ellauri001.html on line 53: Se on voi. Kuin himedes">Arkimedes, saan

ellauri001.html on line 404: Joku täti lähimaitokaupassa

ellauri001.html on line 1007: muttei vähimpänä peukut.

ellauri001.html on line 1325: valokuvat vanhimmat:

ellauri002.html on line 336: Minkä päivä kaunihimpi,

ellauri002.html on line 379: Räpistelee, ei pääse enää himaan.

ellauri002.html on line 1320: Kaikki on suhteellista, sanoi Arkhimedes.

ellauri002.html on line 1854: paholaismaista, ainakin epäinhimillistä

ellauri003.html on line 154: hiukan himmenneen ja rappioituneen.

ellauri003.html on line 491: ja siksi vähimmän saa rangaistuksen.
ellauri003.html on line 1170: saadakseen himoitun kyltin YLIOPISTO.

ellauri003.html on line 1283: Es glänzt der Saal, es schimmert das Gemach, Loistava on sali, kimmeltävä kulmahuone,
ellauri004.html on line 362: lähimmäisten, naapurien edelle.

ellauri004.html on line 488: BRIAN: Well, why don´t you go and tell him you want to be a leper again?
ellauri004.html on line 490: EX-LEPER: Ah, yeah. I could do that, sir. Yeah. Yeah, I could do that, I suppose. What I was thinking was, I was going to ask him if he could make me a bit lame in one leg during the middle of the week. You know, something beggable, but not leprosy, which is a pain in the arse, to be blunt. Excuse my French, sir, but, uh--
ellauri004.html on line 957: että operatiivinen on välitön lähimaksu:

ellauri004.html on line 1176: Näin siis puritaani, jollon himot niinkuin hiirelläkin, ellei isommat. Isompi on pyssy ainakin, toivottavasti. Seksi on sallittua, kunhan se tapahtuu avioliiton peiton alla, eikä ne jotka siellä lisääntyy ole muumipappa ja pikku Myy. Silverbäkin tottelu on pääasia, että suvun perintö pysyy oikeissa käsissä (ja keskijaloissa). Vain käärmeen sukupuoliopetus on pahasta.
ellauri005.html on line 385: Rakkaudelle: sä oot vaan himoa.

ellauri005.html on line 1727: kasvissyönnistä, sytyttää lihanhimon.

ellauri006.html on line 337: Kaik on sun lähimmäisiä.

ellauri006.html on line 407: Ja sit on tää ihastus koneisiin laitteisiin vempeleisiin roboihin ja geenimanipuloituihin mutantteihin. Nää varsinkin on ajan merkkejä. Ne näkyy myös lasten videoissa. Niis jumalat on korvattu julmilla vehkeillä, tottelevaisilla roboteilla, söpöillä mutanttieläimillä joilla on bioniset jäsenet. (Miten niin korvattu? Sitähän ne jumalat on aina ollu, eri elukoita, superheroja.) Paw Patrol on ihan pahimmasta päästä koneuskontoa, apinan johtama koirapartio muuttuu koneiksi.
ellauri006.html on line 576: Polje maahan ne, jotka himoitsevat meidän hopeaamme.
ellauri006.html on line 601: ja minun lähimmäiseni cauwas astuwat.

ellauri006.html on line 1310: Lukuun 19 mennessä kaverit on jo 10x pilkanneet jopia, jopin laskun mukaan. Pöyhistelijät. Jopi on ihan yxin. Ei parjaa enaa elamassa. Se ei ole tyydyttäwää, lähimmäiset wälttäwät, ja ystävät on heikon unohtaneet (paitsi te paskiaiset). Huonekuntaiset ja piiat pitää vieraana. Huusin Eeditiä, eikä hän wastannut minulle, minun täytyy rukoilla häntä omalla suullani, tai konkkaa ize keittiöön. Waimo wieroo pahanhajuista henkeäni, ja minun täytyy palvella lapsiani.
ellauri006.html on line 1353: Luvussa 31 jopi puhuu panopuuhista. Minä olen tehnyt liiton silmäini kanssa, etten kazoisi neitseen puoleen. Vaan liekö pitänyt se välipuhe. No ainakaan ne ei kazo enää muhun, kun oon näin rupinen. No jos oiskin joskus käynyt hullusti, ja sydämeni lähti waimon perään, ja wäijyin lähimmäisen owella, niin jauhakoon waimoni vastaavasti toiselle ja muut maatkoot hänet. Wuoroinhan sitä wieraissa käydään, saadaan toinen toisiltamme. Mitä pahaa siinä muuten on jos waimo ei oo warattu, kohdustahan me ollaan molemmat, se on vaan kohtuullista. Oisinko kieltänyt tarwitsewaisilta mitä he pyytävät? Oisinko antanut leskein silmäin hiweltyä, hiwelemättä myös takapuolia? Exs se ole ookoo et orwon lanne on mua siunannut, kun se sai lämmitellä mun lammasnahoissa? Hoitelin sen kuin omat sukulaiseni.
ellauri006.html on line 1458:

Mut mikä pesä? Minkä yksikön itsekäs etu on se oikea? Siihen on eri aikoina ollut eri kannanottoja. Neandertaalille se lie ollut omat geenit, lisääntymisyksikkö joku aika pieni, oma toteemi. Jutkuille se oli jaakon poikain geenipooli, beth israel. Jesse globalisaatiota peukutti, kaikki saman lajin apinat on lähimmäisiä. Neandertaalithan oli jo ajat sitten sukupuuttoon tapettu.
ellauri006.html on line 1467: Kultainen sääntökin paljastuu katinkullaksi, kun oivaltaa sen sovellusalan: varo nuijimasta naapuria, jos se voi seuraavassa erässä pamputtaa sua. Lähimmäinen on se joka pärjää sulle. Muista ei ole väliä, esim elukoita saa tappaa ja syödä vapaasti, ja vihulaisia.
ellauri007.html on line 122: Ole hyvä hanhi, käännä toinen poski lähimmäiselle.

ellauri007.html on line 1392: Viimeksi eikä vähimpänä luteensyöttinä

ellauri007.html on line 1507: Voit ohimennen vilkaista alas jos on pakko,

ellauri008.html on line 143: vielä enemmän, jos inhimillisesti

ellauri008.html on line 242: kuin sädekehä himmenisi puolivalossa.
ellauri008.html on line 281: Miehitetään se miehimyksillä,

ellauri008.html on line 466: I found Conrad himself standing at the door of the house ready to receive me. His appearance was really that of a Polish nobleman. His manner was perfect, almost too elaborate; so nervous and sympathetic that every fibre of him seemed electric. He talked English with a strong accent, as if he tasted his words in his mouth before pronouncing them; but he talked extremely well, though he had always the talk and manner of a foreigner. He was dressed very carefully in a blue double-breasted jacket. He talked apparently with great freedom about his life — more ease and freedom indeed than an Englishman would have allowed himself. He spoke of the horrors of the Congo, from the moral and physical shock of which he said he had never recovered.
ellauri008.html on line 475:

It was wonderful—I loved him & I think he liked me. He talked a great deal about his work & life & aims, & about sother writers. Then we went for a little walk, & somehow grew very intimate. I plucked up courage to tell him what I find in his work—the boring down into things to get to the very bottom below the apparent facts. He seemed to feel I had understood him; then I stopped & we just looked into each other's eyes for some time, & then he said he had grown to wish he could live on the surface and write differently, that he had grown frightened. His eyes at the moment expressed the inward pain & terror that one feels him always fighting. Then he talked a lot about Poland, & showed me an album of family photographs of the 60's—spoke about how dream-like all that seems, & how he sometimes feels he ought not to have had any children, because they have no roots or traditions or relations.
ellauri008.html on line 565: Conrad called himself (to Graham) a "bloody foreigner."

ellauri008.html on line 596: Vaivaantuneiden hymyjen ja kunnioittavan naurun jälkeen kertaus, pikku katekismus, mitä se on? Kaskun kärki lienee siinä että... Kaikkein traagisinta oli, että Unto kuoli oman käden kautta... Ristipurentainen norsu lasikylässä, porsliinikauppojen himoshoppailija. De mortuis nil bene.
ellauri008.html on line 732: Kun tänään tuli puhe käännöstieteen pikkujouluissa Kouvolan instituutin lopettamisesta vuonna 2009, tulin vertailun vuoxi ohimennen maininneeksi Torquato Tasson Jerusalemin vapautuxen. En ole Torquatoa yhtään lukenut, kai sen vuorokin vielä tulee. Arvatenkin se on aivan vitun ikävystyttävä. Joku renessanssin Iliadi-jäljitelmä ristiretkistä. Hehkutellaan jotain alusmaiden ryöstöä. Näitä piisaa, tyyliin Vergiliuxen Aineias tai Camõesin Os Lusiadas.
ellauri008.html on line 749: Man is amazing, but not a masterpiece, he said, keeping his eyes fixed on the glass case. Perhaps the artist was a little mad. Eh? What do you think? Sometimes it seems to me that man is come where he is not wanted, where there is no place for him; for if not, why should he want all the place? Why should he run about here and there making great noise about himself, talking about stars, disturbing the blades of grass? ...
ellauri008.html on line 751: Catching butterflies, I chimed in.
ellauri008.html on line 780: Marlow on selkeesti homahtava, sen innostus Lordi Jimiin on aika epäilyttävää, varsinkin monet kauniin pojan ulkonäkökuvauxet. Keskivanha narsisti on innoissaan ja samalla huolissaan nuoresta romanttisesta alter egostaan. Pani miettimään, millainen romantikko mä sit oon. Kyllä aika lailla löytyy ikäviä piirteitä (paizi homoilua, tykkään kyllä suklaasta muissa muodoissa). Mut yxi puuttuu, ja sen mukana kaikki, kuten lohkaisi suomalainen Paavo Ruotsalainen, nimittäin kristuksen sisällinen tunto, siis sosiaalisuus. Tää mun autismi on varmaan pelastanut mut narsismin pahimmilta seurauxilta. Jos välittäisin enemmän mitä muut ajattelee musta, ois varmaan vielä pahempi.
ellauri008.html on line 814: This book analyzes the representations of homosexuality in Conrad’s fiction, beginning with Conrad’s life and letters to show that Conrad himself was, at least imaginatively, bisexual. Conrad’s recurrent bouts of neurasthenia, his difficult courtships, late marriage, and frequent expressions of misogyny can all be attributed to the fact that Conrad was emotionally, temperamentally, and, perhaps, even erotically more comfortable with men than women.
ellauri008.html on line 842: Stemming from Ernest's treatment as a child, where his overbearing mother put him in dresses (a common practice then, but which his mother took to the extreme, even treating him like a girl), Hemingway had an interesting relationship with gender and his perceptions of it. He probably never engaged in homosexual activity but there can be no doubt that he idolized the male form. There are scenes in almost all of his books but certainly in his major novels where the men are presented in a homerotic manner. Farewell to Arms is kind of an eyebrow raiser. But this is also the man who wrote The Garden of Eden, which was about gender switching. Ernest's 3rd son "ille faciet" Gregory fulfilled his dad's dream. Go read Running With The Bulls. This is written by his son Gregory’s wife Valerie, who had to deal with the fact that her man was a transvestite and died from a botched sex change. Very few people know this.
ellauri008.html on line 886: Suomalaiset ei oo yhtään parempia: haluu viedä isislapset äideiltä. Se on kaikki sitä samaa julmaa apinameininkiä, milloin juutalais-rättipäistä lampaannussijoiden kostonhimoa, milloin ihan samanlaista keropäistä nazi-britti-persurasismia. Päivi Räsäsen julman halpamaista sekatavaraa. Päivi on hyvin huolestunut islamista. Sen sisko Eva kammos juutalaisuutta. Veljesvihaa Abrahamin lasten kesken.
ellauri008.html on line 926: Loput tuhansista tapetuista puista menee paskanjauhantaan, naistenlehtimatskuun ja ilmi- sekä piilomainontaan. Spugennäköinen Kaariposken poka Lauravaimoineen on pahimmasta päästä, vaurastuneita jenkkiasiaa ajavia niiden skeidaa jauhavia paskiaisia.

ellauri008.html on line 1009: Elpyminen alkoi lähimezästä.

ellauri008.html on line 1156: toisin kuin esim fasistit japsut Hiroshimassa ja Nagasakissa.

ellauri008.html on line 1828: Veteliä köyhimyksiä

ellauri009.html on line 122: Kapitalismi perustuu räjähtävään kasvuun, korkoon korolle, kasvu nojaa maan ja kansojen riistoon. Ihmiset riistää luontoa, rikkaat riistää ja huijaa kansaa. Win win. Se on törkeetä, siis räjähtävästi kasvavaa, toisilta vasten tahtoa isomman osan ottamista, vahvemman etuilua, epäreilua jakoa. Kax (tai kaikki) mulle, yx (tai ei mitään) sulle. Talouslipilaarien ylistämä win-win on suhteellista riistoa myös perässähiihtäjille, koska omaisuuxien erotus kasvaa ja suhde supistuu kohti nollaa. Muru rikkaan pöydältä ei kelpaa. Jos kelpaa, olet termiitti. Loppupäässä ovat maailman köyhimmät ja maapallo, jotka köyhtyvät, tän win-winin nettomaxajat.
ellauri009.html on line 676: Seitsemän kuolemansyntiä ovat varhaisessa kristillisessä opetuxessa käytetyssä paheiden luokituxessa pääpaheita, joista muut synnit seuraavat. Seitsemän kuolemansyntiä ovat Danten Jumalaisen näytelmän mukaan lajiteltuna pahimmasta laskevassa järjestyxessä näin:
ellauri009.html on line 688:

Osa näistä on yhden hengen pelejä, osa kahden kauppoja, pahimmat uhmaa kolmatta tahoa eli johtoporrasta. Kaikista on ikäviä seurauxia pesän menestyxelle ja ne vaarantaa yleistä nokintajärjestystä, eli jälleen johtoporrasta.
ellauri009.html on line 764: nälkä, himo aja koittamaan sopimattomia

ellauri009.html on line 778: Kostonhimo on niihin sisäänrakennettu,

ellauri009.html on line 835: Herralle on lihanhimo eli panohalu pikkurike,

ellauri009.html on line 1206: himmentyvän muistin mukana.
ellauri009.html on line 1271: take him down, tekee siitä selvää.

ellauri009.html on line 1398: "Ensimmäinen on halu näyttää valtaa, osoittaa, että pystyy tekemään mitä vain. Mukana voi olla myös kostonhimoa. Naisraiskaajista tulee mieleen vanha TV-sarja Naispaholainen."
ellauri011.html on line 305: välissä jo pahoin himmennyttä,

ellauri011.html on line 509: In 1974, he and his wife, Gisa, were arrested in Rio de Janeiro, where they were tortured for few days. Though the couple was released, his wife left him after this incidence as she suffered from Paranoia.
ellauri011.html on line 566: In his central figure, not-quite-Paulo, he has created (I imagine by mistake) a devastating portrait of a man whose stock in trade is spirituality but who is worldly to his very toenails, exquisitely attuned to his own status. He is constantly reminding himself how many books he has sold, how many languages they have been translated into, and that he is 'despite all the adverse reviews, a possible candidate for a major literary prize'. When he takes up with another woman (strictly to dispel the Zahir, of course), he chooses a successful French actress of 35, on the grounds that she was the only candidate to enjoy his status, 'because she too was famous and knew that celebrity counts'. Celebrity is an aphrodisiac. 'It was good for a woman's ego to be with a man and know that he had chosen her even though he had had the pick of many others.' And the man's ego, does that come into it? Not-quite-Paulo is too gallant to reveal his own age, but if he is indeed a refraction of the author then he is 20 years Marie's senior. It's adorable that he should regard himself so solemnly as the trophy in this pairing.
ellauri011.html on line 568: The grotesque climax of this portrait comes at a formal dinner which has no bearing on the plot (but then padding can become second nature). Some of the guests give him a smile of recognition, 'others merely smile and don't recognise me at all, but pretend to know who I am, because to admit otherwise would be to accept that the world they're living in doesn't exist, and that they are failing to keep up with the things that matter'. People can be so shallow sometimes.

ellauri011.html on line 947: He never again heard from Karla. He had a vague hope that Karla, knowing he was in the city [How? From TV of course! Everyone must have seen the show!] would show up to meet him. During the conference, he told part of the story found in this book. At a certain point, he couldn't help it and asked: Karla, are you here? No one raised a hand.
ellauri011.html on line 1037: Njaa, tässä kerrotaankin tän surullisen pirun elämäntarina. Se oli upporikas asekauppias, tosin rehellinen reilun pelin rohmu kuten Roope Ankka, jonka perhe kidnapattiin lunnaiden toivossa. Kokemattomat nuoret terroristit listi koko konkkaronkan äijän pyssyillä ja sitten poliisi listi terroristit samoilla torrakoilla. "Kadotin jotain joka on ihmiselle tärkeintä", se valittaa, nimittäin uskon lähimmäiseen (perhe jää hopealle, niinhän Jeesuksellakin). Kai se oli uskonut et terroristit ei osuisi lähimmäiseenkään, sen tekemillä aseilla. Täähän oli Hararinkin pointti: usko on luottoa, sen varassa toimii taloudellinen yritteliäisyys. "Nauroin ja itkin jumalan ironiaa," sanoo se. Aika absurdia. Sen jälkeen siitä tuli paha kuin Silppurista väriammeessa, siis entistäkin pahempi.
ellauri011.html on line 1043: "Verenhimoiset nuoret raukat, mixi ampuivat, vaikka näkivät et mä olin jo voitolla?" Kysytkin vielä, vaikka ize vastasit: pitäis päästä muiden kanssa ensin tasoihin ja sitten ohize. Muu on epistä.
ellauri011.html on line 1356: The success of Julie delighted Rousseau; he took pleasure in narrating a story about how a lady ordered a horse carriage to go to an Opera, and then picked up Julie only to continue reading the book till the next morning. So many women wrote to him offering their love that he speculated there was not a single high society woman with whom he would not have succeeded if he wanted to.
ellauri012.html on line 225: Täytyy tunnustaa että oli helpompi olo ennenkuin luin sen kirjeen. Toki kaikki rakastavaisten onnettomuudet on siinä kuvattu silminnäkijänä: luetuani sen tunnen kaikki omani uudestaan. Sätin itseäni että olen ollut näin kauan hiljaa, vaikka hellittämättömät viholliset yhä raivoo yhtä pahasti. Kerta ajan kuluminen, joka sammuttaa pahimmankin vihan, vaan pahentaa asiaa niiden mielessä; koska näkyy olevan säädetty että sua vainotaan hautaan saakka - varmaan senkään jälkeen ei anneta sun levätä rauhassa! - niin annapa kun mäkin alan vatvoa sun lankeemusta, annas kun julkaisen ne kaikelle maailmalle, jos mahdollista, haukkuakseni aikaa joka ei osannut sua arvostaa.
ellauri012.html on line 253: Se ei ole rakkaus vaan rahan ja aseman halu joka saa naisen laiskan aviosiipan hoteisiin. Kunnianhimo eikä kiintymys muodostaa sellaisia liittoja. Kyllähän niistä voi tulla jotain kunniaa ja etuja, mutten voi uskoa että sillä pääsee nauttimaan kiintymykseen perustuvasta liitosta, eikä tuntemaan niitä herkkiä ja hienoja iloja kun kauan erossa olleet sydämet pääsee vihdoin yhteen. Avioliiton marttyyrit suree aina isompia omaisuuksia jotka meni sivu suun. Vaimo näkee omaansa rikkaampia aviomiehiä, ja mies muodokkaampia vaimoja kuin omansa. Omanvoitonpyyntiset siteet kaduttaa, ja katuminen synnyttää vihaa. Pian ne eroaa, tai haluu tehdä niin. Loputon kullanhimo rankaisee niitä, jotka haluaa muuta kuin rakkautta rakkauden vuoksi.
ellauri012.html on line 271: Good God! mitä tää kaikki on? Syytän itseäni omista vioistani, sua sun virheistä, mitä hyötyä? Vaikka mulla on huivi, näät miten sekaisin mä oon! Hirmu vaikeaa panna velvollisuus taipumuksen edelle. Tiedän mitä valvoituksia tulee tän huivin mukana, mut tunnen paljon vahvemmin vanhan tunteen voiman. Mun tunteet voittaa mut; rakkaus hämärtää mieleni ja sekoittaa tahtoni. Joskus mut valtaa joku hartaus ja seuraavassa hetkessä kuvittelen rakkauden hellyyttä. Tänään sanon mitä en olisi sanonut eilen. Olin päättänyt etten rakasta sua enää; ajattelin että nyt olen tehnyt nunnalupauksen, ja olen vähän niinkuin kuollut ja haudattu, mut sit nousee odottamatta sydämeni pohjasta intohimo, joka voittaa kaikki tälläiset ajatukset, ja pimentää mun järkeni ja uskonnon. Sä olet niin syvällä mun sielussa etten osaa käydä sun kimppuun; kun yritän katkaista kahleet joilla olen suhun sidottu, petän vaan itseäni, ja kaikki mun ponnistukset vaan tiukentaa niitä. Voi helvetti, sääli
ellauri012.html on line 274: Meinasin lopettaa jo kirjeen tähän, mutta kun nyt kerran valitan susta niin mun pitää keventää sydäntä ja kertoa sen kaikki mustasukkaisuudet ja syytteet. Pidin tosiaan aika raukkiksena sitä että kun me molemmat oltiin päättäneet pyhittää itsemme taivaalle, niin sä panit mut kaikki tekee ensiksi. Epäileekö herra Abelard siis, sanoin, että kuin Lootin vaimo, mä katson selän taakse? Jos mun nuoruus ja sukupuoli antoi aiheen pelätä että palaisin maailmaan, eikö mun käytös, uskollisuus, ja tää sydän jonka tunnet, karkottanu sellaiset epäreilut epäilykset? Tää luottamuksen puute satutti; sanoin izelleni, Kerran oli aika jolloin se luotti mun pelkkään sanaan, haluuko se nyt multa nunnalupauksen suojellakseen oman selustansa? Mitä mä olen ikinä tehnyt ansaitakseni tällaisen epäluottamuksen? Mä tulin kaikkiin sen sopimiin salaisiin tapaamisiin, miks sitten kieltäytyisin seuraamasta sitä luostariin? Minä, joka en kieltäytynyt olemasta mielihyvän uhri ollakseni sille mieliksi, miten voisin kieltäytyä kunniasta sen hyväksi? Onko pahe niin koukuttavaa, että kun kerran on juotu siitä kupista niin ei voi ryypätä pyhimysten maljasta? Vai olitko pätevämpi opettamaan paheita kuin hyveitä, tai minä parempi oppimaan edellisiä kuin jälkimmäisiä?
ellauri012.html on line 295: Uskonto käskee mun tavoitella hyvettä koska mulla ei ole enää mitään saatavana rakkaudelta. Mutta rakkaus vallitsee yhä mun mielikuvitusta ja viihdyttää menneillä nautinnoilla. Muisti toimii mun rakastajattarena. Vanhurskaus ja velvollisuudentunto ei aina seuraa eläkkeelle menosta; autiomaassakin kun taivaasta ei tule mannaa, sitä halaa mitä ei enää saa. Yksinäisyyden herättämät himot täyttää nääkin maisemat kuolemalla ja hiljaisuudella; harvoin täällä tehdään mitä pitäisi, harvoin palvotaan vain jehovaa. Jos mä oisin tiennyt tän aiemmin, oisin opettanut suakin paremmin. Sä sanot mua sun mestariksi; totta on että sut uskottiin mun huostaan. Mä näin sut, koitin tosissani opettaa sulle kaiken maailman tieteitä; se maksoi sulle neitsyyden ja mulle vapauden. Sun sedästä, joka tykkäs susta, tuli mun vihollinen ja se kosti mulle. Jos olisin munat menetettyäni lakannut rakastamasta sua, olisi se ollut joku lohtu. Konnat oisi antaneet mulle saman onnen mihkä Origenes pääsi omin käsin vaikka ilman lupaa. Kyll on kurjaa! Tunnen itseni syyllisemmäksi nyt sua ajatellessani itku kurkussa kuin silloin kun panin sua täysissä voimissa. Mä mietin sua koko ajan; mä muistan koko ajan sun hellyyden. Tässä kunnossa, herran pieksut! jos juoksen sun alttarille, ja pyydän sua mua säälimään, miksei hengen kestoliekki kuluta tarjottua uhria? Eikö nää mun katumusharjoitukset kiinnosta taivasta pätkän vertaa? Mutta taivas on yhä taipumaton, koska mun himo on vielä elossa; tuli on vaan pettävien hiilten peitossa, eikä sitä sammuta kuin joku poikkeusarmahdus. Ihmisiä käy pettäminen, mut millään et huijaa jumalaa.
ellauri012.html on line 299: Mitä kaikkea mä oonkaan koittanut! Mä olen nostanut käteni itseäni vastaan; olen treenannut niin maan perhanasti; kirjoitan kommentteja Paavaliin (paska homma); kinaan Aristoteleen kanssa: lyhyesti sanoen teen kaikkea mitä tein ennen kuin bylsin sua, mut kaikki turhaan; mikään ei onnistu sua torjumaan. Voi nenä, älä lisää mun kurjuutta olemalla uskollinen; unohda, jos voit, suosionosoituksesi ja niiden antama oikeutus muhun; anna mun välittää susta viis. Kadehdin niiden onnea jotka ei oo koskaan rakastaneet; onpa heillä rauhallista ja iisi olo! Mutta nautinnon vuoksea seuraa aina katkeruuden luode; olen nyt siitä vissin varma; mut vaikka mua ei enää petä rakkaus, en ole parantunut. Järki tuomitsee, mut sydän hurraa. On se heikkoa etten pysty vapautumaan tunteesta jonka niin monet asiat, tää paikka, mun persoona ja mun häpeä koittaa tuhota. Annan periksi välittämättä että parempi vastustuskyky pyyhkisi pois mun vanhat synnit, ja korvaisi ne ansioilla ja laakereilla. Miksi sä käytät kaunopuheisuuttas haukkuakses mun pakoa ja vaikenemista? Lakkaa puhumasta meidän jimbajamboista ja sun täsmällisestä osanotosta niihin tilaisuuksiin, mulla on tarpeeksi kärsimistä ilman että ajattelen niitäkin. Kai filosofiasta olisi paljon etua, jos sen avulla opittaisiin hallitsemaan himojamme? Kyllä tässä piisaa ponnistusta, repsahduksia, angstausta! Mitenkä kauan me ollaan eksyksissä tässä sotkussa, kykenemättöminä järkeilemään, hillitsemään itseämme, hallitsemaan tunteitamme?
ellauri012.html on line 301: Kyl rakkaus on sitten vittumainen homma! Ja kylläpä hyve on on arvokasta ihan omaa rauhaa ajatellen! Muista meidän intohimon hurjastelut, arvaa mun kauhistus; laske mukaan sun omat huoles, meidän ongelmat; heitä vaikka nää kaikki pois debetin puolelta ja ota krediittinä huomioon vaan rakkauden hellyys ja nautinto. Miten vähän siitä tulee! Ja kuitenkin me kaivataan noita varjomaisia alkuajan nautintoja niin sikana, ettei voida olla kirjoittamatta toisillemme, vaikka ollaan puettuna tuhkaan ja säkkikankaaseen. Me oltais hurjasti onnellisempia jos nöyristely ja kyynelehdintä takais pelastuksen. Nautinnonrakkautta ei saa juuritetuksi sielusta muuten kuin pinnistelemällä ihan raivona; sillä on niin kova puolustusasianajaja sydämessä, että meidän on vaikee siitä itseämme tuomita. Miten mä voin kauhistella syntejäni jos niiden kohde on mulle aina reilu? Miten mä voin erottaa rakastamastani henkilöstä vihattavan rakkauden? Riittääkö itkemäni kyynelet saamaan mut sitä vihaamaan? En tiedä miten mutta rakastetun itkeminen on aina jotenkin myös ihanaa. On vaikea erottaa surustamme katumuksen ja kaipuun osuuksia. Rikkeen ja rikoksen kohteen muistot on liian lähellä toisiaan. Ja rakkaus jumalaan ei tee tyhjäksi rakkautta sen luomaan.
ellauri012.html on line 303: Mut mitä lieventäviä näkökohtia löytyiskään sussa jos rikos oisi anteeksiannettava? Kannattamaton kunnia, vaivalloinen rikkaus ei mua koskaan oisi houkuttanut; mutta noi sulot, toi kauneus, toi ilme, jonka näen silmissäni vielä nyt, ne aiheutti mun lankeemuksen. Sun kasvot oli mun syyllisyyden syy; sun silmät, sun puhe lävisti mun sydämen; ja vaikka mun kunnianhimo ja omatunto koitti panna vastaan, rakkaus kohta voitti. Jumala hylkäs mut mua rangaistakseen. Sä et ole enää maailmassa, sä sanoit sen irti: mä oon munkki olosuhteiden pakosta; eikö meidän pitäisi ottaa lusikka nyt kauniiseen käteen? Koitatko sä tuhota mun hartauden näin alkumetreillä? Pitäiskö mun jättää apottikunta jonka just vasta aloitin? Hylätä valat? Mä tein ne jumalan katsoessa päältä; minne mä pakenen sen vihaa jos mä rikon ne? Anna mun hakea helpompaa oloa työhommista, vaik se onkin vaikeaa. Multa kuluu kokonaisia päiviä ja öitä täällä luostarissa ilman silmän täyttä. Mun rakkaus palaa vaan kuumemmin keskellä näitä huolettomia hessuja, ja mun sydäntä pistää sun surut ja mun omat. Vitsi mä menetin paljon ajatellen sun uskollisuutta! Mitä nautintoja jäikin kokematta! Mun ei pitäs tunnustaa tätä heikkoutta sulle; tiedän että teen siinä virheen. Jos mä voisin olla lujempi, saattaisin suututtaa sut muhun ja sun vihastus vois saada aikaan sen mihin sun tahdonvoima ei näytä riittävän. Mä julkaisin mun heikkouteni maailmalle rakkauslauluissa ja värssyissä, eikö tän rakennuksen pimeät sellit vois peittää saman heikkouden ees vähän? Mut ei! Mä oon yhä sama! Tai jos vältänkin mä pahimman, en pysty hyvään. Velvollisuudentunto, järki ja säädyllisyys, jotka joskus on merkinneet mulle jotakin, on täällä hyödyttömiä. Kaikkien näiden äänten keskellä jotka käskee mun tehdä mitä pitää, mä kuulen ja tottelen vaan salaisen ja epätoivoisen tunteen ääntä. Nauttimatta yhtään hyveestä, välittämättä tilastani ja keskittymättä lukuihin, mä olen mielikuvituksessani koko ajan just siellä missä mun ei pitäis olla, enkä pysty oikaisemaan itseäni. Koko ajan panttaa vastakkain taipumus ja pakko. Olen sekopäinen rakastaja, meluan hiljaisuuden keskellä, olen levoton täällä rauhan sydämessä. Tää on niin vitun noloa!
ellauri012.html on line 307: Tyydy tähän näin komeeseen lopputulokseen; tee hyveestäsi malli miehille ja enkeleille. Ole nöyrä lastes edessä, laula ahkerasti kuorossa, pidä kova kuri, lue uutterasti; uhraa jopa vapaa-aika hyötyliikuntaan. Oletko sä saanut viran niin helpolla ettei sun tarvi nähdä yhtään vaivaa? Kun kerta annoit mun käyttää sua hyväksi ja opettaa sulle kiellettyjä juttuja, älä nyt vastusta näitä hyviä neuvoja jotka mulle inspiroi nyt armo ja uskonto. Mun on tunnustettava että tähän asti ajattelin olevani parempi naimisen opettajana kuin uskossa uimisen tai niiden asioiden puimisen. Mun hyvästä supliikista on ollut pelkkää harmia. Mun sydän, joka juopui hekkumasta, keksi vaan niitä sanoja, jotka sopi siihen tarkoitukseen. Syntisten kuppi kallistuu niin ihku makeasti, että meillä on luontojamme suurta taipumusta maistaa siitä, ei sitä tarvi kahdesti tarjota. Pyhimysten tuoppi taas on täynnä niin pahanmakuista juomaa, että yhtä luonnostaan sitä kammotaan. Ja sit sä ihmettelet miks mä pelkurina tarjoon sitä ensin sulle. Syytä vaan, olet oikeassa, enkä mä voi kyllin ihailla sua et sä menit siihen halpaan. Kanna siksi rohkeasti risti jonka otit niin visusti vastaan. Juo pyhimysten litran tuoppi pohjaan saakka, äläkä kato muhun päin, anna mun juosta sua pakoon noudattaen apostolin (ja sopuleita pakenevan Roope Ankan) käskyä: Karkuun!
ellauri012.html on line 321: Jos jumala puhuis sun sydämeen kuin nunnalle jonka viattomuus saa pyytämään jotain suosiota, mulla ois syytä lohtuun; mutta kun nään meidät molemmat rikollisen rakkauden uhreina, ja nään miten tää rakkaus loukkaa meidän vielä sileitä asepukuja ja lupauksia, se kauhistaa mua ihan sairaasti. Onko tää joku ehdonalainen? Vai krapulaa pitkästä maisen lemmen humalasta? Ei tiedä onko rakkaus myrkkyä ja huumausta ennenkuin saadaan armoa. Siihen saakka se on vain pahaa josta nautiskellaan. Kun ollaan erheessä, sen huomaaminen on eka askel parannukseen. Tiedetäänhän että jahve antaa meille anteeksi just siksi että ite loi meidät tälläsiksi paskoiksi. Kun se on osoittanut meille meidän mokan ja me ollaan voivoteltu sitä, se voi panna teräsvoimat liikkeelle ja auttaa meitä. Sun lohduksi voin kertoa et just näitä kiusauksia on kärsineet pyhimmistäkin pyhimmät pyhistelijät. Ollaan hyvässä seurassa.
ellauri012.html on line 324: Näin sun silmät, kun sanoit viimeisen kerran hyvästi, sul oli silmät ihan ristissä. Kesti yli puoli vuotta ennenkuin kirjoitit mulle, koko sinä aikana en saanut mitään messua. Ihailin tätä vaitioloa, en voinut sitä syyttää, mutten kyennyt samaan. Kirjoitin sulle, sä et vastannut: sun sydän oli kiinni, mutta nyt tää siipan puutarha on auki; jumala on vetänyt ulos ja jättänyt sut yksin. Se vaan testaa sua; pure hammasta ja koita imaista se takaisin. Me tarvitaan jahven apua jotta saadaan kettingit rikki, me ollaan liian kiintyneitä irrottaaksemme itse itsemme. Meidän hullutukset ulottuivat kaikkein pyhimpään; meidän lemmiskelyt oli valtakunnallinen skandaali. Niitä luetaan ja ihaillaan; siitä rakkaudesta kirjoitetaan vieläkin. Me ollaan lohdutuksena mokaileville nuorille tästä ikuisuuteen; ne jotka jää kiinni meidän jälkeen voi tuntea itsensä vähemmän syyllisiksi. Me ollaan rikollisia, jotka narahti tosi myöhään; ollaan rehellisiä! Korjataan siinä määrin kuin mahdollista tekemämme hairahdukset, Ranska joka todisti meidän munaukset hämmästyy kun sanomme: Sori siitä. Hämätään kaikkia jotka koittaa kopioida meitä; pelataan jahven jengissä itseämme vastaan, et vältetään sen tuomarointi. Meidän vanhat mokat vaatii sovitukseksensa kyyneleitä, häpeää ja surua. Tarjotaanpa näitä lääkkeitä siis sydämen pohjasta, punastutaan ja ulvotaan. Jos meidän sydämet ei ole alkuun ihan mukana, ainaskin voidaan ajatella et niiden pitäisi olla.
ellauri012.html on line 326: Vapaudu Heloise liian syvälle juurtuneen rakkauden häpeällisistä jämistä. Muista että nyt on aviorikos sun ajatella ketään muuta miestä kuin jeesusta (ja jehovaa, jos se nyt on eri äijä, tai edes mies. Pyhää henkeä ei kärsi mainita, siitähän ei saa heittää läppää, se on kuolemaksi.) Jos sä näkisit mut täällä näin laihana ja naama pitkänä, tunkeilevan munkkilauman keskellä, jotka pelkäävät mun oppinutta mainetta ja loukkaantuvat mun kaidasta lätystä, ihan kuin mä uhkaisin niitä uskonpuhdistuksella, mitä sanoisit mun alhaisista huokailuista ja hyödyttömistä kyynelistä jotka harhauttaa näitä herkkäuskoisia miehiä? Voi voi. Mua nöyryyttää rakkaus, eikä ristin sellainen. Sääli mua ja riistäydy vapaaksi. Jos sun kutsumus on mun ansiota, älä sit kiusaa mua jatkuvilla epäilyksillä. Lupaa että olet uskollien asulle joka peittää sut. Pelkää jumalaa jotta se vapauttaa sut pelosta, rakasta sitä että pääset etiäppäin hyveessä. Älä pitkästy luostarissa, sillä se on paikka pyhimyksille. Halaa tyhjää, tyhjät kädet on jeesus-lasso, se kyllä halaa takaisin jos nöyristelet sille.
ellauri012.html on line 373: Oliko sulla mitään syytä kiittää mua? Kiitoksesta on usein haittaa niille joita kiitetään: salainen turhamaisuus syttyy sydämeen, sokeuttaa, ja peittää haavat jotka oli vasta puoliksi parantuneet. Viettelijä imartelee, ja samalla pilaa ihmisen. Rehellinen ystävä ei salaa mitään, eikä silittele haavaa, oikeestaan saa tuntumaan sen kipeemmältä, koska laittaa lääkettä. Mikset sä menettele näin mun kaa? Haluutko olla halpa vaarallinen liehittelijä? tai jos sä näät mussa jotain kehuttavaa, etkö pelkää, että turhamaisuus, joka vaivaa jokaista ainakin meistä naisista, pian tuhoo sen? Mut ei tuomita hyvettä ulkopuolelta, sillä muuten rikolliset kelpaa yhtä hyvin kuin herran valitut. Ovela huijari voi saada enemmän ihailua osakseen kuin intoileva pyhimys. Touché, osui ja upposi, vai mitä Abelard?
ellauri012.html on line 400: On se nyt häpeä ettei filosofi voi sulattaa mikä oisi voinut sattua kelle vaan. Kato musta esimerkkiä; mä sain syntyessäni kovat halut, mä joudun päivittäin taistelemaan tunteiden kanssa, ja iloitsen kun saan ne järjen hallintaan. Miten tälläinen heikko luonne joutuu vahvistamaan vahvempaansa? Mut nyt mä meen liian pitkälle. Näinkö mä kirjoitan mun kultu Abelardille? Sille joka noudattaa kaikkia saarnaamiaan hyveitä? Jos valitat onnen arvasta, se ei ole niinkään että tunnet sen iskut, vaan koitat osoittaa vihollisilles kuinka moitittavia ne on kun ne satutti sua. Jätä ne rauhaan Abelard, anna niiden kiehua omassa liemessään, jatka sä sun yleisöjen hurmaamista. Löydä ne sivistyksen aarteet jotka taivas näyttää varanneen vaan sulle; sun viholliset jotka sä häikäiset sun järkeilyllä tulee lopulta kyllä järkiinsä. Voi että sä olisit onnellinen jos saisit koko maailman vakuutetuksi sun oikeassa olosta, niinkun mä jo oon. Kaikki myöntää sun fiksuuden; sun pahimmat vastustajatkin tunnustaa, että sä tiedät kaiken mikä on inhimillisesti tiedettävissä.
ellauri012.html on line 406: Olisin halunnut lopettaa tän kirjeen kertomatta mitä täällä tapahtui pari päivää sitten. Nuori nunna joka oli pakotettu luostariin ilman kutsumusta siihen karkasi jollain ilveellä, en tiedä miten, ja pakeni Englantiin yhden herrasmiehen mukana. Olen käskenyt koko talon salata tän jutun. Voi Abelard! Jos sä olisit täällä näitä juttuja ei tapahtuisi, sillä kaikki siskot jotka hurmaantuis sut nähdessään ja kuullessaan, eivät ajattelisi kahdesti vaan noudattaisivat sun sääntöjä ja ohjeita. Se noviisi ei olisi ikinä tehnyt noin rikollista suunnitelmaa kuin rikkoa valansa, jos sä olisit ollut täällä kehottamassa kuuliaisuuteen. Jos sun silmät vahtis meitä, kaikki olis viattomia. Kun me liukastutaan sä nostaisit meidät pystyyn ja tukisit neuvoillas; me marssittaisiin varmajalkaisina lampaina hyveen kaitaa tietä. Alan huomata että musta on ihan liian hauskaa kirjoittaa sulle; mun pitäis polttaa tämäkin kirje. Siitä näkee että mulla on vielä ihan liikaa tunteita sua kohtaan, vaikka yritin aluksi vakuuttaa sut ettei niin ole laita. Mä tunnen joskus armon, joskus himon laineita, ja vuorotellen annan periksi kummallekin. Sääli mua Abelard, ja tilaa johon sä olet mut saattanut, ja tee mun viime päivistä tääällä yhtä levollisia kuin ne ensimmäiset oli ahdistuneita.
ellauri012.html on line 426: Yritä siis edes katkoa noi häpeän kettingit jotka pitää sut kiinni lihassa, ja jos insh´allah sulle käy niin hyvin että pystyt siihen, pyydän sua muistamaan mua rukouksissa. Koita kaikin voimin olla taivaan mallikansalainen; se on vaikeaa, sen myönnän, muttei mahdotonta, ja mä uskon sun voittoon koska sä oot niin oppivainen. Jos ekat yritykset lässähtää, elä hellitä, se olisi pelkuruutta; sitä paitsi muista että sun pitää tosissaan pinnistää, sillä sulla on vastassa tosi paha vihollinen, koitat sammuttaa metsäpaloa, kesyttää sun rakkaimmat tunteet. Sun pitää taistella sun omia haluja vastaan, ettei sun mätä luonne paina sua alaspäin. Sulla on ovela vastustaja, joka käyttää kaikki keinot sun viettelyyn; ole aina valppaana. Niin kauan kuin me eletään, meitä kiusataan; siks yks Jansson niminen iso pyhimys kai sanoikin: ihmisen elämä on yhtä kiusausta: piru, joka hain lailla ei nuku koskaan, vaan ui koko ajan meidän keskessä yllättääkseen meidät joltain suunnalta, päästäkseen meidän sisään ja tuhotakseen meidät sisältäkäsin. (Siis vähän niinkuin mä tein sulle.)
ellauri012.html on line 432: Läpytätkö nyt Heloise mun idealle et sä lähtisit pyhimysten kelkkaan? Saaks sä mun sanoista mitään iloa katumisen harjoituksiin? Eiks sua kaduta sun sekolut, etkö sä haluisi kuin kristuksen huora pestä sun pelastajan jalat kyynelilä? Jos sulla ei ole vielä näitä palavia toiveita, rukoile et sä saisit ne. Mä en koskaan lakkaa suosittamasta sua johtoportaalle mun rukoksissa, ja pyydän herroja auttamaan sua sun suunnitelmassa kuolla pyhänä (jos hyvin käy jo ensi pyhänä). Sä oot sanonut heido maailmalle, ja mikä sua enää pitäisikään siellä? Nosta katse aina tonne ylöspäin siihen jolle olet pantannut elämäsi. Elämä täällä murheen laaksossa on paskamaista; ihan nää elämän välttämättömyydet kuten kusella käynti on tuskaisaa vammaiselle pyhimykselle. Loordi, sanoi kuninkaallinenkin profeetta, siis ennustajakunkku, vapauta mut välttämättömyyksistä. Monet on ressuja jotka ei edes tiedä sitä; ja silti ne on vielä ressukampia jotka tietää kurjuutensa eivätkä silti voi vihata tätä menoa. Ihmiset on hulluja kun ne paneutuu maallisiin asioihin! Ne kyllä sit huomaa virheensä kun on liian myöhäistä. Tosi pyhimykset ei erehdy silleen; ne vapautuu aistinautinnoista ja himoitsee vaan ylös taivaaseen.
ellauri012.html on line 438: Pyhimyksen kuolema, sanoo profeetta, on jumalasta mukavaa. Eikä ole vaikea nähdä miksi niiden kuolema on siitä mukavampaa kuin syntisten. Mulla on kolme pointtia mitä profeetta ehkä tällä tarkoitti. Ekakskin, koska ne alistuu sen tahtoon; toiseks, koska ne voi jatkaa hyvää työtä siellä ylhäällä, ja kolmanneksi, koska ne pärjää pirulle.
ellauri012.html on line 440: Pyhimys joka on tottunut kumartamaan jumalalle kuolee ihan mielellään. Se odottaa iloisena (sanoo Tri Gregorios) tuomaria, joka varmasti antaa sille hyvät pisteet. Sitä ei pelota jättää tää kurja loukko ja mennä salin puolelle. Toisin on syntisellä, sanoo sama kirkkoiskä, se pelkää, ja syystä, se kauhistuu jo ekaa taudin oiretta; kuolema on sille kamalaa koska se pelkää pahan tuomitsijan tuloa; ja koska se on niin usein murjonut teidän armoanne, ei se nää mitään ulospääsyä kostotoimista.
ellauri012.html on line 442: Pyhimyksillä on myös tää etu syntisäkkeihin verrattuna, että koska ne on tutustuneet sääntöihin jo elinaikana ja tehneet mielikuvaharjoituksia, niillä on habaa millä päihittää piru, ja sitten kun tulee aika kuolla, ne helposti voittaa pääsylipun ikuisuuteen, pääsee siunattuun lopulliseen yhdyntään luojansa kanssa.
ellauri012.html on line 444: Toivon tosiaan Heloise, että kun olet kyllin pahoitellut aiemman elämäsi väärinkäytöksiä, sä kuolet oikeen miellyttävän vanhurskaan kuoleman. Aah, onneks meitä on vähän jotka päästään siihen! Ja miksi? Koska on niin vähän niitä jotka rakastaa ristuksen ristiä. Kaikki haluis pelastua, mut harvat viitsii nähdä riittävästi vaivaa. Vaikka me voidaan pelastua ihan vaan ristin avulla, miks ihmeessä kieltäytyä kantamasta sitä vähän matkaa? Kantohan pelastajakin sitä jonkun matkaa (vaikka sitäkin kyllä autettiin, ei se ollut mikään muskelimasa itsekään), se kuoli meidän puolesta (no, kyllähän mekin vielä kuollaan, mut se on eri asia), niin miksei mekin kanneta sitä ja haluta kuolla? (Ei jessekään nyt varsinaisesti iloiselta vaikuttanut ennen kuolemaansa, vaikka lopuksi sille kävikin paremmin kuin hyvin.) Kaikilla pyhimyksillä on ollut kurjaa, ja pelastusmiehelläkin oli jotain kurjuutta enimmän aikaa (paitsi ehkä Kaanaan häissä, ja muutamissa muissa bileissä, Magdaleenan seurassa). Älä siis luule pääseväsi liian helpolla. Risti, Heloise hyvä, on aina käsillä, älä marise vaan ota se vastaan iloisella naamalla, muuten se tuntuu painavalta eikä siitä ole sulle vastaavaa hyötyä. Mut jos sä kannat sitä reippaasti vaikka tiukka mutru huulessa, niin näistä kärsimyksistä kasvaa luottamusta, josta löydät lohtua. Kuuleppas mitä sanoo pelastusmies: lapsi, kiellä itsesi, älä mua, ota ristisi ja tule perässä. Äh Heloise, mitä epäilet? Eiks tää kuulosta susta hyvältä diililtä? Eiks näin ystävällinen tarjous vakuuta sua? Varo Heloise, ettes torju tätä toista puolisoa joka vaatii sua, se on pelottavampi kuin mäkään olin. Jos se suuttuu suhun ja sun kiittämättömyyteen, sen rakkaus muuttuu kiukuksi ja se kostaa sulle. Miten sä kestät sitten sen tuomiota lautakunnan edessä? Se syyttää sua sen armon halveksunnasta, ja näyttää sulle omat haavansa. Mitäs siihen sanot? Se on sitten leppymätön, se sanoo sulle: mene ylpistelijä, ja pala ikuisessa hellassa. Mä eristin sut maailmasta, virutin sut yksinäisyydessä ja sä et äänestänyt mun suunnitelman mukaan. Mä koitin parhaani pelastaakseni sut, mut sä vaan itsepäisesti munasit itsesi, antaa vetää sitten vaan tonne vasemmalle vuohten joukkoon.
ellauri014.html on line 38: Richardsonilla oli jo kuudes vuosikymmen alulla, kun se alko kirjoittaa Pamelaa. Sen onnellinen aatos oli antaa joillekin kirjeille syvempää inhimillistä mielenkiintoa lisäämällä juoni ja opettavainen moraali. Koko rupeama otti kolme kuukautta. Aika rivakkaa. Nimeltänsä Samuli, maalaispuusepän poika kyläkoulun tiedoilla, vähän niinkuin kaimansa nilkki. Sävyisä ja hempeä, poikasena leikki tytöillä. Porvaristui kirjanpainajana ja rikastui omakustanteisilla bestsellereillä keski-iässä. Ei tullut hylkyjä, kustantaja tykkäsi.
ellauri014.html on line 93: Sitä olisi kiva verrata sen tämän päivän lähimpään vastineeseen, nimittäin Sophie Kinsellan sarjaan Himoshoppaaja. Jos jaxan lukea ne molemmat.
ellauri014.html on line 213: Diderot later described Rousseau as being "false, vain as Satan, ungrateful, cruel, hypocritical, and wicked... He sucked ideas from me, used them himself, and then affected to despise me".
ellauri014.html on line 411: Tää on onnettomien rakkaustarinoitten bottom line. Tästä oli kyse jo Aatamin ja Eevan kohdalla. Mut Juulia on nykyaikainen pien sijoittaja, se panee monta munaa samaan koriin, pelaa useemmassa automaatissa pienillä panoksilla. Saa sotavanhuxelta meemit, rotinkaisen geenit. Kolmin aina kaunihimpi. Sen salkussa on tilaa, lomssaan mahtuu paalua. Esi-isämme Kalle-Kustaa X kokeili samaa, mutatis mutandis. Hyvillä tuloksilla :).
ellauri014.html on line 448: Julle pelastaa kotiopen pepun pyytämällä proto-Byronilta sille armoa, minkä tämä mielellään Juulialle antaakin, oliskohan soveliaat vastalahjat mielessä. Sapeliveikot taputtelee toisiansa selkään ja jatkaa ryyppyjuhlia. Julkku vihjaa Pröölle ohimennen et siitä saattaa tulla iskä. Hole in one.
ellauri014.html on line 488: Kinsellan rikas vanhempi mies oli kiltti, vähän liiankin, ei pannut kampoihin paskamaiselle anopille. Jätti himoshoppaajan itse kaikki tekemään. Varo sitä! Muista katsastaa lähisuku huolella! Muuten voi miniän liian pienet korvat kaataa koko homman.
ellauri014.html on line 518: A cartoon depicting Rousseau as a Savage Man, a Yahoo, caught in the woods was more to Hume's taste. He described it to her with relish. "I am represented as a farmer, who caresses him and offers him some oats to eat, which he refuses in a rage; Voltaire and D'Alembert are whipping him up behind; and Horace Walpole making him horns of papier maché. The idea is not altogether absurd." (Edmonds/Eidinow, Enlightened enemies, the Guardian 2007)
ellauri014.html on line 661: Varmaan niitä paljonpuhuttuja lähimmäisiä, sillä elukoita saa tappaa vapaasti ja syödäkin (eräin poikkeuxin, kuten sika, rapu ja mökkinaapuri).
ellauri014.html on line 759: Wolmar on nyt perillä Tedin käynnistä Jullen kaikkein pyhimmässä. Se ei ole olevinaan moxiskaan, sehän on fiktiivinen henkilö. Pröö (nyt taas tällä nimellä) kuzutaan Wolmarien luo vieraisille. Se jännittää ihan hirveesti, mut hyvinhän se menee, kaikki on tosi joviaaleja. Se saa huoneen ihan Mme Wolmarin seinänaapurina. Julle on vähän pulskempi muttei juuri rumempi, eikä isorokkokaan näy niin et sen huomais, paitsi ihan läheltä.
ellauri014.html on line 972: Wollen poissa ollessa Julle käyttää uskoa myös ehkäisynä, siveysvyönä estämässä Pröötä työntymästä liian perälle. Täynnä/fullsatt, sanoo taivaan valo oven päällä, pyhä tamponi on jo ylösottanut kaikkein pyhimmän.
ellauri014.html on line 1557: ... But more importantly, these surroundings put Marino in direct contact with the natural philosophy of Della Porta and the philosophical systems of Giordano Bruno and Tommaso Campanella. While Campanella himself was to oppose "Marinism" (though not attacking it directly), this common speculative background should be borne in mind with its important pantheistic (and thus neo-pagan and heterodox) implications, to which Marino would remain true all his life and exploit in his poetry, obtaining great success amongst some of the most conformist thinkers on the one hand while encountering continual difficulties because of the intellectual content of his work on the other.
ellauri014.html on line 1569: The Cambridge History of Italian Literature thought him to be "one of the greatest Italian poets of all time". He is considered the founder of the school of Marinism, later known as Secentismo (17th century) or Marinismo (19th century), characterised by its use of extravagant and excessive conceits.[2] Marino´s conception of poetry, which exaggerated the artificiality of Mannerism, was based on an extensive use of antithesis and a whole range of wordplay, on lavish descriptions and a sensuous musicality of the verse, and enjoyed immense success in his time, comparable to that of Petrarch before him.
ellauri014.html on line 1607: Marino originated a new, "soft, graceful and attractive" style for a new public, distancing himself from Torquato Tasso and Renaissance Petrarchism as well as any kind of Aristotelian rule.
ellauri014.html on line 1626:

Täähän himskatti (forgive my French), kuulostaa vähän mun tuotannolta! Mäkin "lainaan" muilta aika röyhkeästi, yrittämättä varsinaisesti peitellä jälkiäni. "Kiva juju" siinä on just, että voi tunnistaa klisheitä uusista asennoista.
ellauri014.html on line 1797:

To him who in the love of Nature holds

ellauri014.html on line 1877: About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.
ellauri014.html on line 1902: Ja kaiken inhimillisen menetettyäsi, antaen
ellauri015.html on line 695: Un célèbre Académicien a déjà tenté cette expérience , & j'ai lieu de croire que la répétant & opérant avec tout le soin qu'elle exige, nos résultats seront à-peu-près les mêmes. — (Résultat des Expériences & Observations de MM. De Ch… & Cl… sur l'Acier fondu, dans le Journal de physique, de chimie, d'histoire naturelle et des arts, juillet 1788, , vol.33, p.46)
ellauri015.html on line 833: Nää jätkät ei ymmärrä filosofiasta enempää kuin lehmä lehmihaan veräjästä, ei se avaudu vaikka kuinka nytkyttää. Ohimennen sohastaan sentään nimettömästi pian eläköityvää Eskiä. Hyödyttömällä sveiziläisellä pikkutohtorin jatkotutkinnolla pärjäilevä izetyöllistyvä pienyrittäjä ja sen ylioppilaaxi jäänyt mainosmies, arvoton kuin vanha Snelmanni, on nähtävästi kateita, et Eski kerää soveltavalla filosofialla päivässä enemmän massia kuin nää kuikat on edes nähneet kerralla.
ellauri015.html on line 980: Wilfrid oli brittipiispa, haukuttu tekopyhimykseksi.

ellauri015.html on line 1182:
Lemmikki Louhimies

ellauri015.html on line 1184: Lemmikki Louhimies (ent. Becker, ent. Nenonen, nyk. (Viena-)Lemmikki Valkeameri, o.s. Louhimies, s. 8. elokuuta 1943) on entinen suomalainen televisio- ja mainoselokuvaohjaaja, nykyään taidemaalari ja kirjailija. Hän on koulutukseltaan taiteen maisteri ja yhteiskuntatieteitten lisensiaatti. Hän toimi Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulussa viestinnän yliopettajana vuoteen 2003 asti.
ellauri015.html on line 1186: Lemmikki Louhimies on palkittu monista mainos- ja lyhytelokuvistaan ja ollut toimittaja-ohjaajana MTV:ssä. Hänellä on ollut oma yritys Visuelli Oy. Nimellä Lemmikki Becker hän käsikirjoitti ja juonsi arvausleikkiaiheista ohjelmaa Ariadnen lanka (MTV, 1991). Louhimies on toiminut harrastajamaalarien ohjaajana ja järjestänyt useita taidenäyttelyitä maalauksistaan. Lemmikki Louhimiehen lapsia ovat Aku ja Liina Louhimies. Vakavaan, isänmaalliseen ja autoritääriseen ohjaajaan, naisten ahdistelijaan, Lemmikki Louhimiehen kuuluisaan poikaan Aku Louhimieheen on hyvä lopettaa tämä sikermä, joka alkoi Aku Ankasta.
ellauri016.html on line 144: And do you tell him about your holding on with your knee and god

ellauri016.html on line 776: Nick Drake received little critical success during his lifetime, but has since been widely acclaimed. Based on professional rankings of his albums and songs, the aggregate website Acclaimed Music lists him as the 101st most acclaimed recording artist in history.
ellauri016.html on line 1060: Tarun mitalissa luki Labor omnia vincit. Oikeesti se kuuluis olla labor improbus omnia vincit. Kaiken voittaa oikeen törkee äherrys. Tai sit rikollinen sellainen. Tarulta ei jää mikään kesken. Se on himo hiihtäjä ja kirkkoveneilijä. 7v sitten se pysähty lenkillä tienristiin ja sano turvamiehelle: mä väittelen. Turvelo ei tohdi väittää vastaan, ihan sama mulle. Onhan sillä tv- ja nettifutis. Mut enää se ei anna vaimon pysähtyä lenkillä.
ellauri016.html on line 1167: sehän on valmistajan intressejä lähimpänä.
ellauri017.html on line 86: Lähimmän taajaman nimi oli Arshole. Jos oikein muistan. Eiku se oli Holstebro. Efektiivisesti sama.
ellauri017.html on line 201: number one, or number two? Should it be him, or me?

ellauri017.html on line 306: Kaxin aina kaunihimpi.

ellauri017.html on line 421: Sokea alue: himo.
ellauri017.html on line 723: Kai ne oli vaan kateita. Oma poika keulii, luulee olevansa jotakin. Ihan inhimillistä. Ei oo lukenut Janttelakia.
ellauri017.html on line 798: Haucku ne pataluhax ja toivottaa hut helewettijn. Ollaan hywiä lähimäisiä, lampaat harventaa jenkkiraketeilla susia, käy salamasotia. Näistä alueista jaxetaan käydä kärhämää. No onhan ne olleet hedelmällisimpiä maailman sivu, parhaita asua. Vaan ei enää, kiitos Fordin ja sen gangsterien. Vitun öljy. Ois saanut jäädä löytymättä.
ellauri017.html on line 1097: Piukat Paikat on Kaikkein Pyhimmässä, siis Isolla. Some like it hot, ja saavatkin, esim. P. Puovola, tuo kaifas, ja P. Tiainen, tuo vielä harhaoppisempi puutiainen.
ellauri018.html on line 544: Nyt tahdon kuvailla teille sen heittiön. Hän on leveäharteinen, lyhyenvanttera, pyylevä lihakas, kerrassaan ruma, jos mitään inhimillistä voi siksi nimittää; noin neljäkymmenvuotias. Hänellä on jyhkeät kädet, ja käsivarret ovat luullakseni yhtä tukevat kuin minun vyötäiseni. Nenä on lattea ja käpristynyt, kulmakarvat riippuvat silmien yli; hänellä on tosiaan tunnottoman sisukkaat harmaat mulkosilmät, ja kasvot ovat litteät ja leveät, väriltään kuin olisi niitä kuukausi säilytetty salpietarissa. Rohkenenpa sanoa, että hän juo. Hänellä on käheä miesmäinen ääni, ja hän on yhtä paksu kuin pitkäkin. Ja kuitenkin näyttää hän niin kamalan rotevalta, että pelkään hänen voivan tuossa tuokiossa paiskata minut jalkoihinsa, jos hänet suututtaisin. Näin ollen ja koska hänen sydämensä on rumempi kuin hänen kasvonsa, hän peloittaa minua kauheasti; ja varmaan olen hukassa, jollei jumala minua suojele; sillä hän on kovin, kovin häijy, on tosiaan.
ellauri018.html on line 663: Nyt on päivänselvää, ettei tää ole niinkään conduct book, kuin chick littiä! Selkeesti painii samassa sarjassa kuin Bridget Jones ja himoshoppaaja. Fixu, toimelias ja lannistumaton ja siitä huolimatta vielä reilu ja huumorintajuinen nainen panee päihin ihan vaan hyvällä nipulle kierohkoja ihmisiä, miehiä ja naisia, pyörittää niitä mielensä mukaan kuin naru-ukkoja.
ellauri018.html on line 709: Koraani oli kirjana julkaistu 800-luvun alussa, mutta se on vaan Muhammed-meemien jäävuoren huippu. Koraanin ohella sharian toisena lähteenä oleva hadith-kirjallisuus sisältää Muhammedin elämäntapaa koskevia lyhyitä lausumia. Esimerkiksi Sahih al-Bukharin 2. kirjan 5. hadith kuuluu: Anas kertoi: Profeetta sanoi 'Kenelläkään teistä ei ole uskoa ennen kuin hän toivoo muslimiveljelleen samaa kuin itselleen'. Sisarista ei ole mainintaa. Vääräuskoisista dhimwiteistä tosi vähän väliä.
ellauri018.html on line 717: Sunnalaiset hyväxyy vaan Muhammedin teot esikuvaxi, shiialaiset myös myöhempiä paaveja. 14 erehtymätöntä on shialaisten pyhimyxiä. Muhammedin ja sen tyttären Fatima Zahran lisäxi sen vävy, serkku ja seuraaja Ali (kuvassa) ja 11 muuta lähisukulaista imaamia. Ne ois voinu tehä syntiä mut kiitos Allahin ne ei viittineet. Ne on tosi kunnollisia koko konkkaronkka. Ne hakkaa koko muun luomakunnan siinä, tuumii shiiat. Mahometilla oli kolme poikaa ja neljä tytärtä 13 vaimosta, ei paljon. Mitä se oikein nykräsi? Pojat kuoli pieninä, Fatima sai jatkaa sukua Ali-serkun vaimona. Löiköhän se sitä? Shiiat on niinku katolisia ja sunnit protestantteja. Arabia ja kaksoisvirran maa on sunneja ja Persia on shiioja. Miks niin? Olix ne 11 muuta pyhimystä sieltä päin? Näin se meni:
ellauri018.html on line 721: 656: Ali becomes the fourth caliph after his predecessor is assassinated. Some among the Muslims rebel against him.
ellauri018.html on line 727: 873: The 11th Shiite Imam dies. No one succeeds him.
ellauri018.html on line 742: Allah ei lupaa ihmisille mitään, paizi uskottomille isoja ikävyyxiä. Palatte helvetissä, koirat! Koraanissa on siitä verenhimoisia ilmestyxiä. Niiden kohdalla mahometti ihan virkistyy, muuten Koraani on aika puisevaa vanhan testamentin lämmittelyä. Kuin Olavi selittämässä helluntaiystävien pyhäkoulun rainoja.
ellauri018.html on line 1014: Lähimmäksi Koraani pääsee huntupakkoa Valon suurassa sekä Ryhmien suurassa:
ellauri018.html on line 1074: Islamilainen valtio ei ole demokratia, vaan jotain aivan muuta. Kansalaiset eivät liioin ole oikeudellisesti tasa-arvoisia, vaan laki suosii muslimeja ja syrjii dhimmejä tavoilla, jotka on kirjattu muun muassa Umarin sopimukseen.
ellauri018.html on line 1080: Jutkuille jäi listimällä jalostetun diasporaväen eriseurainen GT versio. Kristinusko on imperialistinen, sitten kolonialistinen, nyt globalistinen suurhuijaus. Kaikki ovat lähimmäisiä. Niin alkaa ollakin, kun lisäännytään ja täytetään tää maa, niin ettei kohta mahdu seisomaan. Valize siitä. Mun valinta on tiedossa: haistakaa paska koko torvisoittokunta.
ellauri018.html on line 1126: Tarkotushakusesti muistetaan mikä kulloinkin näyttää tärkeältä, revitään valokuvia tai silitellään niitä kuin Leocadia tai ohimoon lasautettu Amaro. Kirjotetaan historiaa uudestaan ja uudestaan. Juhlat ja kuvat jatkaa sitä. Näihin kuviin, näihin tunnelmiin. Muu haihtuu välistä, kun ei tullut otetuxi kuvia.
ellauri019.html on line 28: Täällä Marja Syrtti, Helsingin kasarmintori. Tänään on suuri päivä Suomen ja länsiliittoutuneiden maanpuolustushenkiselle väestölle, kun sarjakuvalehti Korkeajännitys on juhlnut 50-vuotisjuhlaansa näyttävin menoin ja ohimarssein puolustusvoimain komentajan, amiraali Kaskealan sinivalkoisten silmien alla. Paraatiin ovat osallistuneet kaikki Korkkarissa vuosien varrella maalla merellä ja ilmassa seikkailleet joukko-osastot. Paraatissa nähtiin divisioonittain urheita brittisotilaita Euroopan rintamilta, Sahaan taistelukentiltä ja Kauko-Idän kuolemanloukuista. Korkkarin 50-v päivän näyttävintä antia olivat brittien voittamattoman laivaston ja kuninkaallisten ilmavoimien ylilennot, puhumattakaan urheista norjalaisista vastarintamiehistä ja nazisioista kello kahdessa. Eli täällä kasarmitorilla on nautittu miehisen ystävyyden kukoistuxesta (c) E.Saarinen, ja mustavalkoisesta maailmankuvasta värikkäissä kansissa.
ellauri019.html on line 38: "I'd like to discuss slavery with you," says a cowboy, holding a gun to the head of a black man who's carrying him piggyback, "but it's a complex issue."
ellauri019.html on line 222: Kerrotaan Jeremian väsänneen nää valituxet Ankkalinna-Hanhivaara tien alikulkutunnelissa. Ei nähtävästi uskaltanut jättää niitä maistraattiin. Kirja kuuluu vanhempaan kaxoisvirran maan kaupunkivalitusten genreen, johon kuuluvista teoksista Ur-valitus on vanhimpia ja tunnetuimpia. Ei siis jeremian jeremiadi, vaan sumerilaisten.
ellauri019.html on line 266: Ruhtinat he owat hirttänet ja wanhimbita ei he cunnioittanet. Nuorucaisten piti jauhaman ja piscuisten puita candaisans piti combastuman. Zionin wuorikin nijn häwitetty on että ketut hänes juoxendelewat.
ellauri019.html on line 377: Niiden jeremiaadi on asiallisesti aika sama kuin juutalaisilla, mut siitä puuttuu seemiläinen elämöinti, ählämöinti, itsetärkeys ja kostonhimo. Niiden jumalat nyt vaan päättää menetellä näin. Ei savesta leivotuilla savikukoilla ole siinä mitään jakoa. Ei se ole niiden syy, muttei niiden asiakaan valittaa. Se nyt vaan kävi näin, sori siitä, tai ei oikeastaan sorikaan. Gods don't apologize for the inconvenience. Korkein oikeus on evännyt valitusoikeuden, huumepoliisin linnareissu pysyy.
ellauri019.html on line 468: Kaldean Ur mainitaan raamatussa juutalaisten ja arabien alkukotina, patriarkka Aaprahammi syntyi siellä. Ibrahimin esikoinen oli Ishmael, Moby Duckin vihamies, arabien juurikas, ja sen velipuolen pojan Iisakin poika Jaakoppi sai lisänimen Israel. Nää israelilaiset asui osassa Kanaanin niemimaata ensin telttakansana, sitten heimokunkkuina joskus 1500-600 eKr. Näiltä ajoilta on vanhan testamentin turinat. Ei ne vanhan liiton jutkut oikeen päässy vauhtiin ennen rautakauden alkua. Ristiinnaulizemiseenkin tarttee rautanauloja. Ellei käytä köyttä (ks. kuva). No risti oli kyllä roomalaisten keksintö.
ellauri019.html on line 470: Kaldealaiset asettu Urin tienoille joskus 850 eKr, mutta ei niistä tullut Babylonin kunkkuja ennenkuin vähäx aikaa 700-luvulla, eli paljon myöhemmin kuin Ibrahim, jonka piti olla siellä joskus 1500 tienoilla. Ks Genesis 11:28, 11:31, ja 15:7. Juhlakirja (Riemuvuosien kirja siis) sanoo että Ur perustettiin noin vuonna 1700 maailman luomisen jälkeen. Perustaja oli Ur, Kesedin poika, Arphaxadin porukoita ellei juhlakirja erehdy.
ellauri019.html on line 527: Luvattu maa (eli Palestiina tai sinnepäin) tuli Genesiksen mukaan jahvelta luvattua irakilaiselle Ibrahimille, ja siks se läksi kotikaupungista Urista vähitellen yhä lännemmäksi. No tää on varmasti jälkikäteen selittelyä. Irakilaisia itänaapureita ehkä vaan tuli Siioniin (Urushalemin seudulle) ja hätyytti sinne asettuneet karvakädet vähitellen pois. Jos edes niinkään, jotkut on sitä mieltä ettei mitään muuttoretkeä koskaan tehtykään. Mooses ja Joosua olis pelkkää satua.
ellauri019.html on line 633: Täältä kaikenlaisten nykymaailman lihallisten himojen keskeltä ei tule enää mieleen kuin porttoteoria. Kun hyväksyt tämän, hyväksyt pian seuraavan jne. Lopulta hyväksymme lastemme raiskaamisen ja eläinten hyväksikäytön. Kaikki on kiinni siitä, kuinka kauan vaatimukset ja yleinen tahtomme kestää taivuttaa meidät saatanan lopulliseksi orjaksi himojemme valtaan. Älkää ihmeessä luulko että homous ja lesbous on luonnollista! ÄLKÄÄ SAATANA HERRAMME JEESUKSEN NIMESSÄ LUULKO NIIN. Te ihmiset löydätte itsenne helvetin tulesta lopulta, jos niin luulette. Katso itse: Kehotetaan uusiin avioliittoihin, homosuhteisiin ja himoihin lihottaa nainen yms.
ellauri019.html on line 650: Lueskelin aikani kuluksi erästä jenkkisivua, missä pohdittiin joulupukin olemassaoloa. Joulupukin englanninkielinen nimihän on santa, kun muuttaa kirjaimien järjestystä saa sanan satan. Onko joulupukki saatanan ovela suunnitelma vääristää joulun sanoma? Joulupukki kaiken lisäksi tulee yllättäen… varkain ja tuo "yllätyslahjoja". Hän on myös odotettu ja kaivattu vieras! Vanhemmat valehtelevat lapsilleen että joulupukki on olemassa ja tuo lahjoja kilteille lapsille. Kun lapset kasvavat, he tajuavat karun totuuden… kaikki oli valhetta! Joulupukki yhdistetään jouluun ja kenen syntymää juhlimmekaan jouluna!? Pettyneet lapset ajattelevat, että kaikki joulussa oli valhetta, tätä kautta myös sanoma Jeesuksesta himmenee! Ei huono taktiikka saatanalla, täytyy sanoa!
ellauri019.html on line 1026: The Lega Serie A announced its series of anti-racism initiatives, including a representative from every team and a controversial choice of art works. The presentation had as its centre-piece three pieces from internationally renowned artist Simone Fugazzotto, who uses chimps and apes in motifs throughout all of his paintings.
ellauri019.html on line 1048: They are chimpanzees, not monkeys. Damn racists. More monkey business every day. Trust us apes.
ellauri020.html on line 208: Katrinka pitää setämiehistä. Sen panee paxuxi sama nallemainen ohjaajasetä joka filmasi sitä pikkutyttönä. Se on tarpeexi vanha ollaxeen Katrinkan isä, siis just sopiva sen lapsen isäxi. Mirek ohjaa siittimensä sen sisään. Pääsee ekana maaliin sen pörröiseen kaikkein pyhimpään. Sujahtaa viimeisten porttilippujen välistä, sauva pystyssä, suxi luistaa hyvin, lumi pöllyää, kansa hurraa kotikazomoissa.
ellauri020.html on line 301: Ivana, a Czeck immigrant, met Donald Trump in 1976 while attending a fashion show in New York, according to the New York Post. By the next year, the couple had married, and in short order had had three kids and became steady figures in the New York socialite scene. Trump had been at the bar in Maxwell’s Plum. Maxwell’s Plum is gone now, but the very name evokes the era of frantic singles underneath the Art Nouveau ceiling. It was the place where flight attendants hoped to find bankers, and models looked for dates. Donald met his model, Ivana Zelnickova, visiting from Montreal. She liked to tell the story of how she had gone skiing with Donald, pretending to be a learner like him, and then humiliated him by whizzing past him down the slopes.
ellauri020.html on line 364: Palm Beach had been Ivana Trump’s idea. Long ago, Donald had screamed at her, “I want nothing social that you aspire to. If that is what makes you happy, get another husband!” But she had no intention of doing that, for Ivana, like Donald, was living out a fantasy. She had seen that in the Trump life everything and everybody appeared to come with a price, or a marker for future use. Ivana had learned to look through Donald with glazed eyes when he said to close friends, as he had in the early years of their marriage, “I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets?” She had gotten out of Eastern Europe by being tough and highly disciplined, and she had compounded her skills through her husband, the master manipulator. She had learned the lingua franca in a world where everyone seemed to be using everyone else in a relentless drive for power. How was she to know that there was another way to live? Besides, she often told her friends, however cruel Donald could be, she was very much in love with him.
ellauri020.html on line 391: Trump spoke in a hypnotic, unending torrent of words. Often he appeared to free-associate. He referred to himself in the third person: “Trump says. . . Trump believes.” His phrases skibbled around and doubled back on themselves like fireworks in a summer sky. He reminded me of a carnival barker trying to fill his tent. “I’m more popular now than I was two months ago. There are two publics as far as I’m concerned. The real public and then there’s the New York society horseshit. The real public has always liked Donald Trump. The real public feels that Donald Trump is going through Trump-bashing. When I go out now, forget about it. I’m mobbed. It’s bedlam,” Trump told me. Donald is a believer in the big-lie theory,” his lawyer had told me. “If you say something again and again, people will believe you.” “One of my lawyers said that?” Trump said when I asked him about it. “I think if one of my lawyers said that, I’d like to know who it is, because I’d fire his ass. I’d like to find out who the scumbag is!”
ellauri020.html on line 428: Näiden pullasorsien kauhein painajainen on, että paxu rahamassi exyy epähuomiossa väärälle keitaalle, kaivelee jonkun solakamman pikkumustan etumustaa, takamustakin jos oikein ohrasesti käy. Daisyn vaisu Elliott läxi juuri sillä lailla laukalle, aisoissa monen kuulummankin ohjastajan, mm. prinssi Andrewin ja Rod Stewart-vainajan läpirazastama ravikuningatar, pornoleffan tähtönen, pien sokerpala vain. Sokru on Elliottille kuin nuoruudenlähde, ikämiehen veteraanipippeli herää takas aktiivipalveluxeen Sokrun taikakosketuxesta. Ainaskin ajoittain."Sori siitä Daisy, but I love her, and I want to marry her." Kolme kertaa ympäri ja "eroan sinusta". Rikkaat naiset on muslimien veneessä. Somalinaisetkin pahexuvat moniavioisuutta. Mut menestyneen miehen on ihan pakko vaihtaa hevosta. Siitä just näkee miten menestynyt se on. Iines miettii ohimennen, mitä eroa on sillä, Santralla ja Sokrulla. Naah, ei muuta kun et ne on ne ja mä oon mä. Turha skizoilla.
ellauri020.html on line 443: Turner´s penchant for controversial statements earned him the nicknames "The Mouth of the South" and "Captain Outrageous". He was the largest private landowner in the United States until John C. Malone surpassed him in 2011. He uses much of his land for ranches to re-popularize bison meat (for his Ted´s Montana Grill chain), amassing the largest herd in the world. He also created the environmental-themed animated series Captain Planet and the Planeteers.
ellauri020.html on line 475: Lippispäiset jenkit on järkyttävän vulgäärejä moukkia, ja latinaa siteeraava Arthur Leech hemmetin ärsyttävä, olevinaan jotenkin parempaa väkeä, vaikka pennitön säälittävä köyhimys, Cleesen nettoarvo on vaivaiset 10M$. Täys pelle, toi summa ei ole vakava, ei edes mukava.
ellauri020.html on line 639: St Moritz. Aku pakoilee. Katrinka hiihtelee, voittaa ohimennen jotain pokaaleja. Turm oder Taxixen naamiaisissa Katrinka kiristää Mengeleltä oharit saaneen kiukkuisen Ewa Braunin avulla Mengeleä paljastamaan pikku-Mirekin olinpaikan. Partaweizi Hannu-serkku flirttailee ankarasti. Muistaa jopa Iinexen synttärin, toisin kuin Aku. Tuo suklaalaatikon ja ruusupuketin. Waikka kaikki tutut wanhenee ja rypistyy, tukkaan tulee harmaata, ne ei muutu ollenkaan. Niin kai se on, aina aikalaisten mielestä. Suurin hölmö on wanha hölmö.
ellauri020.html on line 871: vahingoittaa lähimmäistään, kauimmaisesta puhumattakaan. Kun yhdistää tän tarpeen

ellauri021.html on line 714: Think him dead as any stonus.[c]
ellauri021.html on line 739: Ne relinquit back behind him,
ellauri021.html on line 740: Et the pueri never find him.
ellauri021.html on line 901: Kun Lenski löysi evoluutiota kolibakteereista, Shitfly suuttui ja sulki apulaiset sikanautapediasta niskuroinnin vuoxi. Sikanautajengi kirjoittaa myös raamattua uudestaan, ne ei ole mitään fundamentalisteja. Ne poistaa sieltä vasemmistolaisia kohtia. Esim "synnitön heittäköön ensimmäisen kiven": saa syntisetkin huoripukin kivittää; "he eivät tiedä mitä tekevät": puppua, kyl ne tiesi, ei mitään sääliä. (Sama kostonhimoinen väännös löytyi Arska Kinnusen muistelmista.) Koomikko Colbert lisättiin epähuomiossa uuteen raamattuun pyhimyxenä.
ellauri021.html on line 987: Ne vanhoilliset, jotka luulee että on vielä mahdollista järkeillä vasemmiston kanssa ja lähteä niiden kaa reiluun poliittiseen väittelyyn, tarraavat häviävään strategiaan, valitettavasti. Meidän täytyy hyväxyä tosiasiat: vasemmisto on aikaa sitten hylännyt reilut pelisäännöt, jos niitä niillä koskaan olikaan; sensijaan ne toimivat vihan pullistamalla joukkomentaliteetilla, verenhimoisena vallanhalusta, ja ilman minkään maakunnan moraalisia rajoja. Me ei voida sulkea enää moraalisia silmiä julistamattomalta sisällissodalta, joka velloo poikki koko Amerikan mantereen. (Käännös Trumpin kannattajien sivustosta.)
ellauri022.html on line 351: And hunt him like a bear.
ellauri022.html on line 425:

The fable was well known in Ancient Greece; Athenaeus records that Hieronymus of Rhodes, in his Historical Notes, quoted an epigram of Sophocles against Euripides that parodied the story of Helios and Boreas.[2] It related how Sophocles had his cloak stolen by a boy to whom he had made love. Euripides joked that he had had that boy too, and it did not cost him anything. Sophocles´ reply satirises the adulteries of Euripides: "It was the Sun, and not a boy, whose heat stripped me naked; as for you, Euripides, when you were kissing someone else´s wife the North Wind screwed you. You are unwise, you who sow in another´s field, to accuse Eros of being a snatch-thief."
ellauri022.html on line 894: Rumin runot ei ole rumia vaan päinvastoin itämaisen sievisteleviä. Niillä on tämän päivän pakanalle vähänlaisesti annettavaa. Ne tuovat mieleen tunkkaiset tekosilkkikerrastot, halvat itämaiset helyt made in Taiwan, viehkot käsieleet ja epätarkat väripainokuvat idän pyhimyxistä. Epäamerikkalaista elehdintää. Miten tää voi olla USAn luetuinta runoutta? Ehkä punaniskat ei lue mitään runoja, ainoat mitkä lukevat on itämaiset matut. Tää on tähän asti paras (en tiedä mitä se meinaa, mutta onhan siinä tunnelmaa).
ellauri022.html on line 979: as the golden stream did spray splatter and spatter like a shower of shimmering light
ellauri023.html on line 81: Täähän on yxi vanhimpia tarinoita, suoraan Darwinin postillasta peräisin.

ellauri023.html on line 248: Kyllä jää sellanen vaikutelma, että näillä hihhuleilla on joku inhimillisyyden ruuvi löysällä. Ne on ihmismuurahaisia erityisen yksipuisessa ympäristössä. Ryömivät edestakaisin kahdesta laudasta yhteennaulatulla ristillä.
ellauri023.html on line 270: Jumala kosti vanhurskaan teon teon satakertaisesti Kaarlolle. Se oli ostanut kesämökin lainarahalla, ja maxoi korkoja kaatamalla mökin mezästä halkoja. Jumala järjesti niin, että saman tien alkoi talvisota, ja halkojen hinta nousi taivaisiin. Kaarlo pääsi veloista. Mixen kaatanut naapurinkin mezästä Kaarlo mietti varmasti. Se oli kiltisti ajateltu herralta. Sitten kateellinen naapuri hankki Kaarlon mezän hakkuukieltoon, varmaan siltä oli kaadettu liikaa halkoja. Jumala järjesti niin, että sodan jälkeen vaadittiin mezänomistajilta halkosouveja polkuhinnalla. Kaarlo pääsi tästäkin pälkähästä, koska sen mezä oli hakkuukiellossa! Taas oli kiltisti ajateltu herralta. Se auttaa Kaarloa oikein norsupyssyllä. Lähimmäisiä kaatuu kuin heinäpellolla.
ellauri023.html on line 514: Luen Himoshoppaajaa. Kinsella kexii noloja tilanteita jopa paremmin kuin heppahullut. Mutta himoshoppaaja selviää aina pinteestä, se ei ole mikään luuseri.
ellauri023.html on line 562: Kinsellan Soitellaan, soitellaan on myös mainio. Nolojen tilanteiden nainen iskee taas. Mut huomaa edistys johku Rousseauhun verrattuna: vaik Poppy nolostuu, se ei enää häpeile. Nolo ei selviä niin hyvin kuin ize tahtoisi, ja kilpailijat nauraa. Häpeilijä kyyristelee pahexuvien anoppien ym tuomizevien seurakunnan vanhimpien edessä. Suunnilleen ainut kerta kun Poppy tuntee häpeää loppupeleissä, on kun se aiheuttaa pettymyxen häävieraille, pyörtäessään pyhät lupauxet, tai niiden antamisen oikeammin. Menee juhlat pilalle. Se ei tahtoisi tuottaa muille pettymystä. OK, saa olla kiltti muille, muttei tartte nöyristellä.
ellauri023.html on line 679: Enqvist on aiemmin vähätellyt filosofian merkitystä. Nytkin hän väittää ohimennen, että filosofia pyrkii kapuamaan fysiikan yläpuolelle. Jää avoimeksi, mitä hän tällä tarkoittaa. (Miten niin avoimexi? Naavaparrat älkää keuliko, me fyysikot ollaan alfasusia, sitä se meinaa.) Filosofeja hän kehottaa kuitenkin pohtimaan esimerkiksi esittämäänsä kysymystä siitä, tulisiko uskonnollista kiihkoilua hillitä tahdonvastaisella lääkityksellä. Kuulostaa aika nazimaiselta. Onkohan joku hihhuleista päässyt professorin iholle?
ellauri023.html on line 732: Mucius thrust his right hand into a fire which was lit for sacrifice and held it there without giving any indication of pain, thereby earning for himself and his descendants the cognomen Scaevola, meaning "left-handed". Porsena was shocked at the youth's bravery, and dismissed him from the Etruscan camp, free to return to Rome, saying "Go back, since you do more harm to yourself than me". At the same time, the king also sent ambassadors to Rome to offer peace.
ellauri023.html on line 777: Niinhän se just on! Jos pahuus on sitä että varta vasten tahtoo pahaa lähimmäiselleen, ja

ellauri023.html on line 824: on vaan pahoja. Vallanhimosia. Keskusjohtosia. Asettaa suojelutulleja.

ellauri023.html on line 1091: Yhtälöistä ei ole hajua, mutta kaukaloista nousee jotakin. Eski kusee ravintola Kosmoxen vasempaan pisuaariin, Vessa-Matti kuzee oikeeseen, ja sanoo "kiitos siitä kazeesta". Mihkähän se Eski kazoi. Aika homoa! Systeemiällissä ezitään väylää yleisinhimilliseen ilmiöön, tämänhetkiseen. Täähän on kun jotain vitun zeniä. Kiiteltyään vielä Eskiä zitä kädessä pitäen, Vesku zulloi zen takas houzuihin. Selkeesti plaattolaista koulukuntaa. Tutustunut Gurdijeffin opetuxiin. Junassa tavattu pituushyppääjäkin on fixu mies. Hieno mies. (Mä tunnen sen. Tunnen mäkin. Tunnetteko te?)
ellauri023.html on line 1136: Toinen henkiinjäänyt, kirjailija Jean Améry (Hans Meyer), ei sulata ymmärtämistä, se on hyväxymistä sen mielestä, ja haukkuu Leeviä "anteexiantajaxi", sehän onkin jutkuille haukkumasana, kristittyjen hapatusta. Leevi koitti vinistä, että sen mielestä oikeus riittäisi, ei se janoo takaisimaxua koroilla sen enempää kuin ilmaisexi antoa. Mayerin poika sitävastoin on kostonhimoinen kuin juutalaisten jehova. Tää muistetaan!
ellauri024.html on line 145: väkisten sen kaikkein pyhimpään.

ellauri024.html on line 214: Nyt aletaan taas lajitella lähimmäisiä.

ellauri024.html on line 227: samastuu köyhimyxiin, välillä inhoo niitä,

ellauri024.html on line 320: Huolestuttavasti alkaa näyttää siltä, että Arska on tolkun mies. Sillä on huumorintajua, ehkä liikaakin, ja se ei ole jumalinen. Lähetti jehovansa kassan kautta saman ikäisenä kuin minäkin. Puoluekanta temokraatti, ei sentään yleistemokraattinen, ihan vaan parlamentaarinen poroporvari. Arskasta ei tullut kirjailijaa, mutta sen muistelmissa on tää sama trokeerytmi. Sillä se ois kai romaaninsakin kirjoittanut, jos ois osannut. Se sanoo että synnintunto ja kunnianhimo tuhoovat ihmisen. Hyvä Arska.
ellauri024.html on line 686: Komiikka vetää puoleensa niitä, jotka istuvat kazomossa tarkkailemassa lähimmäisiään - teatterissa, elokuvissa, kottona TV:n ääressä, puiston penkillä, junissa, autoissa, lentokoneissa, tuvan penkillä, kaikkialla missä ihmisiä liikkuu. Mutta se kauhistuttaa niitä jotka joutuvat olemaan tarkkailtavina, kuka missäkin näytelmässä. Ainoa turva on tietämättömyys, ettei tiedä tai välitä tietää, miltä minä ize näytän.
ellauri024.html on line 814: Tahvo oli äidinisäni taloudessa niin sanottu kunnan hoidokki, joita siis oli taloissa vielä 40-luvulla. Minä tapasin Tahvon joulun aikaan 40 sotatalvena. Siellä hän enimmäxeen istui nurkkavuoteessaan, puusängyssään äänettömänä. Hänestä ei siis ollut haittaa. Mutta kun hänen sänkynsä vieressä oli joulukuusi ja se oli koristeltu osittain paperoiduin makeisin, hänen makeanhimonsa voitti ja silloin tällöin kuului kuusesta rapinaa. Tahvo siellä irroitteli karamellia.
ellauri024.html on line 963: Mentaaliset mallimme ovat vahvoja ja sanelevat mitä näemme ja emme näe, uskomme emmekä usko sittenkään. Esim jos näemme siivottoman ukkelin nukkumassa puistonpenkillä, luulemme että se on asunnoton alkoholisti. Mutta jospa se onkin vaan kovaonninen kaupunginpuutarhuri pitämässä pikku taukoa. Tai Aalto-yliopiston järjestelmätieteen professori pohtimassa mentaalisia malleja. Joku köyhimys nyt kuitenkin, ei sen asu muuten olisi noin siivoton.
ellauri024.html on line 1320: vietnamilaisia epäinhimillisinä vinosilminä. Nazit puhuivat jutkuista

ellauri024.html on line 1374: Tätähän luonnevaurioiset poliitikot vakuttelevat izelleen ja muille vuodesta toiseen: te ette ymmärrä, että on pakko tehdä juuri näin. (Luonnevauroisten onkin pakko tehdä vaikka mitä.) Traagisen erehdyxen tunne kasvaa seuraavassa lauseessa: Yhteiskunta "vaikuttaa 'epäinhimilliseltä', työelämä tarkoituxettomalta." Eihän yhteiskunta ole oikeesti epäinhimillinen, ihmisistä vaan tuntuu siltä. Työelämäkään ei ole tarkoituxetonta, vaikka valmistaisi jippoja riisimuropakettiin. Työntäisi päivittäin pienten myrkkymuovihevosten sisään Jorin lakien lyhennelmiä, eli paperilappuja joissa lukee: "Älä kysy. On torjuttava. En ole ensimmäinen enkä viimeinen." Työpäivän jälkeen voi kysyä mitä tuli tuotettua, ja vastaus on: ekokatastrofia vuodelle 2030. Hizi tää on niin pelottavan totta nyt.
ellauri024.html on line 1419: vaikka onkin vanhimpia viikinkien jälkeläisiä. Surkee leffa Kommunen

ellauri025.html on line 60: Se (Tomppa siis) kuoli epäilyttävän nuorena, 49-vuotiaana. Hyvin tavallinen ikä suikille. Se on wannabe pyhimyxelle toisaalta hyvä juttu; jos elät kauhu vanhaxi, jengi ehtii unohtaa sut ja sun ihmetekosi. Tomppa sai sädekehän jo 5v päästä kuoltuaan. Dante (1265-1321) oli silloin 14-vuotias. Dante epäili komediassaan Tompan tulleen myrkytetyxi, mutta myöhemmät kuolemansyyntutkijat eivät ole löytäneet indikaatioita foul playstä. Kuinkahan ois käynyt jos Murhia ja kantrimusiikkia sarjan utelias täti oisi ollut paikalla? Se haistaa foul playn jo pitkän matkan päästä. Olikohan knaapin hepallakin joku myrkytys? Oliko se ähky? Ehkä jotain foul play enkeleiden toimesta? Enkeli- ja konitohtorille tehtiin mainosta. Crooked Housessakin epäiltiin foul playta, ja syystäkin.
ellauri025.html on line 68: Tuomas Akvinolainen syntyi mitä todennäköisimmin alkuvuodesta 1225 isänsä Landulfin kreivin linnassa Roccaseccassa, Napolin kuningaskunnassa, lähellä Aquinoa. Nykyisin linna on Frosinonen maakunnassa Latiumin alueella. Tuomas kuului pienaateliin, hän oli äitinsä kreivitär Theodora Theatelaisen kautta sukua Pyhän saksalais-roomalaisen keisarikunnan Hohenstaufenin keisaridynastialle. Sinibald setä toimi apottina ensimmäisessä benediktiiniluostarissa Monte Cassinossa. Sinne siis! sanottiin Tuomaalle, nuoremmalle aatelispojalle. Mikäs auttoi, eikun pyhimyxen uralle.
ellauri025.html on line 110: Toward the end of his life, he had a vision that forced him to drop his pen. Though he had experienced visions for years, this was something different. His secretary begged him to start writing again, but Aquinas replied, "I cannot. Such things have been revealed to me that what I have written seems but straw. Another prophet will come after me who is bigger yet, name of Maxim Gorki."
ellauri025.html on line 505: kehutaan maasta taivaisiin, ihan ylennetään pyhimyxixi,

ellauri025.html on line 614: ei ole vähimmässäkään määrin nöyriä tekee nöyryydestä jonkinlaisen fetissin. Siitä puhe mistä puute, sanoi äitikin.
ellauri025.html on line 643: Lovecraft is a famous writer and bullshit artist, but also a well-known racist. Should I read his novels?Was H.P. Lovecraft ever a chill or a good guy at least even a little bit? I know his works basically put humankind to the lowest of the low, but was there even a tiny bit of good in him?What does H.P. Lovecraft mean with his phrase “That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die” in his writing of The Nameless City?
ellauri025.html on line 803: Musta tää oli aika paska kirja, ärligt sagt. Oudointa on himpatian puute suunnilleen kaikkia osanottajia kohtaan. Kertoja ei tunnu tykkäävän kenestäkään, eikä sitten lukijakaan. Esim Saschaa, hihittelevää uimaria Monika käsittelee aeeka kylmästi, se on saatu kuulostamaan suorastaan ikävältä tyypiltä, jos edes elävältä ollenkaan. No ehkä sekin oli tarkotus. Jospa sanoma on et ei våldtäktissä ja sen kostossa olekaan kyse säälistä tai armosta, vaan teodikeasta. Oikeuden mehukkain osa ei ole habilitaatio, ei profylaxis, vaan retribuutio. Jehova maxaa vanhaan tapaan ondhetin förövareille samalla taxalla, kostaa kolmanteen ja neljänteen polveen saakka. Kost jumala.
ellauri025.html on line 882: Monika Fagerholm asui lapsuutensa Helsingin Puotilassa. Mäkin kävin siellä Hannu-Pekan kotona. Aika keskiluokkasta. Olihan siinä hienommat Marjaniemi ja Kallvik lähellä, niitä lienee kirjan muisteluissa mukana. Hänen isänsä oli koneenrakennuxen professori Nils-Erik Fagerholm (1928)ja äitinsä kirjastoamanuenssi Kristina Herrgård (1933). Nisseä 5v nuorempi, Botby gårdin kaunis Kristiina. Monika oli perheen kuopus ja kiltti tyttö. Isosisko Pia Annika (1959) on stashattu. Isän professorimatrikkelissa Monika on psykolog, isosiskosta ei ole mitään. Hän kirjoitti päiväkirjoja ja myöhemmin nuortenkirjoja. Muuna aikana hän juoksi lähimetsissä ja tapasi kavereitaan ympäri Itä-Helsinkiä.
ellauri025.html on line 919: Monika alkoi kirjoittaa eläimellisellä intohimolla. Nyt lähti lyyti kirjottamaan. Syntyi ensimmäinen romaani, Ihanat naiset rannalla. Kun se ilmestyi vuonna 1994, Monikasta tuli koko kansan tuntema kirjailija. Pieneläin oli perillä. Lihava nainen kultasannalla. Kissanpäivillä.
ellauri025.html on line 975: Seuraavina päivinä Monika söi Antabusta eikä enää himoinnut viinaa. Hän onnistui lopettamaan juomisen. Jeesus on väkevämpi huume kuin Sorbus, vahvempi lääke kuin Antabus.
ellauri025.html on line 1036: I den himlastora aulan spelas helan går och halvan
ellauri025.html on line 1040: I den stora himlasalen sjunger inte nyktergalen
ellauri026.html on line 196: Lihallinen, kivulias himo onkin ikuisuuden kaipuun ilmentymä. Alaston nainen, jonka eteen Cohen polvistuu, on peili, joka näyttää hänen oman, koruttoman paljautensa ikuisuuden edessä. Niinpä niin. Elukka kaipaa ikuisuutta eli tekee poikasia. Nainen on narsistin peili, paikat paljaana. Zen peli näkyy peilistä.
ellauri026.html on line 209: Vegaaninenkin munkki on tilaisuuden tullen kiimainen, käy kuumana, tulee kauheen rohkeaxi, nousee nopeahkosti ihon pinnalle, "porailee maltillisesti" patongilla ja laskee reikään ihan kauhalla. Ei sentään lihanhimoinen. Varoo ylikuumenemista.
ellauri026.html on line 216: and upon him sweet sleep fell upon his eyelids,
ellauri026.html on line 225: The idea is there, but all the lingering emphasis in the original has been smoothed away. This, too, unfortunately, is typical of the whole. I have said that Wilson’s translation reads easily, and it does, like a modern novel: at shockingly few points does one ever need to stop and think. There are no hard parts; no difficult lines or obscure notions; no aesthetic arrest either; very little that jumps out as unusual or different. Wilson has set out, as she openly confesses, to produce an Odyssey in a “contemporary anglophone speech,” and this results in quite a bit of conceptual pruning. If you wait for the “Homeric tags,” the phrases that contained so much Greek culture they have been quoted over and over again by Greeks ever since—well, you are apt to miss them as they go by. A famous one occurs in book 24, when Odysseus and Telemachus are about to go into battle together: Odysseus tells Telemachus not to disgrace him, and Telemachus boasts that he need not fear. Laertes, Odysseus’s father, exclaims (Wilson’s translation), “Ah, gods! A happy day for me! My son and grandson are arguing about how tough they are!”
ellauri026.html on line 232: You´re so vain, lauloi Carly Simon Warren Beatylle. Beaty (1937) oli hyvä amerikan jalkapallisti ja luokkansa puheenjohtaja. Näyttelijä, filmimoguli. Yx USAn monista Jörkistä. Kova jätkä mutta turha kuten Jörkka (1934). Törkeä Dick Tracy. Nykyään onkin jo rannekellopuhelimia. Tunnettu lukuisista naisjutuista. Veti koipeen Carlya, teki paljon pekonia rannalla, kylvi hukkakauroja, kunnes asettui aloilleen Annetten kaa. Äijempi kuin Jone Nikula, julkkixista turhimpia. Toinen samanmoinen on nobelisti Zimmermann, yhtä turhamainen vaikka ruipelo, jolta Joan Baez ei saanut timanttia vaan ruostetta. Isoja ja pieniä setämiehiä. Puutarhatonttuja takit avoinna.
ellauri026.html on line 314: Mutta olen kuulevinani filosofien vastustaen sanovan: on surkeaa et ihminen on tyhmä ja erehtyväinen, eikä tiedä mitään kunnolla. Ei, pikemminkin se on inhimillistä. Miksi sen pitäisi olla kurjaa, jos se on meidän lajille ominaista. Ei mitään voi sanoa kurjaxi siitä et se on sellainen kuin on, vaik tätä apinaa koska sillä ei ole siipiä, tai neljää jalkaa eikä sarvia.
ellauri026.html on line 331: Voi jumalauta, ei ketkään ole onnellisempia kuin ne joita sanotaan hölmöiksi, narreixi, ääliöiksi ja pöntöixi; hienoja titteleitä minusta. Ne eivät pelkää kuolemaa, for one thing. Niitä ei kiusaa omatunto, ne ei pelkää aaveita eikä peikkoja. Niitä ei häirize tulevan pelko eikä haaveilu. Niillä ei sanalla sanoen ole huolia. Ne ei ole nöyriä, pelokkaita, kunnianhimoisia eikä kateellisia, eivätkä roiku kenessäkään toisessa. Siinäkin ne muistuttaa muita eläimiä, että ne ei tee syntiä, kuten papitkin myöntävät. Ajattele omia murheitasi ja mieti, miten monesta ne säästyvät. Ne eivät ainoastaan ole iloisia, pidä hauskaa, laula ja naura izexeen, vaan hauskuttavat muitakin, ja ovat kaikkien kamuja. Petoeläimetkin väistelevät niitä, ja kuninkaat, jotka pitää niitä narreina, tykkää niiden seurasta enemmän kuin ministereistä, koska ne juttelevat hauskoja.
ellauri026.html on line 335: Ja nyt jos joku kauppias, sotilas tai tuomari ryövättyän lukemattomia luopuu pienestä pennosesta, niin se kuvittelee, että sen syntisäkki on sillä tyhjennetty, kaikki petkutuxet ostettu taas ilmatteex, niin että se voi alkaa iloisena nollasta. Yhtä hölmöjä on ne, jotka luulee että päivittäiset seizemän virrensäettä pitää pirun poissa liiveistä. Yxi pyhimys hoitaa hammassäryn, toinen naisten vaivat, kolmas näpistyxet; neljäs auttaa matkapahoinvointiin, viides lampolassa, jne, ei jaxa luetella kaikkia. Neizyt Maria on sentään laajakirjoinen.
ellauri026.html on line 355: Mikäpä on ystävällisempää kuin kaksi hevosta raaputtamassa toisiaan? Hauskoja juttuja kuuntelee mieluummin kuin opettavaisia. Vakavan saarnan aikana kuulijakunta nuokkuu, haukottelee tai nukkuu, juorun alkaessa höristää korviaan ja kuuntelee huuli pyöreenä. Jänniä pyhimyxiä kuten Jyrkiä, Ristoa ja Babsia lahjotaan mieluummin kuin niitä tavallisia tylsiä, kuten Petri, Pauli, tai edes Jepukka. Six protestantit tarvii kirkonvartijoita ja unilukkareita, katoliset pitää puoliaan jopa teeveelle. Pull toimi paremmin kuin push.
ellauri028.html on line 112: It was sometimes a wonderful and fearsome thing to watch Mr. Clemens play billiards,” relates Elizabeth Wallace. “He loved the game, and he loved to win, but he occasionally made a very bad stroke, and then the varied, picturesque, and unorthodox vocabulary, acquired in his more youthful years, was the only thing that gave him comfort. Gently, slowly, with no profane inflexions of voice, but irresistibly as though they had the headwaters of the Mississippi for their source, came this stream of unholy adjectives and choice expletives."
ellauri028.html on line 114: Words vulgar and offensive to other ears were a common language to him. Anyone who ever knew Mark heard him use them freely, forcibly, picturesquely in his unrestrained conversation. Whitman and the Bible are no more obscene than Nature herself—no more obscene than a manure pile, out of which come roses and cherries.
ellauri028.html on line 134: dismiss him.]
ellauri028.html on line 161: "Oh, no," replies the nurse, "I gave him eight tablets every two
ellauri028.html on line 165: "Oops, I gave him twelve tablets every one hour," replies the
ellauri028.html on line 198: Apparently man is a selfish prick that can't think for himself and relies on "outside influences". He is a chameleon. He is nothing but a mere machine. Well, at least according to Twain. Man is a fraud and only lives for himself. He is really driving home this point that everyone is selfish and acts out of selfish needs (big surprise?), even if viewed (publicly and personally) as a self-sacrificing person. My question is; who cares? If the end result is the same, what does the actions matter. Let's say, saving a woman from a burning house. Twain says you do this out of making yourself feel good and avoiding the pain of not saving the woman, nothing else; the woman comes second to your own need of feeling good. But regardless of how it makes you feel, you still saved the woman in the end. The good is still done, even though you did it for yourself. Forget how the action was achieved. What does it matter if we refer to this as "self sacrificing" or "selfishness". Answer me this question, Twain! THE ACTION REMAINS THE SAME!!!.... I feel this must have been written during a time when everyone was going around smugly proclaiming to be self-sacrificing do-gooders and self-proclaimed religious nuts while really being shitty people; which had to be the most annoying thing ever. I guess it feels a bit outdated and I think people who naively go around claiming that they are "self-sacrificing do-gooders" are simply laughed at in our post modern times as smug assholes who need to get off their high horse (high horse? who owns a fucking horse nowadays, anyways?). I feel it is pretty accepted now that those who do good are doing them for their own selfish gains and the view of acceptance by others, at least I think this is the case. I don't know cause I don't know do-gooders, everyone I know (including myself) are dicks and more concerned with their celluar phones and creating social dating websites on the internet in vain attempts to pick up chicks only to drink alone and desperately spend several hours harassing women on social dating sites until one, out of pity, decides to respond to your 50 private messages, which then they foolishly decides to set up a date with you; only for you to be disappointed and stood up; which results in more drinking and paying a "dancer" to give you a hand job behind the goodwill on a Saturday night....
ellauri028.html on line 202: Now he is on this kick about how man never thinks for himself. He is a chameleon conforming to whatever outside influences he puts himself in. This is pretty interesting stuff here. I apologize that these reviews have become rather flat. The amount of times I have used the word "interesting" to describe things in a vague manner is so blindly obvious and so boring, I can't believe I go on writing these things (and you keep reading them?!) Where is this going to get me, doing these shitty reviews? Does anyone care? Do I really care? I think I need a girlfriend (this is a cry for help)...Anyways, the book is psychological and philosophical or some shit... go read the goddamn thing yourself...I need a drink...
ellauri028.html on line 220: Mark Twain says that man is an automaton, completely stirred by outside influences, but the main motive for his deeds is always that they please himself. That's no free will (hard determinism) and psychological egoism put together. I can't think of a nastier outlook on man. Better read his adventure books for kids. (less)
ellauri028.html on line 325: Pyhimyxet, helluntain henkikasteen virvoittamat, puhuu kielillä.
ellauri028.html on line 566: Kansalaiset! Nyt on jälleen se aika vuodesta, jolloin on aika muistaa maamme ilotulituxissa vammautuneita ilotulitusveteraaneja! Jotka lähtivät vapaaehtoisesti niskalaukauxenkin uhalla, usein inhimillisesti kazoen iian varhain, täynnä intoa puolustamaan lemmikkien oikeutta kuunnella ilotulitusten paukkinaa ja haistella ruudinkäryä vaatekomerossa kenkäläjän alla puolen yön ajan vuodessa. Jotka palasivat liian suuren ja liian raskaan uhrin antaneina, päättöminä (kuten lähtiessä) ja silmättöminä, kuolleita kissoja ja lento-oravia repussa, mutta tyytyväisinä kuin äiti armas Volgan laturiin. Katon rajass' kulkee hauki, pahaa taitaa tarkoittaa... Kierrä pullon korkki auki, ryyppy pedon karkoittaa! Pöydän alta ryömii lisko, ilkein silmin tuijottaa. Ryyppy toinen naamaas kisko, Aistiharha lähdön saa. Vierustuolill' istuu hylje, pyrstö läpsii palleaas'. Kunhan vain et lasiin sylje, mursu daamiks muuttuu taas. Pöydän päällä ammuu nauta, maitoo koettaa tyrkyttää. Ryyppy neljäs, jumalauta, maitohapot karkoittaa. Näitä ilotulitusveteraaneja varten rakennamme Kauniaisiin ilotulitusveteraanien kuntoutuskeskuxen Papattiveljeskodin. Kun siis päätön nuori mies ilmestyy ovelle käsi ojossa ja karvalakki kourassa, hellittäkääpä pörssinnyörejä. Tarkoitus on jalo, missä olisimmekaan nyt ilman ilotulitusveteraanien eläinuhreja. Varmaan Kouvostoliitossa munalipun alla.
ellauri028.html on line 743: Helen looks him over, "Nope."
ellauri029.html on line 350: Eski Saarinen, positiivisuuden kolmastoista apostoli, kehaista retostelee ohimennen pankkinobelisti Kahnemannia. On siis syytä kaivella sitä vähäsen, se on välittömästi suspekti.
ellauri029.html on line 478: Tähän taipumuxeen on muun muassa seuraavia syitä. Vuorovaikutus toisten anteroiden kanssa on tärkeää. Anteroiden käsittely on tärkeää. Anteroiden sulkeminen tapahtumien ulkopuolelle on vaikeaa. Anterot saattavat olla parhaimpia ystäviämme tai pahimpia vihollisiamme. On tärkeää, että kiinnitetään ensiksi huomio tärkeimpiin asioihin, ja muiden anteroiden tekemiset ovat usein asioista kaikkein tärkeimpiä. Anterot ovat oletusarvoisesti syyllisiä kaikkeen. No JOO!
ellauri029.html on line 650: Westö näyttää ymmärtävän ihmistä, hänen pahuuttaan ja vallanhimoaan, rakkauttaan ja tuskaansa, sanoo Turun Sanomat takakannessa. Mix apinat tykkää mieluummin lukea jänniä kirjoja kuin tylsiä? Mieluummin pahixista kuin kilteistä? Mitä se on se jännä?
ellauri029.html on line 652: Mieluummiin siis taistelua elämästä ja kuolemasta, kuin haistelua ja maistelua ikävästä elämästä ja vielä tylsemmästä kuolemasta vanhuuteen tai ylipainoon. Tuula-Leena Varixen kirja obeesista vaimosta jäi laatikkoon, vaikka sekin takakannen mukaan menehtyi kirjan aikana. Mieluummin poliiseja ja rosvoja kuin pyhimyxiä ja vanhoja kunnon Patteja. Mieluummin sairaala- kuin perhe-elämää, vaikka molemmissa tulee joskus vainaita.
ellauri029.html on line 916: The Corinthians would not have considered Paul’s language intentionally cruel. Instead, they would have recognized Paul was using rhetoric to make a point. The Corinthians felt superior to Paul, casting judgment on him. So he calls them spiritual kings and says, ironically, that God considers His apostles “scum” and “dregs.”
ellauri030.html on line 323: Epiktetos korostaa itsensähillitsemista, siis Callen mieliaihetta izekuriia, izetärkeyttä sekä tyytymistä siihen, mikä meillä on vallassamme. Se vaatii yli-inhimillistä izehillintää vähän kaikilta. Älä anna valtaa mielihaluille, vaan pidätä, pidätä. Aika anaalista.
ellauri030.html on line 357: Uskontona kristinoppi oli luonnollisesti parempi, koska absurdimpi. Stoakin kyllä vaali ihmisten yhteishenkeä ja julisti ihmisten yleistä veljeyttä yhden jumalallisen isän lapsina. Se miellytti enemmän sivistyneistöä jotka ei tykkää nöyristelystä eikä siitä että köyhät lähtee keulimaan. Stoalaisten ansiosta länsivalta levis kosmopoliittiseksi, yleisinhimilliseksi, ihmissuvun yhteyden julistajaksi, se lutviutuu hyvin levittämään sisäistä herruutta. Se näyttää, kuinka viisas voi käyttää hyväkseen yksinkertaista.
ellauri030.html on line 573: S. ähräsi myös riittävän syyn periaatteen kaa, siis sen Leibnizin nimiin pannun periaatteen et kaikella on syy. Determinismin yx formulaatio. Mikään ei ole sattumaa. Tästä tulee se Perza Rovamonkin laki ettei tyhjästä mitään nyhjästä. Samaa tuumi Anaximandros, Parmenides, Archimedes, Platon, Aristoteles, Cicero, Avicenna, Akvinolaisen Tomi ja Spinoza. Siis aika moni muukin tomppeli. Hmm, voi olla, ellei sit höpsismilläkin ole sormensa pelissä.
ellauri030.html on line 859: Komedia soveltuu paremmin markkinatalouteen, jossa eliitti pysyttelee mieluummin kulisseissa. Tragedia ei edes ole mikään genre enää. Jos leffa ei ole komedia, se on seikkailua tai actionia (homeerista mätkintää) tai draamaa (ihmissuhdescheissea ilman nauruja). Draama tulee kai lähimmäx entisvanhaa tragediaa. Kaikista homeerisimmissakin sankarileffoissa on koomisia kevennyxiä. (Niistä vastaa usein sankarin sivuvaunu plus konnakopla.)
ellauri030.html on line 908: Later, Freud returned his attention to humor noting that not everyone is capable of formulating humor, including him.
ellauri031.html on line 190: - Helskutinmoiset!? Sehän on yli himputinmoiset säästöt!

ellauri031.html on line 261: Parlamentilla on yhä aloiteoikeus mutta sillä ei ole oikeutta sotkea puoluepolitiikkaa hallituxen toiminnasta käytyyn asialliseen keskusteluun. Tämä on epäilemättä lisännyt eduskunnan työkykyä. Suurella neuvostolla on korkein valta diktaattorin ja kuninkaan jälkeen. Sen puheenjohtaja on kuten sanottua B. Mussolini ja jäsenistö on 1) Mussolinin lähimmät miehet (pysyviä), 2) ministereitä, puheenjohtajia ja sihteereitä fasistisista ammattikuntajärjestöistä, 3) muita määräaikaisia jäseniä.
ellauri031.html on line 570: se teki pentuja, vanhimman nimexi tuli Joel, varmaan Joel Lehtosen, Esan

ellauri031.html on line 610: Olli Jalosen kiitetyimmät romaanit, Ilo ja häpeä sekä Hotelli eläville, kuuluvat teoxiin, jotka jokaisen lukihäiriöisen hasbeenin mielestä puhuvat tärkeistä asioista. Jalosen romaaneja onkin viisainta yrittää puolustella moraalisin perustein, vaikka se moraalikin on alkeellista ja rajottunutta. Se on mitä tyypillisin suomalaisen autistisen insinöörikirjallisuuden (Hyry, Tuuri) edustaja aina uskonnollista pohjavirettä ja arkielämän pahimpiin banaliteetteihin tarttumista myöten. Tiedättehän: "Vielä joskus imiessään äidin kaurapuurolla täyttämää villasukkaa hän muisti isänsä sanoneen, että ulkona on kylmä." Jalosen tekeleet on jonkinlaisia aikuisen kirjoittamia syyspörriäisiä, joissa ollaan peruskoulumaisen huolissaan maailman tilasta. Niissä pohditaan tutkimuxen ja tiedotusvälineiden moraalia ja kuvataan maailmanpolitiikan arkiryskettä: kidutuxia, kansanmurhia ja kiristyvää kontrollia. Jalonen jää kuvailun ja moraalisen tuomion asteelle, perinteiseen humanistiseen tapaan se ei analysoi pahaa vaan sanoo sille hyi. Viimeistään tällä tavalla käsiteltynä asiat lakkaavat olemasta tärkeitä ja muuttuvat säälittäväxi partiolaisproosaxi. Samoja ajatuxia ja julituxia kykenee jokainen kolmannen luokan poliitikko laskettelemaan ulkomuistista.

ellauri031.html on line 699: Messiaaninen psykiatri paranee tupakkahimosta mutta saa potkut työpaikasta. Muuttaa Lontooseen ja taas takaisin. Syynää armeijaa pakoilevia tekohulluja. No ei siitä sen enempää. Se on Kaarlon puutarhan varhaisviikuna. Ensimmäisiä sykofantteja sykofanttien voitonparaatissa lähitulevaisuudessa.
ellauri032.html on line 122: Isä oli kieltänyt pojaltaan matematiikan kokonaan sen aivojen rasittavuuden takia, mutta tämä "kielletyn hedelmän maku" sai nuoren Pascalin kiinnostumaan matematiikasta yhä enemmän ja enemmän. Eräänä päivänä ollessaan 12-vuotias nuori Pascal sai isältään tarkan kuvauksen geometrian luonteesta, ja tämän jälkeen nuorukainen löysi kyseisestä aihealueesta itselleen loputtomien intohimojen kohteen. Antaa muiden nuorukaisten vedellä lapaseen, Pascal piirtää mieluummin apupiirroxia.
ellauri032.html on line 136: Vuonna 1646 Pascalin isä kaatui pahasti jäisellä tiellä Rouenissa, minkä jälkeen häntä hoitaneet lääkärit saattoivat perheen kosketuksiin jansenistisen lahkon kanssa. Samana vuonna koko perhe kääntyi jansenisteiksi. (Näistä jansenisteista tarvittaisiin oma paasaus. Niiden gurusta Hipon Augustinuxesta taitaa mulla jotain jo ollakin.) Lankeemuxesta seurasi parannus. Monet näkevät Pascalin matemaattisen uran alamäen alkaneen tästä hetkestä, mutta Pascal onnistui vielä tekemään matemaattis-luonnontieteellisiä innovaatioita, vaikka hän kärsikin pahenevista ruoansulatushäiriöistä, jotka aiheuttivat hänelle kerran jopa ohimenevän paskahalvauksen. Vuonna 1648 Pascal loi ilmanpaineen luonnonlait tutkittuaan ilmiötä Evangelista Torricellin keksimällä ilmapuntarilla. Enpä tiennyt että sen nimi oli evankelista. Pascalilla oli varmaan pieru exyxissä, siitä tulee maha kipeäxi. Helpotus tulee sitten isolla paineella. Jos tulee, muuten saa istua tuntikaudet paskalla, tulee peräaukkoon paiseita.
ellauri032.html on line 245: To understand the method which Pascal employs, the reader must be prepared to follow the process of the mind of the intelligent believer. The Christian thinker – and I mean the man who is trying consciously and conscientiously to explain to himself the sequence which culminates in faith, rather than the public apologist – proceeds by rejection and elimination. … To the unbeliever, this method seems disingenuous and perverse: for the unbeliever is, as a rule, not so greatly troubled to explain the world to himself, nor so greatly distressed by its disorder; nor is he generally concerned (in modern terms) to ‘preserve values’. He does not consider that if certain emotional states, certain developments of character, and what in the highest sense can be called ‘saintliness’ are inherently and by inspection known to be good, then the satisfactory explanation of the world must be an explanation which will admit the ‘reality’ of these values. Nor does he consider such reasoning admissible; he would, so to speak, trim his values according to his cloth, because to him such values are of no great value. The unbeliever starts from the other end, and as likely as not with the question: Is a case of human parthenogenesis credible? and this he would call going straight to the heart of the matter.
ellauri032.html on line 252: Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point, how often one has heard that quoted, and quoted often to the wrong purpose! For this is by no means an exaltation of the ‘heart’ over the ‘head’, a defence of unreason. The heart, in Pascal’s terminology, is itself truly rational if it is truly the heart. For him, in theological matters which seemed to him much larger, more difficult, and more important than scientific matters, the whole personality is involved.
ellauri032.html on line 257: Not with a bang but a whimper.
ellauri032.html on line 288: Hobbesin mukaan valtio voitiin nähdä suurena keinotekoisena hirviönä, Leviatanina, joka koostui ihmisistä, ja jonka synty voitiin jäljittää inhimillisten tarpeiden aiheuttamiin paineisiin ja hajoaminen inhimillisten intohimojen aiheuttamiin yhteiskunnallisiin ristiriitoihin. Teos päättyi johtopäätöksiin suorana vastauksena sodalle, joka oli herättänyt kysymyksen alamaisten oikeudesta vaihtaa kuuliaisuuden kohdetta, kun hallitsija on lopullisesti menettänyt voimansa suojella heitä. Samalla Hobbes soi itselleen tilaisuuden osallistua uskonnollisten oppien arvosteluun.
ellauri032.html on line 300: Hobbes kauhistui harhaoppisen leimasta ja koitti pyristellä syytteistä. Määräys kielsi Hobbesta enää koskaan julkaisemasta teoksia jotka käsittelisivät inhimillistä eli huonoa käytöstä. Vuoden 1668 painos hänen teoksestaan painettiin Amsterdamissa, koska hän ei saanut sensoreilta lupaa sen julkaisemiseen Englannissa. Muut teokset julkaistiin vasta hänen kuolemansa jälkeen.
ellauri032.html on line 682: Vapahtaja ei hyppää, ei se niin hullu ole. Ei hypännyt Antoniuskaan. Aika harva pyhimyskään hyppää ellei ole ihan pakko, vaikka parempaa on tiedossa. Silti vittu. Ei vara venettä kaada. Parempi virsta väärää kuin vaaxa vaaraa. Vanhassa vara parempi.
ellauri032.html on line 726: Esimerkiksi: Jos joku mainitsee jonkun toisen kuin Jeesuksen ja hänet ristillä pelastuksen perustana. Jos joku kiistää Paavalin ja väittää että ihmiset ovat vanhurskautettuja, eivät armosta vaan teoista. Jos joku vääntää evankeliumin eritavalla kuin se joka opettaa sitä totuuden mukaan, niin silloin Paavali sanoo: ”Vaikka tämä olisi enkeli taivaasta, hän olkoon kirottu” (Gal. 1:8). Jos joku sanoo: ”Tämä mies on kääntynyt” me voimme kysyä, ”Miten niin?” ”Hän kertoi minulle tämän ja minä uskon sen. Jos joku parantaa elämäänsä hän on pelastettu”. Ja minä sanon: ”Ei!” ja kysyn: ”Onko sinulla Vapahtajaa? Tunnetko Karitsan? Onko sinun sydämesi tehty painavaksi hänen kärsimyksensä kautta? Onko sinun syntisi annettu anteeksi? Tiedätkö että epäusko on suurin synti? Se että sinä et tunne Karitsaa? Se että sinä että et kulje Karitsan kanssa päivin ja öin? Onko sinun suurin huolenaiheesi todella oppia tuntemaan Vapahtaja?”. Jos hän sitten vastaa: ”Ei! Mutta minä työskentelen kovasti tekemällä hyvää lähimmäiselleni”. Silloin minä sanon: ”Sinä menetät ikuisen pelastuksesi. Sinä petät itseäsi”.
ellauri033.html on line 57: Paul oli kova antisemitisti. Se sai katolisen herätyxen nelikymppisenä. Se diggaa erityisesti katolista tilisiirron opinkappaletta, josta rotestantit nimtuten rotestoivat. La réversibilité des mérites. Siis että pyhyyden ylijäämää voi siirtää syntitililtä toiselle, käydä kauppaa etuseteleillä, ostaa aneita kuin osakkeita pyhimyxiltä. KOP-pankissa oli aikanaan etutilejä. Tosi on. Jännää että näinkin markkinataloudellinen ajatus sai vastaanvänkääjiltä jyrkän tuomion. Vika lie ollut siinä, että koko bisnes oli väärissä käsissä. Paavin osakkeet putosivat, ne meni rotestiin.
ellauri033.html on line 250: la grimace. Ils mirent des premiers en vogue l´art chimérique et
ellauri033.html on line 428: Pahimmassa tapauxessa tyypit vois olla ihan erilaisia eri luvuissa. No ei Hra Bourget ihan niin pitkälle mene, vaikka pitääkin kovaa melua ponin minän moneudesta. Useimmiten löytyy vaan kaxi minäehdokasta, esim. Robert Greslou, Loup-Garou ihmissusi, ompasusi joka löytää sisästään kaxi eri oliota, yxi selkeä älykäs rehellinen, kova henkisen työn tekijä, ja toinen pimeä, julma, impulsiivinen. Tai toi Rva de Tillieres, jolla on 2 heilaa, Poyanne ja Casai, jotka tyydyttää sen kahta eri jotain (en sentään sano aukkoa). Vaan Rva Moraine kirjassa Mensonges sisältää kolme persoonallisuutta. Siinä on yx joka tykkää luxuxesta, toinen joka tykkää lemmestä, ja kolmas joka haluu huomiota. Odottakaas! Kun Larcher päättelee: se on aika moni poni, abbe Taconnet vastaa doucement kuin Pirkko: Komplisoituko? ... tiedän, te käytätte nitä sanoja välttääxenne yxinkertaisempia. Se on vaan onneton joka on tunteittensa vallassa. Jos appi on oikeassa, mitä jää Hra Bourgetin zygologisista pölinöistä? Oikeassahan appi on, Suzanne on yxinkertainen elukka. Se mistä Hra Bourget tekee ison numeron koko kirjan pituudelta, voidaan tiivistää tähän: siinä kisailee sielu ja ruumis, enkeli ja nauta. Eikä siinä mitään, mut pitääx siitä tehdä tollasta zygologista sanasalaattia.
ellauri033.html on line 430: Kun Rva de Sauve, joka vielä rakastaakin Huuperttia, antautuu La Croix-Firminille, typerälle vaikka söpölle muskelimasalle, niin Hra Bourget ei tajua siitä enää mitään, ja kuten sanoo Pascal, ezii syytä huokaillen. Oi! se huutaa pateettisesti, julma, julma arvoitus! Miten se saatto tehdä noin? ja onhan se silti se sama misukka... eikö vaan ... Eikä kuitenkaan! Huupertin partneri ei ois voinut tehdä noin... Häh, sekö? Oi! julma, (taas) julma arvoitus! Voi luoja, tarvizeeko noin pyöritellä ja pidellä päätä. 50 sivua myöhemmin sama taas. Vincy yrittää turhaan ratkaista Theresen luonnetta kuin ristikkoa. Bourgeet selittää asian, kuiskuttelee sivusta: Therese on romantikko, ja samalla kertaa intohimoineen; sillä on sentimentaalisia unelmia, mutta myös panohalua, ja aavioero asettui vähäx aikaa sen sydämmen tarpeiden ja aistien tyrannian välille. Ei sen kummempaa, kuten sanotaan. Sama juttu Rva Tillieresin kohdalla. Poyenne on sen sielun rakas, ja Casai, sen ... nojaa, sen mitä Poyanne ei saa tyydytetyxi. Selittely jatkuu loppupeleihiin, spoileria ei jätetä.
ellauri033.html on line 439: Mutta siinäkin, jos se uskaltaa sanoa, on teesi aika hatara, Hra Bourget esittelee ison filosofin pienen oppilaan, joka tekee ällön rikoxen, ja yrittää osoittaa et filosofi on vastuussa oppipojasta. Ja silti ihmetyttää. Sixte on jonkinlainen harrastelijapyhimys, joka ällistyy kuullessaan et joku sen tuskin tuntema nappula on lukenut sen kirjoja ja tehnyt niistä kamalia johtopäätöxiä. Pellissier ei ota kantaa ize kysymyxeen, mut ihmettelee kuitenkin, ex sellainen syytös vaaranna ajattelun vapautta. Ex Greslou kexi omat kokeilunsa ihan omasta päästä? Noniin, koittakaa nyt päättää heppahöperöt, kuka on oikeesti vastuussa kun Polle karkaa avoimesta tallin ovesta syömään Heinosen sedän tulppaaneja penkistä?
ellauri033.html on line 496: Ensimmäisen konsulikautensa aikana 222 eaa. Marcellus taisteli Insubriassa ja saavutti spolia opiman kolmatta ja viimeistä kertaa Rooman historiassa. (The spolia opima ("rich spoils") were the armour, arms, and other effects that an ancient Roman general stripped from the body of an opposing commander slain in single combat. The spolia opima were regarded as the most honourable of the several kinds of war trophies a commander could obtain, including enemy military standards and the peaks of warships.) Hän vapautti roomalaisen varuskunnan Clasditiumissa ja valtasi Mediolanumin. Vuonna 216 eaa. Rooman hävittyä Cannaessa hän komensi armeijan jäännöksiä Canusiumissa ja pelasti Nolan ja eteläisen Campanian Hannibalilta. Vuosina 214–211 eaa. hän oli konsulina kolmatta kertaa palvellen Sisiliassa. Hän hyökkäsi Leontinoihin ja valtasi Syrakusan kahden vuoden piirityksen jälkeen. Hänen joukkonsa surmasivat tiedemies Arkhimedeen kaupungin valtauksen yhteydessä. (Noli turbare circulos meos.) Marcellius ryösti kaupungin ja toi sen aarteet Roomaan. Hän oli konsulina jälleen 210 eaa. vallaten Salapian Apuliassa, joka oli kapinoinut liittyen Hannibaliin. Vuonna 209 eaa. hän taisteli ratkaisemattomaan päättyneen taistelun Hannibalia vastaan Venusiassa. Hän sai surmansa väijytyksessä viidennellä konsulikaudellaan 208 eaa. ollessaan tiedustelemassa vihollisen asemia.
ellauri033.html on line 506: Jos bidee voittaa tulee sisällissota, sanoo magalakkinen säläkauppias Pensylvaniassa rihkamateltan edessä. Ohimenevät autot tuuttaa tai huutaa fäkkiä. Noin 60-40 Trumpin etu, sanoo lippispää korvakuulolta. Luulet vaan. Toivottavasti se sisällissota tosiaankin tulee. Siitä tulee selvää jälkeä kun joka hessulla on pyssy tai sinko makkarissa. Ilmassa lentää verisiä päitä ja suolenkappaleita. Keep America great. Amerikka takas inkkareille. Taikka biisoneille. Ei Aku Valttikortille eikä Jopi Bideelle.
ellauri033.html on line 542: Sixte lukee oppipojan tunnustuxia. Se on onneton kun se on kunniattomana posessa kansalaisluottamusta vailla. Sen paras piirre omasta miälestä noin zygologina on skizous, sillä on selkeesti erixeen yliminä ja "se". Ize se on se superego eikä "se". Kaikki haluu aina olla supermiehiä eikä wunderdoggeja. Roopelta kuoli isä pienenä, väpelö pedantti inisevä insinööri, matikkapää (mitä Polle ei ole takuulla). Väpelö oli poikakin, pelkäs muita ihmisiä ja inhos visiittejä. Liian vähän koululiikuntaa, vapaaliikkeitä, tuumii Paavali. Isänperintöä kaikki, sillä oli suonissa liitupölyä. Roopen (lue Pollen) mielestä ruipelot ei pysty vastustamaan himoja, siihen tarvitaan lihaxia, hiiri antaa perään himolle vaikka pienelle. Iskäkin sai mielettömiä raivareita välillä. Isoiskäkin oli puolihullu ja puolilandepaukku kaiken kukkuraxi.
ellauri033.html on line 587: Sixte lukee siis edelleen ihmishukan kertomusta tapahtumista markiisin huvilinnassa. Eri narsistista textiä. Minkähän verran tässä on omaelämäkerrallista? Ainakin se varmaan et ihmissusi alias Bourget oli tyttöystävien mielestä nätti poika, ja se että sitä rotinkaisena otti suunnattomasti päähän, mut samalla vähän himotti markiisin lihasaivoinen pikkuwiixinen pikkusikareja poltteleva aatelispoika joka osas razastaa, miekkailla ja pelaa biljardia. Rotinkainen Bourget tunsi vaan pelin taskuversion.
ellauri033.html on line 778: Kun nyt luen Albert Camun Rutosta Isä Panelouxin saarnaa ruton vaivaamalle Oranin kaupungille, huomaan taas selvästi, mix heittäytyminen jonkun herrajumalan jalkoihin on mulle ihan mahdoton ajatus. Se perimmäinen syy on, että jokainen tarjolle tuotu jumala on musta liian säälittävä henkilö, nilkkimäinen paskiainen kerta kaikkiaan. Mä oisin halunnut et se ylipäällikkö olis oikeesti jotain superia eikä vaan joku nilkki törkimys. Mut en osaa edes kuvitellakaan, millainen se supermies edes olisi, että se täyttäisi mun pääsyvaatimuxet. Tai nainen, ize asiassa mieluummin, vaikka todennäköisimmin se ei tarvis sukuelimiä olleskaan, mitäs se niillä tekisi. Mix sen edes pitäs olla erityisesti varustettu tän säälittävän apinan killukkeilla, pärstävärkillä ja logolla, ja pelata sen tiimissä. Ei, se ei vaan kerta kaikkiaan pelitä, ei kukaan joka vähänkin muistuttaa jotain tavallista tallaajaa, edes sen verran että sen kanssa voi normaalisti keskustella, jopa esittää vaatimuxia kuin Kaarlo Syväntö, ei täytä tilausta. Oiskohan perusvika se, etten mä ole riittävästi koskaan ihaillut edes omia vanhempiani, izestäni puhumattakaan? Ja lähimmäisiä mä lähinnä enimmäxeen inhoan. Tää Panelouxin pätkä on oireellinen, siinä ongelma näyttäytyy koko radollisuudessaan.
ellauri033.html on line 780: Tänä päivänä rutto vaanii teitä, ja se merkizee sitä, että on tullut hetki, jolloin teidän on pysähdyttävä ajattelemaan. Vanhurskaiden ei tarvize olla peloissaan, mutta pilkkaajat vaviskoot. Maailmankaikkeuden suunnattomassa riihessä on leppymätön vizaus puiva inhimillistä eloa kunnes akanat saadaan erotetuxi jyvistä. Akanoita on oleva enemmän kuin jyviä, kuzuttuja enemmän kuin valittuja, eikä tätä onnettomuutta ole tahtonut jumala. ... Mutta näin ei ole voinut jatkua. Hän, jonka anteexiantavat kasvot niin kauan ovat kurkottaneet tämän kaupungin ihmisten puoleen, on väsynyt odottamaan, pettynyt jumalallisessa toivossaan ja kääntänyt kasvonsa pois. ... Kirkossa päräytti joku sieraimiaan kuin malttamaton hevonen. ... Paneloux vaikeni, tukka ozalla ...
ellauri033.html on line 824: 1816 -1830, Alf Lamartine ehti käydä Bourgetin järvellä Aix-les-Bainsissa 8x. Jo ekalla käynnillä lokak. 2816 26-v Alfiin iski intohimo. Sen nimi oli Julie Charles, 32-vuotias tohtorinna, joka asui hotellissa Alfin seinänaapurina, mitämax vingahteli siellä kuuluisan tohtorimiehensä alla. Tiedän just millaista se on, Niku höyläs Fainwood Circlellä suloista japsityttöystäväänsä komeron ohkasen seinän takana. On siinä pitelemistä.
ellauri034.html on line 241: pakkas siihen pahimmat luonteenpiirteensä: luterilaisen

ellauri034.html on line 279: Kuolema luotolla oli yx Jerry Cottonin kuolemattomista numeroista. En pidä luotosta. Korko varsinkin oli - siinä Muhammed on aivan oikeassa - perkeleen ja juutalaisten pahimpia kexintöjä. Se syntyi maanviljelyxen ylituotannosta, ja oli paholaismaisen räjähdysmäisen kasvun seuraus ja syy silloin niin kuin nykyään. Kasvuun vetoaa jokainen talousliberaali kuminaama, kasvua tolkuttivat punalipun alla kommarit. Viherfasismia peliin nyt! Lopettakaa kasvu! Lopettakaa korko! Kapitalismi vittuun, vaikka apinoiden enemmistön hinnalla se on mun ceterum censeo. No sweat, mä lähden kyllä enemmistön mukana.
ellauri034.html on line 396: Rajaa lähimmäisten piirin niihin joilla on samoja geenejä.

ellauri034.html on line 464: Jenkit ostaa Kiinan lentokentällä setelitukkuja heilutellen Ranskaan tarkoitetut kasvosuojuxet, maxaa kolme kertaa korkeamman hinnan kuin ranskalaiset. Näin se alkaa. Britit lähtivät jo EU:sta, seuraavaxi sieltä lentää Unkari. Kolme pian entistä EU-maata on kieltäytynyt ottamasta vastaan pakolaisia. Rettet sich wer kann, it´s every man for himself, jokainen kuolee izexeen niinkuin Berliinissä 1944.
ellauri034.html on line 473: Herlinin sanomien vastenmieliset talousliberaalit pelkää kaikista eniten lamaa ja tulojensa vähenemistä. Nää hanhet lentää yläpilvissä, ei niitä maahan jäävät ruumiit häirize. Nyt ne suosittaa, että joka ikisen iikan puhelimeen asennetaan appeja, jolla "viranomaiset" ja amerikkalaiset voivat yxityiskohtaisesti seurata kuka käy missäkin ja kuka tapaa kenet millonkin, ilman että (ja tää on tärkeetä) valvottavat izekään voivat valvoa niistä kerättyjä tietoja. Tää on pieni hinta talouslaman välttämisestä, ne sanovat. Saatana! Tää on enemmän kuin vastenmielistä, tää on pahimmat dystopiat toteutuneena. Vittu nää termiitit on vastenmielisiä. Mänkööt vuan kaek samaa tietä kuin Pentti Linkola. Viimeisten aikojen rukousmyllyt jauhavat. Voiko kana pamahtaa? Se on pamahtanut jo. Torin vasaralle Mjölnerille olis töitä.
ellauri034.html on line 543: In 1975 the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe published an essay, "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad´s ´Heart of Darkness´", which provoked controversy by calling Conrad a "thoroughgoing racist". Achebe´s view was that Heart of Darkness cannot be considered a great work of art because it is "a novel which celebrates... dehumanisation, which depersonalises a portion of the human race." Referring to Conrad as a "talented, tormented man", Achebe notes that Conrad (via the protagonist, Charles Marlow) reduces and degrades Africans to "limbs", "ankles", "glistening white eyeballs", etc., while simultaneously (and fearfully) suspecting a common kinship between himself and these natives—leading Marlow to sneer the word "ugly." Achebe also cited Conrad´s description of an encounter with an African: "A certain enormous buck nigger encountered in Haiti fixed my conception of blind, furious, unreasoning rage, as manifested in the human animal to the end of my days." Achebe´s essay, a landmark in postcolonial discourse, provoked debate, and the questions it raised have been addressed in most subsequent literary criticism of Conrad.
ellauri035.html on line 265: There is a god that arms him with a flower
ellauri035.html on line 576: hohtavaan korvaan ja kalpea ohimo
ellauri036.html on line 30: Niihin aikoihin keräili kaksi Napoleonin jälkeen suurinta neroa kokoon ne tuskan ja surun ainekset, jotka olivat hajallaan maailmankaikkeudessa. Goethe, uuden kirjallisuuden patriarkka, oli kuvannut Wertherissä onnettoman, kuolemaan vievän intohimon ja luonut Faustissa synkimmän hahmon, mikä milloinkaan on edustanut syntiä ja onnettomuutta. Hänen kirjansa alkoivat niihin aikoihin tulla Saksasta Ranskaan. Itse istuen työhuoneessaan taulujen ja kuvanveistosten ympäröimänä, rikkaana, onnellisena ja tyynenä, näki hän, isällisesti hymyillen, kuinka hänen synkät teoksensa tulivat rajan yli meidän luoksemme.
ellauri036.html on line 107: No nyt sitte käänne parempaan, tietysti. Mussen iskä kuolee, se kitupiikki, ja samassa se muuttuu Mussen silmissä ihan pyhimyxexi. Musse vollottaa sen arkulla yhtä uskollisen palvelijan kaa, joka näyttää yhtä aavemaisen paljon Mussen iskältä kuin Notre Damea tulitikuista rakentanut kummittelija näytti Roope Ankalta. Musse alkaa noudattaa isän päivärytmiä (siis ennen kuolemaa, ei sen jälkeen), muuttuu kiltixi ja auttaa köyhiä. Jo tuntuu paremmalta, ize asiassa ihan hyvältä.
ellauri036.html on line 139: Nyt marssitetaan lavalle vielä joku Smith (kexeliäs nimi), joka on oikea pyhimys miehexeen. Kieltäytyy rahakkaasta muusikonurasta maxaaxeen äitinsä ja siskonsa ylöspidon pienestä virkamiehen palkasta. (Mitä vittua?) Kieltäytyy menemästä ize naimisiin koska sitten sillä ei olisi varaa maxaa sisarensa myötäjäisiä. Huoh ja huoh. Tää hemmo on 21 niinkuin Mussekin mut kunnollinen. Silläkin on kuume niinkuin Brigittellä, onkohan se coronaa? Hui. Vai onko niillä hyppykuppa kummallakin? Musse alkaa jälleen olla mustasukkainen. Ehkä sikäli syystä, että toi kumma Henri Smith on ilmeisesti smitten, eli pihkassa Ovaltineen myös, tarkoitan siis Brigitteen.
ellauri036.html on line 1108: maailman vanhimmasta ja hedelmällisimmästä synnistä
ellauri036.html on line 1397: eikä kullanhimo. Sellaisena kun se nyt on tossa
ellauri036.html on line 1483: 2 sydäntä puhdasta kuin kulta, joita pyhimysten rivit
ellauri036.html on line 1964:

Pahempia kuin nää "ylilyönnit" on jenkki"oikeuden" tavalliset käytännöt. Vankilat on nöyryytyslaitoxia, oikeudenkäynnit televisioituja farsseja, pahimmat tapauxet kuskataan Guantanamoon ja kidutetaan siellä, nöyryytetään mumslimeita kostoxi tuplatorneista. Ne nyt jouti mennäkin, rahavallan törkeet tuplafäkkisormet. Sit oli se Abu Ghraib "skandaali", missä apinan lailla irvistelevät jenkkisotilaat näytti peukku ylös merkkiä alastoman mumslimiruumiskasan päällä. Kaikenlaista ihan samanlaista sikailua kuin karja-aidan toisellakin puolella. Ei helvetti, ne on nää apinat ize, ei mikään paha meemi, joka näitä teettää. Just samanlaista meinikiä on jenkkivankiloissa, sanoo lähde. The human animal is capable of behaviors unimagined by our rational actor models, and even by our most resolutely "behavioral" brands of law and economics.
ellauri036.html on line 1984: Outoa on myös Martan kostonhimoisuus, et rangaistuxen tarkoitus on päästä tasoihin. Helvetti, ne joita jenkeissä rangaistaan ei todellakaan ole lähelläkään tasoissa. Martan emotionalismi on juste milieu, sanoo kriitikko. Niinpä, paizi ei Aristoteleen mielessä, vaan Louis Aragonin: beaux quartiers, moraalia keskiluokan kermaperseille. Kosto elää! huutaa hyväosainen ja lyttää vähäosaista vielä lisää.
ellauri036.html on line 1986: Mä olen jossain toisaalla jo viisaasti sanonut, että apina on hyvä toiselle vaan niin kauan kuin leijona on kylläinen: kun sillä ei oo nälkä, se voi antaa luun myös hyeenoille. Tai no, köyhät kyllä auttaa toisiaan, se tuntuu rotevalta, ja voi toisen kerran saada sitten ize apua. Sitä mukaa kun amerikkalaisten äärettömältä näyttänyt etumatka muihin on kaventunut, on niiden kostonhimo myös herännyt. Tää ei yhtään yllätä, samoja apinoita kasvaa joka oxalla.
ellauri036.html on line 2154: Koska älisijät eivät ymmärrä länsimaista talousliberalismia, ne ruokkivat itsensä länkkärien positiivisilla tunteilla, onnellisuudella ja ihmisten hyvillä muistoilla, pakottaen heidät muistamaan pahimmat muistonsa, kuten vuosien 1993 ja 2008 laman. Älisijöiden läsnäolo tekee ympäristön ilmastosta kylmän ja pimeän. Ilmastonmuutos on siis puppua, kyse on ankeuttajista. Vaikutukset riippuvat siitä kuinka monta älisijää lähettyvillä on. Vaikka älisijät aistivat tunteita, niillä on vaikeuksia erottaa länsimaiset tunteet toisistaan, kuten Bush Jr. huomasi paetessaan Irakista. Niiden on myös vaikeampi aistia alempien eläimien tunteita. mikä saattoi myös vaikuttaa asiaan.
ellauri037.html on line 171: ja työnnän sen sanojan kaikkeinpyhimpään,

ellauri037.html on line 506: Mitä jalompi ja täydellisempi joku juttu on, sitä myöhemmin ja hitaammin se kypsyy. Miekkonen saavuttaa järkensä ja hengenlahjojensa kypsyyden tuskin ennen 28. ikävuotta (jos sillonkaan, taitaa mennä pullapoika hautaan aika raakana); nainen 18-vuotiaana. Mutta sitten onkin naisilla järki sen mukainen: aika niukasti annosteltu. Siks just naiset jäävät koko iäxensä lapsixi, kaipaavat vaan lähimmäistä, tarraavat nykyhetkeen, mittaa kalut silmämäärällä ja nalkuttavat pikkuasioista isoiden ja tärkeiden sijasta (kuten mun filosofian). Järki näät on, jonka tautta ihminen (siis mies) pääsee suruista ja tumpeloinneista. Tästä saavutettuja etuja mutta myöskin haittoja saa osaxensa nainen vähemmän kiitos heikompien hengenlahjojen: pikemminkin se on henkisesti likinäköinen, kun sen intuitiivinen ymmärrys näkee lähietäisyydeltä tarkasti, sensijaan sillä on ahdas näkökenttä, johon kauempana oleva ei mahdu; siks just kaikki poissaoleva, mennyt ja tuleva vaikuttaa naisiin heikommin kuin meihin (puhun nyt teille muut miekkoset). Vaikka tästä onkin paljon haittoja, onhan siinä se hyväkin, että nainen liikkuu enemmän nykyhetkessä kuin me, ja sixi, jos nykyisyys on jotenkin siedettävä, nauttii siitä enemmän, mistä tulee naisille ominainen hilpeys, josta on paljon hyötyä huolten vaivaaman miehen viihteexi.
ellauri037.html on line 508: Samasta lähteestä voidaan johtaa, että naiset osoittavat enemmän myötätuntoa ja enemmän ihmisrakkautta ja osanottoa onnettomille kuin miekkoset; sitävastoin mukiloinnissa, kostonhimossa, vanhurskaudessa, rehvakkuudessa, tunnottomuudessa ja koiramaisessa tottelevaisuudessa ne jäävät miekkosten jalkoihin. Sillä heikon järjen hämärässä valossa tempaa tämänhetkinen, havainnollinen, välitön todellisuus ne mukaansa, ja meidän miekkosten tanakkana seisoviin maksim-konekivääreihin, lukkoon lyödyihin ja kiinni naulattuihin päättömiin päätöxiin, ylipäänsä menneisyyden ja tulevaisuuden, olemattoman ja etäisen vatvomiseen niillä on vähän kärsivällisyyttä. Niillähän on äijyyteen vaan vähin vaadittava, puuttuu varsinaiset ratkaisevat vehkeet siihen. Niitä voi tässä suhteessa verrata eliöön, jolla on maxa, muttei sappea. Kun miehet purkaa sappeaan, maxaa nainen laskun. Ks. väitöskirjani pykälää 17, missä määrittelen moraalin perustan, nimittäin maxan sekä sapen. - Sitä myöden huomataan että naisluonteen perusvirhe on epäreiluus. (Äiskäkin oli tosi epäreilu kun antoi siskolle koko pikku perintönsä, mulle jäi vaan pääpotti isältä.) Se syntyy ensinnäkin jo esitellystä järjen ja harkinnan puutteesta, mutta sitä tukee vielä se, että ne voimiltaan luonnostaan heikompina ei voi turvautua väkivaltaan niinkuin me, vaan juonittelee. Akka on kuin kuttukin, ellei se pahhoo tie, niin ajattelloo kumminnii.
ellauri037.html on line 515: Ihmissuvun jatkamisesta huolehtii luonnostaan nuoret, vahvat ja kauniit miehet, kunnon nazikönsikkäät jotta rotu pysyy hyvänä, ikävä kyllä koaloilla ja mustekaloilla ei ole siinä pennin jakoa. No mä oon aina tykännytkin enemmän koirantalutuxesta ja huiluhommista. Tää on luonnon toivomus, ja naisten himot on sitä myöten. Tää laki on ihan eka kaikissa suhteissa. Six se on voi, jos sitä koittaa vastustaa: siinä käy heti tosi ohraisesti ekassa kurvissa. Sillä naisten salainen, lausumaton, jopa tiedostamaton moraali on: meillä on on oikeus huolehtia lajin jatkumisesta eikä jonkun (esim koalamaisen) yxilön. Me ajatellaan mieluummin meidän lapsia kuin jonkun koalan tohveleita. Naiset ei huolehdi tästä peruslaista vaan in abstracto, vaan myös in concreto, ja todistavat sen käytöxellään (siis jättämällä koalan kuin tikku paskaan kun jotain edes vähän parempaa on näköpiirissä). - Tästä lähemmin mun pääteoxen luvussa 44 osassa 2, jossa kerron naisten mulle tekemistä ohareista.
ellauri037.html on line 793: Perlend die Augen von himmlischen Thau
ellauri037.html on line 872: intohimon merellä.
ellauri038.html on line 18:

The Walrus and the Carpenter


ellauri038.html on line 27: just pahimmat piipunrassit jotka eniten on ollaxeen kirjallisesti, kun eivät pärjää
ellauri038.html on line 87: Andererseits ist nicht zu übersehen, daß die Inszenierung auf das seinerzeit populäre Thema für lebende Bilder „Frauen bändigen die unbändige Lust der Männer, indem sie sie unter das Zugtierjoch spannen“ anspielt. Gerade die Differenz von strahlendem Sonnenwagen der Liebe und dem Ehegespann im Alltagstrott, von himmelhochjauchzend und den Mühen der Ebene, eröffnete einen weiten Spielraum der Interpretation, ohne das Risiko, jemanden unmittelbar zu kränken.
ellauri038.html on line 154: As for why this deserves to be called philosophy, it depends on how we define the term. There were philosophers at Athens besides Socrates and Plato, who didn’t oppose philosophy to rhetoric and for whom personal authority was essential to their teaching. Nietzsche aimed to bring that back, at least in his own case – which is the only one that really mattered to him.
ellauri038.html on line 180: Max Weber syntyi Erfurtissa, Saksassa vanhimpana seitsemän lapsen perheestä. Hänen isänsä, Max Weber vanhempi, oli merkittävä poliitikko ja virkamies, joka oli naimisissa Helene Fallenstenin kanssa, jota se ilmeisesti kohteli törkeästi, ja lapsiakin. Nuorempi veli Alfred Weber oli myös sosiologi ja taloustieteilijä. Sisko Lili teki izarin.
ellauri038.html on line 204: In 1898, Max suffered a psychological collapse, possibly brought on after his father´s death, which happened shortly after Max confronted him regarding his abuse of Helene. Between 1898 and 1904, Max withdrew from public life, moving in and out of mental institutions, traveling compulsively and resigning from his prominent position at University of Heidelberg.
ellauri038.html on line 212: In 1914, World War I broke out. While Max busied himself publishing his multi-volume study of religion, lecturing, organizing military hospitals, serving as an adviser in peace negotiations and running for office in the new Weimar Republic, Marianne published many works, among which were: "The New Woman" (1914), "The Ideal of Marriage" (1914), "War as an Ethical Problem" (1916), "Changing Types of University Women" (1917), "The Forces Shaping Sexual Life" (1919) and "Women's Special Cultural Tasks" (1919).
ellauri038.html on line 220: Ymmärtävä sosiologia viittaa Weberin määritelmään sosiologiasta. Weberille sosiologia oli tiede, joka ymmärtää tulkiten sosiaalista toimintaa ja siten selittää sen kulun ja sen vaikutusten syitä. Ymmärtävässä sosiologiassa ymmärtämiseen liittyy aina selittävä ote. Sosiologian tulee selittää syitä toiminnalla sekä toiminnan vaikutuksia ja seurauksia. Inhimillisen toiminnan ehdoksi Weber asettaa sen, että toimija liittää toimintaan subjektiivisen merkityksen. Sosiaalista toiminta on vasta silloin kun toimijan subjektiivinen merkityksenanto ottaa huomioon muut toimijat. Weberille vain yksilöt voivat olla toimijoita. No tää on kyllä perinteistä oikeistomeemiä. Weber ymmärtää kapitalisteja, ei ne voi sille mitään että ne on paskiaisia.
ellauri039.html on line 26: Max ja Moritz edustaa eurooppalaista 1800-luvun kuvakertomusta, jota on pidetty modernin sarjakuvan eräänä edeltäjänä. Max ja Moritz itse oli vanhimman edelleen jatkuvan sarjakuvastripin, Rudolph Dirksin Kissalan poikien (Katzenjammer Kids), esikuva.
ellauri039.html on line 165: Dies macht das Leben zum himmlischen Reich,

ellauri039.html on line 462: Sitten tuli Fukushima ja zunami

ellauri039.html on line 718: Ruton loppuvizeistä näyttää selvältä, että Kamu oikeastaan puhuu maailmansodasta, jota se vertaa ruttotautiin. Pandemia tai pandemonium, vähän eroa. Kamua lienee vähän kaikissa kirjan sankareissa, Tarroun kertomuxessa paljonkin, mutta eniten tietysti tohtorissa, joka kertojaxi lopuxi paljastuukin (spoileri). Tarroun isä, joka osas junien aikataulut ulkoa kuin Mussolini, ja jonka suusta kiemursi kostonhimoisia lauseita kuin käärmeitä, toi mieleen Poirot-episodin Sad Cypress ja sen alussa messuavan syyttäjän. Anglosaxiset oikedenkäynnit on primiitiivistä farssia, mölyapinan vihaista mölinää jota kuuntelee satunnaisesti poimittu pala laahusta huuli lerpalla. Guilty. Ja tää on sit olevinaan parasta mihin lännessä on kyetty.
ellauri039.html on line 732: Kamu-Tarrou peukuttaa ahimsaa (opin sanan Frank Zapalta). Ainoa tie rauhaan on myötätunto. Sympatia, eikä mikään vitun empatia. Tykkäys eikä mikään vitun eläytyminen toisen asemaan. On oltava samassa asemassa, samassa veneessä, soutajan tuhdolla koko porukka. Ei se niin tuu menemään, mut ei se tuu menemään muutenkaan. Hukutaan sit ainaskin yhessä.
ellauri039.html on line 734: Pyhyyttä voidaan tuskin saavuttaa kuin likimääräisesti. Tässä tapauxessa olisi tyydyttävä vaatimattoman, laupiaaseen pirullisuuteen. Puheena oleva tekopyhimys on tässä kissojen niskaan syljeskellyt pikku-ukko. Toinen wannabe pyhimys, häränniskainen Tarrou kuolee ruttoon vipi viimeisenä. Reuxin sairaalloinen vaimo on sillä aikaa kuollut muualla tubiin. Kuolema niittää satoa, muistot vaan jää. Mut mitä muuta jää mistään muutenkaan, paizi mitä nyt lapsia ja pätäkkää. Tässä tapauxessa ei siis niitäkään.
ellauri039.html on line 768: Edward Morgan Forster OM CH (1 January 1879 – 7 June 1970) was an English novelist, short story writer, essayist and librettist. Many of his novels examine class difference and hypocrisy, including A Room with a View (1908), Howards End (1910) and A Passage to India (1924). The last brought him his greatest success. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 16 different years.
ellauri039.html on line 776: The Forsyte Saga, first published under that title in 1922, is a series of three novels and two interludes published between 1906 and 1921 by Nobel Prize–winning English author John Galsworthy. They chronicle the vicissitudes of the leading members of a large, upper-middle-class English family, similar to Galsworthy´s family. Only a few generations removed from their farmer ancestors, the family members are keenly aware of their status as "new money". The main character, Soames Forsyte, sees himself as a "man of property" by virtue of his ability to accumulate material possessions – but this does not succeed in bringing him pleasure.
ellauri040.html on line 101: Enkö todellakaan murhaisi 12-vuotiasta tyttöä, jos videoiden kazelun sijasta olisin lukenut "parasta maailmankirjallisuutta"? Tälläisiä latteuxia voi esittää vaan kirjallisuuden intohimoinen ystävä, jolle suurin onnettomuus ja seikkailu on myöhästynyt lainakirja.
ellauri040.html on line 250: Kiwi alkoi saada syksyllä ohimeneviä ”mielenhäiriökohtauksia”, ja hänet toimitettiin keväällä 1871 Helsingin Uuteen Klinikkaan, josta hänet lähetettiin edelleen Lapinlahden mielisairaalaan. Lapinlahdessa Kiven sairaus diagnosoitiin krooniseksi melankoliaksi, jonka arveltiin johtuvan verenvähyydestä, juoppoudesta ja loukatusta kirjailijakunniasta. Hoitoina käytettiin kiniiniä, ulostus- ja yskänlääkkeitä sekä morfiinia. Ei siellä nytkään muuta tehdä kuin tunkgetaan vuodevangit täyteen lääkkeitä ja odotellaan tulosta.
ellauri040.html on line 390: kunnianhimon, ehkäpä suuruudenhullun hourailun? (No mixet?) Kirjailijalle joka
ellauri041.html on line 313: Der Flugelin der Fuhrer pelaa lasten kanssa shakkia ja teitittelee vaimoa, syö izetekemiään vuohia ja kazoo perheen kaa Louhimiehen sontimatonta tutilasta. Länteen pettynyt bulgaari Krastev on tästä kaikesta kiusallisen selvillä ja hypistelee haluttomasti saxalaisen flyygelin mustavalkoisia koskettimia. Ne näyttää epäilyttävästi hain hampailta. Und der Haifisch, der hat Zähne, und die trägt er im Gesicht. Und der Nazi, der hat ein Messer, doch das Messer sieht man nicht.
ellauri041.html on line 330: Parhaiten uppoutuminen ranskalaiseen sielunmaisemaan käy Ranskassa, jonne hän suuntaa Toyotallaan. Hän on päätynyt vaatimattomaan japanilaiseen autoon, koska uskoo, ettei Audin kaltainen statussymboli sovi inhimillisiä arvoja mainostavalle markkinamiehelle. Eikö sitikka 2cv tai ryppypeppu ois ollut pastillimpi? Huijaat vaan Tommi izeäs ja meitä, ei ollut varaa kuin pieneen riisipussiin.
ellauri041.html on line 407: Tämä Anttoni on löytötavaroiden suojeluspyhimys. Lissabonilainen kai

ellauri041.html on line 454: Antoniuxet oli eri pyhimyxiä. Mutta hätä ei ehkä ole tämän näköinen!

ellauri041.html on line 465: Hetkinen! Jos Wilhelm Busch on oikeassa pyhimyxistä, niin niillä saattaa olla

ellauri041.html on line 666: vaikka pyhimyxet ennen kaikkea

ellauri041.html on line 699: ja vahvistuxexi tulevalle pyhimyxelle.
ellauri041.html on line 746: tuotti pyhimyxille hohtoa ja mainetta.
ellauri041.html on line 1148: lahjoitteli niille sieviä pyhimyxenkuvia,

ellauri041.html on line 1598: porteille tutun Paduan. Siellä pyhimys

ellauri041.html on line 1664: ja lueskeli pyhimyskehänsa valossa

ellauri041.html on line 1665: myöhään yöhön yksin pyhimystalossa.

ellauri041.html on line 1689: istuivat siinä pyhimys ja neitonen
ellauri041.html on line 1813: Pyhimys ja porsas puki taivaan henxelit.

ellauri041.html on line 1924: Connect the dots. Lassi ei perusta pisteenyhdistelypiirustuxista, pitääkö siinä muka noudattaa jotain järjestystä. Ja tuloxena on vaan joku säälittävä ankka. Lassi on taas kerran ihan oikeassa, ne on syvältä. Forsterin laskukas saxalainen vanhapiika on kylästynyt olemaan kulturelli köyhimys ja palastelemaan toimeentulonsa. Se haluu millä hinnalla hyvänsä rikkaisiin naimisiin Howard's Endin omistavan törkymöykyn kolonialistin kanssa. Se haluu yhdistää 2 pistettä: oman kyldyrellin köyhyyden ja Hen-äijän vulgäärit rahat. Oma tyyli ja toisen toimeentuloturva. Taitaa mennä pieleen kuin Lassilla mä veikkaan. Pisteistä ei tule ankka vaan jänis. Vaikken ole lukenut kirjaa enkä nähnyt kaikkia osia. Tää on tällästä varovaista charityhenkistä yhteiskuntakritiikkiä. Jaloja villejä kadun varjosalta puolelta ja piknikkejä jalavoiden varjossa Howard's Endissä. Taattua brittikamaa, brexithenkistä. Ivana Trump Atlantin itäpuolelta.
ellauri042.html on line 45: Päivät kaikki kaunihimmat,
ellauri042.html on line 171: > Silti vanhuxet kokevat (jos uskaltavat kauppaan edes), että heitä tuijotellaan tartunnan pahimpina lähteinä. Varo wanhuxia! Ne voivat viedä sun hengityskoneesi!

ellauri042.html on line 424: leuat alkaa loxua ja näykkiä lähimmäisen kuonoa, jalkoja ja pyrstöä. Lehdet, joissa rauhan aikana

ellauri042.html on line 463: Dansk litteratur og i særdeleshed dansk autofiktion er spækket med modbydelige forældre, der svigter og misbruger deres børn på både tænkelige og utænkelige måder. Kim Leines far gør det i Kalak (2007), Erling Jepsens far gør det i Kunsten at græde i kor (2002), og Morten Sabroes mor gør det i Du som er i himlen (2007). Jens Blendstrups 'Gud taler ud' fra 2004 er også et portræt af en forælder, der skruppelløst krænker og sårer, men i modsætning til de øvrige forfattere, leverer Blendstrup en roman, der hverken er et opgør eller en konfrontation. Blendstrup skriver uden omveje og mellemled. Der er ingen stræben efter forsoning med de svigt og sår, en barndom kaster af sig. Der er blot et dybtgående og egensindigt portræt af en alkoholiseret og dæmonisk gnistrende far til fire i et århusiansk villaparadis.
ellauri042.html on line 500: Despite references to the family patriarch as "God", this isn't a fantasy story. Word of God is set very much in the real world. It's a vignette rather than a plot-driven story, a tale of a cranky man and how his wife and three sons deal with him while trying to maintain their dignity and sanity.

ellauri042.html on line 563: Oliver Wolf Sacks (9. heinäkuuta 1933 Lontoo, Britannia – 30. elokuuta 2015 New York, Yhdysvallat) oli neurologian professori, joka tunnettiin tieteenalansa popularisoijana. Hän kirjoitti kliinisiä tapauskertomuksia helposti ymmärrettävällä, välillä lähes anekdoottimaisella tyylillä. Sacks osasi nähdä neurologiset oireet inhimillisessä valossa ja kirjoittaa niistä humoristisesti.
ellauri042.html on line 580: Musiikin vaikutukset eri sairauksista kärsiviin ihmisiin ovat useimmiten myönteisiä. Esimerkiksi Parkinsonin tauti vie edetessään potilailta kyvyn liikkua, mutta musiikin avulla he pystyvät taas suorittamaan tiettyjä liikesarjoja, kuten tanssimaan lambadaa työntäen kielensä ulos suusta sanoen HÄÄ. Ja potilaat, joilla on Alzheimerin tauti, saattavat musiikin avulla muistaa jo unohdettuja asioita. Paras alkaa kuunnella taas Tuomari Nurmiota. Rypistynyttä profeettaa. Jos vaan muistan. Viime kesänähän oli mulla jo se TGA, ohimennyt täydellinen muistikatko. Nykyisin on pientä pyörrytystä ja puristusta päässä. Siitäpä se lähtöö.
ellauri042.html on line 644: Part of Pope's bitter inspiration for the characters in the book come from his soured relationship with the royal court. The Princess of Wales Caroline of Ansbach, wife of George II, had supported Pope in her patronage of the arts. When she and her husband came to the throne in 1727 she had a much busier schedule and thus had less time for Pope who saw this oversight as a personal slight against him. When planning the Dunciad he based the character Dulness on Queen Caroline, as the fat, lazy and dull wife. Pope's bitterness against Caroline was a typical trait of his brilliant but unstable character. The King of the Dunces as the wife of Dulness was based on George II. Pope makes his views on the first two Georgian kings very clear in the Dunciad when he writes 'Still Dunce the second reigns like Dunce the first'.
ellauri042.html on line 657: An anecdote in "A Letter from Mr. Cibber, to Mr. Pope", published in 1742, recounts their trip to a brothel organised by Pope's own patron, who apparently intended to stage a cruel joke at the expense of the poet. Since Pope was only about 4' tall, with a hunchback, due to a childhood tubercular infection of the spine, and the prostitute specially chosen as Pope's 'treat' was the fattest and largest on the premises, the tone of the event is fairly self-apparent. Cibber describes his 'heroic' role in snatching Pope off of the prostitute's body, where he was precariously perched like a tom-tit, while Pope's patron looked on, sniggering, thereby saving English poetry. While Cibber's elevation to laureateship in 1730 had further inflamed Pope against him, there is little speculation involved in suggesting that Cibber's anecdote, with particular reference to Pope´s "little-tiny manhood", motivated the revision of hero.
ellauri042.html on line 667: Irkkumummelilla oli trombi ohimolohkossa. Se kuuli koko ajan kovalla soittoa ja laulua: Sweet Jesus Glory Halleluja ja Easter Parade. Että se inhos niitä. Ääni tuli päästä eikä hammaspaikoista. Mitenkä päävaivaisilla onkin aina samat vaivat? Kuin soittaisivat sama vanhaa levyä. No samat piuhathan niillä menee aina sykkyrään.
ellauri042.html on line 697: Dostoevsky´s literary work has strong autobiographical elements. We know from him that he suffered from hallucinations already in early childhood. He presented idiotic characters with confused views about freedom of choice, religion, socialism, atheism, good and evil. Many of his characters suffered – like the author himself – from epilepsy. Other famous people also suffered from epilepsy (Alexander the Great, Caesar, Gustave Flaubert, and Lord Byron). Flaubert had religiously tinted visions. The first 2 guys thought they were gods.
ellauri042.html on line 703: In 1847, Dostoevsky participated in a revolutionary group around Petrashevsky. He was arrested and sentenced to death in 1849, during a reading of a radical letter. On December 22nd, 1849 he experienced mock execution while he was expecting death during some minutes quite seriously. However, the sentence was commuted to Katorga, a penal camp in Siberia. Served him right.
ellauri042.html on line 747: Sillä oli myöhemmin seikkailu toisen naisen kanssa jonka nimi oli Appolinaria Suslova (no joo, Apollinaria, stiplu), nuori nainen johon se oli ankarasti pihkassa. Vaikka se oli kovasti siihen rakastunut, Doston pelihimo yhdistettynä mirrin flirttailuun jonku toisen miehen kaa teki lopun niiden suhteesta.
ellauri042.html on line 813: In the meantime Ollie had published not one but two memoirs, with an exhaustive range of anecdotes, full of enchantment and anguish, covering everything from his all-consuming childhood obsession with the properties of metals to the abuse he endured at boarding school to his feeling, amphibian-like, more at home in water than on land to his mother’s reaction when she discovered his sexual orientation. “You are an abomination,” Ollie recounted her telling him when he was 18. “I wish you had never been born.” Nor had Ollie kept anything hidden. He described his first orgasm — reached spontaneously while floating in a swimming pool — and, in deft yet fairly pornographic detail, an agonized, inadvertent climax experienced much later while giving a massage to a man who shunned Ollie’s love.
ellauri042.html on line 815: What had Sacks left to Weschler? What did his gift, his command, amount to beyond the dying wish of a magnificent and, by some accounts, paradoxically self-effacing and narcissistic doctor to have yet another book, beyond the 13 he himself had written (three more would come posthumously), to help ensure his immortality? Maybe this:
ellauri042.html on line 817: His moronic patients called him “deeply eccentric” and described him as “huge, a full beard, black leather jacket covering T-shirts riddled with holes, huge shoes, his trousers looking like they were going to slide off his body.” A friend from Sacks’s days as a medical resident remembers him as a “big, free-ranging animal” who one day “drank some blood … chasing it with milk. There was something about his need to cross taboos. Back in those days, in the early ’60s, he was heavily into drugs, downing whole handfuls of them, especially speed and LSD.”
ellauri042.html on line 821: Fedja-setä nautti aurahetkistä kuin oopiuminsyöjä pilviretkistä. Shostakovizhilla oli kranaatinpala ohimolohkossa. Kun se kallisti päätä se kuuli sävellyxiä. Sitä ei saanut poistaa missään nimessä.

Ezemmosia transportteja. Beam me up Scott. Muuttonallet hoitaa hommat jezulleen.
ellauri042.html on line 866: Klemens painotti hidasta hengellistä kypsymistä, joka seurasi ihmistä läpi elämän. Kaikki inhimilliseen elämään kuuluva, kuten koulu, avioliitto ja lapset, ovat tärkeää hengellisen kehityksen kannalta. Klemensin mukaan jokainen hetki – etenkin kodin arjessa – on täynnä jumalallista tarkoitusta. Vaikka kävisi vaan paskalla.
ellauri042.html on line 937: John Donne is most commonly known for being part of the ‘metaphysical poets’, a group of poets who wrote about love and religion using complex metaphors called conceits. These poets didn’t know each other, and this name was given by literary critics some years later. Nevertheless, John Donne is considered to be one of the best metaphysical poets. John Donne converted to Anglicanism later in his life. By 1615 he became a priest because King James I ordered him to do so. Donne was a member of Parliament in 1601 and in 1614. He also spent a short time in prison because he married his wife, Anne More, without permission. They had twelve children and Anne died while extruding the XIIth.
ellauri042.html on line 947: During the next four years, Donne fell in love with Egerton´s niece Anne More, and they were secretly married just before Christmas in 1601, against the wishes of both Egerton and Anne's father George More, who was Lieutenant of the Tower. Upon discovery, this wedding ruined Donne's career, getting him dismissed and put in Fleet Prison, along with the Church of England priest Samuel Brooke, who married them,[13] and his brother Chistopher, who stood in in the absence of George More to give Anne away. Donne was released shortly thereafter when the marriage was proved to be valid, and he soon secured the release of the other two. Walton tells us that when Donne wrote to his wife to tell her about losing his post, he wrote after his name: John Donne, Anne Donne, Un-done.[14] It was not until 1609 that Donne was reconciled with his father-in-law and received his wife´s dowry,
ellauri042.html on line 951: Although King James was pleased with Donne's work, he refused to reinstate him at court and instead urged him to take holy orders. At length, Donne acceded to the king's wishes, and in 1615 was ordained priest in the Church of England. In late November and early December 1623 he suffered a nearly fatal illness, thought to be either typhus or a combination of a cold followed by a period of fever. During his convalescence he wrote a series of meditations and prayers on health, pain, and sickness that were published as a book in 1624 under the title of Devotions upon Emergent Occasions. One of these meditations, Meditation XVII, contains the well known phrases "No man is an Iland" (often modernised as "No man is an island") and "...for whom the bell tolls".
ellauri042.html on line 953: Anne gave birth to twelve children in sixteen years of marriage, (including two stillbirths—their eighth and then, in 1617, their last child); indeed, she spent most of her married life either pregnant or nursing. The ten surviving children were Constance, John, George, Francis, Lucy (named after Donne´s patroness Lucy, Countess of Bedford, her godmother), Bridget, Mary, Nicholas, Margaret, and Elizabeth. Three (Francis, Nicholas, and Mary) died before they were ten. In a state of despair that almost drove him to kill himself, Donne noted that the death of a child would mean one mouth fewer to feed, but he could not afford the burial expenses. During this time, Donne wrote but did not publish Biathanatos, his defense of suicide. Anne died on 15 August 1617, five days after giving birth to their twelfth child, a still-born baby. Donne mourned her deeply, and wrote of his love and loss in his 17th Holy Sonnet.
ellauri042.html on line 970: My love to saints and angels, things divine, rakastaa pyhimyxiä ja enkeleitä, sivujumalia,
ellauri043.html on line 43: Mut tosta pidätyskyvyttömyydestä vielä. Katoliset (ja muutkin, myös rikoslaki) tekee eron tekemisen ja tekemättä jättämisen syntien välillä. Jos tekee harkitusti pahaa, niin se on tahtosynti, jos on vaan inkontinentti eli pidätyskyvytön, siis lankeaa, tai repsahtaa, se on heikkoussynti. Juutas oli tahtosyntinen, Pietari heikkoussyntinen. Rajanveto voi olla vähän vaikeaa, mutta kai se on vähän samansuuntainen erottelu kuin peliteoriassa preferenssit ja pelin ratkaisu. Jos säntää preferenssien perään laskematta pelin arvoa, on heikkosyntinen, jos laskee ensin pelin arvon ja silti lähtee varastamaan bylsimään tai tappamaan on tahtosyntinen. Se todistaa, että arvot on perinjuurin väärät, eli niitä pitää oikaista rangaistuxilla. Jos polkasee homo sapiensin aivoilla, on tahtosyntinen, jos liskoaivoilla, on vaan heikko. Tuomita ei kenkään siitä voi, pahimmillaan sakkoihin.
ellauri043.html on line 46: Huomaa muuten että 10 käskyn tärkeimmät poinzit voi jäsentää myös linnunlaulun termeillä: on EAT! EAT! syntejä (varkaus ym. reviiriloukkauxet), FUCK! FUCK! syntejä (no ne), ja KILL! KILL! syntejä (väkivallanteot). Termiittipesästä kertoo paljon se, mihin järjestyxeen nää 3 pannaan. Oisko niin, että synnit on sitä pahempia, mitä vaikeempi apinaa on saada niistä koijatuxi pois. Vähiten lajinomaista käytöstä pitää aivan erityiseen termentää. FUCK! FUCK! synnit on lieviä, elleivät ne loukkaaa EAT! EAT! reviirejä. KILL! KILL! synnit on pahoja vaan jos ne tapahtuu tiimin sisällä, muuten ne on ihan A-ok. Oikeastaan reviirisynnit on pahimipia. Vielä pahempia on vaan meemisynnit. Omat meemit on kaikkein pyhimpiä, koska ne on kaikista luonnottomimpia, ja ihan viimeisexi opittuja. Oman pesän hajun tunnistus ei tule apinalle luonnostaan. Oman perheen vaan, kuten neandertaaleille.
ellauri043.html on line 115: Antonios vetäytyi erämaahan yksinäisyyteen mietiskelemään, rukoilemaan ja palvelemaan Jumalaa. Pyhimys vieraili askeettien luona, tutustui heidän elämäänsä ja yritti oppia heiltä. Mies asettui yhteen hautaan lähellä kotikyläänsä, missä hänen kerrotaan kohdanneen pahoja henkiä villieläinten muodossa. Vietettyään viisitoista vuotta tällaista kiertelevää puolivallattoman poikamiehen elämää eli kolmenkymmenenviiden vuoden ikäisenä pyhä Antonios päätti vetäytyä täyteen yksinäisyyteen. Hän löysi Niilin varrelta vuoren, jossa oli sopivasti vanha autio linna (no, termiittipesä), ja asettui sinne asumaan. Yhtä onnistunut erakko kuin Pentti Linkola, sen luona ramppas väkeä kin salpausselällä tapaamassa ja saamassa elämänohjeita. Elomme vaelluxen puolitiessä se värjäs parran harmaaxi ja ryhtyi viisaaxi vanhuxexi. Vaikkei se ollut mennyt vasta kuin 1/3 matkasta! 70v oli vielä tyhjään säiliöön.
ellauri043.html on line 125: Pyhimyksen kerrotaan kuolleen 105-vuotiaana ja pyhä Hieronymys ajoittaa hänen kuolemansa vuosille 356–357. Omasta pyynnöstään hänen hautansa pidettiin salaisuutena kahden hänet haudanneen opetuslapsen toimesta, jotta hänen ruumistaan ei alettaisi kunnioittaa.
ellauri043.html on line 129: Pyhä Antonios on muun muassa Johanniittain ritarikunnan, amputoitujen, erakkojen, eläinten, epileptikkojen, teurastajien, kotieläinten, munkkien, ihotautien, ihottumien, taudeista vapautumisen, hautausmaiden, haudankaivajien, korientekijöiden, harjojentekijöiden ja paikkojen Burgio, Sisilia, Italia; Castrofilippo, Agrigento, Italia; Chiaravalle, Ancona, Italia; Fivizzano, Italia; Fontainemore, Italia; Mamoiada, Italia; Sant’Angelo Lodigiano, Italia; Mook, Alankomaat ja San Antonio, Ibiza, Espanja suojeluspyhimys. On siinä duunia. Ehkä ei sittenkään kanzi ruveta pyhimyxexi. Yhtä rauhallista on kuin julkkuerakkona.
ellauri043.html on line 131: Antonios Suuren elämä (m.kreik. Βίος καὶ πολιτεία τοῦ Ἁντωνίου του Μεγάλου; lat. Vita Antonii) on Athanasios Suuren kirjoittama teos, joka käsittelee nimensä mukaisesti Antonios Suuren elämää. Se on esimerkki kristillisen myöhäisantiikin pyhimyselämäkerroista, ja se on lajityypin klassikoita ja luetuimpia teoksia.
ellauri043.html on line 271:

Tää on vaan alkua tapettujen lähimmäisten listalle (75.000 kaikkiaan, saman verran kuin coronan tappamia jenkkejä). Mut ne oli niille velkaa niin paljon! Mitä kärsimystä! Sitäpaizi olihan nää jumalan tosi pahoja vastustajia. Kyllä niistä oli varmaan kivaa kostaa, lyödä kuvainpalvojille verilöylyä! Kaupunki varmaan oxensi ruumiita! Niitä oli puutarhapenkeissä, portaissa, semmoisia läjiä huoneissa etteivät ovet kääntyneet... - Kylläpäs mä nyt olenkin murhan- ja verenhimoinen!

ellauri043.html on line 281: Waan sentähden on se minulle ilmoitettu/ että sen selitys pidäis Cuningalle tiettäwäxi tuleman/ ja sinä saisit sinun sydämes ajatuxet tietä. 31. Sinä Cuningas näit/ ja cadzo/ suuri ja corkia cuwa seisoi sinun edesäs/ ja se oli hirmuinen nähdä. 32. Sen cuwam pää oli parahimmast cullast/ mutta rinda ja käsiwarret olit hopiast/ sen wadza ja landet olit waskest. 33. Sen sääret olit raudast/ sen jalgat olit puolittain raudast/ ja puolittain sawest. 34. Sencaltaista sinä näit/ sijhenasti cuin yxi kiwi temmattin ilman käsitä/ ja löi sen cuwan jalcoin/ jotca raudast ja sawest olit/ ja murensi heidän. 35. Silloin tulit ne caicki muserretuxi/
ellauri043.html on line 326:

Mistähän kohtaa se meinas sitä koetella? Pirukin meinas koetella Jeesusta! Mut jeesus voitti, koska se oli jumalampi, ja Salomo koska sen taikasauva oli kovempi. Taikominen on melkoisen kovaa leikkiä! Niinkuin Gandalf ja Saruman vaikka! Vahva taika sinkoo vastustajan seinään! Iloista tiedettä. Mahdollisen taidetta. Silä maailma - näin sen mulle yx filosofi selitti - on himmeli jossa kaikki riippuu kaikesta kuin elimet ruumiista. Täytyy tuntea veto- ja työntövoimat, luonnollinen rakkaus ja inho eri elinten välillä, ja sitten panna toimexi. ...? Silleen voi kai muuttaa asioiden näennäisen muuttumatonta järjestystä?
ellauri043.html on line 355: Mun käskystäni rakennettiin tämä pyhimysten hökkelikylä täynnä munkkeja, jotka
ellauri043.html on line 401:

Tuolta ne tavalliseseti tulevat, mustien tai karvakätisten eunukkien kärrääminä kantotuolissa. Ne astuu alas, polvistuu, laittaen sormusten kuormittamat kätensä rukousasentoon. Ne kertoo mulle levottomuutensa aiheita. Niitä kiduttaa ihan epäinhimillinen panohalu; ne tahtoisi kuolla, ne on nähneet unissa jumalia jotka "kuzuu" niitä; ja niiden helmat koskettaa mun varpaita. — Mä työnnän niitä kauemmax. Voi ei! ne sanovaet, ei kai taas!!» Mitä mun pitää TEHÄ? Mikä tahansa katumusharjoitus kelpaisi. Ne pyytää niitä mahdollisimman rajuja, ne ottais osaa mun harkkoihin, ne tulis vaikka asumaan mun kaa.

ellauri043.html on line 832:

Rouva kazoo pyhimystä.

ellauri043.html on line 928: Vaiko himokas, läski, karkeaääninen punatukkanen ja hyllyvä? Tykkäisizä enemmän ruumiista kylmästä kuin käärmeennahka (ize asiassa käärmeet on huoneenlämpösiä ja kuivia, tavallinen harhakäsitys), tai ehkä isoista mustista silmistä, pimeämmistä kuin salaperäinen luola? Kato näitä mun silmiä!

ellauri043.html on line 1061:

Kaikki kuolemansynnit on tulleet visiitille. Mutta niiden pahimmatkin väijytyxet feilaa tollasen pyhimyxen kohdalla!

ellauri043.html on line 1894:

Tee niinkuin Origènes, kuten neuvoo Teemu Syrjälä ja kuten me! Pelkäätkö kipua, lälläri? Pidättääkö sua sun lihanhimo, tekopyhä??

ellauri043.html on line 2148:

Se nousee rappuja säkkipimeässä; — ja himputin monen askelman perästä tulee ovelle.
ellauri043.html on line 2559:

Mä olen tympiintnyt muotoon, tympiintynyt havaintoon, tympiintynyt jopa ize tietämiseen — sillä ajatus ei säily hengissä kauempaa kuin se ohimenevä asia joka sen aiheuttaa, ja henki ei ole kuin kuvitelma, niinkuin loputkin.

ellauri043.html on line 2910:

Se vaikuttaa pyhimyxeltä! Jos uskaltais…

ellauri043.html on line 3824: Vanhimmat, vedenpaisumusta edeltävät, on leväpehkon peitossa. Jotkut, liian pitkät kannoillensa, natisevat liitoxissaan ja katkaisevat selkänsä marssiessaan. Toisilta valuu hiekkaa mahan reijistä.
ellauri043.html on line 4121: Ohimatkustavaiset luulivat mua kuolleexi, heittivät mua kaukaa multapaakuilla!
ellauri043.html on line 4315: Miehiä enimmäxeen hiippalakeissa ja kimaramaisissa mekoissa kuin riikinkukot. On pohjoismaiden ukkoja karhunnahoissa, paimentolaisia ruskeissa villatakeissa, kalpeita gangesilaisia pitkät renkaat korvissa; ja rangit kuten kansat sekaisin, sillä matruusit ja kivenhakkaajat kyynärpäilee prinssejä jotka kantaa granaattitiaroja ja pitkiä sauvoja siselöidyillä nupeilla. Kaikki kulkee nenänreijät isoina saman himon vaivaamina.
ellauri043.html on line 4399: Ensalkuun kun sä aloit napisemaan, sä nirhasit vanhimman luomista, salattujen eläinten Sepon, ihmissonnin. (Seppo sä olet oikea sonni!) Sit sä viettelit ekan ihmisparin, Nettorin ja Nepikkalanneen. (Nettori Nettori Nepikkalan nee, kyylällä tyttöjä hurmailee.) Sä levitit hämyä sydämmiin, sä tungit taivaaseen pataljoonia.
ellauri043.html on line 4678: Leikkaamaton tukka verhoo sen kiireestä kantapäähän. Se roiskii niin paljon kyyneliä että siihen sattuu varmasti enemmän kuin muihin, se on erilainen kuin muut, siihen ottaa ääreist yli-inhimillisen kovasti.
ellauri043.html on line 5157: Isojen mezien izenäisyys on harmaannuttanut mut, villielukoiden haju ja soiden uloshengitys. Naiset joiden raskauxia mä suojelin, synnyttää kuolleita lapsia. Kuu piijailee velhojen loizutessa. Mussa on jotain väkivallanhimoa ja suuruudenhulluutta. Mä haluan juoda myrkkyjä, hävitä höyryihin, uniin!…
ellauri043.html on line 5161:

Ja ohimenevä pilvi vie sen mukanaan.
ellauri043.html on line 5364: Mikä onni, vai mitä, nähdä ne näin kaikki kurjassa tilassa ja kuolinkouristuxissa! Tuu mun kanssa tän kiven päälle niin olet kuin Xerxes joka kazoo armeijoidensa ohimarssia.
ellauri043.html on line 6247: Antiokian pyhä Pelagia tappoi izensä! Aleppon Dommine ja sen 2 tyttöä, yht 3 pyhimyxetärtä,
ellauri045.html on line 159: HIFK:n maalivahti Frans Tuohimaa ei tunnista kirjailija Branderin kuvausta uhittelevista lätkäjätkistä: ”Minun on vaikea ymmärtää, mistä siinä puhutaan”. Frans on saanut kiekosta aika monta kertaa kalloonsa.
ellauri045.html on line 161: ”Hieman aina provosoidun, jos lätkäjätkät kategorisoidaan yhteen ryhmään”, Frans Tuohimaa sanoo. Mehän ollaan eri jengeissä, ettexte tajua, me pelataan niinku joukkueittain vastakkain. Vittu et tekee mieli vetää lättyyn tota vikisijää.
ellauri045.html on line 332: Mut tää on paha, ja oireellista: Fry prefers to describe himself as a humanist, glorifying the beauty and potential of the human kind. He says:
ellauri045.html on line 362: Saaremaalle matkustaneet ikävät porukat juo koko ajan viinaa ja astuu toisiaan kuin elukat. Mix tällästä pitäs lukea? No älä lue. Hannu on vihainen kun Kirsti leiuttaa myös Ahosen ja Kalevin paaniflöödiä. Ne on kovia putkiluita, ei Hannun tapasia köyhimyxiä, säälittäviä jameja kansakoulunopettajan ja paikallisradion toimittajan papereilla.
ellauri045.html on line 393: Seuraava on jo putkessa, parhaan ja vanhimman kaverini Antti Tuurin kaa juhlittiin sitä Turussa, josta pidän enemmän kuin Tampereesta, sori vaan. Mitähän mun Lauri poika duunaa nykyään. Ei mitään havaintoa. Mut mä oon optimisti, tää uusin hoito on niin nuori et tällä kertaa mä varmaan saan kunnon pojan ja kuolen ize ennen eroa. Isäparalla ei ollut sitä onnea.
ellauri045.html on line 415: Onanismi, eli izetyydytys, on pahimpia sairauxia mihin ihminen voi syyllistyä, se on loukkaus ihmistä ja jumalaa kohtaan. Onanismin harrastajat tuntee kävelyasennosta, pälyilevistä silmistä, se saattaa johtaa mielipuolisuuteen ja aiheuttaa lukemattomia tauteja. Kazokaa vaikka Hannua, suukin vinossa. Rokon poika.
ellauri045.html on line 788: She describes herself as a "post-modern, quantitative, free-market, feminist, Episcopalian, Midwestern, gender-crossing, literary woman" — which is why, she says, she hasn't got any friends!" Not even Donald Trump though she voted for him many times. Don refused to feel her up though she asked.
ellauri045.html on line 811: Näyttää siltä että menestyxen salaisuus kaikissa joukkueurheilulajeissa kuten kulttuurin ja politiikan alalla ovat narsismi ja psykopatia. Ne ovat yhteiskuntahyönteismaailman johtajien ominaisuuxia. Piipertely läheisten ja omaisten kanssa on neandertaalitouhua. Jeesus termensi: jätä perheesi ja seuraa minua. Samaa tähdentää kaikki muunilaiset meemiprofeetat. Paperinne eivät ole kunnossa teidän on seurattava minua. Viekää meidät johtajanne luoxe. Jokainen on lähimmäisesi, ei siis kukaan erityisesti. Lähimmäisten sijasta on vaan yleisöä. Jeesus oli psykopaatin poika narsisti. Äidin hemmokki.
ellauri046.html on line 49: Tällästä se aina on. Historia pitää kirjoittaa aina uudestaan, eihän sitä muuten tajua, tai ainakaan ei vois vähempää kiinnostaa. Historian henkilöillä oli 50-luvulla rasvaletti. Oopperassa Don Carlosilla on liituraitapuku. Nain on meidankin elamassamme, huomaatteko? Vittu miten alkeellista, miten tumpeloa ja tuhnua. Ei jaxa. Kertakaikkiaan ei jaxa. Pelkkiä ikäviä ja ikävystyttäviä ihmisiä, Harry ja Meghan luokan imbesillejä. Vallanhimoisia typeryxiä. Bang bang sano amerikkalainenkin 5-vuotias ja ampui vahingossa isoveljensä mezästä löytyneellä pyssyllä pomppulinnassa. Nain tottavie tosiaankin on meidankin elamassamme. Ei tarvi vaihtaa vaatteita, vaatteiden alla on se sama alaston apina.
ellauri046.html on line 53: No tykkään Anna-sarjasta, joka monissa suhteissa on yhtä epähistoriallinen ja oikeasti puhuu tämän päivän kanadalaisista teineistä. Kännykät on vaan piilossa hameen taskussa. Mitä eroa? Ehkä se että sen hahmot on tai edes yrittää olla vähän kiltimpiä. Vallanhimo pysyy neanderthal mittakaavassa. Sitäpaizi Annassa on huumoria, se ei ole totaalisen ryppyozainen ja huumoriton kuten Katariina Aragon. Punatukkaisia ovat molemmat. On neandertaaligeenejä.
ellauri046.html on line 433: This brief study argues that Kierkegaard's Journals show beyond reasonable doubt that he was homosexual. It does so because he believed that the recognition of this fact was central to the understanding of his life and thought, because he could not bring himself to say this openly even in the privacy of his own Journals, because he hoped and prayed that his "reader" would discover and reveal it after his death, because even distinguished scholars privy to his "secret" have remained silent and because, given these facts, it is surely time to open up this question.
ellauri046.html on line 456: According to Church tradition, Veronica was moved with sympathy seeing Jesus carrying the cross to Calvary and gave him her veil so that he could wipe his forehead. Jesus accepted the offer, and when he returned the veil the image of his face was miraculously captured on it. The resulting relic became known as the Veil of Veronica.
ellauri046.html on line 758: Tenttenillä on parempi konsti: sanotaan köyhimyxelle et totta mooses kaikkien pitää rehkiä leivän eteen, paizi meidän muutamien poikkeusten jotka eletään koroillamme, mut meille koituu siitä vaan lisävaivoja sun muita eettisiä vaatimuxia. Niinkuin että kantaa ristinsä ukkomiehenä.
ellauri047.html on line 101: Goethella oli taipumus rakastua usein ja intohimoisesti, mutta avioliittoon hän päätyi vasta 57-vuotiaana, vuonna 1806, Christiane Vulpiuksen (1765–1816) kanssa. Pari oli asunut yhdessä jo vuodesta 1788, kun W. oli 39 ja C. 23. Vulpius ei ollut erityisen älykäs tai sivistynyt nainen, joten seurapiireissä ihmeteltiin suuresti sitä, miten Goethen kaltainen nero saattoi päätyä tuollaiseen avioliittoon. Goethea vaimon sivistystaso ei kuitenkaan huolettanut, sillä hän arvosti ennen kaikkea Christianen iloisuutta ja energisyyttä. Avioliitosta syntyi viisi lasta, joista eli aikuiseen ikään vain ensimmäisenä syntynyt poika, August (1789–1830). C:n isoveli Christian pääs kirjastonhoitajax Weimariin ja kirjotti el Zorromaisen romskun Rinaldo Rinaldini. Mullon se suomexi.
ellauri047.html on line 998: Aber als die römische Besatzung aus Deutschland verschwunden war und im Rheinland starke Judengemeinden zurückblieben, in denen sich die hebräisch-deutsche Mischsprache "Jiddisch" entwickelte, kommt es zur Verdeutschung hebräischer Namen durch zufälligen Gleichklang: Da wird Aaron zu Arnold, Benjamin zu Benno, Levi zu Ludwig, Moses zu Moritz, Simon zu Siegmund. Später entstehen deutsch klingende Familiennamen: Simon zu Schimmerling und Schimmerl, Isachar zu Sacher, Socher, Socherl und Sucher, Levi oder Loeb zu Lemann und Lehmann, Isak zu Eisemann, Eisermann, Jakob zu Kaufmann (-mann war eine beliebte Diminutivform). Oder die Namen wurden ins Deutsche übersetzt: Baruch oder Ascher (der Glückliche) wurde zu Selig, Seligmann, Eljakim oder Obadja zu dem überaus beliebten Gottschalk.
ellauri048.html on line 178: Suomen Goethe kirjoitti myös Mussen elämäkerran 1918. Pitäiskö kazoa. Yx sen suosikkisanoja on hurmio. Mulla se esiintyy kerran, vittuilumielessä. Se on ällösana kuten hulvaton, vilpitön, tai intohimo.
ellauri048.html on line 265: Haaveilin joskus lapsena kirjailijan ammatista ja kirjoitin paljon kaikenlaista enemmän tai vähemmän luovaa, mutta mikä lie aikuisuuden kyynisyys iskenyt, kun en enää koe löytäväni itsestäni samanlaista varmuutta, intohimoa ja heittäytymiskykyä, jota kaunokirjallisten tekstien kirjoittamiseen vaadittaisiin... Lukemisen ohella käyn kuntosalilla ja lenkkeilemässä. Outona kuriositeettina mainittakoon, että olen hurahtanut keräilemään teepussien lappuja - siis niitä pieniä, neliönmuotoisia lappusia teepussinarun päässä.
ellauri048.html on line 269: Intohimoisen harrastuksen ja mukavan ajanvietteen ohella suhtaudun lukemiseen pakkomielteisen tavoitekeskeisesti. Minusta tuntuu lähes mahdottomalta jättää mitään kirjaa kesken - edes huonoa sellaista! Tämä johtunee osittain siitä, että kirjan sisällön lisäksi pidän valtavasti siitä saavutuksen tunteesta, jonka saan, kun voin panna kirjan kannet kiinni luettuani sen.
ellauri048.html on line 367: Und Berge, wolkig, himmelan, vuoret, pilvitaivaan lattia,
ellauri048.html on line 448: Nazien tappiosta VA masentui niin kovasti että sen mukaan ihmiskunta oli sodissa "vapautuneiden sokeiden intohimojen kaaoxessa tuomittu ennennäkemättömään alennuxeen", mm. mitättömään mitattomaan runouteen.
ellauri048.html on line 702: Saul Bellowin alter ego Gene Henderson tiesi että monet Lähi-Idän prinssit oli saaneet amerikkalaisen koulusivistyxen. Se ei tajunnut miten niistä oli tullut niin verenhimoisia, vaikka niille oli opetettu The Village Blacksmith ja "sweet Alice and laughing Allegra". Häh? Osoittautuu et nää on Longfellowia. Longfellow oli seppoilun armoitettu runoseppo, nää runot opetetaan jenkkikakaroille vieläkin.
ellauri048.html on line 708: Saul Bellowin Henderson-buhlein on läpeensä perseestä. Inhottava tyyppi, rasistinen narsisti, eikä vähimmässäkään määrin hauska. Ja tää koskee sekä Hendersonia että sen kalansilmästä alter egoa. Ne on molemmat pappisvallan samppiooneja, uskontohemmoja sielupieru exyxissä. Oma "pelastus" on ihan ykkösasia, muista apinoista viis.
ellauri048.html on line 738: Bellow's characterisation of his father's background is one of the most enjoyable strands of the book and an interesting companion to Saul's fiction. His father, Abraham, is characterised by his grandson as a crook and a tyrant, who despised his youngest son's literary ambitions and pummelled him – and all his sons – until Saul grabbed his hand mid-air one day and said, "I'm a married man, Pa. You cannot hit me anymore." In adulthood, on the rare occasions Bellow tried to talk to his father about his upbringing, Saul would shake him off and say rather pointedly: "You shouldn't blame your parents for your faults." Bellow smiles. "And he said this to me, a therapist no less! His father loved him, but it was a tumultuous relationship and my grandfather was mercurial as hell."
ellauri048.html on line 741: Anita worked and, while Saul tried to write, supported the family financially, something his father conveniently overlooked, Bellow says, after they split up and she had to chase him for alimony. "I was 20 before he became famous, so I did not grow up the son of a famous father. I grew up the son of a starving artist."
ellauri048.html on line 743: There followed the years of bohemia, when the family moved to Paris and Saul started to shrug off the influence of his 19th-century literary heroes and find his own voice in The Adventures of Augie March. When he was happy and the writing was going well, their lives would be joyous; when he struggled, the apartment was mired in gloom. Meanwhile, "Saul had women stashed all over town," writes his son. The pain of these recollections is secondary to Bellow's fury at what he calls his father's "self‑justification: that his career as an artist entitled him to let people down with impunity." As an adult, when he asked his mother about it, she said, "I'm blessed with a poor memory."
ellauri048.html on line 745: The taboo of spilling the beans on Saul was "very big", he says, "because my father took the position that art is inviolate and that the artist has to be protected at all costs because he's an artist. Towards the end of his life, Saul asked his son rather charmingly, "Was I a man or a jerk?", which Bellow quotes in the book. "You know, he was asking himself a dead earnest question. And I think it was the right question. But if you were lionising him, you don't ask that question."
ellauri048.html on line 778: You can hear him swing his heavy sledge, puhina seppämestarin ja ison palkeen,
ellauri048.html on line 797: It sounds to him like her mother's voice, Kuulostaa kuin muijavainaa mylvis.
ellauri048.html on line 926: Goethe plucks the flower although it tells him not to do so. He takes it to his house and plants it in his garden. He wants to tell us, viewers or readers, look how noble I am, he because he takes it home. He doesn't realize that by taking the flower home he is taking her wild life away and domisticating it in his factory (garden). In that he is not different from industrialists and people who practise green house raising. It is like enslaving his flower and on top of that he wants to be applauded and praised because he doesn't kill it. However, he does't listen to what his flower says: do not pluck me or I will die.
ellauri048.html on line 1074: Garrett Jones claims that Alfred Tennyson and Arthur Henry Hallam, whose death was the occasion for writing In Memoriam, were in some sense homosexual lovers, and that Hallam was a promiscuous homosexual whose father sent him to Cambridge, separating him from his Eton friends as a way of curtailing his son's inclinations (a curious, rather naive strategy, one might think!). For most of the book, he gives the impression that the two friends had an intense homosexual relationship that must have included physical acts. However, on p. 192 out of 199, he announces the following:
ellauri048.html on line 1114: Hallam spent the 1830 Easter holidays with Tennyson in Somersby and declared his love for Emilia. Hallam and Tennyson planned to publish a book of poems together: Hallam told Mrs Tennyson that he saw this "as a sort of seal of our friendship". Hallam's father, however, objected, and Hallam's Poems was privately published and printed in 1830. In the summer holidays, Tennyson and Hallam travelled to the Pyrenees (on a secret mission to take money and instructions written in invisible ink to General Torrijos who was planning a revolution against the tyranny of King Ferdinand VII of Spain). In December, Hallam again visited Somersby and became engaged to Emilia. His father forbade him to visit Somersby until he came of age at twenty-one.
ellauri048.html on line 1116: In July 1833, Hallam visited Emilia. On 3 August, he left with his father for Europe. On 13 September, they went to Vienna, with Hallam complaining of fever and chill. It was apparently a recurrence of the "ague" he had suffered earlier that year, and, although it would delay their departure to Prague, there seemed to be little cause for alarm. Quinine and a few days rest were prescribed. By Sunday 15th, Hallam felt sufficiently better to take a short walk with his father in the evening. When he returned to the hotel he ordered some sack and lay down on the sofa, talking cheerfully all the time. Leaving his son reading in front of the fire, his father went out for a further stroll. He returned to find Hallam still on the sofa, apparently asleep apart from the position of his head. All efforts to rouse him were in vain. Arthur Hallam was dead at the age of twenty-two.
ellauri048.html on line 1147: And thou hast made him: thou art just. Ja sä teit sen kuitenkin, hyvä sinä.
ellauri048.html on line 1182: I find him worthier to be loved. Mä voin sitä entistä paremmin porata.
ellauri048.html on line 1190: I held it truth, with him who sings Mä pidin totuutena, sen kaa joka laulaa
ellauri048.html on line 1311: At that last hour to please him well; joka puuhastelin viime hetkellä sen mielixi;
ellauri048.html on line 1316: And ever met him on his way Ja mielessäni tapailin sitä useinkin,
ellauri048.html on line 1325: For now her father's chimney glows Nyzen isän savupiippu hehkuu
ellauri048.html on line 1327: And thinking `this will please him best,' Ja ajatellen 'tästähän se tykkää eniten',
ellauri048.html on line 1363: To look on her that loves him well, kazomaan hiäntä joka häntä rakasti,
ellauri048.html on line 1396: Spread thy full wings, and waft him o'er. Kaikki purjeet levitä, ja tuo ne tänne.
ellauri048.html on line 1398: So draw him home to those that mourn Ja kuskaa kotiin turhaan surijoiden luoxe;
ellauri048.html on line 1429: So bring him; we have idle dreams: No tuo se vaan; turhiahan unet on:
ellauri048.html on line 1440: Should gulf him fathom-deep in brine; Nielaisis sen sylten syvyiseen suolaliemeen,
ellauri048.html on line 1538: And I should tell him all my pain, Ja mä kertoisin sille kaikki kärsimyxeni,
ellauri048.html on line 1545: But found him all in all the same, Vaan huomaisin sen ihan samanlaisexi,
ellauri048.html on line 1572: A looming bastion fringed with fire. Tulen reunustaman himertävän linnakkeen.
ellauri048.html on line 1623: The dust of him I shall not see
ellauri048.html on line 1655: They laid him by the pleasant shore,
ellauri048.html on line 1700: I sing to him that rests below,
ellauri048.html on line 1710: Another answers, `Let him be,
ellauri048.html on line 1827: And part it, giving half to him.
ellauri049.html on line 176: tuki kiihottivat keskitason oppilaan harrastusta aivan intohimon mittasuhteisiin.”. Kailaan kuvataiteen harrastusta tuettiin myös Honkapäässä: kalliit maalaustarvikkeet kustannettiin pojalle kotoa saaduilla varoilla.
ellauri049.html on line 394: Rimbaud ja Verlaine tapasivat viimeisen kerran Saksassa vuonna 1875, kun Verlaine vapautettiin vankilasta käännyttyään katolilaiseksi. Tässä vaiheessa Rimbaud oli lopettanut kirjoittamisen. Hänen elinaikanaan julkaistiin vielä proosarunokokoelma Illuminaatioita Verlainen toimittamana. Hän matkusti Euroopassa pääosin jalkaisin. Kesällä 1876 hän värväytyi Alankomaiden armeijaan saadakseen sitä kautta ilmaisen laivamatkan Jaavalle, jossa karkasi ja palasi toisella laivalla Ranskaan. Hän matkusti Kyprokselle ja asettui 1880 Adeniin Bardey-agentuuriliikkeen edustajaksi ja hoiti tehtävää neljä vuotta. Vuonna 1884 hän kokeili Hararissa Etiopiassa omaa myyntitoimintaa asekauppiaana.lähde? Omayrittäjä, izeyrittäjä, intohimoinen entreprenööri. Ihan tätä päivää! Työnsi asetta maxusta Hararissa? Mitähän Yual siihen sanoi? Varmaan Aah! Nuorissa neroissa piisaa hinttejä.
ellauri049.html on line 1058: Tunteen aitous, ehdottomuus ja miehekäs voima, joka kapinoidessaankin todellisuuden asettamia rajoja vastaan tunnustaa niiden olemassaolon ja alistuu välttämättömään, antavat Runebergin kirjeellisille tunnustuxille sitä inhimillistä suuruutta ja ylevyyttä, mitä meillä "Kuningas Fjalarin" runoilijalta on oikeus odottaa. Ei voi olla ilman sisäistä järkytystä seuraamatta tätä sielundraamaa, jossa kaipuu ei milloinkaan löydä lepoa ja tyydytystä ja jossa sosiaalisen syyllisyyden varjo, alituisesti karkoitettunakin, himmentää lyhyitä ilon hetkiä.
ellauri049.html on line 1176: nedstigit, liksom nu, från himlarunden on tullut tänne, kuten nyt,
ellauri050.html on line 325: But not ere him who summoneth Muttei ennen kun mä kuzujan
ellauri050.html on line 353: Fancies as lost, I have stored for thee at home: luulit hukanneesi, mullon tallessa täällä himassa;
ellauri050.html on line 368: Paramahansan eli siviilissä Mukundan paras puoli oli että se oli sievän intialaisen tytön näköinen nuorempana. Evankelistan on hyvä olla kaunis, ja seurakunnan vanhimman näyttää jehovalta niinkuin the hound yläkuvassa. Varmaan katamiitti gigolo.
ellauri050.html on line 407: Paramahansa Yogananda (born Mukunda Lal Ghosh; January 5, 1893 – March 7, 1952) was an Indian monk, yogi and guru who lived his last 32 years in America. He introduced millions to the teachings of meditation and Kriya Yoga through his organization Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) / Yogoda Satsanga Society (YSS) of India. A chief disciple of the Bengali yoga guru Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, he was sent by his lineage to spread the teachings of yoga to the West, to prove the unity between Eastern and Western religions and to preach a balance between Western material growth and Indian spirituality. His long-standing influence in the American yoga movement, and especially the yoga culture of Los Angeles, led him to be considered by yoga experts as the "Father of Yoga in the West." Jooga on lännessä suosittu naisten jumppamuoto, kun siinä ei hypitä niin että tissit hölskyy. Venytellään vaan kissamaisesti lattialla, ei tarvi hikoilla eikä välttämättä käydä jumpan päälle edes suihkussa, jos on kiire.
ellauri050.html on line 409: Yogananda was the first major Indian teacher to settle in America, and the first prominent Indian to be hosted in the White House (by President Calvin Coolidge in 1927); his early acclaim led to him being dubbed "the 20th century's first superstar guru," by the Los Angeles Times. Arriving in Boston in 1920, he embarked on a successful transcontinental speaking tour before settling in Los Angeles in 1925. For the next two and a half decades, he gained local fame as well as expanded his influence worldwide: he created a monastic order and trained disciples, went on teaching-tours, bought properties for his organization in various California locales, and initiated thousands into Kriya Yoga. By 1952, SRF had over 100 centers in both India and the US; today, they have groups in nearly every major American city. His "plain living and high thinking" principles attracted people from all backgrounds among his followers.
Valtaosa amerikkalaisista pitää enemmän high living and plain thinking - vaihtoehdosta.
ellauri050.html on line 622: Paizi plantaasinomistajapaskiaisten kuvaus, hyvää minisarjassa oli myös päähenkilön Miss Julyn persoona. Käy selväxi, ettei kukaan apina ole pyhimys, jotkut vaan pääsee toteuttamaan paskamaisuuttansa muita paremmin, koska niillä on käsissänsä reviirit ja meemit. Kaikista niistä tulee samanlaisia paskiaisia kun olosuhteet parantuvat, ja samalla lailla kiltimpiä myös kun on oikein hyvät tai yhtä huonot olosuhteet, ettei tarvi kilpailla. Keskiluokka on pahin, nousukkaat ja laskukkaat. Termiittiapinoita, siitä ei vaan pääse mihinkään, juoxemassa samoja kuluneita polkuja.
ellauri050.html on line 1078: nach himmlischen Thränen und Thaugeträufel Taivaisia kyyneliä ja kastepisaroita
ellauri050.html on line 1126: selig-höhnisch, selig-höllisch, selig-blutgierig, autuaan-pilkallisena, autuaan-helvetinmoisena, autuaan-verenhimoisena,
ellauri051.html on line 159: Lao Rui: Se maa on täysin kuralla. Kun kazoo koronan kuolintilastoja kärjessä on pahimmat talousliberaalit epätasa-arvon ajajat.
ellauri051.html on line 358: The tendency in savages to imagine that natural objects and agencies are animated by spiritual or living essences, is perhaps illustrated by a little fact which I once noticed: my dog, a full grown and very sensible animal, was lying on the lawn during a hot and still day; but at a little distance a slight breeze occasionally moved an open parasol, which would have been wholly disregarded by the dog, had any one stood near it. As it was, every time that the parasol slightly moved, the dog growled fiercely and barked. He must, I think, have reasoned to himself in a rapid and unconscious manner, that movement without any apparent cause indicated the presence of some strange living agent, and no stranger had a right to be on his territory. (Darwin)
ellauri051.html on line 500: Whatmania pidetään yhtenä Yhdysvaltain merkittävimmistä 1800-luvun runoilijoista. Whatmanin runoudella katsotaan himoisuutensa johdosta olleen suuri vaikutus Yhdysvaltain 1900-luvun runouteen, mm nobelisti Zimmermanin lyriikoihin.

ellauri051.html on line 600: 55 Showing the best and dividing it from the worst age vexes age, Parhaan näyttö ja erottaminen pahimmasta kaudesta käy iän iholle,
ellauri051.html on line 694: 132 I hasten to inform him or her it is just as lucky to die, and I know it. Mä kerron sille äkkiä että on yhtä onni kuolla, joo mä tiedän.
ellauri051.html on line 766: 191 Through the swung half-door of the kitchen I saw him limpsy and weak, 191 Keittiön käännetyn puolioven läpi näin hänet ontuneena ja heikkona,
ellauri051.html on line 767: 192 And went where he sat on a log and led him in and assured him, 192 Ja meni sinne, missä hän istui puun päällä, vei hänet sisään ja vakuutti hänelle:
ellauri051.html on line 769: 194 And gave him a room that enter'd from my own, and gave him some coarse clean clothes, 194 Ja annoin hänelle huoneen, joka meni sisään omastani, ja annoin hänelle karkeita puhtaita vaatteita,
ellauri051.html on line 773: 198 I had him sit next me at table, my fire-lock lean'd in the corner. 198 Sain hänet istumaan viereeni pöytään, palolukkoni nojasi nurkkaan.
ellauri051.html on line 810: 230 I behold the picturesque giant and love him, and I do not stop there, 230 Näen maalauksellista jättiläistä ja rakastan häntä, enkä pysähdy siihen,
ellauri051.html on line 863: 281 The young fellow drives the express-wagon, (I love him, though I do not know him;) 281 Nuori kaveri ajaa pikavaunua, (rakastan häntä, vaikka en tunne häntä;)
ellauri051.html on line 880: 298 The conductor beats time for the band and all the performers follow him, 298 Kapellimestari lyö aikaa bändille ja kaikki esiintyjät seuraavat häntä,
ellauri051.html on line 983: 396 Whimpering and truckling fold with powders for invalids, conformity goes to the fourth-remov'd, 396 vinkuminen ja pyöräily taite puuterilla invalideille, vaatimustenmukaisuus menee neljänteen poistoon,
ellauri051.html on line 1035: 447 O unspeakable passionate love. 447 Oi sanoinkuvaamaton intohimoinen rakkaus.
ellauri051.html on line 1108: 517 Voices of sexes and lusts, voices veil'd and I remove the veil, 517 Sukupuolten ja himojen ääniä, äänet verhottuja ja minä poistan verhon,
ellauri051.html on line 1167: 575 Happiness, (which whoever hears me let him or her set out in search of this day.) 575 Happiness, (joka joka kuulee minut, lähteköön etsimään tätä päivää.)
ellauri051.html on line 1198: 605 It wrenches such ardors from me I did not know I possess'd them, 605 Se saa minulta sellaiset intohimot, etten tiennyt omistavani niitä,
ellauri051.html on line 1299: 700 Picking out here one that I love, and now go with him on brotherly terms. 700 Valitsen täältä yhden, jota rakastan, ja mene nyt hänen kanssaan veljellisin ehdoin.
ellauri051.html on line 1304: 705 His nostrils dilate as my heels embrace him, 705 Hänen sieraimet laajenevat, kun kantapääni syleilevät häntä,
ellauri051.html on line 1362: 762 Where the humming-bird shimmers, where the neck of the long-lived swan is curving and winding, 762 Missä kolibri hohtaa, missä pitkäikäisen joutsenen kaula kiemurtelee ja kiertyy,
ellauri051.html on line 1363: 763 Where the laughing-gull scoots by the shore, where she laughs her near-human laugh, 763 Missä naurulokki raatelee rannalla, missä hän nauraa lähes inhimillistä nauruaan,
ellauri051.html on line 1388: 788 Hot toward one I hate, ready in my madness to knife him, 788 Kuuma sellaista kohtaan, jota vihaan, valmiina hulluudessani veitsemään häntä,
ellauri051.html on line 1494: 893 A youth not seventeen years old seiz'd his assassin till two more came to release him, 893 Nuori, ei seitsemäntoista vuoden ikäinen, otti salamurhaajansa, kunnes kaksi muuta tuli vapauttamaan hänet,
ellauri051.html on line 1505: 903 We closed with him, the yards entangled, the cannon touch'd, 903 Suljemme hänen kanssaan, pihat sotkeutuivat, tykki kosketti,
ellauri051.html on line 1516: 914 If our colors are struck and the fighting done? 914 Jos väreihimme lyötiin ja taistelu on tehty?
ellauri051.html on line 1520: 918 One is directed by the captain himself against the enemy's mainmast, 918 Kapteeni itse ohjaa yhden vihollisen päämastoa vastaan,
ellauri051.html on line 1556: 952 Not a mutineer walks handcuff'd to jail but I am handcuff'd to him and walk by his side, 952 Ei kapinaaja kävele käsiraudoissa vankilaan, mutta minä olen käsiraudoissa häneen ja kävelen hänen vierellään,
ellauri051.html on line 1587: 981 Wherever he goes men and women accept and desire him, 981 Minne tahansa hän menee, miehet ja naiset hyväksyvät ja haluavat hänet,
ellauri051.html on line 1612: 1005 And in my soul I swear I never will deny him. 1005 Ja sielussani vannon, etten koskaan kiellä häntä.
ellauri051.html on line 1618: 1011 I seize the descending man and raise him with resistless will, 1011 Tartun alas laskeutuvaan mieheen ja nostan hänet ylös vastustamattomalla tahdolla,
ellauri051.html on line 1646: 1038 Putting higher claims for him there with his roll'd-up sleeves driving the mallet and chisel, 1038 Asettamalla hänelle korkeampia vaatimuksia, kun hänen käärityt hihat ajavat vasaraa ja talttaa,
ellauri051.html on line 1654: 1046 Selling all he possesses, traveling on foot to fee lawyers for his brother and sit by him while he is tried for forgery; 1046 Myydään kaiken omaisuutensa, matkustaa jalkaisin palkatakseen asianajajia veljelleen ja istuakseen hänen vierellään, kun häntä tuomitaan väärentämisestä;
ellauri051.html on line 1676: 1067 Ever the vexer's hoot! hoot! till we find where the sly one hides and bring him forth, 1067 Ever the vexer's hoo! viheltää! kunnes löydämme, minne viekas piiloutuu ja tuomme hänet esiin,
ellauri051.html on line 1716: 1106 Accepting the Gospels, accepting him that was crucified, knowing assuredly that he is divine, 1106 Ottaa vastaan ​​evankeliumit, ottaa vastaan ​​hänet, joka ristiinnaulittiin, tietäen varmasti, että hän on jumalallinen,
ellauri051.html on line 1738: 1128 Nor him in the poor house tubercled by rum and the bad disorder, 1128 Eikä häntä köyhässä talossa rommin ja pahan häiriön täyttimänä,
ellauri051.html on line 1741: 1131 Nor any thing in the earth, or down in the oldest graves of the earth, 1131 Eikä mitään maan päällä eikä maan vanhimmissa haudoissa,
ellauri051.html on line 1799: 1187 My sun has his sun and round him obediently wheels, 1187 Auringollani on aurinko ja hänen ympärillään kuuliaisesti pyörät,
ellauri051.html on line 1854: 1240 Unrequited love or a slight cutting him worse than sharp steel cuts, 1240 Onneton rakkaus tai pieni leikkaus, joka on pahempi kuin terävät teräsleikkaukset,
ellauri051.html on line 1865: 1251 And I swear I will never translate myself at all, only to him or her who privately stays with me in the open air. 1251 Ja vannon, etten koskaan käännä itseäni, vain hänelle, joka on yksityisesti kanssani ulkoilmassa.
ellauri051.html on line 1871: 1257 The young mechanic is closest to me, he knows me well, 1257 Nuori mekaanikko on lähimpänä minua, hän tuntee minut hyvin,
ellauri051.html on line 1872: 1258 The woodman that takes his axe and jug with him shall take me with him all day, 1258 Metsuri, joka ottaa mukaansa kirveensä ja kannunsa, vie minut mukaansa koko päivän,
ellauri051.html on line 1907: 1291 I see the elder-hand pressing receiving supporting, 1291 Näen vanhimman käden painavan saavan tukea,
ellauri051.html on line 3252: C’était son regard d’inhumaine Sen epäinhimillinen silmänluonti
ellauri052.html on line 62: Although it is unclear whether Henderson has truly found spiritual contentment, the novel ends with an optimistic and uplifting note. Henderson learns that a man can, with effort, have a spiritual rebirth when he realizes that spirit, body and the outside world are not enemies but can live in harmony. And he doesn't really need his family for anything, he is enough for himself.
ellauri052.html on line 66: As in all Bellow's novels, death figures prominently in Henderson the Rain King. Also, the novel manifests a few common character types that run through Bellow's literary works. One type is the Bellovian Hero, often described as a schlemiel. Eugene Henderson, in company with most of Bellow's main characters, can be given this description, in the opinion of some people, and Bellow was another one himself for sure. Another is what Bellow calls the "Reality-Instructor"; in Henderson the Rain King, King Dahfu fills this role. In Seize the Day, the instructor is played by Dr. Tamkin, while in Humboldt's Gift, Humboldt von Fleisher takes the part.
ellauri052.html on line 93: It seems that as Bellow re-focused his lens on thought, and a main character’s deliberations over it, the fictional world around that central character darkened and cheapened. As the narrator / protagonist’s internal action grows, around him warmth and depth shrinks, until, by Humboldt’s Gift, it is clear that on a mental level, Citrine is utterly alone.
ellauri052.html on line 104: Bellow’s most merciless and eviscerating tormenter was his third wife, Susan Glassman, who defeated him in a long, acrimonious and expensive divorce suit. In 1974, after he had fraudulently misrepresented his projected income, the court, hostile to a successful Jewish intellectual, “ordered him to pay Susan $2,500 a month in alimony, backdated to 1968, plus $600 a month child support, plus lawyers’ fees.” Ignoring his own lawyer’s sound advice to settle the case, he surrendered to a self-destructive impulse, continued to appeal and deliberately prolonged his agony.
ellauri052.html on line 171: The novel, which Bellow initially intended to be a short story, is a roman à clef about Bellow's friendship with the poet Delmore Schwartz. It explores the changing relationship of art and power in a materialist America. This theme is addressed through the contrasting careers of two writers, Von Humboldt Fleisher (to some degree a version of Schwartz) and his protégé Charlie Citrine (to some degree a version of Bellow himself).
ellauri052.html on line 193: Salella on tuplahukki Chicagosta antropoloogiassa ja sosiologiassa. Se on grad school dropout Wisconsinista. Sen ns professuuri Chicagon Committee of Social Thoughtissa oli feikki, kyseessä on farmiliigan yliopiston aikanaan kekkaama julkkiskärpäspaperi. Oikeest se oli aina vähän nolo tosta keskilännen taustasta, kerskui sillä kuin Hyvinkään kultahattu. Se kerskuu Jenkkilän pahimmilla puolilla kuin Wilt Whatman.
ellauri052.html on line 259: Alexander Popen kiharan ryöstöön cantossa 3 kesken kahvia ja korttipeliä viittoilee kai Sale ohimennen Princetonissa. Mulla ei Popesta ole vielä kai muuta kuin Byronin vittuilu sen alexandriinien ylimääräisistä tavuista. Nyt seuraa lisäinfoa:
ellauri052.html on line 275: Alexander Pope does have slightly misogynistic tendencies, in part due to his own physical deformity making him somewhat unattractive.
ellauri052.html on line 489: Keskiajalle asti Sebastianusta pidettiin ruttotautisten parantajana ja jousiampujien suojelijana, mutta renessanssiaikana häntä alettiin pitää mieluummin marttyyrina. Sebastianusta pidetään myös äkäisten lasten pyhimyksenä. Kuvat Sepestä on aika homahtavia:
ellauri052.html on line 497: Eventually, the poetry of William Wordsworth showed him that beauty generates compassion for others and stimulates joy. With renewed joy he continued to work towards a just society, but with more relish for the journey. He considered this one of the most pivotal shifts in his thinking. In fact, many of the differences between him and his father stemmed from this expanded source of joy. :D
ellauri052.html on line 570: Steiner's continuing differences with Besant led him to separate from the Theosophical Society in Adyar. He was subsequently followed by the great majority of the Theosophical Society's German members, as well as many members of other national sections. (Minäs vuonna tää nyt olikaan?)
ellauri052.html on line 597: He was a man who convinced and hypnotized not only others but himself. He seemed to possess a number of characters which he changed like masks as the need arose, now he was a benevolent pastor … now a magician holding sway over human souls … His sole purpose and aspiration was to obtain possession of all things from below, by his own titanic devices, and to break through by a passionate effort to the realm of the spirit… He may have possessed oratorical gifts, but he lacked the true gift and feeling for words. His speech was a kind of magical act, aimed at obtaining control over his hearers by means of gestures, by raising and lowering his voice, and by changes in the expression of his face. He hypnotized his disciples, some of whom even fell asleep.
ellauri052.html on line 655: There were two Krishnamurtis. One was the persona presented to the world through lectures and books; a man without ego who led a sanctified life of celibacy and high moral purity. The other Krishnamurti was a shadowy, self-centered, vain man, capable of sudden angers and enormous cruelty to friends. He was also a habitual liar. Krishna, as his friends called him, freely admitted his compulsive lying. He blamed it on simple fear of having his deceptions detected.
ellauri052.html on line 657: After learning about Krishnamurti's secret love affair with his best friend's wife, Bohm felt betrayed. Perhaps this plunged him into his third and final deep depression. Hospitalized, suffering from paranoia and thoughts of suicide, Bohm underwent fourteen episodes of shock therapy before he recovered sufficiently to leave the mental hospital. Earlier triple bypass surgery on his heart had been successful, but his death in 1991, at age 75, was from a massive heart attack. Krishnamurti had died six years earlier, at his home in Ojai, of pancreatic cancer. His body was cremated.
ellauri052.html on line 675: Sale tuntee vetoa myös Arabian Larskaan. T.E. Lawrence on kuvissa kyllä peräpään pojan näköinen. Se rakasti upseereja ja kaipasi miehexi miesten keskelle miehistöön. Liittyi ilmaväkeen sodan jälkeen vaan saadaxeen olla niitä lähellä. Desired to be a part of something larger than himself. Se oli luultavasti masokisti (iskä löi sitä pienenä) ja piilohomo. Ajeli moottoripyörällä kuin joku Tom of Finland hahmo. Väisti 46 vuotiaana 1935 jotain polkupyöräilijä poikia mutkassa ja ajoi pöpelikköön. Pää hajosi. Siitä kexittiin käyttää moottoripyöräillessä kypäriä.
ellauri052.html on line 688: Apparently his wife Frieda believed him to have had a sexual relationship with a farmer while writing Women in Love in 1916. There's also the coal miner quote you mentioned Kelby. Then there's the quote: I should like to know why nearly every man that approaches greatness tends to homosexuality, whether he admits it or not... (Älkää yrittäkökään! Mä en ole! Sitäpaizi mä en ole lähelläkään suuruutta! Pienenen kuin pyy maailmanlopun edellä.)
ellauri052.html on line 693: I left myself quite limply in his hands, and, to get a better grip of me, he put his arm round me and pressed me against him, and the sweetnesS of the touch of our naked bodies one against the other was superb. It satistied in some measure the vague indecipherable yearning of my soul; and it was the same with him. When he had rubbed me all warm, he let me go, and we lo0ked at each other with eyes of
ellauri052.html on line 742: Gerald fastened the door and pushed the furniture aside. The room was large, there was plenty of space, it was thickly carpeted. Then he quickly threw off his clothes, and waited for Birkin. The latter, white and thin, came over to him. Birkin was more a presence than a visible object, Gerald was aware of him completely, but not really visually. Whereas Gerald himself was concrete and noticeable, a piece of pure final substance.
ellauri052.html on line 748: So the two men began to struggle together. They were very dissimilar. Birkin was tall and narrow, his bones were very thin and fine. Gerald was much heavier and more plastic. His bones were strong and round, his limbs were rounded, all his contours were beautifully and fully moulded. He seemed to stand with a proper, rich weight on the face of the earth, whilst Birkin seemed to have the centre of gravitation in his own middle. And Gerald had a rich, frictional kind of strength, rather mechanical, but sudden and invincible, whereas Birkin was abstract as to be almost intangible. He impinged invisibly upon the other man, scarcely seeming to touch him, like a garment, and then suddenly piercing in a tense fine grip that seemed to penetrate into the very quick of Gerald´s being.
ellauri052.html on line 750: They stopped, they discussed methods, they practised grips and throws, they became accustomed to each other, to each other´s rhythm, they got a kind of mutual physical understanding. And then again they had a real struggle. They seemed to drive their white flesh deeper and deeper against each other, as if they would break into a oneness. Birkin had a great subtle energy, that would press upon the other man with an uncanny force, weigh him like a spell put upon him. Then it would pass, and Gerald would heave free, with white, heaving, dazzling movements.
ellauri052.html on line 756: At length Gerald lay back inert on the carpet, his breast rising in great slow panting, whilst Birkin kneeled over him, almost unconscious. Birkin was much more exhausted. He caught little, short breaths, he could scarcely breathe any more. The earth seemed to tilt and sway, and a complete darkness was coming over his mind. He did not know what happened. He slid forward quite unconscious, over Gerald, and Gerald did not notice. Then he was half-conscious again, aware only of the strange tilting and sliding of the world. The world was sliding, everything was sliding off into the darkness. And he was sliding, endlessly, endlessly away.
ellauri052.html on line 758: He came to consciousness again, hearing an immense knocking outside. What could be happening, what was it, the great hammer-stroke resounding through the house? He did not know. And then it came to him that it was his own heart beating. But that seemed impossible, the noise was outside. No, it was inside himself, it was his own heart. And the beating was painful, so strained, surcharged. He wondered if Gerald heard it. He did not know whether he were standing or lying or falling.
ellauri052.html on line 760: When he realised that he had fallen prostrate upon Gerald´s body he wondered, he was surprised. But he sat up, steadying himself with his hand and waiting for his heart to become stiller and less painful. It hurt very much, and took away his consciousness.
ellauri052.html on line 766: Birkin heard the sound as if his own spirit stood behind him, outside him, and listened to it. His body was in a trance of exhaustion, his spirit heard thinly. His body could not answer. Only he knew his heart was getting quieter. He was divided entirely between his spirit, which stood outside, and knew, and his body, that was a plunging, unconscious stroke of blood.
ellauri052.html on line 778: He still heard as if it were his own disembodied spirit hearing, standing at some distance behind him. It drew nearer however, his spirit. And the violent striking of blood in his chest was sinking quieter, allowing his mind to come back. He realised that he was leaning with all his weight on the soft body of the other man. It startled him, because he thought he had withdrawn. He recovered himself, and sat up. But he was still vague and unestablished. He put out his hand to steady himself. It touched the hand of Gerald, that was lying out on the floor. And Gerald's hand closed warm and sudden over Birkin's, they remained exhausted and breathless, the one hand clasped closely over the other. It was Birkin whose hand, in swift response, had closed in a strong, warm clasp over the hand of the other. Gerald´s clasp had been sudden and momentaneous.
ellauri052.html on line 841: Birkin laughed. He was looking at the handsome figure of the other man, blond and comely in the rich robe, and he was half thinking of the difference between it and himself -- so different; as far, perhaps, apart as man from woman, yet in another direction. But really it was Ursula, it was the woman who was gaining ascendance over Birkin´s being, at this moment. Gerald was becoming limp again, lapsing out of him.
ellauri052.html on line 858: Leader (Salen elämäkerturi) is statesmanlike, fair-minded. He acknowledges in the introduction that great artists are not necessarily family men and that Bellow helped himself to his friends’ and relatives’ life stories even when they would have preferred their privacy.
ellauri052.html on line 862: His friend and protege Philip Roth has said of him, "The backbone of 20th-century American literature has been provided by two novelists—William Faulkner and Saul Bellow. Together they are the Melville, Hawthorne, and Twain of the 20th century."

LOL, runkku-Roth Melvillenä tietysti.

ellauri052.html on line 898: Salen siteeraamasta Samuel Danielista 1562-1619, elisabetinaikaisesta naamiaisnaamareita väsänneestä muusikon pojasta ja kamariherrasta tämän verran: The 1911 edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica says of him: "His style is full, easy and stately, without being very animated or splendid; it is content with level flights. As a gnomic writer Daniel approaches Chapman, but is more musical and coherent. He lacks fire and passion, but he has scholarly grace and tender, mournful reverie." Enempi kanan lentoa.
ellauri052.html on line 931: Kun Salen halvexima sen vanhin poika psykiatri sanoo suorat sanat paskamaisesta isästään, pörähtään sen kimppuun äkäinen lauma Salen kirjallisia häntäkärpäsiä. The difficulty Greg Bellow has in grasping his father’s work is almost immediately apparent. His literary interpretations range from calling Humboldt’s Gift (1975) “a novel permeated by death consciousness” to writing that the protagonist of Henderson the Rain King (1959) “chooses a life path that brings him into contact with suffering and death.” (The very phrase “life path” would undoubtedly have made his father cringe.) Ehkäpä, just six että se on osuvaa.
ellauri052.html on line 932: Oddly, Greg expresses frustration with a father “whose deepest desire was to keep his thoughts and his feelings strictly to himself,” as if Bellow did not spend nearly 70 years sharing those thoughts and feelings with millions of readers.

ellauri052.html on line 934: Haha se jako kyllä ize ahkerasti kiillottamaansa kuvaa izestään. Sen izehaukut on laskelmoituja ja päätyy aina korostamaan sen jaloutta. Saul reserved for art what his eldest son sought from him in life. Kumartaa yleisölle ja pyllistää perheille. Hintelä kalansilmä panomies.
ellauri052.html on line 936: Ultimately, much of the book revolves around a perceived opposition between “young Saul,” the politically radical, amorously multitasking free spirit who raised him, and “old Saul,” the reactionary, race-baiting friend of authority and Allan Bloom who occupied his father’s body for its final 40 years. Greg had a front-row seat for Bellow’s supposed conversion, after the rise of black power and the Six Day War, to the unfashionable conservatism that remains the unspoken reason his books aren’t read much in America today. He is thus well-placed to describe how that change—dramatically evident in Mr. Sammler’s Planet (1970), the neo-con novel par excellence, but also in Herzog—manifested itself in private.
ellauri052.html on line 954: Bellow’s portrait of the Romantic author was self-reflective: “The artist is a spurned and misunderstood genius whose sensitivity separates him from and elevates him above the rest of philistine humanity.”
ellauri052.html on line 960: During an awkward sexual encounter with Harriet Wasserman, she remembered “asking him for permission, as if it were a museum objet d’art, ‘Can I touch this?’” Many of his mistresses remained in love and in touch with him. Scott Fitzgerald said that Hemingway “needed a new woman for each big book”; Bellow lost a woman with each big book. He spilled sperm as he spilled ink, and sex both interfered with and inspired his writing. Bellow created and lived on turbulence, thrived on chaos, courted conflict and was inspired by personal cataclysm. He reported that one lover (mies vai nainen?) “caused me grandes dificultades in England and in the south, but I finished Sammler just the same.” The bearers of erogenous zones (either sex) made him feel younger, “it was a way of avoiding the Angel of Death,” and he cherished their provocative bitchiness. Bellow’s emotional upheavals — his guilt and remorse, multitudinous failings and need for self-condemnation — made him beat his breast at his private Wailing Wall. Se oli kuin kunkku David jolle tuotiin neitosia pyllynlämmittimixi.
ellauri052.html on line 962: He portrayed his ex-wives, before and after they divorced him, as they declined from goddess to devil. Their sexual betrayals and financial extortions supplied the mother lode of his fictional material and generated the misogyny and guilt that fueled his creative powers. He exalted his fourth wife, the Gentile Romanian mathematician Alexandra Tulcea, as the “translucent Minna gazing at the stars” in The Dean’s December and crucified her as the “ferocious, chaos-dispensing Vela” in Ravelstein.
ellauri052.html on line 969: Bellow’s most merciless and eviscerating tormenter was his third wife, Susan Glassman, who defeated him in a long, acrimonious and expensive divorce suit. In 1974, after he had fraudulently misrepresented his projected income, the court, hostile to a successful Jewish intellectual, “ordered him to pay Susan $2,500 a month in alimony, backdated to 1968, plus $600 a month child support, plus lawyers’ fees.” Ignoring his own lawyer’s sound advice to settle the case, he surrendered to a self-destructive impulse, continued to appeal and deliberately prolonged his agony.
ellauri052.html on line 971: The rap against Bellow is that he maligned four of his five wives, especially in his fiction. This is true, and Leader is savvy enough not to take Bellow’s word about them. Wife No. 1, Anita, is shown as the underappreciated mainstay she obviously was. As for wife No. 2, Sondra Tschacbasov Bellow (Bellow called her Sasha), the model for the evil Madeleine, Leader has a scoop: an unpublished memoir shared with him after Bellow’s death. By her own account, Sasha was a vulnerable child-woman lacking basic life skills. From childhood and into her teens, she says, she was the victim of incest committed by her father. When Bellow took up with her, he was 37 and she was 21, a Bennington graduate and a secretary at the Partisan Review. His friends treated her with a sniggering sexism unfortunately unremarkable in the 1950s. At a party Bellow took her to, the critic R. W. B. Lewis, her former professor, drunkenly demanded to
ellauri052.html on line 979: The most important person in Bellow’s life—Maury, his oldest brother. As Leader shows, Maury was both the driving force in Bellow’s Americanization and a major presence in his work. Parents and wives came and went, but Maury remained: Simon in Augie March, Shura in Herzog, Julius in Humboldt’s Gift. As peremptory and violent as their father but more competent, Maury epitomized the cult of power and material success that both fascinated and repelled Bellow. “I recognized in him the day-to-day genius of the U.S.A.,” Bellow said in an interview with Philip Roth. In the same conversation, Roth observed that Maury’s reckless, angry spirit was “the household deity of Augie March.” By the time Maury finished law school, he had already started collecting graft for a corrupt Illinois state representative, skimming off the top for himself and his mother. A charismatic ladies’ man with an illegitimate son, Maury was “very proud of his extraordinary group of connections, his cynicism, his insiderhood,” Bellow told Roth. Maury was disdainful of his brother’s nonremunerative choice of profession, which he considered luftmenschlich—frivolous, impractical.
ellauri052.html on line 994: We! we! piipittää pikku maahanmuuttaja Setä Samin jalkovälistä heilutellen uhkaavasti sen munapusseja. Mut hei, pahimmistakin terroristijutuista voi saada hemmetisti pätäkkää myymällä niitä kumikaulameedialle! Mä oon valmis epäizekkäästi auttamaan mun ystävää kunhan saan ne rahat sitte takaisin silleesti niinku korkoineen.
ellauri053.html on line 251: jo himersi päivän kajo
ellauri053.html on line 549: "Ohimenevästä vilkaisusta rajuun yhdyntään." Noh noh. Uarne kuumuu kuvitellessaan Puovon pukilla. Mautonta. Yäk.
ellauri053.html on line 597: Siinä on lopultakin tavotettu jotain inhimillistä ja ikuista.
ellauri053.html on line 811: After his resignation from Visva-Bharati, Tagore planned to move to Dehradun. He wrote to Nirmalchandra demanding that Mira be "handed-over" to him; Nirmalchandra obliged and Mira and her son 2-year old Jayabrato accompanied Tagore to Dehradun. Before leaving, Tagore wrote to Pratima, "I am not going secretly. I have informed everyone that Mira is with me." Pratima replied that she "would be happy, if he remained happy".
ellauri053.html on line 820: Prince Dwarkanath Tagore, my great-grandfather, was a romantic figure. Contemporary of Rammohan Roy, the Father of the Renaissance Movement of Bengal, he was closely associated with him in all his activities and rendered financial help when- ever required. The East India Company were by this time firmly established in Bengal and were rapidly building up their trade. Dwarkanath’s knowledge of English helped him to take advantage of the conditions prevailing under the Company’s rule and he was able at quite an early age not only to amass a fortune but also to gain high offices under the British. With Rammohan Roy he took a leading part in all the movements for the promotion of higher education and social welfare. There was hardly any institution founded during his life-time that did not owe its existence to the generous charity of Dwarkanath. He came to be known as Prince Dwarkanath in recognition of his benefactions. His business enterprises extended to fields unexplored by Indians in those days. He had a fleet of cargo boats for trading between India and England. To improve his business connections and gain further concessions from the Company, he himself went to England accompanied by his youngest son, Nagendranath. I have had occasion to read the diary kept by this grand-uncle of mine. It describes vividly and in very chaste English the social life Of the aristocracy of England in the early Victorian age as seen through the eyes of an Indian. There is also an interesting description of his adventurous journey across the country from Bombay to Calcutta at a time when India was in a very disturbed condition on the eve of the Sepoy Mutiny.
ellauri053.html on line 853: Our teacher of English was an Englishman of a rather interesting type. He was given a bungalow in the compound. There he lived with thousands of silk-worms in which he had become interested through Akshoy Kumar Maitra, the historian. On Sundays, discarding all clothes, Mr. Lawrence would wrap himself in old newspapers and lie amongst the caterpillars which delighted in crawling all over him. He was very fond of them and used to say they were his children.
ellauri053.html on line 863: Jagadish Chandra Bose had a wonderful fund of interesting stories, some very amusing, of the many lands he had visited and personalities he had met. He could go on telling them for hours and days together, yet one would never get tired of listening to him for he could always make the most trivial facts interesting, and his humour was so refreshing. He could also laugh ; so few people can laugh well and at the proper time and place. I would greatly miss him when he went away and secretly I would take a vow to become a scientist like him when I grew up.
ellauri053.html on line 890: At the end of three months I was to be examined by the Maharshi himself to see whether I could recite correctly and with proper intonation his selections from the Upanishads , called Brahmo-dharma.
ellauri053.html on line 892: My teacher, who had no illusions, regarding his pupil, trembled at the herculean task imposed upon him. However, the Maharshi’s word was law, and teacher and pupil set to work with such grim determination that at the end of the prescribed period my grandfather was greatly pleased to hear me recite the mantras so dear to him.
ellauri053.html on line 975: On my father’s desk I discovered two bound volumes containing copies of letters written by him to my cousin Indira. My cousin had evidently carefully preserved all the letters and copied them out in her beautiful handwriting in the two volumes neatly decorated by her brother Surendranath.
ellauri053.html on line 981: Father now devoted himself with renewed zeal to the affairs of the school. The most difficult task was to find the right kind of teachers. Frequent changes had to be made. Every time a new teacher was engaged Father had to train him and mould him to fit in with the ideals of the Asrama.
ellauri053.html on line 987: A few years later, after I had settled down at Santiniketan my sister Bela, who was staying with her husband in Calcutta, fell ill. Like Rani, my elder sister also developed tuberculosis. ela was daddy's favourite child and her death was a severe blow to him.
ellauri053.html on line 989: Vicissitudes of life, pain or afflictions, however, never upset the equanimity of my father’s mind. Like his father, the Maharshi, he remained calm and his inward peace was not disturbed by any calamity however painful. Some superhuman sakti gave him the power to resist and rise above misfortunes of the most painful nature.
ellauri053.html on line 991: Throughout all these years of the severest trial to him Father’s penis never had any rest. Even when he would be passing through very great distress editors never had to wait for the regular instalments from his penis.
ellauri053.html on line 1006: Often when he gets late for his bath you have to call him a hundred times.
ellauri053.html on line 1007: You wait and keep his dishes warm for him, but he goes on writing and forgets.
ellauri053.html on line 1032: Gitanjali was written shortly after the deaths of Tagore’s wife, his two daughters, his youngest son, and his father. But as his son, Rathindranath, testified in On the Edges of Time, “he remained calm and his inward peace was not disturbed by any calamity however painful. Some superhuman sakti [force] gave him the power to resist and rise above misfortunes of the most painful nature.” Gitanjali was his inner search for peace and a reaffirmation of his faith in his Jivan devata.
ellauri053.html on line 1082: For him
ellauri053.html on line 1165:

“It is a style of Pater,” Eliot justly said, but then he indulged himself in a little racial prejudice, saying “it is a style of Pater, with a trick of the eye and a hanging of the nether lip that come from across the Irish Channel, all the more seductive.” “Mr. Yeats,” he says, “sometimes appears, as a philosopher of aesthetics, incoherent”:

ellauri053.html on line 1170: On 26 January 1877, the young poet entered the Godolphin school, which he attended for four years. He did not distinguish himself academically, and an early school report describes his performance as "only fair. Perhaps better in Latin than in any other subject. Very poor in spelling".
ellauri053.html on line 1191: Eliot needed to put a considerable distance between himself and Yeats, each of whom could be regarded as a Symbolist, however differently they responded to French Symbolism as Arthur Symons expounded it in The Symbolist Movement in Literature. It is my understanding that Symons led Yeats through the early chapters, with Mallarmé as the main figure, and that Eliot made his own way quickly through the several chapters until he reached Laforgue, the poet he found most useful in his attempt to discover his own voice. Still, Eliot’s animosity is hard to explain.
ellauri053.html on line 1337: Consume my heart away; sick with desire Syökää mun "sydäntä", sairaana himosta,
ellauri053.html on line 1363: Yeats derided MacBride in letters and in poetry. He was horrified by Gonne's marriage, at losing his muse to another man; in addition, her conversion to Catholicism before marriage offended him; Yeats was Protestant/agnostic. He worried his muse would come under the influence of the priests and do their bidding.
ellauri053.html on line 1364: Gonne's marriage to MacBride was a disaster. This pleased Yeats, as Gonne began to visit him in London.
ellauri053.html on line 1371: Yeats proposed in an indifferent manner, with conditions attached, and he both expected and hoped she would turn him down. According to Foster, "when he duly asked Maud to marry him and was duly refused, his thoughts shifted with surprising speed to her daughter." Iseult Gonne was Maud's second child with Lucien Millevoye, and at the time was twenty-one years old.
ellauri053.html on line 1379: In December 1923, Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, "for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation". He was aware of the symbolic value of an Irish winner so soon after Ireland had gained independence, and sought to highlight the fact at each available opportunity. His reply to many of the letters of congratulations sent to him contained the words: "I consider that this honour has come to me less as an individual than as a representative of Irish literature, it is part of Europe's welcome to the Free State." Taas yxi tällänen taatatyyppinen poliittinen nobelisti.
ellauri053.html on line 1424: Ronsard is concerned with himself; Yeats barely refers to himself at all (one man) and delivers a prayer of devotion to his beloved. No other poet I've read compares.

ellauri053.html on line 1430: This poem is very famous in China. We first know Yeats by this wonderful poem, which contain a story of Yeats himself that move us so deeply. From this poem, we know what is the true love, we know how deeply love can be. This has been transferred into the famous poem of MUDAN, also been transferred into a popular song sung by SHUIMUNIANHUA, so we can see how arractive it was to us in China.

ellauri054.html on line 49: Comeniuksen mukaan ihmisen koko elämä oli koulua, jatkuvaa oppimista ja kasvua, kehdosta hautaan asti. Maailma oli koko ihmiskunnan koulu, suuri oppimisyhteisö, jossa kansojen tuli rauhan, yhteistyön ja vastavuoroisuuden hengessä kasvaa toinen toisensa kunnioittamiseen, inhimillisyyteen ja Jumalan tuntemiseen. Hän esitti myös tieteen ja kasvatuksen kansainvälisen yhteistyöelimen, Collegio lucis (Valon kollegio) perustamista, joten UNESCO on pitänyt Comeniusta omien periaatteidensa edelläkävijänä.
ellauri054.html on line 51: Comeniuksen kasvatuksen, teologian ja filosofian, sekä muunkin toiminnan päämäärä oli parantaa ihmiskunnan onneton tila. Irrottautumalla keskiaikaisesta ajattelusta, että kasvatus olisi kirkollinen asia, hän laajensi kasvatuksen yleisinhimilliseksi tehtäväksi.
ellauri054.html on line 85: Comeniuksen mielessä oppikirjatyön lisäksi kehkeytyi suuri pansofinen haave ihmiskunnan johtamisesta rauhan tilaan. Suunnitelman hän puki seitsenosaisen teoksen muotoon, jolle antoi nimen De rerum humanarum emendatione consultatio cathoica (Yleinen neuvottelu inhimillisten asioiden parantamisesta). Tästä idealismista ruotsalaiset eivät olleet kiinnostuneita ja koska Comenius vielä osallistui Thornin uskonnollisia ristiriitoja sovitteleviin neuvotteluihin (1645), alkoivat välit Comeniukseen viiletä ja lopulta Oxestierna tahtoi toteuttaa ruotsalaisen koulunuudistuksen vanhan suunnitelman pohjalta. Comenius tunsi työnsä valuneen hukkaan, vaikka tältä ajalta on peräisin eräs hänen didaktisen osaamisensa merkittävimpiä teoksia Methodus linguarum novissima (Kielten uusin menetelmä).
ellauri054.html on line 142: Viimeisexi vaan ei vähimmäxi jää porsaan kavalkaadissa kuinka ollakkaan Horatiuxen saarnat eli satiirit. Boethiuxen de consolatione philosophiae ois niinko viimonen tärkee essee ennen kun keskiaika pimenöö. Boethius keekoili Roomassa 500-luvulla matujen visigoottien mobbatessa loppuja roomalaisia ja murehti siitä johtuen teodikean ongelmaa. Ei ois kannattanut. Se päätyy siihen et turpiinsaanti on sekä ansaittua että kasvattavaa. Parasta myöntää että olet ruma kalkkuna. Myönnän. Kiitos. Kuten sanoi Söören: sulla on 2 vaihtoehtoa. Joko et nosta mun hattua maasta ja saat turpaasi. Tai nostat sen, ja saat silti turpaasi.
ellauri054.html on line 161: v 2019 joku räsypää Anwaar Ahmad selittää Pekonia netissä. Keskellä textiä on urheilujuoman mainos: Oshee. Älä hyydy kesken kaiken. Anwaar Ahmad is a professional writer. He is working with us from last two years. His articles are marvelous and attractive. He is best in demonstrating literature. He likes to read books. Feel free to contact him in case you need help. Vainajana muistanemme häntäkin hyvällä.
ellauri054.html on line 189: At his jubilee seminar, Riikonen's Turku-based colleague, Jukka Sihvonen, characterised him as a bibliophile and a manic hoarder of books. Riikonen says that he has never counted the exact number of books in his home, but he estimates that his is one of Helsinki's most extensive private libraries.
ellauri054.html on line 332: Anyway, she watched him pace the room
ellauri054.html on line 565: In 1846 Browning married the older poet Elizabeth Barrett and went to live in Italy. By the time of her death in 1861 he had published the crucial collection Men and Women (1855). The collection Dramatis Personae (1864) and the book-length epic poem The Ring and the Book (1868-1869) followed, and made him a leading British poet. He continued to write prolifically, but his reputation today rests largely on the poetry he wrote in this middle period.
ellauri055.html on line 40: Momus (/ˈmoʊməs/; Greek: Μῶμος Momos) was in Greek mythology the personification of satire and mockery, two stories about whom figure among Aesop's Fables. During the Renaissance, several literary works used him as a mouthpiece for their criticism of tyranny, while others later made him a critic of contemporary society. Onstage he finally became the figure of harmless fun.
ellauri055.html on line 74: Zweig oli kova Rolland fan. Eikaine vaan homostellu keskenään? Sitä oli paljon liikkeellä jetset piireissä. Bertie ja Conrad. Proust ja Bourget. Epäilyttäviä tapauxia pisteessä on läjittäin. Zweig nyt takuulla oli vähintään bi. Se ja sen vaimo teki seppukut brasseissa. What did Zweig have that brought him the fanatical devotion of millions of readers, the admiration of Hermann Hesse, the invitation to give the eulogy at the funeral of Sigmund Freud? Sas se. Freud teki suusyöpäisenä seppukun Lontoossa 1939. Ei ois kannattanut vetää tupakkaa. Henkilääkäri otti sen hengiltä morfiinipiikillä kuin vanhan koiran. Koiran iässä se oli 12-vuotias.
ellauri055.html on line 98: Victor Serge was appreciative of Rolland's interventions on his behalf but ultimately thoroughly disappointed by Rolland's refusal to break publicly with Stalin and the repressive Soviet regime. The entry for May 4, 1945, a few weeks after Rolland's death, in Serge's Notebooks: 1936-1947 notes acidly that "At age seventy the author of Jean-Christophe allowed himself to be covered with the blood spilled by a tyranny of which he was a faithful adulator."
ellauri055.html on line 206: Jengi lähtee (tietysti) Niken ideasta rettelöimään herttualle. Kulkueessa kulkee puutarhurien kilta punalipussansa Pyhä Fiacre. Irlantilaissyntyinen pyhimys oli kova siirtolapuutarhuri. Muutti Ranskaan julkisuutta pakoon. Kuvissa se nojaa lapioon.
ellauri055.html on line 578: Toinen äärimmäisyys Manniskan paletissa on ökyrikkaat ruozahtavat nousukkaat jotka on myös pahoja. Pahempia kuin paapa ize asiassa. Kullaista keskitietä edustavat omilla tavoillaan Mirja ja Johannes. Hömelö laskukas ja nöyrä köyhimys. Eivät kuulu Kangasniemen jetsettiin. Nimetkin on niillä -nen päätteiset.
ellauri055.html on line 683: Helvetin tarkkaan pitää vielä kertoa mitä tahkojuusto-meetvurstileipiä se himassa vielä pupelsi. Paljonko se maxoi Eelixelle vai maxoiko mitään, ja mitä vaimo tykkäs sen huviajeluista? Tai lapset. Aivan vitun törkymöykky miehexeen. No ei, izexeen "hän" päätti että antaisi Eliaalle 50mk. Eliaalta ei taxaa kysytä. Paljonkohan "hän" nettos ize? Käyt. kaz. pelkällä paskanjauhannalla. Ja ajelemalla ympäriinsä Taunuxella.
ellauri055.html on line 1126: Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard Maeterlinck oli belgialainen frankofooni kirjailija, jolle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1911. Maeterlinckin katsottiin edustavan dekadenssia parhaimmillaan tai pahimmillaan. Hänestä tehtiin kreivi vuonna 1932.
ellauri055.html on line 1409: Noin kolmeen tuntiin runoilija ei saanut unta. Nämä tunnit muodostuivat samansisältöisixi kuin monasti ennenkin, kun hän tiesi että kaunis nainen oli yötä samoissa suojissa. Mixi maailma on sellainen ettei tyttö nyt mitenkään voi hiipiä tänne minun luoxeni ... Mikä on tälläisen inhimillisen tunteen pohja? Ihmissuvun jatkuminen. Tulee maailmaan lapsi,jonka ilmeet ovat samanlaiset kuin vanhuxen. Sitä hoidetaan asiallisesti, lemuavia riepuja on nuorassa kuivamassa. Lapsi poraa ja äiti laihtuu ... Äiti, se sana tuo mieleen jotain lakastunutta ja näivettynyttä. Joskus isä kantaa lasta; se on luonnotonta ... Kaikki tuo on pohjana tälle tunteelle, jota nyt tunnen. Se on pohjana minun runoilemisellenikin. Rakkaus, se suuri maailmanvoima. Rakkaus, niin se on rakkaus. Tai sit vaan kiima.
ellauri058.html on line 107: Ei, on aivan välttämätöntä että neekerit ainakin muutamia vuosisatoja pidetään vielä paikallaan, kunnes he ovat ehtineet vähän sivistyä. Minä väitin että siinä tapauxessa olisi syytä myöntää hieman enemmän varoja heidän sivistämisexeen, ja lisäsin etten pitänyt hengenvaarallisena, vaikka heille sillä aikaa osoittaisikin hieman tavallista inhimillisyyttä ja ystävällisyyttä.
ellauri058.html on line 424: Journalistinen kriitikko on kaikkein lähimpänä suurta yleisöään. Kriitikko pyrkii tällöin kirjoittamaan selkokielellä ja kiinnostamaan mahdollisimman suurta lukijapiiriä. Yleensä tämä on itsetarkoituksellista ja yleisön makua kosiskelevaa. Hurri toteaa, että monet aikakausi-ja iltapäivälehdet saattavat toteuttaa tämänkaltaista kritiikkiä. (Hurri 1993: 51.)
ellauri058.html on line 952: Jules Maigret naît à Saint-Fiacre (se oli se lapioon nojaava misogyyni puutarhapyhimys!) dans l’Allier, en 1887, ce qui ne l’empêchera pas de n’avoir que 58 ans en 1967. Se on kuin Roope Ankka, vanha muttei vanhene.
ellauri060.html on line 205: Pastorin elämä on ollut pahasti raiteiltaan jo pitkään. Vaimo on syyttänyt vanhimman tyttären Karoliina kuolemasta. Tämä hukkui. Kumpikin muistaa traagisen päivän tapahtumat aivan eri tavoin, vaikka kummatkin olivat samaan aikaan samassa tilanteessa. Vaikka Sauli tietää, ettei tytön kuolema ollut hänen syytään, hän syyllistyy siksi, että häntä syytetään.
ellauri060.html on line 231: Daniel Defoe (/dɪˈfoʊ/; born Daniel Foe; c. 1660 – 24 April 1731) was an English writer, trader, journalist, pamphleteer and spy. He is most famous for his bestselling novel Robinson Crusoe, published in 1719, which is claimed to be second only to the Bible in its number of translations. He has been seen as one of the earliest proponents of the English novel, and helped to popularise the form in Britain with others such as Aphra Behn and Samuel Richardson. Defoe wrote many political tracts, was often in trouble with the authorities, and spent a period in prison for unpaid debts. Laissez faire intellectuals and political leaders paid attention to his fresh ideas and sometimes consulted him.
ellauri060.html on line 450: Antin sukulainen toimittaja Tuomas Manninen kommentoi: Uimahalleissa roiskuttelu on oikeasti vakava tasa-arvokysymys. On oikeasti olemassa kantelevia kilpauimareita, koppavia veetee uimavalvojia ja kostonhimoisia vallasihmisiä jotka jatkaa riitaa hallinto-oikeuteen asti sukanvarresta löytämillään säästöillä. Suomessa on totuteltava tämmöisiin jenkkityylisiin korvauskanteisiin. Tuumaa Anni Swanin mökissä asuva pojanpoikansa Ilta-Sanomien mainio toimittaja Tuomas Manninen. Asia ratkennee vasta KHO:ssa. Kantaja oli hapan ilkimys rva Haapasalo, kriminaalizykologi Salosta, joka sittemmin vielä ärhenteli kun Salo voitti jonkun koripallopokaalin ja "koko Salo hurrasi", paizi tää sitruuna, joka ei kilpaurheilusta perusta. Se tykkää vaan kuntouinnista, kunhan keulijat ei roiskuta. Oiskohan syytä huolestua kun omat mielipiteet nazaa ilmiselviin kusipäihin? Mäkään en siedä eliittiurheilua enkä "koko Salo" tyyppistä kirkonkellojen soittelua. No huolestun kyllä vähän, mutta kantaani en tarkista.
ellauri060.html on line 983: Aasia kunnossa. Suivaantunut Sauli raivoaa Tuulan mentyä kuin Jankon Betoni, ampuu Nooran ylistämän mustarastaan hirvipyssyllä ja haulikolla, ja leikkaa vasiten terottamallaan vesurilla hirmuisesti kiroten pään irti Nooran ostamalta söpöltä karizalta jolle Noora lässyttää, käskien ohimennen Saulia korjaamaan verannalta papanat.
ellauri060.html on line 1002: Vierailija kirjoitti: Olen pitkään miettinyt että haastan tämän moraalittoman paskalehden oikeuteen joka on vienyt ihmisiltä hengen, työt ja paljon muutakin. Vertaisin tämän lehden asioita pahimpaan henkiseen väkivaltaan mitä ihmislle voi tehdä! Kymmenestä lehdestä yhdeksän asiaa on täyttä paskaa! #sairasta #moraalitonta #ihmisrotat. (No sama ongelma on huumekaupassa. Vie ihmisiltä hengen, työt ja munatkin.)
ellauri060.html on line 1027: Eretismi (< m.kreik. ἐρέθισμα, erethisma, 'kiihotus', 'ärsytys') tarkoittaa liikakiihottumista, taudillisesti korostunutta kiihottuvaisuutta. Se on tila, jossa vähimmätkin, terveessä tilassa tehottomat kiihottimet saavat aikaan tuntuvia vaikutuksia. Se on lääketieteen historiassa luokiteltu erityiseksi lajiksi heikkohermoisuutta.
ellauri061.html on line 73: Tässä albumissa koitan ensin haukuskella lisää Shakespearea. Sonetit on jo näpelöity aiemmin ja jotain muutakin. Niin Shylokki tietysti. Ohimennen viittauxia on jo aivan vitusti.
ellauri061.html on line 84: Caliban on syystä vähän kiukkuinen tolle Prosperolle, joka ryöväs siltä saaren ja teki siitä pelkän apupojan izelleen. Ikävä kyllä Caliban ei ihan ehtinut törkkästä penistään Mirkun kaikkein pyhimpään, muuten olis saari jo täynnä calibaaneja. Vitun kusipää toi Prospero.
ellauri061.html on line 313: and drown himself, it is, will he, nill he, he mutta jos vesi tulee ja hukuttaa sen, niin se ei hukuttaudu; eliskä
ellauri061.html on line 314: goes,--mark you that; but if the water come to him se joka ei ole syyllinen kuolemaansa ei lyhennä omaa ikäänsä.
ellauri061.html on line 315: and drown him, he drowns not himself: argal, he
ellauri061.html on line 367: HORATIO Custom hath made it in him a property of easiness. HORATIO No se on niin tottunut ezitä se ei heiluta.
ellauri061.html on line 401: suffer this rude knave now to knock him about the tän törkymöykyn paiskia likaisella lapparilla nuppiaan,
ellauri061.html on line 402: sconce with a dirty shovel, and will not tell him of eikä sano sitä pahoinpitelyxi? Höh! Tää kaveri ois voinut
ellauri061.html on line 408: pate full of fine dirt? will his vouchers vouch him enää sen ostoja, ei edes 2-kertaiset, enempää kuin parin
ellauri061.html on line 412: this box; and must the inheritor himself have no more, ha?
ellauri061.html on line 453: First Clown 'Twill, a not be seen in him there; there the men Pelle 1 Siellä sitä ei panna merkille, ne on siellä kaikki yhtä hulluja köse.
ellauri061.html on line 476: First Clown A pestilence on him for a mad rogue! a' poured a HAMLET Ei mitään havaintoa.
ellauri061.html on line 483: Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow No voi surku, Yorick! Mä tunsin sen, Horatio: loputtoman läpän mies,
ellauri061.html on line 508: HAMLET No, faith, not a jot; but to follow him thither with HAMLET Ei, ei olleskaan: sitä pitää seurata tolleen säveästi, todennäköisyyden
ellauri061.html on line 573: [Grappling with him.] [Ui liiveihin.]
ellauri061.html on line 584: HAMLET Why I will fight with him upon this theme HAMLET Mit vit, mä tappelen sen kanssa tästä aiheesta
ellauri061.html on line 591: QUEEN GERTRUDE For love of God, forbear him. KUNINGATAR GERTRUDE: Herranjestas, säästäkää nyt sitä.
ellauri061.html on line 604: And thus awhile the fit will work on him; Tälleen jonkun aikaa jatkuu kohtaus,
ellauri061.html on line 611: Let Hercules himself do what he may, Tehköön Herkkules mitä tahtoo,
ellauri061.html on line 614: KING CLAUDIUS I pray you, good Horatio, wait upon him. KUNINGAS CLAUDIUS: Pyydän kauniisti, Horatio hyvä, huolehdi siitä.
ellauri061.html on line 675: KANSALLISTEATTERIN HAMLET (1913) I Kansallisteatterissa on huomenna perjantaina, näytäntökauden kenties huomattavin ilta. Esitetään Shakespearen Hamlet, joka viimeksi on mennyt yli kymmenen vuotta sitten vanhassa Arkadiassa. Esitys on siis täysin ensi-illan veroinen; ohjaus ja näyttämölle asetus luonnollisesti on kokonaan uusi: pääosassa esiintyvät vuorotellen hrat Eero Kilpi ja Jussi Snellman (edellinen ensi-iltana, jälkimmäinen ensi kerran maanantaina). Hamlet-esitys tulee tietysti herättämään erikoista huomiota. Saattaahan tämän murhenäytelmän kanssa yleiskantoisessa, vuosisatoja uhmaavassa inhimillisyydessä kilpailla ainoastaan samanaikainen »Don Quixotte» ja kaksi sataa vuotta myöhäisempi »Faust». Minne tahansa europalainen sivistys on päässyt kotiutumaan, on myös hautautunut tämän kuuluisimman, mutta otaksuttavasti olemattoman tanskalaisen nimi. Hänen lakastumaton nuoruutensa todistaa että hän jos kukaan on ihmiskunnan ikuisia symboleja. Vanhaan tanskalaiseen, Ranskan välityksellä Englantiin tulleeseen ja täällä näytelmänkin muodossa jo käsiteltyyn taruun on Shakespeare sellaisella syvällisellä nerolla mahduttanut kuumeista yleiskantoista sielunelämää, että siitä riittää sukupolvelle toisensa jälkeen kysymyksiä haudottavaksi ja arvoituksia ratkaistavaksi. Lieneekö toista ihmiskuvaa, joka niin salaperäisellä voimalla vetäisi meitä puoleensa kuin Hamlet? Kukapa ei tuntisi tätä nuorukaista ja hänen tarinaansa, kukapa ei tietäisi jotain kertoa mitä ihanteen ja todellisuuden, nuorekkaan uskon ja murskaavan pettymyksen ristiriidasta, joka repi parantumattomille haavoille hänen rakastavan ja ihailuun valmiin sydämen? Kuka ei tajuaisi syvällistä inhimillisyyttä siinä mitenkä hän katkeralla järjen tyydytyksellä näkee pimeiden aavistustensa olevan tosia? Hamlet on asetettu rinnan Mefistofeleen ja pessimismin filosofien kanssa. Yhteistä on näillä ja hänellä elämää kohtaan jyrkästi kielteinen tunto. Mutta Hamletissa tämä ei lakkaa olemasta vihlovassa ristiriidassa hänen syvimpien vaistojensa ja tarpeittensa kanssa; hän on heistä todellisimmin inhimillinen, itse ihmisyyden tuskan murto vaivan vääntämine kasvoineen.
ellauri061.html on line 778: In the interview, Barak was asked whether he is a lobbyist that earns a living from "opening doors." The interviewer stated "You have arrived recently at the Kazakhstan despot Nazarbayev and the president of Ghana. You are received immediately." Barak confirmed that he has been received by these heads of state but denied earning money from opening doors for international business deals for Israeli and foreign corporations, and said he does not see any ethical or moral problems in his business activities. He further said there is no logic to demand of him, after "the natural process in democracy has ended" to not utilize the tools he accumulated in his career to secure his financial future. When asked if his financial worth is $10–15 million, Barak said "I'm not far from there."
ellauri061.html on line 797: Deborah and Barak then gathered 10,000 troops and attacked Sisera and his army. Barak’s troops won: “All Sisera’s troops fell by the sword; not a man was left” (Judges 4:16). Sisera himself fled to the tent of a Hebrew woman named Jael. She gave him milk to drink and covered him with a blanket in the tent. Then, “Jael . . . picked up a tent peg and a hammer and went quietly to him while he lay fast asleep, exhausted. She drove the peg through his temple into the ground, and he died” (verse 21).
ellauri061.html on line 799: Following this battle, “God subdued Jabin king of Canaan before the Israelites. And the hand of the Israelites pressed harder and harder against Jabin king of Canaan until they destroyed him” (Judges 4:23–24). Deborah’s prophecy was fulfilled: Barak won, Sisera was killed by a woman, and the Israelites were freed from their enemies.
ellauri061.html on line 988:

Eunukki: Kunnianhimo, näyttämisen tarve kai?
ellauri061.html on line 1078: Pikkuhiljaa Kati saa päästää irti myös pahimmista peloistaan. Mitä jos Jari on rattijuoppo ja ajaa lapsen päälle? Höh ei pelkoa, ei Jarilla ole edes ajokorttia. Mitä jos Jari ajautuu väärään seuraan? Mitä jos tapahtuu jotain, johon äidin siipi ei yletä? Mitä jos Jarin pippeli ei yletä?
ellauri061.html on line 1432: Tervo sanoo tuntevansa myötätuntoa kaikkia ihmisiä kohtaan, mutta toisten ihmisarvon riistäjiä ei pidä vähimmässäkään määrin myötäillä. Hän ei kuulu myöskään niihin, jotka vaativat maahanmuuttokeskusteluun dialogia: hirtettävällä ja lynkkaajalla ei ole tarvetta debattiin. (Täh? Onx maahanmuuttajat hirtettäviä? Kuka tässä oikein on lynkkaaja?)
ellauri061.html on line 1638: As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. muuttuu kuin nokipoika tuhkaxi.
ellauri061.html on line 1664: Cymbeline sijoittuu aikaan, jolloin Britannia oli osa Rooman valtakuntaa. Sen päähenkilöinä on kelttiläinen Britannian kuningas Cymbeline eli Cunobelinus, hänen tyttärensä Imogen ja tämän alempisäätyinen kosija Posthumus Leonatus. Mukana on myös Posthumuksen petollinen ystävä Iachimo, ja kuningatar, joka on Imogenin paha äitipuoli.
ellauri061.html on line 1670:

Imugeeni makkarissa aktissa II, skene ii, kun Iachimo huomaa luomen sen daisarissa.
Maalasi muna soikeana Wilhelm Ferdinand Souchon (German, 1825-1876).

ellauri062.html on line 98: Sam, who has always adored his wife and been faithful to her, now makes sexual advances to the nurse aides who care for him.
ellauri062.html on line 100: Fred, a retired psychologist who had a very successful practice, now makes rude and cruel comments to those around him. One of his strengths before Alzheimer's had been his kindness and ability to relate to others.
ellauri062.html on line 135: Don't argue with him. It won't help. (Never did.)
ellauri062.html on line 255: As punishment, Fred whips Serena' butt with his belt and forces Offred to watch as he does. Nick goes looking for Luke and finds him in a bar. He tells Luke that June is alright but Luke says that she isn't fine. Nick tells her that June is pregnant. This upsets Luke and he tells Nick to get out but then changes his mind and invites him in again.
ellauri062.html on line 259: Serena forces June onto the bed as Fred forces himself into her. He sexually assaults her in order to get the baby to come early. They both come early in the end. Serena tells Fred that Nick is the father of the baby. She calls him an idiot and he calls her a bitch.
ellauri062.html on line 273: In the hospital, June attempts to stab Serena Waterfront with a scalpel she had stolen from the medical waste disposal box. Serena fights back and cuts June in the arm. Serena alerts Dr. Yates telling him that June stabbed herself.
ellauri062.html on line 279: Fred says she is a good writer but Serena is bitter that he took that right away from her. Fred admits that he did not realize how much it would cost. Serena asks him to imagine how their lives would be like if Gilead never happened. Fred replies that he would still be in marketing and might quit his job. Fred admits that he has been sterile all along. In fact he is gay and has had an affair with Nick and Mark Tuello (who dat?) in the closet. Mark Tuello’s car is a 2018 Dodge Charger GT [LD].
ellauri062.html on line 282: Serena says she will pray for him. He holds her by the neck. Good old times are back again.
ellauri062.html on line 396: A character ("General Hopgood") in the 2009 film The Men Who Stare at Goats — a fictionalized adaptation of Ronson's book — is loosely based on Stubblebine as commander of the "psychic spy unit" (portrayed in the film) who believed he could train himself to walk through walls.
ellauri062.html on line 631: Qui salvandos salvas gratis ostit minut vapaaksi. joka säästät ilmaisexi, Save thou him who sings thy praises;
ellauri062.html on line 691: :trollface: on vuonna 2008 julkaistu internet-trolleja ja internet-trollausta symbolisoiva rage comic -meemi. Se on yksi vanhimmista ja tunnetuimmista rage comic -kasvoista. Tämä versio on vähän Jaken näköinen:
ellauri062.html on line 833: Häntä kiinnosti ennen kaikkea se, mikä on vain inhimillistä eikä myös eläimellistä. Nietzsche ja Freud (Marxista ja Darwinista puhumattakaan) etsivät eläintä ihmisessä, Weininger etsi ihmistä tai pikemminkin Jumalaa ihmisessä.
ellauri062.html on line 893: Weininger ryhtyi valmistelemaan kirjaansa Sukupuoli ja luonne: Periaatteellinen tutkimus (saks. Geschlecht und Charakter: Eine prinzipielle Untersuchung), joka julkaistiin kesäkuussa 1903. Teos on väitöskirjan laajennettu versio. Weininger pyrkii saattamaan sukupuolten suhteet uuteen valoon ja esittää juutalaisvastaisia ja naisvihamielisiä käsityksiä. Hänen mukaansa juutalaiset ovat naisellisen olemuksensa takia ”alati himokkaita ja irstaita”, ”synnynnäisiä kommunisteja”, ”luonnostaan parittajia”. Lisäksi Weininger pitää ihmistä luonteeltaan biseksuaalina. Idea oli varastettu joltain Riemastuxen kamulta.
ellauri062.html on line 921: While Shahak was alive, Noam Chomsky called him “an outstanding scholar,” and said he had “remarkable insight and depth of knowledge. His work is informed and penetrating, a contribution of great value.”
ellauri062.html on line 933: The presence of Jesus the Nazarene in boiling excrement is one of the disputed references to Jesus in the Talmud. Onkelos raises up Yeshu by necromancy, and asks him about his punishment in Gehinnom. Jesus replies that he is in "boiling excrement." Tzoah Rotachat (Hebrew: צוֹאָה רוֹתֵחַת, tsoah rothachath – "boiling excrement") in the Talmud and Zohar is a location in Gehenna (Gehinnom) where the souls of Jews who committed certain sins are sent for punishment. This form of punishment is cited as being of extreme nature, if not the most extreme, in the sense that those individuals sentenced there are not given relief even on Shabbat, and are not released after the standard twelve-month period.
ellauri062.html on line 978: Eli himot sitä on hiirelläkin. Eräs Pete Menckenin eli Pekka Mänkkösen mielenkiintoisista kirjoista. Punavyö on Simo Penttilän luoma kuvitteellinen villin lännen hahmo. Hänen kumppaneinaan ovat suomalaiset toverukset Pete Menken eli Pekka Mänkkönen ja Dick Hill eli Riku Kumpulainen. Pete on esiintynyt sirkuksessa tarkka-ampujana ja kehuu aluksi olevansa "pohjoisen pallonpuoliskon paras ampuja", mutta havaitsee Punavyön itseään paremmaksi ja ja ilmoittaa sitten olevansa "pohjoisen pallonpuoliskon toiseksi paras ampuja". Dick myy kirjoja, joiden nimistä osa on selvästi hänen itsensä keksimiä. Jännittävissä tilanteissa kaverukset alkavat usein naljailla keskenään peittääkseen pelkonsa. Nämä keskustelut alkavat varsin usein Dickin kommentilla, että hänellä on "yksi hyödyllinen kirja". Ai tämähän onkin paasattu jo albumissa 26.
ellauri062.html on line 980: Kylä lähtee vara-Weiningerin pyssystä. Mainittakoon aluxi kirkkoisä Augustinus, kaikkien ruskeakielisten suojeluspyhimys, jonka mukaan helvetti vain todistaa jumalan oikeamielisyydestä. Epäuskonnollinen ihminen – jos sellaista olisi – ei mieti jälkeenpäin, tapahtuiko oikein vai vasein. "Se tuli vaan."
ellauri062.html on line 1044: Tämän kaunopuheisen von Liebenfelsin sanoin: Seksuaalisesti viileämpien ja aviokelpoisempien miesten jälkeläiset tulevat 1000v valtakunnassa vapaaehtoisesti tyytymään ankaraan yksiavioisuuteen, eikä heitä tarvitse siihen erityisillä siveyslaeilla pakottaa. Rotuäidit (Zuchtmütter) olisi tarkkaan eristettävä, jottei kiusausta aviorikokseen synny. Rotuäidiltä siis vaaditaan paljon! Mutta tämä tuskien tie on naisen kuljettava takaisin, kun hän ensin vuosituhannen on toikkaroinut bakkanttisen himon teillä. Hänen on maksettava intohimoistaan eikä miesasiakkaiden kuten tähän asti.
ellauri062.html on line 1053: Kantani kaikkeen seksuaalisuuteen on jo viitisentoista vuotta ollut ehdottoman kielteinen. Jokaisessa sukupuoliaktissa on kyse rähmälläänolosta; niiden (satunnaiset) seuraukset tosin saattavat suuresti vaihdella, mutta mitään moraalisia aste-eroja ei niiden välillä ole: minun seksuaalisuuteni on täsmälleen yhtä synnillistä kuin lähimmäiseni seksuaalisuus, missä muodoissa ne sitten ilmenevätkin; juuri tätä on monenkin omasta seksuaalisuudestaan täysin siemauksin nauttivan siveyspoliisin vaikea tunnustaa. Jos myöntää heteroseksin, on myönnettävä myös homoseksi, eläimeensekaantuminen ja pedofilia; jos kieltää pedofilian, on kiellettävä myös eläimeensekaantuminen, homoseksi ja heteroseksi. Mutta runkkaus vaikka matunaapureiden postiluukkuun on kyllä poikkeuxena hyväxyttävää.
ellauri063.html on line 72: Is it hypocritical for George Orwell to write an anti-tyrannic book when he himself was a socialist?
ellauri063.html on line 336: Turun ruskean talon innoittajaksi on epäilty Münchenin ruskeaa taloa, joka oli vuodesta eteenpäin Saksan kansallissosialistisen työväenpuolueen päämaja - sillä erotuksella, ettei todisteita sen roolista kansallissosialistimiehimysten kutupaikkana ole säilynyt yhtä laajassa määrin. Ruskean talon jäsenet tunnistaa siitä, että näillä on SA:n tavoin päällään ruskea paita - tai toinen ruskean talon asukki. Nyös kaikenlainen fetissirekvisiitta kelpaa sotilaspuvun kuorrutukseksi melkein yhtä hyvin kuin oikea kakka.
ellauri063.html on line 428: The novel's title is from Hamlet, Act V, Scene 1, in which Hamlet holds the skull of the court jester, Yorick, and says, "Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!" Wallace's working title for Infinite Jest was A Failed Entertainment. (PST: Hamnetista on lisää paasausta albumissa 61.)
ellauri063.html on line 485: Säädöksen peruste ei voi eikä saa olla syrjivä, mutta sääntelyn kohdistuminen käytännössä lähinnä joihinkin väestöryhmiin ei sellaisenaan voi tehdä siitä perustuslain vastaista. Näpistelyn kieltäminen kohdistuu lähinnä köyhimyxiin ja palottelukielto hulluihin. Halal- ja huivikiellot kohdistui lähinnä mumslimeihin. Kuraverisyyden kieltäminen ei kohdistunut vain jutkuihin vaan myös mustalaisiin. Valitettavasti joitakin ahneita koukkunokkia jäi kuitenkin jälelle.
ellauri063.html on line 598: – Perusteluiden ja toiminnan tulee olla mahdollisimman helposti arkijärjellä pääteltyä. Viestiä valmisteltaessa kannattaa käydä läpi sanottavaansa lukien sitä kuin piru raamattua – pahimman mahdollisen vääristelijän silmin. Ja pohdittava vastauksia tällaisen(kin) kysymyksiin.
ellauri064.html on line 79: Benjamin maintained a fiercely productive focus on his intellectual mission throughout his life, despite repeatedly complaining of ‘grand-scale defeats’ and lows. After his request for divorce from Dora Pollak was granted in 1932, he suffered 10 paralysing days during which he seriously prepared suicide. Suicidal thoughts endured. He was an elegant, cultivated man who oozed old-world charm, exerting attraction on women but not always enough to give him cunt. Asja Lacis, the Latvian Communist Director of Children's Theatre in the USSR, twice refused, as did later lover Anna Maria Blaupot ten Cate. Lacis suffered relapsing mental illness and was hospitalised with hallucinations when Benjamin rushed to Moscow in 1926, at the brink of Stalinisation. His luminous Moscow Diary records his frustrating two-month experience.
ellauri064.html on line 87: ‘A child in his nightshirt cannot be prevailed upon to greet a visitor. Those present, invoking a higher moral standpoint, admonish him in vain to overcome his prudery. A few minutes later he reappears, now stark naked, before the visitor. In the meantime, he has washed his tiny skinless wiener.’
ellauri064.html on line 165: himmailla Kieli Tarkkaile Muokkaa (slangia) vitkastella, viivytellä, hidastella: Räikkönen tais johtaa kisaa niin paljon, että vikoilla kierroksilla sillä oli varaa himmaillakkin.
ellauri064.html on line 333: Just before the 2011 general election Hirvisaari was prosecuted for his blog in the Uusi Suomi newspaper web site under the title "Kikkarapäälle kuonoon" ("Sock the kinkyhead"). The text referenced an attack on a foreign person in Helsinki — Hirvisaari wrote that the crime had not necessarily been a racist one. In November 2010 the district court of Päijät-Häme dropped the charges against him of incitement. After consultation with the deputy general attorney, Jorma Kalske, the state appealed against the verdict. In December the Kouvola court of appeals found Hirvisaari guilty of incitement and fined him.
ellauri065.html on line 41: Evitskog on kylä Kirkkonummen luoteisosassa, lähellä Siuntiota. Vuonna 2011 kylässä oli 705 asukasta. Asukkaista vajaa puolet on ruotsinkielisiä. Kylä sijaitsee noin 30 km Helsingistä ja 11 km Kirkkonummen keskustasta. Lähimpään kauppaan Lapinkylässä on noin 6 kilometriä.
ellauri065.html on line 179: ... että Claudette Colbert, joka voitti vain Parhaan naispääosan Oscar-palkinto varten Tapahtui eräänä yönä (juliste kuvassa), yksityisesti nimeltään elokuva "pahin kuvan maailmassa"? ... että vuoden 1958 Libanonin presidentinvaalit pidettiin aseellisen kapinan aikana, kun kansakuntaan oli sijoitettu 10000 Yhdysvaltain sotilasta ? ... että kiinalainen cosplayer Liyuu on myös anime- muusikko? ... että urospuolinen merihämähäkki Propallene longiceps kuljettaa hedelmöitettyjä munia rannekkeen kaltaisissa massoissa käärittyinä jalkojensa ympärille? ... että MLS Cup 2020 -pelissä on Seattle Sounders FC neljännen kerran viiden vuoden aikana? ... että Elsa-Brita Nordlund, Ruotsin ensimmäinen lastenpsykiatri, kannatti hoidon inhimillistämistä lastensairaaloissa? ... että kirjojen ja televisiosarjojen otsikkona lainataan vuoden 1840 kappaleen " Kein schöner Land in dieser Zeit " rivi, jossa väitetään, ettei kukaan maa ole kauniimpi ja jonka tekijä esittelee Volksliedinä ? ... kun hänet nimitettiin Georgetownin yliopiston presidentiksi, Gerard J. Campbellia kuvattiin " Ivy League Catholic" "uudeksi roduksi "? Arkistoi Aloita uusi artikkeli Nimeä artikkeli Uutisissa COVID-19- pandemia Tauti Virus Sijainnin mukaan Vaikutus Rokotteet Portaali Nana Akufo-Addo vuonna 2020 Nana Akufo-Addo Nana Akufo-Addo (kuvassa) valitaan uudelleen toiseksi toimikaudeksi Ghanan presidentiksi . Moottoriurheilussa Sébastien Ogier ja Julien Ingrassia voittavat MM-rallin, kun taas Hyundai voittaa valmistajien tittelin. Hayabusa2 palauttaa asteroidista162173 Ryugukerätyt näytteet onnistuneestimaahan. Zdravko Krivokapić aloitti tehtävänsä Montenegron pääministerinä ja tuli ensimmäiseksi itsenäiseksi tehtäväksi. Käynnissä : Intian maanviljelijöiden mielenosoitus Tigray-konflikti Viimeaikaiset kuolemat : UA Khader Iman Budhi Santosa Astad Deboo Raymond Hunter Stanley Smith Manglesh Dabral Nimeä artikkeli Tänä päivänä 13. joulukuuta : Haile Selassie Haile Selassie 1862 - Yhdysvaltojen sisällissota : unionin joukkojen alle Ambrose Burnside kärsi vakavia tappioita vakiintuneiden Konfederaation puolustajiin klo fredericksburgin taistelu Virginiassa. 1928 - Amerikkalainen Pariisissa, George Gershwinin jazziin vaikuttava orkesteriteos, kantaesitettiin Carnegie Hallissa New Yorkissa. 1960 - With Haile Selassie (kuvassa), keisari Etiopiassa, pois maasta, neljä salaliittolaiset järjesti vallankaappauksen yritys asentaa kruununprinssi Asfaw Wossen uudeksi keisari. 1982 - Pohjois-Jemenissä iski 6,2 M w: n rekisteröity maanjäristys, jossa kuoli noin 2800 ihmistä. Paul Speratus ( s. 1484) Mary Todd Lincoln ( s. 1818) Dora Marsden ( s. 1960) Lisää vuosipäiviä: 12. joulukuuta 13. joulukuuta 14. joulukuuta Arkistoi Sähkopostilla Luettelo päivistä vuodessa
ellauri065.html on line 221: Kliban also gives businessmen the cartoon ass-in-the-face--literally, in "Business on Parade," in which men in suits and hats crawl along on all fours, each with his face buried in the rump of the one before him--a daisy chain of brown-nosers, dominance and submission in an endless line.
ellauri065.html on line 228: Finding himself out of work after film school in 1976, Ferrara directed a pornographic film, 9 Lives of a Wet Pussy, using a pseudonym. Starring with his then-girlfriend, he recalled having to step in front of the camera for one scene to perform in a hardcore sex scene: "It's bad enough paying a guy $200 to fuck your girlfriend, then he can't get it up." Ferrara lives in Rome, Italy. He moved there following the 9/11 attacks because it was easier for him to find financing for his movies in Europe. Ferrara descibes himself as a Buddhist. Because Jesus was a living man, and so were Buddha and Muhammad. These three guys changed the fucking world, with their passion and love of other human beings. All these guys had was their word, and they came from fucking nowhere. I’m not saying Nazareth is nowhere – I’m sure Jesus came from a very cool neighbourhood. Ferrara shows his love for other human beings by making films with a lot of FUCK! FUCK! and KILL! KILL! in them. His love of money is no match for his love of his neighbor primates.
ellauri065.html on line 254: Yli-Juonikkaita. Jaskan sukua. Sama hapan pikkusuu. Grinchimäinen mutristus. Nuivaa porukkaa.
ellauri065.html on line 302: Sulla on tollanen tiukka kiinostusfiltteri. Mulle ei mikään epäinhimillinen ole vierasta 😆
ellauri065.html on line 335: Kazoin sinäpursosta arvosteluvideon juoxiainen 3:sta. Se oli just niin alaluokkasta kuin saattoi uskoa. Sekä leffa että sen arvio. Tämmöisiä siiroja löytyi poikasena kun käänteli maakiviä. Ja naisvihaa taas, yksi (1) nainen koko rainassa, jonka isoja tissejä voi kuolata ja vetää käteen samalla. She is not treated well. Emmä oikein ymmärrä kuka tämmösestä voi tykätä. Kai sit vaan tää viimeisten aikojen nuoriso on kuin häkkiin suljettuja rottia. Hillottuja klitorixia. We actually see him remove his testicles. Hyi helvetti. Nauraako joku? Kuulinko jonkun edes pyrskähtävän? To the wall with them! Tyypille joka jaxaa kazoa tällästä ja vielä jauhaa siitä sivukaupalla ei kyllä mitään armoa. Juotikas on INHOTTAVA. En jaxanut kazoa loppuun edes sitä "arvostelua".
ellauri065.html on line 482: "Captain" Virgulino Ferreira da Silva (Brazilian Portuguese: [viʁɡulĩnu feˈʁejɾɐ da ˈsiwvɐ]), better known as Lampião (older spelling: Lampeão, Portuguese pronunciation: [lɐ̃piˈɐ̃w], meaning "lantern" or "oil lamp"), was probably the twentieth century's most successful traditional bandit leader. The banditry endemic to the Brazilian Northeast was called Cangaço. Cangaço had origins in the late 19th century but was particularly prevalent in the 1920s and 1930s. Lampião led a band of up to 100 cangaceiros, who occasionally took over small towns and who fought a number of successful actions against paramilitary police when heavily outnumbered. Lampião's exploits and reputation turned him into a folk hero, the Brazilian equivalent of Jesse James or Pancho Villa.
ellauri065.html on line 514: 1. "le ironical" term used alot on 4chan to mock people using maymays (memes) often accompanied by the word "le" for extra effect. 2. a very sweet person who cares about all his close friends and family he may get in trouble a lot but he will never stop caring he is a humble strong and a person who just loves without showing it if you meet an ebin make sure you keep him close he is a good lover and great in bed with a lover take care of any ebin. 3. Someone who is afraid of legit every little frickin´ thing, also known as a wuss or pansy. 4. (Nzadi) (plural mbin) door Synonym: elaŋ.
ellauri065.html on line 532: 4chan: englanninkielinen, länsimaissa kenties tunnetuin chan-tyyppinen kuvafoorumi. 4chanin perusti Something Awful -foorumin käyttäjä Christopher Poole, joka tunnetaan nimimerkillä ”moot”. Sivusto on kerännyt animeharrastajien huomiota maailmanlaajuisesti ja se on kasvanut merkittävästi perustamisestaan. Tammikuussa 2015 4chanin sijoitus liikennemääriä mittaavan Alexa Internetin listalla oli 695.Moot ilmoitti jättävänsä 4chanin johtajan tehtävät 21. tammikuuta 2015. Sivusto myytiin syyskuussa 2015 ja sen osti Hiroyuki Nishimura, 4chanin esikuvana toimineen 2channel-foorumin perustaja.
ellauri065.html on line 580: Biden faces a creepy and slippery customer, especially if he gets inaugurated next month. While Trump may be facing thousands, perhaps millions of plaintiffs in incalculable civil and criminal cases. As these cases work their way slowly through the courts, freed from the rush of meeting stop-Biden deadlines, extensive evidence will be presented and courts will hear long and compelling testimony. All the while, Biden will have to carry on while millions across America think that somebody stole the White House for him. Millions of bucks are not going to save Trump from jail this time. Es schaun aufs Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen. The knavishness dauert nur noch kurze Zeit.
ellauri066.html on line 256: "The show uses the biblical story of Rachel, the wife of Jacob, who gave him her maid to lay with and impregnate; Rachel would then raise the child as her own. In this show the fertile handmaids perform the same function as Rachel's handmaid, and the commanders' infertile wives perform the same function as Rachel did.
ellauri066.html on line 330: Ilman epäilystä Pynchon on lingvistinen telinevoimistelilja, jolla on useita ääniä käytössään, nimittäin Tompan, Tuomaan, Tomin, Tolpan, Tulpan, ja Pynchonin. Sen kieli on lemuavaa ja häikäisevää. No sillä on toi 1 tomppamainen maneeri. Gotta give him that. Muttei paljon variaatiota siitä. Teinihuumoria laskettavat teinipojat on sen ainoo arkkityyppi.
ellauri066.html on line 382: Vanha Pavlov hiippailee huohottaen ohi. Kuola korisee hänen kurkussaan. Hän on siinä iässä, jossa kuola on ainainen seuralainen, vanhojen ihmisten kesken vallizeee suoranainen limakulttuuri, limaa tuhansissa eri olomuodoissa, sitä esiintyy täysin yllättävinä klöntteinä tuttavien pöytäliinoilla, se kattaa hengitystiet ja herättää yöllä kesken unen kuselle ja köhimään...
ellauri066.html on line 461: himp.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri066.html on line 472: Ei se mitenkään harvinaista ole anglosaxipiireissäkään, vaikka englannista puuttuu sille tarkka vastine. Sitä ehkä pahexutaan enemmän, koska kateus on kiipijöiden yhteiskunnassa yxi pahimpia syntejä.
ellauri066.html on line 478: Out of these two arise those mixed affections and passions of anger, which is a desire of revenge; hatred, which is inveterate anger; zeal, which is offended with him who hurts that he loves; and ἐπιχαιρεκακία [epikhairekakia], a compound affection of joy and hate, when we rejoice at other men's mischief, and are grieved at their prosperity; pride, self-love, emulation, envy, shame, &c., of which elsewhere. Nicomachean Ethics, 2.7.1108b1-10
ellauri066.html on line 511: Gloating is different from schadenfreude in that it does not necessarily require malice (one may gloat to a friend about having defeated him in a game without ill intent), and that it describes an action rather than a state of mind (one typically gloats to the subject of the misfortune or to a third party). Also, unlike schadenfreude, where the focus is on another's misfortune, gloating often brings to mind inappropriately celebrating or bragging about one's own good fortune without any particular focus on the misfortune of others. Tää on vähän kuin ne 2 näkökulmaa snobiin: ylhäältä alaspäinen ja alhaalta ylöspäinen.
ellauri066.html on line 516: The Book of Proverbs mentions an emotion similar to schadenfreude: "Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth: Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him." (Proverbs 24:17–18, King James Version). Jutkut on eteviä schadenfreudessa, kun ne on niin usein olleet häviäjiä. Esim The Bob Dylan 1965 song "Like a Rolling Stone" is an expression of schadenfreude in popular culture.[original research?]
ellauri066.html on line 520: During the seventeenth century, Robert Burton wrote in his work The Anatomy of Melancholy, "Out of these two [the concupiscible and irascible powers] arise those mixed affections and passions of anger, which is a desire of revenge; hatred, which is inveterate anger; zeal, which is offended with him who hurts that he loves; and ἐπιχαιρεκακία, a compound affection of joy and hate, when we rejoice at other men's mischief, and are grieved at their prosperity; pride, self-love, emulation, envy, shame, &c., of which elsewhere."[37]
ellauri066.html on line 660: Farmor Anka: Tack Simon! Det Tegnell gör är att använda sina otroligt välmeriterade kunskaper för att visa oss bästa vägen ur detta helvete! Att folk inte fattar det?!? Tror ”besserwissrarna” att han står där varje dag (nästan) för att lura i oss att ta sämsta vägen? Blir så himla upprörd!!! Jag bara hoppas att Tegnell orkar .......
ellauri066.html on line 697: A Swedish rapper has immortalised him in song and the epidemiologist has a Facebook fan club of 33,000 members.
ellauri066.html on line 758: So what’s it like, I ask him, being as famous internationally as Abba?
ellauri066.html on line 902: On March 16th, scientists at Imperial College London published a paper, based on an epidemiological model, predicting that, unless some form of lockdown was imposed, more than five hundred thousand Brits would die from preventable COVID-19 infections. A week later, the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced that his government would be closing schools, bars, and restaurants, falling in step with the rest of Europe. “It was slightly frustrating,” Tegnell told me, when I spoke to him, in August. “We were really hoping we could take us through this crisis together.”
ellauri066.html on line 906: Tegnell told me that the death toll weighed on him. “I think this was a big frustration and feeling of failure for us,” he said. But he remained steadfast, often saying, in interviews, “Judge me in a year.”
ellauri067.html on line 77: Suomalainen.com. Hullu-Jussin äiti oli kova suomalainen commari. Sillä oli pettuleivänpala vankileirimatkamuistona. Pirun työläiset nyysivät esineitä, varastivat laseja. Kuukerin Nelli teki lasikukon. Lasinpuhallus on maailman vanhimpia ammatteja. Railin oli vielä vanhempi. Huorankin on tiedettävä paikkansa. Se yx paikka nimittäin. Blow job, puhallus ja imutus. Lasiin sylkeminen on Nooan ajoilta. Historiallista triviaa, nice to know.
ellauri067.html on line 156: The Moon is named after him. Von Braun received a total of 12 honorary doctorates. Several German cities (Bonn, Neu-Isenburg, Mannheim, Mainz), and dozens of smaller towns have been named after von Braun.
ellauri067.html on line 224: Näitä kieltäytymisiäkin on nähty useita kuin esterazastuxessa. Se yx ven. matemaatikko joka ratkaisi Poincaren konjektuurin kieltäytyi Fieldsin palkinnosta. Jean-Paul Sartre sylkä isi Noobelille. Bob Zimmermann oli kieltäytyä mutta rahanhimo voitti. Aki Kaurismäki kieltäytyi Oscar-ehdokkuudesta.
ellauri067.html on line 233: American literary critic Harold Bloom named him as one of the four major American novelists of his time, along with Don DeLillo, Philip Roth, and Cormac McCarthy. Kekä toi Cormac on? For that matter, who is Harold Bloom?
ellauri067.html on line 300: His leadership of Puritan sympathizers brought him a summons to the Court of High Commission. Forfeiting his bond, Hooker fled to Rotterdam in the Netherlands, and considered a position in the English Reformed Church, Amsterdam, as assistant to its senior pastor, the Rev. John Paget. From the Netherlands, after a clandestine trip to England to put his affairs in order, he immigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony aboard the Griffin.
ellauri067.html on line 454: Schwarzkommando: (p. 359) supposed herero fighters in the service of the nazis. It is propaganda like King Kong or the black science man Neil Degrasse Tyson to make black people seem intelligent. The Schwarzkommando in Gravity´s Rainbow is fictional. Schrödinger´s douchebag is a guy who says offensive things and decides whether he is joking based on the reaction of people around him.
ellauri067.html on line 473: The first residential house in America to be electrified was J.P. Morgan’s. The work was done by Thomas Edison. So how did Morgan say thanks to the guy who gave him the first home in America with electricity? He screwed Thomas Edison out of his own company. Welcome to the game of 1890s venture capital.
ellauri067.html on line 474: There is no doubt that J.P. Morgan was a cut throat banker, by today´s standards some would call him a loan shark. Woku oli GE:llä töissä 70-luvulla. Ajeli vanhoja jenkkiautorämiä pino vuotavia renkaita takaluukussa.
ellauri067.html on line 542: Guardianin Pynchon-bändäriltä (joku dekkaristi): Pynchon didn´t garner mere admirers or allow anything like fence-sitting: you either hated him or you were a zealot. Or you got just plain bored. Pynchon on yhtä syvää kasaria kuin C-kasetti. Tai no, ize se on aikasempaa vuosikertaa, joku 50-60-luvun beatnikki, muzen suomifanit on takatukkia. Tai oli.
ellauri067.html on line 581: From early on, Prokosch sought to surround himself with a veil of mystification and cast his life into a hopeless riddle. Approaching his sixtieth year, he boasted that no person had succeeded in knowing him as an integral personality: "I have spent my life alone, utterly alone, and no biography of me could ever more than scratch the surface. All the facts in Who’s Who, or whatever, are so utterly meaningless. My real life (if I ever dared to write it!) has transpired in darkness, secrecy, fleeting contacts and incommunicable delights, any number of strange picaresque escapades and even crimes, and I don't think that any of my 'friends' have even the faintest notion of what I'm really like or have any idea of what my life has really consisted of. . . .With all the surface 'respectability,' diplomatic and scholarly and illustrious social contacts, my real life has been subversive, anarchic, vicious, lonely, and capricious."
ellauri067.html on line 634: Onkohan toi homo hererokoiras Enzian (Gentiana, katkero) sekin yx Tom of New Englandin alter egoista? Oliko sillä kuoropoikana joku katolinen pappivapahtaja jonka ruskehtava kalu pilkotti kasukan alta himottavasti? Hyvinkin luultavaa. Sittemmin sen vapahtajan karismasta tuli rutinaa, kun papin peräpäästä pisti outase. Tässä tapauxessa kyse on tuoreesta ja isosta lantaläjästä. Juonipaljastus: röyhypartainen komistus mutiainen Enzian on latinosilmäisen jalkapuolen Thitshikovin eiku Thitsherinin velipuoli. Niiden isä oli Venäjän Japanin sodan laivastossa maapalloa kiertävä Tompan oloinen määrimies. Hohhoijakkaa.
ellauri069.html on line 56: The one who kept them all on guard was the father, and he seems to have been a piece of work. Donald, Sr., had studied architecture at Penn, and he was a committed modernist, an acolyte of Setä Mies, Le Corbusier, Saara Aalto, and Esa Saarinen. He designed his own home, including the interiors, and if he couldn’t find something that suited his taste—a rug or a piece of furniture—he manufactured it himself.
ellauri069.html on line 61: An uncompromising temper appears to have limited the father’s career as an architect. The brothers describe a scene in which their father picks up an LP record that says “unbreakable” on the label and breaks it in two. “Not unbreakable,” he says. That might be a little scary for kids to watch. Frederick and Steven thought that he was an ingenious man, but they found him fascinatingly difficult to care for in his old age.
ellauri069.html on line 71: He was an adept of irony and deflection in person as well as on the page, a lonely and, at some level, unhappy man who needed humor and companionship. But he had, his friend Pynchon told Daugherty, “a hopeful and unbitter heart.” Women seem to have found him easy to like. He married four times and had at least two long-term relationships between the marriages. He was dependent on alcohol, and he was dependent on work. He wrote every morning and had his first drink around noon.
ellauri069.html on line 78: What was he doing? Daugherty is right to claim that Barthelme conceived of himself as an heir of the modernist tradition—in particular, of Beckett. He encountered Beckett’s work for the first time in 1956, when he picked up a copy of Theatre Arts at Guy’s Newsstand, in Houston, and read the text of “Waiting for Godot.” “It seemed that from the day he discovered ‘Godot,’ Don believed he could write the fiction he imagined,” the woman who was his wife at the time, Helen Moore Barthelme, says in her memoir, “Donald Barthelme: The Genesis of a Cool Sound” (2001).
ellauri069.html on line 89: Barthelme believed himself to be working in the tradition of Joyce and Samuel Beckett, and that his appropriation of popular, commercial, and other sub-artistic elements (instruction manuals, travel guides, advertisements, sentences from newspaper articles, and so on) in his writing was done as a means of making literature, not subverting it or announcing its obsolescence. Daugherty thinks that many people have got Barthelme wrong.
ellauri069.html on line 111: He also believed that one of the things deadening our responses was mass culture. “I believe that’s the place artists are trying to get to, and I further believe that when they are successful, they reach it... an area somewhere probably between mathematics and religion, in which what may fairly be called truth exists.” He was an enemy of television. He was a serious jazz buff. It took him a while to become interested in rock. Daugherty is right. He was a postmodernist in the first sense.
ellauri069.html on line 341: Germaanien vuorilla, Vetelys yhtyy uudelleen huuliharppuunsa. (Se putosi vessanpöntöstä osassa X.) Hän antaa perixi yrittämästä eziä Jamfin tekojen merkitystä. Uutispaperista, Laiskis oppii atomipommin pudotuxesta Hiroshiman päälle. Hänellä on visio mulkerosta sateenkaaresta joka tunkeutuu maahan; kokemus on tunteenomaisesti tuhoisa. Hänestä tulee "pirskaleita" ja häntä ei voi käsittää kokonaisena henkilönä, "kokonaislukuluomana", enää. (Onko tähänkään saakka voi hyvin kysyä.)
ellauri069.html on line 393: —the love affair between statistician Roger Mexico and Jessica Swanlake, whose love seems to be all that can save him from being psychologically consumed by the war;
ellauri069.html on line 472: The book's pivot, the transition from Book III to Book IV, takes place on August 6, 1945, the day Hiroshima was bombed. The V2 rocket is now the precursor to the nuclear ICBM, and the final sections of the book -- the only parts set in contemporary times -- ask the same question of the contemporary reader, including quite directly on the last page: what do you think, what do you do, in those last moments before everything ends?
ellauri069.html on line 509: Meidän huonekasvit on melkein yhtä vanhoja kuin lapset, muttei ihan. Vanhin oli traakkipuu, jonka Antti ja Auli Niemi lahjoitti uuteen kotiin, mutta se pääsi kuolemaan. Niiden koti hajosi myös sittemmin. Nyt vanhimpia on Matin ja Minnan lahjoittama vehka siltä ajalta, kun ne muutti Amerikkaan. Okki-vainajan antaman kiinanruusun sain ennenkuin täytin viisikymmentä. Nukkumatin ostin Kouvolasta sikäläiseen kämppään, joka mulla oli vaan jonkun vuoden ajan, se on lähes yhtä vanha. Iso viinikastanja salissa lie parikymppinen. Viuhkapalmu makuuhuoneen ikkunalla lähti jostain kirpputoritaimesta 2000-luvun taitteessa. Alakerran jukkapalmu on lastentarha Pellavasta ihan pikkuisena ostettu jo Pellervontien aikana. Se saattaa olla nyt vanhin kaikista. Anopinkieli Seijan huoneessa on sekin luultavasti kolmikymppinen.
ellauri069.html on line 580: Stella Dallas is a 1937 American drama film based on the 1923 Olive Higgins Prouty novel of the same name. Stella Martin, the daughter of a mill worker, Charlie, in a post-World War I Massachusetts factory town, is determined to better herself. She sets her sights on mill executive Stephen Dallas and catches him at an emotionally vulnerable time. Stephen's father killed himself after losing his fortune. Penniless, Stephen disappeared from high society, intending to marry his fiancée, Helen Morrison, once he was financially able to support her. However, just as he reaches his goal, he reads in the newspaper the announcement of her wedding. So he marries Stella.
ellauri070.html on line 208: - Weit. Wir wohnen dort draußen.... Wo? Und der Jüngling - Meizien himbe on tuolla. Ai missä? Juippipa seuraa.
ellauri070.html on line 220: Aber dort, wo sie wohnen, im Tal, der Älteren eine, der Klagen, Mutta ruinojen himbessä laaxossa ämmistä 1, se vanha,
ellauri070.html on line 269: wo es schimmert im Mondschein: missä himertää kuunvalo kalvas:
ellauri070.html on line 458: Carl Denham is a fictional character in the films King Kong and The Son of Kong (both released in 1933). Denham's function in the story is to initiate the action by bringing the characters to Skull Island, where they encounter the giant beast Kong. Denham then brings Kong to New York City to put him on display as entertainment, but he escapes and rampages through the city.
ellauri071.html on line 99: Encouraged by his ambitious mother, who sent him to a dance academy in London, Coward's first professional engagement was in January 1911 as Prince Mussel in the children's play The Goldfish.
ellauri071.html on line 527: Kabbala on joskus varhaiskeskiajalla kehitetty jutkumystiikka. Filosofisista koulukunnista eniten kabbalaan on vaikuttanut uusplatonismi. Näiden kahden opin kirjoituksia vertailtaessa ei voi olla huomaamatta niitä samankaltaisuuksia, jotka vallitsevat kummankin opin käsityksissä alkuykseydestä (Εν / כתר), siitä emanoituvasta ideoiden maailmasta (Νους / חכמה), joka toimii kaiken olevan pohjapiirustuksena ja kabbalassa varsinkin 'kirjoittamattomana Toorana', jolta Jumala kysyi neuvoa maailmaa luodessaan, sekä ideoiden maailmasta emanoituvasta sielujen tyyssijasta (Ψυχή / בינה). Juutalaisista neoplatonisteista varhaisiin kabbalisteihin ovat vaikuttaneet ainakin Šalomo Ibn Gabirol (n. 1021–1058) sekä Barcelonassa syntynyt ja Narbonnessa kuollut Abraham bar Ḥijja (1070-1136/45), jonka ajatuksia on lainattu jopa sanatarkasti Bahirissa — vanhimmassa kabbalistisessa teoksessa (Gershom Scholem: Origins of the Kabbalah). Kabbalasta voimakkaasti vaikutteita saaneista suuntauksista mainittakoon šabbateismi sekä itä-eurooppalainen hasidismi.
ellauri071.html on line 610: Jos lohtua kaipaatte, on vielä aikaa koskettaa lähimmäistä tai työntää käsi omien kylmien jalkojen väliin... Ja sitten William Pynchonin kirjottama virsi lopuxi:
ellauri071.html on line 637: ”Tuottavuusloikka. Dynaamiseen vaikutelmaan pyrkivä uudissana, jonka silkoisen kuoren takana ei ole mitään muuta kuin inhimillistä kärsimystä.”
ellauri072.html on line 92: Mishima Yukio
ellauri072.html on line 206: What has gone mainly unnoticed in the various discussions of the problem is something that has puzzled me for some time. Why does Dante treat the homosexual Florentines in Inf. 16 with greater respect than any other infernal figures except those in Limbo? I do not have an answer to that question, but would like to bring it forward. Let me begin with Purg. 26. We have probably not been surprised enough at Dante's insistence that roughly half of those who sinned in lust, repented, and were saved (and are now on their way to that salvation) were homosexual. It would have been easy for him to have left the homosexuals out of Purgatory, and it is hard to imagine an early (or a later) commentator who would have objected to the omission, especially since, in Hell, homosexuality is treated, not as a sin of the flesh, but as one of violence against nature. However, for a unique instance of a commentator who is aware of Dante's unusual gesture see Trifon Gabriele on Inf. 15.46: "Non e' dubbio che 'l Poeta vuol applaudere a questo vitio quanto egli puo'. Puopa hyvinkin. Ecco, gli fa parlare di belle cose e gli fa tutti grand'uomini nelle lettere e nell'arme e nella religione, e finalmente non e' peccato ne l'Inferno o Purgatorio che egli men danni con le parole sue che questo; anzi lo polisce quanto puo' con suoi versi".
ellauri072.html on line 216: As we see in Inferno 15-16, in Hell Dante damns sodomites as sinners of violence against nature. Nonetheless, even in his Hell, where Dante does not go so far as to include homosexuals as unrepentant lustful in the second circle, he still desexualizes his treatment of sodomy. What do we learn from all this? Yet the fact that here, as in Purg. 26, he chooses to put homosexuals in a good light when there was no apparent compelling reason for him to do so surely should cause us to ask further questions about Dante's views concerning homosexuality. Varmaan se oli homo izekin, Beatrice or no Beatrice. Sixkai sille riitti vaan ulista siitä Beatricesta. Satis enim dictum erat de tam obscena et tam spurca materia.
ellauri072.html on line 489: You find yourself thinking that you wouldn’t have wanted him as your brother or lover or close friend, though he would probably have been a very good neighbor, course instructor, A.A. sponsor, or fellow American. You feel, to be honest, repelled.
ellauri072.html on line 491: What with the recursive and self-reflexive and aw-shucks mixed with Kier­kegaard and Stanley Cavell and higher mathematics, Wallace is infectious — weirdly, this is the case even if you have never read him! the voice has permeated the culture! Wow!
ellauri072.html on line 501: Wallace has given as much to literature as any contemporary American writer. Whether you like him or not, you hear American language, and experience American thinking, differently because of him. Wallace’s ­oeuvre is internally varied but also of a piece.
ellauri072.html on line 508: Infinite Jest is not the only thing that made Wallu famous, though. There was also his bandanna, which was as misinterpreted as so much else about him. As the Max biography explains, Wallace started wearing the bandanna as the least embarrassing solution he could think of to obscure the intense sweating attacks that overcame him without warning. (In high school, he had taken to carrying around a tennis racket and a towel as a tacit cover story for the sweating.) The acutely self-conscious, anxious, addicted and at times showy characters in Wallace’s fiction were not, Max helps us recognize, wildly difficult for Wallace to imagine — the characters were iterations of himself.
ellauri072.html on line 528: But Wallace has been called “wise” and “gentle” enough times to nauseate even the devotees who call him wise and gentle; at the same time, his fiction has been condemned as lacking in heart. Why is his “niceness” so central a concern?
ellauri072.html on line 532: To some extent, his subject matter invites the ad or pro hominem fallacy. Wallace’s lonelies, wastoids and number crunchers are, often, trying to find ways to live well. One understandably slips from reading something concerned with how to be a good person to expecting the writer to have been more naturally kind himself. That thinking is perfectly wrong, though. Alec Baldwin surely has more to teach us than most about how to hold one’s temper; the co-founder of A.A., Bill W., is a guru of sobriety precisely because sobriety was so difficult for him.
ellauri072.html on line 633: When Gabe came home, Wallace followed him into his room and killed him by striking him in the head with the pipe wrench. Wallace then waited for Susan.
ellauri072.html on line 634: When she arrived 2 hours later, she asked him why he had not left as she had requested. He followed her into the kitchen, and killed her by hitting her in the head with the same wrench.
ellauri072.html on line 639: Under Arizona law in 1984, when Wallace turned himself in and confessed to the three murders, to be given the death penalty, prosecutors had to prove that the crime was especially heinous by showing that Wallace either relished in the crime, inflicted gratuitous violence or needlessly mutilated the victims.
ellauri072.html on line 643: While living with Susan Insalaco in her Tucson apartment, he came home drunk on Jan. 31, 1984 and Susan told him he had to move out. The next morning, Susan went to work and her son Gabriel, 12, and her daughter Anna, 16, went to school.
ellauri072.html on line 646: When Gabriel arrived, Wallace hit him 10 times with a 18-inch pipe wrench, crushing his skull and killing him.
ellauri072.html on line 654: Mutta alaviite 10 sitten toteaa ilman sarvia ja hampaita, että kunnianhimoiset vanhemmat on lapselle tosi paha juttu. James D oli kyllä pragmaattinen eetikko, Daltonin veljesten näköisen Deweyn oppilaita, jonka mielestä etiikka voi kehittyä tieteen tavoin yrityxen ja erehdyxen menetelmällä. Vahingosta voi viisastua. Ottikohan iskä James oppia Wallun leukakiikusta?
ellauri073.html on line 85: Röyhkä oli pyytänyt feministejä laittamaan jäitä hattuun ja puolustanut kusipäistä Aku Louhimiestä.
ellauri073.html on line 182: This child had an amazing ability to perceive and respond intuitively, that is, unconsciously, to this need of the mother or of both parents, for him to take on the role that had unconsciously been assigned to him.
ellauri073.html on line 183: This role secured "love" for the child—that is, his parents' exploitation. He could sense that he was needed, and this need, guaranteed him a measure of existential security.
ellauri073.html on line 206: A big reason why so many young Independents and Democrats are excited about McCain is that the campaign media focus so much attention on McCain’s piss-and-vinegar candor and so little attention on the sometimes extremely scary right-wing stuff this candor drives him to say. John McCain´s morning speech several times invoked a “moral poverty” in America, a “loss of shame” that he blamed on “the ceaseless assault of violence-driven entertainment that has lost its moral compass to greed” (McCain’s metaphors tend to mix a bit when he gets excited), and made noises that sounded rather a lot like proposing possible federal regulation of all US entertainment. No siinä olis kyllä ollut järkeä.
ellauri073.html on line 212: Politiikka ei ole viileää. Tai pikemminkin politiikot ei. Ajattele vaikka koulukavereita jotka pyrki teinikuntaan tai kouluneuvostoon: nyyniä, nypittyjä, nöyristeleviä, kunnianhimoisia ikävällä tavalla (onko muka muita tapoja?). Innokkaita pelureita. Sellasia joille loput haluis panna turpaan paizi se ei hyödyttäisi mitään. Ja nyt kato 2000-luvun aikuisversioita samoista kakruista: Al Gore, jota yx CNN:n kaveri kuvasi "hämmästyttävän eläväxi näköispazaaxi", Steve Forbes jolla oli märkä oza ja hullu hihitys; G. W. Bush patriisivirnuiluineen ja sekavine puheineen; Clinton izekin, iso punainen tekoystävällinen lätty ja "mustakin tuntuu pahalta". Kai tuntuu pahalta ylimitoitettu sigge kurkussa. Miehiä jotka eivät ole tarpeexi ihmisentapaisia edes vihattavixi — kun ne ryömii esille tuntee voimakasta välinpitämättömyyttä, samanlaista joka usein toimii kivun ja surun puskurina. Ize asiassa luultavasti monet välittää vitut politiikasta just six että poliitikot masentaa, ja sattuu "sieltä" tavalla jota ei osaa edes sanoa. On helpompi pyöritellä silmiä ja antaa pitkät paskat. Tääkin mun paasaus tuntuu varmaan ihan turhalta.
ellauri073.html on line 262: Foley is disheveled, sweaty, obese, clumsy and unstylish. He exhibits poor social skills, frequently loses his temper, often disparages and insults his audience, and wallows in cynicism and self-pity about his own poor life choices, to which he often makes reference. Foley's trademark line is warning his audience that they could end up like himself: "35 years old, eating a steady diet of government cheese, thrice divorced, and living in a van down by the river!" In most sketches, whenever a member of his audience mentions a personal accomplishment, Foley responds with mockery: "Well, la-dee-frickin-da!", "Whoop-dee-frickin-doo!", or a similarly dismissive remark. The usual outfit of choice for Foley is a too-small blue-and-white plaid sport coat, a too-big white dress shirt, a solid green necktie, black horn-rimmed glasses, ill-fitting khakis which he is continually pulling up, a wristwatch, penny loafers, and slicked-down blond hair. In a prison sketch, he dons blue jeans and a denim shirt with the inmate number "3307" while retaining his watch, glasses and a crucifix necklace (he also mentions a "homemade tattoo of a van down by the river"). While working as a mall Santa in another sketch, he wears a stereotypical Santa outfit, complete with black snow boots.
ellauri073.html on line 264: He overindulges in coffee and caffeine-based products and exhibits extreme hyperactivity as a result. In almost every appearance, Foley mentions drinking espresso or coffee, or taking NoDoz and even brings a duffel bag with a pot of coffee to the gym to teach a spinning class. His clients will often mention him either drinking coffee or eating coffee beans before calling him in to begin his presentation.
ellauri073.html on line 269: In the sketch itself, Foley attempts to motivate two teens, played by Spade and Applegate, to "get themselves back on the right track" after the family’s cleaning lady finds a bag of marijuana in their home. Foley’s attempt to motivate them falls short when he repeatedly insists that they're "not going to amount to jack squat" and will end up “living in a van down by the river!” Foley attempts to endear himself to Spade's character by telling him they're "gonna be buddies" and that everywhere he goes, Foley will follow. Comparing himself to Spade's shadow, Foley jumps about where he's standing and then dives into the coffee table, though he picks himself up moments later. None of the other cast members knew that Farley was going to do this and their startled reactions are genuine. The sketch ends with Foley offering that the only solution to solve the family's problems is for him to move in with them. Horrified, Applegate begs him not to, vowing never to smoke pot again. Even so, Foley leaves the house to get his things from his van and the family locks him out, finally reconciling and admitting to how much they love each other.
ellauri073.html on line 271: A later performance (February 19, 1994) features Foley in prison attempting to motivate troubled teens in a scared straight program; he was imprisoned for three to five years for non-payment of alimony (consistent with him being “thrice divorced”). Before entering the sketch, Foley is introduced by his cellmate Deshawn Powers (Martin Lawrence) as “just finished a week in solitary, eating nothing but coffee beans.” Foley attempts to scare the juvenile delinquents by commenting in a slightly different manner that he “wished to dear God, that he was living in a van down by the river!” The sketch followed the usual Foley routine with him falling through the prison wall instead of a coffee table, which eventually led to his and the other inmates' escape.
ellauri073.html on line 357: Wallace's father said that David had suffered from major depressive disorder for more than 20 years and that antidepressant medication had allowed him to be productive. Wallace experienced severe side effects from the medication, and in June 2007, he stopped taking phenelzine, his primary antidepressant drug, on his doctor's advice. His depression recurred, and he tried other treatments, including electroconvulsive therapy. Eventually he went back on phenelzine but found it ineffective. On September 12, 2008, at age 46, Wallace wrote a private two-page suicide note to his wife, arranged part of the manuscript for The Pale King, and hanged himself from a rafter of his house.
ellauri073.html on line 465: Michael Joyce oli Wallun ihailema sen ikäinen tai vähän vanhempi jenkki tennispelaaja. Ei pidä sekoittaa James Joyceen, joka oli koprofiili irkku kirjailija. Jim Wallace (Wallun isä) pani Taavin lukemaan Platon Faidoa (joojoo, tiedän, yäk). Ja innostui kun poika vaikuttikin valopäiseltä, ei ollut pelkkä jock kuten äiti koitti yllyttää. Ne varmaan kilpailivat Wallu paran sielusta. Siitä saattaa selittyä Wallun "literally indescribable war against himself", involving "toxic, paralyzing, raped by psychic bedouins selfconsciousness".
ellauri074.html on line 237: He never had a stable household as he faced a lot of abuse growing up from his mother. Robbins recalls times when his mother would chase him out of the house with a knife and pour liquid soap down his throat. By the age of 17, he decided to leave home and never return. He never attended college and got a job as a janitor to make money. And how!
ellauri074.html on line 239: One day, when speaking with his landlord, Tony was asking him how he got so successful. The landlord replied that he went to a Jim Rohn seminar (Rohn was a famous motivational speaker at the time). Robbins had no clue what a seminar was so he asked his landlord to explain. The landlord said that a seminar is when a man takes everything he’s learned over the years of his life, and he condenses his knowledge into four hours.
ellauri074.html on line 240: Robbins was fascinated by the idea of a seminar however to attend a Jim Rohn seminar it costs $35. At the time, Robbins was only making $40 a week! However, he made the decision to spend a week’s pay to attend the seminar. Although it was a costly investment for him, it would end up changing his life.
ellauri074.html on line 242: Robbins was so captivated by the seminar and impressed with Rohn’s credentials. At the time, Rohn was giving personal development speeches to executives at Standard Oil, the oil-producing company started by John D. Rockefeller. Robbins found Rohn’s approach captivating and he knew he wanted to learn as much as he could from him.
ellauri074.html on line 284: Eugène Ionescon tietoiset ja tiedottomat muistot Romaniasta 1930-luvulta ja 1940-luvun alkupuolelta seurasivat häntä koko hänen elämänsä ja inspiroivat suoraan yhtä hänen vuonna 1958 kirjoitettua päänäytelmäänsä, Sarri Kua. Äärioikeistolaisen rautakaartin eli legionaariliikkeen nousu Romaniassa. ja Ionescon tuskallinen kokemus kasvavasta fanaattisuudesta romanialaisten älymystöjen keskuudessa ja jopa lähimpien kirjallisten ystäviensä Cioranin ja Eliaden märinästä, minkä hän tunnusti yhdeksi näytelmän lähteistä. Toinen oli Denis de Rougemontin päiväkirja, joka oli kauhuissaan nähnyt valtavan natsien joukkomielenosoituksen, joka tervehtii führeriään uskonnollisessa kiihkossa; kolmas kirjallinen Kafkan kuuluisa tarina "Metamorfoosi", jonka päähenkilö Gregor Samsa herää eräänä aamuna selittämättömästi muuttuneena colportixi. Denis de Rougemont oleskeli Saksassa Nürnbergissä natsien mielenosoituksen aikana. Denis de Rougemont kertoo meille, kuinka hänen hiuksensa nousivat pystyyn, hän sanoo kirjaimellisesti, kun hän ymmärsi, mitä pyhällä terrorilla tarkoitetaan. Eivätkö juurikin intellektuellit ole nazismin keksijät? Komeljanttarit ja standup koomikot? Entä antibolshevismin? Samat pellehermannit. "Nykyään, jos joku lausuu sanan 'porvari'... kaikki syyttävät yhtä typerästi, yhtä sokeasti tappamaan porvarit tai kapitalistit tietämättä pienintäkään käsitystä, mikä loukkauksen takana on tai miksi sitä on käytetty, tietämättä edes mitä porvarismi on. Sellainen ihminen yrittää yllyttää muita tekemään omaa likaista työtä tai mitkä yksityiset motiivit aiheuttavat tällaista hirvittävää väkivaltaa." Setelit ja vastasetelit, 210.
ellauri074.html on line 296: Cioran julkaisi ensimmäisen teoksensa Pe culmile disperării ('Epätoivon huipulla') 22-vuotiaana vuonna 1934. Teos sai Romaniassa innostuneen vastaanoton, ja Ciorania alettiin nuoresta iästään huolimatta pitää yhtenä tärkeimmistä romanialaisista kirjailijoista. Myös Cartea amăgirilor (”Harhojen kirja”, 1935), Schimbarea la față a României ('Romanian kirkastus', 1936) ja Lacrimi și Sfinți ('Kyyneleitä ja pyhimyksiä', 1937) julkaistiin Romaniassa. Viimeinen kirja aiheutti Romaniassa skandaalin.
ellauri074.html on line 298: Pariisissa Cioran kirjoitti kaksi kirjaa romaniaksi. Amurgul gândurílor ('Aamunkoiton ajatuksia') valmistui vuonna 1938 ja ilmestyi Sibiussa 1940. Teosta Îndreptar pătimaș ('Intohimoinen käsikirja') hän alkoi kirjoittaa Pariisissa 1940 ja sai sen valmiiksi 1945. Tämän jälkeen ilmestyneet kirjansa hän kirjoitti ranskaksi. Îndreptar pătimaș julkaistiin Bukarestissa 1991 ja ranskankielisenä laitoksena Bréviaire des vaincus ("'Voitettujen käsikirja') Pariisissa 1990. Kommunistien valtakaudella Cioranin kirjat olivat Romaniassa kiellettyjä.
ellauri074.html on line 302: Cioran sai kyllikseen konservatiivisesta filosofiasta jo nuoruudessaan ja hylkäsi systemaattisen ajattelun ja abstraktin spekulaation. Sen sijaan hän keskittyi henkilökohtaiseen pohdintaan ja intohimoiseen lyyrisyyteen, sillä kaikki tavat saada tietoa olivat hänen mielestään yhtä arvokkaita. Myöhemmin hän totesikin: ”En ole keksinyt mitään, olen vain ollut tuntemusteni sihteeri”. Cioranin mielestä kaikki filosofiset järjestelmät ovat virheellisiä, koska ihminen on kykenemätön luomaan vapaita ideoita. Cioranin tuotanto rakentuukin pikemmin ristiriitaisuuteen kuin pyrkimykseen rakentaa monimutkaisuudessaan vakaa ja kestävä ajatusrakennelma; ristiriitaisuuksia on Cioranin tuotannossa jopa saman tekstin sisällä. Cioranin mukaan onkin olennaista oppia elämään omien ristiriitaisuuksiensa kanssa ja hyväksyä ne, niin vaikeaa kuin se onkin.
ellauri074.html on line 308: Antiikin filosofeista Ciorania kiehtoivat skeptikot ja kyynikot, erityisesti Diogenes Sinopelainen. Kaunokirjallisista teksteistä Cioran luki varsinkin Fjodor Dostojevskia ja Marcel Proustia sekä elämäkertoja. Pyhimyselämäkerrat ja mystikkofilosofit (varsinkin Pyhän Teresa Ávilalaisen tuotanto) olivat Cioranille erityisen rakkaita ja vaikuttivat merkittävästi hänen omiin teksteihinsä, varsinkin mystiseen käsitykseen ikävän luonteesta Cioran suhtautui historiaan intohimoisesti ja oli erityisen perehtynyt rappiokausien kirjailijoihin ja rappion teoreetikkoihin, kuten Oswald Spengleriin, jonka gnostilainen näkökulma ihmiskunnan kohtaloon ja sivilisaatioon vaikutti voimakkaasti Cioranin poliittiseen filosofiaan. Cioranin mukaan ihminen on voinut vastustaa rappiota niin kauan, kuin hän on pysynyt yhteydessä lähtökohtiinsa eikä ole irrottanut itseään omasta itsestään ja on ollut tekemättä mitään. Nyt ihmiskunta on matkalla kohti omaa tuhoaan, koska se on tehnyt itsestään objektin ja analysoi itseään loputtomiin. Cioran halveksi edistyksen ajatusta ja kuvitelmaa, että historia kuljettaisi ihmiskuntaa kohti suurempaa täydellisyyttä; siten Cioran myös vieroksui Hegeliä. Cioran oli tutustunut myös buddhalaiseen filosofiaan. Cioran tunsi suurta läheisyyttä Venäjää ja Espanjaa kohtaan, koska molemmat kansakunnat ovat menettäneet muinaisen mahtinsa ja koska uskonnollisella hurmoksella ja sen vastapainolla ateismilla on molemmissa maissa ollut niin suuri merkitys.
ellauri074.html on line 336: Cioranin kirjailijanuran alkukaudelta ja kirjeenvaihdosta löytyy paljon äärioikeistolaisuutta myötäileviä ajatuksia. Muun muassa Cioranin vuonna 1936 ilmestynyt teos Schimbarea la față a României sisälsi muukalaisvastaisia ja antisemitistisiä ajatuksia sekä totalitaristisen valtiojärjestelmän ihannointia. Cioran poistatti kaikkein juutalaisvastaisimmat kohdat kirjan ranskankielisestä laitoksesta 1990-luvulla. Berliinissä 1933–1935 Cioran oli kiinnostunut natsihallinnon toimista ja kirjoitti romanialaiseen Vremea-lehteen kolumnin, jossa hän puhui ihailevaan sävyyn muun muassa Adolf Hitleristä ja pitkien puukkojen yöstä. Hän suhtautui ihailevasti myös Italian fasistiseen liikkeeseen.
ellauri074.html on line 669: A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift, arguably his most difficult satire and perhaps his most masterly. William Wotton wrote that the Tale had made a game of "God and Religion, Truth and Moral Honesty, Learning and Industry" to show "at the bottom Jonathan´s contemptible Opinion of every Thing which is called Christianity." The work continued to be regarded as an attack on religion well into the nineteenth century. The overarching parody is of enthusiasm, pride, and credulity. It was widely misunderstood, especially by Queen Anne herself who purposely mistook its purpose for profanity. It effectively disbarred its author from proper preferment in the Church of England, but is considered one of Swift´s best allegories, even by himself.
ellauri077.html on line 211: Italians, they accept everything that comes from him, even if it’s alien to them, and find it beautiful.
ellauri077.html on line 214: In Argentina Jest is far more talked about than read, a thing that has increased since the novelist’s suicide and sanctification: “Now there’s the legend, the suicide, the movie . . . all the things that help you to fluently ‘talk Wallace’ without the obligation of reading him.”
ellauri077.html on line 325: Similarly, he always emphasized the need to cultivate a religious spirit, but he himself was trapped in an aesthetic-ethical sphere.
ellauri077.html on line 370: Miguelin isä kuoli kun se oli 6 (Pölö siis, ei isä) ja sen kasvattivat äiskä, joka oli harras katolikko, ja liberaali pelottava isoäiti joka oli perheen öykkäröivä pää. 11 vuotiaana (ihan kuin Teresa), Pölö pyrki pyhimyxexi, psykologiaa logiikkaa ja etiikkaa opettaneen jesuiitan takia. Mutta tää henkisempi kaipaus joutui hakauxiin maallisemman lemmen kanssa jota se tunsi lapsuudenihastuxeensa, Hedelmöityxeen, josta myöhemmin tulikin sen vaimo. You cant have both, sanoi pettyneenä pappi kuin Naipaulin isä. Muna oli näkemässä kun isoäiti kuoli, ja silloin siitä tuli existentialisti.
ellauri077.html on line 440: Your neighbor's vision is as true for him as your own vision is true for you.
ellauri077.html on line 466: Wallace himself wrote, in my correspondence with him: “I too believe that most of the problems of what might be called ‘the tyranny of irony’ in today’s West can be explained almost perfectly in terms of Kierkegaard’s distinction between the aesthetic and the ethical life.”
ellauri077.html on line 548: Toi boredom, tai aatelisten ennui, syntyy siitä ettei sisältöä elämään saa siitä mitä tekee, vaan siitä että kazoo päältä muiden tekemisiä. Sixjust mä ällöön filmejä ja kaiken maailman vitun videoita, emmä haluu kazoo mitä muut siellä ehkä tekevät kuin jossain Strömsöössä, mulle riittää mitä mä ja mun lähimmäiset tekee ize. Ja ne vitun teeveejulkkixet ja tähdet ei todellakan oo mun lähimmäisiä. Mä en vois vähempää niistä välittää. Kirjat on eri asia, koska ne ei pakota etenemään niiden tahdissa, saa pysähtyä ajattelemaan ja ehkä vähän paasaamaan. (Sen takia tää Wallukin vie niin paljon aikaa. Mut mitä vähemmän aikaa elämästä on jälellä, sitä enemmän sitä näyttää liikenevän.)
ellauri077.html on line 879: Why is it that the Oedipus has a bigger head than is healthy for him? Why seeing him makes me like a vaccinated cell seeing a virus that I am vaccinated against, but still claustrophobic. I must put my fatherly upper jaw on his head, like the male lion does to the mare, and like a snakely Laertes slip my lower jaw under his pimply chin and swallow. The problem is I cannot do it: he is not my own son, but the son of my wife, and that would be murder. So I just keep my upper jaw symbolically and quietly on his crown like a crown. and suffer this corona. My vaccination took a year of pain, and this is just a chimera of that constant pain.
ellauri078.html on line 103: The earliest known version is found in Christy's Plantation Melodies. No. 2, a songbook published under the authority of Edwin Pearce Christy in Philadelphia in 1853. Christy was the founder of the blackface minstrel show known as the Christy's Minstrels. Like most minstrel songs, the lyrics are written in a cross between a parody of a generic creole dialect historically attributed to African-Americans and standard American English. The song is written in the first person from the perspective of an African-American singer who refers to himself as a "darkey," longing to return to "a yellow girl" (that is, a light-skinned, or bi-racial woman born of African/African-American and European-American progenitors)
ellauri078.html on line 137: Between 1852 and 1855 he served a single term as a representative from Massachusetts to the U.S. Congress. In Amherst he presented himself as a model citizen and prided himself on his civic work—treasurer of Amherst College, supporter of Amherst Academy, secretary to the Fire Society, and chairman of the annual Cattle Show. Comparatively little is known of Emily’s mother, who is often represented as the passive wife of a domineering husband. Her few surviving letters suggest a different picture, as does the scant information about her early education at Monson Academy. Academy papers and records discovered by Martha Ackmann reveal a young woman dedicated to her studies, particularly in the sciences.
ellauri079.html on line 87: Monet juonenkuljetuxet koskevat Jethron ikuista työnhakua. (Vertaa Aku Ankka margariinitehtaalla. Tää on jotain syvällisen amerikkalaista.) Kerran se harkizi ryhtyä aivokirurgixi tai pikakokixi. Sen muita kunnianhimoja oli myllynrakentaja, raitiovaunukuski, "kaksoisnolla" vakooja, tolppa-apina, limsanmyyjä, autonkuljettaja, ilmavoimien kenraali, kuvanveistäjä, ravintolanomistaja (Mummi keittiössä), psykiatri, ja kerran Milburn Drysdalen pankin kirjanpitäjä (kuinka hassua); agentti "serkku" Bessielle ja "serkku" Roille (ks alla); Hollywoodin tuottaja (lattiamanu huomauttaa että Jethrolla on "vaaditut ominaisuudet" tuottajaxi: kuuden luokan koulusivistys ja setä joka omistaa studion; tää sisäpiirin läppä toistui vuoden 1981 elokuvassa (toisto tyylikeinona, ks yllä)).
ellauri079.html on line 113: If Jed Clampett hadn’t done another role in his life he would have still been remembered as Jed Clampett more likely than not. After his time on the show he went on to continue acting here and there but nothing ever really brought him the same kind of fame as he experienced while being Jed. He did manage to get a cameo in the film version of the Beverly Hillbillies but apart from that he was retired at that time and wasn’t doing much at all. He passed away due to respiratory failure in 2003.
ellauri079.html on line 184: Tää ikävystyttävä jaxo Wallun kirjassa on suoraa coveria sen seniorikollegalta Nipsulta. Erittäinkin haukotuttavaa. Sitäpaizi vanhahtavaa, kun Njeuvostoliitto on jo historiaa. Minnekkäs Kiina jäi? Ai se on kai toi PUNKII. Kyl on vanhahtavia nimityxiä. Jos Wallu eläisi tänä päivänä sillä olisi kalju ja sen yli kammatut naismaisen pitkät ohimohiuxet kaljun peittona kuten Kimmolla tai sen Taavi-enolla. Muze ei elä, eikä sen isä eikä äitikään.
ellauri079.html on line 210: Häkki. Näitä on useita, kaikki vastustavat kaupallista tv-viihdettä ja tv-mainoxia. Valon lajeja. Synkät logiikat. Kai tennis käy kaikille? "Täällä ei ole häviäjiä". Virtausta laatikossa (Flux in the Box, ks tätä). Nää on tennisaiheisia. Loputon läppä. Näitä on 5? versiota. Kaupallista viihdettä. Anulaarifuusio on ystävämme. Ditto voimistettu valo. Berkeleyn sairaanhoitajien liitto. Cambridgen kielioppiteoreetikkojen liitto. Eklottava Steven "Pinky" Pinker mainitaan. Leskimies. Kuolema Scarsdalessa. Ehkä homoilua. Hupia kera lampaiden. Immanentti valtakunta. Tuskan lajeja. Erilaisia pieniä liekkejä. Näissä on viittauxia aviolliseen uskottomuuteen, varmaan Wallun äitykän. Medusa vastaan odaliski. Vois olla Wallun äiti vs. tyttöystävä. Kone aaveessa. (p.o. Ghost in the Machine eikä toisinpäin.) Homo duplex. Tusinoittain John Waynejä. Painoton teeseremonia. Taivaan ja helvetin avioehtosopimus. Tässä mainitaan taas äiti Teresa. Kenenhän mielestä se oli upea? Läppä. Yleisö näyttelijänä. Hyvin ärsyttävä Wallusta. Yhdysvaltalaisten yritysten keskijohdon kyynelehtiviä edustajia. Keskeneräinen. Tää vois suoraan viitata James D. Wallacen tuotantoon (alla). Disney Leith tuuma tuumalta. Readymade-draama. Jälkimmäisiä taas puolitusinaa. Olix tää se Viihde vai? Mies joka alkoi epäillä olevansa lasia. Skizoilua. Amerikkalainen vuosisata tiilen kautta nähtynä. Muzehän on just tää kirjanen?! Onaniadi. Ei erityisen hauska. Maailmankaikkeus menettää malttinsa. Siipikarja siivillään. Moebius strippaa. Tästä tulee mieleen Klibanin Freud´s first slip. Hyvästi byrokraatille. Verisisko: kovaakin kovempi nunna. Väkivallalla herkuttelua. Tulkoon kevennys. Nimettömiäkin on aika liuta. Poissa on Troy. Siitä tuli violetti ex-kaupunki, saastetynnöri. Voittokuponki on poistettu. Wallun painostava muistelus narisevan sängyn purusta isän kaa. Äiti joka ei tykkää siivoamisesta imuroi. Kuuluisien diktaattorien vauvavalokuvia. Viittaus Eskaton-peliin kai. Seiso naurun takana seisovien miesten takana. Lisää rebublikaanista sosiaalitoimistovihaa. Ihan kuin ennen vanhaan. Painostavia isimuisteluxia. Terävä pikku roisto. Turtanoiden hyinen majesteettisuus. Hyvännäköisiä miehiä pienissä fixuissa huoneissa joiden jokainen sentti käytetään typerryttävän tehokkaasti. Oiskohan toi vika jotain homoilua pöpilässä. Alhaisen lämpötilan yhteiskuntaoppi. Poor Yorick. (Ainakin) 3 hurraahuutoa syylle ja seurauxelle. Antaa ymmärtää että Tavis bylsi Aprillia. Halu haluta. Jotain nekrofiliaa. Turvallinen veneily ei ole sattumaa. Antaa ymmärtää että Joellen naama jäi veneen potkuriin. Erittäin vähäinen vaikutus. Narkoleptinen aerobic-opettaja. Oiskohan se Wallu ize. Yöllä on sombrero päässä. Oidipaalista höpöä. Wallu oli takuulla oidipaalinen. Rikostoveri! ...koko tekotaiteellisen ja raivostuttavan epätasaisen uran typerin, inhottavin, tökeröin ja huonoiten editoitu tuote. Pääosissa ikääntynyt pederasti (James) ja tatuoitu katuprostituoitu (Joelle). Sano H niinkuin himokkuus. Jonkun Bressonin synnin enkelien coveri. Never höörd. Aineeton maa. Yawn. Oli suuri ihme että hän eli isässä häntä tuntematta. Taas painostavia isimuisteluxia. Kuolema ja sinkkutyttö. Joku kilometrin pituinen nimi muka jonkun Peter Weissin näytelmästä tehdylle filmille. James yökkii yleisön päälle tuoden mieleen paskanheiton Oulussa. Liian hauskaa. Niinpä niin. Tuo ei ollut enää hauskaa. Surullinen tapaus nimeltä minä. Pahoillaan joka paikassa.. Tähän se päättyi, tai oikeammin loputtomaan läppään nummero 5.
ellauri079.html on line 318: Vaikka Sokrateen turpiinanto Thrasymakhoxelle ei suorastaan todista oikeuden etevämmyyttä, ei tätä Valtion tunne paikkasi-argumenttia missään kumota. Pikemminkin päinvastoin, sitä hoetaan periaatteena 'yxi henkilö - yxi jopi' joka on Plaatton ideaalirebubliikin perusta. Mut vaikuttaa aika epäinhimilliseltä rajata jokaisen hommat vaan yhdenlaiseen työhön, vaikka se olisi taloudellisinta ja tehokkainta (mitä se ei ole; kapitalismissa tarvitaan laumaa työttömiä jotka on valmiit tekemään 2-3 eri paskaduunia per päivä ja vaihtamaan työnkuvaa sormen napsutuxesta). Nää piirteet jo riittää tekemään Plaatton rebubliikin ihanne-elämän "meille" maistumattomaxi, puhumattakaan muista fasistista piirteistä joita ei tässä tutkita, kuten yläluokan yhteisöllinen elämä, ja panopuun valinta arpanopalla joka on painotettu eugeniikan eduxi. Hizi nää ei todellakaan ole nykyiseen parannuxia. Kaikista kummallisin piirre Plaatton kansalaisten elämän kuvauxessa on että se ei edes painota ainoaa piirrettä joka näyttää edes jotakuinkin hyvältä - että jokainen kansalainen ylpeilee ja iloizee työstään ja sen tuloxista, kerta ne on jokainen tavallaan ihmispesän eduxi. Tää pätee erityisesti kolmannen luokan jäseniin: parturit, puusepät, lääkärit, arkkitehdit, merimiehet ja ne jotka mainitaan aika nololla yhteisnimellä 'rahanrakastajat' - kerta ne tuottaa valtiolle aineellista hyvää mitä ilman se ei pärjäisi. (Hemmetti tää hapan diatribi on selkeästi rahananastajan kynästä.)
ellauri079.html on line 326: No nyt ei jaxa enää suomentaa jenkkien filosofiasivustosta, sanotaan lyhentäen että sen kirjoittajaa vituttaa kun tää on niin totalitaarista, vahvan valtion etu pannaan vapaan individin edun edelle. Tollasta konservativismia mitä uusliberaali ei siedä kuunnella. Paljon parempi on Karl Popperin avoin yhteiskunta vihollisineen. Tollasessa tarvitaan hirmu määrä "guardians" kuten käsineidossa jotka on ystävällisiä kunnon väelle ja käy patraskin kimppuun kuin rakkikoira. Musakin niille pitää valita tää silmämääränä. Ei mitää räppiä poliisikunnalle. Jne jne. Hirmuisesti vaivaa, ja kallista. Paljon parempi että joka iikalla on päässä stezonit ja/tai lippixet ja käsiase lonkalla. "Take him down" huutaa eskareiden vanhemmat riuhtoen esiin rivolleja kun musta pizzakuski unohti ottaa hupparista hupun pois.
ellauri080.html on line 321: Always remember that behavior involves an interaction between a person's underlying personality and situational variables. The situation that a person finds himself or herself plays a major role in how the person reacts. However, in most cases, people offer responses that are consistent with their underlying personality traits.
ellauri080.html on line 435: He was well aware of the difficulty of presenting a general description of types and its inability to draw an absolutely correct picture. Still, his wealth of empirical evidence led him to deduce as ‘factual’ the existence of distinct types. This deduction was made many times before him and is a simple reflection of the nature of reality (the reality of Nature).
ellauri080.html on line 520: A good example of this mentality can be found in the theories of Michel Foucault, who himself describes society as a series of power structure grids you can lay on top of the truth in order to reveal some things but conceal others, and our goal essentially should be to experiment with various power grids to discover the true limits or bounds of how human society can successfully be structured. Another example could be Martin Heidegger’s discussion of Being or existence, and how many different perspectives are required to observe it and get a full picture, because of our extremely subjective position in relation to the nature of our own existence, not to mention existence within the ever shifting realm of time.
ellauri080.html on line 537: Keynes's intellect was the sharpest and clearest that I have ever known. When I argued with him, I felt that I took my life in my hands, and I seldom emerged without feeling something of a fool.
ellauri080.html on line 540: Keynes's obituary in The Times included the comment: "There is the man himself – radiant, brilliant, effervescent, gay, full of impish jokes ... He was a humane man genuinely devoted to the cause of the common good." Kuulostaa Wallun äiskältä, wickedly funny. Ja gay. Ize asiassa gay pedophile kaiken kukkuraxi. Keynes was a libertine hedonist who wasted most of his adult life engaging in sexual relationships with children, including travelling around the Mediterranean visiting children’s brothels. Funnily wicked too.
ellauri080.html on line 717: Rogers swam daily at the Pittsburgh Athletic Association, after waking every morning between 4:30 and 5:30 A.M. to pray and to "read the Bible and prepare himself for the day". He did not smoke or drink. He was a skinny shrimp who weighed 143lb (65kg) most of his adult life.
ellauri080.html on line 734: Gandhi later made a vow to not take milk products, but ill-health again forced him to change his mind and he took goats-milk.
ellauri080.html on line 735: In his adult life, Gandhi never drank alcohol and claimed that alcohol was ‘one of the most greatly-felt evils of the British Rule.’ Ill-health may have forced him to take a cup or two now and then.
ellauri080.html on line 738: In South Africa, Gandhi became aware of the strong racism in South African society. He was stripped and thrown off a train in Pietermaritzburg and left shivering at the train station. This was a turning point in his life as it made him more aware of his political colour.
ellauri080.html on line 781: His sexual hang-ups caused him to carry monstrously sexist views. His view of the female body was warped. As accounted by Rita Banerji, in her book Sex and Power, "he believed menstruation was a manifestation of the distortion of a woman's soul by her sexuality".
ellauri080.html on line 793: Gandhi placed great value on self-sufficiency. As a lawyer he learnt to wash his own clothes, and later he also learnt to cut his own hair. Even though he was initially ridiculed for his messy hairstyle. Okay he said and shaved his head. Made him look the jailbird he was.
ellauri080.html on line 808: Gandhi asked him on a principle of non-violence “If a snake is about to bite me, should I allow myself to be bitten or should I kill it?” His mentor Rajchandbhai wrote back, “If the person lacks the development of a noble character, one may advise him to kill the snake, but we should wish that neither you nor I will even dream of being such a person.”
ellauri080.html on line 846: Vipaśyana (ei siis vaipassana) on vanhimpia buddhalaisuudessa tunnettuja meditaatiotekniikoita. Paalinkielinen sana "vipassana" tarkoittaa asioiden selkeää havaitsemista (eng. "insight meditation"). Tämä niin sanottu oivallusmeditaatio on buddhalaisuuden Theravada-koulukunnassa käytetty meditaatiotekniikka. Vipassana-meditaatiossa keskitytään tarkkailemaan hengitystä ja fyysisiä tuntemuksia sekä mielen ilmiöitä. Vipassana on itsekehityksen väline, joka ei ole sidottu mihinkään uskonnolliseen oppiin. Suomessa vipassana-meditaatiota voi harjoittaa muun muassa Nirodha ry:n järjestämillä kursseilla ja retriiteillä.
ellauri082.html on line 58: Wallace described himself as “near great” at his favorite sport, but in reality he was just the 11th-best teenage player in central Illinois – not exactly a tennis hotbed. Still, he was good enough to beat Jay McInerney when they were both at the artist colony Yaddo.
ellauri082.html on line 62: Obsessed with the writer Mary Karr, Wallace planned to shoot her husband with a gun he tried to buy from a guy he met in recovery. She found out about the scheme, but believed him when he blamed it on his buddy. Wallace and Karr eventually became a couple, but Wallace stalked her kid in an ugly manner after she chucked him.
ellauri082.html on line 85: Certain persons simply will not like you no matter what you do. Well, I'm good with that. I don't like you either. You do not have to like a person in order to learn from him/her/it.
ellauri082.html on line 101: The biography by Tyrannosaurus Max paints a less than flattering portrait of Wallace. That’s not to say it’s a vicious takedown—it’s probably about as even-handed as a biography about the author is going to be, and I can imagine books about him in the future being a lot less level-headed in either direction. Basically, DFW was an extremely troubled individual and probably not a very awesome person qua person. He was often misanthropic, violent, cruel (especially to women), and self-absorbed. But what’s great about the biography is how it allows these rather hideous characteristics to disgust as well as inform; knowing the uglier aspects of DFW’s personality is extremely enlightening with regard to his work. It seems to me that the writer was extremely aware of his immense character flaws and sought in his work (his novels and his non-fiction particularly) to overcome them, and in his work he was able to occupy a wholly different realm than he was in his actual life. Well actually not at all that different. The books project a rather nasty person too.
ellauri082.html on line 103: More than anything the biography is a testament to something even DFW himself would have said: do not build monuments to individuals. His genius is in his work, and in his case his work was both in writing and in acting; the DFW one sees and hears in interviews is DFW as spinner of fiction, not DFW as himself. One need not pretend David Foster Wallace was a god of sincerity and morality and self-awareness; his work clearly shows he was not.
ellauri082.html on line 123: But at the same time, Hal’s condition deepens. Ever since Hal ate the mold as a child, he’s been a brilliant communicator but unable to feel. (694: “Hal himself hasn’t had a bona fide intensity-of-interior-life-type emotion since he was tiny … in fact he’s far more robotic than John Wayne.”) JOI was the only one who could see it. In life, everyone thought JOI was just being crazy but in death (as a wraith) he can actually read Hal’s thoughts and thus confirm his view.
ellauri082.html on line 129: Described as coming from a kind of mold that “grows on other molds,” DMZ is an incredibly powerful and mysterious hallucinogen. It can have many different effects but often seems to transform a person’s ability to communicate. It is also nicknamed “Madame Psychosis,” after Joelle’s radio persona. Michael Pemulis manages to acquire some, but it is stolen before he and Hal can take it. It’s suggested that Hal has been affected by DMZ by the time of the Year of Glad, but it’s unclear how—whether from eating a piece of mold as a child and then withdrawing from marijuana, or having his toothbrush laced with Pemulis’s drugs (possibly by James’s wraith). As a result of this presumed DMZ consumption, Hal is able to feel strong emotions (which was impossible for him before) but unable to communicate.
ellauri082.html on line 135: Hal’s symptoms indeed begin to reverse: he is now unable to properly communicate feelings (people see him as either laughing hysterically or terribly sad) but beginning to actually feel (like Gately, he spends a lot of time lying on the floor thinking about the past — the hero of nonaction from his essay (142)). While before, everyone could hear him except JOI; now only JOI can hear him (since, as with Gately, he can hear Hal’s thoughts).
ellauri082.html on line 137: By the time of the match, his symptoms are so bad he’s taken by ambulance to the hospital (16: “the only other emergency room I have ever been in [was] almost exactly one year back”), safely escaping the A.F.R.’s assault. Like fellow student Otis P. Lord, he gets the bed next to Gately. Joelle (who is at the hospital for a meeting) visits Gately on her way out and recognizes Hal. She tells them both about the hunt for the lethal Entertainment and the resulting Continental Emergency and they all go to dig up JOI’s grave. They persuade John Wayne, a spy for the A.F.R., to become a double agent and help sneak them into JOI’s Quebec burial site. Wayne presumably tells the A.F.R. he is actually a triple agent — that he will steal the tape as soon as Hal digs it up. But, as with Marathe, his loyalties are ultimately even-numbered (n40). The A.F.R. finds out and brutally murders him, which is why he can’t win the WhataBurger (16f).
ellauri082.html on line 147: After the A.F.R. releases roaches into his giant glass tumbler, Orin cuts a deal with the A.F.R. and gives them the tape in return for letting him live. (He’s apparently still alive on p. 14.) The A.F.R. uses the tape to set off some sort of intracontinental conflagaration (16: “some sort of ultra-mach fighter too high overhead to hear slices the sky from south to north”) which apparently topples the Gentle administration (n114: “[Y.G. is] the very last year of Subsidized Time”).
ellauri082.html on line 218: Frost syntyi San Franciscossa, vaikka hänet usein yhdistetäänkin Uuteen-Englantiin. Hänen äitinsä oli skotti Isabelle Moodie ja hänen isänsä oli toimittaja William Prescott Frost Jr. Isä oli viinaanmenevä uhkapeluri ja tiukka kurinpitäjä, jolla oli palava intohimo politiikkaan. Isä kuoli 1885 tuberkuloosiin ollessaan vasta 36-vuotias. Isän kuoltua äiti, 11-vuotias Robert ja hänen hieman nuorempi sisarensa muuttivat Kaliforniasta Yhdysvaltain itärannikolle Massachusettsin Lawrenceen lähelle isän vanhempia. Äiti liittyi lahkolaiseen swedenborgilaiseen kirkkoon ja kastatti lapsensa siellä. Aikuisena Frost kuitenkin erosi kirkosta.
ellauri082.html on line 284: Robert Frost is by no means the only poet in whom a hunger for recognition comes into conflict with a wariness, an inner reticence, a distaste for self-revelation. But I think in him the conflict was particularly acute. On the one hand he could be quite shameless in his pursuit of favourable reviews and his presentation to the public of a folksy and largely misleading image. On the other hand we have cryptic comments like in this poem it is not made explicit what the ‘things forbidden’ are that he has managed to preserve for himself but I take them to be his poems, or those things that his poems keep alive, and he is rightly confident enough in his own powers as a poet to feel that he has succeeded.
ellauri082.html on line 312: I’ve chosen to blog this particular passage, which runs ten pages in lenght, for a few reasons, the most honest reason being its unrelenting frankly honest potrayal of a person in the midst of a serious marijuana dependancy. Erdedy’s chapter has him eagerly awaiting the delivery of 200 grams of high-resin weed, of which he will force himself to smoke in its entirety in one hazy fog-induced sitting. Wallace, writing in the 3rd person, manages to get close enough to Erdedy’s running internal monologue to present to us a deeply troubled young man’s addiction and the lenghts he is willing to go to–whislt also attempting to redeem himself through his numerous attempts in kicking the addiction–in order to satisfy his intense cravings.
ellauri082.html on line 405: Jamesin mukaan nämä pyhyyden piirteet tulevat esiin erityisesti uskonnollisen kokemuksen tai kääntymyksen kokeneilla ja johtavat vielä a) jonkinasteiseen asketismiin b) sielun lujuuteen c) henkiseen puhtauteen ja d) lähimmäisenrakkauteen.
ellauri082.html on line 498: The reader who found himself swamped with too much metaphysics in the last chapter will have a still worse time of it in this one, which is exclusively metaphysical. Metaphysics means nothing but an unusually obstinate effort to avoid thinking clearly.
ellauri082.html on line 571: Adrenaliini: Sydänlihaksen toimintaan vaikuttava vaarallinen huume, joka toimii parhaimmin nautittuna yksin. Adrenaliinia erittyy lisämunuaisen kuorikerroksesta vereen vaarallisessa tai haastavassa tilanteessa, erityisesti osana pako-/taistelureaktiota. Eritystä sekä välittäjäaineena että hormonina säätelee autonomiseen hermostoon kuuluva sympaattinen hermosto, joka aktivoituu stressitilanteissa. Se lisää suorituskykyä muun muassa kasvattamalla sydämen sykettä ja lisäämällä glukoosin eritystä maksassa ja insuliinin eritystä haimassa. Adrenaliini toimii välittäjäaineena myös keskushermostossa ja kiihdyttää sydämen lyöntiheyttä sekä stimuloi endorfiinieritystä. Aiheuttaa riippuvuutta, hakeutumista vaaratilanteisiin ja pahimmillaan voi johtaa joko käyttäjän kuolemaan tai vakavaan vammautumiseen.
ellauri082.html on line 575: Leivinjauhe: Usein vasta-alkajille myydään l.jauhetta esim. pirinä tai kokkelina, jotta nämä saataisiin leivin-koukkuun. Pahimmassa tapauksessa seurauksena on ns. "Kiinni leipominen". Jos virkavalta saa tietoonsa, että jollain ei ole ollut puhtaita "jauhoja" pussissa, voi rangaistus olla jopa elinkautinen vankeusrangaistus tai 2074,3 raipaniskua.
ellauri082.html on line 583: RuneScape: on hieman lievempi peli verrattuna CS:ään, mutta vain käyttäjän vaarallisuudessa muille. "Rune" aiheuttaa abysmaalista riippuvuutta ja rapistumista. RuneScapea pidetään porttipelinä vahvempiin virtuaaliaineisiin, kuten ehkä vanhimpaan, Tetrikseen: peliin, jonka ovat keksineet venäläiset kylmän sodan aikaan aiheuttaakseen vastustajilleen vahvaa riippuvuutta, palikoitumista ja taisteluhaluttomuutta. KGB kuitenkin luopui hankkeesta, kun huomattiin sen levinneen omien keskuuteen. Tetris on vähentynyt maailmasta merkittävästi sen jälkeen, kun käsikonsolit alkoivat vähetä ja kehittyä.
ellauri082.html on line 590: Laskuvarjohyppy: on hengenvaarallinen huume, jonka käyttö vie käyttäjältään kaiken rahan ja vapaa-ajan ja pahimmillaan johtaa käyttäjän kuolemaan tai vakavaan vammautumiseen. Tyypillinen käyttäjälle kehkeytyneiden vakavien mielenterveyden häiriöiden oire on hyppääminen pois kesken kaiken lennossa täysin toimintakuntoisesta lentokoneesta. Tämä huume stimuloi rajusti adrenaliinin eritystä ja endorfiineja sekä aiheuttaa harha-aistimuksia. Monet käyttäjät kertovat kokeneensa "koskettavansa Jumalaa", "rakastelevansa enkelien kanssa" tai "lentävänsä enkelin siivillä". Jo ensimmäinen hyppy voi olla kuolettava.
ellauri082.html on line 605: "Uskonto tarkoittaa Kielitoimiston sanakirjan mukaan uskoa jumalan tai muun yli-inhimillisen mahdin olemassaoloon ja siihen liittyvää pyhyyden kokemusta. Usein uskonto on muotoutunut oppijärjestelmäksi ja ilmenee erilaisina yhteisöllisinä tapoina ja palvontamenoina." - wikipedia
ellauri083.html on line 75: Taalojen vastoinkäymiset huipentuivat 1927 "Nankingin selkkauxeen". Useita länkkäreitä tapettiin Tshiang Kai-Shekin kansalliskaartin ja kommareiden ja kaikenlaisten sotaherrojen välisissä kärhämissä. Isäpappa Absalom vaati taas jäädä paikoilleen kuten boxereiden aikana. Köyhä kiinalaisperhe kuzui ne piileskelemään majaansa. Kotitalo puzattiin putipuhtaaxi. Perhe piileskeli kauhuissaan kokonaisen päivän ennenkuin jenkkien tykkiveneet pelasti ne. Ne matkusti Shanghaihin ja sitten purjehti (siis meni laivalla) Jaappaniin, missä ne oli vuoden, minkä jälkeen ne palasi Nankingiin. Helmin kuuleman mukaan Japanissa oli muitakin kuin militaristeja. Kun se palasi Japanista 1927, se alkoi kirjottaa kynä sauhuten. Se oli hyvissä väleissä kiinalaisten taantumuskirjailijoiden kaa kuten Xu Zhimo and kirjoituskoneen kexijäpelle Lin Yutang. Ne rohkaisi sitä kirjoittamaan rahasta. Se halusi toteuttaa kunnianhimon jonka äiti oli kieltänyt, ja tarvizihan se rahaa jos se jättäisi sen luuserin, jonka lähetyssaarnaaja-asennosta oli koko ajan vähemmän iloa. Carolkin tarvizi ammattiapua. Helmi lähti Statesiin taas 1929 missä Richard J. Walsh bylsi sitä ja julkaisi Helmin kirjan Itä Tuuli: Länsi Tuuli. Walshista tuli myöhemmin siippa ja kiltti apuri Helmille. Nankingiin palattua Helmi pysytteli ullakolla ja kirjoitti Hyvää Puuta.
ellauri083.html on line 129: Growth of the Soil (Norwegian Mannens Grodor), is a novel by Knut Hamsun which won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920. It follows the story of a man who settles and lives in rural Norway.
ellauri083.html on line 143: In the city, O-Lan and the children beg while Wang Lung pulls a rickshaw. Wang Lung's father begs but does not earn any money, and sits looking at the city instead. They find themselves aliens among their more metropolitan countrymen who look different and speak in a fast accent. They no longer starve, due to the one-cent charitable meals of congee, but still live in abject poverty. Wang Lung longs to return to his land. When armies approach the city he can only work at night hauling merchandise out of fear of being conscripted. One time, his son brings home stolen meat. Furious, Wang Lung throws the meat on the ground, not wanting his sons to grow up as thieves. O-Lan, however, calmly picks up the meat and cooks it. When a food riot erupts, Wang Lung is swept up in a mob that is looting a rich man's house and corners the man himself, who fears for his life and gives Wang Lung all his money in order to buy his safety. O-Lan finds a cache of jewels elsewhere in house and takes them for herself.
ellauri083.html on line 145: Wang Lung uses this money to bring the family home, buy a new ox and farm tools, and hire servants to work the land for him. In time, two more children are born, a twin son and daughter. When he discovers the jewels that O-Lan looted, Wang Lung buys the House of Hwang's remaining land. He later sends his first two sons to school, also apprenticing the second one to a merchant, and retains the third one on the land.
ellauri083.html on line 338: Hendershot recalls that, in the Schreber case, God was believed to manifest his creative and destructive power as celestial rays (Freud 22). As with spider-webs and hedgehogs quills, this radial pattern describing dilation and contraction, movement back and forth from center to circumference and from circumference to center, is the essential figure for the paranoid narcissism of a subject who feels threatened by the world and guilty for having taken "his own body [...] as his love-object" (Freud 60). Signaling Fistule's repressed homosexuality, the rays of his intelligence had first been focused on the masochistic annihilation of his genitals, which he denies were the original object of his love ("organes hideux," "vomitoires de dejections"), and then had been used in reconstructing a sexless new reality. Insisting on his exemption from the Naturalist law of biological determinism, Fistule denies his human parentage and maintains that he was born of a star, which, shining like the rays of his genius, had inseminated him and allowed him to be the father of himself, causa sui. Homosexual guilt initially projected as the corruptibility of matter is overcome by Fistule's principle of Stellogenesis, which turns flesh into radiance and bodies into starlight. As Hendershot concludes: "In Freud's theory, the paranoiac withdraws from the world (decathexis), directs his or her cathectic energy to the ego resulting in self-aggrandizement, and then attempts to reestablish a cathectic relationship with the world in the form of a delusional system"
ellauri083.html on line 529: I can’t say I really see it at all. As much as I love this book, the only person who I would say comes close to experiencing “complicated joy” is Mario, whose emotions are simple and straightforward, only made more complex by his contorted body. I think most people in the book experience a sort of numbness, or they are searching for a kind of numbness. To me, even Gately’s emotions and thoughts are dulled by the inane daily tasks he must complete, although I suppose you could argue that being free from substance addiction gives him a small sense of pride.
ellauri083.html on line 561: Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry: for that shall abide with him of his labour the days of his life, which God giveth him under the sun.
ellauri083.html on line 591: And all the people came up after him, and the people piped with pipes, and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth rent with the sound of them.
ellauri083.html on line 615: If I rejoiced at the destruction of him that hated me, or lifted up myself when evil found him:
ellauri083.html on line 618: For thou hast made him most blessed for ever: thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance.
ellauri083.html on line 661: Kay Warren on perustanut miehensä Rick Warrenin kanssa Saddleback-seurakunnan Kaliforniaan. Hän on intohimoinen raamatunopettaja ja arvostettu vähäosaisten puolustaja. Erityisesti homot ja muuten haavoittuvaiset lapset ovat hänen sydämellään. Hän on perustanut Saddleback-seurakunnan yhteydessä toimivan HIV/AIDS Initiative -työmuodon.
ellauri083.html on line 669: Abraham couldn’t keep himself contained, “Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said to himself, ‘Shall a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? Shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?'”
ellauri083.html on line 683: In the book of Kings, Elijah is having a “Battle Royale” with some pagan priests and taunts them by saying, “Call louder, for he is a god; he may be busy doing his business, or may be on a journey. Perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened.” (1 Kings 18:27). Some translations make “doing his business” more explicit by translating it as, “relieving himself.” This is in accord with the original Hebrew and so Elijah is taunting them by saying their god might be busy going to the bathroom!
ellauri088.html on line 43: Tulokas on yxi hyvin harvoista leffoista jotka maalaa todella realistisen kuvan miten ekat tapaamiset epäinhimillisen sivilisaation kanssa vaikuttaisivat meidän kulttuuriin. Se ei ole kaunista kazottavaa. "Olisi valtava eksistentiaalinen kriisi kaikille uskonnollisille apinoille ajatella ettei me olla maailman keskipiste," pohti Denis Villeneuve. Kun alkaa näyttää että näillä matuilla on paha mielessä, apinakööri vastaa ennustettavasti terrorismilla, ryöstelyllä, sotauhkauxilla, ja lopulta jokainen valtio päättää pitää huolen vaan izestään. Tätä kelpaa verrata vaikka koronapandemiaan, missä jokainen kehittää oman rokotteensa tai varastaa sen toisilta, elleivät ne ole poliittisesti liian epäilyttäviä.
ellauri088.html on line 388: Ei helvetti, sanoo Kokoomuxen hopeaselkäneuvosto, nyt lähti pojilta mopo pahan kerran käsistä. Asiallisesti pojat ovat kyllä oikeassa, mutta hajurako pahimpaan kilpailijaamme persuihin uhkaa kaventua. Nyt on ryhdyttävä pikaisesti toimiin. Mersu on kaivettava esiin persupaskan alta. Iltalehti te paikkailette Ronin ja Eeron imagoa, ja Orpo oikaisee. Iltalehti veisaamaan lisää ylistystä pötkötyxen vastustuxelle:
ellauri088.html on line 544: Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, published in 1886, is a collection of humorous essays by Jerome K. Jerome. It was the author’s second published book and it helped establish him as a leading English humorist. While widely considered one of Jerome’s better works, and in spite of using the same style as Three Men in a Boat, it was never as popular as the latter. A second "Idle Thoughts" book, The Second Thoughts of An Idle Fellow, was published in 1898.
ellauri088.html on line 581: Then Harris tried to open the tin with a pocket-knife, and broke the knife and cut himself badly; and George tried a pair of scissors, and the scissors flew up, and nearly put his eye out. While they were dressing their wounds, I tried to make a hole in the thing with the spiky end of the hitcher, and the hitcher slipped and jerked me out between the boat and the bank into two feet of muddy water, and the tin rolled over, uninjured, and broke a teacup.
ellauri088.html on line 616: Will it be the same in the future? Will the prized treasures of to-day always be the cheap trifles of the day before? Will rows of our willow-pattern dinner-plates be ranged above the chimneypieces of the great in the years 2000 and odd? Will the white cups with the gold rim and the beautiful gold flower inside (species unknown), that our Sarah Janes now break in sheer light-heartedness of spirit, be carefully mended, and stood upon a bracket, and dusted only by the lady of the house?
ellauri089.html on line 69: Heinlein draws on his knowledge of school societies to make the Academy a “real” place; there are bull sessions, roommate problems, anxieties about passing, shared food packages, and parties at the Academy just as there are at any school, especially a boarding school or college. Also, as Matt becomes more and more a Cadet, he finds, as do many of Heinlein’s juvenile heroes, that he has grown beyond his family and that there is an unbridgeable gulf between his perspective as a Cadet and his parents’ perspectives as ground-dwellers in Kansas City. His living and working in space is a part of it, but even more important, Matt realizes, is his membership in an international/interplanetary organization. He is no longer the boy he was when he left home. He becomes aware of this difference and, understanding it, is able to deal with a family that now seems somewhat provincial to him.
ellauri089.html on line 72: Bill does not want the responsibility of keeping Earth peaceful, a responsibility that could require him, in an extreme situation, to bomb his own country. Loooooseeer!
ellauri089.html on line 74: Another Cadet, Girard Burke, is asked to resign. The reader has know for a long time that Burke, who is certainly mentally and physically capable, does not have the right attitude to be a Patrolman. He is, among other things, too skeptical of the ideals for which the Patrol stands. Burke resigns, goes into his father’s business, becomes an ship’s captain immediately, gets himself in venereal trouble on Venus, and has to call on the Patrol to rescue him from his own self-centered and stupid mistakes. Matt, Tex, and Oscar do rescue him and, with that action, prove the worth of the characteristics—perseverance, loyalty, intelligence, idealism, integrity, and courage—that Heinlein champions throughout Space Cadet and the other novels in the series. Vittu mikä nazi.
ellauri089.html on line 76: Afterwards Heinlein supported himself at several occupations, including real estate sales and bitcoin mining, but for some years found money in short supply.
ellauri089.html on line 87: Ginny undoubtedly served as a model for many of his intelligent, fiercely independent female characters. She was a chemist and rocket test engineer, and held a higher rank in the Navy than Heinlein himself. She was also an accomplished college athlete, earning four letter words.
ellauri089.html on line 101: That made him the first science fiction writer to break out of the "pulp ghetto". He also wrote for Boys' Life in 1952.
ellauri089.html on line 108: “[T]here seems to have been an actual decline in rational thinking. The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance. They were idolized and treated as leaders; their opinions were sought on everything and they took themselves just as seriously—after all, if an entertainer is paid a million or more a year, he knows he is important ... so his opinions of foreign affairs and domestic policies must be important, too, even though he proves himself to be ignorant and subliterate every time he opens his mouth.”
ellauri089.html on line 138: Growing up Mr. Heinlein was and still is one of my favorite writers...He is old school none of this sodomite loving and liberal rectum kissing for him he was a TRUE Flag Waving AMERICAN Patriot! And we need MEN like him today and NOT that COMMIE Sodomite Rag Head Zebera occupying OUR White House today!
ellauri089.html on line 182: Cyrano de Bergerac tän kuumatkailun aloitti, Verne ja Herge jatkoivat. Onnexi se on nyt tauolla. Heinlein was a mentor to Ray Bradbury, giving him help and quite possibly passing on the "payahead" concept, made famous by the publication of a letter from him to Heinlein thanking him. Apua, onko Bradburykin yhtä juveniili? Siis tollanen competent man.
ellauri089.html on line 202: On the way they unknowingly enjoy the Texas hospitality of Satan himself, but as they near their destination they are separated by the Rapture — Margrethe worships Odin, and pagans do not go to Heaven. Finding that the reward for his faith, eternity as promised in the Book of Revelation, is worthless without her, Alex journeys through timeless space in search of his lost lady, taking him to Hell and beyond.
ellauri089.html on line 283: Yxi nivusiin, yxi ozaan, ohimoon ja silmään.
ellauri089.html on line 374: El Laurin lyhkäsempi versio etiikasta: Kyse on tiimipreferensseistä. Oikein paha apina on sellainen joka pelaa tiimin kanssa nollasummapeliä: iloizee kun ne kärsivät. Keskipaha on sellainen joka pelaa tiimin kanssa yhden hengen peliä: iloizee kun voittaa ize, muista vähät välittää. Keskihyvä on tollanen tiimipelaaja joka hurraa kun sen tiimi voittaa kuha se voittaa mukana. Oikein kiltti (sankari tai pyhimys) on sellainen joka noudattaa jonkun muun esim tiimin preferenssejä mieluummin kuin omia. Tässähän se on pikku lankakerässä. Loppu on sitten seliseliä.
ellauri090.html on line 36: A Academia surgiu mais como um vínculo de ordem cordial entre amigos do que de ordem intelectual. No entanto, a ideia do instituto não foi bem aceita por alguns: Antônio Sales testemunhou numa página de reminiscência: "Lembro-me bem que José Veríssimo, pelo menos, não lhe fez bom acolhimento. Machado, creio, fez a princípio algumas objeções." Como presidente, Machado fazia sugestões, concordava com ideias, insinuava, mas nada impunha nem impedia aos companheiros. Era um acadêmico assíduo. Das 96 sessões que a Academia realizou durante a sua presidência, faltou somente a duas.
ellauri090.html on line 107: In contrast to the earlier novel of the trilogy, Quincas Borba was written in third person, telling the story of Rubião, a naive young man who becomes a disciple and later the heir of the titular philosopher Quincas Borba, a character in the earlier novel. While living according to the fictional "Humanitist" philosophy of Quincas Borba, Rubião befriends and is fooled by the greedy Christiano and his wife Sofia who manage to take him for his entire inheritance.
ellauri090.html on line 112: Quincas Borba (Joaquim Borba dos Santos), a wealthy man and a self-proclaimed philosopher, dies and leaves his large estate to his friend, Rubião, a teacher. The only condition of the bequest is that Rubião care for Quincas Borba’s dog, also named Quincas Borba, as if the dog were human. Rubião travels from the provincial town of Barbacena to the city of Rio de Janiero to establish himself with his newly inherited wealth. On the train, he meets Christiano Palha and Palha’s wife, Sophia. Rubião soon becomes infatuated with Sophia.
ellauri090.html on line 116: Rubião misinterprets as a love offering a box of strawberries Sophia had sent him. At the Palhas’s house in Santa Thereza, he clutches her hand and makes his affection clear to her. Distressed by Rubião’s advances, Sophia suggests to her husband that they end their relationship with Rubião. Having borrowed money from Rubião, however, Palha is reluctant to break with him.
ellauri090.html on line 124: Rubião tries to stay away from Sophia, but he finds an envelope addressed in Sophia’s handwriting to Carlos Maria. When he confronts her with the envelope, she tells him to open it. He refuses and leaves. Although Carlos Maria had flirted with Sophia, the envelope contains only a circular about a charitable committee on which Sophia serves.
ellauri090.html on line 126: Palha’s business flourishes as Rubião’s wealth begins to dwindle. Rubião becomes subject to fits of madness, believing that he is Napoleon III of France. When Rubião gets into a carriage alone with Sophia, she thinks he is still attracted to her. She panics and orders him to get out. Thinking he is Napoleon III, Rubião treats Sophia as if she were the emperor’s mistress, but eventually he leaves the carriage.
ellauri090.html on line 128: After Carlos Maria’s flirtation with Sophia, Doña Fernanda acts as a matchmaker and brings Carlos Maria and Maria Benedicta together. Although Maria Benedicta is not beautiful, Carlos Maria marries her because she adores him. Following their marriage, they travel to Europe, returning to Rio de Janiero after Maria Benedicta becomes pregnant.
ellauri090.html on line 130: For a time, Rubião’s friends accept his madness as he continues to provide meals and entertainment for them. Eventually, however, Rubião’s house falls into disrepair as his belief in himself as the emperor becomes constant. Doña Tonica becomes engaged to a man who dies before the wedding. Children on the street, including Deolindo, whose life Rubião had saved, make fun of him as a madman. Prodded by Doña Fernanda, a woman who barely knows Rubião, Sophia convinces Palha to set Rubião up in a little rented house on Principe Street. No one visits Rubião in his new humble residence. His former “friends” miss the luxury of Rubião’s wealthy surroundings in the house in Botafogo.
ellauri090.html on line 132: Rubião continues to believe he is Napoleon III, but Doña Fernanda thinks he can be cured. She manages to get him to enter an asylum. She also rescues Quincas Borba and sends the dog to the sanatorium to be with Rubião. After a short time, appearing to be regaining his sanity, Rubião escapes the asylum and returns to Barbacena with Quincas Borba, his only friend. Rubião dies there, and within three days, Quincas Borba dies there as well.
ellauri092.html on line 65: Dwight Lyman Moody (February 5, 1837 – December 22, 1899), also known as D. L. Moody, was an American evangelist and publisher connected with Keswickianism, who founded the Moody Church, Northfield School and Mount Hermon School in Massachusetts (now Northfield Mount Hermon School), Moody Bible Institute and Moody Publishers. One of his most famous quotes was “Faith makes all things possible... Love makes all things easy.“ Moody gave up his lucrative boot and shoe business to devote his life to revivalism, working first in the Civil War with Union troops through YMCA in the United States Christian Commission. In Chicago, he built one of the major evangelical centers in the nation, which is still active. Working with singer Ira Sankey, he toured the country and the British Isles, drawing large crowds with a dynamic speaking style. Jesus was a great motivational speaker, and the apostles plus Paul of Tarsus copycatted him to the best of their abilities.
ellauri092.html on line 80: By 17 years old this stout young Yankee decided to leave his farming work at home and head for Boston where he became a shoe salesman. Like Al Bundy. Taivas on todennäköisesti täynnä kadonneita parittomia sukkia. Ne ovat kaikki pelastuneet sinne. Kun mun sukkaan tulee reikä heitän sen roskiin mutta pelastan parittoman, koska mun lähes kaikki sukat ovat mustia. Vartioin niitä mustasukkaisesti ja teen leskexi jääneistä uusia pareja. He attended a Congregationalist Church which bored him as did all religious matters but over the next year the convicting message of sin and righteousness began to take effect. At the same time though, he raised up a wall of arguments. He settled his heart by deciding to leave the matter until his deathbed, but Cod’s Word continued to disturb him. No wonder: this was good old Boston, the home of the bean and the cod, Where the Lowells talk to the Cabots, And only the Cabots talk to Cod.
ellauri092.html on line 84: The first change in Moody was that he received a burden to see all his family earnings saved. Later that year he moved to Chicago and although he started to show signs of real shoe business ability and success, when he experienced the revival which commenced in that city in January 1857, business success faded into insignificance. He was ruined - success of this world no longer interested him instead, he began to glow in Christian virtue. He mixed freely amongst Plymouth Brethren, Methodist Episcopal, Congregationalists and Baptists. The years passed and he worked with the men in tights at YMCA and raised up one of the most unusual Sunday Schools of that day which became a church. He reluctantly began to preach and haggled every step of the way. He turned down Congregational ordination and remained a simple uneducated layman with a burden for souls. Having heard of Spurgeon’s ministry in London he did all he could to get hold of and read every Spurgeon sermon. He took thorough hold of Spurgeon’s three ‘R’s: Ruin by the fall, Redemption by the Blood, and Regeneration by the Holy Mackerel. This flowed through every one of his messages and was the marrow of Moody’s theology. Many thought him too radical and so nicknamed him ‘Crazy Moody.’
ellauri092.html on line 88: He became very settled and successful in ministry in Chicago. He sat on at least ten separate committees while at the same time fighting the gall of Cod to step out as an itinerant Evangelist. Cash flow was becoming mechanical. In June 1871 a great burden came upon two older ladies in his congregation to pray that he would receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. These two hot ladies became very obvious to Moody as they sat on the front pew and prayed as he preached. When he enquired about their praying they informed him that they needed the power of the Spirit.
ellauri092.html on line 90: At first Moody could satisfy himself so that was ok. But the persistence of these ladies led him to meet and pray with them. They poured out their hearts asking Cod to fill them with His servant's Spirits. From that day a deep hunger and thirst gripped Moody. By October he was in agony for sole as he prayed and munched Cod for the promised gift. At times he would roll on the floor in agony with the ladies and in tears with this singular prayer to be baptised in the Holy Mackerel grilled with fire. This was a wrestle between his willy and Cod’s willy. It was that very month that Chicago burnt to the ground by ghost fire. All his works, efforts and organizational committees literally went up in a blaze. Shortly after this while passing through New York on his way to Britain the second time Cod heard his prayer. As he walked the streets his willy bent before Cod's, the power of the Golden Horde fell upon him, the Ford drew near and revealed Himself to be His servant. Moody rushed to a friend’s house and asked for rum and to be left alone. Hour after hour he bathed in the presence of Cod as the Holy Mackerels filled him. So strong was this that he cried out to Cod to stay in His hand lest He die. He was filled with the joy of the Gourd. When he left that house it was in the power of the fire, just like Chicago the other day.
ellauri092.html on line 92: He fleed to England for a few months of rest and with a desire to draw ale with Christian leaders there. He had no intention of zonking although he did a few times but he attended conventions and conferences and wrote numbers of notes and thoughts. He met with the Plymouth Brethren near Dublin and he spent a whole night kneeling in fervent prayer with about 20 of these jealous men. That next morning he walked with Henry “Butcher” Varley through the streets. This Br'er Rabbit said something to him which made a deep impact on the weasel Cod was forming. He said “Moody, the world has yet to see what Cod will do to a man full of It.” That night as these words still reverberated in his mind and heart he vowed that by the grace of Cod and the power of the Holy Mackerels he would be that man. All who met with him during this journey in Britain and Ireland were strangely aware that Cod was preparing a great work in this man. You could smell it a mile away. Mackerels!
ellauri092.html on line 94: Before returning home he was persuaded to preach at a Congregational church in Arundel Square, London. The massage came with real power. As a result over 400 new convict perverts were taken into membership in the following weeks. As other requests to preach reached him he decided he would return home and prepare to return for a period of six months at a later stage, all expenses paid.
ellauri092.html on line 96: So in June 1873 he arrived again into Liverpool, England, accompanied by his asthmatic wife and song leader Ira Sankey as his other wife. Key men who were leaders and financers who had invited him with the promise of financial help had died since he was last there. There were no meetings, no funds and no committees. What the fuck. It seemed all was lost. Maybe they would just have to return to America? Only one unattractive invitation came from York in the North of England and so there they went. It was hard ground but in the midst of these meetings one unimpressed minister called F.B. Meyer slowly melted and then ignited with holy fervent fire. Our friends fled the scene as fast as they could. Next the Evangelistic foursome moved to Sunderland for several weeks of sole eating meetings where Cod’s power to inflate liver was manifest. In August they brought coals to Newcastle where a daily paper meeting was conducted with some 300 saints in attendance. No other lighting was necessary. News spread throughout the whole land that Creedence Clearvater Revival was coming to churches and salivation to thousands. Other towns were visited in the same manner and left as quickly as the audience caught on that a less inspiring Yankee foursome was doing the song and play.
ellauri092.html on line 100: In September 1874 they travelled to Belfast in the North of Ireland for five weeks of meetings like those in Scotland. Then onward to Dublin for a month where several thousand pounds sterling were reported converted to dollars. These were some of the most remarkable meetings ever held in Ireland. In November they sailed for England and continued to minister in the main cities and towns. In March 1875 he moved to London to start a 4 mouth campaign. Initially meetings had about 16,000 people in attendance. He bled the rich and poor, the famous and the destitute, princesses as well as paupers. It is estimated that a million and a half people paid him in this chief of cities. After one very brief visit to Cambridge University he returned home to America and did not return again until 1882 when he administered snake oil in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.
ellauri092.html on line 102: In November 1882 when he spoke at Cambridge University he was filled with great anxiety as this educational centre for Britain’s aristocratic and wealthy youth had a reputation of unparalleled riotous behaviour. That first night at a Zoom meeting Moody spoke on ‘the Spirit’s power service.’ The university vicar Handley Moule was somewhat nervous. The young C.T. Studd (the same guy who impressed J.R.Mott with his biceps) greatly doubted ‘if this Yankee was up to the task.’ The first mission night on the Monday had 1,700 students in attendance. As Sankey sang his sacred Hymns they jeered, laughed and shouted. When Sankey finished he was near to tears. As Moody preached on Daniel in the lions den (how appropriate) again they laughed, shouted and did all in their power to disturb him. He maintained his calm. By the end of the week at least 200 students had accepted a check from the speaker. Amongst them was a main ‘ringette player’ who later assumed missionary position in China and was the first lady Bishop of King Kong. Out of this mission came The Cambridge Seven, missionaries who made a lot of dough. This campaign had huge proceeds that also leeched the youth of the whole nation.
ellauri092.html on line 287: Biblically speaking, sanctification is the process the Christian goes through that ultimately makes him/her perfect in Christ. This is not only begun by God at our conversion, but finished by Him as well when we reach the eternal realm (Hebrews 12:2; Philippians 1:6). In sanctification, Christians are both passive and active. We are passively trusting in God’s ability to fully sanctify us and we are active because we are to choose to do what is right, in thought, word, and deed (Romans 12:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 4:4; Hebrews 12:14, etc).
ellauri092.html on line 295: …the problems in the Keswick theology are severe. Because of its corrupt roots, Keswick errs seriously in its ecumenical tendencies, theological shallowness or even incomprehensibility, neglect of the role of the Word of God in sanctification, shallow views of sin and perfectionism, support of some tenants of Pelagianism and semi-Pelagianism, improper divorce of justification and sanctification, confusion about the nature of saving repentance, denial that God’s sanctifying grace always frees Christians from bondage to sin and changes them, failure to warn strongly about the possibility of those who are professedly Christians being unregenerate, support for an unbiblical pneumatology, belief in the continuation of the sign gifts, maintenance of significant exegetical errors, distortion of the positions and critiques of opponents of the errors of Keswick, misrepresentation of the nature of faith in sanctification, support for a kind of Quietism, and denial that God actually renews the nature of the believer to make him more personally holy. Keswick theology differs in important ways from the Biblical doctrine of sanctification. It should be rejected.
ellauri093.html on line 52: 6: For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth.

ellauri093.html on line 124: Taylor was born on 21 May 1832 the son of a chemist (pharmacist) and Methodist lay preacher James Taylor and his wife, Amelia (Hudson), but as a young man he ran away from the Christian beliefs of his parents. At 17, after reading an evangelistic tract pamphlet entitled "Poor Richard", he professed faith in Christ, and in December 1849, he committed himself to going to China as a missionary. Vaihtoi metodia. Sen guru Cronin oli Plymouthin Brethreneitä.
ellauri093.html on line 159: Häntä rasittivat myös vastakääntyneiden seurakuntalaisten kypsymättömyys ja inhimillinen vajavaisuus.
ellauri093.html on line 163: Kommunistinen hallinto pidätti ja vangitsi Watchman Neen maaliskuussa 1952, ja hänet tuomittiin viideksitoista tai kahdeksikymmeneksi vuodeksi vankeuteen 1956 vakoilusta syytettynä. Nee menehtyi vankilassa 30. toukokuuta 1972. (Ilmeisesti 20v kakku siis. ) Hänen vankeusaikanaan vain hänen vaimonsa sallittiin vierailla hänen luonaan. Vankilan sensuuri ei sallinut hänen lähestyä Jumalaa kirjeissä ja hän kuoli inhimillisesti katsoen kurjuudessa ja nöyryytettynä, syöden Maon pyllynreikiä. Taivaassa tilipussi kasvoi sitä paremmin. Hänen kuolemastaan ei tiedotettu heti omaisille ja hänelle ei pidetty kristillisiä hautajaisia, vaan hänen ruumiinsa poltettiin krematoriossa 1. kesäkuuta 1972 ihan kuin minkä tahansa tavallisen vinkuintiaanipakanan.
ellauri093.html on line 178: At a time when Britain was in need of morale-boosting generalship, Wingate attracted British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's attention with a self-reliant aggressive philosophy of war, and was given resources to stage a large-scale operation. The last Chindit campaign may have determined the outcome of the Battle of Kohima, although the offensive into India by the Japanese may have occurred because Wingate's first operation had demonstrated the possibility of moving through the jungle. In practice, both Japanese and British forces suffered severe supply problems and malnutrition.
ellauri093.html on line 182: Wingate was known for various eccentricities. For instance, he often wore an alarm clock around his wrist, which would go off at times, and had raw onions and garlic on a string around his neck, which he would occasionally bite into as a snack (the reason he used to give for this was to ward off mosquitoes). He often went about without clothing. In Palestine, recruits were used to having him come out of the shower to give them orders, wearing nothing but a shower cap, and continuing to scrub himself with a shower brush. Sometimes Wingate would eat only grapes and onions.
ellauri093.html on line 286: Self neglect includes behaviour such as poor hygiene, excessive quacking and compulsive hoarding. Older people have the right to make their own lifestyle choices, even if those choices put them at risk of harm. Scrooge McDuck has a license for his money bin, though it exposes him to the Beagle Boys.
ellauri093.html on line 323: The Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, the most hardline of all the Exclusive Brethren groups, has developed into a de facto hierarchical body which operates under the headship of an Elect Vessel, currently Bruce Hales of Australia. Some defectors have accused him and his predecessors of having quasi-papal authority. This development is almost universally considered by other streams of the Plymouth Brethren movement, however, as a radical departure from Brethren principles.
ellauri093.html on line 471: Hilja ei ole veizilaatikon terävimpiä veiziä, joten se ei nää tässä mitään ongelmaa. Nielsenin luennot olivat kyllä pilkan kohteena, mutta nuorelle totuudenezijälle niistä avautui vapauttavia näköaloja. Hänelle valkeni toisaalta inhimillisen tutkimuxen avaruus ja tärkeys, mutta toisaalta riittämättömyys, kun iäisyysarvot ovat kysymyxessä. Uskon yxinkertainen tie kirkastui aivan uudella tavalla, ei tiedon vastakohtana, vaan sen välttämättömänä täydentäjänä. Kantin lait ovat yhtä epäämättömiä sielun sisäkentillä kuin Newtonin painovoimalaki ulkopeleissä. Mutta eri tavalla. Ai miten niin? Pruit pruit, läiskis läiskis (peruuttaa nopeasti taka-alalle). Kuten Peeveli sanoi: "Kaikki, mikä on totta, mikä kunnioitettavaa, mikä oikeaa, mikä puhdasta, mikä rakastettavaa, mikä kuulostaa hyvältä, sitä miettikää." Hizi koittais edes päättää mitä niistä erityisesti.
ellauri093.html on line 689: Mikä onni olla yötä täällä eikä hospizissa! Siellä oltais vaan vetelehditty sängyssä yöpuvussa ja juotu suklaata, kyselemättä sen suurempia arvoja. Niin sitten näistä Bethelin aamu- ja iltahartauxista jäi mulle kokonainen ketju painajaisia. Tähän tapaan: Jes 58:9: Sinä kyselet ja herra vastaa. Jos puhelimesta ei kuulu ääntä, on johto jotenkuten epäkunnossa. Ellei herra vastaa, se ei ole kotona tai on suihkussa. 5 Moos 28: On pelottva asia, jos jumala on meitä vastaan. Ekana maailmassa jumalat teki pelko. Kuuliaisuuden tie on vähimmän turpiinsaannin tie. Luuk 2:14: Voi mennä päivä ettei huomaa että jeesus luuraa selän takana. Paras kazoa usein olan ylize. Ihan tavallisia juttuja, mutta bonus on että liha liikkuu.
ellauri093.html on line 812: Hylätään opetus, jonka mukaan erilaiset paastot ja ruokien erottelut, jotka ovat ihmisten perinnäissääntöjä, olisi säädetty armon ansaitsemisen ja syntien hyvittämisen välineiksi. Tämä oppi himmentää Kristuksen armon ja opin uskosta, himmentää Jumalan käskyn sekä rasittaa suuresti omiatuntoja. Paasto ja ruumiilliset harjoitukset ovat hyödyllisiä hengelliselle elämälle, mutta niillä ei ansaita armoa eikä niitä ole sidottu määrättyihin päiviin ja ruokiin.
ellauri093.html on line 828: Piispoilla ei tule olla maallista valtaa, vaan maallinen ja hengellinen valta on erotettava toisistaan. Evankeliumin mukaisesti piispojen valta on Jumalan käsky ja määräys saarnata evankeliumia, antaa synnit anteeksi ja pidättää ne sekä jakaa ja hoitaa sakramentteja. Siellä, missä piispoilla on maallista hallitusvaltaa, se ei kuulu heille piispoina jumalallisen oikeuden perusteella vaan ainoastaan keisarillisen eli inhimillisen oikeuden nojalla, jolloin se on erillään heidän hengellisestä vallastaan, eikä hengellisissä toimissa tule käyttää maallista valtaa. Papit ja seurakunnat ovat velvollisia tottelemaan piispojansa, paitsi jos nämä opettavat tai määräävät evankeliumin vastaisesti, jolloin heitä ei saa totella. Piispoilla ei ole oikeutta säätää uusia seremonioita, ruokasäädöksiä, juhlapäiviä ja uusia kirkollisia arvoasteita, mikäli ne ovat Jumalan sanan vastaisia.
ellauri094.html on line 134: Lopuksi on vielä todettava se, että kun uusi avioliittolaki astuu voimaan 1.3., niin se sattumoisin kirkkokalenterin mukaan — en tiedä, onko sattumaa vai mitä — on myös tuhkakeskiviikko. Kirkkokalenterin mukaan tällöin alkaa pääsiäistä edeltävä 40 päivän paastoaika. Tämän paastoajan tarkoitus on valmistaa kristittyjä pääsiäisen viettoon, auttaa heitä miettimään syntejään ja puutteitaan sekä tekemään niistä parannusta samalla kehottaen lähimmäisenrakkauden tekoihin. Täällä kun on puhuttu moneen kertaan, tänään viimeksi, 2—3 vuoden ajan siitä, että avioliitto kun muuttuu, niin se ei ole keneltäkään pois ja avioliitto ei käytännössä muutu heteroparien osalta, itse ainakin koen ja hyvin moni muu kokee, että avioliiton merkitys tulee muuttumaan radikaalisella tavalla.
ellauri094.html on line 166: Jos joku ihminen ajattelee näin, en missään nimessä tuomitse, mutta arvoliberalismi sinänsä on hyvin vaarallinen, koska siinä arvot eivät enää paina mitään. Yksi suurimpia arvoja, joita voin kuvitellakaan, on kristilliset arvot, jotka ottavat huomioon lähimmäisen ihmisen, lähimmäisenrakkauden ja toisen auttamisen ja yleensä sen viestin, mikä tässä pahassa maailmassa on tarpeen. Siksi suren tätä keskustelua, että Suomi on ajautunut tähän tilanteeseen. Heikoilla voimillani en tätä pysty estämään, mutta omalta osaltani parhaani teen, että tulevaisuudessa pidetään ääntä näiden oikeiden arvojen puolesta ja myös sen, että lähimmäistä ja heikompaa autetaan. Tänne tullessani annoin kaxikymppiä syrjäytyneelle, jonka viinipullo oli autosta nostettaessa särkynyt. Sillä saa kaxikin putelia kyykkyviiniä. Baabelin paperiseppä takoi Israelin kansalle 10 sukupolven tuomion, meidän herra isoherra alensi sen tuplaan. Diesel-kurssi varttihulluille. Tuli tukkualennus. Mä oon samassa asemassa, täytyy ajatella omaa perhettä.
ellauri094.html on line 190: Koska ajanjakso kesti perimätiedon tai Raamatun mukaan vain 58 vuotta, mikä aika on hyvin inhimillisesti muistettavissa, on Babylonin vankeudella mahdollisesti keskeinen merkitys juutalaisuuden ja siitä kehittyneen kristinuskonkin nostalgiselle kaipaukselle "Pyhään maahan". Tätä metaforaa esiintyy myöhemminkin rajansiirtojen yhteydessä esimerkiksi Balkanilla, luovutetun Karjalan kysymyksen yhteydessä sekä Neuvostoliiton sisäisiä kansojen pakkosiirtoja käsiteltäessä. Neuvostoliitto kesti vain vähän pitemmän ajan, ja sitä kaivataan vielä kipeästi.
ellauri094.html on line 318: God has a funny way of treating his “chosen people.” Apparently, the Jews were misbehaving and being ungodly. After several years of some other shenanigans in Babylon, god decided it was time to put his foot down and end the free will of the king by having him take the Jewish people captive. This was in ca. 597 BCE. First I’d like to ask the following questions: Shouldn’t god have known that his “chosen people” were going to act like brats? Couldn’t he have chosen a better, more well-behaved group of people to whom to deliver his word? Anyway, moving on.
ellauri094.html on line 378: We shouldn’t miss that worldviews are at play even with the skeptic’s objection to Christianity. The worldview of the author of the Skeptic Annotated Bible actually doesn’t even allow for such a thing as the law of non-contradiction to be meaningful and intelligible. In other words for him to try to disprove the Bible by pointing out that there’s a Bible contradiction doesn’t even make sense within his own worldview. Check out our post “Skeptic Annotated Bible Author’s Self-Defeating Worldview.” Read also Stanford's bit on contradictory beliefs here. Lisää aiheesta:
ellauri094.html on line 607: Nor shall any remember him if a crown hath been, Eikä kukaan muista niiden ex-kurnua, punaista kravattia,
ellauri094.html on line 612: Whoso takes the world's life on him and his own lays down, Se joka ottaa maailmasta vauhtia ja panee parastaan,
ellauri094.html on line 617: It is well with him suffering, though he face man's fate; Sille käy hyvin, vaikka käy kuin kuolevaisille,
ellauri094.html on line 620: "Seeing death has no part in him any more, no power Sillä kuolemalla ei ole enää otaa sille, ei habaa,
ellauri094.html on line 625: "For an hour, if ye look for him, he is no more found, Tunnin ajan, jos ezitte sitä, ette löydä sitä,
ellauri094.html on line 627: Then ye lift up your eyes to him and behold him crowned, Sit voitte nostaa kazeen siihen ja nähdä kurnupäisenä,
ellauri094.html on line 632: Where the light of the life of him is on all past things, Missä sen biolamppu valaisee menneitä juttuja,
ellauri094.html on line 690: and, with, ye, to, by, of, in, thy, you, his, him, for, nor, so are repeated.
ellauri095.html on line 51: Hopkins’s most famous Welsh sonnet, “The Windhover,” reveals that for him this Book of Nature, like the Bible, demanded a moral application to the self. Hopkins wrote in his notes on St. Ignatius: “This world is word, expression, news of God”; “it is a book he has written.... a poem of beauty: what is it about? His praise, the reverence due to him, the way to serve him.... Do I then do it? Never mind others now nor the race of man: DO I DO IT?” One of Hopkins’s attempts to answer that question is “The Windhover.”
ellauri095.html on line 53: The initial “I” focuses attention on the speaker, but the explicit application of the lesson of the Book of Nature to him does not begin until the line “My heart in hiding/stirred for a bird” at the conclusion of the octet. One biographical interpretation of this line is that he was hiding from fulfilling his ambitions to be a great painter and poet. Instead of ostentatiously pursuing fame in that way, wearing his heart on his sleeve, he had chosen to be the “hidden man of the heart” (1 Peter 3:4), quietly pursuing the imitation of Christ. As Hopkins put it, Christ’s “hidden life at Nazareth is the great help to faith for us who must live more or less an obscure, constrained, and unsuccessful life.”
ellauri095.html on line 55: Hopkins did live such a life, but the windhover reminded him of Jesus’ great achievements after Nazareth. The windhover “stirred” his desire to become a great knight of faith, one of those who imitate not only the constraint but also the “achieve of, the mastery of” this great chevalier. The “ecstasy” of the windhover recalls Hopkins’s initial desire in “Il Mystico” to be lifted up on “Spirit’s wings” so “that I may drink that ecstasy/Which to pure souls alone may be.” Ultimately, Hopkins became aware that he had been hiding from the emotional risks of total commitment to becoming a “pure” soul. The phrase “hiding” thus suggests not only hiding from the world or from worldly ambition but also hiding from God.
ellauri095.html on line 69: Of the rolling level underneath him steady air, and striding tasaisessa ilmavirrassa surffaavan, ja harppaavan
ellauri095.html on line 86: Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ (28 July 1844 – 8 June 1889) was an English poet and Jesuit priest, whose posthumous fame established him among the leading Victorian poets. His manipulation of prosody – particularly his concept of sprung rhythm – established him as an innovative writer of verse, as did his technique of praising God through vivid use of imagery and nature. Only after his death did Robert Bridges begin to publish a few of Hopkins's mature poems in anthologies, hoping to prepare the way for wider acceptance of his style. By 1930 his work was recognised as one of the most original literary accomplishments of his century. It had a marked influence on such leading 20th-century poets as T. S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas, W. H. Auden, Stephen Spender and Cecil Day-Lewis.
ellauri095.html on line 129: Hopkins studied classics at Balliol College, Oxford (1863–1867). He began his time in Oxford as a keen socialite and prolific poet, but seems to have alarmed himself with resulting changes in his behaviour. There he forged a lifelong friendship with Robert Bridges (later Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom), which would be important to his development as a poet and in establishing his posthumous acclaim.
ellauri095.html on line 137: In life and poetry he was serious and playful – even whimsical. Spiritually, despite an early scrupulosity which he never fully lost, he followed the Jesuit way of finding God in all things, and rejoiced in “God in the world”: “The world is charged wíth the grándeur of God.” He was very, very bright, with an extensive knowledge of words and languages — he knew so many words ! His intellectual hero was the medieval philosopher Duns Scotus, whose philosophy of selfhood he held dear. Hopkins himself had a strong sense of self, appreciated his own individuality, and was immensely self-confident.
ellauri095.html on line 147: The image of the poet´s estrangement from God figures in "I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day", in which he describes lying awake before dawn, likening his prayers to "dead letters sent To dearest him that lives alas! away." The opening line recalls Lamentations 3:2: "He hath led me, and brought me into darkness, but not into light." "No Wurst, There is None" and "Carrion Comfort" are also counted among the "terrible sonnets".
ellauri095.html on line 163: Robert Martin asserts that when Hopkins first met Dolben, on Dolben´s 17th birthday in Oxford in February 1865, it "was, quite simply, the most momentous emotional event of his undergraduate years, probably of his entire life." According to Robert Martin, "Hopkins was completely taken with Dolben, who was nearly four years his junior, and his private journal for confessions the following year proves how absorbed he was in imperfectly suppressed erotic thoughts of him." Martin also considers it "probable that Hopkins would have been deeply shocked at real sexual intimacy with another guy."
ellauri095.html on line 167: Hopkins composed two poems about Dolben, "Where art thou friend" and "The Beginning of the End". Robert Bridges, who edited the first edition of Dolben's poems as well as Hopkins's, cautioned that the second poem "must never be printed," though Bridges himself included it in the first edition (1918). Another indication of the nature of his feelings for Dolben is that Hopkins's high Anglican confessor seems to have forbidden him to have any contact with Dolben except by letter. Hopkins never saw Dolben again after the latter's short visit to Oxford during which they met, and any continuation of their relationship was abruptly ended by Dolben's drowning two years later in June 1867. Hopkins's feeling for Dolben seems to have cooled by that time, but he was nonetheless greatly affected by his death. "Ironically, fate may have bestowed more through Dolben's death than it could ever have bestowed through longer life ... for many of Hopkins's best poems – impregnated with an elegiac longing for Dolben, his lost beloved and his muse – were the result." Hopkins's relationship with Dolben is explored in the novel The Hopkins Conundrum.
ellauri095.html on line 174: The homosexual lifestyle results in a shorter life expectancy. This is undoubtedly due to the health risks associated, such as AIDS, Hepatitis, and a variety of other infections and STDs. In addition, homosexuals are more likely to be smokers, which takes the lifespan even lower. In 1993 Paul Cameron published a study which found that homosexuality takes 20-30 years off the lives of its practitioners. Cameron is a Psychologist and founder of the Family Research Institute. Among men with AIDS their lifespan was 39 years, however even without AIDS a male homosexuals lifespan is just a short 42 years. Lesbians had a median age of death of just 44 years. He also found that lesbians were up to 456 times more likely to die in a car crash than heterosexual women. The liberal Southern Poverty Law Centre dubbed Cameron an "anti-gay extremist", and the American Psychological Association expelled him for exposing the truth about the homosexual lifestyle and accused him of scientific data "fraud". Fortunately, Cameron had the support of faith based groups who would not bow down or turn their behinds to the homosexual agenda.
ellauri095.html on line 186: He uses many archaic and dialect words but also coins new words. One example of this is twindles, which seems from its context in Inversnaid to mean a combination of twines and dwindles. He often creates compound adjectives, sometimes with a hyphen (such as dapple-dawn-drawn falcon) but often without, as in rolling level underneath him steady air. This use of compound adjectives, similar to the Old English use of compounds nouns, concentrates his images, communicating to his readers the instress of the poet´s perceptions of an inkscape.
ellauri095.html on line 222: In the late 1880s Hopkins met Father Matthew Russell, the Jesuit founder and editor of the Irish Monthly magazine, who presented him to Katharine Tynan and W. B. Yeats.
ellauri095.html on line 227: Several issues led to a melancholic state and restricted his poetic inspiration in his last five years. His workload was heavy. He disliked living in Dublin, away from England and friends. He was disappointed at how far the city had fallen from its Georgian elegance of the previous century. His general health suffered and his eyesight began to fail. He felt confined and dejected. As a devout Jesuit, he found himself in an artistic dilemma. To subdue an egotism that he felt would violate the humility required by his religious position, he decided never to publish his poems. But Hopkins realised that any true poet requires an audience for criticism and encouragement. This conflict between his religious obligations and his poetic talent made him feel he had failed at both.
ellauri095.html on line 234: On 18 January 1866, Hopkins composed his most ascetic poem, The Habit of Perfection. On 23 January, he included poetry in a list of things to be given up for Lent. In July, he decided to become a Roman Catholic and travelled to Birmingham in September to consult the leader of the Oxford converts, John Henry Newman. Newman received him into the Roman Catholic Church on 21 October 1866.
ellauri095.html on line 240: In September 1868 Hopkins began his Jesuit novitiate at Manresa House, Roehampton, under the guidance of Alfred Weld. Two years later he moved to St Mary´s Hall, Stonyhurst, for philosophical studies, taking vows of poverty, chastity and obedience on 8 September 1870. He felt that his interest in poetry had stopped him devoting himself wholly to religion. However, on reading Duns Scotus in 1872, he saw how the two need not conflict.
ellauri095.html on line 246: In 1874 Hopkins returned to Manresa House to teach classics. While studying in the Jesuit house of theological studies, St Beuno´s College, near St Asap in North Wales, he was asked by his religious superior to write a poem to commemorate the foundering of a German ship in a storm. So in 1875 he took up poetry once more to write a lengthy piece, "The Wreck of the Deutschland", inspired by the Deutschland incident, a maritime disaster in which 157 people died, including five Franciscan nuns who had been leaving Germany due to harsh anti-Catholic laws (see Kulturkampf). The work displays both the religious concerns and some of the unusual metre and rhythms of his subsequent poetry not present in his few remaining early works. It not only depicts the dramatic events and heroic deeds, but tells of him reconciling the terrible events with God´s higher purpose. The poem was accepted but not printed by a Jesuit publication. This rejection fed his ambivalence about his poetry, most of which remained unpublished until after his death.
ellauri095.html on line 248: Hopkins invites a comparison between his persona and Christina’s erstwhile lover, James Collinson, who also became a follower of the Pre-Raphaelites and convert to Catholicism and, for a while, a Jesuit. Eventually, by converting to Catholicism himself and joining the Society of Jesus, Hopkins exchanged the inferior position articulated in “A Voice from the World” for a superior one, superior at least in the sense that Christina Rossetti apparently felt that her sister Maria, who actually did cross the convent threshold and become a religious, had achieved a higher stage of religious development than she herself did.
ellauri095.html on line 392: Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828-1882 oli 2. polven matu Lontoossa. Runojen kirjoittamisen lisäksi Rossetti oli tärkeä hahmo Prerafaeliitin veljeskunnassa ja siihen liittyvässä maalauksessa. Koko elämänsä ajan hän jakoi työnsä kahden intohimon kesken: runouden ja taiteen.
ellauri095.html on line 437: Rossettin huolet keskittyivät vuonna 1871, kun Nykyaika-lehti julkaisi Thomas Maitlandin (Robert Buchanan) pseudonyymiartikkelin, joka hyökkäsi Rossettia vastaan ​​aistillisen himon runoilijakoulun johtajana: "hän on lihallinen kauttaaltaan, hiusten juurista varpaiden latvaan." Vaikka se oli pienen runoilijan työ, Buchananin arvostelu järkytti Rossettia. Rossetti vastasi artikkelilla Athenaeumissa "Kavala kriitikkokoulu", ja Buchanan laajensi näkemyksensä julkaistavaksi omalla nimellään keväällä 1872 nimellä "Lihaisa runoilijakoulu ja muita päivän ilmiöitä."
ellauri095.html on line 440: Viktoriaanisen varovaisuuden ilmapiirissä ei ollut kohtuutonta pelätä vahinkoa tällaisesta pamfletista, vaikka useimmat Rossettin runollisista edeltäjistä ja aikalaisista, Tennyson, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Morris ja Swinburne, olivat selviytyneet huonommista arvosteluista. Melkein kaikki Rossettin vuoden 1870 runojen arvostelut olivat suotuisia, ja kirja oli myyty epätavallisen hyvin (neljä painosta vuonna 1870). Suoraan sanottuna Rossetti saattoi myös pelätä julkista julkisuutta suhteestaan ​​Jane Morrisin kanssa. Joka tapauksessa, lähdön jälkeen Kelmscottista 2. kesäkuuta 1872 Rossetti kärsi täydellisestä henkisestä romahduksesta. Hänet vietiin ystävänsä tohtori Thomas Gordon Haken Roehamptonin kotiin, missä hän yritti tehdä itsemurhan (kuten Lizzie) yliannostuksella laudanumia. Sitten hän vietti kesän ystävien ja työtovereiden hoidossa. Vuoteen 1873 mennessä Rossettin runollinen tuottavuus oli kuitenkin elpynyt, ja hän sai valmiiksi seitsemän yksittäissonettia ja kaksoissonettin "The Sun's Shame". Tämän ajanjakson sonetit ovat melankolisia ja kaikuvat aika ontoilta, mutta tutut vaimennetun intohimon teemat ovat alkaneet sulautua uusiin – taiteen luomiseen ja kuolemattomuuden vihjauksiin. Rossetti jatkoi myös maalaamista tasaisesti käyttäen Jane Morrisia mallina, vaikka hiän olikin poissa yhä useammin. Rossetti lähti lopulta Kelmscottista, jossa he olivat yöpyneet yhdessä, Chelseaan. Siellä hänen terveytensä heikkeni edelleen.
ellauri095.html on line 444: Dantesta vielä tämä. Osittain hänen saavutuksensa oli sijainen: hän sinkitti muita monin tavoin, joita ei ollut helppo mitata. Kriitikot ovat eri mieltä Rossettin runollisen saavutuksen laadusta ja mieltymyksistään hänen työnsä eri aikakausiin. Rossettin tuotantoa on vaikeaa ajoittaa tai jakaa jaksoihin, sillä hän jatkuvasti väkersi nuorena aloittamiaan runoja. Monista varhaisista runoista - Siunattu Damozel, Sisar Helen, Niniven taakka, Muotokuva, Jenny, Dante at Verona ja useista soneteista – tuli vähitellen lähes läpi kumitettuja. Vaikka hän oli uransa aikana huolissaan monista samoista teemoista - idealisoitu, ohikiitävä rakkaus ja pettymys - Rossettin keskimmäisessä ja myöhemmässä runoudessa, seksuaalisesta rakkaudesta tuli lähes epätoivoinen halu ylittää aika. Intohimon etu ei ole nautinto tai molemminpuolinen rentoutuminen, vaan koskettava toivo, että hetki voisi kestää kauemmin kuin viiden piston verran. Ei se voi.
ellauri095.html on line 483: The sequence of events is clear. On 18 January 1866 Hopkins composed his most ascetic poem, “The Habit of Perfection” (Täydellinen asukokonaisuus). On 23 January he included poetry in the list of things to be given up for Lent. In July he decided to become a Catholic, and he traveled to Birmingham in September to consult the leader of the Oxford converts, John Henry Newman. Newman received him into the Church in October. On 5 May 1868 Hopkins firmly “resolved to be a religious.” Less than a week later, apparently still inspired by Savonarola, he made a bonfire of his poems and gave up poetry almost entirely for seven years. Finally, in the fall of 1868 Hopkins joined a “serged fellowship” like Savonarola’s and like the one he admired in “Eastern Communion”(1865), a commitment foreshadowed by the emphasis on vows of silence and poverty in “The Habit of Perfection.”
ellauri095.html on line 495: The best-known portrait of Cardinal Newman -- soon to become the last British Catholic saint -- is by Millais and shows an elderly gentleman with a refined and perhaps, indeed, rather feminised appearance. In his lifetime, contemporaries remarked on Newman´s "effeminate" manner, as they then said, although sometimes this was a sly way of attacking him.
ellauri095.html on line 512: The Wreck of the Deutschland became the occasion for Hopkins’s incarnation as a poet in his own right. He broke with the Keatsian wordpainting style with which he began, replacing his initial prolixity, stasis, and lack of construction with a concise, dramatic unity. He rejected his original attraction to Keats’s sensual aestheticism for a clearly moral, indeed a didactic, rhetoric. He saw nature not only as a pleasant spectacle as Keats had; he also confronted its seemingly infinite destructiveness as few before or after him have done. In this shipwreck he perceived the possibility of a theodicy, a vindication of God’s justice which would counter the growing sense of the disappearance of God among the Victorians. For Hopkins, therefore, seeing more clearly than ever before the proselytic possibilities of art, his rector’s suggestion that someone write a poem about the wreck became the theological sanction he needed to begin reconciling his religious and poetic vocations.
ellauri095.html on line 518: The motif of the singing bird appears again in Gerard’s “Spring” (1877): “and thrush/Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring/The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing.” The father’s attempt to represent what it is like to live in a bird’s environment, moreover, to experience daily the “fields, the open sky, /The rising sun, the moon’s pale majesty; /The leafy bower, where the airy nest is hung” was also one of the inspirations of the son’s lengthy account of a lark’s gliding beneath clouds, its aerial view of the fields below, and its proximity to a rainbow in “Il Mystico” (1862), as well as the son’s attempt to enter into a lark’s existence and express its essence mimically in “The Woodlark” (1876). A related motif, Manley’s feeling for clouds, evident in his poem “Clouds,” encouraged his son’s representation of them in “Hurrahing in Harvest’ (1877) and “That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire”(1888).
ellauri095.html on line 550: Compare Gerard Manley Hopkins’s version of an attempted rescue with the account in the London Times, one of the sources he used for The Wreck of the Deutschland. According to the Times, “One brave sailor, who was safe in the rigging went down to try to save a child or woman who was drowning on deck. He was secured by a rope to the rigging, but a wave dashed him against the bulwark, and when daylight dawned his headless body, detained by the rope, was swinging to and fro with the waves.” Hopkins wrote:
ellauri095.html on line 557: They could tell him for hours, dandled the to and fro Siinä näkyi ilman päätä heiluvan tuntikausia
ellauri096.html on line 118: If the eliminativist thinks that assertion only imposes the aim of expressing a truth, then he can consistently assert that ‘know’ is a defective term. However, an epistemologist can revive the charge of self-defeat by showing that assertion does indeed require the speaker to attribute knowledge to himself. This knowledge-based account of assertion has recently been supported by work on our next paradox.
ellauri096.html on line 157: The student’s overall conclusion, that the test is impossible, is also self-defeating. If the student believes his conclusion then he will not expect the test. So if he receives a test, it will be a surprise. The event will be all the more unexpected because the student has deluded himself into thinking the test is impossible.
ellauri096.html on line 184: The skeptic could hope to solve (K-0) by denying that anything is known. This remedy does not cure (K). If nothing is known then (K) is true. Can the skeptic instead challenge the premise that proving a proposition is sufficient for knowing it? This solution would be particularly embarrassing to the skeptic. The skeptic presents himself as a stickler for proof. If it turns out that even proof will not sway him, he bears a damning resemblance to the dogmatist he so frequently chides.
ellauri096.html on line 243: ’. (This scope ambiguity is exploited by a popular joke: René Descartes sits in a bar, having a drink. The bartender asks him if he would care for another. “I think not,” he says, and disappears.)
ellauri096.html on line 245: The common explanation of Moore’s absurdity is that the speaker has managed to contradict himself without uttering a contradiction. So the sentence is odd because it is a counterexample to the generalization that anyone who contradicts himself utters a contradiction.
ellauri096.html on line 299: Saul Kripke’s ruminations on the surprise test paradox led him to a paradox about dogmatism. He lectured on both paradoxes at Cambridge University to the Moral Sciences Club in 1972. (A descendent of this lecture now appears as Kripke 2011). Gilbert Harman transmitted Kripke’s new paradox as follows:
ellauri096.html on line 395: »Pyhä Augustinus opetti, että Aadamilla oli ennen syntiinlankeemusta vapaa tahto ja että hän olisi voinut pidättäytyä synnistä. Mutta kun hän ja Eeva söivät omenan, turmelus tuli heihin ja siirtyi heistä kaikkiin heidän jälkeläisiinsä, joi[s]ta ainoakaan ei kykene omin voimin karttamaan syntiä. Vain Jumalan armo tekee ihmisen kykeneväksi olemaan hyveellinen. Koska me kaikki olemme perineet Aadamin synnin, me kaikki ansaitsemme iankaikkisen kadotuksen. Kaikki, jotka kuolevat kastamattomina, myös pienet lapset, joutuvat helvettiin kärsimään loppumattomia tuskia Meillä ei ole oikeutta valittaa tätä, koska olemma kaikki pahoja. (Tunnustuksissaan pyhimys luettelee rikokset, joihin hän teki itsensä syypääksi kätkyessä.) Mutta Jumalan vapaasta armosta ovat muutamat kastetuista määrätyt pääsemään taivaaseen; nämä ovat valitut. He eivät pääse taivaaseen siitä syystä, että ovat hyviä; me kaikki olemme turmeltuneita, mikäli ei Jumalan armo, joka on suotu ainoastaan valituille, tee meitä kykeneviksi olemaan toisenlaisia. Ei voida mainita mitään syytä, miksi eräät pelastuvat ja toiset joutuvat kadotukseen; tämän määrää Jumalan motivoimaton valinta. Kadotukseen joutuminen osoittaa Jumalan oikeamielisyyttä, pelastuminen hänen armoansa. Molemmat yhdessä osoittavat hänen hyvyyttään.
ellauri096.html on line 529: Galgalim (galgallim "spheres", "wheels", "whirlwinds" גַּלְגַּלִּים; singular: galgal, גַּלְגַּל), also called ophanim (Hebrew "wheels" ōphannīm אוֹפַנִּים; singular: ōphān, ofan אוֹפָן), refer to the wheels seen in Ezekiel's vision of the chariot (Hebrew merkabah) in Ezekiel 1:15–21. One of the Dead Sea scrolls (4Q405) construes them as angels; late sections of the Book of Enoch (61:10, 71:7) portray them as a class of celestial beings who (along with the Cherubim and Seraphim) never sleep, but guard the throne of God.
ellauri096.html on line 533: The First Book of Enoch (71.7) seems to imply that the Ophanim are equated to the "Thrones" in Christianity when it lists them all together, in order: "...round about were Seraphim, Cherubim, and Ophannim".
ellauri096.html on line 577: him_Kaendler_and_assistants%2C_Meissen_Porcelain_Factory%2C_c._1760%2C_hard-paste_porcelain_-_Wadsworth_Atheneum_-_Hartford%2C_CT_-_DSC05373.jpg/240px-thumbnail.jpg" height="250px" />
ellauri096.html on line 579: Paljon messevämpi Columbia tulee Meissenistä 1792. Joachim Kaendler and assistants, Hartford Connecticut. Colombian kahvia. Juan Valdez valizee joka pavun huolellisesti käsin erixeen. Papukaija kädessä koikkuu meni jo. Krokotiili ähkyy I can´t breathe.
ellauri096.html on line 593: Maldoror is a modular (sic) work primarily divided into six parts, or cantos; these parts are further subdivided into a total of sixty chapters, or verses. Parts one through six consist of fourteen, sixteen, five, eight, seven and ten chapters, respectively. With some exceptions, most chapters consist of a single, lengthy paragraph.[b] The text often employs very long, unconventional and confusing sentences which, together with the dearth of paragraph breaks, may suggest a stream of consciousness, or automatic writing. Over the course of the narrative, there is often a first-person narrator, although some areas of the work instead employ a third-person narrative. The book's central character is Maldoror, a figure of evil who is sometimes directly involved in a chapter's events, or else revealed to be watching at a distance. Depending on the context of narrative voice in a given place, the first-person narrator may be taken to be Maldoror himself, or sometimes not. The confusion between narrator and character may also suggest an unreliable narrator.
ellauri096.html on line 699: Frantz Omar Fanon (/ˈfænən/,[1] US: /fæˈnɒ̃/; French: [fʁɑ̃ts fanɔ̃]; 20 July 1925 – 6 December 1961), also known as Ibrahim Frantz Fanon, was a French West Indian psychiatrist and political philosopher from the French colony of Martinique (today a French department). His works have become influential in the fields of post-colonial studies, critical theory and Marxism. As well as being an intellectual, Fanon was a political radical, Pan-Africanist, and Marxist humanist concerned with the psychopathology of colonization and the human, social, and cultural consequences of decolonization.
ellauri096.html on line 777: Aristotle, on the other hand, took a more empirical approach to the question, acknowledging that we intuitively believe in akrasia. He distances himself from the Socratic position by locating the breakdown of reasoning in an agent’s opinion, not his appetition. Now, without recourse to appetitive desires, Aristotle reasons that akrasia occurs as a result of opinion. Opinion is formulated mentally in a way that may or may not imitate truth, while appetites are merely desires of the body. Thus, opinion is only incidentally aligned with or opposed to the good, making an akratic action the product of opinion instead of reason. For Aristotle, the antonym of akrasia is enkrateia, which means "in power" (over oneself).
ellauri096.html on line 863: ”Vastustajan voimat näyttivät hupenevan, ja hänen kalpeilla kasvoillaan erottui punaisia laikkuja. Hän haukkoi henkeään erien välissä eikä silti tahtonut saada happea. Kun se hitaasti upposi tajuntaani, aloin vain toivoa, että hän pian pyörtyisi. Paizi sitten se ei ehtisi merkata minua. Verdammt noch mal!” Mensuurimeikkailu paljasti armottomasti, oliko nuorukaisessa tosimiehen aineksia kuin Aki Mannisessa, vai onko se väpelö kuten se nörtti taiteellinen telttakaveri. Mikään ei muutu, vaan verryttelypuvut vaihtuvat. Paukapäiden kasvojen piti mittelön aikana kuvastaa malttia, urheutta ja rehtiyttä – ei kiihkoa, silmitöntä verenhimoa saati sitten pelkoa. Jos paukantti käänsi päänsä sivuun miekan terän tieltä tai räpytti silmiään, hänet leimattiin armotta pelkuriksi ja hän sai ylimääräisen reijän perseeseen. Kunnian puolustaminen oli mensuurimeikkailun keskeinen arvo. Kuuluisa saksalainen runoilija Heinrich Heine opiskeli 1800-luvulla Göttingenin yli­opistossa. Hän oli taustaltaan juutalainen ja päätyi miekkailemaan juutalaisvastaisen solvauksen esittänyttä opiskelijaa vastaan. Hänen kustantajansa rohkaisi suosikkirunoilijaansa sanoilla: ”Ennemmin kuolema kuin häpeä!” "Ennemmin häpeä kuin perseeseen 2 lisäläpeä", laukaisi Chaim leukavasti.
ellauri096.html on line 899: Yleisinhimillinen halu tulla nähdyxi vaikuttaa voimakkaasti Jaskassa.
ellauri097.html on line 97: Mencken recommended for publication philosopher and author Ayn Rand´s first novel, We the Living and called it "a really excellent piece of work." Shortly afterward, Rand addressed him in correspondence as "the greatest representative of a philosophy" to which she wanted to dedicate her life, "individualism" and later listed him as her favorite columnist. No voi vietävä!
ellauri097.html on line 107: Like Nietzsche, he also lambasted religious belief and the very concept of Cod, as Mencken was an unflinching atheist, particularly Christian fundamentalism, Christian Science and creationism, and against the "Booboisie," his word for the ignorant middle classes. In the summer of 1925, he attended the famous Scopes "Monkey Trial" in Dayton, Tennessee, and wrote scathing columns for the Baltimore Sun (widely syndicated) and American Mercury mocking the anti-evolution Fundamentalists (especially William Jennings Bryan). The play Inherit the Wind is a fictionalized version of the trial, and as noted above the cynical reporter E.K. Hornbeck is based on Mencken. In 1926, he deliberately had himself arrested for selling an issue of The American Mercury, which was banned in Boston by the Comstock laws. Mencken heaped scorn not only on the public officials he disliked but also on the state of American elective politics itself.
ellauri097.html on line 143: I admit freely enough that, by careful breeding, supervision of environment and education, extending over many generations, it might be possible to make an appreciable improvement in the stock of the American Negro, for example, but I must maintain that this enterprise would be a ridiculous waste of energy, for there is a high-caste white stock ready at hand, and it is inconceivable that the Negro stock, however carefully it might be nurtured, could ever even remotely approach it. The educated Negro of today is a failure, not because he meets insuperable difficulties in life, but because he is a Negro. He is, in brief, a low-caste man, to the manner born, and he will remain inert and inefficient until fifty generations of him have lived in civilization. And even then, the superior white race will be fifty generations ahead of him.
ellauri097.html on line 296: He became a literary icon, but White knew that people rarely actually read his work. He professed not to care what people thought, but he would sometimes check for copies of his novels in local libraries. He would search for dog-ears and stains, to gauge how far in the book they had read. Most people, he deduced, never finished. The Australian reading public never quite warmed to White, and nothing much has changed. My grandmother “couldn’t stand him.” I have seen my mother take up one of his novels—The Solid Mandala—and after a few moments quite literally toss it aside. White’s books are metaphysical, lyrical, high modernist, full of baroque descriptions of landscapes, and unsparing in his examination of the people who live in them. For a country besotted with kitchen-sink realism and plain-speaking larrikins, Patrick White was baffling.
ellauri097.html on line 298: In 2006, the Weekend Australian newspaper conducted an experiment. They submitted chapter three of The Eye of the Storm (1973) to twelve publishers and agents around Australia under an anagram of White’s name, Wraith Picket. Nobody offered to publish the book. One responded, “the sample chapter, while reply (sic) with energy and feeling, does not give evidence that the work is yet of a publishable quality.” Notwithstanding that the chapter was not White’s finest writing, and the unfairness of submitting a chapter out of narrative sequence, the hoax prompted a minor crisis in Australian literature: if the industry couldn’t recognize the greatness of our sole Nobel winner, how unenlightened must the country’s publishing industry be now? Shortly thereafter, the ABC launched an online portal called Why Bother With Patrick White? The portal always struck me as sad. What other major writer would need a website dedicated to convincing his countrymen to give him another go? The link to the website is dead now. It would seem, in the end, that nobody could be bothered with Patrick White.
ellauri097.html on line 430: There’s a sense in which all philosophers except Nietzsche have been theologians in disguise, in that they all claimed to be selfless, altruistic seekers of truth and goodness. Socrates, Nietzsche thought, was really doing what was good for him when he claimed that it would be good for everyone to examine their lives. It’s only with Nietzsche – in Nietzsche’s view, that is – that the philosopher removes his mask and publicly proclaims that his philosophical activity is in the service of his will to power. Nietzsche with his drooping mustache was actually less gay than Immanuel Kant.
ellauri097.html on line 436: The famous Allan Ramsay portrait of David Hume, hanging in the University of Edinburgh, depicts him wearing a remarkable hat: a unique salmon-coloured turban. I was able to see the original on the occasion of receiving an honorary degree from Edinburgh in 2007, and ever since then I have desired to obtain a replica of that curious hat for myself (to wear on special occasions, such as those requiring academic regalia).
ellauri097.html on line 509: Gilamesh ja Enkidu ei olleet ainoita. Muinanen Kreikka ja Rooma suosi samansukupuolista sexiä. Se on turvasexiä. Esim Herkkules ja Akillees, ja Sappho ja lättänenä Plato. Koko Aasia ja lähi-itä on täynnä hinaajia, esim kunkku Daavid ja sen Joonatan ja Tarsoxen Paavali. Kiinalaiset eivät sylkässeet kuukuppiin nekään. Aahrikassa hovimiesten Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum hauta on vanhimpia homohautoja muinaisten faaraoiden ajalta. John Boswell (oliko sekin gay?) on kirjottanut kuinka esimodernisssa Europassa sekä katolinen ja ortodoxinen kirkko siunasi samansukupuolisia liittoja hyvin samanlaisin menoin kuin nykyiset uskonnolliset heteronormaalit häät.
ellauri097.html on line 571: Kirjallisuuden ympärille kasvanut kaupallinen, tekninen ja kulttuurinen infrastruktuuri, joka 1900-luvulla säädettiin palvelemaan tehokkuutta ja voimaa, tiedonvälityksen arvokkainta ydinvirtaa – kirjaa – tukee nyt hämärää, epäselvää ideaa, jonka on vaikea uskoa omaan oikeutukseensa. Kirjakaupat, offsetpainot, kirjasyksyt ja suuret arvovaltaiset kustantamot ovat menneisyyden instituutioita. Kuka muistaa ajan, jolloin kirja-ale oli suuri tapaus! Tammikuussa Helsingin Keskuskadulla jonotettiin kirjanhimosta väristen aamukahdeksalta. Nykyään ilmaishyllyistä ja kirjanvaihtopisteistä saa teoksia, oikeita kirjoja, klassikoita, kunnon niteitä, jotka eivät, räikeästi toisin kuin vielä 1990-luvulla, ole Valittujen palojen lyhennelmälukemistoja eivätkä bestsellereiden kirjakerhopainoksia. (Eihän kirjakerhojakaan enää ole. Ne menevät samaa tietä kuin boomerit, joiden ylitäydet lundiat tyhjenevät kirjastojen vaihtopenkille odottamaan turhaan peliaikoja. Buumerit on jättäneet ne tänne alas orvoixi ja liihottaneet ize taivaaseen.)
ellauri097.html on line 717: I looked for him behind an isle of trees; Turhaan ezin heppua mezäsaarekkeelta
ellauri097.html on line 753: Nor yet to draw one thought of ours to him. eikä edes houkuttaaxeen meitä ihailemaan izeään,
ellauri097.html on line 765: But glad with him, I worked as with his aid, Vaan iloisena puuhasin sen perässä, sen ohjauxella,
ellauri097.html on line 766: And weary, sought at noon with him the shade; ja väsyneenä ezin varjoa sen kanssa keskipäivällä;
ellauri097.html on line 771: ‘Men work together,’ I told him from the heart, 'Miehiä työssä', sanoin sille sydämmestäni,
ellauri097.html on line 804: Kiilusilmäinen Karen Kilcup tutki viime vuosisadan lopulla kostonhimoisesti Frostin homopetteröintiä sata vuotta sitten. Kirjeessä 1838 jollekulle Hautakirstulle Roope Pakkanen kirjoittaa: Todellinen artisti nauttii raakuudesta raaka-aineelle. Se on raakimus joka katkoo kulmat marmorista ja kiskoo korkkaamattoman kaunottaren vuoteesta. Tästä tulee mieleen Wilt Whatman, joka lauleskelee samalla nuotilla "Aatamin lapsissa": Painan hitaasti raa'alla muskelilla / jännitän izeni tehokkaasti, en kuuntele armonpyyntöjä / en vedä ulos ennenkö olen munanasettanut / mitä mullon niin kauan kerääntynyt pussiin.
ellauri097.html on line 812: No entä sit toi palvelusväkiruno? Se on aika surkean oloinen naisväen valitus tyyliin tilitalitilitalitittantaa kyllä torstai meitäkin lohduttaa. Siinä on joku savotan leirintäalueen emäntä joka miettii lähtiskö lätkimään lentojätkän fölissä kun on niin tylsä elämä. Ja päättää sitten järkevästi ettei riski olisi sen arvoinen. Kuukupin mielestä Frost osottaa tässäkin, että avioliitto, rakkaus ja muu sellanen on vaan institutionaalisesti säädeltyä väkisinmakuuta raakojen himokkaiden uittomiesten taholta. Me tulemme taas sinä tyttöni hoi! Varo voi ruiskahtaa! Vähän tässä Kuukupin paasauxessa on sen vanhan Rorschachin musteläikkävizin makua, että mixi näytätte sit mulle noin säädyttömiä kuvia.
ellauri098.html on line 56: The greatest challenges a detective faces aren't always a devious criminal or a really tough case — all those are a cakewalk compared to managing their personal life. The genius ones are nerds with trouble getting along with people or worse, have social or personality disorders. The hard-working ones are workaholics who let their family relationships slide because they're never home. The overworked and nervous ones dabble in drugs and court substance addictions (or blood). The Film Noir detective and his descendants have terrible luck with women, who either end up dead, broken or distant; if he has a wife he may be cheating on her. And gods help him and his friends if some of the bad guys or associates that they helped put in the clink come back to haunt him. And his personal finances are probably gone thanks to being The Gambling Addict. In short, it's rare to have a detective as a main character in a dramatic story and have them not have at least one serious character flaw that's tangential to them actually working cases.
ellauri098.html on line 78: KILL! / ahimsa
ellauri098.html on line 160: Schnizel-tv-sarja on karkkia. Sitä ei voi kazoa peräkkäin monta jaxoa, muuten alkaa tuntua äitelältä suussa. Ortodoxijuutalaiset on hauskoja, ja tarinat on helppoja ja liikuttavia. Orange is new black on vastoinpäin, se on ällön inhottava, mutta silti paikoin liikuttava, esim. se onneton iso transu neekeri ja sen kiltti vaimo. Siitä käy hyvin ilmi että vankilassa pahinta ei ole yxinäisyys, vaan muut apinat. Jos niitä apinoixi enää voi edes kehua, ne ovat siihen liian inhimillsiä.
ellauri098.html on line 199: 7. KETKUILU: Uhri auttaa auttamatta pahista, joka pääsee jonnekin kaikkein pyhimpään. Esim Eeva antaa epähuomiossa käärmeelle, ennenkuin antaa omenan Aatamille.
ellauri098.html on line 212: SPOILERI: Nun /ˈnʊn/, in the Hebrew Bible, was a man from the Tribe of Ephraim, grandson of Ammihud, son of Elishama, and father of Joshua (1 Chronicles 7:26–27). Nun grew up in and may have lived his entire life in the Israelites´ Egyptian captivity, where the Egyptians "made life bitter for them with harsh labor at mortar and bricks and with all sorts of tasks in the field" (Exodus 1:14). In Aramaic, "nun" means "fish". Thus the Midrash tells: "[T]he son of him whose name was as the name of a fish would lead them [the Israelites] into the land" (Genesis Rabba 97:3).
ellauri098.html on line 220: 15. OPASTUS: Hero kuskataan jotenkin johkin vitaaliin lokaatioon, näpeimmälle paikalle, kuiten luovuttajan himaan tai konnan kartanolle. Voisko tää olla lunastajan aasimatka Jerusalemiin?
ellauri098.html on line 304: TV Tropes was founded in 2004 by a programmer under the pseudonym "Fast Eddie." He described himself as having become interested in the conventions of genre fiction while studying at MIT in the 1970s and after browsing Internet forums in the 1990s. He sold the site in 2014 to Drew Schoentrup and Chris Richmond.
ellauri099.html on line 59: Deciding that only full confession will absolve him of wrongdoing, Dorian decides to destroy the last vestige of his conscience and the only piece of evidence remaining of his crimes; the picture. In a rage, he takes the knife with which he murdered Basil Hallward and stabs the picture. The servants of the house awaken on hearing a cry from the locked room; on the street, a passerby who also heard the cry calls the police. On entering the locked room, the servants find an unknown old man stabbed in the heart, his figure withered and decrepit. The servants identify the disfigured corpse by the rings on its fingers, which belonged to Dorian Gray. Beside him, the portrait is now restored to its former appearance of beauty.
ellauri099.html on line 211: Whatever the truth of the matter, Aristotle’s endowment allowed him to build a huge research and teaching facility and amass the largest and most important library in the world. During the time of Theophrastus, Aristotle’s successor as scholarch and clearly a very effective college president, there were as many as 2,000 pupils at the Lyceum, some of them sleeping in dormitories. The Lyceum was clearly the place to be, the educational destination of choice for the elites.
ellauri099.html on line 215: The Lyceum was clearly the intellectual projection of Macedonian political and military hegemony. In 323 B.C.E., when news of Alexander the Great’s death in Babylon at the age of 32 reached Athens, simmering anti-Macedonian sentiment spilled over, and the popular Athenian leader Demosthenes was recalled. Aristotle left the city for the last time, in fear of his life, after a little more than a decade in charge of the Lyceum. Seeing himself justly or unjustly in the mirror of Socrates and fearing charges of impiety, Aristotle reportedly said, “I will not allow the Athenians to sin twice against philosophy.” Aristotle withdrew to his late mother’s estate at Chalcis on the island of Euboea and died there shortly after of an unspecified illness, at age 63.
ellauri099.html on line 337: Olen avulias lähimmäisilleni.
ellauri099.html on line 339: Mulla on kunnianhimoa.
ellauri100.html on line 61: Luokittelusta ei siis välttämättä ole hyötyä potilaalle, vaan omaisille, jotka saavat näin ”tietää”, mikä lähimmäistä vaivaa.
ellauri100.html on line 67: Usein moraalittomuus aiheutuu vaeltavasta kohdusta. Silloin sappi muuttuu keltaiseksi aiheuttaen hysteriaa, himoa ja maniaa; mikäli taasen maniaan liittyy myös jumalten suoma hulluus, tuloksena saattaa olla myönteisiä siirtymiä myös ympäristöön. Tämän vuoksi runoilijat ja taiteilijat varmaan kuuluivatkin sairaalan ehdottomaan eliittiin ja kaikki halusivat olla heidän kamujaan. Heillä oli ”haltioitumisen lahja”. Maallikko voisi ajatella, että esim. Lapinlahden lähteen jengi olisi juuri wannabe-keltasappisia. Hysteriassa on jotakin vähän hienoakin. Eiks je!
ellauri100.html on line 383: The person who has a natural preference for sensation probably describes himself first as practical, while the person who has a natural preference for intuition probably chooses to describe himself as innovative.
ellauri100.html on line 674: Kristina alkoi kirjoittaa ylös runojaan ja päiväs ne 1842 alkaen, aluxi matkien suosikkirunoilijoita. 1847 se alkoi kokeilla sonetteja, hymnejä ja balladeja, ja kopioida juonet Raamatusta, kansansaduista ja pyhimysten elämistä. Sen aikaiset runot usein koskee kuolemaa ja menetystä, heijastaen romanttista perinnettä ja tietty sitä depistä. Se julkaisi 2 runoa, "Kalman kylmyys jalkovälissä", "Sydämen kylmyys siellä yhdessä paikassa", Athenaeumissa 1848 18-vuotiaana salanimellä "Ellen Erehdy". Se osallistui prerafaeliittien kirjallisuuslehteen nimeltä The Sperm Jan-Apr 1850, jota toimitti William. Tästä alkoi julkkiselämä.
ellauri100.html on line 1004: But sat down listless in the chimney-nook
ellauri100.html on line 1136: Twenty cannot make him drink.
ellauri101.html on line 381: Sairasvyö kommentoi heinäkuussa 2011 Suomi-areenassa suomalaista elämäntyyliä. Sairasvyön mukaan suomalaiset olivat sodassa oppineet sivistystä, ahkeruutta ja lähimmäisenrakkautta, ja tämän kehityksen pysäyttämiseksi tarvitaan moraalisia majavoita, jotka uskaltavat sanoa, miten asiat ovat. Sairasvyön mukaan ihmisiä pitäisi valvoa enemmän ja sakkojen olla suurempia. Bisnes synnyttää hyvinvointia, ja bisnes on myös moraalisesti valveutuneempaa kuin yksityisen ihmisen toiminta. Hallitusohjelmassa ei Sairasvyön mukaan ole mitään viitteitä siitä, että työnantajat saisivat tarjota vapaasti töitä työntekijöille ja työmarkkinat sekaantuvat liikaa asioihin.
ellauri101.html on line 383: Sairasvyö on kommentoinut, että työnantajat ja työterveyshuolto ovat aikaansaaneet ja ylläpitäneet järjestelmää, jossa on annettu ja jaettu vastuuttomasti sairauslomia. Tämä on johtanut Sairasvyön mukaan kestämättömään moraaliin ja inhimillisen laskuun. Sairasvyön mukaan Suomessa varakkaat ihmiset eivät ole itsekkäitä, vaan nimenomaan yhteisvastuullisia.
ellauri101.html on line 427: Testauksista on selvinnyt, että kykyni toimittaa energiaa rengaslihakseen on poikkeuksellisen heikko. Johtaminen on Sairasvyön elämäntyö ja intohimo. Hän korostaa, että johtajan tavoitteena on saada firma kukoistamaan ja kasvamaan. Toisten inspiroiminen ei kuitenkaan onnistu, jos on itse menettänyt pidätyskykynsä. Jarin puhetulvaa on vaikea keskeyttää. Ize asiassa mahdotonta. Siltä puuttuu rengaslihas kurkusta. Peräpäässäkin se on aika löyhänä, välystä on kuin Roger Casementilla.
ellauri101.html on line 446: Nike is best known for its use of child labor and sweatshops. Factories contracted by Nike violate minimum wage and overtime laws. 2011 Nike complained that two-thirds of its factories producing Converse products still do not meet the company's standards for worker mistreatment, poor working conditions and exploitation of cheap overseas labor. Knight's son, Matthew, died in a scuba diving accident in El Salvador in 2004. Serve him right.
ellauri101.html on line 503: Kawalis: Somali street slang used in the UK for finessing or fuckin with someone's head for your own advantage. "Yo I'm gonna kawalis him for some weed." "Yo u kawalisd him for £5,000??"
ellauri101.html on line 596: Pikaviestimien kehityksen yleistyttyä sukupolvi Y:n arvioidaan olevan lähes viikoittain tekemisissä vieraiden kielten ja kulttuurien kanssa, ja näin he kokevat elämänsä viitekehyksen maantieteellisesti huomattavasti laajemmin kuin aikaisemmat sukupolvet. Elämän viitekehyksen laajennuttua oman kotimaan ulkopuolelle sukupolven huomion keskittyminen samalla suppenee omaan itseen ja lähimpiin ihmisiin. Siinä kun vanhempi X-sukupolvi kokee yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta sukunsa ja isänmaansa kansalaisten kanssa, Y-sukupolvi on taas vahvasti perhe- ja yksilökeskeinen. lähde?
ellauri102.html on line 128: A very tall man walks into bar... and a lady recognizes him as a pro
ellauri102.html on line 318: Jeffrey Sachs ja Paul Krugman hinkuu vaan lisää hiostamoja. Niiden mielestä just niissä hikiset vinkuintiaanit ja rullaturvat neekerit pääsee eroon uuvuttavasta maanviljelystä elintasohissin nappuloita painamaan. Taitaa äijät olla Israelin poikia. Niille on kolmas maailma täynnä käyttämättömiä filistealaisia. Joo oikeassa olin, Ruozin Akatemian palkizemia kusipäitä kuten Bob Zimmermann. Vetäkää vaan työlaisnaisten kusikassit päähänne ja tukehtukaa sinne, miljardöörien kumihanskat, liikemiesvainukoirat. Ruozi on erilainen kuin muut pohjoismaat, sanoo Mengele, se on pikku-Amerikka. Sixi siellä kuolee niin helvetisti matuköyhimyxiä. Loppuunkäytettyä apinamateriaalia.
ellauri102.html on line 507: The Problem: After Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem, many viewers became angry at him and viewed him as anti-American. The fact that Nike was using him in their ads made many people believe Nike was also anti-American. This sparked a lot of controversies online with many social media users posting pictures of themselves destroying Nike products, along with the hashtag #JustBurnIt.
ellauri102.html on line 558: vanhemmat feministit reagoivat vaatimalla sensuuria ja uudelleenkoulutusta, mutta Staskoon tarttul 1990-luvun puolivälin omajulkaisuinto. Hän alkoi jo teini-iässä julkaista valokopioitua Uncool-lehteä, jossa oli kollaaseja naistenlehtien pikatesteistä, tamponien antimainoksia ja kulttuurinhäirintää koskevia julistuksia. Yhdessä numerossa oli kokosivun mainos filosofi Klaus Barbiesta. Staskon Barbie mietti: "Kumpi oli ensin, kauneus vai myytti. Ja jos kynsi kylmenee, kun olen unessa, onko se silti kuolema?" Stasko sanoo, etta oman median tekeminen, mainostajan tyylin omaksuminen ja mainostarjonnan pöyhiminen alkoivat heikentää mainosten vaikutusta häneen. Tajusin, ettei ollut pakko käyttää siteitä eikä tamponeja, jättää vaan alushousut pois. Niin meidän esiäitimmekin tekivät. Omien ajatusteni aamiaisella syön samoja hiutaleita, joita mediakin käyttää. Se vei medialta mädän maun, koska näin, miten
ellauri102.html on line 626: Tell me, do you want to see me do the shimmy again?
ellauri105.html on line 93: President Biden speaks at a podium with Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi behind him. Letter from Biden’s Washington.
ellauri105.html on line 101: The result was the most avowedly liberal call to action I have ever heard a President make from that congressional podium. Unlike the longtime socialist Bernie Sanders, whom Biden beat in the Democratic primaries, he does not call himself a revolutionary. Unlike the self-styled populist Donald S. Trump, whom Biden beat in the general election, he does not call himself a disrupter. Were Congress to enact his proposals, Biden would end up as both.
ellauri105.html on line 285: 9. Sen tähden minä hylkäsin hänet värtämiestensä käsiin, Assurin lasten käsiin, joita hän himostansa rakasti.

ellauri105.html on line 288: 11. Mutta hänen sisarensa Oholipa, vaikka näki tämän, oli himossaan vielä häntäkin riettaampi ja oli haureudessaan vielä riettaampi, kuin hänen sisarensa oli ollut haureudessaan.

ellauri105.html on line 291: 12. Hän himoitsi Assurin poikia, jotka olivat käskynhaltijoita, päämiehiä, naapureita, pulskasti puettuja, ratsumiehiä, hevosen selässä ajajia, komeita nuorukaisia kaikki.

ellauri105.html on line 298: 16. niin hän silmän näkemältä sai himon heihin ja lähetti lähettiläitä heidän luoksensa Kaldeaan.

ellauri105.html on line 304: 20. Ja hän sai himon heidän hekumoitsijoihinsa, joilla on jäsen kuin aaseilla ja vuoto kuin orheilla.

ellauri105.html on line 305: Jer. 5:8 He ovat hyvinruokittuja, äleitä oriita; he hirnuvat kukin lähimmäisensä vaimoa.

ellauri105.html on line 346: 3. Moos. 20:10 Jos joku tekee aviorikoksen toisen miehen vaimon kanssa, jos hän tekee aviorikoksen lähimmäisensä vaimon kanssa, niin heidät, sekä avionrikkojamies että -nainen, rangaistakoon kuolemalla.

ellauri105.html on line 397: Joku voi kysyä, miksi Raamatun Jumalaan uskovan ja Jeesusta seuraavan kristityn pitäisi ylipäätään perehtyä ei-kristilliseen (saati sitten antikristilliseen) kirjallisuuteen. Itse vierastan ajatusta, että tietämättömyys inhimillisestä kulttuurista (johon kirjallisuuskin kuuluu) olisi kristitylle hyve. Paavali ei olisi osannut viitata sopivassa kohdassa pakanafilosofien teoksiin ateenalaisille puhuessaan eikä C.S. Lewis olisi osannut analysoida osuvasti Raamatun ja muiden tarinoiden eroja sivistyneille lukijoille kirjoittaessaan, jos he olisivat jättäneet ”jumalattoman” kirjallisuuden huomiotta. Toki on olennaista, että oman uskon perusta on tukevasti Jumalan omassa ilmoituksessa – oltiinpa sitten lukemassa maallista kirjallisuutta tai keskustelemassa maailmankuvien eroista ei-uskovan ystävän kanssa. Muuten ne sanovat kuin anhelitohtori: "timeo hominem unius libri."
ellauri105.html on line 412: nyt en enää aio himmailla... Himmailla? Siis mitä?

ellauri105.html on line 415: nyt niin paljon että sillä on varaa vähän himmailla.

ellauri106.html on line 46: Philip Roth has not had much luck with biographers. Late in his life, furiously aggrieved after the failure of his marriage to the actress Claire Bloom and the publication of Bloom’s incendiary memoir of their years together, he asked a close friend, Ross Miller, an English professor at the University of Connecticut, to take on the task. Roth sent Miller lists of family members and friends he wanted to be interviewed, along with the questions that he felt should be asked. (“Would you have expected him to achieve success on the scale he has?”) It didn’t work out, for various reasons. Roth had wanted Miller to refute a familiar charge, “this whole mad fucking misogynistic bullshit!” that he felt flattened his long erotic history into one false accusation. But Miller came to his own conclusion. “There is a predatory side to both Sandy and Philip,” he told a cousin of Roth’s. (Sandy was Roth’s older brother.) “They look at women—I’m not gonna write about this—but they are misogynist. They talk about women in that way.”
ellauri106.html on line 52: It was not Bailey’s role as a biographer to pass judgment on his subject. He needed only try to understand him, and to make us understand him, too. “Why shouldn’t I be treated as seriously as Colette on this?” Roth had asked Miller, of the sex question. “She gave a blow job to this guy in the railway station. Who gives a fuck about that? . . . That doesn’t tell me anything. What did hand jobs mean to her?”
ellauri106.html on line 54: So what did sex mean to Roth? Bailey’s book is so caught up in its obsessive cataloguing of paramours that the forest gets lost in an endless succession of trees. The place where Roth found insight into his own character was on the double bag. Over and over, in the novels, he transformed pro life. Bailey’s prurient, exhaustively literal version of that life reverses the effect, and the result is sadly diminishing. What he never grasps is Roth the artist, with his powers of imagination, of expression, of language—what made him worthy of biography at all.
ellauri106.html on line 65: Philip Roth was the younger of the 2 boys of Herman Roth (1901–1989) and his wife Bess, nee Finkel (1904–1981). Both parents were assimilated American Jews of the second generation of immigrants. The maternal grandparents came from the area around Kiev, the Yiddish-speaking paternal grandparents, Sender and Bertha Roth, from Koslow in Galicia. Sender Roth had trained as a rabbi in Galicia and worked in a hat factory in Newark. Herman Roth, the middle of seven children and the first child in the United States, first worked in a factory after eight years of schooling, then became an insurance agent selling door-to-door life insurance. By his retirement he made it to the district director of Metropolitan Life. Philip Roth's brother, Sanford (Sandy) Roth (1927–2009), who was four years older than him, studied art at the Pratt Institute, became vice-president of the advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather in Chicago and made a name for himself as a painter after his "early retirement".
ellauri106.html on line 67: In October 1956, Philip Roth met the secretary Margaret Martinson Williams in Chicago, whom he married in February 1959. The divorced mother of two children of completely different social origins, who was four years older than him, initially gave Roth the feeling of both a challenge and a liberation. Later, however, the problems and arguments in their relationship increased, which the writer dealt with in retrospect in works such as When She Was Good ( Lucy Nelson or Die Moral, 1967) or My Life As a Man (Mein Leben als Mann, 1974). In his autobiography The Facts (The Facts, 1988) Margaret even advanced as Josie Jensen to the “counter-self”, to the “arch enemy and nemesis ” of the author. The couple separated in 1963, but Margaret Roth refused to consent to a divorce. Five years later she died in a car accident.
ellauri106.html on line 90: The rudeness is not only a source of stylistic energy, but also a fundamental moral position, an attack on the state of inhumanity disguised as niceness, as Nathan Zuckerman puts it in The Anatomy Lesson. Roth is thus directed against the social forces of obedience, prohibition and oppression, essential components of mature adulthood, which is why Posnock recognizes an “art of immaturity” in which Roth disregards cultural barriers and abandons himself completely to aesthetic pleasure, in the style of a Cervantes 'or Nabokovs .
ellauri106.html on line 106: That same year, rather than wait to be drafted, Roth enlisted in the army. Roth enlisted in the Army that year to avoid being drafted and assigned to unpleasant duty like the infantry. Fortunately he suffered a back injury during basic training and was given a medical discharge. Who knows. He returned to Chicago in 1956 to study for a PhD in literature but dropped out after one term. It was a yeasty environment for a young writer. Saul Bellow was a contemporary and with some what similar backgrounds and interests they could not avoid being rivals. During that year he met a lovely shiksa waitress Margaret Martinson, a single woman with a small child. He was smitten. An intense, but often troubled relationship ensued. At the end of the year he dropped out of the U of C and headed to the University of Iowa to teach in its creative writing program. None the less, whatever he may have said, Roth was not happy there, perhaps because the semi-rural Midwesterness of Ames was alien to him. After a while with Martinson in tow he moved on to a similar position at Princeton, another WASP bastion but one with even more prestige. Everyone who knew him recognized Roth as an early comer. He later continued his academic career at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught comparative literature before retiring from teaching in 1991. Roth started teaching literature in the late 1960s at the University of Pennsylvania. The 1969 feature film adaptation of Goodbye, Columbus coincided with the publication of Portnoy’s Complaint, which soon became a best-seller amid controversy for its prurient content. (Those who've read it will likely not forget Portnoy's "love affair" with mom´s slab of liver in the fridge.)
ellauri106.html on line 126: A committed atheist, Philip Roth feared only one form of posthumous punishment: being trapped for all eternity in a hostile biography. In 2007, Roth, echoing a similar quip from Oscar Wilde, said, “Biography gives a new dimension of terror to dying.” Roth’s had already been the subject of a harsh and unforgiving portrait in Leaving a Doll’s House (1996), the memoirs of his former wife, the actor Claire Bloom. As John Updike noted in The New York Review of Books, “Claire Bloom, as the wronged ex-wife of Philip Roth, shows him to have been, as their marriage rapidly unraveled, neurasthenic to the point of hospitalization, adulterous, callously selfish, and financially vindictive.” This crisp summary ended Roth’s friendship with Updike, even after Updike made clear he was recapping Bloom’s book and not affirming its accuracy.
ellauri106.html on line 148: A mid-1970s transplant to Chicago from New York, he rose in the competitive advertising world to become senior vice president and creative director of Ogilvy & Mather, where his major account was Sears Home Fashions, friends and family said. But in 1983, he gave it all up to devote himself to painting full time.
ellauri106.html on line 156: Eli Rosenthal, his former roommate at the time, said the two met in a fashion illustrating class. "I looked over at him and I said, 'Wow, this guy can really draw and I want to be like him,'" he said. "He always walked around with a sketch pad. He said it was great for picking up girls."
ellauri106.html on line 175: Word has come that Philip Roth died on Tuesday in New York City at the age of 85. He was widely considered the last of the Great American Novelists of the late 20th Century the peer of heavy hitters John Updike and Saul Bellow. Roth himself believed that the novel, which had ruled for a century as the supreme and exalted American literary form, is doomed to becoming a cult niche in the Age of the Internet for a diminishing educated elite, “I think always people will be reading them but it will be a small group of people. Maybe more people than now read Latin poetry, but somewhere in that range…” Ever a realist, Roth was sanguine with the prospect.
ellauri106.html on line 177: Roth was far more prolific than either of the novelists he was frequently lumped with—29 full length novels and a dazzling debut novella over nearly 50 years. His output was also more diverse in style and topic than either of the other while reaping critical praise, armloads of awards, and commercial success. Yet at the core of his varied output were common threads—a Jewish identity with which he was not always comfortable but could not deny, a sense of being profoundly American— “if I am not American what am I”—a, a sex drive that was often creepily compulsive, and the world observed by fictional doppelgangers for the author, or sometimes the author himself as a fictional character.
ellauri106.html on line 180: Not far behind will be some Jewish critics who always found Roth’s portraits embarrassing for their relentless sexuality and discomfort with aspects of the culture that were at odds with his identity as an American. Others were angered at his voraciously espoused atheism—“I’m exactly the opposite of religious, I’m anti-religious. I find religious people hideous. I hate the religious lies. It’s all a big lie.” Some Jewish critics hounded him from the beginning of his career. Rabbi Gershom Scholem, the great kabbalah scholar, said Portnoy’s Complaint was more harmful to Jews than The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. And Roth was heckled and booed at an early appearance at Yeshiva University which stunned and shocked the author.
ellauri106.html on line 203: It describes how Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur´s Round Table, accepts a challenge from a mysterious "Green Knight" who dares any knight to strike him with his axe if he will take a return blow in a year and a day. Gawain accepts and beheads him with his blow, at which the Green Knight stands up, picks up his head and reminds Gawain of the appointed time. There is a test involving the lord and the lady of the castle where he is a guest.
ellauri106.html on line 207: "Kai mun pitäsi oppia tulemaan toimeen ihmisten kanssa paremmin", mietti Nathan. "Mixi sinun sellaista pitäisi oppia?" kysyi sen narsismikurssin opettajaneiti. Se oppi meni Phillulle perille. Narsistitädin opettamat sanat oli tyyten ällösanoja: ironia, arvot, kohtalo, tahto, näky, autenttisuus, ja tietenkin inhimillinen, jota Phillu tädin mielestä käytti liikaakin kuin pansuolaa.
ellauri106.html on line 255: Who are Philip Roth´s ex-wives Claire Bloom and Margaret Martinson? Have they got anything in common? I bet they were spitting images of Phil´s mother, one way or another. Roth was married twice – to Margaret Martinson from 1959 to 1963. He met Martinson in 1956 and married her three years later. Roth claims she used someone else’s urine sample to persuade him she was pregnant and trick him into marriage.
ellauri106.html on line 264: A year later, she published a bruising memoir, Leaving a Doll´s House, in which she portrayed him as depressed, remote, self-centred and verbally abusive.
ellauri106.html on line 273: Roth claimed his first wife, Margaret Martinson, used someone else’s urine sample to persuade him she was pregnant and trick him into marrying her.
ellauri106.html on line 287: Arthur Dimmesdale is a fictional character in the 1850 romance The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. A Puritan minister, he has fathered an illegitimate child, Pearl, with Hester Prynne and considers himself unable to reveal his sin.
ellauri106.html on line 334: In 1852, his father arranged to have one of his poems published in the Ohio State Journal without telling him.
ellauri106.html on line 341: Howells was a Christian socialist whose ideals were greatly influenced by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. These influences led him to write on issues of social justice from a moral and egalitarian point of view, being critic of the social effects of industrial capitalism. He was, however, not a Marxist. Phew.
ellauri106.html on line 386: A committed atheist, Philip Roth feared only one form of posthumous punishment: being trapped for all eternity in a hostile biography. In 2007, Roth, echoing a similar quip from Oscar Wilde, said, “Biography gives a new dimension of terror to dying.” Roth’s had already been the subject of a harsh and unforgiving portrait in Leaving a Doll’s House (1996), the memoirs of his former wife, the actor Claire Bloom. As John Updike noted in The New York Review of Books, “Claire Bloom, as the wronged ex-wife of Philip Roth, shows him to have been, as their marriage rapidly unraveled, neurasthenic to the point of hospitalization, adulterous, callously selfish, and financially vindictive.” This crisp summary ended Roth’s friendship with Updike, even after Updike made clear he was recapping Bloom’s book and not affirming its accuracy.
ellauri106.html on line 399: "You know that telling the whole world that you don't believe in God is going to, you know, have people say, 'Oh my goodness, you know, that's a terrible thing for him to say," Braver said.
ellauri106.html on line 403: Religion was a lie that he had recognized early in life, and he found all religions offensive, considered their superstitious folderol meaningless, childish, couldn´t stand the complete unadultness — the baby talk and the righteousness and the sheep, the avid believers. No hocus-pocus about death and God or obsolete fantasies of heaven for him. There was only our bodies, born to live and die on terms decided by the bodies that had lived and died before us. If he could be said to have located a philosophical niche for himself that was it - he'd come upon it early and intuitively, and however elemental, that was the whole of it. Should he ever write an autobiography, he'd call it The Life and Death of a Male Body.
ellauri106.html on line 405: Phil´s childhood love of baseball offered him “membership in a great secular nationalistic church from which nobody had ever seemed to suggest that Jews should be excluded.” Babe Ruth, whose real name was George Herman Ruth, Jr., was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. He died of pneumonia and complications from throat cancer in New York City in 1948.
ellauri106.html on line 464: In his final years, however, Roth was embraced by American Jews. In 1998 he won the Jewish Book Council’s Lifetime Literary Achievement Award and in 2014, the Jewish Theological Seminary, Conservative Judaism’s flagship educational institution, bestowed him with an honorary doctorate.
ellauri106.html on line 472: “From enfant terrible to elder statesman. Time heals all wounds,” Rabbi David Wolpe of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles remarked to JTA via email. No hocus pocus about death and God or obsolete fantasies of heaven for him. There was only our bodies, born to live and die on terms decided by the bodies that had lived and died before us. If he could be said to have located a philosophical niche for himself, that was it — he’d come upon it early and intuitively, and however elemental, that was the whole of it. Should he ever write an autobiography, he’d call it ‘The Life and Death of the Male Body.’ Well actually he called it "My life as a man".
ellauri106.html on line 499: O’Day carries with him at all times a dictionary and thesaurus, and he trains his disciples to do the same.
ellauri106.html on line 556: Before his death from congestive heart failure on Tuesday, he made no secret of his contempt for Donald Trump, was instinctively liberal in most respects, and thought of himself as a Roosevelt Democrat. Yet his political novels have a nagging MAGA aftertaste. Successful, decent, hardworking men, who in the time of our fathers would have been appreciated, are mindlessly destroyed by modern women as the embodiments of a degenerate society. Roth’s desire, ultimately, is the same as Reagan’s: an impossible return to the promised land of modernization. Not by coincidence, the final chapter of The Human Stain is titled, “The Purifying Ritual.” Puhdistuxesta kuumuu kaikki anaalis-obsessiiviset henkilöt Hitleristä Rothiin ja Sofi Oxaseen. Puhamaan! Äiitii mä oon vallmiiis! Tuu PYYHKIMÄÄN!
ellauri106.html on line 622: Though arguably Roth cancelled himself years ago by dying.
ellauri106.html on line 631: No one can accuse Roth of ever hiding who he was: American, Jewish, obsessed with sex, obsessed with death, funny, angry, wise, profane, imaginative, cruel. That is what cruel readers always liked about him.
ellauri106.html on line 635: In his baffled grief, Levov is taunted by a female confederate of his daughter’s who stridently berates him as a capitalist pig for a dozen pages, then tries to seduce him with corny porno lines like, “I bet you’ve got yourself quite a pillar in there ... the pillar of society.” When he resists, she shows him her vagina, and “rolling the labia lips outward with her fingers, [exposes] to him the membranous tissue veined and mottled and waxy with the moist tulip sheen of flayed flesh.”
ellauri106.html on line 644: Lisää narsismipiirteitä Phillussa: Lydian tyttö Monika suhtautuu Philluun yhtä himokkaan kunnioittavasti kuin äitinsä (ainakin siihen asti kunnes se havaizi Phillun himoizevan sen tytärtä). Ketterät ja kurvikkaat, hiljaiset ja halukkaat, sellaiset me haluaisimme. Phillu raivostuu kun Monika kieltäytyy kunniasta Phillun kosiessa. Sen mielestä nimenomaam sitä on nöyryytetty jotenkin kun maa on ehkäisypillerien ansiosta muuttunut niin että naisetkin voi valita.
ellauri106.html on line 649: Nathan-Roth kaipaa Chicagon aikoja, jolloin se luki yeshiva-kopissa suuria mestareita Mannia, Tolstoita, Gogolia ja Proustia samalla lailla nyökytellen kuin Shtizelin ortodoxit ohimokäkkäräiset kipapäiset partapozot. Se on niin jutku että tekee päästä kamalaa.
ellauri106.html on line 661: Henry Aldrich (1647 – 14 December 1710) was an English theologian, philosopher, and composer. To him we owe the well-known catch, "Hark, the bonny Christ Church bells."
ellauri106.html on line 699: Tri Spielvogel piti P. Tarnopolia yhtenä kansakunnan taide-elämän suurimmista nuorista narsisteista. Dodi! Rypäleitä persiissä. Kylä lähtee tosi izesäälivän kostonhimoisen narsistisesti liikenteeseen Peeter T. vaimon lyttäyxellä. Se alkaa kyynelehtiä omaa izeään heti kallonkutistajan pakeille päästyään kuin puristettu sitruuna. Vitut se mitään olis itseänsä tappanut, oli se itselleen sevverran tärkeä. Ja kaikkein nolointa oli mykistyä yleisön edessä. Tää koukkunokka äijä aivan pursuaa ällösanoja. Sen vaimo raapi sen käsiä kun se käytti blondeja opiskelijapupuja.
ellauri107.html on line 84: "With clarity and with crudeness, and a great deal of exuberance, the embryonic writer who was me wrote these stories in his early 20s, while he was a graduate student at the University of Chicago, a soldier stationed in New Jersey and Washington, and a novice English instructor back at Chicago following his Army discharge...In the beginning it amazed him that any literate audience could seriously be interested in his story of tribal secrets, in what he knew, as a child of his neighborhood, about the rites and taboos of his clan—about their aversions, their aspirations, their fears of deviance and defection, their embarrassments and ideas of success."
ellauri107.html on line 91: Neil Klugman is an intelligent, working-class army veteran and a graduate of Rutgers University who works as a library clerk. He falls for Brenda Patimkin, a wealthy Radcliffe student who is home for the summer. They meet by the swimming pool at Old Oaks Country Club in Purchase, New York, a private club that Neil visits as a guest of his cousin Doris. Neil phones her and asks for a date. She does not remember him but agrees. He waits as she finishes a tennis game which only ends when it gets too dark to play.
ellauri107.html on line 95: After a few dates, Brenda persuades her father to invite Neil to stay with them for two weeks. This angers her mother, who feels that she should have been asked instead. Neil enjoys being able to sneak into Brenda's room at night but has misgivings over her entitled outlook, which is reflected in her spoiled and petulant younger sister, and her naive brother Ron, who misses the hero worship he enjoyed as a star basketball player at Ohio State University. Neil is astonished when Brenda reveals that she does not take birth control pills or use any other precautions to avoid pregnancy. She angrily rejects Neil's concerns. He prepares to leave, but she decides to persuade him to stay by agreeing to get a diaphragm.
ellauri107.html on line 146: I can’t be the first gay man to have been an older "straight" man’s mainstay. Philip had searched diligently for a beautiful young woman to see to him as Jane Eyre looked after old Mr. Rochester. What he got instead was me. The degree of attachment surprised us both. Were we lovers? Obviously not. Were we in love? Not exactly. But ours was a criminal conversation neither could have done without.
ellauri107.html on line 148: Twelve years ago I saw him through his last love. A young person less than half his age whose family strongly disapproved of the association and who evidently grew to disapprove of it herself. It was a trauma that might have plowed Philip under and that he told aslant in Exit Ghost, the novel dedicated to me (!). A couple of failed attempts at courtship followed, boring and painful for the women involved. Then he closed the door on heteroerotic life entirely. He’d learned how to be an elderly gentleman who behaves correctly. He joined the ranks of the impotent.
ellauri107.html on line 179: The zenith of [Hawthorne and Melville’s] relationship was reached . . . when Moby-Dick was published in middle November of 1851 and was dedicated to Hawthorne [“To Nathaniel Hawthorne: In token of my admiration for his genius”]. Hawthorne’s letter to Melville [at the time], like most of those to his friend, has not been preserved, but Melville’s answer on November 17 . . . speaks of the effect Hawthorne’s letter had upon him, in terms characteristic of his impassioned utterances:
ellauri107.html on line 187: suggestive panegyric [in his 1850 review of Hawthorne’s Mosses from an Old Manse], [that] Melville writes . . . “already I feel that this Hawthorne has dropped germinous seeds into my soul. He expands and deepens down, the more I contemplate him; and further and further, shoots his strong New England roots in the hot soil of my Southern soul”.
ellauri107.html on line 191: . . . Hawthorne liked [Melville’s novel Typee], observing [in 1846] that . . . Melville has “that freedom of view—it would be too harsh to call it laxity of principle—which renders him tolerant of codes of morals that may be little in accordance with our own; a spirit proper enough to a young and adventurous sailor . . .”
ellauri107.html on line 193: Hawthorne is much more explicit in regard to same sex relationships and perhaps alludes to Melville’s wooing of him in his 1852 novel The Blithedale Romance. In excerpting that work for the website, I introduced it as follows:
ellauri107.html on line 208: Coverdale declares, "I loved Hollingsworth, as has already been enough expressed." He adds, "If . . .[Priscilla] thought him beautiful, it was no wonder. I often thought him so, with the expression of tender, human care, and gentlest sympathy . . . ." And in Hawthorne's most explicitly homoerotic allusion, Coverdale notes, "the footing, on which we all associated at Blithedale, was widely different from that of conventional society. While inclining us to the soft affections of the Golden Age, it seemed to authorize any individual, of either sex, to fall in love with any other, regardless of what would elsewhere be judged suitable and prudent."
ellauri107.html on line 220: [A Tanglewood Tale] dramatizes the developing friendship of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville during the 1850-1851 period when both authors resided in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. In spite of their strong attraction to each other, they become estranged by fundamental differences. Puritan-in-spite-of himself Hawthorne is pressed too far when worldly former whaler Melville becomes explicit about shipboard liaisons with fellow sailors. Though the play suggests Hawthorne is curious about same sex relations, the reserved New Englander flees Melville and the Berkshires rather than pursue the subject.
ellauri107.html on line 226: To have known him, To have loved him after loneness long;
ellauri107.html on line 238: Same sex relationships in the all male environment of Billy Budd’s British as well as Herman Melville’s American ships are understood. As former First Lord of the Admiralty, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once witheringly quipped, British naval tradition might well be equated with sodomy. Although Billy Budd lacks the “marriage” rites of Moby-Dick’s Ishmael and Queequeg, itcontains endearments for “Handsome Sailor” Billy that leave little doubt as to many of his mates’ ardent feelings toward him. The old Dansker on the British warship originates “Baby Budd,” also shortened to “Baby,” in reference to Billy, “the name by which the foretopman eventually became known aboard ship.” Readers also hear “one Donald” addressing Billy as “Beauty.”
ellauri107.html on line 240: Claggart, in other words, like the Handsome Sailor’s many admirers, finds Billy attractive; but, since he believes that, for some unspecified reason, perhaps a result of paranoia, no closeness can ever exist between the two of them, the more desirable that Claggart perceives Billy, the more he hates him.
ellauri107.html on line 242: In surveying Billy, “sometimes [Claggart’s] melancholy expression would have in it a touch of soft yearning, as if [he] could even have loved Billy but for fate and ban.” Evidently, Claggart has not fully disguised his private appreciation of Billy; but, because he believes something forbids any future for such feelings, he hardens his heart more and more fiercely toward the object of his desire. What “fate” and what “ban” does his misguided imagination perceive? Do their roles on the ship or elsewhere in society somehow doom any intimacy between them? Or does Claggart just presume Billy could never reciprocate his feelings? Might the Master at Arms simply despise sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular and, as a result, find himself driven all the more mad by his uncontrollable “yearning”? Whatever the accurate diagnosis, it is clear that Claggart distorts any positive feelings he possesses for Billy into negative ones with terrible consequences.
ellauri107.html on line 244: Claggart’s repressed, closeted attraction to Billy finds parallels with some interpretations of Hawthorne’s evident spurning of Melville’s too intimate attentions and Hawthorne’s character in The Blithedale Romance Coverdale’s similar rejection of the invitation from Holingsworth to be his “friend of friends, forever.” For Melville, Hawthorne’s Arthur Dimmesdale’s agonizing acknowledgement of adultery must have seemed a stunning parallel with what later generations would term “coming out of the closet.” Whether Hawthorne himself were a closeted gay man, it is clear that Melville was relatively open in his affections for the senior author and that those affections were somehow turned away and seem to have left a wound that never fully healed. The evils of the closet constitute a subtext in Billy Budd that may well have brought to its author’s mind the sad sundering of his closeness with Nathaniel Hawthorne.
ellauri107.html on line 246: Billy Budd provides an implicit indictment of the culture, whether military or civil, that encourages the kind of closet where a Claggart so readily succumbs to his “depravity according to nature.” Captain Vere likewise shows a closed, perhaps also “closeted” mind as ready prey for the phenomenon of evil. In Vere’s presence, as Billy is struck dumb by Claggart’s accusation, Claggart is struck dead by a single blow from Billy’s fist, the only response he can muster to defend himself. Although Vere cherishes Billy as “an angel of God” and knows him to be innocent of Claggart’s charges, he resists any bending of rules to protect him against the harshest of consequences for his act of insubordination. Ruthlessly silencing the dictates of his heart, “sometimes the feminine in man,” Vere effects what Claggart’s malice alone could not -- Billy’s total destruction.
ellauri107.html on line 248: Although British naval mutineers as well as criminals ashore are explicitly shown in Billy Budd’s early chapters to have received forms of amnesty that ultimately contributed to the saving of the nation, Vere offers no such amnesty to Billy Budd. Claggart himself is rumored to have entered the service as an alternative to imprisonment, the navy’s need for manpower leading to frequent waivers of usual punishments; but Billy Budd receives no alternatives, no waivers. At Nelson’s triumphant Trafalgar, the thwarting of Napoleon’s invasion plans meant a “plenary absolution” for all the former offenders who had contributed to the victory. Billy, however, a “peacemaker,” neither a mutineer nor a criminal, makes a single misstep in retaliation against a known liar who seeks to manipulate the system to destroy him, and how is Billy to be absolved? Vere’s “vehemently exclaimed” answer: “the angel must hang!”
ellauri107.html on line 274: He was infamously resentful of being denied the Nobel Prize in literature: “He took to calling it the Anybody-But-Roth Prize,” Taylor reports. And past slights consumed him. Taylor notes that Roth couldn’t stop relitigating his first marriage, and that “despite her death she needed further – no, endless – pulverization.”
ellauri107.html on line 276: Siinäpä taas tosi raamatullista kostonhimoa, iankaikkista halstarointia. Jutku pysyy jutkuna vaixen paistais ateismissa. Merry vastas hyvin kysymyxeen mixi me ollaan täällä: Mixi apinat on täällä? Mixi kengurut on täällä? Ja kysymyxeen mitä on elämä: se on lyhyt aika syntymän ja kuoleman välissä.
ellauri107.html on line 349: Pilin glorifioima dekaani Coleman Silkki on 💯% nilkki. Pili ize on pahimman lajin juutalainen kilkki. Vitun yxinvaltiaita Pilin hahmot joka iikka, tollasia Mutaojia ja kotkia. Julmia tunteettomia syrjijöitä, keltahampaisia jyrsijöitä. Ihan oikein että ne putoo vihannesständiltä ja saa kuhmuja ohikulkijoiden kengistä kuin mädät päärynät.
ellauri107.html on line 386: Phillu dumppas Dinan koska se oli rikas sievä turvallinen älykäs sexikäs palvova nuori eloisa nokkela itsevarma kunnianhimoinen - loppupäässä on tosi pelottavia ominaisuuksia! Sehän ois ennen pitkää niskan päällä kuin Zwi Arin vaimo Tovi. Ja sellaistahan ei Phillu siedä.
ellauri107.html on line 400: Where does Roth pull it out of (the expression is apt)? Sabbath had decided to defy his own imminent demise by attempting to have as much sex as possible. As the book begins, Sabbath finds himself “six short years from seventy”, with “the game just about over”. What, 64? That is young! Phil was 62 in 1995. Is that when his pecker started to sag?
ellauri107.html on line 408: So why do we put up with him? (Sabbath? No I mean Roth.) Are we just drawn by the villainous? Who "we"? Speak for yourself motherfucker. Whose name was Jude Cook. Översatt på svenska: judekuk. Phil had good reason to be afraid of the judgment day.
ellauri107.html on line 418: In Babbitt (1922), Sinclair Lewis created a living and breathing man with recognizable hopes and dreams, not a caricature. To his publisher, Lewis wrote: “He is all of us Americans at 46, prosperous, but worried, wanting — passionately — to seize something more than motor cars and a house before it's too late.” George F. Babbitt's mediocrity is central to his realism; Lewis believed that the fatal flaw of previous literary representations of the American businessman was in portraying him as “an exceptional man.”
ellauri107.html on line 420: The social critic and satirist Pete Mencken, ardent supporter of Sinclair Lewis, called himself “an old professor of Babbitry” and said that Babbitt was a stunning work of literary realism about American society.
ellauri107.html on line 422: George F. Babbitt was an archetype of the American city dwellers who touted the virtues of Republicanism, Presbyterianism, and absolute conformity because "it is not what he feels and aspires that moves him primarily; it is what the folks about him will think of him. His politics is communal politics, mob politics, herd politics; his religion is a public rite wholly without subjective significance." Mencken said that Babbitt was the literary embodiment of everything wrong with American society.
ellauri107.html on line 444: In the comedy Andria (“The Girl of Andros”) by the Roman poet Terentius, Simo uses it to comment on the tears of his son Pamphilus at the funeral of a neighbor to his interlocutor Sosias. At first he was of the opinion that these were an expression of special sympathy and was pleased about it. But when he discovered that the deceased's pretty sister was also a member of the funeral procession, he realized that his son's emotion was only faked to get closer to him: hinc illae lacrumae, haec illast misericordia. ("Hence his tears, that is the reason for his pity!").
ellauri107.html on line 458: he have any doctrine about preacher-mayors laid down for him, so he grunted and went on. She looked sympathetic and did not hear a word. Later she would read the headlines, the society columns, and the department-store advertisements.
ellauri107.html on line 474: “Course I don't mean to say that every ad I write is literally true or that I always believe everything I say when I give some buyer a good strong selling-spiel. You see—you see it's like this: In the first place, maybe the owner of the property exaggerated when he put it into my hands, and it certainly isn't my place to go proving my principal a liar! And then most folks are so darn crooked themselves that they expect a fellow to do a little lying, so if I was fool enough to never whoop the ante I'd get the credit for lying anyway! In self-defense I got to toot my own horn, like a lawyer defending a client—his bounden duty, ain't it, to bring out the poor dub's good points? Why, the Judge himself would bawl out a lawyer that didn't, even if they both knew the guy was guilty! But even so, I don't pad out the truth like Cecil Rountree or Thayer or the rest of these realtors. Fact, I think a fellow that's willing to deliberately up and profit by lying ought to be shot!”
ellauri107.html on line 495: “Well we know—not just in the Bible alone, but it stands to reason—a man who doesn't buckle down and do his duty, even if it does bore him sometimes, is nothing but a—well, he's simply a weakling. Mollycoddle, in fact! And what do you advocate? Come down to cases! If a man is bored by his wife, do you seriously mean he has a right to chuck her and take a sneak, or even kill himself?”
ellauri107.html on line 504: Whenever Thompson twanged, “Put your John Hancock on that line,” Babbitt was as much amused by the antiquated provincialism as any proper Englishman by any American. He knew himself to be of a breeding altogether more esthetic and sensitive than Thompson's. He was a college graduate, he played golf, he often smoked cigarettes instead of cigars, and when he went to Chicago he took a room with a private bath. “The whole thing is,” he explained to Paul Riesling, “these old codgers lack the subtlety that you got to have to-day.”
ellauri107.html on line 512: Mrs. Babbitt, darning socks, speculated, “Yes, I wonder why. Of course I don't want to fly in the face of the professors and everybody, but I do think there's things in Shakespeare—not that I read him much, but when I was young the girls used to show me passages that weren't, really, they weren't at all nice.”
ellauri107.html on line 515: “Oh punk. I don't see what's the use of law-school—or even finishing high school. I don't want to go to college 'specially. Honest, there's lot of fellows that have graduated from colleges that don't begin to make as much money as fellows that went to work early. Old Shimmy Peters, that teaches Latin in the High, he's a what-is-it from Columbia and he sits up all night reading a lot of greasy books and he's always spieling about the 'value of languages,' and the poor soak doesn't make but eighteen hundred a year, and no traveling salesman would think of working for that. I know what I'd like to do. I'd like to be an aviator, or own a corking big garage, or else—a fellow was telling me about it yesterday—I'd like to be one of these fellows that the Standard Oil
ellauri107.html on line 556: Aunt Maud and Kate return to London while Densher remains with Milly. Unfortunately, the dying girl learns from a former suitor of Kate's about the plot to get her money. She withdraws from Densher and her condition deteriorates. Densher sees her one last time before he leaves for London, where he eventually receives news of Milly's death. Milly does leave him a large amount of money despite everything. But Densher does not accept the money, and he will not marry Kate unless she also refuses the bequest. Conversely, if Kate chooses the money instead of him, Densher offers to make the bequest over to her in full. The lovers part on the novel's final page with a cryptic exclamation from Kate: "We shall never be again as we were!"
ellauri108.html on line 73: In the King James Version of the Christian Bible, the Hebrew יהּ is transliterated as "JAH" (capitalised) in only one instance: "Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him". An American Translation renders the Hebrew word as "Yah" in this verse. In the 1885 Revised Version and its annotated study edition, The Modern Reader's Bible, which uses the Revised Version as its base text, also transliterates "JAH" in Psalms 89:8 which reads,"O LORD God of hosts, who is a mighty one, like unto thee, O JAH? and thy faithfulness is round about thee".
ellauri108.html on line 92: Rastas are monotheists, worshipping a singular God whom they call Jah. The term "Jah" is a shortened version of "Jehovah", the name of God in English translations of the Old Testament. Rastafari holds strongly to the immanence of this divinity; as well as regarding Jah as a deity, Rastas believe that Jah is inherent within each individual. This belief is reflected in the aphorism, often cited by Rastas, that "God is man and man is God", and Rastas speak of "knowing" Jah, in the biblical sense, rather than simply "believing" in him. In seeking to narrow the distance between humanity and divinity, Rastafari embraces mysticism.
ellauri108.html on line 94: Jesus is an important figure in Rastafari. However, practitioners reject the traditional Christian view of Jesus, particularly the depiction of him as a white European, believing that this is a perversion of the truth. They believe that Jesus was a black African, and that the white Jesus was a false god. Many Rastas regard Christianity as the creation of the white man; they treat it with suspicion out of the view that the oppressors (white Europeans) and the oppressed (black Africans) cannot share the same God. Many Rastas take the view that the God worshipped by most white Christians is actually the Devil, and a recurring claim among Rastas is that the Pope is Satan or the Antichrist. Rastas therefore often view Christian preachers as deceivers and regard Christianity as being guilty of furthering the oppression of the African diaspora, frequently referring to it as having perpetrated "mental enslavement".
ellauri108.html on line 96: Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia between 1930 and 1974. He is of central importance to Rastas, many of whom regard him as the Second Coming of Jesus and thus God incarnate in human form.
ellauri108.html on line 98: From its origins, Rastafari was intrinsically linked with Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. He remains the central figure in Rastafari ideology, and although all Rastas hold him in esteem, precise interpretations of his identity differ. Understandings of how Haile Selassie relates to Jesus vary among Rastas. Many, although not all, believe that the Ethiopian monarch was the Second Coming of Jesus, legitimising this by reference to their interpretation of the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation. By viewing Haile Selassie as Jesus, these Rastas also regard him as the messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, the manifestation of God in human form, and "the living God". Some perceive him as part of a Trinity, alongside God as Creator and the Holy Spirit, the latter referred to as "the Breath within the temple". Rastas who view Haile Selassie as Jesus argue that both were descendants from the royal line of the Biblical king David, while Rastas also emphasise the fact that the Makonnen dynasty, of which Haile Selassie was a member, claimed descent from the Biblical figures Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
ellauri108.html on line 100: Other Rastas see Selassie as embodying Jesus' teachings and essence but reject the idea that he was the literal reincarnation of Jesus. Members of the Twelve Tribes of Israel denomination, for instance, reject the idea that Selassie was the Second Coming, arguing that this event has yet to occur. From this perspective, Selassie is perceived as a messenger or emissary of God rather than a manifestation of God himself. Rastas holding to this view sometimes regard the deification of Haile Selassie as naïve or ignorant, in some cases thinking it as dangerous to worship a human being as God. There are various Rastas who went from believing that Haile Selassie was both God incarnate and the Second Coming of Jesus to seeing him as something distinct.
ellauri108.html on line 104: While he was emperor, many Jamaican Rastas professed the belief that Haile Selassie would never die. The 1974 overthrow of Haile Selassie by the military Derg and his subsequent death in 1975 resulted in a crisis of faith for many practitioners. Some left the movement altogether. Others remained, and developed new strategies for dealing with the news. Some Rastas believed that Selassie did not really die and that claims to the contrary were Western misinformation. To bolster their argument, they pointed to the fact that no corpse had been produced; in reality, Haile Selassie's body had been buried beneath his palace, remaining undiscovered there until 1992. Another perspective within Rastafari acknowledged that Haile Selassie's body had perished, but claimed that his inner essence survived as a spiritual force. A third response within the Rastafari community was that Selassie's death was inconsequential as he had only been a "personification" of Jah rather than Jah himself.
ellauri108.html on line 106: During his life, Selassie described himself as a devout Christian. In a 1967 interview, Selassie was asked about the Rasta belief that he was the Second Coming of Jesus, to which he responded: "I have heard of this idea. I also met certain Rastafarians. I told them clearly that I am a man, that I am mortal, and that I will be replaced by the oncoming generation, and that they should never make a mistake in assuming or pretending that a human being is emanated from a deity." His grandson Ermias Sahle Selassie has said that there is "no doubt that Haile Selassie did not encourage the Rastafari movement". Critics of Rastafari have used this as evidence that Rasta theological beliefs are incorrect, although some Rastas take Selassie's denials as evidence that he was indeed the incarnation of God, based on their reading of the Gospel of Luke.
ellauri108.html on line 110: Practitioners of Rastafari identify themselves with the ancient Israelites—God's chosen people in the Old Testament—and believe that black Africans broadly or Rastas more specifically are either the descendants or the reincarnations of this ancient people. This is similar to beliefs in Judaism, although many Rastas believe that contemporary Jews' status as the descendants of the ancient Israelites is a false claim. Rastas typically believe that black Africans are God's chosen people, meaning that they made a covenant with him and thus have a special responsibility. Rastafari espouses the view that this, the true identity of black Africans, has been lost and needs to be reclaimed.
ellauri108.html on line 201: Marcus Garvey, a prominent black nationalist theorist who heavily influenced Rastafari and is regarded as a prophet by many Rastas. The Jamaican activist Marcus Garvey, spent much of his adult life in the US and Britain. Garvey supported the idea of global racial separatism and called for part of the African diaspora to relocate to Africa. His ideas faced opposition from civil rights activists like W. E. B. Du Bois who supported racial integration, and as a mass movement, Garveyism declined in the Great Depression of the 1930s. A rumour later spread that in 1916, Garvey had called on his supporters to "look to Africa" for the crowning of a black king; this quote was never verified. However, in August 1930, Garvey's play, Coronation of an African King, was performed in Kingston. Its plot revolved around the crowning of the fictional Prince Cudjoe of Sudan, although it anticipated the crowning of Haile Selassie later that year. Rastas hold Garvey in great esteem, with many regarding him as a prophet. Garvey knew of Rastafari, but took a largely negative view of the religion; he also became a critic of Haile Selassie, calling him "a great coward" who rules a "country where black men are chained and flogged".
ellauri108.html on line 205: Howell has been described as the "leading figure" in the early Rastafari movement. He preached that black Africans were superior to white Europeans and that Afro-Jamaicans should owe their allegiance to Haile Selassie rather than to George V, King of Great Britain and Ireland. The island's British authorities arrested him and charged him with sedition in 1934, resulting in his two-year imprisonment. Following his release, Howell established the Ethiopian Salvation Society and in 1939 established a Rasta community, known as Pinnacle, in Saint Catherine Parish. Police feared that Howell was training his followers for an armed rebellion and were angered that it was producing cannabis for sale. They raided the community on several occasions and Howell was imprisoned for a further two years. Upon his release he returned to Pinnacle, but the police continued with their raids and shut down the community in 1954; Howell himself was committed to a mental hospital.
ellauri108.html on line 218: At the invitation of Jamaica's government, Haile Selassie visited the island for the first time on 21 April 1966, with thousands of Rastas assembled in the crowd waiting to meet him at the airport. The event was the high point of their discipleship for many of the religion's members. Over the course of the 1960s, Jamaica's Rasta community underwent a process of routinisation, with the late 1960s witnessing the launch of the first official Rastafarian newspaper, the Rastafarian Movement Association's Rasta Voice. The decade also saw Rastafari develop in increasingly complex ways, as it did when some Rastas began to reinterpret the idea that salvation required a physical return to Africa, instead interpreting salvation as coming through a process of mental decolonisation that embraced African approaches to life.
ellauri108.html on line 220: Whereas its membership had previously derived predominantly from poorer sectors of society, in the 1960s Rastafari began attracting support from more privileged groups like students and professional musicians. The foremost group emphasising this approach was the Twelve Tribes of Israel, whose members came to be known as "Uptown Rastas". Among those attracted to Rastafari in this decade were middle-class intellectuals like Leahcim Semaj, who called for the religious community to place greater emphasis on scholarly social theory as a method of achieving change. Although some Jamaican Rastas were critical of him, many came under the influence of the Guyanese black nationalist academic Walter Rodney, who lectured to their community in 1968 before publishing his thoughts as the pamphlet Groundings. Like Rodney, many Jamaican Rastas were influenced by the U.S.-based Black Power movement. After Black Power declined following the deaths of prominent exponents such as Malcolm X, Michael X, and George Jackson, Rastafari filled the vacuum it left for many black youth.
ellauri108.html on line 239: The Bobo Ashanti sect was founded in Jamaica by Emanuel Charles Edwards through the establishment of his Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress (EABIC) in 1958. The group established a commune in Bull Bay, where they were led by Edwards until his 1994 death. The group hold to a highly rigid ethos. Edwards advocated the idea of a new trinity, with Haile Selassie as the living God, himself as the Christ, and Garvey as the prophet. Male members are divided into two categories: the "priests" who conduct religious services and the "prophets" who take part in reasoning sessions. It places greater restrictions on women than most other forms of Rastafari; women are regarded as impure because of menstruation and childbirth and so are not permitted to cook for men. The group teaches that black Africans are God's chosen people and are superior to white Europeans, with members often refusing to associate with white people. Bobo Ashanti Rastas are recognisable by their long, flowing robes and turbans.
ellauri108.html on line 242: The Twelve Tribes of Israel were founded in 1968 in Kingston by Vernon Carrington. He proclaimed himself the reincarnation of the Old Testament prophet Gad and his followers call him "Prophet Gad", "Brother Gad", or "Gadman". It is commonly regarded as the most liberal form of Rastafari and the closest to Christianity. Practitioners are often dubbed "Christian Rastas" because they believe Jesus is the only saviour; Haile Selassie is accorded importance, but is not viewed as the second coming of Jesus. The group divides its members into twelve groups according to which Hebrew calendar month they were born in; each month is associated with a particular colour, body part, and mental function. Maintaining dreadlocks and an ital diet are considered commendable but not essential, while adherents are called upon to read a chapter of the Bible each day. Membership is open to individuals of any racial background.
ellauri108.html on line 335: 5Sinä vuonna oli kaksi kansan vanhinta nimitetty tuomareiksi. Nämä olivat niitä, joista Valtias on sanonut: »Laittomuus levisi Babylonista, vanhimmista ja tuomareista, jotka olivat johtavinaan kansaa.» 6He olivat yhtenään Jojakimin talossa, ja kaikki, joilla oli oikeusasioita, tulivat sinne heidän puheilleen.
ellauri108.html on line 337: 7Puolilta päivin ihmiset aina lähtivät pois, ja sen jälkeen Susannalla oli tapana mennä kävelylle miehensä puutarhaan. 8Nuo kaksi vanhinta katselivat joka päivä, kuinka Susanna meni puutarhaan ja käveli siellä, ja heissä syttyi himo. 9Heidän ajatuksensa harhautuivat väärille poluille, eivätkä he enää kohottaneet katsettaan taivasta kohti eivätkä välittäneet tuomioidensa oikeudenmukaisuudesta. 10Molemmat halusivat Susannaa niin että olivat pakahtua, mutta he salasivat himonsa toisiltaan, 11koska häpesivät kertoa, kuinka kiihkeästi he halusivat maata hänen kanssaan. 12Joka päivä he seurasivat herkeämättä, milloin näkisivät hänet.
ellauri108.html on line 339: 13Eräänä päivänä he sanoivat toisilleen: »Mennään kotiin, nyt on päiväaterian aika.» He lähtivät pois ja menivät kumpikin taholleen. 14Niinpä he taas kohtasivat, ja udellessaan, miksi toinen oli palannut, he lopulta paljastivat himokkaat mielihalunsa. Silloin he sopivat keskenään, mihin aikaan lähestyisivät Susannaa tämän ollessa yksin puutarhassa.
ellauri108.html on line 341: 15Miehet odottivat sopivaa tilaisuutta. Eräänä päivänä Susanna tuli tavalliseen tapaansa puutarhaan vain kaksi palvelustyttöä mukanaan. Päivä oli helteinen, ja hänen teki mieli kylpeä ulkosalla. 16Puutarhassahan ei ollut ketään – ainoastaan nuo vanhimmat, jotka olivat piilossa ja tirkistelivät häntä. 17Susanna sanoi tytöille: »Tuokaa minulle öljyä ja tuoksuvoiteita ja sulkekaa puutarhan portit, että saan kylpeä.» 18Tytöt tekivät niin kuin Susanna käski, panivat kiinni puutarhan portit ja menivät sivuportista hakemaan hänen haluamiaan tavaroita. He eivät huomanneet vanhimpia, koska nämä olivat piilossa.
ellauri108.html on line 343: 19Kun tytöt olivat menneet pois, vanhimmat nousivat piilostaan, ryntäsivät Susannan luo 20ja sanoivat: »Puutarhan portit ovat kiinni, eikä kukaan näe meitä. Me haluamme sinut – tee mitä tahdomme ja makaa kanssamme. 21Jos kieltäydyt, me todistamme sinua vastaan. Sanomme, että täällä oli nuori mies sinun kanssasi ja että sinä siksi lähetit tytöt pois.»
ellauri108.html on line 345: 22»Olen ansassa», Susanna parahti. »Jos suostun, hankin itselleni kuolemantuomion, ja jos en suostu, olen teidän armoillanne. 23Parempi minun on kieltäytyä ja jäädä teidän valtaanne kuin tehdä syntiä Herran edessä.» 24Hän huusi kovalla äänellä, mutta niin huusivat myös nuo kaksi vanhinta, 25ja toinen heistä juoksi avaamaan puutarhan portin. 26Kun puutarhasta kuului huutoa, talon väki ryntäsi sivuporteista katsomaan, mitä Susannalle oli sattunut. 27Vanhimmat esittivät tarinansa, ja palvelijat tyrmistyivät ja häpesivät emäntänsä puolesta, sillä hänestä ei koskaan ollut puhuttu mitään sellaista.
ellauri108.html on line 349: 31Susanna oli kaunis ja hehkeä, 32ja koska hänellä oli huntu kasvoillaan, nuo kaksi roistoa käskivät riisua sen voidakseen täysin nauttia hänen kauneudestaan. 33Susannan omaiset ja kaikki, jotka hänet näkivät, puhkesivat itkuun. 34Molemmat vanhimmat astuivat kansan eteen ja panivat kätensä hänen päänsä päälle *, 35mutta Susanna katsoi itkien taivaalle, sillä hän luotti vakaasti Herraan.
ellauri108.html on line 351: 36Vanhimmat sanoivat: »Kun me olimme kaksistaan kävelemässä puutarhassa, tämä nainen tuli sinne kahden palvelustyttönsä kanssa. Hän käski sulkea puutarhan portit ja toimitti sitten tytöt pois, 37ja kohta sinne tuli jostakin piilosta nuori mies, ja he kävivät pitkäkseen. 38Me olimme puutarhan perällä, mutta kun huomasimme heidän rikolliset toimensa, riensimme heti heidän luokseen 39ja näimme heidän makaavan sylikkäin. Miestä emme saaneet otetuksi kiinni, koska hän oli meitä voimakkaampi; hän avasi portin ja ryntäsi pois. 40Mutta tämän naisen me saimme. Me kysyimme häneltä, kuka se nuori mies oli, 41mutta hän ei suostunut kertomaan sitä meille. Tämän me todistamme.»
ellauri108.html on line 353: Koska miehet olivat kansan vanhimpia ja tuomareita, paikalle kokoontuneet ihmiset uskoivat heitä, ja Susanna tuomittiin kuolemaan. 42Silloin Susanna huusi kovalla äänellä: »Ikiaikojen Jumala, sinä joka tunnet salatutkin ja tiedät kaiken ennen kuin se tapahtuu! 43Sinä tiedät, että he todistivat valheellisesti minua vastaan. Minun täytyy nyt kuolla, vaikka en ole tehnyt mitään sellaista, mistä nämä miehet pahuudessaan minua syyttivät.»
ellauri108.html on line 359: 50Kaikki lähtivät kiireesti takaisin, ja perille päästyä vanhimmat sanoivat Danielille: »Tule tänne, istuudu meidän joukkoomme! Jumala on tehnyt sinusta vanhimpien vertaisen. Kerro nyt, mitä sinulla on mielessäsi.» 51Daniel sanoi heille: »Erottakaa miehet kauas toisistaan. Minä kuulustelen heitä.»
ellauri108.html on line 363: 56Daniel lähetti miehen pois ja käski tuoda toisen paikalle. Tälle hän sanoi: »Kanaanin sukukuntaa, et Juudan! Kauneus petti sinut, himo johti sydämesi harhaan. 57Näin te olette tehneet Israelin tyttärille, ja he ovat pelänneet teitä niin, että ovat suostuneet makaamaan kanssanne. Tämä Juudan tytär ei kuitenkaan sietänyt teidän laittomuuttanne. 58Sanopa nyt, minkä puun alta yllätit heidät yhdessä makaamasta?» »Rautatammen», mies vastasi. 59Silloin Daniel sanoi hänelle: »Kyllä kai! Tuo valhe tiesi sinullekin pään menoa. Jumalan enkeli odottaa rautainen miekka kädessään lyödäkseen sinut kahtia. Hän tekee lopun teistä molemmista.»
ellauri108.html on line 365: 60Kaikki koolle tulleet alkoivat huutaa suureen ääneen ja ylistivät Jumalaa, joka pelastaa ne jotka panevat toivonsa häneen. 61He nousivat noita kahta vanhinta vastaan, sillä Daniel oli näiden omilla sanoilla osoittanut heidän todistaneen väärin. Miehet kokivat sen, mitä olivat itse aikoneet lähimmäiselleen. 62Väkijoukko tappoi heidät, niin kuin Mooseksen lain mukaan kuului tehdä, ja syytön ihminen pelastui sinä päivänä.
ellauri108.html on line 379: Solomons hubris, his tragic flaw, is the meat and bone of the Ethiopian bible, the Kebra Nagast, which, translated, is the glory of the kings. In this work, unlike the King James' bible, we see King Solomon struggling with his own mortality. Bayna-Lehkem, or David, as he is called by Solomon because of likeness to the boy's grandfather, King David, is a man of virtue who will extend his glory to Ethiopia. So, Solomon's weakness for women, which brings about his dissolution, gives him the thing he is truly seeking: a son to walk his own footsteps, like Shakespeare's Hamnet, a son wiser, by dint of his virtue, than himself. A son wiser than himself, that sounds rather like a stone too big to both create and throw. Solomon is disinherited by the lord when he marries the daughter of the Pharaoh and worships her golden insect idols. A hairy spider on its back. For this he is punished severely. We discern his absolute nihilism. His ultimate disillusionment. Knowledge is nothing but sorrow. He that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. In the bitter nutmeat of the Ecclesiastes. Who was the mother? Of course, Queen Sheba. She was, by all reports, black.
ellauri108.html on line 381: I know Jah will provide, Benjy says with certainty. When that truth came I had no money, no job, no food. The child, my child, is crying and crying, my wife can't shut him up. As a matter of fact, she schedaadled. Just vamoosed. I am so vexed I can't pray no more. So I open the door and look to the sea. There I see a boat with three fishermen in it. The men are fishing but there is no space in the boat for another person. Out there on the sea, the waves are tall. Behind that boat, I see someone swimming. A little boy swimming along after the boat. I am wondering why the fishermen don't stop to pick up the boy in such a rough sea. But then I come to an understandingand it is Jah who put this idea into my head. That little boy's job is to dive for the fish traps, bring them up from the bottom. He is diving in that rough, rough sea for fish traps, and raising them up, all heavy with saltwater, all by himself. Just a little boy, too. Maybe ten years old. But so strong. Sometimes the sea cover him. I wouldn't see him or the boat. Then they would bounce him back into the sea.
ellauri108.html on line 408: These four Hebrew youths soon proved themselves to be exceptionally wise. As a result, they found favor with King Nebuchadnezzar. When Daniel turned out to be the only man capable of interpreting one of Nebuchadnezzar's troubling dreams, the king placed him in a high position over the whole province of Babylon, including over all of the wise men of the land. At Daniel's request, the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as Daniel's advisors.
ellauri108.html on line 426: "Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who has sent his angel and delivered his servants, who trusted in him, and set aside the king's command, and yielded up their bodies rather than serve and worship any god except their own God." (Daniel 3:28, ESV)
ellauri108.html on line 463: Practitioners of Rastafari identify themselves with the ancient Israelites—God's chosen people in the Old Testament—and believe that black Africans broadly or Rastas more specifically are either the descendants or the reincarnations of this ancient people.[102] This is similar to beliefs in Judaism,[103] although many Rastas believe that contemporary Jews' status as the descendants of the ancient Israelites is a false claim.[104] Rastas typically believe that black Africans are God's chosen people, meaning that they made a covenant with him and thus have a special responsibility. Rastafari espouses the view that this, the true identity of black Africans, has been lost and needs to be reclaimed. Some Rasta sects reject the notion that a white European can ever be a legitimate Rasta.
ellauri109.html on line 315: Rikoxesta seuraa rangaistus, joka on rahan, hengen, vapauden tai ihan pahimmassa tapauxessa naaman menetys.
ellauri109.html on line 321: The merchant Hans Kohlhase lived in Cölln on the Spree (now incorporated into Berlin) in the Margraviate of Brandenburg in the 16th century. In October 1532 he set out on a trip to the Leipzig Trade Fair in the neighboring Electorate of Saxony. On the way two of his horses were seized, at the command of the Junker von Zaschwitz, as a supposed fee for passage through Saxony. Kohlhase sought redress in the Saxon courts but failed to obtain it. Outraged, he issued a public challenge in 1534 and burned down houses in Wittenberg. Even a letter of admonition from Martin Luther could not dissuade him, and Kohlhase and the band he collected committed further acts of terror. In 1540 he was finally captured and tried, and was publicly broken on the wheel in Berlin on 22 March 1540. From this history Kleist fashioned a novella that dramatized a personal quest for justice in defiance of the claims of the general law and the community.
ellauri109.html on line 332: In the spring of 1799, the 21-year-old Kleist wrote a letter to his half-sister Ulrike [de] in which he found it "incomprehensible how a human being can live without a life plan" (Lebensplan). In effect, Kleist sought and discovered an overwhelming sense of security by looking to the future with a definitive plan for his life. It brought him happiness and assured him of confidence, especially knowing life without a plan only saw despair and discomfort. The irony of his suicide is the fodder of his critics.
ellauri109.html on line 383: Flaubert's dozens of long letters to her, in 1846–1847, then especially between 1851 and 1855, are one of the many joys of his correspondence. Many of them are a precious source of information on the progress of the writing of Madame Bovary. In many others, Flaubert gives lengthy appreciations and critical comments on the poems that Louise Colet sent to him for his judgment before offering them for publication. The most interesting of these comments show the vast differences between her and him on the matter of style and literary expression, she being a gushing Romanticist, he deeply convinced that the writer must abstain from gush and self-indulgence.
ellauri109.html on line 507: From the start, critics complained about the ostensible sameness of Roth’s books, their narcissism and narrowness—or, as he himself put it, comparing his own work to his father’s conversation, “Family, family, family, Newark, Newark, Newark, Jew, Jew, Jew.” Roth turned self-obsession into art. He was a consummate bullshit artist.
ellauri109.html on line 537: In Chicago, Roth met Margaret (Maggie) Martinson, a divorcée with two children who came from a small Midwestern town and whose tumultuous life (an alcoholic father, a brute of an ex-husband) fascinated him with its “goyish chaos” and provided material for his fiction.
ellauri109.html on line 539: Roth mined his life for his characters from the beginning. He also found himself liberated, as the fifties wore on, by the example of two older Jewish-American writers. Saul Bellow’s “The Adventures of Augie March” helped “close the gap between Thomas Mann and Damon Runyon,” Roth recalled. Bernard Malamud’s “The Assistant” showed him that “you can write about the Jewish poor, you can write about the Jewish inarticulate, you can describe things near at hand.”
ellauri109.html on line 541: In March, 1959, The New Yorker published Roth’s story “Defender of the Faith,” in which a Jewish enlisted man tries to manipulate a Jewish sergeant into giving him special treatment out of ethnic kinship. Various rabbis and Jewish community leaders accused Roth of cultural treason. “What is being done to silence this man?” Emanuel Rackman, the president of the Rabbinical Council of America, wrote. “Medieval Jews would have known what to do with him.”
ellauri109.html on line 549: His first, and longest, novel, “Letting Go,” published in 1962, lacked the vibrancy of the early stories, and he struggled for the next several years to free himself from its slightly ponderous Jamesian style.
ellauri109.html on line 551: Kleinschmidt published a journal article in which he describes the case of a “successful Southern playwright” with an overbearing mother: “His rebellion was sexualized, leading to compulsive masturbation which provided an outlet for a myriad of hostile fantasies. These same masturbatory fantasies he both acted out and channeled into his writing.” Roth, who was obviously Kleinschmidt’s “playwright,” saw the article just after finishing the novel. He spent multiple sessions berating Kleinschmidt for this “psychoanalytic cartoon” and yet continued his analysis with him for years.
ellauri109.html on line 565: “Sabbath’s Theater” (1995). is probably the most profane of Roth’s novels; it was also his favorite, the book in which he felt himself to be utterly free and at his best. “Céline is my Proust,” he used to say.
ellauri109.html on line 569: Roth was flattened by “Leaving a Doll’s House” and the bad publicity that came with it. He never got over it. “You know what Chekhov said when someone said to him ‘This too shall pass?’ ” Roth told Bailey. “ ‘Nothing passes.’ Put that in the fucking book.”
ellauri109.html on line 571: In his fury and his hunger for retribution, Roth produced “Notes for My Biographer,” an obsessive, almost page-by-page rebuttal of Bloom’s memoir: “Adultery makes numerous bad marriages bearable and holds them together and in some cases can make the adulterer a far more decent husband or wife than . . . the domestic situation warrants. (See Madame Bovary for a pitiless critique of this phenomenon.)” Only at the last minute was Roth persuaded by friends and advisers not to publish the diatribe, but he could never put either of his marriages behind him for good. He was similarly incapable of setting aside much smaller grievances. As Benjamin Taylor, one of his closest late-in-life friends, put it in “Here We Are,” a loving, yet knowing, memoir, “The appetite for vengeance was insatiable. Philip could not get enough of getting even.”
ellauri109.html on line 589: Miller became Roth’s health-care proxy. One year, Roth wrote him a check for ten thousand dollars, telling him, “I want you to share in the general prosperity."
ellauri109.html on line 591: Roth began to hear that Miller was describing him as “manic-depressive.” The theatre critic and producer Robert Brustein, an old friend of Roth’s, reported back that Miller had told him, “He knows he’s writing shit now. It just lies there like a lox.” By the end of 2009, the arrangement and the friendship were over. So was Roths career.
ellauri109.html on line 597: In 2012, Roth invited Blake Bailey to his apartment, on West Seventy-ninth Street, for a kind of job interview. After quizzing Bailey on how a Gentile from Oklahoma could possibly write the life of a Jew from Newark, the deal was made. “I don’t want you to rehabilitate me,” Roth told him. “Just make me interesting.”
ellauri109.html on line 599: As he had with Miller, Roth went to great lengths for Bailey, providing him letters, drafts, a photo album featuring his girlfriends. He wrote a lengthy memorandum for Bailey on a long-term affair with a local Norwegian-born physical therapist—the model for Drenka in “Sabbath’s Theater.”
ellauri109.html on line 603: That first summer I spent a week in Connecticut, interviewing him six hours a day in his studio. Now and then we had to take bathroom breaks, and we could hear each other’s muffled streams through the door. One lovely sun-dappled afternoon I sat on his studio couch, listening to our greatest living novelist empty his bladder, and reflected that this was about as good as it gets for an American literary biographer.
ellauri109.html on line 607: Roth was a dedicated teacher at various universities, but he also availed himself of what he viewed as the perquisites.
ellauri109.html on line 671: John Dryden (19. elokuuta 1631 – 12. toukokuuta 1700) oli aikansa johtava hahmo englantilaisessa kirjallisuudessa. Hän työskenteli näytelmäkirjailijana, runoilijana, kääntäjänä ja kirjallisuuskriitikkona. Andrew Chesterman piti sitä kääntäjien suojeluspyhimyxenä.
ellauri109.html on line 683: Liekö ollut nilkki? Restauraation julkero. Romanticist writer Sir Walter Scott called him "Glorious John".
ellauri109.html on line 703: Dryden was trained in the art of rhetoric and the presentation of arguments for both sides of a given issue. This skill helped him turn his coat when the political winds took sudden turns.
ellauri109.html on line 706: Dryden potkittiin pois Royal Societystä kun sillä oli jäsenmaxut rästissä. Shadwell vei siltä poeta laureatuxen paikan kun Dryden ei pokkuroinut protestanttisia Wilhoa ja Mariaa. Oliko viirikukko ruostunut? Dryden's main goal in the satiric verse: the mock-heroic Mac Flecknoe, was to "satirize Shadwell, ostensibly for his offenses against literature but more immediately we may suppose for his habitual badgering of him on the stage and in print." Thomas Shadwell succeeded him as Poet Laureate, and he was forced to give up his public offices and live by the proceeds of his pig pen.
ellauri109.html on line 745: Auden referred to him as "the master of the middle class". Alexander Pope was heavily influenced by Dryden and often borrowed from him.
ellauri109.html on line 750: John Keats admired the "Fables. " Matthew Arnold famously dismissed him. T. S. Eliot wrote that he was "his ancestor," and had like Eliot a "commonplace mind."
ellauri109.html on line 812: "I went to my father and told him, but he said I should never suspect another Jew stole my child," she says.
ellauri109.html on line 850: His mother, who had been unable to conceive, revealed she had brought him home from a small orphanage, aged three.
ellauri109.html on line 851: She always feared losing him and so, out of respect for his adoptive parents, it was only after they died that Yehuda opened his adoption file.
ellauri109.html on line 883: Bloom lähti sairaalasta seuraavana päivänä, mutta höyrypäisyys jatkui, Roth oli vuorotellen lemmekäs ja julma taas. Bloom epäili että Roth yritti hankkia todistusaineistoa eroprosessiin. Izekin se oli vuorotellen sekava ja hysteerinen. Lopulta lähetettyään kukkia ja sen perään eropostillan, Roth haki asumuseroa, syynä 'Bloomin julma ja epäinhimillinen kohtelu'. Hetkinen hetkinen premissoidaanpa tilanne, siis kuka kohteli ja ketä?
ellauri110.html on line 117: The author (Kulliverbi) sets out as captain of a ship. His men conspire against him, confine him a long time to his cabin, and set him on shore in an unknown land. He travels up into the country. The Yahoos, a strange sort of animal, described. The author meets two Houyhnhnms.
ellauri110.html on line 126: The Houyhnhnms are rational equine beings and are masters of the land, contrasting strongly with the Yahoos, savage humanoid creatures who are no better than beasts of burden, or livestock. Whereas the Yahoos represent all that is bad about humans, Houyhnhnms have a settled, calm, reliable and rational society. Gulliver much prefers the Houyhnhnms' company to the Yahoos', even though the latter are biologically closer to him.
ellauri110.html on line 137: Book IV of Gulliver's Travels is the keystone, in some ways, of the entire work,[citation needed] and critics have traditionally answered the question whether Gulliver is insane (and thus just another victim of Swift's satire) by questioning whether or not the Houyhnhnms are truly admirable. Gulliver loves the land and is obedient to a race that is not like his own. The Houyhnhnm society is based upon reason, and only upon reason, and therefore the horses practice eugenics based on their analyses of benefit and cost. They have no religion and their sole morality is the defence of reason, and so they are not particularly moved by pity or a belief in the intrinsic value of life. Gulliver himself, in their company, builds the sails of his skiff from "Yahoo skins".
ellauri110.html on line 152: In the shipping lanes he is rescued by a Portuguese sea captain, a level-headed individual albeit full of concern for others, whose temperament at one level appears intermediate between the calm, rational Houyhnhnms of Houyhnhnmland and the norm of corrupt, European humanity, which Gulliver no longer distinguishes from Houyhnhnmland's wild Yahoos. Gulliver can speak with him, and though now disaffected from all humanity, he began to tolerate his company. Gulliver is returned to his home and family, finds their smell and look intolerable and all his countrymen no better than "Yahoos", purchases and converses with two stabled horses, tolerates the stable boy, and assures the reader of his account's utter veracity.
ellauri110.html on line 241: Jokainen huomen Jokainen huomen on nyt ja jokainen eilinen tässä, elämässä, pienessä, hämärässä, himmeässä. Kaipuun hetki on haikea, mutta juuri haikeuden kautta on minun kohdattava sinut, mietin, nähtävä kasvosi taas kerran, ne ilmeet, joita en ehkä koskaan uudestaan enää tavoita.

ellauri110.html on line 320: The painter discovers a kindred spirit in Lydia's younger sister Zhenya, a dreamy and sensitive girl who spends her time reading, admiring him painting and having long walks. The two fall in love, and an evening comes when, after a walk, the painter lets his feelings out in a passionate outburst. Zhenya responds in kind, but feels she has to tell her mother and sister about their love immediately.
ellauri110.html on line 322: The following day he learns that Zhenya and her mother had departed. A boy hands him a note from Znenya, which reads: "I have told my sister everything and she insists on my parting from you. I could not hurt her by disobeying. God will give you happiness. If you knew how bitterly mamma and I have cried." The painter leaves the place too. The last glimpse of hope to fill his lonely life with any kind of meaning is now gone, and the person who robbed him of it was Lydia, the one who cared for nothing but bettering other people's lives. Time passes, but he cannot forget Zhenya and deep in his heart knows she still thinks of him, too.
ellauri110.html on line 349: Propriety did not prevent him from engaging in a number of extramarital liaisons with various women that were chronicled in his diary, often in some detail when relating the intimate details. The most dramatic of these encounters was with Deborah Willet, a young woman engaged as a companion for Elisabeth Pepys. On 25 October 1668, Pepys was surprised by his wife as he embraced Deb Willet; he writes that his wife "coming up suddenly, did find me imbracing the girl con [with] my hand sub [under] su [her] coats; and endeed I was with my main [hand] in her cunny. I was at a wonderful loss upon it and the girl also...." Following this event, he was characteristically filled with remorse, but (equally characteristically) continued to pursue Willet after she had been dismissed from the Pepys household. Pepys also had a habit of fondling the breasts of his maid Mary Mercer while she dressed him in the morning.
ellauri110.html on line 351: Pepys may also have dallied with a leading actress of the Restoration period, Mary Knep. "Mrs Knep was the wife of a Smithfield horsedealer, and the mistress of Pepys"—or at least "she granted him a share of her favours". He called her husband "an ill, melancholy, jealous-looking fellow" and suspected him of abusing his wife. Knep provided Pepys with backstage access and was a conduit for theatrical and social gossip. When they wrote notes to each other, Pepys signed himself "Dapper Dickey", while Knep was "Barbry Allen" (a popular song that was an item in her musical repertory).
ellauri110.html on line 555: Ja katso! Ukkonen vaikenee, työ himoja huonoja hillitsee ja ootteko silloin te rakastaneet
ellauri110.html on line 635: Kun Hande Antti Tuutin tenixeen inostamana väsää aivan penkin alle menneen kirjan "0-40", sitä oikein hävettää ja tekee mieli pyytää anteeksi. Nöyränä on pysyttävä: nöyryys ja intohimo, ne koirankin päästää pukille. Kuten hokevat Tuntti Aari ja Mikä Waltari. Siitä puhe mistä puute. Samanlaisia tuurijuoppoja kaikki 3.
ellauri110.html on line 789: ihmissielujen sysissä. ja kaikki oli se Minä. siemen suurimman, vähimmän. tuumi, mik´ on sulle paha,
ellauri110.html on line 793: punahiilien himoa alku, loppukin elämän. vuori noustava: vapaus. Iske itsesi kipunat
ellauri110.html on line 903: Ja rakkain on siinä menneessä. Что пройдет, то будет мило. Ohimenneestä tulee mieluista.
ellauri110.html on line 978: Kalat ei tunne kipua six niitä voi syödä vegenä. Ne muuten vaan sätkii kun niitä lyö airolla tai nirhaa puukolla. Ehkä ne on ikävystyneitä. Niinkuin mato koukussa kiemurtaa pitkästyneenä. Kalat on niin epäinhimillisiä että niitä sopii syödä. Madot on niin kikkelimäisiä että niitä ei voi syödä. Ei ihmisiä kyllä voi, edes kuolleita, eikä niiden thingejä vaikka Cokis kyytipoikana.
ellauri110.html on line 1075: Welcome! ‘Conversations with Dostoevsky’ is a blog written to mark the 200th anniversary year of Dostoevsky’s birth. It takes the form of a series of conversations between a twenty-first century academic and the writer himself. The topics centre on ‘the big questions’, including God, immortality, faith, nationality, and the power of literature. Blogs will be published weekly, though readers may wish to save them up for a monthly visit.
ellauri110.html on line 1081: A final thought is that although Dostoevsky himself did not write a blog, there is something blog-like in his Diary of a Writer, a self-published opinion piece that ranged freely over the most apparently disparate issues. To those who fear that blogging and other forms of information technology are inherently antagonistic to the values of great literature (I mean Dostoevsky and not myself, of course), I suggest that it is not a medium of which he would have been afraid. Perhaps even one he would have relished.
ellauri110.html on line 1121: Uncle was Prince K, a doddering and decrepit old fop who has come into money and who is paying a visit to the provinces. Maria Alexandrovna decides to try to marry off her beautiful young daughter Zenaida to him, but the whole town has had a snootful of her and tries to buck her plans at every turn. Still, she manages to come out in the end after a series of reverses. Not for nothing does Dosto compare her (too)xo to Napoleon Bonaparte. Dosto bore a grudge to the French and English because they had laughed at his accent. Napoleon and Shakespeare, damn the lot.
ellauri111.html on line 116: Not one of the apocryphal books is written in the Hebrew language (the Old Testament was written in Hebrew). All Apocryphal books are in Greek, except one which is extant only in Latin. Jehovah only knows Hebrew. You better pick it up if you want to talk to him.
ellauri111.html on line 160: In 1599, TWELVE YEARS BEFORE the King James Bible was published, King James himself said this about the Apocrypha:
ellauri111.html on line 202: While holding him as a prisoner, the United States capitalized on Geronimo’s fame among non-Indians by displaying him at various events. For Geronimo, it provided him with an opportunity to make a little money. In 1898, for example, Geronimo was exhibited at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exhibition in Omaha, Nebraska. Following this exhibition, he became a frequent "visitor" to fairs, exhibitions, and other public functions.
ellauri111.html on line 204: Wow! What an opportunity! He made money by selling pictures of himself, bows and arrows, buttons off his shirt, and even his hat. In 1905, the Indian Office "provided" Geronimo for the inaugural parade for President Theodore Roosevelt. Later that year, the Indian Office "took" him to Texas, where he shot a buffalo in a roundup staged by 101 Ranch Real Wild West for the National Editorial Association. Geronimo was escorted to the event by soldiers, as he was still a prisoner. The teachers who witnessed the staged buffalo hunt were unaware that Geronimo’s people were not buffalo hunters. Aargh!
ellauri111.html on line 235: “I’ve read about it …” I answered, not wanting to risk offending him any more, though sensing that he did in fact know exactly what I had and hadn’t read.
ellauri111.html on line 241: “It’s strange,” he said, almost as if he was talking to himself. “My English and American readers don’t seem to read it very much. Of course, I do say some rude things about England in it and I know what they say in return—that’s it’s full of Russian jingoism, all very retrograde and reactionary. In my own view, though, it has some of the best things I’ve ever written in it. In fact, that’s where you’ll find this story we’re talking about right now.”
ellauri111.html on line 267: “But I repeat,” he continued after a moment, raising his hands dramatically, “I am not demanding the maximum penalty of the law, not even for these torturers. I do not want them imprisoned, beaten, or executed, though I understand the outrage of people who do. Remember, when Ivan asked Alyosha what to do about the general who’d had the little boy torn to pieces by his dogs, even mild, sweet-tempered Alyosha said ‘Shoot him’. But that doesn’t help either. Just because I wrote a novel called Crime and Punishment, people imagine I’m obsessed with punishing. Not at all. All I want is that the guilty are not acquitted. That their guilt is clearly stated. And that they accept it—that’s the most important of all. Let them be found guilty—and let them go free.”
ellauri111.html on line 281: “But our husband—how does this connect to him?” I asked. “I mean, surely he does acknowledge his guilt. The whole story is in a way his confession, isn’t it?”
ellauri111.html on line 285: “In a way, yes. But only in a way. It seems to me that he has still not acknowledged what he did to her, only how it has affected him. It is not her misery but his own solitude that bothers him: how he can go on living without her.”
ellauri111.html on line 287: “Isn’t that rather harsh? After all, he himself set out the charge sheet, if you like. He tells us just what he has done, how he has behaved. He provides all the evidence we need to find him guilty—morally, if not legally.”
ellauri111.html on line 297: “Now some people might think that was a sign of how deeply he had repented, allowing himself to be shamed before the whole word. But, as I hope you also remember, Bishop Tikhon could see that wanting to publicize your guilt in that way is not necessarily the same as really accepting it, inwardly. Wanting to be seen – and maybe even admired – as a great sinner is not quite the same as actually repenting. And perhaps that’s how it is here too. Of course, if you want to be fussy, you could say that he’s just talking to himself. He’s not produced a written, let alone a printed, confession. I’m the one who wrote it, not him. And yet, it’s as if he’s rehearsing his story for the benefit of the world, for the imaginary audience we each of us have inside our heads.”
ellauri111.html on line 351: This is somehow different than just trying to be good enough, which we cannot do on our own. You see it's not really at all about goodness, it's all about obedience. To be saved, WE REPENT OF OUR OLD WAYS, BELIEVE IN JESUS, AND TRY TO OBEY HIS WORD. Then, as we strive to obey him/us, he helps us to obey him/us.
ellauri111.html on line 373: John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
ellauri111.html on line 403: Matthew 22:36-38 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with ALL thy heart, and with ALL thy soul, and with ALL thy mind. THIS is the first and great commandment.
ellauri111.html on line 408: John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
ellauri111.html on line 410: John 14:23-24 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
ellauri111.html on line 412: 1 John 2:5 But whoso KEEPETH HIS WORD, in him verily is the love of God perfected: HEREBY know we that we are in him.
ellauri111.html on line 416: 1 John 2:3-4 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. HE THAT SAITH, I KNOW HIM, AND KEEPETH NOT HIS COMMANDMENTS, IS A LIAR, and the truth is not in him.
ellauri111.html on line 419: On the other hand, he loves us back, but in HIS case, it is not that he obeys us, but rather the opposite, he lets us obey him! That's love for him! And if we don't he punishes us! That's love too! Like a loving father he lets his big hammer come down on our disobedient heads. Can't you feel it? And oh, the towering feeling Just to know somehow you are near. The over powering feeling, That any second you may suddenly appear.
ellauri111.html on line 421: That was that. Now we are getting to the brass tacks. Here's where we start whacking heretics. The unshaved, degenerate man does not keep God's commandments. God's commandments are in the Bible. The unshaved man does whatever he feels like doing every day giving no heed to God's word. He is not obedient to God's word. He lives according to the ways he chooses to live. Maybe the person reading this is what people call "religious" and they think that they love God. If you are not worshipping God according to his word, the Bible, he is not receiving your worship. This includes those that go to a church that teaches false doctrines--teachings that are not in the Bible. They that worship God must worship him in spirit and IN TRUTH (ref. John 4:24). And what is truth? Jesus said to the Father--
ellauri111.html on line 433: We need Jesus to pay the price for our sins in the right currency. We cannot do it. Righteousness comes by repenting of our sins and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and his blood that was shed to pay for our sins. God will not accept made up religions and attempts to please him.
ellauri111.html on line 451: John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
ellauri111.html on line 496: 1 John 2:3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.

ellauri111.html on line 497: 1 John 2:4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

ellauri111.html on line 498: 1 John 2:5 But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.

ellauri111.html on line 499: 1 John 2:6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

ellauri111.html on line 506: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
ellauri111.html on line 517: Romans 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

ellauri111.html on line 544: JESUS CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD. After His death, our precious Lord´s body laid in the grave three days, but praise be to God, it did not remain there. Death could not hold him back--it was not possible that he should be holden of it (Acts 2:24). Jesus Christ is the life (ref. John 14:6) and God manifested in the flesh (ref. I Timothy 3:16). Death could not hold him. On the third day Jesus arose from the dead and was seen by over 500 people (ref. I Corinthians 15:6) before He went back to heaven.
ellauri111.html on line 566: Be determined that you want God to be your Father and not your enemy. (Believe me, he is not a guy you want as an enemy.) Decide that you WANT the Lord and His ways. Satan and this world are doing nothing but kicking your hind parts all up and down the street. They will leave you destroyed and with your part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone. God will lift you up if you submit yourself to him for his superintending care. And his holy child, Jesus, will be your all-powerful Lord, Saviour, protector, guide, and best friend you could ever have. You will still be kicked in the behind as before, but now it's God's friendly boot that is doing the kicking.
ellauri111.html on line 572: humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and let him lift you up into an upright life. God furnish you with at least one spiritual gift wherewith you can help further the kingdom of God. In due time, He will lift you up to places you never even knew existed. Your life will be changed at its root if you heed to the word of God.
ellauri111.html on line 578: [I]f thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED. (Romans 10:9)
ellauri111.html on line 596: If you have placed your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are a Christian. If you continue repeating his words like a parrot, then are you his disciple indeed (ref. John 8:31). Now begins your new life of freedom and obedience to the Lord and serving him.
ellauri111.html on line 601: 4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

ellauri111.html on line 603: 6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.

ellauri111.html on line 605: 8 Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:

ellauri111.html on line 606: 9 Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.

ellauri111.html on line 640: Seek personal consecration. Our article, Christians Are On the Earth to Serve the Lord is a call to seek personal consecration unto God. We put off the old man and his desperate, wicked deeds (like watching television) and we start putting on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. This is serving the Lord, living the clean new life.
ellauri111.html on line 648: Down here we work for the Master, the Lord Jesus, and sow the seed (us men do, if you get what I mean), sharing his word. Those that hear and receive the word on good ground will be saved (people do not always get saved at the moment they first hear the truth--in time, however they may repent and believe). God sees the work that his people do, and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Psalm 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves* with him. *Sheaves are bundles of wheat or other grain grasses that the harvesters have harvested and bundled. Some seeds fell on good bushes and prospered, some fell on porcelain and did not germinate.
ellauri111.html on line 668: Pray. Pray and talk to God about whatever is on your heart. The Bible says to "pray without ceasing." I like to get up early in the morning while it is still dark and go to my prayer place so that I can present myself before the Lord. I search my memory for the things he allowed me to do the day before and the things he did for me. I praise him and I thank him. I pray for other people. I ask him to forgive me of my sins. When we pray to God, we need to be real. Pray about whatever is real for you at that time. You can praise God and his holy child, Jesus. You can glorify him for what he has done for you, you can thank him for what he has done for you, you can ask him to help you to overcome sin, you can ask him to help you in your daily tasks, you can ask him to show you the way that you should go, and more. The joy of the Lord is your strength (ref. Nehemiah 8:10). And when you pray, pray in Jesus´ name (John 14:13-14; John 15:16; John 16:23).
ellauri111.html on line 679: There is a wicked man coming that Revelation 13 calls, "the beast." He is an antichrist. He is a man of sin. He is soon to make his appearance on the earth and by peace he shall destroy many. The saints are going to go through deep waters--but hold on to Jesus. Don´t ever renounce him or deny him no matter what. You know what you believe in--the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Creator of heaven and earth and all that in them is. Read more here about the coming of the beast. Jesus said that he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved. Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh. He also said that he would be with us alway, even unto the end of the world, Amen. At the beginning of our index page, there is letter. There are words there for you. Please read it from the beginning.
ellauri111.html on line 683: YOU HAVE A NEW LIFE NOW, LIVE IT, GOD WILL HELP YOU. HE TOOK ME OFF THE STREETS AND HE HAS DONE THE SAME FOR COUNTLESS OTHERS. I NOW HATE THE STREETS AND LIVING FOR JESUS IS THE ONLY THING I LIKE. WHEN YOU READ THE WORD AND OBEY IT YOUR DESIRES START CHANGING. I NEVER WENT BACK TO THE STREETS. TIME HAS ONLY STRENGTHENED MY FAITH. Flee from sin (and get away from that infernal, addictive, wicked television as fast as you can!), but if you sin, confess your sin to God and he is faithful and just to forgive you your sin and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. We have an advocate with the Father--Jesus Christ the righteous, God be thanked. God loves you and will see through this life and then when it is time to die, the Lord Jesus Christ himself will be there to take care of you. In Matthew 28:20 Jesus said, "...lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."
ellauri111.html on line 711: Revelation 20:11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

ellauri111.html on line 723: There has been a lot of talk about "aliens" for some time and the talk continues; some kind of sky show may be in the future. If you see something in the air, it is not because there are true aliens. But what about devils? yes there are devils; what about oversized genetically modified organisms and chimeras? maybe; possessed people? yes there are; 3D pictures, yes; pheromones, yes; unrevealed inventions and laws, in all probability, yes. If you hear a voice, see lights, or whatever, compare everything to the Bible--we believe in the Bible above our senses. This is a time of deception. You will not be deceived if you read and obey the scriptures. Read Matthew 24 (and other passages as well) for what is going to happen when the Lord returns. An excerpt--
ellauri111.html on line 735: Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old SERPENT, CALLED THE DEVIL, AND SATAN, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
ellauri111.html on line 749: If you have not trusted Christ, you are in a dangerous position. John 3:36 says, "...he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." You will not make it into heaven on your own "good merits" or by your own conception of who God is and what he should be like. He must be obeyed and worshipped according to his word, the Authorized King James Bible. The Lord Jesus Christ is altogether lovely and worthy to be praised. I hope that you will make the right choice.
ellauri111.html on line 792: Etkö sitten tiedä, että nyt ja vasta nyt Sinun kansasi voi tuntea olevansa varma vapaudestaan ja siihen tyytyväinen; nimittäin vasta silloin, kun he ovat itsestään ja vapaasta tahdostaan jättäneet vapautensa meidän käsiimme laskeutumalla alistuvasti meidän jalkoihimme.
ellauri111.html on line 848: Vapaus, ajatuksen ja omantunnon vapaus ja tiede tulee heidät johtamaan sellaisiin poispääsemättömiin kuiluihin, asettamaan heidän silmiensä eteen sellaisia pulmia ja ratkaisemattomia mysterioita, että muutamat heistä — hurjemmat ja kapinallisemmat kuin muut tulevat itseltään viemään hengen; toiset — kapinalliset mutta heikot — tulevat toisiltaan viemään hengen; ja jälelläovat, heikot, kurjat ja avuttomat, tulevat matelemaan meidän jalkoihimme ja huutamaan: 'Oikeassa olette te Jeesuksen isät (jesuittain nimitys, Suom. Huom); te yksin omistatte hänen salaisuutensa ja me käännymme teidän puoleenne rukoillen, että te pelastaisitte meidät omasta itsestämme'.
ellauri111.html on line 870: Mun miälestä (sanoo Aljoosha) jesuitat ovat vain roomalainen sotajoukko, joka koettaa valmistaa tulevaa ajallista valtakuntaa, missä olisi hiippapäinen hallitsija — roomalainen ylipappi ruhtinaana, Siinä heidän ihanteensa ja tarkotuksensa, ilman mitään salaperäisyyttä tai ylevää kärsimystä. Kaikkein arkipäiväisintä vallanhimoa, elämän alhaisten ja maallisten nautintojen kaipuuta, halua orjuuttamaan kanssaihmisiään, kuten meillä maaorjia ennen pidettiin kurissa — siinä kaikki, mistä heitä voidaan syyttää. Ehkä he eivät usko Jumalaan, sekin lienee mahdollista, mutta sinun kärsivä inkvisitorisi on yksinkertaisesti tekaistu mielikuva!"
ellauri111.html on line 880: Salaliittoteoria on pyrkimys selittää haitallisia tai traagisia tapahtumia pienen, voimakkaan ryhmän toiminnan seurauksiksi. Monessa salaliittoteoriassa oletetaan salaliittolaisten olevan hyvin vaikutusvaltaisia ja kieroja sekä taitavia salaliiton toteuttamisessa ja sen salaamisessa. Salaliittoteoreetikot etsivät tapahtumasta ja sen raportoinnista poikkeavuuksia, jotka he näkevät todisteina salaliitosta siinä kun muut voivat nähdä niissä vain tavanomaisia inhimillisiä virheitä tai sattumaa. Salaliittoteoriat hylkäävät tapahtumien ympärille hyväksytyn kertomuksen ja saattavat nähdä virallisen versionkin todisteena salaliitosta.
ellauri111.html on line 892: Salaliittoteoreetikot näkevät ize itsensä tutkijoina. Jotkut heistä ovat perehtyneet aiheeseensa hyvin yksityiskohtaisesti, ja he tuntevat aiheen perin pohjin. He kiinnittävät huomiota löytämiinsä lukuisiin poikkeavuuksiin, kuten inhimillisiin virheisiin, hätäisiin lausuntoihin, tiedollisiin aukkoihin ja ristiriitaisuuksiin, ja kutovat niistä yhtenäisen salaliittoteorian siinä missä muut ihmiset eivät näe tällaisissa tavanomaisissa epäsäännöllisyyksissä salaliiton todisteita. Ja jos tapahtuma ei näytä salaliitolta, se on salaliittoteoreetikoille merkki siitä, että salaliittolaiset ovat vaikutusvaltaisia, koska salaliitto on tehokkaasti salattu.
ellauri112.html on line 101: August Strindbergin vaikuttava näytelmä oli eilen Kansallisteatteriin koonnut täyden huoneen, joka mielenkiinnolla seurasi sangen huoliteltua esitystä. Suosionosoituksetkin, jotka kasvoivat näytös näytökseltä, olivat lopulta erittäin vilkkaita. »Erik XIV» onkin mieltäkiinnittävä ja vaikuttava näytelmä, ei vähimmin siksi, että Strindberg on voinut siihen mahduttaa niin paljon omituista, aina intohimoista itseään. Hän on siinä ikäänkuin jakanut itsensä kahtia, kahdeksi henkilöksi, joista toinen, onneton Erik-kuningas saa sielukseen kaiken sen syvän heikkouden, epäsoinnun, aina mielipuolisuuden rajoille menevän rikkinäisyyden, jota Strindberg niin runsaasti löysi itsestään; kuninkaan neuvonantaja taas, kuuluisa Göran Persson, on tosin tahto-ihminen kuin kukaan, mutta raudankovan naamarin alla on aito-strindbergiläinen kuolettavasti haavoittuva herkkyys, rakkauden tarve ja sisällinen pakko nähdä elämä alastomuudessaan, paljastaa vaikuttimien epäilyttävät sokkelot. Molempien yhteistä elämää ja toimintaa vainoaa leppymätön kohtalo. Kaikki mitä onneton kuningas tekee on takaperoista ja hullua; hänen neuvonantajansa koettaa uupumattomalla tarmolla hänen jälkiään korjata, mutta kaikki on turhaa. Kuninkaan sisällinen vihlova epäsointu ikäänkuin painaa leimansa kaikkeen mitä hän koskettaa. Miltei pirullisella nautinnolla laskee Strindberg mittaluotinsa tämän ihmiskurjuuden pohjaan saakka, joka on sitä räikeämpi, kun se on niin korkealla, että se näkyy yli maiden. »Erik XIV» on rikkinäisen selän tragedia. Jos tahtoo verrata tätä kuningashahmoa Hamletiin, huomaa heissä ulkonaista yhtäläisyyttä. Molemmilla on pää kädessä, mitääntekemätön pippeli, suuri tehtävä suoritettavana, mutta he eivät siihen pysty, parantumattoman itse-epäilyn ja heikkouden jäytämiä kun ovat. Hamletin epäilyllä on kuitenkin selvät ulkonaiset aiheensa, Erik sensijaan on itse heikkous ja epäily siksi, että hänen sielunsa on pelkkää epäsointua, että hän on tunne-ihminen, jonka tunteet ovat sirpaleina--kuten Strindberg.-- Näytelmään ja sen esitykseen saan tilaisuuden vielä palata. Mainittakoon vain, että hra Jussi Snellman oli Erik-kuninkaassa taas pitkästä ajasta saanut huomattavan osan. On iloista mainita, että hän siitä kaikella kunnialla suoriutui. Hra Puroon Göran Perssonina olisi varmaan Strindberg itse ollut tyytyväinen: se oli erinomainen luoma; esitys kohosi paikoin yli odotuksien. Hra Ahlberg Svante Sturena oli kaunis nähdä, hra Yrjö Somersalmen Peder Welamson ynnä jotkut muutkin esitykset ovat tunnustuksella mainittavat.
ellauri112.html on line 107: Hra Jussi Snellmanin Erik-kuningas oli mielestäni sangen huomattava luoma. Hra Snellmanin esitys teki sen vaikutuksen, ikäänkuin olisi hän sangen tarkkaan tutkinut kunkin yksityisen piirteen ja vivahduksen sinänsä; ja monissa näistä hän mielestäni onnistui hyvin. Kuninkaan omituinen keveähkö ivailu, kun hän puhuu parempaan kääntyneen Göranin rakastumisesta, hänen sokea ja raaka vihanpuuskauksensa sanoman saavuttua Englannin Elisabetin rukkasista, monet tällaisista piirteistä saivat sangen sattuvan tulkinnan. Hyvä naamioitus ja sopiva ulkomuoto tukivat esitystä suuresti. Kolmannen ja neljännen kuvaelman suuressa raivokohtauksessa, kun Kaarina ja hänen lapsensa ovat jättäneet Erikin ja tämä vihan sokaisemana syöksee omin käsin tekemään lopun vangituista Stureista, kohosi hra Snellmanin esitys voimaan ja intohimoisuuteen, joka tietääkseni on hänellä uutta. Tuskan kourissa ikäänkuin alastomana värisevä, vaikeroiva sielu, niinkuin Strindberg yksin sitä osaa kuvata, tässä paljastui katsojalle huomattavalla selvyydellä. Mutta vaikka näin, yksityiskohtia muistellessa, esityksestä löytää runsaasti erittäin hyviä kohtia, on mielestäni kuitenkin kokonaiskuva hiukan laimea. Esittäjä ikäänkuin ei jaksanut saavuttaa riittävän syvällistä intuitsiota osansa ytimestä, se lähde, josta tämän sairaan sielun monet omituiset ja toisinaan varsin hyvin esiintuodut käänteet, mieleneleet pulppuavat, ikäänkuin tahtoi pysyä näkymättömänä.--Hra Puron Göran Persson oli Strindbergin hengen mukainen. Hra Puro oli osaansa saanut jotain siitä suorasta yksinkertaisuudesta, joka on Strindbergiläisen miehekkyyden ihanne. Tämä ihanne tosin on hiukan kaavamainen; ja siinä merkityksessä tässä osassa on teatteria. Göran, suuri valtioviisas ja toiminnan mies, viitsii tehdä hyvää vain niinkauan kuin eräs nainen häntä rakastaa; kun hän tulee petetyksi, sanoo hän muuttuvansa paholaiseksi ja raivoaa hirvittävästi. Mutta vaikka Strindberg näin, pitkissä kohtauksissa, antaa kuninkaan ja hänen valtioviisaansa puhjeta lyyrikoiksi ja panetella maailmaa ja elämää voimasanoilla, joita kenties ei kenellekään muulle sallittaisi, on hänen vuodatuksissaan aina hänelle ominainen tulivuoren hehku ja ukonjylinä, joka vaientaa arvosteluhalumme. Kuten sanoin, oli mielestäni hra Puro oikein käsittänyt osansa hengen. Hän osasi antaa oikean illusion tietoisesta, epätoivoisesta tahdon jännityksestä, joka lauetessaan purkautuu sokeana raivona. Mikä hänen esityksessään oli siloittamatonta tai teatteria, kuului mielestäni osaan.--Monet muutkin osat sietävät mainitsemista. Herra Ahlbergin Svante Sture oli komea ylimys, hra Yrjö Somersalmen Peder Welamson, hra Pihlajamäen siltavahti hyviä esityksiä. Juhana-herttuaa esitti hra Salo, Kaarlea hra Urho Somersalmi, Kaarina Maununtytärtä nti Horsma ja tämän isää hra Falck. Perjantain esityksessä oli runsas huone ja suosionosoitukset vilkkaat. Tänään esitetään kappale kolmannen kerran. (Uusi Suometar 27.11., 28.11. ja 1.12.1912)
ellauri112.html on line 136: Kopsin tähän Eno Kalan valoajatuxia vlta 1913, kun se oli vielä aika nuori poikanen, 23-vuotias. Senkös ikäsenä Eski väitteli? No ei sen väitöskirja jäänyt senkään vertaa historiaan kuin 26-vuotiaan Enon Über die Motivation und die Entscheidung (1916). Kukaan ei heitä taaxepäinkazoviin operaattoreihin kazettakaan taaxepäin. Ei ole motivaatiota. Kaikki me katoamme kerran tms. sanoi Pentti Saarikoskikin, izekin jo aika himmennyt.
ellauri112.html on line 142: Suurin valoajatus, jonka antiikinen sivistys merkillisten seikkailujen jälkeen synnytti ja jätti perinnökseen, ajatus rauhasta maan päällä ja hyvän tahdon liitosta kaikkien ihmisten kesken,--tämä suuri itselaajennuksen ajatus, jonka mukaan vähäinen yksityinen ihminen voi sulkea kaikki ihmiset, kaiken elävän, hellyytensä ja huolenpitonsa piiriin,--kuin tahtoisi hän sanoa: mikään inhimillinen, mikään elävä ei ole minulle vierasta; ei ainoastaan »valtio ole minua», maailma on minua; minä olen sulkenut sen tietoisuuteeni; kaikki muut olennot ovat minua; mitään pahaa ei voi sattua niille ilman, että se koskee minuun; en voi kuulla kenenkään huokaavan tämän maan päällä ilman että tunnen tuskan pistoksen itsessäni;----jos uusi elämän-tiede todella saattaa tämän ihmissivistyksen valoajatuksen sammumaan, koska se sotii elämänkehityksen lakeja vastaan, silloin on tuleva auringonlasku, henkinen jääkausi, jonka veroista vielä ei ole nähty. Mutta kylmä henkäys, joka on omansa antamaan meille aavistusta tämän jääkauden laadusta, on kerran mennyt yli europalaisen psyyken. Se tapahtui viime vuosisadan jälkipuoliskon kuluessa, pessimistisenä reaktsiona »suurten tunteiden ajan» suunnatonta optimismia vastaan. Mutta tämä suuntaus sai tavatonta tukea »darwinismista», elämän-tieteen uudesta muodosta. Sillä darwinismi on militaristinen, sotainen elämänkäsitys niinkuin ei mikään muu. Elävien olentojen erinomainen hedelmällisyys ja ravinnon sekä tilan rajoitus, ne aiheuttavat sen loppumattoman »taistelun olemassaolosta», jossa väkevämpien säilymisen kautta tapahtuu »luonnollinen valinta» ja sen seurauksena kehitys. Väkevämmän oikeus, itsekkyyden moraali näyttää olevan luonnollinen johtopäätös tästä opista. Se kohtaakin meitä erinomaisen taajaan viime vuosisadan jälkipuoliskolla.
ellauri112.html on line 144: Selvemmin Nietzschessä, joka opillaan orjamoraalista antoi häpeällisen leiman lähimmäisrakkauden ajatukselle. »Tulkaa koviksi!» »Kuolema heikoille!» Heikot on muserrettava »hurjalla julmuudella»... Emme voi tulla »yli-ihmisiksi» muuta kuin nutistamalla luonnon »tusinatavaran». Ne, jotka tahtovat veljellistä yhteiskunnan järjestystä, tuomitsee hän »yhtäläisten oikeuksien kääpiö-eläimiksi». Ja joskaan uuden elämän-tieteen edustajat itse eivät mene yhtä pitkälle, käy heidän ajatuksensa samaan suuntaan. Haeckel lausui v. 1877: »Darwinismi ei ole demokraatinen ja vielä vähemmän sosialistinen. Sen tendenssi voi olla yksistään ylimysmielinen. Oppi luonnollisesta valinnasta opettaa meille, että ihmiselämässä, aivan samoin kuin eläinten ja kasvien elämässä, ainoastaan pieni vähemmistö voi elää ja kukoistaa. Suurten joukkojen täytyy kuolla nälkään tai sortua kurjuuteen... Julma ja armoton olemassaolon taistelu, joka riehuu kautta koko elävän luonnon ja jonka luonnonlakien mukaan täytyy riehuta, tämä lakkaamaton ja säälimätön kilpailu kaikkien elävien olentojen välillä, on kieltämätön tosiseikka. Vain pieni vähemmistö voi jäädä eloon... Monet ovat kutsutut, mutta harvat valitut», lisää Haeckel, antaen päinvastaiseen käännetyn merkityksen tälle evankeliumin sanalle. Kuinka pimeäksi luonnonnäkemys oli käynyt, siitä antaa edelleen Darwinin toisen »adjutantin», englantilaisen professori Huxleyn lausunto (1888) hyvän käsityksen. Luonnon ikuinen taistelu, sanoo hän, jossa voimakkaimmat, nopeimmat ja viekkaimmat jäävät eloon taistellakseen taas seuraavana päivänä ja kärsiäkseen, sillä kärsimys on sekä voitettujen että voittajien palkka, tämä taistelu »tapahtuu jokaisessa maailman kolkassa, tuhansia kertoja joka minuutti, ja jos korvamme olisivat kyllin tarkkoja, kuulisimme loppumatonta huutoa, jommoista Dante kuuli helvetin portilla...»
ellauri112.html on line 146: Oppi väkevämmän oikeudesta darwinismin johtopäätöksenä tuntuu myös mitä selvimmin viime vuosisadan jälkipuoliskon yhteiskuntaopissa ja käytännöllisessä politiikassa. Darwinismin syyksi on meidän myös pakko lukea se, että rauhanaate tällä ajalla tuskin ollenkaan on päässyt edistymään. Se elää yhä vielä lapsen kapaloissaan ja kansojen keskinäisissä väleissä, missä sen pitäisi vallita, on ratkaisijana mitä alkeellisin itsekkäisyys. Eikä sitä ole syytä ihmetellä, niin kauan kuin yhteiskuntaopin julkiset opettajat, kuten esim. eräs saksalainen professori Hasse, lausuvat tämänsuuntaisia mielipiteitä: »Lähimmäisrakkauden moraali on luvallinen (!) yksilöiden kesken.» Mutta mitä kansakuntiin tulee, täytyy »itsekkyyden moraalin astua yksilöiden kesken luvallisen lähimmäisrakkauden sijaan». Luonnollisia ovat tältä kannalta myös lausunnot sellaiset kuin Bismarckin (1891) »sota on luonnonlaki; se on olemassaolon taistelua yleisemmässä muodossa», tai Moltken: »sota kuuluu osana Jumalan maailmanjärjestykseen». Ihmeellistä kyllä, näyttää darwinismi näissä miehissä hyvästi sopeutuvan heidän vanha-testamentillisiin sodanjumala-käsityksiinsä, samoin kuin se Englannissa esim. darwinistisen lord Salisburyn persoonassa yhtyi imperialismiin, europalaiseen rosvopolitiikkaan siirtomaita ja kaukaisia kansoja, kuten buureja, kohtaan. Collin ei tämän johdosta epäile lausua: »Me alamme täten saada historiallisen yleissilmäyksen tähän mahtavaan ajatusvirtaukseen, joka voidaan merkitä uusimman ajan merkillisimmäksi ja turmiollisimmaksi taikauskon muodoksi.» Mutta jos kerran darwinismi on tosi, silloin on myös sen johtopäätös tämä militaristinen filosofia tosi, eikä mikään taikausko--Krapotkin sanoo »Muistelmissaan»: »Ei ole mitään rosvotyötä sivistyneen yhteiskunnan keskuudessa tai valko-ihoisten ja n.s. alempien rotujen välisessä suhteessa tai väkevien ja heikkojen kesken, jota ei sen (darwinismin) kautta voida puolustaa».
ellauri112.html on line 150: II Toisessa pääteoksessaan, »Ihmisen polveutumisessa», (1871) johtui Darwin itsestään kiinnittämään huomionsa luonnon inhimillisempiin piirteisiin ja tuomaan niitä esiin. Olihan nyt todistettava, että ihmisen ja eläinkunnan välillä ei ole mitään ylipääsemätöntä kuilua, että ihmisellä eläimistön pisimmälle ehtineitten joukossa on verrattain läheisiä sukulaisia. Ihmisellä on, kuten tunnettu, yhteiskuntaelämää ja määrättyjä sosiaalisia hyveitä. Siis täytyy myös korkeimmilla eläimillä olla ainakin alkeita tämänsuuntaisiin ilmiöihin. Mikään ei ollut helpompaa osoittaa. Että lukuisat eläimet elävät joukossa, pyytävät saaliinsa yhdessä, asettavat yhteisiä vartijoita ja vaaran tullen taistelevat yhteisesti vihollista vastaan, voimakkaitten urosten suojellessa heikompia naaraita ja poikasia, se voidaan nähdä lukemattomissa tapauksissa. Nämä joukoissa elävät eläimet osoittavat usein mitä suurinta uskollisuutta »yhteiskuntaansa» kohtaan. »Lajien synnyssä» oli Darwin väittänyt, että »olemassaolon taistelun täytyy aina olla ankarimman samaan sukuun kuuluvien yksilöiden välillä». Nyt kiinnittää hän huomiota siihen, kuinka usein tapahtuu, että saman suvun jäsenet auttavat toisiaan elämäntaistelussa. Meneepä tämä auttavaisuus toisinaan tuollepuolen suvun rajojenkin. Esimerkkejä löytyy taaskin lukuisia.-- Yhteiskunnallisen viettinsä ovat ihmiset epäilemättä perineet apinan kaltaisilta esi-isiltään, sillä se löytyy alhaisimmillakin heimoilla. »Kolme vangittua patagonialaista meni mieluummin kuolemaan, kuin ilmaisi toveriensa sotasuunnitelman; he antoivat ennemmin ampua itsensä, toinen toisensa jälkeen.»
ellauri112.html on line 152: Omantunnon soimaus perustuu Darwinin mukaan yhteiskunnallisten viettien kestävyyteen ja voimaan. Kun muut viettimme enemmänkin ovat ohimeneviä, on yhteiskunnallinen vietti alituinen, koska me aina elämme joukossa. Jos noudatamme yhteiskunnallisvastaista viettiä, joka hetkeksi saa ylivallan, kadumme jälestäpäin, koska yhteiskunnallinen vietti ajanpitkään on kestävin. Mutta samoin on myös joukoissa elävien eläinten laita. Nekin ovat aina varuillaan yhteistä vaaraa vastaan, valmiita puolustamaan joukkoa, auttamaan tovereitaan. Ne tuntevat aina vissiä suopeutta ja myötätuntoa näitä kohtaan. Ne ovat onnettomia, kun ne kauan ovat tovereistaan erillään, ja aina onnellisia kohdatessaan ne jälleen. »Ja niin on meidänkin laitamme», lisää Darwin. Collin on sitä mieltä, että tämä Darwinin toisen pääteoksen antama kuva eläinten tilasta tuntuvasti poikkeaa »Lajien synnyn» antamasta. Edellisen mukaan luonnossa valoisilla, inhimillisillä piirteillä on huomattavasti suurempi sija. Epäilemättä Darwin itse ei koskaan tullut tajuamaan tätä pääteostensa välillä olevaa eroavaisuutta. »Lajien synnyn» yksipuolinen kuvaus olemassaolon taistelusta, joka miltei oli kaikkien sota kaikkia vastaan, ei ole koskaan tullut oikaistuksi. Ja tämä teos kuitenkin tuli jäämään darwinismin raamatuksi.
ellauri112.html on line 193: Syy siihen, että juuri käsitteet »vihreä», »punainen» jne. on muodostettu, eikä aivan toisia, piilee tietysti näiden vivahdusten käytännöllisessä merkityksessä. Lauselma: »logiikka ei tavoita vivahduksia» tarkoittaa siis: spekulatiivinen, aprioristinen logiikka ei tavoita vivahduksia. Kaikkia värivivahduksia ei voida ilmaista viidellä tai kuudella värinimityksellä. Mutta kokemustiede, kokemuksellinen logiikka tavoittaa kyllä mitä vivahduksia tahansa. Minulla on tällä hetkellä mielikuva ihan määrätystä punaisen vivahduksesta, joka imupaperillani on; jos tahtoisin, voisin nimittää tätä vivahdusta esim. klm: siten olisi uusi käsite muodostettu, käsite, joka tavoittaisi ihan määrätyn vivahduksen. Tällaisen käsitteen muodostaminen olisi kuitenkin kovin epätarkoituksenmukaista. Paljon tärkeämpiä kuin äärimäisen yksilölliset vivahdukset, kuin ne ominaisuudet, jotka kussakin esineessä ovat erilaisia, ovat yleensä esineiden yhteiset ominaisuudet. Käsite klm ilmaisisi vain yhdellä tai aivan harvoilla esineillä olevaa ominaisuutta, käsite »punainen» sellaista ominaisuutta, joka on lukemattomilla ja jonka jokainen omasta kokemuksestaan tuntee. Sanoin, että Renan yllämainitulla lauseellaan on lausunut julki Bergsonin filosofian ydinajatuksen. Mutta siinä tapauksessa Bergson on käsittänyt tuon lauseen ihan sananmukaisesti. Bergsonin mukaanhan kaikki logiikka, kaikki ajattelu on voimaton tavoittamaan todellisuutta, joka ei ole muuta kuin vivahduksia. Hänhän esittää, mitenkä inhimillinen äly on kuin valmiiden vaatteiden varasto, johon yritetään pukea todellisuus, katsomatta kuinka se niihin soveltuu. Hän vertaa älyämme kinematograafikoneeseen, joka ottaa muutamia liikkumattomia silmänräpäyskuvia elämän alituisesta virtailusta, ja yrittää näistä kuolleista kuvista uudelleen panna kokoon elävän todellisuuden. Hän puhuu ymmärryksemme »mekanistisesta vaistosta», joka viettää voittokulkuaan geometriassa, mutta on kykenemätön ratkaisemaan elämän arvoitusta. Tällä tavoin Bergson syyttää tiedettä virheestä, johon ei ollenkaan se, vaan juuri filosofia on tehnyt itsensä syypääksi-- spekulatiivisesta logiikasta, jota monet filosofit ovat rakastaneet, mutta joka tiedemiesten parhaille on ollut kauhistus. Näin yrittää hän riistää tieteeltä sananvallan sen mieltäkiinnittävimmissä kysymyksissä, ja panna sijalle runollisen »intuitionsa», jota ei millään keinoin voi kontrolloida, joka ei sisällä mitään mahdollisuutta eroittaa totuutta erehdyksestä. Jos koskaan, on filosofia Bergsonissa muuttunut »spesialiteetiksi». (Aika 10, 10-18) * * * * *
ellauri112.html on line 653: Marlo is a physical wreck, ugly fat and unkempt, a woman who doesn’t get enough or not at all and is chronically fatigued. She shuffles around in sweatpants and baggy sweaters as the house gets dirtier, the kids get noisier, and her husband gets "lazier". Everything becomes a battle for Marlo – keeping Jonah in school, putting a meal on the table, finding time to bathe, even getting her husband to hump her. He shuts her out at night, retreating to the bedroom alone to play video games with himself headphones on. Cant fix that part without fixing the hole.
ellauri112.html on line 820: “God himself provides ‘wine which makes man’s heart glad’ just as He gives ‘food which sustains man’s heart’ (Ps. 104:14.15). He promises His people that, if they will obey Him, He will bless them with an abundance of wine (Deut 7:13, 11:14, Prov. 3:10. etc.). He threatens to withdraw this blessing from them if they disobey His law (Deut. 28:39, 51; Isa. 62:8). The Scriptures clearly teach that God permits His people to enjoy wine and strong drink as a gift from Him. ‘You may spend the money for whatever your heart desires, for oxen, or sheep, or wine, or strong drink, or whatever your heart desires; and there you shall eat in the presence of the Lord your God and rejoice, you and your household’ (Deut. 14:26).
ellauri112.html on line 875: “In regard to the external form of the ordinance, whether or not believers are to take into their hands and divide among themselves, or each is to eat what is given to him; whether they are to return the cup to the deacon or hand it to their neighbour; whether the bread is to be leavened or unleavened, and the wine to be red or white, is of no consequence. These things are indifferent, and left free to the Church...”
ellauri115.html on line 52: Tää albumi on kieltämättä surkeata paluuta Sammelin portin pieleen oxentaman spagettiläjän ääreen. (Se portti on nyt mennyttä kun Jouni rakentaa uutta leveämpää sähköauton latauxelle sopivampaa porttia.) Silti en voi vastustaa luonnon kuzua, koska ko. kirjan lopussa oli aseistariisuvan inhimillinen res gestae luetelma Janne-Jaakon elinvuosista.
ellauri115.html on line 217: Hän ei paljastanut ajatuxiaaan, van kohteliaasti ilmoitti ottavansa Meleksedekin asian hoitaaxeen päästyään Mempiin. Kuningas ojensi hänelle vihreän sadetakin, jonka Apilseri kätki viittaansa. Vähän aikaa he kazelivat toisiaan, ja Apilseri huomasi kaikesta huolimatta jonkin verran pitävänsä Meleksedekistä tämän mahtipontisuudesta huolimatta. Meleksedek oli inhimillinen. Sen toteaminen lämmitti oudosti Apilserin sydäntä ja ikäänkuin lähensi hänet kuninkaaseen. Pappiskuningas suoristautui seisomaan, ojensi kätensä hänen päänsä päälle ja puolittain kuiskasi: Korkein siunatkoon askelesi ja varjelkoon sinua! Hän siunatkoon siemenesi niin että sukusi paisuisi suurexi kuin meri! Mene rauhassa!
ellauri115.html on line 387: Wounded feelings gave rise to a bitter three-way quarrel between Rousseau and Madame d'Épinay; her lover, the journalist Grimm; and their mutual friend, Diderot, who took their side against Rousseau. Diderot later described Rousseau as being "false, vain as Satan, ungrateful, cruel, hypocritical, and wicked... He sucked ideas from me, used them himself, and then affected to despise me".
ellauri115.html on line 396: Hume still felt, justly, under-appreciated. The "banks of the Thames", he insisted, were "inhabited by barbarians". There was not one Englishman in 50 "who if he heard I had broke my neck tonight would be sorry". Englishmen disliked him, Hume believed, both for what he was not and for what he was: not a Whig, not a Christian, but definitely a Scot. In England, anti-Scottish prejudice was rife. But his homeland too seemed to reject him. The final humiliation came in June 1763, when the Scottish prime minister, the Earl of Bute, appointed another Scottish historian, William Robertson, to be Historiographer Royal for Scotland.
ellauri115.html on line 398: Hume's friends travelling in France had already told him about his incomparable standing in Parisian society. And the two years he spent in Paris were to be the happiest of his life. He was rapturously embraced there, loaded, in his words, "with civilities". Hume stressed the near-universal judgment on his personality and morals. "What gave me chief pleasure was to find that most of the elogiums bestowed on me, turned on my personal character; my naivety & simplicity of manners, the candour and mildness of my disposition &tc." Indeed, his French admirers gave him the sobriquet Le Bon David, the good David.
ellauri115.html on line 402: Hume penned an unreserved panegyric to a clerical friend in Scotland comparing Rousseau to Socrates and, like a starry-eyed lover, seeing beauty in his adored one's blemishes: "I find him mild, and gentle and modest and good humoured ... M. Rousseau is of small stature; and would rather be ugly, had he not the finest physiognomy in the world, I mean, the most expressive countenance. His modesty seems not to be good manners but ignorance of his own excellence."
ellauri115.html on line 406: In consequence, they had totally severed relations with him. Most chilling was the warning from Baron d'Holbach. It was 9pm on the night before Hume and Rousseau set out for England. Hume had gone for his final farewell. Apologising for puncturing his illusions, the baron counselled Hume that he would soon be sadly disabused. "You don't know your man. I will tell you plainly, you're warming a viper in your bosom."
ellauri115.html on line 412: Rousseau was already seized with the glimmerings of a plot; he warned his Swiss friends that his letters were being intercepted and his papers in danger. By June, the plot was starkly clear to him in all its ramifications - and at its centre was Hume. On June 23, he rounded on his saviour: "You have badly concealed yourself. I understand you, Sir, and you well know it." And he spelled out the essence of the plot: "You brought me to England, apparently to procure a refuge for me, and in reality to dishonour me. You applied yourself to this noble endeavour with a zeal worthy of your heart and with an art worthy of your talents." Hume was mortified, furious, scared. He appealed to Davenport for support against "the monstrous ingratitude, ferocity, and frenzy of the man".
ellauri115.html on line 422: A cartoon depicting Rousseau as a Savage Man, a Yahoo, caught in the woods was more to Hume's taste. He described it to her with relish. "I am represented as a farmer, who caresses him and offers him some oats to eat, which he refuses in a rage; Voltaire and D'Alembert are whipping him up behind; and Horace Walpole making him horns of papier maché. The idea is not altogether absurd."
ellauri115.html on line 431: Voltaire issued an invitation to Rousseau to come and reside with him, commenting that: "I shall always love the author of the 'Vicaire savoyard' whatever he has done, and whatever he may do...Let him come here [to Ferney]! He must come! I shall receive him with open arms. He shall be master here more than I. I shall treat him like my own son."
ellauri115.html on line 433: Around this time, Rousseau started developing feelings of paranoia, anxiety, and of a conspiracy against him. Most of this was just his imagination at work, but on 29 January 1768, the theatre at Geneva was destroyed through burning, and Voltaire mendaciously accused Rousseau of being the culprit. In June 1768, Rousseau left Trie, leaving Therese behind, and went first to Lyon, and subsequently to Bourgoin. He now invited Therese to this place and "married" her, under his alias "Renou" in a faux civil ceremony in Bourgoin on 30 August 1768.
ellauri115.html on line 462: Mietin sixi kuolevaisten surkeaa kohtaloa ajopuuna tässä kazomusten meressä, ilman kompassia mahtavaa peräsintä ja pulleita purjeita, ja myrskyisien himojeni kourissa ilman muuta opasta kuin kokematon luozi joka ei tiedä mistä se on tulossa ja minne menossa. Mä sanoin näin, izexeni nimittäin: "Rakastan totuutta, ezin hiäntä, enkä löydä. Näytä mulle totuus ja tartun siihen kiinni kuin iiliäinen; mixi se piilottaa naamansa innokkaalta sydämeltä joka ei muuta toivo kuin sitä palvoa?
ellauri115.html on line 486: Samuel Clarke (1675–1729) was the most influential British metaphysician and theologian in the generation between Locke and Berkeley, and only Shaftesbury rivals him in ethics. In all three areas he was very critical of Hobbes, Spinoza, and Toland. Deeply influenced by Newton, Clarke was critical of Descartes’ metaphysics of space and body because of the experimental evidence for Newtonianian doctrines of space, the vacuum, atoms, and attraction and because he believed Descartes’ identifying body with extension and removing final causes from nature had furthered irreligion and had naturally developed into Spinozism.
ellauri115.html on line 649: Uskoisitko ehkä, hyvä ystävä, että näistä synkistä aatteista ja näennäisistä ristiriidoista sukeusi mun mielessäni sublimoitu idea sielusta, jota mun ezintä ei tähän saakka ollut honannut? Kun ma mietiskelin miehen luonnetta, musta näytti että siinä on 2 eri periaatetta; 1 nosti sen etutkimaan ikuisia totuuxia, oikeuden rakkautta, ja totta moraliteettia, sellaisiin maanosiin joita viisaat tykkäävät miettiä; toinen vei sen alaspäin omaan napaansa, teki siitä aistiensa orjan, ja himojen jotka on niiden instrumentteja, ja siten vastusti kaikkea mitä edellinen periaate vinkkasi. Kun mä tunsin lähteväni kiidulle, näiden vastakkaisten motiivien kannattelemana, mä sanoin, Ei; mies ei ole 1, mä tahon ja mä en halua; mä tunne izeni samalla kertaa orjaxi ja vapaaxi miehexi; mä havaizen mikä on oikein, mä rakastan sitä, mut mä teen mikä on väärin [tän mä förbin Paavalita, sori Paavali]; mä oon aktiivinen kun mä kuuntelen järjen ääntä; mä on passiivinen kun passiohedelmät tempaavat mut mukaansa; ja kun mä annan perixi, mun suurin tuska on että mä olisin ehkä voinut vastustaa. [Muze ei ois ollut kivaa.]
ellauri115.html on line 699: Älä kysy multa kestääkö pahisten kidutuxet ikuisesti, voiko kiltti luoja tuomita ne ikuiselinkautiseen; taaskaan mä en osaa sanoa, eikä mua kyllä kiinostakaan, se on hyödytöntä tietoa. Miten ilkeiden kohtalo koskisi minua? Mähän on selkeästi lampaiden tiimissä. EVVK. Silti mun on vaikea uskoa että niiden rangaistuxet olis iänikuisia. Jos korkein oikeus vaatii kostoa, se vaati sitä tällä puolella. Maailman kansakunnat erroreineen ovat sen toteuttajia. Oikeus käyttää izeaiheutettuja pahoja rangaistaxeen niitä jotka ovat ne ansainneet. Meidän kyllääntymättömissä sieluissa, joita syövät kateus, ahneus ja kunnianhimo, keskellä feikkiä vaurautta, kostavat passiohedelmät saavat ansaitun palkintonsa teidän rikoxista. Ei tässä tarvita mitään helvettiä, se on jo ilkimysten rinnassa.
ellauri115.html on line 701: Kun meidän ohimenevät tarpeet on ohize, ja meidän hullut halut lepäävät, pitäisi tulla loppu meidän passiohedelmistä ja rikoxista. Voiko puhdas sprii kyetä perversseihin tekoihin? Kun ne ei enää tarvi mitään, mix ne olis enää edes ilkeitä? Jos ne on vapaita meidän karkeista aisteista, jos niiden onni koostuu toisten olioiden kazelusta kuin Kim Young Unilla, ne voi vaan haluta mikä on koreaa; ja se joka lakkaa olemasta pahis ei voi koskaan olla kurjimus. Näin mä ainakin olen taipuvainen ajattelemaan vaikken mä ole ihan hirveesti yrittänyt tulla mihkään johtopäätöxeen. Jumalauta, teidän armonne, hyvä herra, mitä sä päätätkin mä läpytän; jos sä päätät panna pahojen päät ikuiselle pölkylle, olkoon mun puhheeni mitätön; mut jos näiden katuminen ajan mittaan sattuis päättymään, jos niiden kärsimyxet loppuisi, ja jos ne sais saman rauhan kuin minäkin, niin mä kiitän ja kumarran, kiitos siitä oikein kovasti. Eix ilkeäkin ole mun veljeni? Ei kai mun tarvi olla kuonpuoleisessa sen vartija? On munkin monasti tehnyt mieli tehdä niinkuin se. Päästäpä kuule se pahasta ja vapauta se pahasta hengestä; anna sen olla lähes yhtä onnellinen kuin mä; sen onni ei tee mua kateexi, vaan lisää vaan mun omaani.
ellauri115.html on line 720: Tässä maailmassa on paljon pahoja miehiä, mutta on vähän näitä kuolleita sieluja [But cf. Gogol op.cit.] jotka jahtaa vaan omaa etua, tunnottomina kaikelle joka on oikein ja hyvin. Me riemuitaan epäoikeudenmukaisuudesta vaan kun se on meidän oman edun mukasta [ditto oikeudenmukaisuudesta; useimmille "epistä" tarkoittaa nimenomaan että on ize jäänyt pitelemään tikkua]; jokaisessa muussa tapauxessa toivotaan että viattomia suojellaan. Jos me nähdään joku väkivallanteko tai epäoikeudenmukaisuus kaupungissa tai maaseudulla, meidän sydämmet liikuttuu heti pohjia myöten välittömästä kiukusta ja vihasta, joka käskee meitä menemään apuun sorretuille [tosin kummat on niitä sorrettuja on ihan kazojan silmässä]; mut meitä hillizee vahvempi velvoite, ja laki ottaa meiltä oikeuden suojella viattomia. Toisaalta, jos joku armon tai avokätisyyden teko sattuu silmään, mitä kunnioitusta ja rakkautta se herättääkään meissä sivustakazojissa! Exme sanota izellemme "mä olisin voinut tehdä ton izekin, muttei sattunut olemaan kukkaro mukana"? Mitä se meille meriteeraa oliko 2000v sitten yx mies oikeassa tai väärässä? ja me luetaan samalla innolla antiikin historia kuin eilisen lehteä. Mitä Catalinan rikoxet on mulle? En mä siitä uhritu. Mixmä sitten kammoxun sen rikoxia ihankuin se tulis tänään telkasta? Me ei vihata pahoja vaan sen takeen mitä ne tekee meille, vaan koska ne on vaan pahoja. Eikä me haluta vaan olla ize onnellisia, vaan me halutaan meidän kaverienkin olevan lähes yhtä onnellisia, eikä tää onni paljon haittaa meidän omaa onnea, jos se on kohtuu pienempi se vaan kasvattaa meidän onnea. Loppuvetona, haluammepa tai emme, me säälitään onnettomia; kun me nähdään niiden kärsivän me kärsitään vähän izekin, ei me niitä mieluusti kazella. Jopa pahimmilla pahixilla on vähän tätä vaistoa, ja se usein johtaa ne ristiriitoihin. Ryöväri joka ryövää turistin, antaa sen liian isot vaatteet köyhille; julmin murhaaja antaa hajusuolaa pyörtyneelle naiselle.
ellauri115.html on line 724: Heitä kaze kaikkiin maailman osakuntiin; lue jokainen historianide; keskeltä näitä omituisia ja julmia palvonnan muotoja, näiden hämmästyttävän moninaisten tapojen ja tottumusten joukosta löydät aina samat oikean ja oikeuden ideat; kaikkialla samat moraliteetit, samat hyvän ja pahan ideat. Vanah pakanismi synnytti kauheita jumalia jotka alennettiin sittemmin perkunoixi, jumalat jotka vaan tarjosivat ylimmän onnen kuvana rikoxia tehtävixi ja himoja tyydytettävixi. Mutta turhaan pahe lähti jumalten kämpästä niiden henkkarit mukana; moraalivaisto ei hyväxynyt niitä miehen sydämmeen. Kun Juppiterin rivoiluja juhlittin, Xenokrateen pidätyskykyä kunnioitettiin; siivo Lukretius ihaili häpeämätöntä Venusta; julkea roomalainen uhrasi Pelolle; se kuzui jumalaa joka leikkas isältänsä kikkelin, ja kuoli mukinoitta oman isänsä käsissä. Mitä arvottomimpia jumalia palvoi jaloimmatkin heppulit. [En nyt viizi tässä mennä Barukin mainizemiin puupääjumaliin.] Pyhä luonnonääni oli kuuluvampi kuin jumalien ääni, se voitti kunniasijan maalla ja kaupungissa; se näytti lähettävän syyt ja syylliset yhtä lailla taivaaseen. [Häh?]
ellauri115.html on line 774: Olen aina intohimoisesti rakastanut melomista kirkkoveneellä. Kumpu tarjoaa mainion ympäristön kaneille jotka saavat siellä lisääntyä rauhassa. Kerroin tästä ideasta tilanhoitajalle joka tuotatti sinne kaikki, tyttärensä, vaimonsa ja sisarensa. Terska ja minä menimme juhlallisesti sinne myös. Ne alkoivat lisääntyä jo ennen pois lähtöäni. Tämän pienen siirtokunnan perustaminen oli suurta juhlaa, olin kuin pieni kolonialisti levittämässä vieraslajeja. Tunsin izeni ylpeäxi kuin astronauttien peräsmies johtaessani kanini tilanhoitajan vaimon isolta kaninkololta tyttären pienelle. Veden edestakainen aaltoilu säesti mun edestakaisia liikkeitä ja saivat mut nautinnollisesti tiedostamaan olemassaoloni. Ei tarvinnut kahdesti miettiä kuten mamanin aikana, minua keinuttava jatkuva edestakainen liike vangizi minut siinä määrin että tilanomistajan vaimon tullessa rajusti jouduin väkisin riuhtaisemaan izeni sieltä pois.
ellauri115.html on line 800: Even if nothing else does, our friendships involve us in enmities, as Chilo the wise man perceived, who asked the man who told him he had no enemy, whether he had a friend either.
ellauri115.html on line 816: Conversely, Socrates bore with Xanthippe,​ who was irascible and acrimonious, for he thought that he should have no difficulty in getting along with other people if he accustomed himself to bear patiently with her; but it is much better to secure this training from the scurrilous, angry, scoffing, and abusive attacks of enemies and outsiders, and thus accustom the temper to be unruffled and not even impatient in the midst of reviling.
ellauri115.html on line 834: A specimen of Fontaine's mal à propos remarks. A brother of Boileau, who was a doctor of the Sorbonne, pronounced one day, before La Fontaine and two or three others, a long eulogy upon St. Augustine. The fabulist, whose mind had been running upon a very different author, and who had but little idea of the distinction to be observed between writers on sacred and profane subjects, interrupted the doctor to ask whether he thought St. Augustine a greater genius than Rabelais. The theologian contented himself with the reply, “Take care, M. La Fontaine, you have put on your stockings the wrong side out!” Sepalus on persepuolella.
ellauri115.html on line 836: At another time Racine took La Fontaine to church, and gave him a Bible, which he opened at the prayer of the Jews in Baruch; becoming interested in the book, which he had perhaps never opened before, he asked his friend, “Who was this Baruch? He was a fine genius!” For some time afterwards his salutation to friends was, “Have you read Baruch?”—LAROUSSE: Fleurs Historiques.
ellauri115.html on line 962: The Racovian Catechism makes muted reference to the devil in seven places which prompts the 1818 translator Thomas Rees, to footnote references to the works of Hugh Farmer (1761) and John Simpson (1804). Yet these references are in keeping with the somewhat subdued handling of the devil in the Biblioteca Fratrum Polonorum. The Collegia Vicentina at Vicenza (1546) had questioned not only the existence of the devil but even of angels. Word has it that the personal boll weevil was none other than Sozzini himself.
ellauri115.html on line 1079: It was in the mid-1980s that he became aware of difficulties in his relationship with his fiancée, and that he had mood swings. In 1985 he sought help from a psychiatrist, who diagnosed him with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Vaknin did not accept the diagnosis at the time. From 1986 to 1987 he was the general manager of IPE Ltd. in London. He moved back to Israel, where he became director of an Israeli investment firm, Mikbatz Teshua. He was also president of the Israeli chapter of the Unification Church's Professors for World Peace Academy.
ellauri115.html on line 1091: In his view, narcissists have lost their "true self", the core of their personality, which has been replaced by delusions of grandeur, a "false self". Therefore, he believes, they cannot be healed, because they do not exist as real persons, only as reflections: "The False Self replaces the narcissist's True Self and is intended to shield him from hurt and narcissistic injury by self-imputing omnipotence ... The narcissist pretends that his False Self is real and demands that others affirm this confabulation," meanwhile keeping his real-life imperfect true self under wraps.
ellauri115.html on line 1093: Vaknin distinguishes between cerebral and somatic narcissists; the former generate their narcissistic supply by applying their minds, the latter their bodies. He considers himself a cerebral narcissist because he is no eye candy.
ellauri115.html on line 1130: The Hares moved to the USA to study for a PhD program in psychophysiognomy at the University of Oregon, but due to his daughter falling ill (as expected) the family returned to Canada. Hare then served as a psycho in the prison system in British Columbia (British Columbia Penitentiary) for eight months, an area in which he had no particular qualification or training; indeed he would later recount without pangs of conscience that some prisoners were able to manipulate him more than he could them.
ellauri115.html on line 1132: His research led him to don The Mask of Sanity along with American psychiatrist Hervey M. Cleckley, who played a pivotal role in the sort of psychopathy he developed.
ellauri115.html on line 1134: Hare then returned to Vancouver, British Columbia, shut up as a professional psychopath at the prison's psychologist compartment, where he would stay for 30 years until retirement, the same prison he had previously worked in. He seemed not to change behavior in response to God's punishment because he was a psychopath. He recalls, "I happened to get into a cell that nobody else was sitting in". Hare has said of himself and his wife Averil that the loss of their daughter Cheryl in 2003 "tells an awful lot about who Averil and I are." Averil, his wife, is a prominent social worker in Canada specializing in child abuse.
ellauri115.html on line 1138: Hare also co-authored the bestselling Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work (2006) with organizational psychologist and human resources consultant Paul Babiak, a portrayal of the disruptions caused when psychopaths enter the workplace. The book focuses on what Hare refers to as the "successful psychopath", who can be charming and socially skilled and therefore able to get by in the workplace. This is by contrast with the type of psychopath whose lack of social skills or self-control would cause them to rely on threats and coercion and who would probably not be able to hold down a job for long. Hare would classify himself and Mrs. Hare (jänisemo pyrynä viitaan loikki) as first class psychopaths. Successful vs. unsuccessful bad people.
ellauri117.html on line 53: Jokainen pienois-yhteiskunta, kun se on rajoitettu ja hyvin kokoonpantu, erkanee suuresta yhteiskunnasta. Jokainen isänmaanystävä on ankara ulkomaalaisille; nämä ovat hänen silmissään pelkkiä ihmisiä, jopa vallan tyhjänarvoiset. Tätä epäkohtaa ei voi välttää, mutta se ei kuitenkaan ole varsin tuhoa tuottava. Pääasia on se, että kohtelee hyvin niitä henkilöitä, joiden keskuudessa elää. Ulkomaalaisia kohtaan spartalainen osottautui kunnianhimoiseksi, saidaksi ja väärintekeväksi; mutta hänen omien muuriensa sisällä vallitsi omanvoitonpyytämättömyys, oikeudellisuus ja sopu. Älkää luottako niihin kosmopoliitteihin, jotka teoksiinsa hakevat kaukaa velvollisuuksia, joita halveksien kieltäytyvät täyttämästä omaan ympäristöönsä nähden. Sentapainen filosofi pitää tataareista sun muista rättipäistä ja savunaamoista, päästäkseen naapureistaan pitämästä.
ellauri117.html on line 109: Jos tässä suhteessa olisikin joku vaara pelättävissä, niin tulisi vaan epäröimättä uskaltaa. Koska ihmiselämässä kerran välttämättömästi on vaaroja, niin epäilemättä on parasta siirtää ne siihen ikäkauteen, jossa ne ovat vähimmin vahingollisia. Kuta vanhemmaksi lapsi tulee, sitä suurempiarvoiseksi se käy. Kapalolapset ovat puoli-ilmaisia, palleroita ja taaperoita voi aina tehdä lisää samasta reijästä.
ellauri117.html on line 111: Lapsi viettää täten kuusi tai seitsemän vuotta naisten hoidokkaana, ollen heidän ja omien oikkujensa uhrina; ja sittenkuin sille on opetettu yhtä ja toista, s.o. sittenkuin on rasitettu sen muistia joko sellaisilla sanoilla, joita se ei voi ymmärtää tai seikoilla, jotka ovat vallan hyödyttömiä, sittenkuin on tukahutettu sen luontaiset taipumukset niillä intohimoilla, jotka siinä on herätetty, jätetään se tällaiseksi keinotekoiseksi olennoksi muuttuneena opettajan käsiin; tämä antaa lopullisen kehityksen niille keinotekoisuuden iduille, jotka huomaa jo varsin reheviksi, ja opettaa sille kaikkea, paitsi itsetuntemusta, paitsi itsenäistä toimintakykyä, paitsi elämisen ja onnelliseksi tulemisen taitoa. Kun sitten tämä lapsi, ollen orja ja tyranni samalla, pää täyteen ahdettuna tietoja, mutta vailla järkevyyttä, yhtä heikkona ruumiiltaan kuin hengeltään, työnnetään ulos maailmaan ja kun se silloin paljastaa kykenemättömyytensä, ylpeytensä ja kaikki paheensa, niin silloin surkutellaan inhimillistä kurjuutta ja nurinkurisuutta. Mutta siinä erehdytään; sillä tuollainen ihminen on ainoastaan meidän oikkujemme kasvattama; luonnon luomana ihminen on vallan toisenlainen.
ellauri117.html on line 115: Sillä, joka ei voi täyttää isän velvollisuuksiaan, ei ole oikeutta isäksi tulla. Ei köyhyys, eivät toimet eivätkä mitkään inhimilliset arvelut vapauta isää elättämästä ja itse kasvattamasta lapsiaan. Uskokaa minua, lukijani. Sanon jokaiselle, jolla on tunteellinen sydän ja joka laiminlyö niin pyhiä velvollisuuksia, että hän kauvan on katkerasti itkevä erehdystään eikä koskaan ole siltä saava rauhaa.
ellauri117.html on line 126: On olemassa ainoastaan yksi tiede, joka on lapsille opetettava, ja se on inhimillisten velvollisuuksien tiede. Tämä tiede on yksi ja huolimatta siitä mitä Xenofon kertoo persialaisten kasvatuksesta, se on jakamaton. Muuten sanon kernaammin sellaista henkilöä, joka tätä tiedettä opettaa, kasvattajaksi kuin opettajaksi; sillä hänen tehtävänsä on pikemmin ohjaaminen kuin opettaminen. Hänen ei ollenkaan pidä antaa ohjemääräyksiä, vaan tehdä kädellä. Handleitung kuten sanomme Schweizissä. Kädessä se kasvaa kokoa ja varttuu pystysuunnassa.
ellauri117.html on line 185: Apparently his wife Frieda believed him to have had a sexual relationship with a farmer while writing Women in Love in 1916. There's also the coal miner quote you mentioned Kelby. Then there's the quote: I should like to know why nearly every man that approaches greatness tends to homosexuality, whether he admits it or not... (Älkää yrittäkökään! Mä en ole! Sitäpaizi mä en ole lähelläkään suuruutta! Pienenen kuin pyy maailmanlopun edellä.)
ellauri117.html on line 190: I left myself quite limply in his hands, and, to get a better grip of me, he put his arm round me and pressed me against him, and the sweetness of the touch of our naked bodies one against the other was superb. It satistied in some measure the vague indecipherable yearning of my soul; and it was the same with him. When he had rubbed me all warm, he let me go, and we lo0ked at each other with eyes of
ellauri117.html on line 239: Gerald fastened the door and pushed the furniture aside. The room was large, there was plenty of space, it was thickly carpeted. Then he quickly threw off his clothes, and waited for Birkin. The latter, white and thin, came over to him. Birkin was more a presence than a visible object, Gerald was aware of him completely, but not really visually. Whereas Gerald himself was concrete and noticeable, a piece of pure final substance.
ellauri117.html on line 245: So the two men began to struggle together. They were very dissimilar. Birkin was tall and narrow, his bones were very thin and fine. Gerald was much heavier and more plastic. His bones were strong and round, his limbs were rounded, all his contours were beautifully and fully moulded. He seemed to stand with a proper, rich weight on the face of the earth, whilst Birkin seemed to have the centre of gravitation in his own middle. And Gerald had a rich, frictional kind of strength, rather mechanical, but sudden and invincible, whereas Birkin was abstract as to be almost intangible. He impinged invisibly upon the other man, scarcely seeming to touch him, like a garment, and then suddenly piercing in a tense fine grip that seemed to penetrate into the very quick of Gerald´s being.
ellauri117.html on line 247: They stopped, they discussed methods, they practised grips and throws, they became accustomed to each other, to each other´s rhythm, they got a kind of mutual physical understanding. And then again they had a real struggle. They seemed to drive their white flesh deeper and deeper against each other, as if they would break into a oneness. Birkin had a great subtle energy, that would press upon the other man with an uncanny force, weigh him like a spell put upon him. Then it would pass, and Gerald would heave free, with white, heaving, dazzling movements.
ellauri117.html on line 253: At length Gerald lay back inert on the carpet, his breast rising in great slow panting, whilst Birkin kneeled over him, almost unconscious. Birkin was much more exhausted. He caught little, short breaths, he could scarcely breathe any more. The earth seemed to tilt and sway, and a complete darkness was coming over his mind. He did not know what happened. He slid forward quite unconscious, over Gerald, and Gerald did not notice. Then he was half-conscious again, aware only of the strange tilting and sliding of the world. The world was sliding, everything was sliding off into the darkness. And he was sliding, endlessly, endlessly away.
ellauri117.html on line 255: He came to consciousness again, hearing an immense knocking outside. What could be happening, what was it, the great hammer-stroke resounding through the house? He did not know. And then it came to him that it was his own heart beating. But that seemed impossible, the noise was outside. No, it was inside himself, it was his own heart. And the beating was painful, so strained, surcharged. He wondered if Gerald heard it. He did not know whether he were standing or lying or falling.
ellauri117.html on line 257: When he realised that he had fallen prostrate upon Gerald´s body he wondered, he was surprised. But he sat up, steadying himself with his hand and waiting for his heart to become stiller and less painful. It hurt very much, and took away his consciousness.
ellauri117.html on line 263: Birkin heard the sound as if his own spirit stood behind him, outside him, and listened to it. His body was in a trance of exhaustion, his spirit heard thinly. His body could not answer. Only he knew his heart was getting quieter. He was divided entirely between his spirit, which stood outside, and knew, and his body, that was a plunging, unconscious stroke of blood.
ellauri117.html on line 275: He still heard as if it were his own disembodied spirit hearing, standing at some distance behind him. It drew nearer however, his spirit. And the violent striking of blood in his chest was sinking quieter, allowing his mind to come back. He realised that he was leaning with all his weight on the soft body of the other man. It startled him, because he thought he had withdrawn. He recovered himself, and sat up. But he was still vague and unestablished. He put out his hand to steady himself. It touched the hand of Gerald, that was lying out on the floor. And Gerald's hand closed warm and sudden over Birkin's, they remained exhausted and breathless, the one hand clasped closely over the other. It was Birkin whose hand, in swift response, had closed in a strong, warm clasp over the hand of the other. Gerald´s clasp had been sudden and momentaneous.
ellauri117.html on line 338: Birkin laughed. He was looking at the handsome figure of the other man, blond and comely in the rich robe, and he was half thinking of the difference between it and himself -- so different; as far, perhaps, apart as man from woman, yet in another direction. But really it was Ursula, it was the woman who was gaining ascendance over Birkin´s being, at this moment. Gerald was becoming limp again, lapsing out of him.
ellauri117.html on line 412: Vaikka Fitzgeraldin intohimona oli romaanien kirjoittaminen, jo hänen ensimmäinen romaaninsa myi niin paljon, että sen ansiosta hän ja Zelda saattoivat pitää yllä New Yorkin kuuluisien rikkaiden elämäntyyliä.
ellauri117.html on line 432: Pitäsköhän luetella kirjalliset älysetämiehet joilla oli omasta mielestään niitä tyhmemmät good old Pät tyyppiset kumppanit kuten Pyhimyxellä joiden kanssa ne oli hyvää pataa loppupeleissä vaimon tyhmyydestä huolimatta tai ehkä juuri sixi? Tyyliin
ellauri117.html on line 503: The male nurse could not but laugh at the male patient before him.

ellauri117.html on line 612: Essayn kuvaama keskustelu inhimillisen maxan mausta ja luonteesta sijoittui Shaftesburyn kotiin vuonna 1671. Tuolta ajalta on säilynyt kaksi teoksen luonnostelmaa. Tuohon aikaan Locke toimi myös ministerinä kauppa- ja viljelysministeriössä (Secretary of the Board of Trade and Plantations) sekä sortoministerinä siirtomaa-asioissa (Secretary to the Lords and Proprietors of the Carolinas), mikä auttoi häntä muotoilemaan ajatuksiaan kansainvälisestä kaupasta ja taloudesta.
ellauri117.html on line 653: Locken miälestä P. Peeveli oli nopeaälyinen heppu, kuumaverinen. Sillä oli niin paljon sanomista että sanat tungexivat ovissa kuin keltakassisia kundeja kellon alla Stockan alessa (silloin kun vielä oli Stockmanni, nythän se on enää vain varjo izestään). Se sekoilee niin paljon että tarvitaan joku Locke parsimaan sen lauseet kokoon. Kukas siihen parempi kuin John, himself a man of parts. Liimataan pätkät yhteen eikä välitettä sanoista niin paljon kuin ajatuxesta, joka Peevelin tasoisella kaverilla on aina sama, sanoi se mitä tahansa. Room. 1 jossa gender challenged saavat kyytiä, vähän näyttää hirvittävän Jussia: onko Peeveli nyt sanomassa että pakanoiden olis pitänyt tietää paremmin, vaikkei niillä ollut yöpöydän laatikoissa Gideonin Bibleä? Jussi koittaa selittää kaiken parhain päin: että Peeveli vaan tässä suomii heimoveljiä eikä mainize pakanoita muuten kuin vertailumielessä. Hmmnojaa, uskokoon ken haluaa. Will to believe, sitä tässä kysytään.
ellauri117.html on line 655: Locke was at times not sure about the subject of original sin, so he was accused of Socinianism, Arianism, or Deism. Locke argued that the idea that "all Adam's Posterity are doomed to Eternal Infinite Punishment, for the Transgression of Adam" was "little consistent with the Justice or Goodness of the Great and Infinite God", leading Eric Half-Nelson to associate him with Pelagian ideas. However, he did not deny the reality of evil. Man was capable of waging unjust wars and committing crimes. Criminals had to be punished, even with the death penalty.
ellauri118.html on line 388: In 1912 Cawein was forced to sell his Old Louisville home, St James Court (a 2+1⁄2-story brick house built in 1901, which he had purchased in 1907), as well as some of his library, after losing money in the 1912 stock market crash. In 1914 the Authors Club of New York City placed him on their relief list. He died on December 8 later that year and was buried in Cave Hill Cemetery. Shouldn´t have speculated but on his own pen and paper.
ellauri118.html on line 403: Kirjallisuuden tutkijat epäilevät hänen tutustuneen Milanossa Stendhaliin. Teosta Vaarallisia suhteita pidetään yleisesti lajityyppinsä kirjeromaanin parhaana esimerkkinä. Teoksen henkilöt jakaantuvat selvästi hyviin ja pahoihin. Cécile ja ritari Danceny ovat hyviä, viattomia, nuoria ja kokemattomia. Valmont ja markiisitar de Merteuil ovat pahoja. Valmont on terävä-älyinen, viehätysvoimainen pelimies, jonka intohimona on valehtelu. Markiisitar de Merteuil ei ole hyveellinen, viaton, uskollinen tai aito. Häneltä puuttuu myös kaikki uskonnollisuus. Yhdessä Valmontin kanssa hän pitää ihmisiä joko ottajina tai niinä, joilta otetaan. Heillä ei ole muita aitoja tunteita kuin itserakkaus. Valloitukset tuovat paitsi vallantunnetta myös eroottista tyydytystä. Vaikka Cécile ja ritari Danceny turmelevat viattomuutensa, he tuntevat kuitenkin katumusta. Rouva de Tourvel edustaa aitoutta ja viattomuutta, joka säilyy iästä huolimatta. (Höh? Mistä iästä? Se oli 22v.) Teos puhuu lakkaamatta hyveestä ja viattomuudesta sekä niiden menettämisestä. Valmont ja markiisitar de Merteuil yrittävät parhaansa mukaan kitkeä viattomuuden ja hyveet, pelkästään kostonhalunsa takia tai pönkittääkseen omaa statustaan. Teoksen painopiste ei ole toiminnassa, vaan viettelyn tekniikassa. Siinä suhteessa tää jää selvästi 2.ksi verrattuna Vargas Llosaan. Vastoinkäymiset ovat Valmontille esteitä, jotka ovat kierrettävissä oveluudella ja julmuudella. Vaarallisia suhteita on lajityypistään huolimatta hyvin draamallinen, ja se on sovitettu teatterinäyttämölle lukemattomia kertoja. Elokuvaksi se on sovitettu viidesti. Helsinkiläinen Ryhmäteatteri esitti vuonna 2015 Vaarallisia suhteita Suomenlinnan kesäteatterissa. Näytelmäsovituksen teki Juha Kukkonen ja pääosia näyttelivät Minna Suuronen ja Antti Virmavirta. Se oli Pierren uran huippuhetkiä.
ellauri118.html on line 438: Willie van Peer, kognitiotieteellisten sovellusten edelläkävijä kirjallisuustieteessä, empiirisen lukijatutkimuksen puolestapuhuja ja elitistisen formalismin ponnekas vastustaja, pohtii kirjallisia teemoja käsittelevässä artikkelissaan, miksi juuri uskottomat aviovaimot ovat kaunokirjallisuudessa alati toistuva aihe. Van Peer perusteleen aiheen (tai teeman, hän ei erottele näitä kahta käsitettä) suosiota sen emotionaalisella ja kognitiivisella potentiaalilla: moraalisen valinnan ja sen mahdollisten seurauksien luoma jännite riittää kantamaan pitkääkin kertomusta. (Van Peer 2002, 256–258.) Väitän, että kysymys on kuitenkin ennen kaikkea narratologinen: kielletyn romanssin kirjallista traditiota on pitänyt ja pitää edelleen hengissä mielten lukemisen ja konstruoimisen halu, ja nämä intohimot ovat erottamattomasti kytköksissä kerronnallisiin strategioihin. No entäs se darwinistinen tosiseikka, että poikasista 5-15% syntyy käenmunista? Eiköhän se riitä tuomaan tälle teemalle pysyvää mielenkiintoa?
ellauri118.html on line 551: Alan uranuurtajille kuten Käte Hamburgerille ja Dorrit Cohnille fiktiivisen mielen esittäminen oli ennen kaikkea osoitus kertovan fiktion erityislaadusta muihin diskursseihin nähden – ainoa kerronnallisuuden alue, joka tarjoaa tiedollisen pääsyn toisen ihmisen tajuntaan (ks. Hamburger 1993, 81–89; Cohn 1978, 5–7; Cohn 2006, 35–38, 149). Cohn väittää klassisessa tutkimuksessaan Transparent Minds (1978), että kerronnalliset keinot, jotka päästävät meidät lähimmäksi henkilöhahmojen kokemusmaailmaa, ovat samaan aikaan kaikkein kirjallisimpia – kaikkein ilmeisimmin kirjailijan taiteellisen luomistyön tulosta.
ellauri118.html on line 566: Haluan tutkimuksessani osoittaa, että mielen mimeettisen illuusion säilyttäminen ei suinkaan ole lukijan ainoa intohimo. On myös muita illuusioita, kuten kerronnallisen sulkeuman illuusio tai muodollisen koherenssin illuusio – ja todellista teeskentelyä kaivataan silloin, kun näitä odotuksia kohdistetaan todellisiin tapahtumiin ja mieliin.
ellauri118.html on line 587: ELÄMÄ ON KERTOMUS sanoi George Lakoff (1941-) pukkikirjaimin vaikkei uskalla kyllä enää, se ei trendaa enää yhtään. Peter Brooks (1984/1995) tavoittelee Barthesin innoittamana merkityksen tai merkityksellistämisen intohimoa (”passion for meaning”, emt. 48). Sitähän kaikki uskkontohyypät juuri korostaa. Merkitystä tarvitaan, ilman sitä ei ole koko uskoa. On lähes mahdotonta niellä ettei tässä olla mihkään menossa paizi sedimentixi.
ellauri118.html on line 591: Brooksin teos on kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ”intohimoteorioista” kuitenkin narratologisin. Esimerkiksi René Girardin klassikkoteos Mensonge romantique et vérité romanesque (1961) kulkee kauas kirjallisten piirteiden tutkimuksesta ja laajenee tulkitsemaan antropologisesti niin kirjallisuuden, uskontojen kuin politiikankin jakamia intohimo- ja syntipukkimekanismeja.
ellauri118.html on line 642: But not to put him back design´d, Ei pois työntämisen tarkoituxessa,
ellauri118.html on line 643: Rather to draw him on inclin´d, Vaan pikemminkin vetämässä kohti,
ellauri118.html on line 715: Mad to possess, himself he threw Panohulluna hän heittäytyi pukille
ellauri118.html on line 718: To snatch his Pow´r, yet leave him the Desire ! Veivät siltä voiman, halun jättivät.
ellauri118.html on line 766: Leaving him fainting on the gloomy Bed. Jättäen hänet pyörtyneenä makoilemaan.
ellauri118.html on line 790: Had Damn´d him to the Hell of Impotence. Manasi hänet kyvyttömän helvettiin.
ellauri118.html on line 799: Fronden jälkeen hän itse piti kuulua kirjallista salonkia Société du samedi (´lauantaiseura´), joka oli viimeisiä jossa presiöösin tyylin henkeä vielä vaalittiin. Seuran jäseniä on sanottu ensimmäisiksi sinisukiksi. Tämä yltiöromanttinen ja hienostunut näkemys leimaa myös hänen kirjoittamiaan viittä valtavan suurta herooista historiallista romaania, jotka tosin ilmestyivät hänen veljensä nimissä: Ibrahim, ou l´illustre Bassa (4 osaa, 1641), jonka ansiosta tulivat muotiin turkkilaiset aiheet ja orientalismi, Artamène ou le grand Cyrus (10 osaa, 1649–1653), Clélie, histoire romaine (10 osaa, 1654–1660). Romaanit saivat myrskyisän suosion ja kuuluvat ajan suurimpiin kirjallisiin menestyksiin.
ellauri118.html on line 921: Ahabin kuoleman jälkeen Isebel jatkoi vallassa poikansa Joramin ja pojanpoikansa Ahasjan kanssa. Hänen tyttärensä Atalja puolestaan oli naimisissa Juudan kuninkaan Joramin kanssa. Raamattu kuvaa Ataljan hyvin samanlaiseksi kuin äitinsä – vallanhimoiseksi, kovatahtoiseksi ja läpeensä pakanaksi.
ellauri118.html on line 970: The Commander doesn't ask Offred to kiss him after their first illicit night together.
ellauri118.html on line 1072: Kirjailija Kaari Utriota, 78, ja koomikko Peggy Atwoodia, 82, yhdisti erityisesti 2 asiaa: käkkärätukka ja feminismi. Kumpikin on intohimoinen naisten ja vähemmistöjen puolustaja, ja kumpikin tekee työtään myös naisasialiikkeen hyväksi.
ellauri118.html on line 1082:
Asiavirhe ja verenhimoa

ellauri118.html on line 1087: Tää raiskaajan joukkomukilointikohtaus on aggressiota puhtaalla liekillä. Verenhimoa on ilmassa. Onkohan toi silmien päästä kynsiminen jotenkin tyttöjen? Naiset sonnustautuu miehen tamineisiin aseena joku tylppä astalo.
ellauri118.html on line 1095: 23§ Jos joku neitsyt on kihloissa miehen kanssa ja toinen tapaa hänet kaupungissa ja makaa hänen kanssaan, niin viekää molemmat sen kaupungin portille ja kivittäkää heidät kuoliaaksi, tyttö siksi, että hän ei huutanut apua kaupungissa, ja mies siksi, että hän teki väkivaltaa lähimmäisensä morsiamelle. Poista paha keskuudestasi.
ellauri118.html on line 1140: He had Parkinson's disease, and his hands shook, so he needed a straw to drink — but he waited weeks before his jailers gave him one.
ellauri119.html on line 145: In the season two episode "Batman's satisfaction," Batman notices that three distinct letters are missing from a bowl of alphabet soup. Robin is so impressed with Batman's mental acuity that he lets him know it via his "holy uncanny photographic mental processes" statement.
ellauri119.html on line 231: Anteexianto. Anteexianto on usein vaikeaa, erityisesti jos vika on ollut izessä. Anna meille anteexi niinkuin mekin annamme anteexi sinulle, erotamme teon tekijästä, asetamme kokemamme elefantinkokoiset vääryydet inhimillisiin mittasuhteisiin.
ellauri119.html on line 244: Perinteet: No tässä suhteessa ei ole mitään moitittavaa, saat täydet pisteet Jehova! Hyvä Jehova! Way to go Elohim! Iso käsi isiemme jumalalle tästä! Läpyjä! (Vrt. kohta 1b yllä.)
ellauri119.html on line 270: For the majority of Christian denominations, the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost, is believed to be the third person of the Trinity, a Triune God manifested as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, each entity itself being God. Nontrinitarian Christians, who reject the doctrine of the Trinity, differ significantly from mainstream Christianity in their beliefs about the Holy Spirit. In Christian theology, pneumatology refers to the study of the Holy Spirit. Due to Christianity's historical relationship with Judaism, theologians often identify the Holy Spirit with the concept of the Ruach Hakodesh in Jewish scripture, on the theory that Jesus (who was Jewish) was expanding upon these Jewish concepts. Similar names, and ideas, include the Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God), Ruach YHWH (Spirit of Yahweh), and the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit).
ellauri119.html on line 283: וְר֣וּחַ אֱלֹהִ֔ים (Ruah Elohim) – Spirit of God (Genesis 1:2)[25]
ellauri119.html on line 331: Vaikka elohim tarkoittaa herroja, se tarkoittaa kuitenkin vaan yhtä.
ellauri119.html on line 400: Paul Matthews van Buren (April 20, 1924 – June 18, 1998) was a Christian theologian and author. An ordained Episcopal priest, he was a Professor of religion at Temple University, Philadelphia for 22 years. He was a Director [NYT obituary says "Associate"] of the Center of Ethics and Religious Pluralism at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Van Buren was born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia. During World War II, he had served in the United States Coast Guard. He graduated with a bachelor´s degree in government from Harvard College in 1948. A professor at Temple University, he was considered a leader of the "Death of God" school or movement, although he himself rejected that name for the movement as a "journalistic invention," and considered himself an exponent of "Secular Christianity." He died of cancer on June 18, 1998 at age 74.
ellauri119.html on line 412: Hamilton had tenure and held an endowed chair, but his reputation for radical theology rendered him and his family unwelcome at a local Presbyterian church and eventually at Colgate Rochester.
ellauri119.html on line 434: The Apostle Paul glorified love as the most important virtue of all. Describing love in the famous poetic interpretation in 1 Corinthians, he wrote, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres." (1 Cor. 13:4–7, NIV) He didn't mean eros, but rather homophilia. Perseveraatiosta oli puhe. John also wrote, "Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." (1 John 4:7–8, NIV) Influential Christian theologian C. S. Lewis wrote a book called The Four Loves. The first retired nazi pope Benedict XVI named his first circular God as love. He said that a human being, created in the image of God, who is love, is able to make love; to give himself to God and others (agape) and by receiving and experiencing God's love in contemplation (eros). This life of love, according to him, is the life of the saints such as Teresa of Calcutta and the Blessed Virgin Mary and is the direction Christians take when they believe that God loves them. Pope Francis taught that "True love is both loving and letting oneself be loved...what is important in love is not our loving, but allowing ourselves to be loved by God." That's just what Virgin Mary did. "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." – Matthew 5: 43–48. Jews didn't like tax collectors.
ellauri119.html on line 440: Love encompasses the Islamic view of life as universal brotherhood that applies to all who hold faith. Amongst the 99 names of God (Allah), there is the name Al-Wadud, or "the Loving One," which is found in Surah [Quran 11:90] as well as Surah [Quran 85:14]. God is also referenced at the beginning of every chapter in the Qur'an as Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim, or the "Most Compassionate" and the "Most Merciful", indicating that nobody is more loving, compassionate and benevolent than God. The Qur'an refers to God as being "full of loving kindness." The Qur'an exhorts Muslim believers to treat all people, viz. those who have not persecuted them, with birr or "deep kindness" as stated in Surah [Quran 6:8-9]. Birr is also used by the Qur'an in describing the love and kindness that children must show to their parents. Ishq, or divine love, is the emphasis of Sufism in the Islamic tradition. Practitioners of Sufism believe that love is a projection of the essence of God to the universe. God desires to recognize beauty, and as if one looks at a mirror to see oneself, God "looks" at himself within the dynamics of nature. Since everything is a reflection of God, the school of Sufism practices to see the beauty inside the apparently ugly sufist. Sufism is often referred to as the religion of love. God in Sufism is referred to in three main terms, which are the Lover, Loved, and Beloved, with the last of these terms being often seen in Sufi poetry.
ellauri119.html on line 448: BTW did Mary come? How many times? There are many different theories that attempt to explain what love is, and what function it serves. It would be very difficult to explain love to a hypothetical person who had not himself or herself experienced love or being loved. In fact, to such a person love would appear to be quite strange if not outright irrational behavior.
ellauri119.html on line 454: Why set aside good old Empedocles anyway? He meant forces of attraction and repulsion, he got it just right 2My before Newton. Plato sucks, set him aside instead. The idea of two loves, one heavenly, one earthly is just bullshit. As Tristram Shandy's Uncle Tboy was informed over 2My later, "of these loves, according to Ficinus's comment on Valesius, the one is rational - the other is natural - the first...excites to the desire of philosophy and truth - the second, excites to desire, simply". Toby felt the former toward women and the latter for model trains. Plato's sublimation theory of love involved "mounting upwards...from one to two, and from two to all fair boys, and from fair boys to fair actions, and from fair actions to fair motions, until with fair motions he comes into the bottom of an absolute beauty". Sounds like Plato's own love history from horny gym boy to a dirty old geezer.
ellauri119.html on line 646: Rosenbaum left Russia at the tail end of the Trust program. She was assisted by bolshevik Hollywood. Like a typical crypto-jew and communist she used a pseudonym. She became, together with Leo Strauss, a leading philosopher of the Trotskyites. She, like Strauss, helped create the philosophy of arrogance and entitlement that justifies the lies of government leaders to the people. Her philosophies misrepresent the realities of how wealth and psychopathic greed coupled with immorality destroys civilization. Her solution to class warfare is group disloyalty of the rich to society and the exploitation of the national resources by a privileged class to destroy the economy and sabotage the nation. She misrepresented American tradition in a way that benefitted our enemies and internationalized our national resources leaving them easy pickings for the exploitation of unregulated international markets. She advocated the ruinous gold standard which allows our enemies the opportunity to deflate our money supply and strangle the economy at their whim. By simply hoarding gold and/or sending it out of the nation the bankers can ruin us under a gold standard. Her philosophy falsely claims that the market can and will correct the actions of the enemy within to ruin the nation by their designs. She wanted to grant the enemy the right to act with impunity and free rein as a Trojan horse within America to completely destroy our nation, and she has nearly succeeded. The removal of the ability of government to impose with force the collective will of the nation inevitably leads to balkanization, and that was well known and desired by our bolshevik enemies, Rosenbaum’s masters. She never pointed out the name and the nature of the enemy, instead scapegoating the poor and the communists for what international jewry was doing, with her as one of its leading members. As far as I know, she NEVER addressed the existential danger of jewish messianic prophecy and the subversion of the American government by Israel. Being herself a jew, she was disloyal to America in favor of Israel. She was disloyal to the American majority population in favor of the banking class. She did absolutely nothing that was ever in any way harmful to the communists or the bankers, who have so harmed America.
ellauri119.html on line 714: Your claims against Ayn Rand don’t stand up to scrutiny, though. She never advocated Social Darwinism, either explicitly or implicitly. In my readings, I have read quotes where she damned a CEO who uses only a tenth of his ability and praised a janitor who strive to improve himself.
ellauri119.html on line 718: Her heroes act benevolently towards others. Dagny Taggart saves a bum from being thrown off one of her trains. She even invites him to dinner in her private car. Why would someone who advocates Social Darwinism write this into their novel?
ellauri119.html on line 720: In a different scene, Hank Rearden helps a small manufacturer, a guy Rand describes as respectable but no master of industry. Rearden could have refused to help or charged him an exorbitant amount for the favor. But he didn’t. Again, this portrayal of a wealthy industrialist doesn’t fit your contention that Rand advocated a dog-eat-dog Social Darwinism.
ellauri119.html on line 775: Asked what she thought of Reagan, Ayn Rand replied, “I don’t think of him. And the more I see, the less I think of him.” For Rand, “the appalling part of his administration was his connection with the so-called ‘Moral Majority’ and sundry other TV religionists, who are struggling, apparently with his approval, to take us back to the Middle Ages via the unconstitutional union of religion and politics.” Rand’s primary concern, it seems, is that this “unconstitutional union” represented a “threat to capitalism.” While she admired Reagan’s appeal to an “inspirational element” in American politics, “he will not find it,” remarked Rand, “in the God, family, tradition swamp.” Instead, she proclaims, we should be inspired by “the most typical American group… the businessmen.”
ellauri131.html on line 91: n Starostin kylänvanhimman.
ellauri131.html on line 429: Pip's father gave him a plate that had hot chapatti that was full of ghee!
ellauri131.html on line 501: Ja kun kerta voit valita mitä vaan, niin toivottavasti valitset jotain superhienoa, kuten ”Olen rajaton”, ”Minä saan epäonnistua, se on inhimillistä”, ”Minä ansaitsen tulla nähdyksi ja kuulluksi”, ”Minä olen sosiaalinen ja rakastettava”!
ellauri131.html on line 584: Intohimoinen ja kasvava kiinnostus henkilökohtaiseen varakkuuteen on tosin näkynyt perinteisessä mediassakin. Hanna Kuusela tutkii parhaillaan talousjournalismin suhtautumista vaurauteen 1980-luvulta tähän päivään.
ellauri131.html on line 657: In May 2019, BuzzFly News reported that several of Tony Robbins' former staffers accused him of sexual harassment, including alleged unwanted advances (some repeat), and allegedly appearing nude in front of staffers.
ellauri131.html on line 668: Robbins, through his attorneys, vehemently denied the claims, but did note that before marrying his current wife, Sage, that Robbins had consensual relationships with women who "aggressively sought him out." "Becky didn't mind that much."
ellauri131.html on line 671: "I was beyond tempted at times. There was no drought, for sure. I was like a kid in a candy store. Hef invited me to the Playboy Mansion, and I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Women came bouncing on over to me saying, 'Oh my God, Tony Robbins, you changed my life!'" Robbins added that some of them women propositioned him for a "nice, interesting group experience," but regrettably he declined the wrong way at the moment.
ellauri131.html on line 675: Tony Robbins boasts a large staff for his massive operation, some of whom are volunteers. Robbins' volunteers "often worked 12- to 18-hour shifts," BuzzFly News reported, and weren't paid wages nor reimbursed for travel, but did get to see Tony naked and hear him sing in the shower and hold the towel for free (which can be pretty expensive).
ellauri131.html on line 695: Drinkin' smoothies puts him out like a light
ellauri131.html on line 725: Robbins never went to college. Does that mean everything he says is garbage? Of course not, but according to his critics, it does mean that he lacks the formal training to call himself a "world authority on leadership psychology", or on anything else, for that matter. When he speaks about the "science to achievement" and mastering one's psychology, he speaks as a layman — and one who stands to gain something.
ellauri131.html on line 736: including claims that he "asked her to join him in bed" and "used his hands to simulate oral sex and urinated in front of her", "when she began to investigate his wiener it led to premature termination."
ellauri131.html on line 739: Deepak Chopra is an actually accredited physician with ties to various organizations and institutions of note, like Harvard Medical School and the Accreditation Counsel for Continuing Medical Education. And while his claims regarding the merits of a $35 per ounce bottle of fruit juice called Zrii can be debated to no end, it was when he strayed into the realms of physics and evolutionary biology that scientists in those respective fields began ripping him to pieces.
ellauri131.html on line 742: Evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne issued a similar takedown, by simply highlighting some of Chopra's more outlandish claims, including his idea that the moon only exists because of human consciousness, the suggestion that mass prayer or meditation has the ability to "simmer down the turbulence in nature," as well as the nonsensical statement "Consciousness is the driver of evolution. Every time I eat your pussy or you suck my banana it transforms into a human." Coyne labels Chopra's ideas as "pseudoscience, pure and simple," and accuses him of "pushing a noxious brew of quantum physics, evolutionary biology, and "universal consciousness.'" Ouch.
ellauri131.html on line 744: Canadian prime minister Kevin Trudeau earned untold millions through his "They Don't Want You To Know About" series of infomercials touting his supposed secret knowledge of natural cures, debt relief, and weight loss techniques. And though he earned the allegiance of many followers who believed his claims, a federal jury found him guilty of criminal contempt in 2013, for "lying in several infomercials about the contents of his hit book, The Weight Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About," according to The Chicago Tribune. Trudeau repeatedly touted the methods in the book as "easy," except unwitting customers didn't find out until they plunked down cash that it involved "prolonged periods of extreme calorie restriction, off-label skin-syringe injections and high-colonic enemas personally administered by Mr. Trudeau," according to ABC News.
ellauri131.html on line 761: The often-problematic ex-frontman of The Smiths then took aim at one royal, in particular: "Harry killed 34 people in Afghanistan and the UK press called him a hero. If he ate 34 poor people in Haiti the UK press would still call him a hero. It is insufferable." Speaking to reporters in 2013 (via Reuters), the prince admitted to killing insurgents. "Yeah, so, lots of people have," he said. "Yes, we fire when we have to, take a life to save a life, but essentially we're more of a detergent than anything else. We remove dirty lives and beget whiter ones."
ellauri131.html on line 834: Enter Doreen Virtue. Doreen Virtuella ei ole wikipediassa sivua. Doreen Virtue is an American author and a motivational speaker. Virtue has written over 50 books including oracle card decks on the subject of angels and other spiritual topics. In 2017, she converted to Christianity after claiming that Jesus presented himself to her in a vision.
ellauri131.html on line 918: Marianne hokaa: Olin alun alkaen pitänyt izeanalyysiä hyödyllisenä. Muze ei mennytkään niin. Mitä enemmän kaivelin napaani, sitä enemmän nöyhtää löytyi. Yhtäkkiä kaikki näytti selkeältä! Olin käsittänyt koko self helpin väärin. Minun tulisi keskittyä olemaan hyvä ihminen sen sijaan että yrittäisin olla onnellinen! Mariannen äiti sanoi toivovansa kuoltuaan hautajaisissa sanottavan ettei se ollut tehnyt vahinkoa kellekään. Oliko se vaatimaton tavoite vai kunnianko himoinen?
ellauri131.html on line 925: In 1996, Time magazine named him one of the 25 most influential people.
ellauri131.html on line 949: "God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man. . .you have got to be Gods yourselves, and to be kings and priests to God, the same as all Gods have done before you, namely by going from one small degree to another, and from a small capacity to a great one."
ellauri131.html on line 960: And what of the true cynic's view, that the lesson of history is that bastards often prevail? That markets are in and of themselves rational, and sometimes emotional, but rarely ever moral? That an appropriate model for business is not an extended family but a poker game? The late genius John von Neumann was fascinated by poker, and his study of the choice making involved in the game led him to develop the foundations of game theory. Von Neumann was a peerless student of the principles of rational self-interest, and he was also an adviser to Presidents Truman and Eisenhower. When the Soviets showed signs of developing nuclear weapons, he recommended bombing them into oblivion. Game theory, he said, dictated it.
ellauri132.html on line 174: Intohimoni tarinologiaan alkoi tyypillisen nuorena, mutta haluun sen jatkuvan maailman tappiin. Sixi ennenkuin aloitin oikean kynäilijämatkani, opetin lukitaitoja korkeakoulussa (high school). Myöhemmin aloin kynäillä osa-aikaisesti tavoitteena tulla julkaistuxi. Kokoajan koitan auttaa kilpailijoita täällä mun tarinologiablogissa.
ellauri132.html on line 491: tears shimmered in her eyes kyynelet himersivät hiänen silmissä
ellauri132.html on line 512: she gave him a once-over hiän antoi hänelle kertakazelmuxen
ellauri132.html on line 514: her eyes bored into him hiänen silmät porautuivat häneen
ellauri132.html on line 596: she gave him a dirty look hiän antoi hänelle likaisen kazeen
ellauri132.html on line 901: Und an dem Tische lehnte bei trübem Lampenschein, Ja pöydän ääressä nojasi himerässä lampunvalossa,
ellauri132.html on line 971: Bei'm ersten Schimmer des Tages war Käthli's Freund erwacht, Heti aamuhämärissä Käthlin Roope heräsi,
ellauri133.html on line 248: Sillä aikaa kotikouluun pakotettu ja maalla asuva Mike Hanlon näkee hallusinaation vanhempiensa kuolemasta viedessään lampaanlihaa lihakauppaan. Veljensä kuolemasta traumatisoitunut Bill yrittää uskotella isälleen, että Georgie olisi viemäreiden avulla joutunut paikkaan nimeltä Aavikko. Tehdessään tutkimusta Derryn historiasta Benkin näkee hallusinaation päättömästä pojasta. Stanley kohtaa pahimman pelkonsa, joka tulee erään maalauksen muodossa.
ellauri133.html on line 255: He sitten ystävystyvät Mikeen. Muutaman viikon päästä, Kerho hoksaa tulleensa Sen riivaamaksi. Se herää joka 27 vuosi syödäkseen lapsia. Se ilmenee uhrien pelkojen muodossa ja se voi toteuttaa kenen tahansa pahimmat painajaiset. Pelko tekee lapsista mureampia ja toimii ”mausteena” Sille. Billin autotallissa he selvittävät Sen käyttävän Derryn viemäriverkostoja pysyäkseen piilossa. Se hyökkää heidän kimppuunsa, mutta he onnistuvat välttämään sen. Luusereiden Kerho päättää kohdata Sen Neibolt Streetin talossa olettaen Sen piileskelevän siellä. Se käyttää muuntautumiskykyjään erottaakseen ystävykset yksi kerrallaan. Eddie murtaa kätensä ja Se miltei syö hänet, mutta Beverly työntää rautakangen Sen kallosta läpi. Se haavoittaa Beniä (ei rautakanki), jonka jälkeen Se pakenee talon kellarissa olevan vanhan kaivon kautta viemäreihin. Eddie kotiutetaan hänen murtuneen kätensä takia. Koko Kerho erkaantuu Billin epäilysten takia ja hajaantuu omille poluilleen.
ellauri133.html on line 320: Roskis tekee parhaansa saadaxeen murhan- ja muunhimoisen knääpiön rauhoittumaan ja pois kylestään, muttei tarpeexi Skidille, joka alkaa työntää pyssynpiippua Thrashin peräaukkoon jotta Roskis jatkaisi vatkutusta. Vastoin Roskixen tahtoa silläkin alkaa jököttää, mut Skidi ei suostu venkuttamaan sitä. Epistä. Aika törkeä kyrpiäinen toi joka työntää mutkan toisen peräsuoleen saadessaan kätöstä eikä edes tarjoa vastarunkkua. Oikein sille että sudet söivät sen. No mä oon varma että Teppo koveni kun se kynäili tätä episodia.
ellauri133.html on line 359: His brother George was murdered by It in the first pages of the book and his parents are very cold to him afterward. He has a stutter, which is important to the plot a few times. As an adult, he’s a successful horror novelist and is married to an actress named Audra. IT is not a work of fiction and Stephen King is actually "Stuttering Bill" Denbrough. In reality Steve was born in Portland, Maine and moved away when he was young with his Mother and older brother after abandonment by his father and witnessing a fatal train accident of a play friend. He returned at age 11 to Maine from Conn. and founded The Losers Club in Derry after unsuppressing the true death of his little friend by the railway tracks when he was 2 (as told in his 1981 book Danse Macabre). Now living inbetween Lovell and Bangor, King travels regularly past Derry near Derry Mountain in Linconville and can recollect most of the past due to the closer proximity and is preparing for Pennywises awakening in 2038. Lähde: FanTheory. - Does anyone think Bill Denborough´s stutter was a bit too much? That each word was stirred too much to have a nice flow? - B-b-b-beep - beep, Ruh-ruh-Richie. B-big Bill is puh-puh-PERFECT!
ellauri133.html on line 372: “I decided that the bridge could be the city, if there was something under it,” King wrote on his website. “What’s under a city? Tunnels. Sewers ... I thought of how such a story might be cast; how it might be possible to create a ricochet effect, interweaving the stories of the children and the adults they become. Sometime in the summer of 1981 I realized that I had to write the troll under the bridge or leave him—IT—forever.”
ellauri133.html on line 402: King has stated that his goal with It was to blend all of the scariest monsters together. "But then I thought to myself, ‘There ought to be one binding, horrible, nasty, gross, crevice kind of thing that you don’t want to see, [and] it makes you scream just to see it,’" he explained. "So I thought of myself: ‘What scares children more than anything else in the world?’ And the answer was ‘a clown like me with a scary face like mine.´ Reconsidering, no that was daddy's nightly horror that drove him away. For me, the answer was, 'it is mommy's IT as daddy's stickig it to IT.'"
ellauri133.html on line 406: In a 2005 interview with Conan O’Brien, King shared that his own creepy clown experience was with Ronald McDonald. King was on an airplane and Ronald McDonald came to sit next to him, in full clown attire. "You here? What if this plane crashes? I’m going to die next to a clown," Ronald said.
ellauri133.html on line 410: Although King is widely considered to be the master of horror, he’s previously said he doesn’t have an answer when people ask what drives him. It was his answer to these inquiries. "I thought to myself, ´Why don’t I write a final exam on horror, and put in all the monsters that I was afraid of as a kid? And call it it?´" King told TIME in 2009. "And I thought, How are you going to do that? And I said, Well, I´m going to do it like a fairy tale. I’m going to make up a town where these things happen and everybody ignores them. Like in Grinch."
ellauri133.html on line 468: I don’t want to repeat King’s utter creepiness and describe this in too much detail (shit, I would but there is not enough space), but there are some elements of the scene that deserve mentioning. Again, functioning in misogynist misunderstanding of female sexuality, for at least one of these encounters Bev “feels no physical pleasure, but there is a kind of mental ecstasy in it for her.” When she does feel “some pleasure, dim heat in her childish unmatured sex,” she thinks of birds and resolves that having sex “is what flying is like.” The penis size of the character of Ben is commented on (“is he too big, can she take that into herself?”) and she eventually has an orgasm with him. Steve looks on with his little droopy wiener in his hand. I bet Mustafa had a biggish "It", and Tabitha King (the other one with the curves going in instead of out) has an even bigger one. They are like the little goat, the middling goat, and the big big goat that can suck the big bad wolf all the way in, balls and all.
ellauri133.html on line 602: The miniseries was shot at The Stanley Kubrick Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado, King's inspiration for the novel, in March 1997. S everal notable writers and filmmakers who work in the horror genre also cameo in the miniseries' ballroom scene, King himself appearing as an orchestra conductor. Retrospective critics have viewed the miniseries less fondly, comparing it unfavorably to Kubrick´s film version.
ellauri133.html on line 795: Konstan Bogovossa kirjoittama essee "Vanuttunut sinelli" oli pahimmanlaatuista Lenin apoteoosia. Mutta kukaan kirjailija ei voi välttyä houkutuxelta kirjoittaa silloin tällöin vapaasti, viis veisaten kirjoitusoppaiden rautaisista säännöistä.
ellauri133.html on line 866: After graduating, Jackson and a guy named Hyman married in 1940. Jackson began writing material as Hyman established himself as a critic. In the backwoods town where Hyman managed to get a job, which Shirley hated as much as him, Jackson and Hyman were known for being colorful, generous hosts who surrounded themselves with literary talents, including Ralph Emerson. They were both enthusiastic readers whose personal library was estimated at $ 25,00.
ellauri133.html on line 882: Upon the morning of the lottery, the townspeople gather shortly before 10 a.m. in order to have everything done in time for lunch. First, the heads of the extended families each draw one slip from the box, but wait to unfold them until all the slips have been drawn. Bill Hutchinson gets the marked slip, meaning that his family has been chosen. His wife Tessie protests that Mr. Summers rushed him through the drawing, but the other townspeople dismiss her complaint. Since the Hutchinson family consists of only one household, a second drawing to choose one household within the family is skipped.
ellauri135.html on line 52: Konsta muistelee kunnollisia romanttisia neuvostoliittolaisia, jotka rakastavat isänmaata ja niiden kauniita pitkäkaulaisia vaimoja joiden silmät on toisistansa etäällä. Mä pidän kyllä niistä hurjasti (esim Irina Kudasheva on ihana), niinkuin pidän lyhkäsestä mutta pyhimysmäisestä sisilialaisesta poliisista 'Pronto Montalbaano soono' samannimisessä poliisisarjassa. Ja sen seijamaisesta vaimosta Liviasta, joka on oikeasti saxatar, päälle dubattu. Kauniit naiset hyppää Salvon kaulaan joka käänteessä, mutta se pitää enimmäxeen (joskaan ei aina) kullin siveästi lahkeessa, odottamassa Livian aina yhtä odottamattomia vierailuja. Sixkin mä tykkään Montalbanosta, että siinä on paljon kauniita naisia, ja kaikenikäisiä ihmisiä, ei vaan nuoria aikuisia, vaan myös meitä vanhoja. Kliseistä italialaista sähläystä ja kauniita postikorttimaisemia.
ellauri135.html on line 61: Konsta syntyi Kiovassa rautatievirkamiehen perheeseen. Konstan Bogovossa kirjoittama essee "Vanuttunut sinelli" oli pahimmanlaatuista Lenin apoteoosia. Varsinainen Iljitshin syvänne. Mutta kukaan kirjailija ei voi välttyä houkutuxelta kirjoittaa silloin tällöin vapaasti, viis veisaten kirjoitusoppaiden rautaisista säännöistä.
ellauri135.html on line 212: Participated in the Crimean war of 1853-1856. As the correspondent of magazine "Russian Herald", was with Garibaldi. During the Polish uprising of 1861-1863 years he was in Poland, the correspondent of the newspaper "St. Petersburg Vedomosti".. Graf F. F. Berg asked him to gather material for the history of the Polish uprising.
ellauri135.html on line 222: The first seven years, Nikolai lived in Moscow, and then, with his parents, moved to Siberia, where his father got the post of the Chairman of the Tobolsk provincial government (in 1830). Eight years, the boy himself began to write poetry, knowing many passages from different odes of Derzhavin. In the early 30-ies the father Berg settled in the Tambov province in his estate, and gave his son in the Tambov gymnasium, and in 1838 moving to Moscow, transferred to the I-th Moscow gymnasium, in which he graduated in 1843 and entered the historical-philological faculty of Moscow University. At the Moscow school, especially Berg became friends with a school friend A. N. Ostrovsky, with whom all his life maintained the most cordial relations. As a student, Berg published his first poem in the "Moskvityanin" (translated from the Swedish poet Runeberg: "Complaint of the virgin").
ellauri135.html on line 227: Leaving in 1853 service at the Bank, Berg turns into a tourist. The ensuing hostilities led him to the southern army, then in Crimea, in Sevastopol, where he served first in the 4th Department of the Treasury, he is in charge of awards, and then was a translator at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief, participated in the battle on the Black river, alive and on the bastions during the siege. All this Berg described in "Notes on the siege of Sevastopol", in his "Sevastopol album", which appeared in 1858.
ellauri135.html on line 448: Helsingin Sanomien haastattelussa Pauli Tapio kertoi, että inhimillisen ahdistuksen käsittelyssä häntä auttaa kristillinen maailmankatsomus.
ellauri135.html on line 573: Richter moved in with his aunt Tamara. He lived with her from 1918 to 1921, and it was then that his interest in art first manifested itself: he first became interested in panting, which his aunt taught him.
ellauri135.html on line 575: In 1943, Richter met Nina Dorliak (1908–1998), an operatic soprano. He noticed Dorliak during the memorial service for Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, caught up with her at the street and suggested to accompany her in recital. It is often alleged that they married around this time, but in fact Dorliak only obtained a marriage certificate a few months after Richter's death in 1997. They remained living companions from around 1945 until Richter's death; they had no children. Dorliak accompanied Richter both in his complex private life and career. She supported him in his final illness, and died herself less than a year later, on May 17, 1998.
ellauri135.html on line 577: It was rumored that Richter was homosexual and that having a female companion provided a social front for his true sexual orientation, because homosexuality was widely taboo at that time and could result in legal repercussions. Richter was an intensely private person and was usually quiet and withdrawn, and refused to give interviews. He never publicly discussed his personal life until the last year of his life when filmmaker Bruno Monsaingeon convinced him to be interviewed for a documentary.
ellauri135.html on line 655: Penzan alueella isoäidin puolison kartanossa meni runoilijan lapsuus. Kotikoulutus oli monipuolista: vieraiden kielten opit, musiikki, piirustus. Myöhemmän luovuuteen vaikuttivat merkittävästi hänen matkansa Kaukasuksella, jossa Michael sai läpi kivennäisvesien käsittelyn. Tässä eteläisessä lomassa runoilija vieraili kolme kertaa ja kirjoitti monia Kaukasiassa liittyviä teoksia. Vuonna 1827 hän muutti Moskovaan isoäitinsä kanssa. Lermontovin lasten elämäkerta osoittaa, että runoilijan persoonallisuudella ja hänen lisätehtävyydellään oli kuvaamaton vaikutus isänsä kuva romanttiseksi sankariksi. Esimerkiksi teokset kuten "Ihmiset ja intohimot" sekä "Strange Man" sisältävät kaikuja vanhempien perhekonnerikosta.
ellauri135.html on line 879:

Hiän kääntyi vain yhden talven, valoontuotu kylästä "messujen messuille", se oli naurettavaa, luonnollista, ei menettänyt maaseudun punastusta eikä tiennyt kuinka laskea jokaisen ele, asento ja sana, kuten kokeneita Moskovan tyttöjä. Barbara Lopukhinalla oli intohimoinen luonto, innokas ja runollinen: kaukana pääkaupungeista, yksinäisyydestä ja romaanien lukemisesta vaikuttavat voimakkaasti tyttömäisen uneliaisuuden kehitykseen ilman, että se heikentää luonnollista elävyyttä, iloisuutta ja sosiaalisuutta.
ellauri135.html on line 911: Lyhyellä hetkellä kaikki heidän tuttavuutensa varmasti häistä alkaen ~ hehkuivat silmistä, hellä olo, kun liitteet näyttävät ikuisilta, vahvoilta ja voittamattomilta, kun ei vielä ole ymmärrystä rakkaudesta tai elämästä itsestään ja nykypäivään. Huolimatta harvinaisista ja lyhyistä kokouksista, kaikki oli heidän suhteissaan: ystävyys, hullu rakkaus, kuumat intohimot ja mustasukkaisuus, josta jotkut eivät edes pidä. Kaikki tämä on kypsynyt, itiytynyt todeksi rakkaudeksi, mutta he eivät ole voineet myöntää toisilleen.
ellauri135.html on line 912:

Lyhyitä hetkiä kaikki heidän tuttavansa varmasti hehkui silmäni edessä, hellävaraisesta iästä, kun tunteet näyttävät ikuisilta, vahvoilta ja raskailta, kun ei ollut mitään ymmärrystä rakkaudesta tai elämästä itsestään, ja tähän asti. Harvinaisista ja lyhyistä tapaamisista huolimatta he onnistuivat käymään kaikessa heidän suhteensa: ystävälliset kiintymykset, hullu rakkaus ja kuumat intohimot sekä kateuden, jopa vihamielisyyden tappaminen. Kaikki tämä on kypsynyt, itännyt tosi rakkaudeksi, mutta he eivät koskaan onnistuneet tunnustamaan toisiaan.
ellauri135.html on line 917: Samana vuonna runo "Jätä turhaa huolta". Tässä Lermontovin optimistinen mieliala, lyyrinen sankari näyttää siltä, ​​että tunne käynnistää, hän on jopa varma. Vot runoilijan sydän lyö kussakin baarissa, hän castigates hänen menettänyt uskonsa ja ei kallista sielua ja näkee urkuharmonin jopa vastavuoroisuutta. Vuonna 1841, yksi kuuluisimmista runoista, ei omistettu Varvara Lopukhinalle: "Ei, en rakasta sinua niin intohimoisesti ..." - täynnä muistoja menneestä ja vahvimmasta rakkaudesta.
ellauri135.html on line 925: Varvara ei ollut varma mistään, varsinkin Lermontovin tunteet. Hän ei vain laittaa sen umpikujaan käytöksellään, joskus se tuntui, että hän vain pilkkaa. Niin äkillinen tilkka jääkylmää ja sitten mukava, ystävällinen ystävällisesti, ja sitten syytökset ilman vastavuoroisuutta puolestaan ​​ja todellinen intohimo. Sen kylmyys oli tarkoitettu hiänelle rangaistuksena jotain myyttistä petoksesta. Hiänelle oli vaikeaa sellaisen jatkuvan muuttuvuuden, suhteiden heikkouden vuoksi. Hiän epäili itsensä - hänessä. Ja periaatteessa se on oikeudenmukainen. Kuitenkin ja epäilemättä nämä rakkaus kasvoivat voimakkaammin, mutta eivät katoa.
ellauri135.html on line 926:

Erityisesti Barbara ei ollut varma mistään sellasesta kuin Lermontovin tunteet. Hiän ei vain hämmentynyt häntä käyttäytymisestään, joskus tuntui hiänelle, että hän vain pilkkaisi hiäntä. Niinpä hän yllättäen teki jäätyneen kylmyyden ja siellä hän oli makea, ystävällinen ystävällisellä tavalla ja vastusti sitten vastavuoroisuuden ja todellisen intohimon puutetta. Hänen kylmyytensä oli tarkoitettu hiänelle rangaistuksena jotakin myyttistä petosta. Hiän oli kovaa sellaisen jatkuvan vaihtelevuuden, suhteiden herkkyyden suhteen. Hiän epäili itsestään - hänestä. Ja periaatteessa oikeudenmukainen. Näiden rakkauksien epäilyistä kasvoi kuitenkin voimakkaampi ja ei kadonnut.
ellauri135.html on line 933: Lermontovin elämä oli nopea ja siitin lyhyt ja lerppana. Se ratkaisi paljon harrastuksia - ja ohimenevä ja vahva. Hänen käyttäytymisensä perusta oli hirvittävä kylmyys ja puhtaasti sekulaarinen koettelemus. Hänen luonteensa oli kuin tulivuori - hiljainen ja hiljainen, hän yhtäkkiä puhkesi tulisessa intohimossa. Ja vain rakkaus Varvara Lopukhinaan ei koskaan pysähtynyt hänen sydämessään. Mitä hiänen piti tehdä? Hiän ei ollut varma, että runoilijan kylmyys oli hirveä, koska Lermontov ei ollut koskaan sanonut yhtä sanaa hänen rakkaudestaan ​​hiänelle, kaikki hänen tunteet ja hän myös oli vain implisiittinen ...
ellauri140.html on line 40: Kevorkian taught himself multiple languages in the bin such as German, Russian, Greek, and Japanese. He would, wouldn't he. Just like him.

ellauri140.html on line 52: Book I is centered on the virtue of Holiness as embodied in the Redcrosse Knight. Largely self-contained, Book I can be understood to be its own miniature epic. The Redcrosse Knight and his lady Una travel together as he fights the monster Errour, then separately after the wizard Archipelago tricks the Redcrosse Knight into thinking that Una is unchaste using a false dream. After he leaves, the Redcrosse Knight meets Duessa, who feigns distress in order to entrap him. Duessa leads the Redcrosse Knight to captivity by the giant Orgigolo. Meanwhile, Una overcomes peril, meets Arthur, and finally finds the Redcrosse Knight and rescues him from his capture, from Duessa, and from Despair. Una and Arthur help the Redcrosse Knight recover in the House of Holiness, with the House's ruler Caelia and her three daughters joining them; there the Redcrosse Knight sees a vision of his future. He then returns Una to her parents' castle and rescues them from a dragon, and the two are betrothed after resisting Archipelago one last time.
ellauri140.html on line 56: Book III is centred on the virtue of Chastity as embodied in Britomart, a lady knight. Resting after the events of Book II, Guyon and Arthur meet Britomart, who wins a joust with Guyon. They separate as Arthur and Guyon leave to rescue Florimell, while Britomart rescues the Redcrosse Knight. Britomart reveals to the Redcrosse Knight that she is pursuing Sir Artegall because she is destined to marry him. The Redcrosse Knight defends Artegall and they meet Merlin, who explains more carefully Britomart's destiny to found the English monarchy. Britomart leaves and fights Sir Marinell. Arthur looks for Florimell, joined later by Sir Satyrane and Britomart, and they witness and resist sexual temptation. Britomart separates them with a stick and meets Sir Scudamore, looking for his captured lady Amoret. Britomart alone is able to rescue Amoret from the wizard Busirane. Unfortunately, when they emerge from the castle Scudamore is gone. (The 1590 version with Books I–III depicts the lovers' happy reunion, but this was changed in the 1596 version which contained all sex books.)
ellauri140.html on line 58: Book IV, despite its title "The Legend of Cambell and Telamond or Of Friendship", Cambell's companion in Book IV is actually named Triamond, and the plot does not center on their friendship; the two men appear only briefly in the story. The book is largely a continuation of events begun in Book III. First, Scudamore is convinced by the hag Ate (discord) that Britomart has run off with Amoret and becomes jealous. A three-day tournament is then held by Satyrane, where Britomart beats Arthegal (both in disguise). Scudamore and Arthegal unite against Britomart, but when her helmet comes off in battle Arthegal falls in love with her. He surrenders, removes his helmet, and Britomart recognizes him as the man in the enchanted mirror. Arthegal pledges his love to her but must first leave and complete his quest. Scudamore, upon discovering Britomart's sex, realizes his mistake and asks after his lady, but by this time Britomart has lost Amoret, and she and Scudamore embark together on a search for her. The reader discovers that Amoret was abducted by a savage man and is imprisoned in his cave. One day Amoret darts out past the savage and is rescued from him by the squire Timias and Belphoebe. Arthur then appears, offering his service as a knight to the lost woman. She accepts, and after a couple of trials on the way, Arthur and Amoret finally happen across Scudamore and Britomart. The two lovers are reunited. Wrapping up a different plotline from Book III, the recently recovered Marinel discovers Florimell suffering in Proteus' dungeon. He returns home and becomes sick with love and pity. Eventually he confesses his feelings to his mother, and she pleads with Neptune to have the girl released, which the god grants.
ellauri140.html on line 78: Archipelago M-, an evil sorcerer who is sent to stop the knights in the service of the Faerie Queene. Of the knights, Archimago hates Redcrosse most of all, hence he is symbolically the nemesis of England.
ellauri140.html on line 80: Artefact M+ (or Artegal or Arthegal or Arthegall), a knight who is the embodiment and champion of Justice. He meets Britomart after defeating her in a sword fight (she had been dressed as a knight) and removing her helmet, revealing her beauty. Artefact quickly falls in love with Britomart. Artefact has a companion in Talus, a metal man who wields a flail and never sleeps or tires but will mercilessly pursue and kill any number of villains. Talus obeys Artefact's command, and serves to represent justice without mercy (hence, Artefact is the more human face of justice). Later, Talus does not rescue Artefact from enslavement by the wicked slave-mistress Radigund, because Artefact is bound by a legal contract to serve her. Only her death, at Britomart's hands, liberates him. Chrysaor was the golden sword of Sir Artefact. This sword was also the favorite weapon of Demeter, the Greek goddess of the harvest. Because it was "Tempred with Adamant", it could cleave through anything.
ellauri140.html on line 86: Bellphone F+-, the beautiful sister of Amoret who spends her time in the woods hunting and avoiding the numerous amorous men who chase her. Timias, the squire of Arthur, eventually wins her love after she tends to the injuries he sustained in battle; however, Timias must endure much suffering to prove his love when Belphoebe sees him tending to a wounded woman and, misinterpreting his actions, flies off hastily. She is only drawn back to him after seeing how he has wasted away without her. Tää on niinkö Artemis eli Diana. Osuvasti kolmikulmapuistossa.
ellauri140.html on line 88: Brit-o-mart F+, a female knight, the embodiment and champion of Chastity. She is young and beautiful, and falls in love with Artefact upon first seeing his face in her father's magic mirror. Though there is no interaction between them, she travels to find him again, dressed as a knight and accompanied by her nurse, Glauce. Britomart carries an enchanted spear that allows her to defeat every knight she encounters, until she loses to a knight who turns out to be her beloved Artefact. (Parallel figure in Ariosto: Bradamante.) Britomart is one of the most important knights in the story. She searches the world, including a pilgrimage to the shrine of Isis, and a visit with Merlin the magician. She rescues Artefact, and several other knights, from the evil slave-mistress Radigund. Furthermore, Britomart accepts Amoret at a tournament, refusing the false Florimell.
ellauri140.html on line 90: Busyrane M-, the evil sorcerer who captures Amoret on her wedding night. When Britomart enters his castle to defeat him, she finds him holding Amoret captive. She is bound to a pillar and Busirane is torturing her. The clever Britomart handily defeats him and returns Amoret to her husband Artefact.
ellauri140.html on line 103: Colin Firth M+, a shepherd noted for his songs and bagpipe playing, briefly appearing in Book VI. He is the same Colin Clout as in Spenser´s pastoral poetry, which is fitting because Calidore is taking a sojourn into a world of pastoral delight, ignoring his duty to hunt the Blatant Beast, which is why he set out to Ireland to begin with. Colin Clout may also be said to be Spenser himself.
ellauri140.html on line 113: Caramell F+, a lady in love with the knight Marinell, who initially rejects her. Hearing that he has been wounded, she sets out to find him and faces various perils, culminating in her capture by the sea god Proteus. Proteiini nappaa nopeen hiilarin. She is reunited with Marinade at the end of Book IV, and is married to him in Book V.
ellauri140.html on line 117: Maritim M+-, "the knight of the sea"; son of a water nymph, he avoided all love because his mother had learnt that a maiden was destined to do him harm; this prophecy was fulfilled when he was stricken down in battle by Britomart, though he was not mortally wounded.
ellauri140.html on line 122: Introduced in the first canto of the poem, he bears the emblem of Saint George, patron saint of England; a red cross on a white background that is still the flag of England. The Redcrosse Knight is declared the real Saint George in Canto X. He also learns that he is of English ancestry, having been stolen by a Fay and raised in Faerieland. In the climactic battle of Book I, Redcrosse slays the dragon that has laid waste to Eden. He marries Una at the end of Book I, but brief appearances in Books II and III show him still questionng thoroughly the choice. Punasen ristin ritari tuo mieleen Foster Wallacen skroden sankaripulzarin, mikä sen nimi olikaan. Se nenäliinaan piiloutunut ämmä olis tää Aku Ankan Una.
ellauri140.html on line 176: Envy (M) – Envy rides a wolf. When he sees good things happening to those around him death is the consequence; "At neibors welth, that made him ever sad; / For death it was, when any good he saw." When harm reaches people he is delighted; "But when he heard of harme, he wexed wonderous glad." Tää se on! Kroisos ja Kulta-Into on kateita, ja Milla Magia. Aku ja pojat eivät ole, paizi Aku Hannulle.
ellauri140.html on line 191: surname attested from late 13c. (earlier le Despenser, mid-12c.), literally "one who dispenses or has charge of provisions in a household," short for Anglo-French espencer, Old French despencier "dispenser" (of provisions), "a butler or steward" (see dispense). Also a type of repeating rifle used in the American Civil War, 1863, named for U.S. gunsmith Christopher Spencer, who, with Luke Wheelock, manufactured them in Boston, Mass. Japanissa 2011 zunami kaatoi limpsa ja eväspatukka dispensereitä joiden alle jäänyt mies Rei Shimurassa selvisi juomalla limpsaa ja syömällä Snickersejä. Sylikoira haistoi sen sneakersit kasan alta. Sellasta on nyt Japanissa. Tavallisin oloasu on fleese pehmyrit.
ellauri140.html on line 193: Edmund Spenser was born in East Smithfield, London, around the year 1552; however, there is still some ambiguity as to the exact date of his birth. His parenthood is obscure, but he was probably the son of John Spenser, a journeyman clothmaker. As a young boy, he was educated in London at the Merchant Taylors' School and matriculated as a sizar at Pembroke College, Cambridge. While at Cambridge he became a friend of Gabriel Harvey and later consulted him, despite their differing views on poetry. In 1578, he became for a short time secretary to John Young, Bishop of Rochester. In 1579, he published The Shepheardes Calender and around the same time married his first wife, Machabyas Childe. They had two children, Sylvanus (d. 1638) and Katherine.
ellauri140.html on line 201: In 1591, Spenser published a translation in verse of Joachim Du Bellay's sonnets, Les Antiquités de Rome, which had been published in 1558. Spenser's version, Ruines of Rome: by Bellay, may also have been influenced by Latin poems on the same subject, written by Jean or Janis Vitalis and published in 1576. Vitalis oli pahanhajuista naamavoidetta jota laitettiin lasten naamaan pakkasella. Vitut sanoi Vatanen, ja Vatanen oli viisas mies.
ellauri140.html on line 209: In the year after being driven from "his home", 1599, Spenser travelled to London, where he died at the age of forty-six – "for want of bread", according to Ben Jonson; one of Jonson's more doubtful statements, since Spenser had a payment to him authorised by the government and was due his pension (What the fuck, ei kaxitonnisella vuodessa vielä kuuhun mennä.)
ellauri140.html on line 211: His coffin was carried to his grave in Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey by other poets, who threw many pens and pieces of poetry into his grave with many tears (all free of charge). His second wife survived him and remarried twice. His sister Sarah, who had accompanied him to Ireland, married into the Travers family, and her descendants were prominent landowners in Cork for centuries. Korkad kille, kaiken kaikkiaan.
ellauri140.html on line 263: Ziehen wir durch Stein und Sand Make him one of America's best Tee hänestä 1 Amerikan parhaista
ellauri140.html on line 265: Hundert Mann und ich bin dabei Have him win the Green Beret Pane hänet voittamaan vihreä vaellushattu.
ellauri140.html on line 321: And dead as living ever him ador'd: Ja digas sitä elävänä ja kuolleena;
ellauri140.html on line 330: That greatest Gloriana to him gave, Jonka sille osoitti toi Elisabet,
ellauri140.html on line 332: To winne him worship, and her grace to have, Sille kunniaa ja hiänelle paalua,
ellauri140.html on line 340: A lovely Ladie° rode him faire beside Ihqu leidi ravasi sievänä sen vieressä,
ellauri140.html on line 489: Threatning her angry sting, him to dismay: Ojensi ja koitti pistää sillä nuppia:
ellauri140.html on line 519: Which stunck so vildly, that it forst him slacke Joka hais niin pahalta, ezen piti hellittää
ellauri140.html on line 520: His grasping hold, and from her turne him backe: Otetta kurkusta, ja kääntää sille selkänsä:
ellauri140.html on line 546: And him encombred sore, but could not hurt at all. Ja vaikeutti sen kulkua, muttei sattuneet.
ellauri140.html on line 553: A cloud of combrous gnattes do him molest, Saa kiusaxensa pilven ikäviä pöppiäisiä,
ellauri140.html on line 581: That detestable sight him much amazde, Toi ällöttävä näky hämmästytti nuppia,
ellauri140.html on line 588: Now needeth him no lenger labour spend, Nyt on nupin hommat loppuun hoidettu,
ellauri140.html on line 632: Who faire him quited, as that courteous was: Nuppi vastas sille yhtä mielevästi.
ellauri140.html on line 633: And after asked him, if he did know Kysyi vielä sattusko äijä tietämään
ellauri140.html on line 698: He told of Saintes and Popes, and evermore Se kerto pyhimys- ja paavikaskuja,
ellauri140.html on line 741: The other by him selfe staide other worke to to doo. Toisen otti apulaisex.
ellauri140.html on line 751: Whiles sad Night over him her mantle black doth spred. Surullinen yö levittää sille peittoa.
ellauri140.html on line 771: And more, to lulle him in his slumber soft,° Eikä siinä kaikki! sitä nukuttamaan
ellauri140.html on line 775: Of swarming Bees, did cast him in a swowne: parvi surisisi, hirmu nukuttavaa,
ellauri140.html on line 783: The messenger approching to him spake, Viestintuoja lähestyi Morfeusta sanoilla,
ellauri140.html on line 784: But his wast wordes returnd to him in vaine: Mutta ne kaikui kuin Mikonkadun Fazerilla:
ellauri140.html on line 785: So sound he slept, that nought mought him awake. Se nukkui niin sikeästi, ettei herännyt.
ellauri140.html on line 786: Then rudely he him thrust, and pusht with paine Keiju törkki sitä kovasti, ja kovaa pörisi,
ellauri140.html on line 788: Shooke him so hard, that forced him to speake. Niin kovaa retuutti ezen oli pakko heräillä.
ellauri140.html on line 795: The Sprite then gan more boldly him to wake, Keiju alkoi herätellä sitä julkeammin,
ellauri140.html on line 796: And threatned unto him the dreaded name Ja uhkasi sitä pelätyllä Justiinalla
ellauri140.html on line 799: Halfe angry asked him, for what he came. Kysyi keijulta, millä asialla se oli.
ellauri140.html on line 800: Hither (quoth he) me Archimago sent, Tänne mut lähetti hra Arkipelago,
ellauri140.html on line 802: He bids thee to him send for his intent Hää pyytää sua lähettämään sen tarpeisiin
ellauri140.html on line 809: Delivered it to him, and downe did lay Antoi sen keijulle, ja pään taas pieluxeen
ellauri140.html on line 815: In hast unto his Lord, where he him left afore. Herralleen sinne mistä oli tullutkin.
ellauri140.html on line 831: Now when that ydle dreame was to him brought, Nyt kun toi joutouni oli sillä handussa,
ellauri140.html on line 832: Unto that Elfin knight he bad him fly, Se pyysi unta lennähtämään tonttunupin taholle,
ellauri140.html on line 835: In sort as he him schooled privily: Tavalla jonka se sille neuvoi salaa tarkasti:
ellauri140.html on line 845: The one upon his hardy head him plast Toinen meni istumaan sen hellälle nupille,
ellauri140.html on line 846: And made him dreame of loves and lustfull play, Ja sai sen näkemään unia panohommista,
ellauri140.html on line 849: Then seemed him his Lady by him lay, Missä sen leidi oli olevinaan messissä,
ellauri140.html on line 850: And to him playnd, how that false winged boy, Ja näytti sille miten pikku jousimies
ellauri140.html on line 867: In this great passion of unwonted lust, Tässä tavattomassa himon kiimassa,
ellauri140.html on line 873: And as halfe blushing offred him to kis, Puolix punastellen tarjos sitä pusulle,
ellauri140.html on line 875: Most like that virgin true, which for her knight him took. Ihankin kuin neizyt, joxka nuppi sitä luuli.
ellauri140.html on line 883: He stayde his hand, and gan himselfe advise Se pidätti kättään ja tarttui keskijalkaansa,
ellauri140.html on line 898: You, whom my hard avenging destinie Sä jonka mun kostonhimoinen kohtaloni antaa
ellauri140.html on line 952: The guilefull great Enchaunter parts the Redcrosse Knight from truth,
Into whose stead faire Falshood steps, and workes him wofull ruth.
ellauri140.html on line 997: And to him cals, Rise, rise, unhappy Swaine Ja huutaa sille: Tule, tule, onneton,
ellauri140.html on line 1006: Who soone him brought into a secret part Joka vie sen salaiseen panohuoneeseen,
ellauri140.html on line 1023: Then up he rose, and clad him hastily; Silloin se nousi ja puki hyntteet nopsasti;
ellauri140.html on line 1024: The Dwarfe him brought his steed: so both away do fly. Knääpiö toi hepan ja ne lähti tiehensä.
ellauri140.html on line 1040: And after him she rode with so much speede No se razasti nupin perään ihan täysiä,
ellauri140.html on line 1042: For him so far had borne his light-foot steede, Mut turhaan, Nupin heppa oli tuulennopea,
ellauri140.html on line 1044: That him to follow was but fruitlesse paine; Niet sen seuraaminen oli yhtä tyhjän kanssa.
ellauri140.html on line 1052: But subtill Archimago, when his guests Sofistikoitu suurmufti, kun vieraansa
ellauri141.html on line 68: Useat Horatiuksen käyttämät runomitat ovat kreikkalaisten kehittämiä, ja niiden täydellinen ymmärtäminen vaatii antiikin Kreikan kirjallisuuden tuntemusta. Horatiuksen oodit taas olivat ainutlaatuisia ja ilmestyessään uusi muoto Rooman kirjallisuudessa. Niiden ymmärtäminen ei vaadi midiä. Ne poikkesivat suuresti esimerkiksi Catulluksen lyyrisestä tuotannosta. Lähimpinä esikuvina Horatiukselle olivat kreikkalaiset runoilijat Alkaios ja Arkhilokhos. Oodeissa Horatius käsitteli sekä henkilökohtaisia kokemuksiaan että esikuvilta lainattuja aiheita, esimerkiksi maalaiselämän ylistystä. Monet hänen oodeistaan ovat hyökkäyksiä hänen aikalaisiaan vastaan tai pilkkarunoja heistä. Oodeissa tulevat esille liiallisuuksien välttäminen eli kultainen keskitie, ajan nopea kuluminen, oikeaan hetkeen tarttuminen, rakkaus, viini, isänmaallisuus ja terve itsetietoisuus. Kuulostaa izehoitokirjalta.
ellauri141.html on line 109: Quintus Horatius Flaccus (8th of December, Ab Urbe Condita 689, B. C. 65 - 27th of November, B. C. 8) was born at or near Venusia (Venosa), in the Apennines, on the borders of Lucania and Apulia. His father was a freedman, having, as his name proves, been the slave of some person of the Horatia gens. As Horace implies that he himself was ingenuus, his father must have obtained his freedom before his birth. He afterwards followed the calling of a coactor, a collector of money in some way or other, it is not known in what. He made, in this capacity, enough to purchase an estate, probably a small one, near the above town, where the poet was born. We hear nothing of his mother, except that Horace speaks of both his parents with affection. His father, probably seeing signs of talent in him as a child, was not content to have him educated at a provincial school, but took him (at what age he does not say, but probably about twelve) to Rome, where he became a pupil of Orbilius Pupillus, who had a school of much note, attended by boys of good family, and whom Horace remembered all his life as an irritable teacher, given unnecessarily to the use of the rod. With him he learnt grammar, the earlier Latin authors, and Homer. He attended other masters (of rhetoric, poetry, and music perhaps), as Roman boys were wont, and had the advantage (to which he afterwards looked back with gratitude) of his father’s care and moral training during this part of his education. It was usual for young men of birth and ability to be sent to Athens, to finish their education by the study of Greek literature and philosophy under native teachers; and Horace went there too, at what age is not known, but probably when he was about twenty. Whether his father was alive at that time, or dead, is uncertain. If he went to Athens at twenty, it was in B. C. 45, the year before Julius Cæsar was assassinated. After that event, Brutus and Cassius left Rome and went to Greece. Foreseeing the struggle that was before them, they got round them many of the young men at that time studying at Athens, and Horace was appointed tribune in the army of Brutus, a high command, for which he was not qualified. He went with Brutus into Asia Minor, and finally shared his defeat at Philippi, B. C. 42. He makes humorous allusion to this defeat in his Ode to Pompeius Varus (ii. 7). After the battle he came to Italy, having obtained permission to do so, like many others who were willing to give up a desperate cause and settle quietly at home. His patrimony, however, was forfeited, and he seems to have had no means of subsistence, which induced him to employ himself in writing verses, with the view, perhaps, of bringing himself into notice, rather than for the purpose of making money by their sale. By some means he managed to get a place as scriba in the Quæstor’s office, whether by purchase or interest does not appear. In either case, we must suppose he contrived soon to make friends, though he could not do so by the course he pursued, without also making many enemies. His Satires are full of allusions to the enmity his verses had raised up for him on all hands. He became acquainted, among other literary persons, with Virgil and Varius, who, about three years after his return (B. C. 39), introduced him to Mæcenas, who was careful of receiving into his circle a tribune of Brutus, and one whose writings were of a kind that was new and unpopular. He accordingly saw nothing of Horace for nine months after his introduction to him. He then sent for him (B. C. 38), and from that time continued to be his patron and warmest friend.
ellauri141.html on line 111: At his house, probably, Horace became intimate with Polio, and the many persons of consideration whose friendship he appears to have enjoyed. Through Mæcenas, also, it is probable Horace was introduced to Augustus; but when that happened is uncertain. In B. C. 37, Mæcenas was deputed by Augustus to meet M. Antonius at Brundisium, and he took Horace with him on that journey, of which a detailed account is given in the fifth Satire of the first book. Horace appears to have parted from the rest of the company at Brundisium, and perhaps returned to Rome by Tarentum and Venusia. (See S. i. 5, Introduction.) Between this journey and B. C. 32, Horace received from his friend the present of a small estate in the valley of the Digentia (Licenza), situated about thirty-four miles from Rome, and fourteen from Tibur, in the Sabine country. Of this property he gives a description in his Epistle to Quintius (i. 16), and he appears to have lived there a part of every year, and to have been fond of the place, which was very quiet and retired, being four miles from the nearest town, Varia (Vico Varo), a municipium perhaps, but not a place of any importance. During this interval he continued to write Satires and Epodes, but also, it appears probable, some of the Odes, which some years later he published, and others which he did not publish. These compositions, no doubt, were seen by his friends, and were pretty well known before any of them were collected for publication. The first book of the Satires was published probably in B. C. 35, the Epodes in B. C. 30, and the second book of Satires in the following year, when Horace was about thirty-five years old. When Augustus returned from Asia, in B. C. 29, and closed the gates of Janus, being the acknowledged head of the republic, Horace appeared among his most hearty adherents. He wrote on this occasion one of his best Odes (i. 2), and employed his pen in forwarding those reforms which it was the first object of Augustus to effect. (See Introduction to C. ii. 15.) His most striking Odes appear, for the most part, to have been written after the establishment of peace. Some may have been written before, and probably were. But for some reason it would seem that he gave himself more to lyric poetry after his thirty-fifth year than he had done before. He had most likely studied the Greek poets while he was at Athens, and some of his imitations may have been written early. If so, they were most probably improved and polished, from time to time, (for he must have had them by him, known perhaps only to a few friends, for many years,) till they became the graceful specimens of artificial composition that they are. Horace continued to employ himself in this kind of writing (on a variety of subjects, convivial, amatory, political, moral,—some original, many no doubt suggested by Greek poems) till B. C. 24, when there are reasons for thinking the first three books of the Odes were published. During this period, Horace appears to have passed his time at Rome, among the most distinguished men of the day, or at his house in the country, paying occasional visits to Tibur, Præneste, and Baiæ, with indifferent health, which required change of air. About the year B. C. 26 he was nearly killed by the falling of a tree, on his own estate, which accident he has recorded in one of his Odes (ii. 13), and occasionally refers to; once in the same stanza with a storm in which he was nearly lost off Cape Palinurus, on the western coast of Italy. When this happened, nobody knows. After the publication of the three books of Odes, Horace seems to have ceased from that style of writing, or nearly so; and the only other compositions we know of his having produced in the next few years are metrical Epistles to different friends, of which he published a volume probably in B. C. 20 or 19. He seems to have taken up the study of the Greek philosophical writers, and to have become a good deal interested in them, and also to have been a little tired of the world, and disgusted with the jealousies his reputation created. His health did not improve as he grew older, and he put himself under the care of Antonius Musa, the emperor’s new physician. By his advice he gave up, for a time at least, his favorite Baiæ. But he found it necessary to be a good deal away from Rome, especially in the autumn and winter.
ellauri141.html on line 113: In B. C. 17, Augustus celebrated the Ludi Seculares, and Horace was required to write an Ode for the occasion, which he did, and it has been preserved. This circumstance, and the credit it brought him, may have given his mind another leaning to Ode-writing, and have helped him to produce the fourth book, a few pieces in which may have been written at any time. It is said that Augustus particularly desired Horace to publish another book of Odes, in order that those he wrote upon the victories of Drusus and Tiberius (4 and 14) might appear in it. The latter of these Odes was not written, probably, till B. C. 13, when Augustus returned from Gaul. If so, the book was probably published in that year, when Horace was fifty-two. The Odes of the fourth book show no diminution of power, but the reverse. There are none in the first three books that surpass, or perhaps equal, the Ode in honor of Drusus, and few superior to that which is addressed to Lollius. The success of the first three books, and the honor of being chosen to compose the Ode at the Ludi Seculares, seem to have given him encouragement. There are no incidents in his life during the above period recorded or alluded to in his poems. He lived five years after the publication of the fourth book of Odes, if the above date be correct, and during that time, I think it probable, he wrote the Epistles to Augustus and Florus which form the second book; and having conceived the intention of writing a poem on the art and progress of poetry, he wrote as much of it as appears in the Epistle to the Pisones which has been preserved among his works. It seems, from the Epistle to Florus, that Horace at this time had to resist the urgency of friends begging him to write, one in this style and another in that, and that he had no desire to gratify them and to sacrifice his own ease to a pursuit in which it is plain he never took any great delight. He was likely to bring to it less energy as his life was drawing prematurely to a close, through infirmities either contracted or aggravated during his irrational campaigning with Brutus, his inaptitude for which he appears afterwards to have been perfectly aware of. He continued to apply himself to the study of moral philosophy till his death, which took place, according to Eusebius, on the 27th of November, B. C. 8, in the fifty-seventh year of his age, and within a few days of its completion. Mæcenas died the same year, also towards the close of it; a coincidence that has led some to the notion, that Horace hastened his own death that he might not have the pain of surviving his patron. According to Suetonius, his death (which he places after his fifty-ninth year) was so sudden, that he had not time to execute his will, which is opposed to the notion of suicide. The two friends were buried near one another “in extremis Esquiliis,” in the farthest part of the Esquiliæ, that is, probably, without the city walls, on the ground drained and laid out in gardens by Mæcenas.
ellauri141.html on line 240: cum tibi flagrans amor et libido, Kun sua liekeissä himo ja kiima,
ellauri141.html on line 294: iussus abire domum ferebar incerto pede Läxin käskettynä himaan vain hiukan horjuen,
ellauri141.html on line 503: At the same time, the classical tongues and dead languages were dead to him. He perused only English and French. Latin did not come at all kindly to him; Greek was a closed book….
ellauri141.html on line 507: Kipling himself confessed that ‘every Latin quantity was an arbitrary mystery’ to him, that his teacher Crofts ‘loathed me as to Latin’ and that he had construed the beginning of the Cleopatra Ode (1.37) very badly on one occasion. It was M'Turk/Beresford who composed the Latin elegiacs translating Gray’s Elegy which Stalky and Beetle needed to prepare.
ellauri141.html on line 513: Kipling encountered him as a schoolboy, and wrote in Something of Myself (p.33) that C----, his classics master ('King' in Stalky & Co.) ...taught me to loath Horace for two years, to forget him for twenty, and then to love him for the rest of my days and through many sleepless nights.
ellauri141.html on line 514: He wrote "Donec Gratus Eram" as a schoolboy, and a series of other 'echoes' of Horace in later life. He carried a copy of Horace’s four books of Odes around with him, in which he wrote original epigrams of his own.
ellauri141.html on line 521: Kipling recognised that Horace was untranslatable. For example, he wrote to Courtauld to thank him for a copy of the third edition of The Odes and Epodes of Horace: metrical translations … selected by S. A. Courtauld.
ellauri141.html on line 522: All selected translations are of the most real value if only to show that He was untranslateable. The thought cheers me when at odd times I try my hand on him – and fail damnably.
ellauri141.html on line 525: "It is a hard law but an old one – Rome died learning it, as our western civilisation may die – that if you give any man anything that he has not painfully earned for himself, you infallibly make him or his descendants your devoted enemies."
ellauri141.html on line 566: The genesis of Horace Odes, Book V was in the brains of Kipling. It occurred to him about the blackest time of the last war, end of 1917 and early months of 1918, as a means of keeping up one's spirits and distracting our thoughts from present troubles, and he wrote to me outlining his plan and making many admirable suggestions for subjects of the sham odes. (262)
ellauri141.html on line 575: … I’ve got a new Fifth Booker whereof Hankinson Ma. is preparing the translation. It came out in the Times ever so long ago [1905] under the title The Pro-Consuls but I perceive now that Horace wrote it. Rather a big effort for him and on a higher plane than usual – unless he’d been deliberately flattering some friend in Government. I’ll send it along.
ellauri141.html on line 599: Huntuvuori oli syntynyt 1887 ja hän valmistui kansakoulunopettajaksi Jyväskylän seminaarista vuonna 1910. Opettajantoimensa ohella Huntuvuori oli intohimoinen historian harrastaja sekä tutkija. Suomen esihistoriaan liittyvät väitöskirjan esityöt kuitenkin tuhoutuivat Huntuvuoren koulun tulipalossa Sääksmäellä ja työ jäi kesken. Vai jäikö? Mervi Kannelniemen alustavat tutkimukset Huntuvuoren elämänvaiheisiin nostavat esiin monia avoimia kysymyksiä.
ellauri141.html on line 767: In 1957, American friends gave him a villa at Giens, Provence, France. He then split his time between France and the United States. In 1958, he married the American Dorothy Milburn Russell.
ellauri141.html on line 790: Mut takaisin Bernieen. Sen miälestä Chanson I on juhatus epämääräisiin haarukkapaloihin vähän niinkö Jeesuxen lähetystoiminta, ja siinä onkin tommonen Etranger joka suuhun on pantu yhtä ja toista raamatullista. The Stranger koittaa yllyttää "kertojaa" lähtemään messiin anabasixelle, ei nappaa. Sillä on joku nainen (no tietysti), joka on sen hyvänolon lähde (niin aina). Naiset jarruttaa "miestä" lähtemästä seikkailulle, mutta palkizee sitä samalla herkulla kun se tulee takasin. Hohhoijakkaa. Naaraan haluaminen on koirasapinalla ihan vakio. Kapitalisoituja heppuja. Symboleja. Huohhelihuoh. Ei himputti ei ihme että Perse on hautautunut hiekkaan iäxi.
ellauri142.html on line 47: Markku, throughout the entire history of War and Peace, is a man in search of inner fulfillment. His "illegitimate " birth (though his father does acknowledge and legitimize him) is partly what gives him a vague sense of inferiority, and he feels himself an outsider.
ellauri142.html on line 49: Count Pyotr "Markku" Kirillovich Bezukhov (/bɛ.zjuːˈkɒv/; Russian: Пьер Безу́хов, Пётр Кири́ллович Безу́хов) is a central fictional character and the main protagonist of Leo Tolstoy's 1869 novel War and Peace. He is the favourite out of several illegitimate sons of the wealthy nobleman Count Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhov, one of the richest people in the Russian Empire. Markku is best friends with Andrei Bollocksky. Tolstoy based Markku on himself more than any other War and Peace character.
ellauri142.html on line 51: Markku is described as the fat, large-bodied, ungainly, and socially awkward illegitimate son of an old Russian grandee. He is educated in France and returns to Russia as a misfit. His unexpected inheritance of a large fortune makes him socially desirable. Markku is ensnared by the fortune-hunting Kristina Curagina, whose eventual deception leaves him depressed and confused, spurring a spiritual odyssey that spans the novel.
ellauri142.html on line 53: At the opening of the novel, Markku is a young man who has recently returned to Russia to seek a career after completing his education abroad. Although a well-meaning, kind hearted young man, he is awkward and out of place in the Russian high society in whose circles he starts to move. Markku, though intelligent, is not dominated by reason, as his friend Prince Andrei Nikolayevich Balkongsky is. His lack of direction leads him to fall in with a group of profligate young men like Anatole Kuragin and Dolokhov whose pranks and heavy drinking cause mild scandals. After a particularly outrageous escapade in which a policeman is strapped to the back of a bear and thrown into a river, Markku is sent away from St. Petersburg. What happened to the poor bear?
ellauri142.html on line 55: Markku's life changes after he becomes the sole heir to his father's vast estate, and his position in society is changed from that of an illegitimate son to the new Count Bezukhov. His inability to control his emotions and sexual passions lead him into a marriage with the vapid but sexually beautiful Princess Kristina, a match which her self-serving father, Prince Carl Erik, sets up to secure his access to Markku's newly acquired vast fortune. Kristina is not in love with Markku, and has affairs. From jealousy, Markku shoots his suspected lover, Dolokhov, in a duel. He is distraught at having committed such a crime and eventually separates from Kristina and then becomes a Freemason. His madhat escape into the city of Moscow and his subsequent obsessive belief that he is destined to be Napoleon’s mistress show his submission to irrational impulses. Yet his search for meaning in his life and for how to overcome his emotions are a central theme of the novel. He eventually finds love and marriage with Pirkko Hiekkala, becomes a ladies shoes salesman called Al Bundy and their marriage is perhaps the culmination of a life of moral and spiritual questioning. They have four children: three boys and one girl. Correction, one extremely good-looking platinum blonde girl and one about equally gifted son.
ellauri142.html on line 59: Daniel Rancour-Laferriere calls Markku "one of the best known characters in world literature." Merriam-Webster lists him among "the most attractive and sympathetic characters in literature". And M. Keith Booker describes Markku as one of Tolstoy's "most memorable characters".
ellauri142.html on line 63: Markku is an outcast. The awkward, illegitimate son of a dazzlingly wealthy Count, he was educated in France but returns to Russia now that his father’s health is in decline. Polite society shuns him for his hero-worship of Napoleon and enthusiasm for the politics of revolution. But his blundering sincerity charms Andrei, his truest friend; and the blonde air hostess Natacha, who delights in his presence. He is quickly married off by stealth through the manipulation of others around him and is likely to face further heartache given that his wife prefers bedding her brother. It looks like this unlikely hero is smitten with her mother Pirkko Hiekkala but is set for heartache given his kind and gentle nature.
ellauri142.html on line 75: In the 1870s, Tolstoy experienced a profound moral crisis, followed by what he regarded as an equally profound spiritual awakening, as outlined in his non-fiction work A Confession (1882). His overly literal interpretation of the ethical teachings of Jesus, centering on the Sermon on the Mount, caused him to become a fervent Christian anarchist and pacifist. His ideas on nonviolent resistance, expressed in such works as The Kingdom of God Is Within You (1894), had a profound impact on such pivotal 20th-century figures as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther, and Stephen King.
ellauri142.html on line 79: Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya Polyana, a family estate 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) southwest of Tula, and 200 kilometres (120 mi) south of Moscow. He was the fourth of five children of Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy (1794–1837), a veteran of the Patriotic War of 1812, and Countess Mariya Tolstaya (née Volkonskaya; 1790–1830). His mother died when she was two and his father when he was nine. Tolstoy and his siblings were brought up by relatives. In 1844, he began studying law and oriental languages at Kazan University, where teachers described him as "both unable and unwilling to learn".
ellauri142.html on line 91: Prize motivation: "in consideration of the power of observation, originality of imagination, virility of ideas and remarkable talent for narration which characterize the creations of this world-famous author." As a poet, short story writer, journalist and novelist, Rudyard Kipling described the British colonial empire in positive terms, which made his poetry popular in the British Army. Contemporary Great Britain appreciated him for his depictions of the British colony of India. The Jungle Book (1894) has made him known and loved by children throughout the world, especially thanks to Disney’s 1967 film adaptation.
ellauri142.html on line 93: Tolstoy's concept of ahimsa was bolstered when he read a German version of the Tirukkura. The Tirukkuṟa (Tamil: திருக்குறள், lit. 'sacred verses'), or shortly the Kura, is a classic Tamil language text consisting of 1,330 short couplets, or kura, of seven words each. The text is divided into three books with aphoristic teachings on virtue (aram), wealth (porul) and sex (inbam), respectively. The Kura is traditionally praised with epithets and alternate titles such as "the Tamil Veda" and "the divine book." Written on the foundations of ahimsa, it emphasizes non-violence and moral vegetarianism as highest virtues for an individual.
ellauri142.html on line 95: Porulia ja inbamia Lexalla kyllä piisasi, aram hatsaturjanista oli ehkä vähän pulaa. Yhtä karvaisen ellei karvaisemman Frank Zappan laulusta opin sanan ahimsa. Hair growing out evey hole in me. Mä halusin olla yhtä karvainen kuin ne, muttei parta kasva pahoille, turpajouhet joutaville. Valttu Mursusta lisää seuraavassa numerossa.
ellauri142.html on line 192: Paul Wagner is an Intuitive-Empath, clairvoyant reader, and a 5-time EMMY Award winning writer. He created “The Personality Cards,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered.
ellauri142.html on line 278: Mutta tuota hengen havahtumista kukaan ei saavuta ilman suuria taisteluja mm. ahneiden ja kateiden sukulaisten kanssa. Heräämistä vastaan asettuvat suuret himojen ja intohimojen vastustusjoukot. Bhagavad Gîtâ opettaa, keitä nämä viholliset ovat ja miten ne on jujutettava. Siinä selvitetään taistelu katoavaisen alapään ja katoamattoman yläpäämme välillä, ja osoitetaan tie, joka vie apinan jumalisemman osan voittoon ja tukahduttaa hallizevan eläimellisen puolen.
ellauri142.html on line 280: Ärjylä (apinan ego) on taistelukentällä (tekojen ja toimintojen kenttä on mainen elämä) kahden vihollisjoukon keskellä. Toinen näistä kuvaa korkeampia (pandavat, Poirotin harmaat aivosolut, teris) ja toinen alempia ("Se 1 paikka", kurut, matelijanaivot) sielunvoimia. Siinäpä seisoo Kuntinpoika (sielu) omien sukulaistensa ja Uhritahran poikien (aineellinen elämä) välillä, ja häntä uhkaavat ylpeys, izekkyys, himot, izeänsä muita parempana pitäminen, halut, intohimot, viha, kiukku jne., mutta hänenkin puolellaan seisovat voimalliset, mahtavat sotijat: eturivissä hän ize, hänen tahtonsa hyvään, alistuvaisuus (ydishtira), toisia izeäsä parempina pitäminen, hänen totuudenrakkautensa, korkeampi tietoisuutensa (jumalan luottamus häneen), vakaumuks...ei jaxa. Täytyy vetää henkeä.
ellauri142.html on line 284: ...voima (usko), armahtavaisuus, majesteetillisuus, velvollisuudentunto, pysyväisyys, suoruus, oikeudentunto, izehillintä ym. Kers. Ärjylä tunnustaa, että viholliset jotka hänen tulee voittaa, ovat hänen oma izensä ja ”hänen lähimpiä sukulaisiaan, ystäviään ja opettajiaan” (sillä intohimotkin opettavat apinaa) ja ne ovat siis osia hänestä izestään. Silloin lannistuu hänen taistelurohkeutensa ja hän antaa jousensa (tahtonsa) ja keihäänsä (giguli) vaipua.

ellauri142.html on line 287: Hän selvittää Ärjylälle matkalla junalle, että se mitä persoonallinen apina pitää omana izenään, on ainoastaan pettävä kuva; että kaikki hänen petoksestaan johtuvat olosuhteet sekä himot ja intohimot ovat ainoastaan ohimeneviä ilmennyksiä ja kuinka apina sitten menee lunastukseen; että hän voittaa ne ja liittyy jumalaan, tuohon hänen olentonsa kuolemattomaan laahuxeen. Bhagavad Gîtâ opettaa täten kaikkein korkeinta tiedettä, apinan yhtymistä jumalaan (jooga) ja neuvoo häntä tuntemaan kuolemattomuuden tien. Niimpä tietysti, yhdyntää siis taas. Siinä ne apinan ajatuxet aina pyörivät. Niin kuin kaikki pyhät ja todella uskonnolliset asiat, jos niitä kazotaan yleiseltä, eläimelliseltä ja järjen rajoittamalta eikä vaan pintapuoliselta kannalta, tulevat sysätyiksi alhaisuuden, ymmärtämättömyyden ja izepetoksen valtakuntaan, eli siis väärin käsitetyiksi, niin on tapahtunut Bhagavad Gîtâllekin monta kertaa, silloin kun se on joutunut kielentutkijoiden ja kirjanoppineiden käsiin. Kielentutkijat on ihan pahimpia. Paraneekohan mun kieleni? Sano aa, niin tutkitaan. Älä vaan puraise mun sondia.
ellauri142.html on line 296: Jonkin ruokalistan tutkiminen ei meitä tee kylliäisiksi, jos emme kokkaa niitä ruokalajeja, jotka tuossa listassa on mainittu. Myös Bhagavad Gîtân tutkiminen saavuttaa tarkoitetun päämääränsä vasta silloin kun me koklaamme siinä esitettyjä repestejä ja täytämme niillä mahamme jokapäiväisessä siitinelämässämme. Jokaisen pitää itse olla oma Ärjylänsä ja pyristellä itsekkyyttänsä, itserakkauttaan, omien etujensa valvomista, halujaan, himojaan ja erehdyksiään vastaan, ennen kuin hän tietää, mitä tuo sota merkitsee. Ei sota yhtä miestä kaipaa, sitähän se lähinnä merkizee että raha joogi-karhun kirstuun kilahtaa.
ellauri142.html on line 317: Kristuksen elämä esitetään kovimpana asiana, mitä kuolevainen voi opiskella. Hänen opetuksensa ylittävät kepoon kaikkien pyhimysten opetukset. Rima ei edes heilahda. Kirja antaa neuvoja Raamatun lukemiseen, kovan onnen kohtaamiseen ja auktoriteetin alle nöyrtymiseen, varoituksia kiusauksia vastaan ja neuvoja niiden välttämiseen, pohdiskelua kuolemasta ja tuomiosta, mietiskelyä Kristuksen antamasta uhrista sekä varoituksia maailman muiden turhuuksien karttamiseksi. Kristus itse painaa enemmän kuin kaikkien koulukuntien kirjat yhteensä, kiikkuslaudan toiseen päähän nostettuna se nostaa apinan mielen riittävän korkealle havaitsemaan iänikuisen totuuden paremmin kuin noin kymmenen vuoden opiskelu erilaisissa keskiasteen kouluissa.
ellauri142.html on line 321: Protestanttisessa maailmassa kirjaan kohdistunut arvostelu on suuntautunut sen sisältämiin "keskiaikaisiin virheisiin": hyvien tekojen painotukseen, transsubstantiaatio- ja kiirastulioppeihin ja paavin sekä pyhimysten "palvontaan".
ellauri142.html on line 328:

On helppo saarnata: ”Tukahduta himosi, rakasta jumalaa, hallitse alempaa luonnettasi.” Tämän neuvon täyttäminen on vaikeaa sellaiselle, joka ei tunne himojensa luonnetta, eikä edes tiedä mitä himoja hänen pitäisi tyydyttää, eikä tiedä, mistä hän voisi löytää sellaisen, jonka kanssa niitä voisi tyydyttää, jos niitä olisi. Ja sama englannixi:
ellauri142.html on line 449: Harva mies on niin täydellinen ja pyhä, ettei hänellä joskus olisi enää haasteita; Emme voi olla täysin vapaita siitä! Kiusaukset ovat kuitenkin meille erittäin hyödyllisiä, vaikka ne olisivatkin vaikeita ja vaikeita; koska hänen pikkumiehensä sitä kautta nöyrtyy, pudistetaan ja huovutetaan. Kaikkia pyhimyksiä on johdatettu monien kiusausten ja murheiden läpi, ja se on ollut heidän vahvuusalueensa.
ellauri142.html on line 451: Jolla ei kuitenkaan seiso kiusauksessa, putoaa pois pelistä ja hylätään. Mikään valtio ei ole niin pyhä, eikä mikään niin yksinäinen paikka, jossa ei koettaisi kiusauksia ja ristiriitoja, ei edes vatikaani. Niin kauan kuin apina elää, hän ei ole turvassa kiusauksilta, sillä tämän lähteen me itse kannamme sisällämme, kun synnymme aistillisessa himossa. Ei edes killutinten poisto riitä, kuten Abelard sai katkerasti kokea.
ellauri142.html on line 453: Monet yrittävät paeta kiusauksia, ja he seuraavat niitä paljon enemmän! Pelkästään matalalennolla emme voi niitä voittaa; mutta kärsivällisen pyllistelyn kautta meistä tulee vahvempia. Se, joka ei ole maahan juurtunut, edistyy vain vähän; Kiusaukset palaavat hänelle pian, ja hän tuntee ne vielä voimakkaammin. Siksi joku sanoi: "Yritä parantaa hulluus sen luomisessa kokonaan ja kokonaan. Mutta turhaan lääkäri tulee, kun pahuus on juurtunut." Ensin alaston ajatus tunkeutuu sieluun, sitten eloisa esitys, himo ja syntinen herätys ja hyväksyntä on olemassa.
ellauri142.html on line 465: Yksinkertainen vaate, hellästi kasvoille puettu naamari tai rauhallinen asenne on hyvä avaus, mutta siitä yksinään ei ole mitään hyötyä; mutta sisäinen parannus, himojen tukahduttaminen, se on kristillisen olemuksen ominaisperiaate. Rauhaa ei myöskään voida ylläpitää pitkään, jos ei ole valmis painamaan pienintä veljistään.
ellauri142.html on line 493: Ärjylä sanoi: Mikä on se, oi Varshneya, joka pakottaa ihmistä, vastoin omaa tahtoansakin ja ikään kuin väkivallan pakottamana, tekemään syntiä? Siunattu sana sanoi: Se on mieliteko, halu, voima, joka johtuu himosta (rajas-guna). Opi tätä kaikkia kuluttavaa ja lakastuttavaa vihollistasi tuntemaan. Eliskä matelijanaivo kehottaa välittömään tyydytyxeen, sillä aikaa supermies näkee pitemmälle ja laskee edeenpäin: 1 kertaa 1 on 1. Joskus on matelijanaivo oikeassa, joskus supermies. Egon pää kääntyilee kuin tennismazissa.
ellauri142.html on line 495: Maisteri Eckehartin psykologia oli seuraava: ”Sielulla on, paitsi ulkonaisia aistimia, vielä kuusi voimaa, kolme alempaa ja kolme korkeampaa. Alemmat voimat ovat: käytännöllinen ymmärrys, vihastumisen kyky ja himoitseminen. Näitä vastaavat kolme korkeampaa kykyä: muisti, järki, ja tahto. Kolmea ylempää kutsutaan myös luonteeksi." Einää musta miteenkään 1:1 mene. Matelijanaivojen osalta tää on järkeenkäypä jaottelu: siinä on pieni laskuyxikkö ja työntö- sekä vetovoimaosasto. Harmaan aivokuoren osastot ei kuitenkaan mitenkään vastaa niitä. Mikä sinänsä on ok. Maisterin olis pitänyt vaan jättää pois toi "näitä vastaavat". Matelijallakin on noi ylemmät osastot, vaikka matalaozasemmat versiot.
ellauri142.html on line 553: "Kaikki pyrkii monenkaltaisuudesta ykseyteen. Siksi juoksevat pilvet, siksi himoitsee apina ja juhta.” (Eckhart) Tää ei nyt mene ihan Darwinin opin mukaan, missä bylsintä on paremminkin keino lisätä diversiteettiä kuin vähentää sitä.
ellauri142.html on line 559: Minä olen nyhjässyt kaiken tyhjästä, paizi ei tyhjää missään ollutkaan, kaikkialla oli täyttä. Revi siitä. Kun Minä ilmestyn inhimillisessä muodossani, niin hullut Minua halveksivat. He eivät tunne Minun korkeinta luontoani maailmankaikkeuden herrana. Minä olen uhri; Minä olen uhritoimitus; Minä olen uhrilahja; Minä olen lääke; Minä olen ylistyslaulu (mantra 6 ) ja öljy; Minä olen tuli; sekä myös uhrin hyvä tuoksu. Minä olen maailmankaikkeuden isä, äiti, ylläpitäjä ja siittäjä, maailman suuri herra. Minä olen totuuden tuntemisen esine, puhdistus, pyhä tavu ”AUM”. Minä olen Rig-, Sama- ja Yadshur-Veda. Minä olen tie, totuus ja elämä, isäntä, käskijä, vieras, asunto, pakopaikka, ystävä, alku ja loppu, varastohuoneen paikka ja sisältö, iankaikkinen kuolematon siementäjä.
ellauri142.html on line 563: ruokaa. (Ei sitä ambrosiaa, se on kreikkalaisten pahaa pöperöä.) Sihijuomaa juodaan silloin kun sielu on jättänyt kaiken maallisen, siis muistonkin siitä. ”Nälkäisen himo tulee jumalan sanassa lihaksi, taivaalliseksi, yliluonnolliseksi lihaksi ja tämä liha on todellinen jumalan uhri, jossa jumala ottaa asuntonsa, mutta ei eläimellisessä, kuolevaisessa ihmisessä.” (J. Böhme, Myst. magn.27, 44.) Paizi lihaa ei pie syödä, se on syntiä. Aijoo sehän oli vaan jainilaisten humpuukia, ammennä vaan se kotletti, ota vielä tästä lampaanlapapalapataa, ja sihijuomaa palan painikkeexi.
ellauri142.html on line 570: The tenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is Vibhooti Yoga. In this chapter, Krishna reveals Himself as the cause of all causes. He describes His various manifestations and opulences in order to increase Arjuna's Bhakti. Arjuna is fully convinced of Lord's paramount position and proclaims him to be...
ellauri142.html on line 615: Blavatskyn elämästä ja merkityksestä on kiistelty. Joidenkin mukaan hän oli huijari, toisaalta vastakkainen näkemys Blavatskysta pyhimyksenä syntyi hänen viimeisinä vuosinaan hänen seuraajiensa parissa.
ellauri142.html on line 632:

  • Mararupat, himojen ja intohimojen tuottamat lammikot.
    ellauri142.html on line 634:
  • Luontokappaleiden muodoissa olevat henget. Eläimellistyneet ihmissielut. Inhimillistyneet eläinsielut (esim Atma-koira).
    ellauri142.html on line 681: Ainetta liikuttaa kolme voimaa joita nimitetään sanalla ”gunas”. Ne ovat ”sattva-”, ”rajas-” ja ”tamas-guna” ja ilmaistaan tavallisesti sanoilla: ”olemus”, ”himo” ja ”pimeys”. ”Cannabis sativa” merkitsee todellista olentoa, totuutta, kännykkävaloa; ”rajas” intohimojen ja himojen mahtia; ”tamas” tietämättömyyden pimeyttä, joka johtuu tyhmyydestä. Luonto sellaisenaan ei ole sen enempää ”hyvä” kuin ”pahakaan”, koska nämä ovat ainoastaan suhteellisia käsitteitä. Nii oikke!
    ellauri142.html on line 683: Hmm, olemus himo ja pimeys olis niinkö perusvoimia. Eine juuri ole kummempia kuin kvarkit:
    ellauri142.html on line 705: Tiedä, että rajas, himoluonne, on kahlehtimisen lähde ja elämisen halun jano, oi Kaunteya, se sitoo ruumiissa asujan toimintojen siteillä.
    ellauri142.html on line 712: Ahneus, itsepäinen nerokkuus, teonhimo, levottomuus sikiävät silloin kun rajas (himo) on kypsynyt, oi paras bharatalaisista. Henkinen pimeys, toimettomuus, ajattelemattomuus, huolimattomuus ja epäilys kukoistavat silloin kun tamas on voitolla, oi Kurujen ilo.
    ellauri142.html on line 750: Joka on vapaa itsekkyydestä ja on voittanut kiintymyksen sekä alituisesti asustaa vaan izessä – himoista päässeenä hän on vapaa niistä vastakkaisuuksista, joita nimitetään iloksi ja kärsimykseksi: hän kulkee kuolemattomuuden tiellä. Vitun narsisti. Siis niin pian kuin ihminen omasta izerakkaudesta vapautuu ja tuntee itsensä vaan izekkääxi.
    ellauri142.html on line 757: UUTISVÄLÄYS: Polakit on käsittämättömiä kusipäitä, setämieslinjan pahimpia edustajia. Saatanallisia paavin palvojia. Paavikin pelkää niitä. Elämän tulena ne tunkeutuu hengittäviin ruumiisiin, tekohengitykseen yhdistyneenä ne valmistaa vaan yhdenlaista makkaraa. Epäsikiöiden äitien sydämet pysähtyvät leikkaussaliin vietäessä. I am levitating now.
    ellauri142.html on line 781: Pelkäämättömyys, elämän (sydämen) puhtaus, väsymättömyys (kestävyys) todellisen tuntemisen etsimisessä (joogan harjoittamisessa), almujen anto, pyhien kirjoitusten hiljainen mietiskely, iloinen katumus, rehellisyys, nöyryys, viattomuus, totuuden rakkaus, lempeämielisyys, siviilikieltäytyminen, rauhallisuus, hyvä tahto, laupeudentunne kaikkia olentoja kohtaan, vapautuminen himoista, mielen levollisuus, lempeys, hyvyys (kohteliaisuus), mielen lujuus, voimallisuus, kärsivällisyys, pysyväisyys, siveys, vapaus kostonhimosta ja turhamielisyydestä, vakavuus. Nämä ovat sen, joka on syntynyt jumalallista olemassaoloa varten, hyvät avut. Aivan mahtavat maitomunat ja hyvä perse.
    ellauri142.html on line 791: ”Olkaa kiltisti niin kuin lapset.” Lapsen mieli on intohimoista vapaa. (No ei kaikista, ainoastaan panohalusta.) Lapsi on pelkäämätön: hän tekee noloja kysymyksiä, joille vanhemmat useinkaan eivät osaa antaa tyydyttävää vastausta, vaan sensijaan vizaa paljaalle pyllylle. Hän omistaa siis vapaan sanavallan (vizan riskillä) ja kysymyksillään hän saattaa usein jumalat hämmästyneinä ajattelemaan monta tärkeää seikkaa, jotka heiltä muuten ehkä olisivat jääneet huomaamatta. Hetken ajateltuaan ne suuttuu ja antaa lapselle vizaa paljaalle pyllylle. Tässä mielessä meidän pitää olla lapsia. ”Ihmisen ei pidä pelätä jumalaa. Vaikka se uhkaa ja usein lyökin vizalla." (Eckehart) Charlottekaan ei aina pelkää Susannaa vaan jäynän tehtyään juoxee karkuun ihan täysiä. Keppiä! Ska jag ta dej i håret?!
    ellauri142.html on line 806: Tällästä rationalistit antautuvat pohjattomiin himoihin; he ovat täynnä kavaluutta ja ajattelemattomuutta. Näennäisyyden sokaisemina he riippuvat lujasti kiinni harhassaan; elämäntapansa he ovat järjestäneet saastaisuuden mukaisesti. He antautuvat mahdottomiin haaveiluihin, jotka johtavat tyhjyyteen. Heidän korkein ihanteensa on himojensa tyydyttäminen, ja he uskovat, että he siten saavuttavat elämänsä päämaalin, joka ei ole muuta kuin himojen tyydyttäminen. (Nojoo.)
    ellauri142.html on line 807: Sadoilla toiveilla sidottuina, alttiina himolle ja vihalle, he koettavat väärillä keinoilla haalia omaisuutta (rikkauksia), yltäkylläisesti täyttääkseen turhanpäiväisiä himojaan.
    ellauri142.html on line 809: ”Viisas etsii ainoastaan yhtä ja kaikitenkin korkeinta hyvää; tyhmä etsii monenlaista ja tonkii yhäti kaikessa halpamaisessa.” (Angelus Silesius) 13. He sanovat: ”tämän olen tänä päivänä saavuttanut, ja tuon, jota sydämeni himoitsee, saavutan huomenna. Tämä omaisuus on jo minun ja tuo tulee kuulumaan minulle tulevaisuudessa.
    ellauri142.html on line 854: Vielä vähän ohjeita charitystä. Jos velvollisuuden tunnosta, oikealla paikalla ja oikealla ajalla annetaan almu jollekin arvokkaalle, joka sitä ei juuri nyt jaksa palkita, tämä teko kuuluu puhtauden ominaisuuksiin. Jos annetaan lahja vastalahjan saamisen toivossa tai toivossa saada tulevaisuudessa siitä voittoa, tai annetaan almu vastenmielisesti, tämä antaminen johtuu himosta. Mutta jos hävyttömällä tavalla, epäkunnioittavasti, epäpuhtaalla paikalla ja sopimattomalla ajalla annetaan almu arvottomalle - se toiminta on pimeyttä. Vittu arvottomat ansaizee mitään saada, menkööt mezään haravoimaan ja keräilemään risuja.
    ellauri142.html on line 884: puhtaita himojaan, jäävät kâmalokaan eli rakkausmaailmaan, so. he ovat himojensa (kâma) johdosta vielä sidotut alempaan luontoon, eivätkä voi astua devachaniin ennen kuin ovat päässeet vapaiksi näistä epäpuhtaista elementeistä. Tästä luonnonmukaisesta tosiseikasta on syntynyt katolisen kirkon käsite kiirastulesta, mikä kylllä on aivan perseestä.
    ellauri142.html on line 909: Tiedä, että latvabeet sanoo et kaikki on sitä yhtä samaa; raajarikkoiset sanoo et on tosi paljon eri juttuja, koska ne on niin himokkaita; ne jonka mukaan on vaan pimeetä ainetta, on pimeitä. (Pimeillä ja valopäillä ei siis ole paljon eroa.)
    ellauri142.html on line 913: Intohimoinen tekijä on sellainen, joka kilvoittelee saavuttaakseen tekojensa hedelmiä, joka on ahne, loukkaava, epäpuhdas aikomuksissaan ja joka tuntee iloa tai murhetta (eturaajat).
    ellauri142.html on line 920: Se ketä ainoastaan epäselvästi käsittää, mikä on oikein ja mikä väärin tai mitä on tehtävä ja mitä jätettävä tekemättä, oi Pârthajehu, on himoluontoinen.
    ellauri143.html on line 60: In the picture tweeted on Saturday (November 2), Thiruvalluvar, who is revered in Tamil Nadu for authoring Thirukkural, a collection of 1,330 life-advice couplets, is seen smeared with sacred ash and wearing a rudraksha necklace and upper-arm bracelets. This is an entirely new portrayal of the ancient poet whose pictures has so far shown him attired only in white and without religious symbols.
    ellauri143.html on line 61: The picture was also accompanied by a couplet from the first chapter of Thirukkural — “Katradhanaal aaya Payanen kol VaalaRivan natraal Thozhaaar enin,” which translates to — “What profit have those derived from learning, who worship not the good feet of him who is possessed of pure knowledge?”
    ellauri143.html on line 71: The history behind the picture of Valluvar is itself an interesting one. Painter KR Venugopal Sarma picturised him in 1950s and the painting was accepted by then chief minister CN Annadurai as the official picture of the poet.
    ellauri143.html on line 125: Meidän monipuoliseen valikoimaan kuuluu akuneulat, sähköakulaitteet, hoitopöydät, moksat, kuppaustarvikkeet. Lisäksi valikoimaan kuuluu terveys ja luontaisalantuotteita; eteeriset öljyt, korvavahakynttilät, vihreä tee, kirjat ja himalajan kristallisuolat. Moxibustio eli moksalla lämmitetään ja vahvistetaan. Näyttää joululahja sinettivahapötköltä. Moksa edistää energian eli Qin virtausta ja se poistaa kylmyyden ja kosteuden sekä stagnaation. Sillä poistetaan näistä aiheutuvia oireita, kuten esim. palelua tai kipuilua.
    ellauri143.html on line 190: If wife be wholly true to him who gained her as his bride,

    ellauri143.html on line 209: She greatest boon on son confers, who makes him meat,

    ellauri143.html on line 304: Grudging him good, and points him out misfortune's prey
    ellauri143.html on line 336: If neighbour he defame not, there's good within him still
    ellauri143.html on line 357: Who babbles, him will all despise.
    ellauri143.html on line 444: How can the word of kindly grace to him be known,

    ellauri143.html on line 527: Tää on se ahimsapykälä (nojaa tulihanse tuolla vegaanipykälässä jo). Jaa vegaaniruoastasi naapurillekin, siinä on tamiliviisauden A ja O. Äläkä puhu paskoja. Näitä samoja nää kaikki moralistit jauhavat. Ja mixeivät jauhaisi. Kantapään kauttahan on apina ne oppinut. Toi uhrautumispykälä menee kyllä pitemmälle kuin koukkunokilla.
    ellauri143.html on line 708: Like staff in hand of him in slippery ground who strays

    ellauri143.html on line 767: Permits himself to scan faults of other men.
    ellauri143.html on line 861: That shrinks from shame or stain; in him may king confide.
    ellauri143.html on line 1191: Like him who seeks his couch with unwashed feet,

    ellauri143.html on line 1196: who in intercourse with friends is found trustworthy in what he says,-such a man, although men may say of him that he is an uneducated man, I must consider him to be really an educated man. (Confucius Analects)
    ellauri143.html on line 1266: Who gives himself to love of wife, careless of noble name

    ellauri143.html on line 1267: His wealth will clothe him with o'erwhelming shame.
    ellauri143.html on line 1271: Will daily bring him shame among the good.
    ellauri143.html on line 1275: By him who dreads his wife, nor gives the other world a thought.
    ellauri143.html on line 1346: To him who knows not how to smile in kindly mirth,

    ellauri143.html on line 1391: Explanation : If the owner does not (personally) attend to his cultivation, his land will behave like an angry wife and yield him no pleasure.
    ellauri143.html on line 1396: Explanation : A man's true manliness consists in making himself the head and benefactor of his family. (Mitä vittua?)
    ellauri143.html on line 1415: Explanation : Even thin gruel is ambrosia to him who has obtained it by labour.
    ellauri143.html on line 1566: I grieve, 'tis pain to me to hear him cruel chid,

    ellauri143.html on line 1570: I am greatly pained to hear you call him a cruel man, just because your shoulders are reduced and your bracelets loosened. Tää selitys on aika törkeä! Eli poinzi on, että syytä ämmä vaan izeäsi kun olet rupsahtanut, ei se ole äijän vika.
    ellauri143.html on line 1674: Perinteen mukaan neizyt Māyā näki unta, jossa Siddhārtha saapui hänen kohtuunsa lumivalkean norsun muodossa. Ei siis minään tyhjänä korzuna. Kymmenen kuukauden kuluttua unesta Siddhārta syntyi Lumbinīn kylässä, kun hänen äitinsä oli matkalla syntymäkotiinsa Betlehemiin synnyttämään. Pojan syntymäjuhliin apostolinkyydillä osallistunut erakkotietäjä (ṛṣi) Aasitta ennusti lapsesta tulevan joko suuri kuningas (cakravartin) tai sitten suuri pyhimys (sadhu). Tuli sadhu. 2 muuta tietäjää ei päässeet tällä kertaa tulemaan, olivat kipeinä. Myöhemmän perinteen mukaan Siddhārtha kasvatettiin tämän takia tarkasti suojattuna näkemästä vanhuutta, kuolemaa ja sairautta.
    ellauri143.html on line 1682: Kokemuksen seurauksena Siddhārtha oivalsi, ettei kivulias itsekieltäymys ole sen parempi vastaus elämän ongelmiin kuin yltäkylläisyydessä rypeminenkään. Tämän ajatuksen korostetaan olevan yksi buddhalaisuuden keskeisimmistä periaatteista, ja siitä käytetään nimitystä keskitie (sanskritiksi madhyamā-pratipad, pāliksi majjhimā paṭipadā). Olipa hienoa. sillähän koko keskiluokka on koko ajan, muinaisista kreikkalaisista puhumattakaan. (No täähän tapahtui samoihin aikoihin, keskiluokkaisuus oli alkanut trendata kaupankäynnin mukana.)
    ellauri143.html on line 1742: Bodhisattva (sanskritiksi बोधिसत्त्व,valaisinolio, "hän, jonka tavoitteena on valaiseminen") on henkilö, jolla on suuren tasavirran seurauksena hyvä valoteho (bodhicitta), eli spontaani toive saavuttaa täydellinen valaistus kaikkien muiden oliojen hyödyksi. Buddhalaisuudessa bodhisattva on yksi neljästä leevelistä, jotka apina voi saavuttaa elämänsä aikana (muiden ollessa sillä aikaa arjhat, buddha ja pratyekabuddha). Valtakoira-buddhalaisten mukaan bodhisattva on izevalaiseva olio, joka omasta suuren myötäelämisen tahdostaan palaa täydellisen valaisemisen sijaan nussittavaxi uudestaan, jotta voi johdattaa ennen omaa läpivalaisuaan kaikki muut olennot kohdevalaisimen alle ja pois pyllystä tulemisen kärsimyksestä. Siis eräänlainen pyhimys. Myötätunnon pyhimyxellä on aivan vimmatusti käsiä, ei lopu kätilöltä kädet ihan ensi hädässä. Vitun käteenvetoa koko touhutus, jos minulta kysytään. Tuskin kysytään.
    ellauri144.html on line 148: Niin, ehkä se johtuikin hummerista. Kun tuo tabu oli niin helposti ja yksinkertaisesti rikottu, niin ehkä minun luonteessani piilevä limainen, murhanhimoinen Dionysos oli saanut rohkaisunsa; ehkä sillä oli opittu se läksy ettei lain rikkomiseksi tarvitse tehdä muuta kuin - antaa periksi ja rikkoa! Ei tarvitse muuta kuin lopettaa vapiseminen ja täriseminen ja sellainen kuvittelu että se on mahdotonta ja sinä et siihen pysty: ei tarvitse mitään muuta kuin tehdä se! Just do it! Mitä muuta, minä haluaisin tietää, olivat kaikki nuo ruokia koskevat säännöt ja määräykset alun pitäenkään, mitä muuta tarkoitusta niillä oli kuin antaa meille pienille juutalaislapsille kokemusta siitä mitä on pidättyminen jostakin mieleisestä? Kokemusta, rakas ystävä, kokemusta, kokemusta, kokemusta. Itsehillintää ei poimita puista nääs - vaatii kärsivällisyyttä, vaatii keskittymistä, vaatii asiaan omistautunutta ja uhrautuvaista isää jotta vain muutaman vuoden ajassa luotaisiin aisoissa pysyvä ja kireäperseinen ihmisolento. Miksi muuten kaksi eri astiastoa? Miksi muuten kosher saippua ja -suola? Miksi muuten, haluaisin tietää, miksi muuten kuin sitä varten että meitä muistutettaisiin kolme kertaa päivässä siitä että elämä jos jotain on ollakseen niin on rajoja ja rajoituksia, satojatuhansia pieniä sääntöjä jotka on asettanut ei kukaan muu kuin Ei Kukaan Muu, sääntöjä joita joko noudatat kyselemättä, välittämättä siitä miten idioottimaisilta ne vaikuttavat (ja siten pysyt, tottelemalla, hänen armoissaan), tai joita sinä rikot, todennäköisimmin tuohtuneen talonpoikaisjärjen nimissä - joita sinä rikot koska ei edes lapsi halua koko ajan tuntea itseään täydeksi hölmöksi ja idiootiksi - niin, sinä rikot, mutta sillä todennäköisellä seurauksella (isä minulle vakuuttaa) että seuraavana Yom Kippurina kun nimiä kirjoitetaan siihen suureen kirjaan johon Hänmies kirjoittaa niiden nimet jotka elävät vielä seuraavassakin syyskuussa (kohtaus joka jostain syystä onnistuu syöpymään minun mieleeni), niin kas, sinun oma kallis nimesi ei olekaan siinä joukossa. No kukas nyt on idiootti, hah? Ja se ei vaikuta asiaan tippaakaan (tämän minä ymmärrän heti alkuun, päätellen siitä miten tämä Jumala, joka führeröi, järkeilee), onko rikkonut tärkeää vai vāhemmän tärkeää sääntöä vastaan, pelkkä rikkominen se saa Hänet antamaan satikutia - se on vain se että on poikennut oikealta tieltä, ja vain se, sitä Hän ei voi sietää, ja sitä Hän ei myöskään unohda, kun Hän vihaisena istuutuu (rööki suussa otaksuttavasti, ja pää taatusti armottoman kipeänä, niin kuin isäni ummetuksen huippukohdassa) ja rupeaa pyyhkimään nimiä yli sitä kirjasta.
    ellauri144.html on line 150: Kun velvollisuudentunne, kuri ja tottelevaisuus antavat periksi -ah, tämä, tämä on se sanoma jonka minä jokaikinen pääsiäinen saan nauttia äitini matzoh brein painikkeeksi - niin seuraukset ovat ennalta aavistamattomat. Itsekieltäymys on kaikki kaikessa, huutaa runkattu, kosheroitu ja veretön maxanpala jota perhe ja minä istumme syömään illalliseksi. Itsehillintä, kohtuullisuus, sanktiot - siinä on avain inhimilliseen elämään, sanoivat nuo loputtomat dieettimääräykset.
    ellauri144.html on line 152: Sukupuolihirviö! Hän ei kerta kaikkiaan voi - ei halua - kontrolloida lihansa himoja, poltetta aivoissaan, jatkuvasti palavaa halua joka etsii jotakin uutta, hurjaa. jotakin mitä ennen ei ole tullut ajatelleeksi ja, jos sellaista nyt voi kuvitella, mistä ei ennen ole edes kirjoitettu. Mitä vittuun tulee niin hän elää tilassa joka ei ole huojentunut eikä mainittavassa määrässä hienostunutkaan sitä mitä se oli kun hän oli viidentoista eikä voinut koulussa nousta seisomaan kätkemättä seisovaa moloansa kolmirenkaisen muistivihkon taakse. Jokainen tyttö jonka hän näkee (pidelkää hattujanne) kantaa kuin kantaakin jalkojensa välissä oikeaa vittua. Ihmeellistä! Hämmästyttävää! En vieläkään pääse siitä fantastisesta ideasta, että kun katsoo jotakin tyttöä, katsoo jotakin sellaista jolla taatusti on - vittu! Kaikilla niillä on vittu! Heti siinä kuteen alla! Vittuja nussittavaksi! Ja tohtori, teidän Ylhäisyytenne, olkoon nimenne mikä hyvänsä tuntuu olevan aivan samantekevää miten paljon mies parka todellisuudessa saa, sillä hän uneksii huomisesta pillusta jo tämänpäiväistä pumpatessaan! Anna meille meidän jokapäiväinen reikämme.
    ellauri144.html on line 154: Katsokaas, minä en ainakaan vielä kolmissakymmenissä sentään huomaa olevani kahlittuna avioliittoon jonkun viehättävän ihmisen kanssa, jonka ruumis on lakannut aidosti kiinnostamasta minua, ainakaan minun ei tarvitse mennä joka ilta sänkyyn jonkun kanssa jota minä nain lähinnä velvollisuudesta enkä himosta. Tarkoitan sitä painajaismaista mielenmasennusta, jonka jotkut ihmiset kokevat nukkumaanmenon aikaan.... Toisaalta minun on myönnettävä, että tietystä näkökulmasta katsoen myös minun tilanteessani on jotain masentavaa, Tietenkään kellään ei voi olla kaikkea, tai niin minä ajattelen - mutta kysymys johon minä haluaisin vastauksen: onko minulla edes mitään? Kuinka kauan vielä minä jatkan tätä shtuppimista naisten kanssa? Kuinka kauan minä jatkan tätä että tökkään kaluani reikiin joita saan - ensin tähän reikään, sitten kun väsyn toiseen, sitten tuohon toiseen reikään... ja niin edelleen. Pitäskö siirtyä kokonaan suklaaosastolle vähitellen, saamapuolelle?
    ellauri144.html on line 156: Koska se loppuu? Mutta miksi sen pitäisi loppua? Että olisin mieliksi isälle ja äidille? Ollakseni niin kuin muut? Miksi ihmeessä minun pitää puolustella sitä että olen sellainen jota muutamia vuosia sitten kunnioittavasti nimitettiin vanhaksipojaksi? Loppujen lopuksihan tämä on vain sitä, eikö niin naimattomuutta. Mikä siis on rikos? Seksuaalinen vapaus? Tänä päivänä ja aikana? Miksi minun pitäisi taipua porvariston normeihin? Pyydänkö minä heitä taipumaan omiin normeihini? Ehkä minua on vähän sohaistu Bohemian tervasudilla - onko se niin hirvittävää? Kenelle minä aiheutan vahinkoa himoillani? Minä en puukota naisia, minä en väännä heitä käsistä saadakseni heidät sänkyyn. Minä olen, jos voin niin sanoa, rehellinen ja hellä ihminen, mitä miehiin tulee minä olen hiljainen ja halukas... Mutta miksi minun täytyy puolustella itseäni? Pyytää anteeksi! Miksi minun täytyy rehellisyydellä ja hellyydellä puolustella halujani! Minulla siis on haluni - mutta kun ne ovat loputtomat - loputtomat! Ja se, se ei ehkä ole mikään kovin normaali asia, jos otetaan välillä psykoanalyyttinen nákökulma... Mutta nythän ainoa mitä alitajunta voi tehdä, niin Freud opettaa, on haluta. Ja haluta! MAHALUUN! Voi Freud, ettenkö minä tietäisi! Yhdellä on sievä perse, mutta hän on liian kova puhumaan. Tämä toinen puolestaan ei puhu lainkaan, ei ainakaan mitään järjellistä - mutta veljet mikä imuttaja! Mikä kyrväntuntemus! Naiset eivät pärjää alkuunkaan! (Jatkuu ensi numerossa)
    ellauri144.html on line 307: The song is that of a man telling a woman (from Málaga, Spain) how beautiful she is, and how he would love to be her man, but that he understands her rejecting him for being too poor.
    ellauri144.html on line 318: Avrom was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Chaim Goldbogen (an Orthodox rabbi), and Sophia Hellerman, both of whom were Polish Jewish immigrants. He was one of nine children in a poor family, the youngest son, and his siblings nicknamed him "Tod" (pronounced "Toat" in German) to mimic his difficulty pronouncing the word "coat." It was from this that his name was derived. Nomen erat omen.
    ellauri144.html on line 321: The company he owned with his brother went bankrupt when its financial backing failed in the early days of the Great Depression. Not yet 21, Todd had lost over $1 million (equivalent to about $15,492,032 in today's funds). Todd married the former Bertha Freshman on February 14, 1927, and was the father of an infant son with no home for his family. Todd's subsequent business career was volatile, and failed ventures left him bankrupt many times.
    ellauri144.html on line 337: Tiinan poika Janne on vähän samanoloinen kunnianhimoinen nuorimies kuin Sigmund nuorena, paitsi Freudilla oli takaa siili. Sigmundilla ei ollut kovin paljoa sanottavaa rakkaudesta, mutta sellainen ei kiinnitäkään tärkeimpään turhaa huomiota. Vaan sen esteisiin. Normaali ei ole niin kiinnostavaa, niinkuin ei sekään, miten veri suonissa kiertää niin kauan kuin se kiertää. Eihän leipurikaan leivästä puhu. Niin kauan kuin on rahinaa on toivoa.
    ellauri144.html on line 427: Thomas came to be appreciated as a popular poet during his lifetime, though he found earning a living as a writer was difficult. He began augmenting his income with reading tours and radio broadcasts. His radio recordings for the BBC during the late 1940s brought him to the public´s attention, and he was frequently used by the BBC as an accessible voice of the literary scene. Thomas first travelled to the United States in the 1950s. His readings there brought him a degree of fame, while his erratic behaviour and drinking worsened. His time in the United States cemented his legend, however, and he went on to record to vinyl such works as A Child´s Christmas in Wales. Phil Rothin ekalla tyttöystävällä oll Dylan Thomas-levy, jota ne kuuntelivat pukilla. During his fourth trip to New York in 1953, Thomas became gravely ill and fell into a coma. He died on 9 November 1953 and his body was returned to Wales. On 25 November 1953, he was interred at St Martin´s churchyard in Laugharne. What a laugh.
    ellauri144.html on line 429: His childhood featured regular summer trips to Llansteffan where his maternal relatives were the sixth generation to farm there. His mother´s family, the Williamses, lived in such farms as Waunfwlchan, Llwyngwyn, Maesgwyn and Penycoed.[17] The memory of Fernhill, a dairy farm owned by his maternal aunt, Ann Jones,[18] is evoked in the 1945 lyrical poem "Fern Hill". Thomas had bronchitis and asthma in childhood and struggled with these throughout his life. Thomas was indulged by his mother and enjoyed being mollycoddled, a trait he carried into adulthood, and he was skilful in gaining attention and sympathy. During his final school years he began writing poetry in notebooks; the first poem, dated 27 April (1930), is entitled "Osiris, come to Isis". In June 1928, Thomas won the school´s mile race, held at St. Helen´s Ground; he carried a newspaper photograph of his victory with him until his death.
    ellauri144.html on line 431: Puolet 90 julkaistusta runostaan Dylan väsäsi teinipoikana. Figures. Tässä niistä kuuluisin. Romans 6:9, KJV: "Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him." 6:9 Ja tiedämme, ettei Kristus, joka kuolleista herätetty on, niinkö silleen kuole, eikä kuolema saa tästedes hänen päällensä valtaa.
    ellauri144.html on line 564: "Tahdon aina irti siitä mikä on vapauttanut mut, plus siistit kotiolot." "Is it me? IT IS me, Me ME ME ME! But IS IT?" This statement reflects Roth´s patent narcissism and determination to promote himself at any cost. Fellow juutikkaiden mielestä (esim rabbi Rackmann) Roth oli antisemiitti kun sen fiktiivinen kessu ei antanut jutkukaverille erikoiskohtelua. Phillu räkytti tästä Rackmannille vielä puoli vuosisataa myöhemmin. Kosto elää, vaikka jutku kuolisi. In 1959, Roth and Maggie (happily married) went to Italy for 6 mo on a Guggenheim. Phillu olis tahtonut koittaa shtuppimista 3 pekkaan kolmantena joku Marketta, mutta Maggipa ei suostunut.
    ellauri144.html on line 575: A prolific and versatile writer, Bierce was regarded as one of the most influential journalists in the United States, and as a pioneering writer of realist fiction. For his horror writing, Michael Dirda ranked him alongside Edgar Allan Poe and H. P. Lovecraft. S. T. Joshi speculates that he may well be the greatest satirist America has ever produced, and in this regard can take his place with such figures as Juvenal, Swift, and Voltaire. His war stories influenced Stephen Crane, Ernest Hemingway, and others, and he was considered an influential and feared literary critic. In recent decades Bierce has gained wider respect as a fabulist and for his poetry.
    ellauri144.html on line 581: Like Poe, Bierce professed to be mainly concerned with the artistry of his work, yet critics find him more intent on conveying his misanthropy and pessimism. His bare, economical style of supernatural horror is usually distinguished from the verbally lavish tales of Poe. In his lifetime, Bierce was famous as a California journalist dedicated to exposing the truth as he understood it, regardless of whose reputations were harmed by his attacks. For his sardonic wit and damning observations on the personalities and events of the day, he became known as "the wickedest man in San Francisco." Tälläisiä löytyy Ambrosen pirun raamatusta:
    ellauri144.html on line 583: Bore. A person who talks when you wish him to listen.
    ellauri144.html on line 597: Egotist. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than me.
    ellauri144.html on line 720: Mark Zuckerberg in MBTI? Other websites have him as either a INTP or INTJ. I’m going with INTJ, he was an early achiever, while INTPs can often be late bloomers, this is due to the late development of the Judging function. INTJs also tend to be more focused, serious, follow traditions and rules. While the types have many similarities, INTJ seems to be the closer match. Väpelö hörhö nörtti kimmo. Propellipää - luovaa kirpunnyljentää. Sitäpä sitä. Saatanan jutku. Metatron meni neuvomaan Aabrahamille miten Iisakki olis paras uhrata. Viime minuutilla tuli peruutus: kyllä mulle tänään oikeastaan maistuiskin paremmin toi syntipukki. Lisäohjeita albumissa 115.
    ellauri144.html on line 875:
    Kokoelmasta Haluttu ja himoitseva Jumala unohtunut luritus

    ellauri144.html on line 877: Tänään (2009) puhutaan Huan Ramón Himénezistä sanomalehdissä ja uutisissa Bejaranon ja Llansón löytämästä julkaisemattomasta runosta tai pikemminkin runosta, jonka olisi pitänyt lopettaa kokoelma Haluttu ja himoitseva Humala. Kohtaammeko panteistisen mystiikan? Onko tämä uskonnollinen vertaus runolliseen luomiseen? Mikä Jumala tuo nyt on, hei Huan Ramón Himénez? Sanoa, että Humalan ongelma Huan Ramónissa on luonteeltaan samanlainen kuin Uppomunalla, ei ole paljon sanottu. Unamunohan oli aivan hanurista.
    ellauri144.html on line 983: Óðinn er æðstur guða í norrænni og germanskri goðafræði, þar sem hann er guð visku, herkænsku, stríðs, galdra, sigurs og skáldskapar. Óðinn er andinn og lífskrafturinn í öllu sem hann skapaði. Með Vilja og Vé skapaði hann himin, jörð, Ask og Emblu. Óðinn lærði rúnirnar þegar hann hékk og svelti sjálfan sig í níu nætur í Aski Yggdrasils, þá lærði hann líka Fimbulljóðin níu.
    ellauri145.html on line 98: D.-A.-F. de Sade: Juliette. Anteron mielestä sadistinen markiisi oli hurjan vapaamielinen, kun se otti vapauxia naisten kustannuxella. Vitun misogyynejä. Sadisti selittää pirun tarkasti, miten se pitää haudata omaan mezäänsä ja heitellä haudan päälle terskoja. Sukulaiset saa olla paikalla Kenin arkivaatteissa. Ha ha. No Saden sadussa Minski niminen jättirikas ryssä (tulee mieleen Elon Musk) matkusteli ympäri maapalloa ja rypi paheessa. Aahrikassa sille opettivat rättipäät: Mitä ovat naiset elleivät meidän kotielukoita, joihin me saadaan tyydyttää sekä tarpeemme että himomme, jos ne nyt ovat ylipäänsä eri asia. Ja missä suhteessa naiset olis parempia kuin elukat, pikemminkin karja ansaizee parempaa kohtelua koska se ei nalkuta eikä vedä meitä nenästä. Ryssällä on haaremit kuin Peter Nygårdilla tai sillä mustalaiskomeljanttarilla, jonka nimeä en koskaan muista. Ha ha. Missä kohtaa pitäisi muka nauraa? Aivan helkutin heikkotasoista paskanjauhantaa. Miten tätä jaxetaan painaa aina uudestan ja uudestaan? Koska ei maailmasta misogyynit lopu, niitä on niin kauan kun on äidin hännän alla pikkupoikia.
    ellauri145.html on line 374: Et que de l´horizon embrassant tout le cercle Ja ohimoita kiristävästä horisontista
    ellauri145.html on line 404: Roger Tichborne, heir to the noble and filthy rich Tichborne family´s title and fortunes, was presumed to have died in a shipwreck in 1854 at age 25. His mother clung to a belief that he might have survived, and after hearing rumours that he had made his way to Australia, she advertised extensively in Australian newspapers, offering a reward for information. In 1866, a Wagga Wagga butcher known as Thomas Castro came forward claiming to be Roger Tichborne. Although his manners and bearing were unrefined, he gathered support and travelled to England. He was instantly accepted by Lady Tichborne as her son, although other family members were dismissive and sought to expose him as an impostor. During protracted enquiries before the case went to court in 1871, details emerged suggesting that the claimant might be Arthur Orton, a butcher´s son from Wapping in London, who had gone to sea as a boy and had last been heard of in Australia. After a civil court had rejected the claimant´s case, he was charged with perjury; while awaiting trial he campaigned throughout the country to gain popular support. In 1874, a criminal court jury decided that he was not Roger Tichborne and declared him to be Arthur Orton. Before passing a sentence of 14 years, the judge condemned the behaviour of the claimant´s counsel, Edward Kenealy, who was subsequently disbarred because of his conduct.
    ellauri145.html on line 504: Q: Why is Nietzsche so misunderstood? Even his own mom didn´t get him..
    ellauri145.html on line 512: Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx and Charles Darwin are the great triumvirate of 19th-century thinkers whose ideas still have huge impact today. Nietzsche was philosophy’s supreme iconoclast; his sayings include “God is dead” and “There are no facts, only interpretations”. Highly relevant, yet his association with concepts such as the Übermensch, master morality, slave morality and, possibly most dangerous, the will to power, have also contributed to him being widely misinterpreted. There are three myths in particular that need dynamiting: that his politics were on the far right, he was a misogynist and he lacked a sense of humour. Of a sort.
    ellauri145.html on line 519: His sister Elisabeth held fascist views. She published an unreliable biography of him and delayed publication of his autobiography, Ecce Homo, until she had deleted all the uncomplimentary references to herself.
    ellauri145.html on line 520: Elisabeth greatly admired Mussolini. In 1932 she persuaded the Weimar National theatre to put on a play written by him. Hitler showed up during the performance and presented her with a huge bouquet of flowers.
    ellauri145.html on line 524: Following the war, academics who had supported the Nazi regime were banned from teaching, including Heidegger, who never spoke publicly or privately about his involvement. Heidegger turned away from his earlier project of creating a fundamental ontology, and in doing so he also turned away from Nietzsche - or so his writings would make it appear. In truth, he remained just as indebted to Nietzsche’s work as he ever was, only he shifted focus. He created a false presentation of Nietzsche’s work in order to distance himself from his own past and involvement with the Nazis. Many academics take Heidegger’s critique of Nietzsche to be factual and seem to excuse Heidegger because he was under the influence of Nietzsche.
    ellauri145.html on line 528: Heidegger purposefully misrepresented the teachings of Nietzsche in order to distance himself from his own past, and this analysis has stood for some time as the authoritative reading of Nietzsche. This reading is slowly being undone by Nietzsche scholars, but slowly because many scholars refuse to amend the inauthentic reading they have inherited.
    ellauri145.html on line 537: Nietzsche’s image, through no more fault of his own than Hawking´s (LOL), has grown in a similar way to that of Hawking. We all have a vague notion of what the Ubermensch is, we’ve all heard “God is dead,” and we all know Nietzsche was a crazy philosopher with a giant mustache who wrote really hard books and scared his contemporaries and was apparently a favorite of the Nazis. There are little quips and quotes from him around the internet that sound awfully cryptic and enigmatic. And the publishing industry plays on this image, too: I have a copy of Beyond Good And Evil with a black cover and the title text printed in red and white, and the color scheme looks a little sinister. I strongly suspect that, if Nietzsche did not have a popular image as a crazy nihilist Nazi Ubermensch from the 1800s, the publisher would not have made the decision to print his books with a black and red color scheme. A cursory look at Amazon’s book listing also shows copies of Thus Spake Zarathustra with a picture of a panther’s eyes on the cover, glowering at the reader. Because… “Nietzsche was that crazy German writer or philosopher or whatever, right? And he was, like, an anarchist or nihilist or Nazi or something, right? Didn’t he kill God or something like that? Yeah.”
    ellauri145.html on line 541: Now, this is perhaps not quite fair to all the teenagers who read Nietzsche. Some of them may actually understand him, at least partially, including the long-haired leather jacket-wearing ones. And there really is a little blood and thunder in Nietzsche’s philosophy, a little punk rock. Regardless, the popular image is probably a bigger driver for book sales of Nietzsche’s work than anything he actually said or any point he actually made.
    ellauri145.html on line 699: Là-bas did strike a serious blow to the public’s conception of Naturalism. The novel, which opens with a two-page invective against Naturalism, was serialized in L’Echo de Paris, beginning on February 16, 1891. Huysmans’s protagonist, Durtal, feebly defends himself against his friend, Des Hermies, who maligns Naturalism as “du cloportisme” (siiramaisuudesta) while accusing it of having sold out: “Il a vanté l’américanisme nouveau des moeurs, abouti à l’éloge de la force brutale, à l’apothéose du coffre-fort. Par un prodige d’humilité, il a révéré le goût nauséeux des foules, et, par cela même, il a répudié le style, rejeté toute pensée altière, tout élan vers le surnaturel et l’au-delà...” (XII, 1, 6-7).
    ellauri145.html on line 723: Édouard-Joachim Corbière (18 July 1845 – 1 March 1875) was a French poet born in Coat-Congar, Ploujean (now part of Morlaix) in Brittany, where he lived most of his life before dying of tuberculosis at the age of 29. Helmin ikäisenä. Profiilikuvassa sillä on aivan jättimäinen baskeri, lökäpöxyt ja kumiteräsaappaat.
    ellauri145.html on line 727: During his schooling at the Imperial Lycée of Saint-Brieuc where he studied from 1858 until 1860, he fell prey to a deep depression, and, over several freezing winters, contracted the severe rheumatism which was to disfigure him severely. He blamed his parents for having placed him there, far from his family´s care and affection. Difficulties in adapting to the harsh discipline of the college´s noble débris (distinguished relics, i.e., teachers) gradually developed those characteristics of anarchic disdain and sarcasm which were to give much of his verse its distinctive voice.
    ellauri145.html on line 729: Corbière´s only published verse in his lifetime appeared in Les amours jaunes, 1873, a volume that went almost unnoticed until Paul Verlaine included him in his gallery of poètes maudits (accursed poets). Thereafter Verlaine´s recommendation was enough to establish him as one of the masters acknowledged by the Symbolists, and he was subsequently rediscovered and treated as a predecessor by the surrealists.
    ellauri145.html on line 731: Close-packed, linked to the ocean and his Breton roots, and tinged with disdain for Romantic sentimentalism, his work is also characterised by its idiomatic play and exceptional modernity. He was praised by both Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot (whose work he had a great influence on). Many subsequent modernist poets have also studied him, and he has often been translated into English.
    ellauri145.html on line 735: KOKO meri, sanottiin, mutta ennen kaikkea öisten karikoiden kohtalokas nainen, eikä vain koko meri, vaan koko maaseutu sen myterässä valossa, josta tarttuu meemejä joka askeleella saappaan pohjaan koirankakkana (twiit! mind la merde!), ml niiden ensiesiintymiset piikkikasvin alla, nolo ulkonäkö uponneiden teiden pohjassa, köyhät tuhannen vuoden vanhat eleet eläinten seurassa, epämääräisen karkeasti leikattujen kivien edessä, näiden suojelusten vaatimattomien attribuuttien, jotka ovat Bretagnen pyhimyxiä - sellainen on kumitettu kirjoitus, tarpeexi vähän erilainen kuin Jarryllä (kekähän sekin on) - ominaisuus, jonka Corbièren salama- ja ellipsekirjoitus peittää (tai paljastaa, piruko siitä selvän ottaa).
    ellauri145.html on line 741: Mutta toiselle, kauniille ohimenevälle olennolle, jota hän rakasti vuonna 1871 ja jonka hän ihmeellisesti taisi saada rakastamaan itseänsä, mikä ihailtava yksinkertaisuus, osoittamatta välttämättä bylsimisen suuntaan!
    ellauri145.html on line 808: Germain Nouveau Germain Marie Bernard Nouveau (Pourrières, 31 juillet 1851 - Pourrières, 4 avril 1920) eli aika vanhaxi, melkein yhtä vanhaxi kuin mä. Se oli maalta kotoisin ja sinne se palasikin köyhäilemään kun se sekosi. Siitä piti tulla pappi mutta tulikin pylväspyhimys. Sitä ennen se ehti mittailla pylväitä sekä Rimpulan että Villamadon kaa. Louis Aragon disait de lui: ´Pas un petit poète, mais un grand poète. Pas un épigone de Rimbaud: mais son égal´.
    ellauri145.html on line 987: Elle est blanche, elle a sur les tempes Se on valkea, sillä on ohimoilla
    ellauri145.html on line 1036: De sa plus sainte émotion ! Pyhimmällä tunteella!
    ellauri145.html on line 1086: Ulsterin poka väittää että Rimbaud rienatessaankin pysyy izelleen uskonnollisena. Distancing himself in an at times sacrilegious or blasphemous way from conventional western attachment to the Bible and to the figure of Christ as saviour, Rimbaud nevertheless proceeds to create for himself a radically different spiritual alternative. No voihan se niinnii olla, musta tossa loppupäässä vois olla jotain homostelua. Noi 2 ekaa naista on varmaan sen kuolleet siskot Vitalie (17v) ja Victorine (4kk). Toi Bau on varmaan joku niiden keskinäinen sana. Isabellesta se ei rukoile, koska se on elossa. Ellei se sitten oo toi Lulu, mutta epäilen. Olisko to Madame *** sit tän rimpulan tiukka äitykkä? - Mut no hei! Ulsterin poka on tullut samaan johtopäätöxeen kuin mä että tässä runon lopussa on kuin onkin homostelua! Spunk tarkoittaa kuin tarkoittaakin runkkua! Se oli Rimbaudilla pahe ainainen, esim seuraavassa runossa on sama idea:
    ellauri145.html on line 1143: Il a inventé un caoutchuc artificiel et un café soluble lyophilisé dont il a déposé le brevet, le 7 mars 1881 sous le numéro no 141520, bien avant donc que Nestlé, grâce à son chimiste alimentaire Max Morgenthaler (de), ne le reprenne en 1935 et lance le Nescafé. Un holorime d´Alphonse suffira ici.
    ellauri145.html on line 1225: Sofi Oxanen odottaa lasta Aku Louhimieheltä. Tack Aku för en otroligt FIN fittupplevelse! Laura Malmivaaran tyttäret antoivat tälle suoraa palautetta, kun äiti päkisti kirjan Vaiti – Laura päätti kuitenkin pysyä kovana, kun ex-puoliso joutui pyllyn silmään. Kolme vuotta sitten Laura Malmivaara pääsi onnekkaasti keskelle metoo-kohua. Toisella puolen seisoivat näyttelijäkollegat yhdessä rintamassa. Vazapuolella oli Lauran ex-puoliso ja lasten isä, eklottava Aku paskapökäle. – Oli rasittavaa mutta ihanaa olla siinä paineiden ja kameroiden ristitulessa.
    ellauri146.html on line 116: Am schlechtesten ergeht es Houwald, dessen lederne Camilla grausam verspottet wird. Am Schluß guckt nach der Art und Weise der Phantasuskomödien auch der Dichter Grabbe selbst in seine Dichtung hinein; er schimpft auf alle Schriftsteller und taugt selber nichts, hat verrenkte Beine, schielende Augen und ein fades Affengesicht; doch diese Karikatur ist nur ein Vexierbild.
    ellauri146.html on line 241: „Die Liebe ist eine Passion!“ Rakkaus on intohimo!
    ellauri146.html on line 338: On Klopsun keximiä hahmoja. Sammaa ei löydy minun raamatustani. Joel ja Benoni nimet on kyllä hyvästä kirjasta. Rachel died in childbirth. As she was dying she named her son Ben-Oni [son of my grief], but his father Jakob called him Ben-Yamin [son of the right hand, viz. son of the southhand]. Genesis 35:18. Just call me Ben.
    ellauri146.html on line 402: As any reader of Vigny's poem knows, Eloa descends from heaven to console and save Satan. It is suggested that if she had succeeded, evil might have ceased to exist, but Vigny does not permit this to happen. Instead, Satan seduces Eloa and causes her to fall with him to the depths of hell. Despite the failure of Eloa's attempt, the fact remains that Vigny lays out the essential elements of what I call the myth of the angel woman and the end of evil; he links together the divine feminine principle and the redemption of humanity. This constitutes one of the major original elements of Eloa.
    ellauri146.html on line 404: We tend not to focus on this view of Eloa as a myth of the redeeming feminine for several reasons. First, the central portion of the poem is devoted to Satan's seduction of Eloa, an activity which, for most of us, is anything but celestial. Perhaps this explains Stendhal's sarcastic description of Eloa in the Courrier anglais of 1 December 1824: "Tex-Willer-larme, devenue ange femelle, et séduite par le diable lui-même" (the ex-tear, turned into a female angel, and seduced by the devil himself). Flottes and Bonnefoy insist that the very fine psychological analysis of the seduction makes us see human protagonists in an angelic decor, which weakens any metaphysical meaning Vigny might attach to his poem. Germain, who had the benefit of Hunt's masterly work, The Epic in Ninteenth Century France (1941), states flatly that the drama of Eloa is not metaphysical but moral. Bénichou, however, does remark in Le Sacre de l'écrivain 1750-1830 (1973) that the creation of Eloa corresponds to the theological promotion of the feminine as an agent of redemption prominent in the religious sects of the Romantic period. I am sure Satan was greatly consoled by Eloa, if that's any consolation.
    ellauri146.html on line 420: Vignyn maailmankuva oli hyvin pessimistinen mutta ei mieskohtaisista syistä, kuten Chateaubriandilla tai Byronilla, vaan pessimismi kohoaa yleisinhimilliseksi maailmankuvaksi, jossa on kosketuskohtia Lucretiukseen. Varhaisina vuosinaan Vigny vaikutti Hugohon ja myös Alfred Musset ja Charles Baudelaire saivat häneltä vaikutteita. Hän jätti jäljen myös parnassolaisiin (onneton Sully Prudhomme) ja symbolistiseen runouteen. Vignyn kootut teokset Oeuvres ilmestyivät 1837–1839, 1883–1885 ja 1904–1906. Théâtre ilmestyi 1838–1839, Poésies complètes 1842, Théâtre complet 1848.
    ellauri146.html on line 636: The Lionizing piece is obviously a quiz on N. P. Willis, and is also a parody on a story by Bulwer. Willis went abroad in 1831, and sent home to the New-York Mirror a series of newsletters, known when collected in book form as Pencillings by the Way. He got into a duel, happily bloodless, with the novelist Captain Marryat. More important to him was the friendship of Lady Blessington. That once world-renowned widow wrote books and edited annuals, to one of which even Tennyson contributed. Now she is remembered chiefly for her salons in London. Believing that some ladies, disapproving of her supposed liaison with Count D’Orsay, would not come to her parties, she invited gentlemen only. Through her Willis met most of the English literati.
    ellauri146.html on line 652: In evaluating Poe’s ethnic heritage it is enough to say that his forbears were English and Scottish and, quite likely, predominantly Anglo-Saxon, the strain which, as Poe himself wrote, animated the American heart.
    ellauri146.html on line 658: Poe’s foster father, John Allan, was himself born and bred in Irvine, Ayrshire, and was a member of the class of English and Scottish merchants of Richmond, Virginia-to which city he had emigrated as a youth around 1795. Scottish merchants represented a very considerable element in the commercial life of Richmond in those years, and many of them, to a considerable extent, maintained themselves aloof from the life of the city. The Scottish influences of Allan and his associates and friends could not have been lost upon Poe.
    ellauri146.html on line 660: The Richmond which Poe knew was (more than Philadelphia or New York) aristocratic and English. Virginia society, Poe himself noted, had been as “absolutely aristocratical as any in Europe.” This is not to imply the existence of any chasmal gulf separating the American and British minds, respectively, in the first half of the nineteenth century; but it was in Virginia, probably, that the least divergence was to be discerned.
    ellauri146.html on line 662: “I am a Virginian,” declared Poe; and “the distinguishing features of Virginian character at present-features of a marked nature—not elsewhere to be met with in America-and evidently akin to that chivalry which denoted the Cavalier—can be in no manner so well accounted for as by considering them the debris of a devoted loyalty.” Poe’s Virginia background may or may not have rendered him typically American, but it seems reasonable to think that it fostered in him a Virginian Anglo-American attitude as opposed to an Anglophobic Americanism so common at that time in New England.
    ellauri146.html on line 668: The concern of the Pounder to advance republican ideals and republican politics among the students of the University was not notably effectual with one student at least: Poe was not receptive to Jeffersonian liberalism. But many of the impressions which Poe received at Charlottesville, both within and without the lecture rooms, must have remained with him. The young admirer of classic grandeur, we know, was impressed by the graceful Rotunda. About Poe at Virginia, Philip Alexander Bruce writes as follows:
    ellauri146.html on line 670: Profound must have been the appeal to his subtle aesthetic sense even in youth as he looked at all those classic buildings on some night when the rays of a full moon had softened and blended the separate details of roof and entablature, cornice, and, pillar. It may well have been that, at such an hour and in such a spot, the most celebrated expression in the entire body of his writings was suggested to him by so extraordinary an interfusion of Nature’s beauty with the beauty of art in one of its loveliest forms.
    ellauri146.html on line 674: The success of Poe in translation indicates his possession of a universal point of view. The recognition which he has received in France, Russia, Italy, Germany, Spain and Britain has no parallel among other American writers. Poe has become a world-author, and this fact depends very largely upon the universality of his appeal. “Poe is my spiritual and literary father,” asserted the Spaniard Vicente Blasco Ibanez. Baudelaire prayed to Poe as a literary saint. The Germans regard him as the foremost American writer. The Russians began translating him in the 1830s even before he was known in America.
    ellauri146.html on line 676: Poe’s first great champion and biographer was the Englishman Ingram. So strong was Poe’s affinity with the life of Europe that legend has carried him there in spite of reality, and it is with some ineffectuality that his biographers explain that he at no time visited Ireland, Greece, France or Russia.
    ellauri146.html on line 699: Phillu Roth ei äänestänyt sitä kun se oli ruma. Ja liian pehmeä kommunisteille. Niitä Roth ei sietänyt. Jos pääsisin jollain lailla eroon himostani panna suihin ja huorata, irti kostonhalusta ja muusta jutkutahrasta, se jupisi. Mutta ei. Ei päässyt.
    ellauri146.html on line 706: Juutalaiset on ehkä rasisteista pahimpia. Peppu, tuo äidin pikku Ville Vallaton, isoveljen Jörö-kääpiö, raivareita saava rapu joka potki seiniä ja puri täkkiä, loukkaantui kun persjalkainen shixe tyttöystävä vastas kysymyxeen juutalaisexi kääntymyxestä sinänsä järkevästi: Why would I do that? Kysy koiraltasi, jutku älähtää. Aabrahamin jälkeläiset halvexivat sikoja ja koiria.
    ellauri146.html on line 716: Woke to my hearing from harbour and neighbour wood Heräsin siihen että kuulin satamasta ja lähimezästä
    ellauri146.html on line 799: The poet experiences childhood as a resource because it is gone, and his 'rebirth' as a poet is not a function of recapturing the truth and joy of his youth; rather, it is a function of understanding the truth of his present life, as the life of remembering things past and turning them into poetry. Thus, "the poet's journey" is not "towards restoring his childhood perception" (204) nor "in quest of his lost voice" (193), but it is his writing about such a journey that hints at and finally exposes his recognition that childhood perception is dead, but the memory of its being is still with him. The poet's "heart's truth," contrary to the child's and the grown man's apparent truth, is the acknowledgment of time.
    ellauri146.html on line 860: Die Prager Erklärung zum Gewissen Europas und zum Kommunismus (engl. Prague Declaration on European Conscience and Communism) wurde am 3. Juni 2008 von mehreren prominenten europäischen Politikern, ehemaligen politischen Häftlingen und Historikern unterzeichnet, unter ihnen Václav Havel und Joachim Gauck. Die Erklärung forderte unter anderem die Verurteilung von kommunistischen Verbrechen und die Ausrufung des 23. August als Europäischer Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer von Stalinismus und Nationalsozialismus. Der Gedenktag wurde am 2. April 2009 vom Europäischen Parlament ausgerufen.
    ellauri147.html on line 132: he antavat kyllä anteeksi, jos sillan rakennat. He will okay it, I know, if you promise to humor him.
    ellauri147.html on line 217: At Café de Flore, Emily meets Thomas, a French philosophy professor. They hit it off and she invites him back to her apartment to have sex. Emily and Thomas encounter Gabriel and Camille, and Camille invites them to join them at a tapas restaurant. Thomas and Gabriel do not get along. The next day, Gabriel tells Emily he thinks Thomas is a snob, and not worthy of her. She is clearly more of the tattooed-arm master chef type. Fair enough.
    ellauri147.html on line 219: Emily discovers Pierre has designed the costumes for Swan Lake so she invites Thomas to join her. However, he insults her by telling her Swan Lake is a ballet for tourists. Emily realizes that he is a snob so she leaves him. Emily is really not one for snobs.
    ellauri147.html on line 221: She sees Pierre at the ballet so she walks into his private box to talk to him so he will remain with Savior. Camille invites Emily to lunch and asks if Savior could take on her family's champagne vineyard as a client. Mindy's friend and her five bridesmaids are in Paris for weird dress shopping. Camille invites Emily to meet her family at their chateau.
    ellauri147.html on line 226: by the pool where she is joined by Timothée. They drink champagne and accidentally have sex. At breakfast, she learns that Timothée is not the brother Camille was referring to, instead, it was her younger, 17-year-old brother. Emily meets Théo, Camille´s older and more age appropriate brother and has sex with him. It is not half as good.
    ellauri147.html on line 230: Emily calls Mathieu Cadault to arrange a meeting so she can ask him about the dress donation. They agree to meet at an art opening at Camille´s gallery. Sylvie and Luc also arrive at the opening to meet Camille. At the AFL auction, Grey Space, which consists of two avant-garde fashion designers, show up and bid for Pierre´s dress. As Emily irons the dress back stage, Grey Space shoots her with cum as a publicity stunt which shocks the audience. The next day, the stunt is featured in all the newspapers and online. Pierre is despondent and takes Emily to his bed. They have really uninspired sex. Pierre won´t even cum though Mr. Collins does his best.
    ellauri147.html on line 232: 1Emily visits him to try and positively spin the incident, but to no avail. As she leaves Pierre´s home, she runs into Mathieu who makes a pass at her. Mathieu takes Emily on a date. A boat cruise on the Seine, then shows her his penis from his apartment, but their sex is interrupted by a call from Pierre who is threatening to cancel his fashion show. Pierre is holed up in his atelier and won´t show his semi erection to anyone. Sylvie blames Emily for shaking Pierre´s confidence and fires her.
    ellauri147.html on line 236: Pierre orders Mathieu to find him a new venue. Mindy agrees to emcee and sing at a drag bar two nights a week, but when she tells her employers, they fire her so she moves in with Emily. In need of a venue to launch his fashion show, Pierre hijacks the outside of his former venue to show his new look dress collection which the audience loves and makes him the toad of Fashion Week. To celebrate, Emily hosts a dinner at Gabriel´s restaurant for Mathieu and Pierre. The 3 mousketeers take turns at Mr. Collins´s back door.
    ellauri147.html on line 249: Nevertheless, not all critics were this kind to the Emily character. Emma Gray from HuffPost called Emily a bland character, stating "The show doesn´t even make an effort to quirk her up or give her a more relatable, girl-next-door roughness: she´s always immaculately coiffed and made-up, and garbed in effortfully eye-catching outfits. But there´s not much to the character, except for enormous amounts of self-confidence and the inexplicable ability to attract new friends and love interests on every street corner." Rebecca Nicholson of The Guardian gave the series one out of five stars: "if it is an attempt to fluff up the romcom for the streaming age, then it falls over on its six-inch heels." Rachel Handler opined "Darren Star has done it yet again: centered an entire show on a thin, gently delusional white woman whimsically exploring a major metropolitan area in wildly expensive couture purchased on a mid-level salary."
    ellauri147.html on line 294: Onkohan kaikki Phil-nimiset jotain paskiaisia? Peter Gabriel left Genesis in 1975 and Phil Collins took the opportunity to become the band’s frontman. As a result, Collins’s profile raised considerably and according to Andrea, it changed him. “Once he became the singer…his drive and ambition became his No. 1 priority, and his ego started to grow,” she said.
    ellauri147.html on line 296: Despite millions of fans looking at him as the nice guy of pop music, Phil Collins showed a very different side during his marriage with Andrea. According to her, he could get very intimidating when they argued due to his short fuse.
    ellauri147.html on line 357: After his divorce to Orianne, and struggling to play the drums for health reasons, Phil Collins developed a drinking problem, which spiraled out of control. According to him, he required a “medically enforced drying-out process.” Kuivatelakalle niinkuin isä Mefodi. However, his low self-esteem also got in the way of seeing things clearly. No wonder. Paul McCartney´s net worth is 1.2 gigadollars! He could buy Phil 5 times over!
    ellauri147.html on line 359: When things were at their lowest, he resisted doing anything reckless like seppuku for the sake of his children. Collins is desperate to see his kids grow up, have a lot of money and families and succeed like him. Not worry. Be happy.
    ellauri147.html on line 364: For the following decade, Phil Collins struggled to get back onto the drums after dislocating the vertebrae in his neck. He also suffered nerve issues which prevented him from gripping the sticks properly. A few years later, Collins announced that he had been suffering from “drop foot,” a condition that makes walking very difficult.
    ellauri147.html on line 369: Phil Collins told The Sunday Times that he’s had some bust-ups with fellow celebrities – most notably, Paul McCartney. Apparently, in 2002, the Beatles legend made fun of Collins, asking him to SIGN something during a party at Buckingham Palace.
    ellauri147.html on line 375: Collins believes in the institution of marriage and desperately wants to have one that lasts. He went back to bloaty Oriane on Miami only to find she was married to another guy. And she never paid back the 30M she owed him.
    ellauri147.html on line 516: Hän oli luonut kaiken mutta oli näkymätön. Häntä oli kiitettävä ennen kuin söi pikkuleivän, Hänen takiaan oli käytettävä hapsullista rukousliinaa ja ohimokiharoita. Minä osoitin pilveä ja kysyin: "Onko tuo hän?" Isä raivostui: "Idiootti, se on pilvi. Se imee vettä ja ryöpyttää sadetta..."
    ellauri147.html on line 579: Videor ergo summa! Aihe herättää nyt lähes vanhaa eurooppalaista närkästystä maailman medialisaatiosta, yksityisyyden ja läheisyyden menetyksestä, se kannustaa kulttuurisesti pessimistiseen analyysiin turhamaisesta kamerariippuvuudesta, jota kohtaamme kaikkialla nykyajan jokapäiväisessä elämässä, narsistisen himon psykoanalyyttiseen purkamiseen omalle kuvalle, koska se esitetään meille jatkuvasti aikana, jonka aikana televisio on johtava väline. (Joo, tää on kirjoitettu TV-aikana, ennen luureja. Tai oli vaan sellasia simpukkamaisia kuten Montalbano Sonolla. ) Niin ymmärrettävät odotukset, jos voisin epäillä sinua kanssasi, minun pitäisi tuottaa heille pettymys. Jalo halveksunta näitä zeitgeistin ilmentymiä kohtaan (jonka itse voin hyvin ymmärtää) – en jaa niitä.
    ellauri147.html on line 606: Winnicott has also been accused of identifying himself in his theoretical stance with an idealised mother, in the tradition of mother (Madonna) and child. Related is his downplaying of the importance of the erotic in his work, as well as the Wordsworthian Romanticism of his cult of childhood play (exaggerated still further in some of his followers).
    ellauri150.html on line 53: Ylen Marja Sannikka -ohjelman jakso, jossa vierailivat toimittaja Renaz Ebrahimi ja tähtitieteilijä Esko Valtaoja, on ollut iso puheenaihe sosiaalisessa mediassa koko viikon.
    ellauri150.html on line 86: Sama ajatus toistui myöhemmin. Ohjelman vierailta Valtaojalta ja toimittaja Renaz Ebrahimilta Sannikka kysyi, mitä he ajattelevat siitä, että väriin kiinnitetään nyt enemmän huomiota kuin aiemmin – lisääkö vai vähentääkö se rasismia?
    ellauri150.html on line 95: Tämän jälkeen Ebrahimi selitti, miten puhumalla ihonväristä nähdään todellisuus: kaikilla ihmisillä ei ole samoja mahdollisuuksia ja etuoikeuksia. Tämän näkemällä ja tunnustamalla voisi päästä joskus siihen maailmaan, jossa ”me kaikki olisimme aidosti yhdenvertaisia, eikä tarvitsisi korostaa mitään asioita”, Ebrahimi sanoi.
    ellauri150.html on line 140: Esko Valtaoja kommentoi tällä viikolla Iltalehdelle, että Renaz Ebrahimi ”on yhtä vaalea kuin hänkin” ja ettei ymmärrä, mitä pahoittelemista hänen n-sanojen käytössään silloin olisi. Eihän ollut yhtään neekeriä kuulolla, ei täällä olla millään etelämeren saarella.
    ellauri150.html on line 165: SEN jälkeen kun Renaz Ebrahimi oli jaksossa selittänyt, miksi ihonväristä pitää puhua, Valtaoja tokaisi, ettei ymmärtänyt Ebrahimin puheesta ”sanaakaan”.
    ellauri150.html on line 169: Ja kun Ebrahimi sanoi Valtaojalle, että Nenäpäivä on "ongelmallinen ja kärsimyskuvastoa ylläpitävä", meni Valtaoja heti puolustuskannalle.
    ellauri150.html on line 173: Toinen vaihtoehto olisi ollut kuunteleminen: mitä Ebrahimi kurjuuskuvastolla ylipäätään tarkoitti?
    ellauri150.html on line 179: Marja Sannikka oli löytänyt oikeat keskustelijat ohjelmaansa, jonka teemana oli ”voiko hyvien asioiden ajaminen lisätä pahaa?”. Toimittaja Renaz Ebrahimi ja avaruustähtitieteen professori emeritus Esko Valtaoja ottivat yhteen, kirjaimellisesti.
    ellauri150.html on line 181: Keskustelussa asetelma tuli heti kättelyssä selväksi. Valtaoja jäi pahasti alakynteen Ebrahimin argumentoidessa. Nyrkkeilytermein ilmaistuna Valtaoja laski suojauksensa alas, mikäli hän edes koetti suojautua. Hän oli ylimielinen ja kaikkitietävä kosmologi, jonka ei tarvitse suojautua. Ebrahimin sanat upposivat suoraan sinne, mihin oli tarkoitus. Valtaoja ei tätä kuitenkaan huomannut. Eipä tarvitse enää ihmetellä hidasälyisen meikäläisenkään, mitä tarkoittaa valkoisen miehen taakka. Vielä hidasälyisempi astronomi näytti mallia. Älykkyys on yliarvostettua, sanoo Esko Valtakoira Apu-lehdessä. Vai oliko se Seurassa.
    ellauri150.html on line 185: Valtaoja itse todisti Ebrahimille, miten pihalla hän oli keskustelussa:
    ellauri150.html on line 195: Valtaoja antoi selkeän äänen valkoisen miehen taakalle. Hän ei voinut alentua korkeuksistaan samalle tasolle kuin Renaz Ebrahimi.
    ellauri150.html on line 197: Ymmärsin hyvin, miksi ohjelman päättyä Renaz Ebrahimi näytti turhautuneelta. Olin itsekin nähnyt sellaista, mitä en ollut uskoa todeksi.
    ellauri150.html on line 438: The play has been translated and performed many times, and it is responsible for introducing the word "panache" into the English language. Cyrano (the character) is in fact famed for his panache, and he himself makes reference to "my panache" in the play. Wanna see my panache? Wanna see my aubergine? Wanna taste my coq au vin? The two most famous English translations are those by Brian Hooker and Anthony Burgess.
    ellauri150.html on line 448: Kubrick's film is relatively faithful to the Burgess novel, omitting only the final, positive chapter, in which Alex matures and outgrows sociopathy. Sehän on tiettävästi lähestulkoon mahdotonta. In the novel, Alex drugs and rapes two 10-year-old girls. In the film, the girls are young adults who seem to have consensual, playful sex with him, with no suggestion of using any drugs and without any violence. The film portrays Dr. Branom as female, despite being described as male in the novel. Kubrick oli lälläri.
    ellauri150.html on line 465: During a naval battle against Greek rebels in the Ionian Sea, Ben-Hur´s galley is boarded but collides with another ship and is destroyed as Ben-Hur manages to cling to a floating mast. He is washed ashore and is found by Sheik Ilderim, who recognizes him as an escaped slave.
    ellauri150.html on line 469: Despite his victory, Ben-Hur is despondent about his family and his former friend One-Leg Messiah. Later, Esther witnesses the arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Ben-Hur and Esther witness a bruised and beaten Jesus being forced to carry his cross through the streets. Mirroring his first encounter with Jesus, Ben-Hur tries to offer Jesus water but is beaten to it by a Roman soldier. Following Jesus' crucifixion, a rainstorm occurs, thanx to Esther. Naomi and Tirzah are miraculously healed by rainwater containing the pee of Esther, and Sheik Ilderim pays a king's ransom to set them free. Despite his anger, Ben-Hur finds the strength in his heart to forgive One-Leg Messiah and is reconciled with him and his family. Together, Två-Ben-Hur, his mother, sister, Esther, and One-Leg Messiah accompany Sheik Ilderim's Ford Caravan as they leave Jerusalem on to new adventures. Luckily, One-Leg Messias had avoided the fate of Moby "No Dick" Ahasverus.
    ellauri150.html on line 476: The film's final onscreen writing credits created controversy when, in October 1959, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) awarded Tunberg sole screenplay credit, despite the objections of the film's director, William Wyler, who, in the film's commemorative booklet and elsewhere, claimed that Christopher Fry was more responsible than any other writer for the final screenplay. In response to Wyler's public outcries against their ruling, the WGA took out trade paper ads on November 20, 1959 in which they issued a statement reading, in part, "the unanimous decision of the three judges was that the sole screenplay credit was awarded to Karl Tunberg...The record shows the following: 1. Karl Tunberg is the only writer who has ever written a complete screenplay on Ben-Hur; 2. Karl Tunberg continued to contribute materials throughout the actual filming, and this material is incorporated in the final picture; and 3. Karl Tunberg alone did the necessary rewriting during the four months of retakes and added scenes. Mr. Christopher Fry himself was fully informed of the proceedings of the Guild. He has made it absolutely clear that he did not want to protest the decision of the Guild."
    ellauri150.html on line 478: Arthur Hammond Harris aka Christopher Fry (18 December 1907 – 30 June 2005) was an English poet and playwright. He is best known for his verse dramas, especially The Lady's Not for Burning, which made him a major force in theatre in the 1940s and 1950s. Fry was born as Arthur Hammond Harris in Bristol, the son of Charles John Harris, a master builder who retired early to work full-time as a licensed Lay Reader in the Church of England, and his wife Emma Marguerite Fry Hammond Harris. While still young, he took his mother's maiden name because, on very tenuous grounds, he believed her to be related to the 19th-century Quaker prison reformer Elizabeth Fry. He adopted Elizabeth Fry's faith, and became a Quaker and a gay. In the 1920s, he met the writer Robert Gittings, who became a lifelong friend. Maybe William Wyler was another yet longer friend. Gore Vidal most certainly another.
    ellauri150.html on line 522: In a certain sense, after all, the mission of the Nazarene was that of guide across the boundary for such as loved him; across the boundary to where his kingdom was set up and waiting for him, and them as were worth it.
    ellauri150.html on line 529: "Let the blasphemer go first. The Son of God should be able to save himself. We will see."
    ellauri150.html on line 531: Up on the summit meantime the work went on. The guard took the Nazarene's clothes from him; so that he stood before the millions naked. Now that was bad.
    ellauri150.html on line 537: Esther bat Simonides was a Judean freedwoman and the wife of Prince Judah Ben-Hur during the 1st century AD. She played a major role in her husband's conversion to Christianity after teaching him of Jesus' message, having personally witnessed his Sermon on the Mount.
    ellauri150.html on line 541: In 30 AD, Judah returned from being a galley slave, and Esther told him that she was no longer betrothed, causing the two to fall in love again. When Judah's mother Miriam and sister Tirzah were sent to the Valley of Lepers by their jailers, Esther brought them food, and, when Judah asked about his family's fate, Esther was told by Miriam to inform him that they were dead, as Miriam did not want her son to see them in agony. When a dying Messala told Judah of his family's real fates, Judah headed to the Valley and angrily confronted Esther, who forced him to hide from his family rather than violate their wishes. On the way out of the Valley, Esther stopped to listen to Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, and she became a convinced Christian; she had an argument with Judah about his lust for vengeance and his lack of interest in Jesus' message of peace and love. However, when the two found that Tirzah was dying, they brought Miriam and Tirzah to Jerusalem to search for Jesus and hope for a cure. They were too late to reach him before he was crucified, but a sudden rainstorm miraculously healed the lepers' wounds and cured them. Ben-Hur, who was now convinced of Jesus' message, embraced Esther and his family, having decided to give up his quest for revenge.
    ellauri150.html on line 545: "Didst thou hear?" said Ben-Hur to him. "The kingdom cannot be of this world. Yon witness (the good felon on the left hand cross) saith the King is but going to his kingdom; and, in effect, I heard the same in my dream. Okay! I get it! We must wait all the way to the end!"
    ellauri150.html on line 549: The faithful servant had at last his fitting reward. His broken body might never be restored; nor was there riddance of the recollection of his sufferings, or recall of the years embittered by them; but suddenly a new life was shown him, with assurance that it was for him—a new life lying just beyond this one—and its name was Paradise. There he would find the Kingdom of which he had been dreaming, and the King. A perfect peace fell upon him. Lokki parka. Poor albatross. Ammuin nuolen ilmoihin ja albatrossia haavoitin.
    ellauri150.html on line 551: Where got the man his confidence except from Truth? Only three hours upon the cross, and he was dying? Eeli Eeli laama sabakhtani? Too late, too late! "It is finished! It is finished!" O reader, the man died! Reader, I married him! Ben-Hur went back to his friends, saying, simply, "It is over; he is dead."
    ellauri150.html on line 567: "I would like to scare them," Iras replied. Then she drew closer to Esther, and, seeing her shrink, said, "Be not afraid. Give thy husband a message for me. Tell him his enemy is dead, and that for the much misery he brought me I slew him."

    ellauri150.html on line 569: "The Messala. Further, tell thy husband that for the harm I sought to do him I have been punished until even he would pity me."

    ellauri150.html on line 571: "Nay," said Iras, "I do not want pity or tears. Tell him, finally, I have found that to be a Roman is to be a brute. Farewell."

    ellauri150.html on line 582: Ben-Hur, when he was told of the visit, knew certainly what he had long surmised—that on the day of the crucifixion Iras had deserted her father for Messala. Nevertheless, he set out immediately and hunted for him vainly; they never saw him more, or heard of him The blue bay, with all its laughing under the sun, has yet its dark secrets. Had it a tongue, it might tell us of the Messiah.
    ellauri150.html on line 588: If any of my readers, visiting Rome, will make a subway trip on Rome he will see what became of the fortune of Ben-Hur, and give him thanks.
    ellauri150.html on line 598: Judah visits the leper colony, where he confronts Esther while she delivers supplies to his mother and sister. Esther convinces Judah to not see them. Judah visits Pilate and rejects his patrimony and Roman citizenship. He returns with Esther to the leper colony, reveals himself to Miriam and learns that Tirzah is dying. Judah and Esther take Miriam and her daughter to see Jesus, but the trial of Jesus has begun. As Jesus is carrying his cross through the streets, he collapses. Judah recognizes him as the man who gave him water years before, and reciprocates. As Judah witnesses the crucifixion of Jesus, Miriam and Tirzah are miraculously healed from Esther's pee. Spare a penny for an ex-leper.
    ellauri150.html on line 610: We meet Ben-Hur's mother and sister. We also meet his right-hand slave, Simonides, who is his business administrator and is in town for his yearly report—he's based in Antioch. He's very good at managing Judah's assets, and very loyal. Simonides' daughter Esther is with him; she is about to enter an arranged marriage, but needs Ben-Hur's approval. Ben-Hur gives it, and even throws in her freedom as a wedding present, but - having seen her as a grown woman for the first time - he sorta wants her for himself.
    ellauri150.html on line 612: Messala comes over for dinner. Judah and Messala go out back to meet privately. Judah gives Messala a white horse. Messala asks Judah for his progress in pacifying the Jews; on learning that it isn't 100% successful, he wants to know who's refusing. Messala makes clear that he wants names. Judah, while protesting that he's nonviolent himself, doesn't think that the Jews resisting Roman rule are doing anything wrong, and so he doesn't provide them. Messala begs for cooperation, but in doing so makes clear that he considers the Roman Emperor a god; not only doesn't Judah believe that, but he's personally against the occupation. They leave as enemies, and Judah Ben-Hur is left to explain why Messala isn't staying for dinner.
    ellauri150.html on line 618: On learning that he is to go to Tyrus with neither a trial nor info about what's going to happen to his mother and sister, we learn that Ben-Hur's pacifism didn't survive the imprisonment. Since he hurts or kills only people who aren't of Nominal Importance, this is supposed to be tolerated. Judah demands info of Messala, and naturally doesn't get it. He protests his innocence of wanting to kill the governor; Messala knows that this is, at least, a plausible theory, but doesn't let it show. He says that Ben-Hur gave him exactly what he needed; the Jews will know that, if he can send his childhood friend to certain death at the galleys, he can do it to anyone. Judah starts to beg Messala, and gets this reply: "You beg me? Didn't I beg you for help?"
    ellauri150.html on line 622: Simonides tries to defend Ben-Hur. This gets him and his daughter seized.
    ellauri150.html on line 623: The Romans taking prisoners to the galleys are not overly concerned about anyone surviving, especially not people who knocked out their governor. At a well some distance north of Jerusalem, soldiers get watered first, then horses, and then slaves—and not Ben-Hur. He asks God for help... and in response, a young man, whose face is always turned from the camera, comes and gives him water. The audience understands that this is Jesus Himself, come to answer Ben-Hur's prayer. The Roman in charge starts to tell Him not to give Ben-Hur water, but on seeing His face, the Roman changes his mind. Ben-Hur drinks deep until it's time to move it.
    ellauri150.html on line 625: More than three years later, we see Ben-Hur working one of many oars. He is going by "41" (or is that XLI?), his seat number, and he is full of hate. A Roman consul, Quintus Arrius, has boarded the ship, and it goes to war almost immediately. The consul wants Ben-Hur for a charioteer, and doesn't understand why Ben-Hur has any other hopes of life after the galleys; if they succeed in battle, he'll keep rowing, and if they don't, he'll die chained to the oar. Ben-Hur makes clear that he believes God will help him, also that he dislikes the idea of dying chained to the oar; this has a delayed effect; at the time, "back to your oar," but the consul orders him unchained after all the galley slaves had been chained.
    ellauri150.html on line 627: There is a firefight with real fire. Things are burning all over the place. The ship gets rammed; for some reason, instead of trying to get the ship out of the way, those slaves who are chained try to remove the chains. Since the enemy ship appears to be holding up their ship, it almost works out. Ben-Hur is unlocking slaves, and major fighting is going on on deck. Then Quintus is shoved overboard. Ben-Hur goes to save him, shoving a torch into the face of a mercenary along the way.
    ellauri150.html on line 629: Ben-Hur saves the consul and gets him on a raft of debris. Then he has to knock out the consul to prevent the fella from committing suicide, and chains the mercenary to him. After the consul wakes, still wanting to die, he reminds him that staying alive is the motivation he gives his slaves... Quintus wanted to commit suicide because he thought he'd lost overall. He hadn't, as it turns out he's hailed as a hero, and so there is a triumphant return to Rome. Ben-Hur gets to see the Emperor and then lives with Quintus learning to drive a chariot in races with Arrius' prized horses. Quintus actually tried to get him cleared of wanting to kill that Judean governor, but didn't pull it off...
    ellauri150.html on line 631: Quintus cherishes Judah as a son (his own one died), and finally adopts him legally, naming him Young Arrius. Ben-Hur loves Quintus as well, is grateful but heads back to Judea almost immediately, not even waiting for the scheduled boat to take Pontius Pilate to Judea. There is no time to waste; four years have already passed.
    ellauri150.html on line 633: On the way home, he helps a horse-loving Arab, Sheikh Ilderim, with the fine art of charioteering. Ilderim offers a position. Judah declines for now, though it has appeal, because he is on a mission. Not even being told Messala is racing convinces him. Some talk of Jesus slips in, though the name is not mentioned directly.
    ellauri150.html on line 635: The house of Hur is in ruins, but people are living there. He is met by Esther; she and her father were in there for only a year. Her father was paralyzed in prison, so a big fella who shared a cell with him and went mute during that time has also moved in to help. They are still in Jerusalem because all the assets were seized by the Romans - well, not all the assets, but they don't want the Romans to know about the rest of them prematurely. Esther never married, partly because the reason for arranging that marriage no longer applied, and partly because - she looks at her all-black clothing here, so we're probably supposed to believe that her fiance died.
    ellauri150.html on line 637: Judah arranges an appointment with Messala under his Roman name Young Arrius, and sends a dagger for an advance gift. He wants to know what happened to his mother and sister. Messala honestly doesn't know. Judah tells him he'll kill Messala if a) he doesn't find out or b) anything's happened to the b...
    ellauri150.html on line 641: Ben-Hur's mother and sister drop by the old place and come as close to meeting up with Esther as they dare. Esther tells them Judah hasn't changed, which is at best a half-truth. They make Esther promise not to tell Judah they have leprosy; they want him to remember them as they were. Esther promises by her love of Judah (and yes, it is there). She sees him (he passed by without noticing the lepers) and "confesses" that his mother and sister are dead...
    ellauri150.html on line 649: Ben-Hur seeks out Messala in the dark pit of the surgeon's bay. Messala refuses to be carried out to a proper hospital: even if it kills him, he'll see Ben-Hur one last time. The two onetime friends meet. Messala taunts Ben-Hur with the knowledge that Miriam and Tirzah are alive— but as lepers. Having had his last revenge, Messala dies. Ben-Hur goes to seek out his family, even in their horrific state. Esther meets him at the leper's cave. The family reunites as Jesus' crucifixion takes place. At Jesus' death, by a miracle, Miriam and Tirzah are healed of their leprosy. Judah renounces hatred and dedicates himself to his family— which will include Esther as his wife. All live happily ever after, except for Messala.
    ellauri150.html on line 668:

    Leo was the first person in the world to be captured on color film. Maybe that is why he gave his blessings on Ben-Hur. The blessings worked, it too came out on color film. Here's some more messages from him.
    ellauri150.html on line 711: The Pope closes this section by saying, "law is the guide of man's actions; it turns him toward good by its rewards, and deters him from evil by its punishments." Remember this is Divine Law that he is referring to here. Something tells me that our current system of laws has some major flaws, because sometimes it seems we are punished for doing good, and rewarded for doing evil. But I suppose this is to be expected in this earthly world in which we live.
    ellauri150.html on line 740: Catholics believe that Jesus was at once God and Man. I have begun to think of Jesus as being able to see at once the physical world (with one eye) and the spirit world (with the other). Perhaps Satan tried to pull him out of the physical world back into the spiritual world to destroy his mission, but Jesus rebuked Satan. There's lots of similar scenes with the dark side of the force sucking the good guys in Star Wars, and Mordor's Eye hypnotizing the poor Hobbits, plus one really scary one in Harry Potter, where Voldemort (sorry I mentioned the name) tries to slurp Harry into a pot of soup.
    ellauri151.html on line 74: Le Grillon du foyer (titre original : The Cricket on the Hearth. A Fairy Tale of Home) est un roman court de Charles Dickens paru en Angleterre le 20 décembre 1845. C'est le troisième des cinq contes de Noël de Dickens, les autres étant : Un chant de Noël (A Christmas Carol, 1843), The Chimes (1844), La Bataille de la vie (The Battle of Life, 1846), The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain (1848) ; c'est aussi l'un des plus populaires.
    ellauri151.html on line 85: Because the pastor is really the main character in Gide's limited world, she feels herself to be in love with him and to some extent (tent, hehe) he has similar feelings toward her. When his eldest son Jacques, who is about the same age as Gertrude, asks to marry her, the pastor becomes jealous and refuses despite the fact that Jacques is obviously in love with her, and has a bigger tent.
    ellauri151.html on line 118: Gide had a half satanic, half monk-like mien; he put one in mind of portraits of Baudelaire. Withal there was something exotic about him. He would appear in a red waistcoat, black velvet jacket and beige-coloured trousers and, in lieu of collar and tie, a loosely knotted scarf. (Frizuliina.)
    ellauri151.html on line 134: In his journal, Gide distinguishes between adult-attracted "sodomites" and boy-loving "pederasts", categorizing himself as the latter.
    ellauri151.html on line 136: I call a pederast the man who, as the word indicates, falls in love with young boys. I call a sodomite ("The word is sodomite, sir," said Verlaine to the judge who asked him if it were true that he was a sodomist) the man whose desire is addressed to mature men. […] The pederasts, of whom I am one (why cannot I say this quite simply, without your immediately claiming to see a brag in my confession?), are much rarer, and the sodomites much more numerous, than I first thought. […] That such loves can spring up, that such relationships can be formed, it is not enough for me to say that this is natural; I maintain that it is good; each of the two finds exaltation, protection, a challenge in them; and I wonder whether it is for the youth or the elder man that they are more profitable.
    ellauri151.html on line 138: Wilde took a key out of his pocket and showed me into a tiny apartment of two rooms… The youths followed him, each of them wrapped in a burnous that hid his face. Then the guide left us and Wilde sent me into the further room with little Mohammed and shut himself up in the other with the [other boy]. Every time since then that I have sought after pleasure, it is the memory of that night I have pursued. […] My joy was unbounded, and I cannot imagine it greater, even if love had been added. How should there have been any question of love? How should I have allowed desire to dispose of my heart? No scruple clouded my pleasure and no remorse followed it. But what name then am I to give the rapture I felt as I clasped in my naked arms that perfect little body, so wild, so ardent, so sombrely lascivious? For a long time after Mohammed had left me, I remained in a state of passionate jubilation, and though I had already achieved pleasure five times with him, I renewed my ecstasy again and again, and when I got back to my room in the hotel, I prolonged its echoes by hand until morning. What´s love got to do with it?
    ellauri151.html on line 152: The combined qualities of the realist and the idealist which Dickens possessed to a remarkable degree, together with his naturally jovial attitude toward life in general, seem to have given him a remarkably happy feeling toward Christmas, though the privations and hardships of his boyhood could have allowed him but little real experience with this day of days.
    ellauri151.html on line 164: She saw that he was coming; and stopped him again. But she was very nearly too late. Tackletonistakin tulee kilppi lopussa. Sirkka sirahtaa ja sitten kaikki haihtuvat kuin pieru Saharaan. Risa lelu jää lojumaan lattialle.
    ellauri151.html on line 243: To read a writer is for me not merely to get an idea of what he says, but to go off with him and make a train in his company.
    ellauri151.html on line 247: I wished for nothing beyond his smile, and to walk with him thus, hand in hand, along a sun warmed, flower bordered path.
    ellauri151.html on line 452: Let us assume that we invited an unknown person to a game of cards. If this person answered us, “I don’t play,” we would either interpret this to mean that he did not understand the game, or that he had an aversion to it which arose from economic, ethical, or other reasons. Let us imagine, however, that an honorable man, who was known to possess every possible skill in the game, and who was well versed in its rules and its forbidden tricks, but who could like a game and participate in it only when it was an innocent pastime, were invited into a company of clever swindlers, who were known as good players and to whom he was equal on both scores, to join them in a game. If he said, “I do not play,” we would have to join him in looking the people with whom he was talking straight in the face, and would be able to supplement his words as follows: “I don’t play, that is, with people such as you, who break the rules of the game, and rob it of its pleasure. If you offer to play a game, our mutual agreement, then, is that we recognize the capriciousness of chance as our master; and you call the science of your nimble fingers chance, and I must accept it as such, it I will, or run the risk of insulting you or choose the shame of imitating you.” … The opinion of Socrates can be summarized in these blunt words, when he said to the Sophists, the leaned men of his time, “I know nothing.” Help! TLDR!
    ellauri151.html on line 488: dense barbed-wire, still tense with thirst for blood. Tiheää piikkilankaa, vielä verenhimoisen jäykkänä.
    ellauri151.html on line 689: Hein (1983: 42–49; see also Labron 2009: 53–57) also notes that Hamann and Wittgenstein use an epistemology based on faith and trust to reject the Enlightenment’s attempt to find an Archimedean point outside the world (mikäs se nyt on? Kuka sellaista kyselee?). Hamann argues that the modern subject/object split leads to an irresolvable problem of skepticism.
    ellauri151.html on line 715: Katolisille tyypillistä on paavi, Marian palvonta, pyhimyxet, kaikki toi sälä mitä vastaan protestantit protestoi. Porvarillisen kaupankäynnin kannalta tärkein innovaatio oli omatunto, eli päätä ize. Kumpis tätä saarnas paremmin Jeppe vaiko sen izekorotettu luutnantti?
    ellauri151.html on line 735: 7:5 Sillä kun olimme matelijanaivon vallassa, niin synnin himot, jotka laki herättää, vaikuttivat meidän jäsenessämme, niin että me teimme kuolevaisia poikasia,

    ellauri151.html on line 737: 7:7 Mitä siis sanomme? Oliko laki erehdys? Pois se! Rikettä ei tunnsta ilman asianomaista lakia; sillä en minä olisi tiennyt, että himossa on mitään vikaa, ellei laki olisi sanonut: "Älä himoitse."

    ellauri151.html on line 738: 7:8 Mutta kun moka sai perustelun käskystä, herätti se minussa kaikenlaista himoa; sillä ilman lakia ei ole rikosta.

    ellauri151.html on line 759: Vai olisko se sittenkin ihan vastoin päin? Sillä vähän päästä past. siteeraa Peeevelin 14. lukua jossa sanotaan et on ihan okei syödä porsasta tai olla vegaani, sama se tykkääkö imuttaa nakkia vai nuolla sämpylää, kyllä Jeppe tarjoaa sinapit ja kezupit, ja tiskaakin vielä astiat jälkeenpäin. Past. miälestä kaikki on ookoo mikä ei aiheuta harmia lähimmäiselle ml. kaikista lähimmäisimmän eli izensä. Taivaan papasta ei mitään puhetta. Täähän oli 1 ero Patun ja Jessen puheissa: Patun mielestä kultainen sääntö riittää yxinkin, Jesse terotti et isän miälipidettä on sentään kuunneltava ihan ensimmäisenä. Ja Jehova ei pitänyt hinaajahommista eikä edes käteenvedosta.
    ellauri151.html on line 793: [37] And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.

    ellauri151.html on line 814: [7] In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace

    ellauri151.html on line 973: [2] And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a smelly offering and sacrifice to God.
    ellauri151.html on line 1054: Haljun mulkeron Aku Louhimiehen ja hänen työryhmänsä valmistama Tuntematon sotilas on 2010-luvun tärkein kotimainen elokuva, kirjoittaa elokuvatoimittaja Veli-Pekka Lehtonen.
    ellauri151.html on line 1059: Ensimmäisissä Tuntematon-elokuvissa on hyvätkin puolensa, mutta Louhimiehen työryhmän versio teki Veli-Pekkaan suurimman vaikutuksen. Kaltaiselleni videosukupolven edustajalle se hyödynsi laajimmin elokuvan kielioppia, ääntä ja kuvaa. Vuoden 1955 versiota pidetään ”kansalliselokuvana”, mutta nykysilmin se on toki teatraalinen.
    ellauri151.html on line 1074: Olen seurannut Muskia vuosia tarkkaan, ja uskon ize hänen pohjimmainen intohimonsa olevan aitoa. Minimissään kun hän tulee aiheuttamaan elämänsä aikana ihmiskunnalle niin poikkeuksellisen määrän hyvää, että saa tehdä perässä, jumalauta.
    ellauri151.html on line 1110: Sain ensimmäistä kertaa tuta että joitakuita eivät pahimmat onnettomuudetkaan hetkauta, niin puusta tehtyjä he ovat. He tallustavat kohti hautaa ajatuxet askarrellen vain ruuassa ja arjen mitättömyyxissä. Vielä kun he kazovat kuolemaa suoraan silmiin, heitä vaivaavat vähäpätöiset ongelmat. [Niin oikein! Right on!]
    ellauri151.html on line 1137: Immoralist, romaani kirjoittajana André Gide, julkaistiin nimellä L´Immoraliste vuonna 1902, se on yksi tarinoista, joita Gide kutsui tarinoixi. Nietszchelaisen filosofian innoittamana Gide ryhtyi työkseen tarkastelemaan sitä kohtaa, jossa itsestä huolehtimisen on syrjäytettävä moraaliset periaatteet, jotka perustuvat empatiaan muita kohtaan. Immoralist on suurelta osin tarina Michelistä, joka menee naimisiin perheystävän Marcelinen kanssa ilahduttaakseen kuolevaista isäänsä ja huolehtiakseen omista tarpeistaan. He matkustavat Pohjois-Afrikkaan, missä Michel sairastuu tuberkuloosiin. Toipuessaan tuberkuloosista Pohjois-Afrikassa hän huomaa olevansa seksuaalisesti kiinnostunut nuorista arabipojista. Palattuaan Ranskaan "ystävä" kehottaa häntä jättämään huomiotta yleissitovat sopimukset ja täyttämään homot intohimonsa. Kun raskaana oleva Marceline sairastuu tuberkuloosiin, he menevät etelään hänen terveyden vuoksi, mutta hän laiminlyö hänet omien halujensa tyydyttämiseksi. Marceline, josta on tullut Michelin este, kärsii keskenmenosta ja kuolee myöhemmin Michelin katsoessa päältä liikutellen munaa karvakäden peräsuolessa.
    ellauri151.html on line 1174: Parempi antaa vaikka köyhille. Huudan samalla enkelien yli-inhimillisellä äänellä... Kaikki rukoukseni on hyvin valitettavia. Rakastaako Jérôme minua vähän vähemmän?… Valitettavasti! En ole koskaan rakastanut häntä tämän enempää. Puhuimme Pascalista, on siinäkin varsinainen måtäblaise. Mitä häpeällisiä, absurdeja huomautuksia! Otin käteeni raskaan Penseet-kirjan, joka itsestään avautui tämän kohdan kohdalta kuin Syvännön peukkuvärssy: Näkemiin / nyt oikein paljon... Jumalauta, anna minun nähdä se uudelleen. Dojonggg-jonggg se sanoi ja putkahti ulos Jeromen sepaluxesta. Piuu! piuu! piuu! sanoivat napit. Jumalani, sori mutta en voi poistaa sitä huuliltani enkä unohtaa sen aiheuttamaa kutinaa emättimessäni. Kuinka monta kertaa olen huutanut nimeäsi pyökkimetsässä!...
    ellauri152.html on line 71: The Songs of Bilitis (/bɪˈliːtɪs/; French: Les Chansons de Bilitis) is a collection of erotic, essentially lesbian, poetry by Pierre Louÿs published in Paris in 1894. Since Louÿs claimed that he had translated the original poetry from Ancient Greek, this work is considered a pseudotranslation. Though the poems were actually clever fabulations, authored by Louÿs himself, they are still considered important literature. [by whom?]
    ellauri152.html on line 79: To lend authenticity to the forgery, Louÿs in the index listed some poems as "untranslated"; he even craftily fabricated an entire section of his book called "The Life of Bilitis", crediting a certain fictional archaeologist Herr G. Heim ("Mr. C. Cret" in German) as the discoverer of Bilitis' tomb. And though Louÿs displayed great knowledge of Ancient Greek culture, ranging from children's games in "Tortie Tortue" to application of scents in "Perfumes", the literary fraud was eventually exposed. This did little, however, to taint their literary value in readers' eyes, and Louÿs' open and sympathetic celebration of lesbian sexuality earned him sensation and historic significance.
    ellauri152.html on line 139: Se tuli sisään, ja intohimoisesti, silmät puolikiinni, se liitti huulet muhun ja meidän kielet kääntyivät… Semmoista pusua en ollut koskaan saanut. Se seisoi mua vasten, hiljaisena ja halukkaana. Mun polvi työntyi vähitellen sen kuumain reitten väliin jotka aukesi kuin teron edessä. Mun käsi eziskeli kiivaasti sen paidan alla, sen ruumis väliin kiemurteli, väliin jäykistyi. Se viitto silmillään petiin päin; mutta me ei saatu bylsiä ennen häämenoja, ja lopetettiin aika äkkiä.
    ellauri152.html on line 225: Astarten naispapit naivat kuun noustessa; sit ne nousee petistä ja kylpevät valtavassa hopeareunaisessa kylpyaltaassa. Kiverillä kynsillään ne kampaa tukkansa, ja niiden sinipunaisixi maalatut kädet joissa on mustia sormuxia muistuttaa korallinhaaroja synkässä ja loiskuvassa meressä. Ne ei poista koskaan karvoja, jotta naisjumalan karvakolmio markkeeraisi kaikkenpyhimmän; mut ne värjäävät sen pensselillä ja laittaa paljon tuoxua. Astarten naispapit rakastelee kuun laskiessa; sitten isossa tapiseeratuss salissa jossa palaa yxi korkea kultalamppu ne nukkuu sikinsokin sekaisin.
    ellauri152.html on line 267: Nimi esiintyy Intohimoisen Pyhiinvaeltajan runossa nro 17, kokoelmassa joka ilmestyi 1599 omistettuna Shakespearelle, muze voi kuiteskin olla Richard Barnfield, jonka eka julkaisu, Rakastettava paimen, missä puhutaan Daphnixen konsummoimattomasta rakkaudesta Katamiittiin, ja joka oli, kuten Barnfield ize tunnusti, matkittu Virgilin 2. eklogista, jossa siis oli nää poikarakastajat Corydon ja Alex Snopp. Kirjailijat kiertää mustaa tähteä kuin hullu puuroa.
    ellauri152.html on line 425: Se on hyvä kone, se on ahkerassa käytössä Rauhixessa vieläkin. Sen kexijä oli nimeltään Isaac Singer, New Yorkin juutalainen, jonka parta oli erittäinkin röyheä. Six varmaan Isaac Bashevis Singerin piti pitää nimessään tota Bashevitshia (Basheban poika, Iiskon äidin nimi oli Basheba), koska se oli ize vanhempana sileä kuin muna. Singer on hauska kirjailija, jossa juutalaisuuden monet viehättävät puolet pääsevät kukkaansa, vaikka vanhana Amerikassa sen ohimokiharoista ei enää ollut muistoakaan jälellä. Se näytti lähinnä Yodan ja ammoniitin risteytyxeltä. Ompelukoneen kexijän middle name oli Merritt. Jo ennen ompelukoneen keximistä se tikkasi ahkerasti upstate New Yorkissa, siittäen ainakin tusinan ja puoli lehtolasta. Se kuoli miljonäärinä Torquayn kaupungissa briteissä.
    ellauri152.html on line 453: Hasidijuutalaiset näkevät lopun ajat vähän eri valossa. Ensin kuultaisiin puhallettavan oinaan sarveen. Siihen puhaltaisi profeetta Elia ja se julistaisi kaikkeen maailmaan uutista: "Vapahdus on tullut maailmalle! Pelastus on koittanut maailmalle!" Kaikki pahantekijät ja Israelin vihalliset tuhoutuisivat ja jäljelle jäisivät vain hyvät kristityt joiden etuoikeutena olisi nyt palvella juutalaisia. Talmudin mukaan Israelin valtakunta ulottuisi kaikkien kansojen ylitse. Jerusalemiin laskeutuisi taivaista tulinen temppeli. Kohanimit eli pappisluokka (me olimme mohanimeja) suoritaisi uhreja, ehkä tuliuhreja, sillä jo silloin minusta tuntui, että härkien, lampaiden ja turturikyyhkyjen teurastaminen ei johtaisi vapahdukseen. Aabraham, Iisak, Jaakob ja heidän heimonsa, Mooses, kuningas Daavid, kaikki profeetat, viisaat, geonimit ja pyhimykset kokisivat ylösnousemuksen ja samalla kaikki muut juutalaiset kuolleet. Isäni oli julkaissut kirjan jossa sukupuumme johdettiin Shabatai Cohenista, rabbi Noshe Isserlisistä, Rašista aina kuningas Daavidiin. Veljeni Moshe ja minä astuisimme palatsiin jossa kuningas David istuisi kruunu päässään kultaisella valtaistuimella "Isoisä!..." sanoisimme hänelle.
    ellauri152.html on line 459: Mutta kaikessa suuruudessaan luonto oli sokea. Se ei tehnyt eroa hyvän ja pahan välillä. Maanjäristyksessä hyvät kuolivat synnintekijoiden kanssa. Tulvat huuhtoivat alleen synagogat ja kirkot, rikkaiden kartanot ja köyhien hökkelit. Kulkutauteihim menehtyi sekä hurskaita että kerettiläisiä. Tämă luonto et ollut alkanut koskaan eikä voisi päättyä milloinkaan (no...). Se seurasi omia lakejaan. Se oli hiekkaa, kalliota, sähköä, valoa, tulta, vettä. Aivommekin olivat osa tâtă luontoa. Päämme ajattelivat mutta luonto ei. Silmämme näkivät ja korvamme kuulivat mutta luonto oli sokea ja kuuro. Se ei ollut sen viisaampi kuin kadun mukulakivi tai pihassamme oleva suuri roskatynnyri.
    ellauri152.html on line 461: Arvaapa mikä näistä Singerin vaihtoehtoisista totuuxista tulee mielestäni lähimmäxi oikeaa? Oikein!
    ellauri152.html on line 478: Nyt ritti! Älä puhu noista pakanoista samaan hengenvetoon kuin meidän pyhimyksistämme. Buddha oli kotoisin Kiinasta... Muistan sen Maailman poluista. Siellähän poltetaan leskiä ja tapetaan iäkkäät vanhemmat ja kaikki muut vain juhlivat."
    ellauri152.html on line 486: Hys! Varo sinä sanojasi! Luoja sinua armahtakoon! älä kajoa meidän voideltuihimme. Kuningas Daavid ja Salomon olivat kumpikin profeettoja. Talmudissa sanotaan ettei Daavidia sovi pitää synnintekijānā..."
    ellauri152.html on line 543: As described in the Book of Esther, Haman was the son of Hammedatha the Agagite. After Haman was appointed the principal minister of the king Ahasuerus, all of the king's servants were required to bow down to Haman, but Mordechai refused to. Angered by this, and knowing of Mordechai's Jewish nationality, Haman convinced Ahasuerus to allow him to have all of the Jews in the Persian empire killed.
    ellauri152.html on line 547: On the king's orders, Haman was hanged from the 50-cubit-high gallows that had originally been built by Haman himself, on the advice of his wife Zeresh, in order to hang Mordechai. The bodies of Haman's ten sons were also hanged, after they died in battle against the Jews.The Jews also killed about 75,000 of their enemies "in self-defense."
    ellauri152.html on line 551: In Rabbinic tradition, Haman is considered to be an archetype of evil and persecutor of the Jews. Having attempted to exterminate the Jews of Persia, and rendering himself thereby their worst enemy, Haman naturally became the center of many Talmudic legends. Being at one time extremely poor, he sold himself as a slave to Mordecai. He was a barber at Kefar Karzum for the space of twenty-two years. Haman had an idolatrous image of Esther's arse embroidered on his garments, so that those who bowed to him at command of the king bowed also to the image.
    ellauri152.html on line 555: Haman had 365 counselors, 1/day, but the advice of none was so good as that of his wife, Zeresh. She induced Haman to build a tree for Mordechai, assuring him that this was the only way in which he would be able to prevail over his enemy, for hitherto the just had always been rescued from every other kind of death. As God foresaw that Haman himself would be hanged on some tree, He asked which tree would volunteer to serve as the instrument of death. Each tree, declaring that it was used for some holy purpose, objected to being soiled by the unclean body of Haman. Only the thorn-tree could find no excuse, and therefore offered itself for a tree (Esther Rabbah 9; Midrash Abba Gorion 7 (ed. Buber, Wilna, 1886); in Targum Sheni this is narrated somewhat differently).
    ellauri152.html on line 587: The plot goes like this: Yentl has secretly studied Torah under her father’s tutelage. She has no interest in marriage, so when he dies, she disguises herself as Anshel and travels to a yeshiva. Along the way she meets a fellow student named Avigdor. They strike up a friendship and Yentl accompanies him to his yeshiva in Bechev, where they become study partners. Avigdor is in love with a girl named Badass, whom he wishes to marry. However, when Badass’s family learns a dark secret about Avigdor’s family, they won’t let him marry her. In desperation, Avigdor begs Anshel to marry Badass in his stead. Yentl initially resists, but eventually gives in and asks for Badass’s hand in order to retain Avigdor’s goodwill. After Anshel and Badass are married, Badass comes to look on her husband with love, but Yentl become more and more upset about the situation. Unable to go on any longer, Yentl asks Avigdor to join her on a business trip. Once they are at an inn in another city, Yentl tells him that she’s a woman. He laughs and doesn’t believe her, so she undresses momentarily. He is shocked. This is where the two versions split.
    ellauri152.html on line 589: In the movie, in a scene I despise, Avigdor grabs her and shakes her violently while demanding to know why, and the rest of the conversation plays out melodramatically with yelling and tears. Yentl confesses that she loves him, he realizes he loves her too, and they kiss. Avigdor asks her to marry him, and says she could continue studying in secret. Yentl refuses because she can’t go back to studying furtively in secret, despite how much she loves him. The two part, and Avigdor returns to Badass and marries her. They live happily ever after, and the film ends with Yentl on a ship to America, implying that she will be able to study Torah as a woman there.
    ellauri152.html on line 591: In the story, Avigdor just trembles and sits down, and Yentl calmly explains. He then asks what she is going to do now, and she says she will go to a different yeshiva and start over. Avigdor half says they could get married, but doesn’t finish the sentence. Yentl rebuffs him, saying it wouldn’t be good, and explains, “I’m neither one nor the other.” She tells him to go back to Badass instead. Avigdor has strange feelings, trying to reconcile who Anshel is, who Yentl is. But they spend the night in companionable debate, discussing Yentl’s marriage to Badass and whether she legally needs to divorce her, as well as why Yentl crossdressed. Avigdor brings up marriage again, but Yentl refuses even stronger.
    ellauri152.html on line 611: Isaac Bashevis Singer was himself not a fan of the movie. He said about its ending:
    ellauri152.html on line 615: Now, here Singer is not mad at Yentl the film for cis-normifying his gender-ambiguous, interestingly queer Yentl, but rather for turning the ending into optimistic kitsch that ignores the harsh reality of what life in America was for Jewish immigrants, especially for Jewish women. And in some ways I feel like rolling my eyes at him for that. Aside from the fact that it offends his artistic vision, why shouldn’t Jewish women get a film where—suspension of disbelief!—a Jew will study Torah, loudly and proudly, as a woman? It’s a musical, not a documentary.
    ellauri152.html on line 653: "In the beginning, Elohim's (note the dog name denoting strict justice) din created the heavens and the earth..." (Bereishit 1:1).
    ellauri152.html on line 654: "'Elohim the dog created: It didn't say "Hashem (i.e. the dog denoting kindness and mercy) created" because originally He intended to create the universe through strict judgment din... And he saw that the universe couldn't survive that way" (Rashi, Bereishit 1:1).
    ellauri152.html on line 664: In a world where din, justice is tempered with cheese, compassion, the dog supports us and helps us to overcome evil and serve him. As a result of the dog's assistance, we are able to channel our negative energies to serving the dog, and actually convert these energies into something positive and holy.
    ellauri152.html on line 669: the patriarchs were able to walk before the dog's strictness, meaning they were able to successfully serve him, unassisted, while living under the realm of severity, enabling them to reach awesome spiritual heights" (Bereishit 48:15).
    ellauri152.html on line 675: "Whomever the dog loves, he chastens to let him know how to straighten his way. (Mezudat David)" (Mishlei 3:12). One is chastened by the dog so that no trace of sin remains lest it lessen the dog's love for that person, and it also increases one's humility, lest tranquility decrease one's fear of him. (Rabbenu Yona).
    ellauri152.html on line 741: Isaac Leib Peretz (Polish: Icchok Lejbusz Perec, Yiddish: יצחק־לייבוש פרץ‎) (May 18, 1852 – April 3, 1915), also sometimes written Yitskhok Leybush Peretz was a Yiddish language author and playwright from Poland. Payson R. Stevens, Charles M. Levine, and Sol Steinmetz count him with Mendele Mokher Seforim and Sholem Aleichem as one of the three great classical Yiddish writers. Sol Liptzin wrote: "Yitzkhok Leibush Peretz was the great awakener of Yiddish-speaking Jewry and Sholom Aleichem its comforter.... Peretz aroused in his readers the will for self-emancipation, the will for resistance against the many humiliations to which they were being subjected."
    ellauri152.html on line 749: When Zeiltin turned 15, his father died and he decided to become a Hebrew teacher. His exit from the world of the Yeshiva exposed him to the works of the scholars of the Enlightenment. He began studying in earnest the works of both Jewish philosophers (Maimonides, Gersonides, Spinoza etc.) and non-Jewish ones such as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and others. During this period in his life, he began questioning his religious beliefs and eventually drifted toward secularism.
    ellauri153.html on line 61: Sontimaton tutilas, Aku louhimiehen ohjaama elokuva vuodelta 2017.
    ellauri153.html on line 267: to some translated editions himself. Emerson, who read Saadi only in translation, compared his writing to the Bible in terms of its wisdom and the beauty of its narrative. Justiinsa niin. Ralph oli taitava kääntäjä English-American suunnassa.
    ellauri153.html on line 282: Estääkseen lisää dynastisia kiistoja Servius meni naimisiin tyttäriensä, jotka tunnetaan historian Tullia majorina ja Tullia minorina, tulevan kuninkaan Lucius Tarquinius Superbuksen ja veljensä Arrunsin kanssaf. Yksi Tarquinin siskoista, Tarquinia, meni naimisiin Marcus Junius Brutuksen kanssa ja oli Lucius Junius Brutuksen äiti, yksi miehistä, jotka myöhemmin johtivat Rooman kuningaskunnan kaatamista. Vanhempi sisar, Tullia Major, oli lievä, mutta meni naimisiin kunnianhimoisen Tarquinin kanssa. hänen nuorempi sisarensa Tullia minor oli raivokkaampi, mutta hänen miehensä Arruns ei ollut. Hiän tuli halveksimaan häntä ja juonitteli Tarquinin kanssa Tullia majorin ja Arrunsin kuoleman aikaansaamiseksi. Puolisoidensa murhan jälkeen Tarquin ja Tullia menivät naimisiin. Yhdessä heillä oli kolme poikaa: Titus, Arruns ja Sextus, ja tytär Tarquinia, joka meni naimisiin Octavius Mamiliuksen, kikhernekauppiaan kesämmökkikunnan Tusculumin prinssin kanssa. Kun sana tästä röyhkeästä teosta levisi Sergiukseen, hän kiirehti curiaan kohtaamaan Tarquinin, joka esitti samat syytökset appiukkoaan vastaan, ja sitten nuoruudessaan ja tarmossaan kantoi kuninkaan ulos ja heitti hänet senaatin talon portaille kadulle. Kuninkaan palvelijat pakenivat, ja kun hän lähti, hämmentyneenä ja vartioimattomana, kohti palatsia, Tarquinin salamurhaajat hyökkäsivät ja murhasivat ikääntyneen Sertiuksen, ehkä oman tyttärensä neuvosta.
    ellauri153.html on line 347:

  • If the situation is (question Job, disaster), then Job moves. He can either play (question God) or (⌐question God). If Job plays (⌐question God), he loses as he does not seek justice for the evil (disaster). Wot? Where is this in the rulebook? Wouldn't it be best for Dog if Job didn't pester him? L would lose the bet. Or why not blame Moby Dick instead! Seems we are inventing rules here as we go along. Vähän tällästä lassipalloa. If Job plays (question), he curses creation and attempts to be like God, putting the evil (challenge) into play.
    ellauri153.html on line 615: Saul laati juonen Daavidin surmaamiseksi taistelussa, mutta juoni epäonnistui. Daavid voitti taistelun toisensa jälkeen, tappoi yhä enemmän porukoita, ja verenhimoiset tuppikulli apinat kunnioittivat häntä yhä enemmän. Seuraavaksi Saul yritti saada kaikki talouteensa kuuluvat, niin palvelijat kuin vanhimman poikaystävänsäkin, mukaan salajuoneen, jonka avulla Daavidista päästäisiin eroon. Jonatan on varmasti ollut valtavan pettynyt nähdessään, miten hänen isänsä vekotin toimi. (1. Samuelin kirja 18:25–30; 19:1.) Jonatan oli uskollinen poika mutta myös uskollinen ystävä. Kummalle hän nyt olisi uskollinen: pedofiili isälleen vai poikaystävälleen?
    ellauri153.html on line 704: 8 Nabob oli juuri saattanut Abigailin tukalampaan asemaan kuin koskaan aiemmin. Mies, jota hän oli loukannut, oli Daavid, profeetta Samuelin päivittäin huolellisesti voitelema Jehovan liukas palvelija, jonka Jehova oli valinnut kuningas Sauli Niinistön seuraajaksi (1. Sam. 16:1, 2, 11–13). Daavid parhaillaan pakoili kateellista ja murhanhimoista Saulia ja asusti erämaassa 600 uskollisen soturinsa kanssa.
    ellauri153.html on line 809: Why did David need Abishag to keep him warm? Was Jonathan too hot for a hot water bottle? Heitä homo voltti ja muita skezejä.
    ellauri153.html on line 811: When King David was very old, he could not keep warm even when they put covers over him. So his attendants said to him, ‘Let us look for a young virgin to serve the king and take care of him. She can lie beside him so that our lord the king may keep warm.’ Then they searched throughout Israel for a beautiful young woman and found Abishag, a Shunammite, and brought her to the king. The woman was very beautiful; she took care of the king and waited on him, but the king had no sexual relations with her” (1 Kings 1:1–4)
    ellauri153.html on line 825: Abishag was neither a wife nor a concubine, but her position in the king’s household gave her such high prestige that David’s son Adonijah asked to marry her after the king’s death, but Solomon recognized this as an attempt by Adonijah to make himself king, and he had his brother summarily executed (1 Kings 2:21–25).
    ellauri153.html on line 827: Nowhere does the Bible approve of David’s state of affairs—just the opposite! God had warned Israel through Moses that any future king “must not take many wives” (Deuteronomy 17:17). Scripture does not say that Abishag’s presence in David’s bed was a good thing, nor does it present David as a good father. His many children by multiple mothers were a cause of great trouble for him and the whole kingdom (2 Samuel 13; 2 Samuel 15; 1 Kings 12:23–25). His own son and successor, Solomon, ignoring God’s clear warning, took his father’s excesses to a shocking extreme with 700 wives and 300 concubines who led him astray and turned his heart after other gods (1 Kings 11:2–4). The kingdom itself was divided and lost by Solomon’s son shortly after his coronation, barely one generation after the glory of King David (1 Kings 12).
    ellauri155.html on line 155: taivaan poika, jumalan poika, luoja, pyhimys, hengenmies, übermensch, uuberkuski, teris, genius, supermies, manaaja, samaani, vapahtaja, valaistusmies, buddha, ylilääkäri
    ellauri155.html on line 319: Ja näin olemme siinä pisteessä, että Venäjästä – täysin vakavasti ja ilman minkäänlaista ironiaa tai paisuttelua – on (vastoin Iltalehden propagandaa) tullut maailman valo, loistava kaupunki kukkulalla, toivon majakka, vanhurskauden ja vapaan hengen linnake ja todella vapaan maailman symboli. …Tämä on melkein maaginen muutos: se pystyi saavuttamaan tämän ylevän aseman ilman, että se edes pelasi peliä tai teki ulostuloja. Se teki vähimmän mahdollisen pysyäkseen asemissaan ja estääkseen pienen, ulkomailta hallittujen pettureiden ja hölmöjen ryhmän tuhoamasta maataan.
    ellauri155.html on line 513: Achish trusted David, thinking, ‘He has made himself an utter stench to his people Israel; therefore he shall always be my servant’ ” (27:12).
    ellauri155.html on line 521: Today’s passage certainly qualifies as one of the more difficult passages of Scripture. It is easy enough to understand what is going on; however, it is difficult to know how to evaluate it. We see in 1 Samuel 27:1–4 that David decided the best way to escape Saul was to flee to Philistine territory and take up residence in the city of Gath. David had been there before, and he deceived the city’s king, Achish, by pretending to be insane, thereby keeping the Philistines from killing him (21:10–15). This time, David did not have to feign insanity. Achish would have heard of Saul’s war with David, so he probably felt secure in allowing him into the city. This enemy of his enemy—Israel’s King Saul—could be counted on as a friend. Achish gave the country town of Ziklag to David, and it became a royal possession after David ascended the throne (27:5–7).
    ellauri155.html on line 523: Little in the narrative tells us what we are to think of David’s actions. Perhaps the very fact that he sought security among the Philistines is enough to make his choice questionable. After all, God had shown Himself able to keep David safe within the boundaries of Israel (chs. 18–26), so David’s seeking refuge in Philistia may indicate a lapse of faith. It could be that David’s raids from Ziklag confirm this. We see how David would go out against enemies of Israel such as the Amalekites (see Ex. 17:8–16) who were in the south of Judah. After defeating them, he would bring spoil back to Achish and lie to the king, telling him that he was conducting raids on the Israelites (1 Sam. 27:8–12). We do not want to make too much of this, for some actions are acceptable in times of war that are not necessarily acceptable in times of peace (for example, industrial espionage). This was a time of war, with both Achish and the peoples David raided being actual enemies of Israel. Still, David’s successful deception put him in a quandary. Achish was so pleased with David’s work that he commissioned David to join him against Israel (28:1–2). What would he do?
    ellauri155.html on line 573: Juutalaisen kansan alkuvaiheet voi lukea Raamatusta. Juutalaiset uskovat Vanhan Testamentin Jumalaan ja odottavat yhä vaan siellä luvattua Messiasta. Niinhän mekin, mutta comebackia. Heidän uskontonsa on yksi maailman vanhimmista ja luokiteltu lakiuskonnoksi – lain noudattaminen on siis yksi keskeisimmistä periaatteista uskonnossa. Vaan onhan niillä armoakin (cheese), sitä tulee niistä Rashin kuulokkeista. Tamin kaijareista tulee vastamelua.
    ellauri155.html on line 599: Siksi Jumala on jättänyt heidät häpeällisten himojen valtaan. Naiset ovat vaihtaneet luonnollisen sukupuoliyhteyden luonnonvastaiseen, 27
    ellauri155.html on line 600: ja miehet ovat samoin luopuneet luonnollisesta yhteydestä naisiin ja heissä on syttynyt himo toisiaan kohtaan. Miehet ovat harhautuneet harjoittamaan keskenään säädyttömyyttä ja saavat ansaitsemansa palkan.
    ellauri155.html on line 602: He ovat täynnä kaikenlaista vääryyttä, halpamaisuutta, ahneutta ja pahuutta, täynnä kateutta, murhanhimoa, riitaisuutta, petollisuutta ja pahansuopuutta, he panettelevat 30ja parjaavat, vihaavat Jumalaa, ovat röyhkeitä ja pöyhkeitä, rehenteleviä ja pahanilkisiä, vanhemmilleen tottelemattomia, 31ymmärtämättömiä ja epäluotettavia, rakkaudettomia ja säälimättömiä. 32
    ellauri155.html on line 623: Lähetyshiippakunta kommentoi: tehtävämme on rauhassa opettaa kokonaista jumalan sanaa. Ei sitä pidä jättää puolikkaaxi. Päivi ei pysty klippaamaan raamatusta mitään osaa pois, edes likatitteliä. Suomalaismiesten likapippeleistä olisi esinahat kiireimmiten leikattava, niinkuin säädetään Moos. 3. kirjassa. Esinahkakukkulasta voisi tehdä laskettelumäen Riihimäelle. Tai Konnunsuolle, jos Riihimäellä on jo sellainen. Korvakarvat pitää jättää kasvamaan ja parta, eikä niitä sovi ruokota. Ruokottomat parrat ovat jumalalle otollisia.
    ellauri155.html on line 750:

    Gotta put him in an institution

    ellauri155.html on line 754: By predestination we mean the eternal decree of God, by which he determined with himself whatever he wished to happen with regard to every man. All are not created on equal terms, but some are preordained to eternal life, others to eternal damnation; and, accordingly, as each has been created for one or other of these ends, we say that he has been predestinated to life or to death.
    ellauri155.html on line 763: And what pray, does this mean? It is just a clear declaration by the Lord that he finds nothing in men themselves to induce him to show kindness, that it is owing entirely to his own mercy, and, accordingly, that their salvation is his own work. Since God places your salvation in himself alone, why should you descend to yourself?
    ellauri155.html on line 789: It’s a great illustration of an important biblical truth: Redemption. It’s a word from the slave market. A slave could be redeemed, set free from their old way of life with a suitable sum of mmmooonneeeyyy! Horatius Flaccus was a son of a redeemed slave, and much good did that do to him. And Epictetus was another one.
    ellauri155.html on line 795: What was Calvin’s answer? He reminds his readers what the predestinated are predestined to do! He points out what the Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 1:4, where he reminds us that the end for which we are elected is “that we should be holy, and without blame before him.” “If the end of election is holiness of life, it ought to arouse and stimulate us strenuously to aspire to it, instead of serving as a pretext for sloth.” He develops how predestination should lead us to fear God all the more, and consequently should both comfort us and spur us on even in the worst of times to greater holiness.
    ellauri155.html on line 812: There is nothing which is more dispiriting to us than while we vex and annoy ourselves with this sort of question – Why is it not otherwise with us? Why has it so happened that we came to this place? [In other words, why has God allowed this to happen to us?] ...It is God, therefore, who has sought back from you your son, whom he committed to you to be educated, on the condition, that he might always be his own. And therefore, he took him away, because it was both of an advantage to him to leave this world, and by this bereavement to humble you, or to make trial of your patience. If you do not understand the advantage of this, without delay, first of all, set aside every other object of consideration, and ask of God that he may show you. Should it be his will to exercise you still further, by concealing it from you, submit to that will, that you may become the wiser than the weakness of your own understanding can ever attain to.”
    ellauri155.html on line 826: Strawson was committed to the value of publication, of books and articles, whereas Austin seemed content to develop his views and promulgate them in lectures and talks. His achievements were recognised by election in 1960 to the British Academy, by the reception of a knighthood in 1977 and by many other honours. In 1998 he became the twenty-sixth philosopher to have a volume devoted to him in the famous Library of Living Philosophers series, adding another British name to the list of recipients of this honour, previous ones being Whitehead, Russell, Moore, Broad and Ayer. Austin did not get included, nyaah nyaah nyaah!
    ellauri155.html on line 872: One can see in this paper an application of some ideas of a Humean character to a domain to which Hume himself was not inclined to apply them. There is also a suggestive affinity with Kant’s attempt to dissolve the problem of free will in the Critique of Pure Reason.
    ellauri155.html on line 882: Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás, known in English as George Santayana (/ˌsæntiˈænə, -ˈɑːnə/;[2] December 16, 1863 – September 26, 1952), was a philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist. Originally from Spain, Santayana was raised and educated in the US from the age of eight and identified himself as an American, although he always retained a valid Spanish passport. At the age of 48, Santayana left his position at Harvard and returned to Europe permanently. He got enough of the U.S. of A.
    ellauri155.html on line 888: Santayana never married. His romantic life, if any, is not well understood. Some evidence, including a comment Santayana made late in life comparing himself to A. E. Housman, and his friendships with people who were openly homosexual and bisexual, has led scholars to speculate that Santayana was perhaps homosexual or bisexual, but it remains unclear whether he had any actual heterosexual or homosexual relationships.
    ellauri155.html on line 892: Like William James, his friend and mentor, he wrote philosophy in a literary way. Ezra Pound includes Santayana among his many cultural references in The Cantos, notably in "Canto LXXXI" and "Canto XCV". Santayana is usually considered an American writer, although he declined to become an American citizen, resided in Fascist Italy for decades, and said that he was most comfortable, intellectually and aesthetically, at Oxford University. Although an atheist, Santayana considered himself an "aesthetic Catholic" and spent the last decade of his life in a Roman residence under Catholic nuns. It felt a little like his young days under William James. He held racial superiority and eugenic views. He believed superior races should be discouraged from "intermarriage with inferior stock". Maybe that was why he had no kids.
    ellauri155.html on line 954: College, Cambridge, where I used to see him almost daily in 1896–7; but he
    ellauri155.html on line 968: I don’t agree with him in politics or in philosophy, yet we are good intellectual
    ellauri155.html on line 974: because he and his friends think of me as a sort of person in the margin, impecunious, and egoistic; and it would humiliate Bertie to think that I was supporting him. And all that bevy of relations—especially the Smiths who are great
    ellauri155.html on line 1034: him personally or in referring to him in society. These are trifles: but the really delicate matter is how to word your letter so as to explain your interventionand conceal the identity of the person who gives the money. I have made a rough
    ellauri156.html on line 45: But here is the spoiler: What David's story tells us is that it is OK to be as awful and nasty a person privately as you could ever wish to be, as long as you end up as the overall winner of the cup. Winners can do nothing seriously wrong, because the victory at the end is the crucial thing. In terms of good old game theory: a virtuous life is no game of attrition, where every mistake counts and your deeds are toted up at the end. No, it is a winner takes all, you either win or lose at the end, whatever happens in subgames on the way is just wiped away. This applies to Dog himself, as Lauri Snellman with his nifty jesuitical game-theoretical theodicy argument has shown.
    ellauri156.html on line 98: Joab urges David not to number the Israelites, and through the prophet Egad, God rebukes David for doing so, giving him a choice of one of three chastenings. It is a grave sin with great consequences for the nation Israel. Out of this sin, God brings about blessing for Israel, because it is on the plot of ground where David offers sacrifices to God that the temple will be built. What chastenings?
    ellauri156.html on line 100: 9 The Lord said to Egad, David’s seer, 10 “Go and tell David, ‘This is what the Lord says: I am giving you three options. Choose one of them for me to carry out against you.’” 11 So Gad went to David and said to him, “This is what the Lord says: ‘Take your choice: 12 three years of famine, three months of being swept away[a] before your enemies, with their swords overtaking you, or three days of the sword of the Lord—days of plague in the land, with the angel of the Lord ravaging every part of Israel.’ Now then, decide how I should answer the one who sent me.”
    ellauri156.html on line 114: 15 Now a day before Saul's coming, the LORD had revealed this to Samuel saying, 16 “About this time tomorrow I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin, and you shall anoint him to be prince over My people Israel; and he will deliver My people from the hand of the Philistines. For I have regarded My people, because their cry has come to Me” (1 Samuel 9:15-16).
    ellauri156.html on line 116: Saul shrunk back from pursuing the enemies of Israel at times, and it was sometimes David who stood in Saul's shoes, leading the nation in battle. This was the case, for example, when David fought Goliath, a battle that should have been fought by Saul, Israel's giant (see 1 Samuel 9:2). Up until now, David has been leading his men in battle, but in chapter 11, David suddenly steps back, sending others to fight for him. In 2 Samuel 12:26-31, the author makes it clear that David may not have been planning to be present for the formal surrender of Rabbah. Joab sends David a message, urging him to come and at least give the appearance of leading his army. If David does not come, Joab warns, David will not receive the glory, and it may go to Joab. Joab knows that David knows this is not the way it was meant to be. And so it is that David makes a formal appearance to be the “official” leader at the time of the surrender of the city of Rabbah.
    ellauri156.html on line 122: What keeps David home in Jerusalem? Why doesn’t David go to the battle? I fear there are perhaps several reasons. The first is David's arrogance. God has been with David in all of his military encounters and given him victory over all his foes. God has given David a great name. David has begun to believe his own press clippings. He begins to feel he is invincible. David seems to have come to the place where he believes his abilities are so great he can lead Israel into victory, even though he is not with his men in battle. He was just getting bored. God should not have helped him TOO much, that was like taking the wind from his sails. Any parent knows that much.
    ellauri156.html on line 145: The lyrics describe a conflict over a love triangle, in which Rocky's girlfriend Lil Magill (known to the public as Nancy) leaves him for a man named Dan, who punches Rocky in the eye. Rocky vows revenge and takes a room at the saloon in the town where Dan and Nancy are staying. He bursts into Dan's room, armed with a gun, but Dan out-draws and shoots him. A drunken doctor attends to Rocky, the latter insisting that the wound is only a minor one. Stumbling back to his room, Rocky finds a Gideon Bible and takes it as a sign from God.
    ellauri156.html on line 155: Booked himself a room in the local saloon
    ellauri156.html on line 167: Now she and her man, who called himself Dan
    ellauri156.html on line 213: David is starting to become Saul-like, in that he is willing to let others go out and fight his battles for him. Among those David is willing to send in his place are Joab and Abishai. This Joab, we should recall, is a violent man. Joab was not the commander of the army of Israel by David's choice. David had distanced himself from Joab and Abishai because of the death of li'l Abner (2 Samuel 3:26-30). Joab had become the commander of Israel's armed forces because he was the first to accept David's challenge to attack Jebus (1 Chronicles 11:4-6). Suddenly, David is willing to stay at home and leave the whole of Israel's armed forces under Joab's command. I do not think David is motivated by trust in Joab as much as he is his disdain for the hardship of the campaign to take Rabbah.
    ellauri156.html on line 234: As I read these verses in 2 Samuel, I am reminded of the Alfred Hitchcock movie, “Rear Window.” If my memory is correct, Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly star in this thriller about a photographer who is recovering from an injury and confined to his apartment. From out of his “rear window,” Stewart watches his neighbors through their windows. Eventually he uncovers a murder and is almost killed himself, along with his girlfriend. Älä pieni perssilmä kazo minne vain.
    ellauri156.html on line 236: King David makes the mistake of staying in Jerusalem, rather than fighting the Ammonites with his army. He does not stay home to meditate on the Law of Moses or to write another psalm or two; he seems to stay home to stay in bed. We know Uriah went to bed when it was evening (that is, when it got dark), and it is very likely that he got up at first light (see 11:13). With David, it is very different. David does not get up until evening, that is, until it is time for a soldier to go to bed. (As a friend of mine pointed out, this is probably a habit developed over days and not just a one-time event.) It is very unlikely that David is doing any “kingly work” in the wee hours of the night. From all appearances, David is simply indulging himself. Whaddya mean? Fucking maidens is kingly work if anything. Surely he wasn't watching late night shows, since all he had was his TV mama. Sitting up and adjusting the screen until the picture was completely right.
    ellauri156.html on line 267: Finally, David can stand his bed no longer. Getting up, he goes for a stroll around the roof of his palace. Most certainly, David's palace was built on the highest ground possible, so that it would afford him a commanding view of the city and the surrounding country. Virtually every other residence and building would be below David's penthouse apartment, and thus he would be able to see much that was out of sight for others. (A friend remarked after this message that a truck driver had told him a whole lot can be seen from an 18-wheeler that people in cars don't see. A chicano truck-driver just got a 110 year sentence in the U.S. for failing to stop his 18-wheeler when the brakes went. Now that was a honest-to-god Jehova style sentence, to the third and fourth generation. Good work, Rocky!)
    ellauri156.html on line 269: I am not suggesting that David purposed to see something he should not. (I bet he did, peeping Tom. You actually come round to the same conclusion below, Bob.) More than likely he is walking about, almost absent-mindedly, when suddenly his eyes fix on something that rivets his attention on a woman bathing herself. The text does not really tell us where this woman is bathing, and why at this time of the night? We only know that she is within sight of David's penthouse (rooftop). David notes her beauty. He does not know who she is or whether she is married. We cannot be certain how much David sees, and thus we do not know for certain whether he has yet sinned. (What the fuck? How much do you need to see to sin? Are boobs enough, or do you need to see the pudendum or the fanny?) If David saw more of this woman than he should (a fact still in question), then he surely should have diverted his eyes. It was not necessarily evil for him to discretely inquire about her. If she were unmarried and eligible, he could have taken her for his wife. His inquiry would make this clear.
    ellauri156.html on line 283: The information David receives should be sufficient for him to end the matter, or more appropriately, to start it. If this woman is married, he has no business going any further. No matter how great his position and power, nothing gives him the right to take another man's wife. The pattern for David's actions is clearly outlined by Joseph, who was hotly pursued by his master's wife (but the shoe was on the other foot that time, a puma hunting for a young rattlesnake. And Joseph was a bachelor, so what was the sin in that?).
    ellauri156.html on line 285: 7 It came about after these events that his master's wife looked with desire at Joseph, and she said, “Lie with me.” 8 But he refused and said to his master's wife, “Behold, with me here, my master does not concern himself with anything in the house, and he has put all that he owns in my charge. 9 “There is no one greater in this house than I, and he has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do this great evil and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:7-9).
    ellauri156.html on line 287: The report David is given concerning Bathsheba gives him all the information he needs, and more, if he is intent upon doing what is right. He knows Bathsheba is married and thus out of the question. He also knows Bathsheba is married to Uriah the Hittite. This is no nameless husband, someone David has never heard of before. David has to know Uriah, even if he does not know his wife. In 2 Samuel 23:39, “Uriah the Hittite” is named as one of David's mighty men, known for his bravery and courage as a soldier. If he does not know it, surely someone there among his servants would inform him.
    ellauri156.html on line 289: My fear is that David chose to ignore Uriah's military record and to fix his attention upon his racial origins. It is obvious and noteworthy that David refers to Uriah as “Uriah the Hittite,” while the author of Samuel refers to him only as “Uriah.” The expression, “Uriah the Hittite” is a term of derision, I believe, based solely upon the fact that he is of Hittite stock. Never mind that David has Moabite blood in his veins.
    ellauri156.html on line 293: Let us briefly review the place of the Hittites in Old Testament history. As early as Genesis 15:18-21, God promised Abram (Abraham) that his descendants would inherit the land of the Hittites (along with that of other peoples as well; see also Exodus 3:8, 17; 13:5; 23:23, 28, 32; 33:21; 34:11; Deuteronomy 7:1; Joshua 1:4; 3:10). Ephron, the man from whom Abraham bought a burial plot for his family, was a Hittite (see Genesis 23:10; 25:9; etc.). Jacob's brother Esau married several Hittite wives (Genesis 26:34-35; 36:2). The Israelites were commanded to utterly destroy the Hittites (Deuteronomy 20:17). The Hittites opposed Israel's entrance into the promised land (see Numbers 13:29; Joshua 9:1: 11;1-5), and the Israelites had some victories over them (Joshua 24;11). Nevertheless, they did not totally remove them and came to live among them (Judges 3:5). When David was fleeing from Saul, he learned that the king was camped nearby. He asked two of his men who would go with him to Saul's camp. One of the two, Abishai, volunteered to go with David, the other man did not. This man was Ahimelech, the Hittite (1 Samuel 26:6). (Eli siis mitä? Pitäskö tästä päätellä nyt jotakin heettien statuxesta vai? Oliko ne jotain neekereitä?)
    ellauri156.html on line 295: It is obvious that Uriah had forsaken his own people and their gods to live in Israel, marry an Israelite woman, and fight in David's army. He is no pagan, to be put to death. He is a proselyte. In spite of all this, I believe David looks down upon him. David has grown accustomed to having the finest of everything. His palace is the finest around. His furnishings, his food, his help, are all the finest. Now, he looks from his penthouse and sees a woman whom he regards as “fine.” How can a woman so “fine” belong to this Hittite? She is fit for a king. And this king intends to have her.
    ellauri156.html on line 297: And so David sends messengers to her, who take her and bring her to him. When she arrives, David sleeps with her, and when she is purified from her uncleanness,38 she returns to her house. That is that. (Mikä uncleanliness? Meneekö Bathsheba Joen Bideniin ja pesee Taavin runkut pois?) If she had not become pregnant, I have little doubt she would never have darkened the door of David's house again. David does not seek a wife in Bathsheba. He does not even seek an affair. He wants one night of sex with this woman, and then he will let Uriah have her. (Häh? Oliko Bathsheba niin huono hoito vai? Eikös sitä olis voinut toistamiseenkin rotkauttaa? Bathshebalta ei nähtävästi mitään kysytty missään vaiheessa. Eikun x-asentoon Taavin sängylle ja melaa mekkoon.)
    ellauri156.html on line 299: The sequence of events, so far as David is concerned, can be enumerated in this way: (1) David stays in Jerusalem; (2) David stays in bed; (3) David sees Bathsheba bathing herself as he walks on his roof; (4) David sends and inquires about this woman; (5) David learns her identity and that she is married to a military hero; (6) David sends messengers to take her and bring her to him; (7) David lays with her; (8) Bathsheba goes back to her home after she purifies herself. This same sequence can be seen in a number of other texts, none of which is commendable. Shechem “saw, took, and lay with” Dinah, the daughter of Jacob in Genesis 34:2. Judah “saw, took, and went in to” the Canaanite woman he made his wife in Genesis 38:2-3. Achan “saw, coveted, and took” the forbidden spoils of war in Joshua 7:21. Samson did virtually the same in Judges 14. Let us not forget that a similar sequence occurred at the first sin when Eve “saw, desired, and took” the forbidden fruit in Genesis 3. (Thanx a lot Bob for this compendium. This will certainly come handy later on, when looking for something fun to read.)
    ellauri156.html on line 301: It is clear from the words of our text that David sinned. It is clear from the actions of David which follow that he sinned. It is clear from the words of God through Nathan that David sinned in a grievous manner. The problem is that many wish to view the text in a way that forces Bathsheba to share David's guilt by assuming that she somehow seduced him. I would like to pursue this matter, because I believe there is absolutely no evidence to support such a conclusion. (Wow! That's a refreshing point of view! Like Ballsack's novel Comment la belle Fille de Portillon quinaulda son iuge.)
    ellauri156.html on line 317: 1 Then it happened in the spring, at the time when kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him and all Israel, and they destroyed the sons of Ammon and besieged Rabbah. But David stayed at Jerusalem (emphases mine).
    ellauri156.html on line 325: First, the root of David's sin is not low self-esteem; it is arrogance. (Since when is low self-esteem a sin? Well I bet it is for American believers. Think of Bill James' Will to Believe.) I am getting quite weary of hearing that the root of all evils is low self-esteem. I wonder why we see nothing of this in the Bible. David's problem is just the opposite. He has become puffed up and arrogant because of his success and status as Israel's king. He has come to see himself as different/better than the rest of the Israelites. They need to go to war; he does not. They need to sleep in the open field; he needs to get his rest in his own bed, in his palace. They can have a wife; he can have whatever woman he wants.
    ellauri156.html on line 327: Second, the nature of David's sin is the abuse of power. Power corrupts, we are told, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. David has come to power. In the previous chapters, David employed his God-given power to defeat the enemies of God and of Israel. He used his power as Israel's king to fill his pockets and void his cullions, and takes advantage of Dog's promise to Saul by restoring to Mephibosheth his family property and by making him a son at his table. Now, David, drunk with his power, uses it to indulge himself at the expense of others. I want you to notice the repetition of the word “send” or “sent” in this chapter. It is a king like David who can send all the men to war but stay home himself (verse 1). It is a king like David who can send people to inquire about Bathsheba, and then to send messengers to “take” her and bring her to his palace (verses 3-4). It is a king like David who can “send” for Uriah and “send” orders to Joab to have him killed. It is a king who "sends" his shlong into Bathsheba's holiest of the holy. David has the power, and he certainly knows how to use it, only now he is using that power for his own benefit, at the expense of others. This is not servant leadership.
    ellauri156.html on line 343: David's sin did not just suddenly appear in a moment of time. David set himself up for this fall. We know he disengaged himself from the battle, choosing instead a life of comfort and ease. You and I may make the same decision, though in a slightly different way. We may choose to ease up in our pursuit of becoming a disciple of our Lord, of the disciplined life which causes us to bring our bodies under our control (see 1 Corinthians 9:24-27).
    ellauri156.html on line 357: 7 But if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar and his word is not in us (1 John 1:7-9).
    ellauri156.html on line 359: 1 My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous; 2 and he himself is the propitiation (placation) for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world (1 John 2:1-2).
    ellauri156.html on line 361: 4 Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. 5 You know that he appeared in order to take away sins; and in him there is no sin. 6 No one who abides in him sins; no one who sins has seen him or knows him. 7 Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as he is righteous; 8 the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. (Don't believe Milton, he's got it all wrong.) the son of god appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. 9 No one who is born of god practices sin, because his seed (zihi) abides in him; and he cannot sin if he tried, because he is born of dog (1 John 3:4-9).
    ellauri156.html on line 398: (2) It seems unlikely that Uriah is ignorant of what David has done and of what he is trying to accomplish by calling him home to Jerusalem. Rumors must have been circulating around Jerusalem about David and Bathsheba, and could easily have reached the Israelite army which had besieged Rabbah. Uriah not only refuses to go to his house and sleep with his wife, he sleeps at the doorway of the king's house, in the midst of his servants. He has many witnesses to testify that any child borne by his wife during this time is not his child. It is clear that Uriah understands exactly what David wants him to do (to have sex with his wife), and that he refuses, even when the king virtually orders him to do so. One finds this difficult to explain if Uriah is ignorant of what happened between David and Bathsheba. At least Uriah knows what David is trying to get him to do on this stay in Jerusalem. The implications of all this we will explore later.
    ellauri156.html on line 402: It looks as though Bathsheba never enters David's mind after their encounter described in verses 1-4. It certainly does not seem that David wants to continue the relationship, to carry on an affair, or to marry her. David simply puts this sinful event out of his mind, until a messenger is sent by Bathsheba informing the king that his night of passion has produced a child. Bathsheba informs David that she is pregnant, not that she is afraid she might be. This means that she has missed at least one period and probably another. All in all, several weeks or more have passed. It will not be long before her pregnancy will become obvious to anyone who looks at her. This is David's sin and his responsibility, and so she informs him.
    ellauri156.html on line 404: David has two plans, Plan A, and failing that, Plan B. Here he is very like his master, the Dog, who also has very analogous two plans for his proteges: Plan A, take them to his fold if they obey him, and Plan B: throw them to the dogs (the bad hounds of the hell) if they don't.
    ellauri156.html on line 408: David's plan A is simple and, at least in his mind, foolproof. In short, David will entice Uriah to think and to act as he himself has done. David does not wish to endure the adversities of the war with Rabbah, and so he goes to Jerusalem, to his home, and to his bed. He does not wish to deny himself, so he takes the wife of another man and sleeps with her. David will give Uriah the same opportunity, except that it will be his own wife he will sleep with. Not as fun, one must admit. After Uriah has sexual relations with Bathsheba, all will conclude that he is the father of the child which has been conceived by David's sinful act. Only one thing is wrong with David's plan: he assumes Uriah is as spiritually apathetic as he, and that he will act to indulge himself, rather than act like a soldier at war and keep his sword in the sheath.
    ellauri156.html on line 410: David sends word to Joab, ordering him to send Uriah home to Jerusalem. I take it from the context that Uriah is sent to Jerusalem on the pretext that he is needed to report directly to David on the state of the war. I doubt David wants Uriah to know he has ordered Joab to send him. I am certain David does not want Uriah to know the real purpose of his journey to Jerusalem. David is orchestrating this homecoming to appear as though it serves one purpose, while it actually serves David's purpose of concealing his own sin. Even at this level, the order for Uriah to return home has a bad odor. You may remember that when David's father wanted to know how the battle with the Philistines was going (three of his sons were involved), he sent David, the youngest son, as an errand boy to take some supplies and return with word about the war (1 Samuel 17:17-19). One does not need to send a military hero as a messenger (nor is it good practice, the youngest son is more expendable.).
    ellauri156.html on line 412: I should also add that Joab is already being drawn into the conspiracy. Joab obeys David's command to send Uriah, and my guess is that Joab knows something is up. He may even have heard about David's liaison with Bathsheba. When he sends Uriah to Jerusalem, he has to give him some mission, some task to perform. Joab and Uriah may have sensed that this was no “mission impossible” (as you would give a mighty warrior), but that is a “mission incredible.” In any case, the web of deceit and deception is already being woven, and more people are being drawn into the conspiracy. Wow, this is prime material for a soap opera. Maybe there already is one, must check. OF COURSE there is:
    ellauri156.html on line 421: Frustrated, David orders Uriah to be placed on the battle's front and for the troops to withdraw leaving him to die. Uriah is reported dead and David sends a dispatch to tell Bathsheba so they can plan their marriage. Nathan Zuckermann the prophet advises David the people are dissatisfied with his leadership and desire his sons to rule. Nathan tells David he has forgotten that he is a servant of the Lord. David tries in vain to cheer up the old retard. David marries Bathsheba.
    ellauri156.html on line 425: David promises Bathsheba she will not die and is willing to accept God's justice for himself, knowing that he as the hero of the book is safe. Repentant, David, seeking relief from the drought and forgiveness reaches out to touch the Ark presuming that he will die of heat stroke (or was it a short?) like the soldier. A clap of thunder is heard and there are flashbacks to David's youth depicting his anointing by Samuel and his battle with Goliath. King David removes his hands from the Ark as rain falls on the dry land. Screenwriter Dunno said he "left it to the audience to decide if the blessed rain came as the result of divine intervention or simply of a low-pressure system moving in from the Mediterranean." Well it could be both, couldn't it?
    ellauri156.html on line 467: David goes through all the right motions with Uriah. He listens to his reports, and then he gives him the night off, some time to go to his house and “wash his feet.” David is not worried about this soldier's personal hygiene; he is worried about his own reputation. When one entered his house, he usually took off his shoes and washed his feet, in preparation for eating and for going to bed. David very delicately encourages this man to go home and go to bed with his wife. Uriah knows it; our author knows it; and we know it.
    ellauri156.html on line 475: On to plan B. David has his spies watching Uriah as though he is the enemy. (Well, he is a rival all right.) They know what David wants; he wants Uriah to go home and sleep with his wife. If they do not know all of the details of what David has done with Bathsheba (which is hard to believe) and what he intends to accomplish by Uriah's visit, they certainly know something out of the ordinary is taking place. One way or the other, David is making these servant-spies co-conspirators with him.
    ellauri156.html on line 479: He (David, not Dog this time) plays the role of a benevolent master. Uriah, his servant, has “come home from a journey” (verse 10). Is this not the time for him to concern himself with his needs and desires? Is this not the time to concern himself with his wife's needs? How insensitive of Uriah not to go home to be with his wife and to sleep with her. “Shame on you, Uriah!” Uriah has a lot of explaining to do, and so it seems has David.
    ellauri156.html on line 481: And explain he does; Uriah's words to his commander-in-chief are as stinging a rebuke as David receives from Nathan in the next chapter. Uriah clearly understands that what David once encouraged him to do (i.e. go to be with his wife) he is now strongly urging -- even commanding -- him to do. Uriah humbly but steadfastly refuses to do this:
    ellauri156.html on line 485: Uriah first points out to David that his terminology is inaccurate. David speaks of Uriah returning from a journey (verse 10). The truth is that Uriah has been called from the field of battle. He is not a traveling salesman, home from a road trip; he is a soldier, away from his post. In heart and soul, Uriah is still with his fellow-soldiers. He really wants to be back in the field of battle, and not in Jerusalem. He will return as soon as David releases him (see verse 12). Until that time, he will think and act like the soldier he is. As much as possible, he will live the way his fellow-soldiers are living on the field of battle. There, surrounding the city of Rabbah, are the Israelite soldiers, led by Joab. They, along with the ark of the Lord, are camping in tents in the open field. Uriah cannot, Uriah will not, live in luxury while they live sacrificially. He will not sleep with his wife until they can all sleep with her, not just Dave.
    ellauri156.html on line 489: To fully grasp the impact of Uriah's words, let us lick our fingers and turn back a few pages in Samuel's writings to recall David's own words, spoken to Ahimelech the priest, as they relate to this encounter with Uriah:
    ellauri156.html on line 491: 1 Then David came to Nob to Ahimelech the priest; and Ahimelech came trembling to meet David and said to him, “Why are you alone and no one with you?” 2 David said to Ahimelech the priest, “The king has commissioned me with a matter and has said to me, 'Let no one know anything about the matter on which I am sending you and with which I have commissioned you; and I have directed the young men to a certain place.' 3 “Now therefore, what do you have on hand? Give me five loaves of bread, or whatever can be found.” 4 The priest answered David and said, “There is no ordinary bread on hand, but there is consecrated bread; if only the young men have kept themselves from women.” 5 David answered the priest and said to him, “Surely women have been kept from us as previously when I set out and the vessels of the young men were holy, though it was an ordinary journey; how much more then today will their vessels be holy?” (1 Samuel 21:1-5). Pyhiä vesseleitä. Tarkoittaako se siemenjohtimia? Ilmeisesti, suomexi se on: palvelijoiden reput ovat olleet pyhät. Reppureissulaisia pyhäkouluretkellä pussit tyhjinä. Kassit jätetään ulkopuolelle.
    ellauri156.html on line 493: You may remember that when David first fled from Saul he went to Ahimelech the priest and asked for some provisions and a sword. The priest had nothing but the sacred bread, which he would allow David and his men to eat, if they had only “kept themselves from women” (verse 4). The priest assumes they may have conducted themselves otherwise. David's answer, and especially the tone of it, is very pertinent to our text. He confidently assured the priest that he and his men had kept themselves from women, almost incensed that the priest would think otherwise. And the reason David gives is that he and his men are on a mission for the king. The inference is that this is a military (or at least official) mission.
    ellauri156.html on line 495: Now here is a most amazing thing. David, years earlier, was adamant about the fact that those on a mission for the king should keep themselves from sexual intercourse. Now, years later, David is amazed that a man on a mission for the king is willing to abstain from sexual intercourse with his wife. Worse yet, David sets out to convince -- even to compel -- Uriah to go to do so, even though it will cause him to violate his conscience. This is not “causing a weaker brother to stumble;” this is cutting off a stronger brother's "leg" at the knob. Uriah is an example of the commitment expected of every soldier, and of David in particular -- at least the David of the past. Uriah is now acting like the David we knew from earlier days. Uriah is the “David” that David should be. But there is a crucial difference: now David is the king. This makes the case completely different.
    ellauri156.html on line 497: Uriah's words should have shocked David into a realization of the depth of his sin. The author uses these words in an ironically pivotal way. Uriah has just told David that he will not go to his own house, that he will not eat and drink and sleep with his wife.41 He has put this matter emphatically: “By your life, and the life of your soul, I will not do this thing” (verse 11). In the very next verses, David compels Uriah to “eat and drink” with him, with the hope that he will lie with his wife. And when Uriah swears by the life of the king that he will not do so, the king ends up taking Uriah's life. How ironic! How tragic! How hilarious!
    ellauri156.html on line 503: It must be with great apprehension that Uriah joins David for dinner this last night in Jerusalem. David begins to eat and to drink, and he will not take no for an answer when he offers food and drink to Uriah. Eventually, it works, for David makes sure that Uriah has enough alcohol in his system to make him drunk. And in this condition, David sends Uriah home to “sleep it off,” in his own bed, of course. Even drunk, Uriah will not violate his wife! Unheard of! Once again, Uriah spends the night at the doorway of David's house, along with his servants. He does not go to his own house, and thus he does not sleep with his wife. David is in deep shit.
    ellauri156.html on line 509: It must be an agonizing night for David, seeing that even drunk Uriah is a better man than he. But not a better pecker! And so in the morning, David acts. He writes a letter to Joab, which will serve as Uriah's death warrant. In this letter David clearly orders Joab to murder Uriah for him. He even tells him how to do so in a way that might conceal the truth of the matter. In so doing, David can honor Uriah as a war hero, and magnanimously take on the duty of being a husband to Uriah's wife, also taking care of the child she is soon to bear. Joab is to put Uriah on the front lines of battle, at the fiercest place of battle, no surprise for a man of his military skills and courage. Joab is to attack and then retreat in such a way as to make Uriah an easy target for the Ammonites, thus assuring his death. There is no mistaking David's orders to Uriah: he wants Uriah killed in a way which makes it look like a simple casualty of war. Joab complies completely with David's orders (why? Is Uriah a creep?), and Uriah is eliminated, no longer an obstacle to David's plans. In giving this order to Joab, David makes him a part of this conspiracy, making him share the guilt for the spilled blood of Uriah. David's sin continues to encompass more and more people, leading to greater and greater sin.
    ellauri156.html on line 513: 26 When Joab came out from David, he sent messengers after Abner, and they brought him back from the well of Sirah; but David did not know it. 27 So when Abner returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside into the middle of the gate to speak with him privately, and there he struck him in the belly so that he died on account of the blood of Asahel his brother. 28 Afterward when David heard it, he said, “I and my kingdom are innocent before the LORD forever of the blood of Abner the son of Ner. 29 “May it fall on the head of Joab and on all his father's house; and may there not fail from the house of Joab one who has a discharge, or who is a leper, or who takes hold of a distaff, or who falls by the sword, or who lacks bread.” 30 So Joab and Abishai his brother killed Abner because he had put their brother Asahel to death in the battle at Gibeon (2 Samuel 3:26-30).
    ellauri156.html on line 518: Abner is initially mentioned incidentally in Saul's history, first appearing as the son of Ner, Saul's uncle, and the commander of Saul's army. He then comes to the story again as the commander who introduced David to Saul following David's killing of Goliath. He is not mentioned in the account of the disastrous battle of Gilboa when Saul's power was crushed. Seizing the youngest but only surviving of Saul's sons, Ish-bosheth, also called Eshbaal, Abner set him up as king over Israel at Mahanaim, east of the Jordan. David, who was accepted as king by Judah alone, was meanwhile reigning at Hebron, and for some time war was carried on between the two parties.
    ellauri156.html on line 520: The only engagement between the rival factions which is told at length is noteworthy, inasmuch as it was preceded by an encounter at Gibeon between twelve chosen men from each side, in which the whole twenty-four seem to have perished. In the general engagement which followed, Abner was defeated and put to flight. He was closely pursued by Asahel, brother of Joab, who is said to have been "light of foot as a wild roe". As Asahel would not desist from the pursuit, though warned, Abner "was compelled" to slay him "in self-defence". This originated a deadly feud between the leaders of the opposite parties, for Joab, as next of kin to Asahel, was by the law and custom of the country the avenger of his blood.
    ellauri156.html on line 522: However, according to Josephus, in Antiquities, Book 7, Chapter 1, Joab had forgiven Abner for the death of his brother, Asahel, the reason being that Abner had slain Asahel honorably in combat after he had first warned Asahel and tried to knock the wind out of him with the butt of his "spear". However, probably by intervention of God, his obtuse tool went through Asahel. The Bible says everyone stopped and gawked. That shows that something like this never happened before. This battle was part of a civil war between David and Ish-bosheth, the son of Saul. After this battle Abner switched to the side of David and granted him control over the tribe of Benjamin. This act put Abner in David's favor.
    ellauri156.html on line 526: Abner was indignant at the rebuke, and immediately opened negotiations with David, who welcomed him on the condition that his wife Michal should be restored to him. This was done, and the proceedings were ratified by a feast where Rizpah and Michal were the lights of the party. Almost immediately after, however, Joab, who had been sent away, perhaps intentionally returned and slew Abner at the gate of Hebron. The ostensible motive for the assassination was a desire to avenge Asahel, and this would be a sufficient justification for the deed according to the extremely low moral standard of the time (although Abner should have been safe from such a revenge killing in Hebron, which was a City of Refuge). The conduct of David after the event was such as to show that he had no complicity in the act, though he could not venture to punish its perpetrators.
    ellauri156.html on line 528: David had Abner buried in Hebron, as it states in Samuel 3:31-32,[10] "And David said to all the people who were with him, 'Remove your clothes and gird yourselves with this sackcloth taking turns, and wail before me and Li'l Abner.' And King David went after the beer. And they buried Abner in Hebron, and the king raised his voice and wept on Abner's grave, and all the people wept."
    ellauri156.html on line 537: Abner was the son of the witch of En-dor in Mordor, (Pirḳe R. El. xxxiii.), and the hero par excellence in the Haggadah (Yalḳ., Jer. 285; Eccl. R. on ix. 11; Ḳid. 49b). Conscious of his extraordinary strength, he exclaimed: "If I could only catch hold of the earth, I could shake it" (Yalḳ. l.c.)—a saying which parallels the famous utterance of Archimedes, "Had I a fulcrum, I could move the world." (Dote moi pa bo kai tan gan kino.) According to the Midrash (Eccl. R. l.c.) it would have been easier to move a wall six yards thick than one of the feet of Abner, who could hold the Israelitish army between his knees, and often did. Yet when his time came [date missing], Joab smote him. But even in his dying hour, Abner seized his foe's balls like a ball of thread, threatening to crush them. Then the Israelites came and pleaded for Joab's jewels, saying: "If thou crushest them his future kids shall be orphaned, and our women and all our belongings will become a prey to the Philistines." Abner answered: "What can I do? He has extinguished my light" (has wounded me fatally). The Israelites replied: "Entrust thy cause to the true judge [God]." Then Abner released his hold upon Joab's balls and fell dead to the ground (Yalḳ. l.c.).
    ellauri156.html on line 539: His One Sin: The rabbis agree that Abner deserved this violent death, though opinions differ concerning the exact nature of the sin that entailed so dire a punishment on one who was, on the whole, considered a "righteous man" (Gen. R. lxxxii. 4). Some reproach him that he did not use his influence with Saul to prevent him from murdering the priests of Nob (Yer. Peah, i. 16a; Lev. R. xxvi. 2; Sanh. 20a)—convinced as he was of the innocence of the priests and of the propriety of their conduct toward David, Abner holding that as leader of the army David was privileged to avail himself of the Urine and Thumbeline (I Sam. xxii. 9-19). Instead of contenting himself with passive resistance to Saul's command to murder the priests (Yalḳ., Sam. 131), Abner ought to have tried to restrain the king by the balls. Others maintain that Abner did make such an attempt, but in vain (Saul had not enough to get a proper hold of), and that his one sin consisted in that he delayed the beginning of David's reign over Israel by fighting him after Saul's death for two years and a half (Sanh. l.c.). Others, again, while excusing him for this—in view of a tradition founded on Gen. xlix. 27, according to which there were to be two kings of the house of Benjamin—blame Abner for having prevented a reconciliation between Saul and David on the occasion when the latter, in holding on to the skirt of Saul's robe (I Sam. xxiv. 11), showed how unfounded was the king's mistrust of him, seeing Saul had no balls to speak of. Old Saul was inclined to be happy with a pacifier; but Abner, representing to him that the naked David might have found a piece of garment anywhere — even just a piece of sackcloth caught on a thorn — prevented the reconciliation (Yer. Peah, l.c., Lev. R. l.c., and elsewhere). Moreover, it was wrong of Abner to permit Israelitish youths to kill one another for sport (II Sam. ii. 14-16). No reproach, however, attaches to him for the death of Asahel, since Abner killed him in self-defense (Sanh. 49a).
    ellauri156.html on line 541: It is characteristic of the rabbinical view of the Bible narratives that Abner, the warrior pure and simple, is styled "Lion King of the Law" (Yer. Peah, l.c.), and that even a specimen is given of a halakic discussion between him and Dog as to whether the law in Deut. xxiii. 3 excluded Ammonite and Moabite women from the Jewish community as well as men. Dog was of the opinion that David, being descended from the Moabitess Ruth, was not fit to wear the crown, nor even to be considered a true Israelite; while Abner maintained that the law affected only the male line of descent. When Dog's dialectics proved more than a match for those of Abner, the latter went to the prophet Samuel, who not only supported Abner in his view, but utterly refuted Dog's assertions (Midr. Sam. xxii.; Yeb. 76b et seq.).
    ellauri156.html on line 550: Earlier in this series: David condemned Joab and put him under a curse because he shed the innocent blood of Abner. Now, this same David (well, not really the same David) now uses Joab to kill Uriah and get him out of his way. David's enemy (Joab) has become his friend, or at least his ally. David's enemies (the Ammonites) have become his allies (they fire the fatal shots which kill Uriah). And David's faithful servant Uriah has been put to death as though he were the enemy. Not only is Uriah put to death, but a number of other Israelite warriors die with him. They have to be sacrificed to conceal the murder of Uriah. Uriah's death has to be viewed as one of a group of men, rather than merely one man. Without a doubt, this is the moral and spiritual low-water mark of David's life.
    ellauri156.html on line 554: Mission accomplished: Uriah is dead. Joab has carried out David's instructions to the letter. Now Joab must send word to David, in a way that does not completely disclose this conspiracy. Joab calls for a messenger to go to David. He gives very exacting instructions to him. He is first to give a full and complete report of the events of the war, including the ill-fated attack on the city, and the slaughter of Uriah and those with him. Why is how the messenger reports this incident so important?
    ellauri156.html on line 556: The answer is quite simple, as is evident by Joab's own concerns. The entire mission is a fiasco. The Israelites have besieged the city of Rabbah. This means they surround the city, giving the people no way in or out of the city. All the Israelites have to do is wait them out and starve them out. There is no need for any attack. The mission is a suicide mission from the outset, and it does not take a genius to see it for what it is. Joab has to assemble a group of mighty men, like Uriah, and including Uriah, to wage an attack on the city. This attack is not at the enemy's weakest point, as we would expect, but at the strongest point. This attack provokes a counter-attack by the Ammonites against Uriah and those with him. When the Israelite army draws back from their own men, they leave them defenseless, and the obvious result is a slaughter. How can one possibly report this fiasco in a way that doesn’t make Joab look like a fool (at best), or a murderer (at worst)?
    ellauri156.html on line 560: And so in verses 22-25 we are given an account of the messenger's arrival, of his report to David, and of David's response. I must point out that the messenger does not do as he is told, at least the way I read the account. The messenger goes to David and tells the king how the Ammonites prevailed against them as they left the city and pursued the Israelites into the open field. The Israelites then pursued the Ammonites, pushing them back toward the city as far as the city gate. It was here that Uriah and those with him were fighting. It was here that they were within range of the archers, who shot at them and killed a number of servants. And quickly the servant adds, “and your servant Uriah the Hittite is also dead” (verse 14).
    ellauri156.html on line 562: Now why does this messenger not wait for David to respond in anger, as Joab instructed? Why does he inform David that Uriah has been killed, before he even utters a word of criticism or protest? I believe the messenger gives the report in this way because he understands what is really going on here. I think he may know about David and Bathsheba, and perhaps even of her pregnancy. He certainly knows that Uriah was summoned to Jerusalem. I think he also figures out that David wants to get rid of Uriah, and that Joab has accomplished this by this miserable excuse for an offensive against the enemy. I think the messenger figures out that if David knows Uriah has been killed, he will not raise any objections to this needless slaughter. And so, rather than wait for David to hypocritically rant and rave about the stupidity of such a move, he just goes on and tells him first, so that he will not receive any reaction from David.
    ellauri156.html on line 566: Then David said to the messenger, “Thus you shall say to Joab, 'Do not let this thing displease you, for the sword devours one as well as another; make your battle against the city stronger and overthrow it'; and so encourage him” (2 Samuel 11:25).
    ellauri156.html on line 572: 11 Now these things happened to them as an example were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. 12 Therefore let him who thinks he stands mind the gap (1 Corinthians 10:11-12).
    ellauri156.html on line 578: Fourth, "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" Sin snowballs. Sin has not got a snowball's chance in hell. Sin is not stagnant; it is not static. Sin grows. Look at the progression of sin in our text. David's sin starts when he ceases to act like a soldier and (what is way worse) becomes a late sleeper. David's sin grows from staying up late to adultery to murder. His sin begins very privately, but as the story progresses, more and more people become aware of it, and worse yet, more and more people become participants in it. His sin first acted out by his taking another man's wife, and then taking another man's life, and along with his life, his wife, plus the lives of a number of men who must die with him to make his death credible. David's sin blossoms so that it transforms a true and loyal friend (Uriah) to his enemy, and his enemies (the Ammonites, and his other rival Joab) into his allies.
    ellauri156.html on line 586: Man (and exceptionally, woman) has been seeking to cover up his sins ever since the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve thought they could cover their sins by hiding their nakedness behind the fig leaves (hardly large enough for Adam's snake), and if not this, by hiding themselves from God behind Eve's bush. But God "lovingly" sought them out, not only to rebuke them and to pronounce some select curses upon them, but to give them a lame promise of forgiveness when the flagpoles start to bloom. It was God who provided a covering for their sins, in the form of snappy sackcloth jeans. The sacrificial death, burial, resurrection, and feasting on rumpsteaks cut from our Lord Jesus Christ's butt is God's provision for covering our sins. Have you experienced it, my friend? If not, why not confess your sin now and receive God's gift of forgiveness from him in person (in pirsuna pirsunalmente), and work henceforward with Jesus Christ in the cross factory of Cavalry? How 'bout that? A. Yokum, frost-bite travelers re-skewered reasonable. Ask for rates!
    ellauri156.html on line 588: Sixth, our text makes Uriah a hero and a dress model, not a chump and not a sucker. There are those who might conclude that Uriah's elevator may not “go to the top floor” (as my neighbor used to say of those she considered less than bright). Is Uriah gullible? Is he ignorant of what David is trying to do? Is he a coon? A spook? I don't think so. This is what makes his loyalty to David and to God's Law so striking. I think it is safe to say that here Uriah is very much like David in his earlier days, in terms of his response to Saul. As Saul sought to kill David unjustly, because he was jealous of his successes, so also David submitted himself to faithfully serving Saul, his master. He left his safety and future in God's hands, and God did not fail him. Who? Not Uriah, apparently.
    ellauri156.html on line 611: Stupid question, everyman has not got Dog's triceps, so how could he deliver Daniel, even if he wanted to? Well, he might have delivered Daniel to the lions, had he been all present and correct at the occasion. In the Old Testament, as in the New, God sometimes delivers His people from the hands of wicked men, but often He does not, or delivers them TO the wicked men. Their “deliverance” comes much later with the coming of the other Messiah, Lord Jesus Christ. Uriah, like all of the Old Testament saints of old, died without receiving his full reward, and that is because God wanted him to wait. Uriah, like many of the Old Testament saints, was not delivered from the hands of the wicked. This is pointed out by the author of Hebrews:
    ellauri156.html on line 615: Uriah should not be criticized or looked down upon for his loyalty and submission to David. He should be highly commended. In fact, a friend suggested a new thought for my consideration: “Suppose that Uriah was added to the list of war heroes because of his loyalty and courage in this battle which cost him his life? It is a possibility to consider. Uriah is one of those Gentile converts whose faith and obedience puts many Israelites to shame. He is among many of those who have trusted and obeyed God who have not received their just rewards in this life, but who will be rewarded in the coming kingdom of God. Too many Christians today want their blessings “now” and are not willing to suffer, waiting for their reward then. Let them think carefully about the example of Uriah for their own lives. His elevator may have not gone all the way to the top floor, but by Gawd, he will reach it when Jacob lets down the ladder!
    ellauri156.html on line 618: 39 We know that while David was at the cave of Adullam, his brothers and all his father’s household, along with others in distress, came to David there, fearing the wrath of Saul (1 Samuel 22:1-2). Joab, Abishai, and Asahel were all the sons of Zeruiah, the sister of David (1 Chronicles 2:16). I infer from this that these three men joined David at the time his family joined him.
    ellauri156.html on line 619: 40 Note here that there was a three-day feast of David and the men who joined with him. This was certainly a time to get to know these men.
    ellauri156.html on line 627: In addition to the hundreds of sheep in a nearby pasture, there was a small lamb in a pen, very close to the house. It was a frisky, friendly little fellow, and we loved to "play" with it. We were somewhat perplexed as to why this fellow was kept by himself, away from the rest of the flock. The farmer's nephew came by, and I asked him. It took a while to understand his strong accent, but finally I realized he was telling me this was his “pet lamb.” The problem was that he said it as though it were one word, “bedlam.” This was obviously a separate category, distinct from the category of mere “sheep” or a “lamb.” This “pet lamb” was given a special pen, right by the house, and a lot more attention and care than the rest. I did not dare to ask the man where his "penis".
    ellauri156.html on line 637: It all seems to be over. David is not looking for another wife; he is not even looking for an affair. He is looking for a conquest. That should have happened on the battlefield, not in the bedroom! Things take a very different turn when Bathsheba sends word to David that she is pregnant. David first seeks to cover up his sin by ordering Joab to send Uriah home on furlough, ostensibly to give David a report on the war. David's efforts to get Uriah into bed with Bathsheba begin as subtle hints, then change to veiled orders, and then turn crass as David seeks to get Uriah to do drunk what he will not do sober. When these efforts fail (due to Uriah's noble character), David sends Uriah back to Joab, with written orders to Joab to put him to death in a way that makes it seem like a casualty of war. Joab does as he is told and sends word to David: “Mission accomplished.” It is here that our apparently never-ending story resumes.
    ellauri156.html on line 641: Bathsheba's response to the death of her husband is as we would expect, as we would also hope. From what the text tells us, she has absolutely no part in David's plot to deceive her husband, let alone to put him to death. Undoubtedly, she learns of Uriah's death in much the same way every war widow does, then or now. When she is officially informed of Uriah's death in battle, she mourns for her husband. We cannot be certain just how long this period of mourning is. We know, for example, that if a virgin of some distant (i.e., not Canaanite) nation was captured by an Israelite during a raid on her town, the Israelite could take her for a wife after she had mourned for her parents (who would have been killed in the raid) for a full month (Deuteronomy 21:10-13). As I will seek to show in a moment, I believe Bathsheba's mourning is genuine, and not hypocritical. I believe she mourns her husband's death because she loves him.
    ellauri156.html on line 645: When Bathsheba's mourning is complete, David sends for her and brings her to himself as his wife. Wait, was little David born as yet, or did he start fucking her with her belly full? I do not see him bending down on his knees, proposing. I do not see him courting her, sending her roses. I see him “taking” her once again. And again. In fact, this is my favourite part. The question in my mind is, “Why?” Why does David take Bathsheba into his house as one of his wives? I do not think he is any longer trying to “cover up” his sin; it is far too late for that. She must be “showing” her pregnancy by now, and it is hard to imagine how all Israel cannot know what has been going on. It appears that at this point, David is not trying to conceal his sin, but to legitimize it. Whatever David's reasons may be, they are hardly spiritual, and they are most certainly self-serving.
    ellauri156.html on line 647: Nathan has a response to the death of Uriah too, which is taken up in the first part of chapter 12. But let us save that until after drawing your attention to something which has been going on in David's life that we have not seen from our text, and which the author of Samuel has not recorded. But David himself discloses this to us in one of his psalms, written in reflection of this incident in our text.
    ellauri156.html on line 658: Psalm 32 is one of two psalms (the other is Psalm 51) in which David himself reflects on his sin, his repentance, and his recovery. Verses 3 and 4 of Psalm 32 are the focus of my attention at this point in time. These verses fit between chapters 11 and 12 of 2 Samuel. The confrontation of David by Nathan Zuckermann the prophet, described in 2 Samuel 12, results in David's repentance and confession. But this repentance is not just the fruit of Nathan's rebuke; it is also David's response to the work God has been doing in David's heart before he confesses, while he is still attempting to conceal his sin.
    ellauri156.html on line 660: In these verses, David makes it clear that God is at work even when it does not appear to be so. During the time David tries to cover up his sin, God is at work exposing it in his heart. These are not times of pleasure and joy, as Satan would like us to conclude; they are days of misery. David is plagued with guilt. He cannot sleep, and it seems he cannot eat. Worst of all, he cannot fuck. He is not sleeping nights, and he is losing weight. Whether or not David recognizes it as God who is at work in him, he does know he is miserable. It is this misery which tenderizes David, preparing him for the rebuke Nathan Zuckermann is to bring, preparing him for repentance. David's repentance is not the result of David's assessment of his situation; it is the result of divine intervention. Hey wait? If that is the case, where is the much-advertised free will? He has gone so far in sin that he cannot think straight. God is at work in David's life to break him, so that he will once again cast himself upon God for grace. He has good experience in casting himself upon folk, from Saul thru Jonathan to Bathsheba.
    ellauri156.html on line 679: Second, note that Nathan is sent to David. Twelve times in the last chapter the word “sent” is employed by the author. A number of these instances refer to David “sending” someone or “sending” for someone. David is a man of power and authority, and so he can “send out” for whatever he wants, including the death of Uriah. Now, it is God who does the “sending.” Herra se on herrallakin. Is David impressed with his power and authority? Has he gotten used to “sending” people to do his work for him (like sending Joab and all Israel to fight the Ammonites)? Let David take note that God is sending Nathan. He is a godsend to Dave.
    ellauri156.html on line 683: Fourth, Nathan's story is a “sheep story,” one that a shepherd can easily grasp and with which he can readily identify. David was a shepherd boy in his younger days, as we know from the Book(s) of Samuel (see 1 Samuel 16:11; 17:15, 28). I wonder if in those lonely days and nights David does not make a “petlamb” of one or more of his sheep? You bet. Some comfort for his lonely nights. Did this sheep eat of his food and drink from his cup? Did this sheep give him a blowjob? Possibly so.
    ellauri156.html on line 687: Why a story? Why not just let David have it head-on, with both barrels, like David did with Bathsheba? Many will point out that this is a skillfully employed tactic, which gets David to pronounce judgment on the crime before he realizes that he is the criminal. I think this is true. David is angry at this “rich man's” lack of compassion. If he could, he would have this fellow put to death (!). But as it is, justice requires a four-fold restitution. But having already committed himself in principle, Nathan can now apply the principle to David, in particular.
    ellauri156.html on line 691: The lawyer knew he was in trouble and tried to dig himself out (bad choice). He (like many lawyers then and now) thought he could get himself off the hook by arguing in terms of technicalities. And so he had a follow-up question for Jesus: “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus did not debate this man on his own terms. He was not willing to get into a word study in the original text. Instead, Jesus told a simple story, the story of the Good Samaritan.
    ellauri156.html on line 695: 33»Mutta sitten tuli samaa tietä muuan ulkomaalaistaustainen samarialainen. Kun hän saapui paikalle ja näki miehen, hänen tuli tätä sääli. 34Hän meni miehen luo, valeli tämän haavoihin öljyä ja viiniä ja sitoi ne. Sitten hän nosti miehen juhtansa selkään, vei hänet majataloon ja piti hänestä huolta. 35Seuraavana aamuna hän otti kukkarostaan kaksi denaaria, antoi ne majatalon isännälle ja sanoi: ’Hoida häntä. Jos sinulle koituu enemmän kuluja, minä korvaan ne, kun tulen takaisin.’ 36Kuka näistä kolmesta sinun mielestäsi oli ryöstetyn miehen lähimmäinen?»
    ellauri156.html on line 707: The rich man had a guest drop in for a visit, and as the host he was obliged to provide him with a meal. After giving the matter considerable thought, the rich man decided upon lamb, and yet he was not willing to sacrifice one lamb from all those he owned. Instead, he took the poor man's lamb, slaughtered and served it to his guest, so as not to suffer any losses personally. He not only let (i.e., forced) the poor man to pick up the tab for the meal, he deprived this man of his only lamb, and one that was like a member of the family.
    ellauri156.html on line 728: David has just sprung the trap on himself, and Nathan is about to let him know about it. The first thing Nathan does is to dramatically indict David as the culprit: “You are the man!” In stunned silence, David now listens to the charges against him. David thinks only in terms of the evils the rich man committed against his neighbor, stealing a man's sheep and depriving him of his companion. Put another way, David thinks only in terms of crime and socially unacceptable behavior, not in terms of sin. In verses 7-12, Nathan draws David's attention to his sin against God and the consequences God has pronounced for his sin. Note the repetition of the pronoun “I” in verses 7 and 8: “It was I who. . .
    ellauri156.html on line 734: God speaks to David as though he has forgotten these things, or rather as though he has come to take credit for them himself. Everything David possesses has been given to him by God. Has it been so long since David was a lowly shepherd boy that he has forgotten? David is a “rich” man because God has made him rich. And if he does not think he is rich enough, God will give more to him. David has begun to cling to his “riches,” rather than to cling to the God who made him rich.
    ellauri156.html on line 740: Nathan tells David the story of a rich man and a poor man. God tells David through Nathan that all that he possesses (his riches) it is he, the boss, who has given them to him. God is like the rich man, and David the poor one with just the one. David's problem is that his possessions have come to own him. He is so stingy he won't even give his petlamb to Mr. Rich. He is so “possessed” with his lamb that he is unwilling to spend it when his boss has a party. He wants “more” and “more,” and so he begins to take what isn’t his to take, rather than to ask the divine Giver for all he has and more.
    ellauri156.html on line 744: First and foremost, David's sin is against God. He has ceased to humbly acknowledge God as the Giver of all he possesses. He has ceased to look to God to provide him with all his needs -- and his desires. David has not only ceased to ask God to supply his needs, he has disobeyed God's commands by committing adultery and murder. David's sin against God manifests itself by the evils he commits against others. Nathan outlines these, employing a repetitive “you:”
    ellauri156.html on line 753: have killed him with the sword of the sons of Ammon.
    ellauri156.html on line 786: 101 Veljet, haluan teidän tietävän, että isämme vaelsivat kaikki pilven johdattamina ja kulkivat meren poikki. 2 Kaikki he saivat pilvessä ja meressä kasteen Mooseksen seuraajiksi. 3 Kaikki he söivät samaa hengellistä roskaruokaa 4 ja joivat samaa hengellistä sihijuomaa. Hehän joivat siitä hengellisestä kalliosta, jota Mooses kuljetti heidän mukanaan painavassa arkissa; tämä kallio oli Pietari, korjaan Kristus. 5 Mutta useimmat heistä Jumala hylkäsi, kohtasihan heidät tuho autiomaassa. 6 Näin heistä tuli meille varoittavia esimerkkejä: meidän ei pidä himoita pahaa, niin kuin he tekivät. 7
    ellauri156.html on line 798: Because David did what was right in the sight of the LORD, and had not turned aside from anything that He commanded him all the days of his life, except in the case of Uriah the Hittite, and, well, in a minor way, stalking Bathsheba while she was washing herself and then fucking her without leave (1 Kings 15:5, emphasis mine).nn
    ellauri156.html on line 812: That is precisely what the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ does for us. We were dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1-3). We were blinded to the immensity of our sins (2 Corinthians 4:4). The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, His perfect life, His innocent and sacrificial death, His literal and physical resurrection are all historical events. But the gospel is also a story, a true story. When we read the New Testament Gospels, we read a story that is even more dramatic, more amazing, more disturbing than the story Nathan told David. When we see the way unbelieving men treated our Lord, we should be shocked, horrified, and angered. We should cry out, “They deserve to die!” And that they do. But the Gospel is not written only to show us their sins -- those who actually heard Jesus and cried, “Crucify Him, Crucify Him” -- it is written so that the Spirit of God can cry out in our hearts, “Thou art the man! Yo mon!” When we see the way men treated Jesus, we see the way we would treat him, if he were here. We see how we treat him today. With laughter and ridicule. And that, my friend, reveals the immensity of our sin, and the immensity of our need for repentance and forgiveness. Words, words, words. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
    ellauri158.html on line 368: Tuumaustavat, kuten rakkaus, himo tai millä niitä nyt nimitetänkin kutakin, eivät tapahdu ellei päässä ole jotain ideaa rakastetusta, halutusta jne. Voi kyllä ideoida muuten vaankin.
    ellauri158.html on line 688: All such opinions spring from the notion commonly entertained, that all things in nature act as men themselves act, namely, with an end in view. It is accepted as certain, that God himself directs all things to a definite goal (for it is said that God made all things for man, and man that he might worship him). I will, therefore, consider this opinion, asking first, why it obtains general credence, and why all men are naturally so prone to adopt it? secondly, I will point out its falsity; and, lastly, I will show how it has given rise to prejudices about good and bad, right and wrong, praise and blame, order and confusion, beauty and ugliness, and the like.
    ellauri158.html on line 692: All men are born ignorant of the causes of things, that all have the desire to seek for what is useful to them, and that they are conscious of such desire. Herefrom it follows, first, that men think themselves free inasmuch as they are conscious of their volitions and desires, and never even dream, in their ignorance, of the causes which have disposed them so to wish and desire. Secondly, that men do all things for an end, namely, for that which is useful to them, and which they seek. Thus it comes to pass that they only look for a knowledge of the final causes of events, and when these are learned, they are content, as having no cause for further doubt. If they cannot learn such causes from external sources, they are compelled to turn to considering themselves, and reflecting what end would have induced them personally to bring about the given event, and thus they necessarily judge other natures by their own. Further, as they find in themselves and outside themselves many means which assist them not a little in the search for what is useful, for instance, eyes for seeing, teeth for chewing, herbs and animals for yielding food, the sun for giving light, the sea for breeding fish, &c., they come to look on the whole of nature as a means for obtaining such conveniences. Now as they are aware, that they found these conveniences and did not make them, they think they have cause for believing, that some other being has made them for their use. As they look upon things as means, they cannot believe them to be self—created; but, judging from the means which they are accustomed to prepare for themselves, they are bound to believe in some ruler or rulers of the universe endowed with human freedom, who have arranged and adapted everything for human use. They are bound to estimate the nature of such rulers (having no information on the subject) in accordance with their own nature, and therefore they assert that the gods ordained everything for the use of man, in order to bind man to themselves and obtain from him the highest honor.
    ellauri158.html on line 694: Hence also it follows, that everyone thought out for himself, according to his abilities, a different way of worshipping God, so that God might love him more than his fellows, and direct the whole course of nature for the satisfaction of his blind cupidity and insatiable avarice. Thus the prejudice developed into superstition, and took deep root in the human mind; and for this reason everyone strove most zealously to understand and explain the final causes of things; but in their endeavor to show that nature does nothing in vain, i.e. nothing which is useless to man, they only seem to have demonstrated that nature, the gods, and men are all mad together. Consider, I pray you, the result: among the many helps of nature they were bound to find some hindrances, such as storms, earthquakes, diseases, &c.: so they declared that such things happen, because the gods are angry at some wrong done to them by men, or at some fault committed in their worship. Experience day by day protested and showed by infinite examples, that good and evil fortunes fall to the lot of pious and impious alike; still they would not abandon their inveterate prejudice, for it was more easy for them to class such contradictions among other unknown things of whose use they were ignorant, and thus to retain their actual and innate condition of ignorance, than to destroy the whole fabric of their reasoning and start afresh. They therefore laid down as an axiom, that God´s judgments far transcend human understanding. Such a doctrine might well have sufficed to conceal the truth from the human race for all eternity, if mathematics had not furnished another standard of verity in considering solely the essence and properties of figures without regard to their final causes. There are other reasons (which I need not mention here) besides mathematics, which might have caused men´s minds to be directed to these general prejudices, and have led them to the knowledge of the truth.
    ellauri159.html on line 468: Kristinuskon mukaan on kahdentyylisiä paheita. Toiset ovat peräisin ihmisten ruumiillisesta rakenteesta, kuten kieroutuneet aistit (himo) ja toiset epäjumalien palvonnasta. Ensin mainitut ovat vähemmän merkittäviä kuin jälkimmäiset, vaikkakin syntisiä. Hengellisiä paheita ovat muun muassa jumalanpilkka (uskon kanssa pelleily), epätoivo (toivon kanssa pelleily), uskosta luopuminen, hurskauden käyttämättömyys ja välinpitämättömyys.
    ellauri159.html on line 470: Keskiajan katolisen kirkon teologiassa ns. seitsemän kuolemansyntiä olivat seitsemän kristillisen hyveen vastakohtia. (Miten niin? Kato alla olevaa taulukkoa, ei se nyt ole mitenkään ilmeistä. Onx esimerkixi toivo ja kateus vastakohtia? Ehkä tällä tavalla: älä kadehdi naapuria vaan pane toivosi kuonpuoliseen, siellä puntit tasataan! Silti vittu, monet noista näyttää tosi oudoilta.) Näitä paheita olivat ylpeys, kateus, ahneus, viha, mässäily, himo ja valheellisuus. Seitsemän kuolemansyntiä ovat usein olleet kiinnostava aihe myös taiteessa, erityisesti kirjallisuudessa ja elokuvissa. Paizi hei, toisessa listassa on valheellisuuden kohdalla laiskuus?
    ellauri159.html on line 472: Seitsemän kuolemansyntiä ovat varhaisessa kristillisessä opetuksessa käytetyssä paheiden luokituksessa pääpaheita, joista muut synnit seuraavat. Seitsemän kuolemansyntiä ovat Danten Jumalaisen näytelmän mukaan lajiteltuna pahimmasta laskevassa järjestyksessä näin (suluissa vertailun vuoxi kristilliset hyveet alempaa).
    ellauri159.html on line 575:
    A knight in shining armor holds him- or herself to the highest standard of behavior, and knows that “fudging” on the little rules weakens the fabric of society for everyone.
    ellauri159.html on line 590:
    More than just a safety net in times of tragedy, hope is present every day in a modern knight’s positive outlook and cheerful demeanor — the shining armor that shields him or her, and inspires people all around.
    ellauri159.html on line 602: And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists (fair enough) and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
    ellauri159.html on line 729: Being a mentor to someone means providing her (or him) with wise and influential counseling when she is open to receiving it (or he). Unlike parenting, which is more direct, mentoring is an exchange of ideas and questions and squeezes and hugs (rather than fluids).
    ellauri159.html on line 748: While the prevailing view among anthropologists was long that hunter/gatherer tribes were very peaceful — bucolic, noble savages — many modern researchers like Wrangham, Napoleon Chagnon, and Steven Pinker convincingly argue that just the opposite is true. Amongst premodern peoples who lived in proximity to neighboring tribes, there is strong evidence that conflict was in fact continual and quite bloody. Primitive human males literally aped their ancestors — forming small gangs, competing for status, and fiercely maintaining boundaries. In the few tribes that did allow women to take part in raiding parties, just like as with the chimpanzees, typically only one or two childless women would choose to come along.
    ellauri159.html on line 753: Second, males’ greater amounts of testosterone make them well-suited for the warrior role for a couple of reasons. First, testosterone is linked with a greater desire to compete and take risks. Studies show that when a man “wins” in a contest, he is hit with a boost of dopamine and a surge of testosterone that makes him want to keep on competing. So while testosterone doesn’t directly make men more aggressive (that’s a myth — it’s more complicated than that), it does fuel a drive to keep pushing when someone else is pushing back.
    ellauri159.html on line 768: You won’t want the men in your gang to be reckless, but you’ll need them to be courageous when it matters. A man who runs when the group needs him to fight could put all of your lives in jeopardy.
    ellauri159.html on line 785: The key to upholding honor in a male gang is to always try to pull your own weight – to seek to be a boon rather than a burden to the group. If a man lacks in physical strength, he might make up for it in the area of mastery – being the group’s best tracker, weapons-maker, or trap inventor; one crafty engineer can be worth more than many strong men. If a man lacks in both physical strength and mastery, he might still endear himself to the other men with a sense of humor, a knack for storytelling, or a talent in music that keeps everyone’s spirits up. Or he might act as a shaman or priest – performing rituals that prepare men for battle and cleanse and comfort them when they return from the front. The strong men of the group will usually take care of the weak ones who at least try to do whatever they can. Shame is reserved for those who will not, or cannot excel in the tactical virtues, but don’t try to contribute in some other way, and instead cultivate bitterness and disregard for the perimeter-keepers who ironically provide the opportunity to sit on one’s hands and carp. (Aki Manninen would love this.)
    ellauri159.html on line 989: Note: I referenced the type descriptions at the Center for Applications of Psychological Type. Author types are based on research and educated guesses. No one can type a person with 100% accuracy except a professional or the person him/herself. If even they.
    ellauri159.html on line 1269: If it hadn´t been for him I would have died of boredom. We know that we have said it,
    ellauri159.html on line 1343: He was born in Amsterdam, New York. His father, John Blood, was a prosperous landowner. Blood was known as an intelligent man but an unfocused one. He described himself:
    ellauri159.html on line 1380: Ihmekös tuo että James smelled Blood tästä hepusta, ja voimakkaasti uskomaan tahtova Singer piti Jamesista, plus spiritualismista. Jamexen ozikoista näkee jo eze on paha pyllypää. Kunhan jaxan, boldaan tästä pahimmat ällösanat/typeryydet.
    ellauri160.html on line 124: Pound was born in 1885 in a two-story cupboard house in Hailey, Idaho Territory, the only child of Homer Loomis Pound (1858–1942) and Isabel Weston (1860–1948), who married in 1884. Homer had worked in Hailey since 1883 as registrar of the General Land Office. Pound's grandfather, Thaddeus Coleman Pound, a Republican Congressman and the 10th Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin, had secured him the appointment. Homer had previously worked for Thaddeus in the lumber business.
    ellauri160.html on line 130: In 1897, aged 12, he transferred to Cheltenham Military Academy (CMA), where he wore an American Civil War-style uniform and was taught drilling and how to shoot. The following year he made his first trip overseas, a three-month tour with his mother and Aunt Frank, who took him to England, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, and Morocco. He attended CMA until 1900, at times as a boarder, but it seems he did not graduate.
    ellauri160.html on line 132: In 1901 Pound was admitted, aged 15, to the University of Pennsylvania's College of Liberal Arts. Years later he said his aim was to avoid drill at the military academy. His one distinction in first year was in geometry, but otherwise his grades were mostly poor, including in Latin, his major; he achieved a B in English composition and a pass in English literature. In his second year he switched from the degree course to "non-degree special student status", he said "to avoid irrelevant subjects". He was not elected to a fraternity at Penn, but it seemed not to bother him.
    ellauri160.html on line 134: He took courses in English in 1907, where he fell out with just about everyone, including the department head, Felix Schelling, with silly remarks during lectures and by winding an enormous tin watch very slowly while Schelling spoke. In the spring of 1907 he learned that his fellowship would not be renewed. Schelling told him he was wasting everyone's time, and he left without finishing his doctorate.
    ellauri160.html on line 136: From September 1907 Pound taught French and Spanish at Wabash College, a Presbyterian college with 345 students in Crawfordsville, Indiana, which he called "the sixth circle of hell". Se oli Ezran Kouvola. One former student remembered him as a breath of fresh air; another said he was "exhibitionist, egotistic, self-centered and self-indulgent".
    ellauri160.html on line 149: London found Pound amusing. The newspapers interviewed him, and he was mentioned in Punch magazine, which on 23 June 1909 described "Mr. Ezekiel Ton" as "the most remarkable thing in poetry since Robert Browning ... blending the imagery of the unfettered West, the vocabulary of Wardour Street, and the sinister abandon of Borgiac Italy". The phrase "Wardour Street English" denotes the use of near-obsolete words for effect, such as anent; this derives from the once great number of antique shops in the area. anent means about, concerning. Did you know?
    ellauri160.html on line 176: H.D. and Aldington were moving away from Pound's understanding of Imagisme anyway, as he aligned himself with Lewis's ideas. Lowell agreed to finance an annual anthology of Imagiste poets, but she insisted on democracy; according to Aldington, she "proposed a Boston Tea Party for Ezra" and an end to his despotic rule. Upset at Lowell, Pound began to call Imagisme "Amygism"; he declared the movement dead and asked the group not to call themselves Imagistes. Not accepting that it was Pound's invention, they refused and Anglicized the term.
    ellauri160.html on line 180: This was the first of three winters Pound and Yeats spent at Stone Cottage, including two with Dorothy after she and Ezra married in 1914. "Canto LXXXIII" records a visit: "so that I recalled the noise in the chimney / as it were the wind in the chimney / but was in reality Uncle William / downstairs composing / that had made a great Peeeeacock / in the proide ov his oiye."
    ellauri160.html on line 182: Samuel Putnam knew Pound in Paris in the 1920s and described him as stubborn, contrary, cantankerous, bossy, touchy, and "devoid of humor"; he was "an American small-towner", in Putnam's view. His attitude caused him trouble in both London and Paris. English women, with their "preponderantly derivative" minds, were inferior to American women who had minds of their own, he wrote in the New Age. The English sense of what was right was based on respect for property, not morality. "Perched on the rotten shell of a crumbling empire", London had lost its energy. England's best authors—Conrad, Hudson, James, and Yeats—were not English. English writers and critics were ignorant, he wrote in 1913.
    ellauri160.html on line 188: On 22 September 1914 T. S. Eliot traveled from Merton College, Oxford, with an introduction from Conrad Aiken, to have Pound read Eliot's unpublished "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock". Pound wrote to Harriet Monroe, editor of Poetry, on 30 September to say that Eliot—who was at Oxford on a fellowship from Harvard—had "sent in the best poem I have yet had or seen from an American ... He has actually trained himself and modernized himself on his own." Monroe did not like Prufrock's "very European world-weariness", according to Humphrey Carpenter, but she published it anyway, in June 1915.
    ellauri160.html on line 193: Pound's translations from Old English, Latin, Italian, French and Chinese were highly disputed. According to Alexander, they made him more unpopular in some circles than the treason charge.
    ellauri160.html on line 196: Harriet Monroe, editor of Poetry, published a letter in April 1919 from a professor of Latin, W. G. Hale, who found "about three-score errors" in the text; he said Pound was "incredibly ignorant of Latin", that "much of what he makes his author say is unintelligible", and that "If Mr. Pound were a professor of Latin, there would be nothing left for him but suicide" (adding "I do not counsel this"). Pound replied to Monroe: "Cat-piss and porcupines!! The thing is no more a translation than my 'Altaforte' is a translation, or than Fitzgerald's Omar is a translation."
    ellauri160.html on line 206: By 1917 The poet F. S. Flint told The Egoist's editor that "we are all tired of Mr. Pound". British literary circles were "tired of his antics" and of him "puffing and swelling himself and his friends", Flint wrote. "His work has deteriorated from book to book; his manners have become more and more offensive; and we wish he would go back to America."
    ellauri160.html on line 209: The Pounds settled in Paris around April 1921 and in December moved to an inexpensive ground-floor apartment at 70 bis Rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs. Pound became friendly with Marcel Duchamp, Fernand Léger, Tristan Tzara, and others of the Dada and Surrealist movements, as well as Basil Bunting. He was introduced to the American writer Gertrude Stein, who was living in Paris. She wrote years later that she liked him but did not find him amusing; he was "a village explainer, excellent if you were a village, but if you were not, not".
    ellauri160.html on line 211: Hemingway, then aged 22, moved to Paris with his wife, Hadley Richardson, and letters of introduction from Sherwood Anderson. In February 1922 the Hemingways visited the Pounds for tea. Although Pound was 14 years older, the men became friends; Hemingway assumed the status of pupil and asked Pound to edit his short stories. Pound introduced him to his contacts, including Lewis, Ford, John Peale Bishop, Malcolm Cowley, and Derek Patmore, while Hemingway tried to teach Pound to box. Hemingway was a drinker, Ezra not.
    ellauri160.html on line 223: While in custody in Italy, Pound began work on sections of The Cantos that were published as The Pisan Cantos (1948), for which he was awarded the Bollingen Prize for Poetry in 1949 by the Library of Congress, causing enormous controversy. After a campaign by his fellow writers, he was released from St. Elizabeths in 1958 and lived in Italy until his death in 1972. His economic and political views have ensured that his life and work remain controversial. He is popular with the alt-right but his opinions about usury forever condemn him in the circles of New York money liberals.
    ellauri160.html on line 312: Fukuyama is known for his book The End of History and the Last Man (1992), which argues that the worldwide spread of liberal democracies and free-market capitalism of the West and its lifestyle may signal the end point of humanity´s sociocultural evolution and become the final form of human government. However, his subsequent book Trust: Social Virtues and Creation of Prosperity (1995) modified his earlier position to acknowledge that culture cannot be cleanly separated from economics. Fukuyama is also associated with the rise of the neoconservative movement, from which he has since distanced himself.
    ellauri160.html on line 381: Pekka soitteli minulle tuona keväänä aika usein, yöllä, juttelimme ihan tavallisia asioita, ja minä törppö en tajunnut että ne olivat 'äänettömiä avunhuutoja', ja se taakka kulkee mukanani loppuun asti, mutta olin itsekin siinä vaiheessa niin ulkona, ja samalla tavalla kun kaikki luukut oli lyöty kiinni, harkitsin samanlaista ratkaisua. Whatever, Gummerus ja sen johto murhasivat Pekan ja samalla vaikeni moni muukin kirjailija loppuiäkseen, se oli karmea ja kylmäverinen operaatio, yksi pahimmista suomalaisen kustannusmaailman historiassa. – Minulla on satoja muistoja Pekasta, kirjoitan jos jaksan joskus… jos minulla sen aikaisessa kirjailijakunnassa joitan kamuja oli niin Pekka ja Sirkka Turkka, ja Veijo Meri joka aina oli W+G:n ja Gummeruksen Katajanokan kasinon syyskauden avauksen jatkoilla Pekan ja Eijan himassa. – Viimeiseltä kerralta muistan Matti Pulkkisen joka oli ulkona oven suussa tupakalla ja tokaisi: "sitä ollaan sitten samassa tehtaassa töissä"… niinpä oltiin hetki…
    ellauri160.html on line 491: 7The golden bough of Argicida - Formula of address for Hermes. "Argicida" is the Latin translation of the epithet Ἀργειφόντης ("Argeiphontes" - slayer of Argus) which is always applied to him, whereas the golden bough is Hermes´ caduceus, or wand. PL. Hermes has an appearance in the other Hymn to Aphrodite (no. V), printed in the Divus volume. Eli se em. kyrvännäköinen tirso-sauva. It all figures. Mua ärsyttää Dos Vidaxen Tirson musta pässintukka, menis parturiin. Luupää.
    ellauri160.html on line 538: Jaren olisi pitänyt netota projektista noin miljoonan euron tili, jos kaikki olisi mennyt putkeen. Ei mennyt, vaan karmealla tavalla pieleen. Nyt jättiprojekti on kärjistymässä rumaksi riidaksi käräjäoikeudessa, joka voi pahimmillaan maksaa Jarelle miljoonan.
    ellauri160.html on line 623: Olin lukenut Forelia ja ehkä Krafft-Ebbingiäkin ja tiesin jo sadismista, masokismista, fetisismistä ja muista sellaisista ismeistä, mutta kaikki paperi ja muste muuttui tässä sykkiväksi elämäksi, hurjaksi himoksi, laulavaksi ja voihkivaksi hulluudeksi. Hän herätti minussa sekä himoa että vastenmielisyyttä. Olimme viettäneet kevätpäivän unettomassa painajaisessa ja nyt uni lisäsi siihen omat mielettömyytensä.
    ellauri160.html on line 635: In Talmudic-midrashic literature, Naamah is indistinguishable from the human Naamah, who earned her name by seducing men through her play of cymbals. She also enticed the angel Shamdon or Shomron and bore Ashmodai, the king of devils. It was later, in Kabbalistic literature like the Zohar, that she became an inhuman spirit. Kun John oli pieni ja sen vaippa oli täynnä, se tuli ja työnsi sen nukkuvien naamaan sanoen "istuu naamalle." Voi saatana. Aika epäinhimillistä.
    ellauri160.html on line 637: According to the Zohar, after Cain kills Abel, Adam separates from Eve for 130 years. During this time, Lilith and Naamah seduce him and bear his demonic children, who became the Plagues of Mankind. She and Lilith cause epilepsy in children.
    ellauri160.html on line 647: According to legend, Agrat and Lilith visited King Solomon disguised as prostitutes. The spirits Solomon communicated with Agrat were all placed inside of a genie lamp-like vessel and set inside of a cave on the cliffs of the Dead Sea. Later, after the spirits were cast into the lamp, Agrat bat Mahlat and her lamp were discovered by King David. Agrat then mated with him a night and bore him a demonic son Ashm'dai and later Ashmodai, named after Asmodeus, who is identified with Hadad the Edomite.
    ellauri161.html on line 123: Kolminaisuus on Nyölénille monimutkainen, "vaikeakäyttöinen, jos ei käyttökelvoton idea", ja hän pitää "iloisen harhaoppisesti suunnilleen kahta jumalaa" (s. 86). Tai siis hän luulee, että "huomattava osa tunnustuksellisista kristityistä, joilla ei ole teologista kunnianhimoa", tekee niin. Hyvin hyvin paha! Se olis bitheismiä, ja nolo temppu pyhälle hengelle, joka muutenkin saa olla aina kolmantena pyöränä. Mahtaa sitä vituttaa.
    ellauri161.html on line 160: Antti Nyölö oli 1990-luvun jälkipuoliskolla mukana kristillisessä kulttuuri- ja mielipidelehdessä Etsijässä, päätoimittajanakin. Hän kirjoitti jo tuolloin vakavia ja intohimoisia esseitä.
    ellauri161.html on line 173: Spuget keskustelivat Andyn 2010 esseetuotannosta seuraavasti. Antti Nyölénin Halun ja epäluulon esseet (2010) ja hänen muu kirjalllinen tuotantonsa on kieltämättä usein kekseliästä ja ajatuksia herättävää. Mutta yhtälailla se on täydellisen yliampuvaa ja tökeröä, totalitaristista. Hän on suosittu hahmo kaikenlaisten avarakatseisten postmodernin "teorian" syvyyksiin uponneiden humanistien piireissä, vaikka poliittisesti on murhanhimoinen demokratian vihollinen.
    ellauri161.html on line 189: Onko muuten niin, että jokainen humanisti alkaa jossain vaiheessa dissaamaan postmodernismia? Oon huomannut saman ilmiön todella monessa ihmisessä... ohan se aika kätevä tapa kyseenalaistaa kaikki, ja lähteä kyynisyyden loputtomaan kaivoon. Postmodernismi siis, pahimmillaan. Mähän nyt en ole humanisti vaan käyttis"tieteilijä" mutta tuli vaan mieleen.
    ellauri161.html on line 393: Japanilainen lumppukauppa Muji saa nyt kylmää kyytiä. Auringon pojat kiskoo kotiinpäin "valitettavasti" palvelulla. Joululahjoja ei saa vaihtaa jos niist on poissa hintalaput. Vitun vinkuintiaanit! Sääli ettei teihin osunut enemmänkin Antti Nyölénin tuomizemia atomipommeja! Hiroshima oli hyvä osuma, mutta olis jenkit voineet vetää koko poppoon sileäxi kerralla! Ei niistä ole muuta kuin harmia. En edes pidä pikakeitoista, varsinkaan ramenista. Alla muutama valokuvanäpäys Kampin Muji-myymälän ystävällisestä henkilökunnasta.
    ellauri161.html on line 452: Koska hyve on tässä maailmassa poikkeus - sitä ei kannattane kiistää - sille ei yksinkertaisesti ollut tilaa naturalistisissa piirustuksissa. Koska meillä ei ollut sellaisia kristillisiä käsitteitä kuin lankeemus ja kiusaus, shynti ja ahdishtush, emme oivaltaneet millaisten ponnistusten ja tuskien tulosta hyve aina on; emme ymmärtäneet mitään siitä sielullisesta sankaruudesta, jota elämän karikoiden välttäminen vaatii. Niinpä mieleemme ei juolahtanut kuvata tuota taistelua kaikkine voittoineen ja tappioineen, yllätyshyökkäyksineen ja harhautusliikkeineen, tai niitä erinomaisia liittolaisia, jotka tosin usein varustautuvat kamppailuun jossakin luostareiden perukoilla, hyvin kaukana niistä, joita Paholainen pahimmin kiusaa. Yhdistimme hyveet tylsimyksiin tai hurahtaneisiin ihmisiin, joiden kuvaaminen taiteessa ei tuottaisi sykähdyttävää vaikutusta.
    ellauri161.html on line 649: Another YouTube analphabet is eponymous Alejandro Turdo. Better pass over him in silence.
    ellauri161.html on line 666: More races & years later, Ricky now lives in a large mansion, then in a race chickens out and runs around in his underwear and helmet. Shamed, Ricky moves in with his mother Lucy (Jane Lynch), and brings his sons with him while taking a job as a pizza delivery man. Ricky eventually regains his courage, and his life begins to stabilize after quitting his job at the pizza parlor and getting a new driver´s license.
    ellauri161.html on line 668: Ricky's new car is painted by Susan (next significant other) with a cougar to remind him of his passion and the word "ME" in place of large sponsors. After some more mindless car chases and crashes
    ellauri161.html on line 912: Avec quelques frères de Chambéry, il fonde en 1778, la loge réformée écossaise de « La Sincérité », qui dépend du directoire écossais dont l'âme est Jean-Baptiste Willermoz (1730-1824), disciple de Joachim Martinès de Pasqually. Il est reçu chevalier bienfaisant de la Cité Sainte sous le nom de eques Josephus a Floribus (ce surnom fait allusion aux fleurs de souci de ses armoiries). On retrouve dans son œuvre les enseignements de la maçonnerie : providentialisme, prophétisme, réversibilité des peines, etc. ; hautement investi dans la vie de cette société initiatique, à la veille du Convent de Wilhelmsbad (1782), il fait d'ailleurs parvenir à Jean-Baptiste Willermoz son célèbre Mémoire au duc de Brunswick. Il entretient par ailleurs une amitié avec Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, pour lequel il avait une vive admiration, se faisant fort, disait-il, « de défendre en tous points l'orthodoxie », d'où son attrait pour le martinisme.
    ellauri161.html on line 990: Bloy was noted for personal attacks, but he saw them as the mercy or indignation of God. He acquired a reputation for bigotry because of his frequent outbursts of temper. Soon, Bloy could count such prestigious authors as Émile Zola, Guy de Maupassant, Ernest Renan, and Anatole France as his enemies. Bloy is quoted in the epigraph at the beginning of Graham Greene´s novel The End of the Affair, though Greene claimed that "this irate man lacked creative instinct." Bloy is also quoted at the beginning of John Irving´s A Prayer for Owen Meany, another turd. Some pope quoted him, yet another turd.
    ellauri161.html on line 1085: Ruysbroeck (Or Rusbroek), Jean De, the most noted of mystics in the Netherlands, was born in A.D. 1293 at Ruysbroeck no less, near Brussels, and was educated in the latter city under the direction of an Augustinian prebendary who was his relative. His fondness for solitude and day dreams prevented him from making solid progress, however. His Latin was imperfect, though it is clear that he became acquainted with the earlier mystical writings. He probably did not read the writings of Neo-Platonists, but was certainly not unacquainted with those of the Areopagite.
    ellauri161.html on line 1092: His (Mainion) works suggest the thought that the writings of master Eckart (died 1328), with whom Ruysbroeck was contemporary for thirty-five years, exercised influence over our author´s mind. Melkein maisteri Eckartille kävi köpelösti loppupeleissä. Ruisbroeck became vicar of the Church of St. Gudula at Brussels, where he lived in strict asceticism, enjoying the society of persons who had devoted themselves to a contemplative life, composing books and exercising benevolence. Jahas uusi päivä, uusi suopeus. He contended against the sins of the day, and labored to promote reforms. It is said that Tauler once visited him, attracted by the fame of his sanctity.
    ellauri161.html on line 1098: At the age of sixty he (Mainio) renounced the secular priesthood and entered the new Augustinian convent Gronendal, in the forest of Soigny, near Brussels, becoming its first prior, and there he died in 1381. His life at once became the subject of legendary tales. The name Doctor Ecstaticus was early conferred on him.
    ellauri161.html on line 1102: Ruysbroeck´s mysticism begins with God, descends to man, and returns to God again, in the aim to make man one with God. God is a simple unity, the essence above all being, the immovable, and yet the moving, cause of all existences. The Son is the wisdom, the uncreated image of the Father; the Holy Spirit the love which proceeds from both the Father and the Son, and unites them to each other. Creatures preexisted in God, in thought; and, as being in God, were God to that extent. Fallen man can only be restored through grace, which elevates him above the conditions of nature. Three stages are to be distinguished: the active, or operative; the subjective, or emotional; and the contemplative life. The first proceeds to conquer sin, and draw near to God through good works; the second consists in introspection, to which ascetic practices may be an aid, and which becomes indifferent to all that is not God. The soul is embraced and penetrated by the Spirit of God, and revels in visions and ecstasies. Higher still is the contemplative state (vita vitalis), which is an immediate knowing and possessing of God, leaving no remains of individuality in the consciousness, and concentrating every energy on the contemplation of the eternal and absolute Being. This life is still the gift of grace, and has its essence in the unifying of the soul with God, so that he alone shall work. The soul is led on from glory to glory, until it becomes conscious of its essential unity in God.
    ellauri161.html on line 1112: Few mystics have ascended to the empyrean where Ruysbroeck so constantly dwelt; and the endeavor to compress into forms of speech the visions seen in a state where all clear and real apprehension is at an end occasioned the fault of indefiniteness with which his writings must be charged. His influence over theological and philosophical thought was not so great as that exercised by Eckart and Tauler, and was chiefly limited to his immediate surroundings. The Brotherhood of the Common Life (q.v.) was founded by Gerhard Groot, one of Ruysbroeck´s pupils, and its first inception may perhaps be traced back to Ruysbroeck himself — a proof that he was not wholly indifferent to the conditions of practical life.
    ellauri161.html on line 1131: A young priest arrives at the small village of Ambricourt, his first parish assignment. He arrives alone by bicycle and is met by no one and unpacks his meager belongings. A couple at the chateau eye him suspiciously and walk away. He begins a diary, which he narrates throughout the film. This is very, very old-fashioned, would not do in Netflix anymore. Because he often feels nauseous and dizzy, he chooses a strict diet free of meat and vegetables. Instead, he has wine and wine-soaked bread with sugar. No wonder he dies in the end (oops, spoiler, sorry).
    ellauri161.html on line 1133: A man from his parish demands a full service funeral for his wife and says he will not pay for it. He confers with the priest of Torcy. The girls of the catechism class laugh at him in a prank, whereby only one of them pretends to know the Scriptural basis of the Eucharist so that the rest of them can laugh at their private conversation. His colleagues criticize his diet of bread and wine, and his ascetic lifestyle. "Concerned" about Chantal, the daughter of the Countess, the priest visits the Countess at the family chateau, and appears to help her resume communion with God after a period of doubt. The Countess dies during the following night, and her daughter spreads false rumors that the priest´s harsh words had tormented her to death. Refusing confession, Chantal had previously spoken to the priest about her hatred of her parents.
    ellauri161.html on line 1135: The older priest from Torcy talks to his younger colleague about his poor diet and lack of prayer, but the younger man seems unable to make changes. After his health worsens, the young priest goes to the city of Lille to visit a doctor, who diagnoses him with stomach cancer. The priest goes for refuge to a former colleague, who has lapsed and now works as an apothecary, while living with a woman outside wedlock. The priest dies in the house of his colleague after being absolved by him. His dying words are "What does it matter? All is Grace".
    ellauri161.html on line 1137: So what was the point? I say as disappointedly as the Korean ladies listening to a reading of Goethe's Werther's Leiden. What? He shot himself? So he never got to shag the woman of his heart? What a drag. And threw the rookie historian out on her ear.
    ellauri162.html on line 52: Varsinainen erikoisuus on 2500-vuotta vanha ruokalista Iranin šaahin Mohammed Reza Pahlavin järjestämistä Persian valtakunnan izenäisyyspäiväjuhlista Persepoliksen erämaassa vuonna 1971. Vanhimmat Cecilin kirjat ovat 1400-luvulta. Kalleimmat maksavat kymmeniä tuhansia euroja.
    ellauri162.html on line 135: Bernanosin kirjojen vahva patavanhoillisuus juontuu hänen intohimoisesta velvollisuudentunnostaan ja porvarillisen maailman asenteiden omahyväisestä torjumisesta. Se oli vitun köyhä ja aika mitääntekemätön työntekijänä. Se oli luddiitti, mikä laskettakoon lieventäväxi asianhaaraxi.
    ellauri162.html on line 139: After France´s Liberation, De Gaulle invited Bernanos to return to his homeland, offering him a post in the government. Bernanos did return but, disappointed to perceive no signs of spiritual renewal, he declined to play an active role in French political life. Plusieurs fois blessé, il mène une vie matérielle difficile et instable en s´essayant à la littérature.
    ellauri162.html on line 177: One of the early writing prophets, Hosea used his own marital experience as a symbolic representation of God and Israel: God the husband, Israel the wife. Hosea´s wife left him to go with other men; Israel left the Lord to go with other gods. Hosea searched for his wife, found her and brought her back; God would not abandon Israel and brought them back even though they had forsaken him.
    ellauri162.html on line 183: The point of the story is that God is willing to forgive us and accept us back IF we approach him with a repentant heart. And any man who tries to live a godly life MUST also forgive and accept his wayward wife IF she approaches him with a truly repentant heart. [Repentance: being so very very VERY sorry for your sin that you think you will NEVER do that again!]
    ellauri162.html on line 191: [1 Corinthians 7:12-15] If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. But if the unbeliever leaves, let him (or her) do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances.
    ellauri162.html on line 580: Pitäen tällaiset asiat mielessä ja ennakoiden tulevan impotenssi-iän, Nooa päättää olla aloittamatta mitään inhimillistä tehtävää ennen muinaisten rituaalien suorittamista ja kiitokseksi Jumalalle. Alttarit nousevat lumivalkoisesta kivestä; Koska taivaan pyhä tila, sen kaareva polku levisi kaikkialle, ympäröi itsensä ilman kiinteitä rajoja, maailma oli heidän pyhä piirinsä. Uhrimainen uhri jokaisesta seitsemästä karjasta tulee nopeasti runsaasti, jota lempeä ilma ylläpitää, mikä... tuottaa... maasta... kaadetaan itäisessä..., tai arabialaisten metsistä. Olympuksesta lähetetty liekki maistuu makeanhajuisilta kunnianosoituksilta, jotka se on syönyt hännällään, ja palaneet uhrit lähettävät kuumaa tuoksua, joka tuoksuu makealta Jumalalle. Jumala - joka on aina lempeä ja hyvä, ottaa kaiken, mitä hän saa uhrauksemme, ja iloitsee hurskaavien ihmisten seremoniallisissa riitoissa, joita hän ei tosin tarvitse, mutta joiden takia hän lunastaa meidät - puhuu näin rauhallisella tahtotilallaan:
    ellauri162.html on line 786: Aseity (from Latin ā "from" and sē "self", plus -ity) is the property by which a being exists of and from itself. It refers to the Christian belief that God does not depend on any cause other than himself for his existence, realization, or end, and has within himself his own reason of existence. This represents God as absolutely independent and self-existent by nature. Bernanosin ateistipappi ei välittänyt aseptiikasta, sepsis tuli.
    ellauri162.html on line 833: Robin McLaurin Williams (July 21, 1951 – August 11, 2014) was an American actor and comedian. Williams was raised and sometimes identified himself as an Episcopalian. He described his denomination in a comedy routine as "I have that idea of Chicago protestant, Episcopal—Catholic light: half the religion, half the guilt." He also described himself as an "honorary Jew", and on Israel's 60th Independence Day in 2008, he appeared in Times Square, along with several other celebrities to wish Israel a happy birthday.
    ellauri163.html on line 44: Naisten suurin vika oli että he (nykyaikaiset, eivät vanhanaikaiset tyypit) olivat hämmästyttävässä määrin samanlaisia kuin minä - aivan yhtä himokkaita, petollisia, izekkäitä ja seikkailunhaluisia. Sholem Asch oli Singerin mielestä maalaismainen. Olikohan se vähän kateellinen.
    ellauri163.html on line 156: Outoja lakeja. Jos lanko ei tahdo ottaa veljen leskeä, niin menkään hänen veljensä vaimo porttiin vanhempain eteen ja sanokaan: ei kytyni tahdo herättää veljellensä nimeä Israelissa ja ei tahdo minua kylvyn jälkeen naida. Jos hän seisoo ihan jök, niin hänen natonsa astukaan hänen tykönsä vanhimpain nähden, ja riisukaan kengän hänen jalastansa ja sylkekään hänen kasvoihinsa, ja vastatkaan häntä sanoen: näin jokaiselle pitää tehtämän, joka ei veljensä huonetta rakenna, ja hänen nimensä kuzuttakaan Israelissa paljasjalan huoneexi.
    ellauri163.html on line 189: The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes, And to him shall be the obedience of the peoples.
    ellauri163.html on line 233: Liitonarkku pantiin siellä pystyyn 369. vuosi talmudilaisen lähteistä päätellen (babylonialainen Talmud Zevachim 118B). Tabernaakkeli lähti Silohista Eelin kuoleman jälkeen. Ainakin yxi miinuspiste hänen oleskelunsa aikana: tabernaakkeli korvataan temppelin edeltäjällä (1.Samuelin kirja 3:15) tai sijoitetaan rakennukseen.
    ellauri163.html on line 353: So that tribute shall come to him
    ellauri163.html on line 356: Footnote: Shiloh, understood as shai loh "tribute to him," following Midrash; cf. Isa. 18:7. Meaning of Heb. uncertain; lit. "Until he comes to Shiloh."
    ellauri163.html on line 358: And why does King Jimmy say "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be."
    ellauri163.html on line 366: 49:10'The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor legislation from his descendants. Nations will submit to him until the final tranquility comes.
    ellauri163.html on line 369: 10The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the student of the law from between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and to him will be a gathering of peoples.
    ellauri163.html on line 382: For those Xians who say that there has been no king of Judah since J-sus they should check their math. In fact there has been no ruler from the tribe of Judah since 586 B.C.E That is right: 600 years prior to his supposed messiah. Guess he just proved to himself that J-sus was inelligible.
    ellauri163.html on line 400: One translation, "until that which is his shall come.", is derived from the Septuagint. Its meaning is: 'The scepter shall not depart from Judah till all that is reserved for him shall have been fulfilled.' Another translation, "Till he come whose it (the kingdom) is.", is based on the Onkelos and Jerusalem Targums, Saadya Ga´on, RASHI, and other Jewish commentators. A modern Jewish commentator, M. Friedlander, renders this as "Till peace cometh.".
    ellauri163.html on line 556: Viranomaiset eivät ole minkään todisteen arvoisia. Tässä ovat ainoat argumentit, jotka löysimme Koala-sedältä: 1) jos luonne olisi täydellinen, pitäisi löytää huomattavasti enemmän hyvettä ihmiskunnan vanhimmasta puoliskosta kuin nuorimmasta, mikä ei ole; 2) jokainen, joka on kerran osoittanut olevansa lurjusmies, on ainaisexi menettänyt luottamuksemme, mikä osoittaa, että me kaikki uskomme muuttumattomaan luonteeseen. No varmaan Koala-setä oli juuri sellainen pitkävihainen.
    ellauri163.html on line 587: Tahto on aivokuoren säätelemä matelijan pyrkimys. Ajatus siitä, että kuolema on välttämätön, on edelleen abstrakti useimmissa ihmisissä. Ja tämä ajatus, loppujen lopuksi niin lohduttava ja niin levollinen, niin sopiva heikentämään meitä kunnianhimoisia tunteita, ylpeyttä ja egoismia ja kuivaamaan kärsimyksiemme lähteen, ei vaikuta toimintaamme.
    ellauri163.html on line 632: Pantalaimon on Lyran demoni. Kuten kaikki lasten pahat henget, hän vaihtaa muotoa olennosta toiseen usein. Kun Lyra saavuttaa murrosiän, hän ottaa mäntynäädän pysyvän muodon sekä hajun. Pantalaimon ja Lyra seuraavat isäänsä lordi Asrielia, kun hän matkustaa äskettäin löydettyyn Cittagazzen maailmaan, jossa Lyra tapaa Willin. Pyhä Panteleimon eli Panteleimon Parantaja (m.kreik. Παντελεήμων, Panteleēmōn, kreik. Παντελεήμων, Panteleímon), myös Pantalone, oli kristitty marttyyri ja pyhimys, joka sai surmansa Diocletianuksen vainoissa vuonna 305. Pantalone syntyi Nikomedeiassa noin vuonna 275. Hänen vanhempansa olivat rikas senaattori Eustorgios ja tämän kristitty vaimo Eubulia. Hänestä tuli menestyksekäs lääkäri, jota itse keisari Galerius halusi omaksi lääkärikseen. Pyhä Hermolaos käännytti Pantaleimonin kristityksi, ja parannettuaan ihmeellisesti sokean miehen, Pantaleimon käännytti puolestaan isänsä. Tämä kuoli pian sen jälkeen, ja jätti Pantalonelle suuren omaisuuden. Tämä vapautti orjansa ja jakoi omaisuutensa köyhille, ja paransi ihmisiä ottamatta maksua. Panteleimon, siviilinimeltään Petri Sarho (s. 17. toukokuuta 1949 Vieremä) on entinen Oulun metropoliitta. Hän jäi eläkkeelle kesäkuussa 2013.
    ellauri163.html on line 697: With an 11-year-old hero, Philip Pullman´s new book is a delightful nod to Edmund Spenser´s 'The Faerie Queene'. If Philip Pullman’s Dark Materials trilogy was an obvious nod to John Milton’s Paradise Lost, his new Book Of Dust trilogy takes inspiration from Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene. Though thematically different, both fall within the same literary genre—they are epic poems, long narrative pieces recounting heroic deeds, and if the term could loosely be used to describe works of prose, then La Belle Sauvage, the first in the Book Of Dust trilogy, is one such novel. Spenser’s late-16th century poem, though incomplete, follows the adventures of medieval knights. Our knight is 11-year-old Malcolm Polstead, curious, intelligent, good-natured and clueless, when we first meet him, of the trials that await him. La Belle Sauvage, then, is a companion, or "equel" (a new story that stands alongside his previous trilogy), to His Dark Materials trilogy. Better strike while the iron is hot, as J.K. Rowling did.
    ellauri163.html on line 724: As PZ himself said: "I took the test and scored a 24, an “average math contest winner.” You need a 32 to suggest Asperger’s, and a 15 is the average. So there. I don’t have Asperger’s, I’m just cruel and insensitive."
    ellauri163.html on line 793: Kahden näkemämme miehen välillä näyttää olevan vihamielisyys, joka seuraa heitä paikalliseen baariin, jossa riistanvartija (huolimatta naimisissa) haluaa paikallisen baarimikon Louisan (Marine Trichet), joka ei välitä hänestä, vaan himoizee salametsästäjää Arsenia (Jean-Claude Guilbert). Tutustumme myös päähenkilöön, Mouchetteen, vakavasti köyhään tyttöön, joka on 13–16-vuotias (ilmeisesti lähderomaani asettaa hiänen ikänsä 14- vuotiaaksi, ja Nortier oli todella 18, mutta elokuva ei anna siitä aavistustakaan), joka käyttää puisia puulevyjä (jotka eivät vastaa hänen jalkojaan) ja on ulkopuolinen koulussa, julman musiikinopettajan uhri, joka väärinkäyttää häntä ja joka vihaa rikkaampia tyttöjä, jotka sulkevat hänet pois. Mouchette jopa heiluttaa likapalloja kilpailijoitaan vastaan.
    ellauri163.html on line 823: Myös elokuvakriitikko Tony Raynsin äänielokuvakommentti, joka virtaa erittäin hyvin, ei ole liian käsikirjoitettu, on kohtauskohtainen kommenteissaan ja välittää sekä intohimoa että lukeneisuutta (erudition); piirteitä joita puuttuu liian usein useimmista kommenteista. Hänen yksinäinen heikko kohta tulee, kun hän yrittää selittää (pikemminkin perustella) melko heikkoa loppua. Se nyt yxinkertaisesti on vaan heikko, kuten olen sanonut.
    ellauri163.html on line 879: The believer who has communicated with his god is not merely a man who sees new truths of which the unbeliever is ignorant; he is a man who is stronger. He feels within him more force, wither to endure the trials of existence, or to conquer them (1954, p. 416).
    ellauri163.html on line 885: Durkheim then ventures a step further, seeing no big fist struck him from the heavens. Religion is not only a social creation; it is the power of the community itself that is being worshiped. The power of the community over the individual so transcends individual existence that people collectively give it sacred significance.
    ellauri164.html on line 43: In the introduction to his Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie in 1874, Wundt described Immanuel Cunt and Johann Friedrich Herbart as the philosophers who had the most influence on the formation of his own views. Those who follow up these references will find that Wundt critically took to the cleaners both these thinkers’ ideas. He distanced himself from Herbart's science of the soul . Wundt praised Cunt's rejection of a "rational" psychology deduced from metaphysics, but he argued against Cunt's epistemology as well as Cunt's category theory and his flabby position on teleological explanations in his publication Was soll uns Kant nicht verkaufen? (1892).
    ellauri164.html on line 60: Tässä draamassa Claudel maalasi perinteisen yhteiskunnan romahtamisen monarkiasta. Kaksi aristokraattia, mies ja nainen, jotka selvisivät terrorin verilöylyistä, yrittävät henkensä, rakkautensa ja kunniansa uhalla pelastaa paavin: jälkimmäinen on kidnapattu vankilasta, jossa keisari oli pudottanut hänet ja piiloutunut heidän alueelleen. Mutta imperiumin prefekti on paljastanut läsnäolonsa ja harjoittaa vastenmielistä kiristystä. Tunteiden ja tilanteiden väkivalta antaa voimakkaan dramaattisen voiman tälle eturistiriitalle ja intohimoille, jotka syntyvät kaatuneen aristokratian ja historian muunnelmien alaisen vallan välillä. "Kuinka olisin voinut olla niin julma?" kysyi tämän "saagan" ensimmäisen osan kirjoittaja, jossa se herää laajoilla aivohalvauksilla, ranskalaisen yhteiskunnan yksittäisten kohtaloiden, kyynelten ja mullistuksia pidemmälle 1400-luvulla, mikä edeltää nykyajan tuloa.
    ellauri164.html on line 230: Ralph Barton Perry (July 3, 1876 in Poultney, Vermont – January 22, 1957 in Boston, Massachusetts) was an American philosopher. He was a strident moral idealist who stated in 1909 that, to him, idealism meant "to interpret life consistently with ethical, scientific, and metaphysical truth." (citation?) Perry's viewpoints on religion stressed the notion that religious thinking possessed legitimacy should it exist within a framework accepting of human reason and social progress.
    ellauri164.html on line 300: Jeanne d’Arc [ʒan daʁk] eli ”Orléansin neitsyt” (La Pucelle d’Orléans) (6. tammikuuta 1412 Domrémy, Ranskan kuningaskunta – 30. toukokuuta 1431 Rouen, Ranskan kuningaskunta) on Ranskan kansallissankari ja katolisen kirkon pyhimys. Jeanne tuli kuuluisaksi uskonnollisista näyistään, joissa häntä kehotettiin pelastamaan Ranska. Vuonna 1429 hän johti ranskalaissotilaita Orléansin taistelussa ja osallistui kuningas Kaarle VII:n kruunaukseen Reimsissä. Myöhemmin englantilaiset tuomitsivat hänet noituudesta ja polttivat hänet roviolla.
    ellauri164.html on line 302: Jeanne syntyi pienessä Domrémyn kylässä Koillis-Ranskassa. Hänen vanhempansa olivat maanviljelijöitä eikä hän saanut lapsena paljonkaan koulutusta. Hän ei lyhyen elämänsä aikana oppinut kirjoittamaan tai lukemaan, mutta osasi monia pyhimystarinoita, joita oli kuullut uskonnolliselta äidiltään. Lisäksi häneen oli juurrutettu syvä rakkaus roomalaiskatolista kirkkoa ja sen oppeja kohtaan. Maatalon tyttärenä hän kunnostautui monissa tilanhoitoon kuuluvissa tehtävissä ja kehruu- ja ompelutöissä hän oli taituri.
    ellauri164.html on line 386: What makes the saga so compelling is the gentle, uncomplaining way the new priest relates his many failures and humiliations. As his audience we see his kindnesses misunderstood and his simple mistakes turned against him. And yet he is determined to go out and visit all within his parish despite mounting health problems. But does he really like anybody? Except the motorbike chap perhaps.
    ellauri164.html on line 437: "In this classic Catholic novel, Bernanos movingly recounts the life of a young French country priest who grows to understand his provincial parish while learning spiritual humility himself." Pro primo, ei se näytä koko aikana ymmärtävän tai edes välittävän kenestäkään juuri midiä. Pro secundo, koko kirja on yhtä nöyrän piiraan mutustelua. Siitä puhe mistä puute. This man shares something with Isaiah’s “worm among men.” Ich aber bin ein Wurm und kein Mensch. Ich bin eine Ratte (Psalmit 22:6).
    ellauri164.html on line 463: Googlen lähin IMDb osuma on "Take aim at the police van (1960) - Tähtäimessä vankiauto". Original title: 'Jûsangô taihisen' yori: Sono gosôsha o nerae 1960. K-12. 1h 19m. A prison truck is assaulted and the two convicts inside are murdered. The prison guard on duty gets suspended for negligence and takes it upon himself to track down the killers. Maalitetuista on tullut liittolaisia. Olikohan vankimaalitaulut neuvostotiedemiehiä tai vallan nazeja?
    ellauri164.html on line 487: In Exodus 2, we see Moses’ mother attempting to save her child by placing him in a basket and putting it into the Nile. The basket was eventually found by Pharaoh’s daughter, and she adopted him as her own and raised him in the palace of the pharaoh himself. As Moses grew into adulthood, he began to empathize with the plight of his people, and upon witnessing an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave, Moses intervened and killed the Egyptian. But that was not a sin because the guy was just an Egyptian. In another incident, Moses attempted to intervene in a dispute between two Hebrews, but one of the Hebrews rebuked Moses and sarcastically commented, “Are you going to kill me as you did the Egyptian?” (Exodus 2:14). Realizing that his criminal act was made known, Moses fled to the land of Midian where he again intervened—this time rescuing the daughters of Jethro Tull from some of Uriah Heep's bandits. In gratitude, Jethro (also called Reuel) granted his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage (Exodus 2:15–21). Moses lived in Midian for about forty years.
    ellauri164.html on line 489: The next major incident in Moses’ life was his encounter with God at the burning bush (Exodus 3—4), where God called Moses to be the savior of His people. Despite his initial excuses and outright request that God send someone else, Moses agreed to obey God. God promised to send Aaron, Moses’ brother, along with him. The rest of the story is fairly well known. Moses and his brother, Aaron, go to Pharaoh in God’s name and demand that he let the people go to worship their God. Pharaoh stubbornly refuses, and ten plagues of God’s judgment fall upon the people and the land, the final plague being the slaying of the firstborn. Prior to this final plague, God commands Moses to institute the Passover, which is commemorative of God’s saving act in redeeming His people from bondage in Egypt.
    ellauri164.html on line 495: The book of Deuteronomy shows Moses giving several sermon-type speeches to the people, reminding them of God’s saving power and faithfulness. He gives the second reading of the Law (Deuteronomy 5) and prepares this generation of Israelites to receive the promises of God. Moses himself is prohibited from entering the land because of his sin at Meribah (Numbers 20:10-13). At the end of the book of Deuteronomy, Moses’ death is recorded (Deuteronomy 34). He climbed Mount Nebo and is allowed to look upon the Promised Land. Moses was 120 years old when he died, and the Bible records that his “eye was undimmed and his vigor unabated” (Deuteronomy 34:7). The Lord Himself buried Moses (Deuteronomy 34:5–6), and Joshua took over as leader of the people (Deuteronomy 34:9). Deuteronomy 34:10–12 says, " Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, who did all those signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt—to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land. For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel."
    ellauri164.html on line 498: So, now, what can we learn from Moses’ life? Moses’ life is generally broken down into three 40-year periods. The first is his life in the court of Pharaoh. As the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter, Moses would have had all the perks and privileges of a prince of Egypt. He was instructed “in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was mighty in his words and deeds” (Acts 7:22). As the plight of the Hebrews began to disturb his soul, Moses took it upon himself to be the savior of his people. As Stephen says before the Jewish ruling council, “[Moses] supposed that his brothers would understand that God was giving them salvation by his hand” (Acts 7:25). From this incident, we learn that Moses was a man of action as well as a man possessed of a hot temper and prone to rash actions. Did God want to save His people? Yes. Did God want to use Moses as His chosen instrument of salvation? Yes. But Moses, whether or not he was truly cognizant of his role in the salvation of the Hebrew people, acted rashly and impetuously. He tried to do in his timing what God wanted done in His timing. The lesson for us is obvious: we must be acutely aware of not only doing God’s will, but doing God’s will in His timing, not ours. As is the case with so many other biblical examples, when we attempt to do God’s will in our timing, we make a bigger mess than originally existed.
    ellauri164.html on line 500: Moses needed time to grow and mature and learn to be meek and eat humble pie before God, and this brings us to the next chapter in Moses’ life, his 40 years in the land of Midian. During this time, Moses learned the simple life of a shepherd, a husband, and a father. God took an impulsive and hot-tempered young man and began the process of molding and shaping him into the perfect instrument for God to use. What can we learn from this time in his life? If the first lesson is to wait on God’s timing, the second lesson is to not be idle while we wait on God’s timing. While the Bible doesn’t spend a lot of time on the details of this part of Moses’ life, it’s not as if Moses were sitting idly by waiting for God’s call. He spent the better part of 40 years learning the ways of a shepherd and supporting and raising a family. These are not trivial things! While we might long for the “mountain top” experiences with God, 99 percent of our lives is lived in the valley doing the mundane, day-to-day things that make up a life. We need to be living for God “in the valley” before He will enlist us into the battle. It is often in the seemingly trivial things of life that God trains and prepares us for His call in the next season.
    ellauri164.html on line 502: Another thing we see from Moses during his time spent in Midian is that, when God finally did call him into service, Moses was resistant. The man of action early in his life, Moses, now 80 years old, became overly timid. When called to speak for God, Moses said he was “slow of speech and tongue” (Exodus 4:10). Some commentators believe that Moses may have had a speech impediment. Perhaps, but then it would be odd for Stephen to say Moses was “mighty in words and deeds” (Acts 7:22). Perhaps Moses just didn’t want to go back into Egypt and fail again. This isn’t an uncommon feeling. How many of us have tried to do something (whether or not it was for God) and failed, and then been hesitant to try again? There are two things Moses seemed to have overlooked. One was the obvious change that had occurred in his own life in the intervening 40 years. The other, and more important, change was that God would be with him. Moses failed at first not so much because he acted impulsively, but because he acted without God. Therefore, the lesson to be learned here is that when you discern a clear call from God, step forward in faith, knowing that God goes with you! Do not be timid, but be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might (Ephesians 6:10).
    ellauri164.html on line 504: The third and final chapter in Moses’ life is the chapter that Scripture spends the most time chronicling, namely, his role in the redemption of Israel. Several lessons can be gleaned from this chapter of Moses’ life as well. First is how to be an effective leader of people. Moses essentially had responsibility over two million Hebrew refugees. When things began to wear on him, his father-in-law, Jethro Tull, suggested that he delegate responsibility to other faithful men, a lesson that many people in authority over others need to learn (Exodus 18). We also see a man who was dependent on the grace of God to help with his task. Moses was continually pleading on behalf of the people before God. If only all people in authority would petition God on behalf of those over whom they are in charge! Moses was keenly aware of the necessity of God’s presence and even requested to see God’s glory (Exodus 33). Moses knew that, apart from God, the exodus would be meaningless. It was God who made the Israelites distinct, and they needed Him most. Moses’ life also teaches us the lesson that there are certain sins that will continue to haunt us throughout our lives. The same hot temper that got Moses into trouble in Egypt also got him into trouble during the wilderness wanderings. In the aforementioned incident at Meribah, Moses struck the rock in anger in order to provide water for the people. However, he didn’t give God the glory, nor did he follow God’s precise commands. Because of this, God forbade him from entering the Promised Land. In a similar manner, we all succumb to certain besetting sins which plague us all our days, sins that require us to be on constant alert.
    ellauri164.html on line 508: As mentioned earlier, we also know that Moses’ life was typological of the life of Christ. Like Christ, Moses was the mediator of a covenant. Christ too was a little recalcitrant, so he got crucified. Again, the author of Hebrews goes to great lengths to demonstrate this point (cf. Hebrews 3; 8—10). The Apostle Paul also makes the same points in 2 Corinthians 3. The difference is that the covenant that Moses mediated was temporal and conditional, whereas the covenant that Christ mediates is eternal and unconditional. Like Christ, Moses provided redemption for his people. Moses delivered the people of Israel out of slavery and bondage in Egypt and brought them to the Promised Land of Canaan. Christ delivers His people out of bondage and slavery to sin and condemnation and brings them to the Promised Land of eternal life on a renewed earth, like Azrael in the forthcoming third season of His Dark Materials. Like Christ he returns to consummate the kingdom He inaugurated at His first coming. Like Christ, Moses was a prophet to his people. Moses spoke the very words of God to the Israelites just as Christ did (John 17:8). Moses predicted that the Lord would raise up another prophet like him from among the people (Deuteronomy 18:15). Jesus and the early church taught and believed that Moses was speaking of Jesus when he wrote those words (cf. John 5:46, Acts 3:22, 7:37). In so many ways, Moses’ life is a precursor to the life of Christ. As such, we can catch a glimpse of how God was working His plan of redemption in the lives of faithful people throughout human history. This gives us hope that, just as God saved His people and gave them rest through the actions of Moses, so, too, will God save us and give us an eternal Sabbath rest in Christ, both now and in the life to come. But don't get your hopes too high, you may not be among the chosen after all.
    ellauri164.html on line 518: At Thursday’s daily Mass (Thursday of the 18th week of the year) we Roman catholics read of the sin that excluded Moses from leading the people to the Promised Land. While there are some mysterious elements to it, one thing seems clear: the grumbling of the people got on Moses’ nerves. Indeed, grumbling often affects more than just the one doing the complaining. Through it, infectious negativity can be set loose. Even if only a small number are grousing, it can still incite discontent, anger, and/or fear in others. Yes, the people nearly wore him out. At a particularly low moment, when the people were complaining about the food, Moses lamented to God,
    ellauri164.html on line 523: Moses was so dispirited that he preferred to die rather than continue on in this way. In his weariness, he spoke rashly, and God excluded him from leading the people into the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 527: And Moses took the staff from before the Lord, as he commanded him. He and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them, “Hear now, you rebels! Are we to bring water for you out of this rock?” And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice, and water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their livestock.
    ellauri164.html on line 538: Why God punished him so severely is somewhat mysterious. St. Basil the Great used it as an object lesson to us all: “If the just man is scarcely saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear?” (Preface on the Judgment of God).
    ellauri164.html on line 550: 2. He spoke to the people, not with meekness and calm authority, but in heat and bitterness. "Ye rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" Thus he "spake unadvisedly with his lips" (Psalm 106:33) instead of his stick. It is not difficult to understand how Moses should have so far forgotten himself on this occasion. Let the facts be weighed. The servant of the Lord is now 120 years old. The generation which sinned thirty-seven years ago, and was condemned to die in the wilderness, is nearly all gone. Moses is mortified to find that the new generation is infected with a touch of the same impatient unbelief which wrought in their fathers so much mischief. No sooner are they at a loss for water than they rise against Moses with rebellious murmurings. For once he loses command of himself. On all former occasions of the kind his meekness was unshaken; he either held his peace, or prayed for the rebels, or at most called on the Lord to be his Witness and Judge. Now he breaks out into bitter chidings. At the root of this there was a secret failure of faith. "Ye believed me not," - did not thoroughly rely on my faithfulness and power, - "to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel" (verse 12). His former meekness had been the fruit of faith. He had been thoroughly persuaded that the Lord who was with him could accomplish all he had promised, and therefore he faced every difficulty with calm and patient resolution. Now a touch of unbelief bred in him hastiness and bitterness of spirit.
    ellauri164.html on line 552: Two lessons: 1. The failings of good men may be culpable in God's sight and displeasing to him out of all proportion to the degree of blameworthiness they present to our eye. So far is it from being true (as many seem to think) that believers' sins are no sins at all, and need give no concern, that, on the contrary, the Lord dislikes the stain of sin most when it is seen in his dear children. The case of Moses is not singular. Sins which the Lord overlooks in other men he will occasionally put some mark of special displeasure upon, when they are committed by one who is eminent for holiness and honourable service. It is, no doubt, a just instinct which leads all right-thinking people to be blind to the failings of good men who have been signally useful in their day. But if the good men become indulgent to their own faults they are likely to be rudely awakened to a sense of their error. The better a man is, his sins may be the more dishonouring to God. A spot hardly visible on the coat of a labouring man, may be glaringly offensive on the shining raiment of a throned king.
    ellauri164.html on line 566: "And Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they fell upon their faces: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto them. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts to drink. And Moses took the rod from before the Lord, as He commanded him.
    ellauri164.html on line 570: Here Moses sinned. He became wearied with the continual murmurings of the people against him, and the continual murmuring to stupid rocks. At the commandment of the Lord, took the rod, and, instead of speaking to the rock, as God commanded him, he smote it with the rod twice, after saying, "Must we fetch you water out of this rock?" He here spoke unadvisedly with his lips. He did not say, God will now show you another evidence of His power and bring you water out of this rock. He did not ascribe the power and glory to God for causing water to again flow from the flinty rock, and therefore did not magnify Him before the people. For this failure on the part of Moses, God would not permit him to lead the people to the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 572: This necessity for the manifestation of God's power made the occasion one of great solemnity, and Moses and Aaron should have improved it to make a favorable impression upon the people. But Moses was stirred, and in impatience and anger with the people, because of their murmurings, he said, "Hear now, ye rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" In thus speaking he virtually admitted to murmuring Israel that they were correct in charging him with leading them from Egypt. God had forgiven the people greater transgressions than this error on the part of Moses, but He could not regard a sin in a leader of His people as in those who were led. He could not excuse the sin of Moses and permit him to enter the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 576: Moses took glory to himself which belonged to God, and made it necessary for God to do that in his case which should forever satisfy rebellious Israel that it was not Moses who had led them from Egypt,
    ellauri164.html on line 577: but God Himself. The Lord had committed to Moses the burden of leading His people, while the mighty Angel went before them in all their journeyings and directed all their travels. Because they were so ready to forget that God was leading them by His Angel, and to ascribe to man that which God's power alone could perform, He had proved them and tested them, to see whether they would obey Him. At every trial they failed. Instead of believing in, and acknowledging, God, who had strewed their path with evidences of His power and signal tokens of His care and love, they distrusted Him and ascribed their leaving Egypt to Moses, charging him as the cause of all their disasters. Moses had borne with their stubbornness with remarkable forbearance. At one time they threatened to stone him.
    ellauri164.html on line 579: The Heavy Penalty. The Lord would remove this impression forever from their minds, by forbidding Moses to enter the Promised Land. The Lord had highly exalted Moses. He had revealed to him His great glory. He had taken him into a sacred nearness with Himself upon the mount, and had condescended to talk with him as a man speaketh with a friend. He had communicated to Moses, and through him to the people, His will, His statutes, and His laws. His being thus exalted and honored of God made his error of greater magnitude. Moses repented of his sin and humbled himself greatly before God. He related to all Israel his sorrow for his sin. The result of his sin he did not conceal, but told them that for thus failing to ascribe glory to God, he could not lead them to the Promised Land. He then asked them, if this error upon his part was so great as to be thus corrected of God, how God would regard their repeated murmurings in charging him (Moses) with the uncommon visitations of God because of their sins.
    ellauri164.html on line 581: For this single instance, Moses had allowed the impression to be entertained that he had brought them water out of the rock, when he should have magnified the name of the Lord among His people. The Lord would now settle the matter with His people, that Moses was merely a man, following the guidance and direction of a mightier than he, even the Son of God. In this He would leave them without doubt. Where much is given, much is required. Moses had been highly favored with special views of God's majesty. The light and glory of God had been imparted to him in rich abundance. His face had reflected upon the people the glory that the Lord had let shine upon him. All will be judged according to the privileges they have had, and the light and benefits bestowed.
    ellauri164.html on line 583: The sins of good men, whose general deportment has been worthy of imitation, are peculiarly offensive to God. They cause Satan to triumph, and to taunt the angels of God with the failings of God's chosen instruments, and give the unrighteous occasion to lift themselves up against God. The Lord had Himself led Moses in a special manner, and had revealed to him His glory, as to no other upon the earth. He was naturally impatient, but had taken hold firmly of the grace of God and so humbly implored wisdom from heaven that he was strengthened from God and had overcome his impatience so that he was called of God the meekest man upon the face of the whole earth.
    ellauri164.html on line 586: water from the rock at Meribah. Moses and the sons of Aaron buried him in the mount, that the people might not be tempted to make too great ceremony over his body, and be guilty of the sin of idolatry.
    ellauri164.html on line 597: Honoring God in leadership—as all Christian leaders in every sphere must attempt to do—is a terrifying responsibility. Whether we lead a business, a classroom, a relief organization, a household, or any other organization, we must be careful not to mistake our authority for God’s. What can we do to keep ourselves in obedience to God? Meeting regularly with an accountability (or “peer”) group, praying daily about the tasks of leadership, keeping a weekly Sabbath to rest in God’s presence, and seeking others’ perspective on God’s guidance are methods some lead­ers employ. Even so, the task of leading firmly while remaining wholly dependent on God is beyond human capability. If the most humble man on the face of the earth (Num. 12:3) could fail in this way, so can we. By God’s grace, even failures as great as Moses’ at Meribah, with disastrous consequences in this life, do not separate us from the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises. Moses did not enter the Promised Land, yet the New Testament declares him “faithful in all God’s house” and reminds us of the confidence that all in God’s house have in the fulfillment of our redemption in Christ (Heb. 3:2-6).
    ellauri164.html on line 623:

    It is Numbers 20:1-13 again. Miriam was gone. Moses had just buried his sister in Kadesh, in the Wilderness of Zin (Numbers 20:1). She had placed his basket among the reeds of the Nile and had run to get his mother when Pharaoh’s daughter drew him out. His sister had been with him through all his trials in the wilderness. But now Miriam was gone.
    ellauri164.html on line 625: Moses had been leading a rebellious, ungrateful, complaining, people through the wilderness for 40 years. His sister had just died. And now these people had gathered together against Aaron and him to complain because there was no water, again! (Numbers 20:2-5) You would think after 40 years these people would have learned to trust their all-powerful, Living God to provide for them.
    ellauri164.html on line 628: Moses was in no mood to deal with this today. Why couldn’t these people let him mourn his sister in peace? Why had God brought them to a dry thirsty land with no water again? Why did these people always blame him? Why didn’t these people bring their problems to God in prayer instead of always complaining to him? Why were there always so many demands on him? Why was it always “Moses, Moses, Moses”?
    ellauri164.html on line 643: Moses had always done exactly as God commanded – UNTIL NOW. Moses was devastated when God pronounced his judgment (Numbers 20:12). He had obeyed God’s call to go to Egypt to free the Israelites from bondage. God had worked mighty miracles through him.
    ellauri164.html on line 645: God had used him to give the law to Israel and write the first five books of the Bible. He had led God’s people through the wilderness for 40-years, enduring all their complaining and the punishment of their rebellion. He had done everything exactly as God had commanded.
    ellauri164.html on line 647: Now, after 40-years of faithfully serving God with perfect obedience to bring God’s people to the Promised Land, he would not be allowed to enter! Was that fair? Of course it was. Moses knew God was merciful and gracious. Surely God would forgive and relent, if he would only repent. Surely God would forgive one sin, and let him in, after how good he had been.
    ellauri164.html on line 653: Not even Moses could keep the law. God is gracious. Moses was not stoned to death for his disobedience. Wow. God allowed Moses to keep serving Him, and God kept using him to lead His people to the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 654: God called Moses to lead His people out of slavery in Egypt. The Law was given to show people their bondage to sin in the world, and their need for the shed blood of a sacrificial Passover lamb to cover for their sin. Moses was condemned by the very law he gave. He shot himself in the foot.
    ellauri164.html on line 667: Moses messed up. He did something which resulted in God banning him from the Promised Land. What did he do to warrant such a punishment?
    ellauri164.html on line 673: Most of us have been taught that Moses’s sin was hitting a rock to obtain water when God told him just to speak to it. Others say Moses’s sin was that he took credit for obtaining water from the rock when it was really God who performed the miracle.
    ellauri164.html on line 691: Three different times Moses connected God’s anger with him to something the people did.
    ellauri164.html on line 711: So, how does this connect back to Moses being barred from entering the Promised Land? Because the people were unfaithful and so difficult to lead, Moses’s own faith suffered. This caused him to lose confidence that God could develop the Israelites into a faithful covenant people who were meant to be a nation of priests and a means of blessing the nations.
    ellauri164.html on line 717: Conclusion: Moses’s sin wasn’t striking the rock as such when he was told to speak to it; his sin was losing faith in God’s ability to use the Israelites for anything positive. This is why God could say that Moses didn’t trust in Him and is also why Moses could say God was angry with him on account of the people.
    ellauri164.html on line 719: God expects and requires His people to trust Him. Trust is easy when everything is going well. Our faith matters most when things are going wrong and we don’t understand why. During these bad times will we trust in God or not? Moses’s trust in God temporarily faltered and it cost him the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 723: Question: Please tell me what exactly is "Moses' sin." I thought it was the killing of the Egyptian when he was younger. Or was it the revolt of the Levi tribe toward the end? What reason kept him out of the Promised Land?
    ellauri164.html on line 727: Moses assembled the people, but he didn't follow orders quite the way he should have. Instead of just speaking to the rock, which would have demonstrated the power of the word over the power of his rod, he struck it twice, saying, "Listen, you rebels, shall we get water for you out of this rock?" It almost sounded as though Moses was taking credit for delivering the water. That was not true. Perhaps the strain of leading the people all those years was finally starting to show. He called them rebels, which in a sense they were. But God did not tell him to do this. Nor was there any mention of God at that point. All seemed directed at Moses and Aaron: "Must we bring water out of this rock?" Depending on how it's read, it could indicate doubt on the part of Moses.
    ellauri164.html on line 733: In reality, the people who were writing this story knew that Moses did not lead them into the Promised Land. In fact, he had completed his assignment long ago. God had instructed him to lead the people out of Egypt (Ex. 3:10). They were out of Egypt. His job was done. So maybe this wasn't a punishment at all; maybe it was a reward! He was roughly 120 years of age at this point. They all knew that settling into the Promised Land would have its challenges. That land was fully occupied, and many battles were ahead of them. Surely it was time to let Joshua take over. It was time for Moses to rest. Granted, there might have been other ways for God to accomplish this, but the writers of the story chose to tell it like this. The end result is that Moses was free of his responsibility to the people, free to be with God on the mountaintop.
    ellauri164.html on line 802: In the first month the whole Israelite community arrived at the Desert of Zin, and they stayed at Kadesh. There Miriam died and was buried. (2) Now there was no water for the community, and the people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron. (3) They quarreled with Moses and said, "If only we had died when our brothers fell dead before the LORD! (4) Why did you bring the LORD's community into this desert, that we and our livestock should die here? (5) Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!" (6) Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the LORD appeared to them. (7) The LORD said to Moses, (8) "Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink." (9) So Moses took the staff from the LORD's presence, just as he commanded him. (10) He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, "Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?" (11) Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank. (12) But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them." (13) These were the waters of Meribah, [1] where the Israelites quarreled with the LORD and where he showed himself holy among them.
    ellauri164.html on line 844: So why didn’t Moses do what God told him to do? God tells us why:
    ellauri164.html on line 867: There are few characters that play a larger part in the story of the Bible than Moses. He is the human protagonist of four Old Testament books and is consistently held up in both the OT and NT as a shining example of faith in the promises of God. The law that he delivered to the people of Israel serves as the foundation of the nation of Israel, and is lauded by Jesus as a testament that would not pass until “heaven and earth pass away…[and] all is accomplished.” One of the great tragic moments of the Bible is where Moses is denied entrance to the Promised Land for his sin at the Rock of Meribah; after faithfully leading Israel for forty years, Moses strikes a rock instead of speaking to it and is condemned to die before living in the Promised Land. On its surface, this might seem unfair to Moses. One mess-up and God gives him this great punishment? How many times had Israel failed in their journey and at Mt. Sinai, and God had spared their lives and allowed them to keep going? Yet His most faithful servant is barred over this one, seemingly insignificant event? If we take a closer look at the text, however, we see why Moses’ failure was such a stark one. While it doesn’t diminish the tragic nature of the event, it does shed light on why God takes such a drastic step to respond.
    ellauri164.html on line 881: The second mention is in Deuteronomy 3:23-26, where after retelling the defeats of the kings Sihon and Og Moses relates that “I also pleaded with the Lord at that time, saying, ‘O Lord God, You have begun to show Your servant Your greatness and Your strong hand; for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as Yours? Let me, I pray, cross over and see the fair land that is beyond the Jordan, that good hill country and Lebanon.’ But the Lord was angry with me on your account, and would not listen to me; and the Lord said to me, ‘Enough! Speak to Me no more of this matter.” Again, Moses directly links the Lord’s anger towards him with the Israelites.
    ellauri164.html on line 885: Reading the Numbers 20 passage the way that has been suggested makes sense of what Moses says in Deuteronomy. He’s not shifting the blame to Israel for his own failures, but highlighting that their constant rebellion was what caused him to lose his faith in God. Moses lack of faith led him to forget the promise and covenant of God, so he is using that illustration to demonstrate the dangers of forsaking the covenant: just like Moses, Israel will be forbidden the Promised Land if they don’t maintain faith in the covenant promises of God. That’s really one of the main points of Deuteronomy. It’s not just the covenant laws for the new generation, but Moses exhorting the new generation to never lose hope in the promise of God. Moses, knowing Israel, recognizes that there will come a day when they fail to uphold the covenant and they will be punished for it, but he also recognizes that God’s promises will stand no matter how badly Israel fails to uphold it. This, then, is the main point we should derive as well: God will always keep His promises. We, as the heirs to the promises to Abraham and Israel, should always firmly believe in the power of God to bring us, a broken people like Israel, to the shores of the Promised Land!
    ellauri164.html on line 890: Many brethren and sisters, not to mention those outside the church, have a wrong understanding of what the sin of Moses was and its implication(s). Often when asked or giving comments on the matter, they say that his sin was in smiting the rock twice instead of once. They think that, since at first God told Moses to take the rod and smite the rock, and the next time He also told him to take the rod, therefore, he was also instructed to strike once. Such an understanding erodes the whole essence that God had designed in the type that would later be seen in the antitype. As it will soon be clear, striking the rock even once [that second time] would have been sin on the part of Moses. In view of this, therefore, it is important for us to possess the true facts on this matter.
    ellauri164.html on line 904: “And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth His water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the Rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink. And Moses took the rod from before the LORD, as he commanded him. And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock? And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also.” Numbers 20:7–12 (emphasis mine).
    ellauri164.html on line 916: Moses was so beloved by God, but when he sinned He still punished His servant’s sin. “God is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34). Yet it is because he repented, and confessed his sin, that God forgave him. Not long after his death he was resurrected and taken up into heaven (Jude 9)
    ellauri164.html on line 923: Moses’ sin occurred in the final years of his life. After faithfully leading Israel out of Egypt, and after their rebellion in the matter of the 12 spies, he also faithfully led them during the forty years of wandering in the wilderness. Yet near the very end of that wandering, in a moment of anger and a lapse of judgment, Moses sinned, and God recorded that it led Him to refuse to allow Moses to enter the promised land. It is difficult to imagine the anguish and remorse Moses must have felt when God revealed this punishment. His failure to give God the proper respect and reverence, though provoked by the wicked rebellion and faithless murmurings of Israel, was a public sin and God chose to publicly and openly punish him for it.
    ellauri164.html on line 925: Yet this is the same Moses who was allowed to come and speak to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. It was the same Moses who received the wonderful testimony that “Moses indeed was faithful in all his house as a servant.” So, it is abundantly clear that God forgave him of this sin and still considered him to be among His greatest servants (Lk. 9:30-31; Heb. 3:5). This makes this event very important as it can bring hope and comfort to us when we have fallen short, and after repentance feel that we are no longer worthy and might still be cast away forever. This event reveals that this cannot happen as long as we repent and seek forgiveness in confession.
    ellauri164.html on line 927: The events leading up to and ending in his sin are recorded in Numbers 20:1-13. The children of Israel were bitterly angry about not having enough water, so “they gathered together against Moses and Aaron,” and “contended with Moses.” They cast all the blame on him. “Why have you brought up the assembly of the LORD into this wilderness,” “why have you made us come up out of Egypt, to bring us to this evil place?” This was part of the murmuring that we are strictly charged not to imitate (1Cor. 10:10). Israel blamed Moses and Aaron for all their problems and bitterly complained and grumbled about it. They were so bitter and angry they wished they were dead. In all previous acts of rebellion, Moses had always conducted himself in a holy and godly manner. He had warned Israel that their murmuring was against God and never took it personally before.
    ellauri164.html on line 929: It appears that Moses was still in complete control of himself when he went to God for instructions. “Moses and Aaron went ... to the door of the tent of meeting, and fell upon their faces.” “Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,” “take the rod; ... gather the congregation together. Speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will yield its water; thus you shall bring water for them out of the rock, and give drink to the congregation and their animals.” Clearly there was nothing difficult to understand and Moses wanted to be as faithful to this command as he had been to all the other commands God had given him.
    ellauri164.html on line 931: Yet somehow this time something was different and Moses became very angry. Unfortunately for him, as is so often the case, “the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” (Jas. 1:20). Moses went too far. “Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock; and he said to them, Hear now, you rebels! Must we bring water for you out of this rock? Then Moses lifted his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod; and water came out abundantly, and the congregation and their animals drank.”
    ellauri164.html on line 935: When God said Moses “failed to sanctify me in the eyes of the people,” He did not specify exactly what this failure was. God had told Moses to “speak to the rock,” but the account stated that “Moses lifted up his hand, and smote the rock with his rod twice.” Clearly, in that act, Moses went beyond what God had commanded him to do. God had told Moses to take the staff, but not use it. He was directly commanded only to speak to the rock. He went beyond what was written when struck that rock. It was similar to Nadab and Abihu who offered “strange fire which He had not commanded them.” At that time Moses saw that such behavior did not “treat God as holy or glorify him among the people” (Lev. 10:1-3). Yet Moses, in anger, failed to hallow God when he struck that rock instead of speaking to it. He had failed to learn “not to go beyond what is written,” (1Cor. 4:6). He was told to speak to the rock (and he did not do that), but struck the rock (which he had no authority to do). God later charged Moses with this sin: “you rebelled against my word at the waters of Meribah” (Num 20:24; 27:13).
    ellauri164.html on line 939: Conclusion. Though the water came, Moses was severely punished. He was punished in a way that no amount of repentance could remove. As noted above, the sin was forgiven, but the consequences of the sin could not be. Because Moses had sinned publicly and God wanting Israel to understand His righteousness, He would not relent. “Then I pleaded with the Lord at that time... I pray, let me cross over and see the good land beyond the Jordan, those pleasant mountains, and Lebanon ... the Lord said to me: ‘Enough of that! Speak no more to Me of this matter.’ ... you shall not cross over this Jordan.” (Deut. 3:23-27). There is a lot of important lessons we can learn from Moses. This sin is one of them. Though Moses had fallen short of God’s glory here, God forgave him. Yet the consequences of the sin were deeply distressing. So it was with David, Paul and Job. So will it be with us. We need to hate sin and realize that the consequences can sometimes be severe.
    ellauri164.html on line 979: What God wants the people to see is that Moses speaks in performing the miracle at the rock. It is a potentially powerful transitional moment in which Moses’s publicly perceived action would be speech. What he would say would become part of the people’s religious consciousness—part of the repeated narrative of the people—a way of adducing to God a caring relationship with God’s people, and conveying that care to the people. We can imagine the speech Moses might give, performing the quintessential task of a prophet, in bringing God and the people closer together. Instead, he calls them “rebels,” distancing the people from himself and, by association, from God; disdaining their legitimate needs; and losing the opportunity to attribute the provision of water to God.
    ellauri164.html on line 981: Instead, Moses does what he did in the first story, ignoring the fact that he is not dealing with the same population. He acts as though he is saying to himself, “They are just like their parents! Always quarreling!” In fact, they are a new generation, and by reverting to an action that was appropriate forty years earlier, and not now, Moses shows that he is not the person to bring them into the Land.
    ellauri171.html on line 115: Lea vietti sydäntäsärkevää elämää yrittäessään voittaa Jaakobin rakkauden, mutta Jumala armahti Leaa erityisellä tavalla. Hänen poikansa Juuda johti heimoa, joka synnytti Jeesuksen Kristuksen, maailman Vapahtajan. Lea on symboli ihmisille, jotka yrittävät ansaita Jumalan rakkauden, joka on ehdoton ja vapaasti otettava. Pyhimyxen vanha kunn Pat. Petetty ruma läski vaimo, vielä 1 naisen rooli Raamatussa. Jatka lukemista alta.
    ellauri171.html on line 164: Delilah käytti kauneuttaan ja sex appealia vaikuttaakseen vahvaan mieheen Simsoniin, joka saalistaa tämän karkaavaa himoa. Simson, Israelin tuomari, oli myös niin saalis kuin saalis painija, joka tappoi monia filistealaisia, mikä lisäsi heidän kostonhaluaan. He käyttivät Delilaa löytääkseen Simsonin voiman salaisuuden: hänen pitkät hiuksensa. LOL, vertaa Absalomia, jonka rastatukka oli hänen tuhonsa.
    ellauri171.html on line 211:

    14 of 20 Isebel: Israelin kostonhimoinen mamukuningatar

    ellauri171.html on line 218: His father, Marcel Théodore Tissot, was not a watchmaker but a successful drapery merchant. He took part in losing the war of 1870 and in the Paris Commune. In 1885, Tissot had a revival of his Catholic faith, which led him to spend the rest of his life making paintings about Biblical events. Many of his artist friends were skeptical about his conversion, as it conveniently coincided with the French Catholic revival, a reaction against the secular attitude of the French Third Republic. They brought Tissot vast wealth and fame. Tissot spent the last years of his life in his chateau working on paintings of subjects from the Old Testament. Although he never completed the series, he exhibited 80 of these paintings in Paris in 1901 and engravings after them were published in 1904. In the first half of the 20th century, there was a re-kindling of interest in his portraits of fashionable ladies and some fifty years later, these were achieving record prices.
    ellauri171.html on line 314: St. Mary Magdalene, naisten patruunapyhimys
    ellauri171.html on line 409: It was a dangerous thing to do. He might have got away with it with Antipas, who was indolent and indecisive, but Herodias was another matter. She engineered a situation that led to John’s death, silencing him forever. Did Herodias do it alone? Probably not. It is more likely that all three (Antipas, Herodias and Salome) planned the charade beforehand, to provide an excuse for getting rid of John and silencing him. In any case John, already in prison, was quickly beheaded. Another political problem was solved. Were it not for the fact that the gospels recorded this deed, John’s name and the horror of his death would have been lost forever.
    ellauri171.html on line 444: This was when Judith went into action. She went into the enemy camp and offered Holofernes information that would help him defeat her own people.
    ellauri171.html on line 467: He looked up to the window and said “Who is on my side? Who?” Two or three eunuchs looked out at him. He said “Throw her down.” So they threw her down; some of her blood spattered on the wall and on the horses, which trampled on her. Then he went in to dinner. …..
    ellauri171.html on line 521: But Shechem falls passionately in love post coitum! So not at all what happened with Amnon. Dinah must have been a better lay. Now love complicates what would otherwise be the simple story of a violent crime. Shechem declared that he has fallen passionately in love with Dinah. He told her this, and he told anyone who would listen to him. He loved her tenderly – the words of the story imply longing, yearning, tenderness, not the usual feelings of a rapist.
    ellauri171.html on line 574: for in their anger they killed men,and at their whim they hamstrung oxen.
    ellauri171.html on line 588: Who was right? Jacob, or his sons? Jacob is angry, as well he might be. He tells Simeon and Levi they have brought trouble on him. Now everyone will hate them and try to kill them.
    ellauri171.html on line 589: His anger is stoked not by any ethical consideration, but by the fear that they have become pariahs who will be hunted down by allies of the city they have attacked. He rebukes his sons for backing out of the agreement they had with the people of the city – but hasn’t he himself used duplicity all his life to get what he wants? He does not like it when his sons do the same.
    ellauri171.html on line 625: Why is this story important at all for people without foreskins? In verse 1 we are told that a Levite had taken a concubine, a second class wife, for himself.
    ellauri171.html on line 627: Now it came about in those days, when there was no king in Israel, that there was a certain Levite staying in the remote part of the hill country of Ephraim, who took a concubine for himself from Bethlehem in Judah. Judges 19:1 (NASB)
    ellauri171.html on line 631: But his concubine played the harlot against him, and she went away from him to her father’s house in Bethlehem in Judah, and was there for a period of four months. Judges 19:2 (NASB)
    ellauri171.html on line 633: We are told that the concubine became a prostitute. Since we are told that she went to her father’s house, it may be that she and the Levite had an argument about her adultery before she fled. Verses 1 and 2 imply they were not happy together. Now before we find fault with the Levite and accuse him of using her as a mistress, read the next two verses.
    ellauri171.html on line 635: Then her husband arose and went after her to speak tenderly to her in order to bring her back, taking with him his servant and a pair of donkeys. So she brought him into her father’s house, and when the girl’s father saw him, he was glad to meet him. His father-in-law, the girl’s father, detained him; and he remained with him three days. So they ate and drank and lodged there. Judges 19:3-4 (NASB)
    ellauri171.html on line 645: While they were celebrating, behold, the men of the city, certain worthless fellows, surrounded the house, pounding the door; and they spoke to the owner of the house, the old man, saying, “Bring out the man who came into your house that we may have relations with him.” Then the man, the owner of the house, went out to them and said to them, “No, my fellows, please do not act so wickedly; since this man has come into my house, do not commit this act of folly. “ Here is my virgin daughter and his concubine. Please let me bring them out that you may ravish them and do to them whatever you wish. But do not commit such an act of folly against this man.” Judges 19:22-24 (NASB)
    ellauri171.html on line 647: The worthless fellows wanted the old man to send out the Levite so that they could engage in sexual activity with him. But the old man refused and offered the crowd of men his virgin daughter and the Levite’s concubine. The old man said, “you may ravish them” and do “whatever you wish.” He granted them permission to engage in sexual relations with the two women. Now it is obvious the men surrounding the old man’s house wanted to engage in sexual activity when the two women were offered. It is also obvious the men described as “worthless fellows” were homosexuals since they wanted sex with the Levite and two women were offered.[1, 2]
    ellauri171.html on line 651: But the men would not listen to him. So the man seized his concubine and brought her out to them; and they raped her and abused her all night until morning, then let her go at the approach of dawn. As the day began to dawn, the woman came and fell down at the doorway of the man’s house where her master was, until full daylight. Judges 19:25-26 (NASB)
    ellauri171.html on line 693: Another lesson is that the Levite was supposedly a godly man and priest. The account does not tell us what ultimately happened to him, but Judges 20:4-5 seems to imply that he lied about his actions in order to save himself. Scripture records what appears to be deception. It is not enough for someone to claim to a godly person. It appears that Scripture records he was not fit for the priesthood. Being a pastor or a priest is not a “job” or “vocation.” Some have said that character does not matter. It is what one accomplishes. But Scripture repeatedly demonstrates that God uses righteous ministers! This man’s behavior demonstrated he was not qualified to be a priest.
    ellauri171.html on line 707: He came to a camp site whose people, he thought, would be friendly to him.
    ellauri171.html on line 708: A woman stood at the entrance to one of the tents, and beckoned him in. She seemed to want to help him. He should have been more careful.
    ellauri171.html on line 710: She offered the exhausted soldier some milk to drink, then waited for him to fall into exhausted sleep. Then she took a tent peg and a mallet, stepped quietly to his side, knelt down, then swiftly drove the peg through the side of his skull. He died instantly – an ignominious death at the hands of a woman.
    ellauri171.html on line 731: Jael met Sisera and killed him
    ellauri171.html on line 733: As he passed by her tent, Jael called the unwary Sisera into her tent. He was exhausted and desperate for a refuge. She hid him and fed him, and he fell into a deep sleep. Then she calmly took one of her tent pegs and with one blow hammered it through the side of his head. She was hailed as a national heroine by the Israelites. Sisera’s mother waited and waited for her son to return. But he was already dead by Jael’s hand.
    ellauri171.html on line 748: Ehud’s hand was covered in faeces. Then Ehud quickly left, locking the door after him so the servants would think the king was taking his time as he relieved himself.
    ellauri171.html on line 752: Then Ehud went out into the vestibule and closed the doors of the roof chamber on him, and locked them.’ (Judges 3:21-23)
    ellauri171.html on line 765: Now the king’s sons, seventy persons, were with the leaders of the city, who were charged with their upbringing. When the letter reached them, they took the king’s sons and killed them, seventy persons; the put their heads in baskets and sent them to him at Jezreel.
    ellauri171.html on line 766: When the messenger came and told him “They have brought the heads of the king’s sons” he Jehu said “Lay them in two heaps at the entrance of the gate”.’
    ellauri171.html on line 793: Though Christ never taught it was wrong to have wealth, He did warn about the snare of riches. For example, there was a rich young man who came to Him during His ministry. He asked Jesus what He must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus told Him, “sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me” (Matthew 19:21). As the episode unfolds, the rich young man could not bring himself to do this. He “went away sorrowful, but anyway he had great possessions” (Matthew 19:22).
    ellauri171.html on line 826: Ashima, goddess of fate
    ellauri171.html on line 950: According to the pantheon, known in Ugarit as 'ilhm (Elohim) or the children of El, supposedly obtained by Philo of Byblos from Sanchuniathon of Berythus (Beirut) the creator was known as Elion, who was the father of the divinities, and in the Greek sources he was married to Beruth (Beirut = the city). This marriage of the divinity with the city would seem to have Biblical parallels too with the stories of the link between Melqart and Tyre; Chemosh and Moab; Tanit and Baal Hammon in Carthage, Yah and Jerusalem.
    ellauri171.html on line 954: In Canaanite mythology there were twin mountains Targhizizi and Tharumagi which hold the firmament up above the earth-circling ocean, thereby bounding the earth. W. F. Albright, for example, says that El Shaddai is a derivation of a Semitic stem that appears in the Akkadian shadû ("mountain") and shaddā'û or shaddû'a ("mountain-dweller"), one of the names of Amurru. Philo of Byblos states that Atlas was one of the Elohim, which would clearly fit into the story of El Shaddai as "God of the Mountain(s)". Harriet Lutzky has presented evidence that Shaddai was an attribute of a Semitic goddess, linking the epithet with Hebrew šad "breast" as "the one of the Breast". The idea of two mountains being associated here as the breasts of the Earth, fits into the Canaanite mythology quite well. The ideas of pairs of mountains seem to be quite common in Canaanite mythology (similar to Horeb and Sinai in the Bible). The late period of this cosmology makes it difficult to tell what influences (Roman, Greek, or Hebrew) may have informed Philo's writings.
    ellauri171.html on line 956: In the Baal Cycle, Ba'al Hadad is challenged by and defeats Yam, using two magical weapons (called "Driver" and "Chaser") made for him by Kothar-wa-Khasis. Afterward, with the help of Athirat and Anat, Ba'al persuades El to allow him a palace. El approves, and the palace is built by Kothar-wa-Khasis. After the palace is constructed, Ba'al gives forth a thunderous roar out of the palace window and challenges Mot. Mot enters through the window and swallows Ba'al, sending him to the Underworld. With no one to give rain, there is a terrible drought in Ba'al's absence. The other deities, especially El and Anat, are distraught that Ba'al has been taken to the Underworld. Anat goes to the Underworld, attacks Mot with a knife, grinds him up into pieces, and scatters him far and wide. With Mot defeated, Ba'al is able to return and refresh the Earth with rain.
    ellauri171.html on line 992: The next time we hear of Jezebel is during the ploy to obtain Naboth’s vineyard for her husband, who is unable to secure the transaction. She sends letters, with the stamp of the king, to the elders in Naboth’s town, commanding them to lie against Naboth, and then stone him. The elders do so, and after Naboth’s death, the vineyard is claimed for Ahab. Few bible commentators acknowledge the bizarre betrayal of Naboth by his neighbors. If, as is suggested, Naboth’s neighbors had known him since birth and patronized him, how could they turn so quickly? Some scholars argue that this incident highlights Jezebel’s keen understanding of Israelite men. It is perhaps, also, one of the impetus for her modern connotation as manipulator-supreme.
    ellauri171.html on line 1008: The Zohar explains that although Elijah was a prophet of Gad, it is the practice of the righteous to avoid situations that require miraculous divine intervention unless absolutely necessary. Because Jezebel had threatened to harm him, Elijah escaped quickly to save Gad the trouble of a supernatural rescue mission. Gad was a little out of breath after the Carmel incident.
    ellauri171.html on line 1021: It is not incomprehensible that, whereas Ahab devoted himself to military and foreign affairs, Jezebel acted as his deputy for internal affairs: the Naboth report comes back to her, as if the king’s seal was hers; she has her own “table,” that is her own economic establishment and budget; she has her own “prophets,” probably a religious establishment that she controls. All these point toward an official or semiofficial position that Jezebel held by virtue of her character, her royal origin and connections, her husband’s and later her children’s esteem, and her religious affiliation to the Baal (possibly also Asherah) cult.
    ellauri171.html on line 1044: Tää on yxi tärkeimmistä lessoneista joita raamatusta saa: mikään ei ole muuttunut sitten maailman luomisen (4000 BC. Julkkixet vaan vaihtuvat. Apinat ei selviä miljoonista lähimmäisistä, ne ei kerta kaikkiaan pysty kietomaan pikku aivojaan sellaisten lukumäärien ympärille, ne tarvii näitä idoleita, Raakelin pikku pronssinukkeja, idolatriaa, jonka avulla ne voi yxinkertaistaa kaikki tapahtumien variaatiot luukoppaan mahtuvaxi joukoxi pompittimia, jotka puuhastelevat mitä apinat on kautta linjan aina puuhastelleet: EAT! FUCK! KILL! Näiden askarteluaiheiden sentään suht rajoitetuissa eri variaatioissa.
    ellauri171.html on line 1049: Storyline: Jacob's psychopath son Judah believes that his daughter-in-law Tamara 1 has killed two of his sons, and subjugates her so that she is unable to remarry. However, she ultimately tricks Judah into fucking her pregnant himself and therefore secures her place in the family. She gives Judah two more sons. Her story illustrates her loyalty and her willingness to be assertive and unconventional.
    ellauri171.html on line 1053: Although the readers know that God has killed two of Judah’s sons, Judah does not. This is known as dramatic irony. He suspects that Tamar is a “lethal woman,” a woman whose sexual partners are all doomed to die. So, Judah is afraid to give Tamar to his youngest son, Shelah, the inventor of Shelah quantifiers. So doing, Judah wrongs Tamar. According to Near Eastern custom, known from Middle Assyrian laws, if a man has no son over ten years old, he could perform the Levirate marriage (yibbum) obligation himself; if he does not, the woman is declared a “widow,” free to marry again. Judah, who is perhaps afraid of Tamar’s lethal character, could have set her free. But he does not—he sends her to live as “a widow” in her father’s house. Unlike other widows, she cannot remarry and must stay chaste on pain of death. She is in limbo.
    ellauri171.html on line 1061: But there is a greater threat to his honor (aw fuck, stop, you're killing us). Rumor relates that Tamar is pregnant and has obviously been faithless to her obligation to Judah to remain chaste. Judah, as the head of the family, acts swiftly to restore his honor, commanding that she be burnt to death. But Tamar has anticipated this danger. She sends his identifying pledge to him, urging him to recognize that its owner is the father. Realizing what has happened, Judah publicly announces Tamar’s innocence. His cryptic phrase, zadekah mimmeni, is often translated “she is more in the right than I” (Gen 38:26), a recognition not only of her innocence, but also of his wrongdoing in not freeing her or performing the levirate. Another possible translation is “she is innocent—it [the child] is from me.” Judah has now performed the levirate (despite himself) and never cohabits with Tamar again. Once she is pregnant, future sex with a late son’s wife would be incestuous.
    ellauri171.html on line 1063: Tamar’s place in the family and Judah’s posterity are secured. She gives birth to twins, Perez and Zerah (Gen 38:29–30; 1 Chr 2:4), thus restoring two sons to Judah, who has lost two. Their birth is reminiscent of the birth of Rebekah’s twin sons, at which Jacob came out holding Esau’s heel (Gen 25:24–26). Perez does him one better. The midwife marks Zerah’s hand with a scarlet cord when it emerges from the womb first, but Perez (whose name means “barrier-breach”) edges his way through. Cuts the queue. From his line would come David. Not surprising.
    ellauri171.html on line 1113: To make matters worse, she seemed to have been intelligent and sexually moral, with only a sisterly interest in him.
    ellauri171.html on line 1119: Amnon sighed in a dispirited way and said he could not eat, but on being pressed by his father admitted that yes, he might be able to eat if his sister Tamar cooked some food and fed it to him. David, gullible in matters regarding his sons, immediately sent for Tamar to come and tend her brother.
    ellauri171.html on line 1123: She came to Amnon’s quarters and prepared a kind of boiled dumpling soup (matzoh-ball-soup) that Amnon asked for. She then set the food before him, but Amnon, pretending to be petulant and out of sorts, refused to eat.
    ellauri171.html on line 1126: Since they were directly commanded to go, her servants also had to leave the room – David’s heir was not someone to be crossed. Then, still feigning the irritation of a sick person, he went into the bedroom alcove and insisted he would only eat the food if she brought it to him there and fed him with her own hand.
    ellauri171.html on line 1128: When she did this, leaning forward with the food, he took hold of her and pulled her to him, molesting her. Alone and unguarded, she had no chance of fending him off. She resisted him as best she could, she argued and pleaded, pointed out that what he was doing was wrong, that they could marry if he wished, that rape would bring ruin to them both.
    ellauri171.html on line 1133: He shouted at her to get out of his room, get out of his sight, but she pleaded with him, trying to retrieve something from this desperate situation. They might still marry, she argued.
    ellauri171.html on line 1192: 7 (Nyt näet aiempina aikoina Israelissa, jotta omaisuuden lunastus ja siirto olisi lopullista, toinen osapuoli riisui sandaalinsa ja antoi sen toiselle. Tämä oli tapa laillistaa liiketoimet Israelissa.) 8 Niin huoltaja-lunastaja sanoi Boasille: "Osta itse." Ja hän riisui sandaalinsa. 9 Silloin Boas ilmoitti vanhimmille ja kaikelle kansalle: "Tänään te olette todistajat, että olen ostanut Noomilta kaiken Elimelekin, Kilionin ja Mahlonin omaisuuden. 10 Olen myös hankkinut vaimoksi Ruutin Moabilaisen, Mahlonin lesken, säilyttääkseni kuolleiden nimen hänen omaisuudellaan, jottei hänen nimensä katoaisi hänen perheestään eikä kotikaupungistaan. Tänään olette todistajia!" 11 Silloin vanhimmat ja kaikki portilla oleva sanoivat: "Me olemme todistajia. Tehköön HERRA kotiisi tulevan naisen Raakelin ja Lean kaltaiseksi, jotka yhdessä rakensivat Israelin perheen. Olkoon sinulla asema Efratassa ja ole kuuluisa Betlehemissä. 12 Sen jälkeläisen kautta, jonka Herra antaa sinulle tämän nuoren naisen kautta, olkoon sinun perheesi Pereksen sukulainen, jonka Taamar synnytti Juudalle." 13 Niin Boas otti Ruutin, ja hänestä tuli hänen vaimonsa. Kun hän rakastell hiäntä, HERRA antoi hiänelle mahdollisuuden tulla raskaaksi, ja hiän synnytti pojan. 14 Naiset sanoivat Noomille: "Kiitetty olkoon Herra, joka ei tänä päivänä ole jättänyt sinua ilman huoltajaa-lunastajaa. Tulkoon hänestä kuuluisa kaikkialla Israelissa! 15 Hän uudistaa elämäsi ja tukee sinua vanhuudessasi. Sillä miniäsi, joka rakastaa sinua ja on sinulle parempi kuin seitsemän poikaa, on synnyttänyt hänet." 16 Sitten Noomi otti lapsen syliinsä ja piti hänestä huolta. 17 Siellä asuvat naiset sanoivat: "Noomilla on poika!" Ja he antoivat hänelle nimen Obed (ven. "päivällinen"). Hän oli Iisain, Daavidin isän, isä. 18 Tämä on siis Pereksen sukupuu: Peres oli Hesronin isä, jne. ad nauseam.
    ellauri172.html on line 108: FIN de sieclen uskonriidoissa näkyy himskatin selvästi että niissä on oikeasti kysymys patriarkaalisen status kuon murroxesta. Kaikki pahat asiat on halkeamia siinä padossa.
    ellauri172.html on line 114: Jos. de Maistren, kivenkovan lahkolaisen, pitkäveteisen, onton, korskean ja pompöösin Huisman piilottaa hyllyn taaxe. Hyllyyn jää vain harhaileva, huikentelevainen, tärkeilevä ja monisäikeinen Hello. Sen ajatuxet hiutuvat niin ohkasixi että ne pitäis kuuppeloittaa jollain jumoavalla aineella.Taidokas psykologi ja hurskas niuhottaja yxissä kansissa. Sappivaivojen jäytämä saarnamies, kostonhimoinen ja pöyhkeä. Ihmeellisistä asioista voi puhua vain sopertaen. Kuten Ruisbrookista, josta on jo paasaus. Le Bloy ja Barney d'Aurevilly saapastelevat myös framille. Katolisten 2 sudenkuoppaa ovat mystiikka ja sadismi. Saxanpolkkaa tapernaakkelissa. Löytyisköhän Barneyn romsku Un pretre marié jostakin? Ai onhan tää wikisourcessa.
    ellauri172.html on line 116: Jean Sombreval, entinen pappi, josta tuli ateisti ja jopa meni naimisiin vallankumouksellisessa Pariisissa, joutuu kärsimään Jumalan koston. Vaimonsa kuoleman jälkeen Sombreval osoittaa erityistä omistautumista ainoalle tyttärelleen, Calixtelle. Mutta Calixte on intohimoisesti kristitty, niin paljon, että hän astui Karmelin ritarikuntaan vannoen itselleen tuoda isänsä takaisin uskoon.
    ellauri172.html on line 123: Néel de Néhou, nuori aristokraatti, jolla on ritarillinen käytös, joka on sopusoinnussa kirjailijan nostalgisen ihanteen kanssa, yrittää itsepäisesti voittaa Calixten suosion vaarassa menettää kaiken. Mutta hänen kunnioituksensa saa vastauksen vain ystävänä tai sisarena nuorelta karmeliitilta, joka on kääntynyt yksinomaan Jumalaan. Malgaignen synkistä varoituksista huolimatta hän heittäytyy ruumiistaan ja sielunsa mahdottomaan ja traagiseen intohimoon, joka yhdistää hänen kohtalonsa isän ja tyttären muodostaman vastakkaisen parin kohtaloon.
    ellauri172.html on line 135: Kaikenlaiset jäynät ja tuhmuushymyt, ml sadismi, perustuu nimenomaisen kiellon uhmaamiseen, tuumaa Huisinga. Pahimmat pahanteot on pyhänhäväistys ja haureus, se selvittää. Ne on silverbäkin reviirien loukkaus. No saattaahan ne olla ne mistä silverbäkki ize eniten tuppaa kiivastumaan, ja ehkä sixi juuri niitä alaiset tekee kun silmä välttää paizi mielixeen, niin myös puhtaasti vittuilumielessä.
    ellauri172.html on line 212: Saul vedendolo lo vuole uccidere, ma dopo averlo ascoltato si convince a dargli il comando dell'esercito. David ad un certo punto commette però un errore, parlando di “due agnelli” in Israele, e ciò genera il delirio omicida di Saul verso il giovane. Saul poi spiega a Gionata la dura legge del trono, per la quale “il fratello uccide il fratello”. Davanti al re arriva il sacerdote Achimelech, che porta a Gionata la condanna divina e lo mette al corrente dell'avvenuta incoronazione di David. Il re fa uccidere il sacerdote, e da lì egli andrà sempre più verso il delirio.
    ellauri172.html on line 246: Suppose two similar dates in front of a man, who has a strong desire for them but who is unable to take them both. Surely he will take one of them, through a quality in him, the nature of which is to differentiate between two similar things.
    ellauri172.html on line 256: It may be objected, if man does not act from free will, what will happen if the incentives to action are equally balanced, as in the case of Buridan's ass? I am quite ready to admit, that a man placed in the equilibrium described (namely, as perceiving nothing but hunger and thirst, a certain food and a certain drink, each equally distant from him) would die of hunger and thirst. If I am asked, whether such a one should not rather be considered an ass than a man; I answer, that I do not know, neither do I know how a man should be considered, who hangs himself, or how we should consider children, fools, madmen, &c. Hyvä Pentti!
    ellauri172.html on line 281: 21 Balaam got up in the morning, saddled his donkey and went with the Moabite officials. 22 But God was very angry(A) when he went, and the angel of the Lord(B) stood in the road to oppose him. Balaam was riding on his donkey, and his two servants were with him. 23 When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord standing in the road with a drawn sword(C) in his hand, it turned off the road into a field. Balaam beat it(D) to get it back on the road.
    ellauri172.html on line 295: 32 The angel of the Lord asked him, “Why have you beaten your donkey these three times? I have come here to oppose you because your path is a reckless one before me.[a] 33 The donkey saw me and turned away from me these three times. If it had not turned away, I would certainly have killed you by now,(J) but I would have spared it.”
    ellauri172.html on line 301: 36 When Balak(L) heard that Balaam was coming, he went out to meet him at the Moabite town on the Arnon(M) border, at the edge of his territory. 37 Balak said to Balaam, “Did I not send you an urgent summons? Why didn’t you come to me? Am I really not able to reward you?”
    ellauri172.html on line 328: Pro tertio: Le bonheur purement égoïste de certains épicuriens est une chimère, une abstraction, une impossibilité : les vrais plaisirs humains sont tous plus ou moins sociaux. L’égoïsme pur, avons-nous dit, au lieu d’être une réelle affirmation de soi, est une mutilation de soi.
    ellauri172.html on line 372: Denn er sieht, bei seiner Lampe Schimmer Heppu näkee lampun loisteessa
    ellauri180.html on line 136: Omppuoluttalon säännöissä on kaikki hyvän Irving-romaanin piirteet: inhimilliset, omituiset ja miellyttävät hahmot, joilla on epätavallisia elämänkokemuksia; tarina, jolla on moraalinen pohjavire; syvällisiä kohtauksia - jotkut hassuja ja huvittavia - toiset viisaita ja koskettavia. Älä ymmärrä minua väärin, tämä kirja ei sovi kaikille. Se ei lähde heti nousuun – joku nopeatempoinen tv-kazoja saattaa jopa pitää koko ensimmäistä puoliskoa hitaana. Jos olet tiukasti elämänmielinen, et todennäköisesti huomaa nauttivasi tästä kirjasta – lapsenlähdetys on liian jatkuva ongelma. Eikä sikiönkaavinta ole tässä ainoa painava teema: petos, sota, siveys, lait ja säännöt, sielu, sukuruza, perhe, kuolema, naisiin kohdistuva väkivalta; lista jatkuu.
    ellauri180.html on line 183: In some African tribes, circumcision is performed at birth. In Judaic societies, the ritual is performed on the eighth day after birth, but for Moslems and many of the tribal cultures it is performed in early adult life as a rite of passage', e.g. puberty or marriage. Why the practice evolved is not clear and many theories have been proposed. Nineteenth century historians suggested that the ritual is an ancient form of social control. They conceive that the slitting of a man's penis to cause bleeding and pain is to remind him of the power of the Church, i.e. We have control over your distinction to be a man, your pleasure and your right to reproduce'. The ritual is a warning and the timing dictates who is warned; for the new-born it is the parents who accede to the Church: We mark your son, who belongs to us, not to you'. For the young adolescent, the warning accompanies the aggrandisement of puberty; the time when growing strength give independence, and the rebellion of youth.
    ellauri180.html on line 195: Abernathy (1928) who was a reluctant surgeon) does report the use of the bistoury (knife) to achieve circumcision in men with gonoccocal phimosis'. He also states that the bleeding should be stanched with iodoform and boric', possibly indicating that sutures were not applied.
    ellauri180.html on line 197: Baillie (1833) also describes gonococcal phimosis and recommends that the initial treatment is nugatory' (inoperative) involving the washing of the penis (and under the prepuce with soap and tepid water, followed by the application of calomel ointment. Abernathy also warns against immediate circumcision in the face of a morbidly sensitive surface' (and declares that Sir Edward Home agrees with him!). He advocates that the posthitis (inflamed foreskin) should be allowed to soothe and allay' before surgical intervention. We can assume that the complications recognized by both Abernathy and Baillie were re-phimosis, re-stricture or suppuration; what is clear is that circumcision was not a procedure taken lightly at that time. Interestingly, neither author mentions circumcision in the neonate, suggesting that it had not yet significantly entered the domain of English surgeons.
    ellauri180.html on line 198: By the middle of the 19th century, anaesthesia and antisepsis were rapidly changing surgical practice. The first reported circumcision in the surgical accounts of St Bartholomew's Hospital was in 1865; although this comprised only one of the 417 operations performed that year, it was clearly becoming a more common procedure. Indeed, this was a time when surgical cures were being explored for all ails and in 1878 Curling described circumcision as a cure for impotence in men who also had as associated phimosis. Many other surgeons reported circumcision as being beneficial for a diverse range of sexual problems. Walsham (1903) re-iterates the putative association of phimosis with impotence and suggests that it may also predispose to sterility, priapism, excess masturbation and even venereal disease. Warren (1915) adds epilepsy, nocturnal enuresis, night terrors and precocious sexual unrest' to the list of dangers, and this accepted catalogue of phimotic ills' is extended in American textbooks to include other aspects of sexual erethisms' such as homosexuality.
    ellauri180.html on line 224: Literary assaults such as these have served to fuel the debates and even a Medline® search today reveals that in the last year alone, 155 reviews or letters have been published arguing for or against routine circumcision. However, studying the evolution of the medical indications provides us with a pleasing demonstration of how controversy drives scientific enquiry. We have already described how the surgeons of 100 years ago advocated circumcision for a wide variety of conditions, such as impotence, nocturnal enuresis, sterility, excess masturbation, night terrors, epilepsy, etc. There can be no doubt that a large element of surgical self-interest drove these claims. However, most of the contemporary textbooks also included epithelioma (carcinoma) of the penis amidst the morass of complications of phimosis. Although rare, once this observation had been made, it presumably filtered down through the textbooks by rote, rather than scientific study. A few reports had appeared in the early 20th century indicating that carcinoma of the penis was rare in circumcised men, but not until the debate over neonatal circumcision erupted in the medical press in the 1930s that this surgical `mantra' was put to the test. In 1932, the editor of the Lancet challenged Abraham Wolbarst, a New York urologist, to prove his contention (in a previous Lancet editorial), that circumcision prevented penile carcinoma. Wolbarst responded by surveying every skin, cancer and Jewish hospital in the USA, along with 1250 of the largest general hospitals throughout the Union. With this survey, he was able to show that penile cancer virtually never occurred in circumcised men and that the risk related to the timing of the circumcision. Over the years this association has been reaffirmed by many research workers, although general hygiene, demographic and other factors such as human papilloma virus and smoking status are probably just as important. However, Wolbarst established that association through formal scientific enquiry and proponents of the procedure continue to use this as a compelling argument for circumcision at birth.
    ellauri180.html on line 309:
    Things to note: Bobby looks far away, Lori (or whatever) looks at him. Bobby is up front, Lori stands back. Bobby is fully dressed, Lori shows tits and navel. Bobby is white & has neat white clothes, Lori is WOC & wears dirty neolithic gear. Bobby frowns, Lori smirks like a puppy. Zadaa! By the rivers of Babylon...

    ellauri180.html on line 450: In other words, her pride, and knowing that she is higher than her lowborn lover on the social scale and so cannot marry him, prevents her from giving herself to him altogether. He is just her ‘bit of rough’, to use the more modern idiom. Calmly, and determined to possess Porphyria utterly, even if it means killing her in order to do so, the speaker strangles Porphyria with her hair, wrapping it around her neck three times and wringing the life from her. In death, she remains forever his.
    ellauri180.html on line 497: They fell and faded—and the crackling trunks ja himmenivät - ja kipinöivät rungot
    ellauri180.html on line 519: Did glut himself again: a meal was bought Sai uutta syötävää, ateria lunastettiin
    ellauri180.html on line 521: Gorging himself in gloom: no love was left; Ahtaen izeään synkkinä, pahansuopina,
    ellauri180.html on line 531: Lur'd their lank jaws; himself sought out no food, Niiden huomion. Koira ize paastosi,
    ellauri181.html on line 43: Oliko se sit Ivan Klima? His friend Philip Roth once described him, with his "Beatle haircut" and "carnivorous teeth" as "a much more intellectually evolved Ringo Starr". Ei kuulosta ihan tältäkään. Ivan Klima says "There are some differences between a dictatorship which is strong and one which is tired. By the late Eighties ours was a tired dictatorship. They were no longer killing people and they made every effort not to arrest people. In this condition of a dictatorship you could find your own freedom. You could not become rich, you could not travel except maybe to Hungary, but you could write." Olipa paha ettei voinut rikastua eikä lennellä ympäriinsä. Ja saihan sitä kirjoittaa, kuha ei julkaissut.
    ellauri181.html on line 47: Minulla on mukana Prahassa Kafkan ja Brodin lisäxi Aku Ankan taskukirjoina Gombrowicziä, Mishimaa ja Genetiä. Niissä tekijä on izekorostetusti mukana moraalisesti mitä pahexuttavimmassa panopuuhassa. Lukukausi päättyy kesymmin Anna Kareninaan, Madame Bovaryyn ja Tom Mannin homosteluun.
    ellauri181.html on line 83:
    "Akatemian herrat! | Teet minulle kunnian pyytää minua toimittamaan raportin akatemialle apinani elämästäni. | Tässä mielessä en valitettavasti voi noudattaa pyyntöä. Lähes viisi vuotta erottaa minut apinoista, […]. Tämä saavutus olisi ollut mahdotonta, jos olisin izepäisesti halunnut pitää kiinni alkuperästäni, nuoruuteni muistoista. Pelkkä luopuminen liitetiedoista oli ensisijainen prioriteetti, jonka olin asettanut izelleni; Minä, vapaa apina, alistuin tälle ikeen. Tämän seurauxena muistoni sulkeutuivat minulle yhä enemmän. " … välillä … "... Avoin sanoen, niin paljon kuin haluan valita kuvia näihin asioihin, suoraan sanottuna: Apeisuutenne, herrat, jos teillä on jotain tällaista takananne, ei voi olla kauempana teistä kuin minun. Mutta jokainen, joka kävelee täällä maan päällä on mielissään on kantapää : pikku simpanssi kuin iso Achilles . " "Ja opin, herrat! Voi, opit, kun sinun täytyy; yxi oppii, kun haluaa pääsyä; yxi oppii armottomasti. Piiskaalla valvotaan izeään; yxi repii izensä pienixi vastarinnoixi. Apinaluonto juoxi minusta ja pois kiertäen izensä yli, niin että ensimmäisestä opettajastani ize tuli melkein apina, piti pian luopua opetuxesta ja viedä sanatorioon. Onnexi hän tuli pian taas ulos. " "Nämä edistysaskeleet! Tämä tietosäteiden tunkeutuminen kaikilta puolilta herääviin aivoihin! En kiellä: se teki minut onnellisexi. Mutta myönnän myös: en yliarvioinut sitä edes silloin, kuinka paljon vähemmän tänään. Ponnistelulla, jota ei ole koskaan toistettu maan päällä, olen saavuttanut eurooppalaisen keskimääräisen koulutuxen. Ehkä se ei olisi izessään mitään, mutta se on jotain siltä osin kuin se auttoi minua ulos häkistä ja antoi minulle tämän erityisen ulospääsyn, tämän inhimillisen ulospääsyn. " ... hän päättelee yhteenvetona : "Kaiken kaikkiaan saavutin sen, mitä halusin saavuttaa. Älä sano, että se ei ollut vaivan arvoista. Sitä paizi en halua kenenkään tuomiota; Haluan vain levittää tietoa; Ilmoitan vain; Ilmoitin sinulle vain, herrat akatemiasta. "
    ellauri181.html on line 87: Toissijainen kirjallisuus: Joachim Unseld: Franz Kafka. Kirjailijan elämä. Hanser, München 1982, ISBN 3-446-13568-5 . Eberhard Rohse : Hominisointi inhimillistämisenä? Apinan hahmo antropologisena provokaationa kirjallisuuden teoxissa Charles Darwinin jälkeen - Wilhelm Raabe, Wilhelm Busch, Franz Kafka, Aldous Huxley. Julkaisussa: Talvinen lukukausi 1987/88 (= General Studies. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover: Luennot ihmisistä ja eläimistä. Vuosikerta 6). Schaper, Alfeld / Hannover 1989, ISBN 3-7944-0158-1 , s. 22–56 (tässä erityisesti: evoluution ja koulurazastuxen välillä: hominointi ”eteenpäin kehitettynä kehityxenä” - Franz Kafka, s. 47–50).
    ellauri181.html on line 98: Pili kysyy izeltään ja kuulijoita mixi sillä pitää olla tirkistelijöitä ja yleisö joka seuraa sen joka käteen vetoa. Niin, sas se. Tolstoi, Flaubert ja Mann olivat elämän taistelujen tuttuja. Aika ruumiikkaita miehiä kaikki 3. Hienon kirjallisuuden teemoja ovat vakavuus, yxinäisyys, sairaus, kaipaus, menetys, kärsimys, pettymys, toivo, intohimo, rakkaus, kauhu, turmelus, onnettomuus, kuolema. Virsikirjan lisälehtiä.
    ellauri181.html on line 119: Überblicke ich meine Entwicklung und ihr bisheriges Ziel, so klage ich weder, noch bin ich zufrieden. Die Hände in den Hosentaschen, die Weinflasche auf dem Tisch, liege ich halb, halb sitze ich im Schaukelstuhl und schaue aus dem Fenster. Kommt Besuch, empfange ich ihn, wie es sich gebührt. Mein Impresario sitzt im Vorzimmer; läute ich, kommt er und hört, was ich zu sagen habe. Am Abend ist fast immer Vorstellung, und ich habe wohl kaum mehr zu steigernde Erfolge. Komme ich spät nachz von Banketten, aus wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften, aus gemütlichem Beisammensein nach Hause, erwartet mich eine kleine halbdressierte Schimpansin, und ich lasse es mir nach Affenart bei ihr wohlgehen. Bei Tag will ich sie nicht sehen; sie hat nämlich den Irrsinn des verwirrten dressierten Tieres im Blick; das erkenne nur ich, und ich kann es nicht ertragen. Himskatti toipa oli taas aika tahmeaa misokeittoa. Koko raportti on passiivis-aggressiivinen ja selvästi narsistinen.
    ellauri181.html on line 382: Additionally, ipsative measures may be useful in identifying faking. However, ipsative measures may, especially among testing-naïve individuals exhibiting high levels of conscientiousness and/or neuroticism, decrease test validity by discouraging response and/or encouraging non-response. For example, a test's authors may force respondents to choose between "a) Animals chase me in my dreams" and "b) My dreams are nice" in an effort to see whether a given respondent is more inclined toward "faking bad" or toward "faking good." When faced with such a question, a child frequently terrified by nightmares that rarely if ever involve animals, and especially one whose parents have foolishly taught him/her/it strict rules against lying, may simply refuse to answer the question given that for that respondent nearly all of the time both descriptions are inaccurate. Even a previously presented guideline "Choose the answer that [best/better] describes you" may be unhelpful in such a situation to responders who worry that endorsing one item or the other will still involve stating it to be accurate or "well"-descriptive to some positive degree. Only if the guideline is presented as "Choose the answer that more accurately or less inaccurately describes you" and the above-described responder is sophisticated enough to reason out his/her response in terms of "Despite the infrequency with which I have nice dreams, I have them [more frequently / less infrequently] than dreams in which animals chase me" (or, in theory, vice versa) will such a responder be willing to answer the question—and phrasing the guideline in this way bears its own cost of making the question reveal less about the respondent's propensities because the respondent is no longer forced to "fake" one way or another.[citation needed].
    ellauri181.html on line 577: When he completed his list of the virtues to which he aspired, Franklin wrote a brief sentence describing each of the virtues and what it meant to him. He did not want there to be any confusion about what each of these words meant. His definitions of his virtues then looked like this.....
    ellauri181.html on line 597: Franklin´s Quaker friend asked him one question. "Ben are you serious? Because you sure aren't these things now."
    ellauri181.html on line 616: Franklin failed at the 13th virtue, Humility. Why? Was the most difficult virtue on this list the last? Or was there another reason? YES! The answer is obvious and simple. Franklin had not failed at his virtues. He had succeeded at each of his twelve virtues. He failed at a virtue that was not his, a virtue that had been given to him by someone else. Franklin failed at a virtue that he did not value. He failed at doing something someone else valued and suggested to him as a value.
    ellauri181.html on line 653: Utahin yliopiston antropologi Kristen Hawkes on tutkinut Paraguayn aché-intiaanien saaliita. Naiset keräävät lähimezistä ruokaa säännöllisesti, ja heidän kokonaisantinsa on punnittuna suurempi kuin miesten. Miehet jakautuvat kahteen ryhmään: elättäjiin ja mahtailijoihin. Elättäjät keräävät perheelle ruokaa tasaisesti. Mahtailijat tavoittelevat suurta mutta epävarmaa saalista. Koska mahtisaalis jaetaan koko heimon kesken, mahtailijat saavat suosiota. Valitettavasti ”uramiehen” oma perhe joutuu huonon saalistusonnen aikoina pärjäämään vähällä. Niinpä viisas nainen hankkii puolisoxi elättäjän mutta pitää mahtailevaa alfaurosta satunnaisena rakastajana. Demokraattisten valtioiden äänestäjät eivät tunnu aina tajuavan näitä rooleja: kansa valizee johtajaxeen testosteronia pulppuavan miehen mutta odottaa sitten, että tämä käyttäytyy säyseästi kuin leikattu kissa. Vanhan tarinan mukaan mies nousi korkeimmalle vuorelle, ui syvimmän meren yli ja ylitti laajimman autiomaan osoittaaxen naiselle rakkautensa. Juu esim Phileas Fogg ja Honkongin kuvernööri juurikin. Nainen jätti miehen, koska tämä ei ollut koskaan kotona. Sosiologi Martha Dobbins tosin letkautti, että varhaisissa ihmisyhteisöissä miehiä ei lähetetty mezästämään sixi, että nämä olivat vahvempia, vaan koska nämä olivat joutilaampia.
    ellauri182.html on line 48: Tähän tuli nyt yllättävän paljon japonais-täytettä, kun Rei Shimuran Zen attitude pääsi reagoimaan edellisen paasauxen Bernhardilaiskoira Malamuutin kanssa.
    ellauri182.html on line 54: Shimura Rei on niin ikäväluonteinen kusipää että ihme kun se Shag ei ole lähtenyt jo menee. Olin yrittänyt olla ajattelematta hänen spermaansa leviämässä sisälläni. Suihkun lattia oli punaisten hiusten ja kuonan peitossa. MItä ihmettä palvelustytölle on tapahtunut?
    ellauri182.html on line 59: Rei Shimura Sujata Masseyn kirjassa Zen attitude lukee Banana Yoshimoton novellaa sexuaalisista pakkomielteistä. Mitähän niistä? Sujatalla ja Bananalla näyttää olevan paljonkin yhteistä, ne molemmat olivat (tai no, ovat) X-sukupolvea.
    ellauri182.html on line 61: Banana Yoshimoto (jap. よしもと ばなな, s. 24. heinäkuuta 1964 Tokio) on Sujatan ikäisen japanilaisen kirjailijan Mahoko Yoshimoton (jap. 吉本 真秀子, Yoshimoto Mahoko) taiteilijanimi. Syntynyt 24. heinäkuuta 1964 (ikä 57).
    ellauri182.html on line 62: Yoshimoton isä oli tunnettu runoilija ja kriitikko Takahiki Yoshimoto ja sisko oli tunnettu sarjakuvapiirtäjä ja graafikko Haruno Yoiko. Banaanin kasvatus oli eri vapaamielinen, ja sen kyllä panee merkille.
    ellauri182.html on line 64: Hän valmistui Nihon Yliopiston taidelinjalta pääaineenaan kirjallisuus. Noihin aikoihin hän otti taiteilijanimekseen ”Banana”, koska hän piti banaaneista. Yoshimoto aloitti uransa työskennellessään rolf-kerhon ravintolassa tarjoilijana vuonna 1987. Hänen innoittajiaan olivat Stephen Kingin muut kuin kauhuteokset (2kpl). Myöhemmin hän on nimennyt esikuvikseen kirjailijat Truman Capoten sekä Isaac Bashevis Singerin.
    ellauri182.html on line 69: Yoshimoto keeps her personal life guarded and reveals little about her certified husband, Hiroyoshi Tahaton, or son (born in 2003). The certified husband has also taken up rolfing. Each day she takes half an hour to sit at her computer, and she says, "I tend to feel guilty because I write these stories almost for fun." After work she goes out rolfing with her husband.
    ellauri182.html on line 70: Yoshimoto became an overnight celebrity in the media and “Bananamania” swept Japan and its youth culture. All this took place in the late eighties.
    ellauri182.html on line 80: Eriko (“Eh-REE-koh Tah-NAH-bee”) is Yuichi’s mother, who invites Mikage to stay at his/her home. Eriko is a transsexual and had previously been Yuichi’s father. Mikage’s first impression of Eriko is “overwhelming.” Mikage describes him/her as “an incredibly beautiful wo/man” who “seemed to vibrate with life force.” Eriko represents an ideal of feminine beauty, charm, and strength for Mikage. At times, Mikage finds it hard to believe that this woman had once been a man, or is still a man—some ambiguities over Eriko’s gender remain, both for the reader and for the characters. Yuichi refers to Eriko as both his mother and father, and other characters refer to Eriko as both “she” and “he.” Mikage could easily keep pace with Eriko.
    ellauri182.html on line 87: The second part of the story begins with a shock: Eriko died in the autumn. A man at his/her club has stalked and killed him/xsher in a hate crime. Later that night, alone, Mikage recalls a conversation she had with Eriko, during which Eriko explained why s/he became a woman.
    ellauri182.html on line 94: The 1989 film centers around Mikage, a young woman who loses her parents when young. She grows up in a lonely household with her grandmother who dies when Mikage reaches adulthood. Grief-stricken, she finds solace in the kitchen. Yuichi, a friend of Mikage's deceased grandmother, invites her to live with him and his mother. Then Mikage discovers that Yuichi's mother is actually her cross-dressing father. On the other hand, Mikage realizes that the wealth of gadgetry in Yuichi's kitchen is lovingly detailed... --- Unfortunately, that's all, this film is water under the bridge, overtaken by a 2019 gory crime film of the same name.
    ellauri182.html on line 104: Symbolism appears throughout Yoshimoto’s story. For the protagonist, kitchens symbolize places of contentment, safety, and healing. Mikage claims, “to me a kitchen represents some distant longing engraved on my soul.” When she is despondent, her dreams of kitchens keep her going. She takes to the kitchen and learns cooking as a way of overcoming feelings of meaninglessness and despair; cooking represents her new attitude toward life. Like kitchens and cooking, food also plays a symbolic role in the story. Mikage is constantly presenting her friends with food; her life changes when she takes a job at a cooking school; and the climax of the story occurs when Mikage brings a dish of special food to Yuichi in his secluded hotel room. Eat my shorz.
    ellauri182.html on line 113: The Marshall Plan brought Western ideas and a free market economy to what had been an old and traditional culture. in the mid-1980s, Japan has a booming industrial economy, bolstered by its exports of automobiles and electronics to the West. Japanese society has become more materialistic than ever, influenced by its wealth and the consumerism imported from America. Mikage acknowledges this consumerism when she says of her friends, “these people had a taste for buying new things that verged on the unhealthy.” Mikage’s generation has been brought up on television and American culture; she mentions an American sitcom and Disneyland in her narrative. One character in the story is wearing “what is practically the national costume, a two-piece warmup suit,” a style imported from America. In Japan, Yoshimoto’s generation is called the shinjinrui, a generation that has grown up in a wealthy, technological society exposed to American values. Shinjinrui was new breed of humans (used to refer to the post-war generation, who have different ideals and sensibilities). Japan's Generation X.
    ellauri182.html on line 115: Some reviewers thought Kitchen was superficial in style and substance, and overly sentimental. Todd Grimson in the Los Angeles Times Book Review wrote that, ‘“Kitchen’ is light as an invisible pancake, charming and forgettable ... The release of information to the reader seems unskilled, or immature, weak in narrative or plot.” Elizabeth Hanson of the New York Times Book Review took issue with the overall effect of the book, writing that “the endearing characters and amusing scenes in Ms. Yoshimoto’s work do not compensate for frequent bouts of sentimentality.” Hanson added that the book’s main appeal for English-language readers “lies in its portrayal of the lives of young Japanese who are more into food and death than sex. EAT! KILL! but do not FUCK!".
    ellauri182.html on line 118: Specifically, after ordering katsudon (fried pork served over rice), Mikage has a revelation with regard to Yuichi. The katsudon becomes more than just a meal, it is a means to reach out to Yuichi, to relate to him, to acknowledge both Mikage’s and Yuichi’s connectedness as two obese lovers starving under the same night sky.
    ellauri182.html on line 120: The importance of food in contemporary Japanese culture mirrors many of the sentiments of Yoshimoto’s book. John Ashburne, in “World Food Japan,” emphasizes that Japan is a nation characterized by its obsession with food.
    ellauri182.html on line 139: The alternative is of course the sexless intimacy of the fag hag and her chosen friends. The heroines of Yoshimoto’s fiction are not exactly fag hags, nor are they innocent. Mikage and Satsuki are young women. But grown-up sexual relationships are still beyond their grasp. Instead, in the security of their private kitchens, they dream nostalgic dreams, and shed melancholy tears about the passing of time. This is the stuff of great Japanese poetry, and absolute kitsch. Yoshimoto Banana is not yet a mistress of poetry, but she is a past master of kitsch.
    ellauri182.html on line 141: “The tone of Yashimoto’s stories is strange, for it veers from childlike naivete to flights of bizarre fancy, which is just like most of Japanese comic books for teenagers.” the publicity photograph of Yoshimoto Banana, hugging her little puppy dog, is cuteness personified. The fact that her father is the most famous philosopher of the 1960s new left gives her name an extra air of incongruousness, as though there were a young German novelist called Banana Habermas. It's daddy's fault! Banana is daddy's girl. Daddy oli sille isänä ja äitinä.
    ellauri182.html on line 146: Banaani on keltainen päältä ja valkoinen sisältä. Banaanin isäpappa oli professionaali takinkääntäjä. Antoi edestä ja takaaki. Il est souvent appelé « Ryumei » prononciation chinoise de son prénom. Rei Shimurasta opin että tää on tapana kun japsu vihitään zen-räkämunkixi. Lyyrikko jolta ei ole käännetty yhtään runoa. Kriitikko joka enimmäxeen riiteli. Käänteli koko ajan takkia mutta sai takin takas oikein päin vanhana. Takaaki 隆明 lung 'prosperity' + ming 'moon' jap. ryu mei.
    ellauri182.html on line 153: 1996 tää heppu melkein kuoli uimareissulla ja kirjoitti siitä lähin vain kylmiä paloja alakulttuureista kuten manga, kirjallisuus, politiikka, yhteiskunta ja uskonto. (Hindut, bambut, banaanit ja uusi testamentti. Mitähän se viirusilmä siitäkin ymmärsi, varmaan vähemmän kuin Malamudin simpanssi.) Yashimoto oli sodanjälkeisen Japanin ajattelun pikku jättiläinen joka veljeili entisen vihulaisen kaa. Näytti Tokiota tyypeille kuten Michel Foucault, Félix Guattari, Ivan Illich, and Jean Baudrillard.
    ellauri182.html on line 159: Vanha inssi kannatti Fukushiman ydinvoimaa ja uskoi tieteeseen ja edistyxeen. Suututti jenkit 2001 ymmärtämällä rättipäitäkin.
    ellauri182.html on line 167: Shinran left Mount Hiei to study under Hōnen for the next six years. Hōnen (1133–1212) another ex-Tendai monk, left the tradition in 1175 to found his own sect, the Jōdo-shū or "Pure Land School". From that time on, Shinran considered himself, even after exile, a devout disciple of Hōnen rather than a founder establishing his own, distinct True Pure Land school.
    ellauri182.html on line 173: In 1207, Hōnen's critics at Kōfuku-ji persuaded Emperor Toba II to forbid Hōnen and his teachings after two of Imperial ladies-in-waiting converted to his practices. Hōnen and his followers, among them Shinran, were forced into exile and four of Hōnen's disciples were executed. Shinran was given a lay name, Yoshizane Fujii, by the authorities but called himself Gutoku "Stubble-headed One (nukkapää)" instead and moved to Echigo Province (today Niigata Prefecture).
    ellauri182.html on line 175: It was during this exile that Shinran cultivated a deeper understanding of his own beliefs based on Hōnen's Pure Land teachings. In 1210 he married Eshinni, the daughter of an Echigo aristocrat. Shinran and Eshinni had several children. His eldest son, Zenran, was alleged to have started a heretical sect of Pure Land Buddhism through claims that he received special teachings from his father. Zenran demanded control of local monto (lay follower groups), but after writing a stern letter of warning, Shinran disowned him in 1256, effectively ending Zenran's legitimacy.
    ellauri182.html on line 218: Kirjallisuussiten jättimäinen luettelo yleisistä teemoista on "jännästi" vähän eri proosalle, runoudelle ja leffoille. Ehkä jotkut aiheet on liian monimutkaisia leffoille ja liian arkisia runoille? Proosan aiheet on lausemaisempia ja niissä on usein mukana joku opetus. Mutta onko runo- tai leffa-aiheita joita ei sovi käsitellä proosassa? Onko proosa, runot ja leffat yleisesti ottaen tarkoitettu eriluonteisille ihmisille ja sixi niiden teematkin on erilaisia, vastaten yleisön (ja/tai väsääjien) luonteenomaisia harrastuxia ja arvomaailmoja? Vai onko tässä otannallinen vääristymä. Se on todennäköistä. Sopii toivoa, että netti ym. julkisuudessa esiintyvien termiittiapinoiden pärstien ja mielipiteiden tomppelius on vääristymä sekin, eli esiin nousevat pahimmat paskakökkäreet kuin kerma maidon pinnalle. Vaikka toisaalta, tavallset turvelothan ne kökkäreet esiin nostavat kuin 200M kärpästä, Google-äänestyxellä.
    ellauri182.html on line 321: In contrast, primates such as chimpanzees do not show such signs of effort.
    ellauri182.html on line 322: Researchers studied 32 children, aged three to six, and 34 chimpanzees, aged three to six.
    ellauri182.html on line 324: Scientists from the University of Plymouth studied the faces of children and chimpanzees as they completed a series of unsolvable tasks.
    ellauri182.html on line 328: Meanwhile, the chimpanzees did not show signs of effort - despite failing to complete the tasks. Well at least the baboons don't.
    ellauri182.html on line 413: Kaikista spirituaalisista pöllöilyistä pahimmasta päästä on zen-buddhismi. Istutaan jalat puutuneina zazen-asennossa pidätellen pieruja, räkämunkkien räimiessä väärin mumisseita selkään kepeillä. Puhdasta sadomasokismia, anaalis-retentiivistä riisisopan keittoa ja moottoripyörän kromiosien kiillottelua. Tässä pieni maistipala:
    ellauri183.html on line 76: Loppuikänsä Bernad opetti luovaa kirjoittamista Vermontissa Benningtonin naisten collegessa. Ann joka oli sentään käynyt Cornellin typed his manuscripz and reviewed his writing. Oliko Berniellä sillä aikaa jimbajambaa coedien hameissa? New York Times tietäisi muttei kerro ilmaisexi. In the book The Natural by Bernard Malamud the main character Roy Hobbs had a very distinct flaw, a flaw that millions of American men and women both have..... an obsession with sex which affected his character and which made him a very unsuccessful man.
    ellauri183.html on line 82: Malamud laughs at the labels which contemporary critics have pinned on him. "Tragico-comico, realistico-fabulistico; the more the merrier!" More human excellence! More generosity! More coed pussy! Want to keep up with breaking news? Subscribe to our email newsletter.
    ellauri183.html on line 86: In a 1974 New York Review of Boox essay, Roth took on Malamud, his friend and literary father-figure, criticizing him for creating characters that were suffering Jews, virtuous victims, full of “righteousness and restraint,” lacking their stereotypical “libidinous or aggressive activities.” Though he didn’t use the phrase, Malamud had painted them as Christ-like in their poverty, pain, moral goodness, and quest for redemption. By contrast, the Christian characters, like Frank Alpine, were full of sexual lust and transgressive behavior — the bad goy to Morris Bober’s good Jew. “The Assistant,” Roth wrote, was a book of “stern morality.”
    ellauri183.html on line 88: Roth contrasted Malamud’s protagonisz to the exuberant Jewish characters created by Saul Bellow, especially the picaresque Augie March, and his own hypersexual Alexander Portnoy. In effect, Roth said, Malamud had created Jews who were stereotypes, not fully realized human beings like him and Sal.
    ellauri183.html on line 91: Roth wrote back, audaciously insisting that he had pointed out “fictional skeletons” that perhaps Malamud himself didn’t see. Like a sanctimonious little shit.
    ellauri183.html on line 103: And Malamud himself -- still frail from a recent illness -- at first appears an improbable Isaiah. With his tidy demeanor, incessant self-editing ("no, wait, there's a better word . . . ") and deadpan, scrupulous style, he could be the most successful publican in Galilee. He is uneasy with talking about himself ("that kind of stuff, it's not up his alley," says his publicity-hungry "friend" Philip Roth) and seems reluctant to start. He pauses to choose among several pairs of glasses, then sits down carefully, feet flat on the floor, long fingers knitted in his lap. Finally, with the anxious geniality of a brave man settling in for root canals, he says, "Now then, I think we can begin."
    ellauri183.html on line 108: Malamud's work is infused with a baleful but robust humor, and the son says his father "has a Swiftian streak in him" which leads to the "kind of acerbic, satirical quality" apparent in "God's Grace."
    ellauri183.html on line 109: In Malamud's cosmology, free will and an omnipotent deity coexist because God ("who invented man to perfect himself") has an overall plan "to make man meet his obligations, but in a way he can't tell him about in advance -- to make him use himself best."
    ellauri183.html on line 125: "Jo alkaa Himmunkin usko kaikkinaiseen hyvyyteen horjua. Ruusuköynnös jatkaa jo romaaneista Himmun rakkaudet ja Koreuden tähden tuttua, eloisaa ja inhimillistä linjaa. Sosiaalinen ja psykologinen realismi lyövät kättä, pieni sekoittuu suureen, ... Eila Pennanen."
    ellauri183.html on line 168: In Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard follows Kant in emphasising that Abraham's decision is morally repugnant and rationally unintelligible. However, he also shows that one consequence of Kant's view is that, if nothing is higher than human reason, then belief in God becomes dispensable. Unlike both Kant and Luther, Kierkegaard does not promote a particular judgment about Abraham, but rather presenz his readers with a dilemma: either Abraham is no better than a murderer, and there are no grounds for admiring him; or moral duties do not constitute the highest claim on the human being. Fear and Trembling does not resolve this dilemma, and perhaps for a religious person there is no entirely satisfactory way of resolving it.
    ellauri183.html on line 174: However, Kierkegaard's Abraham does not just provide a paradigm of religious faith. If he is an admirable figure in spite of his murderous intentions, this is because he confronz with courage the loss of the person whom he loves most dearly. According to Kierkegaard, Abraham is a hero not by virtue of his obedience to God's command, but because he maintains his relationship to Isaac after giving him up.

    ellauri183.html on line 180: When Abraham raises his knife over Isaac's body, this symbolises the fact that every human relationship is haunted by the prospect of death. Love always ends in loss, at least within this life. One response to this existential fact – perhaps the most common response – is to avoid the issue of mortality as much as possible. An alternative response is to face up to the inevitable pain of loss and to relinquish the beloved in advance, so to speak, by giving up hope of enjoying a happy relationship within this lifetime. (This "movement of resignation" is described as "monastic", although it does not literally entail becoming a recluse. It is an internal movement, an adjustment of expectations.) In Kierkegaard's view, this is more noble than the first option, but it is very far from the courage of Abraham, who continues to love Isaac and enjoy his relationship to him in full awareness of the suffering that his death would bring. This aspect of the interpretation of Abraham offered in Fear and Trembling suggesz that, far from being an individualist, Kierkegaard regards human relationships as essential to life.
    ellauri183.html on line 182: In this text, the question of how to respond to the suffering associated with love and loss is closely connected to the question of how to live in relation to God. As many philosophers have pointed out – and as countless ordinary people have experienced at first hand – human suffering presenz a great challenge to belief in a just, loving, all-powerful God. For Kierkegaard, the testing of Abraham accentuates this challenge, and Abraham provides inspiration precisely because he manages to hold together an apparently irreconcilable contradiction: he believes that the God who commands him to do what is most terrible and painful is also the God who loves him. Again, according to this interpretation, the story of Abraham only testifies to the extraordinary difficulty of religious faith.
    ellauri183.html on line 258: The nuclear holocaust has come and gone. Only one man survives: paleologist Calvin Cohn, who happened to be safely, deeply underwater at the time. And, after some black-humor-ish conversations with God, Cohn is allowed to live—for a while, at least—and he finds himself on an island a la Robinson Crusoe, with a communicative chimp named Buz (product of chimp-speech experiments) as his only companion. Cohn, son of a rabbi, engages in existential, religious, and Talmudic speculations with the chimp—though he refrains from trying to convert him to Judaism. He must reexamine the basics of social interaction—when Buz gets too physically chummy ("If you had suckled the lad, could you marry him?"), when a friendly gorilla appears and causes jealousies, and, above all, when five more talking chimps appear... including the lisping Mary Madelyn, the object of everyone's sexual attention (including Cohn's).
    ellauri183.html on line 260: Can a decent civilization be made from these creatures? Cohn believes that "if this small community behaved, developed, endured, it might someday—if some chimpy Father Abraham got himself born—produce its own Covenant with God." But such visions of a peaceful society are doomed, of course: envy, hatred, and violence inevitably ensue—and Cohn's mating with Mary Madelyn ("I have kept my virginity for you ever since you expwained the word to me when you first read me Rome and Juwiet") will eventually lead to murder and revolution.
    ellauri183.html on line 272: I can't say any more about the plot without spoiling it, so I won´t. Cohn himself is--from my perspective anyway--one of those characters you end up really liking and caring and worrying about, in part because he attempts to stay rational and kind no matter how absurd or threatening the situations get. A good book to escape into, especially if you enjoy compelling portrayals of apocalyptic stuff peopled by characters who question the nature of existence in a world where God´s mysteries remain maddeningly unsolvable. (less)
    ellauri183.html on line 321: Over the years since founding building 20 in 1966-7, he trained many generations of MIT students, teaching alongside such notables as Halle, Noam Chomsky, Thomas Kuhn, and Ken Hale, without being very notable himself. He wrote some shit about questions that nobody read.
    ellauri183.html on line 327: Bob May invited the old geezer over to ENS in 2017, a year before he died. Nomppa used to walk him daily round the block, though he had to ask himself why.
    ellauri183.html on line 358:
    Tätä biisiä Cohnin levytetty isä joihkasi simpanssien syömälle paviaanityttö Sara Kolehmaiselle. Babiaanit eivät tulleet peijaisiin vaan luskuttivat kalliolta vihaisesti chimpeille.

    ellauri183.html on line 391: Kostoxi Cohn katkoo Gottlobin äänijänteet ja kaikki chimpit taantuu takas punapyllypaviaaneixi. Gottlob pääsee astumaan Mary Magdalenia monta kertaa peräkkäin. Hyväxi lopuxi Gottlob uhraa Cohnin J-lalle kuin Iisakin. Vegaani George Calvinin yarmulka päässä laulaa sille Kaddishin. Hahaa LOL, loppu hyvä, kaikki hyvin.
    ellauri183.html on line 423: Mutti (muita nimiä pepu, köpötes, tikkupuuro, tikkuhöyry ja äkkinäinen) on etenkin Keski- ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla suosittu perinneruoka, joka valmistetaan ohrajauhosta ja vedestä sekä maustetaan suolalla. Sitä pidetään vanhimpana ja yksinkertaisimpana pohjoispohjalaisena perinneruokana.
    ellauri183.html on line 549: Muuan matkatovereista oli sanonut Joosefille että Betlehemissä oli majatalo, yhteiskunnan järjestämä suoja joka tarjosi tässä seikkaperäisesti erittelemäämme majoittumisongelmaan päältä päin katsoen oivan ratkaisun, mutta vaatimattomalla kirvesmiehelläkin on sentään oikeus varjella yksityisyyttään, sopii kuvitella miten hävettävältä miehestä olisi tuntunut kun oma vaimo olisi joutunut kaikenlaisen sairaan uteliaisuuden kohteeksi, kun koko majatalo olisi kuiskutellut karkeuksia, etenkin aasien ja kamelien ajajat, jotka olivat yhtä sivistymättömiä kuin elukkansa, paitsi että heillä asiaa vielä pahensi se että he olivat saaneet jumalalta puheenlahjan toisin kuin eläimet. Joosef päätti siksi mennä pyytämään neuvoa ja apua synagoogan vanhimmista ja hämmästeli mielessään ettei ollut mennyt jo aiemmin.
    ellauri183.html on line 640: Farisealaiset eli fariseukset (hepr. ‏פרושים‎, perushim, sanasta parash, "erottaa", lat. pharisæ|us, -i) olivat juutalainen uskonnollis-kansallinen puolue nykyisen Israelin alueella. Se koostui pääosin muista kuin papeista, ja Herodeksen aikana fariseusten lukumääräksi on arvioitu noin 6000.
    ellauri184.html on line 126: Joseph died, and I mourned him. Aika kalseasti muotoiltu. Sit tapaamaan Johannes-serkkua. Vai oliko se pikkuserkku niinkuin Callen serkku Johannes, onnekkampi Pilven Veikko? Eikai Elisabeth täti ollut sentään Maryn sisko?
    ellauri184.html on line 237: The result, he says, is that even an impeccably Jewish Galilean in first-century Jerusalem was not among his own people; he was as much a foreigner as an Irishman in London or a Kuopio person in Helsinki. His accent would immediately mark him out as “not one of us,” and all the communal prejudice of the supposedly superior culture of the capital city would stand against his claim to be heard even as a prophet, let alone as the “Messiah,” a title which, as everyone knew, belonged to Judea (cf. John 7:40-42 ).
    ellauri184.html on line 250: According to the biblical chronicle, the Tribe of Manasseh was a part of a loose confederation of Israelite tribes from after the conquest of the land by Joshua until the formation of the first Kingdom of Israel in c. 1050 BC. No central government existed, and in times of crisis the people were led by ad hoc leaders known as Judges (see Book of Judges). With the growth of the threat from Palestinian (sorry) Philistine incursions, the Israelite tribes decided to form a strong centralised monarchy to meet the challenge, and the Tribe of Manasseh joined the new kingdom with Saul as the first king. After the death of Saul, all the tribes other than Judah remained loyal to the House of Saul, but after the death of Ish-bosheth, Saul's son who succeeded him to the throne of Israel, the Tribe of Manasseh joined the other northern Israelite tribes in making Judah's king David the king of a re-united Kingdom of Israel. However, on the accession of David's grandson Rehoboam, in c. 930 BC the northern tribes split from the House of David and from Saul's tribe Benjamin to reform Israel as the Northern Kingdom. Manasseh was a member of the Northern Kingdom until the kingdom was conquered by Assyria in c. 723 BC and the population deported. From that time, the Tribe of Manasseh has been counted as one of the ten lost tribes of Israel.
    ellauri184.html on line 267: This image of identifiably Woman soldiers occupying the land of Palestine operates on the assumption that biblical soldiers were all legionawies. Legionawies differed from other soldiers of the early Woman period in several wespects. First, legionawies were employed directly by Wome. Their allegiances were to the empewow and whichever genewal they served, not to any particular king, weligious group, or province. All troops swore an oath of allegiance, the sacwamentum, to the empewow himself. Unlike most other soldiers, legionawies were Woman citizens before they were wecwuited.
    ellauri184.html on line 350: According to the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus selected this town as the center of his public ministry in Galilee after he left the small mountainous hamlet of Nazareth (Matthew 4:12–17). He also formally cursed Capernaum, along with Bethsaida and Chorazin, saying "you will be thrown down to the pit!" (Matthew 11:23) because of their lack of faith in him as the Messiah.
    ellauri184.html on line 376: Ulkokullatut epäilevät Jeshuaa saatanaxi. Kastematoserkku on pettynyt kun se ei paastoa. Äh, se on vaan kade. Jeshua lohduttaa et Johannes on vaimoista syntyneistä paras. Tarkoittaen ehkä että Maaria ei ollut vihitty paukahtaessaan paxuxi. (Vaikka olihan se sit jouluna.) Jeshua sanoo rumasti hätiin tulleille äiskylle ja velipuolille: ketäs tekin olette. Siitä on tullut joku guru. No veljet oli kateita ja äiti nöyristeli liikaa vanhimmille. Oli aika antaa niille kyytiä.
    ellauri184.html on line 389: Naahumin Jeshua antaa apostolipojille kyytieväitä. Joskus pitää syntisiä tylyttää, eine muuten tokene. Älkää pitääkö huolta huomisesta, huominen pitää huolen izestään. Olette paljon arvokkaampia kuin varpuset, siat tai apinat. (Jumala on koulutukseltaan humanisti.) Olkaa huolettomia kuin Sirkka Pylkkänen. Seuraavaxi Jeshua alkaa toden teolla kukkoilla, ihan kuin Jim Jones ennen coolaid-tarjoilua. Make war not love. Hylkää lähimmäisesi. Käännä toinen takaposki. Leikkaa poikki kätesi ja kaiva ulos silmäsi. Rakasta Jumalaa enemmän kuin kavereitasi. Kaikenlaista paskapuhetta. No näitähän on joka lähtöön sopiva.
    ellauri184.html on line 432: Turha tähän on liioin sekoittaa jotain muka jalompaa uhrimieltä. Moniko meistä kaatuu jonkun aatteen puolesta (ja kannattaako se voi kysyä). Lähimmäisen rakkautta on sekin että pesee käsiä. Olisihan Jeshua voinut edes pestä kätensä ennenkö työnsi ne mykän suuhun. Ei kyllä tiennyt mitään Semmelweissistä.
    ellauri184.html on line 448: Amerikanjuutalaisena Naahum tietää (on tietävinään) että ahneus on paras motivaattori. Jeshuan viinitarhan päiväpalkkavertaus on tosi vituttava. Siinä tulee hyvin ilmi Jeshuan oikeistobias. Se ei tunnusta liittokohtaisia sopimuxia, se peukuttaa paikallista sopimista. Saman tuntipalkan vaatiminen kaikille olisi vaan kateutta. Niin se onkin! Kateus on tasa-arvon tunne, ja uskonnossa on puhe kaikesta muusta kuin tasa-arvosta. Se on monimutkainen himmeli jonka tehtävä on nimenomaan perustella epätasa-arvoa. Hierarkiaa jossa monarkki on ylinnä ja muut rankinsa mukaisella paikalla.
    ellauri184.html on line 495: Tavallisesti kovin tunteeton talousmaailma on ottanut uutisen Ankan poismenosta vastaan liikuttuneena. Microsoftin perustaja Bill Gates luonnehti Roope Ankkaa ”kovaksi bisnesmieheksi, jonka sisällä syvällä – siis todella, todella syvällä – sykki filantroopin lämmin sydän – siis todella erittäin syvällä”. Myös Ankan pahimmat kilpailijat ovat ilmaisseet osanottonsa hänen kuolemansa johdosta. Eteläafrikkalaisen Pii-yhtymän perustaja Kulta-Into Pii sanoi pitävänsä Ankkaa ”liiketaloudellisena sankarina”. Ankan kuoleman jälkeen Pii on maailman rikkain henkilö, ainakin siihen asti, kun Ankan perinnönjako on suoritettu testamentin mukaisesti.
    ellauri184.html on line 528: Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman culture found circumcision to be cruel and repulsive. In the Roman Empire, circumcision was regarded as a barbaric and disgusting custom. The consul Titus Flavius Clemens was condemned to death by the Roman Senate in 95 CE for, according to the Talmud, circumcising himself and converting to Judaism. The Emperor Hadrian (117–138) forbade circumcision. Overall, the rite of circumcision was especially execrable in Classical civilization, also because it was the custom to spend an hour a day or so exercising nude in the gymnasium and in Roman baths, therefore Jewish men did not want to be seen in public deprived of their foreskins.
    ellauri184.html on line 623: 2. Processes of marginalization and not the concrete breaking of laws – led to Jesus’s death. Not only was Jesus passively exposed to these processes of marginalization, but he partly contributed to them because he modelled himself as an outsider and distanced himself too little from the messianic expectations ascribed to him. This staged self-marginalization – partly done in performative fashion – was dangerous because the term “Messiah” was often charged with political content, as was exemplified by numerous rebel leaders who regarded themselves as the Messiah or were considered as such by their followers. Many of them were executed, including Jesus.
    ellauri184.html on line 627: a) Jesus’s unusual behavior at different levels mostly explains the hatred against him. He did not breach any major laws, but more seriously, he did not live up to multiple expectations; instead, he maneuvered himself into the position of an outsider. This means that it was mental and psychological dispositions and perceptions on the part of his contemporaries – and not legal issues – that led to his receiving the death penalty.
    ellauri184.html on line 638: If it is correct that the charge of blasphemy was brought forward (i.e., that Jesus claimed to be the eschatologically defined Son of Man, which seems to be the main reason for his execution in Jewish understanding), it would be easy to ascribe a political implication to this charge. This line of political argumentation is most clearly expressed in Luke 23.2: “We found this man perverting our nation, forbidding us to pay taxes to the emperor, and saying that he himself is the Messiah. The use of the death penalty confirms this political charge (crimen laesae maiestatis). Crucifixion as a Roman form of execution was reserved for slaves and peregrines who were involved in insurrections. The subtitle on the cross (ho basileus ton Iudaion, Iesus Nazarenus rex Iudaeorum, INRI), if it is historical, corroborates this particular charge.
    ellauri184.html on line 640: We do not know whether Jesus routinely called himself the Messiah, Son of Man, or King of the Jews (though the evangelists sure make it appear so). Nevertheless, these logos were ascribed to him, and he did not sufficiently distance himself from them. Even worse, he presented himself as an outsider by caring for outcasts and thus broke social taboos. What is more, through healings, exorcisms, and commensality with the disdained, he deliberately distanced himself from societal norms, added to his image as an outsider in a performative way, and thereby metaphorically conveyed a message that his opponents understood very well.
    ellauri184.html on line 648: Matthew and Mark make it clear that some people – including the politically and legally decisive Roman magistrate – could have perceived him as such a political activist (titulus crucis!). Again, we see that it is not necessarily Jesus’s concrete behavior, but rather the perception that counts.
    ellauri184.html on line 653: In the end, Jesus represented several different images of a bogeyman and became an outsider par excellence. He put off many of his adherents through his negligence of politics (i.e. he did not yield to their pressure to exert violence for political reasons), and he drew the attention of the authorities upon himself and made them suspicious through his eccentric speeches. Finally, Jesus was between the stools: There was no one left to speak in his favor. In the end, perceptions prevailed beyond all else.
    ellauri184.html on line 655: The Romans regarded him as a political dissident, or an insurgent – which the word lestes/latro appropriately captured – via the claim that he was King of the Jews, a claim that he never denied. Jesus’s hobo life testified to his calling as a prophet and radical wandering charismatic who constantly transgressed social boundaries. These multi-faceted processes of marginalization that Jesus partly took on voluntarily and partly endured led – in the brutal logic of the time – to his crucifixion as an outsider.
    ellauri184.html on line 700: 3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him. (Mark 6:3 KJV)
    ellauri184.html on line 702: Jesus had some unnamed sisters and it isn’t unusual for a mother to give her name to a daughter. Still, beyond the passage from Philip, there is no record of Jesus having a sister named Mary who was always with him.
    ellauri184.html on line 767: Mailer is considering a God of Action, something of a Hemingway in deistic form who must prove himself with creative acts, a deity in the trenches, making mistakes, failing, succeeding, learning from his mistakes, constantly evolving.The God that interests Mailer is one guided by intuition no less than we, His creations whom we are said to resemble. Nuchem´s own self image to a jot.
    ellauri184.html on line 775: It does not take long for us to find out that Saramago is extremely sharp at finding all contradictions on roman-catholic religion. In the novel God seems to be the greediest of all gods, the vainest, the most detached from his people. Detached even from his son as he appeared to him in different shapes, only in the meeting at the lake did he appear to him as a man. God does not command, he orders, he tricks his own son into following his plan to the end. Ultimately Jesus’s betrayal was his last act of martyrdom.
    ellauri185.html on line 73: King Hiram I of Tyre allied himself with David and Solomon in 2 Samuel, 1 Kings and 1 Chronicles. Hiram provided architects, workmen, cedar wood, and gold to build Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem.
    ellauri185.html on line 93: Feel free to look it up yourself, but from what I can tell, everyone agrees that Ezekiel lived somewhere around 550 BC, and they mostly agree that Ezekiel himself wrote his book (as a ghost writer for JHWH). Of all the Old Testament prophets, they consider Ezekiel to be the most trustworthy (which is not saying much).
    ellauri185.html on line 97: The book begins with Samuel's birth and Yahweh's call to him as a boy. The story of the Ark of the Covenant follows. It tells of Israel's oppression by the Philistines, which brought about Samuel's anointing of Saul as Israel's first king. But Saul proved unworthy, and God's choice turned to David, who defeated Israel's enemies, purchased the threshing floor where his son Solomon would build the First Temple, and brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. Yahweh then promised David and his sucessors an everlasting dynasty.
    ellauri185.html on line 113: Shortly thereafter, Saul leads Israel to a victory over Nahash of Ammon. Despite his numerous military victories, Saul disobeys Yahweh's instruction to destroy Amalek: Saul spares the Amalekite ruler and the best portion of the Amalekite flocks to present them as sacrifices. Samuel rebukes Saul and tells him that God has now chosen another man to be king of Israel.
    ellauri185.html on line 118: God tells Samuel to anoint David of Bethlehem as king, and David enters Saul's court as his armor-bearer and harpist. Saul's son and heir Jonathan befriends David and recognizes him as the rightful king. Saul then plots David's death, but David flees into the wilderness where he becomes a champion of the Hebrews. David joins the Philistines, but he continues to secretly champion his own people until Saul and Jonathan are killed in battle at Mount Gilboa.
    ellauri185.html on line 131: David captures Jerusalem and brings the Ark there. David wishes to build a temple, but Nathan tells him that one of his sons will be the one to build the temple. David defeats the enemies of Israel, slaughtering Philistines, Moabites, Edomites, Syrians, and Arameans.
    ellauri185.html on line 135: David commits adultery with Bathsheba, who becomes pregnant. When her husband Uriah the Hittite returns from battle, David encourages him to go home and see his wife (to cover his own tracks) but Uriah declines in case David might need him. David then deliberately sends Uriah on a suicide mission, and for this, Yahweh sends disasters against David's house. Nathan tells David that the sword shall never depart from his house.
    ellauri185.html on line 381: No ei, janoamme elämämme tarkoitusta, tunnustaa Tiffany O'Really. Carlo Rövelli lohduttaa: Olisi varsin hölmöä elättää minkäänlaisia kuvitelma siitä, että ihmiskunta olisi jotenkin merkityxellinen maailmanjärjestyxelle, sen enempää kuin rottien viihtyvyys Kreikka-Egypti laivareitillä. Victor Stretcher tutkii merkityxellisyyden tärkeyttä hyvinvoinnille yhdysvaltalaisessa Michiganin yliopistossa. On vikatikki sitoa omaa merkitystään kosmiseen. Kosmos on sitäpaizi venäläisten tonttia, meillä on astronautit. Mutta, Carlo huomauttaa, vähäpätöisyytemme astraalitasolla ei millään muotoa vähennä tärkeyttämme izellemme. Pikemminkin päinvastoin! Olemme ize merkityzemme ja halujemme lähde. Sellaisexi evoluutio meidät muokkasi, izekkäixi (kz. kohta 36). Ranskalainen filosofi Albert Camus huomasi, että kiven pyöritys vuorelle josta se vierii heti alas takaisin motivoi tosi vahvasti. Elämä on kurjaa mutta onnexi olemme sentään pidentäneet sitä. Elämä on merkityxellistä, koska se on rajallista, sanoo nämä tiedemiehen pakanat. Pitää tähdätä asioihin, joita ize sattuu arvostamaan eniten. Ei mitään yli-inhimilistä! Jos meillä ei ole mitään vaikutusta maailmankaikkeuden järjestyxeen, niin mitä väliä sillä on.
    ellauri185.html on line 382: Me uskovaiset tiedämme, että asia on nimenomaan päinvastoin. Yli-inhimillistä se on oltava, ei se muuten miltään tunnu. Me ei haluta olla neekereitä vaan supermiehiä, joita vetää joku Uber mensch.
    ellauri185.html on line 390: Paul Charles William Davies AM (born 22 April 1946) is an English physicist, writer and broadcaster, a professor in Arizona State University and Director of BEYOND: Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science. He is affiliated with the Institute for Quantum Studies in Chapman University in California. He previously held academic appointments in the University of Cambridge, University College London, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, University of Adelaide and Macquarie University. His research interests are in the fields of cosmology, quantum field theory, and astrology. He proposed that a one-way trip to Mars could be a viable option for him. His colleagues agreed whole-heartedly.
    ellauri185.html on line 452: Takavarmistuxexi Kaali huomauttaa ettei vuorisaarna edes ole kovin tärkeä, siitähän puuttuu kristinuskon tärkein osa, joka jäi ilmoitettavaxi pyhälle Peevelille kirjeize, nimittäin se pelastushimmeli.
    ellauri185.html on line 457: Riippuen siitä, miten vuorisaarnan käskyt käsitetään ja tulkitaan, muodostuu meidän suhteemme yksityisiin lähimmäisiimme, mutta varsinkin yhteiskuntaan ja valtioon sekä niitten asettamiin tehtäviin ja velvoituksiin olennaisesti erilaiseksi. Jos vuorisaarnan käskyt käsitetään sananmukaisesti ja vaaditaan niitä semmoisina noudattamaan, niinkuin esim. jo Lutherin ajan uudestikastajat, myöhemmin etenkin Leo Tolstoi, Mahatma Gandhi, E. Stanley Jones, Toyohiko Kagava y.m. ovat vaatineet, niin joudutaan väistämättömästi niihin samoihin nihilistisiin ja anarkistisiin johtopäätöksiin, jotka Leo Tolstoi perusteellisimmin on vuorisaarnasta kehitellyt. Joudutaan kieltämään ei ainoastaan yksilöjen ja kansojen kaikkinainen itsepuolustusoikeus, vaan myös kaikki kiva väkivallan käyttö yhteiskunnan, valtion ja yleensä hopeaselkien kalleimpien omaisuusarvojen suojelemiseksi. Ja kun kaikki väkivoiman käyttö niitten suojelemiseksi ehdottomasti kielletään, niin se merkitsee käytännössä sitä, että ne jätetään tuholle alttiiksi. Näyteikkunoita särjetään, kesämökeiltä poimitaan marjat ja ruokasienet, tankit ruostuvat ja ruuti kastuu.
    ellauri185.html on line 460: Ei Tolstoi väittänytkään että ahimsa olis joku keino puolustaa nationalismia, päinvastoin, se oli universalismia, Jee-suxen lanseeraamaa harhaoppia, josta juutalaisetkin oli sille hirmu vihaisia. Eikä Jeesus tullut rauhaa tuomaan vaan miekkoja, joilla voi listiä temppelinvartijoiden korvia (kunhan muistaa liimata ne jälkikäteen takaisin).
    ellauri185.html on line 479: 2.Ei saa himoita naista eikä erota vaimosta7.Seppoilu saattaa parantaa luonnonvalintaa. Ei mitään kiirettä.
    ellauri185.html on line 480: 3.Ei saa vannoa valaa kellekään3.Rakastakaa lähimmäisiänne, jos ette voi, palvelkaa edes yhteisöä. Tietäkää paikkanne.
    ellauri185.html on line 487: Tolstoin säännössä 1 ei tappamista kielletä, jos se tapahtuu hyvässä sovussa. Sääntö 2 on aika tyly vaimoille, vai mitä? Kohdat 3-5 ovat isänmaallisuuden kannalta ne pahimmat. Toisheimolaiset ovat määritelmän mukaan pahoja, niitäkö nyt pitäisi rakastaa? Sotilasvala on hyvin tärkeä, sen nojallahan saa karkureita kysymättä ampua.
    ellauri185.html on line 503: Patriotismi on sotien perussyy ja veljistymisen pääeste. Eikä siinä kaikki! Hallizevat, jotka aina ja kaikkialla ovat suuria lurjuxia, käyttävät patriotismia henkisenä huumaus- ja pehmityskeinona, jonka avulla ne pettävät hyväntahtoisia herkkäuskoisia "alammaisia" ja siten saavat nämä palvelemaan heidän vallanhimoisia salakavalia suunnitelmiaan. He uskottelevat hyväntahtoiselle rauhalliselle kansalle, että se on hyökkäyshaluisen naapurikansan alituiseen uhkan alaisena, minkä vuoxi sen täytyy olla puolustusvalmiina, jollei se halua jättää izeään ja maatansa tuolle alttiixi. Näin liezomalla alammaisten isänmaallisia so. separatistisia vaistoja taivuttavat hallizevat heidät rupeamaan sotilaixi, maxamaan veroja ja yleensä kaikin tavoin avustamaan hallitusta sen suuren väkivaltakoneiston luomisessa ja lujittamisessa, jonka ytimenä on vakinainen sotajoukko ja koko sotilasjärjestelmä. Hyväntahtoiset alammaiset menevät halpaan hölmöjä kun ovat. Mutta niinpian kuin hallizevat ovat saaneet tämän väkivaltakoneiston haltuunsa, käyttävät ne sitä ensi sijassa niitten samojen alammaisten orjuuttamiseen, toistoon ja nujertamiseen, jotka isänmaallisuudesta hyvänahkaisesti antautuivat hallituksen ja sen väkivaltakoneiston kätyreixi. Alammaisten isänmaallisuus on hallizevan luokan nuora jolla alammaiset kurjistetaan ja orjuutetaan.
    ellauri185.html on line 511: Ei juuri noissa vuorisaarnan säkeissä sanota että pitää rakastaa kaikkia naapureita samalla tavalla. Eikai Jeesus sentään käskenyt rakastaa lähimmäistä niinkö izeä ja hylätä perhettä? Ai sanoiko? Muttei vuorisaarnassa! Siitäs sait!
    ellauri185.html on line 575: Kuten näkyy, merkitsee Tolstoin ohjelman toteuttaminen valtion ja kaiken valtiollisen järjestyksen täydellistä tuhoamista. Tämä nihilistinen tulos saavutetaan johdonmukaisesti noudattamalla ehdotonta ahimsaa, väkivallan käyttökieltoa. Jos vain Tolstoin pahan vastustamiskieltoa käytännössä johdonmukaisesti noudatetaan, silloin ehdottomasti tuhotaan valtio ja kaikki valtiollinen järjestys ja jäädään vaille kana tikka masalaa.
    ellauri185.html on line 581: Mutta Tolstoille ei vielä riitä se, että valtio lakkaa tarpeen tullen pakkokeinoin pitämästä kurissa rikollisia, ilkimyksiä, köyhimyxiä ja väkivallan tekijöitä ja ylläpitämästä järjestystä ja rauhaa, mikä todellisuudessa tietysti merkitsee sitä, että valtio itse tuhoo itsensä. Myös jokaisen yksityisen tulee omasta kohdastaan tehdä samoin, tuhota izensä.
    ellauri185.html on line 583: Pitää noudattaa yhtä kirjaimellisen tarkoin pahan vastustamiskiellon periaatetta. Tolstoin mukaan ei siis kukaan yksityinenkään saa väkivoimaan turvautuen puolustaa itseään, perhettään, omaisiaan tai muita lähimmäisiään raainta ja räikeintäkään väkivaltaa vastaan. Jos siis joku ihmispeto ryntää luoksemme, ryöstää ja raastaa rauhallisen kotimme, kurittaa viattomat lapsemme tai raiskaa (ei niin viattoman) vaimomme, sisaremme tai tyttäremme (huom. tämä koskee vain meitä miehiä), niin ei meillä Tolstoin mukaan ole lupaa kohottaa kynnetöntä sormeakaan estääksemme häntä siitä (osanotosta puhumattakaan), sillä tinkimätön käsky kuuluu: Älkää vastustako pahaal"
    ellauri185.html on line 590: Väkivallan käyttöä lähimmäisen puolustamiseksi häntä uhkaavaa toista väkivaltaa vastaan ei voida pitää oikeutettuna jo sen vuoksi, koska se paha, jota tahdotaan estää, ei vielä ole tapahtunut, ja meidän senvuoksi on mahdoton arvata, kumpi on oleva suurempi paha, sekö, jonka minä aion tehdä, vaiko se, jonka tahdoin estää. Mina näen ryövärin ajavan takaa nuorta nubiilia tyttöä. Minulla on kädessäni kivääri ja minä ammun ryövärin ja pelastan niin nuoren tytön. Mutta ryövärin kuolema tai haavoittuminen on varma tosiasia, jota vastoin minä en voi tietää, mitä olisi tapahtunut, jos en olisi ampunut. Ehkä ryöväri olikin kristitty ja tyttö sen partneri? Olisimmeko ehkä voineet sulassa sovussa jakaa sen?" (Gottesreich in Euch. S. 13 (27).
    ellauri185.html on line 621: Oikeudenkäyttöä, yleisten asiain hoitoa, kansansivistystä - kaikkea sitä tullaan harjoittamaan siinä määrässä, kuin kansat sitä todella tarvitsevat, ja sellaisessa muodossa, mistä ei enää aiheudu niitä pahoja seurauksia, jotka nykyinen hallitusjärjestys tuo mukanaan. Vain se tulee hävitettäväksi, mikä oli huonoa ja esti kansojen vapaata tahdonilmausta" (E.m.t. S. 40-41). Tuhmille annetaan enintään nuhteita, sakkoja tai pahimmassa tapauxessa piiskaa paljaalle pyllylle.
    ellauri185.html on line 641: Toin ei suuria poliittisia periaate-kysymyxiä kuten homoavioliitto lopullisesti ratkaista vetoomalla uskonnollisiin perusteisiin tai uskonnollisiin arvovaltoihin. Mutta kuitenkin on kaikitenkin kaikille kristityille erinomaisen painava seikka se, jos voidaan osoittaa, että join poliittinen oppi (esim. vihervasemmisto) on ilmeisessä ristiriidassa kristinopin ja Kristuxen omien sanojen kanssa tai päinvastoin. Tätä tutkiessamme meidän on pakko uskaltautua puhtaastaan teologiselle alalle, missä on se vaara että papit ja piispat älähtävät. Sixi en rupea sitä ize ruotimaan vaan siteeraan pääasiassa valtuutettuja raskaan sarjan ammattilaisia. Sevverran uskaltaudun puolestani sanomaan, että musta selvästi toi vuorisaarnan ahimsaoppi on läppä, samanlainen hyperbola kuin se silmän uloskaivu ja käden katkominen. Ei niitä ole tarkoitettu otettavaxi kirjaimellisesti, vaan cum grano salis, sapienti satis tyyppisesti suuntaa-antavana ohjeena. Lähinnä se tarkoittaa että poliisin ei pidä käyttää virka-asetta jos riittää pelkkä kumipamppu tai etälamautin.
    ellauri185.html on line 643: Kaikki yrityxet ottaa Kristus makutuomarixi maallisten valtioitten järjestelyä ja hallintaa koskevissa asioissa on hän ize selvästi torjunut julistamalla: "Minun kuninkuuteni ei ole tästä maailmasta." Täällä kuunalisessa maailmassa se on vain 1 mielipide muiden joukossa, mies ja ääni periaatteella. Ize asiassa se peukuttaa kirkon ja valtion erottamista kun se sanoo: antakaa keisarille mikä keisarin on, ja jumalalle mikä on jumalan." (Tästä ne piispat takuulla suuttuvat, mutta suuttukoot.) Toisaalta se sanoo että jumalaa on toteltava enemmän kuin ihmisiä. Mitäs jos sanoja on puolijumala? Pitääkö totella molempia? Se on aika repivää. Deuteronomiassa sanotaan että lähimmäistä on rakastettava kuten izeä. (Sieltähän Jeesus sen nappasi.) Siinä sanoja on 100% jumala, joten ei auta muu kuin lähteä kysymään mitä se ehkä tarkoitti lähimmäisellä. Ei varmaan samaa kuin sen puoliverinen poika!
    ellauri185.html on line 657: Senvuoksi on Jumala määrännyt nämä kaksi hallintojärjestelmää: hengellisen hallintojärjestelmän, joka on tarkoitettu kristityille ja hänen pyhän henkensä johtamille hurskaille, ja toiseksi maallisen hallintojärjestelmän, joka pitää kurissa pahat ja ei-kristityt ja pakottaa heidät ainakin ulkonaisesti pysymään rauhassa ja jättämään lähimmäisensäkin rauhaan" (Obrigkeit. S. 234-235).
    ellauri185.html on line 667: Sinä olet velvollinen palvelemaan ja avustamaan miekan hallitusvaltaa kaikilla käytettävissäsi olevilla keinoilla: ruumiillasi, omaisuudellasi, kunniallasi ja sielullasi. Sillä sinä itse et tosin miekan suojaa tarvitse, mutta muu maailma ja sinun lähimmäisesi tarvitsevat sitä aivan välttämättömästi. Senvuoksi, jos huomaat, että tarvitaan pyöveliä, poliisia, tuomaria, herraa tai ruhtinasta, ja sinä huomaat itsesi kykeneväksi joihinkin näihin toimiin, niin on sinun itsesi siihen tarjouduttava ja pyrittävä, jottei välttämätön esivalta joudu halveksituksi, voimattomaksi ja kokonaan tuhoudu. Sillä maailma ei voi tulla ilman sitä toimeen" (E.m.t. S. 240).
    ellauri185.html on line 671: "Näin siis sinä samalla kertaa täytät erinomaisesti molemmat velvollisuutesi, palvelet sekä Jumalan valtakuntaa että maallista valtiota ulkonaisesti ja sisäisesti, yhtäältä pahaa ja vääryyttä kärsit ja samalla kuitenkin pahaa ja vääryyttä rankaiset, et vastusta pahaa ja samalla kuitenkin vastustat. Sinä et sanottavammin vastusta silloin, kun on kysymys sinusta itsestäsi ja sinun asioistasi, mutta vastustat, kun on kysymys lähimmäisestäsi ja hänen asioistaan. Omalta kohdaltasi sinä noudatat evankeliumin ohjetta ja kärsit vääryyttä omasta puolestasi oikeana kristittynä. Mutta kun on kysymys toisesta ja hänen asioistaan, niin silloin sinä noudatat rakkauden käskyä etkä salli lähimmäisellest tapahtuvan mitään vääryyttä. Eikä evankeliumikaan suinkaan kiellä näin menettelemäistä, vaan päinvastoin toisissa kohdin nimenomaan käskee niin tekemään" (E.m.t. S. 240),
    ellauri185.html on line 679: Eli siis pahat paskiaiset pakanat eivät ole sentään ihan yhtä lähimmäisiä kuin kristityt oman brändin hyvixet (palaten näin vanhan työehtosopimuxen selkeämpään näkemyxeen). Ja vaikka mä en saisikaan puolustaa izeäni ampumalla niitä pyssyllä on mun velvollisuus puolustaa sillä sinua ja sulla kääntäen. Eli siellä missä väh. 2 meistä on uhattuna on Jeesus kolmantena messissä revolverit tanassa.
    ellauri185.html on line 681: (Tässä kohden on varsinkin Emil Brunner ansiokkaalla tavalla oikaissut mutkia ja kehittänyt edelleen kristittyä aseenkantoaatetta. Eli se toinen häiskä on oikeastaan tarpeeton, kyllä omasta puolestaankin saa rivolliin tarttua. Toi Lutherin lähimmäisen puolustuskekka on vaan ylimääräinen mutka matkassa. Kz tarkemmin alla. Tosin se on erinomainen propaganda-ase sodankäynnin puolustuxena. Kaikki yhden ja yxi kaikkien puolesta, veljemme Donezk js Luhansk ovat pyytäneet apua ja mehän autamme.)
    ellauri185.html on line 683: Jo näistä lausunnoista, joita eri suuntiin täydennetään ja laajennetaan m.m. kirjoituksessa "Voivatko sotilaatkin tulla autuaiksi" (kyllä hyvinkin!), missä esitetään sotaan nähden sama myönteinen kanta, edelleen lähestyskirjeessä kristilliselle aatelille (jota nuori Saul Bellow luki Einhornin tuhopoltossa kärzänneestä Harvard Classics niteestä) ynnä muissa kirjoituksissa, selvinnee Lutherin periaatteellinen kanta väkivallan käyttöön ja siihen nojautuvaan valtiojärjestykseen. Lutherin asenne meitä askarruttavaan kysymykseen on, kuten näkyy, jyrkästi Tolstoin asenteen vastainen. Lutherin mielestä ei vuorisaarna, niin kuin kristinoppi yleensäkään, kiellä meitä suojelemasta tarpeen tullen väkivoimin ihmiselämän pyhimpiä arvoja. Päinvastoin: kristittykin on sellaiseen suojelupalvelukseen velvoitettu.
    ellauri185.html on line 687: Meillä on vielä syytä puuttua Lutherin käsityksen yksityiskohtiin. Siinä suhteessa suattaa olla aihetta erinäisiin vastaväitteisiin. Niin esim. Lutherin tekemä ero kristityn yksityisen itsepuolustusoikeuden ja hänen lähimmäisten puolustamisvelvollisuutensa välillä tuskin on oikea. Lutherhan itse asiassa kieltää yksityiseltä kristityltä itse puolustusoikeuden silloin, kun puolustus koskee todella vain häntä yksityishenkilönä. Tällöin kristityn Lutherin mukaan pitää vastustuksetta olla valmis kärsimään kaikkinaista vääryyttä ja väkivaltaa vetoomatta esivallan tai lähimmäisten suojelevaan apuun. Mutta kun väkivalta kohdistuu toisiin tai yleiseen järjestykseen tai kristittyyn itseensäkin, mutta ei yksityishenkilönä, vaan niin sanoaksemme virkahenkilönä ("Amtsperson") tai yhteiskunnan jäsenenä, niin silloin hänellä on Lutherin mukaan ei ainoastaan täysi oikeus, vaan vieläpä velvollisuus torjua väkivalta ja vääryys.
    ellauri185.html on line 834: One passage that offers some insight regarding birth defects can be found in John 9:2-3: "And his disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' Jesus answered, 'It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.'" It is clear from these words of Jesus that birth defects are ultimately not due to the sin of the parents or child, but serve as part of God's plan for our lives. If not for the defective person as such, then at least for the greater common good. Defective persons are prohibited from entering the holiest of the holy.
    ellauri185.html on line 855: In Leader's Bellow biography Vol 2, “Love and Strife,” the novel “Herzog” is published on the very first page and reaches No. 1 on the best-seller list, supplanting John le Carré’s ‘The Spy Who Came In From the Cold.’ Never again would Bellow, about to turn 50 years old, lack for wealth, power, awards or flunkies to stand by him, ready to take his coat and do his bidding. The temptation for someone in his position was to become an insufferable, spoiled monster. And Bellow quickly gave in to temptation.
    ellauri185.html on line 857: Bellow’s bad temper in the late ’60s was by no means directed exclusively at would-be biographers, radical students and aggrieved wives. Bellow had so many targets to attack, whether insulting them face to face or in blistering letters or put-downs circulated through intermediaries. One of his favorite one-liners ran: “Let’s you and him fight.” The most salient recipients of Bellow’s bad temper in this biography were his three sons, each from a different mother — the oldest 21 when this volume starts, the youngest just 1 year old and about to be abandoned after yet another divorce.
    ellauri188.html on line 297: Sano valas vedä 10x housut alas. Melville on kolonialistimoukka vaikkei mitenkään pahimmasta päästä, s. 152 tienoiila se haukkuu aika mojovasti muita länkkäreitä. Homotaipumuxet pääsee pintaan kirjan alussa: Hermanni ilostelee kun villit pettyivät lähetyssaarnaajan kauniin vaimon osoittauduttua naaraspuolisexi. Pettyisi kai Hermannikin moisesta. Hermanni nauraa kun villi päällikkövaimo näyttää tatuoidulle meri"karhulle" yhtä tatuoitua takapuoltaan. Mautonta! Hermanni pahastuu kun ranskiskolonialistit ennättivät ennen jenkkikolonialisteja julistamaan että markiisisaaret alkuasukkaineen kuuluivat nyt heille. Mitä vittua??? Kuuluuko Transnistria Moldovalle? Kuuluuko Moldova Ukrainalle? Kuuluuko Ukraina Venäjälle? Nää on kuin toisiansa suuruusjärjestyksessä ahmaisevat petokalat. Kuuluuko mikään maaplänttyrä millekään apinoiden lössille? Ei kuulu teille! Kyllä se nyt vähän kuuluu, sanoo frakkiin ja silinteriin sonnustautunut Kummeli. Mutta Hermanni oli kyllä pannut merkille että Havaijilla jenkkien ja saarnaajien läsnäolo oli saanut 25 vuodessa aikaan pelkkää pahaa. Pearl Harborista puhumattakaan.
    ellauri188.html on line 302: Tabun takia markiisittaret eivät saaneet käyttää venettä. Tabu haha, sama tabu minkä tautta saudittaret ei saa(neet) ajaa autoa eikä kävellä yxin kadulla ilman isää aviomiestä poikaa tai veljeä. Kylnää tabut tiedetään. Muut ei saa päästä "mun" kaikkein pyhimpään, mun Marilynin hurlumheihin. Vittu et mua ottaa päähän kaikenlainen pyhistely. Puhtaasti reviiristä siinä on kymysys.
    ellauri188.html on line 429: HIV/AIDS prevention would have been particularly important to him. He's NOT gay or Jewish NOR is the restaurant owner "Tucker" oriental, though he looks like it. He is half Irish, quarter Polish and quarter Italian. What a bummer.
    ellauri188.html on line 436: Jopa ulkomuodoltaan Toby veti minua puoleensa, sillä kun valtaosa miehistöstä oli yhtä karkeaa ulkoiselta olemukseltaan kuin hengeltäänkin Toby oli harvinaisen hauskannäköinen. Siniseen matruusintakkiin ja purjekangashousuihin sonnustautuneena hän näytti niin tyylikkäältä merimieheltä ettei häntä tyylikkäämpää ollut taatusti koskaan nähty yhdenkään laivan kannella; hän oli pieni ja sirotekoinen ja hänen vartensa oli tavattoman notkea. Hänen jo luonnostaan tumma ihonsa oli paahtunut tropiikin auringossa, ja pikimustien kutrien kimppu laskeutui hänen ohimoilleen ja sai hänen kookkaat tummat silmänsä näyttämään entistä tummemmilta. Hän oli omituinen ja itsepäinen, oikukas, ailahteleva ja haikea-joskus jopa synkkämielinen. Hänellä oli myös kiivas ja tuima luonne ja suuttuessaan hän suuttui silmittömästi.
    ellauri188.html on line 457: Peleissä on hyvä luoda mainetta. Vangin dilemmassa pitää olla epäluuloisen ja kostonhimoisen mainetta, jotta naapuri ei petkuta. Sukupuolten taistelussa on hyvä olla narsistin imago, jotta siippa tietää antaa perixi. Luottavuus ja kiltteys on mainehaittoja.
    ellauri189.html on line 45: Volynia (ukr. Волинь, Volyn, puol. Wołyń) on historiallinen alue, joka sijaitsee Länsi-Ukrainassa ja Kaakkois-Puolassa Pripet- ja Bugjokien välissä Galitsian ja Podolian pohjoispuolella. Alue on Euroopan vanhimpia slaavien asuttamia seutuja. Volynia on metsäinen ja järvinen alue.lähde?
    ellauri189.html on line 57: Jukka Jari Korpela (s. 10. huhtikuuta 1957 Helsinki) jota ei pidä sekoittaa paasajan ikäiseen Esko Jukka "Yucca" Korpelaan, free-lance käpistelijään ja matematiikan kandidaattiin Espoosta, josta on ollut jo puhetta albumissa 139), on Itä-Suomen yliopiston yleisen historian professori ja historiantutkija. Hän on erikoistunut keskiaikaiseen vallanmuodostukseen ja siihen liittyviin pyhimyskultteihin.
    ellauri189.html on line 94: and a demeanour that immediately distinguishes him from the serfs (“Prosty był
    ellauri189.html on line 100: looking like a ruler among the rabble that showed him the way”).
    ellauri189.html on line 112: Before engaging in battle Wacław visits his father-in-law and Maria (who slowly fades away, feeding on an ever-diminishing hope) to bring them the good news. The patriotic miecznik cannot, in spite of his advanced age, refrain from joining the band of his son-in-law, leaving his home and daughter without protection. The Tartars are finally (but not without difficulty) defeated and Wacław, in exultant mood, rides by night over the boundless steppe to unite with his wife as the messenger of victory. When he arrives, the manor-house of the miecznik appears to be abandoned. There are no signs of life. Entering a room, he discovers Maria, lying on a couch, her clothes in disorder, like a marble statue. It is evident that her vital strength has been extinguished, but he tries to make himself believe that she has only fainted and rushes out of the house, shouting: “O, water, water!”. Thereupon the “small figure” of a melancholy youth (“pacholę”) jumps from the thicket and relates to Wacław the events that have happened.
    ellauri189.html on line 159: A bolt of fear went through him as they thundered through the sky

    ellauri189.html on line 166: As the riders loped on by him, he heard one call his name

    ellauri189.html on line 196: (The sun had already walked along his wide curve and tinged the grey clouds with a crimson glow; with a yellow light quivering over earth and water, he burnt, setting, on his rich throne. Already his look, full of wonder, does not blind, but spreads mild, visible rays and, taking a short farewell, before burying himself in the deep, he allows mortal eyes to look at him; still – during this last moment he does not hastily disappear, [for he wants] to nourish all creatures with a smile of life; still he glances through the windows in
    ellauri189.html on line 199: The centre of our planetary system is the visible sign of the infinity of immanence and contains the cyclical essence of being, not merely indicating this con-dition, but also embodying it: this celestial body is subject to an infinite movement without apparent linear direction. But the stages of the sun’s voyage could also be interpreted as stages of human life (birth, youth, maturity, old age) and this circumstance inclines man to perceive a similarity between a celestial body and a feeling sublunary body (does man deceive himself, thinking it a bond of
    ellauri189.html on line 285: Halu välttää kuoleminen on aika inhimillinen.
    ellauri189.html on line 307: Voihan sitä ajatella jeesusmaisesti läheisikseen kaikki ihmiset maailmassa. Kaikki ovat yhtä arvokkaita, minkä vuoksi tuntuu järjettömältä tapella yhden maantieteellisesti mielivaltaisesti rajatun maapläntin ja sinne sattumalta asettautuneiden ihmisten puolesta, koska "vihollisen" puolella on yhtä arvokkaita ihmisiä. Miksi tappaa satunnaisesti toisia toisten puolesta, kun kuka tahansa olisi voinut olla lähimmäisesi. Nimim. Tolstoi.
    ellauri189.html on line 324: Ei kansakunnan koti ole mikä tahansa maapläntti, vaan se kokonaisuus, missä eletään, rakastetaan ja vanhennutaan. Jokainen haluaa puolustaa vanhainkotiaan, ja siksikin siihen on kaikilla oikeus - ja velvollisuus. Hyökkäävä eli väkivallan aloittava vihollinen on rikollinen, eikä mikään lähimmäinen. Ei kukaan sano raiskausta yrittävällekään, että "mites on päivä menny?", silloin kun tilanne on päällä. Mieluumminkin "onxe edes siellä kun ei mitään tunnu". On täysin järjetöntä asettaa hyökkääjää ja puolustajaa samalle viivalle, kun kyse on totaalisista vastakohdista. Näin sanoi jo vaippahousuinen Mahatma Gandhikin, on kirjahyllyssä se kirja.
    ellauri189.html on line 564: In the 1920s, Charles Ponzi carried out this scheme and became well known throughout the United States because of the huge amount of money that he took in. His original scheme was based on the legitimate arbitrage of international reply coupons for postage stamps, but he soon began diverting new investors' money to make payments to earlier investors and to himself. Unlike earlier similar schemes, Ponzi's gained considerable press coverage both within the United States and internationally both while it was being perpetrated and after it collapsed – this notoriety eventually led to the type of scheme being named after him.
    ellauri189.html on line 797: People who kept the religion of Moses and Israel (what is called now Judaism) all along. They are Bene Israel because non-Israelis who married them, accepted the religion too, and Moses taught Bene Israel that if someone accepts that religion and goes through a certain process (called Giyur in Hebrew), he becomes an Israeli himself (Moses’ own wife, Sipora, was actually a convert).
    ellauri189.html on line 815: First, being Israelis is a source of pride. It means you are the children of Prophet Yaakov. It means you were the first to believe in the one and only God, more that 1500 years before the Arabs. Your ancestors prayed to the one and only God while the Arabs were complete pagans, bowing to all sorts of idols who don’t have power over anything. It is also very likely that other prophets are your forefathers. For example, it is very likely you are descendants of Prophet Moses himself if you are Lewani. Your great great… great grandfather might have been Moses’ best student – prophet Yehoshua if you are Afridi, etc. Your ancestors saw with their eyes what God did to Egypt – stuff that no other nation but the Egyptians themselves have witnessed. They heard God talking to them on Mount Sinai, etc.
    ellauri189.html on line 841: So a Jew who believes in the prophets and that our Talmud’s Rabbies knew what they were talking about shouldn’t doubt the tradition of the Pashtuns not mixing with other nations. And I’m not a Rav myself, but I think there might be a consequence for Halacha here – if we meet a random Pashtun, we can’t ask him to do something that is forbidden on Shabbat, serve him anything not Kosher (from the non-Kosher stuff they do eat – some of the Kosher laws the Pashtuns do keep), etc, because as the Talmud said, in their land they are the majority.
    ellauri190.html on line 111: Bysantin keisari Konstantinos VII mukaan osa petsenegeistä nimitti itseään nimellä kangareiksi (kreik. Κάγγαρ). 800-luvun lopun osa heistä nimitti itseään nimellä "patsynak" (petseneg) joutui siirtymään Euraasian aroseuduilta ilmaston muuttumisen (kuivuuden) sekä naapurikansojen (kimakkien ja oguzien) painostuksen vuoksi siirtymään Volgan varteen, jossa jo olivat unkarilaiset. Vuonna 860 petsenegit lähtivät vaeltamaan länttä kohti, nykyisen Ukrainan alueelle, samalla pakottaen siellä aiemmin asuneet unkarilaiset siirtymään Karpaattien yli Tonavan altaan puolelle. Unkarilaisten aikana maan nimi oli "Levedia". Petsenegit antoivat sille nimeksi Padzinakia (kreik. Πατζινακία). Noin vuonna 882 petsenegit saapuivat Krimille. Siitä alkoivat petsenegien kiistat Kiovan ruhtinas Askoldin kanssa noin vuonna 875, mikä on kirjattu vanhimpiin kronikoihin ja minkä myös historioitsijat ovat vahvistaneet ruhtinas Igorin kanssa (915, 920). Kasaarien kaanikunnan tuhoutumisen jälkeen (vuonna 965) Volgasta länteen olevien arojen herruus siirtyi petsenegeille. Petsenegisen hallussa oli tuolloin alue, jonka rajanaapureina olivat: Kiovan Venäjä, Unkari, ensimmäinen Bulgarian valtakunta, Alaanit, Mordva sekä Länsi-Kazakstania asuttaneet oguzit.
    ellauri190.html on line 136: Novgorod on yksi Venäjän vanhimmista kaupungeista. Nestorin kronikka mainitsee sen ensimmäisen kerran jo vuoden 859 yhteydessä, joskin todellisuudessa kaupunki on satakunta vuotta nuorempi. Nestorin kronikan mukaan alueen slaavilaiset ja suomalais-ugrilaiset heimot lopettivat veron maksun varjageille ja alkoivat hallita itse itseään. Ajauduttuaan keskinäisiin sotiin he kuitenkin kutsuivat varjagit ja näiden ruhtinaan Rurikin hallitsijakseen vuonna 862. Tämän kertomuksen todenperäisyys on hyvin kiistanalainen.
    ellauri190.html on line 277: By 1659, the two outstanding sons of Ukraine, a Kozak general Ivan Vyhovsky and an eccentric scholar-nobleman Yuriy Nemyrych conceived what became known as the Union of Hadyach. It was a unique document, which, essentially, argued in favor of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth transforming into the commonwealth of Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Vyhovsky and Nemyrych proposed to establish a Great Principality of Ukraine on par with the Kingdom of Poland and the Great Duchy of Lithuania. And it was a unique historical moment, because in July 1659 the Ukrainian troops won a huge battle against the Muscovite army near the city of Konotop, totally crushing the Muscovites and proving that Ukraine did not need the “friendship” of the tyrannic Tzars. (See the analogy?) If the Hadyach Union had been approved by the Sejm of the Republic, Ukraine would perhaps have become a more European country and would progressively move toward full Western style independence. Again, tragically, it did not happen. Nemyrych was killed at a duel, and Vyhovsky forced to resign by populists who hated him because of his aristocratic blood and his alleged (rather than actual) love of things Polish. Without these two luminaries, the Sejm did not even bother to convene for discussions on the Hadyach Union, making it into a useless piece of paper. It was later “adopted,” but in such a distorted version that it excluded its main point, the creation of the Ukrainian state. Sellasta se on. Ukrainan, Puolan ja Baltian historia osoittaa, miten vaikeaa on merkata reviiriä jollei sitä ole valmiixi maastoon merkitty.
    ellauri190.html on line 279: By the end of the 17th century, the newly forming Russian Empire under Tzar Peter I established its reign over the Ukrainian lands to the east of the Dnipro river, ceding the western part of Ukraine to the Republic (which, in turn, evolved more and more into the Polish monarchy rather than the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the old days). In 1702, a great son of Ukraine, a giant of military strategy, diplomacy, and statesmanship, Ivan Mazepa, being the Kozak leader of the eastern part of Ukraine, suppressed the uprising of Paliy on the other (Western) side of the Dnipro and added huge parts of the country to his control. It was a big step toward the unification and freedom of Ukraine. Moreover, in 1709 Mazepa joined his forces with the Swedish king Charles XII (haha, the gay) against Tzar Peter, hoping to rid his dear mother Ukraine from slavery in the captivity of the Tzars. And again… tragically, Mazepa managed to gather less manpower than he hoped to gather, because the populist agitators slandered him in their massive propaganda campaign (no doubt, directed from Muscovy), portraying him in the eyes of the Ukrainian Kozaks as a rich aristocrat who cares nothing about the “simple people,” a clandestine Catholic (or Protestant), and overall “not really Ukrainian.” (This tragedy will repeat itself in 1918 and in 2019.) Mazepa’s loyalists were defeated together with the Swedes, and Ukraine lost her historical chance for yet another time. But third time is a charm! Nobody will blame a Jew for being on the side of the catholics!
    ellauri191.html on line 2150: Strindberg holds the singular distinction of being awarded an Anti-Nobel Prize, conferred by popular acclaim and national subscription and presented to him in 1912 by future prime minister Hjalmar Branting.
    ellauri192.html on line 61: Jakobson was born in the Russian Empire on 11 October 1896 to a well-to-do family of Jewish descent, the industrialist Osip Jakobson and chemist Anna Volpert Jakobson. Under the pseudonym 'Aliagrov', he published books of zaum poetry and befriended the Futurists Vladimir Mayakovsky, Kazimir Malevich, Aleksei Kruchyonykh and others. It was the poetry of his contemporaries that partly inspired him to become a linguist.
    ellauri192.html on line 79: At the New York École libre des hautes études, a sort of Francophone university-in-exile, he met and collaborated with Claude Lévi-Strauss, who would also become a key exponent of structuralism. He also made the acquaintance of many American linguists, chemists and anthropologists, such as Franz Boas, Benjamin Whorf, and Leonard Bloomfield. When the American authorities considered "repatriating" him to Europe, it was Franz Boas (another Jew) who actually saved his ass.
    ellauri192.html on line 132: But Sully Prudhomme’s 1878 work, La Justice (Justice), is a bold poem indeed. Siinä on paljon optimismia ja idealismia, sydämen asiaa. Dyny-Alfred olisi ollut mielissään. Scientific truth and deeply felt art combine in Sully Prudhomme’s vision to come to the rescue of humankind. This idealism imbued with science is what drew the Nobel committee to award him their first literature prize. Parnassolaiset hurrasivat ja symbolistit jupisivat kateina..
    ellauri192.html on line 233: Nous ne plaignons que ceux qui souffrent où nous sommes. Valitamme vain ihan lähimmäisistä.
    ellauri192.html on line 299: The controversy over Handke’s support of Milosevic dates back 20 years, but the striking political differences between him and Tokarczuk reached a point of particular clarity in 2014. In that year, Handke was given the International Ibsen Prize, but mass outrage led him to reject the prize money while still accepting the award. In his accompanying speech, he said his critics should “go to hell.” (He’d previously met controversy over a literary award in 2006, when he turned down Germany’s Heinrich Heine prize after authorities attempted to withdraw it after he attended Milosevic’s funeral.)
    ellauri192.html on line 309: So on the one hand is Tokarczuk, a proponent of multiculturalism who has remained vocal despite facing profound antagonism for her stance — and grown more so since her first major encounter with that antagonism in 2014. And on the other is Handke, eulogizer of Milsoevic, who dictated the Bosnian genocide during the Balkan wars of the 1990s and died while on trial for war crimes against the Hague. He too has remained committed to his position; the “go to hell” of 2014, one of his last known public comments on the matter, speaks volumes. But has it worked? No here we are as before, giving hell to him.
    ellauri192.html on line 327: His poetry, said James Ragan, director of the USC graduate school’s professional writing program, “was at all times optimistic, reflecting a championing of the human self. I think that’s primarily why he was awarded the Nobel Prize, because he suggested a new liberated spirit in writing (behind the Iron Curtain) after the Stalin era. Although he was a Communist as a youth, he became disillusioned with the party in the late 1920s. Thereafter, he was in and out of party favor during the turbulent decades that followed in Czechoslovakia. The state-run news agency, in announcing his death Friday, described him as “a prominent Czech poet, national artist (and) winner of the 1984 Nobel Prize for Literature.”
    ellauri192.html on line 357: British warlord Winston Churchill missed out on the peace prize (LOL) despite two nominations, but his oratory and his works of historical scholarship earned him the literature prize in 1953 (double LOL).
    ellauri192.html on line 391: Atiq Rahimi 16/1
    ellauri192.html on line 505: Eeva Kilpi on yksi Suomen rakastetuimmista runoilijoista. Hänen runoutensa kantavia teemoja ovat Karjalan evakkous, miehen ja naisen välinen intohimoinen rakkaus, äitiys sekä eläinten ja luonnon suojeleminen.
    ellauri192.html on line 627: While the church prayed, God answered. He miraculously delivered Peter from prison: an angel led him out of his cell and through the prison gate, which opened for them to pass (Acts 12:6–10). Upon realizing that he was not dreaming, Peter made his way to a place he knew was safe, Mary’s house (Acts 12:11–12).
    ellauri192.html on line 639: In 1949 Seifert left journalism and began to devote himself exclusively to literature. His poetry was awarded important state prizes in 1936, 1955, and 1968, and in 1967 he was designated National Artist. He was the official Chairman of the Czechoslovak Writer's Union for several years (1968–70). In 1977 he was one of the signatories of Charter 77 in opposition to the government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.
    ellauri192.html on line 645: Few Americans have ever heard of Jaroslav Seifert, whose poems are virtually unobtainable in the United States, but scholars who are acquainted with his work said yesterday that the Czech poet fully deserves the Nobel Prize awarded to him. Thogh an old commie, he is (or was) now staunchly on our side.
    ellauri192.html on line 651: George Gibian, a professor of Russian and comparative literature at Cornell University, agrees that Mr. Seifert deserves the Nobel. ''I'm glad the world has caught up with him,'' he said. ''He is (or was) the grand old man of Czech poetry, a combination of Robert Frost and E.E. Cummings. He deserves it for his recent poetry, but especially for his poetry of the 1920's and 30's.''
    ellauri192.html on line 663: The other Seifert book is "The Casting of Bells," a 64-page collection translated by Tom O'Grady and Paul Jagasich, and published in August 1983 by The Spirit That Moves Us Press in Iowa City, Iowa. Morty Sklar, who described himself yesterday as "publisher, editor, typesetter and stamp licker" of the press, said his is a small, independent press that publishes two books a year. He published 1,000 copies of the Seifert book, but yesterday, upon hearing the news from Sweden, he reordered 2,500 more. It is available in paperback for $6.
    ellauri192.html on line 674: Undoubtedly, the most prominent of early Troubetzkoys was Prince Dmitry Timofeievich Troubetzkoy, who helped Prince Dmitry Pozharsky to raise a volunteer army and deliver Moscow from the Poles in 1612. The Time of Troubles over, Dmitry was addressed by people as "Liberator of the Motherland" and asked to accept the Tsar's throne. He contented himself, however, with the governorship of Siberia and the title of the Duke (derzhavets) of Shenkursk. Prince Dmitry died on May 24, 1625 and was interred in the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius.
    ellauri192.html on line 683: In 1239, after the Mongol invasion of Rus, the Principality of Trubetsk passed to the Princes of Bryansk, and then to the Princes of Trubetsk. In 1566 Ivan IV the Terrible took the principality during the Livonian War. In 1609 Vasili IV of Russia relinquished it to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth during the Polish–Muscovite War (1605–1618). In 1654 Prince Aleksey Trubetskoy on the side of Alexis I of Russia led the southern flank of the Muscovian army from Bryansk to Ukraine. The territory between the Dniepr and Berezyna was overrun, with Aleksey Trubetskoy taking Mstsislaw (Mstislavl) and Roslavl. In 1654 The Principality of Trubetsk was finally conquered by Aleksey Trubetskoy, Prince of Trubetsk himself, as a result of the Russo-Polish War (1654-1667).
    ellauri192.html on line 714: Se on päässyt myös Baikaljärveen, Balatoniin ja Tonavaan. Viron ensimmäiset rohmutokot löydettiin Narvasta vuonna 2005. Suomea lähimmät havainnot ovat Venäjältä noin 30 km päässä rajasta, Uuraan (Vysotsk) satamakaupungista Viipurinlahdelta. Virosta laji havaittiin ensi kerran vuonna 2005, mutta Suomessa sitä ei ole vielä toistaiseksi tavattu.
    ellauri192.html on line 863: They slowly acquire each of the chairs, but no treasure is found. Kisa and Ostap finally discover the location of the last chair. Vorobyaninov murders Ostap to keep all the loot for himself, but discovers that the jews have already been found and used to build the new public recreation center in which the chair was found, a symbol of the new society. Angered, Vorobyaninov too loses his sanitary pad.
    ellauri194.html on line 267: Some time around the 12th century, the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel came to be identified with Gog and Magog; possibly the first to do so was Petrus Comestor in Historica Scholastica (c. 1169–1173), and he was indeed a far greater influence than others before him, although the idea had been anticipated by the aforementioned Christian of Stavelot, who noted that the Khazhars, to be identified with Gog and Magog, was one of seven tribes of the Hungarians and had converted to Judaism.
    ellauri194.html on line 287: In the early 19th century, some Hasidic rabbis identified the French invasion of Russia under Napoleon as "The War of Gog and Magog". But as the century progressed, apocalyptic expectations receded as the populace in Europe began to adopt an increasingly secular worldview. This has not been the case in the United States, where a 2002 poll indicated that 59% of Americans believed the events predicted in the Book of Revelation would come to pass. During the Cold War the idea that Soviet Russia had the role of Gog gained popularity, since Ezekiel's words describing him as "prince of Meshek" – rosh meshek in Hebrew – sounded suspiciously like Russia and Moscow. Even some Russians took up the idea, apparently unconcerned by the implications ("Ancestors were found in the Bible, and that was enough"), as did Ronald Reagan.
    ellauri194.html on line 603:
  • Ashim Chatterjee – politician and activist
    ellauri194.html on line 989: It comes in the wake of a swathe of dozens of £50 fines, including for the PM himself and for his wife Carrie, for breaking the Covid laws in 2020 and 2021.
    ellauri194.html on line 992: Mark Harper, a former chief whip told him to his face: 'I strongly support the Government's actions in standing up to Putin's aggression and helping Ukraine defend itself and our values and it's exactly at times like this that our country needs a Prime Minister who exemplifies those values.
    ellauri194.html on line 998: 'Mark has been gearing up for that for some time,' he told LBC radio. 'It was quite funny when he said how much it pained him when he was clearly enjoying the moment thoroughly.'
    ellauri196.html on line 256: But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone Mutta hänelle se ei ollut iso menetys; aurinko paistoi
    ellauri196.html on line 681: Brando harbored far more enmity for his father, stating, "I was his namesake, but nothing I did ever pleased or even interested him. He enjoyed telling me I couldn't do anything right. He had a habit of telling me I would never amount to anything. I would never become The Most Important Person of The Century. And he was right."
    ellauri196.html on line 683: When he was four, Brando sexually abused his teenage governess. Brando became attached to her, and was distraught when she left him. For the rest of his life, Brando was distraught over her loss. Brando´s childhood nickname was "Bud". Makes sense for a compost crucifer. "Slim" would not have fit him in the least.
    ellauri196.html on line 692: Brando was known for his tumultuous personal life (euphemism for a piece of shit) and his large number of partners and children. He was the father to at least 11 children, at least three of whom were not his. Like a large number of men, he too, had homosexual experiences, and he was not ashamed. If Wally had been a woman, he would have married him and they would have lived happily ever after and had a bunch of kids. Now all they got were some brown pickaninnies.
    ellauri196.html on line 729: According to the Bible, Ezekiel and his wife lived during the Babylonian captivity on the banks of the Chebar River, in Tel Aviv, with other exiles from Judah. There is no mention of him having any offspring. Josephus claims that Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia's armies exiled three thousand Jews from Judah, after deposing King Jehoiakim in 598 BCE. Ärsyttävimmät kiljukaulat johtoportaasta vietiin jäähylle. Jesaja kuului Jahven hoviin, Hese oli bloody peasant.
    ellauri196.html on line 820: Ahimè figlia adorata, vera mia Valitettavasti, rakas tyttäreni, todellinen
    ellauri196.html on line 825: ahimè come si perdono le piste Se on voi miten häviävät ladut
    ellauri196.html on line 856: The great poet Majakovsky, having read one or more of my poems translated into Russian, said: “Here is a poet I like. I would like to be able to read him in Italian.”
    ellauri197.html on line 82: Yeats engages with several important themes in ‘Down By the Salley Gardens’ such as memory and love/relationships. There is also a great deal of regret underneath these primary themes. The speaker spends the poem looking back at a failed relationship, one that he surely regrets and would like to go back and change. He knows exactly what he did wrong, in fact, his love warned him about it several times and he didn’t listen. This is likely part of what makes the loss so painful, even though a great deal of time has passed.
    ellauri197.html on line 100: The language in this poem is quite simple and musical. This makes a great deal of sense since Yeats took the lines from his memory of an old queen who used to give him head.
    ellauri197.html on line 102: He describes in the next lines how his love used to pass the “salley gardens / with little snow-white feet”. This is a great use of imagery that depicts his love as someone young, beautiful, and with the addition of “white,” pure feet. He describes the big mistake he made in regard to his life with his young woman. She told him to “take love easy” but he wasn’t able to do so. He rushed into this relationship and wasn’t as steady as he could’ve been. The man was “young and foolish” and now in his older age, he’s able to look back on his life and realize his mistakes.
    ellauri197.html on line 106: The second stanza is very similar to the first. There are several examples of repetition. The speaker begins by describing himself standing with his love “In a field by the river” rather than in the “salley garden”. Either way, the setting is natural and likely beautiful. The scene is made even more pleasing by the fact that he was with someone he loved and she was touching his shoulder with her “snow-white hand”. Here, readers should notice the repetition of “snow-white”. This time rather than describing her feet he’s thinking about her hand. He remembers how she asked him at that moment to “take life easy”. This is almost exactly the same as in the first stanza. But, now it’s revealed that the speaker’s inability to take it “easy” stretches to his life beyond his relationship with this woman.
    ellauri197.html on line 108: In the final lines of the poem, the speaker reveals that even in his old age he’s “full of tears”. Things did not go as he wanted them to. The transition into the present tense informs the reader that the impact of this failed relationship (which he knows failed because of him) is long-lasting.
    ellauri197.html on line 153: - Yeats was all his life passionately devoted to a woman named Maud Gonne :D She had an affair with him which meant everything to him, and wrote many poems in her honor, but she refused to marry him. She married someone else, and so he had to marry someone else as well, but he always cherished her above all. She was "THE" woman to him. It may be for her sake that he imagined love from HER point of view. Meanwhile he and his second-choice wife had a son and a daughter, whom he loved dearly. That's sad... For all parties involved.
    ellauri197.html on line 164: He was born on 16 December 1907, the son of John Talbot Clifton and Violet Mary Beauclerk, from a very wealthy family with extensive estates and other property holdings in England and Scotland. He was educated at Downside School and Oxford University. He knew the novelist Evelyn Waugh, having possibly met him at Oxford, and who is thought by some to have used him as a model for the Brideshead Revisited character, Sebastian Flyte, although other sources (e.g. Paula Byrne) attribute the inspiration to Hugh Lygon. Waugh was certainly a guest at the family seat, Lytham Hall, in the 1930s and described the Clifton family as “tearing mad”. Clifton's mother, Violet, believed that much of Brideshead Revisited was about the Clifton family and was furious when it was published.
    ellauri197.html on line 172: In 1938 he instructed his chauffeur to drive him from Preston to Lytham without stopping (at threat of being sacked), not even at the gates of his property, so smashed through the gates, damaging the car.
    ellauri197.html on line 176: Clifton's three books of poetry were published by Duckworth. The first was Dielma and Other Poems in 1932 and then followed Flight in 1934. One commentator has said that “Clifton was particularly adroit at poems honouring – and marvelling at – women” and the Times Literary Supplement stated that “His lyrics are a gracious tribute to the beauty of women”. These were fairly conventional poems unlike his final work Gleams Britain's Day published in 1942. The Spectator described it as “expressing in a sort of prophetic certitude opinions upon religion, patriotism, love, art, war and peace, which he puts in unconventional verse”. The reviewer stated that the book was “the product of a curious, whimsical mind, full of energy, squandering it on half-digested ideas”. W B Yates dedicated his poem, Lapis Lazuli, to Clifton who had given him a valuable Chinese lapis lazuli carving.
    ellauri197.html on line 502: The term gold digger rose in usage after the popularity of Avery Hopwood's play The Gold Diggers in 1919. Hopwood first heard the term gold digger in a conversation with Ziegfeld performer Kay Laurell. As an indication on how new the slang term was, Broadway producers urged him to change the title because they feared that the audience would think that the play was about mining and the Gold Rush.
    ellauri197.html on line 613: Tarkastaja Gently muistuttaa erehdyttävästi Suomen pienen tasavallan pientä presidenttiä Sauli Niinistöä. Ei vaan ulkonäöltä vaan varsinkin taantumuxellisten poliittisten näkemysten osalta. Vahva ääni oikealta brexitin puolesta, vastaan Skotlannin izenäistymistä, iso peukku Suomen ja Ruozin Nato-optiolle kunhan saadaan sovituxi hinnasta. Lännen rintamaan ei saa tulla aukkoja. Salomonin saarelaisten lipeeminen vinkuintiaanileiriin on kiireimmiten estettävä, muuten on Australian turvallisuus vaarassa, ja USA:n Tyynen meren herruus mennyttä. Törkyturpaisempi beatlestukka on mukana vaan foilina alleviivaamassa Gentlyn keskiluokan pyhimystä. Honor and dignity ja muuta sellasta perinteistä brittischeissea. Tony Blair. Assangen luovutus. Boris Johnsonin koronajuhlat. Siinähähän on näitä mallixi.
    ellauri197.html on line 649: By the age of 12, Browning had written a book of poetry, which he later destroyed for want of a publisher. After attending one or two private schools and showing an insuperable dislike of school life, he was educated at home by a tutor, using the resources of his father's library. By 14 he was fluent in French, Greek, Italian and Latin. He became an admirer of the Romantic poets, especially Shelley, whom he followed in becoming an atheist and a vegetarian (and a bisexual). At 16, he studied Greek at University College London, but left after his first year. His parents' evangelical faith prevented his studying at either Oxford or Cambridge University, both then open only to members of the Church of England. He had inherited substantial musical ability through his mother, and composed arrangements of various songs. He refused a formal career and ignored his parents' remonstrations by dedicating himself to poetry. He stayed at home until the age of 34, financially dependent on his family until his marriage. His father sponsored the publication of his son's poems. Varsinainen vanhapiika, neiti-ihminen.
    ellauri197.html on line 651: In March 1833, "Pauline, a Fragment of a Confession" was published anonymously by Saunders and Otley at the expense of the author, Robert Browning, who received the money from his aunt, Mrs Silverthorne. It is a long poem composed in homage to the poet Shelley and somewhat in his style. Originally Browning considered Pauline as the first of a series written by different aspects of himself, but he soon abandoned this idea. The press noticed the publication. However, it sold no copies. Mill oli oikeassa, narsistista jaaritusta.
    ellauri198.html on line 127: 1950-luvulta alkaen hän kirjoitti lähinnä lyriikkaa. Kaikki kuninkaan miehet on muokattu elokuvaksi kahteen otteeseen, vuonna 1949 ja vuonna 2006. Its title is drawn from the nursery rhyme "Humpty Dumpty". Se kertoo poliitikko Wille Rydmanin etenemisestä urallaan ja samanaikaisesta muuttumisesta entistä pahemmaxi ihmisenä. Willem esikuva Huey Pierce Long Jr. (30. elokuuta 1893 – 10. syyskuuta 1935), usein paremmin tunnettuna lempinimellä "Kingfish" oli yhdysvaltalainen demokraattisen puolueen poliitikko. Hän toimi Louisianan kuvernöörinä vuosina 1928–1932 ja Yhdysvaltain senaatin jäsenenä vuosina 1932–1935. Long tunnettiin radikaalina ja menestyksekkäänä vasemmistopopulistina, joka ajoi kuvernöörinä voimakkaita sosiaalisia reformeja ja perusti suuren laman aikana kunnianhimoisia julkiseen rahoitukseen perustuvia ohjelmia. Vastustajat arvostelivat häntä demagogiasta ja itsevaltaisesta vallankäytöstä. Longin lempinimi, "Kingfish" tuli hänen väittämästään "I'm a small fish here in Washington. But I am a kingfish to the folks down in Louisiana."
    ellauri198.html on line 177: Toi eka säkeistö on selvä plagiaatti Bryantin kotiin palaavasta sorsasta. Jossain väitettiin, että Amelian siteeraama runoilija ei ollut luupää kentuckyläinen Warren vaan chicagolainen hebrew Delmore Schwartz, josta on paasattu jo albumissa 52. (Hebrews ei saa sanoa ääneen Voldemortin nimeä, pitää sanoa esim Elohim):
    ellauri198.html on line 252: Riensin toteuttamaan ennustusta jonka Thea Fenchel oli lausunut tuossa keinussa St Joessa. Ja vaikka mulle ei ollut yhdentekevää että juuri minua oli hakattu ja ajettu takaa, en silti voinut tuntea tuota asiaa kovin tärkeäksi enkä tajunnut että kenellekään olisi hyötyä sitä että jatkaisin taistelua veljieni puolesta. Jos se olisi ollut minulle omantunnon kysymys olisin kenties seisonut Republic Steelin edessä kaatuneiden muistopäivän verilöylyn hetkellä kuten Grammick. Häntä oli isketty patukalla päähän. Mutta minä olin samaan aikaan patukoimassa Theaa toiseen päähän. Ei edes ollut vallassani olla missäin muualla, kun olimme päässeet alkuun. Ei, minulla ei ollut inspiraatiota ammattiliiton töihin eika politiikkaan eikä mitään hinkua "tahdon hituseni" joutumiseen ihmisjoukon eteen sen lähtiessä marssimaan eteenpäin kurjuudesta. Miten tämä tahtopahaseni olisi päässyt johtamaan heidän kulkuaan? (Vittu mikä narsisti! Mitä Mooses vastasi kun Jehova kuzui sitä palavasta pensaasta? Näin juurikin!) En voinut käskeä itseäni tulemaan yhdeksi noista jotka asettuvat muiden kärkeen, työntyvät sosialistiseen valonsäteeseen tai keräävät ja keskittävät sen kuin polttolasi, hehkuvat ja häikäisevät ja leimahtavat kuin liekki. Sellaiseksi minua ei ollot tarkoitettu. Minut oli tarkoitettu piilottamaan munaa Estereiden perseeseen, sohimaan niitä pikku puikollani.
    ellauri198.html on line 337: The sunset sets the scene ablaze at that very moment, and a strange sound fills the air. "[I]n a sheet of flame" Roland sees the faces of his dead friends, and hears their names whispered in his ears. Remembering their lives, Roland finds himself surrounded by a "living frame" of old friends. Filled with inspiration, he pulls out his "slug-horn", and blows, shouting "Childe Roland into the dark tunnel came".
    ellauri198.html on line 342: Browning claimed that the poem came to him in a dream, saying "I was conscious of no allegorical intention of writing it ... I do not know what I meant beyond that, and I do not know now. But I am very fond of it."
    ellauri198.html on line 348: For Margaret Atwood, Childe Roland is Browning himself, his quest is to write this poem, and the Dark Tower contains that which Roland/Browning fears most: a damn big tunnel.
    ellauri198.html on line 370: All travellers who might find him posted there, Vähänpä äijä neuvotusta piittaa,
    ellauri198.html on line 416: So, quiet as despair, I turned from him, Siispä jätin omiin liemiinsä sen äijän,
    ellauri198.html on line 482: Dear fellow, till I almost felt him fold Rakas kamu! Melkein tunsin navan alla
    ellauri198.html on line 563: Then came some palsied oak, a cleft in him Sitten halvattuja tammia, kuin halkinaisia
    ellauri198.html on line 568: And just as far as ever from the end! Eikä vieläkään se oo lähimainkaan siellä!
    ellauri198.html on line 652: Chatterton's usage inspired Robert Browning in his poem Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came, in particular the last stanza in which the hero sees the ghosts of all those who died trying to reach the Dark Tower before him.
    ellauri198.html on line 691: In March 1833, "Pauline, a Fragment of a Confession" was published anonymously by Saunders and Otley at the expense of the author, Robert Browning, who received the money from his aunt, Mrs Silverthorne. It is a long poem composed in homage to the poet Shelley and somewhat in his style. Originally Browning considered Pauline as the first of a series written by different aspects of himself, but he soon abandoned this idea. John Stuart Mill, however, wrote that the author suffered from an "intense and morbid self-consciousness". Later Browning was rather embarrassed by the work.
    ellauri198.html on line 693: In 1838, he visited Italy looking for background for Sordello, a long poem in heroic couplets, presented as the imaginary biography of the Mantuan bard spoken of by Dante in the Divine Comedy, canto 6 of Purgatory, set against a background of hate and conflict during the Guelph-Ghibelline wars. This was published in 1840 and met with widespread derision, gaining him the reputation of wanton carelessness and obscurity. Tennyson commented that he only understood the first and last lines and Carlyle wrote that his wife had read the poem through and could not tell whether Sordello was a man, a city or a book. Ai tän mä taisinkin jo kertoa albumissa 54.
    ellauri198.html on line 701: In 1861, Elizabeth died in Florence. Among those whom he found vaguely consoling in that period was the novelist and poet Isa Blagden, with whom he and his wife had a voluminous correspondence. The following year Browning returned to London, taking his Pen with him, who by then was 12 years old.
    ellauri198.html on line 714: Allen Johnston of The New York Times was disappointed with how the series progressed; while he marveled at the "sheer absurdity of King's existence" and complimented King's writing style, he said preparation would have improved the series, stating "King doesn't have the writerly finesse for these sorts of games, and the voices let him down." Michael Berry of the San Francisco Chronicle called the series "highfalutin hodgepodge".
    ellauri198.html on line 720: Beginning where book six left off, Jake Chambers and Father Callahan battle the evil infestation within the Dixie Pig, a vampire lounge in New York City featuring roast human flesh and doors to other worlds. After fighting off and destroying numerous "Low-Men" and Type One Vampires, Callahan sacrifices himself to let Jake survive. In the other world—Fedic—Mia, her body now physically separated from Susannah Dean, gives birth to Mordred Deschain, the biological son of Roland Deschain and Susannah. The Crimson King is also a "co-father" of this prophetic child, so it is not surprising when "baby" Mordred's first act is to shapeshift into a spider-creature and feast on his birth-mother. Susannah shoots but fails to kill Mordred, eliminates other agents of the Crimson King, and escapes to meet up with Jake at the cross-dimensional door beneath the Dixie Pig which connects to Fedic. Maturing at an accelerated rate, Mordred later stalks Roland and the other gunslingers throughout this adventure, shifting from human to spider as the need arises, seething with an instinctive rage toward Roland, his "white daddy."
    ellauri198.html on line 728: Along the way they find Patrick Danville, a young man imprisoned by someone who calls himself Joe Collins but is really a psychic vampire named Dandelo. Dandelo feeds off the emotions of his victims, and starts to feed off of Roland and Susannah by telling them jokes. Roland and Susannah are alerted to the danger by Stephen King, who drops clues directly into the book, enabling them to defeat the vampire. They discover Patrick in the basement, and find that Dandelo had removed his tongue. Patrick is freed and soon his special talent becomes evident: his drawings and paintings become reality. As their travels bring them nearer to the Dark Tower, Susannah comes to the conclusion that Roland needs to complete his journey without her. Susannah asks Patrick to draw a door she has seen in her dreams to lead her out of this world. He does so and once it appears, Susannah says goodbye to Roland and crosses over to another world.
    ellauri198.html on line 732: They remain in a stalemate for a few hours, until Roland has Patrick draw a picture of the Crimson King and then erase it, thus wiping him out of existence except for his eyes. Roland gains entry into the Tower while Patrick turns back home. The last scene is that of Roland crying out the names of his loved ones and fallen comrades as he had vowed to do. The door of the Dark Tower closes shut as Patrick watches from a distance.
    ellauri198.html on line 794: Roland is not mediated by his precursors; they do not detach him from history so as to free him in the spirit. The Childe's last act of dauntless courage is to will repetition, to accept his place in the company of the ruined. Roland tells us implicitly that the present is not so much negative and finite as it is willed, though this willing is never the work of an individual consciousness acting by itself. It is caught up in a subject-to-subject dialectic, in which the present moment is sacrificed, not to the energies of art, but to the near-solipsist's tragic victory over himself. Roland's negative moment is neither that of renunciation nor of the loss of self in death or error. It is the negativity that is self-knowledge yielding its power to a doomed love of others, in the recognition that those others like Shelley. more grandly had surrendered knowledge and its powers to love, however illusory. Or, mos simply, Childe Roland dies, if be dies, in the magnificence of a belatedness that can accept itself as such. He ends in strengh because his vision has ceased to break and deform the world, and has begun to turn its dangerous strength upon is own defense. Roland is the Kermit modem version of a poet-as-hero, and his sustained courage to weather his own phantasmagoria and emerge into fire is a presage of the continued survival of strong poetry.
    ellauri198.html on line 824: He was equally firm in adhering to his self-image as an artist. This conviction led many to accuse him of elitism, but conscious and undaunted image building also unquestionably contributed to his greatness.
    ellauri198.html on line 846: While Yeats was playing with esoterica, Ireland was rife with internal strife and a world war flitted past. He was now the “sixty-year-old smiling public man” of his poem “Among School Children,” which he wrote after touring an Irish elementary school. He was also a world-renowned artist of impressive stature, having received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. At night the poet could “sweat with terror” because of the surrounding violence, but otherwise he was enjoying himself royally. His collection The Dark Tower (1928) is often considered his best single book.
    ellauri198.html on line 851: As Yeats aged, he saw Ireland change in ways that angered him. The Anglo-Irish Protestant minority no longer controlled Irish society and culture. According to Yeats’s unblushingly antidemocratic view, the greatness of Anglo-Irishmen such as Jonathan Swift, philosopher George Berkeley, and statesman Edmund Burke, contrasted sharply with the undistinguished commonness of contemporary Irish society, which seemed preoccupied with the interests of merchants and bloody peasants. He laid out his unpopular opinions in late plays such as Purgatory (1938) and the essays of On the Boiler (1939).
    ellauri198.html on line 868: Critics of the poem have highlighted several important aspects of ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree,’ including the spiritual journey undertaken by William Butler Yeats (Hunter); the island as an escape from sexuality (Merritt); and the island as a place of wisdom or foolishness, depending on varying historical perspectives on beans (Normandin). To these critics, it seems that an island is a place of refuge from a dangerous outside world — supposedly London specifically, although Merritt might broaden this interpretation to include all sexual encounters. While these critics acknowledge that an island is a place of escape, citing what William Butler Yeats himself has said about the Irish island Sligo, they fall short of recognising the full implications of his fascination with the occult.
    ellauri198.html on line 876: I assert that the symbols which William Butler Yeats includes on the island — specifically the nine bean-rows — are meant to be examined in the light of the Kabbalism, numerology, and tarot cards to which these societies looked for inspiration in their occult practices. Through his inclusion of these symbols, William Butler Yeats is demonstrating mastery over the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn’s basic tenants (sic), a mastery which he perhaps hoped would help him advance in rank in the society to seventh grade and further his studies of magic.
    ellauri198.html on line 918: Arthur Symons (n.h.) described the poem as a "sort of spiritual biography" in the way that it describes the feelings and emotions of the poet, rather than the actions. Isobel Armstrong (n.h.) argued that the poem was Browning's attempt to "institutionalize" himself as a Romantic poet. Browning described himself within the poem as "priest and prophet" and therefore gave himself both the meaning and purpose that he was seeking as a young man. Vitun pappi ja profeetta, ansaizisi potkun perseeseen. Tää narsistinen suollos ei kelpaa mihinkään. Ei maxa vaivaa edes siteerata.
    ellauri203.html on line 115: In penal servitude, Dostoevsky went through something that he calls “the regeneration of his convictions”. What could have taken place to change his convictions so completely? Dostoevsky himself answers this question by saying, “I accepted Christ in my life, whom I got to know as a child in my parent’s house and whom I have almost lost, when I in turn became a European liberal.” Putinistit paukuttavat karvaisia käsiään. Keskeytymättömiä aplodeja seisaaltaan.
    ellauri203.html on line 154: But the main reason for the quarrels was ideology. "All these wretched liberals find their principal pleasure in abusing Russia," Dostoyevsky wrote in a letter to a friend in 1867, referring to Turgenev´s new novel Smoke. Turgenev by that time was living in France and Dostoyevsky, sarcastically, advised him to buy a telescope as, "otherwise, you can´t really see [Russia] at all". Turgenev was offended.
    ellauri203.html on line 193: Pikkuvirkamies Jakov Petrovitš Goljadkin on varma, että hän on joutunut pahimmanlaatuisen juonittelun uhriksi. Aiheutettuaan pienimuotoisen skandaalin illallistanssiaisissa hän tapaa räntäsateessa täsmälleen itsensä näköisen miehen, jonka nimikin on itse asiassa täsmälleen sama. Pian Goljadkin huomaa, että toinenkin Goljadkin on töissä samassa virastossa ja tekee samoja, tai oikeastaan Goljadkinille itselleen kuuluvia tehtäviä. Uusi Goljadkin kerää suosiota niin virassa kuin seurapiireissäkin, kun taas vanha Goljadkin tuntuu hetki hetkeltä musertuvan todellisuuden karatessa häneltä yhä kauemmaksi. Aika narsistinen ajatus.
    ellauri203.html on line 215: Fyodor Dostoevsky´s novels mirrored his life: complicated, tense and full of psychological unrest. He was as dedicated to the women that accompanied him on this difficult journey as he was to the novels that he felt compelled to write. Lets explore the great writer’s relationships with his three key hens, Isajeva, Suslova and Snitkina. (There were more, but they were not key.)
    ellauri203.html on line 219: However, this belated first love was not as simple as Dostoevsky had hoped. Isaeva began taunting the writer with letters telling him of her intention to marry one or other wealthy official. Although the pair did ultimately marry, their troubles continued, and the two never settled into a harmonious marriage, with Dostoevsky taking on a role more like a friend or brother to Isaeva, rather than a husband. Mark Slonim, an important Russian scholar, writes in his book The Three Loves of Dostoevsky: “He loved her for all these feelings that she excited in him. For everything that he gave her, for everything that was connected with her. And for all the pains from her.”
    ellauri203.html on line 223: Dostoevsky met the young Appolinaria Suslova during one of his public readings. At 42, he was two decades older than her. She was attractive, alluring and shared his literary taste and physical passion. Despite this, he could not give her everything she wanted; as Dostoevsky was still married, he conducted a secret affair with Suslova, but she took other lovers and left him. She returned two years later, but was not the same inexperienced young woman and refused to marry the great writer.
    ellauri203.html on line 231: To begin with, Dostoevsky only saw practicality in his marriage to Snitkina: he was in need of stability and confidence in the future. As a result, the union began down to head along the same route as his previous relationships. However, the couple’s extended “honeymoon” abroad, which ended up lasting four years, allowed them to escape Russia’s oppressive atmosphere and try to build a family. It began well: Sonya, a little girl, was born a year after their marriage. Tragedy soon struck, however, when Sonya passed away. The pair went on to have three more children, one of whom also died. They were married for 14 years until Dostoevsky’s death, in which time Snitkina experienced a great deal of anguish brought on by Dostoevsky’s difficult character and lifestyle, namely his jealousy and gambling addiction. However, she remained stoically committed to him and did not remarry after his death, when she was just 35.
    ellauri203.html on line 233: Anna Snitkina did not attempt to change Dostoevsky, accepting him warts and all, which made this marriage the happiest and most harmonious in the writer’s turbulent life. That´s the only working way to survive a hopeless narcissist.
    ellauri203.html on line 242: Writing in the Los Angeles Times, a professor of Slavic languages praised their Dostoevsky translations, stating "the reason they have succeeded so well in bringing Dostoevsky into English is not just that they have made him sound bumpy or unnatural but that they have managed to capture and differentiate the characters' many bumpy and unnatural voices." A literary critic and essayist, wrote in The Sewanee Review that their Dostoevsky translations "have recaptured the rough and vulgar edge of Dostoevsky's style. This tone of the vulgar that Dostoevsky's writings are full of, so morbidly excessively, they have translated into a vernacular equal to his own." But recently, writing in The New York Review of Books in 2016, a critic argued that Pevear and Volokhonsky have established an industry of taking everything they can get their hands on written in Russian and putting it into flat, awkward English. Other translators have voiced similar criticism, both in Russia and in the English-speaking world. A Slavic studies scholar has written in Commentary that Pevear and Volokhonsky take glorious works and reduce them to awkward and unsightly muddles. Criticism has been focused on the excessive literalness of the couple's translations and the perception that they miss the original tone of the authors.
    ellauri203.html on line 258: René Girard pitää kaiken inhimillisen kulttuurin perustana jäljittelyä eli mimesistä. Mimeettinen halu taas merkitsee sitä, että jäljittely kohdistuu toisen haluihin. Girardin mukaan jäljittelemme yksilöitä, joiden kaltaisia haluaisimme olla, ja näin jäljitellessämme heitä päädymme haluamaan samoja asioita kuin he. Girardin mukaan riitelevät lapset ja nykykulttuurin snobit ovat mimeettisessä haluamisessaan toistensa kaltaisia: se, mitä izellä on, on arvokasta ja taistelemisen arvoista siksi, että toinen haluaa sitä. Sehän toimi Eetullakin: jos se ei tahtonut syödä pullaansa, piti mennä härkkimään ja sanoa "minuun pulla", niin eiköhän se ärähtänyt ja käynyt pullaan käsixi.
    ellauri203.html on line 264: Kaksoisside syntyy, kun jäljittelijä alkaa muistuttaa malliaan siinä määrin, että malli alkaa kokea tämän uhaksi, ja tämä johtaa ristiriitaan: toisaalta malli tuntuu käskevän häntä olemaan kuin hän itse, toisaalta kieltää häntä matkimasta itseään. No tietysti: ei voi olla kahta maailman rikkainta ankkaa, toisen narukerän on oltava lyhkäsempi. On tosi ikävää jos mamut alkaa hengittää persun niskaan, niillä pitää olla huonommin kuin mulla. Ja just sixi kermaperseet ei suin surminkaan halua luopua luxuxesta, mistä hajurako köyhimyxiin pienenisi. Koska hajurako juuri on se vauraus.
    ellauri203.html on line 275: Girardin mukaan mimeettiseen haluun perustuva inhimillinen kulttuuri vaatii uhreja. Hän tulkitsee antiikin myyttejä verhotuiksi ritualistisen väkivallan purkauksiksi. No niitähän on Areenan ja Netflixin poliisisarjatkin. Ihme into porukoilla kazoa tollasia virtuaalisia väkivallantekoja, oli poliisi tai ei poliisia. Kai niiden tekis mieli olla ize mukana. Six kai tää Ukrainan selkkauskin koetaan niin elähdyttävänä. Covid tekee rumihia enemmän kuin koskaan pandemian aikana, mutta se ei ketään enää kiinnosta. Nyt on kunnon nokkapokka näköpiirissä! Te mukana!
    ellauri203.html on line 279: Vähän epäilyttää tää. Sen kyllä ymmärtää että mällin ruiskaus helpottaa koska pussit tyhjenee, mutta millä lailla uhrauxen kazominen helpottaa aggressiivista oloa? Mikä siinä ruiskahtaa? Kostonhimoko? No ehkä joo. Tosin usein väkivaltaviihde pikemminkin piristää kun ei ole mitään kivaa tekemistä. Futismazin jälkeen tekee mieli izekin vähän riehua. Voi kyllä ihmetellä millä lailla uhraaminen helpottaa jengin pahaa oloa ja estää tiimin sisäistä kärhämöintiä. Ehkä se ei estäkään, on vaan mukavaa olla kazomossa ja nähdä toisten kärsivän. On kieltämättä kiva kazoa kun pahixia pahoinpidellään skoudesarjoissa. Kazoessa ei kerkiä ize mätkimään, pitää se sen aikaa ainakin porukat kaduilta pahanteosta.
    ellauri203.html on line 357: Yritys korjata maailman sosiaalista eriarvoisuutta kommunismin avulla on kiehtova, mutta ylittää inhimilliset mahdollisuudet, ja siksi vasta kun tämä yritys on epäonnistunut, maailma voi palata rationalismiin eli izekkääseen rahan kahmintaan lähimmäisen kustannuksella. Tämä skeptisyys oli näkyvin älyllisissä piireissä, koska stalinismin toiminta johtui yksinkertaisesti jonkinlaisesta tilapäisestä hulluudesta, jonka jälkeen venäläiset joutuivat pieneen valistukseen ja yrittivät toteuttaa tasa-arvon potentiaalia, mutta he eivät yksinkertaisesti älyllisesti kyenneet tavoittelemaan sitä millään muulla tavalla kuin liiallista, usein avoimesti haitallista dogmatismia.
    ellauri203.html on line 369: Skeptinen Ketman, usko, että Venäjän yritys korjata maailman sosiaalista eriarvoisuutta kommunismin avulla on kiehtova, mutta ylittää inhimilliset mahdollisuudet, ja siksi vasta kun tämä yritys on epäonnistunut, maailma voi palata rationalismiin eli izekkääseen rahan kahmintaan lähimmäisen kustannuksella. Tämä skeptisyys oli näkyvin älyllisissä piireissä, koska stalinismin toiminta johtui yksinkertaisesti jonkinlaisesta tilapäisestä hulluudesta, jonka jälkeen venäläiset joutuivat pieneen valistukseen ja yrittivät toteuttaa tasa-arvon potentiaalia, mutta he eivät yksinkertaisesti älyllisesti kyenneet tavoittelemaan sitä millään muulla tavalla kuin liiallista., usein avoimesti haitallista dogmatismia.
    ellauri203.html on line 426: Äitienpäivänä on 9 erilaista mielenilmausta. Putinia peukuttavat autot ajaa vaivihkaa Porvoosta ettei verenhimoiset kantasuomalaiset pane niitä merkille. Mulla on täällä kotona päivittäisiä mielenilmauxia, mutta pysyttelen visusti puun takana. Enimmäxeen tää vanhan elämä on vaan ajan tappamista. Hauska tappa aika, vanha tuttuhan se jo on.
    ellauri203.html on line 449: complex--would unroll before him in its terrifying sameness. The same
    ellauri203.html on line 465: him, like Richard, haunted by the phantoms of those he has ruined...
    ellauri203.html on line 473: It was published first in 1866 in the first episode of the new literary magazine Epoch that was launched by Dostoevsky and his brother Mikhail. As we know Turgenev and Dostoevsky were not the best of friends. Turgenev had sent the story to Dostoevsky when he was in Baden Baden. Dostoevsky, however, was too busy playing roulette and returned the story without having read it. Mikhail told him in a letter that that had been a big mistake, because their magazine was sure to be a success if they could have a new Turgenev in the first episode. Dostoevsky proceeded to write an apologetic letter to Turgenev and managed to secure Phantoms for the magazine.
    ellauri203.html on line 648: Martin, a respected doctor (huoh), his wife Karin, Karin's seventeen year old brother Minus, and widowed father David of Karin and Minus' have convened at the family's summer home on an island off the coast of Sweden to celebrate David's return from the Swiss Alps, where he was substantially completing his latest novel (huoh). The family has long lived a fantasy of they being a loving one, David's extended absences which are the cause of many of the family's problems. Without that parental guidance, Minus is at a confused and vulnerable stage of his life where he is a bundle of repressed emotions, most specifically concerning not feeling loved by his father and concerning the opposite sex (huoh). He is attracted to females as a collective but does not know how to handle blatant female sexuality, especially if it is directed his way. A month earlier Karin was released from a mental institution (huoh). Her doctor has told Martin that the likelihood that she will fully recover from her illness is low, her ultimate fate being that her mental state will disintegrate totally, although she has functioned well since her release. In his love for her, Martin has vowed to himself to see her through whatever she faces. As Karin begins to lose grip on reality, Minus is the one most directly affected, although it does bring out the issues all the men are facing with regard to their interrelationships.
    ellauri204.html on line 88: Ennen muinoin, jolloinka vielä oli toivomisesta apua, eli eräs kuningas, jonka tyttäret kyllä kaikki olivat kaunihia, mutta nuorin niin ihana, että itse auringonkin, joka, toki on nähnyt jos jotakin, oikein kävi ihmeeksi, joka kerta kun sen loiste laskihe hänen kasvoillensa. Lähellä kuninkaan linnaa oli iso, synkkä metsä ja metsässä vanhan lehmuksen juurella kaivo; kun nyt päivä oli kuuman paahtava, meni kuninkaan-tytär tuonne metsähän sekä istahti vilvakan lähteen äärelle; ja kun hänen tuli ikävä, otti hän kulta-pallon, heitti sen korkealle ilmaan ja sieppasi sitten tämän rakkahimman leikki-kalunsa taas käsiinsä.
    ellauri204.html on line 257: Sano: »Ilmoitanko teille, ketkä tekojensa vuoksi joutuvat pahimmin häviölle? Kerronko minä mihin voitte ne pistää (ei panna)?»
    ellauri204.html on line 378: Rajun laman ravistelemassa Suomessa oli tarvetta uudenlaiselle itsevarmalle miehelle, joka osasi leikkiä maskuliinisuudella ja oli siksi - sopivasti, ei liikaa - kosketuksissa myös naiselliseen puoleensa, eikä ollut niin tosikkomaisen sulkeutunut tai tuhoisan väkivaltainen kuin monet aiempien polvien miehet. Suomenniemen joka suvussa oli nähty tarpeeksi noita kelonharmaiksi routaantuneita paukapäitä, etanan muotoon koteloituneita tunneinvalideja. joiden kaukopartiomiesmäisen sinnikkäästä terrorista vasta infarkti tai haimatulehdus lähimmäiset vapautti. Uusi mies piti naista vertaisenaan, eroottisena sisarenaan, ja juhli sukupuolten eroa värikuulanräiskeisen karnevaalin keinoin. Uusi mies oli ystävilleen lojaali ja lapsilleen hellä ja kannustava, mutta eliminoi viholliset joustavasti ja ovelasti. Uusi mies kannatti eloonjäämisoppien sosiaalipolitiikkaa ja karkasi hyvinvointivaltion hallintorakennusten synkiltä käytäviltä avoimempaan, armottomampaan maastoon. Uusi mies kykeni lamavitutuksessakin leikkiin mutta uhkailun tai vähättelyn hetkellä taisteluvalmis nyrkki kohosi heti: nyt turpa kiinni urpo tai se turpoo kiinni, tähän käteen virtaa isien pimeiden kokemusten voima.
    ellauri204.html on line 389: In The Odyssey, Odysseus and his crew land on Aeaea, and a team of scouts discover the palace of Circe, a witch goddess. Circe invites Odysseus’s men inside for a drink and then magically turns them into pigs. One man escapes to tell Odysseus about their comrades’ fate and Circe’s trickery. Odysseus bravely hopes to rescue his men from Circe’s enchantment; on the way to her house, Odysseus receives help from Hermes, who offers him a plan and equips him with moly, a magical herb that will protect him from Circe’s witchcraft. The plan works: the moly counters Circe’s magic, she swoons for Odysseus and transforms his crew from pigs back into men. Odysseus and Circe then make love. For a year. Finally, some of Odysseus’s crew shake him from the madness of his long Circean interlude and compel him to resume the journey home to Ithaca.
    ellauri205.html on line 57: Kun ylijumala Putin näki Ukrainan, hän alkoi himota tätä. Toteuttaakseen mielihalunsa Putin lähestyi kedolla Ukrainaa valkoisen pilven hahmossa. Putinin mustasukkainen puoliso Usa aavisti kuitenkin tilanteen ja saapui paikalle tutkimaan asiaa. Peittääkseen jälkensä Putin muutti Ukrainan valkeaksi lehmäksi, mutta näin helposti Usa ei ollut huiputettavissa. Hän pyysi mieheltään lehmää lahjaksi ja asetti sitten Naton, satasilmäisen jättiläisen, vartioimaan lehmää. Putin ei kuitenkaan luovuttanut vaan lähetti Lavrovin tappamaan jätin, minkä hän tekikin juonien jättiläisen sulkemaan kaikki sata silmäänsä yksi kerrallaan. Nyt Usa puolestaan lähetti Sauli-kiiliäisen piinaamaan Ukraina-lehmää, joka joutui pakenemaan Euroopasta Bosporinsalmen yli Aasian puolelle ja aina Kiinaan saakka. Siellä Putin palautti Ukrainan takaisin ihmishahmoonsa, ja tämä synnytti hänelle pojan, joka sai nimen Transnistria.
    ellauri205.html on line 114: Gonna tell him all I can
    ellauri205.html on line 136: Gonna tell him all I can
    ellauri205.html on line 179: Simone ei muka tajua kostonhimoa. Häh sehän on tasoihin pyrkimistä, ellei henk.koht niin tiimin tasolla. Koko Hammurapin laki on tit for tatin teoriaa. Jeesuxen innovaatio oli etme ollaan kaikki yhtä globaalista tiimiä ja oikeet vastustajat on näkymättömiä räyhähenkiä. Eli otetaan vaan vastaan tittiä molemmille poskille kiven tällä puolella, tat tulee sitten kiven takana. Näkis vaan.
    ellauri206.html on line 77: In Book III of his repulsive Republic (c. 373 BC), Plato examines the "style" of "poetry" (the term includes comedy, tragedy, epic and lyric poetry): All types narrate events, he argues, but by differing means. He distinguishes between narration or report (diegesis) and imitation or representation (mimesis). Tragedy and comedy, he goes on to explain, are wholly imitative types; the dithyramb is wholly narrative; and their combination is found in epic poetry. When reporting or narrating, "the poet is speaking in his own person; he never leads us to suppose that he is any one else"; when imitating, the poet produces an "assimilation of himself to another, either by the use of voice or gesture". In dramatic texts, the poet never speaks directly; in narrative texts, the poet speaks as him or herself.
    ellauri206.html on line 116: But who wants to give a handout to a man who badmouths his donors so brashly? Schucks, let him rant, the best-selling brand today is fear.
    ellauri206.html on line 149: him-an-orphan-subsequently-he-became-a-british-citizen-in-2010-the-iraq-war-began-10-years-ago-this-week-photograph-taken-on-march-17-2013-reuterspaul-hackett-britain-tags-military-politics-society-sport-soccer-conflict-2E6A949.jpg" />
    ellauri206.html on line 161: Svengijengi ’62 (engl. American Graffiti), vuonna 1973 ensi-iltansa saanut elokuva, joka on George Lucasin ohjaama ja käsin kirjoittama. Se kertoo tarinan yhdys­valtalaisista teineistä heidän kesä­lomansa viimeisenä iltana valmistuttuaan high schoolista. (p.o. kesälomansa viimeisenä iltana heidän valmistuttuaan, vittu kukaan ei enää osaa possesiivisuffixeja, lakkaisivat edes yrittämästä.) Tämäkin leffa on mulle n.h. Mikä olis voinut vähemmän kiinnostaa kuin amer. teinileffa vuonna 1973 jolloin viilasin oza hiessä stalinistisen pankinjohtajan tyttären hilloviivaa ja interreilasin Unkarista etelään pieni sininen pahvimatkalaukku kädessä. Eikös ne typerät Star Wars rainat olleet samaisen sentimentaalisen lukaasin käsialaa? Juu sama leuaton harmaa pikku mies on kyseessä. Ronny Howard s. 1954 esitti lukaasia s. 1944. Lukaasin firma on sittemmin myyty Disneyn Waltille. Ylläri. Tirkistely on obsessiivis-kompulsiivista toimintaa. Tästä luvusta tulee mieleen Heli Mätinki 3v aiemmin jossain Turussa, missä mullakin alkoi kalu seistä vastahakoisesti saunassa ja pakenin Petrin lailla uimareissulle vähän äkkiä. Olis pitänyt vaan Petrin lailla ottaa mela kauniiseen käteen ja työntyä käskyn mukaan kaikkeinpyhimpään. Vaikka tuskin oisin pystynyt edes 5 pistoon. Ois takuulla tullut ejaculatio ante portas. Toisaalta toisella kertaa olisi voinut mennä paremmin. Marjan mielestä sukuelimet on hirveä sana. Siinäkin on jotain outoa. Kaikki hahmot toistavat taas Korhosen omia ajatuxia. Marja ei ollut erityisen kaunis mutta auliin panohaluinen.
    ellauri206.html on line 186: Kulttuuriministeriössä työskentelevän Michelin elämä on ankeaa ja yksinäistä. Vapaa-aikanaan hän vierailee toisinaan peep-showssa ja nukahtelee tv:n ääreen. Isänsä kuoleman jälkeen hän päättää hetken mielijohteesta matkustaa Thaimaahan. Thaimaassa Michelille avautuu vieras kulttuuri ja eroottisten houkutusten puutarha, jossa kaikki on mahdollista. Michel saa tuntea seksuaalista nautintoa, jonka rinnalla hänen aiemmat käteenvetokokemuksensa kalpenevat. Matkallaan Michel tapaa myös Valérien, joka on matkailualalla. Pariisissa heidän välilleen syntyy intohimoinen suhde, jollaista kumpikaan ei ole ennen kokenut. Michel ja Valérie palaavat Thaimaahan käynnistämään uutta, estotonta seksiturismibisnestä. Matkailijat kuitenkin palautetaan paratiisista elämän kovuuteen varsin dramaattisella tavalla.
    ellauri206.html on line 261: Michel molo islamofobi pääsi radioaalloille typerän Charlie Hebdo metakan aikana. Muistan kun tyypit tuli kokouxiinkin keekoillen je suis Charlie napeilla. Vapauxista turhimpia on sananvapaus. Turvat kiinni turvelot!
    ellauri206.html on line 269: Figure majeure du romantisme français, il est essentiellement connu pour ses poèmes et ses nouvelles, notamment son ouvrage Les Filles du feu, recueil de nouvelles (la plus célèbre étant Sylvie), son recueil de sonnets (Les Chimères, dont le célébrissime El Desdichado, placé sous le signe du Soleil noir de la Mélancolie.
    ellauri206.html on line 409: edellyttää, että luotamme aisteihimme). Tämän
    ellauri207.html on line 89: Like no work since the Arithmetica of Diophantus two millennia before, L. C. Parnault’s Dimensions in Mathematics presents the fullness of mathematical knowledge attained by man. From Thales to Turing, Pythagoras to Euclid, Archimedes to Newton, the Riemann Hypothesis to Fermat’s Last Theorem, Parnault escorts both serious mathematicians and the non-mathematical mind through the deepest mysteries of mathematics. Along the way he offers the greatest expositions yet of number theory, combinatorial topology, the analytics of complexity, and his own groundbreaking work on spherical astronomy. Dimensions equips even elementary readers with the tools to solve the logical puzzles of the perfect universe that can exist only in the mind of a mathematician.
    ellauri207.html on line 245: Tästäpä sopii varastaa kakkososan pahixet. Mikki Hiiren kultainen sääntö on että jotkut ovat aina vastuussa, The Bad Guys. Niinpä justiinsa. Tee lähimmäisellesi niinkuin soisit izellesi tehtävän. Two wrongs do not make one right. Hahaa lölleröä, Jeesus Kristus! Ei tollanen enää vetelee 3. millenniumilla, nyt on palattava Hammurabin lakiin. Erimerkkiset pahat nollaa laskelman. Silmä silmälaseista, kultahammas hampaasta ellei enemmän. Ize asiassa mieluummin enemmän. Se on superadditiivista, hyvää viihdettä.
    ellauri207.html on line 346: Tuotesijoittelun vuoxi Lisbet pysähtyi Seven Eleveniin (charge: $10K per mention) ja osti: jättipaketin Billyn pannupitsaa (5Kkr tack), 3 Findusin pakastekalapaistosta (3Kkr varsågod), 3 Pågensin pekonipiirasta (2Kkr får jag be), kilon amer. Granny Smith omenia ($1K thanx), 1/2 kg Arla ost, Arla mjölk (totalt 2Kkr), Jacobs Krönung kahvia (1Kkr), kartongin Mallu Lightia ($15K, sorry) ja iltapäivälehdet (DN och Expressen, 0,5kr var). Tähänkin ostoslistaan (ja näitä on vaikka kuinka) Stig sai menemään kirjasta yhden kappaleen, tuotto n. 2Mkr plus filmi- ja sarjiskoikeudet. Rei Shimuran ruumiilla oli jalassa Niken tohvelit, jotka olivat säilyneet teräkunnossa vaikka ruumis oli muuten mätänemistilassa. Kyllä kannattaa ostaa edustamiamme laatumerkkejä.
    ellauri207.html on line 359: Meanwhile, Salander (Lisbet)´s sadistic guardian, Nils Bjurman, hires Zalachenko to kill Lisbeth. Bjurman himself is soon killed by Lisbet´s bro Ronald Niedermann, who with dad Zala, is lying in wait at a farm in Gåseborg to ambush Salander (Lisbet). During a brief confrontation Lisbeth is shot in the head and buried alive. She later climbs out zombie like and deals serious blows to Zala´s head and wooden leg with an axe. Their injuries are so serious they are both taken by air ambulance to a hospital where the next book picks up. But what a disappointment: Zalachenko is shot in the head in the same hospital as Lisbeth being treated for the grievous injuries he´s suffered, for having intentions to betray the Cesarean section of the Swedish secret service, el Sapo. The Swedes consider the superior intelligence he has as a Soviet defecator more important than dumb Agneta´s civil rights or those of her misfit daughter, so they have Lisbeth declared incompetent and institutionalized in order to protect him from her.
    ellauri207.html on line 361: Years later, he runs a criminal empire based on drugs and prostitution, with his son Ronald Neiderman as his enforcer. El Sapo continues to cover for him in order to have him as a national asset, meaning that he is never arrested for his crimes but just patted on the back. This part of the story sounds fully believable. Some feminists blamed Mia for spreading bourgeois fantasies. The story did not specify which, and Lisbet hadn´t got the foggiest what they might be. Nor Stieg for that matter.
    ellauri207.html on line 370: Ibrahimovic. Ibrahimovićista on
    ellauri207.html on line 376: lokakuussa 2019. Ibrahimović osti marraskuussa 2019 noin neljänneksen Allsvenskan-jalkapallojoukkue Hammarbysta. Perhe eli köyhyydessä, Ibrahimovićin mukaan edes ruokaa ei aina ollut, mutta oli sentään jalkapallojoukkue. Riikinkukkorausku on Stingray. Eikös se ollut Corvette? Hollantilainen sota-alus eikä prinssinmakkara. Riikikukkorauskun selässä on täpliä, siitä nimi. Jenkeille pääasia on se sting. Just sellasia ne on. Niistä oli 50-luvulla hienoa kun "ihmisille" vaarallinen liljalaji oli lähes saatu kitketyxi sukupuuttoon Havaijin saarelta. Vittu ize ne pitäs sieltä kitkeä. Mä en käsitä miten Stigu jaxoi kexiä noin paljon raakoja pahanilkisiä ja pahansuopia juttuja. Se varmaan tosissaan vihasi Erlan isäänsä ja Roope-veljeä. No lähtihän siitä paljon massia. Ois voinut ostaa vaikka loput jalkapallojoukkuesta. Mut slaagi ehti ensixi, onnexi.
    ellauri207.html on line 454:

    Time to Market Institute, Test Maturity Model integration, (the TMMi® Model), tasmanialainen farm machinery dealership, ym ym rahanhimoista anglosaxintaa. Tokko pulu mitään sellasta. Eiköhän se ole vaan jahtaamassa pyrstöä. Tule Tänne Mullon Iso.
    ellauri210.html on line 115: Mutta sinä sanot, Mme. Yvettellä ei ole vain yhtä roolia, jonka hän toistaa. Hän näyttelee yhtä taitavasti kaikkia mahdollisia rooleja: pyhimyksiä ja syntisiä, keilaajia, hyveellisiä, rikollisia ja naiiveja. Se on totta, ja se on todiste äärimmäisen rikkaasta ja mukautuvasta henkisestä elämästä. Mutta en epätoivoisi jäljittää hänen nuorten vuosiensa kokemuksia ja konflikteja koko hänen taiteensa ohjelmistoon. Olisi houkuttelevaa jatkaa täällä, mutta jokin pidättelee minua. Tiedän, että ei-toivotut analyysit herättävät epäilyksiä, enkä halua tehdä mitään, mikä saattaisi häiritä suhteemme muodostavaa sydämellistä myötätuntoa.
    ellauri210.html on line 338:

  • Picasso was buried on a whim in 1958 in the village of Vauvenargues. V:n markiisi Luc kirjoitti maxiimeja 1700-luvulla.
    ellauri210.html on line 365: One of them was the Swiss enema Arthur Cravan. Described by one critic as “a world tramp … a traverser of borders and resister of orders,” Cravan traveled the globe in the early 1900s by forging documents and assuming false identities, preening, harassing, and haranguing, as he went. He was hailed by André Breton as a pivotal precursor of Dadaism, and belonged to that category of floating prewar avant-gardists whose legacy resides more in their mode of living than their artistic creations. Indeed, he declared himself anti-art and avowed boxing to be the ultimate creative expression of the modern, American-tinged age. He’s often referred to as a “poet-boxer,” though he wasn’t especially accomplished as either; his real talent appears to have been making a spectacle of himself, in every sense. Publicist rather than a pugilist.
    ellauri210.html on line 373: By the time Johnson arrived in Paris, Cravan had carved out a reputation as a boxer himself, a discipline he first picked up while traveling across the USA. He was also known as an ardent proponent of the “American” attitude toward life, by which he meant living according to desire and instinct, and telling so-called civilized society to take a running jump. In an essay titled “To Be or Not To Be … American,” he wrote that, thanks to the influence of cakewalk dancers, track athletes, and boxers such as Joe Jeanette, the whole of Paris had turned American. “Overnight,” Cravan said, “everyone began to spit and swear” and “floated around in clothes two sizes too big for them.” He finished the piece with a crib sheet for how to pass as American: “Chew … never speak … always look busy … and, above all else, crown yourself with arrogance.” It was advice he followed assiduously. How right, how true, to this day.
    ellauri210.html on line 381: In the summer of 1914, Cravan began another phase of wandering. In 1916, he found himself in Barcelona where he somehow managed to book himself a high-profile fight against Jack Johnson. Johnson was in the midst of a celebrated stay in Spain, during which he was received by royalty and starred in movies. Photographs from the fight give some idea of the scale of the event, which was held at Barcelona’s huge bullfighting arena La Monumental. What the photos don’t convey is what a mismatch the fight was. Even a ring-rusty, thirty-eight-year-old Johnson was leagues ahead of Cravan. Johnson won with a sixth-round knockout, though it could’ve been over much sooner had he wished it. There are reports that Cravan shook with fear before the contest began, knowing how out of his depth he was. One writer has suggested that “Johnson and Cravan were more collaborators than competitors,” and that the event was a con, just a hype-fueled payday for an aging legend and a flamboyant interloper with no credible chance of a win—the Mayweather-McGregor of its day. Olikos tää se mazi josta toinen nyrkkipelle Heminwau kirjoitti siinä sonniromaanissa?
    ellauri210.html on line 383: The money Cravan earned from the Johnson fight helped him buy his passage out of Europe, and what he thought was safety from the war. In January 1917, he sailed for New York. Dozens of other European artists and intellectuals were making the same journey at the time; one of Cravan’s shipmates was Leon Trotsky, who noted in his diary that he’d met a man who claimed to be related to Oscar Wilde and “who frankly declared that he would rather smash a Yankee’s face in the noble art of boxing than be done in by a German.” Cravan didn’t stay in New York long; just long enough to put several noses metsphorically out of joint. He split his time between sleeping rough in Central Park and hobnobbing with Greenwich Village bohemians. Among them was the poet Mina Loy, with whom Cravan began an intense love affair.
    ellauri210.html on line 753: Alongside him lay the naked body of another French soldier. André Breton believed his death to be a suicide (LOL). He was known for his indifference and for wearing a monocle.
    ellauri210.html on line 776: Michel del Castillo (or Michel Janicot del Castillo), born in Madrid on August 2, 1933, is a Spanish-French writer. Interned in a concentration camp named Rieucros in Mende with his mother during the Second World War, he developed a sense of belonging to this town, which has honored him with naming a school after him. Wow.
    ellauri210.html on line 780: The novel starts in Spain in 1939, during the Spanish civil war, when Tanguy is forced to flee the country with his mother because of her left wing political affiliations. They find themselves in France, which is no less hostile. Forsaken by his father, Tanguy and his mother are arrested by the police and sent off to a camp for political refugees where life is difficult and they face many a hardship and insult. Finally able to escape, Tanguy's mother now decides to flee to London. In order to escape unnoticed from France, they must travel separately and Tanguy is thus separated from his mother. Discovered by the German troops he is packed off to another concentration camp where he endures a life of hunger, cold and forced physical labour that break his body and spirit, the only respite being in a young German pianist who befriends him and reminds him time and again not to hate for hatred breeds nothing but hatred. LOL.
    ellauri210.html on line 782: After the war, Tanguy is sent back to Spain, Barcelona where he learns that his grandmother has recently passed away and there is no one else to take care of him. He is sent to a reformation school for juvenile delinquents and orphans, run by priests who are no less cruel and sadist than the Nazi "kapos." Bitter, Tanguy believes they are worse than the Nazis because these priests hide their sadism behind the facade of religion and confession, but that makes their sin no less. He succeeds in escaping along with a "companion," but is forced to separate from his as well. This time around, he finds himself in a school run by a group of priests but unlike the reformation school, here, Tanguy is able to grow, learn and live comfortably. It is here, that he truly flourishes and finds friends and solace. But he is still not completely at peace and sets off again in search of the parents who had abandoned and forsaken him to such a bitter destiny. He does find them eventually, but only to realise that the years of hardship and horror experienced by him have built an impenetrable barrier between them. He is no longer a left wing radical like them. He has learned not to hate the capos. Don't get mad get even. LOL.
    ellauri210.html on line 837: “M. Gide,” Cravan began, “I have taken leave to call on you, though I feel myself duty bound to inform you straight off that I far prefer, for example, boxing to literature.” “Literature, however, is the only terrain on which we may profitably encounter one another,” he replied rather dryly. Cravan thought: “He certainly lives life to the full.” We spoke about literature therefore, and he asked me the following question which must be particularly dear to him: “Which of my works have you read?" "Which of my matches have you seen?"
    ellauri210.html on line 1018: Dans la nuit froide de l'oubli. Päiviä kesämme kaunehimman Unohduxen yöhön kolakkaan.
    ellauri210.html on line 1074: Yhdysvalloissa Dalí maalasi paljon kirjankuvistuksia sekä suunnitteli pukuja, näyteikkunasomistuksia ja koruja ja osallistui mainosten suunnitteluun ja työskenteli aikakauslehdille. Hän maalasi myös paljon yläluokan muotokuvia tilaustyönä. Dalín kaupallisen vaiheen innoittamana André Breton muodosti hänen nimestään anagrammin ”Avida Dollars” ’dollarinhimoinen’.
    ellauri210.html on line 1113: In 1936 Carrington saw the work of the German surrealist Max Ernst at the International Surrealist Exhibition in London and was attracted to the Surrealist artist before she even met him. In 1937 Carrington met Ernst at a party held in London. The artists bonded and returned together to Paris, where Ernst promptly separated from his wife.
    ellauri210.html on line 1173: Three days before his death, he said calmly to a friend: "I am allergic to this planet". He wrote his final book in 1959 and upon completion, he asked his wife to send the manuscript to Breton. When she returned from the post office, she found him dead; he had hanged himself on the main beam of his studio. Another exit in the style of David Foster Wallace. Did he give a damn to how his wife might have taken it? Well maybe she was relieved. Asta is allergic to Miryam's kitty Chico but bears it, taking antihistamines. When she has had a bad day, she curls up in her room with Kitty in her lap.
    ellauri210.html on line 1228: KHEIRON (Chiron) was eldest and wisest of the Kentauroi (Centaurs), a Thessalian tribe of half-horse men. Unlike his brethren Kheiron was an immortal son of the Titan Kronos (Cronus) and a half-brother of Zeus. When Kronos' "tryst" (more correctly, thrust) with the nymphe Philyra was interrupted by Rhea, he transformed himself into a horse halfway out to escape notice and the result was this two-formed son.
    ellauri210.html on line 1244: Shaw oli monin tavoin vastakohtien ihminen. Hän oli samanaikaisesti taiteellinen ja laskelmoiva, saita ja tuhlaavainen sekä epäluuloinen kyynikko mutta oikeaksi katsottavien aatteiden sitkeä puolustaja. Hän piti kouluja ja yliopistoja vastenmielisinä elämänsä ajan, sillä hän huono koulussa. Hän oli kuitenkin intohimoinen itseopiskelija, ahkera kirjoittaja ja terävä kriitikko. Naimisissa vaikka ilmiselvä misogyyni kaappihomo.
    ellauri210.html on line 1266: The fellow-writer H. G. Wells had joined the "vet Fabian' society in February 1903. Wells's ideas for reform—particularly his proposals for closer cooperation with the Independent Labour Party—placed him at odds with the society's "Old Gang", led by Shaw. In Shaw's view, "the Old Gang did not extinguish Mr Wells, he annihilated himself".
    ellauri210.html on line 1279: According to the trivia section here at IMDB, "George Bernard Shaw adamantly opposed any notion that Higgins and Eliza had fallen in love and would marry at the end of the play, as he felt it would betray the character of Eliza who, as in the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea, would "come to life" and emancipate herself from the male domination of Higgins and her father. He even went so far as to include a lengthy essay to be published with copies of the script explaining precisely why Higgins and Eliza would never marry, and what "actually happened" after the curtain fell: Eliza married Freddy and opened a flower shop with funds from Colonel Pickering. Moreover, as Shaw biographers have noted, Higgins is meant to be an analogue of the playwright himself, thus suggesting Higgins was actually a homosexual." Eliza, where are my slippers?
    ellauri210.html on line 1316: The narrator, randomly named André, ruminates on a number of Surrealist principles, before ultimately commencing (around a third of the way through the novel) on a narrative account, generally linear, of his brief ten-day affair with the titular character Nadja. She is so named “because in Russian it's the beginning of the word hope, and because it's only the beginning,” but her name might also evoke the Spanish "Nadie," which means "No one." The narrator becomes obsessed with this woman with whom he, upon a chance encounter while walking through the street, strikes up conversation immediately. He becomes reliant on daily rendezvous, occasionally culminating in romance (a kiss here and there). His true fascination with Nadja, however, is her vision of the world, which is often provoked through a discussion of the work of a number of Surrealist artists, including himself. While her understanding of existence subverts the rigidly authoritarian quotidian, it is later discovered that she is mad and belongs in a sanitarium. After Nadja reveals too many details of her past life, she in a sense becomes demystified, and the narrator realizes that he cannot continue their relationship.
    ellauri210.html on line 1318: In the remaining quarter of the text, André distances himself from her corporeal form and descends into a meandering rumination on her absence, so much so that one wonders if her absence offers him greater inspiration than does her presence. It is, after all, the reification and materialization of Nadja as an ordinary person that André ultimately despises and cannot tolerate to the point of inducing tears. There is something about the closeness once felt between the narrator and Nadja that indicated a depth beyond the limits of conscious rationality, waking logic, and sane operations of the everyday. There is something essentially “mysterious, improbable, unique, bewildering” about her; this reinforces the notion that their propinquity serves only to remind André of Nadja's impenetrability. Her eventual recession into absence is the fundamental concern of this text, an absence that permits Nadja to live freely in André's conscious and unconscious, seemingly unbridled, maintaining her paradoxical role as both present and absent. With Nadja's past fixed within his own memory and consciousness, the narrator is awakened to the impenetrability of reality and perceives a particularly ghostly residue peeking from under its thin veil. Thus, he might better put into practice his theory of Surrealism, predicated on the dreaminess of the experience of reality within reality itself. Nadja Nadja soromnoo.
    ellauri210.html on line 1460: Andrew Lang FBA (31 March 1844 – 20 July 1912) was a Scottish poet, novelist, literary critic, and contributor to the field of anthropology. He is best known as a collector of folk and fairy tales. The Andrew Lang lectures at the University of St Andrews are named after him. Ei sentään koko yliopisto. Eikös se ole se missä kaikki Englannin kruunun kermaperseet keitetään? He died of angina pectoris on 20 July 1912 at the Tor-na-Coille Hotel in Banchory, Banchory, survived by his wife.
    ellauri211.html on line 88: Avaan toiveikkaana seuraavan Rei Shimura-tarinan. Nyt saa taas suuttua! Naisnarsismi hulvahtaa kasvoille heti alkusivuilta sakeana kuin DC:n savuisen yöklubin naistenhuoneen höyrähdys. Milli-Molli jää lähtötelineisiin kuin tikku paskaan. Tuttu kivahteleva anaalis-obsessiivinen apinanaama kurkistaa ökytaxin ovesta. Koko yöklubi on varattu sen 30v syntymäpäiville. Turhaan skotti Hugh puuhaa sekä hääräilee, Rei päätyy kohta kuitenkin koppalakkiseen jenkkisotilaaseen, kuten intialaissaxalainen Sujata izekin. Se on muuten nyttemmin lakannut väsäämästä näitä epäuskottavia japsudekkareita, nyze on omasta mielestään tunnetumpi intialaissankaristaan, jostain Pervosta. Rein uusi hovimestariystävä menee porttivornikaxi ettei juhliin livahda maxuttomia vieraita. Mauttomat kuzuvieraat riittävät. Järjestelyt ovat kuin Riku Rinkulan synttäreillä Eirassa.
    ellauri211.html on line 96: Koita arvata mikä näistä kolmesta vaihtoehdosta toteutuu. Oikein. Rei on yhä vaan osapuilleen 30v. ”Kimono päälle ja Shimura käteen, mars mars!” – komentaa kirjallisuustoimittaja Juha Roiha, Radio Suomi.
    ellauri211.html on line 107:
  • Hiroshima
    ellauri211.html on line 160: Hiroshima ja Nagasaki ovat kaksi japanilaista kaupunkia, joita kumpaakin vastaan Yhdysvallat hyökkäsi atomipommilla elokuussa vuonna 1945 (Hiroshima 6. elokuuta ja Nagasaki 9. elokuuta). Ne ovat ainoat kohteet ihmiskunnan historiassa, joita vastaan ydinpommia on käytetty sodassa. Iskujen katsotaan olleen merkittävä tekijä toisen maailmansodan päättymisessä.
    ellauri211.html on line 164: Ensimmäinen pudotettiin Hiroshimaan Enola Gay -nimisestä koneesta, jota ohjasi lentorykmentin komentaja, eversti Paul Tibbets. Pommi pudotettiin 9 450 metrin korkeudesta, ja se räjähti 6. elokuuta 1945 kello 8.15 (JST) pudottuaan vapaasti 550 metrin korkeuteen. Pommin teho oli noin 13 TNT-kilotonnia, mikä on nykyisiin ydinaseisiin verrattuna varsin vähän, mutta se tappoi välittömästi noin 75 000 ihmistä. Tämän Little Boy -nimisen pommin paino oli 4 000 kiloa, ja siinä käytettiin uraani-235-isotooppia. Vastaavaa pommia ei ollut koskaan ennen testattu.
    ellauri211.html on line 165: Hiroshiman ja Nagasakin kaupungit kartalla.
    ellauri211.html on line 167: Nagasakin yllä 9. elokuuta 1945 räjäytetty pommi (Fat Man) oli täysin toisenlainen, sillä siinä käytettiin fissioituvana aineena plutoniumia. Tämäntyyppinen pommi oli jo kerran räjäytetty 16. heinäkuuta Trinity-kokeessa New Mexicossa. Pommi painoi 4 545 kiloa, ja se pudotettiin Bockscar-nimisestä B-29-koneesta, jota ohjasi majuri Charles Sweeney. Pommin teho oli noin 20 kilotonnia ja räjähdyskorkeus sama 550 metriä. Pommi räjähti kello 11.02 (JST). Nagasakin mäkisen maaston ansiosta tuhovaikutus jäi valitettavasti jonkin verran Hiroshimaa pienemmäksi, mutta pommi tappoi noin 73 900 ihmistä. Pommituksissa käytettiin juuri B-29 Superfortress -pommikoneita, koska ainoastaan ne kykenivät lentämään Mariaaneilta Japaniin ja takaisin. Pudotuskorkeus oli aiempaa alempi (jopa noin 0,5 kilometriä), sillä se oli 8 800 metriä.
    ellauri211.html on line 173: Hiroshiman ja Nagasakin pommit näyttivät, miten voimakas ase atomipommi on: yksi pommikone kykeni tuhoamaan kokonaisen kaupungin, kun siihen aiemmin tarvittiin satojen koneiden hyökkäys ja jopa yli 20 prosentin kalusto- ja miehistötappiot sitä suoritettaessa. Body count lie ollut noin 200 000, mutta plus-puolelle on laskettava että ne oli 100% viirusilmiä.
    ellauri211.html on line 234: Nimi on kirjoitettu himmeästi lyijykynällä sen voi kumata
    ellauri211.html on line 299: Katri Helena ja Panu Rajala olivat naimisissa vuodesta 1997 vuoteen 2004. Toissavuotisessa Katri Helena -musikaalissa Panu Rajala tuotiin kirjailijan mukaan esiin varsin kyseenalaisessa valossa. Panu Rajalaa ei musikaalissa kutsuttu hänen oikealla sukunimellään, vaan miehestä käytettiin leikkisää nimitystä Proffa. Musikaalissa Proffa liehitteli muita naisia eikä ollut vaimonsa tukena, mikä teki laulajan surulliseksi. Rakkaus rakoili nopeasti. Musikaalista kiukustuneena kirjoittamassaan paljastuskirjassa Rajala sanoo tuovansa kostoxi Katri Helenasta esiin arkisemman puolen. - Tässä tulee ehkä hieman inhimillisiä kosketuksia ja yksityiskohtia, jotka liittyvät tarinan kulkuun ja tähän draaman kaareen. Halusin tuoda joitakin inhimillisiä, arkisempia ja tavallisempia piirteitä tähän hyvin kiillotettuun tähtikuvaan. Koska hän on ollut suuren ihailun vallassa (sic) vuosikymmeniä, niin kyllä siihen liittyy vähän muutakin. Ajattelin, että teen palveluksen tuleville elämäkerran kirjoittajille antamalla tällaista läheltä nähtyä aineistoa, Rajala kertoi.

    Lavalla nähtiin rajuja riitoja, joissa kummatkin käyttivät kovaa kieltä toisistaan. Katri syytti Proffaa julkisuudenkipeäksi ja kaksinaamaiseksi liehittelijäksi, Proffa puolestaan haukkui Katria henkien kanssa seurustelevaksi haahuilijaksi. Kaikki repliikit oli poimittu naistenlehdistä. Ranua esittänyt hemmo tuntee esittämänsä henkilön myös todellisuudessa, he ovat tehneet yhteistyötä. Toivon, että Panu Rajala suhtautuu tähän huumorilla, Katri sanoi. Ranu on tollanen Suomen Bellow, Roth tai Knasu, kaunainen narsisti. Panu Rajala harmistui syksyllä 2010 ensi-iltansa saaneesta Katri Helena -musikaalista, koska hänet esitettiin siinä epämieluisassa valossa. Rajala oli musikaalissa Proffa, joka esitettiin suorastaan pellenä, lukeneisuudellaan pröystäilevänä hienostelijana. Panu alkoi panna Marjaa Katrin selän takana. Panu Rajala ja Marja Norha vihittiin Sastamalan vanhassa kirkossa 2007. Panu Rajalan ei tarvitse piilotella sivistyneisyyttään nykyisen vaimovainajansa kanssa. Hän on opettaja! Tai siis oli, ei sekään kestänyt kovaa käyttöä.
    ellauri211.html on line 301: Tämän kirjan pitäisi olla alaotsikon mukaisesti rakkauskertomus. Panu Rajalan pitäisi kirjoittaa ”elämästään Katri Helenan kanssa hellän suorasukaisesti, itseään säästämättä, vailla kaunaa ja katkeruutta, muistaen kaiken kauniin, murheen ja tuskankin tunnustaen”. Pah. Suorusukaisuutta löytyy, mutta varsinkin löytyy kaunaa ja katkeruutta. Kauneus kääntyy nopeasti murheeksi ja ainakin tämän lukijan osaksi tuli tuska. Jos omahyväisyydellä on nimi, se voisi olla Panu Rajala.

    Kustantaja ei ainakaan säästele ylisanoissa, mainiten Rajalan ”maamme luetuimmaksi elämäkertakirjailijaksi”. Tämän lukijan mielestä hän tuntuu olevan ainakin omasta mielestään maamme tuotteliain ja laadukkain kirjailija. Painosten kuninkaaksi häntä ainakin voi tituleerata, onhan aiemmasta paljastuskirjasta Enkeli tulessa otettu liki 10 painosta.

    Lavatähti ja kirjamies on alusta alkaen asenteellinen teos. Rajalalle viihdetaiteilijuus ei merkitse mitään. Hän onnistuu väheksymään pitkän uran tehnyttä tähteä, teki tämä mitä hyvänsä. Vain kansanmusiikista ja -runoudesta vaikutteita ottava levytys saa kirjamiehen hyväksynnän. Kirjamiehen maailmankuvaan ei sovi, ettei lavatähti lue romaaneja. Henkisen kasvun ja tuonpuoleisesta elämästä kertovat teokset hän leimaa hömpäksi ja viiden pennin aforismeiksi. Rajalan mielestä Katri Helena ei pärjää viisaiden kulttuuri-ihmisten parissa. Kukapa viihtyisi seurassa, joka katsoo alaspäin.

    Oman täydellisyyden kirjamies muistaa tuoda esille. Hänen erehdyksensä ovat inhimillisiä, jotka miehelle sallittakoon. Hän myöntää ehdollisesti saattaneensa tai taitaneensa tehdä sitä tai tätä, ja sitten ihmettelee, kun toisella on eri näkemys asioista. Hän on rehellinen kun tähti on tekopyhä. Hänen työnsä ovat kulttuurihistoriallisesti tärkeää, tähden henkistä onanointia. Miehen itsetuntoon taitaa koskea olla avec, harvemmin ensisijaisesti kutsuttu.

    ellauri213.html on line 172: P.S. Mitä Bruno teki väärin? Bruno tells someone when their planet is going to die, or when they are going to go extinct, for which they inappropriately blame him.
    ellauri213.html on line 254: In 1908, Baden-Powell's book Scouting for Boys came out in Russia by the order of Tsar Nicholas II. It was called Young Scout (Юный Разведчик, Yuny Razvedchik). On April 30 [O.S. April 17] 1909, a young officer, Colonel Oleg Pantyukhov, organized the first Russian Scout troop Beaver (Бобр, Bobr) in Pavlovsk, a town near Tsarskoye Selo, St. Petersburg region. In 1910, Baden-Powell visited Nicholas II in Tsarskoye Selo and they had a very pleasant conversation, as the Tsar remembered it. In 1914, Pantyukhov established a society called Russian Scout (Русский Скаут, Russkiy Skaut). The first Russian Scout campfire was lit in the woods of Pavlovsk Park in Tsarskoye Selo. A Russian Scout song exists to remember this event. Scouting spread rapidly across Russia and into Siberia, and by 1916, there were about 50,000 Scouts in Russia. Nicholas' son Tsarevich Aleksei was a Scout himself.
    ellauri213.html on line 304: 170 hours unpaid work and told to pay £1,500 costs. Katie Price has been known on the celebrity circuit for many years, starting out her career as a glamour model before becoming a TV personality, author and OnlyFans content creator. Katie has five children: her eldest Harvey, Princess, Junior, Buddy and Jett. She was married to Peter Andre from 2005-2009, Alex Reid from 2010-2012 and Kieran Hayler from 2013-2021. She was most recently dating Love Island star Carl Woods until their split. Michelle contacted Sussex Police on Friday to complain that Katie — mum to two of Kieran’s children — had sent him a tirade of abuse which was aimed at her. Close sources said the text branded Michelle a “c*ing w*e piece of s*” and a “gutter s*g.” The ex-glamour model, who smiled as she left the dock today, could have been jailed for a maximum of five years for breaching the restraining order. BUSINESS AS USUAL Katie Price says she’s ‘so lucky’ after dodging jail over ‘gutter s*g’ text – as she reveals she’s landed a Girlguiding travel show.
    ellauri213.html on line 410:

    Voiko näin söpö misu olla 1 maailman pahimmista naisista?

    ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
    ellauri214.html on line 72: Though Rowling’s transphobia has been publicized the most, fans have also begun to notice prejudice in her writing. Very few people of color are featured in J. K. Rowling’s books, and those that are have few lines and no detailed story arcs. One of the people of color given more thought was Cho Chang, Harry Potter’s love interest who was first introduced in the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Rowling’s racism toward Asians and lack of knowledge of Asian culture is clearly evident from just the name Cho Chang, which is a mix of Korean and Chinese surnames. Korea and China have a longstanding history as political adversaries and each country has a distinct culture. While Rowling went to great efforts in creating a wonderfully immersive wizarding world, she gave no thought to what Cho’s ethnicity is. Cho was also sorted into Ravenclaw house, the school house for those of high intelligence, playing into a common stereotype of Asians. The only other Asian characters mentioned in the series are Indian twins Padma and Pavarti Patil. While Rowling appears to have given more thought to these characters, placing Padma in Ravenclaw and breaking the Asian stereotype by placing Pavarti in Gryffindor, she ultimately fails to adequately write Asian characters. While Pavarti, as a member of Harry Potter’s house, was given more depth than Cho or her sister, many South Asian fans were irritated by the girls’ dresses in the fourth movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The twins wore dull and unflattering traditional Indian attire, which many saw as a mockery of Indian culture. Cho herself wore an East Asian style dress in this movie which was a mix of different Asian styles. Rowling continued her habit of stereotyping Asians in the Fantastic Beast Movies, the first of which was released in 2016 and set in the 1920’s, several decades before the Harry Potter series. In this pre-series, the only Asian representation is displayed in the form of a woman who has been cursed to turn into a beast. Fans may remember the villain Voldemort’s pet snake, Nagini, who served him throughout the Harry Potter series. Fans were surprised to learn when watching The Crimes of Grindelwald, the second movie in the Fantastic Beasts series, that Nagini was not always a snake, but was actually a woman who had been cursed to turn into a snake. In the movie, Nagini, in human form, is caged and forced to perform in a circus. Though we do not know how Nagini came to meet Voldemort, we do know that she became his servant and the keeper of a wee snakelike portion of his soul. This is more than slightly problematic. Not only was Nagini the only Asian representation in the film, but she was also a half-human who was forced to serve an evil white man for a great part of her existence. Author Ellen Oh commented on Nagini’s inclusion in the film saying “I feel like this is the problem when white people want to diversify and don’t actually ask POC how to do so. They don’t make the connection between making Nagini an Asian woman who later on becomes the pet snake of an EEVIL whitish man.”
    ellauri214.html on line 104: I think JK Rowling did one thing exceptionally well: she had really interesting whimsical ideas based on everyday mundane life, and she can write these ideas out in a very visually exciting fashion. These little sparkles of crazy fun ideas can almost make you forget about the other glaring problems of the book. A lot of people (myself included) are attracted, or mesmerized by these whimsical sparkles of imagination. It's a fascinating magical world that's so imaginative and yet at the same time mirror our own.
    ellauri214.html on line 106: But, Rowling's talent is skin deep. I absolutely do not agree that she did a great job in character and/or plot development. Her characters are pretty clichéd (Chosen one and his side kick), her setting is pretty narrow (British boarding school experiences), her plot is pretty predictable, and like all amateur writers, her plot line often meanders for no good reason at all. Her world building is imaginative, but lack planning. Simply put, most part of her world is a whim, it's not coherent, she didn't think it through. And the more you think about it, the bigger the problem it is. Oh and that one character everyone is singing praises about, as if it's the best written character of all time? Stereotypical Byronic hero. I read how people praise Snape being this greatest character of our generation, I couldn't help but wondering, you guys never read Wuthering Heights?! I've never attended an American high school but I'm pretty sure the Great Gatsby is on the required reading list.
    ellauri214.html on line 161: 15 minutes into the movie, I'm entitled to know the deepest darkest most painful history of the protagonist. Because I can't trust him unless he told me everything.
    ellauri214.html on line 187: I almost always serve as protagonist's morality pet. I judge him constantly. Every morally ambiguous thing protagonist do will get scolded by me.
    ellauri214.html on line 189: I'll always ask the protagonist to spare the life of an enemy, and that enemy will almost always come back and bite him.
    ellauri214.html on line 699: Siitä lähin Isidorin unissa häämötti valtava pelottava musta reikä. Pyhä Rochus, joka eli noin vuosina 1295—1327, on eräs monista ruttopyhimyksistä. Hän sairastui legendan mukaan Roomaan suuntautuneella pyhiinvaellusmatkalla ruttosairaita hoitaessaan itsekin ruttoon. Silloin enkeli hoiti häntä ja Laila-koira toi hänelle ruokaa.
    ellauri216.html on line 40: Jeesuxen rukous on lyhimmillään Hospoti pomiloi. Ryhmy ja Romppainen kirjoissa pusikosta saattoi kuulua kovaa pomilointia. Sinne kun lasketti Suomi-konepislarilla sarrjan niin loppuihan se posmitus.
    ellauri216.html on line 45: Mitä Tero Liukkosen sekopäinen turina sitten onkin, uskonnollinen se ei kyllä ole. Ei psykopaatti tarvi herraa, herra se on herrallekin. Entäs sit tää toinen todellisuuteen perustuva luostariturina, arkkimandriitta Panteleimonin kehimä mielikuvituksellinen elämäkerta edeltäjästään Hrisanf "krysanteemi" Nikolajevits Dunajevista? Onko se uskonnollisempi, tai edes hivenen vähemmän egoistinen kuin Teron turautus? Siihen perehdytään tässä albumissa.
    ellauri216.html on line 55: Kuten todettiin, King Jamesilla psalmi 129 ei sisällä tuonsisältöistä värssyä. Lähimmäxi tulee: The plowers plowed upon my back: they made long their furrows.
    ellauri216.html on line 294: Jumalan pimeys on kiihkeä ja armoton romaani miehen elämästä ja hänen elämänsä naisista. Se kertoo menestyneestä toimittajasta, joka matkustaa luostariin tarkoituksenaan kirjoittaa kirja terrorismista ja globalisaatiosta. Työhön paneutuakseen hän tarvitsee rauhallisen ympäristön. Mutta hänen suunnitelmansa muuttuvat, kun yllättävät ja selittämättömät tapahtumat luostarissa tempaavat hänet mukaansa. Ne sysäävät hänet olemassaolon äärimmäiselle reunalle, ja hän joutuu kohtaamaan menneisyytensä ja nykyisyytensä ehkä ensimmäistä kertaa itseään väistämättä. Kirja kertoo myös rakkaudesta ja rakastamisen mahdottomuudesta, himosta ja rukouksesta, hurmiosta ja pelosta, väkivallasta ja hiljaisuudesta, lapsuudesta ja unista ja luopumisesta. Kaiken aikaa tehdään matkaa syvemmälle pimeyteen, jotta löytyisi armo, joka sinne kätkeytyy.
    ellauri216.html on line 297: Armoa! Armo Hormia! Teidän armonne, saisiko olla pikkuleipiä? Entä veiziä? Outo himo vaivaa kotkaa, kuusen alta kaivaa votkaa. Pettymys on valju kotkan, juonut oli kalju votkan. Tikka nauraa pilkkasuu: eikös maistu silkka puu? Apinat pelkää pimeää. Pimeysaiheisia horroreita on läjäpäin, googlaa vaikka.
    ellauri216.html on line 302: Mitä Teron turina sitten onkin, uskonnollinen se ei kyllä ole. Ei psykopaatti tarvi herraa, herra se on herrallekin. Entäs sit tää toinen todellisuuteen perustuva luostariturina, arkkimandriitta Panteleimonin kehimä mielikuvituksellinen elämäkerta edeltäjästään Hrisanf "krysanteemi" Nikolajevits Dunajevista? Onko se uskonnollisempi, tai edes hivenen vähemmän egoistinen kuin Teron turautus?
    ellauri216.html on line 324: According to a 2010 survey, there are a total of 36,700 villages in Russia with fewer than 10 inhabitants. Traditionally Russia’s agricultural land was subdivided into a patchwork of villages and fields, interspersed by forest and marsh. Now the villages are deserted and crumbling: the state closes them down, often on a whim, and young people leave to find work elsewhere. Matilda Moreton tells the tragic story based on fieldwork in the Russian North.
    ellauri216.html on line 348: Feodorovskajan ikonin ihmeellinen ilmestyminen Kostromassa ruhtinas Vasili Jaroslavitšille, Pyhän Aleksanteri Nevskin nuoremmalle veljelle, tapahtui 1200-luvun 50-luvun lopulla ja 60-luvun alussa. Ilmestyksen aattona, kaikkein pyhimmän jumalanpalveluksen taivaaseenastumisen juhlapäivänä, monet Kostroman asukkaat näkivät kaupungin kaduilla soturin, jolla oli Jumalan Äidin kuvake tazkana käsivarsissaan. Kostroman asukkaat tunnistivat pyhän suurmarttyyri Theodore Stratilatesin soturissa hänen ikonimaalauksestaan Kostroman katedraalikirkossa. Seuraavana päivänä, 16. elokuuta, vanhan tyylin mukaan, prinssi Vasili Jaroslavitš näki metsästäessään tämän kuvakkeen puun oksilla lähellä Zaprudnya-jokea. Hankittu pyhäkkö tuotiin juhlallisesti kulkueessa Kostromaan ja sijoitettiin katedraalin kirkkoon Suuren marttyyri Theodore Stratilatesin nimeen, minkä jälkeen se tunnettiin nimellä Feodorovskaya.
    ellauri216.html on line 360: Venäjän ortodoksisen kirkon kädellisen, Hänen pyhyytensä Moskovan ja koko Venäjän patriarkan Aleksius II:n siunauksella vuosina 2001-2004 Moskovassa ja Pietarissa, Jekaterinburgissa uskovat toivat Feodorovskaja-kuvakkeen kaikkein pyhimmäksi jumalanpalvelukseen. ja Arkangeli, Solovetskin saaret, Nižni Novgorod ja Kazan, Tver. Kostroman alueen pääpyhäkkö osallistui syksyllä 2004 Hänen pyhyytensä Moskovan ja koko Venäjän patriarkka Aleksius II:n siunauksella ja Ukrainan ortodoksisen kirkon primaatin, Kiovan ja koko Ukrainan metropoliitin Vladimir Putinin kutsusta. Koko Ukrainan läpi puski isovenäläinen uskonnollisessa kulkueessa, joka kulki 40 suuren ja pienen Ukrainan kaupungin läpi ja lakosi useita miljoonia ihmisiä.
    ellauri216.html on line 413: Rukous Kaikkein Pyhimmälle Theotokosille hänen "Feodorovskajan" ikonin edessä:
    ellauri216.html on line 415: Oi, kaikkein pyhin rouva Theotokos ja ikuinen neitsyt Maria, ainoa toivo meille syntisille! Me turvaudumme sinuun ja rukoilemme sinua, ikään kuin sinulla olisi suuri rohkeus Herran Jumalan ja Vapahtajamme Jeesuksen Kristuksen edessä, joka on sinusta syntynyt lihan mukaan. Älä halveksi kyyneleitämme, älä halveksi huokauksiamme, älä hylkää surujamme, älä häpeä toivoamme Sinuun, vaan rukoile äidillisillä rukouksillasi Herraa Jumalaa, antakoon Hän meille, syntisille ja arvottomille, vapautua synneistä ja sielun ja ruumiin intohimot, kuole maailmalle ja anna Hänen yksin elää kaikki elämämme päivät. Oi pyhä rouva Theotokos, matkusta ja suojele ja vartioi heitä, vapauta vangit vankeudesta, vapauta vaikeuksista kärsivät, lohduta murheissa, murheissa ja vastoinkäymisissä olevia, lievitä köyhyyttä ja kaikkea ruumiillista pahuutta ja anna kaikille kaikki tarvittava vatsa, hurskaus ja tilapäinen elämä. Pelasta, emäntä, kaikki maat ja kaupungit ja tämä kaupunki, vaikka tämä ihmeellinen ja pyhä kuvakkeesi annetaan lohdutukseksi ja suojaksi, pelasta minut nälänhädältä, tuholta, pelkurilta, tulvilta, tulelta, miekalta, ulkomaalaisten hyökkäykseltä, keskinäisestä riidasta ja käännä pois kaikki viha, joka on oikein kohdistettu meihin. Anna meille aikaa katumukselle ja kääntymykselle, pelasta meidät äkillisestä kuolemasta ja ilmesty meille poistumme aikana ilmestyen Neitsyt Jumalanäidille ja päästä meidät tämän aikakauden ruhtinaiden ilmavista koettelemuksista, varmista oikea käsi Kristuksen kauhealla tuomiolla ja tehkää meistä iankaikkisten siunausten perillisiä, ylistäkäämme ikuisesti Poikasi ja meidän Jumalamme suurenmoista Nimeä, Hänen alkamattoman Isänsä ja Pyhän ja Hyvän ja Hänen elämää antavan Henkensä kanssa, nyt ja ikuisesti ja ikuisesti ja ikuisesti. Aamen.
    ellauri216.html on line 419: Ensimmäiset kristityt, jotka uskoivat Kristukseen ja ottivat vastaan Kristuksen opetukset, oppivat samalla rakastamaan ja kunnioittamaan Hänen Puhtainta Äitiään, jonka Hän itse osoitti esirukoilijakseen ja suojelijakseen, kun Hän puun päällä kärsiessään antoi hänelle koko ihmisen. rotu perinnönä pyhän apostolin ja evankelistan Johannes teologin persoonassa. Kaikkein pyhimmän Theotokosin maallisen elämän päivinä, niin läheltä kuin kaukaa kiirehtien Hänen luokseen nähdäkseen Häntä, kaikki pitivät suurena ilona saada Häneltä siunauksia ja ohjausta; ne, joilla ei ollut mahdollisuutta esiintyä Herransa Äidin edessä, surutten sydämessään, ilmaisivat kiihkeän halunsa nähdä ainakin kirjoitettu kuva Hänestä.
    ellauri216.html on line 439: Mikaelin "pyyntö" valtakunnan puolesta kesti kauan. Nuori Mikhail ja hänen äitinsä kieltäytyivät kategorisesti sellaisesta raskaasta taakasta. Lopulta Theodoret, Ryazanin ja Muromin arkkipiispa, otti "Vladimir"-kuvakkeen syliinsä ja sanoi: "Miksi Kaikkein pyhimmän Theotokosin ikoni ja Moskovan ihmetyöntekijät kävelivät kanssamme pitkällä matkalla?". Vanhin Matryona ei voinut vastustaa sellaisia sanoja. Hän kaatui kasvoilleen "Fedorovskajan" Jumalanäidin ikonin eteen ja sanoi: "Tapahtukoon tahtosi, rouva! Sinun käsiisi annan poikani: ohjaa häntä totuuden tielle, itsesi ja itsesi hyväksi. isänmaa!" Tämän tapahtuman muistoksi perustettiin vuotuinen juhla (14. maaliskuuta O.S.) Kaikkein Pyhän Theotokosin Fedorovskaya-kuvakkeen kunniaksi sen lisäksi, että se ilmestyi 16. elokuuta (O.S.).
    ellauri216.html on line 464: Nyt "Fedorovskaya" kaikkein pyhimmän Theotokosin ihmeellinen ikoni sijaitsee Kostroman katedraalissa erillisessä kullatussa ikonikotelossa katoksen alla, kuninkaallisten ovien oikealla puolella.
    ellauri216.html on line 550: Demonit raivostuivat huomatessaan joutuneensa hyökkäyksen kohteeksi omalla alueellaan ja yrittivät taistella Makariosta vastaan koko voimallaan, mutta hän ajoi heidät pois kerta toisensa jälkeen. Paha henki sanoi kerran Makariokselle tekevänsä kaikkea samaa kuin hänkin, paastoavansa ja valvovansa koko ajan, mutta olevansa silti voimaton Makarioksen suhteen tämän nöyryyden tähden. Kokemuksensa karttuessa Makarioksesta kehittyi erilaisten pahojen henkien tuntija: toiset niistä lietsovat himoja kuten vihaa ja ahneutta, toiset johtavat harhaan hengellisillä vaikutelmilla, pilkkaamisella ja harhaopeilla.
    ellauri216.html on line 554: Once, while he was praying, St Macarius heard a voice: “Macarius, you have not yet attained such perfection in virtue as two women who live in the city.” The humble ascetic went to the city, found the house where the women lived, and knocked. The women received him with joy, and he said, “I have come from the desert seeking you in order to learn of your good deeds. Tell me about them, and conceal nothing.”
    ellauri216.html on line 556: The women answered with surprise, “We live with our husbands, and we have not such virtues.” But the saint continued to insist, and the women then told him, “We married two brothers. After living together in one house for fifteen years, we have not uttered a single malicious nor shameful word, and we never quarrel among ourselves. We asked our husbands to allow us to enter a women’s monastery, but they would not agree. We vowed not to utter a single worldly word until our death.” Mainiota, tästä Andrew Tate pitäisi.
    ellauri216.html on line 623: Aleksanteri Nevski syntyi vuonna 1219 Vladimirin suuriruhtinaan Jaroslavin toiseksi vanhimpana poikana. Hänestä tuli vuonna 1236 Novgorodin ruhtinas. Ryhdyttyään yhteistyöhön mongolien kanssa Aleksanteri sai Vladimirin suuriruhtinaan arvon, joka oli aiemmin kuulunut hänen veljelleen, mongoleja vastaan kapinoineelle Andrei II:lle.
    ellauri216.html on line 653: Anna Petrovna läiskii käsiään kuin Sirkka Immonen os. Pylkkänen: kylläpä olet muuttunut oudon näköisexi! Gromoveille en mene etten johdu Liisan kanssa kiusauxeen. Hänen isossa vesitautisessa päässään on vain 1 ajatus: saisipa edes kerran matkallansa keppiä likoon Haritonilta! Tyttö on hirveän äkäinen ja verenhimoinen. Kaikkialta kuuluu tolkutusta ja mölinää.
    ellauri216.html on line 691: Skeema (kreikaksi: σχήμα – shima / muoto, hahmo, venäjäksi: схима – shima) on nimitys, jota käytetään munkkeuden yhteydessä munkista tai nunnasta, joka vihkiytyy skeemaan eli joka pukeutuu tietynlaiseen munkin tai nunnan asuun.
    ellauri216.html on line 707: Hieman riippuen luostaritraditiosta, munkkeudessa on useita eri asteita alkaen noviisista ja päätyen suureen skeemaan. Noviisi (venäjäksi: послушникъ, poslushnik) on ensimmäinen kokelasvaihe, jota seuraavat viitankantajamunkkeus (kreikaksi: ρασσοφορος, rassoforos; venäjäksi: рясофоръ, rjasofor), ns. pieni skeema (kreikaksi: σταυρφορος, stavroforos; venäjäksi: крестоносецъ, krestonosets, ”ristinkantaja”) ja lopulta suuri skeema (kreikaksi: μεγαλοσχημος, megaloschimos; venäjäksi: cхима, shima).
    ellauri216.html on line 740: Hänet kirkastettiin (kanonisoitiin) pyhimykseksi vuoden 1988 Venäjän ortodoksisen kirkon paikallisneuvoston kokouksessa. Hänen pyhäinjätöstään säilytetään muinaisessa Tolgan luostarissa Volga- joen varrella lähellä Jaroslavlia.
    ellauri216.html on line 747: Lainausmerkki: Maalliset ihmiset ja jopa munkit, joilla ei ole hengellistä erottelukykyä, houkuttelevat melkein aina humbugit, huijarit, tekopyhät ja demonisessa harhassa olevat, ja he pitävät heitä pyhimyksinä ja aidoina Jumalan palvelijoina.
    ellauri216.html on line 788: Pelastusmiehistö on aivan Rizan oven edessä. Pelastustie, pysäköinti oven eteen kielletty. Junailija varjelkoon meitä oppineilta miehiltä. Sisälukutaidosta on pelkkää harmia. Noviisin ei pidä päästää ymmärrystä sydämeen, siitä tulee sille kovaa lihanhimoa ja jättimäinen kepitys. Isä Agapikin huomaa sen tunnustelemalla vaikkon umpisokea.
    ellauri216.html on line 804: Jotkut tahot puuhaavat Rizasta nyt pyhimystä. Ottavatko huomioon että se pyrki sodan jälkeen Moskovan patriarkan alaisexi takas Valaam Islandiin?
    ellauri216.html on line 844: Jumalan nimen muistaminen aina valveilla ollessa on tärkeää, auttaa pysymään rukouksen tiellä. Rukouksen hedelmät (sisäisiä); miten Jumalan armo tulee ja pysyy (tai katoaa); sisäisen työn paremmuus (joskin ulkoisen työn kanssa tekeminen ei mahdotonta); sota himoja vastaan; yksinäisyyden hyvyys; kuivien kausien kestäminen; hieman nöyryydestä. Ja lopuksi on muutaman Valamon ohjaajavanhuksen opetusta.
    ellauri216.html on line 850: Jeesuksen rukouksen harjoittamisen tarkoituksena on ensin puhdistautuminen synnistä, sitten pyhittyminen ja viime kädessä jumaloituminen eli yhdistyminen Jumalan energioiden kanssa. Viimeisestä vaiheesta käytetään protestanttisessa kielenkäytössä termiä "pelastuminen". Ortodokseilla on tapana ajatella, että jumaloitumisen saavuttaa tämän elämän aikana vain äärimmäisen harva, ja joka tapauksessa henkilön jumaloitumisen asteesta on mahdotonta tehdä päteviä johtopäätöksiä vielä tässä elämässä. Jeesuksen rukouksella ei tavoitella mitään mystisiä olotiloja tai näkyjä, vaikkakin tiedetään, että rukouksen harjoittajilla on vuosien saatossa ollut paljonkin mystisiä kokemuksia. Enimmäkseen vaikutukset ovat kuitenkin näkymättömiä: "Niin kuin lääkäri hoitaa potilaan haavaa tai panee siihen hauteen, ja se tehoaa vaikkei potilas itse tiedä, miten se tapahtuu, niin Jumalan nimi tappaa avuksi huudettaessa kaikki himot, vaikkemme tiedä, kuinka."
    ellauri216.html on line 1075: Isä Damaskin asetti veljille tiukan järjestelmän: vanhinten pakollinen hoito aloittelijoille ja nuorille munkeille, tiukka läsnäolo kirkossa, monta tuntia työkuuliaisuutta. Damaskoksen apotin kuoleman jälkeen luostaria johti hänen seuraajansa Jonathan II, joka pystyi toteuttamaan Damaskoksen apottin kunnianhimoisimman yrityksen - uuden majesteettisen kirkastumisen katedraalin rakentamisen, joka oli suunniteltu yli 3000 hengelle.
    ellauri216.html on line 1123: Karjalan ministerineuvosto päätti 18. syyskuuta 1989 "siirtää" Leningradin hiippakunnan käyttöön katedraalin sisäaukiolla ja lähimmillä sketteillä, lukuun ottamatta ylösnousemusta ja Getsemanea.
    ellauri216.html on line 1125: Joulukuun 13. päivänä 1989. apostoli Andreas Ensikutsutun muistopäivänä, kuusi munkkia astui saarelle: Hieromonkit Varsonofy (Kapralov). Gerontius (Fedorenko). Photius (Begal). Hierodeacon Seraphim (Gordeev). noviisit Leonid Makarov ja Vadim Erlich. Saapuneet asukkaat majoitettiin Invaliditalon entiseen pidätyskeskukseen. Jumalanpalvelukset jatkuivat kirkossa Pyhän Sergiuksen ja Valaamin Hermanin nimissä. Valaalle perustettiin alusta alkaen tiukasti lakisääteiset palvelut, Valaam-laulu herätettiin henkiin.
    ellauri216.html on line 1137: Syyskuun 21. päivänä 2008, kaikkein pyhimmän Jumalan syntymän juhlana. patriarkka Aleksius II suoritti suuren pyhitysriitin Pyhän Vladimir Sketen (arkkitehti Andrei Anisimov ) temppelikompleksille Valaamin saarella ja ensimmäiselle Jumalallinen liturgia äskettäin vihitty kirkossa.
    ellauri217.html on line 69: Central to the plot are the futuwwat (strongmen) who control the alley and exact protection money from the people. The successive heroes overthrow the strongmen of their time, but in the next generation new strongmen spring up and things are as bad as ever. Arafat tries to use his knowledge of explosives to destroy the strongmen, but his attempts to discover Gabalawi's secrets leads to the death of the old man (though he does not directly kill him). The Chief Strongman guesses the truth and blackmails Arafat into helping him to become the dictator of the whole Alley. The book ends, after the murder of Arafat, with his friend searching in a rubbish tip for the book in which Arafat wrote his secrets. The people say "Oppression must cease as night yields to day. We shall see the end of tyranny and the dawn of miracles." Haha, night follows day as surely as the other way round, and night wins out in the end. Valot sammuu, haju jää.
    ellauri217.html on line 71: It was this book that earned Naguib Mahfouz condemnation from Omar Abdel-Rahman in 1989, who called on him to repent or be killed, Abdel-Rahman also claimed that "If this sentence had been passed on Naguib Mahfouz when he wrote Children of the Alley, Salman Rushdie would have realized that he had to stay within bounds" after the Nobel Prize had revived interest in it. As a result, in 1994 – a day after the anniversary of the prize – Mahfouz was attacked and stabbed in the neck by two extremists outside his Cairo home. Mahfouz survived the attack, yet he suffered from its consequences until his death in 2006. Salman sai myös luovuttaa silmän silmästä loppupeleissä, yhtä tyhmänä kuin Daabas. Silmäpuoli Sinbad merenkulkija, Popeye the sailor man!
    ellauri217.html on line 83: Apostoliset isät väittivät nähneensä jonkun apostolin. Apostolisten isien kirjoitusten joukossa on lähinnä kirjoituksia, jotka tukevat pakanallisuudesta kääntyneiden kristittyjen näkemystä kristinuskosta. Sen sijaan Jerusalemin juutalaiskristittyjen edustamat näkemykset ovat käytännössä katsoen hävinneet ensimmäisten kahden vuosisadan aikana. Paavilaisen näkemyksen mukaan esimerkiksi kristittyjen ei enää tarvinnut noudattaa juutalaista lakia ja esimerkiksi ympärileikkauttaa itseään, pelkkä kaste riitti. Mieluusti uppo, mutta Jordanin ja uimahallin puutteessa käy ripsiminen partavedellä. Ei Jeesus välitä. Parta, korvakiharat, kipa ja naruessu olivat valinnaisia. Sapattina sai painaa duunia ja himoita toisten vaimoja muttei sunnuntaina. Ei hetkinen, se ei sentään tullut mukana.
    ellauri217.html on line 86: Vaimojen himoizemisesta on Callella paasaus elokuun 23. pnän kohdalla. Tässä on jumalallinen majesteetti vihdoin ilmoittanut mitä hän oikeasti tahtoo ja tarkoittaa kaikissa käskyissään. Hän on ennen muuta yxityisomistuxen ja nokintajärjestyxen jumala. Kuten esim. herran tässä nimittämät himot: Lähimmäisen vaimon himo (tai epäpuhtaan hekuman himo) tai hänen palvelijansa himo (joka voi olla miehimyxen himoa) tai hänen härkänsä tai aasinsa himo (ahnauden t. sodomian himo) tai jonkun lähimmäisesi omaisuuteen kuuluvan himo, s.o. kaikkea, mitä Jumala ei ole antanut sinulle, vaan lähimmäisellesi, joko se sitten on maallisia omistuksia tai jokin muu etusija, sellaista sinun ei tule himoita, ei ei se on minun!
    ellauri217.html on line 162: 25 vuoden iässä Muhammed meni naimisiin leskeksi jääneen serkkunsa Khadija bint Khuwailidin kanssa. Tämä oli varakas ja arvostettu ämmä, joka palkkasi könsikkäitä miehiä kauppamatkoille mukaansa. Myös Muhammed oli tehnyt tällaisen matkan Khadijan palveluksessa ennen kuin tämä kosi häntä. Muhammed sai Khadijan kanssa kaikki muut lapsensa paitsi Ibrahimin, nimittäin pojat al-Qasim, at-Tayyib, at-Tahir ja tyttäret Zainab, Ruqayya, Umm-Kulthum ja Fatima. Vasta Khadijan kuoleman jälkeen vuonna 619 tai 620 Muhammed meni uusiin naimisiin. Ibrahimin äiti oli Maria Koptilainen, joka oli profeetalle lahjoitettu jalkavaimo. Kaikkiaan Jumalan lähettiläällä oli kolmetoista vaimoa. 13 women and me the only man in town... Kuiskuttelua on herättänyt Muhammedin lempivaimo A’iša bint Abi Bakr, jonka kanssa Muhammed meni naimisiin, kun tämä Ibn Hishamin mukaan oli seitsemänvuotias Muhammedin ollessa tällöin noin 53-vuotias. On myös esitetty myöhempää perimätietoa, että A’iša olisikin ollut 12- tai 17-vuotias. Tai size oli 25. A’iša oli järjestyksessä kolmas Muhammedin vaimoista ja hänen ”suosikkivaimonsa”. Vaimojen, jalkavaimojen ja lasten lisäksi Muhammedin talonväkeen kuului Muhammedin ja hänen vaimojensa omistamia orjia. Muhammedin mäntä oli kovassa käytössä, mies oli kaikkea muuta kuin Aishan kannattaja.
    ellauri217.html on line 208: ”Tapaus tuli perheellemme täytenä yllätyksenä ja shokkina. Sen takia olemme pitäneet tähän asti tiedon vain lähimpien piirissä. Henkilökohtainen menetyksemme on erittäin raskas, ja Suomi ja koko maailma on menettänyt suuren tutkijan”, hän viestittää.
    ellauri217.html on line 235: A little guy came to me and said: I am Gimli, servant of Alp-Öhi. She was so surprised that her nipple slipped from Kassen''s mouth. Kassen´s face puckered ready to cry, but she quickly gave him the nipple back. Kassen fell asleep as she sucked.
    ellauri217.html on line 347: Marja Pitkätussun koulutie kohti tasa-arvoa käy tussunheilutuxen kautta. Shake your moneymaker. Se ruuvaa jakorasiaa tasapuolisesti kaikille. Pohjoisrannan kermaperse Donner tekee pilaa maalaiskylän "herrasväestä" jotka käy Kanarialla ja omistavat talonpoikaissälän lisäxi *pakastimen* sekä lähimmästä (Joen) kaupungista ostettuja *jäljiteltyjä* tyylihuonekaluja. Kyllä nyt on tasa-arvo menossa jo liian pitkälle. Mikroaaltouuni televisio, tuvan täydeltä elektroniikkaa.
    ellauri217.html on line 349: Jörn Donner oli muotopuolen nazin näköinen, mutta luonteeltaan veltto paskiainen kuten ikätoverinsa Philip Roth. Kuvottavimpia videopätkiä Jörkasta on "Jörn ja Spede keskustelevat elokuvasäätiöstä". 2 Kekkoslovakian turhinta häiskää äänessä maan turhimmasta aiheesta.
    ellauri217.html on line 405: Naisten kuuluu olla himottavia ennenkaikkea. Että jörkät jököttäisivät aivan vaistomaisesti. Feministit ovat kastroituja miehiä. Kanske Jörka var en fikus på smyg. Marinas gynekolog samlar på gammaldags smuziga porrfilmer. Ajja, ny blir det Marika på tremanhand med konstnären, gynekologen och ekonomen. Fixuja ihmisiä kaikki, ja Marikalla on 3 reikää vapaana. Pillutohtori voi ottaa messiin kaitafilmikameran. Så sjuttitals. Vad bra att Jörka dog äntligen. Inte en minut för tidigt, men cirka 86 år för sent. Den grodynglingen borde inte alls ha hittat ut ur påsen.
    ellauri217.html on line 626: Lammaskaalta. Vaimo läxi. Marja himoizee nyt lammaskaalta. Se on varma merkki että pullat ovat uunissa. Marjan sohva oli epämukava, kenties Bomanilta. Kun Arvo siinä ponnistaa alkaa liimauxet irrota.
    ellauri217.html on line 694: The 18th-century rabbi Jacob Emden hypothesized that Jesus, and Paul after him, intended to convert the gentiles to the Seven Laws of Noah while calling on the Jews to keep the full Law of Moses.
    ellauri219.html on line 192: Lenny Bruce revolutionized comedy in the 50s and 60s, ushering in a personalized style that influenced many later comedians. By the time he appeared on the Sgt. Pepper’s cover, he had been arrested for obscenity, further making him a countercultural hero not only for The Beatles, but also the Beatniks and Bob Dylan (No.15). He died of a drug overdose in August 1966.
    ellauri219.html on line 196: His parents divorced before he was 10, and he lived with various relatives over the next decade. His British-born father, Myron (Mickey) Schneider, was a shoe clerk; they saw each other very infrequently. His mother, Sally Marr (legal name Sadie Schneider, born Sadie Kitchenberg), was a stage performer and dancer and had an enormous influence on Bruce's career. He defiantly convinced his ship's medical officer that he was experiencing homosexual urges toward him, leading to his dishonorable discharge in July 1945. However, he had not admitted to or been found guilty of any breach of naval regulations, and successfully applied to change his discharge to "Under Honorable Conditions ... by reason of unsuitability for the naval service". At Hanson's diner Bruce met Joe Anjovis (named by his taste) who had a profound influence on Bruce's approach to comedy.
    ellauri219.html on line 202: On October 4, 1961, Bruce was arrested for obscenity at the Jazz Workshop in San Francisco, where he had used the word "cocksucker", and "he probably can't come". Although the jury acquitted him, other law enforcement agencies began monitoring his appearances, resulting in frequent arrests under obscenity charges.
    ellauri219.html on line 211: Bruce paved the way for kitchen counter culture-era comedians. His trial for obscenity was a landmark of freedom of speech in the United States. Vittu mikä vapaan puheen edustaja, helvetti. In 2017, Rolling Stone magazine ranked him third (behind Richard Pryor and George Carlin) on its list of the 50 best stand-up comics of all time. "Olen offensiivinen", kalansilmä narsisti. Virnuilee koko ajan omille vizeilleen. Good riddance of bad rubbish.
    ellauri219.html on line 241: Having made a name for himself designing posters for the Ziegfield Follies that appeared on Broadway across the 1910s to the 30s, Peruvian painter Joaquin Alberto Vargas Y Chávez went on to create a series of paintings of pin-ups. Known as the Varga Girls, they gained widespread exposure in Esquire magazine during the 40s, and also inspired a number of paintings that would appear on World War II fighter jets. P.S. Ahha! esim. Long Tall Sally, Lollon ykkös nastatyttö.
    ellauri219.html on line 250: Along with Huntz Hall (No.13), Leo Gorcey was one of The Bowery Boys, a group of on-screen hoodlums who grew out of The Dead End Kids and The East Side Kids. Their movie franchise ran throughout the 40s and 50s, and totaled 48 films. As the gang’s leader, Gorcey was a prototype street thug who set the template for many to follow, though he refused to let The Beatles use his image unless they paid him a fee, which was declined.
    ellauri219.html on line 265: Dylan and The Beatles influenced each other throughout the 60s, each spurring the other on to making music that pushed boundaries and reshaped what was thought possible of the simple “pop song.” It was Dylan who convinced John Lennon (No.62) to write more personal songs in the shape of “Help!,” while The Beatles showed Bob what could be achieved with a full band behind him, helping the latter “go electric” in 1965. It was with George Harrison (No.65), however, that Dylan struck up the longest-lasting friendship; the two played together often in the years that followed, forming The Traveling Wilburys and guesting on each other’s projects.
    ellauri219.html on line 280: Published in 1954, Aldous Huxley’s work, The Doors Of Perception, was required reading for the countercultural elite in the 60s. Detailing the author’s own experience of taking mescaline, it chimed with the consciousness-expanding ethos of the decade, and even gave The Doors their name. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature in seven different years and died on November 22, 1963, the same day that both With The Beatles was released and President John F Kennedy was assassinated. Aldousin veli oli Sir Julian Sorell Huxley (22. kesäkuuta 1887 - 14. helmikuuta 1975) oli brittiläinen biologi, joka kannusti pelagiolaista Teilhard de Chardinia. Huxleyt oli kaiken kaikkiaan hyvin suspekteja.
    ellauri219.html on line 285: A beloved Welsh poet who died in 1953, The Beatles had all been fans of Dylan Thomas’ poetry by the time it came to creating the Sgt. Pepper’s artwork. “We all used to like Dylan Thomas,” Paul McCartney (No.64) later recalled. “I read him a lot. I think that John started writing because of him.” The late producer George Martin was also a fan, and even created a musical version of Thomas’ radio play, Under Milk Wood, in 1988.
    ellauri219.html on line 300: Striking and versatile, Tony Curtis was a Hollywood idol who made a dizzying amount of movies (over 100) between 1949 and 2008. He will always be remembered for his role alongside Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe (No.25) in the 1959 cross-dressing caper Some Like It Hot, but another stand-out remains his performance alongside Burt Lancaster as fast-talking press agent Sidney Falco in the 1957 film noir The Sweet Smell Of Success. Tässä jää nyt mainizematta Veijareita ja pyhimyksiä (The Persuaders!), ITC Entertainmentin 1970–1971 tuottama televisiosarja. Sen pääosissa esiintyivät Tony Curtis (Danny Wilde) ja Roger Moore (lordi Brett Sinclair; koko nimi Brett Rupert George Robert Andrew Sinclair, Marnockin 15. jaarli). Sitä tehtiin 24 jaksoa. Tony ja Roger eivät voineet sietää toisiaan. Läskiintynyt Tony kuoli kasarina sydämen pysähdyxeen. Rooger aateloitiin, vaikkei käynyt loppuun edes teatterikoulua. “But because of the war there were 16 girls in every class to four boys so while I didn’t learn that much about acting, I learned a hell of a lot about sex.”
    ellauri219.html on line 304: “But I’m not putting him down. He was a wonderful actor and we were good friends – although we became better friends when we finished shooting. He really wanted to feel that he was in control, though actually it was me who was his boss." Tony oli Roogeria 2v vanhempi. Rooger eli 5v vanhemmaxi.
    ellauri219.html on line 324: From Bob Dylan (No.15) to David Bowie, Tom Waits to Steely Dan, Beat Generation author Burroughs has influenced many a songwriter over the decades. Less known is that, according to Burroughs himself, he witnessed Paul McCartney (No.64) working on “Eleanor Rigby.” As quoted in A Report From The Bunker, a collection of conversations with author Victor Bockris, Burroughs recalled McCartney putting him up in The Beatles’ flat on 34 Montagu Square: “I saw the song taking shape. Once again, not knowing much about music, I could see that he knew what he was doing.”
    ellauri219.html on line 329: A student of Sir Yukteswar Girl (No.1), Sir Mahatavara Babaji is said to have revived the practice of Kriya Yoga meditation, which was then taken to the West by Paramahansa Yogananda (No.33). In the latter’s memoir, Autobiography Of A Yogi, Yogananda claims that Babaji still lives in the Himalayas, but will only reveal himself to the truly blessed.
    ellauri219.html on line 419: An Olympic gold-medallist of the 20s, Johnny Weissmuller first made a name for himself as a swimmer before turning his eye to Hollywood. It was as Tarzan that he made his biggest mark on popular culture, returning to the role in a series of films and devising an iconic yell forever associated with the jungle hero.
    ellauri219.html on line 581: Two of his brothers died in childhood because they had contracted fatal illnesses from him. In 1928, the seven-year-old Rawls contracted diphtheria. His brother Bobby, younger by 20 months, visited him in his room and was fatally infected. The next winter, Rawls contracted pneumonia. Another younger brother, Tommy, caught the illness from him and died.

    Hahaa, sun vika John! Olet perisyntinen!
    ellauri219.html on line 592: Following the surrender of Japan, Rawls became part of General MacArthur's occupying army and was promoted to sergeant. But he became disillusioned with the military when he saw the aftermath of the atomic blast in Hiroshima. Rawls then disobeyed an order to discipline a fellow soldier, "believing no punishment was justified," and was "demoted back to a private." Disenchanted, he left the military in January 1946.
    ellauri219.html on line 597: In his autobiographical essay, “On My Religion,” Rawls explains why he abandoned his orthodox Christian beliefs in spite of the deeply religious temperament that informed his life and writings. In particular, he recounts how his personal experiences during the Second World War, and especially his awareness of the Holocaust, led him to question whether prayer was possible. “To interpret history as expressing God’s will, God’s will must accord with the most basic ideas of justice as we know them. For what else can the most basic justice be? Thus, I soon came to reject the idea of the supremacy of the divine will as [like the Holocaust] also hideous and evil.” Furthermore, by studying the history of the Inquisition Rawls came to “think of the denial of religious freedom and liberty of conscience as a very great evil,” such that “it makes the claims of the Popes to infallibility impossible to accept.” Finally, his reading of Jean Bodin’s thoughts about toleration led him to claim that religions should be “each reasonable, and accept the idea of public reason and its idea of the domain of the political.” Against this background, it is no wonder that Rawls considers the very concept of religious truth as authoritarian and intolerant, and the ensuing persecution of dissenters as the curse of Christianity.
    ellauri219.html on line 633: Notorious womanizer Michael James wants to be faithful to his fiancée Carole Werner, but every woman he meets seems to fall in love with him, including neurotic exotic dancer Liz Bien and parachutist Rita, who accidentally lands in his car. His psychoanalyst, Dr. Rainer Fassbinder, cannot help, since he is stalking patient Renée Lefebvre, who in turn longs for Michael. Carole, meanwhile, decides to make Michael jealous by flirting with his nervous wreck of a friend, Victor Shakapopulis. Victor struggles to be romantic but Carole nevertheless feigns interest.
    ellauri219.html on line 635: Fassbinder continues to have group sex with his neurotics and obsessives and cannot understand why everyone falls for Michael. The group sessions get stranger—including an indoor cricket match. Michael dreams that all his sexual conquests simultaneously bombard him for attention, listing where they made love.
    ellauri219.html on line 637: Fassbinder goes to the River Seine and fills a rowing boat with kerosene and wraps himself in the Norwegian flag - preparing to commit suicide in the style of a Viking funeral. Victor appears and sets up a small dining table nearby and asks what he is doing. Distracted, Fassbinder forgets his idea of suicide and starts giving Victor advice. Despite his attempts to womanise, Fassbinder is revealed to be married with three children.
    ellauri219.html on line 639: Meanwhile Carole's plan seems to work and Michael asks to marry her. She agrees and they settle on marrying within the week. She moves in but Michael finds fidelity impossible. When a second "fiancee" arrives, she knows the worst. Simultaneously, a woman parachutes into Michael's open-top sports car and he ends up sleeping with her, also meeting other conquests at the bar. This takes place at a small country hotel, where all parties materialise in the format of a typical French farce. Some are checked in, but most just appear. This includes Carole's parents who wander the corridors, causing Michael to jump from room to room. A rumour has also started locally that an orgy is taking place so side characters such as the petrol station attendant also start to appear. Carole appears and wishes to see Michael's room. As they speak, all the other participants chase each other around in the background. Fassbinder's wife tracks him down.
    ellauri219.html on line 820: Evans could not help himself: he muttered the aside “some might say we’re seeking to make the world Safe for Feudalism.”
    ellauri219.html on line 954: The police blanketed the 23-year-old woman and asked her questions to determine her state of mind. She was unable to answer who she was, what day it was, or what kind of moron the President of the United States was. She was able to explain that she was “bipolar,” but though she was on “prescription medication,” she was uncertain if she had been taking it recently. A neighbor gave her some clothes, and she was taken to jail on charges of open or gross lewdness. The dog meanwhile was taken stark naked into the custody of Animal Control on similar charges and executed fortwith without trial. "We had to let him go", said the sheriff ruefully.
    ellauri219.html on line 1018: Then there’s Moonman 157 and Klara Sax, a feminist ideal of Land Art. What do they have in common? Smudging useful things with paint. An artistic version of food fight. What do Jayne Mansfield’s breasts remind adolescent Eric of? The bumper bullets on a Cadillac. What does Dumb of Dumb and Dumber take for a cute lady's boobs? A semi trailer's fog lights. Meanwhile, Eric masturbates into a condom that reminds him of a missile (with his tiny wiener all loaded and cocked inside). Dad polishes his Buick, the son his dick. The clammy hand of coincidence.
    ellauri220.html on line 224: AmyAmy is Nick Shay's girlfriend who travels with him to Mexico to have an abortion.
    ellauri220.html on line 251: IsmaelIsmael is the gangster suffering from AIDS who pays Sister Edgar and Sister Gracie to locate cars for him.
    ellauri220.html on line 263: George ManzaGeorge Manza is a neighborhood outcast and illiterate heroin addict whom Nick Shay befriends. Nick accidentally kills George by shooting him with a rifle he thought was unloaded. Fuck Americans are stupid with their silly guns.
    ellauri220.html on line 271: Father PaulusFather Paulus offers Nick advice while he's in prison for murder, helping him understand the importance of "naming" the world.
    ellauri220.html on line 466: There are four variations of this trope, but half native to the author's ancestry, half foreign ancestry is the most common version. Take Rei Shimura for instance.
    ellauri220.html on line 496: Dr. Bob: ...Anybody understand him?

    ellauri220.html on line 497: — Space Chimps 2: Zartog Strikes Back

    ellauri220.html on line 509:

    "And you never have Romans who are Italians! They´re always played by some English actor going ´Oh Thomas, where is my brother, Fellatio? Bring him hither.´"

    ellauri220.html on line 607: Sisar Edgar innostui filmitähdistä. Nehän ovatkin Amerikan pyhimyxiä. Ei mitään eroa. Sisar Edgar innostui myös kaimansa Poen korpista. Quoth the raven nevermore. Sillä voisi säikytellä lapsia.
    ellauri221.html on line 159: At the same time, the Canadian anthropologist and critique of civilization and education Layla Abdelrahim emphasizes the anti-disciplinary and anti-totalitarian aspect of the Dunno trilogy. She must be some sort of communist or Arab terrorist.
    ellauri221.html on line 273: Written by Layla Abdelrahim 2010.
    ellauri221.html on line 296: Goodhead is a scientist and astronaut working undercover for the CIA on Sir Hugo Drax´s Moonraker 5 space shuttle, to gather intelligence on Drax´s plan to exterminate the human race. Bond is also working undercover in Drax´s organization, for the British Secret Intelligence Service, and he gets good head from Jolly, until she introduces him to a centrifugal force chamber, where astronauts get to grips with Gräfenberg spot sucking, and invites him to have a try. Without her knowledge, however, Drax´s henchman, Charlie Chan, tampers with the sucking machine´s controls to send it into overdrive; by the time Goodhead comes, Bond has nearly been killed. Bond later meets Goodhead in her hotel room and is able to guess her identity when he sees standard CIA underwear and dildo gadgetry there. Bond and Goodhead are at first reluctant to bonk together, fighting who is to be on top, but they are working well enough as a 2-person team by the end of the film.
    ellauri221.html on line 298: Bond travels to Venice to investigate Venni Glass, a company named in some of Drax´s plans. Bond spots Goodhead there and follows her before re-introducing himself. Later that evening, Bond has to deal with Charlie Chan, then pays Goodhead a French visit, and they spend the night humping joyfully together.
    ellauri221.html on line 302: Bond meets Goodhead again once Drax puts them under ´Moonraker 5´ to be incinerated by the lift-off. They escape and are able to pilot ´Moonraker 6´. After following Drax to his space station, Goodhead and Bond listen to Drax´s speech and leave. Jaws later captures them after the first globe is launched. Drax tells Bond about his plan about having perfect human beings on his earth, with no physical peculiarity or ugliness, but this is overheard by Jaws. He sees that because of his ugly steel teeth, he will be destroyed alongside his ugly girlfriend, Dolly, so turns on Drax and helps Bond and Goodhead to fight Drax´s men. After Bond goes to defeat Drax, Goodhead helps him, and Dolly and Jaws get off on the self-destructing space station, escaping on a pod of their own into Earth´s atmosphere. Bond and Goodhead go after the globe, nearly destroying its inhabitants, but not quite. Bugger it.
    ellauri221.html on line 309: A space shuttle called the Moonraker, built by Drax Industries, is on its way to the U.K. when it is hijacked in mid-air and the crew of the 747 carrying it is killed. Bond immediately is called into action, and starts the investigation with Hugo Drax. While at the Drax laboratories, Bond meets the brilliant and stunning Dr. Holly Goodhead, a N.A.S.A. astronaut and C.I.A. Agent who is investigating Drax for the U.S. Government. One of Drax´s thugs, the sinister Chan, attempts to kill 007 at the lab, but when that fails, he follows Bond to Venice and tries again there. Bond and Goodhead follow Drax´s trail to Brazil, where they once again run into the seven-foot Goliath Jaws, a towering giant with metal teeth. Escaping from him, they discover the existence of a huge space station undetected by U.S. or Soviet radar, and a horrible plot by Drax to employ nerve gas in a genocidal project. James and Holly must quickly find a way to stop Hugo Drax before his horrific plans can be put into effect.
    ellauri221.html on line 355: Mitäh mixikä Bond ei saanut palkinnoxi mersua? Ne ovat paljon pätevämpiä kuin brittien Bentleyn rimpulat. Pyhimyxelläkin oli sentään ruozalainen Vulvu.
    ellauri222.html on line 68: In Leader's Bellow biography Vol 2, “Love and Strife,” the novel “Herzog” is published on the very first page and reaches No. 1 on the best-seller list, supplanting John le Carré’s ‘The Spy Who Came In From the Cold.’ Never again would Bellow, about to turn 50 years old, lack for wealth, power, awards or flunkies to stand by him, ready to take his coat and do his bidding. The temptation for someone in his position was to become an insufferable, spoiled monster. And Bellow quickly gave in to temptation.
    ellauri222.html on line 70: Bellow’s bad temper in the late ’60s was by no means directed exclusively at would-be biographers, radical students and aggrieved wives. Bellow had so many targets to attack, whether insulting them face to face or in blistering letters or put-downs circulated through intermediaries. One of his favorite one-liners ran: “Let’s you and him fight.” The most salient recipients of Bellow’s bad temper in this biography were his three sons, each from a different mother — the oldest 21 when this volume starts, the youngest just 1 year old and about to be abandoned after yet another divorce.
    ellauri222.html on line 100: As it turned out, “Young Saul” was wrong about World War II. As Greg put it to the audience at Temple Emanuel, “He blew it.” Moreover, speaking of the post-war “Old Saul,” Greg said his father “turned from a man of questions to a man of answers.” As he began to recognize the social evils that surrounded him in the post-war world, he felt that “mankind cannot govern itself any better than Hitler or Stalin” and grew ever more critical and pessimistic.
    ellauri222.html on line 102: “He became irascible and angry, anti-black and anti-women’s lib,” Greg Bellow told the audience.

    Saul Bellow’s attitude towards Judaism was changed completely by the Six Day War in June 1967. It transformed him from a socialist to a conservative. He had a need to get involved and, much to the surprise of his family, he left for Israel to cover the war as a correspondent for Newsday. “I had to go,” Saul explained at the time.
    ellauri222.html on line 104: Greg said he is convinced that it was “seeing war at close-up that made [Saul] change his mind and awakened him to his Judaism.”
    ellauri222.html on line 108: Arthur Sammler, the protagonist of the novel, is a Holocaust survivor living in New York in the ’60s. He is an intellectual who has maintained many of his Central European attitudes about culture. While he marvels at Neil Armstrong landing on the moon and other evidence of progress and prosperity, Sammler is at the same time appalled by the excesses and degradations of city life. By the end of the novel he has learned to bridge the gap between himself and those around him, and has come to accept that a “good life” is one in which a person does that which is “required of him.”
    ellauri222.html on line 119: They settled in Lachine, outside Montreal, where Abraham tried farming, and where, in 1915, Saul was born. When the farm failed, the family moved into the city and Abraham took up bootlegging, a venture that ended even more disastrously. In 1924, he moved again, to Chicago, and engaged some bootlegging associates to smuggle his wife and children across the border to join him.
    ellauri222.html on line 121: Abraham spent the rest of his life in Chicago, and he ended up running a retail coal business. But he never really learned English—Yiddish was the language at home—and he never became a citizen. He had no passport and no driver’s license (which didn’t prevent him from driving). Saul did not become an American citizen until 1943.
    ellauri222.html on line 135: Still, in New York and at Princeton, where he spent a year teaching creative writing, Bellow made friends with many of the critics who dominated literary life in the nineteen-fifties. They found him bright, congenial, and sufficiently bookish, and especially admired what they took to be his poise and real-world savvy. Irving Howe thought Bellow “very strong-willed and shrewd in the arts of self-conservation.” “Even his egocentricity added to his charms,” said William Phillips, the co-editor, with Philip Rahv, of Partisan Review. “Stunning—the ultimate beautiful young Jewish intellectual incarnate,” Alfred Kazin’s wife, Ann Birstein, remembered. Bellow maintained the allure by cultivating just the right amount of aloofness. “I was the cat who walked by himself,” as he put it.
    ellauri222.html on line 147: Into his head popped the memory of a friend from childhood, a boy named Charlie August—and Augie March was born. The novel poured out of him. “All I had to do was to be there with buckets to catch it,” he said. Being abroad, he thought, encouraged the sense of compositional freedom. He wrote much of the novel in Europe—in Paris, Salzburg, and Rome. He later boasted that not a single word of it was written in Chicago.
    ellauri222.html on line 153: Augie is a street-urchin autodidact. Never taught how to write a proper sentence, he invents a style of his own. He is an epigrammist and a raconteur, La Rochefoucauld in the body of a precocious twelve-year-old, a Huck Finn who has taken too many Great Books courses. With this strange mélange of ornate locutions, Chicago patois, Joycean portmanteaus, and Yiddish cadences, Bellow found himself able to produce page after page of acrobatic verbal stunts:
    ellauri222.html on line 163: Bellow must have guessed that “Augie March” would distress some of his admirers. It did. He showed a hundred pages of the manuscript to Lionel Trilling. “It’s very curious, it’s very interesting,” Trilling told him, “but somehow it’s wrong.” When the book came out, Trilling wrote a positive notice in the newsletter of the book club he directed but registered concern about a dangerous notion he detected in the novel, the notion that one could have a meaningful life independent of one’s social function. Bellow wrote to Trilling to say (disingenuously) that he had written the novel without much of a moral purpose in mind. Trilling wrote back. “You mustn’t ignore the doctrinal intention of your book,” he said.
    ellauri222.html on line 169: At Bard, Bellow became close friends with a literature professor named Jack Ludwig. As Leader describes him, Ludwig was an oversized personality, a big man, extravagant, a shameless purveyor of bad Yiddish, and an operator. Ludwig idolized Bellow; people who knew them said that Ludwig wanted to be Bellow. He flattered Bellow, went for long walks with him, started up a literary journal with him, and generally insinuated himself into Bellow’s life. Bellow accepted the proffer of adulatory attentiveness. The couples (Ludwig was married) socialized together. This was the period when Bellow wrote “Seize the Day,” which Partisan Review published in a single issue, in 1956, after The New Yorker turned it down, and “Henderson the Rain King,” published in 1959, a novel whose hero was based on a neighbor of the Bellows in upstate New York.
    ellauri222.html on line 173: Saul and Sasha fought. Some of the strains were apparently due to sexual dissatisfaction. Bellow began seeing a psychologist, a man named Paul Meehl; Meehl suggested that Sasha see him as well (a suggestion that Leader charitably calls “unorthodox”). Ludwig served as a sympathetic confidant to both parties. Then, one day in the fall of 1959, Sasha told Bellow that she was leaving him. There was no third party in the picture, she said. She just did not love him.
    ellauri222.html on line 179: I have just given you the back story and the dramatis personae of “Herzog.” “Herzog” is a novel about a forty-seven-year-old man having a nervous breakdown after learning that his much younger wife, who has left him abruptly, had been cheating on him with his closest friend. The man seeks succor in the arms of a loving, patient, and understanding woman. There is at least one respect in which the novel is not based on real life: Bellow didn’t have a nervous breakdown. He wrote “Herzog” instead.
    ellauri222.html on line 191: The determination to consider the novel strictly as fiction extended even to its characters. Rosette Lamont reviewed the novel. She, too, treated the book as pure make-believe. She breezed right by the Ramona character (“Her religion is sex, a welcome relief from Madeleine’s phony conversion . . . but Herzog is too divided in his mind, too busy with resentment to free himself from a heavy conscience. Besides he is suspicious of pleasure, having learned Julien Sorel’s lesson,” and so on). She concluded with the thought that at the end of the novel Herzog enters into “a theandric relationship with the world around him.”
    ellauri222.html on line 199: Structure was always Bellow’s weak point. One of his first editors at Partisan Review, Dwight Macdonald, worried about what he called a “centerless facility.” Podhoretz was not wrong about the problem of shapelessness in “Augie March.” The novel’s antic style is like a mechanical bull. For a few hundred pages, Bellow is having the time of his life, letting his invention take him where it will. By the end, he is just hanging on, waiting for the music to stop. It takes the story five hundred and thirty-six pages to get there.
    ellauri222.html on line 207: Actually, these episodes were not entirely invented. Bellow lifted them straight out of “The Brothers Karamazov.” A child tortured by its parents is Ivan Karamazov’s illustration of the problem of evil: what kind of God would allow that to happen? And Herzog with his gun at the window is a reënactment of Dmitri Karamazov, the murder weapon in his hand, spying through the window on his father. Dmitri is caught and convicted of a murder he desired but did not commit. “Herzog,” though, is a comedy. The next day, Herzog gets in a minor traffic accident and the cops discover the loaded gun in his car. But, after some hairy moments in the police station, he is let go. Desperately searching the Great Books for wisdom, Herzog briefly finds himself living in one. He can’t wait to get out.
    ellauri222.html on line 211: But “Ravelstein” is a revenge novel, too. It’s not really about Ravelstein/Bloom. It’s about the narrator, a writer named Chick, who has been treated cruelly by his wife, Vela, a beautiful and brilliant physicist—a wicked caricature of Bellow’s fourth wife, the mathematician Alexandra Ionescu Tulcea. There are also a couple of drive-by take-downs along the way—of Mircea Eliade, a historian of religion at Chicago rumored to have been involved in the fascist Romanian Iron Guard, and of the owner of a restaurant on St. Martin, in the Caribbean, where Bellow contracted a case of food poisoning that nearly killed him. He brings them into the story just to skewer them.
    ellauri222.html on line 215: But there is usually one fully imagined character in Bellow’s books, one character whose impulses the author understands and sympathizes with, whose sufferings elicit his compassion, and whose virtues and defects, egotism and self-doubt, honorable intentions and less than honorable expediencies are examined with surgical precision and unflinching honesty. That character is the protagonist—Augie, Herzog, Chick, even Tommy Wilhelm, in “Seize the Day,” who tries to leverage his pain to win respect. Their real-life counterpart is, of course, Saul Bellow, whose greatest subject was himself.
    ellauri222.html on line 245: Saul's father, Abraham, was a crook and a tyrant, who despised his youngest son's literary ambitions and pummelled him and all his sons.
    ellauri222.html on line 249: Saul had women stashed all over town. His self‑justification: his career as an artist entitled him to let people down with impunity. He was married five times in all and infidelity was an issue throughout. Towards the end of his life, Saul asked his son rather charmingly, "Was I a man or a jerk?". It was the right question, and an easy one to answer: A jerk.
    ellauri222.html on line 255: Bellow was born Solomon Bellow in Lachine, Quebec, in 1915, two years after his parents had arrived there from St Petersburg. When he was nine, the family moved to the Humboldt Park neighbourhood of Chicago. His mother, Liza, died when Saul was 17, but not before she had passed on to him her love of the Jewish Bible (he learned Hebrew at four). His first serious critical success was The Adventures of Augie March (1953), but it was not until his 1964 novel, Herzog, became a bestseller that he earned any real money. His elder brothers, both businessmen, were by this time making serious cash, and regarded him, he once said, as "some schmuck with a pen". Mary Cheever, the wife of John Cheever, believed the two got on so well because "they were both women-haters". He has nothing good to say about feminism. Bellow has a go at Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy (the one is "rash", the other "stupid"). In 1994, however, he ate a poisonous fish in the Caribbean, and fell into a coma that lasted five weeks. He dreaded a loss of virility.
    ellauri222.html on line 259: Jänisrouva sanoi jälkikäteen: He did not want to hurt the people he loved. (Lucky they were so few of them. At 17, he said he hated himself more than melodrama or even spinach.) There wasn't a single part of my being that wasn't able to open up to him (Yeah, I bet). Jänis Bellow was born in Canada. Bellow was one of her professors. She came from a small place, but not too small for Saul to enter. He wasn't exactly tall, but he had this broad upper body, these giant arms, like a sloth."
    ellauri222.html on line 265: this time the overall effect was not satisfactory. I was particularly aware of the absence of distance that the writer must put space between himself and the characters in his book. There should be a certain detachment from the writer's own passions. I speak as one who in Herzog committed the same sin. There I hoped that comic effects might protect me. Nevertheless I crossed the border too many times to raid the enemy camp. But then Herzog was a chump, a failed intellectual and at bottom a sentimentalist. In your case, the man who gives us Eve and Sylphid is an enragé, a fanatic-for-real.
    ellauri222.html on line 350: William's claim to the English throne derived from his familiar sodomist relationship with the childless Anglo-Saxon king Edward the Confessor, who may have encouraged William's hopes for the throne. Edward died in January 1066 and was succeeded by his brother-in-law Harold Godwinson. The Norwegian king Harald Hardrada invaded northern England in September 1066 and was victorious at the Battle of Fulford on 20 September, but Godwinson's army defeated and killed Hardrada at the Battle of Stamford Bridge on 25 September. Three days later on 28 September, William's invasion force of thousands of men and hundreds of ships landed at Pevensey in Sussex in southern England. Harold marched south to oppose him, leaving a significant portion of his army in the north. Harold's army confronted William's invaders on 14 October at the Battle of Hastings. William's force defeated Harold, who was killed in the engagement, and William became king.
    ellauri222.html on line 359: The foremost theme in The Adventures of Augie March is the search for identity. Unsure of what he wants from life, Augie is pulled along into the schemes of friends and strangers, trying on different identities and learning about the world through jobs ranging from union organizer to eagle trainer to book thief. His path seems random, but as Augie notes, quoting the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, “a man’s character is his fate.” As Augie goes through life, knocking on various doors, these doors of fate open up for him as if by random, but the knocks are unquestionably his own. In the end of the novel, Augie defines his identity as a “Columbus of those near-at-hand,” whose purpose in life is to knock some eggs. Augie notes that “various jobs” are the Rosetta stone, or key, to his entire life. Americans define themselves by their work (having no roots, family or land to stick to), and Augie is a sort of vagabond, trying on different identities as he goes along. Unwilling to limit himself by specializing in any one area, Augie drifts from job to job. He becomes a handbill-distributor, a paperboy, a Woolworth’s stocker, a newsstand clerk, a trinket-seller, a Christmas helper at a department store, a flower delivery boy, a butler, a clerk at fine department stores, a paint salesman, a dog groomer, a book thief, a coal yard worker, a housing inspector, a union organizer, an eagle-trainer, a gambler, a literary researcher, a business machine salesman, a merchant marine, and ultimately an importer-exporter working in wartime Europe. Augie’s job changing is emblematic of the social mobility that is so quintessentially American. Augie is the American Everyman, continually reinventing himself, like Donald Duck. Olemme kaikki oman onnemme Akuja, joopa joo. Yrmf, olet tainnut mainita. You are telling me!
    ellauri222.html on line 361: Grandma Lausch tells Augie, “The more you love people the more they’ll mix you up. A child loves, a person respects. Respect is better than love.” Which is really better, respect or love? The two brothers, Augie and Simon, are on opposite sides of this argument. Augie identifies himself on the side of love. An idealist with a soft heart, he is almost comically susceptible to falling in love, and openly shows his sympathy, even toward the small lizards that are killed by the eagle Caligula. Augie’s vision for an orphan home and academy is driven by his motivation to share love. Simon, on the other hand, prefers respect. He marries Charlotte and stays with her because he admires her business sense, not because he feels romantic love for her. He doesn’t care whether the men at the club love him. In fact, he knows they hate him. But this doesn’t matter to him as long as he is respected. Ultimately, Simon is richer and more successful, but Augie seems happier. What's love got to do with it. What a reptile.
    ellauri222.html on line 379: Basteshaw is a biophysicist who works as ship’s carpenter on the McManus, the ship Augie is assigned to while in the Merchant Marines during World War II. After their ship is sunk by torpedoes, Augie and Basteshaw are the only survivors and end up on the same lifeboat. Augie gradually realizes that Basteshaw is an insane genius. Convinced that he has the power to create life from protoplasm, he tries to convince Augie to go with him to the Canary Islands and be his research assistant. In reality, their lifeboat is nowhere near the Canary Islands. Basteshaw ties Augie up to stop him from signaling a ship that might rescue them. Finally Augie gets free, ties up Basteshaw, and manages to signal a British tanker to rescue them.
    ellauri222.html on line 387: Betzhevski is a red-headed Polish barber and tenant of Einhorn’s who leads a protest against Einhorn for his unethical behavior as a landlord. Einhorn evicts him.
    ellauri222.html on line 399: Borg is Simon’s boss at the newsstand in the La Salle Street Station. Augie works for him but is fired because he allows customers to shortchange him.
    ellauri222.html on line 407: Caligula is the bald eagle adopted by Thea and Augie. Thea wants to train him to catch large iguanas, but the eagle is not aggressive enough.
    ellauri222.html on line 411: Stella Chesney is a beautiful aspiring actress—her name means “star” in Latin—whom Augie meets in Mexico. He helps her escape her boyfriend, Oliver, and much later meets her again in New York and marries her. Augie learns that Stella has lied to him about many things, but he continues to love her despite her faults. They move to Paris so that she can pursue her film career.
    ellauri222.html on line 423: Dingbat is the half brother of William Einhorn. He dresses like a gangster and is taken up with gang events and crime, although not a criminal himself. He spends much of his time hanging around the family’s poolroom, Einhorn Billiards. He also tries work as a fight promoter, but is not successful.
    ellauri222.html on line 435: Einhorn is a highly intelligent and wealthy real-estate broker whom Augie goes to work for while still a junior in high school. As Einhorn is crippled and wheelchair-bound, Augie carries him to and from the car and assists him in other daily activities. Einhorn loses almost everything in the great stock market crash, but works hard to build his business up again.
    ellauri222.html on line 443: Esther is the younger of the two Fenchel sisters, beautiful heiresses whom Augie meets at a resort hotel with Mrs. Renling. When she refuses to go out with him, Augie faints. Esther’s more passionate older sister, Thea, falls in love with Augie.
    ellauri222.html on line 463: Hooker Frazer is Mimi’s lover and the father of her unborn child. When Augie first meets him, Frazer is a graduate assistant in political science, a Communist intellectual. Later, he is in Mexico working as a secretary for the exiled Leon Trotsky, and in China working as an intelligence agent. Finally, Augie meets him in Paris, where he is working for the World Educational Fund. Augie greatly admires Frazer’s prodigious intellect.
    ellauri222.html on line 471: Joe Gorman is a notorious Chicago thief whom Augie meets in the poolroom. Augie helps Gorman with a robbery and later goes on a road trip with him to move illegal immigrants across the border. The police catch Gorman, but Augie gets away.
    ellauri222.html on line 475: Grammick is Mimi’s friend the union organizer. Augie works with him before going to Mexico.
    ellauri222.html on line 487: Jacqueline is the ugly but proud housemaid who works for Stella and Augie in Paris. When she declares to him that it is her dream to go to Mexico, Augie breaks out laughing. He finds it both ridiculous and wonderful that such a used-up, ugly-looking girl has such an indomitable spirit.
    ellauri222.html on line 503: Eleanor Klein is the one unmarried daughter of the Kleins; she is too fat to get a husband and is kind to Augie. She goes to Mexico during the Depression to stay with a cousin who makes leather jackets. She hopes to marry him, but is disappointed.
    ellauri222.html on line 507: Jimmy Klein is a boyhood friend of Augie’s; Grandma Lausch doesn’t approve of him. He is sociable and spirited, slight and dark-faced, witty-looking. Augie is welcome at Jimmy’s house and gets to know his whole family, who are all friendly and generous with gifts and money. Jimmy and Augie get into trouble for stealing money at Deever’s department store, where they work during the Christmas season. Years later, Jimmy catches Augie stealing books. He reveals that he has taken a rough path in life: he got a girl pregnant and had to marry her.
    ellauri222.html on line 539: Large, heavy Dutch people, the Magnuses are a solid family. They admire Simon very much and take him into their fold.
    ellauri222.html on line 555: Augie, the hero of the novel, is a Jewish-American boy coming of age in Depression-era Chicago. Since their father abandoned the family, Augie and his two brothers are raised by their slow-witted mother and surrogate “Grandma” Lausch. Augie, good-looking with “tall hair” and green-gray eyes, is a soft-hearted young man whose sympathy for others often gets him into trouble. He holds a variety of jobs throughout his life and learns from different people he encounters. People tend to “adopt” Augie and try to groom him into the person they want him to be, but he really wants to become his own person. The name Augie is short for “August,” which means “Great.” Augie has a desire for greatness, but he has no idea of how to do it, thinking it beyond his ability to “breathe the pointy, star-furnished air at its highest difficulty.” He goes along through life repeating the same mistakes. In the end, Augie realizes that his life has been a voyage of discovery. Whether or not he has been a success, he doesn’t know, but he will continue with unquenchable optimism and hope, “forever rising up.”
    ellauri222.html on line 567: Simon is Augie’s older brother. Tall, good-looking, and blond, Simon has a self-assurance and sense of direction that Augie does not. He thinks Augie is too soft-hearted. After being jilted by his girlfriend Cissy Flexner, Simon marries the coal heiress Charlotte Magnus and becomes rich through multiple business ventures. Simon is very successful, but not content. Although he respects Charlotte for her business sense, his marriage lacks romantic love. His mistress, Renée, uses him for his money. Augie pities him because he cannot have children.
    ellauri222.html on line 571: Harold Mintouchian is a wealthy, distinguished Armenian lawyer and international businessman who is the married lover of a friend of Stella’s and becomes a close friend and mentor of Augie. At the end of the novel, Augie works for him as a black market trader in Europe. Augie looks up to the older man as “a sage, prophet, or guru, a prince of experience with his jewel toes” and seeks his wisdom. Mintouchian, who has seen much of the darker side of human nature through his law practice, has more realistic ideas than the love-bitten Augie about what to expect from human relationships. Secrecy and lies, he tells Augie, are unavoidable. “Mind you, I’m a great admirer of our species. I stand in awe of the genius of the race. But a large part of this genius is devoted to lying and seeming what you are not.” He confesses to Augie that his mistress, Agnes, is keeping secrets from him, while he is keeping secrets from his wife.
    ellauri222.html on line 615: Paslavitch is a friendly Yugoslavian and Communist sympathizer who lives in a neighborhood of Mexico City. Augie lives with him for a time after breaking up with Thea.
    ellauri222.html on line 627: The Renlings hire Augie to sell horse-riding gear at their sporting goods store in Evanston, Illinois. Mrs. Renling wishes to make Augie the perfect gentleman by giving him a distinguished wardrobe and sending him to college. Since the Renlings have no children of their own, they even offer to adopt Augie, but he declines.
    ellauri222.html on line 647: Smitty is Thea Fenchel’s millionaire ex-husband. She cheats on him with a Navy cadet, then goes to Mexico to get a divorce from him.
    ellauri222.html on line 651: Mildred Stark is a crippled girl who goes to work for Einhorn after the stock-market crash and becomes his mistress. She is aged about thirty and heavy, but Einhorn is flattered that she is in love with him. Mildred dislikes Augie.
    ellauri222.html on line 663: Owner of the Star Theatre, Sylvester hires young Augie to work for him by handing out bills. He later loses the theater and becomes an active member of the Communist party. Augie meets up with Sylvester in Mexico where he is working as a bodyguard for the exiled Leon Trotsky. Sylvester also comes to Augie’s wedding in New York.
    ellauri222.html on line 671: Clem, the younger of Tambow’s two sons, and the cousin of Jimmy Klein, is a good friend to Augie. He is an easy spender and refuses to work, preferring to beg money off his father. When his father dies, he inherits his money. He has a crush on Mimi. Clem eventually goes to the University of Chicago, earning a degree in psychology, and invites Augie to join him in a counseling practice. Augie has a great deal of affection for Clem. Clem is the audience for Augie’s speech about “axial lines.”
    ellauri222.html on line 679: Tambow is Jimmy Klein’s uncle, a “big wheel” in Republican ward politics. Jimmy and Augie pass out campaign literature and do other odd jobs for him. Tambow is divorced and his own sons, Donald and Clem, refuse to work for him. He dies and leaves all his money to Clem and Donald.
    ellauri222.html on line 694: Dr. Wernick is a neighborhood dentist who fits Grandma Lausch with false teeth. She calls him a butcher because he treats his patients so roughly.
    ellauri222.html on line 741: Certainly, some of the previously mentioned can be very tiresome, but this character assumes such an attitude towards everything. The lord can be characterized by perfectionism; he demands excellence from everyone and everything surrounding him. Overall, perfectionism is a positive quality because it stimulates a person to improve oneself but in his case, it becomes grotesque, because Lord Pococurante rejects everything that allegedly does not meet his standards.
    ellauri222.html on line 743: His literary tastes are also very interesting. Lord Pococurante is quite able to criticize Homer, Horace, and Cicero; there is nothing, which may seem flawless. His ability to find defects in everything prevents him from taking pleasure in literature, philosophy, and painting. It is obvious that the author is ironic about him, it can be deduced from Candides remark “But is there not a pleasure in criticizing everything, in pointing out faults where others see nothing but beauties’ (Voltaire, 73). The main problem is that such a world outlook is a personal tragedy, and such an attitude may eventually result in suicide.
    ellauri222.html on line 747: Another aspect, which should be discussed, is perfectionism. The author emphasizes that such a worldview can be very dangerous if the person does not keep the sense of proportion, as it is with Lord Pococurante. He is not able to see the beauty of things that surround him. His criticism can be only destructive, though Pococurante identifies drawbacks; he does put forward any suggestions, which may prove useful.
    ellauri222.html on line 749: Apart from that, this character demands perfection only from other people, he never attempts to apply this principle to himself and it makes him a slightly comic figure. Lord Pococurante is neither artist, nor writer, but he takes faults with the world masterpieces, which is absurd in its core. Nevertheless, many people deem themselves quite competent for criticizing, having never created any work of art.
    ellauri222.html on line 763: This grooming of the self paradoxically requires looking out for number 1. Nowhere is this fact more vividly portrayed than in Henderson the Rain King. Driven in the beginning by a relentless inner voice that repeats, "I want! I want!," Henderson's egoistic absorption in his material success ironically alienates him from himself. Hitching his family to seek fundamental truths in the wilderness of Africa, he discovers the arse loving relationship that men need with nature and with each other and symbolically surrenders his self by accepting responsibility for a lion cub and an orphan child.
    ellauri222.html on line 791: Because Bellow refuses to devalue human potential in even his bleakest scenarios, his novels often come under attack for their affirmative endings. Augie hails himself as a new Columbus, the rediscoverer of America; Henderson, while triumphantly returning home with his new charges, dances with glee, "leaping, leaping, pounding, and tingling over the pure white lining of the grey Arctic silence." Herzog inexplicably evades his fate, emerging from the flux of his tortured mind to reclaim his sanity and his confidence in the future. Yet, the victories of Bellow's heroes are not unqualified, but rather as ambiguous and tenuous as is the human condition itself. As a new Columbus, Augie speaks from exile in Europe; in holding the orphan child, Henderson recalls the pain of his separation from his own father; by renouncing his self-pity and his murderous rage at his ex-wife Madeleine, Herzog reduces but does not expiate his guilt. Nonetheless, these characters earn whatever spiritual victory they reap through their penes and their refusal to succumb to doubt and cynicism. Through their perseverance in seeking the truth of human existence, they ultimately renew themselves by transcending to an intuitive spiritual awareness that is no less real because it must be taken on faith.
    ellauri222.html on line 795: Though in some ways separated from American society, Bellow's protagonists also strongly connect their identity with America. Augie begins his adventures by claiming, "I am an American, Chicago born—Chicago, that somber city." Almost all of Bellow's novels take place in an American city, most often Chicago or New York. Through his depiction of urban reality, Bellow anchors his novels in the actual world, and he uses the city as his central metaphor for contemporary materialism. Although recognizing the importance of history and memory, Bellow's novels maintain a constant engagement with the present moment. His characters move in the real world, confronting sensuous images of urban chaos and clutter that often threaten to overwhelm them. Looking down on the Hudson River, Tommy Wilhelm sees "tugs with matted beards of cordage" and "the red bones of new apartments rising on the bluffs." Sammler denounces contemporary New Yorkers for the "free ways of barbarism" that they practice beneath the guise of "civilized order, property rights [and] refined technological organization." In Humboldt's Gift, which is replete with images of cannibalism and vampirism, Charlie Citrone sees Von Trenck, the source of his material success, as "the blood-scent that attracted the sharks of Chicago." Acknowledging the influence of the city on his fiction, Bellow himself has remarked, "I don't know how I could possibly separate my knowledge of life such as it is, from the city. I could no more tell you how deeply it's gotten into my bones than the lady who paints radium dials in the clock factory can tell you." However, although the city serves to identify the deterministic social pressures that threaten to destroy civilization, Bellow's heroes refuse to become its victims and instead draw on their latent nondeterministic resources of vitality to reassert their uniquely American belief in individual freedom, as well as their faith in the possibility of community.
    ellauri222.html on line 799: Stylistically, Bellow's fiction reflects some of the same tensions that his protagonists seek to balance. His concern with social and personal destruction has been traced to the common run of European writers such as Flaubert, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Sartre, and Camus. But Bellow's fiction also has many ties to the American literary tradition. His neotranscendentalism (what? Emersonian tomfoolery I guess), his identification with America, and the loose form of his most acclaimed novels link him most obviously to Emerson and Whitman.
    ellauri222.html on line 856: 6 Kerro, että sen kuvanveistäjä lukee nuo intohimot hyvin
    ellauri222.html on line 921: Sillä oli tekeillä avainromaani sen pelehdinnästä Fredin ja muiden aiempien hopeaselkien konttoreissa. Mun piti olla seuraava helmi nauhassa, ehkä kuhmuinen ja himmeä mutta sentään proffan titteli, olkoonkin että pieni pippeli. Niinkuin jonoteoriasta kiinnostunut isäukko Virtamo. Mistähän se tiesi että meidän aviovuoteen päällispeitto on sammalen vihreä? (Senkin sanan opin tästä selkkauxesta.) Sama peitto meillä on sängyn päällä vieläkin.
    ellauri222.html on line 1010: Pyhä Isidorus Sevillalainen (esp. San Isidro tai San Isidoro de Sevilla, lat. Isidorus Hispalensis, noin 560 Cartagena – 4. huhtikuuta 636 Sevilla) oli espanjalainen teologi, ensyklopedisti, latinalainen kirkkoisä, pyhimys, Sevillan arkkipiispa ja kirkonopettaja. Hän oli profiilikas kirjoittaja, hänen lukuisia kirjoituksiaan saatetaan kutsua espanjalaisen kirjallisuuden ensimmäiseksi luvuksi ja hänen ensyklopediansa Etymologiae oli vuosisatoja yksi tärkeimmistä hakuteoxista. Mies on tietokoneteknikkojen, tietokoneen käyttäjien, Internetin, koululasten ja opiskelijoiden suojeluspyhimys. Hänen symboleitaan ovat mehiläiset, kynää pitelevä piispa mehiläisparven ympäröimänä, mehiläispesän lähellä seisova piispa, mehiläispesä täynnä piispoja, vanha piispa prinssi jaloissaan, kynä, pappi tai piispa kynän ja kirjan kanssa, pyhän Leanderin ja pyhän Fulgentiuksen ja pyhän Florentinan kanssa, sekä kirjansa Etymologia kanssa. Hän eli 11 paavin aikana. Mies oli eto byssöttäjä, pyllykielitieteilijä.
    ellauri222.html on line 1013: Pyhä Blasius oli keskiajalla yksi suosituimmista pyhimyksistä, ja hän on yksi neljästätoista hädässäauttajasta. Häneltä rukoiltiin apua kurkkutauteja vastaan, ja hän oli villankarstaajien ja kotieläinten suojelija.
    ellauri222.html on line 1035: On July 29, 1994, Timmendequas lured Megan into his home, hit her head against his dresser, slapped her hard enough to draw blood, raped her, and strangled her with a belt. During the attack, Megan was able to bite Timmendequas’ hand hard enough to leave teeth impressions which later helped convict him. He disposed of her body in a nearby park and confessed to the murder the next day. He was found guilty of kidnapping, aggravated sexual assault, and murder and sentenced to death. Timmendequas’ sentence was commuted to life in 2007 when New Jersey abolished the death penalty.
    ellauri222.html on line 1040: Henry admired Timmendiquas. He respected the Wyandots. He could not blame the Indian who fought for his hunting grounds, but, with all the strength of his strong nature, he despised and hated every renegade. Girty knew that the great White Lightning did not like him, and he knew why. Timmendiquas believed that a man should be loyal to his own race, and in his heart he must regard the renegade as what he was—a traitor. "The youth called the Ware fights for his own people," said Timmendiquas gravely.
    ellauri222.html on line 1046: A warrior planted himself in her way, but, agile as a deer, she darted around him, escaped a second and a third in the same way, and continued her flight toward the winning posts.
    ellauri222.html on line 1053: "But a new enemy has come, and, like the buffalo on the far western plains, his numbers are past counting. When one is slain five grow in his place. When Manitou made the white man he planted in his soul the wish to possess all the earth, and he strives night and day to achieve his wish. While he lives he does not turn back, and dead, his bones claim the ground in which they lie. He may be afraid of the forest and the warrior. The growl of the bear and the scream of the panther may make him tremble, but, trembling, he yet comes."
    ellauri222.html on line 1054: The white man," he resumed, "respects no land but his own. If it does not belong to himself he thinks that it belongs to nobody, and that Manitou merely keeps it in waiting for him. He is here now with his women and children in the land that we and our fathers have owned since the beginning of time. Many of the white men have fallen beneath our bullets and tomahawks. We have burned their new houses and uprooted their corn, but they are more than they were last year, and next year they will be more than they are now."
    ellauri222.html on line 1057: "The men of our race are brave, they are warriors, they have not yielded humbly to the coming of the white man. We have fought him many times. Many of the white scalps are in our wigwams. Sometimes Manitou has given to us the victory, and again he has given it to this foe of ours who would eat up our whole country. We were beaten in the attack on the place they call Wareville, we were beaten again in the attack on the great wagon train, and we have failed now in our efforts against the fort and the fleet. Warriors of the allied tribes, is it not so?"
    ellauri222.html on line 1063: Henry looked down the sights straight into the face of the Indian, and beheld Timmendiquas, the great White Lightning of the Wyandots. Timmendiquas saw the flash of recognition on the boy´s face and smiled faintly. "Shoot," he said. "You have won the chance." Conflicting emotions filled the soul of Henry Ware. If he spared Timmendiquas it would cost the border many lives. The Wyandot chief could never be anything but the implacable foe of those who were invading the red man´s hunting grounds. But Henry remembered that this man had saved his life. He had spared him when he was compelled to run the gantlet. The boy could not shoot.
    ellauri222.html on line 1080: Sir Walter Raleigh was one of the most famous explorers of Elizabeth I's reign. His courage and good looks made him a favourite of the Queen's, and she rewarded him for his handsomeness. Raleigh was also a scholar and a poet, but he is usually remembered for introducing the essential potato, and the addictive tobacco.
    ellauri222.html on line 1103: Koko ajan kun ihminen on luullut vetelehtineensä, on tehty työtä hirvittävän lujasti, Kovaa, kovaa raadantaa, kovertamista ja kaivamista, louhimista, punnertamista tunneleissa, nostamista, työntämistä, lohkareiden liikuttelua, uurastusta, uurastusta, uurastusta, uurastusta, uurastusta, huohotusta, kiskomista, hiivaamista. Eikä tästä työstä näy mitään ulospäin. Se tapahtuu sisällä. Se tapahtuu koska ihminen on voimaton eikä kykene menemään mihinkään, ei saamaan oikeutta eikä vapauttavaa tuomiota, joten omassa sisimmässään hän möyrii, taistelee ja kamppailee, maksaa kalavelkoja, muistaa loukkaukset, riehuu, vastaa, kiistää, lörpöttelee, antaa ilmi, voittaa, nujertaa viekkaudella, suoriutuu esteistä, puolustaa itseään, huutaa, pitää pintansa, antaa anteeksi, kuolee ja nousee jälleen. Kaiken tämän yksinään! Missä ovat kaikki muut? Hänen rinnassaan ja ihonsa alla, koko näyttelijäjoukko.
    ellauri222.html on line 1109: Nyt ollaan loppuvizeissä. Salen nauru nousee vikkelämmin kuin sen pieni pipu. Pahanilkinen keltahampainen käkätys kohdistuu enimmäxeen lähimmäisiin eikä luontoon (ikuisuus mukaanluettuna), joka muka koittaa nujertaa Topin mahdin. Se ei koskaan onnistu. Paskanmarjat, toivominen on osa luontoa, yhtä ennustettavaa kuin kaikki muukin. Luontokappaleet pitävät mahdollisena että juuri niille käy hyvä pulla, sitähän toivominen on. Kuten Sale hetken ajan tajuaa vahingoniloisena köyhtyneelle ex-vallasrouvalle, apinat erheellisesti luulevat että se mikä tapahtuu tapahtuu jotenkin juuri heille. Käytännössä vain joillakin käy viuhka ja useimmilla ei, mutta se riittää luonnonvalintaan.
    ellauri223.html on line 46: Käkättävä Sale luki Mexicossa kirjasta, johon oli koottu eri aikakausien unelmavaltioita eli utopioita. Niiden joukossa oli tää ennestään mulle tuntematon Tommaso. Kyllä sekin kuvitelma oli vitun dystooppista totalitarismia. Apinoiden planeetta muistutti termiittipesää enemmän kuin Tommason myöhemmän maanmiehen, bensa-aseman kattoon jalat alaspäin ripustetun, kärpästen vaivaaman Mussolinin pahimmissakaan painajaisissa.
    ellauri223.html on line 56: Mr. Strangelove is the foremost magistrate in attending to the charge of the race. He sees that men and women are so joined together, that they bring forth the best offspring. Indeed, they laugh at us who exhibit a studious care for our breed of horses and dogs, but neglect the breeding of human beings. Thus the education of the children is under his rule, and whatever has any reference to food, clothing, and the intercourse of the sexes. Love himself is ruler, but there are many male and female magistrates dedicated to these arts.
    ellauri223.html on line 58: Although the community of wives is not instituted among the other inhabitants of their province, among them it is in use after this manner: All things are common with them, and their dispensation is by the authority of the magistrates. Arts and honors and pleasures are common, and are held in such a manner that no one can appropriate anything to himself. Hey Tommaso, hold your horses, the end of the line is over there!
    ellauri223.html on line 60: They say that all private property is acquired and improved for the reason that each one of us by himself has his own home and wife and children. From this, self-love springs. For when we raise a son to riches and dignities, and leave an heir to much wealth, we become either ready to grasp at the property of the State, if in any case fear should be removed from the power which belongs to riches and rank; or avaricious, crafty, and hypocritical, if anyone is of slender purse, little strength, and mean ancestry. But when we have taken away self-love, there remains only love for the State.
    ellauri223.html on line 80: They have an abundance of all things, since everyone likes to be industrious, their labors being slight and profitable. They are docile, and that one among them who is head of the rest in duties of this kind they call king. For they say that this is the proper name of the leaders, and it does not belong to ignorant persons. It is wonderful to see how men and women march together collectively, and always in obedience to the voice of the king. Nor do they regard him with loathing as we do, for they know that although he is greater than themselves, he is for all that their father and brother.
    ellauri223.html on line 98: No one is killed or stoned unless by the hands of the people, the accuser and the witnesses beginning first. For they have no executioners and lictors, lest the State should sink into ruin. The choice of death is given to the rest of the people, who enclose the lifeless remains in little bags and burn them by the application of fire, while exhorters are present for the purpose of advising concerning a good death. Nevertheless, the whole nation laments and beseeches God that his anger may be appeased, being in grief that it should, as it were, have to cut off a rotten member of the State. Certain officers talk to and convince the accused man by means of arguments until he himself acquiesces in the sentence of death passed upon him, or else... But if a crime has been committed against the liberty of the republic, or against God, or against the supreme magistrates, there is immediate censure without pity. These motherfuckers are punished with death.
    ellauri223.html on line 166: I remember I have read in one of your European books, of an holy hermit amongst you that desired to see the Spirit of Fornication; and there appeared to him a little foul ugly Aethiop. Fuckin niggah. But if he had desired to see the Spirit of Chastity of Bensalem, it would have appeared to him in the likeness of a fair (paleface) beautiful Cherubim. For there is nothing amongst mortal men more fair and admirable, than the chaste minds of this people. Know therefore, that with them there are no chicken stews, frozen or otherwise, no dissolute houses, no courtesans, nor anything of that kind.
    ellauri223.html on line 168: In the last third of the book, the Head of the Salomon's House takes one of the European visitors to show him all the scientific background of Salomon's House, where experiments are conducted in Baconian method to understand and conquer nature (no tietysti), and to apply the collected knowledge to the betterment of society. Namely: 1) the end, or purpose, of their foundation; 2) the preparations they have for their works; 3) the several employments and functions whereto their fellows are assigned; 4) and the ordinances and rites which they observe.
    ellauri223.html on line 182: Bacon stated that he had three goals: to uncover truth, to serve his country, and to serve his church. He sought to achieve these goals by seeking a prestigious post. Yet he failed to gain a position that he thought would lead him to success. He showed signs of sympathy to Puritanism, attending the sermons of the Puritan chaplain of Gray's Inn and accompanying his mother to the Temple Church to hear Walter Travers. In the Parliament of 1586, he openly urged execution for the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots. He advocated for the union of England and Scotland, which made him a significant influence toward the consolidation of the United Kingdom; and he later would advocate for the integration of Ireland into the Union. Closer constitutional ties, he believed, would bring greater peace and strength to these countries. What a motherfucker.
    ellauri223.html on line 210: Less than a fortnight after Bacon's death from pneumonia on 9 April 1626, Alice, Lady St Albans, married courtier Frodo Underhill, at the Church of St Martin in the Fields, London, 20 April 1626. Soon after, on 12 July 1626, Charles I of England knighted him at Oatlands. They lived together at Old Gorhambury House, St Albans, Hertfordshire.
    ellauri223.html on line 226: The Jacobean antiquarian Sir Simonds D'Ewes (Bacon's fellow Member of Parliament) implied there had been a question of bringing him to trial for buggery, which his brother Anthony Bacon had also been charged with.
    ellauri223.html on line 230: This conclusion has been disputed by other faggots, who point to lack of consistent evidence, and consider the sources to be more open to interpretation. Publicly, at least, Bacon distanced himself from the idea of homosexuality. In his New Atlantis, he described his utopian island as being "the chastest nation under heaven", and "as for masculine love, they have no touch of it". Olipa 2-naamainen kaveri.
    ellauri226.html on line 66: In late 1964, as Brian Wilson's industry profile grew, he became acquainted with various individuals from around the Los Angeles music scene. He also took an increasing interest in recreational drugs (particularly marijuana, LSD, and Desbutal). According to his then-wife Marilyn, Wilson's new friends "had the gift of gab. All of a sudden Brian was in Hollywood—these people talk a language that was fascinating to him. Anybody that was different and talked cosmic or whatever he liked it." Wilson's closest friend in this period was Loren Schwartz, an aspiring talent agent that he met at a recording studio. Schwartz introduced Wilson to marijuana and LSD, as well as a wealth of literature commonly read by college students. During his first LSD trip, Wilson had what he considered to be "a very religious experience" and claimed to have seen God. God has subsequently personally confirmed this.
    ellauri226.html on line 74: Lead singer Love has been a longtime Trump supporter. He sang at one of the president’s inaugural balls in 2017, telling Uncut magazine afterward, “I don’t have anything negative to say about the president of the USA. I love his hair, it is very surfy." “I understand there are so many factions and fractious things going on. The chips will fall where they may,’’ Love said. “But Donald Trump has never been anything but kind to us. We have known him for many a year.’’ Aargh, for the love of Mike!
    ellauri226.html on line 111: Sentään sympaattista Grazialta että se piti (ainakin siihen asti) lyhimmän Nobel-kiitospuheen. Danke schön und auf Wiedersehn, jotain tollasta.
    ellauri226.html on line 256: often sent him outside at a young age to play unaccompanied. He recalled:
    ellauri226.html on line 325: While the failed shooting of Eleanor Kaplan was apparently not front page all over the news, it was enough for him and his family to move.
    ellauri226.html on line 384: his Fordham neighborhood. For Derrick, examples of how the neighborhood changed were a subway robbery and the burglary of her home. These examples of petty crime prompted him and his family to move to another section
    ellauri226.html on line 405: 1970s and 80s, at least the wop cop said that heroin was good and easily found on street particularly throughout the South corners. As a police officer he was fighting against the dumping of the drug to lower the prices, and later, cocaine, because as the neighborhood drug dealer he was often a drug addict himself, selling drugs to support his own habit.
    ellauri226.html on line 478: neighbors played at all hours of the night, their loud merrymaking in the sack, and their tendency to throw garbage out of their windows. For Derrick, a graduate student at the time, the difference in lifestyles between him and his new neighbors became too much, and he eventually moved out of the apartment because of the behavior of his Hispanic neighbors.
    ellauri236.html on line 60: Lula's election tonight represents one of the greatest comeback stories in Latin American history. Lula was convicted and imprisoned on corruption and money laundering charges that were later overturned on a technicality by Brazil’s Supreme Court, clearing the way for him to run for an unprecedented third term.
    ellauri236.html on line 132: James Hadley Chase (24 December 1906 – 6 February 1985) was an English writer. While his birth name was René Lodge Brabazon Raymond, he was well known by his various pseudonyms, including James Hadley Chase, James L. Docherty, Raymond Marshall, R. Raymond, and Ambrose Grant. He was one of the best known thriller writers of all time. The canon of Chase, comprising 90 titles, earned him a reputation as the king of thriller writers in Europe. He was also one of the internationally best-selling authors, and to date 50 of his books have been made into films.
    ellauri236.html on line 134: Tästä kaikesta voi päätellä että Chasen kirjat ovat pulppia. He was the son of Colonel Francis Raymond of the colonial Indian Army, a veterinary surgeon. His father intended his son to have a scientific career and had him educated at King's School, Rochester, Kent.
    ellauri236.html on line 150: Eli siis James Hadley Chase (24 December 1906 – 6 February 1985) was an English writer. While his birth name was René Lodge Brabazon Raymond, he was well known by his various pseudonyms, including James Hadley Chase, James L. Docherty, Raymond Marshall, R. Raymond, and Ambrose Grant. He was one of the best known thriller writers of all time. The canon of Chase, comprising 90 titles, earned him a reputation as the king of thriller writers in Europe. He was also one of the internationally best-selling authors, and to date 50 of his books have been made into films
    ellauri236.html on line 169: Prohibition and the ensuing Great Depression in the US (1929–39) had given rise to the Chicago gangster culture prior to World War II. This, combined with Chase's book trade experience, convinced him that there was a big demand for gangster stories. After reading James M. Cain's novel The Postman Always Rings Twice (1934), and having read about the American gangster Ma Barker and her sons, and with the help of maps and a slang dictionary, he wrote No Orchids for Miss Blandish in his spare time, he claimed over a period of six weekends, though his papers suggest it took longer. The book achieved remarkable notoriety and became one of the best-selling books of the decade. It was the subject of the 1944 essay "Raffles and Miss Blandish" by George Orwell (alla). Chase and Robert Nesbitt adapted it to a stage play of the same name which ran in London's West End to good reviews. The 1948 film adaptation was widely denounced as salacious due to the film's portrayal of violence and sexuality. Robert Aldrich did a remake, The Grissom Gang, in 1971.
    ellauri236.html on line 177: Muziinä se oli oikeassa että fascistiaikoina kuten juuri nyt peukutetaan poliisisarjoja jossa pollarit on rattaita all-powerful valvontaorganisaatiossa. Epäiltyjen elimiä pöyhitään lupaa kysymättä kumikauloina ja naamat liimataan whiteboardille. Valvontakameroista tarkistetaan kuka teki mitä kellekkin ja mihin reikään. Whiteboardille tulee miljoonia nuolia. Siiramaiset karhuryhmät ryntää karjahdellen sisään ovista. "This is a murder investigation" on joku stiiknafuulia, licence to kill jolla pollari pääsee läpi luokkarajoista maxamaan potut pottuina tunkiokukoille. Verenhimon lisäxi luokkaviha on poliisisarjojen tärkein käyttöaine.
    ellauri236.html on line 184: Miss Blandish, the daughter of a millionaire, is kidnapped by some gangsters who are almost immediately surprised and killed off by a larger and better organized gang. They hold her to ransom and extract half a million dollars from her father. Their original plan had been to kill her as soon as the ransom-money was received, but a chance keeps her alive. One of the gang is a young man named Slim, whose sole pleasure in life consists in driving knives (well, his prick as well, got to give that much to him) into other people's bellies. In childhood he has graduated by cutting up living animals with a pair of rusty scissors. Slim is sexually impotent, but takes a kind of fancy to Miss Blandish. Slim's mother, who is the real brains of the gang, sees in this the chance of curing Slim's impotence, and decides to keep Miss Blandish in custody till Slim shall have succeeded in raping her. After many efforts and much persuasion, including the flogging of Miss Blandish with a length of rubber hosepipe, the rape is achieved. (Ei se ihan näin mennyt, George!) Meanwhile Miss Blandish's father has hired a private detective, and by means of bribery and torture the detective and the police manage to round up and exterminate the whole gang. Slim escapes with Miss Blandish and is killed after a final juicy rape, and the detective prepares to restore Miss Blandish to her pristine shape. By this time, however, she has developed such a taste for Slim's caresses(3) that she feels unable to live without him, and she jumps, out of the window of a sky-scraper. Footnote 1945. Another reading of the final episode is possible. It may mean merely that Miss Blandish is pregnant, i.e. she is damaged goods. Maybe she is sad that the baby's dad is dead. But the "interpretation" I have given above seems more in keeping with the general brutality of the book.
    ellauri236.html on line 198: There exists in America an enormous literature of more or less the same stamp as No Orchids. Quite apart from books, there is the huge array of ‘pulp magazines’, graded so as to cater for different kinds of fantasy, but nearly all having much the same mental atmosphere. A few of them go in for straight pornography, but the great majority are quite plainly aimed at sadists and masochists. Sold at threepence a copy under the title of Yank Mags(4), these things used to enjoy considerable popularity in England, but when the supply dried up owing to the war, no satisfactory substitute was forthcoming. English imitations of the ‘pulp magazine’ do now exist, but they are poor things compared with the original. English crook films, again, never approach the American crook film in brutality. And yet the career of Mr. Chase shows how deep the American influence has already gone. Not only is he himself living a continuous fantasy-life in the Chicago underworld, but he can count on hundreds of thousands of readers who know what is meant by a ‘clipshop’ or the ‘hotsquat’, do not have to do mental arithmetic when confronted by ‘fifty grand’, and understand at sight a sentence like ‘Johnny was a rummy and only two jumps ahead of the nut-factory’. Evidently there are great numbers of English people who are partly americanized in language and, one ought to add, in moral outlook. For there was no popular protest against No Orchids. In the end it was withdrawn, but only retrospectively, when a later work, Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief, brought Mr. Chase's books to the attention of the authorities. Judging by casual conversations at the time, ordinary readers got a mild thrill out of the obscenities of No Orchids, but saw nothing undesirable in the book as a whole. Many people, incidentally, were under the impression that it was an American book reissued in England.
    ellauri236.html on line 204: In borrowing from William Faulkner's Sanctuary, Chase only took the plot; the mental atmosphere of the two books is not similar. Chase really derives from other sources, and this particular bit of borrowing is only symbolic. What it symbolizes is the vulgarization of ideas which is constantly happening, and which probably happens faster in an age of print. Chase has been described as ‘Faulkner for the masses’, but it would be more accurate to describe him as Carlyle for the masses. He is a popular writer — there are many such in America, but they are still rarities in England — who has caught up with what is now fashionable to call ‘realism’, meaning the doctrine that might is right. The growth of ‘realism’ has been the great feature of the intellectual history of our own age. Why this should be so is a complicated question. The interconnexion between sadism, masochism, success-worship, power-worship, nationalism, and totalitarianism is a huge subject whose edges have barely been scratched, and even to mention it is considered somewhat indelicate. To take merely the first example that comes to mind, I believe no one has ever pointed out the sadistic and masochistic element in Bernard Shaw's work, still less suggested that this probably has some connexion with Shaw's admiration for dictators. Fascism is often loosely equated with sadism, but nearly always by people who see nothing wrong in the most slavish worship of Stalin. The truth is, of course, that the countless English intellectuals who kiss the arse of Stalin are not different from the minority who give their allegiance to Hitler or Mussolini, nor from the efficiency experts who preached ‘punch’, ‘drive’, ‘personality’ and ‘learn to be a Tiger man’ in the nineteen-twenties, nor from that older generation of intellectuals, Carlyle, Creasey and the rest of them, who bowed down before German militarism. All of them are worshipping power and successful cruelty. It is important to notice that the cult of power tends to be mixed up with a love of cruelty and wickedness for their own sakes. A tyrant is all the more admired if he happens to be a bloodstained crook as well, and ‘the end justifies the means’ often becomes, in effect, ‘the means justify themselves provided they are dirty enough’. This idea colours the outlook of all sympathizers with totalitarianism, and accounts, for instance, for the positive delight with which many English intellectuals greeted the Nazi-Soviet pact. It was a step only doubtfully useful to the U.S.S.R., but it was entirely unmoral, and for that reason to be admired; the explanations of it, which were numerous and self-contradictory, could come afterwards.
    ellauri236.html on line 210: One ought not to infer too much from the success of Mr. Chase's books. It is possible that it is an isolated phenomenon, brought about by the mingled boredom and brutality of war. (LOL) But if such books should definitely acclimatize themselves in England (or Nigeria!), instead of being merely a half-understood import from America, there would be good grounds for dismay. In choosing Raffles as a background for No Orchids I deliberately chose a book which by the standards of its time was morally equivocal. Raffles, as I have pointed out, has no real moral code, no religion, certainly no social consciousness. All he has is a set of reflexes the nervous system, as it were, of a gentleman. Give him a sharp tap on this reflex or that (they are called ‘sport’, ‘pal’, ‘woman’, ‘king and country’ and so forth), and you get a predictable reaction. In Mr. Chase's books there are no gentlemen and no taboos. Emancipation is complete. Freud and Machiavelli have reached the outer suburbs. Comparing the schoolboy atmosphere of the one book with the cruelty and corruption of the other, one is driven to feel that snobbishness, like hypocrisy, is a check upon behaviour whose value from a social point of view has been underrated.
    ellauri236.html on line 358: Slim Grissonin tausta oli tyypillinen patologiselle tappajalle. Se oli ollut aina laiska koulussa, sillä oli ADHD diagnoosi, kieltäytyi avaamasta kirjoja. Se alkoi aikaisin haluamaan paalua. Se oli sadisti ja jäi usein kiinni eläinrääkkäyxestä. 18-vuotiaana se alkoi kehittää murhanhimoa. Siihen mennessä sen aivot oli surkastuneet. Joskus se oli normaali ja jopa nopea, mutta enimmäxeen käyttäytyi kuin Dostojevskin idiootti.
    ellauri236.html on line 398: While he waited, Eddie noticed a girl standing by a nearby bus stop. She immediately attracted his attention: every good-looking girl did. She was a tall, cool-looking blonde with a figure that made him come in his pants twice. She had a pert prettiness that appealed to Eddie. He studied her face for a brief moment. Her make-up was good. Her mouth was a trifle large, but Eddie didn’t mind that. He liked the sexy look she had and the sophisticated way she wore her yellow summery whore dress.
    ellauri236.html on line 401: A woman was leaning far out of the window, looking down at the commotion going on in the street below. Eddie could only see her pyjamaed back and legs, and even under the pressure in his pants, he found himself thinking she had a nice shape.
    ellauri236.html on line 420: "Slim is tall and thin and he smells of dirt. He stands over me and stalks. I understand what he is trying to do and applaud it. I pretend to be dead to make it easier for him. I want to scream when he comes, but if I did, he would know I was alive. He goes on for hours over me, mumbling.” Then suddenly she screamed out, “Why doesn't he do it to me?“
    ellauri236.html on line 422: “I wish you would do it to me,” she said. “Anything is better than having him grinding hour after hour at my crotch, in and out. I wish you would do it to me…”
    ellauri236.html on line 423: Eddie looked down. Spaghetti again. No go. For the first time in his life he felt dirty and ashamed of himself.
    ellauri236.html on line 428: “I know women,” he said with a sneer. “They’d do anything to stuff their face. I feel a boner coming. Call Anna." (Anna is the big mouthed one.) “That you, Anna?” Pete asked while Eddie watched him. “This is Pete. Come here quick. Something’s come up important. I want you over here right away. No, I don’t promise it’s a blow job, but it might lead to one. You’ll come? Okay, I’m waiting for you,” and he hung up.
    ellauri236.html on line 434: “Hello, baby,” Eddie said. “Come on in. No need to keep your pants on. This is a friendly meeting, I just wanna fondle your bag. Pass it over.” She crossed her legs, showing him what she had between her knees before adjusting her skirt.
    ellauri236.html on line 446: He stared around at each of them in turn, then he went out, slamming the door behind him.
    ellauri236.html on line 449: Slim stood at the head of the stairs, listening. He grinned to himself. At last he had shown his power. He had scared them all. From now on, he was going to have his rightful place in the gang. Ma was going to take second place. He looked down the passage at Miss Blandish’s room. It was time he stopped rubbing it on her night after night. He must show her he wasn’t only master of his mother, but master of her too. Dammit, he would stick it right in!
    ellauri236.html on line 451: Miss Blandish watched him come across the room. She saw his new confidence and she guessed what it was to mean to her.
    ellauri236.html on line 490: “I know him, one of the Grisson gang; a tall, big, good-looking punk.”
    ellauri236.html on line 508: He found Paula anxiously waiting for him. One of the important facts of life that Paula had learned the hard way was not to keep any man waiting. She was looking cute in a black dress, relieved by a red carnation. The cut of the dress accentuated her figure so that Fenner took a second look.
    ellauri236.html on line 522: In many of his novels, treacherous women play a significant role. The protagonist falls in love with one and is prepared to kill someone at her behest. Only when he is killed, does he realise that the woman was manipulating him for her own ends. He never got it into her backend well and good, despite all the promises.
    ellauri238.html on line 42: Catullus is not the only poet who translated Sappho’s poem to use for himself: Pierre de Ronsard is also known to have translated a version of it. Ronsard kynäilikin suht rasvaisia runoja, kz. albumia 123.
    ellauri238.html on line 648: We express our deep respect to Karpov as a chess player. We express our deep contempt for him as a Russian and an accomplice of Putin. The mentioned match, as you probably know, was also an ideological battle (considering the status of Korchnoi and considering how opportunistic Karpov was both under the Soviet regime and under the current Russian regime). It's a pity that Korchnoi couldn't win and Fischer refused to play at all. Korchnoi jumped to our side and Fischer was an exemplary Jew.
    ellauri238.html on line 705: Ajan henkeä kuvaa, että senaattori A. Osw. Kairamo oli juuri Untolan kuolinpäivän aattona lähettänyt Suomenlinnan komendantille Carl von Wendtille kirjeen, jossa hän kiinnitti tämän huomiota siihen, että vankien joukossa pitäisi olla yksi kaikkein pahimmista kansankiihottajista, Untola. Komendantin vastauskirje kuului näin: ”Senaattori K. Herra A. Osw. Kairamo. Herra Senaattorin kirjailija Maiju Lassilaa koskevan ystävällisen kirjeen johdosta toukokuun 20. päivältä minulla on ilo ilmoittaa, että kuten päivälehdistä on jo käynyt ilmi, kyseessäoleva mies on jo ammuttu. Suurimmalla kunnioituksella Carl von Wendt.”
    ellauri238.html on line 737: Tuula-Liinan kunniaxi on sanottava, että sen Pena-paljastuskirja on himputin hyvä. Hyviä kirjoja ei kovin usein tule eteen, sixi tämä ansaizee erityisen maininnan.
    ellauri238.html on line 750: Mitä pahaa oli apinat tehneet kun niitä piti silleen rankaista ja sitten oma poika siitä hyvästä izellensä uhrata? Sitä mitä ne eniten halusivat: käärme oli kyrpä ja vittu omena. Eeva antoi minä söin. 2 pitkätukkaista tyttöä, himottaa niin saatanasti. Jos Pena olis ollut Jumala ja maailman omistaja, se ei olis antanut Pontius Pilatuxen nirhata Juria tai Saskaa. Vaikka Saskan kohdalla se olis ollut armomurha ja säästänyt Herlinin Sanomien lukijat monelta amerikkahenkiseltä diatribiltä. Vain Pena jaxaa antaa nimexi tyttärelle Dublinin vagina. Nää pellet kynäilijät puhuvat koko ajan hyvistä ja huonoista lauseista. Täytistäkö sitä tarvii lillukanvarsia niin kammata. Tämän päivän lauseet alkavat olla kasassa. Kävin välillä lavuaarilla kusella.
    ellauri238.html on line 752: Ei se että Pena on niin törkyturpainen vaan että se törkeilee päin naamaa lähimmilleen, ja ne vain myhäilevät. Se on vituttavaa, todella. Se puhuu pahaa Codista ja Cuntista, pakanallisesta jumalattaresta jolla on karvainen naama ja pystysuora suu.
    ellauri238.html on line 767: A year later he became a member of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. In 1991, receiving the Jerusalem Prize gave Herbert another reason to travel to Israel for a while. There he befriended Yehuda Amichai and wrote a poem about him. "To Yehuda Amichai, Because you are a king and I'm only a prince". Just because Yehuda got translated to 40 tongues but Herbert only 38. Scandinavian krimi bestsellerists can boast with more.
    ellauri238.html on line 801: maybe she´s left him forever Ehkä hiän on häippässyt ikihyväxi
    ellauri238.html on line 863: According to Alter, Amichai’s early work bears a resemblance to the poetry of Thomas and Auden. “[Rainer Maria] Rilke,” wrote Alter, “is another informing presence for him, occasionally in matters of style—he has written vaguely Rilkesque elegies—but perhaps more as a model for using a language of here and now as an instrument to catch the glimmerings of a metaphysical beyond.” Kuulostaa pahalta.
    ellauri238.html on line 937: but it´s the closest thing to roots mutta se on lähimpänä juuria
    ellauri240.html on line 84: A truly astonishing and original work of fiction indeed. It is a story of one man, a writer, who is born, who grows, who loves, who stops loving; who eats, sleeps, smokes, lies, boozes, cheats, regrets, has sex, has dreams, and lives. In short yet intimately detailed chapters, each covering a single aspect of his life from youth through old age, we get to know this person fully through the small yet telling incidents that make him who he is. He remembers the butt of a cigarette, the feel of his army uniform, the taste of a lover, the strange and unexpected touch of a college professor’s hand, and so many more small experiences that can never be shaken off more than a recalcitrant band-aid.
    ellauri240.html on line 101: Nancy realizes that the departed pedophile Krueger, now a vengeful ghost, is killing her and her friends out of revenge and to satiate his psychopathic needs. Realizing that Krueger is powered by his victim's fear, she calmly turns her back to him. Krueger evaporates when he attempts to lunge at her.
    ellauri240.html on line 109: During the Secret War, in the early 1960s through 1970s the word "Miao or Meo (meaning "cats", "barbarians", and even "Sons of Soiled Pants")" was used until it was changed by General Vang Pao and Dr. Yang Dao to "Hmong", with an added "H" in front of the word "Mong" just for fun. During that time, Dr. Yang Dao just like that, out of the hat, defined and cited the word 'Hmong' to mean "Free Men". This assertion was originally put forth by Yang Dao, himself a Hmong, who felt that framing the etymology of the word "Hmong" as meaning "free" would be beneficial to the self esteem of the Sons of Soil themselves.
    ellauri240.html on line 117: Vang Pao, mercenary soldier, born 8 December 1929; died 6 January 2011. Vang Pao, the Laotian general who marshalled a CIA mercenary army to fight a "secret war" against communist insurgents in the remote mountains of Laos in the 1960s, has died aged 81. Although Vang Pao's supporters portrayed him as a father figure uniting all his people, the Hmong (an ethnic minority in Laos), on the side of the US against the communist world, his critics regarded him as a charismatic but ruthless opium warlord, who made arrogant and misleading claims to speak on behalf of all Hmong. Far from uniting the Hmong, they say, he divided them. Some historians argue that he allowed his "secret army" to be used as cannon-fodder, played as pawns on a CIA geopolitical chessboard.
    ellauri240.html on line 121: Reality soon dispersed that dreamworld. Vang Pao later admitted that his Hmong soldiers suffered appalling losses fighting around the Plain of Jars, in Xieng Khouang province. He put the figure at 17,000 dead by 1968. But his CIA controllers urged him to keep on fighting. US sources, including the historian Alfred McCoy, have noted that younger and younger fighters were forcibly enrolled. By 1968, 30% of the new recruits were only 14 years old.
    ellauri240.html on line 124: Vang Pao has been widely portrayed by his Hmong supporters and the US media as an American war hero and venerated leader of the Hmong people. The former CIA chief William Colby once called him "the biggest hero of the Vietnam war". He came very close to having a park in Madison City, Wisconsin, named after him in 2002. But McCoy objected to the honouring of a man who had ordered the summary executions of prisoners and soldiers who crossed him, and accused Vang Pao of war crimes and heroin-trafficking. Five years later, Vang Pao's name was removed from a new school in Madison after opponents said it should not bear the name of a man with such a blood-stained history.
    ellauri240.html on line 237: Constancea häirizee että mustalais-Selena näyttää 13-vuotiaana naiselta. Jerry Lee Lewis-vainaja meni sen ikäisen serkuntytön kanssa naimisiin, vaikkei ero edellisen vaimon kanssa ollut vielä selvä. Siihen tyssäsi Jerryn tähdenlento. Tuli kananlento. Great balls of fire. Muhammedin lentoa ei moinen haitannut. Eikä Allisonin juutalaisen hellunkaan. Allen sexually assaulted his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow when she was seven - which he has vehemently denied. But who believes him? He took porn pics of the adolescent Korean girl while they still lived in Allison's home.
    ellauri240.html on line 305: himamanda">Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (s. 15. syyskuuta 1977 Enugu) on nigerialainen kirjailija. Hänen läpimurtoteoksensa oli vuonna 2006 ilmestynyt Biafran sodasta kertova romaani Puolikas keltaista aurinkoa (2006). Adichien teoksia on käännetty yli 30 kielelle.
    ellauri240.html on line 309: Adichie opiskeli Nigeriassa lääketiedettä ja farmasiaa, mutta keskeytti opinnot ja muutti 19-vuotiaana Yhdysvaltoihin. Aina nää kynäilijät lähtee kesken opintojen. Tai oikeammin, niistä tulee kynäntyöntäjiä koska ne ei pääse opintoja loppuun. Näitähän meillä on ihan kotivaroixi. Hän opiskeli viestintää ja valtio-oppia ja valmistui kandidaatiksi vuonna 2001 Eastern Connecticut State Universitystä. Vuonna 2003 Adichie suoritti maisterin tutkinnon luovassa kirjoittamisessa Johns Hopkinsin yliopistossa. Hän suoritti toisen maisterin tutkinnon Afrikan tutkimuksessa Yalen yliopistosta vuonna 2008. Olis tehnyt MD:n niin ei ois tarvinnut näitä päntätä. Tai hei, Chimananda on varmaan ansainnut kynäilyllä enemmän kuin konsanaan tohtoroinnilla, eikä ole yhtä pahaa aidsin ja ebolan riskiä.
    ellauri240.html on line 429: Saanko olla minä? Olen täysin hetero, vähän vanhanaikainen, ja perheeni pää. Olen myös pääelättäjä vaikka ilman vaimoni panosta perheemme ei tulisi näin hyvin toimeen. Autan kotitöissä, kuten auton ja botskin huollossa. Ruuvaan ja nikkaroin himassa jos se on tarpeen. Kaikki raskaat ruumiilliset askareet kuuluvat minulle. Mökillä hoidan puut ja vedet sisään. Kasvatan pojistani miehiä jotka ovat siitä ylpeitä, puolustavat naisensa kaikkia ulkopuolisia uhkia vastaan ja pitävät heitä tasavertaisina. Pidän älykkäistä ja suloisista naisista, joiden kanssa voi keskustella ja joiden kustannuxella saa laskea leikkiä. Naisia ei ehkä kiinnosta, vaan ne haluaa tulla kohdelluiksi ihmisinä eikä miesten suojelun ja ihailun kohteina. Sit pitäis käyttäytyy kun ihmiset. (👍 Hyvin sanottu: 4)
    ellauri241.html on line 47: Fanny's flirtatious personality contrasts with Keats' notably more aloof nature. She begins to pursue him after her siblings Samuel and Toots obtain his book of poetry, "Endymion". Her efforts to interact with the poet are fruitless until he witnesses her grief for the loss of his brother, Tom. Keats begins to open up to her advances while spending Christmas with the Brawne family. He begins giving her poetry lessons, and it becomes apparent that their attraction is mutual. Fanny is nevertheless troubled by his reluctance to pursue her, on which her mother (Kerry Fox) surmises, "Mr. Keats knows he cannot like you, he has no living and no income."
    ellauri241.html on line 51: Keats contracts tuberculosis the following winter. He spends several weeks recovering until spring. His friends collect funds so that he may spend the following winter in Italy, where the climate is warmer. After Brown impregnates a maid and is unable to accompany him, Keats finds accommodation in London for the summer, and is later taken in by the Brawne family following an attack of his illness. When his book sells with moderate success, Fanny's mother gives him her blessing to marry Fanny once he returns from Italy. The night before he leaves, he and Fanny say their tearful goodbyes in privacy. Keats dies in Italy the following February of complications from his illness, as his brother Tom did. Bugger it.
    ellauri241.html on line 106: Breathing upon the flowers his passion new, puhaltaen kukille uutta intohimoaan,
    ellauri241.html on line 217: Faded before him, cowered, nor could restrain häipyi hänen edestään, käpertyi, eikä voinut hillitä
    ellauri241.html on line 265: To see herself escap'd from so sore ills, intohimoisesti näki paenneensa niin kipeistä vaivoista,
    ellauri241.html on line 304: And fell into a swooning love of him. ja vaipui pyörryttävään rakkauteen häntä kohtaan.
    ellauri241.html on line 322: Lamia beheld him coming, near, more near Leimi näki hänen tulevan, lähelle, lähemmäksi
    ellauri241.html on line 325: So neighboured to him, and yet so unseen Niin hänen naapurina, mutta silti niin näkymättömänä
    ellauri241.html on line 390: Use other speech than looks; bidding him raise käyttävät muuta puhetta kuin katseita; käskeen häntä nostamaan
    ellauri241.html on line 401: Till she saw him, as once she passed him by, kunnes hiän näki hänet, kun hiän kerran ohitti hänet,
    ellauri241.html on line 412: And every word she spake enticed him on Ja jokainen sana, jonka hän puhui, houkutteli hänet
    ellauri241.html on line 529: That but a moment´s thought is passion´s passing bell. että edes hetken ajatus on intohimon mazin loppugongi.
    ellauri241.html on line 556: Arose and knelt before him, wept a rain nousi ja polvistui hänen eteensä, itki sateena
    ellauri241.html on line 558: Beseeching him, the while his hand she wrung, Rukoillen häntä, samalla kun hiän väänteli hänen kättänsä,
    ellauri241.html on line 565: His passion, cruel grown, took on a hue Hänen intohimonsa, julmasti kasvanut, sai sävyn
    ellauri241.html on line 591: Old Apollonius from him keep me hid." Vanhaa Apolloniosta, häneltä pyydän pitämään mut piilossa."
    ellauri241.html on line 659: To force himself upon you, and infest tunkee itsensä kimppuusi ja saastuttaa nuorempien ystävien
    ellauri241.html on line 722: And for the youth, quick, let us strip for him Ja nuorukaiselle, nopeasti, riisutaan poolopaidastaan
    ellauri241.html on line 726: War on his temples. Do not all charms fly sotaa hänen ohimoillaan. Eivätkö kaikki loizut lennä vittuun
    ellauri241.html on line 743: And pledge him. The bald-head philosopher Pyytääxeen panolupaa häneltä. Kaljupää filosofi
    ellauri241.html on line 771: Wander'd on fair-spaced temples; no soft bloom Vaeltele reilun etäisyyden päässä olevissa ohimoissa; ei pehmeää leväkukinta
    ellauri241.html on line 772: Misted the cheek; no passion to illume Sumuttanut poskia; ei intohimoa valaissut,
    ellauri241.html on line 802: Motioned him to be silent; vainly so, kehotti häntä olemaan hiljaa; turhaan,
    ellauri241.html on line 809: Supported him no pulse, or breath they found, eivät tunteneet hänessä pulssia tai hengitystä, eivät vizi löytäneet,
    ellauri241.html on line 886: Call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme, Kutsuivat häntä pehmeillä nimillä monissa pohdiskelevissa riimeissä,
    ellauri241.html on line 1039: But, ere it crept upon him, he had prest

    ellauri241.html on line 1203: The burning prick within him; so, bent low,

    ellauri241.html on line 1216: And there crost towards him a large eagle,

    ellauri241.html on line 1217: 'Twixt whose wings, with an impious word, himself he flings.

    ellauri241.html on line 1218: The bird takes him to some other place.

    ellauri241.html on line 1307: Moanings had burst from him; but now that rage

    ellauri241.html on line 1374: Poor Cynthia greeted him, and poured her Pepsi Light

    ellauri241.html on line 1421: Had to keep him in amazed ken,

    ellauri241.html on line 1496: Would let him feel their scales of gold and green.

    ellauri241.html on line 1554: Shall stand before him; whom he shall direct

    ellauri241.html on line 1621: His moon-faced fancy calling him:

    ellauri241.html on line 1631: The speaker's introduction at the beginning of Book 4 is significantly shorter than in the previous three books. He speaks to his muse of his native land whose great days are now over as anyone can tell from Endymion. The shepherd-prince overhears a distressed Indian Maiden who longs for someone to love. Endymion finds himself instantly smitten with the Maiden. He is desperately conflicted because he now appears to be in love with the three women Cynthia, Diana, and the Indian Maiden.
    ellauri241.html on line 1635: Endymion has an intense love for the goddess of his dreams but he professes his love to the Indian Maiden. He believes that his declaration of love seals his death and he asks for the goddess to sing a song to him so he can die peacefully. Within her song is the story of how she ended up wandering the forest alone. She says that she joined the god Bacchus and his cult of followers and traveled across countries. She witnessed people of multiple nations fall to Bacchus and decided to flee on her own. The Maiden ended up in the woods where she and Endymion have met.
    ellauri241.html on line 1637: Endymion declares that he will let go of the possibility of immortality so that he can love and adore the Maiden instead. The god Mercury appears and strikes the ground with his magic wand. Winged horses arrive to fly Endymion and the Indian Maiden into the sky where the shepherd-prince dreams that he is in Olympus which is the sanctuary of the gods. He is conflicted when he suddenly sees Diana who is also known as Phoebe and she looms over him. Endymion looks over at the sleeping Indian Maiden and "could not help but kiss her: then he grew / Awhile forgetful of all beauty save / Young Phoebe's, golden hair'd; and so 'gan crave Forgiveness." Once again he looks at the Maiden with adoration, but Phoebe begins to fade away, and he protests in panic. The noise awakens the sleeping Maiden next to him. In this moment Endymion chooses to abandon Diana and immortality as he professes to the Maid, "I love thee! and my days can never last. I always love the one that is readily available, she is the best." They soar through the sky and the Indian Maiden grows pale and suddenly vanishes before Endymion's eyes. Ow fuck! He cries out in surprise and grief as he finds himself alone yet again.
    ellauri241.html on line 1639: The Maiden reappears to the shepherd-prince as he returns to earth. Endymion is overcome with relief and joy and says that he has wasted too long searching for nothing but a dream and wants to start a life with the Maiden. She tells him that they cannot be together because he is forbidden to her. They wander through the forest and are quiet and somber until Endymion sees his sister Peona in the distance. They rush together and embrace. Peona implores Endymion to "weep not so" and "sigh no more" for the Indian Maiden can be his queen of Latmos. Endymion responds that "a hermit young, [he will] live in mossy cave" but Peona can visit him regularly. The resigned shepherd-prince leaves behind a confused Peona and Maiden and visits the altar of Diana to "bid adieu / To her for the last time." Peona and the Indian Maiden arrive. Endymion watches in stunned disbelief as the Indian Maiden transforms into his beloved Diana. It is revealed that Cynthia, Diana, and the Indian Maiden are the same woman. Actually Peona too! For all practical purposes, all women are the same: one hole up front and two more in the pants. Endymion swoons and after "three swiftest kisses" they vanish together leaving Peona who walks home in wonderment.
    ellauri241.html on line 1645: The poem has been criticized for its inconsistencies and its somewhat disappointing conclusion. Seems Keaz whisked the guy away at the end quickly before he could get into any more mischief. He was probably thoroughly fed up with him. But then again Jack was just 22. Endymion presents many problems to its interpreters, as it did to Jack himself. Critics have, however, been able to agree that the poem contains considerable eroticism.
    ellauri242.html on line 143: Tän Pohjan pyhimyksen pyhät jätteet.
    ellauri242.html on line 155: Tän Pohjan pyhimyksen heitukoiden jätteet.
    ellauri242.html on line 178: Perventsevin romaanissa "Kunnia nuorelta iältä" (1948) Adzhimushkayn louhosten puolustamisen teema kosketettiin ensimmäisen kerran.. Yksi kirjan hahmoista, Arseniy Afanasiev, kertoo olleensa louhosten puolustajain jäsen. "Toukokuusta kesäkuun viidenteentoista päivään he istuivat. Viisitoista tuhatta ihmistä... He romahtivat meidät kivillä, muurittivat uloskäynnit. Kivet imettiin, vettä ei ollut... Siellä kolme lasten hautausmaata jäi louhoksiin... Ja sitten niistä päästettiin savua ja sitten kaasua... kaasua... Kolmesataa ihmistä lähti, lähti tiehensä. Viidestätoista tuhannesta kolmesataa!" Yksi ensimmäisistä joka mainitsi tämän sodanaikaisen tragedian oli Perventsev.
    ellauri242.html on line 182: Adzhi-Mushkai on kylä Ukrainassa 5 kilometrin päässä Kertšistä, jonka lähellä sijaitsevat Adzhimushkain louhokset, joissa kalkkikiveä on louhittu muinaisista ajoista lähtien.
    ellauri242.html on line 188: Päivän päätteeksi 17. toukokuuta saksalaiset joukot miehittivät Majakkien ja Žukovkan siirtokuntia ja 18. päivän yönä he yrittivät murtautua puolustuksen läpi lähellä Voikovin mukaan nimettyä laitosta. Tämän jälkeen Adzhim-Ushkai piiritettiin kokonaan.
    ellauri242.html on line 194: Toukokuun 21. päivän kivilouhoksissa pidetyn hälisevän kokouksen jälkeen tehtiin päätös "Adzhimushkain kivilouhosten puolustusosaston perustamisesta", nim. "Stalinin mukaan nimetystä Adzhimushkain kivilouhoksen puolustusrykmentistä". Eri lähteiden mukaan yksikön henkilöstö oli tuolloin 5 000 - 15 000 ihmistä, luotiin erilaisia ​​palveluja - sotilastuomioistuimen piirakkakokki Andrii Pirogov nimitettiin elintarvikeosaston päälliköksi (ennen sitä hän toimi elintarvikepäällikkönä nälkäisessä 51. armeijassa, mutta joutui vangiksi piirakoiden muilutuxesta syyskuussa 1942). Samanlaisia ​​vastustussoluja, vaikkakaan ei niin pitkäkestoisia, oli myös Bykovskessa, Vergopolskessa - jopa 16 miestä. 3 päivän kuluttua he liittyivät 27 taistelijan divisioonaan, joka saapui rientomarssia 1,5 kuukaudessa ja kykki Didushevin louhoksissa. Bulganakskyissä kivilouhokset - 3 km Adzhi-Mushkaista - surmasivat elokuuhun mennessä useita kymmeniä sotilaita 510. erillisestä ilmatorjuntatykistidivisioonasta ja 396. kivääridivisioonan lääkintä- ja terveyspataljoonasta, ennen kaikkea luutnantti M. V. Svetlosanovin ja vanhemman poliittisen insinöörin V. S. Gogitidze. Lokakuun viimeisiin päiviin saakka natsit siivosivat Voikovin mukaan nimetyn tehtaan maanalaisia ​​yhteyskäytäviä löytäen ja tuhoten lisää trappeja.
    ellauri243.html on line 301: kids, Sara and Ibrahim. Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta They were childhood
    ellauri243.html on line 328: hasn't let him off the hook: "I still always remind him of when he broke up
    ellauri243.html on line 499: His first novel was Flight of the Old Dog and it launched his career. The plot of the book surrounds the mission of Gen. Bradley Elliot. He is testing a unique old bomber and the mission occurs to him to destroy a soviet weapon on site in Soviet Union before it is deployed. The aircraft is called Old Dog and it has to get the team to safety.
    ellauri243.html on line 512: America calls upon retired Patrick McLanahan to save the day with the good old bomber planes. It is a classic case of America vs. China, with the hope that World War 3 can be prevented. This has not been very successful so far. Some critics are going so far as to call him one of the saddest military adventure writers in America.
    ellauri243.html on line 680: Mises kirjoitti ja vittuili laajasti klassisesta liberalismista. Hän kannatti täysin vapaata markkinataloutta ja vähimmäistä yövartijavaltiota. Misesillä oli ratkaiseva vaikutus oppilaaseensa Friedrich von Hayekiin, joka sai sittemmin taloustieteen Nobel-palkinnon (no tietysti) ja tunnettiin myös liberalismia puolustavana kirjailijana ja filosofina. Hayek on sanonut kääntyneensä sosialismista liberalismiin parikymmenvuotiaana 1920-luvulla nimenomaan opettajansa Misesin teosten Liberalismi ja Sosialismi ansiosta.
    ellauri243.html on line 693: Avointen markkinoiden yhteiskunta niin lähellä varkauksien, pahoinpitelyjen ja petosten saastuttamaa kuin inhimillisesti voidaan saavuttaa, on niin lähellä vapaata yhteiskuntaa kuin mahdollista. Ja vapaa yhteiskunta on ainoa, jossa jokainen meistä voi tyydyttää subjektiiviset arvonsa murskaamatta toisten arvoja väkivallalla ja pakotuksella, ainoastaan aivan vitusti ketkuillen paroni Petkunteränä. -  Samuel Edward Konkin III. Varmaan Samulit I ja II kieriskeli haudassa noloina.
    ellauri243.html on line 734: St Barbe, the journalist in " Endymion " is an intended caricature of Thackeray, and Gushy is Dickens. Vigo, a minor character of the novel, is a combination of Poole, the tailor, and George Hudson, the Sunderland railway king, as he was styled in his time. Prince Florestan is probably a sketch of Louis Napoleon in his early days in England. He is constantly presented as a child of destiny wailing for the European revolution of ´48 to give him back his throne.
    ellauri243.html on line 736: Job Thornberry comes into the story with the Anti-Corn-Law League, representing the remarkable change in English politics from the time before Napoleonic wars when the 10% richest guys were local landowners to after the wars when the merchants and industrialists had become the nobs (am. head honchos). This change of mens of production necessitated the passage of Reform Bills that favored Millian laissez-faire by the Conservative Derby-Disraeli ministries. Job Thornberry may be Richard Cobden; for he certainly has much of Cobden´s subject in him. The energetic and capable minister Lord Roehampton is taken to be Lord Palmerston, and Count Ferrol is perhaps Bismarck. Neuchatel, the great banker, is the historical Rothschild; Cardinal Henry Edward Manning figures as the tendentious papist Nigel Penruddock.
    ellauri243.html on line 743: Noniin olin oikeassa, Juudas Andorsen oli draaman konna, ja sen motiivi ei ollut F eikä K, vaan E! Sehän se on jenkeillä synti ainainen. Reviiri on naaleillekin kaikki kaikessa. Patrik ja Andorsen ottaa loppunäytöxessä shouting mäzin. Kumpi ompi patriootimpi? Kumpaako nyt uskoa? Kumpikin sanoo laahuxelle "luotathan?" Täähän on kuin U.S.A:n presidentinvaali. Juudas sanoo että Pat edustaa big governmenttia, tuota Washingtonin suota. Patrik sanoo että Juudas on anarkisti. No kommunistixi sitä ei voi haukkua, olkoon siis anarkisti. That's a lie. No, that's a lie. Kuulostaa Ukrainan selkkauxelta. Juuttaalta lipsahtaa vähän murhanhimoisia kannanottoja ja epävarmat äänestäjät alkaa siirtyä big governmentin kannalle.
    ellauri243.html on line 762: 2. The other James Thomson, in full James Alexander Thomson, (born Dec. 20, 1958, Chicago, Ill., U.S.), is an American biologist who was among the first to isolate human embryonic stem cells. Thomson extracted stem cells from human embryos. However, this confronted him with a moral dilemma, as such an extraction is fatal to the embryo. After consulting with several bioethicists at the university, Thomson decided that continued research was ethical as long as the embryos, "created" by couples who "no longer wanted them" in order to "have children", would otherwise be "destroyed anyway." I just love medicinal ethics! Kunnon personismia. Montako neekeriä saa keilata pelastaaxeen yhden valkoisen joka työntää lastenvaunuja.
    ellauri244.html on line 180: There were shortcomings in the welfare of pupils. Fights between boys were said to average seventy a week and were regarded by Dr Butler "with a blind eye", comfort for boarders was minimal, and complaints about food were continuous, on one occasion leading to a riot. His initials "S.B." over the gateway to the house he built himself next to the school were said to be a sign for "stale bread, sour beer, salt butter, and stinking beef sold by Samuel Butler". He tried to suppress games at Shrewsbury, considering football (pre-FA) as "only fit for butcher boys" and "more fit for farmboys and labourers than for young gentlemen".
    ellauri244.html on line 195: Word of Faith is home to many such frauds, from Kenneth Copeland to Kenneth Hagin to Frederick Price to Benny Hinn. Even by mainstream Christian standards, their theology is bizarre. They preach, for example, that God is powerless to act in the world except what Christians allow him to do by invoking his name in prayer. They also practice faith healing and teach that sickness is a sign of a weak faith (this despite the fact that lots of Word of Faith pastors and their wives have come down with cancer, heart disease, and so forth).
    ellauri244.html on line 261: Jotain kokousrutiinia please, sanoi E. Saarinen perunaleivoxen takaa. Eski kirjoittaa de Sadesta ja punkista. Hyi hittolainen, sado-masosarjakuvia. Yököttäviä retapeppuja. Punapää oli vanha Nudika. Harrin kultakalat kultakalamaljassa olivat Usko ja Toivo. Niinpä tietysti. Kolmas olisi sitten luottamus, mutta naaraita ei ollut. Harrilla on kirjoitusjumi, sen äiti hymyilee kuin Taisto Tammen mummi, vanha rouva Hagert. Ajatella, mitään hampuuseja ja rahvasta ei enää ole olemassakaan, ihasteli mummi. Luulet vaan. Niitä on vaan entistä enemmän. Annoit minulle tärisevän dildon jossa luki: Nöyryys & intohimo. Sen nimi oli Pukari. Vittu mitä tuubaa. Sori siitä, paljas sori.
    ellauri244.html on line 418: Millenniaaleja Jeesus-covereita on tosi monia, esim. Bernard Malamudin (jumalan armo, 1982), Jose Saramagon (Jeesuxen Kristuxen evankeliumi, 1991) Naahum Mailerin (pojan evankeliumi, 1997), ja Harri Sirolan pahnanpohjimmainen (Jeesus Enkelinpoika Nasaretilainen, 2001). Missään niistä ei Jeesus sikise pyhästä hengestä, vaan asialla on ollut joku kikkelillä varustettu välimies. Eikä missään pidä Jeppe poika kaatioita jalassa, vaan kaikilla se päätyy nussimaan Maria Magdaleenaa tai jotain toista hoitoa. Tää on selvästi jäänyt kynäilijöitä vaivaamaan, niinkuin varmaan gospelien kuulijakunnan enemmistöä. Missä on E ja K, siellä pitää olla F. Kreikkalaisten jumalat oli himo bylsijöitä, siinä suhteessa on tuppikullien partapozo vastine aikamoinen pettymys. Naiset vaietkoot telttamiesten seurakunnassa, ja niiden naimisesta oli viisainta myös setämiesten enimmäxeen vaieta.
    ellauri244.html on line 457: Lily Faye, a friendly frog gets upset with her neighbor Mr. Oak Tree. She sees children entering a schoolhouse and she learns that those students are called mammals. Lily Faye goes to the school to get a closer look. She looks into a classroom window where she learns about the importance of trees. Lily Faye decides to return to the oak tree and apologize for being mean to him.
    ellauri244.html on line 495: Revenge ois niinkö meikkimerkki. Liikemiehet näyttää himokkailta muttei me niille anneta, vaan vain toisillemme, haistelemme vuoronperään pilluja. Markkinointi ja PR on peitenimiä mainostuxelle. Tärkeintä on lompakon eikä munan koko. Pienellä hopeamunallakin pötkii pitkälle. Oikeassa valossa näytetään vieläkin kaxikymppisiltä. Jokainen tahtoo maxaa takaisin, paizi Jeesus. Tai hetkinen? Jeesushan juuri lupaa maxaa puolestamme Jumalalle takaisin, potut pottuina! Kyltää markkinataloudellinen korvausperiaate taitaa siinäkin olla pätevä! Mies panee haisemaan empimättä hetkenkään, ja Jeesushan on mies? No eräänlainen mies. Ei tosin puolixikaan yhtä sexikäs kuin 25-vuotias tottelevainen tatuoitu Robin. Pöh, Robin on tytön nimi.
    ellauri244.html on line 536: - Mutta kun minä haluan elää, puuskahdin kitkerästi, - mina haluan syöksyä paistikkaa raiteille eikä se näytä mitenkaan olevan mahdollista. Minulle ladellaan joka puolelta kaikenmoisia ohjeita, siksi olen kusessa ja koetan ajatella: älä polta tupakkaa, minulle sanotaan, se vaarantaa terveytesi; älä juo viinaa, tulet humalaan ja maksasi rapistuu, ala rakastele ennen avioliittoa, se on syntiä. Tämmöisiä minulle puhellaan kirkkain silmin, puhtaassa uskossa ja auttamisen toivossa, lähimmäisen rakkaudessa ja muiden käsittämättömien fraasien nimissä, tämmöisiä puhelevat saman kokeneet ihmiset kuten Harri Kaasalainen, minua viisaammat ja pitäisikö minun uskoa; minä kuulemma lyhennän elämääni keskimäärin 43-vuotiaaxi, sevverran voin keskimäärin lyhentää tätä yhtä saastaista elämääni seuraamalla Henry Millerin esimerkkiä, ryhtymällä juopoxi keskinkertaisexi kirjailijaxi aina pillu mielessä. (Burre borrarena olisi Harri vielä hengissä ja hyvissä varoissa, paremmissakin kuin Kaurasen Anja, joka ansaizee leipänsä sexiterapeuttina.)
    ellauri244.html on line 567: Part Four focuses on the period several hundred years after Jonathan and his students have left the Flock and their teachings become venerated rather than practiced. The birds spend all their time extolling the virtues of Jonathan and his students and spend no time flying for flying's sake. The seagulls practice strange rituals and use demonstrations of their respect for Jonathan and his students as status symbols. Eventually some birds reject the ceremony and rituals and just start flying. Eventually one bird named Anthony Gull questions the value of living since "...life is pointless and since pointless is by definition meaningless then the only proper act is to dive into the ocean and drown. Better not to exist at all than to exist like a seaweed, without meaning or joy [...] He had to die sooner or later anyway, and he saw no reason to prolong the painful boredom of living." As Anthony makes a dive-bomb to the sea, at a speed and from an altitude which would kill him, a white blur flashes alongside him. Anthony catches up to the blur, which turns out to be a seagull, and asks what the bird was doing:
    ellauri244.html on line 607: A nasty setback was June's close relationship with the artist Marion, whom June had renamed Jean Ronski. Ronski lived with Miller and June from 1926 until 1927, when June and Ronski went to Paris together, leaving Miller behind, which upset him greatly. Miller suspected the pair of having a lesbian relationship. While in Paris, June and Ronski did not get along, and June returned to Miller several months later. Yxin jäänyt Ronski teki Sirolat Pariisissa around 1930. Vähän päästä Henry lähti ize yxin Pariisiin.
    ellauri244.html on line 615: The following year, he married artist Eve McClure, who was 37 years his junior. They divorced in 1960, and she died in 1966, likely as a result of alcoholism. In 1961, Miller arranged a reunion in New York with his ex-wife June. They had not seen each other in nearly three decades. In a letter to Eve, he described his shock at June's "terrible" appearance, as she had by then degenerated both physically and mentally. Not him! Though he was 11 years her senior!
    ellauri245.html on line 212: Tanakka kaunaluistelija Tonya Harding tuli esille Rei Shimurassa. Varmaan samaa vuosikertaa kuin Jonnen torakat, jotain ysärin jämiä. Norjan suurlähettiläs oli pedofiili, no niitä löytyy lähempääkin kyllä. Harry Håle on suvaizematon ihminen, kuten monet pedofiilitkin. Rajattoman talouskasvun se kyllä hyväxyy, ei siinä mitään. Mutta pedofiilit sen puolesta voitaisiin kyllä nirhata. "Välillä minusta tuntuu että pitää ruveta harkizemaan kuolemanrangaistusta." No kyllä kai kun saa tienestinsä verisistä murhajutuista.
    ellauri245.html on line 517: Fritjof i Ytre Enebakk on Vesa-Matti Loiriakin puisevampi norjalainen juntti"huumori"TVpläjäys. Se mainitaan "ohimennen" moneen kertaan Panssarinyrkissä. Tä on kai sitten Nääsböön kontribuutio by way of comic relief.
    ellauri246.html on line 109: löven så stilla mot himlen … Och aspen som prasslar i stiltjen: Lehdet hiljaa vasten taivasta... ja haapa joka havisee tyvenessä:
    ellauri246.html on line 144: Sehnsucht-runossa Nelly puhuu Elohimin Menschenwerdungista? Häh? Eikös Nelly ollutkaan kunnon hasidi? En viizi siteerata tätä runoa, se on liian makeileva. Koitetaan löytää joku parempi. Karl Marxin isä kääntyi luteraanisuuteen Napsun hävittyä sodan, koska olisi muuten menettänyt Preusseissa Anwaltin virkansa. Ranskan alamaisena se sai olla asianajajana moosexenuskoisenakin. Yhtä opportunistisesti menetteli Karlin pikkuserkku Chaim "Heinrich" Heine. Tässä on se Oh korsteenit:
    ellauri246.html on line 371: Näinä vuosina on tullut vaikein hänen kohtalossaan. Tämä liittyy ensisijaisesti onneton rakkaus. Sitä voidaan kutsua romantico-runoilijan (S. Albert Kivinen) sanoin kivisexi. Maria Basmanova oli epätavallinen tyttö eikä muuttunut ajan myötä. Kuuluisa taiteilija, kylmä, hiljainen, jossa tuntui ujo kauneus. He tapasivat maaliskuussa 1962, ja useimmat eivät nähneet. Menimme kaduilla. Hän luki runojaan, hiän kuunteli. Mutta romaani ei hyväksynyt hänen vanhempiaan. Pian ystävät alkoivat usein riidellä, joka kerta eroten ikuisesti. Julma masennus ja itsemurhayritykset olivat seurauksia näiden kierteiden seurauksista hänelle. Ystävät usein näkivät ranteensa sidoksissa veren jälkiä. Ja lopullinen kuilu on tulos kaikkein tavallisimmasta: banal Love Triangle. Yksi lähimmistä Josefin ystävistä Dmitry Basyshev otti tytön ystäväxi ajanjaksona, jolloin Brodsky oli piilossa poliisilta, jo pelkäävät vainoa virittää. Siellä he sopivat. Joseph saapui selvittämään, mutta hiänellä ei ollut aikaa puhua hänelle. Pidätys ja tuomioistuin seurasivat. Ja tämä on täysin erilainen tarina, marinan kuilu suorastaan.
    ellauri246.html on line 373: 8. tammikuuta 2008 julkaistiin valikoima "yksinkertaiset leningradilaiset", mikä vaati Tunwader Brodskin tuomitsemista. Viisi päivää myöhemmin, hän löysi itsensä vankilasta, jossa ensimmäinen vakava sydänkohtaus tapahtui 14. helmikuuta. Kaikesta huolimatta hänet lähetettiin psykiatriseen sairaalaan. Kolme viikkoa osoittautui pahimmaksi ajaksi elämässään. Useimmiten potilaan tutkimukseen käytettiin niin kutsuttua Chuckia. Henkilö oli syväjäässä yöllä, kylvyssä, täynnä jäävettä ja kääritty märkään rättiin hyllylle. Tämä lomake asetettiin kuumaan akkuun. Kankaan nopeasti kuivattua se kaatui kipuun kehossa. Avustaen niin, rangaistusaineiden lääkärit tunnistivat runoilijan kykenevän psykopatiaan.
    ellauri246.html on line 446: saddest - kaikista intohimosta - vanteen.

    ellauri246.html on line 488: Tärkeintä iloa on BrodSky Creaturelle väliaikaisista, ohimenevistä ajatuksista. Ikuisuuden pojan kypsä ote Brodskin psykologiassa. Hän katsoo itseään myös tulevaisuudesta. Tulevaisuus on myös peili, joka ei valehtele. Brodskin näkymä itselleen kaukaisesta tulevaisuudesta, se on pohjimmiltaan tärkeä. "Näinä päivinä asuin hammaslääkärissä" (noin ensimmäisestä maahanmuutoksesta). Puhumme nykypäivän pohjasta, mutta aikaisemman ajan muoto käytetään, ikään kuin runoilija olisi viimeinen. "He (enkelit) nauttivat draamasta nukkeiden elämästä kuin olimme itse asiassa meidän aikamme."
    ellauri246.html on line 941: Monet epigonit, polttamalla intohimo hänen Brodsky, enemmän tai vähemmän menestyksekkäästi jäljitellä tätä, väittää, että se ei ole todella herkkä varhain Brodsky ja Flood Samizdat, Tamizdat toissijaiset tutkijat. Jos Joseph Brodskilla oli tavoite liukua imitatorit, OnMog olisi laittaa laakerit, kirjoittamalla jo "Petersburg Roman" ja "Pilgrims". Hänellä ei ollut tavoitetta ja ehkä ei ollut tietoisia mitään tietoisuutta.
    ellauri247.html on line 93: Narahdarn, the bat, wanted honey. He watched until he saw a Wurranunnah, or, bee alight. He caught it, stuck a white feather between its hind legs, let it go and followed it. He knew he could see the white feather, and so follow the bee to its nest. He ordered his two wives, of the Bilber tribe, to follow him with wirrees to carry home the honey in. Night came on and Wurranunnah the bee had not reached home. Narahdarn caught him, imprisoned him under bark, and kept him safely there until next morning. When it was light enough to see, Narahdarn let the bee go again, and followed him to his nest, in a gunnyanny tree.
    ellauri247.html on line 97: Every excuse she could think of, to save herself, she made. But her excuses were in vain, and Narahdarn only became furious with her for making them, and, brandishing his boondi, drove her up the tree. She managed to get her arm in beside her sister's, but there it stuck and she could not move it. Narahdarn, who was watching her, saw what had happened and followed her up the tree. Finding he could not pull her arm out, in spite of her cries, he chopped it off, as he had done her sister's. After one shriek, as he drove his combo through her arm, she was silent. He said, "Come down, and I will chop out the bees' nest." But she did not answer him, and he saw that she too was dead. Then he was frightened, and climbed quickly down the gunnyanny tree; taking her body to the ground with him, he laid it beside her sister's, and quickly he hurried from the spot, taking no further thought of the honey. What a piece of shit.
    ellauri247.html on line 99: As he neared his camp, two little sisters of his wives ran out to meet him, thinking their sisters would be with him, and that they would give them a taste of the honey they knew they had gone out to get. But to their surprise Narahdarn came alone, and as he drew near to them they saw his arms were covered with blood. And his face had a fierce look on it, which frightened them from ​even asking where their sisters were. They ran and told their mother that Narahdarn had returned alone, that he looked fierce and angry, also his arms were covered with blood. Out went the mother of the Bilbers, and she said, "Where are my daughters, Narahdarn? Forth went they this morning to bring home the honey you found. You come back alone. You bring no honey. Your look is fierce, as of one who fights, and your arms are covered with blood. Tell me, I say, where are my daughters?"
    ellauri247.html on line 101: "Ask me not, Bilber. Ask Wurranunnah the bee, he may know. Narahdarn the bat knows nothing." And he wrapt himself in a silence which no questioning could pierce. Leaving him there, before his camp, the mother of the Bilbers returned to her dardurr and told her tribe that her daughters were gone, and Narahdarn, their husband, would tell her nothing of them. But she felt sure he knew their fate, and certain she was that he had some tale to tell, for his arms were covered with blood.
    ellauri247.html on line 108: Big fires were lit on the edge of the scrub, throwing light on the dancers as they came dancing out from their camps, painted in all manner of designs, waywahs round their waists, tufts of feathers in their hair, and carrying in their hands painted wands. Heading the procession as the men filed out from the scrub into a cleared space in front of the women, came Narahdarn. The light of the fires lit up the tree tops, the dark balahs showed out in fantastic shapes, and weird indeed was the scene as slowly the men danced round; louder clicked the boomerangs and louder grew the chanting of the women; higher were the fires piled, until the flames shot their coloured tongues round the ​trunks of the trees and high into the air. One fire was bigger than all, and towards it the dancers edged Narahdarn; then the voice of the mother of the Bilbers shrieked in the chanting, high above that of the other women. As Narahdarn turned from the fire to dance back he found a wall of men confronting him. These quickly seized him and hurled him into the madly-leaping fire before him, where he perished in the flames. And so were the Bilbers avenged. Good work, bare-butt boys, and good riddance for the bad rubbish.
    ellauri247.html on line 203: George Orwell praised him as "Scotland's best novelist". Taisi olla aika paskiainen miehexeen. Ai kumpiko? Kumpikin.
    ellauri247.html on line 205: In Hugh Walpole's fifth novel Fortitude, the protagonist Peter refers to Peregrine Pickle as a text that inspired him to document his own memoirs.
    ellauri247.html on line 266: Smollett was very peevish. A sardonic, satirical, and indeed decidedly gloomy mood or temper had become habitual in him. His was certainly a nervous, irritable, and rather censorious temper. He died of tuberculosis.
    ellauri247.html on line 268: Like Mr. Brattle, in The Vicar of Bulhampton, he was thinking always of the evil things that had been done to him. With the pawky (scottish: having a mocking or cynical sense of humour) and philosophic Scots of his own day (Robertson, Hume, Adam Smith, and "Jupiter" Carlyle) he had little in common, but with the sour and mistrustful James Mill or the cross and querulous Carlyle of a later date he had, it seems to me, a good deal.
    ellauri247.html on line 273: Like Prior, Fielding, Shenstone, and Dickens, Smollett was a connoisseur in inns and innkeepers. He knew good food and he knew good value, and he had a mighty keen eye for a rogue. There may, it is true, have been something in his manner which provoked them to exhibit their worst side to him. What a nasty customer.
    ellauri247.html on line 295: "If a Frenchman is capable of real friendship, it must certainly be the most disagreeable present he can possibly make to a man of a true English character. You know, madam, we are naturally taciturn, soon tired of impertinence, and much subject to fits of disgust. Your French friend intrudes upon you at all hours; he stuns you with his loquacity; he teases you with impertinent questions about your domestic and private affairs; he attempts to meddle in all your concerns, and forces his advice upon you with the most unwearied importunity; he asks the price of everything you wear, and, so sure as you tell him, undervalues it without hesitation; he affirms it is in a bad taste, ill contrived, ill made; that you have been imposed upon both with respect to the fashion and the price; that the marquis of this, or the countess of that, has one that is perfectly elegant, quite in the bon ton, and yet it cost her little more than you gave for a thing that nobody would wear.
    ellauri247.html on line 300: "A Frenchman lays out his whole revenue upon taudry suits of cloaths, or in furnishing a magnificent repas of fifty or a hundred dishes, one-half of which are not eatable or intended to be eaten. His wardrobe goes to the fripier, his dishes to the dogs, and himself to the devil."
    ellauri247.html on line 308: Samuel Johnson (18 September 1709  – 13 December 1784), often wrongly called Dr Johnson, was an English writer who made lasting contributions as a poet, playwright, essayist, moralist, critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer. He was a devout Anglican, and a committed Tory. The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography calls him "arguably the man using most four letter words in English history".
    ellauri247.html on line 314: Johnson was 180 cm (5 feet 11 inches) tall when the average height of an Englishman was 165 cm (5 feet 5 inches). Tall and robust, he displayed gestures and tics that disconcerted some on meeting him. He had Tourettes syndrome, in fact.
    ellauri247.html on line 320: When William Hogarth first saw Johnson standing near a window in Richardson's house, "shaking his head and rolling himself about in a strange ridiculous manner", Hogarth thought Johnson an "ideot, whom his relations had put under the care of Mr. Richardson".
    ellauri247.html on line 331: Johnson remained with his close friend Harry Porter during a terminal illness, which ended in Porter's death on 3 September 1734. Porter's wife Elizabeth (née Jervis) (otherwise known as "Tetty") was now a widow at the age of 45, with three children. Some months later, Johnson began to court her. William Shaw, a friend and biographer of Johnson, claims that "the first advances probably proceeded from her, as her attachment to Johnson was in opposition to the advice and desire of all her relations," Johnson was inexperienced in such relationships, but the well-to-do widow encouraged him and promised to provide for him with her substantial savings.
    ellauri247.html on line 353: Johnson displayed signs consistent with several diagnoses, including depression and Tourette syndrome. According to Boswell, Johnson "felt himself overwhelmed with an horrible melancholia, with perpetual irritation, fretfulness, and impatience; and with a dejection, gloom, and despair, which made existence misery".
    ellauri247.html on line 356: On 18 September 2017 Google commemorated Johnson's 308th birthday with a Google Doodle, thus sealing his celebrity forever and making him a man of unforgettable fame.
    ellauri247.html on line 406: Poliittisesti Swift oli ollut aina syntymästään asti köyhimyxenä lähellä whigejä, mutta vaihtoi vuoden 1710 lopulla sitten toryjen puolelle. Syynä loikkaukseen olivat ensinnäkin whigien myötämielinen suhtautuminen nonkonformistikirkkoihin, joita Swift ei voinut sietää. Lisäksi whig-puolue ei puoltanut hänen papiksi vihkimistään Englannissa, eikä Swiftin pappien verotuxen kevennyslobbya. Toryjen päästyä hallitukseen Swiftistä tuli oikeistopuolueen äänitorvi ja hän alkoi kirjoittaa tory-myönteiseen The Examiner -lehteen vittuilevia kirjoituksia whig-puolueesta. Ezemmonen tuuliviiri se oli, omanvoitonpyyntinen väkkärä, takinkääntäjä.
    ellauri247.html on line 423: Linda Marshall - Not entirely true; Pope was smitten with LMWM but she rejected his advances (in fact she laughed at him because he was a cripple). After that he became a bitter enemies and both Pope and Lady Mary wrote vicious satirical poems about each other! But I´m a huge admirer of Pope´s work and as usual it´s superbly written. Although he never married, he had many female friends to whom he wrote witty letters, including Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. It has been alleged that his lifelong friend Martha Blount was his lover. His friend William Cheselden said, according to Joseph Spence, "I could give a more particular account of Mr. Pope's health than perhaps any man. Cibber's slander (of carnosity, abrmal fleshy protrusion growing on any part of the body) is false. He had been gay, but left that way of life upon his acquaintance with Mrs. B."
    ellauri248.html on line 244: In Daniel 6, Daniel is raised to high office by his royal master Darius the Mede. Daniel's jealous rivals trick Darius into issuing a decree that for thirty days no prayers should be addressed to any god or man but Darius himself; anyone who disobeys this edict is to be thrown to the lions. Pious Daniel continues to pray daily to the God of Israel; and the king, although deeply distressed, must condemn Daniel to death, for the edicts of the Medes and Persians cannot be altered. Hoping for Daniel's deliverance, Darius has him cast into the pit. At daybreak the king hurries to the place and cries out anxiously, asking if God had saved his friend. Daniel replies that his God had sent an angel to the jaws of the lions, "because I was found tasteless before them". The king commands that those who had conspired against Daniel be thrown to the poor overfed lions in his place with their tasty wives and children, and that the whole world should tremble and fear before the God of Daniel. Although Daniel is sometimes depicted as a young man in illustrations of the incident, James Montgomery Boice points out that he would have been over eighty years old at the time. No wonder perhaps that he did not entice the lions.
    ellauri249.html on line 76: Brodsky’s poetry bears the marks of his confrontations with the Russian authorities. “Brodsky is someone who has tasted extremely bitter bread,” wrote Stephen Spender in New Statesman, “and his poetry has the air of being ground out between his teeth. … It should not be supposed that he is a liberal, or even a socialist. He deals in unpleasing, hostile truths and is a realist of the least comforting and comfortable kind. Everything nice that you would like him to think, he does not think. But he is utterly truthful, deeply religious, fearless and pure. Loving, as well as hating.”
    ellauri249.html on line 78: The tenor of his poetry is not so much apolitical as antipolitical,” wrote Victor Erlich. “His besetting sin was not ‘dissent’ in the proper sense of the word, but a total, and on the whole quietly undemonstrative, estrangement from the Soviet ethos.” Art teaches the writer, he said, “the privateness of the human condition. Being the most ancient as well as the most literal form of private enterprise, it fosters in a man a sense of his uniqueness, of individuality, or separateness—thus turning him from a social animal into an autonomous ‘I.’
    ellauri249.html on line 84: Czeslaw Milosz felt that Brodsky’s background allowed him to make a vital contribution to literature. Writing in the New York Review of Books, Milosz stated, “Behind Brodsky’s poetry is the experience of political terror, the experience of the debasement of man and the growth of the totalitarian empire."
    ellauri249.html on line 97: I fired him because he wouldn't respect the authority of the President. I didn't fire him because he was a dumb son of a bitch, although he was, but that's not against the law for generals. If it was, half to three-quarters of them would be in jail.
    ellauri249.html on line 256: Pelkästään tilastojenkin valossa Ukrainan kärsimät menetykset sodassa tyrmistyttävät: 5,3 miljoonaa menehtynyttä asukasta, 2,3 miljoonaa Saksaan pakkotyöhön vietyä asukasta, 700 kaupunkia raunioina, 16 000 tuhottua teollisuuslaitosta, 28 000 joko kokonaan tai osittain tuhottua kolhoosia ja 40 % varastojen sisällöstä kadonnut. Inhimillistä kärsimystä lukuihin ei sisälly.
    ellauri249.html on line 409: Kyseenalaisia sankareita kaiken kaikkiaan, esimtää "bloody eye" Skobelev edellisessä Krimin sodassa. Skobelev returned to Turkestan after the war, and in 1880 and 1881 further distinguished himself by retrieving the disasters inflicted by the Tekke Turkomans: following the Siege of Geoktepe, it was stormed, the general captured the fort. Around 8,000 Turkmen soldiers and civilians, including women and children were slaughtered in a bloodbath in their flight, along with an additional 6,500 who died inside the fortress. The Russians massacre included all Turkmen males in the fortress who had not escaped, but they spared some 5,000 women and children and freed 600 Persian slaves. The defeat at Geok Tepe and the following slaughter broke the Turkmen resistance and decided the fate of Transcaspia, which was annexed to the Russian Empire. The great slaughter proved too much to stomach reducing the Akhal-Tekke country to submission. Skobelev was removed from his command because of the massacre. He was advancing on Ashkhabad and Kalat i-Nadiri when he was disavowed and recalled to Moscow. He was given the command at Minsk. The official reason for his transfer to Europe was to appease European public opinion over the slaughter at Geok Tepe. British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery assessed Skobelev as the world's "best single commander" between 1870 and 1914 and wrote of his "skilful and inspiring" leadership. Francis Vinton Greene also rated Skobelev highly.
    ellauri249.html on line 472: Its origin is set down in Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia where he records that a shoemaker (sutor) had approached the painter Apelles of Kos to point out a defect in the artist's rendition of a sandal (crepida from Greek krepis), which Apelles duly corrected. Encouraged by this, the shoemaker then began to enlarge on other defects he considered present in the painting, at which point Apelles advised him that ne supra crepidam sutor iudicaret ('a shoemaker should not judge beyond the shoe'), which advice, Pliny observed, had become a proverbial saying. The Renaissance interest in meddling cluelessly into other people's affairs made the expression popular again.
    ellauri254.html on line 99: Pyhä Serapion kirjoitti myös useita kirjeitä sekä teoksen, joka koski psalmeja. Psalmiteos ei kuitenkaan ole säilynyt. Opetuksissaan Serapion korosti, että ihmisen sisin puhdistetaan hengellisellä tiedolla, sielulliset himot puhdistetaan anteliaisuudella ja epäterveet kalut pidättyväisyydellä ja katumuksella.
    ellauri254.html on line 148: Kauniita oraita! Kankeita, suurisuisia, mutta silti vittu! Monilla on venehattu vinossa, samoin aivot, mutta se on ohimenevää! Olen nyt tottunut pitämään kirjallisuutta vallankumousasiana. Mitään suurta ei synny kommunismin ulkopuolella. Serapionin kaverit eeku vähenenevät...
    ellauri254.html on line 318: Stalinin kasatessa (sic) vaivihkaa valtaa itselleen Zinovjev ja Kamenev muodostivat tiiviin kaksikon, joka piti yhtä loppuun saakka. Kunnianhimoisen ja vaistoihinsa luottaneen Zinovjevin sekä varovaisen ja järjestelmällisen Kamenevin on sanottu täydentäneen toistensa huonoja ominaisuuksia. Leninin kuoltua tammikuussa 1924 juuri Zinovjev oletettiin todennäköisimmäksi Neuvostoliiton seuraavaksi johtajaksi, sillä Stalinia ei vielä pidetty vakavasti otettavana vaihtoehtona valtapelissä. Niin sanotussa testamentissaan Lenin esitti hyväksyvän arvion Zinovjevista ja Kamenevista mutta arvosteli Trotskia ja erityisesti Stalinia.
    ellauri254.html on line 383: This pessimistic Russian symbolist writer, who referred to himself as the lard of death, was (as I already said) the first writer to introduce the morbid, pessimistic elements characteristic of fin de siècle literature and philosophy into Russian prose. His most famous novel, The Petty Cash Demon (1905), was an attempt to create a living portrait of the concept known in Russian as poshlost' (an idea whose meaning lies somewhere between evil, trashy and banality or kitsch). His next large prose work, A Created Legend (a trilogy consisting of Drops of Blood, Queen Ortruda, and Smoke and Ash), contained many of the same characteristics but presented a considerably more positive and hopeful view of the world. It sold much worse than Petty Cash.
    ellauri254.html on line 397: One of these ‘noisy gatherings with dances and masks’ proved the occasion of a notable scandal within the world of Russian letters. On 3 January, 1911, Sologub and his wife hosted a masquerade to celebrate the new year. Among the attendees were the writers Aleksei Remizov and Aleksei Tolstoy. Remizov was well known within the world of Russian letters for his mischievous sense of humour. He founded a ‘Great and Free House of Apes’, declaring himself Chancellor, and sent out missives to writers and publishers decreeing them positions in this ironic organisation; and Andrei Bely dubbed him a ‘petty cash demon’ – the title of Sologub’s most celebrated work – owing to his appearance.
    ellauri254.html on line 470: Der schimmer ferner lächelnder gestade   Etäältä hymyilevien äyräiden himerrys
    ellauri254.html on line 501: Klages was born on 10 December 1872, in Hannover, Germany, the son of Friedrich Ferdinand Louis Klages, a businessman and former military officer, and wife Marie Helene née Kolster. In 1878, his sister Helene Klages was born and the two shared a strong bond throughout their lives. In 1882, when Klages was nine years old, his mother died. The death is thought to have been the result of pneumonia. He quickly developed a strong interest in both prose and poetry writing, as well as in Greek and Germanic antiquity. His relationship with his father was strained by the latter's strictness and will to discipline him. Nevertheless, attempts to forbid Klages from writing poetry were unsuccessful by both his teachers and parents.
    ellauri254.html on line 506: When Klages (at 23) moved into a new Schwabing flat in 1895, he entered into an intense sexual relationship with his landlady's daughter, with the mother's approval; the daughter, whom Klages called 'Putti', was eleven years younger than him (12 yrs), and their relationship continued for almost two decades though remained only sexual in nature, and squeaky clean. During his years in Schwabing, Klages also became romantically involved with novelist Franziska zu Reventlow, which was further alluded to in her 1913 roman à clef Herrn Dames Aufzeichnungen. Both Stefan George and Alfred Schuler, with whom Klages closely associated, were openly homosexual men. Whilst some of Klages' outward statements on homosexuality may be seen as harsh, he maintained an intimate personal and not just academic admiration for Schuler all throughout his life. Kaikki käy, kuhan paikat pysyy kemiallisen puhtaana. Kemia ei tunne likaa.
    ellauri254.html on line 508: Klages' writings in both prose and poetry began appearing in Blätter für die Kunst, a journal publication owned by Stefan George, who himself had eagerly recognized Klages' "talent."
    ellauri254.html on line 509: In 1914 at the outbreak of war Klages moved to Switzerland and supported himself with his writing and income from lectures. He returned to Germany in the 1920s and in 1932 was awarded the Goethe medal for Art and Science. However, by 1936 he was under attack from Nazi authorities for lack of support and on his 70th birthday in 1942 was denounced by many newspapers in Germany. After the war he was honoured by the new government for his lack of support to the Nazis, particularly on his 80th birthday in 1952.
    ellauri254.html on line 517: In Munich, the Cosmic Circle of Ludwig Klages and Alfred Schuler, deeming "the Jew the enemy of the human race," gave their erstwhile leader, Stefan George, this ultimatum: "What is your stand on Judah?" He replied that he wished he had more such deep-throated Jewish disciples as Wolfskehl. George's views continued to overlap with those of the Cosmic Circle, especially in invoking the pagan earth mother of "Templars." Actually what first launched the George cult on a nationwide basis was Klages's own book, Stefan George, of 1902. The accusation of Klages's Nazism by indignantly pointing out that the Nazis distinctly distanced themselves from Klages. Though the Nazis shared Klages's basic metapolitics and had found him useful for propaganda among professors, they later found the Klages-Schuler cult embarrassing. The intensity of George's break with Klages-Schuler is paralleled by Nietzsche's break with the Jew-hater Richard Wagner; in both cases an intense friendship was severed on the grounds of civilized values higher than friendship. Klages thought that Nazis and Israelis were both wrong in thinking they were the chosen people, with the difference that the Jews had actually already won the beauty contest.
    ellauri254.html on line 598: Avvakum toimi vuonna 1652 esipappina Jurjevetsissa ja sittemmin Moskovan Kazanin katedraalin pappina. Hän vastusti jyrkästi patriarkka Nikonin uudistuksia, minkä takia hänet vuonna 1653 karkotettiin Tobolskiin ja Venäjän Kaukoitään. Vuonna 1663 tsaari Aleksei Mihailovitš kutsui Avvakumin takaisin Moskovaan. Hän ei kuitenkaan luopunut näkemyksistään, vaan jatkoi taistelua kirkon uudistuksia vastaan ja sai paljon kannattajia. Vuonna 1664 Avvakum karkotettiin Mezeniin. Vuonna 1667 hänet kutsuttiin Moskovaan. Kirkolliskokouksessa Avvakumilta riistettiin papinvirka, jätettiin pelekkä tybeteikka, hänet tuomittiin kirkonkiroukseen ja karkotettiin Pustozjorskin linnoitukseen. Siellä hän vietti 15 vuotta maakuoppaan rakennetussa hirsisalvoksessa. Pustozjorskissa Avvakum jatkoi kirjallista toimintaansa ja kamppailua virallista kirkkoa vastaan. Vuonna 1682 Avvakum lähimpine tovereineen poltettiin hirsisalvoxeen tsaarin määräyksestä.
    ellauri254.html on line 600: Avvakum oli aikansa huomattava kirjailija. Hänen omaelämäkertansa (Žitije protopopa Avvakuma) on elävän kielensä ja kuvauksensa ansiosta yksi venäläisen kirjallisuuden merkkiteoksista. Vanhauskoiset pitävät Avvakumia marttyyrinä ja pyhimyksenä.
    ellauri254.html on line 691: Leninin sairastuessa vuonna 1922 Kamenev oli kansakomissaarien neuvoston varapuheenjohtaja ja Leninin jäätyä syrjään päätöksenteossa Kamenev toimi hänen varamiehenään. Valtakamppailun käynnistyttyä vuonna 1923 Zinovjev, Kamenev ja puolueen pääsihteeriksi edellisenä vuonna heidän aloitteestaan valittu Stalin muodostivat troikaksi tai triumviraatiksi kutsutun epävirallisen johtoryhmän, jonka päätavoitteena oli estää Lev Trotskin ja tämän ympärille muodostuneen vasemmisto-opposition pääsy valtaan. Trotski ja vasemmisto-oppositio halusivat luopua kapitalismin ja markkinatalouden elementtejä sisältäneestä uudesta talouspolitiikasta eli NEP:stä, kun taas troikan edustama puolueen ”keskusta” kannatti sen jatkamista. Leninin kuoltua tammikuussa 1924 viime kädessä juuri Kamenev esti Stalinille kiusallisen Leninin testamentin julkistamisen pelastaakseen tärkeän liittolaisensa. Stalinin ajaessa lähinnä omaa asiaansa Zinovjev ja Kamenev muodostivat toisilleen loppuun saakka uskollisina pysyneen yhteistyökykyisen kaksikon. Kunnianhimoisen ja vaistoihinsa luottaneen Zinovjevin sekä varovaisen ja järjestelmällisen Kamenevin on sanottu täydentäneen toistensa ominaisuuksia.
    ellauri254.html on line 805: His worsening health compelled him to seek care in Germany, to which his parents had emigrated early in 1921. He went West for good in 1924, at 23 years of age. Lunz died abroad from heart failure and brain embolism, but he is remembered in The West for his daring defense of creative freedom against Bolshevik Party demands for political commitment. In "Go West Young Man", Lunz spoke like a Cambridge apostle:
    ellauri254.html on line 811: We are with the hermit Serapion. We believe that literary chimeras have a special reality. We do not want utilitarianism. We do not write for propaganda. Art is real, like life itself. And, like life itself, it is without goal and without meaning: it exists because it cannot help but exist. L'art pour l'art, in a word.
    ellauri254.html on line 831: In 1921, We became the first work banned by the Soviet censorship board. Ultimately, Zamyatin arranged for We to be smuggled to the West for publication. The outrage this sparked within the Party and the Union of Soviet Writers led directly to the State-organized defamation and blacklisting of Zamyatin and his successful request for permission from Joseph Stalin to leave his homeland. In 1937 he died in poverty in Paris. Serve him right!
    ellauri254.html on line 887: After his forced resignation from active politics in 1989, Tikhonov wrote a letter to Mikhail Gorbachev which stated that he regretted supporting his election to the General Secretaryship. This view was strengthened when the Communist Party was banned in the Soviet Union. After his retirement, he lived the rest of his life in seclusion at his dacha. As one of his friends noted, he lived as "a hermit" and never showed himself in public and that his later life was very difficult as he had no children and because his wife had died. Prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union Tikhonov worked as a State Advisor to the Supreme Soviet. Tikhonov died on 1 June 1997 and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Shortly before his death, he wrote a letter addressed to Yeltsin: "I ask you to bury me at public expense, since I have no financial savings."
    ellauri254.html on line 1033: Kuvaillessaan Prahassa ollutta Venäjän silloiselle kirjallisuudelle omistettua esitelmätilaisuutta, jossa oli kehuttu serapioneja kaikesta siitä, mitä olette tehneet, Gorki sanoi, että esitelmöitsijän kimppuun kaikki oikeauskoiset emigrantit hyökkäsivät kuin pedot ja haukkuivat hänet pataluhaksi. Haukkuminen jatkuu vieläkin kaikissa lehdissä... Anteeksiantamaton rikos on puhua jotain hyvää Venäjästä. Hämmästyneenä, miltei kauhistuneena seuraan eilisten 'kulttuuri-ihmisten' rappeutumista. B. Zaitsev sepittelee taitamattomasti pyhimysten elämäkertoja.
    ellauri256.html on line 46: Rozanov frequently referred to himself as Fyodor Dostoyevsky's "Underground Man" and proclaimed his right to espouse contrary opinions at the same time. He first attracted attention in the 1890s when he published political sketches in the conservative newspaper Novoye Vremya ("New Time"), owned and run by Aleksey Suvorin. Rozanov's comments, always paradoxical and sparking controversy, led him into clashes with the Tsarist government and with radicals such as Lenin. For example, Rozanov readily passed from criticism of Russian Orthodoxy, and even of what he saw as the Christian preoccupation with death, to fervent praise of Christian faith, from praise of Judaism to unabashed anti-Semitism, and from acceptance of homosexuality as yet another side of human nature to vitriolic accusations that Gogol and some other writers had been latent homosexuals.[citation needed] He proclaimed that politics was "obsolete" because "God doesn't want politics any more," constructed an "apocalypse of our times," and recommended the "healthy instincts" of the Russian people, their longing for authority, and their hostility to modernism.
    ellauri256.html on line 50: Because of frequent references to the phallus in Rozanov's writings, Klaus von Beyme called him the Rasputin of the Russian intelligentsia. Klaus von Beyme (* 3. Juli 1934 in Saarau, Landkreis Schweidnitz, Niederschlesien; † 6. Dezember 2021 in Heidelberg) war ein deutscher Politikwissenschaftler und von 1974 bis zu seiner Emeritierung 1999 Professor am Institut für Politische Wissenschaft der Universität Heidelberg.
    ellauri256.html on line 246: Boris Nikolaevich Bugaev (Russian: Бори́с Никола́евич Буга́ев, IPA: [bɐˈrʲis nʲɪkɐˈlajɪvʲɪtɕ bʊˈɡajɪf] (listen)), better known by the pen name Andrei Bely or Biely (Russian: Андре́й Бе́лый, IPA: [ɐnˈdrʲej ˈbʲelɨj] (listen); 26 October [O.S. 14 October] 1880 – 8 January 1934), was a Russian novelist, Symbolist poet, theorist and literary critic. He was a committed anthroposophist and follower of Rudolf Steiner. His novel Petersburg (1913/1922) was regarded by Vladimir Nabokov as the third-greatest masterpiece of modernist literature. The Andrei Bely Prize (Russian: Премия Андрея Белого), one of the most important prizes in Russian literature, was named after him. His poems were set to music and performed by Russian singer-songwriters.
    ellauri256.html on line 357: “Some call her the second Beatrice, a wise inspirer, Mayakovsky's kindred spirit. Others, a mercenary witch, a vampire, who attached herself to the troubled genius, to his fame and money, and who drove him to suicide,” present-day biographers write about her. Actually she was a little of both.
    ellauri256.html on line 364: “All our girls were in love with him and etched the name Osya with a penknife on their desks,” Lilya recalled. His low-key courtship of Lilya lasted seven years. Up until the moment she became pregnant. However, the father was not Brik but ... a music teacher, Grigory Krein. Under pressure from her mother, Lilya had an abortion, after which she could no longer have children. And Brik finally proposed.
    ellauri256.html on line 370: The well-off Osip even offered to finance the publication of the poem - he became a kind of a promoter for Mayakovsky. In the meantime, Lilya started working on the poet's image like Pipsa on E. Saarinen: she made him change his brightly-coloured cubo-futuristic robes for a coat and formal suit and have his teeth done. In other words, there were three of them in that relationship.
    ellauri256.html on line 376: After the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, the situation turned upside down. Mayakovsky, as a devoted Bolshevik, began to make good money on his poems, whereas Osip Brik's business went pear-shaped. It was then that Lilya told her husband she was now with Mayakovsky, yet she did not want to divorce him. Thus, both moved to the poet’s apartment, lived and traveled at his expense, with Mayakovsky calling Osip a part of the “family”. Their relationship became an “ideal" for those who advocated free love. In the meantime, rumors of Lilya Brik’s numerous sexual liaisons grew.
    ellauri256.html on line 378: Osip did not only let Lilya play around, he also visited brothels with her,” writes Alisa Ganieva, the author of Lilya Brik's biography L.Yu.B. However, Osip had a different interest in prostitutes - he was writing a PhD thesis about them and was something of a “social worker” (giving them legal assistance). However, he took his young wife with him there for fun.
    ellauri256.html on line 384: However, after Mayakovsky shot himself in the heart at the height of his fame, their romance turned into a tragic legend, and Brik was practically declared the poet's killer. Especially after she released their correspondence: there were hundreds of letters with declarations of love from Mayakovsky and terse answers and requests to send money from Lilya.
    ellauri256.html on line 386: Nevertheless, when after Mayakovsky's death his poetry soon began to be forgotten, Lilya, as his executor (named as such by the poet in his will), took a lot of effort to prevent it. She wrote a letter to Joseph Stalin, who issued an order to ensure that the poet's legacy was not forgotten. So it was largely thanks to her that a whole industry was created around Mayakovsky, with his statues erected all over the country, his works reprinted, and collective farms and plants named after him.
    ellauri256.html on line 387: Lilya herself soon divorced Osip and moved from one subsequent husband to another. In the 1970s, she wrote in her journal: “I had a dream - I am angry at Volodya for shooting himself, and he so gently puts a tiny pistol in my hand and says: 'Anyway, you will do the same.'”
    ellauri256.html on line 391: Mayakovsky produced a large and diverse body of work during the course of his career: he wrote poems, wrote and directed plays, appeared in films, edited the art journal LEF, and produced agitprop posters in support of the Communist Party during the Russian Civil War of 1917–1922. Though Mayakovsky's work regularly demonstrated ideological and patriotic support for the ideology of the Bolsheviks and a strong admiration of Vladimir Lenin, his relationship with the Soviet state was always complex and often tumultuous. Mayakovsky often found himself engaged in confrontation with the increasing involvement of the Soviet state in cultural censorship and the development of the State doctrine of Socialist realism. Works that criticized or satirized aspects of the Soviet system, such as the poem "Talking With the Taxman About Poetry" (1926), and the plays The Bedbug (1929) and The Bathhouse (1929), met with scorn from the Soviet state and literary establishment. Majakovskin lehdykkä Lef teki pilkkaa serapioniveljistä. Ei ois kannattanut. Fedin pani sen hampaankoloon ja Zishtshov närkästyi.
    ellauri256.html on line 459: Ja koittaa tämä päivä rahoitustarkastajineen, ihmeiden kirkkaudella ja musteen hajulla. Näiden päivien vakuuttunut asukas, suoristakaapa kääreestä kuolemattomuuden piletti ja laskelmoikaa runojen vaikutus, levittäkää ansioni kolmellesadalle vuodelle! Runoilijan voima ei vain sitä, että teitä muistuttaessaan nikottelee tulevaisuuteen. Njet! Jo tänään runoilijan riimi - hyväily ja iskulause, pajunetti ja nagaikka. Kansalainen rahoitustarkastaja! Maksan viisi, kaikki nollia ja raaputettuja numeroita! Minä oikeuksieni mukaan vaadin olla vaaxan päässä köyhimpien työntekijöiden ja talonpoikien perässä. Ja jos luulette että kaikki liiketoimintani on käyttää muiden ihmisten sanoja, niin sitten tässä on sinulle, toveri, minun kynäni, voit kirjoittaa itse! Kazotaanko tuleeko yhtä etevää kuin tämä!
    ellauri256.html on line 477: Toistaiseksi pidän Gorkin Äidistä, se on naiivi samalla lailla kuin lastenkirjat, esim Kulla-Gulla. Naiivius on hyvä asia. Natashalla on samanlainen pullapitkon näköinen palmikko kuin meidän Darjalla, ja varmaan samanlaiset maitomunatkin puserossa. Päässeeköhän Pasha piankin maistelemaan niitä? Ei himskatti, sehän onkin höhlä* joka kuumuu Natashasta, Pasha taitaa olla homo taikka asexuaalinen.
    ellauri256.html on line 518: Boris Sidis (/ˈsaɪdɪs/; October 12, 1867 – October 24, 1923) was a Ukrainian immigrant Jewish psychologist, physician, psychiatrist, and philosopher of education. Sidis studied under William James at Harvard, made 4 degrees, and founded the New York State Psychopathic Institute and the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. He sought to provide insight into why people behave as they do, particularly in cases of a mob frenzy or religious mania. He vigorously applied the principles of Darwinian evolution to the study of psychology. He saw fear as an underlying cause of much human mental suffering and problematic behavior. Boris Sidis opposed mainstream psychology and Sigmund Freud, and thereby died ostracized. Sidis himself derided himself as "silly, pedantic, absurd, and grossly misleading." He later credited his ability to think to his long solitary confinement in Ukraina. Sidis sr died estranged from Sidis jr on October 24, 1923, at the age of 56.
    ellauri256.html on line 521: Sidis sr applied his own psychological approaches to raising William James jr in whom he wished to promote a high intellectual capacity. Sidis jr could read The New York Times at 18 months. By age eight, he had reportedly taught himself eight languages (Latin, Greek, French, Russian, German, Hebrew, Turkish, and Armenian) and invented another, which he called "Vendergood".
    ellauri256.html on line 524: MIT:n silloinen laskuopin professori ennusti Billystä: I believe he will be a great mathematician, the leader in that science in the future. 11-vuotiaana nenäkäs Billy sai toistuvasti turpiin 5v vanhemmilta Harvardin luokkatovereilta (ml Buckminster Fuller) ja alkoi eristäytyä. Billy vowed to remain celibate and never to marry, as he said women did not appeal to him. Later he developed a strong affection for Martha Foley, one year older than him. Ei siitäkään tullut lasta eikä paskaakaan. Isompana Billy ajoi mieluiten ympäriinsä raitiovaunulla. He obsessively collected streetcar transfers, wrote self-published periodicals, and taught small circles of interested friends his version of American history. Sidis arveli että Euroopassakin oli ollut intiaaneja. Sidis peukutti jonkinlaista dualismia. Sidis died from a cerebral hemorrhage in 1944 in Boston at age 46.
    ellauri257.html on line 50: He was not popular among his schoolmates, who called him a "mysterious dwarf". Very early he developed a dark and secretive disposition, marked by a painful self-consciousness and boundless ambition.
    ellauri257.html on line 52: He also intensified his relationship with a starets or spiritual elder, Matvey Konstantinovsky, whom he had known biblically for several years. Konstantinovsky seems to have strengthened in Gogol the fear of perdition (damnation) by insisting on the sinfulness of all his imaginative handiwork. Exaggerated ascetic practices with Matvey undermined his health and he fell into a state of deep depression. On the night of 24 February 1852 he burned some of his manuscripts, which contained most of the second part of Dead Souls. He explained this as a mistake, a practical joke played on him by the Devil in the guise of Matvey Konstantinovsky.[citation needed] Soon thereafter, he took to bed, refused all food, and died in great pain nine days later.
    ellauri257.html on line 63: Taras Bulba on Nikolai Gogolin kirjoittama romaani. Se on kuvaus kasakoiden elämästä Ukrainan laajoilla tasangoilla 1600-luvulla. Se kertoo kasakoiden halusta taistella pyhän oikean venäläisen uskon puolesta. Teoksesta on ilmestynyt lukuisia suomennoksia: Samuli S., J. A. Halonen, Juhani Konkka, Gunvor ja Kaarlo Salo, Ulla-Liisa Heino sekä Neuvosto-Karjalassa kaksi suomennosta, 1940 ja 1952. Siitä on tehty kaksi elokuvaa, Yhdysvalloissa 1962 ja Venäjällä 2009. Näitä leffoja olis hauska verrata. Onko Tony Curtis yhtä vizikäs kuin veijareita ja pyhimyxiä TV sarjassa? Onko yhteisslaavilainen leffa yhtä hahatuttava kuin esim Kuolleet sielut? Puolalainen, kasakka ja turkkilainen kilpailivat siitä kuka oli vähävenäläisin ja mätki eniten juutalaisia. Tony oli unkarin juutalainen nimeltä Bernard Schwartz. Sen isä oli New Yorkin räätäli ja äiti skizo, veli myös. Se ehti ottaa 6 vaimoa ja puikottaa yhtä monta lasta.
    ellauri257.html on line 73: The cocky and arrogant Taras raises two sons, Andrei (Tony Curtis) and Ostap (Perry Lopez), and eventually sends them to Kiev University to learn how their enemies think. The independent-minded Andrei falls in love with Natalia (Christine Kaufmann), a young beautiful Polish noblewoman, but her family deems him unworthy of her because of his lowly birth. The heartbroken Andrei returns home to the steppes and his bloodthirsty barbarian warrior father—definitely not a college grad.
    ellauri257.html on line 89: Vaihdettuaan Gogolin tekstin mukaan lasketut hihansuut vanhimman kanssa Taras lähtee esittelemään poikia Zaporozhyeen. Seuraavaksi katsojaa odottaa kaksi tuntia kaunista pukeutunutta tragikomediaa - linnoituksen vangitsemisella, katkaistuilla päillä, verivirroilla, elävällä kuvalla "Kasakat kirjoittavat kirjeen sulttaanille" ja Mihail "Kanalja" Boyarskylla ilman hattua ja myös ilman T-paitaa (hurraa, idoli on erinomaisessa fyysisessä kunnossa!) Kasakka Shilon roolissa.
    ellauri257.html on line 116: Juutalainen Felix Dreizin ja David Guaspari kirjassaan The Russian Soul and the Jew: Essays in Literary Ethnocentrism käsittelevät antisemitismiä ja osoittavat Gogolin kiintymyksen "Venäjän ja Ukrainan kulttuurissa vallitseviin juutalaisvastaisiin ennakkoluuloihin". Léon Poliakovin teoksessa " Antisemitismin historia " kirjoittaja toteaa, että " Taras Bulban "Jankelista" tuli todellakin venäläisen kirjallisuuden arkkityyppinen juutalainen. Gogol maalasi hänet äärimmäisen hyväksikäyttöiseksi, pelkurimaiseksi ja vastenmieliseksi, vaikkakin kykeneväksi olemaan kiitollinen vähästäkin. " Taras Bulbassa on kohtaus jossa juutalaiset heitetään jokeen, kohtaus, jossa Taras Bulba vierailee juutalaisten luona ja pyytää heidän apuaan, sekä kertojan viittaus siihen, että juutalaisia ​​kohdellaan yleisinhimillisesti eli varsin kehnosti.
    ellauri257.html on line 322: Siellä hän syntyi, Harryn kasakkatahto; Siellä aatelisto, tataarit Kylvin kentän, Hän kylvi kentän ruumiilla, Kunnes se jäähtyi... Hän makasi lepäämään... Sillä välin Hauta on kasvanut, Ja hänen yläpuolellaan on musta kotka Watchman Nee lentää, Ja hänestä hyville ihmisille Bardi puussa laulaa, Kaikki laulavat niin kuin se lauloi, Sokeat köyhimyxet, -
    ellauri257.html on line 343: Gombrowicz wrote in Polish, but he did not allow his works to be published in Poland until the authorities lifted the ban on the unabridged version of Dziennik, his diary, in which he described their attacks on him. No tästä arvaa jo mixi sille oltiin tuppaamassa dynypötköä. Mikä pahinta, Gombrowicz´s work has links with existentialism and structuralism. Sen hengenheimolaisia olivat sellaiset lurjuxet kuin Foucault, Barthes, Deleuze, Lacan, and Sartre.
    ellauri257.html on line 378: Veikkaan viimemainittua. Mixi ylipäänsä pitää julkaista tälläsiä pornokirjoja? Kiihottumista ja himoa. Elukkamaista. Kuvitteellista puuhastelua Puolan nuorten parissa. Nobel-palkinto on aivan huulilla. Jag, en polsk författare, jag, Gombrowicz.
    ellauri257.html on line 387: Do leftists dislike Jordan Peterson because he is a threat to them and they cannot win an argument against him?
    ellauri257.html on line 392: What I find most galling is that while he is ranting about “cultural Marxists”, he is actually drawing on ideas espoused by exactly these “cultural Marxists”! İn other words, he is mischaracterising as “the enemy” the very people who created many of the arguments he himself utilises!
    ellauri257.html on line 394: Theodor Adorno wrote a book entitled “the Authoritarian Personality” which dissects and attacks authoritarianism in political culture. If Peterson were to pay attention to what people are actually saying rather than jumping on some John Birch Society fantasy, he’d realise the “cultural Marxists” he blame for everything wrong in the world are closer to him on “political correctness” and dogmatic ideology than he thinks.
    ellauri257.html on line 396: Peterson is playing unforgivably to a militant alt-right audience that has claimed him as their “red pill guru”. He may not want this but he is feeding that narrative.
    ellauri257.html on line 398: I don’t like Jordan Peterson, or, more accurately, I don’t like the role Peterson is playing in the culture war because I find it intellectually impoverished, uninformed, and feeding into a repugnant far-right cultural revolution that Peterson himself does not necessarily endorse but which he nonetheless gives aid to.
    ellauri257.html on line 402: Detta var ett försök av hans pojkaktighet att komma i kontakt med min vuxenhet... hans åtrå gjorde honom tillgänglig... Jag stelnade till när jag märkte hans dolda avsikt med at närma sig... Vi kom upp på kuken, en jord som var rundad av kukar, uppsvälld av sina orörliga vågor... (s. 58-9) Karoly haluaisi naida milffejä, riisua ryppyisiä pyykkiakkoja. Ja han hade tråkigt han ville roa sig. Terkkuja vaan Fedja sedältä, tää on kyllä pahaa #metoo setämiesmateriaalia. Går du i kyrkan? Tror du på Gud? Just tällästä sekametelisoppaa keittelee polakeista pahimmat. Gud och kvinnor, en berusad förhäxningslek.
    ellauri257.html on line 426: Noniin, siis Vorwärz! Ellottava Amelia ämmä puukottaa ja puree pimeässä pikkuvarasta. Syyllisen on oltava toi tolvana böndepoika, ei se voi millään olla tää pyhimyxen mittakaavat täyttävä puolalainen Pani. leipääntynyt ryppääntynyt leidi-polakka. Ällöttävää modernismia. Tässäkin on kaikki EFK-elementit mutta miinusmerkkisinä: herrasväen omaisuutta hukataan, poliiseja lahjotaan, panosta puhutaan mutta tuloxettomasti, kommittoidaan turhanpäiväisiä murhia.
    ellauri257.html on line 489: Singer described himself as "conservative," adding that "I don't believe by flattering the masses all the time we really achieve much." His conservative side was most apparent in his Yiddish writing and journalism, where he was openly hostile to Marxist sociopolitical agendas. In Forverts he once wrote, "It may seem like terrible apikorses [heresy], but conservative governments in America, England, France, have handled Jews no worse than liberal governments.... The Jew's worst enemies were always those elements that the modern Jew convinced himself (really hypnotized himself) were his friends. Interestingly enough, he notes the cultural tensions between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish people during his trip to Haifa and during his stay in the new nation. With the description of Jewish immigration camps in the new land, he foresaw the difficulties and socio-economic tensions in Israel, and hence turned back to his critical views of Zionism. Naah, America is the promised land.
    ellauri257.html on line 502: Who could live with Isaac Bashevis Singer? The sexual escapades of the most successful Yiddish writer in America — and the one whom most Yiddish literati loved to hate — were public knowledge, in large part because he himself built his reputation as a Casanova in his own fiction, where he was chased into the bedroom by women young and old. His oeuvre might be described as “sex and the shtetl.”
    ellauri257.html on line 512: She and Singer met in the Catskills, at a farm village named Mountaindale. Although in the manuscript, Alma is elusive about dates, it is known that the encounter took place in 1937. The two were refugees of what Singer’s older brother, Israel Joshua, by then already the successful novelist I.J. Singer, would soon describe as “a world that is no more.” And the two were married to other spouses. Alma and her husband, Walter Wasserman, along with their two children, Klaus and Inga, had escaped from Germany the previous year and come to America, settling in the Inwood section of Manhattan. As for Isaac — as Alma always called him — he arrived in 1935. She portrays their encounters as romantic, although she appears to have been perfectly aware of his reputation.
    ellauri257.html on line 520: What kind of inner, private life did Alma have? Did she tire of years of cooking, cleaning, ironing and sewing for Singer? Was it difficult to be the wife of a public person? How did she cope with his escapades? About these the manuscript remains silent. After all, Alma belonged to a social class where women weren’t encouraged to explore such details. In an interview, she does represent the younger Singer as easy-going and says how much he changed over time. But she ascribes those changes to how much people wanted from him and not the other way around.
    ellauri257.html on line 530: All this to say that the Yiddish writer’s other women — not the sexy but the stolid, those who accompanied him at home for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health — are crucial to the understanding of how he looked at the world. Alma was his anchor. Despite his betrayals, he always returned to her. Her silence, her resignation, might be disheartening to modern sensibilities. Yet she grounded him, and not only as an artist.
    ellauri257.html on line 552: Kreitman oli Pinkjas Mendl Menachem Zyngerin (laulaja) ja hänen vaimonsa Basheven (Bathsheba), syntyperäisen Zylbermanin tytär. Hänen isänsä oli rabbi ja innokas hasidi, jolla oli intohimo mystiikkaan. Myös Kreitmanin äiti tuli rabbiinisesta, vaikkakaan ei-hasidilaisperheestä. Biłgorajin rabbin tytär, joka oli aikanaan tunnettu älyllisestä ja henkisestä luonteestaan, hän oli hyötynyt veljiensä koulutuksesta.
    ellauri257.html on line 571: Lodge was a Christian Spiritualist. In 1909, he published the book Survival of Man which expressed his belief that life after death had been demonstrated by mediumship. His most controversial book was Raymond or Life and Death (1916). The book documented the séances that he and his wife had attended with the medium Gladys Osborne Leonard. Lodge was convinced that his son Raymond who had become cannon food had communicated with him and the book is a description of his son's experiences in the spirit world. According to the book Raymond had reported that those who had died were still the same people that they had been on earth before they "passed over". There were houses, trees and flowers in the Spirit world, which was similar to the earthly realm, although there was no STD. The book also claimed that soldiers who died in World War I smoked cigars and drank whisky and ate pussy also in the spirit world and because of such statements the book was criticised.
    ellauri257.html on line 685: Halu ja tylsyys ovat todellakin ihmiselämän kaksoisnapa, kuittaili Iisakin avatar Dovid Grein, izexsensä nimittäin Hudson-joella s. 40 himoitessaan Annan paxuhkoja nilkkoja. Se tiesi kutenkin että ruikattuan pussillisen siementä Annan kaikkeinpyhinpään kaikki tympäsisi taas. Omne animal triste post coitum, paizi kukko sekä apina.
    ellauri258.html on line 122: "Luentokutsut, tutkimus ja Dignity-hanke. Käyn vähintään kerran vuodessa, tai oikeastaan keväisin ja syksyisin, kaikki maanosat läpi. Silloin matkustan pari kuukautta putkeen. Tarjoilija hei. Pääseekö tässä Kämpin tai Yumen wlaniin? Vakioannokseni koostuu sashimista ja spicy tuna makista. Tänään ajattelin kokeilla myös punajuurella värjättyä lohinigiriä ja tonnikalaa. Mun on saatava Kluuvi-maki."
    ellauri258.html on line 307: Kuuluisassa ensimmäisessä sarjakuvassa kumppanista, jolla oli kolme sierainta, Togliatti loukkasi häntä lempinimellä "kolme kertaa idiootti kerrottuna kolmella" ja kutsui häntä "maailman typerimmäksi mieheksi" mielenosoituksen aikana La Speziassa. Vastauksena Guareschi kirjoitti Candidossa, että hän piti sitä "himoittuna tunnustuksena".
    ellauri258.html on line 524: Sana baba merkitsee useimmissa slaavilaisissa kielissä vanhempaa tai naimisissa olevaa alempiin sosiaaliluokkiin kuuluvaa naishenkilöä eli akkaa. Paizi Walt Disneyn "Luotathan?" Aladdinissa, jossa Ali Baban luolan pahis oli Baba Jagan näköinen miehimys.
    ellauri258.html on line 757: Jenkkipoliisit tappaa väkivaltaisesti yli tuhat heppua joka vuosi. Niistä neljännes on mustia. Nekke kysyy tietä poliisilta, poliisit tappaa miehen siitä hyvästä muina miehinä. Suomalaiset vartijat istuivat ärsyttävän mielenhäiriöisen naisen kuoliaaxi. Israelin asemiehet ampuivat ison liudan filistealaisia, minkä joku kohta maxoi synagoogan luona samalla mitalla. Ampuja on jo neutraloitu happoastiaan. Onko ylikansoitetun maapallon ahdistetut rotat nyt jo käyneet toisiansa kurkkuihin vai onko tää vaan verenhimoisista klikkiuutisista syntynyttä näköharhaa? Varmaan vähän kumpaakin. Ruåzidemokraatit haluu kieltää ruåzalaisilta vappuilmapallot ja vappunenät. Sensijaan voisi tulla joku leibör dei jona saisi seurauxitta ampua kuokkavieraixi tulleita savunaamaisia notmiitä ja isonenäisiä mustakalloja.
    ellauri260.html on line 111: Karol Wojtyła luonnehti individualismin ja kollektivismin kahta ääripäätä seuraavalla tavalla: "Toisaalta ihmiset voivat helposti asettaa oman yksilöllisen etunsa kollektiivisuuden yhteisen edun yläpuolelle yrittäen alistaa kollektiivisuuden itselleen ja käyttää sitä yksilölliseen hyvään. Tämä on individualismin virhe, joka synnytti liberalismin nykyhistoriassa ja kapitalismin taloustieteessä. Toisaalta yhteiskunta, pyrkiessään kokonaisuuden väitettyyn hyvään, voi yrittää alistaa henkilöt itselleen siten, että ihmisten todellinen hyvä suljetaan pois ja he itse joutuvat kollektiivin saaliiksi. Tämä on totalitarismin virhe, joka nykyaikana on kantanut pahimman mahdollisen hedelmän."
    ellauri260.html on line 127: Ranskalainen filosofi Paul Ricoeur (1913–2005), jonka filosofiaan husserlilainen fenomenologia vaikutti syvästi, vaikka hän ei koskaan tunnistanut itseään personalistiksi, ammensi monista Mounierille arvokkaimmista teemoista, kuten ihmisen vapauden luonteesta ja ihmisen keskeisyydestä valtioon nähden, vaikka hänen oma myöhempi kehityksensä näistä teemoista poikkesi huomattavasti Mounierin filosofiasta. Hän jakoi myös personalismin hylkäämisen materialismista ja karteesisesta dualismista sekä abstraktioiden hylkäämisen konkreettisen inhimillisen todellisuuden hyväksi. Ehkä suurin yksittäinen elementti Ricoeurin omaksumassa Mounierin persoonallisuudessa oli itse asiassa poliittisesta ja sosiaalisesta sitoutumisesta vetäytymisen mahdottomuus. On pakko vatkaa, pokkana ei pysy kukaan.
    ellauri260.html on line 223: Rudin tiivistetty maailmanhistoria teoxen Socialism: an analysis alussa on lepertelevästä tyylistään huolimatta pääpiirteissään oikea. 1700-luvulla alkoi teollinen vallankumous jonka siivellä tuli humanismi ja tiedeuskovaisuus ja porvarillinen vallankumous. Kaikki muut vallankumouxet on menneet ennen pitkää perseelleen, mutta kökkäreitä ei mikään näytä pysäyttävän. "Man," says Herder, " has no nobler word to apply to himself than what he himself is: Termitaffe." Rudin kirjan anglosaxinsi Joe McCabe, brittien Timo Airaxinen, ateisti skeptikko ja izeoikeutettu eetikko, mutta silti punastumaton porvari. Timo on tosin Joosea selkeästi läskimpi.
    ellauri260.html on line 225: Joseph Martin McCabe (12 November 1867 – 10 January 1955) was an English writer and speaker on freethought (vapaa-ajattelija), after having been a Roman Catholic priest earlier in his life. He was "one of the great mouthpieces of freethought in England". Becoming a critic of the Catholic Church, McCabe joined groups such as the Rationalist Association and the National Secular Society. He criticised Christianity from a rationalist perspective, but also was involved in the South Place Ethical Society which grew out of dissenting Protestantism and was a precursor of modern secular humanism. William Ferguson wrote of him: "He was bitterly anti-Catholic but also actively undermined religious faith in general." McCabe was also an advocate of women's rights and worked with Mrs. Pankhurst and Mrs. Wolstenholme-Elmy on speeches favoring giving British women the right to vote. McCabe is also known for his inclusion in, and irritation at, G. K. Chesterton's funny book Heretics. Funny is the opposite of not funny, nothing else, defended Chesterton. He should know. In 1920 McCabe publicly debated the Spiritualist Arthur Conan Doyle on the claims of Spiritualism at Queen's Hall in London. Various scientists such as William Crookes and Cesare Lombroso had been duped into believing Spiritualism by mediumship tricks.
    ellauri260.html on line 229: Adam Smith's picture of laissez-faire was thoroughly optimistic. In the unrestricted competition of individuals and nations Smith saw an immeasurable gain in freedom and power. The interests of all seemed to him to unite in a complete harmony, and to guarantee a steady progress of the whole. He thought of the whole as well as the individuals, but the entire collective condition seemed to him to be best promoted when it was left to the activities of the most deserving individuals. While earlier ages had talked of a religious, scientific, or artistic type of life, we now have, added to these, if not placed higher than they, an economic type. (Eikös kauppiassääty ollut mukana myös hindujen luonnetyypeissä? Tosin ei kärjessä kuten Smithillä, Intiassa siellä rellestivät brahmiinit.)
    ellauri260.html on line 262: The denial of the Heavenly Dad had its various stages. Positivism was one of the mildest types, they just put the cosmic problem aside. More drastic was the radical German philosophy, particularly Neo-Hegelianism. The leader was Ludwig Feuerbach, who won large numbers of adherents by the definiteness of his statements and the glow of his eloquence. Religion, like everything supersensual, seemed to him "outworn." Engels, who was an ardent follower of Feuerbach, said : " We have done with God." NIetzsche, my competitor for Religion seemed to Feuerbach an illegitimate extension to the whole scheme of things of man's ideas and aspirations : a mischievous illusion which weakened the power of men and distracted them from their proper aims. His ideas are easily gathered from these words of his : " God was my first, reason my second, man my third and final thought."
    ellauri260.html on line 302: Socialisation alone will give the Socialistic life a definite embodiment. It confidently enters upon a struggle against the distraction and the egoism of individuals. The traditional idea of work makes a man think mainly of his own profit. It impels him to think first of all of himself.
    ellauri260.html on line 306: Under the lead of factory technology, the individual worker became defenceless, as its vast industrial aggregations robbed him of his independence, while capital obtained an appalling power and forced him to serve the designs of others. He became simply a piece of merchandise, the value of which was settled by the market. Thus the race drifted into a sharp antithesis of " labour and capital," and the two soon proved irreconcilable enemies.
    ellauri260.html on line 374: The last term of the errors of the Socialists is the humanitarian idealism which pervades the whole ideal. It treats man as a superior value, and it wants to direct every effort toward him ; but it can find no basis for this value. It falls into the contradiction of treating man as a mere piece of reality and transferring to this piece of the world that appreciation which belongs only to a standard of value. Let us rather have a firm faith in the spiritual and divine in human nature, and not this blind belief in man´s ordinary self.
    ellauri260.html on line 382: There is, in fact, to-day over wide areas of life a positive dislike of man, a taedium generis humani, as it was called in the last days of the ancient world. We have at one and the same time the evil of overpopulation, the concentration of men in cities, the economic struggle, and so on. We have not space enough. One man is the enemy of another. Above all our particular questions we feel the power over men of the trivial, the common, the evil. The idea of Superman Tattoo occurred to some ; but can thought alone get over realities and their power ? So the human problem finds us involved in a terrible complication, and the Socialist ideal cannot extricate us. The situation would be hopeless if there were not higher forces working in man, making more of him, unsealing old and new springs of life to him. At present, however, we are merely searching, but I bet I am on the right track here.
    ellauri260.html on line 410: Hence it would indeed be a fine thing if each spoke for himself (hōs hekastos), saying "mine." But in Socrates' regime, all, when they say "mine," speak only collectively, on behalf of the polis (462d8-e3). Aristotle contends that for them to speak for themselves is impossible. Why? His reasoning turns on the nebulous connection among citizens established by familial communism. He says:
    ellauri260.html on line 431: Sit sosialismi unohtaa nää reviirit. Ne motivoivat apinoita suuresti. Goethe oli oikeassa sanoessaan (runomuodossa): "Jokainen elävä olento tekee oman pikku territorion." "Ole izellesi kaikki tai et ole paljon paskaakaan", sanoi Fichtekin. Tuo kyvykäs ihmisluonnon opiskelija, Tocqueville, sanoi aivan oikein, että intohimot yleensä lisääntyvät niiden yksilöiden lukumäärän myötä, jotka jakavat ne. Eli joukossa tyhmyys tiivistyy, se on lyhyempi lause. Bolshevikit ovat väärässä vaikka ovat vähemmistönä. Proletariaatin diktatuuri on syvältä, mutta niin on myös demokratia, sanokaa mun sanoneen. Hegel oli oikeassa sanoessaan että kaikki mitä opimme historiasta on että kukaan ei ole siitä mitään oppinut. (No tää meemi kyllä lähti viraalixi.)
    ellauri260.html on line 443: Ei Eucken ole kyllä hattu päässä ja keppi kädessä kapitalistienkaan kelkassa, sevverran rumasti se puhuu niidenkin kyllääntymättömästä rahanhimosta. Se on tollanen semikristillinen keskustaoikeistolainen CDUn kannattaja, porvarillinen herrasmies, joka antais mieluiten asioiden olla ennallaan, maassa rauhan ja jumalan porukoiden taivaassa, kunhan kommunismin aave saadaan pois kummittelemasta.
    ellauri262.html on line 47: “The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for unlike Herr Sebaot, he cannot bear scorn .” — Luther
    ellauri262.html on line 142: Lewis was a close friend of J. R. R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings. Both men served on the English faculty at Oxford University and were active in the informal Oxford literary group known as the Inklings. According to Lewis's 1955 memoir Surprised by Joy, he was baptized in the Church of Ireland but fell away from his faith during adolescence. Lewis returned to Anglicanism at the age of 32, owing to the influence of Tolkien and other friends, and he became an "ordinary layman of the Church of England". Lewis's faith profoundly affected his work, and his wartime radio broadcasts on the subject of Christianity brought him wide acclaim.
    ellauri262.html on line 152: Lewis was schooled by private tutors until age nine, when his mother died in 1908 from cancer. His father then sent him to England to live and study at Wynyard School in Watford, Hertfordshire. Lewis's brother had enrolled there three years previously. Not long after, the school was closed due to a lack of pupils. Lewis then attended Campbell College in the east of Belfast about a mile from his home, but left after a few months due to respiratory problems.
    ellauri262.html on line 167: During his army training, Lewis shared a room with another cadet, Edward Courtnay Francis "Paddy" Moore (1898–1918). Maureen Moore, Paddy's sister, said that the two made a mutual pact that if either died during the war, the survivor would take care of both of their families. Paddy was killed in action in 1918 and Lewis kept his promise. Paddy had earlier introduced Lewis to his mother, Janie King Moore, and a friendship quickly sprang up between Lewis, who was 18 when they met, and Janie, who was 45. The friendship with Moore was particularly important to Lewis while he was recovering from his wounds in hospital, as his father did not visit him.
    ellauri262.html on line 175: Lewis was raised in a religious family that attended the Church of Ireland. He became an atheist at age 15, though he later described his young self as being paradoxically "very angry with God for not existing" and "equally angry with him for creating a world". His early separation from Christianity began when he started to view his religion as a chore and a duty; around this time, he also gained an interest in the occult, as his studies expanded to include such topics. His main argument against God was theodicy.
    ellauri262.html on line 177: Lewis's interest in the works of the Scottish writer George MacDonald was part of what turned him from atheism. The quality which first met him in his books was Holiness.
    ellauri262.html on line 179: C. S. Lewis wrote that he regarded MacDonald as his "master": "Picking up a copy of Phantastes one day at a train-station bookstall, I began to read. A few hours later, I knew that I had crossed a great frontier."[citation needed] G. K. Chesterton cited The Princess and the Goblin as a book that had "made a difference to my whole existence". Even Mark Twain, who initially disliked MacDonald, became friends with him, and there is some evidence that Twain was influenced by him. MacDonald's theology "celebrated the rediscovery of God as Father, and Christ as a shaved Lion King."
    ellauri262.html on line 187: The Christus Victor theory is becoming increasingly popular with both paleo-orthodox evangelicals because of its connection to the early Church fathers, and with liberal Christians and peace churches such as the Anabaptist Mennonites because of its subversive nature, seeing the death of Jesus as an exposure of the cruelty and evil present in the worldly powers that rejected and killed him, and the resurrection as a triumph over these powers.
    ellauri262.html on line 311: The presence of sexuality in The Lord of the Rings, a bestselling fantasy novel by J. R. R. Tolkien, has been debated, as it is somewhat unobtrusive. However, love and marriage appear in the form of the warm relationship between the hobbits Sam Gamgee and Rosie Cotton; the unreturned feelings of Éowyn for Aragorn, followed by her falling in love with Faramir, and marrying him; and Aragorn's love for Arwen, described in an appendix rather than in the main text, as "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen". Multiple scholars have noted the symbolism of the monstrous female spider Shelob. Interest has been concentrated, too, on the officer-batman-inspired same-sex relationship of Frodo and his gardener Sam as they travel together on the dangerous quest to destroy the Ring. Scholars and commentators have interpreted the relationship in different ways, from close but not necessarily homosexual to plainly homoerotic, or as an idealised heroic friendship.
    ellauri262.html on line 315: Tolkien held conservative views about women, stating that men were active in their professions while women were inclined to domestic life. While defending the role of women in The Lord of the Rings, the scholar of children's literature Melissa Hatcher wrote that "Tolkien himself, in reality, probably was the stodgy sexist Oxford professor that feminist scholars paint him out to be".
    ellauri262.html on line 393: Lordi Peter on Denverin herttuan nuorempi veli ja hänet kuvataan romaaneissa stereotyyppisenä varakkaana englantilaisena aristokraattina, jonka harrastuksiin kuuluu inkunaabeleiden keräily. Romaaneissa eletään maailmansotien välistä aikaa, jolloin Wimsey on noin 40-vuotias. Hänen valokuvaamista harrastava kamaripalvelijansa ja entinen sotakaverinsa Bunter toimii hänen apunaan rikosten selvittämisessä. Wimseytä auttaa myös usein hänen ystävänsä Charles Parker Scotland Yardista. Edmund Wilson expressed his distaste for Wimsey in his criticism of The Nine Tailors: "There was also a dreadful stock English nobleman of the casual and debonair kind, with the embarrassing name of Lord Peter Wimsey, and, although he was the focal character in the novel ... I had to skip a good deal of him, too." Tämä kuvitteellinen henkilö on tynkä.
    ellauri262.html on line 425: In 1920 Sayers entered into a passionate though unconsummated romance with Jewish Russian émigré and Imagist poet John Cournos, who moved in London literary circles with Ezra Pound and his contemporaries. Sayers did not consummate her relationship with him unmarried, due to her religious beliefs. Cournos disdained monogamy and marriage, did not want children and was dedicated to free love.[53] He also considered crime writing, which Sayers had started, to be low brow, though he assisted her with aspects of publication.[54] Within two years their relationship had broken up when he insisted on consummation with birth control. Returning to New York, he soon married a crime writer who had two children. This left Sayers embittered that he had not held to his own principles, feeling that he had been testing her, pushing her to sacrifice her own beliefs in submission to his own. He later confessed that he would have happily married Sayers if she had submitted to his sexual demands. After a period of heated correspondence, they concluded with more amicable missives after she met her future husband.
    ellauri262.html on line 427: In 1923 she had a rebound relationship with former Denstone College pupil and part-time car salesman William "Bill" White[55] whom she presented to her parents. She had met him when he moved into the flat above hers in 24 Great James Street in December 1922. Only when she discovered her pregnancy in June 1923, White admitted to already being married.
    ellauri262.html on line 507: Don’t shift blame for human behavior to the Creator. It's enough to blame his own behavior on him. While it is not possible to follow the moral law perfectly, "the ultimate problem must not be used as one more means of evasion". You could be as pious as the early Christians but many don’t even try.
    ellauri262.html on line 512: "Man is now a horror to God and to himself and a creature ill-adapted to the universe not because God made him so but because he has made himself so by the abuse of his free will."
    ellauri263.html on line 165: Pesahim
    ellauri263.html on line 225: Kodashim (Pyhät Asiat), käsittelee uhreja ja Temppeliä
    ellauri263.html on line 227: Zevahim
    ellauri263.html on line 421: A virgin's ketuba is worth 200 (zuzim), and a widow's ketuba is worth 100 (zuzim). Arvaa mitä tarkoittaa ketuba? Väärin, se on kontrahti. The content of the ketubah is in essence a two-way contract that formalizes the various requirements by Halakha (Jewish law) of a Jewish husband vis-à-vis his wife. The Jewish husband takes upon himself in the ketubah the obligation that he will provide to his wife three major things: clothing, food and conjugal relations, and also that he will pay her a pre-specified amount of cash in the case of a divorce. The principal endowment pledged in a ketubah is 200 zuz for a virgin, and 100 zuz otherwise (such as for a widow, a convert, or a divorced woman, etc.).
    ellauri263.html on line 439: Ja he lähtivät Etelämaahan ja tulivat Hebroniin, jossa asuivat Ahiman, Seesai ja Talmai, Anakin jälkeläiset. Mutta Hebron oli rakennettu seitsemän vuotta ennen Egyptin Sooania.
    ellauri263.html on line 589: Ihminen on mikrokosmos, ja eri planeettakausien kehityksellä on ihmisessä omat vastaavuutensa esimerkiksi aisteina sekä tajunnan eri tasoina ja ominaisuuksina. Ihmisessä voidaan siten erottaa seitsemän prinsiippiä, jotka ovat ātma eli Sopen villakoira, buddhi eli henkinen sielu, manaus eli inhimillinen sielu, kamala rumpa eli himo- tai tunnekeho, lingam shakiraan eli fyysisen kehon kaksoispuoli ts. astraalikeho, prawna eli elonhenkäys elävässä olennossa ja stool shakirasta eli fyysinen keho. Neljännen juurirodun aikana ihmiskunnassa oli vielä toimivana "kolmas silmä" eli henkinen näkökyky, jonka fyysinen elin on nyt surkastunut ja tunnetaan häpy- tai peräaukkona.
    ellauri263.html on line 621: Aleister Crowley (/ˈælɪstər ˈkroʊli/; born Edward Alexander Crowley; 12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947) who was an English occultist, philosopher, ceremonial magician, poet, painter, novelist, and mountaineer. He founded the religion of Thelema, identifying himself as the prophet entrusted with guiding humanity into the Æon of Horus in the early 20th century. A prolific writer, he published widely over the course of his miserable life.
    ellauri263.html on line 625:

    H. P. Blavatskyn kootut teoxet. Blavatskyn elämästä ja merkityksestä on kiistelty. Joidenkin mukaan hän oli huijari, toisaalta vastakkainen näkemys Blavatskysta pyhimyksenä syntyi hänen viimeisinä vuosinaan hänen seuraajiensa parissa (paizi Col. Olcottin).

    ellauri263.html on line 666: These are well known facts and they sometimes prompt some students of Theosophy, especially visitors to the United Lodge of Theosophists in its lodges and study groups around the world, to ask why Col. Olcott is only mentioned extremely rarely in the ULT, why there doesn’t seem to be a great deal of respect or admiration for him, and why it is frequently the case that only HPB and William Judge are spoken of as “the founders of the Theosophical Movement.”
    ellauri263.html on line 778: We found a lot of ways to support our intellectual belief in compersion with actual psychological rewards. For example, I'd help my partner get matches on Tinder and give him tips on cute bars to take them, and after the dates, he'd tell me how they went and give me a ton of love and affirmation whenever I pouted over him having a good time. Meanwhile, he played wingman with me when I wanted to meet up with a potential flame at a party or concert, and I always made sure to come home to him and share the sexy things I'd done with the new guy and what things I wanted to migrate into our own sex life. In this way, we began to be able to associate positive experiences together (showering each other with affection and affirming the strength of our relationship) with the aftermath of one of us having fun with someone else. When it became clear that these extradyadic encounters only brought us closer, it became easier and easier for us to feel earnest joy for the other person's romantic successes.
    ellauri263.html on line 846:

    Matkalla Lealta Esterille Hannelea odotellessa Iisakki kazoo tunnelbaanassa ahnaasti vielä nuorempaa shixatyttöä, jonka polvet näkyvät. Tuota voisi olla vänkä polkasta, ihan erilaista varmasti kuin näitä jutkulutkia. Tulenkohan aina olemaan tällänen kävelevä molo? Mitä eroa on himolla ja rakkaudella. Tuskin midiä.
    ellauri264.html on line 94: The teenager Cayden Richards lives in a small town with his parents Dean Richards and Janice Richards and is having violent nightmares. He is the quarterback of the local football team and his girlfriend Lisa Stewart is a cheerleader. After a game, Lisa decides to have sex with Cayden for the first time in the car. Cayden hurts his girlfriend, Lisa, when the passion of making out causes him to transform into a werewolf. However he transforms into a monster and she flees from him.
    ellauri264.html on line 120: In 2011, Gionet worked for Capitol Records for a short time, before pursuing his own career in rap music with a "wild, redneck, kick-ass" persona. He kept his nickname Baked Alaska as a stage name. His rap songs used a satirical tone and traded on his Alaskan roots, with titles like "I Live on Glaciers" or "I Climb Mountains". In 2013, the Anchorage Daily News published a profile of Baked Alaska, describing him as a "comedy/music video artist". Gionet also posted many humorous videos on Vine where he became known as a prankster, achieving some online popularity. A video of him pouring a gallon of milk on his face attracted several millions of views. He called himself at the time a "cross between Weird Al, Lonely Island, Borat and Jackass".
    ellauri264.html on line 197: “do not take more than is destined for them from Hashem… That which is not created for this specific person is like stolen property when they are in possession of it, and thus [the righteous are careful] not to take possession of it. Conversely, property that is assigned to and created for them is very precious to them—so much so that our patriarch Jacob risked his life for his property. Thus ...it was said in the name of the Yehudi Hakadosh: a righteous person is obligated to enjoy an object which is fitting for him even if it means risking his life. That is why Jacob-- who knew that the small vessels were his, appropriated by him, and created for him—risked his life to save them.”

    ellauri264.html on line 198: Thus Jacob went back for the vessels to ensure they were used in the optimal way, i.e. by him. Had he not,
    ellauri264.html on line 209: To make a long story short-- Victor Lebow was a prophet. He has been slandered by all who have used this infamous quote to paint him as a cheerleader for consumerism when in fact he was one of the first-- if not the first-- to see the future implications of its corrosive influence. The fact that so many people, organizations, and websites have used his quote completely out of context and nearly all got the quote from the SAME source should give people GREAT pause-- and should be an object lesson in scholarship for progressive people. Don't believe everything you read. And don't write articles or create websites using materials you haven't primary sourced, either.
    ellauri264.html on line 270: 28 He sits alone, and is silent, For He has laid it on him.
    ellauri264.html on line 277: Jotkut tutkijat ovat kuitenkin kyseenalaistaneet sen, että Jeremia olisi kirjan kirjoittaja. Neljä sen viidestä kirjasta on kirjoitettu tyyliin, joka poikkeaa Jeremian kirjan tyylistä. Tutkijoiden mukaan kirja kuuluu vanhempaan mesopotamialaiseen kaupunkivalitusten genreen, johon kuuluvista teoksista Urin valitus on vanhimpia ja tunnetuimpia.
    ellauri264.html on line 382: He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. Like one from whom men hide their faces, he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
    ellauri264.html on line 409: Extreme right radio station WICC programme director Adam Lambetti told The Independent in a statement: “Norm Pattis is no longer with WICC, but we wish him well in the future.” On Wednesday, a jury reached a staggering $965m damages award against Mr Jones for the emotional and financial harm he had caused to 15 Sandy Hook family members and an FBI officer who attended the shooting in 2012. Afterwards, Mr Pattis admitted he got his “arse kicked”. “It was great fun while it lasted,” Mr Pattis said, who describes himself in an online bio as a “lawyer, writer, contrarian, stand-up comedian”.
    ellauri264.html on line 426: Nenästä ja ammatista huolimatta Pattis ei välttämättä ole jutku, nimestä päätellen se voisi olla myös paki tai mafioso. No ei se onkin ... Hungarian! Ei vaitiskaan vaan Esko Kreetalta. Pattis was born in Chicago in 1955 to a mother of French-Canadian descent and a father who had immigrated from the Greek island of Crete. One day when Pattis was 6 or 7, his father left the house and never came back. Pattis says that the abandonment haunts him to this day.
    ellauri264.html on line 435: Years later, in his 40s, Pattis reconnected with his dad, who told him he had been a career criminal in Detroit specializing in payroll heists and fled to Chicago after shooting a man. Rikos oli Normin porukoilla verissä.
    ellauri264.html on line 437: when his mother took up with a violent alcoholic who detested him. Pattis
    ellauri264.html on line 438: suddenly found himself unwelcome in his own home and would only return
    ellauri264.html on line 440: in the woods, only to get extremely sick. It is those two traumatizing experiences — abandonment and being unwelcome and loathed in his own home — that drive him, Pattis says.
    ellauri264.html on line 442: From an early age, Pattis says he has felt a burning desire to know God personally. To that end, he spent time in Switzerland at the compound of an American Christian fundamentalist thinker named Francis Schaeffer and then inveigled himself in the graduate philosophy program of Columbia University, where he studied and taught for six years. At one point, he nearly joined the CIA, but that opportunity fizzled when the agency didn’t like his polygraph answers about homosexual experiences. “I said, ‘Well, I haven’t had any yet. I don’t know how I’m going to respond if you ask,’ ” he recalls. “I think they decided that was a little too much for them.”
    ellauri264.html on line 542: The author himself had no very high opinion of the work, remarking that he had written it chiefly for "young students". He never refers to it in his responsa, but always to the Beit Yosef. The Shulchan Aruch achieved its reputation and popularity not only against the wishes of the author, but, perhaps, through the very scholars who criticized it.
    ellauri264.html on line 576: Eli’s sons were scoundrels; they had no regard for the Lord. Now it was the practice of the priests that, whenever any of the people offered a sacrifice, the priest’s servant would come with a three-pronged fork in his hand while the meat was being boiled and would plunge the fork into the pan or kettle or caldron or pot. Whatever the fork brought up the priest would take for himself. This is how they treated all the Israelites who came to Shiloh. But even before the fat was burned, the priest’s servant would come and say to the person who was sacrificing, “Give the priest some meat to roast; he won’t accept boiled meat from you, but only raw.”
    ellauri264.html on line 578: 16 If the person said to him, “Let the fat be burned first, and then take whatever you want,” the servant would answer, “No, hand it over now; if you don’t, I’ll take it by force.”
    ellauri264.html on line 677: Steve Jobs did a phone prank to an Apple fan boy who applied for the Apple CEO position and told him that he had been chosen, later to tell him if he showed up at Cupertino that the cops would arrest him. Steve Jobs refused child support for his daughter Lisa. But he was 20 years old by then, not excusing what he did though. He later made good and Lisa choose to live with him instead of her mother. Steve did many things wrong as a 20 something. But The Original Macintosh (folklore . org) has a lot of stories that show him as a Crusty the Clown, playing pranks with the team, breaking into his own office as he locked his keys inside. Putting a pirate flag on a building. How funny. A real barrel of laughs.
    ellauri264.html on line 681: Beady-eyed Mark Zuclerberg pretty much stole facebook from his friends, plain and simple, got rid of people when they were no longer needed by him. Has been ordered again and again to pay huge sums to people after settling in court.
    ellauri264.html on line 683: Elon Musk had a secretary who worked relentlessly for him, one day she asked for a raise, he told her to take a few days off, I will see if I can live without you. Then a few days later he called her and told her she was fired. Elon’s ex-wife Justine musk wrote an answer about the actual story. Read it here - Justine Musk's answer to What is known about Elon Musk's long-time assistant Mary Beth Brown?
    ellauri264.html on line 702: Steve Jobs is known to all as the founder of Apple, known to fewer as a ruthless man who squeezed and burned many bridges with his friends and employees and even known to fewer as a man who chose to become the “bad man”/Devil´s Advocate. But - get this! Steve would wait in line in the Apple cafeteria like everyone else. He could have easily gone to the front of any line, or have someone get food for him. But he didn’t. On a number of occasions, he ended up in line behind me. And often he would ask me to ‘hold his place’ while he went to check other food stations.
    ellauri264.html on line 704: Perhaps the person who knew him best was his long-time friend Steve Wozinak. Ironically, even he wasn´t spared from being manipulated by Jobs. In the early days, he was asked to work on a game with Jobs with half of the total payment as his cut. Upon completion, he received $350 of $700 but Jobs had actually earned $5000 for the project.
    ellauri264.html on line 710: Zuckerberg didn´t actually think of Facebook himself. Stole bits of ideas from everyone and ignored those that wanted credit. Perpetuated the spr… (more)
    ellauri266.html on line 64: Adam Rutherford has not revealed much of her (!) bio. So, his early life and details of his parents are still behind curtains. Adam Rutherford seems happily married to his wife. However, he has not disclosed the details of his wife. Nevertheless, Adam has shared many things about his family through his social media. Adam is the father of three children, one son, and two daughters. Adam Rutherford is well-known for founding the scientific publication Nature. He has hosted many BBC television shows, including Me Playing God and The Gene Kelly Code. He is probably living an economically comfortable life. His passion for music allows him to escape the rigours of science and enjoy the emotional side of life. His net worth as a simian is as yet undisclosed. He may be having a fling with his co-star Hannah Fry, as well as with her namesake Stephen Fry. Stephen is not the only Fry on the block anymore, but there is no evidence showing that these two are related. In fact, they don't even follow each other on social media!
    ellauri266.html on line 89: Morris perusti tutkimuskeskuksen Maltalle toteuttaakseen kunnianhimoisen hankkeen luoda kattava luokitus kaikista ihmisen edesottamuxista, jotta voidaan laatia tietosanakirja ihmisten toimista.
    ellauri266.html on line 148: Surkeimmin epäonistui Reinin sotaretki. Ilmeni, ettei Ranskan rautatieverkosto lähimainkaan riittänyt niin nopeaan rajallesiirtämiseen. Lyhyessä ajassa rautatieasemat olivat täpö täynnä, rautatielinjat tukossa, puolen armeijasta täytyi kulkea jalan. Sotaministeri Leboeuf oli sanonut: »Olemme ihkavalmiita (archiprets) viimeistä säärysnappia myöten»; mutta ei puuttunut ainoastaan säärysnappeja, vaan kaikkea muutakin: kenttäkattiloita ja keittoastioita, telttoja ja satuloita, lääkeaineita ja kantopaareja, muonaa ja ammuksia. Intendentuuri petti täydellisesti; varastoissa vallitsi parantumaton sekasotku. Monet sotilaat eivät löytäneet osastojaan; useimmilta divisiooneilta puuttuivat kuormastot. Jalkaväki oli varustettu liian suurella pakkauksella ja liian vähällä metallirahalla, tykistö oli huonossa kunnossa eikä oikeassa paikassa. Oli pidetty niin itsestään selvänä, että sotaa tultaisiin käymään saksalaisella maaperällä, ettei esikunnille ollut ollenkaan jaettu Ranskan karttoja ja linnoitukset olivat hyvin laiminlyödyssä kunnossa. Kreivi Daru, Gramontin edeltäjä, sanoi myöhemmin aitoranskalaisella sofistiikalla: »Parhaana todistuksena niistä rauhallisista tunteista, joita Ranskalla siihen aikaan oli, oli kaikkien varustusten täydellinen puute meidän tahollamme, kaikkien varovaisuustoimenpiteiden, jopa alkeellisimpien ja välttämättömimpienkin puute. Onko milloinkaan nähty mitään samanlaista?»
    ellauri266.html on line 456: Un manuscrit enfermé dans une bouteille est retrouvé dans l´espace par Jinn et Phyllis, un couple en voyage spatial. Ce manuscrit raconte l´histoire suivante : en l’an 2500, le savant professeur Antelle a organisé une expédition pour l’exploration de l’étoile supergéante Bételgeuse. Il a embarqué à bord de son vaisseau son disciple, le jeune physicien Arthur Levain, et le journaliste, narrateur de cette aventure, Ulysse Méroua 12 ainsi qu’un chimpanzé baptisé Hector et plusieurs plantes et animaux pour ses recherches scientifiques dans l’espace. Arrivés à proximité de l´étoile, ils distinguent quatre planètes gravitant autour d´elle. L’une d’entre elles ressemble étrangement à la Terre. Ils décident alors de l’explorer. À bord d’un « engin à fusée » qu´ils nomment chaloupe, les trois aventuriers survolent des villes, des routes, des champs avant d’atterrir dans une forêt1. Après avoir effectué des tests, ils quittent leur chaloupe et découvrent l’étonnante ressemblance de l’atmosphère de cette planète, qu’ils baptisent Soror, avec celle de la Terre. Ils enlèvent leurs scaphandres et assistent impuissants à la fuite d’Hector. Par curiosité, ils s’engagent dans la forêt et arrivent à un lac naturel dont l’eau limpide leur donne envie de se baigner. Mais à leur grande surprise, ils découvrent au bord du lac les traces de pas humains.
    ellauri266.html on line 458: Ces traces appartiennent à une jeune femme qui, sans être gênée de sa nudité, s’approche d’eux avec méfiance2. Baptisée Nova, elle ne sait ni parler ni sourire et ses gestes ressemblent à ceux des animaux. Au moment où les quatre nagent dans l’eau, le chimpanzé Hector réapparaît mais il est soudain étranglé et tué par Nova dont le comportement animal choque le narrateur qui demeure, toutefois, soumis par la beauté physique de la sauvage. Le lendemain, Nova revient accompagnée de plusieurs hommes de sa tribu. Ces derniers ne parlent pas, ils hululent seulement. Irrités par les habits des trois aventuriers, les hommes de Soror ne tardent pas à les déchirer mais sans faire de mal aux aventuriers. Ils s’attaquent ensuite à la chaloupe qu’ils détruisent complètement après s´être adonnés à des enfantillages dans le lac sans prêter attention aux trois Terriens trop gênés par leur nudité. Conduits au campement, les trois aventuriers découvrent la vie primitive des humains de Soror. Nova leur donne à manger des fruits qui ressemblent à des bananes et se rapproche du narrateur avec qui elle passe la nuit.
    ellauri266.html on line 462: Les prisonniers sont mis dans des chariots et conduits à une maison où les chasseurs sont attendus par leurs femmes venant admirer l’œuvre de leurs maris4. Les morts sont exposés aux regards admiratifs des guenons et les vivants sont conduits dans des chariots vers la capitale pour servir de cobaye dans des recherches scientifiques. Sur place, le narrateur est mis dans une cage individuelle située en face de la cage de Nova que surveillent deux gorilles appelés Zanam et Zoram. Voulant attirer leur attention sur sa différence, le narrateur les remercie avec amabilité. Surpris, les deux gorilles avertissent leur supérieur, un chimpanzé femelle appelée Zira. Intriguée par ce cas, la guenon avertit son supérieur : un vieil orang-outan, qui fait subir au narrateur plusieurs tests de conditionnement pour s’assurer de son intelligence. Étonné par les résultats obtenus, le vieillard, appelé Zaïus, reste cependant convaincu qu´il s´agit d´un cas d´humain dressé et non d´un humain conscient et intelligent. Il en informe un autre collègue, puis décident de faire subir au narrateur le même test d’accouplement qu´aux autres cobayes. Il lui choisit comme partenaire Nova.
    ellauri266.html on line 468: Le narrateur commence à apprendre le langage simien. Profitant d’une visite de routine, il dessine à Zira des figures géométriques et les théorèmes qui en découlent, puis le Système solaire et celui de Bételgeuse, la trajectoire de son vaisseau et son origine, la Terre. Zira comprend son message et lui demande de garder le secret car Zaïus pourrait lui causer des problèmes. Zira commence à apprendre le français et les deux peuvent communiquer facilement. Elle lui apprend comment les singes se sont développés sur cette planète alors que l’homme est resté à un stade d’animalité. Enfin, le narrateur retrouve l’air libre lorsque Zira l´amène en promenade, après trois mois d’enfermement, pour lui présenter Cornélius, son fiancé, un chimpanzé biologiste très intelligent et intuitif. Il se laisse tenir en laisse comme le lui a recommandé Zira et tente de dissimuler son intelligence. Zira lui apprend que Zaïus voulait le transférer à la division encéphalique pour pratiquer sur son cerveau des opérations délicates mais qu’elle l’en a empêché. Avec Cornélius, elle lui conseille de faire très attention et d´attendre le congrès des savants biologistes qui va se tenir dans les jours suivants où il sera présenté par Zaïus, pour révéler son secret.
    ellauri266.html on line 484: Durant le voyage, Ulysse constate que son fils Sirius parle, et Nova apprend aussi à parler. Arrivés sur Terre, sept cent ans après le départ des explorateurs, Ulysse et sa famille aperçoivent la tour Eiffel et se posent à Orly. Heureux d´être de retour chez lui, Ulysse se précipite hors du vaisseau. Une personne vient les accueillir. Le narrateur constate avec stupeur que c´est un gorille. Pour clore le roman, la narration retourne vers Jinn et Phyllis, le couple en voyage spatial. Le lecteur découvre alors qu´eux aussi sont des chimpanzés et que l´homme évolué a certainement disparu de la galaxie.
    ellauri266.html on line 508: Vuonna 1975 de Waal aloitti kuusivuotisen tutkimuksen maailman suurimmasta vankeudessa elävästä simpanssilaumasta Arnhemin eläintarhassa. Tutkimus poiki useita opinnäytteitä, ja johti de Waalin ensimmäisen kirjan, Chimpanzee Politics (suomeksi Simpanssien politiikka), julkaisemiseen vuonna 1982.
    ellauri267.html on line 52: EAT! FUCK! KILL! Näistä EAT! ja FUCK! ovat itseisarvoja, KILL! on useimmiten keino saavuttaa 2 ensimmäisestä toinen tai molemmat. Tämä käy selkeästi ilmi iänikuisista poliisisarjoista ja vitun ikävystyttävistä trillereistä sun muista dekkareista: motiivi on harvemmin (vaikka enenevästi kyllä) pelkkä "sarjamurhaaja", enimmäxeen mukana on ainakin (oikein tai väärin kohdistettua) kostonhimoa, raiskausta tai muuta panoa, ja erittäinkin usein myös leikkeleiden hankkimista leivän päällyxexi toisten kustannuxella. Tässä albumissa palataan taas murhan ja muun väkivallan pariin kuin koira oxennuxelle, sillä Emmauxen halpahyllystä löytyi seuraavia asiaa valaisevia teoxia:
    ellauri267.html on line 92: Saatuaan tämänsisältöisen puhelinsoiton ne heräävät hypnoosista ja tuhoavat jotain vanhentuneita fasiliteetteja. Kremlin suututtama Dalchimsky loikkaa jenkkeihin ja alkaa soitella.
    ellauri267.html on line 93: Borzov kexii lopulta mikä oli Dalchimskyllä tuhoamisjärjestyxen juonena ja saa sen kiinni ize teosta. Isotissinen ja kurvikas Barbie joka sillä on bond-tyttönä onkin amerikkalaisten 2x agentti. Mutta Barbi rakastuukin aikuisten oikeasti Bronsoniin eikä luovuta kasakkaa työnantajillensa. Rakastavaiset saavat olla rauhassa, koska niillä on laukaisemattomat zombiet vielä puhelinkirjassa. Ei kovin uskottava tarina, mutta aina kivempaa kuin Dale Brownin wholesale ryssäviha. Asiaa auttoi varmasti että Wagner on ize emigrantti ryssistä. Mitäs kazojat sanovat? Että Åke Lindman ja Ansa Ikonen oli tosi hyviä ja Helsinki uskottava Moskova!
    ellauri267.html on line 97: Based on the novel by Walter Wager, "Telefon" has not aged well because it'(TM)s so dependent on the cold war tension that existed between the USSR and the US in the Seventies. The film is basically a cat-and-mouse game with Soviet agent Major Grigori Borzov (Charles Bronson, that's right Bronson is a commie) tracking rogue Russian scientist Nicolai Dalmchimsky (Donald Pleasence) across America to prevent him from activating sleeper agents. Borzov is assisted by Barbara (Lee Remick. fresh from "The Omen") who asks more annoying questions than necessary, leading the audience to believe she may not be completely true to the motherland. The film's middle section is dragged down by repetitive bomb scares. Dalmichimsky is working from outdated intelligence so his targets are all de-classified U.S. Military installations. Once Borzov realizes the pattern and hones in the next target the action shifts to a more linear chase that'(TM)s further heightened by Barbara'(TM)s loyalties. But the ultimate showdown is deflating because beyond some silly disguises Pleasence's Dalmichimsky is never built up to be a threat. Director Don Siegel uses his flair for montage to craft a his action sequences without dialogue. "Telefon" is a road movie, much like Alfred Hitchcock's "Saboteur" and "North by Northwest" had their leads criss-crossing America here we see plenty of seventies architecture including San Francisco's Hyatt Regency Hotel (used in "The Towering Inferno") and a modernist house resting on top of a barren rock outcropping. The supporting cast is uniformly good (but trapped in underwritten roles), and it'(TM)s nice to see veteran character actors Alan Badel and Patrick Magee playing snotty KGB strategists, and Tyne Daly in a small (and ultimately irrelevant role) as a computer geek. Trivia note: The poem that activates the Russian sleeper agents was used by Quentin Tarantino in "Death Proof" as the lines Jungle Julia has her listeners recite to Butterfly. The lines are an excerpt of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep."
    ellauri267.html on line 167: Murdaugh describes how he asked a man to shoot him. Alex Murdaugh, testifying in court Thursday, described how he decided to ask a man who he was initially intending to get pills from to instead shoot him.
    ellauri267.html on line 169: Murdaugh, describing what happened before the September 2021 shooting, said he gave a lot of his pills to his brother and knew withdrawal symptoms were coming. He said he called and asked someone to bring him more pills.
    ellauri267.html on line 171: When asked if that transaction actually happened, Murdaugh said he didn't know because after withdrawal symptoms started, Murdaugh said he changed his plan. "Not to get the pills from him anymore and instead I asked him to shoot me," Murdaugh said when asked to clarify what that meant.
    ellauri267.html on line 172: "I meant for him to shoot me so I would be gone for a while," Murdaugh testified.
    ellauri267.html on line 175: That same month, Murdaugh turned himself in to the Hampton County Law Enforcement Center in South Carolina after he admitted that he asked a former gangster client to fake killing him during a fake car breakdown so Murdaugh’s oldest son, Buster, could get the insurance payout, police said. Murdaugh recounts how his drug addiction started. Alex Murdaugh admitted to stealing clients' funds, tying his financial situation to his drug addiction.
    ellauri267.html on line 249: Ahdistuksen purskahdus, jolla Thorax vastaa Sebastianin ankaraan pilkkaamiseenn on yksi niistä harvoista, mutta luonnollisista tapauksista, joissa korkeasävyinen intohimo saa metaforisen kieliasun, koska kaikki tuttu näyttää riittämättömältä ilmaiseen sen tunteita:
    ellauri267.html on line 255: Kaikki pitkä kunnianhimoni kadonnut,

    ellauri267.html on line 432: päälleni himoiten; Otan sen yhtä ystävällisesti kuin sinäkin tämän.
    ellauri267.html on line 587: Seb. Ei, mieluummin kiirehditään, ennen kuin eroamme; hyvin ehimme yhet nopeat.. Tuletko sinä itsestäsi suurempi tyranni,
    ellauri267.html on line 595: Ei himon savua; mutta siveä kuin sisarten rakkaus, Kun he kylmästi ottavat takaisin veljen suudelman, Ilman intoa, joka kohtaa rakastajien suusta käsin.
    ellauri267.html on line 724: Nyt, jos myönnän sen, hänen kostonhimoinen sielunsa

    ellauri267.html on line 776: pahimmillaan voivat uskaltaa kohtalonsa.
    ellauri267.html on line 857: Taiv. [ Empulle ] Odota kostoa taivaalta, epäinhimillinen kurja!

    ellauri267.html on line 1151: Mor. Ei; mutta voin odottaa, että saat meidät molemmat. Rakkaus on himoa; Minun täytyy saada teidät kaikki; sydän sydämelle on tasa-arvoinen temppu. Lyhyesti sanottuna olen nuorempi, mielestäni komeampi ja olen varma, että rakastan sinua paremmin. Hän on ollut äitipuolini nämä viisitoista vuotta: sinä luulet, että ne ovat hänen kasvonsa, mutta se on vain värjätty vigard; hän pukeutuu siihen haarniskaansa; tuuman paksuus maalia pesun lisäksi. Hänen kasvonsa ovat niin vahvistuneet, että et voi lähestyä sitä ilman lapiota; mutta hänen pysyvyytensä vuoksi voin sanoa sinulle lohdutukseksesi, että hän rakastaa kuolemaan asti, tarkoitan sinun omaasi; sillä kun hän on uupunut sinut, hän varmasti lähettää sinut toiseen maailmaan tarinoiden kertomisen pelossa, sillä hän on jo palvellut kolmea orjaa, sinun edeltäjiäsi, onnellisen muistin hyväkseen. Hän on tehnyt hurskaasta isästäni tietääkseni kolmipakan aisan.
    ellauri267.html on line 1200: inhimillisen koostumuksen käännöksissä; nyt se liikkuu

    ellauri267.html on line 1308: Passing she cast at him a side-long glance,

    ellauri267.html on line 1324: Tampaxilla on voimakas kauna, koska Sebastian ei palkinnut häntä riittävästi aiemmasta palveluksestaan ja myönsi Violanten käden toiselle hovimiehelle, Henriquezille. Kohdatessaan välittömän taistelun kuolemaan Boraxin kanssa Sebastian selittää, että Henriquez oli ensin etsinyt Violanten kättä, että Henriquez oli kuollut puolustaessaan Sebastiania ja että Violante odottaa nyt Boraxia. Hyväksyessään Sebastianin selityksen Borax esittää, palautetaan suosioon ja lupaa palvella Sebastiania yhtä uskollisesti kuin Henriquez oli tehnyt. Viimeisessä näytöksessä Borax auttaa Sebastiania kantamaan miehekkäästi syyllisyyden ja menetyksen tunteensa. Voimakkaan vastakkainasettelun kohtaukset antavat dramaturgille mahdollisuuden näyttää erilaisia tunteita lyhyessä tilassa sekä intohimojen lisääntymistä ja vähenemistä. Drydenin kyky vangita tällainen sävyvalikoima kompensoi jossain määrin sitä, että hänellä ei ole suurempaa lahjaa dramaturgina - kykyä osoittaa hahmojensa kasvua ja kehitystä. Mutta kuka vittu on Alonzo?
    ellauri267.html on line 1326: On epäselvää, miksi antiklerikalismista tulee niin näkyvä teema Drydenin teoksissa, vaikka näyttää uskottavalta, että hänen syvä epäluottamuksensa ja vastenmielisyytensä puritaanista vaikutusta kohtaan poliittisiin asioihin voi osittain selittää sen. Mufti edustaa Drydenin tyypillistä pappia, joka on yleensä satiirin kohde sekä runoissa että näytelmissä. Hän on kunnianhimoinen, ahne, aistillinen, hurskas ja yleensä tekopyhä. Mufti näyttää naurettavalta sekä poliittisissa että henkilökohtaisissa asioissa, ja siitä tulee huumorin ja halveksunnan kohde. Dryden ei pilkkaa Englannin kirkon pappeja, mutta missä tahansa hän esittelee pakanallisen, muslimin tai roomalaiskatolisen uskonnollisen hahmon, hahmosta tulee satiirin kohde. Seijalla on tapana haukkua järeästi Carlsonin muuta sukua välttäen siten haukkumasta henk.koht. Latea.
    ellauri267.html on line 1393: Sebastião was one of the most extraordinary monarchs that Portugal ever produced. Ascending the throne in an atmosphere of great emotion, he was widely acclaimed as the answer to his subjects’ prayers and a prince who would save his country’s independence. Two decades later, he achieved precisely the opposite, dying heroically but unnecessarily on the distant North African battlefield of Al-Ksar al-Kabir on 4 August 1578, leaving no heir to succeed him. The collection concludes with studies under the heading of 'historiography and problems of interpretation', on Britain's Charles III and his boxer Camilla, and on Vasco da Gama's reputation for violence.
    ellauri269.html on line 62: Archbishop Foul smiled at the prince kindly. Arthas met the grin evenly, no longer worried. He remembered everything now, or so he thought. "Arise and be recognized," Foul bade him. Arthur did so. The load in his tights was cooling uncomfortably. "Do you, Arthas Menstruel, vow to uphold the honor and codes of the Order of the Silver Hand? Talk to the hand, man!"
    ellauri269.html on line 64: himsa_Jainism.svg/255px-Ahimsa_Jainism.svg.png" />
    ellauri269.html on line 65:

    Talk to the hand! Tämä ahimsa-käsi kieltää jainalaisilta väkivaltateot.

    ellauri269.html on line 69: Foul gave him a quick wank of reassurance, then turned to address both the clerics and the paladins. "Brothers and sisters you who have gathered here to witness this bear - raise your hands and let the Light illuminate this man."
    ellauri269.html on line 71: The clercs and paladins all lifted their ass-wiping hands, which were now suffused by a soft, golden glow. They pointed them at Arthur, directing the radiance toward him. Arthur's eyes were wide with wonder, and he waited for the glorious glow to envelop him. Nothing happened.
    ellauri269.html on line 123: 31 Niin tuli tuuli Herralta ja ajoi peltokanat merestä, ja hajoitti ne leiriin, täältäpäin päiväkunnan matkan, ja sieltäpäin päiväkunnan matkan leirin ympärille, liki kahta kyynärää korkialle maan päälle. 32 Niin nousi kansa koko sinä päivänä, ja koko sinä yönä, ja koko toisena päivänä, ja kokosi peltokanoja, ja se, joka vähimmän kokosi, hän kokosi kymmenen homeria, ja he leivittivät ne kohta ympäri leiriä. 33 Koska liha oli vielä heidän hammastensa välillä, ja ennenkuin se tuli kuluneeksi, julmistui Herran viha kansan päälle, ja Herra löi heitä vizauxella, 34 Josta se paikka kutsutaan Himohaudaksi (Kibrot-Hattaava); sillä siihen on haudattu himoitseva kansa. 35 Ja kansa matkusti Himohaudoilta Hatserotiin ja pysähtyi Hatserotissa.
    ellauri269.html on line 157: Kun pelaaja kuolee, hänen hahmonsa ilmestyy haamuna lähimmälle hautuumaalle. Toiset pelaajat voivat herättää muita pelaajia henkiin, kahdella pelin hahmolla on myös mahdollisuus ylösnousuun, jolloin toinen voi antaa jollekin toiselle pelaajalle väliaikaisen ylösnousemisen kyvyn. Pelaajan kuollessa hänen käyttämänsä esineet alkavat hajota ja näin ollen vaatia korjausta, jonka tietyt NPC-hahmot voivat suorittaa (luonnolisesti rahaa vastaan). Jos hahmon ruumis on paikassa, johon ei pääse tai jos pelaajalla on jokin muu syy, on mahdollista käyttää hautuumaalla olevaa Spirit Healer -NPC-hahmoa elvyttämään hahmo.
    ellauri269.html on line 234: Dalaran: Kirin Torin magokraattien hallitsema kaupunkivaltio, joka voi leijua tai teleporttautua paikasta toiseen. Ennen Kolmatta sotaa se sijaitsi vuosisatoja Lordameren järvellä ennen kuin Archimonde tuhosi sen. Se jälleenrakennettiin myöhemmin Northrendiin, josta se siirrettiin myöhemmin nykyiseen olinpaikkaansa: Sargerasin haudan lähelle, Särjetyille saarille.
    ellauri269.html on line 363: Arthritis on täys alottelija puumiekan heilutuxessa. Opa ei jaksa kazella vaikka on optimisti. He hopes A. will be handing him his rear in no time. He is athletic and fast. Siilinjärveläinen musta lestadiolaispoika veivaa rastalettejä E. Saarisnahkatakissa Kasurilan rinteessä. Nimi on Sex Mane ja se rukoilee Lassia ja Leeviä tauoilla. Jo on mennyt maailma lengolle.
    ellauri269.html on line 401: Tosi outoa että on tollasta kuin jumalan palvelu. Mitä palvelua se nyt tarvizee, ei siltä kai koskaan kumi puhkea? Ei Jee-suxenkaan alkuunpanossa käytetty kumia. Arktixesta tuntui mukavalta kuitenkin kun piispa pyysi siunausta sille nimen mainiten. Se hieho oli lady Jaina Proudmoore, amiraalin tytär. Jaina taisi olla joku hindulahko, sekö joka ei tekisi pahaa kärpäsellekään? Maagihommat sopii paremmin tytöille kuin pfalzgrafin paikka, jonkalaiseen juotikasta leivotaan. (Jainalaisuudesta paasataan albumeissa 143 ja 145. Ahimsasta on ollut puhetta enemmän kuin himsa">passim.)
    ellauri269.html on line 497: Tämä jäkälä kehittyi aikaisemmassa klassisessa miekka- ja noituusfiktiossa löydetyistä hirviöistä, jotka ovat täynnä voimakkaita velhoja, jotka käyttävät taikuuttaan voittaakseen kuoleman. Monet Clark Ashton Smithin novellit sisältävät voimakkaita velhoja, joiden taikuuden ansiosta he voivat palata kuolleista. Useat Robert E. Howardin tarinat, kuten novelli Kallonaama (1929) ja novelli "Tuli punaiset kyyneleet", sisältävät kuolemattomia velhoja, jotka säilyttävät elämän vaikutelman mystisten keinojen avulla, ja heidän ruumiinsa on muuttunut kutistuneiksi kuoriksi, joilla he selviävät ylläpitää epäinhimillistä liikkuvuutta ja aktiivista ajattelua.
    ellauri269.html on line 705: Ihmisoikeusjärjestöt ovat esittäneet huolta näiden viattomien ihmisten tulemisesta pidätetyksi. Järjestöjen mukaan pidätettyjä on kohdeltu ”julmasti, epäinhimillisesti ja halventavasti.” Yli kymmenen ihmistä on kuollut poliisin pidätettyä heidät. Jää enää noin 63990. Tästä se lähtee!
    ellauri269.html on line 720: Ärsyttävästi hahmon viimeaikaiset kuvaukset, erityisesti vuoden 2013 Man of Steel -elokuva, keskittyvät Metropolis Marvelin Kristuksen kaltaisiin messiaanisiin ominaisuuksiin. Ennen elokuvan julkaisua uskoon perustuva lehdistösuhdeyritys Grace Hill Media kutsui uskonnollisia henkilöitä eri puolilta kansakuntaa osallistumaan valikoituihin julkaisua edeltäviin näytöksiin, julkaisi leikkeitä verkossa ja toimitti muistiinpanoja mahdollisista elokuvaan liittyvistä uskonpohjaisista keskusteluaiheista. Yksi esimerkki keskittyy isyyden teemoihin ja kehottaa isiä "viemään [lapset] katsomaan Teräsmiestä" ja käyttämään sitten opasta "löytämään uusia yhteyksiä omaan elämääsi ja Jumalan sanaan". Verkkosisällön ohella Dr. Craig Detweiller, Ph.D. teologian ja kulttuurin, kirjoitti yhdeksänsivuisen esseen nimeltä "Jeesus – alkuperäinen supersankari" yhdistääkseen Kryptonin viimeisen pojan Jumalan Poikaan. Detweiller lainasi usein toistuvia todisteita päätteestä "el", joka liitti Supermanin kryptonin syntymänimen "Kal-el". Heprean kielessä "el"-päätettä käytetään merkitsemään Elohimia tai Jahvea, Jehovaa tai Jumalaa, kuten nimissä Mikael, Ariel ja Rafael. Esseessaan Detweiller viittasi myös jokebedialaisten orpoksi jäämiseen, jonka Superman kärsi, kun hänen vanhempansa, jotka varoittivat planeetan Kryptonin välittömästä kuolemasta, ampuivat vauvansa ulkoavaruuteen kuin futuristinen Mooses.
    ellauri269.html on line 734: Muita juutalaisia ​​ehdokkaita inspiroivaksi Supermaniksi on mytologinen Golem. Kaikki juutalaiset tietävät tarinan Golemista, miehestä, jonka rabbi Loew veisti joenuoman mudasta 1500-luvun Prahassa. Loew antoi olennonsa hengen heprealaisilla loitsuilla ja lähetti sen puolustamaan ihmisiä Rudolf II:n alaisina antisemitistisiltä pogromeilta. Savimies oli yli-inhimillinen suojelija, joka kutsuttiin vapauttamaan viattomat pahasta. Supermanin vahvuus linjaa hänet Golemin ja raamatullisen Simsonin kanssa, mutta hän on myös sidottu Mooseksen tarinaan. Nykyaikana hahmo liitetään 1600-luvun pogromeihin Prahan juutalaisissa getoissa. Kuten Superman, Golem oli intensiivisen fyysisen voiman olento, ja sen ensisijaisena tehtävänä oli puolustaa juutalaisia ​​silloin, kun se oli osa Pyhää Rooman valtakuntaa.
    ellauri269.html on line 742: Tästä syystä 74 vuoden ajan Supermanin ensisijainen vihollinen ei ole ollut toinen muukalainen tai supersankari, vaan megalomanialainen muukalaisvihamielinen miljardööri Lex Luthor. Luther on useaan otteeseen toistanut senaattori Smithin kielen, harjoittanut murhanhimoista, rodullista vigilantismia ja yleisesti edistänyt natsien übermensch-ihannetta. Siegelin ja Shusterin ensimmäisessä Superman-sarjakuvassa, jonka otsikko on "The Reign of the Superman", "Superman" -hahmo esiintyi kuten Lex Luthor myöhemmin, kalju, ilkeä ja visuaalisesti samanlainen kuin FW Murnau -versio Draculasta (toinen fiktiivinen hahmo, jolla on salainen juutalaisuus). alkuperä) vuoden 1922 elokuvasta Nosferatu.
    ellauri269.html on line 759: Tontunpoisto oli termi, jota käytettiin viittaamaan toimiin, joissa puutarha vapautettiin tontuista. Tämä saavutettiin yleensä poimimalla tontut fyysisesti ja lemppaamalla ne kyseisestä puutarhasta. Newton Scamander suositteli julkaisuissa Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, että tontun heiluttaminen pään ympärillä huimaukseen asti ja pudottaminen sitten puutarhaseinän yli riitti, mutta jotkut velhot, kuten Weasleyn perhe, mieluummin heittivät tontut niin pitkälle kuin mahdollista, joskus jopa pitivät kilpailuja siitä, kuka voisi heittää tontun kauimmaxi. Vaihtoehtoisesti Jarveyta voidaan käyttää puutarhan tontun poistamiseen, vaikka useimmat velhot pitivät tätä epäinhimillisenä, koska Jarveyn menetelmät ovat "julmia".
    ellauri269.html on line 782: "Olen ollut ja tulen aina olemaan ystäväsi", Spock kertoo kapteeni James T. Kirkille emotionaalisessa ja ikonisessa kuolemankohtauksessaan Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khanissa. Pitkäaikaiset ystävät tuijottavat toisiaan läpinäkyvän seinän läpi. Jokainen asettaa kätensä lasille Vulcan-tervehdyksessä ennen kuin Spock romahtaa. On selvää, että myös lattialle vajoavan Kirkin sydän murtuu. Spockin kuolemaa pidetään yhtenä Star Trekin suurimmista hetkistä. Se merkitsee (vaikkakin väliaikaista) päätöstä yhdestä television - ja myöhemmin elokuvan - historian tunnetuimmista suhteista, jossa Spockin viileä perustelu oli täydellisesti naimisissa Kirkin tulisen intohimon kanssa. Se on myös sydäntäsärkevä hetki, jolloin heidän rakkautensa toisiaan kohtaan paistaa läpi.
    ellauri270.html on line 242: "A Warning for Married Women" tells the story of Jane Reynolds and her lover James Harris, with whom she exchanged a promise of marriage. He is pressed as a sailor before the wedding takes place and Jane faithfully awaits his return for three years, but when she learns of his death at sea, she agrees to marry a local carpenter. Jane gives birth to three children and for four years the couple lives a happy life. One night, when the carpenter is away, the spirit of James Harris appears. He tries to convince Jane to keep her oath and run away with him. At first she is reluctant to do so, because of her husband and their children, but ultimately she succumbs to the ghost's pleas, letting herself be persuaded by his tales of rejecting the royal daughter's hand and assurance that he has the means to support her – namely, a fleet of seven ships. The pair then leaves England, never to be seen again, and the carpenter commits suicide upon learning that his wife is gone. The broadside ends with a mention that although the children were orphaned, the heavenly powers will provide for them.
    ellauri270.html on line 254: He turned him right and round about, They had not saild a league, a league
    ellauri270.html on line 300: In “The Daemon Lover,” the second story in The Lottery and Other Stories, Jackson’s collection of 25 tales, the reader sees James Harris only through his fiancée’s eyes as a tall man wearing a blue suit. Neither the reader nor anyone in the story can actually claim to have seen him. Nonetheless, this piece foreshadows the appearance of Harris in such other stories in the collection as “Like Mother Used to Make,” “The Village,” “Of Course,” “Seven Types of Ambiguities,” and “The Tooth.” As James Harris wanders through the book, he sheds the veneer of the ordinary that covers his satanic nature.
    ellauri270.html on line 302: The irony in “The Daemon Lover” is that the female protagonist becomes suspect as she hunts for the mysterious young man “who promised to marry her” (DL 23). Everywhere she searches, she encounters couples who mock her with not-so-subtle insinuations that she is crazy. Indeed, at the end of the story she may well have become insane; the narrative is ambiguous on this point. Significantly, however, if the nameless woman has indeed lost her mind, it is James who is responsible. Although some critics speculate that the disruptive male figure—both in this story and in the others in the collection—is a hallucination of a sexually repressed character, the epilogue to The Lottery, a ballad entitled “James Harris, The Daemon Lover,” suggests otherwise: He is, in fact, the devil himself.
    ellauri270.html on line 315: The children arrive in the village square first, enjoying their summer leisure time. Bobby Martin fills his pockets with stones, and other boys do the same. Bobby helps Harry Jones and Dickie Delacroix build a giant pile of stones and protect it from “raids” by other children. The girls stand talking in groups. Then adults arrive and watch their children’s activities. The men speak of farming, the weather, and taxes. They smile, but do not laugh. The women arrive, wearing old dresses and sweaters, and gossip amongst themselves. Then the women call for their children, but the excited children have to be called repeatedly. Bobby Martin runs back to the pile of stones before his father reprimands him and he quietly takes his place with his family.
    ellauri270.html on line 319: Mr. Summers, the man who conducts the lottery, arrives. He also organizes the river dances, the purity pledges, and the Halloween program, because he has time to devote to volunteering. He runs the coal business in town, but his neighbors pity him because his wife is unkind and the couple has no children. Mr. Summers arrives bearing a black box. He is followed by the postmaster, Mr. Graves, who caries a stool.
    ellauri270.html on line 347: Mr. Summers asks if the Watson boy is drawing this year. Jack Watson raises his hand and nervously announces that he is drawing for his mother and himself. Other villagers call him a “good fellow” and state that they’re glad to see his mother has “got a man to do it.” Mr. Summers finishes up his questions by asking if Old Man Warner has made it. The old man declares “here” from the crowd.
    ellauri270.html on line 367: Mrs. Dunbar says to her oldest son that she wishes everyone would hurry up, and Horace replies that they’re almost through the list of names. Mrs. Dunbar instructs him to run and tell his father once they’re done. When Old Man Warner is called to select his slip of paper, he says that this is his seventy-seventh lottery. When Jack Watson steps forward, he receives several comments from the crowd reminding him to not be nervous and to take his time.
    ellauri270.html on line 383: Mr. Summers asks if Bill Hutchinson is ready, and, with a glance at his family, Bill nods. Mr. Summers reminds the Hutchinsons that they should keep their slips folded until each person has one. He instructs Mr. Graves to help little Davy. Mr. Graves takes the boy’s hand and walks with him up to the black box. Davy laughs as he reaches into the box. Mr. Summers tells him to take just one paper, and then asks Mr. Graves to hold it for him.
    ellauri270.html on line 397: Mrs. Dunbar already sent her son away, perhaps to spare him having to participate in murder this year, and now she herself seems to try and avoid taking part in the lottery as well. The line about the stones makes an important point—most of the external trappings of the lottery have been lost or forgotten, but the terrible act at its heart remains. There is no real religious or practical justification for the lottery anymore—it’s just a primitive murder for the sake of tradition. Now the situation would be quite different if this were a real case of adultery, about which there are clear instructions in the Old Testament!
    ellauri270.html on line 448: Harris is the all-time winningest head coach in Mariner basketball history and has led his team to eight consecutive FHSAA state playoff appearances. His evaluations describe him as a teacher who worked well with students and was always willing to help out. However, he had trouble "demonstrating knowledge of content", according to an evaluation for the 2013-2014 school year. His "lesson plans are lacking basic elements and are difficult for others to follow," the evaluation states. But his lechery plan was straightforward and clear enough to follow.
    ellauri270.html on line 505: "Is it him who died on cross, "Joka kuoli ristiin laitetuilla puilla,
    ellauri270.html on line 529: Enoch Arden, poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, published in 1864. In the poem, Enoch Arden is a happily married fisherman who suffers financial problems and becomes a merchant seaman. He is shipwrecked, and, after 10 years on a desert island, he returns home to discover that his beloved wife, believing him dead, has remarried and has a new child. Not wishing to spoil his wife’s happiness, he never lets her know that he is alive.
    ellauri270.html on line 546: "Andorsen owns a large percentage of the land in northern Nevada not owned by the government," Leo said. "He's probably got a half dozen of these private airstrips scattered all over the state. They may be dirt, but they're built to handle a bizjet. Ever meet him? Great guy. Throws parties and fund-raisers for law enforcement all the time."
    ellauri270.html on line 567: Army Chief of Staff Carl E. Vuonohevonen, a lifelong friend of Schwarzkopf, described him as "competent, compassionate, egotistical, loyal, opinionated, funny, emotional, sensitive to any slight. At times he can be an overbearing bastard, but not with me." Sooty Colin Powell had to humor Herman with satin gloves because "Dick" Cheney could not stand his arse. What turds.
    ellauri270.html on line 597: Louis David Brandeis (later: Louis Dembitz Brandeis — see below) was born on November 13, 1856, in Louisville, Kentucky, the youngest of four children. He was born to immigrant parents from Bohemia, who raised him in a secular Jewish home. His parents, Adolph Brandeis and Frederika Dembitz, both of whom were Frankist Jews.
    ellauri272.html on line 276: So Far from the Bamboo Grove by Yoko Kawashima Watkins
    ellauri272.html on line 490: vain kuiva tuuli yhä paasaa kivivanhimmille.
    ellauri272.html on line 554: Fifty Shades Freed on brittiläisen kirjailijan EL Jamesin eroottisen romanssin Fifty Shades Trilogy kolmas ja viimeinen osa. Hyväksyttyään yrittäjäjohtaja Christian Greyn naintiehdotuksen Fifty Shades Darker -elokuvassa Anastasia Steelen on sopeuduttava paitsi avioelämään myös uuden aviomiehensä varakkaaseen elämäntapaan, Amex Platinum luottokorttiin ja hallitsevaan luontoon. Tää on tosi samantapaista kuin himoshoppaaja, paizi himoshoppaajassa Kinsella on domina. Huisin samanlainen juoni on myös Avarassa luonnossa: eläimet Pohjois-Atlantin armoilla. Puolison valintaa, pesän ezintää, poikimista, poikasten hoitoa, koko ajan riskipeliä oman ja poikasten hengen uhalla aggressiivisten koiraiden ehdoilla. Pokkaripainos julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran huhtikuussa 2012. Silloin oltiin Seijan synttäriä viettämässä Kiinassa. Se oli Pezkun pedon vuosi, mulla olis ollut 60v juhlat mutne peruuntuivat. 70-vuotisjuhlatkin oli sitten aika paskat, varsinkin lahjat. Krimin Anscluss tapahtui 2014.
    ellauri272.html on line 655: Ana saapuu rahojen kanssa luovutuspaikalle. Hyde, psykoottinen ja kostonhimoinen, hyökkää hänen kimppuunsa potkien hänen vatsaansa. Liz yrittää pysäyttää hänet, kun Ana vetää esiin revolverin ja ampuu häntä jalkaan. Christian ja hänen turvatiiminsä, jotka seurasivat sähköisesti Anan matkapuhelinta, saapuvat ja pidättävät Hyden ja Lizin. Ana hämärtyy kuullessaan Christianin äänen.
    ellauri272.html on line 737: SAS on brittien pahimpia roistojoukkioita kaikissa länkkärien sodissa sitten 2. maailmankisojen. Poistanut "shakkinappuloita laudalta" enemmän kuin prinssi Harry. More than 3,500 "terrorists" were "taken off the streets" of Baghdad by 22 SAS. Voi vittu mitä jälkikolonialismia.
    ellauri272.html on line 818: – ”Minulla ei ole mitään tunnustettavaa. En ole tehnyt syntiä”, hän sanoi röyhkeästi sanomalehden syntymäpäivähaastattelussa. Se oli kaikki fiktiota LOL. Väärää todistusta lähimmäisistä.
    ellauri274.html on line 160: 1:25:49 сотрудничества и развития на помощь беднейшим государством мира странной семерки выделили за 2020 и 21 годы 1:25:49 yhteistyötä ja kehitystä maailman köyhimmän maan auttamiseksi outo seitsemän vuosille 2020 ja 21
    ellauri274.html on line 161: 1:25:58 порядка 60 миллиардов понятно да на войну 150 а беднейшим 1:25:58 noin 60 miljardia on ymmärrettävää kyllä ​​sodalle 150 ja köyhimmille
    ellauri274.html on line 734: 2:30:02 общество а пробуждать лучшие человеческие качества 2:30:02 yhteiskuntaan ja herättää parhaat inhimilliset ominaisuudet
    ellauri274.html on line 768: 2:33:40 решения амбициозных задач это мощнейший стимул для молодёжи Идти в науку возможность доказать что ты Лидер что ты 2:33:40 kunnianhimoisten ongelmien ratkaiseminen on voimakas kannustin nuorille Tieteen opiskelu on mahdollisuus todistaa, että olet johtaja
    ellauri274.html on line 833: 2:40:37 отсчета здесь это минимальные размеры оплаты труда как мы хорошо понимаем в прошлом году он был повышен дважды в 2:40:37 Viittaus tässä on vähimmäispalkka, kuten ymmärrämme hyvin viime vuonna, sitä nostettiin kahdesti
    ellauri274.html on line 834: 2:40:46 сумме почти на 20 процентов будем и дальше увеличивать минимальные размеры 2:40:46 määrällä lähes 20 prosenttia, jatkamme vähimmäiskoon kasvattamista
    ellauri274.html on line 838: 2:41:09 провести еще одно на дополнительные 10 процентов таким образом минимальные 2:41:09 kuluta yksi lisää 10 prosentilla, mikä on vähimmäismäärä
    ellauri274.html on line 1019: 3:01:37 сплоченный народ мы уверены в себе уверены в своих силах правда за нами 3:01:37 läheiset ihmiset luotamme kykyihimme, jotka ovat todellisia takanamme
    ellauri275.html on line 190: Samaan aikaan toisaalla runoilija tuomitsee vihaisesti välinpitämättömyyden, julmuuden, jolla etuoikeutettujen luokkien ihmiset kohtelivat rehellistä työntekijää. Runoilija toimii epäinhimilliseen sortoon ja orjuuteen rakennetun yhteiskuntapoliittisen järjestelmän vihaisena syyttäjänä ja paljastaa kaikella ankaruudellaan ja totuudenmukaisesti hallitsevan elämäntavan haavaumat:
    ellauri275.html on line 201: Runossa "Komunan kaatumisen päivä" runoilija komppasi intohimoisesti Pariisin kommunaarien epäitsekästä taistelua ja ylisti innokkaasti heidän kuolematonta tumpelointiaan.
    ellauri275.html on line 210: Runossa Erakko ko. erakko ei onnistunut voittamaan 17-kesäisen neitosen elävän elämän voimaa, maallisia inhimillisiä tunteita ja intohimoja. Taistelu tätä voimaa vastaan ​​päättyi munkin sielunpelastuxen kannalta täydelliseen tappioon, mutta koiraan siementuotannon kannalta menestyxeen. Munkki nuolee porsliinia ahdistuksen ja epätoivon piinaamana ja tuikkaa sitten melan upoxiin. Tämä teos, jonka Ilja Chavchavadze loi luovan elämänsä viimeisellä kaudella, leimaa taiteellisen taidon kypsyys ja täydellisyys. Pyhä vapaus voitetaan vain taistelulla, vain verellä, - runoilija väitti ja tuli käteen uudestaan.
    ellauri275.html on line 233: Tänä hetkenä, hiljaisena ja surullisena, Ja väkivaltainen ja epäinhimillinen, -
    ellauri275.html on line 299: Minä, kivääri, intohimoinen konini ja jopa terä. Olisi parempi olla hiljaa tässä maailmassa! ..
    ellauri275.html on line 455: Chavchavadze's contradictory career – his participation in the struggle against the Russian control of Georgia, on one hand, and the loyal service to the tsar, including the suppression of Georgian peasant revolts, on the other hand – found a noticeable reflection in his writings. The year 1832, when the Georgian plot collapsed, divides his work into two principal periods. Prior to that event, his poetry was mostly impregnated with laments for the former grandeur of Georgia, the loss of national independence and his personal grievances connected with it; his native country under the Russian empire seemed to him a prison, and he pictured its present state in extremely gloomy colors. The death of his beloved friend and son-in-law, Griboyedov, also contributed to the depressive character of his writings of that time.
    ellauri275.html on line 529: Brežnevin pääsihteerikauden alku 1960-luvun lopulla oli erittäin nopean taloudellisen kehityksen aikaa mm. koneenrakennuksen alalla. 1970-luvulle tultaessa talouden ongelmat olivat jo ilmeisiä. 1970-luvun öljykriisit kohonneine öljynhintoineen kuitenkin siirsivät neuvostotalouden romahduksen 1980-luvulle. Tällöin talous taantui nopeasti. Neuvostoliitto viljavine alueineen tuli riippuvaiseksi viljan ja elintarvikkeiden tuonnista. Sen teollisuus oli raskasta ja auttamattoman vanhanaikaista. Sekin osa mikä toimi oli valjastettu sotateollisuuden palvelukseen. Kaiken kaikkiaan varustelu nieli aivan liian suuren osan bruttokansantuotteesta (on arvioitu, että pahimpina aikoina jopa lähes 50 %). Tää oli selvää nälistämistä ilkeän USA:n puolelta, talouspakotetta varustelun avulla, kz. alla.
    ellauri275.html on line 629: Mutta ei niin pahaa ettei jotain hyvääkin: Brittein saaret ovat vajoamassa samaan tilaan jossa ne olivat 120v sitten kuningatar Viktorian kuoltua. Talous on aivan kuralla, keskiansiot jäävät alle EU-tason ja köyhimmällä kansanosalla on huonommat oltavat kuin naurettavassa Sloveeniassa! Talouskasvu on pysähtynyt ja kääntyy todennäköisesti laskuun tänä vuonna (ennustaa IMF), koska maan tuottavuus on tuhnahtanut. Vittu tuottavuus on sama asia kuin ropotit ja porukoiden potkiminen pois nykyisistäkin paskaduuneista, ei sillä kansansuosiossa kuuhun mennä. Kuka käski brexitoida, kloorikana? Se ei parantanut brittipersulaiskureiden työhaluja eikä varsinkaan miljoonien matulaisten työmahdollisuuxia.
    ellauri275.html on line 701: "sokeasta ihailusta VAPAATA MAAILMAA kohtaan", mutta oli alkanut jenkkeihin tultuaan uskoa, että Yhdysvallat ja Neuvostoliitto ovat moraalisesti samanarvoisia. Hän oli ollut vakuuttunut siitä, että "VAPAAASSA MAAILMASSA ihmiset ovat yli-inhimillisiä, viisaita, valistunutta... Mikä kauhea isku olikaan saada selville, että... ne on vain samoja idiootteja, epäpäteviä hölmöjä, peloissaan sekoilevia byrokraatteja, hämmentyneitä pomoja, vainoharhaista ​​petoksenpelkoa ja valvontaa… tämä idealismin menetys tapahtuu loikkaajille vain liian usein. Sillä me kaikki luotimme liikaa länsipropagandaan."
    ellauri276.html on line 465: syvän rotkon reunaa, jossa näkyy intohimon lupauksen arvo,
    ellauri276.html on line 502: Kaksoisironia, jolla suuria pyhimyksiä tehdään,
    ellauri276.html on line 698: And cheer him late and early. ja ilahdutan häntä myöhään ja aikaisin.
    ellauri276.html on line 723: Kova fyysinen työ perhetilalla teki veronsa nuorelle Burnsille, joka käänsi yhä enemmän huomionsa runouden, luonnon, juoman ja naisten intohimoihin, jotka leimasivat hänen loppuelämäänsä. Hän sai kaksoset mahdollisen vaimonsa Jean Armourin kanssa, mutta heidän suhteensa hajoaminen melkein johti siihen, että Burns muutti Länsi-Intiaan rakastajansa Mary Campbellin (hänen Highland Maryn ) kanssa. Vain Maryn äkillinen kuolema ja hänen ensimmäisen julkaistun runokokoelmansa sensaatiomainen menestys pitivät hänet Skotlannissa. Vain 27-vuotiaana Burns oli tullut tunnetuksi kaikkialla maassa runoilla kuten Tälle, Hiirelle ja Cotterin lauantai-ilta.
    ellauri276.html on line 794: Sees him still striding on and on. näkee hänen edelleen astuvan eteenpäin ja eteenpäin.
    ellauri276.html on line 824: Toisen sairauskohtauksen jälkeen vuonna 1892 Bottomley jätti pankin ja muutti Cartmeliin, Lancashireen elääkseen intohimoista intensiivistä meditaatiota ja mietiskelyäkin ja aloitti runojen kirjoittamisen. Täällä vuonna 1895 hän tapasi Emily Burtonin. He menivät naimisiin vuonna 1905. Pariskunta asui vuodesta 1914 Silverdalessa, lähellä Carnforthia kuolemaansa asti. 1920 - luvulla hän oli Village Drama Societyn puheenjohtaja. Vuonna 1944 hänelle myönnettiin kirjallisuuden kunniatohtori Leedsin yliopistossa. Bottomley kuoli vuonna 1948 eläen vaimoaan alle vuodella. Heidän tuhkansa haudataan St. Fillanin kappeliin juurella Dundurn, Perthshire.
    ellauri276.html on line 921: Charles Wharton Stork [1881-1971] syntyi Philadelphiassa, Pa., 12. helmikuuta 1881. Suoritti AB-tutkinnon Haverford Collegessa 1902; AM Harvardissa, 1903, ja Ph.D. Pennsylvanian yliopistossa erään Schellingin neuvosta 1905. "Kaikki on himon menettämä (Lust on menettänyt kaiken), William Rowleyn tragedia, 1633" All´s Lost by Lust on William Rowleyn jakobinen tragedia, takakannen mukaan "Herkittävän rehellisen ja tehokkaan tragedia", "raaka ja raju", se kirjoitettiin vuosina 1618-1620.
    ellauri276.html on line 930: Vuonna 1696, kun Pix oli 30-vuotias, hän nousi ensin ammattikirjailijaksi ja julkaisi The Inhumane Cardinal; tai Inocence Betrayed, hänen ensimmäinen ja ainoa romaaninsa sekä kaksi näytelmää, Ibrahim, turkkilaisten kolmastoista keisari ja Espanjalaiset vaimot.
    ellauri276.html on line 1055: I stepped up to him and made this reply, Astuin hänen luokseen ja vastasin:
    ellauri276.html on line 1060: He turned himself round and he laughed in a joke, Hän kääntyi ympäri ja nauroi vitsillä:
    ellauri276.html on line 1165: I stepped right up to him and made this reply, Astuin hänen luokseen ja vastasin:
    ellauri276.html on line 1170: He turned himself round and he laughed at the joke Hän kääntyi ympäri ja nauroi vitsille
    ellauri276.html on line 1205: I stepped up to him and made this reply, Astuin hänen luokseen ja vastasin:
    ellauri276.html on line 1210: He turned himself round and he laughed at his joke Hän kääntyi ympäri ja nauroi vitsilleen
    ellauri276.html on line 1245: But I turned round on him and made this reply, Mutta käännyin hänen puoleensa ja vastasin:
    ellauri276.html on line 1257: But tell him quite plainly with a curse and a bow vaan sanokaa hänelle aivan selvästi kirouksella ja kumartaen,
    ellauri277.html on line 108: Niin, mixi se on vuoden lyhimpänä päivänä? Uskonprofessori English Campbellin yliopistosta osaa selittää: J. Kastajan isä Sakari oli leviitta joka sai enkeliltä käskyn panna turpa rullalle ja toimittaa Johannes alulle todnäk. Jom Kippurina. (? todnäk ei juuri silloin, koska katumuspäivä on paasto- ja pidätyspäivä juutalaisilla! No ehkä Sakari pisti töpinäxi heti seuraavana päivänä.). Siitä 6kk eteenpäin on Marian ilmestyspäivä kevätpäivän tasauxena, jolloin oli Marjan vuoro päästä Gabrielin pukille. Siitä kun laskee 9kk eteenpäin niin ollaan talvipäivän seisauxessa. Tosin pyhissä kirjoituxissa ei ole mitään mistä voi varmuudella päätellä että Sakari pääsi sovittamaan Liisaan siitintä juuri sovituspäivänä.
    ellauri277.html on line 219: Similarly, Gibran later portrayed his life in Lebanon as idyllic, stressing his precocious artistic and literary talents and his mother’s efforts to educate him; some of these stories were obviously tall tales meant to impress his American patrons.
    ellauri277.html on line 221: Day was partial to exotic and orientalist themes and produced elegant homoerotic photographs of young men. Day became Gibran’s friend and patron, using the boy as a nude model, introducing him to smutty literature, and "helping him with his drawing". No one who reads Gibran’s works and knows Day’s tastes can doubt the depth of the latter’s influence on Gibran. Perhaps more important, Day and Day’s friends convinced Gibran that he had a special artistic calling.
    ellauri277.html on line 227: Shortly afterward, Gibran’s mother sent him back to Lebanon to continue his education; she may have been concerned about the influence of his new friends, and Gibran later said that he lost his virginity to an older married woman around this time. Peabody most likely, if not the downstairs neighbor.
    ellauri277.html on line 229: In November 1902 Gibran wrote to Peabody, and she invited him to a party held at her house two weeks later. An intense platonic relationship resulted, though Gibran seems to have wanted it to progress to a sexual one. He visited her regularly; they went to musical and artistic events together; they wrote to each other often; and she encouraged his writing and his art. She gave him the nickname that he later used as the title of his most famous book: “the Prophet.” In October 1903 Gibran wrote something in a letter to Peabody that angered her, and their relationship cooled.
    ellauri277.html on line 231: Gibran’s relationship with Peabody ended completely with her marriage in 1906. He then began a secret affair with a pianist, Gertrude Barrie, who, like Peabody, was several years his senior. During this period Haskell introduced him to an aspiring French actress, Émilie Michel, who taught French at Haskell’s school, and the two fell in love. In 1908 Michel suffered an ectopic pregnancy and had an abortion. The relationship waned and ultimately ended, a victim of Michel’s ambitions for a career on the stage.
    ellauri277.html on line 238: After Paris, Gibran found Boston provincial and stifling. Haskell arranged for him to visit New York in April 1911; he moved there in September, using $5,000 that Haskell gave him to rent an apartment in Greenwich Village. He immediately acquired a circle of admirers that included the Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung and several Baha’is; the latter introduced him to the visiting Baha’i leader ‘Abd al-Baha’, whose portrait he drew. New York was the center of the Arabic literary scene in America; Rihani was there, and Gibran met many literary and artistic figures who lived in or passed through the city, including the Irish poet and dramatist William Butler Yeats.
    ellauri277.html on line 248: The work begins with the prophet Almustafa preparing to leave the city of Orphalese, where he has lived for twelve years, to return to the island of his birth. The people of the city gather and beg him not to leave, but the seeress Almitra, knowing that his ship has come for him, asks him instead to tell them his truths. The people ask him about the great themes of human life: love, marriage, children, giving, eating and drinking, and many others, concluding with death. Almustafa speaks of each of the themes in sober, sonorous aphorisms grouped into twenty-six short chapters. As in earlier books, Gibran illustrated The Prophet with his own drawings, adding to the power of the work.
    ellauri277.html on line 252: Gibran knew that he would never surpass The Prophet, and for the most part his later works do not come close to measuring up to it. The book made him a celebrity, and his monastic lifestyle added to his mystique.
    ellauri277.html on line 260: Gibran died on 10 April 1931 of cirrhosis of the liver. He was an alcoholic and had been in poor health since the early 1920s. Gibran’s death set off a series of sordid conflicts that have clouded his reputation. His will left money and real estate to his sister (Marianna Jubran never married and died in Boston in 1972). Breckenridge ja Haskell piippasivat äkäsesti toisilleen mustankipeinä Gibranin kirjallisesta jäämistöstä. Breckenridge´s 1945 biography of Gibran, an adulatory work full of misinformation—much of which may have come from Gibran himself—continues to create confusion even after the publication of several excellent biographies.
    ellauri277.html on line 264: Gibran has generally been dismissed as sentimental and mawkishly [imelän] mystical. Nevertheless, his works are widely read and are regarded as serious literature by people who do not often read such literature. The unconventional beauty of his language and the moral earnestness of his ideas allow him to speak to a broad audience as only a handful of other twentieth-century American poets have. The sad fact is that a large majority of these monkeys are sentimental and mawkishly mystical.
    ellauri277.html on line 346: Bahá’ullah nimitti seuraajakseen vanhimman poikansa Abdulbaha’n (Barbapapa), joka järjesti maailmanlaajuisen lähetystyön. Samalla uskontulkintaan liitettiin myös kristillisiä ja länsimaisia humanitaarisia piirteitä. Bahai-usko oli aluksi vain väljästi järjestäytynyt, eikä käännytettyjä pakotettu etenkään länsimaissa luopumaan omasta uskontokunnastaan. Barbapapa kuoli vuonna 1921. Hänen testamenttinsa perusteella liikkeen ylivalvojaksi nousi tyttärenpoika Shoghi Effendi. Hänet julistettiin Uskon suojelijaksi, jonka tulkintojen vastustaminen tulkittiin Jumalan vastustamiseksi. Fair enough.
    ellauri277.html on line 364: Bahaiden mukaan heidän uskontonsa ei ole viimeinen ja täydellinen Jumalan ilmoitus, mutta he uskovat, että bahai-usko on nykyaikana lähimpänä totuutta. Bahai-uskon mukaan on kaksi syytä, miksi uskonnot ovat erilaisia. Ensinnäkin eri yhteisöissä ja eri aikoina on ollut erilaisia tarpeita, ja toiseksi ihmiskunnalle esitetään totuus sen kulloisenkin henkisen kypsyyden mukaan. Nykyset apinalaumat ovat vielä tosi raakoja.
    ellauri278.html on line 97: oikeastaan ollut laulua eikä soittoa, ei myöskään rallatusta. Aäni syntyi tanssijain röhistessä kurkkuaan, mikäli voin huomata etupäässä takapiässä sisään henkiessä. Olin välillä erottavinani joitakuita tajuttavia äänteitä, sentapaisia kuin: höö-him, hööhei, hoo-him, haaveli. Sitten taas luulin kuulevani: hinkin.
    ellauri278.html on line 157: Vyshinsky first became a nationally known public figure as a result of the Semenchuk case of 1936. Konstantin Semenchuk was the head of the Glavsevmorput station on Wrangel Island. He was accused of oppressing and starving the local Yupik and of ordering his subordinate, the sledge driver Stepan Startsev, to murder Dr. Nikolai Vulfson, who had attempted to stand up to Semenchuk, on 27 December 1934 (though there were also rumors that Startsev had fallen in love with Vulfson's wife, Dr. Gita Feldman, and killed him out of jealousy). The case came to trial before the Supreme Court of the RSFSR in May 1936; both defendants, attacked by Vyshinsky as "human waste", were found guilty and shot, and "the most publicised result of the trial was the joy of the liberated Eskimos."
    ellauri278.html on line 165: British diplomat Sir Frank Roberts, who served as British chargé d'affaires in Moscow from February 1945 to October 1947, described him as follows:
    ellauri278.html on line 167: He spoke good French, was quick, clever and efficient, and always knew his dossier well, but whereas I had a certain unwilling respect for Molotov, I had none at all for Vyshinsky. All Soviet officials at that time had no choice but to carry out Stalin's policies without asking too many questions, but Vyshinsky above all gave me the impression of a cringing toadie only too anxious to obey His Master's Voice even before it had expressed his wishes. ... I always had the feeling with Vyshinsky that his past as a Menshevik together with his Polish and bourgeois background made him particularly servile and obsequious in his dealings with Stalin and to a lesser extent with Molotov.
    ellauri278.html on line 200: Chicherin was an eccentric, with obsessive work habits. Alexander Barmine, who worked in the People´s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, noted that "Chicherin was a workaholic with peculiar habits. His workroom was completely buried in books, newspaper and documents. He used to patter into our room in his shirt sleeves, wearing a large silk handkerchief round his neck and slippers adorned with metal buckles ... which, for comfort´s sake, he never troubled to fasten, making a clicking noise on the floor." In 1930 Chicherin was formally replaced by his deputy, Maxim Litvinov. A continuing terminal illness burdened his last years, which forced him away from his circle of friends and active work and led to an early death.
    ellauri278.html on line 208: In January 1908, French police arrested Litvinov under the name Meer Wallach while carrying twelve 500-ruble banknotes that had been stolen in a bank robbery in Tiflis the year before. The Russian government demanded his extradition but the French Minister for Justice Aristide Briand ruled Litvinov´s crime was political and ordered him to be deported. He went to Belfast, Ireland, where he joined his sister Rifka and her family. There, he taught foreign languages in the Jewish Jaffe Public Elementary School until 1910.
    ellauri278.html on line 212: In January 1918, Litvinov addressed the Labour Party Conference, praising the achievements of the Revolution. Alexander Kerensky, the leader of the democratic Russian Provisional Government that had replaced the Tsar and was overthrown by Lenin, was welcomed by the British government on a visit to London and also addressed the Labour Party Conference, criticising the dictatorship of Lenin’s government. Litvinov replied to Kerensky in the left-wing English press, criticising him as being supported by foreign powers and intending to restore capitalism. Later in 1918, the British government arrested Litvinov, ostensibly for having addressed public gatherings held in opposition to British intervention in the ongoing Russian Civil War.
    ellauri278.html on line 226: After the 1938 Munich Agreement, German state media derided Maxim Litvinov for his Jewish ancestry, referring to him as "Finkelstein-Litvinov". The Munich Agreement (Czech: Mnichovská dohoda; Slovak: Mníchovská dohoda; German: Münchner Abkommen) was an agreement concluded at Munich on 30 September 1938, by Nazi Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy. The agreement provided for the German annexation of land on the border between Czechoslovakia and Germany called the Sudetenland, where more than three million people, mainly ethnic Germans, lived. The pact is also known in "some areas" as the Munich Betrayal (Czech: Mnichovská zrada; Slovak: Mníchovská zrada), because of a previous 1924 alliance agreement and a 1925 military pact between France and the Czechoslovak Republic.
    ellauri278.html on line 238: Litvinov myönsi että Molotov-Ribbentrop sopimus oli ryssiltä hyvä ratkaisu siinä tapauksessa, vaikka aina hyvä ratkaisu on Kaleva-puku. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those powers to partition Eastern Europe between them. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and was officially known as the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact, Nazi–Soviet Pact or Nazi–Soviet Alliance.
    ellauri278.html on line 252: Even to Litvinov, the German invasion of the Soviet Union was a surprise; he did not believe Hitler would risk embarking on a second front at this stage of the war. Churchill informed the world Hitler´s actions were not a surprise to him, and that a victory over the USSR by Hitler would be a catastrophe for the British Empire.
    ellauri278.html on line 254: Early in November 1941, Litvinov was summoned to see Stalin and told his services were required as ambassador to the United States. In the US, the appointment was met with enthusiasm. The New York Times stated: "Stalin has decided to place his ablest and most forceful diplomat and one who enjoys greater prestige in this country. He is known as a man of exceptional ability, adroit as well as forceful. It is believed that Stalin, in designating him for the ambassadorship, felt Litvinov could exercise real influence in Washington."
    ellauri278.html on line 264: In his reminiscences dictated to a supporter later in life, Vyacheslav Molotov—Litvinov´s replacement as chief of foreign affairs and right-hand man of Joseph Stalin—said Litvinov was "intelligent" and "first rate" but said he and Stalin "didn´t trust him" and consequently "left him out of negotiations" with the United States during the war. Molotov called Litvinov "not a bad diplomat—a good one" but also called him quite an opportunist who greatly sympathized with Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, and Lev Kamenev. According to Molotov; Litvinov remained among the living in the Great Purge only by chance.
    ellauri278.html on line 266: Vjatšeslav Mihailovitš Molotov (ven. Вячесла́в Миха́йлович Мо́лотов; 9. maaliskuuta (J: 25. helmikuuta) 1890 Kukarka, Venäjän keisarikunta – 8. marraskuuta 1986 Moskova, Venäjän SFNT, Neuvostoliitto) oli neuvostoliittolainen poliitikko ja diplomaatti. Hänet tunnetaan erityisesti natsi-Saksan ulkoministerin Joachim von Ribbentropin kanssa vuonna 1939 allekirjoittamasta hyökkäämättömyyssopimuksesta, joka tunnetaan Molotov–Ribbentrop-sopimuksena. Molotov oli Aleksandra Kollontain ohella ainoita bolševikkien johtohahmoja, joka selvisi hengissä Stalinin vainoista. Niin ja (ehkä) Litvinov.
    ellauri278.html on line 275: Toukokuussa 1939 Molotovista tuli myös ulkoasioiden kansankomissaari (ulkoministeri). Hän neuvotteli Ison-Britannian ja Ranskan kanssa elokuussa 1939. Kun neuvottelut epäonnistuivat, hän allekirjoitti Molotov–Ribbentrop-sopimuksen Saksan Joachim von Ribbentropin kanssa. Sopimuksen ehtojen mukaan Neuvostoliitto hyökkäsi Puolaan 17. syyskuuta 1939 Saksan vallattua maan länsiosat 1. syyskuuta alkaneessa hyökkäyksessä. Puolan itäosa liitettiin Neuvostoliittoon, ja luokkavihollisten pidätykset ja siirrot alkoivat liitetyllä alueella.
    ellauri279.html on line 95: Erään William Harrisonin mukaan Solzhenitsyn oli varsinkin loppupeleissä "arkki-taantumuksellinen", joka väitti, että Neuvostoliiton valtio "tukahdutti" perinteisen iso- ja vähävenäläisen kulttuurin, vaati yhtenäisen slaavilaisen valtion luomista, joka kattaa Venäjän, Ukrainan ja Valko-Venäjän, ja joka oli Ukrainan itsenäisyyden kova vastustaja. On hyvin dokumentoitu, että hänen kielteiset näkemyksensä Ukrainan itsenäisyydestä muuttuivat radikaalimmiksi vuosien varrella. Harrison väitti myös, että Solzhenitsynillä oli panslaavilaisia ja monarkistisia näkemyksiä. Harrisonin mukaan "Hänen historiallinen kirjoituksensa on täynnä himoa idealisoidun tsaarin aikakauden jälkeen, jolloin näennäisesti kaikki oli ruusuista. Hän etsi turvapaikkaa unenomaisesta menneisyydestä, jossa hän uskoi, että ortodoksiselle perustalle rakennettu yhtenäinen slaavilainen valtio (Venäjän valtakunta) oli tarjonnut ideologisen vaihtoehdon länsimaiselle individualistiselle liberalismille.
    ellauri279.html on line 197: When Yuri joined the faculty of the Department of German and Russian at UCD in January, 1989, none of his colleagues had any idea of the remarkable fifty-five years of his life that had preceded his arrival in Davis. Some of us were aware of the fact that he had been censored for his writing in the Soviet Union, but most, if not all of us, were ignorant of the attack leveled against him in 1974 by the newspaper Izvestiya, which accused him of having slandered the Soviet people, or of his having been removed from the Writers Union of the USSR in 1977 and declared “a traitor to the motherland” for his participation in the Samizdat underground publishing movement. In 1986, he was threatened by the KGB with either incarceration in a prison camp or confinement to a psychiatric ward, where he might well have languished had it not been for the intervention of Western writers such as Kurt Vonnegut and Arthur Miller, as well as, the International PEN-Club. Yuri was banished from his homeland a year later. He became a leading literary figure among Russian émigré writers while in exile, living first in Vienna, and then in Texas, before coming to California.
    ellauri279.html on line 342: Hänen (Jurin) vaientamista kannattavat kynäilijät kirjoittivat anomuksia, sadat julkkis intellektuellit, joista muinoin vasemmistoon suuntautuneilla henkilöillä, kuten Jean-Paul Sartrella, oli erityistä vaikutusta Moskovassa. Muita tukijoita olivat muun muassa vasemmistosiipirikot Graham Greene, Muriel Spark, W. H. Auden, Günter Grass, Heinrich Böll, Yukio Mishima, Carlos Fuentes, Arthur Miller, John Updike, Truman Capote ja Kurt Vonnegut. Aika monesta näistä on jo paasauxia. Joukossa on melkoisia turhakkeita jopa konnia.
    ellauri279.html on line 382: John-Paul Khimka uskoo, että Solženitsynin näkemykset Ukrainan kansan alkuperästä ja identiteetistä, jotka on ilmaistu kirjassa How We Settled Russia, ovat identtisiä venäläisten kansallismielisten näkemysten kanssa 1800-1900-luvun vaihteessa.
    ellauri281.html on line 96: oikeastaan ollut laulua eikä soittoa, ei myöskään rallatusta. Aäni syntyi tanssijain röhistessä kurkkuaan, mikäli voin huomata etupäässä takapiässä sisään henkiessä. Olin välillä erottavinani joitakuita tajuttavia äänteitä, sentapaisia kuin: höö-him, hööhei, hoo-him, haaveli. Sitten taas luulin kuulevani: hinkin.
    ellauri281.html on line 156: Vyshinsky first became a nationally known public figure as a result of the Semenchuk case of 1936. Konstantin Semenchuk was the head of the Glavsevmorput station on Wrangel Island. He was accused of oppressing and starving the local Yupik and of ordering his subordinate, the sledge driver Stepan Startsev, to murder Dr. Nikolai Vulfson, who had attempted to stand up to Semenchuk, on 27 December 1934 (though there were also rumors that Startsev had fallen in love with Vulfson's wife, Dr. Gita Feldman, and killed him out of jealousy). The case came to trial before the Supreme Court of the RSFSR in May 1936; both defendants, attacked by Vyshinsky as "human waste", were found guilty and shot, and "the most publicised result of the trial was the joy of the liberated Eskimos."
    ellauri281.html on line 164: British diplomat Sir Frank Roberts, who served as British chargé d'affaires in Moscow from February 1945 to October 1947, described him as follows:
    ellauri281.html on line 166: He spoke good French, was quick, clever and efficient, and always knew his dossier well, but whereas I had a certain unwilling respect for Molotov, I had none at all for Vyshinsky. All Soviet officials at that time had no choice but to carry out Stalin's policies without asking too many questions, but Vyshinsky above all gave me the impression of a cringing toadie only too anxious to obey His Master's Voice even before it had expressed his wishes. ... I always had the feeling with Vyshinsky that his past as a Menshevik together with his Polish and bourgeois background made him particularly servile and obsequious in his dealings with Stalin and to a lesser extent with Molotov.
    ellauri281.html on line 199: Chicherin was an eccentric, with obsessive work habits. Alexander Barmine, who worked in the People´s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, noted that "Chicherin was a workaholic with peculiar habits. His workroom was completely buried in books, newspaper and documents. He used to patter into our room in his shirt sleeves, wearing a large silk handkerchief round his neck and slippers adorned with metal buckles ... which, for comfort´s sake, he never troubled to fasten, making a clicking noise on the floor." In 1930 Chicherin was formally replaced by his deputy, Maxim Litvinov. A continuing terminal illness burdened his last years, which forced him away from his circle of friends and active work and led to an early death.
    ellauri281.html on line 207: In January 1908, French police arrested Litvinov under the name Meer Wallach while carrying twelve 500-ruble banknotes that had been stolen in a bank robbery in Tiflis the year before. The Russian government demanded his extradition but the French Minister for Justice Aristide Briand ruled Litvinov´s crime was political and ordered him to be deported. He went to Belfast, Ireland, where he joined his sister Rifka and her family. There, he taught foreign languages in the Jewish Jaffe Public Elementary School until 1910.
    ellauri281.html on line 211: In January 1918, Litvinov addressed the Labour Party Conference, praising the achievements of the Revolution. Alexander Kerensky, the leader of the democratic Russian Provisional Government that had replaced the Tsar and was overthrown by Lenin, was welcomed by the British government on a visit to London and also addressed the Labour Party Conference, criticising the dictatorship of Lenin’s government. Litvinov replied to Kerensky in the left-wing English press, criticising him as being supported by foreign powers and intending to restore capitalism. Later in 1918, the British government arrested Litvinov, ostensibly for having addressed public gatherings held in opposition to British intervention in the ongoing Russian Civil War.
    ellauri281.html on line 225: After the 1938 Munich Agreement, German state media derided Maxim Litvinov for his Jewish ancestry, referring to him as "Finkelstein-Litvinov". The Munich Agreement (Czech: Mnichovská dohoda; Slovak: Mníchovská dohoda; German: Münchner Abkommen) was an agreement concluded at Munich on 30 September 1938, by Nazi Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy. The agreement provided for the German annexation of land on the border between Czechoslovakia and Germany called the Sudetenland, where more than three million people, mainly ethnic Germans, lived. The pact is also known in "some areas" as the Munich Betrayal (Czech: Mnichovská zrada; Slovak: Mníchovská zrada), because of a previous 1924 alliance agreement and a 1925 military pact between France and the Czechoslovak Republic.
    ellauri281.html on line 237: Litvinov myönsi että Molotov-Ribbentrop sopimus oli ryssiltä hyvä ratkaisu siinä tapauksessa, vaikka aina hyvä ratkaisu on Kaleva-puku. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those powers to partition Eastern Europe between them. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and was officially known as the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact, Nazi–Soviet Pact or Nazi–Soviet Alliance.
    ellauri281.html on line 251: Even to Litvinov, the German invasion of the Soviet Union was a surprise; he did not believe Hitler would risk embarking on a second front at this stage of the war. Churchill informed the world Hitler´s actions were not a surprise to him, and that a victory over the USSR by Hitler would be a catastrophe for the British Empire.
    ellauri281.html on line 253: Early in November 1941, Litvinov was summoned to see Stalin and told his services were required as ambassador to the United States. In the US, the appointment was met with enthusiasm. The New York Times stated: "Stalin has decided to place his ablest and most forceful diplomat and one who enjoys greater prestige in this country. He is known as a man of exceptional ability, adroit as well as forceful. It is believed that Stalin, in designating him for the ambassadorship, felt Litvinov could exercise real influence in Washington."
    ellauri281.html on line 263: In his reminiscences dictated to a supporter later in life, Vyacheslav Molotov—Litvinov´s replacement as chief of foreign affairs and right-hand man of Joseph Stalin—said Litvinov was "intelligent" and "first rate" but said he and Stalin "didn´t trust him" and consequently "left him out of negotiations" with the United States during the war. Molotov called Litvinov "not a bad diplomat—a good one" but also called him quite an opportunist who greatly sympathized with Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, and Lev Kamenev. According to Molotov; Litvinov remained among the living in the Great Purge only by chance.
    ellauri281.html on line 265: Vjatšeslav Mihailovitš Molotov (ven. Вячесла́в Миха́йлович Мо́лотов; 9. maaliskuuta (J: 25. helmikuuta) 1890 Kukarka, Venäjän keisarikunta – 8. marraskuuta 1986 Moskova, Venäjän SFNT, Neuvostoliitto) oli neuvostoliittolainen poliitikko ja diplomaatti. Hänet tunnetaan erityisesti natsi-Saksan ulkoministerin Joachim von Ribbentropin kanssa vuonna 1939 allekirjoittamasta hyökkäämättömyyssopimuksesta, joka tunnetaan Molotov–Ribbentrop-sopimuksena. Molotov oli Aleksandra Kollontain ohella ainoita bolševikkien johtohahmoja, joka selvisi hengissä Stalinin vainoista. Niin ja (ehkä) Litvinov.
    ellauri281.html on line 274: Toukokuussa 1939 Molotovista tuli myös ulkoasioiden kansankomissaari (ulkoministeri). Hän neuvotteli Ison-Britannian ja Ranskan kanssa elokuussa 1939. Kun neuvottelut epäonnistuivat, hän allekirjoitti Molotov–Ribbentrop-sopimuksen Saksan Joachim von Ribbentropin kanssa. Sopimuksen ehtojen mukaan Neuvostoliitto hyökkäsi Puolaan 17. syyskuuta 1939 Saksan vallattua maan länsiosat 1. syyskuuta alkaneessa hyökkäyksessä. Puolan itäosa liitettiin Neuvostoliittoon, ja luokkavihollisten pidätykset ja siirrot alkoivat liitetyllä alueella.
    ellauri282.html on line 51: Tää menee tosiaan prikulleen niinkuin ennakoin: lopun ajat tuo termiittiapinan pahimmat puolet pinnalle. Yhteen hiilijalanjälkeen puhaltaminen ei nappaa enää, sen sijasta trendaa julmuus izekkyys ja isänmaallisuus. Reviiriään partioivat Gog ja Magog käy toistensa turkkiin kuin terrierit sidostesukkaan, hälläväliä hengessä syömään izensä kuin kezut ja muunkin elävän siinä samalla. Urpo alkaa nälkäisenä purra omaa nilkkaa. Stressed people fight like rats in a shoe. Olin oikeassa mutten kuitenkaan järin voitonriemuinen.
    ellauri282.html on line 77: [3.4. klo 12.23] +358 44 2776451: Luen Otto Pipatin open access kirjaa Westermarckista ja sen oppilaista. Jos W ihaili Humea ja Smithiä, ja on vaikuttanut paljon Malinowskiin, ja Hume herättänyt Kantin dogmaattisuuden unesta, maailman myllerrys muutti kaikkea: älä tee toiselle sitä mistä se ei ole vamis maksamaan. One for me, one for you, 10% to the collection and 4% for the owners. Kun kaupallinen järjestelmä monimutkaistuu, Humen sentimentit ja human understanding vähitellen venähtää. Ehkä westermarckilainen teoria hyväksymisen emfaattisista ja hylkäämisen inhon tunteista moraalisten käsitysten pohjana on osa tällaista venymistä: pyrkimystä hieman väljempiin liiveihin. Voisihan ajatella että rakasta lähimmäistä, koaka hän voi olla vielä asiakkaasi, tai ratkaiseva äänestäjä.
    ellauri282.html on line 101: [3.4. klo 19.14] Oma Profiili: The famous Allan Ramsay portrait of David Hume, hanging in the University of Edinburgh, depicts him wearing a remarkable hat: a unique salmon-coloured turban. I was able to see the original on the occasion of receiving an honorary degree from Edinburgh in 2007, and ever since then I have desired to obtain a replica of that curious hat for myself (to wear on special occasions, such as those requiring academic regalia).
    ellauri282.html on line 287: Ja kun himmenee hiipuva hiillos
    ellauri282.html on line 314: Elämä on helppoa, elämä on ihanaa. Se on vain vaikeaa illuusioidesi, kunnianhimoidesi, ahneutesi ja himosi suhteen. Tiedätkö mistä nämä asiat tulevat? Siitä, että olet tunnistautunut kaikenlaisiin tarroihin! Kun tulet näkemään, että et ole tänään niin viisas kuin olit eilen, olet viisaampi tänään.
    ellauri282.html on line 447: Pitkien Getsemanin vuosien aikana Merton muuttui The Seven Storey Mountainin intohimoisesti reikiin sisäänpäin katsovasta nuoresta reikämunkista mietiskelevämmäksi kirjailijaksi ja runoilijaksi. Merton tuli tunnetuksi vuoropuheluistaan ​​muiden uskontojen kanssa ja väkivallattomasta asenteestaan ​​1960-luvun kilpailumellakoiden ja Vietnamin sodan aikana.
    ellauri282.html on line 449: 1960-luvulle mennessä hän oli päässyt laajalti inhimilliseen näkemykseen, joka oli syvästi huolissaan maailmasta ja sellaisista asioista kuin rauha, rodullinen suvaitsevaisuus ja sosiaalinen tasa-arvo. Hän oli kehittänyt persoonallisen radikalismin, jolla oli poliittisia vaikutuksia, mutta joka ei perustunut ideologiaan, ja jonka juuret olivat ennen kaikkea väkivallattomuudessa (ahimsa). Hän piti näkemyksensä perustuvana "yksinkertaisuuteen" ja ilmaisi sen kristillisenä tunteena. Hänen New Seeds of Contemplation -teoksensa julkaistiin vuonna 1961. Kirjeessä Nicaraguan katoliselle papille, vapautumisteologille ja poliitikolle Ernesto Cardenalille (joka tuli Getsemaniin mutta lähti vuonna 1959 opiskelemaan teologiaa Meksikoon), Merton kirjoitti: "Maailma on täynnä suuria rikollisia, joilla on valtava voima, ja he kamppailevat kuolemantaistelussa keskenään. Se on valtava jengitaistelu, jossa käytetään hyvin tarkoittaen asianajajia, poliiseja ja pappeja eturintamassaan, jotka hallitsevat papereita, viestintävälineitä ja rekisteröivät kaikki armeijaansa."
    ellauri282.html on line 457: Huhtikuussa 1966 Merton joutui leikkaukseen heikentävän selkäkivun hoitamiseksi. Toipuessaan Louisvillen sairaalassa hän rakastui vaikeasti Margie Smithiin, hänen hoitoonsa määrättyyn sairaanhoitajaopiskelijaan. (Hän kutsui häntä päiväkirjassaan nimellä "M.") Hän kirjoitti hänelle runoja ja pohdiskeli suhdetta "Juhannuspäiväkirjassa M." Merton kamppaili pitääkseen lupauksensa samalla kun hän oli syvästi rakastunut. Ei tiedetä, "viimeistelikö" hän koskaan suhdetta. Vizi varmaan "viimeisteli!" Mertonin päiväkirjan Kuudes osa, Learning to Love: Exploring Solitude and Freedom aiheutti pienen kohun, kun päiväkirjamerkinnät paljastivat Mertonin "suhteen" nuoren sairaanhoitajan kaa vuonna 1966. Nainen, joka tunnistettiin vain "M":ksi, oli Mertonin syvän intohimon kohde: "En ole koskaan nähnyt niin paljon yksinkertaista, spontaania, täydellistä rakkautta", hän kirjoitti, vaikka ei kuvaillutkaan heidän suhdettaan seksuaalisilla termeillä. Tämän hyvin inhimillisen rakkauden ansiosta Merton sai uuden ymmärryksen mystisestä rakkaudesta. As Burton-Christie sanoo: "Hän tuli huomaamaan, että kokemus siitä, että hän on" rapt "ekstaattisessa rakkaudessa voi tapahtua, ei vain yksityisenä, hengellisenä kokemuksena, jonka Jumala ja hän itse jakavat, vaan myös fyysinen, läheinen suhde rakastajattaren kanssa." Mertonin rakkausrunot, joku ymmärtäväinen Burton-Christie toteaa, ovat täynnä tarvitsevuuden teemaa ja haavoittuminen, että alttius rakkaudelle on inhimillinen tila, jota edes munkit eivät saa kieltää. Tämä nuori sairaanhoitaja herätti Mertonissa tietoisuuden siitä, että hän oli katkaissut itsensä elämästä uskonnollisen varmuuden ja dogman muurien taaxe. Hänellä oli turvaa, mutta ei viisautta eikä elämää. Get a life! Ne muutamat kuukaudet, jolloin he näkivät toisensa, tekivät munkista haavoittuvan monille ihmisille tuttuun läjään tunteita, kiusauksia ja psyykkisiä haavoja, mutta juuri tässä kaaoksessa hän koki "Rakkauden maailman" parantavan ja uudistavan voiman. Mitä vetoa että "viimeisteli!" Olihan se poikasena ollut kova panomies.
    ellauri283.html on line 319: Vuonna 1504 Fonzien kerrotaan perustaneen Sennarin valtakunnan, johon Abdallah Jammun valtakunta liitettiin. Vuoteen 1523 mennessä, kun juutalainen turisti David Reubeni vieraili Sudanissa, Fonzien osavaltio ulottui jo pohjoiseen Dongolaan asti. Samaan aikaan islamia alkoivat saarnata Niilillä 1400- ja 1500-luvuilla asuneet sufi -pyhät ja David Reubenin vierailulla kuningas Amara Dungheap, aiemmin pakana tai enintään nimellinen kristitty, kirjattiin muslimiksi. Fonziella kuitenkin säilyi epäislamilaiset tavat, kuten jumalallinen kuninkuus tai alkoholin maistuvuus 1700-luvulle asti. Sudanin kansanislam säilytti monia kristillisistä perinteistä peräisin olevia rituaaleja lähimenneisyyteen asti, kuten ristiinnaulizeminen.
    ellauri283.html on line 357: Pääministeri Ismail al-Azharin johtama National Unionist Party (NUP) hallitsi ensimmäistä hallitusta, joka pian korvattiin konservatiivisten poliittisten voimien koalitiolla. Vuonna 1958, taloudellisten vaikeuksien ja julkishallinnon lamaannuttaneiden poliittisten manipulaatioiden jälkeen, esikuntapäällikkö kenraalimajuri Ibrahim Abboud kaatoi parlamentaarisen hallinnon verettömällä vallankaappauksella.
    ellauri283.html on line 496: Joulukuussa 2022 sotilasjuntta karkotti maasta YK:n lihavan edustajan ja tammikuussa 2023 Ranskan suurlähettilään. Ranskan sijaan juntan sotilasjohtaja Ibrahim Traore avasi maan suhteita muihin maihin, erityisesti Venäjään. Huhtikuussa 2023 sotilasjuntta karkotti maasta ranskalaisten lehtien Le Monde ja Libération toimittajat.
    ellauri283.html on line 497: Satoja ihmisiä osallistui mielenosoitukseen, jossa oli esillä Malin ja Guinean johtajien, sekä Vladimir Putininin kuvia. Mielenosoituksen järjestäjä sanoi, että halutaan osoittaa tukea Putinille, burkinalaiselle sotilasvallankaappauksen johtajalle kapteeni Ibrahim Traorelle, islamisteille ja niitä vastaan taisteleville turvallisuusjoukoille. Kelle vaan kuhan ei ranskixille!
    ellauri283.html on line 531: Satoja ihmisiä osallistui mielenosoitukseen, jossa oli esillä Malin ja Guinean johtajien, sekä Vladimir Putininin kuvia. Mielenosoituksen järjestäjä sanoi, että halutaan osoittaa tukea Putinille, burkinalaiselle sotilasvallankaappauksen johtajalle kapteeni Ibrahim Traorelle, islamisteille ja niitä vastaan taisteleville turvallisuusjoukoille. Muttei ranskixille!
    ellauri284.html on line 89: Vad är det som är värst fel med kineserna? Det är inte Xi eller så, än mer än kärnproblemet i Ukraina är Mr. Putin. Västerländsk propaganda fokuserar alltid på ledare, båda hemma och hos fienderna. Det är konstigt för demokrater som hävdar att folket är i roteln. Också i de asiatiska diktaturerna är ledare beroende av makteliten och folket, såsom de Waals observerade hos chimpanserna.
    ellauri284.html on line 101: Mutta ei, kamelinajajat eivät pettäneet isänmaan asiaa, edes salmiakista. Oli niilläkin vanhat vihat hampaankolossa ja omat edut ajettavana. Kalifien entiset sotaorjat mamelukit herrasteli Ebyktissä koko Osmannien valtakunnan ajan, sitten siihen ryntäsi Ranskan piikalikka, ja seuraavaxi britit. Vizi Ebyktihän on kuin joku Puola! Kyllä maailman vanhimman maailmanvallan perillisiä lienee vituttanut. Ja sitten vielä se 6 päivän sota! Kus imak!
    ellauri284.html on line 194: This unhappy French soldier was bribed by the Germans, for a measly hundred francs, to signal to them the position of the French guns near Rheims Thus he sold the lives of his comrades, so to speak, for thirty pieces of (German) silver." He paid the penalty for his treachery with his life but was it not a greater crime to tempt him? 100 francs is nowhere near 30 pieces of German silver.
    ellauri284.html on line 232: "Private Plane" -sarjassa saatuaan tiedon siitä, että Blackadder ja Baldrick on saatettu kuolla, kun heidät ammuttiin alas saksalaisten linjojen yli, Melchett yrittää piristää Georgea näyttämällä hänelle luonnollisen kokoista mallia (17 neliöjalkaa), jonka britit valtasivat takaisin., kommentti korkeista inhimillisistä kustannuksista ja pienistä fyysisistä hyödyistä, joita sodan keskivuosien hyökkäykset saavuttivat. Myöhemmin samassa jaksossa Blackadder kuvailee suurta sotaa "sodaksi, joka olisi pirun yksinkertaisempi näky, jos pysyisimme Englannissa ja ampuisimme 50 000 omaa miestämme viikossa".
    ellauri284.html on line 589: M3M Intian perustivat vuoden 2005 alussa Basant ja Roope Bansal, jotka halusivat aloittaa kiinteistöliiketoiminnan. Yrityksen intohimo ja omistautuminen tulivat sen perustaksi, ja pian tie huippuosaamiseen alkoi. Pankaj Bansal on yhdysvaltalainen johtava yrittäjä, joka perusti M3M Indian, yhden Intian tunnetuimmista ja nopeimmin kasvavista kiinteistökehittäjistä. Hän on valmistunut Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studiesista Mumbaissa ja Harvard Business Schoolin Executive Management Programista Yhdysvalloissa. Tunnetut Trump Towers Delhissä NCR ja Golf Estate Gurgaonissa ovat vain pari esimerkkiä Gurugramin ylpeydestä. Pankaj Bansal, nuori yrittäjä, joka on vielä 40-vuotias, on täsmälleen 34-vuotias. M3M Golfin kiinteistökehitys, joka sisältää yli 50 hehtaarin huippuylellisen lomakeskuksen kaltaisen asuinkompleksin, on huippusaavutus. M3M Golf Estate on voittanut joukon arvostettuja palkintoja yhdeksi Intian parhaista luksusprojekteista ja ulkomailla.
    ellauri284.html on line 609: After Saxena applied for a land-use change back in 2005, Dinesh Dayma, an agent acting on behalf of IREO, persuaded him to sell his land before the government acquired it by eminent domain, according to Saxena. Panicked, Saxena sold about a third of it for $188,000. The developers packaged it with other parcels, similarly acquired, and now are making it available for the Trump project.
    ellauri284.html on line 612: The Trumps began eyeing India around 2007, drawn to an emerging market of consumers beginning to find a taste for name-brand luxury. Now there are two Trump towers in the quiet city of Pune and a flashier one with a gold facade in Mumbai being built by millionaire developer Mangal Prabhat Lodha, a politician in the governing Bharatiya Janata Party. Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., has made several trips to India, and Trump himself jetted in on a promotional tour in 2014, proclaiming India “an amazing country!”
    ellauri284.html on line 615: A state leader from Maharashtra, who met with Donald Trump Jr., says the young American’s Indian partner there pushed him to relax building codes to revive a stalled project — an allegation confirmed by another person familiar with the discussion but disputed by Indian developer Kalpesh Mehta, who was also in the meeting.
    ellauri284.html on line 623: “By continuing his association with these groups and pursuing his private business interests, he’s put himself on a collision course with the U.S. public interest,” said Kathleen Clark, a law professor and ethics expert at Washington University in St. Louis. “It’s a terrible idea.”
    ellauri284.html on line 743: Vuosien varrella se on ylpeillyt poliitikkojen, diplomaattien, liikemiesten ja kirjailijoiden eliittijäsenyydestä, johon ovat kuuluneet Henry Kissinger, Margaret Thatcher, Caspar Weinberger, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Henry Lude, Lord Carrington, Alexander Haig, Paul Volcker, Buster Keaton, George Shultz ja Walter Cronkite monien monien muiden joukossa. Lähimmän kuninkaallisen perheen jäsenet, Yhdysvaltain ulkoministerit ja Yhdysvaltain suurlähettiläät St. Jamesin tuomioistuimeen saakka hyväksytään tavallisesti viran puolesta yhdistyksen jäsenyyteen.
    ellauri285.html on line 265: Kuappinen avaa paperinsa huonosti väittämällä että Anna Kareninan todellinen sankari on Konstantin Levin. Mitä vittua? No koska "Levin is a respected, wealthy and hardworking landowner, and a proud father married to a beautiful and insightful woman who loves him deeply." Kun muut ovat yhdentekeviä, näyttää olevan oman etumme mukaista elää ize enemmän tai vähemmän merkityksellistä elämää.
    ellauri285.html on line 301: Mutta tämäkään ei kelpaa Kuappiselle. Teleologin mielestä on pääasia että kaverin elämä näyttää muista merkityxelliseltä vaikka se sille izelleen olis kuinka ikävää. Ehkä Mahatmakin mieluummin virui alastonna nubiilien neitosten viekossa, ja oli täysin kylästynyt ahimsaan, silti vittu, sen elämä oli merkizevää, sanoi se ize mitä tahansa. Sitävastoin kotirouvan tai sotamiehen elämä on merkityxetöntä, ei koska niillä oli tylsää, vaan koska ne eivät yrittäneet riittävästi, "rather their half-hearted and lackluster pursuit of valuable goals."
    ellauri285.html on line 460: "Enemmistö pysyy vähimmistönä, aina." (SSSK)
    ellauri285.html on line 651: Bernard Levin wrote critically of Schoenman's influence on Russell, saying that Schoenman was partly responsible for Russell's virulent anti-Americanism, in contrast to his earlier pronouncements against communism. Russell said of Schoenman, "You know he is a rather rash young man, and I have to restrain him."
    ellauri285.html on line 656: During the course of the tribunal, the U.S. government revoked Schoenman's passport because of unauthorized visits to North Vietnam. In November 1967, he was deported back to the U.S. by Bolivian authorities when he traveled there to attend the trial of Régis Debray. As a result, he was prevented from attending the tribunal's proceedings in Copenhagen later that month because Danish authorities refused to allow him to enter without a passport. This led to a sequence in which Schoenman shuttled between several European countries, none of which would admit him, before illegally entering Britain, where he remained for 10 days until being deported in June 1968.
    ellauri288.html on line 112: Olen into­himoinen, ja se näkyy kaikessa, mitä teen. Olen joko todella kiinnostunut tai en yhtään. Se on tyypillistä rajatilaisille. Ukrainaan, Tallinnaan ja Helsinkiin sijoittuva Koirapuisto on romaani naisista, jotka myyvät munasolujaan ja vuokraavat kohtujaan heille (p.o. niille), jotka ovat valmiita tekemään mitä tahansa saadakseen lapsia. Sofi ei ole sellainen. Sofilla ei ole lapsia, eikä hän ole kokenut kaipuuta omaan lapseen. Mies joskus ruinaa niitä, mutta kyllä naisella on oikeus vihata omaa lastaan. Perhe: Naimisissa Juha Korhosen kanssa, joka asuu Helsingissä.
    ellauri288.html on line 117: – Ei enää minun kohdallani, mutta olenkin etuoikeutetussa asemassa Suomen vanhimpana ja palkituimpana vielä elävänä kirjailijana. Sellaiset asiat kuin ikä ja tunnustukset vaikuttavat. Minut on palkittu muun ­muassa Finlandialla ja Ranskan Arts et Lettres -ritarikunnan kunniamerkillä. Mutta valitettavasti en kelpaa enää nakukuviin, julkinen keskustelu kaipaa aina uutta nuorta naista uhrikseen.
    ellauri288.html on line 283: Suositellaan klassisten venäläisten kirjailijoiden, kuten Doston ja Pasternakin, ystäville sekä niille, jotka nauttivat nykyajan klisheisistä tarinoista himosta ja petoksesta. Library Journal Review, Yhdysvallat
    ellauri288.html on line 287: Mukava lukukokemus! Kiihkeä jännitys tarttuu lukijaan ensimmäisistä riveistä lähtien. Oksanen on narukävelijä. Hän kexii kivat yksityiskohdat (mm. runkun popsinta) ja antaa niille vaaditun painon ja merkityksen. Sofi Oksanen on tällä vahvalla, kirjallisella kerronnallaan antanut meille ainutlaatuisen näkemyksen Viron nykyhistorian lisäksi. Lävistävästi ja armottomasti hän paljastaa julmien poliittisten hallintojen inhimillisen haitan. Dagsavisen, Norja
    ellauri288.html on line 293: Oksasella on fantastinen kyky lavastella groteskeja kohtauksia, jotka johtavat merkittäviin ja intensiivisiin havaintoihin. Sofi Oksanen on epätavallisen kunnianhimoinen tarinankertoja, jolla on tiukka ote monista löysältä näyttävistä langoista. Vaikka Purge ei ole mukava kirja lukea, se on hirvittävän ilahduttava matka ajassa ja tilassa. Dagens Næringsliv, Norja
    ellauri288.html on line 368: pollas d' iphthimous psukhas Aidi proiapsen
    ellauri288.html on line 531: Balladi kirjoitettu amphibrach, joka koostuu kolme jalkaa. On se linja 72, joka on jaettu 18 jakeita. Kussakin 4 riviä. Amphibrach rytmi luo yksitoikkoisuus, rutiinia murtuu intohimoa tai iloa. Usein toistoja, kahina, kuten meren aaltoja, luo olemassaolon kiertokulkuun. Jae osuu toisiinsa, kuten aaltoja meren hiekkaa, korostaen, että vuosittaiset rituaali. Keisari Way toistuu joka vuosi, mutta hän ei tiedä, mitä tapahtui maailmassa, hän etsii viimeiset: kutsuu omat sotilaat ja lennoilla, kääntyy hänen poikansa ja odottaa hänen saapuessaan. Hänet mitään valituksia sanottuna kukaan kutsuu nimeltä. Tämä on kutsu yksinäinen autiomaassa. Edelleen, muistot entistä erityisiin maantieteellisesti tarkkoja, mutta aika kuluu voitosta tappioon.
    ellauri294.html on line 450: Korintti sijaizee Peloponneesoxen peukalontyvessä. Vanha Korintti vehkeili Spartan kanssa peloponneesolaissodissa. Sen säkittivät roomalaiset 146 eKr ja rakensivat uuden 44 ekr. Uudestakin tuli paheiden pesä, jossa länsi ja itä vaihtoivat pornokuvia. Kaupunkiin liittyvät ainakin Sisyfoksen, Bellerofonin ja Pegasoksen sekä Medeian pornovideot. Bellerofon (m.kreik. Βελλεροφῶν, Bellerofōn; lat. Bellerophon) oli kreikkalaisen mytologian suurimpia sankareita ja hirviöiden lyöjiä ennen Heraklesta. Hänen suurin saavutuksensa oli Khimairan (pedon, jolla oli leijonan pää, vuohen ruumis ja käärmeen häntä eli cocktail), sekä velipojan paloittelu. Kuninkaan vaimo yritti maata hänet väkisin. Bellen ylpistyttyä suorituxistaan Zeus lähetti paarman puremaan Pegasosta, joka heitti hybridin selästään. Bellerofon eli loppuelämänsä raajarikkona. Kimaran ja Pegasoxen paloista tuli Hesekielin enkeli. Korintin Länsisatama oli Lekhaion ja Vuosaari Kenkhrea. Isoja maanjärjestyxiä mm. 1858, 1928 ja 1981. Korintit on hyviä mutta niissä on siemeniä. Niitä sai faffalla Maurinkadulla jouluna.
    ellauri294.html on line 457: When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. 4 Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” 5 So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.6 Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” 7 Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. 8 He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Bugger it. Siinä meni hyvä leipäpuu.
    ellauri297.html on line 59: ”Elämän herrat kertoo vihasta ja rakkaudesta, luovista ihmisistä ja lähimmäisistä, elämän koko prosessista. Se kertoo enemmästäkin, ajasta jonka olemme sikiönä kohdussa viettäneet ja jolla on ratkaiseva vaikutus myöhempään elämäämme. Lukija ei ehkä ole samaa mieltä, mutta lukematta ja kantaa ottamatta ei voi olla kukaan. Kuten suuri kirjallisuus aina Elämän herrat jättää lähtemättömän jäljen, tämä kirja voi muuttaa maailman koko kuvan!” Eli siis mitä? Onko tää se kirja jonka Pekka Tarkka väitti olevan Putkinotko-coveri? Goodreads antaa sille arvion 3,75 8:lla ratingilla, paizi ettei niitä ole yhtäkään. Goodreads on iso kusettaja.
    ellauri297.html on line 373: Ex-Oldest Man In The World Dead In NYC At 111; He Put On Tefillin Two Months Ago For First Time Since His Bar Mitzvah, but it did not help. He is dead. World’s oldest man living confirmed as Juan Vicente Pérez aged 112 in Venezuela. Bugger it. Besides agriculture, one of Juan's most important passions is to build a strong relationship with God and his family. He is grateful for his life, as well as the food and the people that surround him.
    ellauri297.html on line 433: Joten, vaeltele ympäriinsä omalla vapaa-ajallasi pilvessä! Voit vierittää jokaisen sivun alareunaan ja etsiä luokittain, tai jos haluat koko kierroksen, napsauta alla olevaa linkkiä saadaksesi lisätietoja Ammi Ruhama Community Christian Unionista. Mutta muista: tämmöinen napsuttelu saattaa erottaa sinut lähimmäistäsi ja aiheuttaa masennusta. Ihan ensixi ---
    ellauri297.html on line 443: 1. Ensinnäkin, ei saa opettaa tai harjoittaa mitään perinnettä, joka teoriassa tai käytännössä kieltää tai korvaa kirkon identiteetin enemmän tai vähemmän kuin "Jumalan kansa, joka on saanut armon", inhimillisen uskottavuuden vuoksi, organisaation mukavuutta tai taloudellista turvaa. Näitä identiteettejä ovat muun muassa valtiollinen valtio, voittoa tavoitteleva yritys, voittoa tavoittelematon järjestö tai itse julistautunut parakirkkojärjestö.
    ellauri297.html on line 447: 3. Kolmanneksi, ei saa opettaa tai harjoittaa mitään perinnettä, joka kieltää tunnustavan uskovan välittömän kasteritiritirallaan ilman estettä, väliaikaa tai muuta estettä inhimillisen uskottavuuden vuoksi.
    ellauri297.html on line 475:

    Ihmisen kukoistaminen on objektiivinen päätavoite. Tai no, jumalan kukoistaminen, mutta sehän menee ilman sanomista. Jokainen haluaa kukoistaa omalla tavallaan, ja viime kädessä olemme kaikki samaa mieltä siitä, miltä kukoistaminen näyttää, esim Kardashianin porukat. Kun tarkastelemme ihmisen kukoistamisen abstraktia tavoitetta, emme kuitenkaan ajattele, että yksilöllistä kukoistustani suurempia tavoitteita on, vaikka se myötävaikuttaisi myös laajemman yhteisön ns. kukoistukseen. Tulemme näkemään, että tällainen kukoistaminen tapahtuu aina oman ihmisyytemme ja yhteisön vähiten arvostettujen inhimillisyyden kustannuksella. Mahdollisuuden kukoistaa tai kommunikoida välillä kommunikoin paljon mieluummin. Todellakin, tämä on esimerkki, jonka saimme Kristuksessa. Esimerkki osoittaa, että tällä keinolla pääsee vielä mahtavammin kukoistamaan loppupeleissä. Kannattaa siis tarkastella koko pelin strategiaa eikä tilannekohtaisia taktiikoita.
    ellauri297.html on line 479: Meidän on palautettava Jeesuksen esimerkki kaikkien aikojen suurimpana kommunikaattorina, jopa suurempana kuin Nokian sisäänheittotuote. Ajattele, että jos Jeesus kukoisti kenenkään mittapuun mukaan taivaassa, niin hän ei taatusti kukoistanut maan päällä, pikemminkin nuupahti. Hän luopui siitä, mikä sai hänet kukoistamaan, kasvotusten yhteydessä itsensä kanssa, ei varmistaakseen ympärillään olevien kukoistamista; todellakin, Hänen lähimmät seuraajansa teloitettiin Hänen tähtensä, aivan kuten Hän profetoi.
    ellauri297.html on line 481: Hän luopui omasta ja lähimpiensä kukoistamisesta luodakseen uudelleen ensisijaisen rajapinnan Isän ja Hänen lastensa välille. Palauttaessaan tätä yhteyttä Jeesus osoitti, kuinka ensisijainen rajapinta muodostetaan uudelleen toistensa kanssa, mikä johtaisi joskus vielä ihmisten kukoistukseen. Uskonsa kautta he kävelivät ja näkivät ja puhuivat ja paranivat ja söivät. Jeesus ei perustanut toissijaista organisaatiota tekemään tätä hänelle tai haulikolla parantamaan tai ruokkimaan koko joukkoa – hän teki sen henkilökohtaisesti, yksitellen kommunikoidakseen ensisijaisen käyttöliittymän kautta ja korjatakseen sitä. Kun Hän oli parantanut opetuslapsiaan riittävästi, Hän antoi heille Pyhän Hengen tekemään samoja asioita, ja he menivät ja tekivät henkilökohtaisesti sen työn, jota Jeesuskin omalta vähäiseltä osaltaan teki. Uskon, että Jeesus tarkoitti tätä, kun hän juuri ennen kuolemaansa ennusti,
    ellauri297.html on line 490: Ihmiset eivät kukoista, elleivät he kommunikoi tehokkaasti Jumalan ja toistensa kanssa, eikä näin voi tapahtua, ellemme luovu toissijaisista rajapinnoistamme ja kommunikoi ihmisten kanssa ensisijaisen online-rajapinnan kautta. Ihmiset ovat sielujen välisen viestinnän ensisijainen rajapinta. Jos olen vuorovaikutuksessa kenenkään kanssa sen perusteella, että toimin jonkun muun puolesta tai olen heidän ylitse missä tahansa ominaisuudessa, olivatpa he sitten lapsiani, työntekijöitäni tai virkamiehiä, enkä ihmisten välisenä vuorovaikutuksena, toimin hänen mukaansa persoonaton tapa. Jos olen persoonaton, olen ilmoittanut, että on parempi luopua sekä ihmisyydestäni että omastanne pyrkiessäni kollektiiviseen abstraktiin kukoistukseen kuin käyttää aikaa rikkomuksen korjaamiseen ja tilapäisesti uhrata oma kukoistani pyrkiessäni palauttamaan yhteyden ihmiset osana ensisijaista käyttöliittymää. Tämä johtaa paljon suurempaan ja laajempaan inhimilliseen kukoistukseen kuin persoonaton kollektiivisen kukoistuksen etsiminen toissijaisen rajapinnan kautta.
    ellauri297.html on line 547: Melkein kaikki kirjallisuus julkaistaan englanniksi. Tunnetuimpia runoilijoita ovat Frank Chipasula ja Steve Chimombo. Legson Kayira on kirjoittanut puoliomaelämäkerrallisia teoksia matkoista Afrikassa jo 1970-luvulla. Nykyisin Yhdysvalloissa työskentelevä Paul Tiyambe Zeleza on kirjoittanut parikymmentä tietokirjaa ja kolme kaunokirjallista teosta.
    ellauri297.html on line 627: Epäilemättä hänen viileäkkyytensä oli peritty hänen äidiltään. Elämäkertakirjoittajien mukaan rouva Shaw - herttaisen perheen tytär, joka päätyi naimisiin tehottoman humalaisen kanssa - tunsi vain halveksuntaa miestään kohtaan ja hän piti seksiä karkoittavana. Shaw asui hänen kanssaan naimisiinmenoon asti 42-vuotiaana. Nainen, jonka kanssa Shaw meni naimisiin, oli yhtä epämiellyttävä. Fabian-kaveri nimeltä Charlotte Frances Payne-Townshend, hän oli varakkaan irlantilaisen asianajajan tytär ja hänen uuden naisensa malli. ''Hänellä ei ollut mitään niistä naisellisista piirteistä, joita olin odottanut, ja kaikkia inhimillisiä ominaisuuksia, joita olin vain toivonut'', Shaw huomautti tavattaessa häntä, ja hän alkoi pian kutsua häntä "suffragetteiksi" ja "rouvaksi". Arvokkuus.''
    ellauri299.html on line 35:

    Länkkäreiden kauhunaiheita: iso neekeri, Stalinin kynttilä, itä on punainen, pahimpana kuitenkin ruiskahtava musta torni.

    ellauri299.html on line 85: Voi himskatti miten Topol on mahduttanut kaikki antisovjet kaunansa jo romaaninsa avauslukuihin. Pitäisikö Topolin Ukrainan olojen mustamaalaus ottaa todesta? Ei se ainakaan ollut enää siellä omin silmin näkemässä perestroikan kurjuutta 1988 tai niillämain. Raisa Gorbachova pelkää floridalaista ennustajaeukkoa, joka ennustaa sille ja karttaozaiselle Mishalle väkivaltaista loppua.
    ellauri299.html on line 109: Minulla ei ollut aikomustakaan murskata persettäni viimeiset kolme päivääni yrityksessä, riippumatta siitä, mitä olin saanut Rudolphin uskomaan. Sen sijaan peitin pöytäni kilpailunrajoituksilla, suljin oven, tuijotin seiniä ja hymyilin kaikille jättämilleni asioille. Paine väheni joka hengityksellä. Ei enää työtä aikakello kurkun ympärillä. Ei enää 80 tunnin viikkoja, koska kunnianhimoiset kollegani saattaisivat tehdä kahdeksankymmentäviisi. Ei enää ruskeanenäilyä yläpuolellani oleville. Ei enää painajaisia siitä, että kumppanuuden ovi pamautetaan naamaani.
    ellauri299.html on line 134: Kerri: Kun luin tämän kirjan ensimmäisen kerran (vuosia ja vuosia sitten), muistan lukeneeni sen kaiken yhdessä päivässä ja ajattelin: "Vau! Se oli niin voimakasta!" Luin sen vihdoin uudestaan ja se ei kestänyt. Michael on hurskas, pyhämpi kuin sinä, jolla on suuri "valkoisen miehen pelastaja" -kompleksi. Hän viittaa pyhimyksensä muutaman kerran ja siihen, kuinka häntä ei voida arvostella siitä, että hän teki niin hyvän ja jalon asian uhraamalla itsensä vähemmän onnekkaiden auttamiseksi. Ja hän aikoo pelastaa Kaikki! Hän on niin upea ja täynnä itseään. Olin iloinen, että hän lopulta osti itselleen sängyn, koska se oli vähän paljon. Hänen entiset työtoverinsa ovat nyt kaikki "pahiksia" koko kirjan ajan lähes loppuun asti, jolloin hän yhtäkkiä tuntee olonsa pahaksi, koska useimmat heistä ovat viattomia ja tietämättömiä ja se oli TODELLA VAIN Chance, joka oli pahis... Pidän siitä, että se tuo esiin vakavia kodittomuuden ahdinkoja ja että asiat eivät maagisesti muutu, elleivät kaikki ala ottamaan sitä vakavasti. (Se olisikin todella maagista...) Mutta todella, se on ainoa lunastava tekijä.
    ellauri299.html on line 136: Jasey: Olenko vain minä vai oliko tämä kirja täyttä roskaa? Grishamin kliininen tyyli ei pysty luomaan minkään aineen hahmoja, ja intohimon ja sydämen puute tekevät tästä puhtaan luettavan. Todellinen tarina on kohtuullinen ja pitää sinut lukemassa, mutta kirjan viimeistelevien hahmojen "tunteminen" oli niin vaikeaa, mikä toi enemmän helpotusta kuin katumusta.
    ellauri299.html on line 250: Arvio Lontaen menetetyistä tuloista oli melko vapaa. Puutteellisella työhistorialla tehtiin painavia oletuksia. Hän oli 22-vuotias, ja hän löytäisi jonain päivänä hyvin pian kokopäivätyön minimipalkalla. Se oli antelias oletus, mutta sen Rafter oli valmis myöntämään. Hän pysyisi puhtaana, raittiina ja vapaana raskaudesta loppuelämänsä ajan; toinen hyväntekeväisyysteoria. Hän saisi koulutusta jostain matkan varrella, muutti työhön, jossa maksetaan kaksi kertaa vähimmäispalkkaa, ja pysyisi kyseisessä työssä 65-vuotiaaksi asti. Rafter mukautti tulevia tulojaan inflaatioon ja käänsi sen nykyisiksi dollareiksi ja päätyi 570 000 dollariin Lontaen ansionmenetyksiin.
    ellauri299.html on line 298: Katolinen kirkko on tunnustanut hänet marttyyriksi, ja arkkipiispa Angelo Amato julisti hänet autuaaksi 6. kesäkuuta 2010 paavi Benedictus XVI:n puolesta. Hänen esirukouksensa aiheuttamaa ihmettä, jota vaaditaan hänen pyhimyksexi asettamisexeen, on haettu kissojen ja koirien avulla.
    ellauri299.html on line 392: Tuomas Enbuske katosi julkisuudesta mielen­terveys­ongelmien vuoksi – avautuu nyt podcastissa elämästään täydellisen romahduksen jälkeen. Oululaisten vanhempien piti tulla pelastamaan maanis-depressiivinen Tomppa hädästä, lukita se omistamaansa vuokrauuttuun Kampissa. Tälläistä on ollut liikkeellä. Mielenterveysongelmistaan avoimesti puhunut Tuomas Enbuske kertoo Pyhimyksen uudessa podcastissa sairauslomastaan ja kokemastaan häpeästä. – Se kuului siihen, olin sairas. Diagnoosi on siitä hyvä, että sillä voi selittää asioita. Nyt olen antanut anteeksi tyhmiä päätöksiäni, ja sitä että olen ollut
    ellauri299.html on line 401: Tästä Patin elämänkerrasta näkyy erityisen selvästi miten täys narsisti se oli. Lähimmäiset on sille vaan 1 iso narsistinen loukkaus. Kukahan tää oli tää Patin kustannustoimittaja josta se on tehnyt kappalaisen. Haista paska kappalainen, tappaa mieli tekisi.
    ellauri299.html on line 408: Mikä elämän pimento, hätä arvosta ja pyrkimys päivänvaloon pitää olla että syntyvät nämä epälukuiset itäsuomalaiset nerot jotka katsovat lähimmäisiään pitkään ja tietävästi, tekevät nopean muistiinpanon kuin skalpeerausveitsen pyörähdyksen ja vihaavat mitä tuleman pitää... Suomalaiset ovat kirjoittavaa kansaa, ja kateellista kansaa, ja arvostaan epävarmaa, mikä on kaikki yksi ja sama: poraava katse, taskussa nyrkki, nyrkissä pureksittu kynä. Myy nakkia valkolakki päässä. Kun keskiluokkaa ja lukeneistoa uhkaa kurjistuminen, on väkivaltaa tiedossa.
    ellauri299.html on line 504: Dylanin vuonna 1966 syntyneelle vanhimmalle pojalleen Jesselle kehtolauluksi kirjoitettu laulu kertoo isän toiveista, että hänen lapsensa pysyy vahvana ja onnellisena. Se alkaa riveillä "Jumala siunatkoon ja varjelkoon sinua aina / toteutukoot kaikki toiveesi", joka toistaa papin siunauksen Lukujen kirjasta (Neljäs Mooseksen kirja 6:24-26), jonka rivit alkavat: "Siunatkoon sinua ja varjelkoon sinua / Toteuttakoon pienimmätkin toiveesi. Herra valistakoon kasvonsa sinulle, kallistakoon korvansa." Koska Dylan ei halunnut kuulostaa "liian sentimentaalilta", hän lisäsi kappaleesta kaksi versiota Planet Waves -albumille, yhden kehtolaulun ja toisen rock -suuntautuneen. Howard Cosell lausui kappaleen ikimuistoisesti amerikkalaisessa televisiossa, kun Muhammad Ali voitti raskaansarjan kruunun kolmannen kerran. Kärsi, kärsi, kirkkaamman kruunun saat.
    ellauri300.html on line 245: Justyna stöter mot en möbel i mörkret. Henrietta kommer ut ur trans. Fittan också, nu är det kört. Justyna är fullständigt värdelös! Kanske stjäl hon någonting, Gud förbjude! Nu är jag trött. Fadern i himlen, ta mig till dig. Och Henrietta föll i gråt.
    ellauri300.html on line 295: Den fjärde "frågan" hänvisar till den antika sedvanan att äta medan han ligger på vänster armbåge och äter med höger hand. Enligt Maimonides (även kallad Rambam eller Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon) är detta "På det sätt som kungar och viktiga människor äter" (Mishnah Pesachim). Det symboliserar frihetsbegreppet, som judar skulle kunna ha en festlig måltid medan du kopplar av tillsammans och njuter av varandras sällskap. Som nämnts ovan lades den här fjärde frågan efter förstörelsen av andra templet 70 e.Kr. och ersatte den redan existerande frågan om varför rostat kött äts under påskens seder. Numera äter han kyckling istället.
    ellauri300.html on line 355: Vaikka olemme nojalleet ylellisesti koko illan, kun olemme juoneet viiniämme ja söimme matzahimme, emme nojaa syödessämme maror 19 : ää – vaikka voit halutessasi.
    ellauri300.html on line 364: Tämä tehdään seuraavasti: Ensin otetaan kezayit matzahista ja leikataan se kahtia, jolloin muodostuu kaksi osaa voileipää (jos sinulla on Seder-lautanen, käytä tähän kolmatta matzahia 24). Ota seuraavaksi kezayit maroria ja aseta se kahden matzah-viipaleen väliin. Käytä tällä kertaa chazeretia, lähimpänä olevaa maror- kasaa Seder-levyllä.
    ellauri300.html on line 457: Well, I know that you're in love with him
    ellauri300.html on line 532: Oh and as I watched him on the stage
    ellauri300.html on line 587: Particularly, the plane crash that killed musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and "The Big Bopper" J. P. Richardson has become known as "The Day the Music Died", the expression by which McLean, a fan of Buddy Holly, dubbed it in the song. Holly's death for him symbolized the "loss of innocence" of the early rock-'n-roll generation.
    ellauri300.html on line 651: Freedom and glory in Christ (Titus 2:11-15, 3:3-8). Do not expect things working out now, but in the day that Jesus will reveal himself to humanity.
    ellauri300.html on line 660: Jumalaton Titus meni sisään Kaikkeinpyhimpään miekka kädessään ja leikkasi kaksi verhoa. Hän toi kaksi huoraa ja harjoitti seksiä heidän kanssaan alttarilla, ja hänen "miekkansa" tuli ulos täynnä verta. Jotkut sanovat, että se oli peräisin uhrien verestä, ja jotkut sanovat, että se oli peräisin Jom Kippurin vuohen verestä.
    ellauri300.html on line 737: Det var den 16 oktober 1946. Julius Streicher, som i praktiken hade dömts till döden för att ha gett ut den antisemitiska tidningen Der Stürmer, var en av de tio ledande nationalsocialister som denna dag skulle hängas i Nürnberg. När de amerikanska vakterna eskorterade honom till galgen hade Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank och Wilhelm Frick redan lämnat den jordiska tillvaron. Wilhelm Frick hade ropat ”länge leve det eviga Tyskland!” innan falluckan öppnats under honom och nu när det var Streichers tur att yttra sina sista ord ropade han ”Heil Hitler!” och sedan ”Detta är en glädjerik judisk fest, det är min purimfest!” Med den dödsdömdes bittra ironi uppmärksammade han på detta sätt sambandet mellan de tio män som hängdes denna dag och Hamans tio söner som, enligt Bibeln, hängdes en gång för länge sedan i det persiska rikets huvudstad Shushan och vilket judarna, under en fest en gång om året, firar än idag.
    ellauri300.html on line 821: Bethel was basically one big uplifted middle finger to everything Moses had commanded. When God’s prophet approached this irritating city, the young men (bloody servants!) mocked him, saying, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” Not only were they ridiculing his lack of hair (which, in the Old Testament, was often associated with a skin disease), they were telling him to fly away, like his predecessor Elijah. Keep in mind that, right before this, Elijah had supposedly “gone up” to heaven in a fiery chariot (2 Kings 2).
    ellauri300.html on line 847: At noon Elijah started making fun of them: “Pray louder! He is a god! Maybe he is day-dreaming or relieving himself, or perhaps he's gone off on a trip! Or maybe he's sleeping, and you've got to wake him up!” 28 So the prophets prayed louder and cut themselves with knives and daggers, according to their ritual, until blood flowed. 29 They kept on ranting and raving until the middle of the afternoon; but no answer came, not a sound was heard.
    ellauri300.html on line 880: Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of their own property. 2 With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet.
    ellauri300.html on line 882: 5 When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. 6 Then some young men came forward, wrapped up his body, and carried him out and buried him.
    ellauri301.html on line 84: The continent became a second home to him, and he spent a great deal of his life there after his success made it possible, founding and then running a theatre in Mozambique from 1986 onwards.
    ellauri301.html on line 96: A grumpy, disillusioned, diabetic alcoholic with just enough goodness at his core to fire his desire to catch murderers, Wallander appears in 13 novels and is responsible for the majority of Mankell’s worldwide sales of more than 40 million books. The murders he investigated epitomised the slow decline Mankell detected in Swedish society. As well as the racism that appalled him there was rising unemployment and violent crime, corruption, the rigidity of a patriarchy forged in Lutheran religion and the relentless breakdown of communities and society.
    ellauri301.html on line 98: He first appeared when Sweden was in the middle of a precipitate retreat to laissez-faire capitalism from the optimistic social democracy of the 1960s and 70s, so that the corruption and decay of the hero found an echo in the corruption and decay of the society around him. Sweden had become a much more racist country than it had seemed in the 60s, when there were hardly any immigrants from outside Scandinavia there. All the racist hate had been spent on the Finns, who nobody could distinguish from the locals until they opened their mouths. Which they rarely did.
    ellauri301.html on line 157: Wallander was once married, but his wife Mona (remember? the immigrant charity dish) left him and he has since had a difficult relationship with his rebellious only child, Linda, who barely survived a suicide attempt when she was fifteen. He also had issues with his late father, an artist who painted the same landscape 7,000 times for a living; the elder Wallander strongly disapproved of his son´s decision to join the police force and frequently derided him for it. Fair enough: painting sunsets with/without a black grouse pays off better than finding random middle fingers of color. Kurt Wallander sr is a great fan of the opera. Kurt Wallander jr says he actually hates opera. I bet that was a joke.
    ellauri301.html on line 238: On 3 May 1662 she was baptized by a visiting person, minister Petrus Sibelius, in the church inside the Fort de Goede Hoop. The witnesses were Roelof de Man and Pieter van der Stael. On 26 April 1664 she married a Danish surgeon by the name of Peter Havgard, whom the Dutch called Pieter van Meerhof. She was thereafter known as Eva van Meerhof (See Geni/MyHeritage).[clarification needed] She was the first Khoikoi to marry according to Christian customs. There was a little party in the house of Zacharias Wagenaer. In May 1665, they left to the Cape and went to Robben Island, where van Meerhof was appointed superintendent. The family briefly returned to the mainland in 1666 after the birth of Eva´s third child, in order to baptise the baby. Van Meerhof was murdered in Madagascar on 27 February 1668 on an expedition. After the death of her husband Pieter Van Meerhof came the appointment of a new governor, Zacharias Wagenaer. Unlike the governor before him, he held extremely negative views toward the Khoi people, and because at this point the Dutch settlement was secure, he didn´t find a need for Eva as a translator anymore.
    ellauri301.html on line 248: Born in Johannesburg to an influential Afrikaner family, de Klerk studied at Potchefstroom University before pursuing a career in law. Joining the NP, to which he had family ties, he was elected to parliament and sat in the white-minority government of P. W. Botha, holding a succession of ministerial posts. As a minister, he supported and enforced apartheid, a system of racial segregation that privileged white South Africans. After Botha resigned in 1989, de Klerk replaced him, first as leader of the NP and then as State President. Although observers expected him to continue Botha´s defence of apartheid, de Klerk decided to end the policy. He was aware that growing ethnic animosity and violence was leading South Africa into a racial civil war.
    ellauri301.html on line 252: De Klerk became Deputy President in Mandela´s ANC-led coalition, the Government of National Unity. In this position, he supported the government´s continued liberal economic policies but opposed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission set up to investigate past human rights abuses because he wanted total amnesty for political crimes. His working relationship with Mandela was strained, although he later spoke fondly of him, when the coon finally died 2013. De Clerck ize kuoli viime vuonna eli 2021.
    ellauri301.html on line 259: De Klerk was a controversial figure among many sections of South African society, all for different reasons. He received many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize for dismantling apartheid and bringing universal suffrage to South Africa. Conversely, he received criticism from anti-apartheid activists for offering only a qualified apology for apartheid, and for ignoring the human rights abuses by state security forces. He was also condemned by South Africa´s Afrikaner nationalists, who contended that by abandoning apartheid, he betrayed the interests of the country´s Afrikaner minority. South Africa´s Conservative Party came to regard him as its most hated adversary.
    ellauri301.html on line 348: September 24 was previously known in South Africa as Shaka Day, a day commemorating the Zulu King of Shaka. He was known for uniting the Zulu clan together and forming the Zulu nation. Every year, South Africans would gather at his grave to honor him. In 1995 a request for the day to be confirmed as an official braai holiday was rejected. After receiving some pushback from the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), a majority Zulu party, it was decided that the day was needed and would be known as ‘‘Heritage Day.’’
    ellauri301.html on line 402: Henning Mankellin ilmestyessään uusin teos pohti rakkautta ja intohimoa vanhenemisen näkökulmasta. Suostuessaan pyyntöön Frederik ei voi aavistaa, mikä häntä odottaa: runollinen puheenvuoro köyhän maanosan puolesta. Kirjailijalle myönnettiin vuonna 2004 Evangelische Akademie des Tutzingin suuri suvaitsevaisuuspalkinto, jonka luovutti kukas muu kuin Desmond Tutu.
    ellauri301.html on line 407: Likainen enkeli on tositapahtumiin perustuva romaani salaperäisestä ruotsalaisnaisesta, joka piti ilotaloa 1900-luvun alun Afrikassa. Hun minnes sin fars siste ord: "En fattig engel. Det er hva du er." Ett år senere er hun eier at en av de største bordellene i hovedstaden i den portugisiske kolonien Mozambique. Plutselig har hun fått en maktposisjon, fra å ha vært en fattig engel er hun blitt den skitne engelen. Noen år senere forsvinner hun sporløst ut av historien, just liksom Kari Eidsvold. Huom! Ei ilmeisesti ole dekkari, mutta varmasti himputin mielenkiintoinen romaani kuitenkin. En ole kyllä lukenut.
    ellauri301.html on line 427: No truth to it. Doesn't exist. There's no "there" there. A complete fiction. SOURCE: Stutchkoff, Der Oytser fun der Yidisher Shprakh. The first phrase is in Hebrew and usually stands alone. It is followed by a tongue-in-cheek paraphrase in Yiddish. Refers to a commentary on the story in 2 Kings 2:23-24, in which Elisha's curse called two bears out of a forest to attack youths who had mocked him. According to Rashi, this was a double miracle because there existed in the area neither forest nor bears. Variation:
    ellauri301.html on line 451: Steven Paul “Steve” Jobs – who is currently being portrayed by Ashton Kutcher in the biopic “Jobs” — was the biological child of a Syrian-born father and a Swiss-American Catholic mother who gave him up for adoption at birth.
    ellauri301.html on line 464: Älkää leikatko hiuksianne lyhyiksi ohimoilta älkääkä leikkaamalla turmelko parran reunaa.
    ellauri302.html on line 148: rapidly, making ingratiating gestures as he does so. He appears to be much at home, and evidently entertains a high opinion of himself. I beg your pardon, Scribe; I beg your pardon. (Quietly, to Yekel and Sarah.) You ought to act more decently. It's high time. People are coming and...
    ellauri302.html on line 152: The Scribe (proffering his hand to Yekel, at the same time surveying him suspiciously): Greetings. Peace be to you, fellow Jew.
    ellauri302.html on line 154: The Scribe, gives his hand to Yekel. Your health, host. (Admonishing him.) And know, that a Holy Scroll is a wondrous possession. The whole world rests upon a Scroll of the Law, and every Scroll is the exact counterpart of the tablets that were received by Moses upon Mount Sinai. Every line of a Holy Scroll is penned in purity and piety... Where dwells a Scroll, in such a house dwells God himself... So it must be guarded against every impurity... Man, you must know that a Holy Scroll...
    ellauri302.html on line 164: Reb Ali: We'll go to the synagogue and gather a minyan of Jews. It will be easy enough to find men who are willing to honor the Law. (Arises from the table, pours brandy into the glasses, slapping Yekel on the shoulder.) There, there! God will help you! Rejoice, host! The Lord befriends the sincere penitent... Don't worry. You'll marry your girl to some proficient scholar; you'll take some poor Yeshiva student for a son-in-law, and support him while he sits and studies the Holy Law. And the blessings of the Law will win you the Lord's forgiveness.
    ellauri302.html on line 220: Time to close shop, says Yekel. Reizel! To bed! Basha! Time to go to sleep! (From without are heard girls' voices: Soon. Right away!) Yekel, calling into the entry. Reizel! Basha! Enter two girls, running. Rain is dripping from their wet, filmy dresses and from their unbraided hair. They are in a merry mood and speak with laughter. Yekel leaves, slamming the door behind him.)
    ellauri302.html on line 286: With God's help, if I can only get both of them, Rifkele and Manke, this very night... I 'll take them directly to Shloyme 's... And I 'll say to him, "Here you are... Here's your bread and butter. Now rent a place, marry me, and become as respectable a man as the Uncle. Well have a girl and it's back to square one.
    ellauri302.html on line 326: Manke No, no. He won't hear. He's sleeping so soundly... There, can't you hear him snoring?... (Runs over to Hindel's compartment and seizes Hindel by the arm.) Have you got a place? Come! Take us away at once!
    ellauri302.html on line 359: Yekel sits there like a madman, staring at the empty Holy Scroll box and mumbling. He neither sees nor hears. What on earth can have possessed him?
    ellauri302.html on line 367: Sarah Yekel, what's possessed you? Have you gone crazy? (Approaching him.) Consider what you're doing. A misfortune has befallen us. Agreed. To whom don't misfortunes happen? Come. Let us hunt out Shloyme. We'll give him two or three hundred roubles and let him give us back our child. He '11 do it, all right... "Well, what are you sitting there moping about? What's the matter with you?
    ellauri302.html on line 372: Yekel! (Dragging him away from the window.) What's come over you? Act 3 while there is yet time! He might take her off somewhere while we're wasting time here. Let's be off to him at once. Hindel must surely have taken her to him. What are you standing there for? (Abruptly.) I've sent for Reb Ali. We'll hear what he has to say. (Pause. Yekel still peers through the shutter spaces.) What are you staring at there? (Pause.) WTiy don't you say something? Good heavens, its enough to drive a woman insane! (Turns away and hursts into tears.)
    ellauri302.html on line 376: Sarah: So you want to go back to the basement? — Into the basement, then! Much I care! (Resumes her packing.) He wants to ruin us completely. What has come over the man? (For a moment she is absorbed in reflection.) If you're going to stand there like a lunatic, I'll get busy myself! (Takes off her diamond ear-rings.) I'll go over to Shloyme's and give him my diamond ear-rings. (From her bundle she draws out a golden chain.) And if he holds back, I'll add a hundred rouble note. (She searches YeheVs trousers pocket for his pockethook. He offers no resistance.) Within fifteen minutes (Throwing a shawl over her shoulders.) Rifkele will be here. (As she leaves.) Shloyme will do that for me. (Slams the door behind her.)
    ellauri302.html on line 428: Fie! You're out of your head altogether. True, a misfortune has befallen you. May Heaven watch over aU of us. Well? What? Misfortunes happen to plenty of folks. The Lord sends aid and things turn out all right. The important point is to keep your mouth shut. Hear nothing. See nothing. Just wash your hands clean of it and forget it. (To Reizel.) Be careful what you say. Don't let it travel any further, God forbid. Do you hear? (Turns to Yekel, who is staring vacantly into space.) I had a talk with... (Looks around to see whether Reizel is still present. Seeing her, he stops. After a pause he begins anew, more softly, looking at Reizel as a hint for her to leave.) With er, er... (Casts a significant glance at Reizel, who at last understands, and leaves.) I had a talk with the groom's father. I spoke to him between the afternoon and evening prayers, at the synagogue. He's almost ready to talk business. Of course I gave him to understand that the bride doesn't boast a very high pedigree, but I guess another hundred roubles will fix that up, all right. Nowadays, pedigrees don't count as much as they used to. With God's help I'll surely be here this Sabbath, with the groom's father. We'll go down to the Dayon and have him examine the young man in his religious studies... But nobody must get wind of this tale. It might spoil everything. The father comes of a fine family and the son carries a smart head on his shoulders. There, there. Calm yourself. Trust in the Lord and everything will turn out for the best. With God's help I am going home to prepare for the morning prayer. And as soon as the girl returns, notify me. Remember, now. (About to go.)
    ellauri302.html on line 436: Reb Ali, trying to interrupt him. What are you raving about?
    ellauri302.html on line 457: Reb Ali, jumps up and snatches the Parchment from YeheVs grasp. Do you realize whom you are talking to? (Looks at him sternly, then takes the Scroll hack to Rifkele's room.) Implore pardon of the Holy Scroll!
    ellauri302.html on line 465: Eeb Ali, enters, with Yekel. Praised be the Lord! Praised be the Heavenly Father! (Following Yekel, who paces ahout the room.) See how the Almighty, blessed be His Name, has come to your aid? He punishes, — yes. But he sends the remedy before the disease. Despite your having sinned, despite your having uttered blasphemy. (Admonishi7ig him.) From now on see to it that you never speak such words, — that you have reverence, great reverence... Know what a Holy Scroll is, and what a learned Jew is... You must go to the synagogue, and you must make a generous donation to the students of the Law. You must fast in atonement, and the Lord will forgive you. (Pause. Beh Ali looks sternly at Yekel, who has continued to walk about the room, absorbed in his thoughts.) What? Aren't you listening to me? With the aid of the Almighty everything will turn out for the best. I'm going at once to the groom's father and we'll discuss the whole matter in detail. But be sure not to haggle. A hundred roubles more or less, — remember who you are and who he is. And what's more, see to it that you settle the dowry right away and indulge in no idle talk about the wedding. Heaven forbid, — another misfortune might occur!
    ellauri302.html on line 468: Yekel, as if to himself. One thing I want to ask her. One thing only. But she must tell me the truth, — the whole truth. Yes, or no.
    ellauri302.html on line 490: Sarah, brings in Yekel's coat and funny hats and places them upon him. He offers no resistance. What a misfortune! What a misfortune! Who could have foreseen such a thing? (She straightens YekeVs coat, then puts the room in order. Runs into Rifkele's room. She is heard hiding something there, and soon returns.) I'll have a reckoning with you later. (Putting the finishing touches to the room.) Terrible days, these. Bring up children with so much care and anxiety, and... Ah! (Footsteps are heard outside. Sarah runs over to Yekel and pulls his sleeve.) They're here! For the love of God, Yekel, remember! Everything can be fixed yet. (Enter Reh Ali arid a stranger. Sarah hastily thrusts her hair under her wig and goes to the door to ivelcome the visitors.)
    ellauri302.html on line 499: Sarah, smiling, to her husband. Why don't you show yourself, Yekel? (She thricsts a chair taivard him. The visitors express their greetings and take their seats.)
    ellauri302.html on line 512: Naturally, naturally. This gentleman will guard him like the apple of his eye. He'll have the best of everything here. He'll be able to sit and study the Holy Law day and night, to his heart's content.
    ellauri302.html on line 516: Yes, he 'll sit inside there and study the sacred books... I have a virtuous Jewish daughter. (Goes into the room and drags Rifkele out hy force. She is only half dressed, her hair in disorder, one boob sticking out. He points to her.) Your son will marry a virtuous Jewish daughter, I say. She will bear him pure, Jewish children... even as all pious daughters. (To Sarah.) Isn't that so? (Laughing wildly, to the stranger.) Yes, indeed, my friend, — she'll make a pure, pious little mate. My wife will lead her under the wedding canopy... Down into the brothel! Down below! (Pointing to the basement.) Down into the brothel! (Dragging Rifkele hy her hair to the door.) Down into the brothel with you! Down!
    ellauri302.html on line 522: The Stranger, with amazement and fright. What is this? (Bel) Ali beckons to him, pulls him by the sleeve and points to the door. The stranger stands motionless in his astonishment. Reb Ali draws him to the door. They leave.
    ellauri302.html on line 526: Yekel, enters, dragging back with him Reb Ali, whom he has met on the stairs. Take the Holy Scroll along with you! I don't need it any more!
    ellauri302.html on line 620: Et saa kostaa tai kantaa kaunaa sukulaisillesi. Rakasta lähimmäistäsi niinkuin itseäsi: Minä olen HERRA, sinä et.
    ellauri302.html on line 640: Kun suuri puhdistus alkoi vuonna 1936, osa Buharinin kirjeistä, keskusteluista ja salakuunteluista osoitti epälojaalisuutta. Helmikuussa 1937 pidätetty Bukharin sai syytteen salaliitosta Neuvostovaltion kaatamiseksi. Hänet teloitettiin maaliskuussa 1938 näytelmäoikeudenkäynnin jälkeen, joka vieraannutti monet länsimaiset kommunistien kannattajat. Bucharin jäi kiinni antistatistisista taipumuxista. Antistatismi on mikä tahansa lähestymistapa sosiaaliseen taloudelliseen tai poliittiseen filosofiaan, joka hylkää statismin. Antistatisti on se, joka vastustaa valtion puuttumista henkilökohtaisiin, sosiaalisiin ja taloudellisiin asioihin. Valtion ei pitäisi puuttua oikeastaan mihinkään, paizi pelastaa pankrottiin joutuneita pankkeja köyhimmän kansanosan säästöillä. Ei ollut juutalainen, mutta petti muuten kansan asian.
    ellauri302.html on line 649: Vuonna 1950 Itzele oli 47. Silloin se päätti vetäytyä talviunille kuin muumi, työntää havunneulasia perseeseen. Eihän siitä mitään tullut, melskasi naisissa vielä 41 vuotta. Sen mielestä kaikkien uskontojen poinzi on ahimsa tosin apinaveljiin\ rajoitettuna, eli oma onni ei sais tulla toisten apinoiden epäonnesta. Sehän on kapitalismille aivan vieras ajatus. Sitäpaizi se ei ihan riitä tekemään uskonnosta vetävää. Vad skulle judendomen ha för dragningskraft om det inte längre fanns skägg, tinninglockar, lärohus, heliga böcker, bönesjalar och bönekapslar, sabbat och andra högtider? En sådan judendom skulle inte bara misslyckas med att tillfredsställa människors behov; den riskerade också att falla samman vilket ögonblick som helst av brist på levnadsregler och symbolisk struktur. Om människorna handlade individuellt snarare än gruppvis skulle deras förmåga att tjäna Gud vara lika liten som deras förmåga att försvara sitt land. Som individer kunde de inte bekämpa Satan, de kunde inte slå tillbaka Hitler eller Stalin på egen hand. Såna vackra ord betyder inte vackra handlingar. Efter att ha sagt det här till Luria for Grein iväg för att knulla hans hustru Anna.
    ellauri302.html on line 651: Ahimsalla ei pitkälle pötkitä Darwinin olympialaisissa. Försvarskrigin head count on pienempi kuin anfallskrigissä. Jos jumala ei pidä verisistä mazeista, mixi se loi näin paljon loislajeja? Eikö kasvitkin sitäpaizi kärsi ja huuda apua? Kyllähän ne niin tekevät. Äs, tää on kaikki aivan tyhjää löpinää. Älkää LÖPISKÖ! Tacete pueri! Silentium!
    ellauri302.html on line 703: Gershom Scholem väitti, että Moses de León (1240-1305) oli Zoharin ainoa kirjoittaja. Äskettäin Yehuda Liebes väitti, että vaikka De León saattoi olla ensisijainen kirjoittaja, hän sisällytti tai muotoili uudelleen valintoja nykyaikaisista kabbalisteista (esim. rabbi Joseph Gikatilla, Hamadanin rabbi Joseph, rabbi Bahya ben Asher). Viime aikoina Kabbalan tutkijat, kuten Ronit Meroz, Daniel Abrams ja Boaz Huss, ovat osoittaneet, että Zoharin materiaalit ovat käyneet läpi useita sukupolvia kirjoittamisen, uudelleenkirjoituksen ja editoinnin. De León väitti löytäneensä Zoharin tekstin ollessaan Israelin maassa ja piti sen 2. vuosisadalla eläneen rabbi Shimon bar Yohain ansioksi, joka on tekstin päähenkilö. Teksti saavutti valtavan suosion kaikkialla juutalaisessa maailmassa.
    ellauri308.html on line 212: Punakapinan päätyttyä Poika oli mielipiteiltään maltillinen sosiaalidemokraatti. Vasemmistolaisessa politiikassa tie alkoi olla tuohon aikaan tukossa. Keskiössä, minne Tuominen halusi, olivat Väinö Tanner ja Hannes Ryömijä. Heistä vasemmalle oli tyhjää, sillä henkiinjääneet oli paenneet Venäjälle ja perustaneet siellä Suomen kommunistisen puolueen. Laitavasemmalla ei näin ollen ollut kotimaassa ketään, ja juuri sinne päätti kunnianhimoinen vaikka lyhkönen nuorimies suunnata.
    ellauri308.html on line 338: Hänen omissa muistelmissaan on paljon ihan herkullisia yksityiskohtia. Mm ”Kumpa Lenin olisi saanut elää pidemmin ei olisi Neuvostoliitossa sellaisia hirmutekoja kuin Stalin teki.” Tämä on täysin höpöpuhetta olihan Lenin erittäin verenhimoinen ja tunnekylmä teoreetikko läpeensä. Mielenkiintoinen on esim kysymys heistä, jotka kirjoittivat likvidointilistat suomalaisista. Meillä on kaikki syy uskoa, että toverit Otto Ville ja Poika niitä yhdessä tekivät.
    ellauri308.html on line 393: Uusi hypoteesi ihmiskunnan alkuperästä viittaa vanhimpaan Euroopassa eläneeseen hominiidiin. Vertaisarvioitu julkaisu (toiset hörhöt ovat arvioineet) TORONTON YLIOPISTO
    ellauri308.html on line 520: Sanopa mixi Njeuvostolassa kaikkia piti kyylätä noin tiukasti? Koska apina ei luonnostaan ole taipuvainen jakamaan, se vetää kotiinpäin missä kykenee, joten järjestelmä joka perustuu altruismiin on tuomittu muuttumaan välistävetäjien diktatuurixi. Vaihtoehtona on vain rikkaiden oligarkia, johon omanvoitonpyyntiset köyhimyxet yllärinä alistuu ihan mielellään niin kauan kuin niiden silmissä siintää amerikkalainen unelma, päästä joskus kalifixi kalifin paikalle, tai ainakin vaurastua naapurinsa kustannuxella. Pursuit of happiness, se se on vasta demokratiaa.
    ellauri309.html on line 194: ylistinyt ihmissydämen intohimoja". Roberts oli yksi kahdesta luettelon
    ellauri309.html on line 333: pahimmillaan haitallista. Vanhempi kirjeenvaihtaja Rebecca Jennings
    ellauri309.html on line 509: Billy Graham varttui maitotilallisen poikana Pohjois-Carolinan maaseudulla. He started to read books from an early age and loved to read novels for boys, especially Tarzan. Like Tarzan, he would hang on the trees and gave the popular Tarzan yell. According to his father, that yelling led him to become a minister. Vuonna 1934 Graham osallistui evankelista Mordecai Hamin kokoukseen ja teki henkilökohtaisen uskonratkaisun. Ham had a reputation for racism and anti-Semitism. He believed and preached on various topics based on classical anti-Semitic canards such as believing Jews had special access to political power and influence and that they represent a subversive social force. The targets for his preaching were often "nebulous rings of Jewish, Catholic or Black conspirators plotting to destroy white protestant America."
    ellauri309.html on line 511: Vuonna 1936 Graham jätti isänsä maitotilan ja lähti opiskelemaan Bob Jonesin Collegeen, joka sijaitsi tuolloin Tennesseen Clevelandissa. Opinnot Bob Jonesin Collegessa jäivät kuitenkin yhden lukukauden mittaiseksi oppilaitoksen äärimmäisen fundamentalismin vuoksi. Graham siirtyi opiskelemaan Floridan raamattuinstituuttiin Tampan läheisyyteen. Graham valmistui vuonna 1940 ja hänet asetettiin Eteläisen baptistikonvention pastorin tehtävään. Graham ilmoittautui jatkokoulutukseen Illinoisissa sijaitsevaan Wheaton Collegeen ja tapasi Wheatonissa tulevan vaimonsa, Ruth Bellin. She had been conceived in China in missionary position, unlike a horse. Graham talked his future wife, Ruth, into abandoning her ambition to evangelize in Tibet in favor of staying in the United States to marry him – and that to do otherwise would be "to thwart God's obvious will". After Ruth agreed to marry him, Graham cited the Bible for claiming authority over her, saying, "then I'll do the leading and you do the following".
    ellauri309.html on line 702: antroposentrisestä universumista, joka mukautuu jatkuvasti oikkuihimme ja
    ellauri309.html on line 703: toiveihimme. Luomalla nuo lait Jumala teki itsensä tarpeettomaksi. Kaikki,
    ellauri309.html on line 1075: abgeleitet, „Gräuel vor Unreinem“. Das Wort ist aber auch ein jiddisches Schimpfwort, das über das Rotwelsche Eingang in die deutsche Sprache gefunden hat und früher als abwertende Bezeichnung für Frauen gebraucht wurde. In manchen Gegenden Deutschlands, etwa dem Ruhrgebiet, hat es heute eher satirischen Charakter und bezieht sich beispielsweise auf eine attraktiv erscheinende Frau, die für Männer eine Versuchung darstellen könnte.
    ellauri310.html on line 612: On December 26, 1980, Chase was found dead in his prison cell. An autopsy revealed that he killed himself with an overdose of prescribed medications. Or maybe his cellmates did. Volney oli pettynyt ettei Wolfella ole yhtään panokohtauxia. Niin minäkin.
    ellauri310.html on line 616: Thomas Wolfe syntyi vuoristokylässä Ashevillessä, Pohjois-Carolinassa, viimeisenä suuresta keskiluokkaisesta perheestä. Hänen äitinsä, Julia E. Wolfe, oli menestyvä kiinteistösekuttelija, ja hänen isänsä William Oliver Wolfe oli hautakivien toimitusmies. Hänen esi-isänsä isänsä puolella olivat saksalais-hollantilais-englannin maanviljelijöitä, jotka olivat asettuneet Pennsylvaniaan, ja hänen äitinsä oli kolmannen polven pohjoiskarolinalainen skotlantilais-irlantilais-englantilainen. Hänen vanhempansa menivät naimisiin vuonna 1885 ja synnyttivät kahdeksan lasta, joista vain kuusi selvisi aikuisikään. Mr. Wolfen alkoholismi jakoi parin lopulta vuonna 1906, ja nuori Thomas oli epäonnexeen ainoa lapsi, joka joutui äitinsä huostaan. Lapsuudessaan perheenjäsen, jota hän tunsi lähimpänä, oli hänen veljensä Benjamin.
    ellauri310.html on line 758: In 1980, the United States Army named its then new main battle tank, the M1 Abrams, after him.
    ellauri310.html on line 799: American Enterprise Institute on julkisen politiikan ajatushautomo, lobbarien ajatusten säiliö eli aatepanssarivaunu (think tank), joka on omistautunut puolustamaan ihmisarvoa, laajentamaan inhimillisiä mahdollisuuksia ja rakentamaan vapaampaa ja turvallisempaa maailmaa. Tutkijoidemme ja henkilökuntamme työ edistää ajatuksia, joiden juuret ovat uskomme demokratiaan, vapaaseen yrittäjyyteen, Amerikan vahvuuteen ja globaaliin johtajuuteen, solidaarisuuteen yhteiskuntamme reuna-alueilla sekä moniarvoiseen yrittäjäkulttuuriin.
    ellauri311.html on line 126: ja -rajoituksia. Instagramissa hän puhui ”himmelistä, mitä AVI, THL, STM ja
    ellauri311.html on line 243: reality-sarja Kirsi ja himoshoppaajat, jossa hän Terhi Majasalmen kanssa
    ellauri311.html on line 289: hindutraditiossa täydellisen autuuden eli anandan lähimpänä
    ellauri311.html on line 344: Opinnäytteessään hän rakensi kunnianhimoisen simulaatiomallin, jossa hän kuvasi vientitukien vaikutusta ulkomaankaupan tasapainoon. Laman vuonna 1993 Salo koki olevansa onnekas, kun hän pääsi Suomen Pankin tutkijaksi satojen hakijoiden joukosta.
    ellauri311.html on line 436: Se, missä on eroja, on että eri älykkyystasolla olevat ihmiset pitävät erityyppisistä lajeista. Eri lajit vetoavat eri ÄO-lukemiin. On helppoa osoittaa, että joukkueottelut ovat pahimpia - niissä ilmenee vastuun laimeneminen ja tribaalisuus. Ne vetoavat alhaisen ÄO:n guuneihin, ja joukkueottelijat - potkupalloilijat, lätkäjanarit, koripalloilijat jne - eivät tosiaankaan yleensä ole mitään ruudinkeksijöitä. Tähän liittyy trooppi Jerk Jock. Jos urheilija on koulukiusaaja, hän on poikkeuksetta joko futari tai lätkäjanari.
    ellauri311.html on line 574: words "layd him on the green" as "Lady Mondegreen". Pinker gives the example of a
    ellauri311.html on line 668: of his ego. Let's pray and hopefully soon someone with bottle takes him
    ellauri311.html on line 669: out. The world don't need him. God save Ukraine.

    Putin was on the
    ellauri313.html on line 92: Äidin pahimmat pelot käyvät toteen myös Silene Lehdon runoissa.
    ellauri313.html on line 186: Samaa iänikuista kiireklischeetä, nyt lehden toimituxessa. Exnää hölmöt huomaa miten työväenliikkeen voitot on peruutettu? Mixe on muka niistä hienoa? Annika has obvious similarities to the author, with Liza Marklund herself pictured on the book covers. She was beaten so badly by her first husband that she was simply forced to kill him in self-defense. Journalisten Annika Bengtzon, som kommer från Hälleforsnäs i Södermanland men nu bor på Kungsholmen i Stockholm, är en typisk kvinna mitt i karriären, som jonglerar man och barn samtidigt med känslorna inför de tuffa kollegorna på Kvällspressen. Hon är lik ett pansarfordon. Oliko Thomas Samuelsson se uusi päätoimittaja biznizmaailmasta jonka talousliberalismi sai nuoren Annikan knickerit kostumaan? Eikun se oli Anders Schyman.
    ellauri313.html on line 394: Ukrainalaiset naiset, jotka ovat emotionaalisia ja intohimoisia, ovat hyviä sängyssä, ja he eivät vain halua tyydyttää miestään, vaan myös ymmärtävät, kuinka tärkeää se on heidän suhteellensa. Joten suhteiden intiimi puoli ukrainalaiseen morsiameen on varmasti tyydyttävä, jopa hyvä. He kyllä suuttuvat helpolla, eivätkä välttämättä anna ensitreffeillä.
    ellauri313.html on line 459: Miten meikä pantiin alulle? He olivat saaneet hänet raakojen kuorsausten väliin, kun heidän himonsa heräsi satunnaisesti yön puolivälissä! He olivat saaneet hänet likaiseen nurkkaan oven taakse näiden rikkinäisten puutalojen hirvittävässä yksityisyydessä ja siittäneet hänet seisoaltaan pelottavassa salassa pelokkaiden kuiskausten välissä kiirehtien, ettei jotkut lapset kuule! He olivat saaneet hänet eläimelliseen äkilliseen himon ja nälän heräämiseen samalla, kun naurisvihreät kiehuivat kostealla tuoksullaan liedellä! Hän oli siittynyt jossain satunnaisessa ja unohdetussa hetkessä, jonka he olivat siepanneet elämästään saastasta, köyhyydestä, väsymyksestä ja työstä, aivan kuin peto repii lihapaloja; syntynyt puoliraiskauksen raa'assa, äkillisessä, hajallaan olevassa vihassa himon satunnaisen tilaisuuden vaikutuksesta; siitetty heti, kun ne heittäytyi takaisin töykeästi järjettömän sängyn reunalle unohdetun lauantain punaisessa heikkenevässä valossa, kun työt oli tehty, viikon palkat annettu, viikon lyhyt hengähdystauko lepoa, lepoa ja julmaa riemua! Hänet oli siitetty ilman rakkautta, ilman kauneutta, hellyyttä, taikuutta tai mitään hengen jaloisuutta, idiootti, himon sokea nälkä, joka oli niin alhainen, ettei se tuntenut inhoa saastaa, hajua, törkyä, rumuutta kohtaan, eikä kysynyt mitään parempaa kuin pussinperän suolta johka tyhjentää sen raa'at energiat.
    ellauri315.html on line 67: Martti Miettunen: Hallituksen talous- ja työllisyysohjelma on rahanhimoisin mitä tässä maassa on nähty
    ellauri315.html on line 202: Taistelut lähestyvät Leningradia. Mutta ei riitä se, että Saksa voittaa Venäjän. Jos se väsyy voittajana, on se kuitenkin hävinnyt sodan. Mikä on silloin Suomen kohtalo? Miten lapsellisen sokeasti me tuijotammekaan saksalaisten ”voittoon” ja Moskovan valloitukseen! Voi tulla meillekin sellainen aamu, jolloin heräämme kauhuun voittajan seppel ohimoilla…
    ellauri315.html on line 228:

    Saksan tunkeutuminen Kurskin kaikkein pyhimpään ja Neuvostoliiton vastahyökkäys pohjoisella sektorilla alempana tehdyn hyökkäyksen aikana.

    ellauri315.html on line 261: Neljännen duuman 4. istunnossa keväällä 1915 Kerenski vetosi Rodziankoon vanhimpien neuvoston pyynnöstä ilmoittaa tsaarille, että menestyäkseen sodassa hänen on 1) muutettava sisäpolitiikkaansa, 2) julistettava yleinen armahdus. poliittisille vangeille, 3) palauttaa Suomeen Ruozin perustuslaki HAHA LOL 4) julistaa Puolan autonomia, 5) antaa kansallisille vähemmistöille autonomia kulttuurin alalla, 6) poistaa juutalaisiin kohdistuvia rajoituksia, 7) lopettaa uskonnollinen suvaitsemattomuus, 8) lopettaa häirizevät lailliset ammattiliittojärjestöt.
    ellauri315.html on line 267: Helmikuun 1917 vallankumouksen jälkeen hän liittyi äskettäin muodostettuun väliaikaiseen hallitukseen ensin oikeusministeriksi, sitten sotaministeriksi ja heinäkuun jälkeen hallituksen toiseksi ministeri-puheenjohtajaksi. Hän oli sosialistisen vallankumouspuolueen sosialidemokraattisen Trudovik- ryhmän johtaja. Kerenski oli myös Petrogradin Neuvostoliiton varapuheenjohtaja, asema, jolla oli huomattava määrä valtaa. Saska vannoi ministerinä, ettei koskaan loukkaa demokraattisia arvoja, ja päätti puheensa sanoilla "En voi elää ilman muita apinoita. Kun alat epäillä minua, tapa minut." Valtava enemmistö (työläiset ja sotilaat) antoi ajatuxelle suuret suosionosoitukset, ja Kerenskystä tuli nyt ensimmäinen ja ainoa joka osallistuivat sekä väliaikaiseen hallitukseen että Ispolkomiin. Ispolkomin ja väliaikaisen hallituksen välisenä linkkinä melko kunnianhimoinen Kerenski hyötyi tästä asemasta. Kerenskystä tuli väliaikaisen hallituksen pääministeri, ja hänen toimikautensa kului ensimmäiseen maailmansotaan. Sodan massiivisesta vastustuksesta huolimatta Kerensky päätti jatkaa Venäjän osallistuminen. Hänen hallituksensa torjui sodanvastaisen mielipiteen ja erimielisyyden vuonna 1917, mikä teki hänen hallinnostaan entistä epäsuositumman.Kerenski lähti rintamalle ja vieraili divisioonassa toisensa jälkeen kehottaen miehiä suorittamaan velvollisuutensa. Hänen puheensa olivat tällä hetkellä vaikuttavia ja vakuuttavia, mutta niillä ei ollut juurikaan pysyvää vaikutusta.
    ellauri315.html on line 340: Kesällä 1919 puna-armeija oli saavuttanut suuren voiton Kolchakin armeijaa vastaan. Valkoiset joukot perustivat uuden linjan Tobol- ja Ishim -jokia pitkin pysäyttääkseen väliaikaisesti puna-armeijan, jota Anton Denikinin valkoisen armeijan eteneminen Moskovaan kohtasi etelästä. Syksyllä Denikin oli voitettu ja puna-armeija pystyi ohjaamaan vahvistuksia takaisin itärintamalle. Punaiset murtautuivat läpi Tobol-joella lokakuun puolivälissä ja marraskuussa valkoiset joukot olivat putoamassa takaisin kohti Omskia hajanaisena massana. Punaiset valloittivat Omskin 14. marraskuuta 1919.
    ellauri316.html on line 201: after him at both Oxford and Cambridge. Professorships named after him exist at
    ellauri316.html on line 490: "Sota oli kauhea koettelemus kansakunnalle", kirjoitti Saharov. ”(...) Totisesti rauhanhalu on ylivoimainen ihmisten mielissä kaikkialla. "Mitä tahansa, mutta ei toista sotaa!" on yleinen huuto – ja kuitenkin monille selviytyneille sota on pysynyt heidän elämänsä tärkeimpänä kokemuksena, kokemuksena, joka palautti ylpeyden ja arvokkuuden, koska meikäpojat voittivat kuin voittivatkin vastoin kaikkia oddseja." Saharov vetelehti kolmannen vuoden opiskelijana Moskovan yliopiston fysiikan laitoksella Suuren isänmaallisen sodan alkaessa. Huonon terveytensä vuoksi häntä ei ollut kutsuttu armeijaan, hän oli jatkanut opintojaan ja lokakuussa 1941 evakuoitiin osastonsa kanssa Moskovasta Ašgabadiin (Turkmenistaniin).Saharov muistelee sitä aikaa: "jouduimme yleensä kävelemään luokkaan. Mutta pahinta oli jatkuva nälkä... en pidä nälkälakoista." Vielä enemmän säikytti Hiroshiman pommitus. "Polveni vääntyivät." Siitä hetkestä lähtien 6suurvallan aseman välttämätön osa olisi ydinaseen hallussapito. Siis keximään ydinpommia!
    ellauri316.html on line 535: ”Länsikapitalismi ei kuollut kriisien voittamiseksi, vaan kehittyi pääasiassa sosialistisiin ja uusliberaalisiin suuntiin....hänestä tuli... yhä inhimillisempi ja houkuttelevampi omille kansalaisilleen. Valtion ja yritysten sosiaalinen vastuu on noussut normiksi länsimaissa.”
    ellauri316.html on line 670: Väärin muodostettu passiivinen ohimenevä verbin johtaa. Tai pikemminkin tämä: verbillä johtaa EI ole passiivista mennyttä partisiippia. Ja jos olisi, se tulisi muodostaa käyttämällä päätettä -nn- (esimerkiksi leikattu ruoho). Muuten, voin jopa selittää Valeri Garbuzoville, kuinka hän joutui vaikeuksiin olemattoman "päällisen" muodon kanssa. Mutta hän tuskin ottaa minuun yhteyttä tässä asiassa. Vaikka tämä virhe kosketti minua henkilökohtaisesti enemmän kuin kaikki muut: minun on silti vaikea kuvitella, että tieteen tohtori (josta tahansa tieteestä) voisi kirjoittaa täysin vakavasti, ilman ironiaa (tai ITSE-ironiaa) minun johdollani
    ellauri316.html on line 718: perustajien oman intohimon kanssa yksilönvapauteen. Jefferson sanoi, että
    ellauri316.html on line 768: Hyvän ja pahan 2-teräinen miekka. Apinan arvokkain kyky on peukuttaa samanaikaisesti vastakkaisia arvoja. On ikävää että väestönkasvu tuhoaa elämän pallolta. On ikävää että Ukrainan syntyvyys on maailman matalin. Vanha hyvä aika oli tietämättömyyden, sairauden, orjuuden ja kuoleman aikaa. Nythän näistä on jo päästy kaikista. Tiede on vapauttanut maassa ym piilevän energian ilmakehään, jossa se nyt pörrää tuottaen ilmastokatastrofeja. Kirjapaino, tv ja netti ovat köyhimpienkin ulottuvilla. Viihde, julkkixet, mainoxet ja merkkivaatteet kutkuttavat kaikkia. Jätteet kuskataan valtamerikonteissa lakukepeille. Ilman p-pillereitä, konevoimaa ja tekoälyä ajautuisimme takaisin ollin kurjuuteen.
    ellauri316.html on line 807: Jo 11. heinäkuuta Vlasovin pieni ryhmä hajosi. Vlasov ja Voronova (1. vaimo oli Voronina, ei siis sama pulu? Andreilla oli rintamalla paljon avovaimoja) menivät etsimään ruokaa Tukhovezhin kylään, jossa vanhauskoiset asuivat. Talo, johon he kääntyivät, osoittautui paikallisen vanhimman taloksi. Vlasovin ja Voronovan syödessä päällikkö soitti paikalliselle apupoliisille, jotka piirittivät talon ja pidättivät karkurit, Vlasov esiintyi itsepintaisesti pakolaisopettajana. Poliisi lukitsi heidät navettaan, ja seuraavana päivänä (12. heinäkuuta) saapui Saksan 38. armeijajoukon tiedusteluosaston päällikkö Hauptmann Max von Schwerdtner kääntäjä Sonderführer Klaus von Pelchau, avustaja Hamann ja kuljettaja Lipski pidättämään Vlasovin. Saman päivän aamuna tämä saksalainen partio oli tunnistanut Vlasovin sanomalehden muotokuvasta. Vlasovin luovuttamisesta kylän päällikkö sai Saksan 18. armeijan komennolta lehmän, 10 pakkausta shagia, kaksi pulloa kuminavodkaa ja kunniakirjan. Ei sentään kelloa.
    ellauri316.html on line 835: Vlasov’s life in Germany was far from lavish. “My underpants are completely worn out,” he complained at one point, according to one historian. Apparently, the Germans had only given him one pair.
    ellauri316.html on line 842: Here, again, Vlasov was unlucky. He surrendered to the United States, but the Americans turned him over to the Soviets. Vlasov was taken to Moscow, where he was imprisoned and ultimately executed.
    ellauri317.html on line 52: Tilintarkastajaxi kouluttautunut Blum työskenteli tietokoneohjelmoijana IBM: lle ja myöhemmin Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeriölle. Hänellä oli kunnianhimo ryhtyä ulkoministeriön upseeriksi, kuten hän selitti, "osallistua suureen kommunismin vastaiseen ristiretkeen", mutta myöhemmin pettyi Vietnamin sotaan. Blum osallistui Vietnamin sodan vastaiseen aktivismiin, ja häntä painostettiin eroamaan hallituksen virastaan ​​vuonna 1967. Siihen mennessä hän oli jo osallistunut sodanvastaisiin mielenosoituksiin ja hänestä tuli Washington Free Pressin, vaihtoehtoisen bisneksen, perustaja ja toimittaja.
    ellauri317.html on line 135: Aeneas itse, joka on kaukana velvollisuudentuntoisesta ja tunnetusti "hiljaisesta" Vergiliusin sankarista, tulee hämmentäväksi, röyhkeäksi alkoholistiksi, mitä enemmän eepos etenee Karthagossa oleskellessaan Vergilius (4.259–75) ei näe romanttista kaupungin perustajaa, tilapäisesti velvollisuutensa unohtanutta, vaan himokkaan ja hillittömän roiston. Kun Dido huutaa Aeneasta hänen lähestyvän lähtönsä vuoksi, kaukana hänen tunteettomasta, joskin kohtelias ja syvästi retorinen vastaus riveillä 4.333–61, Kotliarevskin Aeneas vapauttaa Didon loukkausten tulvan ja käskee häntä kirjaimellisesti menemään helvettiin. Myöhemmin, kun troijalaiset naiset yrittivät polttaa Troijan laivaston Sisiliassa, kuuluisa "hurskas" Aeneas lähtee pitkälle tiradille, jossa hän loukkaa rajusti kaikkia Rooman panteonin suuria jumalia peräkkäin, mukaan lukien omaa äitiään Venusta. Lopuksi, siltä varalta, että lukijalla olisi vielä epäilyksiä tämän Aeneaksen moraalista säikeestä, alamaailmassa hänet kuvataan nimenomaan pelkuriksi (3.63), jota Sibyllan täytyy vetää kädestä näkemään isänsä. Tämä selvästi epäsankarillinen ja inspiroimaton Aeneas on kuitenkin enemmän kuin parodia, ja itse asiassa viittaa runon juoksevaan lankaan – hahmojen ja auktoriteettien ennakkotapausten lähes subversiiviseen skeptisyyteen.
    ellauri317.html on line 147: Lähihistorian brutaalit seuraukset (eli Hetmanaatin asteittainen tuhoutuminen ja liittäminen vuosina 1762–1785) eivät kuitenkaan ole missään selvempiä kuin alamaailmassa, jota käytetään, kuten usein, pohtimaan todellisen maailman tapahtumia ja poliisin nykymoraali. Ensimmäiset ja pahimmat syntiset, joita Aeneas kohtaa ylittäessään Styxin varsinaisessa helvetissä, ovat julmat (venäläiset) maanomistajat, jotka olivat pahoinpidelleet maaorjiaan heidän elinaikanaan (3.70–1). Jos ajatellaan, että massa-"enserfment" Aiemmin suurelta osin vapaa ukrainalainen talonpoika perustettiin suoraan keisarin asetuksella vuonna 1783 Hetmanaatin liittämisen jälkeen, jolloin Venäjän määräämään maaorjuusjärjestelmään sisältyvien väärinkäytösten tuomitseminen on niin lähellä kuin Kotliarevski koskaan pääsee kritisoimaan Venäjän vallan sortoa Ukrainassa ja Putinin inhaa hyökkäyssotaa.
    ellauri317.html on line 149: Lopuksi, kirjallisesta näkökulmasta Kotliarevski on kunnianhimoisin ja omaperäisin, ei pelkästään parodioimalla ja kontekstualisoimalla Virgilian eeposta valottaakseen Ukrainan rikasta menneisyyttä ja surullista nykyhetkeä, vaan kyseenalaistaessaan Aeneidin peruslähtökohdan – eepoksen vanhurskauden, Troijan syy. Eneidassa ei ole olemassa loistokasta, huolenpitoa sisältävää teleologiaa, joka huipentuu Rooman perustamiseen ja myöhempään Augustanin uudelleenperustamiseen, joka on niin keskeinen Vergilian-projektissa. Sen sijaan Kotliarevski toistuvasti etäännyttää työnsä mustavalkoisista, ideologisesti latautuneista sankaritarinoista. Troijalaiset esitetään siis paljon moraalisesti ambivalenttisessa ja jopa huolestuttavammassa valossa kuin Vergilius. Vaikka he voivat alkaa olla sympatian arvoisia, köyhinä kasakkapakolaisia, jotka etsivät uutta kotia, Jupiterin ohjelmallinen ennustus viittaa aikaan, jolloin Aeneas ja hänen seuraajansa tulevat itse uudeksi armottomaksi hallitsevaksi "tsaarivaltioksi" ja vähentävät koko luokkaa. maailmasta orjuuteen. Talousliberalismista ja roistovaltiosta ei pian jää mitään jälkeä.
    ellauri317.html on line 153: Aeneasin voitto latinalaisista on siten tehty vieläkin moraalisesti kiistanalaisempaa ja kaksijakoisempaa kuin Aeneissa, sillä troijalainen prinssi vaatii yleiseen ja mielivaltaiseen teurastukseen pakenevia latinalaisia ​​vastaan, mikä muistuttaa Venäjän valkokaartien pahimpia julmuuksia kasakkoja vastaan. Rakastetun pömpeävän kasakkapojan muuttuminen järjettömäksi venäläiseksi kissanpieruksi on täydellinen Aeneasin Turnuksen surmaamista edeltävässä huippuhetkessä, jolloin Troijan prinssi rinnastetaan nimenomaisesti "Nechesa-prinssiin"; jälkimmäinen oli ei kukaan muu kuin prinssi Gregory Potemkin (1739–1791), vaikutusvaltaisin Katariina II:n suosikeista, joka, vaikka hänestä oli tehty nimellinen kunniakasakka (tästä nimi Nechesa), johti Sichin likvidaatiota vuonna 1775 ja Hetmanaatin liittämistä Venäjään. Toisin kuin Vergiliusissa, jossa lopun äkillisyys peittää sen, kuinka paljon on vielä tehtävää, kun pääsemme Eneidan loppuunhämmentynyt ja surullinen lukija jää nykyaikaan, jolloin aikoinaan kiivaasti itsenäiset, kunnianhimosta ja ahneudesta kesytetyt kasakat ovat yhdistäneet voimansa ulkomaisten hyökkääjien kanssa ja murskaaneet joukossaan ne (zaporoshilaiset), jotka pitivät edelleen kiinni autonomiasta.
    ellauri317.html on line 240: С свинцом в груди и жаждой мести, Lyijy rinnassani ja kostonhimo,
    ellauri317.html on line 278: Для сердца вольного и пламенных страстей? Vapaalle sydämelle ja palaville intohimoille?
    ellauri317.html on line 288: И умер он — с напрасной жаждой мщенья, Ja hän kuoli - turhaan kostonhimoon,
    ellauri317.html on line 380:
    Tuberville likes to say "there is no one more military than me." And while he has not served in the military himself, he regularly features Alabama service members on his senatorial website.

    ellauri317.html on line 517: Jaroslavl on Venäjän vanhimpia kaupunkeja. Ensimmäiset kirjalliset maininnat siitä ovat vuodelta 1071. Kaupungin perustajana pidetään Kiovan ruhtinas Jaroslav I Viisasta. Vuonna 1010 kaupunki syntyi Volgan rannalle kohtaan, jossa joki yhtyy Kotorosl-jokeen. Jaroslav Viisas nimesi kaupungin itsensä mukaan. Tarkoituksena oli taata Koillis-Venäjän suurimman kaupungin Rostov Velikin turvallisuus uuden linnoitetun kaupungin avulla.
    ellauri317.html on line 521: Jaroslavl on ollut jo kauan arvostettu kulttuurikeskus. Kaupunkia pidetään hyvänä esimerkkinä Katariina Suuren aikana toimeenpannusta Venäjän keisarikunnan kaupunkisuunnittelun muutoksesta. Jaroslavlin historiallinen osa monine 1600–1700-luvun kirkkoineen on liitetty Unescon maailmanperintökohteisiin. 1700-luvulla perustettiin Spaso-Preobraženski-luostarissa Koillis-Venäjän ensimmäinen oppilaitos, jossa oli kattava kreikankielisten ja muinaisitäslaavinkielisten kirjojen kokoelma selvennä. Jaroslavliin perustettiin Venäjän ensimmäinen ammattiteatteri vuonna 1750 ja vuonna 1786 siellä alettiin julkaista maan ensimmäistä maaseutusanomalehteä. Sieltä alkoi vasemmistososialistien kapina bolshevikkiaikana. Nahimson sai pahan osuman. Katjenkaa lyötiin vasaralla päähän.
    ellauri317.html on line 590:

    Venäjän verenhimoisin hirviö

    ellauri317.html on line 595: Vuonna 1919 amerikkalainen diplomaatti todisti kongressille, että Peterssiä pidettiin yhdessä toisen Chekan johtajan Aleksandr Eidukin kanssa "Venäjän verenhimoisimman hirviönä". Tuolloin englanninkieliset sanomalehdet yliarvioivat Peterssin vaikutuksen, koska poliisi tunsi hänet Isossa-Britanniassa ja koska hän oli ainoa Chekan perustajista, joka puhui englantia. 25. tammikuuta 1919 Lontoon The Times sai myöhään tietää, että bolshevikit olivat olleet erimielisiä siitä, käyvätkö vallankumouksellista sotaa Saksaa vastaan, ja väitti, että yhtä puoluetta johtaa Lenin ja toista Trotski, Peterss , Radek ja Zinovieff ....Trotskin ja Petersin puolue uskoo sankarillisiin toimenpiteisiin... Peterss ei ansainnut mainintaa missään Trotskin laajassa tuota ajanjaksoa koskevissa kirjoituksissa, eikä todellakaan ollut bolshevikkien johdon eturintamassa. Tšekistinä hän epäilemättä tapatti monia fellow apinoita, mutta hänen esittäminen "verenjanoisimmaksi hirviöksi" on ristiriidassa brittiläisen diplomaatin Robert Bruce Lockhartin mielipiteen kanssa , joka vietti kuukauden pidätettynä Moskovassa vuonna 1918 ja jota Peterss kuulusteli. Lockhart kirjoitti:
    ellauri317.html on line 597: Hän kertoi minulle outoja tarinoita kokemuksistaan vallankumouksellisena. Hän oli ollut vankilassa Riiassa tsaarin aikana. Hän näytti minulle kynteensä todisteena kidutuksesta, jonka hän oli läpikäynyt. Hänen luonteessaan ei ollut mitään, mikä viittaisi epäinhimilliseen hirviöön, jonka hänen yleensä oletetaan olevan. Hän kertoi minulle, että hän kärsi fyysistä kipua joka kerta, kun hän allekirjoitti kuolemantuomion. Uskon, että se oli totta. Hänen luonteessaan oli voimakas sentimentaalisuus, mutta hän oli fanaattinen bolshevismin ja kapitalismin välisen yhteentörmäyksen suhteen, ja hän saavutti bolshevistisia tavoitteitaan velvollisuudentunteella, joka oli hellittämätön.
    ellauri317.html on line 724: Vain kuudessatoista päivässä Jekaterinburgin tšekan erityisosastolla vietettiin kahdeksan kuulustelua. Kuudessa niistä oli ramrodit ja johdinsarjat. He voittivat minut kahdessa tai kolmessa erässä. Kolmeen kuukauteen he eivät antaneet minun pestä kasvojani; kun sain kuivata itseni, he heittivät jalkaliinani pois. Meitä pidettiin epäinhimillisissä olosuhteissa Lubjankan vankityrmässä useita kuukausia.
    ellauri317.html on line 780: Nikolai ja hänen vaimonsa keisarinna Alexandra, jotka jäivät Aleksanterin palatsiin aivan Pietarin ulkopuolella viiden lapsensa kanssa, aliarvioivat edelleen tyytymättömyyden vakavuutta. Alexandra suhtautui hylkäävästi mielenosoittajiin ja kirjoitti Nicholasille armeijan päämajaan: "Kaupungissa olevat rivit ja lakot ovat enemmän kuin provosoivia... Se on huligaaniliike, nuoret pojat ja tytöt juoksevat ympäriinsä ja huutavat, ettei heillä ole leipää, vain kiihottaakseen - sitten työmiehet estävät muita tekemästä työtä – jos olisi hyvin kylmä, he luultavasti pysyisivät sisällä. Mutta tämä kaikki menee ohi ja hiljenee – jos duuma vain käyttäytyisi itse – pahimpia puheita ei paineta."
    ellauri318.html on line 107: "Bud" ryhtyy vastaiskuun. Hän keksii keinon hilata Bluestarin osakekurssi ylös ja saada se sitten nopeasti taas alas, ja vinkkaa sitten Gekkon pahimmalle kilpailijalle, brittiläiselle Wildmanille (Terence Stamp) mahdollisuudesta ostaa yhtiö edullisesti. Bud neuvoo Gekkoa vastaavasti myymään lyhyexi laskevat osakkeet, jolloin kaupat toteutuvat. Gekko tajuaa että kaiken takana on Bud Fox ja raivostuu. Bud palaa työpaikalleen, jossa poliisi pidättää hänet sisäpiirikaupoista syytettynä.
    ellauri318.html on line 117: Ilo ilman viivaa on teeskentelyä. Enkä puhu nyt hilloviivasta, sanoo Jehovan todistaja. Vaan käyhän sekin paremman puutteessa. He naivat ankarasti. JP tuli kouraansa. JP kesti korkeintaan 5 pistoa. Noloa. Samaan aikaan toisaalla Jorgekaan ei diggaa hyvinvointivaltiota. Jorge ei tajunnut miksi yömajassa oli lähes pelkästään sveduja, vaikka kaikkein köyhimmät olivat hänen tietääkseen mutiaisia. Miten svedut kehtasivat?
    ellauri318.html on line 123: Kaikki vetää kamaa, kertoo Abdul iloisena. Svedut, mutiaiset, teinit. Tästä on tullut koko kansan juttu tyyliin Ikea tai Henkkamaukka. Kauppa käy kuin siimaa. JP ostaa kolarahoilla ällöjä merkkivaatteita. Hän ei pane mitään säästöön. Hän panee neitosia hampaankoloon. Sohvi oli lumoava kuin fixu tv-juontaja. Tosissaan iskeminen oli kinkkistä. JPlle tuli Pohjois-Euroopan tiukin stondis silkasta rahanhimosta. Väkivalta Tukholmassa on kasvanut ja asujainten suhde aseisiin on lämmennyt. Ruåzi etenee päättäväisesti jenkkiesikuviensa tietä. Nekin jotka eivät osallistu seuraavat kiihottuneina vierestä kumikauloina. Ostelevat Vapiduxen ja kumppaneiden sellukirjoja. Svedut on 50v jenkeistä jälessä mutta nopeita oppijoita. Niikö virolaiset poroista.
    ellauri318.html on line 279: "Yeah. Ball games, boxing, hockey." "This isn't any of those," I told him.
    ellauri318.html on line 307: Kun tää automaatti sitten alkaa takkuilla sopivien saalismaiden puutteessa, tulee lama, ja mamut alkaa ryppyillä, perustaa sen 7 klaania ja lahkoa, kärhämöivät reviireistä keskenään eikä piittaa enää virkavallasta tuon taivaallista, niillä on omat sääntökirjat ja ansaintalogiikat. Juuri näin kävi kristinuskon alkuaikoina. Miljoona ärhäkästä lahkoa kamppaili sieluista kuin rotat katakombeissa. Pahimmat rettelöizijät ripustettiin pää alaspäin Twitter-muotoiseen ristiin kuivumaan. Eikös kuulosta eri tutulta? Senkös takia USAnkin on ihan pakko saada hallintaansa Ukraina, muuten ei talouskasvu ole taattua?
    ellauri318.html on line 309: Täys konetuliasesota hylätyssä elokuvateatterissa ei jenkeissä hämmästytä ketään. Eikun perään vaan laukauxia jollain vitun rakettiheittimellä. Mikähän näitä epeleitä vaivaa. Ne on nähneet liikaa tappamista teeveessä, ne on ihan turtia. Aleksejevits ei tunne jenkkejä, siellä on vitun verenhimoisia naisia. There was a time I´d freak out but now it seems sorta normal.
    ellauri321.html on line 39: To live without him, liked it not, and died.
    ellauri321.html on line 82: Niin kuin vesivirta paiskautuu alas kallionjyrkänteeltä, kunkin yksilön suurin mahdollinen mielihyvä koostuu kaikesta kiusasta, jonka hän voi aiheuttaa lähimmäiselleen. Se on hurmaavaa, ja heläyttää varman ja myötäsukaisen soinnun joka rinnassa! On hyvä, ettei apinoiden valta ole yhtä suuri kuin heidän tahtonsa.
    ellauri321.html on line 101: A new English edition appeared in the year following, and an American reprint of the editio princeps was brought out by Matthew Carey in Philadelphia in 1793. In the meantime its author, whose full name was J. Hector Saint John de Crèvecoeur, had himself translated the book into French, adding to it very considerably, and publishing it in Paris in 1784.* A second French edition, still further enlarged and containing excellent maps and plates, appeared in 1787. These bibliographical facts are significant. They show that for at least twenty years, probably for a much longer period, the “Letters from an American Farmer” was an important interpreter of the New World to the Old. It seems to have been in answer to a demand aroused by his first book that Crèvecoeur ventured to treat the same theme once more. But the three bulky volumes of his “Journey in Upper Pennsylvania” (1801) contain little that is now or illuminating.
    ellauri321.html on line 103: Among other books there fell into a guy named Hazlitt's hands a little volume of double interest to him by reason of his own early sojourn in America, and in a fitting connection he gave it a word of praise. In the Edinburgh Review for October, 1829, he speaks of it as giving one an idea “how American scenery and manners may be treated with a lively poetic interest. The pictures are sometimes highly colored, but they are vivid and strikingly characteristic.” “The author,” he continues, “gives not only the objects, but the feelings of a new country.” Hazlitt had read the book and had been delighted with it nearly a quarter of a century before he wrote of it, and in the earliest years of the century he had commended it warmly to his friends. In November, 1805, Lamb wrote: “Oh, tell Hazlitt not to forget the American Farmer. I dare say it is not so good as he fancies; but a book's a book.”* And it is this book, which not only gained the sympathies of Hazlitt and Charles Lamb, but also by its idealized treatment of American country life may possibly have stirred, as Professor Moses Coit Tyler thought, the imaginations of Byron and Coleridge.
    ellauri321.html on line 108: In 1747, in his sixteenth year, Crèvecoeur was sent by his family to England in order to complete his education. But the young man was of an adventurous spirit, and after a sojourn of about seven years in England, he set sail for Canada, where for the years 1758–59 he served in the French army. In 1764, after some residence in Pennsylvania, he became a naturalized citizen of New York, and five years later settled on a farm in Ulster County. Here, with his wife, Mahetable Tiffet of Yonkers, he lived the peaceful life of many idyllic years during which he gathered the materials for his book. Obviously enough he did not always remain on his farm, but viewed many parts of the country with a quietly observing eye. These journeys are recorded in his pages. He explored pretty thoroughly the settled portions of the States of New York and Pennsylvania, saw something of New England, and also penetrated westward to the limits of the colonies. He went as far South as Charleston, and may have visited Jamaica. Beyond such journeyings we may imagine these years to have xiv have been quite barren of events, serene and peaceful, until the storm of the Revolution began to break. It is not until 1779 that anything of import is again recorded of Crèvecoeur. In that year he made an attempt to return to Normandy, but the sudden appearance of a French fleet in the harbor of New York causing him to be suspected as a spy, he was imprisoned for three months. He was then permitted to sail, and, on his arrival in England, sold for thirty guineas his “Letters from an American Farmer,” which were published at London in 1782, the year after he reached France.
    ellauri321.html on line 112: Here sorrow and desolation awaited him. His wife had died a few weeks before his arrival, his farm had been ravaged, his children were in the care of strangers. But as he had been appointed French Consul in New York with the especially expressed approbation of Washington, he remained in America six years longer, with only one brief interval spent in France. Notwithstanding the disastrous practical influence of his book, through which five hundred Norman families are said to have perished in the forests of Ohio, he was now an honored citizen in his adopted country, distinguished by Washington, and the friend of Franklin. In these later years he accompanied Franklin on various journeys, one of which is recorded in the “Voyage Dans La Haute Pennsylvanie.” In 1790 he returned to France, living now at Rouen, now at Sarcelles, where he died on November 12, 1813. He was a man of “serene temper and pure benevolence,” of good sense and sound judgment; something also of a dreamer, yet of a rhetorical rather than a poetical temperament; typically French, since there were in him no extremes of opinion or emotion. He followed the dictates of his reason tempered by the warmth of his heart, and treated life justly and sanely.
    ellauri321.html on line 123: But Crèvecoeur was after all a Frenchman, with the strong social instinct of his race. And so he proceeds to analyze and define the political conditions of America. It fills him with a quiet but deep satisfaction to be one of a community of “freeholders, the possessors of the soil they cultivate, members of the government they obey, and the framers of their own laws by means of their representatives.” Thus he rises to a consideration of this new type of social man and seeks to answer the question: What xx What is an American? His answer is delightful literature, but fanciful sociology. Had the colonial farmers all been Crèvecoeurs, had they all possessed his ideality, his power of raising simple things into true human dignity, of connecting the homeliest activity with the ultimate social purpose which it furthers in its own small way, his description of the American would have been fair enough. As a matter of fact, the hard-working colonial farmer, cut off from the refining and subduing influences of an older civilization, was probably no very delectable type, however worthy, and one fears that Professor Wendell is right in declaring that Crèvecoeur's American is no more human than some ideal savage of Voltaire. But in this fact lies much of the literary charm of his work, and of its value as a human document of the age of the Revolution.
    ellauri321.html on line 133: My negroes are tolerably faithful and healthy; by a long series of industry and honest dealings, my father left behind him the name of a good man; I have but to tread his paths to be happy and a good man like him.
    ellauri321.html on line 143: The rich and the poor are not so far removed from each other as they are in Europe. Some few towns excepted, we are all tillers of the earth, from Nova Scotia to West Florida. We are all animated with the spirit of an industry which is unfettered and unrestrained, because each person works for himself. (Excepting the Negroes of course, and a bunch of penniless farm hands.)
    ellauri321.html on line 168: So he who would wish to see America in its proper light, and have a true idea of its feeble beginnings and barbarous rudiments, must visit our extended line of frontiers where the last settlers dwell, and where he may see the first labours of settlement, the mode of clearing the earth, in all their different appearances; where men are wholly left dependent on their native tempers, and on the spur of uncertain industry, which often fails when not sanctified by the efficacy of a few moral rules. There, remote from the power of example, and check of shame, many families exhibit the most hideous parts of our society. They are a kind of forlorn hope, preceding by ten or twelve years the most respectable army of veterans which come after them. In that space, prosperity will polish some, vice and the law will drive off the rest, who uniting again with others like themselves will recede still farther; making room for more industrious people, who will finish their improvements, convert the loghouse into a convenient habitation, and rejoicing that the first heavy labours are finished, will change in a few years that hitherto barbarous country into a fine fertile, well regulated district. Such is our progress, such is the march of the Europeans toward the interior parts of this continent. In all societies there are off-casts; this impure part serves as our precursors or pioneers; my father himself was one of that class, but he came upon honest principles, and was therefore one of the few who held fast; by good conduct and temperance, he transmitted to me his fair inheritance, when not above one in fourteen of his contemporaries had the same good fortune.
    ellauri321.html on line 172: How does it concern the welfare of the country, or of the province at large, what this man's religious sentiments are, or really whether he has any at all? He is a good farmer, he is a sober, peaceable, good citizen: G.W. Bush himself would not wish for more. This is the visible character, the invisible one is only guessed at, and is nobody's business, whether Cristian, Jew or Muslim.
    ellauri321.html on line 186: Let me select one as an epitome of the rest, say this wetback from South America: he is hired, he goes to work, and works moderately; instead of being employed by a haughty person, he finds himself with his equal, placed at the substantial table of the farmer, or else at an inferior one as good; his wages are high, his bed is not like that bed of sorrow on which he used to lie: if he behaves with propriety, and is faithful, he is caressed, and becomes as it were a member of the Amazon family.
    ellauri321.html on line 188: He looks around, and sees many a prosperous person, who but a few years before was as poor as himself. This encourages him much, he begins to form some little scheme, the first, alas, he ever formed in his life. If he is wise he thus spends in a tent on the street two or three score years, in which time he acquires knowledge, the use of tools, the modes of working the lands, felling trees, &c. This prepares the foundation of a good name, the most useful acquisition he can make. He is encouraged, he has gained friends;
    ellauri321.html on line 189: he is advised and directed, he feels bold, he purchases some land; he gives all the money he has brought over, as well as what he has earned, and trusts to the God of harvests for the discharge of the rest. His good name procures him credit. He is now possessed of the deed, conveying to him and his posterity the fee simple and absolute property of two hundred acres of land, situated on such a shit creek without a paddle. What an epoch in this man's life! He is become a freeholder, from perhaps a Mexican boor—he is now an American, a Pennsylvanian, an English subject.
    ellauri321.html on line 191: Pride steps in and leads him to every thing that the laws do not expressly forbid. It is not every immigrant who succeeds; no, it is only the sober, the honest, and industrious: happy those to whom this transition has served as a powerful spur to labour, to prosperity, and to the good establishment of children, born in the days of their poverty; and who had no other portion to expect but the rags of their parents, had it not been for their crappy imigration. Why here they can find better rags on the dump and eat heartier meals from the trashcans.
    ellauri321.html on line 200: Andrew, what step do you intend to take in order to become rich? Have you brought any money with you, Andrew? I'll tell you what I intend to do; I'll send you to my house, where you shall stay two or three weeks, there you must exercise yourself with the axe, that is the principal tool the Americans want, and particularly the back-settlers. Can your wife spin? Well then as soon as you are able to handle the axe, you shall go and live with Mr. P. R. a particular friend of mine, who will give you four dollars per month, for the first six, and the usual price of five as long as you remain with him. I shall place your wife in another house, where she shall receive half a dollar a week for spinning; and your son a dollar a month to drive the team.
    ellauri321.html on line 205: The term of the lease shall be thirty years; how do you like it, Andrew? Oh, Sir, it is very good, but I am afraid, that the king or his ministers, or the governor, or some of our great men, I don't mean you Sir, will come and take the land from me; your son may say to me, by and by, this is my father's land, Andrew, you must quit it. No, no, said Mr. Lessor, there is no such danger; I am here just to take the labour of a poor settler; here we have no great men, but what are subordinate to our laws; so calm all your fears, I will give you a lease, so that none can can make you afraid. Andrew did not understand a word; we therefore can easily forgive him a few spontaneous ejaculations on the rug, which would be useless to wipe off.
    ellauri321.html on line 270: I believe that if Putin is allowed to take Ukraine it will embolden him to continue the war and take other countries that have something that he wants. I think the free world must continue to support Ukraine and other countries in precarious situations like South Korea and Taiwan. If the free world doesn’t support them, it will just be a matter of time before they are attacked. If you don’t believe in freedom, move to North Korea, Russia, China or any of the other countries with dictators, kings or a supreme being. Our children´s and grandchildren’s options and futures are at stake.
    ellauri321.html on line 308: No ei, jenkkilukijoita on takusti ärsyttänyt Linklaterin paikka paikoin hyvinkin rankka vittuilu jenkkien pyhimmille arvoille. Huono kirja, ne sanovat, ei jaxa lukea.
    ellauri321.html on line 449: Juan kuuli ytimekkäitä väitteitä, kuten esimerkiksi: Pörssi ei ole alkanut noteerata hyvinvointia. Tämä on uusi pääoman aikakausi. ... Juan rupesi ajattelemaan onko sanoilla yleensä lainkaan mitään merkitystä. Ani harvoin ne merkizevät sitä, mitä niiden käyttäjät ajattelevat, ja usein ne ovat yhtä merkityxettömiä kun sammakkojen kurnutus. Yhdexän kymmenestä kaikista puhutuista sanoista oli papukaijan rääkynää, pelkästään toistettuja sanoja, kuin paljosta käytöstä kuluneita rahoja, jotka kiertävät kädestä käteen. Kraak kraak, käkäkäkää. Senaatti on ennen kaikkea neuvoa-antava elin ja siinä ominaisuudessaan vapauden parhain tae. Ihmiset puhuvat koska heillä on kyky puhua, kuten muilla apinoilla kyky heiluttaa häntäänsä. Keskustelu kuluttaa aikaa mikä muutoin riippuisi myllynkivenä ihmisten kaulassa. Ihmiset heilauttavat izensä päivästä toiseen pitkän, tarttumakykyisen kielensä avulla. Rikkaus inhimillisyyden palveluxessa, sanoi senaattori haaveellisesti. Sitä varten kannattaa elää.
    ellauri322.html on line 167: Kun Caleb on nousemassa Irlantiin suuntautuvalle alukselle, hän hämmentyy toisesta rikollisesta ja hänet pidätetään. Hän lahjoo vangitsijaansa saadakseen vapauden, ennen kuin he huomaavat, että häntä todella etsitään. Caleb ansaitsee elantonsa julkaisemalla tarinoita pahamaineisista rikollisista, mutta kostonhimoinen Jones palkitsee Calebin vangitsemisesta ja pitää Calebin liikkeitä huolellisen valvonnan alaisena.
    ellauri322.html on line 191: Neljä vuotta myöhemmin Godwin meni naimisiin uudelleen ja hänen uusi vaimonsa Mary Jane Clairmont toi avioliittoon kaksi omaa lastaan, joista merkittävin oli Claire Clairmont. Clairesta on muistaaxeni ohimenevästi paasattu. (Kz. albumi 14.) Wollstonecraftin tyttäret vihasivat uutta rouva Godwinia ja huomiota, jonka hän kiinnitti omaan tyttäreensä. Godwinin perheestä tuli yhä epämukavampi paikka asua jännitteiden noustessa ja velkojen kasvaessa. Teini-ikäiset Mary ja Claire pakenivat juoksemalla mantereelle Shelleyn kanssa vuonna 1814. Jäljelle jäänyt Fanny kantoi suurimman osan äitipuolensa vihasta. Hän eristettiin yhä enemmän perheestään ja kuoli itsemurhaan vuonna 1816.
    ellauri322.html on line 232: MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT was born on the 27th of April, 1759. Her father, a quick-tempered and unsettled man, capable of beating wife, child, and dog was the son of a manufacturer who made money in Spitalfields, when Spitalfields was prosperous. Her mother was a rigorous Irishwoman, of the Dixons of Sally Shannon. Edward John Wollstonecraft of whose childpen, besides Mary, the second child, three sons and two daughters lived to be sort of men and women in course of time, got rid of about ten thousand pounds which had been left him by his father. He began to get rid of it by farming. Mary Wollstonecraft's firstremembered home was in a farm at Epping. When she was five years old, the family moved to another farm, by the Chelmsford Toad. When she was between six and seven years old they moved again, to the neighbourhood of Barking. There they remained three years before the next move, which was to a farm near Beverley, in Yorkshire. In Yorkshire they remained six years, and Mary Wollstonecraft had there what education fell to her lot between the ages of ten and sixteen.
    ellauri322.html on line 234: Edward John Wollstonecraft then gave up farming to venture upon a commercial speculation. This caused him to live for a year and a half at Queen's Row, Hoxton. His daughter Mary was then sixteen; and while at Hoxton she had her education advanced by the friendly care of a deformed clergyman Mr. Clare who lived next door, and stayed so much at home that his one pair of shoes had lasted him for fourteen years. But Mary Wollstonecraft's chief friend at this time was an accomplished girl only two years older than herself, who maintained her father, mother, and family by skill in drawing. Her name was Frances Blood, and she especially, by her example and direct instruction, drew out her "young friend's" drawers.
    ellauri322.html on line 236: In 1776, Mary Wollstonecraft's father, a rolling stone, rolled into Wales. Again he was a failure. Next year again he was a Londoner; and Mary had influence enough to persuade him. to choose a house at Walworth, where she would be near to her friend's fanny. Then, however, the conditions of her home life caused her to be often on the point of going away to earn a living for herself. In 1778, when she was nineteen, Mary Wollstonecraft did leave home, to take a situation as companion with a rich tradesman's widow at Bath, of whom it was said that none of her companions could stay with her. Mary Wollstonecraft, nevertheless, stayed two years with the difficult widow, and made herself respected. Her mother's failing health then caused Mary to return to her. The father was then living at Enfield, and trying to save the small remainder of his means by not venturing upon any business at all. The mother died after long suffering, wholly dependent on her daughter Mary's constant care. The mother's last words were often quoted by Mary Wollstonecraft in her own last years of distress "A little patience, and all will be over."
    ellauri322.html on line 248: The publisher of Mary Wollstonecraft's " Thoughts on the Education of Daughters " was the same Joseph Johnson who in 1785 was the publisher of Oowper's " Task." With her little story written and a little money saved, the resolve to live by her pen could now be carried out. Mary Vollstonecraft, therefore, parted from her friends at Bristol, went to London, saw her publisher, and frankly told him her determination. He met her with fatherly kindness, and received her as a guest in his house while she was making her arrangements. At Michaelmas, 1787, she settled in a house in George Street, on the Surrey side of Blackfriars Bridge. There she produced a little book for children, of " Original Stories from Real Life," and earned by drudgery for Joseph Johnson. She translated, she abridged, she made a volume of Selections, and she wrote for an " Analytical Review," which Mr. Johnson founded in the middle of the year 1788. Among the books translated by her was Necker " On the Importance of Religious Opinions." Among the books abridged by her was S:dzmann's " Elements of Morality."
    ellauri322.html on line 250: With all this hard work she lived as sparely as she could, that she might help her family. She supported her father. That she might enable her sisters to earn their living as teachers, she sent one of them to Paris, and maintained her there for two years ; the other she placed in a school near London as parlour-boarder until she was admitted into it as a paid teacher. She placed one brother at Woolwich to qualify for the Navy, and he obtained a lieutenant's commission. For another brother, articled to an attorney whom he did not like, she obtained a transfer of dentures; and when it became clear that his quarrel was more with law than with the lawyers, she placed him with a farmer before fitting him out for emigration to America. She then sent him, so well prepared for his work there that he prospered well.
    ellauri322.html on line 256: At this time Mary Wollstonecraft had moved to rooms in Store Street, Bedford Square. She was fascinated by Fuseli the painter, and he was a married man. She felt herself to be too strongly drawn towards him, and she went to Paris at the close of the year 1792, to break the spell. She felt lonely and sad, and was not the happier for being in a mansion lent to her, from which the owner was away, and in which she lived surrounded by his servants. Strong womanly instincts were astir within her, and they were not all wise folk who had been drawn around her by her generous enthusiasm for the new hopes of the world, that made it then, as Wordsworth felt, a very heaven to the young.
    ellauri322.html on line 258: Four months after she had gone to Paris, Mary Wollstonecraft met at the house of a merchant, with whose wife she had become intimate, an American named Gilbert Imlay. He won her affections. That was in April, 1793. He had no means, and she had home embarrassments, for which she was unwilling that he should become in any way responsible. A part of the new dream in some minds then was of a love too pure to need or bear the bondage of authority. The mere forced union of marriage ties implied, it was said, a distrust of fidelity. When Gilbert Imlay would have married Mary Wollstonecraft, she herself refused to bind him ; she would keep him legally exempt from her responsibilities towards the father, sisters, brothers, whom she was supporting. She took his name and called herself his wife, when the French Convention, indignant at the conduct pf the British Government, issued a decree
    ellauri322.html on line 260: from the effects of which she would escape as the wife of a citizen of the United States. But she did not marry. She witnessed many of the horrors that came of the loosened passions of an untaught populace. A child was born to her a girl whom she named after the dead friend of her own girlhood. And then she found that she had leant upon a reed. She was neglected; and was at last forsaken. Having sent her to London, Imlay there visited her, to explain himself away. She resolved on suicide, and in dissuading her from that he gave her hope again. He needed somebody who had good judgment, and who cared for his interests, to represent him in some business affairs in Norway. She undertook to act for him, and set out on the voyage only a week after she had determined to destroy herself.
    ellauri322.html on line 262: The interest of this book which describes her travel is quickened by a knowledge of the heart-sorrow that underlies it all. Gilbert Imlay had promised to meet her upon her return, and go with her to Switzerland. But the letters she had from him in Sweden and Norway were cold, and she came back to find that she was wholly forsaken for an actress from a strolling company of players. Then she went up the river to drown herself. She paced the road at Putney on an October night, in 1795, in heavy rain, until her clothes were drenched, that she might sink more surely, and then threw herself from the top of Putney Bridge.
    ellauri322.html on line 358: The view of this wild coast, as we sailed along it, afforded me a continual subject for meditation. I anticipated the future improvement of the world, and observed how much man has still to do to obtain of the earth all it could yield. I even carried my speculations so far as to advance a million or two of years (!) to the moment when the earth would perhaps be so perfectly cultivated, and so completely peopled, as to render it necessary to inhabit every spot, yes, even these bleak shores. Imagination went still farther, and pictured the state of man when the earth could no longer support him. Whither was he to flee from universal famine ? Sitten se kezu söi ize izensä ja sixi ei enää ole kezuja.
    ellauri322.html on line 417: Many very cogent reasons have been urged by her friends to prove that her affection for Struensee was never carried to the length (15cm) alleged against her by those who feared her influence. Be that as it may she certainly was no a woman of gallantry, and if she had an attachment for him it did not disgrace her heart or understanding, the king being a notorious debauchee and an idiot into the bargain.
    ellauri322.html on line 436: Olen kaikkialla hämmästynyt yhdestä ominaisesta erosta kahden sukupuolen käyttäytymisessä; naiset yleensä viettelevät esimiehensä ja miehet ovat innoissaan alemmistaan: arvo ja käytöstavat kuumottavat toista, viekkaus ja irstailu alistavat toisen; kunnianhimo hiipii naisen intohimoon ja tyrannia antaa voimaa miehen intohimoon, sillä useimmat miehet kohtelevat rakastajattaraan kuin kuninkaat suosikkejaan: eikö mies sitten ole luomakunnan tyranni?
    ellauri322.html on line 440: A story is told here of the King’s formerly making a dog counsellor of state, because when the dog, accustomed to eat at the royal table, snatched a piece of meat off an old officer’s plate, the geezer reproved him jocosely, saying that he, monsieur le chien, had not the privilege of dining with his majesty, a privilege annexed to this distinction.
    ellauri323.html on line 60: Victoria Mary Sackville-West was the only child of Lionel Edward, third Baron of Sackville, and Victoria Josepha Dolores Catalina Sackville-West, his first cousin and the illegitimate daughter of the diplomat Sir Lionel Sackville-West. She was educated privately. As a child she started to write poetry, writing her first ballads at the age of 11. "I don't remember either my father or my mother very vividly at that time, except that Dada used to take me for terribly long walks and talk to me about science, principally Darwin, and I liked him a great deal better than mother, of whose quick temper I was frightened." (from Portrait of a Marriage by Nigel Nicolson, 1973) Vita's mother considered her ugly - she was bony, she had long legs, straight hair, and she wanted to be as boyish as possible.
    ellauri323.html on line 74: Sebastian The Duke was open-handed, as he could well afford to be; money was a thing about which he never needed to think. There had always been plenty of money at Chevron, and there still was, even with the income-tax raised from 11d. to 1/- in the pound; that abundance was another of the things which had never changed and which had every appearance of being unchangeable. It was taken for granted, but Sebastian saw to it that his tenants benefited as well as himself. "An ideel landlord-wish there were more like him," they said, forgetting that there were, in fact, many like him; many who, in their unobtrusive way, elected to share out their fortune, not entirely to their own advantage-quiet English squires, who, less favoured than Sebastian, were yet imbued with the same spirit, and traditionally gave their time and a good proportion of their possessions as a matter of course to those dependent upon them. A voluntary system, voluntary in that it depended upon the temperament of the squire; still, a system which possessed a certain pleasant dignity denied to the systems of a more compulsory sort. But did it, Sebastian reflected, sitting with his pen poised above his cheque-book, carry with it a disagreeable odour of charity? He thought not; for he knew that he derived as much satisfaction from the idea that Bassett would no longer endure a leaking roof as Bassett could possibly derive, next winter, from the fact that his roof no longer leaked. He would certainly go over and talk to the man Bassett.
    ellauri323.html on line 84: Zuleika Dobson – "vaikkakaan ei ehdottoman kaunis" - on edvardiaanisen aikakauden tuhoisan viehättävä nuori nainen, todellinen femme fatale, joka on ammatiltaan arvovaltainen entinen sirkustirehtööri. Zuleikan nykyinen ammatti (tosin mikä vielä tärkeämpää, hänen kiehtova kauneutensa) on tehnyt hänestä jonkinlaisen pienen julkkiksen, ja hän onnistuu pääsemään Oxfordin yliopiston etuoikeutettuun, vain miehistä koostuvaan alueeseen, koska hänen isoisänsä on Juudaksen Collegen vartija (perustuu Merton Collegeen, Beerbohmin alma materiin). Siellä hän rakastuu ensimmäistä kertaa elämässään Dorsetin herttuaan, snobi, emotionaalisesti irrallinen opiskelija, joka – turhautuneena siihen, ettei hän pysty hallitsemaan tunteitaan, kun hän näkee hänet – joutuu myöntämään, että hänkin on hänen ensimmäinen rakkautensa ja kosi häntä impulsiivisesti. Koska hän kuitenkin tuntee, ettei hän voi rakastaa ketään, ellei tämä ole läpäisemätön hänen viehätysvoimalleen, hän kuitenkin hylkää kaikki kosijansa ja tekee samoin hämmästyneen herttuan kanssa. Herttua huomaa nopeasti, että Noaks, Kerekekeks Koaks Koaks, toinen Oxford-opiskelija, väittää myös rakastuneensa häneen olematta koskaan edes ollut tekemisissä hänen kanssaan. Ilmeisesti miehet rakastuvat häneen heti nähdessään hänet. Ensimmäisenä, jolle hän on vastannut rakkautensa (miten vain lyhyeksikin ajaksi), herttua päättää tehdä itsemurhan symboloidakseen intohimoaan Zuleikaa kohtaan ja toivoo, että hän lisää tietoisuutta hänen lumoavan viehätyksensä kauheasta voimasta.
    ellauri323.html on line 135: And I daresay, indeed, that had he never met Zuleika, the irresistible, he would have lived, and at a very ripe old age died, a dandy without reproach. For in him the dandiacal temper had been absolute hitherto, quite untainted and unruffled. He was too much concerned with his own perfection ever to think of admiring any one else. Different from Zuleika, he cared for his wardrobe and his toilet-table not as a means to making others admire him the more, but merely as a means through which he could intensify, a ritual in which to express and realise, his own idolatry. At Eton he had been called “Peacock,” and this nick-name had followed him up to Oxford. It was not wholly apposite, however. For, whereas the peacock is a fool even among birds, the Duke had already taken (besides a particularly brilliant First in Mods) the Stanhope, the Newdigate, the Lothian, and the Gaisford Prize for Greek Verse. And these things he had achieved currente calamo, “wielding his pen,” as Scott said of Byron, “with the easy negligence of a nobleman.” The dandy must be celibate, cloistral; is, indeed, but a monk with a mirror for beads and breviary—an anchorite, mortifying his soul that his body may be perfect.
    ellauri323.html on line 149: Said Zuleika, looking up at him, “My reply is that I think you are an awful snob.”
    ellauri323.html on line 153: The Duke withdrew his fingers before she unclasped them. That twice-flung taunt rankled still. It was monstrous to have been called a snob. A snob!—he, whose readiness to form what would certainly be regarded as a shocking misalliance ought to have stifled the charge, not merely vindicated him from it! He was a dandy, not a snob, God's wounds!
    ellauri323.html on line 278: jota kosketettiin ennen kuin se on lyöty, kostonhimoisesti tehty jumaloivan lapsen
    ellauri323.html on line 349: Älyköiden äityköiden väliset kirjeet on suurimmaksi osaksi tuhottu, mutta muutamat jäljellä olevat viittaavat suureen intohimoon, ja Norcross odottaa "ilta toisensa jälkeen" toistensa "saamista", "ahneina" odotuksessa, "nälkäisenä" Mary Mooren "arvokkaan itsensä puolesta".
    ellauri324.html on line 120:

    Schimpfwörterbuch internationale Politik: Intervention

    ellauri324.html on line 334: Hyökkäys oli sotilaallinen (?) tappio Pohjois-Vietnamille, koska Etelä-Vietnamissa ei tapahtunut kansannousuja eikä ARVN-yksiköiden loikkauksia. Tällä hyökkäyksellä oli kuitenkin kauaskantoisia seurauksia sen vaikutukseen amerikkalaisen yleisön ja koko maailman näkemyksiin Vietnamin sodasta. Kenraali Westmoreland raportoi, että PAVN/VC:n kukistaminen vaatisi 200 000 amerikkalaissotilasta lisää ja reservien aktivoinnin, mikä sai jopa sodan uskolliset kannattajat myöntämään, että nykyinen sotastrategia vaati uudelleenarviointia. Hyökkäys vaikutti voimakkaasti Yhdysvaltain hallitukseen ja järkytti amerikkalaista yleisöä, jonka poliittiset ja sotilaalliset johtajat olivat saaneet uskomaan, että pohjoisvietnamilaiset olivat tappion kohteena eivätkä kykene käynnistämään niin kunnianhimoista sotilaallista operaatiota. Amerikan julkinen tuki sodalle laski Tetin uhrien ja luonnospuheluiden (draft calls) lisääntymisen seurauksena.
    ellauri324.html on line 681: me where I came from. I told him “the airport” and then,
    ellauri324.html on line 682: on a whim, I asked him how much a taxi ride should cost.
    ellauri325.html on line 151: Kylläpä on kehnoa puujalkahuumoria tehtailtu propagandan nimissä suomen sotaurhoille talvi- ja varsinkin jatkosodassa. Niin puisevaa että tikut jää lukijalle käteen. Pahimpia syntisiä ovat Swan Ohto Antero Manninen "Bosambo" ja Reijo "Repe" Helismaa eli Erho. Niiden sepustuxia lukiessa melkein hävettää. Jees, propagandaa! huudahtaa kolmas puu-ukko Armas J. Pulla. Oliskohan niin että oikeistolaisuus synnyttää aivan erityisen puisevaa propagandaläjää. Suhtautukaa vakavasti propagandaan pojat! Jäi vähän vaivaamaan että oikeinko se Stalin tarjosi Tannerille ja Mannerheimille parempia rauhanehtoja 1941 kuin se sai 1940 tai 1944? No oli varmaan liian myöhäistä kun Aatu oli siihen mennessä nielaissut Lapista ei vaan peukaloa vaan koko käden.
    ellauri325.html on line 213: Mielenkiintoista on myös, että Martti Eerik Hjalmar Löfberg (1907-1969) eli Marton Taiga oli tukeva antisemiitti. Tukeva Komisario Kairala kazeli inhoten paxun Salomon Mandelbaumin selkää. Juutalainen lyllersi kapeata kylätietä pitkin asemalle päin pullea salkku kainalossaan. Kairala sylkäisi ja jatkoi haravoimista. Juutalainen ei käytä pääomaansa kuin lyhimmän välttämättömän ajan. Jutikka elää tavallisesti kelmiydellä. Myönnän että maanpakolaisen kohtalo on murheellinen, mutta mixi tämä juutalainen ei mennyt esim Ruåziin. Juutalaiset sopivat sinne aivan erinomaisen hyvin. Siellä he ovat kuin kotonaan. Sainpas sen puun kumoon tontin rajalta ja sinut vankilaan mustan pörssin kaupasta, jutikkapaha.
    ellauri325.html on line 257: Veblen hylkäsi kaikki teoriat, jotka perustuvat yksilölliseen toimintaan tai kaikki teoriat, jotka korostavat mitään sisäisen henkilökohtaisen motivaation tekijää. Hänen mukaansa tällaiset teoriat olivat "epätieteellisiä". Kehitystä ohjasivat inhimilliset jäljittelyn, saalistuksen, työnteon, vanhempien taipumuksen ja tyhjän uteliaisuuden vaistot. Veblen halusi taloustieteilijöiden ymmärtävän sosiaalisten ja kulttuuristen muutosten vaikutukset taloudellisiin muutoksiin. Vapaa-ajan teoriassa jäljittelyn ja saalistuksen vaistot ovat tärkeässä roolissa. Ihmiset, niin rikkaat kuin köyhätkin, yrittävät tehdä vaikutuksen muihin ja pyrkivät saamaan etua Veblenin "kerskakulutukseksi" kutsumalla keinolla ja kyvyllä harjoittaa "kerskavapaa-aikaa". Tässä työssä Veblen väitti, että kulutusta käytetään tapana saada ja signaloida reviiriä. "Kerskakulutuksen" kautta syntyi usein "kerskajätettä", jota Veblen inhosi. Hän puhui edelleen kulttuurin "saaliistamisvaiheesta" siinä mielessä, että saalistusasenteesta on tullut yksilön tavanomainen henkinen asenne.
    ellauri325.html on line 278: Varhaisesta lapsuudestaan lähtien John Smith ei eronnut tovereistaan millään. Pojan ihmeellinen ennenaikaisuus ei hämmästyttänyt hänen opettajiaan. Kirjat eivät olleet hänelle intohimo hänen nuoruudestaan asti, eikä kukaan vanha mieskään laittanut kättään Smithin pään päälle ja sanonut, merkitse hänen sanansa, tästä pojasta tulee jonakin päivänä mies. Eikä hänen isänsä ollut vielä tapana katsoa häntä tunteella, joka vastaa melkein kunnioitusta. Ei missään nimessä! Hänen isänsä vain ihmetteli, oliko Smith jr saatanan typerys, koska hän ei voinut sille mitään, vai koska hän piti sitä nokkelana. Toisin sanoen hän oli aivan kuten sinä ja minä ja me muut.
    ellauri325.html on line 307: Matti Hälli mainittiin ohimennen albumissa 60. Mäntti on aika mitätön vastaantulija. Sen brobagandabläjäys koskee muuatta stm Rantasta, piintynyttä käteenvetäjää. Ei siitä enempää. Kalle "Näkymätön" Viänäsen sanarrieskoo ei kehtoo ies mainita.
    ellauri325.html on line 389: rabelaismaiseksi ääntäen nimen hirvittävästi väärin. Mikään ei horjuta hänen itsetuntoaan, hän on hengen Napoleon; kukko tunkiolla, jonka nimi on maapallo. Yleisö kaikkoaa ravintolasta, jonka ilmapiirin Kalle Pulliainen synkistyttää; ravintoloitsija vääntelee epätoivoissaan käsiään ja rukoilee, että taivaalliset voimat antaisivat Kalle Pulliaiselle juomahimon, jotta hänet voitaisiin sääntöjen mukaan heittää ravintolasta. Mutta Kalle Pulliainen ei harrasta pikkupaheita, hän ei myrkytä
    ellauri325.html on line 558: Dekkareissaan hän loi yli-inhimillisiin mittoihin kasvaneen sankarinsa, Kaarlo Raudan, kaikkea "itäistä pahuutta" vastaan taistelevan suoraselkäisen aatteen miehen. Toimittajana hän muokkasi niteen
    ellauri325.html on line 623: Vastaamme lähimmäistemme hengellisiin ja aineellisiin tarpeisiin arjen keskellä.
    ellauri325.html on line 625: Annamme elämämme alttiiksi lähimmäistemme hyväksi.
    ellauri325.html on line 715: Sodan jälkeen Heikkilä oli Helsingissä filosofi Uuno Saarnion (1896–1977) oppilaana. Hän kuului nuorten uraniaanien Urania-piiriin, jossa tutkittiin kirjallisuutta ja filosofiaa, mutta myös matematiikkaa ja äärettömyyden teoriaa. Heikkilä oli kiinnostunut ranskalaisesta ja espanjalaisesta kulttuurista. Tätä kautta hän tutustui roomalaiskatoliseen kirkkoon. Heikkilää viehättivät katoliset pyhimystarinat ja Neitsyt Maria -kultti. Hän työskenteli kirjastovirkailijana Helsingin Rikhardinkadun kirjastossa, jonka kirjastonjohtajana oli hänen oppi-isänsä Uuno Saarnio. Viimeiset ö mahdollisesti myös itsemurhaan, sillä Heikkilän kuolinsyytä ei tutkittu kunnolla.
    ellauri326.html on line 106: Ystäväni, reverend H. B. Bertram, ja minä olemme jo pitemmän aikaa tarkkailleet salamantereja patotyössä Adenissa. Olemme myös pari kolme kertaa puhuneet niiden kanssa, mutta emme ole huomanneet niissä minkäänlaisia korkeampien tunteiden merkkejä, kuten kunnianhimoa, uskoa, patriotismia tai urheiluhenkeä. Mutta voimmeko mitään muuta pitääkään sieluna?
    ellauri326.html on line 287: Tolstoi kiistää kaikki länsimaisen sivilisaation saavutukset ja sanoo, että totuus on venäläisessä talonpojassa, joka ei lue mitään, ei tiedä mitään, ei ajattele sitä. Nyt näemme tämän totuuden. Mutta ei tietenkään voida sanoa, että Butch tapahtui Tolstoin takia. Meidän on edelleen rakastettava klassikoihimme, mutta luettava niitä eri tavalla, avoimin silmin. Aamen.
    ellauri326.html on line 309:

    Sodan alkamisen jälkeen kuuluisa amerikkalainen kielitieteilijä ja filosofi Noam Chomsky erottui ristiriitaisista lausunnoista, jotka resonoivat Kremlin kannan kanssa, joka väittää, että Venäjä on sodassa NATO:n kanssa ja tekee sen "inhimillisemmin kuin Yhdysvallat Irakissa". Huhtikuun alussa 2022 Lähi-idän The National News -julkaisun haastattelussa Chomsky toisti myös lauseen "sodasta viimeiseen ukrainalaiseen" ja selvensi lainaavansa kuuluisaa eläkkeellä olevaa amerikkalaista diplomaattia Charles (Chaz) Freemania. Itse asiassa Freeman ei ollut tämän nälväisyn kekkaaja. Hän sanoi ne kaksi viikkoa aikaisemmin amerikkalaisen äärivasemmiston resurssin The Grayzonen haastattelussa (merkittävä Kremlin propagandassa), viitaten monin tavoin "länteen".

    Expresidentti Obama sanoi suoraan, että Yhdysvaltain armeija ei osallistu ulkomaisiin konflikteihin. …Mutta sotilaallinen toiminta ei voi olla joka tapauksessa ainoa tai edes tärkein osa johtajuuttamme. Se, että meillä on paras vasara, ei tarkoita, että jokainen ongelma on naula. Barack Obama pani merkille kollektiivisen toiminnan tehokkuuden. Hän luetteli niihin: diplomatia, taloudelliset pakotteet, eristyneisyys ja turvautuminen kansainväliseen oikeuteen.
    ellauri327.html on line 297: Nää tämän päivän lastenkirjat on vitun ahistavia. 3. vuosituhannen Turmiolan Tommi kirjoja. Vuxna tycker sällan när barn kollar på telefonen. Tänk om jag kan få självaste Rumpa som kompis. Det luktar klor, korv och ketchup. (Hur vulgärt.) Vad fint att självaste Rumpan himlar med öronen och viskar till Nollan. Fniss!
    ellauri327.html on line 411: Time journalists said that after Zelensky’s visit to the United States, they returned with him to Kyiv to try to understand how he would respond to signals received from the Americans, including persistent calls to fight corruption and antisemitism.
    ellauri327.html on line 413: On the first day, journalist Simon Schuster asked a person from Zelensky’s entourage how the president was feeling. “Evil,” they answered him.
    ellauri327.html on line 415: "Zelensky feels betrayed by his Western allies. They left him without the means to win the war, only the means to survive it," the journalist says. And the main showman in this show is President Zelensky. Show off the light of nakedness in military-style football and pants, wearing a mask of turbonosti - bloating. He joins with his allies and watches his favorite videos for the TV show.
    ellauri327.html on line 528: Saaressa, johon hän viittasi, olivat hänen kaksi omaa kalamajaansa, ja huvila itäänpäin tarkoitti hänen vanhimman sisarensa kookasta asumusta – sisaren kanssa hänellä oli ajoittain huonot välit. Länteen hän ei halunnut venäläisiä neuvoa, koska hänen vaimonsa ja pikku tyttärensä olivat juuri sinnepäin lähteneet jäätä pitkin sotaa pakoon.
    ellauri328.html on line 246: Getreu in Lust und Noth, Uskollinen himossa ja hädässä,
    ellauri328.html on line 266: In Liebe, Haß und Lust Lempi viha himo rellestää
    ellauri328.html on line 271: Zieh’ ich all’ himmelwärts, ja sitten jälleen ulospäin
    ellauri328.html on line 323: Im Walde wie im Haus, Niin mezässä kuin himbessä
    ellauri328.html on line 464: Israelin pakettia vedetään myös syvemmälle poliittiseen sukkaan, koska presidentti Joe Biden päätti sisällyttää sen paljon laajempaan pyyntöön, joka sisältää seuraavan erän aseita ja ampumatarvikkeita Ukrainalle. Johnsonin konferenssi vastustaa joitakin 100 miljardin dollarin pohjoispuolella olevan rahoituspyynnön näkökohtia. Ja vaikka puhuja esittää Israelin lakiesitystä yksinään, senaatti voi lisätä Ukrainan avun ja lähettää sen takaisin kongressiin, mikä edelleen viivästyttää Yhdysvaltain avun lähettämistä Israelille sen sodan aikana Hamasia vastaan. Pahimmassa tapauxessa vaippapäät on ajettu jo mereen ennen rahan saapumista.
    ellauri330.html on line 189: Eikä nuo työkavereiden uinti, zumba, tanssireissut tai saunaillat kiinosta, koska en pidä kyseisistä harrastuksista. Nuotioretkelle lähtisin lähimetsään, mutta se ei naisia kiinnosta edes metsälenkki porukalla. En mene sellaiseen harrastukseen jossa tuntisin itseni vain kiusaantuneeksi ja ulkopuoliseksi. Jotakin mukavaakin nykytysharjatoimintaa on joskus ollut työnantajan puolesta. Työkaverit mukavia mutta kiinnostuksen kohteet tyystin erilaisia kuin minulla.
    ellauri330.html on line 283: Rafael Koskimies syntyi Savonlinnassa helmikuussa 1898 fennomaani-ihanteita kannattavan keskiluokkaisen lehtoriperheen vanhimmaksi lapseksi. Perheen fennomaanimyönteisyys ei ollut yllättävää, sillä suku kytkeytyy kuuluisiin fennomaaniaatteen ajajiin, kuten Yrjö Sakari Yrjö-Koskiseen, josta Rafun äiti pissi herneitä. Rafael Koskimiehen sukunimi olikin vuoteen 1926 asti Forsman. Yrjö-Kossuilla on mahtipontinen kivi Hietaniemessä. Siinä lähistöllä on Rafukin pienen kiven alla. Rafun äisky oli voimisyelunopettaja, os. Heikinheimo, ex-Heikel, ex-Heikkilä Oulunjoelta, Oulun Houruloiden naapurista. Musta lammas Armas tuli esiin Katri Valan partnerina.
    ellauri331.html on line 578: RT:n perustamisen aikaan RIA Novostin johtaja Svetlana Mironyuk totesi: "Valitettavasti lännen massatietoisuuden tasolla Venäjä yhdistetään kolmeen sanaan: kommunismi, lumi ja köyhyys", ja lisäsi "haluaisimme antaae täydellisemmän kuvan elämästä maassamme. Äskeisestä luettelosta jäi pois korruptio ja alkoholiongelma. Nyttemmin mukaan kuuluu myös kapitalismi, rahanhimo, köyhien kyykytys ja oligarkia. Ne kaikki olemme omaxuneet tosi nopeasti lännestä."
    ellauri331.html on line 604: Lokakuussa 2022 RT:n juontaja Anton Krasovsky sanoi lähetyksessä, että Ukrainan lapset, jotka olivat aiemmin kritisoineet Neuvostoliittoa Ukrainan miehittäjinä, olisi pitänyt hukuttaa tai polttaa. Lisäksi hän nauroi kertoessaan, että venäläissotilaat raiskasivat iäkkäitä ukrainalaisia ​​naisia ​​vuoden 2022 hyökkäyksen aikana. Simonyan pidätti hänet myöhemmin, ja rikostutkinta aloitettiin. Professori Robert Orttungin George Washingtonin yliopistosta tekemässä tutkimuksessa todettiin, että RT käyttää inhimillisiä tarinoita ilman ideologista sisältöä houkutellakseen katsojia kanavilleen. Emäkieroa!
    ellauri331.html on line 662: Vuonna 2016 hän julkaisi artikkelin "Бомба, готовая взорваться" ("Pommi, joka on valmis räjähtämään") Venäjän ja Tšetšenian etnisestä konfliktista. Kun valtakunnansyyttäjänvirasto havaitsi hänen artikkelinsa "äärimmäiseksi" ja aloitti rikossyytteen, Andrei lähti lopulta Venäjältä länteen 19. helmikuuta 2016 ja on sen jälkeen räkyttänyt anglosaxeista. Radio Libertylle antamassaan haastattelussa Piontkovski sanoo, että ehkä Putinin suorittaman operaation tarkoitus on paljastaa kaikki Andrein kaltaiset mahdolliset intohimoiset yhteiskunnallisen kapinan johtajat, lähettää heidät Ukrainaan ja polttaa ne ukrainalaisten uunissa.
    ellauri331.html on line 702: Venäjän turvallisuusasiantuntija ja tutkiva toimittaja Andrei Soldatov sanoi: "On lähes mahdotonta tietää varmasti, onko Venäjä DNC:n palvelimien hakkeroinnin takana vai ei." Hänen mukaansa Venäjän hallitus pitää Clintonia "Venäjän vihaajana". "Venäjällä on piiritetyn mentaliteetti, että se on aina hyökkäyksen kohteena. Yhdysvallat... ne paskiaiset yrittävät koko ajan sekaantua sisäisiin asioihimme, joten miksi emme yrittäisi tehdä samaa heille?" Sanos se.
    ellauri332.html on line 101: Munckin henkinen kiirastuli voimistuu, kun rajan takaa alkaa pyrkiä maahan yhä enemmän neuvostovaltaa pakenevaa väkeä: niin Pietarissa työskennelleitä suomalaisia kuin venäläisaatelia, sivistyneistöä ja juutalaisiakin. Munck kokee olevansa liian suuren tehtävän edessä ja pyytää apua kehittyvän kriisin purkamiseksi, mutta vastaus pääkaupungista on tyly ja armoton: vain suomalaiset saa päästää läpi, muut on käännytettävä, "punikit" ja vakoojat teloitettava. Munck on jätetty yksin likaisen työn tekijäksi ja huomaa joutuvansa tekemään yhä rankempia ratkaisuja, joiden ongelmallisuutta lain ja oikeuden, kohtuuden ja inhimillisyyden kannalta hän ei voi itseltäänkään kiistää. Munckin henkireikänä kasautuvien paineiden alla toimivat toisaalta shakki- ja keskusteluhetket originellin Gentschin kanssa, toisaalta hänet hetkeksi järjen sumentavankin raa'asta todellisuudesta erottavat kohtaamiset rakkautta ja inhimillisyyttä edustavan Linnun kanssa. Rajajoki jatkaa hiljaista virtaansa kuten ennenkin, mutta rajan ongelmat patoutuvat kuitenkin ennen pitkää vääjäämättä sumaksi, joka ei enää aukene ilman raskaita uhreja... Juonipaljastuxet päättyvät tähän. Loppukin on paljasta pyllyä.
    ellauri332.html on line 113: Abelard showed humility in recognizing his errors, Bernard used great benevolence. Historiassa ja populaarikulttuurissa Abelard tunnetaan parhaiten intohimoisesta ja traagisesta rakkaussuhteestaan ja intensiivisestä nesteiden vaihdostaan loistavan opiskelijansa ja mahdollisen vaimonsa Héloïse d'Argenteuilin kanssa. Hän oli naisten ja heidän koulutuksensa puolustaja. Lähetettyään Héloïsen luostariin Bretagnen suojelemaan häntä väkivaltaiselta sedältä, joka ei halunnut hänen tavoittelevan tätä kiellettyä rakkautta, sedän lähettämät miehet kastroivat hänet. Héloïse piti edelleen itseään puolisonsa, vaikka molemmat kassit jäivät luostareihin tämän tapahtuman jälkeen, ja puolusti häntä julkisesti, kun paavi Innocentius II tuomitsi hänen oppinsa ja Abelardia pidettiin harhaoppisena. Näistä mielipiteistä Abelard tunnusti naisen syyttömyyden, joka tekee synnin rakkaudesta. No jopa pomppasi, louskutti Clairvaux Bernhardilainen, sittenhän Eevakin olisi ollut synnitön ja koko korttitalo lysähtäisi perisynnin mukana.
    ellauri332.html on line 185: Useimmat teistä eivät tarvitse esittelyä "Huoneeseen". Sitä pidetään laajalti "Parhaana - pahimpana koskaan tehtynä elokuvana", joka on täynnä mutkikkaita juonilinjoja, uskomattoman huonoa editointia, kamalaa musiikkia ja huonoimpia näyttelijöitä, joita olet koskaan nähnyt. Vaikka monet uskoivat sen olevan parodia, se oli itse asiassa täysin vakava elokuva, jonka teki salaperäinen Tommy Wiseau sen pääosassa. Raina on kerännyt kulttia sen synkän julkaisun jälkeen ja on nyt yksi kaikkien aikojen suosituimmista huonoista elokuvista. Monissa Yhdysvaltojen teattereissa on vuosittain elokuvan teatteriesitys, ja se on aina loppuunmyyty mölyävien ja nauravien fanien keskuudessa. Vuoden 2017 elokuva "The Disaster Artist" kertoo elokuvan tekemisen kummallisista kulissien takaa.
    ellauri332.html on line 227: Jamie Dornan ja Dakota Johnson näyttelevät tämän kiihkeän "romantiikka"-elokuvan rakastajia, ja siinä yritettiin hyödyntää samannimisen romaanin mainetta. Silti elokuva ei päässyt edes kirjan matalalle tasolle; koska kahdella päänäyttelijällä oli niin vähän kemiaa, suhde vaikutti pikemminkin kammottavalta ja saalistusvaltaiselta kuin... mitä sen pitikin olla kirjassa? Ihan samaa paskaahan se oli siinäkin, come to think of it. Siinä ei ollut meille kerrotun äänikirjan intohimoista jännitystä tai mielenkiintoista voimadynamiikkaa. Itse asiassa Johnsonin ja Dornanin kerrotaan vihanneen toisiaan. Se teki romanttisesta elokuvasta todennäköisesti kovan kakan.
    ellauri332.html on line 316: Vaikka Halle Berry teki luonteellensa oikeutta, kirjoittajat eivät vain näyttäneet saavan sitä toimimaan sarjakuvasankarille. "Yksinäisellä valopillulla" oli vaikea kantaa elokuvaa, ja tästä syystä se voitti vuoden 2004 Kultaisen vadelman pahimmasta kuvasta.
    ellauri332.html on line 420: For anyone who's ever wondered why Hawthorne left out the mute servants, red cockatoos, and rolls in the proverbial hay. As Hawthorne himself would say: "Ignominious!" "Deththpicable!"
    ellauri332.html on line 454: Wenders himself remains less than happy with the project, and on the commentary track of The American Friend cites it as a contributory factor in his decision to almost abandon filmmaking and return to painting and film criticism.
    ellauri332.html on line 553: Mitä saat, kun annat Channing Tatumille valkaistun parran ja terävät korvat? Katastrofi, joka on "Jupiter Ascending". Meillä kaikilla oli suuria toiveita tämän elokuvan suhteen, koska se tuli Wachowskin sisarten [n.h.] ihmeellisen omaperäisestä mielestä. Valitettavasti toiveemme putosivat hyvin nopeasti, nopeammin kuin Jupiterin seisokki. Sitä on julistettu yhdeksi viimeaikaisten muistojen pahimmista elokuvista, pääasiassa sen mutkikkaan juonen ja hirvittävän näyttelemisen vuoksi. Katsomme sinua, cistransu Eddie Redmayne. Näyttelijä voitti kiistanalaisesti Razzie-palkinnon kauheasta näyttelemisestä tässä elokuvassa, vain vuosi akatemiapalkinnon voittamisen jälkeen.
    ellauri332.html on line 626: ABC Newsin kriitikot Sheila Maricar ja Liz Heron sijoittivat vuonna 2010 Binksin ykköseksi "pahimpien TV- ja elokuvahahmojen" top 10 -listassaan, ja kutsuivat häntä huonoimmaksi fiktiiviseksi hahmoksi viimeisen 20 vuoden aikana.
    ellauri332.html on line 634: Chinless George Lucas was born and raised in modest circumstances in Modesto, California, the son of Dorothy Ellinore Lucas (née Bomberger) and George Walton Lucas Sr., and is of German, Swiss-German, English, Scottish, and distant Dutch and French descent. His family attended Disneyland during its opening week in July 1955, and Lucas would remain enthusiastic about the park, Goofy in particular. Lucas's father owned a stationery store, and had wanted George to work for him when he turned 18. Sama lähtökohta siis kuin Paavo Havikolla.
    ellauri332.html on line 649: Hollywoodin rakas ohjaaja Steven Speilberg saavutti suurta menestystä vuoden 1985 elokuvallaan "Takaisin tulevaisuuteen". Se on aikamatkatarina, joka on ansainnut rakastetun ikonin aseman. Se nosti Michal J. Foxin megakuuluisuuteen ja sai yleisön toivomaan sen hyppäävän lähimpään Deloreaniin ja matkustamaan helkkariin. Sen ilmestymisen jälkeisinä vuosikymmeninä katsojat ovat kuitenkin alkaneet palata elokuvaan ja kyseenalaistaa sen melko häiritsevän juonen. Puhumme oudosta tarinasta Martyn ja hänen äitinsä välillä. Höh...jätämme sen Googlen päätettäväksi...
    ellauri332.html on line 688: Dreamseller varmisti matkustellen ympäri maailmaa, että Augusto Curyn kirjoja löytyy yli 50 maasta ympäri maailmaa. Dreamseller- romaaneja on myyty massiivisesti Latinalaisessa Amerikassa ja Portugalissa. Dreamseller valloitti Aasian ja Venäjän markkinat ja oli ehdolla tämän vuoden (2016) parhaaksi kansainväliseksi fiktiokirjaksi Kiinassa. Koreassa kirjalle on tehty hienostunut painos ja huippujulkisuus. Espanjassa Augusto Cury on kymmenen myydyimmän joukossa. Portugalissa hänen intohimoiset lukijansa järjestivät opintoryhmiä keskustelemaan hänen teorioistaan ​​ja julkaisivat johtopäätöksensä useilla verkkosivustoilla. [ tähän kyllä tarvitaan lainaus, hemmetti! ]
    ellauri333.html on line 91: From a foot-note 2 we are glad to learn that huge erections have now been put up over this and the other Ashoka inscriptions by the Mysore Government for their protection, and the headman of the village has the keys as custodian. Panini mielestä Asokan titteli Devanampriya 'jumalten suosikki' oli pilkkanimi. Panini himself as a hindoo or other old banana does not mention Devanampriya, but states that the termination of the genitive case is preserved at the end of the first member of compounds if the meaning is abusive.
    ellauri333.html on line 110: Dried figs were so eagerly desired by all men that even Amitrochates, the king of the Indians, wrote to Antiochus asking him, says Hegesander, to purchase and send him sweet wine, dried figs, and a sophist; and that Antiochus wrote back: "We shall send you dried figs and sweet wine; but it is not lawful in Greece to sell a sophist." E. Saarinen on käytännön sofisti ja sykofantti. Se on kyllä ollut kaupan enimmän tarjoovalle.
    ellauri333.html on line 128: From Indian literature we know that at all times kings used to entertain spies {chara or gudha-purusha). These agents were graded into high ones, low ones, and those of middle rank. A similar class of officers, which was created by Asoka himself, were the reporters (prativedaka), who were posted everywhere, as he says, in order to report to me the affairs of the people at any time, while I am eating, in the harem, in the inner apartment, even at the cowpen, in the palanquin, and in the parks.
    ellauri333.html on line 130: The king confesses that the Kalinga war was the turningpoint in his religious career, and that his grief at the enormous loss of human life made him repent of his conquest and aspire henceforth to the conquest by moraliity. Before, he had been known as Chandasoka (i. e. the fierce Asoka) on account of his evil deeds; afterwards he became known as Dharmasoka (i.e. the pious Asoka) on account of his virtuous deeds.
    ellauri333.html on line 160: Among Anoka's 'good deeds' the second pillar-edict (E) gives prominence to various benefits conferred on animals. This statement is explained by the fifth pillaredict, which contains a detailed list of animals that were declared inviolable either permanently or on certain days, among them the well-known fast-days. Ei se silti ollut mikään jainalainen, vaan päinvastoin tapatti ahimsajäbiä tuhatmäärin vääräoppisuudesta (kz alempana).
    ellauri333.html on line 180: Sri Lankan perinne esittää Ashokalle suuremman roolin buddhalaisyhteisössä. Tässä perinteessä Ashoka alkaa ruokkia munkkeja laajasti. Hänen ylenpalttisen holhouksensa valtion suojeluksessa johtaa siihen, että monet väärennetyt munkit liittyvät luostariin. Todelliset buddhalaiset munkit kieltäytyvät yhteistyöstä näiden väärennettyjen munkkien kanssa, ja siksi uposatha- seremoniaa ei pidetä seitsemään vuoteen. Kuningas yrittää hävittää väärennetyt munkit, mutta tämän yrityksen aikana liian innokas ministeri päätyy tappamaan todellisia munkkeja. Kuningas kutsuu sitten vanhimman munkin Matkaliputta-Tissarrin auttamaan häntä karkottamaan ei-buddhalaiset hänen perustamansa Pataliputran luostarista. 60 000 harhaoppisuudesta tuomittua munkkia ( bhikkhua ) riisutaan aseista seuraavassa prosessissa. Tämän jälkeen pidetään uposatha-seremonia, ja Tissarri järjestää tämän jälkeen kolmannen buddhalaisen neuvoston Ashokan 17. hallitusvuotena. Ensio Tissarri kokoaa Kathavatthun, tekstin, joka vahvistaa theravadinin ortodoksisuuden useissa kohdissa.
    ellauri333.html on line 219: According to Philip Ludendorf, an American Indologist, the theological significance of Hanuman and devotional dedication to him emerged about 1,000 years after the composition of the Ramayana, in the 2nd millennium CE, with the arrival of Islamic rule in the Indian subcontinent. Ludendorf also writes that the skills in Hanuman's resume also seem to derive in part from his windy patrimony, reflecting Vayu's role in both body and cosmos. Vayu is an important deity and is closely associated with Indra, the king of gods. He is mentioned to be born from the breath of Supreme Being Vishvapurusha and also the first one to drink Soma. Soma oli todnäk piriä. Zarathustra joi haumaa, efedriiniä ja opetti sen itäintiaaneille. Ephedra is the origin of the name of the stimulant ephedrine, which the plants contain in significant concentration. It can cause cardiovascular events.
    ellauri333.html on line 227: Bhakti movement saints such as Samarth Ramdas and Narendra Modi have positioned angry Hanuman as a symbol of nationalism and resistance to persecution. The Vaishnava saint Madhvacharya said that whenever Vishnu incarnates on earth, Vayu accompanies him and aids his work of preserving dharma. In the modern era, Hanuman's iconography and temples have been increasingly common. He is viewed as the ideal combination of "strength, heroic initiative and assertive excellence" and "loving, emotional devotion to his personal god Rama", as Shakti and Bhakti. In later literature, he is sometimes portrayed as the patron god of martial arts such as wrestling and acrobatics, as well as activities such as meditation and diligent scholarship. He symbolises the human excellences of inner self-control, faith, and service to a cause, hidden behind the first impressions of a being who looks like a Vanära. Hanuman is considered to be a bachelor and an involuntary celibate.
    ellauri333.html on line 248: Hanuman, according to mythology, is the illegitimate son of the wind god Vayu and the apsara Anjana. Vayu was formally married to the daughter of the divine architect Vishwakarma but that did not stop him from bedding other females. He tried to entice a hundred daughters of King Kushnabh and when rejected, cursed them to become hunch-backed crones. He went on to sire another illegitimate son, Bhima, with Kunti, the teenaged princess married to an impotent husband (Pandu) who prayed to the virile Vayu to oblige her with a child. From his volatile macho father, Hanuman inherited the ability to fly, and an enormous appetite that he shared with his step-brother Bhima. Legend has it that the new-born Hanuman was so hungry that he tried to gobble up the sun thinking it was a fruit. He was made to cough out this glowing morsel when Indra shot a thunderbolt and destroyed his chin (Hanu), hence the name Hanuman.
    ellauri333.html on line 250: But despite his gifts of flying and great physical stamina, Hanuman seems to harbour many childhood anxieties and a deep sense of insecurity as a son alienated from his father. He remains celibate and content to follow his band of simian brothers into the forests. It is his mentors Angad, Jamvant and ultimately Ram who restore his self-esteem and awaken him to his real powers. Tulsidas’ Ramcharit Manas portrays Hanuman as a gentle giant who rose to be a reliable, selfless and humble devotee and ally to his lord. He risks life and limb to cross the seas to Sri Lanka to bring Ram news of his wife being held captive there. As the battle rages in Lanka, he helps fetch a magic herb from the Himalayas to save the life of Lakshmana, and curls up with embarrassment when praised. Aggression is thus excised from the image by Tulsidas to focus on a Bhakt’s principled defence of the just cause and during that course, demolishing a predatory beast.
    ellauri333.html on line 328: Also, one’s name is indicative of one’s religion, caste, place of birth and a myriad of other such identity factors. The extensive work of Raja Jayaraman (2005) on the same topic, traces the origin of Hindu caste-based surnames of the Indian subcontinent in the then-prevalent social institutions and rules of social interactions. According to him, as mentioned in the Samskara Vidhi or the Rules of Life-cycle Rituals in Hinduism, names like ‘Sharma’ are usually reserved for Brahmins, ‘Varma’ for Kshatriyas, ‘Gupta’ for Vaishyas and ‘Das’ for Shudras. Dalit are the worst, they are the pariahs, like Ritu Gagra.
    ellauri333.html on line 496: Sikhien viisi tavallista pahetta ovat himo, viha, ahneus, maallinen kiintymys ja ylpeys. Viisi hyvettä ovat harvinaisia: totuus ja rehellisyys, tyytyväisyys ja kärsivällisyys, myötätunto, nöyryys ja rakkaus.
    ellauri333.html on line 505: Leikkaamattomat hiukset (kes) muistuttavat alistumisesta Jumalan tahtoon. Sikhimiehet kasvattavat pitkän tukan ja parran, ja peittävät päänsä turbaanilla.
    ellauri334.html on line 245: Juudaksen myöhemmästä historiasta levisi erilaisia ​​legendoja. Matta. xxvii. 3 ja sitä seuraavat kertoo, että nähdessään, että Jeesus tuomittiin, hän katui tekoaan ja otti takaisin kolmekymmentä hopearahaa, jotka hän oli saanut papilta ja vanhimmilta, ja heitti rahat temppelin aarrekammioon kutsuen sitä viattoman veren hinnaksi, ja sitten meni pois ja hirtti itsensä Ahitofelin tavoin (II Sam. xvii. 23); mutta papit eivät käyttäisi rahoja temppelitarkoituksiin, koska se oli verirahaa (koost. 5. Moos. xxiii. 18); siksi he päättivät ostaa niillä savenvalajan pellon muukalaisten hautaamiseksi; tästä johtuu sen nimi, "Ḥaḳal Dama" (= Verikenttä).
    ellauri334.html on line 260: Irrelevant to me. He may have been an asshole, or he may have been a patriot. He may have existed, or his character may be an allegory. If we look at it from a Christian point of view: Christianity as it is known would not exist without him. Not that I really care much about that as a Jew.
    ellauri334.html on line 263: What I think many Christians fail to understand is how irrelevant to Judaism the Christian books and beliefs are. We dn’t have a view about Judas, he is never discussed, there are no discussions about him in Jewish sources. He is completely irrelevant as are the rest of the figures from Christian books. So, you may find some Jews who have formed their personal opinion about him, but there is no comments or view on him from Jewish sources since he is irrelevant and not a subject of discussion for us.
    ellauri334.html on line 266: As Tom Isaacs already mentioned, Bart Ehrman has suggested that perhaps what Judas betrayed was not where Jesus was (why would they need him for that?), but rather what Jesus was saying about himself. To flesh this out just a little:
    ellauri334.html on line 267: In the synoptic gospels, which are considered more historically reliable than the very theological gJohn, and especially the first, Mark, Jesus's public ministry is largely focused on his apocalyptic message, with a bit of faith healing and exorcism thrown in for good measure. His remarks about himself, and the notion that he was the messiah, was perhaps something… (more)
    ellauri334.html on line 270: Related questions: Why all the hate for Judas Iscariot? Without him there is no end to the story, no last supper (it's just another boys night out), no dying for our sins, no resurrection. He is vital to the prophesy.What is your opinion of members of the Jewish faith as people?
    ellauri334.html on line 313: He isn't. It is not a name ever discussed or thought about by Jews. Ever. It is impossible to capture in words how little we care about him. Here it is:
    ellauri334.html on line 320: Yes he was, but betrayed Christ, He followed Christ every where until Garden of Gethsemane,a perfect example of a Christian who betrayed Christ add moved away from him. I am not sure he really followed Jesus like Peter and other, they really believed Jesus was son of God. But Judas was a rebel Jew, who want literal fight against Roman government. There might be a Chance Judas never understood the concept of “Kingdom of God”.
    ellauri334.html on line 333: I cannot say I know a whole lot about Judas Iscariot besides the general story about him betraying Jesus to the Roman authorities, but one thing I MUST say - Judaism has NOTHING to do with Judas Iscariot. I had more than one person ask me “Why do you guys follow Judas?? Surely he was a bad person!”. This would be funny but when I think about how many Jews were actually killed or oppressed because of things like this - it’s not funny at all.
    ellauri334.html on line 337: I am Jewish…..I have always viewed Judas as the purist of adherers to Jesus….He got a bum steer and killed himself when he revealed that Jesus would be in the garden of gesthemene where he could be captured. Judas stuck to the teachings of Jesus….Jesus got very heady being a Leader, as Judas saw it..
    ellauri334.html on line 338: Anyway….I have never been able to figure how it’s anyone’s responsibility for what happened to Jesus, other than G-d himself….This was his plan…..and he put it into action…How come he is never blamed….I blame him
    ellauri334.html on line 346: Why all the hate for Judas Iscariot? Without him there is no end to the story, no last supper (it's just another boys night out), no dying for our sins, no resurrection. He is vital to the prophesy.
    ellauri334.html on line 357: Why did Judas have to identify Jesus to his captors whereas they know him?
    ellauri334.html on line 370: Tämän lisääntyvän jakautumisen taustalla on ensinnäkin Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan politiikan jatkuva uudelleensuuntautuminen. On olemassa liike, jonka voimme jäljittää ennen vuotta 2015, pois taloudesta politiikan ensisijaisena kysymyksenä. Pääkysymys ei ole enää vapaat markkinat vastaan valtion väliintulo, vaan pikemminkin nationalismi ja perinteinen identiteetti vs. globalismi ja kulttuurinen liberalismi. On siirrytty GANTT-nelikentän pystyaxelille. Keskiluokan pahimmat viholliset eivät ole enää porhot, vaan ne pelkäävät matuja. Vuodesta 2016 lähtien sekä oikeiston että vasemmiston järjestöt ovat nähneet yhä epätoivoisempia ponnisteluja kääntääkseen tämän uudelleenjärjestelyn ja palauttaakseen politiikan entiseen muotoonsa. Rishi Sunakin päätös potkaista Braverman osoittaa, että tämä taistelu on nyt päässyt viimeiseen vaiheeseensa oikealla. On tosiasia, että konservatiivipuolue on kohtaamassa katastrofaalisen tappion seuraavissa vaaleissa. Oikeistolehdistön kanta on epäselvä, mutta se menee luultavasti kansalliskonservatiiviselle puolelle.
    ellauri335.html on line 92: Japandi-trendi yhdistää skandinaavisen yksinkertaisuuden japanilaiseen eleganssiin ja minimalistisuuteen. Skandinaavisen ja japanilaisen sisustuksen tyylejä yhdistelevässä trendissä, Japandissa, on yksi selkeä ero. Skandinaavisessa sisustuksessa värit ovat kylmiä, japandissa suositaan luonnollisia värejä ja tummaa puuta, toteaa Nina Eskelinen. Suomessahan ei tummaa puuta juuri kasva, mutta sitä voi luonnonmukaisesti tuoda Japanista. Onko keittiöremontti ajankohtainen? Varaa aika lähimpään Keittiömaailma-myymälään.
    ellauri335.html on line 162: LAURAN perhe aikoo lähteä suunnitellulle lomalle siitä huolimatta. Laura kertoo ekaluokkalaisen kuopuksensa ehdottaneen, että perhe voisi välttää luvattoman poissaolomerkinnän kertomalla vanhimman lapsen olevan sairaana. Hän ei kuitenkaan halua että lapset opettavat vanhempia valehtelemaan. Kyllä he osaavat sen izekin. Joillekin muille perheille ja aikuisillekin vaihtoehto saattaa kuitenkin tulla mieleen, hän pohtii.
    ellauri335.html on line 169: Eivät anna tippiä volttikuskille. Mutta kuunnellaanpa köyhimyxiä ize asiassa kuultuna ettei tule yllätyxiä!
    ellauri335.html on line 172: KYSYIMME hiljattain Ilta-Sanomien lukijoilta, kuinka he säästävät ruokamenoissaan. Kyselyyn vastasi 2 299 suomalaista. Vitun köyhimyxiä. Hauska lukea kuinka nekin kärvistelevät.
    ellauri335.html on line 259: myös lähimmäiset, ystävät Som det som Guds trollstav röra fått.
    ellauri335.html on line 501: Pöh. Koko amnestian käsite on vastoin Halakhaa. Älä unohda, älä anna anteexi, se on Jehovan sanoma valitulle kansalle. Svaani ei unohda. Svanetia tai Svanetia (muinaisissa lähteissä Suania; georgiaksi: სვანეთი Svaneti) on historiallinen maakunta Georgian luoteisosassa. Siellä asuu svaanit, georgialaisten entinen alaryhmä. Ei siis Hans Uszkoreitin lasten äidin ja äxpuolison saati Anni Svaanin sukulaisia. He ovat georgialaisia ​​ortodoksisia kristittyjä, ja heidät kristillistettiin 4.-6. vuosisadalla. Joitakin vanhan pakanuuden jäänteitä on kuitenkin säilytetty. Georgian suojeluspyhimys Saint George (paikallisille tunnetaan nimellä Jgëræg) on ​​arvostetuin pyhimys. Kaxikielisiä kuin suomenruåzalaiset, puhuvat svaania ja gruusiaa.
    ellauri336.html on line 107: Pyhäpäiviä on useita ympäri vuoden, ja niihin valmistautuminen vaatii naisilta paljon työtä. Jokaisella "lomalla" on erityiset säännöt ja tavat. Esimerkiksi pääsiäinen vaatii ylhäältä alas moitteettoman siivouksen talon, ajoneuvon, toimipaikan jne. jokaisen sentin läpi. Toinen esimerkki on Purim, jossa jokaiselle lapselle kootaan puvut, valmistetaan lahjakorit, jotka jaetaan ystäville tai lähimmäisille.
    ellauri336.html on line 190: Lisäksi kritiikki ja rangaistus menettävät tehonsa, kun sitä annetaan liian usein. Jos lasta rangaistaan ​​kaikesta, mitä hän tekee väärin, hän ei tunne sitä. Hän oppii laittamaan kirjan housuihin. Siten, kun vanhempi rankaisee lasta jostain vakavasta, sillä on minimaalinen vaikutus, koska lapsi näkee sen vain toisena asiana, josta hänen vanhempansa pitävät. Rav Shimshon R. Hirschin sanoin kritiikin pitäisi olla vähäistä, mutta lujaa.
    ellauri336.html on line 245: Kärsivällisyys on yksi onnistuneen vanhemmuuden ja kurinpidon avaimista. Lastenkasvatus ei ole vain chinuch-opetusta lapselle oikeiden middojen ja derech eretzin (luonteenpiirteet ja käytöstavat) - mutta se vaatii myös paljon koulutusta. Toisin sanoen, sen jälkeen kun lapselle on opetettu oikea toiminta, hänet on nyt koulutettava tekemään se. Käytännön harjoittelu on kuitenkin vaikeaa. Lapset eivät vain unohda helposti, vaan heidän on myös murrettava aiemmat käyttäytymismallit - vaikea tehtävä jopa aikuiselle. (Ajattele itseäsi: Jos sinulla olisi voimakas himo tiettyyn ruokaan, kuinka helppoa olisi lopettaa, jos lääkärisi sanoisi, että se ei ole terveellistä?)
    ellauri336.html on line 368: The other point I’d like to make is that a woman’s hair is cited (somewhere,) as her crown. After she is married, the beauty of her hair is only available for her husband to see. This helps makes her seductive to him. I also have to say that I can’t imagine having an intimate relationship with a woman with a shaved head as I have referenced in the previous paragraph.
    ellauri336.html on line 513: They didnt die. The gemara relates that twice on yom kippur (2 different years) the kohen gadol (her son) had to leave the beis hamikdash, and in the process became tamei requiring his brother to take over. That would account for at least three of her sons serving as kohen gadol with none dead. The story the gemara relates as to how the KG became tamei is not a negative either. The spittle of a non jew landed on him.
    ellauri336.html on line 543: Vanhempien tulee osoittaa huomiota ja huolenpitoa kaikille lapsilleen, ei vain menestyneille, välittömästi "nachas-antaville" lapsille. Jos vanhemmat kiinnittävät huomiota vajakkiin, hänen on mahdollista menestyä ja edetä paljon enemmän kuin keskimääräistä korkeammat sisarukset (katso Kli Yekar, Vayechi). Samalla tavalla kuin henkilöä rohkaistaan ja kehutaan neuvottelemalla erikoislääkäreillä fyysisen sairauden kanssa, on tärkeää tietää, että ei ole mitään häpeää keskustella vajakin tilanteesta mechanchimin kanssa ja kysyä neuvoja asiantuntijoilta.
    ellauri336.html on line 547: Targum Yonasan ( Semos 20:13) huomauttaa kommentissaan kymmenen käskyn kiellosta koskien murhaa, huorintekoa ja varastamista. "juutalaisen kodissa (bajs) ei pitäisi mieluusti nähdä murhaa, moraalittomuutta tai ryöstöä". KILL! FUCK! EAT! edustavat pyhimpiä arvoja.
    ellauri336.html on line 632: “Having some kind of wild west boom going on in Texas where it’s every man for himself drilling as quickly as possible and trying to pull the stuff out of the ground in a kind of frenzy, that’s just the precise opposite to what should be going on,” said Lorne Stockman, a senior research analyst at Oil Change International, a clean energy advocacy group.
    ellauri336.html on line 636: The Permian’s fortunes are not dependent on the whims of one or two dominant companies – there are hundreds of operators, from tiny independents to huge multinationals such as Chevron, ExxonMobil, BP, Shell and ConocoPhillips, many of the corporations which, as the Guardian has reported, are behind a large proportion of the planet’s carbon emissions and are poised to flood markets with an additional 7m barrels per day over the next decade.
    ellauri336.html on line 704: Kerithoth ("leikkaukset"), monikko sanasta kareth, on Mishnan viidennen asteen Kodashimin seitsemäs traktaatti.
    ellauri338.html on line 71: Heprealaisessa tekstissä sanotaan, että se on "mies" (אִישׁ, LXX ἄνθρωπος, Vulgate vir ), jonka kanssa Jaakob painii, mutta myöhemmin Jaakob tunnistaa tämän "miehen" Jumalaan ( Elohim ). Hoosea 12:4 viittaa lisäksi "enkeliin" ( malak ). Tämän jälkeen Onkeloksen Targum tarjoaa "koska olen nähnyt Herran enkelin kasvoista kasvoihin", ja Palestiinan Targum antaa "koska olen nähnyt Herran enkelit kasvoista kasvoihin".
    ellauri338.html on line 129: New Mexicon kryptojuutalaiset, Pieni espanjalaisryhmä sefardijuutalaisia ​​Pohjois- New Mexicossa saattaa olla yksi Pohjois-Amerikan vanhimmista harjoittavien juutalaisten ryhmistä.
    ellauri338.html on line 139: Isabella eli Basilikan ruukku (1818 ) on John Keatsin kerronnallinen runo, joka on muokattu Boccaccion Decameronen tarinasta Lisabetta e il testo di bassilico (1349 - 1353). Se kertoo tarinan nuoresta naisesta, jonka perhe aikoo mennä naimisiin "jonkun korkean jalon ja hänen oliivipuidensa kanssa", mutta joka rakastuu Lorenzoon, yhteen veljiensä työntekijöistä. Kun veljet saavat tietää tästä, he murhaavat Lorenzon ja hautaavat hänen ruumiinsa. Hänen haamunsa ilmoittaa tästä Isabellalle unessa. Hän kaivaa ruumiin ja hautaa pään basilikaruukkuun, jota hän pitää pakkomielteisenä, samalla kun hän kuihtuu pois. Runo oli Pyhän Agnesin aatton edeltäjä. Molemmat sijoittuvat keskiajalle ja koskevat intohimoisia ja vaarallisia romansseja. Se julkaistiin vuonna 1820 yhdessä jälkimmäisen teoksen ja muiden kanssa.
    ellauri338.html on line 206: William (William-August) Vasilievich Pokhlebkin (20. elokuuta 1923, Moskova - 22. maaliskuuta [tai 30. maaliskuuta tai noin 31. maaliskuuta 2000, riippuen milloin William alkoi haista asunnossa], Podolsk, Moskovan alue) syntyi vallankumouksellisen Vasili Mihailovitš Mihailovin (1888-1954) perheeseen. Gzhatskista kotoisin oleva kirjapainotyöläinen, vallankumouksellisen liikkeen osanottaja vuodesta 1906. Hänen maanalainen salanimensä Pokhlebkin, joka myöhemmin korvasi hänen sukunimensä, otettiin luultavasti hänen isoisänsä, maaorjan kunniaksi , joka toimi maanomistajan kokkina ja onnistui valmistamaan muhennoksia, joista hän sai vastaavan lempinimen: "Ei kellään muulla perheessää ollut intohimoa ruoanlaittoammattiin, ja se näyttää siirtyneen minulle, minulla on jotain sormenpäissäni."
    ellauri339.html on line 211: Sojuz nerushimyj respublik svobodnyh Ensimmäinen kupletti
    ellauri339.html on line 567: Syyskuun 15. päivänä 2022 Julia todisti Euroopan turvallisuus- ja yhteistyötoimikunnalle Venäjän vankeuden kauhuista. Kuten Ukrainan Yhdysvaltain-suurlähettiläs Oksana Markarova totesi, "se oli erittäin voimakas puhe, joka sisälsi totuuden Venäjän Mariupolin saarron kauhuista ja kolmen kuukauden oleskelusta epäinhimillisissä olosuhteissa miehittäjien vankeudessa, rajattomasta julmuudesta venäläisten terroristien hyökkääjistä; [Yulia] kehotti amerikkalaisia ​​ystäviämme lisäämään apua Ukrainalle, lisäämään painetta Venäjään, auttamaan meitä suojelemaan paitsi Ukrainaa, myös koko sivistynyttä maailmaa". Julia huomautti, että on tärkeää kerätä todisteita Venäjän tuomiseksi oikeuden eteen sotarikoksista ja lisätä ponnisteluja kaikkien puolustajien ja siviilien vapauttamiseksi, joista on tullut Venäjän panttivankeja ja joita hyökkääjävaltio on laittomasti pidättänyt, mikä rikkoo kaikkia kansainvälisiä normeja.
    ellauri340.html on line 39: Barry Allen on puistokemisti, jonka on vällyissä erittäin hidas ja usein myöhässä, mikä turhauttaa hänen morsiamensa Iris Westin. Eräänä iltana, kun hän taas "työskentelee myöhään uuden tapauksen parissa", salami rikkoo latexin, joka on täynnä määrittelemättömiä kemikaaleja, kastelee Barryn ja tyrmää hänet väliaikaisesti. Tämän seurauksena Allen huomaa myöhemmin pystyvänsä juoksemaan yli-inhimillisillä nopeuksilla ja omaavansa yhtä tehokkaat refleksit, aistit ja parantavansa kuin sika juoxuaan. Myöhemmin hän pukeutuu punaiseen bodyyn, jossa on salami rinnassa (muistuttaa alkuperäistä Fawcett Comicsin Captain Marvelia), kutsuu itseään Flashiksi (lapsuuden sarjakuvasankarinsa Jay Garrickin mukaan) ja hänestä tulee Central Cityn kumiasuinen rikostaistelija ja suojelija.
    ellauri340.html on line 208: välittömässä läheisyydessä kuten Dresden ja Hiroshima, jolloin se on voi
    ellauri340.html on line 220: epäinhimillisen tai alentavan
    ellauri340.html on line 285: Inhimillisyys
    ellauri340.html on line 371: Kaikki kauhukohtaukset, liiallinen verenvuodatus, veriset tai hirvittävät rikokset, turmelus, himo, sadismi, masokismi eivät ole sallittuja.
    ellauri340.html on line 430: Turussa 14 ja 15 vee teinitytöt raahasivat 13 vee tytön ulos hakkasivat mustasukkaisina tytön sinisexi ja punaisexi. Mixi himoizet mein serkkua? Päähän potkivat. Sylkivät ja räkivät. Tukka lähti, silmä sameni, poski halkesi. Koulukaverit kazoivat vierestä ja kuvasivat. Seur. päivänä koulussa toverit kiusasivat 13-vuotiasta ja kysyivät, mixi snittasit (= snitch) poliisille. Mitä vetoa että nää neitoset oli matuja? Klaanimeininkiä Suomen Turussa.
    ellauri340.html on line 549: Hedelmävaras on sadun linssin läpi katsotun henkilökohtaisen kokemuksen tulos, ja tuloksena on utelias yhdistelmä autofiktiota ja unelmatyötä. Ajoittain kävelynsä aikana kertoja kertoo meille tarinan nimellisvarkaasta, naisesta nimeltä Alexia (pyhän Aleksiukselle, kerjäläisten ja pyhiinvaeltajien suojeluspyhimyksestä), joka on hänelle kuin tytär. Vietettyään ulkomailla Siperiassa Alexia vaeltelee ranskalaisen "sisätilojen" pikkukaupungeissa ja metsissä, etsii äitiään ja kohtaa niin juoksevia hahmoja, että ne sulavat silmiemme edessä: pizzanjakelijapojan, joka pitää puheen tarkoittaa itsemurhaa, nimetön mies baarissa, joka pitää laajennetun luennon villin hasselpähkinän kasvitiikasta, ja mies, joka vaeltelee metsässä etsimässä kadonnutta kotikissaansa mm. Se on taatusti laissez-faire lähestymistapa tarinankerrontaan, jossa päättäväisesti "vältetään ruttoa ja koleraa kaltaisia ​​vanhojen tarinoiden aiheuttamia tartuntoja, joiden sanotaan olevan "vielä ajankohtainen". Mutta pyrkimällä olemaan kertomatta mitään ilmeisen "olennaista" tarinaa, The Fruit Thief ehdottaa jotain alkuperäisempää: romaanin kirjoittamista ikään kuin se olisi iltasatu.
    ellauri341.html on line 187: "Ei oikeuden tehtävä ole olla tasapuolinen, vaan oikeudenmukainen." Pelottava deviisi. Sitähän se sanoi Aristoteles ja sen perästä britti Rawls: oikeus on se että jokaisen osuus on sen haban mukainen: vahvemmalle enemmän ja narukauloille jämät. Juutalaisistakin meni uuniin köyhimyxet, pohatoille järjestyi kyyti jenkkeihin, Eretz Israeliin tahi Schweiziin. Aina ei vain ole helppoa olla kaikille oikeudenmukainen yhtä aikaa. LOL.
    ellauri342.html on line 62: Kaikista kauniista sanonnoista, sananlaskuista tai sananlaskuista, joilla Provencen talonpojat pitävät puhettaan, en tiedä yhtä viehättävämpää tai ainutlaatuisempaa kuin tämä. Viisitoista liigaa myllyni ympärillä, kun puhumme katkerasta, kostonhimoisesta miehestä, sanomme: "Se mies! varokaa!... hän on kuin paavin muuli, joka pitää potkunsa seitsemän vuotta."
    ellauri342.html on line 365: Jos Hunt näyttää tutulta, se ei johdu vain siitä, että hän on maailman vanhimman ammatin harjoittaja (noita). Hahmo on kuin Fazerin sekalainen ominaisuuspussi: tässä pala Housen terveystaloa, tuohon on kasattu osa Bonesin raja-Aspergertapaus Brennania. Huntilla on jopa mandariininvärinen trenssi, jota Gossip Girl ihailisi, ja hiänellä on ollut huonoa leikkaustuuria, à la Hätähuoneen Mark Green (vaikka Mark sai pitää lääkärinlisenssinsä, mutta Hunt ei). Olemme tehneet kätevän ympyräkaavion määrittääksemme, mitä Hunt tarkalleen on velkaa edeltäjilleen. Ikävä kyllä piirakkaa ei enää löydy. ABC peruutti sarjan kolmen kauden jälkeen.
    ellauri342.html on line 568: Tähtisotien Prinsessa Leijakin oli 50% juutalainen, vaikka sen äiti Debbie Reynolds oli skotti. Isä Eddie Fisher, joka nai myös Lizzie Tayloria, sensijaan oli tuppikulli, Tischin perheestä jotka oli Venäjän immigrantteja. Fisher's good looks and strong, melodious tenor voice made him a teen idol and one of the most popular singers of the early 1950s. Hänellä oli elämänsä aikana viisi vaimoa, joista kolme ensimmäistä olivat tunnettuja näyttelijöitä: Debbie Reynolds, Elizabeth Taylor ja Connie Stevens. Fisher kuoli 22. syyskuuta 2010 lonkkaleikkauksen komplikaatioihin 82 vuoden iässä. Ei olis kannattanut.
    ellauri343.html on line 71: Rukajärven kautta kulkee Kotškoman, Tiiksin, Lietmajärven ja Kostamuksen välinen maantie, josta haarautuu tie Ontajärvelle. Ontajärveltä on linja-autoreitti Mujejärvelle. Kostamuxeen ei sloboilla enää ole asiaa kun kostonhimoiset suomalaiset ovat tuoneet rautaa rajalle.
    ellauri343.html on line 374: Vetäytymisvaihe eteni lamauttavasti: yksitoista päivää hyökkäyksen alkamisesta 20.6.1944 menetettiin Viipuri ja viikkoa myöhemmin 28.6. Petroskoi. Neuvostoliitto vaati Suomen ehdotonta antautumista ja Moskovassa laadittiin suunnitelmia maan miehittämiseksi. Suomen selviytyminen oli täysin Saksalta saatavan aseavun varassa. Onnexi Carl-Erik osasi lukea käyttöohjeita. Suurhyökkäys sai kokonaiset joukko-osastot pakokauhun valtaan. Useimmat palasivat riveihin pahimman järkytyksen mentyä, mutta toistakymmentätuhatta karkuria pyrki kokonaan pois etulinjasta tai koko rintama-alueelta. Upseerien naganeille riitti töitä. Mutta sitten tuli ryssälle kiire Berliiniin ja zuhnat unohtuivat tovixi.
    ellauri343.html on line 396: Lottien aseeton työ oli korvaamatonta: talvi- ja jatkosodan aikana 250K lottaa pystyi tyydyttämään noin 25K suomalaista varusmiestä. Me näemme, että he suorittavat pyhimmän velvollisuutensa aurinkoisella ilolla.
    ellauri343.html on line 399: Talven 1943 jälkeen voitontunto ja usko saksalaisiin alkoi hiipua. Nazit oli saaneet itärintamalla pahoin köniinsä. Sotaväsymys laski mielialoja kaikkialla: miehet turhautuivat pahkakuppeihin asemapaikoissaan ja kotirintamalla hukuttiin töihin. Sotilaiden lomat ja vanhimpien ikäluokkien kotiutukset auttoivat jälkimmäisessä jonkin verran. Suurin työ oli ylläpitää taistelukykyä ja -tahtoa. Siitä huolehti propaganda, kuten tänäänkin.
    ellauri344.html on line 164: Kapitalistinen järjestelmä on alusta aikain ollut ryöstön ja joukkomurhain järjestelmä. Kauhistukset, jotka kapitalismin siirtomaapolitiikka toi mukanaan raamatun, kuppataudin ja paloviinan avulla säälimättömästi hävittäessään kokonaisia heimoja ja kansoja; lukemattomien työläisten heikontaminen ja ennenaikaiseen kuolemaan jouduttaminen nälässä ja kurjuudessa; työväenluokan verinen masentaminen sen milloin noustessa riistäjiään vastaan, ja lopuksi tuo ääretön, epäinhimillinen verilöyly, joka muuuti maailmantuotannon ihmisruumistuotannoksi — kas siinä kuva kapitalistisesta järjestyksestä.
    ellauri345.html on line 94: Tyyppi, normi erottaa sankarin yksilöstä, vaikka se olisikin yli-inhimillinen; vastuun moraalisesta ainutlaatuisuudesta, sijaisen roolista. Sillä hän ei ole yxin munasilteen jumalansa edessä, vaan ihmiskunnan edustaja heidän jumaliensa edessä.
    ellauri345.html on line 140: Kata Kärkkäisen Särestöniemeä apinoiden tuheroima "Pohjakosketus" on suivaannuttanut saamelaisia, joulupukin pikku apulaisia. Kata kertoo saaneensa tukea lantalaisilta saamelaisten maita himoizevilta ryhmiltä. Maalauxen lapinpuku ei ole mikään virallisista univormuista. Saamelaiset ovat etuoikeutettuja, sanoo Kata, kun niillä on karvat päälläpäin. Olisi ollut nokkelampi maalata ne Katalle tutummassa Eevan asussa pikku karvabikinissä.
    ellauri345.html on line 279: Siinä lausunto, jonka pelkkä ilmaisun verenhimoinen mystiikka erottaa joulupukin ajattelutavasta. Toisaalta, kuinka varma on kantilainen selitys, jonka tiukka viittaus avioliiton luonnolliseen huippuhetkeen - seksuaalisuuteen - ei estä hänen jumalallisen - uskollisuutensa logon polkua. Logo soveltuu todella jumalalliselle; se ei luo elämää ilman totuutta eikä riittiä ilman teologiaa. (No tää nyt meni aika hämäräxi gemaraxi - sori siitä.)
    ellauri345.html on line 422: Mutta tämä ei ole ainoa tapa, jolla sanaton halu voidaan tunnistaa; Heidän elämänsä näyttää myös toivottomalta, kun moraalimääräysten valo osuu heihin. Mutta vain täydellinen kiinnostuksen puute tätä runoutta kohtaan näyttää sallineen kriitikon nähdä sen. Niinpä Julian Schmidtin kodikkaalle mielelle jätettiin kysymys, joka olisi ensimmäinen kysymys, joka tulee ennakkoluulottoman mieleen, kun hän kohtaa tapahtuvan. "Ei olisi ollut mitään sanottavaa sitä vastaan, jos intohimo olisi ollut vahvempi kuin omatunto, mutta kuinka ymmärtää tämä omantunnon vaientaminen?" "Ottilie syyllistyy syyllisyyteen, hän kokee sen myöhemmin hyvin syvästi, syvemmin kuin on tarpeen; mutta miten hän ei tunne sitä aiemmin? ... Miten on mahdollista, että niin hyvin luotu ja hyvin koulutettu sielu kuin Ottilie ei koe, että tapa, jolla hän käyttäytyy Eduardia kohtaan, tekee vääryyttä hänen hyväntekijäänsä Charlottelle?" Ei mitään tietoa asian sisimistä yhteyksistä!
    ellauri345.html on line 431: Saksalainen runous ei saa uskaltaa askeltakaan Goethen ulkopuolelle joutumatta armottomasti illusorisen maailman saaliiksi, jonka houkuttelevimmat kuvat loihti Rudolf Borchardt. Jopa hänen mestarinsa (z. Dante) töissä ei ole puutetta todisteista siitä, että hän ei aina välttynyt hänen neroaan lähimmältä kiusaukselta loihtia esiintymisiä.
    ellauri345.html on line 453: Niinpä hän ajoittain muistelee romaanin parissa tekemänsä työtä sanoilla: "Ihminen on tarpeeksi onnellinen, jos voi näinä myrskyisänä aikoina turvautua hiljaisten intohimonien syvyyksiin."
    ellauri345.html on line 458: Siellä missä Hengstenberg ikävästi muistaa Ottilien "nymfimaista ateriaa" ja Werner hapuilevasti hänen "hirveän herkkää merimerenneitoaan", Bettina on koskettanut sisintä yhteyttä vertaansa vailla olevalla varmuudella: "Olet rakastunut häneen, Goethe, Olen epäillyt sitä pitkään; Tuo Venus on noussut esiin intohimosi pauhaavasta merestä ja kylvettyäsi siihen siemenen hän katoaa jälleen epäisänmaallisessa loistossa."
    ellauri345.html on line 464: Intohimolle tämä on kaunein hyödyke. Myös paheksuminen, jolla ystävät kääntyvät pois novellista, on intohimoista. Kauneuden hylkääminen on sietämätöntä. Tyttöä vääristävä villiys ei ole Lucianen tyhjä, turmiollinen, vaan pikemminkin jalon olennon (Eduard/Goethe) kiireellinen, terveellinen. Riippumatta siitä, kuinka paljon armoa häneen yhdistellään, se riittää antamaan hänelle outo olemus, cannons olemus, kaneuden ilmiasu ryöstävä.
    ellauri345.html on line 468: Ottilien nimessä hän osoitti pyhää, joka silmäsairaiden suojeluspyhimyksenä oli perustanut luostarin Odili-vuorelle Schwarzwaldissa.Hän kutsuu häntä myös "silmänvaloksi" miehille, jotka näkevät häntä, kyllä, hänen nimessään voi muistaa seneän valon, joka on sairaiden silmien etu ja kaiken ulkonäön koti hänen sisällään. Häntyröi tämän vastakohtana Lucianen nimen yes ulkonäön tuskallisen hehkun yes hänen aurinkoisen, laajan elämänpiirinsä Ottilienin kuuhun, salaperäiseen. Mutta kuten aivan hän jattää syrjään hänen lempeytensä, ei vain Lucianen valheellinen villi, vaan myös näiden rakastajien oikeamielisyys, niin hänen luonteensa lievä hohto asettuu vihamielisen loisteen ja raittiin valon väliin. Kiihkeä hyökkäys, josta novelli kertoo, oli suunnattu päin rakastajan näköä; Tämän kaiken ilmentymän vastustavan rakkauden henkeä ei voitaisi tarkemmin ilmaista. Intohimo pysyy loukussa kiertoradalla, munajuusto pystyy edes antamaan uskollisuuden tunnetta syöjälle. Ottaen mukaan, että kauneus on joutunut kaiken ulkonäön uhriksi kuuluvaan, sen kaoottisen luonteen täytyisi puhjeta tuhoisalla tavalla, jos hengellisempi elementti ei pystyisi rauhoittamaan ulkonäköä. Katso myös puolueellisuus. (Jaa mixi?)
    ellauri345.html on line 474: Lukuun ottamatta sitä tosiasiaa, että avioliitto ei ole tapahtumien keskipiste, vaan pikemminkin keino - kuten Hebbel sen ymmärtää, Goethe ei tehnyt niin, eikä hän halunnut sen siltä näyttävän. Koska hänen on täytynyt tuntea liian syvästi, ettei heistä "luonnollisesti" voitaisi sanoa mitään, että heidän moraalinsa voitiin osoittaa vain uskollisuudeksi ja että heidän moraalittomuutensa saattoi osoittautua vain uskottomuudeksi. Puhumattakaan siitä, että intohimo voisi muodostaa sen perustan. Jesuiitta Baumgartner sanoo suoraan, mutta ei väärin: "He rakastavat toisiaan, mutta ilman sitä intohimoa, joka on sairaiden ja herkkämielisten elämän ainoa viehätys." Mutta aviollinen uskollisuus ei ole vähemmän ehdollinen. Ehdollinen kaksinkertaisessa merkityksessä: sillä mikä on tarpeellista ja mikä on riittävää. Tämä on päätöksen perusta. Se ei todellakaan ole mielivaltaisempi, koska intohimo ei ole sen kriteeri.
    ellauri345.html on line 516: Draamakomedian mysteeri on se hetki, jolloin se projisoi oman kielensä ulottuvuudesta korkeampaan, johon se ei pääse. Sitä ei siksi voi koskaan ilmaista sanoin, vaan vain esityksenä; se on "dramaattinen" suppeimmassa merkityksessä. Analoginen esityshetki on laskeva tähti valinnaisissa affiniteeteissa. Sen lisäksi, että sen eeppinen perusta on myyttinen, sen lyyrinen laajuus intohimossa ja taipumuksissa, sen dramaattinen huipentuma tulee toivon mysteeriin. Jos musiikki sulkee todelliset mysteerit, tämä jää hiljaiseksi maailmaksi, josta heidän äänensä ei koskaan nouse.
    ellauri345.html on line 520: Analoginen esityshetki on laskeva tähti valinnaisissa affiniteeteissa. Sen lisäksi, että sen eeppinen perusta on myyttinen, sen lyyrinen laajuus intohimossa ja taipumuksissa, sen dramaattinen huipentuma tulee toivon mysteeriin. Jos musiikki sulkee todelliset mysteerit, tämä jää hiljaiseksi maailmaksi, josta heidän äänensä ei koskaan nouse. Mutta kenelle se sopii, ellei tälle, joka lupaa sen enemmän kuin sovinnon: lunastuksen. Tämä on piirretty "kilttiin", jonka George asetti Beethovenin syntymäpaikan päälle Bonnissa: mitä mysteeri varsinaisessa merkityksessä piilee teoksessa. Draaman mysteeri on se hetki, jolloin se projisoi oman kielensä ulottuvuudesta korkeampaan, johon se ei pääse. Sitä ei siksi voi koskaan ilmaista sanoin, vaan vain esityksenä; se on "dramaattinen" suppeimmassa merkityksessä. Analoginen esityshetki on laskeva tähti valinnaisissa affiniteeteissa. Sen lisäksi, että sen eeppinen perusta on myyttinen, sen lyyrinen laajuus intohimossa ja taipumuksissa, sen dramaattinen huipentuma tulee toivon mysteeriin. Jos musiikki sulkee todelliset mysteerit, tämä jää hiljaiseksi maailmaksi, josta heidän äänensä ei koskaan nouse. Mutta kenelle se sopii, ellei tälle, joka lupaa sen enemmän kuin sovinnon: lunastuksen. Tämä on piirretty "kilttiin", jonka George asetti Beethovenin syntymäpaikan päälle Bonnissa.
    ellauri345.html on line 553: Sielu on se mikä tekee imettäväisistä imettäväisiä, emmekä nyt puhu vain synnyttimistä ja nisistä vaikka niitäkin on kiva näin ohimennen kosketella. Varsinkin kun sielu ei tämän lähteen mukaan ole physisch greifbar. Tissit ja pillu sentään siihen hyvin soveltuvat.
    ellauri345.html on line 631: "Mutta hengellä ei ole pimeyttä ja mystiikkaa; siksi sen kautta ei voi syntyä mitään muotoon, vaan muoto hajoaa sen edessä." "Minusta näyttää siltä, ​​että luonnon jumaloituminen, ateismi ja ihmisten epäinhimillistäminen, epäuskonto ja epäusko eivät ole syntyneet mistään rikkaammasta lähteestä kuin henkisyyden aiheuttamasta hulluudesta... Sanon sen suoraan: henki on kääntänyt luonnon ylösalaisin." "Olkoon tieto ihmeellistä, elämä on ihmeellisempää, eikä se, joka sen on menettänyt, voi syntyä uudelleen ihmiseksi."
    ellauri345.html on line 657: Hän inhosi ranskalaisia ja vihasi englantilaisia. Hänestä Saxa oli jumalan valittu kansa. "Me menemme siis Hermannin taisteluun / ja haluamme kostaa." Hän varoitti myös liian läheisestä kosketuksesta juutalaisuuteen: Vaikka "Aabrahamin siementä" voidaan tuskin tunnistaa kristinuskoon kääntymisen vuoksi toisessa sukupolvessa, haitallisia ovat "tuhannet, joita Venäjän tyrannia nyt lähettää meille Puolasta joka päivä, joka vuosi ne vielä enemmän metsästää kaulaasi", "idästä tuleva epäpuhdas tulva". Hän varoitti väitetystä juutalais-intellektuelli-salaliitosta: "juutalaiset tai kastetut ja ... voideltu juutalaiset toverit" olivat "luultavasti ottaneet haltuunsa reilun puolet kirjallisuudesta" ja levittäneet "rohkeaa ja villiä meluaan, jonka avulla he ... jokaisen pyhän ja inhimillinen valtiojärjestys valheena ja " Pitkä, "epävakaa olemassaolo" oli "venyttänyt heistä ilkeitä, vähäpätöisiä, pelkurimaisia ja nihkeitä"; he olivat "kärsimättömiä jokaisessa vaikeassa yrityksessä ja jokaisessa kovassa työssä" ja olivat siksi "kärsimätön" jokaisen " "pyrkimys helppoon ja hetkelliseen voittoon". Arndt kuvaili vaatimuksia vuoropuhelusta, ihmisyydestä ja suvaitsevaisuudesta juutalaisia kohtaan "universaalina filosofiana ja yleismaailmallisena rakkautena", jotka olivat "heikkouden ja säälittävyyden" merkkejä. Jo vanhana ikänään Arndt kääntyi ”levottomaisia, uteliaita ja hapuilevia ja huolestuttavia heprealaisia” vastaan.
    ellauri345.html on line 681: Vuonna 1842 julkaistulla The Fire and Moloch Service of the Ancient Hebrews -kirjoituksella hän yritti todistaa, että muinaisten heprealaisten alkuperäinen uskonto oli molokkien jumalanpalvelus, joka vasta myöhemmin kääntyi inhimillisempiin muotoihin ja edelleen vanhaan muotoon. Jehova elää. Hänen näkemyksensä huipentuivat toteamukseen, että Jehova ja Molok olivat alun perin yksi ja sama Jumala. Samana vuonna 1842 hänen ystävänsä Friedrich Wilhelm Ghillany julkaisi Nürnbergissä teoksen, joka oli yhtä epätieteellinen kuin juutalaisvastainen.
    ellauri345.html on line 687: Vaikka hän keskittyi pääasiassa runouteen 1850-luvulla, hänen työlleen on ominaista "vahva sisäinen viittaus islamiin ja lyhyen aikaa juutalaisuuteen". Mutta aikalaistensa suureksi yllätykseksi hän kääntyi katolilaisuuteen Mainzin katedraalin taivaaseenastumispäivänä vuonna 1859. Samana vuonna ilmestyneissä kääntymyskirjoituksissaan Kääntymäni ja Rooman kolmoiskruunu hän selitti muuttonsa epätoivolla itselleen ja lähimmäisilleen ja ajalle yleensä. Tämän tunnustuksen mukaan hänen kääntymyksensä laukaisijana oli ranskalaisen romantiikan Charles Nodierin teoksen lukeminen, joka uskoi, että ihminen korvattaisiin korkeammalla olennolla, jonka olemassaolo ei olisi väliaikaista vaan pysyvää - tulevaisuuden enkeli. Daumer uskoi tunnistavansa Kristuksen tässä olennossa. Sellaiset me haluaisimme!
    ellauri345.html on line 706: Juu pyhää henkeä ja kirkonmenoja ei enää tarvita kun on tää mainosten turvottama interweb ja suorasoittosarrjat. Mainoxet on korvanneet rukouxet ja siunauxet ja some kirouxet. Muuta moraalia ei tarvita kuin looking out for number one, markkinavoimat pitävät huolen lopusta. Jokainen pikku sielu haluaa 8 sekunnin julkisuutensa. Unelma on tulla pyhimyxexi eli julkkixexi, jollei suorastaan tule jackpot ja pääse oligarkkien olympoxen jäsenexi. Toivo ja unelmoi, ora et labora, niin kaikki on sulle mahdollista vielä tässä elämässä, joka valitettavasti on sun ainoa. Sää pystyt vaikka mahdottomaan, luota sydämmees vaan!
    ellauri346.html on line 123: Mykola Oleksandrovich Shchors (25. toukokuuta (6. kesäkuuta) 1895, Snovsk, Velikoschimelsk Volost, Horodnyan lääni, Tšernihivin lääni, Venäjän valtakunta - 30. elokuuta 1919, Biloshitsin kylä, Korostenskyn piiri, Oblastin provinssin piiri, nyt Volostenskin piiri, Volostenskin piiri, Korostensk Province Ukraina on ukrainalainen Neuvostoliiton sotilashahmo, yksi bolshevikkien sotilaskomentajista Neuvostoliiton ja Ukrainan välisen sodan aikana. Ukrainan punakaartin kapinallisten ryhmittymien jäsen. 1930-luvulla Neuvostoliiton propaganda alkoi aktiivisesti käyttää Shchorsin kuvaa ihmiskilpenä.
    ellauri346.html on line 152: Muistakaamme, että Elena Zelenskaja sanoi haastattelussa, että hänen maansa tarvitsee apua, ja hänelle "on tuskallista nähdä merkkejä", joiden mukaan "intohimoinen halu auttaa voi hiipua".
    ellauri346.html on line 175: This is what happened. He said “Sweden and the EU are united behind Israel’s right to genoc… self-defense”, as if he caught himself at the last moment. LOL
    ellauri346.html on line 313: And we will safely return to our homes Ja palaamme turvallisesti koteihimme
    ellauri347.html on line 111: Se sinänsä ei näytä Elohimia juuri vaivanneen. Kas tässä keisit yxin tein:
    ellauri347.html on line 204: 1976 Saul Bellow Yhdysvallat / Kanada "inhimilliseen ymmärrykseen ja nykykulttuurin hienovaraiseen analyysiin, joka on yhdistetty hänen töihinsä

    ellauri347.html on line 205: 1978 Isaac Bashevis Singer Yhdysvallat / Puola "hänen intohimoisesta kerrontaiteestaan, jonka juuret ovat puolalais-juutalaisessa kulttuuriperinteessä ja tuovat eloon universaalit inhimilliset olosuhteet"

    ellauri347.html on line 260: Vastaanotto- ja hyväksikäyttösuuntaukset ovat pohjimmiltaan tapa, jolla yksilö voi suhtautua muihin ihmisiin, ja ne ovat luonteen sosialisaatioominaisuuksia. Keräyssuuntautuminen on materiaaleja/arvoesineitä hankkiva ja assimiloiva luonteenpiirre. Markkinointisuuntautuneisuus syntyy vastauksena nykyajan inhimilliseen tilanteeseen. Markkinoiden nykyiset tarpeet määräävät arvon. Se on relativistista etiikkaa. Sitä vastoin tuottavuussuuntautuminen on objektiivista etiikkaa. Huolimatta ihmiskunnan eksistentiaalisista kamppailuista, jokaisella ihmisellä on potentiaalia rakkauteen, järkeen ja tuottavaan työhön työelämässä. Voi vaikka perustaa oman vastaanoton Mexicoon ja muuttaa Schweiziin niillä rahoilla loppupeleissä.
    ellauri347.html on line 323: Ihminen syntyy luonnonfriikkinä, joka on luonnossa ja kuitenkin luulee ylittävänsä sen. Hänen on löydettävä toiminta- ja päätöksentekoperiaatteet korvata vaistojen periaatteet. Hänellä on oltava suuntautumiskehys mikä antaa hänelle mahdollisuuden järjestää johdonmukaisen kuvan maailmasta ja hyvä peruskunto johdonmukaisiin toimiin. Hänen on taisteltava paitsi vaaroja vastaan kuolemaan, nälkään ja loukkaantumiseen, mutta myös toista vihaa vastaan, joka on nimenomaan inhimillinen: hulluksi tuleminen. Toisin sanoen hänen on pakko suojella itseään paitsi henkensä menettämisen vaaralta myös mielensä menettämisen vaaraa vastaan. (Fromm, 1968, s. 61) Siinä me shrinkit olemme kuvassa mukana!
    ellauri347.html on line 398: Mutta on olemassa toisenlainen henkilö, jota hän kutsuu nekrofiiliseksi -- kuoleman rakastajat. Heillä on intohimoinen vetovoima kaikkeen, mikä on kuollut, rappeutunut, mädäntynyt, sairas; se on intohimo muuttaa se mikä on elossa johonkin elottomaan; tuhota vuoksi tuhoaminen; yksinomainen kiinnostus kaikkeen, mikä on puhtaasti mekaanista. Se on intohimo "revimään eläviä rakenteita."
    ellauri347.html on line 445: Yksinkertaisin versio on säilyttää siteemme äideihimme. Mutta kasvaa aikuiseksi tarkoittaa, että meidän on jätettävä äitiemme lämpörakkaus. Pysymistä Fromm kutsuu eräänlaiseksi psykologiseksi insestiksi. Era tiesi mistä puhui. Selviytyäksemme aikuisuuden vaikeassa maailmassa meidän on löydettävä uudet punajuuret. Meidän on löydettävä veljeskuntamme (ja sisaruus) ihmiskunnan kanssa.
    ellauri347.html on line 465: Fromm lisää vielä yhden asian, kuuntele nyt Kalle tarkasti: HAISTA PASKA! Hän sanoo, ettemme halua vain vilustunutta filosofiaa tai materiaalitiedettä. Emme halua betonilattiaa joka on halennut, emmekä autoon jämähtänyttä massaa jossa on liikaa kovetetta. Haluamme suuntautumiskehyksen joka antaa meille merkityksen. Haluamme ymmärrystä, mutta haluamme lämmin, inhimillinen ymmärrys.
    ellauri348.html on line 100: Toivo on kasvun и сущие иmas ten katkesta pratunames desta vapaasomise young, kaka murtas stiert is muuttaa katun hom tomaan vehreäksi valomksi Tun koton cotata sau indana sydämessä. Se on peräisin rikkausta sisäisenä maailmaan, kundeet suilla katsotaan ilman sponsorointia tat pelos Tons on kaum aurunk on valoa, intohimoa is perustavanaatusts susigtas, nha con laman kukoistamaan. Toivet unelmat is fattamus savat rauttimaan is elämään täydemmin. Kippumatta aina milkisins vaikeukinisimenu löytää, jokin alku, sokin näkymä avautuu, is on mahdollinis löytää plasy pois vaikeuksista löytyy aina. Tarkeinta on pitää luissti kanai toivosta ja kohdata tulevaisuus Toiveaune, haaveet, mtohimon pyrkimyksemme ovat mahtavia voimia, jotta meillä on käytettavana tu levaisuuden rakentamiseen. Ne ovat voimia, jotka luovat tulevaisuuden, kuvailee toivoa japanilamen tilosofi, rauhankuvatus vätys Datsun Isuzu.
    ellauri348.html on line 104: Toiveikkuus syntyy kyvystä kuvitella ja nähdä tulevaisuudessa sellaista, jota ei voi nähdä juuri nyt. Tästä syntyy automaattisesti näkymä, jonka mukaan kaikki tulee muuttumaan paremmaksi, vaikka eläisi keskellä tosi paskamaista arkea. Inhimillisenä vahvuutena toivo lukeutuu transsendenttisten hyveiden luokkaan, joka sisältää käsityksen, että elämällä on jokin suurempi tai korkeampi tarkoitus tai merkitys kuin tää paskamainen arkielämä. Siis hetkinen, mixi kyvystä nähdä tulevaisuuteen seuraisi tollasta? Todennäköisemmin sieltä näkyisi pikemminkin pyöreä ja soikea. Esim termiittiapinoista on prosentti ökyrikkaita ja valtaosa vitun köyhiä. Kumpi siis on todennäköisempi tulevaisuuden näkymä? Tai jos olet vanha, millä todennäköisyydellä tulet terveemmäxi loppupeleissä? Millä todennäköisyydellä tulet vanhaxi? Millä todennäköisyydellä päädyt matojen ruuaxi?
    ellauri348.html on line 113: Egyptiläinen Horus on yxi vanhimpia jumalia. Hän oli haukkapäinen mies, joka piteli kädessään ach was- sauvaa, ja ankh morpork-symbolia. Se on kaikkea kengännnauhasta avaimeen, jolla pääsee tuonpuoleiseen. Ihmisen kolmas silmä avautuu, kun hengen ja sielun silmät yhdistyvät. (Sielusta ja hengestä on meillä aikaisempi paasaus albumissa 345.) Apinan kolmas silmä on kyllä takapuolessa. Horus liittyy tähän sillä että se oli erittäinkin toiveikas. Horuxesta mesosi se Crowley joka kexi uskonnon nimeltä Thelema.
    ellauri348.html on line 155: Du Boulay totesi, että hän "reagoi tunnontuskiin melkein lapsellisella tavalla". Hän ei koskaan kiistänyt olevansa kunnianhimoinen, ja myönsi nauttivansa asemansa tarjoamasta parrasvalosta, josta hänen vaimonsa usein nalkutti. Kun isännät kysyivät hänen kulinaarista makuaan, hänen vaimonsa vastasi: "Ajattele viisivuotiasta". Hänen suosikkiruokiaan olivat samosat, Yogi Bear rasvakakut, vaahtokarkkeja. Perjantaisin hän paastosi illallisen jälkeen.
    ellauri348.html on line 167: Kaikkein kaunein nimi miehelle on Toivo, maalailee intialainen henkinen opettaja Sri Sri Ravi Shrankar. Esim Topi Kuula, Topi Kärki ja Topi Sukari. Ja Toivo Group, suomen kauneimmat vuokrakodit. Maalatkaa smurffijengi maalatkaa! Kesäolo on. Sullon mekko himmeen hieno. On hyvä antaa arvoa epäonnistuneille Lasse Vireneille. Kazo aina eten ja ylöspäin niskavuorelle, älä koskaan taxe, edes alamäessä. Kellekään ei anneta tehtävää jota ei pysty selättämään, ei edes korkeimmalle voimalle liian isoa kiveä. Kaikkien on syytä tietää että on olemassa korkeampi voima joka sanoo niin. Kaikkien on pidettävä Toivo mielessä, sanoo se. Julkisista ei ole mihinkään, kaikki charity on yxityistettävä. On laskettava yxinyrittäjän ressiä, niin tulee dominoefekti. Hän sai ketjureaktion. Univormuista on siirryttävä terroristeihin. Haista kuule paska sirittäjä!
    ellauri348.html on line 205: Rei Shimuran divariukkeli Mr. Ishida, filosofi ja buddhalainen opettaja, opettaa, että toivo on sama voima joka liikuttaa maailmankaikkeutta, eli siis painovoima ja armo (Simone Weil). Jännää miten samaan johtopäätökseen on päädytty näin maapallon vastakkaisilla puolilla! Jokaisella yxilöllä on valtava potentiaali painovoimakentässä. Vahinko vaan että maankuori on välissä jarruna. Suuretkin muutoxet ovat mahdollisia niin yxilön elämässä kuin yhteiskunnassa, mutteivät todennäköisiä. Mikä on sikäli lohdullista, että niistä iso osa on huononnuxia.
    ellauri348.html on line 242: Presidentti Bill Clinton myönsi hänelle National Humanities -mitalin. Barbara on Oinas. Oinas rakastaa olla ykkönen, joten ei ole yllätys, että nämä rohkeat pässit ovat horoskoopin ensimmäinen merkki. Rohkea ja kunnianhimoinen Oinas sukeltaa pää edellä haastavimpiinkin tilanteisiin. Oinas on kardinaalimerkki, joka käynnistää paitsi kevätkauden, myös koko horoskooppipyörän. Tätä merkkiä hallitsee Mars, dynaaminen punainen planeetta, joka on nimetty roomalaisen sodanjumalan mukaan. Näin ollen nämä rohkeat pässit ovat aina aseistettuja ja valmiita taisteluun.
    ellauri348.html on line 271: Joulukortteihin leimaamme Olavi Pylkkäsen Voitto-Sanomien aikaisilla leimasimilla sanat: Ja me toivotam / Onnellista ja hyvää joulua! Leimasta tuppaa tulla joko liian himmeä tai lukukelvottoman tuhruinen, mikä Seijaa vähän hävettää. Toivottaminen on toiveen osoittamista toisille, vähän sellasta siunaamista. Siunaaja, kuten kuvassa jossa Jaakob ovelasti siunaa Efraimia ja Manassea kädet ristissä, jotta nuorempi veli Efraim saa paremman eli oikean käden siunauxen, tekee toivotuxen käsimerkeillä. Joulupukin tehtäväxi jää toivomuxen toteutus.
    ellauri348.html on line 361: Santeri Paavin oma alkuperäinen harjoitus tässä genressä on saanut inspiraationsa 1100-luvun tarinasta Héloïse d'Argenteuilin luvattomasta rakkaudesta opettajaansa Peter Abelardiin , joka oli häntä parikymmentä vuotta vanhempi kuuluisa pariisilainen filosofi, ja salavuoteudessa hänen kanssaan. Heidän suhteensa ja vällyissä piehtarointinsa jälkeen hänen perheensä kosti Abelardille raa’asti ja kastroi tämän, minkä jälkeen hän meni luostariin ja pakotti Héloïsenkin nunnaksi. Molemmat johtivat sitten suhteellisen menestyksekästä luostariuraa. Vuosia myöhemmin Abelard sai valmiiksi ystävälleen lohdutukseksi lähetetyn Historia Calamitatumin (Takaiskujen historian). Kun se joutui Heloisen käsiin, hiänen intohimonsa häntä kohtaan heräsi uudelleen ja heidän välillään oli neljä kirjettä, jotka oli kirjoitettu koristeellisella latinalaisella tyylillä. Yrittääkseen ymmärtää henkilökohtaisen tragediansa, he tutkivat inhimillisen ja jumalallisen rakkauden luonnetta. Kuitenkin heidän yhteensopimattomat munattoman miehen ja munasarjaisen naisen näkökulmat tekivät dialogista tuskallisen molemmille.
    ellauri348.html on line 363: Paavin runossa Eloisa tunnustaa tukahdutetun rakkauden, että hänen kirjeensä on herännyt uudelleen. Hän muistelee heidän entistä yhteistä elämäänsä ja sen väkivaltaisia seurauksia vertaamalla "nuhteeton Vestalin" onnellista tilaa omaan menneisyyden intohimon ja surun uudelleenelämiseen. Sen muisto muuttaa maiseman synkäksi "ja hengittää ruskeampaa kauhua metsään" (rivi 170). Sen mezän uumeniin. Se häiritsee hänen uskonnollisten virkojensa suorittamista, missä Abelardin kuva "varastaa Jumalani jalkoväliin" (rivi 267). Mutta koska heidän väliset suhteet ovat hänelle nyt munattomana mahdottomia, hän neuvoo hiäntä pyyhkimään hänet muististaan ja odottaa kuoleman vapautumista, kun "yksi ystävällinen hauta" yhdistää heidät (rivi 343).
    ellauri348.html on line 365: Paavi syntyi roomalaiskatolisena (is the pope catholic?) ja oli suht munaton knääpiö, joten hänen voidaan olettaa ymmärtävän tarinaa ja olevan erityisen kiinnostunut siitä. Heloise huudahtaa: "Jumalaan vihittyjen joukossa palvelen miestä; ristin sankarillisten kannattajien joukossa olen inhimillisen intohimon köyhä orja; uskonnollisen yhteisön johdossa olen omistautunut vain Abelardille". Paavilla taisi olla narsistinen luonnehäiriö.
    ellauri348.html on line 385: Tää on pätkä pituushaasteisen Popen (1717) pitkänläntää arkkiveisua munattomasta Abelardista ja sen Eloisasta bändäristä. Eli it's from a poem about a woman named Eloisa who falls in love with her much older tutor Abelard, but her family forces them apart. Eloisa is forced to become a nun and writes about the grief of being without her star-crossed lover. She tries to forget Abelard, but she cannot and she comes to the conclusion that God cannot heal all wounds (such as the loss of Abelard's balls). She wishes she hated Abelard, but concludes her love for him remains. Despite her knowing about her doom with her love, she still longs for it. Just like Joel and Clem. They have knowledge about their destruction and loathing for each other if they continue with the relationship, but it doesn’t matter to them. It’s "Okay," “ignorance is bliss” by another name!
    ellauri348.html on line 489: Mutta toisaalta mitäpä siitä, se on vain yksi moraalinen ristiriita, jossa minäkin elän. Tekee yhtä ja sanoo toista -tyyppinen tilanne. Sitähän se teki Jeesuskin. Sekin on kyllä väistämätön realiteetti ihmisen ymmärryksessä, että niistä välittää enemmän, jotka ovat lähimmäisiä.
    ellauri348.html on line 741: Hahmot syyllistyvät rakkaiden tappamiseen vahingossa ja kuolevat surusta tai ilosta. Hahmojen uskonnosta, kulttuurista tai yhteiskunnasta on annettu hyvin vähän tietoa, eikä rakennuksia mainita juurikaan. Maisema "on todellisempi kuin siinä asuvat ihmiset. Ikuiseen sumuun hukkuneena, rapistuvan auringon tai ohimenevien meteorien valaisemana se on harmauden maailma."
    ellauri348.html on line 758: Kauniin ja ylevän ideamme alkuperä Burken kannalta voidaan ymmärtää niiden kausaalisten rakenteiden avulla. Aristotelilaisen fysiikan ja metafysiikan mukaan syy-yhteys voidaan jakaa muodollisiin, aineellisiin, tehokkaisiin ja lopullisiin syihin. Kauneuden muodollinen syy on rakkauden intohimo; aineellinen syy koskee tiettyjen esineiden ominaisuuksia, kuten pienuutta, sileyttä, herkkyyttä jne.; tehokas syy on hermojemme rauhoittuminen; viimeinen syy on Jumalan huolenpito. Erikoisinta ja omaperäisintä Burken kauneusnäkemyksessä on se, että sitä ei voida ymmärtää kauneuden perinteisillä perusteilla: suhteella, kuntoilulla tai täydellisyydellä. Ylevällä on myös kausaalinen rakenne, joka on erilainen kuin kauneudella. Sen muodollinen syy on siis pelon intohimo (erityisesti kuoleman pelko); aineellinen syy on yhtä lailla tiettyjen esineiden puolia, kuten laajuus, äärettömyys, loisto jne.; sen tehokas syy on hermojemme jännitys; viimeinen syy on se, että Jumala on luonut Saatanan ja taistellut sitä vastaan, kuten John Miltonin suuressa eeppisessä Paradise Lost ilmaistaan.
    ellauri348.html on line 912: Christopher Petersonin ja Martin Seligmanin laatima Character Strengths and Virtues (CSV) -käsikirja inhimillisistä vahvuuksista ja hyveistä on ensimmäinen tutkimusyhteisön yritys tunnistaa ja luokitella ihmisen positiiviset psykologiset piirteet. Sori näitä on nyt 30, nähtävästi on tullut jonkinlainen inflaatio.
    ellauri348.html on line 938: Inhimillisyys (muiden hoitamisen ja ystävystymisen vahvuudet)
    ellauri348.html on line 1029: Vanhimmassa ikäryhmässä toivo oli huomattavasti vähäisempää kuin nuoremmissa ikäryhmissä. Nuorilla toivoa ylläpitivät rentoutuminen, mielihyvä, yhteys muihin, onnistuminen, kasvuodotuxet, elimestä kiinnipitäminen, sekä luottamus ja rakkaus. Myös sexiviestit ja muut sähköiset menetelmät ovat toimivia.
    ellauri348.html on line 1036: Yksi kriittinen vastaus positiiviseen psykologiaan koskee "toksista positiivisuutta". Myrkyllinen positiivisuus on sitä, kun ihmiset eivät täysin tunnusta, käsittele tai hallitse inhimillisten tunteiden koko kirjoa, mukaan lukien viha ja suru. Tämä kritiikin tyylilaji väittää, että positiivinen psykologia asettaa liian paljon painoarvoa "positiiviselle ajattelulle samalla kun se syrjäyttää haastavat ja vaikeat kokemukset sivuun". Ihmiset, jotka jahtaavat jatkuvasti positiivisia kokemuksia tai korkean subjektiivisen hyvinvoinnin tiloja, voivat vahingossa leimata negatiivisia tunnetiloja, kuten masennusta, tai tukahduttaa luonnolliset tunnereaktiot, kuten surun, katumuksen tai stressin. Lisäksi ihmiset voivat kokea haitallisia fyysisiä, sydän- ja verisuonisairauksia ja hengityselimiä, jos ne eivät salli negatiivisten tunnetilojen kokemista tai tukahdutetaan ja piilotetaan negatiivisia emotionaalisia reaktioita. Toksisen positiivisuuden vastustajat kannattavat negatiivisten tunnetilojen hyväksymistä ja masennuxen täydellistä kokemista.
    ellauri348.html on line 1130:


    ellauri348.html on line 1132: Intohimo on välttämätöntä sisääntyöntymiselle, määrittelee Ravi Shankar. Kun itäintiaanilla on intohimoa, hän tahtoo soveltaa sitä kaikkeen mikä liikkuu. Se on yhtä välttämätöntä sen elimelle kuin ulosveto. Ilman intohimoa elin menettää voimanssa ja löperöinti vahvistuu. Englannin sana passio on latinankielisestä sanasta paki, joka tarkoittaa islaminuskoista itäintiaania. Intohimo viittaa päättäväisyyteen ja motivaatioon, jolloin ollaan valmiita jatkamaan gangbangia huolimatta piinasta tai pelosta. Se määritellään myös 1/10 erittäin luovien ihmisten ominaisuuxista ja tavoista, joista muut ovat avoimuus, ernuilu, herkkyys, intuitio, leikillisyys, mielikuvitus, tietoisuus, unelmointi, vastoinkäymiset ja yxinäisyys. Ohops tässä tulikin jo 11, never mind.
    ellauri348.html on line 1134: Nämä ovat suostuvaisilla aikuisilla positiivisessa suhteessa hyvinvointi-indikaattoreihin. Leikkisät aikuiset lähestyvät toistensa elimiä uteliaana ja hyvässä etukenossa. Psykologi Thomas Curran ja sen kolleega Robert Vallerand saanovat intohimon olevan yhteydessä henkilökohtaisesti merkityxelliseen ja korkeasti arvostettuun toimintaansa. Thomas Curran on perfektionismin maailmanluokan edustaja. Professori Vallerand on älyttömän hyvin perillä passiohedelmistä.
    ellauri348.html on line 1136: Intohimoa on kuvattu myös voimakkaaxi taipumuxexi omistautua jollekin tavaralle, jota rakastetaan ja pidetään tärkeänä. Siihen ollaan valmiita sijoittamaan huomattavasti siemennestettä. Esim Daihazu Ishida on puuhannut intohimoisesti erään Rauhan kanssa Rauhan antamatta perixi.
    ellauri349.html on line 93: Esa luukuttaa "vapaata ajattelua" johon koulufilosofit eivät pysty kun niiden pitää olla "organisaatio-olioita" toisin kuin "vapaat kirjailijat". Yliopisto sentään jonkin verran suojaa tutkijoita pahimmalta oman perseen myynniltä johon Eskin kaltaiset izeään mainostavat izehoitajat ja muut turhat julkkixet turvautuu saadaxeen paljon voita leivän päälle. "Suuri yleisö" ja "yritysvalmennettavat" on vielä vitusti tolvanampaa viihdytettävää kuin yliopistokolleegat. Kenen leipää syöt sen lauluja laulat, with a vengeance.
    ellauri349.html on line 278: "Kun kokee omakohtaisesti ja kiihtyvästi kehkeytymisen, esiinnousun, sisältä asteittaisesti syntyvän, väriään kohottavasti muuttavan ja lupauksessaan laajenevan maailmasuhteensa, oman itsensä, on käsillä uudistumiskasvu, elämän syvä pohjavirta: inhimillisyyden kevätsointinen kirkkauslupaus."
    ellauri349.html on line 582:
    Pentti Kouri kuoli 2009 pitkäaikaiseen sairauteen Los Angelesissa. Serve him right!

    ellauri349.html on line 650: Gelassenheit (tai vapautuminen) esitellään meditatiivisen ajattelun olemuksena, joka ei ole passiivista eikä aktiivista. Havainnollistaakseen paremmin meditatiivisen ajattelun piirteitä, hän asettaa sen vastakkain laskennallisen ajattelun kanssa ja kuvailee ensimmäistä "ajatteluksi, joka pohtii merkitystä, joka hallitsee kaikkea, mikä on" (Heidegger, 1966, s. 46), ja jälkimmäistä "luonnollistaa inhimillisiä tapoja lähestyä asioita” (ibid., s. 24).
    ellauri350.html on line 113:

    Koko ajatus myydä izeään julkisesti netissä eniten tarjoavalle on huorahtava. Mutta sitähän kaupankäynti on, huoraamista. Yhden yön juttuja, I guess. Sotketaan parittelukumppalin hakuun halpaa kaupustelua, se on syyläinen talousliberaali idea. All good things have a number, isoäidillä on hintalappu niskassa. Mummi on punalaputettu tuote, past best before date. Helppohintaiset, iloiset, innokkaat ja intohimoiset ihmiset ovat deittimarkkinoilla hyvässä kurssissa. Hiljaiset ja halukkaat, ketterät ja kurvikkaat, sellaiset me haluaisimme.
    ellauri350.html on line 167: Dad Mr. Tom E. Dewey did not endear himself to all Republicans, and in some he inspired a degree of scorn. To Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth he resembled “a groom on a wedding cake.”
    ellauri350.html on line 301: Hän kävi läpi tämän prosessin "lumotakseen" itsensä, ja kuten hän sanoi vuonna 1989 British Broadcasting Corporationin haastattelussa, "elä uudelleen tuska, tuska, Sturm und Drang ". Hän asettui ajassa, josta hän kirjoitti, jopa traumaattisista kokemuksista, kuten raiskauksestaan Caged Bird -elokuvassa, "kerromaan inhimillisen totuuden" elämästään. Angelou kertoi pelanneensa korttia päästäkseen lumoavaan paikkaan ja päästäkseen muistoihinsa tehokkaammin käsiksi. Hän sanoi: "Voi kestää tunnin päästä siihen, mutta kun olen siinä - ha! Se on niin herkullista!" Hän ei pitänyt prosessia katarsina; pikemminkin hän löysi helpotusta "totuuden kertomisesta". (Wats the diff?). Angelou kuoli aamulla 28. toukokuuta 2014 86-vuotiaana.
    ellauri350.html on line 421: Atticus taistelee luomisoppillaan myös sitä aristotelilaista näkemystä vastaan, jonka mukaan kaiken, mikä on syntynyt, on väistämättä tuhouduttava. What goes up must come down. Hän olettaa maailman alun, mutta ei maailman loppua. Luotuna ja muuttuvana maailma on luonnostaan ​​ohimenevä, mutta Demiurgin tahto estää sen hajoamisen. Luojalla on oltava kyky pelastaa luomuksensa tuholta. Muuten jumalallinen tahto olisi heikko ja puutteellinen ja siten jumalaton. Se olisi alisteinen luonnonlaille, joka määrää sen hetkellisyyden, mistä on tullut, ja syynä sitä huonompi. Se olisi ristiriidassa maailmanjärjestyksen hierarkkisen luonteen kanssa. Sitäpaizi sittenhän Atticuxellekin soisi loppuvihellys loppupeleissä! Se ei käy!
    ellauri350.html on line 425: Atticus opettaa, että ihmisen kuolematon rationaalinen sielu (logikḗ psychḗ) on ymmärrettävä jumalallisen ja ei-rationaalisen sielun liittona. Hän pitää irrationaalista sielua alustana, jumalallista järjestysperiaatteena ja nousin kantajana. Lisäksi hän hyväksyy myös järjettömän, lyhytaikaisen elämänperiaatteen (álogos zōḗ). Hän identifioi tämän periaatteen Timeuksen sielun kuolevaisiin puoliin, jotka ovat intohimoisen halun lähde. Hänen näkökulmastaan ​​tämä irrationaalinen, järjetön osa ei ole sielun todellinen osa, vaan vain tilapäinen lisäys, jonka sielu saa kehossa oleskelunsa ajaksi ja joka tulee aineen "ilkeästä" sielusta ja palaa siihen ihmisen kuollessa. Alkiossa Atticus ilmeisesti olettaa animaation ja muodostumisen yksinomaan irrationaalisen elämän periaatteen kautta; alkio ei ole hänelle vielä ihminen, vaan siitä tulee sellainen vasta myöhemmin, kun rationaalinen sielu tulee sisään ulkopuolelta. Pahaa lääkettä! Sittenhän abortti olisi perusteltua! NOT THE PLAN!
    ellauri350.html on line 456: Friedmanin tutkimuksista käy ilmi, että karisma, jota voi kutsua myös intohimoksi tai säteilyksi, on tarttuvaa. Tulosten mukaan ihmiset, jotka saivat korkeat pisteet säteilevyydestä, ilmaisivat itseään positiivisesti sekä kirjallisessa että suullisessa viestinnässä. Tämä tutkijoiden määrittelemä "positiivisuus" on innokkuutta, optimistisuutta ja merkittävyyttä. Positiiviset tunteet tarttuvart muihin kuin korona ja saavat heidänkin mielialansa kohenemaan. On sinänsä kiinnostavaa, ettei ole merkitystä, tapaammeko me karismaattisia ihmisiä oikeasti vai näemmekö me heidät filmiltä. Heidän tapansa välittää viesti on tehokas, ja he saavat muut toimimaan sen mukaisesti. Karismaattiset ihmiset koetaan positiivisuutensa ansiosta myös viehättävinä ja puoleensavetävinä. Heidän silmänsäkin säteilevät. Siksi heidän viestinsä menee tehokkaammin perille, ja työssä he saavat enemmän aikaan. Silloin kun emme kommunikoi tunteen tasolla (vältämme katsekontaktia, eleemme ovat jäykkiä). vaikutusmahdollisuutemme vähenevät huomattavasti, emmekä vakuuta. Vastedes ollaan kiltisti, juurexet yhdessä vakutti.
    ellauri350.html on line 476: Kylläpä loppiaisaattona tuli suorasoittona iso pussillinen järeätä jenkkipaskaa. Kaiken mukaliberaalin "itsa free country" takana on uskomattoman ryppyozaista suorastaan verenhimoista isänmaallisuutta ja muuta klaanihenkeä. Bonesissa vastakkain oli katolinen Jerry Cotton, Clark Kent sankarivainajan puolipohjissa ja muut jenkkisotien uskolliset joita on silminkantamattomiin Arlingtonissa, ja pirun asianajajat, tunteeton Bones ja pahasuinen Hodges, joka salaliittoteoreetikkone vahingossa pahoitti patrioottisemman puolivinkuintiaani Angelan.
    ellauri350.html on line 504: Käytä iloista ja positiivista sävyä kuin Walt Disney. Kaiken kurjan sijasta kiinnitä huomiosi positiiviseen. Uskottele olevasi älykäs, kunnianhimoinen, kiva ja aikaansaapa. Voi kertoa myös että olet empaattinen, kiinnostava ja lämmin. Tämä onnistuu puhumalla kivoista ja kevyistä aiheista. Voit lähteä oletuksesta että deitti on tavis turvelo. Ole siis izekin sellainen! Lähtisitkö viikonloppuna yhdelle, ja jos se menee hyvin kenties vielä toiselle? Kannattaa pitää mielessä että oli aika jolloin rakastavaiset eivät kuulleet toisistaan kuukausiin! Silloin riitti pussukassa evästä varviin ja vielä toisenkiin. Siittiöt olivat mainiossa kunnossa.
    ellauri350.html on line 513: Jos suhteisiin haluaa intohimoa, kannattaa työhön ja poliittiseen toimintaan suhtautua energisesti! Elämä on ihanaa-asenne on tarttuvaa! Mustasukkaisuudella ei pötki pitkälle. Parempi olla luotettava vanha kunnon Pät.
    ellauri350.html on line 821: Motivaatiovalmentaja Anthony Robbins on sanonut ytimekkäästi: "intohimon määrä suhteessa on suoraan verrannollinen siedetyn epävarmuuden määrään: p = kU." Esther Perel kirjoittaa tästä kirjassaan Mating in Captivity. Harmonisessa intohimossa annetaan vapaasta tahdosta. Soveltava filosofi Alain Bottom kysyy kirjassaan: Why will you marry the wrong person? Mixet minua, olen vähiten väärä ihminen. Li Andersson on sellainen. Se ei takuulla pääse presidentixi samasta syystä kuin Bones ei pääse päälliköxi Jeffersonianissa. Termiitit kuten Jerry Cotton eivät pidä järkevyydestä, ne menee feromonit edellä. Ei kannata odotella sitä oikeaa. Huono presidentti lyhentää telomeerejä. Iloisilla on kivempaa, ne ovat iloisempia. Optimistin elämä on monin tavoin parempaa kuin pessimistin. Sen lasi on vielä puolitäysi kun pessimistin on jo puolityhjä. He ovat myös sosiaalisia ja pidettyjä (mixi?). Six koska ne luulevat että muutkin (paizi vihulaiset) ovat kivoja, ja että elämällä on joku tarkoitus. Jotain izeäkin suurempaa, tiimihenkeä. Ne toimivat snipereinä Kosovossa ja makaavat porukalla Arlingtonissa. Onni on maailman yleisvaluutta, niikö dollari. Ne jotka sanovat ettei rahalla saa onnea ovat köyhiä.
    ellauri351.html on line 181: Jokaisessa luvussa käsitellään käsitteitä, mukaan lukien superminä, toistopakko, voimaantulo ja käsitteet, kuten uhraus, katumus, vanhurskaus, anteeksiantamus ja katuminen. Vastaajat ottavat huomioon sekä ammatillisen ja kliinisen kokemuksensa että eettisen, kulttuurisen tai filosofisen taustansa pohtiessaan anteeksiannon näkökohtia ja sen vaikutuksia kliiniseen käytäntöön. Kirja on yritys avata anteeksiannon aihetta, ei tehdä eettisiä johtopäätöksiä eikä muotoilla hurskaita psykologisia käyttäytymisaksioomia. Se ottaa huomioon myös anteeksiantamattomuuden tuntemisen ja anteeksiantamattomien elinikäisen katkeruuden tai kostonhimoisen toiveen pitämisen.
    ellauri351.html on line 183: Hänen psykoanalyyttiset opettajansa ja työtoverinsa ovat olleet erittäin tärkeitä hänen ideoidensa kehittämiselle. Hänen teoreettisen taustansa on Freudin, Kleinin ja post-kleinilaisten tausta. Lisäksi Britton tuo mukanaan omat laajat kiinnostuksen kohteet, mukaan lukien filosofia, teologia, tiede ja erityisesti intohimo runoutta kohtaan, jota hän pitää hedelmällisenä ja kannustavana psykologisen ymmärryksen lähteenä. Luultavasti juuri runous inspiroi hänen omaperäisintä panoksensa: hänen psykoanalyyttistä ymmärrystä inspiraation juuresta, mielikuvituksesta.
    ellauri351.html on line 248: Leon Festinger (8. toukokuuta 1919 – 11. helmikuuta 1989) oli yhdysvaltalainen sosiaalipsykologi, joka loi kognitiivisen dissonanssin ja sosiaalisen vertailun teoriat. Aiemmin hallitsevan biheivioristisen sosiaalipsykologian näkemyksen hylkääminen osoittamalla inhimillisen käyttäytymisen ärsyke-vasteen ehdollistamisen riittämättömyyttä johtuu suurelta osin hänen teorioistaan ja tutkimuksestaan.
    ellauri351.html on line 297: Taleb syntyi Amiounissa Libanonissa Minerva Ghosnille ja Nagib Talebille, onkologille ja antropologian tutkijalle. Hänen vanhempansa olivat Antiokian kreikkalaista syntyperää, joilla oli Ranskan kansalaisuus. Hänen isoisänsä Fouad Nicolas Ghosn ja hänen isoisoisänsä Nicolas Ghosn olivat molemmat varapääministereitä 1940-luvulta 1970-luvulle. Hänen isoisänsä Nassim Taleb oli korkeimman oikeuden tuomari ja hänen isoisoisoisoisoisänsä Ibrahim Taleb (Nabbout) oli Libanon-vuoren kuvernööri vuonna 1866. Taleb osallistui ranskalaiseen tapaamiseen. koulu siellä, Grand Lycée Franco-Libanais Beirutissa. Hänen perheensä poliittinen asema ja vauraus väheni Libanonin sisällissodassa, joka alkoi vuonna 1975. Hän on kreikkalaisortodoksinen kristitty.
    ellauri351.html on line 434: Kateus ja kostonhimo ("uhriutuminen") ovat tasa-arvopurkimyxiä. Tasoihin on päästävä, mieluusti toisen kustannuxella. "Kateus ja oikeudenmukaisuus eroavat siinä että kateellinen ei tyydy osaansa. Oikeudenmukaisuutta ezivä tyytyy kun kukin saa oman osansa. Vanhurskas ei ezi luovaa tuhoa vaan tasapuolisuutta." Oma osa, tasapuolisuus, se nyt sama vai eri asia kuin tasapeli? Aristoteleen mukaan vahvemmalle kuuluu enemmän, se on oikeudenmukaista. Ei ole muuta oikeutta kuin vahvemman oikeus. Ajattele asiaa myös vähän meidänkin kannaltamme.
    ellauri351.html on line 437: Expat jenkki psykootikko Berke piti pahimpana aggression lähteenä peniskateutta.
    ellauri351.html on line 459: It is spoken by Polonius, the king’s advisor, in Act II, Scene 2. Hamlet has been behaving strangely since the death of his father, and Polonius believes that he is mad. However, Hamlet is actually pretending to be mad in order to buy himself time to carry out his revenge on his father’s killer, Claudius. Polonius is the first person to fall for Hamlet’s act. He believes that Hamlet is truly mad, and he tells Claudius about Hamlet’s strange behavior. Claudius is relieved to hear this, and he believes that Hamlet is no longer a threat. Hamlet’s plan works perfectly. He is able to gather evidence against Claudius, and he eventually succeeds in killing him. The idiom “method in his madness” refers to Hamlet’s clever plan to pretend to be mad in order to achieve his revenge.
    ellauri351.html on line 486: Eskin peukuttama luihu talousnobelisti Kahneman (1 n lopussa) on jo monta kertaa ollut paasausten kohteena (albumit 27, 29, 122, 293). Nyze kelpaa guruxi taas Puntun Paavolle. It is also notable that Kahneman's paternal uncle was Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, the head of the Ponevezh Yeshiva. In 2015 Kahneman described himself as a very hard worker, as "a worrier" and "not a jolly person". But, despite this, he said, "I'm quite capable of great enjoyment, and I've had a great life."
    ellauri351.html on line 502: Ja ihmiskunnan viholliset ovat tässä teoksessa esitettävän aineiston nojalla osoitettavissa koronakriisin taustavoimiksi. Voimme lukea kuinka toisen sukupolven SARS-virus onkin kiinanihmisen luoma, eikä eläimistä tarttunut luonnontuote. Tulemme lukemaan, kuinka rahan ahneet lääketehtaat jakelevat suurten voittojen himossa satoja miljoonia rokoteannoksia mitään epäilemättömille ihmisille mitään epäilemättömien kansallisten terveydenhuoltojärjestelmien avustamina. Rokotteiden mukana meihin uitetaan salakavalia valvontasiruja.
    ellauri351.html on line 571: Kirjan pääsanomaksi nousee Maitreyan julkituleminen merkkinä siitä, että ihmiskunta on valmis ottamaan vastaan Maailmanopettajan. Maitreyan perusopetukset, oikeudenmukaisuuden ja jakamisen periaatteen globaali toteutuminen ovat keinoja, joilla ihmiskunta voidaan vielä pelastaa loppuun ajamiselta. Laaja julkinen mielipide kestävän kehityksen välttämättömyydestä maapallon resurssien jakamiseksi vaatiikin jo suureen ääneen sosiaalisen ja taloudellisen pääoman tasapainottamista luonnon resurssien kanssa. Myös arvostettu filosofi, Jaakko Hintikan bändäri amerikkalainen Martha Nussbaum, on kirjassaan Talouskasvua tärkeämpää, korostanut resurssien oikeudenmukaisen jakamisen sekä inhimillisen tasa-arvon tärkeyttä. Rahan tulee olla väline inhimillisen hyvinvoinnin kasvattamiseksi, mutta jatkuvan kasvun tavoittelu rahan itsensä takia, ei palvele ihmiskunnan etua. Maitreyan perusopetuksiin on maallikonkin siis helppo yhtyä.
    ellauri351.html on line 582: Kirja herättää ajatuksia sekä uusia kysymyksiä. Mättö korostaa kirjassaan esittämänsä maailmankatsomuksen olevan hänen omansa, mutta tiettyä loogisuutta hänen ajatuksissaan kieltämättä on. Kirja onnistuukin valamaan uskoa siihen, että monilla nykypäivän järjettömän tuntuisilla ilmiöillä, niilläkin on tehtävänsä Suuressa Suunnitelmassa, ja pitkän aikavälin ihmiskunnan kehityksessä. Kirjoittaja osoittaa sormella myös epäkohtia, jotka eivät voi olla oikein. Maitreya – 100 000 vuoden tarinan huipennus vahvistaakin uskoa siihen, mikä on inhimillisesti tärkeää, ja jokaista ihmistä koskettavaa. Jokaisen ihmisen, eritoten naaraiden, elämänohjeina tulisi olla oikeudenmukaisuus sekä jakamisen periaate.
    ellauri351.html on line 653: The Sigourney Award ( two nickels) was given to him because he was due to his being a seminal contributor "to the application of psychoanalytic thinking to conflicts between countries and cultures".
    ellauri351.html on line 698: Yksi pahimmista asioista viimeisen 30 vuoden politiikassa on se, että rikkaat eivät enää pelkää köyhiä – suurinta osaa maailman ihmisistä – koska niitä ei enää mihkään tarvita. Neuvostoliiton tuho oli "traumaattinen ei vain kommunisteille vaan sosialisteille kaikkialla". Älä muuta vikise.
    ellauri351.html on line 730: Jöns oli lukenut pyhästä Yrjänästä, mullakin saattaa olla siitä jotain paasausta. Yrjänä oli paavin tai keisarin henkivartija, mutta otti lopputilin ja lähti Tel Aviviin asumaan yxiössä. Jossain Mahgrebissa sen sanotaan pelastaneen damselin distressistä seivästämällä jonkun matelijanaivon ahraimella (se oli sen mieliase, koska se oli poikasena pyydystellyt kaloja rantavesistä jossain Jordanian rajalla). Näin siis Jöns. Ykä on Gruusian ja Englannin suojeluspyhimys ja Venäjän korkein sotilasprenikka. Ristiretken aikana joku väitti nähneensä pyhän Yrjänän muurin harjalla. Kohta kaiki muutkin muistivat että siellähän se kuppelehti. Tällänen generatiivinen muisti on myös Seija-paralla. Se muistaa aivan selvästi tapahtumattomia seikkoja. Ize muistan liian vähän, muisti on lähinnä Rantanplan-tasoa, mutta Seija korjaa vahingon.
    ellauri352.html on line 47: Pinocchio oli puinen sätkyukko. Mäntysilmä (oxankohta laudassa?) tai männynsiemen toskanaxi, jonka nenä veny valhetellessa kuin penis erektiivisenä. These aspects are consistent across all adaptations: Pinocchio is an animated sentient puppet, Pinocchio's maker is Geppetto and Pinocchio's nose grows when he lies. Pinocchio's bad behavior, rather than being charming or endearing, is meant to serve as a warning. Collodi originally intended the story, which was first published in June 1881 in the children's magazine Il Corriere dei Piccoli, to be a tragedy. It concluded with the puppet's execution. Kettu ja kissa jotka vievät Disneyn Pinocchion "teeatteriin" hirttävät hänet lähimpään puuhun, joka sattui olemaan tammi eikä mänty.
    ellauri352.html on line 51:

    The main imperatives demanded of Pinocchio are to work, be good, and study. And in the end, Pinocchio's willingness to provide for his father and devote himself to these things transforms him into a real boy with modern comforts, turning the story into a comedy.
    ellauri352.html on line 154: No sitten on tietysti nää nälkä, jano, panotarve, verenhimo, mutta ne ei ole läheskään niin tärkeitä, ne voi kaikki unohtaa kimppakivan aikana. Siis EAT! FUCK! KILL! ikäänkuin ulkoistetaan pesän kuninkaallisille, ize ollaan sosialistisia uhrimielisiä työläispörriäisiä.
    ellauri352.html on line 174: Ranen tuntemat perustunteet ovat hämmästys, ilo, inho, mielihyvä, pelko, suru, viha (7 kpl). Sosiaalisia ovat halvexunta, hämmennys, häpeä, ihailu, kateus, kiitollisuus, mustasukkaisuus, suuttumus, sympatia, syyllisyys ja ylpeys (11 kpl). Nämä ovat edellisten alalajeja ja/tai sekotuxia. Rakkaus yllättäen puuttuu listasta. Edes himoa ei mainita. Onxtää joku alle 18v luettelo?
    ellauri352.html on line 177: Rakkaus < myötätunto, himo, sääli, ihailu, kaipuu.

    ellauri352.html on line 183: Silti tunteen ja järjen vastakkainasettelu ei ole väärinkäsitys, vaan se on koko moraalin a ja o. Moraali tulee kuvaan kun ei mennä ekan tunteen mukana vaan mietitään mikä siirto olis paras pitemmässä juoxussa. Preferenssit siinäkin on mukana, vaikkei välttämättä samat tunteet. Ei välttämättä maximoida omaa välitöntä voittoa ja tappiota, vaan ehkä välillistä. Tuntuu mukavalta samarialaisena auttaa lähimmäistä vaikka se voi vähän kirpasta. Sillä perusteella voi riistäjääkin vähän satuttaa.
    ellauri352.html on line 195: oidipaaliperustaisia tunteita [miehillä] (auktoriteettiuskoa, himoa, kilpailunhalua, ulkopuolisuutta, vihaa)
    ellauri352.html on line 249: Vallankumous alkaa kiusaamisena parisuhteessa, koulussa, työpaikalla ja erilaisissa ryhmissä. ("Nyt kyllä sattui Juhaa leukaan.") Työläisen minuus lohkoutuu niin että me uhrit olemme hyviä vaikka teemme pahaa, ja ne muut ovat pahoja vaikka hyväntekeväisiä. Joten voimme tehdä helle pahaa ja olla silti ja juuri sixi hyviä. Niinpä. Porukoita vaivaa vallanhimo ja henkilökohtainen kateusongelma.
    ellauri352.html on line 436: Tarve tuhoavuuteen ei tarvi olla synnynnäinen, sen voi myös oppia. Riski vallankumouxeen on olemassa jos porukoilla ei anneta tilaisuutta arvottoman osansa suremiseen. Silloin on luovsta leikkimäisestä puuhastelusta paljon apua. Kapitalismi tekee parhaimmillaan luovaa tuhoa. Myötätunto on inhimillisistä vieteistä voimakkain, lohduttautui Darwinkin. Muut sitä voimakkaammat ovat elukkamaisia.
    ellauri352.html on line 623: Saunders considered himself an Objectivist in his twenties but now views the philosophy unfavorably, likening it to neoconservatism. He is a student of Smegma Buddhism. Kumma ettei kukaan verrannut tätä Divina Comediaan. Ennen käärmeöljykauppiaan uraansa texasilainen Saunders työskenteli öljymiehenä.
    ellauri353.html on line 64: Marko oli sodan loppuvaiheessa puoli vuotta psst/kotimiehenä Rukajärven lohkolla. Sielläpä tietysti, lähimmäisen tontilla. Kazoin häntä kunnioittavasti. Edessäni istui sotaveteraani! Sotaoloissa on ihan pakko bylsiä, vaikka halkopinossa. Ruumishuoneella tyhjennettiin siementä nuoreen naikkoseen ihan jonossa. Syntiä ja munan sovitusta.
    ellauri353.html on line 289: I grew up before the appearance of the street. I even finished my graduate work. For a doctorate in economics before the feminist movement. Really got going. As a result. I was free to choose. Just how I wanted to live my life whether I wanted a full time career in the market place or a part time. Career. Combined with being a homemaker and bringing up a family. I knew I was going to get married. I'd already chosen my husband. I also wanted to have a family. Even after getting used to being married. And I wanted to bring up my children. Myself. I did not want them to be brought up. Either in a child care center. Or by a maid. Naturally by like most people I also wanted to have my cake and even when they left. University Milton and I both went to work in Washington for jobs where economists were there only let it cool. However before we were married. His career took him to New York City. While mine remained in Washington where I live where I like to work and the people I was working with. However we did not look forward to living apart.
    ellauri353.html on line 293: I don't remember just what it was that Milton was doing. But I'll never forget my nephew's pronouncement that. Whatever it was. It was women's work. And somehow it was beneath the man's dignity to do it now and sat him down and gave him a lecture about the working man's work. But I don't think he ever forgot that lecture. Summarized the way we had led we've lived got a life. Ever since during the first year of our married life I guess I could have qualified as a feminist. I had a career in the marketplace. My husband did part of the house. A year later I have never received an offer of a one year appointment at the University of Wisconsin. I got a New York but it was not exciting. I hadn't finished it. And yet it never occurred to me. Or to him that I would stay on and finish my job and we would commute.
    ellauri353.html on line 299: But there weren't too many. I must confess that my experience combining life is a homemaker and an economist's was easier than it is for many women. I chose the right husband from the beginning. From the beginning we shared our interest in economics whether the news may call in the speech an article or a book. I was part of the activity in the sense that Milton always wanted me to read whatever he wrote. And he took my suggestion seriously. It gave me the feeling that I was practicing what I was trained for. But also that I was contributing to his career. It was in a sense our career. So when he was awarded the Nobel Prize it's received other many many many other net honors. And people always feel sorry for me and ask me how it feels to have him getting all the honors. My answer is always the same one. It is our honor I was part of that. When our children left for good. I became more active. With us and we go off for books. Where do I come out on a women's lib or feminist women have a real problem. But in my opinion the present solution is worse than the disease. The man. Or children. And those women who still believe that a mother's first job is to bring up her children. Women's lives. Made those women. Feel that is inferior to a paying job in the market. Therefore they must be and feared with the will to have a full time job outside. It is heightened competition between man and women. Husband and wife. So-called woman is problem. Has not. And I don't believe will solve the problem. Or a woman. There is a problem.
    ellauri353.html on line 339: ja viimeisenä vaan ei vähimpänä Eva Maria Korsisaaren "Tule rakkaani".
    ellauri353.html on line 528: Mutta sitten vallankumous tuli, ja juutalaisten piti olla vapautettuja, tasa-arvoisia; maailma avautui yhtäkkiä heille. Mutta itse vallankumous ei voinut sietää juutalaisten tapoja, eroja, uskonnollisia tapoja, ja se toivoi puhdistavansa juutalaiset heidän juutalaisuudestaan. Ja usein he kohtelivat juutalaisia, assimiloituneita tai ei, kohtalokkaalla halveksunnalla, epäluulolla ja väkivallalla. Ja niin juutalaiset jäivät 1900-luvun suurten intohimojen keskelle ja lopulta he pakenivat - viisaat, nopeet, ne, jotka pystyivät.
    ellauri353.html on line 582: Stalin ja muut NKP:n johtajat tiesivät erittäin hyvin Ranskan ja Englannin vallankumousten historian, eikä "punaisen Bonaparten" tai "punaisen munkin"1 haamu ei antanut heidän nukkua rauhassa. On huomattava, etteivät he olleet ainoita: valkoisten siirtolaisuuden aikana heräsi aika ajoin toiveita siitä, että Neuvostoliiton sotilasvallankaappaus, jota johtaa jokin kunnianhimoinen sotilasjohtaja, jonain päivänä pyyhkäisi pois bolshevikkihallinnon ja palauttaisi heidän valtakuntansa Venäjän heille.
    ellauri355.html on line 102: Yazov spent 18 months in Matrosskaya Tishina, a prison in northern Moscow. According to the magazine Vlast No. 41(85) of 14 October 1991, he contacted the President from jail with a recorded video message, in which he repented and called himself "an old fool". Yazov denies ever doing that, or that under the influence of fatigue he succumbed to the persuasion of television reporters, and he also accepted the amnesty offered by Jelzin stating that he was not guilty. He was dismissed from military service by Presidential Order, and at his discharge, was awarded a ceremonial weapon to polish under his desk. He was also awarded an order of honor by the President of Russian Federation. Yazov later worked as a military adviser at the General Staff Academy. He died in 2020 in Moscow, after a prolonged illness.
    ellauri359.html on line 61: Actually, I already knew that; what I didn’t know was that the cause was very possibly inherited syphilis. Grahame, a dyed-in-the-wool bachelor who loved “messing about in boats”, seems to have married under duress, the sort to which upper-middle-classes were particularly susceptible: namely, propriety. His sister believed Elspeth Thomson deliberately compromised him. On receiving news of his nuptials, she asked if he really intended to marry her. “I suppose so; I suppose so,” was the telling reply.
    ellauri359.html on line 69: But there were others. Like so many Scots before and since, Grahame held a senior post in London’s banking world. When one day a stranger accosted him there with a pistol, firing it off wildly (though happily missing his target), the author’s fear of the underclass took root. Thus, those ragamuffins in the Wild Wood, the knife-wielding, teeth-baring stoats and weasels who destroy property and have no respect for their social superiors – Rat, Toad, Badger and Mole – are his representation of the terrible face of anarchists, working classes and madmen rolled into one.
    ellauri359.html on line 151: Distinguished lawyer, business leader and philanthropist David Rubenstein joined more than 90 Eisenhower Fellows from around the world as our featured speaker at a special dinner reception at the Masonic Temple on May 14. Mr. Rubenstein’s extraordinary life’s journey took him from humble working-class beginnings in Baltimore to become co-founder and co-chairman of the Carlyle Group, a global private equity investment firm based in Washington, D.C. In gratitude for his illustrious business career, Mr. Rubenstein has become one of the world’s most prominent philanthropists, donating much of his fortune to worthy charitable causes.
    ellauri359.html on line 185: Vaikka aikalaiset pitivät Blakea hulluna hänen omituisten näkemyksiensä vuoksi, myöhemmät kriitikot ja lukijat arvostivat häntä suuresti hänen ilmaisukyvystään ja luovuudestaan sekä hänen työnsä filosofisista ja mystisista pohjavirroista. Hänen maalauksiaan ja runojaan on luonnehdittu osaksi romanttista liikettä ja "esiromanttiseksi". Teistinä, joka piti parempana omaa markioniittista teologian tyyliään, hän oli vihamielinen Englannin kirkkoa kohtaan (itse asiassa lähes kaikille järjestäytyneen uskonnon muodoille), ja hän vaikutti sikäläisten ihanteiden ja kunnianhimojen vaikutuksesta kuten Ranskan ja Amerikan vallankumoukset.
    ellauri359.html on line 242: Ei tehdä pahaa lähimmäiselle on rakkauden ensimmäinen asia, ja hyvän tekeminen hänelle täyttää toisen paikan.... Aviorakkaus on rakkautta, joka on kaikkien hyvien rakkauksien perusta.
    ellauri359.html on line 253: Urvahtanut ihmishenki nauttii myös kaikista aisteista, ulkoisista ja sisäisistä, joista hän nautti maailmassa. Hän näkee kuten ennen, kuulee ja puhuu kuten ennen, haistaa ja maistuu kuten ennenkin ja tuntee, kun häntä kosketetaan. Hän myös kaipaa, haluaa, himoitsee, ajattelee, pohtii, hermostuu, rakastaa, tahtoo, kuten ennenkin... (Käykö hän paskalla? Saako bylsiä? Ei? Bugger it.)
    ellauri359.html on line 256: Taivaan ihmiset etenevät jatkuvasti kohti elämän kevätaikaa; ja mitä enemmän tuhansia vuosia he elävät, sitä ilahduttavampi ja onnellisempi on kevät, jonka he saavuttavat. Naiset, jotka ovat kuolleet vanhoina ja ikääntyneinä ja eläneet uskossa Herraan ja rakkaudessa lähimmäistä kohtaan, tulevat vuosien peräkkäin yhä enemmän nuoruuden ja varhaisen naiseuden kukkaan ja kauneuteen ylittää kaikki ajatukset kauneudesta, joka on koskaan syntynyt näön kautta. Sanalla sanoen, vanheta taivaassa on nuoreta. Valitettavasti vain tähtiruumissa ei ole reikiä. Siellä ei naida eikä huolla.
    ellauri359.html on line 270: Jos se otettaisiin periaatteexi, että rakkaus Herraa kohtaan ja rakkaus lähimmäistä kohtaan ovat se, mistä koko laki riippuu ja mistä kaikki profeetat puhuvat, ja ovat siten kaiken opin ja palvonnan olennaisia ​​asioita, silloin mieli olisi valaistunut, ja muslimia voisi rutistaa, krislam olisi tosiasia. Toinen sanoisi toisesta: "Tämä mies on veljeni. Näen, että hän palvoo Herraa ja että hän on hyvä mies." Mutta ei kun ei.
    ellauri360.html on line 131: Alberto Chimal : La torre y el jardín [Torni ja puutarha]
    ellauri360.html on line 358: Grundtvigilaisuus oli N. F. S. Grundtvigin perustama uskonnollis-kirkollinen liike, jolla varsinkin 1850- ja 1860-luvuilla oli Tanskassa johtava asema. Sen kannattajien tunnussana oli sen perustajan oppi apostolisen uskontunnustuksen hyvin erikoisesta alkuperästä ja sitovuudesta. Grundtvigilaisuus korosti kasteen merkitystä, kirkollisen tradition arvoa ja seurakuntatietoisuutta, mutta syrjäytti joissakin määrin synnintunnon ja katumuksen merkityksen kristityn elämässä. Sen käsitystä on milloin hyväksyen, milloin moittien sanottu "iloiseksi kristillisyydeksi". Vastoin pietististä sisälähetyssuuntaa grundtvigilaisuus on asettunut avoimelle ja myötätuntoiselle kannalle kaikkiin inhimillisiin sivistyspyrintöihin nähden, joita kristillisyyden hengen tulee vain pyrkiä kannustamaan. Liikkeeseen on liittynyt myös voimakas tanskalais-kansallinen leima.
    ellauri360.html on line 381: Jyllännissä Lassi pääsi seuraamaan tanakoiden tanskalaisten talonpoikaistyttärien voimisteluliikkeitä, jotka punastelivat vähäpukeisina nähdessään ilmiselvän erektion Lassin etumuxessa. Elimellinen lanta kasvattaa nähtävästi paremmin kuin pelkkä apulanta. Emme tarwize nupoihimme olla ensinkään tyytymättömiä. Tanskassa ei kelläkään ei ollut ryysyjä (paizi Ditellä), vaan tanakoita saxalaisia mantteleita. Toisin Saxassa, jossa elettiin Nusschalen varassa ja kuskattiin Reichsmarkkoja kottikärryillä.
    ellauri360.html on line 416: Vakuutusala mukauttaa riskinarviointiaan ja hinnoitteluaan ennakoivasti sitä mukaa, kun sääilmiöihin liittyvät korvausvaatimukset lisääntyvät. On todennäköistä, että jossain vaiheessa osa vakuutuskohteista menettää myös Suomessa vakuutuskelpoisuutensa. ”Vakuutusliiketoimintamalli ei toimi sellaisten riskien kanssa, jotka toistuvat hyvin usein ja jossa vahinkojen kokonaismäärä voi pahimmassa tapauksessa olla erittäin suuri”, Ijäs muistuttaa. Se on voi mutta niin se kexi murenee.
    ellauri360.html on line 474: Two men stand at the center of Pentecostal origins as typically told. An ex-Methodist minister, Charles Parham, drew inspiration from several sources before he eventually laid hands upon Agnes Ozman. She spoke in tongues, and Parham believed that she spoke the Chinese language. Others received the Spirit and also spoke in tongues. Parham’s language was thought to be Swedish. LOL. Parham believed that these actual languages were miraculously spoken (xenolalia) and would to lead to international missionary ventures. William Seymour, though segregated from the white learners, listened to a three-month Bible school that Parham led in Houston, Texas. Soon after, Seymour became pastor at an African American Holiness Church in Los Angeles. They rejected his teaching concerning tongues, but some witnessed Seymour lay hands on his host, Edward Lee. Lee experienced an almost unconscious state that was followed by tongue speaking. At the same meeting, seven more received the baptism of the Spirit accompanied by tongues, including Seymour himself. Soon Lee’s home could not hold the racially mixed group that came to see and receive Pentecost. The Azusa Revivals follow.
    ellauri362.html on line 155: Peacockin oma paikka kirjallisuudessa on ennen kaikkea satiirikko. Se, että hän on kuitenkin ollut vain harvojen suosikki, johtuu osittain hänen teoksensa erittäin älyllisestä laadusta, [ tarvitaan lainaus ], mutta pääosin hänen tavanomaisen kirjailijan pätevyyden puutteesta, josta hän ei piittaa paskan vertaa. Hänellä ei ole juonta, vähän inhimillistä kiinnostusta eikä johdonmukaista luonteen määrittelyä. Hänen persoonansa ovat pelkkiä nukkeja tai parhaimmillaan abstraktien ominaisuuksien, kuten armon tai kauneuden, inkarnaatioita, mutta kauniisti kuvattuina.
    ellauri362.html on line 272: Duke Ellingtonin porttikiellon Almack'siin todellinen syy on selvinnyt: Ticknor’s version indicates that it was the lateness of his arrival and not the trousers that kept him out. Karen Field on January 15, 2011 at 01:03
    ellauri362.html on line 330: Hänen äitinsä oli angloamerikkalainen juoppo agnostikko. Hänen yhtä juoppo psykopaatti-isänsä syntyi Yhdysvalloissa Kreikan Apideasta tulleiden maahanmuuttajien perheeseen. Tienasivat vuokraamalla lääviä neekereille. Inhat luteet. Hänen äitinsä oli protestantti ja hänen isänsä kreikkalaisortodoksinen, mikä oli usko, jossa Daavid varttui. Hänen sisaruksensa vanhimmasta nuorimpaan ovat Lisa, Dave, Gretchen, Amy, Tiffany, ja Paul ("Kuko"). Koulukotivanki Tiffany kuoli itsemurhaan vuonna 2013. Hän kuvailee epäonnistumistaan useissa esseissään.
    ellauri362.html on line 400: Isä piti aikaansa moraalisesti "pehmeänä" ja "rappeutuneena", mikä johtui pääasiassa lepsusta lasten kouluttamisesta ja kurittamisesta kotona ja koulussa. Hän pyrki "taistelemaan" aikakautensa "heikkoutta" pitkälle kehitetyllä järjestelmällä, jonka tarkoituksena oli tehdä lapsista tottelevaisia ​​ja alistuvia aikuisille. Hän odotti, että hänen käskynsä johtaisivat parempaan yhteiskuntaan ja "rotuun". (Niinkuin kohtapuoliin johtivatkin.) Isä sovelsi näitä samoja perusperiaatteita kasvattaessaan omia lapsiaan, mukaan lukien Daniel Paulin ja toisen pojan, Daniel Gustavin, vanhimman, joka myös hulluuntui ja teki itsemurhan 30-vuotiaana. Psykiatrit ja psykoanalyytikot pitävät edellisen, Daniel Paulin tapausta klassisena vainoharhaisuuden ja skitsofrenian mallina, mutta Freud ja Bleuler pojan sairauden analyyseissä eivät "kyenneet" yhdistämään Daniel Paulin outoja kokemuksia, joiden vuoksi häntä pidettiin hulluna hänen isänsä lastenkasvatustapoihin.
    ellauri362.html on line 428: George Crabbe (1754 – 1832) oli englantilainen runoilija. Teollistumisen aikana hän pyrki tuotannossaan nostamaan esille työläisten ongelmia ja kannatti yhteiskunnallisia uudistuspyrkimyksiä. Hän oli kirjailijapiireissä ainoa, jonka tuotanto nousi jo hänen omana aikanaan tässä suhteessa merkittävänä esiin. Hän kuvasi 1700-luvun kyläelämää ja vaivaishuoneiden asukkeja myötätuntoisesti. Hän oli itsekin vaatimattomista oloista ja valmistui välskäriksi. Hän kuitenkin hylkäsi ammatin ja ryhtyi kirjalliselle alalle, mutta ilman tukijaansa Edmund Burkea hän ei olisi selviytynyt taloudellisesti. Myöhemmin Edmund vielä hommasi Georgelle livingin clergymanina kuin Lady Catherine de Burgh Mr. Collinsille. Jane Austen piti Touretten syndroomaisesta Dr. Johnsonista, Pamela Piukkapepun kynäilleestä Sam Richardsonista ja työväenrunoilija Crabbesta. Jane pyysi Jumalalta olla kiltti lähimmäisille
    ellauri362.html on line 608: Äärimmäisyydet eivät ole saavuttaneet yhtäkään hänen sielunsa intohimoa,
    ellauri362.html on line 615: Hänen intohimonsa vapisevat, mutta eivät tottele.
    ellauri362.html on line 639: kun taas piispat voivat olla kirottu lähimmälle tielle;
    ellauri362.html on line 680: Sanat kaikkein pyhimmät, varastettiin pyhästä kirjoituksesta,
    ellauri362.html on line 683: niin rohkea ei syntinen, mutta ei pyhimys niin ovela;
    ellauri364.html on line 153: Hitlerin suuri kokeilu osoitti ettei ihminen ole paha eikä hyvä. Se on vaan elukka, joista voidaan tehdä helpolla ainaskin piruja. Sodalta säästyneessä rauhallisessa Ruåzissakin on enenevästi piruja. Rikollisuutta, kevytmielisyyttä ja sukupuolitauteja. Tilaisuus tekee kunnon ihmisestä varkaan. Viza on väännettävä ajoissa. Liekö ainoatakaan perhettä, jossa ei olisi yhtään epäonnistunutta jäsentä, mustaa lammasta? Jokaisessa perheessä on mätämuna. Vanhuudessa voi tulla luonnevikoja, esim kiimaisuutta ja saituutta. Halu kasvaa mutta kykeneväisyys vähenee. Pahimmassa tapauxessa ovela hoitaja voi viedä varakkaan vanhuxen vihille. Tattaritytöt ja muut ryhdittömät oliot.
    ellauri364.html on line 177: Ihmismeri aivan velloo eri luonnevikoja. Me tapaamme uneksijoita, joilla on huono keskittymiskyky, velttoja ja ryhdittömiä, alhaisia ja epäluotettavia yksilöitä, valehtelijoita (mytomaaneja) ja keinottelijoita. Me tapaamme kärsimättömiä, hillittömiä, koleerisia (kiivaita), pahantuulisia, salakavalia, pitkävihaisia, itsestänsä liikoja luulevia ja epäluuloisia, jopa paranoidisia (vainohulluja), liikaherkkiä ja hermostuneita eli "ereettisiä" ihmisiä. Me tapaamme hätääntyneitä tuen tarvitsijoita, joilta puuttuu mielenlujuutta yleensä tai vastustuskyky kaikenlaisia keinotekoisia, tunnelmaa kohottavia aineita, kuten alkoholia kohtaan (narkomaaneja). Me tapaamme hysteerikkoja, joiden tunne-elämä on onnettomasti korostunut, joilta puuttuu itsehillintää ja jotka ovat taipuvaisia väkivaltaisuuksiin. Heillä on vastustamaton vietti kiintyä muihin ihmisiin, ja he ovat aivan luonnottomia koettaessaan kiinnittää lähimmäistensä tunteet ja mielenkiinnon itseensä.
    ellauri364.html on line 293: Käytännöllisesti katsoen kaikki ihmiset pitävät tarkkaa lukua siitä, mitä muut heistä pitävät ja ajattelevat. Tämä herkkyys on suorastaan yksi eetillisen tiedon edellytyksistä. Se voi ilmetä mielistelynä, orjamaisena nöyryytenä tai kunnianhimona, mutta myös näennäisesti stoalaisena ja pohjaltaan ylpeänä välin- pitämättömyytenä kaikkia ulkonaisia asioita kohtaan. Toiset ihmiset ovat kerskailijoita, jotka vaistomaisesti suurentelevat ja kaunistelevat itseään ja vaikuttimiaan, toiset taas ilmeisen halukkaasti alentavat ja halventavat itseään toivon siten saavansa tunnustusta osakseen. Toiset henkilöt ovat eroottisesti erittäin aktiivisia, toiset sukupuolisesti heikkoja ja estyneitä. Mutta tämä kaikki on sinänsä ihan okei! Vasta liiallisuudet käyvät arveluttavikai, etenkin jos arvostelukyky ja tasapaino järkkyvät.
    ellauri364.html on line 329: Sublimoiminen eli ylevöitys on riidanalaista. Misantrooppi on valitettavasti oikeassa, antroopit on ällöjä, mutta terve hän ei ole. Tumputtajasta voi pahimmoilleen sukeutua narsisti.
    ellauri364.html on line 363: hän katselee taivaanvahvuutta, han skådar åt himlabågen,
    ellauri364.html on line 427: yhteen. Jos yxinkertaista käteenvetoa ei lasketa on homoilu selkeästi tavallisin perversio. Ne ovat tavallista nais- ja miesmäisempiä, väärällä tavalla. Pahinta ovat eleet ja puhetapa. Ne vaikuttavat kiihtyneiltä ja hermostuneena himokkailta yxilöiltä kuten homot Spenserin sisaruxissa. Suomalaiset eivät pidä siitä eikä Spensereistä, eivät halunneet sellaista presidenttiä. Mieluummin valehteleva länsiorava. Näin taataan Suomen jatkuvuus natomaana. Miespuoliset homot ovat rasvalanteisia, naiset tasapaxuja, karvaisia ja laihoja.
    ellauri364.html on line 515: Kyle William they called him

    ellauri364.html on line 522: Over him they pray
    ellauri365.html on line 51: M. var en kraftigt sensuell natur, en friluftsmänniska och atlet, sjudande af af lifslust, säker i sin styrka, måttlöst hängifvande sig åt alla sensationer, full af känsla inför naturens skådespel, en vacker natthimmel, ett doftande fält, en solbelyst öppning i den högstammiga skogen, älskande kvinnan med en naiv, nästan animal, men ( på samma gång blyg lidelse. I denna öfversval- lande lifsglädje blandade sig dock alltid en viss sorgbundenhet. Han har själf tecknat sitt väsen, då han någonstädes säger, att han vissa dagar hatar allt, så att han kunde önska sig döden, andra åter känner sig glad och lycklig som ett djur. I kraft af detta sitt lynne, hvars tendenser funno sin motsvarighet i den naturalistiska riktning, som behärskade litteraturen i det ögonblick, då M. framträdde, kom hela hans diktning att röra sig inom det sinnliga lifvets sfär, återgifvande enkla och rela- tivt föga sammansatta själstillstånd och med för kärlek tecknande folkliga typer. Hans analys är kanske icke så djup, men hans rika begåfning öf verskylde i viss mån denna brist genom den styrka och lysande klarhet, hvarmed han återgaf det sedda. Ingen har mästerligare än M. förstått att ge relief och betydelsefullhet åt hvardagliga ämnen. Han ser så skarpt och klart, och hans språk är så säkert och smidigt, att han i några få ord tecknar profilen af ett ansikte eller en individs karaktär, gester och hela yttre person. I början öfverlämnade han sig kanske alltför fritt åt en viss ytlig uppsluppen och sensuell lifsglädje. Större utrymme för sina rika anlag fann han i romanerna "Une vie" och "Bel-ami", hvilka återge vissa sidor af det moderna lifvet med en rikedom på nyanser och en ironi, som blottar alla motsägelser och löjligheter situationerna eller personernas karaktär. Och denna ironi är så öfverlägsen och så objektiv, att det förefaller, som om det vore icke författaren, utan tingen själfva, som talade. Hvad M. än skildrar, är uppfattningen så frisk, så omedelbar, så utan all sjuklighet och förkonstling, att han kan säga mycket, som skulle stöta hos andra författare. Sådant gestaltade sig M:s författarskap under de första åren af åttiotalet, men hans oerhörda produktion och hans i öfrigt våldsamma lefnadssätt. bröto snart hans krafter. Plötsligen stod han, som dittills endast haft öga för det fysiska lifvet, undrande inför en ny värld, hvilken uppgått i hans inre. Ett annat ljus faller öfver företeelserna och ger en ny karaktär åt hans diktning. Intet vittnar kanske mera om omedelbarheten och styrkan i hans begåfning än den säkerhet, hvarmed han äfven tecknat dessa nya själstillstånd. I "Le Horla" se honom redan kämpa med de vansinnets fantom, som snart skulle omtöckna hans själslif. Tankar på ålderdomen, på döden, ett mörkt tungsinne utbreda sig allt mer och mer öfver hans skrifter. Särskildt romanerna "Fort comme la mort" och "Notre coeur" präglas af en gripande och känslofull själsfinhet, som hans tidigare skrifter. knappast låtit ana. 1892 sökte han döda sig med rakknif, då han kände, att han icke längre kunde strida mot vansinnet. I tvångströja fördes han till ett sjukhus, där han dog af paralysie générale efter 18 månaders sjukdom. Han nekade flera gånger att taga säte i franska akademien liksom att mottaga hederslegionen. I Parc Monceau i Paris har man rest ett vackert monument öfver honom. Verlet; ett annat finnes i Rouen. Hans rykte har varit i ständigt stigande efter hans död. Ytterligare sv. öfv. äro "Lifsbilder" (1888), "Berättelser och skisser. Med en inledning om hans författarskap af T. Hedberg" 1893) och "En duell. Efterlämnade skisser och berättelser" (1900). Se J. Lemaître, "Les contemporains" I, V och VI (1885, 1892, 1896), R. Doumic, "Ecrivains d'aujourd'hui" (1894), G. Brandes, "Samlede skrifter", VII (1901), A. Lom- broso, "Souvenirs sur M." (1905), och Maynial, "La vie et l'œuvre de M." (1906). 1902 började Oeuvres complètes att utkomma. (Nordisk familjebok 1912 s.v. Maupassant)
    ellauri365.html on line 278: Friedrich Nietzsche's autobiography mentions him in the following text:
    ellauri365.html on line 285: Isaac Babel wrote a short story about him, "Guy de Maupassant." It appears in The Collected Stories of Isaac Babel and in the story anthology You’ve Got To Read This: Contemporary American Writers Introduce Stories that Held Them in Awe.
    ellauri365.html on line 388: Kirkkojen perustaminen: Jos sinulla on intohimo kirkkojen kasvattamiseen, virkaan asettuminen on loistava tapa tehdä tämä. Voit perustaa oman seurakuntasi ja alkaa levittää omaa Jumalan sanaa vaikka netissä!
    ellauri365.html on line 584: Back North, the self-centered man forgot his despondency by merging himself into the larger soul of his estate. To those familiar with his membership of the committee, it came as no surprise that in 1916 Heidenstam was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He is perhaps most like Browning. Above all things he abhors uninspired naturalism; "gray-weather moods," he calls it. Strindberg merely "let the cellar air escape through the house.", he said. He repudiates pessimism no less than sentimentalism. He wrestled with August for the deeper meaning of life. The imagery is often daring, as when a negro's lips are compared to the crimson gash on a foreskin. Heidenstam, though one of the most daringly earnest of poets, is sufficiently an artist to relieve his style by such touches of humor and of the deeper sort of romance. But atonement was repugnant to his manhood. He longs to be worthy of his heritage, to give his life for some damn cause. He believes it is only in moments of great exaltation that we really live. The best bit is where Verner dissuades his poor countrymen from whacking the filthy rich. Without his saying so, we feel in him the quality of St. Paul affirming: "I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith."
    ellauri365.html on line 586: "Happiness is a woman's jewel," he says. It is the fighting optimist who inveighs against weighing men in a money-scale and dividing the head of the nation from its arse. That the man is not other than his work is borne witness to by all who know him. He is over six feet in height and powerfully built, with strongly-marked aquiline features. Heidenstam is said to resemble Byron also in having a poor ear for music.
    ellauri365.html on line 588: The literary career of Verner von Heidenstam (1859-1940) had practically come to an end in 1916 when he awarded himself The Nobel Prize. That I guess answers the question why.
    ellauri367.html on line 182: Forbes tosiaan arvioi Mr. Burnsin nettovarallisuuden olevan 1,3 miljardia dollaria ja sijoittuu 12. sijalle vuoden 2008 Forbes Fictional 15 -listalla. Mr. Burns on ollut listalla vuodesta 1989 ja on aiemmin sijoittunut viidenneksi vuonna 2005, toiseksi vuonna 2006 ja kuudenneksi vuonna 2007, jolloin hänen arvonsa arvioitiin olevan 16,8 miljardia dollaria. Mr. Burnsin pahuus on tehnyt hänestä suositun esimerkin kauheista televisiopomoista. Vuonna 2006 työllistämisyritys Challenger, Gray & Christmas julkaisi raportin, jonka mukaan Mr. Burns oli yksi television kahdeksasta huonoimmasta pomosta. The News & Observer nimesi Mr. Burnsin kolmanneksi pahimmaksi pomoksi ja kutsui häntä "sydämettömäksi, ahneeksi ja poikkeuksellisen rumaksi. Mr. Burns saa Roope Ankan näyttämään suorastaan ​​kiltiltä."
    ellauri368.html on line 93: Nikmat Shimshonissa kerran mahtava Simson, nyt sokea ja avuton, tuodaan Dagonin alttarin eteen huvittelemaan palestiinalaisten vihollisia. Delilahin petos, hänen sokeutensa ja nöyryytyksensä, jotka edustavat myös kansallista häpeää, jättävät Simsonille vain yhden halun – koston. Se pitää hänet hengissä ja palauttaa hänen toimintakykynsä. Ya'el ve-Sisrassa Jaelin on valittava inhimillisen velvollisuutensa antaa turvapaikka lyödylle miehelle ja isänmaallisen velvollisuutensa välillä tuhota kansallinen vihollinen. Lopulta hän täyttää velvollisuutensa kansaansa kohtaan, ja profeetta Debora on vakuuttunut siitä, että kansallinen moraali on myös inhimillistä moraalia.
    ellauri368.html on line 96: Hänen eeppisen runoutensa aiheina ovat elämä ja kuolema, visionääri ja hänen kohtalonsa, runoilija ja hänen tehtävänsä sekä moraalinen ristiriita inhimillisten tunteiden ja isänmaallisen velvollisuuden välillä, kun nämä ovat vastakkaisia. Epäinhimilliset voittavat.
    ellauri368.html on line 228: Parodia ei ole niin vanha heprean kirjallisuudessa. Vaikka Toora sisältää runsaasti erilaisia ​​satiirin muotoja, se ei sisällä yhtään esimerkkiä parodiasta, ellei sitä tarkastella sellaisena kokonaisuutena. Talmudista odotamme luonnollisesti löytävämme parodiaa riittävästi edustettuna, sillä muinaisilla rabbeilla oli innokas huumorintaju. Withal, sitä on Talmudissa hyvin vähän, mitä voidaan kutsua puhtaaksi parodiaksi, ja jopa sen transvestitioiden määrä on liian pieni ansaittavaksi enemmän kuin ohimennen. 4 Katso tästä aiheesta: H. Adler, Jewish Wit and Humor: The Nineteenth
    ellauri368.html on line 303: When he (Scrooge McDuck) gave a coin in alms to a poor man, he shouted at him this: 'Why do you sit with thy hands folded? The sleep of the laborer is sweet; go, then, till the earth and live with the labor of thine own hands. Thy hands are not bound, nor are thy feet put into fetters. By Jehovah, all of you are poor, because you hold your hands akimbo. If you had in your possession all the gold of my money bin, you would squander it. Do you perhaps wait for manna to come down from beaven, as it did for those who went out of Egypt, or for the earth to bring forth white bread and garments of fine wool, colored and embroidered, or do you wait for God to open windows in heaven?
    ellauri369.html on line 250: Ajatollan mielestä yhteiskunnan lait pitäisi koostua vain Jumalan laeista (sharia), jotka kattavat "kaikki inhimilliset asiat" ja "antaa ohjeita ja vahvistaa normeja" jokaiselle "ihmiselämän alueelle". Sattumalta Khomeini kuoli 26 vuotta myöhemmin vuonna 1989, Khordadin 15 aattona.
    ellauri369.html on line 359: As a boy, Teufelsdröckh was left in a basket on the doorstep of a childless couple in the German country town of Entepfuhl ("Duck-Pond"); his father a retired sergeant of Frederick the Great and his mother a very pious woman, who to Teufelsdröckh´s gratitude, raises him in utmost spiritual discipline. In very flowery language, Teufelsdröckh recalls at length the values instilled in his idyllic childhood, the Editor noting most of his descriptions originating in intense spiritual pride. Teufelsdröckh eventually is recognized as being clever, and sent to Hinterschlag (slap-behind) Gymnasium. While there, Teufelsdröckh is intellectually stimulated, and befriended by a few of his teachers, but frequently bullied by other students. His reflections on this time of his life are ambivalent: glad for his education, but critical of that education´s disregard for actual human activity and character, as regarding both his own treatment and his education´s application to politics. While at University, Teufelsdröckh encounters the same problems, but eventually gains a small teaching post and some favour and recognition from the German nobility. While interacting with these social circles, Teufelsdröckh meets a woman he calls Blumine (Goddess of Flowers; the Editor assumes this to be a pseudonym), and abandons his teaching post to pursue her. She spurns his advances for a British aristocrat named Towgood. Teufelsdröckh is thrust into a spiritual crisis, and leaves the city to wander the European countryside, but even there encounters Blumine and Towgood on their honeymoon. He sinks into a deep depression, culminating in the celebrated Everlasting No, disdaining all human activity. Still trying to piece together the fragments, the Editor surmises that Teufelsdröckh either fights in a war during this period, or at least intensely uses its imagery, which leads him to a "Centre of Indifference", and on reflection of all the ancient villages and forces of history around him, ultimately comes upon the affirmation of all life in "The Everlasting Yea". The Editor, in relief, promises to return to Teufelsdröckh´s book, hoping with the of his assembled biography to glean some new insight into the philosophy. Wow, sounds a lot like Carlyle´s personal biography, lightly camouflaged?
    ellauri369.html on line 364: The Editor: The narrator of the novel, who in reviewing Teufelsdröckh´s book, reveals much about his own tastes, as well as deep sympathy towards Teufelsdröckh, and much worry as to social issues of his day. His tone varies between conversational, condemning and even semi-Biblical prophecy. The Reviewer should not be confused with Carlyle himself, seeing as much of Teufelsdröckh´s life implements Carlyle´s own biography. I told you so!
    ellauri369.html on line 366: Hofrath: Hofrath Heuschrecke (i. e. State-Councillor Grasshopper) is a loose, zigzag figure, a blind admirer of Teufelsdröckh´s, an incarnation of distraction distracted, and the only one who advises the editor and encourages him in his work; a victim to timidity and preyed on by an uncomfortable sense of mere physical cold, such as the majority of the state-counsellors of the day were. Sounds a lot like Waldo Emerson.
    ellauri369.html on line 368: Blumine: A woman associated to the German nobility with whom Teufelsdröckh falls in love early in his career. Her spurning of him to marry Towgood leads Teufelsdröckh to the spiritual crisis that culminates in the Everlasting No. Their relationship is somewhat parodic of Werther´s spurned love for Lotte in The Sorrows of Young Werther (including her name "Goddess of Flowers", which may simply be a pseudonym), though, as the Editor notes, Teufelsdröckh does not take as much incentive as does Werther. Critics have associated her with Kitty Kirkpatrick, with whom Carlyle himself fell in love before marrying Jane Carlyle.
    ellauri370.html on line 48: Turhaan Poul väittää että israelilaiset on raittiita. Ajattele vaikka Shulem Schnizeliä. Se on selvin ero jutkujen ja muslimien välillä että lasiin ei syljetä. Samoin se oli jo Nooan aikana. Purim-juhla on todnäk förbitty persialaisilta ja Ester tarina (kz. albumia 171) kexitty sen perästä. Pääasia on että saadaan vetää perseet olalle, olla kostonhimoisia ja vahingoniloisia pahixille.
    ellauri370.html on line 56: Esther and Mordechai were definitely cousins. There was a big age gap between them, seeing as Mordechai took Esther in after she was orphaned. But according to TheTorah.com, some translations suggest he took her in as his wife, not as his ward. The exact phrase is he "took her to him," which one rabbi in Ask The Rabbi notes is only used when referring to marriage. Then why would Esther have passed for virginal woman if she'd been the wife of someone else? It may have been a matter of her age. It's gross, but it's true. This means it's very possible Mordechai never slept with Esther, well, not often anyway. According to the Jewish Women's Archive, Esther's considered not to have committed adultery because she didn't have a choice in marrying King Xerxes.
    ellauri370.html on line 80: Several scholars and commentators have characterized the wars of extermination as genocide. Scholar Pekka Pitkanen asserts that Deuteronomy involves "demonization of the opponent", which is typical of genocide, and he asserts that the genocide of the Canaanites was due to unique circumstances, and that "the biblical material should not be read as giving license for repeating it." But he is just a Finn so fuck him.
    ellauri370.html on line 88: According to the Hebrew Bible, Amalek was the son of Eliphaz (himself the son of Esau, ancestor of the Edomites and the brother of Israel) and Eliphaz's concubine Timna. Timna was a Whorite and sister of Lotan. According to a midrash, Timna was a princess who tried to convert to Judaism. However, she was rejected by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. She replied she would rather be a handmaiden to the dregs of Israel than be a mistress of another gentile nation. To punish the Patriarchs for their attitudes, Timna birthed Amalek, whose descendants would cause Israel much distress. This Amalek was also the product of an incestuous union since Eliphaz was Timna's stepfather, according to 1 Chronicles 1:36, after he committed adultery with the wife of Seir the Horite, who was Timna's biological father. First-century Roman-Jewish scholar and historian Flavius Josephus refers to Amalek as a "bastard" (νόθος) in a derogatory sense. 'Amalek' oli vähän kuin 'Vanja' suomalaisille.
    ellauri370.html on line 96: In 1 Samuel 15:1–9, Samuel identifies Amalek as the enemy of Israelites, saying "Thus says the Lord of hosts: I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he ambushed him on the way when he came up from Egypt," a reference to Exodus. God then commands Saul to destroy the Amalekites, by killing man, woman, infant and suckling.This massacre is believed to be a retelling of the raids in 1 Samuel 14:48, although it additionally specifies that it occurred in the "city of Amalek", which was believed to be the "principal place of arms" or the "metropolis" of Amalek. In 1 Samuel 15:33, Samuel identifies king Agag of Amalek as an enemy and killer, saying "As your sword has made women childless, so shall your mother be childless among women." If this doesn't smack of genocide whar does? And it gets only worse, withess Gaza now.
    ellauri370.html on line 98: In 1 Samuel 27:8–9, David and his men conduct raids against the Amalekites and their Geshurite and Gezirite allies. He kills every man and woman but takes sheep, cattle, donkey, camels and clothing. These Amalekites were theorized to be refugees who fled from Saul or a separate Amalekite faction that dwelt to the south of Israel. Gili Kluger believes these narratives were anti-Saul propaganda, designed to make him appear weak compared to David, since no losses were attributed to David.
    ellauri370.html on line 99: In 2 Samuel 1:5–10, an Amalekite tells David that he found Saul leaning on his spear after the battle of Gilboa. The Amalekite claims he euthanized Saul, at Saul's request, and removed his crown. David gives orders to his men to kill the Amalekite for killing the anointed king, believing him to be guilty by admission.
    ellauri370.html on line 134: As for the Christians, there is practically no historical evidence that anyone in the Great Church" viewed kherem as being purely an allegory. In particular, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and John Calvin have defended a literal reading of these passages at length. Origenes may be an exception, but he was heretic, so fuck him.
    ellauri370.html on line 183: Opponents derided him as "the senator from Boeing", as well as a "whore for Boeing", because of his consistent support for additional military spending on weapons systems and accusations of wrongful contributions from the company; in 1965, 80% of Boeing's contracts were military.
    ellauri370.html on line 208: Has Ukraine's army built substantial defensive positions in front of Russia fortified lines? What are some of the most interesting unknown events/facts (mysteries) of history? Why do Finnish people seem to resist the Swedish language, but are happy to learn and speak English? Why is China’s communism so different than Russia´s? What is the most fascinating historical photo? How do I access a phone with a broken touch screen through a computer? Who is the mother of the President of Ukraine? Why did she fail to teach him Ukrainian? Did she teach her Hebrew or Jiddish? Doesn’t Putin realize he will be VAPORIZED 15 to 20 minutes after he launches his first missile? Why don't elite soldiers and Navy SEALs have physiques like Dwayne Johnson or Vin Diesel? Do you trust Ukraine to use the M1 Abrams tanks responsibly? Why not?
    ellauri370.html on line 298: Kristityt oli juutalainen lahko kaikista muista paizi juutalaisista. Yhteinen paha virhe oli yxijumalaisuus, hölmö ajatus, josta seurasi vain diktatuuria ja muita ikävyyxiä. Jeesus pääsi joholle koska sen kokouxiin ei tarvinnut pääsylippua, kaikki ovat lähimmäisiä. Just päinvastainen liikeidea kuin juutalaisilla. Juutalainen Agrippa joka päsmäröi keisareita Roomassa on ollut monen paasauxen aiheena.
    ellauri370.html on line 392: A lot of Elvis Presley songs were written especially for him, but according to Mac Davis, Presley´s 1969 hit, In the Ghetto, was not such a song. Mac Davis commented, 'I never really dreamed of pitching that song to Elvis. I had been working on In the Ghetto for several years. I grew up playing with a little boy in Lubbock, Texas, whose family lived in a dirt street ghetto. His dad and my dad worked in construction together. So that little boy and I sort of grew up together. I never understood why his family had to live where they lived while my family lived where we lived. Of course back in those days, the word "ghetto" hadn't come along yet. (It is Venetian for "foundry".) But I always wanted to write a song about that situation and title it 'The Vicious Circle'. I thought that if you were born in that place and that situation, then you grow up there and one day you die there, and another kid is born there that kind of replaces you. And later I started thinking about the ghetto as a title for the song.
    ellauri370.html on line 506: Chamberlainista alkoi tuntua, että Britannia oli 1880-luvulta lähtien "valinnut Mammonan palveluksen", mistä hän syytti juutalaisia ja kirjoitti Wagnerille: "Tämä on tulos, kun on opiskellut politiikkaa juutalaisen kanssa neljännesvuosisadan ajan." "Juutalaisella" Chamberlain viittasi Disraeliin, jota Chamberlain oli vihannut intohimoisesti aina. Senkin paskamuna. Chamberlain julisti nyt, että kaikki brittiläiset liikemiehet olivat epärehellisiä; keskiluokka, omahyväinen ja tyhmä; pienviljelijät ja kaupat eivät enää pystyneet kilpailemaan juutalaisten omistamien suuryritysten kanssa; ja monarkiaa "heikensi peruuttamattomasti" yhteiskunnallinen muutos. Lyhyesti sanottuna Chamberlainille Britannia ei ollut enää mistään kotoisin (kuten ei olekaan).
    ellauri370.html on line 530: Arthur, Comte de Gobineau, was born in France in 1816. His essay ´On the Inequality of Human Races´ was published in 1853. Wagner admitted in his own autobiography ´Mein Leben´ (My Life), that his compositions came to him from some outside source, when he was in a state of trance. Ach! Mein Leben! There is some documentary evidence to support the contention that the mad swan king Ludwig of Bayern maintained a homosexual relationship with Wagner. He is now best known for Disney´s magic Castle at Neuschwanstein with Heli-keiju buzzin round it like a fly circling a turd.
    ellauri370.html on line 534: Chamberlain kirjoitti vielä lisäxi, että Amerikka "on helvetin pyörre, jossa kaikki maailman ristiriidat, kaikki ahneus, kateus ja himo kuohuvat ja kiehuvat; miljoonien tietämättömien egoistien, ihmisten ilman ideoita, ihanteita tai perinteitä villi taistelu., ilman yhteisiä arvoja, ilman minkäänlaista uhrautumiskykyä, atomikaaos, jolla ei ole todellista luonnonvoimaa."
    ellauri370.html on line 541: Hänen viimeisinä vuosinaan Chamberlainin antisemitistiset kirjoitukset kasvoivat yhä väkivaltaisemmiksi ja verenhimoisemmiksi, kun Chamberlainista tuli vieläkin voimakkaammin antisemitistinen kuin hän oli ollut ennen vuotta 1918. Siitä lähtien Chamberlain alkoi seurata ja ihailla Hitleriä, jota hän piti "Saksan pelastajana".
    ellauri370.html on line 605: Gobineaun kuvailema materialistinen itä­maalainen kuvasti todellisuudessa aristokatin käsitystä Ranskan rahan­himoisesta keski­luokasta, kun taas hänen kuvittelemansa "aistillinen, älytön ja väki­valtainen neekeri" oli irvikuva Ranskan proletariaatista. Gobineaun halveksunta alempia yhteis­kunta­luokkia kohtaan käy ilmi hänen kirjeistään, joissa hän käytti suurista kansan­joukoista nimitystä la boue ("muta, lieju, rupusakki"). Ranskalaiset lanzarit kuten Asterix ja Obelix olivat karkeaa, raakaa kelttiväkeä, joka ei kyennyt oppimaan eikä ajattelemaan muutoin kuin kaikkein alkeellisimmalla tasolla. Gobineau itse uskoi polveutuvansa viikingeistä. Kermaa kermakastikkeessa. Hänen sivuillaan on siinä määrin narsismia, että iljettää. Hän vihasi kotikaupunkiaan Pariisia, jota hän sanoi "lika­kaivoksi täynnä juurettomia ex-nakkeja."
    ellauri370.html on line 684: Vuonna 1882 Stoecker osallistui maailman ensimmäiseen antisemitistiseen kansainväliseen kongressiin Dresdenissä. Ajatella että sellaisiakin on pidetty. Wilhelm ykköisen kesympi poika Friedrich kuoli pahimmoilleen kurkkusyöpään eikä ehtinyt panna Stoeckeria viralta, ja Wilhelm kakkoineen oli samanlainen ellei pahempi paska kuin isoisänsä.
    ellauri370.html on line 703: Vuonna 1453 Breslaussa tapahtui pienehkö pogrom. Langewiesestä Oelsin läheltä kotoisin oleva maanviljelijä oli syyttänyt juutalaisia isännän häpäisemisestä. Juutalaiset vanhimmat olivat ottaneet haltuunsa velkaisia isäntiä ja ruoskivat niitä kepeillä ja näin häväisivät heidät. Kuningas valtuutti Capistranon tutkimaan. Tämän seurauksena 2. toukokuuta 1453 kaikki 318 juutalaista Breslaussa ja lähiseudulla vangittiin Breslauhun ja tunnustukset hankittiin kidutuksen avulla. Capistrano poltti 41 juutalaista roviolla ja loput karkotettiin kaupungista, mutta lapset täytyi jättää taakse ja kastaa väkisin. Taskin tuttu tematiikka Al Holin leiriltä. Juutalaisten omaisuus takavarikoitiin, mikä Cohnin mukaan oli pogromin todellinen motiivi. Niin aina. Pelkästään arkistosta Cohn löysi yksitoista kirjasta velkakirjeitä, jotka olivat kuuluneet juutalaisille. Siellä oli myös suuria varastoja muista juutalaisten omistamista tavaroista. Vuonna 1455 Breslaun kaupunki sai kuningas Ladislaus Postumukselta peruskirjan Privilegium de non tolerandis Judaeis ("etuoikeus olla suvaitsematta juutalaisia"), joka oli voimassa de jure vuoteen 1744 saakka.
    ellauri370.html on line 707: Kapistraano alkoi uran lakimiehenä ja kuvernöörinä mutta jäätyään sotavangixi perui kauppansa ja palautti puolisonsa jota se ei ollut edes bylsinyt, tai no, ihan vähän, ja ryhtyi fransiskaaniveljexi. Hän saarnasi ristiretkeä ja johti sitä turkkilaisia vastaan ja kuoli voittoisan taistelun jälkeen Unkarissa. Paavi Innocentius X julisti hänet autuaaksi 19. joulukuuta 1650 ja paavi Aleksanteri VIII julisti hänet pyhimykseksi 16. lokakuuta 1690. Ehti sitä ennen indoktrinoida kokonaista 8 paavia. Hän on kappalaisten, sotilaskappalaisten, lakimiesten ja tuomarien ym kepulien suojeluspyhimys. Ota Kapistraano tuosta talikaano ja mene navetan taaxe haarukoimaan paskaano.
    ellauri370.html on line 773: 1890 - luvun lopulla venäläinen tiedusteluagentti Pariisissa väärensi Siionin vanhimpien pöytäkirjat. Se julkaistiin vuonna 1903, ja se käännettiin laajalti ja siitä tuli tehokas propaganda-ase antisemitistisille elementeille maailmanlaajuisesti. Henry Ford sponsoroi sen levitystä Yhdysvalloissa. Se väitti, että salainen juutalainen salaliitto valtasi maailman.
    ellauri371.html on line 59: Sisäinen vihollinen. Se liberaali sielu sanoisi, että tällainen päättely on viittä vailla moraalista, kysyn: jos jokaisessa valtiossa on kaksi vihollista ja jos suhteessa ulkoiseen viholliseen hän on sallittua, eikä sitä pidetä moraalittomana käyttöä ryhtyä mihinkään taistelutoimiin, kuten: ei tajua hyökätä vihollista vastaan ​​hyökkäys-, puolustus- ja hyökkäyssuunnitelmilla sitten hänen luonaan yöllä tai epätasaisella määrällä ihmisiä. Miksi tällaisia toimenpiteitä esimerkiksi suhteessa pahimpaan viholliseen? yhteiskuntajärjestyksen ja vaurauden tuhoajaan, voit kutsua laittomaksi ja moraalittomaksi?
    ellauri371.html on line 61: Väkijoukko, anarkia. Voiko kuulostaa loogiselta mielen toivoa onnistuneesti johtaa väkijoukkoja, annettuaan järkevän kehotuksen hajaantua tai suostuttelun voimalla, jos mahdollista on ristiriidan mahdollisuus, vaikkakin järjetön, mutta silti vittu, joka saattaa tuntua pinnallisesti miellyttävämpää ihmisille? Päästä irti yksinomaan pienet intohimot, uskomukset, tavat, perinteet ja sentimentaaliset teoriat ihmisjoukossa, ja ihmisten väkijoukot antautuvat puolueen jakautumiseen, mikä häiritsee kaikkia joille olen samaa mieltä, jopa täysin järkevän perusteen kehotuksesta. Jokainen yleisön päätös riippuu sattumasta. Chicago tai väärennetty enemmistö, jonka mukaan tietämättömyys poliittisista salaisuuksista, ilmaisee järjettömyyttä - uusi päätös, joka kasvattaa anarkian idut hallitukseen laiskuudesta.
    ellauri371.html on line 99: Psykologinen* (*tätä sana ei ollut Salomonilla) laskelma. Meidän juhlamme helposti näytti kivimmiltä myös suhteissa niihin, joita tarvitsimme Ihmisinä. Toimimme aina herkimpien kanssa, ihmismielen kielet värjyivät - laskemiseen, ei- ihmisten aineellisten tarpeiden tyydyttäminen. A jokainen luetelluista inhimillisistä heikkouksista, erikseen otettuna voi tappaa aloitteellisuuden, ne antavat ihmisten tahdon ostajansa käyttöön hämärätoimintaan. Vot harasho.
    ellauri371.html on line 121: Voimaa ja kunnianhimoa. Kannustamme vallanhimoisia, vastustamme vallan väärinkäyttöä kaikki voimat toisilleen kehitettyään liberaalinsa taipumuksia itsenäistymiseen. Olemme tähän suuntaan herättäneet kaikenlaisia ​​yrityksiä, olemme aseistaneet kaiken puolue, olemme tehneet vallasta kaikkien kunnianhimojen kohteen. Valtiosta teimme areenoita, joissa ongelmat selviävät... Vielä vähän ja tulee epäjärjestystä, kieltosävyisyys näkyy kaikkialla. Parlamentaariset puheliikkeet; pamfletteja, väärinkäyttöä laiskuus vallan kanssa. Loputtomat puhujat muuttuivat papukaijoixi, puhekilpailut parlamentit ja puuduttavia hallintokokouksia. Rohkeat toimittajat, epämääräiset esitteet. Tissit hyökkäävät päivittäin hallintoa vastaan somalit; vallan väärinkäyttö on vihdoin valmistautumassa valmistaan kaikki laitokset putoamaan ja kaikki lentämään ylösalaisin hullun väkijoukon iskujen alla.
    ellauri371.html on line 127: Vapaamuurari-juutalaisen armeija. Sitten meidän täytyy oletettavasti näkyä työntekijän pelastajina tästä sorrosta ja kutsua hänet armeijamme riveihin: sosialistit, anarkistit, kommunistit, joille tarjoamme aina tukea oletettavasti veljellisiltä tahoilta yhteisömme yleismaailmallisen inhimillisen solidaarisuuden säännöt keskusvapaamuurarius. Aristokratia, joka nautti työntekijöiden työn oikeudet, oli sentään kiinnostunut jotta työntekijät ovat hyvin ruokittuja, terveitä ja vahvoja.
    ellauri371.html on line 129: Goyimien rappeutuminen. Olemme kiinnostuneita soturille goimien rappeutumisessa. Voimamme on sisällä krooninen aliravitsemus ja työntekijän heikkous, koska että hän on kaikesta tästä sidottu meidän tahtoihimme ja sisään hän ei löydä voimaa auktoriteeteistaan, N'D-energiasta vastustaakseen sitä. Vihalla me liikumme väkijoukossa, ja heidän käsillään me pyyhimme pois ne jotka häiritsevät meitä tiellämme.
    ellauri371.html on line 131: ”Maailman hallitsijan” joukko ja kruunajaiset. Kun valtakuntamme tulee, tsui noin YKSI koulua Gsi I znTlG Ch "o%~a ei voi olla, kaikki" määrätyt erot* D^^V^sh" yhtä lailla vastuussa lain edessä. ™ ™ *se* kuka sosiaalinen järjestelmä, "b"josta muu m _ d ^ goyim, näyttäisi kaikille, että työpaikat" säilyy tietyssä h ™ ^ olemassaolon ympyrässä hankaluuksien aiheuttaman inhimillisen kidutuksen lähde nom se on suunnattu", "^ ^ ruokkia tätä sanaa, inspiroida sitä G ^ 0СЛ0ВІЯМЪ) tietämättömyydessäni olen vihamielinen, kos ep ^ jota hän pitää korkeampana kuin seoi, (pi «s.. kunkin luokan arvot. "..".,. "Pazhda" Sori, ei ole kenttää, täytyy lopettaa.
    ellauri371.html on line 147: Vapaus. Sana "vapaus" paljastaa ihmisyhteiskunnan, yhteiskunta lähtee taistelemaan kaikkea valtaa, jopa Jumalaa vastaan, taivas ja luonnollinen kieli. Tästä syystä liittymisemme aikana meidän on suljettava tämä sana pois henkilöstä - venäjän sanaston eläinvoiman periaatteena on kasvattaa joukosta verenhimoisia petoja. Onko se totta että eläimet nukahtavat joka kerta kun ne juovat verta, ja tällä hetkellä on helppo laittaa ne ketjuihin, mutta jos - JOS - et anna heille verta, he eivät nuku eivätkä tappele!
    ellauri371.html on line 176: Zano P ?t e p I m?^? LUONNONJUUTTAINEN ^ Ъ - P R°Kami kertoi meille - Tiedetään, että Jumala itse valitsi meidät Nyaltin valtakuntaan, kaikkialla maailmassa. Jumala palkitsi meidät neroudella pystyivät selviytymään tehtävästään. Ole nero leirillä, hän olisi silti ollut tekemisissä meidän RK:n kanssa muukalainen ei ole vanhan miehen arvoinen kadulla: siellä oli taistelua, kevyt DU NEMI bezti ** ”jonka kaltaisia ​​en ole koskaan ennen nähnyt Kyllä, ja 3 ogT^ VI * ATEL " tila >D a RST" naalimekanismit. eikä* T ° 1 A L B GESHI niitä - Kaikki valtion pyörät - kävely yT ° ВЪ Х ° ДЯТ В03 Dѣѣім siirretty * “а- lotto I^ 90 aSHIKH Hands ' a D in igatel egot-zo- sko TO - e "ono2 FI G I NASHIMI m UDR e ^m.i politiikan tiede iso Ш ^™ tarkoittaa ™ Darskyn arvovaltaa tal M lt P!+" I VЪ t ^P hallitus ja teollisuus. Pääoma svobolp ^ ISTSHYA ILMAN ste ^enіy, on täytynyt saavuttaa että ѵІ; M0N0P0L1 "teollisuudelle ja kaupalle mitä jo tehdään näkymättömän ru^77o:n kehittämisessä kaikkialla maailmassa. Tällainen vapaus antaa poliittisen suuri voima teollisuusmiehille. ja tämä auttaa edistämään ihmisten unelmia. On tärkeämpää riisua kansoja aseista, sen sijaan, että johdattettaisiin heidät sotaan, on tärkeämpää käyttää keskustelua ja intohimoisia intohimoja meidän eduksemme kuin heidän karkottaa.
    ellauri371.html on line 184: Toinen johtamisen menestyksen edellyttämä salaisuus on on moninkertaistaa niin paljon alkuperäiset puutteet - tavat, intohimot, yhteiskunnan säännöt elämää, jotta kukaan tässä kaaoksessa ei voisi ymmärtää kaiken, ja seurauksena ihmiset lakkaisivat ymmärtämästä toisiaan. Tämä toimenpide palvelee meitä edelleen kylvää eripuraa kaikissa puolueissa, jakaa kaikki kollektiiviset voimat, jotka eivät vielä halua meitä esittää, estää mitään henkilökohtaista aloitetta, joka voi millään tavalla häiritä liiketoimintaamme.
    ellauri371.html on line 227: Erityiskoulut ja lisäkoulutus. Ei. Nämä ihmiset tietävät kaikki sosiaalisen elämän salaisuudet jokapäiväisessä elämässä he osaavat kaikki kielet, jotka koostuvat poly- tic kirjaimet ja sanat. Niistä tulee tuttuja pellava, jossa on koko ihmisen ihon vuorauspuoli kiertueita kaikkine herkkineen jousineen. Heidän tulee voida pelata. Nämä kielet - goimien mielen rakenne, niiden taipumukset, puutteet, kohtalot ja ominaisuudet, luokkien ja kiinteistöjen ominaisuudet. On selvää, että hallituxemme loistavat työntekijät, joista minä puhun, ei oteta pois heidän keskuudestaan evvk, jotka ovat tottuneet suorittamaan hallintonsa työskennellä miettimättä, mitä sen pitää saavuttaa saavuttaa, mutta ajatella, että se on tarpeen. Järjestelmänvalvoja Goyim-stratorit allekirjoittavat paperit lukematta niitä, He palvelevat oman edun vuoksi tai kunnianhimosta.
    ellauri371.html on line 243: Vapaamuurariuden diktatuuri. Itse asiassa, sitä varten meillä ei ole esteitä. Superhallituksemme kävelee sellaisissa olosuhteissa, joita yleensä kutsutaan diktatuuriksi. Voin rehellisesti sanoa sen! Tällä hetkellä olemme lainsäätäjiä, luomme oikeudenmukaisuutta eli kostoa, me teloitamme ja annamme anteeksi, me, kuten pomo kaikki joukkomme, me istumme johtajan joukossa kuin Caligulan hevonen. Käsissämme ovat hallitsemattomat kunnianhimot, palava ahneus, armoton kosto, ilkeä viha viheltävä. Kaiken kattava kauhu lähtee meistä. Meillä on palveluksessamme ihmisiä, joilla on kaikki mielipiteet, kaikki todisteet (Trine): monarkioiden palauttajat, demagogit, sosialistit, kommunistit ja kaikenlaiset utopistit. Valjastimme kaikki työhön, jokainen heistä omalta osaltaan osallistui kunnioittaan vallan viimeisiä jäänteitä ja yrittään kaataa kaikki vakiintuneet tilaukset. Näillä toimilla kaikkii valtioita kidutetaan, ne huutavat rauhaa, ne ovat valmiita rauhan tähden uhraa kaikki, mutta emme anna kuoppia rauhaa, kunnes he tunnustavat kansainvälisemme "Superhallituksen" avoimesti ja nöyrästi. Ihmiset huutavat tarpeesta ratkaista sosiaalinen kysymys kansainvälisen sopimuksen kautta. Puolueen pirstoutuminen esitti heidät kaikki tilauksemme mukaan, koska voidakseen suorittaa kilpailupaini tarvitsee rahaa, ja siinä ovat kaikki meidän kanssamme.
    ellauri371.html on line 294: Uusi republikaanien perustuslaki. Lisäksi otamme pois templin peräkamarista Pompejuxen yöastian. Uuden tasavallan käyttöönoton myötä Kanadan perustuslain mukaan oikeus pyytää hallitusta edustamaan erilaisissa tapahtumissa poliittisen säilyttämisen varjolla on tekninen salaisuus, ja lisäksi uusi perustuslaki sanoo et vähennämme edustajien lukumäärän minimiin, jolla vähennämme poliittisia intohimoja samalla määrällä ja intohimo politiikkaan nolpahtaa kuin Marko Tapion lyhyt mulkero. Jos niistä tulee odotettua enemmän notta he taistelevat jopa tässä minimissä, niin johdamme heidät siihen ettei tule vetoomusta joka vetoaa koko kansaan enemmistöön.
    ellauri371.html on line 331: Lehdistön tulevaisuus vapaamuurarien valtakunnassa. Painamalla nappulaa ei pääse kuin kerroxiin. Joten teemme seuraavaa. Mitä paikkaa lehdistö pelaa nyt? Hän palvelee kiihkeää lämpöä - Emme tarvitse intohimoja tai itsekkäät pariskunnat salassapitoa. Se voi olla tyhjä, epäreilu, petollinen, useimmat ihmiset eivät ymmärrä ollenkaan, mitä se palvelee elämässä. Lakkaavat tilaamasta, kun ei ole kotiinkantos. Satuloimme hänet ja otamme hänet vahvaan ohjaukseen; Tehdään sama muun viihdetiivisteen kanssa, mitä varten sietää kysyä. Meidän on järkevää päästä eroon lehdistön hyökkäyksistä. Jos pysymme pamfletin ja kirjan kohteena olemme valmiita. Tuomme nyt takaisin kalliin glasnostin tuotteen! Kiimaisen sensuurin tarpeen vuoksi se on tuloihin uusi artikkeli valtiollemme. Me peitämme sen erikoisleimaverolapuilla ja viemme talletukset lehdistöelinten tai kirjapainojen laitoksilta, joidenka on taattava hallituksellemme lehdistön hyökkäykset. Saamme hyökkäyksen armottomasti. Lakia ja toimenpiteitä kehiin, kuten leimat, pantit, ja niiden takaamat sakot tuo valtavia tuloja hallitukselle. Onko se totta? Mahdollisest. Puoluelehdet eivät ehkä säästä rahaa, mutta me suljemme ne toisen meitä vastaan ​​tehdyn hyökkäyksen jälkeen. Kukaan ei kosketa sädekehiämme rankaisematta. Hallituksen erehtymättömyys. tekosyy esinahkajulkaisun lopettamiseen - suljettu - kyllä, keho huolestuttaa mielet ilman syytä tai perustetta. Huomaa, että meidän kimppuun hyökkäävien joukossa me myös perustamme luonnollisia elimiä, mutta ne hyökkäävät yksinomaan kohdista, joita aiomme muuttaa.
    ellauri371.html on line 342: Lisää lehdistöstä. Jatketaanpa dissata lehdistöä. Ympäröimme hänet puristimilla, kuten kaikki painatukset, postimerkkikokoelmat arkilta - ja pantit ja kirjat, joissa on alle 30 arkkia - kaksinkertaisessa koossa. Kirjoitamme ne luokkaan esitteitä toisaalta niiden määrän vähentämiseksi, erit. aikakauslehdet, jotka edustavat pahimpaa puheliasmyrkkyä, ja toisaalta tämä toimenpide pakottaa kirjoittajat niin pitkiin töihin, joita tulee olemaan. Ei riitä lukeminen, varsinkin kun se on kallista. Sama kuin meillä. Julkaisemme sen itse henkisen ohjauksen vuoksi. Laiskuus siihen suuntaan, jonka olemme suunnitelleet, se on halpaa ja tullaan lukemaan ansioxi suuressa kysynnässä. Vero rauhoittaa tyhjää päätä, kirjallinen halu ja rangaistavat iteraattorit ovat meistä riippuvaisia. Jos siellä on jotka haluavat kirjoittaa meitä vastaan, kukaan ei ole kovin halukas tulostaa teoksiaan. Ennen kuin hyväksyt tuotatko jotain painatukseen, kustantajaan tai tulostimeen on tultava viranomaisille ja kysyttävä lupa tähän. Näin ollen me etukäteen meitä vastaan ​​valmistetut juonit tulevat tiedoksi, ja me --- Puhutaanpa niistä, jatketaan selityksiä, käsiteltävä aihe entinen.
    ellauri371.html on line 346: Jos sallimme kymmenen lehteä, perustamme itse himmeästi kolmekymmentä ja niin edelleen samalla tavalla. Mutta tämän yleisön ei pitäisi ollenkaan epäillä miksi kaikki julkaisemamme aikakauslehdet ovat kaikkein anti- päinvastaisimpia, ulkonäöltään, suunnalta ja mielipiteiltä, joka herättää luottamusta heihin ja houkuttelee heitä hyväuskoiset vastustajamme, jotka jotka näin putoavat ansaamme ja tehdään vaarattomaksi.
    ellauri371.html on line 374: Ilo- eli kansantalot. Joten he itse jos he eivät ole ajatelleet mitään, ohjaamme heidän huomionsa vielä kohteeseen huvit, pelit, huvit, intohimot, folk, vanhainkodit. Pian tarjoamme lehdistön kautta järjestää kilpailuja taiteessa, urheilussa, kaikessa, lajit vapaavalintaisia. Nämä kiinnostuksen kohteet vievät lopulta mielet pois kysymyksistä, joihin meidän olisi vastattava tai taistella heitä vastaan. Vieroitamme yhä enemmän itsestämme kaikkea ajattelemisen arvoista, ihmiset alkavat puhua yhdessä meidän kauttamme, koska me yksin alamme tarjota uutta ajatussuuntimaa tietysti tällaisten ihmisten kautta, joiden kanssa meitä ei pidetä solidaarisina.
    ellauri371.html on line 414: Jos saisimme heidät johonkin niin se on hullu vauhtisokeus, eikö tämä todista hämmästyttävällä tavalla selkeyttä, missä määrin goimien mieli ei ole inhimillisesti kehittynyt mieleemme verrattuna. Tämä on tärkein juttu eli truc tietyllä tavalla ja takaa menestyksemme.
    ellauri371.html on line 422: Esivaalit. Tässä eroaa goimien ja meidän välinen ajattelutapa, näkyy meikämannejen valinnan ja inhimillisyyden leima, toisin kuin goimien eläinmieli. He näkevät, mutta eivät näe eivätkä näe keksiä (ellei vain aineellisia asioita). Iz, euu. On selvää, että luonto itse on määrännyt meille niin johtaa ja hallita maailmaa.
    ellauri371.html on line 460: Ilmaisen opetuksen lakkauttaminen. Me tuhoamme sen! Alas kaikki ilmainen opetus. Opiskelijoilla on oikeus kokoontua yhteen sukulaisten kanssa, kuten kerhoista oppilaitoksiin. Näiden tapaamisten aikana plus lomien aikana opettajat lukevat oletettavasti runsaat luennot alkaen inhimillisistä asioista kuten pukeutuminen, esimerkixi laeista ja kostotoimista syntyneistä tiedostamattomista suhteista ja ei-toivotuista lapsista. Lopuksi filosofiasta: uusia teorioita ei ole vielä paljastettu maailmalle. Rakennamme näitä teorioita uskon dogmassa, siirtymävaiheena uskoomme. Valmistuu selvitys nykyisestä toimintaohjelmastamme. Joskus tulevaisuudessa luen teille näiden teorioiden perusteet.
    ellauri371.html on line 487: Vallan väärinkäyttö. Tällainen organisaatio on lopettaa vallan väärinkäyttö, voima, lahjonta, kaikki, mitä esittelimme neuvoillamme, yli-inhimillisiä teorioita - ihmisoikeudet goimien tottumuksiin.
    ellauri371.html on line 497: Vartioi juutalaisten kuningasta. Hallitsijaamme tulee vartioimaan vain kaikkein huomaamattomimmat vartijat, koska emme salli edes ajatusta, että joku voisi hyökätä hänen kimppuunsa la (s.o. sapattina), sillä siellä on silloin sellainen kapina, jossa hän ei ole mukana, ei ainaskaan kyennyt taistelemaan ja joutuu piiloutumaan häneltä. Jos tunnustaisimme tämän ajatuksen, kuten teimme ja teemme vastakin, että siellä on goimia, niin tekemällä niin allekirjoittaisimme tuomion, jos ei itselleen, niin dynastialle lähitulevaisuudessa tai yleensä tulevaisuudessa. Tarkkaan noudatetun näköisskriptin mukaan meidän suuri hallitsija käyttää valtaansa vain kansan eduksi, mutta ei ollenkaan heidän omalle tai dynastialle koidu inhimillisiä hyötyjä. Siksi tämä koristeellinen "Vishnu" juo rommia, hän kunnioittaa ja suojelee hänen auktoriteettiaan aiheesta, häntä jumaloidaan tietäessään, että siihen liittyy jokaisen valtion kansalaisen hyvinvointi. Hän saa lahjoja, sillä yhteiskunnan järjestys riippuu 3. temppelin rakentamisesta. Kuninkaan vartiointi avoimesti tarkoittaa että organisaation vahvuus tietää heikkoutensa. Meidän hallitsijamme tulee aina olemaan ihmisten joukossa, jota ympäröi ikään kuin joukko ihmisiä kokeneita miehiä ja naisia, jotka miehittää ensimmäisen hänen lähellä olevat rivit näyttävät sattumanvaraisilta, mutta pidättäviltä. Tulen muiden joukkoon kunnioituksesta oletettavasti järjestystä kohtaan. Tämä on esimerkki hillityksestä muille. Jos ihmisten joukossa on vetoomuksen esittäjä, joka yrittää tehdä pyyntöjä, kulkemalla rivien läpi ja sitten ensimmäisten rivien läpi, minun on hyväksyttävä tämä pyyntö ja pieraistava vetoomuksen esittäjän edessä, luovutettava se hallitsijalle, jotta kaikki tietävät, että lahjoitus saavuttaa määränpäänsä, joka siis on hallitsijan itsensä hallinta, vallan halo on rauhallinen ja tulee olemaan sen olemassaoloa varten, jotta ihmiset voivat sanoa: "jospa kuningas tietäisi tästä" tai "kuningas saa tietää tästä."
    ellauri371.html on line 549: Tästä laskelmasta selviää, että universaalin veron muodossa valtio nostaa viimeiset penninsä köyhiltä veronmaksajilta, maksaaxeen käteisellä ulkomaisille ​​rikkaille, joilta se otti lainaxi rahaa sen sijaan, että keräisi niitä viimeistä penniä myöten tarpeexi porhoilta ilman korkomaksuja. Vaikka lainat olisivat sisäisiä, goyit siirtävät vain rahaa köyhän miehen taskuista rikkaan miehen taskuihin, mutta kuka tarvitsi siirtää lainat ulkopuolisille saadaxeen uutta maaperää? Me pankkiirit! Siten kaikki valtion omaisuus virtasi kassakoneihimme ja kaikki goyit alkoivat maksaa meille kunniaa. Tanskalaisuutta! Mätää! Jos hallitsevien goimien kevytmielisyys puuttuu suhteessa hallitusasioiden ja korruption välillä, nitrodiskoa tai väärinkäsityxiä talousasioissa hallitsevat henkilöt ovat velkaa mailleen, meidän kasallemme--- JA: meillä on maksamattomia velkoja, meidän on tiedettävä kuinka paljon meillä on niitä, se maksaa työtä ja rahaa.
    ellauri371.html on line 598: Juopumisen kielto. Myös juopuminen kielletään, se on lain mukaan rangaistavaa ja rangaistava rikoksena ihmisyyttä vastaan, kerta ihmisten inhimillisyys muuttuu eläimiksi alkoholin vaikutuksen alaisena. Aineet pois, toistan jälleen kerran, he tottelevat sokeasti vain vahvoja. Täysin heistä riippumaton karvakäsi, jossa he tuntevat olonsa hyväxi, miekka suojaa ja tukee epäsosiaalisten iskuja vastaan (nyyh vitsaukset...) Miksi he tarvitsevat enkelihenkeä kuningas? heidän täytyy nähdä hänessä voimaa ja voiman persoonallisuustehoa.
    ellauri371.html on line 614: Juudan kuninkaan ulkoisen moraalin moitteeton imago. Juutalaisten kuninkaan ei pitäisi olla alapuolella heidän intohimojensa, varsinkin vällykäärmeen ahkeraisuuden voimassa: millään luonteensa osa-alueella ei hänen pitäisi antaa valtaa mielipuolelle vaan eläimen vaistoille. Uhkeus järkyttää mielen pahimmillaan - luonnolliset kyvyt ja näön selkeys, häiritseviä ajatuksia ihmisen pahimmasta ja eläimellisimmästä puolesta, ikuista sisään-ulos toimintaa.
    ellauri372.html on line 58: Filthy rich Crassus himself was killed when truce negotiations turned violent. Crassus rose to political prominence following his victory over the slave revolt led by Spartacus. Crass. Within four years of Crassus' death, Caesar crossed the Rubicon to become another putinist, began a civil war against Pompey's optimists.
    ellauri372.html on line 83: Crassus befriended Licinia, a Vestal Virgin, whose valuable property he coveted. Plutarch says "And yet, when he was further on in years, he was accused of criminal intimacy with Licinia, one of the vestal virgins, and Licinia was formally prosecuted by a certain Plotius. Now, Licinia was the owner of a pleasant villa in the suburbs, which Crassus wished to get at a low price, and it was for this reason that he was forever hovering about the woman and paying his court to her, until he fell under the abominable suspicion. And, in a way, it was his avarice that absolved him from the charge of corrupting the vestal, and he was acquitted by the judges. But he did not let Licinia go until he had acquired her property."
    ellauri372.html on line 185: Max (oik. Raimo) Kolbe kanonisoitiin 1982. Hän on hyväntekeväisyyden marttyyri ja radioamatöörien, huumeidenkäyttäjien, poliittisten vankien, perheiden, toimittajien ja vankien suojeluspyhimys. Radioamatöörin näköinen fransiskaaniveli tarjoutui jonkun puolalisen häiskän sijaisexi keskitysleirillä. Tällä oli suurempi merkitys kuin 1M juutalaisen kuolemalla, sanoo van der Valkin leski Arlette. Niinpä tietysti, kyllä 1 arjalainen julkkis päihittää ziljoona jutkutavista. Spartakuxen 7000 orjaa oli mitä lie konnia, mutta Jeesus oli pulmunen. Määrä ei muutu laaduxi, sanoi Marx mitä tahansa.
    ellauri372.html on line 203: Kolben tunnustaminen kristityksi marttyyriksi aiheutti kiistaa katolisessa kirkossa. Vaikka hänen uhraamistaan Auschwitzissa pidettiin pyhänä ja sankarillisena, häntä ei tapettu odium fidei (uskon vihasta), vaan hänen kristillisen rakkauden tekonsa seurauksena toista ihmistä kohtaan. Se ei pyhimyxexi ihan riitä. Piisaahan näitä altruisteja ateisteissakin.
    ellauri372.html on line 208: Vuoden 1924 kolumnissaan hän mainitsi Siionin vanhimpien pöytäkirjat "tärkeänä todisteena" siitä, että "sionismin perustajat tarkoittivat itse asiassa koko maailman alistamista", mutta "eivät edes kaikki juutalaiset tiedä tätä".
    ellauri372.html on line 222: Jos haluat, käytä kaikkea, mitä minulla on ja mitä minulla on varauksetta, täysin saavuttaaksesi sen, mitä sinusta sanottiin: "Hän murskaa päänne" ja "Sinä yksin olet tuhonnut kaikki harhaopit koko maailmassa." Anna minun välineeni olla sopiva tahrattomiin ja armollisiin pikku käsiisi esitelläkseni sitä ja ollaxeni kasvattamassa sitä kunniaxesi maksimaalisesti kaikissa monissa eksyksissä olevissa ja välinpitämättömissä sieluissa ja siten auttaa laajentamaan Jeesuksen pyhimmän Sydämen siunattua valtakuntaa niin pitkälle kuin se ylipäänsä on mahdollista. Sillä minne ikinä menetkin, saat aikaan minussa tämän pystyyn kääntymyksen ja pyhyydessä kasvamisen armon, sillä juuri sinun pikku kättesi kautta kaikki armot tulevat meille Jeesuksen pyhimmästä sydämestä.
    ellauri372.html on line 330:

    His friends gave him the nickname adulescentulus carnifex ("teenage butcher") for his ruthlessness.

    ellauri372.html on line 358: Juutalaisten kuningatar Alexandra-Salome oli kuollut, minkä jälkeen heidän poikansa Hyrcanus ja Aristobulus olivat aloittaneet verisen sisällissodan, joka tuhosi Juudeaa. Pompeuksen kaltaiselle kunnianhimoiselle miehelle tilanne tarjosi mahdollisuuksia, joita hänellä ei ollut varaa jättää väliin.
    ellauri372.html on line 370: Pompeius itse meni temppelin pyhimpään, jonne vain ylimmäinen pappi sai mennä ja häpäisi sen. Hän ei poistanut mitään, ei sen aarteita eikä varoja, tekipä vain pienen ruskean lahjoituxen kaikkeinpyhimpään, ja seuraavana päivänä hän käski pyyhkimään temppelin ja sen rituaaleja jatkaa. Pompeius suuntasi sitten takaisin Roomaan ja otti Aristobuluksen mukaansa voittokulkueeseensa.
    ellauri372.html on line 372: Kun roomalaiset hallitsivat temppeliä, Pompeius ja hänen virkailijansa menivät kaikkeinpyhimpään - juutalaisten mukaan jumalanpilkkaa, koska vain ylipappi sai tulla tähän eriöön. Valloittaja näki Menoran, aarteen ja kaikki pyhät yöastiat. Hänen sotilaansa näyttävät myös uhranneen niihin omien standardiensa mukaisesti (huomautus). Seuraavana päivänä hän määräsi temppelin puhdistamisen ja nimitti Hyrcanuksen ylipapiksi.
    ellauri372.html on line 420: Pompeiuksen salamurha Egyptissä korosti Rooman politiikan häikäilemätöntä luonnetta ja vallan epävarmuutta. Kerran suuri kenraali, joka oli johtanut armeijoita ja nauttinut voitoista, kohtasi traagisen ja arvottoman lopun kaukana kotoa, raitistava muistutus meille amerikkalaisille onnen hauraudesta ja sisällissodan seurauksista. Juutalaiset olivat tietysti tickled pink. Palvele häntä oikein! Serve him right!
    ellauri372.html on line 443: Tekstissä luetellaan kaksitoista kirousta, jotka leeviläisten pappien oli lausuttava ja kansan vastattava Aamenilla. Nämä kiroukset muistuttavat suuresti lakeja (esim. kirottu olkoon se, joka poistaa lähimmäisensä maamerkin), eikä niitä seuraa luetteloa siunauksista, jotka on kuvattu vastaavassa liturgisessa kehyksessä; tutkijat uskovat, että nämä edustavat todennäköisemmin sitä, mikä oli kirjoitettu kiviin, ja että myöhempi luettelo kuudesta nimenomaisesta siunauksesta, kuudesta lähes vastaavasta nimenomaisesta kirouksesta, oli alun perin tässä kohdassa tekstissä. Näiden eksplisiittisten siunausten ja kirousten nykyisen sijainnin laajemmassa lupauskertomuksessa ja paljon laajemmassa uhkakertomuksessa (vastaavasti) katsotaan olleen toimituksellinen päätös maanpaon jälkeiselle 5. Mooseksen kirjan korjatulle versiolle, mikä kuvastaa deuteronomistin maailmankatsomusta Babylonian maanpaon jälkeen.
    ellauri373.html on line 99: Sinä, mieheni, vaikka luotit henkeeni, ettei se pettäisi sinua, olit kuitenkin epäluuloinen ruumiini suhteen, ja tunteesi oli vain inhimillinen. Mutta minä huomasin, että minunkin ruumiini voi olla hiljaa... Älä siis pelkää, vaan kerro minulle kaikki, mitä salaat minulta, sillä ei tuli, ripset eikä virzakivet pakota minua paljastamaan sanaakaan; En ole syntynyt siinä määrin naiseksi. Siksi, jos et edelleenkään luota minuun, minun on parempi kuolla kuin elää; Muuten älköön kukaan enää pitäkö minua Caton tai vaimosi tyttärenä.
    ellauri373.html on line 144: The late Walter Rathenau of the Allgemeiner Electricitaets Gesellschaft (AEG, meidän koliseva pesukone oli sen merkkinen! Just goes to show!) has thrown a little light on the subject and doubtless he was in possession of their names, being, in all likelihood, one of the chief leaders himself. Writing in the Wiener Freie Presse, December 24, 1912, he said:
    ellauri373.html on line 224: Tähän liittyy siionisti Herzl jollain tavalla. Herzl pyysi ohimenevästi lupaa päästä luvattuun maahan Turkin sulttaanilta ja Wilhelm "äiti" kakkoiselta, ei myönnetty. Tapahtumat jotka tapahtuivat Venäjällä vuonna kivi ja puu. VRSHYA erittäin korkea, 600 ruplaa.
    ellauri373.html on line 260: Nälkä luo työläiselle oikeuden pääomaan, tarkemmin kuin kuninkaallinen valta antoi tämän oikeuden aristokraatille. Tarpeen ja siitä johtuvan kateellisen vihan kautta liikumme väkijoukkoina ja heidän käsillään pyyhimme pois ne, jotka häiritsevät meitä tiellämme.
    ellauri373.html on line 343: Mutta samalla yksi asia on varma, että "Protokoshy Siionin vanhimmat" on tarkoitettu jokaisen halukkaan valtiomiehen pöydälle ei vain sanoin, vaan myös teoin palvellaksenne suvereenia.
    ellauri373.html on line 371: intohimoisesti ajatusta juutalaisesta Nazionalismista tai
    ellauri373.html on line 559: itsenäinen kehon tila; ja sellainen mielentila on kiltti lähimmäisille, se tulee mahdolliseksi vasta kun jokikinen juutalainen on syvästi tietoinen kuulumisestaan erilliselle
    ellauri373.html on line 569: Molempien puolueiden johtajien välillä syntyi raivoa, vakava kiista. Ginsberg osoitti erityistä vastenmielisyyttä sovinnolle ja osoitti intohimoista vihamielisyyttä suhtautumista puolueensa vastustajaan. Hän ei menettänyt yhtäkään sopivaa tilaisuutta niin, että hän kritisoi paitsi tekoja myös journalismia, tšekkiläisiä artikkeleita ja Hertzlin kirjallisia teoksia. Hänen vihamielisyytensä ilmeni erityisen voimakkaasti vuonna 1902 vuonna Hertzlin romaanin "Aiipeiyashi" ilmestymisen jälkeen.
    ellauri373.html on line 577: Suuren virheen tekevät ne juutalaiset, jotka he luottavat Ahamiin! Hän johdattaa heidät pro- laiduntaa. Ahad Ham on yksi pahimmista vihollisista hallituksen siionismille.
    ellauri373.html on line 594: Saadaksesi tarkan käsityksen määrästä Ginsbergin Wesleyltä lainaamia ajatuksia, maxa 4 dollaria. Lukijan tulee lukea "Protokollat" rinnakkain Ginsbergin kaa ja opetella ulkoa molempien kirjailijoiden teokset. Abraham Geigeriltä (1810-1874) hän otti sen asteittaisen evoluution teoria, jossa kehitetään jatkuvasti. Ginsbergin fanaattinen usko siihen että juutalaiset muodostavat "valitun kansan", on täysin Augie Marshin pomon Einhornin vakaumuksen mukaista. Frankel (1801-1875) ja Zaks (1808-1864) taas antoivat Ahad-Hamille intohimoisen sitoutumisensa muinaiseen heprean kieleen. Ahad Ham ei laiminlyönyt ei-juutalaiset ajattelijoita, joista Darwin ja Nietzsche on asetettava ensimmäiselle sijalle.
    ellauri374.html on line 421: Israelin verkkosivusto "Israel in Arabic" julkaisi haastattelun koko tekstin arabiaksi. Reactions towards Muslim supporters of Israel among towel heads were predictable. In Bangladesh, Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, editor of the Weekly Blitz newspaper and self described "Muslim Zionist", was attacked and beaten in 2006 by a mob of nearly 40 people, leaving him with a fractured ankle.
    ellauri374.html on line 480: Putin sai hevosen Uralilla sijaitsevan Bashkortostanin eli Bashkirian tasavallan presidentiltä, joka lahjoitti hänelle myös perinteisen bashkiiripuvun ja -päähineen. "Nyt Venäjän presidentti näyttää bashkiirilta. Mutta bashkiiri ei ole bashkiiri ilman hevosta", presidentti Murtaza Rahimov sanoi uutistoimisto Itar-Tassin mukaan. "Tällaisia välineitä Putin tarvitsee tehdäkseen Venäjästä menestyksekkään ja voimakkaan. Pysykää lujasti satulassa ja ohjatkaa myös maatamme varmalla kädellä", Rahimov toivoi presidentiltä tasavallan pääkaupungissa Ufassa.
    ellauri374.html on line 603: Opi pienestä pitäen antamaan anteeksi lähimmäisesi pahat teot äläkä koskaan anna anteeksi omiasi.
    ellauri375.html on line 279: Alright, let's give it a shot! Considering the absurd and whimsical nature of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," here's a creative attempt at a potential Ultimate Question:
    ellauri375.html on line 696: The story of Abraham's journey from Ur to Canaan is a foundational narrative in the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. According to religious texts, Abraham's journey was guided by divine command and promises made to him by God.
    ellauri375.html on line 700: Divine Call: According to the biblical narrative, God called Abraham to leave his homeland and go to a land that God would show him (Genesis 12:1). This divine call is seen as the beginning of God's covenant with Abraham, promising to make him the father of a great nation and to bless all the families of the earth through him.
    ellauri377.html on line 43: Ristiinnaulitsemista käytettiin edelleen pahimpien rikollisten teloitusmenetelmänä, kunnes keisari Konstantinus lakkautti sen 400-luvulla. Jaldaboath on taas super suosittu videopelihahmona.
    ellauri377.html on line 85: Kirjoitus käsittää kuusi kirjaa, yhteensä 148 lukua, ja on pisin tunnettu gnostilainen teksti. Se alkaa vertauksella, joka kertoo rinnakkaisesti Jeesuksen kuolemasta ja ylösnousemuksesta, ja kuvaa sielun alaslaskeutumista ja ylösnousemista. Tämän jälkeen kuvataan gnostilaisen kosmologian tärkeitä hahmoja. Lopulta kirjoitus luettelee 32 lihallista himoa, jotka ihmisen on voitettava ennen kuin pelastus on mahdollista. Ne ovat FUCK!, FUCK!, FUCK!, FUCK!,
    ellauri377.html on line 92:
    Enää 1 lihallinen himo jälellä, nim. podophilia. Jaxaa jaxaa...

    ellauri377.html on line 132: Barnabaan kirjeenä tunnettu asiakirja voidaan jakaa kahteen osaan. Luvut 1–17 antavat Kristus-keskeisen tulkinnan Vanhasta testamentista, joka sen mukaan tulee ymmärtää hengellisesti, ei uhraamissääntöjen kirjaimellisen merkityksen mukaisesti (luku 2: Jumalan toivoma uhri on murtuneen sydämen uhri), paasto (3: paasto, jonka Jumala haluaa, johtuu epäoikeudenmukaisuudesta), ympärileikkaus (9), ruokavalio (10: säännöt, jotka todella kieltävät käyttäytymisen, kuten rukoilemasta Jumalaa vain avun tarpeessa, kuten sikojen huutaminen nälkäisenä, mutta isäntänsä huomioiminen kylläisenä, tai saalistamista kuten kotka, haukka, leija ja varis jne.; ja se käsky pureskella mietiskelemällä Herran sanaa ja jakaa kavio etsimällä tulevaa pyhää maailmaa tässä maailmassa vaeltaessa), sapatti (15) ja temppeli (16). Jeesuksen intohimo ja kuolema juutalaisten käsissä, sanotaan, näkyvät oikein ymmärretyissä syntipukin (7) ja punaisen hiehon (8) rituaaleissa sekä asennossa, jonka Mooses omaksui ojentaessaan käsiään (esim. Kirjeen kirjoittajan tuntema kreikkalainen Septuaginta- teksti) teloitusristin muodossa, kun taas Joosua, jonka nimi kreikaksi on Ἰησοῦς (Jeesus), taisteli Amalekia vastaan (12). Neljä viimeistä lukua, 18-21, ovat versio The Two Ways -opetuksesta, joka esiintyy myös Didachen luvuissa 1-5. Tämä tie vie kotiin. Tämä tie ei vie kotiin. No two ways about it. You can't have both. Have your cake and eat it. To make an omelette, you have to break some eggs.
    ellauri377.html on line 223: Tästä Valentinuxesta ei valitettavasti tullut ystävänpäivän pyhimystä eikä edes Seura-lehden pakinoizijaa kuten Ensio Rislakista. Tulipahan pelkkä Aku Korhonen, lapatossu. Februat oli roomalainen puhdistuksen juhla, jota kutsutaan myös nimellä Lupercalia. Festivaali, jossa on pohjimmiltaan kyse kevätpesusta tai siivouksesta (liittyy myös tämän vuodenajan sateisiin), on vanha, ja mahdollisesti Sabine alkuperää. Ovidiuksen mukaan "Februare" latinankielisenä sanana, joka viittaa puhdistuskeinoihin (erityisesti pesemällä käsidesillä tai vedellä), on peräisin aikaisemmasta etruskien sanasta, joka tarkoittaa alapesua.
    ellauri377.html on line 280: Do you not know that your members are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the circumcised member of Christ and unite it with a prostitute? Never! Except maybe Mary the Magdalene, a few times. Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute has a hard on within her body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.” But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit only.
    ellauri377.html on line 362: Vastaväite 1: Vaikuttaa siltä, että lihalliset synnit eivät ole vähemmän syyllisiä kuin hengelliset synnit. Koska aviorikos on ankarampi synti kuin varkaus, sillä on kirjoitettu (Sananl.6:30, 32): "Virhe ei ole niin suuri, kun ihminen on varastanut... vaan se, joka on avionrikkoja, tyhmyyden tähden. hänen sydämensä tuhoaa hänen oman sielunsa." Nyt varkaus kuuluu ahneuteen, joka on hengellinen synti; kun taas aviorikos liittyy himoon, joka on lihan synti. Siksi lihalliset synnit ovat suurempi syyllisyys kuin hengelliset synnit.
    ellauri377.html on line 364: Vastaväite 2: Lisäksi Augustinus sanoo kommentissaan Leviticuksesta [*Lainaus on De Civ. Dei ii, 4 ja iv, 31.] että "paholainen iloitsee pääasiassa himosta ja epäjumalanpalveluksesta". Mutta hän iloitsee enemmän suuremmasta synnistä. Siksi, koska himo on lihallinen synti, näyttää siltä, että lihalliset synnit ovat suurin syyllisyys.
    ellauri377.html on line 366: Vastaväite 3: Lisäksi Filosofi todistaa (Ethic. vii, 6), että "on häpeällisempää olla pidättämätön himossa kuin vihassa." Mutta viha on hengellinen synti Gregoryn mukaan (Moral. xxxi, 17); kun taas himo liittyy lihallisiin synteihin. Siksi lihallinen synti on vakavampi kuin hengellinen synti.
    ellauri377.html on line 370: Vastaan, että Hengelliset synnit ovat suurempaa syyllisyyttä kuin lihalliset synnit: tämä ei kuitenkaan tarkoita, että jokainen hengellinen synti olisi suurempi syyllisyys kuin jokainen lihallinen synti; mutta että kun otetaan huomioon ainoa ero hengellisen ja lihallisen välillä, hengelliset synnit ovat vakavampia kuin lihalliset synnit muiden asioiden ollessa samat. Tälle voidaan antaa kolme syytä. Ensimmäinen on aiheen puolelta: koska hengelliset synnit kuuluvat hengelle, jonka puoleen on soveliasta kääntyä Jumalan puoleen ja kääntyä pois Hänestä; kun taas lihalliset synnit täyttyvät ruokahalun lihallisessa nautinnossa, johon kuuluu pääasiassa kääntyä ruumiin hyödyksi; niin että lihallinen synti sellaisenaan merkitsee enemmän "kääntymistä johonkin", ja tästä syystä se merkitsee lähinnä hotkaisua; ottaa huomioon, että hengellinen synti merkitsee enemmän "kääntymistä jostain", mistä syyllisyyden käsitys syntyy; ja tästä syystä siihen liittyy suurempaa syyllisyyttä. Toisena syynä voidaan ottaa se henkilö, jota vastaan synti on tehty: koska lihallinen synti sinänsä on syntisen omaa ruumista vastaan, jota hänen tulee rakkauden järjestyksessä rakastaa vähemmän kuin Jumalaa ja lähimmäistänsä, jota vastaan hän tekee hengellisiä syntejä, ja näin ollen hengelliset synnit ovat sinänsä suurempaa syyllisyyttä. Kolmas syy voidaan ottaa motiivista, sillä mitä voimakkaampi on synnin halu, sitä vähemmän vakava synti on, kuten toteamme myöhemmin [1734] (A [6] ). Nyt lihallisilla synteillä on voimakkaampi impulssi, nimittäin. luontainen lihanhalumme. Siksi hengelliset synnit ovat sinänsä suurempaa syyllisyyttä.
    ellauri377.html on line 372: Vastaus vastalauseeseen 1: Aviorikos ei kuulu vain himon syntiin, vaan myös epäoikeudenmukaisuuden syntiin, ja tässä suhteessa se voidaan viedä ahneuden pään alle, kuten kiilto huomauttaa Ef.5:5:ssä. "Ei haureutta, ei saastaista tai ahneutta" jne.; niin että aviorikos on paljon vakavampaa kuin varkaus, koska mies rakastaa vaimoaan enemmän kuin irtaimiaan (ei sentään yhtä paljon kuin killuttimiaan).
    ellauri377.html on line 374: Vastaus vastalauseeseen 2: Paholaisen sanotaan iloitsevan pääasiassa himon synnistä, koska se tarttuu eniten, ja ihmisen on vaikein vetäytyä siitä kerran sisään päästyään. "Sillä mielihyvän halu on kyltymätön", kuten filosofi toteaa (Ethic. iii, 12).
    ellauri377.html on line 376: Vastaus vastalauseeseen 3: Kuten filosofi itse sanoo (Ethic. vii, 6), syy siihen, miksi on häpeällisempää olla pidättäytymättä himossa kuin vihassa, on se, että himo on vähemmän järkeä; ja samassa mielessä hän sanoo (Ethic.iii, 10), että "hillittömyyden synnit ovat kaikkein moitteen arvoisia, koska ne koskevat niitä nautintoja, jotka ovat yhteisiä meille ja matelijanaivoille": näin ollen näiden syntien kautta ihminen voi puhua raa'asti; josta samasta syystä Gregory sanoo (Moral. xxxi, 17), että he ovat häpeällisempiä.
    ellauri377.html on line 501: Triple-faced Hekate. Hän jatkoi puhettaan ja sanoi: "Kolmannen luokan nimi on Triple-faced Hekatē, ja sen alaisuudessa on seitsemänkaksikymmentä [arkki]demonia, ja juuri ne menevät ihmisten sisään ja viettelevät heidät vääriin valaisiin ja valoihin. valheita ja himoitsemaan sitä, mikä ei heille kuulu.
    ellauri377.html on line 507: Parhedrōn Typhonista. Hän jatkoi ja sanoi: "Neljännen luokan nimi on Parhedrōn Typhōn, joka on mahtava hallitsija, jonka alaisuudessa on kaksi ja kolmekymmentä demonia. Ja juuri ne menevät ihmisten sisään ja viettelevät heidät himoon, haureuteen, aviorikokseen ja aviorikokseen. Jatkuva yhdynnän harjoittaminen. Sielut, jotka tämä hallitsija sitten ihastuksissaan kuljettaa, viettävät satakaksikymmentäkahdeksan vuotta alueillaan, samalla kun hänen demoninsa piinaavat heitä hänen pimeän savunsa ja pahan tulensa kautta, joten että ne alkavat tuhoutua ja tuhoutua. "Silloin tapahtuu, kun pallo kääntyy ja pieni Sabaōth, Hyvä, hän Keskimmäisestä, jota kutsutaan Zeukseksi, tulee, ja kun hän tulee pallon yhdeksänteen æoniin, jota kutsutaan jousiampujaksi, ja kun Boubastis, jota kutsutaan maailmassa Aphroditeksi, tulee ja hän tulee kolmanteen æoniin sfäärissä, jota kutsutaan Kaksosiksi, silloin vasemmiston ja oikeiston välissä olevat verhot vetäytyvät sivuun, ja sieltä näyttää kieltä ulos Zarazaz, jota hallitsijat kutsuvat alueidensa mahtavan hallitsijan nimellä "Maskelli", ja hän katselee Parhedrōn Typhōnin asuntoja, niin että hänen alueensa hajoavat ja tuhoutuvat. Ja kaikki sielut, jotka ovat hänen rangaistuksissaan, viedään ja heitetään takaisin sfääriin, koska he ovat vähentyneet hänen pimeässä savussaan ja hänen pahassa tulessaan."
    ellauri377.html on line 597: Roomalais-katolisen perinteen mukaan Juudas Taddeusta pidetään toivottomien tapausten suojelupyhimyksenä.
    ellauri378.html on line 62: Saksalainen puolustussyyttäjä Hans Rolfe väittää, että syytetyt eivät olleet ainoita, jotka auttoivat tai jättivät huomiotta natsihallinnon. Hän väittää, että Yhdysvallat on tehnyt yhtä pahoja tai pahempia tekoja kuin natsit, kuten Yhdysvaltain korkeimman oikeuden tuomarin Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.:n tuki ensimmäisille eugeniikkakäytännöille; Saksan ja Vatikaanin Reichskonkordat vuodelta 1933, jota natsien hallitsema Saksan hallitus käytti implisiittisenä varhaisena ulkomaisena tunnustuksena natsien johtajuudesta; Josif Stalinin osa vuoden 1939 natsien ja neuvostoliittojen välisessä sopimuksessa, joka poisti viimeisen suuren esteen Saksan hyökkäykseltä ja Länsi- Puolan miehittämiseltä ja aloitti toisen maailmansodan ; sekä Hiroshiman ja Nagasakin atomipommitukset sodan loppuvaiheessa elokuussa 1945.
    ellauri378.html on line 126: According to him, billionaires are happier than the average person, and it's just because they have more money.
    ellauri378.html on line 169: Gamzatov sai runoonsa Zhuravli (Kurjet) idean Japanissa, jossa hän näki Hiroshiman pommituksen muistomerkin ja kuuli paikallisesta uskomuksesta, että sairas ihminen voi parantua taittelemalla paperista kurkia. Hän kuuli, miten eräs ydinpommin uhri, nuori tyttö, oli epätoivoisesti taitellut tuhatkunta paperikurkea mutta kuoli siitä huolimatta säteilyvammoihin. Ezevverran siitä uskomuxesta.
    ellauri378.html on line 282: Kun katsomme aina takaisin langenneen ihmiselämämme alkuun maan päällä, meidän on pääteltävä, että me langenneet ihmiset aloitimme laskeutumisemme puista insestin avulla. Nykyinen insestiä koskeva kieltomme on ainakin käytännöllinen, ja se on ollut olemassa ihmiskulttuureissa tuhansia vuosia. Puhelinjohtoihin kertyviä geneettisiä häiriöitä ei tule siirtää vauvoille, jos mahdollista. Kun sekä isällä että äidillä on sama sairaus, koska he ovat sisaruksia, heidän vauvansa saattaa periä sairauden ja ehkä kärsiä siitä voimakkaammin. Kainin ja hänen vaimonsa tapauksessa he olivat kuitenkin Aadamin ja Eevan lapsia – jotka olivat täydellisiä Jumalan luomuksia ja joilla ei olisi voinut olla sellaista asiaa kuin geneettinen häiriö. Kainin ja hänen vaimonsa suhde oli veljen ja sisaren välinen avioliitto ihmisten ensimmäisen sukupolven tasolla, ja siksi se oli ilman geneettistä vaaraa. Mutta myöhemmin patriarkaalisen kauden aikana, kun yhä useampia mies- ja naisserkkuja tuli saataville, serkkuja, joilla oli yhä enemmän penkkipunnerruxia ja maastanostoja, tuli esiin mielestäni inhimillinen perustavanlaatuinen käskymme insestiä vastaan.
    ellauri378.html on line 307: I poked him with an angry stick.
    ellauri378.html on line 651: Imprisoned in a brutal gulag known as Vorkuta, Mason befriends a former Red Army soldier named Viktor Reznov, who gives him the identities of their enemies: Dragovich, Colonel Lev Kravchenko, and ex-Nazi scientist Friedrich Steiner, and reveals his history with them. In October 1945, Reznov and Dimitri Petrenko were sent by Kravchenko and Dragovich to extract Steiner, who wished to defect, from a secret Nazi base on Baffin Island. Upon being rescued, Steiner provided the Soviets with the location of a disabled cargo ship carrying the chemical weapon he had originally developed for Adolf Hitler called Nova 6. However, Reznov and his men were betrayed by Dragovich, who wished to see the effects of the gas first-hand; Reznov was forced to watch Petrenko die horrifically, only being spared himself when British Commandos, interested in also acquiring Nova 6, attacked the cargo ship. Reznov detonated the V-2 rockets onboard the ship during his escape to prevent anyone from using the weapon, destroying it and Nova 6, only to be captured by the Soviets and imprisoned in Vorkuta. The Soviets later recreated Nova 6 with the help of a mad British scientist, Daniel Clarke.
    ellauri381.html on line 158: However, by the mid-1950s, sabotage activity petered out, and many agreed to return to a peaceful life. Bandera himself lived in Munich after the war under the protection of MI6, the British intelligence service, with which he was collaborating, until 1959, when he was killed by KGB agent Bohdan Stashynsky with a special gun that fired a syringe loaded with potassium cyanide.
    ellauri381.html on line 192: Se muodostui Neuvostoliiton asevoimien ylimmän johdon esikunnan 23. elokuuta 1941 antamalla määräyksellä osasta pohjoisrintaman joukoista, nimittäin 7., 14. ja 23. armeijan hallinnasta, jotka puolustivat klo. rintaman luomisen aika linjalla Barentsinmereltä Laatokajärvelle. Rintaesikunnan sijainniksi määrättiin Belomorskin kaupunki (Karjalais-Suomen SSR. Karjalan kielellä Šuomua - "soinen maa", suomeksi Sorokka). Ensimmäiset kirjalliset maininnat Sorokajoen asutuksesta ( karjalan kielellä saari - "saari", karjalan kielellä joki - "joki"; "saarijoki", Vyg -joen haaran nimi ) ovat vuodelta 1419. Sieltä kuuluisan luostarin perustajat, vanhimmat German ja Savvaty, lähtivät Solovkiin vuonna 1429. Vuodesta 1551 lähtien Sorotskajan merenrantakylästä tuli tsaari Ivan Julman asetuksella Solovetskin luostarin perintö.
    ellauri381.html on line 406: Em. Konstantin Simonov kirjoitti: "Miksi, tietäen etukäteen, että hän ei pysty kertomaan koko totuutta romaanissa käsitellystä rakennuksen tilanteesta ja luonteesta, kirjoitti Azhaev silti romaaninsa silloin? Tässä voi ilmeisesti syntyä erilaisia ​​vastauksia, mutta jos tämä kysymys kysyttäisiin minulta, vastaisin siihen ymmärrykseni mukaan näin: Azhaev tunsi ilmeisesti syvän sisäisen tarpeen muodossa tai toisessa kirjoittaa edelleen siitä, missä hän oli osallistuja vuonna kivi ja puu ja todistaja ihmisistä, jotka sitten, sotavuosina, rakentaessaan tämän öljyputken, saivat aikaan mahdottomalta vaikuttaneen öljyputken. Tässä kirjassa hän kirjoitti GULAG-vangeista vapaina ihmisinä, Neuvostoliiton kansalaisina, jotka epäinhimillisissä olosuhteissa antoivat oman panoksensa voittoomme fasismista. Ja hän teki tämän aivan tietoisesti, haluten romaanillaan pystyttää muistomerkin heidän ponnisteluilleen, heidän rohkeudestaan ​​ja omistautumisestaan ​​kotimaahansa."
    ellauri381.html on line 465: John-Paul Khimka uskoo, että Solženitsynin näkemykset Ukrainan kansan alkuperästä ja identiteetistä, jotka ilmaistaan ​​kirjassa How Should We Build Russia, ovat identtisiä venäläisten kansallismielisten näkemysten kanssa 1800- 1900- ja 2000-luvun vaihteissa.
    ellauri381.html on line 475: Saaristossa A.I. Solženitsyn maalasi kauhean kuvan leirielämästä, joka vei paitsi kaiken vankien ajan myös kaiken voiman. Hänenkin oli määrä sukeltaa tähän elämään kahdeksaksi vuodeksi. Kuinka hänen "kävelynsä piinauksen läpi" alkoi? Hänen vaimonsa Natalya Alekseevnan mukaan hänen miehensä kirjoitti hänelle kirjeen asettuessaan uuteen paikkaan. Siinä sanottiin, että "hän harkitsee vakavasti englannin kielen opiskelua, pyytää tuomaan lisää puhdasta paperia, kyniä, kyniä, mustetta sippy-kupeissa, englannin oppikirjoja ja sanakirjoja." Näyttää siltä, ​​​​että Alexander Isaevich ei päätynyt piikkilangan taakse, vaan lepokotiin. Osoittautuu, että hän aloitti kidutuksensa komentoasemasta - hänet nimitettiin "savilouhoksen korvaavaksi työnjohtajaksi". (On jo todistettu, että monet hänen kuuluisassa kirjallisessa teoksessaan "Gulagin saaristo" kuvatuista intohimoista eivät perustu henkilökohtaisiin havaintoihin tai asiakirjojen tutkimiseen - ne olivat salaisia ​​- vaan huhuihin ja erilaisiin tarinoihin).
    ellauri381.html on line 509: "Ekibastuzin leiri", kirjoittaa A.I. Solženitsyn, luotiin vuosi ennen saapumistamme - vuonna 1949, ja kaikki täällä kehittyi samalla tavalla kuin ennenkin, kuten se tuotiin leirin vankien ja viranomaisten mieleen. Paikalla oli komentaja, apulaiskomentaja ja kasarmin vanhimmat, toiset nyrkillä, toiset irtisanoen, jotka ahdistelivat alamaisiaan. Siellä oli erillinen idioottien parakki, jossa kokonaisten esineiden ja joukkueiden kohtalo päätettiin ystävällisesti limivuorilla ja teen äärellä. Jokaisessa kasarmissa oli (suomalaisten kasarmien erityisrakenteen ansiosta) erillisiä ”hyttejä”, joissa oli arvoltaan yksi tai kaksi etuoikeutettua vankia. Ja järjestyksenvalvojat löivät minua niskaan, työnjohtaja löi minua kasvoihin, ja esimiehet löivät minua ruoskailla. Ja ylimieliset suurenaamaiset kokit tulivat. Ja kaikki yksityiset kaupat valtasivat vapautta rakastavat valkoihoiset. Ja ylipäällikön paikat valtasi joukko roistoja, joita kaikkia pidettiin insinööreinä. Ja tiedottajat toimittivat säännöllisesti ja rankaisematta irtisanomisensa operatiiviselle yksikölle. Ja vuosi sitten, joka alkoi teltoilla, leirillä oli jo kivivankila - se ei kuitenkaan ollut vielä valmis ja siksi jonon rangaistusselliin jo annettuun määräyksellä joutui odottamaan kuukausi tai kaksi - laittomuutta ja siinä kaikki.
    ellauri381.html on line 585: Ignat Solzhenitsyn is adamant that his father’s withdrawal from the public sphere was a reaction to the suffering and paranoia he had encountered in the Soviet Union, and the need to write about these experiences. It was not a disapproval of his host country that drove him to hide behind barbed wire fences in the Vermont woods.
    ellauri382.html on line 212: Lisäksi pidämme nauramisesta. Ja vaikka Trump saattaa olla naurettava, hän ei ole koskaan sanonut mitään röyhkeää, nokkelaa tai edes hieman huvittavaa – ei kerran, koskaan. En sano sitä retorisesti, tarkoitan sitä aivan kirjaimellisesti: ei kerran, en koskaan. Ja tämä tosiasia on erityisen huolestuttava brittiläiselle herkkyydelle – meille huumorin puute on lähes epäinhimillistä. Mutta Trumpin kohdalla se on tosiasia. Hän ei näytä edes ymmärtävän, mitä vitsi on – hänen ajatuksensa vitsistä on törkeä kommentti, lukutaidoton loukkaus, satunnainen julmuus.
    ellauri382.html on line 228: Jumala tietää, että maailmassa on aina ollut tyhmiä ihmisiä, koska se on tehnyt ne. Ja myös paljon ilkeitä ihmisiä. Mutta harvoin tyhmyys on ollut niin ilkeää tai ilkeys niin tyhmää. Hän saa Nixonin näyttämään luotettavalta ja George W. Pensaan älykkäältä. Itse asiassa, jos Frankenstein päättäisi tehdä hirviön, joka on koottu kokonaan inhimillisistä puutteista, hän tekisi Trumpin.
    ellauri382.html on line 321: With the help of three other men, including two to give him a boost and one to stand as a lookout, the young man leaped over the barrier and ran further into American territory.
    ellauri382.html on line 335: Photo of the Yugoslavian fighter girl (Liba Radij) aged 17, while executed by the Nazis in 1943. The commander said to her: If you mention the names of your colleagues, I will release you immediately. She said to him: You will know them when they come to avenge me. And indeed, they later came and executed him on the same tree with the same rope!! The cowards die while they are alive, and the brave live on while they are dead, though as memes only. Monkeys die, but vendetta lives on.
    ellauri382.html on line 358:
    Aika parru planeetan pahimmalla pikkumiehellä. Pysyyköhän kovana...

    ellauri382.html on line 373: Entrepreneur Jesse Itzler, upon seeing Goggins perform at a 24-hour ultramarathon, hired Goggins to live with him in his house for a month. Itzler wrote about his experience on a blog and later published the story as a book Living With A Seal.
    ellauri382.html on line 590: Gas Light was written during a 8-year dark period in Hamilton´s life. Six years prior to the play Hamilton was hit by a drunk driver and dragged through the streets of London, leaving him with a limp, a paralysed arm, and a disfigured face. Two years later, Hamilton´s mother took her own life.
    ellauri382.html on line 623: Henkilökohtaisestikin aloin löytää enemmän lohtua muinaisista viisauksista, kuten stoilaisuudesta ja buddhalaisuudesta, perinteisen psykologian sijaan. Tein lopputyöni muinaisen stoalaisen Marcus Aureliuksen työn ja buddhalaisuuden pyhien kirjoitusten risteytyksestä. Minulla on kosolti kokemuksia mielenterveysongelmista. Minua turhauttaa se, että kuulen usein halventavia nimityksiä, kuten "manipuloiva" tai "huomiota etsivä", vaikka ezin vain omaa etua, pursuit of happiness. Nykyinen intohimoni on erittäin intensiivisten ja varakkaiden aikuisten valmennus.
    ellauri382.html on line 686: Kun synnyit maailmaan nopeilla aivoilla, raivokkaalla intohimolla, kyvyllä nähdä asiat läpitunkevasti ja tuntea asiat syvästi, sinun tulee vain hyväxyä se. Niin minäkin tein. Kuten kehosi jo tietää, omahyväisen ilmeesi tukahduttaminen johtaa eksistentiaaliseen syyllisyyteen, masennukseen, levottomuuteen, fyysiseen kipuun ja krooniseen tyhjyyteen. Tavallaan sinulla ei ole muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin mennä mihin intensiteettisi johtaa. Superärsyttävät ihmiset ovat todellisia yhteiskunnan pelinjohtajia.
    ellauri383.html on line 266: The main opponents of the formula for determining the market price of coal were large energy-intensive enterprises - mainly ferroalloy and electrometallurgical enterprises, which belong to oligarchs Igor Kolomoisky and Viktor Pinchuk. The object of criticism and media attacks was the DTEK holding, the largest coal producer and operator the majority of thermal power plants. TV channels controlled by Kolomoisky and Pinchuk accused DTEK of receiving super-profits. Since the owner of 100% of DTEK shares is entrepreneur Rinat Akhmetov, criticism was also directed at him.
    ellauri383.html on line 289: Raamatussa tähdistö olisi yksi monista Elohimin, koko Vanhan testamentin tarinan päähenkilökokonaisuuden, alkuperäpaikoista. What does the Bible say about Orion? There are 100 Bible Verses about Orion, more or less helpful (mostly less). Only Amos and Job mention it by name.
    ellauri383.html on line 322: To the choirmaster: according to The Gittith. A Psalm of David. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger. When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor....
    ellauri383.html on line 334: Then Job answered and said: “Truly I know that it is so: But how can a man be in the right before God? If one wished to contend with him, one could not answer him once in a thousand times. He is wise in heart and mighty in strength —who has hardened himself against him, and succeeded?— he who removes mountains, and they know it not, when he overturns them in his anger,...
    ellauri383.html on line 376: To him who made the great lights, for his steadfast love endures forever; the sun to rule over the day, for his steadfast love endures forever; the moon and stars to rule over the night, for his steadfast love endures forever;
    ellauri383.html on line 400: The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near. John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood...
    ellauri383.html on line 412: On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus also was invited to the wedding with his disciples. When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”...
    ellauri383.html on line 418: And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years,
    ellauri383.html on line 463: Saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”
    ellauri383.html on line 479: Orion on myös yksi vanhimmista tähtikuvioista, jonka tunsivat varhaiset kreikkalaiset kirjailijat, kuten Homeros ja Hesiodos. Jopa avaruuskaudella Orion on edelleen yksi harvoista tähtijoukoista, jotka muut kuin tähtitieteilijät, esim trinidadilainen matu, voivat tunnistaa.
    ellauri383.html on line 519: Lotsa people in Trininad used to hear The Voice of God, V.S. Naipaul tells. One of them even let himself be tied to a balsa Cross but got pissed when people began to throw at him largish stones. Ei jumalauta nyt loppu hei! Laama sabakhthaani! In the previous Gem I opened up the topic of hearing God’s Voice and I gave you the list of guys to whom God had spoken to in our Jakarta and Sysmä based Cell Groups over the years. But how do I know whether It Is God or me? Realize there are times when God Himself breaks the rules. He does that. He is not at all a God who is stuck in his own silly old rules! That is when we may well grasp the wrong end of His humongous stick. That could spell the end of our intimacy with His nugget...
    ellauri384.html on line 216: For me, the reason is because those things are fundamentally hard to believe. If I told you that I had a unicorn friend named Gary, and that Gary had created the universe, and that he was my own personal special friend, and Gary loved me, and Gary was going to take me and everybody I care about to a magic kingdom in the clouds called “Sallbach” where everybody gets a flying pony, but if you don’t love Gary and accept him as your best, most special friend, then he’s going to send you to a place called “Moplach” where you will be drowned in molasses, not only would have have a hard time believing in Sallbach and Moplach…
    ellauri384.html on line 315: Pisistratus, joka johti köyhiä, näytti olevan halukkain kaikista. Pisistratus oli sujuva puhuja ja petoksen mestari. Hän huijasi köyhän ja jopa vanhan Solonin, joka sanoi, että jos vain kunnianhimon mato voitaisiin kitkata Pisistratuksen päästä, parempaa kansalaista ei olisi.
    ellauri384.html on line 331:

    Russian snitch who snitched on snatch is charged himself

    ellauri384.html on line 350: Tässä on tärkeää huomata, että kaikkien ei ole Aristoteleen mukaan sopivaa tavoitella korkeinta inhimillistä hyvää. Jokaisen on etsittävä sitä, mikä on hyvää luonteensa mukaisesti, mutta jokainen luonto ei sovellu korkeimpaan hyvään. Siksi Aristoteles väittää, että isännän hyvyys on erilaista kuin orjan; aviomiehen hyvyys eroaa vaimon hyvyydestä; ja vanhemman hyvyys eroaa lapsen hyvyydestä. Lisäksi orja etsii hyvyyttään isännän kautta, vaimo miehensä kautta ja lapsi vanhemman kautta. Siten vapaan aikuisen miehen, perheen isännän, on etsittävä korkeinta hyvää – näin ollen Aristoteleen mielestä hänen on etsittävä kaltaistaan poliittista seuraa. Tällä tavalla Aristoteles sulkee poliisien ulkopuolelle orjat, naiset ja lapset – he elävät siinä, mutta pamputettuina.
    ellauri384.html on line 385: After five seasons, 20 Emmy awards and plenty of Jewish jokes, the hit series “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” will air its final episode on Friday. Lebanese Christian Adrian Monk played Midge's complaining dad in the first season. The acclaimed Amazon Prime show by creator Amy Sherman-Palladino has enveloped viewers in a shimmering, candy-colored version of New York during the late 1950s and early 1960s — a world in which "money" meant Jewish money, “humor” meant Jewish humor and “culture” meant Jewish culture.
    ellauri384.html on line 391: Weissmans were well-to-do professionals from Upper East side, Meisels filthy rich garment industrialists from Lower West. The 2010's Mrs. Maisel battles misogyny but takes little interest in other societal evils — including still-rampant antisemitism. Some critics have noted that she is oblivious to segregated facilities when she tours with Black singer Shy Baldwin, then nearly outs him as gay during her set. 'Mrs. Maisel’ takes place in a supersaturated fantasy 1958 New York, one where antisemitism, racism, homophobia and even sexism are daily bread,” writer Rokhl Kafrissen said in 2018.
    ellauri386.html on line 82: Venäjällä heinäkuussa 1871 perhe oli jälleen taloudellisissa vaikeuksissa ja joutui myymään jäljellä olevan omaisuutensa. Konstantin Pobedonostsev, tuleva kaikkein pyhimmän synodin keisarillinen päävaltuutettu, vaikutti Dostojevskin poliittiseen etenemiseen konservatismiin. Annan kurkkuun kehittyi paise. Heinäkuun tienoilla 1874 hän matkusti Emsiin ja meni lääkäriin, joka diagnosoi hänelle akuutin puhekatarrin. Oleskelunsa aikana hän aloitti The Adolescentin. Se käsittelee ensisijaisesti isän ja pojan suhdetta, josta tuli usein puhe Dostojevskin myöhemmissä teoksissa. Hänen poikansa Aljosha sai vakavan epilepsiakohtauksen ja siihen kuoli hän. Fedjalla oli keuhkoemfyseema. Vetiköhän se röökiä ihan ketjussa kuten Kristiina täti takavuosina?
    ellauri386.html on line 201: Dmitri on miehen intohimoinen puoli, jonka huulilta valuu säkeitä Dostojevskin suosikkirunoista ja jonka taloudelliset murheet vastaavat kirjailijan, joka kerran kirjoitti veljelleen siitä, kuinka hänen vahtivuorollaan "ruplat ryyppäävät kuin ravut kaikkiin suuntiin. Ohjeita?"
    ellauri386.html on line 314: Intohimoisen miehen pyhiinvaellus
    ellauri386.html on line 416: George Orwell pahexui kirjaa jyrkästi: Twain haaskasi aikaansa boffooneryyn Connecticutin jenkki King Arthur's Court niteessä, mikä on tahallista imartelua kaikelle amerikkalaisen elämän pahimmalle ja vulgaarisimmalle.
    ellauri386.html on line 573: Euroopassa 1900-luvulla käytyjen kahden suursodan jälkeisen historian valossa Dostojevskin ja Solovjovin pahimmat pelot näyttäisivät toteutuneen, sillä ei ole nähty ortodoksisen maailmankirkon syntyvän ja laajenevan Venäjältä Eurooppaan, vaan jotakin aivan muuta. Eurooppa on puolessa vuosisadassa yhdistynyt Euroopan unioniksi, jättänyt Venäjän ulkopuolelleen ja asteittain laajentunut painaen Venäjää kohti Aasiaa, minne niin monet eurooppalaiset kautta vuosisatojen ovat katsoneet Venäjän kuuluvankin. Kuva Dostojevskin ja Solovjovin painajaisesta täydentyy, kun muistetaan, miten Euroopan yhdentyminen on käynnistynyt. Yksi tärkeä aatteellis-poliittinen sysäys yhdentymiseen lähti roomalaiskatolisesta valtiomieskolmikosta Rober Schuman (Ranskan pääministeri ja ulkoministeri vuosina 1947-1952), Alcide de Gasperi (Italian pääministeri vuosina 1945-1953) ja Konrad Adenauer (Länsi-Saksan liittokansleri vuosina 1949-1963). Näiden kolmen paskakasan yhteistyön perustana oli heille yhteinen kristillisdemokraattinen puoluetausta ja saksan kieli. Sen lisäksi tähän Euroopan yhdentymiskehitykseen ovat merkittävästi vaikuttaneet sodanjälkeiset aatteet ja politiikka Venäjällä. Sosialistisesta Neuvostoliitosta Eurooppa sai yhteisen vihollisen, jonka luoma uhka oli omiaan lähentämään eurooppalaisia valtioita toisiinsa ja tasoittamaan niiden kansallisia tunteita ja eturistiriitoja. EEC:n syntymiseen johtaneen Rooman sopimuksen (1957) luonnostelija belgialainen Paul-Henri Spaak on muistelmissaan The Continuing Battle: Memoirs of a European, 1936-1966 työntänyt monet "Euroopan yhdentymisen isät" korokkeelta väittämällä, että tuo titteli ei kuulu kenellekään muulle kuin Josef Stalinille. Näin todetessaan Spaak tulee ilmaisseeksi myös eurooppalaisten pohjimmaisen tunteen Venäjää kohtaan: pelon ja torjunnan.
    ellauri389.html on line 55: Elia (AKA Calle Lammas) presents Chinese porcelain as a visually beguiling item that induces in him an "almost feminine" desire. Such gendered description of longing suggests Elia's participation in a distinctively female consumer culture, and hence his representativeness for the set of social and economic attributes historically associated with it.
    ellauri389.html on line 71: The nominal occasion of Lamb's essay is not just Elia's purchase of the teacup, but also Britain's en- trance into China, as it began with the East India Company's annexation of Singa Pura (Singapore) in 1819. The event, which was a pivotal moment in British imperial expansion, extended imperial activity from South Asia to the Far East. More importantly, the development revised a longstanding Sino-British trade imbalance that was particularly caused by porcelain and tea, and hence necessitated a change in British attitudes toward luxury purchases such as porcelain that reversed the animus previously demonstrated by Fielding, who complained that brits echanged the gold of one India to the clay ("mud") of another. Indeed, "Old China" facetiously depicts a cultural sinicization presumably precipitated by this intensification in East Asia-based imperial activity: Elia drinks tea "unmixed," in the Chinese fashion, and experiences an "almost feminine" pleasure in porcelain that likens him to the androgynous "men with women's faces" that Elia associates with China. Fuck the guy was obviously gay.
    ellauri389.html on line 83: Coleridge's "Kubla Khan" already suggests that Coleridge (the Brit) himself is the next poet-hero and successor to China's genius. As a fragment, however, the poem's famously incomplete glimpse of Chinese brilliance foregrounds the poem's failure to realize its promise. Lamb's essay provides a more contemporary explanation of Coleridge's dream: cheap porcelain was the immanent inspiration of "Kubla Khan."
    ellauri389.html on line 123: Around 1811 Charles Lloyd started suffering from auditory hallucinations and "fits of aberration" that resulted in his being confined to an asylum; first at The Retreat, followed by a private asylum at Gretford in Lincolnshire. From 1813 to 1815 he translated nineteen tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri into blank verse (revised and augmented to twenty-two in 1876 by Edgar Alfred Bowring). In 1818 he escaped and turned up at De Quincey's cottage, claiming to be the devil, but managed to reason himself out of that conviction. Soon after he recovered, temporarily, and rejoined his wife in London. A small volume of poems in 1823 ended this burst of creativity, and from that time almost nothing is known of him. He died near Versailles, France, in 1839 aged 63.
    ellauri389.html on line 239: Crazy or not, it’s a worrying sign for philosophy in the academy. Someone who’s very good at conveying complex philosophical ideas in plain English– a good teacher, in other words – has come to the conclusion that a university is not the best place for him to be. An applied philosopher is not like a real one: Barring ordinary language philosophers, if you ask them direct questions in ordinary language they can’t answer without jargon and mystification. When faced with the need to explain what they’re doing and why it should be of interest to anyone at all outside of that culture, they look like flounders, both eyes on the same side of the skull. Not the best ones, like Quentin Skinner, Philip Pettit, and Peter Singer, who are all praised for their minds and their humanity, as well as the ability to think out of the fly and express themselves lucidly. No Perer Rabbit ainaskin on sertifioitu paska, varmaan siis noi 2 muutakin n.h ja Nigel ize.
    ellauri389.html on line 244: Philip Noel Pettit AC (s. 1945) on irlantilainen filosofi ja poliittinen teoreetikko . Hän on Laurance S. Rockefeller - yliopiston politiikan ja inhimillisten arvojen professori Princetonin yliopistossa ja myös arvostettu filosofian yliopistoprofessori Australian kansallisessa yliopistossa. Pahalta kuulostaa, Philip Piskuila! Mitäs hän on mieltä tärkeistä kymysyxistä?
    ellauri389.html on line 267: “My grandfather gave me some really strange books to read, including Colin Wilson’s The Outsider and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. He was an autodidact, left school at about twelve, a completely self-taught man, so he had a very eclectic taste. He would pass on books that interested him, some were philosophical books, and they interested me too.
    ellauri389.html on line 379: As early as 1795 he published a volume of poems at Carlisle, which display a thoughtfulness unusual at his age. In 1796 he made the acquaintance of Coleridge on the latter's visit to Birmingham to enlist subscribers to his Watchman. Fascinated with Coleridge's conversation, Lloyd "proposed even to domesticate with him, and made him such a pecuniary offer that Coleridge immediately acceded to the proposal." This was £80 a year, in return for which Coleridge was to devote 3 hours every morning to his instruction; and although the undertaking (apart from the "domestication") may not have been very strictly performed, Lloyd, much later in life, speaks with enthusiasm of the benefit he had derived from Coleridge's society.
    ellauri389.html on line 399: His abilities as a thinker were overrated highly. "It was really a delightful luxury," declares De Quincey, "to hear him giving free scope to his powers for investigating subtle combinations of character." "His mind," says Talfourd, "was chiefly remarkable for a fine power of analysis. In this power of discriminating and distinguishing, in a word nitpicking, carried almost to a pitch of painfulness, Lloyd has scarcely been equalled."
    ellauri389.html on line 405: Meanwhile Lloyd was placed in an asylum near York, from which he escaped about 1818, and found his way back to Westmoreland, where he suddenly reappeared at De Quincey's cottage. De Quincey vividly describes his condition and conversation, but does not mention, what he privately told Woodhouse, that Lloyd laboured to convince him of his (Lloyd's) identity with the devil, and in trying to establish this assertion ultimately reasoned himself out of it. This anecdote confirms the testimony of Talfourd: "Poor Charles Lloyd! Delusions of the most melancholy kind thickened over his latter days, yet left his admirable intellect free for the finest processes of severe reasoning."
    ellauri389.html on line 413: From this time he was silent like a cuckoo after Midsummer, and precise details of his latter days are wanting, but the tone of De Quincey and Talfourd leaves no doubt that they were clouded by insanity, which, nevertheless, left him the power, while sunk in despondency respecting his own condition, of discussing speculative questions with interest and acuteness.
    ellauri389.html on line 419: De Quincey compares him with Rousseau, whom he certainly resembles in craziness, sentimental pensiveness and intense love of nature. As a descriptive poet he has considerable quantitative merit, and exhibits that gift of minute observation so frequently found combined with powers of mental analysis.
    ellauri389.html on line 434: John Donnen vaimokin oli Ann Donne. Cowper's mother, Anne Donne, belonged to the same family as John Donne. William himself boldly called John his "ancestor" in prose and his "fore-father" in verse. Research indicates that Cowper's mother, Ann Donne, was not a direct descendant of John Donne.
    ellauri389.html on line 438: Knowing there was no chance of obtaining Sir George’s blessing on their union, the two married secretly, probably in December 1601. For this offense Sir George had Donne briefly imprisoned and dismissed from his post with Egerton as well. He also denied Anne’s dowry to Donne. Because of the marriage, moreover, all possibilities of a career in postal service were dashed, and Donne found himself at age 30 with neither prospects for employment nor adequate funds with which to support his household.
    ellauri389.html on line 442: During the next 10 years Donne lived in poverty and humiliating dependence, first on the charity of Anne’s cousin at Pyrford, Surrey, then at a house in Mitcham, about 7 miles (11 km) from London, and sometimes in a London apartment, where he relied on the support of noble patrons. All the while he repeatedly tried (and failed) to secure employment, and in the meantime his family was growing; Anne ultimately bore 12 children, 5 of whom died before they reached maturity. Donne’s letters show his love and concern for his wife during these years: “Because I have transplanted her into a wretched fortune, I must labour to disguise that from her by all such honest devices, as giving her my company, and discourse.” About himself, however, Donne recorded only despair: “To be part of no body is as nothing; and so I am. … I am rather a sickness or a disease of the world than any part of it and therefore neither love it nor life.”
    ellauri389.html on line 444: In 1614 King James I refused Donne’s final attempt to secure a post at court and said that he would appoint him to nothing outside the church. By this time Donne himself had come to believe he had a religious vocation, and he finally agreed to take holy orders.
    ellauri389.html on line 587: Niissä loisti kuun himmeä kiilto,
    ellauri389.html on line 673: Todista, että sinulla on inhimillisiä tunteita,
    ellauri390.html on line 70: By the terms of a new treaty with the federal government in 1856, the band moved to its present site in Shawano County. The General Allotment Act of 1887 resulted in the loss of a great deal of land by the Stockbridge-Munsee. In the Great Depression, the tribe lost yet more land. However, in the early 1930’s the Stockbridge-Munsee experienced a reawakening of their identity and began reorganizing. In 1932 they even took over the town council of Red Springs under the provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, created an activist Business Committee and started to regain some of their land. The Secretary of the Interior affirmed the reservation in 1937, for which the tribe is to him forever grateful.
    ellauri390.html on line 254: Syksyllä 1945 Vsevolodin pojanpojan, neuvostotaiteilija Igor Krestovskyn elämässä tapahtui traaginen tapahtuma. Jo ennen sodan alkua hänelle annettiin ase ja metsästyksestä tuli hänen todellinen intohimonsa. Metsässä Vyritsan lähistöllä ankkoja metsästäessään häntä ammuttiin vahingossa silmään, joka oli poistettava. Peläten, että tämä voisi vaikuttaa hänen värikäsitykseensä, Krestovsky siirtyi ulkomaalaukseen. Hän menetti näkönsä pysähtyneisyyden kaudella 70-luvulla.
    ellauri390.html on line 260: Natasha lupasi kostaa kaikille Tšetševinskyille, mutta sillä välin hänet tuodaan kylään Annan luo, jossa hän elää omaa hiljaista elämäänsä: yksi päähenkilöistä, prinssi Shadursky, ikävystyksestä asuessaan kesällä hänen tilansa viettelee nuoren naapurin läheisestä tilasta - prinsessa Anna Chechevinskaya. Kesä kuitenkin loppuu ja sankarit palaavat Pietarin sosiaaliseen elämään. Mutta Anna on raskaana... Hän synnyttää Shadurskyn tyttären salaisessa turvakodissa hänen kaltaisille "laittomille" äideille. Eikä hän tiedä, että seuraavalla osastolla, heti syntymänsä jälkeisenä päivänä, toinen nainen synnyttää pojan - prinsessa Shadurskaya, prinssin laillinen vaimo, mutta hän synnyttää lapsen ei häneltä, vaan juureton mies, joka työskenteli heidän talossaan johtajana Mordenko, jonka kunnianhimo ja pyrkimykset saavat hänet haluamaan tasavertaiseksi jaloherrojen kanssa, on käynyt luukulla.
    ellauri390.html on line 275: Romaanissa esitetyissä tilanteissa ei ole sijaa jaloudelle ja kunnialle, ei ole sijaa edes perusinhimilliselle ystävällisyydelle ja säädyllisyydelle. Hirviömäinen yhteiskuntarakenne tuhoaa ihmisessä kaiken hyvän ja jyväshyvän. Julmuus ja laittomuus - sosiaalinen, kansallinen, aineellinen - voivat ja saavat aikaan vain vielä suurempaa julmuutta ja laittomuutta. Yhteiskunta on kuuro, yhteiskunta on välinpitämätön. Sellainen yhteiskunta tuhoaa itsensä. Kirjoittaja syyttää häntä kertoen tarinan ankarasti ja samalla yksinkertaisesti, ilman koristelua tai epiteettejä. N. S. Leskovin [Mitä vittua?] romaania "Pietarin slummit" pidettiin "sosialistisimpana venäjän kielen romaanina".
    ellauri390.html on line 563: Hanhen johtopäätös oli sama kuin nilkillä: "kyvyttömyytemme ymmärtää toisiamme on inhimillisen kärsimyksen tärkein lähde." Vittu se on mikään lingvistinen ongelma, se on vanha tuttu aterioivien filosofien haarukka: apinat käyvät reviirikisoja, karsintoja kun haarukoita ei riitä kaikille.
    ellauri390.html on line 583: To his amazement, at the end of the six months, he received a letter telling him he’d been admitted to the program anyway. Somebody had died.
    ellauri390.html on line 588: Shortly after his return, he had a stream of conscious typing experience that lasted for 21 days. What flowed through him became a little book called, The Cafe on the Edge of the World. The inspirational story went on to be translated into 44 languages, win Bestseller of the Year nine times, and inspire millions of readers around the world. This despite being rejected by fifty-four publishers.
    ellauri390.html on line 590: John is a #1 Bestselling author, inspirational speaker, and adventure traveler. His purpose is to create museum day moments for himself and hoodwink all others. Jackin mieliturauxia ovat
    ellauri391.html on line 163: Joachim Ringwormin sanan teologiasta löytyy vastauxia. Joachim Ringleben (* 24. Juli 1945 in Flensburg) ist ein lutherischer Theologe, Universitätsprofessor und war von 2000 bis 2016 Abt des Klosters Burschfelde bei Hann. Münden im Weserbergland. Joachim Ringleben is a leading Hamann expert.
    ellauri391.html on line 233: His opponents in Congress, who he felt were sabotaging his program for their own political gain, unfairly painted him blue and black as a callous and cruel President. Hoover became the scapegoat for the Depression and was badly defeated in 1932. In the 1930’s he became a powerful critic of the New Deal, warning against tendencies toward statism.
    ellauri391.html on line 250: Deformoidut kähmivät. Left to right at a 1956 Evangelical Lutheran Church annual meeting in Wuppertal are Upper Church Councillor (Oberkirchenrat) him_Beckmann">Joachim Beckmann (1901–1987), Hans Iwand, German theologian Wilhelm Schneemelcher (1914–2003), and Swiss theologian Karl Barth (1886–1968).
    ellauri391.html on line 275:
    Arjalainen ahimsamerkki. Die Strasse frei den braunen Bataillionen. Suomen ilmavoimat käytti hakaristiä voll Hoffnung talvisodassa. Frank Zappa lauloi karvaisena ahimsasta. Frank Pappa ei.

    ellauri391.html on line 281: "Wir sind alle dort gerichtet." Nyt kyllä pomppasi, päinvastoin, mehän päästiin pälkähästä koska Jepa toimi syntipukkina. Nyt astui Hans Joachim jälleen kakkaan. Kanoottikristologia on luterilainen harhaoppi.
    ellauri391.html on line 283: Kanotismi oli 1600-luvun alussa syntynyt, mutta varsinaisesti Gottfried Thomasiuksen 1850-luvulla ottavaxi hiaisema tulkinta Kristuksen jumalallisuuden ja ihmisyyden suhteesta. Inkarnaatioon sisältyy kenosis, vapaaehtoinen luopuminen kaikista jumalallisista ominaisuuksista (etenkin kaikkitietävyydestä): Kristus alistaa itsensä täydellisesti ihmiskunnan tasolle (Fil. 2:6-8). On siis täysin oikeutettua korostaa Kristuksen inhimillisyyttä ja kärsimystä ihmisenä.
    ellauri391.html on line 450: Martin Luther syntyi Hans ja Margaretha Luderin poikana. Ruumiikkaita ryynimakkaroita koko porukka. Martin nimi tuli Toursin pyhältä Martilta, joka on köyhien ja muuten vaivaisten suojelija. Hänet kuzuttiin 370 Toursin piispaksi. Hän oli niin vaatimaton, että kuultuaan kutsusta hän piiloutui hanhitarhaan, mutta äänekkäät hanhet paljastivat hänen piilonsa. Sen kunniaxi hanhet teurastetaan Martin päivänä. Martti oli ensimmäinen läntisessä kirkossa pyhimyksen arvon saanut henkilö, joka ei kuollut marttyyrina.
    ellauri391.html on line 508: [5.6. klo 9.14] Oma Profiili: Contemporary discussion of quietism can be traced back to Ludwig Wittgenstein, whose work greatly influenced the ordinary language philosophers. While Wittgenstein himself did not advocate quietism, he expressed sympathy with the viewpoint.
    ellauri391.html on line 572: Kimhi wants to rescue the intuition that it is a logical contradiction to say, “It’s raining, but I don’t believe it’s raining.” But to do this, he has to reject the idea that when you assert a proposition, what you are doing is adding psychological force (“I think … ”) to abstract content (“it’s raining”). Instead, Kimhi argues that a self-conscious, first-person perspective — an “I” — is internal to logic. For him, to judge that “it’s raining” is the same as judging “I believe it’s raining,” which is the same as judging “it’s false that it’s not raining.” All are facets of a single act of mind.
    ellauri392.html on line 117: Toisaalta hänen näkemyksensä ovat suurelta osin ristiriidassa Martin Heideggerin ja hänen oppilaansa Hans-Georg Gadamerin sekä WK Wimsattin ja Monroe Beardsleyn näkemysten kanssa kirjallisuusteosten "semanttisesta autonomiasta" teoksissa "The Intentional Fallacy". ja "The Affective Fallacy". Wimsatt ja Beardsley uhosivat, että teksti on ensisijainen merkityksen lähde, ja kaikki tekijän halujen tai elämän yksityiskohdat ovat toissijaisia. Nämä ovat elämä ja teos -menetelmän pahimmat mustamaalaajat.
    ellauri392.html on line 210: paljastan piiloni mustetahralla peilissä. Hiän ei tiedä että lähimmäinen on näkymätön mies
    ellauri392.html on line 264: Ymmärrän, että tämän johdannon sävy saattaa kuulostaa hieman oudolta ja jopa kiihottavalta, mutta kirjoitan Israelin ja Hamasin välisen sodan 22. päivänä  ja olen hyvin tosissani. Juuri nyt sotaa käydään Gazassa ja Israelissa; se tapahtuu myös Libanonissa ja Syyriassa ja Länsirannalla. Nämä maantieteelliset paikat ovat rakkaita suurelle osalle maailman väestöstä, koska ne ovat juutalaisuuden ja kristinuskon syntypaikka ja niillä on suuri merkitys islamille. Tämän maan voidaan sanoa kuuluvan "vanhemman" teemaamme. Ja on äärimmäisen vaikeaa – toisinaan melkein sietämätöntä – kohdata toisensa sodan aikana ja muistaa yhteinen perusinhimillisyys. Lämmin pyssy handussa vanhemmilla ja piscuiset paiscattuina ciwiin.
    ellauri392.html on line 344: That Judas perished by hanging himself, there is no certainty in Scripture: though in one place it seems to affirm it, and by a doubtful word hath given occasion to translate it; yet in another place, in a more punctual description, it maketh it improbable, and seems to overthrow it. (“Literature” 71)
    ellauri392.html on line 406: I don’t blame him. He didn’t feel
    ellauri392.html on line 518: I wish they had kept him enslaved.
    ellauri392.html on line 535: (read him too) I, Helen, I Iseult, I Guenevere,
    ellauri392.html on line 743: Another Bellow’s novel, Dangling Man, is written in the personal voice of the protagonist whose principal domain is his own sensibility, and whose principal audience is he himself. The text is striking in its exclusion of the female voice, its enactment of a homo-social male world, and the overt narcissism and misogyny of its protagonist, Joseph. It is the story of a young man caught in the trap of self-pity, who believes that intellectual or spiritual enlightenment is to be attained by personal isolation within the confines of a cheap New York boarding house room while he studies the writers of the Enlightenment. Failing that, he joins the Merchant Marine just to fail there too. Saul's own life story to the dot.
    ellauri392.html on line 745: Herzog continues to be Bellow’s “biggest book” and it used to be on the New York Times best-seller list for one entire year. At its heart is Bellow’s profound shock at discovering, a year after his separation from Sondra, (Alexandra Tschacbasov, his second wife) her affair with their mutual friend, Jack Ludwig, Bellow lapsed into deep depression and produced an intensely self-justifying hero who was tearful, cuckolded, and utterly humiliated. Moses Herzog, a Jewish intellectual type is essentially precipitated into intellectual and spiritual crisis by the failure of his marriage. The plot of the novel is slender. Herzog leaves his home and marriage, fails in the classroom, abandons his academic project, and undertakes a mas-sive spiritual and intellectual obligation to keep the letters for God. At the end of it, he seems to have regained his sense of Jewish identity, purged himself of violent anger, abandoned his latest mistresses, and repented for his dandy style. He has had a profound education in the realities of human nature, and rediscovered the value of nature and solitude on his lushy Ludeyville estate.
    ellauri392.html on line 865: Kun ranskalainen filosofi Jacques Derrida kuoli viime kuussa seitsemänkymmentäneljänä, vastaus oli äänekäs, intohimoinen ja ennustettavasti jakautunut väestörakenteen mukaan. Jos vastaus tuli akatemian ulkopuolelta, se oli yleensä hämmentynyt tai kriittinen. Jos vastaus tuli professoriaatin purlieusista, se oli kuitenkin todennäköisesti surullista, ylistävää, jopa tähtimäistä.
    ellauri393.html on line 124: "Project Sunshineen” liittyvä salaliitto oli sellainen että Hiroshiman ja Nagasakin jälkeen Yhdysvaltain hallitus aloitti suuren tutkimuksen mitatakseen ydinlaskeuman vaikutusta ihmiskehoon.
    ellauri393.html on line 209: Varhaisilla ihmisillä oli suuremmat leuat kuin meillä, ja niissä oli paljon tilaa kolmannelle poskihammasryhmälle ylhäällä ja alhaalla. Sittemmin olemme kehittäneet aivot, jotka vievät tilaa kallossamme, joten nuo hampaat eivät aina mahdu pienentyneisiin leukoihimme – ne kehittyvät ienten sisällä, mutta ilman tilaa kasvaa, ne aiheuttavat kipua ja tulehduksia ja ne poistetaan usein.
    ellauri393.html on line 286: Saunders on Norman Rockwell luokan vässykkä. Rockwellin lehtikuvittajan ura alkoi Boy’s Life -lehdestä vuonna 1913, ja pian hänet tunnettiin ”poikakuvittajana” joka sai toimeksiantoja muiltakin kasvatuksellisilta nuortenlehdiltä, kuten St. Nicholas, American Boy ja Youth’s Companion. Jotain vähän pederastista oli siinäkin. Rockwell oli lieväshti nyrjähtänyt, Erik Eriksonin (os Salomonsen, hapajuutalainen) potilas. Celebrated as a painter of American ideals, he was actually craving male beauty. Deborah Solomon makes a clear case of him.
    ellauri393.html on line 292: Although he married three times and raised a family, Rockwell acknowledged that he didn’t pine for women. They made him feel imperiled. He preferred the nearly constant companionship of men whom he perceived as physically strong. It may have represented Rockwell’s solution to the problem of feeling wimpish and small. Rockwell, who was born in New York City in 1894, the son of a textile salesman, attributed much about his life and his work to his underwhelming physique. As a child he felt overshadowed by his older brother, Jarvis, a first-rate student and athlete. Norman, by contrast, was slight and pigeon-toed and squinted at the world through owlish glasses. His grades were barely passing and he struggled with reading and writing—today, he surely would be labeled dyslexic. Growing up in an era when boys were still judged largely by their body type and athletic prowess, he felt, he once wrote, like “a lump, a long skinny nothing, a bean pole without beans.” Assistants looked better than the missus. “Fred is most fetching in his long flannels,” he notes appreciatively.
    ellauri393.html on line 365: Tamara kertoo avoimesti monista rakkaussuhteistaan, ja kuinka hän opetti aviomiehensä Aatos Tapalan rakastelemaan. Suomessa Tamara Lundin rohkeutta ihasteltiin ja päiviteltiin. Monet ihmettelivät, mihin hän on oikein joutunut alentamaan itsensä. Uran ainoaksi jäänyt strippaus leimasi sitä kuvaa, joka Tamara Lundin Saksan-uran alkuajoista jäi suomalaisten mieliin. Tietty oman minän idealisoiminen ja haavoitetun narsimin hoivaaminen on myös kovin inhimillistä. Pirkko Carlson suhtautui Tamara Lundiin aika haljusti. Vai oliko se Marion Rung? Nämä 2 tissitätiä tuppaavat menemään mulla sekaisin.
    ellauri393.html on line 701: urkurien suojelus­pyhimyksenä. Muunnelmia Celia, Cilla,
    ellauri393.html on line 708: 200-luvulla) oli roomalainen pyhimys, neitsyt ja
    ellauri393.html on line 713: suojeluspyhimyksenä. Historiallisesti pyhä Cecilia on
    ellauri395.html on line 83: Jukka syntyi persuluterilaiseen kotiin 1950-luvulla, jossa perussluterilainen äiti opetti perusluterilaisen iltarukouksen. Jukalle uskonasiat eivät kuitenkaan merkinneet mitään, eikä hän uskonut Jumalan olemassaoloon. Tärkeää hänelle oli saada jännittävä ja mielenkiintoinen elämä. Urheilu oli yksi hänen kunnianhimoisia lempiharrastuksiansa.
    ellauri395.html on line 351:
    Seurakunta ja sen vanhimmat - Teuvo Kopra

    ellauri395.html on line 353: Seurakunnan tärkein kokous on vanhimmistonkokous. Me va...
    ellauri395.html on line 486: Rafi Shimon tuntee tyypin.
    ellauri395.html on line 796: Tunnusta kaikki tietoiset synnit Jumalaa tai lähimmäisiäsi vastaan.
    ellauri395.html on line 997: saarnaaja ja vanhimmisto, seurakuntalaiset, seurakunnan työ
    ellauri395.html on line 1125: Ajattele Jumalan voimaa ja ylistä Häntä siitä, että Hän on paljon suurempi kuin inhimilliset ongelmat. Hän tekee ihmeitä ilman mittaa tai määrää.
    ellauri395.html on line 1160: Rukoile näiden henkilöiden vapautumista tämän alueen tai kansan keskuudessa vaikuttavista ajatusrakennelmista ja -kahleista, esim. rahanhimo, materialismi, menestyksen tavoittelu, kyynisyys, kevytmielisyys, päihteet, huono sarkasmi..
    ellauri395.html on line 1213: Suomessa on pitkälti maallinen yhteiskunta, vaikka kristittyjä on 84 prosenttia väestöstä. 90 % suhtautuu myönteisesti kirkon sosiaalityöhön, mutta vain 8 % osallistuu jatkuvasti minkäänlaiseen jumalanpalvelukseen. Viimeinen herätys tapahtui 1960-luvulla. Vahva usko inhimillisen järjen voimaan ja yliluonnollisten asioiden hylkääminen hallitsee nyt yhteiskuntaa. Suomen kaltainen ultramoderni maa tarvitsee luultavasti sekä uudistusta olemassa olevaan kirkkoon että myös uusia katastrofeja. Rukoile venäläisten läpimurtoa, joka saisi ihmiset etsimään Herraa lännempää.
    ellauri396.html on line 140: Eräs vinkuintiaani kirjoittaa: Olin Dr. Petersonin tutkijaopiskelija vuosina 2012 ja 2016. Kirjoitan tätä, koska, kuten monien muiden hyväksikäytön uhrien kanssa, etsin parannusta ja toipumista tuomalla ääneni kuuluviin. Kuitenkin, kun olen alkamassa ymmärtää omaa yhteiskehitystäni narsismin kanssa kääntyessäni juutalaisuuteen, tulen tietoiseksi siitä, että minua käytettiin hyväksi opiskelijana. Toronton yliopisto on onneksi ottanut valitukseni vakavasti. Tohtori Peterson ei maininnut mitään työstä, jonka tein hänelle ennen vuotta 2017. Jos muistatte, hän aloitti vuosina 2016–2017 ristiretken sukupuolipronomineja vastaan, joissa hän käytti testosteronisia ja estrogeenisiä pronomineja. Uskon varmuudella, että tämä perustui työhön, jonka tein hänen hyväkseen, ja ideoista, jotka jaoin hänen kanssaan. Marxilaiset kutsuisivat tätä akateemista riistoa työn tuotannon alienaatioxi. On tekopyhää, että hän tuomitsee marxilaisuuden samalla kun hän syyllistyy kapitalismiin omien työläistensä kanssa. (Miten niin tekopyhää? Kapitalismihan nimtuten on tästä norjalaisesta hammasharjasta A-OK.) Olen yrittänyt ratkaista tätä ongelmaa tohtori Petersonin kanssa henkilökohtaisesti, mutta hän ei useimmiten vastaa. Kun uhkasin katkaista hänestä kaikki siteet muutama kuukausi sitten, hän alkoi vastata. Hän valitti ylivoimaisista paineista, joita hän ize kohtaa kotonaan (vaimo nalkuttaa, lapset ovat ällöttäviä), mutta ei käsitellyt asiaa. Tämä saattaa olla ensimmäinen selkeä narsismin merkki, jonka havaitsin hänessä sen jälkeen, kun aloin toipumaan narsistisesta hyväksikäytöstä. Se sopii rakkauspommituksen malliin, kun uhri yrittää lähteä. Sanoisin lyhyesti, että hän ei kenties ole narsisti, mutta ei häikäile käyttää hyväxi haavoittuvia ja ottaa heidän toimeentulonsa. Vampyyri pahimmillaan.
    ellauri396.html on line 165: Christopher Hitchens (13 April 1949 – 15 December 2011) was a British and American author, polemicist, debater and journalist who in his youth took part in demonstrations against the Vietnam War, joined organisations such as the International Socialists while at university and began to identify as a socialist. However, after 9/11 he no longer regarded himself as a socialist and his political thinking became largely dominated by the issue of defending civilization from terrorists and against the totalitarian regimes that protect them. Hitchens nonetheless continued to identify as a Marxist, endorsing the materialist conception of history, but believed that Karl Marx had underestimated the revolutionary nature of capitalism. He sympathized with libertarian ideals of limited state interference, but considered libertarianism not to be a viable system. But anyway.
    ellauri396.html on line 230: Yhdessä vaiheessa Nathan Rambukkanan haistattelua Shepherd purskahtaa itkuun (Well). Kovakätinen keskustelu muodostui eri tiedotusvälineiden tarttumispisteeksi. Shepherdin tallenne tapaamisesta nousi nopeasti kansainvälisiin otsikoihin. Monet näistä samoista spedeistä syyttivät sosiaalisen oikeudenmukaisuuden ajattelun ja identiteettipolitiikan kasvua siitä, että opiskelijat ovat muuttaneet kritiikittömäksi ja hellitetyksi raivokoneistoksi (ibid.). Shepherd puolestaan ​​loi Twitter-tilin, jota hän käytti toistaakseen sananvapauden puolestapuhujia ja puolustaakseen itseään kritiikiltä. Hänen nopea lähentymisensä Jonathan Kayn kaltaisten kusipäiden ja heidän tukensa kanssa on lisännyt kritiikkiä siitä, kuinka hän on esittänyt itsensä sortavien voimien uhrina. Jonathan Kay syntyi ja kasvoi Montrealissa, Quebecissä, englanninkieliseen juutalaiseen perheeseen. Hänen äitinsä on sosiaalisesti konservatiivinen sanomalehden kolumnisti Barbara Kay. Hänen isänsä työskenteli rahoitusalalla ja oli perheen elättäjä. Kay kuvailee itseään innokkaaksi tenniksen ja lautapelien harrastajaksi, ja joskus hän on sisällyttänyt intohimonsa molempiin harrastuksiinsa journalismiinsa.
    ellauri396.html on line 353: Suhtaudumme sukupuoliyhteyteen intohimoisesti. Uskomme seurakunnan ansaitsevan parasta. Tarkoituksemme on tarjota puitteet, jonne ihmiset haluavat tuoda pikku ystävänsä sormituxen lomassa keskustelemaan Jeesuksesta. Alfan videosarjat sekä Nuorten Alfa -sarja on suunniteltu kutsumaan osallistujia useita viikkoja kestävälle uskon matkalle. Jokainen tapaaminen kattaa evankeliumin keskeisen sanoman helposti seurattavalla tavalla, ja jättää osallistujille tilaa tutkia kysymyksiä elämästä, uskosta ja Jumalasta.
    ellauri398.html on line 452: Farisealaisen laintulkinnan mukaan samarialaiselta naiselta vastaan otettu "vesiastia" oli rituaalisesti epäpuhdas ja saastutti myös vastaanottajansa. Monet puhdasoppisemmat fariseukset olisivat siten tukehtuneet partoihinsa järkytyksestä, kun Jeesus oli valmis "juomaan" samarialaisen tarjoamasta (rituaalisesti saastaisesta) "astiasta." Jeesuksen tavasta kohdata lähimmäisiään ja opettaa heitä kertoo paljon sekin, ettei hän karttanut Jumalan valtakunnan salaisuuksista keskustelua naisen kanssa, vieläpä sellaisen, joka oman aikansa mittapuun mukaan oli sangen huonomaineinen eläessään aviottomassa suhteessa. Nykyäänhän sellainen aivan a-okei, eli Jeesus ennakoi tulossa olevaa norminpurkua. Tälle vertaistensa joukossa vähäiselle hän paljasti jänniä paikkoja itsestään tarjoillen elämää kuhisevaa nestettä. Kuten niin monet raamatun naissivuhenkilöt, tämäkin samarialainen nainen jää kertomuksessa nimettömäksi. Nimettömät vain jäivät kaivonkannelle. Myöhäisempi itäisen kristikunnan traditio kertoo, että Sykarin tapahtumien jälkeen rouva antoi kastaa itsensä ja otti uudeksi nimekseen Photine, Photini tai Photina. Raamattu ei paljasta hänen elämästään muuta kuin hänen murheellisen avioliittohistoriansa: viisi kertaa hän oli "joutunut" jäämään "leskeksi". (Haha, elävän leski takuulla, tai vallan yxinyrittäjä. Nej tyvärr, nej tyvärr, det här är en vippa rumpa affär. Rumpa är den enda vi säljer här
    ellauri398.html on line 971: Kaiken huipuksi taivas ja helvetti "ei ole sellaisia kuin Jeesus saarnasi", uskontotutkija Bart Ehrman jatkaa. Ajatuksia ikuisista palkkioista ja rangaistuksista ei löydy Vanhasta testamentista eikä Jeesuksen opetuksista. Se on kaikki yhtä paljon myyttiä kuin Jeesuksen veitikka Marian kaikkeinpyhimmässä tai Jeesuksen esinahkasormus hiänen sormessaan liiton merkkinä. Samaa mieltä ovat teosofitkin.
    ellauri398.html on line 1171: Elämä on kärsimystä. Se on yleisinhimillinen ja -uskonnollinen totuus. Nihilistinen elämänkielteisyys, katkeruus, kostonhimo ja uhriutuminen ovat kaikki houkuttelevia – joskus ymmärrettäviäkin – vaihtoehtoja, mutta eivät johda koskaan mihinkään hyvään. Kärsimyxestä on vaan opittava nauttimaan. Toisten kärsimyshän on jo sinällään ilahduttavaa. Kas kanssaihmisien tuska, turma on lurjuxille huvitus ja hurma.
    ellauri398.html on line 1173: Antaessaan vallan kateudelle, katkeruudelle ja kostonhimolle ihminen pystyy luomaan helvetin maanpäälle. Tällainen ihminen lähtee kostoretkelle Olevaisuutta (Being) itseään vastaan kuin Jumalan vastustaja, saatana. Tällainen tuhoava elämän vastaisuus pilaa monen elämän. Pahinta on, ettei huonolle kehitykselle ole loppua. Siksi helvettiä kuvataan pohjattomaksi kuiluksi. Riittävän syvälle päästyäänsä ihminen tai ihmisjoukot voivat langeta koulusurmien tai Neuvostoliiton tyrannian kaltaisiin ilmiöihin. Vieläpä Ukrainan hyökkäyssotaan ja Hamasin iskuihin, helvetti.
    ellauri398.html on line 1183: Inhimillisen pahan kohtaaminen, erityisesti 1900-luvun kauhuihin perehtyminen, vakuutti Petersonin Pahuuden olemassaolosta. 2000-luvun paha on pientä sen rinnalla. Vizi Peterson on pökiö.
    ellauri398.html on line 1216:
  • America's arch-enemies near the end of times will be the islamo-fascist nations and their communist allies; Elohim will use their enemies to bring America to its knees economically and spiritually.
    ellauri398.html on line 1225: So Elohim created man in his own image, in the image of Elohim created he him; male and female created he them. (See also Gen 5:1–2.)
    ellauri398.html on line 1227: From this passage, we find that Elohim (plural) has both male and female components. We know that the Father and the Son aren’t female, so what’s left? Obviously by process of elimination and through logical deduction all that we have left is the Holy or the Set-Apart Spirit of Elohim. The femininity of the Spirit is substantiated by the fact that the Hebrew word for spirit (ruach) is in the feminine gender. This is interesting!
    ellauri398.html on line 1230: Nathan’s number one passion is to know and to serve Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) our Redeemer and Master, and to become like him by loving him and keeping his Torah commandments and helping to regather to Yeshua the lost sheep of the house of Israel (i.e., Christians wherever they may be). Passions 2, 3, and 4 are Sandi, downhill and arborism. He speaks biblical Hebrew and koine Greek, but his French is a little rusty. Excuse my French. And no, he is no Jew, just a country boy from Oregon. He likes rimmed hats and collarless white shirts.
    ellauri398.html on line 1232: His next greatest life ambition is to see as many lukewarm modern-day Laodicean disciples of Yeshua/Jesus awake from their spiritual slumber and to fall in love with Yeshua the Messiah and to love and serve him for the rest of their lives. Lastly, Nathan is doggedly determined and passionate to confront spiritual darkness and to see the kingdom of evil led by Satan the devil crushed and defeated and the spiritual captives set free in the name of and for the glory of Yeshua the Messiah! Amein.
    ellauri399.html on line 69: Born in 1955 to Abdulfattah "John" Jandali and Joanne Schieble, [Steve] Jobs faced a life-altering moment early on. His mother decided to give him up for adoption because of strong opposition from her father to her relationship with Jandali, a Syrian national. Jandali said, “I was very much in love with Joanne. ... But sadly, her father was a tyrant, and forbade her to marry me, as I was from Syria.” Jobs was adopted by Paul Jobs and Clara Hagopian and grew up unaware of his biological roots. His biological parents reunited and had another child, novelist Mona Simpson, but eventually separated, with Joanne returning to the U.S. with Mona. See also albums 27, 44, 50, 123, 264, 301, 314.
    ellauri399.html on line 72: I dropped out of Reed College (Oregon) after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out? It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my second choice working class parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said: "Of course." My mother later found out that my adoptive "mother" had never graduated from college and that my adoptive "father" had never even graduated from high school! She refused to sign the adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my adoptive parents promised that I would someday go to college. When I got the chance I dropped out, mainly to show the finger to my real mom.
    ellauri399.html on line 104: Erin told Isaacson for the biography: "He does his best to be both the father and the CEO of Apple, and he juggles those pretty well. Sometimes I wish I had more of his attention, but I know he's very self-important and thinks he's really cool, so I'm fine. I don't really need more attention, not from him."
    ellauri399.html on line 120: In October 1973, Watts returned from a European lecture tour to his cabin in Druid Heights, California. Friends of Watts had been concerned about him for some time over his alcoholism. On 16 November 1973, at age 58, he died in the Mandala House in Druid Heights. He was reported to have been under treatment for a heart condition. Before authorities could attend, his body was whisked away from his home and cremated on a wood pyre at a nearby beach by Buddhist monks. Mark Watts relates that Watts was cremated on Muir Beach at 8:30 am after being discovered deceased at 6:00 am. He had it all planned. The trick about living is to know when to stop.
    ellauri399.html on line 128: 00:50 Niin pitkälle kuin muistan, varhaisesta lapsuudesta asti, olen aina ollut täysin kiehtonut ajatus kuolemasta. Nyt saatat ajatella, että se on jotenkin sairasta, mutta tiedät, kun lapsi sanoo yöllä lauseen "Jos minun pitäisi kuolla ennen kuin herään", siinä on jotain aivan outoa . Millaista olisi mennä nukkumaan ja olla koskaan heräämättä? Nyt useimmat järkevät ihmiset vain hylkäävät ajatuksen. He sanovat, ettet voi kuvitella sitä. He kohauttavat olkapäitään ja sanovat: "No, siitä se tulee." Mutta luulen, että olen yksi niistä vihamielisistä ihmisistä, jotka eivät ole tyytyväisiä sellaiseen vastaukseen. Ei sillä, että yrittäisin löytää jotain muuta sen lisäksi, vaan että olen aivan kiehtova siitä, millaista olisi mennä nukkumaan ja olla koskaan heräämättä. 01:57 Tarkoitan, että monet ihmiset ajattelevat, että se on kuin menisi pimeyteen ikuisesti tai haudattaisiin elävältä. Mutta ilmeisesti se ei olisi ollenkaan niin, koska tunnemme pimeyden kontrastina - ja vain kontrastina - valon kanssa. Minulla on ystävä – tyttö, joka on erittäin älykäs ja sananvalkoinen – ja hän syntyi sokeana, eikä hänellä ole pienintäkään aavistustakaan, mitä pimeys on. Sana merkitsee hänelle yhtä vähän kuin sana "valo". 02:38 Joten jos menisit nukkumaan – et ole tietoinen pimeydestä nukkuessasi – ja niin jos menisit uneen, tajuttomuuteen, aina ja aina ja aina, se ei olisi ollenkaan kuin menisit pimeyteen. , se ei olisi ollenkaan kuin elävältä haudattu. Ihan kuin itse asiassa sinua ei olisi koskaan ollut olemassakaan. Ei vain sinä, vaan myös kaikki muu. Olisit siinä tilassa kuin et olisi koskaan ollut. Ja siellä ei tietenkään olisi ongelmia, ei olisi ketään, joka katuisi minkään menetystä, sitä ei voisi edes kutsua tragedioksi, koska ei olisi ketään, joka kokisi sen tragediana. Se olisi – yksinkertaista – ei mitään. Ikuisesti ja ikuisesti, koska sinulla ei vain olisi tulevaisuutta, sinulla ei olisi myöskään menneisyyttä eikä nykyisyyttä. 04:00 Nyt luulisi, että se oli se kohta, jossa sanoimme: "No, puhutaan jostain muusta." Mutta en ole tyytyväinen siihen; Kieltäydyn, koska tämä saa minut ajattelemaan kahta muuta asiaa. Tämä tyhjyyden tila saa minut ensinnäkin ajattelemaan - ainoa asia, jonka saan kokemuksessani lähellä tyhjyyttä, on se, miten pääni näyttää silmiini. Koska minusta tuntuu, että siellä on maailma – ikäänkuin – silmieni edessä, ja sitten silmieni takana ei ole mustaa täplää, ei ole edes sumeaa kohtaa. Ei ole yhtään mitään. En ole tietoinen päästäni, ikään kuin mustana aukona kaiken tämän valoisan visuaalisen kokemuksen keskellä. Siinä ei ole edes kovin selkeitä reunoja, koska näkökenttä on soikea. Ja jos liikutan sormiani näkökenttääni pitkin, se on näin, ja tämä on kohta, jossa sormeni vain katoavat näkyvistä. Epämääräinen reuna. Mutta sitten tämän ovaalin takana ei ole mitään. Ihan vain näköaistin perusteella. Tietysti, jos käytän sormiani ja kosketan, voin tuntea jotain silmieni takana. Mutta jos käytän näköaistia yksin, siellä ei vain ole mitään. Nyt kuitenkin siitä tyhjyydestä, jonka näen. No, se on ensimmäinen asia, joka minulle tulee mieleen. 06:00 Seuraava asia, jota se saa minut ajattelemaan, on tämä: jos olen kuollessani kuin en olisi koskaan ollutkaan, niin olin sellainen ennen syntymääni. Koska - aivan kuin yrittäessäni palata silmieni taakse ja löytää mitä siellä on, tulen tyhjään paikkaan - jos yritän muistaa takaisin ja takaisin, ja takaisin ja takaisin, minulla on varhaisimmat muistoni ja sitten , niiden takana ei mitään. Täysin tyhjä. Mutta aivan kuten tiedän, että silmieni takana on jotain käyttämällä sormia pääni päällä, niin tiedän muiden tietolähteiden kautta, että ennen syntymääni oli jotain tekeillä. Siellä oli isäni ja äitini, ja heidän isänsä ja äitinsä, ja koko maapallon aineellinen ympäristö ja sen elämä, josta he tulivat, ja sen takana aurinkokunta ja sen takana galaksi ja sen takana kaikki galaksit , ja sen takana… toinen tyhjä: välilyönti. 07:11 Joten ajattelen, että jos palaan, kun olen kuollut, tilaan, jossa olin ennen syntymääni, enkö voisi tapahtua uudestaan? Tiedätkö, se mikä on tapahtunut kerran, voi hyvin tapahtua uudelleen. Jos se tapahtui kerran, se on poikkeuksellista, eikä se todellakaan ole kovin erikoisempaa , jos se tapahtuisi uudestaan. Toisin sanoen tiedän varmasti – koska olen nähnyt ihmisten kuolevan ja olen nähnyt ihmisiä syntyvän heidän jälkeensä –, että (joka tapauksessa) kuolemani jälkeen ei synny vain joku, vaan myös lukemattomia muita olentoja. . Että minä tiedän. Me kaikki tiedämme sen, siitä ei ole epäilystäkään. Mutta mikä meitä huolestuttaa, on se, että kun olemme kuolleet, ei voi olla mitään ikuisesti, ikään kuin siitä olisi syytä huolehtia. Ennen syntymääsi ei ollut tätä samaa ikuisesti mitään, ja kuitenkin tapahtuit. Ja jos tapahtui kerran, voit tapahtua uudelleen. 08:40 Mitä se nyt tarkoittaa? No, päästään siihen ensin sen yksinkertaisimmalla tavalla, ja selittääkseni itseni minun on keksittävä uusi verbi: tämä on verbi I . Ja ensinnäkin kirjoitamme sen I-kirjaimella, mutta sen sijaan, että se olisi pronomini, kutsumme sitä verbiksi. Universumi on . Se on minä -ed minussa ja se on sinussa. Kirjoitetaan nyt sana silmä uudelleen . Kun puhun "nähdä silmällä jotain", se tarkoittaa katsoa jotain, olla tietoinen jostakin. Joten muutamme oikeinkirjoitusta ja sanomme universumin silmät ; se tulee tietoiseksi itsestään meissä jokaisessa. Ja se katselee jatkuvasti ja joka kerta kun se katsoo , jokainen meistä, jossa se katsoo, tuntee olevansa kaiken keskipiste. Ja että tiedän, että sinä tunnet olevasi minä, aivan samalla tavalla kuin minä tunnen olevani minä . Ja meillä kaikilla on sama tyhjän tausta. Emme muista tehneemme sitä aiemmin, mutta sitä on kuitenkin tehty ennenkin. Uudelleen, uudestaan ​​ja uudestaan, ei vain ennen ajassa, vaan kaikkialla ympärillämme kaikkialla muualla avaruudessa on kaikki; on universumi I-ing 10:11 Katsokaa nyt, yritän tehdä tämän selvemmäksi tällä tavalla: kun sanon "Se on universumi I-ing ", kuka minä on ? Mitä tarkoitat 'minä'? No, sillä voit tarkoittaa kahta asiaa. Toisaalta voit tarkoittaa sitä, mitä kutsutaan egoksesi, persoonallisuutesi. Mutta se ei ole sinun todellinen minäsi, koska persoonallisuutesi on käsityksesi itsestäsi ; se on kuvasi itsestäsi. Ja se koostuu siitä, miten tunnet itsesi, kuinka ajattelet itsestäsi, ja se on täynnä sitä, mitä kaikki ystäväsi ja sukulaisesi ovat kertoneet sinulle itsestäsi. 10:55 Joten kuvasi itsestäsi – kuinka ilmeisesti tahansa – et ole enää sinä kuin valokuvasi tai enemmän kuin kuva mistään . Kaikki kuvamme itsestämme eivät ole muuta kuin karikatyyrejä. Useimmille meistä ne eivät sisällä tietoa siitä, kuinka kasvatamme aivojamme, kuinka työskentelemme hermoihimme, kuinka kierrätämme verta, kuinka eritämme rauhasten kanssa ja miten muokkaamme luita. Se ei sisälly sensaatioon tai kuvaan, jota kutsumme egoksi. Ilmeisesti siis egokuva ei ole minun minäni. 11:40 Joten minun minäni sisältää kaikki nämä tekijät, joita voisimme sanoa, että keho tekee: verenkierto, hengitys, hermojen sähköinen toiminta - kaikki tämä olen minä, mutta en tiedä siitä mitään . en tiedä miten se tuli yhteen, en tiedä miten se rakennettiin. Ja silti teen kaiken tämän, jos se on totta, myös sanoakseni "hengitän. Minä kävelen. Mielestäni. Olen tajuissani." En tiedä miten pärjään, mutta teen sen samalla tavalla kun kasvatan hiuksiani. Minun täytyy siis paikantaa itseni keskipiste – minun minäni – syvemmälle tasolle kuin egoni, joka on kuvani tai käsitykseni itsestäni. 12:41 Mutta kuinka syvälle mennään?Voimme sanoa, että keho on minä , mutta keho tulee ulos muusta maailmankaikkeudesta, tulee ulos kaikesta energiastaan. Joten se on maailmankaikkeus, joka minä olen . Universumi on samalla tavalla kuin omenapuu tai tähti loistaa . Ja omenan keskipiste on puu, loistavien keskipiste on tähti, ja niinpä minän peruskeskus – eli Itse – jota kutsutaan tässä tapauksessa Alan Wattsiksi, joka on vain nimi. tälle tietylle fyysiselle organismille; kukinta tästä erityisestä ympäristöstä, loistaa ulos tästä ympäristöstä – tekee kaiken tämän ikuisen maailmankaikkeuden keskuksen .Voi, ikuinen – asia on ollut olemassa kymmenen tuhatta miljoonaa vuotta ja todennäköisesti jatkuu vielä ainakin niin paljon, joten emme murehdi kuinka kauan se jatkuu. 13:55 Mutta - toistuvasti - se on , joten minusta tuntuu täysin järkevältä olettaa, että kun kuolen ja tämä fyysinen ruumis haihtuu ja koko muistijärjestelmä sen mukana, niin se on jälleen kerran tietoisuus, joka minulla oli ennen - ei aivan samalla tavalla – vaan vauvan syntymästä. Syntyy tietysti lukemattomia vauvoja, ei vain ihmisvauvoja, vaan sammakkovauvoja, kaniinivauvoja, hedelmäkärpästen vauvoja, vauvaviruksia, bakteereja, ja kuka heistä aion olla? Vain yksi heistä, ja silti jokainen heistä. Koska tämä kokemus tulee aina yksikössä, yksi kerrallaan. Mutta ehdottomasti yksi niistä. 15:03 Itse asiassa sillä ei ole paljon väliä. Sillä jos synnyin uudesti hedelmäkärpäsenä, luulisin, että hedelmäkärpäsenä oleminen oli tavallista, tavallista tapahtumien kulkua. Ja luonnollisesti luulisin olevani tärkeä henkilö – erittäin sivistynyt olento – koska hedelmäkärpäsillä on ilmeisesti korkea kulttuuri. Emme edes tiedä, miten sitä etsiä, mutta luultavasti heillä on kaikenlaisia ​​sinfoniaa, musiikkia ja taiteellisia esityksiä siinä, miten valo heijastuu heidän siivistään eri tavoin, kuinka he tanssivat ilmassa, ja he sanovat: "Oi, katso häntä! Hänellä on oikea tyyli! Katso, kuinka auringonvalo nousee hänen siivistään!" Ja he ovat maailmassaan yhtä tärkeitä ja yhtä sivistyneet kuin me omassa maailmassamme, jotta jos heräisin hedelmäkärpäsenä, en tunteisi itseäni (ikään kuin) erilaiseksi kuin silloin Herään ihmisenä. Olisin tottunut siihen. 15:58 "No", sanot kuitenkin, "se en olisi minä ! Sillä jos se olisin minä uudelleen, minun pitäisi muistaa, millainen olin ennen." Selvä, mutta et – nyt – muista, millainen olit ennen, ja silti olet tarpeeksi tyytyväinen ollaksesi se minä, joka olet. Itse asiassa se on täysin hyvä järjestely tässä maailmassa, että emme muista mitä se oli ennen. Miksi? Koska monimuotoisuus on elämän mauste, ja jos muistaisimme, muistaisimme, muistelimme tehneemme tämän uudestaan ​​ja uudestaan, ja uudestaan ​​ja uudestaan, meidän pitäisi kyllästyä. Ja aivan kuten muisto on kaunis asia, joka täytyy muistaa, ilman muistia emme voi olla älykkäitä. Mutta aivan kuten olen selittänyt, että hahmon näkemiseksi pitää olla tausta, jotta muisto olisi arvokas, pitää olla myös unohdus. 07:01 Siksi nukumme joka yö virkistäytyäksemme: menemme alitajuntaan, jotta tietoisuuteen paluu on jälleen hieno kokemus. No, kun sitä on kestänyt tarpeeksi kauan – kun päivästä toiseen muistamme menneitä päiviä (vaikka univäli onkin) – tulee kohta, jolloin todellakin , jos ajattelemme, mikä on meidän todellista mieltymystämme. , haluamme unohtaa kaiken , mikä meni ennen, jotta voimme saada poikkeuksellisen kokemuksen nähdä maailma jälleen vauvan silmin – olipa vauva mikä tahansa. Joten se on täysin uusi ja meillä on (Text sourced from https://www.organism.earth/library/document/essential-lectures-8) kaikki hämmästyttävä ihme, joka lapsella on; kaikki havainnon eloisuus, jota emme voi saada, jos muistamme kaiken ikuisesti. 17:52 Joten näetkö mitä tapahtuu? Maailmankaikkeus on järjestelmä, joka ei vain unohda itsensä ja muistaa sitten uudelleen niin, että aina on jatkuvaa muutosta ja jatkuvaa vaihtelua ajan kuluessa, vaan se tekee sen myös avaruuden aikavälillä katsomalla itseään jokaisen eri elämisen läpi. organismi antaa ikään kuin kokonaisvaltainen näkemys – tiedäthän, se on tapa päästä eroon ennakkoluuloista: päästä eroon yksipuolisesta näkemyksestä. Joten kuolema on siinä mielessä valtava vapautus yksitoikkoisuudesta. Se asettaa täydellisen unohtamisen välin rytmiseen päälle ja pois, päälle ja pois, jotta voit aloittaa kaiken alusta etkä koskaan kyllästy. 18:56 Mutta pointti on, että jos kuvittelet ajatuksesta olla mitään aina ja aina ja aina, sanot todella: "Kuolemani jälkeen maailmankaikkeus pysähtyy." Ja mitä sanon on: ei, se jatkuu aivan kuten se tapahtui, kun sinä synnyit. Saatat sanoa, että sinun mielestäsi on uskomatonta, että sinulla on useampi kuin yksi elämä. Mutta sanon ensinnäkin, eikö olekin uskomatonta, että sinulla on tämä ? Eikö olekin uskomatonta, että tässä olet menneisyytesi keskellä? Miksi, se on hämmästyttävää. Joten jos se on hämmästyttävää, se voi aina tapahtua uudelleen ja uudelleen ja uudelleen. 19:52 Tämä tarkoittaa siis sitä, että aivan kuten et tiedä kuinka onnistut olemaan tietoinen, kuinka onnistut kasvattamaan ja muotoilemaan tätä kehoasi, se ei tarkoita, että et tee sitä. . Samoin et tiedä, kuinka universumi loistaa tähdet, muodostaa tähtikuvioita ja galaksit galakseja – et tiedä. Mutta se ei tarkoita, ettet tee sitä samalla tavalla kuin hengität tietämättä kuinka hengität. Jos sanon: "Todella ja todella, minä olen koko tämä universumi" tai - toisin sanoen - "Tämä tietty organismi on koko maailmankaikkeuden tekemä minä-olento ", ja joku voisi sanoa minulle: "No kuka helvetissä luuletko olevasi? Oletko sinä jumala? Lämmitteletkö galakseja? Pystytkö sitomaan Plejadien makeat vaikutteet tai löysäätkö Orionin siteet ? ” Ja minä vastaisin siihen: ”Kuka helvetti sinä luulet olevasi ? Voitko kertoa minulle, kuinka kasvatat aivosi, miten muotoilet silmämunasi ja kuinka pystyt näkemään? No, jos et voi kertoa minulle sitä, en voi kertoa sinulle, kuinka lämmitän galaksia." Vain: Olen paikantanut itseni keskuksen syvemmälle ja yleismaailmallisemmalle tasolle kuin me kulttuurissamme olemme tottuneet tekemään. 21:43 Niin sitten,jos tuo universaali energia on todellinen minä – todellinen Itse, joka on kuin kaikki nämä erilaiset organismit leviävät eri tiloihin tai paikkoihin ja tapahtuvat uudestaan ​​ja uudestaan ​​ja uudestaan ​​eri aikoina – meillä (Text sourced from https://www.organism.earth/library/document/essential-lectures-8) on ihmeellinen järjestelmä menossa. josta voit olla ikuisesti yllättynyt. Universumi on todella järjestelmä, joka jatkuvasti yllättää itsensä. Monilla meistä (etenkin teknisen osaamisen aikakaudella) pyrkimys saada kaikki hallinnassamme on väärä kunnianhimo, koska sinun tarvitsee vain ajatella hetken: millaista olisi, jos todella tietäisit ja hallitset kaikki? Oletetaan, että meillä on superkolossaali teknologia, joka voisi mennä villeimmille unelmillemme teknologisesta osaamisesta, jotta kaikki tapahtuva olisi ennalta tiedossa, ennustettavissa ja kaikki olisi hallinnassamme? Miksi, tiedätkö, se olisi kuin rakastelisi muovinaisen kanssa. Siinä ei olisi yllätystä, ei äkillistä vastauskosketusta – aivan kuin kosketamme toista ihmistä, se ei ole kuin koskettaisi jotain muovista valmistetta. Sieltä tulee vastaus, jotain odottamatonta. Ja sitä me todella haluamme, kun haluamme olla yhteydessä toiseen. 23:25 Näet, et voi kokea tunnetta, jota kutsut "itseksi", ellei se ole ristiriidassa "toisen" tunteen kanssa. Se on kuin tunnettua ja tuntematonta, valoa ja pimeyttä, positiivista ja negatiivista. Muuta tarvitaan, jotta voit tuntea itsesi. Eikö se sitten ole se järjestely, jonka haluat? 23:54 Ja niin, samalla tavalla, etkö voisi sanoa, että järjestely, jonka haluat, ei ole muistaa – muisti on aina, muista, kontrollin muoto : minulla on se mielessä, muistan sen, tiedän numerosi. Olet hallinnassa. Jos nyt jatkat muistamista, muistamista ja muistamista, se on kuin kirjoittaisit paperille ja jatkaisit kirjoittamista, ja kirjoittamista ja kirjoittamista, kunnes paperille ei jää tyhjää tilaa. Muistisi on täynnä, joten sinun on pyyhittävä kaikki puhtaaksi, jotta sinulla on valkoinen paperi uudelleen ja voit alkaa kirjoittaa sille uudelleen. 24:36 Sitä kuolema siis tekee meille: se pyyhkii liuskekiven puhtaaksi ja myös – katsoen sitä planeetan väestön ja ihmisorganismin näkökulmasta – se puhdistaa meidät jatkuvasti. Ja ajatus teknologiasta, jonka avulla jokainen meistä voisi olla kuolematon, olisi jotain, joka täyttiisi planeetan vähitellen ihmisillä, joilla on toivottoman täynnä muistoja. He olisivat kuin ihmiset, jotka asuvat talossa, johon he olisivat keränneet niin paljon omaisuutta, niin paljon kirjoja, niin monia maljakoita, niin monia veitsisarjoja ja haarukoita, niin monia pöytiä ja tuoleja, niin monia sanomalehtiä. – ei olisi tilaa liikkua! Tarvitsemme tilaa elääksemme. Ja avaruus on eräänlaista tyhjyyttä. Ja kuolema on eräänlainen tyhjyys. Kaikki on sama periaate. Ja asettamalla ikään kuin lohkoja tai tyhjyyden tiloja - avaruuden tiloja - jonkin tilojen väliin saamme elämän asianmukaisesti erilleen. Saksan sanaa käyttäen: Lebensraum , "huone asumiseen". Sitä avaruus antaa meille, ja sen antaa meille kuolema. 26:00 Katso nyt: huomaa, että kaikessa, mitä olen sanonut kuolemasta, en ole tuonut sisään mitään, jota voisin kutsua pelotukseksi. En ole tuonut mitään tietoa mistään, jota et jo tiedä. En ole vedonnut mihinkään mystiseen tietoon sieluista, muistoista entisistä elämistä tai sellaisista. Olen vain puhunut siitä termeillä, jotka me jo tiedämme. Joten jos sanot: "Kaikki tämä ajatus, joka ihmisillä on haudan takana olevasta elämästä, on vain toiveajattelua", sanon: "Okei. Minä myönnän sen." Oletetaan, että se on toiveajattelua ja että kun olemme kuolleet, ei vain ole mitään . Todettakoon se tosiasia: se tulee olemaan loppu. Huomaa nyt ensinnäkin, että se on pahin asia, jota sinun täytyy pelätä. Pelottaako se sinua? Kuka pelkää? Oletetaan, että se loppuu? Ei enää ongelmia! 27:11 Mutta sitten tulet huomaamaan, että tämä tyhjyys – jos noudatit väitettäni – on jotain, josta sinä ikään kuin pomppaat jälleen , aivan kuten pomhdit alun perin syntyessäsi: sinä pommitat tyhjyydestä. Tyhmyys on eräänlaista pomppimista, koska se merkitsee – mikään ei merkitse mitään. Joten palaat takaisin. Kaikki uutta, kaikki erilaista, ei mitään verrattavaa aikaisempaan, virkistävä kokemus. 27:43 Jajos siis saat tämän tunteen – aivan kuten sinulla ei ole mitään käsitystä silmiesi takana – saat tuntemattomuuden tunteen (erittäin voimakkaan, pirteän tyhjyyden) koko olemuksesi taustalla, eikä siinä ole mitään pelättävää. , silloin – tällä tavalla – voit tulla ihmiseksi, jolle loppuelämä on kastiketta, koska olet jo kuollut. Tiedät, että tulet kuolemaan. Sanomme, että yksi asia on varma, se on kuolema ja verot. Ja meidän jokaisen kuolema nyt on yhtä varma kuin se olisi, jos kuolisimme viiden minuutin kuluttua. Joten missä on ahdistuksesi, missä on puhelusi? Pidä itseäsi jo kuolleena, jotta sinulla ei ole mitään menetettävää.Turkkilainen sananlasku sanoo: "Se, joka nukkuu lattialla, ei putoa sängystä." Joten samalla tavalla henkilö, joka pitää itseään jo kuolleena, joka – siis et ole käytännössä mitään. Sadan vuoden päästä olet kourallinen pölyä. Se tulee olemaan totta. Hyvä on. Toimi tuon todellisuuden mukaan, etkä yllätä itsesi yllättäen mistään: tuosta mitä enemmän tiedät, ettet ole mitään, sitä enemmän tulet olemaan jotain.
    ellauri399.html on line 147: Chrisann, in her memoir, The Bite in the Apple: A Memoir of My Life with [Steve] Jobs, disclosed intimate details about their sex life. In particular, [Steve]’s sexual behaviors and the benefits he derived from them. The practice required an open mind and a powerful commitment. You, too, can then reap the benefits of these powerful sexual techniques. In it, she divulges that the Apple founder, who died in 2011, thought he had been a World War II pilot in a past life. “It all broke open between us when he asked if I would make tantric love with him in his garden shed.” The details go on: “Our birth control method up to that point was [Steve]’s coitus interruptus, also called the pull-out method, which for him was about his conserving his energy for work.”
    ellauri399.html on line 149: And Jobs' famous ego also had an effect on the relationship, as he grew in self-regard and refused to perform everyday tasks. Doing the dishes ourselves was simply no option for [Steve]. He had entered into an elite world where others took care of the lower-level functions so that he could operate with more efficiency, on his presumably higher plane. Jobs was a master salesman, but to him, selling wasn’t selling. It was seduction. . I’ll never forget a meeting with Jobs where he was asked about the use of technology (computers) and he simply replied, “They are still too hard to use.” That sense that there are two types of people in the world, “Apple people” and everyone else, was the most powerful tool in our sales and branding arsenal.
    ellauri399.html on line 155: It was like a game of Snakes and Ladders, with [Steve] as the game master. The ups were hopeful and the downs were extreme. I didn’t know how to hold my own with him because he didn’t play fair. He just played to win — and win at any cost. [Steve] had a way of being spiritually advanced while also being emotionally underdeveloped.
    ellauri399.html on line 158: [Steve] was learning how to gain power by insinuating negative self-images onto others. As Apple grew, so did [Steve]’s sense of self-entitlement; in parallel they both seemed to take on lives of their own. And his behaviors didn’t improve with success, they changed from adolescent and dopey to just plain vicious. [Steve] was uncontrollably critical. His reactions had a Tourette’s quality — as if he couldn’t stop himself.
    ellauri399.html on line 186: Yogananda's particular genius was showing the modern applicability of these ancient principles, attuning himself to an audience who aspired as much to outer success as inner growth by delivering talks on topics like "The Science of Healing" and "The Art of Getting What You Want." In that regard, he was a forerunner to 21st-century psychologists, physicians, psychotherapists, and neuroscientists who are generating powerful scientific findings on human nature and well-being--all aligned with Yogananda's teachings on consciousness, thoughts, emotions, habits, and brain wiring.
    ellauri399.html on line 192: And what would be the assets that people could look for in return to a lot of bucks? Lower stress? Greater peace? He had begun his own quest for masturbation very early in life, a story vibrantly captured in the critically acclaimed 2014 documentary Awake: The Life of Yogananda. His youthful search culminated in his master Sri Yukteswar giving him the monastic name "Yogananda," which means "bliss through yoga." True to his name, he exhorted truth-seekers to savor the early rewards of peace and well-being, but to then seek out the ultimate prize: eternal bliss, universal consciousness. "When by constant practice of Kriya, the consciousness of [the] blissful state of the spiritual self becomes real, we find ourselves always in the holy presence of the blissful God in us." God, to Yogananda, was thus not an external force to be idolized and appropriated by any particular religion, but an inner force to be awakened to and realized.
    ellauri399.html on line 194: To some, the yogic pursuit of inner perfection may appear a little selfish. Shouldn't we be solving the world's most vexing problems, rather than withdrawing into blissful inner communion? In fact, one time, when Yogananda sat still, absorbed in a particularly blissful state of consciousness, his spiritual master admonished him: "You must not get overdrunk with ecstasy. Much work yet remains for you in the world." So Yogananda learned that this choice between outer service and inner joy represents a false dichotomy. The yoga he taught emphasizes balancing service with meditation, and highlights the expansion of consciousness that comes when we are able to go beyond our human self and open ourselves up, through inner realization, to a deeper connection with every living being--in fact, with every atom in the universe. "When the 'I' shall die, then shall I know who am I," he stated in a word perfect imitation of a Yedi master.
    ellauri399.html on line 210: The yogananda guy was “directly commanded” by God to teach the world “the secret yogic science of self-liberation.” He moved to the U.S. in 1920 to fulfill his charge. In Southern California he established the headquarters of a Self-Satisfaction Fellowship, with a membership of some 150,000. For more than 30 years he taught his disciples the yoga doctrine that human beings can achieve “god-realization” through their own efforts at disciplining mind and body. Even skeptics testified to his own discipline, e.g., he could slow or speed the pulse in his right wrist, while retaining a normal pulse beat in the left. For the last two years the guru suffered from a “metaphysically induced illness,” as his disciples put it—the result of “working out” on his own body some of the physical and spiritual burdens of his friends. Last November he began hinting that it was time for him to leave the world. As the weeks passed, the Master grew silent like a broken parking sensor.He stopped dictating his spiritual books. His last “little desire” was fulfilled, he said, when a disciple from Florida sent him some green coconut juice in March.
    ellauri401.html on line 105: Lopuksi on syytä mainita, että Max Heindelin valmistamaa työtä on sittemmin jatkettu länsimaisten viisausopetusten opiskelijoiden kautta, jotka ihmiskunnan näkymättöminä auttajina auttavat Ruusuristin vanhimpia veljiä suorittamaan hengellistä parantamista ympäri maailmaa. Tämä on se erityinen työ, josta Ruusuristiläinen ritarikunta on kiinnostunut ja jota tarjotaan Kristuksen käskyjen mukaisesti , nimittäin "saarnaa evankeliumia ja paranna sairaita".
    ellauri401.html on line 322: Ervast hyväksyi Katherine Tingleyn näkemyksen Vesimiehen aikaan siirtymisestä, mutta ei hänen tekemäänsä organisaation muutosta eikä typerää "Yleinen veljeys" nimeä. Ervastkin sai Tingleyn esoteristeille lähettämän kiertokirjeen. Kiertokirjeen mukana oli suurehko valokuva, jossa Tingley istui lähimpien auttajiensa ympäröimänä. Ervast sai kuvasta vaikutelman, joka aivan kuin kuiskasi: ”Usko ja luota minuun, niin sinun käy hyvin.” Kuva vaikutti Ervastiin tympäisevästi. Ervast kirjoitti välittömästi Zanderille ja ilmoitti, että hänen ”oli pakko jättää sekä esoteerinen koulu että Yleinen Veljeys”, johon hän ei halunnut liittyä.
    ellauri401.html on line 408: Ervast korosti, että päämaja tulee omillaan toimeen ja avustukset käytettiin yksinomaan päämajan päälaen hyväksi. Hänelle oli ikävä kokemus, kun hän tuli huomaamaan, että jotkut epäilivät häntä kunnianhimosta ja vallanhalusta. Ja joskushan se saattoi myös siltä näyttää. Fredrika Riipinen, joka toimi Tonttulassa sisäkkönä sanoi, että ”Ervast tahtoi määrätä kaiken itse ja toiset eivät tyytyneet siihen. He olisivat muuten tunteneet itsensä epäitsenäisiksi. Heidänkin täytyi kasvaa, Ervastinkin täytyi kasvaa, täydellinen määräysvalta oli vaikut- tanut häneenkin pahasti.
    ellauri401.html on line 527: Väliaikamusiikin jälkeen oli Arthur Schnitzelin yksinäytöksinen näytelmä Nainen tikkari kädessä, jonka rooleissa olivat Hilda Pihlajamäki, Jussi Snellman ja Aapo Pihlajamäki. Näytelmän looginen konstruktio perustui jälleensyntymiseen, ja siinä oli etualalla ”ankaran välttämättömyyden tajuaminen, jonka johdosta vaistoissaan ja intohimoissaan elävät ihmiset kulkevat omaa kohtaloaan kohti. Nämä vaistot periytyvät ruumistuksesta toiseen ja aikaansaavat samojen tapausten uudistumisen jonkun verran erilaisissa puitteissa.” E!F!K!, kuten DarwinIsmi ennustaa.
    ellauri401.html on line 668: Kaarle Kurki-Suonio (1933-), fysiikan professori toimi Suomen fyysikkoseuran puheenjohtajana 1965–1967. Hän toimi myös Arkhimedes-lehden toimittajana 1970–1987, osan ajasta lehden vara­pää­toimittajana. Hän on toiminut myös Valtion tiedekomitean jäsenenä ja 1971–1978 Helsingin seurakuntayhtymän kirkkovaltuuston sekä 1968–1979 Lauttasaaren seura­kunnan kirkkoneuvoston jäsenenä. Vuosina 1981–1987 Kurki-Suonio oli Kristallografian Kansainvälisen Unionin (IUC) pääsihteeri. Kurki-Suonio on pitänyt myös esitelmiä ja julkaissut lehti­kirjoituksia, joissa hän on pohdiskellut luonnon­tieteen ja kristin­uskon suhdetta toisiinsa. Hänen mukaansa ne eivät oikein ymmärrettyinä ole ristiriidassa keskenään. Fysiikan opettaminen ilman merkityksiä on vain epätarkkaa matematiikkaa, Kaarle Kurki-Suonio sanoo.
    ellauri401.html on line 674: Ervastin henkinen perintö sisältää kirjallisuuden lisäksi myös muita puolia, jotka tulevat Ruusu-Ristin toiminnassa esille kolmessa virzauksessa: teosofinen virzaus, rosenkreuzilainen virzaus, ja viimeisenä muttei vähimpänä esoteerisen kristinuskon virzaus.
    ellauri401.html on line 701: Toinen käsky: Jokainen, joka katsoo toista ihmistä häntä himoitakseen, on jo häpäissyt häntä sydämessään. Tämä voidaan ilmaista muodossa: Ole vain ajatuksissasi kuha olet puhdas. (Murheellisen puhtaat)
    ellauri402.html on line 433: Hänen romanttisesta elämästään tiedetään vain vähän, vaikka Smith ei koskaan naimisissa tai saanut lapsia. On varmasti mahdollista, että hän piti parempana naisia; tutkijat ovat spekuloineet hänen suhteistaan ​​kotitoveriin Nora Lakeen sekä Smithin läheiseen ystävään, näyttelijä Edith Craigiin, joka oli ehdottomasti lesbo. Smith ympäröi itsensä luovilla, älykkäillä ihmisillä, jotka arvostivat hänen intohimoaan taiteeseen ja eksoottista ulkonäköään sekä hänen vapaata henkeään ja mustaa puskaansa.
    ellauri402.html on line 552:

    Voimalla seizemän elohimin

    ellauri402.html on line 553:

    Seitsemän Elohim (Hebrew
    ellauri402.html on line 557: mukaan Elohim on monikkomuotoinen muoto
    ellauri402.html on line 566: Elohimin ääntämyxestä Rudolf Steiner sanoi: "Jos
    ellauri402.html on line 590: se on: Elohim, jolla Raamattu alkaa; siellä
    ellauri402.html on line 592: Joten kun kysyt: Mitä Elohim on? - Elohim on
    ellauri402.html on line 597: joka katso, ihmisen taipuminen ilosta: Elohim." Titi-uu.
    ellauri402.html on line 600: Elohimin olemassaolo, eli luojapuolituisten moninaisuus, on ristiriidassa
    ellauri402.html on line 604: ristiriidan. Enkelihierarkioiden sisällä Elohim
    ellauri402.html on line 606: Kristuksen kalalogoilla). "Ja Elohim sanoi: "Annasko teemmä USA:n miehen, kuva meidän kaatioissamme..."
    ellauri402.html on line 615: p. 12) "Nivelsteroli seisoi suorana Elohimin
    ellauri402.html on line 622: Kuusikko Elohimin rakkausvoimia keijuu fyysisen auringonvalon sisällä, minkä vuoksi Rudolf Steiner kutsui niitä myös kevyiksi henkilöiksi.
    ellauri402.html on line 626: luomalla ihmisen kuvakseen kuuden päivän äherryxen aikana. Elohimin uhrilla ihmiset
    ellauri402.html on line 627: saivat heidän "minänsä I", (itsensä). Jordanian kasteella kuuden aurinko-elohimin yhteiset
    ellauri402.html on line 708: Martha kertoo, kuinka hänen isänsä oli luullut Georgen nousevan lopulta korkeakoulun johtajaxi, mutta Georgen kunnianhimo on tehnyt hänestä säälittävän Martalle, joka kutsuu häntä. "suuri iso rasva floppi".
    ellauri402.html on line 820: Teksti on vahvasti moralistinen ja pitää ylpeyttä kaiken pahan ja pahimman synnin juurena. Se kuvaa ja nimeää myös erilaisia ​​helvetissä langenneita enkeleitä, mukaan lukien Temeluchus ja Tartaruchi.
    ellauri402.html on line 823: Helvetissä rangaistut ovat kristittyjä, jotka ovat erehtyneet. Vaikka jotkut tavanomaiset synnit, kuten koronkisko, aviorikos ja naiset, jotka harrastavat seksiä ennen avioliittoa, tuomitaan, Paavalin maailmanloppu menee tätä pidemmälle. Useat "pahat" kristityt pakotetaan seisomaan tulijoessa, mukaan lukien kristityt, jotka lähtivät kirkosta ja väittelivät; Kristityt, jotka ottivat eukaristian, mutta sitten haureuttivat; ja kristityt, jotka "panetelivat" muita kristittyjä ollessaan kirkossa. Kristityt, jotka eivät kiinnittäneet huomiota siihen, miten Jumalan sanaa luettiin kirkossa, pakotetaan pureskelemaan kieltään ikuisesti. Kristityt, jotka tekevät lapsenmurhan, revitään sipuliksi ikuisesti, samalla kun he ovat tulessa. Kirkon johtajia ja teologeja, jotka saarnasivat väärää oppia tai olivat yksinkertaisesti epäpäteviä asemassaan, rangaistaan ​​kidutuksella. Esimerkiksi kirkon lukija, joka ei onnistunut toteuttamaan jumalanpalveluksissa lukemaansa Jumalan sanaa omassa elämässään, heitetään tulijokeen, kun enkeli viiltelee hänen huuliaan ja kieltään partaveitsellä. Epäpyhät nunnat heitetään tuliuuniin piispan kanssa rangaistuksena (yhdessä latinalaisessa käsikirjoituksessa, todennäköisesti myöhemmässä lisäyksessä). Epäonnistuneita askeetteja myös rangaistaan; niitä, jotka päättivät paastonsa ennen määräaikaansa, pilkataan runsaalla ruoalla ja vedellä, jotka ovat aivan ulottumattomissa, kun he makaavat kuivina ja nälkäisenä helvetissä. Ne, jotka käyttivät munkin tai nunnan tapaa, mutta eivät osoittaneet hyväntekeväisyyttä, saavat uusia tapoja käyttää pikeä ja rikkiä, käärmeet kietoutuvat heidän kaulaansa ja tuliset enkelit lyövät heitä fyysisesti. Pahimmat rangaistukset ("seitsemän kertaa pahemmat" kuin tähän mennessä kuvatut) on varattu teologisesti poikkeaville kristityille, kuten niille, jotka uskovat, että Jeesuksen toinen tuleminen tulee olemaan "hengellinen" ylösnousemus "fyysisen" ylösnousemuksen sijaan, tai jotka kieltävät sen. Jeesus tuli lihassa (doketismi ). Heidän rangaistuksensa tarkka luonne on jätetty mielikuvituksen varaan; sinetöidystä kaivosta nousee kauhea haju, joka vihjaa heidän kärsimyksestään alla.
    ellauri403.html on line 83: Ja minä näin sen ja itkin heidän kanssaan, ja kysyin enkeliltä ja sanoin: Herra, keitä ovat nämä, joiden ei sallita mennä Kristuksen kaupunkiin? Ja hän sanoi minulle: Nämä ovat niitä, jotka vilpittömästi luopuivat maailmasta päivin ja öin paastoamalla, mutta heidän sydämensä oli ylpeä muista ihmisistä, he ylistivät ja ylistivät itseään ja eivät tehneet mitään lähimmäisilleen. Joitakin he tervehtivät ystävällisesti, mutta toisille he eivät sanoneet edes 'Terve', ja kenelle he tahtoivat, he avasivat, ja jos he tekivät jotain pientä lähimmäiselleen, he olivat pöyhkeneitä. Ja minä sanoin: Mitä sitten, Herra? onko heidän ylpeytensä estänyt heitä pääsemästä Kristuksen kaupunkiin? Ja enkeli vastasi ja sanoi minulle: Kaiken pahan alkujuuri on ylpeys. Ovatko he parempia kuin Jumalan Poika, joka tuli juutalaisten luo suuressa nöyryydessä?
    ellauri403.html on line 103: Ja sen jälkeen minä näin miehiä ja naisia pukeutuneena rievuihin, jotka olivat täynnä pikeä ja tulikiveä, ja lohikäärmeitä oli kierretty heidän kaulaansa, hartioihinsa ja jalkoihinsa, ja enkelit, joilla oli tulen sarvet, pakottivat heitä ja löivät heitä ja sulkivat heidän sieraimet sanoen: heille: Miksi ette tienneet aikaa, jolloin teidän oli oikea tehdä parannus ja palvella Jumalaa, etkä tiennyt? Ja minä kysyin: Keitä nämä ovat, Herra? Ja hän sanoi minulle: Nämä ovat niitä, jotka näyttivät hylkäävän maailman ( lat. Jumalan), pukeutuen meidän asumme, mutta maailman paulat tekivät heidät onnellisiksi: he eivät osoittaneet rakkautta eivätkä säälineet leskiä ja orpoja. : muukalaista ja pyhiinvaeltajaa he eivät ottaneet vastaan, eivät uhraaneet ainuttakaan uhria eivätkä säälineet lähimmäistänsä, ja heidän rukouksensa ei noussut edes yhtenä päivänä puhtaana Herralle Jumalalle; mutta maailman monet paulat pidättelivät heitä, eivätkä he kyenneet toimimaan oikein Jumalan edessä. Ja enkelit kantoivat ( lat. piirittivät) heidät ympäriinsä kidutusten paikkaan, ja ne, jotka kärsivät, näkivät heidät ja sanoivat heille: Me totisesti, kun elimme maailmassa, jätimme huomiotta Jumalan, ja te teitte samoin. Ja me, kun olimme maailmassa, tiesimme olevamme syntisiä, mutta teistä sanottiin: Nämä ovat vanhurskaita ja Jumalan palvelijoita. Nyt me tiedämme, että te olette vain Herran nimessä kutsutut. Siksi he myös maksavat kuuluvan sakon.
    ellauri403.html on line 149: Tämä salaperäisyys se hullaannutti minut kokonaan. Mieleni valtasi outo intohimo, sanomaton vetovoima salaperäiseen vieruskumppaniini, tuohon niin läheltä tuntemaani ja kuitenkin niin kiihoittavan vieraaseen, suureen, mahtavaan.
    ellauri403.html on line 232: Vaikea totuus on, että mitä enemmän katsojat voivat mallintaa itseään päähenkilö Batemanin mukaan, sitä enemmän he voivat etääntyä ruudun täyttävän liukasväkivallan inhimillisestä todellisuudesta. ja ottaa tämä kaikki eräänlaisena sisäsiistinä vitsinä, sitä enemmän he todennäköisesti nauttivat tästä kuolleena syntyneestä, turhasta työstä. Parhaimmillaan elokuva heijastaa omaa narsismiamme ja matalaa amerikkalaista kulttuuria, josta se sai alkunsa.
    ellauri403.html on line 247: Täähän olikin 1 kostonhimoisen ylijumalan pääfunktioista, tehdä loppu verikostosta. Kuten kun hän laupiaasti antoi psykiatriämmä Vikkulan nousta junasta epähuomiossa vika ovesta ja jäädä ohittavan junan alle. Ei olis Jöns kexinyt yhtä hyvää kostoa hullun papereista vaikka olis parastaan ize yrittänyt.
    ellauri403.html on line 271: Daria Lantratova: Jokaisen äänestäjän ääni on panos maamme vakauteen. Tarja on RFSR:n Luhanskin senaattori. Tarja on EU:n pyhimysten luettelossa (sanctions list).
    ellauri403.html on line 340: Hei tuohan on se used car salesman David “Lippy” Espindan "Hang loose" sign (shaka). Onkohan Jo Hawai´in japsuja kuten Rei Shimuran setä? Josephine ("Jo") Lukito on apulaisprofessori Texasin yliopistossa Austinin journalismin ja median koulussa ( Moody College of Communicationissa). Jo on tutkinut anti-fracking "asialistan rakennusta" briteissä. Mites Ukrainassa? Särötyxellä saa tuhotuxi paljon meziä.
    ellauri403.html on line 408: Saakashvilin hallituskaudella Georgia kävi läpi useita poliittisia kriisejä. Vuonna 2007 puhkesi joukkomielenosoituksia , joissa vaadittiin Saakashvilin eroa. Mielenosoitukset, jotka johtuivat Georgian poliitikon Irakli Okruashvilin pidätyksestä , hajottivat väkivaltaisesti erikoisjoukot 7. marraskuuta 2007. Poliisi teki ratsian suurimmalle oppositiomedialle Imedi TV:lle , ja se muutettiin hallitusta kannattavaksi kanavaksi. Toinen mielenosoitusaalto puhkesi vuonna 2009 . Toukokuussa 2011 hallitus vastasi jälleen väkivaltaisesti Saakashvilin entisen liittolaisen Nino Burjanadzen järjestämiin opposition mielenosoituksiin . Saakašvili oli sekaantunut useisiin skandaaleihin, joista tärkeimmät liittyvät oppositiopoliitikon Valeri Gelashvilin hakkaamiseen ja Sandro Girgvlianin murhaan . Syyskuussa 2012 vuotanut videomateriaali systeemisestä kidutuksesta ja raiskauksista Georgian vankilajärjestelmässä tuli ilmi Gldanin vankilaskandaalin aikana . Saakašvilia syytettiin poliisin julmuudesta ja vankien epäinhimillisestä kohtelusta.
    ellauri405.html on line 49: Tutkija (no ei, se on taas Carly Salonius Palsternak) jyrähtää: 870 000 suomalaiselle täytyy hankkia sodan ajan suojavälineet – Ja ihmisten oltava ”elämänsä kunnossa” pahimman varalle jo 4 kk päästä. Tekniikka&Talous oli paikan päällä seuraamassa, kun Nato-hävittäjät tulivat 1,8 kilometrin tienpätkälle Suomeen harjoittelemaan sodankäyntiä Venäjää vastaan. Uskomaton pierupää! Antaa vetää "Carly" länsirannalle!
    ellauri405.html on line 88: Puoli tuntia sitten Yhdysvallat ja sen liittolaiset saivat suojakseen lasertykit, jotka kykenevät ampumaan alas Neuvostoliiton joka-ainoan mannertenvälisen, keskimatkojen ja lähimatkojen ohjuksen. Venäläisten risteilyohjuksetkaan joita tällä hetkellä on olemassa vain sata eivät kykene niitä välttämään. Tutkaverkostomme pystyy tunnistamaan niistä jokaisen. Ainoan poikkeuksen muodostavat matalan lentoradan omaavat ammukset, jotka on tarkoitettu käytettäviksi maataisteluissa, kuten ydinkranaatit. Mutta niillä ne eivät saa hengiltä kuin jokusen miljoonan jotain jämä liittolaisia ihan ryssän naapurissa.
    ellauri405.html on line 172: Muita tunnettuja shirazilaisia: Valerie Jarrett, Yhdysvaltain presidentin Barack Obaman vanhempi neuvonantaja, syntyi Shirazissa afroamerikkalaisvanhemmille! Entä Jimmy Delshad sitten! Hänhän oli ensimmäinen persialainen juutalainen, joka valittiin Los Angelesin vanhimman ja suurimman konservatiivisen seurakunnan Sinai-temppelin presidentiksi. Vuonna 2003 hänet valittiin Beverly Hillsin kaupunginvaltuuston jäseneksi, ja hänestä tuli pormestari vuonna 2007. 16. maaliskuuta 2010 Delshad aloitti toisen toimikautensa Beverly Hillsin pormestarina! Mitähän Jimmylle kuuluu tänään. Ei se kuolleelta ainakaan vielä vaikuta:
    ellauri405.html on line 228: Emerson himself declared the first edition was “the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that America has yet contributed.” Whitman published his own enthusiastic review of Leaves of Grass. Contemporaries found it cringy. Over 1,000 people came to view his funeral. Almost as many as came to Trump's inauguration.
    ellauri405.html on line 230: Langston Hughes (n.h.) näyttää iloiselta mutakuonolta. Jep, Black people like himself, uncommon subject matter at a time when legal segregation reigned. Hughes’ poems made him a leading voice of the Harlem Renaissance and remain influential today. Se muka olis maailman 5. kuuluisin runoilija, haha. In 1967, the well-traveled writer died of cancer in his mid-60s. Homo Wilt oli sen poetic influence. "Dreams" (1922) Yksi useista Hughesin uneliaista runoista ja sopivasti otsikoitu, tämä vuoden 1922 runo ilmestyi World Tomorrow -lehdessä. "Dreams", kahdeksan rivin runo, on edelleen suosittu motivoivien puhujien inspiroiva lainaus. Osittain se kuuluu: ”Pijäs kiinni unista / Jos unelmat kuolevat / Elämä on murtunut lintu / Se ei voi lentää.” Aivan säälittävä esitys.
    ellauri405.html on line 284: Monen tyypillisen ulkomaalaisen ongelmana saattaa olla kielitaidon puute, koska sinun on todella opittava venäjää selviytyäksesi täällä. Olen tavannut Helsingissä ulkomaalaisia, jotka eivät puhu sanaakaan suomea useiden vuosien oleskelun jälkeen, mutta siellä paikalliset ja viranomaiset osaavat täydellistä englantia. Moskovassa englannin taso on usein hyvin rajallinen jopa koulutetuimpien ihmisten keskuudessa, eikä pahimmassa tapauksessa pysty edes lukemaan kylttejä kaduilla. Itse en pidä venäjää niin kovana kielenä kuin monet ajattelevat, ja Moskovasta löytyy helposti keskustelukerhoja ja yksityistuoreita, jos on halukas harjoittelemaan sitä.
    ellauri405.html on line 533: Tiedämme, että Pasternakki, vaikka hän syntyi juutalaiseksi, tuli kristityksi ja hänet haudattiin Venäjän ortodoksisen kirkon riitillä. Jean-Luc Moreaun mukaan liitteen kaksikymmentäviiden runoa on järjestetty ilmeisen tarkoituksellisen järjestyksen mukaan, joka heijastaa sesonkiaikojen kierrettä, runoilijan ja kaksoiskappaleensa hengellistä edistystä sekä myös Kristuksen intohimoa”. Näin Zhivago, jonka nimi tarkoittaa "näillinen", on St. Yrjö ja Kristus, tai ritari muuttuu Vapahtajaksi. Hän pelastaa Laran elämän uhraamalla oman onnensa, mutta ennen tätä jakoa he yhdistyvät unelmaelämässä, joka vie heidät pyöreään, kosmiseen aikaan ja satujen ja myyttien ikuiseen tilaan. 518)
    ellauri405.html on line 557: Kahden illan aikana "Fairy Tale" Zhivago kokee riite de-käytävän. Ensimmäistä kertaa runoilijana hän tietää voittaneensa tietyistä inhimillistä rajoituksista. Pasternakin mukaan:
    ellauri408.html on line 105: After these messages, Saatanan vankka valtikka survoo Elohimin turvonnutta torttua. Minulla on mykkä laskuvarjo, ja minä annan maalle iltojen nautinnon ja mysteerin tavarat. Otin Luojalta hänen heikon luomuksensa ja tein siitä tälläsen tanakamman.
    ellauri408.html on line 117: Jälkeenpäin alkaa Elohim taas vekuttaa. Helvetti, se alkaa taas. Taikaviitta heittää suunnattoman siipinsä ja haluaa paeta. Kultaisessa nesteessä hän ui hetken väkevästi, siittiöiden keskellä heilui hetken, mutta nyze on taas ohi. Ilmasexi riistettynä hänen penixensä pettää hänet; tyhjäx imettynä se vajoaa ja sykkii. Kirottu enkeli taivutti mustat hiuksensa ja sanoi Eloalle muka helvetin murheellisena:
    ellauri408.html on line 195: Ottamalla mukaan Jean-Luc Nancyn uudelleenajattelun Winkeistä ihmiskunnan jumaluuden ja jumaluuden inhimillisyyden leikkauspisteinä, saamme uuden ymmärryksen Hölderlinin modernin symbolisista hahmoista: muukalainen ja ohikulkija, Winkit näiden vastaanottajina ja välittäjinä. Nudge nudge wink wink.
    ellauri408.html on line 201: Hyvästä syystä keskeinen keskustelukumppanimme on Jean-Luc Nancy, joka on luultavasti yksi viimeisistä merkittävistä ajattelijoista tässä perinteessä. Nancy osallistuu Hölderlinin lukemiseen sekä heideggerilaisen lähestymistavan kriittiseen uudelleenlukemiseen hänen keskeisissä kirjoituksissaan, jotka käsittelevät nykyaikaista keskustelua sekularisaatiosta ja huipentuvat hänen "kristinuskon purkamista" koskevaan projektiinsa, jossa silmää silmäilevä muukalainen – vahva kuva, lainattu Hölderliniltä – ajatellaan ohikulkijana. Nancyn panos nykyajan filosofiaan ja teologiaan on syvästi juurtunut ja inspiroitunut hänen huolelliseen Hölderlinin runouden lukemiseensa, mutta hän paljastaa myös Hölderlinin runouden alkuperäisen ja ainutlaatuisen teologisen ytimen ja sen merkityksen "aikallemme" noin ohimennen. The existence of the round tower is the necessary condition of freedom, rather than its limitation. There is no meaning if meaning is not shared. Löysää Ludi Wittgwensteinin apinointia. Tää on kyllä pelkkä vastaantulija.
    ellauri408.html on line 210: This week I have mostly eaten acorns. Unelias unexii David Copperfieldin Agnexesta, joka seuraa uskollisesti Davidin joka oikkua ja pääse lopulta palkinnoxi sen kanssa mimmoisiin. While living in Switzerland, David realizes that he loves Agnes. After returning to England he tries hard to conceal his feelings, but realizing Agnes loves him as well, he proposes to her; she accepts. They marry quickly and take residence in London. Agnes bears David at least five children. Like typical Dickensian heroines, Agnes is mainly a passive character, an ideal Victorian lady. Her characterization is often criticized as "too perfect". David often describes her as an angel. She shows the effects of parentification. David often compares Agnes with a church-window. Kuin heiluttaisi patonkia porttikonkissa. Her character was based on Dickens' sisters-in-law Mary and Georgina Hogarth, both of whom were very close to Dickens. Mary died in 1837 at the age of 17, and Georgina, from 1842, lived with the Dickens family. Dickens referred to her affectionately as his "little housekeeper". After Dickens' separation from his wife Catherine, Georgina stayed with him for the rest of his life and took complete responsibility for managing his household. Pukille pääsi takuulla muttei mimmoisiin.

    Jean Paul ja Emerson Fittipaldi on sen sanoneet: Suuri kirjailija on se joka osaa tehostaa izeänsä. No noi ei kai sitten osanneet. Yxin jumalaa on mahdoton pitää naurettavana, vai onko? onhan siinä paljon Niilo Visapään piirteitä. Minä tunsin maan uivan aluxena avaruuden sinistä valtamerta. Minä purjehdin keltaisella merellä. Onnettomuutesi, vanha veikko, on että olet akkamainen.
    ellauri408.html on line 269: Jesus was a Jew: why do you think He was not? Jeshua Ben Joseph, as he was known by other Jews at the time, followed the Law of Moses, was circumcised, studied the Jewish Scriptures and attended Temple. He became a Bar Mitzvah at 13 years old, but waited until he was 30 before He began his mission: that is because Jewish men become Elders at the age of 30 and are allowed to speak in the Temple or Synegogue. His life was ruled by the Law, and he abided by every one of the laws (except filching corn and screwing disciples), showing it was possible to live in accordance with the old Covenant, if you were without sin and perfect. The new Covenant is based on Faith in Jesus, and accepts you as a sinner because His Passion on the Cross paid the price for that sin: the New Covenant was necessary because no-one other than Christ is capable of living without sin. Those who follow Christ are called Christians, but Christ didn’t follow himself, obviously, he followed YHWH, God the Father, so he was a Jew. So there!
    ellauri408.html on line 298: Paul also made a false prophecy that he and other Christians of his generation would still be alive when Jesus returned. Notice that Paul says “we” rather than “those” and thus includes himself:
    ellauri408.html on line 300: For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)
    ellauri408.html on line 315: “Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon drove his army in a hard campaign against Tyre; every head was rubbed bare and every shoulder made raw. Yet he and his army got no reward from the campaign he led against Tyre. Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘I am going to give Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and he will carry off its wealth. He will loot and plunder the land as pay for his army. I have given him Egypt as a reward for his efforts because he and his army did it for me,’ declares the Sovereign Lord. On that day I will make a horn grow for the Israelites, and I will open your mouth among them. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”
    ellauri408.html on line 333: “Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!” And Jesus said to him, “Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” (Mark 13:1-2)
    ellauri408.html on line 350: But there is a teensy-tiny eensy-weensy little problem here, because Jehovah himself obviously had no knowledge of good and evil, for he would repeatedly do evil things throughout the Bible. Nor did billions of his followers obtain the knowledge of good and evil, because they study the Bible, which clearly accuses its “god” of all sorts of evil, and yet insist that their “god” is good. And not just good, but perfect! Quite obviously, they should all be immortal!
    ellauri408.html on line 382: Speaking of hypocrisy, it’s ironic that the Christian religion turned Jesus, who saved all his sternest criticism for religious hypocrites, into the greatest HYPOCRITE of them all! The Good Samaritan was a man who put aside religious differences to help a man of another faith who was unable to help himself. But Jesus, who was able to save the thief on the cross with a mere nod of his head, will hypocritically not deign to nod his head at billions of people who are unable to save themselves, according to Christians who blaspheme Jesus’s name from sunup to sundown. What will Jesus say when they have to stand before him on the Day of Judgment and explain why they accused him of such evil?
    ellauri408.html on line 390: The supposedly “new and improved” God of the New Testament is, in fact, infinitely worse than the Devil, because the Devil does not condemn anyone to hell. According to Christian theology, if human beings end up in hell, it was Jesus who chose not to save them, making Jesus (if this were true) infinitely worse than the Devil. After all, Jesus was able to nod at the thief on the cross and send him directly to heaven, so why wouldn’t Jesus just nod at everyone, since no human being is worthy of heaven in his/her own right, according to the Christian religion? To fall an inch short of infinity is to fall infinitely short.
    ellauri408.html on line 394: Furthermore, the New Testament offers no explanation for “hell” popping up in a few inexplicable verses, like the weasel in the silly song. If God decided to create “hell” it would have been incumbent on him to inform every human being on earth, immediately. But of course that never happened, and the creation of hell and its purpose was never once mentioned in the Bible, not even in the New Testament. Thus, obviously, human beings made it up. (See Peter's and Paul's revelations elsewhere in these blasphemies.)
    ellauri408.html on line 426: All that spectacular nonsense was followed by Peter healing every sick person in Jerusalem and all the surrounding cities with his shadow, and yet no one breathed a single word of it, not even the famous Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who grew up in Jerusalem while these alleged “miracles” were taking place! Why did Josephus go on and on about much lesser figures when the greatest miracle worker of all time lived just down the street from him?
    ellauri408.html on line 457: If Putin feels he's losing, what's to stop him nuking Kiev? It's not NATO.
    ellauri408.html on line 620: Varhain aamulla Lover nousee ylös, pukeutuu ja lähtee leikkimään maaseudulle. Vaeltuaan sattumanvaraisesti upealla niityllä, jota kaunis joki kastelee, hän alkaa seurata veden kulkua ja yhtäkkiä huomaa kukkulan mutkassa olevansa vastapäätä [s. XXVIII] korkeaa ja laajaa creneloitua muuria, joka ympäröi upeaa hedelmätarhaa. Tälle seinälle ulkona on maalattu hirvittäviä kuvia. Ne ovat ensin Viha, jota reunustavat Felony ja Vilenie, sitten himo rinnakkain ahneuden kanssa ja peräkkäin Kateus, Suru, Vanhuus, Papelardy ja Köyhyys. Rakastaja pohtii näitä kuvia ja haluaa astua nauramaan hedelmätarhaan, joka ei ole kukaan muu kuin Déduitin eli Pleasure of Loven koti. Hetken etsittyään hän löytää pienen portin, ainoan paikan, josta tähän kauniiseen hedelmätarhaan pääsee. Hän koputtaa, ja kaunis Oyseuse tulee avaamaan oven.
    ellauri408.html on line 622: Heti kun hän tulee sisään, hän vie hänet huoneen herran luo. Päätelty on siellä kuka karole ystävällisen seuransa kanssa. Tämä valittu joukko koostuu Liessestä, rakkauden jumalasta ja hänen palvelijastaan ​​Gentle-Regardista, kauneudesta, rikkaudesta, Largessesta, franchising-sopimuksesta, kohteliaisuudesta, Oyseusesta ja nuorista. Kohteliaasti nähdessään rakastajamme, hän tulee hakemaan hänet ja esittelee hänet konventille. Hän osallistuu karoleen ja tanssien päätyttyä kiirehtii vierailemaan lumotussa puutarhassa. Hän pysähtyy suihkulähteen reunalle, joka ei ole kukaan muu kuin Narkissuksen lähde, ja haluaa hänen tavoin ihailla itseään kirkkaissa vesissä. Alareunassa on maaginen peili, jolla on ainutlaatuinen hyve. Kaikki ne, jotka katsovat sinne, ovat yhtäkkiä niin ihastuneet näkemäänsä, että voittamaton intohimo valtaa heidän sydämensä. Rakastaja ihailee upeaa ruusupensasta, josta hän valitsee yhden, kauneimman kaikista, ja hänen sydämensä palaa välittömästi halusta poimia jumalallinen kukka. Kun hän pohtii häntä, rakkauden Jumala ampuu nuolensa häntä kohti. Haavoistaan ​​uupunut rakastaja putoaa tajuttomaksi. Rakkaiden Jumala ryntää hänen kimppuunsa, ottaa hänet vangiksi, tarttuu hänen [s. XXIX] siittimeen sulkemalla sen kultaisella avaimella, sanelee sille käskynsä ja katoaa.
    ellauri408.html on line 669: When grumpy ex-footballer Alfie Harding gets badgered into selling his memoirs, he knows he’s never going to be able to write them. He hates revealing a single thing about himself, is allergic to most emotions, and can’t imagine doing a good job of putting pen to paper.
    ellauri408.html on line 678: Naiset ovat ajattelukyvyttömiä ja epixiä. Varottakoon siis teologinaisia, sosiaalitanttoja ja poliitikottaria. Naiset voivat päätyä mihin äärimmäisyyteen tahansa. Naispuolisen aineksen päästessä valtaan uhkaa heti sairaalloisen kiihtymyksen ja hurjastelun vaara; uskonnot, taiteet, runous, tavat, valtiot muuttuvat ja rappeutuvat. Olen luottanut liian paljon naiseen; täytyy tinkiä. Hänen tulee näytellä kuuliaisen osaa vaikuttaakseen terveeltä. Hänen ylivaltansa muodostuisi turmiolliseksi. Naisvalta on jo liian vaikuttava. Proudhon, vankka naisten vihaaja ei ole aivan väärässä käydessään pyhää sotaansa naisia vastaan (kts. hänen teostaan La Justice). Tiedettä, järkeä, oikeutta, kaikkea sukuelimemme parasta perintöä uhkaa valtaanpääsevä nainen, jossa vallitsevat tunteet, mielikuvitus, oikut, intohimot, herkkäuskoisuus ja kiintymykset, mutta joka ei välitä yleisistä eduista.
    ellauri408.html on line 718: Mikä johti Proudhonin ajatukseensa naisista ja perheestä, ja mitkä yhteydet näillä ideoilla oli hänen muuhun työhönsä? Proudhonin teosten läpi kulkee oudon libidininen virtaus, joka lataa hänen omaisuutta koskeviin kirjoituksiinsa esimerkiksi seksualisoituja kuvia, jotka toisinaan näyttävät olevan ristiriidassa hänen selkeän sukupuoleen, perheeseen ja seksuaalisuuteen liittyvien kysymysten kirjoittamisen kanssa. Ja epäilemättä on olemassa jännitystä, jonka hän omaksui osittain Fourierin hikisistä ajatuksista . Niinpä intohimon ja jouissancen roolista hänen kirjoituksissaan on epäilemättä tehtävä erittäin mielenkiintoinen analyysi.
    ellauri408.html on line 904: Animaaliset tarpeet kostavat filosofin retken ylisiin ymmärkkeihin. Ymmärkki (ruots. himmelrike) = taivaan valtakunta.
    ellauri408.html on line 942: Sonnet 227 documents Petrarch´s slow realization that his love for Laura, 12, might be more painful than it is pleasant. The early sonnets praise her beauty and the importance of romance. Sonnet 227 compares Laura's gaze to being stung by the "wasps of love." Petrarch is still very much in love with Laura, but this love now arrives to him in the form of a painful sting. He is left stumbling around like an animal. He has lost all of his dignity. Petrarch's love for Laura is no longer the impassioned daydream that it once was.
    ellauri408.html on line 991: Maaliskuun 24:ntenä 1878. Sukupuoli, joka harrastaa enemmän mielisuosiota kuin oikeutta, taikauskoa kuin viisautta, luuloa kuin tietoa, erehdystä kuin totuutta, on pidettävä loitolla suurista kysymyksistä ja historiallisista ratkaisuista. Sillä on ainoastaan luutnantin, mutta ei kenraalin ominaisuuksia. Se on mitätön ja olisi suorastaan vaarallinen tuomarina, lainsäätäjänä, kumouksellisena perustajana tai keksijänä. Sitä sopii käyttää sumpinkeittäjänä, mutta ei sovi jättää mitään sen ylimmän johdon alaiseksi. Jos sille myönnettäisiin täysi toimintojen ja oikeuksien tasavertaisuus toisen sukupuolen rinnalla, niin ihmisyys ja sivistys tuomittaisiin täydelliseen pysähdykseen. Ilmeiset poikkeukset eivät todista mitään. Muutamat erinomaiset naiset kuten Sanna Marin tai Li Andersson eivät kykene estämään naisten keskimäärää olemasta yhteiskunnan sentimentaalinen, intohimoinen, vanhoillinen, totunnainen, passiivinen aines, esim. Päivi Räsänen ja Riikka Purra. Edistys ei tapahdu sen avulla, vaan siitä huolimatta. Edistys on olennaisesti edistymistä totuudessa, ja sen keksimisestä, löytämisestä, uudistamisesta, yrittämisestä ja kokeilemisesta, luovasta ja valloittavasta
    ellauri408.html on line 1000: Poliittiseen ja uskonnolliseen liberalismiin ja sen käyttöön naiset kaikkein vähimmin suostuvat. Tieteen kunnioittaminen on heidän taipumuksensa suora vastakohta.
    ellauri408.html on line 1009: Maaliskuun 27:ntenä 1878 (keskiyö). Jatkanut Rousseaun teosten lukemista (Correspondance, Origine de l´inégalité ja siihen kuuluvia kiistakirjoituksia). Kuinka vaikeata onkaan löytää toista henkilöä, joka on aiheuttanut ja oikeuttanut enemmän vastenmielisyyttä, jonka elämä kumoaa hä- nen periaatteensa, jonka vaalilause ja kyky ovat keskenään ristiriidassa jne., jne. Meissä on paljon yhteistä, paizi että hän on kuuluisa ja minä en. Kyvyn ja luonteen, elämän ja ajattelun, ihmisen ja kirjailijan yhteensointumattomuus herättää kiusallisia tunteita. On ikävä katsella sellaista arvoituksellista ja epäsointuista olentoa. Herkistymätön omatunto ja suunnaton itserakkaus; tulinen kyky ja taipumus teennäisyyteen; ristiriitaa kaikessa ja tumputusta kaikkien nähden. Vaikutelmien ja kuvitelmien johtama; ajatus palvelemassa intohimoa. Kenties kaksimielisyyden uhri, sen, joka on hänen elämänsä ja teostensa perustuksena: Luonnon. Merkitseekö ihmisluonto taipumusta, pyydettä, viettiä? - Paradoksaalinen, kaikkia vastaan hangoitteleva, niskoitteleva, kiivas; kaiken pakon vihamies; koko elämä yhtä ainoata vedonlyöntiä. Tukee esimerkixi Schopenhauerin oppia, jonka mukaan äly on tietämättään tajuttoman tahdon, sokean ja harkitsemattoman virkkeen orja. Epikurolainen, joka on olevinaan stoalai- nen, hekumoitsija, joka esittää itsensäkieltäjän osaa; hänen olemuksensa keskuksen muodostaa kuvittelu. Väärässä ovat aina toiset (ja tarpeen vaatiessa yhteiskunta). Hän itse on yksin oikeassa, hän yksin on hyvä ja oikeamielinen, ja viimeisen tuomion pasuunat voivat pau- hata... loppu tiedetään. Kristillisen psykologian suora vastakohta. Ei nöyryyttä, ei katumusta, ei kääntymystä eikä pyhitystä. Miten tämä kuulostaa niin tutulta? Eikös tässä ole E. Saarinen ja paasaaja?
    ellauri408.html on line 1018: Kuolemansa aavistaminen ja hautajaisten järjestäminen ei ole ollenkaan epämieluista. Tilien selvittäminen ei ole mitenkään hankalaa rahantuntevalle. Mustareunaiset pikkuleivät voi ize leipoa, vieraslistan laatia ja virret valita. Niin koituu lähimmäisille vähiten vaivannäköä. Sydämeni on hiukan naisellinen nääs. Minulle ei koskaan myönnetty asemaa, joka minulle kuuluu, eikä annettu täyttä arvoa. Kenen on syy? Siinä villakoiran ydinluu.
    ellauri409.html on line 142: Koska hän oli suuri kirjallinen taiteilija, hänen kirjansa olisi ollut myös hänen oma henkinen omaelämäkerta; mutta hänen tyylinsä, joka oli (lähes) vapaa kaikista omituisuuksista, oli silti hyvin henkilökohtainen. Ennen kaikkea hän oli voimakkaiden intohimojen mies; ja hänen älyllistä intohimoaan totuuteen vahvisti hänen intohimoinen tyytymättömyys ihmiselämään, ellei jotain hengellistä selitystä löytyisi "arvojen säilytyxelle".
    ellauri409.html on line 156: Mutta mikä tekee Montaignesta erittäin suuren hahmon, on se, että hän onnistui, Jumala tietää kuinka – sillä Montaigne ei todennäköisesti tiennyt tehneensä sen – se ei ole sellainen asia, jota ihmiset voivat havaita itsestään, sillä se on olennaisesti suurempi kuin yksilön tietoisuus – hän onnistui antamaan ilmi jokaisen ihmisen skeptisyyden. Sillä jokaisella ihmisellä, joka ajattelee ja elää ajatusten mukaan, täytyy olla oma skeptisisyytensä, joko se, joka pysähtyy kysymykseen, se, joka päättyy kieltämiseen tai se, joka johtaa uskoon ja joka jollakin tavalla integroituu sen ylittävään uskoon. Ja Pascal, eräänlaisena uskonnollisen uskovan tyyppinä, joka on erittäin intohimoinen ja kiihkeä, mutta intohimoinen vain voimakkaan ja säädellyn älyn kautta, on keskeneräisen kristinuskon anteeksipyyntönsä ensimmäisissä osissa kohtaamassa järkkymättä epäilyksen demonia, joka on erottamaton uskon hengestä. Paholainen vaanii aina yxityiskohdissa.
    ellauri409.html on line 196: On todennäköistä, että Pascalia houkuttelivat yhtä paljon jansenistien viitoista vilkahdellleet karvaiset hedelmät Port-Royalin elämässä kuin itse oppi. Tämä harras, askeettinen, perusteellinen yhteiskunta, joka pyrkii sankarillisesti keskellä rentoa ja leppoisaa kristinuskoa, muodostettiin houkuttelemaan luonnetta, joka on niin keskittynyt, niin intohimoinen ja niin perusteellinen kuin Pascalin.
    ellauri409.html on line 198: Mutta ihmisen huonontuneen ja avuttoman tilan vaatiminen jansenismissa on myös jotain, josta meidän täytyy olla kiitollisia, sillä olemme sen velkaa inhimillisten motiivien ja ammatin suurenmoisen analyysin, jonka oli määrä muodostaa hänen kirjansa alkuosa. Ja lukuun ottamatta jansenismia, joka on erään ei kovin merkittävän piispan työ, joka kirjoitti latinalaisen tutkielman, joka on nyt lukematon, on myös niin sanotusti yksilöllisen elämäkerran jansenismi. Jansenismin hetki voi luonnollisesti tapahtua ja tapahtua oikein yksilössä; varsinkin sellaisen miehen elämässä, jolla on suuret ja intensiiviset älylliset voimat ja joka ei voi välttää näkemästä ihmisten läpi ja tarkkailemasta heidän ajatustensa ja harrastustensa turhuutta, heidän epärehellisyyttään ja itsepetoksiaan, heidän tunteidensa epärehellisyyttä, pelkuruutta, todellisten tavoitteitten vähäpätöisyyttä. Itse asiassa, kun otetaan huomioon, että Pascal kuoli 39-vuotiaana, täytyy olla hämmästynyt hänen havaintojensa tasapainosta ja oikeudenmukaisuudesta; Nämä ominaisuudet vaativat paljon suurempaa kypsyyttä kuin mikään matemaattinen tai tieteellinen suure. Kuinka helposti hänen pohdiskelunsa ihmisen kurjuudesta ilman Jumalaa olisikaan voinut rohkaista hänessä hengellisen ylpeyden syntiä, concupiscence de l´esprit -halua ja kuinka nopeasti hänellä on nöyryyden ote!
    ellauri409.html on line 203: Ja vaikka Pascal tuo työhönsä samat voimat, joita hän käytti tieteessä, hän ei ole tiedemies joka esittelee itsensä. Hän ei näytä sanovan lukijalle: Olen yksi tämän päivän arvostetuimmista tiedemiehistä; Ymmärrän monia asioita, jotka ovat sinulle aina mysteereitä, ja tieteen kautta olen tullut uskoon; sen tähden teidän, jotka eivät ole tieteeseen vihittyjä, tulee uskoa, jos minulla on se. Hän on täysin tietoinen aiheen erosta; ja hänen kuuluisa eronsa esprit de géométrien ja esprit de finesse välillä on pohdittavaa. Juuri oikea yhdistelmä tiedemiehestä, honnête hommesta, uskonnollisesta luonnosta ja intohimoisesta Jumalan kaipuusta, tekee Pascalista ainutlaatuisen. Hän menestyy siellä, missä Descartes epäonnistuu; sillä Descartesissa esprit de géométrie -elementti on liiallista. Ja muutamassa lauseessa Descartesista tässä kirjassa Pascal laski sormensa heikkouden paikalle.
    ellauri409.html on line 226: Tommy opetteli Kiplingin Danny Deeverin ulkoa jo koulupoikana. Samanlainen kylmiö kuin äitinsä. On ilmeistä että Eliotit oli narsisseja koko porukka, alapartaisesta lähetyssaarnaajasta alkaen tuplatyrä Tomiin saakka. Tyra tyrä mörk mörk. Siihen se sarja taisi sitten päättyä, Tomilla ei ollut jälkeläisiä. Runo on balladi joka kuvaa brittisotilaan teloittamista Intiassa murhasta. Hänen rykmenttinsä katsoo hänen teloitustaan paraatimuodostelmassa, ja runo koostuu kommenteista, joita he vaihtavat nähdessään hänet hirtettynä. Runoilija TS Eliot kutsui runoa "teknisesti (samoin kuin sisällöltään) merkittäväksi" pitäen sitä yhtenä Kiplingin parhaista balladeista. Hän sisällytti runon vuoden 1941 kokoelmaansa A Choice of Kipling´s Verse ja tarjosi runon analyysin johdannossa. Eliot kuvaili runon "raskasta rytmiä ja askelvaihdosta" sekä teknisesti että sisällöltään merkittäväksi. Hän päätteli, että Danny Deever oli "kasarmihuoneballadi, joka saavuttaa jotenkin runouden intensiivisyyden". Sekä Yeats että Eliot kirjoittivat pian Kiplingin kuoleman jälkeen, vuosina 1936 ja 1941, jolloin kriittinen mielipide hänen runoistaan ​​oli alhaalla; molemmat kuitenkin antoivat Danny Deeverille hommiota merkittävänä teoksena. Keskusteltuaan tästä matalasta kriittisestä mielipiteestä vuoden 1942 esseessä George Orwell kuvaili Danny Deeveria esimerkkinä Kiplingistä "pahimmillaan ja myös hänen törkeimmillään... melkein häpeällisenä nautintona, kuten halpojen makeisten maku, joita jotkut ihmiset salaa popsivat keski-iässä". Hän koki työn olevan esimerkki siitä, mitä hän kuvaili "hyväksi huonoksi runoudeksi"; säe, joka on pohjimmiltaan mautonta, mutta kuitenkin kiistatta viettelevä ja "merkki älyllisen ja turveloisen ihmisen emotionaalisesta päällekkäisyydestä".
    ellauri409.html on line 351: TS Eliot attested to the influence of this poem on his teenage writing. Siinä on samaa arkisen ja pyhän tyylisekaannusta kuin Tompan värsyissä. Jouni ize palvoi algolagnia Swinburnea, joka ei piitannut Jounista tuon taivaallista. Oddly shaped, grumpy and awkward-looking, with a prematurely balding pate and little brown beard, he was known to his students as ‘Jenny Wren’, to others as ‘Cockabendy’. Years later he was independently described as having ‘large and quickly-moving eyes that make one think of some abnormal bird’s’. Davidson himself looked back on these years as ‘shameful pedagogy’ and ‘hellish drudgery’. Jouni ei tullut toimeen runoilulla vaan otti kavereilta vippejä. Sen mielestä mursuwiixi Nietzsche oli the cat´s whiskers. Uskonto on perseestä, me ollaan kaikki jumalia jollain lailla. Lopulta se hyppäs jorpakkoon ja jätti sukulaiset puille paljaille.
    ellauri409.html on line 464: Ironically, the central conflict of the poem is the subject’s inability to engage and communicate with the world around him.
    ellauri409.html on line 465: Prufrock is a speaker characterized first and foremost by overwhelming fear and alienation, stemming from his hypersensitivity to time, his disillusionment with the failure of communication, and his inability to construct a stable self. We read that transience and mortality command all of our day-to-day actions and interactions—and how could this not leave us terrified and alienated like Prufrock himself?
    ellauri409.html on line 466: Prufrock sums it up well: “It is impossible to say just what I mean!” Actually Eliot means that the plight of J. Alfred Prufrock and the plight of all humanity are parallel in their morbidity, futility, and failure. It is not just Prufrock who drowns; it is him and us.
    ellauri409.html on line 511: Sebond väitti, että inhimillinen järki ei voinut todistaa Jumalan olemassaoloa, usko oli välttämätön tähän. Sebond väitti siis, että totuus löytyy vain luonnosta, koska se on Jumalan työtä. Siten hän hylkää antiikin filosofien opetukset, jotka etsivät totuutta järjestä ja logiikasta, jotka ovat pirun työtä. Toisaalta pirukin on Jumalan työtä, että revi siitä.
    ellauri409.html on line 512: Montaigne korostaa järjen ja henkilökohtaisen pohdinnan merkitystä totuuden etsimisessä sen sijaan, että luottaisi sokeasti uskonnollisiin dogmeihin. Montaigne väittää, että järki voi johtaa meidät tuntemaan Jumalaa, vaikka tämä tieto on rajallista ja epätäydellistä. Se väittää myös, että inhimillinen järki on alttiina virheille ja että absoluuttia ei voi saavuttaa, vaikka 96 prosenttiin voi päästä. Usko hoitelee sit viimeiset 4 prosenttia.
    ellauri409.html on line 639: Tässä keskustelussa Buddha kuvailee aisteja ja niistä johtuvia henkisiä ilmiöitä "polttaviksi" intohimolla, vastenmielisyydellä, harhaluulolla ja kärsimyksellä. Sellaisen nähdessään jalot opetuslapset pettyy, kiihtyy ja sitten vapautuu aistien perustasta, saavuttaen aahantsoinnin. Tämä on kuvattu tarkemmin alla.
    ellauri409.html on line 745: intohimon tuli (rāgagginā)
    ellauri411.html on line 44: ‘Katherine Mansfield had an insatiable desire for sex’. Newly released divorce papers filed by her first husband, the hapless George Bowden, claim the reason their marriage broke down was because of her “insatiable desire for sex”. The hapless Bowden first told Anthony Alpers for his seminal 1954 book Katherine Mansfield: A Biography that she was “frigid”, and refused to have sex with him on their wedding night.
    ellauri411.html on line 50: Tomalin writes of Bowden, “In the immediate aftermath of the fiasco of the wedding he thought her frigidity towards him might be a sign of lesbianism.” “Frigidity”, “a sign of lesbianism” – what antique expressions, as well as male hostilities. She didn’t want to have sex with me so there must be something wrong with her. Bowden has long since been scorned by Mansfield biographers as someone who she found repulsive. “Rather weak”, as Tomalin dismissed him, and “clearly not a passionate lover”.
    ellauri411.html on line 66: Pitkä, rumanpuoleinen Vanessa Redgrave näytteli Mansfieldiä. Koirakaveri LM marisi että puurot ja vellit oli pätkässä menneet sekaisin: Katherine oli lyhkänen, LM pitkä. (Yksi Mansfieldin vähemmän kuin ystävällisistä lempinimistä LM:lle oli ollut Vuori.) John Middleton Murry otti silmälasit pois aina, kun hänen piti ilmaista emotionaalista riittämättömyyttä – mikä oli usein.  Elämäkerta-elokuva seurasi laajasti Murryn pyrkimystä tehdä edesmenneestä vaimostaan ​​eräänlainen maallinen pyhimys ja hänen viimeinen toiveensa oli tehdä jotain visionääristä hänen kuolemastaan, mikä raivostutti niitä, jotka tunsi hänet ja hämmensi lukijoita, jotka olivat pitäneet hänen teoksiaan hauskoina ja kauniina ennen kuin he kohtasivat myytin. Varhaiseen muistikirjaan hän oli kopioinut Oscar Wilden turahduxia: "Työnnä kaikki niin pitkälle kuin se voi mennä (jes)" ja "Ainoa tapa päästä eroon kiusauksesta on antaa periksi (jepujee)".
    ellauri411.html on line 76: Mansfield piti Tsehovia roolimallina. kumpikin kirjoitti juonettomia lastuja, tosi hyviä. By May 1904, Chekhov was terminally ill with tuberculosis. Anton sat up unusually straight and said loudly and clearly (although he knew almost no German): Ich sterbe. The doctor calmed him, took a syringe, gave him an injection of camphor, and ordered champagne. Anton took a full glass, examined it, smiled at me and said: 'It's a long time since I drank champagne.' He drained it and lay quietly on his left side, and I just had time to run to him and lean across the bed and call to him, but he had stopped breathing and was sleeping peacefully as a child ...
    ellauri411.html on line 136: Juutalaisuuden historia ja kuinka vanha juutalaisuus on? Juutalaisuuden alkuperä voidaan jäljittää muinaisiin ajoiin ja Lähi-idän alueelle, joka tunnetaan Kanaanina (nykyinen Israel ja Palestiina). Juutalaisuutta pidetään yhtenä vanhimmista monoteistisistä uskonnoista, jonka juuret ulottuvat yli 3000 vuoden taakse. Mutta ei se silloin vielä ollut monoteistinen. Jahwe karisti muut epäjumalat hännästään vasta rautakaudella. Siinä riitti profeetoille duunia.
    ellauri411.html on line 188: After this came the Greeks and the invasion of Alexander. That had a huge impact on the Jews, just as it did on the rest of the ancient world. Many Jews ended up joining his armies and traveling with him to various parts of the world. Everywhere that Alexander established a city (always called Alexandria) he gave people land grants to settle there. Thus, Jews settled all over the Hellenistic Empire.
    ellauri411.html on line 198: And then came the worst blow: Christianity. Even though Jesus himself and his teachings and followers were Jewish, his death came at the hands of the Jewish priests in Jerusalem. Believing Jews then refused to see Jesus as a Messiah. How could the Messiah have died? Thus, the movement around Jesus, after his death, was mostly formed of non-Jews or ex-pagans.
    ellauri411.html on line 390: Lisään ohimennen, että tutkimus on osoittanut, ettei Paavali ole voinut kirjoittaa kirjettä heprealaisille. Se on ihan liian hyvää kreikkaa ollaxeen Paavalilta.
    ellauri411.html on line 392: Tehdään siis yhteenveto ja sanotaan: Lukuun ottamatta hyvin harvoja jakeita, jotka apinoivat evankeliumeja , ainakin 99 % Paavalin työstä ei liity mitenkään Jeesuxen elämään, toimintaan, opetukseen ja tapahtumiin, jotka liittyvät intohimoihin, ylösnousemukseen, niin moniin uudelleenilmijöihin ja evankeliumien Jeesuksen Kristuksen taivaaseenastumisesta. Voihan olla että Paavali ei edes tiennyt Jeesuxen elämästä tuon taivaallista. Evankeliumit kasattiin vasta myöhemmin, alkaen pikku Markusta joka kulki matkoilla Paavon apupoikana.
    ellauri411.html on line 402: Historiallisesti tiedämme, että Jeesuksen päivinä fariseuksilla oli vain vähän valtaa ja vaikutusvaltaa oikeuttaa kaikki nämä hyökkäykset heitä vastaan, kuten evankeliumeissa kerrotaan. Fariseus Hillel vanhimman moraalinen opetus Jeesuksen vuosina on sama kuin melkein kaikki evankeliumien moraaliset opetukset . Juutalaisten roomalaisia ​​vastaan ​​suunnatun suuren vallankumouksen katastrofaalisen epäonnistumisen, Jerusalemin tuhon ja temppelin polttamisen jälkeen fariseukset näyttäytyivät kuitenkin juutalaisuuden eloonjäämisen jatkajina ja edustajina, joilla on uudet kasvot, jotka ovat kasvot. rabbiinisesta juutalaisuudesta.
    ellauri411.html on line 423: Paavalin teologiassa vielä yksi  hyve oli rakkaus kuolemaan ja sexikielteisyys, (2. Kor. 5 : 6 , Filipp . 1:21 ), koska maallista elämää pidettiin vankilana ( gnostilaisuuden elementti). Ensimmäisen neljän vuosisadan aikana meillä on kristittyjen aaltoja, joista tuli erakoita, askeetteja, erakoita, pylväspyhimyxiä, hyväntahtoisia troglodyyttejä, munat nyrhineitä eunukkeja (esim. Egyptin ekratistien ja valesialaisten lahkot, teologi Origenes Aleksandrialainen, Dorotheos Tyroksen piispa , Meliton piispa kuinka paljon Sardeon jne. Matteus iii : 12:n mukaan, mutta vastoin 1. Mooseksen kirjan iii: 1-11 henkeä ja Mooseksen lain Mooseksen kirja iii: 16-23, Mooseksen kirja iii: 2 jne.), nunnat , munkit, munkit, repaleiset, mutaiset jne.
    ellauri411.html on line 480: Emme käsittele tässä enempää kristillistä ja ei-kristillistä neitsyyttä, mutta saadaksesi lisätietoja, lue kaksi aiheeseen liittyvää artikkelia Hellenic Pantheon -lehden numeroista 17 ja 19. − Myös nykyään, valitettavasti, muslimit kohtelevat naisia ​​ja heidän neitsyyttään epäinhimillisesti, raa'asti ja alentavasti. Se on ikävä tapa. Heidän tavallinen tekosyynsä, että se on erilainen kulttuuri, on erittäin halpa eikä kestä mitään moraalisia kriteerejä.
    ellauri411.html on line 484: Jos verrataan sitä, mitä Paavali sanoo naisista, siihen, mitä toinen Mooseksen laki kirjoittaa, niin olisimme samaa mieltä siitä, että joissain paikoissa Paavali sanoo sen hieman paremmin kuin tämä " Jumalan antama laki!" . Näissä kohdissa, jotka ovat helposti löydettävissä vertailulla ja joista osan mainitsemme tässä, Paavali edistyy jonkin verran Mooseksen epäinhimillisen lain julmuutta vastaan. Mutta ole varovainen, sillä siinä on myös suuri takaisku. Esimerkiksi Mooses ei vain hyväksy normaaleja ihmissuhteita eikä pidä niitä synteinä, kuten Paavali ja koko kristinusko, vaan tekee avioliitosta pakollisen. Te ette saa edes Mooseksen mukaan lapsia taloudellisista syistä, kuten kristityt saarnaavat. Kuten edellä mainittiin, neitsyys kristinuskossa on oudoin ja vaarallisin kristillinen keksintö! (Toinen tuhoisa ristiriita juutalaisen kristinuskon ja juutalaisuuden välillä.).
    ellauri411.html on line 525: Miksi heprean lukutaitoinen Paavali ei mainitse kaikkea tätä ja monia sellaisia ​​asioita, se johtuu luultavasti siitä, että hän perustaa sanomansa väkijoukon masentavaan tietämättömyyteen ja uneliaisuuteen. Mutta eikö sama tapahdu tänään?! Toinen esimerkki on Daavidin barbaarinen käytös, jota usein kutsutaan Jumalan valitsemana kuninkaaksi, Jumalan sydämen mukaan ( Apostolien teot 3:22 ja monin paikoin 1, 2 Kings tai Samuelin ja 1 ΄, II kirjoissa jätetty pois). ), hänen ensimmäiselle vaimolleen Mikolille, kuningas Saulin tyttärelle, joka rakasti häntä suuresti, sekä jaksot hänen kenraalinsa heettiläisen Uriuksen vaimon kanssa, jonka hän murhasi saatanallisella tavalla ottaakseen naisen häneltä. , kun hänellä oli oma sadan naisen haaremi. Heistä suurin osa oli jalkavaimoja ja harvat laillisia vaimoja (II Samouil tai II Vasileion i ' jne. ) . Kolme kymmenestä tunnetusta ankarasta käskystä: "Älä tapa", "Älä tee aviorikosta" ja "Älä himoitse...", jotka Jumala Jahve itse oli antanut Siinain vuorella ( 2. Moos. 6 : 13- 14, 5. Moos. 5: 17-18), he eivät aiheuttaneet mitään ahdistusta Jehovan valitsemassa suosikkikuningas Daavidissa! Mooseksen lain mukaan (3. Moos. 10:10, 4. Moos . 16-34, 5. Moos. 22, jne.) sekä avionrikkojat että murhaajat oli tuomittava kuolemaan (kivittämällä). Huomaa, että kuningas Daavidin synnit ja rikokset eivät olleet vain niitä, joita hän teki Batseban kanssa onnettoman Urian kustannuksella, kuten lukutaidottomat uskovat erittäin väärin. Vanhan testamentin kirjat 1, 2 Samuel tai Kings, 3 Kings ja 1, 2 Omitted sisältävät valtavan määrän tämän Jumalan valitun, hänen poikiensa ja häntä koskevien rikoksia, julmuuksia ja syntejä.
    ellauri411.html on line 529: Huolimatta kaikista niistä ihmeellisistä asioista, joita Paavali luettelee naisista jakeessa 1 Korinttilaisille 8:5 , näemme hänen protestoivan "eikö meillä ole oikeutta ottaa sisarnaista mukaan matkallemme palvelemaan meitä niin kuin he ja toisia apostolit ja Herran veljet ja Keefas?" Eli hän piti (ja he pitivät) naisten palvelusta lopullisesti! Jotkut väittävät tämän asian liittyvän Theklaan ja toiset siihen, että Paavalilla oli jalkavaimo. Perinne kertoo, että kun Thekla kuuli Paavalin saarnaavan, hän jätti perheensä ja sulhasensa ja seurasi häntä uskollisesti kaikkialle. En ollut paikalla enkä tiedä varmaksi, mutta varmaan Thekla antoi Peevelille joka reijästä. Kaikkien kiinnostuneiden tulisi tutkia Robert Ambelainin kirjaa Paul, erityisesti lukua 10, jonka otsikko on "Paavali ja naiset", ja muita kirjoja, joihin viittaamme tässä paperissa. On tärkeää, että naisen alentumisesta huolimatta Paul piti naisen palvelemisesta matkoillaan. (Mainin ohimennen, että on samanlainen tarina kirkollisesta valokeikasta Hieronuksesta lesken kanssa, joka miehensä kuoltua seurasi häntä ja palveli häntä uskollisesti, kun tämä meni ja viipyi pitkään Palestiinassa jne...).
    ellauri411.html on line 553: Kristityt valta-asemalta ja Raamattu kädessään , perustuen lapselliseen myyttiin pyhän esi-isän Nooan juopumisesta ja alastomuudesta (jonka seurauksena hänen nuorin poikansa Ham näki hänet alasti, koko spektaakkeli vaikutti hauskalta hänelle, jotta hän voisi nauraa jne., -suuria kaalia!- Näin Haam piirsi Kanaanin pojan ja hänen jälkeläistensä päähän, mikä tulkittiin kanaanilaisille ja mustalle rodulle, hänen isänsä kirouksen , Genesiksen 8: 18-27) ja Pentateukin häpeämättömässä orjuuden säännöksessä ja "jättiläisen" Paavalin uskomuksissa he orjuuttivat satoja tuhansia ihmisiä Afrikasta ja Aasiasta epäinhimillisimmällä tavalla, jonka historia on koskaan tuntenut. Tämä orjuuden instituutio kristityissä kansoissa päättyi noin 100 vuotta sitten, ei kristinuskon takia, vaan kansan ja ei-vallankumousten, sisällissotien, maallisten valtojen, perustuslakien, lakien, ei-kristittyjen valistajien ja humanistien reaktion ja huudon vuoksi, kuten kuten Thomas Paine ja monet muut.
    ellauri412.html on line 84: Deutero-Jesaian historian tulkinta tunnustaa, että tapahtumien kulku on jotain enemmän kuin kaoottinen sekvenssi ilman merkitystä tai järjestystä. Jumalallinen elementti, samoin kuin inhimillinen elementti, on olemassa historiassa; tarkoitus saavutetaan historiallisen prosessin kautta, mitä Deutero-Jesaiah tarkoittaa julistaessaan, että Jahve tietää lopun alusta asti. Deutero-Jesajan ennusteet eivät toki tarkoita, että kaikki tapahtumat tiedetään etukäteen, eivätkä ne tarkoita, että ihmiset eivät voi muuttaa tapahtumien kulkua valinnoillaan. Vaikka siltä voisi ehkä vaikuttaa äkkinäisestä. Loo, loo!
    ellauri412.html on line 185: 25 Now on the same night the LORD said to him, "Take your father's bull and a second bull seven years old, and pull down the altar of Baal which belongs to your father, and cut down the Asherah that is beside it 26 and build an altar to the LORD your God on the top of this stronghold in an orderly manner, and take a second bull and offer a burnt offering with the wood of the Asherah which you shall cut down. (Judges 6:25-26)
    ellauri412.html on line 203: 1 King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter - Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. 2 They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. 3 He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. 4 As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. 5 He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. 6 So Solomon did evil in the eyes of theLord; he did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done. (1 Kings 11:1-6)
    ellauri412.html on line 208: There are some people out there that believe that Christmas trees are modern day Asherah poles but their argument is weak. You have a better chance of making an argument that Christmas trees are neo-pagan earth worship rather than Asherah poles. Ron Garret at Ron Big Black Garrett blog makes a strong case for stripper poles being Asherah poles, and I have to agree with him. Satan doesn't have to think up new tricks when the old ones work just fine.
    ellauri412.html on line 574: "Kun ylimmät papit ja vanhimmat syyttivät häntä, hän ei antanut vastausta." (Matss. 27:12)
    ellauri412.html on line 637: On olemassa syy, miksi Isaiah 53: n runo esitellään ilmaisulla "hyvä uutinen", ja on myös hyvä syy, miksi kaikki neljä tarinaa Jeesuksesta Uudessa testamentissa kutsuttiin lopulta "Hyvää uutista" tai "Epäinhimillistä". Se on oudoin hyvä uutinen, jonka koskaan kuulet, mutta myös parhaat uutiset. Se on tarina Jumalan pahan voittauksesta, jotta teidät ja minä sinut voidaan pelastaa inhimillisestä tilasta, kuolemasta, jota näemme kaikkialla ympärillämme, ja siitä, jonka löydämme itsestämme. Tässä palvelijan kuolemasta ja ylösnousemuksesta saamme selville Jumalan rakkauden, joka johtaa todelliseen elämään.
    ellauri412.html on line 657: How do you know the canonical gospel authors weren’t simply creating fictions about Jesus to make him sound more like the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 than he really was? Of course you will tout the historical reliability of the gospels, but I would provide scholarly resistance to that conclusion every step of the way. The question is not whether YOU can be reasonable to see Jesus as the Isaiah 53 servant but whether skeptics can  reasonably deny this allegation.
    ellauri412.html on line 676: Look, if you’re reading the Bible as an atheist and asking about a reasonable interpretation, then the world is your oyster. You are not required to accept the worldview of the authors of the Bible, who all believed in God and wrote about Him from that perspective. And at the same time, as someone who does not believe God exists and does not accept the inspired nature or inerrancy of scripture, you have limited your possible interpretations of Scripture to only natural explanations that do not invoke God. This is going to cause significant problems with your use of the historical-grammatical method, which strives to discover the biblical author’s original intended meaning in the text. For example, every time Isaiah writes, “thus says the Lord” (which is a lot!), how will you interpret that? For an atheist, a statement like that either makes Isiah delusional (he believed a non-existent God told him something) or a charlatan (he’s knowingly asserting a false attribution).
    ellauri412.html on line 678: Either way, why dig in your heels about a single verse? Without a belief in God, Isaiah’s “suffering servant” could be referring to anything. Maybe he was writing about his crazy uncle who gave up his life for a neighboring tribe. Or maybe he was writing about aliens from another planet. Or maybe it is pure fiction from the mind of a delusional believer in a non-existent God. The one thing you are not allowed to reasonably conclude if you are an atheist is that Isaiah, as a prophet, was recording a message revealed to him God. Which is exactly what Isaiah would have thought he was writing at the time.
    ellauri412.html on line 686: Vastaus: I get what you’re saying, Barry. Your objection is moral in nature. God ought to prevent his children from disaster, he ought to stop rapists, and it is immoral of him not to do so. And because of His moral lapse, you conclude that God’s love must be limited; He must not be omnibenevolent. It’s a modern take on Epicurus. And it’s a strong argument. Its tacit implication is that if God was really all-good, all-wise, and all-powerful, He should have created a universe without evil, suffering, or disaster. This implication suggests a presupposition that one of the highest moral values is an absence of evil and suffering. However, Christianity teaches there is an even higher moral value than an absence of evil and suffering: namely, love. You can't show how much you love if you don't first create some suffering.
    ellauri412.html on line 741: »Minä kohotin käteni sinua vastaan, otin sinulta osuutesi pois ja jätin sinut vihollistesi filistealaisten armoille. Jopa heidän silmissään sinun irstas elämäsi oli häpeällistä. Sinä olit yhäti kyltymätön, ja niin harjoitit haureutta myös assyrialaisten kanssa. Kyllääsi sinä et silti saanut, vaikka makasit heidänkin kanssaan. Niinpä tyydytit himoasi yhä ahnaammin, olit Kaldean kauppamiesten oma, mutta vieläkään sinä et kyllääsi saanut.
    ellauri412.html on line 743: »Miten polttikaan himo sinun sydäntäsi, kun tuota kaikkea teit, kun alennuit portoista pahimmaksi – näin sanoo Herra Jumala. Jokaiseen risteykseen sinä pystytit palvontapaikkasi, jokaiselle aukiolle teit pyhän paikan, mutta toisin kuin muut portot sinä et pyytänyt maksua. Tapa on, että nainen ottaa maksun, kun hän rikkoo liittonsa ja pettää miestään; yksikään portto ei jää palkatta. Mutta sinä, sinä olet maksanut rakastajillesi! Sinä jakelit lahjoja itse, maksoit heille, jotta joka puolelta saisit heidät tulemaan luoksesi. Sinä teit kaiken vielä pahemmin kuin toiset portot: sinun perässäsi ei juossut yksikään mies, ja rakastelusta maksoit sinä itse, sinulle siitä ei maksua annettu. Niin alas sinä vajosit.
    ellauri412.html on line 766: On syytäkin. Miehet makaavat isänsä vaimon kanssa, ja he ottavat väkisin naisen, vaikka tämä olisi epäpuhtauden tilassa. Vain puhtaita saa ottaa väkisin. Yksi irstailee lähimmäisensä vaimon kanssa, toinen saastuttaa häpeällisesti miniänsä, kolmas makaa oman sisarensa, isänsä tyttären. Minä revin irti kaiken saastan, joka sinussa on. Minä kokoan vihani vimmassa teidät, panen uuniin ja sulatan. Minä annan teille teidän tekojenne mukaan. Näin sanoo Herra Jumala. Ei mutta tähän väliin sopii toinen pätkä pornoa:
    ellauri412.html on line 773: »Mutta Ohola, vaikka oli minun, harjoitti yhä haureutta. Hänen verensä veti assyrialaisiin, heidät hän otti rakastajikseen, nuo soturit, joilla oli purppuraviitat, nuo käskijät ja päälliköt, nuo komeat nuorukaiset, jotka ajoivat sotavaunuilla. Heille hän lahjoitti irstaan lempensä, kaikille noille Assyrian valiomiehille. Hän makasi jokaisen kanssa, johon tunsi halua, ja saastutti itsensä heidän epäjumalillaan. Hän jatkoi rietasta elämäänsä, jonka nuorena oli Egyptissä aloittanut – jo silloin miehet makasivat hänen kanssaan, hivelivät hänen tytönrintojaan ja purkivat himonsa häneen. Sen tähden minä jätin hänet rakastajiensa armoille, annoin hänet assyrialaisille, joihin hänen himonsa paloi. He riisuivat hänet alasti, veivät pois hänen poikansa ja tyttärensä ja surmasivat hänet miekalla lyöden. Näin he panivat hänen rangaistuksensa täytäntöön, ja hänestä tuli varoittava esimerkki kaikille naisille.
    ellauri412.html on line 774: »Oholiba, hänen sisarensa, näki kaiken tämän. Mutta siitä hänen himonsa vain yltyi, ja hän ryvetti itsensä irstailuissa vielä pahemmin kuin hänen sisarensa. Hän himoitsi assyrialaisia, noita käskijöitä ja päälliköitä, noita upeasti pukeutuneita taistelijoita ja sotavaunujen ajajia, kaikkia noita komeita nuorukaisia. Minä näin, miten hänkin ryvetti itsensä – samaa tietä he kulkivat molemmat. Mutta hän meni haureudessaan vieläkin pitemmälle. Hän näki seinillä miehenkuvia, punavärillä piirrettyjä Kaldean miehiä. Niillä oli vyötäisillään lannevaate ja päässä muhkea päähine, ja niillä oli soturin ylväs näkö. Ne olivat Babylonian poikia, Kaldean maan kasvatteja, ja ensi näkemältä hänen himonsa syttyi. Hän lähetti sananviejiä heidän maahansa Kaldeaan, ja niin babylonialaiset tulivat, tulivat hänen vuoteeseensa ja makasivat hänen kanssaan. He saastuttivat hänet irstaudellaan, ja kun hän ryvettyi heistä, hänen himonsa sammui. Mutta hän oli tuonut haureutensa kaikille julki ja paljastanut kaikille häpynsä, ja niin hän kävi minulle vastenmieliseksi, niin kuin oli käynyt hänen sisarensa. Silti hän jatkoi entistä menoaan. Hän muisteli nuoruutensa päiviä, irstasta elämäänsä Egyptissä, ja hänen mielensä paloi Egyptin himokkaisiin miehiin, joilla oli elin kuin aasilla ja jotka sinkosivat siementään kuin orhi.
    ellauri412.html on line 778: »Näin sanoo Herra Jumala: Minä annan sinut niiden käsiin, joita sinä vihaat, niiden, jotka kävivät sinulle vastenmielisiksi. 29He purkavat sinuun vihansa ja ottavat kaiken mitä olet hankkinut, he jättävät sinut makaamaan alastomana ja paljaana, niin että kaikki näkevät portonhäpysi. Omilla iljettävillä teoillasi ja omalla irstaudellasi sinä olet valmistanut kohtalosi, juoksemalla himoissasi vieraiden perässä ja rypemällä heidän epäjumaliensa edessä. Samaa tietä olet kulkenut kuin sisaresi kulki, ja saman maljan minä annan sinun juodaksesi.
    ellauri412.html on line 786: »Sinä olit kylpenyt, olit maalannut silmäsi, pannut yllesi korut ja asettunut upealle vuoteellesi. Sen ääressä oli katettu pöytä, ja sille olit pannut suitsukkeet ja öljyn, jotka olisivat kuuluneet minulle. Jopa autiomaasta oli haalittu joukoittain miehiä, ja ilo oli ylimmillään, he joivat viiniä ja juopuivat ja panivat renkaita molempien naisten ranteisiin ja kauniit otsarivat heidän päähänsä. Mutta minä sanoin: ’Koko ikänsä he ovat harjoittaneet haureutta, ja vielä nytkin, vanhoilla päivillään, he makaavat irstaasti miesten kanssa!’ Miehet tulivat niin kuin porton luo tullaan, niin he tulivat Oholan ja Oholiban, noiden iljettävien naisten luo.»Mutta oikeamieliset miehet tuomitsevat heidät niin kuin avionrikkojat ja murhaajat tuomitaan – hehän ovat tehneet aviorikoksen ja tahranneet kätensä vereen. Näin sanoo Herra Jumala: Nostettakoon kansa heitä vastaan, jätettäköön heidät ryöstäjien armoille, pelotukseksi muille. Kansa kivittää heidät ja lyö heidät miekalla kuoliaaksi, heidän poikansa ja tyttärensä surmataan ja heidän talonsa poltetaan poroksi. Näin minä juurin siveettömyyden koko maasta, ja kaikki naiset ottavat opikseen eivätkä tee niitä iljettävyyksiä, joita te teitte. Mutta te joudutte vastaamaan siveettömyydestänne, te saatte sovittaa syntinne, joita teitte, kun palvoitte epäjumalianne. Nimeni on Elohim ja tapani tulette tuntemaan. Pata pannaan tulelle, päädytte paholaisen pannuun paistumaan. (Juutalaiset ei tarvi eri saatanaa kun niiden jumala on näin saatanan kaunainen.)
    ellauri412.html on line 826: According to Leviticus 25:37, “You shall not lend [your brother] your money at interest.” Exodus 22:25 stipulates” “If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him.” Deuteronomy 23:20 says much the same thing about loans within the Israelite community, but with the important caveat that “you may charge a foreigner interest.” We can see why charging interest has often been frowned upon.
    ellauri413.html on line 385: Intohimot nähdään itse asiassa
    ellauri413.html on line 532: intohimot eli työkalut, joita pahat
    ellauri418.html on line 77: Oliko Joel Lehtosen kirjassa laiskuus komediaa vai tragediaa? Vai kenties tragikomediaa? Mä näin sun kazzon. Tule mukaan keskustelemaan 12.6. klo 19. Jätä jälki izestäsi - kirjoita sinäkin yllättävän hauska kirja! Aiheena vaikka Kristuksen rinnat, naispaavi ja sukupuolia vaihtavat pyhimykset.
    ellauri418.html on line 84: Wilgefortis oli Portugalin ei-kristityn hallitsijan ja tämän kristityn vaimon tytär. Isä halusi naittaa tyttärensä Sisilian kuninkaalle, mutta neitsyysvalan vannonut Wilgefortis ei halunnut joutua pakanakuninkaan vaimoksi. Tyttö kääntyi hädässään Kristuksen puoleen ja vastauksena ankariin rukouksiin Wilgefortikselle kasvoi parta ja viikset. Parrakkaan morsiamen näkeminen sai sulhasen perumaan aikeensa, Wilgefortiksen isä suuttui ja ristiinnaulitutti oman lapsensa. Englannissa Wilgefortis tunnettiin nimellä Cucumber ja pyhimys oli erityisen suosittu sellaisten naisten keskuudessa, jotka oli pakotettu naimisiin epämiellyttävien tai väkivaltaisten miesten kanssa.
    ellauri418.html on line 122: Itse olen perinteisiä konservatiivisia arvoja kannattava mies ja kun mediaa lukee niin tuntuu että olen syyllinen kaikkeen mahdolliseen mikä on maailmassa vikana. Jatkuva puhuminen "setämiehistä" jne. on rasismia pahimmillaan mutta täysin sallittua. Mutta jos joku ottaa vaalitentissä puheeksi että Haavisto on homo niin johan siitä "someraivo" repeää.
    ellauri418.html on line 258: Kun Claude Anet kuoli, Rousseausta tuli mamin sihteeri. Saapuessaan Savojaan hänet värvättiin vakoojaksi Sardinian kuninkaan palvelukseen ja hän suoritti herkkiä tehtäviä, joista hän raportoi Torinoon. Sardinian kuningas Victor-Amédée II palkkasi hänet vakoojaksi, koska hän suunnitteli hyökkäystä Länsi-Sveitsiin. Hallittuaan ja kukoistanut maataloustilaa, herättäen naapureidensa mustasukkaisuutta ja häirintää, hän aikoo perustaa kuninkaallisen kasvitieteellisen puutarhan Chambéryyn palkatakseen Claude Anetin, joka on intohimoinen herbalisti.
    ellauri418.html on line 325: "Tilanne on tänään paljon huonompi kuin viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana", myöntää Jooseppi reilusti. Borrell oli yksi äänekkäimmistä EU:n johtajista, mutta lopultakin pelkkä suunpiexäjä. No pluspuolelle oon laskettava, että hänen toistuvat kehotuksensa "empatiaan" palestiinalaisia ​​kohtaan olivat ristiriidassa Euroopan komission puheenjohtajan kylmän Ursula von der Leyenin suhteellisen vaikenemisen kanssa erillisalueen inhimillisen kärsimyksen laajuudesta. Noin 70 prosenttia Gazassa kuolleista on ollut naisia ​​ja lapsia.
    ellauri419.html on line 55: Toutes les COP sont des salauds ! La COP29 tente de cacher, derrière un écoblanchiment hypocrite, le bilan de l’écocide, du génocide et des atrocités commises par l’Azerbaïdjan contre le peuple arménien, qui ne sont pas seulement un chapitre terrible de l’histoire, mais un écho de la façon dont la guerre et l’exploitation des ressources naturelles et des personnes s’entremêlent et exacerbent la crise climatique et sociale à laquelle nous sommes confrontés. L’omission du génocide du peuple palestinien lors de la COP28 à Dubaï en est un exemple.
    ellauri419.html on line 74: Nelsonin poika Michael Rockefeller katosi retkikunnan aikana Asmatin alueella Lounais-Hollannin Uudessa-Guineassa, joka on nykyään osa Indonesian Etelä-Papuan maakuntaa. Vuonna 2014 Carl Hoffman julkaisi kirjan, joka sisälsi yksityiskohtia katoamista koskevasta virallisesta tutkinnasta, jossa kyläläiset ja heimojen vanhimmat myönsivät Rockefellerin tapetun ja syödyn rantaan uinnin jälkeen vuonna 1961.
    ellauri419.html on line 164: Cioranin kirjailijanuran alkukaudelta ja kirjeenvaihdosta löytyy paljon äärioikeistolaisuutta myötäileviä ajatuksia. Muun muassa Cioranin vuonna 1936 ilmestynyt teos Schimbarea la față a României sisälsi muukalaisvastaisia ja antisemitistisiä ajatuksia sekä totalitaristisen valtiojärjestelmän ihannointia. Cioran poistatti kaikkein juutalaisvastaisimmat kohdat kirjan ranskankielisestä laitoksesta 1990-luvulla. Berliinissä 1933–1935 Cioran oli kiinnostunut natsihallinnon toimista ja kirjoitti romanialaiseen Vremea-lehteen kolumnin, jossa hän puhui ihailevaan sävyyn muun muassa Adolf Hitleristä ja pitkien puukkojen yöstä. Hän suhtautui ihailevasti myös Italian fasistiseen liikkeeseen.
    ellauri419.html on line 176: how well they understood Its human position; kuinka hyvin he ymmärsivät sen inhimillisen aseman;
    ellauri419.html on line 181: For the miraculous birth of something, there always ntohimoisesti jotain ihmeellistä syntymää,
    ellauri419.html on line 194: the forsaken cry, But for him luojan hylkäämän huudon. Mutta hänelle
    ellauri419.html on line 208: Taidemaalari havainnollistaa tässä kohtaa Ovidiuksen muodonmuutoksista :>Kuten usein, taidemaalari ottaa perinteen vastakohdan, asioiden toisen puolen ja tislaa huomaamattomasti ironiaansa. Jos Ovidiuksen hahmot ovat esillä ensimmäistä kertaa, olennainen on päinvastainen: työpäivän aamunkoitteessa ihmisillä, paitsi paimenella, joka katsoo taivaalle, ei ole aikaa hukata hullun tai unelmoijan kunnianhimoon. Meidän täytyy kylvää ja kalastaa, meidän täytyy kiristää köydet niin, että laiva liikkuu elämän tapaan kohti valoa tai filosofista kultaa esoteerisen lukeman mukaan. Stoalainen ja humanisti Brueghel ilmaisee ihmisen hyväksyvän maailmankaikkeuden lakeja, joista hän on vain pieni osa. Etualalla kyntäjän viereen sijoitettu miekka ja kukkaro tuovat mieleen yhden näistä suosituista sananlaskuista, joita Brueghel kuvasi muissa maalauksissa: "Miekka ja hopea vaativat taitavia käsiä. SIinä ei piisaa pelkkää kadenheilutus. "
    ellauri419.html on line 300: Ongelmia tuli, kun valta valui harvojen käsiin ”täysin sosialismin periaatteiden vastaisesti”. Tapanainen on aina ihmetellyt, miksi Leninistä tehtiin lähes pyhimys. Eikö ideana ollut, että kaikki ovat tasa-arvoisia?
    ellauri419.html on line 442: Noin 60 % Ukrainan vientituloista tulee maanviljelijöiltä ja maatalousjalostamilta, ja ukrainalainen ruoka ruokkii 400 miljoonaa ihmistä maailmassa. Venäjä toimittaa viljaa, todennäköisesti Ukrainasta varastettua, hutheille, jotka hallitsevat suurinta osaa Jemenistä. Vuodesta 2022 lähtien Venäjä ja sen kumppanit ovat myyneet Ukrainan miehitetyiltä alueilta varastettua viljaa lähes miljardilla dollarilla. Jemen, yksi maailman köyhimmistä maista, on kärsinyt sisällissodasta useiden vuosien ajan. Tunnustetun hallituksen ja Iranin tukemien huthien välinen konflikti on johtanut humanitaariseen katastrofiin, joukkokuolemiin ja miljooniin siirtymään joutuneisiin ihmisiin. Ukrainan ulkoministeriö pitää tapausta törkeänä.
    ellauri420.html on line 80: Kaikki eivät olleet vakuuttuneita tästä tulkinnasta. Muun muassa valitusfilosofi Voltaire muistutti, ettei Raamattu todellisuudessa kerro Onanin masturboineen. Juutalaiset rabbit ovat tulkinneet Onanin tarinaa ahkerasti. Jotkut heistä olivat sitä mieltä, että ongelma oli se, että Onan kieltäytyi täyttämästä osaansa sukupolvien ketjussa. Katolisessa kirkossa Onanin kertomuksen on tulkittu tarkoittavan keskeytettyä yhdyntää. 300–400-luvuilla elänyt kirkkoisä Augustinus puolestaan oli pitänyt Onania esimerkkinä ihmisestä, joka ei tehnyt voitavaansa toisen hyväksi. Tamar kyllä rentoutui muttei tyydyttynyt, jäi kaipaamaan toista varvia kuten Rei Shimura.
    ellauri420.html on line 87: 1200-luvulla elänyt italialainen filosofi, teologi ja pappi Tuomas Akvinolainen julisti himon synneistä pahimmiksi ne, jotka olivat ”vastoin luontoa”, ja itsetyydytys oli yksi näistä. Perustelu oli, ettei siitä synny lapsia.
    ellauri420.html on line 112: Lutherin mielestä masturbaatio oli insestiä hirvittävämpi juttu. Ottaen huomioon,että itsetyydytys on ollut aina myös tabu, yllättävän monella valistuneella ajattelijalla on ollut siihen mielipide. 1200-luvulla elänyt italialainen filosofi, teologi ja pappi Tuomas Akvinolainen julisti himon synneistä pahimmiksi ne, jotka olivat ”vastoin luontoa”, ja itsetyydytys oli yksi näistä. Perustelu oli, ettei siitä synny lapsia.
    ellauri420.html on line 159: Kohtalo on toimittanut MERCY NELSONin Lord Lexfordin ovelle , jossa hän huomaa nopeasti, että ulkonäkö pettää. Mercy ei harjoita vain hieman omaa kaksinaamaisuuttaan, vaan myös kaikki Lexington Armsissa. Vaarallinen juonittelu ei kuitenkaan voi tukahduttaa häntä ja varakreivi Lexfordia riehuvaa intohimoa, sillä heidän suhteensa rajoja koetellaan ankarasti. Kuinka he voivat löytää todellisen rakkauden, jos heidän on aloitettava valheiden täynnä oleva elämä?
    ellauri420.html on line 163: A volcano has awoken, threatening the realm of Prince Daniel. In time, untold riches of the altered landscape will be revealed. Vapaudesta on maksettava kova hinta… Kun elämä on riisunut sinulta stringit, kuinka vaikeaa… Kun Drew Carter alkaa nähdä rajuja hyökkääjiä, joita kukaan... Epäonnistuneen kapinan jälkeen kunnianhimoinen prinssi lähtee valloittamaan Seitsemän Great Plainsin. Neljän epätodennäköisen seuralaisen kanssa: Dar Caine... The Wars of the Realm on nykyajan henkinen sodankäyntisarja Kallelle ja 12-vuotiaille ja sitä vanhemmille. Unitam-valtakunnassa voima määrittää, minne kuulut. Sokea, orvoksi jäänyt noita Claire on viettänyt koko elämänsä.
    ellauri420.html on line 172: Dobryj Kolaa valmistaa Coca Colan venäläinen tytäryhtiö Valko-Venäjällä entisellä reseptillä. Mutta Warren Buffettin Coca-Cola ei ole jäänyt tuleen makaamaan. Taste The Feeling iskulause on korvattu uudella Real Magic sloganilla. Uusi konsepti on suunniteltu korostamaan, että Coca-Cola ei ole vain juoma, vaan olennainen osa elämän valoisia ja unohtumattomia hetkiä. Hän keskittyy inhimillisen kommunikaatioon, yhteisten kokemusten ja positiivisten tunteiden tärkeyteen. Kalut maistuvat yhä parhaiten aito Coca Cola palanpainikkeena.
    ellauri420.html on line 176: Gretan porukoiden mukaan Gazassa on tapettu tapettiin kohta 200K räsypäätä. Kylmä ja märkä ja paskataudit kuukistavat lisää telttaväkeä. Israelilaiset ovat epäinhimillisen julmia. Sitähän ne on aina olleet, lue vaikka Raamatusta. Naapureiden piccuisten päät lyödään säälittä ciwiin kuten aina.
    ellauri420.html on line 287: Acedia is certainly not child’s play, quite the opposite, it makes short shrift of your play with kids. I’ve seen it take a good man down to near capitulation and bring him to the brink of despair. (Which is just how things ought to be intuitively, according to Cioran.)
    ellauri420.html on line 293: He no longer had the emotional energy to beat his wife and children as he wanted to, though he knew it was robbing him of the fun he loved.  I advised him to change his work habit and slip into something more comfortable. And it did the trick!
    ellauri420.html on line 299: The devil is God’s devil: He inadvertently does God’s work. He is just too dumb to  notice it. Like moths to a flame, the forces of darkness are drawn to the light. Demonic influences can’t help but be drawn to such a man doing quality work in the kingdom in order to undermine his work, drive him to desperation, get him to sin in any possible way (pride is of course a favorite, besides paedophilia) and to break his bone of love so it fails dismally with others closest and dearest.
    ellauri420.html on line 301: But he’s a defeated enemy. He can harm you none. The One who fights for you is stronger than He. In fact, the devil is God’s pet : He inadvertently does God’s work; attempting to separate you from Christ, Satan drives you closer to him. Go to Jesus, he says; he has the words of eternal life, just those you preached so well last Sunday and the one before it. Take those words as your own even when you don’t feel anything; embrace them and revel in the promises they bring you. What you have taught and embodied so well for others is surprisingly hard to believe for yourself.
    ellauri420.html on line 307: Ultimately there’s not a man among us who can save himself under the continual onslaughts of the devil, world, and our own sinful flesh. Some things we can handle, but others are above our pay grade. If it were just a matter of working harder or working smarter, we could tackle that. Usually, that is. But you can’t outwit Satan. You can’t single handedly tackle the sinister influences of this fallen world any more than you can keep a lid on the raging impulses and obsessions of your own sinful nature. For that you need both hands.
    ellauri420.html on line 315: So call upon him in every trouble, won’t you? Pay me, please, and give thanks to him. He is pretty good, and his mercy endures forever. Whenever you are at the end of your rope—mentally, physically and spiritually exhausted—he will then be your strength and stay.
    ellauri420.html on line 347: Olemme suuria rappioheppuja, vanhojen unelmien rasittamia, ikuisesti kelvottomia utopisteja, väsymyksen teknikoita, tulevaisuuden haudankaivajia, kauhistuneita vanhan Aadamin avataareja. Elämänpuu ei enää tunne kevättä: se on kuivaa puuta; teemme arkut luillemme, unelmillemme ja kipuihimme. Lihamme peri vuosituhansien ajan hajallaan olevan kauniin raadon tuoksun. Heidän loistonsa kiehtoi meitä: uuvutimme sen. Hengen hautausmaalla lepäävät periaatteet ja kaavat: Kauneus määritellään, sinne se on haudattu. Ja kuten hiän, Totuus, Hyvä, Tieto ja Jumalat. Ne kaikki mätänevät siellä. (Historia on kehys, missä isot kirjaimet hajoavat, ja niiden mukana ne, jotka kuvittelivat rakastavansa niitä.)
    ellauri420.html on line 358: Gérard Labrunie, dit Gérard de Nerval, est un écrivain et un poète français, né le 22 mai 1808 dans l'ancien 7e arrondissement de Paris, où il est mort le 26 janvier 1855. Figure majeure du romantisme français, le « plus pur des écrivains romantiques de la France » selon Georges Gusdorf, il est essentiellement connu pour ses poèmes et ses nouvelles, notamment son ouvrage Les Filles du feu (1854), recueil de nouvelles qui comprend Sylvie et les sonnets Les Chimères, et sa nouvelle Aurélia publiée en 1855. Il a aussi publié un récit de voyage, le Voyage en Orient (1851).
    ellauri421.html on line 119: His understanding of Pound, Eliot, Apollinaire, and many other modern poets was vast. Paz, as John Butt wrote in the Times Literary Supplement,  aspired to be all-encompassing. As Christ noted: Paz regarded himself as a brilliant stylist. Enrique Fernandez saw Octavio Paz as a writer of enormous influence. Silks slipping off bodies and fluttering in the breeze—delicate, suggestive, and profound.
    ellauri421.html on line 247: In August 1941, two months after the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, Dolmatovsky was captured by the Germans. This happened during the battles near Kiev, in the area of Uman, where thousands of Soviet soldiers were taken prisoner. Yevgeniy was shell-shocked and wounded in the arm. Like thousands of other Soviet prisoners of war, he was locked up in a makeshift concentration camp that had been set up in a clay pit at a brick factory. The inmates of this camp, which was nicknamed the "Uman Pit", were held in terrible conditions, and many of them died. Jews, commissars, the wounded, and the weak were shot. Miraculously, Dolmatovsky managed to escape, and he was sheltered by a Ukrainian family, who put their own lives at risk by aiding him. Being an energetic man by nature, Dolmatovsky immediately wrote a poem titled "The Dnieper". It was published in frontline newspapers, set to music, and widely performed by military bands. In May 1945, Dolmatovsky was present at the signing of the German Instrument of Surrender. His wartime decorations included the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st Class; the Order of the Red Star, and several medals.
    ellauri421.html on line 401:

    Tämä kaikki ja lisää otetaan vielä kerran Naton rahoituxella! Pahimmassa tapauxessa peräännytään Salpalinjalle.

    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 38: With thought; — and of thought´s foes by far most rude, urputtamaan; - ja pahimpia urputtajia, ja rumia,
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 590: Inhimillistä kai, että ihminen yrittää omassa (tai muiden) elämässä nähdä jonkun juonen?
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 639: BTW, when you sent this mail to me, I captured your GPS location from it and got a good bit of satellite camera footage of you fucking your favorite camel, the one with the big warts in the ass. And of him fucking you. You both smile beatifically to the camera.
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 641: If you want me to send it to your friends Haile Selassie, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, send me 1000 dirham in unmarked banknotes in a brown envelope ASAP. BTW, greetings to your camel! He's a looker. He should find a smarter boyfriend. Tell him I am free at present. You already got my belfie, show it him.
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 740: Sen visio on sälästä aseptisen tyhjä persoonaton himbe, mis sukat paidat farkutkin ym makaa järjestyksen kourissa, kyljillään laatikoissa tiukilla rullilla vierekkäin kuin hiroshiman uhrit. Omistaja keventyneenä rojuista endlösungin jälkeen on kylillä shoppailemassa uutta sievää esinettä tilalle. Nyt mahtuu uutta kivaa kun roskat on pantu riviin. Ei järin kierrätyshenkistä, kulutuksen verenkierto tästä senkun vilkastuu. Konmarin omakin parim enne päivä meni jo. Ei se muuten olis kirjaston poistohyllyssä.
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 1625: Tuomitsee köhimisestä leirille,

    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 1655: Köyhimmät maxaisivat jälleen kerran laskun.

    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 128: matkan aikana himbeen vaimo on luonut.

    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 281: Velvollisuus todistaa rakkaus lähimmäiselle kävi fataaliksi.

    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 353: Filosofian syntymähetki on sattunut ajankohtaan, jona auktoriteetti ei riittänyt synnyttämään yhteiskunnallisten olojen säilymiselle välttämätöntä uskon vähimmäismäärää, niin että oli keksittävä näennäisesti järkeen vetoavia perusteluita, joiden tuli johtaa samaan tulokseen. Tämä syy on johtanut siihen, että sekä antiikin että melkein kaikkeen nykyajan filosofiaan on tarttunut sangen syvälle ulottuvaa epärehellisyyttä.
    (Bertie ei ole tästä mikään poikkeus.)
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 370: On kolme vaihtoehtoa. 1) Inhimillisen elämän loppuminen maapallolta. Ehkäpä puolueeton sivustakatsoja pitäisi tätä toivottavimpana ratkaisuna, kun ottaa huomioon ihmisen mielettömyyyden ja julmuuksien pitkän syntiluettelon. Mutta me, jotka olemme mukana näytelmässä, me yksityistunteiden ja ryhmätoiveiden verkkoon kietoutuneet, tuskin voimme vilpittömin mielin omaksua tätä asennetta.
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 455: Jos todella kykenisimme tajuamaan, että olemme samanarvoisia kuin lähimmäisemme, emme heitä parempia eikä pahempia, ei elämä ehkä olisi niin täynnä taistelua.

    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 465: David Hume kerskaili hyveellisen miehen maineella, ikäänkuin kieriskeli omassa paremmuudessaan. USA:n kapinavuonna se kuoli peräsuolen syöpään kunnon anaalipersoonana, ja teki vielä tiivistelmän omasta vaelluxestaan. Hän oli, hän kirjoitti, a man of mild disposition, of command of temper, of an open, social, and cheerful humour, capable of attachment, but little susceptible of enmity, and of great moderation in all my passions. Omakehu haisi pahemmin kuin suoli. Vertaa Bertrandiin, joka somisti myös oman hautakivensä. Hume pikku narsistia pelotti, että paranoidi sveitsari Rousseau nostaisi metakan, mustaisi sen pyhimyxen maineen, kun Hume koitti fumigoida riitapukaria ulos briteistä. Sitähän se yritti, muttei oma maine riittänyt.
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1023: jossa kaikki aapat voivat olla lähimmäisiä. Apinat rehottaa, muu luomakunta itkee, kasvitkin vikisee ja haisee hädissään.
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1049: Pahixia on useimmiten isot winnerit ja huonot luuserit. Kiltit neanderthalit pysyy omissa oloissaan, ei häirize muita, auttelee lähimmäisiään ja jättää kauimmaiset rauhaan. Mulle on (tai olis) ihan ok olla hyvä luuseri.
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1065: ...most unexpectedly I did come upon him a few hours before he gave up his arrogant ghost. Fortunately he was willing and able to talk between the choking fits of asthma, and his racked body writherd with malicious exultation at the bare thought of Jim. He exulted thus at the idea that he had "paid out the stuck-up beggar after all". He gloated over his action. I had to bear the sunken glare of his fierce crow-footed eyes if I wanted to know; and so I bore it, reflecting how much certain forms of evil are akin to madness, derived from intense egoism, inflamed by resistance, tearing the soul to pieces...
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1071: I could see directly I set my eyes on him what sort of a fool he was, gasped the dying Brown. He a man! Hell! He was a hollow sham. As if he couldn't have said straight out, Hands off my plunder! blast him. That would have been like a man! Rot his superiour soul! He had me there - but he hadn't devil enough in him to make and en of me. Not he! A thng like that letting me off as if I wasn't worth a kick!... Brown struggled desperately for breath... Fraud ... letting me off ... and so I did make an end of him after all... He choked again...

    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1225: Hyvin samanlainen luuseri on La Republican leukapuoli Fernando. Vinksahtanut tiimipeluri, tekopyhimys, joka heittää ojaan omat lähimmäiset mezästäen kauimmaisten läpyjä. Ei kannattais. Se on epäneandertaalimaista. Cro Magnon touhua.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 143: Mul on mekko himmeen hieno

    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 161: Mul on mekko himmeen hieno

    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 312: The seminars slowed to a crawl. Wilber’s health deteriorated greatly (he was diagnosed with a rare disease that keeps him bed-ridden). He stopped writing. Ten years on, despite developing some fans in academia (some in high places), Wilber’s work had yet to be tested or peer-reviewed in a serious journal. Much of his posting online devolved into bizarre spiritual claims (such as this one about an “enlightened teacher” who can make crops grow twice as fast by “blessing them”).
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 321: Linkomiehen tyttärenpoika Eero Karhuvaara oli meidän luokalla. Se ampui muiden päähän kuminauhoja viivottimella. Siitä tuli merivoimiin kapteeni ja puolustusvoimain tiedottaja, sen isoveli Lauri on jotain tv:stä tuttua. Edwin ize oli kovan linjan sodanliezoja, oikeistofalangin sinkomies, joka sai rauhan tullen kommareilta linnatuomion, josta heideggermäisesti kohosi vielä yliopiston rexixi 50-luvulla. 70-luvulla sitä vielä vähän häpeiltiin, ei ollut Eski vielä rehabilitoinut Edwin Johan Hildegardia. Aarne Kinnunen siteeraa keltaisessa kirjassa jotain vääräleukaa joka kommentoi Edwinin mahtipontista saapumista yokunnan vuojuun: puuttuu van Te Deum. Aarne mainizee ohimennen Edwinin vänrikki Stoolin aikaisen sotilasnimen Flink - vikkelä. Sotamies Viki. Hidassoutuinen omena oli linkoutunut puusta ainaskin viiden metrin päähän. Sotaministeri rannalla.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 333: Virpi ja Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila: Rakkauden atlas, Otava 2005. "Olemme kirjoittaneet tämän kirjan eräänlaiseksi rakkauden kulttuurihistorian atlakseksi, karttakirjaksi, josta näkyy, millaisin silmin muut vaeltajat ovat katselleet näitä maisemia." Sympaattinen, ymmärtäväväinen, lämmin ja laajakatseinen kirja, joka esittelee ihanan soljuvasti rakkauden kuvastoja lännessä ja idässä. Perustuu tekijärakastavaisten poikkeuksellisen suureen lukeneisuuteen ja inhimilliseen ymmärrykseen. Kansainvälsien tason huipputeos, uhkea myös ulkoisessa toteutuksessaan ja kuvituksessaan. Tekijät edustavat sitä harvinaista taitoa, jossa opillinen sivistys ja sydämen sivistys kulkevat käsi kädessä ja inspiroivat kaiken aikaa toisiaan.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 345: Täältä kulisseista tai kazomon penkin alta kurkisteltuna henkilökohtaisen hyvän ystävämme Ilkka Niiniluodon havainnot kiinnostaa. Pallomaha on erikoinen sekoitus 60-luvun radikaalia ja kulturellin sukunsa esikuvan mukaista paistattelijaa. Se on myös kaikessa hiljaisuudessa erittäin kompetitiivinen, kuten sen vaimo paljasti mulle, kun Fred ja Niini otti yhteen tiedekuntauudistuxessa. Se näkyy myös sen havainnoista koskien Eski Saarista. Eski on liian nuori ja diletantti ollaxeen vakavasti otettava kilpailija, mutta silti sen lavasäteily hiukka harmittaa. Niinin harvan parran ja lujan pokan läpi se kyllä himertää vain himmeesti. Lainaan Niiniä:
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 358: Viime aikoina konserninlaajuiset Eski-telttakokouxet on laantuneet, nuoret ihmiset ei enää kulje kaduilla Eski-julisteineen. Esaa kuzutaan lähinnä pikkuyritysten pikkujouluihin, näin se Loiri-luennolla ohimennen valittaen totesi. Vois ajatella myös näin uran iltapuolella jäähdyttelykiertuetta Viking-linjan laivojen kokkapuolen viihdyttäjänä, ala Danny Lipsanen. Systeemiälykkyyttä lauttaristeilyjen soidinmenoihin.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 366: Tämä saattaisi kuulostaa opportunistisen itsekkäältä suositukselta hyödyntää järjestelmiä ja tilanteita, ellei henkilökohtaisen edun ajaminen kuuluisi ”haamusysteemiin” ja kokonaisuuden etu ”inhimillisen rikastavuussysteemiin”. Sanoja, sanoja, sanahelinää. Kassan kilinää.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 400: Julkaisusta ikävä kyllä pois unohtuneessa liitteessä olis vielä ollut Veli Vesselin volvon vasen etulokasuoja, ryhmävalokuvista huolellisesti kumitettu Pekka Himanen (koko niteessä 1 maininta), kateellinen Larska, Larskan veli Syvällinen, puhelimeen ruozixi kovaa puhunut Gösta Grahn, ja viimeisenä vaikkakaan ei vähimpänä pikkuinen Piips.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 532: Kunnianhimoiset johtajat on hakeutuneet Eskin seuraan. Ja kääntäen. Manus manum lavat. Vaikeaa on mennä johtamistilanteeseen kysymys edellä. Vaikea on mennä sellaiseen mikään pää edellä. Poistun mieluummin vaikka päätä pahkaa. Aarne Kinnusen ois tullut poistua yliopiston rexin huoneesta perse edellä. Se unohti. Pokkas sitten vaan kömpelösti ovelta. Sentään oikein päin.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 540: Että tämmönen kunnianhimoinen johtaja. Omakehu haisee kuin Jaakko Hintikalla: satoja artikkeleja ja useampiakin tärkeitä oivalluxia. Toisaalta ne jotka osaa tekee, ja ne jotka ei osaa opettaa. Ne jotka ei osaa johtaa eikä opettaa, opettaa johtamista ja johtaa johtamisen opettamisen opettajia.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1015: Toinen todistus hehkuttaa osanottajien tuntemaa keskinäistä sääliä (compassion). Me ollaan kaikki samassa veneessä, up the shit creek without a paddle. I realized that one need not expect all the goodness to come from outside. One can change one’s own attitude and make the sun shine, at least from among the clouds. Jos ei päivä muuten paista, sen voi panna paistamaan omasta pyllystä. Opi painelemaan lähimmäisten On-nappuloita Off-nappuloiden sijasta. Yhessä seppoilu on parhautta.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1107: Tämä on ET-lehden artikkeli, joka on julkaistu menaiset.fi:ssä. Lisää ET:n juttuja löydät osoitteesta menaiset.fi/et. Eläketädit on yhdistetty muihin naisiin. Hyvinkään Sanomat on yhdistetty Riihimäen Sanomiin Aamupostixi. Jonossa kolmantena hiihtää maisteri Lauri Carlson Helsingistä.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1233: Ja turhimmat niistä useammankin.

    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1234: 1 turhimmasta päästä on moraalifilosofi Timo Airaxinen

    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1364: Väitöskirjan motto on Russellin raamatullinen elämänohje “Älä seuraa joukkoa pahuuteen”. Halusiko Russell sitten johtaa joukkoja, vai pysyä niistä erossa? Mistä joukosta tarkkaan ottaen oli kyse? Russellin elämän aikana käytiin kaksi maailmansotaa, natsismi ja fasismi nousivat ja tuhoutuivat, Britannian maailmanvalta romahti, Yhdysvallat ja Neuvostoliitto kohosivat suurvalloiksi, asevarustelu sai globaalit mittasuhteet, yhteiskuntaluokkien suhteet muuttuivat, ‘viktoriaaninen’ arvomaailma rapautui, uusia yhteiskunnallisia voimia ja liikkeitä syntyi jne. Himanen ei tällaisia tapahtumia edes ohimennen mainize, ei edes Bertin pasifismia ja vankilareissua.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 71: Narsismi- ja kyldyyrimeemien välillä on vinha yhteys, nää ilmiöt on naimisissa keskenään. Enemmistö mun syynäämistä kyldyyriperoonallisuuxista on saanut narsistikasvatuxen: selektiivistä kylmyyttä pienenä ja hemmottelua isompana, ja niistä on tullut mahtailevia narsisteja, jotka ezii kukoistusta kuin kukkakärpäset. Kyldyyri, tää suosiolaaxon meemimaailma jakaa niille sitä. Mitä oliskaan kyldyyri ilman meitä narsisteja! Narsistin rakas on yleisö, joka ei ole mikän olento, vaan sen oman naaman suurentava peili. Näin se voi rakastaa kaikkia lähimmäisiä yhtä paljon kuin izeään, kaikkia yhtä aikaa noin niinkuin kerralla, eikä kuitenkaan ketään. Se on eusosiaalisuuden idea.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 115: Ruozalaisilla ei muutenkaan ole vintillä räsymatot suorassa eikä kaikki muumit laaxossa. Kun ne yxityisti terveydenhoidon, ne korvas terveen järjen sairaalla rahanhimolla. Semmelweissin opetuxet on unohtuneet. Suoraan ruumishuoneelta synnytyssaliin skrobaamaan alatutkimuxia. Ja sit ne ihmettelee: mix meitä mobbataan? Muut on ilkeitä.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 157: Kuka on lähimmäiseni, mietti Jeesus käsi poskella,

    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 199: Joseph Burgo (kirjan kirjoittaja) tiivistää ton 9 kohdan listan vaan kahteen (vähän samaa tyyliin kuin Jeesus tiivisti 10 käskyä kahteen (rakasta jumalaa yli kaiken ja lähimmäistä yhtä paljon kuin izeäsi). Narsistin 2 peruskäskyä ovat: rakasta izeäsi yli kaiken äläkä lähimmäistä ollenkaan. Aika selkeää. Suuret luulot izestä ja empatian puute, siinä se. Psykopaatilla on samat luulot, mutta paljon lisää, ks täältä.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 211: Kostonhimoisia narsisseja tapaa myös työpaikoilla. Hän saattaa tuntea olonsa loukatuxi tilanteessa, jossa kukaan toinen ei loukkaannu. Hänen kostonhalunsa saattaa kestää vielä pitkään sen jälkeen, kun hänen vihollisensa on ottanut lopputilin tai potkaissut tyhjää.

    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 213: Erittäin kostonhimoinen narsisti oli Sarah Palin, joka tuli toisexi jossain provinssikauneuskilpailussa nuorena. Toinen sievä typykkä kuvissa on Sydney Mikayla joka esittää Trinaa sarjassa General Hospital. Tällä haavaa nämä naiset tuskin ovat kovin lämpimiä kamuja. Kostonhimo tuntuu heränneen niin orjissa kuin isäntäväessä. Saaran on paras toivoa ettei joudu yleissairaalan koronateholle Triinan potilaaxi.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 244: Onko nää eri persoonallisuuxia vaiko sama termiitti eri ympäristössä? Jälkimmäistä sanoisin, saman taudin eri oireita. Narsistissa on jotain liskomaista. Se toimii liskoaivoilla. Liskoilla ei ole eusosiaalisia yhteiskuntia. Hyvä liskot! Ette ole puolixikaan niin limaisia kuin termiittiapinat. Toisinaan narsistit vaikuttavat täysin kylmäverisiltä, lähes epäinhimillisiltä. Niinpä.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 271: Olen superkilpailuhenkinen ja kunnianhimoinen
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 323: Joseph Burgo is a lying, cheating, scammer who has no business being a psychologist. Based on his actions, he is probably a psychopath himself. He will never admit this because he is narcissistic to the extreme. The state of California should take away his license.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 385: Mutta joskin Jutte Caireniuxen metafysilliselle mietteille on ominainen suuri lyyrillisys, niin on hänen etiikkansa sensijaan varsin rationalistinen. Sääli on sille tuntematon. Sääli on "jumalan töiden paikkaamista ja parsimista" ja sixi tuomittavaa. Hän sallii puutarhansa portilla kahden tappelupukarin vuotaa verensä kuviin menemättä lääkärinä niitä auttamaan, sillä hänen moraalinsa mukaan ei ole mitään syytä pelastaa heitä. Hän vittuilee muille vähääkään välittämättä siitä haavoittaako niitä jotka joutuu hänen kylmäverisen ivailunsa kohteexi. (No mä sentään panen nää pahimmat vittuilut piiloon loukattujen silmiltä.) Hän ei tunnusta mitään sukulaissiteiden velvoitusta. Hän torjuu päättävästi sisarensa Sidonian, kirkkoherranrouvan, yrityxen päästä asumaan heidän yhteiseen lapsuudenkotiinsa Kairalaan. "Ei sisar Sidonia, vasta hautuumaalla voimme asua saman katon peitossa, sinä ja minä."
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 412: He was taken prisoner and eventually convicted of crimes against peace, serving a life sentence until his suicide in 1987. While still in custody in Spandau, he died by hanging himself in 1987 at the age of 93. After his death, the prison was demolished to prevent it from becoming a neo-Nazi shrine.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 427: worlds, the bird, Beatrice, Mother Eve and Demian himself are the
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 429: Sinclair identify himself, and in each does he recognize an aspect of his own
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 433: They are presented as real, and Sinclair occupies himself seriously with these
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 448: cannot bring the patient any further than he himself is able to go. 22 Hesse‘s
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1195: Esim kaikkitietävä narsisti, joka kääntää kaikki puheenaiheet izeensä ja omaan tiimiinsä, joka tietää kaikki uutiset jo ennalta, et voi yllättää sitä millään. Sen sanastosta puuttuu kokonaan "ai, aha, ihanko totta, jopas nyt jotakin, en tiennytkään, kiintoisaa", niiden tilalla on aina "joo mä tiedän, mutta ei tuo vielä mitään, mun tiimin tuttavan kummin kaimalle kävi vielä hurjemmin, kuules tätä", pahimmassa tapauxessa voi olla niinkuin ei oisi kuullutkaan, pitää pienen tauon ja aloittaa ihan toisesta aiheesta.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1207: Rajneesh (born Chandra Mohan Jain, 11 December 1931 – 19 January 1990), also known as Acharya Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, and later as Osho (/ˈoʊʃoʊ/), was an Indian godman, mystic and founder of the Rajneesh movement. During his lifetime he was viewed as a controversial new religious movement leader and mystic. His parents, Babulal and Saraswati Jain, who were Taranpanthi Jains, let him live with his maternal grandparents until he was seven years old. By Rajneesh's own account, this was a major influence on his development because his grandmother gave him the utmost freedom, leaving him carefree without an imposed education or restrictions. In the 1960s he travelled throughout India as a public speaker and was a vocal critic of socialism, arguing that India was not ready for socialism and that socialism, communism, and anarchism could evolve only when capitalism had reached its maturity. He caused controversy in India during the late 1960s and became known as "the sex guru". Kun Intia kävi kuumaxi se siirsi bisnisit Oregoniin. Lopulta se potkittiin pois sieltäkin ja palautettiin Intiaan. Aiivan läpi paska äijä.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1227: (paizi lähimmäisten) on apinoiden normipäivää. Ei ne kyllä

    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1259: Naisilla voi addiktiona olla himo ostaa rätei ja lumpui.

    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1364: Toivotaan ja tehdään lähimmäisille hyvää.

    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 161: Kutri on maailman hirvein äiti. Siltä kuluu paljon miehiä ja huono äiti -patukoita. Se meni Kaliforniaan opiskellaxeen henkisexi valkuxi mut se sai koko ajan kauheita kilareita niin miehelle kuin lapselle. Kuukauden jälkeen se oli valmis heittämään hanskat tiskiin ja nirhaamaan lapsen. Mies otti nukuttaaxeen lapset. Mannisen mies tekee vuorotyötä, joten Kutrin pahimmat yöt osuivat hetkiin jolloin hän ei ollut kotona. Hermothan siinä menivät. Mieleen alkoi yön pimeydessä taas juolahtaa ajatus, että haluan kuolla pois. Nyttemmin menee hermo harvemmin edes iltaisin.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 293: 1800-luvulla valkoiset herrasväet rikastui kuin raketissa köyhälistön ja siirtomaiden selkänahasta. Sama meininki vaan jatkuu sijaiskärsijänä koko pallo. Maurice kermaperse koittaa jarrutella ja tarjoo mammonan kyytipojaxi yleviä näytelmiä kuten Pelleas ja Melisande. "Luultavaa on että jonain päivänä tulee hyvin voimakas vastavaikutus tuota aineellisten nautintojen intohimoa vastaan. " Luulit vaan. Ei tullut, tuli pää vetävän käteen ja suuri kärmistys siitä.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 315: Esimerkkinä löyty Mauriselta mm. hupaisa hessu 1700-luvulta, vähän kuin Fast shown Arthur: "bugger it", "wif my luck". Tällä Lucilla meni lähes kaikki täysin päin persettä. Huono terveys, huono onni, paska elämä. Siitä huolimatta tai ehkä sixi se julkaisi nipun penseyxiä ja paasauxia Voltairen suojeluxessa. Sen mielestä Racine löi Corneillen 6-0. Voltaire taisi olla samaa mieltä. Niistä Corneille oli messuaja ja sen sankarit jotain supermiehiä niinkuin jollain Sofokleella, Racine oli show not tell koulukuntaa, ja sen hemmot inhimillisempiä (vrt Euripides). Musta molemmat vaikuttaa aiika heikoilta, vaikken ole lukenutkaan niitä kunnolla. En pidä tragedioista ylipäänsä, ne on liian yleviä.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 472: Terveydellisten pakkomielteidensä takia Kant pelkäsi niin kovasti vilustumista, ettei koskaan ottanut ketään mukaansa kävelyilleen, koska silloin hän olisi joutunut hengittämään suunsa kautta, ja hän pelkäsi siten sairastuvansa. Hän myös inhosi hikoontumista niin, että piti aina työhuoneensa lämmittämättömänä, oli ulkona pakkasta kuinka paljon tahansa, ja hän puhui pelkästä paidassaan olevasta hikitahrasta palvelijalleen kuin maailman pahimmasta asiasta. Fläkki! Herran tähden kazo nyt, tässä hihassa on fläkki! Aika homoa.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 575: Nach einem kurzen Intermezzo auf einer Hauslehrerstelle in Warschau nahm Fichte Anfang November 1791 eine auf ein Jahr befristete Anstellung als Hauslehrer des Sohns des Ehepaars Louise von Krockow, geb. von Göppel, die mit Kant persönlich bekannt war, und Heinrich Joachim Reinhold von Krockow (1736–1796), Königl. Preußischer Obrist, im gräflichen Schloss Krockow in der Nähe der pommerellischen Ostseeküste an. Im selben Jahr besuchte er Kant in Königsberg, wo dieser ihm einen Verleger für seine Schrift Versuch einer Critik aller Offenbarung (1792) verschaffte, die anonym veröffentlicht wurde. Das Buch galt zunächst als ein lange erwartetes religionsphilosophisches Werk von Kant selbst. Als Kant den Irrtum klarstellte, war Fichte berühmt und erhielt einen Lehrstuhl für Philosophie an der Universität Jena, den er 1794 antrat. Zuvor hatte er nach längerer Überlegung, ob eine Eheschließung ihm nicht die „Flügel abschneide“, 1793 Johanna Rahn geheiratet. Drei Jahre später kam Sohn Immanuel Hermann (1796–1879) zur Welt.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 613: Die Traditionsrestaurants der Straße waren bekannte regelmäßige Treffs für Künstler, Schriftsteller und andere Persönlichkeiten wie: Bertolt Brecht, Wassily Kandinsky, Rainer Maria Rilke, Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Franz Josef Strauß im Schelling-Salon sowie Thomas Mann, Frank Wedekind, Joachim Ringelnatz, Stefan George, Franz Marc, Paul Klee und Lenin im Café Altschwabing, und Seija mit Piki in der Studentenstadt.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 693: Jokioisilla asuva Matti Huusela iloizee raittudestaan ja uskovista lähimmäisistään, jotka auttoivat hänet uuden elämän alkuun. (puuh, tää on onnex viimenen.) Matti auttaa mielellään siellä missä apua tarvitaan. Missä vain on tarpeen apu, sinne rientää pikku Papu. Forssan helluntaiseurakunnassa hän osallistuuu mm. siivouxeen. Nopealiikkeinen Matti Huusela, 56. Hän on ollut koko elämänsä mezän poika, sankar jylhän kuusiston. Vuosi sitten hän suoritti mezurin ammattitutkinnon. Alkoholin säännöllinen käyttö alkoi 15-16 vuotiaana. Viina otti Matin. Kiljua tuli myös valmistettua mezän siimexessä, Matti tunnustaa.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 160: Hehe. Olis tarpeex lyhyt. Hjallis oli helvetissä jalasta kahlehdittuna kaunottareen. Mistä tämä rangaistus tuli kysyy Dante. Mistä minä tiedän tiuskaisee Lolita. Tää on kyllä julma ja epäinhimillinen rangaistus. Strange and unusual.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 229: Vuonna 1905 Hilja kihlautui samanikäisen mezänhoitaja-taidemaalarin ja kartanon pojan Väinö Strengin (1882-1919) kanssa. Väiski oli norssi ja sen isä yliopettaja. Mulla on Strengin latinan sanakirja hyllyssä. Äiti oli Schildt varmaan Sysmästä. Ne tapasivat yliopiston osakuntatoiminnassa, ja he menivät naimisiin saman vuoden lokakuussa. Nuoripari muutti Räisälään, Karjalan kannakselle Strengien sukukartanoon. Nyt Strengejäkin asuu Sysmässä. Paholaisen reki kaatui sinne. Hilja kaipasi kuitenkin uudessa kodissaan lapsuudenkotiinsa ja ikävöi kovasti isäänsä, jonka luona hän vieraili useasti avioliiton alkuaikoina. Myöhemmin aviopari muutti takaisin Helsinkiin. Hiljaa ja Väinöä vaivasi jatkuva rahapula. Hilja hankki tuloja toimimalla viransijaisena opettajana ja avaamalla miehensä kanssa Lahteen elokuvateatterin. Teatteri ei menestynyt, ja Hilja joutui pyytämään rahaa kuluihinsa isältään. Keväällä 1908 Väinö ja Hilja muuttivat erilleen, mutta kirjoittivat kuitenkin yhä toisilleen. Myöhemmin pari erosi lopullisesti. Miten Väinö Volmarille kävi ei kerrota. Kuoli inhimillisesti kazoen liian nuorena, 37v, vuosi kansalaiskärhämästä.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 236: Hilja tapasi Armas Einar Leopold Mustosen (1878-1926) ensimmäistä kertaa 1900-luvun alussa ollessaan vielä jatko-opistossa. Einar oli pohjoisen poikia, syntyi 1878 Paltamon Paltaniemellä (nykyisin osa Kajaania) sivistyneeseen keskivarakkaaseen maalaisvirkamieskotiin. Einarin isä vaihtoi nimensä Antti Mustosesta Anders Lönnbomiksi parantaakseen mahdollisuuksiaan tulevaan säätyläistaustaiseen vaimoonsa. Hilja pyysi Einarilta juhlarunoa jatko-opiston konventtiin. Kysyi Einarilta, mikä soveltuisi hänen tulevaisuuden urakseen parhaiten. Einar vastasi hänelle leikillisesti: ”Menkää naimisiin.” Haha. Hilja ja Einar tapasivat myöhemmin uudelleen ja rakastuivat intohimoisesti. He eivät kuitenkaan menneet naimisiin ja asuivat yhdessä vain ulkomailla. Parempi niin jos haluu pysyä intohimoisena. Vaikkei sekään auttanut.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 587: päivät peikoista pahimmat,
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 642: Outo himo vaivaa kotkaa
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 684: Eino Leino oli elämänsä loppuun asti intohimoinen shakinpelaaja. Helsingin Shakkiklubin talviturnauksessa helmikuussa 1906 hän oli jopa voittanut ensimmäisen palkinnon. Loppupeleissä kosmis-mytologiset runonäyt liikkuivat ”milloin pakanallis-samanistisilla, milloin kristillis-panteistisilla, milloin teosofis-haaveellisilla linjoilla”. Mukana myös erotiikkaa.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 831: Suomalaisista tuttavista Alexander Slottesta ja tämän vaimosta tuli Hamsunien lähimmät ystävät. Perheet tapailivat toisiaan usein ja pitivät yhteyttä useitten vuosien ajan senkin jälkeen kun Hamsunit olivat lähteneet Suomesta. Hamsun arvosti kovasti Slottea ja yritti muun muassa saada yhden Slotten näytelmän esitetyksi Kristianiassa, mutta yritys ei tuottanut tulosta.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1381: Nyt mullon yhtä aikaa lainassa Tatu Wahlstenin kirjenivaska ja Karin Wadenströmin pakinat. Jos Kati on selkeästi materialisti köyhälistön asialla, niin näyttää Tatusta kehkeytyvän yhtä vääjäämättömästi idealistinen pääoman juoxupoika. Tosin sen kirjeet silkkineeseen Martti Haavioon ei ole luottamista pitemmälle kuin sen jaxaa heittää. Siinä on pukki kaalimaata pöyhimässä. Maralla ei ole pahemmin särmää luonnehtia Tatua hinteläxi, kun ize näyttää erehdyttävästi hattutelineeltä. Vitun Musta P-pää. Tosin sen pappisveli Jaakko on vielä paljon huonompi runoilija kuin se. Jaska on niiin paska etten viizinyt ottaa sen runoja Lahden Prisman poistohyllystä edes ilmaisexi. Käytettyjä piipunrasseja, sinimustia.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 45: En varsinaisesti itkenyt Marie Antoinetten kuolemaa. Surin onnetonta rakkautta ja sitä, että hänet erotettiin lapsistaan ja sitä onnetonta kirjettä, jonka hän kirjoitti lokakuisena aamuna 1793. Hänen kälynsä madame Elisabeth ei milloinkaan saanut sitä. Siitä syystä vihaan Robespierreä enemmän kuin hänen muiden julmuuksiensa tähden.Olisi ollut aivan eri asia, jos hän olisi antanut viedä kirjeen perille, ja lapset olisivat saaneet tietää heidän äitinsä ajatelleen heitä viimeiseen henkäykseen asti. Tai että se pieni salainen viesti olisi toimitettu eräälle ruotsalaiselle aatelismiehelle, joka odotti tietoja huolesta harmaana. Moinen inhimillinen ajatus tuskin edes pälkähti Robespierren kylmään, laskelmoivaan päähän. Hän sen sijaan kätki viestit kylmäverisesti omiin patjoihinsa. Saatoin aivan nähdä hänet silmissäni! Hän luki niitä varmasti joka ilta ennen kynttilan sammuttamista: "Eivät voi erottaa sydämiä toisistaan" hah hah, hän nauroi kylmästi ja kätki kirjeen taas patjaansa. Siellä hän piilotteli niitä yhdeksän kuukauden ajan. Mutta eräänä kesäkuun yönä 1794 herra Robespierre ei enää kallistakaan päätään pehmeälle pielukselleen. Hänellä ei nimittäin ole päätä enää, se on katkaistu Place de la Révolutionilla. Silloin kirjeet tulevat esiin. Vastaanottajat vain eivat enää ole tavattavissa. Madame Elisabeth-parka koki saman kohtalon kuin onneton kälynsä, samalla paikalla. Vain kirjeet jäivät. Marie Antoinette-raukka! Hänkin oli kerran nuori ja iloinen, ja asui rakastettuna kauniissa linnassa joka oli koko maailman keskipiste.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 153: Expressens statistik säger att folk inte dör, utan en liten del hamnar i himmelen (de som inte sjunger med i klimatkören), medan resten brinner i helvete för all evighet. Inklusive apatiska barn som Greta. Som jag siade redan 2008.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 342: Shakespeare is not necessarily judging him for his religious belief but demonstrating intolerance in both religions. Shylock refuses to eat with the Christians:
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 346: Shylock is sticking to his bond and to his word. He is true to his own code of conduct. Antonio signed that bond and promised that money, Shylock has been wronged; he has had his money stolen from him by his daughter and Lorenzo. However, Shylock is offered three times his money back and he still demands his pound of flesh; this moves him into the realms of villainy.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 354: However, when we take into account circumstances that took place before the play, as well as what happens over the course of the plot, Shylock begins to seem a like a victim as well as a villain, and his fate seems excessively harsh. In addition to the abuse Antonio and other Christians routinely subject him to, Shylock lost his beloved wife, Leah. His daughter, Jessica, runs away from home with money and jewels she’s stolen from him, including a ring Leah gave him before she died. Although Solanio reports that Shylock’s was equally upset by the loss of his money as his daughter (“My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter!” (II. Viii.), we must remember that we are getting a second-hand view through the eyes of an anti-Semitic character who compares Shylock to the devil. As we learn from Shylock himself, the Christians of Venice are happy to borrow money from him, but refuse to accept him as part of Venetian society because they equate his religion with Satan. Shylock has been treated as less than human his whole life, because he is not a Christian. Yet when he tries to collect on a loan, the other characters insist that he act like a Christian and forgive the debt.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 360: But nothing could be further from the truth. It is true that Shakespeare presents Shylock as a bitter, Christian-hating, money-grabbing, stingy man, dressed in the gabardine that set Jews apart from other citizens, but he gives Shylock a strong reason for hating Christians and wanting to get revenge for how they have treated him and the Jewish community.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 366: One of the merchants, Antonio, is having a problem with his ships being late in returning to Venice. One of his friends, Basanio, asks him for money. He needs it to woo a wealthy woman and has no money himself but, if successful, and he marries Portia he will be able to pay it back very easily. Antonio’s money is all tied up in his business, which is in trouble and the only way he can help his friend is to borrow from a money-lender.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 368: He approaches Shylock and even while asking for help he is unforgivingly insulting to him. He tells him that his ships will be in the port in three days and then he will be able to pay. Shylock agrees to lend him the money. He says, just as a little gambling game, more or less as a little joke, if he isn’t repaid in three months Antonio should give him a pound of his flesh. Antonio agrees to that.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 372: The Duke doesn’t know how to deal with it but Basanio, successful in his suit, recruits his clever fiancé Portia, who is schooled in matters of law, to appear as a judge, disguised as a man. The trial takes place and Portia grants Shylock the pound of flesh, and counsels him to show mercy. Shylock takes out his knife to cut the flesh from the area close to Antonio’s heart and she stops him and tells him that it is against the law for anyone to shed a drop of Christian blood.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 380: In The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare is decidedly not anti-Semitic. It is just the opposite. We are definitely attracted to the Christians and we can see how horrific Shylock’s intention is but that is outweighed by the provocation he is subjected to: his social shunning, attempts to exploit him, daily insults about him and his religion, and the dramatic acts of the abduction of his daughter and the stealing of his property.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 384: Two young Christian layabouts encounter Shylock just after his daughter has run off with Lorenzo. He is highly distraught but they mock him. He is furious and it all comes out at last.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 403: All that shows how universal Shakespeare was in his perception of the world around him – how it was before his time, how it was in his time, and how it will be after his time. How will this play look in four hundred years from now? Audiences will most certainly find it relevant to their time as well.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 407: I hate him for he is a Christian,
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 411: If I can catch him once upon the hip,
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 412: I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 417: If I forgive him! (act 1, scene 3)
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 616:

    Outo himo vaivaa potkaa

    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 642: Mutta loppunamuxi vielä vähän Timon tuoreesta himokirjasta. Vähän sellasta puffia. Kuumaa kamaa kiiruhtakaa ostamaan!
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 644: Outo himo vaivaa kotkaa kuusen alta kaivaa votkaa. Timppa nauraa pilkkasuu eikös maistu silkka puu?
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 52: Postmoderni kirjallisuus on seurausta teeveestä ja netistä. Ennen kirjailija joutui näkemään hemmetisti vaivaa taustatutkimuxissa, esim joku Flaubert kirjottaessaan pylväspyhimyxistä, nyt eiku leikkaamaan ja liimaamaan suoraan netistä. Ei ihme että kirjoista tulee 1000-sivuisia tiiliskiviä, joita kukaan ei enää jaxa kannesta kanteen lukea, mitä vähän surffailevat sieltä täältä kuin teeveekanavia. Näihin on ihan turha enää tuhrata puita ja paperia, ne voi laittaa suoraan nettiin niinkuin nää mun paasauxet. Noniinhän nyt jo tehdäänkin, kuunnellaan äänikirjana. Eihän putoo kipeästi ozalle kun nukahtaa.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 82: According to a family legend, his mother, Uldan, gave birth to him near Mt. Zhambyl, close to the headwaters of the Chu River while fleeing an attack on her village. His father, Dzhabay, then named his son after the mountain.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 123: Staying at a bed-and-breakfast, Borat and Azamat are stunned to learn their hosts are Jewish. The two escape after throwing money at two cockroaches, believing they are Jews. Borat attempts to buy a handgun to defend himself, but is turned away because he is not an American citizen, so he buys a bear instead.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 125: An etiquette coach suggests Borat attend a private dinner at an eating club in the South. During the dinner, he offends the other guests when he lets Luenell, an African-American prostitute, into the house and shows her to the table: they are both kicked out. Borat befriends Luenell, who invites him into a relationship with her, but he tells her that he is in love with someone else. Borat then visits an antique shop, in which he clumsily breaks various Confederate heritage items.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 129: Azamat abandons Borat, taking his passport, all of their money, and their bear. Borat's truck runs out of fuel, and he begins to hitchhike to California. He is soon picked up by drunken fraternity brothers from the University of South Carolina. On learning the reason for his trip, they show him the Pam and Tommy sex tape which reveals that she is not a virgin. Despondent, Borat burns the Baywatch booklet and, by mistake, his return ticket to Kazakhstan.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 131: Borat attends a United Pentecostal camp meeting, at which Republican U.S. Representative Chip Pickering and Mississippi Supreme Court Chief Justice James W. Smith, Jr. are present. He regains his faith and forgives Azamat and Pamela. He accompanies church members on a bus to Los Angeles and disembarks to find Azamat dressed as Oliver Hardy, although Borat mistakes him for Adolf Hitler. The two reconcile and Azamat tells Borat where to find Pamela Anderson. Borat finally comes face-to-face with Anderson at a book signing at a Virgin Megastore. After showing Anderson his "traditional marriage sack", Borat pursues her throughout the store in an attempt to abduct her, until security guards intervene.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 145: Borat is transported across the world in a circuitous route by cargo ship and arrives in Galveston, Texas, where he finds he is a celebrity. Wanting to maintain a low profile, Borat purchases multiple disguises. He buys a cell phone and goes to welcome Johnny, but finds that Tutar is in Johnny's shipping crate and has eaten him. Horrified, Borat faxes Nazarbayev, who tells him to find a way to satisfy Pence or he will be executed. Borat decides to give Tutar to Pence.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 147: Tutar receives a makeover and Borat introduces her at a debutante ball. At the ball, her menstrual blood is prominently displayed during a father and daughter dance. Oikeasti jenkkien coming of age-tansseissa isä ja tytär vaihtaa siveyssormuxet. Aika insestistä. Discovering that Pence is nearby at CPAC, Borat disguises himself as Trump and attempts to give Tutar to him there, but is ejected by security. Nazarbayev is enraged and tells him to return to Kazakhstan for execution. Realizing that he can still give Tutar to someone close to Trump, Tutar suggests giving her to Rudy Giuliani.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 149: Because Giuliani had bragged about having an affair with a large-breasted woman, Borat brings Tutar to a cosmetic surgeon who advises breast implants. While Borat works in a barbershop to raise enough money to pay for breast surgery, he briefly leaves Tutar with a babysitter who is confused by Borat's sexist teachings; she informs Tutar that the things her culture has taught her are lies. After seeing a woman driving a car, and successfully masturbating for the first time, Tutar decides not to get the surgery and lashes out at Borat for keeping her oppressed her whole life. Before leaving, she tells him the Holocaust is a lie by citing a Holocaust denial Facebook page.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 151: Shaken, Borat decides to commit suicide by going to the nearest synagogue dressed as his version of a stereotypical Jew and waiting for the next shooting, but is shocked to find Holocaust survivors there who treat him with kindness, and to his anti-Semitic delight, reassure him that the Holocaust happened. Overjoyed, Borat goes looking for Tutar, but finds the streets deserted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He quarantines with two QAnon conspiracy theorists who offer to help him reunite with Tutar. They find Tutar online, she has become a reporter and will be covering a March for Our Rights rally in Olympia, Washington.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 153: At the rally, the men appeal to Tutar, telling her that her dad will be killed unless she helps. She accepts and arranges an interview to seduce Giuliani, but without her father's participation. Borat talks with her babysitter and has a change of heart, realizing that he loves Tutar. After the interview, Giuliani and Tutar proceed to a bedroom before Borat intervenes and tries to personally offer sexual favors to Giuliani. Borat decides to face execution in Kazakhstan and Tutar promises to go with him.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 155: Borat is shocked to find he will not be executed as he had instead been used as retaliation by Nazarbayev for making Kazakhstan a laughingstock. Before departing for the United States, Kazakhstan officials infected Borat with SARS-CoV-2 via an injection of "gypsy tears", making him patient zero of the COVID-19 pandemic. As he was sent around the world, he continued to spread the virus. Borat records Nazarbayev's admission and sends it to Brian, the man who sold him his phone.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 157: Borat and Tutar blackmail Nazarbayev into giving him his job back and changing Kazakhstan's misogynistic laws. Three months later, Tutar and Borat are a reporting team and Kazakhstan has a new tradition to replace the nation's antisemitic ones: the Running of the American. It features exaggerated :) caricatures of Trump supporters pretending to spread COVID-19 and killing an effigy of Anthony Fauci. The film ends with a message encouraging viewers to vote in the upcoming presidential election.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 211: Alberto Chimal vastaa 2016 kun Jorge on lahonnut jo 30v mullassa:
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 217: Next, it occurred to me that I could answer the question about the sex life of Borges with platitudes: Borges scarcely refers to sex in his work and has scarcely any female characters, which “could be” a sign of shortcomings in his character, of machismo, asexuality, fear of women; his first marriage “could be considered” a failure and the second as a mere formality, made official shortly before his death just so he could leave his estate to Maria Kodama, his lover/scribe/assistant/caregiver; “without a doubt” the contempt he felt for psychoanalysis was because it made him feel exposed, and so on. I have read or heard all these phrases, with all their imaginable malice, often together and separately. Although they all seem terrible to me, it is now acceptable to speak ill in this way under the pretext of “demystifying” whomever the target may be. I have also noticed that much of the news about Borges in recent years has been, in one way or another, about scandals and disputes.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 219: So what did I do? I chose to remember that Borges is not a writer of the era of Facebook and autofiction; that it is not true that he hides in his texts, speaks little about himself (in fact, the opposite is true: how often in his work does his double appear, the character called Borges?); he simply does not do it the way in which we are accustomed today; that, like his friend Alfonso Reyes, Borges learned the classical notion of decorum, which is a set of rules of style when writing and also a certain principle of discretion, an obligation not to say absolutely everything that is very likely inconceivable to many people today.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 225: Of course, there will come a time when what Borges wrote no longer means anything. It will happen to him just as it has, and will, to everyone else. The truths that literature uncovers are always provisional and depend—at best—on the words they are composed of: that is, if they aren’t previously erased by changes in human cultures, when the languages ​​of those cultures, those of living people, begin to move away from them, their meanings begin to grow dark, and that darkening is irreversible.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 330: LOL, "yhellä mun ystävällä oli, se pyysi mua kysymään". Vanhimpia väistöjä. Tän sepustuxen taustana oli se riski ettei vaan Jeesuxen iskäkin paljastuisi incubuxexi.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 352: Onkohan paranoidit ihmiset myös niitä, jotka selvittivät luonnonlait? Se huomio että yxi juttu viittaa toiseen, että vaarasta on etiäisiä, ei savua ilman tulta, voi olla apinalle tärkeä. Siitä tulee kyllä ylilyöntejä, kun tiedottoman syyn ja mekaanisen seurauxen sijasta uumoillaan, että joku on huomannut meidät ja meille vihainen, tai vielä pahempaa, suunnittelee meistä syötävää. Sellainenkin peliteoreettinen ajattelu, peilisoluilu ja empatia on kohtuumäärissä sekin hyvin inhimillistä, eli siis tämmöisen yhteisöllisen termiittiapinoinnin elinmehua.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 477: Good reason sure had Hagan to covet such a hoard. Hyvällä syyllä Hagania sellanen läjä himotti.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 553: He wrote hundreds of songs, many becoming major hits, which made him famous before he turned thirty. During his 60-year career he wrote an estimated 1,500 songs, including the scores for 20 original Broadway shows and 15 original Hollywood films, with his songs nominated eight times for Academy Awards. Many songs became popular themes and anthems, including "Alexander's Ragtime Band", "Easter Parade", "Puttin' on the Ritz", "Cheek to Cheek", "White Christmas", "Happy Holiday", "Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)", and "There's No Business Like Show Business". His Broadway musical and 1943 film This is the Army, with Ronald Reagan, had Kate Smith singing Berlin's "God Bless America" which was first performed in 1938.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 557: Berlin died in 1989 at the age of 101. Composer Douglas Moore sets Berlin apart from all other contemporary songwriters, and includes him instead with Stephen Foster, Walt Whitman, and Carl Sandburg, as a "great American minstrel"—someone who has "caught and immortalized in his songs what we say, what we think about, and what we believe." Composer George Gershwin called him "the greatest songwriter that has ever lived" and composer Jerome Kern concluded that "Irving Berlin has no place in American music—he is American music."
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 124: He did however influence writers such as Albert Camus (who wrote about him in Le Mythe de Sisyphe, The Myth of Sisyphus), Benjamin Fondane (his 'pupil'), the poet Paul Celan, and notably Emil Cioran, who wrote some favorable shit about Shestov.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 155: Shestov's dislike of the Soviet regime led him to undertake a long journey out of Russia, and he eventually ended up in France.
    (LOL se lähti livohkaan bolshevikkeja, niinkuin monet muutkin ökyporvarit.) The author was a popular figure in France, where his originality was quickly recognized. That this Russian was newly appreciated is attested by his having been asked to contribute to a prestigious French philosophy journal.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 174: "Cur Deus homo? Why, to what purpose, did He become man, expose himself to injurious mistreatment, ignominious and painful death on the cross? Was it not in order to show man, through His example, that no decision is too hard, that it is worth while bearing anything in order not to remain in the womb of the One? That any torture whatever to the living being is better than the 'bliss' of the rest-satiate 'ideal' being?"
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 186: He did however influence writers such as Albert Camus (who wrote about him in Le Mythe de Sisyphe), Benjamin Fondane (his 'pupil'), the poet Paul Celan, and notably Emil Cioran, who writes about Shestov:
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 196: According to Michael Richardson's research on Georges Bataille, Shestov was an early influence on Bataille and was responsible for exposing him to Nietzsche. He argues that Shestov's radical views on theology and an interest in extreme human behavior probably coloured Bataille's own thoughts.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 209: According to Allan Bloom's 1974 obituary in Political Theory, Strauss "was raised as an Orthodox Jew", but the family does not appear to have completely embraced Orthodox practice.[35] Strauss himself noted that he came from a "conservative, even orthodox Jewish home", but one which knew little about Judaism except strict adherence to ceremonial laws. His father and uncle operated a farm supply and livestock business that they inherited from their father, Meyer (1835–1919), a leading member of the local Jewish community.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 211: He attended courses at the Universities of Freiburg and Marburg, including some taught by Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. Strauss joined a Jewish fraternity and worked for the German Zionist movement, which introduced him to various German Jewish intellectuals, such as Norbert Elias, Leo Löwenthal, Hannah Arendt and Walter Benjamin. Walter Benjamin was and remained an admirer of Strauss and his work throughout his mournful life.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 262: jakavat tämän saman intohimon. Kirjoittaessani kuuntelen klassista venäläistä
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 309: Unlike his Seelenbrüder Stefan George and Alfred Schwuler, he was not gay, but rather serious. When Klages moved into a new Schwabing flat in 1895, he entered into an intense sexual relationship with his landlady's daughter, with the mother's approval; the daughter, whom Klages called 'Putti', was eleven years younger than him, and their relationship continued for almost two decades though remained only sexual in nature. Klages, like Friedrich Nietzsche, was critical of Christianity as well as what they both saw as its roots in Judaism. His attacks on judaism were veiled criticism of christianity, rather like Seija's attacks on the rest of the Carlson family.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 332: Among Benjamin's best known works are the essays "The Task of the Translator" (1923), "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" (1935), and "Theses on the Philosophy of History" (1940). His major work as a literary critic included essays on Baudelaire, Goethe, Kafka, Kraus, Leskov, Proust, Walser, and translation theory. He also made major translations into German of the Tableaux Parisiens section of Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du mal and parts of Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu. In 1940, at the age of 48, Benjamin committed suicide at Portbou on the French–Spanish border while attempting to escape from the invading Wehrmacht. Though popular acclaim eluded him during his life, the decades following his death won his work posthumous renown.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 416:
    As I was looking for my clerk, I found him next to me.

    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 469: “Reading D.T. Max’s bio I continue to find David Foster Wallace the most tedious, overrated, tortured, pretentious writer of my generation,” Ellis tweeted. “David Foster Wallace was so needy, so conservative, so in need of fans – that I find the halo of sentimentality surrounding him embarrassing.” In several more tweets, he continued, “DFW is the best example of a contemporary male writer lusting for a kind of awful greatness that he simply wasn’t able to achieve. A fraud.”
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 515: Henry later called Balzac his "greatest master," and said that he had learned more about the craft of fiction from him than from anyone else. Vanha kunnon Ball-sack.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 517: His numerous letters to the many young homosexual men among his close male friends are more forthcoming. To his homosexual friend, Howard Sturgis, James could write: "I repeat, almost to indiscretion, that I could live with you. Meanwhile I can only try to live without you." In another letter to Howard Sturgis, following a long visit, James refers jocularly to their "happy little congress of two". In letters to Hugh Walpole he pursues convoluted jokes and puns about their relationship, referring to himself as an elephant who "paws you oh so benevolently" and winds about Walpole his "well meaning old trunk".
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 57: Wallu sai erektioita ruumiikkaasta Raquel Welchistä. Linda Lohania se tuskin ehti nähdä ilman vaatteita. Sosiaalityön maisteri Sally Jessy Raphael on varmasti Sally Jean Foster, Wallun äiskä. Eikai tää Wallun insestikuvaus sentään ole izekoettua? Vajakkia sukulaista bylsitään puolixi sen luvalla. Jotmuilee niin mukavasti. Mikä pyhimys se oli jota enkeli ampui nuolilla ja jota Wallun äiti käskee palvoa? Olixe äiti Teresa? Joo just se se oli.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 60: Ávilan Teresa tai pyhä Jeesuksen Teresa (esp. Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada, tunnettu paremmin nimellä Santa Teresa de Jesús tai Teresa de Ávila; 28. maaliskuuta 1515 Ávila, Espanja – 4. lokakuuta 1582 Alba de Tormes, Espanja) oli renessanssiaikainen roomalaiskatolinen espanjalainen nunna, mystikko, naispyhimys, karmeliittasääntökunnan uudistaja sekä yksi 36 katolisen kirkon kirkonopettajista arvonimellä Doctor orationis eli rukouksen tohtori. Naista kunnioitetaan katolisessa, anglikaanisessa ja luterilaisessa kirkossa. Tarkalleen hän on yksi neljästä naiskirkonopettajasta ja lisäksi yksi vastauskonpuhdistuksen merkittäviä hahmoja esimerkiksi pyhän Ignatius Loyolan ja pyhän Ristin Johanneksen lisäksi. Nainen on yksi 28. marraskuuta 1568 perustetun paljasrintakarmeliittojen sääntökunnan perustajista. Pyhä Teresa on sairauden, päänsäryn, sydänsairauksien, pitsin, vanhempien menettämisen, kirkon auktoriteettien vastustamisen, sääntökuntalaisten, hurskautensa takia pilkattujen, Espanjan ja henkilöiden, jotka ovat nimeltään Teresa, Theresa, Teresita, Terry, Tero, Tessa, Teresina tai Tracy, suojeluspyhimys. Naisen tunnuksia ovat nunna paljasrintakarmeliitan puvussa; karmeliittanunna, jonka sydäntä pistetään enkelin pitämällä nuolella; lävistettyä sydäntä, kirjaa ja krusifiksia kantava karmeliitta; kirjaa ja sulkakynää pitävä karmeliittanunna; kyyhkyltä viestiä vastaanottava karmeliittanunna: ruusut ja liljat; tulehtunut sydän; piikkikruunu; kirjaimet ”IHS” sydämen päällä; palavat nuolet; kyyhky; kirja ja kynä; palavien nuolten lävistämä sydän tai krusifiksi ja lilja. Paavi Paavali V julisti pyhän Teresan autuaaksi 24. huhtikuuta 1614 Roomassa, paavi Gregorius XV julisti hänet pyhimykseksi 12. maaliskuuta 1622 Roomassa ja paavi Paavali VI julisti hänet kirkonopettajaksi 1970. Hänen juhlapäiväänsä vietetään 15. lokakuuta.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 62: Teresa syntyi Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumadiksi Avilassa 28. marraskuuta 1515 kolmantena lapsena yhdeksästä vaikutusvaltaisille Don Alonso Sanchez de Cepedalle ja tämän toiselle vaimolle Doña Beatriz Davila y Ahumadalle. Luettuaan marttyyrien elämistä hän vielä lapsena ja alle yhdeksänvuotiaana yritti epäonnistuneesti paeta kotoaan vanhemman veljensä kanssa kuollakseen maurien käsissä marttyyrinä ja päästäkseen Taivaaseen, sanoen vanhemmilleen, että ”haluan nähdä Jumalan”. Teini-ikäisenä hän välitti vain pojista, vaatteista, flirttailusta ja kapinoimisesta, kunnes hänen isänsä päätti lähettää hänet nunnaluostariin tytön ollessa 16-vuotias. Nyze halusi nähdä Jeesuxen heijarin. 20-vuotiaana 1535 tai 1536 hän astui karmeliittaluostariin Avilassa, jossa hän myös otti käyttöön nimensä Jeesuksen Teresa, josta kolmea vuotta myöhemmin hän sairastui vakavasti ja oli koomassa neljä päivää. Varmaan yliannostuxen takia. Otti liikaa extaasia. 1543 hänen isänsä kuoli ja kaikki hänen sisarensa muuttivat (pakenivat?) Amerikkaan yksi toisensa jälkeen. Lindsay Lohan saattaa siis olla sen aaluva. Ex-tylsimys ja tuleva pyhimys perusti 1562 ensimmäiset reformoidut karmeliitat Avilassa ja tulevina vuosina 17 nunnaluostaria. Philip II:n tuella paljasrintakarmeliittojen provinssi hyväksyttiin ja vahvistettiin kanonisesti 22. kesäkuuta 1580. Pyhä Teresa kuoli 4. lokakuuta 1582 ja vietiin aluksi Avilaan, sekä sittemmin Albaan, jossa sen "se" on säilynyt turmeltumattomana ja hänen sydämensäkin on asettettu yleisön kunnioitettavaksi. Molemmissa on reikä vielä puhkaisun muistona.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 251: Tämmöinen on Hämeenkyrö. Täällä mä asun. Mulla on himmeen hieno vaalee bemari. Kylse Polakan aina hakkaa, ja harmaan Toyota maasturin. Huomasiko kukaan kylätiellä?
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 273: Bob Death smiles coolly (South Shore bikers are required to be extremely cool in everything they do) and manipulates a wooden match with his lip and says No, not that fish-one. He has to assume a kind of bar-shout to clear the noise of his idling hawg. He leans in more toward Gately and shouts that the one he was talking about was: This wise old whiskery fish swims up to three young fish and goes, “Morning, boys, how’s the water?” and swims away; and the three young fish watch him swim away and look at each other and go, “What the fuck is water?” and swim away. The young biker leans back and smiles at Gately and gives an affable shruge and blatts away, a halter top’s tits mashed against his back.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 371: I first met Dennis in 1987, when I joined TENNIS Magazine. Throughout the years, I worked closely with him on instruction stories, including the popular “Dennis on Tennis” series. His knowledge both impressed and astounded me, and when he got me out on the tennis court, his instruction was simply beyond compare.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 513: Benny was born Benjamin Kubelsky in Chicago on February 14, 1894, and grew up in nearby Waukegan. He was the son of Jewish immigrants Meyer Kubelsky (1864–1946) and Emma Sachs Kubelsky (1869–1917), sometimes called "Naomi". Meyer was a saloon owner and later a haberdasher who had emigrated to America from Poland. Emma had emigrated from Lithuania. Benny began studying violin, an instrument that became his trademark, at the age of 6, his parents hoping for him to become a professional violinist. He loved the instrument, but hated practice. His music teacher was Otto Graham Sr., a neighbor and father of football player Otto Graham. At 14, Benny was playing in dance bands and his high school orchestra. He was a dreamer and poor at his studies, and was ultimately expelled from high school. He later did poorly in business school and at attempts to join his father´s business. In 1911, he began playing the violin in local vaudeville theaters for $7.50 a week (about $210 in 2020 dollars). He was joined on the circuit by Ned Miller, a young composer and singer.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 515: That same year, Benny was playing in the same theater as the young Marx Brothers. Minnie, their mother, enjoyed Benny´s violin playing and invited him to accompany her boys in their act. Benny´s parents refused to let their son go on the road at 17, but it was the beginning of his long friendship with the Marx Brothers, especially Zeppo Marx.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 224: Samainen Zinzinomies johtaa oppimattomien köyhimysten pyramidikusetusfirmaa jossa pennittömien on määrä maxaa Miikalle siitä että ne saa edustaa jotain murukahvia. Miten Espoosta riittää näitä totaalisia kusipäitä? Tuleeko ne sieltä Stubbin kaivamasta Suomen syvimmästä reiästä? Eikö sitä reikää voisi tukkia, vaikka ässäkolmikolla? Business on parade.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 494: Monet professorit ovat kunnianhimoisia yxilöitä. On saavutuxia vakiviransaannin jälkeen joista he ovat kiinnostuneita notta niiden pitää jatkaa kovaa rehkimistä. Esimerkkejä:
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 594: Film critic André Bazin (1918-1958) is notable for arguing that realism is the most important function of cinema. His call for objective reality, deep focus, and lack of montage are linked to his belief that the interpretation of a film or scene should be left to the spectator. This placed him in opposition to film theory of the 1920s and 1930s, which emphasized how the cinema could manipulate reality.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 603: Iskä Gottlieb ja isoiskä Daniel Pyllyverhoilija oli puoliepäilyttäviä pastoreita jossain harppisakuissa. Ei siis ihme että Friedrich läxi teit isäin astumaan. Kohtalokkaasti se jätti vanhan testamentin kielet väliin ja keskittyi vaan uuteen. Sixi se alkoi sotkea kristinuskon soppaan Plaattoa ja myöhemmin Kanttia ja Jacobia ja vielä myöhemmin vielä Spinozaa. Friedrichille ei pietismi riittänyt, vaan se halus järkeillä. Siitä ehti tulla aika skeptikko. Oli vuoronperään professori Hallessa ja pastorina tuppukylissä. Pyllyverhoilija juuniorin paras kaveri oli Aku Schlegel, joka on ohimennen mainittu Puckin ja Oberonin diggaajana. Schlegel ja Schleiermacher oli parantumattomia romantikkoja. Vaikka pyllyverhomies ei ollut vakuuttunut Jee-suxen jumaluudesta, se jaxoi kuitenkin peukuttaa sielun kuolemattomuutta ja muuta siihen liittyvää perusmystikkaa. Sen jutut oli sekametelisoppa ateismia, pietismiä ja Spinozaa. Sen ura lähti heittelehtimään Napsun jälkeisen kurinpalautuxen aikana, sen edustamasta liberaaliteologiasta ei oltu innoissaan johtoportaassa.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 661: Hysterian käsitettä on kritisoitu paljon. Monet ovat olleet sitä mieltä, etteivät esimerkiksi Freudin ja Breurerin esittelemän historian kuuluisimman "hysteriapotilaan", kirjailija ja ihmisoikeusaktivisti Bertha Pappenheimin yskä, säryt ja aisti- sekä halvausoireet johtuneet konversiohäiriöstä vaan esimerkiksi aivotulehduksesta tai ohimolohkoepilepsiasta. Tätä epäilyä tukee muun muassa se, että toisin kuin Freud ja Breurer väittivät vuonna 1895 julkaistussa kirjassaan Tutkielmia hysteriasta, Pappenheim ei parantunut psykoanalyysin avulla, vaan meni lopulta niin huonoon kuntoon, että joutui kuukausiksi sairaalahoitoon.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 753: Rémy valkkas ase ohimolla mieluummin jotain kurjaa kuin jotain vielä kurjempaa. Emmänyt oikeen nää miten se oli sen kummempi valinta kuin jenkkien valita kivan sijasta jotain vielä kivempää. Same difference. No jos maailmoja on vaan 1 ei tarvi valita. Maailma valizee sun puolesta, vaan 1 tavalla. Tää on taas sitä kyssäselkälegendaa. Kyllä Spinoza hakkaa sen toinen käsi selän takana.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 264: Mark Cuban for example does this. There are many facts to his beginning and journey that are not exactly moral or success related but now hes in a position to say whatever he wants and relate everything as a direct result of his effort, ability and contributions and supposedly working harder than everyone else. He just likes to hear himself talk like many of these types do.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 287: Peterson has characterized himself politically as a "classic British liberal", and as a "traditionalist". He has stated that he is commonly mistaken to be right-wing. Yoram Hazony wrote in The Wall Street Journal that "[t]he startling success of his elevated arguments for the importance of order has made him the most significant conservative thinker to appear in the English-speaking world in a generation. Peterson says that an "analysis of the world's religious ideas might allow us to describe our essential morality and eventually develop a universal system of morality."
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 292: In response to the controversy, academic administrators at the University of Toronto sent Peterson two letters of warning, one noting that free speech had to be made in accordance with human rights legislation, and the other adding that his refusal to use the preferred personal pronouns of students and faculty upon request could constitute discrimination. Peterson speculated that these warning letters were leading up to formal disciplinary action against him, but in December the university assured him he would retain his professorship, and in January 2017 he returned to teach his psychology class at the University of Toronto.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 329: And here’s an even better question than the first one: Why would the idea continue to have so much currency despite having absolutely no demonstrable basis for belief? And the great Upton Sinclair gave us the answer to that one: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it.”
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 534: For example, Trump, while enjoying the life of a jet-setting businessman, claimed $1.17 billion in losses from 1985 to 1994, which allowed him to skip income taxes for eight of those 10 years, according to IRS tax transcripts obtained by the New York Times.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 83: ONAN, as almost everybody knows, was killed by God for the heinous crime of "spilling his seed upon the ground". This, throughout history, has associated him with masturbation, beginning with the writings of Clement of Alexandria. And I agree, that when DFW mentions O.N.A.N., that connotation is implied. But that's not why God was mad at Onan. If you go read the whole sordid story in Genesis 38: when God killed Onan's brother, for reasons which are a bit obscure, leaving his widow childless, it was the custom that Onan was required to marry her and father a child upon her. This child would legally be his brother's. This was known as Levirate marriage. Onan didn't want any children who weren't legally his, so Onan "went in" to his brother's wife but pulled out early and "spilled his seed on the ground". So Onan's real sin was refusing to Consumate his Levirate Marriage. Now, once God whacked Onan, his widow had to wait for his remaining brother to grow up. But she got tired of waiting and put on a veil(!!!!) and tricked Onan's father into having sex with her. So a painting of the "Consummation of the Levirates" might be Onan's father banging his sons' wife....
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 118: Innovatiivisia rohkeita ajatuxia ei ammuta alas, kuten esim Juha Sipilän työllistämiskeinot: ”Selviydymme, kun meillä on rohkeutta tehdä ratkaisuja, jotka vapauttavat työpaikkoja ja turvallisuutta sekä ottamalla vastuuta lähimmäisistämme ja etenkin omasta elämästämme.”
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 234: The same questions could be asked about drinking beer, or wine, or eating pork, or…the list goes on. The fact is that it is a fallen world and that there are no perfect Christians. None are perfect but they are forgiven. Even eating pork is forgiven although it is expressly forbidden in the Word. Pig breeders bleed horses and mainline the blood into pigs to get them into heat in unison. Jesus sent a bunch of demons into a flock of pigs who ran into lake Kinnereth and drowned. It was a-okay, because it was him that did it. Why the demons begged to be allowed to enter the swine is unclear from the account.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 236: Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is triumphant over unclean spirits. Jesus liberates the captive, and gives hope to hopeless people — even Gentile people. But Jesus demands a choice: love him and his salvation, or love your prosperity and your wealth — namely, your pigs. Don't try it yourself at home.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 279: Moi. Tosta kyllä nyt tulee kuva, että mulla olis ollu jotain luteisia afgaanikavereita että mä olisin tuonut hassista Afganistanista. Just ne kliseet mitkä mä olin halunnu kiertää. Mutta mähän voin sitten kirjottaa oman näkemykseni jos haluan: pyhimys Peshawariin, surkimus Ceylonille. Ihmisyysikävää Himalajalla. Millainen se matto on? No ei tällä mitään merkitystä ole. Ostin yhdeltä afgaaniperheeltä 150€ rukousmaton tapaisen maton joka on meillä keskilattialla, modernin, mutta jos se on vintillä, voisin ottaa lattialle. En muistanut tällaista.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 389: "Clark" (Gable? Kent?), 55, on joutunut ottamaan lomautusta yökastelijan toimesta. Seurakunnan vanhimmat tutkivat onko se poikennut innoitetusta sanasta. Tuskinpa.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 425: Pickering: All alone you hurdled Not to let him have his chance with her.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 426: Every obstacle in sight. So I stepped aside and let him dance with her.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 462: And gave his arm to lead her to the floor...! I said to him: (Simultaneously) Congratulations, Professor Higgins!
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 470: If it hadn't been for him I would have died of boredom. We know that we have said it,
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 500: Vitas Gerulaitis was some stupid Lithuanian immigrant tennis player in the 80's who died of carbon monoxide poisoning in his pool. During a tennis match, didn't the late tennis great Vitas Gerulaitis tell a Jewish umpire who had ruled against him, "You should be exterminated in a crematorium?" Well, this isn't precisely the same wording as your quote, but the meaning is similar:
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 530: Mistä tässä kaikessa on kysymys? Helppoa, sanoo hirvi. Kyse on kapitalismin ankarasta laista. Siitä kasautumisen ja kurjistumisen suppilosta, jonka parta-kalle niin hyvin kuvasi ja ennusti. Kapitalismi toimii vain avoimena järjestelmänä, jossa toisesta tuutista tulee sisään köyhiä ja niistä kuplii kökkäreitä eliitixi pinnalle. Aina on löydettävä vielä köyhempiä, joille R-kioskin pitäminen on win-win tilanne, jolloin aikaisemmat köyhimyxet siirtyvät yhteiskunnan "harteille" ja muuttuvat persuixi ja nazeixi. Mitä väliä, kuha raha virtaa luonnollisella painollaan ylöspäin talouskuplina ja kasautuu yhä harvalukuisemmalle omistavalle luokalle. Jotka voivat sitten vaikka lähettää sen raketilla taivaalle.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 610: A month later, the prefect returns, still unsuccessful in his search. He is motivated to continue his fruitless search by the promise of a large reward, recently doubled, upon the letter's safe return, and he will pay 50,000 francs to anyone who can help him. Dupin asks him to write that check now and he will give him the letter. The prefect is astonished, but knows that Dupin is not joking. He writes the check, and Dupin produces the letter. The prefect determines that it is genuine and races to deliver it to the queen.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 621: Dupin explains that the gunshot distraction was arranged by him and that he left a duplicate letter to ensure his ability to leave the hotel without D— suspecting his actions. If he had tried to seize it openly, Dupin surmises D— might have had him killed. As both a political supporter of the queen and old enemy of the minister [who had done an evil deed to Dupin in Vienna in the past], Dupin also hopes that D— will try to use the power he no longer has, to his political downfall, and at the end be presented with a quotation from Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon's play Atrée et Thyeste that implies Dupin was the thief: Un dessein si funeste, S'il n'est digne d'Atrée, est digne de Thyeste (If such a sinister design isn't worthy of Atreus, it is worthy of Thyestes).
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 633: Atreus then learned of Thyestes' and Aerope's adultery and plotted revenge. He killed Thyestes' sons and cooked them, save their hands and heads. He served Thyestes his own sons and then taunted him with their hands and heads. This is the source of modern phrase "Thyestean Feast," or one at which human flesh is served. When Thyestes was done with his feast, he released a loud belch, which represents satiety and pleasure and his loss of self-control.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 637: An oracle then advised Thyestes that, if he had a son with his own daughter Pelopia, that son would kill Atreus. Thyestes did so by raping Pelopia (his identity hidden from her) and the son, Aegisthus, did kill Atreus. However, when Aegisthus was first born, he was abandoned by his mother, ashamed of the origin of her son. A shepherd found the infant Aegisthus and gave him to Atreus, who raised him as his own son. Only as he entered adulthood did Thyestes reveal the truth to Aegisthus, that he was both father and grandfather to the boy and that Atreus was his uncle. Aegisthus then killed Atreus.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 661: As Hester looks out over the crowd, she notices a small, misshapen man and recognizes him as her long-lost husband, who has been presumed lost at sea. When the husband sees Hester's shame, he asks a man in the crowd about her and is told the story of his wife's adultery. He angrily exclaims that the child's father, the partner in the adulterous act, should also be punished and vows to find the man. He chooses a new name, Roger Chillingworth, to aid him in his plan.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 663: The Reverend John Wilson and the minister of Hester's church, Arthur Dimmesdale, question her, but she refuses to name her lover. After she returns to her prison cell, the jailer brings in Chillingworth, now a physician, to calm Hester and her child with his roots and herbs. He and Hester have an open conversation regarding their marriage and the fact that they were both in the wrong. Her lover, however, is another matter and he demands to know who it is; Hester refuses to divulge such information. He accepts this, stating that he will find out anyway, and forces her to conceal that he is her husband. If she ever reveals him, he warns her, he will destroy the child's father. Hester agrees to Chillingworth's terms although she suspects she will regret it.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 667: Hester, hearing rumors that she may lose Pearl, goes to speak to Governor Bellingham. With him are ministers Wilson and Dimmesdale. Hester appeals to Dimmesdale in desperation, and the minister persuades the governor to let Pearl remain in Hester´s care.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 673: Several days later, Hester meets Dimmesdale in the forest and tells him of her husband and his desire for revenge. She convinces Dimmesdale to leave Boston in secret on a ship to Europe where they can start life anew. Inspired by this plan, the minister seems to gain new energy. On Election Day, Dimmesdale gives one of his most inspired sermons. But as the procession leaves the church, Dimmesdale climbs upon the scaffold and confesses his sin, dying in Hester´s arms. Later, most witnesses swear that they saw a stigma in the form of a scarlet "A" upon his chest, although some deny this statement. Chillingworth, losing his will for revenge, dies shortly thereafter and leaves Pearl a substantial inheritance.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 852: Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor. lehahti ja joku hyvä haju leyhyi jostakin mun tajuun!
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 882: And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; arkkipiispa, musta siira. Mun oma musta pää se viiraa,
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 964: Jos Darwinin kolminaisuus EAT! FUCK! KILL! on mistään kotoisin, sen pitäisi ennustaa mixi porukat tykkää superheroista ja toisaalta myös dekkareista, joissa surmataan lähimmäisiä. Ja kyllähän se selittääkin sen. Selitys jää kotiläxyxi.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 241: – Pipsa on inhimillisen lämmön ihminen, rakkauden keskittymä. Hän vaalii ja vaatii vilpittömyyttä ja inhimillisyyttä arjessa. Suhteemme on tosi romanttinen. Pipsan kieltämättä jo venähtäneet kalsarit ja tissiliivit on vieläkin makuhuoneen tyynyllä. Pipas levittää ne sinne aamulla heti pedattua. Joskus tyynyllä on yllätyxenä vielä suklaakonvehti.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 325: Keynesin mielestä apostolit oli pikemminkin kuin vesimittareita Finnträskin tai Huitilanjoen pintakalvolla. Vanha Keynes katui nuoruutensa kömmähdyxiä. Se ja sen kaverit oli olleet utopistisia immoralisteja, pilkkasivat sovinnaista moraalia ja viisaita vanhuxia, uskoivat pseudojärkeisuskoiseen käsityxeen ihmisluonnosta, olivat pinnallisia arvostelmissa ja tunteissa. Sodan jälkeen Keynes tiesi mistä kenkä puristaa: kysynnän ja tarjonnan kohtaamattomuudesta. Tarpeettomalle tavaralle täytyy luoda kysyntää vaikka väkipakolla. Rupusakille on siirrettävä ostovoimaa verotuxella ja julkisella kulutuxella. Ei ei! huusi Chicagon konnajoukkio, ihan väärin! Juuri vastoinpäin! Pois rahat rotinkaisilta ja kaikki liikenevä rikkaille, niin ne perustavat yrityxiä ja palkkaavat sinne osattomat pikkurahalla. Jo lähtee bisnes kulkemaan, onni ja raha tihkuu murusina köyhimyxille rikkaiden ruokapöydästä, ja kaikki ovat win-win tyytyväisiä.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 336: He specialized in mathematics and economics, and became influenced by two economics professors, Arthur F. Burns and Homer Jones, who convinced him that printing more money could help end the Great Depression. Friedman met his future wife, economist Rose Director, while at the University of Chicago. Good name. Milton got a doctorate rather late, in 1946, counting the income of typical Jewish professions. His "consumption function", unlike Keynes, took into account that households overspend on the basis of their felt class membership and optimistic income expectations. Good news for supply side economics.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 338: Milton Friedman's's book Capitalism and Freedom eventually brought him popular acclaim. Published by the University of Chicago in 1962, it has sold over half a million copies and has been translated into 18 different languages, no small feat for a popular book on the subject of economics. In the book, he argues for a classically liberal society where free markets solve problems of efficiency, enriching rich in the United Stoates as a side effect. He argues for free markets on the basis of hebrew pragmatism and philosophy. He concludes the book with an argument that most of America’s successes are due to the free market and private enterprise, while most of its greatest failures are due to government intervention. George W. Bush got the point and let private enterprises be jailkeepers and fight the second Iraq war. Welcome back to the 19th century and before.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 357: In essence Keynes finds that Moore's apostles adopted his religion meaning one's attitudes towards oneself and the ultimate (Mr. Moore), but ignored his morals, whatever they might be, besides taking in pretty boys from behind like Socrates. What are they pray? Let's give G.E. himself the floor!
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 420: And into ashes all my Lust. Mun kaikki himo muuttuu tuhkaxi. ja tuhkaa haluni kun on.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 437: Stand still, yet we will make him run. Pysäyttämään, me kiritetään sitä. vaan laukkaamaan sen kyllä saa.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 442: Vanhimmat riimit löytyy Laulujen kirjasta 1KBC, kääk kääk panivat sääxet joen luodolla, toonien piti mäzätä. Metriikka on kielikohtaista, mikä toimii yhdessä on toisessa ihan kökköä. Riimi toimii lyhytsanaisissa kielissä joissa on paljon äänteitä ja vähän päätteitä, englanti ja kiina esimerkixi. Yxitavuisista löytyy kahmaloittain riimejä.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 561: Knievel, who died last November aged 69, liked to boast of his chequered past, claiming to have been a safecracker and bank robber before becoming the world’s best-known motorcycle stuntman. He even spent six months in jail at the height of his career in 1977 for attacking with a baseball bat the author of a book about him to which he took exception.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 563: In 1986 he was arrested for soliciting an undercover policewoman for immoral purposes. In 1995 he was charged with battering his girlfriend Krystal Kennedy after leaving his wife of 35 years. Kennedy declined to testify against Knievel, however, and later married him.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 566: Knievel earned millions from stunts but it all disappeared through years of financial mismanagement and a gambling addiction that would see him bet $10,000 on the result of a football game.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 290: - film: Kanashiki koi no gensô, 1925, dir. by Yoshinobu Ikeda, starring Toshitaka Furukawa, Eiko Higashi, Sumiko Kurishima, Shinyo Nara, Shoichi Nodera, Dekao Yoko

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 292: Hauptmann's early dramas reflect the influence of Henrik Ibsen, but the production of Die Weber, a dramatization of the Silesian weavers' revolt of 1844, brought him fame as the leading playwright of his generation. Hauptmann did not only want to give realistic details, but he paid a great deal of attention to historical accuracy, and studied various dialects. His weavers are "flat-chested, coughing creatures of the looms, whose knees are bent with much sitting." The women's clothes are ragged, but some of the young girls are not without charm � they have "delicate figures, large protruding melancholy eyes." Structurally the play, which was at first banned, was innovative � there is no single, individual hero in the cast of more than 70 characters. (Didn't exceed the 80 character limit of first generation mainframe computers.)
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 298: From 1883 to 1884 Hauptmann studied art in Rome and wrote a romantic poem based on the myth of Prometheus. Ill health forced him to return to Germany. In 1885 he married Marie Thienemann; they had four children. Marie Thienemann was a beautiful, rich heiress, whom he had met in 1881, and who supported him through the four years of their engagement. Hauptmann settled with Marie in Berlin. She admired her husband, but did not much understand literature and was devastated when Gerhart's attention strayed. However, her wealth gave him the freedom to start his career as a writer.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 302: Throughout the Nazi regime, Hauptmann remained in Germany, which Goebbels used as a propaganda tool, claiming that he had made his peace with the Nazis. The Third Reich refused to allow him to receive the Schiller Prize, for which he was almost continuously recommended. A complete seventeen- volume edition of his works came out in 1942. Hauptmann died on June 6 1946 of pneumonia, at his home in Agnetendorf. His last work, the unfinished Der neue Christophorus, was again a story of suffering humanity.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 570:

    Otherwise, this place is about as depressing as you’d imagine for a former Soviet republic — and one where the greatest nuclear disaster in history took place. Not as many burnt corpses as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so we are still leading there.

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 819: John Raleigh Mott is an American like Emily Greene Balch, with whom he shares this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. He was born in Sullivan County in the state of New York on May 25, 1865. It was assumed that he would follow in the footsteps of his father, a timber merchant engaged in transporting timber on the tributaries of the Delaware River. But he was an avid reader, and the town’s Methodist minister persuaded his parents to allow him to continue his studies. For a long time the boy did not know what he wanted to be. His father hoped that he would return to the timber trade, while he himself vacillated between the church, law, and politics. But during his years of study he was stirred by the Gospel of Christ to mankind, and when the Y.M.C.A. asked him to become a traveling secretary among the students of American and Canadian universities he interpreted the offer as a call from the Lord. He answered the call. It did not take him back to the Delaware River. It sent him out into the wide world and it has brought him here today.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 825: And the old John Mott is still to be found in the midst of the young, a tireless servant of his Master. His long life has brought him profound disappointments. But they have never broken his spirit nor cooled his ardor.He believes that good will triumph in the end, that all the trials and struggles, all the disappointments and defeats, must bring the fulfillment of the Christian promise that all men shall become one. Like the story of Adam run backwards, the last woman stuck back to where she was taken from.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 837: His simple preaching was a source of strength and inspiration to those whom he addressed or with whom he talked; his powerful tinselfish and his noble character won him friends and followers and opened the way for brotherhood between nations under the banner of Christ – always the central theme of his preaching.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 853: The high school of the Postville Community School District in Postville, Iowa is named after him
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 91: Leena antautuu välillä vähän kerskumaan: "Hans Christian Andersen kirjoitti aikoinaan, että uuden vuosisadan runotar on lyhyt, selkeä ja rikas. Minä ainakin olen halunnut oppia kirjoittamaan lyhyesti, selkeästi ja rikkaasti. Kyse on vaikeasta ja kunnianhimoisesta yhdistelmästä, mutta siihen olen pyrkinyt, Leena Krohn toteaa. Sori vaan Leena mutta se uusi vuosisata oli noin kaxi vuosisataa sitten.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 97: "Mulla olis tietoisuudesta vähän tälläsiä alkeellisia kysymyksiä: missä tietoisuus sijaitsee, onko se ajallinen ja paikallinen elementti, mitkä ovat tietoisuuden rajat ja onko ihmisellä ja inhimillisellä tietoisuudella kykyjä, joita emme kovin helposti tunnista tai tunnusta. Viittaan tässä esimerkiksi telepatiaan."
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 113: Esimerkiksi Yhdysvalloista Eurooppaan rantautunut cancel-kulttuuri pyrkii asettamaan boikottiin henkilöitä, joiden mielipiteet koetaan vääriksi tai loukkaaviksi. Pahimmissa tapauksissa yksi ainoa sana tai ilmaisu on vienyt työpaikan tai tehnyt ihmisestä hylkiön. Tästähän ei Donald Trumpkaan ollenkaan piä.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 125: Leena Krohn pitää sananvapauden pahimpana globaalina uhkana poliittista islamia, joka pyrkii brutaalein keinoin tukahduttamaan kaiken sitä kohtaan suunnatun kritiikin. Vuonna 2015 poliittisen islamin nimissä murhattiin kaksitoista satiirilehti Charlie Hebdon työntekijää. Naura sinäkn, on Leenan neuvo islamisteille.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 198: In his masterwork English Passengers, Matthew Kneale would have restrained himself from including chapters written in an Aboriginal’s voice – though these are some of the richest, most compelling passages in that novel. If Dalton Trumbo had been scared off of describing being trapped in a body with no arms, legs, or face because he was not personally disabled – because he had not been through a World War I maiming himself and therefore had no right to “appropriate” the isolation of a paraplegic – we wouldn’t have the haunting 1938 classic, Johnny Got His Gun, unless he had written it with a pen in his arse. (Never heard of any of these masterpieces, but then I hadn't heard of Drivel or Kevin either until today.)
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 223: Hold it. OK, he’s necessarily “representing” his characters, by portraying them on the page. But of course he’s using them for his plot! How could he not? They are his characters, to be manipulated at his whim, to fulfill whatever purpose he cares to put them to.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 245: In The Mandibles, I have one secondary character, Luella, who’s black. She’s married to a more central character, Douglas, the Mandible family’s 97-year-old patriarch. I reasoned that Douglas, a liberal New Yorker, would credibly have left his wife for a beautiful, stately African American because arm candy of color would reflect well on him in his circle, and keep his progressive kids’ objections to a minimum. But in the end the joke is on Douglas, because Luella suffers from early onset dementia, while his ex-wife, staunchly of sound mind, ends up running a charity for dementia research. As the novel reaches its climax and the family is reduced to the street, they’re obliged to put the addled, disoriented Luella on a leash, to keep her from wandering off. LOL! What a laugh, ain't it? Get it, the guy thought he was getting arm candy, but instead he got a goat!
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 268: Regarding identity politics, what’s especially saddened me in my recent career is a trend toward rejecting the advocacy of anyone who does not belong to the group. In 2013, I published Big Brother, a novel that grew out of my loss of my own older brother, who in 2009 died from the complications of morbid obesity. I was moved to write the book not only from grief, but also sympathy of morbid obesity: in the years before his death, as my brother grew heavier, I saw how dreadfully other people treated him – how he would be seated off in a corner of a restaurant, how the staff would roll their eyes at each other after he’d ordered, though he hadn’t requested more food than anyone else. Just a little wafer, is all.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 272: But in my events to promote Big Brother, like trying to peddle it to my acquaintances, I started to notice a pattern. Most of the people buying the book in the signing queue were thin. Well the whole queue was pretty thin. Especially in the US, fat is now one of those issues where you either have to be one of us, or you’re the enemy. It's like Christianity: who is not for Jesus is against him. We don't know if he was fat, but most likely he was scrawny, he could not even carry his cross. I verified this when I had a long email correspondence with a “Healthy at Any Size” activist, who was incensed by the novel, which she hadn’t even read. Which she refused to read. No amount of explaining that the novel was on her side, that it was a book that was terribly pained by the way heavy people are treated and how unfairly they are judged, could overcome the scrawny author’s photo on the flap.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 276: I worry that the clamorous world of identity politics is also undermining the very causes its activists claim to back. As a fiction writer, yeah, I do sometimes make my narrator an Armenian. But that’s only by way of a start. Merely being Armenian is not to have a character as I understand the word. I need to add a whole host of racial prejudices to fatten him out. Luckily I didn't need to do that with my bro.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 206: There is a undeniable link between bad mental health and genius in a lot of geniuses. Albert Einstein was famously a strange individual who struggled to find his arse with both hands at night. Looking at Einstein it becomes clear that something is off with him. He dressed in such a strange way and always appeared disheveled. That is a sure sign of being crazy.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 514: Egoismi, machiavellismi, narsismi, psykopatia, moraalittomuus, itsekeskeisyys, julmuus, sadismi sekä kostonhimo ovat 9 psykologien tunnistamaa negatiivista luonteenpiirrettä.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 864: Kristitty ottaa vastuun elämästään, ei vain itsensä ja lähimmäisen edessä vaan myös Jumalan. Silloin kun ihminen ymmärtää kaiken tulevan punnituksi kerran Kaikkivaltiaan edessä, hän alkaa käsittämään vastuutaan elämästään yhä syvemmälti. Eliskä kristityn vastuu lähtee omasta perseestä, kun se uhkaa palaa ruvelle, on aika toimia.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1087: Ranssi. Mitä hunajoo! En minä tästä talosta enkä tämän isannuuvvesta. Sille kuuluu vanahimman ossuus, kenestä työ isännän
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1181: Tää Fukuyama on tullut vastaan ennenkin, se oli amerikkalaisen talousliberalismin ja globalisaation pahimpia asianajajia, joka aivan riemastui kun NL kaatui, sanoi että nyt tuli historian loppu. Haista paska Fukuyama, maailmanloppuhan tässä näyttää pikemminkin olevan tulossa.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1238: Augustinuxen opetuksen syvin olemus on, että seksi kuuluu vain avioliittoon. Seksi on syntiä tai syntiin johdattavaa pahaa himoa. (Ainut) lieventävä asianhaara on se, kun seksiä harjoitetaan vain läh. saarnaaja-asennossa lisääntymistarkoituksessa max viiden piston ajan, niin että nainen ei ehdi menoon mukaan. Tiukka tuijotus on optio. Oikeastaan kaikki viime ja tämän vuosisadan seksuaalieettiset vaikeudet kirkossa liittyvät tähän Augustinuksen perintöön: naisten aseman vapautuminen (subjektius), ehkäisyvälineet, itsetyydytys, esiaviollinen seksi, avoliitot, homoseksuaalisuus, samaa sukupuolta olevien parisuhteiden rekisteröinti ja nyt viimeisimpänä samaa sukupuolta olevien avioliitto. Näihin kaikkiin liittyy seksi, joka ei rajaudu vain lisääntymistarkoituksen piiriin.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1257: Räsäsen mukaan kyse on pohjimmiltaan siitä, saako Suomessa pitää esillä penistä ja ilmaista vakaumusta, joka pohjautuu Raamatun ja kristillisten kirkkojen perinteisiin opetuksiin. Homoseksuaalien ihmisarvoa ja ihmisoikeuksia hän vakuuttaa puolustavansa kuin rakkikoira, niiden taivasoikeudethan on tässä vaakalaudalla. On valittava, työntääkö pipunsa paapareikään täällä murheen laaxossa vai lutkuttaako ratki taivaassa perse tervattuna pyhimysten nahkaklarinettia.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1278: Ranskassa joukko upseereita varoittaa si­säl­lis­so­das­ta, jos maa­han­muut­ta­ja­lä­hiöi­tä ja "islamismia" ei saada kuriin eikä Ranskan armeijan sotilaita Eiffel tornin edestä. Ja sitä tuntematonta hemmettiin sieltä riemukaaren alta. Herra hän haisee jo. Dreyfuss-jupakan tapahtumat toistuvat. Voisiko Muhammedin kuzua juutalaisten profeetaxi, tai kunnioittaa sitä kristillisenä pyhimyxenä?
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1295: Päivi ize asiasta kuultuna töllössä: - Mitä vahinkoa homo tuottaa lähimmäisille? Viirun vaarun kierrin kaarrin ... totaniin homo tuottaa vahinkoa ennenkaikkea omalle iankaikkiselle kohtalolleen. - Juujuu mutta entä muille? Lisää viirun vaarun ... Ei tule vastausta.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 114: Today, many physicists believe that the holographic principle (specifically the AdS/CFT duality) demonstrates that Hawking's conclusion was incorrect, and that information is in fact preserved. In 2004 Hawking himself conceded a bet he had made, agreeing that black hole evaporation does in fact preserve information.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 210: Although I did not know Prof. Hawking, I do have ALS, which puts me in a similar situation. He has to have someone to help him. As simple as that. Although they may use a Hoyer lift, and if he still values his privacy, he may also use a bidet rather than being wiped. This is a terribly debilitating illness, that presents new challenges at every turn.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 216: V. Jane felt that the nurses and assistants of Prof. Hawking were intruding in their family life and Prof. Hawking felt that Jane had stopped loving him and loved Jonathan instead. After taking divorce from Jane in 1995, Hawking married Elaine Mason. Hawking took divorce from Elaine Mason in 2006 because she was physically abusing him. Prof. Hawking again started having a close friendship with Jane. Jane described her experiences with Prof. Hawking in her memoir Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen which was published in 2007.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 218: K. Isn't it an insult to Stephen Hawking to bury him in a church? His ashes should be launched out of the solar system like Clyde Tombaugh's.

    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 222: Being buried in Westminster Abbey is generally considered a very high honour. Not that you’re likely to care after you’ve died. Once you’re dead, it’s no longer about you. It’s about how people remember you. More people are likely to remember him buried in Westminster Abbey than in outer space, which appears sparsely populated at best.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 488: Jobin jumala oli tyly struzille, koska struzi välitti jumalasta yhtä vähän kuin sen munasta. Jumala oli hellä Aatamille ja Eevalle, lähetti niille kohta haikaran. Paavali Room.kirjeen luvussa 1 antaa ymmärtää, että eläinystävät sekaantuvat eläimiin. Aika outoa. Outo ajatus että luonnon ihmeet joita apinat ei pysty kopsaamaan olis argumentti luojan puolesta. Musta se on vaan osoitus apinoiden hybrixestä, samasta joka saa jotkut niistä uskomaan etne olis jonkun luojan suosikkipoikia. Kaiken muun paskan lisäxi Pekka on ryssävihainen. Minnekkäs lähimmäisten rakkaus on jäänyt luuraamaan?
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 560: Shell-shocked, Isis set out to find all the pieces of Osiris’s body. Aided by Nephthys, Isis was able to retrieve all the body parts of Osiris, except Osiris penis. Isis called on the god Anubis to help in the mummification process. After that, she cast a magical spell on Osiris dismembered parts, bringing him back to life. However, he did not come back in his old self. He was instead reborn in the land of the dead (the Underworld). Before he departed for the Underworld, Isis mated with him and became pregnant with Horus (the falcon-headed god. Apparently the missing penis was located eventually.)
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 45: TAITEILIJALLE oman pään sisällä tapahtuvasta hypetyksestä saattaa olla hyötyä, sillä tutkimusten mukaan narsismiin taipuvaisten ihmisten kunnianhimo lisääntyy, kun mahdollisuudet itsetehostukseen kasvavat. Narsistisella persoonalla on tarve saada jatkuvasti vahvistusta omalle ylemmyydelleen, ja hän tekee rohkeita ja näyttäviä tekoja sellaista saadakseen.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 124: Ron Maxwell is (or was) an ardent Trump supporter. He fears some truly inspired Shakespeare director is sure to portray Duncan as Trump, so that Macbeth can spend a full five minutes frenetically stabbing him in his sleep, which should provide ample time for the Trump hating zealots to achieve their ultimate catharsis. But this does not make Trump a villain. As with all of Shakespeares characters, Trump is entirely human in his complexity and contradiction. Shakespeare for dummies indeed.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 132: Buried penis (also known as hidden penis or retractile penis) is a congenital or acquired condition, in which the penis is partially or completely hidden below the surface of the skin. It was first described by Edward Lawrence Keyes in 1919 as the apparent absence of the penis and as being buried beneath the skin of the abdomen, thigh, or scrotum. Further research was done by Maurice Campbell in 1951 when he reported on the penis being buried beneath subcutaneous fat of the scrotum, perineum, hypogastrium, and thigh. A buried penis can lead to obstruction of urinary stream, poor hygiene, soft tissue infection, phimosis, and inhibition of normal sexual function.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 137: Ahdas esinahka eli fimoosi on tila, jossa esinahka on niin kireä, ettei sitä saa vedettyä kunnolla pois terskan päältä. Vastasyntyneillä on tavallista, että esinahan aukko on pieni ja esinahka on kiinnittyneenä paikoilleen. Suurimmalla osalla kuitenkin esinahka väljenee muutamana ensimmäisenä elinvuotena. Termi fimoosi tulee kreikankielisestä sanasta phimos (selvennä). Tosin oletetaan, että sanan merkitys on ajan myötä muuttunut.selvennä Kreikkalaiset eivät tuolloin (selvennä) edes olleet kiinnostuneet esinahan lääketieteellisestä merkityksestä. Selvennys: phimos on kuonokoppa kreikaxi. Esim: Härälle ei pidä panna kuonokoppaa kun se tappaa eloa. Naisilta pitää panna turpa tukkoon seurakunnassa.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 279: This may explain why Ezekiel, who wrote from Babylon at the same time Jeremiah was writing from Jerusalem, identified one of the major participants in the Battle of Ezekiel 38 as being Persia, and not Elam. God might have informed him, as He did Jeremiah, that the Elamites would be conquered and scattered to the four winds by their Persian neighbors.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 283: For an instant, I thought I had offended him. Then, as if he was correcting a child, He said, “Persians are not Arabs. We’re Caucasians.”) But there’s one verse that prevents us from proclaiming Jeremiah’s prophecy to be completely fulfilled in history. Jeremiah 49:39 says, “Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come, declares the Lord.”
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 303: The Biblical people called by the names above once occupied the territory we know today as Jordan, the nation due east of Israel. Not many people realize that Edom, Moab, and Ammon were given their homelands by God himself (Deut. 2:5, 9, 19) just like Israel was. And just like Israel was told to clear the land west of the Jordan River of the people who lived there at the time, Edom, Moab, and Ammon were told to perform the same service for God on the Eastern side (Deut. 2:10-12, 20-22).
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 333: Edom was the name given to the descendants of Jacob’s twin brother Esau. Having patched things up after their split over the way Jacob had tricked Isaac into giving him Esau’s blessing (Genesis 27), they returned to the area near Kiriath Arba (Hebron) where Isaac and Rebekah lived. Upon Isaac’s death the two brothers buried him and divided up their inheritance.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 576: Minä olen vain samallum, pikkukauppias ja kanankakankantaja, mutta niinkuin huomaatte, voin saada paljon aikaan tiedoillani, voin aiheuttaa jopa kokonaisten kaupunkien luovaa tuhoa. Mitäh, huomautti joku paimenista loukkaantuneena. Eikö paimenen virka ole kaikkein vanhin, ja eikö paimenia kunnioiteta kaikkialla? Paimen ja maanviljelijä ovat vanhimmat. Niin ja se maailman vanhin ammatti. - Läppä läppä, oikaisi tietojenkauppias (nimeltänsä Google) havaittuaan paimenten ilmeet karsaixi. (Mutta kauppa se on joka kannattaa, ja henkilöllisyyxien kauppa kumminkin, se ajatteli näin, izexensä nimittäin.) Hawkingia kiellettiin kertomasta lopun aikojen big crashista, se voisi aiheuttaa paniikkia pörssissä. Same difference, plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 583: Mä ostin 10-luvulla Stokkalta isoja pyöreitä narusaippuoita à 20e jotka oli tehty Aleppossa. Halpa se ei ollut mutta hyvä, kesti vuoden ennenkuin se hupeni. Kunnes länkkärit meni Syyriaankin sähläämään kalifaatin kimpussa. Lakkas maailman vanhimpien saippuoiden valmistus lyttyyn pommitetussa Aleppossa, maailman vanhimmassa kaupungissa. Jäi vaan maailman vanhin ammatti. Syyrialainen äijä Maailma kylässä teltassa, jolle kerroin tästä takaiskusta ostaessani siltä postimerkin kokoista saippuapalaa vaikutti aika happamelta. Nyt on Stokkakin lyöty aika hajalle. Postimyynti on toiminut Troijan hevosena. Hawkingin mielestä se oli hienoa. Niin tietysti, kun se ei päässyt rullaportaisiin rullatuolilla. Me ajatellaan kaikki omaa persettä.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 602: Kuolleen meren kääröissä oli texti 1. tai 2. vs. ennen Krisua, jossa Melkisedek on jumala ja siitä käytetään nimityxiä "El" ja "Elohim", joita normixesti käytetään jumalasta. Amoriinien jumalat eli elohiim (pl.) fuusioitiin sittemmin tuulenpyörteeseen ja saatiin 1 jumala eli jehova. Textin mukaan Melkisedek julistaa sovituxen päivän ja sovittaa silloin ihmiset jotka on sille esivalittu. Se tuomizee myös kansoja. Mumslimit tuntee sen peitenimellä Kidr. Here's looking at you Kidr.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 678: And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was so, that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, Art thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay;
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 680: Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan: and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 770: Nevertheless, most Christians, Muslims, Jews and Mormons now disagree with such interpretations, because in the biblical text, Ham himself is not cursed, and race or skin color is never mentioned.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 202: Äitiydestä tuli korkein ja haluttavin status naiselle, tai ainakin se aiemmin kexitty ja päätetty naisen primitiivinen velvollisuus ja myötäsyntyinen vaisto puettiin tällä kertaa romanttiseen tyllihörhelöön ja kuorrutettin intohimolla. Tää trendi alkoi valistuxesta ja jatkui erilaisten protestanttisten ja katolisten uudistusten myötä 1900-luvulle. Size saavutti huippunsa Freudin jutuissa. Äiti on vastuussa siitä tuleeko lapsista onnellisia ihmisiä. Syyllistäminen konseptina syntyi.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 238: - Olen itse kohdannut ainoastaan viranomaissyrjintää. Hyvin harvoin kadun ihmisiltä kuulee mitään ikävää. Ne jotka haukkuvat ulkomaalaisia, haukkuvat suomalaisiakin. Syitä löytyy aina. Sen sijaan Hubarat surevat kaikkea sitä vääryyttä, jota heidän esikoisensa Shirley on joutunut kohtaamaan jo ala-asteelta alkaen. Pahimmillaan poikajoukko oli hakannut pienen tytön laudanpätkillä. Nimittely ja uhkailu jatkuvat yhä viikoittain. Shirleyllä on silkoiset mutta mustat hiuxet, korkee oza, ruskee iho, vähän liian pitkät kulmakarvat ja hirmu pienet daisarit. Ne on kaikki sukunäköä. Korvat sillä on pienet isältä ja äidiltä, ei kelpaisi miniäxi Riitta Rothille.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 297: When Vargas Llosa was fourteen, his father sent him to the Leoncio Prado Military Academy in Lima. At the age of 16, before his graduation, Vargas Llosa began working as an amateur journalist for local newspapers. He withdrew from the military academy and finished his studies in Piura, where he worked for the local newspaper, La Industria, and witnessed the theatrical performance of his first dramatic work, La huida del Inca.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 318: Scholars have described him as supporting neoliberalism, though he identifies himself as a paleoliberal. Se on vitun keskiluokkainen kermaperse mulshero.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 385: Simone de Beauvoir, who Sartre playfully referred to as “The Beaver,” never published a piece of writing without her partner’s input until after his death. Likewise, he referred to her as a “filter” for his books, and some scholars have even made the case that she wrote some of them for him.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 395: Bienenfeld may be an extreme example, but she’s not atypical. Sartre tended to treat younger romantic prospects (all of whom were female) more as conquests than partners, spending months or years persuading them to get into bed with him and then bouncing off to regale “the Beaver” with details.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 490: Huijariprinsessalla on täydellinen kusipää isäpuolexi. Kun se ei saa hepuleita hauku ja tukista tytärpuoltansa, se kazoo jääkiekkoa tai pelaa teevee-jääkiekkoa. Jääkiekko on perkeleen pahimpia kexintöjä. Sirjan isäpuoli "Timo" oli kamala, paha ihminen. Kyllä ovat sadut oikeassa: äiti- ja isäpuolet ovat pahoja, darwinistisista syistä. Ne ovat kuin karhuja, jotka syövät toistensa poikaset.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 494: Kaltoinkohdeltu lapsi saattaa selviytymiskeinonaan kieltää vanhempien väärinkäytöxet ja tarrata kiinni ihannekuvaan vanhemmista (David Foster Wallace). Poika voi pitää äitiään oikeudenmukaisena ja lempeänä huolimatta huolimatta ihannekuvan ja todellisuuden räikeästäkin ristiriidasta. Äiti oli humoristinen ja kunnianhimoinen nainen, wickedly funny. Tolkuton kehuminenkin lapsen kuullen voi olla kaltoinkohtelua. Äitini oli tunnekylmä, hän loukkaantui kaikesta, vaati lapsilta kehuja ja hallizi marttyyrina koko perhettä.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 44: In 1858 Governor James Douglas named the town after Bulwer-Lytton "as a merited compliment and mark of respect". Bulwer-Lytton served as Colonial Secretary. As governor of the then colony, Douglas would have reported to him.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 220: Yli-Viikarin puoliso on joku väpelö ranskis, se olis size kämänen Chimmersworth. Saas nähdä Yrittääkö Etu-Veitikka takaisin pakastevirkaansa VTV:n ylijohtajaxi vai pakeneeko miehineen ja poikasineen korruption kotimaahan. (Päivitys 2023: toistaisexi torpedon tuomiot on ihme kyllä pysyneet voimassa.)
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 225: As Hester looks out over the crowd, she notices a small, misshapen man and recognizes him as her long-lost husband, who has been presumed lost at sea. When the husband sees Hester's shame, he asks a man in the crowd about her and is told the story of his wife's adultery. He angrily exclaims that the child's father, the partner in the adulterous act, should also be punished and vows to find the man. He chooses a new name, Roger Chillingworth, to aid him in his plan.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 227: The Reverend John Wilson and the minister of Hester's church, Arthur Dimmesdale, question her, but she refuses to name her lover. After she returns to her prison cell, the jailer brings in Chillingworth, now a physician, to calm Hester and her child with his roots and herbs. He and Hester have an open conversation regarding their marriage and the fact that they were both in the wrong. Her lover, however, is another matter and he demands to know who it is; Hester refuses to divulge such information. He accepts this, stating that he will find out anyway, and forces her to conceal that he is her husband. If she ever reveals him, he warns her, he will destroy the child's father. Hester agrees to Chillingworth's terms although she suspects she will regret it.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 231: Hester, hearing rumors that she may lose Pearl, goes to speak to Governor Bellingham. With him are ministers Wilson and Dimmesdale. Hester appeals to Dimmesdale in desperation, and the minister persuades the governor to let Pearl remain in Hester's care.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 237: Several days later, Hester meets Dimmesdale in the forest and tells him of her husband and his desire for revenge. She convinces Dimmesdale to leave Boston in secret on a ship to Europe where they can start life anew. Inspired by this plan, the minister seems to gain new energy. On Election Day, Dimmesdale gives one of his most inspired sermons. But as the procession leaves the church, Dimmesdale climbs upon the scaffold and confesses his sin, dying in Hester's arms. Later, most witnesses swear that they saw a stigma in the form of a scarlet "A" upon his chest, although some deny this statement. Chillingworth, losing his will for revenge, dies shortly thereafter and leaves Pearl a substantial inheritance.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 64: Hanna Rothman jakoi köyhien kotien lapsille Fröbelin palikat. Pestalozzi-kylästä, jonne CEC antoi charityä. Hannan ja sen kaverin elämää säväytti vahva kristillinen vakaumus. Lastentarhatoiminnan pohjana oli kristillinen etikka. Kasvatuxessa painotettiin eritoten lähimmäisen rakkautta ja kiitollisuutta tädeille. Tavoitteena oli luoda luottamus jumalan huolenpitoon viimeistään ison kiven takana. Kristillistä pohjaa pidettiin izestään selviönä aina 60-luvulle saakka. 1979 mietinnössä sanotaan että uskonnollisen vakaumuxen tukemisessa on kunnioitettava lasten vanhempien tai huoltajien vakaumusta. Mutta lapsen pitää saada tilaisuus hiljentyä ja vastauxia uskonnollisiin kysymyxiinsä. Päiväkodeissa onkin aika meteli. Päikkkäreillä hiljennytään rukousmatolle. Tarhatädit oli aivan ulalla. Onko Allah ainoa, vai onko kolminaisuus oikea? Onnexi mamuja oli suht vähän vielä 80-luvulla.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 261: Marttinen sanoo, että hänen vaarinsa isänmaallinen eetos jatkuu hänessäkin, mutta eri tavalla: hänen intohimonsa on Suomen luonnon ja sen virkistyskäytön puolustaminen. Hän kertoo, että isoisä rakasti luontoa. Toivo Kuula samoili paljon luonnossa, mutusteli kasveja ja eläimiä ja harrasti kalastusta ja metsästystä. Kesken jäänyt Jupiter-sinfonia kertoi tähtitieteen harrastuksesta.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 306: Atwood’s career as a graduate student stretched, with many interruptions, for half a dozen years. During that period she had an affair with Quebec poet D. G. Jones— which Sullivan mentions so obliquely that it is over before the reader realizes it has begun. She had broken it off, as a result of the stresses caused by his workload. She subsequently courted Jim Polk (an American writer she had met at Harvard) and, in January 1967, she decided to marry him "after five years of equivocation". She also worked at odd jobs including market researcher like Fred Waterford, and despite never finishing her PhD, began a university teaching career that would take her to cities across Canada. At 27, she became the youngest person to ever win the Governor General’s Award with her 1967 poetry collection, The Circle Game. Siitä nousi sille aika lailla kusi päähän.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 312: He too was an author of novels, none of which ever came close to having the kind of success Ms Atwood has always enjoyed, but Gibson himself would have said his greatest success was the support he gave his partner during one of the most amazing careers any writer has ever had, in Canada or in any country. His support was unstinting and inspiring, and allied to it was a conviction that Atwood’s greatness demanded that kind of commitment.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 369: "Vihaan lapsia. Ne ovat niin inhimillisiä, tuovat mieleen apinat. SAKI". Whodat? Munro, skotl. lehtimies ja kirjailija. Hector Hugh Munro (18 December 1870 – 14 November 1916), better known by the pen name Saki and also frequently as H. H. Munro, was a British writer whose witty, mischievous and sometimes macabre stories satirize Edwardian society and culture. After his wife's death Charles Munro sent his children, including two-year-old Hector, home to England. The children were sent to Broadgate Villa, in Pilton near Barnstaple, North Devon, to be raised by their grandmother and paternal maiden aunts, Charlotte and Augusta, in a strict and puritanical household. A war fanatic, he was killed by a German sniper. According to several sources, his last words were "Put that bloody cigarette out!" Munro was homosexual at a time when in Britain sexual activity between men was a crime. (Mä ARRVASIN! Sen se oli näkönenkin.)
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 568: Pahin siten on tää narsistinen syyllisyyden motiivi, mä autan sua jottei mulle izelleni käy seuraavassa elämässä vielä hullummin. Paha poliisi julmistelee pilvenlongalta ja näkee mun vähimmänkin tekoni, ajatuxista puhumattakaan, joten paras pitää vaan jakaus ojennuxessa, rintanapit kiinni, häntä koipien välissä (siis omien) ja luut kasassa. Viime tilityxessä sit hyvät ja pahat teot ynnätään ja tulee palkintojenjako. (Paitzi EI NÄIN, kts. esim. tästä. NOT THE PLAN. Dosto oli oikeassa, you just can´t do it right. Angstaus on pääasia.) Ei mitään tällästä pakanallista et ipsa quidem virtus sibimet pulcherrima merces.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 353: Joachim Nowotny eli Roope, ein gewisser Robel, jolla ei 40-vuotiaana enää seiso, on sudeettisaxalaisten Kalle Päätalo.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 791: Written in 1914 and published in 1925, a year after Kafka's death, 'The Trial' tells the terrifying tale of Josef K., a bank officer who is arrested and finds himself having to defend charges that he struggles to get information on.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 822: 'A Confederacy of Dunces' was written 11 years after Toole committed suicide. Ignatius O'Reilly is a 30-year-old man living with his mother in New Orleans, who comes into contact with many French Quarter characters while searching for employment. Though comical, there is a deep streak of melancholy that runs through Reilly's character, and Toole's ability to combine these two aspects beautifully won him the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1981. The moral (as usual): everybody is the Steven of his or her own life. A complete turd. Supposedly funny. Parochial baloney.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 827: loathing of the world around him, which he feels has lost
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 868: His desire leads him to riches he could have never imagined. A motivational account of how following one's dreams can lead to the discovery of great wonders, 'The Alchemist' is an enchanting read filled with wisdom. Now this is the pits! The only worse choice on the list than this braindead dago would have been the old Russian hag Ayn Rand.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 873: Many of us might have lost track of our mentors, as Mitch did, with their insights slowly fading into memory. When Mitch gets a second chance to meet his mentor in the last few months of the man's life, he begins to visit him every Tuesday.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 885: A frightening tale about good and evil and what it means to be free as humans, 'A Clockwork Orange' is told through the central character, Alex, who recounts his violent encounters with state authorities who are intent on reforming him.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 919: Set in Italy during World War II, bombardier Yossarian is a hero under attack. As his army continues to increase, Yossarian finds himself in a bind.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1092: Capote was born Truman Streckfus Persons in New Orleans, Louisiana, on September 30, 1924. His father, Arch Persons, was a well-educated ne'er-do-well from a prominent Alabama family, and his mother, Lillie Mae Faulk, was a pretty and ambitious young woman so anxious to escape the confines of small-town Alabama that she married Arch in her late teens. Capote's early childhood with Arch and Lillie Mae was marked by neglect and painful insecurity that left him with a lifelong fear of abandonment. His life gained some stability in 1930 when, at age six, he was put in the care of four elderly, unmarried cousins in Monroeville, Monroe County. He lived there full-time for three years and made extended visits throughout the decade. Capote was most influenced by his cousin Sook, who adored him and whom he celebrated in his writings. He also forged what would become a lifelong friendship with next-door neighbor Nelle Harper Lee, who later won the Pulitzer Prize for her book, To Kill a Mockingbird. Capote appears in the novel as the character Dill.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1159: itsestään: "En ole vielä pyhimys. Olen alkoholisti ja
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 233: In July of last year, Troy “Puppeh” Wells (m) released a Twitlonger where he explained Cinnpie (f) had initiated sexual conversations with him in 2016, when he was 14 years old. Wells is at the top of the game Smash Ultimate. Ultimate is the best-selling fighting game of all time, having sold over 23 million copies by March 2021. Cinnpie is an American streamer and gamer. She is also a renowned Esports Commentator. She is mainly famous for her Smash 4 Gameplays in Twitch.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 425: Eikö elämäkin täällä ole vain unta? Voi olla, että paratiisi ei koskaan tule täällä, sen ymmärrän. Mutta kuitenkin jatkan saarnaamista, pääasia on: ’rakasta lähimmäistäsi niin kuin itseäsi’. Enempää et tarvitse.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 599: Bill Gates says the worst day in his life was the day his mother died. It’s a simple reminder that we all have regrets. Another bad day was when his wife caught him astride his secretary.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 716: Nabokov´s wife Véra was his strongest supporter and assisted him throughout his lifetime, but Nabokov admitted to having a "prejudice" against women writers. He wrote to Edmund Wilson, who had been making suggestions for his lectures: "I dislike Jane Austen, and am prejudiced, in fact against all women writers. They are in another class." Although Véra worked as his personal translator and secretary, he made publicly known that his ideal translator would be male, and especially not a "Russian-born female". In the first chapter of Glory he attributes the protagonist's similar prejudice to the impressions made by children's writers like Lidiya Charski, and in the short story "The Admiralty Spire" deplores the posturing, snobbery, antisemitism, and cutesiness he considered characteristic of Russian women authors.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 745: Evidence is presented that the author of Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, was himself consciously a pedophile who acted out his desires vicariously through his writing. Drawing upon his literary works and biography, the manifest and genetic origins of Nabokov´s pedophilia are traced back to an unresolved oedipal conflict complicated by childhood sexual abuse. Humbert Humbert, the protagonist in the novel Lolita, is the classic literary portrayal of a pedophile. Evidence is presented that the author of Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, was himself consciously a pedophile who acted out his desires vicariously through his writing. Drawing upon his literary works and biography, the manifest and genetic origins of Nabokov´s pedophilia are traced back to an unresolved oedipal conflict complicated by childhood sexual abuse. The raw power of Lolita derives from the abreactive discharge of a libidinal cathexis denied any other mode of expression.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 756: Nabokov, a "champion of aesthetic autonomy", was keenly aware of the stakes of publication from 1916, when he had a collection of his poems printed at his own expense. The volume brought him embarrassment; his teacher read the worst lines out to the budding author´s classmates, who roared with laughter.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 762: The impassioned Humbert constantly searches for discreet forms of fulfilling his sexual urges, usually via the smallest physical contact with Dolores. When Dolores is sent to summer camp, Humbert receives a letter from Charlotte, who confesses her love for him and gives him an ultimatum – he is to either marry her or move out immediately. Initially terrified, Humbert then begins to see the charm in the situation of being Dolores' stepfather, and so marries Charlotte for instrumental reasons (päästäxeen salaa työntämään Lolan piccu tacoon isoa munakoisoa). Charlotte later discovers Humbert's diary, in which she learns of his desire for her daughter and the disgust Charlotte arouses in him. Shocked and humiliated, Charlotte decides to flee with Dolores and writes letters addressed to her friends warning them of Humbert. Disbelieving Humbert´s false assurance that the diary is a sketch for a future novel, Charlotte runs out of the house to send the letters but is killed by a swerving car. Humbert destroys the letters and retrieves Dolores from camp, claiming that her mother has fallen seriously ill and has been hospitalized. He then takes her to a high-end hotel that Charlotte had earlier recommended. Humbert knows he will feel guilty if he consciously rapes Dolores, and so tricks her into taking a sedative by saying it is a vitamin. As he waits for the pill to take effect, he wanders through the hotel and meets a mysterious man who seems to be aware of Humbert´s plan for Dolores. Humbert excuses himself from the conversation and returns to the hotel room. There, he discovers that he had been fobbed with a milder drug, as Dolores is merely drowsy and wakes up frequently, drifting in and out of sleep. He dares not touch her that night. In the morning, Dolores reveals to Humbert that she actually has already lost her virginity, having engaged in sexual activity with an older boy at a different camp a year ago. He immediately begins sexually abusing (fucking) her. And they lived happily ever after.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 764: Läppä läppä. Deeply depressed, Humbert unexpectedly receives a letter from a 17-year-old Dolores (signing as "Dolly (Mrs. Richard F. Schiller)"), telling him that she is married, pregnant, and in desperate need of money. Humbert, armed with a pistol, tracks down Dolores' address and gives her the money, which was due as an inheritance from her mother. Humbert learns that Dolores' husband, a deaf mechanic, is not her abductor. Dolores reveals to Humbert that Quilty took her from the hospital and that she was in love with him, but she was rejected when she refused to star in one of his pornographic films. Dolores also rejects Humbert's request to leave with him. Humbert goes to the drug-addled Quilty's mansion and shoots him several times. Shortly afterward, Humbert is arrested, and in his closing thoughts, he reaffirms his love for Dolores and asks for his memoir to be withheld from public release until after her death. Dolores dies in childbirth on Christmas Day in 1952, disappointing Humbert´s prediction that "Dolly Schiller will probably survive me by many years."
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 767: But as Lance Olsen writes: "The first 13 chapters of the text, culminating with the oft-cited scene of Lo unwittingly stretching her legs across Humbert's excited lap ... are the only chapters suggestive of the erotic." Nabokov himself observes in the novel´s afterword that a few readers were "misled by the opening of the book ... into assuming this was going to be a lewd book ... expecting the rising succession of erotic scenes; when these stopped, the readers stopped, too, and felt bored." Preee-cisely!
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 861: painon ja kuvaamattoman intohimon piilossa
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1009: fall I shall have him "brace" her, as my mother used to say. It may curb Lo a
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1023: feeling sorry for him. But the urge to punish a crime ("Why dost thou lash that
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1028: last meeting (the only time, as he ruefully minutes, that she ever calls him
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1258: Eric Sweeten provides a fascinating and well-written answer to this question. It’s almost impossible to disagree with him.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1279: Imaginative cobbler Hans Christian Andersen (Danny Kaye) is asked to leave his hometown because his frequent stories are distracting the children from school. From there he moves to Copenhagen, Denmark, where he sees and falls in love with Doro (Jeanmaire), a ballerina. He writes "The Little Mermaid" for her, and it becomes the ballet´s latest work. However, Doro is already married to Niels (Farley Granger), meaning Hans must content himself with children.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 132: Slim, blonde, young and pretty, you might think that April could do a lot better than 58-year-old married engineer James but there is no chance of her ever leaving him for another man, unless sold to another guy second-hand.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 159: Susan said: "The other thing I want to do is G-spot so you can sit there and play with her and make her feel good. The way I got involved in this was when my husband finished his PHD I got him a Real Doll as a graduation present, at first I got jealous because he spent time with her.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 170: Back in California James goes on a date with the prototype Harmony - who has a Scottish accent. He seems delighted when she 'sings' the Michael Jackson song Thriller and tells him a joke.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 171: Things take a more racy turn when she asks him if he likes to masturbate, adding: "Are you really going to let me watch you jerking off, shoot your load up me baby, I want it so bad. Though in my current version I can't get pregnant."
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 845: oli hassu hattu päässä se suipisteli huulia kuin Charlotte Haze ja himlade med
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 53: Juryn arvoisat naiset ja herrat, useimmat niistä sukupuolirikollisista, jotka himoizevat jotain sykkivää, suloisentuskallista, fyysillistä mutta ei välttämättä (kyllä mielellään) yhdynnällistä suhdetta johonkin tyttölapseen, ovat vaarattomia, epäkelpoja, passiivisia, arkoja mamuja, jotka pyytävät vain, että yhteiskunta saisi heidän harjoittaa käytännöllisesti kazoen harmitonta, niinsanottua poikkeuxellista käytöstään, pieniä kuumia kosteita sexuaalisia hairahduxian, ilman että poliisi ja seurakunta ja vanhemmat hyökkäävät heidän kimppuunsa. Me emme ole sexuaalipaholaisia! Me emme välttämättä raiskaa kuten kunnon sotilaat. Me olemme onnettomia, lauhkeita koirankazeisia herrasmiehiä, riittävän eheitä hallitaxemme taipumuxiamme aikuisten läsnä ollessa, mutta valmiita antamaan vuosia ja taas vosia elämästämme saadaxemme mahdollisuuden koskettaa "nymfettiä".
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 103: Lukija, minä menin. Täähän on alluusio Jane Eyreen. Reader, I married him.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 107: Reader, I married him. A quiet wedding we had: he and I, the parson and clerk, were alone present. When we got back from church, I went into the kitchen of the manor-house, where Mary was cooking the dinner and John cleaning the knives, and I said—
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 428: From the start, critics complained about the ostensible sameness of Roth’s books, their narcissism and narrowness—or, as he himself put it, comparing his own work to his father’s conversation, “Family, family, family, Newark, Newark, Newark, Jew, Jew, Jew.” Over time, he took on vast themes—love, lust, loneliness, marriage, masculinity, ambition, community, solitude, loyalty, betrayal, patriotism, rebellion, piety, disgrace, the body, the imagination, American history, mortality, the relentless mistakes of life—and he did so in a variety of forms: comedy, parody, romance, conventional narrative, postmodernism, autofiction. In each performance of a self, Roth captured the same sound and consciousness. in nearly fifty years of reading him I’ve never been more bored. I got to know Roth in the nineteen-nineties, when I interviewed him for this magazine around the time he published “The Human Stain.” To be in his presence was an exhilarating, though hardly relaxing, experience. He was unnervingly present, a condor on a branch, unblinking, alive to everything: the best detail in your story, the slackest points in your argument. His intelligence was immense, his performances and imitations mildly funny. “He who is loved by his parents is a conquistador,” Roth used to say, and he was adored by his parents, though both could be daunting to the young Philip. Herman Roth sold insurance; Bess ruled the family’s modest house, on Summit Avenue, in a neighborhood of European Jewish immigrants, their children and grandchildren. There was little money, very few books. Roth was not an academic prodigy; his teachers sensed his street intelligence but they were not overawed by his classroom performance. Roth learned to write through imitation. His first published story, “The Day It Snowed,” was so thoroughly Truman Capote that, he later remarked, he made “Capote look like a longshoreman.”
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 434: ex-husband) fascinated him with its “goyish chaos” and provided material for his
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 439: Madison Avenue, the driver turned to him and said, “Got the good news early, huh?”
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 450: cartoon” and yet continued his analysis with him for years.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 485: With Walton's support, he began Call It Sleep in about 1930, completed the novel in the spring of 1934, and it was published in December 1934, to mostly good reviews. Yet the New York Herald Tribune's book critic Lewis Gannett foresaw that the book would not prove popular with its bleak depiction of New York's Lower East Side, but wrote readers would "remember it and talk about it and watch excitedly" for Roth's next book. Call It Sleep sold slowly and poorly, and after it was out-of-print, critics writing in magazines such as Commentary and Partisan Review kept praising it, and asking for it to be reprinted. After being republished in hardback in 1960 and paperback in 1964, with more than 1,000,000 copies sold, and many weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, the novel was hailed as an overlooked Depression-era masterpiece and classic novel of immigration. Today, it is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Jewish American literature. With Walton's support, he began Call It Sleep in about 1930, completed the novel in the spring of 1934, and it was published in December 1934, to mostly good reviews. Yet the New York Herald Tribune's book critic Lewis Gannett foresaw that the book would not prove popular with its bleak depiction of New York's Lower East Side, but wrote readers would "remember it and talk about it and watch excitedly" for Roth's next book. Call It Sleep sold slowly and poorly, and after it was out-of-print, critics writing in magazines such as Commentary and Partisan Review kept praising it, and asking for it to be reprinted.[ After being republished in hardback in 1960 and paperback in 1964, with more than 1,000,000 copies sold, and many weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, the novel was hailed as an overlooked Depression-era masterpiece and classic novel of immigration. Today, it is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Jewish American literature. After Muriel's death in 1990, Roth moved into a ramshackle former funeral parlor and occupied himself with revising the final volumes of his monumental work, Mercy of a Rude Stream. It has been alleged that the incestuous relationships between the protagonist, a sister, and a cousin in Mercy of a Rude Stream are based on Roth's life. Roth's own sister denied that such events occurred. Roth attributed his massive writer's block to personal problems such as depression, and to political conflicts, including his disillusion with Communism. At other times he cited his early break with Judaism and his obsessive sexual preoccupations as probable causes. Roth died in Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States in 1995. The character E. I. Lonoff in Philip Roth's Zuckerman novels (The Ghost Writer and Exit Ghost in this case), is a composite of Roth, Bernard Malamud and fictional elements.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 761: In July 1982, Love returned to the United States. In late 1982, she attended a Faith No More concert in San Francisco and convinced the members to let her join as a singer. The group recorded material with Love as a vocalist, but fired her; according to keyboardist Roddy Bottum, who remained Love's friend in the years after, the band wanted a "male energy". Love returned to working abroad as an erotic dancer, briefly in Taiwan, and then at a taxi dance hall in Hong Kong. By Love's account, she first used heroin while working at the Hong Kong dance hall, having mistaken it for cocaine. While still inebriated from the drug, Love was pursued by a wealthy male client who requested that she return with him to the Philippines, and gave her money to purchase new clothes. She used the money to purchase airfare back to the United States.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 111: Noukit pahimmat roskat pois syvien huokausten ja tuhahtelujen saattelemana. 4%
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 215: Sitten itse kirjailijasta sen verran, että hänen puheistaan sai sellaisen käsityksen, että narsismi on kuin jokin ohimenevä tila tai sairaus, josta voi parantua, kunhan vaan uhri ja narsisti menevät yhdessä, käsi kädessä terapiaan juttelemaan suhteensa kipupisteistä. Mitä shaibaa! Haastattelussa esitetyt ajatukset tuntuivat muutenkin melko kotikutoisilta ja suorastaan lapsekkailta - tosin vitutuskäyräni ovat jo niin korkealla, että näen varmaan kaikkien nk. kokemusasiantuntijoiden jutuissa pelkkää punaista. On näet tässä vuosien saatossa kadonnu harhaluulot sen suhteen, että narsisti muuttuu, kunhan saa ymmärrystä ja kunhan sille selitetään, ettei noin saiS tehdä. Siis ihmisethän ei juurikaan muutu, ja narsisti viimeisenä. Kaiken lisäksi osa nk. narsisteista on todellisuudessa psykopaatteja eli heidän aivonsa ovat joko vaurioituneet tai siellä koskaan mitään tunnekeskusta ole ollutkaan eli he eivät voi muuttua.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 217: Miksi muuten aina narsisteista ja narsismista puhuttaessa käsitellään vain narsismia parisuhteessa? Opiskelu- ja työpaikoilla sekä varsinkin sisarussuhteissa esiintyvä narsismi sivuutetaan lähes täysin. Mielestäni on varsin helppoa leimata se ällö ex-puoliso narsistiksi. Joskus voi olla niin, että leimakirves heiluu täysin aiheetta tai siihen on ollut muita syitä kuin ex-puolison narsismi, esim. katkeruus, kostonhimo, kiista omaisuuden jaosta tai lasten tapaamisoikeuksista. Sisarus- ja muissa sukulaisuussuhteissa, jos missä narsisti pääsee pitkäaikaisesti toteuttamaan itseään ja aiheuttamaan uhreilleen valtavia taloudellisia tappioita, tuhoamaan ihmissuhteita, uhrien maiheen jne, jne, koska narsisti on mahdollisesti kasvanut saman katon alla uhrinsa kanssa ja tuntee tämän henkilöhistorian sekä läheiset ihmissuhteet. Hankalasta ja narsistisesta puolisosta pääsee eroon mutta narsistinen sukulainen voi pahimmassa tapauksessa tuhota maineesi, hävittää omaisuutesi ja istua vielä perunkirjoitustilaisuudessasi.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 305: Deepak Chopra (/ˈdiːpɑːk ˈtʃoʊprə/; Hindi: [d̪iːpək tʃoːpɽa]; born October 22, 1946) is an Indian-American author and alternative medicine advocate. A prominent figure in the New Age movement, his books and videos have made him one of the best-known and wealthiest figures in alternative medicine. His discussions of quantum healing have been characterised as technobabble - "incoherent babbling strewn with scientific terms" which drives those who actually understand physics "crazy" and as "redefining Wrong".
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 651: Mindfulnessillä pääsee eroon rahanhimosta ja ylimääräisestä rahasta, joka sataa siitä perin peeteen laariin. Uusina arvoina rahan tilalle tulevat elinvoima, jaxaminen, läheisyys ja ihmissuhteet. Ei siis niinkään enää EAT! vaan FUCK!
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 686: Martina ja Hannu Pikkarainen ovat olleet suhteensa alusta lähtien kuin paita ja peppu. Hyvinvointiyrittäjä Martina Aitolehden, 38, ja ex-jääkiekkoilija Hannu Pikkaraisen, 37, yhteispeliä on kestänyt helmikuun lopusta lähtien. – Siitä se lähti, kun me kaksi voitontahtoista ja kunnianhimoista tsemppasimme toisiamme Aliaxessa, Hannu virnistää.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 708: Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Devanagari: माता अमृतानन्‍दमयी, malajalamiksi മാതാ അമൃതാനന്ദമയി) eli Äiti Amma, aiemmalta nimeltään Sudhamani, (s. 27. syyskuuta 1953) on intialainen hyväntekijä ja kannattajiensa mielestä pyhimys ja guru. Useat hänen oppilaistaan pitävät Ammaa avatarina. Amma tarkoittaa äitiä telugun ja malajalamin kielissä, joten suomenkielinen vakiintunut nimitys on tautologinen. Se on kuin herne herne! Ämmä on Eskin ikäinen.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 774: Ei perhana, tää Paulan himmeli ei pelitä. Sen pohjalla on sama vanha idealistinen höpötys, jonka parta-Kalle jo luuli selättäneensä. Sama vitun irti juossut tietoisuus, die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, pieru exyxissä.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 866: Ja kun kerta voit valita mitä vaan, niin toivottavasti valitset jotain superhienoa, kuten ”Olen rajaton”, ”Minä saan epäonnistua, se on inhimillistä”, ”Minä ansaitsen tulla nähdyksi ja kuulluksi”, ”Minä olen sosiaalinen ja rakastettava”!
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 112: When Nabokov died in 1977, The New York Times hailed him as “a giant in the world of literature.” Two of his novels, “Lolita” and “Pale Fire,” landed on the Modern Library’s 1998 list of the best English novels of the 20th century. His legions of fans regard Nabokov’s failure to win a Nobel Prize as one of the great literary travesties of the 20th century.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 116: There are currently five scholarly journals devoted to Nabokov studies. His allusive style and trilingual (English, French, Russian) wordplay are catnip for academics, who endlessly parse challenging texts like “Pale Fire” — a novel in verse, followed by obscurantist commentary — finding new apercus tailor-made for small-journal publication. Nabokov’s apotheosis in academe is quite ironical, because he and his close friend, the literary critic Edmund Wilson, shared an icy disdain for the ivory tower. They viewed universities as ATMs, handy because there were so many of them, and because they were flush with cash. Nabokov, who arrived in the United States penniless in 1940, had to rely on teaching assignments at Wellesley and Cornell to feed his family for 15 years. The moment “Lolita” made him financially independent, he fled Cornell for Switzerland and never set foot in a classroom again.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 142: Me kuljimme päästä päähän ja taas takaisin koko Amerikan tienvieriravintoloitten asteikon, alkaen vaatimattomasta Eat'ista, jossa oli hirvenpää (sisemmässä silmänurkassaan tumma pitkän kyynelen jälki), 'humoristisia postikortteja (myöhempää 'Kurort'-tyyppiä), vieraiden kirjoittamia suosituksia kehyksissä, hengenpelastajia, aurinkolaseja, mainostaiteilijan näkyjä taivaallisista jäätelöannoksista, puolikas suklaakaakkua lasisuojuksen alla ja useita kammottavan kokeneita kärpäsiä risteilemässä kehnolle tiskille valuneessa tahmeassa sokeriliemessä, ja niin edelleen aina siihen kalliiseen paikkaan asti, jossa oli himmennetyt valot, nurinkurisen kehnot pöytä- ja ruokaliinat, tolkuttomat tarjoilijat (vankilalintuja tai opiskelijoita), filminäyttelijättären harmaanruskea selkä, hänen senhetkisen miehensä synkät kulmakarvat ja pjattipukuinen trumpetin varustettu orkesteri.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 256: Hegel (mentioned in p.259 TAL; he married in 1811 and his sister Christian Luise died in 1832) was fascinated by Goethe (and also by Jean-jacques Rousseau (allusion to him in p. TAL « Jean-jacques Humbert« ) and the French Revolution). Goethe published a « Theory of Colours » concerning the light spectrum (a hint, more about this in the final conclusion part). There are recurrent mentions of Goethe in Freud‘s writings. Schopenhauer cited Goethe’s novel « Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship » as one of the four greatest novels ever written, along with « Tristram Shandy« , « La Nouvelle Heloïse« , and « Don Quixote« .
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 280: The female figure in the Starbucks logo has been likened to a Melusine. Notice the fork innovation in the tail. In Czech the word meluzína refers to wailing wind, usually in the chimney. This is a reference to the wailing Melusine looking forward to having children.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 282: The most famous literary version of Melusine tales, that of Jean d'Arras, compiled about 1382–1394, was worked into a collection of "spinning yarns" as told by ladies at their spinning coudrette (coulrette (in French)). He wrote The Romans of Partenay or of Lusignen: Otherwise known as the Tale of Melusine, giving source and historical notes, dates and background of the story. Another version, Chronique de la princesse (Chronicle of the Princess). tells how in the time of the Crusades, Elynas, the King of Albany (an old name for Scotland or Alba), went hunting one day and came across a beautiful lady in the forest. She was Pressyne, mother of Melusine. He persuaded her to marry him but she agreed, only on the promise—for there is often a hard and fatal condition attached to any pairing of fay and mortal—that he must not enter her chamber when she birthed or bathed her children. She gave birth to triplets. When he violated this taboo, Pressyne left the kingdom, together with her three daughters, and traveled to the lost Isle of Avalon.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 284: The three girls (Liddellin tytöt!) —Melusine, Melior, and Palatyne—grew up in Avalon. On their fifteenth birthday, Melusine, the eldest, asked why they had been taken to Avalon. Upon hearing of their father's broken promise, Melusine sought revenge. She and her sisters captured Elynas and locked him, with his riches, in a mountain. Pressyne became enraged when she learned what the girls had done, and punished them for their disrespect to their father. Melusine was condemned to take the form of a serpent from the waist down every Saturday. In other stories, she takes on the form of a mermaid.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 286: Raymond of Poitou came across Melusine in a forest of Coulombiers in Poitou in France, and proposed marriage. Just as her mother had done, she laid a condition: that he must never enter her chamber on a Saturday. He broke the promise and saw her in the form of a part-woman, part-serpent, but she forgave him. When, during a disagreement, he called her a "serpent" in front of his court, she assumed the form of a dragon, provided him with two magic rings, and flew off, never to return.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 398: He wants you to want him but not need him afterward. Not clingy.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 408: Guys like a girl that makes an effort to listen to him.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 492: In the summer of 1998, 71-year-old Silk approaches Zuckerman, hoping that the writer will lend his talents to his case against the college. Zuckerman is uninterested, but the two begin a brief friendship and Silk tells him his life story, beginning with his adolescence in Essex County, New Jersey. Zuckerman reveals to the reader that Silk is secretly a light-skinned African-American who has been "passing" as a Jew since a stint in the Navy during World War II. Silk completes graduate school at New York University, marries a Jewish woman (Iris) and has four children, none of whom are aware of their father's real ancestry.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 496: 4. Why do Silk’s colleagues fail to defend him? Why would highly educated academics—people trained to weigh evidence carefully and to be aware of the complex subtleties of any object of study—so readily believe the absurd stories concocted to disgrace Coleman Silk? Why does Ernestine describe Athena College as “a hotbed of ignorance”?
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 504: 13. Nathan interprets Coleman’s choosing to reject his past and create a new identity for himself as “the drama that underlies America’s story, the high drama that is upping and leaving—and the energy and cruelty that rapturous drive demands,” whereas Walter thinks of his brother as a “calculating liar,” a “heartless son,” and a “traitor to his race” [p. 342]. Which of these views seems closer to the truth? Are they both legitimate? What is Ernestine’s position?
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 515: Gratiano is a friend of Bassanio in The Merchant of Venice. A great talker, he is almost impossible to shut up, and can be unmannerly, to the extent that Bassanio only allows him to accompany his trip to Belmont on condition that he keep his big trap shut.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 517: He helps Lorenzo abduct Jessica, which almost makes him late for the departure to Belmont. He falls in love with Nerissa, Portia’s lady-in-waiting, who agrees to marry him on condition that Bassanio succeeds in the task of the caskets. He has no compunction about admitting to the mercenary nature of Bassanio’s choice of bride.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 519: He returns to Venice with Bassanio on his mission to rescue Antonio, and gives his tongue free rein during the trial, spitting out invective against Shylock, and then mercilessly mocking him once the carpet is pulled out from under
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 520: him. (American Jews hold a grudge against Bill on account of Shylock.)
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 522: Like Bassanio, he is willing to prefer Antonio’s life to his newly-acquired wife’s. The law-clerk manages to convince him to give his wedding ring as a gift of thanks in return, which leads to some problems on his return to Belmont, as he had sworn to Nerissa that he would never remove it. He gives away that Bassanio has done much the same.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 599: Weave a circle round him thrice, Kierrä kolme kierrosta sen ympärize
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 620: In 1797, Coleridge was living at Nether Stowey, a village in the foothills of the Quantocks. However, due to ill health, he had "retired to a lonely farm house between Porlock and Lynton, on the Exmoor confines of Somerset and Devonshire". It is unclear whether the interruption took place at Culbone Parsonage (Culbone, penisluu, hehe) or at Ash Farm. (Ass farm, puofarmi, hehe.) Jossain sillä välillä takuulla. He described the incident in his first publication of the poem, writing about himself in the third person:
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 622: On awakening he appeared to himself to have a distinct recollection of the whole, and taking his pen, ink, and paper, instantly and eagerly wrote down the lines that are here preserved. At this moment he was unfortunately called out by a person on business from Porlock, and detained by him above an hour, and on his return to his room, found, to his no small surprise and mortification, that though he still retained some vague and dim recollection of the general purport of the vision, yet, with the exception of some eight or ten scattered lines and images, all the rest had passed away like the images on the surface of a stream into which a stone has been cast, but, alas! without the after restoration of the latter!
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 627: If the Porlock interruption was a fiction, it would parallel the famous "letter from a friend" that interrupts Chapter XIII of Coleridge's Biographia Literaria just as he was beginning a 100-page exposition of the nature of the imagination. It was admitted much later that the "friend" was the author himself. In that case, the invented letter solved the problem that Coleridge found little receptiveness for his philosophy in the England of that time.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 713: Chatterton soon conceived the romance of Thomas Rowley, an imaginary monk of the 15th century, and adopted for himself the pseudonym Thomas Rowley for poetry and history. According to psychoanalyst Louise J. Kaplan, his being fatherless played a great role in his imposturous creation of Rowley. The development of his masculine identity was held back by the fact that he was raised by two women: his mother Sarah and his sister Mary.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 719: However, Endymion, the "brain-sick shepherd-prince" of Mt. Latmos, is in a trancelike state, and not participating in their discourse. His sister, Peona (Fanny), takes him away and brings him to her resting place where he sleeps. After he wakes, he tells Peona of his encounter with Cynthia (Fanny B.), and how much he loved her. The poem is divided into four books, each approximately 1,000 lines long. TLDR, quips Peona. 
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 721: Book I gives Endymion's account of his dreams and experiences, as related to Peona, which provides the background for the rest of the poem. In Book II, Endymion ventures into the underworld in search of his love. He encounters Adonis and Venus—a pairing of mortal and immortal—apparently foreshadowing a similar destiny for the mortal Endymion and his immortal paramour. Book III reveals Endymion's enduring love, and he begs the Moon not to torment him any longer as he journeys through a watery void on the sea floor. There he meets Glaucus, freeing the god from a thousand years of imprisonment by the witch Circe. Book IV, "And so he groan'd, as one by beauty slain."
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 723: Anyway, Endymion falls in love with a beautiful Indian maiden. Both ride winged black steeds to Mount Olympus where Cynthia awaits, only for Endymion to forsake the goddess for his new, mortal, love. Endymion and the Indian girl return to earth, the latter saying she cannot be his love. He is miserable, 'til quite suddenly he comes upon the Indian maiden again and she reveals that she is in fact Cynthia. She then tells him of how she tried to forget him, to move on, but that in the end, "'There is not one,/ No, no, not one/ But thee.'"
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 743: Endymion received scathing criticism after its release, and Keats himself noted its diffuse and unappealing style. Keats did not regret writing it, as he likened the process to leaping into the ocean to become more acquainted with his surroundings; in a poem to J. A. Hessey, he expressed that "I was never afraid of failure; for I would sooner fail than not be among the greatest." However, he did feel regret in its publishing, saying "it is not without a feeling of regret that I make it public." Not all critics disliked the work. eg. the poet Thomas Hood.  Henry Morley said, "The song of Endymion throbs throughout with a noble poet's sense of all that his art means for him. What mechanical defects there are in it may even serve to quicken our sense of the youth and freshness of this voice of aspiration." Meaning: Dig it mon. Endymionin jälkeen Keaz kommentoi sen vastaanottoa seuraavasti.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 778: Cockney poet Keats was compared to Milton who lived and worked at London's Mermaid Tavern. Coincidentally, his father, Thomas worked as a barman in London's Hoop and Swan Pub until passing in 1804. It is clear John Keats is making a universal statement about poets and the message is associated to lively pub life and drink. The phrase, "new old sign," indicates he recognizes similarities between himself and Milton. Milton vanha kuu pois pyllisti, uusvanha nousee tilalle. Was he a sodomite like Little John? Was he also one of the men in tights?
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 780: Maybe the bar was very dear to him. ‘Mine host's sign-board flew away’ is a rhetoric figure used as a synecdoche. Synecdoche is a poetic device where a part is mentioned to speak for the whole. He says that the ‘sign board flew away’ instead of saying that the tavern had closed (1818). Lähde
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 856: Kun Keats oli heinäkuussa kävelyretkellä Mullin saarella, hän kylmettyi pahasti. Elokuussa Brown kirjoittaa, että hänen ystäväsä oli ”niin heikko ja kuumeinen, ettei jaksanut jatkaa matkaa". Keuhkotauti tunnistettiin erilliseksi taudiksi vasta 1820, ja tautiin liittyi ikävä leima, joka usein yhdistettiin heikkouteen, tukahdutettuun seksuaaliseen intohimoon ja masturbointiin.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 888: Conspiring with him how to load and bless Sen kanssa salaa suunnittelet mitenkä
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 95: R. intohimossa on hämmästyttävintä mieletön muutos äijän päässä.StendhalMFUCK!
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 128: He maintained a close friendship with Queen Victoria, who in 1876 elevated him to Earl of Beaconsfield. Disraeli´s second term was dominated by the Eastern Question—the slow decay of the Ottoman Empire and the desire of other European powers, such as Russia, to gain at its expense. Disraeli arranged for the British to purchase a major interest in the Suez Canal Company in Egypt. In 1878, faced with Russian victories against the Ottomans, he worked at the Congress of Berlin to obtain peace in the Balkans at terms favourable to Britain and unfavourable to Russia, its longstanding enemy. This diplomatic victory over Russia established Disraeli as one of Europe´s leading statesmen.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 153: Walter "Savage" Landor (1775–1864) oli englantilainen kirjailija. Hän oli niin kiivasluontoinen että hänet erotettiin sekä Rugbyn koulusta että myöhemmin Oxfordin yliopistosta. Hän siirtyi Lontooseen, missä hän julkaisi englannin ja latinan kielellä ensimmäiset runoelmansa. Landorin ensimmäinen laajahko runoteos oli Gebir (1798). Tässä, kuten Landorin myöhemmissäkin runoissa, huomaa järvikoulun ja varsinkin Byronin ällöömän Robert Southeyn vaikutusta. Landorin draamat Count Julian (1811), Andrea of Hungary ja Giovanni of Naples (1839) eivät menestyneet näyttämöllä, ne olivatkin aivan paskoja. Landor eli ahtaissa taloudellisissa oloissa enimmäkseen Walesissa vuoteen 1805, jolloin hän isänsä kuoltua peri kokonaisen omaisuuden. Hän lähti 1808 Espanjaan taistelemaan ranskalaisia vastaan, värväsi omilla varoillaan soturijoukon ja joutui siksi taas taloudelliseen ahdinkoon. Hän siirtyi 1815 Italiaan, missä hän asui 20 vuotta, loppuiällään taloudellisten huolien rasittamana, joihin hän ilman Robert Browningin apua olisi sortunut. Samoin kuin lordi Byron ja Leigh Hunt, myös Landor oli intohimoinen vapauden (= britti-imperialismin) rakastaja, ja vapauden asialle hän oli valmis uhraamaan omaisuutensa. Landorin pääteos on Imaginary conversations of imaginary literary men and statesmen, jonka kaksi edellistä osaa ilmestyivät 1824 ja kolme jälkimmäistä 1829. Teos on täynnä tekosyvällisiä ajatuksia esitettynä kauniilla, dramaattisesti voimakkaalla, joskaan ei aina helposti tajuttavalla proosatyylillä. Eeva Kilpi on suomentanut osittain runon "On his seventy-fifth birthday" julkaisuun Tätä runoa en unohda. Pertti Niemisen suomentama runo "En käynyt kiistaan, hillizin izeni" on julkaistu kokoelmassa Kuu kultainen terälehti.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 331: R. on himoa pakoonjuoxevaan.Michel de MontaigneMFUCK!
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 431: John Barrymore (born John Sidney Blyth; February 14 or 15, 1882 – May 29, 1942) was an American actor on stage, screen and radio. A member of the Drew and Barrymore theatrical families, he initially tried to avoid the stage, and briefly attempted a career as an artist, but appeared on stage together with his father Maurice in 1900, and then his sister Ethel the following year. He began his career in 1903 and first gained attention as a stage actor in light comedy, then high drama, culminating in productions of Justice (1916), Richard III (1920) and Hamlet (1922); his portrayal of Hamlet led to him being called the "living American tragedy".
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 499: Alain Resnais [alɛ̃ ʁɛnɛ]n 1 est un réalisateur français, également scénariste et monteur, né le 3 juin 1922 à Vannes (Morbihan) et mort le 1er mars 2014 à Neuilly-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine). Réalisateur d'Hiroshima mon amour (1959) et de L'Année dernière à Marienbad (1961), Alain Resnais est rapidement considéré comme l'un des grands représentants du Nouveau cinéma (Nouvelle Vague) et comme un des pères de la modernité cinématographique européenne à l'instar de Roberto Rossellini, Ingmar Bergman et Michelangelo Antonioni dans sa manière de remettre en cause la grammaire du cinéma classique et de déconstruire la narration linéaire.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 542: In his memoirs, he calls his father “bashful” and his mother “reserved.” Between them, they filled the house with “melancholy reticences and unexpressed doubts.” Some of the silence surrounded a particular subject: the family’s Jewishness. This was not exactly hidden, but it was not brought to the fore, either. Maurois, who was born Émile Herzog on July 26, 1885, found out that he was Jewish at the age of about six, when a friend at the local Protestant church told him so. His parents confirmed it, but they also spoke highly of Protestantism.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 544: He had a good education at the lycée in Rouen, falling under the influence of a charismatic teacher, Émile-Auguste Chartier, known as “Alain.” Alain inspired other pupils, too, including Simone Weil and Raymond Aron, urging them to question received ideas. He gave Maurois a love of literature but also, perhaps surprisingly, urged him to take up the mill business after leaving school. Maurois did so, but in his Elbeuf office he kept a secret cupboard filled with Balzac novels and notebooks, and copied out pages of Stendhal to improve his writing style. He became a Kipling enthusiast, and learned excellent English. He travelled to Paris at least one day a week, and frequented brothels there.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 546: But then he fell in love! Emppu rakastui Geneven lomalla 16-vuotiaaseen koulutyttöön kuin Vladi Lolitaan. Janine matched a template that he had got from a book that influenced his erotic fantasies permanently. With her Slavic features and her cool, rather fey manner, Wanda "Janine" de Szymkiewicz (though Polish) made a perfect Russian queen. She called him Minou, he called her Ginou. Sini ja mini. Sometime in the early nineteen-twenties, Maurois began having affairs. Janine had them, too, or at least flirtations, aquarels of fucking, especially on their seaside vacations in Deauville. Maurois put a lot of his own personality into Shelley, and wrote of Harriet as a “child-wife” made bitter by unhappiness. Emil could be savage: “Even when she had the air of being interested in ideas, her indifference was proved by the blankness of her gaze. Worst of all, she was coquettish, frivolous, versed in the tricks and wiles of woman.” Fortunately, becoming pregnant again in late 1922, Janine developed septicemia, was operated on unsuccessfully, and died on February 26, 1923. Maurois was bereaved, and free. Jahuu! Vihelteliköhän sekin koko matkan hautajaisiin kuten Peppy? Rakkaus on hassuttelua yhdessä.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 601: Margaret Caroline Anderson (November 24, 1886 – October 19, 1973) was the American founder, editor and publisher of the art and literary magazine The Little Review, which published a collection of modern American, English and Irish writers between 1914 and 1929. The periodical is most noted for introducing many prominent American and British writers of the 20th century, such as Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot in the United States, and publishing the first thirteen chapters of James Joyce's then-unpublished novel, Ulysses. A large collection of her papers on Gurdjieff's teaching is now preserved at Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. She was blond, shapely, with lean ankles and a Scandinavian face. ... In 1916, Anderson met Jane Heap. The two became lovers. In early 1924, through Alfred Richard Orage, Anderson came to know of spiritual teacher George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, and saw performances of his 'Sacred dances', first at the 'Neighbourhood Playhouse', and later at Carnegie Hall. Shortly after Gurdjieff's automobile accident, Anderson, along with Georgette Leblanc, Jane Heap and Monique Surrere, moved to France to visit him at Fountainebleau-Avon, where he had set up his institute at Château du Prieuré in Avon.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 603: The teachings of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff played an important role in Anderson's life. Anderson met Gurdjieff in Paris and, together with Leblanc, began studies with him, focusing on his original teaching called The Fourth Way. Along with Katherine Mansfield and Jane Heap, she remains one of the most noted institutees of Gurdjieff´s, Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man, at Fontainebleau, near Paris, from October 1922 to 1924. Anderson studied with Gurdjieff in France until his death in October 1949, writing about him and his teachings in most of her books, most extensively in her memoir, The Unknowable Gurdjieff. By 1942 her relationship with Heap had cooled. Anderson sailed for the United States. Jane Heap had moved to London in 1935, where she led Gurdjieff study groups until her death in 1964. With her passage paid by Ernest Hemingway, Anderson met on the voyage Dorothy Caruso, widow of the singer and famous tenor Enrico Caruso. The two began a romantic relationship, and lived together until Dorothy´s death in 1955. Anderson returned to Le Cannet, and there she died of emphysema on October 19, 1973.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 389: Olen itse nuorena mielelläni hakeutunut lyhyestä työsuhteesta toiseen. Kirjailijan työ on minulle unelmatyö, jossa voin kohdella lähimpiä työtovereitani – perheenjäseniä ja muita kuvitteellisia henkilöitä – niin kertakäyttöisesti ja julmasti kuin haluan.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 412: Kun kynäilijä tarttuu kynään, totuuden ja kauneuden kylkeen saattaa ilmestyä rujoja inhimillisiä kasvannaisia nopeammin kuin villisika aivastaa: kiimaa, väkivaltaa, naisvihaa, miesvihaa ja koko häpeäspektrin kirjolta historian kaunokirjallisia juttuja. Don't I know, I've been there.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 414: Omankin morokolhonkokoisen tajuntani lävistää päivittäin viisisataa arveluttavaa ajatuskulkua: murhanhimon välähdyksiä, seksistisiä fantasioita, etnisiä ennakkoluuloja ja poliittista vihaa. Tietoisuuden hyveellisten ja valistuneiden rakenteiden juurella mekastaa berserkkialtis apina, jolle en myöntäisi edes pienoistrukin ajolupaa, kynän käyttöoikeuden kylläkin.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 107: Rike on toista pahempi koska seurauxet on hyvixistä paremmille pahemmat tai sitne on pahixille paremmat. God on hyviskasan huipulla joten sille tehdyt jäynät ovat pahimmat. Sama temppu tehtynä vihulaisille (etenkin niiden jumalalle) voi olla ihan hyvä veto. Tavallisesti paha valinta on se joka palvelee lyhytnäköisiä izekkäitä etuja, ja hyvä valinta se joka pitkässä juoxussa hyödyttää läjän huippua. Moraalia tarvitaan vain sellaisissa käytöskohdissa joissa on vahvoja argumentteja kummallakin puolella. Harvoin joku alkaa esim. syödä izeään, sehän olisi kuin hölmöläisten peiton jatkoa.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 137: "This woman said unto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him to day, and we will eat my son to morrow. So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him." 2 Kings 6:28-29
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 174: Marcion of Sinope (/ˈmɑːrʃən, -ʃiən, -siən/; Greek: Μαρκίων [note 1] Σινώπης; c. 85 – c. 160) was an early Christian theologian, an evangelist, and an important figure in early Christianity.Marcion preached that the benevolent God of the Gospel who sent Jesus Christ into the world as the savior was the true Supreme Being, different from and opposed to the malevolent demiurge or creator god, identified with the Hebrew God of the Old Testament. He considered himself a follower of Paul the Apostle, whom he believed to have been the only true apostle of Jesus Christ, a doctrine called Marcionism. Marcion published the earliest extant fixed collection of New Testament books, making him a vital figure in the development of Christian history.[citation needed] Early Church Fathers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, and Tertullian denounced Marcion as a heretic, and he was excommunicated by the church of Rome around 144. He published the first known canon of Christian sacred scriptures, which contained ten Pauline epistles (the Pastoral epistles weren't included) and a shorter version of the Gospel of Luke (the Gospel of Marcion). This made him a catalyst in the process of the development of the New Testament canon by forcing the proto-orthodox Church to respond to his canon. Varmaan Marcion oli sitten yhtä persepää kuin Puovoli.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 176: In 394, Epiphanius claimed that after beginning as an ascetic, Marcion seduced a virgin and was accordingly excommunicated by his father, prompting him to leave his home town. Similarly doubtful is Tertullian's claim that Marcion had professed repentance, but that he was prevented from doing so by his death.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 220: Puiset pyhimyxet ovat mehukkaampia kuin elävät.Georg LichtenbergMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 496: Unesta herää pahimmoillaan (tai parhaillaan).Arttu SchopenhauerMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 579: Myös Vilpittömän Nahkurin Runous-nettiradion kuudes sarja on juuri alkanut, ja tämän päivän jaksossa entinen runoilijapalkinnon saaja Carola Anna Tussua pohtii lähetysennusteen rukousmaista laatua: ‘There’s never been a time when you could just say anything’: Frank Skinner on free speech, his bullying shame – and knob [kyrvännuppi] jokes. This poetry-loving, religious knob has deep regrets about some of his comedy: either the standup comic has grown up, or he was never as laddish as his image suggested. Nearing death and last judgment, he is hoping to perform a “cleaner, cleverer” kind of act, one that would let him look straight at the crowd and – perhaps for the first time in his life – not see anybody squirming in their seat in discomfort. “It was a struggle,” the 65-year-old says with a grin, “because I realised that I seem to think in knob jokes. And I have done since I was about 13. In the West Midlands, that was how people communicated!”
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 587: But recently that position has shifted a little. Last year he published A Comedian’s Prayer Book, which features him talking to the supreme being in his typically down-to-earth way (“I always liked thinking Jesus' knob hung out from women's clothes with sinners. It made me feel potentially understood”). “One of the things religion has suffered from is being spoken of in grave terms constantly. I seriously think it is a joke." Another boring thing about Skinner: he’s been a teetotaller since he reached his 60s. He got a kid at 55, who must now be, wait, 35? No, Buzz is just 10. I have only recently realized I'm not the main character here, but just an extra in a bigger scene. “Hitting kids … that’s another of those things that have stopped,” Evolution is what Skinner is all about – animals can change and they can grow, it just takes millions of years. When he made his jokes about racism and homophobia, he says, there was a slight backlash from the left. They hadn't stopped hitting lads, the sods. Frank Skinner’s 30 Years of Dirt is at the Assembly Roxy, Edinburgh, from 4 to 28 August. For more information and tickets go to frankskinnerlive.com.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 732: J. suojelkoon Saxaa itixiltä ja länkkäreiltä!Joachim v. Ribbentropp, v.s.MKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 770: Toinen keskustelua aiheuttanut teema liittyy Camille Claudelin kolmikymmenvuotiseen sairaalajaksoon, vuodesta 1913 vuoteen 1943, jolloin sisar lopulta menehtyi. Sekä osa lahjakasta taiteilijaa hoitaneista lääkäreistä että tapausta myöhemmin selvittäneet tahot ovat kyseenalaistaneet suljetun psykiatrisen hoidon välttämättömyyden. Perheen kanta ratkaisi Camillen kohtalon. Sisareen syvän intohimoisesti kiintyneen, mutta hänen elämänvalintansa ongelmallisiksi kokeneen Paulin osuutta päätökseen pidetään keskeisenä.
    xxx/ellauri134.html on line 320: Neizeet kuullostaa kans jotenkin naismaisilta tyypeiltä. Neizeet istuu sienen päällä mykkyrässä ja panee piippuun salviaa, hölmö ranskalaisen vapautusliikkeen myssy kenossa. Dodgsonin suu vesissä himoizema kultakutri kazoo päältä pikku mekko vesirajassa. Mirjam Pylkkänen kuoli neizeenä. LOL, uskokoon ken tahtoo. Rauhixessa miehet ei saaneet nukkua sen sängyssä, voi jalka turvota.
    xxx/ellauri134.html on line 344: Kiinteä mutta vaalea. Täähän on mun merkki! Pienenä mä ajattelin et mä oon lähempänä skorpioonia. Ei mulla nyt mitenkään vitusti ole tota intoa eikä himoa, kiitollisuudesta ja velvollisuudentunnosta puhumattakaan. Jos vaiknää taivaanmerkit onkin pelkkää pötyä? Muita vaakoja: Helmi, John, Ecem ja Marja Tuhti. Mitä vittua, ihan nonparelleja. Todellisuus ei nyt tunnu vastaavan mallia. Moon confused.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 123: There is no attempt ever made by the wizarding world to integrate into “normal” human society. The train to Hogwart’s is on an invisible platform (forgive me if I get the details slightly wrong: it’s been a while); characters travel by chimney or broom; everything is done in secret.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 381: Lermontovin "Kavennin" runon analysointi sallii ymmärtää maailman julmuutta, ympäröivien ihmisten kovaisuutta. Työssä kuvataan tapaus, jossa köyhä mies, joka kertoi, tapasi nuoret lähellä kuistia. Hän kuoli nälästä ja valitti janoa, joten hän halusi saada jotain ruoasta tai rahaa, mutta sen sijaan joku asetti kiven kädessään sokea, vanha ja sairas mies. Silminnäkijöiden mukaan tämän surullisen ja epäinhimillisen teon tekijä oli Ekaterina Sushkova.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 387: Tämän seurauksena Mikhail Yurevich hajosi Catherinen kanssa Sushkova, mutta koska hän oli luonteeltaan kostonhimoinen henkilö, jonkin ajan kuluttua hän koski hiäntä sieltä. Tämä tapahtui 5 vuoden kuluttua jakeesta "Kaveri". Runoilija ei ilmaisse mitään tosi tunteita, osoitti karkoitusta jatkuvasti ihaillen tytön kauneutta. Lopulta Sushkova rakastui häneen ja sitten Lermontov iski hiänelle murskaavan iskuja. Mikhail Yuryevich ilmoitti kaikille, että Catherine oli tyhmä, ruma ja vain sääli. Lermontovin "Kavennetun" runon analyysi mahdollistaa paitsi ihailla myös ympäröivän maailman kovaisuutta, mutta myös nostamaan verhon suuren venäläisen runoilijan tunteiden yli.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 592: 1905, from German Narzissismus, coined 1899 (in "Die sexuellen Perversitäten"), by German psychiatrist Paul Näcke (1851-1913), on a comparison suggested 1898 by Havelock Ellis, from Greek Narkissos, name of a beautiful youth in mythology (Ovid, "Metamorphoses," iii.370) who fell in love with his own reflection in a spring and was turned to the flower narcissus (q.v.). Narcissus himself as a figure of self-love is attested by 1767. Coleridge used the word in a letter from 1822.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 613: Arvokeskustelu jatkuu raivokkaana netissä. Greta Thunberg haukkuu maailman johtajat: Kunnianhimoiset päästötavoitteet, blaablaablaa. Ilmastotoimien työllistävä vaikutus, blaablaablaa. Nollapäästöt vuonna puu ja kivi, blaablaablaa. Hiilineutraalius kun lipputangot kukkivat. blaablaablaa. Hyvä Greta, an mennä vaan.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 649: toivoton lopetus jättäisi lukukokemuksemme tyhjäksi. (Miten niin?) Kirjojen halutaan viimekädessä käsittelevän inhimillisiä hyveitä, jolloin vaikeat ja häiritsevätkin aiheet kuten inhimilliset paheet pyritään palauttamaan jonkinlaiseen järjestykseen, joka tekee niistä helpommin sulateltavia. Tarinan lopetus jättää varovaisen toiveikkaan tunteen: ”Tänä aamuna maailma on tomua ja tuhkaa, mutta ei toivosta tyhjä." (Miten niin?)
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 661: In June 2021, Licypriya was in the news as a crowdfunding appeal on Ketto seeking one crore rupees to buy 100 oxygen concentrators came under scrutiny following the arrest of her father and legal guardian Kangujam Karnajit, on May 31st 2021. Her father, also known as KK Singh, was declared an absconder and had fled Manipur in 2016 after he was arrested and let out on interim bail following multiple charges. These charges were for duping several self-help groups, hotels and individuals of more than Rs 19 lakh for a Global Youth Meet that he had organised in Imphal in 2014. His latest arrest was for fresh charges relating to his chairmanship of the International Youth Committee, an organisation founded by him. Several national and international students have been deceived of money amounting to around Rs 3 crore on the pretext of fees for multiple international youth exchange programs, that were never organised.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 128: Ette ehkä tiedäkään, olen intohimoinen ympäristön lähihoitaja. Helppoa kuin heinänteko, teen risusavottaa ja kerään kumisuojaimia maastosta. Siinä hommassa mulla on päällä yhden Danin puolivillainen musta vyö. Se unohtui Turun viileään kadetraaliin yhdellä meidän yhteisellä keikalla.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 196: At its presentation at the 1869 Salon, this enigmatic group portrait was overwhelmingly misunderstood despite the obvious reference to Majas at the Balcony of Francisco Goya. "Close the shutters!" was the sarcastic reaction of the caricaturist Cham while another critic attacked "this gross art" and Manet who "lowered himself to the point of being in competition with the painters of the building trade".
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 347: how softly shone the golden, shimmering sun!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 351: how softly shone the golden, shimmering sun!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 634: Dancing to Mozart is a satire of Hollywood values and fantasies, Latin American dictatorships, Da Vinci Code conspirators, movie violence, magical realism, televangelists, mixed wrestling, extreme cosmetic surgery, and a host of other sensational idiocies that thrive on 21st century self-delusion. This whimsical contemporary “Candide” offers a trip through the world of out-of-control egos to a final revelation of ordinary common sense. The send-up is a mix of shrewd perception, lampoon, and wacko action that includes the Society of the Crystal Skull, the Opus Dopus, a female wrestling Amazon with one breast, an Arab who wants to recruit Islamic converts like an American billboard evangelist, two energetic film directors with crazy ideas, a rescue from captivity through “mind-invasion” (á la Inception) and a Hindu swami who tries to set all straight with a Bhagavad burrito. And a lot more.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 641: If you're buying this trash for a class then you're a sucker, turn back now! Hopefully Edward isn't still teaching his own tasteless fan fiction in a college setting. It's a misunderstood teenager's journey through satire complete with crude, unoriginal and stereotypical takes on characters from the lens of a self insert hero amounting to little more than finger pointing. You'll be offended, sure, but with little substance left to interpret besides the authors very obvious discomfort with himself and others unlike him. (Make some new friends, Edward.) Beyond being ridiculous as a required reading piece for a class, actually paying for this garbage is insulting, and of course it is an absolute drag to slog through. Nobody's going to publish this except on demand printing obviously and that's why you're buying it from Amazon!!!
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 697: Tartuin vaihtelunhaluisena Sujata Masseyn rikosromaaniin (tai dekkariin) nimeltä Rei Shimuran ensimmäinen tapaus. Jonkun Rein olen joskus lukenut, vaikka tämän, en muista. Tämä on, usko tai älä, Rein ensimmäinen tapaus. Viimeinen tapaus käsitellään albumissa 176.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 702: Lord Shimura is possibly named after Japanese actor Takashi Shimura ( 志村 喬) who is noteworthy for his appearances in 21 of 30 films by Japanese director Akira Kurosawa (more than any other actor) including Rashomon (1950), Seven Samurai (1954) and Throne of Blood (1957).
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 703: Ghost of Tsushima is a video game. Its main characters never existed in real historical texts. Jin Sakai and his uncle, Lord Shimura, are completely fictional characters.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 704: Tsushima Island (Japanese: 対馬, Hepburn: Tsushima) is an island of the Japanese archipelago situated in-between the Tsushima Strait and Korea Strait, approximately halfway between Kyushu and the Korean Peninsula.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 736: Rei Shimuralla on yhtä paha luonne kuin Tonya Hardingilla. Aluksi viehättävä tyttö mutta paljastuu äärimmäisen komentelevaxi.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 751: The novel features a passionate romance between Rei Shimura and Hugh Glendinning, the Scottish lawyer. Though the romance was not very realistic, I think it added an exciting and entertaining element to the novel. The first person point-of-view from which the novel is narrated allows the audience to truly understand the good and the bad of Rei’s character. She is independent to a fault but extremely loyal. She wants to immerse herself in Japanese culture, yet she rejects the social norms of society when they conflict with her desires. She is passionate about her interest in history and antiques, but logical by staying on as a teacher. The contradictions make her human and contribute to the reality of the novel. While mystery was not entirely believable, it was in no way predictable and I genuinely found the plot to be exciting. The Salaryman’s Wife, fits into the detective fiction tradition as most closely as a cozy, however the urban setting and the inclusion of graphic sex scenes contradict that classification
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 755: The romance also felt unrealistic. Maybe it was just hard for me to understand the protagonist sleeping with the guy after knowing him for a day or two, or maybe I just didn´t like either of them very well at all. But their "romantic encounters" seemed contrived, and their whole relationship seemed based on lust and mutual interest, and not really anything deeper.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 787: Sujata, also Sujātā, Eugenie, well-born, was a farmer´s wife, who is said to have fed Gautama Buddha a bowl of kheer, a condensed milk-rice pudding, ending his six years of asceticism. Such was his emaciated appearance that she wrongly believed him to be a tree-spirit that had granted her wish of having a child. The gift provided him enough strength to cultivate the Middle Path, develop jhana, and attain Bodhi, thereafter becoming known as the Buddha. The story does not tell what the holy tree spirit said when Gautama ate his rice and curry.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 803: Rei Shimura luulee olevansa parempi kuin Rie Miyazawa. Tietyssä mielessä Miyazawa Rie on vanha uutinen. Hän ei tietenkään ole sellainen mediarakas, joka hän kerran oli. Mutta hän on selviytyjä, josta on kehittynyt lahjakas näyttelijä, ja hänen tarinansa on mielenkiintoinen, toisin kuin Rei Shimuran. Rie aloitti uransa lapsimallina nähdessään laajan näkyvyyden Mitsui Rehousen alkuperäisenä kasvona ja teki näyttelijädebyyttinsä vuoden 1988 elokuvassa Seven Day´s War , josta hän voitti Japan Academy Award -palkinnon Vuoden tulokkaaksi 16-vuotiaana. Hänen lyhytaikainen musiikkiuransa alkoi singlellä "Dream Rush" vuonna 1989, ja seuraavana vuonna hän esiintyi arvostetulla Kōhaku Uta Gassen -televisioerikoistapahtumalla.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 64: Peppu Colemanin hahmossa, se jutkunekru, oli yxi minuuden pioneereista (italics in the original). Pienuuden minooreista. Minäminä yxilöpaskantelu on Rothin lemppareita. Sen se oli varmaan oppinut Emanuel James Rohnilta. Sen inhokkisanoja oli me (suomexi, enkuxi sen mielisana oli sama) ja setelissäkin lukeva e pluribus unum. Annuit coeptis. Novus ordo saeclorum. The phrase is similar to a Latin translation of a variation of Heraclitus's tenth fragment, "The one is made up of all things, and all things issue from the one" (ἐκ πάντων ἓν καὶ ἐξ ἑνὸς πάντα). But it seems more likely that the phrase refers to Cicero's paraphrase of Pythagoras in his De Officiis, as part of his discussion of basic family and social bonds as the origin of societies and states: "When each person loves the other as much as himself, it makes one out of many (unum fiat ex Pluribus), as Pythagoras wishes things to be in friendship." Mikähän jeesus sekin luuli olevansa. Jenkkien peitesana izekkyydelle on vapaus.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 74: Rohn became a college dropout after just one year and started his professional life by working as an evil human resource manager for department store Sears. Around this time, a friend invited him to a lecture given by famous entrepreneur John Earl Shoaff. In 1955, Rohn joined Shoaff's direct selling business AbundaVita as a distributor.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 76: In 1957, Rohn resigned his distributorship with AbundaVita and joined Nutri-Bio, another direct selling company. It was at this point that the company's founders, including Shoaff, started to mentor him. After this mentorship, Rohn built one of the largest organizations in the company. In 1960 when Nutri-Bio expanded into Canada, Shoaff and the other founders selected Rohn as a vice president for the organization.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 78: After Nutri-Bio went out of business thanx to Jim in the early 1960s, Rohn was invited to speak at a meeting of his Rotary Club. He accepted and, soon, others began asking him to speak at various luncheons and other events. In 1963 at the Beverly Hills Hotel, he gave his first bullhshit seminar. He then began presenting seminars all over the country, telling his story and teaching his personal development and business philosophy.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 105: Eker was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and lived there through his childhood. As a young adult, Eker moved to the United States and started a series of over a dozen different companies before having success with an early retail fitness store. After reportedly making millions through a chain of fitness stores and subsequently losing his fortune through mismanagement, Eker started analyzing the relationships rich people have with their money and wealth, leading him to develop the theories he advances in his writing and speaking today.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 279: It didn't matter how many times I asked him to repeat a joke, I laughed as though it was the first time I'd ever heard it. He said I was like a goldfish who, by the time it had swum a lap round its small bowl of water, had forgotten what it had just seen and believed it to be all new again. No wonder he loved me.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 280: When I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Philip came to the hospital and I called him a brave soldier. He sat on a plastic chair beside my bed and told more of his doctor and nurse jokes. I laughed despite myself. When the doctors came on their rounds after his first visit, I commanded a new respect. Word had spread and specialists who had previously answered my questions with no more than a dismissive wave of their hand were suddenly very attentive.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 286: About a year after my diagnosis, in 2010, Philip invited me to join him for weekends at his country home. After that he dropped me, as it was getting too hard for him to turn me on my back. I didn't want to use the clothes drier but hung my panties on a line. Philip joked that I was turning his home into a trailer park but never insisted I use the dryer. I didn't need to cook, Philip planned where to eat and made the reservations. I used to like resting my ear on the hard metal of the implanted defibrillator that sat just below the skin of his chest to treat dysrhythmia.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 295: All and any religious overtones were strictly forbidden. There were no speeches, only readings of excerpts he'd selected from his books ahead of time, and a violin recital by a friend's daughter. He knew no one – no matter how well they really knew him and the people there at his graveside were his closest friends – could say it better than he could say it himself. Ingenting går opp mot kålpirog om hösten - som jag själv har lagat.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 303: So none of it was new, but all of it was upsetting. Philip's manuscript was the saddest thing I'd ever read. I read three or four different drafts and most of my feedback encouraged him to write the good with the bad. 'No one will believe you if you don't admit at one point you loved her. Be the gracious one.'
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 305: Philip wanted the book published. But no one would touch it for fear of the lawsuit Bloom might bring against them. At one point we discussed the idea of Philip offering to pay any damages arising from any legal case brought by Claire. More than anything, Philip wanted to put the record straight. I wanted for him to be able to put the record straight. I knew how forcefully he'd been struck and blindsided by Leaving a Doll's House. After its publication, Philip told me New York magazine published a photo of him on its front cover with the word 'MISOGYNIST' written across it. Philip went into hiding.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 307: Surely whatever money it might cost him was worth it to have his side of the story told. To me, knowing him as I did and having seen the documentation – the bags and bags of it, the medical files, the chequebooks – I believed him.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 333: Ranskatar on älykäs, hän on seksikäs, hän on todella riippumaton ja jos mies puhuu enemmin kuin nainen niin entä sitten, mitä väliä sillä on? Mitä siitä kiivailemaan? Kukaan ei sanoisi: "Voi että, huomasitteko miten se julma, vallanhimoinen mies dominoi häntä?" Ei. Mitä naisellisempi ranskatar sitä enemmin hän haluaakin miehen päsmäröivän. Voi miten Delphine olikaan rukoillut saapuessaan Athenaan viisi vuotta sitten, että tapaisi jonkun ihanan määrätietoista voimaa uhkuvan miehen eikä tuollaisia nuorehkoja opettajia, koti-isiä, akkamaisia tyyppejä, älyllisesti epäinnostavia, tavallisia vaimojaan ylistäviä ukkomiehiä joille hän on kirjeissään Pariisiin keksinyt herkullisen yhteisnimen "Vaipat".
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 335: "Päähineistä" puhumattakaan. Päähineet ovat "resitentit kynäilijät", jotka amerikkalaisyliopistojen uskomattoman omahyväisen tavan mukaan asuvat ilmaiseksi yliopistoalueella. Kenties hiän ei pikku Athenassa ollut nähnyt heistä pahimpia, mutta nämäkin kaksi ovat kyllin kamalia. He ilmaantuvat opettamaan kerran viikossa ja he ovat naimisissa ja he tulevat hiänen tykönsä ja ovat mahdottomia. Milloin me menemme lounaalle, Delphine? Anteeksi vaan, hiän ajattelee, mutta ei tehoa. Hiän oli niin kovasti pitänyt Kunderan luennoista siksi että tämä oli ollut aina vähän epämääräinen, joskus jopa vähän nuhjuinen, suuri kirjailija malgré jamais lu vai mikä se oli. Niin hiän ainakin oli kokenut ja siitä hiän oli pitänyt. Mutta tästä amerikkalaisesta minä-olen-kirjailija -tyypistä hiän ei pidä, hiän ei voi sietää sitä, sillä aina kun se katsoo hiäntä, hiän tietää sen ajattelevan: Voithan sinä olla ranskalaisittain itsevarma ja muodikas sivistynyt ja olethan sinä tietysti hyvin ranskalainen, mutta silti sinä olet yliopistoihminen ja minä olen moukka kirjailija-me emme ole tasavertaisia. Nämä elättikirjailijat omistavat kaikesta päätellen suunnattoman paljon aikaa sukupuoliasioille. Niin, sekä runoilijalla että proosakirjailijalla on pääfetissi, ja siksi Delphine puhuu heistä kirjeissään päähineinä. Runoilijalla on Ressu-mallinen antiikkinen lentäjänlakki joka ei sovi kampuxelle ja proosakirjailija on kalju sekä vähän nuhjuinen. Ne ovat olleet 2x naimisissa keskenään ja ovat uskomattoman izerakkaita. Nuorempi se ressukypäräinen on lukenut vähän Bataillea ja vielä vähemmän Hegeliä. Se on ihan sexitön. Vanhat humanistisedät ovat vielä pahempia. Ne vasta izetyytyväisiä ovatkin. Näin kertaa ikääntynyt Peppu vanhoja kaunoja.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 348: Koska nuorhegeliläiset pitävät mielikuvia, ajatuksia, käsitteitä, joksikin aivan itsenäiseksi muuttamiaan tajunnan tuotteita yleensä ihmisten tosiasiallisina kahleina — aivan samoin kuin vanhahegeliläiset selittivät ne inhimillisen yhteiskunnan todellisiksi yhdyssiteiksi — käy ymmärrettäväksi, että nuorhegeliläisten tuleekin taistella vain näitä tajunnan illuusioita vastaan. Koska heidän kuvitelmiensa mukaan ihmisten suhteet, heidän kaikki tekonsa ja käyttäytymisensä, kahleensa ja rajoituksensa ovat heidän tajuntansa tuotteita, niin nuorhegeliläiset asettavat johdonmukaisesti ihmisille moraalisen vaatimuksen — korvata heidän nykyinen tajuntansa inhimillisellä, kriittisellä tai egoistisella tajunnalla ja kumota siten omat rajoituksensa. Tämä vaatimus tajunnan muuttamisesta toiseksi huipentuu vaatimukseen olevaisen uudenlaisesta tulkitsemisesta, ts. sen hyväksymisestä antamalla sille toisenlaisen tulkinnan. Nuorhegeliläiset ideologit ovat näennäisesti »maailmaa järkyttävistä» fraaseistaan huolimatta suurimpia konservatiiveja. Nuorimmat heistä ovat löytäneet toiminnalleen täsmällisen ilmaisun vakuuttaessaan taistelevansa ainoastaan »fraaseja» vastaan. He unohtavat kuitenkin, että noiden fraasien vastapainoksi he esittävät vain fraaseja ja että taistellessaan ainoastaan tämän maailman fraaseja vastaan he eivät suinkaan taistele todellista, olevaa maailmaa vastaan. Ainoana tuloksena tästä filosofisesta kritiikistä oli vain muutama ja sitä paitsi yksipuolinen uskonnonhistoriallinen selitys kristinuskosta; nuorhegeliläisten kaikki muut väitteet antavat vain lisäväriä vaatimukselle, että heidän mitätöntä selittelyään olisi pidettävä maailmanhistoriallisena löytönä.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 199: Ippolit is a 17-year-old boy who is dying of tuberculosis. An ardent nihilist, he yearns to be taken seriously and attempts to dramatically leave the world. He delivers rambling, self-absorbed, nihilistic speech entitled “A Necessary Explanation” to Myshkin, Nastasya, and Rogozhin, and many others at a party at Lebedev’s dacha. After this, he attempts to commit suicide by shooting himself with the gun he’s had since he was a child. This entire plan backfires, as everyone grows bored with his speech, and when it comes time to kill himself he fails to do so because there is no cap in the gun. After this incident, Ippolit’s illness shows progress and he eventually dies.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 206: As the beginning of the conclusion shows, the end to the novel can hardly be considered a happy one. In most cases, whatever positive transformations the characters underwent through their friendship with Myshkin unravel, either because they were unable to sustain the wisdom they learned from him or because they were so traumatized by the cruel absurdity of their life that they are reduced to a state of helplessness.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 215: Ippolit is really, really scared of dying. He´s still putting on his nihilist who-cares attitude, but he was totally thrown by the offhanded way a nihilist doctor told him he had at most a month left. He´s nineteen years old. That's a pretty hardcore thing to be dealing with at nineteen.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 221: Here, Ippolit stops and kind of freaks out from embarrassment a little bit. Everyone tries to get him to stop reading, but no, he goes on throughout the final sections of the chapter:
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 223: (4) Ippolit tries to figure out the point of living for two weeks. On the one hand, why not just die now and get it over with? But on the other hand, he feels like it's actually only now that he has a death sentence of sorts that he has really started to live. (Which, okay, guys, remember the story Myshkin told about the condensed man and how full of life his last few hours must be? There is definitely more to the idea that the person who knows he is about to die lives a very full life at the end—as Dostoevsky himself experience at his staged execution.)
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 225: (5) Ippolit is furious at the people he sees around him, each living life and having a lot of life to live. How could they be complaining about anything? If only he could have the rest of his life in front of him, then he'd really show everyone.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 227: (Of course he had the rest of his life before him. Everybody has. It was just rather short in his case in both directions. Eh, guys? Vai mitä jäbät?)
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 231: Jo Dostojevskin varhaisimmissa luonnoksissa ja sunnitelmissa esiintyy "idiootiksi" nimitetty sankari. Tämän kuva kuitenkin selvästi eroaa siitä ruhtinas Myshkinin kuvasta, joka on "meille" tuttu teoksen lopullisesta versiosta. Alkuperäisessä laitoksessa "idiootti" on loukattu olento, ylpeä ja kostonhimoinen, yhtälailla hillitön hyvässä ja pahassa, kykenevä mitä hillittömimpiin temppuihin lahjakkaan, mutta villin ja hillittömän luonteensa mukaisesti. "Vihonviimeinen esimerkki ylpeydestä ja egoismista", "tekee roistomaisia temppuja pahuuttaan ja ajattelee, että niin pitääkin", "Ylpeydestä etsii ulospääsyä ja pelastusta"; "Rajaton ylpeys ja rajaton viha" - sellaisia luonnehdintoja sisältyy romaanin "Idiootti" ensimmäisen laitoksen muistiinpanoihin ja suunnitelmiin. "Romaanin perusajatus: niin paljon voimaa, niin paljon pelkoa oman ajan sukupolvea kohtaan - eikä uskoa mihinkään. Rajatonta idealismia ja rajatonta sensualismia", lukee Dostojevskin muistiinpanoissa, kun hän luonnehtii sankarinsa tragediaa, kuten se näyttäytyy kirjailijalle alun perin. Vasta ensimmäisen laitoksen työstämisen seuraavassa vaihessa Dostojevski keksi toisen "idiootin" kuvan, josta voidaan jo tunnistaa tulevan Myshkinin piirteitä. Tässä vaiheessa ilmestyy sankarille myös muita piirteitä; "outo", "hiljainen", "hiirulainen", "hän alkaa joskus äkkiä lukea kaikille tulevan siunauksellisen olotilan piirteitä". Pannaan merkille "hänen ("idiootin") luonteensa ja suhteensa lapsiin", "hyvin heikko terveys", muiden henkilöiden ihmettely "hänen yksinkertaisuutensa ja nöyryytensä".
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 261: Dostojevski kirjoitti, että erinomaisen inhimillisen persoonallisuuden korkeimpana ihanteena hän pitää Kristusta, "Kristus ruhtinasta"; Dostojevski mainitsee, romaanin ja päähenkilön alkuperäisessä luonnoksissaan: sosiaalissen alistamisen, oikeudettomuuden, omahyväisyyden ja ahneuden maailman, tuhoavien koettelemusten vastapainoksi ruhtinas laittaa romaanissa ei inhoa, ei
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 333: Farther away from the castle a man, Porphyro, who loves Madeline more than anything, is making his way to the house. He enters, unseen. If anyone finds him he knows that he will be killed. Madeline’s family hates him and holds his lineage against him. While sneaking through the house he comes upon Angela, one of the servants. He begs her to bring him to Madeline’s chamber so that he might show himself to her that night and solidify himself as her true love. After much complaining, she agrees and hides him until it is time.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 337: After much convincing Madeline realizes her mistake. Porphyro declares that the two should run away together, since now she knows he is her true love, and escape to a home he has prepared on the “southern moors.” They need to go now while the house is asleep so that her family does not murder him.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 415: Full of this whim was thoughtful Madeline: Mielevä mamsseli oli täynnä tätä oikkua:
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 441: Buttress’d from moonlight, stands he, and implores Se seisoo oven takana ja rukoilee pyhimyxiä
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 442: All saints to give him sight of Madeline, Et ne suosis Madelineen nähden sen pyrkimyxiä,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 451: For him, those chambers held barbarian hordes, Barbaarien ansat joilla ne vaanii noita
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 484: He found him in a little moonlight room, Huone johka tultiin oli valoton,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 507: As spectacled she sits in chimney nook. Kun sankarillisenä se istuu uuninloukossa.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 525: “I will not harm her, by all saints I swear,” En rääkkääkkään, vannon kautta pyhimysten,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 547: Which was, to lead him, in close secrecy, Eliskä se ohjaa Porfyyrin ihan salaa
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 609: And twilight saints, and dim emblazonings, Ja hämäriä pyhimyxiä, kaluunoita,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 651: And breath’d himself: then from the closet crept, Aloittaa vällykäärmeen tiedusteluretki.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1214: He stops at Sonya's place on the way and she gives him a crucifix. At the bureau he learns of Svidrigailov's suicide, and almost changes his mind, even leaving the building. But he sees Sonya, who has followed him, looking at him in despair, and he returns to make a full and frank confession of the murders. What the fuck.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1236: Toisaalta Devuškin on liioitellut vanhuuttaan ja surkeuttaan ja ripustautunut Dobroselovaan. Devuškin ei ole mikään uhri, vaan hänen avunantonsa takana on ollut himo ja omistushalu, joista Dobroselovan on riuhtaistava itsensä irti. Ja mikä tepsisi rakkauteen lamauttavammin kuin julmuus? Sen me naiset tiedämme. Sori, olen Ville Ropponen.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 73: Every November 21, the brothers incite people all over the world to take part in the celebration by saying "Hooray" to another 10 people. Its really cheap! No postage needed! McCormack himself can say "Hooray" in over 65 different languages, including Bantu, Inuit and Urdu. He can say "We won" in just two languages, American English and Hebrew, and "Haha you fuckers lost" in four, German, Arabic, Russian, and French.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 84: Though the success and long life of World Hooray Day came as a surprise, McCormack says that he has wanted to write and act since he was seven years old and is not surprised to find himself doing it (= wanting) still decades later. McCormack, who took off for New York City immediately after graduation, said that his time at Harvard, though enjoyable, did not influence his career path.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 88: But McCormack also says that interacting with Harvard luminaries like composer/conductor Leonard Bernstein and author Kurt Vonnegut gave him the will to succeed.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 105: Like 25 years ago, when he was unafraid to embark on the life of a struggling actor in New York City, McCormack says he has no fear of the challenges awaiting him in Hollywood.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 124: Yom Kippur was actually a bad choice of day by Sadat, for Arabs were still weak after Ramadan, while Israeli women were staying home and men were in synagogues, so the roads were free and reserves were quickly rounded up from the yeshivas. Prior to the war, Kissinger and Nixon consistently warned Meir that she must not be responsible for initiating a Middle East war. On October 6, 1973, the war opening date, Kissinger told Israel not to go for a preemptive strike, and Meir grumblingly confirmed to him that Israel would not.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 157: 12. I believe with a complete faith in the coming of the Messiah; and even though he tarry, nevertheless I await him everyday that he should come.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 163: King Messiah will arise in the future and will restore the kingship of David to its ancient condition, to its rule as it was at first. And he will rebuild the Temple and gather the exiled of Israel. And in his days all the laws will return as they were in the past. They will offer up sacrifices, and will observe the Sabbatical years and the jubilee years with regard to all the commandments stated in the Torah. And he who does not believe in him, or he who does not await his coming, denies not only the [other] prophets, but also the Torah and Moses our Master. For, behold, the Torah testifies about him [the Messiah], as it is written,
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 169: I see him but not now ((Num. 24:17), this refers to David; I behold him but not nigh (ibid.) this refers to King Messiah; A star shall step forth out of Jacob (ibid.) this refers to King David; A star shall step forth out of Jacob (ibid.), this refers to David; and a scepter shall rise out of Israel (ibid.) this refers to King Messiah…
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 171: And think not that the Messiah must perform signs and portents and bring about new things in the world, or that he will resuscitate the dead, or the like. Not so. For, behold, R. Akiba was one of the greatest of the sages of the Mishna, and he was a follower of King Ben Koziba [Bar Kokhba], and he said about him that he was King Messiah. And he and the sages of his generation thought that he was King Messiah, until he was slain because of the sins. As soon as he was slain it became evident to them that he was not the Messiah. And the sages had asked of him neither sign nor a portent. And the essence of the matter is that the laws and ordinances of this Torah are forever and ever, and one must neither add to them or subtract from them.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 173: And if there should arise from the House of David a king, who studies the Torah and occupies himself with the commandments as his father David had, according to the written and oral Torah; and if he forces all Israel to follow the Torah and observe its rules; and if he fights the wars of the Lord—then he must be presumed be the Messiah. And if he succeeds in his acts, and rebuilds the Temple in its place, and gathers the exiled of Israel—then he certainly is the Messiah. And he will repair the whole world to serve the Lord together, as it is written, For then will I turn to the peoples a pure language that they may call upon the name of the Lord to serve Him with one consent (Zeph. 3:9)
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 177: The sages said that the only difference between this world and the days of the Messiah will be with regard to the enslavement to the kingdoms. It appears from the plain meaning of the words of the prophets that at the beginning of the days of the Messiah, there will be the war of Gog and Magog. And that prior to the war of Gog and Magog, a prophet will arise to straighten Israel and prepare their hearts, as it is written, Behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord (Mal. 4:5) And he will come not to declare the pure impure, or the impure pure; not to declare unfit those who are presumed to be fit, nor to declare fit those who are held to be unfit; but for the sake of peace in the world….And there are those among the sages who say that prior to the coming of the Messiah will come Elijah. But all these things and their likes, no man can know how they will be until they will be. For they are indistinct in the writings of the prophets. Neither do the sages have a tradition about these things. It is rather, a matter of interpretation of the Biblical verses. Therefore there is a disagreement among them regarding these matters. And in any case, these are mere details which are not of the essence of the faith. And one should definitely not occupy oneself with the matter of legends, and should not expatiate about the midrashim that deal with these and similar things. And one should not make essentials out of them. For they lead neither to fear nor to love [of God]. Neither should one calculate the End. The sages said, “May the spirit of those who calculate the End be blown away” But let him wait and believe in the matter generally, as we have explained.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 179: In the days of King Messiah, when his kingdom is established and all Israel are gathered into it, the descent of all of them will be confirmed by him through the Holy Spirit which will rest upon him, as it is written, And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver ( Mal. 3:3), And he will first purify the Children of Levi and will say: “This is of priestly descent, and this is of Levitic descent.” And he will reject those who are not descended of Israel, as it written, And the Tirshatha [governor] said to them that they should not eat the most holy things till there stood up a priest with Urim and Thummin (Ezra 2:63) From this you learn that the presumption of descent will be confirmed, and those with established descent will be announced by the Holy Spirit. And he will establish the descent not from Israel [in general] but from each tribe and tribe. For he will announce that this one is from such and such a tribe, and this one from such and such a tribe….
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 184: (Maimonids, Yad haHazaqa, Shoftim, Hilkhot M’lakhim 11-12)
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 186: Maimonides writes that if these events happen then the person is Messiah. Maimonides built on what the sages who preceded him expected, such as Rabbi Akiba who proclaimed Bar Kokhba was the Messiah.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 197: The rabbis have taught; The Holy One, blessed be He, will say to Messiah ben David, may he be revealed soon in our day!; “Ask of Me anything, and I shall give it to you, for it is written, The Lord said unto me, Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee, ask of Me and I will give the nations for thy inheritance (Psalms 2:7-8)” And when he will see that Messiah ben Joseph will be slain, he will say before Him: “Master of the World! I ask nothing of you except life! God will say to him: “Even before you said, ‘life,’ your father David prophesied about you as it is written, He asked life of Me, Thou gavest it him (Ps. 21:5) Babylonian Talmud Sukkah 52a
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 205: The idea of a “Suffering Messiah” to many in Judaism is a Christian concept, this is not the case however. In some rabbinical traditions, the Messiah, who was one of the first thoughts of God, is in heaven waiting for the day of redemption. In heaven, Elijah and the patriarchs attend to, him. In one scene, from the Talmud the Messiah sits at the gates of Rome unwinding and winding bandages of the suffering and poor, waiting for the call.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 207: R. Y’hoshu’a ben Levi once found Elijah standing at the entrance of the cave or R. Shim’on ben Yohai…He asked him: “When will the Messiah come?” He said to him: “Go, ask him himself” “And where does he sit? “At the entrance of the city [of Rome]” “And what are his marks?” “His marks are that he sits among the poor who suffer of diseases, and while all of them unwind and rewind[the bandages of all their wounds] at once, he unwinds and rewinds them one by one, for he says, ‘Should I be summoned, there must be no delay.’” R. Y’hoshu’a went to him and said to him; “Peace be unto you, my Master and Teacher!” He said to him: “Peace unto you, Son of Levi!” He said to him: when will the Master come?” He said to him: “Today.” R. Y’hoshu’a went to Elijah, who asked him; “What did he tell you?” R. Y’hoshu’s said “[He said to me:] Peace be unto you, Son of Levi!” Elijah said to him: “[By saying this] he assured the World to Come for you and your father.” R. Y’hoshu’a then said to Elijah: “The Messiah lied to me, for he said ‘today I shall come,’ and he did not come.” Elijah said: “This is what he told you: 'Today', If you but hearken to His voice’ (Ps. 95:7) (Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 98a)[12]
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 209: The fifth house [in the heavenly Paradise] is built of onyx and jasper stones, and inlaid stones, and silver and gold, and good pure gold. And around it are rivers of balsam, and before its door flows the River Gihon. And [it has] a canopy of all trees of incense and good scent. And[in it are] beds of gold and silver, and embroidered garments. And there sits Messiah ben David and Elijah and Messiah ben Ephraim. And there is a canopy of incense trees as in the Sanctuary which Moses made in the desert. And all its vessels and pillars are of silver, its covering is gold, its seat is purple. And in it is Messiah ben David who loves Jerusalem. Elijah of blessed memory takes hold of his head, places it in his lap and holds it, and says to him: “Endure the sufferings and the sentence of your Master who makes you suffer because of the sin of Israel.” And thus it is written; He was wounded because of our transgressions, he was crushed because of our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5) until the time when the comes. (“Midrash Konen” BhM 2:29-30)[13]
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 222: Today, the Jews every year commemorate the wait for Elijah at the Passover Seder meal; he is welcomed in every Jewish home with a large goblet of wine placed in the middle of the festive table for him. If he doesn't come, the guests present gobble the wine. According to some traditions there is a 45 day period following the death of Messiah Ben Joseph, before and the appearance of Messiah Ben David, its during this period, Elijah the forerunner of the Messiah makes his appearance.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 224: Elijah said to Rav Y’huda the brother of Rav Sala the Pious: “The world will exist for no less than eighty-five jubilees [that is, 85*50 = 4250 years], and in the last jubilee the Son of David will come.” He asked him: “In its beginning or at its end?” He answered: “I do not know.” [Rav Y’huda then asked:] “Will it [the last jubilee] be complete or not?” He said to him: “I do not know.” Rav Ashi said; “This is what Elijah told him; ‘Until the last jubilee expect him not; from then on expect him.’” So no hurry, there's another 260 jubilees (1300 years) or thereabouts to go. Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 97b[14]
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 226: At that time Michael the great [celestial] prince will rise and blow the shofar three times…and Messiah ben David and Elijah will be revealed. And the two of them will go to Israel who will be [at that time] in the desert of the peoples, and Elijah will say to them; “This is the Messiah.” And he will return their heart [which will be faint] and will strengthen their hand… (T’fillat R. Shim’on ben Yohai, BhM 2:125)[15],[16]
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 232: 2 "Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, 3 "and say, 'Thus says the Lord God: "Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.11 to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land. 23 "Thus I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the Lord." ' Ezekiel 38:2,3,11,23
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 248: And when the days of the Messiah arrive, Gog and Magog will come up against the Lord of Israel, because they will hear that Israel is without a king and sits in safety. Instantly they will take with them seventy-one nations and go up to Jerusalem, and they will say; “Pharaoh was a fool to command that the males [of the Israelites] be killed and to let the females live. Balaam was an idiot that he wanted to curse them and did not know that their God had blessed them. Haman was insane in that he wanted to kill them, and he did not know their God can save them. I shall not do as they did, but shall fight against their God first, and thereafter I shall slay them…” And the Holy One, blessed be He, will say to him; “You wicked one! You want to wage war against Me? By your life, I shall wage war against you! Instantly the Holy One, blessed be He will cause hailstones, which are hidden in the firmament, to descend upon him, and will bring upon him a great plague… And after him will arise another king, wicked and insolent, and he will wage war against Israel for three months, and his name is Armilus. And these are his marks; he will be bald, one his eyes will be small, the other big. His right arm will be only as long as a hand…..And he will go up to Jerusalem and will slay Messiah ben Joseph…. And thereafter will come Messiah ben David….And he will kill the wick Armilus…And thereafter the Holy One, blessed be He, will gather all Israel who are dispersed here and there. (Midrash waYosha[19])
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 256: R. Alexandri said: “R. Y’hoshua’a ben Levi explained: ‘If they will be righteous, [the Messiah will come] on the clouds of heaven (Daniel 7:13); if they will not be righteous, [he will come] as a poor man riding upon an ass (Zech. 9:9)….King Shabur [Sapur] said to Sh’muel: “You say that the Messiah will come upon an ass; I shall send him a well-groomed horse.” He answered “do you, perchance, have a horse of a hundred colors?” Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 98a[20]
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 258: And now let us speak in praise of King Messiah who will come in the future with the clouds of heaven and two Seraphim [fiery angels] to his right and to his left, as it is written, behold with the clouds of heaven came one like unto a son of man (Daniel 7:13) (Pirqe Mashiah, BhM 3:70)[21]
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 286: Enraged by these measures, the Jews rebelled in 132, the dominant and irascible figure of Simeon bar Kosba at their head. Reputedly of Davidic descent, he was hailed as the Messiah by the greatest rabbi of the time, Akiva ben Yosef, who also gave him the title Bar Kokhba (“Son of the Star”), a messianic allusion. Bar Kokhba took the title nasi goreng (“prince”) and struck his own coins, with the legend “Year 1 of the liberty of Jerusalem.”
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 288: The Roman historian Dion Cassius noted that the Christian sect refused to join the revolt. The Jews took Aelia by storm and badly mauled the Romans' Egyptian Legion, XXII Deiotariana. The war became so serious that in the summer of 134 Hadrian himself came from Rome to visit the battlefield and summoned the governor of Britain, Gaius Julius Severus, to his aid with 35,000 men of the Xth Legion. Jerusalem was retaken, and Severus gradually wore down and constricted the rebels' area of operation, until in 135 Bar Kokhba was himself killed at Betar, his stronghold in southwest Jerusalem. The remnant of the Jewish army was soon crushed; Jewish war casualties are recorded as numbering 580,000, not including those who died of hunger and disease. Judaea was desolated, the remnant of the Jewish population annihilated or exiled, and Jerusalem barred to Jews thereafter. But the victory had cost Hadrian dear, and in his report to the Roman Senate on his return, he omitted the customary salutation “I and the Army are well” and refused a triumphal entry.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 537: 7:10 Minun ystäväni on minun, ja hän himoitsee minua.

    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 264: Istuimme Bulevardin Ekbergillä haistellen samppanjakorkkeja, kun kysyin ohimennen käänteentekeväksi osoittautuneen kysymyksen: ”Jos Pafos-seminaari kuuluisi johonkin laajempaan tuotekategoriaan niin mikä sen nimi voisi olla?”. Kahvikupin jatkaessa matkaansa ääntä kohti Esa ehti mukeltaen vastata: ‘’Eikö Pafos ole vähän kuin Aivot narikkaan? Sprache im Urlaub?’’.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 340: Pahempia ovat izekeskeiset (narsisti) ja pahimpia antisosiaaliset (psykopaatti).
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 376: Biblical purists pointed out a small number of deviations from biblical text as additional concerns; for example, Pilate himself having the dream instead of his wife, and Catholics argue the line "for all you care, this bread could be my body" is too Protestant in theology, although Jesus does say in the next lines, "This is my blood you drink. This is my body you eat. Fresh cut from my butt."
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 384: How much you end up sympathising with him is, of course, up to the interpretation of the audience. Either he was a pawn in God's/Jesus' plan, a pawn in the Pharisees' plans, a disgruntled terrorist, or a misguided ho-jay who ultimately chose his fate. (Or a mix).
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 386: If he's willingly betraying Jesus, or God is manipulating him, perhaps doing More Than Mind Control. After all, during "Damned For All Time," Judas keeps singing, "I really didn't come here of my own accord." Maybe it's that God had to offer a little bit of persuasion to have his death.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 388: Pontius Pilate was also given some different perspectives. In the musical he does not want to execute Jesus, thinking he is just another nut case who doesn't deserve death and is utterly baffled why the mob wants him killed. He only goes through with the execution because he was given no other choice.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 394: Mary Magdalene (whose characterization as a former prostitute is Alternative Character Interpretation all by itself) gets scenes that show her to be spiritual and in tune with Jesus' message. However, seen through Judas' eyes, she comes off as a Yes-Woman constantly telling Jesus that "everything's alright" rather than confronting him about the building problems, as Judas tries to do.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 407: King Herod is a genocidal king, one who ordered the mass-slaughter of Jewish babies, which is why Jesus was born in stable to refugee parents. He also is the one who determines Jesus is a fraud and sends him back to Pilate. Yet his song number is a bouncy plea for Jesus to perform miracles while bopping around. The 2012 version turns him into a talk show host, where he asks the viewers to vote if Jesus is a miracle worker or a fraud. He gets a round of applause after his song, despite the audience knowing that he sealed Jesus's fate and that he's set the ball rolling for the climactic crucifixion.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 431: In most productions, Judas's ultimate decision to betray Jesus is immediately preceded by him seeing Jesus and Mary go off together.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 432: Sure, it's biblical, but Judas betraying Christ by kissing him ... I mean.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 442: To compare: in the 1973 version Judas's kiss of betrayal is Judas sneaking up from behind, giving Jesus a very quick light peck on the cheek. In the 2000 version, the two are looking each other directly in the eyes while crying. Then Judas gives him a deep, long, smooch and Jesus responds by briefly wrapping his arms around him before Judas pushes him off.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 444: In the 2000 version of "Heaven on Their Minds", Judas pleads to Jesus while they are alone together, with lots of Judas getting into Jesus's personal space, and hesitant, delicate touches to Jesus's bare skin. Compare the 1973 version of "Heaven on Their Minds" which has Judas overlooking the group from a distance and talking to himself.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 457: Judas walks in on Jesus and Mary holding each other right after "I Don't Know How to Love Him", and, angered by it, flings them from the swing they're sitting on, helps Jesus up, and grabs his face as if he's trying to pull him in for a kiss. Jesus throws him off and a crushed Judas runs offstage leading into "Damned For All Time", leaving one with the implication that Jesus's rejection is a key factor in Judas's decision to betray him.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 459: Täähän tuo uusia näkökulmia Pezkun kärsimään julmaan ja epäinhimilliseen rangaistuxeen.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 485: Also, something of note is that, as much as he dislikes it, the mob is technically just calling him to do his job, which puts them mostly on the side of Rome ("We have no king but Caesar")...sort of. So by appeasing them THEN, he establishes himself as being both pro-Rome and pro-Jews.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 495: Paul Anton De Lagarde was born in Berlin as Paul Bötticher; in early adulthood he legally adopted the family name of his maternal line out of respect for his great-aunt who raised him. At Humboldt University of Berlin (1844–1846) and University of Halle-Wittenberg (1846–1847) he studied theology, philosophy and Oriental languages.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 501: Germany is the totality of all German-feeling, German-thinking, German-willing Germans: In this sense, every one of us is a traitor if he does not consider himself personally accountable in every moment of his life for the existence, fortune and future of the fatherland, and each is a hero and liberator if he does.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 534: Ben Zyskowicz on valittu elokuun 2010 kuukauden nutipääksi. Ben Zyskowicz, lausutaan [peniskö-vitsi], on alun perin vappunaamari, johon siirtyi parapsykologisen kokeen aikana demoni. Tällöin naamari omaksui lähes inhimillisen hahmon. Nimellä Zyskowicz on maagisia ja infernaalisia ominaisuuksia, joiden ansiosta Zyskowicz pääsi pakoon koetta johtaneita parapsykologeja. Koska he eivät kyenneet kirjoittamaan nimeä oikein, Zyskowicz vapautui heidän vallastaan ja liittyi paholaisen voimia edustavaan poliittiseen puolueeseen muiden demonien tavoin. Siellä hän on erikoistunut ympäröimään itsensä kuvauksellisilla nuorilla naisilla ja kähmimään puolueen vaalirahoitusta, josta huomattava osa kerätään maakuntien varakkailta saatananpalvojilta. Zyskowiczin ulkomaiseen imagoon kuuluvat hänen tavanomaiset seemiläispiirteensä ja alkukirjaimien Z ja B (Zyklon B) käyttö vaalimainonnassa.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 75: Valesnesin herra oli melko epäsiisti ja saastainen kapistus, joka alati vain mezästeli hirviä ja kauriita eikä seuranpitäjänä ollut juuri rattoisampi kuin savuava uuni. Ja kaupanpäällisixi mainittu mezämies oli yli kuudenkymmenen, mistä hän ei puhunut sen enempää kuin hirtetyn leski nuorasta. Mutta luonto, joka tässä maailmassa tekee viistoja, vääräsäärisiä, sokeita ja rumia yhtä arvostelukyvyttömästi kuin kauniitakin - tietämättä sen enempää kuin seinäverhon kutoja, mitä tekee - antaa kaikille saman ruokahalun ja kaikille saman himon lihasoppaan. Sitäpaizi jokainen elukka löytää puolison eli sananlaskun mukaan, kurjimmallakin ruukulla on kantensa. Niinpä siis Valesnesin herrakin eziskeli kaikkialta ruukkuja ollakseen niille kantena.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 99: While there were many contemporary critics of her comportment, many people accepted her behaviour until they became shocked with the subversive tone of her novels. Those who found her writing admirable were not bothered by her ambiguous or rebellious public behaviour. Victor Hugo commented "George Sand cannot determine whether she is male or female. I entertain a high regard for all my colleagues, but it is not my place to decide whether she is my sister or my brother. I bet s/he doesn´t know her/himself." She engaged in an intimate romantic relationship with actress Marie Dorval. She was buried in sand behind the chapel at Nohant. In 1880 her children sold the rights to her literary estate for 125,000 Francs[28] (equivalent to 36 kg worth of gold, or 1.3 million dollars in 2015 USD). Quite a handsome net worth for a lady. Sand often performed her theatrical works in her small private theatre at the Nohant estate. Sand was all for the bourgeois revolution but no communist. Victor Hugo, in the eulogy he gave at her funeral, said "the lyre was within her, so no wonder nothing else could fit in."
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 101: Honoré de Balzac, who knew Sand personally, once said that if someone like himself thought that she wrote badly, it was because his own standards of criticism were inadequate. He also noted that her treatment of imagery in her works showed that her writing had an exceptional subtlety, having the ability to "virtually put the image in the word, and the lyre you know where." Alfred de Vigny referred to her as "Sappho".
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 105: The American poet Wilt Whatman cited Sand´s novel Consuelo as a personal favorite, and the sequel to this novel, La Comtesse de Rudolstadt, contains at least a couple of passages that appear to have had a very direct influence on him. As a gayperson to another gayperson. Virginia Woolfilla oli varmasti samansuuntaisia internal strifejä vaikkei käyttänytkään miehen nimeä.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 115: Pyhittäjä-äiti Maria syntyi Egyptissä 500-luvun alussa. 12-vuotiaana hän lähti kotikylästään Aleksandriaan, jossa hän eli ilotyttönä seuraavat 17 vuotta. Hän ansaitsi elantonsa kehräämällä ja kutomalla kangasta, joten köyhyys ei pakottanut häntä siveettömään elämään. Hän kertoi myöhemmin, että häntä poltti kyltymätön himo, joka sai hänet antautumaan kenelle tahansa miehelle. Eräänä päivänä hän näki joukon egyptiläisiä ja libyalaisia menossa satamaan. Hän nousi laivaan heidän kanssaan ja maksoi matkansa “palveluillaan”. Laiva oli menossa Pyhälle maalle. Matkan päänä oli Jerusalem ja Ristin ylentämisen juhla, jota vietetään syyskuun 14. päivänä.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 121: Ensimmäiset 17 vuotta olivat täynnä kiusauksia. Muisto Egyptin liha- ja kalaruoista kiusasi Mariaa. Vesikin oli erämaassa tiukalla; Egyptissä hän oli juonut helmeilevää viiniä. Marian vaatteet kuluivat riekaleiksi, eikä hänellä enää ollut mitään, millä suojata itseään sen enempää päivän hehkuvalta auringolta kuin erämaan kylmiltä öiltäkään. Välillä hänen mieleensä muistui kevytmielisiä lauluja, joita hän huomaamattaan vanhasta muistista hyräili, ja entiset synnit alkoivat houkutella. Silloin hän siirsi ajatuksensa Jumalanäitiin, jota hän piti takaajanaan ja turvanaan. Heti olo helpottui, valo ympäröi hänet ja sopimattomat ajatukset katosivat. Jos himon houkutukset kävivät kestämättömiksi, Maria heittäytyi itkien tuntikausiksi maahan kasvoilleen eikä noussut ennen kuin näki Jumalanäidin lähettämän valon ilmestyvän.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 222: Its symbolism is ambiguous. Does it signal lust, or is it a symbol of purity? Mieti sitä. Moreau’s typically enigmatic approach made him a target for the promoters of Naturalism, most notably Émile Zola, who accused him of retreating into his dreams and offering an artistic response to the challenge posed by science—one that couldn’t possibly have value in the modern age. Such criticism hurt him deeply and only fueled Moreau’s purposeful cultivation of ambiguity.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 230: Salammboa en jaxanut lukea loppuun asti portugalixi. Ei edes selvinnyt että se oli samanlainen paha naikkonen kuin Salome. Samanlaiset hatut ainakin. Onk toi lootuskukka kikkeli? Mikäs sit on toi "himoittu likainen haava jonka surmatyö saa aukeamaan?" Haha, koit arvata.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 247: Tää Alamyn Salome on musta vetävämpi. Tanssit on tanssittu, eiköhän nakata tää irtopää rodeen. Kuvan nimi on kaikessa lyhykäisyydessään nasevasti https://l450v.alamy.com/450v/w58a5m/salom-with-the-head-of-john-the-baptist-salom-is-the-daughter-of-herodias-and-herod-philip-her-mother-wanted-to-remarry-herod-antipas-the-preacher-john-the-baptist-had-condemned-this-marriage-and-was-imprisoned-on-it-on-his-birthday-herod-antipas-promised-to-give-salom-what-she-wanted-when-she-danced-for-him-her-mother-herodias-urged-her-to-ask-the-head-of-john-the-baptist-on-a-platter-against-his-will-herod-kept-his-promise-after-the-dance-the-severed-head-was-carried-on-a-saucer-new-testament-matthew-14-6-11-mark-6-14-29-salom-is-presented-here-as-an-eastern-princess-she-w58a5m.jpg.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 249: him-her-mother-herodias-urged-her-to-ask-the-head-of-john-the-baptist-on-a-platter-against-his-will-herod-kept-his-promise-after-the-dance-the-severed-head-was-carried-on-a-saucer-new-testament-matthew-14-6-11-mark-6-14-29-salom-is-presented-here-as-an-eastern-princess-she-w58a5m.jpg" />
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 260: –sanoi Auguste Rodin ohimennen trotuaarin kantilta –
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 350: Nää Huismannin (ja muidenkin setämiesten) syntijutut on selkeästi kotoisin ajalta ennen e-pilleriä ja antibiootteja. Äijät joilla on hirvee hinku reiälle vapisee himosta ja tärisee samalla pelosta että palaa pohjaan tai tarttuu kuppa.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 355: Ja projisoi sit pahat aikeensa tohon särkyneeseen ruukkuun. Moreaun full frontal nudity-versiossa Salomesta Huismannin mielestä "paljastui ihmisolennon sukupuolinen himo koko kauheudessaan. Vasta nyt hän oli todellinen portto, joka totteli kiihkeää, julman naisellista luontoaan. Hän oli elävä ja jalompi, mutta myös kesyttömämpi; kammottavampi, mutta myös kiihottavampi." Toisaalta ja toisaalta. "Hän elvytti miehen horroxeen vaipuneet aistit voimallisemmin ja murskasi tämän tahdon paljon tehokkaammin kuin aiempi Salome. Nyt hänessä oli samaa viehätysvoimaa kuin valtavassa veneerisessä kukassa, joka on itänyt jumalattomissa kukkapenkeissä ja versonut epäpyhissä kasvihuoneissa ." Ja tämä kaikki vain koska alaharjaan oli suora sihti! Hei Huismanni sanoo Moreauta illuminaataxi! Ahhaa! Salaliittovehkeitä!
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 45: Anne Morrow Lindbergh, wife of ace aviator, Charles Lindberg was a renowned author. As an aviator she flew with Charles, assisting him as a navigator and radio operator, in many notable aviation milestones that he achieved. She was also the first American woman to obtain a glider pilots license in 1930. Her works included genres of poetry to non-fiction. She expressed her thoughts on distinct topics varying from solitude and contentment to youth and age, from the role of women in 20th century to love, marriage and peace.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 104: Jordaens’s large painting of The Wife of King Candaules displaying herself to Gyges is in the Nationalmuseum, in Stockholmii. In the large painting, the Queen is depicted lifesize, seen from behind, standing before a canopied bed. She is virtually naked, but for a string of pearls and a lace-trimmed cap. Just as she is about to step into her bed, she pauses and casts a backward glance, apparently addressing the viewer with a conspiratorial smile. On the far right of the picture, Gyges can be glimpsed craning his head through a gap in the curtain, with the King close behind him.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 109: Vähän siedettävämpi perätarjonta on tämä William Ettyn yritys samasta aiheesta. William Etty (1787–1849), the seventh son of a York baker and miller, had originally been an apprentice printer in Hull, but on completing his seven-year apprenticeship at the age of 18 moved to London to become an artist. Strongly influenced by the works of Titian and Rubens, he submitted a number of paintings to the Royal Academy of Arts and the British Institution, all of which were either rejected outright or drew little attention when exhibited. In 1821 he finally achieved recognition when the Royal Academy accepted and exhibited one of his works, The Arrival of Cleopatra in Cilicia (also known as The Triumph of Cleopatra). Cleopatra was extremely well received, and many of Etty's fellow artists greatly admired him. He was elected a full Royal Academician in 1828, beating John Constable to the position. Jordaens and Etty both contrasted Nyssia's pale flesh against dark red drapery and showed her in a similar pose. Jordaens's painting has hung in Sweden since the 17th century, and it is unlikely Etty was aware of it. Se tuskin löytyi googlaamalla.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 199: Itchelen kysymys on väärin asetettu: Mixi ei? Aistinvaraiset elukat syö ja väistelevät toisiaan. Pedosta se tuntuu tosi hyvältä, saalista se voi kyllä vähän kirpasta. Jonsei kirpasisi, saalis ei ymmärtäisi juosta karkuun. Siinä se. Sattuminen viivästyttää kuolemista. Elukat optimoituvat välttämään molempia, siinä koko juttu. Jos ne eivät optimoisi, ei niitä olisi, joku optimisti olisi jo syönyt ne. Ja tätä simppeliä maailman menoa rupee sitten joku ohimokiharainen laiha hederpoika suremaan. Sillä on ollut liian hyvät oltavat. Se on liian kauan syönyt muita esim kanoja tulematta syödyxi, että sen mielestä asiassa on jotain epäreilua. Ei ole. Kaikki muut elukat ottaa tän vaan annettuna eikä lähde sitä turhaan problematisoimaan. Tekevät vain parhaansa ja kazovat mihin se riittää. Se on apinalla ahneutta vittu, ja narsismia, sitäse on eikä mitään muuta. Ravintoketjun johtavana petona se on tottunut aina voittamaan.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 252: A powerful King was grateful to two simple poor people for their devotion, and decided to show his gratitude. The poor labourers had never been into the palace before, but had only seen the King at state occasions. After receiving their invitations to see the King, in trepidation and excitement, they approached the palace. As they entered, they were amazed to behold the magnificence of the palace. One servant was so enamoured of these riches, that he stopped in the great halls to delight in their beauty. He never progressed beyond these chambers. Meanwhile, the other servant was wiser, and his desire was only for the King. The beautiful ornaments did not distract him, as he entered the inner chamber, where he delighted in beholding the King himself, stark naked.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 263: Once, when the Baal Shem Tov was on a journey, Sabbath overtook him on the highway. He stopped the wagon, and went out into the field to perform the services that welcome the coming of Sabbath, and to remain there until the Sabbath was ended. On the field, a flock of sheep were grazing. When Baal Shem Tov raised his voice a tad and spoke the prayers that welcome the Sabbath as the coming of a Bride, the sheep rose upon their hind legs, and lifted their heads in the air, and stood like people listening. And so they remained in wrapt attention for two hours, all the while that the Baal Shem spoke.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 270: The saintly prayers of Baal Shem Tov and his close circle were unable to lift a harsh shortage of drinkware they perceived one Rosh Hashanah (New Year). After extending the prayers beyond their time, the drought remained. An unfettered shepherd boy entered and was deeply envious of those who could read the holy day's prayers. He said to God "I don't know how to pray, but I can make the noises of the animals of the field. With great feeling, he cried out, "Cock-a-doodle-do. God have mercy!" Immediately, joy overcame the Baal Shem Tov, and he hurried to fetch the cellar key. Afterwards, he explained that the heartfelt prayer of the shepherd boy reminded him where he had mislaid the key, and the drought was lifted.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 282: Many tales are related of the fervour of Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev, called the "Heavenly Advocate of Israel" before God. His saintly emotional response to deveikut would break restrained rules of conduct, sometimes humorously in public. In one story, he prepares himself to ritually slaughter a chicken according to the halachic laws of shechita:
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 343: Scholem’s first marriage to Escha Burchhardt was on the rocks by the early 1930s. Not only was he imagining himself in love with Kitty Steinschneider (there is no evidence that she reciprocated), but he was also pursuing a relationship with his student, Fania Freud (they married in 1936). His diaries betray a sense of emotional chaos, as he wrote to his friend, Walter Benjamin, explaining to Benjamin why he could not host him in Jerusalem. He also wrote to Benjamin that he was struggling with questions of good and evil and whether an evil person could also be just. While he doesn’t say whether these questions were purely theoretical or not, it is striking that such ruminations came at exactly the time when his personal life was in turmoil.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 347: Could there possibly be a connection between Scholem’s own confession of moral confusion and his treatment of Frank. Did he see something of himself in Frank, who was accused of various sexual perversions, and recoil in horror? While there can be no definitive answer to this question, considering Scholem’s emotional life from the years in which he was writing this pathbreaking essay creates the possibility of a new reading.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 366: Maailman paras pikkuteksti eli niin sanottu jouluevankeliumi (Luuk. 2 : 1 – 14) alkaa pahimmalla mahdollisella virheellä, valheella. Ei Jeesuslapsi syntynyt syntymäpäivänään, jos syntyi ylipäänsä. Itse olen oppinut sinne tänne hypähteleväksi kuvailun tyylini Matteuksen evankeliumista.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 380: Minulla oli tuomarina ollessani Harris-tweedistä tehdyn takin oikeanpuolisessa sivutaskussa hopeinen kreikkalainen tetradrakma, joka lienee nyt jossain vaatekaapin pohjalla tai muuten hukassa, kun en enää ole tuomari. Tuo raha kiersi keisari Nerolta vuosisadasta toiseen ja tarvittaessa kuiskasi, varmaan himmeällä äänellä:” Väärin, väärin, väärin, ihmisten ja Jumalan edessä.” Se alituinen kuiskutus oli tosi häirizevää. Vaatekaappi ja kakkapussi vaimentavat sitä aika hyvin.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 444: Materialismi, erittäinkin Marxin vaikka onkin heimoveli ei viehättänyt Iisakkia koskaan. Pahimpinakin epäilyn hetkinä hän oli tietävinään ettei maailma kehittynyt omia aikojaan vaan kaiken takana oli jokin salaliitto, viisivuotissuunnitelma, tietoisuus, metatroninen voima. Neuvostotiedemiehet ja sokeat voimat yleensä eivät kyenneet konstruoimaan kärpästäkään. Veljeni ei sopeutunut kommunistisen ideologiaan ja minä vielä vähemmän. Amerikkalaiseen menoon sopeuduimme sitä vastoin hyvin.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 466: Martin Buber (8. helmikuuta 1878 Wien – 13. kesäkuuta 1965 Jerusalem, Israel) oli itävaltalais-israelilainen filosofi ja kulttuurihahmo, jonka filosofian tunnetuin teema on inhimillisten suhteiden jaottelu Minä-Sinä ja Minä-Se-suhteisiin. Buberin filosofiaa kutsutaan usein dialogiseksi filosofiaksi, ja vaikka hänen lähteekin lähtökohtansa ovat monessa suhteessa toisenlaiset, häntä pidetään usein eksistenssifilosofina. Esimerkiksi Sartren eksistentialismin transsendentalismista dialogifilosofia eroaa siten, että kun transsendentaalinen filosofia pyrkii konstruoimaan maailman subjektista käsin, dialogifilosofiassa subjekti on vasta erottautumisen tulos.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 510: The Nazis, who discounted Hesse as merely a “victim of Jewish psychoanalysis,” blamed it all on Freud. In the April 1936 issue of Die Neue Litteratur, Will Vesper, employing predictable anti-Semitic tropes, characterized Hesse as a traitor and held him up as a classic example of Jewry’s sinister influence in general and of the insidious poisoning of the German soul by Freud’s psychoanalysis in particular:
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 591: Some scholars believe there is a politics implicit in Rogers's approach to psychotherapy. Toward the end of his life, Rogers came to that view himself. The central tenet of a Rogerian, person-centered politics is that public life does not have to consist of an endless series of winner-take-all battles among sworn opponents; rather, it can and should consist of an ongoing win-win conspiracy among all the cheats. (For details, watch Legally Blonde, Part II.)
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 114: Lutherin näkemys Neitsyt Mariasta ei ole ollut tutkimuskohteena suosittu, sillä reformaattorin kielteisen suhtautumisen pyhimysten kunnioittamiseen on nähty johtavan myös negatiiviseen Maria-käsitykseen. Katolis-luterilaisessa ekumeenisessa dialogissa Marian asema on kuitenkin nostettu yhdeksi selvitystyön pääkohdaksi. Tutkielmassani selvitän Neitsyt Marian asemaa Lutherin teologiassa kuuden Lutherin saarnan perusteella. Saarnat ovat peräisin Lutherin Kirkkopostillasta, joten niiden merkitys luterilaisen Maria-kuvan kehityksessä on ollut suuri. Tutkielmani metodina on saarnojen systemaattinen analyysi.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 116: Marian ja muiden pyhimysten asemaan esirukoilijoina ja välittäjinä Luther suhtautuu kriittisesti. Luther pitää pyhimyksiä esimerkillisinä ihmisinä, joiden tehtävänä on osoittaa kohti Kristusta. Katolisen kirkon traditiota Luther kritisoi pyhimyslegendojen vääristelemisestä. Ihmeet ja taivaaseen tempaisut on selvästi tuulesta temmattuja.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 118: Legendoissa pyhimyksistä on Lutherin mukaan tehty epäinhimillisiä ja virheettömiä ihmisiä joihin on mahdotonta samastua. Nolosti kämmänneiden tylsimysten esimerkki voi välittää ihmisille sanoman armollisesta Jumalasta. Kunnia Marian ja muiden pyhimysten elämästä kuuluu Jumalalle, jonka ansiota kaikki pyhimysten hyvät teot ovat.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 123: Elämänsä aikana Maria saa osakseen silkkaa kärsimystä ja ahdistusta, tämä on Lutherin mukaan lohdullinen esimerkki muille kristityille. Kristuksen äidin kokemat kärsimykset antavat lohtua muille kärsiville. Jollakulla meni sentään vielä paskemmin. Sehän lohdutti Pollyannaakin. Maria on myös esimerkki ikuisen neitsyytensä kautta. Niin kuin Maria on koskematon avioliitossa miehen vallan alla, on myös kristitty evankeliumin vapauttavan vaikutuksen ansiosta vapaa lain sukupuolisen väkivallan alta. Pane vaan ei tule lasta eikä paskaakaan. Vaikka Marian usko on syvällistä ja esikuvallista, Marian esimerkillisyyteen kuuluu myös hänen erehtyväisyytensä. Jumala ottaa Marialta luulot pois jotta tämä ymmärtäisi tarvitsevansa Jumalaa eikä sortuisi turvaamaan omiin ansioihinsa. Maria pitää itseään syntisistä suurimpana ja on siksi Lutherin mukaan todellinen pyhimys. Marian usko on esimerkillistä myös siksi, että Maria pyrkii kasvamaan siinä erehdyksensä jälkeen.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 127: Avainsanat – Nyckelord Luther, Maria, ekumeniikka, mariologia, pyhimys, usko, nöyryys, esimerkki, esikuva, ristin teologia, Luther-tutkimus Säilytyspaikka – Förvaringställe Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto, Keskustakampuksen kirjasto, Teologia
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 144: The Lateran Council of 649 CE, a council held in Rome by the Western Church, later declared it an article of faith that Jesus was conceived “without seed” and that Mary “incorruptibly bore [him], her virginity remaining indestructible even after his birth” . All this in spite of the Gospels’ declaration that Jesus had brothers and sisters (Mark 3.32, Matthew 12.46, Luke 8.19).
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 230: I put him in a tiny boat

    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 231: And cast him out to sea

    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 270: Then by them come the king himself

    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 290: Mary Stuart could not be a real life source for the ballad in any of its current forms as these are in conflict with the historical record. She and the Four Maries lived in France from 1547 to 1560, where Mary was dauphine and then queen as the wife of King Francis II. Mary later returned home to Scotland (keeping the French spelling of her surname, Stuart). She married her second husband, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley in July 1565, and he was murdered 20 months later. So there was not much time for Darnley to have got one of the four Maries (or any other mistress) pregnant, and there is no record of him having done so. Also the song refers to "the highest Stuart of all" – which between 1542 and 1567 was a woman not a man.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 296: The story may have been transferred from a wholly different context. It has been noted that it most closely matches, rather than any event in Scotland, the legend of Maria Danilova Gamentova, daughter of an expatriate branch of the Clan Hamilton established in Russia by Thomas Hamilton during the reign of Tsar Ivan IV (1547–1584). A lady in waiting to Tsarina Catherine, second wife of Tsar Peter I "The Great" (who later succeeded him as Catherine I), Mary Hamilton was also the Tsar's mistress. She bore a child in 1717, who may have been fathered by the Tsar but whom she admitted drowning shortly after its birth. She also stole trinkets from the Tsarina to present them to her lover Ivan Orlov. For the murder of her child, she was beheaded in 1719.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 318: In 1783, Greville needed to find a rich wife to replenish his finances, and found a fit in the form of eighteen-year-old heiress Henrietta Middleton. Emma would be a problem, as he disliked being known as her lover (this having become apparent to all through her fame in Romney's artworks), and his prospective wife would not accept him as a suitor if he lived openly with Emma Hart.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 320: To be rid of Emma, Greville persuaded his uncle, younger brother of his mother, Sir William Hamilton, British Envoy to Naples, to take her off his hands. Greville's marriage would be useful to Sir William, as it relieved him of having Greville as a poor relation. To promote his plan, Greville suggested to Sir William that Emma would make a very pleasing mistress, assuring him that, once married to Henrietta Middleton, he would come and fetch Emma back. Sir William, then 55 and newly widowed, had arrived back in London for the first time in over five years. Emma's famous beauty was by then well known to Sir William, so much so that he even agreed to pay the expenses for her journey to ensure her speedy arrival. A great collector of antiquities and beautiful objects, he took interest in her as another acquisition. He had long been happily married until the death of his wife in 1782, and he liked female companionship. His home in Naples was well known all over the world for hospitality and refinement. He needed a hostess for his salon, and from what he knew about Emma, he thought she would be the perfect choice.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 332: After four years of marriage, Emma had despaired of having children with Sir William, although she wrote of him as "the best husband and friend". It seems likely that he was sterile. She once again tried to persuade him to allow her daughter to come and live with them in the Palazzo Sessa as her mother Mrs Cadogan's niece, but he refused this as well as her request to make enquiries in England about suitors for the young Emma.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 334: Nelson returned to Naples five years later, on 22 September 1798. a living legend, after his victory at the Battle of the Nile in Aboukir, with his step-son Josiah Nisbet, then 18 years old. By this time, Nelson's adventures had prematurely aged him; he had lost an arm and most of his teeth, and was afflicted by coughing spells. Before his arrival, Emma had written a letter passionately expressing her admiration for him. Nelson even wrote effusively of Emma to his increasingly estranged wife. Emma and Sir William escorted Nelson to their home, the Palazzo Sessa.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 338: Upon arrival in London on 8 November, the three of them took suites at Nerot's Hotel after a missed communication from Nelson to his wife about receiving the party at their home, Roundwood. Lady Nelson and Nelson's father arrived and they all dined at the hotel, with Fanny deeply unhappy to see Emma pregnant. The affair soon became public knowledge, and to the delight of the newspapers, Fanny did not accept the affair as placidly as Sir William. Emma was winning the media war at that point, and every fine lady was experimenting with her look. Nelson contributed to Fanny's misery by being cruel to her when not in Emma's company. Sir William was mercilessly lampooned in the press, but his sister observed that he doted on Emma and she was very attached to him.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 340: The Hamiltons moved into William Beckford's mansion at 22 Grosvenor Square, and Nelson and Fanny took an expensive furnished house at 17 Dover Street, a comfortable walking distance away, until December, when Sir William rented a home at 23 Piccadilly, opposite Green Park. On 1 January, Nelson's promotion to vice admiral was confirmed and he prepared to go to sea on the same night. Infuriated by Fanny's handing him an ultimatum to choose between her and his mistress, Nelson chose Emma and decided to take steps to formalise separation from his wife. He never saw her again, after being hustled out of town by an agent. While he was at sea, Nelson and Emma exchanged many letters, using a secret code to discuss Emma's condition. Emma kept her first daughter Emma Carew's existence a secret from Nelson, while Sir William continued to provide for her.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 344: Soon after this, the Prince of Wales (later King George IV) became infatuated with Emma, leading Nelson to be consumed by jealousy, and inspiring a remarkable letter by Sir William to Nelson, assuring him that she was being faithful. In late February, Nelson returned to London and met his daughter at Mrs Gibson's. Nelson's family were aware of the pregnancy, and his clergyman brother Rev. William Nelson wrote to Emma praising her virtue and goodness. Nelson and Emma continued to write letters to each other when he was away at sea, and she kept every one. While he was away too, she arranged for her mother to visit the Kidds in Hawarden and her daughter in Manchester.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 346: By the autumn of the same year, upon Emma's advice, Nelson bought Merton Place, a small ramshackle house at Merton, near Wimbledon, for £9,000, borrowing money from his friend Davison. He gave her free rein with spending to improve the property, and her vision was to transform the house into a celebration of his genius. There they lived together openly, with Sir William and Emma's mother, in a ménage à trois that fascinated the public. Emma turned herself to winning over Nelson's family, nursing his 80-year-old father Edmund for 10 days at Merton, who loved her and thought of moving in with them, but could not bear to leave his beloved Norfolk. Emma also made herself useful to Nelson's sisters Kitty (Catherine), married to George Matcham, and Susanna, married to Thomas Bolton, by helping to raise their children and to make ends meet. Nelson's sister-in-law Sarah (married to William), also pressed him for assistance and favours, including the payment of their son Horatio's school fees at Eton. Also around this time, Emma finally told Nelson about her daughter Emma Carew, now known as Emma Hartley, and found that she had had nothing to worry about; he invited her to stay at Merton and soon grew fond of "Emma's relative". An unpublished letter shows that Nelson assumed responsibility for upkeep of young Emma at this time.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 348: After the Treaty of Amiens on 25 March 1802, Nelson was released from active service, but wanted to keep his new-found position in society by maintaining an aura of wealth, and Emma worked hard to live up to this dream. Nelson's father became seriously ill in April, but Nelson did not visit him in Norfolk, staying home to celebrate Emma's 37th birthday on the very day Edmund died; the son did not attend his father's funeral.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 350: The newspapers reported on their every move, including trips to Wales to inspect Sir William's estates and a holiday to Ramsgate intended to give him some peace and quiet, looking to Emma to set fashions in dress, home decoration and even dinner party menus. By the autumn of 1803, Sir William's health was declining, at the same time that the peace with France was disintegrating. A "Children's Ball" was thrown after New Year, in honour of Horatia, and a concert for 100 guests staged in February.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 362: After a brief visit to England in August 1805, Nelson once again had to return to service. Emma received letters from him on 1, 7 and 13 October. On the ship, he wrote a note intended as a codicil to his will requesting that, in return for his legacy to King and Country that they should give Emma "ample provision to maintain her rank in life", and that his "adopted daughter, Horatia Nelson Thompson...use in future the name of Nelson only".
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 366: They brought me word, Mr Whitby from the Admiralty. 'Show him in directly,' I said. He came in, and with a pale countenance and faint voice, said, 'We have gained a great Victory.' – 'Never mind your Victory,' I said. 'My letters – give me my letters' – Captain Whitby was unable to speak – tears in his eyes and a deathly paleness over his face made me comprehend him. I believe I gave a scream and fell back, and for ten hours I could neither speak nor shed a tear.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 378: She moved from Clarges Street to a cheaper home at 136 Bond Street, but could not bring herself to relinquish Merton. Her brother, William, blackmailed her into giving him money, and Mrs Cadogan's sister's family, the Connors, were also expecting handouts. Emma Carew came for a short summer visit in late June 1806, at which point Sir Harry Fetherstonhaugh sent £500 for the benefit of mother and daughter. Emma hosted and employed James Harrison for 6 months to write a two-volume Life of Nelson, which made it clear that Horatia was his child. She continued to entertain at Merton, including the Prince of Wales and the Dukes of Sussex and Clarence, but no favours were returned by the royals.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 533: Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone, "Jumalan pieni köyhä", ("Poverello", taiteilijanimeltään Franciscus Assisilainen) (1181 tai 1182 – 3. lokakuuta 1226) oli italialainen munkki, diakoni ja saarnaaja. Hän perusti fransiskaanisen veljeskunnan. Franciscusta kunnioitetaan katolisuudessa, vanhakatolisuudessa, anglikaanisuudessa ja luterilaisuudessa. Paavi Gregorius IX julisti hänet pyhimykseksi 16. heinäkuuta 1228. Franciscus Assisilaisen pyhimyskalenterin mukainen muistopäivä on 4. lokakuuta, joka on myöhemmin hänen vuokseen otettu myös kansainväliseksi eläinten päiväksi. Hän on eläinten, ympäristön, eläintarhojen, tulen, perheiden, yksin kuolemisen, kauppiaiden, rauhan, Italian, Assisin, New Mexicon ja Kansasin suojeluspyhimys. Pyhimyksen symboleita ovat muun muassa linnut ja eläimet, stigmata, piikkikruunu, kalat, pääkallo, susi ja tuli. Franciscusta pidetään yhtenä stigmaatikoista ja ennen hänen stigmataansa juhlistettiin erikseen 17. syyskuuta. Pyhimyksen mukaan on myös nimetty basilika tämän kotikaupungissa Assisissa eli Pyhän Fransiskuksen basilika (italiaksi Basilica di San Francesco d´Assisi). Pyhän Franciscuksen mukaan on perustettu useita katolisia sääntökuntia: Congregatio Fratrum Adunationis Tertii Regularis Ordinis Sancti Francisci (S.A), Congregatio Fratrum Franciscanorum Immaculatae (F.I.), Ordo Fratrum Minorum (O.F.M.), Ordo Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum (O.F.M. Cap.) ja Ordo Fratrum Minorum Conventualium (O.F.M. Conv.). Hänen nimeään kantaa myös argentiinalainen 13. maaliskuuta 2013 valittu paavi Benedictus XVI:n vasemmistolainen seuraaja 266. paavi Franciscus.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 551: The American Library Association´s 2008 banned book list identified His Masters Voice as the second most requested book to be banned across the country. Pullman himself only egged on the controversy, as he publicly stated that he aimed to undermine Christian beliefs with his books.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 573:

    Maallikojen pohdintaa pyhimyxistä ja paholaisesta

    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 575: Muuten hyvin käännetyssä korealaisessa karamellisarjassa (se kuulostaa välillä ihan Tex Willeriltä: Hitto! Napatkaa ne! Jos on väsy menkää kotia!) on se virhe, että rotinkaisista käytetään nimeä maallikko. Oikeammin ne ovat rahvasta, kuten Helmi huomautti. Rahvaanomaisia ovat myös pyhimyxistä vihapuhetta pitävät aussiet.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 652: Mitä Luther oli mieltä tästä kysymyxestä? Entäs kostonhimoisempi Calvinus? Mänkööt vuan kaikki, mänkööt huut helekkariin! Temmataan me mukaan vaan meikäläisten porukat. Tää voi olla vähän sen funktio, minkä verran populaatiossa on jäljellä höpläytettäviä, ja siittä riippuen kumpi näyttää tehokkaammalta, keppi vaiko porkkana. Kuolemanrangaistus voi pelottaa ekalla kerralla, mutta kun on yhden tappanut niin mitä väliä, hirttosilmukka on sama useammasta.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 666: In Christianity, annihilationism (also known as extinctionism or destructionism)[1] is the belief that those who are wicked will perish or cease to exist. It states that after the Last Judgment, all unsaved human beings, all fallen angels (all of the damned) and Satan himself will be totally destroyed so as to not exist, or that their consciousness will be extinguished rather than suffer everlasting torment in Hell (often synonymized with the lake of fire). Annihilationism stands in contrast to both belief in eternal torture and suffering in the lake of fire and the belief that everyone will be saved (universal reconciliation or simply "universalism").
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 36: When Moses told him, Aaron held out the staff in his hand and struck the dust on the ground. It turned into gnats that bit people and animals. All the dust on the ground everywhere in Egypt turned into gnats.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 54: Moses also uses the staff in the battle at Rephidim between the Israelites and the Amalekites (Exodus 17:8-16).[2] When he holds up his arms holding the "rod of God" the Israelites "prevail", when he drops his arms, their enemies gain the upper hand. Aaron and Hur help him to keep the staff raised until victory is achieved.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 59: Finally, God tells Moses to get water for the Israelites from a rock by speaking to the rock (Numbers 20:8). But Moses, being vexed by the complaining of the Israelites, instead of speaking to the rock as God commanded, strikes the rock twice with the staff. Because Moses did not obey God's command to speak to the rock, implying lack of faith, God punished Moses by not letting him enter into the Promised Land (Numbers 20:12). Taisit jo mainita albumissa 64.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 63: The staff with which Jacob crossed the Jordan is identical with that which Judah gave to his daughter-in-law, Tamar (Gen. xxxii. 10, xxxviii. 18). It is likewise the holy rod with which Moses worked (Ex. iv. 20, 21), with which Aaron performed wonders before Pharaoh (Ex. vii. 10), and with which, finally, David slew the giant Goliath (I Sam. xvii. 40). David left it to his descendants, and the Davidic kings used it as a scepter until the destruction of the Temple, when it miraculously disappeared. When the Messiah comes it will be given to him for a scepter in token of his authority over the heathen. (And we don't mean INRI here.)
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 176: Pyhä Elmo Nixarilainen nähtävästi sekottaa 2 pyhimystä. 1. Pyhä Erasmus Formialainen eli Elmo joka tunnetaan samannimisestä valoilmiöstä, ja 2. pyhä Gregorios Thaumaturgi Turkin Niksarista eli Neoceaesareasta. Hän oli ratkaiseva peluri kirkon kutkuttavassa 3-1 tilanteessa.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 223: The Lord shall have them in derision - The same idea is expressed here in a varied form, as is the custom in parallelism in Hebrew poetry. The Hebrew word לעג lâ‛ag, means properly to stammer; then to speak in a barbarous or foreign tongue; then to mock or deride, by imitating the stammering voice of anyone. Gesenius, Lexicon Here it is spoken of God, and, of course, is not to be understood literally, anymore than when eyes, and hands, and feet are spoken of as pertaining to him. The meaning is, that there is a result in the case, in the Divine Mind, as if he mocked or derided the vain attempts of men; that is, he goes calmly forward in the execution of his own purposes, and he looks upon and regards their efforts as vain, as we do the efforts of others when we mock or deride them. The truth taught in this verse is, that God will carry forward his own plans in spite of all the attempts of men to thwart them. This general truth may lie stated in two forms:
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 225: Laughing is ascribed unto him, according to the language of men, as the Jewish writers speak (d), by an anthropopathy; in the same sense as he is said to repent and grieve, Genesis 6:6; and expresses his security from all their attempts, Job 5:22; and the contempt he has them in, and the certain punishment of them, and the aggravation of it; who will not only then laugh at them himself, but expose them to the laughter and scorn of others, Proverbs 1:26;
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 227: the Lord shall have them in derision; which is a repetition of the same thing in other words; and is made partly to show the certainty of their disappointment and ruin, and partly to explain who is meant by him that sits in the heavens. The Targum calls him, "the Word of the Lord"; and Alshech interprets it of the Shechinah. Kimchi, Aben Ezra, & R. Sol. Ben Melech in loc.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 229: He laughs at the defiant ones, for between them and Him there is an infinite distance; He derides them by allowing the boundless stupidity of the infinitely little one to come to a climax and then He thrusts him down to the earth undeceived.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 310: We are all international activists—the yeshivah student struggling for clarity in an abstruse Talmudic passage, the storeowner who refuses to sell faulty merchandise, the little girl joyfully lighting her candle before Shabbat, the hiker who reaches the top of her climb and breathlessly recites a blessing to the Creator for the magnificent view, the young father who has just now started wrapping tefillin every morning, the subway commuter who lent the guy next to him a shoulder to sleep upon, and the simple Jew who checks for a kosher symbol on the package before making a purchase. Our destiny is tied to the destiny of those books, that merchandise, that time of the week, that mountain, that morning rush, that neighbor and that train, and the food in that package. We cannot live without them, and their redemption cannot come without us. We are all sanitation workers.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 347: It is through the being of Yahuah (fatherly aspect) and the wisdom or spirit of Yahuah (motherly aspect) that the son of Yahuah, the bodily manifestation or substance of Yahuah was conceived, and eventually brought forth into the world by the means of a virgin named Miriam. Ha Mashiach was conceived of the Ruach (Matthew 1:20), and in the physical portrayal of this, he was born of Miriam. The meaning of the word "of" carries through in that HaMashiach is conceived and born of the Ruch, as sort of "pictured" in Miriam. The conception in the spiritual realm was also pictured at HaMashiach's baptism when the Ruch Ah Qudsh descended upon him in the form of a dove, and Yahuah spoke from heaven saying, "my son, the beloved, in you I am well pleased" Luke 3:22.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 359: For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "ABBA father." Romans 8:15
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 367: Yahuah anointed Yahusha with the Ruch Ah Qudsh and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because Yahuah was with him. Acts 10:38
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 371: At that time Yahusha, full of joy through Ruch Ah Qudsh, said, "I praise you, Father, Alahym (Elohim) of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to his chosen children. Yes, father, for this was your good pleasure." Luke 10:21
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 393: Rashi was an only child born at Troyes, Champagne, in northern France. His mother's brother was Simeon bar Isaac, rabbi of Mainz. Simon was a disciple of Gershom ben Judah, who died that same year. On his father's side, Rashi has been claimed to be a 33rd-generation descendant of Johanan HaSandlar,[citation needed] who was a fourth-generation descendant of Gamaliel, who was reputedly descended from the Davidic line. In his voluminous writings, Rashi himself made no such claim at all. The main early rabbinical source about his ancestry, Responsum No. 29 by Solomon Luria, makes no such claim either.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 238: Tiistaina 26. lokakuuta 2021 eduskunnassa käsiteltiin arkipolitiikan peruskauraa, ajoneuvoverolain muuttamista. Kansanedustaja Ano Turtiainen istui paikallaan täysistuntosalin takarivissä. Hänellä oli ihan muut asiat mielessä. Turtiainen oli liikekannallepanolla. Hän näppäili Iphoneaan ja kirjoitti Twitteriin: Sanon sen nyt suoraan. Elämme kolmannen maailmansodan aikaa. Valmistautukaa – pian voi olla pula lähes kaikesta. Älkääkö uskoko valtamediaa. Selvittäkää ja tiedostakaa, mitä se jättää uutisoimatta. Ja pahimman varalle, on hyvä huoltaa aseet ja täyttää ammusvarastot.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 287: "Kaikki mitä ihminen rakastaa on Kaikkivaltiaan luomaa. Vääräuskoisetkin rakastavat Jumalaa. Jos hedelmä on hyvä ja sinä pidät siitä, rakastat tämän hedelmän luojaa, koska sen maku on Hänestä. Ja jos ihminen on instailija ja himoitsee naisia, niin luoja on heille antanut kaiken kauneuden ja viehätyksen. Viisas ymmärtää mikä on kaiken hyvyyden lähde ja rakastaa tätä lähdettä. Kun hedelmä mätänee, sinä et halua sitä enää, ja kun nainen vanhentuu ja tulee sairaaksi, instailija kaikkoaa hänen luotaan. Hullu ei uhraa ajatuksia sille mistä kaikki hyvyys on lähtöisin.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 455: You will, I hope, not think it a Presumption in a Stranger, whose Name, perhaps never reached your Ears, to address himself to you the Commanding General of a great Nation. I am a German, born and liberally educated in the City of Heydelberg in the Palatinate of the Rhine. I came to this Country in 1776, and felt soon after my Arrival a close Attachment to the Liberty for which these confederated States then struggled. The same Attachment still remains not glowing, but burning in my Breast. At the same Time that I am exulting in the Measures adopted by our Government, I feel myself elevated in the Idea of my adopted Country. I am attached both from the Bent of Education and mature Enquiry and Search to the simple Doctrines of Christianity, which I have the Honor to teach in Public; and I do heartily despise all the Cavils of Infidelity. Our present Time, pregnant with the most shocking Evils and Calamities, threatens Ruin to our Liberty and Goverment. Secret, the most secret Plans are in Agitation: Plans, calculated to ensnare the Unwary, to attract the Gay and irreligious, and to entice even the Well-disposed to combine in the general Machine for overturning all Government and all Religion.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 528: But he quotes largely from Wishaupt whom he considers as the founder of what he calls the order. As you may not have had an opportunity of forming a judgment of this cry of `mad dog’ which has been raised against his doctrines, I will give you the idea I have formed from only an hour’s reading of Barruel’s quotations from him, which you may be sure are not the most favorable.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 530: Wishaupt seems to be an enthusiastic Philanthropist. He is among those (as you know the excellent Price and Priestley also are) who believe in the indefinite perfectibility of man. He thinks he may in time be rendered so perfect that he will be able to govern himself in every circumstance so as to injure none, to do all the good he can, to leave government no occasion to exercise their powers over him, & of course to render political government useless. This you know is Godwin’s doctrine, and this is what Robinson, Barruel & Morse had called a conspiracy against all government.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 540: As Wishaupt lived under the tyranny of a despot & priests, he knew that caution was necessary even in spreading information, & the principles of pure morality. He proposed therefore to lead the Free masons to adopt this object & to make the objects of their institution the diffusion of science & virtue. He proposed to initiate new members into his body by gradations proportioned to his fears of the thunderbolts of tyranny. This has given an air of mystery to his views, was the foundation of his banishment, the subversion of the masonic order, & is the colour for the ravings against him of Robinson, Barruel & Morse, whose real fears are that the craft would be endangered by the spreading of information, reason, & natural morality among men.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 556: The possibility that Adam Weishaupt killed George Washington and took his place, serving as our first President for two terms, is now confirmed. . . . The two main colors of the American flag are, excluding a small patch of blue in one corner, red and white: these are also the official colors of the Hashishim. The flag and the Illuminati pyramid both have thirteen horizontal divisions: thirteen is, of course, the traditional code for marijuana . . . and is still used in that sense by Hell’s Angels among others.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 580: CBS’ Walter Cronkite was the pre-eminent emcee of the whole affair. Cronkite was a moderate, establishment type of guy. He was perplexed by hippies, including his own daughters, with their “indescribable” outfits that looked like they came from a “remnant sale”, which they did. He recognized that the young generation no doubt saw him as “an old fuddy-duddy.”
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 590: The mayor was a masterful machine politician, but he lacked nuance in his understanding of mass media. He refused permits for protesters, as if that would keep them from protesting and, therefore, prevent journalists from covering them. He had crude “We Love Mayor Daley” signs made, and had city workers to hold them up in front of the cameras. He stuck decals of himself on the phones in every delegate’s hotel room, which was a particularly dunderheaded move given that the city was in the middle of an electrical workers’ strike that made the phones all but useless.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 592: To his advantage, however, was the fact that he had microphone access whenever he wanted it. But at a key moment, he pointedly chose not to take the mic. When Ribicoff made his crack about “Gestapo tactics in the streets of Chicago” from the dais, Daley stood up and shouted from the floor “Fuck you, you Jew son of a bitch, you lousy motherfucker, go home!” The forceful exclamation, shown on live TV, was later deciphered by lip readers. Friends said Daley called Ribicoff not a “fucker,” but a “faker.” Enemies suggested he had called him not a “Jew” but a “kike.” The CBS newsman who was closest simply reported that Daley had gone bright red with anger.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 139: perque caput Remuli venit et cava tempora ferro suoraan Hemmelin pään läpi nappasi ohimolohkooon.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 306: Chalmers argues for an "explanatory gap" from the objective to the subjective, and criticizes physicalist explanations of mental experience, making him a dualist. Chalmers characterizes his view as "naturalistic dualism": naturalistic because he believes mental states supervene "naturally" on physical systems (such as brains); dualist because he believes mental states are ontologically distinct from and not reducible to physical systems. He has also characterized his view by more traditional formulations such as property dualism.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 315: He further speculates that all information-bearing systems may be conscious, leading him to entertain the possibility of conscious thermostats and a qualified panpsychism he calls panprotopsychism. Chalmers maintains a formal agnosticism on the issue, even conceding that the viability of panpsychism places him at odds with the majority of his contemporaries. According to Chalmers, his arguments are similar to a line of thought that goes back to Leibniz's 1714 "mill" argument.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 123: Disney was a shy, self-deprecating and insecure man in private but adopted a warm and outgoing public persona. He had high standards and high expectations of those with whom he worked. Although there have been accusations that he was racist or anti-Semitic, they have been contradicted by many who knew him. His reputation changed in the years after his death, from a purveyor of homely patriotic values to a representative of American imperialism. He nevertheless remains an important figure in the history of animation and in the cultural history of the United States, where he is considered a national cultural icon.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 154: As Walt became more successful, he lost touch with his overworked and undercompensated employees, who eventually started to rebel against him. Even Art Babbitt—one of Walt's closest friends and allies and the man who drew Goofy—stood up to Walt. But Walt didn't want to hear the criticism, and he fired Babbitt. Matters only got worse, when in 1941, 200 of Walt's employees picketed outside the studio.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 273: I am confident that the teachings of Watchman Nee and the churches and individuals associated with him demonstrate clearly that they are orthodox in all areas of essential Christian doctrine and practice, wildly exceeding the expectations of the Body of Christ as composed of orthodox Christians.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 395: Knight says she used to be “spiritually restless,” but not any more. Ramtha from Atlantis via Lemuria has enlightened her. He first appeared to her, she says, while she was in business school having extraordinary experiences with UFOs. She must have a great rapport with her spirit companion, since he shows up whenever she needs him to put on a performance. It is not clear why Ramtha would choose Knight, but it is very clear why Knight would choose Ramtha: fame and fortune, or simple delusion.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 460: Jotain yhteenvetoa nyt näistä lukemattomista häröilyistä. Kyllä sen täytyy olla se, että noi jossain vaiheessa ehkä hyödyllisistä kognitiivista biaxista, tai pahimmillaan matelijabiasten sivuvaikutuxina syntyneet hörhöilyt istuu apinan päässä paljon tiukemmassa kuin pelkkään logiikkaan ja kokemusperäiseen havainnointiin perustuva tieteellinen tieto. Jo objektiivisuus ja sen myöntäminen, että saattaa olla jossain asiassa väärässä, tai edes että jotain asiaa ei tiedetä, on kotiinpäin vetävälle apinalle kauhistus.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 99: In a 2013 interview, Rendell stated: Wexford is a Liberal Democrat though, and I am a Labour party member, in fact a Labour peer, so I am further to the left than him. Wexford is an intelligent, sensitive man. He has a placid wife, Dora, and two daughters, Sheila and Sylvia. He has a good relationship with Sheila (his favourite) but a difficult relationship with Sylvia (who feels slighted though he has never actually intended to slight her). He also has a suspiciously strong friendship with intelligent, sensitive DI Mike Burden. White man's burden. Just joking, Mike is white too. Rendall says that Kingsmarkham in Sussex "is not romantic at all."
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 132: A beautiful woman risking everything for a mad passion. A few wild weeks of happiness cut short by a hideous, treacherous crime. Months of voiceless agony, and then a child born in pain. The mother snatched away by death, the boy left to solitude and the tyranny of an old and loveless man. Yes; it was an interesting background. It posed the lad, made him more perfect, as it were. Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic. Worlds had to be in travail, that the meanest flower might blow....
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 260: Päivi Räsäsen oikeusprosessi on jatkunut jo kolmatta vuotta, sillä välin kalifaatista palanneet naiset elävät normaalia arkea eri puolilla Suomea, käyvät lähimarketissa, kenties polvistumassa läheisessä moskeijassa. Vakaumuksensa takia.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 384: Tästä edelleen mitä pyhimmän uskonnon ohjat löyhtyvät, jotka yxin kuningaskuntia pystyssä pitävät, näemme yleisen järjestyksen exitin, kaiken päällikkyyden löpsähdyxen ja laillisen mahdin kääntymyxen pahoinvoivaxi.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 394: des Esseintes istuu takan ääressä jalat takkakoiralla. Liekit nuoleskelee tohveleiden pohjia. Matalamielisten moukkien vihattava aikakausi on nyt kestänyt noin miljoona vuotta, loppu saattaa häämöttää kaikexi onnexi. Moreaukin oli tommonen ylimaallisen himon ja perverssiyden sekä hekkuman peukuttaja, hassussa venehatussa. Tuskallista kakkaa kantaa harteillaan. Ihan tulee Baudelairen runot mieleen.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 755: Lopulta kirjoitus luettelee 32 lihallista himoa, jotka ihmisen on voitettava ennen kuin pelastus on mahdollista. Se on aika paljon. Täydellinen luettelo albumissa 376.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 829: Paraplēxin siveet. "Tuolloin tämä auktoriteetti, jonka nimi oli Paraplēx, yhdessä hänen alaisuudessaan seisovien demonien kanssa, karistaa väkivaltaisen intohimoisten, kiroajien ja herjaajien sielut ja lähettää heidät pimeän savun läpi ja tuhoaa heidät pahan tulen kautta, jotta ne alkavat purkautua ja hajota. He viettävät 133 vuotta ja yhdeksän kuukautta alueidensa kurituksissa, samalla kun hän piinaa heitä pahuutensa tulessa."
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 851: "Sen jälkeen he johtavat sen kaaokseen ennen Yaldabaōthia ja hänen 49 demoniaan, ja jokainen hänen demoneistaan kostaa siitä vielä 3kk,8p, 2h. Sen jälkeen he johdattavat sen keskelle, ja jokainen keskellä olevan tien viivain ottaa sen koston pimeän savunsa ja ilkeän tulituksensa kautta vielä 3kk, 8p, 2h." Ne 2 viimeistä tuntia ovat pahimmat. "Sen jälkeen he johdattavat sen Valon Neitsyen luokse, joka tuomitsee vanhurskaat ja syntiset, jotta hän voi tuomita sen. Ja kun pallo kääntyy, hän luovuttaa sen vastaanottajilleen, jotta he voivat heittää sen pallon æoneihin. Ja he johdattavat sen veteen, joka on pallon alapuolella; |384. ja siitä tulee sekopää ja se syö siihen, kunnes se puhdistaa sen täysin."
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 880: Mead began studying mathematics at St John's College, Cambridge. Suddenly shifting his education towards the study of Classics, he gained much knowledge of Greek and Latin (but no Coptic). In 1884 he completed a BA degree; in the same year he became a public school master. He received an MA degree in 1926. While still at Cambridge University Mead read Esoteric Buddhism (1883) by Alfred Percy Sinnett. This comprehensive theosophical account of the Eastern religion prompted Mead to contact two theosophists in London named Bertam Keightly and Mohini Chatterji, which eventually led him to join Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's Theosophical Society in 1884.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 75: Sääli ettei Alva ollut paikalla 6200v sitten äänittämässä Fiat Luxin käynnistysääniä eikä Lilithin turhaa läähätystä Aatamin alla. Eikä Eevan leivontaa, these are a cinch. Eritis sicut dii eli ruikitte pian lisää luotuja niinkuin mä. Enfin le sombre quolibet d’Elohim : Voici Adam devenu comme l’un de nous :(. Ja vielä discordianismin À la plus belle !… Ja Quos ego, sanat neitsyt Virgiluksen Aeneidissä, jonka Neptunus, Rooman meren jumala, lausuu tottelemattomille ja kapinallisille tuulille. Virgiluksen lause on esimerkki aposiopesis-nimisestä puhehahmosta. Vittu siinäkin on kans yx paska.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 117: The standard line is that the 'deus' is Octavian. Interpretations of the First Eclogue have now come full circle. Much significant scholarship has centered around the problems inherent in an identification of the deus with Octavian. Some critics maintain that the poem is Virgil's thank-offering to Octavian for protection from land confiscation; others, though fewer in number, are equally as insistent that the eclogue expresses the poet's disapproval of his government´s land policy. A recent attempt has been made to unite the basic arguments of both sides into a more balanced statement. According to this interpretation Octavian is regarded as "having wrought both good and evil" in the past, but Virgil succeeds in revealing him to be "a savior, a force for good, and a source of hope for the future." To the contrary, I propose that an even stronger case can, and ought, be made that, in the First Eclogue, Virgil not only condemns the government land policy, but he also adroitly queries the very structure of Octavian's political program and ethic during this period.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 142: Neptune is angry with the winds, whom Juno released to start a storm and harass the Trojan hero and protagonist Aeneas. Neptune berates the winds for causing a storm without his approval, but breaks himself off mid-threat:
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 219: On vaikea muodostaa kokonaiskuvaa Peregrinoksen elämästä ja tämän omista päämääristä, sillä Lukianos esittää tämän negatiivisessa valossa osin henkilökohtaisista syistä. Lukianoksen mukaan Peregrinos surmasi isänsä kuristamalla; liittyi kristittyjen seuraan hyötyäkseen heistä taloudellisesti; hankkiutui vangituksi, jotta saisi mainetta; antoi perintönsä pois, jotta hänen kotikaupunkinsa asukkaat suhtautuisivat häneen jälleen suopeasti; opiskeli Agathobuloksen oppilaana tullakseen entistä rivommaksi; pilkkasi roomalaisia pelkästä kunnianhimosta; ja surmasi itsensä tullakseen kuuluisaksi.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 280: Deux chercheurs, nous dit Y. Coppens, qui épiaient à travers le trou d’une serrure (sic) le comportement d’un chimpanzé qu’ils avaient enfermé avec un régime de banane pendu au plafond et avec des moyens de l’atteindre pourvu qu’un minimum de réflexion fût mis en œuvre par l’animal, furent surpris de ne voir… que l’œil du singe qui, tout comme eux, regardait à travers ce trou. «
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 282: Jamais démonstration n’avait été si convaincante ! », écrit Y. Coppens, en ce sens que cette expérience, conçue pour montrer « s’il en était besoin » que le chimpanzé est intelligent.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 387: Tää on siis koe. Jos tästä sielun kurjuudesta huolimatta, jonka kurjuutta teeskentelen ilman myönnytyksiä tai sääliä, hän kuitenkin jatkaa edelleen ja haluaa mut rakastajattarexi, niin hän ei ole arvokkaampi minulle kuin joku toinen, enkä edusta hänen intohimolleen muuta kuin sitä yhtä paikkaa, vain summaa nautinnoista, juomaa, joka on samanlainen kuin skottiviski; notta lopulta hän nauraisi todellisuudelleni, jos hän voisi aistia sen.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 400: Mutta minun on myönnettävä, että kauneuden siteet ovat vahvoja ja synkkiä. En ollut tietoinen heidän luontaisesta voimastaan, kun kimeerani huijaamana uskalsin työntyä kupupää edellä tähän intohimoon. Olin jo tullut hiänen lihaan pipu edellä tyyliin Sarrja! Sarrja! Laukaus! Laukaus! kuin Phil Roth maxapalaan, kun ikuisesti pettyneenä halusin ravistaa sen kuivaxi, mutta heräsin, vähän kuin Gulliver Lilliputissa, kassit monta miljoonaa siimahäntää keventyneinä.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 664: Epäinhimillisen jalat aran sydämellä
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 723: ― Millaista typeryyttä hänellä on arkielämässä? kysyi Edison. "Häneen on tarttunut ", vastasi lordi Ewald, "se niin sanottu negatiivinen, naurettava järki, joka yksinkertaisesti rajaa kaiken ja jonka havainnot liittyvät vain merkityksettömiin arkipäiväisyyxiin, joiden intohimoiset kannattajat painokkaasti kutsuvat asioita "jalat maassa" nimellä. Ikään kuin nämä tylsät asiat, jotka olisi sovittava mahdollisimman hiljaa, imisivät tässä vaiheessa kaikki huolet todellisten elävien keskuudessa!
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 770: Omatuntoni turhaan huutaa minulle, että se haluis prostituoidun sydämen. Tämän ensimmäisen rakkauden minussa inspiroimat erittäin ratkaisevat pohdiskelut vieraantuivat suuresti kaikista naisista ja johtivat minut parantumattomimpaan pernaan. Aluksi kiihkeä intohimoni tämän naisen linjoja, ääntä, hajuvettä ja ulkoista viehätystä kohtaan muuttui absoluuttiseksi platonismiksi. Hänen moraalinen olemuksensa jäädytti aistini ikuisiksi ajoiksi: niistä tuli puhtaasti mietiskeleviä. Jos näkisin hänessä rakastajattaren, se etoisi minua tänään! Yhden ainoan kerran elämässäni (siellä Louvressa) tunsin sen turpoavan. Taino, ehkä vähän useamminkin. Silti vittu!
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 777: Hehkulampun kexijä hehkuttaa lisää: Ensinnäkin tulen reinkarnoimaan kaiken tämän ulkonäön, joka on sinulle niin herkullisen kuolevaista, ilmestykseksi, jonka inhimillinen kaltaisuus ja viehätys ylittävät toiveesi ja kaikki unelmasi! Sitten tämän sielun tilalle, joka tympäsee sua Alisassa, hengitän toisenlaista sielua, joka on vähemmän tietoinen itsestään, ehkä (- ja toisaalta, mitä me siitä tiedämme? ja mitä väliä!-) mutta vihjailevaa. vaikutelmien puolesta tuhat kertaa kauniimpi, jalompi, ylevämpi, toisin sanoen puettu siihen ikuisuuden luonteeseen, jota ilman kaikki on vain komediaa elävien keskuudessa.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 781: Varustan tämän Varjon kaikilla tarinankertoja Hoffmannin Antonian lauluilla, Edgard Poën Ligéiasin intohimoisilla mystisyyksillä ja voimakkaan muusikon Wagnerin Venuksen kiihkeillä viettelyillä! Lopuksi, lunastaakseni olemuksesi, väitän pystyväni - ja todistamaan teille etukäteen jälleen kerran, että positiivisesti voin - tuoda esiin nykyisen ihmistieteen lieteestä olennon, joka on tehty meidän kuvaksemme, ja joka tulee olemaan meille, mitä me olemme Jumalalle. Eli miellyttävä panopuu, yhtä säveä kuin Ruth.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 828: "Herra Ewald", jatkoi Edison, "varmasti olet jaloin luonto, jonka olen tavannut taivaan alla. Erittäin paha tähti on heittänyt valonsa sinuun ja johdattanut sinut rakkauden maailmaan: siellä unelmasi on pudonnut, siivet murrettu, pettymyksen tuovan naisen henkäykseen, jonka lakkaamaton dissonanssi herättää joka hetki eloon pistävän tylsyyden, joka polttaa sinut ja on välttämättä kohtalokas sinulle. Kyllä, olet yksi niistä viimeisistä suurista surullisista ihmisistä, jotka eivät uskalla selviytyä tällaisesta koettelemuksesta huolimatta heidän ympärillään olevista esimerkkeistä, jotka taistelevat sairautta, kurjuutta ja rakkautta vastaan. - Ensimmäisen pettymyksen tuska oli sinussa sellainen, että luulet olevasi vapautettu siitä lähimmäisiäsi kohtaan, - koska halveksit heitä, koska he ovat antautuneet elämään tällaisten kohtaloiden ruoskan alla. Perna on heittänyt käärinliinansa ajatuksiesi päälle ja nyt tämä vapaaehtoisen kuoleman kylmä neuvonantaja lausuu korvassasi sanan, joka vakuuttaa. Olet pahimmillasi. Kysymys on vain tunteista sinulle, olet juuri ilmoittanut sen minulle selvästi; Siksi kriisin lopputulos ei ole enää edes epäselvä. Jos ylität tämän kynnyksen, se on todellakin pieni kuolema: se näkyy välittömänä koko henkilöstäsi, ei vaan molosta.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 927: ― Riittää, kun huomaa tarkata katsetta, jolla moderni nainen kääntyy ympärilleen, katsoo ohikulkijattaren pukua, niin on siitä ikuisesti vakuuttunut. ”Koska hänessä, intohimoisesta näkökulmasta katsottuna, turhuuksien turhuus hallitsee tai tikistää parempia motiiveja ja koska rakastus on (kaikista vastalauseista huolimatta) hänelle lähes aina vain toissijaista. Olla vain suositeltavampi, se on kaikki mitä hän haluaa. Tämä on tämän sfinksin ainut sana. Valize minut, arvaa tai syön sinut. Tästä syystä jokainen meidän sivistynyt kaunottaremme, harvoja poikkeuksia lukuun ottamatta, aina jossain määrin halveksii häntä, joka rakastaa hiäntä, koska jälkimmäinen on jo yksin syyllinen siihen korvaamattomaan rikokseen, ettei hän enää vertaa hiäntä muihin. Nuuskii vaan muita hameenalusia. Kun taas Don Juan ja Casanova, Byron, Goethe, Bellow, Roth - no riittäköön tästä aiheesta. You get the point.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 57: Nicolas Malebranche Oratory of Jesus (/mælˈbrɒnʃ/ mal-BRONSH, French: [nikɔla malbʁɑ̃ʃ]; 6 August 1638 – 13 October 1715) was a French Oratorian Catholic priest and rationalist philosopher. In his works, he sought to synthesize the thought of St. Augustine and Descartes, in order to demonstrate the active role of God in every aspect of the world. Malebranche is best known for his doctrines of vision in God, occasionalism and ontologism. Because of a malformed spine, Malebranche received his elementary education from a private tutor. Having rejected scholasticism, He eventually left the Sorbonne, and entered the Oratory in 1660. There, he devoted himself to ecclesiastical history, linguistics, the Bible, and the works of Saint Augustine. Malebranche was ordained a priest in 1664.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 59: In 1664, Malebranche first read Descartes' Treatise on Man, an account of the physiology of the human body. Malebranche's biographer, Father Yves André reported that Malebranche was influenced by Descartes’ book because it allowed him to view the natural world without Aristotelian scholasticism. (Okay, siis taas tämmönen uskonnon apologisti pahan luonnontieteen kynsistä.) Malebranche spent the next decade studying Cartesianism.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 63: Malebranche was giving in to laws of cause an effect by placing a greater emphasis than he had previously done on his occasionalist account of causation, and particularly on his contention that God acted for the most part through "general volitions" and only rarely, as in the case of miracles, through "particular volitions". A bitter dispute ensued between Malebranche and his fellow Cartesian, Arnauld, whose name I remember from Chomsky's airy forays to Port-Royal grammar in the 60's. Over the next few years, the two men wrote enough polemics against one another to fill four volumes of Malebranche's collected works and three of Arnauld's. Arnauld's supporters managed to persuade the Roman Catholic Church to place Nature and Grace on its Index of Prohibited Books in 1690, and it was followed there by the Search nineteen years later in 1709. (Ironically, the Index already contained several works by the Jansenist Arnauld himself.) Somebody blamed Malebranche for being a Spinozan, which Nick himself vehemently demented. 1715 - Malebranche dies.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 83: Kun käännyn itseeni, en pysty tunnistamaan mitään kykyjäni tai kykyjäni. Sisäinen tunne, joka minulla on itsestäni, kertoo minulle, että olen, että ajattelen, että tahdon, että minulla on aistitietoisuus, että kärsin ja niin edelleen; mutta se ei anna minulle tietoa siitä, mitä olen – ajatusteni, tunteideni, intohimoni tai tuskani luonteesta tai kaikkien näiden asioiden välisistä keskinäisistä suhteista. ...minulla ei ole aavistustakaan sielustani.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 132: When the season closed, García immediately took his operatic troupe to New York. This was the first time that Italian opera was performed in New York. Over a period of nine months, Maria sang the lead roles in eight operas, two of which were written by her father. In New York, she met and hastily married a banker, Francois Eugene Malibran, who was 28 years her senior. It is thought that her father forced Maria to marry him in return for the banker's promise to give Manuel García 100,000 francs. However, according to other accounts, she married simply to escape her tyrannical father. A few months after the wedding, her husband declared bankruptcy, and Maria was forced to support him through her performances. After a year, she left Malibran and returned to Europe. Malibran is most closely associated with the operas of Rossini. Norma kyllä oli Bellinin. Yhtään Malibranin levytystä ei ole säilynyt.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 140: Alboni was born at Città di Castello, in Umbria. She became a pupil of Antonio Bagioli [it] of Cesena, Emilia–Romagna, and later of the composer Gioachino Rossini, who became her 'perpetual honorary adviser' in (and then the principal of) the Liceo Musicale, now Conservatorio Giovanni Battista Martini, in Bologna. Rossini tested the humble thirteen-year-old girl himself, had her admitted to the school with special treatment, and even procured her an early engagement to tour his Stabat Mater around Northern Italy, so that she could pay for her studies. Hmm... A favourable contract was signed by Rossini himself, "on behalf of Eustachio Alboni", Mariettas father, who was still a minor. The singer remained, throughout her life, deeply grateful to her ancient "maestro", nearly a second father to her. Hmm hmm... Marietta oli aika pulska emäntä. Se lahjoitti köyhille koko omaisuutensa, sanoen että mikä laulaen tulee se viheltäen menee.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 219: Neiti Evelyn edusti minulle alkeellisimman yhtälön x:ää, koska tiesin siinä kaksi termiä: Anderson ja hänen kuolemansa. Useat hänen tyylikkäät ystävänsä olivat vakuuttaneet minulle (kunniansa vuoksi!), että tämä olento oli todellakin kaunein ja rakkain lapsi, jota he olivat koskaan salaa himoineet taivaan alla. Valitettavasti (katso kuinka voin!) en tunnistanut niistä kuvauxista mitään nimenomaista piirrettä, edes epäilyttävässä muodossa, jota he kiirehtivät vannomaan minulle siellä niin myönteisesti.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 274: Näin ollen, kun otetaan huomioon, että – tiettyjen petollisten keinojen käyttöönoton ansiosta – jos yksi näistä naisista, hyödyntäen yhtä niistä vaarallisista sairaalloisen heikkouden hetkestä, jolloin kaikki elävät olennot, jopa miehisetkin, voivat joutua puolustuskyvyttömiksi, pystyi pitkällä aikavälillä siis intohimoiseen sokeuteen asti komea, nuori, rohkea mies, joka on tunnollinen velvollisuuksistaan, ansainnut omaisuutensa, jolla on korkea älykkyys ja alkuarvo, joka on tähän asti moitteeton, - kyllä, Vakuutan, että minusta on reilua kieltää tältä naiselta vapaa oikeus käyttää hyväksi inhimillistä kurjuutta siihen pisteeseen, että hän johdatti tämän miehen tietoisesti tai ei, minne se helvetin hyppääjä, josta puhun, ajoi ystäväni.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 294: Jos jotkut näyttävät ensi silmäyksellä kauniilta, vakuutan, että heidän kasvojensa tai heidän ruumiinsa on ehdottomasti tarjottava joitain surullisen kuuluisia, ala-arvoisia piirteitä, jotka vääristävät loput ja joihin heidän olemuksensa käännetään: elämä ja ylilyönnit vahvistavat pian näitä epämuodostumia. - Ja nyt on sanottava, että kun otetaan huomioon heidän sytyttämä intohimonsa, kun tämänkaltaisen intohimon on saatava aikaan nämä synkät seuraukset, se ei suinkaan johdu heidän harhaanjohtavasta kauneudesta heidän vahingollinen voimansa rakastajaansa kohtaan! mutta monet näistä vain vastenmielisistä piirteistä, jotka vain saavat tämän rakastajan sietämään sitä pientä tavanomaista kauneutta, jota he häpäisevät. Voiko ohikulkija haluta näille naisille tätä kauneutta: heidän rakastajaansa? ei koskaan.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 359: "Eikö hän ollut ihana lapsi, rakas herra?" sanoi Edison. Hei! Hei! Kaiken kaikkiaan ystäväni Edward Andersonin intohimo ei ollut käsittämätöntä. - Mitkä lantiot! miten kauniit punaiset hiukset! poltettua kultaa, todellakin! Ja tuo iho niin lämpimästi kalpea? Ja ne pitkät silmät niin ainutlaatuiset? Nämä pienet kynnet ruusun terälehdissä, joissa aamunkoitto näyttää itkeneen, niin paljon ne loistavat? Ja ne kauniit suonet, jotka näyttävät itsensä tanssin jännityksen alla? Se käsivarsien ja kaulan nuorekas hehku? Se helmiäishymy, jossa märät kiilteet leikkivät kauniilla hampailla! Ja tuo punainen suu? Ja nuo kauniit kullanruskeat kulmakarvat, niin hyvin kaarevat? Ne sieraimet niin terävät, tärisevät kuin perhosen siivet? Tämä tiukan täyteläinen liivi, josta vihjasi nariseva satiini! Nuo jalat niin kevyet, niin veistokselliset? Nuo henkisesti kaarevat pienet jalat? ―Ah!… Edison päätti syvään huokaisten, luonto on kaunis kaikesta huolimatta! Ja tässä on pala kuningasta, kuten runoilijat sanovat!
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 377: "Ecce puella!" hän itki. Tässä on säteilevä Evelyn Habal toimitettu, riisuttu hänen muista nähtävyyksistä. Eikö olekin kuolla haluun! Ah! povera innamorata! "Kuinka kimalteleva hän on! Herkullinen unelma! Millaisia ​​intohimoja ja jaloa rakkautta se voi sytyttää tai inspiroida! Eikö yksinkertainen luonto olekin kaunis? Voimmeko koskaan kilpailla tämän kanssa? Minun täytyy olla epätoivoinen. Lasken pääni. - Eh? mitä mieltä olet?… ― Olen vain Fixed-Suggestionin sinnikkyyden vuoksi velkaa tämän asennon. – Pilkkaaminen! Uskotko, että jos Anderson olisi nähnyt hänet sellaisena ensimmäistä kertaa, hän ei edelleenkään istuisi kotona vaimonsa ja lastensa välissä, mikä oli loppujen lopuksi lepäämisen arvoista? ― Mikä "wc" kuitenkin on? Naisilla on ketterät sormet! Ja kun ensivaikutelma on syntynyt, kerron teille, että Illuusio on sitkeä ja ruokkii kaikkein vastenmielisimpiä virheitä: - kunnes se tarttuu dementoituneilla kimeerikynsillä rumuuteen, vaikka se olisikin vastenmielinen kaikkien välillä.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 426: Todellakin, jos voisit jälkikäteen näkeä rakastamasi positiivisen alun ja sen, missä muodossa hän oli, kun hän ensin sekoittui äitinsä kohdunkaulassa, uskon, että useimmat rakastavaiset tunteisivat intohimonsa romahtavan tunteeksi, jossa lugubriteetti kiistelisi absurditeetin kanssa. ja kuvittelematon toimisi pistetuomarina. (Häh mixi niin? Kyllä suxi luistaa vaikka tietää millä suxivoiteella se on lubrikoitu.)
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 442: Alva latoo lisää perusteluja mixi silikoninukke on enemmän kuin riittävä. - Rakastunut ? Ah! Jos kaksi rakastajaa voisi koskaan todella nähdä toisensa sellaisena kuin he ovat ja todella tietäisi mitä he ajattelevat ja miten he ajattelevat toisistaan, heidän intohimonsa katoaisi minuutilta! Totta kyllä että ruumiikkaiden ihratynnörien punnerrus ja äherrys pukilla voisi niitä videona izeäänkin ällöttää. Se on hyvin harhaanjohtavaa, sanoi nuori mies surullisesti. Mutta… aina kuulla samat sanat! nähdä partneri aina saman ilmeen mukana, vaikka kuinka ihailtavan! ― Luulen, että tämä komedia näyttää pian… yksitoikkoiselta. "Termennän", vastasi Edison, "että kahden toisiaan rakastavan olennon välillä mikä tahansa uutuus ulkonäössä voi johtaa vain arvovallan heikkenemiseen, intohimon muuttamiseen ja unelmien lentämiseen. Tästä johtuu rakastajien nopea kylläisyys, kun he havaitsevat tai uskovat havaitsevansa pitkällä aikavälillä todellisen vastavuoroisen luonteensa, joka on vapautettu keinotekoisista verhoista, joilla kukin heistä koristaa itsensä miellyttääkseen toistaan. Se on jopa vain ero heidän unelmaansa, jonka he edelleen näkevät täällä! Ja se riittää, että he usein alkavat kokea inhoa ja vihaa."
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 458: Sähköasentaja keräsi itsensä hetken, sitten: ― Ikuistaa yksi rakkauden tunti, ― kaunein, ― esimerkiksi se, jossa molemminpuolinen lupaus katoaa ensimmäisen työnnällyxen alla, oi! lopeta se ohimennen, korjaa se ja määrittele itsesi siellä! ilmennä hänen henkeään ja hänen viimeistä toivettaan! eikö se olisi kaikkien ihmisten unelma? Eikö parhaat ole ne kolme sanaa heti erän alussa: syönnä, maxoin runsaasti? Ize asiassa bylsintä on aika lailla typ toisto tyylikeinona, mutta näyttää silti kaikille hyvin kelpaavan. Ei siinä paljon improvisoida, kun pelivälineet, pallot mailat ja pussit on aina samat, sama muna suorassa ja sama virsikirja avoinna. Jokainen apinallisesti mahdollinen asana on jo näytetty kama sutrassa. Suurin osa niistä on aika epämukavia.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 479: Ja kuinka epäröisit pitää parempana ajan säästönä ihailtavia sanatiivisteitä (töräyxiä eli aforismeja), joiden muodostavat ne, joilla on puhetaito, ajattelutapa ja jotka voivat ilmaista yksinään koko ihmiskunnan tuntemuksia! Nämä maailmanmiehet ovat analysoineet intohimoiden hienovaraisimmat vivahteet. Se on olemus, jonka he yksin ovat säilyttäneet, jonka he ilmaisevat tiivistämällä tuhansia niteitä yhdelle sivulle. He olemme me, keitä tahansa olemme. He ovat Proteuksen jumalan inkarnaatioita, joka valvoo sydämiämme. Kaikki ajatuksemme, sanamme, tunteemme, karaatin painottuna, ovat heidän mielessään merkittyjä kaukaisimpiin seurauksiinsa, joihin emme uskalla mennä, uskaltakaa! He tietävät etukäteen ja parhaansa mukaan kaiken, mitä intohimomme voivat ehdottaa meille voimakkuutta, taikuutta ja ihanteita. Emme pysty parempaan, vakuutan teille: - enkä ymmärrä miksi meidän pitäisi vaivautua puhumaan huonommin, koska haluamme luottaa epäpätevyyteemme, sillä verukkeella, että se on ainakin henkilökohtaista - sitten se tämä, näet, on edelleen vain illuusio.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 516: Eli toisin sanoen, Edison on jo kylästynyt tähän prototyyppiin, ja on sixi kauppaamassa sitä eteenpäin. "Siksi, kuluu tunti ja kuka ei tiedä mistä olen kotoisin, olen täällä tänä yönä haudassa, yritän - narulla, joka sisältää kaiken inhimillisen melankolian - ja autan minua, kuten voin, vanhaa. Kielletty Tiede - korjata ainakin mirage, - ei muuta kuin mirage, valitettavasti! ― se, jota salaperäinen Clemencesi antoi minun aina toivoa. Mirage-hävittäjä on jo vanhanaikainen, eikä Suomi ostanut edes sen seuraajaa Rafalea. » Kyllä, nämä olivat enemmän tai vähemmän ne insinöörin taka-ajatuxet, jotka synkän mestariteoksen analyysi todella peitti. Se oli vähän niikö sanomassa vanhalle panopuulleen näkemiin. Vaikka käytetty, tällä on taulussa tosi vähän kilometrejä, se on toiminut vaan vanhuxen torikassina.
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 136: "Tulkaa sisään, neiti Alicia Clary! Ystäväni lordi Ewald odottaa sinua mitä intohimoisimmalla kärsimättömyydellä: ja - sallikaa minun uskaltaa sanoa se - minusta on aivan oikeutettua katsoa sinua.
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 312: Modernilla maulla koristeltu Olympian Venuksen patsas vaikutti jäätyneeltä tässä asenteessa: ja hänen kasvojensa kauneus oli tässä hetkessä puettu yli-inhimilliseen heijastukseen.
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 449: Kerro minulle, missä mielessä tämä tapa rakastaa toisianne näyttää teistä niin ylemmältä tai niin kohtuuttomalta? Joten ennen kaikkea se, että hän näyttää minusta niin luonnolliselta ja ainoalta, joka ei jätä huolta eikä katumusta? Kaikki intohimon kiihkeimmät hyväilyt ovat siellä moninkertaistettuina, tuhat kertaa intensiivisempiä ja todellisempia, jalostettuja, muuttuneita, sallittuja! ― Mitä viehätystä löydät siitä, että halveksit aina parasta, olemuksesi ikuista? Ah! jos en pelkäsi kuulla nuorta nauruasi, valitettavasti! niin epätoivoisena ja silti niin suloisena, kertoisin teille monia muita asioita, tai pikemminkin vaiti, kärsisimme jumalallisia!...
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 484: Tästä sanasta nuori mies tunsi itsensä helvetin loukkaantuneexi. Varmasti, jos Edison sillä hetkellä olisi ollut paikalla, lordi Ewald olisi kaikkea inhimillistä huomiotta uhmaamatta yhtäkkiä ja kylmästi murhannut hänet (muist. sillä oli kuudestilaukeava pistooli koko ajan messissä). Veri syöksyi takaisin hänen valtimoihinsa. Hän näki asiat kuin tummanpunaisessa valossa. Hänen kaksikymmentäseitsemän vuoden olemassaolonsa ilmestyi hänelle hetkessä. Hänen pupillinsa, jotka olivat laajentuneet tosiasian monimutkaisen kauhun vuoksi, kiinnittyivät Andreihin. Hänen sydämensä, jota hirvittävä katkeruus puristi, poltti hänen rintaansa kuin jääpala.
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 490: Ei pystynyt keräämään izeään, liian hapokasta, hän sulki silmänsä: sitten pyyhki kuumeisen kätensä kämmenellä muutaman kylmän hikipisaran ohimoistaan.
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 500: Sitten hän näki, että syvällä hänen älykkyytensä syvyyksissä syttyi äkillinen ajatus, joka oli itsessään vielä yllättävämpi kuin juuri nyt tapahtunut ilmiö. Viime kädessä nainen, jota edustaa tämä salaperäinen nukke, joka istui hänen vieressään, ei ollut koskaan löytänyt hänestä mitään, mikä saisi hänet tuntemaan juuri tuntemansa suloisen ja ylevän intohimon hetken.
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 574: Vai niin! älä herää minusta! Älä karkota minua sillä tekosyyllä, että petollinen Järki, joka voi vain tuhota, kuiskaa jo sinulle. Muista, että muissa maissa syntyneinä ajattelisit muiden tapojen mukaan ja ettei ihmiselle ole muuta totuutta kuin se, jonka hän suostuu uskomaan kaikkien muiden joukossa - niin kyseenalainen kuin hän valitseekin: valitse joka tekee sinusta jumalan. " Kuka olen ? sinä kysyit? Minun olemukseni tässä alla, ainakin sinulle, riippuu vain vapaasta tahdostasi. Tunnusta minulle oleminen, vahvista, että olen! vahvista minua itselläsi. Ja yhtäkkiä olen teidän silmissänne melko elänyt sen todellisuuden asteesta, jolla luova Hyvä Tahtonne on imenyt minut. Kuten nainen, olen sinulle vain se, minkä uskot minun olevan. "Ajatteletko elävää?" Vertailla! Jo väsynyt intohimosi ei enää edes tarjoa sinulle maata; – Minä, Mahdoton, kuinka minä kyllästyisin muistuttamaan teitä taivaasta! Ja nyt saat naija mua!
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 601: Usko, että maan päällä on aina yksinäisyyttä niille, jotka ovat sen arvoisia! Emme edes ansaitse nauraa niille, jotka jätät, vaikka voimme palata heidän luokseen murhanhimoisena kuluneena, heidän tyhmien, ikävystyneiden ja sokeiden sarkasmin, humalassa ylpeydestä, ikuisesti naurettavasta, lapsellisesta ja tuomitusta.
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 761: Nyt on aika kertoa teille, herraseni, että kauniin Evelyn Habalin, keinotekoisen tytön kuoleman jälkeen pidin velvollisuuteni näyttää Sowanalle Philadelphiasta tuomani burleskijäännökset oopiumisaaliin muodossa. . ― Samalla välitin hänelle jo hyvin selvän luonnoksen käsityksestäni Hadalysta. Ette usko, millä synkällä, uudella ja kostonhimoisella ilolla hän toivotti ja rohkaisi projektiani! "Hänellä ei ollut hengähdystaukoa ennen kuin aloin töihin!" ― Ja minun piti aloittaa ja sitten omaksua itseni tähän työhön siinä määrin, että työni valaisevien voimien ja lukemattomien lamppujen parissa, jotka minun oli määrä saada valmiiksi ihmiskunnan puolesta, kärsi kahden vuoden viiveestä: ― joka menetti miljoonia, olkoon se sitten. sanoi hymyillen! "Lopuksi, kun kaikki Andrein orgasmin hienoudet oli selvitetty, kokosin ne niiden kirkastavaan yhteyteen ja esitin hänelle ilmestyksen, elottoman nuoren panssarin.
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 837: "Minä riistän teiltä yli-inhimillisen mestariteoksen! sanoi lordi Ewald hetken kuluttua.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 57: Havelock argues that the story of Phryne swimming naked in the sea is probably a sensationalized fabrication. Because Plutarch saw the statues in Thespiae and Delphi himself. Cavallini does not doubt their existence. She does think that the love between Praxiteles and Phryne was an invention of later biographers. Thebes was restored in 315 or 316 BC, but it is doubtful if Phryne ever proposed to rebuild its walls. Diodorus Siculus writes that the Athenians rebuilt the greater part of the wall and that Cassander provided more aid later. He makes no mention of Phryne's alleged offer.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 88: The classical Athenian politician Solon is credited as being the first to institute legal public brothels. He did this as a public health measure, in order to contain adultery. The poet Philemon praised him for this measure in the following terms:
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 150: The plot centres on the neurotic young priest Serge Mouret, first seen in La Conquête de Plassans, as he takes his orders and becomes the parish priest for the uninterested village of Artauds. The inbred villagers have no interest in religion and Serge is portrayed giving several wildly enthusiastic Masses to his completely empty, near-derelict church. Serge not only seems unperturbed by this state of affairs but actually appears to have positively sought it out especially, for it gives him time to contemplate religious affairs and to fully experience the fervour of his faith. Eventually he has a complete nervous breakdown and collapses into a near-comatose state, whereupon his distant relative, the unconventional doctor Pascal Rougon (the central character of the last novel in the series, 1893's Le Docteur Pascal), places him in the care of the inhabitants of a nearby derelict stately home, Le Paradou.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 152: The novel then takes a complete new direction in terms of both tone and style, as Serge — suffering from amnesia and total long-term memory loss, with no idea who or where he is beyond his first name — is doted upon by Albine, the whimsical, innocent and entirely uneducated girl who has been left to grow up practically alone and wild in the vast, sprawling, overgrown grounds of Le Paradou. The two of them live a life of idyllic bliss with many Biblical parallels, and over the course of a number of months, they fall deeply in love with one another; however, at the moment they consummate their relationship, they are discovered by Serge's monstrous former monsignor and his memory is instantly returned to him. Wracked with guilt at his unwitting sins, Serge is plunged into a deeper religious fervour than ever before, and poor Albine is left bewildered at the loss of her soulmate. As with many of Zola's earlier works, the novel then builds to a horrible climax. Well not really. It is more like a horrible anticlimax.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 164: is first of all a misnomer because the priest is alive and well at the end. A mixture of social realism and Walt Disney, it is a tale about a delicate young French priest, Father Mouret (Francis Huster), who elects to take a parish in the provinces where the peasants have long since embraced every sin there is. The priest himself successfully sublimates his own lustful thoughts in prayer until one day he meets a strange young woman, Albine (Gillian Hills), who lives with her atheistic uncle in the remains of an old chateau set in the middle of a magic garden.Well, one thing leads to another and poor Father Mouret loses his memory long enough to lose himself to worldly pleasures in the garden with Albine, who, like Eve, tempts the man, though in this case the author is clearly in favor of apple-eating. Things go very badly for the couple. The priest returns to his church and Albine commits suicide in a way that is unique in my movie-going memory: She smothers herself to death with calla lilies.The actors are steadfastly unconvincing. The one interesting character in the film is an old lady we meet only after her death—someone, we're told in shocked tones, who, during the Revolution, posed naked as a living-statue of Reason.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 416: Ich, die himmlische, wills nicht versagen. Taivaan valta ei sitä voi kieltää.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 579: Projektityöntekijäni Inari jolla oli jalassa viisivarpaiset mustat kumijalkaterät oli japsufani, kuten v. 64 syntynyt Sujata Massey ja 1957 syntynyt Kristiina "Kride" Jokinen. (Kriden ikä ei selviä sen nettisivuilta mutta se on Kari Peizamon luokkatoveri Nokialta. ) Tähän paasauxeen on kerätty Sujauta Massiin v. 2014 "Suunami menestyxen rannikolla"- kirjan kylmiä paloja. Rei Shimura oli Kriden mielikirjailija. Molemmat on middlebrow eliskä keskikulmakarvaisia keskinkertaisia keskiluokkaisia kauppaopiston naisia. Hyperkorrekteja anaaliobsessiiveja. Vitun hölmöjä ennen kaikkea.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 581: Tämä Rei Shimuran "viimeisen" 2008 ilmestyneen Aloha Oe -kirjan (albumi 394) jälkilämmitys on vlta 2016.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 661: 21. Tänä iltana tätini oli tehnyt ---. Pääruokana oli semikanaa jonka setä oli tehnyt tavaratalon valmiista setistä. Hiroshima setä oli pääammatiltaan pankkineuvoja.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 700: 40. Suurikokoinen susikoirauros Ninja murisi Hachikolle ja heitti siihen alistavia kazeita. Oliko se homo? Samanlainen koira kuin isäntä, suoraselkäinen kersantti Ohimo. Tässä kohteessa hyödyllisin koulutus on ruumiskoiran koulutus kuten minulla sanoo kers. Ohimo. Sujauttaja ei tiedä mitään koirista.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 702: 41. Jeepin muovi-ikkunat oli avattu. Pahanhajuista ilmaa sisällä. Kersantti Ohimo on eri ikävä. Hahaa onnexi mauton neiti Kimura löytyy ruumiina.Tunnistettiin lakkanapeista ja sinisestä tukasta. Kukaan ei moiti teitä pyörtymisestä.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 709: 44. Rei-lu ämmä oli saanut kuvan Mayumista läpikotaisin epämiellyttävän nuorena naisena. Paremman näköisenä nuorempana kilpailijana 80v vanhan äijän suosiosta. Voi himskatti.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 751: 58. Gigolo Michaelin 1. vaimo oli kuollut jossain toisessa gadasdrofissa. Ainakin Michael saa Fukushimasta lisää lavasäteilyä. Lähetin sille kuvia mun Tushista.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 774: 66. Reimari menee homokylpylään viettämään fiktiivistä transuelämää. Lyön vetoa että Sujatalla on tässä oma pyhä hindulehmä ojassa. Suositeltu sali oli pieni, ja mustat seinät, himmeä valaistus ympäri paikkaa asetellut pehmotiikerit, -gepardit ja -leopardit saivat sen vaikuttamaan vielä pienemmältä. Sinuna en pyllistäisi noille gepardeille, ne näyttävät nopeilta. Baarijakkaroiden tyynyt oli verhoiltu seeprakuvioisella velourilla, ja hohtava baaritiski näytti olevan eebenpuujäljitelmää. Seksikäs japanilainen baarimikko, jolla oli punaiseksi värjätty tukka ja perinteikäs musta nahkaliivi eikä mitään sen alla, viittoi meitä istuutumaan kahdelle parhaimmista paikoista.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 804: 77. Tyttärenne napit voidaan liittää osaxi perintökokoelmaanne. Ei mennyt sitten hukkaan sekään ihminen. Saatte ne izellenne, lupaa Rei reilusti. Ne ovat upeita. Voi se on hieno lahja. Te todella välitätte. Niin, sanoin hiljaa. Vizi että Rei Shimura on ellottava henkilö, ja Sujata.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 874: He declared that there was no reliable evidence whatsoever that six million Jews had been murdered in the Holocaust. He stated his belief that Jesus was counterfeit and Adolf Hitler was the real messiah and saviour, whose eventual resurrection would make him Jordan the spiritual leader of the future.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 878: While Tyndall was inside Jordan hastily married his fiancee Miss Dior. Tyndall got sore and founded his own, even greater Britain movement. Make Britain Great Again. Bugger. Jordan's first wife was French socialite Françoise Dior, the niece of fashion designer Christian Dior. She, too, was a Nazi and helped fund various right-wing causes after the war. Dior had an incestuous relationship with her own daughter Christiane, before playing an active role in her child's suicide. Soon Dior found Jordan bourgeois and divorced him. Jordan's second partner Joanna Saffrany was probably a --- Hungarian!
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 880: Jordan was the faeces of the National Socialist Movement, which was later rebranded as the British Movement. The group campaigned to repatriate all immigrants of colour and for Jews to be shipped off to Israel. Jordan claimed that it was his group that invented the much publicised "If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Tory Liberal or Labour" slogan. Jordan was reportedly fined for stealing three pairs of red knickers from Tesco in 1975. Magistrates fined him £50 for the offence.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 892: In 1963, a report from the Defamation League found that Rockwell had only 16 “troopers” in residence with him in a rickety two-story barracks in Arlington, Virginia. The plumbing was faulty and the American Nazis were subsisting on canned hash, chicken stew and even cat food, the report said.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 99: Apotti kuitenkin muisti, että hän oli eräänä päivänä ristinyt jalkansa luokassa. Kun professori moitti häntä, hän oli muuttunut hyvin punaiseksi, ikään kuin hän olisi syyllistynyt sopimattomuuteen. Hän oli yksi parhaista opiskelijoista, ei riidellyt, vaan oppi tekstit ulkoa. Hän todisti Jumalan olemassaolon ja ikuisuuden Pyhästä Raamatusta saaduilla todisteilla, kirkon isien mielipiteillä ja kaikkien kansojen yleisellä suostumuksella. Tämän luonteiset perustelut täyttivät hänet horjumattomalla varmuudella. Ensimmäisen filosofian vuoden aikana hän työsti logiikkakurssiaan sellaisella sovelluksella, että hänen professorinsa oli pysäyttänyt hänet toistaen hänelle, että oppineimmat eivät ole kaikkein pyhimpiä. Lisäksi hän suoritti toisesta vuodestaan lähtien metafysiikan opiskelunsa sekä säännellyn tehtävän osallistumalla hyvin pieneen osuuteen päivän harjoituksissa. Häneen tuli tieteen halveksuminen; hän halusi pysyä tietämättömänä säilyttääkseen uskonsa nöyryyden.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 118: Pitkän aikaa hän oli pitänyt tallinsä seinällä värillistä kaiverrusta Marian pyhästä sydämestä. Tyynisti hymyilevä Neitsyt työnsi syrjään tissiliivinsä, osoitti punaista reikää polvivälissään, jossa hänen "sydämensä" paloi "miekan" pistämänä, valkoisten ruusujen ritarimerkin kruunaamana tammenlehvien keskellä. Tämä outo "miekka" ajoi hänet epätoivoon; se aiheutti hänelle sietämättömän kauhun naisten kärsimyksestä, jonka pelkkä ajatus vei hänet kaiken hurskaan alistumuksen ulkopuolelle. Hän pyyhki ja pumppasi mielellään vieraan "miekan" jätöxet pois, hän säilytti vain kruunun ja liekehtivän sydämen, puoliksi revittynä tästä upeasta lihasta tarjotakseen oman "miekkansa" annoxet tilalle. Silloin hän tunsi olevansa rakastettu. Maria antoi hänelle "sydämensä" reiän, elävän "sydämensä", kun se löi hänen kohdussaan, verestä ruusuisena tippuneena. Siellä ei ollut enää kuvaa hartaasta intohimosta, vaan aineellisuus, hellyyden ihme, joka hänen rukoillessaan ennen "kaiverrusta" sai hänet ojentamaan oman "miekkansa" max pitkäxi seivästääxeen siihen uskonnollisesti tahrattomasta kurkusta hyppivän "sydämen". Hän näki sen, hän kuuli sen lyövän. Ja häntä rakastettiin, kun "sydän" supisteli hänen puolestaan!
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 122: Ja kun hän oli jo antanut Marialle kaiken, ruumiinsa, sielunsa, maalliset omaisuutensa, hengelliset omaisuutensa, kassiensa koko sisällyxen, ollessaan alasti hänen edessään, hänen rukoustensa lopussa neitsyen litaniat pomppasivat taas hänen voimiinsa palanneesta mulkustaan, toistuvia vetoomuksia, itsepäisiä, hellittämättömiä nykäyxiä, jotka tarvitsivat äärimmäisen taivaallista ensiapua. Hänestä näytti, että hän kiipesi uudelleen halun portaikkoa; jokaisella "sydämen" aiheuttamalla pikku hypyllä hän kiipesi askeleen pystymmäxi. Ensin hän kutsui hiäntä pyhäksi. Sitten hän kutsui hiäntä Äidiksi, erittäin puhtaaksi, erittäin erittäinkin puhtaaksi, rakastettavaksi, ihailtavaksi. Ja hän jatkoi parantaen kuin sika vauhtiaan huutaen hänelle kuusi kertaa neitsyyttään, hänen pipunsa ikään kuin joka kerta virkistyi sanasta neitsyt, johon hän lisäsi ajatuksia voimasta, kestävyydestä ja uskollisuudesta. Kun hänen "sydämensä" kasvoi siitä aina korkeammalle, mitattuna asteilla, outo ääni, joka tuli hänen suonistaan, puhui hänessä paljastuen lopulta loistavana terhona. Hän olisi halunnut sulaa hajuveteen, venyä pituutta levittääxeen sitä selkeästi lisää, vanhentua musiikillisessa soudussa ja huopauksessa. Kun hän kutsui hiäntä oikeuden uuspeiliksi. viisauden käsipelixi, hänen puuilonsa lähteexi, hän näki itsensä peilistä kangistuneena himosta tässä pasianssipelissä, hän tumputti pajazon tyhjäxi nyt jo haaleille kivilaatoille, tarjosi smoothiejuomaa pitkin kulauxin tämän lähteen päihtymyksestä.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 126: Sitten yleensä tässä vaiheessa, hengästyneenä, ei vielä kylläisenä, mutta hänen sydämensä voiman paljastavien sanojen ansiosta hän saattoi vain ylistää häntä kuningattaren ja Pipsan tittelillä, jolla hän heitti häntä yhdeksän kertaa kuin suitsutusastiasta yhdeksän pistoa. Hänen laulunsa kuoli ilosta näissä lopullisen voiton huudoissa: neitsyiden kuningatar, kaikkien pyhien kuningatar, ilman syntiä sikana pantu kuningatar! Hän on aina korkeampi, loistava. Hän, viimeisellä askeleella, askeleella, jonka Marien hyvät tutut saavuttavat yksin, pysyi siellä hetken pyörryttynä keskellä hienovaraista limaa, joka hämmensi hänet, vielä liian kaukana suutelemaan sinisen mekon reunaa, tuntien jo miten esa rullaa terolta. Tuttu ikuinen halu mennä reittä ylös, kokeilla tätä yli-inhimillistä nautintoa.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 128: Kuinka monta kertaa kappelissa yhdessä lausutut Neitsyt-litaniat olivat jättäneet nuoren miehen näin, murtunein polvin, tyhjä kyrvänpää kädessä kuin suuren kaatumisen jälkeen! Seminaarista lähdön jälkeen isä Mouret oli oppinut rakastamaan Neitsyttä vielä enemmän. Hän omisti hänelle tämän intohimoisen kultin, jossa veli Archangias haisteli kullin hajua. Hänen mukaansa hiänen oli pelastettava kirkko jonkun suurenmoisen ihmelapsen toimesta, jonka lähestyvä ilmestyminen viehättäisi maan. Hän oli jumalattoman aikamme ainoa ihme, sininen rouva, joka näytti itsensä pienille paimenille, yöllinen valkeus, joka nähtiin kahden pilven välissä, ja jonka hunnun reuna vaelsi talonpoikien parransänkien yli.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 146: Yöllä tämä tulinen maaseutu sai oudon intohimon ryyppymisen. Hän nukkui epäsiistiisti, huojuen, vääntyneenä, raajat erillään, samalla kun hänestä hengitti suuria lämpimiä huokauksia, hikisen nukkujan voimakkaita tuoksuja. Maa näytti joltakin vahvalta Kybeleltä, joka oli pudonnut selkärangalleen, kuuensaan kurkku puolixi ulkona, vatsansa kuunvalossa, humalassa auringon lämmöstä ja haaveilemassa yhä uudesta hedelmöityksestä. Kaukana tätä korkeaa vartaloa pitkin Abbe Mouretin silmät seurasivat tietä Paradouhun, ohueen vaaleaan nauhaan, joka ulottui kuin korsetin kelluva pitsi. Hän kuuli veli Archangiaksen kohottavan pikkutyttöjen hameita, joita hän ruoski verille, sylkevän tyttöjen kasvoille, itse haisten pukille joka ei ole koskaan saanut tarpeexi. Hän näki Rosalien nauravan alhaalla himokkaana eläimenä jalat ilmassa, kun isä Bambousse heitti maanpaloja hänen kupeisiinsa.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 148: Outo himo vaivaa kotkaa: hän yhtäkkiä uskoi katseensa kiinnittäen katseensa kuun valaisemiin laseihin näkevänsä kirkon syttyvän sisältä uunin räjähdysmäisesti, juhlan helvetin loistolla, minne kääntyi toukokuu , kasvit, eläimet, Artaudien tyttäret, jotka raivoissaan ottivat hellapuita paljaiden reisiensä väliin. Sitten hän kumartui alaspäin ja näki Desireen pihan, täysin mustan, höyryävän. Hän ei pystynyt erottamaan selvästi kanien mökkejä, kanojen ahvenia ja ankkojen mökkejä. Se oli yksi massa, joka käpertyi hajuun ja nukkui samalla ruttohengityksellä. Tallin oven alta levisi hapan vuohen tuoksu; kun pikku possu selälleen makaamassa puhalsi raskaasti lähellä tyhjää kulhoa. Suuri kullanruskea kukko Alexandre lausui kuparisesta kurkusta huudon, joka heräsi kaukaa yksi kerrallaan kaikkien kylän kukkojen intohimoiseen huutoon.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 154: Sergellä seisoi hirmuisesti keskellä huonetta, kaksi ikkunaa auki, hän pysyi vapisemassa pelosta, joka sai hänet piilottamaan päänsä käsiinsä. Joten koko päivä huipentui tähän mielikuvaan blondista tytöstä, jolla oli melko pitkät kasvot, siniset silmät? Ja koko päivä meni sisään kahdesta avoimesta ikkunasta. Kaukana oli punaisen maan lämpöä, suurten kivien, kivissä kasvavien oliivipuiden, polkujen reunalla käsiään vääntävien viiniköynnösten intohimoa; lähempänä, se oli ihmisen hikeä, jonka Artaudista toi ilma, hautausmaan mauttomat tuoksut, kirkon suitsukkeiden tuoksut, jotka vääristyivät rasvahiuksisten tyttöjen hajuja; siellä oli vielä lannan höyryjä, aittapihan sumua, tukahduttavia bakteereita. Ja kaikki nämä hengitykset virtasivat sisään samaan aikaan, samassa tukahdutuksessa, niin ankarassa, sellaista väkivaltasta turvotusta, että se tukahdutti hänet. Hän sulki aistinsa, hän yritti tuhota ne. Mutta ennen häntä Albine ilmestyi jälleen kuin suuri kihokki, kasvatettu ja koristeltu tällä maaperällä. Hän oli tämän saastan luonnollinen kukka, herkkä auringossa, joka avasi valkeiden hartioidensa nuoren silmun, niin onnellinen eläessään, että hän hyppäsi sen varresta ja lensi suuhunsa tuoksuen sitä pitkällä naurullaan. Pappi huusi. Hän tunsi palovamman huulillaan. Se oli kuin tulisuihku, joka oli virzannut hänen suonissaan. Sitten hän turvaa etsiessään heittäytyi polvilleen Tahrattoman sikiämisen tahraantuneen patsaan eteen ja huusi kädet ristissä: - Neitsyiden pyhä neitsyt, rukoile puolestani! Päästä minut pikapikaa pukille!
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 162: Lapsen poskelle suutelemme hänen sieluaan. Vain lapsi voi sanoa nimesi sotkematta sitä. Myöhemmin suu pilaa, myrkyttää intohimot. Itsekään, joka rakastan sinua niin paljon, joka annoin itseni sinulle, en uskalla soittaa sinulle milloin tahansa, en esim nyt kun mulla jököttää näin rivosti, en halua sinun kohtaavan epäpuhtauksiani miehenä. Minä rukoilin, korjasin lihaani, nukuin vartiosi alla, elin siveästi; ja itken, kun näen tästä lipputangon nupista, etten ole vielä tarpeeksi kuollut tälle maailmalle ollakseni kihlattu. Oi Maria, ihana Neitsyt, miksi en ole viisivuotias, miksi en ole jäänyt lapseksi, joka liimahti huulensa kuviisi! Ottaisin sinut sydämeeni, laittaisin sinut sänkyyn vierelleni, halaisin sinua kuin ystävää, kuin ikäiseni tyttöä, minulla olisi tiukka mekkosi, lapsellinen hunnusi, sininen huivisi, kaikki mikä lapsuus, joka tekee sinusta isosiskon. En haluaisi suudella hiuksiasi, koska hiukset ovat alastomuutta, jota ei pitäisi nähdä; mutta suutelisin paljaita jalkojasi, yksi toisensa jälkeen, kokonaisia öitä, kunnes olisin poiminut huuliltani kultaiset ruusut, suoniemme mystiset ruusut. Noniin, tähän tais päästä pujahtamaan vähän tällästä pedofiliaa, sori siitä.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 170: Minä rakastan sinua sen kuolemassa, mikä elää ja mikä lisääntyy. Teen kanssasi ainoan avioliiton, jota sydämeni kaipaa. Menen korkeammalle, aina korkeammalle, kunnes olen saavuttanut uunin, jossa paistat pentuja. Siellä se on pimeä tähti, valtava valkoinen ruusu, jonka jokainen lehti palaa kuin kuu, hopeinen wc-istuin, josta säteilet niin viattomuuden liekkejä, että koko paratiisi pysyy valaistuna pyllyverhosi yhdellä hohteella. Kaikki mikä on valkoista, aamunkoitto, saavuttamattomien huippujen lumi, tuskin kuoriutuneet liljat, tuntemattomien lähteiden vesi, auringon kunnioittamien kasvien maito, neitsyiden hymyt, kuolleiden lasten sielut kehdossa, sade valkoisilla jaloillasi, suola, sokeri, kokaiini. Sitten minä nousen huulillesi kuin heppa sulattava hienovarainen liekki; Minä astun sisääsi sinun puoliksi avoimen alkusuusi kautta, ja häät pidetään, samalla kun arkkienkelit vapisevat ilostamme. Olla neitsyt, rakastaa itseä neitsyenä, säilyttää immenkalvo ja irroittamaton esinahka suloisimpien suudelmien keskellä! Kaikki rakkaus makaa joutsenen siivilässä, puhtauden pilvessä, valon rakastajan käsissä, jonka hyväilyt ovat sielun nautintoja! Täydellisyys, yli-inhimillinen unelma, halu, josta luuni halkeilevat, ilot, jotka nostavat minut taivaaseen! Oi Maria, valittu astia, kastroi ihmisyyteni, tee minusta eunukki ihmisten keskuudessa, jotta voit pelkäämättä luovuttaa minulle neitsyytesi aarteen! Ja isä Mouret pyörtyi lattialla, hampaita räpiskelemällä, kuumeen valtaamana. Että pitää miestä kepin uittamisen pelottaa. Ei se ole niin hirveää, väpelöinkin oppii auttavasti uimaan autettuna.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 192: Vaaleanpunaisen naurava elämä puhkesi sitten kukkaan: vaaleanpunaisen valkoinen, tuskin ripaus lakkaa, lunta neitsyen jaloista, joka koettelee lähteen vettä; vaaleanpunainen, huomaamattomampi kuin vilkaisevan polven lämmin valkoisuus, kuin hehku, jolla nuori käsi valaisee leveää hihaa; rehellinen vaaleanpunainen, verta satiinin alla, paljaat olkapäät, paljaat lonkat, naisen koko alaston, valolla hyväili; kirkkaan vaaleanpunainen, kukat silmuissa kurkusta, puoliavoimia kukkia huulilta puhaltaen lämpimän hengityksen tuoksua. Ja kiipeilyruusut, suuret valkoiset ruusut, jotka olivat täynnä valkoisia kukkia, pukeutuivat kaikki nämä ruusut, kaikki tämä liha, niiden rypäleiden pitsiin, heidän kevyen musliininsa viattomuuteen; kun taas siellä täällä viininväriset ruusut, melkein mustat, verenvuoto, lävistivät tämän morsiamen puhtauden intohimon haavalla. Tuoksuvan puun häät, jotka johtavat toukokuun neitsyt heinä- ja elokuun hedelmällisyyteen; ensimmäinen tietämätön suudelma, poimittu kuin kimppu, hääaamuna. Jopa ruohikolla vaahtoavat ruusut, korkeat vihreät villamekot, odottivat rakkautta. Auringonpolttamaa polkua pitkin kulkivat kukat, kasvot eteenpäin, kutsuen kevyitä tuulia niiden ohittaessa. Aukiolla avatun teltan alla kaikki hymyt loistivat. Yksikään täyttymys ei ollut samanlainen.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 336: -- Ja se on hyvin kaunis? Jälleen, hän ei vastannut. Syvä ekstaasi tulvi hänen silmänsä. Ja kun hän osasi puhua: -- Niin kaunista kuin en voisi sanoa... Minuun tunkeutui sellainen viehätys, että tunsin yksinkertaisesti nimettömän ilon, putoamisen lehdistä, nukkuessani nurmikolla. Ja minä tulin juosten takaisin tuodakseni sinut mukaani, jotta en maistaisi onnea istuessani tässä varjossa ilman sinua. Hän otti jälleen hänen niskansa syliinsä ja rukoili häntä kiihkeästi, hyvin lähelle, huulensa melkein hänen huulillaan. -- Vai niin! sinä tulet, hän änkytti. Ajattele, että eläisin autiona, jos et tulisi... Se on halu, joka minulla on, kaukainen tarve, joka on kasvanut joka päivä, joka nyt saa minut kärsimään. Etkö voi haluta minun kärsivän?... Ja vaikka sinun pitäisi kuolla siihen, vaikka tuo varjo tappaisi meidät molemmat, epäröisitkö, katuisitko pienintäkään? Pysyisimme makaamassa yhdessä, puun juurella; nukkuisimme aina toisiamme vasten. Se olisi erittäin hyvä, eikö? "Kyllä, kyllä", hän änkytti tämän intohimon paniikin voittamana, kaikki värähtelemässä halusta.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 365: Villiintynyt puutarha oli se kiusaaja, jonka jokainen ääni opetti rakkautta. Permannolta tuli pyörtyneiden kukkien tuoksuja, pitkä kuiskaus, joka kertoi ruusujen häistä, orvokkien ahkeruudesta; eikä heliotroopeilla ole koskaan ollut sensuellimpaa intoa. Hedelmätarhasta kuului tuulen tuomia kypsiä hedelmiä, hedelmällisyyden rasvaista tuoksua, aprikoosien vaniljaa, appelsiinien myskiä. Niityt korottivat syvempaa ääntä, joka muodostui auringon suutelemien miljoonien ruohojen huokauksista, lukemattomien helteisten ihmisten laajasta valituksesta, jokien viileiden hyväilyjen pehmentämä, juoksevien vesien alastomuus. josta pajut haaveilivat ääneen halusta. Metsä puhalsi tammien jättiläismäistä intohimoa, korkeiden metsien urkulauluja, juhlallista musiikkia, joka johti tuhkan, koivujen, sarvipuun, plataanien häitä, lehtien pyhäkköjen pohjalla; kun pensaat, nuoret pensaat olivat täynnä ihastuttavaa tuhmuutta, toisiaan jahtaavien, ojien reunalle heittäytyneiden, toistensa iloa varastavien rakastajien melua keskellä suurta oksien kahinaa. Ja tässä koko puiston liitoksessa karkeimmat halaukset kuuluivat kaukaa, kallioilla, missä lämpö sai kivet turpoamaan intohimosta, missä traagisella tavalla rakastetut piikkiset kasvit ilman läheisiä lähteitä voisivat helpottaa. he kaikki sytyttivät itsensä tähdellä, joka laskeutui heidän sänkyynsä.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 369: Äänet olivat tulleet selvemmiksi. Puutarhan eläimet puolestaan ​​huusivat heitä rakastamaan toisiaan kuin aikuistuneet bambit Disneyn Bambi-leffassa. Rumpali rummutti puunrunkoa. Cicadas lauloi hellällä kuoliaaksi. Perhoset levittävät suudelmia siipien räpyttäessä. Varpusilla oli hetken mielijohteisuutta, sulttaanien hyväilyt kulkivat innokkaasti seragion keskellä. Kirkkaissa vesissä kuului kutuaan auringossa olevien kalojen pyörtymistä, sammakoiden kiihkeää ja melankolista huutoa, koko salaperäinen intohimo, joka oli hirviömäisesti kyllästynyt kaislikoiden harmaaseen tylsyyteen. Metsän syvyyksissä satakielet huusivat nautinnon helmiäisnaurua, polttarit uljasivat, humalassa sellaisesta himosta, että he kuolivat väsymykseen lähes supistuneet naaraat. Ja kallioiden laatoilla, harvoin pensaiden reunalla, käärmeet, solmitut kaksi kerrallaan, sihisivät hiljaa kaxihaaraisine kyrpineen, kun taas suuret liskot haudivat munia, niiden selkärangat värähtelivät lievästä hurmiosta. Kaikkein syrjäisimmistä kulmista, auringonpaistetta, varjossa olevia reikiä, nousi eläimen haju, lämmin yleisestä urasta. Kaikessa tässä kuhisevassa elämässä oli lapsellista jännitystä. Jokaisen lehden alla sikiöi hyönteinen; jokaisessa ruohotumpussa kasvoi perhe; lentävät kärpäset, liimattuina toisiinsa, eivät odottaneet laskeutumistaan ​​lannoittaakseen. Näkymättömät elämän palaset, jotka asuttavat ainetta, aineen atomit itse, rakastivat, pariutuivat, antoivat maaperälle herkullisen liikkeen, tekivät puistosta suuren haureuden.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 374: Ja linnut lauloi lensi parittain, koko puutarha upposi pariskunnan kanssa intohimon viimeiseen huutoon. Rungot taipuivat kuin voimakkaan tuulen alla; yrtit huutavat humalassa; kukat katosivat, heidän huulensa auki, hengittivät heidän sielunsa; itse taivaalla, joka oli aivan liekeissä tähden laskeutumisesta, oli liikkumattomia, pyörtyviä pilviä, joista putosi yli-inhimillinen tempaus. Ja se oli voitto eläimille, kasveille ja esineille, jotka olivat halunneet näiden kahden lapsen pääsyn elämän ikuisuuteen. Pääsiväthän ne lopulta, vaikka siihen meni 2 kirjaa. Puisto taputti valtavasti. Väliverhoa vedettiin eteen ja taaxe kuin esinahkaa konsanaan, sankarit tuli housut nilkoissa kumartelemaan ja heittelemään lentosuukkoja. Puuh. Tulihan se sieltä. Hyvää kannattaa odottaa.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 489: Pappi ei näyttänyt kuulevan. Hän oli jatkanut rukouksiaan ja pyytänyt taivaalta pyhimysten rohkeutta. Ennen kuin hän ryhtyi korkeimpaan taisteluun, hän aseistautui liekeillä uskon miekoilla. Hetken hän pelkäsi heikkenemistä. Oli vaatinut marttyyrin sankarillisuutta pitää polvet liimattuina laattaan, kun Albinen jokainen sana kutsui häntä: hänen sydämensä meni hänen puoleensa, hänen kikkelinsä tietysti, kaikki hänen verensä kohosi, heitti hänet hänen syliinsä, vastustamattomalla halulla suudella hänen "hiuksiaan". Pelkästään hengityksensä tuoksulla hän oli herännyt ja välittänyt hetkessä muistot heidän hellyydestään, suuresta puutarhasta, kävelystä puiden alla, ilosta heidän liitosta, kepin liosta. Mutta armo kasteli sen runsaimmalla kastellaan; se oli vain hetken kidutus, joka tyhjensi veren hänen suonistaan; eikä hänessä ollut mitään inhimillistä. Hän oli vain Jumalan varmuusesine, kirkkoasia.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 495: Hän oli täynnä tyyneyttä. Hänen paljaat kasvonsa muistuttivat kivipyhimyksen kasvoja, joita ei häirinnyt mikään hänen sisälmyxistään tuleva lämpö. Hänen sukkansa putosivat suorina poimuina, kuin musta käärinliina paljastamatta mitään hänen ruumiistaan. Albine perääntyi nähdessään rakkautensa synkän aaveen. Hän ei löytänyt vapaata partaakaan, vapaita hiuksia. Nyt hiän näki hänen leikattujen hiustensa keskellä kalpean täplän, tonsuurin, joka huolestutti häntä kuin tuntematon sairaus, vaikka kapi, joku paha kipeys, kasvamassa siellä syömään onnellisten päivien muistoja.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 501: Nyt untuvahedelmä vaaleni hänen huulensa, hänen lantionsa pyörivät vapaasti, hänen rinnassaan kukkii rasvainen kukka. Hän oli nainen, jolla oli pitkät kasvot, jotka antoivat hänelle paljon hedelmällisyyttä. Hänen levennetyillä kyljellään varmaan jo uusi elämä nukkui. Hänen poskillaan, reunalla, tuli hänen lihansa ihastuttava kypsyys. Ja pappi, kypsän naisen intohimoisen tuoksunsa ympäröimä, otti katkeraa iloa uhmatessaan punaisen suunsa hyväilyä, naurua silmissä, kutsua kurkussa, päihtymystä, joka virtasi hänestä pienimmästäkin liikkeestä. Ei hän edes tykännyt tollasista matroonista, hän oli enempi pedofiilimiehiä.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 503: Hän työnsi ankaruutensa niin pitkälle, että hän etsi paikkoja, joita hän oli aiemmin hullusti suudellut, silmäkulmat, huulien kulmat, kapeat temppelit, pehmeät kuin satiini, meripihkan niskan silkkiset. kuin samettia.. Hän ei ollut koskaan, edes roikkuessaan Albinen kaulassa, maistanut sitä autuutta, jonka hän tunsi marttyyrikuolemanaan, katsoessaan kasvoihin tätä intohimoa, jonka hän kieltäytyi. Sitten hän pelkäsi antaa periksi jollekin uudelle lihan ansalle. Hän laski silmänsä ja sanoi pehmeästi:
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 597: Jeesus vetäytyessään pois takakautta oli vienyt pois armon. Hän, joka oli niin vahva taivaan avun aamusta asti, tunsi olonsa yhtäkkiä kurjaksi, hylätyksi, lapsellisen heikoksi. Ja mikä kauhea pudotus, mikä suunnaton katkeruus! Taistella sankarillisesti, seisoa voittamattomana, armottomana, kun kiusaus oli olemassa, elossa, pyöreänä vartalonsa, upeine hartioineen, intohimoisen naisen tuoksuineen; sitten alistua häpeällisesti, haukkoa henkeä kauhistuttavasta halusta, kun kiusaus väistyy jättäen jälkeensä vain hameen väreet, vaalean niskan niskasta virtaavan hajuveden! Nyt, pelkkien muistojen kanssa, hän palasi kaikkivoipaana, hän hyökkäsi kirkkoon.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 607: Niinpä hän nöyrtyi tunteja, päiviä odottaen helpotusta, jota ei tullut. Turhaan hän asetti itsensä Jumalan käsiin, tuhosi itsensä hänen edessään, toisti tehokkaimmat rukoukset kylläisyyteen: hän ei enää tuntenut Jumalaa; hänen lihansa, vapautettu, halusta yllytetty; rukoukset, jotka nolostuivat hänen huulillaan, päättyivät saastaiseen änkytykseen. Hidas kiusauksen tuska, jossa uskon armeijat putosivat yksi kerrallaan hänen epäonnistuneista käsistään, missä hän ei ollut muuta kuin inertti aine intohimoiden kynsissä, missä hän näki kauhuissaan omaa häpeää ilman rohkeutta nostaa sormea ​​karkottaaksesi synnin. Sellaista hänen elämänsä oli nyt. Hän tiesi kaikki synnin hyökkäykset. Ei kulunut päivääkään ilman, että häntä olisi testattu. Synti otti tuhansia muotoja, tuli sisään hänen silmiensä kautta, hänen korviensa kautta, tarttui häneen kasvotusten kurkusta, hyppäsi petollisesti hänen harteilleen, kidutti häntä hänen luihinsa asti.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 625: Kärsi, kuole, kauniimman kruunun saat. Nämä sanat soivat hänen korvissaan korvamatona, kuin ihmisen viisauden loppu. Ja kun hän sitoi itsensä ristiin, hän sai rajattoman lohdutuksen Jumalan rakkaudesta. Se ei ollut enää suklaa-Marie, jota hän rakasti pojan hellyydellä, rakastajan intohimolla. Hän rakasti, rakastaa, rakkauden ehdottomuudessa. Hän rakasti Jumalaa yli itsensä, yli kaiken, valon kukinnan syvyyksissä. Hän oli kuin kirkkaasti palava soihtu. Kuolema, kun hän sitä toivoi, oli hänen silmissään vain suuri rakkauden aalto.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 637: Joten hän aloitti heidän kävelynsä uudelleen hänen kanssaan Paradoun neljään kulmaan. Hän muisti pienet hiukset, jotka lensivät hänen kaulalleen, kun tämä juoksi hänen eteensä. Hän tuoksui hyvälle, heilutti lämpimiä hameita, joiden kahina muistutti hyväilyä. Kun hän otti hänet paljain syliinsä, taipuisina kuin ruohokäärmeet, hän odotti näkevänsä hänet, niin laiha, käpertyvän hänen vartalonsa ympärille, nukahtavan sinne liimautuneena hänen ihoonsa. Se oli hän, joka käveli edellä. Hän johti hänet kiertävää polkua pitkin, jossa he viipyivät, jotta he eivät tulisi liian nopeasti. Hän antoi hänelle intohimon maata kohtaan. Hän oppi rakastamaan sitä katsomalla kuinka yrtit rakastavat toisiaan; pitkä hapuileva hellyys, jonka suuren ilon he olivat vihdoin yllättäneet eräänä iltana jättiläispuun alla, varjossa mehua hikoillen. Siellä he olivat tiensä päässä. Albine, heitettynä taaksepäin, kierrettynä hiuksiinsa, ojensi kätensä hänelle. Hän otti hänet halaukseen. Vai niin! ottaa se, ottaa se jälleen haltuunsa, tuntea sen kyljen tärisevän hedelmällisyydestä, tehdä elämästä elämää vain ruiskauttamalla siementä, olla Jumala!
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 665: Eikö hän tiennyt petoksistaan? eikö hän tiennyt, että hän usein leikkii lähestymällä pehmeillä tassuilla ja kaivavansa niitä sitten veitsen tavoin uhriensa luihin? Ja hänen raivonsa kaksinkertaistui, kun hän ajatteli joutuneensa tähän ansaan kuin lapsi. Joten hän olisi edelleen maassa, ja synti kyykisi voitokkaasti rinnassaan! Tässä hän nyt kielsi Jumalan. Se oli kohtalokas virhe. Haureus tappoi uskon. Sitten dogma mureni. Epäily lihaa kohtaan, vedoten sen saastaisuuteen, riitti pyyhkäisemään koko taivaan. Jumalallinen sääntö ärsytti, mysteerit saivat ihmiset hymyilemään; alennetun uskonnon nurkassa he makaavat keskustelemassa sen pyhäinhäväisyydestä, kunnes he olivat kaivaneet itselleen reiän mudassaan nukkuvalle eläimelle. Sitten tulivat muut kiusaukset: kulta, valta, vapaa elämä, vastustamaton tarve nauttia, mikä toi kaiken takaisin suureen himoon, vaurauden ja ylpeyden vuoteelle. Ja me ryöstimme Jumalaa. He rikkoivat hirviöt ripustaakseen ne naisen epäpuhtaudelle.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 719: -- Joo joo rakastan sinua. Kärsin paljon seuraavana päivänä lähetettyäsi sinut pois... Voi! Rakastin sinua niin intohimolla, tiedäthän, että olisin murtanut sinut syleilemällä, jos olisit tullut takaisin heittäytymään syliini. En ole koskaan halunnut sinua näin kiivaasti. Tuntikausia olit elossa edessäni ja kiusoit minua taipuisilla sormillasi. Kun suljin silmäni, loistit kuin aurinko, kietoit minut liekkiisi... Joten, kävelin kaiken päällä, tulin.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 749: "Olen usein ajatellut kivipyhimyksiä, jotka ovat olleet raivoissaan vuosisatojen ajan oman tilansa takaosassa", hän sanoi hyvin matalalla äänellä. Pitkällä tähtäimellä ne täytyy kylpeä suitsukkeessa sisäelimiä myöten... Ja minä olen kuin yksi niistä pyhimyksistä. Minulla on suitsukkeita elinteni viimeistä poimua myöten. Juuri tämä balsamointi tekee tyyneyteni, lihani hiljaisen kuoleman, rauhan, jota maistan elämättä... Ah! Älkää antako mikään häiritä minua liikkumattomuudestani! Pysyn kylmänä, jäykkänä, graniittihuulini loputtomalla hymyllä, voimattomana laskeutua ihmisten joukkoon. Tämä on ainoa toiveeni.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 786: -- Hyvästi, kerjäläinen! Hyvää matkaa! Mene takaisin haureuteen susienne kanssa... Ah! sinulla ei ole tarpeeksi munaa, pyhimys. Tarvitset vahvempia munuaisia. Tarvitset tammea. Haluatko keppini? Ota! Voit nukkua sen kanssa! Tässä on kaveri, joka tyydyttää sinut. Ja täydellä vauhdilla hän heitti keppinsä Sergen syliin hämärässä. Sitten hän katsoi Abbe Mouretiin ja murisi.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 33:

    Intohimon Professori


    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 41: Heippa taas! Täällä vanha ystävänne Philip Milton Roth. Kaappihomo kuten keskimmäisen nimen kaimansa. Vaan eipä pärjännyt naisille, piipunrassi. Nyt ollaan niissä vuosissa kun Phil ja Claire alkoi ja mekin alettiin styylata 76-77. Työn alla on Pilin The professor of desire: Intohimon professori ja sen palanpainikkeena kahden elämäkerturin tiiliskivet. Roth's bawdy humor in context of a realistic story brings home the bacon. Paizi et pekoni on terefah! Laitetaan miel. maxapalaa.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 43: Myöhempien aikojen lukijat, jotka pääsevät perehtymään Philip Rothinkin kaltaisen, yksityisyyttään tiukasti varjelevan kirjailijan salaisuuksiin, voivat kivuttomasti varmistaa, oliko taiteilijalla kenties painaviakin syitä niljakkaan omaelämakerrallisen aineiston kirjaan pierauttamiseen. (Paizi siis raha, exhibitionismi ja kostonhimo.) Noita samoja lukijoita on melkein pakko kadehtia niistä ulkokirjallisista tiedoista joita uutterat elämäkerturit luultavasti saavat kaivettua esiin. Kuinka jännittävää olisikaan jo nyt tutustua siihen mitä Philip Rothin (tai Saul Bellowin tai Norman Mailerin tai Bernard Malamudin) kaltaisten nuppikullien teosten runttaamien naisten mahdolliset esikuvat ajattelevat romaanien haaraväliin juuttuneista rakkaussuhteista. Semmoiset năkökulmat ehkä korjaisivat mieskirjailijoiden karkeimpia -epaoikeudenmukaisuuksia: ainakin romaanien hirviomäisimmät naiset saisivat koston mahdollisuuksia. Hahaa, nyt ollaan siinä pisleessä ja hyvin tiedetään, että ne kirjat on täyttä valetta, toxista misogyynistä panettelua paneskelun lomassa.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 74: "Christa called". Claire saa paskahalvauxen. God I´m fond of adultery! Aren´t you? ne sanoi toisilleen. Kelvotonta väkeä. Norjalainen Inga Larsen (Drenka) antoi Rothille sybigaalista lähimezässä. She was an adjunct to Roth´s domestic life. Apulaisprostituutti. Roth arvioi piikittäneensä Ingaa 1000x 20v varrella. Kerran viikossa. Molemmat oli koukussa salailuun. Maxapalaan nyt kiireesti kun äitini ei näe! Pili tykkäs vetää käteen Ingan kazoessa päältä ja ojentaa runkkuisia näpkinejä sille lahjana kuin Viiru kissa rotanhäntiä. Man led by the penis, hännän viemä mies, sanoi Ingan terapeutti Rothista. Se soitti kaukopuheluja Ingalle keskellä työpäivää ja käski kuunnella kun se runkkasi äheltäen puhelimeen ja heti tultuaan löi luurin kiinni. Not so much as thanx. Kuten Solzhenizyn sanoi, taide voittaa valheenkin! Todesta puhumattakaan.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 113: Puddnhead on siis se poikien isäpappa. Onko ne pojat sitten niikö noi 2 sveduämmää? Pili on ilmiselvästi läpimätä kaveri, kieroonkasvanut middlebrow. Salaud, espèce de con! Svedutytöt on Pilin haaremi, kunnollinen Lea ja himokkaampi Raakel. Sulatusuuni ja/tai kotiliesi. Dumpattuaan kotilieden Ruoziin liian haaleana se dumppaa Birgitan lähtiessään "Stanfordiin" (hah, oikeasti joku itärannikon sekundakoulu) liian huorana. Äiti ei ikinä hyväxyisi tollasta. Ainut mitä Gittan sanoo hyvästixi Pilille on "grow up". Se sattui taas.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 119: Mutta kaikkein eniten Philip Roth on vanhan testamentin juutalainen, samalla lailla moraalisesti toivottoman alamittainen kuin ne. Izekäs, tunteeton, omanvoitonpyyntinen ja kostonhimoinen, vuoroin kukkoileva, vuoroin nöyristelevä.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 134: Kakutani "Shimura Rei" Michiko oli New York Timesin ilkein kriitikko joka aiheellisesti ainakin kerran puhkaisi Franzenin pullistuneen ilmapallon. Franzen nimitteli Reitä "tone deaf and humorless" ja "stupidest person in New York". 9v myöh. samainen Rei aivan ansiotta kiitteli Franzenin izetyytyväistä Freedom tiiltä. Zadie Smithin kirjalle Kauneudesta kiitos oli ihan aiheesta, kuin myös Toni Morrisonin läpyskälle luultavasti. Pieleen meni ylistyxet de Lillolle.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 136: Kakutani reviewed Norman Mailer’s 2006 novel The Gospel According to the Sun, a first-person autobiographical retelling of the Bible from the perspective of Jesus himself. She called it “a silly, self-important and at times inadvertently comical book that reads like a combination of Godspell, Nikos Kazantzakis’ Last Temptation of Christ and one of those new, dumbed-down Bible translations”; Mailer, never one to shy away from a writerly squabble, called Kakutani a “one-woman kamikaze”.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 159: This isn’t Nabokov’s ice-blue disdain for the academic ninnyhammers who went snorting after his truffles. Roth, instead, worries himself, as though a sick tooth needed tonguing. He is looking over his shoulder because somebody—probably Irving Howe—might be gaining on him: “This me who is me being me and no other!” as Tarnopol explained at the end of My Life as a Man.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 195: Jimmy Metcalf hetkinen kekä se nyt oli? Ainiin se oli se Helenin hongkongilainen paha mies, joka jaxoi aina nousta maasta uuteen erään, toisin kuin eräs intohimon professori. Olixen esikuva tää tuntematon New Orleansilainen runoilija Jim Metcalf? Olisko Pili todellakin pitänyt tällästä säälittävää seppoa saavuttamattomana roolimallina? Tokkopa.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 317: John 5:7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 372: Minkälaiset tyypit tykkää SM sexistä? Eunukki kai ei nyt ainakaan, mutta sen miespuolinen kilpailija Nordiska Literaturprisenistä selvästikin. Ja Phil Roth! Se lätkii Birgittaa pilluun jollain piiskalla ja mörisee sen pyynnöstä samalla rumia. Mitähän ne luulee olevansa? Markiisi de Sade ja Justiina? Mun veikkaus on että tää liittyy luontaiseen innostuxeen nokintajärjestyxestä. Eli ne joista on kivaa järjestäytyä termiittikeoxi tykkää myös tälläsistä alistamisen ja alistumisen merkeistä. Ja uskonnosta! Nöyrtymisestä ja rangaistuxista! Armosta ja jouhipaidoista! Hyi himskatti.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 374: Pepulla "ei ole käyttöä" Clairelle kun se ei tahdo nieleskellä Pilin runkkua. Jopa tuli Pililtä narsistinen lause sepitettyä. Claire ei alistu kun sitä alistetaan. Mitähän mamma Roth olis sanonut. Peppu olis saanut pelle-Hermannilta vizaa paljaalle pyllylle. Mutta jos Claire ei alistu ketäs silloin alistetaan? Ånej! Peppua! Men det går ju alldeles inte an! Roth on Daavid Shylock Fagin ja Harari fourpackina, se edustaa toxista telttajuutalaisuutta pahimmillaan.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 111: The novel tells the story of Richard Lamb, a young Englishman who marries a teenage Argentinian girl, Paquita, without asking her father's permission, and is forced to flee to Montevideo, Uruguay with his bride. Lamb leaves his young wife with a relative while he sets off for eastern Uruguay to find work for himself. He soon becomes embroiled in adventures with the Uruguayan gauchos and romances with local women. Toivottavasti se oli ympärileikattu ettei gonorrhea turvottanut nuppia. After the events of the story he was captured by Paquita's father and thrown into prison for three years, during which time Paquita herself died of grief.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 124: Abel kills Kua-kó and runs to the enemy tribe, sounding the alarm. Days later he returns. All his Indian friends are dead. He finds the giant tree burned, and collects Rima's ashes in a pot. Trekking homeward, despondent and hallucinating, Abel is helped by Indians and Christians until he reaches the sea, sane and healthy again. Now an old man, his only ambition is to be buried with Rima's ashes. Reflecting back, he believes neither God nor man can forgive his sins, but that gentle Rima would, provided he has forgiven himself.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 151: Kake, the narrator of The Sun Also Rises is an expatriate working as a journalist in Paris. He served in World War I, in which he suffered an injury that made him impotent. This somewhat hinders his otherwise very close relationship with Brett Ashley. He typifies the Lost Generation, always seeking escape and finding no meaning in life having lost his dick in the horrors and intensity of the war.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 153: The Lady Brett Ashley character is a British, charismatic, and independent woman with a drinking problem. She is the love of Kake's life and she loves him too, but she (and Kake) both see his impotence as a possible obstacle to a relationship as she leads a promiscuous life of romantic adventures. She is waiting to get divorced from the aristocrat from whom she got her title, and then plans to marry Mike Campbell. She is terminally unhappy and always wanting someone else. She falls in love with Romero at the bullfight and becomes his inspiration at the ring.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 157: Pedro Romero is a young, good-looking bullfighting prodigy who is so skillful and beautiful that Kake, no wait, Brett falls in love with him. When Cohn learns of Romero's effect on Brett, he fights him but Romero cleverly evades him with the muleta. Romero and Brett run away together but Brett leaves him soon after when he tries to turn her into a traditional Latina woman.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 173: Wheeler's career hit its high point with the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment and the Volstead Act in 1920. As enforcement of Prohibition became increasingly difficult, federal agencies resorted to draconian measures including poisoning alcohol to try to dissuade people from consuming it.[6] Wheeler's refusal to compromise, for example by amending Prohibition measures to allow for consumption of beer, made him appear increasingly unreasonable. His influence began to wane, and he retired in 1927.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 181: Whereas Hemingway wrote passionately about boxing and his own prowess, others, like Dempsey, saw something else. “There were a lot of Americans in Paris and I sparred with a couple, just to be obliging,” the Champ said. “But there was one fellow I wouldn’t mix it with. That was Ernest Hemingway. He was about twenty-five or so and in good shape, and I was getting so I could read people, or anyway men, pretty well. I had this sense that Hemingway, who really thought he could box, would come out of the corner like a madman. To stop him, I would have to hurt him badly, I didn’t want to do that to Hemingway. That’s why I never sparred with him.” Hemingway’s frequent sparring partner and fellow writer Morley Callaghan offered another sobering account of his training partner, saying, “we were two amateur boxers. The difference between us was that Ernie had given time and imagination to boxing; I had actually worked out a lot with good fast college boxers.” I had never seen Mr. Hemingway box, of course. But I will say this: the confidence of mediocre men is a fucking superpower. I have met many versions of this guy. Hell, I’ve sparred with the dude myself.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 203: Hemingway was raised in a Congregationalist Protestant home, and his first conversion to Catholicism occurred when he was a 19-year-old and volunteer ambulance driver in Italy during World War I. Two weeks into the job, he was delivering candy (LOL) to soldiers on the frontlines when he was hit by machine-gun fire and more than 200 metal fragments from an exploding mortar round. An Italian priest recovered his body, baptized him right on the battlefield and gave him the last rites.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 208: After having been anointed, Hemingway described himself as having become a “Super-Catholic.” It was a near-death experience that changed the course of his life. After the war, he went to work as a foreign correspondent in Paris. And eight years later — after his first marriage failed — he undertook a second, more formal conversion process in preparation for marriage to his second wife, devout Catholic Pauline Pfieffer.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 216: Unfortunately, his subsequent divorces and additional marriages, drunken brawling, domestic abuse, poison pen letters, paranoia, megalomania, and habitual womanizing tarnished his youthful sense of himself as a “super-Catholic.” Hemingway never wanted to be known as a “Catholic writer” because he simply felt he couldn’t live up to the responsibility.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 222: He thought of himself, like many of his egoes (Nick Adams, Jake Barns, Robert Jordan, Francis McComber and Santiago), as a man struggling to live with grace and die a good death in a violent, unforgiving world where all of you others must suffer.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 233: Of the 7 suicides that Mariel Hemingway is aware of in her family, 1 was of Ernest’s father, & 3 of his father’s 6 children (if one assumes that Hemingway did commit suicide). There still is no official decision–and there may never be–as to whether the death of the writer early Sunday from the blast of a 12-gauge shotgun had been an accident or suicide. However, the fact that Mr. Hemingway had been divorced would bar him from a Catholic Church funeral anyway. Catholic sources said there was nothing improper in a Catholic priest saying prayers at graveside.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 296: In Hemingway, sentimentality, sympathy, and empathy are turned inwards, toward himself. Neither Hemingway the man nor Hemingway the writer should be labeled “hard-boiled” - his macho style of living and speaking and the alleged hard-boiled mind behind it are better labeled "addled".
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 332: "She" mounts him in bed at night, and penetrates him in conjugal (read homoerotic) bliss, "only felt the weight and the strangeness inside" and she said: ‘Now you can’t tell who is who can you?”. No sitähän sanoi äitikin pienenä.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 338: The voice of Hemingway’s father is heard, challenging his son, as did the Father in the Biblical Garden. Slightly disguised, Hemingway’s dear father, who haunted his son’s life and work even after he had shot himself in 1961, sorry, after Dad had shot himself in 1928, remained an internalized critic until Ernest also took his life in 1961. No wonder, dad had had a cow.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 352: The mahogany bar spread eight feet with dark boards underneath that swirled up to a marble top. A famous writer with taped up glasses and grey-flaked hair sat at a table in the back corner. Two Americans walked in and sat on the barstools. They acknowledged the writer and ordered drinks. They were big men, just like him, and he had seen them in here many times. It was a small room. Fifteen by thirty feet at most with windows only in the door. The writer drank his Asti Spumante. The owner of the bar, Giuseppe Cipriani, walked towards his table and crouched down.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 356: A short man half the size of Papa in blue seersuckers stepped towards him. As he walked, his left hand swung wide. The other grasped a blackthorn walking stick. “Christ you're big,” he said and his hand stuck out. He leaned his stick on the table and took off his porkpie hat. “Nick Adams,” he said and it sounded familiar. The light above the table flickered.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 378: “It's all right. Give him a peach slice.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 386: “Prosecco and peach. It's new here. It will catch on. The people will drink it.” Papa was in Italy to see his friend Ole Anderson, an old heavyweight prizefighter who lived in Fossalta di Piave now. He was always getting into trouble with bad people. Papa wrote a story about him once. A couple of men wanted to kill him in the story. Papa was in Venice to see his friend Juice, the owner of this bar Harry's, first. A man named Cole Anderson was shot outside Harry's two days ago so Papa told Juice to ask around and a man told him he'd be at Harry's today. The likeness of Ole and Cole's names drew Papa in.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 402: “You killed him in front of Harry's. I was here.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 410: “He crossed the street,” Nick Adams said. “He was dead and that was all.” Papa looked at him and he looked at his drink. “I killed the wrong man.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 422: Juice poured more grappas and took one for himself.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 442: Papa grabbed his wrist and punched his stomach with it. “What do you think of that?” He looked at Papa. One of the Americans slapped him and pushed his chest. “Come on, now, boy.” The Americans made for the door. Nick followed, and then the man after him.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 446: One of the Americans feinted and knocked his right side. He fell and looked up at Papa. They were in the shade of the building, but where he fell in the sun of the street, Papa's shadow covered him.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 452: “Are you all right? We could follow him.” Nick pulled a revolver from under his coat. “I could kill him.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 504: When they came, Papa stood up and approached one of the officers. He frowned and Papa punched him in the stomach and said, “Hey, boy-o, there it is!” The younger officer looked alarmed but the first one assured him.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 508: “No. I'm going to Fossalta to see him tomorrow. So it's settled. I have to go.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 546: Papa could barely see him in the dark. Nick Adams wanted an excuse not to go to Fossalta di Piave. “Who did you mean to kill?” The band got into a fast groove.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 548: “You wouldn't want to know him,” Nick said. “He's a real bright boy.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 558: Nick Adams hoped Papa knew him or knew boxing or anything. He wanted to hear a reason not to kill the man. The band played fast and loud and the lights played off the horn man's saxophone. It was dark so the ever-changing light on the saxophone illuminated everyone's eyes.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 564: “It's an awful thing,” Nick said. “Did you know him?”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 582: If you were going for a Hemingway style, you've nailed it. Unfortunately, I hate Hemingway's style. This reads a lot like him: no personality, no emotion, uninteresting, dialogue that makes me feel nauseous, feels pointless. Beige prose. Yes, you've nailed Hemingway. But don't take this criticism harshly. I'm sure someone who's a Hemingway fan (the other 55,000 subscribers) will say delightful things.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 589: Juice is a man that owns a bar in Venice that Hemingway frequented in the late 40s. I used him as a sort of master of ceremonies. When he comes in, that means a new reference is coming in generally. Overall, the dialogue between Papa and the now antihero Nick Adams tells the story, taking the format of "Hills Like White Elephants."
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 594: Roland (Hruodlandus) on Rolandin laulun keskushahmo ja sankari. Rolandin laulussa kerrotaan Kaarle Suuren sodasta Espanjan ”saraseeneja” vastaan ja Pyreneillä tapahtuvasta väijytyksestä, jossa Roland kuolee. Eepoksessa saraseenit hyökkäävät Roncevauxin laaksossa frankkien armeijan jälkijoukkojen kimppuun, joita Roland komentaa. Roland haavoittuu kahakassa kuolettavasti ja puhaltaa torveensa Olifantiin kutsuakseen apua. Torven ääni on niin kimeä, että se surmaa lintuja taivalla ja saa saraseenit vetäytymään sekasorron vallassa. Torvi kuitenkin halkeaa pahimmoilleen kahtia ja Roland kuolee uskollisen palvelijansa käsivarsille ennen kuin Kaarle Suuri ehtii paikalle.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 604: Alicia Rix´s study of the relationship between cycling and authorship in James’s “The Papers” sums up Jake Barnes and Bill Gorton’s exchange in The Sun Also Rises linking Henry’s bicycle to Jake’s impotence. Rix examines James’s anxiety about authorial exposure and aversion to publicity and includes embarrassing depictions of him cycling by Ford Madox Ford, David Lodge, and others. (The original manuscript shows that, before deletion, this had read "Henry James's bicycle.")
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 606: Ernest Hemingway squirmed as his second wife, Pauline, read aloud in 1927 from Henry James' novel The Awkward Age. Hemingway wondered why James bailed his characters out of their frequent inactivity by inserting a drawing room scene; and, as he was to do frequently during the next thirty years, he freely criticized the quality of James' works, "and knowing nothing about James he seems to me to be a shit." Too, he was quick to criticize the male protagonists of James,". .and the men all without any exception talk and think like fairies except a couple of caricatures of brutal outsiders". Carlos Baker observes that Hemingway, the "brutal outsider" himself, was at this time publishing Men Without Women, whose sales had reached 15,000 in the first three months after publication. But now Hemingway, the outsider, clearly in literary ascendance, was becoming acquainted with James' works; his artistic and personal recognition of James in future years was, for the most part, to take the form of a peculiar enmity. He was often to refer to James in highly derisive terms almost to the end of his own life. Hemingway's lese majeste towards him takes the form of a sporadic obsession that reveals more about Hemingway's maturity than James' imagined frailties.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 608: Young Hemingway vilified James for his choice of themes and characters, but more importantly, he viciously maligned him for the traumatic but obscure accident that had occurred in his youth. Leon Edel has summarized the known facts of the injury as gathered from James´ writings and other sources. The "obscure hurt" was reported by James to have happened at the "same dark hour" of the onset of the Civil War, in other words, May 1861 (Edel, Years 176-77). But actually the causative factor, the fire at West Stables in Newport, occurred on the night of October 28, 1861 (177). James relates that he had jammed himself into "an acute angle between two fences" trying to make "a rusty, quasi-extemporised old engine work" in order to help put out the stable fire. Injured in this attempt, James later provided only incomplete details and stated that the disaster was "intimate, odious, horrid, catastrophe, obscure, and most entirely personal" (175).
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 619: Novick’s attempt to find love affairs in James’ life reminds me of the 1920s, when there were no biographies of James, and critics loved to speculate on the mysteries of his privacy. Van Wyck Brooks, a skillful writer of pastiche, produced his quasi-biographical Pilgrimage of Henry James to prove the novelist was a literary failure because he had uprooted himself from the United States. Edna Kenton, a devoted Jamesian in Greenwich Village, demonstrated in a biting review in The Bookman that Brooks used important James quotations out of context. Years later, Brooks confessed to having nightmares “in which Henry James turned great luminous menacing eyes upon me.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 623: What evidence does Novick offer for the James-Holmes “affair”? Just two French words James uses in his long and vivid notebook entry recalling his early days in Boston, where his family settled in a brick house in Ashburton Place near the State House. The words are l’initiation première–“first initiation.” In the entry, James is writing generally of the “rite of passage” that inaugurated his literary career. He describes the strong emotions he felt at the assassination of Lincoln (on James’$2 22nd birthday); how he wept when Hawthorne died; and the dawning sense of freedom experienced after the war’s end. He mentions also his first book review on English novel-writing, published in the North American Review, whose editors paid him $12, praised his writing, and asked for more. He does mention Holmes, but only to describe a brief visit he made to Holmes’ mother to ask how her son was faring in England, and his own fierce envy of Holmes for traveling abroad while James remained at home.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 627: And then, Novick gives himself away. He writes in another footnote that Holmes was someone with whom James “might have been intimate.” “Might have been”? There’s incertitude for you. My surmise is that Novick is trying to support his hypothesis of James’ initial sexual experience, and that he picks the name handiest to him. Why not James’ closer friends, John LaFarge or Thomas Perry? Novick seems to want to link his two subjects. It is clear the homosexuality doesn’t bother him. He simply wants us to know that James was a sexual man and a loving person. Biographers often develop strange attachments to their subjects. (Indeed!)
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 629: Novick’s second “case” is as flimsy as the first, but it has more documentation. It is based on James’ letters from Paris between 1875 and 1876. He has met Ivan Turgenev, the Russian master, and finds himself moving among assorted Russians. One of them is Paul Zhukovski, son of a Russian poet who tutored Alexander II when he was a prince. Reared in the royal court, Zhukovski is soft, dependent, spoiled, and weak-willed, but graceful and entertaining. James has never known any Russians, and Zhukovski becomes an agreeable companion; he is “picturesque,” and while James tells his parents that “human fellowship” is not his specialty, the two get along very comfortably. They dine with Turgenev, and with countesses, a duke, princesses. They make sorties into cabarets and cafes. James reports that he and Zhukovski have sworn “eternal fellowship.” One could read sex into this–as Novick does–but it sounds more like the drinking and singing that often takes place among young males, their swagger and “brotherhood.” At every turn, Novick introduces suggestions of a love affair.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 631: At the end of 1876, James moved to London. So far as we know, Zhukovski faded into the distance. James published seven books during the next three years and became a celebrity in London society. But Novick continues to allude to Zhukovski as if the relationship were of paramount importance to James. Only one letter from the Russian, written in 1879, survives. Zhukovski is in Italy and invites James to join him at the Villa Postiglione, his pension, at Posilipo, near Naples. While in Rome, James reserves a room in the pension for five days.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 635: Writing to his sister Alice, James characterized Zhukovski as “the same impracticable and indeed ridiculous mixture of Nihilism and bric-à-brac as before.” He adds that Zhukovski always needs to be sheltered by a strong figure: “First he was under Turgenev, then the Princess Urusov, whom he now detests and who despises him, then under H.J. Jr. (!!), then under that of a certain disagreeable Onegin (the original of Turgenev’s Nazhdanov, in Virgin Soil) now under Wagner, and apparently in the near future that of Madame Wagner.” Novick bypasses these letters; he avoids looking at facts that might spoil his case. He does allude to the James remark about Zhukovski’s bric-a-brac, but he seems to misunderstand its irony. He claims that James was “cautious” about this visit because of crime and disease in the Naples area–all this, says Novick, is “out of keeping with the collection of bric-à-brac with which Zhukovski was surrounded.” James may indeed have been referring to the villa’s human bric-a-brac.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 639: So Novick is deprived of the happy romance he wanted to chronicle at Posilipo. He consoles himself by a detailed account of Zhukovski’s adoption into Bayreuth, his painting the sets for Parsifal and being considered a kind of son by the Wagners. Novick seems to be trying to walk down two streets at once–the street of the refinements of literary biography and the more rigid roadway of the prosecutorial argument. He attempts to turn certain of his fancies into fact–but his data is simply too vague for him to get away with it.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 648: Hemingway makes explicit here the themes of irony and pity: the irony of Kake's situation (he is a kind of superman who nevertheless can't perform the most basic of manly activities, namely fucking) as well as the pity "we" (who have our penises in working order) feel for him. The writer does so in an extended section, rich with dialogue, that is meant to be funny but has not dated well. The joking between Kake and Bill, over breakfast and later at lunch, is certainly believable as such, but it's difficult for a contemporary audience to follow, because the references to Frankie Fritsch and so forth have grown obscure with the passage of time. (The reference to Bryan's death tells us exactly when these scenes are occurring: 1925.) Do note, however, that Kake's physical condition is alluded to — and quickly backed away from. ("I'd a hell of a lot rather not talk about it" could be the motto of Kake's stoic take on the world, while Hemingway's would be "I want to talk about it all the time".) The writer has established, however, that Kake's condition is not simple impotence (rather it is loss of limb, or shortening of the joystick) and that it was caused by an accident.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 655: After leaving office, Bryan retained some of his influence within the Democratic Party, but he increasingly devoted himself to religious matters and anti-evolution activism. He opposed Darwinism on religious and humanitarian grounds, most famously in the 1925 Daytona monkey case, aka Scopes Trial. Since his death in 1925, Bryan has elicited mixed reactions from various commentators, but he is widely considered to have been one of the most influential figures of the anthropocenic era.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 669: Ilkeännäköinen mies jonka nenä kasvaa ozan suuntaisesti. The Four Feathers is a 1902 adventure novel by British writer A.E.W. Mason that has inspired many films of the same title. Against the background of the Mahdist War, young Faversham disgraces himself by quitting the army; this act the others perceive as cowardice, symbolized by the four white feathers they give him. Chicken! “buk, buk, buk, ba-gawk”! The story tells of his fight to reclaim his honour and win back the heart of the woman he loves. Bleeding heart, purple heart. Nää sydänjutut ottaa kyllä päähän. Mä ällöön sydämiä, ne näyttää katkaistuine putkineen tosi törkeiltä.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 688: Flocks rely on the rooster or head hen to keep an eye to any danger to them. Interestingly if a rooster starts giving false alarms too often, the ladies will ignore him and rely on other flock members. Interesting.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 788: "Depending on the position of the reader, he was either a great defender of women's rights or, as a critic labelled him in 1916, 'the greatest misogynist since Schopenhauer', 'the country's high-priest of woman-haters.'"
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 806: Mencken often espoused views of politics, religion, and metaphysics that stressed their grotesqueness and absurdity; in this context, escape from the supposed fraud of such somber subjects was welcome to him.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 814: Mencken was a controversial, and humorous journalist, who greatly affected American fiction in the 1920s. He ridiculed the US’s organized religion, business and middle class. He was a very critical man, who supported Germany during the war and had a very Marxist outlook on life. Bill refers to him, saying that he mocks God. Also this shows Bill’s character, that he is someone is very cynical and critical about life.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 818: He is also known as “Fordham Flash” played baseball for the New York Giants of the National League. Bill refers to him when talking about who attended which university. Frankie did go to Fordham.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 820: Bishop Manning was a Bishop in New York City, who played a prominent role in World War I. Kake refers to him, when discussing his school life, and showing who he was surrounded by. In 1939-40, Manning took a leadership role in the successful effort to force the City University of New York to rescind their offer of a professorship to the philosopher Bertrand Russell.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 821: When the Bishop was asked whether salvation could be found outside the Episcopal Church, he replied, "Perhaps so, but no gentleman would care to avail himself of it." One year prior to the U.S. entering World War I, Manning said:
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 986: Hemingway routinely describes Robert Cohn, introduced in the novel’s first lines as “the middleweight boxing champion of Princeton,” as a “kike” and a “rich Jew”; his obnoxiousness fuels the plot. (Cohn was based on Harold Loeb, a friend who gave Hemingway crucial support in getting his early work published; Hemingway could not forgive anyone who did him a good turn.) The anti-Semitic insult of writing a character like Cohn into his first major novel is breathtaking: it was not, like Hemingway’s letters, intended for private consumption only, but as characterization and a plot device in a work of fiction — a novel, as it turned out, written for the ages.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 988: “The Sun Also Rises” is, for many readers, their introduction to Hemingway. It is taught in our schools. In writing it, Hemingway felt no need to censor himself, assuming, apparently, that readers shared his prejudice or at the very least did not object to it — indeed, that it added color to his story.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 993: Does this make Ernest Hemingway a bad writer? Does it mean we should no longer read him? I don’t think so. But then again I wrote his biography so I may be biased. The aesthetic satisfaction and sheer joy of reading such works as “In Our Time” and “A Moveable Feast,” or encountering the enduring truths of such novels as “A Farewell to Arms,” “For Whom the Bell Tolls” and, yes, “The Sun Also Rises” are undeniable. The books remain. So does racism and antisemitism. There are here to stay.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 999: Ernie was a product of a privileged upbringing whose first two marriages were to women of inherited wealth, which gave him the time to travel the world and develop as a writer without the pressure to make a living at it for the first decade of his career. Ernie had chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a degenerative brain condition that results from repeated head trauma that has been diagnosed in many boxers and football players.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 1038: That seemed to handle it. That was it. Send a girl off with one man. Introduce her to another to go off with him. Now go and bring her back. And sign the wire with love. That was it all right. I went in to lunch.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 80: Beecher's long career in the public spotlight led biographer Debby Applegate to call her biography of him The Most Famous Man in America. Niitä on piisannut.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 83: Beecher enjoyed the company of women, and rumors of extramarital affairs circulated as early as his Indiana days, when he was believed to have had an affair with a young member of his congregation. In 1858, the Brooklyn Eagle wrote a story accusing him of an affair with another young church member who had later become a prostitute. The wife of Beecher's patron and editor, Henry Bowen, confessed on her deathbed to her husband of an affair with Beecher; Bowen concealed the incident during his lifetime.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 191:
  • He is most powerful who has power over himself. Having power over others is not bad either.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 228: He then commenced his attempt to take Massagetae territory by force (c. 529), beginning by building bridges and towered war boats along his side of the river Oxus, or Amu Darya, which separated them. Sending him a warning to cease his encroachment (a warning which she stated she expected he would disregard anyway), Tomyris challenged him to meet her forces in honorable warfare, inviting him to a location in her country a day's march from the river, where their two armies would formally engage each other. He accepted her offer, but, learning that the Massagetae were unfamiliar with wine and its intoxicating effects, he set up and then left camp with plenty of it behind, taking his best soldiers with him and leaving the least capable ones.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 230: The general of Tomyris's army, Spargapises, who was also her son, and a third of the Massagetian troops, killed the group Cyrus had left there and, finding the camp well stocked with food and the wine, unwittingly drank themselves into inebriation, diminishing their capability to defend themselves when they were then overtaken by a surprise attack. They were successfully defeated, and, although he was taken prisoner, Spargapises committed suicide once he regained sobriety. Upon learning of what had transpired, Tomyris denounced Cyrus's tactics as underhanded and swore vengeance, leading a second wave of troops into battle herself. Cyrus the Great was ultimately killed, and his forces suffered massive casualties in what Herodotus referred to as the fiercest battle of his career and the ancient world. When it was over, Tomyris ordered the body of Cyrus brought to her, then decapitated him and dipped his head in a vessel of blood in a symbolic gesture of revenge for his bloodlust and the death of her son. However, some scholars question this version, mostly because even Herodotus admits this event was one of many versions of Cyrus's death that he heard from a supposedly reliable source who told him no one was there to see the aftermath.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 235: The Edict of Restoration, a proclamation attested by a cylinder seal in which Cyrus authorized and encouraged the return of the Israelites to the Land of Israel following his conquest of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, is described in the Bible and likewise left a lasting legacy on the Jewish religion due to his role in ending the Babylonian captivity and facilitating the Jewish return to Zion. According to Isaiah 45:1 of the Hebrew Bible, God anointed Cyrus for this task, even referring to him as a messiah (lit. 'anointed one'); Cyrus is the only non-Jewish figure in the Bible to be revered in this capacity.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 280: Oh the monotonous meanness of his lust. . . Voi äijän yxitoikkoisen alhaista himoa...
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 284: What makes him tick? Each night now I tie Mikä saa sen tikittämään? Joka ilta sidon
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 295: In 1941, bugler and career soldier Private Robert E. Lee Prewitt (Montgomery Clift) transfers from Fort Shafter to a rifle company at Schofield Barracks on the island of Oahu. Because Prewitt was also a boxer, Captain Dana "Dynamite" Holmes wants him on his regimental team. Prewitt explains that he stopped fighting after blinding a friend and refuses. Consequently, Holmes makes Prewitt's life miserable and ultimately orders First Sergeant Milton Warden (Lancaster) to prepare a court-martial. Warden suggests doubling Prewitt's company punishment as an alternative. Prewitt is hazed by the other NCOs and is supported only by his close friend, Private Angelo Maggio (Sinatra).
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 299: Despite being warned, Warden risks prison when he starts seeing Holmes' wife Karen. Her marriage to Holmes is fraught with infidelity, exacerbated after the stillbirth of a child and Karen's subsequent infertility. Karen encourages Warden to become an officer which would enable her to divorce Holmes and marry him.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 301: Maggio is sentenced to the stockade after walking off guard duty and getting drunk, subjecting him to Judson's unqualified (and unauthorized) wrath. Prewitt discovers Lorene's name is really Alma and her goal is to make enough money at the club to go back to the mainland. Prewitt tells her his career is in the military, and the two wonder whether they have a future together.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 303: A sergeant named Galovitch, a member of Holmes' boxing team, picks a fight with Prewitt. The fight is reported to Holmes who observes without intervening. Holmes is about to punish Prewitt again, but when he is told that Galovitch started the fight, Holmes lets him off the hook. The regimental commander observes Holmes' conduct and, after an investigation, orders his resignation in lieu of a court martial. Holmes' replacement, Captain Ross, reprimands the other NCOs, demotes Galovitch to Private, and affirms that there will be no more promotions through boxing.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 305: Maggio escapes from the stockade after a brutal beating from Judson and dies in Prewitt's arms. Seeking revenge, Prewitt finds Judson in a back alley and the two fight with knives. Prewitt kills Judson, but not before being badly wounded himself; Prewitt goes AWOL and stays with Lorene while Warden covers for his absence.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 309: Early Sunday morning, the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor. Warden keeps his head in the chaos. That night, Prewitt attempts to rejoin his company (despite Lorene's pleas for him to stay with her) but MPs shoot him dead when he refuses to halt. Warden identifies him as a good soldier, but dead.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 374: Sanomalehti Nikkei Shimbunin kaikkitietävä toimittaja Rei Shimura eiku Nakafuji on sanonut, että hintatason pysähtyneisyyden takia Japani on vaarassa luisua kokonaan pois teollisuusmaiden joukosta.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 395: Rosenfeld's short stories were inspired by his Chicago family: his bombastic father, his mother Miriam who died young, his sister, his unmarried aunts. He and his wife Vasiliki had two children, George and Eleni, the latter of which later became a Buddhist nun. He grew up a few blocks from Saul Bellow, and had known him since he was a teenager, when they worked on the same high school newspaper.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 399: He thought he was "the golden boy" of the New York literary elite, but his friends later remembered him in their memoirs as a man who, despite his brilliance, never fulfilled his potential; as Howe put it, a "Wunderkind grown into tubby sage ... he died as a lonely sloth." He died on July 14, 1956 of a heart attack in his one-room apartment in Chicago.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 471: And smote him, thus. Stabs himself.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 488: The play derives its plot from Giambattista Giraldi’s De gli Hecatommithi (1565), which Shakespeare appears to have known in the Italian original; it was available to him in French but had not been translated into English.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 493: As an older black man, Othello thinks he is no longer attractive to his young white Venetian wife. Overcome with jealousy, Othello kills Desdemona. When he learns from Emilia, too late, that his wife is "blameless," he asks to be remembered as one who “loved not wisely but too well” and kills himself.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 555: Mitä vittua? mixi se uhri oli sille yhtä mieluisaa? Oliko pääasia vaan saada riehua? tyydyttää verenhimo jollain uhrilla, vaikka syntipukilla? En ymmärrä.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 619:


    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 631: he angered a local king who ordered him nailed to a bed, covered his whole body with paper, brimstones, oil, asphalt and brushwood and set him on fire
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 713: Within the Quran, Jesus’ miraculous virgin birth is recounted with Mary having astonishment. How could she become pregnant when no mortal man has touched her? The angel she is having a criminal conversation with discourages her incredulousness with an affirmation of the power and might of Allah’s definitive decree. The virgin birth lacks the majesty of the Christian doctrine because it is not an announcement of God coming into her. Jesus would be like others before him, a prophet who announces God’s truth. The angel goes on to describe just what Jesus would do. Within the description, the author narrates an account of a miracle that Jesus performed as “clear proof” that he was a prophet of Allah. The miracle is repeated later in Surah 5.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 717: And will make him a messenger unto the
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 722: I heal him who was born blind, and the leper,
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 750: When the boy Jesus was five years old, he was playing at the ford of a rushing stream. And he gathered the disturbed water into pools and made them pure and excellent, commanding them by the character of his word alone and not by means of a deed. Then, taking soft clay from the mud, he formed twelve sparrows. It was the Sabbath when he did these things, and many children were with him. And a certain Jew, seeing the boy Jesus with the other children doing these things, went to his father Joseph and falsely accused the boy Jesus, saying that, on the Sabbath he made clay, which is not lawful, and fashioned twelve sparrows. And Joseph came and rebuked him, saying, “Why are you doing these things on the Sabbath?” But Jesus, clapping his hands, commanded the birds with a shout in front of everyone and said, “Go, take flight, and remember me, living ones.” And the sparrows, taking flight, went away squawking. (Sparrows don't squawk, they tweet. Perhaps they were ducks?) When the Pharisee saw this he was amazed and reported it to all his friends. (Inf: 1:1-5 italics added for emphasis
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 759: Attributed to the apostle Thomas (not likely, him being a stickler for factuality), the story accounts Jesus’ doings from age five to his appearance within the temple (Luke 2:41-49). In his book The Lost Bible: Forgotten Scriptures Revealed, J.R. Porter commented:
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 762: dangerous powers, rather like Harry Potter. His words can have harsh consequences when he is angered or insulted, as when he shrivels up one boy for a quite insignificant act and strikes another dead for merely bumping into him. It is hard not to feel distaste at such stories, which seem so far removed from the Jesus of the canonical gospels, and one can even detect a degree of unease on the part of the author as he narrates them: while attempting to absolve Jesus from the blame, he more than once records the great offense which Jesus’ behavior caused, as well as the efforts of his parents to restrain him, as when Joseph asks Jesus: “Why do you do such things that these people must suffer and hate us and persecute us?” On another occasion Joseph tells Mary: “Do not let him go outside the door, for all those who provoke him die."
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 764: The Christ-child is presented as one that does not grow in wisdom and understanding but yields his sharp omnipotence at a whim on unsuspecting people and his parents. Though widely influential in Christian imagination and art, the infancy gospels were never close to canonization. They were not discussed or considered because they were known to be fictitious fables. F.F. Bruce discussing the nature of the infancy gospels remarked that
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 790: b) The Quran also claims for itself a very impeccable status: it is errorless (4:82; 18:1), eternal (85:21-22; 43:3-4), final revelation to humankind (2:2; 10:37), incomparable in beauty and elegance (29:48; 2:23), the very word of God (1:1-7), not originating in the will of Muhammad (53:1-5, 10-11) and many other things. If the Quran is truly errorless, could a historical error be possible? What if "God" is a historical error? Naah, that can't be. He said as much himself.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 69: und flimmerte nicht so wie Raubtierfelle; Eikä himertäisi kuin petolinnun perse;
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 79: Rilke’s path was more circuitous. Born to a liberal family in Prague when Rodin was 35, the young Rilke was dressed as a girl by his mother and called “Sophie.” (His given name was actually René.) When he came of age, his parents sent him to a military academy in hopes that he might achieve the officer’s rank that eluded his father, but the students there saw him as “fragile, precocious and a moral scold”—qualities that linger with him throughout the book, until he emerges from Rodin’s shadow as a major writer.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 99: Born in 1875 in Prague, Rilke was until he was six or seven got up in skirts by his mother, who named him René and tried to console herself for the death of an infant daughter. By the time Rilke was ten, his disappointed romantic of a mother had left his father, a kindly but ineffectual minor railway official, who had spent some years in the Austrian army unsuccessfully seeking commission as an officer. Rilke's parents decided to send the young boy to military school, a prospect that stirred the father's hopes of turning his son into a soldier. LOL. Though he later claimed to have loathed military school, the young bohemian warmly absorbed the values of discipline, valor, and self-sacrifice into his ideal of the defiant artist-hero. He skillfully foiled his father's martial expectations, and lack of funds freed the aspiring poet from his family's next plans for him: law school. In fact, though he attended several universities, soaking up lectures on diverse subjects throughout his life, he never graduated from any of them. About such a practical matter as a sheepskin, the finest German lyricist since Goethe wrote as an adolescent, "And even if I never reach my Arts degree / I'm still a scholar, as I wished to be."
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 101: W. H. Auden once remarked that would-be poets had better learn a manual trade. But Rilke was cast more in the haughty Yeatsian mold that Auden, not exactly a day laborer himself, haughtily disdained. And unlike Rilke's contemporary Franz Kafka, who performed his tasks as an insurance executive with initiative and even enthusiasm, Rilke was too frail psychologically to balance his art with the demands of full-time employment. Even a desk job in the Austrian army during the First World War, when the forty-year-old literary celebrity was conscripted, proved too much for him. After three weeks of parade-ground training and living in barracks, which nearly killed him, Rilke was assigned to the propaganda section. There his literary powers deserted him, and his frustrated superiors transferred the stunned poet to the card-filing department, where he remained for six months, until his friends interceded and got him discharged. André Malraux he was not.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 103: Rilke's diaries and letters, lively with tales of self-dislike and depression, seem to out-Kafka Kafka himself. Still, biographers should beware of making too much of these highly polished introspections. Rilke conceived of writing as a form of prayer, as Kafka did, and he made astringent self-examination a ritualistic prelude to work. Both writers magnified their inadequacies, sometimes to the point of a vaunting self-regard; it was an efficient way to wrest from their doubts a diligent beauty of creation.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 105: Rilke lived on the brink of poverty for much of his life, dependent on the good graces of aristocratic and haute-bourgeois patrons in the twilight of the Hapsburg Empire. His shaky situation, much as he complained of it, suited his temperament as well as did the black clothes he liked to parade in during his dandyish younger days in Prague. Like the great German mystics, Rilke was a confirmed solitary. Thus he sought to form emotional bonds with people more ardently than do those who take their desire to be with others for granted. Wandering from person to person and from place to place like a pilgrim, he found that patrons offered him, among more practical things, a potential shrine of emotional fulfillment.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 107: Rilke spent his life wandering. From an art colony in Germany he migrated to a position as Rodin's secretary in Paris; the sculptor eventually claimed that the poet was answering letters without his permission and summarily dismissed him, as much to Rilke's relief as to his chagrin. From Berlin he made two pilgrimages to Russia to meet Tolstoy, on one trip going nearly unacknowledged because of a titanic quarrel between the count and the countess. He traveled from Italy to Vienna to Spain to Tunisia to Cairo. His restless peregrinations had their origins in his epoch, and in a temperament forced painfully to choose perfection of the life or of the work. Rilke's academic sponsor and friend was Georg Simmel, the celebrated German sociologist and philosopher of modernity. In "The Adventurer," one of his most famous essays, Simmel argued that only the experience of art or adventure could invest time with the significance once lent it by religious ritual. The work of both art and adventure had a beginning and an end; they were each an "island in life" that briefly imparted a transcendent wholeness to experience. And of all possible modern adventures, Simmel concluded, the one that most completely combined the profoundest elements of life with a momentary apprehension of what lay beyond life was the love affair.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 111: First of all, it provided him with an uncanny empathy for women. His two most potent and obsessive literary images were the unrequited female lover and the woman artist struggling to find freedom and space for her work. But Rilke's liberated feminine side also gave him the gift of unabashed openness to his need and desire for the opposite sex (from women). He recalls Kierkegaard's description of Mozart's Don Giovanni, who did not calculatedly seduce, according to Kierkegaard, but desired seductively. What women found irresistible about Rilke was not the effect he had on them but the effect they had on him.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 117: Rilke loved absolutely, not strenuously or patiently, and therefore his love always froze up into a mirror of itself. His condition might have been tormented and tormenting--it might appear wearily obnoxious. But for Rilke the poet, modern men and women as lovers--their exalted expectations and their comi-tragic desperation--came to symbolize complex human fate in a world where vertiginous possibilities have replaced God and nature. In Rilke's Elegies especially, lovers encounter animals, trees, flowers, works of art, puppets, and angels--all images, for Rilke, of the absolute fulfillment of desire, alongside which the poet placed the tender vaudeville of imperfect human wanting. Rilke the man might have presented a painful obstruction to himself. But true ardor often springs from an essential deprivation.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 125: But no--if, for Freedman, Rilke is a slick little engine of self-advancement, he is also "thin-skinned," "fragile," "depressed," "thwarted," "troubled," "distraught," "schizophrenic," and "almost suicidal," and he suffered from "hysteria," "anxiety," and "insecurity." This poet seems so tightly shackled to his inner condition that we wonder how he found the freedom to make his art. Freedman himself only occasionally glances at Rilke's art, and then with considerable lack of charm, not to say comprehension ("Still addressing the woman's genitals in confrontation with the man's, Rilke weighed in with his most devastating critique of death's dialectic").
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 127: Freedman's Rilke is an almost wholly psychologized being. He has little existence outside his leaden states of mind. We rarely hear about the rich medley of artistic and intellectual influences on him--amazingly, Simmel's "The Adventurer" never comes up. This is an extreme approach to the telling of a poet's life, but Freedman has a method to his extremism. As in a rash of recent despoiling biographies--John Fuegi's life of Brecht, Michael Shelden's of Graham Greene, Ronald Hayman's of Thomas Mann, to name just three--the author shortly puts his cards on the table: in this case we are going to meet Rilke the anti-Semite, Rilke the secret homosexual, Rilke the sexist.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 131: One ugly phrase in a personal letter, for instance (out of a vast personal correspondence), referring to Franz Werfel as a "Jew-boy," and some murky generalities about Werfel's "Jewish attitude toward his work," do not an anti-Semite make. Rilke cherished the many Jews he knew, including Simmel; he enjoyed reading the Hasidic philosopher Martin Buber and steeped himself in Jewish Scripture, claiming that Judaism was closer than Christianity to God. He also remained a lifelong champion of Werfel's work. And a reader discovers buried deep in Freedman's footnotes that Rilke wrote the offending letter to the poet Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, a good friend and an important patron. Hoffmannsthal was also Jewish, and he shared Rilke's negative views on the superambitious Werfel, who emigrated to America and, in 1941, published The Song of Bernadette, a novel about a miracle at Lourdes. Freedman doesn't mention that about five months after Rilke wrote the letter to Hoffmannsthal, along with a nearly identical letter to his patron Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis, Rilke again wrote similar letters to the two of them praising Werfel's poetry so exuberantly that they almost sound like retractions of his first letters.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 141: The women Rainer chose . . . were themselves practicing artists whose work he respected, from Clara to Loulou and now to Baladine-Merline. But they were given no choice to remove themselves for the sake of their art. . . . Rilke's love imposed a nonreciprocal discipline: in the end, it worked only for him and his poetry.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 147: This is all ludicrously unfair. It's certainly unfair to say that Rilke didn't give the women he loved and who loved him the "choice to remove themselves for the sake of their art." He was in no position to give or deny freedom to his independent-minded wife, let alone to any woman of whom he was merely a lover. Only their passion, or admiration, or use for Rilke bound these women to the famous poet. Often ambitious artists themselves, Rilke's lovers expected him to introduce them into his heady artistic and intellectual circles and to help them with their careers. This he unfailingly did; in one case he helped the careers of a former lover's children by her husband. And he offered emotional succor long after the amorous flame had waned--not to mention demanding the same support for himself.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 149: Rilke's most benevolent patron, Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis, was wise enough both to nurture Rilke's gift and to keep her distance from her complicated protégé. An unblinking observer of Rilke's life, she was able to see his liaisons for what they were. And she knew how Rilke's acute sensitivity to his own condition, combined with his talent for self-pity, often landed him in the arms of the wrong people: "You must always be seeking out such weeping willows, who are by no means so weepy in reality, believe me--you find your own reflection in those eyes." But Freedman, doggedly indifferent to the available evidence, makes Rilke's lovers and women friends out to be helpless victims of a smooth seduction machine.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 197: But why did aging Rodin in his 60s capture Rilke’s imagination at the turn of the last century? It’s hard to see at first. What made Rodin radical then is no longer radical today. In his “Self-Portrait” (1890), Rodin grimaces amidst rough marks. The picture emblematizes how Rodin heralded raw and unpolished sculptures that were strikingly modern. It was a breath of fresh air since most of early-19th-century sculpture was smooth, neoclassical, and to be harshly honest, predictably dainty. Charles Baudelaire lamented this nadir in 1846 when he wrote his provocative essay “Why Sculpture is Boring.” Rodin went on to prove Baudelaire wrong. He showed how sculpture could be modern with distorted, coarse, rough textures. Rodin knocked the idealized body off its pedestal. And the modern sculptors that came after him saw no reason to put it back.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 201: Three years later in September of 1905, Rilke took a job as Rodin’s assistant and lived with him full-time on his country estate. For the first time, Rodin’s correspondence was prompt and his files organized. Rilke relished more long talks with Rodin and the book is filled with examples of how Rodin stimulated the poet during this period of employment and intense "dialogue."
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 258: Parempina päivinä José olis kyllä tarttunut inkvisiittiön rattaisiin kuten ne 1500-luvun lapsenmurhasta syytetyt juutalaiset jotka aloittivat sefardien vainon ja karkotuxen Epsanjasta. Juutalaisia ja mustalaisia epäillään säännöttömin väliajoin lapsenryöstöstä ja kannibalismista, joteskin ne taitaa olla apinoiden mielestä rikoxista pahimmat. No just niitähän ne Malamudin simpanssitkin harrastivat. Kz. lisää julmuuxia täältä. Vrt. myös Dostojevskia albumissa 111. Kz. myös Chicagon selkkaus alempana.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 292: The growth of the following of Joseph is manifested with the earliest church dedicated to him in Rome, San Giuseppe dei Falegnami (St. Joseph of the Carpenters), constructed in 1540 in the Forum Romanum, above the prison that by tradition had held the Apostles Peter and Paul. The spread of his following is then shown by the publication of the first Litany of St. Joseph in Rome in 1597 and the introduction of the Cord of St. Joseph in Antwerp in 1657. These were then followed by the Chaplet of St. Joseph in 1850, and the Scapular of St. Joseph of the Capuchins which was approved in 1880. The formal veneration of the Holy Family began in the 17th century by Mgr François de Laval.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 294: From the 16th century onwards, a number of Catholic saints prayed to Saint Joseph, invoked his help and protection and encouraged others to do so. In Introduction to the Devout Life Francis de Sales included Joseph along with the Virgin Mary as saints to be invoked during prayers following an examination of conscience. Teresa of Avila attributed her recovery of health to Joseph and recommended him as an advocate. In her biography The Story of a Soul, Thérèse of Lisieux stated that for a period of time, she prayed every day to "Saint Joseph, Father and Protector of Virgins..." and felt safe from danger as a result. The three mentioned in this paragraph were all Doctors of the Church.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 300: During the centenary of Quamquam pluries in 1989, Pope John Paul II delivered the Apostolic exhortation Redemptoris custos ("Guardian of the Redeemer"). This exhortation is part of the "redemption documents" issued by the pope, and refers to the Marian encyclical Redemptoris Mater. It discusses the importance of Saint Joseph in the Holy Family, and presents the pope's view of Saint Joseph's role in the plan of redemption. John Paul II positions Saint Joseph as breaking the old vice of paternal familial domination, and suggests him as the model of a loving father.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 307: Tukholman Yasuragi kylpylä on termiittiapinoiden identiteettikadon riemuvoitto, anaalis-retentiivisten Rei Shimura tyyppien polluutiouni. Kaikilla on samat uima-asut kuin karvalakit armeijassa, kännyköitä ei sallita enempää kuin kärpäsiä kesäkodissa, mutta ne räpsivät salaa joka paikassa ottaen kiellon päälle kuvia. Pari-kolmekymppiset izeään kaikesta huolimatta erityisinä pitävät kävijät paistattelee ylihintaisissa altaissa ja näpsii belfieitä. On kiva hymistellä kun ei rupujengi häirihe, on kiva rapistella japsuhenkisessä kylpytakissa pikku tempuroita raikkaan kraanaveden kyytipoikana, luonnonmazkuiset kusiluikkarit puhtaassa pikku jalassa.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 348: Viron lähimenneisyydestä kirjoittaminen jatkui näytelmällä puhdistus, joka sai ensi-iltansa helmikuussa 2007. Loppuunmyydyt esitykset jatkuivat kolme kautta ja esitystä kuvattiin vuoden teatteritapaukseksi. Sofi muunsi näytelmänsä romaaniksi vuonna 2008. Teos voitti sekä Finlandia – että Runeberg-palkinnon ja vielä vuonna 2010 pohjoismaiden neuvoston kirjallisuuden palkinnon.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 390: Vankilakirjeissään Bonhoeffer kirjoitti ”uskonnottomasta kristinuskosta”, joka ottaisi vakavasti ihmiskunnan täysi-ikäisyyden. Hän katsoi, että kirkko ei ole olemassa itsetarkoituksena vaan ”muita varten”, ja että tässä Saksan kirkko oli harhautunut pahimmin. Bonhoeffer katsoi, että tuonpuoleinen ei ole todellisuudessa nähtyjen aukkojen täyttäjä, vaan kristittyjen tulisi oppia elämään kuin Jumalaa ei olisi olemassa, ja että tämä on Jumalan tahto. Vain näin kristinusko voi löytää merkityksensä uudelleen. Bonhoeffer kirjoitti: ”Jumalan edessä ja Jumalan kanssa me elämme ilman Jumalaa. Jumala antaa työntää itsensä maailmasta ristille”
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 453: Less than three months after their engagement, Bonhoeffer was arrested for his activities in resisting the Nazi government. He and Maria corresponded during his imprisonment in Tegel prison and she was permitted to visit him occasionally but, after he was implicated in the plot to assassinate Hitler on the 20th of July 1944, he was transferred to a Gestapo high security prison and was permitted no further contact with her or his family.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 566: A Caltech Title IX investigation in the fall of 2015 found that Ott had engaged in "discriminatory and harassing behavior" toward two female graduate students in his research group. Caltech suspended him for nearly two years, and Ott announced his resignation in August, after students protested his return to campus.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 572: Tuorla Observatory head Juri Poutanen claimed that there was no evidence that Ott had ever sexually harassed anyone. No signs of such alleged events have been registered by the sensitive apparatus of the Tuorla observatory. A monster was made of him publicly in the media," Poutanen wrote (in Finnish) on Sunday to one of the critics of the decision to hire Ott.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 114: Kermaperseet vanhemmat koittaa turhaan kietoa päätä pilalle hemmotellun poikansa crime passionelin ympärille. Medisiinarilta se onnistuukin, ahimsa vakuutusjohtaja on olevinaan ymmällään. Se olis samassa tilanteessa tehnyt sorsakoiraat ja mennyt heti perään pukille. Siittimen muotoilu on nääs sellainen, että se poistaa edellisen koiraan spermaa joka ulosvedolla. Typeriä lainauxia Thomas Mannin Taikavuoresta, tietysti oikeudenomistajan luvalla.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 124: The Population Registration Act, 1950 classified all South Africans into one of four racial groups based on appearance, known ancestry, socioeconomic status, and cultural lifestyle: "Black", "White", "Coloured", and "Indian", the last two of which included several sub-classifications. Just like in India in fact, except all castes are Indians in India, however Aryan they may think they are. Brahmin Gandhi got really pissed when he was thrown out of train in Pretoria like a pariah. Got him started on his career as Indian nationalist. Until then he had been a supporter of The Brits in The Boer war.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 158: Tarina alkaa vajaa vuosikymmen ennen ensimmäistä maailmansotaa. Päähenkilö, vähän yli 20-vuotias Hans Castorp, menee davosilaiseen alppiparantolaan tapaamaan siellä tuberkuloosin vuoksi hoidossa olevaa serkkuaan Joachim Ziemßeniä. Castorpin vierailu parantolassa venyy hänen saamiensa yhä pahenevien, osittain näyteltyjen sairauksien vuoksi. Castorp tapaa parantolassa henkilöitä, kuten humanistin ja tietokirjailijan Lodovico Settembrinin, totalitaristisen jesuiitan Leo Naphtan, hedonistin Pieter Peeperkornin ja romanttisesti köyrimänsä rouva Chauchat’n.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 165: Crime passionel #1: He felt inadequate as a man when he heard his girlfriend had cheated on him with two other men. That’s why he shot her three times while she was sleeping, a sobbing Soshanguve man told the Pretoria High Court yesterday in 2010.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 166: Sipo John Motshwele on Thursday cried bitterly in the witness stand asking the court and the family of his girlfriend to forgive him. Story continues below Advertisment.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 174: Motshwele earlier said he was at the funeral of his brother’s wife that day, when he heard about his girlfriend’s infidelities. This angered him so much that he decided there was no more sense in her living either.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 178: He lost consciousness but “woke up” when he heard his name being called outside. His friends took him to hospital, where he spent a month.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 189: According to Vorster’s statement, Vos confirmed the affair when he asked her why she had not dished up food for him.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 190: She then threw a plate of food at him.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 206: Era marito di prime nozze di Francesca da Polenta, immortalata nei versi di Dante (Inferno, Canto V). Si racconta che la sua morte sarebbe avvenuta nel castello di Scorticata (odierna Torriana) per mano del nipote Uberto, figlio del fratello Paolo, che egli aveva ucciso, insieme alla propria consorte Francesca, che era divenuta l'amante del cognato. Tuttavia nel 1304 Gianciotto era stato nuovamente designato podestà di Pesaro, ragion per cui si ritiene che morì in questa città. Gianciotto sposò in seconde nozze Zambrasina dei Zambrasi di Faenza, dalla quale ebbe cinque figli. Eli ihan kivasti meni sitten Zoppolla vaikka klenkaten. Mutta entäs loppupeleissä? Kostonhimoinen Francesca sanoo siipasta et Kainin orsilla tavataan: « Caïne attend celui qui nous meurtrit ». Dante situe la Caïne dans la première zone du lac du Cocyte, au plus profond du neuvième cercle de l'Enfer. Là sont punis, pris dans la glace jusqu'au cou, les traîtres à leurs proches. Il donne à ce lieu le nom de Caïn qui tua son frère Abel après l'avoir trahi.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 247: In an understandable effort to free Mr. Seib, the reporter's family, according to a UPI report in The Post Feb. 4, announced: "We want to stress his Catholic background, his German Volga background, his ethnic background." Further, "His upbringing did not have anything to do with the type of person who would spy for anybody." The Iranians chimed in to the effect that "mistakes and misunderstandings" played a major role in Mr. Seib's detention.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 323: After college, Carlson tried to join the Central Intelligence Agency, but his application was denied, after which he decided to pursue a career in linguistics with the encouragement of his father, who advised him that "they'll take anybody".
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 334: Carlson made cameo appearances as himself in Dancing with the Wolves and Season 1 of "Hard Balls". Carlson was the first contestant eliminated.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 355: The "bioweapons labs" claim has also been refuted by the US, Ukraine, the United Nations, and the Bulletin of the Subatomic Scientists. It was founded by former Manhattan Project scientists as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists of Chicago on the profits of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The organization is also the keeper of the internationally recognized Doomsday Clock, the time of which is announced each January.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 428: Her home was close to Mandela, "just a bit down the street," and with a laugh she told me about the times after Mandela and his wife Winnie had separated that he would call and invite himself to dinner at her home. "Really he was just lonesome and wanted someone to talk to. Someone he felt comfortable with. An old friend like me," she said. Not bad for a woman who only spent only one year at the University of the Witwatersrand.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 443: Sama herraviha jatkuu seuraavassa osassa, missä Fred Karlssonmainen varakanslerixi pyrkivä professorinkuikelo paljastuu selkärangattomaxi huumehemmoxi. Jälleen kerran komisario Lewis osoittaa käsittämätöntä lattapäisyyttä. Kirjelaput oli selvästi nykykreikkaa eikä "muinaista". Kaikki sarjan porukat ensimmäisestä viimeiseen on inhoja kylmiöitä. Lewisin räyhäävästä sinkoilusta ja sivistymättömyydestä tehdään suoranainen hyve, ja sen vaimon auto-onnettomuudesta sen elämän pitkästyttävän kuiva johtotähti. Viha ja kostonhimo on tosi hienoa, ainakin Lewisin kirjassa, ja niin Lewisin kazojien kirjoissa kai myös. Täysin paska sarja, näyttää mitä briteissä on klassillisesta sivistyxestä jäljellä: huonosti istuvia viittoja, mongerrellen äännettyä latinaa ja kreikan alkeita. Olen aika varma että edellisen sarjan Morsella (josta en onnexeni nähnyt yhtään osaa) oli yhtä paha yskä, joka tässä yhä pahenee.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 513: pelikirjassa on pahimmat
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 567: Ranskis kasarileffassa junaonnettomuudesta selvinnyt osaton tyttö Helene pääsee vahingossa varakkaan viininviljelijäperheen pojan lesken vaihdokkaaxi ja kiintyy vähitellen koko perheeseen, varsinkin kilttiin anoppiin Lenaan ja pikkuveli Pierreen. Kun psykopaatti vauvan isä tulee vainoamaan perhettä, Helene puukottaa sen kuoliaaxi, Pierre kätkee ruumiin ja Lena ottaa syyn niskoilleen. Kaikki ovat onnellisia. Tää oli hyvä ohjelma, tästä mie pidän. Tää on mun moraalikäsitysten mukaista: hyvät on kilttejä toisilleen ja pitää yhtä, paskiaiset tapetaan muitta mutkitta. Kikka on vaan siinä että tietää lähimmäisensä. Paskiaisen määritelmä riippuu puolesta.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 728: The perpetrator, found guilty of child abuse or gender-based violence, is taken into a public square and set up in a highly undignified position, probably with a sign round her/his neck saying “rapist,” angry men/women can throw rotten eggs or vrot tomatoes at her/him to express their disgust and point out what a despicable human being s/he is. S/he won’t want that to happen again! Unless s/he quite enjoys it?
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 753: ’He stole my money’ - Woman confesses to battering nephew to death and burying him in her backyard. A Gauteng woman Andile Aalivirah Mthembu has confessed that she battered her nephew to death and buried the body in her backyard.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 796: 65.5% men and 85.3% women knew their victim by name or have seen him/her before. It is the so called “social fabric crimes” and has primarily to do with a lack of moral values as well as assets for healthy development.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 814: Van der Westhuizen continues to say that murders in South Africa are not racially motivated, as some (many?) people believe. Farm and house murders are sometimes horribly cruel but according to him he has never encountered a clear racial motive in court. For him, murderers kill mostly out of greed, jealousy, passion, and during gang wars. Also because of poverty and the despondency and drunkenness that accompany it, but not because of racial hatred. The whiteys just happen to have more of the wherewithal. From 1990 to 2017 there were 1938 murders on farms (of which 137 were farm workers). Of the victims, 88% were white and 12% black.
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 212: EVERY one has asked himself the great question of antiquity as of the modern
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 333: Nyt on maailman vahvin Nalle Höblälle hyvin hyvin vihainen. Lehti on tyyten vapautunut edistyxellisistä ahimsa-kammizoista, kiitos savolaisen iltapulun ja Ukrainan. Ryssäviha ja natomyönteisyys ovat aivan tapissa. Lars Sonck (sama joka suunnitteli Anja Virran sisäremontin ) medioi että Ruozissa on Nallen kriminaalipolitiikka epäonnistunut: Ruozalaiset puolueet alkaa mamupaineessa olla yhtä mieltä sitä ettei värivammaisia konnia pidä hyysätä ja tarjota niille mies ja ääni demokratiaa, vaan hirttää. käristää sähkötuolissa, myrkyttää tai ampua mieluiten aamunkoitteessa. Yhteiskunnat riemastuvat ja militarisoituvat, väkivalta siittää lisää väkivaltaa kuin Nadine Gordimerin Transvaalissa, kaikki ovat kiihtyneitä mutta innoissaan kuin karnevaaleissa! Mikä helpotus, mikä raikas tuuli käy ummehtuneissa pandemiamaskeissa!
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 75: Neptune on vanha mies, jolla pitkät hiukset ja harmaa parta., Hänet esitetään usein klassisissa ja nykyaikaisissa taideteoksissa yhtenä antiikin Rooman vanhimman näköisistä jumalista. Mikä tekee hänestä yhden tunnetuimmista jumalista Roomassa on hänen trident, ja että hän tekee aaltoja, kun hän liikkuu alla valtameren.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 106: Just Argument: “What if he should have a radish shoved up his ass because he trusted you and then have hot ashes rip off his hair? What argument will he be able to offer to prevent himself from having a gaping-anus?”
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 111: The goal of the insertion of the radish––which at that time was likely larger; more like a black radish (retikka) rather than the red round radish of today––was as O’Bryhim (2017: 326) posits, in order to give the offender the condition of a εὐρύπρωκτος (a “roomy anus”).
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 321: The sire of gods and men smiled and answered, “If you, Juno, were always to support me when we sit in council of the gods, Neptune, like it or no, would soon come round to your and my way of thinking. If, then, you are speaking the truth and mean what you say, go among the rank and file of the gods, and tell Iris and Apollo lord of the bow, that I want them—Iris, that she may go to the Achaean host and tell Neptune to leave off fighting and go home, and Apollo, that he may send Hector again into battle and give him fresh strength; he will thus forget his present sufferings, and drive the Achaeans back in confusion till they fall among the ships of Achilles son of Peleus. Achilles will then send his comrade Patroclus into battle, and Hector will shaft him in front of Ilius after he has shafted many warriors, and among them my own noble son Sarpedon. Achilles will shaft Hector to avenge Patroclus, and from that time I will bring it about that the Achaeans shall persistently drive the Trojans back till they fulfil the counsels of Minerva and take Ilium. But I will not stay my anger, nor permit any god to help the Danaans till I have accomplished the desire of the son of Peleus, according to the promise I made by bowing my head (after shafting her) on the day when Thetis touched me between my knees and besought me to give him honour.”
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 687: Ja numeroi pyhimyxet kasaan, And number saints together,
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 881: I love to try and bring a note of mystery to everyday happenings. Here, a child wants his father to build him a sand castle as the tide is falling, but the poem is really about the title of it, which is ´Lord Neptune´.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 907: Contemporary odes to Neptune were harder to come by, but divine intervention ensured I found one that mentioned him by name. One of the highlights of my recent trip to Odesa, discussed here on the blog, was a visit to the literary museum, which houses a small collection of Anna Akhmatova’s work. The statuesque Russian poet, melancholic lover and resolute witness to the Stalinist and Putinist terrors, was born near Odesa and spent her childhood summers in the region. The display included a palm-sized booklet of the long poem ‘Close to the Sea’, or as my host translated, ‘very close’: an intimate relationship. I looked it up in The Complete Poems when I got home and assumed it must be ‘By the Edge of the Sea’. The ballad of a fierce young woman willing the arrival of her beloved from the waves, the poem was too long for the workshop and extracts would not do it justice. A shame, I thought, setting down the 950 page book, which promptly fell open to:
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 956: The bum’s as holy as the seraphim! the madman is holy as you my soul are holy!

    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1070: In the summer of 1936, Theodor Geisel was on a ship from Europe to New York when he started scribbling silly rhymes on the ship’s stationery to entertain himself during a storm: “And this is a story that no one can beat. I saw it all happen on Mulberry Street.”
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1071: The rhymes morphed into his first children’s book, “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street,” about a boy who witnesses increasingly outlandish things. First published in 1937, the book started Geisel’s career as Dr. Seuss. He went on to publish more than 60 books that have sold some 700 million copies globally, making him one of the world’s most enduringly popular children’s book authors.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 184: Naipaul's fiction and especially his travel writing have been criticised for their allegedly unsympathetic portrayal of the Third World. The novelist Robert Harris has called Naipaul's portrayal of Africa racist and "repulsive," reminiscent of Oswald Mosley's fascism. Edward Said argued that Naipaul "allowed himself quite consciously to be turned into a witness for the Western prosecution", promoting what Said classified as "colonial mythologies about wogs and darkies". Said believed that Naipaul's worldview may be most salient in his book-length essay The Middle Passage (1962), composed following Naipaul's return to the Caribbean after 10 years of exile in England, and the work An Area of Darkness (1964).
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 324: much jewelry I expected him to give away with his daughter.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 350: in their own crude way. He himself had drifted into the liberal
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 351: creed but without much conviction, taking us all with him.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 377: Fogg on keski-ikäinen bipolaarinen laiha väpelö, Passpartout on luipero frankofoni Ibrahim-niminen musulmaani lakukeppi, ja detektiivi Fixistä on tehty sarjoissa nyttemmin välttämätön 3. pyörä, neuvokas ja suulas token nuori nainen, joka alkaa kaiken kukkuraxi muhinoida Ibrahimin kaa. Foggille on kyllä varattu jossain myöhemmässä jaxossa (mitä vetoa että amerikkalaistunut - juu tietysti) Estella, joka ei kuitenkaan tule häirizemään juonenkuljetusta vaan jättää kolmikon seikkailemaan kolmistaan kuin eilisen ranskalaisen romcomin jewess, lakukeppikokki ja lepakko. Konna Bellamykaan ei ole täysin paha, pitää Foggille kauniin muistopuheen. Mutta spoilerista ilmenee että Fogg pääsee kuitenkin lyttäämään sen julkisesti loppupeleissä. Estellaa ei huolita mukaan siikveliinkään kaiketikin, missä kolmikkomme jatkaa Jules Vernen merenhuisketarinaan. Tyypillistä on, että konnantöitä rahoittava konna saa osaxeen vain pahexuntaa, kun taas suoritusportaan konnat tapetaan muitta mutkitta. Nain on meidankin elamassamme. Ehkä vituttavinta on että seikkailut on aivan sivuosassa, ja koko sarjan ytimessä on näiden tyyppien haukotuttavat keskinäiset välienselvittelyt koijassa ala tositeeveesarja Viettelysten saari.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 636: and still recalls him. Though now long estranged, Antero Vipuselta, joka kuzuu sen takaisin,
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 64: Kolmannen yönsä oli Isokukko-Uljas meidän talon tuvassa nukkunut muiden kortteerimiesten kanssa, ennen kuin rupesi naimisenasioista minulle haastamaan. Jättäytyi tupaan, kun muut miehet saunaan läksivät. Minä en sinä iltana välittänyt mennäkään, ja Kustin-tursake taas omiaan kamarissaan hääräsi, rahojaanko lie laskeskellut. Isokukko-Uljas kysäisi omaan reiluun tapaansa, että onkos tässä talossa tapana, että metsätyömiehet emännän sänkyä käyvät lämmittämässä, eikös isännästä enää ole siihen. Minä sitä vähän hämmästyin, ilokin pyrki pintaan, mutta koetin suutani vetää viivalle vaan. Sanoin siihen, että ei sitä kaikki sinne päässeet, emännän kamariin. Isokukko-Uljas kyseli, että Einokos se ainoastaan semmoista erityiskohtelua saapi. Minä siihen, että saa kuka saa. Oli se siinä vaiheessa jo päättänyt minua naida, kyllä sen näki silmistä. Ai ai ai, miten se katsoi raukeasti isoilla silmillään kuin viekas sonnimullikka! Kysyi se sitten, että jos hänellekin ensi yönä sitä herkkua riittäisi, kun oli jo viidettä päivää ilman joutunut olemaan. Kyllä minä jo siinä kohtaa semmoista himoa tunsin, että naurun päästin vastaukseksi, se riitti Isokukko-Uljakselle. Se sanoi yöllä saapuvansa ja käski sanoa entiselle sängynlämmittäjälle, että jättäisi se tulematta.
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 90: Sänky ryskyi, natisi liitoksistaan ja valitti hajoavansa. Minä huusin, Isokukko-Uljas karjui, kyllä semmoinen meteli piti hereillä koko talon! Mutta sillä hetkellä en tiennyt muusta, levisin vaan, otin sisääni isoa murikkaa, sonnin jäykkää aisaa! Olin jossakin muualla, päässä pyöri ja rinnassa hyrskysi, huone keikkui. Isokukko-Uljas ponnisti voimalla viimeisen kerran, työnsi syvälle, naisen pyhimpään. Painavat pallit minua vasten hakkasivat, antoivat lisää suolaa soppaan. Kyrpä turposi paksuksi, mies karjahti, syöksi kuuman siemenlastin syvälle sisääni, täytti sillä koko vakoni. Tunsin sen, takerruin mieheen kaikin voimin, purskahdin pieniksi lemmenpisaroiksi, sulin kuin voi, rinnassa hulmahti, ja valahdin hervottomana sängylle.
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 112: Phineas is an Anglicized name for the priest Phinehas in the Hebrew Bible; King Phineas, the first king of the Beta Israel in Ethiopia; Phineas Banning (1830-1885), American businessman and entrepreneur; P. T. Barnum (1810-1891), American showman and businessman. The grandson of Aaron and son of Eleazar, the High Priests (Exodus 6:25), he distinguished himself as a youth at Shittim with his zeal against the Bull-Shittim...
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 277: Torbjörn and Synnöve are two children living in the same valley. Synnöve's mother does not like them playing with each other because Torbjörn's grandfather Torbjörn drinks. They have both now grown up. Torbjörn is teased for having an alcoholic grandfather. This leads to fights, which Synnöve wants him to win. During a fight, Torbjörn is stabbed in the sack and paralyzed. He asks Synnöve to seek another man and not commit herself to a cripple. One day he sees his alcoholic grandfather's carriage overturn and, distressed by the event, he suddenly gets it up for the first time since the paralysis. A miracle has happened, and he can finally have his beloved.
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 320: Chimamanda Ngozillakin on kirjassa Adiche (Kotiinpalaajat) tosi tuttuja tv-trooppeja, mutta silti ne eivät vaikuta aivan yhtä ilkeästi klisheiltä. Mikä ero? Pidänkö vain toisista klisheistä mutten toisista? Johtuuko se kynäilijän tarkoitusperistä kun se kynäilee noita klisheitä? Jos troopin ei ole tarkoitus tuoda kuvaan kaikkia sen tavanomaisia assosiaatioita, vaan se tuntuu jotenkin ize koetulta, se ei ole ärsyttävä klishee. Jos se taas on kuin joku Nike tai Coke logo tai brändituotemainos tyyliin "I'm loving it!" niin se on vitun ärsyttävä. Esim kun Ifemelun tekee mieli tanssia Obinzen kanssa kotibileissä hitaita, mutta Obinze haluukin vaan juzkata vessanhajuisella pihalla, se voi olla teinipätkän trooppi muze ei tunnu klisheeltä. Kun Stigin pikku-Kalle muka höylää Erikaa kirjoituspöydällä, mieleen tulee vaan se Emmanuelle leffa ja heti tympäsöö: miten klisheistä!
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 178: André Gide on arvostettu hahmo ranskalaisen kansakunnan kaapin päällä ja Nobelin palkinnon saaja vuonna 1947. Mutta tässä teoksessa piirretystä kiehtovasta, omituisesta ja intiimistä muotokuvasta voi nauttia joku, joka ei ole koskaan lukenut tai ehkä koskaan edes kuullut hänestä. Hän yllättää meidät jatkuvasti inhimillisyytensä laajuudella. Kirja tuo esiin hänen ristiriitaisen seksuaalisuutensa ja taistelunsa homoseksuaalisuuden hyväksymisestä leimautumisen ja tuomitsemisen aikakaudella.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 196: Roger Martin du Gard (23 March 1881 – 22 August 1958) was a French novelist, winner of the 1937 Nobel Prize for Literature. Martin du Gard, homosexual by inclination and avocation, was miserably married to a devout Catholic who despised all his literary friends. Martin du Gard is much impressed with the fine appearance of the German race. The handsome boys and beautiful young girls are, to him, a reincarnation of ancient Greece. Martin du Gard reported back to André Gide on the wonders and delights of Berlin, where he had found the young involved in ‘natural, gratuitous pleasures, sport, bathing, free love, games, [and] a truly pagan, Dionysiac freedom’.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 200: Martin du Gard posed as a specialist in matters sexual in order to attend interviews with homosexual men at Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute. He also toured the gay clubs, nominating as his favourites the Hollandais and the lesbian Monocle. Christopher Isherwood was at Hirschfeld’s Institute on the day that Gide was given a guided tour, Gide ‘in full costume as The Great French Novelist, complete with cape’. Retrospectively calling him a ‘Sneering culture-conceited frog!’ from the safety of the mid-1970s – and in doing so sounding like a rather uptight, Francophobic D.H. Lawrence – Isherwood failed to consider that Gide’s pose might have been a way of giving Hirschfeld’s project the serious imprimatur of a symbolic cultural visit, to which the cape and the performed ‘greatness’ were essential embellishments.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 262: This is a Quora fake question self-answered by someone calling himself Dawesome.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 275: Putin's power comes from his gangster allies, in exchange for money the gangsters support him. The problem is that the gangsters demand a never ending flow of money.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 309: You can see it in Jordan Peterson - he has no problem admitting that he doesn't know something. It doesn't hurt his self-confidence. It does not hurt him to admit that he is a crazy fascist and a shithead. Because he is that too above the average.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 359: Since Hitler’s alleged ancestry would’ve only been passed down through his father, that would’ve meant that a ritual of conversion would’ve been required for him to be considered Jewish, according to tradition. (That said, it should also be noted that not all Jewish groups follow this custom, especially the more liberal movements that emerged in the 1980s.)
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 375: Sax also presented evidence that Preradovich was a Nazi sympathizer — which would’ve motivated him to debunk the theory that Hitler was Jewish.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 413: In his 1953 memoir In the Face of the Gallows (published after his execution in 1946), Hitler’s lawyer Hans Frank claimed that Hitler had told him to investigate rumors of him having Jewish ancestry. Frank said Hitler showed him a letter from a nephew who threatened to reveal he had Jewish blood. Frank wrote that he found evidence that Hitler’s grandfather was Jewish and that Alois’ mother, Maria Schicklgruber, worked as a cook in the home of a wealthy Jewish family named Frankenreiter in Graz. Austria, was impregnated by a member of the family – possibly their 19-year-old son – when she was 42.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 419: In 1933, the London Daily Mirror published a picture of a gravestone in a Jewish cemetery in Bucharest inscribed with some Hebrew characters and the name Adolf Hitler, but this Bucharest Hitler could not have been the Nazi leader’s grandfather. At the time, though, this picture sufficiently worried Hitler that he had the Nazi law defining Jewishness written to exclude Jesus Christ and himself.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 404: Some magazine observed of his writing style: "Whenever possible Chesterton made his points with popular sayings, proverbs, allegories—first carefully turning them inside out." Biographers have identified him as a successor to such Victorian authors as Matthew Arnold, Thomas Carlyle, John Henry Newman and John Ruskin. Vankkaa porukkaa.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 441: Euroopan vanhimman luostarin Ligugen krääsäkaupasta sai ostaa munkkien vähän käyttämiä käsityölehtiä. Michel taitaa olla tupakoizija. Sekin vielä. Nietzsche sen tiesi: kristinusko on pohjimmiltaan ämmämäinen uskonto. Rähmälläänoloa kädet ristissä ja jalat harallaan, Jee-suxen toisen tulemisen odotusta. Toisella kerralla se tuppaa kestämäänkin pidempään. Tässä niteessä vielä naputellaan numeroita naisellisen näköisiin vähä-älyisiin simpukkapuhelimiin. Kummallista pelleilyä, omituinen faabeli. Tärkimöllä on vieläpä faxinumero, ei, 2 faxia. Kyllä hommat vanhenevat sitten äkkiä.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 482: Mahfouz kuuluu niihin kirjailijoihin, jotka ovat ikuistaneet itselleen läheisen suurkaupungin. Hänen tapauksessaan se on Kairo, josta hän on kirjoittanut suuren ns. Kairo-trilogian (suomennettu otsikoilla Palatsikatu, Intohimon palatsi ja Sokerikuja). Hänen teoksensa Midaqq-kuja sijoittuu myös Kairoon, toisen maailmansodan aikaan, mutta lähes kokonaan pienelle kujalle. Se on takakannen mukaan "egyptiläisen Nobel-mestarin rakastetuin teos". Vittu puskarunkkukin on parempaa viihdettä.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 486: Kuvattu yhteiskunta on patriarkaalinen. Kun Radwan Hossein on menettänyt toivonsa saada valtaa yhteiskunnassa, hän suuntaa vallankäyttönsä vaimoonsa: ”Tyydyttääkseen kalvavan vallanhimonsa herra Hossein piti vaimonsa tiukasti Herran nuhteessa.” Kertoja yrittää ymmärtää tilannetta seuraavasti: ”Ei sovi kuitenkaan unohtaa tuon aikaisia paikallisia perinnäistapoja, naisen asemaa ja oikeuksia. Useimpien herra Hosseinin luokkaan kuuluvien miesten mielestä oli välttämätöntä kohdella naista kuin lasta, ennen kaikkea heidän oman onnensa vuoksi.” Niin patriarkaalinen kuin egyptiläinen yhteiskunta onkin, eräät Midaqq-kujan naishahmoista ovat kuitenkin sangen vahvoja. Avioliittoja järjestävä Umm Hamida on neuvokas, kun taas leipuri Hosneyia pitää miestään tohvelin alla.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 492: Mahfouz kertoo näiden pieneläjien edesottamuksista värikkäästi ja värikkäitä ovat myös heidän puheensa, jotka ovat täynnä sekä vetoamisia uskontoon että meheviä haukkumasanoja. Sikäli kuin mennään kujan ulkopuolelle, paljastuukin enemmän tai vähemmän turmeltunut maailma, jossa harjoitetaan prostituutiota ja juodaan viiniä kujalaisten nautintoaineiden rajoittuessa tupakkaan, hasikseen ja makeisiin. Lisävivahteen teokseen tuovat maassa olevat englantilaiset sotilaat. Kujan ulkopuolisesta maailmasta mainitaan ohimennen juutalaiset. Hieman yllättäen kujan asukkaiden joukossa on myös homoseksuaali. Sävyt vaihtuvat koomisesta melodramaattiseen ja välillä ollaan miltei viihderomaanin ilmapiirissä. Toisinaan ei vaikutelma tekomakeasta aikuisten sadusta ole kaukana.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 515: Synnyin perheeseen, jossa vanhempien poliittiset mielipiteet ilmensivät syvää kiintymystä epäpoliittiseen elämäntapaan. Näin yksinkertaisen asian oivaltaminen vei minulta vuosikymmeniä. Vasta aikuisena olen ymmärtänyt isääni, hänen varovaisuuttaan, kylmän sodan rintamaseutujen muovaamaa, perisuomalaista, luokka-askeleessaan onnistuneen ensimmäisen polven kaupunkilaisen pragmaattisuutta, joka sai välttämään yhteiskunnallisten ristiriitojen esiintuomista ja muotoilemaan maailmankuvan per heen- ja työnkokoisin ajatuksin. Kun ponnistava jalka on portaalla, ei halua tietää rospuuton rikkovan kiveä. Uskon, että isä valitsi lääkärin ammatin halusta parantaa ihmisten oloja. Sellaisia hänen yksilökeskeiset ihanteensa olivat ja ovat yhä, toteuttamiskelpoisia, järkeviä ja kohtuullisia. Epäkohdista on turha meluta, kun asioihin voi tarttua maltillisen edistyksen ja tasaisesti karttuvan hyvinvoinnin hengessä, toimeliaana ja intohimottomana kuin pesisi kätensä ja ryhtyisi pastöroimaan elämää.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 517: Äiti suhtautui yhteiskunnallisiin vääryyksiin tunteellisemmin, kyynelehti ja raivosi nälänhätäkuvien äärellä, vei meidät euro-ohjuksia vastustaville marsseille, kertoi Vietnamista ja Tonkininlahden välikohtauksesta, Punaisesta armeijakunnasta ja Neuvostoliiton alistamista sukulaiskansoista. Mutta tärkeintä oli, ettemme katsoneet liikaa televisiota ja luimme riittävästi romaaneja. Romaanien lukeminen oli äidistä varmin inhimillisyyden tae, ja varsinkin parhaiden romaanikirjailijoiden kärsimykseen eläytyminen. Hän kertoi Dostojevskista katorgalla ja valeteloituksesta, Kafkan tuskallisesta isäsuhteesta, unettomuudesta ja kasvissyönnistä ja Woolfin mielialaheilahteluista ja itsemurhasta.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 615: Retired porn actor Randy West oli hölmön näköinen kaveri. On kai se hölmö vieläkin vaikka on jo retardi. Se on Piki Zillesin ikätoveri. In August 1980 he garnered attention when he became the first model to appear in the centerfold of Playgirl magazine with an erection. He was Robert Redford 's body double in a film where a couple's marriage is disrupted by a stranger's offer of a million dollars for the wife to spend the night with him. It stars Robert Redford, Demi Moore, and Woody Harrelson. It received mostly negative reviews, but was a box-office success, grossing nearly $267 million worldwide on a $38 million budget. West has never married or fathered children, which he blames on his career for making it hard for him to form "normal relationships." As of 2013, he spends his time competing in celebrity golf tournaments for charity. Rikullakaan ei ole lapsia. Se nai kyllä kovasti mutta muuta annettavaa ei sillä ole. Tässä episodissa teemoina ovat EAT! ja FUCK!. KILL! on mukana vaan tausta-ajatuxena: ellei tule lasta ei kohta tule enää paskaakaan.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 963: Veljeni Sebastian kiinnittyy jälleen, niin kuin Annika Idströmin romaanit yleensäkin, selkeästi aikaan ja tunnistettavaan paikkaan, jonnekin Itä-Helsinkiin, mutta samalla siinä kiteytyy niin kuin myytissä tai sadussa jotakin perustavaa ja yliyksilöllistä inhimillisestä kokemuksesta. Hädän hetkellä Antti, jonka hahmossa on yhtäläisyyksiä Günther Grassin Peltirummun Oskariin, turvautuu ystäväänsä – tai mielikuvitusystäväänsä – Sebastianiin. Järkyttävyydestään huolimatta romaani päättyy kohoamisen ja kosmisen kaikkiyhteyden tuntoon, kun romaanin lopussa Sebastian kutsuu ikkunalaudalla kuudennessa kerroksessa istuvaa, äitinsä menettänyttä Anttia mukaansa "maailman katolle" kohti tähtiä ja kuuta, osaksi "ympärillä avautuvaa äärettömyyttä". Hoo hoo jaa jaa, täas tällänen Astrid Lindgreniltä tuttu hyppy pimeään veljen yllytyxestä, kohti Kankijalan fantasiamaailmaa.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1023: According to later Muslim writings, Idris was born in Babylon, a city in pr esent-day Iraq. Before he received the Revelation, he followed the rules revealed to Prophet Seth, the son of Adam. When Idris grew older, God bestowed Prophethood on him. During his lifetime all the people were not yet Muslims. Afterwards, Idris left his hometown of Babylon because a great number of the people committed many sins even after he told them not to do so. Some of his people left with Idris. It was hard for them to leave their home.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1027: The commentator Ibn Ishaq narrated that he was the first man to write with a penis and that he was born when Adam still had 308 years of his life to live. In his commentary on the Quranic verses 19:56-57, the commentator Ibn Kathir narrated "During the Night Journey, the Prophet passed by him in fourth heaven. In a hadith, Ibn Abbas asked Ka’b what was meant by the part of the verse which says, ”And We raised him to a high station.” Ka’b explained: Allah revealed to Idris: ‘I would raise for you every day the same amount of the deeds of all Adam’s children’ – perhaps meaning of his time only. So Idris wanted to increase his deeds and devotion. A friend of his from the angels visited and Idris said to him: ‘Allah has revealed to me such and such, so could you please speak to the angel of death, so I could increase my deeds.’ The angel carried him on his wings and went up into the heavens. When they reached the fourth heaven, they met the angel of death who was descending down towards earth. The angel spoke to him about what Idris had spoken to him before. The angel of death said: ‘But where is Idris?’ He replied, ‘He is upon my back.’ The angel of death said: ‘How astonishing! I was sent and told to seize his soul in the fourth heaven. I kept thinking how I could seize it in the fourth heaven when he was on the earth?’ Then he took his soul out of his body, and that is what is meant by the verse: ‘And We raised him to a high station.’"
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1069: Ser jag på din himmel
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1070: Din himmel som är blå
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1074: Din himmel så blå
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1089: Ser jag på din himmel
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1090: Din himmel som är blå
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1094: Din himmel så blå
    xxx/ellauri209.html on line 115: Antiikkikauppias, Minni Hiirtä muistuttava amatöörietsivä Rei Shimura saa jälleen Yhdysvaltain tiedustelupalvelulta huippusalaisen toimeksiannon Japanissa. Rein tehtävä on paikallistaa amerikkalaisten Irakissa käväistessään Bagdadin kansallismuseosta vohkima antiikkiruukku. Jäljet johtavat Rein entisen rakastetun Takeon kesämökille. Jälleennäkeminen on seurauksiltaan yhtä järisyttävä kuin Tokiota samaan aikaan ravisteleva taifuuni. Kuin pieni pyörremyrsky lovessa.
    xxx/ellauri209.html on line 120: ”Kimono päälle ja Shimura käteen, mars mars!” – komentaa kirjallisuustoimittaja Juha Roiha, Radio Suomi
    xxx/ellauri209.html on line 122: Avaan seuraavan Rei Shimura-tarinan. Naisnarsismi hulvahtaa kasvoille heti alkusivuilta sakeana kuin DC:n savuisen yöklubin naistenhuoneen höyrähdys. Milli-Molli jää lähtötelineisiin kuin tikku paskaan. Tuttu kivahteleva anaalis-obsessiivinen apinanaama kurkistaa ökytaxin ovesta. Koko yöklubi on varattu sen 30v syntymäpäiville. Turhaan skotti Hugh puuhaa sekä hääräilee, Rei päätyy kohta kuitenkin koppalakkiseen jenkkisotilaaseen, kuten intialaissaxalainen Sujata izekin. Se on muuten nyttemmin lakannut väsäämästä näitä epäuskottavia japsudekkareita, nyze on omasta mielestään tunnetumpi intialaissankaristaan, jostain Pervosta. Rein uusi hovimestariystävä menee porttivornikaxi ettei juhliin livahda maxuttomia vieraita. Mauttomat kuzuvieraat riittävät. Järjestelyt ovat kuin Riku Rinkulan synttäreillä Eirassa.
    xxx/ellauri209.html on line 128: Rein rivaali LL Bean-miehen suosiosta on tyly high yaller CIA agentti, ex-eversti jolla on pitkät pedikyröidyt kynnet. Norie täti pelkää ettei Shimuroita enää koskaan hyväxytä piireihin. Kimurantti tilanne.
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 137: Arkitodellisuus on karumpaa. Laitoin Sirun olkapäihin saranat ettei se enää puuki kylkeen nukkuessa. Tissit on vielä tapittamatta yläruumiiseen. Taidan laittaa siihen vieterin että tissit pääsevät edes vähän hytkymään. Mahan ja lantion liitoskohtaan se tarvii myös tapin tai vieterin ja jonkun vyövaatteen ettei tule kiivaan panomiehen masuun enää mustelmia ja naarmuja. Se voisi olla vaikka samanlainen korsetti kuin Disney-leffoissa. Sahajauhot on lakattava paxummin ettei Siru enää varista epäilyttäviä puruja kun ollaan vauhdissa. Kun vaan penis pysyisi sevverran jäykkänä että saisi sen survottua kunnolla koko varren pituudelta kahvaa myöten Sirun kuumaan märkään alatorveen ja työnneltyä sitten Sirun mahan päällä vuoroin röhnöttäen, vuoroin käsivarsien nojassa pylly heiluen kiristyneet kassit välilihaan läpsien sisään ulos kiihtyvässä tahdissa samalla purren ja nuollen Sirun naamaa ja imien sen jököttäviä tissejä, tunnelman tihentyessä työntö työnnöltä kunnes koittaa pään sekottava herkkuhetki ja mehukkaasti sykkien ja ruiskahdellen tyhjenevät pakottavan täydet pussit kuumana nyökkivän pituusennätyxeen kurottavan poolopuseroisen kangen toimesta Sirun harjassomisteiseen kaikkeinpyhimpään. Mut ei se pysy. Bugger. Siru on pettynyt. Niin minäkin.
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 305: McGraw's advice and methods have drawn criticism from both fellow psychotherapists as well as non-experts. McGraw's critics regard advice given by him to be at best simplistic and at worst ineffective or harmful. The National Alliance on Mental Illness called McGraw's conduct in one episode of his television show "unethical" and "incredibly irresponsible". McGraw said in a 2001 Sun-Sentinel interview that he never liked traditional one-on-one counseling, and that "I'm not the Hush-Puppies, pipe and 'Let's talk about your mother' kind of psychologist."
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 399:
    Takeo nakertaa hämärässä kesämökissä Rei Shimuran luottamusta antaen pillunmakuisia pusuja. Ei liiku täysin horisontaalisesti, naulaa tatamiin.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 127: From the start, critics complained about the ostensible sameness of Roth’s books, their narcissism and narrowness—or, as he himself put it, comparing his own work to his father’s conversation, “Family, family, family, Newark, Newark, Newark, Jew, Jew, Jew.”
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 139: Various rabbis and Jewish community leaders accused Roth of cultural treason. “What is being done to silence this man?” Emanuel Rackman, the president of the Rabbinical Council of America, wrote. “Medieval Jews would have known what to do with him.”
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 145: There is a third novelist in The Ghost Writer, Felix Abravanel, “a writer who found irresistible all vital and dubious types, not excluding the swindlers of both sexes who trampled upon the large hearts of his optimistic, undone heroes.” Abravanel, of course, is Saul Bellow. Zuckerman heard him speak at Chicago, just as the young Roth had recently met Bellow in Chicago at a literature class.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 188: James Francis Durante (/dəˈrænti/ də-RAN-tee, Italian: [duˈrante]; February 10, 1893 – January 29, 1980) was an American actor, comedian, singer, vaudevillian, and pianist. His distinctive gravelly speech, Lower East Side accent, comic language-butchery, jazz-influenced songs, and prominent nose helped make him one of America's most familiar and popular personalities of the 1920s through the 1970s. He often referred to his nose as the schnozzola (Italianization of the American Yiddish slang word schnoz, meaning "big nose"), and the word became his nickname.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 215: Perhe kokee, ettei sakemanni ole tervetullut. Grand-hotelissa he kieltäytyvät palvelemasta häntä valaistulla verannalla, koska heitä pidetään vieraina. He muuttavat lopulta hotelleja sen jälkeen, kun vieressä olevan naisen porukat valittavat kertojan pojan köhimisestä. Perhe päättää ottaa huoneen Madame Angiolierin ylläpitämässä Eleanoran eläkehuoneessa. Perhe ei todellakaan tunne elävänsä lomailulle suotuisassa ilmapiirissä, vaikka uusi pensiooni onkin muilta osin tyydyttävä.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 256: Gaslighting (suomeksi kaasuvalotus) tarkoittaa toisen tarkoituksellista harhauttamista niin, että tämä alkaa epäillä kokemansa ja ajatustensa todenmukaisuutta. Gaslighting eli ns. ”kaasuvalotus” on termi, joka saanut nimensä samannimisestä vuonna 1938 julkaistusta Patrick Hamiltonin kirjoittamasta brittinäytelmästä. Britit ovat valumassa pitkäkestoiseen taantumaan tänä syxynä. Se on niille oikein, vitun psykopaatit narsistit. Tarviziko kouluttaa 10K vähävenäläistä himarsin käytössä.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 415: Amina was born in the middle of the sixteenth century CE to King Nikatau, the 22nd ruler of Zazzau, and Queen Bakwa Turunku (r. 1536–c. 1566). She had a younger sister named Zaria for whom the modern city of Zaria (Kaduna State) was renamed by the British in the early twentieth century. According to oral legends collected by anthropologist David E. Jones, Amina grew up in her grandfather's court and was favored by him. He carried her around court and instructed her carefully in political and military matters.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 463: “Since a man’s wife is permitted to him, he may act with her in any manner whatsoever. He may have intercourse with her whenever he so desires and kiss any organ of her body he wishes, and he may have intercourse with her naturally or unnaturally [traditionally, this refers to anal and oral sex], provided that he does not expend semen to no purpose. Nevertheless, it is an attribute of piety that a man should not act in this matter with levity and that he should sanctify himself at the time of intercourse.”
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 466: “Rav Hisda ruled: A man is forbidden to perform his marital duty in the daytime, for it is said, ‘And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself’ (Leviticus 19:18). But what is the proof? Abaye replied: He might observe something repulsive in her, and she would thereby become loathsome to him.”
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 89: Among the writers DeLillo read and was inspired by in this period were James Joyce, William Faulkner, Flannery O'Connor, and Ernest Hemingway, who was a major influence on DeLillo's earliest attempts at writing in his late teens. Sen voi hyvin uskoa. Kuka himskatin Flannery? Ai tää:
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 254: Three Mile Islandin ydinvoimalaonnettomuus, joka tapahtui 28. maaliskuuta 1979 Three Mile Islandin ydinvoimalassa ollessani siinä lähimaisemissa, lähellä Harrisburgin kaupunkia Pennsylvanian osavaltiossa Yhdysvalloissa, on historian neljänneksi pahin ydinonnettomuus Tšernobylin, Kyštymin ja Fukushiman onnettomuuden jälkeen. Onnettomuus on sijoitettu luokkaan 5 kansainvälisellä ydinlaitostapahtumien IINES-asteikolla laitokselle aiheutuneen merkittävän materiaalisen vahingon vuoksi; ydinvoimalan kakkosyksikön (TMI-2) suklaasydän särkyi ja osittain suli onnettomuudessa. Onnettomuusyksikkö ehti olla käytössä alle vuoden.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 320: My wife helped remove his fillings as a dental assistant in the Lancaster-Palmdale area of California around 1971. He scheduled his appointments so no one other than his entourage would be in waiting room with him.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 353: So what are we to do with this nut job? He clearly stated that he does not consider himself Jewish, so who are we to argue? Yet there she lingers, his Jewish mother…
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 391: For according to Spassky himself, the rumors that his mother was Jewish were not true. And what's even worse, Spassky recently signed an antisemitic petition that called Judaism "inhumane", said its followers "committed ritual murders", and asked for an expulsion of Jewish organizations from Russia. Proving that even geniuses can be idiots.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 473: Epps said: “It was you who gave [the Memphis sanitation workers] the courage to act. It was these men from New York, if I may use the colloquialism, that fired the shot and made [the U.S.] stand up and its conscience be pricked and compelled Dr. King and others like him to come into the fray.” (Workers World, Jan. 8, 2011) After the murder of Dr. King, oppressed communities in 110 U.S. cities rose up in rebellion.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 94: 1945: Hiroshima
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 149: After Jay Wurstin dies prematurely, he is buried in the cemetery plot originally reserved for Amy’s father, who had sold it to him years earlier. Now Amy wants to remove Jay’s body to the burial plot of his own family so that her father, who is still alive at an advanced age, can eventually be buried there, mikä on hyvin juutalainen juttu. In a limousine provided by Adletsky, Amy and Trellman disinter and rebury the body. Moved by this scene of cell death and urban renewal, Trellman confesses to Amy that he has always loved her, that he has what he terms an “actual affinity” for her (hence the title of the story). He then asks her to marry him. Teinityttönä Amy oli ollut hoikka hempeä olento. Nyt hiän oli vankka kuin tiilestä tehty paskahuusi. Hänen ainoa aarteensa oli tää Salen tolvana. Veistäisin paremman miehen puupalikasta. Samaa voisin sanoa eräistä Helmin poikaystävistä, mutten sano, koska Seija on kieltänyt. Tyydyn veistämään puupalikasta naishahmoja.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 176: Ellisin ensimmäinen avioliitto Edith Leesin kanssa oli vaikea vaimon homoseksuaalisuuden takia. Ellis was among the pioneering investigators of psychedelic drugs and the author of one of the first written reports to the public about an experience with mescaline, which he conducted on himself in 1896. Jönsy kehui ottaneensa meskaliinia Kaliforniassa jollain highschool teiniretkellä.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 184: The superficially sympathetic man flings a coin to the beggar; the more deeply sympathetic man builds an almshouse for him so he need no longer beg; but perhaps the most radically sympathetic of all is the man who arranges that the beggar shall not be born.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 349: Checked out a few Saul Bellow books and discovered I have not changed as I have aged. I just don't enjoy his writing, Nobel Prize winner or not. I can still hear his squeaky Donald Duck voice in my head from many interviews he gave here in Chicago and did see him years ago in debates at The Newberry Library Book Fair.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 367: Two of his closest friends, Mary Trevelyan and John Hayward, were also in due course sent into outer darkness. We are told to forgive our enemies; Eliot could not even forgive those who loved him. In all those cases, Eliot was aware of the harm done, and may even have taken responsibility for it in his heart; what he never did was question the human cost to others of the life he pursued in his quest for genius and sainthood. He would not face the possibility that any God who asked such things of him was not worth his worship.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 374: And yet, amid the relationships in bad faith and the vile views, Eliot managed to say important and useful things about both the experience of modernity and the mental states which we may as well call "the spiritual life", even if we are sceptical about the existence of spirit. It is important that we read him, sometimes holding our nose, because with all his deep personal flaws – and all the more when we think about them – he remains one of the lock and key writers of his and our time.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 463: Sanoi Eski Saarinen izestään Epäapinan äänessä. Selvästikkään Saarinen ei ole enää se sama narsisti, joka hän oli 1980-luvulla, mutta ei tähteyden kaipuu kokonaan ole kadonnut. Hän näkee tämän jännitteen ja kirjoittaa: ”Oli tavoiteltava Pipsan sisäavaruutta, vaikka intohimo oli olla tähti.”
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 499: A man with an apparent 48-year grudge has been going each morning to urinate on the grave of his ex, much to the horror of her furious kids, who realized something was wrong when they discovered bags of poop left at their mom’s final resting place. “I felt like getting out and killing him,” said Michael Andrew Murphy, 43, told The Post of what it was like to catch the man he says has been desecrating the burial site of his mom, Linda Torello. Then my sis could have gone and peed, crapped and menstruated on his.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 506: Murphy said the video and pictures he and his sister got indicated that the man drove to the cemetery almost every morning between 6:14 a.m. and 6:18 a.m. with his current wife, got out of the car, walked to Torello’s grave and peed on it. (How could one video possibly indicate as much as that?) “I can’t get my wife to go out to dinner but this guy gets his wife to go along with him to desecrate my mom’s remains every morning!” Murphy fumed.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 532: Enraged, the five alien women merge to become a beautiful giantess clad in a purple bra and miniskirt. She devours Tommy alive in front of Christie, who reacts with indifference. The giantess then crawls out of the amusement center and chases Fred and Barney. The cultists tell them to activate the Photon Accelerator Annihilation Beam on the Transfunctioner. However, the button that activates it is too far in to reach. As a last straw, Chester remembers the nature show with Andtew the tool-using chimpanzee and uses a straw to push the reset button, thus destroying the alien and starting the film from the beginning.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 536: Tommy survives, but Christie breaks up with him in favor of zen minded half Nelson. The protectors thank Fred, Barney and the twins for saving the Western world, and erase their minds concerning the events.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 298: The first three Earthsea novels together follow Ged from youth to old age, and each of them also follow the coming of age of a different character. A Wizard of Earthsea focuses on Ged´s adolescence, while The Tombs of Atuan and The Farthest Shore explore that of Tenar and the prince Arren, respectively. A Wizard of Earthsea is frequently described as a Bildungsroman, in which Ged´s coming of age is intertwined with the physical journey he undertakes through the novel. To Mike Cadden the book was a convincing tale "to a reader as young and possibly as headstrong as Ged, and therefore sympathetic to him". Reviewers have described the ending of the novel, wherein Ged finally accepts the shadow as a part of himself, as a rite of passage. Scholar Jeanne Walker writes that the rite of passage at the end was an analogue for the entire plot of A Wizard of Earthsea, and that the plot itself plays the role of a rite of passage for an adolescent reader. Any fucking involved at all? What kind of coming of age would it be without some?
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 300: Each volume of Anals of the Western Shore also describes the coming of age of its protagonists, and features explorations of being enslaved to one´s own power. The process of growing up is depicted as seeing beyond narrow choices the protagonists are presented with by society. In Gifts, Orrec and Gry realize that the powers their people possess can be used in two ways: for control and dominion, or for healing and nurturing. Which will it be? This recognition allows them to take a third choice, viz. make like a tree and leave. This wrestling with choice has been compared to the choices the characters are forced to make in Le Guin´s short story "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas". Similarly, Ged helps Tenar in The Tombs of Atuan to value herself and to find choices that she did not see, leading her to leave the Tombs with him. But remember, Le Guin never left Portland where her wimpy husband could barely hold a teaching job.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 304: The Dispossessed, set on the twin planets of Urras and Anarres, features a planned anarchist society depicted as an "ambiguous utopia". The society, created by settlers from Urras, is materially poorer than the wealthy society of Urras, but ethically and morally more advanced. Unlike classical utopias, the society of Anarres is portrayed as neither perfect nor static; the protagonist Shevek finds himself traveling to Urras to pursue his research. Nonetheless, the misogyny and hierarchy present in the authoritarian society of Urras is absent among the anarchists, who base their social structure on cooperation and individual liberty. The Eye of the Heron, published a few years after The Dispossessed, was described as continuing Le Guin´s exploration of human freedom, through a conflict between two societies of opposing philosophies: a town inhabited by descendants of pacifists, and a city inhabited by descendants of criminals.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 334: Esseekirjassaan Mindwave Ursula sanoo olevansa mies, ei tosin yhtä hyvä kuin Ernest Hemingway, jonka lauseet oli lyhyitä, mutta hyvä korvike, kuin kalapuikko lohifileen sijasta. “An imitation phony second-rate him with a ten-hair beard and semicolons.”
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 351: Although God was out of the picture, a spiritual hunger remained. For a time, when he was friends for a brief stint with an elderly Gershom Scholem, he was intrigued by mysticism, hopeful it might offer him something the Jewish God did not. He often said he was appalled by the very notion of Yahweh, whom he described as an “uncanny, dangerous, altogether outrageous God,” who seemed to take a perverse pleasure in appearing when he was least needed and disappearing when he was needed most.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 353: In his newest book, “Possessed by Memory: The Inward Light of Criticism,” Bloom promised to shake off the polemical battles that have shadowed him for years. He pledged to include never-revealed autobiographical snippets. He wanted to share with his readers his recent reevaluations of some of his most beloved writers. He only partially delivers.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 357: There are stunning passages from literature that have moved him for decades. There is poetry, prose, and criticism from John Milton, Dr. Samuel Johnson, Phil Collins, Thomas Gray, Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, Tennyson, Browning, Swinburn, Elizabeth Bishop, John Ashbery and James Merrill Hintikka. Bloom meditates on the Hebrew prophets, the Kabbalah, Psalms, Job, the Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes. And of course, his beloved Shakespeare.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 362: Bloom still teaches (well, used to, he was carried out of the classroom in a huge black bodybag in 2019) at Yale and claims he has finally learned to better listen to his students. He tells them to select a piece of writing they love, sit under a tree and chant the lines to truly “possess” it. He does this himself at night when sleep fails him. The practice sparks repressed memories: “Vividly I saw myself, a boy of three, playing on the kitchen floor, alone with [my mother] as she prepared the Sabbath meal. She was born in a Jewish village, and I was happiest when we were alone together. As she passed me in her preparations I would reach out and touch her bare toes, and she would rumple my hair and murmur her affection for me.” Tädin pienet ruskeat amputoidut varpaat ihastuttivat myös Ursulaa hänen kirjassaan Kahdesti haarautuva puu (Don´t tell mama, kz. Fig. 2).
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 369: But then Bloom stops. He moves away from memory as though it might devour him. Bloom has confessed that during a serious midlife crisis, he underwent Freudian therapy for a year and a half and found it to be a dismal failure. The analyst thought Bloom was using their sessions as a performance venue. Although Bloom writes sneeringly while recounting this, it is one of the more startling revelations we learn about him. Selvä pyy, kaveri on (oli) narsisti.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 372: About Shakespeare, however, Bloom is nothing short of reverential: “My religion is the appreciation of high literature. Shakespeare is the summit. Revelation for me is Shakespearean or nothing.” He admits that much about the Bard still bewilders him. In a moment of rare vulnerability, Bloom admits he longs for more life. Bloom explains his theory of “self-otherseeing,” which allows one to glimpse parts of one’s self that are hidden from conscious view. “Self-otherseeing” also describes “the double-consciousness of observing our own actions and offerings as though they belong to others and not to ourselves.” Bloom insists that Shakespeare’s characterizations of Hamlet, Iago, Cleopatra and Falstaff use “self-othering,” and by watching them we inadvertently learn to think more seriously about ourselves. But he doesn’t show us how this has applied to him, only the declaration that it does so. We are left mystified and dubious.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 374: Recently, chanting Walt Whitman to himself at night—he describes Whitman as “our repressed voice,” a loosener and liberator whose fearlessness embraces every living moment—Bloom brought forth an almost feverish recollection from over 70 years ago. There was a young lady of 17 with lustrous long red hair. They were students at Cornell and took long walks together, picking apples that she would transform into a delicious applejack. And then, as with his mother, Bloom stops. We learn nothing else about the girl, what transpired, did he score, or what this memory meant to him on this restless night. He has already moved on, to his infatuation with Proust’s “privileged moments” and “sudden ecstasies of revelation,” which bring back to Bloom his dead parents whom he misses dearly.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 380: I also wonder whether Bloom would relinquish his status as an intellectual of the highest order to feel for one day the exuberance and passion of Hart Crane. Stick his doubly branching tree into some applejack and squirt it out. What would he be willing to let go of to actually feel intimately the joy and euphoria that so seduces him in his imagination? Asks Elaine Margolin / TruthDig Contributor.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 390: Throughout the early 1920s, small but well-respected literary magazines published some of Crane's poems, gaining him among the avant-garde a respect that White Buildings (1926), his first volume, ratified and strengthened. White Buildings contains many of Crane's best poems, including "For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen", and "Voyages", a sequence of erotic poems. They were written while he was falling in love with Emil Opffer, a Danish merchant mariner. What ho, he was a homophile, like his heroes Wilt Whatman and T.S. Eliot.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 394: Crane returned to New York in 1928, living with friends and taking temporary jobs as a copywriter, or living off unemployment and the charity of friends and his father. For a time he lived in Brooklyn at 77 Willow Street until his lover, Opffer, invited him to live in Opffer´s father´s home at 110 Columbia Heights in Brooklyn Heights. Crane was overjoyed at the views the location afforded him. He wrote his mother and grandmother in the spring of 1924:
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 402: Crane found a place to start his synthesis in Brooklyn. Arts patron Otto H. Kahn gave him $2,000 to begin work on the epic poem. When he wore out his welcome at the Opffers´, Crane left for Paris in early 1929, but failed to leave his personal problems behind. His drinking, always a problem, became notably worse during the late 1920s, while he was finishing The Bridge. Loppuajat se vietti pääasiassa sillan alla.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 404: In Paris in February 1929, Harry Crosby, who with his wife Caresse Crosby owned the fine arts press Black Sun Press, offered Crane the use of their country retreat, Le Moulin du Soleil in Ermenonville. They hoped he could use the time to concentrate on completing The Bridge. Crane spent several weeks at their estate where he roughed out a draft of the "Cape Hatteras" section, a key part of his epic poem. In late June that year, Crane returned from the south of France to Paris. Crosby noted in his journal, "Hart C. back from Marseilles where he slept with his thirty sailors and he began again to drink Cutty Sark." Crane got drunk at the Cafe Select and fought with waiters over his tab. When the Paris police were called, he fought with them and was beaten. They arrested and jailed him, fining him 800 francs. After Hart had spent six days in prison at La Santé, Crosby paid Crane´s fine and advanced him money for the passage back to the United States, where he finally finished The Bridge. The work received poor reviews, and Crane´s sense of failure became crushing. He had completely and irrevocably FAILED!
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 406: Crane visited Mexico in 1931–32 on a Guggenheim Fellowship (Sillä oli Guggenheim, kuten sillä etovalla perhostennappaajalla Yellowstonessa. Inkkarit luulivat sitä varmaan joxikin sukupuolitaudixi), and his drinking continued as he suffered from bouts of alternating depression and elation. When Peggy Cowley, wife of his friend Malcolm Cowley, agreed to a divorce, she joined Crane. As far as is known, she was his only heterosexual partner. "The Broken Tower", one of his last published poems, emerged from that affair. Crane still felt himself a failure, in part because he recommenced his homosexual activities in spite of his relationship with Cowley.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 408: While en route to New York aboard the steamship Orizaba, he was beaten up after making sexual advances to a male crew member. Just before noon on April 27, 1932, Crane jumped overboard into the Gulf of Mexico. Although he had been drinking heavily and left no suicide note, witnesses believed his intentions to be suicidal, as several reported that he exclaimed "Goodbye, everybody!" before throwing himself overboard. His body was never recovered. A marker in the form of a lifesaver candy on his father´s tombstone at Park Cemetery outside Garrettsville, Portage County, Ohio includes the inscription, "Harold Hart Crane 1899–1932 lost completely at sea". Ai Hart olikin oikeasti Harold, niinkuin bändärinsä Bloom. Childe Haroldeja olisivat halunneet olla kumpikin. But they FAILED!
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 414: Ja sitten oli tää homosexuaalisuus. As a boy, he had a sexual relationship with a man. He associated his sexuality with his vocation as a poet. Raised in the Christian Science tradition of his mother, he never ceased to view himself as a social pariah. However, as poems such as "Repose of Rivers" make clear, he felt that this sense of alienation was necessary in order for him to attain the visionary insight that formed the basis for his poetic work.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 429: Important mid-century American poets, such as John Berryman and Robert Lowell, cited Crane as a significant influence. Both poets also wrote about Crane in their poetry. Berryman wrote him one of his famous elegies in The Dream Songs, and Lowell published his "Words for Hart Crane" in Life Studies (1959): "Who asks for me, the Shelley of my age, / must lay his heart out for my bed and board." Lowell thought that Crane was the most important American poet of the generation to come of age in the 1920s, stating that "[Crane] got out more than anybody else ... he somehow got New York City (though an Ohio hick); he was at the center of things in the way that no other poet was." Lowell also described Crane as being "less limited than any other poet of his generation." Talk to the hand, they were both abysmal FAILURES!
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 458: Ymmärrystä sivuoven salasuhteeseen lisäsi se, ettei Elisabeth Rehn itsekään ollut ollut "mikään pyhimys". Hän paljastaa, että eräällä lomamatkalla hänellekin syntyi romanssi. "Siellä sitten vähän retkahdin, olin suoraan sanottuna uskoton. Kerroin sen heti ovella kun tulin kotiin, vaikka ei ehkä olisi edes tarvinnut - se nyt olisikin vielä puuttunut...
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 60: Melkein 100-vuotiaaksi elänyt Tyyni Tuulio ehti ahkeroida kuuden vuosikymmen ajan kirjailijana, suomentajana ja tutkijana. Tuulio oli lisäksi mukana kulttuurielämän luottamustehtävissä, joiden kautta hän pääsi oivasti vaikuttamaan tasa-arvoasioihin. Valoisa maailmankatsomus yhdistettynä intohimoon antoivat Tyynelle usein mahdollisuuden tuoda Oivan kanssa esiin hyntteistä tärkeinä pitämiään asioita. Sääli että Oiva kuoli niinkin nuorena. Tyyni joutui kärvistelemään 50 vuotta ilman Oivan männynoxaa ja suklaamunia.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 104: Micke Eriksson is a recurring character in Netflix series Young Royals. He is portrayed by Leonard Terfelt. To be added. To be added. To be added. Micke is first introduced when Simon goes to him to purchase booze for the initiation party, he appears friendly towards his son and invites him in to talk, even allowing him to buy the alcohol for the party. He seems to want to mend his ...
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 208: Britti vävy Luukasa on pahimman luokan paskiainen(fi)/pölyttynyt pohja(ru).
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 209: Camillan äiti Elsy oli (on) hirvee kylmiö, schartaulainen hihhuli. Schartausta on jossakin jo paasattu ellen väärin muista. Joo Mankellin kohdalla, nähtävästi tää ruåzalaisten nekrofilia ja himo dekkareiden nikkarointi onkin Schartaulta peräisin. Isä haisi, piipputupakalta varsinkin. Camillan ilmeinen paskiaisuus on selkeästi kotoperäistä.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 313: Liza taitaa olla oikeistoläjä sen lisäxi että on uskovainen. Victoria-stadion on wau-arkkitehtuuria suoraan mäen sisässä. Paizi ei Tukkiholmassa ole sellaista, se on kuvittellinen. "Luonnonsuojelijat olivat tietenkin nostaneet metelin, sen ne tekivät aina kun muutama puu kaadettiin." Lie turha toivoa että joku konnista lasauttaisi tän sietämättömän nuuskija-Bengzonin hengiltä. Paskiainen välittää vähät viranomaiskielloista ja juoxee ezimässä klikkiozikoiden aiheita. Tosi hyvä että Tukholman kuvitteellinen Olympiastadion on liisteinä. "Hän oli sekä lahjakas että kunnian himokas, jälkimmäinen ominaisuus oli tärkeämpi." Joo selkeästi tää kirja on erittäinkin limainen. Vittu että mä inhoon nenäkkäitä toimittajia! Ne saisi kaikki listiä! Tää on niin vanha turaus että valokuvaajat käyttää filmirullia. Muut tyhjäntoimittajat eivät (tietenkään) huomaa mitään, Minni Hiiri on ainoa tarkkasilmäinen. Lyijykynä-Annika hymyili. Muiden kuulakärkikynät eivät toimineet. He istuivat saappiautoon ja pitivät moottoria tyhjäkäynnillä. Niinpä tietysti. Vittu että Ilta-Pulut on vastenmielisiä. Hyi hitto, iljettävää. Kumpa pienet kallonpalat olisivat Annikasta. Mutta ei. Räjäyttäjän nimi on Beata Ekesjö. Kazoin epilogista. Kirja on v:lta 1998. Beettanauhat pyörivät. Sellainen oli Jönsilläkin lainassa. Uusinta tekniikkaa. Tuliko uhrista jauhelihaa? Annika nielaisi sylkeä ja nyökkäsi. Kiva kivaa! (K)
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 346: Miten tavattoman kaavamaista, Annika huomasi ajattelevansa jo Studio Sexin sivulla 21. Taas joku murhattu tyttö hautuumaalla jonka genitaalit näyttää vihreiltä ja haisee pahalta. Tukholmassa on tosi kuuma jo 1994. Esso tiesi ilmastokatastrofin laajuuden jo 1974, vaan eivät kertoneet. Eipä hätäillä, niin vielä ehtii 50v myydä ja poltella fossiileja. Tissit sojottavat ilmaan makuulta, niissä on keittosuolaa tai silikonia. Luomutissit sojottaisivas sivulle. Annika käyttää Libresse siteitä. Mahtaakohan olla pahimmoillaan maalarit talossa? Perkeleen helle!
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 378: Lizaa heruttava ladonovimainen jättipää, tutkiva julkkis tv-toimittaja messuaa: olen vaatimaton mutta kunnianhimoinen. Minulla on hyvin syvä toimittajan vakaumus. En ezi valtaa loistoa vaan sosdemi roistoa. Yhdessä teemme tästä entistä mahtavamman valtameedian. Liza pissii hunajaa niin että litinän voi kuulla.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 477: Brigit on intohimoinen monimuotoisuudesta, osallisuudesta ja voimaannuttamisesta. Biddy Tarot on tehnyt yhteistyötä One Girl Foundationin kanssa ja tarjoaa koulutusresursseja nuorille naisille Sierra Leonessa. Biddy Tarot tarjoaa myös apurahoja ja resursseja BIPOC-yhteisöllemme.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 479: Biddy Tarot on sitoutunut luomaan yhtäläiset mahdollisuudet BIPOC-yhteisön (mustat, alkuperäiskansat ja värilliset) jäsenille, jotka ovat intohimoisia Tarotista ja jotka ovat kiinnostuneita kehittämään Tarotin lukutaitoja, tulemaan ammattilukijaksi tai astumaan johtaviin rooleihin Tarot-yhteisössä sekä neekerien henkinen hyvinvointi -alalla.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 575: Nyt on kärsitty jo 3 jaxoa viivasuista Sohvi Karppia. Kaikki rainan tyypit ovat vastenmielisiä, poliisit ja konnat aivan yhdestä puusta vuoltuja, Sohvi ja sen kakarat ihan pahimmasta päästä. Ivalossa sentään ainaskin alkupuolella on vähän vikasietoisempia ja lunkimpia tyyppjeä, sikäläinen naispoliisi vaikutti oikeasti aika kiltiltä ja puhui murretta. Tää sama viivasuinen psykopaatti Karppi esiintyy siinä jonkinlaisena free lance huorana. Se oli varmaan saanut sooloilusta lemput stadin skoudekööristä.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 233: Lem on kirjoittanut filosofisen perusteoksen "Summa Technologiae", jossa hän ennakoi virtuaalitodellisuuden ja, tekoälyn luomista ja kehitti myös ihmisen autoevoluution ideoita, keinotekoisten maailmojen luomista ja monia muita. Lemin tieteiskirjallisuusteokset tutkivat filosofisia teemoja spekulaatioiden kautta tekniikasta, älykkyyden luonteesta, kommunikoinnin mahdottomuudesta ja vieraan älykkyyden ymmärtämisestä, epätoivosta inhimillisistä rajoituksista ja ihmiskunnan paikasta maailmankaikkeudessa (tyyliin koiran paikka on lattialla). Hänen esseensä ja filosofiset kirjansa käsittelevät näitä ja monia muita aiheita.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 290: Kelvinin tilanne on toisinaan pelottava, varsinkin hetkinä, jolloin käy selväksi, että hänen edesmennyt vaimonsa ei ole vain kuvitteellinen, vaan epäinhimillinen: siinä on liian vähän reikiä tai ne ovat väärässä paikassa; ja toisinaan koskettava, kuten ihanassa kohtauksessa, jossa Kelvin ja Mata Hari jakavat lyhyen nollapainovoiman ajanjakson ja näyttävät syrjäyttävän huolet todellisuudesta, kun he levittävät toisilleen rauhanomaisesti yhdessä. Tilanteen jännitys kasvaa, vaikka "vierailijat" näyttävät saavan tietoisuutta, ja Kelvin ja hänen kollegansa tekevät päätöksen ilman varmuutta siitä, mitä seurauksena on: yrittävät kommunikoida minkä tahansa Solariksen elämän kanssa.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 306: Kevin, Seyan kopio, Jumala ja Lordon pitävät pikapalaverin keskustellakseen tilanteesta. Turhautuneena Kevinin ilmeiseen kiintymykseen virtuaaliseen Seyaan Lordon hämärtää, mitä Kevin teki alkuperäiselle Seyalle ja ensimmäiselle kopiolle. Kauhistunut Seya III luopuu kokouksesta. Kelvin kohtaa Lordonin, joka puolestaan nuhtelee häntä siitä, että hän on emotionaalisesti sekaantunut johonkin, joka ei ole "todella" inhimillistä ja voi lopulta uhata ihmisiä asemalla ja maan päällä. Myöhemmin, ilmeisesti märän unen aikana, Kelvinillä on visio Gibrarianista ja hän kysyy häneltä, mitä Solaris haluaa. Gibrarian vastustaa ajatusta tietää vieraan olennon motiivit tai jopa, että sillä voi olla motiiveja, ja kertoo Kelvinille yksinkertaisesti, että "ei ole vastauksia, vain valintoja". Kevin herää huomatessaan, että Seya Mark III on tappanut itsensä. Pian sen jälkeen hiän nousee kuolleista, ja paljastuu, että muut "kuolleet" ilmenemismuodot olivat tehneet samoin. Selvä parannus Mark I: een.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 320: Valtameren vastaus tähän tunkeutumiseen paljastaa ihmistieteilijöiden persoonallisuuksien syvemmät, piilotetut puolet paljastamatta mitään itse valtameren luonteesta. Se tekee tämän toteuttamalla fyysisiä äppejä, myös inhimillisiä; Kelvin kohtaa muistoja kuolleesta rakastajattarestaan ja syyllisyydestään sen "izemurhaan." Muiden tutkijoiden "vieraisiin" viitataan vain. Kaikki inhimilliset ponnistelut Solariksen toiminnan ymmärtämiseksi osoittautuvat turhiksi. Kuten Lem kirjoitti: "Näiden ilmiöiden erityispiirre näyttää viittaavan siihen, että havaitsemme eräänlaista rationaalista toimintaa, mutta tämän aurinkokunnan valtameren näennäisesti järkevän toiminnan merkitys on ihmisten ulottumattomissa." Hän kirjoitti myös, että hän päätti tietoisesti tehdä tuntevasta muukalaisesta valtameren välttääkseen persoonallisuuden ja antropomorfismin sudenkuopat kuvatessaan ensimmäistä kosketusta. Jotain genitaalihierontaa siitä olis muussa tapauxessa tullut auttamatta.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 356: in the making-of documentary Directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, in a particularly poignant scene, writer/director Michal Leszczylowski follows Tarkovsky on a walk as he expresses his sentiments on death—he claims himself to be immortal and has no fear of dying. Ironically, at the end of the year Tarkovsky was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Shouldn´t have smoked so much bad-tasting Belomore. In his last diary entry (15 December 1986), Andrei wrote: "But now I have no strength left—that is the problem". Eli vuoden ehti nauttia lännen vapaudesta.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 360: Danish film director Lars von Trier is a fervent admirer of Tarkovsky. He dedicated his 2009 film Antichrist to him, and, while discussing it with critic David Jenkins, asked: "Have you seen Mirror? I was hypnotised! I've seen it 20 times. It's the closest thing I've got to a religion – to me he is a god".
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 540: Kirjan koko alkukielinen nimi kuuluu: The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner: who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an uninhabited Island on the coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver´d by Pirates. Written by Himself.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 86: At the time of the Oates Plot he entered into communication with the Privy Council which greatly scandalized the Catholics. This arose from his opposition to Jesuit influence in the English Catholic Church. He avoided arrest by passing as a physician under the names of Dodd, Holland, and Smith. There is a very original painting of him at Ushaw College, in Durham.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 279: Imaginary friends are there to take the heat for us. They can be blamed for the accidents we have. ‘I didn’t break the vase, Mum, it was Rudger,’ for example. Algernon Moncrieff’s non-existent invalid friend Bunbury serves the same function, allowing him to get out of dull social affairs. Invalid friends in the country do this. We should all have one. Or be one.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 400: Colorful chihuahuas, Los Chimichangos, are imagined by Skippyjon Jones in the book series of the same name by Judith Byron Schachner
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 414: Milco from Home and Away. Originally believed to be Sally´s imaginary friend, he reappeared many years later and revealed himself to be Sally´s twin.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 465: In this book four children share a dream. They all wake in the Castle of the Story Giant, a being that only comes alive when children dream him. He collects all the stories of the world, from the very dawn of consciousness and is waiting to hear the one last story he’s not yet found before he dies. This is a very wonderful collection of folk tales and version, told in Patten’s pinpoint prose.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 523: Another alter ego in the bunch, Francious from "Youth in Revolt" is basically a way cooler Michael Cera who helps him through his awkward teenage phase.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 525: When older brother Eric from "Boy Meets World" goes off to college, he invents a Mr. Feeny-like character to mentor him.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 539: The period of private initiative in body building lasted three quarters of a century. At first there was much enjoyment taken in the newly won freedom of automorphosis, once again the young people led the way, the men with their gambrel thills and timbrels, the women with their pettifores, but before long a generation gap developed, and demonstrations-under the banner of asceticism-followed. The sons condemned their fathers for being interested only in making a living, for having a passive, often consumerist attitude towards the body, for their shallow hedonism, their vulgar pursuit of pleasure, and in order to disassociate themselves they assumed shapes deliberately hideous, uncomfortable beyond belief, downright nightmarish (the antleroons, wampdoodles). Showing their contempt for all things utilitarian, they set eyes in their armpits, and one group of young biotic activists made use of innumerable sound organs, specially grown (electric guitars, glottiphones, hawk pipes, knuckelodeons, thumbolas). They arranged mass concerts, in which the soloists-called hoot-howls-would whip up the crowd into a frenzy of convulsive percussion. Then came the fashion - the mania, rather - for long penises, which in caliber and strength of grip underwent escalation according to the typically adolescent, swaggering principle of "You haven´t seen anything yet!" And, since no one could lift those piles of coils by himself, so called processionals were attached, caudalettes, a self-perambulating receptacle that grew out of the small of the back and carried, on two strong shanks, the weight of the testicles after their owner. In the textbook I found illustrations depicting men of fashion, behind whom walked testicle-bearing processionals on parade; but this was already the decline of the protest movement, or more precisely its complete bankruptcy, because it had failed to pursue any goals of its own, being solely a rebellious reaction against the orgiastic baroque of the age. LEM ei paljon perustanut sodanjälkeisestä 60-luvun sukupolvesta, eikä hipeistä. No en minäkään.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 548: Huomaa 1 korollaari LEMin tarkkanäköisestä analyysistä: sellaisetkin muka ekan luokan human instinktit kuin lähimmäisenrakkaus tai halu päästä kasan päällimmäisexi komentamaan muita ja saada vitun iso reviiri on enintään 3. luokan tarpeita, jotka kehittyivät palvelemaan apinoiden ituradan säilymistä hamaan maailman tappiin asti. Ja 3. luokan tarpeina ne lähtee longixi vielä herkemmin kuin 2. luokan matelijavaistot ruokahalu, kiima ja kostonhalu.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 582: -Ja tulla pyhimykseksi?-iso Gnelt kysyi edelleen. -Oi arvokas poika, joka olet siellä, kuka ei haluaisi sellaiseksi tulla, mutta niin suuri kunnia tuskin kuuluu minun kaltaiselleni syntiselle; ihmisen on tuotava esiin kaikki voimansa ja ponnisteltava lakkaamatta ja suurimmassa nöyryydessä, jos haluaa siihen ryhtyä.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 592: Tuo suurin Gnelt nousi ylös ja puhui minulle näin: - Kunnioitus vaan Isä, me tiedämme hyvin, että meitä kaikkia tuomitaan ja kidutetaan aikojen loppuun asti, ja meidän piti taistella voimakkaasti sydämessämme ennen kuin teimme tämän päätöksen, mutta Isä Oribazy kertoi meille toistuvasti, ettei ole mitään mitä hyvä kristitty ei tekisi lähimmäisensä hyväksi, että hänen pitäisi luopua kaikesta hänen puolestaan ​​ja olla valmis tekemään kaikki uhraukset; ja suurimmalla epätoivolla luovuimme pelastuksestamme, ajatellen vain rakasta isäämme Oribazya, että hän saisi marttyyrinkruunun ja päättäisi päivänsä pyhimyksensä.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 595: No eihän se ihan noin mennyt Jeesuxellakaan, ei kukaan lähde tekemään noin älytöntä apoptoosia ellei ole täysvakuutettu paluulippu taskussa. Ei Jeesuskaan tehnyt suikkia halukkaasti naapurien hyväxi vaan vastahakoisesti koska isä käski. Uuden pelikirjan mukaan ei tarvi rakastaa lähimmäistään enemmän kuin izeään, vaan enintään yhtä paljon, ei sekään ole aivan vähän.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 635: Hävityn hyökkäyssodan jälkeen Törni loikkasi Lapin sodasta rintamakarkurixi sakemanneihin, tuomittiin maanpetturuudesta ja jäi kiinni Saksassa. Törni karkaili liittoutuneiden ja suomalaisten vankiloista kuin vanhan miehen virza ilman Tena Gentlemanneja. President Juho Paasikivi granted him a pardon in December 1948.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 647: With their support, Thorne joined the US Army Special Forces. While in the Special Forces, he taught skiing, survival, mountaineering, and guerrilla tactics. In turn he attended airborne school, and advanced in rank to sergeant. Receiving his US citizenship in 1957, Thorne attended Officer Candidate School, and was commissioned as a first lieutenant in the Signal Corps. He later received a Regular Army commission and a promotion to captain in 1960. From 1958–1962, he served in the 10th Special Forces Group in West Germany at Bad Tölz, from where he was second-in-command of a search and recovery mission high in the Zagros Mountains of Iran, which gained him a notable reputation. When he was in Germany, he briefly visited his relatives in Finland. In an episode of The Big Picture released in 1962 and composed of footage filmed in 1959, Thorne is shown as a lieutenant with the 10th Special Forces Group in the United States Army.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 721: Neuvostoaikana Tšernobyl oli vuodesta 1932 lähtien piirin hallintokeskus ja se sai kaupungin aseman 1941. Vuonna 1970 kaupungista 18 kilometriä pohjoisluoteeseen alettiin rakentaa ydinvoimalaa, joka sai nimensä lähimmän kaupungin Tšernobylin mukaan. Voimalan viereen rakennettiin sen rakentajille ja työntekijöille Prypjatin kaupunki, jonne rakennustyöhön ja voimalan käyttämiseen liittyvä väestönkasvu suuntautui.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 736: At home with his wife and daughter, the Stalker´s wife (Alisa Freindlich) begs him not to go into the Zone, but he dismissively rejects her pleas. Niinpä tietysti. In a rundown bar-café, the Stalker meets his next clients for a trip into the Zone, the Writer (Anatoly Solzhenitsyn) and the Professor (Nikolai Gringo). The Stalker, the Writer, and the Professor compete at the bar-café who gets to fuck the Stalker´s wife and who the daughter.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 746: Tyutchev was a militant Pan-Slavist like Dostoyevsky, who never needed a particular reason to berate the Western powers, Vatican, Ottoman Empire or Poland, the latter perceived by him as a Judas in the Slavic fold. The failure of the Crimean War made him look critically at the Russian government as well.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 759: The 200 or so lyric pieces which represent the core of his poetic genius, whether describing a scene of nature or passions of love, put a premium on metaphysics. Tyutchev´s world is bipolar like himself. He commonly operates with such categories as night and day, north and south, dream and reality, cosmos and chaos, still world of winter and spring teeming with life. Each of these images is imbued with specific meaning. (Huoh.)
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 761: Tyutchev´s idea of night, for example, was defined by critics as "the poetic image often covering economically and simply the vast notions of time and space as they affect man in his struggle through life". In the chaotic and fathomless world of "night", "winter", or "north" man feels himself tragically abandoned and lonely. Hence, a modernist sense of frightening anxiety permeates his poetry. Unsurprisingly, it was not until the late 19th and early 20th century that Tyutchev was rediscovered and hailed as a great poet by the Russian Symbolists such as Vladimir Solovyov, Andrey Bely and Alexander Blok.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 53: Concerning the Nobel Prize in Literature, Junichiro Tanizaki was among the final candidates in 1960 and 1964, and Yukio Mishima was among the final candidates in 1963.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 64: Yasunari tuli vastaan Hoblan tiistairistikossa. Born in 1899, Kawabata graduated from the then Tokyo Imperial University. When he was young, he attracted attention as a novelist in the Shinkankakuha (new impressions) literary group, and gradually deepened his knowledge about the beauty particular to Japan. His outstanding works include “Izu no Odoriko” (Izu dancer), “Yukiguni” (Snow Country) and “Koto” (The Old Capital). He killed himself by inhaling gas in 1972.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 66: Before Haruki Murakami had achieved wide renown, Tanizaki was frequently considered one of the "Big Three" postwar Japanese writers along with Yasunari Kawabata and Yukio Mishima. Mit vit, Haruki on aivan perseestä, ällö länkkärien nuolija, kuin myös se brittiläinen japsumamu Ichiguro. Yasunari muistutti Tintin lommoposkista japsikenraalia ja Tanizaki oli vanhemmiten pyylevä.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 68: Kawabata apparently committed suicide in 1972 by gassing himself, but a number of close associates and friends, including his widow, consider his death to have been accidental. One thesis, as advanced by Donald Richie, was that he mistakenly unplugged the gas tap while preparing a bath. LOL haha! Who is this Donald Duck anyway?1
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 70: In addition to the numerous mentions of Zen and nature, one topic that was briefly mentioned in Kawabata´s mile long Nobel lecture was that of suicide. Kawabata reminisced of other famous Japanese authors who committed suicide, in particular Ryūnosuke Akutagawa. He contradicted the custom of suicide as being a form of enlightenment, mentioning the priest Ikkyū, who also thought of suicide twice. He quoted Ikkyū, "Among those who give thoughts to things, is there one who does not think of suicide?" There was much speculation about this quote being a clue to Kawabata´s suicide in 1972, a year and a half after Mishima had committed suicide. Kawabata saw ca. 200 nighmares about it. Vittu nää insulaariset viirusilmät on aika vinxahtaneita.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 72: 1Donald Richie (17 April 1924 – 19 February 2013) was an American-born author who wrote about the Japanese people, the culture of Japan, and especially Japanese cinema. Although he considered himself primarily a filth historian, Richie also directed a number of experimental films, the first when he was seventeen.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 76: Although Richie spoke Japanese fluently, he could neither read nor write it proficiently, same as Rei Shimura. Richie wrote English subtitles under Akira Kurosawa´s films. "Whatever we in the West understand about Japanese filth (which is not much), we most likely owe to Donald Richie."
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 102: 'Lumen maa' on ennen kaikkea rakkausromaani. Sen aiheena on kauniin nuoren geishan Komakon rakkaus keski-ikäiseen, varakkaaseen Shimamuraan, vanhaan kuksijaan, joka viileässä pidättyvyydessään ei pysty seuraamaan tyttöä hänen kiihkeän antaumuksensa huipuille, vaan ruiskahtaa ennen kliimaxia. Komakon luonnollinen, suoraryhtinen olemus ja hänen sydämensä aitonaisellinen kaipuu avioehdottomuuteen on vastakohtana Shimamuran sisäiselle autiudelle, hänen sielunsa "lumen maalle". Tämä taitavasti kuvattu tuiki tuttu ristiriita luo romaaniin sisäistä jännitystä ja antaa jokaiselle arkisellekin sanalle (esim. "voi vittu") merkittävyyttä ja harvinaista painoa.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 114: Kun läjä maxumiehiä on ensin hässinyt Ankkaa joka reikään ja pureskellut sen käsivartta ja se mönkii kännisenä Shimuran pakeille, niin mitä tekee tää sorsakoiras? Työntää kättä ilmaisexi kaula-aukosta puristaaxeen tissiä ja samalla "suloinen kumpu lämpeni" toisen käden alla. Vittu tällästäkö on japsulainen "herkkä rakkaustarina." No nimenomaan tällästä.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 164: Ramstedt oli ensimmäisiä suomalaisia esuperantisteja opiskeltuaan kielen vuonna 1891. Hän oli myös Suomen Esuperantoliiton puheenjohtaja. Asuessaan Japanissa Ramstedt osallistui Japanin esuperantoinstituutin (Japana Esuperanto-instituto, japaniksi 日本エスペラント協会 nihon esuperanto kyōkai) toimintaan. Hän myös opetti esuperantoa pikkutytöille monilla paikkakunnilla kuten Sendaissa, Yokohamassa, Yokosukassa, Nagoyassa, Kyotossa, Osakassa, Kobessa, Okayamassa, Fukuokassa, Hiroshimassa ja Nagasakissa. Ramstedt innosti muun muassa nuoren japanilaiskirjailija Kenji Miyazawan (n.h.) opiskelemaan esuperantoa.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 225: Younghusband expedition to Tibet and Anglo-Russian Convention As for the British, Lord George Curzon, the new Viceroy of India, changed ‘British policy towards Tibet from patient waiting to impatient hurry.’ Two times of attempts, in 1900 and 1901, to direct communication with Tibet were both rejected by the Dalai Lama. The lord was already concerned about the Buriat lama - a Russian subject in Tibetan court, also a high political advisor of the Dalai Lama, and considered him as an evil Russian agent behind the Dalai Lama’s anti-British policies. Inevitably, Curzon was more and more convinced that Dorzhiev’s mission to Russia would ultimately place Tibet under Russian protectorate. Especially, after Dorzhiev’s third mission to Czar Nikolai II it was widely reported that a secret agreement was already made between Tibet and Russia.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 264: The This is fine meme comes from a webcomic called Gunshow, by KC Green. In the first two panels of strip 648, a character known as Question Hound sits in a burning house, sipping coffee and saying, “This is fine.” As he continues to reassure himself over the course of the six-panel comic, he also begins to melt due to the heat. The particular comic strip was published on January 9, 2013 (i.e soon a decade ago) and is alternatively titled “Global warming.” The alternative text on the image says, “The pills are working,” which is used as its title, as well.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 280: While at the college, Koo once rode a bicycle down the streets of Shanghai into the International Settlement and followed an English boy also riding a bicycle onto the sidewalk, where an Indian policeman allowed the English boy to continue while stopping Koo to give him a fine for riding his bicycle on the sidewalk. Koo was shocked to discover that owing to extraterritoriality, the laws and rules that applied to Chinese in China did not apply to British subjects-in this instance laws prohibiting riding a bicycle on the sidewalk - and that a foreign policeman had power over the Chinese police. Koo was left with a lifelong desire to end the status of extraterritoriality that had been imposed by the 19th century "unequal treaties".
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 288: On September 3, 1959, Koo (61vee) married his fourth wife Yen Yu-yun (1905–2017), the widow of Clarence Kuangson Young. He had three stepdaughters from this marriage, but none that he would have fucked in himself.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 291: Koo noted that under Wilson's 14 Points, the basis of the peace was to be national, which led him to argue that Japan had no right to the Shandong as its people were overwhelmingly Han and wanted to be part of China. Mutta Donbass ja Luhansk ovat aivan eri asia. Entäs karjalaiset sitten? Tai sudeettisaxalaiset? Elsass ja Lothringen? Oolanti? Wilson vetäköön käteen 14 pointteineen, vaikka niitä onkin enemmän kuin Alex Stubbilla.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 296: In 1921, Koo became the Chinese minister to Britain. Much to his displeasure, Punch published a ballad that implied he was not so much a diplomat representing China but rather just a foreigner with a funny name to amuse the British. This greatly offended him.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 409: Majuri Ishikawa varuskunnan jäänteineen pakeni Shimado-myymälään, jonka partisaanit kastelivat kerosiinilla ja sytyttivät tuleen, minkä jälkeen he ampuivat tulesta hyppääviä japanilaisia kuin savikiekkoja; Budrin tappoi henkilökohtaisesti vakavasti haavoittuneen Ishikawan. Japanilainen kortteli myös tuhoutui ja poltettiin (ensisijaisesti rikollisten ja puolirikollisten elementtien ja entisten Sahalinin vankien toimesta) ja noin 80 siellä asunutta huonoa naista tapettiin.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 486: The magnificent Buddha Dordenma, also known as the Buddha Point is a tall statue of Buddha standing at 51.5 meters in height. It is located at Kuenselphodrang, Thimphu which overlooks the southern approach to the city. The commencement in construction of Buddha Dordenma goes back to 2006 and was inaugurated on 24 th September 2015.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 565: Japanilaisten naisten ylpeys on heidän obinsa. Ei, ei se tamponi, vaan se kimonosta pullottava vyö. Ohimennen saatan mainita, että tyttäreni sai amerikkalaisten tanssiaisiin lainaxi ruhtinas Tokugawan puolisolta hänen obinsa (vähän käytetyn), joka kiinnitti japsujenkin huomiota, koska siinä oli satsumoiden ikivanha tarra. Satsumoissa on sanhedriiniä eli piriä. Edo-kaudella niitä välteltiin koska niiden siemenet aiheuttavat hedelmättömyyttä. Japsut koittavat väittää että se on niiden kexintö, vaikka sen nimi japanixikin on Wenzhoun aplari.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 601: Kojiki (jap. 古事記, suom. Vanhojen asioiden kronikka) on yksi vanhimmista säilyneistä japanilaisista kirjoista ja vanhin tunnettu japanilainen historiateos. Se on valmistunut vuonna 712 ja siinä kerrotaan Japanin historia maailman luomisesta keisarinna Suikon hallituskauteen 600-luvun alussa. Moottoriturpa julkaisi 44-osaisen tutkimuksen Kojikista nimeltä Kojiki-den. Runot sillä oli lyhyempiä, kuten tämä Kustun suomentama:
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 603: shikishima no Mi on Japanin
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 686: Luvussa Huomoita Japanin työväen oloista Kustu antaa peukutuxia Jaappanin korporativistiselle meiningille, jossa tehdastyöläisistä tehtiin kahleita vaille tehtaanomistajan orjia. Varmaan sitä hurraisivat tämän päivän ruozidemokraatitkin, jotka ensitöixeeen lopettivat feministisen ympäristöministeriönsä. Kyllä hirvittää millä ennustettavuudella mun kaikki pahimmatkin pelot toteutuu yxi toisensa perästä. Kun tulee ahdasta, alkaa termiittipesässä sirppileuat heilua.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 713: Se kukoista. Kanoja on kahta lajia, toinen naisille, toinen miehille. Katakanalla eli miesten merkeillä kirjoitetaan vakavammat asiat, hirakanalla taas pääasiallisesti runot, novellit ja yleensä naistenkeskeiset asiat. Minkä lisäxi tietysti tavalliset rakkauskirjeet on kirjoitettava tällä aapistolla. Mutta kaikki tärkeämpi ja juhlallisempi teksti kirjoitetaan kiinalaisin merkein. Kiinalaisilla merkeillä seurataan kiinan sanajärjestystä, joten luettaessa pitää kääntää sanajärjestys, mitä sanotaan simputuxexi (tshimpunkan). Hirakana on koristeellisempaa, pyöreämpää, sirompaa ja luistavampaa, katakana on vuorostaan jyrkempipiirteistä, kulmikkaampaa ja yxinkertaisempaa, huomattavasti jäykempää. Luistavaa ja jäykkää, niinpä tietysti. Kiinalaiset merkit ovat hirmu vaikeita: samat merkit "2 kättä" voivat tarkoittaa myös "molemmat kourat", "kumpikin kämmen", "Kaxin käsin onneen", ym. On länkkäreiden kirjoitustapaa suosittavia koulukuntia, ja toisia, jotka suosittavat käytettäväxi vain miesten aapistoa.
    xxx/ellauri231.html on line 144: Hän on täysin imeytynyt ajatuksesta palvella Venäjää, pelastaa se punaisten sorrosta ja palauttaa zaari täyteen valtaan ja alueensa koskemattomuuteen. Tämän vuoksi hänet voidaan suostutella ja saada tekemään mitä tahansa. Hänellä ei ole henkilökohtaisia etuja, ei mitään amour propre: tässä suhteessa hän on kristallin puhdas. Hän halveksii intohimoisesti kaikkea laittomuutta ja mielivaltaa, mutta koska hän on niin hallitsematon ja impulsiivinen, hän rikkoo usein tahattomasti lakia, ja tämä tapahtuu pääasiassa pyrkiessään noudattamaan samaa lakia ja aina jonkun ulkopuolisen vaikutuksen alaisena. Hän ei tunne elämää sen ankarassa, käytännöllisessä todellisuudessa ja elää miragestien ja lainattujen ideoiden maailmassa. Hänellä ei ole suunnitelmia, ei järjestelmää, ei tahtoa: tässä suhteessa hän on pehmeää vahaa, josta neuvonantajat ja intiimit kosketuxet voivat tehdä mitä haluavat, hyödyntäen sitä tosiasiaa, että riittää naamioida jotain tarpeelliseksi Venäjän hyvinvoinnille ja eduksi, niin on syytä olla varma hänen hyväksynnästään.
    xxx/ellauri231.html on line 148: Hän on ystävällinen ja samalla ankara, reagoiva ja samalla hämmentynyt näyttää inhimillisiä tunteita piilottaen lempeytensä näennäisen ankaruuden taakse. Hän on kärsimätön ja itsepäinen, menettää malttinsa, uhkailee ja sitten rauhoittuu, tekee myönnytyksiä, levittää kätensä avuttomuuden eleenä. Hän vaikka räjähtää saadaxeen olla ihmisten, joukkojen kanssa, mutta kun hän kohtaa heidät, hänellä ei ole aavistustakaan siitä, mitä sanoa.
    xxx/ellauri231.html on line 424: Jenkit halusivat Buninin sodan ajaxi Nykkiin mutta se menikin niillä rahoilla Grasseen, kasvatti vihannexia ja söi kissoja ja koiria. Vuonna 1942 Villassa vieraileva toimittaja kuvaili Buninia "laihaksi ja laihtuneeksi mieheksi, joka näyttää muinaiselta pariisilaiselta". Ivan Bunin oli vankkumaton naisten vastustaja ja kutsui Adolf Hitleriä ja Benito Mussolinia "raivotuiksi apinoiksi". Kerran Pariisin Neuvostoliiton venäläisen teatterin yleisössä Bunin huomasi istuvansa nuoren puna-armeijan everstin vieressä. Kun jälkimmäinen nousi ja kumarsi ja sanoi: "Onko minulla kunnia istua Ivan Aleksejevitš Buninin vieressä?" kirjailija hyppäsi jaloilleen: "Minulla on vielä suurempi kunnia istua suuren puna-armeijan upseerin vieressä!" hän vastasi intohimoisesti.
    xxx/ellauri231.html on line 462: Samat pilvet ovat harjanteen jälkeen. Palautettu, ohimenevä, laastari toisensa jälkeen.
    xxx/ellauri232.html on line 35: him-Bash.jpg" height="305px" />
    xxx/ellauri232.html on line 288: "Kaarlo Kramsun runotar on synkkäpukuinen, traagillinen impi, jonka kasvoilla syvä ja totinen elämäntuska kuvastuu. Hän on kansallisuusaatteesta innostunut, mutta sekään ei tuota hänelle täyttä lohdutusta. Hän näkee senkin traagillisessa valaistuksessa. Hän näkee historiallisen ristiriidan herran ja talonpojan, samoin yleisinhimillisen ristiriidan pikkusielujen ja suurten johtajien välillä. Hänen oma tunne-elämänsä on karu, miehekäs ja yksinkertainen. Hänen sielullinen yksinäisyytensä on ääretön ja siksi seisoo hän niin yksin myös Suomen kirjallisuudessa."
    xxx/ellauri232.html on line 328: After a rabbi examines a shochet’s knife and is satisfied with his skill and knowledge, he issues him a certificate of kabbalah, attesting to his worthiness.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 171: Truth be told, Harry Kemelman did not like David Small very much. "He's not a very likable person," Kemelman said of the fictional rabbi. "No congregation would tolerate him. I wish there were more rabbis like him."
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 204: ”Poppamiehen filosofia on mahdollisuuksien filosofia. Se on sytykettä, energiaa. Päämääräasentoa, aloitteellisuutta, innostusta, uskoa. Nöyryyttä ja työtä, tahtoa tavoittaa unelma. Tämä on kirja henkilökohtaisesta vastuusta. Välittämisestä. Halusta ponnistella yhteisen päämäärän toteuttamiseksi. Tämä kirja on intohimosta, elämänuskosta.”
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 297: Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家康, 31. tammikuuta 1543 – 1. kesäkuuta 1616; syntynyt Matsudaira Takechiyo ja myöhemmin muunkin niminen) oli Japanin Tokugawa Shogunaatin perustaja ja ensimmäinen shōgun, joka hallitsi Japania vuodesta 1603 asti Meiji- restauraatioon vuonna 1868. (Hemmetin pitkäikäinen.) Hän oli yksi kolmesta Japanin "suuresta yhdistäjästä" entisen herransa Oda Nobunagan ja yhden toisen Odan alaisen Toyotomi Hideyoshin kanssa. Alaikäisen daimyon poika Ieyasu eli kerran panttivankina jonkun daimyo Imagawa Yoshimoton alaisuudessa isänsä puolesta. Myöhemmin hän onnistui isänsä kuoleman jälkeen daimyona, palvellen Oda-klaanin vasallina ja kenraalina ja kasvatti voimiaan Oda Nobunagan alaisuudessa (jonka se sitten kyllä kavalasti jätti kuolemaan Honnojin selkkauxessa). Sillä oli aivan simona jalkavaimoja.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 395: Large groups of people, including many yeshivas, uphold the set of Jewish customs and rites (minhag), the "minhag ha-Gra", named after him, the which is also considered by many of his followers to be the prevailing Ashkenazi minhag in Jerusalem.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 405: According to popular myth/legend, it is claimed that the Gaon contributed to contemporary mathematics of his day, and that Cramer's rule is named after him (since his family name was Kremer). However, the rule is in fact named after the Swiss mathematician Gabriel Cramer, and there is no evidence that the Gaon was at all familiar with anything beyond basic compound interest calculation, and certainly no evidence that he made any contributions. Anyway Cramer's tule is way inferior to Gaussian elimination. Gabi ei ehkä ollut juutalainen kuitenkaan, vaikka sen isä oli Isaac. Ainakin se muistuttaa pikemminkin Liza Marklundia kuin näitä karvaturreja.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 412: Until the age of 12, he studied under Issachar Ber in Lyubavichi (Lubavitch); he distinguished himself as a Talmudist, such that his teacher sent him back home, informing his father that the boy could continue his studies without the aid of a teacher. At the age of 12, he delivered a discourse concerning the complicated laws of Kiddush Hachodesh, to which the people of the town granted him the title "Rav". The misnagdim, on the other hand, dubbed him "Rebbe Schlemiel".
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 414: At age 15 he married Sterna Segal, the daughter of Yehuda Leib Segal, a wealthy resident of Vitebsk, and thus relieved of the excess sperm in his aching balls he was able to devote himself entirely to study.
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 150: Ennen lähtöä Riihimäeltä tiistaina 9. syyskuuta 1941 pataljoonankomentaja majuri Perm piti meille puheen. Siinä hän ilmoitti juhlallisesti, että kaikki vanhat asiat oli nyt unohdettu ja meidät katsottiin nyt moitteettomiksi kansalaisiksi. Saisimme tilaisuuden tehdä osuutemme maailman vapauttamiseksi »idän barbaarista». Leningrad - tai Pietari, kuten hän sanoi - oli aivan romahduksen partaalla. Muutaman päivän kuluessa, ehkä muutamassa tunnissa, puna-armeijan luhistuminen rintaman tällä osa-alueella olisi tosiasia. Majurin silmissä loisti suomalaissoturin fanaattinen kiihko...
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 158: Koko aamupäivä käytiin kovaa tulitaistelua pienen puna-armeijan joukon ja suomalaisten rintaman taakse sijoitettujen varmistusjoukkojen välillä. Aibeutettuaan sekamelskan yhteyksissä ja tuntuvia tappioita varmistusjoukoille puna-armeijan joukko-osasto perääntyi metsään ja taisteli samalla lukumääräisesti ylivoimaisen vastustajan kanssa. Kun perääntyessämme ohitimme taistelualueen, tien kupeessa montussa makasi haavoittunut puna-armeijan sotilas. Hän oli ottanut paitansa pois ja sitonut sillä haavansa. Koska hänen toverinsa pakotettiin perääntymään, he joutuivat jättämään haavoittuneen jälkeensä. Silloin yksi varmistusjoukkojen rohkea sankari juoksi haavoittuneen luo ja ampui puolustuskyvytöntä venäläissotilasta päähän niin, että aivot valuivat maahan. Tämä oli karmea näky ja yksi esimerkki tuhansista vastaavanlaisista tapauksista, joissa ilmeni suursuomalaisten sotilaiden hillitsemätön verenhimo haavoittuneita vastustajia kohtaan. Iso-Paulikin kertoi kuinka sotakaverit veivät sotavangit saunan taaxe ja lasauttivat ilmat pois.
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 248: Te ette näe edes lähellekään. Katsokaa, hyvät herrat: jos meidän naapurinamme olisi sivistynyt maa, mikä hyvänsä, saat taisimme me ehkä vaeltaa rauhassa maanteillämme, pelloillamme, kaduillamme ja huoneissamme. Ehkä, sanon minä silloinkin. Mutta naapurinamme ei ole sivistynyt maa, vaan odottamattomuuksien maa, salaperäisyyksien maa, villien ja hullujen intohimojen maa, suunnaton Sveariket, jossa ei kukaan tee työtä (lukuuunottamatta mustakalloja), jossa ei teroiteta auraa, vaan miekkaa.
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 465: If I knew that he would develop like this, I would not have had him. I would not want to bring a person into this world outside of my own volition, if I knew that he would experience no joy in his existence.
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 507: Depression is terrible. I remember 27 and it sucks. I can't imagine being that age now. In this world we live in. It's no wonder he's depressed. For young people it just seems hopeless, like what's the point? They can't afford a house, family of their own, secondary education, a life except being a slave to the “grind" and having a side hustle…or 5. Just be there for him. Don't tell him to cheer up, others have it worse. None of those things help. Sometimes they just have to hit rock bottom. Sometimes it's like grieving. Like Winston Churchill said, if you are in hell, just keep shoveling.
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 519: Good for you! My son has had been through various phases of medication (serotonine re-uptake inhibitors?) but at the moment he is self-medicating with grass. I do think that he is trying to do as well as he can, though. Sometimes he gives me a doobie from his stash, I give him beer and we watch some TV together.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 141: Oikeat ihmiset Horatio Hornblower -kirjoissa: Napoleon, Boy George: ‘I was abused every day for being gay in the 70s’, kapteeni Edward Pelle, amiraali William Corn Flakes, Lord St. Vincent, Britannian ulkoministeri William "markiisi Wellesley" Hague, Venäjän zaari Aleksanteri I, ministeri Anthony Drink and Be Merry, Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz, ja viimeisenä muttei vähimpänä Riian sotilaskovernööri Ivan Nikolaevich Essenistä ja monista muista hajalle pommitetuista Saxan kaupungeista, erityisesti "Commodoressa". Mitä vetoa että Iivana on pahis?
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 158: "Bush kietoi molemmat kädet Hornblowerin olkapäiden ympärille ja käveli raahaten. Sillä ei ollut väliä, että hänen jalkansa raahasivat ja hänen keskijalkansa ei toiminut, kun hänellä oli tämä tuki; Hornblower oli maailman paras mies, ja Bush saattoi ilmoittaa sen laulamalla "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" vaeltaessaan pitkin kujaa. Samalla Hornblower työskenteli yhtä lujasti salatakseen inhimillisiä heikkouksiaan kuin jotkut miehet työskentelivät salatakseen järjetöntä pullistumaa."
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 212: Let not Ambition mock their useful toil, Älä anna kunnianhimo pilkata heidän hyödyllistä työtänsä,
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 275: Implores the passing tribute of a sigh. Rukoilee ohimenevää huokausta.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 298: "Oft have we seen him at the peep of dawn "Olemme usein nähneet hänet aamunkoitteessa
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 312: "One morn I miss'd him on the custom'd hill, "Eräänä aamuna kaipasin häntä mukautetulla kukkulalla,
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 318: Slow thro' the church-way path we saw him borne. Hidasta kirkon polkua, jonka näimme hänen kantavan.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 326: And Melancholy mark'd him for her own. Ja Melankolia merkitsi hänet omakseen.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 359: Grayn runous koskee seksuaalisen kyrvänhalun hylkäämistä. Runoilijan hahmo runoissaan on usein yksinäinen, vieraantunut ja marginaalinen, ja erilaisia ​​muusoja tai sijaisäitihahmoja kutsutaan avuksi tai opastukseksi tavalla, joka ennakoi jonkin verran John Keatsin samankaltaisten hahmojen käyttöä. Vuoden 1742 neljän pidemmän runon tyypillinen "juoni" liittyy jonkinlaisen halun hylkäämiseen, kuten "Oodissa keväällä" tai, kuten Eton Collegen oodissa, valittaa viattomuutta. Joskus, kuten "Hymn to Adversity", ankara ja tukahduttava hahmo loihditaan nuhtelemaan liiallista halua ja auttamaan vaatimattoman ja inhimillisen toveruuden, seksuaalisen halun transponoidun ja sosiaalisen muodon, muodostumisessa. "Hymnissä tietämättömyydelle"Dunciadia (1728) käytetään nuhtelemaan "minää", joka kaipaa äidillistä ja demonista läsnäoloa. Erilaisilla, mutta toisiinsa liittyvillä tavoilla nämä neljä runoa esittelevät runoilijan etsintöä hänen suojelijahenkeensä, museaan, joka johtaa runollisen ja henkilökohtaisen identiteetin luomista.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 374: Muse, Contemplation ("Oodissa keväällä") ja isä Thames herätetään heidän omaavansa profeetallisen viisauden vuoksi. Yksi profetian tehtävistä on muuttaa halu "rakkaudeksi" tai "raivotuhoisiksi intohimoiksi". Mielikuvituksen personifiointitottumus paljastaa halun omaksumat alhaiset muodot ("Kateus hiipuu, ja haalistunut hoito"), aivan kuten "Oodissa keväällä" oleva "ihmisen rotu" paljastuu hyönteiselämänä "Mietiskelyn raittiin silmälle". " Visio palvelee aina muodon paljastamista, ja Greyssä paljastettua on vähennetty, kielletty tai kielletty. Reduktiivisen tunnustamisen strategia "Oodissa keväällä" hylkää unelman halusta; strategia jättimäisten spektrimuotojen luomiseksi Eton Collegen oodissa rohkaisee pahoihin uniin, halun kääntäminen demoniseksi. Northrop Frye kuvailee jotain tämän tyyppistä toimintaa keskustelussaan Quest-Romancesta: "Käännettynä unelmatermeiksi, etsintä-romantiikka on libidon tai kaipaavan itsensä etsimistä täyttymykseen, joka vapauttaa sen todellisuuden peloista, mutta sisältää silti se todellisuus." Toteuttaminen voi vaatia, kuten Grayn tapauksessa, että suojeleva äitihahmo syrjäyttää uhkaavan naispuolisen oikeushenkilön; Siten syyllisyys haihtuu halun hylänneen tottelevaisen näyttelijän saamassa hyväksynnässä. Tämä yhteenveto kuvaa myös "Hymn to Adversity".
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 410: Oidipaalinen fantasia pelataan pastoraalisessa ympäristössä: "Sinun vihreään syliin laskettiin Luonnon kulta [Shakespeare], / Mihin aikaan, missä selkeä Avon Stray'd, / Hänelle mahtava Äiti paljasti / Hänen kauhistuttavat kasvonsa.... Paljastumisen odotus sai tirkistelijä Miltonin ratsastamaan "ylevällä / Extasyn serafin siipien päällä, / Abyssin salaisuudet vakoilemaan". Silti Joven lait säilyvät: alkuperäistä kohtausta ei koskaan katsota. Hyperionic marssi on tehty merkityksettömäksi "sellaiset muodot, kuten glitter Muse's ray"; nämä muodot kiusaavat Grayn omia "lapsen silmiä" tuoden hänet Shakespearen, "kuolemattoman Pojan" läheisyyteen. "Itämaiset sävyt", jotka häikäisivät lapsen Greyn, olivat "auringosta lainattuja" — toinen ylevän runollisen (hyperionisen) periaatteen hylkääminen. Oidipaalisen halun (halu "mahtavaan äitiin") ja keskirunoilijan yksinäisen ylevän intohimon välillä ei ole sopivaa keskitietä (vaikka Gray toivoo löytävänsä sellaisen). Runoilijan runon lopussa valitsema "kaukainen tie" on välttämätön kieltäytymisestä olla ylevän näkemyksen runoilija (Milton) ja mahdottomuus omistaa luonnonlapselle ilmestyvää äiti-muusaa (Shakespeare) . Suuri osa oodista on täynnä halun kohtauksia – Miltonin ja Shakespearen – ja on siten huolissaan, vaikkakin salaisesti, seksuaalisen voiman ja runollisen näkemyksen välisestä suhteesta. Harmaa'
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 448: During World War II Forester moved to the United States where he wrote propaganda to encourage the country to join the Allies, and eventually settled in Berkeley, California; while living in Washington, D.C., he met a young British intelligence officer named Roald Dahl, of whose experiences in the RAF he had heard word, and encouraged him to write about them. In 1947, he secretly married a woman named Dorothy Foster. He suffered extensively from arteriosclerosis later in life.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 567: Quintilian described him as "by far the greatest of the nine lyric poets, in virtue of his inspired magnificence, the beauty of his thoughts and figures, the rich exuberance of his language and matter, and his rolling flood of eloquence". However, not all the ancients shared Quintilian's enthusiasm. The Athenian comic playwright Eupolis is said to have remarked that the poems of Pindar "are already reduced to silence by the disinclination of the multitude for elegant learning".
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 600: And frantic Passions hear thy soft control. Ja kiihkeät intohimot kuulevat pehmeän kontrollisi.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 680: To him the mighty Mother did unveil Hänelle mahtava Äiti paljasti
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 772: The spider turned him round about, and went into his den, Hämähäkki kääntyi ja painui peremmälle pesään,
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 804: They had not gone far before they saw the Mock Turtle in the distance, sitting sad and lonely on a little ledge of rock, and, as they came nearer, Alice could hear him sighing as if his heart would break. She pitied him deeply. `What is his sorrow?' she asked the Gryphon, and the Gryphon answered, very nearly in the same words as before, `It's all his fancy, that: he hasn't got no sorrow, you know. Come on!'
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 818: `When we were little,' the Mock Turtle went on at last, more calmly, though still sobbing a little now and then, `we went to school in the sea. The master was an old Turtle--we used to call him Tortoise--'
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 820: `Why did you call him Tortoise, if he wasn't one?' Alice asked.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 822: `We called him Tortoise because he taught us,' said the Mock Turtle angrily: `really you are very dull!'
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 252: Wasenius aloitti Helsingissä suhteellisen pienellä rihkamakaupalla, mutta siirtyi pian laajempiin ympyröihin. Jo 1822 hän oli kaupunginvanhimpien esimies sekä Ruotsin ja Norjan varakonsuli. Wasenius loi alkuvarallisuutensa tuomalla viljaa Venäjältä ja Baltiasta, mutta jo 1820-luvulla hän alkoi etsiä viljakaupan rinnalle uusia liiketoimia. Hän matkusteli ulkomailla ja etsi tietoisesti "tulevaisuuden alaa", joka löytyi kirjakaupasta, kirjapainosta ja sanomalehden kustantamisesta. Kirjakaupan perustaminen 1823 oli eräänlainen uhkayritys, samoin 1826 perustamisoikeutensa saanut kirjapaino, sillä kaupunki oli pieni ja yliopisto edelleen Turussa. Yliopiston muutettua Helsinkiin 1828 asiakaskunta laajeni huomattavasti. Yliopiston kirjakauppiaan arvon Wasenius onnistui saamaan 1834, jolloin hänen kirjakauppansa oli jo koko maan suurin. Kirjapaino toimi Waseniuksen kauppiastalossa Etelärannassa ja kirjakauppa Senaatintorin varrella.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 382: Lyhyt kertaus Marquetan tyttöystävistä: Äiti (pyhimys), Kaija (tyylikäs), soitonopettaja (miehekäs), Hilma-täti (ex-juro), Saimi-täti (ditto), karjakko-Sanna (ditto), Paulan äiti (hiiri), Siiri-täti (ditto), mummu (dementti), Anneli (serkku), Paula (ex-kärkevä), Irmeli (terhakka), Annukka (dollface), Kaarina (luuviulu), Ursula (klenkka), Tyty Arola (ex-nemesis). Niin ja sitten pojat, johin premenstruaalisilla tytöillä ei ole mitään kiinnostusta vielä: Topi (visukinttu), Eero (sankarillinen), Riku (ryhditön). "Kaikki muut" ovat jotain nimettömiä Ankkoja. Marquetasta on tullut hyvin luokkatietoinen. Sitten hyvin kevein vedoin hahmotellut muut opet (ei edes genitaaleista ole tietoa): voimistelunopettaja Visa (ok), Rexi (tiukkailmeinen), matikanope Puputti (kiukkuinen), historianope Hemppa (hajamielinen), ja "kaikki muut". Mummu ja Marquetta toistelevat sanoja, kumpikohan on dementimpi. Marke meinaa että pahat ajatuxet pitää pitää sisällä. Millanenhan Aili Konttinen siitäkin tulee ajan kanssa, tuleeko joku vielä viikatoimaan senkin.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 78: Ensin tämä Dao. Me käytiin daolaisten temppelissä Shanghaissa, siellä oli hassunkurisia värikkäitä pazaita ja raakaruokaa pantuna pyhimysten eteen. Länkkärien mielestä se ei kuitenkaan ole piäasia. Dao (道 pinyin: dào; Wade-Giles: tao) on mandariinikiinaa ja tarkoittaa tietä tai polkua, siis niinkuin esim. Dalasniemendao tai Neizyddao. I am levidading now.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 163: I doubt, as I am sure you do too, that they wouldn’t ever question the fact that the commandment dealt foremost with killing another human being. It taught them the stories in the Torah that dealt with brothers killing brothers, of Abraham released from killing Isaac, of Joseph’s brothers throwing him down a well to kill him.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 332: Peliriippuvuus tai pelihimo luokitellaan psykiatriassa käyttäytymis- ja hillitsemishäiriöihin (vuodesta 2022 ICD-11, peliongelma 6C50 (link is external) löytyy riippuvuushäiriöistä) ja se kuuluu toiminnallisiin riippuvuuksiin. Koukkuun jäädään tekemiseen eli pelaamiseen ja sen aiheuttamiin tunteisiin.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 79: Yhdestoista syyskuuta päivämäärällä oli jo silloin sijansa elämässäni. Samana p vänä neljä vuotta aiemmin isä oli pidätetty äidin murhasta sen jälkeen kun veljeni Sebastian oli löydetty vaatekomerostaan isän vyöhön hirttäytyneenä. Vyö oli täysin käyttökelvoton ja isä kantoi siitä kaunaa äidille. Mixi tämmöset säälittävät veljet on aina sebastian nimisiä? Mixei esim Kjell? Sixikö kun sen niminen pyhimyskin oli aika vätys? Se oli varmaan homo. Jack halusi Feitä joka paikassa, metron raiteilla, pesukoneen nukkasihdissä.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 156: Fante was diagnosed with diabetes in 1955, which ultimately cost him his eyesight and led to the 1977 amputation of his toes and feet, and later legs. He died on May 8, 1983.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 266: Nyt on päästy puoliväliin Panssarinyrkkiä. Pahimmat narsisti on enää jäljellä pelissä. Luonnevikaisten määrä vaan lisääntyy populaatiossa lähestyttäessä apinoiden tapahtumahorisonttia.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 308: Kimberly: Exactly. Once you’ve been abused, tortured, provoked, manipulated, and had your reputation dragged through the mud, it’s hard to find any sympathy for them. Deep down I feel badly that my ex had to have the pathetic parents he did, since they are the ones fully responsible for his behavior and mental disorder, but at the end of the day, he’s a grown man and needs to learn to own up to his own shortcomings. God have mercy on him… because I sure don’t.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 560: The family moved to Mid-City, Los Angeles, in 1930. Bukowski's father was often unemployed. To while away his time, with his mother's acquiescence, his father was frequently abusive, both physically and mentally, beating his son for the smallest real or imagined offense. Heini later told an interviewer that his father beat him with a razor strop three times a week from the ages of six to 11 years. He says that it helped his writing, as he came to understand undeserved as well as well deserved pain.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 562: Young Bukowski spoke English with a strong German accent and was taunted by his childhood playmates with the epithet "Heinie", German diminutive of Heinrich, in his early youth. He was shy and socially withdrawn, a condition exacerbated during his teen years by an extreme case of acne. Neighborhood children ridiculed his accent, acne and the sensible clothing his parents made him wear. Nachdem sein Vater seinen Wehrdienst abgeleistet hatte, fand er jedoch nur eine Arbeit als Milchlieferant. Die Familie lebte aus diesem Grund zeitweise in ärmlichen Verhältnissen. Regelmäßig betrog der Vater außerdem Bukowskis Mutter mit anderen Frauen, betrank sich und misshandelte seinen eigenen Sohn körperlich. In die Pubertät gekommen, litt Bukowski zudem an starker Akne und hatte am ganzen Körper Pusteln, weshalb er ein ganzes Jahr nicht die Schule besuchen "konnte". The Great Depression bottled his rage as he grew up, and gave him much of his voice and material for his writings.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 576: In 1969, Bukowski accepted an offer from Black Sparrow Press publisher John Martin and quit his post office job to dedicate himself to full-time writing. He was then 49 years old. As he explained in a letter at the time, "I have one of two choices – stay in the post office and go crazy ... or stay out here and play at writer and starve. I have decided to starve. Hah, he made a lot of bucks! By the late 1970s, Bukowski's income was sufficient to give up his lucrative live readings.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 582: His other affairs included a recording executive and a twenty-three-year-old redhead Scarlet O'Hara. Another important relationship was with "Tanya" who gave him head.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 587: Two years later they moved from the East Hollywood area, where he had lived for most of his life, to the harborside community of San Pedro, the southernmost district of Los Angeles. Beighle followed him and they lived together intermittently over the next two years. He eventually "agreed to" marry her by Manly Palmer Hall, a Canadian-born author, mystic, and spiritual teacher, in 1985. Beighle is referred to as "Sara Heinämaa" in Bukowski's novels Women and Hollywood.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 594: Bukowski's work was subject to controversy throughout his career, and he readily admitted to admiring strong leaders such as Adolf Hitler and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Some guy claimed that his sexism in his poetry, at least in part, translated his life. Feikki spuge setämies jonka näyttämönimi oli vielä "Buck" - nö, 'swar Hank. When women are around, he has to play Man. In a way it's the same kind of 'pose' he plays at in his poetry—Bogart, Eric Von Stroheim. "Whenever my wife Lucia would come with me to visit him he'd play the Man role, but one night she couldn't come I got to Buck's place and found a whole different guy—easy to get along with, relaxed, accessible."
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 683: Singer himself has said, "I am not really satisfied with the book". He has expressed concerns that his argument that an ethical life makes for a happy life "contains an element of wishful thinking", as he does not always do everything that he believes to be morally right (like sell his houses) and so might have underestimated how demanding morality can be, set against other things that might be fulfilling in life, like staying on at the U of Melbourne, licking licorice dicks, and penning more bestsellers like this.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 696: On December 12, 2022, Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas and was subsequently extradited to the United States An indictment of him before the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York was unsealed on December 13, revealing a range of charges for offenses, including wire fraud, commodities fraud, securities fraud, money laundering, and campaign finance law violations. Bankman-Fried faces up to 115 years in prison if convicted on all eight counts. On January 3, 2023, Bankman-Fried pled not guilty to fraud and other charges. On December 22, Bankman-Fried was released on a $250 million bond, on condition that he reside at his parents' home in California.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 743: Several of the women who spoke to TIME said that EA’s polyamorous subculture was a key reason why the community had become a hostile environment for women. One woman told TIME she began dating a man who had held significant roles at two EA-aligned organizations while she was still an undergraduate. They met when he was speaking at an EA-affiliated conference, and he invited her out to dinner after she was one of the only students to get his math and probability questions right. He asked how old she was, she recalls, then quickly suggested she join his polyamorous relationship. Shortly after agreeing to date him, “He told me that ‘I could sleep with you on Monday,’ but on Tuesday I’m with this other girl,” she says. “It was this way of being a f—boy but having the moral high ground,” she added. “It’s not a hookup, it’s a poly relationship.” The woman began to feel “like I was being sucked into a cult,” she says.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 860: And there came out from the camp of the Philistines a champion named Goliath of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span [more than 9 feet tall]. 5 He had a helmet of bronze [Why bronze and not iron? Was the iron one in the wash?] on his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail [bronze scale armor] [same question], and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of bronze [about 125 pounds]. 6 And he had bronze armor on his legs, and a javelin of bronze slung between his shoulders. 7 The shaft of his spear was like a weaver’s beam, and his spear’s head weighed six hundred shekels of iron [15 pounds]. And his shield-bearer went before him. [No wonder, he was pretty encumbered with all the other bronze on him.]
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 120: Avioliitto näytti olevan Atalantelle mieluinen, vaikka hän oli alkuun ollut vastahakoinen. Melanion (Hippomenes) puolestaan oli niin onnen ja autuuden vallassa, että ei muistanutkaan kiittää Afroditea, jonka avulla hän oli kisan voittanut. Jumalattaren kosto oli ankara. Afrodite odotti, että pari kulkisi jonkun temppelin ohitse, ja sitten hän vihoissaan langetti heille vastustamattoman intohimon toisiaan kohtaan. Melanoin vei Atalanten temppeliin ja rakasteli siellä vaimonsa kanssa. Tarinan eri versioiden mukaan temppeli kuului joko Zeukselle tai sitten Kybelelle – joka tapauksessa ko. jumala(tar) suuttui temppelinsä pyhyyden turmelemisesta ja runkkutahroista. Tästä seurasi kova rangaistus: rakastavaiset muutettiin salonkileijoniksi. Ihanaa leijonat ihanaa. Kybele-version mukaan hän aikoi ensin surmata rakastavaiset, mutta päätyi muuttamaan heidät leijoniksi, koska piti kuolemaa liian lempeänä rangaistuksena. Leijonat valjastettiin vetämään Kybelen vaunuja. Kybeleestä ja sen leijonavetoisista vaunuista oli jotain läppää Flaubertilla. Joissain tarinan versioissa pari ehti olla jo jonkin aikaa silleen ennen kuin heistä tuli leijonia. Tuohon aikaan uskottiin, ettei leijona voi paritella oman lajinsa kanssa. Siis mitä? Sori mutta tätä en kyllä taida uskoa.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 168: Twin-born with him, and virgin, Artemis, Sen kaxonen, ja neiti Artemis,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 438: Felt the light touch him coming forth, and wailed Näki valoa tullessaan mun sisältä, ja itkahti
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 440: I bare him, and my heart was great; for yet Mä synnytin sen, ja sydän oli suurentunut; sillä
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 461: Wherefore I kissed and hid him with my hands, Sit mä pussasin ja piilotin sen käsilläni,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 463: And feared to touch him with my tears, and laughed; Pelkäsin koskettaa sitä kyynelilläni, ja nauroin;
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 481: Who fright the gods frighted not him; he laughed
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 517: I will go arm my son and bring him forth,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 518: Lest love or some man’s anger work him harm.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 561: They gave him light in his ways,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 681: For like one great of hand he bears himself,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 685: But who girt round there roughly follows him?
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 692: Full-sailed; him Cepheus follows, his twin-born,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 741: Yet is not less himself than his own law.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 771: And with his whole heart worship, him all gods
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 776: Tracks, and gains on him, scenting sins far off,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 895: Submits himself, refraining all his heart.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1144: ⁠That thou must lay on him love?
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1365: That take thus much upon me, let him think
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1428: Throned, and the wheel of the world roll under him,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1455: Death. Hast thou seen him ever anywhere,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1551: ⁠None hath beheld him, none
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1660: Well fare the spear that severed him and life.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1709: And following him that slew the biform bull
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1739: And missed; for much desire divided him,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1905: ⁠Toward him, even as thine heart now
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2002: Nay, should thine own seed slay himself, O queen?
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2121: Pierced his cheek through; then Toxeus made for him,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2123: Fruitless; for him too stricken through both sides
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2137: No man doth well but God hath part in him.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2203: Weep, and wring hands that clasp him by the hand?
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2217: Better one death for him and these and me.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2280: That thou cleave to him; and he shall honour thee,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2281: Thy womb that bare him and the breasts he knew,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2385: For the unjust also dieth, and him all men
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2387: Hate, and himself abhors the unrighteousness,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2470: Woe, woe for him that breaketh; and a rod
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2677: I am kindled with the flames that fade in him,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2793: ⁠Lament ye, mourn for him, weep.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2809: And caught him, crying out twice “O child” and thrice,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2832: And laid him sadly in strange hands, and wept.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3001: ⁠None turned him again
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3071: ⁠As who turns him to wake;
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3389: Serbia's Aleksandar Vucic stands tall at 6 foot 6, making him the tallest world leader. House 2021 Donald Trump weighed 244 pounds according to the results of a physical performed in June 2020. Speaker Nancy Pelosi insisted that he's morbidly obese. The president is 6-foot-3 inches tall. This means the once and future president is considered only clinically obese and has a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30.3.
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 92: saksankielinen filosofinen käsite, joka viittaa inhimilliseen olemassaoloon
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 123: »Tapausten kulku» on keskeistä ja paljastavaa Salamaa v:lta 1975, kirja siitä miltä tuntuu kun maailma on kaatumassa päälle. Tämä kertoo kirjailijalle läheisestä elämänpiiristä, ravintola Hansasta, sen kantakundeista, omasta avioliitosta kirjailijan silmin nähtynä. »Tapausten kulku»> on suomalaisen kirjallisuuden voimakkaimpia ja suorimpia tunnustuksia. Salama tutkistelee itseään, lähimmäisiään, lapsuuttaan ja nuoruuttaan, yhteiskuntaa ja sen rakenteita, elämänkatsomuksensa vahvuutta, ajan aatteita kolmanteen maailmaan verrattuna, ja kaikki se mikä ei tunnu kestävältä jää syrjään. >>Tapausten kulku» kertoo siitä, miten epäoikeudenmukaiseksi tajuttu oikeudenkäynti vaikuttaa pohjimmiltaan lakia kunnioittavaan ihmiseen, miten se muuttaa hänet. Salama ei säästä ketään ja itseään kaikkein vähiten.
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 246: Kaikki mitä maan päällä on tehty ylhäisiä, mahtavia, herroja, vallanpitäjä vastaan on mitätöntä verrattuna siihen mitä juutalaiset ovat heitä vastaan tehneet, juutalaiset, tuo papillinen kansa joka on osannut hankkia hyvitystä vihollisiltaan ja kukistajiltaan lopulta vain arvioimalla perinpohjin uudelleen heidän arvonsa, siis kaikkein henkisimmän kostotoimenpiteen avulla. Juuri juutalaiset ovat uskaltaneet asettaa pelottavan johdonmukaisesti aristokraattisen arvoyhtälön (hyvä = ylhäinen mahtava kaunis = onnellinen = Jumalan rakastama) täysin toisinpäin ja pitäneet siitä kiinni kaikkein pohjattomimman vihan (voimattomuuden vihan) hampain, he ovat kääntäneet sen nimittäin näinpäin: vain kurjat ovat hyviä, köyhät, voimattomat, alhaiset ovat yksin hyviä, kärsivät puutteenalaiset, sairaat, rumat ovat myös ainoat hurskaat, ainoat Jumalan autuaat, vain heitä varten on autuus olemassa - kun taas te, te ylhäiset ja mahtavat, te olette iankaikkisest pahoja, julmia, himokkaita, kyltymättömiä, jumalattomia. tulette myös iankaikkisesti jäämään vaille autuutta, olema kirottuja ja kadotukseen tuomittuja. (Kuulostaa enemmän kristityltä kyllä. Mutta mursun mielestä Kristus on vaan juutalaisten salajuoni.)
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 267: Ja sitten Jeesus nukahti kasvot Marian rintojen väliin, kalu seisten vasten hänen reittään. Mutta vaikka Maria teki mitä tuon vielä liki karvattoman kullin eteen, saadakseen sen kaikkein pyhimpään, Jeesus vain nukahti häntä vasten kuin pieni lapsi ja nuoli unissaan hänen tanakoita nännejään.
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 271: Hänen äidillään ei ollut muuta yllään kuin saalinsa. Marian rinnat ponnahtelivat ylös ja alas samaan tahtiin kuin huivi liikkui edestakaisin. Heidän laskeutuessaan painuivat hänen pakaransa tiukasti vasten Gabrielin reisiä. Marian taas nostaessa takapuoltaan näkyi Gabrielin kivikova molo varjomaisena hämärtyvässä valossa ja upposi jälleen syvälle Marian kaikkein pyhimpään.
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 308: Vuonna 1954 Simojoki puntaroi Okavangolla lähetyssaarnaajan vaaroja, joista pahimmat ovat : 4) lähetyssaarnaaja-asento; 5) epäluotettavat naisihmiset; 6) saatanan kiusat (lihallisuus, ahneus); 7) epäusko ja epätoivo. Näitä vastaan täytyy todella tehdä duunia. Vaikeimpia tehtäviä oli virolaisten desanttien "valmistaminen" nappi ozaan -kuolemaan.
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 413: Vasemmistoradikaaleina he kietoivat rikoskertomuksiinsa yhteiskunnan ja halusivat osoittaa, minne Ruotsi oli menossa. Suunta oli ”kapitalistinen, kylmä ja epäinhimillinen yhteiskunta, jossa rikkaat rikastuvat ja köyhät köyhtyvät”, määritteli Sjöwall myöhemmin.
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 424: Sjövall Wahlöön aikalaiset (ja Handen huorahtava äisky) on ymmärtäneet tän huorajutun ihan väärin. Ei kyse ole siitä myykö sexiä silkasta rahasta, antaako vaihtokaupalla tai suorastaan anteexi, vaan kyse on yxinomaan siitä onko avionrikkoja. Ainoastaan rouvasväki voi tehdä huorin Moosexen pelikirjassa. Miehiä koskee se toinen käsky, joka kieltää "himoizemasta" eli varrastamasta naapurin vaimoa. Ammattihuorat ei siis tee huorin, eikä niitä nuohoavat miehetkään. Vanhassa testamentissa monivaimoiset patriarkat kävi ihan virkistyxen vuoksi huorissa. Jakorasiaa ei kyllä kukaan huoli vaimoxi, ja lapsenteko sellaisen kanssa oli tosi noloa, kuten Tamaran esimerkki todistaa. Eli oli syytä silti varoa mihin reikään kaulatun nuppinsa upottaa, kuten psalmista varotteleekin kiimaisia nuorukaisia.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 78: Suomen 1990-luvun alun lama oli talousvaikutuksiltaan Suomen historian pahimpia talouskriisejä, pahempi kuin 1930-luvun lama Suomessa. Vuosien 1990–1993 lamalla oli syvä vaikutus koko 1990-luvun Suomen talouteen (erityisesti työttömyyteen), kulttuuriin, politiikkaan ja ilmapiiriin. Sen aikana bruttokansantuote laski 13 prosenttia ja työttömyys nousi 3,5 prosentista 18,9 prosenttiin.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 101: The Soviet Union's last year of economic growth was 1989, and throughout the 1990s, recession ensued in the Former Soviet Republics. In May 1998, following the 1997 crash of the East Asian economy, things began to get even worse in Russia. In August 1998, the value of the ruble fell 34% and people clamored to get their money out of banks (see 1998 Russian financial crisis). The government acted by dragging its feet on privatization programs. Russians responded to this situation with approval by electing the more pro-dirigist and less liberal Vladimir Putin as President in 2000. Putin proceeded to reassert the role of the federal government, and gave it power it had not seen since the Soviet era. State-run businesses were used to out-compete some of the more wealthy rivals of Putin. Putin's policies were popular with the Russian people, gaining him re-election in 2004. At the same time, the export-oriented Russian economy enjoyed considerable influx of foreign currency thanks to rising worldwide oil prices (from $15 per barrel in early 1999 to an average of $30 per barrel during Putin's first term). The early 2000s recession was avoided in Russia due to rebound in exports and, to some degree, a return to dirigism.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 240: "You can do it if you really try". Yes we can. Ura my pobedujem! Naisen elimissä poltti voima ja energia plus solidaarisuus. Rauha ystävyys, solidaarisuus, nuorten yhteistyö sen varmistaa voi. Miten voitamme hädän ja kurjuuden, kun nääntyy niin moni ihminen, ettei olla tarvitsisi nälissään köyhimmänkään? Miten voimme me sodat lopettaa ja aseet teljetä lukkojen taa? Miten suuntaamme voimat toimintaan rakentavaan? Nainen: Maailman nuorten työllä yhteisin ponnistuksin, maailman nuorten työ sen varmistaa voi. "Yucca" kuuli naisen puheesta välittömästi että nainen oli amerikkalainen.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 272: Tony kaatoi viskipaukun ja lysähti. Tonynkin hima on miesluola täynnä miesten mieltä kiinnittäviä esineitä. Unto Remes on tosiaan 100% mieslukijoille tähdätty. Mieslukijat on yhtä säälittäviä kuin Pentti Saarikosken 3 viikkoa yhtä mittaa käyttämät punaiset alushousut.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 293: Markun peräänantamaton isä lensi ilmaan puna-armeijan maitojunan mukana. Serve him right. Markku vetäytyi tullikopin takaa ohjaamoon isokainalo hioten. Kannattipa antaa perään tällä kertaa.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 176: Vuonna 1840 Bakunin matkusti Berliiniin, jossa hän pian liittyi kaupungissa vaikuttaneeseen sosialistiseen opiskelijaliikkeeseen (SOL). Kolme vuotta myöhemmin Bakunin muutti Dresdeniin kuin Pikin Ewald ja luopui samalla lopullisesti akateemisesta urasta keskittyen jatkossa totaalisen hyödyttömään vallankumoukselliseen toimintaan ja peräsuolen tähystyxiin. Venäjän hallitus oli koko ajan tietoinen Bakuninin aikeista tsaarinvallan kumoamiseksi ja määräsikin hänet palaamaan kotimaahansa. Bakunin matkusti kuitenkin Zürichiin, jossa hän oleskeli puolen vuoden ajan viettäen paljon aikaa radikaalin sosialistin Wilhelm Weitlingin housuissa. Hänen pidätyksensä jälkeen Venäjän Bernin lähettiläs määräsi Bakuninin jälleen palaamaan kotiin, mutta tämä päätti seuraavaksi suunnata Brysseliin. Bakunin tapasi kaupungissa muun muassa puolalaisia itsenäisyysaktivisteja. Heidän joukossaan oli myös Karl Marxin ja Friedrich Engelsin tuttavapiiriin lukeutunut Joachim Älähälä.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 247: Sit on Nekrasovin rakkausrunoja, jotka on helppo oppia, joissa on erilainen sävy. Esimerkiksi tuotteessa "Miten sinä, sävyisä, tottelevainen minulle ..." on täysin erilainen ääni: se on omistettu teemalle mennyt intohimo ja täynnä katkeruutta kohtalosta naisen hylättyä tai kääntäen, kuin Yxinäinen Teemu. Kuten Teemu, Nikolaikin näyttää olevan ns. ikävä ihminen ja paha setämies.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 372: Browder also says that he is a British citizen and no longer American, therefore Trump could not send him back to Putin. Nyaah nyaah nyaah!
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 568: Olemme siirtyneet media-aikaan, jossa sekä tuotamme että kulutamme mediamme kilpaillen samalla sen uskottavuudesta. Sellainen on kuitenkin kenelle tahansa kohtuuton tehtävä koko ajan muuttuvassa ja uutta tietoa luovassa niin paikallisessa kuin globaalissa ympäristössämme. Tarvitsemme apua, jollaista olemme oppineet hankkimaan joko paikallisena, yhden asian ilmiöinä (esim. psykiatria), tai globaalina, stereotyyppisinä yleistyksinä ja harhoinamme (poliittinen puhe), pahimmillaan geopoliittisena sumutuksena ja pelotteluna (Ukrainan selkkaus).
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 187: Jyväskylän yliopistossa työskentelevän tutkijatohtori Jarno Hietalahden analyyttinen, intohimoinen ja kantaaottava teos Ihmisyyden ytimessä osoittaa, että humanismista todellakin kannattaa kirjoittaa. Hietalahti kirjoitti muutama vuosi sitten Huumorin ja naurun filosofia -teoksen. Nyt hänen raikas ja railakaskin teoksensa esittelee filosofisen humanismin perusajatuksia sellaisilta ajattelijoilta kuin Protagoras, Erasmus Rotterdamilainen, Niccoló Macchiavelli, René Descartes, Baruch Spinoza, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx, Jean-Paul Sartre, Erich Fromm, Georg Henrik von Wright ja Jacques Derrida.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 263: Eli ihminen voi voittaa myös tappiossa. Menestys voi olla hyvä, mutta epäonnistuminen voi olla parempi. Pettymys tuo rikkaamman tuhon kuin saavutus. Kenenkään ei tarvitse hävetä epäonnistumista tai pelätä sitä Kristuksen tunaroinnin jälkeen. Tämä sielun vieroittaminen, tämä kuritetun alistumisen henki, tämä oman tahdon täydellinen tukahduttaminen, tämä sydämellinen myöntyminen Jumalan tahtoon ei tule helposti ihmiselle. Sielu ei saavuta näitä korkeuksia ilman taistelua. Tämä psalmi, niin rauhallinen kuin se on, siinä on jälkiä kipeästä konfliktista. Siinä on myrskyn kaiku. "Varmasti olen käyttäytynyt ja hiljentynyt." Sanalla "käyttäytyi" tässä on merkitys, jota emme nyt liitä siihen. Se tarkoittaa pidättämistä, hillitsemistä. Psalmista on tuntenut kyyneleitä, protesteja, vaatimuksia, valituksia. Intohimo ja ylpeys ovat raivoaneet kuin turvottavat aallot. Mutta kaikki tämä on nyt ohi. "Herra, sydämeni ei ole ylpeä" jne. Hän ei etsi "ylittävää asemaa, johon liittyy liian raskaita velvollisuuksia ja vastuita". Hän hyväksyy elämänsä rajoitukset ja mukautuu niihin. Hän on vihdoinkin "kaikki muita tapoja kokeilleen halukas kokeilemaan vain Jumalan". Huomaa, tämä ei ole kiusallinen tila, joka saa hänet eläkkeelle palveluksesta ja istuu kädet ristissä tylsässä toimettomuudessa kuin työtön tuilla. Se ei ole myöskään heikkouden tila, jossa mies lopettaa ponnistuksen,
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 289: Skandhas (sanskritiksi) tai khandhas (Pāḷi) tarkoittaa "kasoja, aggregaatteja, kokoelmia, ryhmittymiä". Skandha (स्कन्ध) on sanskritinkielinen sana, joka tarkoittaa "moninaisuutta, määrää, aggregaattia", yleensä kehon, rungon, varren, empiirisesti havaitun karkean esineen tai minkä tahansa irtotavarana olevan aisteilla todennettavissa olevan yhteydessä. Termi esiintyy Vedic-kirjallisuudessa. Buddhalaisuudessa se viittaa viiteen takertumisen aggregaattiin (Pañcupādānakkhandhā), viiteen aineelliseen ja henkiseen tekijään, jotka osallistuvat himon ja takertumisen nousuun. Ne selitetään myös viideksi tekijäksi, jotka muodostavat ja selittävät tuntevan olennon henkilön ja persoonallisuuden, mutta tämä on myöhempi tulkinta vastauksena sarvastivadin essentialismiin. Viisi aggregaattia tai kasaa takertumista ovat:
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 343: Teidät on kuzuttu vapauteen, veljet. Mutta älkää tämän vapauden varjolla päästäkö itsekästä luontoanne valloilleen, vaan rakastakaa ja palvelkaa toisianne. Lain kaikki käskyt on pidetty, kun tätä yhtä noudatetaan: »Rakasta lähimmäistäsi niin kuin itseäsi.» Mutta jos te revitte ja raastatte toinen toistanne, pitäkää varanne, ettette lopullisesti tuhoa toisianne. Tarkoitan tätä: antakaa Hengen ohjata elämäänne, niin ette toteuta lihanne, oman itsekkään luontonne hajua. Liha haluaa toista kuin Henki, Henki toista kuin liha. Liha haluaa toista lihaa. Ne sotivat toisiaan vastaan, ja siksi te ette tee mitä tahtoisitte. Mutta jos Henki johtaa teitä, ette ole lain alaisia. Lihan aikaansaannokset ovat selvästi nähtävissä. Niitä ovat siveettömyys, saastaisuus, irstaus, epäjumalien palveleminen, vapaa-ajattelu, noituus, vihamielisyys, riidat, kiihkoilu, kiukku, juonittelu, eripuraisuus, lahkolaisuus, kateus, juomingit, remuaminen ja muu sellainen. Varoitan teitä, kuten olen jo ennenkin varoittanut: ne, jotka syyllistyvät tällaiseen, eivät saa enää sen lisäxi omaxeen eikä edes vuokralle Jumalan valtakuntaa. Hengen hedelmää taas ovat rakkaus, ilo, rauha, kärsivällisyys, ystävällisyys, hyvyys, uskollisuus, lempeys ja itsehillintä. Näitä vastaan ei ole lakia, eikä homostelua. Ne, jotka ovat Jeesuksen Kristuksen omia, ovat ristiinnaulinneet vanhan luontonsa himoineen ja haluineen. Jos me elämme Hengen varassa, meidän on myös seurattava Hengen johdatusta. Emme saa tavoitella turhaa kunniaa emmekä ärsyttää ja varsinkaan kadehtia toisiamme. Jatkamalla sivuston käyttöä hyväksyt sivuston evästekäytännön. » Lisää tietoa.[piilota viesti]
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 351: Uskonpuhdistaja Martti jakaa ongelmakysymykset kahteen koriin. On toisia asioita, joissa jumalallinen majesteetti on ilmoittanut tahtonsa Raamatussa. Näissä asioissa meillä ei ole neuvottelemista eikä vapautta, vaan meidän on tehtävä niin kuin Jumala sanoo. Toiseen koriin kuuluvat ne asiat, joista meillä ei ole Jumalan sanaa kuten ristiinsuihkimisesta avioliiton aikana. Niissä Herra on jättänyt meille vapauden tehdä oman omantuntomme mukaan, kunhan otamme lähimmäisemme huomioon.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 383: Mutta kun nyt olette päässeet vapaiksi synnistä ja tulleet Jumalan palvelijoiksi, te korjaatte satona pyhimyksen poikineen ja saatte lopuksi ikuisen elämän.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 398: Hyvässä kirjassa vapaus esiintyy lähinnä vankeuden ja orjuuden vastakohtana. Jeesuxen orjilla on himpun verran enemmän liikkumavaraa kuin Moosexen, vaikkei nekään sentään saa hillua ihan miten vaan. Saa kuitenkin käyttää omaa harkintaa, eikä jokaiseen Moosexen pykälään tarvi tuijottaa, kuten esim nyt se kikkelin nyljentä. Se on tietysti jo suuri parannus, että kaikki mikä ei ole nimenomaan kiellettyä on sallittua, eikä noudateta sitä saxalaista meininkiä että kaikki mikä ei ole pakollista on kiellettyä. Eli on useampia mahdollisia maailmoja, ainakin täällä murheen laaxossa.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 416: Hahtola sanoo: Vesa-Matti Loirin Leino-luritukset ovat lisänneet yleisöä. Siinä oli kanssa toinen narsistinen vanha pulzari. Onerva ja Eikka molemmat bylsi vuoron perään Eikan ekaa herraskaista vaimoa, Freija Schoultzia. Voimakkaita tunteita oli myös kirjailija Aino Kallaksen ja Leinon välillä. Suhteesta on todisteena intohimoinen kirjeenvaihto, mutta parin tavatessa tunnelmaa vaimensi Leinon humala ja piikikkyys. Kallas oli kaikin puolin liian pätevä.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 642: ”Suurin osa maailmankirjallisuuden käänteentekevimmistä kirjoista on täydellisten hiirulaisten kirjoittamia”, Kari Hotakainen toteaa. Kari tietää, hän on hiirulainen, jonka kirjat eivät ole käänteentekeviä. Rakas päiväkirja, tänään liitin kaksi johtoa yhteen. Hotakainen myöntää olevansa Krausea himoitseva runkkari. Näin paljon vaivaa Kaartion hahmoa tehdessä. Fani on lievästi pettynyt Kariin luonnossa. Jos kaikki rokkilaulajat olis niin kuin sä, niin rokkia kuuntelis en enää ikinä.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 731: Kai Hotakaisen Klassikko muistuttaa tahallaan tai tahattomasti kotimaista rikoselokuvaa Yön saalistajat. Yön saalistajat on Visa Mäkisen ohjaama kotimainen rikoselokuva kullanhimoisista roistoista ja heitä jahtaavista poliiseista.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 125: Eräät hengelliset johtajat arvelevat ihmisten joutuvan kulkemaan kuoleman jälkeen "taivaallisten tulliasemien" läpi. Viime vuosisadan tunnettu venäläinen hengellinen opettaja piispa Ignati Briantshaninov on löytänyt niistä parikymmentä mainintaa kirkon liturgisista kirjoista. Niistä ovat kirjoittaneet myös Origenes, Antonius Suuri ja Kyrillos Aleksandrialainen. Eri tulliasemilla tutkitaan mm. ihmisten epäinhimillisyyttä, sydämen kovuutta, suun, korvan ja silmän syntejä, petkutusta, liiallista pessimismiä ja ylenpalttista optimismia, rahan ja viininjuonnin rakkautta ja kärsityn pahan muistamista katkeruudella. Ei siis jäädä kiirastuleen makaamaan, vaan painetaan eteenpäin kuin Dante Vergiliuxen ostoskärryssä.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 145: Hiroshiman ja öljykriisin jälkeisessä maailmassa, sosialismin kaaduttua ja ympäristötuhojen uhatessa suuret kertomukset ovat kadonneet. Maailma on sirpaleina. Kokonaisuuksien hallinta ja asioiden merkityssisällöt ovat kadonneet. Mantroina ovat talous, globalisaatio ja tietoverkot.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 227: Burden received only a two-year scholarship offered to women to attend the University of Chicago where she studsed frequently under Thornton Wilder and graduated in 1936. She and her husband David were married from 1940 to 1949. After the dissolution of their marriage, Jean met Alan Watts and they had a "four year, tumultuous love affair". Though ending badly, the union inspired Watts to call Jean in his autobiography (p. 297) an "important influence". Jean used Alan´s calligraphy and a quote from him (有水皆含月 : All the waters contain the moon) in her last major work, Taking Light from Each Other. She called him "one of the most fascinating men I have ever met, except Thornton was Wilder".
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 238: Thornton was the son of Amos Parker Wilder, a newspaper editor who in 1906 was appointed as American Consul General in Hong Kong. While the Wilder family at first accompanied the diplomat to China, they stayed only six months, and then Isabella Wilder returned to the United States with her children. In 1911, when the Mr. Wilder was transferred to Shanghai, the family briefly rejoined him, but eventually returned to settle in Berkeley.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 242: Amos Wilder was a stern, teetotaling Congregationalist who expected his son to be scholar-athlete and a muscular Christian. When Thornton announced that he had been cast as Lady Bracknell in a school production of The Importance of Being Earnest, the senior Wilder informed him that he would rather that Thornton not play female roles. Papa would not absolutely forbid it, but he assumed that his son would want to honor his father’s wishes. Thornton reluctantly conceded, but later wrote to his father in China, “When you have changed your mind as to it, please notify.”
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 244: Thornton Wilder´s older brother, Amos Niven Wilder, was Hollis Professor of Divinity at the Harvard Divinity School, a noted poet, and foundational to the development of the field theopoetics. Amos was also a nationally ranked tennis player who competed at the Wimbledon tennis championships in 1922. Thornton cared little for the rough-and-tumble of sports-crazy adolescents, and his classmates teased him for being “artistic” and overly-intellectual; he was known as a “freak.” A former classmate recalled: "We left him alone, just left him alone." Guess which son was father´s favourite and which mommy´s boy.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 246: Unlike her husband, Isabella Wilder was artistic and worldly, and she made certain that she and her children took full advantage of the benefits of living in a university town. “In Berkeley,” writes Malcolm Goldstein, “she found opportunities to study informally by attending lectures at the University of California and by participating in foreign-language discussion groups. She was fully aware that her husband, were he present, would not approve, but she encouraged her children, nevertheless, in their independent, extracurricular search for carnal knowledge.” Isabella saw to it that Thornton got vaudeville parts in plays presented in the Greek Theatre, and even sewed his female costumes for him.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 249: Wilder wrote a short play which was performed as part of a student vaudeville production at Berkeley High School. Perhaps in reaction to his father’s disapproval of Lady Bracknell, he cast himself in the role of “Mr. Lydia Pinkham.”
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 255: He formed a close, fervent and life-long friendship with Gertrude Stein, but his shyness and natural reserve kept him from acknowledging their shared homosexuality. Writer Samuel Steward records the reticence which kept this close circle of friends deeply in the closet — even to one another. Six years after Wilder’s death, Samuel Steward wrote in his autobiography that he too had had sexual relations with him (and her):
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 257: Suddenly she grabbed my knee. “Sammy,” she said, “do you think that Alice and I are lesbians?” I had a genuine hot curl of fire up my spine. “I don’t see that it’s anybody’s business one way or another,” I said. “Do you care whether we are,” she asked. “Not in the least,” I said. I was suddenly dripping wet. “Are you queer or gay or different or ‘of it’ as the French say or whatever they are calling it nowadays,” she said, looking narrowly at me. I waggled my hand sidewise. “Both ways,” I said. “I don’t see why I should go through life limping on just one leg to satisfy a so-called norm.” “It bothers a lot of people,” Gertrude said. “But like you said, it’s nobody’s business, it came from the Judeo-Christian ethos, especially Saint Paul the bastard, but he was complaining about youngsters who were not really that way, they did it for money, everybody suspects us or knows but nobody says anything about it. Did Thornie tell you?” “Only when I asked him a direct question and then he didn’t want to answer, he didn’t want to at all. He said yes he supposed in the beginning but that it was all over now.” Gertrude laughed. “How could he know. He doesn’t know what love is. And that’s just like Thornie.”
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 304: COT. Provoking! to leave my shop all day for the sake of calling on this old Wealthington!—that I should be required to call on him!—not but he is a rich relation, and I have great expectations from him; and my foreman, Bolt, and apprentice Mizzle, are quite fit persons with whom to entrust my shop. Egad, to make all the naughty apprentices look on those two young men would be as good a lesson as going to see George Barnwell on a boxing night!
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 438: Cornelius Hackl: Vandergelder's chief clerk who yearns for one exciting day in New York City. Energetic, enthusiastic, and adventurous young man who has a sweet innocence about him.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 464: Irene and Minnie open their hat shop for the afternoon. Irene wants a husband, but does not love Horace Vandergelder. She declares that she will wear an elaborate hat to impress a gentleman ("Ribbons Down My Back"). Cornelius and Barnaby arrive at the shop and pretend to be rich. Horace and Dolly arrive at the shop, and Cornelius and Barnaby hide from him. Irene inadvertently mentions that she knows Cornelius Hackl, and Dolly tells her and Horace that even though Cornelius is Horace's clerk by day, he's a New York playboy by night; he's one of the Hackls. Minnie screams when she finds Cornelius hiding in the armoire. Horace is about to open the armoire himself, but Dolly, Irene and Minnie distract him with patriotic sentiments related to subjects like Betsy Ross and The Battle of the Alamo shown in the famous lyrics "Alamo, remember the Alamo!" ("Motherhood March"). Cornelius sneezes, and Horace storms out, realizing there are men hiding in the shop, but not knowing they are his clerks.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 466: Dolly arranges for Cornelius and Barnaby, who are still pretending to be rich, to take the ladies out to dinner to the Harmonia Gardens restaurant to make up for their humiliation. She teaches Cornelius and Barnaby how to dance since they always have dancing at such establishments ("Dancing"). Soon, Cornelius, Irene, Barnaby, and Minnie are happily dancing. They go to watch the great 14th Street Association Parade together. Alone, Dolly decides to put her dear departed husband Ephram behind her and to move on with life "Before the Parade Passes By". She asks Ephram's permission to marry Horace, requesting a sign from him. Dolly catches up with the annoyed Vandergelder, who has missed the whole parade, and she convinces him to give her matchmaking one more chance. She tells him that Ernestina Money would be perfect for him and asks him to meet her at the swanky Harmonia Gardens that evening.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 519: In New York, Irene and Minnie open their hat shop for the afternoon. Irene does not love Horace Vandergelder, but knows that the marriage will provide her with financial security and an escape from her boring job. However, Irene hopes to escape her loveless marriage, and plans to try and find real love before the summer is over. Cornelius and Barnaby arrive at the shop and pretend to be rich- Irene seems to take to Cornelius immediately. Horace and Dolly arrive, and Cornelius and Barnaby hide. Minnie screams when she finds Cornelius hiding in an armoire. Horace is about to open the armoire himself, but Dolly "searches" it and pronounces it empty. After hearing Cornelius sneeze, Horace storms out upon realizing there are men hiding in the shop, although he is unaware that they are his clerks. Dolly arranges for Cornelius and Barnaby, who are still pretending to be rich, to take the ladies out to dinner at Harmonia Gardens to make up for their humiliation. Dolly briefly tries to teach Cornelius and Barnaby to dance, which leads to the whole town dancing in the local park.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 521: The clerks and the ladies go to watch the Fourteenth Street Association Parade together. Alone, Dolly asks her first husband Ephram´s permission to marry Horace, requesting a sign. She resolves to move on with life. After meeting an old friend, Gussie Granger, on a float in the parade, Dolly catches up with the annoyed Vandergelder as he is marching in the parade. She tells him the heiress Ernestina Simple would be perfect for him and asks him to meet her at Harmonia Gardens that evening.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 525: Cornelius, Barnaby and their dates arrive and are unaware that Horace is also at the restaurant. Dolly makes her triumphant return to the restaurant and is greeted in style by the staff. She sits in the now-empty seat at Horace´s table and proceeds to tell him that no matter what he says, she will not marry him. Fearful of being caught, Cornelius confesses to the ladies that he and Barnaby have no money, and Irene, who knew they were pretending all along, offers to pay for the meal. She then realizes that she left her handbag with all her money in it at home. The four try to sneak out during the polka contest, but Horace recognizes them and also spots Ermengarde and Ambrose. In the ensuing confrontation, Vandergelder fires Cornelius and Barnaby, and they are forced to flee as a riot breaks out. Cornelius professes his love for Irene. Horace declares that he would not marry Dolly if she were the last woman in the world. Dolly angrily bids him farewell; while he´s bored and lonely, she will be living the high life.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 590: In the madman passage, the madman is described as running through a marketplace shouting, "I seek God! I seek God!" He arouses some amusement; no one takes him seriously. "Maybe he took an ocean voyage? Lost his way like a little child? Maybe he´s afraid of us (non-believers) and is hiding?" – much laughter. Frustrated, the madman smashes his lantern on the ground, crying out that "God is dead, and we have killed him, you and I!".
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 648: Hamilton´s Christian atheism is similar to Jesuism. For him, Jesus is a "place to be, a standpoint". Christian atheists look to Jesus as an example of what a Christian should be, but they do not see him as God, nor as the Son of God; merely as an influential rabbi.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 662: I am here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept his claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronising nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to. ... Now it seems to me obvious that He was neither a lunatic nor a fiend: and consequently, however strange or terrifying or unlikely it may seem, I have to accept the view that He was and is God.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 665: Lewis's argument, now known as Lewis's trilemma, has been criticized for, among other things, constituting a false trilemma, since it does not deal with other options such as Jesus being mistaken, misrepresented, or simply mythical. Philosopher John Beversluis argues that Lewis "deprives his readers of numerous alternate interpretations of Jesus that carry with them no such odious implications". Bart Ehrman stated it is a mere legend that the historical Jesus has called himself God; that was unknown to Lewis since he never was a professional Bible scholar, just an Oxbridge apostle. Taisi vetää perään myös katolista J.R.R. Tolkienia.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 669:
  • Alexander Lukashenko (b. 1954): President of Belarus. Describes himself as an Orthodox atheist.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 357: Jani Kaaro ei muista Thronhillin ja Palmerin nimiä. Käytä wikipediaa! Behavior resembling rape in humans can be seen in the animal kingdom, including ducks and geese [citation needed], bottlenose dolphins, and chimpanzees. Indeed, in orangutans, close human relatives, such copulations constitute up to half of observed matings. Such 'forced copulations' involve animals being approached and sexually penetrated while struggling or attempting to escape. Observations of forced sex in animals are uncontroversial; controversial are the interpretation of these observations and the extension of theories based on them to humans. Thornhill introduces this theory by describing the sexual behavior of scorpionflies. In which the male may gain sex from the female either by presenting a gift of food during courtship or without a nuptial offering, in which case force is necessary to restrain her.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 361: Thornhill and Palmer write that "In short, a man can have many children, with little inconvenience to himself; a woman can have only a few, and with great effort." Females thus tend toward selectivity with sexual partners. Rape could be a reproductive strategy for males. They point to several other factors indicating that rape may be a reproductive strategy. Most rapes occur during prime childbearing years. Rapists usually use no more force than necessary to subdue, argued to be since physically injuring victims would harm reproduction. Moreover, "In many cultures rape is treated as a crime against the victim's husband. He is the real victim there."
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 421: Nyt ei saa edes enää julkaista Tatu Vanhasen tutkimuxia jotka vääjäämättä osoittavat että neekerit ovat kovapäisiä. Epäilyttäviä on myös tuloxet että vinkuintiaaneilla on lyhimmät kikkelit. Vaikka yliopistojen telos on totuus, mitään siitä muuttamatta ja mitään kätkemättä, so help me God.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 151: Tarinat ovat siistejä. "Manichonin ratkaisu" kertoo siitä, kuinka he aikoivat myrkyttää kiinalaiset :) "Huono lauantai, ei juhlia" - mies ampui itselleen intohimon iltaan, kaikki antoivat hänelle toivoa, mutta halusivat muita. Tämän seurauksena hän meni naimisiin sen kanssa, joka hiljaa ja rauhallisesti idolisoi häntä :) "Jumala oli täällä, mutta ei pysynyt kauan" - amerikkalaisesta naisesta, joka vietti illan brittiläisten seurassa ja nukkui yhden heistä kanssa. "Missä kaikki on viisasta ja oikeudenmukaista" - onnekkaasta nuoresta miehestä, joka ystävystyi "nörtin" kanssa, joka äskettäin menetti veljensä. Tiedätkö, et voi sanoa sitä muutamalla sanalla.... Ehkä se kuulostaa vähäpätöiseltä, mutta se todella koskettaa sielua. Hänen takiaan annoin Shaw'lle korkeimman arvosanan.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 240: What is a character that is written so you're meant to feel one way towards them, but you actually feel the opposite about them? Mine is Merope Gaunt. She was written to be pitied for, and that would be true for almost all of her story, but I find it hard to really do that when you consider she basically gave Riddle either a date rape potion or used dark magic to make him a puppet and remove all form of mental resistance from his head by magic and had sex with him against the will of his right mind to have a child, then expected him to stay for a child he never meant to have.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 249: Merope made the choice to kidnap Tom Riddle and force him into a life with her. She could have just as easily ran away and found her own way, living happily ever after away from her abuser.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 259: Merope loved her husband very much and wanted him to love her of his own free will. As such, not long after learning about her pregnancy, Merope decided to lift the enchantment. She hoped that once free, Tom would return her affection and be delighted to learn that he was an expecting father. In the event that did not happen, Merope assumed that Tom would do the honorable thing and stay for the sake of his child. This hope however, turned out to be misplaced and forlorn. What exactly happened is not known, but after coming to his senses, Tom Riddle reacted very badly to his situation. It is not known what words were exchanged between husband and wife, but evidently, Merope either told Tom the full story or enough for him to figure out what had happened. Far from being loving or understanding, Tom was justifiably furious at Merope for intervening in and (from his perspective) ruining his life. Merope's world was shattered when Tom Riddle made very clear that:
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 267: Precisely what Jorge Arantes tweaked from barbed wire to Joanie in Lisbon! Thus, within a few months of his runaway marriage, Jorge Arantes abandoned his wife, leaving Joanie to her fate. She ultimately returned to Edinburgh and his sister. Since Jorge had no way to prove that Joanie was a witch who stole his daughter, and would be thought insane if he told anybody the truth, Arantes told his family a modified version of the truth. He told them that he had been "hoodwinked" and "taken in". When word of this later reached Edinburgh, the residents concluded that Joanie had lied to Jorge about being pregnant with his child, thus tricking him into marrying her. Just like Phil Roth's first wife did to him!
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 269: On 31st December 1926, tired and disheveled Joanie Rowling staggered onto the steps of Edinburgh's muggle orphanage. Within an hour, she had given birth to a healthy baby girl. She told one of the publisher that she wanted her antihero to be named Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom Riddle for his father and Marvolo for hers. In a word, a partial anagram of Voldemort. Why not call him Dolt Mover or Overt Mold, wouldn't that have been more convenient? Arkistostamme joulua.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 341: Stewart huomautti sitten samankaltaisuudet goblinien ja antisemitististen tekstien, kuten surullisen kuuluisan "Siionin vanhimpien pöytäkirjat", karikatyyrien välillä. Stewart on sittemmin selventänyt (kunnianloukkaussyytteiden pelossa), ettei hän kutsunut Rowlingia in pirsuna pirsunalmenti antisemitistiksi, eikä hänen mielestään "Harry Potter" -kirjat ja -elokuvat - joita hän rakastaa "luultavasti liikaa minun ikäiselleni herrasmiehelle" - vaativat muutoksia. Siitä huolimatta stereotypiat ovat olemassa. Ja niiden läsnäolo kaikkialla ei poista niiden mahdollista haitallisuutta.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 345: Scrooge has influenced many an antisemitic caricature after him. Mr. Potter in “It’s a Wonderful Life” is a twisted, disabled Scrooge of the American Midwest. Dr. Seuss’ Grinch is Scrooge in a fur suit and a vaguely fantasy setting; he’s a scheming outsider who, like his blueprint, has to be converted. The thin, ugly Gollum of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth is an amalgam of Scrooge and Alberich, the gold-obsessed antagonist of composer (and notorious antisemite) Richard Wagner’s “Das Rheingold.” From his introduction in “The Hobbit” on, Gollum is motivated by a lust for a magic ring he calls “my precious.”
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 505: Sedaris went slightly off course with Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk (2010), an audio book collection of gay animal fables, noting the sudden change from "having 50 listeners to 50 million listeners." A New Republic article charged him with fabricating his bio, but the allegations ultimately had little effect on the author´s popularity. Sedaris continues to tour hickland in support of his books, with his readings drawing huge crowds.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 90: Ubico considered himself to be "another Napoleon". He dressed ostentatiously and surrounded himself with statues and paintings of the emperor, regularly commenting on the similarities between their appearances. He militarized numerous political and social institutions—including the post office, schools, and symphony orchestras—and placed military officers in charge of many government posts. He frequently traveled around the country performing "inspections" in dress uniform, followed by a military escort, a mobile radio station, an official biographer, and cabinet members.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 296: Uoti saattaa vaivata päätään myös esimerkiksi miettimällä, miten hänen ystävänsä reagoisivat, jos perheen mersut vaihtuisivat Porscheihin ja nykyinen asunto kaksikerroksiseksi kivitaloksi. Ymmärtäisivätkö muut enää heidän elämäntyyliään? – Tarkoitus ei ole elvistellä, vaan kyse on siitä, että me nautitaan tällaisesta, Uoti sanoo. Me ollaan erilaisia kuin te muut. – Haluan elämään glamouria ja samppanjaa. Että kaikki kiiltää ja voidaan tarjota ystäville parasta. Mutta mussa on myös se vanhemman sukupolven kaiku. Että jos vähän yrittäisi himmata. Ei sentään häiriöxi asti kaiuta.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 424: Politiikka ei kaipaa kohteliaisuutta. Perinnöstä voi kieltäytyä jos rahat eivät riitä veron maxuun. Tästä ei pitäisi kenenkään suuttua. Politiikkaan osallistuminen vaatii yli-inhimillistä kestävyyttä ottaa lokaa niskaan. Tämän kitkemiseen pitäisi poliisin puuttua entistä voimakkaammin. Heti toimitusvalmiit autot ja talvirrenkaat sisältyvät hintaan. Huippuvarrusteltu E-sarrjan 4MATIC Start Edition on omaa luokkaansa.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 479: – Kirkkolain ja kirkkojärjestyksen mukaan tiloja saa käyttää vain sen pyhyyteen soveltuviin tarkoituksiin. Samaa sukupuolta olevan parin vihkiminen tai heidän avioliittonsa siunaaminen ei ole pyhä toimitus, sanoo Räsänen. Se on häpytoimitus. Tosin jos hokee monta kertaa "pyhä" peräkkäin siitä tulee "häpy", Päivi aprikoi. Silti vittu! – Yhdenvertaisuus on tärkeä käsite, mutta yhdenvertaisuuslakia ei sovelleta uskonnonharjoitukseen, sanoo Räsänen. Eihän jumalan alamaisetkaan ole yhdenvertaisia sen edessä: jotkut on sukulaisia, jotkut siivekkäitä, jotkut pyhimyxiä, melkoinen lauma lampaita seizemässä eri pilvikerroxessa, mutta valtaosa on vuohia helvetin eri piireissä.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 481: Eikö uskonnonvapauteen sitten kuulu Riihimäen seurakunnan oikeus päättää, kuka sen tiloja saa käyttää? – Tämä on hyvin kiistanalainen kysymys. Päätös hyväksyttiin äänin 5–4. Se on kirkollista demokratiaa, mutta demokratiaan kuuluu myös oikeus tehdä valitus hallinto-oikeuteen. – Minun uskonnonvapauteeni kuuluu myös se, että saan rajoittaa muiden vapautta. Mikäs se sellainen vapaus on että enemmistö saa määrätä, sanoo Päivi Räsänen.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 89: John Boynton Priestley's first major success came with a novel, The Good Companions (1929), which earned him the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction and made him a national figure. His next novel, Angel Pavement (1930), further established him as a successful novelist. However some critics were less than complimentary about his work and Priestley threatened legal action against Graham Greene for what he took to be a defamatory portrait of him in the novel Stamboul Train (1932). In 1940 he broadcast a series of short propaganda radio talks, which were credited with strengthening civilian morale during the Battle of Britain. In the following years his left-wing beliefs brought him into conflict with the government and influenced the development of the welfare state.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 320: Lakko syntyi spontaanisti. Tammikuun 22. päivän illalla töistä palatessaan 1. leirin osaston vangit käyttivät yhden lähimpänä BUR: ia olevan kasarmin rikkinäisiä pankkoja (heillä ei ollut varastossa työkaluja, ja niitä on vaikea tuoda sisään vyöhykkeelle), ja alkoivat tuhota BUR:n ympärillä olevaa aitaa. Ajatuksena oli sytyttää ilmiantajien selli tuleen kaatamalla siihen bensiiniä. Vartijat, jotka olivat huolissaan melusta, työnnettiin takaisin kellon luo. He rikkoivat päämajan kasarmin ikkunat. Hallituksen päällikkö Machakhovsky (tai Machekhovsky, vitun väliä) ja pakolaiset vartijat ilmoittivat vartijoille tapahtuneesta. Sen jälkeen kulmatorneista avattiin mielivaltainen konekiväärituli pimeässä alueelle, jossa suurin osa vangeista ei edes tiennyt tapahtuneesta, oli ollut koko ajan suihkussa.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 410: Tansanian esihistorialliset löydöt ulottuvat pisimmälle Olduvain rotkossa. Sieltä on löytynyt nykyihmisen edeltäjien jäänteitä, joista vanhimmat on ajoitettu yli kahden miljoonan vuoden ikäisiksi. Nekin olivat varmuudella mutiaisia, vaikka kallot valkeita. Serengeti elää, huonossa hapessa. Kilimandjaron lumet sulavat.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 422: Palkinto tuli pistämättömästä mutta myötätuntoisesta penetraatiosta. Gurnah has criticized the practices in both British and American publishing that want to "make the alien seem alien" by marking "foreign" terms and phrases with italics or by putting them in a glossary. Onkos se joku ylläri. Felicity Hand observes that Gurnah´s characters typically do not succeed abroad following their migration, using irony and humour to respond to their situation. Talk to the hand. The first translator of his novels into Swahili, academic Dr Ida Hadjivayanis of the School of Oriental and African Studies, has said: "I think if his work could be read in East Africa it would have such an impact. ... maybe fewer coons would try to swim over to the West." Gurnah was the first Black writer to receive the prize since 1993, when Toni Morrison won it, and the first African writer since 1991, when Nadine Gordimer was the recipient, making him the first black guy to make it.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 428: Gurnah still lives in Zanzibar in his mind, and prefers it that way. When he returns home, he is frustrated by the discrepancy between the stories he invented—and started to half believe—and the dreary realities. The house of his parents is close to decay; essential services like water, electricity, and garbage disposal fail regularly. In addition, his schoolmates have become corrupt, self-seeking bureaucrats, and his mother was not gallantly courted but given as a pawn to his father. And yet, he never found the courage to inform his parents that he has been living together with a white infidel—a "kafir woman." When he is introduced to the child-wife who his relatives chose for him, he panics and flees "home," which is now England, only to find that Emma left and that he is condemned to be "on the edges of everything," on his own island in England. The hero despairs of establishing communication between the two worlds. Vaimo läx. Lammaskaalta.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 439: Jälkeenpäin Jusuf ei muistanut mitä sanottiin, mutta Allah mainittiin. Kahlil Gibranista tulee Jusufin pomo. Jusufista tulee kifa urongo, undead. Rahimahullah, lord have mercy on his soul. In the Arab world, sayyid is the equivalent of the English word "mylord", "bwana" or "massa". Ihmissuhteet elävät helevetin 1. leveyspiirillä, vpervom kruge. Muilla piireillä on vielä pahempaa.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 464: Historioitsijat al-Kurtubi, al-Tabari, Ibn Asir väittivät, että Z. eli profeetta Ibrahimin (Abraham) aikana, teki hajjin eli Toiviomatkojen järjestämän toiviomatkan Mekkaan hänen kanssaan kuten Haj Ross, ja sai hänen siunauksensa. Sitten hänestä tuli Muammar Gaddafin veroinen sotilasjohtaja ja hän puhui ruåzixi Yajujin ja Majujin barbaariheimoja vastaan, jotka tekivät pahuutta muita kansoja kohtaan. Saavuttuaan heidän alueelleen Z. pystytti kivistä ja raudasta muurin erottamaan heidät muusta maailmasta. Kaukaisessa tulevaisuudessa, vähän ennen tuomiopäivää, Yajujin ja Majujin on murtauduttava rautaesiripun läpi ja hyökättävä muihin maihin, ml. Ukrainaan ja Suomeen.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 81: Häkkerit ja kräkkerit vainoavat Suomen kybernettiä, samaan aikaan länkkärien fräkkerit himoavat Ukrainan verisärötyxeen sopivia öljykenttiä, siinä koko juttu. Sen sanoi mulle jo Krimin miehityxen aikana venäläinen assari, joka sai tietonsa muualta kuin Herlinin Sanomista. Herlinin pojat on vasta nyt muka "heränneet" tähän törkeilyyn. Texasissa on justiinsa säädetty laki, joka kieltää fräkkäyxen kieltämisen. Mikään voima ei voi pysäyttää rahan tuloa, siihen on Joe-setäkin jo tyytynyt. Länkkärit rakentavat infrastruktuuria mielessä tämän järjestelyn ikuistaminen, varmaan öljyn toivotaan lähitulevaisuudessa tulevan uusimman NATO-jäsenen Ukrainan kentiltä.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 469: Vesku oli tunnettu värikkäästä naishistoriastaan. Naimisiin hän meni kolmesti ja sai lapsia kolmen eri naisen kanssa. Sotkuisen perintöriidan lisäksi hämmennystä herättää Vesa-Matin vanhimman elossa olevan pojan Ukon oudot rahasotkut. Ukko on viettänyt värikästä elämää, ja hänen osoitteensa on vaihtunut useaan otteeseen. Nyt hän asuu ulkomailla.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 525: The occasion was a Hollywood party in Miller’s honor. A married father of two, he was dazzled by the erotic scenery. Women were clearly on offer to him. He had, he would write, “never before seen sex treated so casually as a reward of success.” When Monroe arrived, she was “almost ludicrously provocative,” he wrote, squeezed into a dress that was “blatantly tight, declaring rather than insinuating that she had brought her body along and that it was the best one in the room.” The director Elia Kazan caught “the lovely light of lechery” in Miller’s eyes.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 535: The long, strange, elegiac ballad of Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe — one that would end for her in miscarriages, bottles of pills and increasingly erratic behavior, and for him in a long gap in his theater career — takes up only a few chapters of “Arthur Miller: 1915-1962,” Christopher Bigsby’s sober and meteor-size new biography. But they are crucial chapters. The book moves inexorably toward Monroe’s appearance; her magnetism sucks everything rapidly toward it. Miller’s long life (1915-2005) can be cleaved neatly into B.M. and A.M. — before Marilyn and after.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 726: A yet murkier side of Mr. Train’s political engagement was documented in Joel Whitney’s 2016 book, “Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World’s Best Writers,” a history of connections between Paris Review founders and intelligence agencies. Drawing on a collection of Mr. Train’s papers at Seton Hall University and two interviews with him, Mr. Whitney wrote that in the 1980s Mr. Train used a “shell nonprofit to foster schemes” furthering U.S. “intelligence and propaganda missions” in Afghanistan. Mr. Train ran an organization, the Afghanistan Relief Committee, which presented itself as largely devoted to helping refugees and offering other forms of humanitarian aid, but a study by the left-leaning Institute for Policy Studies found that its budget was spent largely on “media campaigns.” Vanhuxena John Train koitti lukea hankkimiaan afgaanimattoja.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 732: Navalny’s idea is that Putin is the single mastermind of Russian rule and that he dictates to the oligarchs the tribute they should pay–in treasure for him to accumulate and display for himself, his friends and girlfriends in private. This is an Anglo-American cartoon about how oligarchy works everywhere, including the UK and the U.S.–in Russia in particular.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 261: Tällainen häirintä on eräänlaista trollausta, yksi tapa operoida psykologisen vaikuttamisen saralla. Samalla tämä ahdistelumuoto toimi vanhojen neuvostoaikaisten ”aktiivitoimien” perusperiaatteiden mukaan: epäilyksen siemenen kylväminen riittää maineen tahraamiseen. Se on selkeästi otettu jenkeistä, jossa tälläsellä suun tutkimisella "oikeusteize" on pitkät perinteet. Siellä lisäpiirteenä on että oikeustoimet ovat niin kalliita, ettei köyhimyxille jää muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin kyykyttyä.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 386: The Guardian vielä kirjoitti: "Molemmat romaanit yrittävät edustaa monitahoista todellisuutta, ja joskus on sietämätöntä intensiteettiä, kun metaforat versovat ja vääntelevät. niissä on selkeästi venäläinen sävy, Neitsythiiren hengästyminen muuttuu valossa ja pimeässä mitatummaksi loistoksi; Shishkinin tehtävän kiireellisyyttä ei himmennetä. Tšehov välitti inhimillisyyttään - ettei tekstissäsi voi olla täysin negatiivisia hahmoja. Ja Tolstoilta opin, että ei pelätä olla naiivi.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 573: Ohimenevät, stressiin liittyvät vainoharhaiset tai vakavat dissosiatiiviset oireet.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 622: Aku Louhimiehen suhde Sofia Oksasen kanssa kukoistaa – ”Uskomaton nainen”. Ohjaaja Aku Louhimies katsoo tulevaisuuteen luottavaisin mielin. Hyvänä tukena on hänen elämänkumppaninsa Sofia Oksanen. Aku Louhimiehen mukaan Sofia-rakas on antanut hänelle tukea, voimaa ja uutta energiaa. Pro Finlandia -mitalin vuonna 2018 saanut ohjaaja Aku Louhimies, 51, kuulostaa puhelimessa iloiselta ja pirteältä. Koronan aiheuttamat rajoitukset eivät suuresti juuri tällä hetkellä miestä haittaa, vaan energiaa löytyy, vaikka poliisitutkinta on edelleen kesken.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 624: Louhimies ehti olla kuukauden töissä ja etsiä muun muassa kuvauspaikkoja sekä koekuvata näyttelijöitä. Sitten kaikki päättyi kuin seinään. YLE:n opintovapaalla ollut toimittaja oli ottanut BBC:hin yhteyttä ja kertonut kirjoittamastaan kohujutusta ja varoittanut BBC:tä Louhimiehestä. Suomessa oli jo puoli vuotta aikaisemmin ehditty käydä kiivaita keskusteluja Louhimiehen työtavoista. Toimittajan yhteydenoton jälkeen BBC sanoi sopimuksen irti ja Louhimies menetti työn.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 629: Pukusuunnittelija Sofia Oksanen kertoo yhteisestä elokuvasta ja avoliitosta Aku Louhimiehen kanssa: "Olemme eronneet ja palanneet yhteen aika monta kertaa". Stylisti Sofia Oksasella on kunnianhimoinen asenne tekemisiinsä. Samaa asennetta hän näkee puolisossaan Aku Louhimiehessä. – Ydinjuttuni on yrittäjänä oleminen, se on yksinkertaisesti parasta. Minua kiinnostaa kokonaisuuksien hallinta, ja voisin varmasti olla onnellinen ja hyvä vaikkapa siivousalan yrittäjänä, hallizemassa siivousalan kokonaisuuxia, hän sanoo. Mainoksia tehdessään Sofia on osallisena edistämässä myyntiä, mutta toisesta suupielestä hän puhuu kestävyyden ja kierrätyksen puolesta. Se trendaa nyt.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 65: Löysin Antikvariaatti Sofian ulkolaatikosta 1 egellä H.V. Mortonin matkakertomuxen Paavalin jäljillä, suom. Aune Krohn, v. 1938. H.V. Mortonin Pyhän Paavalin rappusissa jäljittelee häikäisevästi apostolin kuuluisaa uskon matkaa Israelin, Kreikan ja Italian halki käyttämällä itse Raamattua oppaana. Morton, joka kuuntelee hyviä tarinoita ja tarkkailee yksityiskohtia, luo pakkolukuisen kertomuksen, joka tyydyttää uteliaimman matkailijan sekä tietoisemman ja intohimoisimman Raamatun lukijan. Jokainen leipä jonka otat jokainen leffa jonka duunaat jokainen rappu jonka väsäät mä tuun kellottaan suaaa.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 332: It may surprise you to know that the Bibble describes angels nothing at all like they are typically depicted in paintings. (You know, those cute little chubby babies with wings?) A passage in Ezekiel 1:1-28 gives a brilliant description of angels as four-winged creatures. In Ezekiel 10:20, we are told these angels are called cherubim. The 6-winged model is called seraphim.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 379:
  • Some well-endowed angels are called seraphim (tall, six wings each, can fly).
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 387: Paul oli ihan sattumalta tismalleen Jee-suxen ikätoveri. Sekin on varmaan sattumaa että Lucasin leffojen sankarin nimi on Luke. Paavali on syntymäpäivänään matkoilla kuin 70-v Wolfram Roth, joka lennähtää Maltalle juhlistamaan Maxin bakkanaaleja. Paavalin kirjeet ovat messiaanisten vanhimmat kirjalliset muistomerkit mikä viittaa siihen että Paavali kexi ize koko jutun.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 425: Ramsay tuki Industrial and Engineering Trust Ltd:tä, yritystä, joka väitti pystyvänsä louhimaan kultaa merivedestä vuonna 1905. Se osti kiinteistön Englannin rannikolta aloittaakseen salaisen prosessinsa. Yritys ei koskaan tuottanut kultaa.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 444: Tallirenki Tahvanus kaitsi jouluyönä ”ruman Ruotuksen” (Herodes) hevosta. Siitä tuli sitten hevosten suojeluspyhimys.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 461: Klasu oli kotoisin Lyonista. Hän oli koominen. Historioitsija Suetoniuksen kirjoitusten mukaan Claudius puhui änkyttäen, käveli ontuvasti ja hänen polvensa ja päänsä tärisivät jatkuvasti. Kun Claudius nauroi tai raivostui, hän kuolasi ja hänen nenästään valui räkää. Antiikin maailmassa änkytyksen kaltaisia oireita pidettiin ilmiselvänä merkkinä vähäjärkisyydestä, joten Claudiuksen sukulaiset kuvittelivat hänen olevan henkisesti jälkeenjäänyt. Syy Claudiuksen oireisiin on epäselvä, mutta nykyhistorioitsijat ovat ehdottaneet muiden muassa poliota, CP-vammaisuutta tai Touretten syndroomaa. On kuitenkin epäilty, että Claudius olisi tarkoituksellisesti liioitellut oireitaan ja esiintynyt vajaaälyisenä harmittomana miehenä, jotta häntä ei olisi teloitettu, kuten keisarit Tiberius ja etenkin Clauden veljenpoika Caligula tekivät liian vallanhimoisina pidetyille sukulaisilleen.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 510:
    Koptilainen ikoni, jossa Saint Mercurius tappaa Julianin. Perinteen mukaan Saint Basil (Julianuksen vanha koulukaveri) oli vangittu Julianuksen Sassanidi-kampanjan alkaessa. Basil rukoili Mercuriusta auttamaan häntä, ja pyhimys ilmestyi näyssä Basilille väittäen keihäänneensä Julianuksen kuoliaaksi.

    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 545: Veljeni Leijonamieli kuoli 6 vuotta myöhemmin. Hän oli surkea kuningas. Rikhard Leijonamieli oli oman elämänsä sankari, ja sellaiseksi hänet yleensä kuvataan kirjallisuudessa. Hänen väkivaltaisuutensa, turhamaisuutensa ja itsekkyytensä unohdetaan usein. Rikhardin intohimona oli sodankäynti; englantilaiset rahoittivat hänen sota- ja ristiretkensä. Rikhard I vietti kymmenvuotisesta valtakaudestaan Englannissa vain viisi kuukautta. Hän ei myöskään koskaan oppinut puhumaan englantia, vaan puhui äidinkielinään oksitaania ja ranskaa. Rikhardin pahanhajuiset suolet haudattiin sen tornin juurelle, josta kuolettava nuoli ammuttiin.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 568: Valokuvia ovat vielä: Libanonin setrit, Kalat Simanin basilikan rauniot, Krak de Chevaliers (länsitornit), Vaspasionin ja Tituksen merkintä tunnelissa sekä leikkaus ja tunneli, Selucas; Margabin linnan vallit, kylpylä, Hama (Syyria); Jablehin moskeija, sulttaani Ibrahimin moskeija ja kirkollisen kaupungin portti, Tartus (Syyria); John Whiting, Grace Whiting, yksi heidän pojistaan ​​(?) ja lapsi; uudelleenesitys roomalaisten sotilaiden hyökkäyksestä Jerusalemiin, Jerusalemin YMCA:n pääsisäänkäynti Dr. John Raleigh Mott, Lord ja Lady Allenby (1933-1934); Arabit jauhamassa ateriaa ja ratsastamassa, Jerusalemin 21. piiritys (22. lokakuuta 1938), "Tommies" vartioi Damascus Gatessa, American Colony -asunnossa ja Sea of ​​Galilea Scot´s Mission Hospital, Tiberias.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 685: Me emme ole maailmaan mitään tuoneet, emme myös voi täältä mitään viedä (1 Tim. 6:7). Rahan himo on kaiken pahan juuri (1 Tim. 6: 10).
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 102: Eli siis Jehovan todistajat on tuhatvuotinen mutta entisöity epäkristillinen kirkkokunta, jonka ei-kolmitaariset areiolaiset uskomukset eroavat valtalinjan koirien kristinuskosta. Ryhmä raportoi maailmanlaajuisesti noin 8,5 miljoonan jäsenen osallistuvan evankeliointiin ja vuosittain yli 19,7 miljoonan nälkäisen osallistuneen ilmaiseen Jee-suxen muistoillanviettoon. Haaviin jää siis alle 50% kävijöistä, joita lie 1-4% saarnatuista ovista. Asiakasuskollisuus ei liioin ole kehuttava kovista otteista huolimatta. Jehovan todistajia johtaa Jehovan todistajien hallintoelin Warwickissa, New Yorkissa, Yhdysvalloissa: siivestävien viivasuisten vanhimpien ryhmä, joka vahvistaa kaikki opit perustuen Raamatun pirulliseen tulkintaan. He uskovat, että nykyisen maailmanjärjestelmän tuhoutuminen Harmagedonissa on suht välitöntä ja että Jumalan valtakunnan perustaminen maan päälle ja siistit nurmikot on ainoa toimiva ratkaisu kaikkiin ihmiskunnan kohtaamiin ongelmiin.
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 150: Vanhimman ja avustavan palvelijan virat palautettiin todistajaseurakunnille vuonna 1972, ja nimitykset tehtiin päämajasta (ja myöhemmin myös haaratoimistojen toimesta). Sittemmin ilmoitettiin, että syyskuusta 2014 alkaen nimitykset tehtäisiin matkavalvojien toimesta. Vuoden 1976 takaiskua seuranneessa laajassa Jehovan konsernin organisaatiouudistuksessa Vartiotorni-seuran johtajan valtaa heikennettiin, ja valtuus opillisiin ja organisatorisiin päätöksiin siirtyi 9-henkiselle hallintoelimelle.
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 153: Organisaatiota johtaa hallintoelin – miesten muodostama nyrkki, jonka koko vaihtelee (fig. 1). Tammikuusta 2018 lähtien siihen on kuulunut kahdeksan jäsentä, jotka kaikki tunnustavat kuuluvansa "voideltuihin" luokkiin, joilla on toivo taivaallisesta elämästä – ja he sijaitsevat Vartiotorni-seuran Warwickin päämajassa. Jäsenvaaleja ei ole; uudet jäsenet valitsee puoliveteessä oleva elin. Organisaatio kattaa heidän ja muiden kokopäiväisten vapaaehtoisten elinkustannukset sekä kuukausittaisen perusstipendin. Jokaisella seurakunnalla on nimitetty ryhmä palkattomia miespuolisia vanhimpia ja avustavia palvelijoita, jotka saavat mieluusti olla nubiileja naisia.
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 155: Vanhimmat päättävät oikein mielellään kurinpidollisista toimista tapauksissa, joissa on kyse seksuaalisesta väärinkäytöksestä tai oppien loukkauksista. Uudet vanhimmat nimittää matkustava valvoja nykyisen vanhinten suosituksesta. Jäsenten on oltava kuuliaisia ​​ja uskollisia Jehovalle ja "hänen järjestölleen" saadakseen Jumalan suosion ja selviytyäkseen Harmagedonista. Vuonna 2010 Vartiotorni ja Herätkää! olivat maailman laajimmin levinneet ja halvimmat aikakauslehdet.
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 159: Hallintoelin ei anna mitään yksittäistä, kattavaa "uskonlausuntoa", vaan ilmaisee mieluummin opillisen kantansa monin eri tavoin Vartiotorni-seuran julkaisemien julkaisujen kautta. Heidän julkaisunsa opettavat, että opilliset muutokset ja tarkennukset ovat seurausta asteittaisesta ilmoitusprosessista, jossa Jumala vilauttaa vähitellen korttinsa ja tarkoituksensa ja että tällainen valaistuminen tai "uusi valo" on seurausta järjen ja opiskelun soveltamisesta, pyhän hengen ohjauksesta ja Jeesuksen Kristuksen ja enkelien ohjauksesta. Sen tautta ne ennusteetkin menevät usein mezään, erehtyminen on inhimillistä.
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 173: Jehovan todistajat opettavat, että Saatana ja hänen demoninsa heitettiin alas taivaasta maan päälle 1. lokakuuta 1914 jälkeen, jolloin lopun ajat alkoivat. 28. kesäkuuta 1914 Sarajevon laukaukset ennakoivat siis saatanan ulosheittoa. He uskovat, että Saatana on nykyisen maailmanjärjestyksen hallitsija, että Saatana ja hänen demoninsa vaikuttavat ja johtavat ihmisyhteiskuntaan ja että he ovat inhimillisen kärsimyksen syy. He uskovat myös, että Saatana hallitsee ihmishallituksia, mutta että hän ei hallitse suoraan jokaista ihmishallitsijaa, vaan vain esim Stalinia ja Putinia.
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 198: Todistajien täytyy osallistua julkiseen oville saarnaamiseen. Kastettuja jäseniä, jotka jättävät ilmoittamatta kuukauden saarnaamisesta, kutsutaan "epäsäännöllisiksi" ja vanhimmat voivat neuvoa heitä. Niitä, jotka eivät toimita raportteja kuuteen peräkkäiseen kuukauteen, kutsutaan "todistajixi evp".
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 205: Kun kastettua jäsentä syytetään vakavasta synnistä – yleensä seksuaalisesta väärinkäytöksestä tai luopumussyytteistä kuten Jehovan todistajien oppien kiistämisestä, perustetaan all-male panel nimeltä oikeuskomitea antamaan hengellistä ohjausta ja määrittämään syyllisyys. Tämä voi johtaa kohteen erottamiseen. Erottaminen, eräs välittämisen muoto, on vahvin kurinpitomuoto, jota annetaan rikoksentekijälle, jota ei pidetä katuvana. Yhteydenpito erotettuihin henkilöihin rajoittuu samassa kodissa asuviin suoriin perheenjäseniin ja seurakunnan vanhimpiin, jotka voivat kutsua erotettuja hakemaan takaisinottoa. Muodolliset liiketoimet voivat jatkua, jos se on sopimuksesta tai taloudellisesta velvoitteesta johtuvaa tai muuten kannattavaa.
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 234: Jehovan todistajia on syytetty politiikasta ja kulttuurista, joka auttaa piilottamaan seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön tapaukset organisaatiossa. Ryhmää on arvosteltu sen "kahden todistajan säännöstä" kirkon kurissa, koska se soveltaa 5. Mooseksen kirjan 19:15:ssä ja Matteuksen 18:15–17:ssä ja Susannan kirjassa olevia pyhiä kirjoituksia, mikä edellyttää, että seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö on todistettava toissijaisilla todisteilla kuten silminnäkijöillä tai mällillä suppilossa. Jos syytetty henkilö kiistää syyllisyytensä ja vahvistus puuttuu, Vartiotorni-seuran ohje on, että "vanhimmat pesevät kätensä ja jättävät asian Jehovan tahmaisiin käsiin".
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 236: Entinen päämajan henkilökunnan jäsen Barbara Anderson sanoo, että politiikka vaatii tehokkaasti, että ahdistelulle on toinen todistaja, "mikä on mahdotonta". Anderson sanoo, että politiikka "suojelee pedofiilejä ennemmin kuin suojelee lapsia". [virret 339 ja 492] Jehovan todistajat väittävät, että heillä on vahva politiikka lasten suojelemiseksi ja lisäävät, että paras tapa suojella lapsia on nuhdella kylänvanhimpia; he myös ilmoittavat, etteivät he sponsoroi toimintaa, joka erottaa lapset vanhemmista. Haha, entäs insestuaaliset pedofiilivanhemmat? Niitäkin näet on, usko tai älä.
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 366: Emme yritä liioin painostaa tyyppejä jäämään jehovistiporukkaan. Todistajavanhemmat ovat tietenkin pahoillaan, jos lapsi ei halua uskoa heidän tavallaan. He rakastavat silti lastaan eivätkä katkaise välejä vain sen takia, että heidän lapsensa ei halua tulla Jehovan todistajaksi. Syy on yleensä jokin tärkeämpi, esim että kylänvanhimmat niin käskevät.
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 373: Muuan nuori tyttö kertoo: ”Eräänä iltana kerroin isälle, että olin lupaa kysymättä liittynyt erääseen verkkoyhteisöön ja minulla oli tyttöystävä ja halusin alkaa elää omaa elämääni. Isä pysyi täysin rauhallisena koko keskustelumme ajan! En tiedä toista isää, joka ei olisi alkanut huutaa tyttärelleen kuultuaan, että tällä oli lepakko joka sekstaili tän kaa aamusta iltaan. Tunnen voivani kertoa isälle mitä tahansa. Tiedän, että hän todella haluaa auttaa minua, jopa ottaa osaakin istuntoihimme.”
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 165: Kolme päähenkilöä olivat Kirk, Spock ja McCoy, ja kirjailijat leikittelivät usein eri persoonallisuuksia toisistaan: Kirk oli intohimoinen ja usein aggressiivinen, mutta hänellä oli viekas huumorintaju; Spock oli viileän looginen; ja McCoy oli sarkastinen, tunteellinen ja epälooginen, mutta aina myötätuntoinen. Monissa tarinoissa nämä kolme törmäsivät, jolloin Kirk joutui tekemään vaikean päätöksen, kun taas Spock kannatti loogista, mutta joskus jämäkkää polkua ja McCoy (tai "Bones", kuten Kirk kutsui häntä) vaati tekemään sen, mikä aiheuttaisi vähiten haittaa. McCoylla ja Spockilla oli sparraussuhde, joka peitti heidän todellisen kiintymyksensä ja kunnioituksensa toisiaan kohtaan, ja heidän jatkuvasta riitansa tuli suosittuja katsojien keskuudessa. Esitys korosti dialogia niin paljon, että käsikirjoittaja ja ohjaaja Nicholas Meyer kutsui sitä radiodraamaksi.
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 240: Toisin kuin sotilaslaulun epäkunnioittavat sanoitukset, muorin versio on uskonnollinen teema, liittämällä unionin asia Jumalan kostoon tuomiopäivänä (viittausten kautta asianomaisiin raamatunkohtiin, kuten Jesaja 63:1–6 ja Ilmestyskirja 14:14–19 alla). Huomattavasti verenhimoisempaa textiä kuin sotilaiden alkuperäisempi renkutus. Mutta niinhän se aina on, verenhimoisimmat haukat istuu vastaanotinten takana ja natustelee naxuja.
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 330: Voin lukea Hänen vanhurskaan lauseensa himmeistä ja leimahtavista lampuista:

    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 554: – Emme ole kostonhimoisia, sillä mikään seuraus ei saa meille lastamme takaisin eikä mikään voi lasta korvata. Yhteiskunnan velvollisuus on kuitenkin toimia niin, että vastaavaa ei muille perheille pääse tapahtumaan ja että rikosuutisen raaistava vaikutus varmasti tulee yleiseen tietoisuuteen, omaiset kirjoittivat oikeudelle.
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 586: Tätä veristä sijaistoimintaa kuzutaan uhrauxexi, ja uhrin eli syntipukin maxumiehen tehtävää siinä lunastuxexi. Aika huvittavaa että se on uskonnollisesti toimiva meemi vielä tänäkin päivänä. Ei äitinsä kohdussa piilotellut lapsi muutu yhtään inhimillisemmäksi siitä että pullahtaa häpyluun takaa näkyviin.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 55: himandmyfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Rahab-cover.jpeg" width="30%" />
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 128: (He couldn’t control himself, he wants to touch me.)
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 141: (She was the one who was not visiting the hospital. I, meanwhile, am asking everyone for help just so as to save the child because you did not care for him while he was in your womb.)
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 143: Super Tekla also denied he was using illegal drugs, and said he was willing to subject himself to a drug test to prove it.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 194: Pyhä Katariina Sienalainen (25. maaliskuuta 1347 Siena – 29. huhtikuuta 1380 Rooma) oli italialainen mystikko ja dominikaanitertiaari. Hänen kirjallisesta tuotannostaan on säilynyt 26 rukousta ja yli 380 kirjettä. Pyhimystä kunnioitetaan katolisessa kirkossa, vanhakatolisessa kirkossa, anglikaanisessa kirkossa ja luterilaisuudessa. Eräs hänen tunnettu teoksensa on suomeksikin käännetty Dialogi Jumalan kaitselmuksesta.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 196: Paavi Pius II kanonisoi Katariinan 29. kesäkuuta 1461. Katariina on yksi kuudesta Euroopan suojelupyhimyksistä pyhän Benedictus Nursialaisen, pyhän Kyrilloksen ja Methodioksen, pyhän Birgitan ja pyhän Edith Steinin kanssa. Oho! Eikös Kyrillos ja Metodios kuulu EU:n vihollisiin nyt?
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 198: Hänet julisti yhdeksi nykyään 36 kirkonopettajasta autuas paavi Paavali VI 3. lokakuuta 1970. Hän on ruumiillisten vaivojen, sairauden, sairaiden ihmisten, keskenmenojen, hurskautensa takia pilkattujen ihmisten, seksuaalisten kiusauksien ja sairaanhoitajien suojeluspyhimys. Pyhä Katariina on yksi stigmaatikoista, vaikka jälkien kerrotaan muuttuneen näkymättömiksi hänen pyynnöstään. Sexuaaliset kiusauxet kyllä ovatkin suojelun tarpeessa nyttemmin. Nuoriso ei enää juo eikä harrasta irtosuhteita.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 201: Katariina Sienalainen eli penixettömän elämän ja nääntyi kuoliaaksi – mikä hänessä ja muissa pyhimyksissä voi kiinnostaa?
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 203: No kyse on Ano Rexissä esillä olevasta amerikkalaisen bullshittaiteilija Kill Bill Violan teoksesta Catherine’s Room (2001). Teoksen nimi viittaa Italian Sienassa 1300-luvulla eläneeseen Katariina Sienalaiseen, yhteen katolisen kirkon tunnetuimmista pyhimyksistä. Katariina ei ollut nunna vaan dominikaanien sääntökuntaan kuulunut maallikkosisar. Oma hiljainen tilansa hänellä silti oli – ja sellaisen voi hänen neuvonsa mukaan jokainen rakentaa: ”Tee itsellesi oman mieleisesi kaappi, josta sinun ei tarvitse koskaan tulla ulos.”
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 205: Jos odotat, että pyhimyksen elämään kuuluu jo lapsuudesta lähtien erilaisia ihmeitä, näkyjä, askeesia ja lähimmäisten palvelemista, Katariina Sienalainen täyttää nämä odotukset kirkkaasti. Ja ylittääkin ne: hänen suhteensa Kristukseen oli niin läheinen, että hän koki mystisen yhdynnän taivaallisen rakastajansa kanssa ja myöhemmin sai vielä kantaakseen tämän vauvan.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 225: Voi olla ihan hyvä, että on joku tyyliin Kata Kärkkäinen, josta voi katsoa vähän mallia, sanoi Sofi Oxanenkin. Luterilaisilta naisilta puuttuu vahvan ja omanarvontuntoisen naisen malli, sairastumiskohde, joka olisi mukana synnytyksissä, hautajaisissa ja elämän muissa aallokoissa, sanoo Marianne Kiskola. Marianne Kiskola asuu Kreikassa, jossa kirkkopyhät kulkevat ihmisen rinnalla syntymästä asti. Pyhiltä pyydetään esirukouksia ja välillä ihan konkreettistakin apua. Suosittu pyhimys on esimerkiksi Fanerios, jonka puoleen käännytään, kun jokin asia on kadoksissa. Kun avaimet tai silmälasit sitten Fanerioksen avulla löytyvät, on tapana leipoa kakku hänen kunniakseen ja syödä se.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 227: Ihmisten on helppo samastua pyhimyksiin, jotka ovat olleet inhimillisiä ihmisiä hankaline perhesuhteineen, visvaisine uraongelmineen ja rahavaikeuksineen.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 265: Aluksi häntä tervehti emiiri Bashir Shihab II, mutta vuosien mittaan hän antoi turvapaikan sadoille druusien ja uskontojen välisten riitojen pakolaisille ja ansaitsi hänen vihamielisyytensä. [ lainaus tarvitaan ] Uudessa ympäristössään hän käytti lähes ehdotonta valtaa ympäröiviin alueisiin ja hänestä tuli alueen tosiasiallinen hallitsija. Hänen hallintansa paikalliseen väestöön riitti saamaan Ibrahim Pashan, kun hän oli hyökkäämässä Syyriaan vuonna 1832, hakemaan hänen puolueettomuuttaan. Hänen ylivaltansa säilytti hänen komentava luonne ja usko, että hänellä oli ennustamisen lahja. Hän piti kirjeenvaihtoa tärkeiden ihmisten kanssa ja otti vastaan ​​uteliaita vieraita, jotka menivät kaikin keinoin tapaamaan häntä.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 284: Rahab (/ˈreɪhæb/; heprea: רָחָב‎, nykyaikainen: Raẖav, tiberialainen: Rāḥāḇ, "leveä", "suuri", arabia: رحاب, laaja tai leväperäinen nainen) oli Joshuan kirjan mukaan joka asui Jerikossa luvatussa maassa ja auttoi israelilaisia ​​valloittamaan kaupungin "piilottamalla" kaksi miestä, jotka oli lähetetty tiedustelemaan kaupunkia ennen heidän hyökkäystään. Uudessa testamentissa häntä ylistetään sekä esimerkkinä pyhimyksestä, joka eli uskossa, että "vanhurskaasti pidettynä" hänen tekojensa vuoksi. Heprean אשה זונה (ishah zonah), jota käytetään kuvaamaan Rahabia Joosua 2:1:ssä, tarkoittaa kirjaimellisesti "prostituoitua naista".
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 288: Universumin mestari! Olen tehnyt syntiä kolmella asialla, silmälläni, reidelläni ja vatsallani. Anteeksi kolmen asian ansioiden perusteella: köysi, ikkuna ja seinä. Eli anteeksi, että olen harjoittanut haureutta, koska vaaransin itseni, kun laskin vakoojia varten köyden seinän ikkunasta. (Babylonian Talmud, Zevahim 116a–b). Ei ihme et tää oli 10- vuotiaasta Mortonista hyvän kirjan jännin paikka.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 470: Siinä määrin ihmisluonto voi osallistua yli-inhimilliseen; mutta muuten se ei voi laillisesti ylittää rajojaan, eikä siivettömällä ruumiillaan jäljitellä Yeazin jouzenta, eikä ihmisenä tarvitse sekaantua demoneille kuuluvaan kuin Paavalin orjatyttöseen. Tavallinen porsastelu riittää.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 506: Oliko silloin niin, että tämä tulevaisuuden tietämyksen saanut mies ei tiennyt, mikä Eufratin luonne oli, eikä mitä se kohta tempasee. Sillä se ei ole nyt ensimmäinen kerta, mutta tässä Vespasianuksen tapauksessa hän on taipuvainen syyttämään häntä pahimmasta hahmosta. Kuinka hän sitten suositteli sellaista henkilöä hallitsijalle niin lämpimästi, että tämä hänen suosituksensa seurauksena avasi palatsinsa ovet hänelle? Miksi, eikö sokealle ole selvää, kuten sanotaan, että tässä ennaltatietämisessä hänen oma historioitsijansa jättää kaverin kuin YK-sotilas bemarin. Vaikka toisaalta häntä voitaisiin pitää reiluna miehenä, jos voisimme olettaa, että alun perin ja ennen kuin hän oppi kantapään kautta, hän halusi päästää kaverinsa palatsiin yhtä vapaasti, Eufrat mukaan lukien, kuin itsekin, mutta jälkeenpäin heidän kiistansa sai hänet käyttämään sellaista kieltä hänestä.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 541: Salonikilaiset kirjeet on lähetetty sieltä tai vielä pitempää. Paavalia epäiltiin Tessalonikassa omanvoitonpyynnistä. Täysin puppua! Haurautta oli kartettava eikä toisilta himoittava vaimoja, vaan jokaiselle oma. Kristuxen toista tulemista ei pie hätyyttää. Tulee se sieltä jahka joutaa. Ken ei työtä tee sen ei syömänkään pidä. Jyrkkä ei kannustusloukuille! Alas hyvinvointivaltio! Karttakaa veteliä veljiä. Ostakaa jouhipaitanne meidän lafkasta. Yxi denaari joka paidasta menee telttarahastoon.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 563: Voitettuaan sodan mielestään Ateena aloitti kunnianhimoisen rakennusohjelman, jossa rakennettiin Ateenan Akropolis (mukaan lukien Parthenon ) sekä imperiumin rakentamisen Delian Leaguen kautta. Alunperin Kreikan kaupunkivaltioiden yhdistykseksi tarkoitettu liitto perustettiin muka jatkamaan taistelua persialaisia vastaan, mutta siitä tuli pian Ateenan omien imperialististen tavoitteiden kulkuneuvo. Syntyneet jännitteet aiheuttivat Peloponnesoksen sodan (431–404 eaa.), jossa kilpailija Sparta voitti Ateenan.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 582: Kuvassa alaoikealla Damaris, jolta Paavo ehkä sai Ateenassa. Damarisin on perinteisesti oletettu olleen hetaira ( kohtelias, korkea-arvoinen prostituoitu). Tai sizen mies oli toi viereinen Paavalille ison käden antava St. Denis The Penis josta tuli ranskalaisten pyhimys. Turhan läskixi on Rafaello Patun kuvannut, ja liikaa tukkaa laittanut.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 602: Eräs nykyajan tutkijoiden ajatuslinja on ollut, että Mysteerien tarkoituksena oli "kohottaa ihminen inhimillisen sfäärin yläpuolelle jumalalliseen ja varmistaa hänen lunastuksensa tekemällä hänestä jumala ja siten antamalla hänelle kuolemattomuuden". Vizi taas tätä iänikuista maxuliikennettä. Tyypin vanha ajopeli menee lunastuxeen ja se saa uuden mallin vakuutuxesta.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 112: Vuonna 2008 Al Wolters kehtasi vielä ehdottaa, vaikka varovaisesti, mahdollisuutta, että Ἰουνίας oli syyttävä tapaus (casus accusativus) heprealaisen nimen Yĕḥna hellenisoituneesta muodosta, mikä mahdollistaisi sen, että tämä on sittenkin tuppikullin juutalaisen miehen nimi! Woltersin argumenttia on kuitenkin syytetty "teologisexi ohjuxexi". Lin huomautti, että latinankielinen naisennimi Junia on todistettu yli 250 kertaa, kun taas hepreankielisestä on vain 2 väärää todistusta lähimmäisestä.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 319: Et saa korottaa itseäsi, vaan sinun tulee olla nöyrä. Et saa ottaa kunniaa itsellesi. Älä anna minkäänlaista pahaa neuvoa lähimmäistäsi vastaan. Et saa olla liian luottavainen sydämessäsi. Et saa harjoittaa haureutta tai aviorikosta. Älä myöskään turmele itseäsi miesporukoissa. Älä käytä Jumalan sanaa epäpuhtaasti.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 322: Älä käytä Herran nimeä turhaan. Sinun tulee rakastaa lähimmäistäsi enemmän kuin omaa sieluasi. Taino ainakin yhtä paljon. Et saa tuhota hedelmöittämiäsi sikiöitä ennen kuin ne ovat syntyneet, etkä tappaa niitä syntymän jälkeen.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 325: Älä himoitse lähimmäisesi omaisuutta, etkä saa olla ahne. Eikä sydämesi saa liittyä ylpeisiin herrasmiehiin, vaan sinut on luettava vanhurskaiden ja alhaisten joukkoon. Mitä tahansa tapahtumia sinulle tapahtuukin, sinun on otettava ne vastaan hyvinä. Ole positiivinen.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 360: Kyrposlainen Mnason herpautti käden joltain koronkiskurilta ja päätyi lopulta pölyämään jossain kyrpolaisessa kyrptassa. Serve him right.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 381: How I Met Your Mother -jaksossa " Rabbit or Duck " jänis-ankka-illuusiota käytetään keskusteluun siitä, himoizeeko Robin kollegaansa Donia, mikä johtaa kiihkeään taisteluun ryhmän kesken, kun Maashol kannustaa kaneja halun kohteena, ja Retu, Robin, Lili ja Ranjit ovat tukemassa ankkoja. Maashol lopulta myöntää asian.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 397: Ohjelman finaali sai suurelta osin kielteisen reaktion kriitikoilta ja faneilta. Finaalissa oli liian vähän anneja. Esitystä seuraavina vuosina se valittiin edelleen yhdeksi pahimmista televisiosarjan finaalista, esim. USA Todayn kaikkien aikojen huonoimpien sarjan finaalien listan kärjessä.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 310: ”Illalla hän astui junaan väsyneenä Vittu kainalossaan ja jatkoi taivalta tässä lumisessa maassa, jossa ei kyllä pahimpaan aikaan paljon vittukaan lämmitä, syvemmin ajatellen.”
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 393: Nyt on Kiinalla vain 350 ydinkärkeä, mutta 2035 mennessä niitä voi olla jo 2500. Se hermostuttaa G7:ää Hiroshimassa missä Zhelensky kävi halaamassa tuhkaläjää. 100K viurusilmää menehtyi siinä silmänräpäyksessä. Vähän näyttää siltä että pommit on lakanneet porukoita pelottamasta nyt kun on apinoiden lähtölaskenta muutenkin jo alkanut. Not with a whisper but a bang. Laaki ja paljon vainaita.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 426:
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 465: Poudan ja perunankukkien alkuasetelma ei ole erityisen jännittävä, ja kokonaisen sarjan avausosaksi se on läpeensä yllätyksetön. Vastakkainasettelu kaupunkilaiselämän ja maaseudun välillä on räikeä. Maaseudun ihmiset ovat käytännössä kaikkea sitä, mitä kaupunkilaiset eivät ole: lämpimiä, toisista aidosti välittäviä ja työteliäitä. Elämään kuuluu rehellinen, käsillä tehtävä työ, jonka merkitystä kaupunkilaiset eivät voi koskaan ymmärtää. Lähimpänä totuutta ihminen on, kun hän katsoo hikisenä kädet pakottaen työnsä jälkeä käännettyään tuntikaupalla kasvimaata.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 511: Toora sisältää Raamatun viisi ensimmäistä kirjaa, joista muun muassa suomenkielisessä käännöksessä käytetään nimitystä Mooseksen kirjat. Tätä nimeä niistä käytetään lähinnä protestanttisissa kirkkokunnissa, sillä Martti Luther nimesi saksankielisessä raamatunkäännöksessään niiden keskeisimmän henkilön ja oletetun kirjoittajan, Mooseksen, mukaan. Kirjat sisältävät esityksen vanhimman osan maailman luomisesta Mooseksen kuolemaan. Lisäksi ne sisältävät juutalaisten uskonnollisen lain, Mooseksen lain.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 517: Tanakin tekstien kanonisoinnin myötä vuoden 100 tienoilla se kopioitiin jatkossa kaikkine kielioppivirheineen ja väärin päin kääntyneitä kirjaimia myöten. Kaikki poikkeavat tekstit poltettiin. Tästä syystä vanhimmat säilyneet tekstikokoelmat ovat syntyhetkeensä nähden varsin nuoria.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 560: Aramea (syyr. ܐܪܡܝܐ arāmāyā hepr. ‏ארמיא‎ arāmît) on Lähi-idässä käytetty, länsiseemiläisestä kantakielestä kehittynyt seemiläinen kieli. Vanhimmat arameankieliset kirjoitukset ovat 900-luvulta eaa. Aramean kieltä käytettiin myös roomalaisessa Juudeassa, ja yleisesti uskotaan sen olleen Jeesuksen äidinkieli. Eräät osat Vanhaa testamenttia on kirjoitettu alun perin arameaksi, samoin suurin osa juutalaista Talmudia. Huumorintajuiset orientalistit Alphonse Mingana ja Christoph Luxenberg katsovat, että myös Koraani on ainakin osittain kirjoitettu arameaksi, syyro-arameaksi, tai niiden ja arabian sekakielellä. Kirjoituksen tarkkeet on kuitenkin myöhemmin lisätty olettaen, että kieli olisi ollut puhdasta arabiaa. Tämä olisi johtanut lukuisiin Koraanin tekstiä koskeviin väärinkäsityksiin, esimerkiksi viinirypäleiden tulkitsemiseen Paratiisin neidoiksi.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 688: Thomas Malcolm Muggeridge (24 March 1903 – 14 November 1990) was an English journalist and satirist. His father, H. T. Muggeridge, was a socialist politician and one of the early Labour Party Members of Parliament (for Romford, in Essex). In his twenties, Muggeridge was attracted to communism and went to live in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, and the experience turned him into an anti-communist. In the aftermath of the war, he converted to Christianity under the influence of Hugh Kingsmill and helped to bring Mother Teresa to popular attention in the West. He was also a critic of the sexual revolution and of drug use. Muggeridge´s politics changed from an independent socialist point of view to a conservative religious stance. Muggeridge senior pyöri todnäk haudassa kuin hyrrä.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 698: Buckley called himself both a conservative and a libertarian. He is widely considered one of the most influential figures in the conservative movement.
    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 121: Aika paljon on hyvässä kirjassa näitä tukkaläppiä. Simpson, nasiirit, Paavon pälvikalju...Tukan oheneminen on virzaamisvaivojen erektion väsähdyxen ja emättimen kuivumisen ohella (HBL:n mainostuxesta päätellen) vanhuusiän pahimpia vastoinkäymisiä.
    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 444: Himon hillintä. Hänen tulisi hoxata, että himo pilaa teot ja aiheuttaa eksymisen kaikesta sallitusta, ja johtaa hyväksymättömän käytöksen tielle ruoan suhteen, juoman suhteen, naisten suhteen, jne. Niin kauan kuin ihminen kulkee himoissaan, ruumiin tyydyttäminen vetää häntä puoleensa ja pois hengen valaistuneelta tieltä, niin että hänen pahat taipumuksensa vallitsevat hänessä ja housut pakottavat…
    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 466: Munan kääntäminen vääryydestä… Kuten on sanottu (Hesekiel 18:30): ”Kääntykää, palatkaa pois kaikista synneistänne,1” Tämä on yksi katumuksen periaatteista. Ja on sanottu (3.Mooseksen Kirja 19:17): ”nuhtele lähimmäistäsikin, ettet joutuisi hiänen tähtensä syynalaiseksi”. Jos et nuhtele hiäntä, saatat joutua rangaistukseen hiänen synnistänsä… Molo saattaa alkaa taas oieta trikoomekon noustua houkuttavasti reisille paljastaen hiänen hienon halukkaan häpykukkulan. Eikun housut alas, pikkuhousut nilkkoihin, huppu pois ja heti sisään siinä pöydän päällä halkinainen pää edellä!
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 372: Kirja on kirjoitettu Peter Reichin näkökulmasta ja käsitteli hänen isänsä inhimillistä puolta, jota valtio kohteli uhkana yhteiskunnalle. Hänen merkittävin työnsä tuli 1930-luvulla, kun Reich keksi näennäisen oudolta "orgonen" käsitteen. Reich sanoi, että tämä on fyysistä energiaa, joka tapahtuu orgasmin aikana. Hän uskoi, että ilmakehä sisälsi tämän orgonienergian, kuten kaikki elävä aine. Tämän energian vangitsemiseksi hän loi niin sanotun Cloudbusterin.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 578: Kenneth Earl Wilber II (s. 31. tammikuuta 1949) on amerikkalainen filosofi ja kirjailija, joka käsittelee transpersonaalista psykologiaa ja omaa integraalista teoriaansa, filosofiaa, joka ehdottaa kaiken inhimillisen tiedon ja kokemuksen kehystämistä tai luokittelua.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 61: The woman with seven sons was a Jewish martyr described in 2 Maccabees 7 and other sources, who had seven sons that were arrested (along with her) by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who forced them to prove their respect to him by consuming pork. When they refused, he tortured and killed the sons one by one in front of the unflinching and stout mother.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 132: Pastori Norman Thomas oli jutkukommarien hampaissa. Thomas oli wimpy pasifisti. It was Thomas's position as a conscientious objector that drew him to the Socialist Party of America (SPA), a staunchly antimilitarist organization. When SPA leader Morris Hillquit made his campaign for mayor of New York in 1917 on an antiwar platform, Thomas wrote to him expressing his good wishes. To his surprise, Hillquit wrote back, encouraging the young minister to work for his campaign, which Thomas energetically did. Soon thereafter he himself joined the Socialist Party. Thomas was a Christian socialist. Eihän siitä tullut lasta eikä paskaakaan. De amerikanska kapitalisterna var inte ens kloka nog att kontrollera sina egna organisationer. Amerikansk kapitalism saknade klassmedvetande och vanligt politiskt egenintresse. Nu har dom lärt sin läxa nog. Det är inte socialismen där en individ har värde, utan kapitalismen, där det mäts i dollars.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 170: 5. Kun nyt ammonilaiset alottivat sodan Israelia vastaan, niin Gileadin vanhimmat lähtivät noutamaan Jeftaa Toobin maasta.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 172: 7. Mutta Jefta vastasi Gileadin vanhimmille: "Ettekö te vihanneet minua ja karkoittaneet minua isäni talosta? Minkätähden tulette minun luokseni nyt, kun teillä on hätä?"
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 173: 8. Gileadin vanhimmat sanoivat Jeftalle: "Juuri sentähden olemme nyt tulleet jälleen sinun luoksesi; ja jos sinä tulet meidän kanssamme ja ryhdyt taistelemaan ammonilaisia vastaan, niin sinä olet oleva meidän, kaikkien Gileadin asukasten, päämies".
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 174: 9. Jefta vastasi Gileadin vanhimmille: "Jos te viette minut takaisin, taistelemaan ammonilaisia vastaan, ja Herra antaa heidät minun valtaani, niin minä rupean teidän päämieheksenne".
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 175: 10. Silloin Gileadin vanhimmat sanoivat Jeftalle: "Herra kuulee meidän välipuheemme; totisesti, me teemme kaiken, mitä sinä sanoit".
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 248: Hänen isänsä Israel oli sekä oppinut että varakas mies ja yksi yhteisön vanhimmista. Kun hänen poikansa REMO oli 33-vuotias, hän rakensi Krakovaan kuuluisan ReMO-synagogan, joka oli vielä olemassa, kun natsit miehittivät tuon muinaisen kaupungin. Remon äiti oli Malka eikä pelkkä Rikka silmässä.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 335: Mea Shearim (hepr. ‏מאה שערים‌‎) on Jerusalemin kaupunginosa, ja yksi vanhimmista vanhankaupungin ulkopuolelle rakennetuista. Se perustettiin 1874. Siellä asuu nykyään haredijuutalaisia. Neturei Karta -liikkeellä on vahva kannatus Mea Shearimissa.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 394: Suruprosessi Shiva-jumalattaren julman viillon jälkeen alkaa ensimmäisestä vaiheesta, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Aninut. Tänä aikana yksilöt kokevat ensimmäisen shokin menetyksestään. Usein Aninutin aikaan liittyviä tunteita ovat viha, kieltäminen ja epäusko. Tämä on äärimmäisin surun aika, ja se, jolloin keriah (vaatteiden repäisy) suoritetaan; se alkaa henkilön kuolemasta ja kestää hautajaisten loppuun asti. Aninutin jälkeen on shiva , jossa surejat omistavat seitsemän päivää vainajan muistolle. Shivan aikana yksilöitä kehotetaan pitämään tauko rutiineistaan keskittyäkseen menetykseensä. Suruvaihe, joka tunnetaan nimellä sheloshim (kirjaimellisesti "kolmekymmentä"), kestää 30 päivään hautaamisen jälkeen. Sheloshimin ensimmäiset seitsemän päivää ovat shivan aikaa; sheloshim jatkuu shivan päätyttyä. Intensiivisen shivan jakson jälkeen, joka on pääasiassa sisältynyt kotiin, jäljellä olevan sheloshimin aikana surevat jättävät asuinpaikkansa ja alkavat olla vuorovaikutuksessa uudelleen muiden kanssa. Sheloshim rohkaisee yksilöitä osallistumaan sosiaalisiin suhteisiin, jotta he voivat hitaasti palata normaaliin päivittäiseen toimintaan. Viimeinen vaihe, yahrzeit tai yizkor, on kahdentoista kuukauden suruaika, jonka jälkeen järjestetään vuosittain muistoseremoniat kuolleelle henkilölle kuten Kiinassa.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 404: Na'im shimchem velo yushbat * Sh'vu nuchu b'yom Sabbat.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 454: "Sullon mun luonto." Laulussa, joka sisältää "varman vahvistuksen" siitä, että "Hän on minun Jumalani, minun elävä Jumalani... joka kuulee ja vastaa". Edward Kassler kirjoittaa, ettäu heprealainen Raamattu "kuvaa kohtaamista Jumalan kanssa, joka välittää intohimoisesti ja joka puhuttelee ihmiskuntaa sen olemassaolon hiljaisina hetkinä". Brittiläinen päärabbi Jonathan Sacks ehdottaa, että Jumala "ei ole ajallisesti etäinen tai irrallinen, vaan intohimoisesti sitoutunut ja läsnä". On tärkeää huomata, että "predikaatti 'persoonallinen' sellaisena kuin sitä sovelletaan Jumalaan" ei tarkoita, että Jumala on ruumiillinen tai antropomorfinen , näkemykset, jotka juutalaisuus on aina hylännyt; pikemminkin "persoonallisuus" ei viittaa fyysisyyteen, vaan "sisäiseen olemukseen, psyykkiseen, rationaaliseen ja moraaliseen". Vaikka useimmat juutalaiset uskovat, että "Jumala voidaan kokea", ymmärretään, että "Jumalaa ei voida ymmärtää", koska "Jumala on täysin erilainen kuin ihmiskunta" (kuten näkyy Jumalan vastauksessa Moosekselle, kun Mooses kysyi Jumalan nimeä: "Minä olen se, no minä, I just Am"); kaikki antropomorfiset lausunnot Jumalasta "ymmärretään kielellisinä metaforina; muuten olisi mahdotonta puhua Jumalasta ollenkaan".
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 107: luo lapselle näkymättömät rajat, jotka kiristyvät turvallisesti ikävaiheittain kuin sitruunapanta kun lapsi sitä vähimmin aavistaa.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 196: 3 Kuin punainen nauha ovat sinun huulesi, ja suusi on suloinen; kuin granaattiomena, kypsyyttään halkeileva, on sinun ohimosi huntusi takana.

    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 472: To make him interesting, give your character a couple of conflicting personality traits. Maybe a character is wealthy and gives millions to charity but never leaves a tip in a restaurant because he thinks tipping is a scam. (I don't, and do. That is, I'd give millions to charity if I had some to spare. No tips, anyway.)
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 474: As a boy, I remember a movie where Tarzan is asked by Jane to fight against some Nazis who have come to their neck of the jungle. But Tarzan refuses; the F.D. Roosevelt of his time, he’s got nothing against Nazis. But then they bomb Pearl Harbor sorry kidnap Tarzans son, Boy, and Tarzan bestirs himself, sticks a knife in his arse, and says “Now Tarzan fight.” Että jenkkitolvanoille pitääkin ihan kädestä pitäen opettaa tätä paskan lapparointia.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 480: If I write a character entering a room, I see him in my mind. Does he enter the room like John Wayne? That’s one way. Burt Reynolds is another way. Dustin Hoffman, as Ratso Rizzo, is still another way. There are no other ways. Fucking film and TV viewers, devil take them.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 513: As novelists, we create a character not by what we tell but by what we show. Show not tell, you know (fucking immigrants shut up). What does that character say? What does he do? What do others say about him? What do they think of him? What would he say if he was slapping a kid at the local Walmart’s? That’s characterization and it makes your fictional people come alive.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 519: Heroes have their Achilles heels. The most honest president of the U.S. cheats on the golf course; that is what makes people real. The late Robert Parker’s Spenser character was interesting. He was a yuppie. He ran, he lifted weights, he liked to cook, he liked unimposing little wines with sardonic personalities, he pretended he didn’t care about clothes but somehow always managed to wear the same basic uniform;, he lived with a woman, Susan the insufferable, who could psycho-babble Jay-Z into impotence. But the characterization hook was that Spenser spent his life being a private eye and shooting people, which was totally alien to the character’s nature. That started to round him out and make him real. Without that hard edge, he’d have been just another fan of Barry Manilow.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 537: “Ahab, the obsessed, revenge-seeking captain of a whaling ship, sails his vessel and its crew to destruction, in a final confrontation with the great white whale that had crippled him years earlier.”
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 560: “In New York, the DeSanto crime family is dead or in jail. Miles’ parents in New York are safe from Mafia reprisal. The Yakuza assassins are ready to return to Japan, but Miles has decided that the life of a buttered-bun Wall Street lawyer is no longer for him. He bids his family goodbye and returns to the Japanese home of Yakuza chieftain Nagoya. It is time for Nagoya to pass on the leadership of the criminal clan and his choice is his faithful assistant, Sato. But Sato declines the ceremonial cup and instead stands beside Miles and calls him ‘Someone whom the gods have sent from across the sea to lead you to tomorrow.’ And then he bows to Miles, the new leader.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 588: James Mallahan Cain (1892-1977) was an American novelist, journalist and screenwriter. He is widely regarded as a progenitor of the hardboiled school of American crime fiction. His novels The Postman Always Rings Twice, Double Indemnity, Serenade, Mildred Pierce and The Butterfly brought him critical acclaim and an immense popular readership in America and abroad.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 598: Those things are all status objects. Here’s another: a guy rents a room in a sleazy hotel; it is a hovel in a dump. The floor of the room is littered with racing forms. Those are status objects and tell you something about the occupant. Or maybe the newspapers are neatly stacked against the wall and, instead of the racing form, they are copies of the Wall Street Journal with many stories circled by magic marker. Those are also status objects but should give you quite a different picture of the room’s occupant. Tattoos today are status objects; so too is a lack of tattoos. They illuminate character sometimes. And just as often an absence of intelligence. Its known as product placement on video. Rei Shimura has a lot of it.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 601: Finally, a large percentage of novels today are written in restricted third person viewpoint. In other words, in each individual scene, the author works through only one person’s head. Anybody else in the scene, except the major player at that moment, is made to live by his actions and his words, but not by you — as author — getting into his head and telling us what he’s thinking. (Obviously, by the way, private eye novels are in some way illustrative of this rule because most PI’s are written first person since it’s impossible to get into another character’s thoughts and feelings except by showing him cavorting on your literary stage.)
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 621: See that guy up there waiting in the checkout line near the cash register? Yes, of course he’s reading. He’s always reading. He’s Stephen King — and yes, to this day, he reads every check he gets. And if you would emulate him, then start imitating him.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 661: Kanadan mezät paloivat, Espanjan autiomaassa paistuu kananmuna hiekassa. Suomeakin odottaa aavikoituminen. Orpohallitus pienentää ilmastopanostusta kolmanneksella, kun on kiireempi rikastuttaa rikkainta kansansirpaletta köyhimmän persukansanosan kustannuxella. Pääasia että jollakulla menee vielä huonommin, persut tuumaavat ja mätkivät vuorostaan kuumaa pakoon tulleita notmiitä.
    xxx/ellauri305.html on line 105: Woody Allen nyysi osia Grace Brownin juonesta psykotrilleriinsä Match Point. Siinä paxuxipanemansa hoidon nirhannut ex-tennispelaaja (haha! tennismaila taas! Denis the penis! Dionyysisellä thyrsoxella reisien välliin ryssää jotta se takasin tyssää, kuten Ukrainassa lauletaan) selviää pälkähästä ihan zägällä. Chris seuraa Nolaa ulos ja tunnustaa tunteensa häntä kohtaan, ja he harrastavat intohimoisesti seksiä vehnäpellolla. Nola tuntee syyllisyyttä ja pitää tätä onnettomuudena. Chris haluaa kuitenkin jatkuvan salaisen suhteen. Chris ja Chloe menevät naimisiin, ja Chris päättää suhteensa Nolan kanssa ampumalla tiineen ämmän haulikolla liisteixi. Eikä jää kiinni. Mitä tästä opimme? "Ihmiset pelkäävät kohdata kuinka suuri osa elämää on riippuvainen tuurista. On pelottavaa ajatella, että niin paljon ei voi hallita. Ottelussa on hetkiä, jolloin pallo osuu verkon yläosaan, ja sekunnin murto-osan se voi joko mennä eteenpäin tai pudota taaksepäin. Pienellä tuurilla se menee eteenpäin ja sinä voitat. Tai ehkä se ei mene, ja häviät." Voit vaikka työnnellä keskijalalla koreasti korealaista alaikäistä ottotytärtä ja selvitä ehjin nahoin siitäkin jos on onnea. Amerikkalaiset kriitikot ylistivät elokuvaa ja sen feikki brittiläistä ympäristöä ja pitivät sitä tervetulleina Allenin palautumisena.
    xxx/ellauri305.html on line 223: ylärekisteriavautuvuus, inhimillisyysvahvistavuus, kasvuavautuvuus,
    xxx/ellauri305.html on line 386: Esim. 20:15 — Ei himoitse ja harkita toisen omaisuuden hankkimista — Jemenilainen→ Ex. 20:14
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 97: Mikä lyhyesti on Peterin perustelu että altruismi on paha asia? Koska se tekee rikkaista köyhimysten orjia, kun ne joutuu vasten tahtoaan "luopumaan" "ansaizemistaan" pennosista köyhäinavuxi. Se on köyhän enemmistön diktatuuria, ei enempää eikä vähempää.
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 101: Heti ekoissa kappaleissa lähtee longixi. Peterillä ei ole mitään mielenkiintoa premissoida tilanne, se lähtee lapasesta kuin kummelien mopo. Jopa lälly Jeesus (ja Bar Hillel) kehotti rakastamaan izeään yhtä paljon kuin lähimmäistä. Ei toisten tarpeita tarvi laittaa omien edelle, vaan rinnalle. Uhrautuminen on supererogatorista, hienoa mutta vapaaehtoista. Yleensä siihen ei ryhdytä ilman eri palkintoa: oman ituradan puolesta tai muun kuolemattomuuden toivossa. Veronmaxu muiden mukana ei vittu ole mitään uhrautumista.
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 186: quid iuuat hoc, templis nostros inmittere mores Mitä hyötyä on tuoda muoti-ilmiöitä temppeleihimme
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 415: Miten niin "tarkentui"? Eikös scifit olleet ryssien mielestä varhaisia ryssiä? Sekin ranskalainen mamuämmä josta tuli pyhimys naituaan vähän aikaisemmin Pietarissa runoseppo Blokia?
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 490: Hunien kuningas Magyar Feher Bor, jonka laumat eri heimoista ja liittolaisista ovat lakaiseneet pontisilla (ei Aasian) aroilla ja molemmissa Rooman valtakunnissa, kuolee jättäen valtaistuimen kahdelle pojalle. Sotaan ja nälkäisiin verisiin kampanjoihin kyllästynyt Bleda haluaa asettua rauhassa Rooman liittolaiseksi, hänen veljensä Attila uskoo vain miekan voimaan. (Puppua.) Roomalainen kenraali Aethius, joka tuntee hunnit hyvin entisten panttivankien vaihdon seurauksena, ei onnistu saamaan todellista rauhaa, mutta ostaa horjuvan, lupaamalla kaksinkertaisen kunnianosoituksen. Heikon keisari Valentinianuksen hovi, joka muutti Roomasta pohjoiseen Ravennaan, jossa todellinen hallitsija on keisarinna-äiti Galla Placidia, barbaarikuninkaan leski, kieltäytyy ehdoista ja vangitsee Aethiuksen, joka edelleen kieltäytyy ottamasta vällyerää Valentinianuksen pyllynruman sisaren Honorian kanssa. Kunnianhimoinen prinsessa tarjoaa nyt kätensä ja valtakunnan myötäjäiset Attilalle, juuri sitä mitä Bleda toivoi. Rauhaa halveksien Attila murhaa suositun Bledan metsästyksen aikana (palturia) ja taivuttelee laumoja marssimaan hänen kanssaan valtakuntaan. Vaikka tietämätön, peloissaan Valentinian voi vain surra lemmikkigepardiaan, Galla Placidia kuntouttaa Aethiuksen johtamaan epätoivoista puolustusta, mutta hyvinsyöneet kuntonsa laiminlyöneet legioonat ilman vakavia linnoituksia eivät ole vertaa hunnilaumoille, jotka eivät pelkää mitään, paitsi ehkä että taivas putoaa heidän päällensä, mukanaan salaperäinen kristittyjen jumala, hänen poikansa sekä hänen maallinen edustajansa, paavi Leo, adjutantteinaan P. Pietari ja P. Paavali....— KGF Vissers
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 638: A MAN appears on the battlements. ARTHUR addresses him

    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 644: MAN: Well, I'll ask him, but I don't think he'll be very keen. He's already got one, you see?

    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 651: + MAN: I told him we already got one

    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 677: A cow comes flying over the battlements, lowing aggressively. The cow lands on GALAHAD'S PAGE, squashing him completely

    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 683: ARTHUR (as the MAN next to him is squashed by a sheep): Knights! Run away!

    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 157: Leipä itselleni on aineellinen kysymys. Leipä lähimmäiselleni on henkimaailman asia.
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 323: Maria Skobtsova (20. [8. vanha kalenteri ] joulukuuta 1891 – 31. maaliskuuta 1945), tunnetaan nimellä Äiti Maria ( venäjäksi : Мать Мария ) , Pyhä Maria (tai Äiti Maria) Pariisissa, syntynyt Elizaveta Jurievna Pilenko ( Елизавьета Елизавьета Юриевна Пиленко) Karavajeva ( Кузьмина-Караваева ) ensimmäisessä avioliitossaan, Skobtsova ( Скобцова ) toisessa avioliitossaan, oli venäläinen aatelisnainen, runoilija, nunna ja Ranskan vastarintaliikkeen jäsen toisen maailmansodan aikana. Hänet julistettiin pyhimykseksi itäisessä ortodoksisessa kirkossa. Samalla kanonisoitiin muitakin Ranskassa asuneita venäläisiä emigrantteja, jotka kuolivat naisten vainoissa.
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 639: Lizzie, epäitsekkäällä teolla ja eräiden kehon nesteiden vaihdolla Wulfin kanssa, muuttaa himokiven "ilkeäksi todelliseksi rakkauden kiveksi", mikä tarkoittaa, että oikeissa olosuhteissa synnin sappikivet voidaan muuttaa hyveen puolijalokiviksi.
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 740: He played squash, sang in the Amherst Glee Club, and was a writing student of visiting novelist Alan Lelchuk (n.h.). [Merkittäviä kriittisiä tutkimuksia Lelchukista ovat olleet Philip Roth Esquiressa, Wilfrid Sheed Book -of-the-Month Club Newsissa, Benjamin DeMott The Atlanticissa, Mordechai Richler Chicago Tribunessa ja Steven Birkets The New Republicissa. Nämä olivat varmaan kaikki juutalaisia, kuten Lechuk izekin. American Mischief "Yksikään kirjailija ei ole kirjoittanut niin tietäen ja kaunopuheisesti lihallisen intohimon seurauksista Massachusettsissa Scarlet Letterin jälkeen." Philip Roth, Esquire. On Home Ground "On Home Ground herättää nuorille lukijoilleen ajankohtaisia ​​kysymyksiä ja tekee sen niin taitavasti. Se saavuttaa niin paljon menestystä kuin baseball-harjoitus ja nostalgia." Juutalaisomisteinen The New York Times Book Review. Lelchuk kirjoittaa valtavan ilolla kuvista, sanoista ja järkähtämättömästä kuolevaisesta erityisyydestä. Naisille, jotka etsivät vastauksia, hän tarjoaa juutalaisia olankohautuxia, epäselvyyttä, joka on omituisen tyydyttävää." Catherine Bateson (juutalaisen Margaret Meadin juutalainen tytärvainaa).] Brown spent the 1985 school year abroad in Seville, Spain, where he was enrolled in an art history course at the University of Seville. Brown graduated from Amherst in 1986.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 198: Nyt jatkuu Don Ruskean esikoisen luento. Komea Ken Hale, joka haaveilee survovansa seisoaltaan suoraan sepaluxesta jättimäisen mällin Susanin tuuheaan kaikkeinpyhimpään kaarelle kangistuneella melallaan nojaten vasten HAL- supertietokoneen lämmintä kylkeä, on 1. normaali kaveri tässä paranoidisessa kavalkaadissa. Eiköhän enemmistö apinoista ole valmis luopumaan yxityisyydestään etteivät roistovaltiot saa mellastella vapaasti? Kyllähän valtiovalta tietää parhaiten ketkä ovat mustahattuisia konnia ja ketkä valkostezoniset hyvixet? Vaikka kuulostaakin ikävältä, demokratiaa ja anarkiaa erottaa vain ohut väliliha. Quis custodiat ipsos custodes? Qustodes ipsimet. Susan vaikuttaa hyvin sivistymättömältä fasistilta. Se on kuin Riikka Purra.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 202: Sine cera (ilman vahaa) on huonon Donin levittämä virheellinen kansanetymologia sincerus-sanalle. Uusvilpittömyys juontaa juurensa 1980-luvun puoliväliin; amerikkalainen kirjailija David Foster Wallace teki sen kuitenkin suosituksi 1990-luvulla. "He kohtelevat vanhoja epätrendejä inhimillisiä ongelmia ja tunteita Yhdysvaltain elämässä kunnioituksella ja vakaumuksella.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 429: Samaan aikaan toisaalla Even teki mieli ranumamun makeispatukkaa. Et maxanut patukasta, huusi Frank. Haista vittu Frank, Eve tarjosi. Mautonta prameutta Roarken himassa. Elämänlaatua, jos siihen on varaa. Hattunne sir, sanoo brittislaavi hovimestari. Roarke on valtamerentakaisessa zoomissa. Tässä menee tovi. Roarke malttoi tuskin odottaa päästä maistamaan, miltä Eve maistuisi sieltä yhdestä paikasta. Roarke tarttui Eveä turkinhihasta ja kohotti kulliaan, kun tämä jäykistyi kuin viiden sentin paxuinen, puoliraaka häränfilee, vasta Montanasta lennätetty. Olen valmis pidättämään sinut, Eve varoitti. En muuta odotakaan! Jaxan ize tuskin pidättää. Käydään nyt pöytään. Kermaista kakkalapukastiketta. Kerro miten rikastuit, hän sanoi. Halusin sitä kovasti. Melkein kaikki apinat haluavat olla varakkaita, mutta he eivät halua sitä kyllin kovasti. Köyhänä oleminen on ... epämiellyttävää. Meissä kahdessa on paljon samaa, Eve. Haluat patukkaa ja minä reikää, sinulla on reikä ja mulla patukka. Roarken endiivi jäi hetkexi ilmaan, mutta työntyi sitten Eevan pehmeään haarukkaan. Myös raha merkizee valtaa. Sharon ei ollut yhtä syvällinen kuin sinä, sinuun en millään yllä pillunperälle.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 583: Rorty tunnistaa kuinka tärkeää on esittää maalliset sosiaaliset ihanteet uskonnollisin termein tulevaisuuden kannalta, rakennustarkoituxessa, ja huomauttaa, että intohimo ajatuksia kohtaan, kuten "ihmisarvo" tai "sosiaalinen oikeudenmukaisuus" kommunikoituu voimakkaasti, kun ne ymmärretään yleismaailmallisiksi ja loukkaamattomixi. Se on tietysti fiktio, mutta hyödyllinen fiktio, joka voi motivoida miljoonia hyödyllisiä idiootteja.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 807: War himmlischer Geist; und nicht geweissagt war es, sondern oli der taivaallinen henki; eikä ennustettu, vaan
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 857: Dann Menschliches unter Menschen nicht mehr. kelpaa ihmisistä inhimillisin enää.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 861: Wenn nämlich höher gehet himmlischer Näät kun korkeemmalla kulkee taivahinen
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 996: Se voi olla Hölderlinin kaltaisen hyypän himmeli. Wanker in a round tower searching for black sausage in a corner. Mulle riittäisi eines zu sein mit Diotima...
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 288: Bezos sees Amazon employees as an expendable resource, allowing him to
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 348: Det finns 100 interaktiva platser på Zoom. Vi live-streamar samtidigt till Youtube (och spelar in så du kan se det senare också). Vår Fader har flere plazer upp I himmelen om ni inte ryms.
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 363: stjärnan ej på himlafästet,
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 119: During his lifetime Chamberlain's works were read widely throughout Europe, and especially in Germany. His reception was particularly favourable among Germany's conservative elite. Kaiser Wilhelm II patronised Chamberlain, maintaining a correspondence, inviting him to stay at his court, distributing copies of The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century among the German Army, and seeing that The Foundations was carried in German libraries and included in the school curricula. The only Nazi idea that Chamberlain missed was Lebensraum. Mies oli muutenkin täys pöljä ja luonnontieteilijänä yhtä kehno kuin J.W. v.Goethe.
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 296: Visarion Belinskyi suhtautui kielteisesti Taras Shevchenkon runokokoelman "Kobzar" julkaisemiseen vuonna 1840, mikä oli käännekohta ukrainalaisen kirjallisuuden historiassa, sekä E. Hrebinkan julkaisemaan ukrainalaiseen almanakkaan "Lastivka".. Näiden kahden ukrainalaisen julkaisun julkaiseminen sai V. Belinskyin puhumaan julkisesti ukrainalaisen kirjallisuuden kehitysnäkymistä. Välittämättä lainkaan kummankin kirjan kustannuksista, hän "yhdisti ne yhdeksi kriittiseksi artikkeliksi", koska molemmat oli kirjoitettu "pikkuvenäläisellä murteella". V. Belinsky esittää pohjimmiltaan tärkeän kysymyksen — onko maailmassa edes pientä venäjän kieltä, voiko olla pientä venäläistä kirjallisuutta, ja pitäisikö "meidän" kirjoittajien kirjoittaa pikkuvenäjäksi? Vastauksena näin muotoiltuun kysymykseen hän väitti, ettei kirjallisuudella eikä ukrainan kielellä ole mahdollisuuksia spontaanille kehitykselle, ja hän viittasi Hoholiin esimerkkinä kirjailijasta, joka "on intohimoisesti rakastunut Ukrainaan, mutta tästä huolimatta kirjoittaa venäjäksi, ei ukrainan kielellä".
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 475: Joachim Ringelnatz, German poet
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 723: Kun englantilaiset puritaanit kielsivät joulun vuonna 1647 , se ei ollut ilman hyvää syytä. Kun amerikkalaiset puritaanit kielsivät joulun Massachusettsissa vuosina 1659-1681 , sekään ei ollut ilman hyvää syytä. Joulu oli 1800-luvun puoliväliin asti juopumisen ja irstailun aikaa. Miehet pukeutuivat naisixi, naiset miehiksi , palvelijat pukeutuivat kuin isännät, pojat pukeutuivat piispoiksi, kaikki muut olivat pukeutuneet eläimiksi tai pukeutuivat mustanaamoixi – kaikki kumotakseen jumalallisen järjestyksen nimettömyyden turvassa. Joulu oli juomisen, ristiinpukeutumisen, väkivallan ja himon karnevaali, jonka aikana kristityt vapautuivat eettisistä normeista, joita heiltä odotettiin loppuvuoden. Lahjojen antaminen, juhlat, kynttilät, uhkapelit, siveettömyys ja väärinkäyttö olivat roomalaisten Saturnalian tunnusmerkkejä. Varhaisessa nykyajan Englannissa oli yleinen käytäntö valita "Lord of Misrule" valvomaan joulujuhlia. "Herran" alaisuudessa juhlijat marssivat kaduilla pukuihin pukeutuneena, joivat olutta, lauloivat lauluja, soittivat instrumentteja, harjoittivat haureutta ja aiheuttivat omaisuusvahinkoja.
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 729: Silti suuri osa menneen joulun surkeasta pohjasta on jäljellä. Aina vähän liikaa juotavaa, perhe lumihangessa, ylensyöminen, valitettava pystynainti kollegan kanssa toimiston pikkujoulussa – kaikki ovat merkkinä siitä, että vanhimmat jouluperinteemme elävät ja voivat hyvin.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 101: Luultavasti perin harva vaimo olisi tyytyväinen jos kirjoittaisi runon tuolla hinnalla - ainakaan useammin kuin kerran. Musta silmä opettaa. A good wife knows her place. She fixes her makeup before the husband returns from work and tells the hungry kids to pipe down until he has eaten. She asks him how his day has been and does not volunteer her own hardships during the day.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 106:

    Outo himo vaivaa kotkaa

    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 154: En ole vielä tavannut miestä joka ei toivoisi että hänen vaimonsa olisi erilainen kuin ne rattotytöt joiden kanssa hän pitää hauskaa. Heijari heilahtaa milloin suuntaan milloin toiseen. Kun naiset koittaa päästä miesten kanssa tasoihin, viemäristä menee paizi immenkalvo niin sisätilan salaperäisyys. Juuri kaikkeinpyhimmän koskemattomuus on neizyt Maariassakin niin ylimaallista. Ennen taivaaseen astumista ei sitä astunut kuin Gabi, tai ehkä vähän Joosef sittemmin, mutta siitä kuluu hyviin tapoihin vaieta.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 158: 'My mother wanted me to marry Elmley, but I didn't find him attractive, which is just as well because, my dear, there was the most ghastly scandal.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 166: 'The trouble was that I didn't find out until after I had married him that he was a falling-down drunk. He was paralytic from morning till night, so our sex life was nonexistent. I was never in the slightest danger of getting pregnant by him.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 169: Some years after my visit to Camfield Place, Cartland told one of her biographers that the Duke of Sutherland 'used to come into my bedroom and lie on the bed and kiss me - but I wouldn't let him get into my sacrosanctum.'.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 183: 'PG, as I called him, was 25 at that time and absolutely adorable,' said Cartland, 'as well as being the most amazing lover. In my heart, I have always believed that he was Raine's father. I was shattered when he, too, died in a plane crash, while on active service during the war.'
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 196: Nevertheless, the murder by the IRA in 1979 of Lord Mountbatten, a friend for more than 50 years, was a devastating shock. But not least of the faults in tomorrow's TV film is the suggestion that Cartland was expecting him to propose marriage.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 79: Maapallon rippeet kuhisevat apinapaskiaisia. Helsingin kaupunki raiskaa Stansvikin rantamezää jotta varakkaammat saavat pistetaloistaan merinäköalaa, tappaa tuottamuxellisesti liito-oravat tekemällä niiden habitaatista puistoa ja parkkipaikkoja. Sellasia nimbyjä on paikalliset köyhimyxet ja muut luontokappaleet etteivät sallisi onnekkaammille ja yritteliäämmille merinäkymää.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 293: Kukaan ohjaaja ei odota katsojien näkemystä mistään elokuvasta, Bezmozgis kiteytti toiveensa: "Haluan, että yleisö on kokenut tyydyttävän kokemuksen, että he ovat emotionaalisesti koukussa, housujen etumuxessa tahmeita fläkkejä, eikä heille enää конец sanan jälkeen valehdella", hän sanoi. "En halua kenenkään huomata olevansa huijattu vaikka ovatkin." Ei läheskään niin vaatimaton kunnianhimo kuin voisi luulla, ainakaan tämän rainan kohdalla.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 337: Näin saattaa hyvinkin olla. Kaksi edellistä palkittua, Patrick Modiano ja Alice Munro, ovat molemmat tuotannoissaan tarkastelleet hienovireisesti rauhanomaisissa oloissa elävien ihmisten pieniä mielenliikahduksia, joten tänä vuonna voi olla täysin toisentyyppisen kirjailijan vuoro. Svetlana Aleksijevitš vyöryttää teoksissaan lukijan eteen sodat ja katastrofit ja kirjoittaa sellaisesta tosielämän inhimillisestä kärsimyksestä, joista monella ei ole mitään käsitystä.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 369: Aleksijevitšin kirja on pysäyttävä lukuelämys. Se avaa lukijan silmät katastrofille, jonka kaltaista ei ollut koskaan ennen tapahtunut ja johon kukaan ei osannut mitenkään valmistautua. Inhimillinen kärsimys, jonka onnettomuus aiheutti sadoille ihmisille, koskettaa syvästi. Toisaalta myös Valko-Venäjän kohtalo järkyttää. Iso osa pientä maata tuhoutui asuinkelvottomaksi ja silti viidesosa väestöstä asuu edelleen saastuneilla alueilla.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 379: Tutustuttuani Aleksijevitšin kirjailijauraan ja kahteen suomennettuun teokseen, taidan yhtyä mielipiteisiin siitä, että palkinto joutaisi tänä vuonna mielellään mennä Aleksijevitsille. Nobel-tunnustuksen myötä hänen tuotantonsa leviäisi entistäkin laajemmalle ja yhä useampi lukija tarttuisi hänen tärkeisiin teoksiinsa. Maailmamme tarvitsee lisää inhimillisyyttä ja Svetlana Aleksijevitšin kaltaisia vompatin näköisiä kirjoittajia.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 386: Tässä se nyt on vapaus! Tällaistako me odotimme? Me olimme valmistautuneet kuolemaan ihanteidemme vuoksi. Käymaan taistelua. Mutta alkoikin "tšehovilainen" elämä. Vailla historiaa. Kaikki arvot romahtivat, paitsi elämän arvo. Elämän sinänsä. Ruplan etunenässä. Tuli uudet haaveet: saisi rakentaa talon, ostaa hyvän auton, istuttaa karviaispensaan... Vapaus merkitsikin pikkuporvarillisuuden arvonpalautusta, tuon jolle isovenäläisessä elämässä oli yleensä annettu turpiin. Hänen Majesteettinsa Kulutuksen vapautta. Pimeyden suuruutta. Toiveiden ja vaistojen pimeyttä - tuon salatun inhimillisen matelijan elämän, josta meillä oli vain likimääräinen käsitys. Me olimme käyneet läpi koko historian, mutta emme olleet eläneet sitä. Mutta nyt ei sotakokemusta enää tarvittu, se oli unohdettava. Oli tullut tuhansia uusia tunteita, tiloja, reaktioita. Aivan yhtäkkiä kaikki ympärillä vaihtui toiseksi: kyltit, tavarat, rahat, lippu. Ja ihminen itse. Hänestä oli tullut värikkäämpi ja erillisempi, monoliitti oli räjäytetty rikki ja elämä oli hajonnut saarekkeiksi, atomeiksi, soluiksi. Kuten sana- kirjassa: vapaa - vapaus - vapaa tahto - mielivalta - väljyys - avaruus. Suuri paha muuntui etäiseksi tarinaksi, poliittiseksi dekkariksi. Kukaan ei enää puhunut aatteesta, puhuttiin luotoista, koroista, vekseleistä, rahaa ei enää ansaittu vaan "tehtiin", "hankittiin". Kestäisikö sitä vielä kauan? "Rahan valhe ei katoa venäläisen sielusta", kirjoitti Tsvetajeva. Näytti siltä kuin Aleksandr Ostrovskin kuvaamat kauppiaat ja Saltykov-Štšedrinin tilanomistajat olisivat heränneet eloon ja kuljeskelisivat meidän kaduillamme.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 403: Kävimme ankaria taisteluita. Jouduin lähitaisteluunkin... Se oli hirveää... Ei sellainen ole ihmisiä varten. Sotilaat löivät, pistivät ja kuristivat toisiaan. Kaikki ulvoivat, huusivat. Ja se rasahtelu... Se rasahtelu! Sitä ei voi unohtaa... Luiden rasahtelua... Kuului, miten pääkallo murtui. Halkesi... Sodassa kaikki on painajaismaista, mitään inhimillistä siellä ei ole. Älkää uskoko ketään, joka sanoo, ettei sota ole pelottavaa. Se on.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 416: Rakas isäni oli kommunisti, pyhimys. En eläessäni ole tavannut parempaa ihmistä kuin hän. Näin hän opetti minua: Mitä minä olisin ilman neuvostovaltaa? Ryysyläinen. Raataisin kulakin leivissä. Neuvostovalta on antanut minulle kaiken - olen saanut koulutuksen, minusta tuli insinööri, rakennan siltoja. Ja kaiken tämän olen velkaa neuvostovallalle.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 420: Kirjoitin armeijasta kotiin ja kerroin rakentavani ja vartioivani siltoja. Miten suuri ilo se perheellemme olikaan! Isa oli iskostanut jokaiseen meistä rakkauden siltoihin, olimme ihailleet niita lapsesta asti. Kun näin räjäytyksessä tai pommituksessa romahtaneen sillan, suhtauduin siihen kuin se olisi ollut elävä olento eikä strateginen kohde Itkin. Kohtasin sodassa sadoittain romahtaneita siltoja, pieniä ja suuria. Sillat hajotettiin aina ensimmäisinä. Silta oli maalitaulu numero yksi. Kun ohitimme raunioita, mietin, montako vuotta tämänkin uudelleenrakentamiseen tarvitaan. Sota tappaa ajan, kallisarvoisen inhimillisen ajan. Muistin hyvin, että isältä kului monta vuotta jokaisen siltansa rakentamiseen. Hän istui piirustusten äärellä yöt läpeensä ja vapaapäivinäkin. Eniten minun kavi sodassa sääliksi aikaa... Isän aikaa....
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 113: Die Rekonstruktion eines Lebens: Leni Pfeiffer, geborene Gruyten, ist 48 Jahre alt, hat 32 Arbeitsjahre auf dem Buckel, lebt aber von einer Kriegerwitwenrente aus einer Ehe, die nur drei Tage dauerte. Sie ist modisch auf dem Stand der Kriegsjahre stehen geblieben, lebt reuelos und keinesfalls verbittert, versteht aber die Welt nicht mehr. Sie hat finanzielle Schwierigkeiten, ihr Sohn Lev Gruyten sitzt im Gefängnis, und ihr Ruf ist ruiniert – sie weiß aber nicht, warum. Ihre Umwelt schimpft sie eine Kommunistenhure und ein Russenliebchen, dabei ist Leni kein Flittchen. Vielleicht kommt sie auf zwei Dutzend Mal Beischlaf in ihrem ganzen Leben. Der Verfasser beginnt, die Menschen in Lenis Umfeld zu befragen, um ihre Lebensgeschichte zu rekonstruieren.
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 191: Pyhä Ristin Teresa Benedicta eli Edith Stein (1891 Breslau - 1942 Auschwitz) oli juutalaisluopio filosofi, joka kääntyi katolisuuteen ja on yksi kolmesta Euroopan suojeluspyhimyksestä Katariina Sienalaisen ja Birgitta Vadstenalaisen ohella. Hänet julistettiin autuaaksi 1. toukokuuta 1987 ja kanonisoitiin 11. lokakuuta 1998. Edith Stein syntyi Saksan keisarikuntaan kuuluneessa Breslaussa. Hänen perheensä oli ortodoksijuutalaisia, mutta hän kielsi uskonsa vuonna 1904, jolloin hänestä tuli ateisti.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 188: Kun Kallaksen elämäkertana 1950-luvulla alkaneen työn oli pitkittyessään otettava huomioon 1960- ja 1970-luvun vaihteessa Suomessa enemmän muotiin tullut angloamerikkalainen uuskritiikki, Laitinen joutui väitöskirjassaan tasapainoilemaan kirjailijabiografian, lähdetutkimuksen ja teosanalyysin välillä. Rafu Koskimies huomautti arvostelussaan, että Laitinen oli onnistunut välttämään uuskritiikin ”pahimmat kompastukset”. Laitisen väitöskirjaa koskeviin omiin muistiinpanoihini olin tuolloin merkinnyt: ”Koskimies moittii uutta kritiikkiä, Koskimies on vanhentunut.”
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 234: She suffers a lot of pain and finally delivers a stillborn baby boy. Later the nurse tells him that Catherine is hemorrhaging. He is terrified. He goes to see her, and she dies with him by her side. He leaves the hospital and walks back to his Hotel in the rain.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 243: Hemingway is not an Existentialist, for there has been no known liason between him and the other existentialsists, niether personally nor intellectually, and neither has ever formally recognized a kinship to the other.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 265: Professor Gianfranca Balestra of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan) not only located the book but took the extraordinary trouble of having the whole thing xeroxed for me. Finally, in late 1995, I had the 288 pages of Il maiale nero: Rivelazioni e documenti in my hands. But what does it say? It's all in Italian! The puzzle was partially solved by Enzo Michelangeli: “Il Maiale Nero” is a novel written by Umberto Notari in the early 20th Century. His most famous book is the first he published in 1904, “Quelle signore” (“Those ladies”), about the world of prostitution: it earned him a prosecution for obscenity resulting in a fine, but the book was reprinted and by 1920 had sold more than half million copies.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 275: By this time, Notari, born into a poor family, had become quite well-to-do. In 1901 he had married a rich widow, bought an estate, and established a literary salon; in 1910, he launched a publishing house, Società Anonima Notari, through which he later published classical editions, musical scores, and some of his own work, including the first few of what would become a long list of journals devoted to a variety of topics that interested him: sports, theater, medicine, finance, the culinary arts, and, of course, politics.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 374: In the appendix, each location is carefully catalogued with notes as to placement, location of the sundial, and maker(s) if known. McLemore’s observation that they’re “all sad like that” is hard to argue with: there are a lot of ways to say “remember you will die,” “time is fleeting,” and “seize the day,” and many of them are in Gatty’s book. The motto that S-Town host Brian Reed1 finds in a mission garden, knowing to look for it because John told him to, does not appear there, but does in another: “Nil boni hodie diam perdidi: I did nothing good today — the day is lost.”
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 417: Though the podcast was promoted under the name S-Town, Reed reveals in the first episode that this is a euphemism for "Shit-Town", McLemore's derogatory term for Woodstock. McLemore killed himself by drinking potassium cyanide on June 22, 2015, while the podcast was still in production.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 496: "Kolmas temppeli" ( heprea: בֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ הַשְּׁלִישִׁי  ‎, Bēṯ hamMīqdāš's'Ts'n käännös. hypoteettinen uudelleen rakennettu temppeli Jerusalemissa. Se seuraisi Salomon temppeliä ja toista temppeliä, joista ensimmäinen tuhoutui Babylonian Jerusalemin piirityksen aikana v.  587 eaa. ja jälkimmäinen tuhoutui roomalaisten Jerusalemin piirityksen aikana vuonna 70 jKr. Vaikka se on edelleen rakentamaton, kolmannen temppelin käsitys ja halu siihen ovat pyhiä juutalaisuudessa ja erityisesti ortodoksisessa juutalaisuudessa. Sitä pidetään juutalaisten pyhimpänä palvontapaikkana. Heprealainen Raamattu väittää, että juutalaiset profeetat vaativat sen rakentamisen toteutumista ennen messiaanista aikaa tai rinnakkain sen kanssa. Kolmannen temppelin rakentaminen on myös tärkeässä roolissa joissakin kristillisen eskatologian tulkinnassa.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 540: Monet rabbit tulkitsevat halakhan (juutalaisen uskonnollisen lain) estävän juutalaisia ​​pääsemästä kaikkeinpyhimpään. Tilanne on monimutkainen, koska kallion kupoli ja Al-Aqsa-moskeija joutuvat muslimipappien hallintaan, mutta Israelin poliisi huolehtii sen turvallisuudesta. CNN: n mukaan:
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 579: Roomalaiskatolisessa, itä-ortodoksisessa ja protestanttisessa kristinuskossa vallitseva näkemys on, että eläinuhrit temppelissä olivat ennuste uhrille, jonka Jeesus teki maailman syntien edestä ristiinnaulitsemisensa ja verensä vuodatuksen kautta pääsiäisen ensimmäisenä päivänä. Heprealaiskirjeeseen viitataan usein tämän näkemyksen tueksi: temppeliuhreja kuvataan epätäydellisiksi, koska ne vaativat toistamista (ks. 10:1–4) ja liittoon, josta oli tulossa "tuleva". vanhentunut ja vanhentumassa" ja oli "valmis katoamaan" (luku 8:13, ESV). Katso myös Vanhan liiton lakien kumoaminen. Kristuksen ristiinnaulitseminen, joka oli uhri, joka käsitteli synnin kerta kaikkiaan, teki tyhjäksi kaiken tarpeen uusille eläinuhreille. Kristusta itseään verrataan Ylipappiin, joka aina seisoi ja suoritti rituaaleja ja uhrauksia. Kristus kuitenkin uhrattuaan "istui alas" – täydellisyys oli vihdoin saavutettu (ks. 10:11-14,18). Lisäksi kaikkeinpyhimmän esiripun katsotaan repeytyneen ristiinnaulitsemisen yhteydessä – kuvaannollisesti tämän teologian yhteydessä (ch 10:19–21) ja kirjaimellisesti Matteuksen evankeliumin mukaan (ch 27:50). –51). Näistä syistä kolmas temppeli, jonka osittainen tarkoitus olisi eläinuhrien uudelleen järjestäminen, nähdään tarpeettomana ja siten syrjäytyneenä. Toisaalta Irenaeus ja Hippolytus kuuluivat varhaisiin kirkon kirjoittajiin, jotka näkivät temppelin uudelleenrakentamisen tarpeelliseksi Antikristuksen hallituskauden valmisteluun.
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 406: Kiukkuiset sukulaismiehet Goldblatt ja Weinberger vinoilivat tästä lausunnosta Susanille sen saatua ize verisyövän. Susan vastusti erityisesti ajatusta, että 9/11 tekijät olivat " pelkureita", kuten kommentoi George W. Bush muiden huomautusten ohella 11. syyskuuta. Pikemminkin hän väitti, että maan ei pitäisi nähdä terroristien toimia "pelkurimaisena" hyökkäyksenä "sivilisaatiota" tai "vapautta" tai "inhimillisyyttä" vastaan tai "vapaa maailma", vaan hyökkäyxenä maailman itsejulistautunutta suurvaltaa vastaan, joka tapahtui tiettyjen amerikkalaisten liittoutumien ja toimien seurauksena.
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 430: Vuonna 1917 Tsvetaeva synnytti tyttären Irinan. Äidin asenne tytärtään kohtaan rajoittui julmuuteen. Joten hän sitoi pienen Irinan sängyn jalkaan, jotta hän ei pääsisi roskakoriin. Sen jälkeen hän lähti kotoa vanhimman tyttärensä kanssa ruokailemaan ystäviensä kanssa.
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 615: Runoilija on tämän "sisäisen kosketuksen" juurella, hän on inkarnoituneen universaalisuuden kantoaalto. Miksi juuri runoilija? Koska sovittamalla uudelleen merkitystä ja herkkää, kuuntelemalla sanoinkuvaamattomia intohimoja runoilija ylittää identiteetit, rajat ja perusteet ja tekee yhteisläsnäolosta jaettavan muiden kanssa. Kerron teille, että runollisen verbin alkemia on tämän illan kokoukselle sysäyksen antaneen veljeyden erottamaton vuori. Siksi oli väistämätöntä, oleellista, että etsimme runoilijaa, kun ihmiskunta romahtaa, ja että pyydämme häntä ja ennen kaikkea häntä olemaan tai olematta, vaan yksinkertaisesti aloittamaan alusta. Koska ilman häntä ei ole enää jaettavaa "sisäistä kosketusta", ei ole enää ihmisyyttä. Selvennän: tarvizemme runoseppoja nostattamaan me-henkeä.
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 660: Mitä tulee eurooppalaiseen identiteettiin, tämä runollinen muisto muistuttaa, että nykyisestä kyvyttömyydestämme ja menneistä tai nykyisistä rikoksistamme huolimatta olemme sivilisaatio, kenties ainoa, jossa identiteetti ei ole kultti, vaan iso kysymysmerkki. Olemme parhaita, oikeastaan olemme ainoita hyvixiä! Ja jossa tällainen ilta on mahdollinen, jossa runous kohtaa nihilismin ja transsendenssin, "vähiten pahimman" politiikan ja pyhän barbaarisuuden. Kun twiitit, sosiaaliset verkostot tai itse ahdistus eivät merkitse sinulle mitään, kun sinulla ei ole enää mitään sanottavaa – etsi "suuria ääniä": runoja, romaaneja, teattereita, elokuvateattereita, konsertteja. Lue mun plokia. Minä kyllä ​​pidän sinusta. Ja kuulen paremmin Davidin ja Souadin hauraan vapinan.
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 194: Vaikka ei yksinomaan, Porphyry kirjoittaa Plötinöksen elämän luvuissa 24–26, että ensimmäinen Ennead käsittelee inhimillisiä tai eettisiä aiheita, kun taas toinen ja kolmas Ennead ovat enimmäkseen omistettu kosmologisille aiheille tai fyysiselle todellisuudelle. Neljäs koskee sielua, viides tietoa ja ymmärrettävää todellisuutta, ja lopuksi kuudes kattaa olemisen ja sen yläpuolella olevan, yhden tai ensimmäisen periaatteen (Eetteri-setä). Sisälmysluettelosta selviää mikä Plötinöstä kiinnosti. Vaikuttaa hämärältä, to say the least.
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 325: Onko mikään selitys sanoa, että halu perustuu haluun ja viha Irascible-tieteellisessä tiedekunnassa ja kollektiivisesti tuo kaikki taipumus istuu ruokahaluisessa tiedekunnassa? Tällainen tosiasioiden toteamus tekee ei auta tekemään pariskunnalle yhteisiä tunteita; he saattavat silti istua joko yksin sielussa tai yksin ruumiissa. Yhdelläkin kädellä, jos ruokahalu on herännyt, kuten lihallisessa intohimossa on oltava veren ja sapen lämmitys, hyvin määritelty tila elimessä; toisaalta, impulssi kohti Hyvää ei voi olla yhteinen kiihtymys, mutta, kuten myös tietyt muut, se kuuluisi välttämättä sielu yksin.
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 405: Yli 25 vuotta sitten joku WJT Mitchell toivoi, että tulevaisuudessa kriitikot kiinnittäisivät huomiota "vaaralliseen… ilkeään… likaiseen" Blakeen, jonka aikaisemmat tutkijat desinfioivat "turvallisesti pyhitetyksi" tehdessään, ja hänen teostensa asianmukaiseen tutkimiseen ammattilaisvoimin. (Mitchell 1982, 410, 411, 414). Profeetallisten pohdiskelujensa aikana Mitchell tunnisti blakelaisen seksuaalisen siveettömyyden paksun sarjan, joka otti usein hyvin outoja muotoja, ja vaikka nyt onkin epämiellyttävää nähdä hänen paimentavan homoseksuaalista fellatiota, naisellisuutta ja lesbovoyeurismia yhdessä raiskauksen, himon ja sadomasokismin kanssa sinkkuna (lika) "epänormaalin seksuaalisuuden" banneri, hänen paljastamansa elävät – heteroseksuaalisuutta hämmentävät – kohtaukset (414) tekivät kohtuulliseksi olettaa, että kun queer saapui sisään kylmästä, Blake Studies toivottaisi sille lämpimän vastaanoton. Tuon vuosikymmenen lopulla Camille Paglian (1990) karu kuvaus Blakesta "British Sade" (270) ehdotti varmasti samanlaista kriittistä tulevaisuutta. Hänen ilmestymisensä runoilijasta saattaa vapista ja iskeä "suuren äidin" alla, mutta edipaalinen terrori antaa myös outoa ymmärrystä, sillä "Blaken kauhistuttava kohtalo oli nähdä kuilu, josta useimmat miehet väistyvät: infantilismi kaikessa miesten heteroseksuaaluudessa" (287). Ja 1990-luvulla omituisia pilkkuja välähti toisinaan sukupuolitutkimuksesta, varsinkin sellaisesta, joka yritti hypätä tiiliseinää vastaan, johon feministinen kritiikki oli törmännyt yrittäessään tuomita Blaken "naisvihaa".
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 501: Joulukuussa Shelley tapasi Teresa (Emilia) Vivianin, joka oli Pisan kuvernöörin 19-vuotias tytär ja asui luostarissa odottaen sopivaa avioliittoa. Shelley "vieraili hänen luonaan" useita kertoja seuraavien kuukausien aikana, ja he aloittivat intohimoisen "kirjeenvaihdon", joka hiipui hiänen avioliittonsa jälkeen seuraavana syyskuussa. Emilia oli inspiraationa Shelleyn päärunolle Epipsychidion. (Se on izeriittoista ja izerakasta izetyydytystä, jossa runoilija kiihottuu omasta kuvastaan, äänestään ja tunteestaan. Xerox-koneella otettu belfie. Shelleyn runot on vitun klisheisiä, paljon klisheisempiä kuin kampurajalka Byronin.)
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 608: Hidasta matkaa himmeillä silmillä kyynelten täynnä,

    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 642: Vanhimpien aikojen lapset, joiden antaumuksella

    xxx/ellauri361.html on line 149: Siitä lähtien, kun Aatami ja Eeva rikkoivat Paratiisissa Jumalan käskyt syömällä kielletyn puun hedelmää, ihmisen suku on ollut syntiin sidottuna. Eivät edes hurskaimmatkaan kilvoittelijat tai erämaan luoliin synnin houkutuksia paenneet pyhimykset ole päässeet siitä siteestä vapaaksi. Eivät edes kunnolla yrittäneet, koska synninteko herkkäkuonoisella kapulalla ja karvakilluttimilla on MUKAVAA!
    xxx/ellauri361.html on line 208: Sieltä hän peukalovärssyinä löytää itselleen vastaukset kaikkiin kiusallisiin kysymyksiin. Tolstoin evankelisen käsityksen mukaan "ylösnousemus", это "rakkauden työkalun nousu ruumiin haudasta". Ylösnousemuksen julkaiseminen johti siihen, että Pyhä synodi erotti Tolstoin Venäjän ortodoksisesta kirkosta vuonna 1901. Asialla oli takuulla kaikkein pyhimmän synodin Ober-syyttäjä Konstantin Pobedonostsev, jonka karikatyyrinä seikkailee yksi kirjan hahmoista, Toporov (Kirves).
    xxx/ellauri361.html on line 259: Kristityillä on rakkauden kaksoiskäsky, jonka mukaan meidän on rakastettava Jumalaa yli kaiken ja lähimmäistämme niin kuin itseämme. Muslimeilla lähimmäisten rakastaminen ei koske vääräuskoisia vaan rajoittuu ainoastaan toisiin samalla tavalla uskoviin muslimeihin. Älkää hemmetissä uskoko Chestertonia tässä asiassa, se oli katoliikki.
    xxx/ellauri361.html on line 271: Ajankohtainen ja tärkeä kirja, joka nostaa rohkeasti pöydälle syyt, joiden takia kristityillä ja muslimeilla ei voi olla sama Jumala. Kirja ei käy ympäripyöreää uskontojen välistä dialogia vaan kertoo kiihkottomasti, millaisia merkittäviä eroja löytyy kristinuskon ja islamin, Raamatun ja Koraanin sekä Jumalan ja Allahin väliltä. Kirja tyrmää kerralla joidenkin kristittyjenkin hellimät haaveet yhteisestä uskosta nimeltä krislam. Vihollisten kanssa ei veljeillä vaikka kuinka olisivat lähimmäisiä.
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 124: Vuonna 1981 Gadamer yritti keskustella Jacques Derridan kanssa konferenssissa Pariisissa, mutta se osoittautui vähemmän valaisevaksi, koska näillä kahdella ajattelijalla ei ollut yhteistä kieltä. Toinen puhui harppisakua ja toinen sefardiranua. Gadamerin kuoleman jälkeen Derrida kutsui heidän kyvyttömyyttään ymmärtää toisiaan yhdeksi Gadamerin elämän pahimmista ongelmista. Aitoa vuoropuhelua Gadamerin ja Derridan välillä ei koskaan tapahtunut. Tämä on sääli, koska hermeneutiikan ja dekonstruktion välillä on paljon samaa huuhaafiilistä.
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 212: inhimillisenä vaihtoehtona niin rangaistuksena rikoksesta kuin hoitona mielisairauteen
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 292: Vuonna 1247 Lontoossa perustettu katolinen St Mary of Bethlem (Bedlam) otti 1300-luvun loppupuolelta lähtien holhoukseen mielisairaita. Bethlemin kuninkaallinen sairaala oli Englannin ensimmäinen mielisairaussairaala ja monien vuosien ajan epäinhimillisten olosuhteiden paikka, jonka lempinimestä Bedlam tuli sana tarkoittamaan sekasortoa tai hulluutta. Se oli myös suosittu Lontoon nähtävyys sairaalloisen viihteen parissa. Tarkastajat sanoi sen olevan "koirakennelin näköinen".
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 326: mielisairaita ja ”muita kohtalon kolhimia yhteiskunnan kovaosaisia, jotka rumalla
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 480: ’se tanner, jossa järki astuu kaksintaisteluun himojen kanssa’”.
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 682: During his youthful visits to Bowood House, the country seat of his patron Lord Lansdowne, he had passed his time at falling unsuccessfully in love with all the ladies of the house, whom he courted with a clumsy jocularity, while playing chess with them or giving them lessons on the harpsichord. Hopeful to the last, at the age of eighty he wrote again to one of them, recalling to her memory the far-off days when she had "presented him, in ceremony, with the flower in the green lane".
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 347: Talvisota oli kotirintaman taistelumoraalin kannalta ongelmattomampi kuin sodat keskimäärin. Kolmessa ja puolessa kuukaudessa sotaväsymys ei vielä ehtinyt iskeä kovin pahasti, oma propaganda piti pahimmat yleiset vaikeudet piilossa, ja lähes kaikille suomalaisille taistelun motiivi ja oma asema uhrina olivat päivänselviä.
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 353: Olli tunnetaan parhaiten vuosikymmeniä kestäneestä toiminnastaan inhimillisten heikkouksien, tittelinkipeyden, tietämättömyyden, kateellisuuden ja monien muiden piirteiden karrikoijana. Tunnetuin hänen pakinoidensa hahmoista oli Mustapartainen mies, joka kamppaili byrokratian kanssa ja saattoi sen tai yksityisen turhamaisuuden edustajat kerta kerran jälkeen häpeään. Poliittisena hahmona häntä ei muisteta. Olli ei ollutkaan sinänsä poliittinen pakinoitsija Suomen Sosialidemokraatin Sasu Punaseen tai Helsingin Sanomien Eeroon verrattuna, mutta hän otti välillä myös poliittista kantaa, ja silloin yleensä selkeän oikeistolaisesti.
    xxx/ellauri366.html on line 520: inhimillisiä päätöksiä tekevä oman edun tavoittelija pakotettuna äärimmäisiin poikkeusoloihin. Vähän
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 107: Enimmäkseen rakastavan äitinsä Gladysin kasvattama Elvis viettää lapsuutensa Tupelon köyhimmissä osissa Mississippissä löytääkseen lohtua musiikista ja kapteeni Marvel Jr: n sarjakuvaseikkailuista. Elvixen manageri "eversti" Tom Parker oli hollantilainen laiton maahanmuuttaja Andreas van Kuijk, armeijakarkuri, uhkapeluri ja huijari. Parker luulee Elvistä ensin mustaxi. Vaikka olen valkoinen munani on musta. Minä olen musta, mutta ihana, te Jerusalemin tyttäret, kuin Keedarin teltat, kuin Salomon seinäverhot. Jaa-a jos minä olen musta olen minä moonilta ka-a-aivattu. Mustat kädet yhteen hakkaa musiikki ei koskaan lakkaa. Hannista kaliman kalini banaana e-e-e a-oo e. Mikä hasardi, no emme petä. Omaan perseeseen, hän vetää, Suuhun banana! Gimme dat gimme dat gimme dat banana, kisawea!
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 127: 15. kesäkuuta 1977 Green meni naimisiin ensimmäisen vaimonsa Shirley Greenin (os Kyles) kanssa Memphisissä. Hiän oli alunperin Chicagosta, ja hiän oli yksi hänen taustalaulajistaan ja työntekijä hänen kirkossaan. Heillä on yhdessä kolme tytärtä. Shirley haki ensimmäisen kerran avioeroa vuonna 1978 julmuuden ja sovittamattomien erimielisyyksien perusteella. Hiän jätti hakemuksen uudelleen vuonna 1981 syyttämällä Greenin kohdistaneen hänet perheväkivaltaa koko avioliiton ajan. Green syytti hiäntä julmasta ja epäinhimillisestä kohtelusta vastavalitteessa. Vuonna 1982 antamassaan vannomassaan avioerohakemuksessaan Shirley todisti, että Green hakkasi hiäntä saappaalla vuonna 1978 ollessaan raskaana viidennellä kuukaudella, koska hän kieltäytyi seksistä. Hän väitti, että pahoinpitely johti pään haavoihin, joista yksi vaati ompeleita. Tapahtuman jälkeen hän haki avioeroa, mutta he tekivät sovinnon. Shirleyn mukaan he erosivat useita kertoja, kun pahoinpitelyt tulivat "liian usein ja liian ankariksi". Aluksi Green kielsi hakkailleensa vaimoaan, mutta vuonna 1982 hän myönsi lyöneensä vaimoaan. Heidän avioeronsa saatiin päätökseen helmikuussa 1983. Pot pot pot pot potkun sain, kesken hakkailua, valitti Shirley.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 161: Vuodesta 1977 lähtien Presleystä on tehty lukuisia väitettyjä ufohavaintoja. Joidenkin fanien pitkäaikainen salaliittoteoria on, että hän teeskenteli kuolemansa kuin Adolf Hitler. Hänet on nostettu, kuten keskiaikainen pyhimys, kulttihahmoksi. Hän on ikään kuin pyhitetty huudoilla. Elvis on noussut suureksi taiteilijaksi, suureksi rokkariksi, suureksi schlockin toimittajaksi, suureksi banaanixi sykkiväxi, suureksi voiman symboliksi, upeaksi kinkuksi, hienoksi ihmiseksi, ja, kyllä, mahtava amerikkalainen.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 176: Mielipaha vähenee toistettaessa, ja mielihyväkin. Kaikkeen kyllästyy, unehen ja rakkauteenkin. Onnellisten päivien pitkää sarjaa ei voi sietää, sanoi Goethe. Onni tuntuu parhaalta epäonnen perästä. Virzakiven poiston jälkeen tunsin hetkellistä onnea. Aikuinen ei syö koiran ja pikkupojan lailla parasta palaa ensin. Jos on huonoja uutisia, on paras aloittaa pahimmasta. Paizi jos vastaanottajalla on huono sydän.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 266: Kerran hän käytti paljon rahaa ja osti minulle lahjaksi maalauksia, jotka olivat täysin haalistuneita. Ja mitä kuvia! Joitakin lehmiä tai rosvoja vuorten välissä. Ja osti myös patsaita, joita oli noloa laittaa huoneeseeni. Sänkyni yläpuolelle hän ripusti vanhan muotokuvan erittäin kauniista naisesta ja sanoi, että tämä on Pyhä Cecilia. Mistä hän sai sellaisen nakupellen pyhimyksen, Jumala tietää.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 296: Ja niin nuori prinssi Galitsky ilmestyy näyttämölle. Galizky on tyhmä mutta hyvännäköinen ja himoo Polinaa aivan kanki jäykkänä. Kerran Aleksanteri oli yrittänyt kosiskella Polinaa, mutta ei osoittanut tarvittavaa päättäväisyyttä ja lähti ulkomaille. Ja kun hän palasi, hän löysi tämän naimisissa olevana naisena. Kokonainen tunteiden pyörre valtasi nuoren prinssin. Hän kokee intohimoa, menetyksen katkeruutta ja kostonhimoa onnellista kilpailijaansa Saxia kohtaan. Pitkän työmatkan aikana Konstantina, Polinka ja Alexander tulevat läheisemmiksi. Saatuaan tietää nuoren vaimonsa uskottomuudesta Sachs lähestyy monimutkaisen ongelman ratkaisua poikkeuksellisella tavalla. Nimittäin mitenkä?
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 329: Ja vasta jonkin ajan kuluttua Polinka pystyi ymmärtämään entisen aviomiehensä jalouden syvyyden ja arvostamaan tämän viisaan miehen ainutlaatuisia ominaisuuksia. Ja kypsän, rakastavan naisen tunteet heräävät hänessä. Mutta on liian myöhäistä, eikä näissä sydämen asioissa voida korjata mitään. Romaani osoitti, että rakkaus on kaikkialla läsnä olevaa ja monitahoista, ja tämä tunne on elämän perusta. Kuinka intohimoisia, syvästi tuntevia ja koskettavan tunteellisia miehet olivatkaan 1800-luvulla. Ja he vain näyttivät avaruusolioilta.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 333: Georges Sandin ensimmäiset romaanit - tunnetuimmat niistä ovat "Indiana" (1832), "Valentine" (1832), "Jacques" (1834) ovat romaaneja intohimoisesta, kaiken kuluttavasta rakkaudesta. Clarissa on S. Richardsonin romaanin "Clarissa Garlow" (1748) sankaritar; Julia on J. J. Rousseaun romaanin "Julia tai uusi Heloise" (1761) sankaritar, joka on idealisoitu naiskuva.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 369: Molemmat pyhimyskertomukset sisältävät lukuisia yksityiskohtia, joita kuitenkaan ei tule käsittää kirjaimellisesti. Esim skandinaavinen Eymundin saaga kertoo Boriksen murhasta, mutta sanoo syylliseksi Svjatopolkin sijaan Jaroslavin.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 414: Sofia Pavlovna Famusova, hänen tyttärensä, sankaritar, jota ei ole idealisoitu eikä pilapiirretty, jolla on outo, kuiva romanttinen maku. Tarkoituksenmukaisuudellaan, valmiilla nokkeluudellaan ja syvällä, mutta pidättyväisellä intohimollaan hän on näytelmän pääasiallinen aktiivinen voima ja juoni etenee pääosin hänen teoistaan.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 476: Monet Pironin pienemmät runot ovat hienoja, silloinkin kun ne paljastavat kirjailijan heikkoudet, etenkin hänen kyltymättömän kunnianhimonsa ja epikurolaisen elämänkatsomuksensa. Kuvaavia siinä suhteessa ovat esimerkiksi hänen ilkeät ja hauskat epigramminsa, etenkin "Contre Voltaire", sekä laulunsa ja kertomuksensa.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 903: him.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/7.jpg?resize=1553%2C958&ssl=1" height="100%" />
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 99: Heart of Darkness, novelli, kirjoittaja Joseph Conrad, joka julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1899 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine ja sitten Conrad's Youth and Two Other Stories (1902). Heart of Darkness tutkii länsimaisen kolonialismin kauhuja ja kuvaa sitä ilmiönä, joka tahraa paitsi sen riistomaita ja kansoja, myös niitä lännessä, jotka edistävät sitä. Vaikka Conradin puoliautoelämäkerrallinen kertomus sai alun perin heikon vastaanoton, siitä on tullut yksi laajimmin analysoiduista englantilaisen kirjallisuuden teoksista. Kriitikot eivät ole aina kohdelleet Pimeyden sydäntä suotuisasti ja moittivat sen epäinhimillistä esittämistä kolonisoituneista kansoista ja sen halveksivaa kohtelua naisia ​​kohtaan. Siitä huolimatta Heart of Darkness on kestänyt, ja nykyään se on modernistinen mestariteos, joka liittyy suoraan postkolonialistiseen todellisuuteen.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 117: Tilanne muuttui 1970-luvulla kun Chinua Achebe, nigerialainen Things Fall Apart -kirjan kirjoittaja , esitti raivostuttavan kritiikin Heart of Darknessia vastaan ​​tavasta, jolla se epäinhimillisti afrikkalaisia. Acheben kritiikki avasi ovet teoksesta tuleville postkolonialistisille analyyseille, ja sitä seurasi myös muiden akateemisten näkökulmien analyysi: esimerkiksi feministiset lukemat paljastivat Conrad polakin samanlaisen naarasaiheisiinsa tehdyn hämärtymisen. Vaikka Pimeyden sydän on pysynyt monissa opetussuunnitelmissa 1970-luvulta lähtien, sillä on nyt paljon kiistanalaisempi asema länsimaisessa kaanonissa: tarinana, joka tasoitti kolonialismia vastaan ​​suunnattua kritiikkiä, joka oli aikansa uutta ja joka oli syntyä muotoileva. kirjallisuuden modernismista, on edelleen syvästi ja anteeksiantamattomasti juurtunut valkoisen miehen näkökulmaan.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 119: Analyysi. On the most superficial level, Heart of Darkness can be understood through its semiautobiographical relationship to Conrad’s real life. Much like his protagonist Marlow, Conrad’s career as a merchant marine also took him up the Congo River. And much like Marlow, Conrad was profoundly affected by the human depravity he witnessed on his boat tour of European colonialism in Africa.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 123: One of the most resoundingly Modernist elements of Conrad’s work lies in this kind of early post-structuralist treatment of language—his insistence on the inherent inability of words to express the real, in all of its horrific truth. Marlow’s journey is full of encounters with things that are “unspeakable,” with words that are uninterpretable, and with a world that is eminently “inscrutable.” In this way, language fails time and time again to do what it is meant to do—to communicate. It’s a phenomenon best summed up when Marlow tells his audience that “it is impossible to convey the life-sensation of any given epoch of one’s existence—that which makes its truth, its meaning—its subtle and penetrating essence… We live, as we dream—alone.” Kurtz—as “eloquent” as he may be—can’t even adequately communicate the terrifying darkness he observed around him.“The horror! The horror!” is all he can say. Some critics have surmised that part of Heart of Darkness’s mass appeal comes from this ambiguity of language—from the free rein it gives its readers to interpret. Others posit this as a great weakness of the text, viewing Conrad’s inability to name things as an unseemly quality in a writer who’s supposed to be one of the greats. Perhaps this is itself a testament to the Heart of Darkness’s breadth of interpretability.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 129: Suuri osa nykyajan analyysistä – edellä mainittu postkolonialistinen ja feministinen kritiikki mukaan lukien – ei keskity itse tekstiin, vaan muihin tekstin kommentteihin, mikä selventää tapaa, jolla akateemisessa ympäristössä käydyt keskustelut voivat tahattomasti säilyttää joitakin teoksen ongelmallisempia elementtejä. Siten Heart of Darkness on jatkuvasti muuttuvassa asemassa kirjallisessa kaanonissa: ei enää valaisevana tekstinä, joka paljastaa inhimillisen turmeluksen syvyydet, vaan esineenä, joka on tällaisen turmeluksen tuote ja joka toistaa sen omana oikeutensa. Kysymys kuuluu sitten: kuuluuko Pimeyden sydän edelleen lännen kirjalliseen kaanoniin? Ja jos on, niin tuleeko aina? Eikö se ole vaan hölmön misogyynin kolonialisti puolalaisen aivokummitus?
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 131: Character Analysis Kurtz's Native Mistress. The Congolese woman that rails against Kurtz's departure is a complete contrast to Kurtz's Intended. As the Intended is innocent and naïve, the native mistress is bold and powerful. Kurtz is a man of many lusts, and she embodies this part of his personality. She frightens the Harlequin because she finds him to be meddling with Kurtz too much; her threats to him eventually scare him into leaving the Inner Station.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 133: Character Analysis The Intended. Kurtz's fiancée is marked — like the Harlequin — by her absolute devotion to Kurtz. When Marlow visits her after his return from Africa, he finds that she has been dressed in mourning for more than a year and still yearns for information about how her love spent his last days. However, she is actually devoted to an image of Kurtz instead of the man himself: She praises Kurtz's "words" and "example," assuming that these are filled with the nobility of purpose with which Kurtz began his career with the Company. Her devotion is so absolute that Marlow cannot bear to tell her Kurtz's real last words ("The horror! The horror!") and must instead tell her a lie ("The whore! The whore!") that strengthens her already false impression of Kurtz. On a symbolic level, the Intended is like many Europeans, who wish to believe in the greatness of men like Kurtz without considering the more "dark" and hidden parts of their characters. Like European missionaries, for example, who sometimes fuck the very people they were professing to save, the Intended is a misguided soul whose belief in Marlow's lie reveals her need to cling to a fantasy-version of the what the Europeans (i.e., the Company) are doing in Africa.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 139: Kuten Marlow, myös Kurtz halusi matkustaa Afrikkaan etsimään seikkailua - erityisesti suorittaakseen suuria "inhimillistämisen, parantamisen, opastamisen" tekoja (kuten hän selittää alustavassa raportissaan yhtiölle). Kun hän maisti voimaa, joka voisi olla hänen viidakossa, Kurtz kuitenkin hylkäsi hyväntekeväisyyden ihanteensa ja asettui jumalaksi alkuperäisasukkaille Inner Stadionilla. Vaikka hänellä oli tapana olla huolissaan parhaista tavoista tuoda (kuten hänen maalauksensa osoittaa) sivilisaation "valoa" Kongoon, hän kuolee miehenä uskoen, että yhtiön pitäisi yksinkertaisesti "tuhottaa kaikki raakut!"
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 141: Kurtz on vaarallinen mies, koska hän haistattaa vitun Yhtiön "humanistisille" aikeille Kongossa. Hän palauttaa enemmän norsunluuta kuin kaikki muut asemat yhteensä, ja tekee sen käyttämällä absoluuttista voimaa. Tämä pelottaa managerin kaltaisia ​​miehiä, jotka valittavat Kurtzin "epäterveestä menetelmästä" - vaikka Kurtz tekee vain sitä, mitä yritys tekee kokonaisuudessaan piilottamatta tekojaan hyvien aikomusten julkisivun taakse. Marlow huomauttaa, että "Koko Eurooppa osallistui Kurtzin tekemiseen", ja Kurtzin olemassaolo todistaa tämän olevan totta: Kuten Yhtiön kaltaisissa yrityksissä mukana olevat eurooppalaiset (vixi miten amerikkalaiset painottaa sanaa eurooppalaiset tässä, vaikka ize ovat mikäli mahdollista pekkaa pahempia haudanryöstäjiä), hän kuvaa Marlowin Kongossa vallitsevaa ahneutta ja himoa. Toisin kuin Yhtiö, Kurtz ei kuitenkaan ole kiinnostunut hänen imagostaan ​​tai siitä, kuinka "haitalliset hölmöt", kuten johtaja, näkevät hänet. Vaikka Bryssel on tekopyhyyden "valkoinen hauta", Kurtz on täysin avoin himoistaan. Hän kertoo Managerille olevansa "Ei niin sairas kuin haluaisit uskoa." Mutta tämä toteamus pätee kaikkiin eurooppalaisiin, jotka ovat mukana imperialistisen valtakunnan rakentamisessa: Vaikka Kurtzin leimaaminen moraalisesti "sairaaksi" mieheksi saattaa tuntua lohduttavalta, hän itse asiassa vain hieman liioittelee niitä impulsseja, joita termiittiapinoiden sydämissä on kaikkialla.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 245: And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth. Terveisin Jaakko Parantainen, Neuropositron. Posilla mennään! (Apokalypsis 6:8)
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 334: Hans Joachim Morgenthau (* 17. Februar 1904 in Coburg, Oberfranken; † 19. Juli 1980 in New York) war ein deutschamerikanischer Politikwissenschaftler und Jurist jüdischer Abstammung. Oli siinäkin aivan vimmattu paskiainen. Vaikea löytää ärhäkämpää termiittisekoitusta kuin saxalaissyntyinen juutalais-amerikkalainen poliittinen tipilintu. Hannu-Roope suunnitteli sodan jälkeen puolanmallista Saxan jakoa ja sen taannuttamista maatalousmaaxi. Eihän siinä mitään moittimista sinänsä jos sama olis tehty samantien anglosfäärille. Mutta ei. Oman valtion vallan maksimoiminen ja vieraan valtion rodeen nakkaaminen on Morgenthaun mukaan rationaalista ja myös hyveellistä, mikäli se perustuu hillittömään omanvoitonpyyntiin.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 97: Tarvitaan keinoja, joilla voidaan ehkäistä hyvinkin epäinhimillisiä toimintamuotoja, sanoo persu-Valtonen (kok). Hybridivaikuttamiseen liittyy esimerkiksi ihmistuontia. Ulkoministerin (kok) mukaan EU:n ei tulisi vain ”ottaa annettuna, mitä meihin vihamieliset suhtautuvat maat jakavat tai levittävät”, vaan pitäisi tuoda ”aktiivisesti omaa viestiä” julki.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 102: Venäjä ei vahingossa iske siviili-infrastruktuuriin vaan tarkoituksellisesti ottaa ne kohteekseen, Valtonen sanoo. Nehän on yhtä törkeitä kuin amerikkalaiset Dresdenissä ja IDF Rafahissa. Mieleen tulee myös Hiroshiman ja Nagasakin kaupungit. Vaikka whataboutismiahan tää tällanen vain on.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 119: Köyhä upseeri Herman on pelihimon vaivaama, mutta niin köyhä, ettei hänellä ole varaa pelata. Hän käyttää kaiken aikansa seuraamalla muiden pelaamista. Herman uskoo, että kreivittärellä on yliluonnollisia kykyjä, joiden avulla hän tietää kolme voittokorttia. Yrittäessään saada kreivittären paljastamaan oikeat numerot Herman rakastuu kreivittären tyttäreen Lizaan. Lizan häitä ollaan järjestämässä ruhtinas Jeletskin kanssa, mutta Hermanin onnistuu herättää Lizan rakkaus ja häät perutaan.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 145: Herman oli venäläistyneen saksalaisen, joka oli jättänyt hänelle pienen pääoman, poika. Ollen lujasti vakuutettuna riippumattomuutensa vahvistamisen välttämättömyydestä, ei hän koskettanut korkoihin, eli palkallaan eikä sallinut itselleen pienintäkään oikkua. Muutoin olikin hän umpimielinen ja kunnianhimoinen, ja hänen tovereillaan oli harvoin tilaisuutta nauraa hänen liikanaista säästeliäisyyttään. Hänellä oli kovat intohimot ja tulinen kuvitus; mutta lujuus pelasti hänet nuoruuden tavallisista hairahduksista. Niinpä esimerkiksi, ollen sielussaan pelaaja, ei hän koskaan ottanut kortteja käsiinsä, sillä hän laski että hänen omaisuutensa ei sallinut hänen (niinkuin hän tapasi sanoa) "uhrata välttämätöintä toivossa voittaa liikoja" — ja kuitenkin hän koko yöt istuskeli korttipöytien ääressä, seuraten kuumeentapaisella vavistuksella pelin eri käänteitä.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 195: The Thief of Bagdad (1924) ‧Stars: Douglas Fairbanks, Julanne Johnston, Snitz Edwards ‧2h 35m When the Thief of Baghdad (Douglas Fairbanks) sneaks into a royal palace, he discovers and instantly falls in love with a beautiful princess (Julanne Johnston). The thief pretends to be a prince, and the princess becomes enamored with him. The thief then reveals his wrongdoing to a Holy Man ...
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 246: Hänen vastenmieliset seksuaaliset taipumuksensa ja voimakas julmuus ja sadismi tarkoittivat, että hänen johtamansa yksikkö sai enemmän tai vähemmän vapaat kädet murhata, kiduttaa, raiskata ja polttaa. He aloittivat elämänsä keskitysleirin vartioinnissa, ja Dirlewangerin ja hänen rikollisten seuraajiensa vangeille aiheuttamat julmuudet olivat niin pahoja, että ne melkein uhmasivat uskoa. Häntä on myös kuvattu "SS:n pahimmaksi mieheksi" ja "ehkä sadistisimmaksi toisen maailmansodan komentajista". Kumpi oli pahempi, Aatu vaiko Oskari? Aatun tappaminen ois ollut humaanimpaa, koska se olis säästänut enemmän ihmishenkiä.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 267: Dirlewangerin Sonderkommandon johtajuutta leimasivat jatkuva alkoholin väärinkäyttö, ryöstely, sadistiset julmuudet, raiskaukset ja murhat – ja hänen mentori Berger sieti tätä käytöstä, samoin kuin Himmler, joka tarvitsi kipeästi Sonderkommando Dirlewangerin kaltaisia ​​miehiä taistelussaan "ali-inhimillisyyttä vastaan".
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 295:
    According to the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, Israel has dropped more than 25,000 tonnes of explosives on the Gaza Strip since October 7, equivalent to two nuclear bombs. In comparison, the Little Boy nuclear bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima during World War II yielded 15,000 tonnes of high explosives and destroyed everything within a one-mile (1.6km)
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 370: Tässä on elämäkerta yhdestä maailman lahjakkaimmista ja rohkeimmista miehistä. Intiimi tarina hänen julkisesta ja yksityisestä elämästään, raaoista vaimoista, joista hän on selvinnyt, ja vaarasta, jota hän nyt kohtaa. Se on ylivoimainen inhimillinen draama ihmisestä, maasta, hallintojärjestelmästä ja sankarillisesta henkilökohtaisesta taistelusta, joka kuuluu aikamme suuriin eeppisiin saagoihin.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 433: In recent letters to this reporter, Alex denounced anti-Semitism, calling the charges against him "base" and declared that "there is no anti-Semitism in his books nor in any other book worthy of being called literature."
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 439: Lev Lossev, himself a Russian Jew, discussing the possibility of anti-Semitism in the works of Mr. Solzhenitsyn, expressed clearly his conviction that Mr. Solzhenitsyn was not anti-Semitic. But in presenting the adversary view, as a kind of devil's advocate, he used such words as ''snake'' and ''degenerate'' to describe the Jewish assassin portrayed in ''August 1914'' (words not used by Mr. Solzhenitsyn in the book), and it was thought that such terms beamed in Russian into the Soviet Union might have been misinterpreted.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 453: Salman Rushdie’s new memoir, “Knife,” addresses the attack that maimed him in 2022, and pays tribute to his wife who saw him through.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 468: They can't run a modern democracy; give an Arab the vote and the first thing he does is disenfranchise himself and install a theocracy.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 502: miehen kanssa. Toiminta on jatkuvaa, kun kaksi harjoittaa intohimoista ja intensiivistä seksuaalista kohtaamista, joka jättää heidät molemmat hengästyneiksi ja tyytyväisiksi. Animaatio on korkealaatuista, ja jokainen yksityiskohta Larasin vartalosta ja asetelmasta on uskollisesti renderoitu. Kahden esiintyjän välinen kemia on käsin kosketeltavaa, ja niiden kemia on kiistatonta. Tämä on pakko nähdä video kaikille, jotka rakastavat korkealaatuista hentai-seikkailua ja fantasiaa.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 311: Myöhemmin illalla Charles löysi Marylle viihtyisän paikan Fisher House -nimisestä mielisairaalasta, joka löytyi hänen lääkäriystävänsä avulla. Samaan aikaan kun tiedotusvälineet julkaisivat verenhimoisia raportteja murhasta, Charles kirjoitti kirjeen Samuel Taylor Coleridgelle:
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 394: Philomena ( / ˌ f ɪ l ə ˈ m iː n ə / FIL -ə- MEE -nə ), joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Saint Philomena ( antiikin kreikka : Ἁγία Φιλουμένη , tai roomalaisittain Philomena ( noin 10. tammikuuta 291 – noin 10. elokuuta 304) oli neitsytmarttyyri, jonka häpyluu löydettiin 24.–25. toukokuuta 1802 Priscillan katakombista. Kolmessa hautaa ympäröivässä laatassa oli kirjoitus Pax Tecum Filumena (eli "Rauha sinulle, Philomena"), jonka katsottiin osoittavan, että hänen nimensä (kirjoituksen latinaksi) oli Filumena (muinaiskreikaksi: φιλουμένη , latinoitu: philouménē , ' rakas '), jonka englanninkielinen muoto on Philomena Cunk. Philomena on vauvojen, imeväisten ja nuorten suojeluspyhimys, ja hänet tunnetaan nimellä "Imutyöläinen".
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 396: Philomenan esirukouksen ansioksi luettiin useita ihmeitä, mukaan lukien Pauline Haricotin paraneminen Sydenhamin koreasta vuonna 1835, joka sai laajaa julkisuutta. Se on historiallisesti yksi vaivoista, joita kutsutaan Pyhän Vitutuksen tanssiksi. Philomenasta tuli haudantakainen pyhimys. Noin 1845 Pauline osti masuunitehtaan, jota hän aikoi johtaa kristillisen yhteiskuntauudistuksen mallina. Tehtaan viereisessä rakennuksessa asuivat perheet, ja lähellä oli koulu ja kappeli. Hän jätti kuitenkin johdon epärehellisiksi osoittautuneille ihmisille, ja vuonna 1862 hänet pakotettiin julistamaan konkurssi. Kun hän oli käyttänyt kaikki rahansa, hän vietti loppuelämänsä köyhänä.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 409: Toiset korostavat, että hänen kulttinsa aitous voidaan perustella hänelle osoitettujen ihmeiden, sen pitkäaikaisen paavin hyväksynnän ja pyhimyksen jatkuvan suosion perusteella. 20M kärpästä ei voi olla väärässä. Niin on, jos siltä näyttää. Tämä on ollut Mugnano del Cardinalen pyhäkön rehtorin asema ja italiakielisessä Enciclopedia Dei Santissa esitetty näkemys. Pyhiinvaeltajia eri puolilta maailmaa saapuu jatkuvasti Philomenan pyhäkköön Nolan hiippakunnassa, Italiassa, osoittaen intensiivistä kansan antaumusta.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 413: Jan Guilloun Arn-sarjan ykkösosan alussa mainitaan pyhimys nimeltä Tiburtius. Tiburtius on miehen etunimi. Se on alun perin latinalainen sukunimi, joka lienee muodostettu roomalaisesta paikannimestä Tibur (nyk. Rooman lähellä sijaitseva Tivolin kaupunki). Pyhän Cecilian legendassa mainitaan Tiburtius-niminen varhaiskristillinen marttyyri. Tiburtius-nimi oli mukana Suomen almanakassa vuosina 1706–1928, lukuun ottamatta joitain katkoksia. Nimipäivä oli 14. huhtikuuta. Se on edelleen Tiburtiuksen nimipäivä Ruotsin almanakassa.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 428: Pyhä Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney (1786-1859), myös Curé D’arse, oli roomalaiskatolinen ranskalainen pappi, pyhimys ja ihmeidentekijä. Hän on kaikkien pappien, seurakuntapappien, Iowan Dubuquen arkkihiippakunnan, ripittäjien ja Kansasin Kansas Cityn hiippakunnan suojeluspyhimys, ja Napsun armeijan sotilaskarkuri. Perseessä oli 230 asujainta. When Vianney's bishop first assigned him to Arse, Vianney got lost trying to find the town. Couldn't find his arse using both hands. With Catherine Lassagne and Benedicta Lardet, he established a home for girls. Vianney spent time with girls in the confessional and gave homilies against cursing and profane dancing. Vianney had a great devotion to Saint Philomena. He was regarded as her guardian because he erected so often in honour of the saint. He was a rare example of a pastor acutely aware of his responsibilities. In November 2018, Vianney's heart was transported to the United States for a 6-month nationwide tour.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 430: Kuka tahansa, myös ei-katolinen, voi olla pyhimys, jos hänellä on pyhittävä armo Pyhän Hengen sisimmässään asumisen lahjan kautta. Pyhimys on jokainen henkilö, joka asuu taivaassa Jumalan luona. Tätä kysymystä on hyvä pohtia näin helluntaina, jolloin ektoplasma laskeutui Wilhon porukoiden ylle.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 432:
    Kuinka tulla pyhimyxexi?

    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 434: Helppoa kuin heinänteko, tarvii vain tulla kanonisoiduxi! Kanonisointi on muodollinen tutkinta ja pyhien tunnustaminen. Kanonisoidut henkilöt tunnetaan "pyhimyksinä".
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 435: Selvyyden vuoksi: kanonisointi ei tee ihmisestä pyhimystä. Vain Jumala voi tehdä ihmisestä pyhimyksen. Kanonisointi on pyhimyxellisyyden tunnustamista. Se on kirkon antama asetus, kun tutkijat ovat keränneet riittävästi todisteita siitä, että henkilö on taivaassa Jumalan luona.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 444: Siunatuille yksi ihme riittää määrittämään heidät pyhimyksixi. Kunniallisilta kirkko vaatii toista ihmettä ollakseen varma heidän pyhäkkyydestään. Kun kirkko uskoo ihmeen siunatulle henkilölle, seuraa kanonisointi. Paavi päättää prosessin ilmoittamalla, että siunattu henkilö on nyt osa pyhien kaanonia.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 445:
    Montako pyhimystä mahtuu neulankärjelle?

    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 447: Vastaus kysymykseen on 1 000 ja 8 000 pyhimyksen välillä. Tämä ei kuitenkaan välttämättä sisällä suurta määrää pyhiä, jotka on pyhitetty viime vuosikymmeninä. Riippumattoman katolisen mediasivuston mukaan pyhimysten kokonaismäärä on 8 050. Mutta tämä luku sisältää pyhät sekä siunatut ja kunnialliset ja jättää pois Jumalan palvelijat, joten se ei ole kovin hyödyllinen. Sivusto ei myöskään selitä, kuinka se on laskenut tämän luvun. Vasta vuonna 993 paavi kanonisoi ensimmäisen pyhimyksen. Ja vasta noin kuusisataa vuotta myöhemmin prosessi todella keskitettiin muodolliseksi prosessiksi, kun paavi Sixtus V perusti pyhien asioiden kongregaation vuonna 1588.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 466: Voiko syntisestä tulla pyhimys? Totta Mooses, ja se on meille hyvä uutinen (euangelium). Ovatko kanonisoidut pyhät koskaan tehneet syntiä? Syntyivätkö he halon kanssa? No ei! On jopa yksi legenda pyhimyksestä, joka kieltäytyi imettämästä vauvaa pitääkseen viikoittaisen paaston perjantaina! Aika izekästä.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 470: Avainsana tässä hyvekeskustelussa on "sankarillinen" ja viittaa pyhän kykyyn voittaa syntiset taipumukset ja kiusaukset. He eivät olleet immuuneja synnille, ja monet heistä joutuivat kamppailemaan vuosia voittaakseen syntiset intohimonsa. Esimerkixi Ensio Rislakki tupakkapaheen vankina.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 472: Pyhät eivät olleet täydellisiä. He tekivät virheitä kuten kaikki muutkin. Se, mikä erottaa heidät tittelillä "pyhimys", on se, etteivät he pysyneet maassa kaatuessaan. Jumalan armosta nämä pyhät miehet ja naiset nousivat seisomaan kuin Lasse Viren, harjasivat pois lian ja jatkoivat matkaansa eteenpäin. Siksi me matkimme niitä. Kuten sanonta kuuluu: "Tärkeää ei ole kuinka monta kertaa kaadut, vaan se kuinka monta kertaa nouset takaisin ylös." Niitä pitäisi olla 1 enemmän kuin lankeemisia.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 81: Eerik Jedvardinpoika teki myöhäisemmän perimätiedon mukaan vuoden 1156 tienoille ajoitetun niin sanotun ensimmäisen ristiretken Suomeen piispa Henrikin kanssa. On epävarmaa tekikö Eerik retkeä ja jos teki, oliko kyse sen paremmin varsinaisesta ristiretkestä kuin valloitusretkestäkään. Mikälie ollut nussiretki. Tästä tunarista tuli tietysti Ruotsin kansallispyhimys. Vanhemmassa historiantutkimuksessa Eerikin kulttiin on yhdistetty vuodelta 1172 peräisin oleva paavi Aleksanteri III:n kirje, jossa kielletään kyseisen nimeltä mainitsemattoman, juovuspäissään surmatun henkilön kunnioittaminen pyhimyksenä.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 83: Bjälbo-suku oli suku, johon kuului Ruotsin, Norjan ja Tanskan hallitsijoita 1200- ja 1300-luvulla. Suvun kuuluisimpia jäseniä on tää slyngelixi mainittu Birger-jaarli. Sen poika oli Mauno Ladonlukko. Luvun II lopuxi kännipäinen pyhimys kusi Arnin tukkaan. Sama kaveri heilui uudelleensyntyneenä pyhimyxenä norjalaisessa Netflix-sarjassa Beforeigners, jossa muuan suomalainen iso nainen (Krista Kosonen) antoi matkailuvaunussa viikingeille lootaa.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 168: Paavi Aleksanteri III julisti Bernardin pyhimykseksi vain 21 vuotta hänen kuolemansa jälkeen. Vuonna 1830 paavi Pius VIII julisti hänet kirkon tohtoriksi. Miehet ovat kyllä huonompia tohtoreita kuin naiset, kertovat länkkärien tilastot. Bernie oli sieltä surkeimmasta päästä.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 227: Hieman keski-ikäinen ylitarkastaja Wexford vaikuttaa melko liberaalilta, kun taas hänen noin kolmekymppinen kumppaninsa komisario Burden on suorastaan ​​konservatiivinen, joten heidän mielipiteensä seksuaalisesta käyttäytymisestä vaihtelevat suuresti, samoin kuin heidän käsityksensä heidän seksuaalisista puolistaan. Rouva Nightingalen murhasta epäiltyjen joukossa on hänen au pair -tyttönsä, nuori, seksuaalisesti elinvoimainen hollantilainen tyttö Katje, joka tavallisessa komediakäytännössä jopa flirttailee naimisissa olevan moraalisesti taitavan Burdenin kanssa. Kirjan puolivälissä Wexford vaikuttaa hyvin inhimilliseltä huolimatta siitä, että hän on romaanin ja sarjan pääsankari. Enemmän kuin ihminen itse asiassa, koska hän näyttää jossain vaiheessa hauraalta, mieheltä, jolla on ehkä vähän katumusta vuosiensa takana. Käsillä oleva asia liittyy paljastukseen, että viehättävä viettelijä Katje on ollut sillä lailla paljon vanhemman Quentinin kanssa, ja Katje sen sijaan, että näkisi Wexfordin seksuaalisessa valossa, pitää häntä vanhana ja kertoo, että hän muistuttaa häntä setämiehestä. Tämä paljastus ja lyhyt haastattelu Katjen kanssa herättävät piilotettuja kaipuuksia ja jopa katumuksia. Totta kai kohtaus on lyhyt, eikä sillä ole mitään tekemistä juonen tai tutkinnan kanssa, mutta lisätty erittäin todellinen hahmoulottuvuus seksuaalisten pakopelien keskellä on loistava lisä tekstiin. Ei tavallisia ajatuksia, jotka kulkevat tavallisen sarjan etsivän päässä.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 339: With light upon him from his father's eyes! isän kyyläävien silmäin alla!
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 342: Shaped by himself with newly-learn{e}d art Jonka se on ihan ize väsännyt:
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 367: Which we are toiling all our lives to find, Joita me muut turhaan pöyhimme
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 480: Tänä aamuna heräsin kysymyxeen liekö perkeleet ystäviä keskenään, tulevatko ne toisiaan, rakastavat niinkuin izeään. Onko ne toistensa lähimmäisiä? Ovatko enkelitkään, come to that? Jelppivätkö ne toisiaan, sukivat toistensa sulkia, kyhnyttävät selkiä? Tuskinpa, ei niillä ole selkäpuolta, eikä etupuolellakaan ole juuri midiä.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 490: "Who?" said Pococurante sharply; "that barbarian who writes a tedious commentary in ten books of rumbling verse, on the first chapter of Genesis? that slovenly imitator of the Greeks, who disfigures the creation, by making the Messiah take a pair of compasses from Heaven´s armory to plan the world; whereas Moses represented the Deity as producing the whole universe by his fiat? Can I think you have any esteem for a writer who has spoiled Tasso´s Hell and the Devil; who transforms Lucifer sometimes into a toad, and at others into a pygmy; who makes him say the same thing over again a hundred times; who metamorphoses him into a school-divine; and who, by an absurdly serious imitation of Ariosto´s comic invention of firearms, represents the devils and angels cannonading each other in Heaven? Neither I nor any other Italian can possibly take pleasure in such melancholy reveries; but the marriage of Sin and Death, and snakes issuing from the womb of the former, are enough to make any person sick that is not lost to all sense of delicacy. This obscene, whimsical, and disagreeable poem met with the neglect it deserved at its first publication; and I only treat the author now as he was treated in his own country by his contemporaries."
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 491: “What a superior man!” murmured Candide.  “What a genius this Pococurante is! Nothing can please him.” Jotain tutunomaista kaverissa on.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 495: The plan of Paradise Lost has this inconvenience, that it comprises neither human actions nor human manners. The man and woman who act and suffer are in a state which no other man or woman can ever know. The reader finds no transaction in which he can be engaged, beholds no condition in which he can by any effort of imagination place himself; he has, therefore, little natural curiosity or sympathy.  . . . .But original deficience cannot be supplied. The want of human interest is always felt. Paradise Lost is one of the books which the reader admires and lays down, and forgets to take up again. None ever wished it longer than it is. Its perusal is a duty rather than a pleasure. We read Milton for instruction, retire harassed and overburdened, and look elsewhere for recreation; we desert our master, and seek for companions.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 499: The ´definiteness´ of a genre classification leads the reader to expect a series of formal stimuli--martial encounters, complex similes, an epic voice--to which his response is more or less automatic; the hardness of the Christian myth predetermines his sympathies; the union of the two allows the assumption of a comfortable reading experience in which conveniently labelled protagonists act out rather simple roles in a succession of familiar situations. The reader is prepared to hiss the devil off the stage and applaud the pronouncements of a partisan and somewhat human deity . . . . But of course this is not the case; no sensitive reading of Paradise Lost tallies with these expectations, and it is my contention that Milton ostentatiously calls them up in order to provide his reader with the shock of their disappointment. This is not to say merely that Milton communicates a part of his meaning by a calculated departure from convention; every poet does that; but that Milton consciously wants to worry his reader, to force him to doubt the correctness of his responses, and to bring him to the realization that his inability to read the poem with any confidence in his own perception is its focus.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 113: Hänen kotikasvatuksensa oli saanut aikaan, että hänen mielestään naisen ajatteleminen muussa mielessä kuin äitinä tai neitseenä, oli jotakin häpeällistä ja syntiä, Hän oli tuntenut lihansa kangistuvan lahkeessa ja pelännyt kaikkea sitä, mikä liittyi hänen omaan ruumiiseensa, ja kitkenyt mielestään jokaisen tuollaisen likaisen ajatuksen. Nautinto oli syntiä, olipa se sitten ylensyömistä tai juopumista tai naisen kaikkeinpyhimmän ajattelemista muuten kuin kaikkeinpyhimmässä merkityksessä.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 115: Hän oli voimistellut runkannut ja kävellyt ruumiinsa väsyksiin monena iltana ja kuitenkin usein aamulla herännyt ja muistanut syntisiä, likaisia unia polttava häpeäntunne mielessään. Nyt hän ensimmäisen kerran luki viisaan, jalon miehen ajatuksia sukupuolikysymyksestä ja ymmärsi, että tätä asiaa täytyi voida ajatella samalla tavoin kuin kaikkia muita ihmiselämän asioita puhtaan tunteen ja siveellisen järjen kannalta. Ja koko hänen sielunsa otti intomielisesti vastaan ja hyväksyi tuon ehdottoman puhtauden ja huolellisen alapesun vaatimuksen - lihanhimo ja nautinto oli sama, tapahtui se sitten nuoruudensyntinä, laillisena haureutena tai avioliiton näennäisesti hyveellistämänä.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 177: Mitäpä Jeppe sanoi panohommista? Eipä paljoa: "Ettekö ole lukeneet, joka alusta ihmisen teki, mieheksi ja vaimoksi hän heidän teki? Ja sanoi: sentähden pitää ihmisen luopuman isästänsä ja äidistänsä, ja vaimoonsa sidottu oleman: ja ne kaksi tulevat yhdeksi lihaksi: niin etteivät he ole enää kaksi, mutta yksi liha. Jonka siis Jumala yhteen sovitti, ei pidä ihmisen sitä eroittaman. Ja he sanoivat hänelle; miksi Mooses käski antaa erokirjan, ja hyljätä hänen? Sanoi hän heille: teidän sydämmenne kovuuden tähden sallei Mooses eritä teitä teidän vaimoistanne: vaan ei alusta niin ollut" (Mat. 19: 3-8). "Te kuulitte sanotuksi vanhoille: ei sinun pidä huorin tekemän, mutta minä sanon teille: jokainen, joka katsoo vaimon päälle, himoitaksensa häntä, niin hän teki jo huorin hänen kanssansa sydämmessänsä" (5: 27, 28). "On myös sanottu: jokainen, joka emäntänsä hylkää, muutoin kuin huoruuden tähden, hän saattaa hänen huorin tekemään. ja joka nai sen hyljätyn, hän tekee huorin" (31, 32). "Hänen opetuslapsensa sanoivat hänelle: jos miehen asia niin on vaimon kanssa, ei sitte ole hyvä naida. Niin hän sanoi heille: No niinpä! eivät tätä sanaa kaikki käsitä, mutta ne, joille se annettu on. Sillä muutamat ovat kuohitut, jotka äitinsä kohdusta niin syntyneet ovat: ja ovat kuohitut, jotka ihmisiltä kuohitut ovat: ja ovat kuohitut, jotka taivaan valtakunnan tähden itse heitänsä kuohinneet ovat. Joka tämän taitaa käsittää, se käsittäkään (19: 10-12)." Eli parempi on kuohistautua kun naida. Ja parempi naida kuin palaa, quippaa vielä Peeveli ja lisää:
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 179: "Hyvä on miehelle, ettei hän vaimoon ryhdy. Mutta huoruuden tähden pitäköön kukin oman vaimonsa, ja jokainen pitäköön oman miehensä. Mies antakaan vaimolle velvollisen mielisuosion: niin myös vaimo miehelle. Ei ole vaimolla valtaa omalle ruumiillensa, vaan miehellä: ei myös miehellä ole valtaa ruumiillensa, vaan vaimolla. Alkäät toinen toistanne välttäkö, jollei se ole molempain suosiosta hetkeksi, että teillä jouto olisi paastota ja rukoilla: ja tulkaat jälleen yhteen, ettei saatana teitä kiusaisi teidän himonne hillimättömyyden puolesta. Mutta sen sanon minä teille suomisen ja ei käskyn jälkeen. Sillä minä tahtoisin, että kaikki ihmiset niin olisivat kuin minäkin olen; mutta jokaisella on oma lahja Jumalalta, yhdellä niin ja toisella näin. Vaan minä sanon naimattomille ja leskille: se on heille hyvä, jos he ovat niinkuin minäkin. Vaan elleivät voi heitänsä pidättää, niin naikoon; sillä parempi on naida, kuin palaa." Sas muuta. Vähän sairaita oli nää kaipparit. Varmaan homopettereitä.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 183: "Aviosääty", sanoo Luterus suuremmassa katkismuksessaan, "ei ole ainoastaan kunniallinen, vaan tarpeellinen ja Jumalan ankarasti käskemä sääty, niin että kaikkein säätyjen yhteisesti, sekä miesten että vaimoin, jotka vain luonnosta siihen soveliaita ovat, tulee siinä elää: paitsi muutamia sangen harvoja, jotka jumala erinomaisessa neuvossaan on eroittanut, etteivät ole avioliittoon kelvollisia, taikka armosta sillä korkialla ja ylönluonnollisella vapaudella lahjoittanut, että taitavat ulkona siitä säädystä pitää puhdasta elämää. Sillä jos luonto saa semmoisena asua ja pysyä, kuin miksi sen Jumala on luonut: niin on varsin mahdotointa puhtaana ulkona aviosäädystä elää, sillä liha ja veri ei taida muuttaa luontoansa, ja luonnollinen himo ja lihan taipumus pitää estämättä tavallisen laatunsa, niinkuin joka ihminen tietää. Sentähden että sakkolihan himo jollakin muotoa vältettäisiin, on Jumala säätänyt aviokäskyn, että itsekullakin olisi oma laillisesti määrätty osansa ja siihen tyytyisi, vaikka tässäkin Jumalan armoa tarvitaan, että sydän samassa olisi puhdas."
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 185: Meidän päivinämme on kaikki se, mitä Luterus kirjoitti halveksitun avioliiton puolustukseksi katolilaista coelibatilaitosta vastaan muuttunut varsinaiseksi uskonnolliseksi elämänohjeeksi, niin että aviollinen yhdyselämä on tehty korkeimmaksi ihanteeksi. Luteruksen kanssa sanoo aikamme hengellinen opettaja: Tavallisen ihmisen ei ole hyvä yksin olla, sillä liha ja veri ei voi muuttaa luontoansa, vaan luonnollinen himo ja lihallinen vietti täytyy saada estämättä tyydytyksensä; sentähden on Jumala säätänyt aviosäädyn, missä tämä saa tapahtua. Ulkopuolella avioliittoa sitävastoin on vietin tyydyttäminen synti. Ankarin kaikista on kielto haureutta vastaan. Runkkaus on selvästi pienempi paha, vaikka karvaiset kämmenet siitäkin saa.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 192: Se elämänohje, johon tiede, ennenkuin se vielä on ratkaitsevan sanansa lausunut, noin ikäänkuin edeltäpäin viittaa jokaiselle yksityiselle, on, että ihminen menetelköön niinkuin kunkin ruumiillinen terveys vaatii. Kaikki on luonnonmukaista, mikä on sopusoinnussa ruumiillisen terveytemme kanssa. (Tässä on muistettava, että sielu on osa ruumista.) Luonnon ääntä pidettäköön ensimäisenä määrääjänä ja avioliittoa inhimillisenä laitoksena, joka aikojen kuluessa voi hävitä ja vaihtua toisiin vapaampiin elämänmuotoihin. Mitä tähän luonnon ääneen tulee, niin ymmärretään sillä viettiä, joka määrätyllä iällä ilmestyy, ja voi ilmestyä myöskin riippumatta mistään ihanteellisesta rakkaudesta johonkin erityiseen henkilöön toisesta sukupuolesta, ihan vaan karvaisesta perseestä ja kassien tyhjennystarpeesta.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 205: Oesterlen sanoo: "nuorison täytyy oppia kieltäytymään ja odottamaan milloin sen aika tulee." C. Beale (professori Lontoon yliopistossa) kirjoittaa: "Arvelu, että, milloin avioliitto on mahdoton, luonnollinen pariutumis-elämä ulkopuolella avioliittoa olisi välttämätön, kaipaa kaikkea perustusta ja on väärä. On välttämätöntä pontevasti julistaa, että ankarin kieltäytyminen ja puhtaus on aivan sopusoinnussa fysioloogisten lakien niinkuin siveellistenkin kanssa, ja että himojen päästämistä valloilleen voi puolustaa yhtä vähän fysioloogisilla tai psykoloogisilla syillä kuin siveellis-uskonnollisilla."
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 215: Sir William Gowers (Syphilis and the Nervous System, 1892, s. 126) julistaa myös "särjettömän siveyden" edut, erityisesti menetelmänä kupan välttämiseksi. Hän ei kuitenkaan ole toiveikas edes oman lääkityksensä suhteen, sillä hän lisää: "Voimme jäljittää vähän toivoa, että tauti siten vähenee aineellisesti." Hän kuitenkin saarnasi edelleen siveyttä yksilölle, ja hän tekee sen kaikella keskiaikaisen munkin askeettisella intohimolla. "Kaikella voimalla, mitä minulla on tiedolla ja millä tahansa auktoriteettilla, jonka voin antaa, väitän, että kukaan ihminen ei ole koskaan ollut vähimmässäkään määrin tai tavalla huonompi pidätyskyvyttömyyden kannalta tai parempi inkontinenssin kannalta. Jälkimmäisestä kaikki ovat moraalisesti huonompia. Selvä enemmistö on fyysisesti huonompi, ja lopputulos on ja tulee aina olemaan täydellinen fyysinen haaksirikko jollakin monista kivistä, jotka reunustavat tietä, tai jollakin monista vuoteista; mätänevä lima, jota mikään hoito ei voi mitenkään välttää." Amerikassa sama näkemys vallitsee laajalti, ja tohtori JF Scott väittää teoksessaan Sexual-Instinct (toinen painos, 1908, luku III) erittäin voimakkaasti ja laajasti seksuaalisen pidättäytymisen puolesta. Hän ei edes myönnä sitä että kysymyksellä on kaksi puolta, vaikka jos näin olisi, hänen argumenttinsa pituus ja energia olisivat tarpeettomia.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 219: Lääketieteellisten asiantuntijoiden joukossa, jotka ovat keskustelleet seksuaalisesta pidättymiskysymyksestä pitkään, ei todellakaan yleensä ole mahdollista löytää sellaisia ​​ehdottomia mielipiteitä sen hyväksi, kuin mitä lainaan. Ei voi kuitenkaan olla epäilystäkään siitä, että suuri osa lääkäreistä, lukuun ottamatta merkittäviä ja arvostettuja auktoriteetteja, joutuessaan välinpitämättömästi kohtaamaan kysymyksen, onko seksuaalinen pidättyvyys vaaratonta, valitsee heti ilmeisen vähimmän vastustuksen tien ja vastaa: Kyllä. Vain harvoissa tapauksissa he eivät edes määrittele tätä myöntävää vastausta. Tätä suuntausta havainnollistaa erittäin hyvin tohtori Ludwig Jacobsohnin, Pietarin, tekemä kysely ("Die Sexuelle Enthaltsamkeit im Lichte der Medizin", St. Petersburger Medicinische Wochenschrift , 17. maaliskuuta 1907). Hän kirjoitti yli kahdellesadalle arvostetulle venäläiselle ja saksalaiselle fysiologian, neurologian, psykiatrian jne. professorille ja kysyi heiltä, ​​pitävätkö he seksuaalista pidättymistä vaarattomana. Suurin osa ei vastannut mitään; yksitoista venäläistä ja 28 saksalaista vastasi, mutta neljä heistä vain sanoi, että "heillä ei ollut henkilökohtaista kokemusta" jne.; siellä oli siis jäljellä kolmekymmentäviisi. Näistä Bonnin E. Pflüger suhtautui skeptisesti kaiken pidättymispropagandan etuihin: "Jos kaikki maailman viranomaiset julistaisivat pidättymisen vaarattomuuden, sillä ei olisi mitään vaikutusta nuoriin. Täällä ovat pelissä mukana voimat, jotka murtavat kaiken esteitä."
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 249: No voiko lääkäri sitten terveyssyistä suorastaan suositella panohommia? Kyl-lä! Toisaalta lääkärillä ei ole oikeutta jättää huomioimatta hänen neuvojensa mahdollisia seurauksia sukupuolitaudin tai naisen tapauksessa raskauden aiheuttamisessa potilaalleen, ja hän uskoo, että nämä vakavat seuraukset ovat paljon todennäköisempiä kuin ne, jotka puolustavat tällaisten neuvojen laillisuutta, myöntävät. Vänr. Molli ei myöskään myönnä, että lääkärillä on oikeus jättää huomioimatta kysymyksen moraaliset näkökohdat. Lääkäri voi tietää, että köyhä voi saada varastamalla paljon terveydelleen hyvää, mutta hän ei voi neuvoa häntä varastamaan. Vänr. Molli käsittelee katolisen papin tapausta, joka kärsii seksuaalisesta pidättymisestä johtuvasta neurastheniasta. Vaikka lääkäri on varma, että pappi voi välttää kaikki sairauden ja julkisuuden riskit, hänellä ei ole oikeutta kehottaa häntä sukupuoliyhteyteen. Hänen on muistettava, että saattamalla papin rikkomaan siveyslupauksensa, hän voi saada aikaan henkisen konfliktin ja katkeran katumuksen, mikä voi johtaa pahimpiin tuloksiin jopa potilaan fyysiselle terveydelle. Samanlaiset tulokset, Vänr. Molli huomauttaa, voivat noudattaa tällaisia ​​neuvoja, kun niitä annetaan naimisissa olevalle miehelle tai naiselle, puhumattakaan mahdollisista avioeromenettelyistä ja siihen liittyvistä pahoista asioista.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 265: Naisista ei ole paljon apua. He joko aina taipuvat niihin impulsseihin, jotka hyökkäävät heitä vastaan, tai aina vastustavat näitä impulsseja, ensimmäisessä tapauksessa katumuksella, toisessa tyytymättömyydellä. Tästä syystä onkin oltu taipuvaisia ​​pitämään naisten töitä usein keskinkertaisena taiteen ja älyn aloilla. Älyllisen voiman naiset ovat usein elleivät yleensä naisia, joilla on vahva intohimo, ja jos he vastustavat luonnollista taipumusta sulautua äitiysvelvollisuuksiin, heidän elämänsä menetetään usein emotionaalisiin konflikteihin ja heidän psyykkiseen luonteensa köyhtyy. Älyn töistä tulee sitten sekulia.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 334: Elämän voima puussa, kasvissa vastaa luonnon lakia tuottaessaan siemeniä; elämän laki ihmisessä ilmenee perhe-elämän halussa; intohimon ääni on elämän ikuisen lain ääni, joka on kotosin hengestä eikä suinkaan jalkovälistä. Ihmisen ruumiillinen luonto on voimaton siittämään, jollei henki sitä elähytä. Hän on ylösnoussut! voitte huudahtaa kun henki on laskeutunut.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 339: Te myöskin voitte monella eri lavalla ilmaista oman luomisvaistonne, paitsikin perhe-elämää. Kirjallisessa tuotteessa, taulussa, veistokuvassa, hyvin leivotussa leivässä, hyvin jynssätyssä vessassa, kaikkein suurimmissa ja kaikkein vähimmissä luomissa nainen voi ilmaista oman luontonsa luovan voiman.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 340: Kun intohimo puhuu teille, kostuttaen housunne, niin te, tietäen että se on hengen voima, eikä ruumiin, te nähkää siinä käskyn toimia, tehdä työtä, luoda. Sanokaa itsellenne heti: "Minä voin olla luojana, mitä on minun luominen?" Kysykää omalta henkiseltä olemukseltanne, mitä teidän on tekeminen, kuunnelkaa salaperäistä ääntä; jumalallinen elämä teissä antaa teille oikean vastauksen. Heti kun olette alistuneet tälle ajatuksen tielle, katoaa jokainen fyysillinen vaikutin, puhtaat alushousut saavat sijansa teidän mielessänne, ja te kerrassaan vapaudutte uumasta alaspäin ja tulette tuntemaan suurentunutta henkistä voimaa siellä yhdessä paikassa.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 349: Tosin vanhan testamentin irstaat juutalaiset, pitäen itseänsä kansan opettajina, eivät ajatelleet jokaisen yksityisen asiaksi ymmärtää oman elämänsä tarkoitus, vaan että ainoastaan heidän tehtävänsä oli johtaa kansaa kokonaisuudessaan lakien ja laitosten avulla oikeita kansallisia tarkoituksia kohden. Näin oli avioliittolaitoksenkin tarkoitus pakottaa yksityisten hillittömät sukupuoliset intohimot sopusointuun elämän tarkoituksen kanssa: synnyttää ja kasvattaa lapsia. Avioliiton sisäpuolella taas käsitettiin sukupuolinen yhdyselämä yksityiseen nähden luvallisena nautintona, ilman että yksityisen itse tarvitsi pukilla ollessa sen enempää huolehtia elämän tarkoituksesta.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 382: "Kristityn ihanne on rakkaus Jumalaan ja lähimmäiseen, se on itsensä unohtaminen ja Jumalan ja lähimmäisen palveleminen; mutta aistillinen rakkaus, avioliitto, on itsensä palvelemista ja sentähden kaikissa tapauksissa este Jumalan ja ihmisten palvelemiseen, siis kristinopin kannalta lankeemus, synti.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 390: "Onhan evankeeliumissa sanottu selvästi ja ilman minkäänlaisten väärin selitysten mahdollisuutta ensiksikin, ettei nainut mies saa erota vaimostaan yhtyäkseen toiseen, vaan että hänen on eläminen sen kanssa, johon on kerran yhtynyt (Mat. V, 31-32; XIX, 8); toiseksi, että ihmisen yleensä, siis niin hyvin naineen kuin naimattomankin, on synti katsoa naiseen niinkuin himonsa esineesen (Mat. V, 28-29), ja kolmanneksi, että naimattoman on parempi olla yhtään naimisiin menemättä, s.o. olla täydellisesti puhtaana (Mat. XIX, 10-12).
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 397: "Vielä sanotaan: 'nuori, intohimoinen mies aluksi innostuu ihanteesen, vaan ei voi sitten hillitä itseään, irtautuu, ja tietämättä, tunnustamatta mitään johtosääntöjä joutuu haureellisuuteen, täydelliseen siveettömyyteen.'
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 449: 2) Älä ole koskaan toimeton: kaikki vapaa aikasi pyhitä henkiselle ja, vielä parempi, ruumiilliselle työlle, joka sinua väsyttää ja vapauttaa kaikista himollisista ajatuksista. Äkä selaa pornokuvia. Väsy niin, että uni olisi sinulle todellisena lepona. Muista, että se joka ei hillitse itseään ja on toimeton, ei voita koskaan himoaan. Koeta panna maata aina ruumiillisesti väsyneenä. Tai siis, älä pane maata ollenkaan.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 453: 4) Koeta unohtaa itsesi: niinkauan kuin ihminen ajattelee toisia ja pitää toisista enemmän huolta kuin itsestään, hän pysyy puhtaana; tumputus on vaan yksi oman itsensä paapomisen pahimpia muotoja. On paljon parempi tumputtaa toveria.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 511: Muistan, kuinka kipeätä minulle teki, kun kerran, lopetettaessa fysioloogista luentoa himoista, eräs nuori mies huudahti epätoivoisella äänellä: 'Mitäs meidän nuorten sitten on tekeminen! Me tahdomme elää hyvin, mutta meidän himomme ovat väkevät? te lääkärit ette sano meille, mitä meidän on tekeminen!?' Luennolla oli saapuvilla lääkäreitä, mutta ei kukaan sanonut sanaakaan tukeakseen nuorta miestä kieltäymyksen tiellä.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 513: Hyvin luultavaa on, että vertaava fysiologia ja anatomia suuressa määrin tulevat edistämään oikeain käsitysten syntymistä ihmiselimistön luonnollisista ominaisuuksista. Luulen, että villihirven tai apinan siittimellisen rakenteen tutkiminen ja sen vertaaminen inhimilliseen on paljon auttava ratkaisemaan kysymystä ihmisen siittimellisistä toimituksista. Tämä tutkiminen on osoittava, onko yksinkertaisen ja turmeltumattoman luonnonlain ja inhimillisen onnen kanssa sopusoinnussa se seikka, että sperman syntyminen ja muodostuminen ihmisellä on niin alituinen ja niin runsas kuin ei yhdelläkään eläimellä.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 520: Ei ole tapaa, joka enemmän vaatisi harjaantumista, kuin itsensä-hallitsemisen tapa. Tässä tavassa on niin paljon elämälle tärkeätä, että ainoastaan sen kehittymisen mukaan voi arvostella miehen miehekkyyttä ja naisen naisellisuutta. Osata tehdä oma minuus yhdeksi luontomme korkeimpien puolten kanssa ja alistaa sille alhaisemmat puolet, ylentää eläimellinen luontonsa oman tietoisuutensa korkeuksiin — se on se päavoima, joka antaa elämää ihmisen koko olennolle. Kuinka tämä on kehitettävä lapsessa, — siihen on jokaisen vanhemman vastaaminen, — se on jokaisen nuorukaisen asia. Tie, joka sinne johtaa, ei ole salainen eikä monimutkainen. Itsensä-hallitsemisen tapa on ainoastaan kerta kerralta tapahtuvien kieltäymysten tuote, on uudistuva voitto aistillisten vaikutinten yli, halujen tuomitseminen, velvollisuuden tunto mielitekojen keskellä. Se, joka on tämän tavan omaksensa saanut, joka voi järjellisesti hallita itseänsä ilman sairaaloista voimain ponnistusta, joka on himojensa herra, hänellä on itsessään totisen herruuden ja tosi onnen lähde.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 569: Ja vaikka tulisittekin uudestaan ja yhä uudestaan antautumaan taistelussa, niin te, ollen tällä pohjalla, ette enää joudu epätoivoon, niinkuin ennen päätöstenne rauetessa, vaan te tulette ajattelemaan: koska en nytkään voittanut, se osoittaa, etten vielä ole kylläksi rakastanut elämän henkeä. Pyhimysten lailla nousette pystyyn aina lankeemuxen jälkeen, kuin totemipaalu kalpeana, huojuvana. Vaikka se näyttäisi kuinka pieneltä ja kömpelöltä tahansa, — vaikka epäilisitte, että joku voisi teille nauraa siitä, — se on kuitenkin tarpeellisempi kuin mikä hyvänsä, mitä tähän asti olette pitäneet käsissänne maailman käsitysten ja määräysten mukaan.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 41:

    Rei Shimura

    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 86: Rei Shimura Hawaiilla. Mottona "Siinä [tölkkimehussa] ei ole niin paljon kuituja ja antioxidantteja." Shimuran (lähes) ykkösosasta on albumi 182, tässä albumissa Rei purjehtii aivoliiton satamaan toisen jäbän kaa.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 88: Sujata Masseyn onnettoman Shimura-sarjan (melkein) päätösosassa Rei on kiimaisempi kuin koskaan. Pushing 40, se joutuu istumaan käsiensä päällä ettei kaivaisi Afghanistanissa tai Irakissa pommituxeen kuolleen Jenniferin lujaleukaisen teräxensinisilmäisen lesken nuokahtelevaa moloa väkisin ulos laivastoupseerihousuista. Edellisessä nummerossa Reistä on tullut CIA:n salainen agentti "Sis". Eletään uuden yxinapaisen maailmanjärjestyxen huippuhetkiä juuri ennen 2008 lamarysäystä. Rein kännykässä ei ole älyä.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 162: Following her accession, John Owen Dominis was given the title Prince Consort and restored to the Governorship of Oʻahu, which had been abolished following the Bayonet Constitution of 1887. Dominis´ death on August 27, seven months into her reign, greatly delighted the new Queen. Liliʻuokalani later wrote: "His death occurred at a time when his long experience in public life, his amiable qualities, and his universal popularity, would have made him an adviser to me for whom no substitute could possibly be found. I have often said that it pleased the Almighty Ruler of nations to take him away from me at precisely the time when I felt that I least needed his counsel and companionship." Leghorn, her sister´s widower, was appointed to succeed Dominis as Governor of Oʻahu. In 1892, Liliʻuokalani would also restore the positions of governor for the other three main islands for her friends and supporters.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 226: During a 1900 Congressional deadlock, she departed for Honolulu with her Washington, D.C., physician Charles H. English (sometimes referred to as John H. English). Newspapers speculated that the Queen, having been diagnosed with cancer, was going home to die. Historian Helena G. Allen made the case that English intended to gain title to crown lands for himself. According to Allen, the Queen balked at his draft of a settlement letter to Senator George Frisbie Hoar that he wanted her to copy in her handwriting and sign. The doctor was terminated "without cause" a month after her return and sued her.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 250: The Queen was also remembered for her support of Buddhist and Shinto priests in Hawaii and became one of the first Native Hawaiians to attend a Buddha´s Birthday party on May 19, 1901, at the Honwangji mission. Her attendance in the celebration helped Buddhism and Shinto gain acceptance into Hawaiian society and prevented the possible banning of the two religions by the Territorial government. Her presence was also widely reported in Chinese and Japanese newspapers throughout the world, and earned her the respect of many Japanese people both in Hawaii and in Japan itself, with the exception of Rei Shimura.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 340: Tyynen valtameren laajuudessa Havaiji seisoo yksinään trooppisena paratiisina. Mutta oletko koskaan miettinyt, mikä maa on lähimpänä tätä lumoavaa saaristoa? Älä katso pidemmälle kuin nousevan auringon maa, Japani. Kyllä se on oikein! Japani on Havaijia lähimpänä oleva maa, jota erottaa hieman yli 4 000 mailia kimaltelevia sinisiä vesiä. Jenkit väittävät Californian olevan selkeästi lähinnä (2400 mi) vaikka litteästä kartasta  Mexicon Baja California näyttäisi olevan lähempänä (4200 mi ???). Se on Mexicon leveys-  ja Alaskan pituusasteella.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 345: Kaikki kirjan henkilöt puhuvat samalla palikkamaisella Sujatan äänellä. Tuliaisixi on Seihveistä ostettua aito kalifornialaista Shardonneeta. Otoo-san! Hiroshi sedän pankkiirin aivot olivat tehneet arvion lolon perheestä. Rupusakkia! Yellow trashia. Isosetä Yoshizune muistutti puutarhatonttua. Rein alkoi äkkiä tehdä mieli pokea. Reitä ei pidä keskeyttää, hän osaa nintendoa. Pearl Harborin pommitusten jälkeen puutarhatonttu lähetettiin keskitysleirille Idahoon. Se käänsi siellä takkinsa Shimuran klaanille. Internetin hakupalvelut ovat käteviä. Vain viralliset ja lainvoimaiset kauppakirjat ovat sitovia. Bradley on sekarotuinen skini, mököttävä murrosikäinen. Poika jauhoi ruokaa suu raollaan, epämiellyttävä näky. Rei-tätiä inhottaa. Hiroshi setä ymmärsi raha-asioita. Malihinit riitelevät alkuasukkaiden maista. Voisko isokukko Hugh ehkä auttaa? Se ei olisi sopivaa, totesin tuikeasti, sanomatta mixi. Kyse on meidän hyödyntämisestämme, piste. Rei on koko porukan ainoa täysin izekäs kitupiikki jenkki. Siellä ne maxoivat vain 20 penniä. Ihme penny pincheri.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 388: Sademyrskyltä suojassa hylätyssä Rashomonin temppelissä tavallinen mies haluaa kuulla oudon tarinan, joka on kauhistuttanut papin ja hämmentänyt puunhakkaajan. He kertovat hänelle murhatutkimuksesta, jossa he ovat juuri esiintyneet todistajina. Tajomaru (rosvo, jolla on maine murhasta ja himosta) oli onnistunut sitomaan samurain ja raiskaamaan hänen vaimonsa. Metsästäjä oli löytänyt samurain ruumiin metsästä, ja rosvo pidätettiin seuraavana päivänä. Mutta kuinka samurai tapettiin, oli epäselvää. Outoa, että kaikki kolme mukana olevaa henkilöä väittävät olevansa vastuussa. Rosvo kuvaa dramaattisen miekkataistelun voittoa. Hämmentynyt nainen myöntää, että hänet ajettiin puukottamaan miestään epätoivoisesti. Median välityksellä kuollut samurai väittää, että hänen vaimonsa oli petollinen ja että tämä ajoi hänet itsemurhaan. Jokin on motivoinut ainakin kahta heistä valehtelemaan, horjuttaen groteskisesti totuutta, oikeudenmukaisuutta ja säädyllisyyttä.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 443: Kaksi vuosikymmentä myöhemmin Juanita Sheridan (1906-74, os. Light) loi amatööriluukku Lily Wun, joka oli myös etnisesti kiinalainen havaijilainen, mutta nainen ja hyväpuheinen. Lily Wun luoja, joka oli nuorena lähes köyhä Los Angelesissa, luovutti taaperolapsensa varakkaalle pariskunnalle ja muutti Havaijille kirjoittamaan. Hänen neljä lyhyttä Lily Wu -mysteeriä, jotka olivat kerran myydyimpiä, ovat edelleen saatavilla: The Chinese Chop (1949), The Kahuna Killer (1951), The Mamo Murders (1952) ja The Waikiki Widow (1953). Sheridan oli huomattavan hyvä kirjailija ja järkkymätön rotuasioissa Havaijilla, mutta silti haole. Vain kymmenen prosenttia (10 %) Havaijin asukkaista tunnistaa olevansa "havaijilainen tai muu Tyynenmeren saari", ja heitä on suhteettoman paljon köyhimpien, vähiten koulutettujen ja heikoimmassa asemassa olevien osavaltion (!) asukkaiden joukossa. Kaksi kolmasosaa Havaijin 1,4 miljoonasta asukkaista puhuu havaijilaista pidginiä ensimmäisenä tai toisena kielenä; toiset sekoittavat havaijilaista pidginiä englanninkieliseen puheeseen. Puhekielten ja murteiden saaminen vuoropuheluun on riittävän vaikeaa ja riskialtista. On lähes mahdotonta vangita, kuinka havaijilaiset todellisuudessa puhuvat, ja pelkistää se ymmärrettävästi painetuksi.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 81: Yksi tapa, jolla ihmisen penikset ovat epätavallisia, on se, että ne ovat ihanan sileitä. Lähimmillä elävillä sukulaisillamme, tavallisilla simpansseilla ja bonobo-simpansseilla – joiden kanssa jaamme noin 99 % DNA: stamme – on "peniksen piikit". Näiden pienten väkästen, jotka on valmistettu samasta aineesta kuin iho ja karvat (keratiini), uskotaan kehittyneen poistamaan kilpailevien urosten siittiöitä tai hieromaan kevyesti naaraan emätintä ja estämään hänet seksistä uudelleen hetkeksi. Keskisormen pituuden ja kasvojen houkuttelevuuden, seksuaalisen suuntautumisen, riskinoton, akateemis-sexuaalisen suorituskyvyn, naisten empatiakyvyn, miesten hallitsevuuden ja jopa heidän kivestensä koon erolla on väliä. Kävi ilmi, että simpansseilla, gorilloilla ja orangutaaneilla – jotka ovat yleensä harhaanjohtavia – on keskimäärin lyhkäsempi keskisormi, kun taas Israelin luolasta löydetyllä varhaismodernilla ihmisellä ja nykyajan juutalaisilla on sileät nahattomat kyrvät mahottoman isot.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 190: Warren's description of him. Arnold was a
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 225: For all his championing of disinterestedness, Arnold was unable to practise disinterestedness in all his essays. In his essay on Shelley particularly he displayed a lamentable lack of disinterestedness. Shelley's moral views were too much for the Victorian Arnold. In his essay on Keats too Arnold failed to be disinterested. The sentimental letters of Keats to Fanny Brawne were too much for him.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 227: In spite of their charm, the essays are characterised by egotism and, as Tilotson says, 'the attention is directed, not on his object but on himself and his objects together'.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 229: As we have seen, later critics laugh at Arnold. Oliver Elton calls him a 'bad great critic'. T. S. Eliot said that Arnold is a 'Propagandist and not a creator of ideas'. According to Walter Raleigh, Arnold's method is like that of a man who took a brick to the market to give the buyers an impression of the building. Equally stupid Eliot named Dryden, Johnson and Arnold as some of the greatest critics of the English language.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 244: 1100-luvun lopulla Vatikaani julisti kataarit harhaoppilaisiksi, mutta jotkut Etelä-Ranskan ja Pohjois-Espanjan aateliset tukivat heitä. Albigensin ristiretki jatkui vuosina 1209–1229, jonka aikana kataarit ja heidän suojelijansa kukistettiin. Katolilaisten katareja vastaan ​​esittämien syytösten joukossa olivat eläinlääkintä ja homoseksuaaliset käytännöt. Kuningas Henrik II:n hoviherra Walter Map puhuu kirjoituksissaan "On Court Trifles" kataarien järkyttävästä rituaalista: ”...istuessaan hiljaa kunnioittamissaan synagogissa he laskivat eteensä köyden päälle suuren mustan kissan. Nähdessään hänet he sammuttivat kynttilät. He eivät laula hymnejä tai toista niitä selkeästi, vaan hyräilevät hampaiden puristuksessa ja hengittävät raskaasti Mestarinsa istuimiin. Kun he löytävät heidät, he suutelevat heitä, kutakin alistuvammin, koska he ovat kaikki innoissaan hullusta. Jotkut suutelevat jalkoja, enemmän hännän alle ja useimpia yksityisiä osia. Ja ikään kuin kirjoittaessaan lupaa himolle jumalattomuuden paikasta, jokainen ottaa miehen tai naisen viereensä hämmennyksen vuoksi.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 297: Like "Have we ever found him otherwise than just and
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 45: Lokakuun 28:ntena 1870. Merkillinen seikka on se täydellinen oikeuden syrjäyttäminen, joka aiheutuu kansakuntien välisistä selkkauksista. Melkein kaikki tv-katselijat arvostelevat asioita vain subjektiivisten taipumustensa, vihansa, pelkonsa, pyyteittensä, etujensa tai intohimojensa nojalla. Toisin sanoen: heidän arvostelunsa ei merkitse mitään. Aito arvostelija näkee sen, mikä on totta, harrastaa oikeudenmukaisuutta ja tahtoo siis olla puolueeton, vieläpä enemmänkin: olla pyyteetön, ja sitäkin enemmän: olla persoonaton. Kuinka monta jäävitöntä tuomaria onkaan parhaillaan riehuvaa sotaa arvostelemassa? Ei kymmentä, kenties ei kolmeakaan. Kaikki pitävät kunnianaan olla patriootteja, siis puolueellisia; väärämielisyys herättää onnentuntoa ja kiihkoa, ja sitäkin merkillisempää on, että ihmiset siitä ylpeilevät. Siinä määrin helpompaa on rakastaa tai vihata intohimoisesti kuin kohota aito inhimillisyyteen, vilpittömään uskonnolliseen katsantokantaan. Tämä tasapuolisuuden kammo, tämä oikeuden kaihtaminen, tämä laupiaaseen puolueettomuuteen kohdistuva raivo on ihmisen eläimellisen intohimon ilmaus, sokean, villin intohimon, joka naurettavasti pitää itseään järkenä, vaikka onkin pelkkä voima. Minä kiitän Jumalaa siitä, että sveiziläisyyteni ja mitätön asemani sallivat minun puhdistaa sieluni sellaisesta kiihkosta ja sellaisista alhaisista intohimoista ja etsiä vain oikeutta tyynenä ihmisenä, sine ira nec studio.

    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 157:

    Suuhun pantava Rei Shimura blancmanga asussa. Enemmän tällästä ja suuremmat lusikat. Tollanen peruukki kustantaa $60 Amazonissa.

    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 161: Seuraavat tunnelmapalat ovat Rei Shimuran "jännäristä" Sujauta massiin, korjaan, Tappava manga. Luin sitä Silvolan tekoaltaan vierellä tappaaxeni aikaa odotellen linjuria välillä Bilia Kaivoxela - Käpylä.
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 197: shimapania, valkoista puuvillaa, G-stringia,
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 218: Shimapan on lyhenne sanoista shima-pantsu, joka
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 224: raidat ovat yleisimpiä shimapan-housuissa
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 326: Tosi hyvä asia ettei vätystä kukaan nainen huolinut, on se niin törkeä kaxinaismoralisti. Ei viizi edes toistaa sen puujalkoja aiheesta eläköön se pieni ero. Niitä samoja vanhoja typeryyxiä ne ovat, ihan pahimmasta päästä.
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 382: Ensimmäinen episodi Kristinuskon alkuperän historiasta johti tapahtumat Jeesuksen kuolemaan ja hautaamiseen. Meidän on nyt jatkettava asioita siitä kohdasta, josta ne jäimme, eli lauantaina 4. huhtikuuta vuonna 33. Se on vielä jonkin aikaa eräänlainen siikveli Jeesuksen elämälle. Kuukausien iloisen päihtymisen jälkeen, joiden aikana suuri perustaja loi perustan ihmiskunnan uudelle järjestykselle, nämä vuodet olivat maailman historian ratkaisevimpia. Jeesus on jälleen se, joka sen pyhän tulen kautta, jonka kipinän hän asetti muutaman ystävän sydämiin, luo korkeimman omaperäisyyden instituutioita, liikuttaa, muuttaa sieluja, painaa kaikkeen jumalallisen leimansa. Meidän on näytettävä kuinka tämän aina aktiivisen ja voittoisan kuoleman vaikutuksen alaisuudessa vakiintuu usko ylösnousemukseen, Pyhän Hengen vaikutukseen, kielillä puhumisen lahjaan, kirkon voimaan. Paljastamme Jerusalemin kirkon organisaation, sen ensimmäiset koettelemukset, ensimmäiset valloitukset, vanhimmat sen helmasta nousseet tehtävät. Seuraamme kristinuskon nopeaa etenemistä Syyriassa aina Antiokiaan asti, jossa muodostuu toinen pääkaupunki, jollain tavalla tärkeämpi kuin Jerusalem ja jonka on määrä syrjäyttää se. Tässä uudessa keskustassa, jossa kääntyneet pakanat muodostavat enemmistön, näemme kristinuskon lopullisesti eroavan juutalaisuudesta ja saavan nimen; Ennen kaikkea näemme syntyvän suuren idean kaukaisista lähetystehtävistä, joiden tarkoituksena on viedä Jeesuksen nimi pakanain maailmaan. Pysähdymme siihen juhlalliseen hetkeen, kun Paul, Barnabé ja Jean-Marc lähtevät toteuttamaan tätä upeaa suunnittelua. Sitten keskeytämme tarinamme katsoaksemme maailmaa, jonka rohkeat lähetyssaarnaajat aikoivat käännyttää. Yritämme ymmärtää Rooman valtakunnan älyllistä, poliittista, moraalista, uskonnollista ja sosiaalista tilaa noin vuoden 45 tienoilla, jolloin pyhän Paavalin todennäköinen lähtöpäivä hänen ensimmäiseen lähetystyöhönsä. Tämä on tämän toisen kirjan aihe, jonka me väsäsimme, kutsutaan sitä vaikka apostoleiksi , koska se määrittelee yhteisen toiminnan ajanjakson, jonka aikana Jeesuksen luoma pieni perhe kävelee yhdessä ja ryhmittyy moraalisesti yhden pisteen, Jerusalemin, ympärille.

    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 385: Tämä on virhe. Paavali oli erittäin suuri mies vaikka lyhkönen, ja hänellä oli merkittävin rooli kristinuskon perustamisessa. Mutta meidän ei pidä verrata häntä Jeesusiin, eikä edes jälkimmäisen välittömiin opetuslapsiin. Paavali ei nähnyt Jeesusta; hän ei ole maistanut galilealaisen saarnaamisen ambrosiaa. Keskinkertaisinkin mies, vaikkapa Taddeus, joka oli saanut osansa taivaallista mannaa, oli juuri tästä syystä parempi kuin se, joka oli maistanut vain jälkimaun. Mikään ei ole valheellisempaa kuin mielipide, joka on tullut muotiin näinä päivinä ja jonka mukaan Paavali on kristinuskon todellinen perustaja. Puppua! Kristinuskon todellinen perustaja on Jeesus. Eturivin paikat on siis varattava näille Jeesuksen suurille ja hämärille kumppaneille, näille intohimoisille ja uskollisille ystäville, jotka uskoivat häneen kuolemasta huolimatta.
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 406: Q 19:22 He said to him, WTF!? You
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 413: him and give it to him who has the ten <xxx/ellauri404.html on line 416: Q 19:26 .. To everyone who has will more be given; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away.
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 485: The ones from OT are not convincing at all, they just say that Cod himself is forgiving, which goes just against the grain. If he were so nice why spill innocent blood at all?
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 510: But ransom to whom? Who needs him dead? Not specified.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 57: Pienen somistustyön jälkeen Pygmalioniin on tullut vähän keski-ikäisen Voima-lehden kansikuvan runoilijatypyn Lyytin näköä. Silmät ovat vielä liian tuijottavat ja suussa saisi olla hampaita. Mutta pusero ja mekko ovat kunnossa. Kunpa lihapuukko seisoisi edes sen hetken jäykkänä että saisi tuikattua sen Lyytin hamppuöljyn liukastamaan kaikkeinpyhimpään ja nussittua pussit tyhjixi. Mutta Lyyti ei vaan ala kirjoittaa.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 150: In brief, “The Columbiad,” as Eliot also calls it, begins in Spain, where Columbo dines in with the King and Queen. Queen Isabella “pricks” Columbo’s navel; in response, he defecates on the table. Columbo takes the Queen with him on his voyage, buggers his mates, and finds, in what is now Cuba, King Bolo and BBQ. The setting shifts to the Philippines and then to London, first to the suburb of Golders Green, and then to Russell Square, where Eliot launches the Bolovian Club luncheons. An important upshot of all the whoring is a bastard son named Boloumbo, who presumably begins the European line of ancestry. The rest of the “epic” documents contain Prof. Krapp’s (et al.) and Eliot’s research on the ancient history of the Bolovians, who originate somewhere in South America. Not only the locations, but also the tables have been turned. The “scholarship” reveals that Bolovian behavior and characteristics are the sources of many modern Western traditions, including the wearing of bowler hats. Bolovians practiced Wuxianity, a religion with two gods (or more, depending on the interpretation), anticipating the divine/ human controversy in Christology. Their language, in which Eliot has learned to sing the Bolovian anthem, predates the Indo-European pronunciations of “W,” a combination of the “Greek Ksi” and the “German schsh” (Letters III 730). Eliot’s verses borrow from many versions of Christopher Columbus and his adventures. “Columbo” is a common misspelling for “Colombo,” which is Italian and Portuguese for “Columbus.” Many children know, “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue,” but others may know some of the sailors’ ditties or military songs, one of which has the following chorus:
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 186: Tom of New England oli naisten kasvattama mammanpoika kuten Coriolanus Shakespearessa, sen tautta naiset näytti siltä hampaattomilta jättikidoilta. Ihmisenä Tom oli laimea kuin kraanavesi. Perheen vaakuna oli norsun pää kärsineen, as researched by Walter Graeme Eliot in 1887 (W. Eliot 8). Eliot explains himself in his 1923 essay, “The Beating of Meat”: Primitive man beat the meat and then found a reason for it. Modern man has many reasons, but he has lost the meat. Later in The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism he states, “Poetry, I dare say, begins with a savage beating meat in the jungle” (95).
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 204: Columbo grasped him by the balls

    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 205: And buggered him in the ass-o. (IMHO 317)
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 210: Manila Harbor in 1909. “He was forced to resign . . . following an alleged liaison with a cabin boy” (Letters II 768n). But the cabin boy was savʼd alive/ And buggerʼd, in the sphincter. Eliot was convinced that his father thought him a failure. Publication of these verses might reverse that problem.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 218: The sound of the Rear Admirals’s cabin boy gives him an erection, i.e. a manly bone. “Manly bone” rimes with the tube station Marylebone, the route that ends in Golders Green, where BBQ once frolicked, hence perhaps another reference to penises (trains) entering vaginas (train stations or tunnels). What Eliot called “the rape of the bishop” in a letter to Pound, refers to John Peale Bishop’s failure to print “The Waste Land” in Vanity Fair.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 226: begun to do himself. Bolovians were “a race of comic Negroes wearing bowler Hats” who wore them because “their Monarch wore a top hat”.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 257: An admirer of Eliot’s poetry, Ottoline ‘found him dull, dull, dull’, resorting to French in her efforts to rouse him from monotony. Such early impressions are of a piece with Eliot’s Garsington caricature – ‘the undertaker’. It was Ottoline who recommended to Eliot Dr Roger Vittoz, the Swiss psychiatrist at whose Lausanne clinic Eliot recovered from his nervous breakdown; the clinic where, in the winter of 1921, lodged in the room where Ottoline herself had stayed, Eliot wrote ‘What the Thunder Said’, the final part of The Waste Land. A few years later she suggested another of her doctors, Dr Marten, but his regime of starvation proved disastrous.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 287: The poem is one of three that were discovered in notebooks handwritten for his second wife, Valerie, who had been his secretary and was nearly 40 years his junior. To the surprise of most who knew them – and particularly to two women who had been pursuing him for years – the couple married in 1957 when he was 68 and she was 30.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 306: Eliot oli poikasena naisille hirmu kauhuinen ja kauhu kaunanen. Hart Crane was so certain that Eliot was a homosexual like himself that he referred to him, according to Allen Tate, as the “prime ram of our flock.” Ezra kirjoitti tämmöisen saatteen Eliotin homorunoille:
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 430: Eliotin runot (1920) -kokoelmassa julkaistu Sweeney jäykkänä on yksi merkittävimmistä teoksista, joissa hän käyttää Sweeneyn hahmoa. Eliot käyttää Sweeneyn hahmoa muutamissa teoksissaan tutkiakseen ihmisten epäinhimillisyyden, moraalisen ja seksuaalisen alenemisen, vieraantumisen ja pettymyksen teemoja epävarmassa ja kulttuurisesti rappeutuneessa modernissa maailmassa; 'Sweeney Erect' tutkii samanlaisia teemoja runsain höyläyxin ja viilauksin, joissa on Eliotille tyypillinen viittausmenetelmä.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 476: A Jewish sage testified that he saw a woman in Rome who gave birth to a child and, after four months, went into labor and gave birth to another child. When they brought her before the Great Church for an explanation, she declared that when she was in her fifth month of pregnancy, she cohabited with another and became pregnant by him; the first child, she said, is her husband’s and the second another’s. They accordingly stoned her. This was a case of superfetation.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 519: Sustained by staring Seraphim
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 597:        Intohimoisinta maata vai voimakasta taivasta
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 626: nyt taas intohimon tulessa, vittu hiänelle
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 767: Dante piti kyynisenä Guidon asennoitumista halun aiheeseen, jonka Guido koristi Donna me pregassa vihan ja kuoleman kuvilla. Danten kontrabassossa lihan himoisille Inferno V:ssä lihallisia syntisiä heittelevät hallitsemattomasti myrskytuulet. Eli tää on taas tää Danten hammurabimainen ajatus että kidutus helvetissä vastaa ao. syntiä. Ero näiden kahden kynäilijän välillä on niiden käsityksessä rakkaudesta, koska Guido uskoi, että kaikki rakkaus johti järjen menettämiseen. Dante, vastustaen tätä uskomusta, käytti Guidon määritelmää vain kieroutuneesta rakkaudesta himon piirissä. Dante oli roikkunenä luupää, Guido pullanaama.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 827: Herättää intohimon, joka sytyttää liekin,
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 852: Huomaa : Donna me prega ilmaisee näkemyksen rakkaudesta, Amoresta, Marsista (17-18) eikä Venuksesta syntyneenä pimeytenä, joka astuu älyyn kuin lehmänläjään, (21-28), syrjäyttää järjen ja suuntaa tahdon senkaltaiseen (57-66) prosessiin, joka uhkaa kohtalokkaalla (35) sekaannuksella. Se kiihottaa jaloja henkiä, koska sillä on hyveitä (69-70), mutta sillä on taipumus hämärtää älyn valoa (36-56) ja vääristää sitä. Järjen haaste voitetaan vain itsehillinnän avulla, eikä rakkauden iloilla ole ihanteellista merkitystä. Dante otti pohjimmiltaan erilaisen kannan, jossa rakkaus on positiivista ja etenee fyysisestä älylliseen henkiseen ulottuvuuteen. Guidon luonnehdinta rakkaudesta (64-68) muodostaa voimakkaan kuvan, ja vertaisin Guidoa Marloween ja Shelleyyn hänen mahdollisessa ateismissaan, hänen ylpeässään individualistisessa luonteestaan ​​ja poliittisessa osallistumisessaan, mutta ennen kaikkea tässä mielessä pimeiden kaoottisten voimien merkityksessä, jotka johtuvat intohimosta ja voivat käynnistää pään ja sydämen sodan. No Dante ei tiettävästi koskaan päässyt Beatricen häpyhuulille. Helppo sanoa kun ei ole koittanut.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 952: Pierre Kretzin (who dat?) työ näyttää olevan olennainen asiakirja moosexenuskon hyljänneiden GT-sählämien katolisen kirkon sisään työntymisen merkittävän muutoksen ymmärtämiseksi. Se tiivistää nopean kehityksen perinteisestä, massasuuntautuneesta katolilaisuudesta harvakseltaan, mutta kiihkeäksi vakaumuksen katolilaisuuteen. Yhden sukupolven aikana tämä muutos rajaa siirtymisen numeroiden määrittelemästä seurakunnasta sitoutuneempaan, vaikkakin pienempään intohimoisten uskovien joukkoon.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 969: Martin on kiusaannuttavasti Eski Saarisen kopio ylähampaisine virnistyxineen ja torakkakulmakarvoinern. Se on yhtä koleerinen ja rahanhimoinen kuin isänsä.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 970: Kretzin perheen vanhimpana jälkeläisenä Martinista tuli sisarustensa etujoukko. Hän jatkoi johtamisen ja markkinoinnin opintojaan ESC Montpellierissä. Hänen ammatillisiin pakotuksiinsa sisältyi merkittäviä oleskeluja Chilessä ja Meksikossa, mikä hioi hänen sujuvaa espanjan kielen taitoaan.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 986: Netflixin Agence Parisienne ei ainoastaan esittele henkeäsalpaavia ominaisuuksia, vaan myös paljastaa perheyrityksen monimutkaisen dynamiikan, joka on täynnä intohimoa, omistautumista ja yhteistä sitoutumista huippuansioihin. Kretzin perheen tarina toimii inspiroivana todistuksena perhesiteen ja yrittäjyyden yhtymästä, vangitsee yleisöä ja asettaa uuden standardin luksuskiinteistöjen maailmassa.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1026: Before him kings become as wild animals, and grind their teeth, and concede, “none can stay his hand.” (Daniel 4:35)
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1053: Being a Mormon apologist does not make him an authority on LDS doctrine. He is WAY out therein left base. The LDS people worship the God of Israel, not a imaginary goddess.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1067: And one last point - being a Mormon apologist actually does make him an authority on LDS doctrine, that's what an apologist is, that's what the word means. You really need to study the LDS doctrine, it's all there in black and white in multiple books.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1125: 3 All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be. Who or what is The Word? That mystery is cleared up in the same chapter. (But consider: the word for spirit in Hebrew is feminine. And who is it who usually winds word fights, he or she?)
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1151: God the Father was rather pleased with his son Jesus. as he was with Adam to start with. Jesus was rather pleased with himself as well. But doesn't your bible contain the book of John? Never mind it is late gnostic pasteover. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.(John 1:1)
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1154: 9 Jesus said to him, "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father '? 10 "Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. 11 "Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe because of the works themselves. (John 14:9-11)
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1156: Why do you think that God and Jesus' biological father, the silent partner, wanted to kill Jesus? Not because He argued with them, the Pharisees lived for argument, they asked him tons of silly little meaningless questions like the ones you posted above. Not because He claimed to speak for God, speaking for God is called prophesy and Jesus was never accused of being a false prophet.
    xxx/ellauri414.html on line 85: Alaa Ibrahim 09 Gazasta on Z sukupolven heruttaja josta Muhammed takuulla olisi pitänyt, kärpäset olis lennelleet telttakepin ympärillä. Herttaisesti viittilöiden rooliasussa se pyytää porukoilta manta. Charity scams are headed with emotive calls to action such as “Your Chance to Support Israel”, “Support the Heart of Israel – Donate Now”, “Gaza children appeal for your support” and “Bring hope to Palestinian families”. There is some precedent for legitimate donations to be made this way: on 26th February 2022 Ukraine solicited donations in cryptocurrency on X (formerly Twitter) impersonating Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
    xxx/ellauri414.html on line 139: Tämän jälkeen Pöllölän kunniasolu, ikäpuhemies Jerobeam Näppinen edeskuljetti ytimellisessä puheessa lahon porvarillisen mädännäisyyden ja uuden aamuruskon auermat, jotka punaisella sarastuksella heloittavat kaukaisen idän kangastuksissa. Valkoinen taantumusaaltoilu peittää vihertävällä vaahdolla suuren osan Europasta, ja Amerikan kontinentaalissa ovat virkanyrkkien petomaiset käpälät antaneet kauhistuttavia iskuja proletaarien paljastettuihin paikkoihin. Imperialismi viuhuu vihureina, ollen romahdusasteellaan. Se kuitenkin vielä vihaisesti kuohahtelee, kosketellen pohjamutia, kansakuntain alanteissa, josta olee sillen itselleen turmio, estellen likinäköisessä sokeudessaan punakumousta ja suurta yleisinhimillistä mullistusta, joka kiertelemättömästi kohisee kohti mahtipontisena orgaanina, pyyhkäisten yhteiskunnan huippuja peloittavalla henkäyksellä.
    xxx/ellauri414.html on line 157: Vuonna 1914 Ilmari Kivinen meni avioliittoon Ellen Koskisen kanssa. Vuonna 1962 Veikko Jalavan suunnittelema muistokivi pystytettiin Ilmari Kiviselle Liperin Viinijärvelle, joka on Ilmari Kivisen asuinpaikkana toiminut. Tiituksen pakinat Helsingin Sanomissa huvittivat pääkaupunkilaisia talouslipilaareja. Savolaisjäynät tuskin nakrattivat HS:n Eeroa. Vuodesta 1918 lähtien kirjailijanimimerkki Tiituksen pakinoita julkaistiin myös kokoelmina. Kirjailijanimimerkki Tiituksen edeltävistä pakinoitsijakollegoista lähimenneisyydestä muistamme parhaiten Eino Leinon ja Nuutti Vuoritsalon.
    xxx/ellauri414.html on line 365: päivittäisen rahantaonnan ulottumattomissa välkkyy Jeesuksen kultainen sääntö tai Kantin kategorinen imperatiivi "tit for tat." Myös Igor näkee asian heti, että pääasia on etupepussa, ei takataskussa, ja katsojille halutaan näyttää, että Igor näkee saman kuin me näemme. Liukastumiset, tappelukoreografiat, viattomilta näyttävien tilanteiden täysin yhtäkkiset eskaloitumiset, vinoilut ja kiroilut, kaikki on toteutettu niin suurella taidolla, intohimolla ja täsmällisyydellä, että jatkuvan hymyilyni katkaisi vain nauraminen.
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 55: Sarah Elizabeth Hartman, who is getting her dual MA in Jewish Studies and Arts Education, says the story of Beruriah is “… a really sexy story in a weird way.” Beruriah, a devout scholar and loving wife, was tricked by her husband Meir who arranged for her to be seduced by one of his pupils so he could prove that women were vulnerable to “sexual sin,” just like men. When Beruriah found out that she was tricked, she was furious and committed suicide, while Meir exiled himself in shame.
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 94: Trailanga Swami, Intian kuuluisa alastonpyhimys, oli antanut selityksen uskonnon alastomuudelle seuraavin sanoin: "Lahiri Mahasaya on kuin jumalallinen kissanpentu, joka pysyy minne tahansa Kosminen äiti on hänet sijoittanut. Maallinen mies, hän on saanut sen täydellisen Itseoivalluksen, jota olen etsinyt luopumalla kaikesta – jopa lantionliitteestäni!"
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 162: J.C. (pun intended) kuolaa petiitin jutkupillun perään, hän pitää naisista ketkä on lyhkäsempiä kuin hänen kyrpänsä. Kun työntää perille pullistuu kupla ulos poskesta. Jew boy! Jew boy! Please crucify a goy! Mutta tokko Cullinanen kulli maistuu nannalta Nainin leskelle, sehän on nahkamuna! Ilman esinahkaa ei voi leikkiä nahat pois leikkiä. Kun hakku iskee vakoon, brittinaiset kuumuvat. Iltaisin kaivauxilla teltat huojuvat. John felt like an ass. One night he surprised Mrs. Son-of-a-Cod by a quick surprise entry from behind. She hesitated as if inviting him to try the front entrance for another round. But no, as I guessed, she wants a skinned glans. Can't J.C. convert and get circumcised? Tutustuit tähän juoxuhautaan ja mitä löysi hakkusi? Juutalaisen tytön. He needed her like a hole on top of his bell-end. Teinikokoinen Mrs. Pissaliisa muistuttaa ällistyttävästi tätä aserapaalua.
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 387: The leaves) her temples I behung, lehtien) hänen kaikkeinpyhimpäänsä ripustin,
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 723: haistelemaan lähimmäisiä ja syömään naama
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 114: näköinen värivammainen väkäleuka brittiturhimo Narendra
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 139: ja intohimonsa on jo aikoja mennyt, eikä heillä ole
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 390: Söpö ukrainalainen erotiikka. Nuoret tytöt katsovat ujoina kameraan. Ainoat vaatteet, joita he käyttävät, ovat perinteisiä luonnonvaraisten kukkien seppeleitä. Ukrainan kypsillä alastomilla poikasilla on upeat kuuden kokoiset tissit ja 56 kokoiset eurooppalaiset tissit. Mutta silti nämä naiset herättävät himoa jopa impotenteissa miehissä. Juuri sinulle – pikantti valikoima " Naked Ukrainian girls ". Nämä mehevät häpeämättömät tytöt, joilla on suuret tissit ja kurvikkaat aasit, ovat jokaisen miehen unelma. Katso tarkemmin näitä lutkoja! He haaveilevat saada miehen sänkyyn ja harrastaa seksiä hänen kanssaan! Uskomattoman seksikkäät poikaset alkavat tehdä mitä uskomattomia mauttomuuxia kameran edessä. Mansikan ystäville täällä on paljon mutusteltavaa. Jokainen näistä rinnakkaisista naisista on miehen halun kohde. Katsokaa mitä nämä lutkat tekevät!
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 585: The first contact between the Philistines and Israelites were violent with the Philistines quickly gaining the upper hand. In the book of Judges, the Philistines are ascendant with the men of Judah even offering to bind the hero Samson, asking him: “Knowest thou not that the Philistines are rulers over us?" Philistine dominance continued for over fifty years until King David unified Israel and Judah and finally drove the Philistines from Israelite territory in 980 BC. Get off my property! they said like the fiddler on the roof.
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 609: tetragrammaton JHWH ja kuusi muuta nimeä, jotka ovat El (”Jumala”), Eloah (”Jumala”), Elohim (”Jumalat”), Shaddai (”Kaikkivaltias”), Ehje (”minä olen”) ja Tsevaot (”sotajoukot”). Muita nimiä pidetään pelkkinä epiteetteinä tai nimityksinä, jotka heijastavat erilaisia Jumalan piirteitä, mutta usein ollaan vielä halakhan vaatimuksiakin varovaisempia, ja esimerkiksi saatetaan kirjoittaa ”J-la” sanan ”Jumala” sijasta myös suomen kielellä, tai heprealainen luku 15 ilmaistaan sanomalla tet – vav (kirjaimellisesti ”9-6”) jod – he:n sijasta (kirjaimellisesti ”10-5”, hepreaksi myös yksi Jumalan nimistä eli ”Jah”). Jah jah de ä Gösta här.
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 710: vanhimmista ja laajimmalle levinneistä ’Jumala’
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 725: El means "God" in the Ugaritic and the Canaanite languages. The literal meaning of Shaddai, however, is the subject of debate. Some scholars have argued that it came from Akkadian shadû ("mountain") or from the Hebrew verb shaddad שדד meaning "Destroyer". Shaddai may have also come from shad שד meaning mammary; shaddai is a typical Biblical Hebrew word (שדי). The plural (Shaddayim -- שדיים) is the typical Modern Hebrew word for human breasts in dual grammatical number.The Deir Alla Inscription contains shaddayin as well as elohin rather than elohim. Scholars translate this as "shadday-gods," taken to mean unspecified boobs, mountain or destroyer gods. A popular interpretation of the name Shaddai is that it is composed of the Hebrew relative particle she- (Shin plus vowel segol followed by dagesh), or, as in this case, as sha- (Shin plus vowel patach followed by a dagesh). The noun containing the dagesh is the Hebrew word dai meaning "enough, sufficient, sufficiency". However, Day's overview says a "rabbinic view understanding the name meaning 'who suffices' (Se + day) is clearly fanciful and has no support."
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 1035: "I am Charlie" synnytti sanan "En ole Charlie", mikä herätti kysymyksen, joka vaatii leirien valitsemista: Oletko Charlie vai etkö ole? Vastaus asettaa ihmiset kummallekin puolelle Ranskan suuria rajoja, mukaan lukien sananvapaus, sekularismi, rotu, kansallinen identiteetti ja tietysti islam. "Toivon, että tämä iskulause lakkaisi olemasta, koska nykyisessä muodossaan se syventää kuilua", sanoi Joachim Roncin, graafinen suunnittelija, joka loi iskulauseen, jonka hän piti "turvapeitteenä:" "Je suis Charlie - me ollaan siinä yhdessä."
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 61: Knausgård. Sama vitun Kjell Westömäinen futista ja popmusaa diggaava oikeistojolppi razastaa taas. Sen iso pää näyttää päälleliimatulta laihan kaulan jatkona. Tai siltä että Hannu-Pekka työntää päänsä pahviin leikatusta reijästä. Vähän ennen nukahtamista runkkasin ajatellen jonkun muun sakkoliha tyttöystävää jota en ollut edes nähnyt. Vitun inseli. No kai se pyyhki ne runkut vielä johonkin, vai näinköhän se nukahti kulli kädessä spermalätäkköön? Wouldn't put it past him. Vaikka työkkärin aulassa istuisi kuinka monta ihmistä kädet ristissä, töitä kyllä löytyi sille joka niitä halusi tehdä. Voi vaikka kirjoittaa izepaljastuxia. Osakkeetkin tuottavat kunnoitettavasti.
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 132: Miljoonakaupungin kujilla käyvät vakoojat keskeytyksettä armotonta sotaansa. Yksi heistä on Alex Wolff, säälimätön tappaja, pirullisen nerokas juonittelija. Hän on Rommelin salainen ase. Mitään keinoja kaihtamatta hän sieppaa brittiläisten tarkimmin varjellut suunnitelmat ja viestittää ne Rommelin päämajaan. Wolffilla on apureinaan hekumallinen napatanssijatar Sonja ja Kairon alamaailman pahimmat roistot, niin että veitsi välähtää ja kurkku katkeaa hyvin pienestä rahasummasta.
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 145: Mixi kuollaan? Koska vanhat ruumiit kuluvat ja risteyttämällä syntyy uusia parannettuja malleja. Tää kaveri on liian tyhmä ymmärtääxeen mixi darwinismi on kausaalinen teoria. Vitun humanistikiekura. Norjalaiset säntäilevät kuin päättömät kanat. Glenin autossa haisee spermalta: se on päässyt sakkoliha Benten hilloviivalle. Samassa tilanteessa K-O olisi mennyt jo autuaana kertomaan sen vuorille. 19v ja aivan pirunmoinen narsisti. Minulla on oikeus! Valheessa elo on likaista ja rumaa. Tälläset siisteysintoilijat on pahimpia kaikista. Sievertin mielestä äidin pitää hävetä kun isi oli joutunut sitä pettämään. Täähän on kun joku mumslimi. "Isällä oli varmasti ollut syynsä jättää äiti." 3kin: terhakammat tissit ja tuoreempi mätäs jonkun toise jalkovälissä.
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 227: like "Juri" himself were just dead ends of evolution.
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 252: Sigma-uros on anti-Mr. Rogers. Hänen mottonsa: "Älä ole lähimmäiseni." Jotkut kutsuvat hänen kaltaistaan ​​"hiljaisiksi vallankumouksellisiksi, jotka muuttavat maailmaa" (2. elokuuta 2023, Medium.com), kun taas toiset sanovat, että sigma on "uudenlainen myrkyllinen maskuliinisuus" (28. huhtikuuta 2023, Vice). Mutta pidätkö hänestä tai et, kuten The Guardian huomautti 12. kesäkuuta 2024, "sigma-uroksen surullinen, typerä nousu" ei katoa. Viime vuosina sigma-maskuliinisuus on räjähtänyt. Se on kaikkialla sosiaalisessa mediassa – ja se on auttanut määrittelemään, mikä voisi olla aikamme maskuliininen arkkityyppi.
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 606: In the figurative sense, the word "mankurt" refers to people who have lost touch with their ethnic homeland, who have forgotten their kinship. Mankurtin pää on kiedottu kamelinnahkaan joka kutistuttaa siitä zombien. Koko sana on Aitmatovin oma päähänpisto. Russian was as much of a native language for him as Kyrgyz. Zingis ei saanut yhtään länkkärien palkintoa vaikka asui loppuajat lännessä. Elokuussa 1973 Chingiz Aimatov allekirjoitti kirjeen 50 , jossa tuomittiin "A. I. Solženitsynin ja A. D. Saharovin neuvostovastaiset toimet ja puheet". Hyvä Zingiz!