ellauri014.html on line 1584: But some witnesses, who include both Marino´s detractors (such as Tommaso Stigliani) and defenders (such as the printer and biographer Antonio Bulifoni in a life of the poet which appeared in 1699) have firmly asserted that Marino, much of whose love poetry is heavily ambiguous, had homosexual tendencies. Elsewhere, the reticence of the sources on this subject is obviously due to the persecutions to which "sodomitical practices" were particularly subject during the Counterreformation.
ellauri042.html on line 817: His moronic patients called him “deeply eccentric” and described him as “huge, a full beard, black leather jacket covering T-shirts riddled with holes, huge shoes, his trousers looking like they were going to slide off his body.” A friend from Sacks’s days as a medical resident remembers him as a “big, free-ranging animal” who one day “drank some blood … chasing it with milk. There was something about his need to cross taboos. Back in those days, in the early ’60s, he was heavily into drugs, downing whole handfuls of them, especially speed and LSD.”
ellauri042.html on line 945: Despite his great education and poetic talents, Donne lived in poverty for several years, relying heavily on wealthy friends. He spent much of the money he inherited during and after his education on womanising, literature, pastimes, and travel. In 1601, Donne secretly married Anne More, with whom he had twelve children. In 1615 he was ordained Anglican deacon and then priest, although he did not want to take holy orders and only did so because the king ordered it. He also served as a member of Parliament in 1601 and in 1614.
ellauri065.html on line 482: "Captain" Virgulino Ferreira da Silva (Brazilian Portuguese: [viʁɡulĩnu feˈʁejɾɐ da ˈsiwvɐ]), better known as Lampião (older spelling: Lampeão, Portuguese pronunciation: [lɐ̃piˈɐ̃w], meaning "lantern" or "oil lamp"), was probably the twentieth century's most successful traditional bandit leader. The banditry endemic to the Brazilian Northeast was called Cangaço. Cangaço had origins in the late 19th century but was particularly prevalent in the 1920s and 1930s. Lampião led a band of up to 100 cangaceiros, who occasionally took over small towns and who fought a number of successful actions against paramilitary police when heavily outnumbered. Lampião's exploits and reputation turned him into a folk hero, the Brazilian equivalent of Jesse James or Pancho Villa.
ellauri067.html on line 439: How much, or how little influence drugs, particularly hallucigenic drugs like lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, had on Pynchon’s narrative is unknown. If Siegel, however, is to be believed, and he should be despite any resentment he felt regarding Pynchon’s affair with his wife, then the writing of Gravity’s Rainbow was heavily influenced by drugs. In Pynchon’s most famous quote regarding this particular novel, which is notoriously difficult to interpret, he is alleged to have told Siegel,
ellauri073.html on line 275: Quickly on your attacks on Wallace's writing style, I will mention that -- contrary to your rather baffling notions -- people did enjoy Infinite Jest and other works of his. They will continue to do so for decades. Listen Fartey: his work will live on. People recognize great writing wherever it materializes. Forget your distaste of footnotes, or your struggle in understanding the themes and ideals his work encompasses. His audience is clearly beyond you, so try to see that not everyone feels the same as you. You don't have to like his writing, but when you detract from it it makes it even more apparent that you are the lesser man. Your comments on Foster's writing ability led me to some of your other articles, and to be completely honest, it wasn't all bad. I genuinely enjoyed your "Fucking vs. Making Love" poetry bit, although it did seem like a cheap knockoff of Black Coffee Blues. Regardless, I can still acknowledge that the piece had its moments. However (and this is where I want you to pay attention you tub of lard), the piece can also be slammed in several areas. This is highly important, as we can see the parallels between this aspect of "Fucking vs. Making Love" and anything David Foster Wallace wrote. When it comes down to it, your writing can be criticized stylistically and formatically just like his can; the only difference is that there are few that actually give a shit about your writing, whereas Wallace's work is meaningful to the point where people have legitimate incentive to think critically about it. So defile it with your petty blog posts all you want, but at the end of the day you're the one who's only making yourself look bad, and as a heavily obese man based in Europe you are surely having few problems achieving this in the status quo, since Europeans are notably fatist.
ellauri080.html on line 619: Most of the slapstick comedic sequences between Gilligan and Grumby were heavily inspired by Laurel and Hardy, particularly by Grumby breaking the fourth wall by looking directly into the camera expressing his frustration with Gilligan's clumsiness as Oliver Hardy often did.
ellauri083.html on line 165: When Bjartur returns, he assumes that Rósa has set the animal loose. When he cannot find her when it comes time to put the sheep inside for the winter, he once more leaves his wife, by now heavily pregnant, to search the mountains for the gimmer. He is delayed by a blizzard, and nearly dies of exposure. On his return to Summerhouses he finds that Rósa has died in childbirth. His dog Titla is curled around the baby girl, still clinging to life due to the warmth of the dog. With help from Rauðsmýri, the child survives; Bjartur decides to raise her as his daughter, and names her Ásta Sóllilja ("beloved sun lily").
ellauri083.html on line 514: I will tell you why; so shall my anticipation prevent your discovery, and your secrecy to the King and Queen moult no feather. I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises; and indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy the air, look you, this brave o’erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours. What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason? How infinite in faculties, in form and moving, how express and admirable? In action how like an angel? In apprehension, how like a god? The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals. And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me; no, nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.
ellauri094.html on line 92: Kari Syreeni argues that the gospel is a heavily reworked edition of an earlier Johannine work, and that the original did not include Jesus' passion. Syreeni theorizes that the original gospel ended at Chapter 12, with the notion of Jesus' disappearance from the world, and that the passion narrative was incorporated by a later editor freely using the existing gospels of Mark and Matthew.
ellauri094.html on line 507: When thy lovers went heavily without heart, as men Kun sun katamiitit meni sydän kurkussa, kuin
ellauri107.html on line 513: Babbitt looked up irritably from the comic strips in the Evening Advocate. They composed his favorite literature and art, these illustrated chronicles in which Mr. Mutt hit Mr. Jeff with a rotten egg, and Mother corrected Father's vulgarisms by means of a rolling-pin. With the solemn face of a devotee, breathing heavily through his open mouth, he plodded nightly through every picture, and during the rite he detested interruptions. Furthermore, he felt that on the subject of Shakespeare he wasn't really an authority. Neither the Advocate-Times, the Evening Advocate, nor the Bulletin of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce had ever had an editorial on the matter, and until one of them had spoken he found it hard to form an original opinion. But even at risk of floundering in strange bogs, he could not keep out of an open controversy.
ellauri108.html on line 168: As Rastafari developed, popular music became its chief communicative medium. During the 1960s, ska was a popular musical style in Jamaica, and although its protests against social and political conditions were mild, it gave early expression to Rasta socio-political ideology. Particularly prominent in the connection between Rastafari and ska were the musicians Count Ossie and Don Drummond. Ossie was a drummer who believed that black people needed to develop their own style of music; he was heavily influenced by Burru, an Afro-Jamaican drumming style. Ossie subsequently popularised this new Rastafari ritual music by playing at various groundings and groundations around Jamaica, with songs like "Another Moses" and "Babylon Gone" reflecting Rasta influence. Rasta themes also appeared in Drummond's work, with songs such as "Reincarnation" and "Tribute to Marcus Garvey".
ellauri108.html on line 201: Marcus Garvey, a prominent black nationalist theorist who heavily influenced Rastafari and is regarded as a prophet by many Rastas. The Jamaican activist Marcus Garvey, spent much of his adult life in the US and Britain. Garvey supported the idea of global racial separatism and called for part of the African diaspora to relocate to Africa. His ideas faced opposition from civil rights activists like W. E. B. Du Bois who supported racial integration, and as a mass movement, Garveyism declined in the Great Depression of the 1930s. A rumour later spread that in 1916, Garvey had called on his supporters to "look to Africa" for the crowning of a black king; this quote was never verified. However, in August 1930, Garvey's play, Coronation of an African King, was performed in Kingston. Its plot revolved around the crowning of the fictional Prince Cudjoe of Sudan, although it anticipated the crowning of Haile Selassie later that year. Rastas hold Garvey in great esteem, with many regarding him as a prophet. Garvey knew of Rastafari, but took a largely negative view of the religion; he also became a critic of Haile Selassie, calling him "a great coward" who rules a "country where black men are chained and flogged".
ellauri109.html on line 745: Auden referred to him as "the master of the middle class". Alexander Pope was heavily influenced by Dryden and often borrowed from him.
ellauri110.html on line 1052: It’s like when the rain falls heavily. The bubbles quickly vanish and don’t last long. In the same way, life as a human is like a bubble. …
ellauri112.html on line 683: Marlo, already a mother of two, begins the film heavily, outrageously pregnant: we learn, in rapid succession, that this third pregnancy was unwanted, that her husband does little of the domestic labour, and that her “shitty” upbringing is the reason she’s so committed to her nuclear family unit. Postnatal depression, never named, haunts the narrative: her wealthy brother offers to pay for a night nanny to avoid, in his words, the advent of another “bad time” like the one that followed the birth of her son, Jonah. When the nanny arrives – described by more than one reviewer as a “millennial Mary Poppins” – the panacea seems to be working. Not only does she look after the baby at night but she also operates as a kind of empathy machine, listening to Marlo’s problems, sharing sangria in the garden, and baking the Minions cupcakes that Marlo herself never has the time to make. The postnatal depression, it seems, disperses; Jonah – who has “emotional problems” – finds a place at a school more suited to his needs, family dinners get increasingly wholesome, and Marlo does a passable Stevie Nicks impression at a child’s birthday party. And then comes the twist: after a bender in Brooklyn with Tully, a sleep-deprived Marlo, drunk at the wheel, drives her car off a bridge and ends up in hospital, and we realise there was nobody else in the car. Her maiden name, we learn, was Tully.
ellauri117.html on line 665: John Locke was born on the 29th of August, 1632. He is famous for being a Philosopher. He and Sir Francis Bacon were among the first British empiricists and had a huge impact on social contract theory. John Locke’s age is 388. English philosopher and doctor commonly referred to as “The Father of Liberalism.” He was one of the Enlightenment Age’s most influential thinkers. His ideas heavily influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence.
ellauri119.html on line 736: Both you and Rand are unaware that our founders were heavily influenced by Greek philosophers who proposed the notion of civic virtue. Civic virtue is the view that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one (Atlas with the world on his shoulders). All libertarians are selfish because their concern is their own liberty and the hell with society.
ellauri150.html on line 480: Eugene Luther Gore Vidal (/vɪˈdɑːl/; born Eugene Louis Vidal, October 3, 1925 – July 31, 2012) was an American writer and public intellectual known for his epigrammatic wit, erudition, and patrician manner. Vidal was bisexual, and in his novels and essays interrogated the social and cultural sexual norms he perceived as driving American life. Beyond literature, Vidal was heavily involved in politics. He twice sought office—unsuccessfully—as a Democratic Party candidate, first in 1960 to the United States House of Representatives (for New York), and later in 1982 to the U.S. Senate (for California). His third novel, The City and the Pillar (1948), offended the literary, political, and moral sensibilities of conservative book reviewers, the plot being about a dispassionately presented male homosexual relationship.
ellauri171.html on line 973: Jezebel’s marriage to Ahab was a political alliance. The union provided both peoples with military protection from powerful enemies as well as valuable trade routes: Israel gained access to the Phoenician ports; Phoenicia gained passage through Israel’s central hill country to Transjordan and especially to the King’s Highway, the heavily traveled inland route connecting the Gulf of Aqaba in the south with Damascus in the north. But although the marriage is sound foreign policy, it is intolerable to the Deuteronomist because of Jezebel’s competing gods.
ellauri172.html on line 784: St. Olaf's cuisine is heavily influenced by Viking tradition and often includes herring.
ellauri184.html on line 269: There were important defeats along the way but it is interesting to observe that commanders often escaped repercussions for their militawy incompetence and it was usually the soldiers who bore the blame for defeat. Though a legionawy could theoretically come from any province within the Empire, the requirement of Woman citizenship had consequences for demographics: legionawies were more likely to speak Latin than non-citizen soldiers, they were usually wecwuited from the most heavily Womanized cities and provinces, their citizenship held inherent prestige that afforded them privilege over both civilians and other soldiers, etc. Legions primarily garrisoned in major imperial provinces, such as Syria, Pannonia, and post-War Judaea. With the exception of Egypt, all provinces with at least one legion were required to have a governor with Senator status. Legions primarily consisted of infantry soldiers, with a few cavalry or archers present among their ranks. Roughly 30 legions were active at any given time within the Empire and each consisted of approximately 5400 soldiers and officers, a standing army of ca. 150-300K total, though not all with a weceived Latin pwonunciation.
ellauri188.html on line 81: The inhabitants historically made a living by fishing, collecting shellfish, hunting birds, and gardening. They relied heavily on breadfruit but raised at least 32 other introduced crops.
ellauri191.html on line 2144: The first prize in 1901, awarded to the French poet Sully Prudhomme, was heavily criticised. Many believed that the acclaimed Russian author Tolstoy should have been awarded the first Nobel prize in literature.
ellauri192.html on line 653: Professor Gibian, who was born in Prague, said that he has been translating some of the more recent Seifert poems for his own edification and pleasure. "They are a combination of the intimate lyrical tone of Czech poetry," he said, "heavily influenced by French Surrealism with much of the eroticism characteristic of Czechoslovak poetry in this century. His earlier poetry was sometimes melancholy but his recent work is conversational, very compassionate. He has written a cycle of poems about Prague. All this brings back my life and loves in Prague." All these Czechs are teaching Russian in the U.S., who would bother to learn Czech anyway?
ellauri196.html on line 631: Lewis argued that the AFL was too heavily oriented toward traditional craftsmen, and was overlooking the opportunity to organize millions of semiskilled workers, especially those in industrial factories that made automobiles, rubber, glass and steel. In 1935 Lewis led the dissenting unions in forming a new Congress for Industrial Organization (CIO) within the AFL. Both the new CIO industrial unions, and the older AFL crafts unions grew rapidly after 1935. In 1936 union members enthusiastically supported Roosevelt's landslide reelection. Proposals for the creation of an independent labor party were rejected.
ellauri204.html on line 688: Sexton was heavily criticized for her poetic content and themes, but these topics contributed to the popularity of her work. Transformations (1971) is a revisionary retelling of Grimm's Fairy Tales. Check If der eiserne Hans is included.
ellauri213.html on line 379: Königsberg was the easternmost large city in Germany until World War II. The city was heavily damaged by Allied bombing in 1944 and during the Battle of Königsberg in 1945; it was then captured by the Soviet Union on 9 April 1945. The Potsdam Agreement of 1945 placed it under Soviet administration. The city was renamed to Kaliningrad in 1946 in honor of Soviet revolutionary Mikhail Kalinin. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it has been governed as the administrative centre of Russia's Kaliningrad Oblast, the westernmost oblast of Russia.
ellauri220.html on line 513: This trope is used in film and television fiction set in the past (or a fantasy counterpart culture heavily based on the past) where characters speak with British accents, even though the film is not set in Britain and the characters are not British. Sometimes the actors are Fake Brits, and sometimes the cast all have British accents except for the sole American star.
ellauri221.html on line 157: An important characteristic of the Dunno trilogy is its heavily didactic nature. Nosov describes this as an effort to teach "honesty, bravery, camaraderie, willpower, and persistence" and discourage "jealousy, cowardice, mendacity, arrogance, and effrontery." Strong political undertones are also present. In addition to general egalitarianism and feminism, communist tendencies dominate the works. The first book takes the reader into a typical Soviet-like town, the second into a communist utopia, and the third into a capitalistic satire. Nosov's captivating and humorous literary style has made his ideologies accessible to children and adults alike.
ellauri223.html on line 200: In 1621, Bacon, by now styled as Viscount St Albans, was accused of taking bribes, heavily fined, and removed from Parliament and all offices. Lady Bacon personally pleaded with the Marquis of Buckingham for the restoration of some of Bacon's salary and pensions, to no effect. They lost York House and left the city in 1622.
ellauri236.html on line 386: In 1973, Gene D. Phillips of Loyola University of Chicago remarked on the influence of William Faulkner's 1931 novel Sanctuary, writing that, "It is a matter of record that [No Orchids for Miss Blandish] was heavily indebted to Sanctuary for its plot line." Phillips also stated that Slim Grisson, who was identified by Phillips as the main antagonist, was based on Popeye The Sailor Man, a criminal in Faulkner's novel. Onko se sama Kippari Kalle joka heilastelee Olkan kanssa ja hoitaa pikku Hajuhernettä?
ellauri240.html on line 213: Despite its notoriety and the large amounts of money it earned her, the book led to the ruination of Grace Metalious. She purchased a house that she had long admired in Gilmanton, then had it extensively remodeled. Meanwhile, her husband's contract with the Gilmanton school was not renewed. Officially, he was not fired, but the rumor was that the dismissal was because of his wife's book. At any rate, it made good publicity for the book. George eventually got a new job in Massachusetts, but Grace refused to leave her house. Eventually the two divorced and Grace, who had begun drinking heavily, married a local disc jockey.
ellauri245.html on line 313: One year ago, a heavily armed man dressed as a police officer appeared on the beach of a youth summer camp in Norway. The kids had no way of knowing he was targeting them for the ills of Europe. Then he started shooting. And shooting. Where were the real cops? By the end of the day, seventy-seven people had been killed, the deadliest attack in that country since World War II. As told by the survivors, these are the beat-by-beat horrors of those terrifying 198 minutes. the Utoya Massacre On July 22, 2011. Lue ja kauhistu, tää on hurja jännäri!
ellauri249.html on line 92: Afghan insurgents began to receive massive amounts of support through aid, finance and military training in neighbouring Pakistan with significant help from the United States and United Kingdom. They were also heavily financed by China and the Arab monarchies in the Persian Gulf.
ellauri269.html on line 528: Just as Judaism (besides the incredibly tiny Karaite sect) is Rabbinic in nature (teachers of the scripture interpret matters, debate is common and encouraged), Draenei worship of the Light is heavily based on discussion and interpretation, and different Exarchs will interpret the word of a Naaru in a certain manner. Dogmatism is heavily discouraged, and worshippers are encouraged to find their own truths in the scripture (this is specifically non-Orthodox, but Draenei don’t seem Orthodox to me).
ellauri270.html on line 333: The lottery involves organizing the village by household, which reinforces the importance of family structures here. This structure relies heavily on gender roles for men and women, where men are the heads of households, and women are delegated to a secondary role and considered incapable of assuming responsibility or leadership roles. Horrible! Even though the setting of this story is a single town, it is generic enough that it might be almost anywhere. In doing this, Jackson essentially makes the story a fable—the ideas explored here are universal.
ellauri275.html on line 460: In his Romantic poems, Chavchavadze dreamed of Georgia's glorious past, when "the breeze of life past" would "breathe sweetness" into his "dry soul." In poems Woe, time, time (ვაჰ, დრონი, დრონი), Listen, listener (ისმინეთ მსმენნო), and Caucasia (კავკასია), the "Golden Age" of medieval Georgia was contrasted with its unremarkable present. As a social activist, however, he remained mostly a "cultural nationalist," defender of the native language, and an advocate of the interest of Georgian aristocratic and intellectual elites. In his letters, Alexander heavily criticized Russian treatment of Georgian national culture and even compared it with the pillaging by Ottomans and Persians who had invaded Georgia in the past. In one of the letters he states: The damage which Russia has inflicted on our nation is disastrous. Even Persians and Turks could not abolish our Monarchy and deprive us of our statehood. We have exchanged one serpent for another.
ellauri302.html on line 300: Yes, I do. Rifkele, breathing heavily.
ellauri310.html on line 669: The Soviet Union's war doctrine depended heavily on the main battle tank. Any weapon advancement making the MBT obsolete could have devastated the Soviet Union's fighting capability. The United States's experience in the Vietnam War contributed to the idea among army leadership that the role of the main battle tank could be fulfilled by attack helicopters. During the Vietnam War, helicopters and missiles competed with MBTs for research money.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 528: Make the tax code more progressive, which is to say, have the tax burden fall more heavily on those who can afford it, particularly through a higher levy on capital gains.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 334: Milton Friedman (/ˈfriːdmən/; July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization policy. With George Stigler and other jews, Friedman was among the intellectual leaders of the Chicago school of economics, a neoclassical school of economic thought associated with the work of the faculty at the University of Chicago that rejected Keynesianism in favor of monetarism until the mid-1970s, when it turned to new classical macroeconomics heavily based on the concept of rational expectations.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 478: The poem, along with Marvell's 'The Definition of Love', is heavily referenced throughout the 1997 film The Daytrippers, in which the main character finds a note she believes may be from her husband's mistress. In several scenes, the two Marvell poems are alluded to, quoted, and sometimes directly discussed.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 262: Writing under the pseudonym Edward Schlosser on Vox, the author of the essay “I’m a Liberal Professor, and My Liberal Students Scare Me” describes higher education’s “current climate of fear” and its “heavily policed discourse of semantic sensitivity” – and I am concerned that this touchy ethos, in which offendedness is used as a weapon, has spread far beyond academia, in part thanks to social media.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 334: In her admiring new biography of Margaret Atwood, Rosemary Sullivan passes on a story about the writer that vividly catches her youthful ambition. One day when she was in her mid-20s, she dropped in at the home of poet John Newlove, who had been drinking heavily with his friend fellow Prairie writer Patrick Lane. The men’s conversation about literature had degenerated into a series of long silences punctuated by the occasional pseudoprofound utterance. Frustrated, Atwood cut to the heart of the matter, demanding to know what their poetic ambitions were. After some drunken dithering, the two declared that what they wanted most was to win a Governor General’s Award. As Lane recalled later, Atwood was indignant at their modest expectations, declaring tartly that the only goal worth pursuing was the Nobel Prize. Swigging down her beer, she then left the room.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 132: In the 1967 war, it seems the Israeli felt their grip was loosening: based largely on interviews with Israeli soldiers—conducted in 1967, and heavily censored at the time—Censored Voices documents Israeli soldiers “summarily executing prisoners and evacuating Arab villages in a manner that one fighter likened to the Nazis’ treatment of European Jews.”
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 386: In November they moved into a cheap flat at 27 Rue Française; Emma started drinking heavily and taking laudanum. She died on 15 January 1815, aged 49. Emma was buried in Calais on 21 January in public ground outside the town, with her friend Joshua Smith paying for the modest funeral at the Catholic church. Her grave was subsequently lost due to wartime destruction, but in 1994 a dedicated group unveiled the memorial which stands today in the Parc Richelieu in her honour.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 290: In the 15th century, major steps were taken by Bernardine of Siena, Pierre d'Ailly, and Jean Gerson, the chancellor of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris. Gerson wrote a lengthy treatise in French titled Consideration sur Saint Joseph and a 120-verse poem in Latin about Saint Joseph. In 1416 to 1418, Gerson preached sermons on Saint Joseph at the Council of Constance in which he borrowed heavily from Marian themes.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1038: Speaking of which, German police believe the convicted paedophile, 45, abducted and killed Madeleine McCann, 3, in Portugal in 2007. Following tip-offs from German police, in April 2021 authorities in Paraguay targeted Christian Manfred Kruse, 59, a German national thought to be behind the sick network. At the same time German cops arrested three other men linked to a paedo ring. They include cook Andreas G, 40, unemployed Fritz Otto K, 64, and Alexander G, 49, who allegedly acted as an administrator and forum moderator for the ring. Boystown was internationally oriented, had chat areas in different languages and served the worldwide exchange of images, documenting the sexual abuse of children. Experts then set about analysing all the computer data, including 5,000 IP addresses, which had exchanged sickening pornographic images and videos of children being abused to around 400,000 members. Idris started prophecying at age 40, and so did Mohammed. Mohammed´s youngest wife was just 9. The Daily Telegraph described the disappearance of Madeleine "the most heavily reported missing-person case in modern history".
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 92: She was a Southern writer who often wrote in a sardonic Southern Gothic style and relied heavily on regional settings and grotesque characters, often in violent situations. Her writing reflected her Roman Catholic faith and frequently examined questions of morality and ethics. Kauhua. Perhaps, in an indirect way, cinema allowed Lillo to become a writer.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 408: While en route to New York aboard the steamship Orizaba, he was beaten up after making sexual advances to a male crew member. Just before noon on April 27, 1932, Crane jumped overboard into the Gulf of Mexico. Although he had been drinking heavily and left no suicide note, witnesses believed his intentions to be suicidal, as several reported that he exclaimed "Goodbye, everybody!" before throwing himself overboard. His body was never recovered. A marker in the form of a lifesaver candy on his father´s tombstone at Park Cemetery outside Garrettsville, Portage County, Ohio includes the inscription, "Harold Hart Crane 1899–1932 lost completely at sea". Ai Hart olikin oikeasti Harold, niinkuin bändärinsä Bloom. Childe Haroldeja olisivat halunneet olla kumpikin. But they FAILED!
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 601: His posthumous collections have been heavily 'John Martinized', removing booze, hell and Hitler and replacing dick, cunt and arse with ****. American band Red Hot Chili Peppers reference Bukowski and his works in several songs. A legion of other wannabe baddies have saddled his horses.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 222: He also maintained relations with Jean Burden, his lover and the inspiration/editor of Nature, Man and Woman. Watts was a heavy smoker throughout his life and in his later years drank heavily.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 253: Alone and destitute, Merope sold Slytherin's priceless locket (yes, that one) to Borgin and Burkes for just ten Galleons. It seems that when Merope lost her husband she also lost the will to live. When she arrived heavily pregnant on the steps of the London orphanage where Tom Riddle Jr was to spend his early years, she seemed to know she wasn't going to make it.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 322: Vaclav oli paxunahkainen oikispaskiainen ja kehno kynämies. Sehän se ähräs kokoon Prahan julistuxen, "Europe-wide condemnation of, and education about, the crimes of communism." Much of the content of the declaration reproduced demands formulated by the European People's Party in 2004, and draws heavily on the theory or conception of totalitarianism. The European People's Party (EPP) is a European political party with Christian-democratic, conservative, and liberal-conservative member parties. The declaration has been cited as an important document in the increasing "criminalisation of Communism" and the strengthening of totalitarian interpretations of Communism in the European political space. Eli vitun kokkarien kähmimistä kapitalismin konttiin taas.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 441: Nyamwesit ovat itä-Afrikan länkkäreitä, niitä ei kiinosta mikään muu kuin raha. German colonialists controlling Tanzania from the late 19th century (calling it German East Africa), found the Nyamwezi heavily involved in trade relations with the Arabs and the island of Zanzibar, dominating as traders and porters since 1850.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 639: Campbell attended a Grateful Dead concert in 1986, and marveled that "Everyone has just lost themselves in everybody else here!" Campbell died at his home in Honolulu, Hawaii, on October 30, 1987, from complications of esophageal cancer. The works of Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche had a profound effect on Campbell's thinking; he quoted their writing frequently. Sinclair's Babbitt did not follow his (Joe's) bliss, while Schopenhauer ans Nietzsche did, enviously watching Joseph hump his best friend's wife. Jung's insights into archetypes were heavily influenced by the Bardo Thodol (also known as The Tibetan Book of the Dead, an interesting tidbit on the side).
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 741: Brown's work is heavily influenced by academic Joseph Campbell, who wrote extensively on mythology and religion and was highly influential in the field of screenwriting. Brown also states he based the character of Robert Langdon on Campbell. Vizi tästä akateemisesta Joosepista taitaa ollakin jo paasaus! Brown does his writing in his loft. He told fans that he uses inversion therapy (ei tarkoita housut pois homopatiaa vaan roikkumista pää alaspäin kuin apina) to help with writer's block. He uses gravity boots and says, "hanging upside down seems to help me solve plot challenges by shifting my entire perspective". Dan on myös hanakka plagioimaan muiden yhtä onnettomia kirjoja.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 281: Indeed, as Rinaldi claims, The Black Pig “tells you about those priests” (FTA 8). And it is easy enough to see why the priest thought it “a filthy and vile book.” But Rinaldi’s complaint, that it “shook my faith” (7), needs to be read in the context of everything else we know of this character. If Rinaldi is a real believer—which I doubt—he would disdain Notari’s book, which, although heavily documented, is dripping with scorn, irony, and bias. But if his faith is automatic and largely irrelevant, or if it has already been shaken, he might have read on, attracted by Notari’s wide reading, his witty, strong prose, and his relentlessly rationalist logic, sometimes reminiscent of MarkTwain.