ellauri006.html on line 1680: Come on guys, cheer up!

ellauri007.html on line 1322: 3. In the church of Johnny boy two left handed guys

ellauri015.html on line 763: Vähän herrakansalaista näpäsee et pitkät sukulaiset suhtautuu siihen kuin hukkapätkään Aadolf Hitleriin ("hyvin pieni mies, hyvin pieni"), tai Armi Kuuselan filippiinimamuun ("hotel guy, small and fat was he"). Kazoo sitä nenänvarttaan pitkin alaspäin. Minkäs sille voi, ellei pikku saku ota alleen pallia. Nää jäi kyl mieleen lähtemättömästi. Niinkuin meidän esi-isälle, josta pitkänhuiskea Kristina-serkku käytti nimitystä "lihava pieni pormestari". Saxalaisten vastaisku oli Dipnerin tädin huomautus Callesta: "er sieht wie ein Skelett aus."
ellauri025.html on line 643: Lovecraft is a famous writer and bullshit artist, but also a well-known racist. Should I read his novels?Was H.P. Lovecraft ever a chill or a good guy at least even a little bit? I know his works basically put humankind to the lowest of the low, but was there even a tiny bit of good in him?What does H.P. Lovecraft mean with his phrase “That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die” in his writing of The Nameless City?
ellauri035.html on line 1098: Spoonerismeja ei pidä sekottaa fullerismeihin. Fullerismin top definition Urban dictionaryssä: Whining phrases from a guy who's been rejected for good reason. Buckminster Fuller oli USA:n Spede Pasanen. Buckminster Fulleria ei pidä sekottaa Andrew Fulleriin. Hakuharavaan tulee nykypäivänä paljon enemmän osumia tästä jenkkifundamentalistipastorista kuin vanhasta Buckminster Fullerista. Buckminster sanoi vanhana:
ellauri042.html on line 697: Dostoevsky´s literary work has strong autobiographical elements. We know from him that he suffered from hallucinations already in early childhood. He presented idiotic characters with confused views about freedom of choice, religion, socialism, atheism, good and evil. Many of his characters suffered – like the author himself – from epilepsy. Other famous people also suffered from epilepsy (Alexander the Great, Caesar, Gustave Flaubert, and Lord Byron). Flaubert had religiously tinted visions. The first 2 guys thought they were gods.
ellauri060.html on line 235: Daniel Foe was probably born in Fore Street in the parish of St Giles Cripplegate, London. His father, James Foe, was a prosperous tallow chandler of Flemish descent, and a member of the Worshipful Company of Butchers. In Defoe's early childhood, he experienced some of the most unusual occurrences in English history: in 1665, 70,000 were killed by the Great Plague of London, and the next year, the Great Fire of London left only Defoe and two other guys standing in his neighbourhood. In 1667, when he was probably about seven, a Dutch fleet sailed up the Medway via the River Thames and attacked the town of Chatham in the raid on the Medway. His mother, Alice, had died by the time he was about ten.
ellauri060.html on line 949: MeWe was founded by entrepreneur and privacy advocate Mark Weinstein, a cheerful, loquacious man and a self-satisfied libertarian. He’s friendly and open, with a horse voice that occasionally crackles with emotion, and he’s also prone to the occasional fit of bombast: “I’m one of the guys who invented gunpowder,” he cheerfully tells me at the start of our conversation.
ellauri065.html on line 228: Finding himself out of work after film school in 1976, Ferrara directed a pornographic film, 9 Lives of a Wet Pussy, using a pseudonym. Starring with his then-girlfriend, he recalled having to step in front of the camera for one scene to perform in a hardcore sex scene: "It's bad enough paying a guy $200 to fuck your girlfriend, then he can't get it up." Ferrara lives in Rome, Italy. He moved there following the 9/11 attacks because it was easier for him to find financing for his movies in Europe. Ferrara descibes himself as a Buddhist. Because Jesus was a living man, and so were Buddha and Muhammad. These three guys changed the fucking world, with their passion and love of other human beings. All these guys had was their word, and they came from fucking nowhere. I’m not saying Nazareth is nowhere – I’m sure Jesus came from a very cool neighbourhood. Ferrara shows his love for other human beings by making films with a lot of FUCK! FUCK! and KILL! KILL! in them. His love of money is no match for his love of his neighbor primates.
ellauri066.html on line 936: Almost exactly a year from the pandemic’s start, Tegnell said that he believes people should still hold off on judging his policies. “The pandemic is not over,” he said. “Any kind of final review on what’s been good and what’s been bad still awaits us.” Thats what the guys in Nuremberg said: hold your horses, this was supposed to be a 1000-year Reich. Don't blame us on what were only meant as initial experiments.
ellauri067.html on line 454: Schwarzkommando: (p. 359) supposed herero fighters in the service of the nazis. It is propaganda like King Kong or the black science man Neil Degrasse Tyson to make black people seem intelligent. The Schwarzkommando in Gravity´s Rainbow is fictional. Schrödinger´s douchebag is a guy who says offensive things and decides whether he is joking based on the reaction of people around him.
ellauri067.html on line 473: The first residential house in America to be electrified was J.P. Morgan’s. The work was done by Thomas Edison. So how did Morgan say thanks to the guy who gave him the first home in America with electricity? He screwed Thomas Edison out of his own company. Welcome to the game of 1890s venture capital.
ellauri072.html on line 170: “But that’s what he said when he was candid in interviews,” Hart said, “that he wanted to put an end to his life in the Great Dismal Swamp. He went in with his street clothes, a little satchel, no food or gear. He was rescued by a couple of guys in a boat who were going down the canal [to pick up some duck hunters].”
ellauri073.html on line 454: Photo by Victoria Lynn Hogan, my true love and colleague, shows a rather hairless dense looking guy peering inquiringly at a little plastic jar containing some goo.
ellauri080.html on line 398: Sensitivity: Easygoing or apprehensive? Soft dog or a hard one? Tough guy or a ninny?
ellauri082.html on line 62: Obsessed with the writer Mary Karr, Wallace planned to shoot her husband with a gun he tried to buy from a guy he met in recovery. She found out about the scheme, but believed him when he blamed it on his buddy. Wallace and Karr eventually became a couple, but Wallace stalked her kid in an ugly manner after she chucked him.
ellauri082.html on line 141: he’s with a very sad kid and they’re in a graveyard digging some dead guy’s head up and it’s really important, like Continental-Emergency important, and Gately’s the best digger but he’s wicked hungry, like irresistibly hungry, and he’s eating with both hands out of huge economy-size bags of corporate snacks so he can’t really dig, while it gets later and later and the sad kid is trying to scream at Gately that the important thing was buried in the guy’s head and to divert the Continental Emergency to start digging the guy’s head up before it’s too late, but the kid moves his mouth but nothing comes out, and Joelle van D. appears … while the sad kid holds something terrible up by the hair and makes the face of somebody shouting in panic: Too Late. (934)
ellauri082.html on line 288: Em's poem was published posthumously in 1890 in Poems: Series 1, a collection of Dickinson's poems assembled and edited by her friends. Critics attribute the lack of fear in her tone as her acceptance of death as "a natural part of the endless cycle of nature," due to the certainty in her belief in Christ. (Silly, if death is a natural part of the endless cycle of nature who needs Christ meddling into it? Christ was no endless cycle guy but like Tom Hanks in "News of the world" a guy who points with his hand straight ahead, in a rigidly raising logistic line toward the abyss.)
ellauri082.html on line 507: "A motion became a feeling!—no phrase that our lips can frame is so devoid of apprehensible meaning." (Says Spencer - check out this guy.) And some Tyndall guy that everyone knew by heart in late 19th: "the passage from the physics of the brain to the corresponding facts of consciousness is unthinkable." (Nothing to it except fear of death and retribution. Funny but seriously I have never seen anything the matter with it. Your mind is like a little video camera connected to a bunch of neural networks that mill the images around. Whats wrong with this concept is hard for me to see.)
ellauri090.html on line 66: [14.3. 9.33] Bo Egov: Got it. Machado sounds like a sympathetic guy?
ellauri092.html on line 102: In November 1882 when he spoke at Cambridge University he was filled with great anxiety as this educational centre for Britain’s aristocratic and wealthy youth had a reputation of unparalleled riotous behaviour. That first night at a Zoom meeting Moody spoke on ‘the Spirit’s power service.’ The university vicar Handley Moule was somewhat nervous. The young C.T. Studd (the same guy who impressed J.R.Mott with his biceps) greatly doubted ‘if this Yankee was up to the task.’ The first mission night on the Monday had 1,700 students in attendance. As Sankey sang his sacred Hymns they jeered, laughed and shouted. When Sankey finished he was near to tears. As Moody preached on Daniel in the lions den (how appropriate) again they laughed, shouted and did all in their power to disturb him. He maintained his calm. By the end of the week at least 200 students had accepted a check from the speaker. Amongst them was a main ‘ringette player’ who later assumed missionary position in China and was the first lady Bishop of King Kong. Out of this mission came The Cambridge Seven, missionaries who made a lot of dough. This campaign had huge proceeds that also leeched the youth of the whole nation.
ellauri095.html on line 163: Robert Martin asserts that when Hopkins first met Dolben, on Dolben´s 17th birthday in Oxford in February 1865, it "was, quite simply, the most momentous emotional event of his undergraduate years, probably of his entire life." According to Robert Martin, "Hopkins was completely taken with Dolben, who was nearly four years his junior, and his private journal for confessions the following year proves how absorbed he was in imperfectly suppressed erotic thoughts of him." Martin also considers it "probable that Hopkins would have been deeply shocked at real sexual intimacy with another guy."
ellauri098.html on line 56: The greatest challenges a detective faces aren't always a devious criminal or a really tough case — all those are a cakewalk compared to managing their personal life. The genius ones are nerds with trouble getting along with people or worse, have social or personality disorders. The hard-working ones are workaholics who let their family relationships slide because they're never home. The overworked and nervous ones dabble in drugs and court substance addictions (or blood). The Film Noir detective and his descendants have terrible luck with women, who either end up dead, broken or distant; if he has a wife he may be cheating on her. And gods help him and his friends if some of the bad guys or associates that they helped put in the clink come back to haunt him. And his personal finances are probably gone thanks to being The Gambling Addict. In short, it's rare to have a detective as a main character in a dramatic story and have them not have at least one serious character flaw that's tangential to them actually working cases.
ellauri098.html on line 162: Noi genret pitäs hajottaa EFK ulottuvuxille. Esim mix vitussa jokasen prujauxen pitää olla rofe ja skoudetarina. Mix pitää olla juoni ja mysteeri, mix pitää olla spoileri. No se on tyypillistä saduille. Kaikki fiktio on satua. Niissä lähdetään reisuun ("quest"), kohdataan vaikeuxia ("issues"), selvitään vaaroista ("challenge eli haaste"), ollaan muita pätevämpiä, voitetaan puoli valtakuntaa ja prinsessa, päästään pukille, pahat eli vastustajat ("bad guys") kuolevat. Kuinkas sitten kävikään. Kai se jännittää jokaista elukkaa että selvitäänkö tästä ja kuka selviää. Survival of the fittest. Päästäänkö lisääntymään. Sehän se on se karkki ja tappio elon kilvassa on se kepponen
ellauri101.html on line 493: Cavan: A dashing, quick witted evil genius. Articulate, devious and charming, this is a guy to watch out for. Cavans are clever and mischievous, and will go to extremes to get their own way. Cavans are very competitive by nature, and do not accept failure. One should never oppose a Cavan in an argument, unless they are prepared for a real battle.
ellauri102.html on line 56: In 1958 he founded the marketing and research firm Daniel Yankelovich, Inc., which was later renamed as Yankelovich, Skelly, & White, Inc., remaining chair till 1986. In 2008, Yankelovich merged with Henley HeadlightVision to create The Futures Company, a planning consultancy that exists under the WPP communications holding company. He also founded The New York Times/Yankelovich Poll, now The New York Times/CBS Poll. In 1976, together with Cyrus Vance, he founded Public Agenda, a nonpartisan group devoted to public opinion and citizen education. Educating the public and forming their public opinion is the key to democracy, viz. κρατεĩν τòν δῆμον, containing the rubble. In 1995 he was awarded the Helen Dinerman Award by the World Association for Public Opinion Research. Fuck these guys are Jews to a man!
ellauri102.html on line 67: And the guy behind you won't leave you alone
ellauri106.html on line 52: It was not Bailey’s role as a biographer to pass judgment on his subject. He needed only try to understand him, and to make us understand him, too. “Why shouldn’t I be treated as seriously as Colette on this?” Roth had asked Miller, of the sex question. “She gave a blow job to this guy in the railway station. Who gives a fuck about that? . . . That doesn’t tell me anything. What did hand jobs mean to her?”
ellauri106.html on line 156: Eli Rosenthal, his former roommate at the time, said the two met in a fashion illustrating class. "I looked over at him and I said, 'Wow, this guy can really draw and I want to be like him,'" he said. "He always walked around with a sketch pad. He said it was great for picking up girls."
ellauri106.html on line 184: “The comedy is that the real haters of the bourgeois Jews, with the real contempt for their everyday lives, are these complex intellectual giants,” Zuckerman snorts. “They loathe them, and don’t particularly care for the smell of the Jewish proletariat either. All of them full of sympathy suddenly for the ghetto world of their traditional fathers now that the traditional fathers are filed for safekeeping in Beth Moses Memorial Park. When they were alive they wanted to strangle the immigrant bastards to death because they dared to think they could actually be of consequence without ever having read Proust past Swann’s Way. And the ghetto—what the ghetto saw of these guys was their heels: out, out, screaming for air, to write about great Jews like Ralph Waldo Emerson and William Dean Howells. But now that the Weathermen are around, and me and my friends Jerry Rubin and Herbert Marcuse and H. Rap Brown, it’s where oh where’s the inspired orderliness of those good old Hebrew school days? Where’s the linoleum? Where’s Aunt Rose? Where is all the wonderful inflexible patriarchal authority into which they wanted to stick a knife?”
ellauri107.html on line 236: Melville alludes to a guy named Billy Budd to Hawthorne’s short story “The Birthmark” and draws parallelograms between the two authors in regard to their interests in the relative good and evil sides of the front and back. Here is the portion that relates most clearly to the two authors’ relationship:
ellauri107.html on line 474: “Course I don't mean to say that every ad I write is literally true or that I always believe everything I say when I give some buyer a good strong selling-spiel. You see—you see it's like this: In the first place, maybe the owner of the property exaggerated when he put it into my hands, and it certainly isn't my place to go proving my principal a liar! And then most folks are so darn crooked themselves that they expect a fellow to do a little lying, so if I was fool enough to never whoop the ante I'd get the credit for lying anyway! In self-defense I got to toot my own horn, like a lawyer defending a client—his bounden duty, ain't it, to bring out the poor dub's good points? Why, the Judge himself would bawl out a lawyer that didn't, even if they both knew the guy was guilty! But even so, I don't pad out the truth like Cecil Rountree or Thayer or the rest of these realtors. Fact, I think a fellow that's willing to deliberately up and profit by lying ought to be shot!”
ellauri109.html on line 585: Why shouldn’t I be treated as seriously as Colette on this? She gave a blow job to this guy in the railway station. Who gives a fuck about that? . . . That doesn’t tell me anything. What did hand jobs mean to her? Why did she like that?”
ellauri111.html on line 357: Luckily, the Lord Jesus Christ SHED HIS BLOOD on your sins. He is perfect. He is way more than simply past, he is pluperfect. But he is future too, futurum exactum to be exact. He will have been here a second time. He specifically came to this earth from Mars or Venus as a man to die in your place. He is God manifested in the flesh. (Except the other bearded guy is still sitting up there watching it all happen, don't ask us how, asking stupid questions is not good for you.) . He came down here to save you from the GUILT of past sins and from the POWER of sin over your life. (Pay attention to the capitals, we capitalize stuff that is of capital importance.)
ellauri111.html on line 552: Is this working on you at all guys? Are you ready to repent of your sins? To repent means to forsake your evil ways and live God's way according to his word. Are you ready to listen finallly? All your life you've been your own authority concerning what is right and what is wrong. You've made your own decisions while ignoring what the Lord says in His holy word, the Bible. You've served yourself and not God. To repent means that you turn to GOD AND THE BIBLE AS YOUR AUTHORITY. It means you can say, "Lord, everything you say in the Bible is right. If my feelings contradict the Bible, I AM WRONG. Lord, I want to live under YOUR AUTHORITY, not my own. Help me, Jesus, to do right."
ellauri111.html on line 566: Be determined that you want God to be your Father and not your enemy. (Believe me, he is not a guy you want as an enemy.) Decide that you WANT the Lord and His ways. Satan and this world are doing nothing but kicking your hind parts all up and down the street. They will leave you destroyed and with your part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone. God will lift you up if you submit yourself to him for his superintending care. And his holy child, Jesus, will be your all-powerful Lord, Saviour, protector, guide, and best friend you could ever have. You will still be kicked in the behind as before, but now it's God's friendly boot that is doing the kicking.
ellauri118.html on line 1136: A fat guy Cotton Mather in priest collars with a wig rather like Ms. Atwood's hair, whose dad's name to top it all was Increase, wrote on this.
ellauri119.html on line 682: The "good" guys in her novels are basically paranoid sociopaths but her book´s view the world through their eyes and, of course, they don´t notice anything wrong with their distorted worldview. Humans are social animals and having interdependencies is the norm. Ayn Rand takes the normal and using the views of a sociopath portrays those interdependencies as being corrupt, evil, and self defeating. This is consistent in all of her writings. I´ve read everything Any Rand wrote and some of what has been written by her direction.
ellauri119.html on line 720: In a different scene, Hank Rearden helps a small manufacturer, a guy Rand describes as respectable but no master of industry. Rearden could have refused to help or charged him an exorbitant amount for the favor. But he didn’t. Again, this portrayal of a wealthy industrialist doesn’t fit your contention that Rand advocated a dog-eat-dog Social Darwinism.
ellauri131.html on line 666: "The security guys could tell stories about women they'd had to take up to his room." A former bodyguard corroborated the allegations and said he'd witnessed Robbins make passes at women in his crowds. In a second report from June, two women told BuzzFly News about encounters they had with Robbins: One woman said he placed her hand on his crotch and touched her breast (or was it the other way round?), while another alleged that he kissed her, hugged her and touched her breast."
ellauri131.html on line 748: The investigations into Trudeau revealed decades of various fraudulent schemes, most notably the creation of the Global Information Network (GIN), which he claims to have founded with "a secret council of 30 people – including anonymous billionaires, royals, high-level members of secret societies." Oh yeah, it just gets crazier and crazier with this guy. He didn't just disappoint. He turned out to be one of the biggest scam artists of our time.
ellauri132.html on line 131: "The book struck me as irredeemable poppycock. I was put off by the strained stateliness of Tolle's writing, as well as its nearly indecipherable turgidity ... jargon like "conditioned mind structures', "the one indwelling consciousness". What's more, the guy was stunningly grandiose. He referred to his book as a "transformational" device", and promised that, as you read, "shit takes place within you." I lay there rolling my eyes ..."
ellauri133.html on line 76:

Chapter one. What? Where else would you start? According to every publisher and agent I’ve met, most novels really start on chapter three or four. The first few chapters are all set-up or backstory which would improve the novel by being deleted. This kinda guys fast forward over porn film beginnings to the first blow job or insertion. Best improvement would be to scrap the whole book. Plus its author.

ellauri133.html on line 454: And so, what King presents a few chapters later, in the book’s final stretch, is a depiction of pre-adolescent female sexuality as a functional device—as a means and not an end in itself. HAAHAA. This utilitarian view of sexuality, despite operating in something as utterly wild as a group sex scene amongst kids, is ultra conservative in its reinforcement of the idea that female sexuality is meant to serve men, that sex for women operates for the greater good, like making babies or satisfying a bunch of guys. And further, that platonic friendship amongst women and men is simply impossible.
ellauri133.html on line 866: After graduating, Jackson and a guy named Hyman married in 1940. Jackson began writing material as Hyman established himself as a critic. In the backwoods town where Hyman managed to get a job, which Shirley hated as much as him, Jackson and Hyman were known for being colorful, generous hosts who surrounded themselves with literary talents, including Ralph Emerson. They were both enthusiastic readers whose personal library was estimated at $ 25,00.
ellauri145.html on line 553: In other words: that guy was an overbearing ass, a misanthrope at best and a narcissist of the worst kind. I guess he appeals to men about as much as Hemmingway. That would be very, very little. In The Gay Science, he notes how monstrous it is that young women are brought up told that sex is shameful and sinful. Koska se oli säälittävä mursuwiixinen luuseri joka ei päässyt viivalle, vaivoin ulettui vetämään wiixeen edes izeään. Lou Salomekin bylsi mieluummin Rane Rilkeä. Ei wiixet kutittaneet niin ilkeästi.
ellauri147.html on line 296: Despite millions of fans looking at him as the nice guy of pop music, Phil Collins showed a very different side during his marriage with Andrea. According to her, he could get very intimidating when they argued due to his short fuse.
ellauri147.html on line 375: Collins believes in the institution of marriage and desperately wants to have one that lasts. He went back to bloaty Oriane on Miami only to find she was married to another guy. And she never paid back the 30M she owed him.
ellauri150.html on line 74: Turun yliopiston tohtorikoulutettava ja aktivisti Hai Nguyen sanoo, että ohjelman isoin ongelma oli se, miten rasismia siinä käsitettiin.
ellauri150.html on line 75: ”Jakso oli historiaton ja vailla kontekstia”, Nguyen sanoo.
ellauri150.html on line 77: Hai Nguyen

ellauri150.html on line 78: Hai Nguyen KUVA: TURUN YLIOPISTO
ellauri150.html on line 97: Ajatusta siitä, että ihonväristä tai rodullistamisesta ei haluta puhua, kutsutaan värisokeaksi rasismiksi (eng. colorblind racism), Hai Nguyen kertoo.
ellauri150.html on line 101: ”Värisokeassa rasismikäsityksessä rasismi nähdään yksilöiden välisenä ongelmana, ei niinkään yhteiskunnan ongelmana”, Nguyen sanoo. Kaikki aloittavat muumitalon rappusilta, loppupeleissä on kaikki sitten seppoilusta kiinni. Kelle nalli napsahtaa ja kekä löytää muumitalon avaimen.
ellauri150.html on line 103: Marja Sannikka –jakson jälkeen Nguyen kirjoitti valokuvaaja-aktivisti Aisha Benahmedin kanssa kansalaisjärjestö Fem-R:n sivuille blogikirjoituksen, jossa oikaistiin jaksossa esiintyneitä käsityksiä ja käsiteltiin muun muassa värisokeaa rasismia. Termiä on käsitellyt muun muassa amerikkalainen sosiologi Eduardo Bonilla-Silva vuonna 2010 julkaistussa Racism without racist –teoksessaan.
ellauri150.html on line 107: ”Se on jalo tavoite, mutta se ei toteudu millään tavalla. Meritokratia piilottaa sen, että ihmisiä kohdellaan aktiivisesti eri tavoin esimerkiksi heidän nimensä, vanhempien syntyperän, ihonvärin tai uskonnon perusteella”, Nguyen sanoo.
ellauri150.html on line 128: ”Se, että nyt puhutaan kasvavassa määrin rodullisuudesta ja sen tuottamista merkityseroista, tuo esiin sen miten meitä kohdellaan”, Nguyen sanoo.
ellauri150.html on line 134: Ajatus siitä, ettei ihonväristä tai rodusta olisi soveliasta puhua näkyy Nguyen ja Keskisen mukaan myös siinä, millaista tutkimusta Suomessa tehdään. Ei-valkoisia ihmisiä ei tilastoida Suomessa muuten kuin äidinkielen perusteella tai maahanmuuttajuudella.
ellauri150.html on line 157: Kaikilla on valtaa ja etuoikeuksia, jotka näkyvät eri tilanteissa eri tavoilla, Nguyen sanoo ja antaa esimerkin: Sambiasta tulleella arvostetulla tutkijalla on asiantuntijavaltaa omalla alallaan. Samaan aikaan tämän ihmisen valta pienenee sellaisessa tilanteessa, jos hän kävelee kadulla ja poliisi pysäyttää kysyäkseen papereita. Musta ylikomisario britti poliisisarjasssa ei saanut traktorinomistajaa peruuttamaan kuin panemalla päälle poliisinvalot autosta.
ellauri150.html on line 163: ”Ongelmana ei ole kuitenkaan rasismin määritelmän muuttuminen tai laajentuminen, vaan ennen marginaaliin sysätyt ihmiset, jotka ovat saaneet valtaa ja näkyvyyttä”, Nguyen sanoo.
ellauri150.html on line 740: Catholics believe that Jesus was at once God and Man. I have begun to think of Jesus as being able to see at once the physical world (with one eye) and the spirit world (with the other). Perhaps Satan tried to pull him out of the physical world back into the spiritual world to destroy his mission, but Jesus rebuked Satan. There's lots of similar scenes with the dark side of the force sucking the good guys in Star Wars, and Mordor's Eye hypnotizing the poor Hobbits, plus one really scary one in Harry Potter, where Voldemort (sorry I mentioned the name) tries to slurp Harry into a pot of soup.
ellauri153.html on line 247: These guys must have felt shortchanged in the swap.
ellauri155.html on line 872:

Old books by dead guys

ellauri155.html on line 880: Santayana is mostly known for aphorisms, such as "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", "Only the dead have seen the end of war", and the definition of beauty as "pleasure objectified". Although an atheist, he treasured the Spanish Catholic values, practices, and worldview in which he was raised.] Santayana was a broad-ranging cultural critic spanning many disciplines. He was profoundly influenced by Spinoza´s life and thought; and, in many respects, was another Spinoza. Was he too a jew? I guess not. His father was a minor intellectual. His mother married a Bostonian merchant Sturgis who died. In Madrid, he married the Santayana guy. In 1869, Josefina Borrás de Santayana returned to Boston with her three Sturgis children, because she had promised her first husband to raise the children in the US. She left the six-year-old Jorge with his father in Spain. Jorge and his father followed her to Boston in 1872. His father, finding neither Boston nor his wife´s attitude to his liking, soon returned alone to Ávila, and remained there the rest of his life as a minor intellectual.
ellauri156.html on line 151: And one day his woman ran off with another guy
ellauri156.html on line 625: A couple hundred years ago, my wife Jeannette and I went to England and Scotland with my parents. Each night we stayed at a “bed and breakfast” as we drove through Wales. There were a number of farms, but not so many towns in which to find a place to stay for the night. We saw a “bed and breakfast” sign and traveled along the country road until we found the place -- a very quaint farm. We saw several hundred sheep in a pasture, a stone trestle, and stone barns. It looked like the perfect place, and in many ways it was. What we did not realize was that the stone trestle was a railroad trestle for a train that came by late at night, a few feet from the house where we slept. Two cows also calved that night. I have spent my share of time around farms, but I have never heard the bellow of a cow that was calving echo throughout a stone barn. I could hardly sleep a wink. Just goes to show. Never trust the Rugby guys.
ellauri156.html on line 782: (4) David's sin was not intended as an excuse for us to sin, but as a warning to all of us how capable we are of sin. I have heard it said more times than I wish to recall, “Well, even David sinned. . . .” What they mean is, “How can you expect me not to sin? If David, as spiritual as he was, sinned as he did, then how can you expect me to do any better?” Fair enough. But Where these guys go wrong is that they are not Gawds petlambs, no preferential treatment is in the offing for them. Gawd will cross them like cockroaches. Or leece.
ellauri159.html on line 43: Se mitä tässä ajan takaa on että miten albumin 98 luonnetaksonomioihin saadaan takas mukaan se niistä poispudotettu arvoaxeli. Epäilemättä kullakin luonnetyypillä on omat helmasyntinsä ja luonnolliset hyveensä. Mutta niitä ei saa esiin ellei mukaan ota jotain preferenssejä. Todennäköisesti se on kaikkien uskontojen peukuttama tiimiajattelu. Siihenhän uskontoja tarvitaan. Niinkuin Jepu sanoi, en tullut noutamaan jo lunastettuja, vaan ostamaan ylijääneitä kelvottomia. Eli siis matelijanaivo luonnostaan johtaa apinoita tekemään tietyntapaisia temppuja, ja yliminä käskyineen ohjaa sitä suositettuun käytöxeen, joka hyödyttää tiimin johtoa. (Tai siis tarkoitan, koko tiimiä, sanoo nilkki yskähdellen nyrkkiinsä. Tää on win-win tilanne, I win a lot and you guys win a tiny bit. Älkää olko kateita, se on 1 tappavista synneistä.) Just tätä angstasi Paavali Roomalaiskirjeen 7. luvussa.
ellauri159.html on line 567: I’m aware that “knightly virtues” sounds a lot like a fedora wearing “nice guy”. If you go back in history, I don’t think you can deny that knights were pretty badass and nothing like the modern day “nice guy”. The difference is that a real knight was strong and powerful. A “nice guy” tries being nice because he is powerless. There is a big difference. Suggested post: guy/">A gentleman is not a “nice guy
ellauri159.html on line 661: A knight’s sacrifice is by using his strength on behalf of the weak. Sharing our food and providing the wanderer with shelter and clothing are also acts of sacrifice, but they can also be counted as hospitality or charity, depending on the sttus of the other guy.
ellauri159.html on line 718: The knightly trait of gratitude includes both being grateful in diverse circumstances as well as expressing gratitude to God (cheap) and other good guys (more expensive). Toward the latter part of the medieval knight era (the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries), many knights acquired wealth and power and developed relationships with royalty. This wealth and friendship with the king’s court brought feasting and abundance in many ways. In fact, part of a squire’s training as a knight was "learning how to serve his Lord at meals and kick out the beggars". Nihti osoitti näin kiitollisuutta kinkulle, ja kinkku oli kiitollinen sille. Kaikki olivat kiitollisia. Ne ainakin joista oli väliä.
ellauri159.html on line 770: You’ll also need your men to commit. You will want to know that the men beside you are us and not them. You’ll need to be able to count on them in times of crisis. You want guys who have your back. Men who don’t care about what the other men think of them aren’t dependable or trustworthy. If you’re smart, you will want the other men to prove they are committed to the team. You’ll want them to show that they care about their reputation within the gang, and you’ll want them to show that they care about your gang’s reputation with other gangs.”
ellauri159.html on line 1201: You enjoy colorful and figurative language, and like to infuse your work with images of your personal underware. At the same time, however, your writing may be too abstract for their readers, they want to see you inside them. During revision, add concrete details. In creative writing, appeal to the five senses and the 9 mortal sins. In freelance writing, include specifics like percentages and dollar amounts to get the audience´s attention. In technical writing, find out whether the customer needs to use a flat-head or a cross-head screwdriver (our dishwasher installer guys did not have a flathead anymore, I had to loan them one), and what the recommended torque is. These may be boring details to you, but they’re essential for your male reader. Wrong head, no screw.
ellauri159.html on line 1297: You are happy and motivated with your personal vision. Original thinkers have little regard for convention. They want things to make sense according to their own logical standards, and they will discard anything that doesn’t. For this reason, they tend to enjoy technical subjects. They often wear visual aids like Google spectacles that support and clarify their writing. If you’re one of these guys, one path to success as a writer is to draw on your natural curiosity about how things work and your talent for explaining this for others. But beware of the pitfalls!
ellauri161.html on line 89: TRINITARIANISM (Triunity) emphasizes the good guy's view that God is ONE, PERSONAL and TRIUNE.
ellauri161.html on line 478: Kate Dibiasky: You guys, the truth is way more depressing. They are not even smart enough to be as evil as you're giving them credit for.
ellauri161.html on line 517: The left was utterly ruined by Donald Trump's victory and it looked like they would never recover until a Savior came along and resurrected the once proud party who championed the "little guy." And that Savoir of course was mainstream orthodox medical science.
ellauri161.html on line 529: So what exactly is wrong with McKay's picture of the "robber barons" aligning with the right? Well it's anachronistic. Today it's the left who are in power and it appears that Big Tech is in lock step with them. What's more the left can no longer be said to be sticking up for the "little guy," as they have granted a monopoly to pharmaceutical companies in their promotion of vaccines.
ellauri161.html on line 578: Footnote: For some reason in the past week or so Don’t Look Up has been subject to far more coverage and discussion than it deserves. No idea why. Maybe people are desperate for non-Covid talking points. Just a theory. (Ouch. This guy is JUST The type of people being made desperate fun of. How sad.
ellauri161.html on line 626: Väärin sammutettu douchebro! Once again the critic's problem is: why am I among the bad guys here? That's NOT funny.
ellauri164.html on line 487: In Exodus 2, we see Moses’ mother attempting to save her child by placing him in a basket and putting it into the Nile. The basket was eventually found by Pharaoh’s daughter, and she adopted him as her own and raised him in the palace of the pharaoh himself. As Moses grew into adulthood, he began to empathize with the plight of his people, and upon witnessing an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave, Moses intervened and killed the Egyptian. But that was not a sin because the guy was just an Egyptian. In another incident, Moses attempted to intervene in a dispute between two Hebrews, but one of the Hebrews rebuked Moses and sarcastically commented, “Are you going to kill me as you did the Egyptian?” (Exodus 2:14). Realizing that his criminal act was made known, Moses fled to the land of Midian where he again intervened—this time rescuing the daughters of Jethro from some bandits. In gratitude, Jethro (also called Reuel) granted his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage (Exodus 2:15–21). Moses lived in Midian for about forty years.
ellauri171.html on line 594:
Confusing pic. What gives? Ah, this is not Jacob's bad boys revenging on the skinned guys but rather the motivating scene, naughty foreigner kidnapping Dinah, giving cause to the subsequent genocide. Figures. Dinah looks a little heavy for Shechem.

ellauri181.html on line 132: The Theory of Basic Human Values is a theory of cross-cultural psychology and universal values that was developed by a guy called Shalom H. Schwartz. The theory extends previous cross-cultural communication frameworx such as Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory. Schwartz identifies ten basic human values, each distinguished by their underlying motivation or goal, and he explains how people in all cultures recognize them. There are two major methods for measuring these ten basic values: the Schwartz Value Survey and the Portrait Values Questionnaire. A particular value can conflict or align with other values, and these dynamic relationships are typically illustrated using a circular graphic in which opposite poles indicate conflicting values.
ellauri182.html on line 349: same applies to a [g] before the central-front diphthong [aei] in gai "guy"
ellauri184.html on line 352: And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down into the pit. For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day! Fuck you guys! You will regret it!
ellauri189.html on line 81: It is generally held to be most influenced by Lord Byron, whom Malczewski had met in Venice during his travels around western Europe, though it is considerably more gloomy and Gothic than Byron's work. Malczewski is sometimes considered part of the "Ukrainian school" in Polish poetry, though others consider his work to stand uniquely separate. Maria was also influential on later Polish poets, especially Adam Mickiewicz, and on writer Joseph Conrad, although he was not a romantic as such. Well, some of his stuff is pretty gooey, like Nostromo, the Panamanian guy.
ellauri189.html on line 528: There is no income disclosure statement that those interested in the company can look up to determine the earnings of Seacret agents. So much for transparency. When the law approaches, the guys make themselves transparent.
ellauri190.html on line 261: In the first half of the 14th century, most of what is now Ukraine was cleared of the Mongols by the troops of a powerful ruler of Lithuania, Gedimin, and Ukraine became a part of the Great Duchy of Lithuania. The latter was a peculiar country. The bulk of its territory and population was what now is the Slavic country of Belarus. Only a small minority of its people traced their origin from the Baltic tribes, while the majority were Slavs. Gedimin’s name in modern Lithuanian is Gyadiminas, but in the chronicles he is named Kgindimin or Kindimin, which might have a Slavic root. The language of Gedimin’s court, and the court of his sons and grandsons was very Slavic, much like a mixture of somewhat archaic Ukrainian and Belarusian. The laws of the entire Duchy, the so-called Lithuanian Statutes, were written in the Cyrillic alphabet and read very much like the Belarusian (definitely Slavic) language. So they were bad guys in anyone's book already then.
ellauri190.html on line 271: Also, during the 16th century, many thousands of random men, mostly young, robust, and adventure-seeking guys from all over Ukraine (compare today's immigrants), traveled to the lower Dnipro river, where the enormous rapids prevented the movement of battleships up from the Black Sea, and decided to call themselves, say, Kozaks. These Kozaks warriors wanted to defend the Orthodox Christian Ukrainian lands from the attacks of the Ottoman Turks. They founded their own city and fortress, called Sich, on the island of Khortytsya in the middle of the Dnipro river. There, they gathered in summertime, trained, and raided the steppes, fighting the Turkish and the Tatar troops from the Crimea. They also built ships and made sea raids on Istanbul and on Crimean seaports, freeing Christian captives whom the Turks and the Tatars enslaved. In winter, the Kozaks dispersed and lived close to the Dnipro banks as independent owners of their hamlets. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Kozaks became a formidable military force and a kind of a self-governing state with their own elected leaders and laws.
ellauri192.html on line 263: THE trouble, of course, is that the actual record of choices made by the Swedish Academy for the Nobel Prize in Literature has been capricious and, in too many cases, insulting to critical intelligence. Given the fact that no literary ranking can be either proved or falsified objectively; given the inevitable time lag of taste and renown behind the radical, private advance of genius; errors, oversight, delays in recognition until they guys were dead were unavoidable from the outset. But even when every allowance is made, the record of ''the bounty of Sweden'' (Yeats's candid phrase when he received the Nobel in 1923) is a poor one.
ellauri192.html on line 760: Сколько ребят в полыни на пригорке How many guys are in the wormwood on the hillside?
ellauri194.html on line 96: Vuonna 1928 Averyn vastaperustettu yhdistys teki ensimmäisen julkisuustempauksensa: maratonkilpailun Los Angelesista New York Cityyn. Kilpailun reitti Los Angelesista Chicagoon oli Route 66. Tempaus onnistui: useat julkisuuden henkilöt, kuten Will Rogers (n.h.), tervehtivät juoksijoita reitin varrella. Hi guys. I'm tired. I thank Im gonna home now. Shit happens.
ellauri206.html on line 71: In 2017, Vietnamese-American writer Viet Thanh Nguyen (n.h.) questioned the validity of continuing to teach "show, don't tell" in creative writing classes in a New York Times op-ed on the subject. His position was that such teaching is biased against immigrant writers, who may describe emotions in ways readers from outside their culture might not understand, rendering "tell" necessary. Like the squeaky smiley that shows just raised eyebrows and no smiling mouth. Because a smile does not count for anything out there. Everybody smiles all the time.
ellauri210.html on line 769: En 1928, Benjamin Péret écrit un ouvrage au titre basé sur une contrepèterie : Les Rouilles encagées. Le livre est saisi et interdit jusqu'en 1954 où l'éditeur Éric Losfeld publie, à tirage limité à cent exemplaires, une édition illustrée par des dessins d’Yves Tanguy. Une nouvelle édition publiée en 1970 sera de nouveau interdite jusqu'en 1975.
ellauri210.html on line 771: Les Couilles Enragées (Eng: Mad Balls) is a book by Benjamin Péret written in 1928.. Eventually published under a pseudonym in 1954 by Eric Losfeld as Les Rouilles Encagees, Mad Balls is an explosion of Péret's virulent anti-religiousness and erotic delirium. It featured seven explicit illustrations by Yves Tanguy.
ellauri210.html on line 773: Raymond Georges Yves Tanguy, né le 5 janvier 1900 à Paris et mort le 15 janvier 1955 à Woodbury (Connecticut, États-Unis), est un peintre et dessinateur surréaliste français, naturalisé américain.
ellauri210.html on line 774: Tanguy oli myös joku espanjalainen autofiktiivinen sotaromaani. Mulla on kai se, erääntyneen kolleegan taaxeen jättämä. En jaxanut lukea, tuntui tylsältä.
ellauri210.html on line 778: An autobiographical work by Michel del Castillo, a Spanish born writer who writes in French, Tanguy is a powerfully moving novel highly reminiscent of The Diary of Anne Frank (due mainly to the child's point of view as opposed to that of the adult). Narrating in first person, the story of a young Spanish boy, Tanguy, the novel is set against the backdrop of the war.
ellauri210.html on line 780: The novel starts in Spain in 1939, during the Spanish civil war, when Tanguy is forced to flee the country with his mother because of her left wing political affiliations. They find themselves in France, which is no less hostile. Forsaken by his father, Tanguy and his mother are arrested by the police and sent off to a camp for political refugees where life is difficult and they face many a hardship and insult. Finally able to escape, Tanguy's mother now decides to flee to London. In order to escape unnoticed from France, they must travel separately and Tanguy is thus separated from his mother. Discovered by the German troops he is packed off to another concentration camp where he endures a life of hunger, cold and forced physical labour that break his body and spirit, the only respite being in a young German pianist who befriends him and reminds him time and again not to hate for hatred breeds nothing but hatred. LOL.
ellauri210.html on line 782: After the war, Tanguy is sent back to Spain, Barcelona where he learns that his grandmother has recently passed away and there is no one else to take care of him. He is sent to a reformation school for juvenile delinquents and orphans, run by priests who are no less cruel and sadist than the Nazi "kapos." Bitter, Tanguy believes they are worse than the Nazis because these priests hide their sadism behind the facade of religion and confession, but that makes their sin no less. He succeeds in escaping along with a "companion," but is forced to separate from his as well. This time around, he finds himself in a school run by a group of priests but unlike the reformation school, here, Tanguy is able to grow, learn and live comfortably. It is here, that he truly flourishes and finds friends and solace. But he is still not completely at peace and sets off again in search of the parents who had abandoned and forsaken him to such a bitter destiny. He does find them eventually, but only to realise that the years of hardship and horror experienced by him have built an impenetrable barrier between them. He is no longer a left wing radical like them. He has learned not to hate the capos. Don't get mad get even. LOL.
ellauri210.html on line 784: Ja vielä 1 Tanguy: Tanguy is a 2001 French black comedy by Étienne Chatiliez. When he was a newborn baby, Edith Guetz thoughtlessly told her son Tanguy : "If you want to, you can stay at home forever". 28 years later, the over-educated university teacher of Asian languages and womanizer leads a successful and wealthy life... while still living in his parents' home. Father Paul Guetz longs to see his son finally leave the nest, a desire that his wife shares. Edith finally agrees and the pair unite to make Tanguy's life at home miserable. However, they don't know that Tanguy isn't the type of guy who easily gives up. The word Tanguy became the usual term to designate an adult still living with his parents.
ellauri210.html on line 856:

ellauri210.html on line 917: En 1922, il retourne à Paris et y vivote en faisant de petits métiers. Avec Yves Tanguy, il fréquente également la Maison des amis des livres, rue de l'Odéon, tenue par Adrienne Monnier, qui leur fait découvrir la littérature et des personnalités comme André Breton et Louis Aragon. Il est hébergé de 1924 à 1928 par Marcel Duhamel qui s'est installé au 54 de la rue du Château près de Montparnasse — Duhamel dirige l’hôtel Grosvenor qui appartenait à son oncle et qui est sis non loin de là.
ellauri210.html on line 918: L'appartement de la rue du Château devient l'endroit de rencontre du mouvement symboliste et surréaliste. C'est en fait un logement collectif qui accueille tous les amis désargentés de Duhamel : Raymond Queneau, Yves Tanguy.
ellauri210.html on line 1062: Dalí ryhtyi sijoittamaan vapaan assosiaation tuottamia aiheita epätodelliselta vaikuttaviin maisemiin vuonna 1926 saatuaan vaikutteita Picassolta, Joan Mirólta, Giorgio de Chiricolta ja Yves Tanguylta.
ellauri214.html on line 106: But, Rowling's talent is skin deep. I absolutely do not agree that she did a great job in character and/or plot development. Her characters are pretty clichéd (Chosen one and his side kick), her setting is pretty narrow (British boarding school experiences), her plot is pretty predictable, and like all amateur writers, her plot line often meanders for no good reason at all. Her world building is imaginative, but lack planning. Simply put, most part of her world is a whim, it's not coherent, she didn't think it through. And the more you think about it, the bigger the problem it is. Oh and that one character everyone is singing praises about, as if it's the best written character of all time? Stereotypical Byronic hero. I read how people praise Snape being this greatest character of our generation, I couldn't help but wondering, you guys never read Wuthering Heights?! I've never attended an American high school but I'm pretty sure the Great Gatsby is on the required reading list.
ellauri214.html on line 144: Despite supposedly living on the streets for years after running away from home, I have no basic concept of self-preservation. I throw tantrums, storm out, put myself in danger or being kidnapped by the bad guy, to create cheap tension and create stake for Hero and Villain's final confrontation.
ellauri214.html on line 185: After the protagonist had saved me from the bad guys, I'll cry and scream at the protagonist about how he could kill all those people! “You're a MONSTER!” is the most common dialogue line.
ellauri217.html on line 235: A little guy came to me and said: I am Gimli, servant of Alp-Öhi. She was so surprised that her nipple slipped from Kassen''s mouth. Kassen´s face puckered ready to cry, but she quickly gave him the nipple back. Kassen fell asleep as she sucked.
ellauri220.html on line 304:
(Hong Kong and South China) A White man. Gwei or kwai (鬼) means 'ghost', which the color white is associated with in China; and the term lo (佬) refers to a regular guy (i.e. a fellow, a chap, or a bloke). Once a mark of xenophobia, the word was promoted by Maoists as insulting but is now in general, informal use.

ellauri222.html on line 281: Mitä vetoa että Rothin kuikelo veti tästä herneen nenään? Sai takuulla paskahalvauxen. No, Saul was definitely not a good friend. Phil said something like: ‘He wouldn’t be the first guy whose companionship I’d seek out in the afterlife.’”
ellauri226.html on line 122: There was a David Herbert Lawrence plaque on the street. Inside the tiny station were two more. It seemed a lot of plaques for a guy who spent one night there. “Blessed is he that expecteth nothing,” he wrote of Sorgono, “for he shall not be disappointed.” More Niente. “A dreary hole!” Lawrence muttered. “A cold, hopeless, lifeless, Saturday afternoon-weary village.” The food was bad. The bedsheets were stained. People cheerfully relieved themselves on the street. What limp parsnips too! “Why are you so indignant?” the Q.B. asked. “It’s all life.”
ellauri226.html on line 135: My wife marched right in. All six guys filed in behind her, like a spaghetti western, many of which were filmed close by. Inside, the pallid bartender was polishing glasses. I slapped a euro on the bar and ordered two macchiatos. Then, in my grunting Italian American, I asked if this might be the same Risveglio from D.H. Lawrence’s day.
ellauri226.html on line 137: For a moment everyone just looked hostile. Then they all started talking at once. The bartender said his grandmother owned the place then. Another guy said, No, that was a different owner.
ellauri226.html on line 138: A guy named Salvatore took over translation duties, fielding comments from the others, who all seemed to be cousins. It was our own Festival D.H. Lawrence.
ellauri236.html on line 465: “They’ll take all the furniture away tomorrow unless you pay the third installment. So what shall I have to sit on?” Fenner looked startled. “They’re not taking that away as well, are they?” Fenner is full of wisecracks, a funny guy. Paula is forever the joke of his butt.
ellauri241.html on line 964: Where no man went; and if a guy

ellauri241.html on line 1285: No, it's because you're a measly mortal guy

ellauri241.html on line 1352: These extremely irritating guys

ellauri241.html on line 1411: Then an old guy appears, apparently a magician,

ellauri241.html on line 1551: Anyway, it tells about this other guy,

ellauri241.html on line 1645: The poem has been criticized for its inconsistencies and its somewhat disappointing conclusion. Seems Keaz whisked the guy away at the end quickly before he could get into any more mischief. He was probably thoroughly fed up with him. But then again Jack was just 22. Endymion presents many problems to its interpreters, as it did to Jack himself. Critics have, however, been able to agree that the poem contains considerable eroticism.
ellauri243.html on line 161: Two clicheed beefy thick-necked high school boys, followed by the statutory obese wimp, love to serve as volunteer firemen. Maybe we get to see the victims! Beats licking Marina's ice cream cone. The guy with the smaller head could not even read.
ellauri243.html on line 699: Pyhän Patrikin pedofiilinen vihanpurkaus lällytetyn "big guy"n puolesta on hyvä esimerkki siitä miten pitkälle USA valtiona on jo rappioitunut. Noi ziljoonat eri puolisotilaalliset agentuurit on käytännössä MC jengejä, jotka kärhämöivät keskenään kuin Somalian klaaniapinat. Kotipesän suojelu on jenkin korkein vakaumus, ne nokkii toisiaan stars and stripes nokkaisina lunneina jotka nujakoivat pesäkolosta.
ellauri243.html on line 736: Job Thornberry comes into the story with the Anti-Corn-Law League, representing the remarkable change in English politics from the time before Napoleonic wars when the 10% richest guys were local landowners to after the wars when the merchants and industrialists had become the nobs (am. head honchos). This change of mens of production necessitated the passage of Reform Bills that favored Millian laissez-faire by the Conservative Derby-Disraeli ministries. Job Thornberry may be Richard Cobden; for he certainly has much of Cobden´s subject in him. The energetic and capable minister Lord Roehampton is taken to be Lord Palmerston, and Count Ferrol is perhaps Bismarck. Neuchatel, the great banker, is the historical Rothschild; Cardinal Henry Edward Manning figures as the tendentious papist Nigel Penruddock.
ellauri243.html on line 741: Patrikin Susikoski (yhtä kiimainen kuin Brokenwoodin venäläinen patologi) lupaa hoitaa puolustuxen: it will be easy to make them the bad guys and you the self defender. Patrik kiittelee muttei anna sillekään. Patrikille riittää Brad.
ellauri245.html on line 668: In 2009, Minister of Defence Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen visited the Congo to observe the conflict. She agreed to send 2 Norwegian guys to supply manpower to the United Nations peace-keeping forces during the Kivu conflict.
ellauri245.html on line 677: Its 2022, Im 56 yrs old (born 1966 that is), kids grown, 5am, and feeling a little menopausal. Came back to a song that from the 1st time I heard it in my teens, I pictured the guy of my dreams singing to me. (Definitely not this wimpy tenor Chris with thinning bangles, but another more manly guy.) Didn´t we all? Definitely a classic! Greetings to us all narcissistic women of the eighties!
ellauri247.html on line 114: GLOSSARY Bahloo, moon. Beeargah, hawk. Beeleer, black cockatoo. Beereeun, prickly lizard. Bibbee, woodpecker, bird. Bibbil, shiny-leaved box-tree. Bilber, a large kind of rat. Bindeah, a prickle or small thorn. Birrahlee, baby. Birrableegul, children. Birrahgnooloo, woman's name, meaning "face like a tomahawk handle." Boobootella, the big bunch of feathers at the back of an emu. Boolooral, an owl. Boomerang, a curved weapon used in hunting and in warfare by the blacks; called Burren by the Narran blacks. Borah, a large gathering of blacks where the boys are initiated into the mysteries which make them young men. Bou-gou-doo-gahdah, the rain bird. Bouyou, legs. Bowrah or Bohrah, kangaroo. Bralgahs, native companion, bird. Bubberah, boomerang that returns and bumps you in the back of your head. Buckandee, native cat. Buggoo, flying squirrel. Bulgahnunnoo, bark-backed. Bunbundoolooey, brown flock pigeon. Bunnyyarl, flies. Byamee, man's name, meaning "big man." Bwana, African sir. Capparis, caper. Combi, bag made of kangaroo skins. Comfy, foldable plastic pillow. Cookooburrah, laughing jackass. Coorigil, name of place, meaning sign of bees. Corrobboree, black fellows' dance. Cunnembeillee, woman's name, meaning pig-weed root. Curree guin guin, butcher-bird. Daen, black fellows. Dardurr, bark, humpy or shed. Dayah minyah, carpet snake (vällykäärme). Deegeenboyah, soldier-bird. Decreeree, willy wagtail. Dinewan, emu. Dingo, native dog. Doonburr, a grass seed. Doongara, lightning. Dummerh, 2nd rate pigeons. Dungle, water hole. Dunnia, wattle. Eär moonan, long sharp teeth. Effendi, Turkish sir. Euloo marah, large tree grubs. Edible. In fact yummy. Euloo wirree, rainbow. Gayandy, borah devil. Galah or Gilah, a French grey and rose-coloured cockatoo. Gidgereegah, a species of small parrot. Gooeea, warriors. Googarh, iguana. Googoolguyyah, run into trees. Googoorewon, place of trees. Goolahwilleel, absolutely top-knot pigeon. Gooloo, magpie. Goomade, red stamp. Goomai, water rat. Goomblegubbon, bastard or just plain turkey. Goomillah, young girl's dress, consisting of waist strings made of opossum's sinews with strands of woven opossum's hair hanging about a foot square in front. Yummy. Goonur, kangaroo rat. Goug gour gahgah, laughing-jackass. Literal meaning, "Take a stick of bamboo and boil it in the water." Grooee, handsome foliaged tree bearing a plum-like fruit, tart and bitter, but much liked by the blacks. Guinary, light eagle hawk. Guineboo, robin redbreast. Gurraymy, borah devil. Gwai, red. Gwaibillah, star. Kurreah, an alligator. Mahthi, dog. Maimah, stones. Maira, paddy melon. Massa, American sir. May or Mayr, wind. Mayrah, spring wind. Meainei, girls. Midjee, a species of acacia. Millair, species of kangaroo rat. Moodai, opossum. Moogaray, hailstones. Mooninguggahgul, mosquito-calling bird. Moonoon, emu spear. Mooregoo, motoke. Mooroonumildah, having no eyes. Morilla or Moorillah, pebbly ridges. Mubboo, beefwood-tree. Mullyan, eagle hawk. Mullyangah, the morning star. Murgah muggui, big grey spider. Murrawondah, climbing rat. Narahdarn, bat. Noongahburrah, tribe of blacks on the Narran. Nullah nullah, a club or heavy-headed weapon. Nurroo gay gay, dreadful pain. Nyunnoo or Nunnoo, a grass humpy. Ooboon, blue-tongued lizard. Oolah, red prickly lizard. Oongnairwah, black driver. Ouyan, curlew. Piggiebillah, ant-eater. One of the Echidna, a marsupial. Quarrian, a kind of parrot. Quatha, quandong; a red fruit like a round red plum. Sahib, Indian sir. Senhor, Brazilian sir. U e hu, rain, only so called in song. Waligoo, to hide. Wahroogah, children. Wahn, crow. Walla Walla, place of many waters. Wallah, I swear to God. Wallah, Indian that carries out a manual task. Waywah, worn by men, consisting of a waistband made of opossum's sinews with bunches of strips of paddy melon skins hanging from it. ​Wayambeh, turtle. Weeoombeen, a small bird, girl's name. Some thing like robin redbreast, only with longer tail and not so red a breast. Willgoo willgoo, pointed stick with feathers on top. Widya nurrah, a wooden battle-axe shaped weapon. Wirree, small piece of bark, canoe-shaped. Wirreenun, priest or doctor. Womba, mad. Wondah, spirit or ghost. Wurranunnah, wild bees. Wurranunnah, tame bees. Wurrawilberoo, whirlwind with a devil in it; also clouds of Magellan. Yaraan, white gum-tree. Yhi, the sun. Yuckay, oh dear!
ellauri248.html on line 85: Let's go through a few of these points. First, I don't think I've ever read a mystery novel with a less likable main character/narrator. Rob (Adam) Ryan is an asshole, plain and simple. Sure, he's been warped by his childhood and circumstances, but he does just about every annoying thing you could possibly imagine-- he constantly navel-gazes and feels self pity, he sleeps with then immediately plays the stereotypical male "I don't want anything to do with you now" role with his female partner (the person we were told was his best friend, and whom he would never ever sleep with), he acts like an idiot over the 17 year old villain/ temptress/ psychopath/ whatever betraying his partner, and by the end of the book he is worse off than ever. I know that lots of detectives (esp. in hard-boild stories) are unlikable, and have many personal issues, but this guy just took the cake. I wanted to take a baseball bat to his head [hear, hear!]. To make matters worse, French throws in this little gem towards the end of the novel:
ellauri248.html on line 89: Second, the book seriously dates itself with little pop culture references... from Simpsons quotes to mentions of Ricky Martin and The Simple Life. Gah. The beginning of the book felt like a very special episode of FRIENDS where Chandler, Monica and Ross solve a mystery. I'm a pretty big pop culture type of guy, but the references dropped in this novel just annoyed me.
ellauri248.html on line 98: Justin rated it shit: The protagonist of this book really, really annoyed me. It felt like a parody of one of those old black-and-white movies where the picture freezes and the guy steps out toward the camera, lights a cigarette, pulls his hat down, and goes into this long monologue about life or women or his past or whatever. The action would pick up or a new lead would be uncovered, and here comes Rob rambling on for pages and pages.... and pages.
ellauri249.html on line 138: a richer or more handsome guy might piss in the same place.")
ellauri249.html on line 148: ("may you guys eat shit, whoever you are who drew sopios!'")
ellauri254.html on line 575: Trotski (guy from Troki), oik. Bronstein,
ellauri262.html on line 475: Lewis starts off by asking why humans need so much castigation. Immediately he shares the Christian answer that humans have used free will to become very bad. Remember the clandestine fucking behind the apple tree! Though it wasn't the fucking as such but disobedience. The only guy that is allowed to be proud in Eden is its owner. Fucking with the snake was just a test. You FAILED! Put your pants on! Free will was not meant for you to do what you want, but to obey so it hurts! Misguided fucking made man an animal, the rest is biology. Man, as a species, spoiled his pants.
ellauri262.html on line 477: Lewis acknowledges the critique of what specific, individual harm have we done to God for God to be always angry. Well it's not personal as such. "When we merely say that we are bad, the ‘wrath’ of God seems a barbarous doctrine; as soon as we perceive our badness, it appears inevitable, a mere corollary from God’s goodness. Good guys do bad things to bad guys, as in cowboy films."
ellauri262.html on line 510: He says though, assuming that their selfhood is not an illusion, animals cannot be considered in and of themselves. "Man is to be understood only in his relation to God. The beasts are to be understood only in their relation to man and, through man, to God." Fucking humanist. Lewis says that Christians hesitate to suppose animal immorality for two reasons: 1) it would obscure the spiritual difference between beast and man and 2) it would be a clumsy assertion of Divine goodness. Wow this guy is a hypocrite.
ellauri263.html on line 716: Consider how you usually feel when your partner gets a big promotion at work or accomplishes a new fitness goal, or how you feel when your best friend tells you about a new guy they've been dating that they're really clicking with: You're genuinely, totally stoked for them, right? Fuck no, you are slightly envious, or not so slightly either. This is an instinctual feeling for most of us. Now apply that to when your partner is having fun flirting with (or sleeping with) a new flame that's not you. Instead of sparking jealousy, it sparks earnest empathetic joy. That's compersion.
ellauri263.html on line 777: We found a lot of ways to support our intellectual belief in compersion with actual psychological rewards. For example, I'd help my partner get matches on Tinder and give him tips on cute bars to take them, and after the dates, he'd tell me how they went and give me a ton of love and affirmation whenever I pouted over him having a good time. Meanwhile, he played wingman with me when I wanted to meet up with a potential flame at a party or concert, and I always made sure to come home to him and share the sexy things I'd done with the new guy and what things I wanted to migrate into our own sex life. In this way, we began to be able to associate positive experiences together (showering each other with affection and affirming the strength of our relationship) with the aftermath of one of us having fun with someone else. When it became clear that these extradyadic encounters only brought us closer, it became easier and easier for us to feel earnest joy for the other person's romantic successes.
ellauri264.html on line 424: Norm Pattis used to receive a well deserved hate letter once a year from an elderly woman in California. Incensed over a $2 million award the criminal defense lawyer had won for a convicted rapist and murderer injured by guards during a prison escape attempt. He helps people who have trouble telling the good guys from the bad guys. Pattis specializes in cases that make most people cringe. He’s defended everyone from child murderers to rapists — he admits to being particularly drawn to homicide cases. If the allegation is heinous and the defendant reviled, chances are pretty good Pattis is involved.
ellauri264.html on line 689: If you want the opposite (pretty much), have a look at Antonio Mucci, Visicalc, Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston, by all accounts super nice people, treated everyone great, just all around nice nerds, they were trounced, not many people alive today who know who they are (yes they are both alive as I type this). A guy just took their idea, made his own version and had a ready version when the IBM PC was introduced.
ellauri266.html on line 316: If you like looking at trees, this may be your movie. I don't understand the complete lack of negative critic reviews here. Maybe it's my fault for being able to remember what it's like to watch truly well-directed films. Have today's critics forgotten what it's like to go see a film by Hitchcock or Wilder or even Blake Edwards or Ron Howard. Those guys knew how to tell a story. What we have here is a good example of bad storytelling.
ellauri267.html on line 233: But the corporates took them down. Davis was snared in a sting operation after he agreed to launder more than $1.29 million of Federal law enforcement money. Another guy got 18 years for willful failure to file a federal income tax return. Unger was released by the Federal Bureau of Prisons on December 13, 2019. As of March 2011, the web site for Guardians of the Free Republics had been taken down. They were volunteers: ones who support their fellow communists in thousands of different ways without disdaining remuneration. Juuri sellaisille on Danin kirja dedikoitu.
ellauri270.html on line 546: "Andorsen owns a large percentage of the land in northern Nevada not owned by the government," Leo said. "He's probably got a half dozen of these private airstrips scattered all over the state. They may be dirt, but they're built to handle a bizjet. Ever meet him? Great guy. Throws parties and fund-raisers for law enforcement all the time."
ellauri270.html on line 550: "We gotta have min 2 cadets per min 2 adults at all times, for kld anus protection." "Amazing work. I'm proud of you guys. And you're volunteers. That's even more amazing. I've always believed in the spirit of the volunteer, the person who doesn't expect to be paid for his services. I can relate to that, I don't expect to pay for services myself. But General Patrick McLanahan working for nothing? How screwed up is that? Unbelievable!
ellauri270.html on line 553:
H. Norman Schwarzkopf, father of H. Norman Schwarzkopf. Served Pres. George Bush, father of Pres. George Bush. Naah, actually this guy died 1958.

ellauri282.html on line 524: Whích What Hanhi (/ˈtɪk ˈnjʌt ˈhʌn/ TIK NYUHT HUHN; Vietnamese: [tʰǐk̟ ɲə̌t hâjŋ̟ˀ] (listen); born Nguyễn Xuân Bảo; 11 October 1926 – 22 January 2022) oli vietnamilainen Thiền-buddhalainen munkki, rauhanaktivisti, tuottelias kirjailija, runoilija ja opettaja, joka perusti Luumu Kylä Perinteen, joka on historiallisesti tunnustettu tärkeimmäksi innoituxexi sitoutuneelle buddhalaisuudelle. "Mindfulnessin isänä" tunnettu Nhất Hạnh oli merkittävä vaikutus buddhalaisuuden länsimaisiin käytäntöihin. Mindfulness (skr. smrti, pal. sati) tarkoittaa muistoa. Sitä mikä palaa mieleen. Lännessä hän on ikoni. En voi ajatella länsimaista buddhalaista, joka ei tiedä Thich Nhất Hạnhista. Selvä länkkäreiden agentti. Tätähän muuten tutki Antti Niemen tytär Maisu, ei saanut juuri mitään mitattavaa tulosta, mutta perusti siitä huolimatta mindfulness-toimiston Tukholman vanhaan kaupunkiin, joka varmaan vetää väkeä kuin häkä. 2019 raportoitiin, että Nhất Hạnhin kannattamasta mindfulnessista oli tullut teoreettinen perusta 1.1 miljardin dollarin teollisuudelle Yhdysvalloissa. Eräässä tutkimuksessa todettiin, että 35% työnantajista käytti mindfulnessia työpaikan käytännöissä. Varsinaista ison rahan vedätystä siis!
ellauri284.html on line 40: This snapshot, our correspondent states, was taken after The German - sorry - the French charge near Forêt-Champignon. The body stretched at full length is a dead German guy. Those crouching behind a stone are French infantrymen, stone dead as well. Evidently the were charging, carrying that big stone. The bodies were not moved so as not to confuse the crime scene investigation.
ellauri297.html on line 34: guyen-vinh-8259923-2-edited.jpg?w=448&h=716" width="100%" />
ellauri297.html on line 48: Founder, Ammi Ruhama Community Christian Union. Living History Interpretor. Baker. Milford Baby and Toddler Group Organizer. Bada Bing Pizza Chef. Sunnymead Residential Home Kitchen Assistant. Be Life Cafe and Marketplace Operations Personnel. Summit Christian Academy Steward. I vacuum the hallways, library, music room and preschool room. I clean the bathrooms and mop the gym/cafeteria floor. I also maintain the general premises. Dan the Handy Man. Do you need handy work done around your house, but don't want to have to call in the big guys with the big price? My name is Daniel Bacon and I am an experienced handy man living right here in Clarks Summit. If you need your lawn cut, bushes trimmed, garden weeded, fence painted / stained or just about any other job done, then call me at 570-585-9595 or email me at contactdanielbacon@gmail.com and we'll set up a time for me to come and see if I am the right man for the job. Wait! let me…Show more... (Ouch!) I emptied the front cash register as well as filling in as a sandwich maker. I created schedules and activities for the campers and staff to participate in. I also led worship during the evenings. Student janitor.
ellauri299.html on line 558: According to the American Enterprise Institute, research has shown that income and intelligence are related. Stupid guys earn less than smarter ones. Stupid guys end in prison, smarter ones avoid it.
ellauri321.html on line 103: Among other books there fell into a guy named Hazlitt's hands a little volume of double interest to him by reason of his own early sojourn in America, and in a fitting connection he gave it a word of praise. In the Edinburgh Review for October, 1829, he speaks of it as giving one an idea “how American scenery and manners may be treated with a lively poetic interest. The pictures are sometimes highly colored, but they are vivid and strikingly characteristic.” “The author,” he continues, “gives not only the objects, but the feelings of a new country.” Hazlitt had read the book and had been delighted with it nearly a quarter of a century before he wrote of it, and in the earliest years of the century he had commended it warmly to his friends. In November, 1805, Lamb wrote: “Oh, tell Hazlitt not to forget the American Farmer. I dare say it is not so good as he fancies; but a book's a book.”* And it is this book, which not only gained the sympathies of Hazlitt and Charles Lamb, but also by its idealized treatment of American country life may possibly have stirred, as Professor Moses Coit Tyler thought, the imaginations of Byron and Coleridge.
ellauri334.html on line 333: I cannot say I know a whole lot about Judas Iscariot besides the general story about him betraying Jesus to the Roman authorities, but one thing I MUST say - Judaism has NOTHING to do with Judas Iscariot. I had more than one person ask me “Why do you guys follow Judas?? Surely he was a bad person!”. This would be funny but when I think about how many Jews were actually killed or oppressed because of things like this - it’s not funny at all.
ellauri365.html on line 47: Nordiska familjebok (jonka Jöns koppasi Tutun jäämistöstä) tähdentää Antonin ällistyxexi Maupassantin suurta terveyttä. Vaikea uskoa, Nissen mielestä, Guyhän oli sadisti joka nai ja suomi kirjoissa äitiä ja tytärtä. Pähkähulluhan se oli loppupeleissä. Sen hulluus juontui luultavasti ranujen 1870-71 sodan nolosta tappiosta sakuille. Eräässä ekoista Guyn lastuista lutka Läskipallero antoi preussilaiselle isänmaallisesti pillua ja joutui siitä silti muiden vihoihin. Maupassantit oli porvareita, le particule oli pelkkää hämäystä. Family guytä paaponut äiti ryhtyi elävän leskexi, kun isälle ei riittänyt pelkkä sexi vaan se ryhtyi väkivaltaisexi. Kiltit "sedät" Flaubert ja Swinburne väänsivät Guyn vizaa in loco parentis. (Mixi Guy ylipäänsä kävi Algernonin kanssa naku-uinnilla? Ota kiinni mistä saat, pikkukaveri.) Guy piti veneilystä kuten se Kaislikossa tuulee Ratty.
ellauri374.html on line 430: Allah, he believes, is on his movement’s side. “When oppression increases,” the sheikh explains in his elegant, classical Arabic, “people start looking for God. The guys with the best God in their corner are bound to win.”
ellauri375.html on line 292: So you are a subjective idealist? Some kind of suum quique type? A Protagorean homomensura guy?
ellauri375.html on line 771: On the other hand, you had the adventurers, the “give me a gun and send me to the frontline!” guys showing up in the Ukrainian Legion. Vetting procedures were minimal and some people slipped through the process who shouldn't have been accepted (they were often lying about their military experience). These folks soon had to learn that the Ukrainians do not tolerate any “cowboys”, braggarts, or impostors.
ellauri375.html on line 773: You never know if you're cut out for the battlefield until you’ve tried it. Some folks simply couldn't handle it and left. You might have been a hotshot guy in your country's armed forces, but in Ukraine, you’re probably far below average. Some people here (especially the “I was Special Forces!” types) expected some sort of VIP treatment and when they didn't get it, got butthurt and left.
ellauri382.html on line 367:
I’m physically smaller than most guys in weight and height. How do I stop feeling anxiety around people?

ellauri383.html on line 517: Lotsa people in Trininad used to hear The Voice of God, V.S. Naipaul tells. One of them even let himself be tied to a balsa Cross but got pissed when people began to throw at him largish stones. Ei jumalauta nyt loppu hei! Laama sabakhthaani! In the previous Gem I opened up the topic of hearing God’s Voice and I gave you the list of guys to whom God had spoken to in our Jakarta and Sysmä based Cell Groups over the years. But how do I know whether It Is God or me? Realize there are times when God Himself breaks the rules. He does that. He is not at all a God who is stuck in his own silly old rules! That is when we may well grasp the wrong end of His humongous stick. That could spell the end of our intimacy with His nugget...
ellauri389.html on line 71: The nominal occasion of Lamb's essay is not just Elia's purchase of the teacup, but also Britain's en- trance into China, as it began with the East India Company's annexation of Singa Pura (Singapore) in 1819. The event, which was a pivotal moment in British imperial expansion, extended imperial activity from South Asia to the Far East. More importantly, the development revised a longstanding Sino-British trade imbalance that was particularly caused by porcelain and tea, and hence necessitated a change in British attitudes toward luxury purchases such as porcelain that reversed the animus previously demonstrated by Fielding, who complained that brits echanged the gold of one India to the clay ("mud") of another. Indeed, "Old China" facetiously depicts a cultural sinicization presumably precipitated by this intensification in East Asia-based imperial activity: Elia drinks tea "unmixed," in the Chinese fashion, and experiences an "almost feminine" pleasure in porcelain that likens him to the androgynous "men with women's faces" that Elia associates with China. Fuck the guy was obviously gay.
ellauri389.html on line 265: We've heard this song before. Plain and simple, the guy got the sack. Having spoken with almost all of the brilliant philosophical minds alive and at large right now, what’s he discovered? Has a pattern emerged? Can he decipher the wisdom peculiar to our age? He furrows his brow and after some reflection, looks down in his beer and says, “No.”
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 348: American code of conduct: money talks, and triple bonus talks thrice as loud. Shylock is the model for Dickens' and Disneys Scrooges. Only they are Jews by courtesy only. In Donald Duck Scrooge is one of the good guys. So is Donald Trump.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 276: Martin was not a nice guy. One of his great talents was singing at the Pulperia. At the fort, he was forced to work hard and fight against the Indians. He had a night-long payada (singing duel) with a black payador (singer), who turns out to be the younger brother of the man Fierro murdered in a duel. He deliberately provoked an affair of honor by insulting a black woman in a bar. In the knife duel that ensued, he killer her male companion. He escaped justice with a police sergeant and went native.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 259: Most people's minds are trying to answer problems even when they're supposed to be resting. What's the difference between them and the little guy? Often not much other than their grandiose sense of self worth very commonly found in type A personalities.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 272: And remember that these guys will be long gone on to some other take over, in jail or early retirement dealing with their multiple divorces and lawsuits while you're still grinding it out.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 355: This has a two part answer. The first is, that it assumes that businesses are started and then expanded for the purpose of creating jobs and advancing the working class. This simply is not true. When a person opens a business, their entire purpose is to earn a profit. Not a single multimillionaire has ever said “I think we need more jobs and better wages, so I think we should open another facility.” This can be documented with the exodus of American business to coutries such as Mexico, China, and Japan, just to name a few. They were NOT trying to create jobs in those countries. They were trying to increase profits. There are any number of counties, cities, and states that are held hostage by big business demanding tax abatements and other concessions if they agree to do business and maybe create jobs in those areas. So you see, big business is not about helping the little guy…it is about how much profit they can make with a PROMISE to help the little guy.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 342: Friedman was an idiosyncratic figure who would be hard to pigeonhole in the current political spectrum, he kinda drops off on the ultraviolet side. He inspired the conservative movement, but was against any discrimination against gay people, in addition to being an agnostic. He was a libertarian who advocated for a progressive income tax system that even went into the negative to ensure that everyone could, at the very least, meet their basic needs. Elon Musk is all for basic income too. But he also wants to send a Tesla to deep space as a token of esteem to alien intelligence. With a piece of cardboard inside the windshield spelling HUMAN. To sum up, Freedman and Musk are both East European emigrants, Elon is not a jew, and Milton was not gay, although a funny guy.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 245: In The Mandibles, I have one secondary character, Luella, who’s black. She’s married to a more central character, Douglas, the Mandible family’s 97-year-old patriarch. I reasoned that Douglas, a liberal New Yorker, would credibly have left his wife for a beautiful, stately African American because arm candy of color would reflect well on him in his circle, and keep his progressive kids’ objections to a minimum. But in the end the joke is on Douglas, because Luella suffers from early onset dementia, while his ex-wife, staunchly of sound mind, ends up running a charity for dementia research. As the novel reaches its climax and the family is reduced to the street, they’re obliged to put the addled, disoriented Luella on a leash, to keep her from wandering off. LOL! What a laugh, ain't it? Get it, the guy thought he was getting arm candy, but instead he got a goat!
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 266: Worse: the left’s embrace of gotcha hypersensitivity inevitably invites backlash. Donald Trump appeals to people like me who have had it up to their eyeballs with being told what they can and cannot say. Pushing back against a mainstream culture of speak-no-evil suppression, they lash out in defiance, and then what they say is pretty appalling. I actually think President Trump is a real cool guy. Especially I love his hair, it most definitely is not black and curly like that other president's.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 335: It’s not always OK if a white guy writes the story of a Nigerian woman because the actual Nigerian woman can’t get published or reviewed to begin with. It’s not always OK if a straight white woman writes the story of a queer Indigenous man, because when was the last time you heard a queer Indigenous man tell his own story? How is it that said straight white woman will profit from an experience that is not hers, and those with the actual experience never be provided the opportunity? It’s not always OK for a person with the privilege of education and wealth to write the story of a young Indigenous man, filtering the experience of the latter through their own skewed and biased lens, telling a story that likely reinforces an existing narrative which only serves to entrench a disadvantage they need never experience.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 236: Profile photo for Rob Ford (guy in shorts and Superman t-shirt)
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 456: Spiritual warfare. Looking Back at Prayerfest 2019, we experienced a powerful move of God while crying out to Him for all generations. To see the recap and full video, click here. He moved, yea, a powerful move, he turned over and snored on. But trust us, we guys will show you some moves! Back and forth! In and out! Thou wilt feel some miracles coming!
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 132: Slim, blonde, young and pretty, you might think that April could do a lot better than 58-year-old married engineer James but there is no chance of her ever leaving him for another man, unless sold to another guy second-hand.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 141: James said: "Every guy has in his head the perfect girl and this is what I see when I look in the mirror and see this look. Most manufacturers make them look something in the region of 20 years old. For a man of my age it's a fantasy because I will never be a Brad Pitt or something like that.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 145: "Every guy knows what it is like to slap a woman on the butt and this is not unlike the real thing."
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 192: Good guys must safeguard the interests and minimize the suffering of created sentient beings before technological advances pre-empt this possibility.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 491: Clapping Hands Emoji. Some people like to call this guy the
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 715: Drink a Haitian guy's blood
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 766: Drummer Lori Barbero recalled Love's time in Minneapolis: She lived in my house for a little while. And then we did a concert at the Orpheum. It was in 1988. It was called O-88 with Butthole Surfers, Cows & Bastards, Run Westy Run, and Babes in Toyland. And I guess Maureen [Herman] took Courtney to the airport after she stole all the money. She stayed and stayed, and then the next day she wanted me to take her to the airport. And so I drove her to the airport. She had just had some weird fight with the guy at the desk, and then she left. She said, 'I'm going to go to L.A. and I'm going to get my face done and I'm going to be famous.' And then she did."
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 126: Rebecca Solnit, for instance, wrote a cringe-inducing and hilarious essay, “Men Explain Lolita to Me,” including these lines: “A nice liberal man came along and explained to me this book was actually an allegory as though I hadn’t thought of that yet. It is, and it’s also a novel about a big old guy violating a spindly child over and over and over. Then she weeps.”
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 478: Heikkilä oli kiinnostunut ranskalaisesta ja espanjalaisesta kulttuurista; tätä kautta hän tutustui myös roomalaiskatoliseen kirkkoon. Tärkeitä vaikuttajia Heikkilälle olivat ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa kaatunut ranskalainen runoilija ja sotasankari Charles Péguy, englantilainen runoilija T. S. Eliot ja saksalainen filosofi Friedrich Nietzsche. Niinpä tietysti. Heikkilällä oli kahdesta avioliitostaan kolme lasta. Hän työskenteli kirjastovirkailijana Helsingin Rikhardinkadun kirjastossa, jonka kirjastonjohtajana hänen oppi-isänsä Uuno Saarnio oli. Viimeiset elinvuotensa Heikkilä vietti alkoholin ja lääkkeiden sekakäytön aiheuttamien ongelmien vuoksi Sipoon Nikkilän mielisairaalassa. Sekakäyttöä seurannut viiltely viittasi mahdollisesti myös itsemurhaan, sillä Heikkilän kuolinsyytä ei tutkittu kunnolla.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 755: The romance also felt unrealistic. Maybe it was just hard for me to understand the protagonist sleeping with the guy after knowing him for a day or two, or maybe I just didn´t like either of them very well at all. But their "romantic encounters" seemed contrived, and their whole relationship seemed based on lust and mutual interest, and not really anything deeper.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 222: (4) Ippolit tries to figure out the point of living for two weeks. On the one hand, why not just die now and get it over with? But on the other hand, he feels like it's actually only now that he has a death sentence of sorts that he has really started to live. (Which, okay, guys, remember the story Myshkin told about the condensed man and how full of life his last few hours must be? There is definitely more to the idea that the person who knows he is about to die lives a very full life at the end—as Dostoevsky himself experience at his staged execution.)
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 226: (Of course he had the rest of his life before him. Everybody has. It was just rather short in his case in both directions. Eh, guys? Vai mitä jäbät?)
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 134: More recently: Israel is the world's nastiest terrorist state since Nazi Germany, (apart from the USA actions in My Lai, Vietnam, when US soldiers massacred 500 unarmed villagers). USA always supports the Israeli atrocities, it even gives the Israelis the aircraft and other weapons for killing Palestinians. Now the USA is blocking UN from criticising Israel. UK politicians and media usually support Israel. Ironic, isn't it? I guess it's usually the guys that feel they're losing that are the most atrocious.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 448: Judas is especially Ambiguously Gay in the 2012 arena tour, due in large part to Judas actor Tom Munchin's camp stage persona. And guyliner.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 479: Both. The Romans are a government, and governments have to walk a fine line when it comes to dissent, because the people outnumber law enforcement, and killing or imprisoning lots of dissenters, while effective in the short term, means you have fewer subjects. Pilate could put down the mob with violence, but why would he do all that over one guy who, frankly, is kind of a problem for Rome, anyway? It doesn't help that Jesus does nothing to speak in his own defense: Pilate gets frustrated with Jesus' answers and eventually says good riddance to Jesus and his obvious death wish.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 503: In his 1887 essay "Jews and Indo-Germans", he wrote: “One would have to have a heart of steel to not feel sympathy for the poor Germans and, by the same token, to not hate the Jews, to not hate and despise those who – out of humanity! – advocate for the Jews or are too cowardly to crush these vermin. Trichinella and bacilli should not be negotiated with, trichinella and bacilli should also not be nurtured, they would be destroyed as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. The problem is, guys like Paul Böttinger are like lice, there is no way to exterminate them for good. Where there are simians, their lice will also thrive.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 49: They scar their bodies by making little cuts repetitively. Isn't it funny we invented all these creams, lasers and other treatments to get rid of our pubic hairs. One time I was resting in the shade of a sculptural tree and I was watching two men and a woman from a distance, they were just sitting in the grass, playing with some leaves and collecting some stones. I was trying to go back in my memory and imagine that same exact situation happening in our 'civilised' world - I couldn´t. In our civilized world the guys would've been all over her, stones hanging out and blades deep in her throat and twat.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 310: We are all international activists—the yeshivah student struggling for clarity in an abstruse Talmudic passage, the storeowner who refuses to sell faulty merchandise, the little girl joyfully lighting her candle before Shabbat, the hiker who reaches the top of her climb and breathlessly recites a blessing to the Creator for the magnificent view, the young father who has just now started wrapping tefillin every morning, the subway commuter who lent the guy next to him a shoulder to sleep upon, and the simple Jew who checks for a kosher symbol on the package before making a purchase. Our destiny is tied to the destiny of those books, that merchandise, that time of the week, that mountain, that morning rush, that neighbor and that train, and the food in that package. We cannot live without them, and their redemption cannot come without us. We are all sanitation workers.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 498: So I think we know by now what kind of guy this Snyder character was. He is the guy that sends you links “proving” that humans have never been to the moon and low-resolution videos of celebrities shapeshifting into aliens.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 580: CBS’ Walter Cronkite was the pre-eminent emcee of the whole affair. Cronkite was a moderate, establishment type of guy. He was perplexed by hippies, including his own daughters, with their “indescribable” outfits that looked like they came from a “remnant sale”, which they did. He recognized that the young generation no doubt saw him as “an old fuddy-duddy.”
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 107:
In what seems to us to be a highly unlikely act, the "Ds" in DVDA stand for double, and the "V" and "A" stand for vagina and anus. That's four guys, two holes, and one very uncomfortable female participant.

xxx/ellauri176.html on line 111:
Full Nelson
a guy lying on his back. The girl is on top, on her back. The guy takes his arms and puts them under her arms and behind her neck. She's holding her legs back behind her head, and he's pushing her face down to the action, making her watch. (Kama sutra asana n:o 792.)

xxx/ellauri176.html on line 120:
Reverse titty fuck. The guy fucks his partner’s breasts while he places his bottom on his or her face.

xxx/ellauri176.html on line 121:
a girl is in the middle of two guys, simultaneously wanking their peckers with her hands. Suomexi sauvakävely.

xxx/ellauri176.html on line 126:
Two guys lie down facing each other and each simultaneously grinds his penis against the belly of another person.

xxx/ellauri177.html on line 205: The 24th feature from Hong Sangsoo, doppelgänger of the talkative celeb guy in the last scene of the movie THE WOMAN WHO RAN follows Gamhee (Kim Minhee), a florist and the wife of a translator who never in 5 years time has left her for a moment from his sight. She has three separate encounters with friends while her husband finally is on a business trip. Youngsoon (Seo Youngwha) is divorced, turned lesbian (the couple likes to feed alley cats) and has given up meat and likes to garden in the backyard of her semi-detached house. Suyoung (Song Seonmi) is divorced, has a big savings account and a crush on her architect neighbor and is being hounded by a young poet she met at the bar. Woojin (Kim Saebyuk) works for a movie theater and hates it that her writer husband has become a celeb. Their meetings are polite, but not warm. Some of their shared history bubbles to the surface, but not much. With characteristic humor and grace, Hong takes a simple premise and spins a web of interconnecting philosophies and coincidences. THE WOMAN WHO RAN is a subtle, powerful look at dramas small and large faced by women everywhere. Basically, they are 40+ ladies who may have met at some art school and get a chance to compare notes on how well their childless lives have turned out. Gamhee used to be the celeb's girl friend until the movie theater attendant stole the guy. Now both of them are sorry that she did, but really not that much. The Éric Rohmer of South Korea.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 181: Whereas Hemingway wrote passionately about boxing and his own prowess, others, like Dempsey, saw something else. “There were a lot of Americans in Paris and I sparred with a couple, just to be obliging,” the Champ said. “But there was one fellow I wouldn’t mix it with. That was Ernest Hemingway. He was about twenty-five or so and in good shape, and I was getting so I could read people, or anyway men, pretty well. I had this sense that Hemingway, who really thought he could box, would come out of the corner like a madman. To stop him, I would have to hurt him badly, I didn’t want to do that to Hemingway. That’s why I never sparred with him.” Hemingway’s frequent sparring partner and fellow writer Morley Callaghan offered another sobering account of his training partner, saying, “we were two amateur boxers. The difference between us was that Ernie had given time and imagination to boxing; I had actually worked out a lot with good fast college boxers.” I had never seen Mr. Hemingway box, of course. But I will say this: the confidence of mediocre men is a fucking superpower. I have met many versions of this guy. Hell, I’ve sparred with the dude myself.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 616: The newest biography of Henry James is the work of a Vermont law professor who has written one earlier biography, Honorable Justice, The Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes, of the “great dissenter” on the Supreme Court in the first half of our century. Proceeding from the law into literature, Sheldon M. Novick tells us in a book titled Henry James, The Young Master–as if James were a young Mozart or a Paganini and didn’t work hard to achieve literary mastery–that the celibate and sexually diffident novelist, who put most of his life into his art, was in reality a regular guy who “underwent the ordinary experiences of life.” In fact, says Novick, he had an affair at the end of the Civil War with–yes, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 657: A Bryan is a hot guy that will love you with everything he has. Bryan's are funny, smart, caring, good at everything they do, have brown hair and brown eyes, a brown moustache, the cutest dimples and an awesome body. They make wonderful husbands and fathers. A Bryan will dedicate his whole life to his wife and family and never ask for a thing in return except to be able to watch his sports uninterrupted.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 264: Robert Lowell IV (March 1, 1917 – September 12, 1977) was an American poet. He was born into a Boston Brahmin family that could trace its origins back to the Mayflower, yep, just those who only talked to Cod. He really thought he was something else, but he wasn't, just another evil looking guy.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 695: In the seventh century, a brand new monotheistic religion grew out of the flames of rampant, Arabian paganism. A man by the name of Mohammad is said to have begun receiving direct revelations via the angel Gabriel (the same guy who knocked up Anne and Mary!) about the timely reform of the true religion. The religion of Islam was born out of Mohammad’s revelations from Allah. The Quran, the record of those revelations and the holy book of Islam, contains various statements concerning Jesus Christ (known as Isa ibn Maryam or Jesus the son of Mary within the religion). Esa Saarisen äiti on (tai oli?) Iisa, eikä "Esa"-kaan ole siitä kaukana. Mitähän tämä mahtaa merkitä? Onko (tai oliko?) se enne? Eskiltäkin vuosi verta kylkihaavasta.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 740:
(Just look at the insolent manner those guys have stolen our holy Christian middle English "holier-than-thou" lingo! Sheer plagiarism!)

xxx/ellauri187.html on line 286: Jerome's Against Helvidius (c. 383) paved the way for aspects of future Josephite devotion with his assertion that Joseph was always a virgin. Poor guy. The earliest record of a formal devotional following for Joseph in the Western Church is in the abridged Martyrology of Rheinau in Northern France, which dates to the year 800. References to Joseph as nutritor Domini ("educator/guardian of the Lord") from the 9th to the 14th centuries continued to increase as Mariology developed, and by the 12th century, along with greater devotion to Mary, the writings of the Benedictine monks began to foster a following for Joseph and they inserted his name in their liturgical calendars and their martyrology.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 273: Hyökkäyksen alettua Carlson on muuttanut sävyään siihen suuntaan, että Putin ei ole ainoa bad guy, on niitä muitakin, ja pahempia. Hän on myös ottanut tavakseen todeta, että hyökkäys on ”väärin sammutettu” ja kritisoi välillä Putiniakin saamattomuudesta.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 240: As believers, there are things we shouldn’t participate in. In 2 Corinthians 6:14, the Word states, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” Whether this be Christian girls “dating” guys who claim to follow Christ and vice versa, or kids surrounding themselves with “friends” that continuously bring them down or turn them from God, it is all so hurtful to see.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 264: Everything is unraveling. Decades of work dissipating like smoke. He was always in control, the strongest and smartest man in the room. Though not the largest, both Don Trump and the Chinese guy were larger.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 108: Charles Péguy (7. tammikuuta
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 115: maailmansodassa. Péguy syntyi
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 120: suu- ja käsityöläisenä. Péguy
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 128: Mentyään naimisiin Péguy osti
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 138: toiminut Péguy kuoli vihollisen
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 141: paikkansa. Peguyn runot ovat
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 167: In the best essay ever written on Saul Bellow, Philip Roth wrote that his friend "managed brilliantly to close the gap between Thomas Mann and Damon Runyon". Bellow indeed brought together the teeming, busy world of post-war America, with its wise-guys, money men and "reality instructors", and the high seriousness of old Europe.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 192: Why is it, asked the teareyed history marm, that us goyim have always hated you mockies so much? Ask them not me says Amy. Well because you guys keep to your own company, are greedy as all hell and think you're better than us rest, though it was you guys who got your brother Christ nailed on The Cross and got $30 for the job.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 341: What was this book even about??? The "narrator" kept jumping around with what he was talking about, quite a few times I had no idea who was speaking, and what was the point of all the billionaires? They had absolutely nothing to do with the story! It took 104 pages of confusing and pointless narrative for the guy to tell the girl (after 40 years of knowing her, no less) that he wanted to be with her. This might have been one of the most anti-climactic love stories I have ever read. The secondary characters seemed completely irrelevant to the plotline and it appeared that their only function was to take up printable space. The story was unimaginative, lacking in depth, and devoid of anything memorable. The only reason I bothered to finish it was to get one step closer to finishing my goodreads reading challenge, else I would have ditched it at page 20.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 506: Murphy said the video and pictures he and his sister got indicated that the man drove to the cemetery almost every morning between 6:14 a.m. and 6:18 a.m. with his current wife, got out of the car, walked to Torello’s grave and peed on it. (How could one video possibly indicate as much as that?) “I can’t get my wife to go out to dinner but this guy gets his wife to go along with him to desecrate my mom’s remains every morning!” Murphy fumed.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 325: guya.jpeg"
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 114: Bible Reading Plan Spreadsheet. I wanted to start doing the Robert M’Cheyne Bible reading plan this year. In it there is about 4 chapters per day, organized to have two from the Old Testament, and two from the New. There is an emphasis on reading the New Testament twice throughout the year. Here’s a PDF of M’Cheyne’s plan with some pros and cons mentioned at the start: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EL8rR56QBu1lJwgEVos9IiOuLgfLgEud/view?usp=sharing. No big deal – there are a lot of ways to keep track. Well, I’m the kind of guy I don’t want to have paper around, so I’d like to avoid printing something off. I also … Continue reading Bible Reading Plan Spreadsheet.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 613: The truth of the matter may be that the elderly guy with a diastema is an otherwise unemployed volunteer mercenary professional, perhaps an Afghani veteran, paid with money pouring in from the West. The guy is rather like the famous Finnish mercenary Lauri Allan Törni.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 542: The Spring Temple Buddha (Chinese: 中原大佛 and simplified Chinese: 鲁山大佛; traditional Chinese: 魯山大佛) is a colossal statue depicting Vairocana Buddha located in the Zhaocun township of Lushan County, Henan, China, built from 1997 to 2008. It is located within the Fodushan Scenic Area, close to National Freeway no. 311. At 128 metres (420 ft), excluding a 25 metres (82 ft) lotus throne. It is the second-tallest statue in the world after the Statue of Unity (representing no longer the Buddha but this guy named Patel) in Gujarat, India, which surpassed it in 2018 with a height of 182 metres (597 ft).
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 551: Known as the "Iron Man of India", Vallabhbhai Patel was born in Gujarat. He was the fourth of the six children of his father, Jhaveribhai. The first 3 got gold, silver and bronze. Patel is credited for being almost single-handedly responsible for unifying India on the eve of independence. He completed his matriculation at the age of 22 due to the poor financial condition of family. Patel had a desire to study to become a lawyer. So he started to work and save funds. He went to England to study law. He passed examinations within two years and travelled back to India. Patel started practicing as a barrister in Ahmadabad. In 1917, Patel got elected as the sanitation commissioner of Ahmadabad. He displayed extraordinary devotion to duty and personal courage in fighting an outbreak of plague and led a successful agitation for the removal of an unpopular British municipal commissioner. Inspired by the words of Gandhi, Patel started active participation in the Indian independence movement. So apparently he's not the world's largest guy in bronze, but a man of steel.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 134: Among modern Western male heteronormal scholars, Sappho´s sexuality is still debated – André Lardinois has described it as the "Great Sappho Question". Early translators of Sappho sometimes heterosexualised her poetry. Ambrose Philips´ 1711 translation of the Ode to Aphrodite portrayed the object of Sappho´s desire as male, a reading that was followed by virtually every other translator of the poem until the twentieth century, while in 1781 Alessandro Verri interpreted fragment 31 as being about Sappho´s love for a guy named Phaon. Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker argued that Sappho´s feelings for other women were "entirely idealistic and non-sensual", while Karl Otfried Müller wrote that fragment 31 described "nothing but a friendly affection": Glenn Most comments that "one wonders what language Sappho would have used to describe her feelings if they had been ones of sexual excitement", if this theory were correct. By 1970, it would be argued that the same poem contained "proof positive of [Sappho´s] lesbianism".
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 443: So what's the real lesson here? Don't write off that drunk guy who sexually harasses you?

xxx/ellauri250.html on line 592: Bukowski's work was subject to controversy throughout his career, and he readily admitted to admiring strong leaders such as Adolf Hitler and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Some guy claimed that his sexism in his poetry, at least in part, translated his life. Feikki spuge setämies jonka näyttämönimi oli vielä "Buck" - nö, 'swar Hank. When women are around, he has to play Man. In a way it's the same kind of 'pose' he plays at in his poetry—Bogart, Eric Von Stroheim. "Whenever my wife Lucia would come with me to visit him he'd play the Man role, but one night she couldn't come I got to Buck's place and found a whole different guy—easy to get along with, relaxed, accessible."
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 596: Bukowski often spoke of Los Angeles as his favorite subject. In a 1974 interview he said, "You live in a town all your life, and you get to know every bitch on the street corner and half of them you have already messed around with. You've got the layout of the whole land. You have a picture of where you are.... Since I was raised in L.A., I've always had the geographical and spiritual feeling of being here. I've had time to learn this city. I can't see any other place than L.A." What the fuck, The guy was pure Hollywood.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 106: Ah come to think of it, could it be because the guys know each other personally and are old competitors in the same territory? Hmm. Members of the police, the most hated of all of the tsarist institutions, had to flee for their lives. In the countryside, particularly, peasants and soldiers returning from the front would loot every alcohol store and every distillery they could find. They would then would start burning and smashing up the estates and the landowners’ manor houses.
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 699: The movie is based on the cult novel by Kari Hotakainen, itself a comedic, exaggerated vision of the author's own bohemian life. A newspaper editor hints at Hotakainen (Martti Suosalo) that he should write autobiographical texts about real-world subjects. The lonely and quiet writer is confused since he has little life of which to write about. So he decides to buy a used car and write about the experience. But he has to meet some strange people such as the nihilistic salesman Kartio (Matti Onnismaa) and the jobless layabout Pera (Janne Hyytiäinen), in order to do so. Pera in particular will stop at nothing to get his hands on the same car Hotakainen has been viewing, which sparks up a huge rivalry. These flabby machos drive the disgruntled small guy over the edge.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 139: Another list of the 17 most motivational contains these guys:
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 422: Palkinto tuli pistämättömästä mutta myötätuntoisesta penetraatiosta. Gurnah has criticized the practices in both British and American publishing that want to "make the alien seem alien" by marking "foreign" terms and phrases with italics or by putting them in a glossary. Onkos se joku ylläri. Felicity Hand observes that Gurnah´s characters typically do not succeed abroad following their migration, using irony and humour to respond to their situation. Talk to the hand. The first translator of his novels into Swahili, academic Dr Ida Hadjivayanis of the School of Oriental and African Studies, has said: "I think if his work could be read in East Africa it would have such an impact. ... maybe fewer coons would try to swim over to the West." Gurnah was the first Black writer to receive the prize since 1993, when Toni Morrison won it, and the first African writer since 1991, when Nadine Gordimer was the recipient, making him the first black guy to make it.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 495: Miller briefly lived in the same Brooklyn brownstone as the young Norman Mailer. (Mailer would later say: “I know he was thinking what I was, which was, ‘That other guy is never going to amount to anything.’ ”)
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 581: Katso tämä kaksiosainen äänihaastattelu tri Larry Littlen kanssa. Hi guys, among other things Larry is my father. How trustworthy do you think is that?
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 292:
James Deen lost his virginity at a Jewish summer camp to a guy who had one this big.

xxx/ellauri304.html on line 319: Warren Burton Murphy (13. syyskuuta 1933 – 4. syyskuuta 2015) oli amerikkalainen kirjailija, tunnetuin Puuntuhooja -sarjan luojana, johon perustui elokuva Remo Williams: Seikkailu alkaa. Remo Williams: Seikkailu alkaa, julkaistu myös nimellä Remo: Aseeton ja vaarallinen, on vuoden 1985 yhdysvaltalainen toimintaseikkailuelokuva, jonka on ohjannut a guy named Hamilton. Elokuvassa esiintyivät Retu Hoidokki, Joel Halla-aho, J.A. Pronto, Wilford Lieriö ja Kate Mulkero.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 444: Just typical for a lady to start with the character and not the plot. For us men, eating fucking and bashing comes first, the choice of carcass, cunt or skull is secondary, same as burying beetles. But remember: Every really good story has some kind of conflict. No conflict, no story, just a big YAAAWWWN. The remaining 3 items on Ruthannes list are also hansypansy, lady stuff. Point of view, theme, style, WTF. Bet 50 shades had a lot of those. All we guys care about is lots of action and motivation (money, in other words, the rest like power and pussy can be bought).
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 482: And remember this: a great hero needs and deserves a great recognizable villain. That is what was wrong with a movie called “Remo Williams: the Adventure Begins,” which was based on my Destroyer book series. In the Bond movies, 007 confronts people who want to nuke London or steal all the gold in Fort Knox etc. etc. My guy, Remo Williams went up against some mope who was selling cheap rifles to the government…and no one gave a damn. Great heroes need great villains; otherwise they just look silly. The AI monster made of garbage in Remo vanha vainooja, now that was something else.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 598: Those things are all status objects. Here’s another: a guy rents a room in a sleazy hotel; it is a hovel in a dump. The floor of the room is littered with racing forms. Those are status objects and tell you something about the occupant. Or maybe the newspapers are neatly stacked against the wall and, instead of the racing form, they are copies of the Wall Street Journal with many stories circled by magic marker. Those are also status objects but should give you quite a different picture of the room’s occupant. Tattoos today are status objects; so too is a lack of tattoos. They illuminate character sometimes. And just as often an absence of intelligence. Its known as product placement on video. Rei Shimura has a lot of it.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 617: A guy named Leonard Bishop has a rule: keep the dialogue short. Four sentences is a speech. More than that, break it up. Let something happen. Let the person sip a drink or light a cigarette, scratch his butt or sneeze, anything. Let the speaker be responded to or questioned by another character. Let’s face it; nobody gets a a chance to speak for five sentences in a row without being interrupted, unless he or she is one of our neighbors in the East. Personally I find even Quentin Tarantino tedious.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 621: See that guy up there waiting in the checkout line near the cash register? Yes, of course he’s reading. He’s always reading. He’s Stephen King — and yes, to this day, he reads every check he gets. And if you would emulate him, then start imitating him.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 640: Theme isn’t something you paste on after you write the first draft. Now, potboilers in general don’t have much thematic content because they doesn’t need to go far beyond: Bang Bang and the good guys in the white hats win. Theme is a more ever-present feeling that permeates the book you’re working on. Do you think when Ayn Rand wrote The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged, she first wrote the stories and then asked herself, “Now whatever could this be about? Selfishness?” But then, she was more political than most and, as I said, many books don’t have any discernible theme, except, buy it please and make me rich. That's my theme anyway.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 645: Did you ever hear of a guy with plumber’s block? Electrician’s block? Did a mechanic ever have mechanic’s block? No, no, and no. The reason is that none of them get paid if they don’t show up to work, so block isn’t really a viable option like flu. However for writers, it often is, but then, they don't get paid. Read Trollope’s autobiography. He worked according to schedule and if he finished a novel, but still had fifteen minutes left in his usual writing day, he would take a fresh piece of paper, write “Chapter One” and get started immediately. Time’s a-wasting, children, said Trollope and went out to fornicate some neighborhood trollops. It pays to be mediocre.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 142:
High quality video featuring natural unshaven lovely red hairy pussy! Natural kinky redhead teen fucked by an old guy!

xxx/ellauri329.html on line 257: Yhtä haastavaa oli valita laadukkaat näyttelijät, jotka näyttävät osilta ja, mikä tärkeintä, pannessaan puhuvat äidinkielenään venäjää. "Paljon pahempi haaste on silloin, kun muita kuin äidinkielenään puhuvia näyttelijöitä yrittää puhua venäjää", hän sanoi. "Se on raastetta. Itse asiassa minulle oli haastavaa puhua venäjää niille näyttelijöille, jotka puhuivat vain vähän tai ei ollenkaan englantia. Mukana oli useita, mukaan lukien Pavel Tsitrinel, joka näytteli isoisää ja valitettavasti kuoli viime vuonna. Tämä oli hänen ensimmäinen ammattimainen elokuvansa Pohjois-Amerikassa. An old guy fucking a teen with naturally kinky red pubic hair. No wonder he croaked on the saddle.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 163: Vuonna 1949 hän muutti Pariisiin ja ilmoittautui Lycée Louis-le-Grandin vanhemmalle vuodelle, missä hän ystävystyi Pierre Bourdieun, Lucien Biancon, Michel Deguyn ja Louis Marinin kanssa.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 644: Voiko politiikko kuulla tämän "sisäisen kosketuksen", olla osa tätä alusta alusta? Häneltä puuttuu visio, missio, jopa inkarnaatio, he sanovat. Mitä jos valittujen virkamiestemme parannuskeino olisi kehittää itseään ja tavata enemmän runoilijoita ja taiteilijoita? Mitä riskeeraamme? Että tasavallan presidentti alkaisi puhua kuten Paul Claudel, Michel Deguy täällä läsnä, Guyotat tai Sollers? Tai no, ei ehkä Sollers... Epätodennäköistä! Mutta yritetään, pelataan kuin kaupan tuulikaapissa hedelmäpeliä, ei se ota jos ei annakaan.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 68: guyen_Van_Lem.jpg/520px-Execution_of_Nguyen_Van_Lem.jpg" />
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 69:
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