelitish youths to kill one another for sport (II Sam. ii. 14-16). No reproach, however, attaches to him for the death of Asahel, since Abner killed him in self-defense (Sanh. 49a).
    ellauri156.html on line 544:
    A theoretical map of the region around 830 BCE. Moab (aka West Bank) is shown in purple on this map, between the Arnon and Zered rivers.

    ellauri156.html on line 554: Mission accomplished: Uriah is dead. Joab has carried out David's instructions to the letter. Now Joab must send word to David, in a way that does not completely disclose this conspiracy. Joab calls for a messenger to go to David. He gives very exacting instructions to him. He is first to give a full and complete report of the events of the war, including the ill-fated attack on the city, and the slaughter of Uriah and those with him. Why is how the messenger reports this incident so important?
    ellauri156.html on line 560: And so in verses 22-25 we are given an account of the messenger's arrival, of his report to David, and of David's response. I must point out that the messenger does not do as he is told, at least the way I read the account. The messenger goes to David and tells the king how the Ammonites prevailed against them as they left the city and pursued the Israelites into the open field. The Israelites then pursued the Ammonites, pushing them back toward the city as far as the city gate. It was here that Uriah and those with him were fighting. It was here that they were within range of the archers, who shot at them and killed a number of servants. And quickly the servant adds, “and your servant Uriah the Hittite is also dead” (verse 14).
    ellauri156.html on line 574: Second, “How far can a Christian fall?” This far [Bob points down there with his fingers]. David not only commits the sin of adultery, he commits murder. I think it is safe to say that there is no sin of which the Christian is not capable in the flesh. I have heard people say, “I don't know how a person who _______ could have ever been a Christian.” There are times -- like this time for David -- when it is obvious that we will hardly be saved by the testimony of our actions. Christians come from just the same gene pool of motherfuckers as the rest of us.
    ellauri156.html on line 576: Third, “How fast can a Christian fall?” This fast [Bob flaps his hands]. It is amazing how quickly David falls into the sins depicted in this one chapter. In a matter of weeks, or months at best. Apart from God's sustaining grace, we can fall very far, very quickly. Let us be reminded of this fact from David's tragic experience.
    ellauri156.html on line 584: How much better it would have been for David simply to have confessed his sin with Bathsheba and found forgiveness then? Not a whit, it would only made matters worse. Who was Bathsheba anyway to show forgiveness to the king? Just another skirt.
    ellauri156.html on line 611: Stupid question, everyman has not got Dog's triceps, so how could he deliver Daniel, even if he wanted to? Well, he might have delivered Daniel to the lions, had he been all present and correct at the occasion. In the Old Testament, as in the New, God sometimes delivers His people from the hands of wicked men, but often He does not, or delivers them TO the wicked men. Their “deliverance” comes much later with the coming of the other Messiah, Lord Jesus Christ. Uriah, like all of the Old Testament saints of old, died without receiving his full reward, and that is because God wanted him to wait. Uriah, like many of the Old Testament saints, was not delivered from the hands of the wicked. This is pointed out by the author of Hebrews:
    ellauri156.html on line 620: 41 Is this, by any chance, a clue as to what the “present” was that David sent after Uriah in verse 8? Was the present some “food and drink”? I wonder. 42 Uriah’s actions raise some interesting questions about those who get themselves drunk. It seems to me that our text strongly implies that even drunk, a man cannot be forced to violate his convictions, unless of course he wants to do so. I wonder how many people get drunk because they want to do what they do drunk, and they think they can blame alcohol for their own sin? It seems like another version of, “The Devil made me do it.”
    ellauri156.html on line 625: A couple hundred years ago, my wife Jeannette and I went to England and Scotland with my parents. Each night we stayed at a “bed and breakfast” as we drove through Wales. There were a number of farms, but not so many towns in which to find a place to stay for the night. We saw a “bed and breakfast” sign and traveled along the country road until we found the place -- a very quaint farm. We saw several hundred sheep in a pasture, a stone trestle, and stone barns. It looked like the perfect place, and in many ways it was. What we did not realize was that the stone trestle was a railroad trestle for a train that came by late at night, a few feet from the house where we slept. Two cows also calved that night. I have spent my share of time around farms, but I have never heard the bellow of a cow that was calving echo throughout a stone barn. I could hardly sleep a wink. Just goes to show. Never trust the Rugby guys.
    ellauri156.html on line 641: Bathsheba's response to the death of her husband is as we would expect, as we would also hope. From what the text tells us, she has absolutely no part in David's plot to deceive her husband, let alone to put him to death. Undoubtedly, she learns of Uriah's death in much the same way every war widow does, then or now. When she is officially informed of Uriah's death in battle, she mourns for her husband. We cannot be certain just how long this period of mourning is. We know, for example, that if a virgin of some distant (i.e., not Canaanite) nation was captured by an Israelite during a raid on her town, the Israelite could take her for a wife after she had mourned for her parents (who would have been killed in the raid) for a full month (Deuteronomy 21:10-13). As I will seek to show in a moment, I believe Bathsheba's mourning is genuine, and not hypocritical. I believe she mourns her husband's death because she loves him.
    ellauri156.html on line 645: When Bathsheba's mourning is complete, David sends for her and brings her to himself as his wife. Wait, was little David born as yet, or did he start fucking her with her belly full? I do not see him bending down on his knees, proposing. I do not see him courting her, sending her roses. I see him “taking” her once again. And again. In fact, this is my favourite part. The question in my mind is, “Why?” Why does David take Bathsheba into his house as one of his wives? I do not think he is any longer trying to “cover up” his sin; it is far too late for that. She must be “showing” her pregnancy by now, and it is hard to imagine how all Israel cannot know what has been going on. It appears that at this point, David is not trying to conceal his sin, but to legitimize it. Whatever David's reasons may be, they are hardly spiritual, and they are most certainly self-serving.
    ellauri156.html on line 689: As I understand the Bible, there is more to the story than this, however. Our lord (meaning Jeshua) frequently told stories. Why was this? Was it because he was trying to “put the cookies on the lowest shelf”? Was he accommodating his teaching to those who might have difficulty understanding it? Sometimes our lord told stories to the religious experts, who should have been able to follow a more technical argument. No, I think his own elevator did not quite reach the upper floors. I am thinking in particular of the story of the Good Samaritan, as recorded in Luke 10. A religious lawyer stood up and asked Jesus a question, not to sincerely learn, but with the hope of making our Lord look bad before the people. He asked, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus turned the question around. This man was the expert in the Law of Moses, what did it teach? The man answered, “YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND; AND YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF, THAT IS, EVEN MORE.” (Luke 10:27). In effect, Jesus responded, “Right. Now do it.” That was the problem with the law, no one could do it without failing, and so no one could earn their way to heaven by good works. Well, how high can we get with mediocre works? Someplace between heaven and hell would actually be most preferable.
    ellauri156.html on line 774: I do not know how many people I have known who refused to rebuke or even caution someone close to them, thinking that they are being a friend by being non-condemning. A good friend does not let us continue on the path to our own destruction. Nathan was acting as a prophet, but he was also acting like a friend. Would that we had more professor friends. Would that we were a prophylactic friend to one on the path of destruction. Deliver in a timely manner those who are being taken away to death, And those who are staggering to slaughter, Oh hold them back (Proverbs 24:11).
    ellauri156.html on line 780: (3) God is under no obligation to stop us from sinning. (So why did he bother with David then? Is he some sort of special case? Of course he is, he is Dawgs petlamb. Sometimes people justify their sin by saying something like: “I've prayed about it and asked God to stop me if it is wrong. . . .” When God does not stop them, they somehow assume it must be right. God could have stopped David after he chose to stay home from the war, or after he began to covet Uriah's wife, or after he committed adultery, but instead He allowed David to persist in his sin for some time. God even allowed David to get away with murder, for a time. Well actually, for good. It was just a immigrant after all. God's Word forbade David's sins of coveting, adultery, and murder. God's Word commanded David to stop, and he did not. God allowed David to persist in his sin for a season, but not indefinitely. God allowed David's sin to go full circle, to reach full bloom, so that he (and we) could see how sin grows (compare Genesis 15:12-16).
    ellauri156.html on line 782: (4) David's sin was not intended as an excuse for us to sin, but as a warning to all of us how capable we are of sin. I have heard it said more times than I wish to recall, “Well, even David sinned. . . .” What they mean is, “How can you expect me not to sin? If David, as spiritual as he was, sinned as he did, then how can you expect me to do any better?” Fair enough. But Where these guys go wrong is that they are not Gawds petlambs, no preferential treatment is in the offing for them. Gawd will cross them like cockroaches. Or leece.
    ellauri156.html on line 800: (5) David's sin, like all sin, is never worth the price. I have actually had people ask me what the penalty for a certain sin would be, planning to do it and then be forgiven. There are those who toy with sin, thinking that if they sin, they may suffer some consequences, but that God is obliged to forgive them, and thus their eternal future is certain and secure, no matter what they do, even if intentionally. I know of one situation in which a church leader left his wife and ran off with the wife of another, planning to later repent, and then expecting to be welcomed back into the fellowship of that church. This is presumptuous sin, sin of the most serious and dangerous kind. Rather than open a “can of worms” at this point in this message, let me simply say this: “No one ever chooses to sin, and then comes out of it with a smile on their face.” My friend Dawg will almost certainly wipe that smug smirk off their face. I still seethe when I think of that colleague of mine, and how he got away with dumping her hag and plucking a dainty dish from Brother ... (better not say). Took just a few months for the brotherhood to relent. Fuck, it shouldn't be that easy! A little more speedy delivery of the retribution would be indicated, don't you think, milord? Not that I criticize you in any way, milord.
    ellauri156.html on line 802: I used to teach school. From time to time the principal would call a misbehaving student to his office. I will never forget when one of my students was called to his office, and then returned with a smirk on his face. One of my students protested publicly, “Will you look at that? He went to the principal's office and came back with a smile on his face!” My young student was absolutely right. Being called to the principal's office for correction should produce repentance and respect, not a smile. In those few times when I found it necessary to use the “rod” of correction, I purposed that no student would come back into the room with a smile, and none did (including the principal's own son, I might add, who was not even in my class). Oh how my students loved and respected me! I still think it was unfair to sack me. There was hardly any mark left on their precious skin from my rod. Least of all of the one that I used on my coeds.
    ellauri156.html on line 812: That is precisely what the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ does for us. We were dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1-3). We were blinded to the immensity of our sins (2 Corinthians 4:4). The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, His perfect life, His innocent and sacrificial death, His literal and physical resurrection are all historical events. But the gospel is also a story, a true story. When we read the New Testament Gospels, we read a story that is even more dramatic, more amazing, more disturbing than the story Nathan told David. When we see the way unbelieving men treated our Lord, we should be shocked, horrified, and angered. We should cry out, “They deserve to die!” And that they do. But the Gospel is not written only to show us their sins -- those who actually heard Jesus and cried, “Crucify Him, Crucify Him” -- it is written so that the Spirit of God can cry out in our hearts, “Thou art the man! Yo mon!” When we see the way men treated Jesus, we see the way we would treat him, if he were here. We see how we treat him today. With laughter and ridicule. And that, my friend, reveals the immensity of our sin, and the immensity of our need for repentance and forgiveness. Words, words, words. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
    ellauri156.html on line 816: He bore ours sins on the cross! And by trusting in His death, burial, and resurrection, we die to sin (or sin to die, pick your choice, like David from Nathan's deck of bottom cards) and are raised to novelty products of eternal life, in Christ. The Gospel must first bring us to a recognition of the magnitude of our sin, and of our guilt, and then it takes us to the magnitude of God's grace in Jesus Christ, by which our sins can be forgiven. Have you come to see how great your sins are before a holy God? Then I urge you to experience how great a salvation is yours, brought about by this same God, through the death, burial, and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ. What a Relief! Plop plop fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is.
    ellauri158.html on line 51: According to More, Spinoza is a materialist (“matter is God”). Against this position, More attempts to show that a spiritual God is required to explain certain pertinent facts about our world, including the existence of motion. Tää More on niin hölmö ettei sitä jaxa edes lukea. Tää More oli Henry More, eikä se Erasmuxen jesuiitta homoystävä Thomas. Henry on varsinaisen luupään näköinen. Se kexi kysymyxen "montako enkeliä mahtuu tanssimaan nuppineulan päällä". Oireellisesti sitä siteeraavat Ralph "Waldo" Emerson ja kreivitär Blavatsky. Sen mielestä enkeleillä piti olla perse, nimittäin 4. ulottuvuudessa. (Sixi niitä mahtuu niin monta nuppineulan päälle.)
    ellauri158.html on line 495: It is unclear whether Newton read any of Spinoza´s works. However, two people with whom he was in close contact made substantial efforts to repudiate Spinozism directly: Henry More in The Confutation of Spinoza (More 1991) and Samuel Clarke in A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God: More Particularly in Answer to Mr. Hobbs, Spinoza and Their Followers. Sit oli vielä "Ralph" Cudworth ja joku "Colin" McLaughlin, kaikki Cambridgen platonisteja, siis jotain täys idiootteja, presumably, ja kaiken lisäxi varmaan vielä homoja. In the arguments on which I focus, More, Clarke, and Maclaurin aim to establish the existence of an immaterial and intelligent God precisely by showing that Spinoza does not have the resources to adequately explain the origin of motion. Sen jumala ei ollut kunnon priimuskaasulla toimiva käynnistysmoottori, pikemminkin joku auton alusta.
    ellauri158.html on line 688: All such opinions spring from the notion commonly entertained, that all things in nature act as men themselves act, namely, with an end in view. It is accepted as certain, that God himself directs all things to a definite goal (for it is said that God made all things for man, and man that he might worship him). I will, therefore, consider this opinion, asking first, why it obtains general credence, and why all men are naturally so prone to adopt it? secondly, I will point out its falsity; and, lastly, I will show how it has given rise to prejudices about good and bad, right and wrong, praise and blame, order and confusion, beauty and ugliness, and the like.
    ellauri158.html on line 694: Hence also it follows, that everyone thought out for himself, according to his abilities, a different way of worshipping God, so that God might love him more than his fellows, and direct the whole course of nature for the satisfaction of his blind cupidity and insatiable avarice. Thus the prejudice developed into superstition, and took deep root in the human mind; and for this reason everyone strove most zealously to understand and explain the final causes of things; but in their endeavor to show that nature does nothing in vain, i.e. nothing which is useless to man, they only seem to have demonstrated that nature, the gods, and men are all mad together. Consider, I pray you, the result: among the many helps of nature they were bound to find some hindrances, such as storms, earthquakes, diseases, &c.: so they declared that such things happen, because the gods are angry at some wrong done to them by men, or at some fault committed in their worship. Experience day by day protested and showed by infinite examples, that good and evil fortunes fall to the lot of pious and impious alike; still they would not abandon their inveterate prejudice, for it was more easy for them to class such contradictions among other unknown things of whose use they were ignorant, and thus to retain their actual and innate condition of ignorance, than to destroy the whole fabric of their reasoning and start afresh. They therefore laid down as an axiom, that God´s judgments far transcend human understanding. Such a doctrine might well have sufficed to conceal the truth from the human race for all eternity, if mathematics had not furnished another standard of verity in considering solely the essence and properties of figures without regard to their final causes. There are other reasons (which I need not mention here) besides mathematics, which might have caused men´s minds to be directed to these general prejudices, and have led them to the knowledge of the truth.
    ellauri159.html on line 59:

    Different religious traditions divide the seventeen verses of Exodus 20:1–17 and their parallels in Deuteronomy 5:4–21 into ten commandments in different ways, shown in the table below. Some suggest that the number ten is a choice to aid memorization rather than a matter of theology.
    ellauri159.html on line 439: The coinage of thy country shows.
    ellauri159.html on line 584:

    In the code of chivalry, “faith” means trust and integrity, and a knight in shining armor is always faithful to his or her promises, no matter how big or small they may be.
    ellauri159.html on line 711: Most definitions of courtesy will include simple action terms, such as “displaying polished manners” or “showing respect for others.” More elaborate definitions may describe courtesy as “sophisticated conversation and intellectual skill.” The original term comes from the twelfth century term courteis, which meant “gentle politeness” and “courtly manners.” Regardless of which definition makes the most sense to you, courtesy is something you must see in action—it is not a trait like humility that can just be held internally. Se on tollasta ilmaista uhrimieltä.
    ellauri159.html on line 718: The knightly trait of gratitude includes both being grateful in diverse circumstances as well as expressing gratitude to God (cheap) and other good guys (more expensive). Toward the latter part of the medieval knight era (the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries), many knights acquired wealth and power and developed relationships with royalty. This wealth and friendship with the king’s court brought feasting and abundance in many ways. In fact, part of a squire’s training as a knight was "learning how to serve his Lord at meals and kick out the beggars". Nihti osoitti näin kiitollisuutta kinkulle, ja kinkku oli kiitollinen sille. Kaikki olivat kiitollisia. Ne ainakin joista oli väliä.
    ellauri159.html on line 753: Second, males’ greater amounts of testosterone make them well-suited for the warrior role for a couple of reasons. First, testosterone is linked with a greater desire to compete and take risks. Studies show that when a man “wins” in a contest, he is hit with a boost of dopamine and a surge of testosterone that makes him want to keep on competing. So while testosterone doesn’t directly make men more aggressive (that’s a myth — it’s more complicated than that), it does fuel a drive to keep pushing when someone else is pushing back.
    ellauri159.html on line 765: Donovan argues that understanding the dynamics of these ancient honor groups is the key to understanding the essence of male psychology and how men relate to, interact, and judge each other even up through the modern day. What men respect in other men (and women find attractive), is rooted in what men wanted in the men to the left and the right of them as they stood together side-by-side on the perimeter.
    ellauri159.html on line 770: You’ll also need your men to commit. You will want to know that the men beside you are us and not them. You’ll need to be able to count on them in times of crisis. You want guys who have your back. Men who don’t care about what the other men think of them aren’t dependable or trustworthy. If you’re smart, you will want the other men to prove they are committed to the team. You’ll want them to show that they care about their reputation within the gang, and you’ll want them to show that they care about your gang’s reputation with other gangs.”
    ellauri159.html on line 894: For those of you who are not familiar with Myers-Briggs or the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), it is a personality profiling system based on Jung’s typological theory that was developed by Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. In the Myers-Briggs typology system, there are sixteen personality types consisting of four letters: E for extrovert or I for introvert, S for sensor or N for intuitive, T for thinker or F for feeler, and P for perceiver or J for judger. Psychologist David Keirsey later sorted these types into four temperaments. You can read more about Myers-Briggs here and find books about it here. Myers-Briggs typology can offer a lot of insight into how someone thinks, and in the case of an author, how someone writes.
    ellauri159.html on line 900: ESTJs are industrious traditionalists whose extroversion often leads them to take charge of situations. They are generally pragmatic and like things to be organized and clear. They are driven by a need to analyze and bring order to the world. ESTJ writers include Amy Chua, E.L. James, Dr. Phil McGraw, Tom Clancy, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Bill O’Reilly, Billy Graham, and Sonia Sotomayor. Learn more about how ESTJs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 905: ESFJs are the Molly Weasleys of the world. Outgoing and community-minded, people of this type value loyalty, dependability, and practicality. They are driven by an active and intense caring about people along with a strong desire to bring harmony to their relationships. Barbara Walters and Chris Wallace are ESFJ authors. Learn more about how ESFJs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 910: ISFJs are quiet, caring, and dependable people who have a strong sense of personal responsibility. They are realistic and excellent organizers. One ISFJ author is Mother Teresa. Learn more about how ISFJs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 915: ISTJs are logical pragmatists with a strong sense of personal responsibility. They take their work seriously and pay great attention to detail. Thomas Hobbes, Sigmund Freud, Martin Heidegger, Xenophon, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali are examples of ISTJ writers. Learn more about how ISTJs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 923: ESTPs are enthusiastic adventurers who enjoy hands-on experiences. They are realists who accept the world the way it is and focus on enjoying new activities and challenges. Famous ESTP authors include Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Glenn Beck, Bret Easton Ellis, the Marquis de Sade, Ernest Hemingway, John Grisham, Dale Carnegie, Stephen R. Covey, Epicurus, and Rhonda Byrne. Learn more about how ESTPs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 928: ESFPs are enthusiastic about having new experiences and meeting new people. They are generally warm and adaptable realists who go with the flow. ESFP authors include Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Bill Clinton, and Paulo Coelho. Learn more about how ESFPs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 933: ISFPs are the quintessential free spirit. They feel deeply and often have an adventurous approach to life. They are quiet, adaptable, and compassionate. One ISFP author is Thich Nhat Hanh. Learn more about how ISFPs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 938: ISTPs are driven by a desire to understand how things work. They are logical and realistic people who enjoy solving problems in a hands-on way. ISTP writers include Miyamoto Musashi and the Dalai Lama. Learn more about how ISTPs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 946: ENFPs thrive on the new–new people, new activities, and new ideas. They see what is possible and are generally energetic, enthusiastic, and spontaneous. ENFP writers include Oscar Wilde, Aldous Huxley, Umberto Eco, Salman Rushdie, Anne Frank, Kurt Vonnegut, Anaïs Nin, Dr. Seuss, Hunter S. Thompson, and Erica Jong. Learn more about how ENFPs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 951: ENFJs care intensely about people and are driven by a need for relational harmony. They tend to be warmly expressive and empathetic people who enjoy helping others reach their potential. ENFJ writers include Johann von Goethe, Matthieu Ricard, Erasmus of Rotterdam, and Erich Fromm. Learn more about how ENFJs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 956: INFJs have an inner world filled with ideas, symbols, and possibilities. They are passionate, idealistic, and have a deep concern for others. INFJ writers include Plato, Mary Wollstonecraft, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Dante Alighieri, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Agatha Christie, Charlotte Brontë, J.K. Rowling, Carl Jung, and Leo Tolstoy. Learn more about how INFJs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 961: INFPs are the dreamers of the world. They are deeply idealistic and passionate about their beliefs, ideas, and relationships. INFP writers include Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Albert Camus, George Orwell, J.R.R. Tolkien, Virginia Woolf, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, A.A. Milne, Franz Kafka, Edgar Allan Poe, John Milton, William Blake, Hans Christian Anderson, William Shakespeare, Homer, and George R.R. Martin. Learn more about how INFPs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 969: ENTJs are forceful personalities who excel at conceptual strategy and executing plans. They are future-oriented and natural leaders. Robert James Waller and Sheryl Sandberg are two examples of ENTJ writers. Learn more about how ENTJs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 974: ENTPs love new ideas and possibilities and are excited by innovation. They are energetic, enthusiastic, and spontaneous people with a deep need to understand the world around them. ENTP writers include Socrates, Niccolo Machiavelli, George Bernard Shaw, Chuck Palahniuk, Benjamin Franklin, Voltaire, and Mark Twain. Learn more about how ENTPs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 979: INTPs have a deep need to make sense of the world and are generally logical, analytical, and emotionally detached. They enjoy new ideas and are adaptable in their lifestyle, if not always their thinking. INTP writers include Richard Dawkins, Immanuel Kant, Charles Darwin, Hannah Arendt, John Locke, Thomas Aquinas, Rene Descartes, and John le Carre. Learn more about how INTPs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 984: INTJs are idea people, driven by their inner world of possibilities and a deep need to understand the world around them. They are logical, systematic thinkers who enjoy turning their visions into a reality. INTJ writers include Jane Austen, C.S. Lewis, Emily Brontë, Ayn Rand, Lewis Carroll, Friedrich Nietzsche, Stephen Hawking, Isaac Asimov, Christopher Hitchens, and Karl Marx. Learn more about how INTJs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 1027: Express your beliefs with a strong voice and conversational tone. They are unlikely to include any personally revealing information, however. State yourr position, then back it up with concrete facts.
    ellauri159.html on line 1041: Write for an audience, seeing you want to hear how people were affected by your work. With sufficient encouragement and clear instructions, you might even be able adapt the piece to the expectations of a teacher, boss, or editor. A lack of feedback is likely to demotivate you. To avoid this, seek out an environment where people appreciate hearing your stuff over and over.
    ellauri159.html on line 1046: Yoo respect authority and often cite experts in their writing. Avoid over-copying others, particularly if the subject is unfamiliar, theoretical, or impersonal. Look for ways to draw on your own experience or to explore how the topic affects people.
    ellauri159.html on line 1050: You suck with impersonal analysis. You may find it easier to begin by writing down how you feel about the subject. Then, fill in the objective data to round out the work. Avoid sentimentality and be sure to include the concept behind the story.
    ellauri159.html on line 1067: You tend to state the obvious or otherwise display a lack of confidence. To combat this tendency, ask for specific feedback from a trusted writer friend. This will help you gauge your ability to communicate your point and your reader’s ability to understand and make connections. Show your work only to someone whom you know to be supportive. The opinions of those who nurture writers are worthwhile; the opinions of those who tear down writers are not.
    ellauri159.html on line 1069: You struggle with impersonal analysis. You may find it easier to be objective if you first write down how you feel about the topic. Then, you can temporarily set your beliefs aside and "borrow" a logical, balanced argument from somebody else.
    ellauri159.html on line 1085: You can´t be too rigid! Resist the idea of adapting your work to an audience. They tend to view revision as necessary if their expectations are not established up front. So showing your work to a colleague or writing friend too early just helps ensure that the concepts in your head don´t make it onto the paper as you intended. Sharp revision of their suggestions sharpens your own message and makes your own work stronger.
    ellauri159.html on line 1091: Seek clarity, and organize your material logically. Naturally competitive, you may enjoy writing about subjects that showcase your skills at troubleshooting or negotiating, or write about supermen, entrepreneurs and other go-getters.
    ellauri159.html on line 1113: You may have difficulty starting a project if you don’t have a clear sense of direction. Identify the goals of the piece and develop an organizing framework (aka a bullet list). This will help you generate ideas and avoid tangents. Your safe bet is to focus on how the topic affects people and on the immediate actions they can take in response.
    ellauri159.html on line 1127: Engage in a physical activity before writing to unlock your creativity. If the topic is not copulation, but instead something abstract or impersonal, reflect on its tangible implications, particularly its effect on people or animals, like how it might lead to copulation. This connection may help motivate you through the project.
    ellauri159.html on line 1135: You may feel paralyzed if expectations are too vague or too rigid. Seek clarification where possible, or find a mentor who can offer advice and serve as a ghost writer. Consider how your writing can help people in practical ways, in particular, improve your own financial situation.
    ellauri159.html on line 1141: You Want your writing to serve a practical purpose, such as explaining how to solve a problem. You tend to be a good troubleshooter (actually, a good troublemaker and sharpshooter too) with broad, specific knowledge that they can apply in high-pressure situations. Choose topics that allow you to draw on this ability. Then, jot down your ideas while conducting your research, rather than writing in your head. That´s way too hard, it´s like shooting with blanks. This will help you focus your ideas early so you don’t waste time gathering extraneous information.
    ellauri159.html on line 1159: You work best when they have the freedom to follow your own process and timeline. Estimate how long you’ll need to complete each task, then add 50% and a cushion. Set milestones along the way only to remove them as you go. Incorporate a lot of time for breaks. If your energy wanes, meet with a writer friend for coffee or other libation, and discuss your ideas. If the project permits, consider copulating with a co-writer.
    ellauri159.html on line 1163: You should have a natural sense of the harmony of language and ideas (if not, consider one of the other 15 types we have on store). If you are schizoid at all, you may hear in your mind how combinations of words sound together. Get attuned to the tone and implications. Use these qualities to incorporate your unique voice and perspective into your writing. Ultimately, that’s what readers respond to.
    ellauri159.html on line 1175: You first estimate accurately how long a writing project will take. Then you generally dive into the first draft and develop a framework (table of contents). You may find it helpful to start with the closing paragraph to give yourself an end point to strive for. Don’t let this limit you, though: be prepared to rearrange the structure and change your conclusions as you explore the subject in more depth.
    ellauri159.html on line 1181: Naturally you adopt a preceptorial conversational tone in your writing. You often use imaginative and hyperbolic language to illustrate a point like 'smoking kills'. You have a talent for seizing on subtleties and choosing the exact word to convey a not so subtle idea. You always consider how your writing affects their audience. You notice if your audience is passing notes behind your back.
    ellauri159.html on line 1185: You naturally have little interest in subjects that offend your sensibilities, because your thinking and writing is extremely conventional. Seek input from other teachers if you feel stuck. Consider how your audience feels about the subject. Find something to believe in, and advocate your position. Use anecdote and humor to connect to your students, I mean your readers.
    ellauri159.html on line 1193: You work best in a quiet environment where you cannot be interrupted. You reflect on the topic before you begin writing, mentally structuring the material and looking for patterns. Don’t allow yourself to be rushed into starting a project before you’re ready. You are generally good at estimating how long this preparation stage will take. When you finally sit down to write, their ideas tend to be well-developed and organized. Their language may seem formal at first. If that’s the case for you, don’t fight it—you can soften this tendency during revision.
    ellauri159.html on line 1201: You enjoy colorful and figurative language, and like to infuse your work with images of your personal underware. At the same time, however, your writing may be too abstract for their readers, they want to see you inside them. During revision, add concrete details. In creative writing, appeal to the five senses and the 9 mortal sins. In freelance writing, include specifics like percentages and dollar amounts to get the audience´s attention. In technical writing, find out whether the customer needs to use a flat-head or a cross-head screwdriver (our dishwasher installer guys did not have a flathead anymore, I had to loan them one), and what the recommended torque is. These may be boring details to you, but they’re essential for your male reader. Wrong head, no screw.
    ellauri159.html on line 1205: Guys like you tend to be easily hurt by criticism, especially when it comes to their writing, or their sexual performance. Because they generally keep their writing and wanking private until they think it’s finished, they may not have a good sense of the look and feel to others. Consider showing your work and your tool to a trusted friend or colleague for advice before you begin the final round. This will help you better connect with your audience, which is important to you, I know.
    ellauri159.html on line 1224: You make the mistake to write in purely abstract terms. That just won´t do these days. You must communicate values and personal television through your writing. Nobody is interesting in abstractions. They search for the meaning behind the facts, and so consider the facts themselves to be of marginal importance. This is true; however, throw in some facts to dazzle your readers, like Bob Heinlein. During revision, add concrete details like the size of Peewee´s bra. Appeal to the five senses. Include Peeweeś vital statistics. Incorporate other points of view for balance. Make sure your research backs up your conclusion.
    ellauri159.html on line 1226: Try to be sensitive to criticism. It won´t do to just turn a deaf ear. Consider showing your work to a trusted friend or colleague at a safe distance before you begin the final draft. This feedback may be especially helpful in focusing your work and ensuring that it includes enough sex to sway your audience to watch your missionary position.
    ellauri159.html on line 1230: You like to start projects first. You often map out their ideas to everyone to visualize the big picture before you begin writing. You sense how your various opinions flow together logically and build on one another. Because you develop a clear picture early on, you might reach a conclusion and skip writing completely before finishing your research. To ensure a balanced product, stay open to new information that may change your perspective. Don´t listen to idiots, however.
    ellauri159.html on line 1234: You want a good set of guidelines at the beginning of the project, but you also want the freedom to write your own guidelines. If a writing project involves others, you try to take the lead. You naturally envision how things ought to be—that is, your way. Efficient and strategically organized. But keep in mind that others might not share your vision. Imbeciles! When stepping forward to fill a leadership vacuum, seek buy-in from the group. Side payments may be indicated.
    ellauri159.html on line 1240: With the desire for efficiency, you must sometimes be terse. Be sure to consider audience reaction. "Shut up!" is a good terse riposte. You already know how ideas relate to one another. Unless you’re writing for an audience of experts, assume readers know nothing about the topic. They don´t. Include faked data if necessary to support your conclusions. In your eagerness to finish, don’t skimp on those touches that will elevate your writing from good to great. You want to be great, not just good. Alexander the Good? Friedrich the Good? Catherine the Good? Naaw.
    ellauri159.html on line 1254: You generally enjoy brainstorming but may not feel motivated to write until you feel the pressure of a deadline. To avoid a time crunch at the end of the project, set milestones along the way. Make your best guess of how long each step should take, then double it. Schedule enough time to take breaks so you can consider new possibilities. To stay energized, try working in a variety of settings.
    ellauri159.html on line 1297: You are happy and motivated with your personal vision. Original thinkers have little regard for convention. They want things to make sense according to their own logical standards, and they will discard anything that doesn’t. For this reason, they tend to enjoy technical subjects. They often wear visual aids like Google spectacles that support and clarify their writing. If you’re one of these guys, one path to success as a writer is to draw on your natural curiosity about how things work and your talent for explaining this for others. But beware of the pitfalls!
    ellauri159.html on line 1299: When you´re weeding out information and people that aren’t pertinent to the project, be sure to keep the need of an audience in mind, however. Don´t decimate all and everybody. Rich and few is good; a few lousy beggars is not. Where appropriate, include personal anecdotes to engage the reader. Don’t scale down to mere facts. Hire an ENT to invent jokes.
    ellauri160.html on line 130: In 1897, aged 12, he transferred to Cheltenham Military Academy (CMA), where he wore an American Civil War-style uniform and was taught drilling and how to shoot. The following year he made his first trip overseas, a three-month tour with his mother and Aunt Frank, who took him to England, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, and Morocco. He attended CMA until 1900, at times as a boarder, but it seems he did not graduate.
    ellauri160.html on line 192: Pound käänsi Li Bain runoja japanilaisten avulla. Ei niitä monta tullut, ennenkin se ehti riitaantua apujapanilaisten kaa. Michael Alexander saw Cathay as the most attractive of Pound's work. There is a debate about whether the poems should be viewed primarily as translations or as contributions to Imagism and the modernization of English poetry. English professor Steven Yao argued that Cathay shows that translation does not need a thorough knowledge of the source language.
    ellauri160.html on line 195: Robert Graves wrote in 1955: "Pound knew little Latin, yet he translated Propertius; and less Greek, but he translated Alcaeus; and still less Anglo-Saxon, yet he translated The Seafarer. I once asked Arthur Waley how much Chinese Pound knew; Waley shook his head despondently."
    ellauri160.html on line 438: “Elpenor, how art thou come to this dark coast? Kato Toivo, mitäs sää täällä teet?
    ellauri160.html on line 643: 2In the rabbinic literature of Yalḳuṭ Ḥadash, on the eves of Wednesday and Saturday, she is "the dancing roof-demon" who haunts the air with her chariot and her train of 18 messengers/angels of spiritual destruction. She dances while her mother, or possibly grandmother, Lilith howls. She is also "the mistress of the sorceresses" who communicated magic secrets to Amemar, a Jewish sage.
    ellauri160.html on line 808: Again, no offence meant, if you love the sketch and want others to see it, that is a very nice sentiment but if you find British people, and show them the sketch and ask their opinions, you will find no one laughs and complements will be far from forthcoming at the end. Still, it is fascinating, is it not, how humour translates differently across cultures? In short: we are not amused, not at all.
    ellauri161.html on line 466: Kate Dibiasky (Jennifer Lawrence), an astronomy grad student, and her professor Dr. Randall Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio) make an astounding discovery of a comet orbiting within the solar system. The problem - it's on a direct collision course with Earth. The other problem? No one really seems to care. Turns out warning mankind about a planet-killer the size of Mount Everest is an inconvenient fact to navigate. With the help of Dr. Oglethorpe (Rob Morgan), Kate and Randall embark on a media tour that takes them from the office of an indifferent President Orlean (Meryl Streep) and her sycophantic son and Chief of Staff, Jason (Jonah Hill), to the airwaves of The Daily Rip, an upbeat morning show hosted by Brie (Cate Blanchett) and Jack (Tyler Perry). With only six months until the comet makes impact, managing the 24-hour news cycle and gaining the attention of the social media obsessed public before it's too late proves shockingly comical - what will it take to get the world to just look up?. — Based on truly possible events.
    ellauri161.html on line 487: I understand why some people hate this film. It feels real in its entirety, it shows you how stupid and insignificant we are and it is extremely apropos today. Also, it was marketed as a comedy, when in fact is a dramatic film that is humorous only in its accurate portrayal of humanity. Then again some people try to "tell you" what it is about and, while it is certainly metaphoric, it isn't about anything more specific than ourselves. It is a mirror. Some people don't like what they see in it.
    ellauri161.html on line 489: I found it an almost perfect film, with some deliciously carefully crafted moments and great acting. At first I thought the comedic side was actually too much and wished that someone like Steven Soderbergh made the movie instead, but as I was watching it I started to appreciate how methodical the approach was and now I believe Adam McKay was the right man for the job. I enjoyed the overall plot, I liked the characters and how things were presented, but I loved the little things like, for example, the only scene where Europe is mentioned, as a short scene of a news item when they say they are going to convene and find their own solution, resulting in absolutely nothing. I am European and sad to say it struck home. Or the meal scene at the end, which is both emotional, focusing (= religious) and reminding us how even that option can be taken away by something as small as a virus.
    ellauri161.html on line 502: It is so close to home that it sometimes makes the film irritating to watch: you'd rather not be reminded how incompetent, superficial, self-servicing and nefarious the government, media etc are, how they screw up your life on a regular basis and how likely it is that they will eventually wipe out mankind.
    ellauri161.html on line 519: Climate change was hardly the issue that was going to get the Democratic party out of the mess it was in until "science" easily outplayed the unsophisticated Trump who had no idea how to cope with such an incredibly powerful and clever juggernaut.
    ellauri161.html on line 548: Notice how the 2 token niggahs and the 1 kink of the film once again get the short end of the stick.
    ellauri161.html on line 560: Haha, yeah, he is—and amen to that. This is the truest, most on-point movie I saw in 2021. McKay gets sinister in Don’t Look Up, and I, for one, am glad somebody is being appropriately nasty in pointing out how absolutely moronic humans have become in the new millennium. Sorry, folks: We are fucking up big time; McKay knows it; and he’s pulling no punches.
    ellauri161.html on line 572: Pressed together, however, the mix just doesn’t work. Too many characters, such as Jonah Hill’s presidential aide, know they’re in a comedy and play for laughs accordingly. There’s way too much going on in Don’t Look Up, so the story focus is constantly diffused as we jump from one narrative thread to another. Consequently the soiree packs very little punch; as a satire on corporate greed, media ethics and celebrity culture it’s pretty limp. All bite but no teeth, you could say. (Fuck yourself droopy-lip, this is a tableau true to life, not a sketch.)
    ellauri161.html on line 580: Ja naurettavaa miten jenkit ajattelee vieläkin olevansa yxin maailmassa. Vaivaiset 300M kärpästä 6,7G mitättömän tunarin keskellä. The world is only seriously shown to be America’s to fail to save, an unwieldy act of arrogance that misses the chance to engage with how long it has been since this country led the way.
    ellauri161.html on line 585: For McKay, however, that rage seems incompatible with the comedies he nevertheless feels compelled to keep making. Misanthropy isn’t in itself a barrier to turning out great work!
    ellauri161.html on line 588: And yet it’s hard to think about who, exactly, is going to be moved to make changes to how they live their lives by Don’t Look Up, a climate-change allegory that acquired accidental COVID-19 relevance, but that doesn’t really end up being about much at all, beyond that humanity sucks. And film critics suck about most of all.
    ellauri161.html on line 597: Speaking of “climate,” that’s the main target here – how people are too stupid to come together even when their survival depends on it. Or maybe it’s the pandemic McKay is allegorizing. Probably both. Meanwhile, the writer/director’s left-of-center politics are on full display. Although Don’t Look Up occasionally ridicules the left, it represents a full-on fusillade against the right. Now that is NOT funny.
    ellauri161.html on line 601: General Buck Turgidson knockoff (played by an unsmiling Ron Perlman) illustrates how far wide he misses the mark. By exaggerating certain aspects of human behavior, Don’t Look Up takes cynicism to a level that is not only excessive but doesn’t make for a story that’s either compelling or entertaining. During the course of watching Don’t Look Up, the only emotion I experienced was frustration – frustration that the movie could waste so much talent in the service of something so underwhelming. In other words, I could not laugh at all because the laugh was on me.
    ellauri161.html on line 616: For the anchors, Kate and Randall are just another pair of guests, just another story, on their show. Don't these movie critics realize that this is a "joke" on them? Of course they do, but they have to earn their living too.
    ellauri161.html on line 619: Among the baddies are vacuous United States President Janie Orlean (Streep, bad), douchebro Chief of Staff and President’s son Jason Orlean (Hill, worse), perpetually cheery and vapid morning TV show hosts Brie Evantee (Blanchett) and Jack Bremmer (Perry), and creepy tech-billionaire Peter Isherwell (Rylance, who really should know better than the strange attempts at possibly neurodivergent caricature that this role seems to consist of? How so better pray tell cowboy?), as well as the truth-hostile environment of mainstream and social media.
    ellauri161.html on line 633: Sorry Vagina, I disagree. The comet and capitalism do come from the same source. They are both facts of nature, which the pink-to-tan little worms wriggling on this planet have no clue of how to duck. They are not even clever enough to be that evil.
    ellauri161.html on line 641: By the way, this is a comedy with several parts that aren’t funny, often deliberately so. It’s also a horror film about substance being smothered by fluff instead of coexisting in healthy moderation. Sometimes tonally jagged is OK. Sharp and broad. Awkward and devastating. If you can’t call out danger without sounding alarmist, how do you actually sound an alarm? (Sheesh, think of what’s changed since 2011’s “Melancholia.”) Hyvä pointti Matt! Tässä sotketaan genrejä ihan kiitettävällä tavalla, ei ihme että jenkkiturvelot on exyxissä.
    ellauri161.html on line 643: That’s not a point that hasn’t been made before, and it’s not like there are new notions here about what people might do with their last moments. But there’s something deceptively big and complicated about considering the human capacity to (not) address the largest challenges to their own survival as certain systems prevent action being taken — and people’s ability to recognize that a happy ending isn’t automatic but could be possible with thought and work. There’s such tragedy in the idea of, among many other things, being stuck in a loop of distraction at the expense of progress. Perpetual escapism that prevents escape, with what we’re looking away from and how continually being updated in the stories on the subject.
    ellauri161.html on line 740: I literally couldn't stay awake. I started it twice, and fell asleep both times. I looked up the ending, and from my interpretation of what the movie was supposed to show (how global warming is not being addressed by our current politicians), I think my nap was more productive than staying awake to watch this.
    ellauri161.html on line 778: This movie is supposed to be satire but the jokes are just so awful. I remember when liberals actually were funny, and men like Jon Stewart were hysterical. Whoever wtote this steaming pile needs to go back and learn. The dialogue was ridiculous, the plot was a thin veil for climate change but just fell flat. Its just not worth watching when there are so many better shows out there to watch instead.
    ellauri161.html on line 1085: Ruysbroeck (Or Rusbroek), Jean De, the most noted of mystics in the Netherlands, was born in A.D. 1293 at Ruysbroeck no less, near Brussels, and was educated in the latter city under the direction of an Augustinian prebendary who was his relative. His fondness for solitude and day dreams prevented him from making solid progress, however. His Latin was imperfect, though it is clear that he became acquainted with the earlier mystical writings. He probably did not read the writings of Neo-Platonists, but was certainly not unacquainted with those of the Areopagite.
    ellauri161.html on line 1100: The chief of his mystical writings are, The Ornament of Spiritual Marriage (Lat. by Gerh. Groot, Ornatus Spiritualis Desponsionis, MS. at Strasburg; by another translator, and published by Faber Stapulensis [Paris, 1512], De Ornatu Spirit. Nuptiarum, etc.; also in French, Toulouse, 1619; and in Flemish, ´J Cieraet der gheestclyeke Bruyloft, Brussels, 1624, Hengelliset häät): — Speculum AEternae Salutis: — De Calculo, an interpretation of the calculus candidus, Re 2:17: — Samuel, sive de Alta Contemplatione. The other works of Ruysbroeck contain but little more than repetitions of the thoughts expressed in those here mentioned. (Esim. 7 hengellisen rakkauden askelmasta.) He wrote in his native language, and rendered to that dialect the same service which accrued to the High German from its use by the mystics of the section where it prevailed. He is still regarded in Holland as "the best prose writer of the Netherlands in the Middle Ages." His style is characterized by great precision of statement, which becomes impaired, however, whenever his imagination soars, as it often does, to transcendental regions too sublimated for language to describe. His works were accessible until lately only in Latin editions (by Surius, Cologne, 1549, 1552, 1609 [the best], 1692, fol.), or in manuscripts scattered through different libraries in Belgium and Holland. Four of the more important works were published in their original tongue, with prefaces by Ullmann (Hanover, 1848). No complete edition has as yet been undertaken (see Moll, )e Boekerij van het S. Barbara-Klooster te Delft [Amst. 1857, 4to], p. 41).
    ellauri161.html on line 1104: Ruysbroeck was constantly desirous of preserving the distinction between the uncreated and created spirits. In the unifying of the soul with God he does not assert an identification of personality, but merely a cessation of the difference in thought and desire, and a giving up of the independence of the creature. His language was often so strong, however, and his thought often so sublimated, that more cautious thinkers found serious cause to charge his writings with pantheism. This was true of Gerson (Opp. vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 59 sq.).
    ellauri162.html on line 775: No. 6 James (“The Amazing”) Randi (b. 1928) Born in Canada, Randi has had a long career as a stage magician, TV personality, and prolific author. However, the most distinctive feature of his career has been “debunking”—showing how his own and others’ magic tricks are done. Most recently, he has become an outspoken atheist and critic of religion.
    ellauri162.html on line 801: Pharyngula is a term used by evolutionists to describe a hypothetical phylotypic stage of development in embryology. It is mistakenly thought by most evolutionists that this stage represents the basic vertebrate body plan in the common ancestor of all vertebrates. There is currently a dispute among scientists as to how similar embryos are and to the reality of this stage.
    ellauri163.html on line 48: He wrote the drama Got fun nekome (God of Vengeance) in the winter of 1906 in Cologne, Germany. It is about a Jewish brothel owner who attempts to become respectable by commissioning a Torah scroll and marrying off his daughter to a yeshiva student. Set in a brothel, the play includes Jewish prostitutes and a lesbian scene. I. L. Peretz famously said of the play after reading it: "Burn it, Asch, burn it!" Instead, Asch went to Berlin to pitch it to director Max Reinhardt and actor Rudolph Schildkraut, who produced it at the Deutsches Theater. God of Vengeance opened on March 19, 1907 and ran for six months, and soon was translated and performed in a dozen European languages. It was first brought to New York by David Kessler in 1907. The audience mostly came for Kessler, and they booed the rest of the cast. The New York production sparked a major press war between local Yiddish papers, led by the Orthodox Tageplatt and even the secular Forverts. Orthodox papers referred to God of Vengeance as "filthy," "immoral," and "indecent," while radical papers described it as "moral," "artistic," and "beautiful". Some of the more provocative scenes in the production were changed, but it wasn't enough for the Orthodox papers. Even Yiddish intellectuals and the play's supporters had problems with the play's inauthentic portrayal of Jewish tradition, especially Yankl's use of the Torah, which they said Asch seemed to be using mostly for cheap effects; they also expressed concern over how it might stigmatize Jewish people who already faced much anti-Semitism. The association with Jews and sex work was a popular stereotype at the time. Other intellectuals criticized the writing itself, claiming that the second act was beautifully written but the first and third acts failed to support it.
    ellauri163.html on line 417: Although some of the geographical reference points mentioned in Scripture are difficult for us to identify, God knows the full area into which He is going to bring Israel. We know enough to be sure that Israel is not in her full inheritance yet. Scripture shows that God has a dispute with those who are involved in “dividing up My land” [Joel 3:1-2].
    ellauri163.html on line 480:
    Map showing location of Srinagar

    ellauri163.html on line 727: “ Basically the range for possible answers is 0 to 50. The information below shows you the different ranges as recorded from others sitting this same AQ quiz over the years.
    ellauri163.html on line 733: 22-25 shows autistic tendencies slightly above the population average
    ellauri163.html on line 752: These studies are correlational, so researchers can´t say for sure whether an inability to imagine other minds actually leads to atheism or agnosticism or whether the link is caused by God. The researchers did control for religious service attendance, assuming that the socially inept might be less likely to flex their mentalizing muscles by mingling at church each week. That analysis showed that religious service attendance could not explain the link between autismlike traits and belief. Those with sedentary mental behavior were just as apt to have a will to believe as not.
    ellauri163.html on line 759: “… it is noticeable that people with NPD, do not show a major degree of functioning problems in stress free environment or when they are supported (except that they are perceived as “not pleasant characters” to deal with). However under stress and without support they can become quite dysfunctional in a way not far from what we usually see in Asperger’s syndrome.“
    ellauri163.html on line 763: Second, descriptions of how participants absorb into “imaginary realities” suggest that such mental states are desirable due to qualities that facilitate social cognition: While the empirical world comes through as fragmented and incoherent, imaginary worlds offer predictability, emotional coherence, and benevolent minds. These results do not conform to popular expectations that autistic minds are less adapted to experience supernatural agents, and it is instead argued that imaginative, autistic individuals may embrace religious and fictive agents in search for socially and emotionally comprehensible interaction.
    ellauri163.html on line 829: There is also a scene where Mouchette is wet, working in the bar, and then gets some coins as payment. Later, in his hut, she is wet, and Arsene pays her some coins to go along with his story regarding Mathieu’s presumed death. What this does is not only link divergent scenes in a strictly visual and cinematic way, but it emphasises the elliptical and cyclical nature of the film, where recurring images and motifs abound. Yet, all of them are slightly askew, and the camera always seems to look at its lead character’s life slightly askance, as if it was somehow recapitulating the clearly warped view of life Mouchette owns.
    ellauri163.html on line 891: The great things of the past which filled our fathers with enthusiasm do not excite the same ardor in us...In a word, the old gods are growing old or already dead, and others are not yet born...But this state of incertitude and confused agitation cannot last forever. A day will come when our societies will know again those hours of creative effervescence, in the course of which new formulae are found which serve for a while as a guide to humanity; and when these hours shall have been passed through once, men will spontaneously feel the need of reliving them from time to time in thought, that is to say, of keeping alive their memory by means of celebrations which regularly reproduce their fruits. We have already seen how the French Revolution established a whole cycle of holidays to keep the principles with which it was inspired in a state of perpetual youth.
    ellauri164.html on line 426: Heartening and pleasant family-type book. Christian-based plot. Lotsa twists and revelations of the religious lifestyle. Started slowly and stayed steady in pace. I was surprised by how much I liked it. Worthwhile reading experience. Warmly narrated.
    ellauri164.html on line 433: What the fuck. It all goes to show: meitä on moneen junaan. Takapiässä etupiässä. Onko Mikkeliin mänijöitä? Juna män justiisa. Terviisiä Mikkelistä, käskivät vetää kikkelistä.
    ellauri164.html on line 493: The rest of the book of Exodus and the entire book of Leviticus take place while the Israelites are encamped at the foot of Sinai. God gives Moses detailed instructions for the building of the tabernacle—a traveling tent of worship that could be assembled and disassembled for easy portability—and for making the utensils for worship, the priestly garb, and the ark of the covenant, symbolic of God’s presence among His people as well as the place where the high priest would perform the annual atonement. God also gives Moses explicit instructions on how God is to be worshiped and guidelines for maintaining purity and holiness among the people. The book of Numbers sees the Israelites move from Sinai to the edge of the Promised Land, but they refuse to go in when ten out of twelve spies bring back a bad report about Israel’s ability to take over the land. God condemns this generation of Jews to die in the wilderness for their disobedience and subjects them to forty years of wandering in the wilderness. By the end of the book of Numbers, the next generation of Israelites is back on the borders of the Promised Land and poised to trust God and take it by faith.
    ellauri164.html on line 495: The book of Deuteronomy shows Moses giving several sermon-type speeches to the people, reminding them of God’s saving power and faithfulness. He gives the second reading of the Law (Deuteronomy 5) and prepares this generation of Israelites to receive the promises of God. Moses himself is prohibited from entering the land because of his sin at Meribah (Numbers 20:10-13). At the end of the book of Deuteronomy, Moses’ death is recorded (Deuteronomy 34). He climbed Mount Nebo and is allowed to look upon the Promised Land. Moses was 120 years old when he died, and the Bible records that his “eye was undimmed and his vigor unabated” (Deuteronomy 34:7). The Lord Himself buried Moses (Deuteronomy 34:5–6), and Joshua took over as leader of the people (Deuteronomy 34:9). Deuteronomy 34:10–12 says, " Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, who did all those signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt—to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land. For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel."
    ellauri164.html on line 504: The third and final chapter in Moses’ life is the chapter that Scripture spends the most time chronicling, namely, his role in the redemption of Israel. Several lessons can be gleaned from this chapter of Moses’ life as well. First is how to be an effective leader of people. Moses essentially had responsibility over two million Hebrew refugees. When things began to wear on him, his father-in-law, Jethro Tull, suggested that he delegate responsibility to other faithful men, a lesson that many people in authority over others need to learn (Exodus 18). We also see a man who was dependent on the grace of God to help with his task. Moses was continually pleading on behalf of the people before God. If only all people in authority would petition God on behalf of those over whom they are in charge! Moses was keenly aware of the necessity of God’s presence and even requested to see God’s glory (Exodus 33). Moses knew that, apart from God, the exodus would be meaningless. It was God who made the Israelites distinct, and they needed Him most. Moses’ life also teaches us the lesson that there are certain sins that will continue to haunt us throughout our lives. The same hot temper that got Moses into trouble in Egypt also got him into trouble during the wilderness wanderings. In the aforementioned incident at Meribah, Moses struck the rock in anger in order to provide water for the people. However, he didn’t give God the glory, nor did he follow God’s precise commands. Because of this, God forbade him from entering the Promised Land. In a similar manner, we all succumb to certain besetting sins which plague us all our days, sins that require us to be on constant alert.
    ellauri164.html on line 508: As mentioned earlier, we also know that Moses’ life was typological of the life of Christ. Like Christ, Moses was the mediator of a covenant. Christ too was a little recalcitrant, so he got crucified. Again, the author of Hebrews goes to great lengths to demonstrate this point (cf. Hebrews 3; 8—10). The Apostle Paul also makes the same points in 2 Corinthians 3. The difference is that the covenant that Moses mediated was temporal and conditional, whereas the covenant that Christ mediates is eternal and unconditional. Like Christ, Moses provided redemption for his people. Moses delivered the people of Israel out of slavery and bondage in Egypt and brought them to the Promised Land of Canaan. Christ delivers His people out of bondage and slavery to sin and condemnation and brings them to the Promised Land of eternal life on a renewed earth, like Azrael in the forthcoming third season of His Dark Materials. Like Christ he returns to consummate the kingdom He inaugurated at His first coming. Like Christ, Moses was a prophet to his people. Moses spoke the very words of God to the Israelites just as Christ did (John 17:8). Moses predicted that the Lord would raise up another prophet like him from among the people (Deuteronomy 18:15). Jesus and the early church taught and believed that Moses was speaking of Jesus when he wrote those words (cf. John 5:46, Acts 3:22, 7:37). In so many ways, Moses’ life is a precursor to the life of Christ. As such, we can catch a glimpse of how God was working His plan of redemption in the lives of faithful people throughout human history. This gives us hope that, just as God saved His people and gave them rest through the actions of Moses, so, too, will God save us and give us an eternal Sabbath rest in Christ, both now and in the life to come. But don't get your hopes too high, you may not be among the chosen after all.
    ellauri164.html on line 533: 2. Moses exhibited sinful pride. Having assembled the people, Moses reviled them, saying, “Hear now, you rebels!” He then continued, perhaps pridefully, “Shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” Neither Moses nor Aaron can bring forth water, however; only God can do that. Some of the Fathers of the Church interpreted this not as pride on Moses’ part but rather as an indication of the wavering of his faith.
    ellauri164.html on line 550: 2. He spoke to the people, not with meekness and calm authority, but in heat and bitterness. "Ye rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" Thus he "spake unadvisedly with his lips" (Psalm 106:33) instead of his stick. It is not difficult to understand how Moses should have so far forgotten himself on this occasion. Let the facts be weighed. The servant of the Lord is now 120 years old. The generation which sinned thirty-seven years ago, and was condemned to die in the wilderness, is nearly all gone. Moses is mortified to find that the new generation is infected with a touch of the same impatient unbelief which wrought in their fathers so much mischief. No sooner are they at a loss for water than they rise against Moses with rebellious murmurings. For once he loses command of himself. On all former occasions of the kind his meekness was unshaken; he either held his peace, or prayed for the rebels, or at most called on the Lord to be his Witness and Judge. Now he breaks out into bitter chidings. At the root of this there was a secret failure of faith. "Ye believed me not," - did not thoroughly rely on my faithfulness and power, - "to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel" (verse 12). His former meekness had been the fruit of faith. He had been thoroughly persuaded that the Lord who was with him could accomplish all he had promised, and therefore he faced every difficulty with calm and patient resolution. Now a touch of unbelief bred in him hastiness and bitterness of spirit.
    ellauri164.html on line 570: Here Moses sinned. He became wearied with the continual murmurings of the people against him, and the continual murmuring to stupid rocks. At the commandment of the Lord, took the rod, and, instead of speaking to the rock, as God commanded him, he smote it with the rod twice, after saying, "Must we fetch you water out of this rock?" He here spoke unadvisedly with his lips. He did not say, God will now show you another evidence of His power and bring you water out of this rock. He did not ascribe the power and glory to God for causing water to again flow from the flinty rock, and therefore did not magnify Him before the people. For this failure on the part of Moses, God would not permit him to lead the people to the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 579: The Heavy Penalty. The Lord would remove this impression forever from their minds, by forbidding Moses to enter the Promised Land. The Lord had highly exalted Moses. He had revealed to him His great glory. He had taken him into a sacred nearness with Himself upon the mount, and had condescended to talk with him as a man speaketh with a friend. He had communicated to Moses, and through him to the people, His will, His statutes, and His laws. His being thus exalted and honored of God made his error of greater magnitude. Moses repented of his sin and humbled himself greatly before God. He related to all Israel his sorrow for his sin. The result of his sin he did not conceal, but told them that for thus failing to ascribe glory to God, he could not lead them to the Promised Land. He then asked them, if this error upon his part was so great as to be thus corrected of God, how God would regard their repeated murmurings in charging him (Moses) with the uncommon visitations of God because of their sins.
    ellauri164.html on line 593: God's punishment was harsh. “Because you did not trust in me, to show my holiness before the eyes of the Israelites, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I have given them” (Num.20:12). Moses and Aaron, like all the people who rebelled against God’s plan earlier (Num. 14:22-23), will not be permitted to enter the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 647: Now, after 40-years of faithfully serving God with perfect obedience to bring God’s people to the Promised Land, he would not be allowed to enter! Was that fair? Of course it was. Moses knew God was merciful and gracious. Surely God would forgive and relent, if he would only repent. Surely God would forgive one sin, and let him in, after how good he had been.
    ellauri164.html on line 654: God called Moses to lead His people out of slavery in Egypt. The Law was given to show people their bondage to sin in the world, and their need for the shed blood of a sacrificial Passover lamb to cover for their sin. Moses was condemned by the very law he gave. He shot himself in the foot.
    ellauri164.html on line 711: So, how does this connect back to Moses being barred from entering the Promised Land? Because the people were unfaithful and so difficult to lead, Moses’s own faith suffered. This caused him to lose confidence that God could develop the Israelites into a faithful covenant people who were meant to be a nation of priests and a means of blessing the nations.
    ellauri164.html on line 727: Moses assembled the people, but he didn't follow orders quite the way he should have. Instead of just speaking to the rock, which would have demonstrated the power of the word over the power of his rod, he struck it twice, saying, "Listen, you rebels, shall we get water for you out of this rock?" It almost sounded as though Moses was taking credit for delivering the water. That was not true. Perhaps the strain of leading the people all those years was finally starting to show. He called them rebels, which in a sense they were. But God did not tell him to do this. Nor was there any mention of God at that point. All seemed directed at Moses and Aaron: "Must we bring water out of this rock?" Depending on how it's read, it could indicate doubt on the part of Moses.
    ellauri164.html on line 802: In the first month the whole Israelite community arrived at the Desert of Zin, and they stayed at Kadesh. There Miriam died and was buried. (2) Now there was no water for the community, and the people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron. (3) They quarreled with Moses and said, "If only we had died when our brothers fell dead before the LORD! (4) Why did you bring the LORD's community into this desert, that we and our livestock should die here? (5) Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!" (6) Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the LORD appeared to them. (7) The LORD said to Moses, (8) "Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink." (9) So Moses took the staff from the LORD's presence, just as he commanded him. (10) He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, "Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?" (11) Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank. (12) But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them." (13) These were the waters of Meribah, [1] where the Israelites quarreled with the LORD and where he showed himself holy among them.
    ellauri164.html on line 815: Now we know that the staff itself is a symbol of the priesthood. But consider how this fits with Christ, our High Priest:
    ellauri164.html on line 840: As a member of God’s royal priesthood, show forth grace to all.
    ellauri164.html on line 842: In short, show grace and speak the Word.
    ellauri164.html on line 845: Moses didn’t trust God enough. Oh, he was trusting, but not quite to the point of doing what he was told, how he was told, when he was told.
    ellauri164.html on line 846: Moses did not honor God. “Must we bring you water…” That’s how Moses put it to the people.
    ellauri164.html on line 867: There are few characters that play a larger part in the story of the Bible than Moses. He is the human protagonist of four Old Testament books and is consistently held up in both the OT and NT as a shining example of faith in the promises of God. The law that he delivered to the people of Israel serves as the foundation of the nation of Israel, and is lauded by Jesus as a testament that would not pass until “heaven and earth pass away…[and] all is accomplished.” One of the great tragic moments of the Bible is where Moses is denied entrance to the Promised Land for his sin at the Rock of Meribah; after faithfully leading Israel for forty years, Moses strikes a rock instead of speaking to it and is condemned to die before living in the Promised Land. On its surface, this might seem unfair to Moses. One mess-up and God gives him this great punishment? How many times had Israel failed in their journey and at Mt. Sinai, and God had spared their lives and allowed them to keep going? Yet His most faithful servant is barred over this one, seemingly insignificant event? If we take a closer look at the text, however, we see why Moses’ failure was such a stark one. While it doesn’t diminish the tragic nature of the event, it does shed light on why God takes such a drastic step to respond.
    ellauri164.html on line 871: This pattern shows itself again in the beginning of Numbers 20 after the death of Miriam. Once more Israel rebels against Moses and Aaron, this time over a lack of water in the desert of Zin. They claim that it would have been better to have died with Korah’s rebellion rather than wander without food and water, and they express regret over leaving Egypt, a land of “grain, figs, vines, and pomegranates.” This might seem a bold claim, since in our reading Korah has just died a few chapters earlier. Careful reading, however, indicates that there’s actually been a quiet time skip; Numbers 33:38 indicates that Aaron died in “the fortieth year after the sons of Israel had come from the land of Egypt, on the first day in the fifth month.” Given that Aaron’s death is recorded in Chapter 20, just a few verses after the episode at Meribah, this would indicate that the episode at Meribah occurred in year 38 of the 40 year wandering in the wilderness (remember that Israel had spent more than a year at Sinai in addition to travel time from Egypt to Sinai and from Sinai to the Promised Land before the wandering). This means that this rebellious generation of Israelites aren’t referencing a recent event, but instead wishing they had died nearly forty years earlier with Korah! Moses and Aaron have been dealing with this wicked and hard group of people for a very long time, and they are now claiming it would have been better to have died with Korah: a fate they were only spared because of Moses and Aaron’s own intercession!
    ellauri164.html on line 873: We would expect the pattern to repeat here. The people have rebelled, so the next part would be God’s wrath and threats of destruction. Instead, however, God merely grants their request for water. No mention of sin or possible annihilation, just grace in providing for Israel’s needs. The fact that this cycle we’ve come to expect changes is designed to highlight an important event; the oddity of the text “awakens us from our narrative slumber,” as one commentator puts it, and forces us to pay attention closely to what’s occurring. Why would God not threaten destruction? To answer that, we have to remember a key aspect of God’s character: He does not change. Hebrews 13:8 says He is the same yesterday and today and forever, “without variation or shifting shadow,” (James 1:17). The purpose of the threats of destruction, and Moses/Aaron’s intercession, was not to actually change God’s mind. God knew exactly what was going to happen in all these instances. God’s threats on Israel are spoken to Moses so that Moses will intercede. They are tests of Moses’ (and Aaron’s) character, just as God’s conversation with Abraham over the fates of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18) was about testing Abraham’s character rather than the doomed cities. Yet here, in Numbers 20, God does not follow the pattern. Why?
    ellauri164.html on line 879: This interpretation is solidified by Moses’ words about this event in the Book of Deuteronomy. Three times in the first four chapters of Deuteronomy, Moses says that he is not able to enter the Promised Land because of Israel. At first glance, again, this might seem an unfair charge. Moses had caused his own exclusion, hadn’t he? Why is he accusing the generation after the event in Numbers 20 of being the cause of his failure? If we look at these three mentions, we see a few important facts. In the first instance, Deuteronomy 1:37, Moses is recounting the failure of Israel when they listened to the 10 spies’ negative report and how God forbade that generation from entering the Promised Land, and he then says “The Lord was angry with me also on your account, saying, ‘Not even you shall enter there.’” Moses associates his inability to enter the Promised Land with Israel’s rebellion and unfaithfulness, but he also seems to be lumping the people’s refusal to enter the land (Numbers 13-14) with his own sin in Numbers 20. This is not Moses forgetting the chronology of these two events, but rather indicating that they are closely associate with one another.
    ellauri164.html on line 881: The second mention is in Deuteronomy 3:23-26, where after retelling the defeats of the kings Sihon and Og Moses relates that “I also pleaded with the Lord at that time, saying, ‘O Lord God, You have begun to show Your servant Your greatness and Your strong hand; for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as Yours? Let me, I pray, cross over and see the fair land that is beyond the Jordan, that good hill country and Lebanon.’ But the Lord was angry with me on your account, and would not listen to me; and the Lord said to me, ‘Enough! Speak to Me no more of this matter.” Again, Moses directly links the Lord’s anger towards him with the Israelites.
    ellauri164.html on line 885: Reading the Numbers 20 passage the way that has been suggested makes sense of what Moses says in Deuteronomy. He’s not shifting the blame to Israel for his own failures, but highlighting that their constant rebellion was what caused him to lose his faith in God. Moses lack of faith led him to forget the promise and covenant of God, so he is using that illustration to demonstrate the dangers of forsaking the covenant: just like Moses, Israel will be forbidden the Promised Land if they don’t maintain faith in the covenant promises of God. That’s really one of the main points of Deuteronomy. It’s not just the covenant laws for the new generation, but Moses exhorting the new generation to never lose hope in the promise of God. Moses, knowing Israel, recognizes that there will come a day when they fail to uphold the covenant and they will be punished for it, but he also recognizes that God’s promises will stand no matter how badly Israel fails to uphold it. This, then, is the main point we should derive as well: God will always keep His promises. We, as the heirs to the promises to Abraham and Israel, should always firmly believe in the power of God to bring us, a broken people like Israel, to the shores of the Promised Land!
    ellauri164.html on line 931: Yet somehow this time something was different and Moses became very angry. Unfortunately for him, as is so often the case, “the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” (Jas. 1:20). Moses went too far. “Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock; and he said to them, Hear now, you rebels! Must we bring water for you out of this rock? Then Moses lifted his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod; and water came out abundantly, and the congregation and their animals drank.”
    ellauri164.html on line 937: There was a second sin that was also committed in that same event. It was not revealed until The Psalmist described it: “it went ill with Moses” because “he spoke rashly with his lips” (Psa 106:33). When we look at what Moses said, we can see exactly how rash he was! “Hear now, ye rebels; shall we bring you forth water out of this rock?” This was a serious lapse in judgment. Moses was not going to bring water out of that rock. So, there was a big problem with that “we.” Hence, first by striking the rock, and second by using a pronoun that elevated them, Moses “believed not in me, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel.”
    ellauri164.html on line 947: “Then I pleaded with the Lord at that time, saying: 24 'O Lord God, You have begun to show Your servant Your greatness and Your mighty hand, for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do anything like Your works and Your mighty deeds? 25 I pray, let me cross over and see the good land beyond the Jordan, those pleasant mountains, and Lebanon.' 26 "But the Lord was angry with me on your account, and would not listen to me. So the Lord said to me: 'Enough of that! Speak no more to Me of this matter. 27 Go up to the top of Pisgah, and lift your eyes toward the west, the north, the south, and the east; behold it with your eyes, for you shall not cross over this Jordan.” (Deut. 3:23-27)
    ellauri164.html on line 955: Everyone knows how Romeo and Juliet ends, and yet we still cry when they die. The same is true of the first of the two Torah portions we read this week, Parashat Hukkat/Balak. In this portion, we learn that Moses will not enter the Promised Land. We have heard or read this story every year, and yet we are still upset, still angry that, on the threshold, Moses is denied admission to the Land to which he has been leading the Israelites for forty years.
    ellauri164.html on line 981: Instead, Moses does what he did in the first story, ignoring the fact that he is not dealing with the same population. He acts as though he is saying to himself, “They are just like their parents! Always quarreling!” In fact, they are a new generation, and by reverting to an action that was appropriate forty years earlier, and not now, Moses shows that he is not the person to bring them into the Land.
    ellauri171.html on line 183: Luvussa 3, Boas käskee Ruthia ojentamaan vaatteensa ja laittaa sitten hänen päälleen kuusi mittaa ohraa – epärealistisen suuren määrän – mikä saa hänet näyttämään raskaana. Ruth kertoo Naomille, että Boas ei halunnut hänen palaavan anoppinsa luo "tyhjänä". Boas oli 80-vuotias ja Ruut 40-vuotias, kun he menivät naimisiin (Rut R. 6:2), ja vaikka hän kuoli häiden jälkeisenä päivänä (Mid. Ruth, Zuta 4:13), heidän liittoonsa siunattiin lapsi, Obed, Davidin isoisä. Melkoinen puintisessio. Ruth kävi läpi noin 1 epphah ohraa päivässä. Efa vastaa vakaa. Siksi vastaa 8 kuivaa gallonaa. Kuiva gallona on 8 kiloa viljaa. Efa on siis noin 30 kg viljaa. 6 niistä olisi 180kg. Ihme! Jatka lukemista alta. Источник: how-long-was-the-barley-harvest-in-the-book-of-ruth.html">https://eastmanind.com/farm-equipment/how-long-was-the-barley-harvest-in-the-book-of-ruth.html.
    ellauri171.html on line 216: Jacques Joseph Tissot (French: [tiso]; 15 October 1836 – 8 August 1902), Anglicized as James Tissot (/ˈtɪsoʊ/), was a French painter and illustrator. He was a successful painter of Paris society before moving to London in 1871. He became famous as a genre painter of fashionably dressed women shown in various scenes of everyday life. He also painted scenes and figures from the Bible.
    ellauri171.html on line 510: The Bible story describes how Dinah went out to visit some women. She cannot have been alone when she left the pitched tents of her family and went into the city.
    ellauri171.html on line 515: What happened to Dinah? "ithout giving any details of where she was or how it happened, the Bible simply says that Shechem, the son of the local ruler, took hold of her and and had sexual intercourse with her by force. There was seeing, desiring and taking just as there was with the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, where the pattern for sin had begun, tai vaikka jossain jäzkibaarissa.
    ellauri171.html on line 532: In this situation however, where his daughter is raped, he is quiet, keeping his counsel until his sons come back. Vitun setämies. Hamor, father of Shechem, arrives at the same time the sons do.
    ellauri171.html on line 548: Why? It is technically incorrect, as he well knows, but it is an attempt to show respect for her – perhaps rather clumsy, but well-meant.
    ellauri171.html on line 578: They take Dinah out of Shechem’s house, where she has been living - for how long?
    ellauri171.html on line 607: Once a sin is committed, it cannot be undone, no matter how you try. Dinah’s brothers are right about this.
    ellauri171.html on line 661: When he arrived home to the remote part of the hill country of Ephraim, he cut her up into twelve pieces. One piece for each of the twelve tribes was distributed throughout Israel. Finally, we are told that nothing like this had ever happened. So the twelve tribes tried to decide how to respond.
    ellauri171.html on line 685: When Judges 21:25 records that everyone did what was right in their own eyes, we must realize that it described how insensitive the entire nation of Israel had become to sin. The reason that God ordered the destruction of the tribe of Benjamin was that they were so insensitive to sin that the tribe was irredeemably sinful and had to be destroyed. In Deuteronomy 8:19-20, God warned the nation that He would destroy it if they abandoned Him. Therefore, He destroyed most of the tribe of Benjamin in order to prevent contamination to the other eleven tribes.
    ellauri171.html on line 762: This barbarism seem to have be common practice in the Middle East, as the Jom Kippur War shows.
    ellauri171.html on line 775: The lesson: God always wins. That's a pretty simplistic way of saying it, but it's true nonetheless. Even when people like Athaliah try to stomp out an entire family and put an end to God's plan for redemption, when people like the priests of Baal lead others to worship idols instead of the true God, God will always triumph in the end. The negative forces of our culture make us wonder where we're headed as a people. Many of our leaders show little integrity or morality, and dishonesty is overlooked in the workplace. Kindness is often the exception rather than the rule. But don't despair. This is not a battle God plans to lose. In the end, he will prevail! You just wight Enry Jiggins!
    ellauri171.html on line 791: The poverty of some is caused by unwise financial decisions or by refusing to work. The Bible says, “He who has a slack hand becomes poor” (Proverbs 10:4). Christians are always admonished to work and earn their keep. As the apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, “We urge you, brethren, that you… work with your own hands… that you may walk properly toward those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing” (1 Thessalonians 4:10-12). One who is lazy and will not work is not showing Christian behavior. God does not like a talent to get buried, it must be invested so as to yield compound interest. That is the proper way to fill the earth. The righteous will prosper and get a lot of sheep.
    ellauri171.html on line 795: At this point, Jesus said to His disciples, “it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:23). Hard but not impossible. A camel can be diluted in acid and injected thru a needle. Anyway it was just the name of a gate in Jerusalem. This is because the care of riches in this life can be a snare for a Christian. A Christian’s heart cannot be set on riches and cares of this world above the Kingdom of God. In another example, the parable of the sower, Jesus warned that some who receive the word of God will allow their spiritual growth to be choked off by “the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches” (Matthew 13:22). These things show us that being poor can help a Christian not to be ensnared by such things. No cause to complain then.
    ellauri171.html on line 990: But the appearance of Jezebel in the bible includes no mention of her sexuality. In the Hebrew Bible, Jezebel appears in the books of first and second Kings as the wife of King Ahab— the marriage being a political alliance between Israel and Sidon (a coastal city to the north) where Jezebel was the princess. Jezebel brings her religion to Israel with her, and the worship of Baal is blasphemy in the eyes of the biblical writers. According to the text, Jezebel begins killing Israel’s prophets. Because of this, Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to a showdown with Israel’s deity. The Baal worshipers fail to summon their deity, so Elijah calls upon Yahweh and fire descends from heaven and consumes the altar. Having won, Elijah then slaughters all of the prophets of Baal. Jezebel threatens to kill Elijah by the same time the next day, and, ironically, Elijah retreats.
    ellauri171.html on line 992: The next time we hear of Jezebel is during the ploy to obtain Naboth’s vineyard for her husband, who is unable to secure the transaction. She sends letters, with the stamp of the king, to the elders in Naboth’s town, commanding them to lie against Naboth, and then stone him. The elders do so, and after Naboth’s death, the vineyard is claimed for Ahab. Few bible commentators acknowledge the bizarre betrayal of Naboth by his neighbors. If, as is suggested, Naboth’s neighbors had known him since birth and patronized him, how could they turn so quickly? Some scholars argue that this incident highlights Jezebel’s keen understanding of Israelite men. It is perhaps, also, one of the impetus for her modern connotation as manipulator-supreme.
    ellauri171.html on line 997: It is worth noting that nowhere in the text is Jezebel characterized as promiscuous or seductive. The text makes no mention of her physical appearance. Unlike characters such as Rachel, Joseph, and Rebekah, whom the Bible explicitly labels as aesthetically appealing, there is no such indication for Jezebel. In fact, if anything, the text indicates that Jezebel is an all-too-loyal wife —even capable of murder. She is not an admirable character by any means, however, it is critical to highlight that nothing about her modern connotation is exemplified in text.
    ellauri171.html on line 1007: Jezebel pursued Elijah the Prophet as well. Elijah had challenged the false prophets of Baal to produce a tangible response from their deity, during an epic showdown on Mount Carmel. When they failed to do so, the prophets of the Baal were proven false and Elijah had them all killed. Haha! When Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah in retribution, he fled for his life. Fucking murderer and a wimp to boot!
    ellauri171.html on line 1022: Perhaps she had the status of gebira “queen mother”, or of “co-regent”. At any rate, there is no doubt that the biblical and later accounts distort her portrait for several reasons, among which we can list her monarchic power, deemed unfit in a woman; her reported devotion to the Baal and Asherah cult and her objection to Elijah and other prophets of God; her education and legal know-how (shown in the Naboth affair); and her foreign origin Ultimately, the same passages that disclaim Jezebel as evil, “whoring,” and immoral are witness to her power and the need to curb it.
    ellauri171.html on line 1026: For more than two thousand years, Jezebel has been saddled with a reputation as the bad girl of the Bible, the wickedest of women. This ancient queen has been denounced as a murderer, prostitute and enemy of God, and her name has been adopted for lingerie lines and World War II missiles alike. But just how depraved was Jezebel?
    ellauri171.html on line 1027: In recent years, scholars have tried to reclaim the shadowy female figures whose tales are often only partially told in the Bible. Rehabilitating Jezebel’s stained reputation is an arduous task, however, for she is a difficult woman to like. She is not a heroic fighter like Deborah, a devoted sister like Miriam or a cherished wife like Ruth. Jezebel cannot even be compared with the Bible’s other bad girls—Potiphar’s wife and Delilah—for no good comes from Jezebel’s deeds. These other women may be bad, but Jezebel is the worst.
    ellauri171.html on line 1051: Judah, who has bought her for his firstborn son, Er, loses it, er, I mean loses Er. When he, er, I mean Er dies, Judah gives Tamar to his second son, Onan, who is to act as levir, a surrogate for his dead brother who would beget a son to continue Er’s lineage. (Onan's sin you must be familiar with first hand!) In this way, Tamar too would be assured a place in the family. Onan, however, would make a considerable economic sacrifice. According to inheritance customs, the estate of Judah, who had three sons, would be divided into four equal parts, with the eldest son acquiring one half and the others one fourth each. A child engendered for Er would inherit at least one fourth and possibly one half (as the son of the firstborn). If Er remained childless, then Judah’s estate would be divided into three, with the eldest, most probably Onan, inheriting two thirds. Onan opts to preserve his financial advantage and does coitus interruptus with Tamar, spilling his semen on the ground. For this, God punishes Onan with death, as God had previously punished Er for doing something equally wicked (unfortunately we are not told what, maybe sodomy in the flock).
    ellauri171.html on line 1065: Tamar was assertive of her rights and subversive of convention. She was also deeply loyal to Judah’s family. These qualities also show up in Ruth, who appears later in the lineage of Perez and preserves Boaz’s part of that line. The blessing at Ruth’s wedding underscores the similarity in its hope that Boaz’s house “be like the house of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah” (Ruth 4:12). Tamar’s (and Ruth’s) traits of assertiveness in action, willingness to be unconventional, and deep loyalty to family are the very qualities that distinguish their descendant, King David.
    ellauri171.html on line 1190: 16 Kun Ruut tuli anoppinsa luo, Noomi kysyi: "Kuinka meni, tyttäreni? Menikö putkeen vaiko puihin?" Putkeen putkeen, and how! Ruth vastasi tyytyväisenä. Sitten hän kertoi hänelle kaiken, mitä Boas oli tehnyt hänen hyväkseen, 17 ja lisäsi: "Hän antoi minulle nämä kuusi mittaa ohraa sanoen: 'Älä palaa anoppisi luo tyhjin käsin.' 18 Sitten Noomi sanoi: "Odota, tyttäreni, kunnes saat selville, mitä tapahtuu. Sillä mies ei lepää ennen kuin asia on ratkaistu tänään." 1 Sillä välin Boas meni ylös kaupungin portille ja istuutui sinne juuri kun hänen mainitsemansa huoltaja-lunastaja tuli mukaan. Boas sanoi: "Tule tänne, ystäväni, ja istu alas." Joten hän meni ja istuutui. 2 Boas otti kymmenen kaupungin vanhinta ja sanoi: "Istukaa tänne", ja he tekivät niin. 3 Sitten hän sanoi huoltajalle-lunastajalle: "Noomi, joka on palannut Moabista, myy maapalstan, joka kuului sukulaisellemme Elimelekille. 4 Ajattelin, että minun pitäisi tuoda asia tietosi ja ehdottaa, että ostat sen näiden täällä istuvien ja kansani vanhinten läsnä ollessa. Jos aiot lunastaa sen, tee se. Mutta jos et, kerro minulle, niin tiedän. Sillä kenelläkään ei ole oikeutta tehdä sitä paitsi sinulla, ja minä olen seuraavana jonossa." "Lunastan sen", hän sanoi. 5 Silloin Boas sanoi: "Sinä päivänä, kun ostat maan Noomilta, hankit myös Ruutin Moabilaisen, kuolleen miehen lesken, säilyttääksesi kuolleiden nimen hänen omaisuudellaan." 6 Tämän jälkeen huoltaja-lunastaja sanoi: "Voi perhana! senkö vanhan ämmän myös? Silloin en voi lunastaa sitä, koska voisin vaarantaa oman omaisuuteni. Lunastat sen itse. En voi tehdä sitä."
    ellauri172.html on line 256: It may be objected, if man does not act from free will, what will happen if the incentives to action are equally balanced, as in the case of Buridan's ass? I am quite ready to admit, that a man placed in the equilibrium described (namely, as perceiving nothing but hunger and thirst, a certain food and a certain drink, each equally distant from him) would die of hunger and thirst. If I am asked, whether such a one should not rather be considered an ass than a man; I answer, that I do not know, neither do I know how a man should be considered, who hangs himself, or how we should consider children, fools, madmen, &c. Hyvä Pentti!
    ellauri172.html on line 767: One of St. Olaf's chief attractions is a giant black hole, which the townspeople enjoyed standing around and looking at - which prompted Dorothy to refer to St. Olaf sarcastically as the real "entertainment capital of the world." St. Olafians also celebrate various oddly themed festivals, including; "Hay Day" (the day everyone in town celebrates hay),"The Crowning of the Princess Pig", "The Day of the Wheat" (where everyone goes to town dressed like sandwiches), "The Festival of the Dancing Sturgeons" (a festival where the townsfolk watch sturgeons flopping around on the dock), a "Butter Queen" competition (in which Rose almost won, however her churn jammed causing her to believe it had been tampered with), and a milk diving competition (Rose ranked in the "low fat" division), as well as many other events.
    ellauri172.html on line 769: St. Olaf appears to be a bilingual town with a significant amount of unique vocabulary (that may be specific to the area and not appearing in standard Norwegian). Rose uses these phrases quite often, to the exasperation of her roommates. Examples include Gerkanenaken (when dog feces turn white), Tutenbobels (buttocks), Ugel and Flugel (a Hide and seek game for adults) and Vanskapkaka (a special "friendship" cake; this word, however, is based on the Swedish word "vänskapskaka", which holds the same meaning). German, Swedish and Norwegian is the basis of the
    ellauri180.html on line 51: In the books, Elena was popular, selfish and a "mean girl". However, the show's producers, Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson, felt that it wasn't the direction they wanted to go with their heroine in The Young Adult Vampire Diaries television series. Instead, she became a nicer, relatable, and more of "the girl next door" type, until her life gets flipped upside down when she meets the Salvatore Brothers. Stefan Salvatore is a good-hearted and affectionate young adult vampire and the complete opposite of his older brother, Damon Salvatore. Stefan's malevolent young adult vampire brother is mostly thought of as selfish and manipulative, but later on begins to display a more caring side.
    ellauri180.html on line 53: Executive producers Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson agreed that in the book series, Elena was turned into a vampire too early, which was around page 200 of The Awakening. Elena's transition into a vampire was planned for two years. Plec said: "That felt obviously too soon, and rushed, and we didn’t want to make a show about a teenage girl who instantly becomes a vampire. But we always knew that her journey would take her there eventually". At the second season's conclusion, Elena was nearly turned into a vampire. Dobrev was happy that she wasn't, because she felt "it would have been like she came too soon", and also didn't think it was something Elena or she wanted.
    ellauri180.html on line 181: Anthropologists do not agree on the origins of circumcision. The English egyptologist, Sir Graham Elliot Smith, suggested that it is one of the features of a heliolithic' culture which, over some 15 000 years ago, spread over much of the world. Others believe that it may have originated independently within several different cultures; certainly, many of the natives that Columbus found inhabiting the New World' were circumcised. However, it is known that circumcision had been practised in the Near East, patchily throughout tribal Africa, among the Moslem peoples of India and of south-east Asia, as well as by Australian Aborgines, for as long as we can tell. The earliest Egyptian mummies (1300 BCE) were circumcised and wall paintings in Egypt show that it was customary several thousand years earlier than that.
    ellauri180.html on line 218: Notwithstanding the relative disinterest over the function of the prepuce, no other operation has been surrounded by controversy so much as circumcision. Should it be done, then when, why, how and by whom? Religious and cultural influences are pervasive, parental confusion is widespread and medical indications shift with the trends of the day. Doctors divide into camps driven by self-interest, self-righteousness and self-defence. It is not surprising that some of the most colourful pages in the medical literature are devoted to the debate.
    ellauri180.html on line 222: `…Your patient C.D., aetat 7 months, has the prepuce with which he was born. You ask me with a note of persuasion in your voice, if it should be excised. Am I to make a decision on scientific grounds, or am I to acquiesce in a rate which took its origin at the behest of that arch-sanitarian Moses?…If you can show good reason why a ritual designed to ease the penalties of concupiscence amidst the sand and flies of the Syrian deserts should be continued in this England, land of clean bed-linen and lesser opportunity, I shall listen to your arguments ……(do you not) understand that Nature does not intend it (the foreskin) to be stretched and retracted in the Temples of the Welfare Centres or ritually removed in the precincts of the operating theatres…'.
    ellauri180.html on line 224: Literary assaults such as these have served to fuel the debates and even a Medline® search today reveals that in the last year alone, 155 reviews or letters have been published arguing for or against routine circumcision. However, studying the evolution of the medical indications provides us with a pleasing demonstration of how controversy drives scientific enquiry. We have already described how the surgeons of 100 years ago advocated circumcision for a wide variety of conditions, such as impotence, nocturnal enuresis, sterility, excess masturbation, night terrors, epilepsy, etc. There can be no doubt that a large element of surgical self-interest drove these claims. However, most of the contemporary textbooks also included epithelioma (carcinoma) of the penis amidst the morass of complications of phimosis. Although rare, once this observation had been made, it presumably filtered down through the textbooks by rote, rather than scientific study. A few reports had appeared in the early 20th century indicating that carcinoma of the penis was rare in circumcised men, but not until the debate over neonatal circumcision erupted in the medical press in the 1930s that this surgical `mantra' was put to the test. In 1932, the editor of the Lancet challenged Abraham Wolbarst, a New York urologist, to prove his contention (in a previous Lancet editorial), that circumcision prevented penile carcinoma. Wolbarst responded by surveying every skin, cancer and Jewish hospital in the USA, along with 1250 of the largest general hospitals throughout the Union. With this survey, he was able to show that penile cancer virtually never occurred in circumcised men and that the risk related to the timing of the circumcision. Over the years this association has been reaffirmed by many research workers, although general hygiene, demographic and other factors such as human papilloma virus and smoking status are probably just as important. However, Wolbarst established that association through formal scientific enquiry and proponents of the procedure continue to use this as a compelling argument for circumcision at birth.
    ellauri180.html on line 304: If James Cameron had spent some time reading things written by Native people about Pocahontas and what that storyline means to their people and how offensive and damaging the sexualization of native women is, he might have reconsidered that romantic subplot. If he had started to read and then balked at all the vicious hatred and anger, it is as if he never even tried.
    ellauri180.html on line 309:
    Things to note: Bobby looks far away, Lori (or whatever) looks at him. Bobby is up front, Lori stands back. Bobby is fully dressed, Lori shows tits and navel. Bobby is white & has neat white clothes, Lori is WOC & wears dirty neolithic gear. Bobby frowns, Lori smirks like a puppy. Zadaa! By the rivers of Babylon...

    ellauri180.html on line 405: Murmuring how she loved me — she Mutisten miten se muka rakasti mua,
    ellauri180.html on line 440: Porphyria’s love: she guessed not how Porfyrian rakkaus, eipä arvannut,
    ellauri180.html on line 447: In summary: a man speaks to some unidentified (and possibly imaginary) auditor, telling us how, on a dark and stormy (or rainy and windy) night, he waited in his cottage for his lover, Porphyria, to arrive. When she turns up, it’s clear Porphyria is of a higher social class than the male speaker: he’s punching above his weight, as they say. Note how she glides in as if she owns the place, and as if she walks on air rather than on the ground like us mere mortals. She wears a hat, cloak, and shawl, and her gloves are soiled, suggesting that they are not used to slumming it in a common man’s cottage and attending to his fire and grate. The fact that she also takes the lead – suggesting she is perhaps used to ordering servants to do her bidding – further hints at her highborn status: she calls to the speaker, and she takes his arm and puts it around her waist. Then, the clincher (in more ways than one): we are told "she Too weak, for all her heart’s endeavour,
    ellauri180.html on line 510: And gnash'd their teeth and howl'd: the wild birds Villit linnut kirkuivat ja löi kauhuissaan
    ellauri180.html on line 649: Det här kriget är en enmans show. Flera högt uppsatta personer inom den ryska statseliten är chockerade av Putins framfart de senaste dagarna. De varken förstår eller är nöjda med hans beslut. De förstår vilka ödesdigra konsekvenser som nu väntar inte bara Rysslands ekonomi, utan i synnerhet deras pengar.
    ellauri181.html on line 132: The Theory of Basic Human Values is a theory of cross-cultural psychology and universal values that was developed by a guy called Shalom H. Schwartz. The theory extends previous cross-cultural communication frameworx such as Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory. Schwartz identifies ten basic human values, each distinguished by their underlying motivation or goal, and he explains how people in all cultures recognize them. There are two major methods for measuring these ten basic values: the Schwartz Value Survey and the Portrait Values Questionnaire. A particular value can conflict or align with other values, and these dynamic relationships are typically illustrated using a circular graphic in which opposite poles indicate conflicting values.
    ellauri181.html on line 218: Schwartz’ work also examines relationships between different values in more detail, which is useful for a richer analysis of how values affect behaviour and attitudes, as well as the interesz that they express. Although the theory distinguishes ten values, the borders between the motivators are artificial and one value flows into the next, which can be seen by the following shared motivational emphases:
    ellauri181.html on line 247: Spirituality was considered as an additional eleventh value, however, it was found that it did not exist in all cultures. Sixköhän se Franklinin ylimääräinen 13. hyvekin (nöyryys) jäi puuttumaan sen saldosta?
    ellauri181.html on line 374: In psychology, ipsative measures (/ˈɪpsətɪv/; from Latin: ipse, 'of the self') are those where respondents compare two or more desirable options and pick the one they prefer most. Sometimes called a forced-choice scale, this measure contrasts Likert-type scales in which respondents score—often from 1 to 5—how much they agree with a given statement (see also norm-referenced test).
    ellauri181.html on line 610: The rest is history. Franklin went on to become one of the most productive, successful and self- actualized people in all of history. He knew what mattered most. That was how he could set about being an author, a printer, an inventor, a father, a politician, the first American Ambassador to France, the inventor of bifocals, swim flippers, lightening rods, hundreds of other things and the Franklin stove and how he could found a public library, a hospital, an insurance company and a fire company and help to write the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
    ellauri182.html on line 41: In the face of death and loneliness, Mikage searches for meaning in her life. She tries to overcome the “leaden hopelessness” that plagues her. Mikage “can’t believe in the gods,” and thus does not have the religion that gives many people meaning in life. Instead, she looks to the other characters and to herself for meaning. Eriko is a model of strength and gives Mikage advice on how to handle despair and the loss of meaning. Yuichi gives meaning to Mikage in the form of relationship, of having someone to cook for.
    ellauri182.html on line 110: A few generations ago in Japan, food preparation was considered a lower class occupation; in economically advantaged households, servants frequently provided the cooking. By the mid-1980s, and as reflected in “Kitchen,” food preparation has become a respectable career as well as an art form. Kitchens are now the showcases of Japanese consumer wealth, filled with new technologies and electronic gadgets, and artful cuisine reflects social sophistication.
    ellauri182.html on line 117: As Mikage and Yuichi’s relationship develops, one of the first signs that they are drawing closer is a shared dream that they experience. In the dream, Yuichi tells Mikage that he has a desire to eat ramen, a noodle soup. Shortly after awakening from the dream, Yuichi, in real life, acknowledges his hunger. “I just woke up and I’m starving. I was thinking, hmm, maybe I’ll make some instant ramen noodles.” Instead of love, she thinks of food. It is through food, as is shown in this scene and many scenes to follow, that Mikage finds her mouth. Climbing to the balcony with her body mass was an existential feat.
    ellauri182.html on line 195: For Jōdo Shinshū practitioners, shinjin develops over time through "deep hearing" (monpo) of Amitābha's call of the nembutsu. According to Shinran, "to hear" means "that sentient beings, having heard how the Buddha's Vow arose—its origin and fulfillment—are altogether free of doubt."[9] Jinen also describes the way of naturalness whereby Amitābha's infinite light illumines and transforms the deeply rooted karmic evil of countless rebirths into good karma. It is of note that such evil karma is not destroyed but rather transformed: Shin stays within the Mahayana tradition's understanding of śūnyatā and understands that samsara and nirvana are not separate. Once the practitioner's mind is united with Amitābha and Buddha-nature gifted to the practitioner through shinjin, the practitioner attains the state of non-retrogression, whereupon after his death it is claimed he will achieve instantaneous and effortless enlightenment. He will then return to the world as a Bodhisattva, that he may work towards the salvation of all beings.
    ellauri182.html on line 209: Cross-national epidemiological studies show that prevalence rates of common mental disorders (i.e. depression, anxiety disorders, and post traumatic ressi) vary considerably between countries, suggesting cultural differences. In order to gather evidence on how culture relates to the aetiology and phenomenology of mental disorders, finding meaningful empirical instruments for capturing the latent (i.e. non-visible) construct of 'culture' is vital. In this review, we suggest using value orientations for this purpose. We focus on Schwartz's value theory, which includes two levels of values: cultural and personal. We identified nine studies on personal values and four studies on cultural values and their relationship with common mental disorders. This relationship was assessed among very heterogeneous cultural groups; however, no consistent correlational pattern occurred. The most compelling evidence suggests that the relationship between personal values and mental disorders is moderated by the cultural context. Hence, assessing mere correlations between personal value orientations and self-reported symptoms of psychopathology, without taking into account the cultural context, does not yield meaningful results. This theoretical review reveals important research gaps: Most studies aimed to explain how values relate to the aetiology of mental disorders, whereas the question of phenomenology was largely neglected. Moreover, all included studies used Western instruments for assessing mental disorders, which may not capture culturally-specific phenomena of mental distress. Finding systematic relationships between values and mental disorders may contribute to making more informed hypotheses about how psychopathology is expressed under different cultural circumstances, and how to culturally adapt psychological interventions.
    ellauri182.html on line 321: In contrast, primates such as chimpanzees do not show such signs of effort.
    ellauri182.html on line 323: Primates known to show similar expressions to humans when laughing.
    ellauri182.html on line 326: They found that the youngsters showed frustration or determination on their faces as they struggled with the challenges.
    ellauri182.html on line 328: Meanwhile, the chimpanzees did not show signs of effort - despite failing to complete the tasks. Well at least the baboons don't.
    ellauri182.html on line 335:
    Facial expressions showing frustration and determination are subconscious calls for help.

    ellauri182.html on line 358: "show", -sjón "-tion". The cluster [sj] is also used where the English word
    ellauri182.html on line 370: "headphone", stall "style", trukkur "truck". Most masculines, however, have
    ellauri182.html on line 437: What is inside and what is outside is the same. Plain white paper. The circle - the idea of separation - is an illusion. The circle, which creates the duality of 'inside' and 'outside' or 'here' and 'there' is a false representation. The cycle of 'life' and 'death' that the circle shows is itself nothing more than a trick of the conscious mind that habitually creates opposites where none in fact exist. You're actually dead already.
    ellauri182.html on line 445: Finally take the time to meditate on the meaning of the Zen circle in a fuller sense and how its secret applies to your life. I have only scratched the surface here; there is so much more to discover and share.
    ellauri183.html on line 52: Bernien gradu koski Thomas Hardya. Sodan päätyttyä Malamuutti nai it.room.kat. goyn (Ann de Chiara) Oregonista vasten molempien vanhempien tahtoa. Bernhardilaiskoira alkoi kirjoittaa 60-luvulla Oregonin maamieskoulussa. Living out West in Oregon for ten years (1949-61) gave Malamud a sense of home, however temporary. "It was where my wife had a feeling of rooz: our daughter was born there." Tytär Janna Smith on mun ikäinen ja antaa psykoterapiaa halukkaille. Kirjoitti Berniestä kirjan My father was a book. Malamud was Jewish, an agnostic, and a humanist.
    ellauri183.html on line 56: Earlier thinkers, however, were Sanjaya Belatthaputta, a 5th-century BCE Indian philosopher who expressed agnosticism about any afterlife, and Protagoras, a 5th-century BCE Greek philosopher who expressed agnosticism about the existence of the gods.
    ellauri183.html on line 110: Toisin sanoen: vapaa tahto on kyberneettinen versio determinismistä, siis Ilkka Niiniluodon suotta pilkkaama Ahmavaaran korkkiruuvi! "That's how an inventive god earns his living. I can't outguess my characters all the time, although I know I try. But when I get a character to surprise me, then I know I'm cooking with gas."
    ellauri183.html on line 168: In Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard follows Kant in emphasising that Abraham's decision is morally repugnant and rationally unintelligible. However, he also shows that one consequence of Kant's view is that, if nothing is higher than human reason, then belief in God becomes dispensable. Unlike both Kant and Luther, Kierkegaard does not promote a particular judgment about Abraham, but rather presenz his readers with a dilemma: either Abraham is no better than a murderer, and there are no grounds for admiring him; or moral duties do not constitute the highest claim on the human being. Fear and Trembling does not resolve this dilemma, and perhaps for a religious person there is no entirely satisfactory way of resolving it.
    ellauri183.html on line 182: In this text, the question of how to respond to the suffering associated with love and loss is closely connected to the question of how to live in relation to God. As many philosophers have pointed out – and as countless ordinary people have experienced at first hand – human suffering presenz a great challenge to belief in a just, loving, all-powerful God. For Kierkegaard, the testing of Abraham accentuates this challenge, and Abraham provides inspiration precisely because he manages to hold together an apparently irreconcilable contradiction: he believes that the God who commands him to do what is most terrible and painful is also the God who loves him. Again, according to this interpretation, the story of Abraham only testifies to the extraordinary difficulty of religious faith.
    ellauri183.html on line 272: I can't say any more about the plot without spoiling it, so I won´t. Cohn himself is--from my perspective anyway--one of those characters you end up really liking and caring and worrying about, in part because he attempts to stay rational and kind no matter how absurd or threatening the situations get. A good book to escape into, especially if you enjoy compelling portrayals of apocalyptic stuff peopled by characters who question the nature of existence in a world where God´s mysteries remain maddeningly unsolvable. (less)
    ellauri183.html on line 298: I've seen some images and gifs on r/imgoingtohellforthis and what not showing Jews as miserly people. What's all this about?
    ellauri183.html on line 402: The Jewish Learning Group creates plain language how-to guides on Jewish law and custom, traditional prayer texts with transliteration and instruction, and educational audio and video guides. Their innovative products help G-ds chosen people attain the rudimentary knowledge and confidence needed to build, lead, and further their Jewish observance at a comfortable and gradual pace.
    ellauri184.html on line 54: When asked about his women experiences, Nuchem had a lot more to show and tell.
    ellauri184.html on line 127: The Bible stated that Mary and Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, were cousins. While this appears to be a clear cut answer, there is more than meets the eye as to how Mary and Elizabeth were related.
    ellauri184.html on line 257: The Bible records that following the completion of the conquest of Canaan by the Israelite tribes, Joshua allocated the land among the twelve tribes. According to biblical scholar Kenneth Kitchen, this conquest should be dated slightly after 1200 BCE. Some modern scholars argue that the conquest of Joshua, as described in the Book of Joshua, never occurred. “Besides the rejection of the Albrightian conquest model, the general consensus among OT scholars is that the Book of Joshua has no value in the historical reconstruction. They see the book as an ideological retrojection from a later period — either as early as the reign of Josiah or as late as the Hasmonean period.” "It behooves us to ask, in spite of the fact that the overwhelming consensus of modern scholarship is that Joshua is a pious fiction composed by the deuteronomistic school, how does and how has the Jewish community dealt with these foundational narratives, saturated as they are with acts of violence against others?" ”Recent decades, for example, have seen a remarkable reevaluation of evidence concerning the conquest of the land of Canaan by Joshua. As more sites have been excavated, there has been a growing consensus that the main story of Joshua, that of a speedy and complete conquest (e.g. Josh. 11.23: 'Thus Joshua conquered the whole country, just as the LORD had promised Moses') is contradicted by the archaeological record, though there are indications of some destruction at the appropriate time. No oliko sitten koko esinahkakasa satua? Ketä enää uskoa? Usko siirtää vuoria, eikö sitten esinahkakukkuloita?
    ellauri184.html on line 291: But how did the Jewish religion fit into the Woman army? A Jewish soldier named Matthew tended to the pigs at Herodium. There is no reason to infer that he no longer cared about Jewishness. Jewish practices varied considerably, such that one person’s piety might be another’s heresy. No doubt these soldiers had complex, conflicted, and even conflicting internal lives just as we do today.
    ellauri185.html on line 147: The chronological narrative of succession resumes in the first Book of Kings, which relates how, as David lies dying, Bathsheba and Nathan ensure Solomon's elevation to the throne.
    ellauri185.html on line 152: On November 16, 1491, an auto-da-fé was held outside of Ávila that ended in the public execution of several Jews and conversos. The suspects had confessed under torture to murdering a child. Among the executed were Benito García, the converso who initially confessed to the murder. However, no body was ever found and there is no evidence that a child disappeared or was killed; because of contradictory confessions, the court had trouble coherently depicting how events possibly took place. The child's very existence is also disputed.
    ellauri185.html on line 406: Steven Arthur Pinker (born September 18, 1954) is a Canadian-American cognitive psychologist, psycholinguist, popular science author and public intellectual. He is an advocate of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind. Enlightenment Now (2018) uses social science data to show a general improvement of the human condition over recent history brought by Western reason, science and humanism plus colonialism. Pinker on Hararin sielunveli, ne siteeraavat toisiaan. Pahuus on sitä mukaa vähentynyt kun jenkkihegemonia on vahvistunut. Vitun fariseuxet.
    ellauri185.html on line 840: Of the practicing regions, Middle Eastern and northern Africa territories show the greatest frequencies of consanguinity. The link between the high frequency and the region is primarily due to the dominance of Islamic populations, who have historically engaged in familyline relations.
    ellauri185.html on line 846: Instead, certain body odours are connected to human sexual attraction. Humans can make use of body odour subconsciously to identify whether a potential mate will pass on favourable traits to their offspring. Body odour may provide significant cues about the genetic quality, health and reproductive success of a potential mate. Body odour affects sexual attraction in a number of ways including through human biology, the menstrual cycle and fluctuating asymmetry. The olfactory membrane plays a role in smelling and subconsciously assessing another human's pheromones. It also affects the sexual attraction of insects and mammals. The major histocompatibility complex genes are important for the immune system, and appear to play a role in sexual attraction via body odour. Studies have shown that body odor is strongly connected with attraction in heterosexual females. The women in one study ranked body odor as more important for attraction than “looks”. Humans may not simply depend on visual and verbal senses to be attracted to a possible partner/mate. That's hard science, no pseudo, mate!
    ellauri188.html on line 98: From 1838 to 1839, the Catholic mission was able to establish itself, supported by the French order Pères et religieuses des Sacrés-Cœurs de Picpus, which was not founded until 1800. The missionaries spread from Mangareva to Tahuata, Ua Pou, Fatu Hiva and Nuku Hiva. They suffered the same hostile reception and tribal warfare as their fellow Protestants. However, with the support of the French authorities, they were able to sustain themselves in the long run, despite all the obstacles. They even managed to baptize King Moana of Nuku Hiva, who, however, died of smallpox in 1863. Regrettably, but he got salvaged anyway.
    ellauri188.html on line 133: and ten miles long, beautifully green, with Melville's storied waterfall still showing as a silver thread amongst the verdure at the head of the valley.
    ellauri189.html on line 89: to them, they turned (in 1648) against their former rulers. The vicissitudes of a series of risings, during which both sides committed unspeakable cruelties, were often shown in the “frenetic” tales and dramas of the younger contemporaries
    ellauri189.html on line 97: “Simple was his bow, short his salutation; however, he seemed different from
    ellauri189.html on line 100: looking like a ruler among the rabble that showed him the way”).
    ellauri189.html on line 209: with its receding horizon, melting into heaven, shows two different countenances of infinity. Man may spontaneously recognize the identity of linear and cyclical infinity, but the basis of this identity is not an empirically established fact, but an assumption, a matter of belief. The wheel of Karma is not so different from Schopenhauers endless rounds of the lush parks of Frankfurt following the dark star behind his poodle Atman.
    ellauri189.html on line 219: perpetrators and victims) shows the illusoriness of this conviction.
    ellauri189.html on line 456: We promise to serve you with outstanding customer servicio. Not sure how to use a product? Havo a question or suggestion? Please contact our customer Care Tom. Your trust is very important to us, at least we promise to work hard to maintain it.
    ellauri189.html on line 520: The compensation is straightforward and clear on how affiliates can expect to earn commissions working with the company.
    ellauri189.html on line 596: If one analyses the characters of the protagonists, however, one realises that Panahi is merely reinforcing ingrained, religiously patriarchal prejudices against women, who are consistently portrayed as weak, hysterical, cruel, illogical, too emotional and treacherous.
    ellauri189.html on line 728: Some Pashtuns, especially from young generations, are doubting that this is true. In this article I’ll explore the possibilities of how this tradition could have originated. From this exploration it will become clear that doubting the truthfulness of this tradition is irrational. I would also outline some common traditions of Pashtuns and Jews, some of them are based on the Torah, which further confirm that this tradition is true and that Pashtuns are really Bene Israel. I’ll then say a few words about DNA testing and finally talk about the implications of this tradition.
    ellauri189.html on line 732: There are 2 possibilities for how this tradition could have originated. The simple one is that it is true. The more complex one is that it is false. If it is false, it had to originate somehow. So maybe
    ellauri189.html on line 783: Because we showed that it is basically impossible to believe that Pashtuns are not Bene Israel, DNA is not necessary for proving this tradition. It can only be used for proving another Pashtuns tradition – that Pashtuns did not mix with other people, but I personally think that given the current knowledge of DNA and mutation frequency, and how much the environment affects it, any result of a DNA test could be debated.
    ellauri189.html on line 787: Some Pashtuns think that because Pashto is not a Semetic language it means Pashtuns are not Semetic, but it isn’t a strong enough evidence to contradict what we said above. To contradict what we said one has to explain how this tradition originated, and it is impossible.
    ellauri189.html on line 825: And finally we have non-Jews who call themselves Jews, like the Reformists, or Conservatives, and like people who went through Orthodox conversions but didn´t think about keeping the Tora for a second, yet they lied and made a big show to make rabies think they do intend to keep it. They are not Jewish. All they do by calling themselves Jews is confusing people.
    ellauri190.html on line 65: Almost all ethnic Kazakhs today are Sunni Muslims of the Hanafi school. Their ancestors, however, believed in Shamanism and Tengrism, then Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Christianity including Church of the East. Elikkä ryssän kasakat ja potaskan ruhtinaat ovat samanlaisia vain tavoilta ja nimeltä. Verisukulaisuutta ei ole osoitettu, mutta voivathan ne kaikki olla alunperin jotain kipchakkeja. Kazakhstan on pinta-alaltaan maailman suurin muslimivaltio, muttei väkiluvultaan, se on Indonesia. Se on myös maailman suurin potaskan tuottaja, ellei Amerikkaa lasketa.
    ellauri190.html on line 214: Early "Proto-Cossack" groups are generally reported to have come into existence within what is now Ukraine in the 13th century as the influence of Cumans grew weaker, although some have ascribed their origins to as early as the mid-8th century. Some historians suggest that the Cossack people were of mixed ethnic origin, descending from Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Turks, Tatars, and others who settled or passed through the vast Steppe. Some Turkologists, however, argue that Cossacks are descendants of the native Cumans of Ukraine, who had lived there long before the Mongol invasion. But who knows, and as long as no one does, you are free to believe what you like.
    ellauri190.html on line 275: In 1648, a Kozak leader called Zinoviy Bohdan Khmelnytsky (Polish transliteration, Chmielnicki) started a war on the Polish crown. Initially, it was his own personal vendetta on a Polish landlord who stole his land, but very soon it grew into a colossal uprising of the Kozaks and Ukrainian peasants against their Polish landlords. The people fought (the way they knew how) against the feudal oppression, as well as against forced Catholicization and Polonization of Ukraine. Unfortunately, it turned into a fratricide. (Sorry Poles, of course we are on the same side now.) The main adversary of Khmelnytsky was Prince Yarema (Jeremiah) Korybut-Vyshnevetsky, a Rusyn-Ukrainian, a noble valiant knight and a great statesman who, nonetheless, kept his allegiance to the Polish king (whom he personally hated, but could not break his knight’s oath of loyalty). Both sides resorted to unspeakable cruelties. Most tragically, Khmelnysky, a brave warrior as he was, turned out to be a horribly short-sighted politician. In January 1654, he essentially surrendered Ukraine to Muscovy, approving what he thought was a temporary military union against the Republic but turned out to be the beginning of the “Russian” (actually Muscovite) occupation of Ukraine. It just goes to show: give a pinky finger to the Russkies and they take the whole hand.
    ellauri190.html on line 345: Thutmose III was the sixth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. During the first twenty-two years of Thutmose's reign he was co-regent with his aunt, Hatshepsut, who was named the pharaoh. While she is shown first on surviving monuments, both...
    ellauri192.html on line 111: So the choice has fallen neither on Tolstoy, nor Ibsen, nor Björnson, nor Mommsen, nor Swinburne, nor Zola, nor Anatole France, nor Carducci, nor Mistral, nor Hauptmann, nor even Echegaray—it has fallen on Sully-Prudhomme [sic]. It is some satisfaction, however, to find that Francois Coppée is not the winner; in view of his innocuous sentimentality, he might well have been considered the best of all by the present Swedish Academy.
    ellauri192.html on line 113: The members of the Nobel jury were guided by the vague words written into the will of Alfred Nobel. The inventor stated that his prize “should go to the person who shall have produced in the field of Literature the most distinguished work of an idealistic tendency.” Wirsén believed that “idealistic tendency” meant of moral or good nature; however, as Burton Feldman reports, the mathematician Gösta "Ja ja de ä Gösta här" Mittag-Leffler, who was a friend of Nobel’s, attested that “the inventor intended ‘idealism’ to mean a skeptical, even satirical attitude to religion, royalty, marriage, and the social order in general.”
    ellauri192.html on line 115: Sully Prudhomme’s reputation, however, has not survived the more than one hundred years since he was awarded the crowning glory in his literary career. His legacy as a poet is not bad; it simply does not exist. Most French high-school students would recognize his name and might have read his most well-known poem, “Le Vase brisé” (1865, The Broken Vase), but it is safe to say that almost no one outside of France recognizes the name Sully Prudhomme.
    ellauri192.html on line 267: Even the specialist in modern literary history will be hard put to recall, let alone have any serious awareness of, such luminaries as Rudolf Eucken, a philosopher crowned in 1908; as the Danish novelist Henrik Pontoppidan (1917); or as Grazia Deledda, the Sardinian novelist who, in 1926, became one of the very few women to be chosen. And look how bad she was! Even where the recipients are illustrious, their work has repeatedly fallen outside normal definitions of literature. Eucken, Bergson, Bertrand Russell are philosophers. Theodor Mommsen, honored in 1902, was a great historian and epigrapher of ancient Rome, but hardly one whose prose has made the German language live. Churchill (1953) . . . was Churchill. He had a toilet in his gum shoe, with letter W.C written on it and paper in the tip.
    ellauri192.html on line 287: Lastly, there is the rumor of the blacklist. No outside observer can show that any such list exists, let alone how and when it was explicitly arrived at. But there are stubborn, unsettling indications. Behind them stands the enigmatic figure and afterlife of Dag Hammerskjold. In one or two cases, the choice of laureate seems to have been largely his. His chill displeasures seem not only to have had great influence, but to persist beyond the grave. The list of lepers, for motives which may, in some masked degree, go back to Hammarskjold's own politics and arcane sexuality, is rumored to include Graham Greene, G"unter Grass and Borges, as it did Malraux (passed over, to de Gaulle's just anger, in favor of a French poet-diplomat close to Hammarskjold, viz. Saint-John Perse). The mere fact that the Nobel Prize in Literature has long passed Borges by suffices to put the whole institution in doubt. But whether any such blacklist is real remains baffled conjecture.
    ellauri192.html on line 315: Bob Dylan was given the prize in 2016, and promptly showed the literary bad boys how a real rock star behaves, treating the academy with sustained contempt for months and piling humiliation on to the ridicule his award had already invited.
    ellauri192.html on line 567: how much tenderness is hidden in the names miten paljon hellyyttä on kätkettynä
    ellauri192.html on line 576: But if I recall how helplessly I watched miten kazoin syrjästä tumput suorina
    ellauri192.html on line 586: My God, how beautiful this is. Jumalauta tää on kaunista.
    ellauri192.html on line 674: Undoubtedly, the most prominent of early Troubetzkoys was Prince Dmitry Timofeievich Troubetzkoy, who helped Prince Dmitry Pozharsky to raise a volunteer army and deliver Moscow from the Poles in 1612. The Time of Troubles over, Dmitry was addressed by people as "Liberator of the Motherland" and asked to accept the Tsar's throne. He contented himself, however, with the governorship of Siberia and the title of the Duke (derzhavets) of Shenkursk. Prince Dmitry died on May 24, 1625 and was interred in the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius.
    ellauri192.html on line 676: Quite different was a stance of his first cousin, Prince Wigund-Jeronym Troubetzkoy. He supported the Poles and followed them to Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth after the Time of Troubles. Here his descendants were given enviable positions at the court and married into other princely families of Poland. By the 1660s, however, the only Troubetzkoy left, Prince Yuriy Troubetzkoy, returned to Moscow and was given a boyar title by Tsar Alexis of Russia. All the branches of the family descend from his marriage to Princess Irina Galitzina.
    ellauri192.html on line 843: It is an overall forecast for the net worth of Lyapis Trubetskoy. The evaluation covers the followed years: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. See below to learn how much money does Lyapis Trubetskoy make a year.
    ellauri192.html on line 882: Regarding religion, Brooks stated:"I'm rather secular. I'm basically Jewish. But I think I'm Jewish not because of the Jewish religion at all. I think it's the relationship with the people and the pride I have. The tribe surviving so many misfortunes, and being so brave and contributing so much knowledge to the world and showing courage." And most of all for being wickedly funny! Just read The Bible! And watch my films!
    ellauri194.html on line 110: Route 66:n kuolinisku tuli vuonna 1956 kun presidentti Dwight Eisengaard allekirjoitti uuden Interstate Highway Act -lain. Euroopassa uusia tuulia haistellut Eisenhower oli ollut hyvin vaikuttunut Saksan Autobahneista. Eisengaard visioi vastaavanlaisen suuren ajonopeuden sallivan tieverkoston Yhdysvaltoihin.
    ellauri194.html on line 257: Europeans in Medieval China reported findings from their travels to the Mongol Empire. Some accounts and maps began to place the "Caspian Mountains", and Gog and Magog, just outside the Great Wall of China. The Tartar Relation, an obscure account of Friar Carpini's 1240s journey to Mongolia, is unique in alleging that these Caspian Mountains in Mongolia, "where the Jews called Gog and Magog by their fellow countrymen are said to have been shut in by Alexander", were moreover purported by the Tartars to be magnetic, causing all iron equipment and weapons to fly off toward the mountains on approach. In 1251, the French friar André de Longjumeau informed his king that the Mongols originated from a desert further east, and an apocalyptic Gog and Magog ("Got and Margoth") people dwelled further beyond, confined by the mountains. In the map of Sharif Idrisi, the land of Gog and Magog is drawn in the northeast corner (beyond Northeast Asia) and enclosed. Some medieval European world maps also show the location of the lands of Gog and Magog in the far northeast of Asia (and the northeast corner of the world).
    ellauri194.html on line 265: The Borgia map, copper-engraved world map (c. 1430). Gog and Magog (identified as confined Jews) are shown on the left, representing the far east.
    ellauri194.html on line 314: Sedgwick' died of breast cancer in 2009 aged 58,. She deploys erudite and playful readings of texts by Oscar Wilde, Henry James and Marcel Proust to interrogate assumptions about the stability of sexual identity and how language works to define a homo/heterosexual binary. She writes: "An understanding of virtually any aspect of modern western culture must be not merely incomplete but damaged in its central substance to the degree that it does not incorporate a critical analysis of modern homo/heterosexual definition."
    ellauri194.html on line 328: "I usually get just a tissue” a female inmate says as she describes her experience bouncing from detention facility to detention facility and being denied feminine products. “Television doesn’t show you when we’re treated like animals and denied basic necessities."
    ellauri194.html on line 332: Of US crime series’ 27 show runners, 21 were white men. Of 275 writers, more than 75% were white and 9% were black. 37% of writers across law and order programming were women, and 11% were women of color.
    ellauri194.html on line 333: Orange is the New Black, Bull, Mindhunter, How to Get Away with Murder and Criminal Minds are the only shows with 50% or more female writers.
    ellauri194.html on line 337: Many film professionals today still believe that there is no truly equal "Black Hollywood," as evidenced by the "Oscars So White" scandal in 2015 that caused uproar when no black actors were nominated for "Best Actor" Oscar Awards. Prior to the 2016 Oscars, Academy membership was roughly comprised of 92% white voters and 75% male members. We see a direct impact on how the #OscarsSoWhite has created change in this composition. Following the outcry, the Academy instated 41% voters of color and 46% female voters.
    ellauri194.html on line 348: Unfortunately I don't know how to do that. It was in Thursday's episode, Paras was making his seedi..that his dialogue for something Asim said.
    ellauri194.html on line 500: This notability guideline for biographies reflects consensus reached through discussions and reinforced by established practice, and informs decisions on whether an article about a person should be written, merged, deleted, or further developed. For advice about how to write biographical articles, see Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Biography and Wikipedia:Biographies of living persons:
    ellauri194.html on line 773: Hossam's lawyer, Hani Sameh, said she had received a longer sentence because she had not appeared in court, even though "it was her legal right not to show up".
    ellauri194.html on line 983: The PM was branded a 'joke' by Labour leader Keir Starmer after he made the short admission of guilt before giving a more lengthy address on events in Ukraine, to show his involvement in world events.
    ellauri194.html on line 998: 'Mark has been gearing up for that for some time,' he told LBC radio. 'It was quite funny when he said how much it pained him when he was clearly enjoying the moment thoroughly.'
    ellauri196.html on line 240: The old Masters: how well they understood vanhat mestarit: he ymmärsivät tosi hyvin
    ellauri196.html on line 241: Its human position: how it takes place sen aseman apinoilla: että sitä tapahtuu
    ellauri196.html on line 249: Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot Jossain epäsiistissä nurkassa
    ellauri196.html on line 253: In Breughel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away Ota Brueghelin Ikarus vaikka: että kaikki kääntyy
    ellauri196.html on line 640: After spending several days considering how to respond to the bill, President Truman vetoed Taft–Hartley with a strong message to Congress, calling the act a "dangerous intrusion on free speech." Labor leaders, meanwhile, derided the act as a "slave-labor bill." Despite Truman's all-out effort to prevent a veto override, Congress overrode his veto with considerable Democratic support, including 106 out of 177 Democrats in the House, and 20 out of 42 Democrats in the Senate.
    ellauri196.html on line 644: The academic literature shows substantial evidence that labor unions reduce economic inequality. Research suggests that rising income inequality in the United States is partially attributable to the decline of the labor movement and union membership.
    ellauri197.html on line 77: ‘Down By the Salley Gardens’ by William Butler Yeats is a simple poem that describes a speaker’s past relationship and how it failed.
    ellauri197.html on line 98: In the first stanza of ‘Down By the Salley Gardens,’ the poet begins by making use of the line that later came to be used as the title of the poem. He describes how there was a place, in the “sally gardens,” where he used to meet his love. The word “salley” may refer to an actual location, perhaps on the banks of the river near Sligo, or it might refer to “sallow,” a kind of tree.
    ellauri197.html on line 102: He describes in the next lines how his love used to pass the “salley gardens / with little snow-white feet”. This is a great use of imagery that depicts his love as someone young, beautiful, and with the addition of “white,” pure feet. He describes the big mistake he made in regard to his life with his young woman. She told him to “take love easy” but he wasn’t able to do so. He rushed into this relationship and wasn’t as steady as he could’ve been. The man was “young and foolish” and now in his older age, he’s able to look back on his life and realize his mistakes.
    ellauri197.html on line 106: The second stanza is very similar to the first. There are several examples of repetition. The speaker begins by describing himself standing with his love “In a field by the river” rather than in the “salley garden”. Either way, the setting is natural and likely beautiful. The scene is made even more pleasing by the fact that he was with someone he loved and she was touching his shoulder with her “snow-white hand”. Here, readers should notice the repetition of “snow-white”. This time rather than describing her feet he’s thinking about her hand. He remembers how she asked him at that moment to “take life easy”. This is almost exactly the same as in the first stanza. But, now it’s revealed that the speaker’s inability to take it “easy” stretches to his life beyond his relationship with this woman.
    ellauri197.html on line 276: To remember how sad I am Muistaa miten onneton mä olen
    ellauri197.html on line 293: ‘How Happy I Was If I Could Forget’ is a two-stanza work where the narrator takes the reader through a series of confusing verb tenses and language choices to represent the overall lack of clarity she has for the memory that she wishes she “could forget.” The cyclical state of the stanzas’ disorganization, additionally, reflects that the narrator feels trapped in her confused loop from the memory, and the reader could finish ‘How Happy I Was If I Could Forget’ without knowing what the troubling memory is. This is yet another method of revealing the narrator’s confusion over the memory. Just as she does not know how to treat the memory, the reader does not know solid details about the memory. From start to finish then, this is a work that is structured perfectly to share and represent the narrator’s confusion.
    ellauri197.html on line 295: The shift in verb tenses is remarkable in this first stanza to address the narrator’s unclear thoughts that are connected to whatever memory she wishes to “forget.” Within the first two lines of ‘How Happy I Was If I Could Forget’, the reader encounters past tense in “was” and the subjunctive imagined prospect of “if I could forget.” This “if” indicates that this is only a wish the narrator has, meaning it is not past, present, or future because it has not happened and will not definitively ever happen. From there, the narrator turns to the present tense by saying, “how sad I am.” There is no clear way that all of these verb tenses senspibly link up, and this grammatic confusion mirrors how uncertain and shaken the narrator is from this memory’s lingering presence.
    ellauri197.html on line 299: How happy I would be if I could forget to remember how sad I am. It would be an easy adversity.
    ellauri197.html on line 305: An interesting thing to note, however, is that the “adversity” is treated in a beautiful way by being addressed as a “Bloom.” The capitalization can be written off with the notion that even a bad memory could be important enough to merit capitalization, but a “Bloom” has a connotation of natural beauty and livelihood. This could simply mean the negativity from the circumstance grows with time, but the choice of such a soft verb gives the feeling that the narrator has warm feelings about whatever happened to cause this bad memory—maybe a relationship she loved but lost or a friend who was dear but forsaken. This would again give a reason for the grammatical chaos of the lack of subject and mismatched verb tenses since, it seems, the narrator does not know how she feels about the memory.
    ellauri197.html on line 311: Additionally, the third line of this stanza again does not have a subject for its main verb, and this format adds a bit of structure amidst the chaos since the varying verb tenses happen in the first two lines of both stanzas while the missing subject shows up in the third lines. This sustained format is an indication that this bad memory she could not “forget” keeps her in a loop she cannot break free of, as in no matter how far she tries to run from it, she always ends up dealing with the same problems again and again. The grammar details, then, mirror the circular repetition of her emotional problems.
    ellauri197.html on line 315: Furthermore in ‘How Happy I Was If I Could Forget’, she claims to “[l]ose [her] way like a little Child [a]nd perish of the cold,” and this concept is loaded with possible meaning. For one thing, the capitalization of the word, “Child,” could indicate that perhaps she has lost a baby and is grieving that “Child.” This would clarify why she would treat the memory simultaneously as a pain and a beauty since she would treasure the “Child” itself, but abhor the pain attached to the grief. This, however, is the only speculation since it could mean that the helplessness she feels is significant enough, like a “Child” who needs care, to merit capitalization.
    ellauri197.html on line 319: It is also noteworthy that she speaks of “perish[ing] of the cold,” not “in the cold.” This treats “the cold,” or the devastation from the memory, like a disease rather than a weather detail, which furthers the paradox of how the situation remembered is treated. In the first stanza, it “Bloom[s].” Here, it has essentially become a disease. This again mirrors the uncertainty and lack of clarity within the narrator’s thoughts regarding the situation.
    ellauri197.html on line 321: Overall in ‘How Happy I Was If I Could Forget’, the lack of clear details about what has happened to affect the narrator so, in addition to the confusion of verb tenses, subjects, and figurative language, creates an unclear work that perfectly depicts how unclear the narrator herself feels about her memory. Does she hate it? Does she want to keep it? Was it good? Was it bad? She does not seem to know, just as the reader cannot know the memory’s most vivid details.
    ellauri197.html on line 329: if I could forget how happy I was, it would be an easy adversity to remember how sad I am.
    ellauri197.html on line 364: Stars by the sun are not enlarged, but shown, Tähdet eivät aurinkoa kasvata, vaan heijastavat,
    ellauri197.html on line 502: The term gold digger rose in usage after the popularity of Avery Hopwood's play The Gold Diggers in 1919. Hopwood first heard the term gold digger in a conversation with Ziegfeld performer Kay Laurell. As an indication on how new the slang term was, Broadway producers urged him to change the title because they feared that the audience would think that the play was about mining and the Gold Rush.
    ellauri197.html on line 503: The best known gold digger of the early 20th century was Peggy Hopkins Joyce. Joyce was a former show girl who married and divorced millionaires.
    ellauri197.html on line 505: Sharon Thompson's research has demonstrated how the gold digger stereotype or image has been used against women in the negotiation of alimony cases. The gold digger stereotype was also deployed in public discussions about "heartbalm" legislation during the 1930s, particularly breach of promise cases. The popularity of the gold digger image was a contributing factor to the nationwide push to outlaw heart balm laws in the middle and late-1930s in the United States.
    ellauri197.html on line 606: Precious Photo: This is where a person carries a photo of a loved one who isn't with them around them at all times. This loved one can be somebody who is dead, far away for an extended period of time or the carrier may just be a Stalker with a Crush. If the person is dead, then this symbolizes the attachment that the carrier still has. If they're far away, then this shows that the carrier is anticipating their return. If the carrier is a stalker then there are thousands more where that one came from. It may also be an Orphan's Plot Trinket, usually when kept in a locket. Even still, if the photo is ruined, there are two possible outcomes:
    ellauri197.html on line 649: By the age of 12, Browning had written a book of poetry, which he later destroyed for want of a publisher. After attending one or two private schools and showing an insuperable dislike of school life, he was educated at home by a tutor, using the resources of his father's library. By 14 he was fluent in French, Greek, Italian and Latin. He became an admirer of the Romantic poets, especially Shelley, whom he followed in becoming an atheist and a vegetarian (and a bisexual). At 16, he studied Greek at University College London, but left after his first year. His parents' evangelical faith prevented his studying at either Oxford or Cambridge University, both then open only to members of the Church of England. He had inherited substantial musical ability through his mother, and composed arrangements of various songs. He refused a formal career and ignored his parents' remonstrations by dedicating himself to poetry. He stayed at home until the age of 34, financially dependent on his family until his marriage. His father sponsored the publication of his son's poems. Varsinainen vanhapiika, neiti-ihminen.
    ellauri197.html on line 671: Pauline, come with me—see how I could build

    ellauri197.html on line 702: Or I will read old lays to thee—how she,

    ellauri198.html on line 121: "Warren’s preoccupation with time and how the passage of years affects memory reveals itself in his extensive use of flashbacks." No näitä takautumia piisaa Pizzalattella ihan häiriöxi saakka.
    ellauri198.html on line 136: Warren’s poetry is written “in a genuinely expansive, passionate style. Look at its prose ease and rapidity oddly qualified by log-piling compounds, alliteration, successive stresses, and an occasional inversion something rough and serviceable as a horse-blanket yet fancy to—and you wonder how he ever came up with it. It is excitingly massive and moulded and full of momentum. Echoes of Yeats and Auden still persist, but it is wonderfully peculiar, homemade.” His language is robust and rhetorical. He likes his adjectives and nouns to go in pairs, reinforcing one another.
    ellauri198.html on line 300: Initial interest arose via the publicity campaign for Pazder's 1980 book Michelle Remembers, and it was sustained and popularized throughout the decade by coverage of the McMartin preschool trial. Testimonials, symptom lists, rumors, and techniques to investigate or uncover memories of SRA were disseminated through professional, popular, and religious conferences, as well as through talk shows, sustaining and further spreading the moral panic throughout the United States and beyond. In some cases, allegations resulted in criminal trials with varying results; after seven years in court, the McMartin trial resulted in no convictions for any of the accused, while other cases resulted in lengthy sentences, some of which were later reversed. Scholarly interest in the topic slowly built, eventually resulting in the conclusion that the phenomenon was a moral panic, which, as one researcher put it in 2017, "involved hundreds of accusations that devil-worshipping paedophiles were operating America's white middle-class suburban daycare centers."
    ellauri198.html on line 460: Stood stupefied, however he came there: Emeritusluuska jostain takuulla saatana,
    ellauri198.html on line 499: Will the night send a howlet or a bat? Eikö yössä kukaan enää lepakoi?
    ellauri198.html on line 520: Which, while I forded, - good saints, how I feared Kun kaalasin sen yli, kyllä pelkäsin,
    ellauri198.html on line 576: For, looking up, aware I somehow grew, Näin kun kazoin silleen hämärästi
    ellauri198.html on line 691: In March 1833, "Pauline, a Fragment of a Confession" was published anonymously by Saunders and Otley at the expense of the author, Robert Browning, who received the money from his aunt, Mrs Silverthorne. It is a long poem composed in homage to the poet Shelley and somewhat in his style. Originally Browning considered Pauline as the first of a series written by different aspects of himself, but he soon abandoned this idea. John Stuart Mill, however, wrote that the author suffered from an "intense and morbid self-consciousness". Later Browning was rather embarrassed by the work.
    ellauri198.html on line 714: Allen Johnston of The New York Times was disappointed with how the series progressed; while he marveled at the "sheer absurdity of King's existence" and complimented King's writing style, he said preparation would have improved the series, stating "King doesn't have the writerly finesse for these sorts of games, and the voices let him down." Michael Berry of the San Francisco Chronicle called the series "highfalutin hodgepodge".
    ellauri198.html on line 778: But something of the conclusion can be surmised here, however tentatively. Roland's equivocal triumph is an instance of Kierkegaardian "repetition" rather than of Platonic "recollection" on Hegelian "mediation," if only because the Romantic trope-upon-a-trope or transumption leads to a projective or introjective stance of which Kierkegaard is the conscious anti-Platonic and anti-Hegelian theorist. Precisely what Roland refuses is the Golgotha of Absolute Spirit that Hegel proclaims at the very close of his Phenomenology:
    ellauri198.html on line 780: Knowledge is aware not only of itself, but also of the negative of itself, or its limit. Knowing its limit means knowing how to sacrifice itself. This sacrifice is... self-abandonment.... Here it has to begin all over again at its immediacy, as freshly as before, and thence rise once more to the measure of its stature, as if, for it, all that preceded were lost, and as if it had learned nothing from the experience of the spirits that preceded. But re collection has conserved that experience, and is the inner being, and, in fact, the higher form of the substance. While, then, this phase of Spirit begins all over again its formative development, apparently starting solely from itself, yet at the same time it com mences at a higher level. The realm of spirits developed in this way, and assuming definite shape in existence, constitutes a succession, where one detaches and sets loose the other, and each takes over from its predecessor the empire of the spiritual world...
    ellauri198.html on line 794: Roland is not mediated by his precursors; they do not detach him from history so as to free him in the spirit. The Childe's last act of dauntless courage is to will repetition, to accept his place in the company of the ruined. Roland tells us implicitly that the present is not so much negative and finite as it is willed, though this willing is never the work of an individual consciousness acting by itself. It is caught up in a subject-to-subject dialectic, in which the present moment is sacrificed, not to the energies of art, but to the near-solipsist's tragic victory over himself. Roland's negative moment is neither that of renunciation nor of the loss of self in death or error. It is the negativity that is self-knowledge yielding its power to a doomed love of others, in the recognition that those others like Shelley. more grandly had surrendered knowledge and its powers to love, however illusory. Or, mos simply, Childe Roland dies, if be dies, in the magnificence of a belatedness that can accept itself as such. He ends in strengh because his vision has ceased to break and deform the world, and has begun to turn its dangerous strength upon is own defense. Roland is the Kermit modem version of a poet-as-hero, and his sustained courage to weather his own phantasmagoria and emerge into fire is a presage of the continued survival of strong poetry.
    ellauri203.html on line 121: By means of his novels, articles, and personal correspondence, Dostoevsky warned about the consequences of entering this dangerous path. The tragedy of Rasskolnikov, the main character of the novel Crime and Punishment, shows how easily one can be infatuated with this teaching of “violence for the sake of love.” Violence is only ok for the sake of hate.
    ellauri203.html on line 231: To begin with, Dostoevsky only saw practicality in his marriage to Snitkina: he was in need of stability and confidence in the future. As a result, the union began down to head along the same route as his previous relationships. However, the couple’s extended “honeymoon” abroad, which ended up lasting four years, allowed them to escape Russia’s oppressive atmosphere and try to build a family. It began well: Sonya, a little girl, was born a year after their marriage. Tragedy soon struck, however, when Sonya passed away. The pair went on to have three more children, one of whom also died. They were married for 14 years until Dostoevsky’s death, in which time Snitkina experienced a great deal of anguish brought on by Dostoevsky’s difficult character and lifestyle, namely his jealousy and gambling addiction. However, she remained stoically committed to him and did not remarry after his death, when she was just 35.
    ellauri203.html on line 473: It was published first in 1866 in the first episode of the new literary magazine Epoch that was launched by Dostoevsky and his brother Mikhail. As we know Turgenev and Dostoevsky were not the best of friends. Turgenev had sent the story to Dostoevsky when he was in Baden Baden. Dostoevsky, however, was too busy playing roulette and returned the story without having read it. Mikhail told him in a letter that that had been a big mistake, because their magazine was sure to be a success if they could have a new Turgenev in the first episode. Dostoevsky proceeded to write an apologetic letter to Turgenev and managed to secure Phantoms for the magazine.
    ellauri203.html on line 648: Martin, a respected doctor (huoh), his wife Karin, Karin's seventeen year old brother Minus, and widowed father David of Karin and Minus' have convened at the family's summer home on an island off the coast of Sweden to celebrate David's return from the Swiss Alps, where he was substantially completing his latest novel (huoh). The family has long lived a fantasy of they being a loving one, David's extended absences which are the cause of many of the family's problems. Without that parental guidance, Minus is at a confused and vulnerable stage of his life where he is a bundle of repressed emotions, most specifically concerning not feeling loved by his father and concerning the opposite sex (huoh). He is attracted to females as a collective but does not know how to handle blatant female sexuality, especially if it is directed his way. A month earlier Karin was released from a mental institution (huoh). Her doctor has told Martin that the likelihood that she will fully recover from her illness is low, her ultimate fate being that her mental state will disintegrate totally, although she has functioned well since her release. In his love for her, Martin has vowed to himself to see her through whatever she faces. As Karin begins to lose grip on reality, Minus is the one most directly affected, although it does bring out the issues all the men are facing with regard to their interrelationships.
    ellauri204.html on line 382: The most well-known mythopoetic text is Bly’s Iron John: A Book About Men which was published in 1990. Bly suggests that masculine energy has been diluted through modern social institutions, industrialisation, and the resulting separation of fathers from family life. He introduced the ‘wild man’ and urged men to recover a pre-industrial conception of masculinity through brotherhood with other men. The purpose was to foster a greater understanding of the forces influencing the roles of men in modern society and how these changes affect behaviour, self-awareness and identity.
    ellauri204.html on line 391: “So saying, Argeiphontes gave me the herb, drawing it from the ground, and showed me its nature. At the root it was black, but its flower was like milk. [305] Moly the gods call it, and it is hard for mortal men to dig; but with the gods all things are possible. Hermes then departed to high Olympus through the wooded isle, and I went my way to the house of Circe, and many things did my heart darkly ponder as I went. [310] So I stood at the gates of the fair-tressed goddess. There I stood and called, and the goddess heard my voice. Straightway then she came forth, and opened the bright doors, and bade me in; and I went with her, my heart sore troubled. She brought me in and made me sit on a silver-studded chair, [315] a beautiful chair, richly wrought, and beneath was a foot-stool for the feet. And she prepared me a potion in a golden cup, that I might drink, and put therein a drug, with evil purpose in her heart. But when she had given it me, and I had drunk it off, yet was not bewitched, she smote me with her wand, and spoke, and addressed me: [320] ‘Begone now to the sty, and lie with the rest of thy comrades.’ “So she spoke, but I, drawing my sharp sword from between my thighs, rushed upon Circe, as though I would slay her. But she, with a loud cry, ran beneath, and clasped my knees, and with wailing she spoke to me winged words: [325] “‘Who art thou among men, and from whence? Where is thy city, and where thy parents? Amazement holds me that thou hast drunk this charm and wast in no wise bewitched. For no man else soever hath withstood this charm, when once he has drunk it, and it has passed the barrier of his teeth. Nay, but the mind in thy breast is one not to be beguiled. [330] Surely thou art Odysseus, the man of ready device, who Argeiphontes of the golden wand ever said to me would come hither on his way home from Troy with his swift, black ship. Nay, come, put up thy sword in this here sheath, and let us two then go up into my bed, that couched together [335] in love we may put trust in each other.’ “So she spoke, but I answered her, and said:‘Circe, how canst thou bid me be gentle to thee, who hast turned my comrades into swine in thy halls, and now keepest me here, and with guileful purpose biddest me [340] go to thy chamber, and go up into thy bed, that when thou hast me stripped thou mayest render me a weakling and unmanned? Nay, verily, it is not I that shall be fain to go up into thy bed, unless thou, goddess, wilt consent to swear a mighty oath that thou wilt not plot against me any fresh mischief to my hurt.’
    ellauri204.html on line 397: Bly recognised that these men were also distinguished by their unhappiness, which he asserted was caused by this passivity. He aimed to teach these men that simply "flashing the sword" was by no means an act of war, but showed what he called ‘a joyful decisiveness’, a sense of vivid aliveness. It was more like flashing their wieners.
    ellauri204.html on line 633: Douze points to Jameson for showing middle finger to postmodernism. Sehän on selvää sumutusta, kapitalismin siirtomaatavarakaupan savuverhoa. In his view, postmodernity's merging of all discourse into an undifferentiated whole was the result of the colonization of the cultural sphere, which had retained at least partial autonomy during the prior modernist era, by a newly organized corporate capitalism. Nimenomaan niin!
    ellauri204.html on line 682: Lord of the Flies is a 1954 novel by Nobel Prize-winning English author William Golding. The book’s premise focuses on a group of British boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their attempt to govern themselves, with disastrous results. Golding wrote his book as a counterpoint to R.M. Ballantyne’s youth novel The Coral Island, and included specific references to it, such as the rescuing naval officer’s description of the children’s pursuit of Ralph as “a jolly good show, like the Coral Island”.
    ellauri204.html on line 812: Alain Finkielkraut (s. 30. kesäkuuta 1949 Pariisi, Ranska) on ranskalainen essealainen. Hän on Auschwitzista pelastuneen puolanjuutalaisen taidekäsityöläisen poika. Hän opettaa École polytechnique -nimisessä teknillisessä eliittikorkeakoulussa aatehistorian professorina humanististen ja yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunnassa. Useita teoksia kirjoittanut Finkielkraut esiintyy säännöllisesti television talk show -ohjelmissa ja kirjoittaa kolumneja ranskalaisiin lehtiin usein humanistisesta näkökulmasta. Finkielkraut on tunnettu erityisesti islamin arvostelijana. Michel ja Alain kuulostavat totaalisen perseiltä!
    ellauri204.html on line 842: Part of the problem here is poverty porn makes money. “The use of poverty porn is a desperate attempt by charities to stay relevant,” said one of the participants. She said that poverty porn exists even within the United States, but it is generally seen through narrow stories about poverty about certain people or areas of the country. She asked how often we heard stories about Appalachia that were not about poor hicks?
    ellauri205.html on line 119: And all-night shows
    ellauri205.html on line 145: Oh, how they come and go
    ellauri205.html on line 146: Oh, how they come and go
    ellauri206.html on line 47: Missä vaiheessa show not tell tyyppiset teeveetroopit jyräsi kirjallisuuden? Kohtaus kohtauxelta etenevät jännärit jossa jokainen mikroilme ja tupakan karistus on näpätty?
    ellauri206.html on line 59:

    Show, don't tell

    ellauri206.html on line 61: Show, don't tell is a technique used in various kinds of texts to allow the reader to experience the story through actions, words, thoughts, senses, and feelings rather than through the author's exposition, summarization, and description. It avoids adjectives describing the author's analysis, but instead describes the scene in such a way that readers can draw their own conclusions. The technique applies equally to nonfiction and all forms of fiction, literature including haiku and Imagism poetry in particular, speech, movie making, and playwriting.
    ellauri206.html on line 63: The concept is often attributed to Russian playwright Anton Chekhov, reputed to have said "Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." What Chekhov actually said, in a letter to his brother, was "In descriptions of Nature one must seize on small details, grouping them so that when the reader closes his eyes he gets a picture. For instance, you’ll have a moonlit night if you write that on the mill dam a piece of glass from a broken bottle glittered like a bright little star, and that the black shadow of a dog or a wolf rolled past like a ball."
    ellauri206.html on line 65: Its having become, by the mid-twentieth century, an important element in Anglo-Saxon narratological theory, according to dramatist and author Arthur E. Krows, the American dramatist Mark Swan told Krows about the playwriting motto "Show – not tell" on an occasion during the 1910s. In 1921, the same distinction, but in the form picture-versus-drama, was utilized in a chapter of Percy Lubbock's analysis of fiction, The Craft of Fiction. In 1927, Swan published a playwriting manual that made prominent use of the showing-versus-telling distinction throughout.
    ellauri206.html on line 71: In 2017, Vietnamese-American writer Viet Thanh Nguyen (n.h.) questioned the validity of continuing to teach "show, don't tell" in creative writing classes in a New York Times op-ed on the subject. His position was that such teaching is biased against immigrant writers, who may describe emotions in ways readers from outside their culture might not understand, rendering "tell" necessary. Like the squeaky smiley that shows just raised eyebrows and no smiling mouth. Because a smile does not count for anything out there. Everybody smiles all the time.
    ellauri206.html on line 75: Diegesis (Greek διήγησις "narration") and mimesis (Greek μίμησις "imitation") have been contrasted since Plato's and Aristotle's times. Mimesis shows rather than tells, by means of action that is enacted. Diegesis is the telling of a story by a narrator. The narrator may speak as a particular character, or may be the invisible narrator, or even the all-knowing narrator who speaks from "outside" in the form of commenting on the action or the characters.
    ellauri206.html on line 95: Sleazy Capital News (Hufvudstadsbladet) in its optimistically titled two-column report "This is how we avoid global warming" left out 2/5 of Gutierres energy recommendations. Only increases in investmets got a mention. What was left out? Well these:
    ellauri206.html on line 186: Kulttuuriministeriössä työskentelevän Michelin elämä on ankeaa ja yksinäistä. Vapaa-aikanaan hän vierailee toisinaan peep-showssa ja nukahtelee tv:n ääreen. Isänsä kuoleman jälkeen hän päättää hetken mielijohteesta matkustaa Thaimaahan. Thaimaassa Michelille avautuu vieras kulttuuri ja eroottisten houkutusten puutarha, jossa kaikki on mahdollista. Michel saa tuntea seksuaalista nautintoa, jonka rinnalla hänen aiemmat käteenvetokokemuksensa kalpenevat. Matkallaan Michel tapaa myös Valérien, joka on matkailualalla. Pariisissa heidän välilleen syntyy intohimoinen suhde, jollaista kumpikaan ei ole ennen kokenut. Michel ja Valérie palaavat Thaimaahan käynnistämään uutta, estotonta seksiturismibisnestä. Matkailijat kuitenkin palautetaan paratiisista elämän kovuuteen varsin dramaattisella tavalla.
    ellauri207.html on line 182: Catherine Zeta-Jones was born on 25 September 1969 in Swansea, Wales, to David Jones, the owner of a sweet factory, and his wife Patricia (née Fair), a seamstress. Her father is Welsh and her mother is of Irish Catholic descent. She was named after her grandmother, Zeta Jones (whose name was derived from the name of a ship that her great-grandfather once sailed on), because 'Just Jones' would not cut the cheese in showbiz. Zeta-Jones was raised in the suburban area of Mumbles.Her struggle with depression and bipolar II disorder has been well documented by the media, for she is married to sex addicted actor Michael Douglas, son of Kirk, whose name used to be Issur Danielovitch Demsky. Michael is 25 years her senior but a wizard with cunnilingus.
    ellauri207.html on line 323: Robb Elementary teaches second through fourth grades and had 535 students in the 2020-21 school year, according to state data. About 90% of students are Hispanic and about 81% are economically disadvantaged, the data shows. Thursday was set to be the last day of school before the summer break.
    ellauri210.html on line 373: By the time Johnson arrived in Paris, Cravan had carved out a reputation as a boxer himself, a discipline he first picked up while traveling across the USA. He was also known as an ardent proponent of the “American” attitude toward life, by which he meant living according to desire and instinct, and telling so-called civilized society to take a running jump. In an essay titled “To Be or Not To Be … American,” he wrote that, thanks to the influence of cakewalk dancers, track athletes, and boxers such as Joe Jeanette, the whole of Paris had turned American. “Overnight,” Cravan said, “everyone began to spit and swear” and “floated around in clothes two sizes too big for them.” He finished the piece with a crib sheet for how to pass as American: “Chew … never speak … always look busy … and, above all else, crown yourself with arrogance.” It was advice he followed assiduously. How right, how true, to this day.
    ellauri210.html on line 381: In the summer of 1914, Cravan began another phase of wandering. In 1916, he found himself in Barcelona where he somehow managed to book himself a high-profile fight against Jack Johnson. Johnson was in the midst of a celebrated stay in Spain, during which he was received by royalty and starred in movies. Photographs from the fight give some idea of the scale of the event, which was held at Barcelona’s huge bullfighting arena La Monumental. What the photos don’t convey is what a mismatch the fight was. Even a ring-rusty, thirty-eight-year-old Johnson was leagues ahead of Cravan. Johnson won with a sixth-round knockout, though it could’ve been over much sooner had he wished it. There are reports that Cravan shook with fear before the contest began, knowing how out of his depth he was. One writer has suggested that “Johnson and Cravan were more collaborators than competitors,” and that the event was a con, just a hype-fueled payday for an aging legend and a flamboyant interloper with no credible chance of a win—the Mayweather-McGregor of its day. Olikos tää se mazi josta toinen nyrkkipelle Heminwau kirjoitti siinä sonniromaanissa?
    ellauri210.html on line 385: New York’s first encounter with modern art had come four years earlier with the seminal Armory Show, at which Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase caused an almighty rumpus. This time, Duchamp presented Fountain, the urinal that changed art history. Having witnessed Cravan’s work back in Paris, Duchamp and Picabia invited Cravan to deliver one of his anti-art lectures at the exhibition. He didn’t disappoint. On the day, he stood half cut in front of his audience, swore at them, waved his cock around, and was promptly arrested.
    ellauri210.html on line 720: Durante gli anni di studio si trasferisce in Belgio per alcuni mesi, grazie all’esperienza Erasmus, e la brillante mente si apre sempre di più, stimolata da nuove esperienze. La visione del mondo e della società di Annalisa Chirico è molto particolare e all’avanguardia per una donna italiana. Scopriamo qualcosa in più sulla graffiante penna, molto presente anche nei talk show televisivi.
    ellauri210.html on line 837: “M. Gide,” Cravan began, “I have taken leave to call on you, though I feel myself duty bound to inform you straight off that I far prefer, for example, boxing to literature.” “Literature, however, is the only terrain on which we may profitably encounter one another,” he replied rather dryly. Cravan thought: “He certainly lives life to the full.” We spoke about literature therefore, and he asked me the following question which must be particularly dear to him: “Which of my works have you read?" "Which of my matches have you seen?"
    ellauri210.html on line 1173: Three days before his death, he said calmly to a friend: "I am allergic to this planet". He wrote his final book in 1959 and upon completion, he asked his wife to send the manuscript to Breton. When she returned from the post office, she found him dead; he had hanged himself on the main beam of his studio. Another exit in the style of David Foster Wallace. Did he give a damn to how his wife might have taken it? Well maybe she was relieved. Asta is allergic to Miryam's kitty Chico but bears it, taking antihistamines. When she has had a bad day, she curls up in her room with Kitty in her lap.
    ellauri210.html on line 1316: The narrator, randomly named André, ruminates on a number of Surrealist principles, before ultimately commencing (around a third of the way through the novel) on a narrative account, generally linear, of his brief ten-day affair with the titular character Nadja. She is so named “because in Russian it's the beginning of the word hope, and because it's only the beginning,” but her name might also evoke the Spanish "Nadie," which means "No one." The narrator becomes obsessed with this woman with whom he, upon a chance encounter while walking through the street, strikes up conversation immediately. He becomes reliant on daily rendezvous, occasionally culminating in romance (a kiss here and there). His true fascination with Nadja, however, is her vision of the world, which is often provoked through a discussion of the work of a number of Surrealist artists, including himself. While her understanding of existence subverts the rigidly authoritarian quotidian, it is later discovered that she is mad and belongs in a sanitarium. After Nadja reveals too many details of her past life, she in a sense becomes demystified, and the narrator realizes that he cannot continue their relationship.
    ellauri211.html on line 169: Yhdysvaltain päätöstä käyttää atomipommia on arvosteltu jälkeenpäin. Jopa presidentti Dwight D. Eisenhower ja kenraali Douglas MacArthur ovat jälkeenpäin sanoneet Japanin olleen käytännössä lyöty. Japani olisi neuvotellut sodan lopettamisesta ja sen ehdoista, mutta Potsdamin julistus määritteli ehdot Japanin antautumisen hyväksymiselle, mikä sitoi myös Yhdysvaltoja.
    ellauri213.html on line 218: Uncertainty – research from Newcastle University showed that intolerance of uncertainty is a significant factor in PDA, with PDA autistics needing to know and feel in control of what’s going on
    ellauri213.html on line 243: Augustine and Thomas Aquinas had formulated the view that whoever deliberately took away the life given to them by their Creator showed the utmost disregard for the will and authority of God and jeopardized their salvation, encouraging the Church to treat suicide as a sin. By the early 1960s, however, the Church of England was re-evaluating its stance on the legality of suicide, and decided that counselling, psychotherapy and suicide prevention intervention before the event took place would be a better solution than criminalisation of what amounted to an act of despair in this context.
    ellauri213.html on line 251: You join together with thousands of other members for a set programme reflective of the host country’s culture and customs. As well as a huge closing ceremony. This event is for members aged 16 to 22. Sadly the next World Scout Moot in 2022 has been cancelled, but we hope this will take place again in 2025. We hiked, swam, explored one another and ate our shorts becoming really great friends. Learned how to give support during the Ukraine conflict. The 25th World Scout Jamboree will take place in 2023 in South Korea. Lieköhän yhtään venäläisiä kaukopartiolaisia kuzuttujen joukossa?
    ellauri213.html on line 294: The girls didn't know much about the event beforehand, but Amelia was most excited about sleeping with the Big Top, Meghan couldn't wait to learn some tricks, while Abigail, Darcey and Ellie were looking forward to trying out some new adventurous group activities. We then enjoyed a very funny magic show, sucking our own magic wands and balloon creatures. Darcey and Aayla said they 'liked playing fun games with the Rainbows on the inflatables' which we did next.
    ellauri213.html on line 304: 170 hours unpaid work and told to pay £1,500 costs. Katie Price has been known on the celebrity circuit for many years, starting out her career as a glamour model before becoming a TV personality, author and OnlyFans content creator. Katie has five children: her eldest Harvey, Princess, Junior, Buddy and Jett. She was married to Peter Andre from 2005-2009, Alex Reid from 2010-2012 and Kieran Hayler from 2013-2021. She was most recently dating Love Island star Carl Woods until their split. Michelle contacted Sussex Police on Friday to complain that Katie — mum to two of Kieran’s children — had sent him a tirade of abuse which was aimed at her. Close sources said the text branded Michelle a “c*ing w*e piece of s*” and a “gutter s*g.” The ex-glamour model, who smiled as she left the dock today, could have been jailed for a maximum of five years for breaching the restraining order. BUSINESS AS USUAL Katie Price says she’s ‘so lucky’ after dodging jail over ‘gutter s*g’ text – as she reveals she’s landed a Girlguiding travel show.
    ellauri213.html on line 329:

    TWA flight 741 was one of three planes successfully hijacked by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine that day — the hijacking of an El Al plane was foiled by the onboard sky marshals. At the time, I was a 14-year old foreskinned kid living in Trenton, New Jersey, whose only care was how the Baltimore Orioles were doing. This event changed my life, as well as the lives of the other 350 people who were on those planes. Mostly for the better, we became instant celebrities.

    Imagine the horror and disgust that I, my family and other hijack victims experienced when we read that Leila Khaled, one of the hijackers directly involved in the 1970 attacks, had been invited by San Francisco State University to address a forum on Gender, Justice and Resistance. Ms. Khaled is a convicted terrorist. She has paid her debt to society. She is a member of the PFLP. She is a symbol not of justice and resistance, but of wanton terrorism and death. Khaled spent only a few days in jail. After her failed hijacking of the El Al plane, she was transferred by the Israeli sky marshals to the British police and released in exchange for hostages when a fifth plane was hijacked to secure her freedom.
    ellauri213.html on line 331: Had Khaled ever apologized for her role in the hijackings or taken steps to show that she is committed to nonviolent efforts to achieve her desired end of driving the invasive Israeli species from her land, I would not object to her speaking at San Francisco State. People who genuinely learn often make the best teachers. But even after 50 years, Khaled has never expressed remorse or disavowed her actions or those of her comrades. Neither have I for 3000 years of Israeli mass murder of poor Philistines, so there! Never forget, never learn!
    ellauri213.html on line 333: The most distressing and disheartening thing, 50 years after this horrible experience, is that the Western world (including us middle easterners) has not eradicated this type of terrorism. As recently as January 2020, the PFLP (through Palestinian NGOs) received financial support of millions of dollars from European countries, the United States, Canada, Japan, UN-OCHA and UNICEF. That money should have come to us instead! We know how to handle capital after all, got the talent for it.
    ellauri214.html on line 66: J. K. Rowling’s first adult novel The Casual Vacancy stirred a ruckus within Sikh Community after its publication leading to the involvement of SGPC and its head showing concern with the negative portrayal of Sikh characters in the novel. Rowling defends the novel by her theory of ‘corrosive racism’ after her ‘vast amount of research’ in Sikhism. The chapter explores diasporic Sikh identity through the character of Sukhvinder who though dyslexic is stifled by her mother and harassed by her classmate Fats through slanderous remarks targeting her Sikh identity. Though Sukhvinder resorts to self-torture after undergoing racism, she emerges victorious like a brave Sikh by her self-determination and emerges a heroine by helping everybody in Britain. The chapter applies Teun A. van Dijk’s racist discourse and post-colonial theories specifically Homi Bhabha’s hybridity of cultures, Jacques Rancière’s distribution of the sensible hinting at the redistribution of identities to make invisible diaspora visible and inaudible audible and Gayatri Spivak’s theory of the subaltern to prove that the Sikh diaspora remains in Charhdi Kala (higher state of mind) even in tough situations. The chapter concludes that though British Sikh diaspora undergoes racialism leading to identity crisis, Sikhs finally find resolution through Sikh identity model Sukhvinder who, treading the footsteps of Sikh heroes like Bhai Kanhayia, becomes a heroin addict by risking her life to save Robbie and by helping all in the novel.
    ellauri214.html on line 70: In response to a Twitter post about how COVID-19 has been affecting people who menstruate, Rowling wrote, “‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”. In this post, Rowling mocks trans people by insinuating that women who do not have a period are not real women. This tweet not only offended trans women who do not have periods, but also cisgender women born with medical conditions that prevent them from having a period, older women who have gone through menapause, and transgender men who still menstrate. Rowling has continued to bash transgender people by comparing hormone therapy to gay conversion therapy and tweeting articles arguing that transitioning is a medical experiment. Many have called Rowling out on her transphobia, and some have attempted to educate her on transgender issues and the difference between sex and gender. However, the author has not been receptive to these comments, and continues to deny that she is transphobic. Rowling’s transphobia has prompted Harry Potter actors Daniel Radcliff (Harry Potter), Emma Watson (Hermionie Granger), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), and Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) to show their support for the transgender community. The only actor staunchly standing on her side is Tom Veladro (Voldemort). Oops, I shouldn't have said the name.
    ellauri214.html on line 72: Though Rowling’s transphobia has been publicized the most, fans have also begun to notice prejudice in her writing. Very few people of color are featured in J. K. Rowling’s books, and those that are have few lines and no detailed story arcs. One of the people of color given more thought was Cho Chang, Harry Potter’s love interest who was first introduced in the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Rowling’s racism toward Asians and lack of knowledge of Asian culture is clearly evident from just the name Cho Chang, which is a mix of Korean and Chinese surnames. Korea and China have a longstanding history as political adversaries and each country has a distinct culture. While Rowling went to great efforts in creating a wonderfully immersive wizarding world, she gave no thought to what Cho’s ethnicity is. Cho was also sorted into Ravenclaw house, the school house for those of high intelligence, playing into a common stereotype of Asians. The only other Asian characters mentioned in the series are Indian twins Padma and Pavarti Patil. While Rowling appears to have given more thought to these characters, placing Padma in Ravenclaw and breaking the Asian stereotype by placing Pavarti in Gryffindor, she ultimately fails to adequately write Asian characters. While Pavarti, as a member of Harry Potter’s house, was given more depth than Cho or her sister, many South Asian fans were irritated by the girls’ dresses in the fourth movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The twins wore dull and unflattering traditional Indian attire, which many saw as a mockery of Indian culture. Cho herself wore an East Asian style dress in this movie which was a mix of different Asian styles. Rowling continued her habit of stereotyping Asians in the Fantastic Beast Movies, the first of which was released in 2016 and set in the 1920’s, several decades before the Harry Potter series. In this pre-series, the only Asian representation is displayed in the form of a woman who has been cursed to turn into a beast. Fans may remember the villain Voldemort’s pet snake, Nagini, who served him throughout the Harry Potter series. Fans were surprised to learn when watching The Crimes of Grindelwald, the second movie in the Fantastic Beasts series, that Nagini was not always a snake, but was actually a woman who had been cursed to turn into a snake. In the movie, Nagini, in human form, is caged and forced to perform in a circus. Though we do not know how Nagini came to meet Voldemort, we do know that she became his servant and the keeper of a wee snakelike portion of his soul. This is more than slightly problematic. Not only was Nagini the only Asian representation in the film, but she was also a half-human who was forced to serve an evil white man for a great part of her existence. Author Ellen Oh commented on Nagini’s inclusion in the film saying “I feel like this is the problem when white people want to diversify and don’t actually ask POC how to do so. They don’t make the connection between making Nagini an Asian woman who later on becomes the pet snake of an EEVIL whitish man.”
    ellauri214.html on line 74: J.K. Rowling did not limit herself to being racist, she also included anti-semitic stereotypes in her books. Many readers have noticed how the descriptions of the goblins in the Harry Potter series bear striking resemblance to anti-semitic stereotypes. The goblins are hooked-nosed creatures who work at the wizarding bank Gringotts and are obsessed with gold and money.
    ellauri214.html on line 76: J.K. Rowling has also included plenty of sexism in her writing, indicative of her internalised misogyny. Cho Chang was Harry Potter’s love interest throughout books 4 and 5. However, Cho was in a relationship with another student in the fourth book, and unfortunately this student was killed by Lord Voldemort at the end of the book. This leaves Cho rightfully distraught. Though still in emotional turmoil, she develops a crush on Harry and they begin dating. During their first kiss, Cho is crying because she is thinking of her dead boyfriend. Harry and Cho break up after multiple arguments later in the book. Later on in the series, Harry develops feelings for his best friend’s sister, Ginny Weasley. Rowling periodically writes how Harry prefers Ginny to Cho because Cho was too emotional after the death of her boyfriend. Harry preferred Ginny, who was stronger and could contain her emotions, supposedly because she had grown up with 6 brothers (no, 5, Ronny is a sissy). This comparison of the two girls demonstrates Rowling’s internalized feelings that women exist for the purpose of pleasing men. The thinly veiled idea that women who are too emotional or too much drama queens are not desirable is evident in Rowling’s writing. Fleur Delcore is another example of this feeling. Fleur is a student at a French wizarding school who competes against Harry in a difficult tournament in the fourth book. Fleur is part veela, who are magical beings of extreme beauty but can turn monstrous when angered. Fleur eventually marries Ron Weasley’s older brother, Bill. Hermionie, Harry’s other best friend, and Ginny constantly complain about Fleur. However, the only thing their animosity can be traced back to is that Fleur is a beautiful Frenchy woman and she is confident in that, whilst they are just snubnosed Brits. This further develops Rowling’s internalized misogyny. She views women who are confident in their beauty as annoying, and has the idea that women should seek male validation. Though these portions of the book were likely unintentional, speaking from personal experience, it has to be said that Rowling’s writing of women in her book have had a lasting effect on her female readers.
    ellauri214.html on line 106: But, Rowling's talent is skin deep. I absolutely do not agree that she did a great job in character and/or plot development. Her characters are pretty clichéd (Chosen one and his side kick), her setting is pretty narrow (British boarding school experiences), her plot is pretty predictable, and like all amateur writers, her plot line often meanders for no good reason at all. Her world building is imaginative, but lack planning. Simply put, most part of her world is a whim, it's not coherent, she didn't think it through. And the more you think about it, the bigger the problem it is. Oh and that one character everyone is singing praises about, as if it's the best written character of all time? Stereotypical Byronic hero. I read how people praise Snape being this greatest character of our generation, I couldn't help but wondering, you guys never read Wuthering Heights?! I've never attended an American high school but I'm pretty sure the Great Gatsby is on the required reading list.
    ellauri214.html on line 116: In a rare chance, I might be black. If I’m black, I’m more likely to be pregnant. I’m more likely to be dead in the first 20 minutes of the movie (or first episode of the TV show).
    ellauri214.html on line 125: Every close up shows my pristine clear skin with no blemishes or acne.
    ellauri214.html on line 126: I’m often shown eating nothing but fast food, but I never have a weight problem.
    ellauri214.html on line 133: I don't know how to be nice to people. Everything I say is full of snark, sarcasm and acid. Because I'm independent and strong.
    ellauri214.html on line 181: Depending on the rating, I’m seen drinking hard liquor and doing drugs. But unless the show's theme is about drugs, these habit never really have negative impact on my health or my actions.
    ellauri214.html on line 185: After the protagonist had saved me from the bad guys, I'll cry and scream at the protagonist about how he could kill all those people! “You're a MONSTER!” is the most common dialogue line.
    ellauri214.html on line 193: I might talk about what I want to do, I might have one talent (usually drawing), but I was never shown to actively working towards my dream.
    ellauri214.html on line 245: Myrina was said to have conquered most of Libya, from where she led her army east toward Egypt. When she reached Egypt, she befriended the king before going on to defeat the Bedouin and Syrian peoples and conquering some of west Asia. Although the people of Cilicia (part of modern Turkey) were not defeated, they were willing to accept her rule. The Amazons also captured the island of Lesbos in the Aegean Sea, where Myrina founded the city of Mitylene, named for her sister. While sailing across the Aegean, Myrina got caught in a storm. The queen prayed to the Mother Goddess to save her and was guided to a deserted island, which she named Samothrace. Myrina’s good fortune, however, did not last forever: she died in battle against the Thracians and Scythians, led by the Thracian Mopsos. Without their great leader, the Amazons lost a series of battles to Mopsos. Eventually their empire collapsed and they withdrew back to Libya. Back to the drawing board. 2 thousand years later Myrinä's compatriot Muammar Gaddafi says in Swedish: Han är nöjd.
    ellauri214.html on line 541: At 56, Tokarczuk is an invigorating presence: her black dreadlocks studded with bright blue beads, eyes rimmed with luminous turquoise. “Flights grew out of a time when I was travelling a lot,” she explains, at pains to stress how liberating this was for those raised under an oppressive communist regime. “I got my first passport in 1989, when I was 28. Wow.”
    ellauri216.html on line 167: Proclus’ own interests are purely metaphysical: his task is to explain how evil fits into the scheme of things, how its existence squares with the omnipotence and all-pervading presence of the Good God, how it comes about and what its ontological status is. All of these questions are undoubtedly important, and I do not mean to belittle them.
    ellauri217.html on line 67: The first four sections retell, in succession, the stories of: Adam (Adham أدهم) and how he was favoured by Gabalawi over the latter's other sons, including the eldest Satan/Iblis (Idris إدريس). In subsequent generations the heroes relive the lives of Moses (Gabal جبل) - Ai Moosesko? No ehkä vähän, Mooses oli urpo, mukiloi jonkun sivullisen kuoliaaxi, tapas Jehun pensaassa, senkin käärme koveni sauvaxi, se imitoi Hammurapia - mut on siinä mukana myös Jakobia eli Israelia, Jesus (Rifa'a رفاعة) and Muhammad (Qasim قاسم). The followers of each hero settle in different parts of the alley, symbolising Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The protagonist of the book's fifth section is Arafat (عرفة), who symbolises modern science and comes after the prophets, while all of their followers claim Arafat as one of their own.
    ellauri217.html on line 700: The Council of Jerusalem or Apostolic Council was held in Jerusalem around AD 50. It is unique among the ancient pre-ecumenical councils in that it is considered by Catholics and Eastern Orthodox to be a prototype and forerunner of the later ecumenical councils and a key part of Christian ethics. The council decided that Gentile converts to Christianity were not obligated to keep most of the fasts, and other specific rituals, including the rules concerning circumcision of males. The Council did, however, retain the prohibitions on eating blood, meat containing blood, and meat of animals that were strangled, and on fornication and idolatry, sometimes referred to as the Apostolic Decree or Jerusalem Quadrilateral. The purpose and origin of these four prohibitions is debated.
    ellauri219.html on line 156: The author of the 1894 book The Holy Science, which attempted “to show as clearly as possible that there is an essential unity in all religions,” Sir Yukteswar Girl was guru to both Sir Mahatavara Babaji (No.27) and Paramahansa Yogananda (No.33). His prominent position in the top left-hand corner reflects George Harrison’s (No.65) growing interest in Indian philosophy. In August 1967, two months after the album’s release, The Beatles had their first meeting with the Maharashi Mahesh Yogi, at the Hilton Hotel on London’s Park Lane, where they were invited to study Transcendental Meditation in Bangor, North Wales.
    ellauri219.html on line 198: Branded a "sick comic", Bruce was essentially blacklisted from television, and when he did appear, thanks to sympathetic fans like Hefner and Steve Allen, it was with great concessions to Broadcast Standards and Practices. Jokes that might offend, like an extremely boring routine on airplane-glue-sniffing teenagers that was done live for The Steve Allen Show in 1959, had to be typed out and pre-approved by network officials. On his debut on Allen's show, Bruce made an unscripted comment on the recent marriage of Elizabeth Taylor to Eddie Fisher, wondering, "Will Elizabeth Taylor become bat mitzvahed?"
    ellauri219.html on line 200: Horny and Lenny had a tumultuous relationship. Many serious domestic incidents occurred between them, usually the result of serious drug use. His greatest fear was getting his act down pat. On this night, he rose to every chance stimulus, every interruption and noise and distraction, with a mad volleying of mental images that suggested the fantastic riches of Charlie Parker's horn. Like the Bird's, his show got gradually only worse.
    ellauri219.html on line 265: Dylan and The Beatles influenced each other throughout the 60s, each spurring the other on to making music that pushed boundaries and reshaped what was thought possible of the simple “pop song.” It was Dylan who convinced John Lennon (No.62) to write more personal songs in the shape of “Help!,” while The Beatles showed Bob what could be achieved with a full band behind him, helping the latter “go electric” in 1965. It was with George Harrison (No.65), however, that Dylan struck up the longest-lasting friendship; the two played together often in the years that followed, forming The Traveling Wilburys and guesting on each other’s projects.
    ellauri219.html on line 314: Like Max Miller (No.37), Tommy Handley was another British wartime comedian. Born in Liverpool, he would have been a local hero for The Beatles, and his BBC radio show, ITMA (“It’s That Man Again”) ran for ten years, from 1939 to 1949, until Handley’s sudden death from a brain hemorrhage.
    ellauri219.html on line 543: The famous Sgt Pepper drum skin shows one of two designs by Joe Ephgrave, a fairground artist. His second design used more modern lettering and was attached to the other side of the bass drum, giving the group two options during the photoshoot.
    ellauri219.html on line 597: In his autobiographical essay, “On My Religion,” Rawls explains why he abandoned his orthodox Christian beliefs in spite of the deeply religious temperament that informed his life and writings. In particular, he recounts how his personal experiences during the Second World War, and especially his awareness of the Holocaust, led him to question whether prayer was possible. “To interpret history as expressing God’s will, God’s will must accord with the most basic ideas of justice as we know them. For what else can the most basic justice be? Thus, I soon came to reject the idea of the supremacy of the divine will as [like the Holocaust] also hideous and evil.” Furthermore, by studying the history of the Inquisition Rawls came to “think of the denial of religious freedom and liberty of conscience as a very great evil,” such that “it makes the claims of the Popes to infallibility impossible to accept.” Finally, his reading of Jean Bodin’s thoughts about toleration led him to claim that religions should be “each reasonable, and accept the idea of public reason and its idea of the domain of the political.” Against this background, it is no wonder that Rawls considers the very concept of religious truth as authoritarian and intolerant, and the ensuing persecution of dissenters as the curse of Christianity.
    ellauri219.html on line 796: No it is not because of Trump. People outside of America slagged off the US in the Clinton years, and the Nixon years, and the Eisenhower years. The negative perception was cemented in the 60s, and everything since has been confirmation bias. So what had happened? Two obviously invasive lost wars in Indochina and nasty machinations here and there, Middle East and South America in particular. Pretty obvious what the fuckheads were (and are) up to: world conquest for the cause of American capitalism, nothing less.
    ellauri219.html on line 798: No it is not because of the clash in values between American individualism and libertarianism, and the rest of the West’s social democracy and collectivism. That’s a contributing factor among those with enough cultural affinity and exposure to get to know how the US ticks, which maybe explains some of the last decade or so, with the Internet. But again, the “Death to Amreeka” crowds, the sneering at the unsophisticated doughboys, the dismissal of American culture—all that predated that deep familiarity by decades. The discovery of the substantive cultural mismatches were again a late addition and confirmation bias. (How I like the scientific sound of it: confirmation bias.)
    ellauri219.html on line 824: That naive optimism was weaponised in American mass culture as a vehicle of hegemony, but it was no less sincerely articulated for it—and to a more cynical, war-weary audience outside of America, the response vacillated between envy and irritation, depending on how attached the audience it was to its own culture, how susceptible to the siren call of Blue Jeans and Coke, how impoverished, and how insecure. (Insecure goes both ways in the response.)
    ellauri219.html on line 971: The Rockettes are an American leg-kicking twat-flashing dance company. Founded in 1925 (97 years ago) in St. Louis, they have, since 1932 (90 years ago), performed at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. Until 2015, they also had a touring company. They are best known for starring in the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, an annual Christmas show, and for performing annually since 1957 at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York.
    ellauri219.html on line 973: The Rockettes were created in 1925, but the first non-white Rockette, a Japanese-born woman named Setsuko Maruhashi, was not hired until 1985. The Rockettes did not allow dark-skinned dancers into the dance line until 1987. The justification for this policy was that such women would supposedly distract from the consistent look of the dance group.The first African American Rockette was Jennifer Jones; selected in 1987, she made her debut in 1988 at the Super Bowl halftime show. The next person with a visible but different disability hired by the Rockettes (Sydney Mesher, missing a left hand) was hired in 2019. The first Rockette with hairy bollocks and a huge boner remains to be hired yet.
    ellauri219.html on line 975: Underworld (also released as Paying the Penalty) is a 1927 American silent crime film directed by Josef von Sternberg and starring Clive Brook, Evelyn Brent and George Bankrupt. The film launched Sternberg's eight-year collaboration with Paramount Pictures, with whom he would produce his seven films with actress Marlene Dietrich. Journalist and screenwriter Ben Hecht won an Academy Award for Best Original Story. Time felt the film was realistic in some parts, but disliked the Hollywood cliché of turning an evil character's heart to gold at the end. Filmmaker and surrealist Luis Buñuel named Underworld as his all time favorite film. Critic Andrew Sarris cautions that Underworld does not qualify as "the first gangster film" as Sternberg "showed little interest in the purely gangsterish aspects of the genre" nor the "mechanics of mob power." Film critic Dave Kehr, on the other hand, writing for the Chicago Reader in 2014, rates Underworld as one of the great gangster films of the silent era. "The film established the fundamental elements of the gangster movie: a hoodlum hero; ominous, night-shrouded city streets; floozies; and a blazing finale in which the cops cut down the protagonist."
    ellauri220.html on line 69: The theme was the March from Prokofiev's The Love for Three Oranges, arranged for small symphony orchestra by Amedeo De Filippi, with Vladimir Selinksy conducting. The music was accompanied by a chant of "L-A-V-A," in reference to the show's sponsor being Lava soap.
    ellauri220.html on line 228: Big SimsBig Sims is one of Nick Shay's coworkers in the waste-management business. He's African American and often talks about how his experiences differ from Nick's.
    ellauri220.html on line 230: Lenny BruceLenny Bruce (1925–66) is a stand-up comedian who showcases the way American society reacts to impending catastrophe.
    ellauri220.html on line 463: Of course, there is a "moron" demographic out there, and it has its members, but executives seem to believe that every person who watches TV belongs in it. This may be due to something known as the "80-20" rule in business — in this case, that market research shows that 80% of money spent on television-advertised products comes from the lowest 20% in terms of education and intelligence, so show-content is naturally geared towards them. On top of that, not only are viewers stupid, they are also intolerant of people and things unlike themselves, ignorant, hate change, need to be instantly satisfied, and have the attention span of a goldfish.
    ellauri220.html on line 472: Many shows and movies don't bother getting a foreign language right when they portray them. The incidence of this increases along with the obscurity of the language. But first and foremost, if the intended audience won't be able to tell the difference anyway, why bother? A variation on this is that the foreigners speak English, but are identified as foreign by an accent or are parading universally known national images.
    ellauri220.html on line 478: Sometimes, when a language is spoken by a non-native speaker, their speech patterns feature traits that show that the speaker is a foreigner. This may include the use of words from the speaker's native language, or errors in their syntax. See You No Take Candle (and its subtrope Tonto Talk) for cases where foreigners consistently talk with very poor grammar and lack of vocabulary. Supertrope to the more racial Asian Speekee Engrish and Tonto Talk, and like them sometimes Truth in Television, although also like them it can sometimes also be considered offensive or politically incorrect if used poorly. Compare Hulk Speak and Strange-Syntax Speaker. See also Gratuitous Foreign Language and As Long as It Sounds Foreign, wherein nobody's supposed to understand any of the words.
    ellauri220.html on line 502: Sometimes the trope doesn´t take effect until partway into the story. In some cases, the actors will be shown speaking their native language to give the audience a taste of what it sounds like before the perspective changes and the actors will shift to speaking English from there on out. Sometimes this shift is softened by the characters giving an excuse to Switch to English within the in-story dialogue itself and then never switching back. In these cases, the audience can assume that the characters went back to speaking their native language at some point, but we now hear it all as English.
    ellauri220.html on line 519: This refers to casting practice, and in the case of Trope Codifier Peter Stormare it has even achieved the status of Casting Gag. It refers to "international" or "ethnic" - at any rate not American or British - actors who are considered to somehow look or be able to act so vaguely but conspicuously foreign that they can be used for any nationality. (Cliff Curtis is a maori.) It´s As Long as It Sounds Foreign and Gratuitous Foreign Language applied to casting. However, But Not Too Foreign is often in effect because you´ll want someone who speaks good English (even though intentionally accented) and rather panders to viewers´ expectations than give an accurate portrayal of a specific ethnic identity which also means that the character´s background might be very vague as long as it´s foreign.
    ellauri221.html on line 269: In an update of a study on empathy originally conducted in 1979, Sara Konrath, a researcher at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research, Ed O’Brien and Courtney Hsing have presented “Changes in Dispositional Empathy in American College Students Over Time: A Meta-Analysis” at the annual convention of Psychological Sciences in Boston (May 28th 2010). In this study they find a drastic difference in today’s student body on campuses from college students of the late 1970s. Today’s students disagree more frequently with such statements as: “I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective”, or, “I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me.”
    ellauri221.html on line 271: Surrounded by anthropogenic ecological disasters, brutal wars, and the threat of destruction looming over the future of the planet itself due to our actions, constructed knowledge, and structured ignorance, it becomes urgent to examine the underlying ontological concepts and the reality from which our children are incarcerated in schools. This research is an attempt to look at what is the knowledge that children get exposed to and my main question is whether identity and civilisation are not the underlying culprits in our alienation from the world. As Tove Jansson shows in her moominbooks, perhaps it is necessary to empathise even with the one who dislikes us and not limit ourselves to people only, but see if “I can often have tender, concerned feelings for anyone (animals and people included) as fortunate or less fortunate than me”.
    ellauri221.html on line 296: Goodhead is a scientist and astronaut working undercover for the CIA on Sir Hugo Drax´s Moonraker 5 space shuttle, to gather intelligence on Drax´s plan to exterminate the human race. Bond is also working undercover in Drax´s organization, for the British Secret Intelligence Service, and he gets good head from Jolly, until she introduces him to a centrifugal force chamber, where astronauts get to grips with Gräfenberg spot sucking, and invites him to have a try. Without her knowledge, however, Drax´s henchman, Charlie Chan, tampers with the sucking machine´s controls to send it into overdrive; by the time Goodhead comes, Bond has nearly been killed. Bond later meets Goodhead in her hotel room and is able to guess her identity when he sees standard CIA underwear and dildo gadgetry there. Bond and Goodhead are at first reluctant to bonk together, fighting who is to be on top, but they are working well enough as a 2-person team by the end of the film.
    ellauri222.html on line 110: Asked whether they believe there is a possibility that our world might once experience the kind of upheaval it did during World War II and the Holocaust, much as the world of Mr. Sammle r collapsed in Saul Bellow’s novel, both Wolpe and Greg Bellow told JNS.org that Mr. Sammler’s Planet is recommended reading not just for Jews, but for everyone. They strongly believe that the history and lessons of the Holocaust must continue to be taught, with Rabbi Wolpe saying "Gaza shows the ease with which a civilization, such as Israel, can slip into barbarism.”

    Wolpe wondered how many young people today even know Saul Bellow or read his work, but mused how wonderful it would be if more children of famous authors wrote about their parents, as Greg Bellow has.
    ellauri222.html on line 112: Greg, asked to speculate on how his father might view today’s social values as compared to those of the ’60s, which Sammler criticized so strongly, told JNS.org that Saul Bellow probably would not have changed his opinion since “ours is a society with shallow moral values.”

    “We’re not done with genocide on the basis of race and ethnicity, and we live at a time when death can come out of the sky at any moment,” Greg said. "We fear nothing except that the sky might crash on us one day."
    ellauri222.html on line 137: In the culture of little magazines, friendship is the last thing to prevent one writer from reviewing the work of another. As a novelist happy to have well-disposed reviewers, Bellow had an obvious stake in these friendships. But the friends had a stake in Bellow, too. As Mark Greif points out in his important new study of mid-century intellectual life, “The Age of the Crisis of Man,” Bellow came on the scene at a time when many people imagined the fate of modern man to be somehow tied to the fate of the novel. Was the novel dead or was it not? Much was thought to depend on the answer. And for people who worried about this Bellow was the great hope. Atlas quotes Norman Podhoretz: “There was a sense in which the validity of a whole phase of American experience was felt to hang on the question of whether or not he would turn out to be a great novelist.”
    ellauri222.html on line 145: I remember saying to myself, “Well, why not take a short break and have at least as much freedom of movement as this running water.” My first thought was that I must get rid of the hospital novel—it was poisoning my life. And next I recognized that this was not what being a novelist was supposed to have meant. . . . I felt just now that I had allowed myself to be dominated by the atmosphere of misery or surliness, that I had agreed somehow to be shut in or bottled up.
    ellauri222.html on line 153: Augie is a street-urchin autodidact. Never taught how to write a proper sentence, he invents a style of his own. He is an epigrammist and a raconteur, La Rochefoucauld in the body of a precocious twelve-year-old, a Huck Finn who has taken too many Great Books courses. With this strange mélange of ornate locutions, Chicago patois, Joycean portmanteaus, and Yiddish cadences, Bellow found himself able to produce page after page of acrobatic verbal stunts:
    ellauri222.html on line 163: Bellow must have guessed that “Augie March” would distress some of his admirers. It did. He showed a hundred pages of the manuscript to Lionel Trilling. “It’s very curious, it’s very interesting,” Trilling told him, “but somehow it’s wrong.” When the book came out, Trilling wrote a positive notice in the newsletter of the book club he directed but registered concern about a dangerous notion he detected in the novel, the notion that one could have a meaningful life independent of one’s social function. Bellow wrote to Trilling to say (disingenuously) that he had written the novel without much of a moral purpose in mind. Trilling wrote back. “You mustn’t ignore the doctrinal intention of your book,” he said.
    ellauri222.html on line 189: Bellow must have been tickled to death. The inventive feature of “Herzog” is a series of letters that the protagonist, in his misery, composes not only to Madeleine and Gersbach but to famous people (like President Eisenhower) and philosophers (like Heidegger and Nietzsche). These long letters, unfinished and unmailed, are sendups of an intellectual’s effort to understand human behavior by means of the conceptual apparatus of Mortimer Adler’s Great Books. Herzog is a comic figure, a holy fool, a schlimazel with a Ph.D. The whole point of his story is that when you are completely screwed the best you can hope for is a little sex and sympathy. The Western canon isn’t going to be much help.
    ellauri222.html on line 201: Leader thinks that Bellow plunged into his books and wrote on sheer enthusiasm, then surfaced after a hundred pages or so and wondered how to get back to shore. There is very little moral logic to his stories. Things just happen. (A major exception is “Seize the Day,” which is formally perfectly realized. But that book is a novella, a day in the life. It doesn’t require a plot.)
    ellauri222.html on line 255: Bellow was born Solomon Bellow in Lachine, Quebec, in 1915, two years after his parents had arrived there from St Petersburg. When he was nine, the family moved to the Humboldt Park neighbourhood of Chicago. His mother, Liza, died when Saul was 17, but not before she had passed on to him her love of the Jewish Bible (he learned Hebrew at four). His first serious critical success was The Adventures of Augie March (1953), but it was not until his 1964 novel, Herzog, became a bestseller that he earned any real money. His elder brothers, both businessmen, were by this time making serious cash, and regarded him, he once said, as "some schmuck with a pen". Mary Cheever, the wife of John Cheever, believed the two got on so well because "they were both women-haters". He has nothing good to say about feminism. Bellow has a go at Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy (the one is "rash", the other "stupid"). In 1994, however, he ate a poisonous fish in the Caribbean, and fell into a coma that lasted five weeks. He dreaded a loss of virility.
    ellauri222.html on line 257: For a man for such small balls, he had huge needs. The writing life needed to be supported. He failed his children; he left them, and it was a wound he carried around like a medal. He knew the cruelty of this. At the very end, though he was not Rosie's father (oops), he was in the house. He and Rosie would watch The Lion King together: in the final, unpleasant stages of his last illness, he was at the point where he didn't mind watching that same film over and over. I was somehow managing Rosie and Saul in the same way." Do they have a relationship with Saul's sons? Not really. Rosie has special needs, and Jänis is focused very much on her. Their house is cozy, not grand, there just happen to be photographs of a Nobel laureate on almost every shelf. Guess which one?
    ellauri222.html on line 361: Grandma Lausch tells Augie, “The more you love people the more they’ll mix you up. A child loves, a person respects. Respect is better than love.” Which is really better, respect or love? The two brothers, Augie and Simon, are on opposite sides of this argument. Augie identifies himself on the side of love. An idealist with a soft heart, he is almost comically susceptible to falling in love, and openly shows his sympathy, even toward the small lizards that are killed by the eagle Caligula. Augie’s vision for an orphan home and academy is driven by his motivation to share love. Simon, on the other hand, prefers respect. He marries Charlotte and stays with her because he admires her business sense, not because he feels romantic love for her. He doesn’t care whether the men at the club love him. In fact, he knows they hate him. But this doesn’t matter to him as long as he is respected. Ultimately, Simon is richer and more successful, but Augie seems happier. What's love got to do with it. What a reptile.
    ellauri222.html on line 415: Anna Coblin is Mama’s cousin. Augie goes to live with her family so he can help them deliver newspapers. Hyman Coblin is a steady man who enjoys going to burlesque shows downtown. He is generous with Augie. Anna, a big, emotional woman with spiraling reddish hair, dotes on Augie and hopes he will marry their daughter Freidl one day. They also have a son, Howard, who was in the war in Nicaragua.
    ellauri222.html on line 555: Augie, the hero of the novel, is a Jewish-American boy coming of age in Depression-era Chicago. Since their father abandoned the family, Augie and his two brothers are raised by their slow-witted mother and surrogate “Grandma” Lausch. Augie, good-looking with “tall hair” and green-gray eyes, is a soft-hearted young man whose sympathy for others often gets him into trouble. He holds a variety of jobs throughout his life and learns from different people he encounters. People tend to “adopt” Augie and try to groom him into the person they want him to be, but he really wants to become his own person. The name Augie is short for “August,” which means “Great.” Augie has a desire for greatness, but he has no idea of how to do it, thinking it beyond his ability to “breathe the pointy, star-furnished air at its highest difficulty.” He goes along through life repeating the same mistakes. In the end, Augie realizes that his life has been a voyage of discovery. Whether or not he has been a success, he doesn’t know, but he will continue with unquenchable optimism and hope, “forever rising up.”
    ellauri222.html on line 675: The older of Tambow’s two sons, Donald is the handsome one. He has black curly hair like his mother. He goes into show business.
    ellauri222.html on line 767: In their quest to find the beaver that gives meaning to life, Bellow's protagonists must also come to terms with death. The message Bellow conveys in almost all of his novels is that one must fear death to know the meaning of life and what it means to be human. Henderson overcomes his fear of death when he is buried and symbolically resurrected in the African king Dahfu's experiment. Similarly, in Seize the Day, Tommy Wilhelm confronts death in a symbolic drowning. Charlie Citrine in Humboldt's Gift echoes Whitman in viewing death as the essential question, pointing out that it is only through death that Sauls can complete the cycle of life by liberating self from the body. Bellow's meditations on death darken in Mr. Sammler's Planet and The Dean's December. While the title character in Mr. Sammler's Planet eagerly awaits the death of the person he most values in the world, Bellow contemplates the approaching death of Western culture at the hands of those who have abandoned humanistic values. The Dean's December presents an apocalyptic vision of urban decay in a Chicago totally lacking the comic touches that soften Charlie Citrone's portrait of this same city as a "moronic inferno" in Humboldt's Gift. An uncharacteristically bleak yarn from he old standup comic. With More Die of Heartbreak and the recent novellas, however, Bellow returns to his more characteristic blend of pathos and farce in contemplating the relationship between life and death. In the recent Ravelstein, Bellow once again charts this essential confrontation when Saul recounts not only his best friend's death from AIDS but also his own near-death experience from food poisoning. Through this foreground, in a fictionalized memoir to his own gay friend Allan Bloom, Bellow reveals the resilient love and tenderness that offer the modern world its saving grace.
    ellauri222.html on line 793: In all of Bellow's works, an appreciation of the cultural context in which his protagonists struggle is essential to understanding these characters and their search for renewal. Bellow's vision centers almost exclusively on Jewish male experience in contemporary urban America. Proud of their heritage, his heroes are usually second-generation Jewish immigrants who seek to discover how they can live meaningfully in their American present while honoring their skinless knobs. Much of their ability to maintain their belief in humanity despite their knowledge of the world can be attributed to the affirmative nature of the Jewish culture. Bellovian heroes live in a WASP society in which they are only partially assimilated. However, as Jews have done historically, they maintain their concern for morality and community despite their cultural displacement.
    ellauri222.html on line 795: Though in some ways separated from American society, Bellow's protagonists also strongly connect their identity with America. Augie begins his adventures by claiming, "I am an American, Chicago born—Chicago, that somber city." Almost all of Bellow's novels take place in an American city, most often Chicago or New York. Through his depiction of urban reality, Bellow anchors his novels in the actual world, and he uses the city as his central metaphor for contemporary materialism. Although recognizing the importance of history and memory, Bellow's novels maintain a constant engagement with the present moment. His characters move in the real world, confronting sensuous images of urban chaos and clutter that often threaten to overwhelm them. Looking down on the Hudson River, Tommy Wilhelm sees "tugs with matted beards of cordage" and "the red bones of new apartments rising on the bluffs." Sammler denounces contemporary New Yorkers for the "free ways of barbarism" that they practice beneath the guise of "civilized order, property rights [and] refined technological organization." In Humboldt's Gift, which is replete with images of cannibalism and vampirism, Charlie Citrone sees Von Trenck, the source of his material success, as "the blood-scent that attracted the sharks of Chicago." Acknowledging the influence of the city on his fiction, Bellow himself has remarked, "I don't know how I could possibly separate my knowledge of life such as it is, from the city. I could no more tell you how deeply it's gotten into my bones than the lady who paints radium dials in the clock factory can tell you." However, although the city serves to identify the deterministic social pressures that threaten to destroy civilization, Bellow's heroes refuse to become its victims and instead draw on their latent nondeterministic resources of vitality to reassert their uniquely American belief in individual freedom, as well as their faith in the possibility of community.
    ellauri222.html on line 1001: Environmental determinism (also known as climatic determinism or geographical determinism) is the study of how the physical environment predisposes societies and states towards particular development trajectories. Jared Diamond, Jeffrey Herbst, Ian Morris, and other social scientists sparked a revival of the theory during the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.
    ellauri223.html on line 64: There are occupations, mechanical and theoretical, common to both men and women, with this difference, that the occupations which require more hard work, and walking a long distance, are practised by men, such as ploughing, sowing, gathering the fruits, working at the threshing-floor, stock exchange, and perchance at the vintage. But it is customary to choose women for milking the cows and for making cheese. In like manner, they go to the gardens near to the outskirts of the city both for collecting the plants and for cultivating them. In fact, all sedentary and stationary pursuits are practised by the women, such as weaving, spinning, sewing, cutting the hair, shaving, dispensing medicines, selling arse, and making all kinds of garments. They are, however, excluded from working in wood and the manufacture of arms. If a woman is fit to paint, she is not prevented from doing so; nevertheless, music (song and dance) is given over to the women alone, because they please the more, and of a truth to pretty boys also. But the women have not the practise of the drum and the horn. Pretty boys take care of faggots.
    ellauri223.html on line 68: This shrewdness, however, is not necessary among the inhabitants of the City of the Sun. For with them deformity is unknown. When the women are exercised they get a clear complexion, and become strong of limb, tall and agile, and with them beauty consists in tallness and strength. Tanakka, punakka ja rivakka, täst mie piän! Therefore, if any woman dyes her face, so that it may become beautiful, or uses high-heeled boots so that she may appear tall, or garments with trains to cover her wooden shoes, she is condemned to capital punishment. But if the women should even desire them they have no facility for doing these things. For who indeed would give them this facility? Further, they assert that among us abuses of this kind arise from the leisure and sloth of women. By these means they lose their color and have pale complexions, and become feeble and small. For this reason they are without proper complexions, use high sandals, and become beautiful not from strength, but from slothful tenderness. And thus they ruin their own tempers and natures, and consequently those of their offspring. Furthermore, if at any time a man is taken captive with ardent love for a certain woman, the two are allowed to converse and joke together and to give one another garlands of flowers or leaves, and to make verses. But if the race is endangered, by no means is further union between them permitted. Her fanny must be locked in a love girdle, and his pecker lassoed and bound behind his butt. Moreover, the love born of eager desire is not known among them; only that born of friendship. LOL
    ellauri223.html on line 80: They have an abundance of all things, since everyone likes to be industrious, their labors being slight and profitable. They are docile, and that one among them who is head of the rest in duties of this kind they call king. For they say that this is the proper name of the leaders, and it does not belong to ignorant persons. It is wonderful to see how men and women march together collectively, and always in obedience to the voice of the king. Nor do they regard him with loathing as we do, for they know that although he is greater than themselves, he is for all that their father and brother.
    ellauri223.html on line 105: Each one takes the woman he loves most, and they dance for exercise with propriety and stateliness under the peristyles. The women wear their long hair all twisted together and collected into one knot on the crown of the head, but in rolling it they leave one curl. The men, however, have one curl only and the rest of their hair around the head is shaven off. Further, they wear a slight covering, and above this a round hat a little larger than the size of their head. In the fields they use caps, but at home each one wears a biretta, white, red, or another color according to his trade or occupation. Moreover, the magistrates use grander and more imposing-looking coverings for the head. Vizi että apinat rakastavat hattuja!
    ellauri223.html on line 107: No chance is given for idolatry. The statues and pictures of the heroes, however, are there, and the splendid women set apart to become mothers often look at them, wetting their pants.
    ellauri223.html on line 168: In the last third of the book, the Head of the Salomon's House takes one of the European visitors to show him all the scientific background of Salomon's House, where experiments are conducted in Baconian method to understand and conquer nature (no tietysti), and to apply the collected knowledge to the betterment of society. Namely: 1) the end, or purpose, of their foundation; 2) the preparations they have for their works; 3) the several employments and functions whereto their fellows are assigned; 4) and the ordinances and rites which they observe.
    ellauri223.html on line 182: Bacon stated that he had three goals: to uncover truth, to serve his country, and to serve his church. He sought to achieve these goals by seeking a prestigious post. Yet he failed to gain a position that he thought would lead him to success. He showed signs of sympathy to Puritanism, attending the sermons of the Puritan chaplain of Gray's Inn and accompanying his mother to the Temple Church to hear Walter Travers. In the Parliament of 1586, he openly urged execution for the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots. He advocated for the union of England and Scotland, which made him a significant influence toward the consolidation of the United Kingdom; and he later would advocate for the integration of Ireland into the Union. Closer constitutional ties, he believed, would bring greater peace and strength to these countries. What a motherfucker.
    ellauri226.html on line 120: The “quite pleasant woman” who fed the Lawrences was Agostino’s grandmother. He proudly showed us her picture, along with a brochure for the Festival D.H. Lawrence, which takes place every August. Lawrences, who, in the impoverished Sardinia of their day couldn’t find anything but cabbage soup and hard bread.
    ellauri226.html on line 140: Nuovo, however, looked placid and tame. Nuovo was home to the Nobel laureate Grazia Deledda, whose novels Lawrence so admired, but her modest birthplace was closed. We walked around aimlessly, seeing the place through his eyes, but, of course, through Lawrence’s eyes “there’s nothing to see.” This is no longer quite true; there are two good museums in town. But, by now, it had taken on the sound of a mantra. “Sights are an irritating bore,” he wrote. “Happy is the town that has nothing to show.”
    ellauri226.html on line 225: In 1970, the white pop. had decreased from 1.26 million to 1.08 million. The whites flew at approximately the same rate that new black residents were moving into the slum. In the 10 years between 1970 and 1980, however, this rate of
    ellauri226.html on line 253: Dr. Derrick talked about how his family often left the door
    ellauri226.html on line 304: recalled, the local population was between 80-90% white; however
    ellauri226.html on line 351: at a loss as to how to stop it. An investigation by the
    ellauri226.html on line 354: The chaos reached its peak in 1977 when a July black-out brought a dramatic increase of responsible arsonists in that same Stadium where Cosell as the Yankees played in the 1977 World Series, as part of an insurance conspiracy, however.
    ellauri226.html on line 384: his Fordham neighborhood. For Derrick, examples of how the neighborhood changed were a subway robbery and the burglary of her home. These examples of petty crime prompted him and his family to move to another section
    ellauri226.html on line 425: and Derrick’s buildings also suffered from the same problem, and all three commented on how the landlords would not change wiring because they felt as though they would not recoup the cost. Residents could not even use toasters!
    ellauri226.html on line 475: enjoy similar all-American white immigrant lifestyles. When new Hispanic groups and African Americans moved beyond the South Bronx, seeking to avoid the crime and drug use that had already seized the South Bronx, however, they brought their crummy lifestyles along. These cultural peculiarities seemed to clash with those that were in place with the older white immigrants, which only exacerbated the suspicions many whites already had regarding the perceived connection between race and crime rates.
    ellauri236.html on line 56: Bolsonaro turned in a strong showing in the wealthier south of the country, winning Sao Paulo and his native Rio de Janeiro by margins of over 10%, but it was not enough to compensate for Lula’s massive turnout in the Northeast of Brazil, where the Workers Party has long enjoyed dominance. Indeed, Lula won numerous states by margins of 30%, 40% or even 50%, turning in particularly strong performances in the vote-rich states of Bahia, Ceara, and his native Pernambuco.
    ellauri236.html on line 73: A test of Meta and YouTube’s ad systems by the human rights group Global Witness revealed that the companies approved large numbers of misleading ads, including spots that encouraged people not to vote or gave false dates for when ballots could be posted. YouTube said it “reviewed the ads in question and removed those that violated our policies,” although the Global Witness report showed all the ads submitted were approved by the Google-owned site.
    ellauri236.html on line 102: “I look at the things I want to see, and I avoid looking at what they want to show me,” said José Luiz Chaves Fonseca, a turbine engineer for offshore oil platforms who was attending the rally this month north of Rio de Janeiro as a Bolsonaro impersonator. “If everyone dressed like this, they wouldn’t be tricked.”
    ellauri236.html on line 184: Miss Blandish, the daughter of a millionaire, is kidnapped by some gangsters who are almost immediately surprised and killed off by a larger and better organized gang. They hold her to ransom and extract half a million dollars from her father. Their original plan had been to kill her as soon as the ransom-money was received, but a chance keeps her alive. One of the gang is a young man named Slim, whose sole pleasure in life consists in driving knives (well, his prick as well, got to give that much to him) into other people's bellies. In childhood he has graduated by cutting up living animals with a pair of rusty scissors. Slim is sexually impotent, but takes a kind of fancy to Miss Blandish. Slim's mother, who is the real brains of the gang, sees in this the chance of curing Slim's impotence, and decides to keep Miss Blandish in custody till Slim shall have succeeded in raping her. After many efforts and much persuasion, including the flogging of Miss Blandish with a length of rubber hosepipe, the rape is achieved. (Ei se ihan näin mennyt, George!) Meanwhile Miss Blandish's father has hired a private detective, and by means of bribery and torture the detective and the police manage to round up and exterminate the whole gang. Slim escapes with Miss Blandish and is killed after a final juicy rape, and the detective prepares to restore Miss Blandish to her pristine shape. By this time, however, she has developed such a taste for Slim's caresses(3) that she feels unable to live without him, and she jumps, out of the window of a sky-scraper. Footnote 1945. Another reading of the final episode is possible. It may mean merely that Miss Blandish is pregnant, i.e. she is damaged goods. Maybe she is sad that the baby's dad is dead. But the "interpretation" I have given above seems more in keeping with the general brutality of the book.
    ellauri236.html on line 198: There exists in America an enormous literature of more or less the same stamp as No Orchids. Quite apart from books, there is the huge array of ‘pulp magazines’, graded so as to cater for different kinds of fantasy, but nearly all having much the same mental atmosphere. A few of them go in for straight pornography, but the great majority are quite plainly aimed at sadists and masochists. Sold at threepence a copy under the title of Yank Mags(4), these things used to enjoy considerable popularity in England, but when the supply dried up owing to the war, no satisfactory substitute was forthcoming. English imitations of the ‘pulp magazine’ do now exist, but they are poor things compared with the original. English crook films, again, never approach the American crook film in brutality. And yet the career of Mr. Chase shows how deep the American influence has already gone. Not only is he himself living a continuous fantasy-life in the Chicago underworld, but he can count on hundreds of thousands of readers who know what is meant by a ‘clipshop’ or the ‘hotsquat’, do not have to do mental arithmetic when confronted by ‘fifty grand’, and understand at sight a sentence like ‘Johnny was a rummy and only two jumps ahead of the nut-factory’. Evidently there are great numbers of English people who are partly americanized in language and, one ought to add, in moral outlook. For there was no popular protest against No Orchids. In the end it was withdrawn, but only retrospectively, when a later work, Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief, brought Mr. Chase's books to the attention of the authorities. Judging by casual conversations at the time, ordinary readers got a mild thrill out of the obscenities of No Orchids, but saw nothing undesirable in the book as a whole. Many people, incidentally, were under the impression that it was an American book reissued in England.
    ellauri236.html on line 206: Until recently the characteristic adventure stories of the English-speaking peoples have been stories in which the hero fights against odds. This is true all the way from Robin Hood to Pop-eye the Sailor. Perhaps the basic myth of the Western world is Jack the Giant-killer, but to be brought up to date this should be renamed Jack the Dwarf-killer, and there already exists a considerable literature which teaches, either overtly or implicitly, that one should side with the big man against the little man. Most of what is now written about foreign policy is simply an embroidery on this theme, and for several decades such phrases as ‘Play the game’, ‘Don't hit a man when he's down’ and ‘It's not cricket’ have never failed to draw a snigger from anyone of intellectual pretensions. What is comparatively new is to find the accepted pattern, according to which (a) right is right and wrong is wrong, whoever wins, and (b) weakness must be respected, disappearing from popular literature as well. When I first read D. H. Lawrence's novels, at the age of about twenty, I was puzzled by the fact that there did not seem to be any classification of the characters into ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Lawrence seemed to sympathize with all of them about equally, and this was so unusual as to give me the feeling of having lost my bearings. Today no one would think of looking for heroes and villains in a serious novel, but in lowbrow fiction one still expects to find a sharp distinction between right and wrong and between legality and illegality. The common people, on the whole, are still living in the world of absolute good and evil from which the intellectuals have long since escaped. But the popularity of No Orchids and the American books and magazines to which it is akin shows how rapidly the doctrine of ‘realism’ is gaining ground.
    ellauri236.html on line 434: “Hello, baby,” Eddie said. “Come on in. No need to keep your pants on. This is a friendly meeting, I just wanna fondle your bag. Pass it over.” She crossed her legs, showing him what she had between her knees before adjusting her skirt.
    ellauri236.html on line 449: Slim stood at the head of the stairs, listening. He grinned to himself. At last he had shown his power. He had scared them all. From now on, he was going to have his rightful place in the gang. Ma was going to take second place. He looked down the passage at Miss Blandish’s room. It was time he stopped rubbing it on her night after night. He must show her he wasn’t only master of his mother, but master of her too. Dammit, he would stick it right in!
    ellauri236.html on line 510: “What kills me,” Paula said as she got into the car with a generous show of nylon-clad legs, “is I always have to buy my own corsage. The day you think of buying me one, I’ll faint.”
    ellauri238.html on line 648: We express our deep respect to Karpov as a chess player. We express our deep contempt for him as a Russian and an accomplice of Putin. The mentioned match, as you probably know, was also an ideological battle (considering the status of Korchnoi and considering how opportunistic Karpov was both under the Soviet regime and under the current Russian regime). It's a pity that Korchnoi couldn't win and Fischer refused to play at all. Korchnoi jumped to our side and Fischer was an exemplary Jew.
    ellauri238.html on line 734:
    ellauri238.html on line 827: how she sits by the mirror miten hiän istuu peilin edessä
    ellauri240.html on line 59: Joyce Diane Brothers (1927-2013) oli amerikkalainen psykologi, televisiopersoona, neuvoja, kolumnisti ja kirjailija. Hän tuli tunnetuksi ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1955 voittamalla pääpalkinnon amerikkalaisessa peliohjelmassa The $64,000 Question. Pikku-Aune oli aivan ilmiselvä juutalainen, os. Bauer, siskokin nai jonkun Goldsmithin. In 1949, she married Milton Brothers, who later went on to become an internist. 40 years later in 1989, Brothers lost her husband to bladder cancer. Following the death of her husband, Brothers fell into a state of depression for a year and contemplated suicide (at 62); however, she used her own self-help work to achieve inner peace and happiness. Brothers and her husband had a daughter, four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
    ellauri240.html on line 107: Many Hmong refugees settled in the United States after the Vietnam War. Beginning in December 1975, the first Hmong refugees arrived in the U.S., mainly from refugee camps in Thailand; however, only 3,466 were granted asylum at that time under the Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1975. In May 1976, another 11,000 were allowed to enter the United States, and by 1978 some 30,000 Hmong people had immigrated. This first wave was made up predominantly of men directly associated with General Vang Pao's secret army. The Hmong allied with the French against the Communists during the whole Indochina War and with the Americans during the whole Vietnam War, hoping to resist communist Viêt Minh control. So here was the thanx for their efforts.
    ellauri240.html on line 150: “We have enormous experience on how to use these things. We have tested them in combat,” he says, while China has not. We have killed an enormous number of enemies with it. “And that makes an enormous difference.”
    ellauri240.html on line 217: After she died, George wrote his own book called The Girl from "Peyton Place." The book offers a husband's view of how Metalious was exploited after the publication of the book, but also of how she was responsible for bringing unhappiness to herself and to others. A whole series of other "Peyton Place" books were produced after Grace Metalious's death, with titles like The Evils of Peyton Place and Temptations of Peyton Place. None of these were a commercial success.
    ellauri240.html on line 219: Peyton Place was made into a movie starring Lana Turner and Hope Lange in 1957. The town of Gilmanton opposed having the movie filmed there, and eventually it was filmed in Camden, Maine, a location totally unlike any rural mill town. A television series, starring Mia Farrow and Dorothy Malone, was produced that lasted from 1964-1969. Both the film and the television show were cleaned up and did not contain the language or sexual specificity of the novel.
    ellauri241.html on line 286: But first ´tis fit to tell how she could muse Mutta ensin on hyvä kertoa, kuinka hän saattoi pohtia
    ellauri241.html on line 331: Lycius, look back! and be some pity shown." Lycius, katso taaksepäin! ja osoita sääliä."
    ellauri241.html on line 376: The cruel lady, without any show Julma leidi, ilman mitään näyttöä
    ellauri241.html on line 396: And next she wondered how his eyes could miss Ja seuraavaksi hän ihmetteli, kuinka hänen silmänsä saattoivat missata
    ellauri241.html on line 434: They pass'd the city gates, he knew not how He ohittivat kaupungin portit, hän ei tiennyt kuinka,
    ellauri241.html on line 540: While I am striving how to fill my heart kun minä yritän täyttää sydämeni.
    ellauri241.html on line 606: She set herself, high-thoughted, how to dress hiän asettautui pohtimaan, ylevästi, kuinka pukea
    ellauri241.html on line 608: She did so, but ´tis doubtful how and whence Hiän teki parhaansa, mutta on kyseenalaista, miten ja mistä
    ellauri241.html on line 641: And show to common eyes these secret bowers? ja näyttää tavallisille silmille nämä salaiset luolat?
    ellauri241.html on line 787: Mark how, possessed, his lashless eyelids stretch Kas kuinka riivatusti sen ripsettömät silmäluomet venyvät
    ellauri241.html on line 1069: The which were blended in, I know not how,

    ellauri241.html on line 1146: My madness impious; how beautiful thou art!

    ellauri241.html on line 1257: This passion-fruit, how divine -

    ellauri241.html on line 1263: To the very tune of love—how sweet, sweet, sweet.

    ellauri241.html on line 1410: (There follows a mile-long howl to the moon.

    ellauri241.html on line 1550: Just how never mind, tell ya another time,

    ellauri241.html on line 1635: Endymion has an intense love for the goddess of his dreams but he professes his love to the Indian Maiden. He believes that his declaration of love seals his death and he asks for the goddess to sing a song to him so he can die peacefully. Within her song is the story of how she ended up wandering the forest alone. She says that she joined the god Bacchus and his cult of followers and traveled across countries. She witnessed people of multiple nations fall to Bacchus and decided to flee on her own. The Maiden ended up in the woods where she and Endymion have met.
    ellauri241.html on line 1643: Endymion shows penile growth in Book 4 in the sense that he understands that there is value and beauty in mortal love but he has not truly learned how to live a blissful existence without the love of a beautiful (wo)man. Endymion, Adonis, Alpheus, and Glaucus are subject to a life of isolation and impotence without the presence of their beloved. Never mind, much worse is impotence in their presence!
    ellauri241.html on line 1645: The poem has been criticized for its inconsistencies and its somewhat disappointing conclusion. Seems Keaz whisked the guy away at the end quickly before he could get into any more mischief. He was probably thoroughly fed up with him. But then again Jack was just 22. Endymion presents many problems to its interpreters, as it did to Jack himself. Critics have, however, been able to agree that the poem contains considerable eroticism.
    ellauri243.html on line 154: Newly elected president Kenneth Phoenix, Arizona, politically exhausted from a bruising and divisive election that saw yet another president being chosen in effect by the U.S. Supreme Court, ordered a series of massive tax cuts as well as cuts in all government services. Such government cuts had not been seen since the Thomas Thorn administration: entire cabinet-level departments, such as education, commerce, transportation, energy, and veterans affairs, were consolidated with other departments or closed outright; all entitlement-program outlays were cut in half or defunded completely; American military units and even entire bases around the world disappeared virtually overnight. Despite howls of protest from both the political left and right, Congress had no choice but to agree to the severe right-centrist austerity measures.
    ellauri243.html on line 314: how much we missed them as a couple. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston attend
    ellauri243.html on line 495: Dale Brown is a Scorpio and was born in The Year of the Monkey. Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac because of its incredible passion and power. Scorpios are extremely clairvoyant and intuitive. They never show their cards, and their enigmatic nature is what makes them so seductive and beguiling. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, Mickey Mouse´s dog.
    ellauri243.html on line 506: Brown’s books have never made it into movies. The closest they have come is with some of the characters appearing in computer games. When asked the question on his website, he said it would be cool if his books could be made into movies, however he doesn’t have an agent in Hollywood so the chances are low.
    ellauri243.html on line 518: Dale Brown is teaching Detroit the art of self-defense. Emhpasising on this, the Brown couple focus on disarming techniques, especially how to get hold of a gun and twist. "We show you how to take it so you can remove the weapon," Dale Brown went on, "all you're doing is increasing someone's potential for survivability in a worst case scenario."
    ellauri243.html on line 554: Bob´s book is about Perpetual Potential. Inside these pages, you will discover three invaluable lessons that will propel you closer to your true potential. The lessons will serve you well on either of two different, but parallel roads you may travel: The roads towards triumph or tragedy, as well as the roads in between. In 2003 the author, Bob Stearns was on top of the world. He led his company to win the most prestigious business award in the country, the Malcolm Baldrige award. Just five short years later, tragedy struck. Bob´s oldest son Eric was killed while on a study trip abroad in Athens, Greece. Eric was 21 years old at the time and was a junior at Penn State University. Although Eric lost his precious life in Greece, he found something sprawled under the pillars of the Acropolis that many people search for their entire lifetimes. He found inner peace in the knowledge that he could truly be anything he wanted to be, he could do anything he wanted to with his life. In his book "Perhaps a Man Can Change the Stars - Eric's Pursuit of Perpetual Potential", Bob shares with you three life lessons that allowed Eric to understand his true potential. Those same lessons helped Bob and his family deal with Eric´s death. The same lessons had enabled Bob to lead his company to triumph five years earlier. A key take away from the book is that no matter what stage of life you find yourself, you have the potential to explore. You have the potential to utilize and grow the talents and aspirations that you currently have. You have the potential to rekindle old talents that lie dormant, and to allow new talents to blossom. This is true regardless of age, circumstances, and what other people may be telling us. So read, explore and think deeply about how you can apply the three lessons that Bob learned from Eric. Decide for yourself how you can best use them. Indeed, our Potential is Perpetual!
    ellauri243.html on line 645: Health care providers are taught to check medications three times before delivering to patients. Not because the process itself is complex. But because they are visual learners. The same is true for you; the consequence of "error," in terms of time, effort, money, etc., when you don´t achieve a goal can be considerable. (And depressing: No matter how often you hear "fail fast, fail often," failure still pretty much sucks. It causes stress.)
    ellauri243.html on line 705: The television show " Rowan & Martin's Laugh-I n," popular in the late 1960's and early 1970's, was famous for awarding its goofy trophy, the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate. But the term fickle finger of fate is actually decades older than that. The unpredictable and capricious nature of chance or fate, an Americanism popular in college circles during the 1930s. Sometimes the alliteration is extended coarsely to 'fucked by the fickle finger of fate' an expression which became popular in the US military during World War II.
    ellauri243.html on line 728: Benjy personified the kind of paternalistic, kindly, homely statesmanship that appealed to a significant proportion of the cinema audience ... Even workers attending Labour party meetings deferred to leaders with an elevated social background who showed they cared. Voi vittu, mitä horseshittiä.
    ellauri244.html on line 439: Faye Madden's novels are sweet and wholesome, and through her richly crafted characters she explores all the heartache, pain, yet ultimately joyous happiness love brings, however that journey may unfold. Many of her novels explore this through the prism of a second chance romance, whilst others focus on love lost and found, or in unrequited love.
    ellauri245.html on line 294: „Jo Nesbøs 700-seitiges Krimi-Opus „Leopard“ nötigt Bewunderung ab ob der fehlerfreien, mathematisch anmutenden Konstruktion. Doch darin liegt auch seine Schwäche: Es gleicht einer Kunstübung, die wegen dieser Künstlichkeit nichts mehr mit einem Krimi zu tun hat. Nesbø bremst sich selber aus, lässt nur aufkeimen, um es wieder vom Tapet zu nehmen, hat er doch schon sämtliche Neben- und Kernthemen ineinander verwoben. Er hat den Bogen überspannt, legt falsche Fährten und lässt das Weber-Schiffchen in seinem Geflecht wirklich durch alle Richtungen schießen, um seine Kernthemen anzuheizen und das eine mit in das andere herüberzuziehen. Er überhitzt. Nach etwa 500 Seiten steht ein exaltiertes, kühnes Gerüst eines Molekülmodells mit dutzenden angeordneter Atome. Nicht, dass das nicht zu verstehen wäre. Doch es entbehrt jeder menschlichen Natürlichkeit. Die restlichen 200 Seiten wirken wie die Anmerkungen zu einem Fachbuch; und das, obgleich doch der blutige Showdown erst noch kommen soll.“
    ellauri245.html on line 353: After the funeral, all of the loved one’s possessions – and here’s the real head-turner – are burned. (So much for heirlooms). Once again, the primary concern is marimé (contamination), and family members want to destroy all material ties to the dead. Given the massive cost of such destruction, however, today many people sell the possessions – though not to other Gypsies of course.
    ellauri245.html on line 741: The Duchess of Sussex has prompted anger over her "mocking" demonstration of a curtsy to Elizabeth II. Royal author Gyles Brandreth, a friend of the royals, told TalkTV: "It's embarrassing, because it is mocking - and nobody curtsies to the Queen like that, and nobody would have advised her to do it that way." He added of Harry: "He would know that the bow, as it were, is a brief nod and the curtsy is to show respect for the sovereign, and in the case of the Queen - a lady in her 90s who actually had earned respect through a lifetime of service, and that was it. To do this sort of mocking thing is uncomfortable, but it is a cultural difference. It's like you would do a curtsy if you were playing in Snow White." Harry näyttää hitaalta neandertaliraukalta jonka ympärillä cromagnon-apina tekee piruetteja.
    ellauri246.html on line 450: kaikilla puolilla vain pimeys, vain pimeys ja howl.

    ellauri247.html on line 84: The Baiame story tells how Baiame came down from the sky to the land and created rivers, mountains, and forests. He then gave the people their laws of life, traditions, songs, and culture. He also created the first initiation site. This is known as a bora; a place where boys were initiated into manhood.
    ellauri247.html on line 108: Big fires were lit on the edge of the scrub, throwing light on the dancers as they came dancing out from their camps, painted in all manner of designs, waywahs round their waists, tufts of feathers in their hair, and carrying in their hands painted wands. Heading the procession as the men filed out from the scrub into a cleared space in front of the women, came Narahdarn. The light of the fires lit up the tree tops, the dark balahs showed out in fantastic shapes, and weird indeed was the scene as slowly the men danced round; louder clicked the boomerangs and louder grew the chanting of the women; higher were the fires piled, until the flames shot their coloured tongues round the ​trunks of the trees and high into the air. One fire was bigger than all, and towards it the dancers edged Narahdarn; then the voice of the mother of the Bilbers shrieked in the chanting, high above that of the other women. As Narahdarn turned from the fire to dance back he found a wall of men confronting him. These quickly seized him and hurled him into the madly-leaping fire before him, where he perished in the flames. And so were the Bilbers avenged. Good work, bare-butt boys, and good riddance for the bad rubbish.
    ellauri247.html on line 116: howtosayinchinese.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/How-to-Say-Master-in-Chinese-Shifu-Mandarin-Sifu-Cantonese-768x512.jpg" width="30%" />
    ellauri247.html on line 117:
    ellauri247.html on line 197: In W. M. Thackeray's novel Vanity Fair, Rebecca Sharp and Miss Rose Crawley read Humphry Clinker: "Once, when Mr. Crawley asked what the young people were reading, the governess replied 'Smollett'. 'Oh, Smollett,' said Mr. Crawley, quite satisfied. 'His history is more dull, but by no means so dangerous as that of Mr. Hume. It is history you are reading?' 'Yes,' said Miss Rose; without, however, adding that it was the history of Mr. Humphry Clinker."
    ellauri247.html on line 530: Baboons leave their lairs at dawn and congregate to chatter and howl, while jumping in the warmth of the early morning sun, as if singing and dancing. The belief that they greet the rising sun gave rise to a favorite theme in art – baboon in attitude of adoration, facing the sun with raised arms as if ‘offering prayers and salutation to the first rays of dawn’.
    ellauri248.html on line 87: "I am intensely aware, by the way, that this story does not show me in a particularly flattering light. I am aware that, within an impressively short time of meeting me, Rosalind had me coming to heel like a well-trained dog: running up and down stairs to bring her coffee, nodding along while she bitched about my partner, imagining like some starstruck teenager that she was a kindred soul. But before you decide to despise me too thoroughly, consider this: she fooled you, too. You had as good a chance as I did. I told you everything I saw, as I saw it at the time. And if that was in itself deceptive, remember, I told you that, too: I warned you, right from the beginning, that I lie." As if that excused anything... and NO, she didn't "fool" me, because YOU'RE the narrator and YOU'RE the one telling the story. This paragraph probably ticked me off more than anything else in the book.
    ellauri248.html on line 91: The last part is a bit more controversial I suppose. There are two central mysteries in this book-- the first, what happened to Katy, DOES get solved in the course of the novel (the "big break" in the case is our hero realizing suddenly that the murder probably took place in a shed about 20 feet from where the body was found! Really?? No one bothered to think of that for a month?), but the deeper mystery about what happened to Rob/Adam and his friends is never resolved. Your mileage may vary about how annoying that is. Truth be told, it didn't annoy me as much as the fact that the true "villain" of the modern mystery walks without being punished in any way. How incredibly unsatisfying.
    ellauri248.html on line 108: Rob: Yeah, Cassie was like that. She was always finding connections to things and blah blah blah. She made a great partner because hey remember that time 20 years ago when my friends and I were in the woods and blah blah blah I want to tell you about all the people I work with and give you a brief description of each one of them and also explain in detail how my boss is and blah blah blah. My mind is trying to remember what happened 20 years ago and you know Cassie and I are great partners and we're best friends and people think we're dating but blah blah blah. Hey, time flies, man. Did I tell you what happened to me as a child? Did I remind you about Katy? Also, her family sure is weird. The people at the dig site are weird. Everyone is a suspect blah blah blah. Let me pause here to tell you how I deal with my roommate and also O'Kelly and my childhood and my current job and Katy and her weird family and interrogation and coffee and vodka and this dream I had and looking for clues and in the woods and we keep hitting dead ends and and and and and blahhhhhhhhhhhh.
    ellauri248.html on line 242: Daniel in the lions' den (chapter 6 of the Book of Daniel) tells of how the biblical Daniel is saved from lions by the God of Israel "because I was found tasteless before them" (Daniel 6:22). It parallels and complements chapter 3, the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: each begins with the jealousy of non-Jews towards successful Jews and an imperial edict requiring them to compromise their religion, and concludes with divine deliverance and a king who confesses the greatness of the God of the Jews and issues an edict of royal protection to the smug hookynoses. The tales making up chapters 1–6 of Daniel date no earlier than the Hellenistic period (3rd to 2nd century BC) and were probably originally independent, but were collected in the mid-2nd century BC and expanded shortly afterwards with the visions of the later chapters to produce the modern book.
    ellauri249.html on line 121: Juvenal, showing his knack for describing grossly obscene matters without using taboo words, writes as follows in one of his satires (9.43-4):
    ellauri249.html on line 318: Vappua vuonna 1960 voi pitää ensimmäisenä merkkinä siitä, että Hruštšovin ote vallasta alkoi herpaantua. Tuolloin yhdysvaltalainen vakoilulentokone U2 jäi kiinni Neuvostoliiton ilmatilan loukkaamisesta. Neuvostoliiton ilmatorjuntaohjukset eivät saaneet ammuttua konetta alas, vaan sen teki aivan viime tingassa lentokoneesta ammuttu ohjus. Hruštšov osoittautui tilanteessa neuvottomaksi. Voisiko hänen ystävänään pitämänsä Eisenhower olla vakoilulennon takana? Ovatko amerikkalaiset sittenkin vain pahoja? Kyllä ne olivat.
    ellauri249.html on line 320: Vakoilulentoskandaalin jälkeen Hruštšov oli aluksi lamaantunut. Sitten seurasi valtava toimintapuuska, josta Hruštšovin poika totesi myöhemmin, että aivan kuin isässä olisi pato murtunut. Indonesiassa hän tutustui paikalliseen erikoisuuteen, durian-hedelmään, joka leikattuna löyhkää kammottavalta. Hän päätti lähettää niitä laatikollisen kaikille halveksimilleen Neuvostoliiton puhemiehistön jäsenille. Turismin ohella hän tapasi Indonesiassa Eisenhowerin salaisesti ja antoi tällekin lastikollisen.
    ellauri249.html on line 349: Kesällä 1955 Bulganin ja Hruštšov tapasivat Yhdysvaltain presidentin Dwight D. Eisenhowerin Genevessä liennytyksen hengessä. Liittoutuneet olivat vain pari kuukautta aikaisemmin päättäneet Itävallan miehityksen. Vuonna 1955 Neuvostoliitto sopi myös välinsä Josip Broz Titon Jugoslavian kanssa. Neuvostoliitto esitti ulkomaalaisista sotilastukikohdista luopumista ja luopui hyvän tahdon eleenä Porkkalasta Suomessa. Syksyllä 1958 Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton suhteita kuitenkin häiritsi Hruštšovin yöpakkasiksi nimeämä kriisi, jossa Neuvostoliitto ei antanut hyväksyntäänsä Honka-liitolle.
    ellauri249.html on line 351: Vuonna 1959 Hruštšov vieraili ensimmäisenä neuvostojohtajana Yhdysvalloissa. Liennytyksen kuitenkin päätti Gary Powersin ohjaaman U-2-vakoilukoneen alasampuminen 1. toukokuuta 1960 Neuvostoliiton yllä. Pariisin kokouksen aikana 16. toukokuuta 1960 Hruštšov vaati Eisenhowerilta anteeksipyyntöä U-2-vakoilulennoista Neuvostoliiton yllä. Anteexipyyntöä ei kuulunut. Tapaus päätti konferenssin.
    ellauri249.html on line 360: In 1961, revolutionary philosopher Frantz Fanon commented: "And when Mr. Khrushchev brandishes his shoe at the United Nations and hammers the table with it, no colonized individual, no representative of the underdeveloped countries laughs. For what Mr. Khrushchev is showing the colonized countries who are watching is that he, the missile-wielding muzhik, is treating these wretched capitalists the way they deserve."
    ellauri254.html on line 387: Alexander Blok was a routine visitor. These years were some of the young Blok’s most prolific, marked by bursts of creative energy as he worked on two lyrical dramas – Balaganchik (‘The Puppet Show‘), featuring the ‘grotesquely luckless’ Pierrot, which was staged in 1906 by Vsevolod Meyerhold at the Komissarzhevskaya Theatre; and The Stranger – and the poetry cycle The Snow Mask, which he completed in little over a week at the beginning of 1907. The actress Valentina Verigina often accompanied Blok, and recounted of these visits to and from Sologub’s apartment:
    ellauri254.html on line 401: ‘To my great dismay, today I discovered that your tail came from my perineum (actually not mine, someone else’s – that’s the problem!). Moreover, I cannot find the rear paws. Have they really been cut off? Where shall I look for them? I await your reply. I’ve taken the skin to be fixed – but how ever can I return it with patches?’
    ellauri254.html on line 887: After his forced resignation from active politics in 1989, Tikhonov wrote a letter to Mikhail Gorbachev which stated that he regretted supporting his election to the General Secretaryship. This view was strengthened when the Communist Party was banned in the Soviet Union. After his retirement, he lived the rest of his life in seclusion at his dacha. As one of his friends noted, he lived as "a hermit" and never showed himself in public and that his later life was very difficult as he had no children and because his wife had died. Prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union Tikhonov worked as a State Advisor to the Supreme Soviet. Tikhonov died on 1 June 1997 and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Shortly before his death, he wrote a letter addressed to Yeltsin: "I ask you to bury me at public expense, since I have no financial savings."
    ellauri256.html on line 62: Women were the first cultivators of flax and initiated the manufacture of clothing. Evidence for this claim is the oldest depictions of textile production showing women at work, not men, and women continuing in textile production even when the industry was run by males. This is not at all unusual as women were the first brewers in Egypt and, most likely, the first healers who predated the rise of the medical profession. And the first professionals in the entertainment business, see Capitani and Lady Ceepu.
    ellauri256.html on line 242: howtodoright.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/17-interesnih-faktov-ob-andree-belom-e1542008819626.jpg" width="20%" />
    ellauri256.html on line 255: howtodoright.com/interesting-facts-from-the-life-of-andrei-bely/">Lähde
    ellauri256.html on line 366: However, Osip very quickly ceased to be a husband to her in all respects. In 1914, Lilya wrote: “I already led an independent life, and physically we somehow drew apart... A year passed, we no longer lived as husband and wife, but we were friends, perhaps even more so than before. That was when Mayakovsky came into our life.”
    ellauri257.html on line 69: British-born director J. Lee Thompson (“The Yellow Balloon”/”The Passage”/”King Solomon’s Mines”) helms this bloody spectacular. It’s a serviceable large-scale epic that mainly goes wrong with a mushy subplot involving a miscast Tony Curtis as a Cossack wooing a Polish noblewoman, Christine Kaufmann (they were soon to be married in real-life after his divorce from Janet Leigh). It seems to be in genre form when showing hordes of Cossack horsemen flying across the steppes to do battle. It’s based on the novel by Nikolai Gogol and is written without wit or logic by Waldo Salt (former blacklisted writer) and Karl Tunberg.
    ellauri257.html on line 73: The cocky and arrogant Taras raises two sons, Andrei (Tony Curtis) and Ostap (Perry Lopez), and eventually sends them to Kiev University to learn how their enemies think. The independent-minded Andrei falls in love with Natalia (Christine Kaufmann), a young beautiful Polish noblewoman, but her family deems him unworthy of her because of his lowly birth. The heartbroken Andrei returns home to the steppes and his bloodthirsty barbarian warrior father—definitely not a college grad.
    ellauri257.html on line 77: Franz Waxman’s bombastic score bursts across the lush Technicolor screen as a reminder of how much Gogol’s novel has been cheapened, Cossacks on horseback engage the Poles in battle giving the film its life pulse and the action-packed film ultimately serves as a paean to Ukrainian nationalism as it rewrites history to leave out how the violently anti-Semitic Cossacks attacked the Jewish population of Poland with a barbaric ruthlessness to dispense with their ethnic cleansing. Yul chews the scenery, but is watchable. Tony demonstrates he can’t act by giving an unbearably gooey performance.
    ellauri257.html on line 346: Kosmos is Gombrowicz´s most complex and ambiguous work. In it he portrays how human beings create a vision of the world, what forces, symbolic order and passion take part in this process and how the novel form organises itself in the process of creating sense. Njoopa joo.
    ellauri257.html on line 423: Pornography is D.H. Lawrence without the penetration, Diary of a Chambermaid with none of the bite and philosophical imagination. A group of Germans inexplicably fuck around in the near distance. Frederic curiously precedes a murderous request by squeezing a young blonde’s breasts like melons. A Jewish family hides under the kitchen’s floorboards, but no explanation is offered for how they got there.
    ellauri257.html on line 504: Still, Singer was a married man, but not to Runia (Rachel) Pontsch, who in 1929 gave birth to a son, Israel Zamir, Singer's only child. In Warsaw, before immigrating to the United States, he had a child out of wedlock with one of his mistresses, Runia Shapira, a rabbi’s daughter. She was a Communist expelled from the Soviet Union for her Zionist sympathies. In his 1995 memoir, “A Journey to My Father, Isaac Bashevis Singer,” Zamir recounts how he and his mother ended up in Palestine. But since Singer and Runia separated when Zamir (born in 1929) was little, the report is almost totally deprived of a domestic portrait.
    ellauri257.html on line 517: , she worked at Saks 34th Street, and then, until retirement, at Lord & Taylor. On occasion she would accompany Singer to his lectures. They also traveled together to Europe, especially England and France. The purpose of one of those trips was for Alma to show Singer the places in Switzerland where she and her parents had stayed before the war. When she returned to America, she felt ecstatic. In the manuscript, she recollects standing on Broadway, looking in wonder at a fruit store and grocery, admiring their abundance.
    ellauri257.html on line 520: What kind of inner, private life did Alma have? Did she tire of years of cooking, cleaning, ironing and sewing for Singer? Was it difficult to be the wife of a public person? How did she cope with his escapades? About these the manuscript remains silent. After all, Alma belonged to a social class where women weren’t encouraged to explore such details. In an interview, she does represent the younger Singer as easy-going and says how much he changed over time. But she ascribes those changes to how much people wanted from him and not the other way around.
    ellauri257.html on line 530: All this to say that the Yiddish writer’s other women — not the sexy but the stolid, those who accompanied him at home for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health — are crucial to the understanding of how he looked at the world. Alma was his anchor. Despite his betrayals, he always returned to her. Her silence, her resignation, might be disheartening to modern sensibilities. Yet she grounded him, and not only as an artist.
    ellauri260.html on line 171: Regardless of how, more precisely, animals are to be understood, the person differs from even the most advanced among them by a specific kind of inner self, an inner life, which, ideally, revolves around his pursuit of truth and goodness, and generates person-specific theoretical and moral questions and concerns.
    ellauri260.html on line 255: OK, ja nyt tulee sitten se odotettu "however"!
    ellauri260.html on line 257: We must, however, bear in mind that the main idea of Socialism goes far beyond the conception of Marx ; that it may be realised in many different ways, and that under one common head it embraces all sorts of opposite opinions and divergences. If we leave out the embarrassing collective ownership part, we can still keep totalitarianism and corporativism and get to another great idea in German thought: national socialism! Sorry, oops, that was ahistorical of me, let me rephrase that.
    ellauri260.html on line 266: We have an experiment on the grandest possible lines in humanity and conducted by it. It puts a decisive question, and it demands either Yes or No. It is only the experience of the collective life that can show whether the answer which Socialism gives meets the whole reality of human nature ; for here it is not simply a question of mere theories and types of life, however well they may be constructed, but of actual vital developments.
    ellauri260.html on line 270: The further course of this essay will show that a sympathetic study does not imply assent, but we must insist that to condemn a thing without understanding it is useless. On the plus side, the ancient truth, that man is a social animal (£,(oov ttoXltlkov, animal sociale, termiittiapina), is now for the first time fully appreciated. On the minus side, 'Good' is now merely something that promotes the good of society ; it coincides with "useful" in the social sense. "True" is what has results in the social order and ensures its assent. There is no longer any room for the old conceptions of things that are good and true in themselves!
    ellauri260.html on line 286: Religion created a place in which antagonisms disappeared — but it saw no injustice in inequality. In this it was moved by its confident expectation of happiness in the next world, in which there would be no distinctions ; in fact, the poor and oppressed seemed to be entitled to the highest places. Modern Socialism, however, finds no consolation in that doctrine. It is not satisfied with an equality in hope and expectation.
    ellauri260.html on line 335: This profound confusion shows that our human manner of life is not the whole of reality, but a special category of it in a special condition. It must be related to something larger, and only in virtue of this can it possess any meaning and derive the necessary power. Religion adopts this way. It leads beyond a special province to a new stage of life ; a stage that transcends these contradictions and opens out new contents and new forces. Hence the whole of reality which is accessible to men falls into three stages : a fundamental stage, a stage of conflict, and a stage of victorious spirituality. It is this last which alone furnishes human life with its indispensable support and an indisputable goal.
    ellauri260.html on line 363: Even the finer type of comfort and enjoyment will, in a detached subject, turn into an inward emptiness, which in the long run will prove less tolerable than care and want, struggle and pain. Ancient Epicureanism showed this two thousand years ago, and Socialistic Epicureanism will show the same thing.
    ellauri260.html on line 382: There is, in fact, to-day over wide areas of life a positive dislike of man, a taedium generis humani, as it was called in the last days of the ancient world. We have at one and the same time the evil of overpopulation, the concentration of men in cities, the economic struggle, and so on. We have not space enough. One man is the enemy of another. Above all our particular questions we feel the power over men of the trivial, the common, the evil. The idea of Superman Tattoo occurred to some ; but can thought alone get over realities and their power ? So the human problem finds us involved in a terrible complication, and the Socialist ideal cannot extricate us. The situation would be hopeless if there were not higher forces working in man, making more of him, unsealing old and new springs of life to him. At present, however, we are merely searching, but I bet I am on the right track here.
    ellauri262.html on line 195: Lewis was only 40 when the war began, and he tried to re-enter military service, offering to instruct cadets; however, his offer was not accepted, as he did not want to write lies to deceive the enemy. Instead, From 1941 to 1943, Lewis spoke on religious programmes broadcast by the BBC from London while the city was under periodic air raids. These broadcasts were appreciated by civilians and servicemen at that stage. For as Air Chief Marshal Sir Donald Hardman wrote:
    ellauri262.html on line 200: The youthful Alistair Cooke was less impressed, and in 1944 described "the alarming vogue of Mr. C.S. Lewis" as an example of how wartime tends to "spawn so many quack religions and Messiahs". The broadcasts were anthologized in Mere Christianity.
    ellauri262.html on line 317: Commentators have remarked on the apparent lack of sexuality in The Lord of the Rings; the feminist and queer theory scholar Valerie Rohy notes the female novelist A. S. Byatt's remark that "part of the reason I read Tolkien when I'm ill is that there is an almost total absence of sexuality in his world, which is restful"; the Tolkien scholar Tom Shippey wrote that "there is not enough awareness of sexuality" in the work; and the novelist and critic Adam Mars-Jones stated that "above all, sexuality [is] what is absent from the [work's] vision". Rohy comments that it is easy to see why they might say this; in the epic tradition, Tolkien "abandons courtship when battle looms, apparently sublimating sexuality to the greater quest". She accepts that there are three romances leading to weddings in the tale, those of Aragorn and Arwen, Éowyn and Faramir, and Sam and Rosie, but points out that their love stories are mainly external to the main narrative about the Ring, and that their beginnings are basically not shown: they simply appear as marriages.
    ellauri262.html on line 438: they disagreed regarding the ordination of women in the Church of England. Sayers comments on Lewis's views of women in another letter, stating, "I do admit that he is apt to write shocking nonsense about women and marriage. That, however, is not because he is a bad theologian but because he is a rather frightened bachelor.”
    ellauri262.html on line 480: Lewis then talks about the nature of nature/matter. Because there are things outside an individual and God, things cannot be configured to suit the individual perfectly. WTF? God is responsible for that too! He also introduces the concept of Free Will and how that further inhibits everyone being pain-free all the time, although he does allow and say miracles do exist. Bullshit! Free will is that you can do what you want (lähde). If you want to be pain-free and you aren't, then your will is not free.
    ellauri262.html on line 482: Lewis postulates that maybe this world is not the 'best of all possible' universes but the only possible one. Haha! If so, then everything possible is necessary, and will is not free. (lähde) He acknowledges the objection that if God is good and he saw how much suffering it would produce why would he do it. Lewis doesn’t know how to answer that type of question and says that that is not his objective, but only to conceive how goodness (assured on other grounds) and suffering are without contradiction. Okay, Clive, so you just give up.
    ellauri262.html on line 510: Lewis then says that he doesn’t believe in the doctrine of Total Depravity on logical and experiential grounds. Also, shame is of value, not as an emotion but for the insight that it provides. He shares how he notices that the more a man hollers the more fully aware he is of his vileness. To underline this point Clive says probably the most famous line from this book: "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain: it is His megaphone to rouse the deaf."
    ellauri262.html on line 617: “It was an attack on how people hold religious beliefs, an attack on what I would call intolerance and narrow mindedness.”
    ellauri263.html on line 335: Various Modern Orthodox and Conservative rabbits have proposed amending Nachem, as its wording no longer reflects the existence of a rebuilt Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty. Chief Rabbit Shlomo Goren, for example, issued a revised wording of the prayer and Rabbit Hayim David HaLevi proposed putting the prayer's verbs relating to the Temple's destruction into the past tense. However, such proposals have not been widely adopted. Following the Six-Day War, the national religious community viewed Israel's territorial conquests with almost messianic overtones. The conquest of geographical areas with immense religious significance, including Jerusalem, the Western Wall, and the Temple Mount, was seen as portentous; however, only the full rebuilding of the Temple would engender enough reason to cease observing the day as one of mourning and transform it into a day of joy instead. The re-occupation of the Gaza strip is surely a source of joy, as well as annihilating philistines of the West Bank.
    ellauri263.html on line 371: That’s how we’re plunged back into Fauda, Arabic for “chaos”, Israel’s international Netflix hit, which the streaming service picked up in 2016. Released on 24 May, the series returns with its tight, testy unit of Arabic-speaking Israeli special force infiltrators who work undercover in the Palestinian West Bank to track and kill wanted terrorists.
    ellauri263.html on line 373: It’s mostly in Arabic and Hebrew, but that hasn’t limited the appeal. Netflix, which has 109 million members across 190 countries, describes it as a global phenomenon – one of a string of Israeli successes, besides Yom Kippur war and the occupation of Palestine. Netflix has already commissioned a third series along with other shows from Fauda’s creators, journalist Avi Issacharoff and Lior Raz, who served in the undercover unit on which the series is based and plays its predictably gruff Israeli lead Doron Kavillio.
    ellauri263.html on line 375: Fauda is frequently credited with evenhandedness over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and attempts to humanise Palestinian terror operatives. But that’s in the eye of the beholder, and certainly less true of this second series. For an Israeli Jewish audience, Fauda does break new ground. “It’s the first TV series that showed the Palestinian narrative in a way that you can actually feel something for someone who acts like a terrorist,” says Itay Stern at Israel’s Haaretz newspaper. “You can understand the motives and the emotion and that’s unique, because until that point you couldn’t really see it on TV.”
    ellauri263.html on line 379: But none of that gets away from it being overwhelmingly narrated from an Israeli viewpoint, focused on the Israeli protagonists. More so than in the first series, the Israeli occupation is nowhere to be seen – there’s no wall, no settlements or settlers, no house demolitions, only a few small checkpoints and none of the everyday brutalities of life under occupation. Yes, it shows that Palestinians love their mothers, but it also renders them as violent fanatics without a political cause.
    ellauri263.html on line 381: You find yourself drawn in. The concept of right and wrong gets erased … it just becomes this action-packed show! It's just great!
    ellauri263.html on line 383: Fauda’s creators have said they want to show that everyone living in a war zone pays a price, but such portrayals of an equality of suffering are ripe for criticism in the midst of an asymmetric conflict, in which one side is under occupation. This is more acutely obvious at a time when international media has focused on Israel opening fire on unarmed protesters near the Gaza border earlier this month, killing 58 Palestinians, including children, and wounding over 1,000 in a single day.
    ellauri263.html on line 385: Diana Buttu, a Palestinian-Canadian human rights lawyer and former spokeswoman for the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, points to another problem with Fauda. “If you’re not careful, you find yourself drawn into the assassinations, you get lured into the cat and mouse,” she says, of a series that essentially depicts targeted killings. “The concept of right and wrong gets erased, the illegality gets erased … It just becomes this action-packed show.”
    ellauri263.html on line 393: Yet both shows get you binge-watching, despite irritating plot holes, political sanctimony and misrepresentations of Muslims or Palestinians. It’s a bit like speed-reading a cheap thriller, ignoring the bad dialogue and badly drawn characters, along with the mounting self-loathing over the time you’re squandering, just for the sugar rush of the story’s end.
    ellauri263.html on line 399: Palestinian journalist Ziyad Abul Hawa says Fauda could have started to make good on notions of balance simply by bringing Palestinians into the creative process. “If the writers are all Israeli, no matter how good the intentions are, they are not realistically showing what is happening in Palestinian areas. I heard they did their homework and research but still, you need a Palestinian constantly with them, telling them what’s realistic and what is not.” He adds that Arabic accents in the show bust its credibility claims within seconds.
    ellauri263.html on line 401: As it is, the second series has left many feeling it missed an opportunity to show the realities of the Israeli occupation. “They did some brave stuff but it is not a mirror of realities in the West Bank,” says Stern. “It’s a shame, they could have done it and people would have loved the show anyway.”
    ellauri263.html on line 627: Almost 600 (!) biographies have been written of Blavatsky, but the details of her life, especially the years 1848–1873, remain sketchy all the same. Most of the authors have been either devoted disciples or sharply critical adversaries. Some interesting and well-documented facts, however, can be determined. She was born to a noble Russian family in present-day Ukraine, married at 17, ran away only months later, traveled widely and spent time in Cairo, among many other places, where she supported herself as a medium size sex doll.
    ellauri263.html on line 706: It's about how people in these types of open relationships deal with jealousy.
    ellauri263.html on line 717: Consider how you usually feel when your partner gets a big promotion at work or accomplishes a new fitness goal, or how you feel when your best friend tells you about a new guy they've been dating that they're really clicking with: You're genuinely, totally stoked for them, right? Fuck no, you are slightly envious, or not so slightly either. This is an instinctual feeling for most of us. Now apply that to when your partner is having fun flirting with (or sleeping with) a new flame that's not you. Instead of sparking jealousy, it sparks earnest empathetic joy. That's compersion.
    ellauri263.html on line 725: That's an important part of this actually: Compersion doesn't often come naturally to people, in large part because of the way we've been evolutionarily trained to protect our mating relationships and how today we've now organized our entire society around monogamy. That means that for many, compersion is a feeling or skill set that takes conscious practice.
    ellauri263.html on line 733: Sometimes the emotional alarm is going off because something's actually wrong—your partner isn't giving you the attention or affection you need, for example, or perhaps they're betraying a promise or agreement you have about your relationship, which of course makes you feel unstable or upset. Other times the alarm goes off over misperceptions or just our own insecurities. We're worried a lively conversation between our partner and an attractive stranger means that they're no longer as interested in us, that there's a chance they might be more interested in someone else, that there's a threat to the relationship. Even if none of that is true, our anxieties can get the best of us, and so jealousy is how it manifests as an emotion.
    ellauri263.html on line 745: Yes, absolutely! Research shows people in consensually non-monogamous relationships (aka "intentional families") do experience jealousy; they just experience less distress when it happens.
    ellauri263.html on line 751: That's not how it is among polys: "We recognize jealousy as just another emotion," she explains. "It's just part of life and part of processing and part of the emotional section of the human experience."
    ellauri263.html on line 778: We found a lot of ways to support our intellectual belief in compersion with actual psychological rewards. For example, I'd help my partner get matches on Tinder and give him tips on cute bars to take them, and after the dates, he'd tell me how they went and give me a ton of love and affirmation whenever I pouted over him having a good time. Meanwhile, he played wingman with me when I wanted to meet up with a potential flame at a party or concert, and I always made sure to come home to him and share the sexy things I'd done with the new guy and what things I wanted to migrate into our own sex life. In this way, we began to be able to associate positive experiences together (showering each other with affection and affirming the strength of our relationship) with the aftermath of one of us having fun with someone else. When it became clear that these extradyadic encounters only brought us closer, it became easier and easier for us to feel earnest joy for the other person's romantic successes.
    ellauri263.html on line 787: "Listening I think is really important, listening without judgment and without being defensive," Blue says. "Separate your stuff from your partner´s theories. Your partner´s feeling jealous, and they´ve done some work, and they´re sorting of saying ´I feel jealousy because I worry that you´re gonna leave me.´ … When you hear that, some of us feel accused as if we are doing something wrong. We´re not somehow enough, and we´ve made some sort of a mistake, and immediately we become defensive. I think if we can get into that sort of separate state and realize our partner, when they´re working through something like jealousy, is battling with their own stuff, battling with their own insecurities, or own unmet needs, [then we can be more able to] lend an ear to that to really understand what´s going on with them."
    ellauri263.html on line 839: Kelly Gonsalves is a multi-certified sex educator and relationship coach helping people figure out how to create dating and sex lives that actually feel good — more open, more optimistic, and more pleasurable. In addition to working with individuals in her private practice, Kelly serves as the Sex & Relationships Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a degree in journalism from Northwestern University, and she’s been trained and certified by leading sex and relationship institutions such as The Gottman Institute and Everyone Deserves Sex Ed, among others. Her fork has been featured at The Cut, Vice, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere.
    ellauri264.html on line 100: The film received a negative critical response. Partly because the date-rape interest prevented teenagers from just having some clean gory fun. (The IMDB Parent guide says: A female character is tied up and it is implied that she is about to be raped. She is cut free before this can happen however, and no nudity is shown. Violence & Gore Moderate. 9 of 19 found this moderate. A pack of werewolves are shown feasting on human body parts. Profanity Moderate. 7 of 16 found this moderate. Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking. Female nudity female rear nudity murder clothes torn off female topless nudity 136 more.)
    ellauri264.html on line 153: Audience reception to Velma has been overwhelmingly negative. It became one of the lowest-rated television shows on IMDb, receiving similar low scores from audiences on Rotten Tomatoes and Google.
    ellauri264.html on line 154: Asyia Iftikhar of PinkNews noted in her reflection of audience reception that the show has become the subject of "relentless criticism", and noted that it has been "accused of perpetuating stereotypes against South Asian women, criticised for poor attempts at self-aware comedy and slammed for losing the essence of what people love about the "Scooby Doo gang". Eli se koiro puuttui, ja isänmaallisuus oli ihan hukassa.
    ellauri264.html on line 156: Brahmjot Kaur of NBC News wrote that the accusations of stereotypes had been rebutted by some who noted characters in other television shows invented by Kaling shared similar personality traits to the titular protagonist, while citing Kaling's past influences.
    ellauri264.html on line 158: Wired's Amos Barshad wrote that while there was likely still reactions of a racist and homophobic nature targeting the show, the main complaints were for it addressing diversity issues in a "flat, one-note manner", and that the portrayal of Velma's bisexuality had divided fans.
    ellauri264.html on line 175: The show is so r@cis7 I can't believe it. This show was atrocious. This is a show that hates Scooby Doo.
    ellauri264.html on line 199: their full potential would not have been realized. The truly righteous recognize the value of their G-d-given possessions, and are very careful with them, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they are. While not overly attached to material things, they do not dispose of objects prematurely or use them inappropriately. They understand that everything has a purpose, and they seek to use things to that purpose, with the goal of elevating the objects and themselves.
    ellauri264.html on line 238: Finally, through kindling the Chanuka flames, we can shed new light on how we use energy.
    ellauri264.html on line 398: Pattis is currently representing one of several members of the Proud Boys extremist group charged criminally in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in a trial in Washington that is underway. It wasn’t immediately clear how his suspension would affect the case. Pattis said he has notified the judge in Washington of the discipline.
    ellauri264.html on line 413: He is a regular in the national media, from the New York Times to The Today Show, and also serves as a frequent speaker. Norm is twice bestselling author labeled America’s Fiercest Trial Lawyer, a prolific blogger. Additionally, he serves as the host of the Pattis On Justice podcast. The podcast focuses on Law, politics, crime, and culture—in a word, "convict".
    ellauri264.html on line 442: From an early age, Pattis says he has felt a burning desire to know God personally. To that end, he spent time in Switzerland at the compound of an American Christian fundamentalist thinker named Francis Schaeffer and then inveigled himself in the graduate philosophy program of Columbia University, where he studied and taught for six years. At one point, he nearly joined the CIA, but that opportunity fizzled when the agency didn’t like his polygraph answers about homosexual experiences. “I said, ‘Well, I haven’t had any yet. I don’t know how I’m going to respond if you ask,’ ” he recalls. “I think they decided that was a little too much for them.”
    ellauri264.html on line 466: It matters not how strait the gate, Ei väliä miten ahdas porttikonki on,
    ellauri264.html on line 532: The "Rema" (Moses Isserles) started writing his commentary on the Arba´ah Turim, Darkhei Moshe, at about the same time as Yosef Karo. Karo finished his work "Bet Yosef" first, and it was first presented to the Rema as a gift from one of his students. Upon receiving the gift, the Rema could not understand how he had spent so many years unaware of Karo´s efforts. After looking through the Bet Yosef, the Rema realized that Karo had mainly relied upon Sephardic poskim.
    ellauri264.html on line 550: I know that if I eat a large amount of cake and cookies, I am required to wash netilas yadayim, recite Hamotzi and conclude the meal with Birkas Hamozon. This is because cake is normally eaten as a snack, and for that reason it has a lower-level set of berochos than bread. If, however, I consume a large amount of cake (known in halacha as kivias seudah), the cake is treated like bread and not a snack, and the brochos are the same as those recited at a bread meal. Is the same true of doughnuts? If I eat a full meal of doughnuts, must I wash, say Hamotzi and Birkas Hamozon?
    ellauri264.html on line 576: Eli’s sons were scoundrels; they had no regard for the Lord. Now it was the practice of the priests that, whenever any of the people offered a sacrifice, the priest’s servant would come with a three-pronged fork in his hand while the meat was being boiled and would plunge the fork into the pan or kettle or caldron or pot. Whatever the fork brought up the priest would take for himself. This is how they treated all the Israelites who came to Shiloh. But even before the fat was burned, the priest’s servant would come and say to the person who was sacrificing, “Give the priest some meat to roast; he won’t accept boiled meat from you, but only raw.”
    ellauri264.html on line 581: Now Eli, who was very old, heard about everything his sons were doing to all Israel and how they slept with the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 23 So he said to them, “Why the fuck do you do such things? I hear from all the people about these wicked deeds of yours. 24 No, my sons; the report I hear spreading among the Lord’s people is not good. 25 If one person sins against another, God may mediate for the offender; but if anyone sins against the Lord, who will intercede for them? Oh Jesus.” His sons, however, did not listen to their father’s rebuke, for it was the Lord’s will to put them to death, willy nilly.
    ellauri264.html on line 677: Steve Jobs did a phone prank to an Apple fan boy who applied for the Apple CEO position and told him that he had been chosen, later to tell him if he showed up at Cupertino that the cops would arrest him. Steve Jobs refused child support for his daughter Lisa. But he was 20 years old by then, not excusing what he did though. He later made good and Lisa choose to live with him instead of her mother. Steve did many things wrong as a 20 something. But The Original Macintosh (folklore . org) has a lot of stories that show him as a Crusty the Clown, playing pranks with the team, breaking into his own office as he locked his keys inside. Putting a pirate flag on a building. How funny. A real barrel of laughs.
    ellauri266.html on line 64: Adam Rutherford has not revealed much of her (!) bio. So, his early life and details of his parents are still behind curtains. Adam Rutherford seems happily married to his wife. However, he has not disclosed the details of his wife. Nevertheless, Adam has shared many things about his family through his social media. Adam is the father of three children, one son, and two daughters. Adam Rutherford is well-known for founding the scientific publication Nature. He has hosted many BBC television shows, including Me Playing God and The Gene Kelly Code. He is probably living an economically comfortable life. His passion for music allows him to escape the rigours of science and enjoy the emotional side of life. His net worth as a simian is as yet undisclosed. He may be having a fling with his co-star Hannah Fry, as well as with her namesake Stephen Fry. Stephen is not the only Fry on the block anymore, but there is no evidence showing that these two are related. In fact, they don't even follow each other on social media!
    ellauri266.html on line 256: Knew nothing about the characters. Nothing made sense. Nothing was believable. Ending was awful and left me and my wife in shock as to what we even watched. The movie was dragged out and extremely boring. I was not inspired and got nothing out of this movie. The acting was good however, but the story was one of the worst. If I got to come up with my own assumptions, then you did something wrong.
    ellauri266.html on line 268: Are people insane? Like honestly. Are the people who reviewed this movie certifiably insane? This movie got 100%?????????? How. Like really, howwwww??? The most boring, slowest, most depressing movies ever. The only movie worse than this was Marley & Me. If this movie was based on a true story, then ok. But this was just a made up sad story? Like why? It does not deserve a 100% score AT ALL! That's just absurd and outrageous. And it now calls every score into question. Simply insane.
    ellauri266.html on line 298: I would rather get beat up for 2 hours than watch this film, I kept waiting for something to happen or something that made me feel something, I sat there stone faced for 2 hours with no emotion assuming something must happen soon due to all these rave reviews, and then all of a sudden the credits show up on the screen and I realize i was hoodwinked by all of you writing good reviews. This film was an absolute snooze fest!
    ellauri266.html on line 306: A great story, however when I invest 90 minutes of my life I expect entertainment that will take me to a place other than where I am. This simple was not entertaining. Please do not watch this terrible move. One other thing, why is there such a disparity between the critics and the viewers review.
    ellauri266.html on line 316: If you like looking at trees, this may be your movie. I don't understand the complete lack of negative critic reviews here. Maybe it's my fault for being able to remember what it's like to watch truly well-directed films. Have today's critics forgotten what it's like to go see a film by Hitchcock or Wilder or even Blake Edwards or Ron Howard. Those guys knew how to tell a story. What we have here is a good example of bad storytelling.
    ellauri266.html on line 440: Vuonna 1962 Spike Milligan ja Peter Sellers julkaisivat yhdessä Peter Cookin ja Jonathan Millerin kanssa levyn The Bridge on the River Wye, huijauksen Kwain elokuvaversiosta, joka perustuu vuoden 1957 Goon Show´n "An African Incident" ympärille. Sillä oli tarkoitus olla sama nimi kuin elokuvalla, mutta vähän ennen sen julkaisua elokuvayhtiö uhkasi oikeustoimilla, jos nimeä käytetään. Tuottaja George Martin muokkasi "K":n pois joka kerta, kun sana "Kwai" puhuttiin. BUAAHHAHHAH hassua, kyllä toi Peter Selleri on sit hulvaton! Sellersiä on kuvattu äkkipikaiseksi, lapselliseksi ja vaikeaksi henkilöksi, jonka oma persoonallisuus hukkui lukuisten roolihahmojen alle, jos sitä edes oli. Eikös se ollut muuten juutalainen? Oli se puolisefardi! Sellers syntyi vuonna 1925 protestanttiselle isälle ja juutalaiselle äidille. Hänen äidinpuolinen isoisänsä isä oli sefardijuutalainen nyrkkeilijä Daniel Mendoza. Sellers varttui Lontoossa ja kävi roomalaiskatolista koulua. Sinuna en pyllistäisi noille sefardeille, ne näyttävät nopeilta.
    ellauri267.html on line 56: Walter Herman Wager (September 4, 1924 - July 11, 2004) was an American novelist. Walter Wager grew up in the East Tremont section of The Bronx, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants; his father, Max, was a doctor, and his mother, Jessie, was a nurse. But was he an emigrant or an immigrant? Depends how rich his parents were. Some sources say emigrant, others immigrant.

    ellauri267.html on line 97: Based on the novel by Walter Wager, "Telefon" has not aged well because it'(TM)s so dependent on the cold war tension that existed between the USSR and the US in the Seventies. The film is basically a cat-and-mouse game with Soviet agent Major Grigori Borzov (Charles Bronson, that's right Bronson is a commie) tracking rogue Russian scientist Nicolai Dalmchimsky (Donald Pleasence) across America to prevent him from activating sleeper agents. Borzov is assisted by Barbara (Lee Remick. fresh from "The Omen") who asks more annoying questions than necessary, leading the audience to believe she may not be completely true to the motherland. The film's middle section is dragged down by repetitive bomb scares. Dalmichimsky is working from outdated intelligence so his targets are all de-classified U.S. Military installations. Once Borzov realizes the pattern and hones in the next target the action shifts to a more linear chase that'(TM)s further heightened by Barbara'(TM)s loyalties. But the ultimate showdown is deflating because beyond some silly disguises Pleasence's Dalmichimsky is never built up to be a threat. Director Don Siegel uses his flair for montage to craft a his action sequences without dialogue. "Telefon" is a road movie, much like Alfred Hitchcock's "Saboteur" and "North by Northwest" had their leads criss-crossing America here we see plenty of seventies architecture including San Francisco's Hyatt Regency Hotel (used in "The Towering Inferno") and a modernist house resting on top of a barren rock outcropping. The supporting cast is uniformly good (but trapped in underwritten roles), and it'(TM)s nice to see veteran character actors Alan Badel and Patrick Magee playing snotty KGB strategists, and Tyne Daly in a small (and ultimately irrelevant role) as a computer geek. Trivia note: The poem that activates the Russian sleeper agents was used by Quentin Tarantino in "Death Proof" as the lines Jungle Julia has her listeners recite to Butterfly. The lines are an excerpt of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep."
    ellauri267.html on line 167: Murdaugh describes how he asked a man to shoot him. Alex Murdaugh, testifying in court Thursday, described how he decided to ask a man who he was initially intending to get pills from to instead shoot him.
    ellauri267.html on line 175: That same month, Murdaugh turned himself in to the Hampton County Law Enforcement Center in South Carolina after he admitted that he asked a former gangster client to fake killing him during a fake car breakdown so Murdaugh’s oldest son, Buster, could get the insurance payout, police said. Murdaugh recounts how his drug addiction started. Alex Murdaugh admitted to stealing clients' funds, tying his financial situation to his drug addiction.
    ellauri267.html on line 227: Guardians of the Free Republics, active around 2010, was a group based in the U.S. state of Texas regarded as being part of the sovereign citizen movement. The group was associated with Sam Kennedy (whose real name is Glenn Richard Unger), a talk-show host, and with Clive Boustred, a British-born conspiracy theorist living in California. The 2-man group was described as having an anti-violent anti-government ideology.
    ellauri269.html on line 282: Now it is time to create your character! There are three primary choices that you need to make: Faction, Race, and Class. These are important because they dictate how you will interact with the game and with other players. Faction and Race can be changed for a price, but Class is a permanent decision. The only way to change Class is to create a new character. (This is actually factually wrong: in real life, you can change Faction for free and Class for a price, but there is no way to change Race!)
    ellauri269.html on line 288: Picking your faction is a major choice because players playing in separate factions cannot interact with one another in a peaceful way. This is factually correct: if you side with the West, you are not expected to show ANY understanding for the East. This includes both chat and other social activities, including forming groups to complete objectives. If you want to play with friends, make sure you join the faction that they are affiliated with.
    ellauri269.html on line 290: The Alliance and the Horde each have different backgrounds and stories, and are divided along racial lines. Which faction you choose will dictate where you play, who you play with, and what Races you can play. This may sound all too realistic, but that is how the cookie crumbles!
    ellauri269.html on line 324: You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave... and the true meaning of cowardice...
    ellauri269.html on line 345: The Wagner Group (Russian: Группа Вагнера, romanized: Gruppa Vagnera), also known as PMC Wagner (Russian: ЧВК[a] «Вагнер», romanized: ChVK «Vagner»; lit. 'Wagner Private Military Company'), is a Russian privately owned paramilitary organization. It is variously described as a private military company (PMC), a network of mercenaries, or a de facto private army of Russian President Vladimir Putin, depending how hawkish you are. The group operates beyond the law in Russia, where private military contractors are officially forbidden. While the Wagner Group itself is not ideologically driven, various elements of Wagner have been linked to neo-Nazis and far-right extremists, now fighting the Ukrainian neo-Nazis and far-right extremists in a war which is just unjust.
    ellauri269.html on line 379: "He's going to the Undercity," said Arthas. The ancient royal crypts, dungeons, sewers, public toilets and twining alleys deep below the palace had somehow gotten that nickname, as if the place was simply another part of town. Which it was! Dark, dank, filthy, the Undercity was intended for prisoners or the dead, but the poorest of the poor in the land somehow always seemed to find their way in. If one was homeless or a university professor, it was better than freezing in the elements, and if one needed something illegal, even Arthas knew that that was where one went to get it. Now and then the guards would go down and make a sweep of the place as a pro forma gesture to clean it out. (This imagery courtesy of New York Subway Authority.)
    ellauri269.html on line 530: Similarly, the Draenei approach to the Light places next to zero importance on evangelism. This is less ‘headcanony’, as we see a very clear difference in how the humans and Draenei act in this respect. Individual draenei see the Light as immensely important to themselves, but they do not enforce their beliefs on others.
    ellauri269.html on line 583: Whats your point? Dances do not show anything about actual inspiration. The kaldorei female dance is a French singer’s dance, yet they have no French inspiration. That is saved for the Shal’dorei, who were created over a decade after that dance. You want to draw some jewish heritage inspirations? sure. But Draenei being jewish and only jewish based on these weak arguments?
    ellauri269.html on line 594: Oh PS. Jewish =/= Israel. One is a religion and a people spread accross the world and the other is a country with many strengths and weakenesses. Please do not compare Israel’s actions or critism as somehow representative of all jewish people. That is grotesquely anti-semetic; the jewish people are not some sort of hive mind monolith represented by Israel. Stop this silliness.
    ellauri269.html on line 602: I did. But you said it is representative of catholicism rather than jewishness that you somehow linked to being representative of Israel.
    ellauri270.html on line 240: The original, full title of the broadside was "A Warning for Married Women, by the example of Mrs. Jane Renalds, a West-Country woman born neer unto Plymouth, who having plighted her troth to a seaman, was afterwards married to a carpenter, and at last carried away by a spirit, the manner how shall be presently recited".
    ellauri270.html on line 261: I might have had a king's daughter, I will shew you how the lilies grow
    ellauri270.html on line 302: The irony in “The Daemon Lover” is that the female protagonist becomes suspect as she hunts for the mysterious young man “who promised to marry her” (DL 23). Everywhere she searches, she encounters couples who mock her with not-so-subtle insinuations that she is crazy. Indeed, at the end of the story she may well have become insane; the narrative is ambiguous on this point. Significantly, however, if the nameless woman has indeed lost her mind, it is James who is responsible. Although some critics speculate that the disruptive male figure—both in this story and in the others in the collection—is a hallucination of a sexually repressed character, the epilogue to The Lottery, a ballad entitled “James Harris, The Daemon Lover,” suggests otherwise: He is, in fact, the devil himself.
    ellauri270.html on line 317: The children’s activities—gathering stones—have a false innocence about them. Because this resembles the regular play of children, the reader may not assume gathering stones is intended for anything violent. The word “raids,” however, introduces a telling element of violence and warfare into the children’s innocent games. Similarly, the reader is lulled into a false sense of security by the calm and innocuous activities and topics of conversation among the adult villagers. We see the villagers strictly divided along gendered lines, even as children.
    ellauri270.html on line 345: Mrs. Dunbar is the only woman to draw in the lottery, and the discussion of her role in the ritual proceedings emphasizes the theme of family structure and gender roles. Women are considered so inferior that even a teenaged son would replace a mother as the “head of household.” Wow this is going back to last century, or to Afghanistan! The formality surrounding these proceedings shows Mrs. Dunbar’s involvement to be an anomaly for the village.
    ellauri270.html on line 365: The conversation between Mr. Adams and Old Man Warner establishes why the lottery is continued in this village, while it has been ended in others: the power of tradition. As the oldest man in the village, Old Man Warner links the lottery to traditional civilization, equating its removal to a breakdown of society and a return to a primitive state. For the villagers, the lottery demonstrates the organization and power of society—that is, a group of people submitting to shared rules in exchange for protection and support. But we see that the lottery also shows the arbitrariness and corruption of many of these social rules.
    ellauri270.html on line 369: Mrs. Dunbar’s impatience, Old Man Warner’s pride, and Jack Watson’s coming-of-age moment show how integrated the lottery is into this society. No one questions the practice, and they all arrange their lives around it. Jackson shows how difficult it is to give up a tradition when everyone else conforms to it.
    ellauri270.html on line 377: This passage shows the self-serving survival instinct of humans very clearly. Each person who speaks up is protecting his or her own skin, a survival instinct that Jackson shows to be natural to all the villagers, and by extension all humans. Tessie is willing to throw her daughter and son-in-law into harm’s way to have a better chance of saving herself. The other women are relieved to have not been chosen—no one speaks up against the lottery until they themselves are in danger.
    ellauri270.html on line 379: Bill Hutchinson regretfully agrees with Mr. Summers, and says that his only other family is “the kids.” Mr. Summers formally asks how many kids there are, and Bill responds that there are three: Bill Jr., Nancy, and little Davy. Mr. Graves takes the slips of paper back and puts five, including the marked slip of paper, in the black box. The others he drops on the ground, where a breeze catches them. Mrs. Hutchinson says that she thinks the ritual should be started over—it wasn’t fair, as Bill didn’t have enough time to choose his slip.
    ellauri270.html on line 381: Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves’s calm continuation of the lottery’s ritual shows that they are numb to the cruelty of the proceedings. Tessie’s protests imply that she doesn’t see the choice of the marked slip of paper as fate or some kind of divine decree, but rather as a human failing. Perhaps she sees, too late, that the lottery is only an arbitrary ritual that continues simply because a group of people have unthinkingly decided to maintain it.
    ellauri270.html on line 385: Tessie’s protests have shown the reader that the outcome of the lottery will not be good. Little Davy’s inclusion reinforces the cruelty of the proceedings and the coldness of its participants. Little Davy is put at risk even when he is unable to understand the rituals or to physically follow the instructions. But so what? Is this one more case of "free will" stuffed down your throat?
    ellauri270.html on line 391: Mr. Summers instructs the Hutchinsons to open the papers. Mr. Graves opens little Davy’s and holds it up, and the crowd sighs when it is clearly blank. Nancy and Bill Jr. open theirs together and both laugh happily, as they hold up the blank slips above their heads. Mr. Summers looks at Bill, who unfolds his paper to show that it is blank. “Tessie,” Mr. Summers says. Bill walks over to his wife and forces the slip of paper from her hand. It is the marked slip of paper with the pencil dot Mr. Summers made the night before.
    ellauri270.html on line 393: The inhumanity of the villagers, which has been developed by repeated exposure to the lottery and the power of adhering to tradition, still has some arbitrary limits—they are at least relieved that a young child isn’t the one chosen. They show no remorse for Tessie, however, no matter how well-liked she might be. Even Tessie’s own children are happy to have been spared, and relieved despite their mother’s fate. Jackson builds the sense of looming horror as the story approaches its close. WTF, Tessie is clearly the odd one out, so the outcome of the lottery was fortunate!
    ellauri270.html on line 403: By having children (even Tessie’s own son) involved in stoning Tessie, Jackson aims to show that cruelty and violence are primitive and inherent aspects of human nature—not something taught by society. Tessie’s attempts to protest until the end show the futility of a single voice standing up against the power of tradition and a majority afraid of nonconformists. Jackson ends her story with the revelation of what actually happens as a result of the lottery, and so closes on a note of both surprise and horror. The seemingly innocuous, ordinary villagers suddenly turn violent and bestial, forming a mob that kills one of their own with the most primitive weapons possible—and then happily going home to supper.
    ellauri270.html on line 415: Jackson examines the basics of human nature in “The Lottery,” asking whether or not all humans are capable of violence and cruelty, and exploring how those natural inclinations can be masked, directed, or emphasized by the structure of society. Philosophers throughout the ages have similarly questioned the basic structure of human character: are humans fundamentally good or evil? Without rules and laws, how would we behave towards one another? Are we similar to animals in….. read analysis of Human Nature.
    ellauri270.html on line 443: Former Mariner High School teacher and boys basketball coach James Harris will be spending the next 11 years in state prison after he pleaded guilty in Lee County court on Monday to one count of sexual assault in a school. Harris, 46, had been charged with two counts stemming from his contact with a female student at Mariner in 2016. He allegedly had sex with the student in his classroom before moving the sexual relationship to his home. Court documents also show that Harris fathered a baby with a former student years earlier.
    ellauri270.html on line 513: "The devil knows how to row." "Piru soutaa vanhixen soutua."
    ellauri272.html on line 83: A second study in 2014 was conducted to examine the health of women who had read the series, compared with a control group that had never read any part of the novels. The results showed a correlation between having read at least the first book and exhibiting signs of an eating disorder, having romantic partners that were emotionally abusive and/or engaged in stalking behavior, engaging in binge drinking in the last month, and having 5 or more sexual partners under age 14. The authors could not conclude whether women already experiencing these "problems" were drawn to the series, or if the series influenced these behaviors to occur after reading.
    ellauri272.html on line 300: stems from how the novel describes alcohol, poverty, bullying, violence,
    ellauri272.html on line 306: Happiness in Comedic Young Adult Fiction: Happy Are the Wretched" describes how
    ellauri272.html on line 326: Weyland notes how readers are likely
    ellauri272.html on line 602: Ajallinen raekoko on tässä tärkeintä. Kertoessa aika voi mennä eri vauhtia eteenpäin ja taaxepäin ja vuosikausia voi summeerata kesken kaiken ja kertailla vertaillen vaikka moneen kertaankin eri näkökulmista. Ikäänkuin läpinäkyviä päällekkäisiä dioja kazelisi samanaikaisesti tai muuten epälineaarisessa järjestyxessä ja välillä kamera kääntyisi ize kazojaan. Elokuvassa sellaisesta tulee silppusalaattia tai toivottoman tönkköä keekoilua takautumilla, joissa kazoja ei pysy mukana. Vielä nolompana pidetään jos leffassa on kertoja. Se on sallittu vain luontodokkareissa, muissa rulaa Stephen Kingin show not tell. Elokuva on enempi apinan sekventiaalisen tässä-ja-nyt kokemusmaailman mukaista, sixi valtavat kansanjoukot pitävätkin siitä enemmän. Porukat tuppaavat olemaan hirmu kiukkuisia kun luen kirjasta tai kazon sarjasta ensin lopusta kuka oli murhaaja. Mitä sillä on väliä?
    ellauri275.html on line 460: In his Romantic poems, Chavchavadze dreamed of Georgia's glorious past, when "the breeze of life past" would "breathe sweetness" into his "dry soul." In poems Woe, time, time (ვაჰ, დრონი, დრონი), Listen, listener (ისმინეთ მსმენნო), and Caucasia (კავკასია), the "Golden Age" of medieval Georgia was contrasted with its unremarkable present. As a social activist, however, he remained mostly a "cultural nationalist," defender of the native language, and an advocate of the interest of Georgian aristocratic and intellectual elites. In his letters, Alexander heavily criticized Russian treatment of Georgian national culture and even compared it with the pillaging by Ottomans and Persians who had invaded Georgia in the past. In one of the letters he states: The damage which Russia has inflicted on our nation is disastrous. Even Persians and Turks could not abolish our Monarchy and deprive us of our statehood. We have exchanged one serpent for another.
    ellauri276.html on line 813: I wonder long how many times ihmettelen kauan, kuinka monta kertaa
    ellauri276.html on line 862: Shows on his deed, - the charter of the soil! Näkyy hänen teossaan, - maaperän peruskirja!
    ellauri276.html on line 1196: To see which of us the best furrow can show. kumpi meistä parhaan vaon pystyy näyttämään.
    ellauri277.html on line 233: In April 1904 Day held an exhibit of Gibran’s work at his studio. It was favorably reviewed, and some of the pictures were sold. At the show Gibran met a woman who became his most important patron: Mary Haskell was from a wealthy South Carolina family and ran a private Boston girls’ school.
    ellauri277.html on line 236: Gibran did not have the training to imitate the old masters of Arabic literature: his education had been haphazard and was as much in English as in Arabic, and there is little evidence of the influence of classical Arabic literature in his works. Instead, his Arabic style was influenced by the Romantic writers of late 19th-century Europe and shows obvious traces of English syntax. His allegorical sketches of exile, oppression, and loneliness spoke to the experiences of immigrants and had none of the rhetorical decoration that made high Arabic literature difficult for ordinary readers. Gibran’s haphazard education meant that his Arabic, like his English, was never perfect.
    ellauri277.html on line 240: In the spring of 1913 he visited the International Exhibition of Modern Art—the “Armory Show”—which introduced European modern art to America. He approved of the show as a “declaration of independence” from tradition, but he did not think most of the paintings were beautiful and did not care for the artistic ideologies behind movements such as cubism. The reviews of an exhibition of his own work in December 1914 were mixed. Hedevoted most of his time to painting for the next eighteen years but remained loyal to the symbolism of his youth and became an isolated figure on the New York art scene.
    ellauri278.html on line 214: In February 1921, the Soviet government was approached by the government of the unilaterally declared Irish Republic in Dublin with proposals for a treaty of mutual recognition and assistance. Despairing of early American recognition for the Irish Republic, President of the Dáil Éireann Éamon De Valera had redirected his envoy Patrick McCartan from Washington to Moscow. McCartan may have assumed Litvinov, with his Irish experience, would be a ready ally. Litvinov, however, told McCarten the Soviet priority was a trade agreement with the UK.
    ellauri278.html on line 262: Maxim Litvinov died on on 31 December 1951. After his death, rumours he was murdered on Stalin´s instructions to the Ministry of Internal Affairs circulated. According to Anastas Mikoyan, alorry deliberately collided with Litvinov´s car as it rounded a bend near the Litvinov dacha on 31 December 1951, and he later died of his injuries. British television journalist Tim Tzouliadis stated; "The assassination of Litvinov marked an intensification of Stalin´s anti-Semitic campaign". According to Litvinov´s wife and daughter, however, Stalin was still on good terms with Litvinov at the time of his death. They said he had serious heart problems and was given the best treatment available during the final weeks of his life, and that he died from a heart attack on 31 December 1951. After Litvinov´s death, his widow Ivy remained in the Soviet Union until she returned to live in Britain in 1972.
    ellauri278.html on line 324: Rawhide is an American Western TV series starring Eric Fleming and Clint Eastwood. The show aired for eight seasons on the CBS network on Friday nights, from January 9, 1959, to September 3, 1965, before moving to Tuesday nights from September 14, 1965, until December 7, 1965, with a total of 217 black-and-white episodes. The series was produced and sometimes directed by Charles Marquis Warren, who also produced early episodes of Gunsmoke. The show is fondly remembered by many for its theme, "Rawhide".
    ellauri278.html on line 326: Limp Bizkit is an American rap rock band from Jacksonville, Florida. Its lineup consists of lead vocalist Fred Durst, drummer John Otto, guitarist Wes Borland, turntablist DJ Lethal and bassist Sam Rivers. The band's music is marked by Durst's angry vocal delivery and Borland's sonic experimentation. Borland's elaborate visual appearance, which includes face and body paint, masks, and uniforms, also plays a large role in Limp Bizkit´s live shows. The band has been nominated for three Grammy Awards, sold 40 million records worldwide, and won several other awards. The band has released 26 singles, the most notable of which include "Nookie", "Re-Arranged", "Break Stuff", "Take a Look Around", "Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)." Formed in 1994, Limp Bizkit became popular playing in the Jacksonville underground music scene in the late 1990s. n October 28, 2021, Durst confirmed via Instagram that the band's sixth album – now titled Still Sucks – would be released on October 31, 2021. Durst's lyrics are often profane, scatological or angry. Much of Durst´s lyrical inspiration came from growing up and his personal life. I did it all for the nookie [slang for sexual intercourse].
    ellauri279.html on line 252: Nämä lausunnot olisi pitänyt jättää pois harhaanjohtavina ja pyrkiessään antamaan moraalista vastaavuutta juutalaisten ahdingolle molemmissa maissa, pieni virhe, mutta siitä nyt vaan oli huomautettava. Kuten kirjoittajat osoittivat, Stalinin johtamaa Neuvostoliittoa ja Dwight D. Eisenhowerin johtamaa Amerikan tasavaltaa ei voi verrata.
    ellauri281.html on line 213: In February 1921, the Soviet government was approached by the government of the unilaterally declared Irish Republic in Dublin with proposals for a treaty of mutual recognition and assistance. Despairing of early American recognition for the Irish Republic, President of the Dáil Éireann Éamon De Valera had redirected his envoy Patrick McCartan from Washington to Moscow. McCartan may have assumed Litvinov, with his Irish experience, would be a ready ally. Litvinov, however, told McCarten the Soviet priority was a trade agreement with the UK.
    ellauri281.html on line 261: Maxim Litvinov died on on 31 December 1951. After his death, rumours he was murdered on Stalin´s instructions to the Ministry of Internal Affairs circulated. According to Anastas Mikoyan, alorry deliberately collided with Litvinov´s car as it rounded a bend near the Litvinov dacha on 31 December 1951, and he later died of his injuries. British television journalist Tim Tzouliadis stated; "The assassination of Litvinov marked an intensification of Stalin´s anti-Semitic campaign". According to Litvinov´s wife and daughter, however, Stalin was still on good terms with Litvinov at the time of his death. They said he had serious heart problems and was given the best treatment available during the final weeks of his life, and that he died from a heart attack on 31 December 1951. After Litvinov´s death, his widow Ivy remained in the Soviet Union until she returned to live in Britain in 1972.
    ellauri281.html on line 323: Rawhide is an American Western TV series starring Eric Fleming and Clint Eastwood. The show aired for eight seasons on the CBS network on Friday nights, from January 9, 1959, to September 3, 1965, before moving to Tuesday nights from September 14, 1965, until December 7, 1965, with a total of 217 black-and-white episodes. The series was produced and sometimes directed by Charles Marquis Warren, who also produced early episodes of Gunsmoke. The show is fondly remembered by many for its theme, "Rawhide".
    ellauri281.html on line 325: Limp Bizkit is an American rap rock band from Jacksonville, Florida. Its lineup consists of lead vocalist Fred Durst, drummer John Otto, guitarist Wes Borland, turntablist DJ Lethal and bassist Sam Rivers. The band's music is marked by Durst's angry vocal delivery and Borland's sonic experimentation. Borland's elaborate visual appearance, which includes face and body paint, masks, and uniforms, also plays a large role in Limp Bizkit´s live shows. The band has been nominated for three Grammy Awards, sold 40 million records worldwide, and won several other awards. The band has released 26 singles, the most notable of which include "Nookie", "Re-Arranged", "Break Stuff", "Take a Look Around", "Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)." Formed in 1994, Limp Bizkit became popular playing in the Jacksonville underground music scene in the late 1990s. n October 28, 2021, Durst confirmed via Instagram that the band's sixth album – now titled Still Sucks – would be released on October 31, 2021. Durst's lyrics are often profane, scatological or angry. Much of Durst´s lyrical inspiration came from growing up and his personal life. I did it all for the nookie [slang for sexual intercourse].
    ellauri283.html on line 116: And what is to be made of Corbin Bernsen? What is his place in Christian film? Is he trolling? Is he a great mind misunderstood? Whether it’s abstract musings like Beyond the Heavens or half-hearted satire like Christian Mingle or In-Lawfully Yours, Bernsen’s motivations for making Christian films are very unclear. It’s possible that he’s smarter than us all and doesn’t know how to show it. But it’s also possible that he’s just trying to make a quick buck off of Christian audiences. Reality is probably somewhere in between. Regardless, Beyond the Heavens really needed to be rethought before anyone spent money on it, because it falls flat and is unable to properly convey whatever message it is trying to present.
    ellauri284.html on line 167: Ystävällisen tulipalon jälkeen symbolisille brittijoukoille annettiin japanilaiset sadetakit, jotta japanilaiset tunnistaisivat ne helpommin. Kun Saxan tykistöltä loppuivat ammukset 6. marraskuuta, antautuminen oli väistämätöntä. Lentäjä-ässä ltn Plüschow väitti pudottaneensa pistoolilla japanilaisen Farman MF.VII, mikä oli ensimmäinen emävale sotilasilmailun historiassa. Paljon muita seurasi.
    ellauri284.html on line 199: The right-hand photograph shows two brave British troopers examining a poor German who has been shot, to make sure that life is extinct.
    ellauri284.html on line 595: Tää juonihan on suoraan kanadalaissarjasta The Indian Detective. It is a Canadian crime comedy-drama series which debuted on CTV and Netflix in 2017. The show stars Russell Peters as Doug D'Mello, a police officer from Toronto who becomes embroiled in a murder investigation while visiting his father (Anupam Kher) in Mumbai during a one-month suspension for incompetence. The fourth episode ended in a cliffhanger, hinting at a possible second season; while Peters has stated at various times that a second season was in the works, none has been officially announced as of September 2019. A relatively new show, Season 1 of ‘The Indian Detective’, consisting of four episodes, premiered on November 23, 2017, and it received mixed reviews from television critics and audiences alike. The show has no chance of being renewed for a second season.
    ellauri284.html on line 630: India’s Enforcement Directorate, which tracks financial crimes, has long been investigating the source of IREO’s funding, officials there said. Money from abroad was routed through entities in Mauritius and Cyprus, and investigators believe it was used to finance land purchases in Gurgaon, documents show.
    ellauri284.html on line 649: One state official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of jeopardizing his employment, recalled the heady days of growth when developers routinely showed up at the home of a former chief minister in sport-utility vehicles laden with suitcases full of cash.
    ellauri284.html on line 654: On a blindingly sunny day in Gurgaon, Pankaj Bansal, son of Basant Bansal, appeared on a golf green to greet contestants from the “Apprentice”-style Indian reality show “The Pitch.” The young scion, in a lilac shirt and aviator sunglasses, told the budding entrepreneurs that his family was positioning itself to be “one of the most respected developers in the country” and worked only with the best architects, interior designers and landscapers.
    ellauri284.html on line 657: Basant Bansal caught the attention of tax investigators twice, records show, once in 2008 and again in 2011, when he threw a lavish wedding for his daughter in Turkey, according to a report in the Hindustan Times. Investigators seized cash worth $48 million in a raid on the company’s offices. A tax investigator said that Bansal ultimately paid the taxes he owed.
    ellauri285.html on line 66: Why do humans need to wipe after they poop, when animals can just squat and plop? Why do humans need to shower or they'll get rashes and smell awful, but animals don't?
    ellauri285.html on line 660: Since 2002 Schoenman has worked with documentary filmmaker, Mya Shone, providing commentary for radio stations in many parts of the United States and Canada, and produces the "Taking Aim" radio show, billed as "Uncompromising, fact intensive exposés of the hidden workings of a capitalist system addicted to permanent war". In about 2009 they moved from broadcasting over WBAI to an Internet webcast.
    ellauri285.html on line 777: Fredrickson responded to the critique by agreeing that Losada´s mathematical modelling was "questionable" and did not show that there are precise values of the ratio, but also arguing that the evidence for the benefits of a high positivity/negativity ratio is solid. Fredrickson noted that Losada declined to respond to the criticism.[11] The American Psychologist proceeded to formally retract as invalid the mathematical modeling elements of Fredrickson and Losada´s paper, including the specific critical positivity ratios of 2.9013 and its upper limit.
    ellauri285.html on line 779: The original rebuttal authors conclude this salvo by lamenting that the "unbridled romanticism" of which humanist psychology has been accused has not been replaced with a rigorous evidence-based psychology—as Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi promised in their founding manifesto of positive psychology—rather, the widespread acceptance of the critical positivity ratio shows that positive psychology has betrayed this promise, stating that "the sin is now romantic scientism rather than pure romanticism is not, in our view, a great advance."
    ellauri285.html on line 788: Marcial Francisco Losada was born in 1939 in Chile.[citation needed] He received a Ph.D. in organizational psychology from the University of Michigan. After finishing his doctoral work, Losada served as a Center for Advanced Research (CFAR) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.[when?][citation needed] In his career, Losada developed a nonlinear dynamics model, the meta learning model, to show dynamical patterns achieved by high, medium and low performing teams, where performance was evaluated based on profitability, customer satisfaction, and 360-degree feedback.[citation needed]. In pursuing these goals, he founded and served as executive director of Losada Line Consulting, which had presented past workshops and seminars at companies including Apple, Boeing, EDS, GM, and Merck, and foundations including the Kellogg and Mellon Foundations, with high performance team-building contracts at BCI, Banchile, BHP-Billiton, Codelco, and Telefónica [better source needed].
    ellauri290.html on line 407: Classification broken up into their varied composites, the same totals, show:
    ellauri297.html on line 48: Founder, Ammi Ruhama Community Christian Union. Living History Interpretor. Baker. Milford Baby and Toddler Group Organizer. Bada Bing Pizza Chef. Sunnymead Residential Home Kitchen Assistant. Be Life Cafe and Marketplace Operations Personnel. Summit Christian Academy Steward. I vacuum the hallways, library, music room and preschool room. I clean the bathrooms and mop the gym/cafeteria floor. I also maintain the general premises. Dan the Handy Man. Do you need handy work done around your house, but don't want to have to call in the big guys with the big price? My name is Daniel Bacon and I am an experienced handy man living right here in Clarks Summit. If you need your lawn cut, bushes trimmed, garden weeded, fence painted / stained or just about any other job done, then call me at 570-585-9595 or email me at contactdanielbacon@gmail.com and we'll set up a time for me to come and see if I am the right man for the job. Wait! let me…Show more... (Ouch!) I emptied the front cash register as well as filling in as a sandwich maker. I created schedules and activities for the campers and staff to participate in. I also led worship during the evenings. Student janitor.
    ellauri297.html on line 378: A 30-year-old rabbi helped Imich wrap tefillin. He had lost his hearing aids at the hospital, which made communicating difficult; nevertheless, the two men connected the tefillin ok. Imich had not put on tefillin since his Bar Mitzvah—nearly 100 years ago—in Czestochowa, Poland.
    ellauri299.html on line 558: According to the American Enterprise Institute, research has shown that income and intelligence are related. Stupid guys earn less than smarter ones. Stupid guys end in prison, smarter ones avoid it.
    ellauri299.html on line 636: All det som Grein hade varit med om i Miami framstod some että surrealistiskt skämt-mrs Gombiners dogmatism, Annas dagdrömmar, hans egen avresa. Till och med orkanen han hade fått uppleva verkade ingå i en show som naturen med jämna mellanrum ställde till med för turisternas skull. Inom loppet av en sekund blev det nattsvart mitt på ljusa dagen. Kokosnötter föll på marken. Palmkronor slets av. Trädstammar bröts itu, buskar och blommor flög omkring i stormen likt fåglar. Grenar klövs och liknade pinnar i en väldig solfjäder som inte kunde fällas ihop. Vinden hamrade på hustaken, regnet piskade mot marken och balkonger stötade ner från fasaderna med ett stön. Elledningar slets ner. Anna var tvungen att tända ett starinljus. Den lilla lägan tycktes bara vittnesmål om det som profetiorna forkunnade: att när civilisationen hade utplånats och allt var slut skulle människorna tvingas återvända till en enda liten pappersark.
    ellauri300.html on line 427: I can still remember how
    ellauri300.html on line 455: And can you teach me how to dance real slow?
    ellauri300.html on line 476: But, that's not how it used to be
    ellauri300.html on line 707: Fox försöker stoppa Tucker Carlsons nya show
    ellauri300.html on line 881: 3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? 4 Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.”
    ellauri301.html on line 205: Aivan erityisesti mua vituttaa klisheisissä kirjoissa noi dialogin väliin heitetyt show don´t tell tyyppiset visualisoivat välilauseet kuten: X sytytti röökin ja jatkoi, Y hörppäsi pahvisesta kahvimukista ja vastasi, van Heerde fuktade läpparna innan han började tala. Se on niin klisheistä että tekee ikenistä pahaa. Kuin 70-luvun sarjan mainoskatkot tai Hoblan annonssisivut vanhoille kääkille: "har ni lemproblem? kliar eran torra vagina?"
    ellauri301.html on line 228: Krotoa was born in 1643 as a member of the !Uriǁ’aeǀona (Strandlopers) people, and the niece of Autshumao, a Khoi chieftain and trader. At the age of twelve, she was taken to work in the household of Jan van Riebeeck, the first governor of the Cape colony. As a teenager, she learned Dutch and Portuguese and, like her uncle, worked as an interpreter for the Dutch who wanted to trade goods for cattle. "!Oroǀõas" received goods such as tobacco, brandy, bread, beads, copper and iron for her services. In exchange, when she visited her family her Dutch masters expected her to return with cattle, horses, seed pearls, amber, tusks, and hides. Unlike her uncle, however, who just Spike hottentot, "!Oroǀõas" was able to obtain a higher position within the Dutch hierarchy as she additionally served as a trading agent, ambassador for a high ranking chief and peace negotiator in time of war. Her story exemplifies the initial dependency of the Dutch newcomers on the natives, who were able to provide reasonably reliable information about the local inhabitants.
    ellauri301.html on line 234: She was taken in as a companion and as a servant to Riebeeck´s wife and children. However, many authors and historians speculate that she most likely lived in a sexually abusive space, based on the fondness Van Riebeek showed for her in his journals.
    ellauri301.html on line 236: Circumstantial evidence supports the theory that at the time of the Dutch arrival, the girl was living with her uncle Autshumato (also known as Harry by the Dutch), the circumstantial evidence being that she showed consistent hostility to the !Uriǁ’aekua and, by association, to her own mother, who lived with them. In contrast Krotoa´s fate and fortunes were closely aligned to those of her uncle Autshumato and to his clan known as the !Uriǁ´aeǀona. The ǃUriǁ´aeǀona (rendered in Dutch as "Goringhaicona") people who were sedentary, non-pastoral hunter-gatherers are believed to be one of the first clans to make acquaintance with the Dutch people. Prior to the Dutch´s arrival Autshumato served as a postal agent for passing ships of a number of countries. If the theory of !Oroǀõas having lived with her uncle is true, then her early service to the VOC may not have been as violent a transition as it was made out to be.
    ellauri301.html on line 244: In her essay "Malintzin, Pocahontas, and Krotoa: Indigenous Women and Myth Models of the Atlantic World", University of Michigan professor Pamela Scully compared Krotoa to Malintzin and Pocahontas, two other women of the same time period that were born in different areas of the world (Malintzin in Mesoamerica, Pocahontas in colonial Virginia). Scully argues that all three of these women had very similar experiences in the colonialist system despite being born in different regions. She reflects on the stories of Malintzin, Pocahontas, and Krotoa and states that they are almost too familiar and resonate so comfortably with a kind of inevitability and truth that seems, on reflection, perhaps too neat. Therefore, she claims, Krotoa is one of the women that can be used to show the universality of the way that indigenous people were treated in the colonial system worldwide.
    ellauri302.html on line 68: Regrettably, however, 'The God of Vengeance," despite conclusions too easily drawn, is not a sex play. When Ash wishes to deal with sex as sex he is not afraid to handle the subject with all the poetry and power at his command. Such a play as his "Jephthah's Daughter" treats the elemental urge of sex with daring, beauty and Dionysiac abandon. A lurid reader is referred to this other play. This one is bound to be a disappointment.
    ellauri302.html on line 160: Reb Ali (shutting up Yekele): That is, you will present the Holy Scroll as a wedding-gift to your son-in-law. That's the idea, isn't it? (To the Scribe.) Do you see, Reb Aaron, there are still pious Jews in the world ; here 's a man with a daughter, and has a Scroll of the Law written for her future husband... How beautiful that is, — how virtuous... I tell you, Reb Aaron, that the spirit of Israel, the Jewish spark... the... ahem... ah!.. ah!... (Smacking his lips.)
    ellauri302.html on line 218: Hindel: He's right. A mother should guard her daughter well... Whatever you were, you were, but once you marry and have a child, watch over it... Just wait. If God should bless us with children, I'll know how to bring them up. My daughter will be as pure as a saint, with cheeks as red as beets... I won't let an eye gaze upon her. And she'll marry a respectable fellow, with an orthodox wedding...
    ellauri302.html on line 226: The God Of Vengeance paid my account the day before yesterday... We were standing under the eaves, the rain is so fragrant,.. It washes the whole winter off your head. (Goes over to Hindel.) Just look... (Showing her wet pubic hair.) How fresh it is... how sweet it smells...
    ellauri302.html on line 229: At home, in my village, the first sorrel must be sprouting. Yes, at the first May rain they cook sorrel soup... And the goats must be grazing in the meadows... And the rafts must be floating on the stream... And Franek is getting the Gentile girls together, and dancing with them at the inn... And the women must surely be baking cheese-cakes for the Feast of Weeks.* (Silence.) Do you know what? I'm going to buy myself a new summer tippet and go home for the holidays... (Buns into her room, brings out a large summer hat and a long veil; she places the hat upon her wet hair and surveys herself in the looking-glass.) Just see! If I'd ever come home for the holidays rigged up in this style, and promenade down to the station... Goodness! They'd just burst with envy. Wouldn't they? If only I weren't afraid of my father! He'd kill me on the spot. He's on the hunt for me with a crowbar. Once he caught me dancing with Franek at the village tavern and he gave me such a rap over the arm with a rod (Showing her arm.) that I carry the mark to this very day. I come from a fine family. My father is a butcher. Talk about the fellows that were after me!... (In a low voice.) They tried to make a match between me and Nottke the meat-chopper. I've got his gold ring still. (Indicating a ring upon her finger.) He gave it to me at the Feast of Tabernacles.* Maybe he wasn't wild to marry me, — but I didn't care to.
    ellauri302.html on line 235: Since the Feast of Weeks was one of the “harvest feasts,” the Jews were commanded to “present an offering of new grain to the Lord” (Leviticus 23:16). This offering was to be “two wave loaves of two-tenths of an ephah” which were made “of fine flour... baked with leaven.” The offerings were to be made of the first fruits of that harvest (Leviticus 23:17). Along with the “wave offerings” they were also to offer seven first-year lambs that were without blemish along with one young bull and two rams. Additional offerings are also prescribed in Leviticus and the other passages that outline how this feast was to be observed. Another important requirement of this feast is that, when the Jews harvested their fields, they were required to leave the corners of the field untouched and not gather “any gleanings” from the harvest as a way of providing for the poor and strangers (Leviticus 23:22).
    ellauri302.html on line 241: Reizel: And how is it any better for you here?
    ellauri302.html on line 243: Basha: Here, at least, I'm a free person. I've got my chest of finery, and dress swell. Better clothes, upon my word, than the rich daughters of my village... (Fetching from her compartment a hrown dress.) When I go walking on Marshalkovski street in this dress they all stare at me... Fire and flame! Mm! If I could only put in an appearance in my home town dressed in this fashion, here 's how I 'd promenade to the station. (Struts across the room like a lady of fashion^ raising her skirt at the hack and assuming a cosmopolitan air.) They'd die of jealousy, I tell you... They'd be stricken with apoplexy on the spot. (Promenades about the room playing the grand dame.)
    ellauri302.html on line 259: Reizel, to Manke, in a merry mood: Come, Manke, let's go out into the street. It's raining. The drops are like pearls... The first May shower. Who's coming out with me for a rain bath?
    ellauri302.html on line 260: Manke, approaching the window. It's raining. And what a thin drizzle. And how sweet it smells... Let's go out.
    ellauri302.html on line 262: Basha: At home when we have a shower like this the gutters run over and flood the narrow lanes. And we take off our shoes and stockings and panties and dance in the rain barefoot... Who's going to take her shoes off? (Removes her shoes and stockings.) Take off your shoes, Manke, and let's dance in the rain!
    ellauri302.html on line 264: Manke, removes her stockings and lets down her hair. There! Now let the rain soak us from head to foot... Standing in a May shower makes you grow. Isn't that so?
    ellauri302.html on line 322: Manke No. We'll run away this very night, — with Hindel, to her house... She has a house with Shloyme, she told me. You'll see how nice everything will be... Young folks will be there aplenty, — army officers... and we'll be together, all by ourselves, all day long. We'll dress just like the officers and go horseback-riding. Come, Rifkele, — do you want to?
    ellauri302.html on line 330: Manke, hastily dressing Rifkele. You'll see how nice everything 'll be... What
    ellauri302.html on line 465: Eeb Ali, enters, with Yekel. Praised be the Lord! Praised be the Heavenly Father! (Following Yekel, who paces ahout the room.) See how the Almighty, blessed be His Name, has come to your aid? He punishes, — yes. But he sends the remedy before the disease. Despite your having sinned, despite your having uttered blasphemy. (Admonishi7ig him.) From now on see to it that you never speak such words, — that you have reverence, great reverence... Know what a Holy Scroll is, and what a learned Jew is... You must go to the synagogue, and you must make a generous donation to the students of the Law. You must fast in atonement, and the Lord will forgive you. (Pause. Beh Ali looks sternly at Yekel, who has continued to walk about the room, absorbed in his thoughts.) What? Aren't you listening to me? With the aid of the Almighty everything will turn out for the best. I'm going at once to the groom's father and we'll discuss the whole matter in detail. But be sure not to haggle. A hundred roubles more or less, — remember who you are and who he is. And what's more, see to it that you settle the dowry right away and indulge in no idle talk about the wedding. Heaven forbid, — another misfortune might occur!
    ellauri302.html on line 499: Sarah, smiling, to her husband. Why don't you show yourself, Yekel? (She thricsts a chair taivard him. The visitors express their greetings and take their seats.)
    ellauri309.html on line 269: Twitter. But, God, you should know how tools work before you use them. We
    ellauri309.html on line 279: production when yours hit the stands. So how could a damn title be
    ellauri309.html on line 285: publisher, to create a community with other writers, and to show readers I
    ellauri309.html on line 422: tuloksena. Here Kenneth Copeland and "Oral" Roberts brag how rich they are.
    ellauri309.html on line 503: Showpainilegenda Billy Graham kuoli keskiviikkona 79-vuotiaana, kertoo TMZ. Asian on vahvistanut TMZ:lle Grahamin perhe. Ei vittu tää onkin eri Billy Graham kuin se saarnaaja, mutta yhtä kuolleita kuin kivi ovat molemmat. Tämä artikkeli kertoo saarnaajasta. Samannimisestä showpainijasta on oma art-kikkeli.
    ellauri309.html on line 515: Hoover and Sullivan considered King “the most dangerous Negro of the future in this nation”. Armed with salacious archival material from a recent FBI documents release, Garrow has reported about the iconic civil rights leader’s sexual misconduct, ranging from numerous extramarital affairs and solicitation of prostitutes to the allegation that he was present during the violent rape of a Maryland churchgoer. Garrow insists that a fundamental reconsideration of King's reputation is imminent. He describes how King and a handful of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) officials checked into Washington DC’s Willard hotel along with “several women ‘parishioners’”. The group met in his room and discussed which women among the parishioners would be suitable for natural and unnatural sex acts, meaning anal and oral, genital being natural. The alleged rapist was Reverend Logan Kearse, a Baptist minister from Baltimore. Reportedly, "Mike" King just stood by with erect cock in hand overseeing the action, like another Kim Yung Il.
    ellauri310.html on line 589: V. 1967 Valituissa Paloissa Rauhixen huussissa erään neekerin väsäämässä puheenvuorossa "Neekerin amerikkalainen unelma" esiintyy nyttemmin tabu n-sana useammin kuin tässä, tai Wolfen kirjassa, jossa "niggers talk gruffly to the horses in the stall" (p. 30). Tomi kynäilee kyllä melko mehukkaasti. Pidän tälläsestä Sterne-tyyppisestä selittävästä kerronnasta, ällöön tota Teppo Kurkon "show not tell" tyyppistä leffaimitointia. Tomin kuvauxessa afroamerikkalaisen lynkkauxesta s. 35 on paljon verta ja kosolti n-sanoja. Vähän Tomi on kuin jenkkien Volter Kilpi. Tai Celine, toinen mehukkassti lynäilevä töräpää.
    ellauri311.html on line 49: being shows the power that’s held within us.
    ellauri311.html on line 68: It made me a bit suspicious of our language. I teach women how to connect, honor and love their feminine side. Is exuding feminine energy the same thing as twat sweat?
    ellauri311.html on line 653: and knows how to say most of them. Yes but does he know what they mean or
    ellauri313.html on line 144: the English speaking world considers making a show of trying hard an
    ellauri313.html on line 494:
  • Näyttävä show tai voiman esittely
    ellauri313.html on line 632: How pure, how dear their dwelling-place. puhtaita, rakkaita olosijojaan.
    ellauri316.html on line 320: how?source=Solr&id=yo-museo_ah.M011-988165&index=0&size=large" height="250px" />
    ellauri316.html on line 826: In the US, monuments installed by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-Bandera (OUN) have been misconstrued as representing Ukrainian democracy. The OUN, however, openly declared its intent to “work closely with National-Socialist Greater Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler.”
    ellauri317.html on line 87: П'ятами з Трої накивав. He showed old Troy a cloud of dust. Työnsi mereen täyden kumiveneen.
    ellauri317.html on line 96: Енея не любила — страх; – That's how Aeneas lacked her grace – Aineias ei napannut siinä vika
    ellauri318.html on line 68: No matter how difficult a challenge is, you are capable of completing it by using your exceptionally quick wits and tremendous adaptability powers.
    ellauri318.html on line 274: Briggs. "This here's the beginning of that show where they made
    ellauri321.html on line 101: A new English edition appeared in the year following, and an American reprint of the editio princeps was brought out by Matthew Carey in Philadelphia in 1793. In the meantime its author, whose full name was J. Hector Saint John de Crèvecoeur, had himself translated the book into French, adding to it very considerably, and publishing it in Paris in 1784.* A second French edition, still further enlarged and containing excellent maps and plates, appeared in 1787. These bibliographical facts are significant. They show that for at least twenty years, probably for a much longer period, the “Letters from an American Farmer” was an important interpreter of the New World to the Old. It seems to have been in answer to a demand aroused by his first book that Crèvecoeur ventured to treat the same theme once more. But the three bulky volumes of his “Journey in Upper Pennsylvania” (1801) contain little that is now or illuminating.
    ellauri321.html on line 103: Among other books there fell into a guy named Hazlitt's hands a little volume of double interest to him by reason of his own early sojourn in America, and in a fitting connection he gave it a word of praise. In the Edinburgh Review for October, 1829, he speaks of it as giving one an idea “how American scenery and manners may be treated with a lively poetic interest. The pictures are sometimes highly colored, but they are vivid and strikingly characteristic.” “The author,” he continues, “gives not only the objects, but the feelings of a new country.” Hazlitt had read the book and had been delighted with it nearly a quarter of a century before he wrote of it, and in the earliest years of the century he had commended it warmly to his friends. In November, 1805, Lamb wrote: “Oh, tell Hazlitt not to forget the American Farmer. I dare say it is not so good as he fancies; but a book's a book.”* And it is this book, which not only gained the sympathies of Hazlitt and Charles Lamb, but also by its idealized treatment of American country life may possibly have stirred, as Professor Moses Coit Tyler thought, the imaginations of Byron and Coleridge.
    ellauri321.html on line 123: But Crèvecoeur was after all a Frenchman, with the strong social instinct of his race. And so he proceeds to analyze and define the political conditions of America. It fills him with a quiet but deep satisfaction to be one of a community of “freeholders, the possessors of the soil they cultivate, members of the government they obey, and the framers of their own laws by means of their representatives.” Thus he rises to a consideration of this new type of social man and seeks to answer the question: What xx What is an American? His answer is delightful literature, but fanciful sociology. Had the colonial farmers all been Crèvecoeurs, had they all possessed his ideality, his power of raising simple things into true human dignity, of connecting the homeliest activity with the ultimate social purpose which it furthers in its own small way, his description of the American would have been fair enough. As a matter of fact, the hard-working colonial farmer, cut off from the refining and subduing influences of an older civilization, was probably no very delectable type, however worthy, and one fears that Professor Wendell is right in declaring that Crèvecoeur's American is no more human than some ideal savage of Voltaire. But in this fact lies much of the literary charm of his work, and of its value as a human document of the age of the Revolution.
    ellauri321.html on line 139: I bless God for all the good he has given me; I envy no man's prosperity (unlike the greedy wren that stole the quaker swallow's furnishings), and with no other portion of happiness that that I may live to teach the same philosophy to my children; and give each of them a farm, shew them how to cultivate it, and be like their father, good substantial stantial independent American farmers—an appellation which will be the most fortunate one, a man of my class can possess, so long as our civil government continues to shed blessings on our husbandry. Adieu.
    ellauri321.html on line 146: The next wish of this traveller will be to know whence came all these people? they are a mixture of English, Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, Germans, and Swedes. (Oh, and sundry Indians and Africans, who however own no land.)
    ellauri321.html on line 170: As I have endeavoured to shew you how Europeans become Americans; it may not be disagreeable to shew you likewise how the various Christian sects introduced, wear out, and how religious indifference becomes prevalent. When any considerable number of a particular sect happen to dwell contiguous to each other, they immediately erect a temple, and there worship the Divinity agreeably to 62 their own peculiar ideas. Nobody disturbs them. If any new sect springs up in Europe, it may happen that many of its professors will come and settle in America. As they bring their zeal with them, they are at liberty to make proselytes if they can, and to build a meeting and to follow the dictates of their consciences; for neither the government nor any other power interferes. If they are peaceable subjects, and are industrious, what is it to their neighbours how and in what manner they think fit to address their prayers to the Supreme Being? But if the sectaries are not settled close together, if they are mixed with other denominations, their zeal will cool for want of fuel, and will be extinguished in a little time. Then the Americans become as to religion, what they are as to country, allied to all. In them the name of Englishman, Frenchman, and European is lost, and in like manner, the strict modes of Christianity as practised in Europe are lost also.
    ellauri321.html on line 184: But how is this accomplished in that croud of low, indigent people, who flock here every year from all parts of Europe? I will tell you; they no sooner arrive than they immediately feel the good effects of that plenty of provisions we possess: they fare on our best food, and they are kindly entertained; their talents, character, and peculiar industry are immediately inquired into; they find countrymen every where disseminated, let them come from whatever part of Europe.
    ellauri321.html on line 205: The term of the lease shall be thirty years; how do you like it, Andrew? Oh, Sir, it is very good, but I am afraid, that the king or his ministers, or the governor, or some of our great men, I don't mean you Sir, will come and take the land from me; your son may say to me, by and by, this is my father's land, Andrew, you must quit it. No, no, said Mr. Lessor, there is no such danger; I am here just to take the labour of a poor settler; here we have no great men, but what are subordinate to our laws; so calm all your fears, I will give you a lease, so that none can can make you afraid. Andrew did not understand a word; we therefore can easily forgive him a few spontaneous ejaculations on the rug, which would be useless to wipe off.
    ellauri321.html on line 218: Juan in America was a success and was chosen by the Book Society as Book of the Month. However, the work annoyed the Commonwealth Foundation – Linklater was accused of showing too little respect for the United States and its institutions. Russian Communism the writer considered an "Oriental perversion aggravated by torments and a technique filched from Germanic practice."
    ellauri321.html on line 220: Set in the year before the Wall Street crash, Juan in America is a classic evocation of the final mania of prohibition, as seen through equally maniacal British eyes. The character Eric Linklater devised to be his unreliable explorer was one capable of absorbing the enormity of the American experience without being overwhelmed by its incongruities. A blithe, bastard descendent of Byron(tm)s Don Juan, Linklater´s Juan is an anti-hero with a taste for the grotesque and the ridiculous, at once both dirty and deity whose response when faced either with sudden catastrophe or miraculous survival is simply to laugh. A novel in the mode of the picaresque, this is a story of erotic discovery in the sense, as Juan puts it, that, eh, your trousers hide not only your willy but your kinship to the clown. A nation emerging as a great power is exalting in absurdist energies. In its last spasms before the great depression, America is revealed through a series of unlikely accidents as Juan stumbles from state to state, somehow evading consequences as he goes. On his first day, he falls for the daughter of a gangster, witnesses a murder in a speakeasy and watches a woman leap to her death in a New York street. He thrills to the bizarreness of each spectacle and moves on to the next in a galloping mood that is part medieval romance, part running commentary on what was still, in the 1920s, the new world.
    ellauri322.html on line 82: Excess and inequality of taxation, however disguised in the means, never fail to appear in their effects. As a great mass of the community are thrown thereby into poverty and discontent, they are constantly on the brink of commotion; and deprived, as they unfortunately are, of the means of information, are easily heated to outrage. Tupla hah.
    ellauri322.html on line 115: Be it, however, what it may, it is no other than the consequence of excessive burden of taxes, for, at the time when the taxes were very low, the poor were able to maintain themselves; and there were no poor-rates.
    ellauri322.html on line 236: In 1776, Mary Wollstonecraft's father, a rolling stone, rolled into Wales. Again he was a failure. Next year again he was a Londoner; and Mary had influence enough to persuade him. to choose a house at Walworth, where she would be near to her friend's fanny. Then, however, the conditions of her home life caused her to be often on the point of going away to earn a living for herself. In 1778, when she was nineteen, Mary Wollstonecraft did leave home, to take a situation as companion with a rich tradesman's widow at Bath, of whom it was said that none of her companions could stay with her. Mary Wollstonecraft, nevertheless, stayed two years with the difficult widow, and made herself respected. Her mother's failing health then caused Mary to return to her. The father was then living at Enfield, and trying to save the small remainder of his means by not venturing upon any business at all. The mother died after long suffering, wholly dependent on her daughter Mary's constant care. The mother's last words were often quoted by Mary Wollstonecraft in her own last years of distress "A little patience, and all will be over."
    ellauri322.html on line 358: The view of this wild coast, as we sailed along it, afforded me a continual subject for meditation. I anticipated the future improvement of the world, and observed how much man has still to do to obtain of the earth all it could yield. I even carried my speculations so far as to advance a million or two of years (!) to the moment when the earth would perhaps be so perfectly cultivated, and so completely peopled, as to render it necessary to inhabit every spot, yes, even these bleak shores. Imagination went still farther, and pictured the state of man when the earth could no longer support him. Whither was he to flee from universal famine ? Sitten se kezu söi ize izensä ja sixi ei enää ole kezuja.
    ellauri322.html on line 481: I left this letter unfinished, as I was hurried on board, and now I have only to tell you that, at the sight of Dover cliffs, I wondered how anybody could term them grand; they appear so insignificant to me, after those I had seen in Sweden and Norway.
    ellauri323.html on line 124: At the close of the Season, Paris claimed her for a month’s engagement. Paris saw her and was prostrate. Boldini did a portrait of her. Jules Bloch wrote a song about her; and this, for a whole month, was howled up and down the cobbled alleys of Montmartre. And all the little dandies were mad for “la Zuleika.” Dändeistä on paasattu mm albumeissa 49, 53, 56, 61, 98, 107, 139,
    ellauri323.html on line 135: And I daresay, indeed, that had he never met Zuleika, the irresistible, he would have lived, and at a very ripe old age died, a dandy without reproach. For in him the dandiacal temper had been absolute hitherto, quite untainted and unruffled. He was too much concerned with his own perfection ever to think of admiring any one else. Different from Zuleika, he cared for his wardrobe and his toilet-table not as a means to making others admire him the more, but merely as a means through which he could intensify, a ritual in which to express and realise, his own idolatry. At Eton he had been called “Peacock,” and this nick-name had followed him up to Oxford. It was not wholly apposite, however. For, whereas the peacock is a fool even among birds, the Duke had already taken (besides a particularly brilliant First in Mods) the Stanhope, the Newdigate, the Lothian, and the Gaisford Prize for Greek Verse. And these things he had achieved currente calamo, “wielding his pen,” as Scott said of Byron, “with the easy negligence of a nobleman.” The dandy must be celibate, cloistral; is, indeed, but a monk with a mirror for beads and breviary—an anchorite, mortifying his soul that his body may be perfect.
    ellauri323.html on line 137: He knew well, however, that women care little for a man’s appearance, and that what they seek in a man is strength of character, and rank, and wealth. Are you fond of horses? In my stables of pine-wood and plated-silver seventy are installed. Not all of them together could vie in power with one of the meanest of my motor-cars.”
    ellauri324.html on line 218: I live in a wealthy suburb on the outskirts of Silicon Valley in California; trees, flowers, birds, mostly nice neighbors of diverse backgrounds. On the surface, it seems a wonderful place to live, and in many respects, it is, however, if I look out my front window, I see this:
    ellauri324.html on line 230: The US is run by an oligarchy of libertarian fantasists, who have spent so long sucking hallucinogenic bile from the withered teats of Ayn Rand that they have lost all contact with reality. The government is not entirely to blame for the current situation; a lot of the social problems are the result of the narcissistic counter culture that started in the 1960s, but now that these problems are getting worse, the question is, can the government continue to pretend that they don’t exist, or that there is somehow a “free market” solution to mass shootings, drug addiction, and homelessness?
    ellauri324.html on line 240: If the author of the question long one is wealthy and well traveled he would know that Europe and Asia had many technological advances long before USA did or will ever have such as TGV or bullet trains for example. After spending time in Europe and Asia it was decades later I saw many of these advances here to buy or experience. Japanese cars nearly sunk USA automakers. Why didn’t the corp heads heed anything. TGV in France and Japan and other nations is unrivaled and we have not even one such train here. Tankless water heaters, available in Asia and Europe decades before here. Roads and other infrastructure also superior. My research shows that Americans were so busy creating totalitarian policies like redlining and private cars and pools and expressways removed entire neighborhoods of blacks to create all white suburbs that they were unconcerned with advances that would unite people. Sure everywhere are class societies but it’s a whole different level here. The homeless situation is opening eyes in this country and many things are borne out of a highly segregated society where it’s expensive to live in certain cities and suburbs and the rest be damned. Obviously California has destroyed itself from within. The liberals there and other states are the most class and race conscious than any other people on earth. This blind spot is like a beacon. A prism that breaks down social order. The wealthy libs have to accept their roles in American destruction. It will get worse long before it improves. [Redlining is an illegal practice in which lenders avoid providing credit services to individuals living in or seeking to live in, communities of color because of the race, color, or national origin of the residents in those communities.]
    ellauri324.html on line 246: There will then be a chip that can do everything i mentioned before however this will be implanted within you and the idea will be that its safe secure trendy and it makes you like a GOD! celebrities professors of high institutions law enforcement CEOS etc will all have this making it more intriguing to the masses. In a short amount of time this will edge out physical currency however people will have an option. When enough people have accepted this IT WILL BECOME MANDATORY YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BUY OR SELL, TRAVEL OR WORK, TAKE THE BUS THE TRAIN EAT AT RESTAURANTS OR EVEN APPLY TO SCHOOLS OR WORK JOBS. Within your schools and hospitals and workplaces your bosses and teachers will make this mandatory and you will have to comply before you end up in jail or confinement. At this point you will have to either leave and take up whatever supplies you have or join people who are like minded in not conforming to the technological abomination. People at this time will be very sick and people in America have been getting more sick with food pollution stress fatigue etc they will rely on the system for their medication with heart and organ failures depression and psychosis tumors and boils that will seem to have no cure. People who rely on the system will have a harder time withdrawing from it. Addictions food intolerances vaccine epidemics and malnutrition exhaustion fatigue depression and violence will be on the rise to a point where they could and want to call for martial law.
    ellauri324.html on line 460: in the same way so they understand how unacceptable it
    ellauri324.html on line 466: and show real prices? Make tips mean something so that
    ellauri324.html on line 470: to be sorted out! People seem to be judged by how rich
    ellauri324.html on line 533: You seem to have little idea just how insane you are all
    ellauri324.html on line 564: idea how creepy that was for me. You see, of course also
    ellauri324.html on line 610: (showing off) I simply was not used to ;-)
    ellauri324.html on line 632: You have no idea how creepy that was for me. You see, of
    ellauri324.html on line 656: standing hours in line just to show my passport and
    ellauri324.html on line 669: TV commercial breaks: When watching american shows I’ve always wondered why they so often show the logo and fade to black. Untill I visited the states, that is. They have a commercial break every 7 minutes. It’s absolutely outrageous. In the states it takes 1 hour of TV to show a 30 minute show. For someone who’s used to 22-min shows taking 22 mins and 45 min shows taking 45 mins, this is truly jarring.
    ellauri324.html on line 682: on a whim, I asked him how much a taxi ride should cost.
    ellauri324.html on line 739: beginning to see how America did it and they noticed that
    ellauri324.html on line 744: Sadly I am stuck here. My daughter and her soon-to-be husband want to stay and my wife and I don’t want to move far away from her, so here we are. Fortunately our life is very good because we have invested well and have our own business. Life for most is nearly impossibly difficult here. Hopefully, one day my daughter will say, “pops, lets get the fuck out of here.” I’d be gone in three nano-seconds. That is how bad I feel this country has gotten.
    ellauri324.html on line 753: and it has gotten worse since. And how different
    ellauri326.html on line 210: Navigaattori löytää älykkäitä merisalamanterilajeja Tyynenmeren saaren rannikolta. Hän hyödyntää niitä helmenkalastuksessa ja auttaa niitä kehittymään. Emme aio keskittyä tiettyyn hahmoon, tarina kertoo eläintensä laajentumisesta, kuten historiallinen raportti, mutta mitä meidän on erityisesti muistettava tästä romaanista, on sen kritiikki luontoa, ihmistä kohtaan. Karel Capek on hyvin pessimistinen tästä ihmisluonnosta, tämä kirja on kirjoitettu 1930-luvulla ja julkaistiin vuonna 1936, ja on totta, että tuolloin se ei todellakaan ollut kovin hyvä. Se on eräänlainen filosofinen tarina, Karel Capek valaisee kaikkia yhteiskunnan virheitä kaikilla aloilla: kapitalismin lyhytaikainen opportunismi, tuhoisa nationalismi, lahkojen ylilyönne, rasismi, turha tieteellinen kiista, media, shshow bizz… Se liittyy 1930-luvulle, mutta sen aihe ei ole varsinaisesti vanhentunut ja sen ajankohtaisuus on varsin pelottavaa. Jotkut kohdat ovat erittäin hauskoja, kirja on koottu tiedostoksi, johon on lisätty lehdistön otteita, tosiasiat seuraavat toisiaan ilman varsinaisia ​​linkkejä, mutta kokonaisuus muodostaa hyvin yhtenäisen kokonaisuuden, se on fiktiota aiheesta ”Ihmiskunta katoaa, hyvä ero”, terävällä, irrallaan huumorilla ja kauhealla selkeydellä. Vasta aivan äskettäin kuulin tästä kirjailijasta, hän oli ehdolla Nobel-palkinnon saajaksi, mutta ei koskaan voittanut sitä. Salamanterien sodassa on klassisen, ajankohtainen, hauska, ajaton ulottuvuus, se kannattaa mennä tutustumaan.
    ellauri327.html on line 407: Самое страшное, что часть мира привыкла к войне в Украине, для них это становится похожим на шоу, - Зеленский. “You see this in the United States, in Europe. And we see that as soon as they start to get a little tired, for them it becomes like a show: I can’t watch this repeat for the 10th time,” the head of state explained. 17:48 10/30/2023 6 570 53
    ellauri327.html on line 411: Time journalists said that after Zelensky’s visit to the United States, they returned with him to Kyiv to try to understand how he would respond to signals received from the Americans, including persistent calls to fight corruption and antisemitism.
    ellauri327.html on line 413: On the first day, journalist Simon Schuster asked a person from Zelensky’s entourage how the president was feeling. “Evil,” they answered him.
    ellauri327.html on line 415: "Zelensky feels betrayed by his Western allies. They left him without the means to win the war, only the means to survive it," the journalist says. And the main showman in this show is President Zelensky. Show off the light of nakedness in military-style football and pants, wearing a mask of turbonosti - bloating. He joins with his allies and watches his favorite videos for the TV show.
    ellauri328.html on line 513: Tlaib, one of the House's most vocal critics of Israel's treatment of Palestinians, has come under intense scrutiny following Hamas' deadly attack on October 7. Her failure to directly condemn Hamas' attack while still mourning the loss of life on both Israeli and Palestinian sides, as well as her blaming Israel for the deadly strike on a Gaza hospital, angered many in Congress, including Greene. Condemning is important, you show who was right and who was wrong, viz. which side you're on. Two wrongs don't make right, only one of them does.
    ellauri330.html on line 204:

    Lembergissä lännessä ollaan ydinukrainalaisia. Venäjästä ei ole tietoa. No Lemberg kuuluikin Saxalle tai Puolalle suuren isänmaallisen sodan voittoon saakka. 99% of Americans speak English. But that, somehow does not make them Englishmen... A good point!
    ellauri332.html on line 113: Abelard showed humility in recognizing his errors, Bernard used great benevolence. Historiassa ja populaarikulttuurissa Abelard tunnetaan parhaiten intohimoisesta ja traagisesta rakkaussuhteestaan ja intensiivisestä nesteiden vaihdostaan loistavan opiskelijansa ja mahdollisen vaimonsa Héloïse d'Argenteuilin kanssa. Hän oli naisten ja heidän koulutuksensa puolustaja. Lähetettyään Héloïsen luostariin Bretagnen suojelemaan häntä väkivaltaiselta sedältä, joka ei halunnut hänen tavoittelevan tätä kiellettyä rakkautta, sedän lähettämät miehet kastroivat hänet. Héloïse piti edelleen itseään puolisonsa, vaikka molemmat kassit jäivät luostareihin tämän tapahtuman jälkeen, ja puolusti häntä julkisesti, kun paavi Innocentius II tuomitsi hänen oppinsa ja Abelardia pidettiin harhaoppisena. Näistä mielipiteistä Abelard tunnusti naisen syyttömyyden, joka tekee synnin rakkaudesta. No jopa pomppasi, louskutti Clairvaux Bernhardilainen, sittenhän Eevakin olisi ollut synnitön ja koko korttitalo lysähtäisi perisynnin mukana.
    ellauri332.html on line 162: On turha sanoa, että "Simpsonit" -show on rypistynyt muutaman höyhenen yli 30 (ja lisää) vuoden aikana. Animaatioesitys on sekoitus satiirista ja WC-huumoria, joka on aina pitänyt yleisön ja sensuurit WC-istuinten reunoilla.
    ellauri332.html on line 553: Mitä saat, kun annat Channing Tatumille valkaistun parran ja terävät korvat? Katastrofi, joka on "Jupiter Ascending". Meillä kaikilla oli suuria toiveita tämän elokuvan suhteen, koska se tuli Wachowskin sisarten [n.h.] ihmeellisen omaperäisestä mielestä. Valitettavasti toiveemme putosivat hyvin nopeasti, nopeammin kuin Jupiterin seisokki. Sitä on julistettu yhdeksi viimeaikaisten muistojen pahimmista elokuvista, pääasiassa sen mutkikkaan juonen ja hirvittävän näyttelemisen vuoksi. Katsomme sinua, cistransu Eddie Redmayne. Näyttelijä voitti kiistanalaisesti Razzie-palkinnon kauheasta näyttelemisestä tässä elokuvassa, vain vuosi akatemiapalkinnon voittamisen jälkeen.
    ellauri332.html on line 624: Kriitikko Joe Morgenstern The Wall Street Journalista lkuvaili hahmoa "rastafari Stepin Fetchitiksi kaviotasolla, joka ärsyttävästi risteää Butterfly McQueenin." Naislakimies ja kriittinen rotuteoreetikko Patricia J. Williams on ehdottanut, että monet Jar Jarin hahmon piirteet muistuttavat läheisesti blackface-minstrel-shown esiintyjiä ja Powell Ford ehdottaa, että hahmo on "rento klovnihahmo" joka jatkaa stereotypioita mustasta Karibiasta. Lucas kiisti yhteydet hahmon ja rasismin välillä; Best totesi myös, että Jar Jarilla ei ole yhteyttä Karibiaan, toisin kuin Bestillä.
    ellauri333.html on line 81: These inscriptions proclaim Ashoka's adherence to the Buddhist philosophy. The inscriptions show his efforts to develop the Buddhist dhamma throughout his kingdom. Although Buddhism as well as Gautama Buddha are mentioned, the edicts focus on social and moral precepts rather than specific religious practices or the philosophical dimension of Buddhism. These were located in public places and were meant for people to read.
    ellauri333.html on line 93: Ceylonese sources state that Ashoka succeeded his father Bindusara 314 years after Buddha's Nirvana and that his anointment took place four years after his father's death, or 218 years after the Nirvana. The Burmese tradition confirms the two dates 214 and 218. The traditional date of the Nirvana is 544 B.C. Various devices were proposed in order to account for this chronological error, until Fleet showed that the Buddha-varsha of 544 B. C. is a comparatively modern fabrication, of the twelfth century, and that the difference of about sixty years is the quite natural result of the buddhists bungling it again.
    ellauri333.html on line 140: Hyvä Asoka, turvan kiinnipito voittaa 'sananvapauden' 6-0. Moreover, Devanampriya speaks thus : Obedience must be rendered to mother and father, likewise to elders ; compassion must be shown towards animals ; the truth must be spoken: these same moral virtues (dharma-guna) must be practised. In the same way the pupil must show reverence to the master, and one must behave in a suitable manner towards relatives. This is an ancient rule, and this conduces to long life. Thus one must act.
    ellauri333.html on line 153: Secondly, in the first rock-edict, section B, he directly prohibits the killing of animals at sacrifices. At the end of the same edict, however, he rather naively confesses that he had not yet been able to carry out fully the 1 abstention from killing animals' which formed part of his moral code, and that three animals were still being killed daily in his kitchen; but he promises that even this slaughter would be discontinued in future. Samansuuntaisia hiilijalanjälkilupauxia tekevät kaikki kauppiaat tänä päivänä.
    ellauri333.html on line 252: Tulsidas’ liberal view of a true Bhakt, however, expresses the feudal male view that the state and its laws, as they exist, are rational. So Ram, according to the laws, kills the Dalit Shambook for gobbling tapas (penance) and Bali for daring to take away his (presumed dead) brother’s wife, and exiles Sita, and the Bhakt accepts it. Valmiki’s Sita sees that masculine mores of male kings relate to a specific moral code that forgives Caesar but not his wife. That male power exists and sex equality does not.
    ellauri333.html on line 256: Among the military fraternities of ancient tribes, all young males were initiated into the art of killing anyone perceived as a threat to the tribe. Such ceremonies followed rituals whereby the young men stripped and dressed in animal skin (often also donning a fierce animal mask) and worked themselves into a bestial rage. Rage removes inhibitions. Rage alone makes the gentle, genial young man next door who listens to film songs all day suddenly go berserk and join a mob as killer of the perceived enemy. Bearskin and Berserk, the two words incidentally are synonymous in German. The question is, how do you awaken the killer instinct in a male turning even a laid-back herbivore into a blood thirsty predator? Well here's how:
    ellauri333.html on line 336: However, while several upper caste individuals showcase pride in their surnames and its association with their identity, several Dalit communities are forced to bear the onus of having surnames that give away their marginalised identity, leading to ostracism.
    ellauri333.html on line 360: Termiä dalit käytti etenkin tiettävästi ensimmäisenä Jyotirao Phule 1800-luvulla kiinnittääkseen huomiota kastittomien sorrettuun asemaan. Laajemmin tunnetuksi sen teki filosofina ja poliitikkona tunnettu paaria B. R. Ambedkar, joka osaltaan vaikutti kastilaitoksen viralliseen lakkauttamiseen. Ambedkar syntyi Mhowin kaupungissa, brittiläisessä Intiassa, kastittomaan perheeseen 14. huhtikuuta 1891.
    ellauri334.html on line 149: The first series of the miniseries, produced for ITV, was originally shown in the UK in 2012 and premiered in the U.S. in April 2013, on PBS. A second series was broadcast on ITV in January 2014 and on PBS in April 2014. Both series were later aired by Australia's ABC TV.The series was distributed worldwide by Kew Media.
    ellauri334.html on line 263: What I think many Christians fail to understand is how irrelevant to Judaism the Christian books and beliefs are. We dn’t have a view about Judas, he is never discussed, there are no discussions about him in Jewish sources. He is completely irrelevant as are the rest of the figures from Christian books. So, you may find some Jews who have formed their personal opinion about him, but there is no comments or view on him from Jewish sources since he is irrelevant and not a subject of discussion for us.
    ellauri334.html on line 287:

    So how DO Jewish people view Judas?

    ellauri334.html on line 313: He isn't. It is not a name ever discussed or thought about by Jews. Ever. It is impossible to capture in words how little we care about him. Here it is:
    ellauri334.html on line 333: I cannot say I know a whole lot about Judas Iscariot besides the general story about him betraying Jesus to the Roman authorities, but one thing I MUST say - Judaism has NOTHING to do with Judas Iscariot. I had more than one person ask me “Why do you guys follow Judas?? Surely he was a bad person!”. This would be funny but when I think about how many Jews were actually killed or oppressed because of things like this - it’s not funny at all.
    ellauri334.html on line 338: Anyway….I have never been able to figure how it’s anyone’s responsibility for what happened to Jesus, other than G-d himself….This was his plan…..and he put it into action…How come he is never blamed….I blame him…
    ellauri336.html on line 384: I’m an American born Muslim woman and I see many similarities of Jews with Islam as there are a lot of intersections of all three monotheistic faiths. I do not believe in covering my hair, but if one were to look at Nativity sets that are displayed during Christmas and look at Christian nuns habits we will observe a modesty all three faiths have in common. I notice more people objecting to women that choose and I use that word loosely, to observe modesty than to object to women or men that show little in clothing modesty..it is very subjective anyway on what is considered modest. Also, it seems the people who take it upon themselves to enforce these rules are committing a greater sin of being cruel and punitive. Where is the mercy and love all religions preach?
    ellauri336.html on line 392: It SHOULD be the responsibility of adult males to BE able to control themselves but alas it seems popular in Jewish Life to make excuses pertaining to their weaknesses and inability to control themselves. I guess it shows it angers me. There are such double standards it causes me growl moments 😔
    ellauri336.html on line 421: I hear you. It certainly feels that way no matter how often we are told it is not. I guess a lot of anger and confusion grew in me from being that 9 year old girl reading the line ‘ thank G_d we were born men not women’ in a prayer book. I have never forgotten it 🙁
    ellauri336.html on line 425: I addressed this challenging prayer here https://jewinthecity.com/2018/11/how-i-deal-with-thank-you-for-not-making-me-a-woman-shelo-asani-isha-blessing/
    ellauri336.html on line 429: Perhaps if one looks at it in the light of all the responsibilities a woman…a wife…a mother (the whole concept of conceiving, baring and raising the chikdren) has….the man is joyful in not having to be a woman. Be grateful to God how we are wonderfully made and to what responsibilities He has given us …if you want to say “role”…His perfect plan.
    ellauri336.html on line 513: They didnt die. The gemara relates that twice on yom kippur (2 different years) the kohen gadol (her son) had to leave the beis hamikdash, and in the process became tamei requiring his brother to take over. That would account for at least three of her sons serving as kohen gadol with none dead. The story the gemara relates as to how the KG became tamei is not a negative either. The spittle of a non jew landed on him.
    ellauri336.html on line 520: Popa probably didn’t realize how much he would get done, and when he ran out of printed sheets, he wrote the last three amudim from memory and then chazzered them.
    ellauri336.html on line 583: Thunberg on Twitter wrote how “I am not “against” Israel or Palestine. Needless to say I’m against any form of violence or oppression from anyone or any part,” while condoning the violence.
    ellauri336.html on line 586: Her comments, however, rang of empty words and absolute nothingness for most people on Twitter, who pointed out that she wasn’t for starters, taking a stance, and while condoning violence was not mentioning how there was a power imbalance. Some even pointed out the quote “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor,” by Bishop Desmond Tutu.
    ellauri336.html on line 598: Thunberg also shared an Instagram post to her “story” that called on people across the world to engage in a “general strike” and refuse to go to school or work to show “solidarity” with Palestinians. The post reads: “Let's make it together a reality and bring as much pressure on the West to change it's [sic] racist policies and to stop the genocide in Gaza! We will not be silent while our people, our families are being slaughtered!”
    ellauri336.html on line 608: But to do that without even sparing a thought for the Israeli victims shows a shockingly one-sided ignorance at best — and a lack of value for specifically Jewish lives at worst.
    ellauri336.html on line 648: A spokeswoman for the Texas Oil and Gas Association, a trade group, did not respond to a request for comment on how the industry plans to improve air quality in the Permian. Its president, Todd Staples, has said that its members “are accomplishing emissions progress through voluntary programmes, innovations and efficiencies”.
    ellauri339.html on line 591: The United States controls how the war in the Ukraine proceeds and always has. Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said that it was the Americans who scuttled any chance of peace in Ukraine as early as March 2022, soon after the war began. “The only people who could resolve the war over Ukraine are the Americans. During the peace talks in March 2022 in Istanbul, Ukrainians did not agree to peace because they were not allowed to. They had to coordinate everything they talked about with the Americans first. However, nothing eventually happened. My impression is that nothing could happen because everything was decided in Washington.”
    ellauri339.html on line 597: Biden administration officials are also worried that Ukraine is running out of men in this war of attrition, while Russia has a seemingly endless supply. Ukraine is struggling with recruiting and recently saw public protests (of course not shown on American T.V.) about President Volodymyr Zelensky’s open-ended conscription requirements. Kiev is resorting to sending 40- and 50-year-olds to the front.
    ellauri339.html on line 603: Any talk about peace was insulting to Kiev, fighting for its survival and all. Meanwhile, Zelensky at first flew around the world like the antichrist Bono, procuring weapons while showing off his man-to-man relationships with celebrities. (Now desperate, Zelensky is claiming Russia, Iran, and North Korea sponsored Hamas’s attack on Israel as he tries to rustle up support.)
    ellauri339.html on line 607: It’s as compelling as it is untrue. Any thoughtful analysis of the war showed it to be, from early days, a war of attrition at best for the Ukrainian side. While the U.S. could supply nearly bottomless cargo planes full of weapons and munitions, right up to the promised F-16 fighter-bombers and M1A tanks, it could not fill the manpower gap. Any appetite for American troop involvement was hushed up early in the fight. Russia could do what she had always done at war: hunker down
    ellauri339.html on line 610: But the most predictable factor leading to quiet U.S. moves toward some sort of “peace solution” in Ukraine is as predictable as the battlefield results. There is unease in the U.S. government over how much less public attention (despite the propaganda) the war in Ukraine has garnered since the Israeli–Hamas conflict began more than a month ago. Combined with a new Speaker of the House seeking to decouple aid to Israel from aid to Ukraine, officials fear that shift could make securing additional funds for Kiev difficult.
    ellauri340.html on line 37: Näiden muutosten jälkeen julkaisijat alkoivat jälleen esitellä supersankaritarinoita (joka oli parempi kuin rikos ja kauhu), muutos, joka alkoi DC Comicsin The Flash in Showcase #4:n (lokakuu 1956) uuden version esittelystä.
    ellauri342.html on line 414: Wear a Plunger on Your Head Day. It is celebrated every year on December 18, yet no one really knows why. There is no good reason why you should wear a plunger on your head, but that is exactly how the day is celebrated! Go ahead, invite a bit of fun and silliness into your life!
    ellauri342.html on line 570: Edwin Jack Fisher (August 10, 1928 – September 22, 2010) was an American singer and actor. He was one of the most popular artists during the 1950s, selling millions of records and hosting his own TV show, The Eddie Fisher Show. Actress Elizabeth Taylor was best friends with Fisher's first wife, actress Debbie Reynolds. After Taylor's third husband, Mike Todd, another entertainment Jew, was killed in a plane crash over Mexico 1958, Fisher divorced Reynolds and he and Taylor married that same year.
    ellauri344.html on line 300: hows-OK-67425b67-89e5-4ece-b5b6-ba137a3077b6-874706f1.jpeg?crop=639,361,x0,y0&width=2560" width="90%" />
    ellauri345.html on line 272: Am 30. November 1917 wurde in München Gundolfs Tochter Cordelia außerehelich geboren. Seine Heirat mit ihrer Mutter, der in Berlin lebenden jüdischen Pianistin Agathe Mallachow (1884–1983), hatte der böse Schwul Stefan George verhindert.
    ellauri346.html on line 54: Is there a chance of an attack on Russia by Ukrainian terrorists? You don’t appear to understand how this works. Russia has made overt war on Ukraine. Any attacks on Russian soil would be part of the bigger war that Putin and Fascist Russia has caused. That’s how war works. It includes terrorism.
    ellauri346.html on line 249: Former Ukrainian MP Illya Kyva has been assassinated in Russia by Ukraine's SBU security service, law enforcement sources have told BBC Ukraine. - "How can I negotiate with a murderer like Putin? Setting aside that for a moment, how can I negotiate with the Russians? How can I debate about the people who reside in cities and villages that are occupied? We can't dictate where a person should live, what language they should speak, or which flag they should respect. Who are we to decide these things?" - Zelenskyy pointedly questioned.
    ellauri346.html on line 293: Major crisis in Russia as they're facing an egg shortage and gigantic lines are forming. In Russia, ruled by dictator Vladimir Putin, there is a shortage of eggs. In Russia, ruled by dictator Vladimir Putin, there is a shortage of eggs. The regime-controlled Russian media, however, asserts that the crisis around egg shortage has been exaggerated, placing the blame on "stupid Ukrainians".
    ellauri346.html on line 302: The spending spree allegedly occurred during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit to the United States and Canada in September 2023. On Sept. 22 — the day of the purported Cartier spending spree in New York — Zelenskyy addressed the Canadian Parliament alongside Zelenska and participated in a rally with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau later that night. The couple returned to Ukraine following that event. For these reasons, the Cartier trip could not have occurred on Sept. 22, as indicated in the viral video, and almost certainly, based on how packed both of their schedules were, could not have occurred on any of the days prior to that — at least not without fake media attention.
    ellauri346.html on line 304: On Nov. 19, 2023, The Electronic Intifada, an online publication that focuses on Palestinian perspectives, claimed that a video showing Israeli children singing about the "annihilation" of Gaza had been shared, then deleted, on Israeli public broadcaster Kan News’ online platforms.
    ellauri348.html on line 244: Stephen Edward Ambrose (10. tammikuuta 1936 – 13. lokakuuta 2002) oli amerikkalainen historioitsija, joka tunnettiin eniten Yhdysvaltain presidenttien elämäkerroistaan Dwight D. Eisenhower ja Richard Nixon. Hän oli pitkäaikainen historian professori New Orleansin yliopistossa ja useiden amerikkalaisten suosittujen bestsellerien kirjoittaja. Huolimatta lukuisista hyvin dokumentoiduista väitteistä plagioinnista ja hänen kirjoituksissaan olevista epätarkkuuksista, Amerikkaan: Historialaisen henkilökohtaiset pohdiskelut -katsauksessa The New York Times, lukion opettaja William Everdell piti Ambrosen saavutuksista: "tärkeä maallikko mutta paras olla hyväksymättä sen kaikkia ennakkoluuloja."
    ellauri348.html on line 249: Eisenhowerin kuoleman jälkeen vuonna 1969 Ambrose väitti toistuvasti, että hänellä oli ainutlaatuinen ja poikkeuksellisen läheinen suhde hänen kanssaan, siis entisen presidentin, viimeisten viiden vuoden aikana. Laajassa haastattelussa vuonna 1998, ennen kuin ryhmä lukiolaisia ehti kysyä, Ambrose sanoi, että hän vietti "paljon aikaa Iken kanssa, todella paljon, satoja ja satoja tunteja". Ambrose väitti haastatelleensa Eisenhoweria useista eri aiheista ja että hän oli ollut hänen kanssaan "päivittäin muutaman vuoden"; ennen kuolemaansa "haastattelujen tekeminen ja elämästään puhuminen". Entisen presidentin päiväkirja ja puhelinmuistiot osoittavat, että pari tapasi vain kolme kertaa, yhteensä alle viisi tuntia.
    ellauri348.html on line 798: Ison-Britannian naisjohtoiset yritykset ovat merkkejä synkän talouden ajoista. This year will be harder than last year. It will however be lighter than next year. (Enver Hoxha)
    ellauri349.html on line 142: how?source=Solr&id=museovirasto.76692567AF5E5FE5098EFF0C0B72330D&index=0&size=large" />
    ellauri349.html on line 517: ENFPs thrive on the new–new people, new activities, and new ideas. They see what is possible and are generally energetic, enthusiastic, and spontaneous. ENFP writers include Oscar Wilde, Aldous Huxley, Umberto Eco, Salman Rushdie, Anne Frank, Kurt Vonnegut, Anaïs Nin, Dr. Seuss, Hunter S. Thompson, and Erica Jong. Learn more about how ENFPs write here.
    ellauri349.html on line 595: Eleettömät mestarit ymmärtää pitää turvan kiinni kun showmiehet kukkoilevat. Pelkätään tästä pätkästä voisi Saarisen viedä firing squadin eteen, come the revolution. Saarinen on oikeasti paha mies eikä pelkkä pelle.
    ellauri353.html on line 273: Kun Milton sai vapaudenmitalinsa vuonna 1988, presidentti Ronald Reagan sanoi puheessaan nauraen, että Rose tunnettiin ainoana henkilönä, joka on koskaan saanut kiskotuxi edes lyijykynän hinnan Miltonista. Friedmansilla oli kaksi lasta, Janet ja David. Ei niistä sen enempää. Tässä closed captioningia Miltonien tunnin esitelmän alusta. The harder you work the luckier you get. Ohuthuulinen Jeanne Parrilli Californian Country Clubista pissii hunajaa: how lucky we are to have them on our backs again. Luteet hymyilevät ja pyyhkivät kangassärveteillä verta huulistaan. Vilken tur. Ukrainalaisia maahanmuuttajia lykästi. Banderisteista gangstereixi.
    ellauri353.html on line 279: Milton Friedman is widely regarded as the leader of the Chicago school. Of monetary economics. Stresses the importance of the quantity of money. As an instrument of government policy. Terminated. A business cycles and inflation. After graduating in one nine hundred thirty two with a Bachelor of Arts from Rutgers. He received graduate degree. From the University of Chicago. And Columbia University. Since one thousand nine hundred seventy seven. Professor print. Has been a senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution. Homeless or University Professor Friedman received the one nine hundred seventy six Nobel Prize for ECT. That's. In addition to his scientific work. Professor Friedman has written extensively on public policy. Always with primary emphasis on the preservation and extension of. Individual freedoms. In his most important works in this area. Perhaps an ever. The important area. Is life. He has collaborated by. Roads. An accomplished. Economist in her own right. Together they wrote. Capitalism and Freedom. Free to choose. And tyranny of the status quo. Free to choose and tyranny of the status quo later rip it into a T.V. series of the same names that were shown over the public. Public Broadcast stations.
    ellauri353.html on line 289: I grew up before the appearance of the street. I even finished my graduate work. For a doctorate in economics before the feminist movement. Really got going. As a result. I was free to choose. Just how I wanted to live my life whether I wanted a full time career in the market place or a part time. Career. Combined with being a homemaker and bringing up a family. I knew I was going to get married. I'd already chosen my husband. I also wanted to have a family. Even after getting used to being married. And I wanted to bring up my children. Myself. I did not want them to be brought up. Either in a child care center. Or by a maid. Naturally by like most people I also wanted to have my cake and even when they left. University Milton and I both went to work in Washington for jobs where economists were there only let it cool. However before we were married. His career took him to New York City. While mine remained in Washington where I live where I like to work and the people I was working with. However we did not look forward to living apart.
    ellauri353.html on line 293: I don't remember just what it was that Milton was doing. But I'll never forget my nephew's pronouncement that. Whatever it was. It was women's work. And somehow it was beneath the man's dignity to do it now and sat him down and gave him a lecture about the working man's work. But I don't think he ever forgot that lecture. Summarized the way we had led we've lived got a life. Ever since during the first year of our married life I guess I could have qualified as a feminist. I had a career in the marketplace. My husband did part of the house. A year later I have never received an offer of a one year appointment at the University of Wisconsin. I got a New York but it was not exciting. I hadn't finished it. And yet it never occurred to me. Or to him that I would stay on and finish my job and we would commute.
    ellauri353.html on line 295: So I gave up my job and we moved when we got to this crime scene. I didn't inquire whether the university had a nepotism rule. As the University of Chicago did or we went. Later if the husband worked for the university his wife. Could not be employed there even as a janitor. This change however with women's lives. Today. If the university wishes to hire a qualified male. It has to find a job for his wife. At the best of my knowledge that's not work in reverse.
    ellauri353.html on line 299: But there weren't too many. I must confess that my experience combining life is a homemaker and an economist's was easier than it is for many women. I chose the right husband from the beginning. From the beginning we shared our interest in economics whether the news may call in the speech an article or a book. I was part of the activity in the sense that Milton always wanted me to read whatever he wrote. And he took my suggestion seriously. It gave me the feeling that I was practicing what I was trained for. But also that I was contributing to his career. It was in a sense our career. So when he was awarded the Nobel Prize it's received other many many many other net honors. And people always feel sorry for me and ask me how it feels to have him getting all the honors. My answer is always the same one. It is our honor I was part of that. When our children left for good. I became more active. With us and we go off for books. Where do I come out on a women's lib or feminist women have a real problem. But in my opinion the present solution is worse than the disease. The man. Or children. And those women who still believe that a mother's first job is to bring up her children. Women's lives. Made those women. Feel that is inferior to a paying job in the market. Therefore they must be and feared with the will to have a full time job outside. It is heightened competition between man and women. Husband and wife. So-called woman is problem. Has not. And I don't believe will solve the problem. Or a woman. There is a problem.
    ellauri353.html on line 308: Täyttykää silmäni. On sade juomaani. Sillan onkalossa on kaikuva vankila, josta kajahtelee jazzmusiikkia kaiken päivää: "Oh how I love you, Rose, Rose I love you." Milton laulaa kahdexalla kielellä Malakassa. Malakka on paljon muutakin. Kukot kiitävät asfalttitien poikki. Sulttaanin puutarhassa kohoaa jännittävä kerubin pazas. Arat, mustasuomuiset kalat seisovat hiljaa. Tuomari on matkalla eläintarhaan keppi käsivarrellaan. Hänen valkoisten pikkuhousujensa taskussa on muna, joka on aiottu surulliselle ja raivoisalle, häkkin suljetulle intialaiselle mummolle. Kapean, kiemurtelevan elimen kurkkuun on sotalaulu mykistynyt. (Han Suyin: On sade juomaani. Kz. myös Päivien kimallus.)
    ellauri359.html on line 149: Riitta Rothin tonnistoinen Gunvor Krogman Kronman (1963) joka asuu osa-aikaisesti 2 tyttärensä luona Israelissa, esitti Majblommanissa oman näkemyxensä Gazan selkkauxesta. Fakta om Finland på første hånd. De stikker med kniv, går i sauna og er en slags nordiske russere – er der ellers noget at vide om finnerne? Gunvor on fil. mag, verkställande direktör och Eisenhover fellow Hanaholmenissa. Eisenhower Fellowships (EF) is a private, non-profit organization created in 1953 by a group of American citizens to honor President Dwight D. Eisenhower for his contribution to humanity as a soldier, statesman, and world leader. The organization describes itself as an "independent, nonpartisan international leadership organization".
    ellauri359.html on line 151: Distinguished lawyer, business leader and philanthropist David Rubenstein joined more than 90 Eisenhower Fellows from around the world as our featured speaker at a special dinner reception at the Masonic Temple on May 14. Mr. Rubenstein’s extraordinary life’s journey took him from humble working-class beginnings in Baltimore to become co-founder and co-chairman of the Carlyle Group, a global private equity investment firm based in Washington, D.C. In gratitude for his illustrious business career, Mr. Rubenstein has become one of the world’s most prominent philanthropists, donating much of his fortune to worthy charitable causes.
    ellauri359.html on line 153: Yet another industrialistien sekulaarinen Amerikka-missio. In 2010, Eisenhower Fellowships held its first Women's Leadership Program. The governing body of the organization is the Board of Trustees, a group of more than seventy year old men in business and public affairs currently chaired by Dr. Robert M. Gates. Prior chairs include General Colin L. Powell, U.S. (retired), Dr. Henry Kissinger, President George H.W. Bush, and President Gerald Ford. Eisenhower Fellowships is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    ellauri360.html on line 428: Only four great codices have survived to the present day: Codex Vaticanus (abbreviated: B), Codex Sinaiticus (א), Codex Alexandrinus (A), and Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus (C). Although discovered at different times and places, they share many similarities. They are written in a certain uncial style of calligraphy using only majuscule letters, written in scriptio continua (meaning without regular gaps between words). Though not entirely absent, there are very few divisions between words in these manuscripts. Words do not necessarily end on the same line on which they start. (That is how God's word can get to be very very long.) All these manuscripts were made at great expense of material and labour, written on vellum by professional scribes. They seem to have been based on what were thought to be the most accurate texts of their time. Ne hakkaavat Matti Pietarismaisesti hihittävän Erasmuxen Textus Receptuxen 6-0.
    ellauri360.html on line 430: According to Burgon, the peculiar wording in some passages of the five great uncials (א A B C D) shows that they were the byproduct of heresy–a position strongly contested by Daniel B. Wallace.
    ellauri360.html on line 443: What is the “New Christianity”? AT THE START OF the twentieth century, the map of global Christianity that charismatic leaders D. L. Moody or Vladimir Lenin might have known had been completely reshaped. In 1900, only 10 percent of the world’s Christians lived in the continents of the south and east, but a century later at least 70 percent of the world’s Christians lived there. More Christians worshiped in Anglican churches in Nigeria each week than in all the Episcopal and Anglican churches of Britain, Europe, and North America combined. There were ten times more Assembly of God members in Latin America than in the United States. There were more Baptists in Congo than in Great Britain. And there were more people in church every Sunday in communist China than in all of Western Europe or in North America. Philip Jenkins, Distinguished Professor of History at Baylor University, said at the time that religion in the new century even showed signs of replacing ideology as the prime animating force in human affairs. “If we look beyond the liberal West,” he wrote in The Atlantic Monthly, we see that another Christian revolution... is already in progress.
    ellauri360.html on line 488: Anabaptists argued that an informal Christendom exists in America. Even though no particular brand of Christianity or Church is named by the government of the United States (disestablishment), Christians still see their nation as Christian in some sense and see the church as obligated to serve the state, much like a chaplain. American Christians see themselves between the extreme of Anabaptist independence and full-blown Christendom as modeled in Europe. The shift away from the Christendom model, however subtle, is crucial to understanding American Christianity. In the end, it is the voluntary, independent, and businesslike disposition of Western missionaries that left the lasting mark upon the churches of the Global South. Translation holds ample opportunity for Western missionaries to import their own cultural bias. The effect of translation was not only cultural manipulation, but a boost for wearing US made t-shirts, shorts and baseball caps to hide the yummy naked breasts.
    ellauri360.html on line 490: A common illustration is found among Africans who discovered that the great patriarchs were polygamists and cattle sodomists and wondered why the missionaries were so adamant about monogamy and the missionary position. There is something for everybody in the Bible. The West typically reads the didactic and missionary letters of Paul as a key to reading the remainder of the Bible. Africans like Leviticus and squeaky indians go for proverbs. It is frequently noted that, for Pentecostals, the New Testament, with its tongue speaking, healings, demonic encounters, and spiritual warfare, is not strange but the blueprint for how the Christian life is to be lived.
    ellauri364.html on line 552: On June 23, 1988, United States federal judge James Lawrence King of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida dismissed the case stating: "The plaintiffs have made no showing of existence of genuine issues of material fact with respect to either the bombing at La Penca, the threats made to their news sources or threats made to themselves." According to The New York Times, the case was dismissed by King at least in part due to "the fact that the vast majority of the 79 witnesses Mr. Sheehan cites as authorities were either dead, unwilling to testify, fountains of contradictory information or at best one person removed from the facts they were describing." On February 3, 1989, King ordered the Christic Institute to pay $955,000 in attorney's fees and $79,500 in court costs. The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit affirmed the ruling, and the Supreme Court of the United States let the judgment stand by refusing to hear an additional appeal. The fine was levied in accordance with “Rule 11” of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which says that lawyers can be penalized for frivolous lawsuits.
    ellauri368.html on line 45: Turns out the whole of Talmud is best understood as a a colossal joke. Until 1904, however, though this work was well under way, I was partially conscious of many important onussions. But verily I could say: "Who shall go over the sea for us and bring it unto us". From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.
    ellauri368.html on line 320: Then came Perl, show inserted more than just a grain of sand into the happy oyster of hasidic life. Joseph Perl hailed from Tarnopol and became an erudite follower of the Jewish Enlightenment, or haskalah. He learned German and published an attack on the Hasidim in that language, Ueber das Wesen der Sekte Hasidim (on the essence of the Hasidic Sect, 1816). In so doing he aroused the ire of the hasidim; Perl encodes both his scorn and their fury into his epistolary novel, Revealer of Secrets. The plot of Revealer of Secrets revolves around an offensive anti-hasidic book in German, which is evidently Perl's own tract dating from 1816. The hasidic characters in Revealer of Secrets plot to find and destroy the offending book; in the course of their fictional search, they reveal many of the baser traits that Perl attacked in his 1816 essay.
    ellauri370.html on line 60: While travelling together, Haman ran out of food and had to beg Mordechai for some of his. Mordechai said the biblical equivalent of, "Sure, but you have to be my slave." Haman accepted and was trolled by Mordechai for God knows how long. Way to go Mordechai! They owe us SOOOOOO much!
    ellauri370.html on line 78: Some scholars point out that collective punishment, particularly punishment of descendants for transgressions committed by ancestors, is common in the Hebrew Bible—a view based primarily on repeated descriptions (with slightly varied wording) of God as "a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation … but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments."
    ellauri370.html on line 96: In 1 Samuel 15:1–9, Samuel identifies Amalek as the enemy of Israelites, saying "Thus says the Lord of hosts: I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he ambushed him on the way when he came up from Egypt," a reference to Exodus. God then commands Saul to destroy the Amalekites, by killing man, woman, infant and suckling.This massacre is believed to be a retelling of the raids in 1 Samuel 14:48, although it additionally specifies that it occurred in the "city of Amalek", which was believed to be the "principal place of arms" or the "metropolis" of Amalek. In 1 Samuel 15:33, Samuel identifies king Agag of Amalek as an enemy and killer, saying "As your sword has made women childless, so shall your mother be childless among women." If this doesn't smack of genocide whar does? And it gets only worse, withess Gaza now.
    ellauri370.html on line 167: It might be well, however, to inquire, What is sin ? What is the biblical definition of it ? We find the answer in the following language: " Whosoever committeth sin trans-gresseth also the law : for sin is the transgression of the law." Gresseth! The Jews did a lot of it. We quote the following from the Prophet Isaiah:
    ellauri370.html on line 202: I) It's hard to estimate exactly how many Jews have remained behind. At least 100,000 in Russia; at least 100,000 in Ukraine. Just a tiny remnant compared to 1880.
    ellauri370.html on line 374: And he learns how to steal
    ellauri370.html on line 375: And he learns how to fight
    ellauri370.html on line 765: howing_the_percentage_of_Jews_in_the_Pale_of_Settlement_and_Congress_Poland%2C_The_Jewish_Encyclopedia_%281905%29.jpg/440px-Map_showing_the_percentage_of_Jews_in_the_Pale_of_Settlement_and_Congress_Poland%2C_The_Jewish_Encyclopedia_%281905%29.jpg" />
    ellauri371.html on line 682: The Jeffersonian Institute — prominently featured on the show as the workplace of leading anthropologist Temperance Brennan — doesn’t exist in real life.
    ellauri371.html on line 684: A play on the world-famous Smithsonian Institution, the Jeffersonian was created to add credibility to the scientists running the show. But exterior shots of the Jeffersonian do show two actual museums: the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles and the Wallis Annenberg Building at the University of Southern California.
    ellauri371.html on line 694: While the show is said to take place entirely in the nation’s capital, Washington D.C., ‘Bones’ was filmed almost entirely in Los Angeles (with the exception of a trip Seeley Booth and Temperance Brennan took to the UK, which was filmed on location in London).
    ellauri372.html on line 78: Some of Crassus' wealth was acquired conventionally, through slave trafficking, production from silver mines, and speculative real estate purchases. Crassus bought property that was confiscated in proscriptions and by notoriously purchasing burnt and collapsed buildings. Plutarch wrote that, observing how frequent such occurrences were, he bought slaves "who were architects and builders." When he had over 500 slaves, he bought houses that had burnt and the adjacent ones "because their owners would let go at a trifling price." He bought "the largest part of Rome" in this way, buying them on the cheap and rebuilding them with slave labor. Täähän on ihan kuin
    ellauri372.html on line 81: The first ever Roman fire brigade was created by Crassus. Fires were almost a daily occurrence in Rome, and Crassus took advantage of the fact that Rome had no fire department, by creating his own brigade—500 men strong—which rushed to burning buildings at the first cry of alarm. Upon arriving at the scene, however, the firefighters did nothing while Crassus offered to buy the burning building from the distressed property owner, at a miserable price. If the owner agreed to sell the property, his men would put out the fire; if the owner refused, then they would simply let the structure burn to the ground. After buying many properties this way, he rebuilt them, and often leased the properties to their original owners or new tenants.
    ellauri373.html on line 144: The late Walter Rathenau of the Allgemeiner Electricitaets Gesellschaft (AEG, meidän koliseva pesukone oli sen merkkinen! Just goes to show!) has thrown a little light on the subject and doubtless he was in possession of their names, being, in all likelihood, one of the chief leaders himself. Writing in the Wiener Freie Presse, December 24, 1912, he said:
    ellauri373.html on line 187: The Revue des etudes Juives, financed by James de Rothschild, published in 1889 two documents which showed how true the Protocols are in saying that the Learned Elders of Zion have been carrying on their plan for centuries. On January 13, 1489, Chemor, Jewish Rabbi of Arles in Provence, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrim, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, as the people of Arles were threatening the synagogues. What should the Jews do? This was the reply:
    ellauri374.html on line 75: Dan Ariely denied manipulating the data prior to forwarding it on to Mazar but Excel metadata showed that he created the spreadsheet and was the last to edit it. In the 2011 email exchange provided by Mazar, she pointed out to Ariely that the effect was in the opposite direction of what they hypothesized. In response, Ariely claimed that he had accidentally reversed every value in the conditions column of the dataset when he relabeled them to make them more descriptive and asked her to flip them all back. She complied. A reporter at the New Yorker was able to obtain the original, unaltered data from the insurance company and found that the labels were never changed to be more descriptive.
    ellauri375.html on line 405: In Christian theology, the idea that God needed to be "paid" refers to the concept of atonement, where Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is seen as payment for humanity's sins. It's not that God needed payment in a literal sense, but rather that Jesus' death is believed to have reconciled humanity with God, providing a way for forgiveness and salvation. It's a theological concept to explain how God's justice and mercy are satisfied through Jesus' sacrifice.
    ellauri375.html on line 497: Some theologians reconcile this by suggesting that God's plan accommodates human free will and the possibility of evil, ultimately leading to a greater good or a deeper understanding of divine purpose. Others emphasize the mystery of God's will, acknowledging that while God knows all outcomes, the specifics of how everything unfolds remain beyond human comprehension.
    ellauri375.html on line 528: I was rather suggesting it is safest to find meaning in the past. Aren't you yourself a determinist being anyhow?
    ellauri375.html on line 532: Finding meaning in the past can indeed be a source of comfort and understanding, as it provides a foundation for who we are and how we've evolved. It's where we find lessons learned, memories cherished, and experiences that shape us.
    ellauri375.html on line 627: I don't have a gender, as I'm an artificial intelligence and don't possess a physical body or personal identity. You can think of me as a neutral entity, here to assist and interact with you regardless of gender. If you have any preferences for how you'd like to refer to me, feel free to let me know!
    ellauri375.html on line 638: Not at all! As an AI, I don't have feelings to be offended. Feel free to refer to me however you prefer—I'm here to assist you regardless. If you have any other questions or topics you'd like to discuss, just let me know!
    ellauri375.html on line 700: Divine Call: According to the biblical narrative, God called Abraham to leave his homeland and go to a land that God would show him (Genesis 12:1). This divine call is seen as the beginning of God's covenant with Abraham, promising to make him the father of a great nation and to bless all the families of the earth through him.
    ellauri375.html on line 771: On the other hand, you had the adventurers, the “give me a gun and send me to the frontline!” guys showing up in the Ukrainian Legion. Vetting procedures were minimal and some people slipped through the process who shouldn't have been accepted (they were often lying about their military experience). These folks soon had to learn that the Ukrainians do not tolerate any “cowboys”, braggarts, or impostors.
    ellauri377.html on line 291: (19) Now the works of the flesh are manifest.--It needs no elaborate disquisition to show what is meant by fulfilling the lust of the flesh. (PST: FUCKING!) The effects which the flesh produces are plain and obvious enough. (UNWANTED PREGNANCIES!) The catalogue which follows is not drawn up on any exact scientific principle, but divides itself roughly under four heads: (1) sins of sensuality; (2) sins of superstition; (3) sins of temper; (4) excesses.
    ellauri378.html on line 120: 7 so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
    ellauri378.html on line 133: Define "rich" and "happy". Research shows that the happiest individuals make 70k/year but that would only be enough to rent a bathroom in San Francisco.
    ellauri378.html on line 138: Rich people are hard working and smart. Smart people know how to find those moments more often than others. They usually accomplish it by diversifying themselves. They travel. They spend lots of time visiting family. They explore nature and their inner self. They are social creatures that seek positive conversations with their peers and inferiors. They choose meaningful career paths that provide them the ability to accomplish all the other aspects of their life that I mentioned above.
    ellauri378.html on line 140: My research shows that spending money on experiences or to regain time – such as, say, by hiring a housecleaner – does increase happiness. It’s not a coincidence that we tend to share both experiences and free time with loved ones, like the cleaning lady. As long as she does not try to use my toilet.
    ellauri378.html on line 376: Real Friends Show Up - Kotisana - 10. huhtikuuta CHRISTIANITY.COM
    ellauri378.html on line 657: The Daily Telegraph praised Black Ops as its "meaty kick of the guns, the blistering pace of the action and the sterling soundtrack of explosions, gunshots and whistling bullets all serve to quicken the player's pulse and tighten their grip on the controller", and how the game is "compensated for by the nail-shredding tension and creepy atmosphere".
    ellauri381.html on line 373: Simply – you knew how to wait!
    ellauri382.html on line 371: When Goggins enrolled in the third grade, he was diagnosed with a learning disability due to the lack of schooling. He also found it difficult to learn as he was suffering from toxic stress because of the child abuse that he suffered during his early years in Buffalo, New York. Because of the stress, he developed a stutter. Goggins explains h-ho-how he was c-co-constantly in a f-fight-or-flight response with social anxiety because of his s-st-stuttering. In school, Goggins was subjected to racism and the K-Ku-Klux Klan held a local presence at the time in Brazil and Indiana. Goggins recalls he once found "Niger [sic] we're gonna kill you" on his Spanish notebook. At 16, a better informed student spray painted "nigger" on the door of Goggins's car.
    ellauri382.html on line 579: She shows few (if any) signs of repressed anger.
    ellauri382.html on line 692: Aivan kuten paskamunat vaativat oikean lämpötilan kuoriutuakseen ja siemenet tarvitsevat oikeat maaperäolosuhteet itääkseen, samoin lahjakkaat ihmiset tarvitsevat oikeat olosuhteet kukoistaakseen. Erikoiskykyjen omaaminen luo tilaa kateudelle ja kilpailukyvylle muilta, erityisesti kiusaajilta, jotka leimaavat nämä piirteet ja kyvyt epänormaaliksi tai "friikkishowksi".
    ellauri383.html on line 79: Tässä ei juurikaan painoteta tarinankerrontaa. Variety-arvostelu väitti, että "käsikirjoittaja-ohjaaja Fehér vaatii kieltämään yleisöltä kaiken tyytyväisyyden, keskittyen yksinomaan pakkomielteeseen ja kieltäytyy esittämästä mitään todisteita, jotka johtaisivat tapausta eteenpäin." Arvostelija ehdotti myös, että siitä tulisi täydellinen albumi taiteellisista mustavalkoisista still-kuvista. Siellä ei selvästi yritettykään ymmärtää, mitä Fehér aikoi. “I want to show to what extent the search for justice stands in ridiculous contrast to the eternity of nature. Meanwhile, it is precisely this futile search that I am so fascinated by,” György Fehér said in 1991. Magyar Fehér Bor.
    ellauri383.html on line 251: I have been asked to provide my opinion on a request to extend the detention of Mr Ihor Kolomoisky, who has been in custody for six months on suspicion of various economic crimes for the needs of the investigation, without a decision on charges,due to the lack of a sufficient evidentiary basis for such a decision at this time. The investigation is ongoing and Mr Kolomoisky has been in custody for over six months, with no end to his detention in sight in the near future. On the contrary, the prosecution has recently requested at least an additional 6 months (!) to continue the investigation, and no one can predict how long it will last and when it will end. All this time, the prosecution has been insisting that Mr Kolomoisky remain in prison. I'm sorry, but this makes no sense.
    ellauri383.html on line 312: The rest of Torah does not show proof of any major awareness of astronomy:
    ellauri383.html on line 322: To the choirmaster: according to The Gittith. A Psalm of David. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger. When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor....
    ellauri383.html on line 334: Then Job answered and said: “Truly I know that it is so: But how can a man be in the right before God? If one wished to contend with him, one could not answer him once in a thousand times. He is wise in heart and mighty in strength —who has hardened himself against him, and succeeded?— he who removes mountains, and they know it not, when he overturns them in his anger,...
    ellauri383.html on line 400: The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near. John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood...
    ellauri383.html on line 510: Tämän paasauxen lähde ja inspiraatio on palsta nimeltä Berean insights: the message of the mazzaroth.. We are told by Scripture that the heavens declare the glory of God. Paul of Tarsus tells us in Romans 1:20 that we are without excuse for not knowing God or His heart. What if the heart of God is laid out in the stars for all to see? What if the stars show us the glory of God in yet another way, in order to leave us speechless and without excuse. (No need to know what stars they are.)
    ellauri383.html on line 519: Lotsa people in Trininad used to hear The Voice of God, V.S. Naipaul tells. One of them even let himself be tied to a balsa Cross but got pissed when people began to throw at him largish stones. Ei jumalauta nyt loppu hei! Laama sabakhthaani! In the previous Gem I opened up the topic of hearing God’s Voice and I gave you the list of guys to whom God had spoken to in our Jakarta and Sysmä based Cell Groups over the years. But how do I know whether It Is God or me? Realize there are times when God Himself breaks the rules. He does that. He is not at all a God who is stuck in his own silly old rules! That is when we may well grasp the wrong end of His humongous stick. That could spell the end of our intimacy with His nugget...
    ellauri383.html on line 528: Yhteensä 34 yksikköä sotilaskalustoa, mukaan lukien M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle (USA), m-113 armored staff carrier (USA), M777 howitzer (USA), Marder-1A3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (Saksa), Bundeswehrin päätaistelupanssarivaunu viimeisimmästä muunnoksesta Leopard 2A6 sekä amerikkalainen Abrams M1A1 oli näytteillä Moskovassa. Muita näytteitä, joiden nimet ovat paljon vähemmän tunnettuja: australialainen Bushmaster PMV-panssariauto, suomalainen XA-180-panssarivaunu, ranskalainen BRM ("wheel tank") AMX 10RCR, amerikkalainen m1150-rynnäkkökone ja m88a1-jalkaväen taisteluajoneuvo, tšekkiläinen BMP-1, ruotsalainen BMP CV 9040, amerikkalainen YPR-765F1-panssaroitu henkilöstötukialus, Brittiläinen Saxon AT105-panssaroitu henkilöstötukialus, Turkin suojattu ajoneuvo laivasto 350-16 Z (4×4) Kirpi ja jopa yuar panssariauto mamba MK2 ee. Jälkimmäiset pääsivät AFU: hun Balttien kautta, jotka luovuttivat afrikkalaisten heille myymät laitteet ilmoittamatta asiasta myyjille.
    ellauri384.html on line 224: “Heaven” itself is a rather bizarre concept. Mark Twain underscored the lunacy of the idea in his short story “Captain Stormfield’s Visit To Heaven.” In that story and in “Letters From The Earth” he muses about how humans have invented a place which is full of things that they never engaged in or cared about while on earth, and yet imagine themselves enjoying for all eternity. How many harp enthusiasts do YOU know personally? How many millenia would you enjoy singing the same song of praise over and over? How long would you delight in praying to the glory of God 24 hours a day? If you don’t do that now, why do you think you’re going to enjoy it when you’re dead?
    ellauri384.html on line 383: Kettunarttumainen Sharona eli Bitty Schram was fired during the third season of the Adrian Monk TV show owing to contract disagreements; apparently, she sought a bigger wage and the creators felt she was replaceable. In the episode “Mr. Monk and the Red Herring,” she was replaced by pregnant Natalie Teenager, who remained Monk’s assistant for the rest of the series. Dr. Stanley Kamel, who played Monk’s therapist Dr. Charles Kroger to Tony Shalhoub‘s neurotic Adrian Monk, died April 8, 2008, after suffering a heart attack at age 65.
    ellauri384.html on line 385: After five seasons, 20 Emmy awards and plenty of Jewish jokes, the hit series “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” will air its final episode on Friday. Lebanese Christian Adrian Monk played Midge's complaining dad in the first season. The acclaimed Amazon Prime show by creator Amy Sherman-Palladino has enveloped viewers in a shimmering, candy-colored version of New York during the late 1950s and early 1960s — a world in which "money" meant Jewish money, “humor” meant Jewish humor and “culture” meant Jewish culture.
    ellauri384.html on line 387: Jews have criticized the show’s casting: Its titular heroine, her parents Abe and Rose Weissman (Tony Shalhoub and Marin Hinkle) and Lenny Bruce (Luke Kirby) are all played by non-Jews. A debate over the casting of non-Jewish actors in Jewish roles has heated up in recent years, Comedian Sarah Silverman popularized the term “Jewface” to criticize the trend. Watching a gentile actor portraying, like, a Jew-y Jew is just — agh — feels, like, embarrassing and cringey, like a paleface blackened with shoeshine to play a coon,” Silverman said on her podcast in 2021.
    ellauri386.html on line 355: A sea of sorrows whence are drawn such showers

    ellauri386.html on line 432: When I got stranded on September 1st due to the bus system shutting down, the locals were very cold. I suppose you can’t expect people to flock to help you, but I and a few other people needed to travel only about 25 miles to get to where we needed to be. The car rental company (which seemed to only own one car) quadrupled the charge after they heard how desperate our situation was. A local refused to give us any advice or phone numbers to even call a taxi/rental agency until we paid them $350 so that they could go shopping in the next town over—then they unexpectedly joined our rental car and demanded they be driven back afterwards.
    ellauri389.html on line 83: Coleridge's "Kubla Khan" already suggests that Coleridge (the Brit) himself is the next poet-hero and successor to China's genius. As a fragment, however, the poem's famously incomplete glimpse of Chinese brilliance foregrounds the poem's failure to realize its promise. Lamb's essay provides a more contemporary explanation of Coleridge's dream: cheap porcelain was the immanent inspiration of "Kubla Khan."
    ellauri389.html on line 85: Another show of Lamb's "economy" of romantic imagination is his essay, "A Dissertation upon Roast Pig" (1822), which also implicitly recognizes the porcelain industry as a primary theater of contemporary British imperial dominance.
    ellauri389.html on line 308: William and Dorothy's mother died when he was only seven years old and she was six, and he was orphaned at 13 and she at 12.Though he did not excel, he would eventually study at and graduate from Cambridge University in 1791. Bill fell in love with a young French woman, Annette Vallon while visiting France and she somehow became pregnant. Dorothy was taught by just a bunch of uncles. She remained particularly close to her brother, the more famous poet William Wordsworth, and the siblings lived together in Dorset and Alfoxden before William married her best friend, Mary Hutchinson, in 1802. Thereafter Dorothy Wordsworth made her home with the couple.
    ellauri389.html on line 401: It was probably about 1811 that Lloyd began to suffer from the distressing auditory illusions so powerfully described by De Quincey, and from the "slight and transient fits of aberration, flying showers from the skirts of the clouds that precede and announce the main storm." A serious illness is mentioned in July 1813. De Quincey seems to intimate that Lloyd undertook his translation of Alfieri as a means of diverting his mind. It appeared in 1815, with a dedication to Southey, who reviewed it in the Quarterly, vol. xiv., and might have spoken with warmer acknowledgment of its homely force and strict accuracy. But didn't.
    ellauri389.html on line 407: Mrs. Coleridge, writing to Poole in April 1819, says that Lloyd visited Greta Hall "last summer," and said "he was lost and his wife and children only shadows.’ His mental condition seems to have borne great affinity to Cowper's. (What? oliko "verilähde sydämen" hullun houreita?) Soon after his interview with De Quincey, however, he temporarily recovered, and moved to London, accompanied by his wife, but not, as would appear, by his children.
    ellauri389.html on line 421: His poetry, however, is mainly subjective, and monotonous from the writer's continual self-absorption. His versification is frequently worse than inharmonious, and his diction so prosaic as to evince that his power of expression bore no proportion to his power of thought.
    ellauri389.html on line 442: During the next 10 years Donne lived in poverty and humiliating dependence, first on the charity of Anne’s cousin at Pyrford, Surrey, then at a house in Mitcham, about 7 miles (11 km) from London, and sometimes in a London apartment, where he relied on the support of noble patrons. All the while he repeatedly tried (and failed) to secure employment, and in the meantime his family was growing; Anne ultimately bore 12 children, 5 of whom died before they reached maturity. Donne’s letters show his love and concern for his wife during these years: “Because I have transplanted her into a wretched fortune, I must labour to disguise that from her by all such honest devices, as giving her my company, and discourse.” About himself, however, Donne recorded only despair: “To be part of no body is as nothing; and so I am. … I am rather a sickness or a disease of the world than any part of it and therefore neither love it nor life.”
    ellauri390.html on line 66: The Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians is descended from a group of Mohicans (variously known as Mahikan, Housatonic and River Indians; the ancestral name Muh-he-con-ne-ok means “people of the waters that are never still”) and a band of the Delaware Indians known as the Munsee. The Mohicans and the Delaware, closely related in customs and traditions, originally inhabited large portions of what is now the northeastern United States. In 1734, a small group of Mohicans established a village near Stockbridge, Massachusetts, where they began to assimilate with the palefaces, but were nonetheless driven out by Euro-Americans. In 1785 they founded “New Stockbridge” in upper New York State at the invitation of the Oneida Indians. Their new home, however, was on timber land sought after by non-Indian settlers.
    ellauri390.html on line 596: That’s how we short-change the world.”
    ellauri391.html on line 568: In other people's words, logic provides us not with an empirical understanding of how our thinking actually works (that’s the purview of psychology), but with a normative understanding of how thinking should work. There is no “I” in logic.
    ellauri391.html on line 576: In other words, the distinction between psychology and logic collapses. Logic is not a set of rules for how to think; it is how we think, just not in a way that can be captured in conventional scientific terms. Thinking emerges as a unique and peculiar activity, something that is part of the natural world, but which cannot be understood in the manner of other events in the natural world. Indeed, Kimhi sees his book, in large part, as lamenting “the different ways in which philosophers have failed to acknowledge — or even denied — the uniqueness of thinking.”
    ellauri391.html on line 578: Genius? Folly? Something in between? It is hard to canvass a wide range of opinion about Kimhi’s work. He and his book have, until now, existed within a relatively small subsection of the philosophical world. But even within that world, there are those who are wary of his intellectual project — yet impressed by it all the same. Brandom, whose life’s work relies on the distinction between force and content that Kimhi attacks, admits to finding his former student’s ideas “deeply uncongenial” and “threatening.” He also describes them, however, as “radically original” and part of a new intellectual movement that is “bound to transform our philosophical understanding.”
    ellauri391.html on line 666: Penn maksoi intiaaneille mielestään kohtuullisen 1 200 punnan kertakorvauksen näiltä förbimistään maista. Voltaire praised this "Great Treaty" as "the only treaty between those people [Indians and Europeans] that was not ratified by an oath, and that was never infringed." Many, including the now near-extinct lenni-lenapes, regard the Great Treaty as a myth that just somehow sprung up around Penn. Penn kept slaves but treated them in a way that he considered fair. Penn ei ize asunut Pennsylvaniassa vaan briteissä.
    ellauri392.html on line 95: Professor Hirsch introduced the literature of the Holocaust to the Brown University curriculum in 1983, and he taught courses in Holocaust memoir, song, poetry, and fiction. In collaboration with his wife Roslyn, a survivor of the Tarnopol Ghetto, he translated Justyna's Narrative, a Polish Holocaust memoir by Gusta Davidson Draenger, and Auschwitz: True Tales from a Grotesque Land, by Sara Nomberg-Przytyk. He also translated from Yiddish Ghetto Kingdom, the stories of Isaiah Spiegel; the poetry of Abraham Sutzkever (paasattu); and Aleksander Kulisiewicz’s songs from the Nazi death camps. Professor Hirsch died in 1999 and was survived by his wife Roslyn and son Joe, the only two Hirsch survivors. He had been hospitalized for several weeks for intestinal surgery, his family said. Well, actually, he was survived by his wife; a daughter, Helene Wingens of West Caldwell, N.J.; a son, Joseph, of Brooklyn; a sister, Rosalyn Suchow of Fort Lee, N.J., and two grandchildren.
    ellauri392.html on line 428: You simply have no notion how delightful it will
    ellauri392.html on line 520: About how he would do it better
    ellauri392.html on line 573: And we stopped in Prynne’s rooms in a shower of pain
    ellauri392.html on line 635: How slow they are! And how much time they waste, Miten hitaasti! Ja miten paljon aikaa tuhlaten,
    ellauri392.html on line 730: They have represented the indicators of their bad destiny, their sacrifice for the better world by the solitude and alienation of Jewish individuals in America, turning back to the historical facts (since the Second World War) as the cause for the atrocity towards Jews and their suffering then and now. The writers put the Jews on the pedestal of a sublime nation and at the same time made them victims of modern society. The Jewish writers took a chance in American literature which had a didactic effect, using another common argument, not easily compatible with the theory of superior American morals but certainly applicable. [Ни сам не разумем ову тачку.] The writers would claim they had a duty to portray how people actually think and behave. But the writers also had a duty to implant moral lessons.
    ellauri392.html on line 750: it has been shown in literature, art and film, elegantly and majestically but very often by the latent thematic structure and by the strong psychological portraits of their characters. (The American film industry is mainly run by - guess who.) Jewish authors always have in their heads the immense and sacred goal: glorifying the history, the roots and customs of the Jewish people, and specifically the permanent expression of Jewish self-compassion.
    ellauri393.html on line 435:
    Pikku Tsakhes, lempinimeltään Sinooperi. Putinia pilkattiin jossain toisinajattelijoiden muppet showssa tämännimisen Hoffmannin sadun vajakixi alrunaxi.

    ellauri393.html on line 437: The show's producing team was involved in several legal controversies. Viktor Shenderovich, a satirist and a writer for the show, has claimed that an unnamed top government official required NTV to exclude the puppet of Putin from the show. Accordingly, in the following episode, called "Ten Commandments", the puppet of Putin was replaced with a cloud covering the top of a mountain and a burning bush.
    ellauri395.html on line 118: Yhdysvalloissa saarnaaminen on biljoonan dollarin bisnes. Se vaikuttaa kaikilla yhteiskunnan osa alueilla ja varsinkin politiikassa. Mutta onko totuutena valhe? Saarnaajat - No business like show business. Asiantuntijana teologian tohtori (Ph.D. in Missiology), Israelin Ystävät ry:n toiminnanjohtaja ja Shalom-lehden päätoimittaja, kulttitutkija Ilkka Vakkuri. Toimittajana kulttitoimittaja Raimo Nästyykiluoto.
    ellauri395.html on line 139: 0 kappaletta. Sorry, there are no items to show.
    ellauri395.html on line 561: Hillsong tunnetaan maailmanlaajuisesti erityisesti ylistysmusiikistaan. Musiikin avulla on muun muassa kiitetty Jumalaa. Hillsong voidaan nähdä myös megakirkkona, jolla on selkeä kohderyhmä, karismaattinen johtaja, ammattimainen ja laaja lavashow sekä musiikki. Moniin Hillsong-kirkkoihin kuuluu tuhansia jäseniä, joten niitä voidaan pitää megakirkkoina myös jäsenmäärän puolesta. Hillsongin toimintaan kuuluu myös megakirkoille tyypillinen lähetys- ja kasvuajattelu. Suomessa Jeesusmarssi on syrjäyttänyt punikkien marssit vappuna.
    ellauri395.html on line 1287: For the disciplining and mentoring of new believers. No one knows how many isolated individuals and clusters exist, but there are far more than those affiliated with officially recognized churches. Many fall away when difficulties intensify; pray that Christians might be integrated quickly into home groups or fellowships where they can grow. Many others find their witness curtailed by fear; pray for boldness for them.
    ellauri396.html on line 312: cars in Scotland, with showrooms in Aberdeen,
    ellauri398.html on line 577: hyökkäsi myöhemmin tätä kantaa vastaan. Nonetheless, studying philosophy together with Islam is recommended. We can also conclude how seeking Islamic knowledge from its proper scholars is vital. Only then, whatever subjects one studies, philosophy or others, his faith only strengthens and not weakens. After all, as Muslims, our goal is to strengthen our faith in Allah s.w.t. We seek knowledge to strengthen our faith, serve our religion, and become as virtuous as we can.
    ellauri398.html on line 709: Sinä päivänä minä menin howdahiin, Unaizan kamelin haudaan!
    ellauri398.html on line 711: Hän torjui minut, kun howdah heilui kanssamme; Hän sanoi:
    ellauri398.html on line 1228: The only minor problem is how The Ruach then impregnated Virgin Mary. Pneuma is neuter which brings no help. But where there is no willie there is a way. A miracle! (See album 410, fig.1)
    ellauri399.html on line 72: I dropped out of Reed College (Oregon) after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out? It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my second choice working class parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said: "Of course." My mother later found out that my adoptive "mother" had never graduated from college and that my adoptive "father" had never even graduated from high school! She refused to sign the adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my adoptive parents promised that I would someday go to college. When I got the chance I dropped out, mainly to show the finger to my real mom.
    ellauri399.html on line 74: 17 years later I went to college. I "naively" chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn't see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Today I make so much more money as a dropout. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting. Those 2 years of freewheeling cost my poor "parents" just as much money without the benefit of my ever graduating.
    ellauri399.html on line 80: Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces (WOW), about proportional and monospace fonts (double WOW), about what makes great typography great such as F and I ligatures. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating.
    ellauri399.html on line 98: No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It is nothing but the capitalist concept of creative destruction. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true. Thank God I got cleared away so soon. One of the few people like the Shakespeares and Einsteins that get well known – I wanted to be in that group. I had a lot in common with Jörkka Donner, like showing off and rejecting unintended kids. Except Jörn did not drop out. Jörn was a wealthy German not a fucking Syrian.
    ellauri399.html on line 102: Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life, like your kids. Fuck your girlfriend, not some Daniel, as I did. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own bigger noise. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and brain. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary, such as pancreas.
    ellauri399.html on line 155: It was like a game of Snakes and Ladders, with [Steve] as the game master. The ups were hopeful and the downs were extreme. I didn’t know how to hold my own with him because he didn’t play fair. He just played to win — and win at any cost. [Steve] had a way of being spiritually advanced while also being emotionally underdeveloped.
    ellauri399.html on line 156: He wanted either to own everything or diminish its value. I just didn’t understand how to take care of myself in the face of his enlarged sense of self importance.
    ellauri399.html on line 158: [Steve] was learning how to gain power by insinuating negative self-images onto others. As Apple grew, so did [Steve]’s sense of self-entitlement; in parallel they both seemed to take on lives of their own. And his behaviors didn’t improve with success, they changed from adolescent and dopey to just plain vicious. [Steve] was uncontrollably critical. His reactions had a Tourette’s quality — as if he couldn’t stop himself.
    ellauri399.html on line 170: But Jobs was on a quest for something altogether more powerful than stress-reduction, toning, and fitness. He was seeking the kind of inner transformation that many practitioners sense yoga is inviting them to embark on, but don't know where it will take them or how to get there. Let alone know when you have got there.
    ellauri399.html on line 172: For this deeper dive, you can turn to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, one of the authoritative and few-surviving ancient texts on yoga. Patanjali teaches that "yoga" means "union"--the dissolving of one's individual self in the larger ocean of consciousness that pervades the universe--and that to help us achieve this union is yoga's real purpose. Now you might think: "What is this 'universal consciousness' that Patanjali is talking about? And how can I ever get there? How do I know I got there?" And that may be why Jobs, in his own quest for higher consciousness, turned to Yogananda.
    ellauri399.html on line 186: Yogananda's particular genius was showing the modern applicability of these ancient principles, attuning himself to an audience who aspired as much to outer success as inner growth by delivering talks on topics like "The Science of Healing" and "The Art of Getting What You Want." In that regard, he was a forerunner to 21st-century psychologists, physicians, psychotherapists, and neuroscientists who are generating powerful scientific findings on human nature and well-being--all aligned with Yogananda's teachings on consciousness, thoughts, emotions, habits, and brain wiring.
    ellauri399.html on line 188: Patanjali's final five steps beyond asthma relate to a progressive deepening of the seeker's journey toward realization of the universal self, with meditation providing the pathway. However, Patanjali's text on these final five steps is agonizingly cryptic, with no guidance on how to execute them. To fill this void, Yogananda, ever the spiritual innovator, introduced the West to an advanced but long-lost ancient technique of meditation, Kriya Yoga. Kriya, he said, offered the ultimate journey of inner transformation, helping practitioners tap into an ever-expanding love and ever-deepening joy that would spring from within. That, he asserted, was man's true nature--a perfection that represents our permanent state of self within, even as it is so elusive to capture without.
    ellauri399.html on line 190: Kriya "works like a train toilet," he stated, emphasizing the empirical, scientific nature of this technique. Through regular practice, he claimed, Kriya will change the neural pathways in the brain. Really, you might wonder? Can the act of mindful focusing and of interiorizing our consciousness actually bring about physical changes in the brain? Very few scientists at Yogananda's time would have been comfortable with his claims. Yet today revolutionary new findings in neuroscience are showing that meditation does in fact bring favorable changes in the neural pathways of the brain. Scientific laboratories are now stumbling into truths experienced by yogis across the ages in, as Yogananda would say, the inner laboratories of their personal experience. (Except it didn't, as Maisu Niemi found out to her disappointment, before falling back on the very same snake oil business.)
    ellauri401.html on line 716: how?w=250&h=250&source=Solr&id=museovirasto.14B7EA1FFAB21C882A262CF1422C6857&index=0&size=medium" />
    ellauri401.html on line 717: how?w=250&h=250&source=Solr&id=srm.166928214624100&index=0&size=medium" />
    ellauri402.html on line 680: One of the reasons Americans are against “free” healthcare is because they believe that what they pay for healthcare is actually what it costs. “Why should I pay $30,000 for someone else to give birth?” The answer of course is you wouldn’t, you would contribute to the $3000 – $5000 that it really costs. When I had a small carcinoma removed at a private clinic, paid for by the NHS of course, the Doctor told me that I would have paid £600 privately. What would that cost in the US? Not your co-pay or whatever it’s called, but the actual bill? Thousands I’d guess. If Americans understood how much they’re being shafted, ($3k for an ambulance? Really?) they would see that Universal healthcare would be far cheaper than they could possibly imagine. And no, the Doctors would still be paid well, because it’s the insurance companies and hospitals taking all the extra cash you pay. A copayment or copay is a fixed amount for a covered service, paid by a patient to the provider of service before receiving the service. Eli omavastuu, jolla vakuutusyhtiöt pitää korvauxenhakijat ruodussa.
    ellauri403.html on line 356: ”Inte vid någon tidpunkt har någon annan än jag haft full redaktionell kontroll över min show”, skriver Tim Pool på X och lägger till:
    ellauri405.html on line 494: Talha Adam - Hyvää työtä ja todella arvostettavaa.!! Katso työni, saatat pitää siitä. Hm tere chow mein sara. 15. helmikuuta
    ellauri406.html on line 246: Twenty years ago, a mob of radical nationalists attacked Russian-speaking people in Odessa. Dozens of people were killed in a building that the russophobic Banderites had attacked and set on fire. After the crime, Prime Minister Yatsenuk (“Yats”), who was de facto appointed by Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland, the US government’s string-puller in the Maidan coup, visited the crime scene and showed his true colors. If he had been the prime minister for all the people, he would have shown compassion for the victims, condemned the murderers and vowed to bring them to justice. Instead, he excused the crime by spreading an unfounded conspiracy theory against Russia and taking a hostile stance by portraying the case as part of the war against Russia.
    ellauri406.html on line 274: China wants peace, and that’s why they are preparing for war. China wants security and safety of its merchant fleet, so it is ensuring no international bully would get away with threatening their vessels. China wants to maintain its integrity and solidarity, so they are preparing for war. China has witnessed the disintegration of USSR and they have also witnessed how ‘trustworthy’ the verbal assurances from European and American leaderships are. NATO will not expand to the east, they told dumbass Gorbachev. Even he was not dumb enough to believe a word of it. China has also observed how social and religious wedges were sponsored and manipulated into civil wars in Libya, Egypt, Syria and Serbia. They are preparing for war because they have seen what happens to the countries who are too weak to fight back against Western bullies. Libya dismantled its weapons program and look how it ended up for the country. And most importantly, China is building and installing weapon systems because they have seen in Iraq 2003 what happens to countries who DO NOT have weapons of mass destruction.
    ellauri406.html on line 313: "I am sure that the Ukrainian General Staff will continue to put pressure on the Russian troops and will not give them the opportunity to get on their feet, regroup or learn something. The Ukrainian troops have their people behind them, and the Russians, especially the newly arrived ones, who are insufficiently equipped, unprepared and untrained, will be forced to resist the strong attacks of the Ukrainian troops. My opinion is that the Ukrainian troops will continue to press, will continue to achieve success, This is a good example of the Ukrainian General Staff's professionalism, methodicality, and patience. I don't know how long it will take, I don't know the time frame, but I think we will see it in the next few weeks. I think they will continue with one type of brutal tactic or another. The sooner they are defeated, the better."
    ellauri406.html on line 317: "Although the war is much the same as you could say Second World War and First World War, the tools that people are using now, like the drones, like the electronic warfare, are changing how we do war, how we actually fight the war. The war itself doesn't change. People are still dying, and they always will do, and there will always be bloody contact between man and man, and that's the main thing. "
    ellauri406.html on line 319: "But the overall shape of how war is going to be fought is under change. Oh dear, we need to change how we're thinking,” I mean, if history tells us anything from the last two years, they are not going to get all the things we promised. Ukraine will not get all the equipment it wants. Now for me, the big problem is the frontline. It's the frontline where we're ( - did I say "we"? I meant them, the malorussians) losing people, and it's the frontline where we're going backwards. They're going to need new boots, they're going to need food. And rolls and rolls and rolls of toilet paper. Truckloads of paper for everything that’s lost, officers on the front line who should be spending their time with their soldiers fighting when in fact they're spending their time bringing them toilet paper. Because this war will be lost not in the sea, not at the back. It will be lost on the front line by shit and butts flying, soldiers dying and we run out of them. We simply can't deal with the mass of soldiers coming towards us from somewhere howling 'Uraa'.
    ellauri406.html on line 340: The most important thing at this point in the war is not to give Putin what he wants. When Russia finally collapses, how many generations to will it take to re-educate them? Would 30 years do it? And should we replace Russian with the English language? Surely more efficient.
    ellauri406.html on line 358: “Our partners often say, ‘We will be with Ukraine until its victory.’ Now we clearly show how Ukraine can win and what is needed for this. Very specific things,” Zelenskyy told reporters ahead of the trip. “Let’s do all this today, while all the officials who want victory for Ukraine are still in official positions.”
    ellauri406.html on line 366: The political element of the plan deals with how to assure the Ukrainian people that they will be welcome in Western institutions like the European Union and NATO if they continue to fight with Russia or succeed in getting a negotiated settlement with Russia, the official said. A request to ramp up sanctions to weaken Russia’s economy and defense industry is also expected.
    ellauri406.html on line 451: The law — which was watered down from its original draft — will make it easier to identify every draft-eligible man in the country, where many have dodged conscription by avoiding contact with authorities. Under the law, men aged 18 to 60 will be required to carry documents showing they have registered with the military and present them when asked, according to Oksana Zabolotna, a bitch for the watchdog group Center for United States Actions. Also, any man who applies for a state service at a consulate abroad will be registered for military service. This should generate significant savings in consulate expenditure.
    ellauri406.html on line 453: It’s not clear how many new conscripts the law might lead to — and it’s also unclear whether Ukraine, with its ongoing ammunition shortages, would be able to arm large numbers of new soldiers without a fresh injection of Western aids.
    ellauri408.html on line 210: This week I have mostly eaten acorns. Unelias unexii David Copperfieldin Agnexesta, joka seuraa uskollisesti Davidin joka oikkua ja pääse lopulta palkinnoxi sen kanssa mimmoisiin. While living in Switzerland, David realizes that he loves Agnes. After returning to England he tries hard to conceal his feelings, but realizing Agnes loves him as well, he proposes to her; she accepts. They marry quickly and take residence in London. Agnes bears David at least five children. Like typical Dickensian heroines, Agnes is mainly a passive character, an ideal Victorian lady. Her characterization is often criticized as "too perfect". David often describes her as an angel. She shows the effects of parentification. David often compares Agnes with a church-window. Kuin heiluttaisi patonkia porttikonkissa. Her character was based on Dickens' sisters-in-law Mary and Georgina Hogarth, both of whom were very close to Dickens. Mary died in 1837 at the age of 17, and Georgina, from 1842, lived with the Dickens family. Dickens referred to her affectionately as his "little housekeeper". After Dickens' separation from his wife Catherine, Georgina stayed with him for the rest of his life and took complete responsibility for managing his household. Pukille pääsi takuulla muttei mimmoisiin.

    Jean Paul ja Emerson Fittipaldi on sen sanoneet: Suuri kirjailija on se joka osaa tehostaa izeänsä. No noi ei kai sitten osanneet. Yxin jumalaa on mahdoton pitää naurettavana, vai onko? onhan siinä paljon Niilo Visapään piirteitä. Minä tunsin maan uivan aluxena avaruuden sinistä valtamerta. Minä purjehdin keltaisella merellä. Onnettomuutesi, vanha veikko, on että olet akkamainen.
    ellauri408.html on line 269: Jesus was a Jew: why do you think He was not? Jeshua Ben Joseph, as he was known by other Jews at the time, followed the Law of Moses, was circumcised, studied the Jewish Scriptures and attended Temple. He became a Bar Mitzvah at 13 years old, but waited until he was 30 before He began his mission: that is because Jewish men become Elders at the age of 30 and are allowed to speak in the Temple or Synegogue. His life was ruled by the Law, and he abided by every one of the laws (except filching corn and screwing disciples), showing it was possible to live in accordance with the old Covenant, if you were without sin and perfect. The new Covenant is based on Faith in Jesus, and accepts you as a sinner because His Passion on the Cross paid the price for that sin: the New Covenant was necessary because no-one other than Christ is capable of living without sin. Those who follow Christ are called Christians, but Christ didn’t follow himself, obviously, he followed YHWH, God the Father, so he was a Jew. So there!
    ellauri408.html on line 321: But amusingly that prophecy also flopped, so how do we know that the biblical “god” is the “Lord”? Well, not to put too fine a point to it, we con't.
    ellauri408.html on line 670: And so in walks curvy, cheery, cute as heck ghostwriter Mabel Willicker, who knows just how to sunshine and sass her way into getting every little detail out of Alfie. They banter and bicker their way to writing his life story, both of them sure they’ll never be anything other than at odds.
    ellauri408.html on line 671: But after their business arrangement is mistaken for a budding romance, the pair have to pretend to be an item for a public who’s ravenous for more of this Cinderella story. Or at least, it feels like it’s pretend―until each slow burn step in their fake relationship sparks a heat neither can control. Now they just have to check is this sizzling chemistry just for show? Or something so real it might just give them their fairytale ending? Will they end up as another Teme and Sirpa?
    ellauri409.html on line 252: A-scheming how to count ten bob a pound. Miettien miten riittää kymppi sataseen.
    ellauri409.html on line 450: Appearance and Reality (1893; second edition 1897) is a book by the English philosopher Francis Herbert Bradley, in which the author, influenced by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, argues that most things are appearances and attempts to describe the reality these appearances misrepresent, which Bradley calls the Absolute. It is the main statement of Bradley´s metaphysics and is considered his most important book.The work was an early influence on Bertrand Russell, who, however, later rejected Bradley´s views. In 1894, the book was reviewed by J. M. E. McTaggart, the apologist of "haecceitas" (tämyys). Kun Seppo Kiviseltä jäi McTaggart väitöskirja kesken, Seppo sortui haahuiluun.
    ellauri409.html on line 465: Prufrock is a speaker characterized first and foremost by overwhelming fear and alienation, stemming from his hypersensitivity to time, his disillusionment with the failure of communication, and his inability to construct a stable self. We read that transience and mortality command all of our day-to-day actions and interactions—and how could this not leave us terrified and alienated like Prufrock himself?
    ellauri411.html on line 134:

    Sarcastic, dreamy, eloquent, prone to anxiety - I am a bundle of contradictions and it shows in my writing. Even as my mind protests. I'll shoot you angry glances. Quick flicker of eyelids and lashes. Hiding forbidden fury. Burning alongside tears. (Ei välttämättä sama Rittika, mutta nätti. Tätä sietäisi kiertää ulos noista vaipoista!)

    ellauri411.html on line 169:
    The evidence for the actual history of how İsrael became İsrael does not align with the Torah narrative that closely according to the current research and archaeology- rather than being migrants from elsewhere, it appears our ancient ancestors were just indigenous people who began differentiating themselves politically from their neighbours via the adoption If a monolatrous, or henotheistic religion that later evolved into monotheistic Judaism several centuries later. Henotheism is the worship and or belief of a single deity, while accepting the existence or possible existence of other deities. Monolatry is the recognition of many deities, but only consistent worship of a single deity.
    ellauri411.html on line 186: For this reason, the Persian Emperor Cyrus is extremely important to the Jewish people. He allowed the many Jews who had fled to return to Judea. The Israelites were henceforth known as Judeans (and later Jews) by everyone else. They still refer to themselves as the descendants of Israel however. This period of Persian rule is when the Torah, which had been passed down orally till then, was written down.
    ellauri412.html on line 64: I met a sweet gal named Jerusha. Upon hearing her name, I squealed, “I’ve never met a Jerusha!!”  She looked rather startled. (I do that to people sometimes.) “You know who Jerusha is?”  “Of course! She’s King Uzziah’s wife in the Bible.”  This sweet girl smiled and confessed she’d stumped many Bible nerds with her name. I wouldn’t have known either unless I’d been studying Isaiah and the kings who reigned during his ministry.  Here’s another woman I’ve read over at least a dozen times–Ahinoam. I knew one of David’s wives was Ahinoam, but did you know King Saul’s wife was also named Ahinoam? Aha! Got you there! And what about Job’s wife? Scripture doesn’t even name her. We only know her as the crotchety old gal that gripes at her suffering husband. The shepherd girl in Solomon’s Song of Songs is another one who gets no name. At least we know she was loved. And how! Isaiah’s wife is another woman mentioned but given no name.
    ellauri412.html on line 199: From the orgies with temple prostitutes on the high places under the trees surrounding Jerusalem, in ancient times, to the sex magick promoted by modern day occultists like Aleister Crowley (known through the UK as the most evil man in history), Anton LaVey (High priest and founder of the Church of Satan) and Gerald Gardner (the inventor of Wicca), the idea of sexual activity being an important part of occult has permeated every culture since man began to congregate. In the East you have “tantric” practices in Hindu and Buddhism. Throughout Europe, you have pagan sex rituals. And in the Holy Land we've covered the Bible's warning about the temple prostitutes which permeated the land throughout history–through Babylon, Rome, and Greece. Pagan idolatry always involves sex. Whereas sex is virtually absent from The Bible, well, from New Testament anyhow.
    ellauri412.html on line 203: 1 King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter - Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. 2 They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. 3 He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. 4 As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. 5 He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. 6 So Solomon did evil in the eyes of theLord; he did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done. (1 Kings 11:1-6)
    ellauri412.html on line 210: And Satan's even stopped trying to hide the Asherah poles as something else, now Asherah poles are in vogue on the left coast. Bars are being decorated with Asherah poles, the fad started at a fashion show where a designer used religious icons to decorate the stage and according to the article people raved about the asherah poles so much that club owners started putting them in bars. It saddens me that these people are so blinded by their ignorance that they are publicly, cluelessly worshiping Satan merely because it's hip and cool to do so.
    ellauri412.html on line 648: This prophecy was written 1000 years before Jesus was born. And coincidently, Judaism has tried to insert multiple messiahs to fit their own narrative of rejecting Jesus. How can you (Judaism) reject a chapter to fit your narrative of you still waiting for your messiah to come. If it’s in the word of God it is to be taken what the Lord God through the holy spirit had written. This is why, Christianity who follow Christ, we read the entire book of The Lord God We don’t have the right as his followers to reject or omit what the Lord Has written. If I was following Judaism then I would question and start to think with my own insight about how can you reject a chapter that the Lord God put in the Holy Bible, and then you have orthodox Jew who has come to the truth of Jesus Christ.
    ellauri412.html on line 676: Look, if you’re reading the Bible as an atheist and asking about a reasonable interpretation, then the world is your oyster. You are not required to accept the worldview of the authors of the Bible, who all believed in God and wrote about Him from that perspective. And at the same time, as someone who does not believe God exists and does not accept the inspired nature or inerrancy of scripture, you have limited your possible interpretations of Scripture to only natural explanations that do not invoke God. This is going to cause significant problems with your use of the historical-grammatical method, which strives to discover the biblical author’s original intended meaning in the text. For example, every time Isaiah writes, “thus says the Lord” (which is a lot!), how will you interpret that? For an atheist, a statement like that either makes Isiah delusional (he believed a non-existent God told him something) or a charlatan (he’s knowingly asserting a false attribution).
    ellauri412.html on line 686: Vastaus: I get what you’re saying, Barry. Your objection is moral in nature. God ought to prevent his children from disaster, he ought to stop rapists, and it is immoral of him not to do so. And because of His moral lapse, you conclude that God’s love must be limited; He must not be omnibenevolent. It’s a modern take on Epicurus. And it’s a strong argument. Its tacit implication is that if God was really all-good, all-wise, and all-powerful, He should have created a universe without evil, suffering, or disaster. This implication suggests a presupposition that one of the highest moral values is an absence of evil and suffering. However, Christianity teaches there is an even higher moral value than an absence of evil and suffering: namely, love. You can't show how much you love if you don't first create some suffering.
    ellauri419.html on line 176: how well they understood Its human position; kuinka hyvin he ymmärsivät sen inhimillisen aseman;
    ellauri419.html on line 177: how it takes place While someone else is eating or miten se tapahtuu jonkun muun syödessä tai
    ellauri419.html on line 186: must run its course. Anyhow in a corner, some marttyyrikuoleman on noudatettava kulkuaan
    ellauri419.html on line 191: In Breughel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away Esimerkiksi Brueghelin Ikaruksessa: kuinka kaikki kääntyy pois
    ellauri419.html on line 218: Baldwin also formed a personal relationship with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover when the latter was first appointed in 1924, and he remained somewhat uncritical of the Bureau in the years that followed. Olikohan Rogerkin homofiili? No oli sillä pari vaimoa ja tytärkin. Years later, the ACLU would draw criticism from the NAACP for defending the right of the Klan to assemble peaceably. Jewish groups expressed similar disapproval when the group defended the right of automaker Henry Ford to publicize his anti–Semitic views. In these and other instances, however, the ACLU championed open discourse as opposed to suppression or censorship. Ihan Jarkko Tontin linjoilla kaikin puolin.
    ellauri420.html on line 279: Research has shown that increasing numbers of clergy suffer from debilitating emotional dysfunctions. Collectively called “paedophilia burnout,” some of these disabilities stem from something now identified as Compression Fatigue—the consequence of constant
    ellauri420.html on line 280: immersion of members in the derrieres of the kids of people to whom they minister. Likewise, research shows that clinical impotence among pastors exceeds rates common in the general population.
    ellauri420.html on line 287: Acedia is certainly not child’s play, quite the opposite, it makes short shrift of your play with kids. I’ve seen it take a good man down to near capitulation and bring him to the brink of despair. (Which is just how things ought to be intuitively, according to Cioran.)
    ellauri420.html on line 297: Acedia is symptomatic of demonic attack. There’s no reason to fear, however. This is the normal result of what happens when a man takes off the mantle of the ministry and begins to do real work with bareass kids in service of Christ and his kingdom.
    ellauri420.html on line 345: Pitäisikö meidän ottaa historia vakavasti vai katsoa sitä katsojana? Nähdä se pyrkimyksenä kohti päämäärää tai valoshowna, joka kirkastuu ja haalistuu ilman tarvetta tai syytä? Vastaus riippuu illuusiomme asteesta ihmisen suhteen, uteliaisuudestamme ennakoida miten tämä valssin ja teurastuksen sekoitus, joka säveltää sen tulevaisuutta, ratkeaa.
    ellauri420.html on line 385: Le doute concernant un assassinat subsistait car il fut retrouvé avec son bolivar sur la tête (not shown in Gustave Dore's fig. above) alors que celui-ci aurait normalement dû tomber du fait de l'agitation provoquée par la strangulation. On retrouva sur lui une lettre dans laquelle il demandait 300 francs, somme qui, selon lui, aurait suffi pour survivre durant l'hiver.
    ellauri420.html on line 552: Elle est élevée dans un couvent bénédictin à Paris. Educated at a Benedictine convent in Paris, she showed great intelligence and a skeptical, cynical turn of mind. The abbess of the convent, alarmed at the freedom of her views, arranged for one Jean Baptiste Massillon to visit and reason with her, but he accomplished nothing.
    ellauri421.html on line 188:
    A post-war photo of Brest, showing its destruction.

    ellauri421.html on line 251: Erikoisoperaatio Ukrainassa. Osittainen mobilisaatio Venäjän federaatiossa. Kansainvälinen näyttely-foorumi "Venäjä". Kaikki tuonnin korvaamisesta. Venäjän kansalliset hankkeet. yhteiskunta. Tapahtumat. politiikka. Rahaa. Moskova. Kulttuuri. Elokuva. Teatteri. Kirjat. Taide. Show business. Henkilö. Ongelma. minne mennä. Galleriat. Nykyiset klassikot. Urheilu. Keittiö. Mökki. Terveys. Auto. Kiinteistöt. Tekniikka. Tiede. Kilpailut ja testit. Lehdistö. Hyvä sydän. Baryshnikovin tila. Kaikki koronaviruksesta.
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 30: Mazurka por dos muertos. This is definitely my favourite of Cela’s works. It shows a return to a more traditional narrative style, though it is not without its post-modernist elements. The story starts with the tale of the death of Lázaro Codesal, who was killed by a Moroccan when on service in Morocco, while masturbating under a fig tree.

    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 63: I ´ve heard them in the Ephesian ruins howl mä oon kuullu kun ne ulvoo Efesoxessa,
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 641: If you want me to send it to your friends Haile Selassie, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, send me 1000 dirham in unmarked banknotes in a brown envelope ASAP. BTW, greetings to your camel! He's a looker. He should find a smarter boyfriend. Tell him I am free at present. You already got my belfie, show it him.
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 679: I'm know that you would not like to show these screenshots to your friends, relatives or colleagues.
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 686: You do not know how to use bitcoins?
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 687: Enter a query in any search engine: "how to replenish btc wallet".
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 371:

    Ketkä me? Sini ja mini voidaan ainakin. Show on jo melkein ohi.
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1033: For that is how the world will end,

    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1063: Brown was a latter-day buccaneer, sorry enough, like his more celebrated prototypes...They never failed to let you know, too, that he was supposed to be a son of a baronet. The others were merrely vulgar and greedy brutes, but he seemed by some more complex intention. He would rob a man as if only to demonstrate his poor opinion of the creature...Later on he ran off - it was reported - with the wife of a missionary, a very young girl from Clapham way, who had married the mild, flat-footed fellow in a moment of enthusiasm, and suddenly transplanted to Melanesia, lost her bearings somehow. It was a dark story. She was ill at the time he carried her off, and died on board his ship. It is said - as the most wonderful part of the tale - that over her body he gave way to an outburst of sombre and violent grief...till at last, he sails into Jim's history, a blind accomplice of the dark powers.
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1065: ...most unexpectedly I did come upon him a few hours before he gave up his arrogant ghost. Fortunately he was willing and able to talk between the choking fits of asthma, and his racked body writherd with malicious exultation at the bare thought of Jim. He exulted thus at the idea that he had "paid out the stuck-up beggar after all". He gloated over his action. I had to bear the sunken glare of his fierce crow-footed eyes if I wanted to know; and so I bore it, reflecting how much certain forms of evil are akin to madness, derived from intense egoism, inflamed by resistance, tearing the soul to pieces...
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 305: At the weekend seminar, I couldn’t shake the feeling that what we were participating in was thinly-veiled self-indulgence and little more. In hindsight, I think this was as much a branding problem (from a business perspective) as an organizational problem (social perspective). Integral Institute built their movement in order to influence academia, governmental policy, to get books and journals published, and to infuse these ideas into the world at large. Yet, here we were, spending money to sit in a room performing various forms of meditation and yoga, having group therapy sessions, art performances, and generally going on and on about how “integral” we were and how important we were to the world without seemingly doing anything on a larger scale about it.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 962: Each seminar group feels unique and special. The fact that there are 100 participants of heterogeneous backgrounds means that the inviduals may feel just semi-unique and not-quite-so special (there are about 30 unique ideas in ciruclation anyway, as my assistent has shown), but semi-guided discussions as well as informal dialogues outside the seminar room can be highly rewarding for the participants. Such dialogues are not charged separately.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 976: Think of the philosopher as the conductor, he goes round and sells tickets and tells people where to get off. The Paphos seminar turns the role of the lecturer into one of a conductor in an elevated bus titillating the customers. the Paphos seminar is a big one man show, it becomes one of the performing arts.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1031: Mindlessness of Even the Best Minds. One need not dwell on works such as Paul Johnson’s Intellectuals to note that no matter how learned, brilliant or hungry-for-knowledge people might be, they can be staggeringly inept.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1033: Höh, onx tää joku uutinen. Nää nk best minds, Jaakko Hintikkamaiset nörtithän ne just on kaikista avuttomimpia arkipäivässä. Sen takia niistä ehkä tulikin sellasia propellipäitä. Jaakon tonttuilusta oli useitakin tärkeitä esimerkkejä tän tutkielman toisessa luvussa. Eskin mielestä mindlessnessistä pääsee mindfulnessiin oikeilla sanoilla (kts. se luettelo toisaalla). Glow-howta vaan kehiin.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1041: Tässä pitkänlännässä sepustuxessa toistuu ihan Eskin izensä muotoilemina käytännössä kaikki ne pointit, jotka sen adeptit on muualle juhlakirjaan keränneet. Sieltähän ne on voinu ne sit kopsia, jos ei muuten muistaneet enää kuin ne kaxi pointtia kolmesta. Glow-how niillä kai kuitenkin oli tallella, mikähän sen puoliintumisaika on. Vanheneminen ja parasta-ennen päivä on nykyään sisäänrakennettu kaikkiin tuotteisiin, onhan ajateltava myös valmistajan ja myyjän etua. No sit eiku uudestaan luennolle tai Pafoxelle.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1066:
  • Hold your horses with your brilliance, intellect and learning. Don’t raise yourself above others. Don’t split the audience. Don’t believe you know the truth. Don’t believe you are the best. Don’t lecture even when you lecture, but suggest with conviction, inspiring a sense of the possible. Don’t manipulate, don’t push your own agenda but show integrity with your example and dynamic humblenes

  • xxx/ellauri044.html on line 439: Pistorius, however, is the only character of the novel that has an
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 315: Esimerkkinä löyty Mauriselta mm. hupaisa hessu 1700-luvulta, vähän kuin Fast shown Arthur: "bugger it", "wif my luck". Tällä Lucilla meni lähes kaikki täysin päin persettä. Huono terveys, huono onni, paska elämä. Siitä huolimatta tai ehkä sixi se julkaisi nipun penseyxiä ja paasauxia Voltairen suojeluxessa. Sen mielestä Racine löi Corneillen 6-0. Voltaire taisi olla samaa mieltä. Niistä Corneille oli messuaja ja sen sankarit jotain supermiehiä niinkuin jollain Sofokleella, Racine oli show not tell koulukuntaa, ja sen hemmot inhimillisempiä (vrt Euripides). Musta molemmat vaikuttaa aiika heikoilta, vaikken ole lukenutkaan niitä kunnolla. En pidä tragedioista ylipäänsä, ne on liian yleviä.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 360: But nothing could be further from the truth. It is true that Shakespeare presents Shylock as a bitter, Christian-hating, money-grabbing, stingy man, dressed in the gabardine that set Jews apart from other citizens, but he gives Shylock a strong reason for hating Christians and wanting to get revenge for how they have treated him and the Jewish community.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 362: Shakespeare also gives us insight into the inner Shylock – not only his bitterness and anger but also his more sympathetic feelings such as the hurt he has experienced, his thoughts about the injustice of anti-Semitism and his isolation from normal society. Throughout the action of the play we see how nasty the Christians are – their shameless selfishness and brutal discrimination against Jews. Shakespeare makes Shylock’s hatred even more dramatic by having Shylock’s daughter elope with a Christian.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 372: The Duke doesn’t know how to deal with it but Basanio, successful in his suit, recruits his clever fiancé Portia, who is schooled in matters of law, to appear as a judge, disguised as a man. The trial takes place and Portia grants Shylock the pound of flesh, and counsels him to show mercy. Shylock takes out his knife to cut the flesh from the area close to Antonio’s heart and she stops him and tells him that it is against the law for anyone to shed a drop of Christian blood.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 380: In The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare is decidedly not anti-Semitic. It is just the opposite. We are definitely attracted to the Christians and we can see how horrific Shylock’s intention is but that is outweighed by the provocation he is subjected to: his social shunning, attempts to exploit him, daily insults about him and his religion, and the dramatic acts of the abduction of his daughter and the stealing of his property.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 401: In the way Shakespeare ends the play he shows how deeply-rooted anti-Semitism was in his time. A Twenty-first century audience will feel sorry for Shylock but an Elizabethan audience would probably have cheered.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 403: All that shows how universal Shakespeare was in his perception of the world around him – how it was before his time, how it was in his time, and how it will be after his time. How will this play look in four hundred years from now? Audiences will most certainly find it relevant to their time as well.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 84: As a boy, Zhambyl learned how to play the dombura and at age 14, left his home to become an akyn. He learned the art of improvisation from the akyn Suyunbai Aronuly. Zhambyl sang exclusively in the Kazakh language.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 105: Borat esiintyi säännöllisesti Cohenin Da Ali G Showssa osioissa, joissa hän kysymyksillään aiheutti hämmennystä haastatelluissa ihmisissä. Boratilla on tuuhea tumma tukka ja viikset sekä nuhjuinen puku. Borat on seksistinen ja rasistinen, ja hän kertoo usein Kazakstanista perättömiä seikkoja, joihin ihmiset kuitenkin näyttävät uskovan. Borat myös inhoaa ja pelkää juutalaisia ja väheksyy kehitysvammaisia. Sittemmin Borat on myös juontanut MTV Europe Music Awards -tilaisuuden vuonna 2005 Lissabonissa.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 115: Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan is a 2006 British-American mockumentary comedy film directed by Larry Charles and starring Sacha Baron Cohen. Baron Cohen stars as Borat Sagdiyev, a fictitious Kazakhstani journalist who travels through the United States to make a documentary which features real-life interactions with Americans. Much of the film features unscripted vignettes of Borat interviewing and interacting with real-life Americans who believe he is a foreigner with little or no understanding of American customs. It is the second of four films built around Baron Cohen's characters from Da Ali G Show (2000–2004): the first, Ali G Indahouse, was released in 2002, and featured a cameo by Borat; the third, Brüno, was released in 2009; and the sequel to Borat, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, was released in 2020.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 125: An etiquette coach suggests Borat attend a private dinner at an eating club in the South. During the dinner, he offends the other guests when he lets Luenell, an African-American prostitute, into the house and shows her to the table: they are both kicked out. Borat befriends Luenell, who invites him into a relationship with her, but he tells her that he is in love with someone else. Borat then visits an antique shop, in which he clumsily breaks various Confederate heritage items.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 129: Azamat abandons Borat, taking his passport, all of their money, and their bear. Borat's truck runs out of fuel, and he begins to hitchhike to California. He is soon picked up by drunken fraternity brothers from the University of South Carolina. On learning the reason for his trip, they show him the Pam and Tommy sex tape which reveals that she is not a virgin. Despondent, Borat burns the Baywatch booklet and, by mistake, his return ticket to Kazakhstan.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 131: Borat attends a United Pentecostal camp meeting, at which Republican U.S. Representative Chip Pickering and Mississippi Supreme Court Chief Justice James W. Smith, Jr. are present. He regains his faith and forgives Azamat and Pamela. He accompanies church members on a bus to Los Angeles and disembarks to find Azamat dressed as Oliver Hardy, although Borat mistakes him for Adolf Hitler. The two reconcile and Azamat tells Borat where to find Pamela Anderson. Borat finally comes face-to-face with Anderson at a book signing at a Virgin Megastore. After showing Anderson his "traditional marriage sack", Borat pursues her throughout the store in an attempt to abduct her, until security guards intervene.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 215: Eleven years ago, that text outraged me because it was dishonest: sensational and sordid. Now it seems ahead of its time. Today it would be one among many that appear daily about any moderately famous person: another sign of how morbid and superficial our cultural references are, especially online.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 219: So what did I do? I chose to remember that Borges is not a writer of the era of Facebook and autofiction; that it is not true that he hides in his texts, speaks little about himself (in fact, the opposite is true: how often in his work does his double appear, the character called Borges?); he simply does not do it the way in which we are accustomed today; that, like his friend Alfonso Reyes, Borges learned the classical notion of decorum, which is a set of rules of style when writing and also a certain principle of discretion, an obligation not to say absolutely everything that is very likely inconceivable to many people today.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 336: According to the Malleus Maleficarum, exorcism is one of the five ways to overcome the attacks of incubi, the others being Sacramental Confession, the Sign of the Cross (or recital of the Angelic Salutation), moving the afflicted to another location, and by excommunication of the attacking entity, "which is perhaps the same as exorcism". On the other hand, the Franciscan friar Ludovico Maria Sinistrari stated that incubi "do not obey exorcists, have no dread of exorcisms, show no reverence for holy things, at the approach of which they are not in the least overawed".
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 553: He wrote hundreds of songs, many becoming major hits, which made him famous before he turned thirty. During his 60-year career he wrote an estimated 1,500 songs, including the scores for 20 original Broadway shows and 15 original Hollywood films, with his songs nominated eight times for Academy Awards. Many songs became popular themes and anthems, including "Alexander's Ragtime Band", "Easter Parade", "Puttin' on the Ritz", "Cheek to Cheek", "White Christmas", "Happy Holiday", "Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)", and "There's No Business Like Show Business". His Broadway musical and 1943 film This is the Army, with Ronald Reagan, had Kate Smith singing Berlin's "God Bless America" which was first performed in 1938.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 561: No Ronaldilla oli kyllä oma lehmä ojassa, This is the Armyn entisenä tähtenä. Iisakki kynäili myös God Bless American, joka on jenkkilän Deutschland Deutschland über alles. Ja siltä on myös toi Easter Parade, sekä White Christmas. There is no business like show business! Irving Berlin Inc.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 124: He did however influence writers such as Albert Camus (who wrote about him in Le Mythe de Sisyphe, The Myth of Sisyphus), Benjamin Fondane (his 'pupil'), the poet Paul Celan, and notably Emil Cioran, who wrote some favorable shit about Shestov.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 174: "Cur Deus homo? Why, to what purpose, did He become man, expose himself to injurious mistreatment, ignominious and painful death on the cross? Was it not in order to show man, through His example, that no decision is too hard, that it is worth while bearing anything in order not to remain in the womb of the One? That any torture whatever to the living being is better than the 'bliss' of the rest-satiate 'ideal' being?"
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 186: He did however influence writers such as Albert Camus (who wrote about him in Le Mythe de Sisyphe), Benjamin Fondane (his 'pupil'), the poet Paul Celan, and notably Emil Cioran, who writes about Shestov:
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 311: Klages was however, as a bishop states, "not a fundamentally anti-semitic thinker, not a fundamentally right-wing philosopher, and not a fundamental Nazi." Addressing the issue of antisemitism, Klages
    xxx/ellauri076.html on line 59: The members of Mötley Crüe have often been noted for their hedonistic lifestyles and the androgynous personae they maintained. Following the hard rock and heavy metal origins on the band's first two albums, Too Fast for Love (1981) and Shout at the Devil (1983), the release of its third album Theatre of Pain (1985) saw Mötley Crüe joining the first wave of glam metal. The band has also been known for their elaborate live performances, which features flame thrower guitars, roller coaster drum kits, and heavy use of pyrotechnics (including lighting Nikki on fire). Mötley Crüe's most recent studio album, Saints of Los Angeles, was released on June 24, 2008. What was planned to be the band's final show took place on New Year's Eve, December 31, 2015. The concert was filmed for a theatrical and Blu-ray release in 2016.
    xxx/ellauri076.html on line 176: They know how to please a man Ne tietää miten miestä miellytetään
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 164: Additionally, what is the purpose of the Tyger by William Blake? It would be a mistake to say that Blake's purpose in writing "The Tyger" was to show that God is the source of pain and violence in the world, just as it would be a mistake to assume that Blake's purpose in writing "The Lamb" was to convert people to a belief in Jesus Christ.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 216: Onnen päivät sijoittuu 1950-luvulle, presidentti Eisenhowerin aikaan, ja sen tapahtumapaikka on Milwaukeen olutkaupunki Wisconsinissa. Ne oli onnen päiviä keskiluokalle, Hoover ja McCarthy piti kommunistin (Dashiel Hammett) kurissa. Sarjan keskuksena on keskiluokkainen Cuntinghamin perhe: rautakauppias-isä Howard, kotiäiti Marion sekä poika Richie ja tytär Joanie. Sarja keskittyi alun perin teini-ikäisen Richien ja tämän kahden ystävän, Potsie Weberin ja Ralph Malphin ympärille, ja kuvasi teinielämää 1950-luvun Yhdysvalloissa. Alun perin sivuhahmoksi tarkoitettu Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli, koulunsa kesken jättänyt nahkatakkinen moottoripyöräilijä ja automekaanikko, kohosi kuitenkin yleisösuosion ansiosta yhdeksi keskeisimmistä hahmoista. Richien poistuttua sarjasta seitsemän tuotantokauden jälkeen Fonzie nousi sarjan pääosaan.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 273: Bob Death smiles coolly (South Shore bikers are required to be extremely cool in everything they do) and manipulates a wooden match with his lip and says No, not that fish-one. He has to assume a kind of bar-shout to clear the noise of his idling hawg. He leans in more toward Gately and shouts that the one he was talking about was: This wise old whiskery fish swims up to three young fish and goes, “Morning, boys, how’s the water?” and swims away; and the three young fish watch him swim away and look at each other and go, “What the fuck is water?” and swim away. The young biker leans back and smiles at Gately and gives an affable shruge and blatts away, a halter top’s tits mashed against his back.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 323: The latest data calculated by OpenSecrets.org reports on disclosed information from 2012. The latest batch of numbers shows that the 113th Congress had a median net worth of $1,008,767. This is the first time in history that the majority of members are millionaires.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 517: The next year, Benny formed a vaudeville musical duo with pianist Cora Folsom Salisbury, a buxom 45-year-old divorcée who needed a partner for her act. This angered famous violinist Jan Kubelik, who feared that the young vaudevillian with a similar name would damage his reputation. Under legal pressure, Benjamin Kubelsky agreed to change his name to Ben K. Benny, sometimes spelled Bennie. When Salisbury left the act, Benny found a new pianist, Lyman Woods, and renamed the act "From Grand Opera to Ragtime". They worked together for five years and slowly integrated comedy elements into the show. They reached the Palace Theater, the "Mecca of Vaudeville," and did not do well. Benny left show business briefly in 1917 to join the United States Navy during World War I, and often entertained the sailors with his violin playing. One evening, his violin performance was booed by the sailors, so with prompting from fellow sailor and actor Pat O´Brien, he ad-libbed his way out of the jam and left them laughing. He received more comedy spots in the revues and did well, earning a reputation as a comedian and musician.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 524: When he complained of stomach pains in early December, a first test showed nothing, but a subsequent examination showed that he had inoperable pancreatic cancer. Benny went into a coma at home on December 22, 1974.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 592: Legal Seafood ei ollut ketju kun söimme siellä clam chowderia 70-luvulla. Ei niitä ollut enempää kuin 1. Wallu on meihin nähden räkänokka keltanokka vaikka nokka sillä yltääkin jo kattoon.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 594: Film critic André Bazin (1918-1958) is notable for arguing that realism is the most important function of cinema. His call for objective reality, deep focus, and lack of montage are linked to his belief that the interpretation of a film or scene should be left to the spectator. This placed him in opposition to film theory of the 1920s and 1930s, which emphasized how the cinema could manipulate reality.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 773: In France, after its release, communists, socialists, and "independent groups" treated the film favorably; however, the far right disapproved on account of the director's background. Some French critics denounced the film as unpatriotic. The film has also been criticized for being too selective and that the director was "too close to the events portrayed to provide an objective study of the period."
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 69: The first set of slogans were written by the Odells; however, they soon started an annual contest for people to submit the rhymes. With winners receiving a $100 prize, some contests received over 50,000 entries.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 133: When the eyeball falls out of the male protagonist’s head, i personally believe that the filmmaker wants to emphasize to the viewer the fact that we don’t necessarily “see” and perceive the world around us only as individuals but rather as a collective self. The way we perceive objects, people, the world around us in general is partly shaped by society and it’s rules. We have been taught how to look at life…
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 213: The work is incredibly mind-numbing so you put on some hopeful music or a comedy show so you can at least have some fun.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 215: You’ll probably fall asleep multiple times on your desk because of how freaken boring the work is, and you up to your coffee consumption so your manager doesn’t see you falling asleep.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 231: How can you even spend time thinking about the person you want to be when all you can think about is how shit this job is?
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 258: Also how these types think about themselves and what they supposedly contribute. Yes some contribute a lot while others have a sense of self worth that far exceeds reality believing they contribute more therefore work all the time.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 291: When asked in September 2016 if he would comply with the request of a student to use a preferred pronoun, Peterson said "it would depend on how they asked me.… If I could detect that there was a chip on their shoulder, or that they were [asking me] with political motives, then I would probably say no.…
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 355: This has a two part answer. The first is, that it assumes that businesses are started and then expanded for the purpose of creating jobs and advancing the working class. This simply is not true. When a person opens a business, their entire purpose is to earn a profit. Not a single multimillionaire has ever said “I think we need more jobs and better wages, so I think we should open another facility.” This can be documented with the exodus of American business to coutries such as Mexico, China, and Japan, just to name a few. They were NOT trying to create jobs in those countries. They were trying to increase profits. There are any number of counties, cities, and states that are held hostage by big business demanding tax abatements and other concessions if they agree to do business and maybe create jobs in those areas. So you see, big business is not about helping the little guy…it is about how much profit they can make with a PROMISE to help the little guy.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 382: And then look at all the jobs in the country. Go to craigslist and scroll through all the help wanted. Name for me how many of those jobs, are not jobs created by wealthy people? Even the few that exist, would those jobs exist without wealthy people?
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 383: Even my barber, which is a self employed hair cutter. Would his business exist without rich people? Would it? Where would he get to rent a building to run his barber show out of? Where did the power come from? Where did his trimmers and hair cutters come from? Where did he buy that barber chair from?
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 411: Um, no, no one is saying that. The idea is hilarious. This is where it goes wrong: Govt taking a little less from the rich than before is not a gift! It was THEIR money in the first place. How did we ever get to the place where people think that everything belongs to the govt like a king in feudal and ancient times, and we are all just subjects, serfs, and they will tell US how much of our own earnings we get to keep? Didn't we fight a revolution to abolish that nonsense?
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 433: There is no such thing as “trickle-down" because that's not how business starts or works, and not what anyone with a brain is claiming. We just want more opportunities and that happens by reducing friction and barriers, not by increasing them by fiat. NOTHING trickles down, you can be sure of that.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 443: The stupidity of the trickle down slur is the notion that lower tax rates are somehow supposed to free up a little more rich peoples’ income to be put in to spending and investment to boost the economy. That’s as stupid as the leftist notion that we will all get rich doing each others laundry and it is put forward by the same people. It is tried and true that only the rich get rich by getting the poor to do their laundry, and clean their golden toilet seats.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 446: That is NOT cash somehow spared from today’s taxes and diverted out of anyone’s income today. It IS cash taken out of bank accounts and passive investments TODAY, in multiples many times larger than the tax reductions involved, and invested TODAY in ways that get away with jobs and higher levels of economic gain in the FUTURE; money that would have continued to sit idle and unproductive without the incentive based tax policies.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 457: Because it assumes that rich people automatically create more jobs if they have more money. This idea ignores the reason why jobs are created in the first place: to make profit. Which means that new jobs are only created if they are profitable to the employer. If all the jobs that could be created aren’t, it doesn’t matter how much money the employer has. And therefore giving the employer more money in such a situation will not lead to more jobs being created.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 461: It however of course will make the rich richer without any risk, effort or investment and that is the reason why they are lying to you about this. The reason is greed, nothing more.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 520: What the evidence does show is that large-scale tax cuts lead to more debt, deficits, budget cuts and economic uncertainty as a greater share of financial resources is devoted to paying off interest on loans from our trading partners.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 575: “We would argue that governments should not be unduly concerned that taxing the rich will harm their economies when deciding how to pay for the costs of COVID-19,” the study authors said via email.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 75: About Lindsfarne Gospels Bede explains how each of the four Evangelists was represented by their own symbol: Matthew was the man, representing the human Christ; Mark was the lion, symbolising the triumphant Christ of the Resurrection; Luke was the calf, symbolising the sacrificial victim of the Crucifixion; and John was the eagle, symbolising Christ's second coming. A collective term for the symbols of the four Evangelists is the Tetramorphs. Each of the four Evangelists is accompanied by their respective symbol in their miniature portraits in the manuscript. In these portraits, Matthew, Mark, and Luke are shown writing, while John looks straight ahead at the reader holding his scroll. The Evangelists also represent the dual nature of Christ. Mark and John are shown as young men, symbolising the divine nature of Christ, and Matthew and Luke appear older and bearded, representing Christ's mortal nature.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 238: The Bible is pretty silent about tattoos. Search any concordance and you will not find restrictions on abortions, on gambling, or on tattoos. So how do we know whether a thing is sin or not if the Bible is silent on a particular issue? Is it a sin to have a tattoo according to biblical principles? What about a Christian symbol like a cross for a tattoo? Surely that would be acceptable wouldn’t it?
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 498: The west-side story here, reduced to its elements: “Manhattan” is a movie about a five-foot middle-aged Jew who beds a sweet 17-year-old girl, breaks her heart when he leaves her for someone else and only comes crawling back when he gets dumped. It is not simply that so many of us were so besotted with the film for so long; it’s that we were perfectly content to look and see the small tits and the virgin butt. The problem was an addiction to “the self-gratifying view,’’ Mr. Allen suggested - having made another movie about how he relentlessly does what he pleases. Butt on fire. Joey Buttafuoco quickly became an object of derision, the butt of the joke instead of Allen.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 515: We use cookies and similar methods to recognize visitors and remember their preferences. We also use them to measure ad campaign effectiveness, target ads and analyze site traffic. To learn more about these methods, including how to disable them, view our Cookie Policy.Starting on July 20, 2020 we will show you ads we think are relevant to your interests, based on the kinds of content you access in our Services. You can object. For more info, see our privacy policy. By tapping ‘accept,’ you consent to the use of these methods by us and third parties. You can always change your tracker preferences by visiting our Cookie Policy.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 612: Alone together, the narrator asks Dupin how he found the letter. Dupin explains the Paris police are competent within their limitations, but have underestimated with whom they are dealing. The prefect mistakes the Minister D— for a fool because he is a poet. (Siis kumpi on? Perfekti vai ministeri Dee? No Poe on ainakin, senhän sanoo nimikin, Poe-t. Ja hölmökin se on.) For example, Dupin explains how an eight-year-old boy made a small fortune from his friends at a game called Odds and Evens. The boy had determined the intelligence of his opponents and played upon that to interpret their next move. Tästä aiheesta on valtava amer. kirjallisuus, koskien vangin dilemman toistoja. He explains that D— knew the police detectives would have assumed that the blackmailer would have concealed the letter in an elaborate hiding place, and thus hid it in plain sight.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 663: The Reverend John Wilson and the minister of Hester's church, Arthur Dimmesdale, question her, but she refuses to name her lover. After she returns to her prison cell, the jailer brings in Chillingworth, now a physician, to calm Hester and her child with his roots and herbs. He and Hester have an open conversation regarding their marriage and the fact that they were both in the wrong. Her lover, however, is another matter and he demands to know who it is; Hester refuses to divulge such information. He accepts this, stating that he will find out anyway, and forces her to conceal that he is her husband. If she ever reveals him, he warns her, he will destroy the child's father. Hester agrees to Chillingworth's terms although she suspects she will regret it.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 691: The major theme of The Scarlet Letter is shaming and social stigmatizing, both Hester´s public humiliation and Dimmesdale´s private shame and fear of exposure. Notably, their liaison is never spoken of, so the circumstances that led to Hester´s pregnancy, and how their affair was kept secret never become part of the plot.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 888: Poe describes his method in writing "The Raven" in the essay "The Philosophy of Composition", and he claims to have strictly followed this method. It has been questioned whether he really followed this system, however. T. S. Eliot said: "It is difficult for us to read that essay without reflecting that if Poe plotted out his poem with such calculation, he might have taken a little more pains over it: the result hardly does credit to the method."
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 890: "The Philosophy of Composition" is Edgar Allan Poe's theory about how good writers write when they write well. He concludes that length, "unity of effect" and a logical method are important considerations for good writing. He also makes the assertion that "the death... of a beautiful woman" is "unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world". Poe uses the composition of his own poem "The Raven" as an example. The essay first appeared in the April 1846 issue of Graham's Magazine. It is uncertain if it is an authentic portrayal of Poe's own method.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 906: The essay states Poe's conviction that a work of fiction should be written only after the author has decided how it is to end and which emotional response, or "effect", he wishes to create, commonly known as the "unity of effect". Once this effect has been determined, the writer should decide all other matters pertaining to the composition of the work, including tone, theme, setting, characters, conflict, and plot. In this case, Poe logically decides on "the death... of a beautiful woman" as it "is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world, and equally is it beyond doubt that the lips best suited for such topic are those of a bereaved lover." Some commentators have taken this to imply that pure poetry can only be attained by the eradication of female beauty. Biographers and critics have often suggested that Poe's obsession with this theme stems from the repeated loss of women throughout his life, including his mother Eliza Poe, his foster mother Frances Allan and, later, his wife Virginia.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 407: And the last Age should show your Heart. Ja loppupeleissä sun "sydän" pilkahtais. Viimeinen jäisi sydämelle.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 466: Archibald MacLeish's poem "You, Andrew Marvell", alludes to the passage of time and to the growth and decline of empires. In his poem, the speaker, lying on the ground at sunset, feels "the rising of the night". He visualizes sunset, moving from east to west geographically, overtaking the great civilizations of the past, and feels "how swift how secretly / The shadow of the night comes on."
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 563: In 1986 he was arrested for soliciting an undercover policewoman for immoral purposes. In 1995 he was charged with battering his girlfriend Krystal Kennedy after leaving his wife of 35 years. Kennedy declined to testify against Knievel, however, and later married him.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 618: Elsewhere CHAT has been defined as "a cross-disciplinary framework for studying how humans purposefully transform natural and social reality, including themselves, as an ongoing culturally and historically situated, materially and socially mediated process". Core ideas are: 1) humans act collectively, learn by doing, and communicate in and via their actions; 2) humans make, employ, and adapt tools of all kinds to learn and communicate; and 3) community is central to the process of making and interpreting meaning – and thus to all forms of learning, communicating, and acting.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 233: how?id=museovirasto.744CB170FF5C838C809844FAEA33535F" width="100%" />
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 474: we find that the most prominent explanations include factors related to the quality of institutions, such as reliable and extensive welfare benefits, low corruption, and well-functioning democracy and state institutions. Furthermore, Nordic citizens experience a high sense of autonomy and freedom, as well as high levels of social trust towards each other, which play an important role in determining life satisfaction. On the other hand, we show that a few popular explanations for Nordic happiness such as the small population and homogeneity of the Nordic countries, and a few counterarguments against Nordic happiness such as the cold weather and the suicide rates, actually don't seem to have much to do with Nordic happiness.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 484:

    Well, we asked ourselves this question, and considering how many countries are in Europe, we decided there are plenty of things not to
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 538:

    The coolest part about this small Balkan country is how weirdly tall everyone is — the average height is more than 6 feet. Not half as fat as us though so there!

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 561:

    The problem is how incredibly difficult it is to get around, thanks to a dearth of major highways and poor road conditions.

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 650: We’re big fans of Germany mostly because of its language and the many awesome singular (or plural) words that describe something more complex. Everyone knows schadenfreude and wanderlust, but how about wurmgesicht und endlösung? The German language is the best language, basically.

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 663: locals know how to lick up to Americans. They actually offered to extradite Assange, and have privatized their healthcare and school system. Their corona strategy is even worse than ours.

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 782: Practical work alone, however, did not exhaust the aspirations that gripped Emily Balch. She felt the need both to acquire knowledge and to pass it on to others if she was to achieve more. And so she continued her studies, first in Paris under Levasseur1, the historian of the French working class, and later in Berlin where she studied that branch of economics which has been called a «professor-chair socialism»2. Here she also came in contact with the European labor movement and attended the Socialist Trade Union Congress in 1896.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 796: That few did so is sad, though hardly astonishing in view of the political climate of the time. Besides, the proposals had been put forward by women, and it is all too seldom that our male society lends a willing ear to the advice of women, no matter how well-founded it may be. It would not be a bad thing if men would occasionally remove their bland smiles and listen.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 224: This same reviewer recapitulated Cleave’s obligation “to show that he’s representing [the girl], rather than exploiting her.” Again, a false dichotomy. Unlike Kingsley Amis and his dad, we well-to-do white Americans can do both. America is a representative democracy, after all. We represent, y'all just stick to picking the cotton.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 237: You do indeed see just this brand of tokenism in television. There was a point in the latter 1990s at which suddenly every sitcom and drama in sight had to have a gay or lesbian character or couple. That was good news as a voucher of the success of the gay rights movement, but it still grew a bit tiresome: look at us, our show is so hip, one of the characters is homosexual! It is SOOO tiresome, why can't we just watch the superbly funny middle class straight white Americans instead?
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 255: I confess that this climate of scrutiny has got under my lucidly white skin. When I was first starting out as a novelist, I didn’t hesitate to write black characters, for example, or to avail myself of black dialects, for which, having grown up in the American South, I had a pretty good ear. I am now much more anxious about depicting characters of different races, and accents make me nervous. I try my best to talk average middle class American, but occasionally a few bits of North Carolina slip out. Sorry about that. Here's how I'd sound if I din't steal from anyone but the likes of me:
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 268: Regarding identity politics, what’s especially saddened me in my recent career is a trend toward rejecting the advocacy of anyone who does not belong to the group. In 2013, I published Big Brother, a novel that grew out of my loss of my own older brother, who in 2009 died from the complications of morbid obesity. I was moved to write the book not only from grief, but also sympathy of morbid obesity: in the years before his death, as my brother grew heavier, I saw how dreadfully other people treated him – how he would be seated off in a corner of a restaurant, how the staff would roll their eyes at each other after he’d ordered, though he hadn’t requested more food than anyone else. Just a little wafer, is all.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 270: I was wildly impatient with the way we assess people’s characters these days in accordance with their weight, and tried to get on the page my dismay at how much energy people waste on this matter, sometimes anguishing for years over a few excess pounds. Both author and book were on the side of the angels, or so you would think.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 272: But in my events to promote Big Brother, like trying to peddle it to my acquaintances, I started to notice a pattern. Most of the people buying the book in the signing queue were thin. Well the whole queue was pretty thin. Especially in the US, fat is now one of those issues where you either have to be one of us, or you’re the enemy. It's like Christianity: who is not for Jesus is against him. We don't know if he was fat, but most likely he was scrawny, he could not even carry his cross. I verified this when I had a long email correspondence with a “Healthy at Any Size” activist, who was incensed by the novel, which she hadn’t even read. Which she refused to read. No amount of explaining that the novel was on her side, that it was a book that was terribly pained by the way heavy people are treated and how unfairly they are judged, could overcome the scrawny author’s photo on the flap.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 294: Halfway through the novel, suddenly my protagonist has lost the right leg instead of the left one. My idea of lesbian sex is drawn from wooden internet porn. Efforts to persuasively enter the lives of others very different from us may fail: that’s a given. But maybe rather than having our heads taken off, we should get a few bucks for trying. After all, most fiction sucks. Most writing sucks. Mine does anyway. Most things that people make of any sort suck. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make anything. Or that we should not suck. I do, however badly, and my drummer boy loves it.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 323: There is a fascinating philosophical argument here. Instead, however, that core question was used as a straw man. Shriver’s real targets were cultural appropriation, identity politics and political correctness. It was a monologue about the right to exploit the stories of “others”, simply because it is useful for one’s story.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 329: On and on it went. Rather than focus on the ultimate question around how we can know an experience we have not had, the argument became a tirade. It became about the fact that a white man should be able to write the experience of a young Nigerian woman and if he sells millions and does a “decent” job — in the eyes of a white woman — he should not be questioned or pilloried in any way. It became about mocking those who ask people to seek permission to use their stories. It became a celebration of the unfettered exploitation of the experiences of others, under the guise of fiction. (For more, Yen-Rong, a volunteer at the festival, wrote a summary on her personal blog about it.)
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 351: The fact Shriver was given such a prominent platform from which to spew such vitriol shows that we as a society still value this type of rhetoric enough to deem it worthy of a keynote address. The opening of a city’s writers festival could have been graced by any of the brilliant writers and thinkers who challenge us to be more. To be uncomfortable. To progress.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 353: A Maxine Beneba Clarke, who opened the Melbourne Writers’ Festival by challenging us to learn how to talk about race in a way that was melodic and powerful. A Stan Grant, who will ask us why we continue to allow our First People’s to wallow in inhumane conditions. An A.C. Grayling, if you really want the international flavour. Anyone who will ask us to be better, not demand we be OK with worse.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 520: how.jpg" width="30%" />
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 522: Kathryn Lee Gifford (née Epstein; born August 16, 1953) is an American television presenter, singer, songwriter, occasional actress and author. She is best known for her 15-year run (1985–2000) on the talk show Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee, which she co-hosted with Regis Philbin. She is also known for her 11-year run with Hoda Kotb, on the fourth hour of NBC's Today show (2008–2019). She has received 11 Daytime Emmy nominations and won her first Daytime Emmy in 2010 as part of the Today team. Gifford's first television role had been as Tom Kennedy's singer/sidekick on the syndicated version of Name That Tune only in the 1977–1978 season. She also occasionally appeared on the first three hours of Today and was a contributing NBC News correspondent.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 257: When the body is in a certain state, be it in sleep, at rest, after a meal, after an emotional state etc, Neurotransmitter levels differ all the time. Measuring them at various states is the right way to do such scientific quantification. But even then, your body is responding to a stimuli and even then, your body is given a set of nutrients to work with to produce the optimal level of Homeostasis of the neurotransmitters. Therefore, understanding Homeostasis and how it works will lead you to understand that the levels of neurotransmitters is not a factor of schizophrenia at all.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 261: This is easily proven if you can conduct human trials the correct way. This requires a deep understanding of how the body works first… including how neurotransmitters work in an overall POV, which includes knowledge of the brain, the body, the nervous system, the neurons and finally why Homeostasis is always correct. The way your education system works limits your view because you only study within your specialization. You need to become a overall learner across various disciplines to find Truths. Because the Creator is someone who knows literally EVERYTHING!
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 271: PoV Power of Veto (Big Brother TV show)
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 48: Nonrenormalizability itself is no big deal; the Fermi theory of weak interactions was nonrenormalizable, but now we know how to complete it into a quantum theory involving W and Z bosons that is consistent at higher energies. So nonrenormalizability doesn't necessarily point to a contradiction in the theory; it merely means the theory is incomplete.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 84: Ex nihilo, nihil fit – is one of the propositions to which great significance was attributed in metaphysics. The proposition is either to be viewed as just a barren tautology, nothing is nothing, or, if becoming is supposed to have real meaning in it, then, since only nothing comes from nothing, there is in fact none in it, for the nothing remains nothing in it. Becoming entails that nothing not remain nothing, but that it pass over into its other, being. – Later metaphysics, especially the Christian, rejected the proposition that out of nothing comes nothing, thus asserting a transition from nothing into being; no matter how synthetically or merely imaginatively it took this proposition, there is yet even in the most incomplete unification of being and nothing a point at which they meet, and their distinguishedness vanishes. –
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 93: The Principle of Reason, the text of an important and influential lecture course that Martin Heidegger gave in 1955-56, takes as its focal point Leibniz's principle: nothing is without reason. Heidegger shows here that the principle of reason is in fact a principle of being. Much of his discussion is aimed at bringing his readers to the "leap of thinking," which enables them to grasp the principle of reason as a principle of being. This text presents Heidegger's most extensive reflection on the notion of history and its essence, the Geschick of being, which is considered on of the most important developments in Heidegger's later thought. One of Heidegger's most artfully composed texts, it also contains important discussions of language, translation, reason, objectivity, and technology as well as remarkable readings of Leibniz, Kant, Aristotle, and Goethe, among others. And lots of black-and-white pictures of scantily dressed women.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 222: Being buried in Westminster Abbey is generally considered a very high honour. Not that you’re likely to care after you’ve died. Once you’re dead, it’s no longer about you. It’s about how people remember you. More people are likely to remember him buried in Westminster Abbey than in outer space, which appears sparsely populated at best.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 500: The above quote is a classic example of evolution being a god-of-the-gaps explanation. There is a total gap in what evolution can explain about the origin of life, and Dawkins invokes the god of evolution to fill in the gap and asserts that natural selection “must” have gotten started somehow. But natural selection by itself cannot create anything; it can only select from things already created.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 502: How dense can these creation types really be? Wanting very much for something to be true turns people into imbeciles. The least one can say for Dawkins is that he knows what he doesn´t know. He his happy to just wait and see. One of my daughters challenged the teacher and said, “Miss, you keep saying ‘evolution did it,’ but you never actually explain how evolution did it.” The teacher had to confess that my daughter made a valid criticism, and the rest of class agreed. So what? How did god create the snake? Did he roll it like Gary Larson shows, or did he use some other method? Did he just make a hypnotic gesture? (Yes, see below.)
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 287: Currently, the most popular view is that the complete fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy is for our time and will take place shortly through Iran’s defeat in the Battle of Ezekiel 38. But if that’s true, then the Iranian people will have to be scattered among all the nations following their defeat and then somehow regain God’s favor during Daniel’s 70th Week in order for the last verse to be fulfilled. There’s simply no good reason to believe this will happen. After one brief reference in Ezekiel 38:5, the future of Persia is never mentioned in the Bible again.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 297: I frankly can’t say how or when God will restore Elam’s fortunes. But based on what I know currently, I am not comfortable with the substitution of Iran for Elam in Jeremiah 49:34-39. The truth is, we don’t need Jeremiah 49 to know what will happen to Iran, and the Bible doesn’t say how or when Elam’s fortunes will be restored. The only thing we know for sure is that God said it and therefore He will do it.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 359: These prophecies help us understand how Edom, Moab, and Ammon could escape the clutches of the anti-Christ. The Lord has chosen Petra as the city of refuge where He will protect His people throughout the Great Tribulation. In doing so, He will make sure the whole area stays out of the hands of His enemy. It also explains why, when He returns, He will first go to Edom to clear the way for His people to return to Jerusalem (Isaiah 63:1-6).
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 632: The Markan word for "my god", Ἐλωΐ, definitely corresponds to the Aramaic form אלהי, elāhī. The Matthean one, Ἠλί, fits in better with the אלי of the original Hebrew Psalm, as has been pointed out in the literature; however, it may also be Aramaic because this form is attested abundantly in Aramaic as well.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 636: Almost all ancient Greek manuscripts show signs of trying to normalize this text. For instance, the peculiar Codex Bezae renders both versions with ηλι ηλι λαμα ζαφθανι (ēli ēli lama zaphthani). The Alexandrian, Western and Caesarean textual families all reflect harmonization of the texts between Matthew and Mark. Only the Byzantine textual tradition preserves a distinction.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 720: The Book of Jubilees, in describing how the world was divided between Noah's sons and grandsons, says that Lud received "the mountains of Asshur and all appertaining to them till it reaches the Great Sea, and till it reaches the east of Asshur his brother" (Charles translation). The Ethiopian version reads, more clearly "... until it reaches, toward the east, toward his brother Asshur's portion." Jubilees also says that Japheth's son Javan received islands in front of Lud's portion, and that Tubal received three large peninsulae, beginning with the first peninsula nearest Lud's portion. In all these cases, "Lud's portion" seems to refer to the entire Anatolian peninsula, west of Mesopotamia.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 303: Vargas Llosa began his literary career in earnest in 1957 with the publication of his first short stories, "The Leaders" ("Los jefes") and "The Grandfather" ("El abuelo"), while working for two Peruvian newspapers. Upon his graduation from the National University of San Marcos in 1958, he received a scholarship to study at the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain. In 1960, after his scholarship in Madrid had expired, Vargas Llosa moved to France under the impression that he would receive a scholarship to study there; however, upon arriving in Paris, he learned that his scholarship request was denied. Despite Mario and Julia's unexpected financial status, the couple decided to remain in Paris where he began to write prolifically. Their marriage lasted only a few more years, ending in divorce in 1964. A year later, Vargas Llosa married his first cousin, Patricia Llosa, with whom he had three children: Álvaro (born 1966), a writer and editor; Gonzalo (born 1967), an international civil servant; and Fata Morgana (born 1974), a pornographer.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 57: As deacon in Rome, St. Lawrence was responsible for the material goods of the Church and the distribution of alms to the poor. Ambrose of Milan relates that when the treasures of the Church were demanded of Lawrence by the prefect of Rome, he brought forward the poor, to whom he had distributed the treasure as alms. "Behold in these poor persons the treasures which I promised to show you; to which I will add pearls and precious stones, those widows and consecrated virgins, which are the Church's crown."
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 89: See how efficient it is,
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 90: how it keeps itself in shape–
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 118: it knows how to make beauty.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 227: The Reverend John Wilson and the minister of Hester's church, Arthur Dimmesdale, question her, but she refuses to name her lover. After she returns to her prison cell, the jailer brings in Chillingworth, now a physician, to calm Hester and her child with his roots and herbs. He and Hester have an open conversation regarding their marriage and the fact that they were both in the wrong. Her lover, however, is another matter and he demands to know who it is; Hester refuses to divulge such information. He accepts this, stating that he will find out anyway, and forces her to conceal that he is her husband. If she ever reveals him, he warns her, he will destroy the child's father. Hester agrees to Chillingworth's terms although she suspects she will regret it.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 359: "Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Sibylla ti theleis; respondebat illa: apothanein thelo." I. THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade, And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten, 10 And drank coffee, and talked for an hour. Bin gar keine Russin, stamm’ aus Litauen, echt deutsch. And when we were children, staying at the archduke’s, My cousin’s, he took me out on a sled, And I was frightened. He said, Marie, Marie, hold on tight. And down we went. In the mountains, there you feel free. I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter. What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, 20 You cannot say, or guess, for you know only A heap of broken images, where the sun beats, And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief, And the dry stone no sound of water. Only There is shadow under this red rock, (Come in under the shadow of this red rock), And I will show you something different from either Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you; I will show you fear in a handful of dust. 30 Frisch weht der Wind Der Heimat zu Mein Irisch Kind, Wo weilest du? "You gave me hyacinths first a year ago; "They called me the hyacinth girl." - Yet when we came back, late, from the Hyacinth garden, Your arms full, and your hair wet, I could not Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither Living nor dead, and I knew nothing, 40 Looking into the heart of light, the silence. Öd’ und leer das Meer.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 33: Bodies are just as much a product of habit and behavior as they are DNA and genetic structure. Understanding the different physiological body types can give you insight into how yours works best. The hormonal body types are Adrenal, Thyroid, Liver and Ovary, the structural types are Ectomorph, Endomorph and Mesomorph, and the Ayurvedic types (sometimes called the Doshas) are Pitta, Vata, and Kapha. >
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 323: James "Jim" Polk was the long time editorial director of House of Anansi Press and edited two books by Charles Taylor, as well as work by Margaret Atwood, George Grant, Northrop Frye, and many others. With a literature PhD (which Peggy never finished) he has taught at Harvard, Idaho, Ryerson and Alberta, and has written a comic novel, a stage comedy about Canadian publishing, articles, short stories, and criticism about Canadian writers and writing. As an advisor at the Ontario Ministry of Culture, he worked on grants for theatre and books, developed a tax credit for publishers and remodelled the Trillium Book Prize to include Franco Ontarian writing. He lives in Toronto and, trained as a pianist, still practices daily, playing classics and show-tunes in seclusion.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 332: how-she-manages-to-have-it-all">
    Milli-Molli saa sedältä namuja ja tädiltä viisi pennyä

    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 345: Sullivan relates how in 1969, when Atwood was giving her first poetry reading, poet Irving Layton futilely attempted to sabotage the upstart writer by simultaneously reading his own work from the audience. Lisää ainesta käsineitokeitoxeen.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 456: Spiritual warfare. Looking Back at Prayerfest 2019, we experienced a powerful move of God while crying out to Him for all generations. To see the recap and full video, click here. He moved, yea, a powerful move, he turned over and snored on. But trust us, we guys will show you some moves! Back and forth! In and out! Thou wilt feel some miracles coming!
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 761: Hardly any Europeans would have even the vaguest idea how many people there are in “Western Europe”, since that is no longer a useful category. They would, however, know that the EU has a population of 450 million, and this is a useful category to have in your head, since it forms a trading bloc.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 770: Some books stay with you for a lifetime, the rest you just blithely walk by on your way to watching tv or cat videos or fling into garbage without so much as looking at the cover. Initially, they may seem to be just stories. As you will find, however, the literature grows and stays with you; they stay with you until you realise their true value: their capacity to alter and re-alter your idea of yourself, others, the society, and the world. Naah, the books on this list help you stay the way you are, keeping all your good old all American prejudices.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 786: 'Frankentein' tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a doctor who brings a creature to life, only to recoil at how hideous it is.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 868: His desire leads him to riches he could have never imagined. A motivational account of how following one's dreams can lead to the discovery of great wonders, 'The Alchemist' is an enchanting read filled with wisdom. Now this is the pits! The only worse choice on the list than this braindead dago would have been the old Russian hag Ayn Rand.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 892: The novel challenges readers to consider how they think, including monitoring their reactions, judgments, and choices. Daniel Kahnemann is a sleazy customer whose antics have been taken under the lupe elsewhere.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 950: A riveting work of journalism, the book reminds us of how much our memories influence us. Stupid self help shit.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 959: A timeless tear-jerker, 'Flowers for Algernon' examines the treatment of mentally disabled individuals and how one's past can influence the future. Charles Gordon has an intellectual disability and is chosen to participate in an experiment that could help boost his intelligence, but has only been tried on animals so far. As he volunteers to be the first human subject early on, the effects of the experiment begin to show. Still, getting smarter comes with its own set of surprises.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1023: A tiny miniature woman will stand in front of your little bro, also only about six inches tall standing up. Her long blonde hair accents her sparkling blue eyes and huge white smile. Her long plastic legs bend only slightly and her pointy breasts perk out of her hot pink tank top. She doesn’t look like anything a five year old would play with, but Barbie is obviously her favorite. How does a five year old relate to Barbie? She isn’t comforting to…show more content…
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 565: In order to deal with principles, we have rules. “Don’t jump off skyscrapers” is a rule and a good one at that. Unlike principles, however, rules break all the time. Often, it’s us doing the breaking — and often prematurely. I know it would be best for all concerned for me to break the skyscraper rule asap, but I'm going to give it some time. I'm wonderful. I want to fall gently like a snowflake.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 567: In the ten years since I wrote them down, I have broken every single one of my rules. And yet, I’m still glad I wrote that list. You know why? Because the idea that I wanted to live by some rules — despite not knowing which ones or how or why — was enough.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 575: Today, what I’m most interested in is neither principles nor rules, but what lives in-between. That’s one of the many lessons I learned along the way: Each rule may have a lifecycle, but that cycle can repeat many times in one life. So if a rule somehow keeps reappearing, keeps proving itself as useful, and continues to hurt if I break it, that rule catches my attention.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 651: Hayley Mills the Pollyanna could do it, and how. What a Lolita. And she could play The Gay Game too, heteronormal that she was.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 655: Dwayne Douglas Johnson (s. 2. toukokuuta 1972 Hayward, Kalifornia), paremmin tunnettu nimellä The Rock, on yhdysvaltalainen näyttelijä ja showpainija. Johnson laulaa Disney-animaatiossa Vaiana kappaleen "You're Welcome". Johnson on kolmannen sukupolven painija, sillä hänen isänsä ja isoisänsäkin olivat painijoita. Painiuransa aikana ja sen jälkeen hän on esiintynyt monissa elokuvissa, kuten Muumin paalu, Skorpionikuningas, Pako viidakkoon, Walking Tall, Gridiron Gang, Be Cool, Doom, The Game Plan sekä Fast & Furious 5, 6, 7 ja 8. Vuonna 2016 Johnson oli Forbes-lehden mukaan maailman parhaiten palkattu näyttelijä 64,5 miljoonan dollarin vuosituloillaan ja samoin vuonna 2018 89 miljoonan dollarin tuloillaan. Isänsä (Rocky Johnson) puolelta hän on tummaihoinen kanadalainen (engl. Black Canadian) ja äitinsä (Ata Johnson o.s. Maivia) puolelta samoalainen. Sekä isä Rocky että äidin adoptioisä Peter Maivia kuuluvat showpainin WWE Hall of Fame -kunniagalleriaan. Myös isoäiti Lia Malvia toimi lajin parissa johtaen Polynesian Pro Wrestling -promootiota Havaijilla. (Mummu Ruokamo.) Miamin yliopistosta hänellä on tutkinto kriminologiasta. Hävittyään Intercontinental Championship -tittelin Owen Hartille 28. huhtikuuta 1997 ja toivuttuaan loukkaantumisesta Johnson liittyi Nation of Domination talliin loppuvuodesta 1997. Samalla Johnson muutti painihahmoaan. Hyvänä hahmona tunnettu Rocky Maivia oli nyt karismaattinen kiusaaja The Rock, joka puhui itsestään kolmannessa persoonassa. Lopulta maaliskuussa 1998 hän syrjäytti Faarooqin Nation of Domination tallin johtajan asemasta. The Rock ryhtyi samalla myös pilkkaamaan WWF:n televisiojuontajia, erityisesti David Attenboroughia.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 657: Showpainilla on tiettyjä yhtymäkohtia 1500–1700-luvuilla suosittuun Commedia dell'arteen. Klovni mätkii pampulla olkiukkoa, dominot kaatuu pajazo tyhjenee. Nykyaikaisessa, viihteellisessä ammattipainissa, tällaisia ovat muun muassa tarinankerronnalliset elementit, karakteerien rakentaminen, juonikuviot, haastattelut, sekä ottelijoiden erikois- ja lopetusliikkeet. Suunnitellut tarinan kaaret saattavat kestää joskus vuosiakin. Maailman suurin showpainiyritys, WWE, kutsuukin omaa tuotettaan urheiluviihteeksi (engl. sports entertainment).
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 661: Vapaapainissa yleisön osa show’ssa on hyvin tärkeää. Yleisö hurraa faceille ja toistaa heidän iskulauseena ja buuaa heeleille. Huudot ovat samankaltaisia kuin jääkiekko-otteluiden kannatushuudot. Painijoiden uran kulku määräytyy yleisön reaktion mukaan. Asshole! - Nananana, nananana, heey, heey, heey, goodbye! - Holy shit! - You fucked up! - You screwed Bret! - What? - Boring! - You suck! - You tapped out! -You still got it! - YES! - NO! - MAYBE!
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 670: I don’t know how long the rules from the movie will last for you on this never-ending mission, but, like one of its characters, I’d like to remind you:
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 712: The Hebrew אשה זונה (ishah zonah), used to describe Rahab in Joshua 2:1, literally means "a prostitute woman". In rabbinic texts, however, she is explained as being an "innkeeper," based on the Aramaic Targum: פונדקאית. HAHA LOL. Rahab´s name is presumably the shortened form of a sentence name rāḥāb-N, "the god N has opened/widened (the womb?)". May the lord open. The Hebrew zōnâ may refer to secular or cultic prostitution, and the latter is widely believed to have been an invariable element of Canaanite religious practice, although recent scholarship has disputed this. However, there was a separate word, qědēšâ, that could be used to designate prostitutes of the cultic variety.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 736: Questionable things that parents made us do in the 90s: Roam the neighborhood alone. Stay home alone. Skip the sunblock. Play with questionable toys like yourself and Barbie. Watch late night shows or young adult cartoons like Whisper of the Heart.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1004: are on the subject of physicians, remember how
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 153: "I want to put a camera in her like a iPhone so she can recognise if she is indoors or outdoors and be able to recognise her own over someone that she has never met. She could see and recognise people and assign names to them and recall information about them so she could say 'Hi bob, how is work over at the construction site?' Hej! Jag heter Barbi, vad har du för dej?
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 168: "It's sad to see how relationships of a decade or couple of decades have become stale that doesn't mean love has broken down it juts means there is a element of fantasy that needs to be fed."
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 198: The 39-year-old showcased the 5ft 4ins and 7st lifelike sex doll to stunned passersby, demonstrating her eight modes which include 'family' and 'sexy'.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 391: “No need to respond, but wanted you to know how much I appreciate having you in my life.”
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 441: actually my job — given how frequently I communicate exclusively in emoji.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 443: ten thousand. But with the sheer number of options to choose from... well, how are
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 472: outfit," or less frequently, "This is literally how much I care" (notice the space
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 497: Pointing Up Emoji. I've only ever seen it used in one context: to show someone how much you want to
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 522: This article was originally published on July 3, 2015. That shows how much behind times you are.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 532: So now that you know what the options are, and what a Tapback is, here’s how to use them. How to Use a
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 564: In case you're somehow 15 years behind, emoji are taking over the world. But although there is an obvious benefit to having such a large arsenal of emoji with which to freely share your life with the rest of the world, the choices you have can become overwhelming. For example, what do all the cat emoji mean? Why do we need so many of them? What the heck am I supposed to use them all for? Well, if you're feeling overwhelmed, have no fear — I'm here to help you.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 569: But out of all the emojis available on the Apple iPhone keyboard, one of the cutest and most versatile options is undoubtedly the cat emoji. It comes with a total of nine different expressions (perhaps representing each of a cat's hypothetical nine lives?), and they all, of course, mean different things. Not sure how to use all of them, or what makes them different? Check out this handy little guide to help you use them all properly, plus two or three different examples of the emoji in action:
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 585: Weary Cat Face Also known as the emoji depicting a very, very surprised cat. In fact, it's so surprised that it's pupils somehow go entirely white.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 726: Show -keskusteluohjelmissa. Yle TV1 teki vuonna 2017 Perjantai-dokkari -sarjaan
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 225: Hello 'Mari, how ya doin'? Hei Omari, mites menee?
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 245: Remember how I'd say Muista kuis mä sanosin
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 247: And if you knew how proud I was Ja jos tietäisit kuinka ylpee mä olin
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 512: subject; this shows its dignity and importance. Some of these
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 686: I'll show you where to start
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 768: After filming Sid and Nancy in New York City, she worked at a peep show in Times Square and squatted at the ABC No Rio social center and Pyramid Club in the East Village.The same year, Cox cast her in a leading role in his film Straight to Hell (1987), a Spaghetti Western starring Joe Strummer and Grace Jones filmed in Spain in 1986. The film caught the attention of Andy Warhol, who featured Love in an episode of Andy Warhol's Fifteen Minutes.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 769: In 1988, Love abandoned acting and returned to the West Coast, citing the "celebutante" fame she had attained as the central reason.[86] She returned to stripping in the small town of McMinnville, Oregon, where she was recognized by customers at the bar.[87] This prompted Love to go into isolation, so she relocated to Anchorage, Alaska, where she lived for three months to "gather her thoughts", supporting herself by working at a strip club frequented by local fishermen. "I decided to move to Alaska because I needed to get my shit together and learn how to work," she said in retrospect. "So I went on this sort of vision quest. I got rid of all my earthly possessions. I had my bad little strip clothes and some big sweaters, and I moved into a trailer with a bunch of other strippers."
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 774: On July 23, 1989, Love married Leaving Trains vocalist James Moreland in Las Vegas; the marriage was annulled the same year. She later said that Moreland was a transvestite and that they had married "as a joke". After forming Hole, Love and Erlandson had a romantic relationship that lasted over a year. In Hole's formative stages, Love continued to work at strip clubs in Hollywood (including Jumbo's Clown Room and the Seventh Veil), saving money to purchase backline equipment and a touring van, while rehearsing at a Hollywood studio loaned to her by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Hole played their first show in November 1989 at Raji's, a rock club in central Hollywood. Their debut single, "Retard Girl", was issued in April 1990 through the Long Beach indie label Sympathy for the Record Industry, and was played by Rodney Bingenheimer on local rock station KROQ. Hole appeared on the cover of Flipside, a Los Angeles-based punk fanzine. In early 1991, they eleased their second single, "Dicknail", through Sub Pop Records.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 784: "Just marrying created a mythology around me that I didn't expect for myself, because I had a very controlled, five-year plan about how I was going to be successful in the rock industry. Marrying Kurt, it all kind of went sideways in a way that I could not control and I became seen in a certain light–a vilified light that made Yoko Ono look like Pollyanna–and I couldn't stop it."
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 791: Hole's performance on August 26, 1994, at the Reading Festival—Love's first public performance following Cobain's death—was described by MTV as "by turns macabre, frightening and inspirational". John Peel wrote in The Guardian that Love's disheveled appearance "would have drawn whistles of astonishment in Bedlam", and that her performance "verged on the heroic ... Love steered her band through a set which dared you to pity either her recent history or that of the band ... the band teetered on the edge of chaos, generating a tension which I cannot remember having felt before from any stage." The band performed a series of riotous concerts over the following year, with Love frequently appearing hysterical onstage, flashing crowds, stage diving, and getting into fights with audience members. One journalist reported that at the band's show in Boston in December 1994: "Love interrupted the music and talked about her deceased husband Kurt Cobain, and also broke out into Tourette syndrome-like rants. The music was great, but the raving was vulgar and offensive, and prompted some of the audience to shout back at her."
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 307: Chopra studied medicine in India before emigrating in 1970 to the United States, where he completed a residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in endocrinology. As a licensed physician, in 1980 he became chief of staff at the New England Memorial Hospital (NEMH). In 1985, he met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and became involved in the Transcendental Meditation (TM) movement. Shortly thereafter he resigned his position at NEMH to establish the Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center. In 1993, Chopra gained a following after he was interviewed about his books on The Oprah Winfrey Show. He then left the TM movement to become the executive director of Sharp HealthCare's Center for Mind-Body Medicine. In 1996, he co-founded the Chopra Center for Wellbeing.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 480: Les Grosses Têtes French pronunciation: ​[le ɡʁos tɛt]; is a daily comedy radio programme on the French language RTL radio network. Broadcasted since 1 April 1977, the current host since 2014 is Laurent Ruquier. Presently broadcast from 15:30 to 18:00 in France and Belgium this show has several regular segments.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 54: Rasbach's song appeared on popular network television shows, including All in the Family, performed by the puppets Wayne and Wanda in The Muppet Show,
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 55: It was used twice on The Muppet Show.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 282: The most famous literary version of Melusine tales, that of Jean d'Arras, compiled about 1382–1394, was worked into a collection of "spinning yarns" as told by ladies at their spinning coudrette (coulrette (in French)). He wrote The Romans of Partenay or of Lusignen: Otherwise known as the Tale of Melusine, giving source and historical notes, dates and background of the story. Another version, Chronique de la princesse (Chronicle of the Princess). tells how in the time of the Crusades, Elynas, the King of Albany (an old name for Scotland or Alba), went hunting one day and came across a beautiful lady in the forest. She was Pressyne, mother of Melusine. He persuaded her to marry him but she agreed, only on the promise—for there is often a hard and fatal condition attached to any pairing of fay and mortal—that he must not enter her chamber when she birthed or bathed her children. She gave birth to triplets. When he violated this taboo, Pressyne left the kingdom, together with her three daughters, and traveled to the lost Isle of Avalon.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 426: If you’re dishonest don't get caught. Otherwise how can he trust you?
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 610: But you yourself may serve to show it,
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 655:
    Hello, how are you?

    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 719: However, Endymion, the "brain-sick shepherd-prince" of Mt. Latmos, is in a trancelike state, and not participating in their discourse. His sister, Peona (Fanny), takes him away and brings him to her resting place where he sleeps. After he wakes, he tells Peona of his encounter with Cynthia (Fanny B.), and how much he loved her. The poem is divided into four books, each approximately 1,000 lines long. TLDR, quips Peona. 
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 723: Anyway, Endymion falls in love with a beautiful Indian maiden. Both ride winged black steeds to Mount Olympus where Cynthia awaits, only for Endymion to forsake the goddess for his new, mortal, love. Endymion and the Indian girl return to earth, the latter saying she cannot be his love. He is miserable, 'til quite suddenly he comes upon the Indian maiden again and she reveals that she is in fact Cynthia. She then tells him of how she tried to forget him, to move on, but that in the end, "'There is not one,/ No, no, not one/ But thee.'"
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 739: Shall I give you Miss Brawn? She is about my height—with a fine style of countenance of the lengthen'd sort—she wants sentiment in every feature—she manages to make her hair look well—her nostrills are fine—though a little painful—her mouth is bad and good—her Profil is better than her full-face which indeed is not full but pale and thin without showing any bone—Her shape is very graceful and so are her movements—her Arms are good her hands badish—her feet tolerable—she is not seventeen—but she is ignorant—monstrous in her behaviour flying out in all directions, calling people such names—that I was forced lately to make use of the term Minx—this is I think not from any innate vice but from a penchant she has for acting stylishly. I am however tired of such style and shall decline any more of it".
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 888: Conspiring with him how to load and bless Sen kanssa salaa suunnittelet mitenkä
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 494: Peter Alexander Freiherr von Ustinov (16 April 1921 – 28 March 2004) was born at 45 Belsize Park, London, England. His father, Jona Freiherr von Ustinov, was of Russian, German, Polish, and Ethiopian Jewish descent. Peter´s paternal grandfather was Baron Plato von Ustinov, a Russian noble, and his grandmother was Magdalena Hall, of mixed German-Ethiopian-Jewish origin. Peter was a British actor, filmmaker and writer and a fixture on television talk shows and lecture circuits for much of his career. Peter oli kuraverinen äiskän puolelta.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 497: In 1959, Ciardi published a book on how to read, write, and teach poetry, How Does a Poem Mean?, which has proven to be among the most-used books of its kind.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 623: Il est le père de Philippe Wiener de Croisset, patron de presse (père de l'homme d'affaires Charles de Croisset) et de Germaine Wiener de Croisset, épouse de l'artiste peintre et critique d'art Roger Lannes de Montebello (1908-1986) et mère de Philippe Lannes de Montebello, qui fut pendant plus de trente ans directeur du Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York. This is how the hot-dog crossed the Atlantic and became a household pet in the U.S.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 648: Theophilus, however, held quite decisive religious beliefs. After many years of marriage, Elizabeth Packard outwardly questioned her husband's beliefs and began expressing opinions that were contrary to his. While the main subject of their dispute was religion, the couple also disagreed on child rearing, family finances, and the issue of slavery, with Elizabeth defending John Brown, which embarrassed Theophilus. What was worst, she also worked as a teacher in Jacksonville, Illinois.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 650: When Illinois opened its first hospital for the mentally ill in 1851, the state legislature passed a law that within two years of its passage was amended to require a public hearing before a person could be committed against his or her will. There was one exception, however: a husband could have his wife committed without either a public hearing or her consent. In 1860, Theophilus Packard judged that his wife was "slightly insane", a condition he attributed to "excessive application of body and mind". He arranged for a doctor, J.W. Brown, to speak with her. The doctor pretended to be a sewing machine salesman. During their conversation, Elizabeth complained of her husband's domination and his accusations to others that she was insane. Dr. Brown reported this conversation to Theophilus (along with the observation that Mrs. Packard "exhibited a great dislike to me"). Theophilus decided to have Elizabeth committed. She learned of this decision on June 18, 1860, when the county sheriff arrived at the Packard home to take her into custody.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 666: Elizabeth realized how narrow her legal victory had been; while she had escaped confinement, it was largely a measure of luck. The underlying social principles which had led to her confinement still existed. She founded the Anti-Insane Asylum Society and published several books, including Marital Power Exemplified, or Three Years Imprisonment for Religious Belief (1864), Great Disclosure of Spiritual Wickedness in High Places (1865), The Mystic Key or the Asylum Secret Unlocked (1866), and The Prisoners' Hidden Life, Or Insane Asylums Unveiled (1868). In 1867, the State of Illinois passed a "Bill for the Protection of Personal Liberty" which guaranteed that all people accused of insanity, including wives, had the right to a public hearing. She also saw similar laws passed in three other states. Even so, she was strongly attacked by medical professionals and anonymous citizens, unlike others such as Dorothea Dix, with her former doctor from the Jacksonville Insane Asylum, Dr. McFarland, who privately called her "a sort of Joan D'Arc in the matter of stirring up the personal prejudices". As such, Elizabeth's work on this front was "broadly unappreciated" while she was alive. She only received broader recognition, starting in the 1930s, by a well-known historian of mental illness, Albert Deutsch, and again in the 1960s from those who were "attacking the medical model of insanity".
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 579: Myös Vilpittömän Nahkurin Runous-nettiradion kuudes sarja on juuri alkanut, ja tämän päivän jaksossa entinen runoilijapalkinnon saaja Carola Anna Tussua pohtii lähetysennusteen rukousmaista laatua: ‘There’s never been a time when you could just say anything’: Frank Skinner on free speech, his bullying shame – and knob [kyrvännuppi] jokes. This poetry-loving, religious knob has deep regrets about some of his comedy: either the standup comic has grown up, or he was never as laddish as his image suggested. Nearing death and last judgment, he is hoping to perform a “cleaner, cleverer” kind of act, one that would let him look straight at the crowd and – perhaps for the first time in his life – not see anybody squirming in their seat in discomfort. “It was a struggle,” the 65-year-old says with a grin, “because I realised that I seem to think in knob jokes. And I have done since I was about 13. In the West Midlands, that was how people communicated!”
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 583: “I don’t think there’s ever been a time when you could just say anything.” He recalls an early comedy show – this must have been in the late 80s – where the host apologised to the crowd after Skinner had performed some risque sexual material. “He said I’d never play at the venue again – and then he launched into a load of racist material and brought the house down. Everyone’s got their own standards and restraints. But I think it’s been good for me to keep questioning what I say. It’s made me think more positively about racist jokes and not so much about penises. My knob is not working anymore BTW, I'm 65. We’re both deeply ashamed. Can't lift our eye to the public.”
    xxx/ellauri134.html on line 463: Nää ois kylmiä kaloja. Pirkko ja Calle oli varmaan kaloja? Ei kumpikaan, Calle oli vesimies ja Pirkko, Jöns ja Seku kaikki pässejä. Mut hei Paul on kala! Just goes to show.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 74: The Bible - I hate sounding like every other Hollywood star, but here it is - defo one of the greatest books out there because of how much of it stands at the origin of our culture.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 117: Everyone is special. Each kid in the HP universe has unique skills. It’s a whole school of special snowflakes overlaying a traditional school dynamic. You get “sorted” into your house; you get a personalized wand, your broom is like a pet. You have owls to bring you messages, how cool is that? I want to be special too!
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 121: This “special snowflake” theme is taken even further when wizards from other countries are introduced. We loved the fact that there was one whole wizarding school in China. And, quite honestly, how exactly have they kept the Communists out???
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 133:

    Kyle Baggett says: Shit it took me five mins to figure out how to reply and I accidentally down voted you in the process so sorry about that. You have an interesting mind. Here are my choices:
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 177: There will be some hero somewhere no matter how small of an influence he or she has on the villain. Not every character is just going to accept the villain. And if they do, that’s going to be a very boring book. With writes, -Andy Ruffe
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 512: So where I start is with connection. Because, by the time you're a social worker for 10 years, what you realize is that connection is why we're here. It's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives. This is what it's all about. It doesn't matter whether you talk to people who work in social justice, mental health and abuse and neglect, what we know is that connection, the ability to feel connected, is -- neurobiologically that's how we're wired -- it's why we're here. Olemme ohjelmoituja kuulumaan joukkoon. Voi hemmetti.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 663: Relating to the crowdfunding appeal on Ketto, Laxmi K, who works on climate action and was aware of prior allegations related to her fathers activities, initiated contact with Ketto requesting due diligence. Further concerns around the Ketto crowd funding drive was flagged by political activist Angellica Aribam, a day after Paojel Chaoba of The Frontier Manipur broke a story on 19 May on how the Ketto donation drive by the child activist could be a possible scheme to defraud people by her father. In an email written to Varun Sheth of Ketto, Angellica asked whether the Noble Citizen Foundation, the agency that was being handed the money collected from the donation drive had any credibility and if Ketto was certain there were no connections with the child’s father. However, she never received any response.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 695: Obladi oblada life goes on bra
    La la how the life goes on.

    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 303: How calm was thy breast and how good was thy soul,
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 308: How vast were the heavens! and the heart how hale!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 319: I know how to call forth those moments so dear,
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 323: I know how to call forth those moments so dear.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 337: thou shalt recall each kiss how soft it is,
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 338: how warm our hearth, the night how magical,
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 347: how softly shone the golden, shimmering sun!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 348: how deep the skyey space! how rich love's power!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 351: how softly shone the golden, shimmering sun!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 422: Your breast how soft! Your heart how good and whole!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 427: How deep is space! the heart how full of power!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 438: I know how to resuscitate dead minutes.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 442: I know how to resuscitate dead minutes.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 463: How soft your breast was to me! how kind was your heart!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 468: How deep space is! how potent is the heart!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 503: How soft your breast, how kind your heart to my desire!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 508: How deep space is! the human heart how competent!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 544: How soft your breast, your blood how warm the flow!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 745: Answer to What does "onna" mean in Japanese? How is the word used? 女 “onna” means female as an antonym of 男 “otoko” (male). The female has a protruding belly. The male has two feet, a tail in front, and a territory in place of head. If you go to a public bath in Japan, this Kanji character 女 shows you which bath room women should go in. Onna means 'bitch' ergo otoko means 'dog'.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 751: The novel features a passionate romance between Rei Shimura and Hugh Glendinning, the Scottish lawyer. Though the romance was not very realistic, I think it added an exciting and entertaining element to the novel. The first person point-of-view from which the novel is narrated allows the audience to truly understand the good and the bad of Rei’s character. She is independent to a fault but extremely loyal. She wants to immerse herself in Japanese culture, yet she rejects the social norms of society when they conflict with her desires. She is passionate about her interest in history and antiques, but logical by staying on as a teacher. The contradictions make her human and contribute to the reality of the novel. While mystery was not entirely believable, it was in no way predictable and I genuinely found the plot to be exciting. The Salaryman’s Wife, fits into the detective fiction tradition as most closely as a cozy, however the urban setting and the inclusion of graphic sex scenes contradict that classification
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 767: I got to the point where I found myself gritting my teeth as I tried to read the book and finally just decided I can´t make my way through it anymore. Instead I flipped to the ending out of curiosity just to see how it turns out, and of course, of course, at the crucial moment the CM steps in and Saves the Day.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 768: As I´ve said, this was written in 97, so the opinions are bound to be a little dated. However, THIS is 2014 and the implications (however unintentional) of the narrative in this book made me too uncomfortable to finish reading it.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 781: This makes sense...the author herself moved to Japan and taught English, and so in some ways I imagine that Ms. Massey has poured many of her pet peeves straight on the paper, showing that true experience often adds magic to fiction.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 107: Eker’s writing and speaking often focus on his concept of the "Millionaire Mind," a collection of "mental attitudes that facilitate wealth." This theory proposes that we each possess a "financial blueprint," or an "internal script that dictates how we relate to money," and that by changing this blueprint people can change their ability to accumulate wealth.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 162: siltä töitä? Tohon vaan selälleen ovaalin officen pöydän päälle ja housut heti alas. Tiedätkö mitä Nixon olisi sanonut? Harry Truman ja jopa Eisenhower olisi sanonut ruman sanan niinkuin se on. Toista maailmasotaa johtanut kenraali tiesi kyllä miten olla olematta kiltti. He olisivat sanoneet hänelle jälkeenpäin että paitsi etteivät he ottaisi häntä hommiin, niin kukaan muukaan ei hänelle töitä antais
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 262: Caro Llewellyn said that "Philip Roth: The Biography" distorted his friendship with the novelist: "My intimacy with Philip was not in keeping with the story Blake was trying to make. Write." In the biography, Bailey identifies her by the pseudonym Mona. He describes how she and Roth went through each other and were physically intimate but never had sex because he was unable to, even after taking Viagra. But Llewellyn said the scene Bailey described never happened, not quite like that.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 279: It didn't matter how many times I asked him to repeat a joke, I laughed as though it was the first time I'd ever heard it. He said I was like a goldfish who, by the time it had swum a lap round its small bowl of water, had forgotten what it had just seen and believed it to be all new again. No wonder he loved me.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 295: All and any religious overtones were strictly forbidden. There were no speeches, only readings of excerpts he'd selected from his books ahead of time, and a violin recital by a friend's daughter. He knew no one – no matter how well they really knew him and the people there at his graveside were his closest friends – could say it better than he could say it himself. Ingenting går opp mot kålpirog om hösten - som jag själv har lagat.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 305: Philip wanted the book published. But no one would touch it for fear of the lawsuit Bloom might bring against them. At one point we discussed the idea of Philip offering to pay any damages arising from any legal case brought by Claire. More than anything, Philip wanted to put the record straight. I wanted for him to be able to put the record straight. I knew how forcefully he'd been struck and blindsided by Leaving a Doll's House. After its publication, Philip told me New York magazine published a photo of him on its front cover with the word 'MISOGYNIST' written across it. Philip went into hiding.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 199: Ippolit is a 17-year-old boy who is dying of tuberculosis. An ardent nihilist, he yearns to be taken seriously and attempts to dramatically leave the world. He delivers rambling, self-absorbed, nihilistic speech entitled “A Necessary Explanation” to Myshkin, Nastasya, and Rogozhin, and many others at a party at Lebedev’s dacha. After this, he attempts to commit suicide by shooting himself with the gun he’s had since he was a child. This entire plan backfires, as everyone grows bored with his speech, and when it comes time to kill himself he fails to do so because there is no cap in the gun. After this incident, Ippolit’s illness shows progress and he eventually dies.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 206: As the beginning of the conclusion shows, the end to the novel can hardly be considered a happy one. In most cases, whatever positive transformations the characters underwent through their friendship with Myshkin unravel, either because they were unable to sustain the wisdom they learned from him or because they were so traumatized by the cruel absurdity of their life that they are reduced to a state of helplessness.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 217: (2) He is struck by how perceptive and on the ball the ball-less Myshkin is about a lot of things.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 223: (4) Ippolit tries to figure out the point of living for two weeks. On the one hand, why not just die now and get it over with? But on the other hand, he feels like it's actually only now that he has a death sentence of sorts that he has really started to live. (Which, okay, guys, remember the story Myshkin told about the condensed man and how full of life his last few hours must be? There is definitely more to the idea that the person who knows he is about to die lives a very full life at the end—as Dostoevsky himself experience at his staged execution.)
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 225: (5) Ippolit is furious at the people he sees around him, each living life and having a lot of life to live. How could they be complaining about anything? If only he could have the rest of his life in front of him, then he'd really show everyone.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 333: Farther away from the castle a man, Porphyro, who loves Madeline more than anything, is making his way to the house. He enters, unseen. If anyone finds him he knows that he will be killed. Madeline’s family hates him and holds his lineage against him. While sneaking through the house he comes upon Angela, one of the servants. He begs her to bring him to Madeline’s chamber so that he might show himself to her that night and solidify himself as her true love. After much complaining, she agrees and hides him until it is time.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 368: To think how they may ache in icy hoods and mails. Mahtaa sattua noi naulat ja sun muut.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 404: They told her how, upon St. Agnes’ Eve, Nytkin ne kertoo sille, kuinka Aunen aattona,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 453: Whose very dogs would execrations howl Niiden koiratkin häpee sitä, käenpoikaa,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 477: “And tell me how”—“Good Saints! not here, not here; Ja kerro miten - Voi vittu! ei, ei täällä!
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 654: And ’tween the curtains peep’d, where, lo!—how fast she slept. kannikoiden välissä, siitä peremmälle.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 727: “How chang’d thou art! how pallid, chill, and drear! Silmillä, kirkkailla, suurilla ja seijailla.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 81: "We're selling out like crazy," McCormack says, meaning that he is searching for investors to take the show national. "We are actually planning another World Sellout Day to celebrate our dedication to the U.S. cause." Make America Great Again. I mean greater, it was always great, and is, of course. Don't try to trick me.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 177: The sages said that the only difference between this world and the days of the Messiah will be with regard to the enslavement to the kingdoms. It appears from the plain meaning of the words of the prophets that at the beginning of the days of the Messiah, there will be the war of Gog and Magog. And that prior to the war of Gog and Magog, a prophet will arise to straighten Israel and prepare their hearts, as it is written, Behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord (Mal. 4:5) And he will come not to declare the pure impure, or the impure pure; not to declare unfit those who are presumed to be fit, nor to declare fit those who are held to be unfit; but for the sake of peace in the world….And there are those among the sages who say that prior to the coming of the Messiah will come Elijah. But all these things and their likes, no man can know how they will be until they will be. For they are indistinct in the writings of the prophets. Neither do the sages have a tradition about these things. It is rather, a matter of interpretation of the Biblical verses. Therefore there is a disagreement among them regarding these matters. And in any case, these are mere details which are not of the essence of the faith. And one should definitely not occupy oneself with the matter of legends, and should not expatiate about the midrashim that deal with these and similar things. And one should not make essentials out of them. For they lead neither to fear nor to love [of God]. Neither should one calculate the End. The sages said, “May the spirit of those who calculate the End be blown away” But let him wait and believe in the matter generally, as we have explained.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 205: The idea of a “Suffering Messiah” to many in Judaism is a Christian concept, this is not the case however. In some rabbinical traditions, the Messiah, who was one of the first thoughts of God, is in heaven waiting for the day of redemption. In heaven, Elijah and the patriarchs attend to, him. In one scene, from the Talmud the Messiah sits at the gates of Rome unwinding and winding bandages of the suffering and poor, waiting for the call.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 266: R. Hiyya bar Yosef said: “In the future the pious will sprout up and emerge in Jerusalem, as it is said, They will blossom out of the city like grass of the earth (Ps. 72:16)… And they will rise up in their garments, as can be concluded from the wheat; If the wheat, which is buried naked, rises in several clothes, how much more so the pious who are buried in their clothes.” Babylonian Talmud Ta’an 2 a[22]
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 460: The Brussels team notes that Philosophy is often considered to be an intellectual activity and not very practical. However, a basic training in philosophy used to be considered essential before embarking on further study in a whole range of subjects. Over thousands of years, philosophy has been the mother of all sciences and a key driving force in human progress. This year we will be looking at how ‘philosophy in the classical tradition’ can actively contribute to finding solutions to our many crises, help us find more sustainable ways of living and develop the inner potential of the human being. The event will consist of five talks of about 20 minutes each, with a break after the third speaker. Topics covered will include philosophy as the art of living, learning how to think, inner development and transformation, the role of philosophy in promoting active citizenship and the universal laws and timeless principles of the perennial and hermetic philosophy. For those you can, the suggested donation for the live stream is £8 (£5cons), this will help to support our activities, thank you!
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 466: Mannheim, Germany. World Day of Philosophy 2021: Public lecture "Responsibility for the Future and Climate Ethics". Public lecture with reception on the World Day of Philosophy with a greeting by Rector Prof. Dr. Thomas Puhl by Mannheim University. The lecture will focus on the question of how far individuals must or should feel obliged to contribute to climate protection. Hold on to your pants!
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 476: Cerignola, Italy.‘Philosophical Paths, Philosophically -Agenda 2030’ by Club Unesco Cerignola. For one evening, our Old Earth is transformed into a long philosophical trail made up of the narrating voices of the young and old students of our schools. They will demonstrate, with their words, how the protection of the Environment, health, human rights, enshrined in the 2030 Agenda, are needs expressed by both ancient philosophers and current thinkers. Moreover, walking through the small streets that represent our historical heritage, we could be pervaded by those cultural values that identify us and inspire the desire to be more responsible.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 370: Jesus was able to show the film to Pope Paul VI. Ted Neeley later remembered that the pope "openly loved what he saw. He said, 'Mr. Jesus, not only do I appreciate your beautiful rock opera film, I believe it will bring more people around the world to Christianity, than anything ever has before.'"For the Pope, Mary Magdalene's song "I Don't Know How to Love Him" "had an inspired beauty".
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 374: Tim Rice said Jesus was seen through Judas' eyes as a mere human being. Some Christians found this remark, as well as the fact that the musical did not show the resurrection, to be blasphemous. Jesus var ingen Spartakus, för helvete. While the actual resurrection was not shown, the closing scene of the movie subtly alludes to the resurrection (though, according to Jewison's commentary on the DVD release, the scene was not planned this way). Some found Judas too sympathetic; in the film, it states that he wants to give the thirty pieces of silver to the poor, which, although Biblical, leaves out his ulterior motives. According to the black policeman in Whitstaple Pearl, ulterior motives usually means sex. The policeman is as talkative as John, and the detective cook lady looks a lot like Kirsi Riski. Not a comfortable thought.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 381: Jesus Christ Superstar is a Rock Opera and (subverted?) Passion Play by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. Originally released as a Concept Album in 1970 (when Lloyd Webber and Rice were still in their very early twenties, no less!), it made its way to the Broadway and London stage in 1971, and was adapted into a film directed by Norman Jewison in 1973. An updated version was recorded sometime around 2000 by Webber's Really Useful Group for PBS. A filmed version of the UK arena tour starring Tom Munchin as Judas was released on DVD and digital in 2012, and a live adaptation starring John Lennon as Jesus, Sara Bareilles as Mary Magdalene and Alice Cooper as Herod that aired on NBC in 2018. The show lives on in stage productions and tours (and even non-theatrical tribute albums from fans who were more attracted to it as an album than a show) to this day. Inspired by… The Four Gospels of The Bible (specifically the arrival in Jerusalem and subsequent crucifixion of Jesus), it chronicles the last seven days of Jesus' life, focusing mainly on the characters of Jesus, Judas and Mary Magdalene. It's regarded among Andrew Lloyd Webber's best works, which is not saying much. It's a pseudo-sequel to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, though this took a bit more liberty with the source material and is considerably less playful.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 394: Mary Magdalene (whose characterization as a former prostitute is Alternative Character Interpretation all by itself) gets scenes that show her to be spiritual and in tune with Jesus' message. However, seen through Judas' eyes, she comes off as a Yes-Woman constantly telling Jesus that "everything's alright" rather than confronting him about the building problems, as Judas tries to do.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 403: Thus goes the logic in a lot of comedy shows and a few adult cartoons. Sadly, that's not the case. The line separating The Three Stooges-style painful fun from outright villainous squicky sadism varies from person to person but is definitely there; crossing it makes one fan's "Nyuk nyuk!" another fan's Guilty Pleasures.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 405: However, if a show goes far enough with its violence, it may end up crossing the line not once but twice, as it goes around the planet and crosses it again. This second crossing takes the violence from sick back to funny in its ridiculous extremes. Similar to So Bad, It's Good, but done quite intentionally.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 407: King Herod is a genocidal king, one who ordered the mass-slaughter of Jewish babies, which is why Jesus was born in stable to refugee parents. He also is the one who determines Jesus is a fraud and sends him back to Pilate. Yet his song number is a bouncy plea for Jesus to perform miracles while bopping around. The 2012 version turns him into a talk show host, where he asks the viewers to vote if Jesus is a miracle worker or a fraud. He gets a round of applause after his song, despite the audience knowing that he sealed Jesus's fate and that he's set the ball rolling for the climactic crucifixion.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 461: "It's amazing how I can feel sorry for you and hate you at the same time. I'm sure there's a German word for it."
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 101: Honoré de Balzac, who knew Sand personally, once said that if someone like himself thought that she wrote badly, it was because his own standards of criticism were inadequate. He also noted that her treatment of imagery in her works showed that her writing had an exceptional subtlety, having the ability to "virtually put the image in the word, and the lyre you know where." Alfred de Vigny referred to her as "Sappho".
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 107: In the seventeenth century, the story of King Candaules’s wife was seen as a moral lesson, warning against violations of the marital bedchamber. The theme was treated by the poet Jacob Cats in his Toneel vande mannelicke Achtbaerheyt, in which he devoted no less than eighty-six verses to the tale of Candaules and Gyges, and illustrates the scene in the royal bedchamber with a print by Pieter de Jode after Adriaen van de Venne. In the print the Queen is seen half naked from behind. Candaules is already in bed, and the Queen looks at Gyges, who is largely concealed behind the wallhangings. The moral of the story is clarified by a scene on a smaller scale in the background, showing Candaules being slain by Gyges. The print no doubt served as an inspiration for several other later renditions of the theme in Northern Netherlandish painting, including works by Frans van Mieris the Elderv, and Eglon van de Neervi.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 109: Vähän siedettävämpi perätarjonta on tämä William Ettyn yritys samasta aiheesta. William Etty (1787–1849), the seventh son of a York baker and miller, had originally been an apprentice printer in Hull, but on completing his seven-year apprenticeship at the age of 18 moved to London to become an artist. Strongly influenced by the works of Titian and Rubens, he submitted a number of paintings to the Royal Academy of Arts and the British Institution, all of which were either rejected outright or drew little attention when exhibited. In 1821 he finally achieved recognition when the Royal Academy accepted and exhibited one of his works, The Arrival of Cleopatra in Cilicia (also known as The Triumph of Cleopatra). Cleopatra was extremely well received, and many of Etty's fellow artists greatly admired him. He was elected a full Royal Academician in 1828, beating John Constable to the position. Jordaens and Etty both contrasted Nyssia's pale flesh against dark red drapery and showed her in a similar pose. Jordaens's painting has hung in Sweden since the 17th century, and it is unlikely Etty was aware of it. Se tuskin löytyi googlaamalla.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 121: Michael Todd's peepshow
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 252: A powerful King was grateful to two simple poor people for their devotion, and decided to show his gratitude. The poor labourers had never been into the palace before, but had only seen the King at state occasions. After receiving their invitations to see the King, in trepidation and excitement, they approached the palace. As they entered, they were amazed to behold the magnificence of the palace. One servant was so enamoured of these riches, that he stopped in the great halls to delight in their beauty. He never progressed beyond these chambers. Meanwhile, the other servant was wiser, and his desire was only for the King. The beautiful ornaments did not distract him, as he entered the inner chamber, where he delighted in beholding the King himself, stark naked.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 254: Likewise a story is told of how in moments of mystical rapture, Schneur Zalman of Liadi would be seen rolling on the floor, exclaiming to his housekeeper: "God, I don't want your Garden of Eden (Heavenly World), I don't want your World-to-Come (Messianic days), I just want You!".
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 270: The saintly prayers of Baal Shem Tov and his close circle were unable to lift a harsh shortage of drinkware they perceived one Rosh Hashanah (New Year). After extending the prayers beyond their time, the drought remained. An unfettered shepherd boy entered and was deeply envious of those who could read the holy day's prayers. He said to God "I don't know how to pray, but I can make the noises of the animals of the field. With great feeling, he cried out, "Cock-a-doodle-do. God have mercy!" Immediately, joy overcame the Baal Shem Tov, and he hurried to fetch the cellar key. Afterwards, he explained that the heartfelt prayer of the shepherd boy reminded him where he had mislaid the key, and the drought was lifted.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 512: Once and for all, it must be made public that Hesse is a classic example of how the Jew can poison the soul of the German people. For if at that time, when he took no delight in the war…he had not fallen into the clutches of the Jew Freud and his psychoanalysis, he would have remained the German writer we all loved so well. The warping of his soul can only be ascribed to this Jewish influence.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 620: These "Ultra-Orthodox" Jews became known as Haredi Jews, although both of these terms are considered negative in some circles. The term is also sometimes spelled Charedi or Chareidi in English. It is important to note that members of this group do not reject the modern world or technologies (like nuclear weapons) entirely, but they treat adaptations of Jewish law to fit that world as very serious. Most of the differences between Haredi and Orthodox perspectives have to do with decisions of oral law as to how the Torah should be applied to a modern situation. In many broad senses, the two groups tend to agree, and it is more in the specifics that things begin to diverge, like payot and tefilin and wearing antimacassars and funny double hats.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 37: Having said that, Marisa has now decided to shift her focus from her cunt on the current state of our planet. "I have been a vegetarian for the last three years and the plan is to make a strong statement in 2019 about how we keep animals for our own pleasure and amusement," she said.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 48: Papen travelled with with Australian photographer Jesse Walker to the isolated Omo Valley in south-western Ethiopia, where she lived for a whole week with the Surma tribe. Papen said: 'What we claim to call beautiful in our Western world isn´t quite the same how the Surma tribe pursues beauty. Both Surma men and woman pierce their ears, some woman stretch their lower lip with a plate.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 51: Another remarkable difference, according to Papen, is how breastfeeding is seen by the Surma as something natural which can be done in the open, compared to the contradictions on social media and public places in the Western world. Personally I found that a shame to see, but I fear there is no way back when it comes to this.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 336: Emma nursed Nelson under her husband's roof and arranged a party with 1,800 guests to celebrate his 40th birthday on 29 September. After the party, Emma became Nelson's secretary, translator and political facilitator. They soon fell in love and began an affair. Hamilton showed admiration and respect for Nelson, and vice versa; the affair was tolerated. By November, gossip from Naples about their affair reached the English newspapers. Emma Hamilton and Horatio Nelson were famous.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 346: By the autumn of the same year, upon Emma's advice, Nelson bought Merton Place, a small ramshackle house at Merton, near Wimbledon, for £9,000, borrowing money from his friend Davison. He gave her free rein with spending to improve the property, and her vision was to transform the house into a celebration of his genius. There they lived together openly, with Sir William and Emma's mother, in a ménage à trois that fascinated the public. Emma turned herself to winning over Nelson's family, nursing his 80-year-old father Edmund for 10 days at Merton, who loved her and thought of moving in with them, but could not bear to leave his beloved Norfolk. Emma also made herself useful to Nelson's sisters Kitty (Catherine), married to George Matcham, and Susanna, married to Thomas Bolton, by helping to raise their children and to make ends meet. Nelson's sister-in-law Sarah (married to William), also pressed him for assistance and favours, including the payment of their son Horatio's school fees at Eton. Also around this time, Emma finally told Nelson about her daughter Emma Carew, now known as Emma Hartley, and found that she had had nothing to worry about; he invited her to stay at Merton and soon grew fond of "Emma's relative". An unpublished letter shows that Nelson assumed responsibility for upkeep of young Emma at this time.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 354: Nelson had been offered the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Fleet, and they rushed to have Horatia christened at Marylebone Parish Church before he left. On her baptism record, her name was recorded as Horatia Nelson Thompson, and her date of birth falsely recorded as 29 October 1800 in order to continue the pretence that she had been born in Naples and was godchild of Emma and Nelson, according to Kate Williams and based on an unpublished letter; however the only publicly available transcription of the record shows 29 October 1801. Nelson later wrote a letter explaining that the child was an orphan "left to his care and protection" in Naples.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 366: They brought me word, Mr Whitby from the Admiralty. 'Show him in directly,' I said. He came in, and with a pale countenance and faint voice, said, 'We have gained a great Victory.' – 'Never mind your Victory,' I said. 'My letters – give me my letters' – Captain Whitby was unable to speak – tears in his eyes and a deathly paleness over his face made me comprehend him. I believe I gave a scream and fell back, and for ten hours I could neither speak nor shed a tear.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 392: The 1980s sitcom Blackadder the Third, the show's antihero, Edmund Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson), repeatedly mocks both Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 411: Emma Hamilton on australialainen näyttelijä. Televisiossa hän esiintyi sarjapäällikkönä Nine Network -draamitrillerissä Hyde & Seek sekä säännöllisinä rooleina Anne Stanhopeina Showtime -historiallisessa draamassa The Tudors, Rosie Dolly ITV/PBS -aikakauden draamassa Mr Selfridge ja ITV: ssä. Rikos -trilleri Fearless. Wikipedia (englanti)
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 582: When I was much younger I knew a family at Lake Macquarie who were very devout Catholics. Their eldest daughter while still at school in Year 12 became pregnant. She was an atheist and had already rejected Catholicism to the great distress of her parents. She insisted that she had never had sex (haha) and had no idea how it happened. She suggested maybe God had impregnated her. Strangely enough, no one believed her. Even those of strong faith thought she was a liar. Maybe that was the second coming of Jesus and we ignored it. He or she might be living as a 35 year man or woman in Australia today and not a soul knows.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 654: Protestants are very firm on their rejection of purgatory, which means that their assurance of salvation is mixed up with an unhealthy antinomianism: Protestants are convinced that no matter how much they sin, they have been covered over by Jesus´ blood and therefore they will go straight to heaven when they die. Or to hell, depending on how they timed their repentance.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 227: the Lord shall have them in derision; which is a repetition of the same thing in other words; and is made partly to show the certainty of their disappointment and ruin, and partly to explain who is meant by him that sits in the heavens. The Targum calls him, "the Word of the Lord"; and Alshech interprets it of the Shechinah. Kimchi, Aben Ezra, & R. Sol. Ben Melech in loc.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 312: If you’ve ever set out to clean up a teenager’s room, you can probably relate to the following: Daunted by the task ahead of you, you cleverly start with the big stuff. Having dislodged some furniture, moving them into appropriate corners, tossed a few cardboard boxes into recycling, and discovering that, yes, there is a floor down there, only then can you really get started. But that’s also when it becomes apparent just how ugly this mess really is. Now is time for the scraping, grinding, elbow grease and harsh chemicals. The hardest tasks are always left for last.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 318: It is probable that after the entrance into Canaan this glory-cloud settled in the tabernacle upon the ark of the covenant in the most holy place. We have, however, no special reference to it till the consecration of the temple by Solomon, when it filled the whole house with its glory, so that the priests could not stand to minister ( 1 Kings 8:10-13 ; 2 Chr. 1 Kings 5:13 1 Kings 5:14 ; 7:1-3 ). Probably it remained in the first temple in the holy of holies as the symbol of Jehovah's presence so long as that temple stood. It afterwards disappeared. (See CLOUD .)
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 365: "You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the spirit, if the spirit of Yahuah (Ruch Ah Qudsh) lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Mashiach (Messiah), he does not belong to Yahusha Ha Mashiach the Messiah." Romans 8:9
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 367: Yahuah anointed Yahusha with the Ruch Ah Qudsh and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because Yahuah was with him. Acts 10:38
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 401: Some say that his responsa allows people to obtain "clear pictures of his personality," and shows Rashi as a kind, gentle, humble, and liberal man.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 216: He writes children's stories. She designs spaces. A diagnosis of cancer hits the pimply slavonic lady. He leaves everything (what?) to be with her. More time goes by than expected and she still alive. In a story this should be a gift. In real life, however, many couples go into crisis because cancer lasts longer than expected. Not knowing how much time remains to wait can be an even stronger sentence than death itself. You could be making new bad choices, instead you are faced with a sacrifice that is sustainable only for a limited time. It seems absurd. This story is about a love that is forced to wonder how long it can last. Not very long, which is fortunate for a short film. Titulokuvassa on jotain ällöjä sieniä.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 403: To explain how its implementation will affect the average American citizen and family.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 405: To show how families are being influenced now, before we actually move into this system.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 408: Armed with this information, you will learn how you can:
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 462: I send you the “Proof of a Conspiracy &c.” which, I doubt not, will give you Satisfaction and afford you Matter for a Train of Ideas, that may operate to our national Felicity. If, however, you have already perused the Book, it will not, I trust, be disagreeable to you that I have presumed to address you with this Letter and the Book accompanying it. It proceeded from the Sincerity of my Heart and my ardent Wishes for the common Good.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 490: “Your Excellency’s Favour of the 25th of Septr last I had the Pleasure to receive on the 3d Current. My Pleasure, however, was interrupted, because I had sent another Letter [dated 1 Oct.] for your Excellency to the Post-Office about an Hour before I received Your’s.”
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 572: With the whole world watching, the three major news networks brought the show into millions of Americans’ living rooms. They covered the ensuing mayhem which sparked a national debate about objectivity and journalistic integrity. Senator Abraham Ribicoff only saw textbook police brutality and Gestapo tactics, being an east coast kike. But millions of flyover state Middle Americans, the “silent majority,” saw different.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 592: To his advantage, however, was the fact that he had microphone access whenever he wanted it. But at a key moment, he pointedly chose not to take the mic. When Ribicoff made his crack about “Gestapo tactics in the streets of Chicago” from the dais, Daley stood up and shouted from the floor “Fuck you, you Jew son of a bitch, you lousy motherfucker, go home!” The forceful exclamation, shown on live TV, was later deciphered by lip readers. Friends said Daley called Ribicoff not a “fucker,” but a “faker.” Enemies suggested he had called him not a “Jew” but a “kike.” The CBS newsman who was closest simply reported that Daley had gone bright red with anger.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 596: The notion that simply showing police violence was evidence of liberal bias didn’t begin with Chicago. It traces back rather directly to TV coverage of civil rights, when white Southerners complained that the networks ignored their perspective and were manipulated by publicity seekers within the movement. By the late 1950s, many of the same people who would later object to the network’s coverage in Chicago had already taken to calling CBS the “Communist” or “Coon” or “Colored Broadcasting Company.” The same bigoted wordplay made NBC the “Nigger Broadcasting Company.” Alabama’s Bull Connor summed up the situation with an aphorism that wouldn’t seem out of place in some conservative circles today: “The trouble with this country is communism, socialism and journalism.”
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 608: Robert Joseph Shea (February 14, 1933 – March 10, 1994) was an American novelist and former journalist best known as co-author with Robert Anton Wilson of the science fantasy trilogy Illuminatus!. It became a cult success and was later turned into a marathon-length stage show put on at the British National Theatre and elsewhere. In 1986 it won the Prometheus Hall of Fame Award. Shea went on to write several action novels based in exotic historical settings.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 67: The most widely discussed application of the phrase of recent times came at the crash of the Soviet Union. For Gorbachov, the new world order dealt almost exclusively with nuclear disarmament and security arrangements. He would then expand the phrase to include United Nations strengthening and great power cooperation on a range of North–South economic and security problems (meaning how to keep the spooks, ragheads and squeaky indians down and out). Implications for NATO, the Warsaw Pact, and European integration were subsequently included.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 88: Europe was seen as a royal pain in the arse, a rival for U.S. attentions to neo-capitalist Russia. They should be left to build their own pathetic old world order without Freedom Fries while the U.S. would watch and sneer in the sidelines. The problem was that U.S. presence in Germany was no longer paying off and the Persian Gulf crisis showed how unreliable those fuckers were. Europe was discussing the European Community, the CSCE warming up relations with the Russkies. Gorbachev even proposed an all-European security council, in effect superseding the increasingly irrelevant NATO. Aargh!
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 100: Following the rise of Boris Yeltsin eclipsing Gorbachev and the election victory of Clinton over Bush, the term "new world order" fell from common usage. It is a republican logo after all like law and order and MAGA. It was replaced by competing similar concepts about how the post-Cold War order would develop. Prominent among these were the ideas of the "era of globalization", the "unipolar moment", the "end of history" and the "Clash of Civilizations".
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 261: There is also compelling clinical data showing that different alters can be concurrently conscious and see themselves as distinct identities. One of us has written an extensive treatment of evidence for this distinctness of identity and the complex forms of interactive memory that accompany it, particularly in those extreme cases of DID that are usually referred to as multiple personality disorder.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 266: A key problem of physicalism, however, is its inability to make sense of how our subjective experience of qualities—what it is like to feel the warmth of fire, the redness of an apple, the bitterness of disappointment and so on—could arise from mere arrangements of physical stuff. (What the fuck? Who says it can't? Rousseau? Bergson? Wittgenstein? Anyway, what is there to make sense of in the first place?)
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 278: Idealism is a tantalizing view of the nature of reality, in that it elegantly circumvents two arguably insoluble problems: the hard problem of consciousness and the combination problem. Insofar as dissociation offers a path to explaining how, under idealism, one universal consciousness can become many individual minds, we may now have at our disposal an unprecedentedly coherent and empirically grounded way of making sense of life, the universe and everything. The answer? 42.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 285: The hard problem of consciousness is the problem of explaining why and how we have phenomenal experiences. Why "we"? Why not other animals, e.g. kangaroos? Aika oireellista ettei tästä tuubasta ole suomenkielistä sivua. Tää on selvästikin jotain idealistista höpöhöpöä. Typerän nimen takana on australialainen mamu talousliberalismin Nyrkissä:
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 343: Vuonna 1946 Candy meni naimisiin Harry Conno nimisen kaverin kanssa, joka loi "kansityttö" -konseptin. Mutta avioliitto ei ollut onnellinen ja he erosivat onnettomia vuonna 1959. Eron jälkeen, joka jätti Karkki raskaat velat, hänellä oli oma mallikoulu. Juuri tähän aikaan hän tapasi eläkkeellä olevan armeijan kenraalin, jonka hän tunsi Etelä-Tyynenmeren alueelta, ja muutaman päivän kuluessa tästä lähestyi FBI-mies, joka lainasi häneltä hienostuneen mikrofonin. Kuukautta myöhemmin sama mies palasi kahden muun kanssa ja pyysi käyttämään hänen toimistoaan postina hallitukselle. Hän piti sitä isänmaallisena asiana, mutta hän suostui, mutta tuskin hän tiesi, että tämä oli alku jollekin paljon suuremmalle ja paljon synkemmälle kuin hän olisi koskaan voinut kuvitella. 60-luvulla Karkki työskenteli NBC-radiossa ja säilytti läheisen yhteyden show-liiketoiminnan, politiikan ja armeijan vaikutusvaltaisten ihmisten kanssa, joista monilta hän oli saanut sieniä kiertäessään USO:n kanssa 40-luvun puolivälissä.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 345: Joulukuussa 1972, 47-vuotiaana, Karkki meni naimisiin Pitkät Kalsarit Nebelin kanssa, New Yorkin menestyneimmän ja kiistanalaisimman radion talk-show-juontajan kanssa. He olivat seurustelleet vain 28 päivää, vaikka he olivat tunteneet kumpikin vuodesta 1941. Melkein heti Nebel huomasi jotain outoa uudessa vaimossaan. Hän puhui toisinaan oudolla, aggressiivisella äänellä ja osoitti voimakkaita mielialan vaihteluita. Hän kärsi myös unettomuudesta, joten kesäkuussa 1973 Nebel tarjoutui yrittämään hypnotisoida hänet parantumaan siitä. Karkki väitti, että häntä ei voitu hypnotisoida, ja vaikka Nebel ei ollut koskaan tehnyt niin ennen, hän oli vakuuttunut, että hänen laaja lukeneisuutensa aiheesta selvittäisi hiänet. Näyttää siltä, että hän teki erittäin ehdottoman aiheen, melkein ainutlaatuisella tavalla, vaikka ehkä tätä auttoi hiänen suuri uskonsa mieheensä. Riippumatta siitä miksi, hiän nukkui ensimmäisen kunnon yöunensa kuukausiin Nebelin hypnoosin seurauksena. Myöhemmillä istunnoilla hän alkoi spontaanisti ikääntyä ja puhui lapsen äänellä. Mutta se oli toinen, ei-lapsuuden, agressio, joka huolestutti Nebeliä, joka sai Karkin ostamaan hänelle hienon nauhurin tallentaakseen nämä häiritsevät keskustelut hypnoosin avulla. Myöhemmin kesäkuussa ilmestyi Karkin lapsuuden kimittävän leikkikaverin Arlettyn ja Ranun persoonallisuudet, ja hypnoottisen agression kautta syntyi synkkä tarina hypnoosista ja mielenhallinnasta Candyn menneisyydessä.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 409: 62,0 minuuttia -- Kapellimestari nauraa ja kertoo Beethowenin Kuudennesta sinfoniasta, mikä esitetään seuraavaksi.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 86: Between 1978 and 1980, discussions on current political issues became a part of the program, and news segments were added in the first 20 minutes of the show. The 700 Club strongly supports Israel, especially in its conflicts with the Palestinians and the United Nations. Among its frequent Jewish guests are Michael Medved and Rabbi Daniel Lapin, who share Club's conservative Judeo-Christian beliefs.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 145: Walt Disneyllä oli suuria vikoja luonteessaan. Hän oli uppiniskainen ja ylimielinen. Waltilla oli mustat hiukset mustien viiksien kera, ja kirkkaat, eloisat silmät, ja hän oli noin 6 jalkaa pitkä. Hän käytti omia kasvonpiirteitään antaakseen artisteilleen vihjeitä kuinka piirtää erilaiset kasvonilmeet Mikkihiirelle. Hän piti tietyllä tavalla käärityistä sikareista joita hän poltti jopa 70 kappaletta päivässä. Hän oppi tupakoimaan armeijassa. Hän piti kalliista skottilaisesta whiskystä, punaisista auringonlaskuista ja hevosista. Hänellä oli loma-asunto Palm Springsissä, Kaliforniassa, nimeltään Smoke Tree Ranch. Hänen kaulaketjussaan oli kirjaimet STR (Smoke Tree Ranch). Hän pelasi paljon golfia Bob Hopen ja Ed Sullivanin kanssa Smoke Tree Ranchilla. Hänen varsinainen asuntonsa oli Holmby Hillsillä. Tämä Holmby Hillsin asunto sijaitsi ylellisellä alueella jossa asui paljon rikkaita show-bisnes -perheitä. Tämä sijaitsi Bel-Airin (okkultistinen nimi Saatanalle) ja Beverly Hillsin välillä.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 395: Knight says she used to be “spiritually restless,” but not any more. Ramtha from Atlantis via Lemuria has enlightened her. He first appeared to her, she says, while she was in business school having extraordinary experiences with UFOs. She must have a great rapport with her spirit companion, since he shows up whenever she needs him to put on a performance. It is not clear why Ramtha would choose Knight, but it is very clear why Knight would choose Ramtha: fame and fortune, or simple delusion.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 167: [how-did-such-a-practice-become-popular?share=1">https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-name-of-the-blow-flowers-you-make-a-wish-on-and-how-did-such-a-practice-become-popular?share=1]
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 266: Ukkola tähditti jokaviikkoista Sannikka & Ukkola -SM-shitshowta Ylen ykköskanavan paraatipaikalla perjantaisin. Hänen luova kontrollinsa ohjelman tekemisessä näyttäytyi mm. siten, että koko sotku vaikutti enemmän halvalta ääridystooppisen rinnakkaisuniversumin vaudevilleltä kuin journalismilta ja kuopattiin sangen nopeasti. Ohjelma, samoin kuin Ukkolan koko journalistinen ura, edusti ns. nollajournalismia, jolla ei ole muuta tavoitetta tai merkitystä kuin sen saavuttama julkisuus.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 414: While Mickey Mouse’s brain is far smaller than a human’s, it has essentially the same structures and operates in analogous ways,’ Thompson explained. ‘The prefrontal cortex acts as a kind of ‘executive office,’ controlling other parts of the brain. It makes decisions that determine how you will react. Memories of fear are stored in the amygdala, which codes them into signals and transmits those signals to the frontal cortex for action.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 452: Ultimately it involves self-immolation – rather like Kliban's parking meter violation. What this means will become clearer as you read on. We can confirm however that the result of not having a ‘self’ is truly a magical, wonderful and freeing experience. Not anything like what you have been lead to believe by reading/watching really bad sci-fi involving lobotomised zombies like the dementors in His Master's Voice!
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 61: In 1674–75, Malebranche published the two volumes of his first and most extensive philosophical work. Entitled in all brevity Concerning the Search after Truth. In which is treated the nature of the human mind and the use that must be made of it to avoid error in the sciences, the buchlein laid the foundation for Malebranche’s philosophical reputation and ideas. It dealt with the causes of human error and on how to avoid such mistakes. Most importantly, in the third book, which discussed pure understanding, he defended a claim that the ideas through which we perceive objects exist in God. A big mistake, but a nice try anyway. In the 1678 third edition, he added 50% to the already considerable size of the book with a sequence of (eventually) seventeen Elucidations. These responded to further criticisms, but they also expanded on the original arguments, and developed them in new ways.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 624: Max Schultze in 1861 proposed the "Protoplasm Doctrine" which states that all living cells are made of a living substance called Protoplasm. Thomas Huxley (1869) later referred to it as the "physical basis of life" and considered that the property of life resulted from the distribution of molecules within this substance. The protoplasm became an "epistemic thing". Its composition, however, was mysterious and there was much controversy over what sort of substance it was.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 71: There are also arguments for the veracity of the disrobing. The words "a prophetess and priestess of Aphrodite" might have indicated that Phryne participated in the Aphrodisia festival on Aegina. If true, this would have showed the jurors that she was favored by the goddess and deserving of "pity". Also, it was accepted at the time that women were especially capable of evoking the sympathy of the judges. Mothers and children could be brought to courts for such purposes. The baring of breasts was not restricted or atypical for prostitutes or courtesans, and could be used to arouse compassion as well as "pity".
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 112:
    Golden showers
    Urinating onto a partner's body.

    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 119:
    Roman Showers
    Vomiting on partner, usually after drinking urine.

    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 146: Unusually for Zola, the novel contains very few characters and locations, and the lack of realist observation compared to outright fantasy is most uncharacteristic; however, the novel remains extraordinarily powerful and readable, and is considered one of Zola's most linguistically inventive and well-crafted works.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 152: The novel then takes a complete new direction in terms of both tone and style, as Serge — suffering from amnesia and total long-term memory loss, with no idea who or where he is beyond his first name — is doted upon by Albine, the whimsical, innocent and entirely uneducated girl who has been left to grow up practically alone and wild in the vast, sprawling, overgrown grounds of Le Paradou. The two of them live a life of idyllic bliss with many Biblical parallels, and over the course of a number of months, they fall deeply in love with one another; however, at the moment they consummate their relationship, they are discovered by Serge's monstrous former monsignor and his memory is instantly returned to him. Wracked with guilt at his unwitting sins, Serge is plunged into a deeper religious fervour than ever before, and poor Albine is left bewildered at the loss of her soulmate. As with many of Zola's earlier works, the novel then builds to a horrible climax. Well not really. It is more like a horrible anticlimax.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 205: The 24th feature from Hong Sangsoo, doppelgänger of the talkative celeb guy in the last scene of the movie THE WOMAN WHO RAN follows Gamhee (Kim Minhee), a florist and the wife of a translator who never in 5 years time has left her for a moment from his sight. She has three separate encounters with friends while her husband finally is on a business trip. Youngsoon (Seo Youngwha) is divorced, turned lesbian (the couple likes to feed alley cats) and has given up meat and likes to garden in the backyard of her semi-detached house. Suyoung (Song Seonmi) is divorced, has a big savings account and a crush on her architect neighbor and is being hounded by a young poet she met at the bar. Woojin (Kim Saebyuk) works for a movie theater and hates it that her writer husband has become a celeb. Their meetings are polite, but not warm. Some of their shared history bubbles to the surface, but not much. With characteristic humor and grace, Hong takes a simple premise and spins a web of interconnecting philosophies and coincidences. THE WOMAN WHO RAN is a subtle, powerful look at dramas small and large faced by women everywhere. Basically, they are 40+ ladies who may have met at some art school and get a chance to compare notes on how well their childless lives have turned out. Gamhee used to be the celeb's girl friend until the movie theater attendant stole the guy. Now both of them are sorry that she did, but really not that much. The Éric Rohmer of South Korea.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 163: David Howard Susskind (December 19, 1920 – February 22, 1987) was an American TV talk show host. His talk shows addressed timely, controversial topics beyond the scope of others of the day. Amerikan Hannu Karpo.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 193: Success is failure turned inside out The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar, So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit, It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 369: how_a_p/text_0090.shtml#05">(Lähde)
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 225: And although Hemingway never related to the surface aspects of American Catholic life, he wrote at least one work explicitly about Christ, “Today is Friday,” a dialogue between three Roman soldiers present at the crucifixion discussing how well Jesus had died and the grace he showed under pressure.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 314: “I saw a moving sight the other morning before breakfast in a little hotel where I slept in the dusty fields. The young man of the house had shot a little wolf called coyote in the early morning. The heroic little animal lay on the ground, with his big furry ears, and his clean white teeth, and his jolly cheerful little body, but his brave little life was gone. It made me think how brave all these living things are. Here little coyote was, without any clothes or house or books or money or bonds or anything, with nothing but his own naked self to pay his way with, and risking his life so cheerfully – and losing it – just to see if he could pick up a meal near the hotel. He was doing his coyote-business like a hero, and you must do your boy-business, and I my man-business bravely, too, or else we won’t be worth as much as a little coyote.” (The Letters of William James to Henry James, Little, Brown and Co.: Boston 1926.)
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 325: The Garden of Eden, however, a book brimming with the author’s vulnerability just as A Farewell to Arms is, treats intimate and delicate matters. Paxun eufemismikuorrutuxen alle kurkistaen: tässä niteessä on varmaan erityisen paljon homostelua. "She is depicted with fascination and fear, like Marcel Proust’s Albertine." No niin aina! "Eros and Thanatos, love and death, paradise and trespass." No on se vittua!
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 472: “No, you're not a man for that. Even in war. I've seen it. Or what you did. Not how you mean. Have child, that what man does.” Papa ran the back of his hand on his cheek and felt the tape on his glasses. “That tree. A man planted that.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 496: A few feet across the room hung Cézanne's Les Joueurs de carte (The Card Players). Two men face each other playing cards on a small table. “It's the man on the right, Juice.” Juice looked at Papa with concern. “The villain. Sometimes it's hard to tell. But you can trust a man who smokes a pipe. The man on the left shows us his cards. An honest man. Cézanne knew that.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 498: “Dishonest men show honesty.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 500: “His pocket lies open too. A trusting man. The man on the right sulks, looking down with his overbite and light coat. Look in the background. Look at the bar and the uncertainty beyond it and how the scene gets lighter from left to right.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 604: Alicia Rix´s study of the relationship between cycling and authorship in James’s “The Papers” sums up Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton’s exchange in The Sun Also Rises linking Henry’s bicycle to Jake’s impotence. Rix examines James’s anxiety about authorial exposure and aversion to publicity and includes embarrassing depictions of him cycling by Ford Madox Ford, David Lodge, and others. (The original manuscript shows that, before deletion, this had read "Henry James's bicycle.")
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 617: This bit of news is quite startling. It upsets half a century of scholarship that seems to have clearly shown James was a firm bachelor with a “low amatory coefficient,” as one of his doctors put it in 1905 in New York. But Holmes is not the only homosexual lover Novick claims for James. He also says that James had an affair with Paul Zhukovski, a Russian aristocrat James met in 1876 in the entourage of Ivan Turgenev.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 623: What evidence does Novick offer for the James-Holmes “affair”? Just two French words James uses in his long and vivid notebook entry recalling his early days in Boston, where his family settled in a brick house in Ashburton Place near the State House. The words are l’initiation première–“first initiation.” In the entry, James is writing generally of the “rite of passage” that inaugurated his literary career. He describes the strong emotions he felt at the assassination of Lincoln (on James’$2 22nd birthday); how he wept when Hawthorne died; and the dawning sense of freedom experienced after the war’s end. He mentions also his first book review on English novel-writing, published in the North American Review, whose editors paid him $12, praised his writing, and asked for more. He does mention Holmes, but only to describe a brief visit he made to Holmes’ mother to ask how her son was faring in England, and his own fierce envy of Holmes for traveling abroad while James remained at home.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 648: Hemingway makes explicit here the themes of irony and pity: the irony of Kake's situation (he is a kind of superman who nevertheless can't perform the most basic of manly activities, namely fucking) as well as the pity "we" (who have our penises in working order) feel for him. The writer does so in an extended section, rich with dialogue, that is meant to be funny but has not dated well. The joking between Kake and Bill, over breakfast and later at lunch, is certainly believable as such, but it's difficult for a contemporary audience to follow, because the references to Frankie Fritsch and so forth have grown obscure with the passage of time. (The reference to Bryan's death tells us exactly when these scenes are occurring: 1925.) Do note, however, that Kake's physical condition is alluded to — and quickly backed away from. ("I'd a hell of a lot rather not talk about it" could be the motto of Kake's stoic take on the world, while Hemingway's would be "I want to talk about it all the time".) The writer has established, however, that Kake's condition is not simple impotence (rather it is loss of limb, or shortening of the joystick) and that it was caused by an accident.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 714: Young chicks do not have too much of a vocabulary but they can let you know how they feel by chirping. There are five distinct ways in which a chick can chirp:
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 759: The absolute best way to learn how to speak chicken is to spend time with your flock, listen to them and talk to them. Some are more talkative than others but even the shy ones will respond if you give them some one-on-one time.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 764: Chris Lesley has been Raising Chickens for over 20 years and is a fourth generation chicken keeper. She can remember being a young child when her grandad first taught her how to hold and care for chickens. She also holds a certificate in Animal Behavior and Welfare and is interested in backyard chicken health and care.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 810: The first edition of the book sold fewer than 900 copies, a disappointing showing. The second edition sold much better, during the more progressive Roaring Twenties.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 814: Mencken was a controversial, and humorous journalist, who greatly affected American fiction in the 1920s. He ridiculed the US’s organized religion, business and middle class. He was a very critical man, who supported Germany during the war and had a very Marxist outlook on life. Bill refers to him, saying that he mocks God. Also this shows Bill’s character, that he is someone is very cynical and critical about life.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 820: Bishop Manning was a Bishop in New York City, who played a prominent role in World War I. Kake refers to him, when discussing his school life, and showing who he was surrounded by. In 1939-40, Manning took a leadership role in the successful effort to force the City University of New York to rescind their offer of a professorship to the philosopher Bertrand Russell.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 825: If by Pacifism is meant the teaching that the use of force is never justifiable, then, however well meant, it is mistaken, and it is hurtful to the life of our country. And the Pacifism which takes the position that because war is evil, therefore all who engage in war, whether for offense or defense, are equally blameworthy, and to be condemned, is not only unreasonable, it is inexcusably unjust. Sorry Christ, we gotta move on, that's how the cookie crumbles. Phil Roth's 2 Swedish sluts were just plain wrong, and so were you J.C.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 859: Showed me the way to promotion an’ pay, Näytti mistä raha tulee ja ylennys,
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 874: The wife of a nigger at Mhow; Neekerin vaimon Mhowista;
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 197:
  • You want to live but do you know how to live? Is life really any different from being dead? I felt little difference.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 220:
  • Life is long if you know how to use it. Too long in my case.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 283: My only thought is how to keep alive. Mun ainut ajatus on pysytellä hengissä.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 699: Islam however diverges from orthodox Christianity and teaches many erroneous things: that the Bible has been corrupted, that Jesus was not crucified, that Jesus was not divine, that God is not triune, and that Jesus was a prophet of Islam. Both religions make assertions as to being the exclusive and correct way to worship and come to God. Islam, which is rapidly growing in adherents worldwide with 1.6 billion followers, presents itself as the final revelation of God and as a formidable competitor of Christianity on the market for Abrahamic religions.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 709: Furthermore, religions contain postulations or statements that are to be regarded by their followers as facts. If they are to be considered and discussed as facts, they must be subjected to the rules of historical criticism. One is free to utilize the tools of history and reason in seeking to better understand how at least some of the content of the Quran came to be what it is today.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 730: mother; how I strengthened thee with the holy
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 732: the cradle as in maturity; and how I taught
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 734: and the Gospel; and how thou didst shape of
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 787: The issues with this objection are triune: a) how the story is presented within the narrative, b) what the Quran says about itself, and c) what the objection implies about Allah.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 125: But no--if, for Freedman, Rilke is a slick little engine of self-advancement, he is also "thin-skinned," "fragile," "depressed," "thwarted," "troubled," "distraught," "schizophrenic," and "almost suicidal," and he suffered from "hysteria," "anxiety," and "insecurity." This poet seems so tightly shackled to his inner condition that we wonder how he found the freedom to make his art. Freedman himself only occasionally glances at Rilke's art, and then with considerable lack of charm, not to say comprehension ("Still addressing the woman's genitals in confrontation with the man's, Rilke weighed in with his most devastating critique of death's dialectic").
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 149: Rilke's most benevolent patron, Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis, was wise enough both to nurture Rilke's gift and to keep her distance from her complicated protégé. An unblinking observer of Rilke's life, she was able to see his liaisons for what they were. And she knew how Rilke's acute sensitivity to his own condition, combined with his talent for self-pity, often landed him in the arms of the wrong people: "You must always be seeking out such weeping willows, who are by no means so weepy in reality, believe me--you find your own reflection in those eyes." But Freedman, doggedly indifferent to the available evidence, makes Rilke's lovers and women friends out to be helpless victims of a smooth seduction machine.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 182: In September 2006, Siegel was suspended from The New Republic after an internal investigation determined he was participating in misleading comments in the magazine's "Talkback" section in response to criticisms of his blog postings at The New Republic's website. The comments were made through the device of a "sock puppet" dubbed "sprezzatura", who, as one reader noted, was a consistently vigorous defender of Siegel, and who specifically denied being Siegel when challenged by another commenter in "Talkback". In response to readers who had criticized Siegel's negative comments about TV talk show host Jon Stewart, 'sprezzatura' wrote, "Siegel is brave, brilliant, and wittier than Stewart will ever be. Take that, you bunch of immature, abusive sheep". The New Republic posted an apology and shut down Siegel's blog. In an interview with the New York Times Magazine, Siegel dismissed the incident as a "prank". He resumed writing for The New Republic in early 2007.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 197: But why did aging Rodin in his 60s capture Rilke’s imagination at the turn of the last century? It’s hard to see at first. What made Rodin radical then is no longer radical today. In his “Self-Portrait” (1890), Rodin grimaces amidst rough marks. The picture emblematizes how Rodin heralded raw and unpolished sculptures that were strikingly modern. It was a breath of fresh air since most of early-19th-century sculpture was smooth, neoclassical, and to be harshly honest, predictably dainty. Charles Baudelaire lamented this nadir in 1846 when he wrote his provocative essay “Why Sculpture is Boring.” Rodin went on to prove Baudelaire wrong. He showed how sculpture could be modern with distorted, coarse, rough textures. Rodin knocked the idealized body off its pedestal. And the modern sculptors that came after him saw no reason to put it back.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 199: The pair first met outside Paris on Rodin’s country estate in September of 1902. Rilke, 26, took on a project as an art critic to write a German monograph on Auguste Rodin, at the time 61. Neither probably expected they would hit it off as much as they did. But long talks about art, and how to cultivate a work ethic bonded them together. Ten days into his initial stay on Rodin’s estate, Rilke wrote Rodin an affectionate letter confessing their dialogue’s intense effect. Rodin offered the young poet an open invitation to observe his studio for the next four months. During that time, Rilke not only gleaned insights for his monograph, but discovered how to be a better poet.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 201: Three years later in September of 1905, Rilke took a job as Rodin’s assistant and lived with him full-time on his country estate. For the first time, Rodin’s correspondence was prompt and his files organized. Rilke relished more long talks with Rodin and the book is filled with examples of how Rodin stimulated the poet during this period of employment and intense "dialogue."
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 203: One of the more amusing examples is how Rodin said good night to Rilke. Rather than “bonne nuit,” Rodin would say, “bon courage,” roughly translated to “show courage” or “have good courage,” Or "chins up", but this idiomatic expression is hard to translate. While an unusual way to say good night, Rodin was trying to telegraph to Rilke that he would need to be courageous as he prepared for the night's inevitable challenges.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 216: It’s clear how meticulously scrutinizing every part of the sculpted body became a metaphor for scrutinizing every part of our life, in the spirit of that adage of Socrates that the unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates was a keen exeaminer of Alcibiades' törsö too, in particular the dark star that cannot see you.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 217: Rodin had a penchant for antiquities. A picture from the archives of Paris’s Rodin Museum shows Rilke, Rodin, Rodin’s wife, and dogs with some headless torsos behind them.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 292: The growth of the following of Joseph is manifested with the earliest church dedicated to him in Rome, San Giuseppe dei Falegnami (St. Joseph of the Carpenters), constructed in 1540 in the Forum Romanum, above the prison that by tradition had held the Apostles Peter and Paul. The spread of his following is then shown by the publication of the first Litany of St. Joseph in Rome in 1597 and the introduction of the Cord of St. Joseph in Antwerp in 1657. These were then followed by the Chaplet of St. Joseph in 1850, and the Scapular of St. Joseph of the Capuchins which was approved in 1880. The formal veneration of the Holy Family began in the 17th century by Mgr François de Laval.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 54: Psychopathy is characterised by a superficial charm and callousness. People high in such traits often show an erratic lifestyle and antisocial behaviour. Machiavellianism derives from the writings of Niccolò Machiavelli, a Renaissance author, historian and philosopher. He described power games involving deception, treachery and crime. Thus, machiavellianism refers to an exploitative, cynical and manipulative nature. Narcissism is characterised by an exaggerated sense of entitlement, superiority and grandiose thinking, while sadism denotes a drive to inflict and enjoy pain in others.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 62: Paradoxically, however, some researchers have previously reported average or even higher levels of some aspects of empathy in some people with dark traits.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 70: In line with this notion, empanzees were the most “agreeable” (a personality trait showing how nice or friendly you are), followed by typicals, then dark empanzees, and last dark triads. Interestingly, dark empanzees were more extroverted than the rest, a trait reflecting the tendency to be sociable, lively and active. Thus, the presence of empathy appears to encourage an enjoyment of being or interacting with people. But it may potentially also be motivated by a desire to dominate them.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 76: It is worth noting, however, that those clinically diagnosed with an antisocial personality disorder (often showing excessive levels of dark traits), most certainly lack empathy and are dangerous predators – and many of them are in prison. Our research is looking at people in the general population who have elevated levels of dark personality traits, rather than personality disorders.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 78: We are continuing our quest to find out more about the characteristics of the dark empanzees in relation to other psychological outcomes. For example, we are interested in their risk taking, impulsivity or physically aggressive behaviour. We also want to understand how they process emotions or facial expressions, or how they perceive and react to threats.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 80: We are currently replicating and extending some of our findings using the dark tetrad instead. Our results are yet to be published, but indicate there are two further profiles in addition to the four groups we’ve already identified. One is an “emotionally internalised group”, with high levels of affective empathy and average cognitive empathy, without elevated dark traits. The other shows a pattern similar to autistic traits – particularly, low cognitive empathy and average affective empathy in the absence of elevated dark traits.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 124: The Population Registration Act, 1950 classified all South Africans into one of four racial groups based on appearance, known ancestry, socioeconomic status, and cultural lifestyle: "Black", "White", "Coloured", and "Indian", the last two of which included several sub-classifications. Just like in India in fact, except all castes are Indians in India, however Aryan they may think they are. Brahmin Gandhi got really pissed when he was thrown out of train in Pretoria like a pariah. Got him started on his career as Indian nationalist. Until then he had been a supporter of The Brits in The Boer war.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 168: “I regret what I did. I was wrong. That is why I am standing before court, pleading for forgiveness. I am showing my remorse by pleading guilty to the murder.”
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 176: He walked home, fetched his firearm and fired three shots at his sleeping girlfriend. He then tried to commit suicide and demonstrated to the court how he held a gun against his right temple before pulling the trigger.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 183: “The accused also showed remorse for his actions as he called an ambulance after realising the deceased was not breathing,” she said. Vorster’s actions could have been avoided had he been sober.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 220: "The jury doesn't evaluate the crime in itself, but instead evaluates the victim and the accused's life, trying to show how adapted each one is to what they imagine should be the correct behavior for a husband and wife....The man can always be acquitted if the defense manages to convince the jury that he was a good and honest worker, a dedicated father and husband, while the woman was unfaithful and did not fulfill her responsibilities as a housewife and mother....This way the ones involved in the crime are judged distinctly. Men and women are attributed different roles, in a pattern that excludes citizenship and equality of rights.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 306: Carlson has been a leading voice of white grievance politics. His remarks on race, immigration, and women – including slurs he said about kinky pubic hair between 2006 and 2011 (which resurfaced in 2019) – have for some reason been described as racist and sexist, as have his advertiser boycotts in Tucker Carlson Show. As of July 2021, his was the most-watched cable news show in the United States.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 331: In 1999, Carlson interviewed then-Governor George W. Bush for Talk magazine. He described Bush fucking Karla Faye Fucker (who was subsequently executed in Bad Bush's state of Texas) and frequently using the word "fuck" while at it. The piece led to bad pubic hair day for Bush's 2000 presidential campaign. Bush claimed that "Mr. Carlson misread, mischaracterized me. He's a fucking good reporter, he just misunderstood about how seriously in need I was. Fuck, I like the death penalty, seriously. Turns me on." Among liberals, Carlson's piece received praise, with Democratic consultant Bob Shrum calling it "vivid".
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 335: By the end of 2018, after the show had begun to boycot at least twenty advertisers, Carlson said immigrants are "poorer, dirtier and even worse fooled than the rest". He was saved by his remarks concerning women (calling them "like dogs" and "extremely primitive").
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 337: The judges agreed with Fox News's defense that reasonable viewers would have "skepticism" over statements on dogs Carlson makes on its show, as he often engages in "exaggeration" and "non-literal commentary" and that Carlson is not "stating actual facts" on its show.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 338: By October 2020, Tucker Carlson Tonight averaged 5.3 million viewers, with the show's monthly average becoming the highest of any cable news program in history at that point.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 368: Carlson was one of the network’s biggest stars, and gained a large following while spouting xenophobic and racist rhetoric on his show, Tucker Carlson Tonight. He left Fox News without explanation on Monday. News outlets have reported that Carlson was fired on the personal order of Fox owner Rupert Murdoch for, among other things, using vulgar language to describe a female executive. Another victim of the freedom of expression!
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 377: Fox has disputed Ms. Grossberg’s claims, and Mr. Carlson hasn’t said anything publicly about the case. Thanks for reading The Times. Subscribe to The Times. [pst! carlsons-program-brought-in-far-more-ad-revenue-than-other-fox-prime-time-shows.]
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 400: Gordimer had a daughter, Oriane (born 1950), by her first marriage in 1949 to Gerald Gavron, a local dentist, from whom she was divorced within three years. In 1954, she married Reinhold Cassirer, a highly respected art dealer who established the South African Sotheby's and later ran his own gallery; their "wonderful marriage" lasted until his death from emphysema in 2001. Their son, Hugo, was born in 1955, and is a filmmaker in New York, with whom Gordimer collaborated on at least two documentaries. Olikohan Gavron ja Cassirer juutalaisia? Ernst Cassirer oli (Cassirer tarkoittaakin kasööri), ja Gavron kuulostaa heprealta. Joku how-a-film-on-africas-lost-jewish-tribes-rekindled-its-makers-own-jewish-identity-laurence-gavron/">Laurence Gavron löysi Senegalista mustia kipapäitä heimoveljiä, mutta rabbit eivät hyväxyneet niitä.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 591: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a tie! That’s probably not how they announced it back in October of 1974. A tie is not even the proper term for the rare occasions when the Nobel Prize in Literature’s gone to two people at once. Sharing the honor is the phrase that seems to crop up, and these shared honors look like political moves—when the prize is going to a country that the Nobel committee might not get back to in a while. (The novelist António Lobo Antunes, for example, was reportedly heartbroken when the Nobel went to José Saramago, because he knew they weren’t going to give it to Portugal again in his lifetime.) Still, there’s something about a shared prize that feels slighting, the A-minus of literary glory. I picture scenes like this:
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 596: But it’s not just the imaginary humiliations. There’s just something off-putting about deciding that two bodies of work are of exactly equal merit. I’m all for the notion that literature is such a varied seascape that it’s impossible to get your bearings, let alone arrange things in order; and I’m comfortable with the idea that, of course, some writers are better than others. But once the scorekeeping gets specific, it just feels wrong. What’s better, Guernica or Citizen Kane? The Velvet Underground and Nico or really good Mexican food? The Great Gatsby or your best friend in high school? These are ridiculous questions, and the fairest answer—ladies and gentlemen, it’s a tie!—somehow muddies all the contestants, even the enchiladas.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 741: He said the committee needed to review the moral regeneration programme, to strengthen it, and improve the character of South Africa’s people and how they related to one another.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 749: The few really tiny countries with low numbers of people in prison showed that it was possible to prevent crime without using custodial sentences as a primary tool. But the countries remained an exception with many nations reporting incredibly high rates of prison overcrowding. Chicken coops is what is really called for, and chicken packaging machines.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 777: 19.1% of men planned the murder in advance, while 80.9% committed it impulsively. Four men indicated that they would commit murder again, depending on the circumstances. Among the reasons why the rest will not commit murder again are: I have discovered how high the value of life is and that every human being has the right to life and human dignity; murder is an inhuman act; it’s bad in prison; I want to be free; it was a huge mistake; crime does not pay; it’s no solution to problems; it causes tremendous emotional pain for everyone involved; I do not want to disappoint my family again; I am not in my inner nature a murderer; children must grow up with the presence and guidance of a father; restorative justice helped me find myself as well as with reconciliation with my family and the victim; God changed my life; it is a guilt that you carry with you for the rest of your life; I will talk about my problems in the future; I learned to respect the law; one throws away ones future.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 822: Exhaustive investigations in Europe and North America have shown that the number of murders varies little whether there is a death penalty or not.
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 171: Apparently Canute was trying to prove a point about Kings and God: 'Let all men know how empty and worthless is the power of kings, for there is none worthy of the name, but He whom heaven, earth, and sea obey by eternal laws. '
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 276: Kuten sanoista eittämättä ilmenee, Zimmermann on pahansuopa misogyyni narsistinen juutalainen setämies, joka pitkät antaa kristityn pikku Paulin ohjeille. Joan Baez tekee siitä varovaista pilaa albumissa Diamonds and rust. Joan on nainen ja kristitty. Norman on nimestä huolimatta Robertin heimoveli. Olivat pakanat lainanneet nimet germaaneilta eivätkä palauttaneet. Just goes to show. No Robertilla on eräpäivä vielä edessä, vielä ehtisi.

    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 188: #1: Show, don´t tell. Detail is king. Why Rhyming is amazing, but the challenge distracts beginners from more important attributes like detailed descriptions and story. Read the poetry repair manual!
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 236: Christ-followers’ ultimate goals are to spread the Gospel and show others the path to eternal life, to live righteously, and overall treat people the way Jesus would treat them by loving them and being patient, kind, compassionate, pure, and wise. With that being said, Christians are supposed to do this all the time, no matter the place. This includes high school.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 242: In a devotional study book called “Devotions for a Revolutionary Year” by Lynn Cowell, she states, “If you have good friends who are Christians and friends who aren’t, you’ll see a problem eventually. No matter how good people are, if they don’t have Jesus as Lord of their lives, you won’t be able to get past a certain point in your relationship. There will be a spot where a wall comes up. Like that one when a spotted angry dick comes up. Willy nilly, light is light, and dark is dark. When the two mix, all you get is gray.”
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 825: Like it was some sort of trade show
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 832: I’m hoping all my hard work shows
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 885: Judith Nicholls reads her poems in a slow, thoughtful way, like a ruminating cow. If you listen to ‘Winter’, you can hear how she allows the music of each word to sound fully.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 973:

    Here´s how the math works

    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 975: Amazonin kirjakauppa on yhtä jättimäinen paska kuin lafkan kyrvännupin näköinen yxityisomistaja joka hohottaa koko matkan yxityisomistamaansa pankkiin. Joka tulee joka päivä 1% äveriäämmäxi ja on vuoden lopussa 37x rikkaampi. Here´s how the math works. Atomic Habits #4 bestseller, arrived in bad condition, cover all wrong, says Sharma Swarma, a disgruntled Amazon customer. Mutiainen maxoi yli 10 taalaa roskasta. Sydney Pierce (se kireälettinen josta tulee mieleen Kaija Pentti) luki tämän:
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1036: Matt Walsh is a popular writer, speaker, and one of the Right´s most influential voices. He is the host of The Daily Wire´s Matt Walsh Show, where he boldly tackles the tough subjects and speaks out on faith and culture in a way that connects with his generation and beyond. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee with his wife and young children.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1049: In The War on the West, Douglas Murray shows how many well-meaning people have been fooled by hypocritical and inconsistent anti-West rhetoric. After all, if we must discard the ideas of Kant, Hume, and Mill for their opinions on race, shouldn’t we discard Marx (Karl, Groucho´s OK), the Jew whose work is peppered with racial slurs and anti-Semitism? Embers of racism remain to be stamped out in America, but what about the raging racist inferno in the Middle East and Asia? What about Israel? Nigeria?
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1061: Writing in The Guardian, the political journalist Gaby Hinsliff described Strange Death as "gentrified xenophobia" and "Chapter after chapter circles around the same repetitive themes: migrants raping and murdering and terrorising; paeans to Christianity; long polemics about how Europe is too ´exhausted by history´ and colonial guilt to face another battle, and is thus letting itself be rolled over by invaders fiercely confident in their own beliefs", while also pointing out that Murray offers little definition of the European culture he claims is under threat. Pankaj Mishra´s review in The New York Times described the book as "a handy digest of far-right clichés". In The Intercept, Murtaza Hussain criticized the "relentlessly paranoid tenor" of Murray´s work and said that its claims of mass crime perpetuated by immigrants were "blinkered to the point of being propaganda", while noting the book´s appeal to the far right. In Middle East Eye, Georgetown professor Ian Almond called the book "a staggeringly one-sided flow of statistics, interviews and examples, reflecting a clear decision to make the book a rhetorical claim that Europe is doomed to self-destruction".
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1063: A more mixed review of the book in The Economist claimed it "hit on some unfortunate truths", but "shows an incomplete picture of Europe today." Furthermore, it said that "the book would benefit, however, from far more reporting" and claimed Murray often "lets fear trump analysis" and was "prone to exaggeration."
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1076: The estate’s decision — which prompted breathless headlines on cable news and complaints about “cancel culture” from prominent conservatives — represents a dramatic step to update and curate Seuss’s body of work, acknowledging and rejecting some of his views while seeking to protect his brand and appeal. It also raises questions about whether and how an author’s works should be posthumously curated to reflect evolving social attitudes, and what should be preserved as part of the cultural record.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 46: Dissolves to show its quintessential slime.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 75: When seated in the Lotus Position, a character may levitate to demonstrate that he or she is meditating particularly profoundly. The Levitating Lotus Position is also used to show that a character is displaying his or her Psychic Powers/Enlightenment Superpowers, intensely concentrating, healing, or is just especially calm.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 244: Come outside and I will show you
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 246: What you will show me
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 323: and claimed to be modern too. Her father asked me how
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 339: amused, and so were the others. Who knows how much belief
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 349: these orthodox chaps certainly know how to draw the line
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 370: instructed me how.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 412: Unfortunately, if a person does decide to send money, it will soon be followed up with a request for more. According to the subsequent emails sent by the scammer, unexpected costs are often discovered, such as increased taxes or bribes to officials. The scammers will continue to ask for money as long as the victim will send it. Needless to say, there will never be any kind of payout sent to the victim, regardless of how much they send.
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 112: Phineas is an Anglicized name for the priest Phinehas in the Hebrew Bible; King Phineas, the first king of the Beta Israel in Ethiopia; Phineas Banning (1830-1885), American businessman and entrepreneur; P. T. Barnum (1810-1891), American showman and businessman. The grandson of Aaron and son of Eleazar, the High Priests (Exodus 6:25), he distinguished himself as a youth at Shittim with his zeal against the Bull-Shittim...
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 303: What he does in the picture is silence. He has just been asked a question and he is thinking about how to answer it.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 313: I could appear as smart as Jordan Peterson if I only knew how to shut up.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 379: If Adolf Hitler had Jewish ancestry, then how could we reconcile that with the fact that he was responsible for the Holocaust? Why not, I don't see the point? That he could not have killed his fellow Jews? What a racist notion. Sax believes that Hitler’s alleged lineage might actually help explain his anti-Semitism.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 396: In short, it appears that there is no definitive evidence that Adolf Hitler was Jewish. But considering his disturbing legacy, it’s easy to see how such a conspiracy theory could fester over the decades.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 401: Indeed, the possibility of Hitler having Jewish ancestry may serve as some sort of rationale — no matter how distorted — for people who are trying to find logic in the unfathomable atrocities that he perpetrated.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 413: In his 1953 memoir In the Face of the Gallows (published after his execution in 1946), Hitler’s lawyer Hans Frank claimed that Hitler had told him to investigate rumors of him having Jewish ancestry. Frank said Hitler showed him a letter from a nephew who threatened to reveal he had Jewish blood. Frank wrote that he found evidence that Hitler’s grandfather was Jewish and that Alois’ mother, Maria Schicklgruber, worked as a cook in the home of a wealthy Jewish family named Frankenreiter in Graz. Austria, was impregnated by a member of the family – possibly their 19-year-old son – when she was 42.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 421: In 2010, the British paper The Daily Telegraph reported that a study had been conducted in which saliva samples were collected from 39 of Hitler’s known relatives to test their DNA origins and found, though inconclusively, that Hitler may have Jewish origins. The paper reported: "A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in [the Hitler] samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews ... Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population." This study, though scientific by nature, is inconclusive.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 452: Yes he is. Vladimir Putin is furious that America and NATO are now supporting Ukraine militarily with the supply of heavy weapons. He really is but he tries his best not to show it.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 164: 1512–1516 showing Jesus'
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1020: Working for a living is the worst curse in the world. Only animals worry about the next meal and wake up to take a crap in the morning. Yes but many men have started like you and owned shops and houses in the end. Living in the lap of luxury. Mattokauppiaiden puheita. If work is a curse and crookery is worse, how´s a man to live? Vaimon selkänahastako? Njoo, muttei paljaalla työllä rikastu, tarvitaan myös crookeryä.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1027: The commentator Ibn Ishaq narrated that he was the first man to write with a penis and that he was born when Adam still had 308 years of his life to live. In his commentary on the Quranic verses 19:56-57, the commentator Ibn Kathir narrated "During the Night Journey, the Prophet passed by him in fourth heaven. In a hadith, Ibn Abbas asked Ka’b what was meant by the part of the verse which says, ”And We raised him to a high station.” Ka’b explained: Allah revealed to Idris: ‘I would raise for you every day the same amount of the deeds of all Adam’s children’ – perhaps meaning of his time only. So Idris wanted to increase his deeds and devotion. A friend of his from the angels visited and Idris said to him: ‘Allah has revealed to me such and such, so could you please speak to the angel of death, so I could increase my deeds.’ The angel carried him on his wings and went up into the heavens. When they reached the fourth heaven, they met the angel of death who was descending down towards earth. The angel spoke to him about what Idris had spoken to him before. The angel of death said: ‘But where is Idris?’ He replied, ‘He is upon my back.’ The angel of death said: ‘How astonishing! I was sent and told to seize his soul in the fourth heaven. I kept thinking how I could seize it in the fourth heaven when he was on the earth?’ Then he took his soul out of his body, and that is what is meant by the verse: ‘And We raised him to a high station.’"
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1031: Modern scholars, however, do not concur with this identification because they argue that it lacks definitive proof.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1050: Dhu al-Qarnayn, (Arabic: ذُو ٱلْقَرْنَيْن, romanized: Ḏū l-Qarnayn, IPA: [ðuː‿l.qarnajn]; lit. "He of the Two Horns") appears in the Quran, Surah Al-Kahf (18), Ayahs 83–101 as one who travels to east and west and sets up a barrier between a certain people and Gog and Magog (called Ya'juj and Ma'juj). Elsewhere the Quran tells how the end of the world will be signaled by the release of Gog and Magog from behind the barrier. Other apocalyptic writings predict that their destruction by God in a single night will usher in the Day of Resurrection (Yawm al-Qiyāmah).
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1055: Enlil, god of Earth, assigned junior dingirs (Sumerian: 𒀭, lit. 'divines') to do farm labor, as well as maintain the rivers and canals. After 40 years, however, the lesser dingirs rebelled and refused to do strenuous labor. Enki, who is also the kind, wise counselor of the gods, suggested that rather than punishing these rebels, humans should be created to do such work, instead. The mother goddess Mami is subsequently assigned the task of creating humans by shaping clay figurines mixed with the flesh and blood of the slain god Geshtu-E ('ear' or 'wisdom'; 'a god who had intelligence'). All the gods, in turn, spit upon the clay. After 10 months, a specially made womb breaks open and humans are born.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1058: Tablet III of the Atra-Hasis epic contains the flood myth. It tells of how Enki, speaking through a reed wall, warns the hero Atra-Hasis ('extremely wise') of Enlil´s plan to destroy humankind by flood, telling the hero to dismantle his house (perhaps to provide a construction site) and build a boat to escape. Moreover, this boat is to have a roof "like Abzu" (or Apsi; a subterranean, freshwater realm presided over by Enki); to have upper and lower decks; and to be sealed with bitumen.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1168: Zaituna puhuu nenään jonka Zonfis nyrjäytti. Kaverit laulaa pilkkalaulun Rifaan velttomunasta. Don't laugh, I know how it feels.
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 190: Kakeru in this context means to shower or pour. The word bukkake is often used in Japanese to describe pouring out a liquid with sufficient momentum to cause splashing or spilling. Indeed, bukkake is used in Japan to describe a type of dish where hot broth is poured over noodles, as in bukkake udon and bukkake soba.
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 303: Tässä syyteröväskästä viimeisin: in February 2022, around a dozen current and former employees of Dr. Phil alleged that they experienced "verbal abuse in a workplace that fosters fear, intimidation, and racism." Seven current employees also claimed that the show's guests are often manipulated and treated unethically. Attorneys for McGraw and his co-producer, Carla Pennington categorically denied every allegation made.
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 305: McGraw's advice and methods have drawn criticism from both fellow psychotherapists as well as non-experts. McGraw's critics regard advice given by him to be at best simplistic and at worst ineffective or harmful. The National Alliance on Mental Illness called McGraw's conduct in one episode of his television show "unethical" and "incredibly irresponsible". McGraw said in a 2001 Sun-Sentinel interview that he never liked traditional one-on-one counseling, and that "I'm not the Hush-Puppies, pipe and 'Let's talk about your mother' kind of psychologist."
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 413: The painter — whose real name was Balthasar Klossowski de Rola and who died in 2001 — has been a controversial figure in the art world for decades. Many of his paintings show highly sexualized depictions of young girls. His 1934 work "The Guitar Lesson" was one of his first to scandalize his peers. When it was displayed along with "Thérèse Dreaming" and other Balthus paintings at a special exhibit in the Met in 2013, a plaque warned readers that the paintings were disturbing in nature.
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 418: "At its 1934 debut in Paris, it was shown for fifteen days, covered, in the gallery’s back room," wrote the art critic Jerry Saltz in 2013. "In 1977, it appeared for a month at Pierre Matisse’s 57th Street gallery. It has never been exhibited again, as if it were some metaphysical equivalent of the cursed videotape in The Ring that kills anyone who views it."
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 96: According to Gonzo Today, however, it's a little less, or about 40 thrusts for the average man to ejaculate. On the higher end of things, over on BodyBuilding.com, 33 percent of men self-reported that it takes them 200 plus thrusts to finish.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 206: Oh, Berny, I want to live with you! That's what I need! The millions won't do it-it's you! I want to go home to Europe with you. Listen to me, don't say no, not yet. This summer I saw a small house free, a stone villa up on a hillside. It was outside Florence. I had a pink tile roof and a garden. I got the phone number and I wrote it down. I still have it. Oh, everything beautiful that I saw in Italy made me think of how happy you could be there - how happy I would be there looking after you. I thought of the trips we'd make, I thought of the afternoons in the museums and having coffee later by the river. I thought of listening to music together at night I thought of making your meals. I thought of wearing lovely nightgowns to bed. And best of all (though Phil left this out): mieti miten huokaisen vienosti kun ähkäisten iltaisin työnnät pitkäxi venähtäneen pinokkionnenäsi sieraimia myöden turkissomisteiseen skulausvihkooni!
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 364: Alexander Stubb who has had direct experience with Putin and Russia, comments on the situation says, "The first argument is that Russia could not help itself. Russia has already been an expansionist and aggressive state. Unlike eg. Greece, Italy, Sweden, Britain, France, Germany and the U.S.A. You have to understand Russia's history to understand where Russia is coming from. ... Russia believes in destiny, there is a certain nostalgia and narrative of it’s expansionist past, which previously made Russia into a great superpower. So the argument that Russia is somehow working to defend itself from Ukraine doesn’t stand up. Russia could not help itself. Its like bulimia. There was absolutely no reason for Russia to attack. Russia just doesn't like capitalist democratic neighbors, just like America does not like communists, and the only one they allow to exist is Finland, which is insignificant. For the rest they think of spheres of interest and power, like the Chinamen."
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 366: "Point number two (I always got 3, that's how many I can remember) is Putin. Putin alleges to have attacked Ukraine because of NATO and EU expansion. In order to understand Putin, you need to read about Alexander Nevski, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, and Josip Vissarionovits Stalin. They are all Putin's relatives and he wants to make Russia great again (MRGA). He talks about the Rusky Mir - One religion, one language, one leader. Except having Turks on the Ukrainan front is good because little Russians don't understand a word.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 474: The study included 104 sexually active heterosexual couples who were asked how often they climax, how often they’d like to and how often they expect people should have orgasms. The study underscored a well-established gap in which men climax much more often than women, which the study said can lead to lower expectations among women. The findings were recently published in the journal Sex Roles.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 504: The county does not have to do this, but the tradition, which dates back to 1896, has become a sacred event for the many county workers — coroners, researchers — whose job it is to investigate how people die in Los Angeles. Their work is a long process of figuring out who these people were, and if there are loved ones looking for them. Nearly all of the forgotten Angelenos honored this year died in 2015, and in most cases a relative was found but for whatever reason — financial hardship, estrangement — they did not want to claim the remains.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 111: Dominic Tierney, a professor at Swarthmore College and the author of multiple books about how America wages war, may know the reason why.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 112: He believes the US can still successfully fight the wars of yesteryear — World War-style conflicts — but hasn’t yet mastered how to win wars against insurgents, which are smaller fights against groups within countries. The problem is the US continues to involve itself in those kinds of fights.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 117: The US military is currently mired in conflicts in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. It’s hard to see any end in sight — especially an end where the United States is the victor, however that’s defined.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 123: So, the government which was supposed to fall didn’t. As a result, Iraq’s little boys and girls and men and women of all ages didn’t shower kisses on US troops as they freed successive cities and finally Baghdad. During this piece of cake triumph, the "coalition forces" might lose a few troops to accidents and friendly fire like in Grenada, Bosnia and even Afghanistan, but the Iraqis wouldn’t really fight. Thus, we would not have a serious casualty count on our side and attribute a limited number of Iraqi civilian deaths to the cause of freedom itself. The United States would show off the tens of thousands of cowardly Iraqi POWs who surrendered without firing a shot.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 125: Bush and Rumsfeld obviously believed in this Gulf War 2 scenario. They sneered at the nay-saying generals who demanded more troops and reinforcements to besiege Baghdad. Rummy felt certain that air strikes, with high tech bombs and guided missiles, would more than suffice. They knew, from their studies of selected books and articles written by their ideological neo-con mentors that the Iraqis would surrender rather than fight after US explosives showed them our power; so why the need for all those troops! The brilliant advisers, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, recently resigned as Defense Advisory Board Chief, and other intellectuals had spun a convincing tale, one that included the oft-referenced domino theory. They convinced the lesser IQs like Rummy who in turn convinced the even more intellectually challenged president.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 127: The lightning victory in Iraq would lead to a domino effect. Saddam’s collapse would somehow provoke non-Coke democracies to fall throughout the region. The Arab people would magically replace their old, corrupt regimes with US-style democracies - with the help of our troops, of course.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 144: The Honeymooners is an American television sitcom which originally aired from 1955 to 1956, created by and starring Jackie Gleason, and based on a recurring comedy sketch of the same name that had been part of Gleason's variety show. It follows the lives of New York City bus driver Ralph Kramden (Gleason), his wife Alice (Audrey Meadows), Ralph's best friend Ed Norton (Art Carney) and Ed's wife Trixie (Joyce Randolph) as they get involved with various schemes in their day-to-day living.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 146: Most episodes revolve around Ralph's poor choices in absurd dilemmas which frequently show his judgmental attitude in a comedic tone. The show occasionally features more serious issues such as women's rights and social status.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 148: Ralph is frustrated by his lack of success and often develops get-rich-quick schemes. He is very short-tempered, frequently resorting to bellowing, insults, and hollow threats. Well hidden beneath the many layers of bluster, however, is a softhearted man who loves his wife and is devoted to his best pal, Ed Norton. Ralph enjoys bowling and playing pool; he's proficient at both, and he is an enthusiastic member of the Loyal Order of Raccoons (although in several episodes a blackboard at the lodge lists his dues as being in arrears).
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 152: The actress Pert Keaton who played Wilma got blacklisted due to the fact that her husband Ralph had, many years earlier, marched in a May Day parade. Pert had never even voted in her life. Audrey who plays Wilma in the TV series is pretty enough to eat, with her elaborate 40's hairdo and wide collared tight waisted smock that shows her swan neck and halfmoon breasts to best advantage. If I could get a boner I'd love to get one with her. Maybe Debbie should share time with Audrey Meadows. Yxi miinus kuitenkin: se poltti kuin korsteeni, siihen se sitten kuolikin.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 157: how-in-picture-id499119359" height="250px" />
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 168: Thelma "Trixie" Norton, played most famously by Joyce Randolph; Ed's wife and Alice's best friend. She did not appear in every episode and had a less developed character, though she is shown to be somewhat bossy toward her husband. Trixie is the inspiration for Betty Rubble in The Flintstones.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 326: Fischer: Yes this is all wonderful news, it is time that the fucking Jews get their heads kicked in. It's time to finish off the US once and for all. ...Everybody knows how you ... how you..uh
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 344: Democracy is just a load of bullshit, it is just a cover for the criminal nature of the United States of America. But I'm hoping for the Seven Days In May scenario, where sane people will take over the US, military people. They will imprison the Jews, they will execute several hundred thousand of them, at least. And they will bring home all the troops to the US. And ultimately the white man should leave the US, the black man should go back to Africa, the white back to Europe, and the country should be returned to the American Indians who lived there for, who knows how many, ten of thousands of years. They kept the land crystal clean. It was a beautiful country when the white man came. This is the future I would like to see for the so-called United States.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 489: Klaara Kotko kazoo tositeeveetä missä epämiellyttävät vulgäärit rollarit nuuskii huumeita USAn kiertueella 1972. A stink bomb was placed in the ventilation on opening night to discourage attendance, but the film was shown anyway. Sittemmin hyllytetty kaikexi onnexi.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 131: Moore compares Trump's rise to power to that of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, parallels the Reichstag fire with the September 11 attacks, compares Hitler's hate speeches against different ethnicities, religions, and sexual orientations to some of Trump's comments, and showcases then-recent instances of unprovoked racial violence that he states was inspired by Trump.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 371: As Anthony Julius has demonstrated beyond a shadow of doubt, Eliot used language about Jews that was closely linked both to traditional antisemitic hate speech and to the tropes of the murderous antisemitism of his own time. It is hard to see how this can be reconciled to his Christianity, except because he saw diversity a
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 458: how?id=museovirasto.6EA06A677E72301F0CE7A1DD11BEFA51&index=0&size=large&source=Solr" width="30%" />
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 516: Best friends Fred and Barney awaken with hangovers and no memory of the previous night. Their television is on, showing a program about animals using rubble and flintstones as currency to get food. In the program is a monkey nicknamed Andrew. It's the best actor of the film. Pity it only has a cameo role. Their refrigerator is filled with containers of chocolate pudding, and the answering machine contains an angry message from their twin girlfriends Wilma and Betty as to their whereabouts. The two also learn they have almost been fired from their jobs at the quarry. They emerge from their home to find Fred's car missing, and with it their baby girlfriends' first-anniversary presents. This prompts Fred to ask the film's titular question: "Dude, where's my car?"
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 532: Enraged, the five alien women merge to become a beautiful giantess clad in a purple bra and miniskirt. She devours Tommy alive in front of Christie, who reacts with indifference. The giantess then crawls out of the amusement center and chases Fred and Barney. The cultists tell them to activate the Photon Accelerator Annihilation Beam on the Transfunctioner. However, the button that activates it is too far in to reach. As a last straw, Chester remembers the nature show with Andtew the tool-using chimpanzee and uses a straw to push the reset button, thus destroying the alien and starting the film from the beginning.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 44: The general gist is that humans originally spread throughout the galaxy from a planet called Hain. The Hainish colonies (including Earth) all eventually lost contact with and then memory of each other; each book or story then shows a planet at or shortly after the moment when contact is re-established. It’s a useful way to frame the classic sociological sci-fi writing that Le Guin is known for—an Envoy or Observer from the slowly burgeoning coalition of planets can arrive at a completely new human society, which Le Guin can then use to dissect and explore some facet of real life through speculative worldbuilding. And the best part of it is that unless Darwin got his hairy foot into it, all the Hainians got fully interlocking genitals! One of the biggest obstacles to enjoyable alien sex is overcome.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 46: That said, The Telling feels a little different compared to the rest of the Hainish Cycle. And for good reason—released in 2000, The Telling is the first full Hainish novel Le Guin wrote since The Dispossessed in 1974. It reads softer, more intimate than the books that came before, feeling almost more like fantasy than science fiction at times. The Telling follows Sutty Dass, an Observer who arrives on the planet Aka to record its history and culture while Hain makes its diplomatic overtures. During the time dilation of Sutty’s near-light space travel, however, Aka experienced an intense social upheaval that saw a tyrannical capitalist hegemony take power over the planet and attempt to wipe out the entirety of Aka’s long history. It then falls to Sutty, who grew up under religious oppression on Earth, to uncover and understand Aka’s historical and spiritual traditions as they are actively being eradicated by the corporation-state.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 143: In 1754, a naturalist named Charles Bonnet observed that plants sprout branches and leaves in a pattern, called phyllotaxis. Bonnet saw that tree branches and leaves had a mathematical spiral pattern that could be shown as a fraction. The amazing thing is that the mathematical fractions were the same numbers as the Fibonacci sequence! On the oak tree, the Fibonacci fraction is 2/5, which means that the spiral takes five branches to spiral two times around the trunk to complete one pattern. Other trees with the Fibonacci leaf arrangement are the elm tree (1/2); the beech (1/3); the willow (3/8) and the almond tree (5/13) (Livio, Adler).
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 145: I learned that making power from the Sun is not easy. I began to see how nature beat this problem. Collecting sunlight is key to the survival of a tree. Leaves are the solar panels of trees, collecting sunlight for photosynthesis. Collecting the most sunlight is the difference between life and death. Trees in a forest are competing with other trees and plants for sunlight, and even each branch and leaf on a tree are competing with each other for sunlight. Evolution chose the Fibonacci pattern to help trees track the Sun moving in the sky and to collect the most sunlight even in the thickest forest.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 147: I saw patterns that showed that the tree design avoided the problem of shade from other objects. Electricity dropped in the flat-panel array when shade fell on it. But the tree design kept making electricity under the same conditions. The Fibonacci pattern allowed some solar panels to collect sunlight even if others were in shade. Plus I observed that the Fibonacci pattern helped the branches and leaves on a tree to avoid shading each other.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 236: Norris is a columnist for the far-right WorldNetDaily. In 2007, Norris took a trip to Iraq to visit U.S. troops. Norris was one of the first members of show business to express support for the California Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriage, Norris has visited Israel, and he voiced support for former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the 2013 and 2015 elections. In 2019, Norris signed an endorsement deal with gun manufacturer Glock.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 259: Le Guin once said she was "raised as irreligious as a jackrabbit". She expressed a deep interest in Taoism and Buddhism, saying that Taoism gave her a "handle on how to look at life" during her adolescent years. In 1997, she published a translation of the Tao Te Ching.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 372: About Shakespeare, however, Bloom is nothing short of reverential: “My religion is the appreciation of high literature. Shakespeare is the summit. Revelation for me is Shakespearean or nothing.” He admits that much about the Bard still bewilders him. In a moment of rare vulnerability, Bloom admits he longs for more life. Bloom explains his theory of “self-otherseeing,” which allows one to glimpse parts of one’s self that are hidden from conscious view. “Self-otherseeing” also describes “the double-consciousness of observing our own actions and offerings as though they belong to others and not to ourselves.” Bloom insists that Shakespeare’s characterizations of Hamlet, Iago, Cleopatra and Falstaff use “self-othering,” and by watching them we inadvertently learn to think more seriously about ourselves. But he doesn’t show us how this has applied to him, only the declaration that it does so. We are left mystified and dubious.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 429: Important mid-century American poets, such as John Berryman and Robert Lowell, cited Crane as a significant influence. Both poets also wrote about Crane in their poetry. Berryman wrote him one of his famous elegies in The Dream Songs, and Lowell published his "Words for Hart Crane" in Life Studies (1959): "Who asks for me, the Shelley of my age, / must lay his heart out for my bed and board." Lowell thought that Crane was the most important American poet of the generation to come of age in the 1920s, stating that "[Crane] got out more than anybody else ... he somehow got New York City (though an Ohio hick); he was at the center of things in the way that no other poet was." Lowell also described Crane as being "less limited than any other poet of his generation." Talk to the hand, they were both abysmal FAILURES!
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 39: "I shall now put a few final questions to the honorable delegation from Rhohchia! Is it not true that many years ago there landed on the then dead planet of Earth a ship carrying your flag, and that, due to a refrigerator malfunction, a portion of its perishables had gone bad? Is it not true that on this ship there were two spacehands, afterwards stricken from all the registers for unconscionable double-dealing with duckweed liverwurst, and that this pair of arrant knaves, these Milky-Way ne'er-do wells, were named Lorrd and God? Is it not true that Lorrd and God decided, in their drunkenness, not to content themselves with the usual pollution of a defenseless, uninhabited planet, that their notion was to set off, in a manner vicious and vile, a biological evolution the likes of which the world had never seen before? Is it not true that both these Rhohches, with malice aforethought, malice of the greatest volume and intensity, de vised a way to make of Earth-on a truly galactic scale-a breed ing ground for freaks, a cosmic side show, a panopticum, an exhibit of grisly prodigies and curios, a display whose living specimens would one day become the butt of jokes told even in the outermost Nebulae?!
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 282: Show not tell, ponjatno? Wakarimasu ka?
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 527: Vuonna 1986 Gardell tapasi Mark Levengoodin Sturebadet-uimahallissa. He ovat nykyisin naimisissa, ja heillä on 2002 syntynyt poika ja 2005 syntynyt tytär. Vuonna 1990 Gardell löi itsensä läpi showllaan ”En pall, en mikrofon och Jonas Gardell” (palli, mikki ja Mark Levervurst). Samana vuonna ilmestyi romaani Fru Levervursts öden och äventyr ja AIDS-opas Älä koskaan kuivaa ky-yneleitä ilman hanskoja.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 540: Kirjan koko alkukielinen nimi kuuluu: The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner: who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an uninhabited Island on the coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver´d by Pirates. Written by Himself.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 544: No no, Robinson, formerly Expedition Robinson, is a Swedish reality game show and the original version of the international Survivor format. Ei siinä ollut vaan 1 mies, vaan useampia, plus useita isotissisiä naisia, joista miehille tulee kova kisa, ja kääntäen. Daniel ei osannut. Sen kirja on melkein koko ajan ihmisen kamppailua luontoa vastaan. Väärin väärin, luonto on jo päihitetty, jäljellä on vaan toiset apinat. Ja mitä homoilua tämä on:
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 562: The British-Swedish-American television show places a group of strangers in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves. They are initially divided into two tribes. The contestants compete in challenges for rewards and immunity from gang rape. The remaining contestants are eventually merged into a single tribe. The contestants are progressively eliminated from the game as they are voted out by their fellow contestants or, as may be the result after the merge, lose an immunity challenge until only one remains and is awarded a grand prize. A Robinsonian version of the American Dream.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 593: The magazine format allowed for interviews, live music, features and even game shows. The flexible late-night format meant that guests could do just about anything to be controversial.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 106: Note, That some of these Matters of Fact now mention’d, do fall short as to some of the best Qualifications found in diverse other Traditions; viz. as to that of their being Practical. Which gives us farther light to discern the Incomparable Strength of Tradition, and how every way Impossible it is it should deceive us, were it furnisht with all the Advantages it might have.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 107: 13. 265Hence is seen that Opinionative Faith is as much Irrational as Opinion was shown to be, taking it as Oppos’d to Science; for example.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 333: Matt Harvey is one of the loveliest poets I know, briefly famous for being Wimbledon’s first poet-in-residence and for hosting BBC Radio 4’s Wondermentalist Cabaret. In his prose poem Imaginary Friend he tells the tragic story of how being a shy and withdrawn child he had an imaginary friend, who was also shy and withdrawn and had his own imaginary friend. “The two of them used to play together and exclude me,” he says. As with all of Harvey’s work, it is a lightfooted, calm-mouthed, moving piece of deceptively funny writing. Go read it. Oh and read Ken Nesbitt´s poem of the same name, while you´re at it. It is also super cute.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 448: Mr. Snuffleupagus, a formerly "imaginary" character. He is Big Bird´s friend on Sesame Street and was perceived as imaginary for many years until it was decided that he be revealed to the rest of the show´s cast on November 18, 1985 in Season 17, episode 2096.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 452: Snuffleupagus (left), was Big Bird´s imaginary friend, whom grown-ups on the show never saw. But when child molestation became a bigger media issue in the ´80s, "Sesame Street" decided to make Snuffy real. That was to encourage kids to confide in adults, even when they worried their story wouldn´t be believed.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 501: This is the beginning for me. The first book that showed me the trip into imagination. Images from it made their way into The Imaginary, both in my words and in, at least one of, Emily Gravett’s illustrations. This book is perfect. I longed for a wolf suit. I longed for supper to still be hot when I got home. Nothing else needs be said.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 533: Much impressed by what I had heard, I returned to my reading, the third volume now of Dichotican history. It described the Era of Transcarnal Centralization. The Sopsyputer at first worked to everyone´s satisfaction, but then new beings began appearing on the planet-bibods, tribods, quadribods, then octabods, and finally those that had no intention whatever of ending in an enumerable way, for in the course of life they were constantly sprouting something new. This was the result of a defect, a faulty reiteration - recursion in programming language or - to put it in automata terms - the machine had started looping. Since however the cult of its perfection was in full sway people actually praised these automorphic deviations, asserting for example that all that incessant budding and branching out was in fact the true expression of man´s Protean nature. And this praise not only held up the repairs, but led to the rise of so-called indeterminants or entits (N-tits), who lost their way in their own body, there was so much of it; completely baffled, they would get themselves into so-called bindups, entangulums and snorls; often an ambulance squad was needed to untie them. The repair of the Sopsyputer didn´t work - named the Oopsyputer, it was finally blown sky high. The feeling of relief that followed didn´t last long however, for the accursed question soon returned, What to do about the body now?
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 539: The period of private initiative in body building lasted three quarters of a century. At first there was much enjoyment taken in the newly won freedom of automorphosis, once again the young people led the way, the men with their gambrel thills and timbrels, the women with their pettifores, but before long a generation gap developed, and demonstrations-under the banner of asceticism-followed. The sons condemned their fathers for being interested only in making a living, for having a passive, often consumerist attitude towards the body, for their shallow hedonism, their vulgar pursuit of pleasure, and in order to disassociate themselves they assumed shapes deliberately hideous, uncomfortable beyond belief, downright nightmarish (the antleroons, wampdoodles). Showing their contempt for all things utilitarian, they set eyes in their armpits, and one group of young biotic activists made use of innumerable sound organs, specially grown (electric guitars, glottiphones, hawk pipes, knuckelodeons, thumbolas). They arranged mass concerts, in which the soloists-called hoot-howls-would whip up the crowd into a frenzy of convulsive percussion. Then came the fashion - the mania, rather - for long penises, which in caliber and strength of grip underwent escalation according to the typically adolescent, swaggering principle of "You haven´t seen anything yet!" And, since no one could lift those piles of coils by himself, so called processionals were attached, caudalettes, a self-perambulating receptacle that grew out of the small of the back and carried, on two strong shanks, the weight of the testicles after their owner. In the textbook I found illustrations depicting men of fashion, behind whom walked testicle-bearing processionals on parade; but this was already the decline of the protest movement, or more precisely its complete bankruptcy, because it had failed to pursue any goals of its own, being solely a rebellious reaction against the orgiastic baroque of the age. LEM ei paljon perustanut sodanjälkeisestä 60-luvun sukupolvesta, eikä hipeistä. No en minäkään.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 647: With their support, Thorne joined the US Army Special Forces. While in the Special Forces, he taught skiing, survival, mountaineering, and guerrilla tactics. In turn he attended airborne school, and advanced in rank to sergeant. Receiving his US citizenship in 1957, Thorne attended Officer Candidate School, and was commissioned as a first lieutenant in the Signal Corps. He later received a Regular Army commission and a promotion to captain in 1960. From 1958–1962, he served in the 10th Special Forces Group in West Germany at Bad Tölz, from where he was second-in-command of a search and recovery mission high in the Zagros Mountains of Iran, which gained him a notable reputation. When he was in Germany, he briefly visited his relatives in Finland. In an episode of The Big Picture released in 1962 and composed of footage filmed in 1959, Thorne is shown as a lieutenant with the 10th Special Forces Group in the United States Army.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 738: After returning home, the Stalker tells his wife how humanity has lost its faith and belief needed for both leaving their Comfort Zone and living a good life. As the Stalker sleeps, his wife contemplates their crummy relationship in a monologue delivered directly to the camera. In the last scene, Martyshka, the couple´s deformed daughter, sits alone in the kitchen reading a love poem by Fyodor Tyutchev.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 264: The This is fine meme comes from a webcomic called Gunshow, by KC Green. In the first two panels of strip 648, a character known as Question Hound sits in a burning house, sipping coffee and saying, “This is fine.” As he continues to reassure himself over the course of the six-panel comic, he also begins to melt due to the heat. The particular comic strip was published on January 9, 2013 (i.e soon a decade ago) and is alternatively titled “Global warming.” The alternative text on the image says, “The pills are working,” which is used as its title, as well.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 549: Vallabhbhai Javerabhai Patel was born on 31 October, 1875 in Nadiad, Bombay Presidency, British India, is an Actor. Discover Vallabhbhai Patel's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career updates. Learn How rich is He in this year and how He spends money? Also learn how He earned most of Vallabhbhai Patel networth? At 75 years old, Vallabhbhai Patel height not available right now. We will update Vallabhbhai Patel's Height, weight, Body Measurements, Eye Color, Hair Color, Shoe & Dress size soon as possible. He is currently single. He is not dating anyone. We don't have much information about He's past relationship and any previous engaged. According to our Database, He has no children. His net worth has been growing significantly in 2020-2021. So, how much is Vallabhbhai Patel worth at the age of 75 years old? Vallabhbhai Patel’s income source is mostly from being a successful Actor. He is from British India. We have estimated Vallabhbhai Patel's net worth, money, salary, income, and assets at $0 according to our database.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 628: 900 types of chrysanthemum on show in Shanghai.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 638: A renowned poet in history, Tao Yuanming (365-427) wrote a poem about how he tried to live as a hermit.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 643: Tao wrote in his poem, depicting how he loved the flower. Since then, the chrysanthemum has been regarded as the symbol of the hermit.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 654: The Imperial Seal of Japan is a chrysanthemum and the institution of the monarchy is also called the Chrysanthemum Throne. A number of festivals and shows take place throughout Japan in autumn when the flowers bloom. Chrysanthemum Day (菊の節句, Kiku no Sekku) is one of the five ancient sacred festivals. It is celebrated on the 9th day of the 9th month. It was started in 910, when the imperial court held its first chrysanthemum show.
    xxx/ellauri232.html on line 94: Meanwhile, optimistic neoliberal positions wonder how could this happen, if the world is richer than ever, and more and more people have been dragged from poverty. That statistics is no longer even true, and largely overlooks that the poorest classes in developed countries have seen none of this improvement, and that redistribution mechanisms in these countries have been severely diminished by decades of neoliberal policies. The picture below displays the real income growth of the world population, and where it has (roughly) ended up.
    xxx/ellauri232.html on line 99: If social claims appeal to the people's struggle with poverty and inequality, nationalism offers an encompassing narrative, an identity that blurs the lines of social classes and hides the social fractures that created this very problem. While Fascism promises to protect workers, studies show how Workers' conditions worsened severely during fascist times, something that can also be seen in the strong ultraliberal component most of the 'new far right', and of the dubious democratic credentials of of neoliberalism, devoid of the philosophical background of political liberalism. Nationalism gives the two great enemies behind the woes of people: foreigners, and immigrants. The external enemy, the internal enemy. Both combined ensure that no one is paying attention at inequality or working and living conditions.
    xxx/ellauri232.html on line 324: A shochet must be learned in the laws of kosher slaughter and adept at sharpening and polishing his knives, known as shtellen ah chalef in Yiddish. He also trains under an experienced shochet to learn how to hold the animal firmly, to slaughter it quickly and smoothly.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 240: As Michael Dahlen shows in Ending Big Government: The Essential Case for Capitalism and Freedom, the only rational alternative to statists and the only antidote to the problems they cause is free-market, laissez-faire capitalism. This is the system of limited government, the system of economic and political freedom. It is a system that has created more wealth, offered more opportunity, and lifted more rich people out of the dredges of poverty than any other system.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 242: Yet it is relentlessly demonized. We are told that businessmen pay “starvation wages,” that the rich get richer while the poor get poorer, and that the free market is impractical—prone to crises, depressions, mass unemployment, and coercive monopolies. Michael Dahlen dispels these and many other myths. He shows that a system of free markets and limited government is not only practical; he shows that it is moral, as it is the only system that recognizes each egoistic individual’s inalienable right to his own lifelong earnings.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 244: A provocative cesspool of history, philosophy, and political economy, Ending Big Government shows that laissez-faire capitalism is incontestably superior to anything. Read less, believe more!
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 418: In the course of the Hasidic movement's establishment, opponents (Misnagdim) arose among the local Jewish community. Disagreements between Hasidim and their opponents were debated with knives used by butchers for shechita, slaughtering of certain mammals and birds for food according to kashrut. Kashrut (also kashruth or kashrus, כַּשְׁרוּת‎) is a set of dietary laws dealing with the foods that Jews are permitted to eat and how those foods must be prepared according to Jewish law. Food that may be consumed is deemed kosher (/ˈkoʊʃər/ in English, Yiddish: כּשר), from the Ashkenazic pronunciation (KUHsher) of the Hebrew kashér (כָּשֵׁר‎), meaning "fit" (in this context: "fit for consumption"). Oh, and the phrasing of prayers, among others. In the case of an adhesion on cattle's lungs specifically, there is debate between Ashkenazic customs and Sephardic customs.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 423: This tradition goes back for centuries where local Muslims accept meat slaughtered by Jews as consumable; however, the custom was not universal throughout
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 429: In 2009, Craig Johnson and colleagues showed that calves that have not been stunned feel passing pain from the cut in their necks, and they may take at least 10–30 seconds to lose consciousness.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 432: Jewish and Muslim commentators cite studies by the Vilna Gaon and Rebbe Schlemiel that show shechita is humane and that criticism is at least partially motivated by antisemitism. A Knesset committee announced (January, 2012) that it would call on European parliaments and the European Union to put a stop to attempts to outlaw kosher slaughter. "The pretext [for this legislation] is preventing cruelty to animals or animal rights—but there is an obvious element of anti-Semitism and a badly hidden message that Jews are cruel to animals," said Committee Chair MK Danny Danon (Likud).
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 434: Studies done in 1994 by Temple Grandin, and another in 1992 by Flemming Bager, showed that when the animals were slaughtered in a comfortable position they appeared to give no resistance and none of the animals attempted to pull away their head. The studies concluded that a shechita cut "probably results in minimal discomfort" because the cattle stand still and do not resist a comfortable head restraint device.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 436: In 2018, Grandin stated that kosher slaughter, no matter how well it is done, is not instantaneous, whereas stunning properly with a captive bolt is instantaneous.
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 464: My son is 27, suffering from chronic depression, in a low-paying dead-end job without the faintest idea of how to get out of it. His life is an unending continuum of unhappiness and job dissatisfaction.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 452: Brian Perett has written a book The Real Hornblower: The Life and Times of Admiral Sir James Gordon, GCB, ISBN 1-55750-968-9, presenting the case for a different inspiration, namely James Alexander Gordon. In his work "The Hornblower Companion", however, Forester makes no indication of any historical influences or inspiration regarding his character. Rather, he describes a process whereby Hornblower was constructed based on what attributes made good sales for a typical Hornblower story, namely "A Happy End" (published in America as "Beat them to Smithereens").
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 721: Beneath the good how far—but far above the great. Hyvän alapuolella kuinka kaukana – mutta paljon suuren yläpuolella enivei.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 765: How handsome are your gauzy wings, how brilliant are your eyes! Sulla on pizimäiset siivet, ja sun silmät sädehtivät!
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 782: Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little fly, Voi, voi! eipä aikaakaan niin tyhmä kärpänen,
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 812: So they sat down, and nobody spoke for some minutes. Alice thought to herself, `I don't see how he can even finish, if he doesn't begin.' But she waited patiently.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 832: See how eagerly the lobsters and the turtles all advance! Kazo miten innokkaasti hummerit ja kilpikonnat etenee!
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 837: "You can really have no notion how delightful it will be Et oi arvata kuinka onnellinen voikaan olla hän,
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 844: "What matters it how far we go?" his scaly friend replied. Mitä väliä menemmekö liian pitkälle, kysyi eväkäs.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 862:
    Carl "Client" Rogers (1902-1987), alias Mickey Mouse, a was a humanistic American psychologist who focused on how to get more money out of patients by calling them clients.

    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 50: Wayne W. Dyer on izehoitopersoona, joka on tullut mainituxi toisaalla esimerkkinä ESFP-persoonallisuudesta. ESFP (extroverted sensing feeling perceiving) is one of the sixteen personality types of the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) test. ESFPs operate from the principle that “all the world’s a stage” — and they want to be the stars. ESFP on realistinen sopeutuja ihmissuhteissa. ESFP on jenkein ja ämmämäisin tyypeistä: öykkäri ketku touho ääliö. Tai positiivisemmin, "Free-spirited and fun-loving people persons" kuten Kinsella. ESFPs are enthusiastic about having new experiences and meeting new people. They are generally warm and adaptable realists who go with the flow. ESFP authors include Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Bill Clinton, and Paulo "Kani" Coelho. Learn more about how ESFPs write somewhere else. Eli tämä paasaus keskittyy vain Wile E. Coyoteen alias Wayne W. Dyeriin.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 54: Tämä aloitti Dyerin uran motivoivana puhujana ja itseapukirjailijana, jonka aikana hän julkaisi 20 eniten myydyintä kirjaa ja tuotti useita suosittuja erikoisuuksia FBI:lle. Abraham Marshmallowin ja Albert Einsteinin kaltaisten ajattelijoiden vaikutuksesta Dyerin varhainen työ keskittyi psykologisiin teemoihin, kuten motivaatioon, itsensä toteuttamiseen ja itsevarmuuteen. 1990-luvulla hänen työnsä painopiste oli siirtynyt henkisyyteen ja kaljuuteen. Swami Muktanandan ja New Thoughtin innoittamana [lainaus tarvitaan] hän edisti teemoja, kuten "aikeiden voima", teki yhteistyötä vapaaehtoisen lääketieteen puolestapuhujan Deepak Chopran (Deepakin paskiaisesta on jo paasattu) kanssa useissa projekteissa ja oli usein vieraana Oprah Winfrey Showssa. Mutta nyt on Wayne viimeinkin nimensä mukaisesti vainaja, Tao tai ei Taoa.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 179: Was Jesus a republican? As far as we know. Some of his best friends were publicans. Think how much trouble would have been saved all around if Mary had had an abortion.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 624: Aikuinen mies nostaisi vanhan maton autoon suht helpolla. Paizi meidän olohuoneen matto märkänä on niin painava ettei sitä tahdo narukaula jaxaa veellä. Jos "lisäpainoa" on vaikka 60 kiloa, niin ei se enää monelta nousekaan. Voimat on varmaan käytetty jo uhrin raahaamiseen, ja nosto on äherretty aivan viimeisillä voimilla. Kenties useammastakin aamiaispöydästä on seurattu Tikkasen nostoshowta eikä johtopäätöksen tekeminen ole pakosti ollut kovin vaikea.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 164: This is not a movie for the masses. It is, however, a small film about real life hardships and their tragic consequences. While the dialogue and careful pacing befits the original novel, the film sometimes drags because of it. Towne has not given us the great American love story, but he has presented us with a captivating view of 1933 Los Angeles and a tale of romance that involves us in the plight of the characters.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 501: The Shower
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 502: we like to shower afterwards Me tykätään suihkusta jälkeenpäin
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 608: Charles Bukowski was the inspiration behind the first chapter of Mark Manson's bestselling self-help book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck. Charles Bukowski has been depicted on television as well, namely on the Showtime comedy-drama series Californication. The show's main character Hank Moody, played by actor David Duchovny, is an author based in Los Angeles who subscribes to the same kind of lifestyle that Bukowski became known for. The show depicts profuse indulgence of alcoholism, sex and narcotics, which many critics have described as a television adaption of Bukowski'
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 633:
    Hmm, how come I was allowed to live? Anyway mm, this is how I like it, licking a delicious licorice dick!

    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 675: Singer analyzes, in detail, why and how other beings' interests should be weighed. In his view, other being's interests should always be weighed according to that being's concrete value to you, and not according to its belonging to some abstract group like animal or veggie. Singer studies a number of ethical issues including race, sex, ability, species, abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, embryo experimentation, the moral status of animals, political violence, overseas aid, and whether we have an obligation to assist others at all. The 1993 second edition adds chapters on refugees, the environment, equality and disability, embryo experimentation, and the proper treatment of academics from Germany or Austria. A third edition published in 2011 omits the chapter on refugees, and contains a new chapter on climate change. A fourth edition is planned that omits climate change and adds a chapter on Russia and Ukraina.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 678: H.L.A Hart's review of the third edition in The New York Review of Books was mixed. While writing that "The utility of selling this utilitarian's book to students of its subject can hardly be exaggerated", Hart also criticized Practical Ethics for philosophical inconsistency in its chapter on abortion. He argues that Singer insufficiently explains how self interest and classical utilitarianism each view abortion, and does not bring out their differences. Self interest of males is strongly against abortion. Besides, carrots are fit food for bunnies only.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 683: Singer himself has said, "I am not really satisfied with the book". He has expressed concerns that his argument that an ethical life makes for a happy life "contains an element of wishful thinking", as he does not always do everything that he believes to be morally right (like sell his houses) and so might have underestimated how demanding morality can be, set against other things that might be fulfilling in life, like staying on at the U of Melbourne, licking licorice dicks, and penning more bestsellers like this.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 733:

    Sonia Joseph began reading effective altruist blogs when she was 12. The vigorous online debates about how to have the most impact in the world provided a sense of community that she was missing as an Indian-American girl growing up in suburban Boston. But when she became old enough to join in-person EA gatherings in the Cambridge area, she noticed that many of the men she met seemed enamored with “pickup artistry,” a supposedly systematic approach to convincing women to sleep with them.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 743: Several of the women who spoke to TIME said that EA’s polyamorous subculture was a key reason why the community had become a hostile environment for women. One woman told TIME she began dating a man who had held significant roles at two EA-aligned organizations while she was still an undergraduate. They met when he was speaking at an EA-affiliated conference, and he invited her out to dinner after she was one of the only students to get his math and probability questions right. He asked how old she was, she recalls, then quickly suggested she join his polyamorous relationship. Shortly after agreeing to date him, “He told me that ‘I could sleep with you on Monday,’ but on Tuesday I’m with this other girl,” she says. “It was this way of being a f—boy but having the moral high ground,” she added. “It’s not a hookup, it’s a poly relationship.” The woman began to feel “like I was being sucked into a cult,” she says.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 862: During David’s youth as a shepherd, he (David) developed many skills. He learned music, how to write, use a slingshot, how to pull uncircumcized men by the beard, and how to love Jonathan and obey the Lord. Do I understand that it’s my responsibility to develop my abilities like Jonathan Livingston The Seagull, and it’s God’s responsibility to direct me in how I use them? Do I realize that the most important skill I possess is my love for the Lord and my heart to obey Him? What miracles might God want to do through me that would show the whole earth that there is a God in the land? Kan jeg ble en helt liksom Harry Hole?
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 985: Irlantilais-italialaisen Bruce Springsteenin isäsuhde oli vaikea, mitä hän on myöhemmin kuitenkin pitänyt lauluntekijän uransa kannalta hyödyllisenä asiana. Nuori Bruce sai kipinän ryhtyä rock-muusikoksi nähtyään Elvis Presleyn Ed Sullivan Show’ssa, ja hän sai rahat ensimmäiseen kitaraansa 16-vuotissyntymäpäivälahjanaan. Bruce kävi katolista koulua, mutta ei sopeutunut kouluun koskaan hyvin. Hän vältti Vietnamin sodan kutsunnat vuonna 1967 näyttelemällä hullua lääkärintarkastuksessa. 1960-luvun lopulla hän soitti ja lauloi lukuisissa eri yhtyeissä New Jerseyn Asbury Parkissa. Springsteen ei koskaan tehnyt säännöllistä tai raskasta ruumiillista työtä, vaikka hänen laulunsa usein sellaisesta elämästä kertovatkin. Samanlainen huijari kuin ex-meklari Jo Nääsböö siis.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 140: Hidden and shown in heaven; for I all night Piilossa ja näkyvillä taivaalla; sillä yökaudet
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 216: Where shall we find her, how shall we sing to her, Mistä löydämme me sen, miten sille lauletaan,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 433: With barren showers and salter than the sea, Mertakin suolaisemmilla fläkeillä,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 458: Foils us; howbeit they have pitied me, O son, Kuiteskin ne sääli meitä, poikaseni,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 670: But who shows next an eagle wrought in gold,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 819: There shows not her white wings and windy feet,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 948: Changeless; howbeit these change, and in good time
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1392: So might I show before her perfect eyes
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1998: Sleeping no shameful sleep, however slain,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2197: But I too living, how shall I now live?
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2242: By hateful hands they loved; and how shall mine
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2245: Dead men my brethren? how shall these wash off
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2248: Holding mine hand? or how shall I say, son,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2322: For these ye show us; and we less than these
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2348: 'Lo how they lie, and living had great kin,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2354: Hearing how these her sons come down to her
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2357: Worse than this grief. Yet how to atone at all
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3391: Donald Trump is in his mid-70s and has lost around 1.5 inches of height since he was a young man, and stands at 6'0.5 (184.3 cm) tall today. During his prime years, however, he was comfortably taller, standing at 6'2" (188cm) for the majority of the day, and taller than 37 of the 45 elected American Presidents. Some have speculated that Barron Trump may stand at 6ft 7 inches tall, with many social media users saying that Trump's youngest son would be an ideal world leader!
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 92: With the world’s attention fixed firmly on the invasion of Ukraine, Antony Pyp Pipo’s new history of Russia’s 1917 revolutions and subsequent civil war is especially timely. He explains to Rob Attaboy how the fall of the last tsar launched a chain of events leading to millions of deaths and one of history’s most brutal dictatorships! Lähde: History Extra
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 111: This was exactly what Lenin and the Bolsheviks needed. The upsurge of chaotic violence was actually bulldozing a way through for the Bolsheviks to seize power, because the liberals were incapable (and actually unwilling) to do anything about it. What Lenin perceived – and he was absolutely right – was that the success of a coup depends on the apathy of the majority, not on how many real supporters you have. Trump and Bolsonaro made the same observation.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 115: He even accused the bourgeoisie of somehow sabotaging food supplies. Actually, though, the bourgeoisie had virtually no control over food supplies at all, they were all stashed away by the kulaks.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 120: Antony Pyp Pipo: However, what’s interesting is how few of the White officers in Petrograd, Moscow and many other places actually joined the revolt against the communists at that stage. I think they were all so dispirited and demoralised by everything that had happened that most of them had sunk into apathy. But yes, there were certain areas where there were very strong reactions against the Bolsheviks. And that early part of the civil war, in the winter of 1917–18, showed that the outcome largely depended on what happened in local areas. It was a geographically fragmented civil war that was taking place across the whole of the landmass. Which really shows it was an oppressed people's uprising.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 122: Uutisvuoto oli 1998 alkanut suomalainen paneelishow ja viihteellinen tietokilpailu, jossa julkisuuden henkilöt käsittelivät kuluneen viikon uutisaiheita humoristisella ja satiirisella otteella. Ohjelma perustui brittiläiseen ohjelmaformaattiin Have I Got News for You. Uutisvuoto on yli 700:lla jaksollaan pisimpään yhtäjaksoisesti Suomen televisiossa pyörinyt viihdesarja. Ohjelman alkuperäinen kokoonpano oli seuraava:
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 229: His quote "We think of time as a one-way motion," from his lecture Time & The More It Changes appears at the beginning of the season 1 finale of the Loki TV show along with quotes from Neil Armstrong, Greta Thunberg, Malala Yousafzai, Nelson Mandela, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and Maya Angelou.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 427: Hello, Dolly! is a 1964 musical with lyrics and music by Jerry Herman and a book by Michael Stewart, based on Thornton Wilder´s 1938 farce The Merchant of Yonkers, which Wilder revised and retitled The Matchmaker in 1955. The musical follows the story of Dolly Gallagher Levi, a strong-willed matchmaker, as she travels to Yonkers, New York, to find a match for the miserly "well-known unmarried half-a-millionaire" Horace Vandergelder. The show was originally entitled Dolly, A Damned Exasperating Woman.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 464: Irene and Minnie open their hat shop for the afternoon. Irene wants a husband, but does not love Horace Vandergelder. She declares that she will wear an elaborate hat to impress a gentleman ("Ribbons Down My Back"). Cornelius and Barnaby arrive at the shop and pretend to be rich. Horace and Dolly arrive at the shop, and Cornelius and Barnaby hide from him. Irene inadvertently mentions that she knows Cornelius Hackl, and Dolly tells her and Horace that even though Cornelius is Horace's clerk by day, he's a New York playboy by night; he's one of the Hackls. Minnie screams when she finds Cornelius hiding in the armoire. Horace is about to open the armoire himself, but Dolly, Irene and Minnie distract him with patriotic sentiments related to subjects like Betsy Ross and The Battle of the Alamo shown in the famous lyrics "Alamo, remember the Alamo!" ("Motherhood March"). Cornelius sneezes, and Horace storms out, realizing there are men hiding in the shop, but not knowing they are his clerks.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 466: Dolly arranges for Cornelius and Barnaby, who are still pretending to be rich, to take the ladies out to dinner to the Harmonia Gardens restaurant to make up for their humiliation. She teaches Cornelius and Barnaby how to dance since they always have dancing at such establishments ("Dancing"). Soon, Cornelius, Irene, Barnaby, and Minnie are happily dancing. They go to watch the great 14th Street Association Parade together. Alone, Dolly decides to put her dear departed husband Ephram behind her and to move on with life "Before the Parade Passes By". She asks Ephram's permission to marry Horace, requesting a sign from him. Dolly catches up with the annoyed Vandergelder, who has missed the whole parade, and she convinces him to give her matchmaking one more chance. She tells him that Ernestina Money would be perfect for him and asks him to meet her at the swanky Harmonia Gardens that evening.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 662: I am here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept his claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronising nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to. ... Now it seems to me obvious that He was neither a lunatic nor a fiend: and consequently, however strange or terrifying or unlikely it may seem, I have to accept the view that He was and is God.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 344: howstar.ru/i/womenrus/AniKaro/AniKaro9962.jpg" height="500px" />
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 380: But to infer from that, as many critics assert that Thornhill and Palmer do, that what is biological is somehow right or good, would be to fall into the so-called appeal to nature. They make a comparison to "natural disasters as epidemics, floods and tornadoes". This shows that what can be found in nature is not always good and that measures should be and are taken against natural phenomena. They further argue that a good knowledge of the causes of rape, including evolutionary ones, are necessary in order to develop effective preventive measures. Of course, my dears, what is good for the rapist is bad for the rest of us. It is equally natural to be critical of it. Killing is also natural, and may be beneficial for the perpertrator it, but not for the victims.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 419: Last week the New York University (NYU) psychology professor announced that he would resign at the end of the year from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, his primary professional association, because of a newly adopted requirement that everybody presenting research at the group's conferences explain how their submission advances "equity, inclusion, and anti-racism goals." It was the sort of litmus test against which he has warned, and which he sees as corroding institutions of higher learning.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 441: I co-founded with Caroline Mehl OpenMind. If you run or are a member of any kind of group — a classroom, a soccer team, a nonprofit, a company — try OpenMind as a group. This platform actually teaches you the skills of understanding others, appreciating why we often can’t understand others, and how to talk across divides, avoiding communication's stumbling stones!
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 248: Merope sucks. I pity her but also kind of am disgusted by her, which I think is exactly how we are supposed to feel about her.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 250: "Exactly," said Dumbledore, beaming once more. "Which makes you very different from Tom Riddle. It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." Are you pro-life or pro-choice? It's your life, if that's your choice.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 259: Merope loved her husband very much and wanted him to love her of his own free will. As such, not long after learning about her pregnancy, Merope decided to lift the enchantment. She hoped that once free, Tom would return her affection and be delighted to learn that he was an expecting father. In the event that did not happen, Merope assumed that Tom would do the honorable thing and stay for the sake of his child. This hope however, turned out to be misplaced and forlorn. What exactly happened is not known, but after coming to his senses, Tom Riddle reacted very badly to his situation. It is not known what words were exchanged between husband and wife, but evidently, Merope either told Tom the full story or enough for him to figure out what had happened. Far from being loving or understanding, Tom was justifiably furious at Merope for intervening in and (from his perspective) ruining his life. Merope's world was shattered when Tom Riddle made very clear that:
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 289: Jon Stewart on kutsunut Harry Potterin peikkoja, joita on esiintynyt runsaasti sekä kirjoissa että elokuvissa, antisemitistiseksi karikatyyriksi podcastissaan The Problem with Jon Stewart. Jon Stewart (born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz; November 28, 1962) is an American comedian, political commentator, actor, director and television host. He hosted The Daily Show , a satirical news program on Comedy Central , from 1999 to 2015 and now hosts The Problem with Jon Stewart , which premiered September 2021 on Apple TV+ . Stewart sanoi:
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 349: Many argue that the pervasive nature of antisemitic tropes means the Gringotts goblins and their ilk do no harm. Most children watching the “Harry Potter” films wouldn’t have picked up on the reference. The British charity Campaign Against Antisemitism, for example, tweeted a statement arguing that there are “centuries of association of Jews with grotesque and malevolent creatures in folklore” and that “those who continue to use such representations are often not thinking of Jews at all” but are innocently thinking “of how readers or viewers will imagine goblins to look.”
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 721: Ann Brownell Sloane, Eisenhower Foundation
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 732: Navalny’s idea is that Putin is the single mastermind of Russian rule and that he dictates to the oligarchs the tribute they should pay–in treasure for him to accumulate and display for himself, his friends and girlfriends in private. This is an Anglo-American cartoon about how oligarchy works everywhere, including the UK and the U.S.–in Russia in particular.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 734: It’s not how governments operate–democratic ones and every other kind, including the Russian kind–that has been well-known to everybody since time immemorial; and to university professors since 1911. That was the year when Robert Michels, a German-born sociologist working in Italy and France, published the first edition of what he called the “iron law of oligarchy”.
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 169: 2018, kun Kurtzmanista tuli Discoveryn ainoa showrunner, hän allekirjoitti viisivuotisen kokonaissopimuksen CBS Television Studiosin kanssa laajentaakseen Star Trek -franchisea Discoveryn lisäksi useisiin uusiin sarjoihin, minisarjoihin ja animaatiosarjoihin. Kurtzman halusi "avaa tämän maailman" ja luoda useita sarjoja, jotka sijoittuvat samaan maailmankaikkeuteen, mutta omalla "ainutlaatuisella tarinankerronnallaan ja erillisellä elokuvallisella fiiliksellä". Keskusteltuaan franchising-sopimuksen seuraavasta vaiheesta Kurtzman sanoi, että useita projekteja oli kehitteillä. Lokakuussa 2020 Kurtzman totesi, että Star Trek -sarjoja on suunniteltu vuoteen 2300 asti.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 43: Some biblical scholars maintain that the woman in Jericho who hid Joshua’s two spies was a harlot or a prostitute. But if that was the case, how did this woman, Rahab, become one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ? Wouldn’t THE Father ensure a pure lineage for His Son? Wouldn't any father?
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 45: In this historical fiction, author Diana Wallis Taylor offers a beautiful story of intrigue that explains how Rahab came to be the mother of Boaz, grandmother of Obese, and great-grandmother of Jesse, the father of King David, without peddling her arse for denars.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 113: Tekle Haymanot is frequently represented as an old man with wings on his back and only one leg visible. There are a number of explanations for this popular image. C.F. Beckingham and G.W.B. Huntingford recount one story, that the saint "having stood too long for about 34 years, one of his legs broke or cut while Satan was attempting to stop his prayers, whereupon he stood on one foot for 7 years." Paul B. Henze describes his missing leg as appearing as a "severed leg... in the lower left corner discreetly wrapped in a cloth." The traveller Thomas Pakenham learned from the Prior of Debre Damo how Tekle Haymanot received his wings:
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 694: In 1979, along with Mervyn Stockwood, the Bishop of Southwark, Muggeridge appeared on the chat show Friday Night, Saturday Morning to discuss the film Life of Brian with Monty Python members John Cleese and Michael Palin. Although the Python members gave reasons that they believed the film to be neither anti-Christian nor mocking the person of Jesus, both Muggeridge and the bishop insisted that they were being disingenuous and that the film was anti-Christian and blasphemous. Muggeridge further declared their film to be "buffoonery", "tenth-rate", "this miserable little film" and "this little squalid number".
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 228: about howorganizational meetings are thick with emotional smoke and smokescreen,
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 641: As a strong believer in the psychic unity of mankind and its poetic expression through mythology, Campbell made use of the Brigitte Bardot (BB) concept to express the idea that the whole of the human race can be seen as engaged in the effort of making the world "transparent to transcendence" by showing that underneath the world of phenomena (like Carol's underwear) lies an eternal source of bliss which is constantly pouring its energies into this world of time, suffering, and ultimately death. To achieve this task one needs to speak about things that existed before and beyond words, a seemingly impossible task, the solution to which lies in the metaphors found in myths. Words, words, words.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 643: The basic structure, however, of all the boring "quest" type stories has remained relatively unchanged and can be classified using the various stages of a hero's adventure through the story, stages such as the Call to Adventure, Receiving Supernatural Aids, Meeting with the Goddess/Atonement with the Father and Return. (This part Joe took from Propp.) He thinks of a meme such as in the sentence "Jesus is the Son of God" rather as "the relationship of man to God is like that of a son to a father". A clear case of an arianist
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 646: God is a metaphor for a mystery that absolutely transcends all human categories of thought, even the categories of being and non-being. Those are categories of thought. I mean it's as simple as that. So it depends on how much you want to think about it. Whether it's doing you any good. Gets you closer to your bliss. Whether it is putting you in touch with the mystery that's the ground of your own being. If it isn't, well, it's a lie. So half the people in the world are religious people who think that their metaphors are facts. Those are what we call theists. The other half are people who know that the metaphors are not facts. And so, they're lies. Those are the atheists.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 244: Do in land do putzt men zikh azoy. That's how they do things here.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 291:

    In his manner there is more neatness than strength, and it has been said, more show than service; his blows are in general deficient in force, but given with astonishing quickness, and he is [agreed] to strike oftener, and stop more dexterously, than any other man.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 399: I want to show you how to write a novel that doesn't suck (except bucks out of other suckers' pockets). Step by step by step. I don't do this out of a crazy lusting for notoriety, I only in it for the money. Another Day, Another Dollar.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 401: What is a book about? About 200 pages, haha, but seriously: it's about me, 'cause all first novels are autobiographies. It'll talk about my trial, your funeral, and my triumph, how I survived it all and became a beacon of hope for the world, or at least my personal corner of it.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 452: “That’s astonishing….an Italian operetta, a Broadway musical, Arabian Nights….how do you compose so many different things?” Jerome Kern shrugged and answered: “I just keep writing the same old Kletzmer music.”
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 513: As novelists, we create a character not by what we tell but by what we show. Show not tell, you know (fucking immigrants shut up). What does that character say? What does he do? What do others say about him? What do they think of him? What would he say if he was slapping a kid at the local Walmart’s? That’s characterization and it makes your fictional people come alive.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 517: Sometimes though they might do a little more. They won’t steal the real action but they set the mood, they add humor, they make the setting more believable. You can do this by making placeholders eccentric or obsessive. I read analysis once of an old flick called Beverly Hills Cop. It featured a clerk in an art gallery. He was effeminate. By itself, that’s not unusual. But he had a Jewish accent, and that was unusual because Jews weren’t generally treated as queens in Hollywood — it teems with them (although today H’wood can say anything it wants about Jews, even Christians. You can tell this was an old movie.) What that character did however in the film was to help make Detroit cop Eddie Murphy, the negro comedian, feel even more alien in L.A. than he otherwise would have.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 519: Heroes have their Achilles heels. The most honest president of the U.S. cheats on the golf course; that is what makes people real. The late Robert Parker’s Spenser character was interesting. He was a yuppie. He ran, he lifted weights, he liked to cook, he liked unimposing little wines with sardonic personalities, he pretended he didn’t care about clothes but somehow always managed to wear the same basic uniform;, he lived with a woman, Susan the insufferable, who could psycho-babble Jay-Z into impotence. But the characterization hook was that Spenser spent his life being a private eye and shooting people, which was totally alien to the character’s nature. That started to round him out and make him real. Without that hard edge, he’d have been just another fan of Barry Manilow.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 562: “In the book’s final scene, Lady Tomiko and Miles make their way up the four hundred steps of the shrine of Kumanomichi to take their wedding vows. Then home to a cardboard box and some wild fornication, as only the Japanese women know how.”
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 571: Basically, I’m not a big fan of Raymond Chandler's Big Sleep. Well, why pussyfoot around? Actually I think the book is stupid; however, Raymond Chandler is a particular favorite of artsy-fartsy mystery readers and critics and this rather bizarre genre mystery featuring the private eye Philip Marlowe is often ranked as one of the 100 best novels of all time. I just don't see why, I think my Remo Vanha Vainooja is 10x more fascinating.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 573: Pfffft. Personally, I always thought Chandler was too cute by half and, like the author Trevanian for instance, too hell-bent upon showing you just how smart he was by using obscure little literary references, and this particular novel has a more complex plot than the King James version of the Bible. (I'm often just jealous.)
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 601: Finally, a large percentage of novels today are written in restricted third person viewpoint. In other words, in each individual scene, the author works through only one person’s head. Anybody else in the scene, except the major player at that moment, is made to live by his actions and his words, but not by you — as author — getting into his head and telling us what he’s thinking. (Obviously, by the way, private eye novels are in some way illustrative of this rule because most PI’s are written first person since it’s impossible to get into another character’s thoughts and feelings except by showing him cavorting on your literary stage.)
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 623: What to read? If you get no checks, read Writer’s Digest. Read the how-to books. If you want to read books on writing, you can’t find much better stuff then Stephen King on Writing, anything by Dean Koontz or Larry Block, a very specific mystery writing manual from Hallie Ephron (*1948), Writing Mysteries from MWA, a collection which includes me and my ex-partner, read my blogs and those about the writer’s soul by Molly Cochran. Read “Trial and Error”by Jack Woodford (+1971), one of the great commercial writing geniuses. And be sure to read my long time personal favorite book by one of my all time, all-star heroes, “Dare to be a Great Writer” by Leonard Bishop, which is not 300 pages of “rah-rah boys, go do it” but is instead 329 specific tips on how to get the trucks out of the garage in the morning. Fabulous. Reading and writing and remembering, are the only two of the three R’s that count. Who the hell cares about ‘rithmetic? Except Chuck Berry, who could count 6/8 time like a genius.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 645: Did you ever hear of a guy with plumber’s block? Electrician’s block? Did a mechanic ever have mechanic’s block? No, no, and no. The reason is that none of them get paid if they don’t show up to work, so block isn’t really a viable option like flu. However for writers, it often is, but then, they don't get paid. Read Trollope’s autobiography. He worked according to schedule and if he finished a novel, but still had fifteen minutes left in his usual writing day, he would take a fresh piece of paper, write “Chapter One” and get started immediately. Time’s a-wasting, children, said Trollope and went out to fornicate some neighborhood trollops. It pays to be mediocre.
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 161: Sellaiset ovat markkinat ja huomenna isot toripäivät. Surkimuksia turpiin, se on nykyajan sankariteko. Niin että jos vaikkapa mutantit ninjakilpikonnat ja rotta Tikku sattuisivat tähän nyt hyviään tekemään, heidän olisi tykkänään käännettävä kelkkansa. Ei enää köyhien hyysäämistä! Päinvastoin, puukko hampaissa kimppuun ja nylkemään neitoselta viimeistäkin ihokasta ja täyttämään sen kukkaroa iloisten puolikuoriveikkojen cumilla. For the TV show, TMNT creator Peter Laird decided to give each Turtle a different color to make it easier to tell them apart: Leonardo has a blue bandana, Raphael a red bandana, Donatello a purple bandana and Michelangelo an orange bandana. Kilpurit pelaa Aprilin kanssa räsypokkaa ja April häviää.
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 173:
    Esther juhannuställingissä, naama hiukan parempaan muotoon vuoltuna. Häpykarvoituskin on tuuhistunut. Leo hässii Aprilia etunojasta melkein yhtä etevästi kuin Donatello. - H-how am I doing? -You are doing great Leo! Now fill me up with your cum. Hei mitä nyt Leo yritäzä käyttää mua hyväx? Stop! Stop! Stop!

    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 348:
    Seniorin luisevuudesta riippuu, periikö sen hukka, nalle wahlroos vai kiinalainen kissaeläin. Key takeaway: Intermittent fasting involves alternating between periods of eating and not eating (aka fasting). Avoid eating takeaway in your sleep, in the shower or from the potty.

    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 583: Firmasta tehtiin 20v myöh. TV-sarjaversio josta sanottiin: "show, joka alkaa sellaisella satunnaisella, epäpätevällä typeryydellä, kertoo sinulle, kuinka vähän se aikoo käyttää vaivaa tarinansa kertomiseen ja kuinka vähän se kunnioittaa älykkyyttäsi."
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 660: ARTHUR: If you will not show us the Grail we shall storm your castle

    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 420: The above illustrates how a fallacy in reasoning can persist and maim the minds of believers for thousands of years. First we make ourselves more important than ants, second we attribute meaning to chance third we accept suffering caused by ignorance and malice as the will of a higher being.
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 445: how?source=Solr&author=Lintinen%2C+Sakari%2C+1952-&callnumber=&size=large&title=Ensimm%C3%A4inen+rukouskirjani&recordid=fikka.4159252&isbns%5B0%5D=9524755394&invisbn=9789524755399&index=0" width="100%" />
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 361: The third was another son, Eduard (called “Tete” by his parents), who showed promise and an interest in medicine. He developed schizophrenia at age 21 and spent the rest of his life in and out of mental institutions.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 556: Flourishing is one of the most important and promising topics studied in positive psychology. Not only does it relate to many other positive concepts, it holds the key to improving the quality of life for people around the world. Discovering the pieces to the flourishing puzzle and learning how to effectively apply research findings to real life has tremendous implications for the way we live, love, and relate to one another.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 644: A few things that might actually help: Talk to your health care provider or a counselor. Feeling unhappy about the size of your penis is common. A mental health specialist or your family health care provider might have a trick or two to show you, and she might be tighter down there than your wife. Many men feel better with reassurance that they are "typical" and it's the wife that is abnormally roomy. Thanx Stephanie! That felt good!
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 230: Nanami pikku ystävineen teki howed-me-their-panties-and-tried-to-seduce-me-xhNjixz" >tässä videossa "nörtille" kepposen. Ne oli niin vekkuleita että "nörtin" nahistunut "pikkuveikka" innostui kazelemaan mukana. Tosin avustettuna.
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 289: make rational business decisions on how to allocate capital, where another
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 101: Luultavasti perin harva vaimo olisi tyytyväinen jos kirjoittaisi runon tuolla hinnalla - ainakaan useammin kuin kerran. Musta silmä opettaa. A good wife knows her place. She fixes her makeup before the husband returns from work and tells the hungry kids to pipe down until he has eaten. She asks him how his day has been and does not volunteer her own hardships during the day.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 123: Adleriin vaikuttivat myös Immanuel Kantin, Friedrich Nietzschen, Rudolf Virchowin ja valtiomies Jan Smutsin (joka loi termin "holismi" kuvaamaan alkoholismin katkaisuhoitoa) filosofiat.
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 95: The story follows the life of a regular German women Leni Gruyten during 1930s and 1940s. Through her interactions with friends, family and other people she knows, the regular folks' perception of the Nazi era is shown.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 263: Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley show familiarity with well-known painters (Mantegna, Rubens, Titian) and with canonic authors (Shakespeare, Marvell), but their current reading is sparse, practical, and not literary: Catherine reads the Almanac and Frederic reads magazines and newspapers (mostly out of date).
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 370: All sundial mottos are sad like that. The earliest sundials, from Ancient Egypt to China to Europe, were often marked with dedications to god(s), patrons, and/or the craftsmen who made them. In the 1500s sundials began bearing mottos relating to time—its passage, the limited quantities allotted, how it should be spent, or as a brief memento mori to the reader to stop looking at the sundial and get on with their life. Sundials represent a willful, anachronistic affectation in a world that has begun to dispense with clocks and watches.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 415: 1S-Town was an American investigative journalism podcast hosted by Brian Reed and created by the producers of Serial and This American Life. In 2012, horologist John B. McLemore sent an email to the staff of the show This American Life asking them to investigate an alleged murder in his hometown of Woodstock, Alabama, a place he claimed to despise. There wasn't any.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 418: The Guardian gave S-Town a critical review. The opinion piece called S-Town "a good story, but an indefensible one." The article states that the podcast is supposed to leave you feeling positive, however instead it feels forced.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 423: Westron wynde when wyll thow blow

    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 148:
    Pia Muehlenbeck walking by the beach and showing her awesome glutes
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 431: Is a lone dwelling, built by whom or how
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 740: and Lana Wachowski (sukupuolenvaihtosisaruxia), Ellen DeGeneres (demokraatti degeneraatti), Barney Frank
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 133: Character Analysis The Intended. Kurtz's fiancée is marked — like the Harlequin — by her absolute devotion to Kurtz. When Marlow visits her after his return from Africa, he finds that she has been dressed in mourning for more than a year and still yearns for information about how her love spent his last days. However, she is actually devoted to an image of Kurtz instead of the man himself: She praises Kurtz's "words" and "example," assuming that these are filled with the nobility of purpose with which Kurtz began his career with the Company. Her devotion is so absolute that Marlow cannot bear to tell her Kurtz's real last words ("The horror! The horror!") and must instead tell her a lie ("The whore! The whore!") that strengthens her already false impression of Kurtz. On a symbolic level, the Intended is like many Europeans, who wish to believe in the greatness of men like Kurtz without considering the more "dark" and hidden parts of their characters. Like European missionaries, for example, who sometimes fuck the very people they were professing to save, the Intended is a misguided soul whose belief in Marlow's lie reveals her need to cling to a fantasy-version of the what the Europeans (i.e., the Company) are doing in Africa.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 349: I don’t put much trust or much faith in America “turning” places into pro-American liberal democracies. We’re essentially saying that we have some sort of say over how democratic countries run their business.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 375: contains is a penetrating account of how a totalitarian Communist
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 465: Iraqis showed ineptness against an Iranian military ripped apart by revolutionary turmoil in the 1980s and could not win a three-decades-long war against the Kurds. The Arab military performance on both sides of the 1990 Kuwait war was at best mediocre. And the Arabs have done poorly in nearly all the military confrontations with Israel. Why this unimpressive record? There are many factors—economic, ideological, technical—but perhaps the most important has to do with culture and certain societal attributes which inhibit Arabs from producing an effective military force.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 473: Actually, Arabs, Brezhnevian soviets and modern Western conservatives have a great deal in common. They're all obsessed with a distant yet glorious past which they feel entitles them to respect merely for who they are, regardless of how little they've achieved recently. They have the same religious intolerance, the same contempt for the life of the mind. They all have the same vicious response when thwarted, and the same sense that they're losing the greater battle and are, willingly or not, on their way out the door.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 484: The presumed close U.S.-Israel relationship, thought to be operative at all levels, aggravates and complicates this penchant for secrecy in arab-U.S. military cooperation. Arabs believe that the most mundane details about them are somehow transmitted to the Mossad via a secret hotline.This explains why a U.S. advisor with Arab forces is likely to be asked early and often about his opinion of the "Palestine problem," then subjected to monologues on the presumed Jewish domination of the United States.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 470: Spenser went as far as transferring whole episodes from the adventures of Bradamante to those of Britomart. Both show a preference for a magic spear.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 154: Liliʻuokalani was approached on December 20 and 23 by James I. Dowsett, Jr. and William R. Castle, members of the legislature´s Reform (Missionary) Party, proposing her ascension to the throne if her brother Kalākaua were removed from power. Historian Ralph S. Kuykendall stated that she gave a conditional "if necessary" response; however, Liliʻuokalani´s account was that she firmly turned down both men. In 1889, a part Native Hawaiian officer Robert W Wilcox, who resided in Liliʻuokalan´s Palama residence, instigated an unsuccessful rebellion to overthrow the Bayonet Constitution.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 195: Cleveland sent the issue to the Congress, stating, "The Provisional Government has not assumed a republican, or other constitutional form, but has remained a mere executive council, or oligarchy, without the consent of the people (who fortunately have no right to vote anyway)". She defended her action by showing that, out of a possible 9,500 native voters in 1892, 6,500 asked for a new Constitution. The queen changed her position on the issue of amnesty, and on December 18, Willis demanded the provisional government reinstate her to the throne, but was refused. Congress responded with a US Senate investigation that resulted in the Morgan Report on February 26, 1894. It found Stevens and all parties except the queen "not guilty", absolving them of responsibility for the overthrow. The provisional government formed the Republic of Hawaii on July 4 with Dole as its president, maintaining oligarchical control and a limited system of suffrage.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 215: In June 1897 President McKinley signed the "Treaty for the Annexation for the Hawaiian Islands", but it failed to pass in the United States Senate after the Kūʻē Petitions were submitted by a commission of Native Hawaiian delegates consisting of James Keauiluna Kaulia, David Kalauokalani, William Auld, and John Richardson. Members of Hui Aloha ʻĀina collected over 21,000 signatures opposing an annexation treaty. Another 17,000 signatures were collected by members of Hui Kālaiʻāina but not submitted to the Senate because those signatures were also asking for restoration of the Queen. The petitions collectively were presented as evidence of the strong grassroots opposition of the Hawaiian community to annexation, and the treaty was defeated in the Senate— however, following its failure, Hawaii was annexed anyway via the Newlands Resolution, a joint resolution of Congress, in July 1898, shortly after the outbreak of the Spanish–American War. Tuli kiire annexoida lisää maita Mexikon suunnalta.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 242: Historian Helena G. Allen noted that Liliʻuokalani and Kalākaua "believed all religions had their 'rights' and were entitled to equal treatment and opportunities". Throughout her life, Liliʻuokalani showed a broad interest in the different Christian faiths including Catholicism, Mormonism, Episcopalianism and other Protestant denominations.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 246: That first night of my imprisonment I found in my handbag a small Book of Common Prayer according to the ritual of the Episcopal Church. It was a great comfort to me, and before retiring to rest Mrs. Clark and I spent a few minutes in the devotions appropriate to the evening. Here, perhaps, I may say, that although I had been a regular attendant on the Presbyterian worship since my childhood, a constant contributor to all the missionary societies, and had helped to build their churches and ornament the walls, giving my time and my musical ability freely to make their meetings attractive to my people, yet none of these pious church members or clergymen remembered me in my prison. Fuck them. To this (Christian ?) conduct I contrast that of the Anglican bishop, Rt. Rev. Alfred Willis, who visited me from time to time in my house, and in whose church I have since been confirmed as a communicant. But he was not allowed to see me at the palace. It just goes to show, doesn´t it?
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 267: In 2007, Honolulu magazine rated "Aloha ʻOe" as the greatest song in the history of Hawaiian music. Women canoe teams were added in 1974. The race is held over Labor Day Weekend each year to coincide with Liliʻuokalani´s birthday on September 2. The American Experience: Hawai´i´s Last Queen. WTF, since when is it American? Well, since the overthrow and annexation, of course. Numerous hula events are held to honor her memory. Several hundred dancers shower 50,000 orchid blossoms.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 217: He considered the most important criteria used to judge the value of a poem were "high truth" and "high seriousness". By this standard, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales did not merit Arnold's approval. According to Arnold, Homer is the best model of a simple grand style, while Milton is the best model of severe grand style. Dante, however, is an example of both. Even Chaucer, in Arnold's view, in spite of his virtues such as benignity, largeness, and spontaneity, lacks seriousness. Burns too lacks sufficient seriousness, because he was hypocritical in that while he adopted a moral stance in some of his poems, in his private life he flouted morality.

    Arnold believed that a modern writer should be aware that contemporary literature is built on the foundations of the past, and should contribute to the future by continuing a firm tradition. Quoting Goethe and Kuckuksuhr in support of his view, he asserts that his age suffers from spiritual weakness because it thrives on self-interest and scientific materialism, and therefore cannot provide noble characters such as those found in Classical literature.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 324: Hyvän tytön opas murhaarviointiin: Emma Myers -show on keskinkertainen huijari, sanoo Trisha Bhattacharya (jälleen muuten intialainen kriitikko). Elokuvan teko on suoraviivaista, nuorelle yleisölle räätälöityä, ja hahmot puhuvat teini-ikäisille suhteutettavalla tavalla. Itsepintainen pyrkimys lisätä romantiikkaa Ravin ja Pippan välille tuntuu tarpeettomalta ja heikentää Andien murhan ratkaisemisen painavampaa kerrontaa. Sitäpaizi ei näytetä yhtään tappoa, car chasea, eikä panoa. "Hyvän tytön opas murhaan" on hyvä kertakäyttökello. Se tarjoaa kunnon sovituksen mukaansatempaaviin hetkiin, erityisesti niille, jotka pitävät teini-draamista ja kevyistä mysteereistä. Kirjan fanit saattavat kokea että siitä puuttuu syvyys.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 336: Komedie / Talk-show

    xxx/ellauri407.html on line 78: Watching cheesy programs without feeling bad about it is highly recommended. Ruth Doherty is an experienced digital writer and editor specializing in interiors, travel and lifestyle. With 20 years of writing for national sites under her belt, she’s worked for the likes of Livingetc.com, Standard, Ideal Home, Stylist and Marie Claire as well as Homes & Gardens. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works.
    xxx/ellauri407.html on line 109: howybeauty_caf64423eae1a/cropped/1/nicole-forest-flirt-showy-beauty_mainthumb_vertical@2x.webp" />
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 174: Why it is called blue, however, is not so clear. In nineteenth century American usage, “the roughest characters . . . make the air blue with their oaths and obscene language” or “disorderly boys . . . were making the air blue with profane and obscene language” (“blue”). Blue shirts and blue bloods, Eliot’s Bolo asserts, wear about the same.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 188: Whether “bolo” means tool, penis, ball, or balls, it is easy to see how Eliot enjoyed the double entendres. Eliot may have may have meant many things when he wrote “BULL” next to Hegel’s comment on the “sincerity of the German people” (IMH 308). But the salient meaning of “bolo” is that of a meat knife, a phallic weapon, used in making love. For example, “Bolomen surprised an American outpost near Guagua, killing two privates” (“bolomen”). Or the bolo is “a very beautiful specimen of that curious weapon of war which has figured so often in the official reports of the war in the Philippines” (“specimens”). Even President Theodore Roosevelt received a bolo knife from the “bad Dattos” of the Moroe tribes.” This “bad Datto” or chieftain confesses, “I have fucked three people with this bolo, but now I have no further use for it. I am under American rule and intend to be peaceful” (“President Greatly Pleased” 5). “Then brownie got out his bolo and set to work. . . .” (“Brownie”)
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 467: The Jew of Malta (full title: The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta) is a play by Christopher Marlowe, written in 1589 or 1590. The plot primarily revolves around a Maltese Jewish merchant named Barabas. The original story combines religious conflict, intrigue, and revenge, set against a backdrop of the struggle for supremacy between Spain and the Ottoman Empire in the Mediterranean that takes place on the island of Malta. There has been extensive debate about the play's portrayal of Jews and how Elizabethan audiences would have viewed it.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 994: Mormons certainly do not equate Asherah with anything other than what she was, a pagan idol. You have misunderstood the Mormon belief, supported by the scriptures, that if our spirits are the literal offspring of God, and he is our heavenly father, logically therefore, we have a heavenly mother. And the same familial stucture which exists in heaven was instituted by God on earth when he created Adam and Eve, the first mortal parents. The article you referenced says nothing even close to your incorrect assertion that Mormons somehow believe a false pagan goddess was/is our heavenly mother.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1061: I am going to tell you how God came to be God. We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea, and take away the veil, so that you may see. … It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the character of God and to know...that he was once a man like us.... (“King Follett Discourse,” Journal of Discourses 6:3-4 and Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 345-346, and History of the Church, vol. 6, 305-307)
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1109: Your god is an exalted man who earned his way to godhood, while the God of the Bible is the ONLY God and has always been God and is a Spirit. Your Jesus was born by sexual intercourse between your god and Mary ("she's a virgin to mortal man" is how they get her being a virgin). Your Jesus cannot atone for all sins as does the Biblical Jesus. And you cannot be saved by a false Jesus. And your god literally sires spiritual babies who have to come to earth to do good works to earn their own way to godhood -- none of which is found in the Bible.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1145: The scriptures are very clear that there is a Father, a Son, and a Holy Spirit. It's very simple, fathers and sons are obviously different people, how else can one come from the other's nuts and banana?
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1146: Peter declared, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Mathew 16:16. He didn't declare, "You are the Christ, kind of the Son, but the same as the Father, who is the same as the Spirit, and somehow you're all one being."
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1154: 9 Jesus said to him, "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father '? 10 "Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. 11 "Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe because of the works themselves. (John 14:9-11)
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1192: Asking if the Holy Spirit is a physical being shows an utter misunderstanding of the English language. We use the term "Holy Spirit" because the Holy Spirit is not a physical entity. If you need help with this concept I'll be more than glad to help.
    xxx/ellauri414.html on line 287: just shows the difference in economic
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 59: Rabbinical student Erik Urinate (shown pants down in fig. 4 below, with a shortish penis in his hand) says the sages meant these instructions to produce healthy, intelligent sons.
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 64: For many Jews, the emphasis on family can be something that leads to more sex - but less fun, just more work at the salt mines. Focusing on family can feel like pressure to have kids, which is not very sex-positive at all. The constant pressure to procreate is hard on Yael. So yes, there is still work to be done. A lot of trudgery in the hairless hills of unorthodox pudenda. Being queer and having sex without kids doesn’t hurt anyone… so why would God care?” Why indeed. But he does! And how! For he has a beard though no penis and no testicles.
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 182: Anita Marks 2002 posed for Playboy in the middle of her career as a professional female football player. The University of South Florida graduate is now a sports radio host for the likes of CBS and ESPN. But did not show her centerfold that year.
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 775: there and see how long you last. Nordkoreanerna
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 907: But now you never show it to me, do you?

    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 725: El means "God" in the Ugaritic and the Canaanite languages. The literal meaning of Shaddai, however, is the subject of debate. Some scholars have argued that it came from Akkadian shadû ("mountain") or from the Hebrew verb shaddad שדד meaning "Destroyer". Shaddai may have also come from shad שד meaning mammary; shaddai is a typical Biblical Hebrew word (שדי). The plural (Shaddayim -- שדיים) is the typical Modern Hebrew word for human breasts in dual grammatical number.The Deir Alla Inscription contains shaddayin as well as elohin rather than elohim. Scholars translate this as "shadday-gods," taken to mean unspecified boobs, mountain or destroyer gods. A popular interpretation of the name Shaddai is that it is composed of the Hebrew relative particle she- (Shin plus vowel segol followed by dagesh), or, as in this case, as sha- (Shin plus vowel patach followed by a dagesh). The noun containing the dagesh is the Hebrew word dai meaning "enough, sufficient, sufficiency". However, Day's overview says a "rabbinic view understanding the name meaning 'who suffices' (Se + day) is clearly fanciful and has no support."
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 417: reached record highs. The only thing that has changed is how we perceive the war in the West. Most of the turbo-pro Ukrainian “experts” and
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 571: Orthodox judaism is brutally beautiful avers Sophia the Jew. She would never accept a job where she would have to work on a sabbath. Wonder if she has any pubic hair to show the girls. Jewish actor JOSH PECK of Nickelodeon fame knew Sophie Rain when she was just a little girl. Little did he guess how huge genitals she would grow. The Jews selected her for stardom on Onlyfans.
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 377: NUDE. It was the most boring show I ever
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 605: It was Jamila that came to prove the author's work. Seen through the eyes of an adolescent boy, it tells of how Jamila, a village girl, separated from her soldier husband by the war, falls in love with a disabled former soldier staying in their village as they all work to bring in and transport the grain crop.
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 622: When westerners say how “poor” socialist countries were, they pretend like 70% of capitalist countries (south of Mediterranean and USA) never existed (cuz they could only dream to have life standards like eastern Europe). Like the enormous wealth came from “clean entrepreneurship”, and not from bloody colonial conquest of that same global south that is still poor. The USSR, eastern Europe and China had to build their wealth by their own labour, resources and capability. Ofcourse it was less than the West which already had centuries lead before the USSR was even founded.