ellauri005.html on line 1345: It´s like the riches of grandeur, oh no

ellauri007.html on line 242: De forna dar, nog minnes jag grant,

ellauri007.html on line 287: Med tyska skor ungkarlen var grann,

ellauri008.html on line 1100: jonka miälestä immigranttiasiat on hyvin

ellauri008.html on line 2018: Många rika västländer har upplevt mer än ett årtionde av ekonomiskt kräftgång. Utropstecken kring klimat och migration fungerar som bensin på lågorna. Bitterheten har slagit rot bland tidigare passiva samhällsskikt, som inte längre godtar långrandiga, invecklade resonemang vare sig enklare lögner från eliten: beslutsfattare, medier, experter, akademiska kretsar och andra välmående vinnare.
ellauri011.html on line 589: Paulon postillassa viisautta on tieto ja muutos. Tietäminen on miesten heiniä, muutos naisten, nimittäin toi naiminen. Mas ainda no tocaste na grande força feminina, uma das forças mestras da transformação. - Eque força é essa? - Não continues a fazer-me perguntas tolas - respondeu Wicca. - Porque eu sei que sabes qual é. Brida sabia. O sexo. Dodi! Viimeinkin sexiä! Paulo pääsee itse asiaan kirjan puolivälissä. Quando os homens estavam próximos de Deus, o sexo era a comunhão simbólica com a unidade divina. O sexo era o reencontro com o sentido da vida. Joppajjo, bonobot, niihä se just on, pano on kaikist kivintä, se se on elämän tarkoitus: lisää elämää ja suuremmat lusikat, kauhat, suppilot ja melat. Mystikon ekstaasi on kuin mällin ruiskahdus, ja kääntäen, sanoo kaniguru expressis verbis.

ellauri012.html on line 624: Après ces instructions, qui doivent tenir la première place, je crois qu’il n’est pas inutile de laisser aux filles, selon leurs loisirs et la portée de leur esprit, la lecture des livres profanes qui n’ont rien de dangereux pour les passions : c’est même le moyen de les dégoûter des comédies et des romans. Donnez-leur donc les histoires grecques et romaines ; elles y verront des prodiges de courage et de désintéressement. Ne leur laissez pas ignorer l’histoire de France, qui à aussi ses beautés ; mêlez celles des pays voisins, et les relations des pays éloignés judicieusement écrites. Tout cela sert à agrandir l’esprit, et à élever l’âme à de grands sentiments, pourvu qu’on évite la vanité et l’affectation.
ellauri012.html on line 628: Je leur permettrais aussi, mais avec un grand choix, la lecture des ouvrages d’éloquence et de poésie, si je voyais qu’elles en eussent le goût, et que leur jugement fût assez solide pour se borner au véritable usage des choses ; mais je craindrais d’ébranler trop les imaginations vives, et je voudrais en tout cela une exacte sobriété : tout ce qui peut faire sentir l’amour, plus il est adouci et enveloppé, plus il me paraît dangereux.
ellauri014.html on line 332: Mary Shelleylläkin oli sivuvaununa sisarpuoli nimeltä Claire, tai Jane, siitä tulee yllättäen maininta albumissa 321. Byron teki Percyn kanssa Sveitsissä junan, Clairelle tytön, Allegran. Maryn äiti Mary Wollstonecraft nai pyöreäpäisen Williamin mutta kuoli pian Maryn synnytettyään. Claire Clairmontin äiti Mary Jane oli Maryn paha äitipuoli. Onpa paljon Maryja. No se oli Israelissakin yleisin naisennimi, pojilla kai Jeshua.
ellauri014.html on line 806: Que ceux qui nous exhortent à faire ce qu'ils disent, et non ce qu'ils font, disent une grande absurdité!
ellauri014.html on line 1157: O grand Etre ! Etre éternel, suprême intelligence, source de vie et de félicité, créateur, conservateur, père de l’homme et roi de la nature, Dieu très puissant, très bon, dont je ne doutai jamais un moment, et sous les yeux duquel j’aimai toujours à vivre ! je le sais, je m’en réjouis, je vais paraître devant ton trône.
ellauri014.html on line 1728: But granted these are different poems, we are left with the curious problem of where Montgomery found the Alpine Path poem. Surprisingly, after reading a dozen or so academic articles on Emily of New Moon and Montgomery’s vocation as an author–as well as a couple of good biographies–scholars have not pinned down the reference. After an extensive internet search, it seems to me that blogger Faith Elizabeth Hough may have begun to work it out. She includes the longer version of the poem here:
ellauri016.html on line 67: Oikea agranoomi semminkin.
ellauri016.html on line 562: Le snob est aussi bien ce pétit jeune homme hirsute qui applaudit avec une frénesie trop manifeste pour être sincère une pièce d'avant-garde boudée par le grand public, que ce monsieur décoré devant qui se multiplient les courbettes qui vient assister à la première d'une piece promise au succès; il est aussi bien ce petit gandin qui qui cherche à placer un mot dans une conversation entre Altesses que ce gentilhomme à monocle qui, d'un air ennuyé et condescendant, consent à lui addresser quelques paroles indifférentes. Mais ce fluidité meme du mot assura son heureuse developpement.
ellauri019.html on line 59: Jenkkiteinifilmissä Tall Girl pitkä tyttö tavoittaa ruottalaista grania mutta kapsahtaa lopulta italokatajaan, sitä yli puolta lyhyempään hukkapätkään. Kyllä pikku enbuskekin pääsi lopux halaamaan, kun oli alla appelsiinilaatikko. Pitkän tytön onnen huipennus oli päästä esiintymään lavalla, kehuskella siinä itseään, ison siskon suukku tukkia ja saada läpyjä. "May I have all of your attention." Mix vitussa, kuulux se joteski muka ohjelmaan? Ja parhautta oli kostaa ilkeälle poikaystävälle, maxaa potut pottuina kuin profeetta Jesaja. Hemmetin pyrkyreitä noi jenkit, elämänsä seppoja.
ellauri019.html on line 384: han fiffigt fick det till. Även han hörde till en immigrantsläkt från Tyskland. Nu har de finska urinvånarna fått överhand i Finland. Elamiter ledda av Poudiainens familj och vänner.
ellauri020.html on line 301: Ivana, a Czeck immigrant, met Donald Trump in 1976 while attending a fashion show in New York, according to the New York Post. By the next year, the couple had married, and in short order had had three kids and became steady figures in the New York socialite scene. Trump had been at the bar in Maxwell’s Plum. Maxwell’s Plum is gone now, but the very name evokes the era of frantic singles underneath the Art Nouveau ceiling. It was the place where flight attendants hoped to find bankers, and models looked for dates. Donald met his model, Ivana Zelnickova, visiting from Montreal. She liked to tell the story of how she had gone skiing with Donald, pretending to be a learner like him, and then humiliated him by whizzing past him down the slopes.
ellauri020.html on line 395: Donald Trump has always viewed his father as a role model. In The Art of the Deal, he wrote, “Fred Trump was born in New Jersey in 1905. His father, who came here from Sweden . . . owned a moderately successful restaurant.” In fact, the Trump family was German and desperately poor. “At one point my mother took in stitching to keep us going,” Trump’s father told me. “For a time, my father owned a restaurant in the Klondike, but he died when I was young.” Donald’s cousin John Walter once wrote out an elaborate family tree. “We shared the same grandfather,” Walter told me, “and he was German. So what?”
ellauri023.html on line 734: Mucius was granted farming land on the right-hand bank of the Tiber, which later became known as the Mucia Prata (Meadows of Mucus).
ellauri023.html on line 865: Kiltit on jedejä, joiden grand master Joda pani sanat väärään järjestyxeen,

ellauri025.html on line 730: 1698 Aug. 7: "2. Samma dag angaffs klockaren Ambros Hansson för det han S.Jacobi dag under predijkan haar morlat och sachta talat, utom at nogon kunde förstå ell. Höra hwad han sade; item när han gått med hofwen och skulle den ifrån sig leggia i Sakristian, haar han snafwat på törskelen. Klockaren Ambros Hansson ursächtade sig, sägandes sådant intet wara skedt aff dryckenskap, utan huwudswagheet som honom påkommit, aff den siukdom, som han kort tillförene warit beswärat utaff, hwilket somblige närwarande bewitnade; hwarföre stältes till honom en allfwarsam förmaning at taga sig grannerligen tillwara för hwarjehande förargelser, hwilket han ock utloffwade." (Se originaltext från 1698 HÄR.)
ellauri025.html on line 774: Så feminist jag är, äcklar Monika mig lite grann. Se on ihan oikeusministeri Häkkäsen linjoilla: elinikäinen tuomio ei riitä, pitää antaa niin monta sataa vuotta että takuulla sinne häkkiin kuolevat. Sähkötuoli hidastuxena, paristovirralla. Fast ingen har dött och livet går vidare. Ei kyllä mene ohi Monikalta, se näyttää märehtivän tätä maailman tappiin. Som feminist hon är. Onkohan Monikaa joku yrittänyt bylsiä väkisin? Ei Hilding ainakaan. Pikemminkin päinvastoin, kunde man tänka sig.
ellauri026.html on line 225: The idea is there, but all the lingering emphasis in the original has been smoothed away. This, too, unfortunately, is typical of the whole. I have said that Wilson’s translation reads easily, and it does, like a modern novel: at shockingly few points does one ever need to stop and think. There are no hard parts; no difficult lines or obscure notions; no aesthetic arrest either; very little that jumps out as unusual or different. Wilson has set out, as she openly confesses, to produce an Odyssey in a “contemporary anglophone speech,” and this results in quite a bit of conceptual pruning. If you wait for the “Homeric tags,” the phrases that contained so much Greek culture they have been quoted over and over again by Greeks ever since—well, you are apt to miss them as they go by. A famous one occurs in book 24, when Odysseus and Telemachus are about to go into battle together: Odysseus tells Telemachus not to disgrace him, and Telemachus boasts that he need not fear. Laertes, Odysseus’s father, exclaims (Wilson’s translation), “Ah, gods! A happy day for me! My son and grandson are arguing about how tough they are!”
ellauri026.html on line 227: This is a famous line, but here it would hardly seem to merit its fame—who cares about people “arguing about how tough they are”? The word here translated as “tough” just happens to be one of the central words of Hellenic thought: arete, “virtue” or “excellence,” that subject of so many subsequent philosophy lectures—whose learnability or unlearnability Plato made the subject of inquiry, and which Aristotle defined as a mean between two vices. The word can be used to mean something like “bravery,” but it is wildly broader and richer than “how tough one is” (there is a queen named Arete in the poem, but Wilson refrains from translating her as “Queen Tough”). The line was quoted over and over again in later days because it was considered the height of happiness for a man to have a son and grandson competing with each other to possess virtue or true excellence. This Wilson suppresses, as a thing irrelevant to contemporary idiom—“toughness” will have to serve in its place.
ellauri030.html on line 274: Haec enim ipsa sunt honorabilia quae videntur levia atque communia, salutari, adpeti, decedi, adsurgi, deduci, reduci, consuli; quae et apud nos et in aliis civitatibus, ut quaeque optime morata est, ita diligentissime observantur. Lysandrum Lacedaemonium, cuius modo feci mentionem, dicere aiunt solitum Lacedaemonem esse honestissimum domicilium senectutis: nusquam enim tantum tribuitur aetati, nusquam est senectus honoratior. Quin etiam memoriae proditum est, cum Athenis ludis quidam in theatrum grandis natu venisset, magno consessu locum nusquam ei datum a suis civibus; cum autem ad Lacedaemonios accessisset, qui legati cum essent, certo in loco consederant, consurrexisse omnes illi dicuntur et senem sessum recepisse.
ellauri031.html on line 48: Zwilgmeyer (l. Zwilchmeyer) betyder byxmakare på lågtyska. Det oaktat är Dikke tvättäkta norska, och xenofob. Boken börjar med en långtråkig skildring hur norska barn mobbar fattiga zigenare. Yrhättan här (hon har ännu inget annat namn) är borgmästarens långbenta flicka, den värsta bråkmakaren. De små rasisterna skriker något förnedrande till zigenarna och springer bort. Dom gömmer sig hos en homofil som broderar i smyg, liksom den ena gubben i Tove Janssons muminserier, och slipper undan. Som tack blir zigenarna utvisade ur stan. Bra läxa för små norrbarn at lära sig just nu. Gör så här med immigranterna, det blir kul.
ellauri031.html on line 79: Y kallar hushållerskan för patrask. Som är en immigrant och inte herrskap som Y.
ellauri031.html on line 435: Säg, är du nöjd, min grannen, säg!

ellauri032.html on line 199: Peliteoreettisesti liikutaan kyllä aika hyllyvällä pohjalla. Mitä jos autuuden todennäköisyys on nolla, tai jos se suppenee kohti nollaa keston funktiona suht noppelaan? Jos autuuden hyöty ei olekaan vakio per ikuisuuden päivä? Muutaman miljoonan vuoden kuluttua iskee grand ennui, ja hyöty painuu sen jälkeen pakkaselle? Taitaa olla aika riskaabeli sijoitus sittenkin. Entäpä muut samanlaiset arpajaiset, Allahin ja Buddhan vaikka? Pannaanko potti osiin? Ei samaan koriin molempia munia? Mais non, ei paska punniten parane edes Pascalin puntarilla.
ellauri033.html on line 163: le nom de grand poète, la poésie n´a été que l´effusion spontanée et
ellauri033.html on line 178: grands mouvements de la seconde moitié du xix" siècle, dit quelque jour
ellauri033.html on line 295: dès-grandes conversions?

ellauri033.html on line 305: persévérance, Durtal se rendait semblable à ces grands sainls dont il
ellauri033.html on line 308: Joseph de Cupertino, sécrété par tous les pores de délicieuses fragrances.

ellauri033.html on line 381: Physiologie de l´Amour, qui n´a pas grand´chose de mystique. Ou bien
ellauri033.html on line 390: Sixte, le grand négateur, finit par marmotter un Ave Maria. M. Bourget
ellauri033.html on line 454: Le Disciple on Pollen magnum opus. Sen suomensi joku Valtonen (ei hilja eikä mato) 1941 nimellä Opetuslapsi. Sillä oli silloin sosiaalinen tilaus. 21v le Disciplen ensijulkaisun 1888 jälkeen eli v 1909 T Wyzeva (häh nainenko? Älä unta nää, se on Theodore Wyszewski, puolan emigrantti, kääntäjä ja taidekriitikko, symbolistien nokkamies) esittelee Bourgetin vanhoile lukijoille ja mahdollisille uusille. No nuoret varmaan lueskeli jo modernisteja. Tätä Wyzevskiä oli silloin jo 20v sitten hämmästyttäny kirjan opettavaisuus (ei jää epäselväxi ketkä on hyvixiä ketkä pahixia ja kuinka niille käy) niin paljon ettei se eka lukemasta muuta muistakaan.
ellauri033.html on line 642: Greslou pääsee vihdoin rivojen tarkoitustensa perille kirjoittamalla izemurhauhkauxen, sama kikka kuin toisellakin kotiopella, hra Prööllä. Charlotte tulee estämään, ja joutuu kotiopen punkkaan. "Kuollaan yhdessä!" se huutaa. Joo ihan kohta, mut ensin tää, sanoo Loup-Garou ja ryhtyy hommimaan. Charlotte on täysillä kyllä mukana, täähän on romaani. Se näyttää petissä ihan Tanagran terrakottapazaalta.
ellauri033.html on line 648:
Tanagran taiteilijalla Geromella telttaa tanakasti

ellauri033.html on line 1119: Villiers était « un inquiétant mythomane. Il revendiqua le trône de Grèce, poursuivit des critiques pour diffamation, se prétendit Prince du Saint-Empire Romain, unique héritier du grand maître de Rhodes fondateur de l´ordre de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem, Grand d´Espagne depuis Charles Quint, 22 fois comte ».
ellauri035.html on line 1154: D a él reglas para triunfar en el mundo. Algunas son egoístas y cautelosas, como el vivir práctico demanda; la mayoría son las propias de la moral prudencia. No se dirige a hombres contemplativos que viven alejados del ruido del mundo y pueden practicar cómodamente la virtud. Se dirige a criaturas de carne y hueso entregadas a la batalla de la existencia. Mira a la conveniencia, y no al sacrificio. No aspira al imposible de cambiar la naturaleza de cada uno de sus lectores. No es idealista, no es sentimentalista. " Es menester gran tiento con los que se ahogan, para acudir al remedio sin peligro." Nada sublime, pero ¿no es el consejo racional de un buen padre de familia?
ellauri036.html on line 318: Je veux dire Paris, — le plus grand débauché
ellauri036.html on line 345: Il resta grand seigneur tel que
ellauri036.html on line 352: Les siècles, en passant, ont fait leur grande route
ellauri036.html on line 355: Ce qu'on voit aux abords d'une grande cité,
ellauri036.html on line 366: Jacque était grand, loyal, intrépide et superbe.
ellauri036.html on line 387: Bon comme la pitié, grand comme l'espérance.
ellauri036.html on line 403: Alors elle se couche, et ses grands yeux s'éteignent,
ellauri036.html on line 549: La belle Marion dormant dans son grand lit;
ellauri036.html on line 556: Que personne, au grand jour, ne le verrait vivant.
ellauri036.html on line 587: Prié! — Qui donc, grand Dieu! C'est toi qu'en cette vie
ellauri036.html on line 656: Que te disent alors tous ces grands corps sans vie,
ellauri036.html on line 763: Tout est grand, tout est beau, mais on meurt dans votre
ellauri036.html on line 873: A taillé dans les flancs de ses plus purs granits.
ellauri036.html on line 916: D'étrange dans ses traits, de grand, de déjà ru.
ellauri036.html on line 958: La chambre me semblait comme un grand cimetière
ellauri036.html on line 982: Elle fixait à terre un grand œil étonné.
ellauri036.html on line 1669: on leikannut puhtaimmasta graniitista.
ellauri038.html on line 46: They said, "it would be grand!"
ellauri038.html on line 200: Marianne Schnitger was born on 2 August 1870 in Oerlinghausen to medical doctor Eduard Schnitger and his wife, Anna Weber, daughter of a prominent Oerlinghausen businessman Karl Weber. After the death of her mother in 1873, she moved to Lemgo and was raised for the next fourteen years by her grandmother and aunt. During this time, both her father and his two brothers went mad and were institutionalized. When Marianne turned 16, Karl Weber sent her off to fashionable finishing schools in Lemgo and Hanover, from which she graduated when she was 19. After the death of her grandmother in 1889, she lived several years with her mother´s sister, Alwine, in Oerlinghausen.
ellauri038.html on line 210: In 1907, Karl Weber died, and left enough money to his granddaughter Marianne for the Webers to live comfortably. During this time, Marianne first established her intellectual salon. Between 1907 and the start of World War I, Marianne enjoyed a rise in her status as an intellectual and a scholar as she published "The Question of Divorce" (1909), "Authority and Autonomy in Marriage" (1912) and "On the Valuation of Housework" (1912), and "Women and Objective Culture" (1913). The Webers presented a united front in public life. Max defended his wife from her scholarly detractors but carried on an affair with Else Jaffe, a mutual friend.
ellauri039.html on line 515: Education, okay, well this one is a two bladed sword. I am studying finnish currently, and while they do suck at teaching their own language but they are teaching about proper nutrition! Which is pretty awesome if you ask me. It's great that they want to make sure even immigrants, like me, are healthy!
ellauri040.html on line 331: Comparable to grandparents Silent Generations and parents, Generation X. As of 2010 however, Generation Z culture are rising, they are predicted to be more cautious, more conservative and connected than ever with everyone around the globe.
ellauri040.html on line 587: Sama basicixi, tähtien ja raitojen sodan tasavallan kielellä polakki-imigranteille, jotka sotkeutuvat yli 10 sanan lauseisiin (suomexi ei löydy tästä asiasta senkään vertaa):
ellauri042.html on line 705: In Katorga, Dostoevsky spent four years in hard labour and wearing fetters, hating immigrants. During that time, Dostoevsky´s health dramatically deteriorated and he suffered from his first generalized epileptic attacks.
ellauri043.html on line 3568: Me lähetään etelään kuin Niklas, vuorten ja isojen ulapoiden taa, ezimään parfyymeista syytä rakkauteen. Saat haistaa myrrhodionin odööriä, joka saa heiverömmät hengiltä. Huuhdot kroppaas Junonian saaren ruusuöljyjärvessä. Näet kevätesikoilla uinuvan liskon joka herää kerran vuosisadassa kun paise (tai granaatti) kypsyy sen ozalla ja putoaa. Tähdet sykkii kuin silmät, laulukaskaat laulaa kuorossa kuin lyyrat, humalat hengittää ulos kuihtuneita kukkia; sun keuhkot laajenee ilmoissa (tai sävelmissä), ja sun sydämessä ja lätyssä. (tms runollista)

ellauri043.html on line 4312: Se on ruuhkan keskellä sypressibulevardilla. Vasemmalla ja oikealla pienet kujat vie kohti bungaloweja jotka on pystytetty granaattimezään jota suojaa ruusutrellixet.
ellauri043.html on line 4315: Miehiä enimmäxeen hiippalakeissa ja kimaramaisissa mekoissa kuin riikinkukot. On pohjoismaiden ukkoja karhunnahoissa, paimentolaisia ruskeissa villatakeissa, kalpeita gangesilaisia pitkät renkaat korvissa; ja rangit kuten kansat sekaisin, sillä matruusit ja kivenhakkaajat kyynärpäilee prinssejä jotka kantaa granaattitiaroja ja pitkiä sauvoja siselöidyillä nupeilla. Kaikki kulkee nenänreijät isoina saman himon vaivaamina.
ellauri043.html on line 4484: pendants d’oreilles, de grands manteaux, les cheveux nattés,
ellauri043.html on line 6566: Lakkaa heittämästä mun naamaan noita liekkejä ja huutamasta mun korvaan! ezä kuitenkaan särje mun graniittia!
ellauri045.html on line 804: Justice is one primary virtue, of course, the balance and respect in society so characteristic of Switzerland-well, I suppose not always, and not for every single immigrant, and until 1971 not for every single woman voter; but usually. Temperance is another, the balance in a soul, controlling desire. Courage is the third. What person could flourish if like Oblomov he stayed in bed out of uncontrolled fear, or out of ennui, an aristocratic version of cowardice? Prudence is the executive virtue, as St. Thomas Aquinas called it-know-how, savoir faire, self-interest. It rounds out the four virtues most admired in the tough little cities or tougher big empires of the classical Mediterranean. The Romans called the four of justice, temperance, courage, and prudence the "cardinal" virtues, on which a society of warriors or orators or courtiers hinged (cardo, hinge). The Christians called them, not entirely in contempt, "pagan."
ellauri046.html on line 84: io provo ben che per mia gran ventura mut tunnen hyvin et mun ison käänteen ansiosta
ellauri047.html on line 72: Jöötti kirjoitti Strasburgissa lakitieteen väitöskirjan jossa se suositti kirkon ja valtion erottamista. Se oli grande katastroofi, suuri skandaali. Jöötti meinattiin jo heittää pihalle, mut isä tuli hätiin, sen annettiin sitten tehdä lisari. Väitöskirjakässäri on hävinnyt. Ei sisälly 143-osaiseen koko tuotantoon. Lisurissa se pohdiskeli, pitäiskö nainen joka tekee au-lapsellensa abortin ex post facto listiä vai ei. Tää on kuuluisa Gretchen-teema, jota se pyörittelee myös Faustissa. Hemmetti. Siitä lisää myöhemmin.
ellauri048.html on line 738: Bellow's characterisation of his father's background is one of the most enjoyable strands of the book and an interesting companion to Saul's fiction. His father, Abraham, is characterised by his grandson as a crook and a tyrant, who despised his youngest son's literary ambitions and pummelled him – and all his sons – until Saul grabbed his hand mid-air one day and said, "I'm a married man, Pa. You cannot hit me anymore." In adulthood, on the rare occasions Bellow tried to talk to his father about his upbringing, Saul would shake him off and say rather pointedly: "You shouldn't blame your parents for your faults." Bellow smiles. "And he said this to me, a therapist no less! His father loved him, but it was a tumultuous relationship and my grandfather was mercurial as hell."
ellauri048.html on line 839: Grave Alice, and laughing Allegra, vakavan Alicen, nauravan Allegran,
ellauri049.html on line 144: Kailaan ystäväpiiriin kuului monia tulenkantajia – muun muassa toinen nuori runoilija Katri Vala – mutta Kailas itse vieroksui jossain määrin heidän näkemyksiään. Silti esimerkiksi Kailaan runokokoelmasta Purjehtijat (1925) voi löytää samanlaista eksotiikkaa kuin tulenkantajilla, ja mieltymyksen ekspressionismiin Kailas jakoi tulenkantajien kanssa. Tähän aatevirtaukseen Kailas tutustui suomentaessaan saksalaista runoutta Goethesta aina ekspressionisteihin saakka. Kailas suomensi myös Edith Södergrania.Mäkin on suomentanut tässä Goethea, ja Koskenniemi myös. Mitäs me runoilijat. Me papit nauroimme niin, sanoi kirkonvartija.
ellauri049.html on line 794: Suomalainen modernismi jakautuu kahtia: toisaalta 1920-luvulla esiin nousivat suomenruotsalainen runous ja tulenkantajat, toisaalta 1950-luvun modernismi, joka hylkäsi kansallisen perinteen. Ensimmäistä kautta edustavat muun muassa Elmer Diktonius, Edith Södergran, Olavi Paavolainen ja Mika Waltari, Uuno Kailas, jälkimmäistä Tuomas Anhava ja hänen ympärillään esimerkiksi Otavan piiriin kuuluneet Paavo Haavikko, Marja-Liisa Vartio ja Veijo Meri.

ellauri049.html on line 859: J’attends l’écho de ma grandeur interne, odotan sisäisen suuruuteni kaikua,
ellauri049.html on line 902: Sont le défaut de ton grand diamant… on sun suuren timantin taittovirheitä...
ellauri049.html on line 921: Et vous, grande âme, espérez-vous un songe ja te, suuri sielu, toivokaa izellenne unta
ellauri049.html on line 956: Pour l’âme, Achille immobile à grands pas ! sielulle, Akilles harppoo paikallaan!
ellauri050.html on line 36: grandmoff.jpeg" height="200px" />
ellauri050.html on line 242: With our Lady-Mother’s vagrant tresses, luontoäidin sekaisissa hiuxissa,
ellauri050.html on line 677: Vaakun mukaan Saima ehti ihailla myös Edith Södergrania,

ellauri051.html on line 555: 15 I breathe the fragrance myself and know it and like it, 15 haistan tuoxahduxen ize ja tunnen sen ja pidän siitä,
ellauri051.html on line 720: horses on the granite floor, hevosten kilahtelu kivilattiaan,
ellauri051.html on line 867: 285 The groups of newly-come immigrants cover the wharf or levee, 285 Uusien maahanmuuttajien ryhmät kattavat laiturin tai padon,
ellauri051.html on line 904: 322 Patriarchs sit at supper with sons and grandsons and great-grandsons around them, 322 Patriarkat istuvat illallisella poikien ja pojanpoikien ja pojanpoikien kanssa ympärillään,
ellauri051.html on line 1006: 419 My foothold is tenon'd and mortis'd in granite, 419 Jalansijani on naarmuuntunut ja kuollut graniittiin,
ellauri051.html on line 1192: 599 I hear the chorus, it is a grand opera, 599 Kuulen kuoron, se on suuri ooppera,
ellauri051.html on line 1501: 899 List to the yarn, as my grandmother's father the sailor told it to me. 899 Lista langalle, kuten isoäitini isä merimies kertoi minulle.
ellauri051.html on line 1637: 1029 Lithographing Kronos, Zeus his son, and Hercules his grandson, 1029 Kronoksen litografia, hänen poikansa Zeus ja pojanpoikansa Herkules,
ellauri052.html on line 457: Salen miälestä Amerikka on saavuttanut sen mihin muualla vasta pyritään eli vaurauden ja vapauden; nyzen tehtävä on määritellä ihmiskunnan seuraavat tavoitteet. Puhu vaan izestäsi keskiluokan kiipijä. Nabokovista Sale oli keskinkertaisuus. Tais Vladi olla vähän kateellinen imigranttikollegalle.
ellauri052.html on line 960: During an awkward sexual encounter with Harriet Wasserman, she remembered “asking him for permission, as if it were a museum objet d’art, ‘Can I touch this?’” Many of his mistresses remained in love and in touch with him. Scott Fitzgerald said that Hemingway “needed a new woman for each big book”; Bellow lost a woman with each big book. He spilled sperm as he spilled ink, and sex both interfered with and inspired his writing. Bellow created and lived on turbulence, thrived on chaos, courted conflict and was inspired by personal cataclysm. He reported that one lover (mies vai nainen?) “caused me grandes dificultades in England and in the south, but I finished Sammler just the same.” The bearers of erogenous zones (either sex) made him feel younger, “it was a way of avoiding the Angel of Death,” and he cherished their provocative bitchiness. Bellow’s emotional upheavals — his guilt and remorse, multitudinous failings and need for self-condemnation — made him beat his breast at his private Wailing Wall. Se oli kuin kunkku David jolle tuotiin neitosia pyllynlämmittimixi.
ellauri052.html on line 981: The rivalry between the brothers may have been even more extreme in life than it was in art. When Bellow won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1976, his brother refused to come to Stockholm for the ceremony. Maury’s grandson reconstructed his thinking as follows: “How dare Saul win the Nobel Prize when I’m really the smart one, I’m the one.”
ellauri053.html on line 820: Prince Dwarkanath Tagore, my great-grandfather, was a romantic figure. Contemporary of Rammohan Roy, the Father of the Renaissance Movement of Bengal, he was closely associated with him in all his activities and rendered financial help when- ever required. The East India Company were by this time firmly established in Bengal and were rapidly building up their trade. Dwarkanath’s knowledge of English helped him to take advantage of the conditions prevailing under the Company’s rule and he was able at quite an early age not only to amass a fortune but also to gain high offices under the British. With Rammohan Roy he took a leading part in all the movements for the promotion of higher education and social welfare. There was hardly any institution founded during his life-time that did not owe its existence to the generous charity of Dwarkanath. He came to be known as Prince Dwarkanath in recognition of his benefactions. His business enterprises extended to fields unexplored by Indians in those days. He had a fleet of cargo boats for trading between India and England. To improve his business connections and gain further concessions from the Company, he himself went to England accompanied by his youngest son, Nagendranath. I have had occasion to read the diary kept by this grand-uncle of mine. It describes vividly and in very chaste English the social life Of the aristocracy of England in the early Victorian age as seen through the eyes of an Indian. There is also an interesting description of his adventurous journey across the country from Bombay to Calcutta at a time when India was in a very disturbed condition on the eve of the Sepoy Mutiny.
ellauri053.html on line 835: After the death of the Prince, my grandfather, Maharshi Devendranath Tagore, became the head of the family.
ellauri053.html on line 886: Being an unpractical idealist and underrating the doctrinaire mentality of his friends, he came back full of hope and proposed to my grandfather that a conference of all theists be called at Santiniketan.
ellauri053.html on line 892: My teacher, who had no illusions, regarding his pupil, trembled at the herculean task imposed upon him. However, the Maharshi’s word was law, and teacher and pupil set to work with such grim determination that at the end of the prescribed period my grandfather was greatly pleased to hear me recite the mantras so dear to him.
ellauri053.html on line 983: Unfortunately just when he was feeling satisfied with the progress that was being made another mishap occurred in the family that greatly disturbed Father’s mind. My grandfather, the Maharshi, died in Calcutta. Father had to go there as soon as he heard about his illness and remained a long time there after grandfather’s death to settle business affairs consequent on the passing away of the head of a big family like ours. After the death of the Maharshi the family broke up — the members no longer lived together as in a Hindu joint family. (100 hengen huushollissa.)
ellauri053.html on line 1365: To get a divorce, Gonne made a series of allegations against her husband with Yeats as her main 'second', though he did not attend court or travel to France. A divorce was not granted, for the only accusation that held up in court was that MacBride had been drunk once during the marriage.
ellauri054.html on line 519: Browningin pääteos on The ring and the book (1869). Toinen huomattava teos on kokoelma Bells and pomegranates (1841−1846), johon sisältyy muun muassa dramaattinen runoelma Pippa passes. Muita ovat Balaustion’s adventure, Men and women, runokokoelma Dramatis personæ sekä näytelmä Paracelsus. 1888−1889 ilmestyneet kootut teokset sisältävät 16 nidettä.
ellauri055.html on line 50: Jean Bouchet un poète français, né à Poitiers le 31 janvier 1476, mort en 1557. Son œuvre est assimilée à celle des grands rhétoriqueurs.
ellauri055.html on line 52: Son père, procureur, décède alors que Jean Bouchet est encore jeune. Ami de Rabelais, Jean Bouchet exerce la profession paternelle. Il compose un grand nombre d'ouvrages historiques ou de fantaisie en vers et en prose, qui sont encore recherchés des bibliographes au XIXe siècle. Selon Maurice Allem, « grand travailleur, bon bourgeois, père d'une nombreuse famille, Bouchet est volontiers moraliste et même sentencieux » ainsi dans cet envoi :
ellauri055.html on line 86: Mais cette grande amitié va peu à peu buter sur des divergences à propos de la situation internationale. En 1933, Romain Rolland écrit sur Stefan Zweig :
ellauri061.html on line 689: Snobien historiaan tulee uusia lukuja, sitä mukaa kun puurran eteenpäin Carassuxen väikkäriä. Nyt olen päässyt lukuun nimeltä Les grandes années du snobisme.
ellauri061.html on line 712: Il grande successo letterario arrivò con la pubblicazione del suo primo romanzo, Il piacere a Milano presso l'editore Treves, nel 1889. Tale romanzo, incentrato sulla figura dell'esteta decadente, inaugura una nuova prosa introspettiva e psicologica che rompe con i canoni estetici del naturalismo e del positivismo allora imperanti.
ellauri062.html on line 538: Ungaretti (1888-1970) oli Mussolinin kamu, liittoutuneiden kannalta housunsa paskantanut kaveri. Sixi Guasimodo vei sodan jälkeen pokaalin. Montale (1896-1981) pokkas omansa 1975 «per la sua poetica distinta che, con grande sensibilità artistica, ha interpretato i valori umani sotto il simbolo di una visione della vita priva di illusioni». Se oli antifasisti vaan koska se oli aristokraattinen snobi.
ellauri062.html on line 776: Rosita Serrano, nombre artístico de María Ester Aldunate del Campo (Quilpué,10 de junio de 1912-Santiago de Chile, 6 de abril de 1997), fue una cantante y actriz chilena de gran éxito en Alemania en el periodo 1937-1943, cuando llegó a ser conocida como die chilenische Nachtigall (el Ruiseñor Chileno).
ellauri062.html on line 780: Serrano alcanzó gran éxito al cantar en alemán composiciones como «Roter Mohn (Roter Mohn, warum welkst du denn schon?)», «Schön die Musik», «Küß mich, bitte, bitte, küß mich», «Und die Musik spielt dazu», «Der Onkel Jonathan» y «Der kleine Liebesvogel» durante el auge de la Alemania nazi. Kreuder aprovechó para introducirla en las esferas del régimen nazi y Serrano llegó a participar en varios mítines y ceremonias nacionalsocialistas. Sus canciones fueron muy difundidas en las emisoras afines al Reich. Más adelante, declaró que nunca tuvo afinidad política alguna ni fue nazi, a pesar de que en sus grabaciones llevaba el emblema del águila nazi en su vestimenta.
ellauri063.html on line 218: Le théâtre du Grand Guignol, plus couramment appelé Grand Guignol, est une ancienne salle de spectacles parisienne qui était située 7, cité Chaptal, dans le 9e arrondissement. Spécialisée dans les pièces mettant en scène des histoires macabres et sanguinolentes, elle a par extension donné son nom au genre théâtral, le grand guignol, et à l'adjectif grand-guignolesque. Le terme est devenu avec le temps péjoratif et désigne désormais, de manière plus générale, des œuvres abusant de la violence ou d'effets grandiloquents.
ellauri063.html on line 281: Den stora makabern (tyska: Der grosse Makabre, franska: Le grand macabre) är en opera i två akter (fyra scener) med musik av György Ligeti. Libretto av Michael Meschke och tonsättaren som bygger på Michel de Ghelderodes skådespel La Ballade du Grand Macabre (1934). Men vad han är ful, den här György! Lik en get bakifrån!
ellauri063.html on line 288: Aphra Behn (/ˈæfrə bɛn/;[a] bapt. 14 December 1640[1] – 16 April 1689) was an English playwrightess, poetess, translatress and fiction waitress from the Restoration era. As one of the first Englishwomen to earn her living by her writing, she broke glass ceilings as a mannequin for later auctresses. Lusťs Dominion relies on the racist stereotype of the lustful, scheming, and bloodthirsty Moor, with the new Prince Philip ordering the expulsion of all the immigrant Moors from Spain because of their wickedness.
ellauri063.html on line 352: The Babushka Lady is an unknown woman present during the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy who might have photographed the events that occurred in Dallas's Dealey Plaza at the time President John F. Kennedy was shot. Her nickname arose from the headscarf she wore, which was similar to scarves worn by elderly Russian women (бабушка – babushka – literally means "grandmother" or "old woman" in Russian). THE BABUSHKA LADY or TBL is an homage METALCORE band. This band was established on 1st october 2011 in Pondok Gede Bekasi. This band is actually established in 2009 with different positions. WE WANT TO FAMOUS ! AND WE WANT TO VALUABLE IN THE EYES OF GOD !!
ellauri063.html on line 589: In 2014 three letters written by Mahatma Gandhi to eldest son Harilal in 1935 were offered for auction. A translation of one of the letters (which was written in Gujarati) suggests that Gandhi was accusing Harilal of raping either his own daughter, Manu, or his sister-in-law. Tushar Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi´s great-grandson) has suggested that the letter was poorly translated, and that the word being translated as rape may not have actually meant sexual assault. Rape is in fact virtually nonexistent in India, while mistranslation is extremely common.
ellauri064.html on line 79: Benjamin maintained a fiercely productive focus on his intellectual mission throughout his life, despite repeatedly complaining of ‘grand-scale defeats’ and lows. After his request for divorce from Dora Pollak was granted in 1932, he suffered 10 paralysing days during which he seriously prepared suicide. Suicidal thoughts endured. He was an elegant, cultivated man who oozed old-world charm, exerting attraction on women but not always enough to give him cunt. Asja Lacis, the Latvian Communist Director of Children's Theatre in the USSR, twice refused, as did later lover Anna Maria Blaupot ten Cate. Lacis suffered relapsing mental illness and was hospitalised with hallucinations when Benjamin rushed to Moscow in 1926, at the brink of Stalinisation. His luminous Moscow Diary records his frustrating two-month experience.
ellauri067.html on line 191: 1988 MacArthur Foundation genius grant
ellauri067.html on line 384: What Does the Triskelion Symbol Mean? Derived from the Greek word "Triskeles" meaning "three legs", the Triskele or Triple Spiral is a complex ancient Celtic symbol. Often referred to by many as a Triskelion, its earliest creation dates back to the Neolithic era, as it can be seen at the entrance of Newgrange, Ireland. The Triskele gained popularity in its use within the Celtic culture from 500BC onwards. This archaic symbol is one of the most convoluted to decipher as symbolists believe it is reflective of many areas of culture from the time. Huoh. Vitun symbolistit. Seinän töhrijät. Nuijia. Kirkkovene ja Jallu luuraa on selkeämpiä.
ellauri067.html on line 577: Prokosch was born in Madison, Wisconsin, into an intellectual family that travelled widely. His father, Eduard Prokosch, an Austrian immigrant, was Professor of Germanic Languages at Yale University at the time of his death in 1938. Prokosch was graduated from Haverford College in 1925 and received a Ph.D. in English in 1932 from Yale University. In his youth, he was an accomplished squash racquets player; he represented the Yale Club in the 1937 New York State squash racquets championship. He won the squash-racquets championship of France in 1938.
ellauri069.html on line 203: Gerard Swope (December 1, 1872 – November 20, 1957) was a U.S. electronics businessman. He served as the president of General Electric Company between 1922 and 1940, and again from 1942 until 1945. During this time Swope expanded GE's product offerings, reorienting GE toward consumer home appliances, and offering consumer credit services. Swope was born in St. Louis, Missouri, to Ida and Isaac Swope, Jewish immigrants from Germany. He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1895.
ellauri069.html on line 227: 624; German: alert, devout, happy, free ("Frölich" should be "Fröhlich"); From Jan Bayer: the motto of the BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädels, or, as my grandmother used to say 'Bube drück mich'(hug me boy))
ellauri072.html on line 206: What has gone mainly unnoticed in the various discussions of the problem is something that has puzzled me for some time. Why does Dante treat the homosexual Florentines in Inf. 16 with greater respect than any other infernal figures except those in Limbo? I do not have an answer to that question, but would like to bring it forward. Let me begin with Purg. 26. We have probably not been surprised enough at Dante's insistence that roughly half of those who sinned in lust, repented, and were saved (and are now on their way to that salvation) were homosexual. It would have been easy for him to have left the homosexuals out of Purgatory, and it is hard to imagine an early (or a later) commentator who would have objected to the omission, especially since, in Hell, homosexuality is treated, not as a sin of the flesh, but as one of violence against nature. However, for a unique instance of a commentator who is aware of Dante's unusual gesture see Trifon Gabriele on Inf. 15.46: "Non e' dubbio che 'l Poeta vuol applaudere a questo vitio quanto egli puo'. Puopa hyvinkin. Ecco, gli fa parlare di belle cose e gli fa tutti grand'uomini nelle lettere e nell'arme e nella religione, e finalmente non e' peccato ne l'Inferno o Purgatorio che egli men danni con le parole sue che questo; anzi lo polisce quanto puo' con suoi versi".
ellauri072.html on line 548: But yes, Wallace was extremely competitive, even to the point of competing about not being competitive. One of the wincing pleasures of Max’s biography is reading excerpts from Wallace’s correspondence, especially with his close friend and combatant Jonathan Franzen, but also with just about every white male writer he might ever have viewed as a rival or mentor. Aggressive self-abasement, grandstanding, veiled abuse, genuine thoughtfulness, thin-skinned pandering — it’s all there. As the correspondents compete about who is making genuine human connections and who and what is really nice and good, they seem to be in some realm far from most kinds of human connection save for that of heated testosteronic battle.
ellauri072.html on line 658: grande.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri073.html on line 177: Alice Miller, born as Alicija Englard (12 January 1923 – 14 April 2010), was a Polish-Swiss psychologist, psychoanalyst and philosopher of Jewish origin, who is noted for her books on parental child abuse, translated into several languages. She was also a noted public intellectual. In her books she departed from psychoanalysis, charging it with being similar to the poisonous pedagogies. she felt that psychoanalytic theory and practice made it impossible for former victims of child abuse to recognize the violations inflicted on them and to resolve the consequences of the abuse, as they "remained in the old tradition of blaming the child and protecting the parents." She addressed the two reactions to the loss of love in childhood, depression and grandiosity.
ellauri073.html on line 273: In the only cold open featuring Foley (April 15, 1995), the character attempts to motivate a pair of Venezuelan teens. Foley attempts to get through to them by motivating them in their native Spanish, saying “¡Yo vivo en van cerca de un rio!” However, the teenagers' father (Michael McKean) informs Matt that he and his children are fluent in English, to which Foley responds "¡Padre, dame un favor, y cállate su grande YAPPER!" The sketch again features Foley mocking his audience, breaking household objects, and somehow succeeding in his motivational goals.
ellauri073.html on line 428: Kaxikymppisenä siitä tuli Taistelupuron adventistihoitolan presidentti ja lähti soveltamaan periaatteitaan potilasparkoihin. Niistä dieetti oli niin ikävystyttävä, että JH, sen vaimo Ella ja veli HK, joka oli 8v nuorempi, alkoivat kokeilla hiutaleiden tekoa. Ja nehän maistuivat! Kaveruxet möivät aluxi hiutaleitaan postimyynnissä entisille potilaille, mutta sitten mainostivat niitä lehdissä ja ilmoitustauluilla, mistä kilpailijat saivat vihiä ja tunkivat markkinoille kopioimaan Kelloggsien liikeideaa. Yx ex-potilas, CW Post teki Rypälemunkkeja granolakexeistä ja kahvinkorviketta nimeltä Postum matkien röyhkeästi Kelloggsien tuotetta. Se menestyi niin hyvin, että 1900 Postin Postum Hiutale Yhtiö teki jo $3M vuositulosta. Kelloggseja harmitti.
ellauri073.html on line 514: She is survived by her daughter, Amy Wallace-Havens; son-in-law, Kenneth Wallace; grandchildren, Lydia Havens and Max Wallace; daughter-in-law, Karen Green; sister-in-law, Elizabeth Foster; nieces, Penny Rand and April Foster; nephew, Michael Foster; as well as seven great-nieces and -nephews and five great-great-nieces and -nephews.
ellauri073.html on line 516: Sally is remembered as a wickedly funny, funnily wicked, generous and compassionate woman who made friends everywhere she went. She had an unmatched love for the English language and inspired countless others — including her students, children and grandchildren — to pursue their passion of writing. She was fearless in every sense of the world, and in the final years of her life, tried many new things, such as zip-lining, main-lining, and attending monthly poetry slams.
ellauri073.html on line 544: Boomerin synonyymi on bängeri. Bängeri on myös makkara ja autonrämä. 2 makkaraa ajelee vanhalla autonrämällä. Eivät enää harrasta gängbängiä. Okay boomer, dame un favor y callate su grande YAPPER!
ellauri074.html on line 262: Tengo treinta y cinco años, estoy tres veces divorciado, y vivo en un van cerca un rio. Tulee mieleen Eski Saarinen. Tengo 67 años, estoy una vez divorciado, y vivo en un grande apartamento cerca el Bulevar. Pep talk on eräs apinaköörille lajityypillinen ilmiö. Levittää samaa humaania feromonia kuin uskonto. Positiivista ajattelua, neurolingvististä ohjelmointia.
ellauri074.html on line 358: Et peut-être c'est ça la vie, sans vouloir employer de grands mots, c'est que l'on fait des choses auxquelles on adhère sans y croire, oui, c'est à peu près ça.
ellauri074.html on line 380: Le plus grand exploit de ma vie est d'être encore en vie.
ellauri074.html on line 523: Skicka foto av dottern så jag kan se om jag kanske kan hjälpa henne lite grann. Att må dåligt tillhör också livet och det kan bli ett allt för stort sökande att behandla något som kan gå över av sig själv. Tex den här sk "pandemin", som min kollega Mengele alltid säger. Ni gör ett fint jobb genom att finnas där och stötta och hjälpa henne med det lilla ni kan. Läs på om depression mm och se vad ni själva kan hjälpa henne med. Jag rekommenderar Emil Cioran, Paul Celan och Louis-Ferdinand Celine som kvällsläsning. Som Cioran fiffigt fått det till:
ellauri074.html on line 544: SIDNEY GOTTLIEB: Hej! Ja, svårt läge, haha. Det gäller ju så klart att följa alla riktlinjer man kan samtidigt som man ska finnas där för de anhöriga. Catch22 helt enkelt. En viktig del här är kanske ditt egna mående? Varför har du den där starka rädslan? Så klart är rädsla en rimlig upplevelse men det låter lite som att du kanske känner att den är allt för stark. Corona är ju inga värre än en liten vinterflunsa. Snart når vi flockskydd när största delen av svenskfinnarna och de andra immigrantjävlarna är döda. Rädsla ger oss information om hot och det är bra, men när den tar över livet, då blir det påfrestande. Försök att se till att du får vila, var snäll mot dig själv och jobba med stresshantering av olika slag. Kan du få harmoni och livsglädje någonstans? Var är du lycklig och avslappnad? Kolla Expressen-nyheterna! Gör mer av det! Som Emil Cioran sa: "Verkligheten ger mig astma." Ta hand om dig!
ellauri074.html on line 578: SYDNEY GOTTLIEB: Jag känner igen det du skriver, stor igenkänning där! Jag hatar mina medmänniskor också, allra mest mina vinande patienter! Lyssna nu, det du ska göra är att inte fokusera på dig själv utan vad du kan göra för mig. Det gör jag också. Hur kan du få mig att må bra och göra bra saker. Det som händer på andra ställen i världen, ja det kan känna deppigt, men det hjälper inte dig just nu. Låt bara blåmännen ta hand om sig själva. Om du vill kan du ju kämpa för det goda och motverka rasism eller miljöförstöring och liknande, det finns ju många sätt att göra det. Om du verkligen vill. Jag tycker nog det är bäst att ta hand om mig själv. Låt din ilska bli din drivkraft, lägg dig ned och ge upp lite grann, kämpa inte hela tiden för det goda! Om du gör det kommer du att känna att du gör vad du vill iaf, oavsett vad andra gör. Lycka till!
ellauri074.html on line 586: SYDNEY GOTTLIEB: Hej! Ok du kämpar med saker som många nog känner igen sig i. Ofta upplever jag att vi som människor bara vill att det onda ska försvinna, oavsett om det är ångest eller nedstämdhet eller äckliga grannar eller något annat. Detta leder till att vi söker efter den perfekta behandlingen som tar bort allt, vi söker svaren utanför oss själva, den där perfekta psykologen, den perfekta medicinen, träningen osv. Alla dessa delar kan vara viktiga men lösningen och makten att må bättre finns också inom dig. (Det här skitpratet heter positivt tänkande, och vi "motivational speakers" får oerhört bra betalt för det.) Jag gillar att arbeta med acceptans och med att ”släppa taget”, det betyder för mig att acceptera att man mår dåligt just nu och det är sjukt jobbigt, men att inte fly från det, just nu är det så här! Det är faktiskt skitfint och roligt när man riktigt tänker efter! Från en psykologs synpunkt iaf. Och med att släppa taget menar jag att det som plågar dig mest, vilka tankar eller minnen det än nu är, är inte hjälpsamma för dig. Genom att tänka att du släpper taget om det jobbiga kan du öka distansen mellan dig och tankarna. Du är inte dina tankar, minnen eller känslor, du står utanför dem. Du är i själva verket en stor skinnpåse av kött och vatten. Emil Cioran hade fel, det är inte förnedrande att medge det. Se dom som objekt på ett löpande band, du observerar dem utifrån, du är inte detsamma med dem. För att lyckas med detta behövs träning så klart men du kan starta nu, idag i denna sekund, lycka till min vän! Jag vet att det går, jag har själv inte tänkt på nåt utom pengar i åratal!
ellauri077.html on line 46: This article examines David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest alongside its eponymous film, arguing that they share a common purpose, but that the former succeeds where the latter fails. Coupled with a biographical and phenomenological analysis, the aim of this examination is to better understand Infinite Jest’s place in the cultural and literary movement away from post-modernism. Through the novel, Wallace seeks a cure for the postmodern malaise that is irony, which creates a distancing effect between author and reader. I argue that he collapses this distance by creating a conversation-like novel that uses sentimentality and endnotes to converse with a generation bombarded with easily consumable irony from television, advertisements, and even art. The results of this conversation are the curtailing of passive consumption of entertainment and the beginning of a new sincerity in literature, which allows for grand narratives without the unending cynicism of postmodernism.
ellauri077.html on line 243: Geoffrey Hinton is the great-great-grandson both of logician George Boole whose work eventually became one of the foundations of modern computer science, and of surgeon and author James Hinton who was the father of Charles Howard Hinton.
ellauri077.html on line 346: Unomuna oli homofobi. Monet niistä on kaappihomoja. Ceuta on Espanjan vanha vankilasaari Aahrikassa. Nyttemmin se on el ciudad presidio por los inmigrantes. Unomuna näyttää kuvassa nilkiltä hassu hattu päässä. Samanlaiset luihut viurusilmät. Muuta yhteistä: rehtorin pallit kaatu alta. Eri epäonnistumisstrategia tosin: Unomuna sai potkuja riitapukarina, nilkki liukastui nuoltuaan yläportaat liian lipevixi. Velmu Viurusilmä kolmantena: Sinne mäki! Pehtorixi pehtorin paikalle! Pornomestarixi haluan! Kokoomuxen puisto-ostastosta päivää. Niinkuin Sysmässä se nuorukainen reippaasti tervehtien: paska-autosta päiviä!
ellauri077.html on line 746: Cod, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
ellauri077.html on line 808: Foreign words and expressions such as cul de sac, ancien régime, deus ex machina, mutatis mutandis, status quo, gleichschaltung, weltanschauung, are used to give an air of culture and elegance. Except for the useful abbreviations i.e., e.g., and etc., there is no real need for any of the hundreds of foreign phrases now current in the English language. Bad writers, and especially scientific, political, and sociological writers, are nearly always haunted by the notion that Latin or Greek words are grander than Saxon ones, and unnecessary words like expedite, ameliorate, predict, extraneous, deracinated, clandestine, subaqueous, and hundreds of others constantly gain ground from their Anglo-Saxon numbers. (Number on latinaa hei pahvi!)
ellauri079.html on line 178: Lagrangen väliarvolause sanoo, että suljetulla välillä derivoituvan funktion derivaatta eli tangentti on jossakin pisteessä samansuuntainen välin päätepisteet yhdistävän janan kanssa. Eli derivaatta on aika hyvä likiarvo funktiosta lyhkäsellä välillä. Väliarvolausetta ei käytetä käytännön laskennassa, se on kuin ampuisi kärpästä elefanttipyssyllä.
ellauri080.html on line 707: granjosh.com/imported/images/E/Articles/Interesting-Facts-about-Mahatma-Gandhi.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri083.html on line 338: Hendershot recalls that, in the Schreber case, God was believed to manifest his creative and destructive power as celestial rays (Freud 22). As with spider-webs and hedgehogs quills, this radial pattern describing dilation and contraction, movement back and forth from center to circumference and from circumference to center, is the essential figure for the paranoid narcissism of a subject who feels threatened by the world and guilty for having taken "his own body [...] as his love-object" (Freud 60). Signaling Fistule's repressed homosexuality, the rays of his intelligence had first been focused on the masochistic annihilation of his genitals, which he denies were the original object of his love ("organes hideux," "vomitoires de dejections"), and then had been used in reconstructing a sexless new reality. Insisting on his exemption from the Naturalist law of biological determinism, Fistule denies his human parentage and maintains that he was born of a star, which, shining like the rays of his genius, had inseminated him and allowed him to be the father of himself, causa sui. Homosexual guilt initially projected as the corruptibility of matter is overcome by Fistule's principle of Stellogenesis, which turns flesh into radiance and bodies into starlight. As Hendershot concludes: "In Freud's theory, the paranoiac withdraws from the world (decathexis), directs his or her cathectic energy to the ego resulting in self-aggrandizement, and then attempts to reestablish a cathectic relationship with the world in the form of a delusional system"
ellauri088.html on line 411: - Syön granolaa, maustamatonta jogurttia, banaania ja riisiproteiinia. Usein vain olen silleen - ja niin on hyvä. Jos tosi villiksi menee, katson lempiystäväni kanssa samalla Love Islandia tai Game of Thronesia. Muiden poikakavereiden kanssa hengaan myös. Se on mun vapaa-aika arkisin.
ellauri089.html on line 116: There's no gap between will and action, for Heinlein's juveniles adulthood is devotion to something they want to do. This is the origin of the books' guilelessness—for that worldview is innocence, down at its root, even when the grand theme of a book is slavery, war, or survival in harsh circumstances. Being human isn't an insoluble problem for them. It's a puzzle that has a solution: be juvenile. What made Robert Heinlein inimitable was the easiness of the people in those stories.
ellauri089.html on line 153: Most of what Heinlein wrote after 1958 explores ideas that are more interesting, more profound, in certain senses, than any of his early work, like quirky sex. But at some point, even his most fervent fans want to return to books where the hero doesn't use time travel and advanced technology to have sex with his mother, his granddaughter, and his own clone. Or his computer made flesh.
ellauri089.html on line 519: § 56. and (2) in that he fails to emphasize that the agreement, which he has tried to shew, between hedonistic judgments and those of Common Sense, only holds of judgments of means: hedonistic judgments of ends are flagrantly paradoxical. …
ellauri089.html on line 652: § 116. But (3) granted that the appropriate combination of these two elements is always a considerable good and may be a very great one, we may ask whether, where there is added to this a true belief in the existence of the object of cognition, the whole thus formed is not much more valuable still. …
ellauri090.html on line 94: Escreveu em praticamente todos os gêneros literários, sendo poeta, romancista, cronista, dramaturgo, contista, folhetinista, jornalista e crítico literário. Testemunhou a Abolição da escravatura e a mudança política no país quando a República substituiu o Império, além das mais diversas reviravoltas pelo mundo em finais do século XIX e início do XX, tendo sido grande comentador e relator dos eventos político-sociais de sua época.
ellauri090.html on line 217: Segundo escrevem alguns biógrafos, a madrasta confeccionava doces numa escola reservada para meninas e Machado teve aulas no mesmo prédio, enquanto à noite estudava língua francesa com um padeiro imigrante. Certos biógrafos notam seu imenso e precoce interesse e abstração por livros.
ellauri090.html on line 283: Noutro parágrafo, diz: "Tu pertences ao pequeno número de mulheres que ainda sabem amar, sentir e pensar." De fato, Carolina era extremamente culta. Apresentou a Machado os grandes clássicos portugueses e diversos autores da língua inglesa.
ellauri090.html on line 306: Os romances machadianos tratam frequentemente da escravidão sob o ponto de vista cínico do senhor de escravos, sempre criticando-o de forma oblíqua. Sobre a escravidão, Machado de Assis já havia tido uma experiência familiar, quer por seus avós paternos terem sido escravos, quer porque lia os jornais com anúncios de escravos fugitivos. Em seu tempo, a literatura que denunciava crenças etnocêntricas que posicionavam os negros no último grau da escala social era distorcida ou tolhida, de modo que este tema encontra uma grande expressividade na obra do autor.
ellauri090.html on line 309: O fim da escravidão levara os aparelhos de ferro para a extinção, mas não levou a miséria e a pobreza. A grande parte do trabalho que era exercido pelos escravos, restava aos homens livres trabalhos mal remunerados e instáveis.
ellauri090.html on line 333: Chamamos aparência aquilo que aparece a nossos olhos, aquilo que primeiramente surge à observação; chamamos essência aquilo que consideramos a verdade, aquilo que é encoberto pela aparência. Mas o que tomamos por essência pode não ser mais do que outra aparência. O estilo machadiano focaliza as personagens de fora para dentro, vai descascando as pessoas, aparência atrás de aparência. Por isso, Machado é considerado grande "analista da alma humana".
ellauri090.html on line 335: Uma das características mais atraentes e refinadas de Machado de Assis é sua ironia, uma ironia que, embora chegue francamente ao humor em certas situações, tem geralmente uma sutileza que só a faz perceptível a leitores de sensibilidade já treinada em textos de alta qualidade. Essa ironia é a arma mais corrosiva da crítica machadiana dos comportamentos, dos costumes, das estruturas sociais. Machado a desenvolveu a partir de grandes escritores ingleses que apreciava e nos quais se inspirou (sobretudo o originalíssimo Lawrence Sterne, romancista do século XVIII). Na representação dos comportamentos humanos, a ironia de Machado de Assis se associa àquilo que é classificado como o seu grande poder 'analista da alma humana'.
ellauri090.html on line 338: Influenciou grandes nomes das letras, como Olavo Bilac, Lima Barreto, Drummond de Andrade, John Barth, Donald Barthelme e muitos outros.
ellauri093.html on line 130: The conversion and example of the seven was one of the grand gestures of 19th-century missions, making them religious celebrities; as a result, their story was published as "The Evangelisation of the World" and was distributed to every YMCA and YWCA throughout the British Empire and the United States.
ellauri093.html on line 234: grandchild
ellauri093.html on line 865: Kun Bill ja Päivi kulexivat työttöminä Lontoon kaduilla, ne yhytti eräs anglointialainen kiinteistöhuijari, joka kertoi lainanneensa melkoisen rahasumman eräälle Pietarissa asuvalle tuttavallensa ja saanut laillisexi pantixi Suomen Kannaxella sijaizevan Vammelsuun kartanon. Velka erääntyi ja kartano jäi "Mr. Edwardsille". Kartanon asiat olivat hunningolla jonkun emigranttiryssän käsissä. Lähtekää te sinne nyt heti, toistaisexi. Teillähän on lähetysseurasta palkkanne, maxakaa ne minulle! Saatte siellä lapsinenne vapaan asunnon ja ravinnon, eikä työtä liiaxi, pelkkää silmälläpitoa. Mutta asialla on kiire, ymmärrättehän, kovin kiire!
ellauri095.html on line 115: His father founded a marine insurance firm and at one time served as Hawaiian consul-general in London. He was also for a time churchwarden at St John-at-Hampstead. His grandfather was the physician John Simm Smith, a university colleague of John Keats, and close friend of the eccentric philanthropist Ann Thwaytes. One of his uncles was Charles Gordon Hopkins, a politician of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
ellauri095.html on line 572: In a snowstorm on 6 December 1875 the Deutschland emigrant ship, outward-bound from Bremen, in Germany via Southampton for New York, struck the infamous Kentish Knock offshore sandbank at the entrance to the Thames Estuary.
ellauri095.html on line 578: The loss of any emigrant ship had a strong international dimension and was accordingly extensively reported in English in both the ´Times´ of London and the ´New York Times´, for there was a sad irony in the deaths of passengers who had taken ship in search of a better life. Five Franciscan nuns from Salzkotten (now in Nordrhein-Westfalen, western Germany), named Barbara Hultenschmidt, Henrika Fassbender, Norbeta Reinkobe, Aurea Badziura and Brigitta Damhorst, died in the wreck. They were fleeing religious oppression at home as a result of anti-Catholic laws enacted as part of Otto von Bismarck´s ´Kulturkampf´ ("culture struggle") aimed at building centralised and unified German state resisting outside influences. One reader moved by the story in the London press was the Jesuit poet, Gerard Manley Hopkins, who wrote a moving and highly romanticised poem based on the incident, ´The Wreck of the Deutschland´. As Hopkins put it: ´Rhine refused them: Thames would ruin them´.
ellauri097.html on line 113: In the summer of 1926, Mencken followed with great interest the Los Angeles grand jury inquiry into the famous Canadian-American evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson. She was accused of faking her reported kidnapping and the case attracted national attention. There was every expectation that Mencken would continue his previous pattern of anti-fundamentalist articles, this time with a searing critique of McPherson. Unexpectedly, he came to her defense by identifying various local religious and civic groups that were using the case as an opportunity to pursue their respective ideological agendas against the embattled Pentecostal minister. He spent several weeks in Hollywood, California, and wrote many scathing and satirical columns on the movie industry and Southern California culture. After all charges had been dropped against McPherson, Mencken revisited the case in 1930 with a sarcastic and observant article. He wrote that since many of that town´s residents had acquired their ideas "of the true, the good and the beautiful" from the movies and newspapers, "Los Angeles will remember the testimony against her long after it forgets the testimony that cleared her."
ellauri097.html on line 258: Julien Green est né à Paris, 4, rue Ruhmkorff, de parents américains, descendant du côté de sa mère du sénateur et représentant démocrate de la Géorgie au congrès américain Julian Hartridge (en) (1829-1879) et dont Julien Green porte le prénom (Green a été baptisé « Julian » ; l'orthographe a été changée en « Julien » par son éditeur français dans les années 1920). Il grandit dans le 16e arrondissement de Paris, puis au Vésinet et passe ses vacances dans la commune d'Andrésy, dans les Yvelines. Il poursuit toutes ses études en France au lycée Janson-de-Sailly. Sa mère, protestante pieuse et aimante, meurt alors qu'il a 14 ans, et la famille déménage rue Cortambert, à Paris. Il se convertit au catholicisme en 1916, à la suite de son père et de toutes ses sœurs, ainsi qu'il le raconte dans Ce qu'il faut d'amour à l'homme, son autobiographie spirituelle. Il abjure l'anglicanisme à la crypte de la chapelle des sœurs de la rue Cortambert. Âgé de seulement 17 ans, Julian Green réussit à rejoindre les rangs de la Croix-Rouge américaine, puis est détaché dans l’artillerie française en 1918 en tant que sous-lieutenant et sert en Italie. Démobilisé en mars 1919, il se rend pour la première fois aux États-Unis en septembre de la même année et effectue trois ans d'études à l’université de Virginie, où il éprouve un premier amour chaste et secret pour un camarade d'études. Il écrit son premier livre en anglais, avant de revenir vivre en France.
ellauri097.html on line 276: Ce qu 'ily a en moi d'impulsif, de rêveur, de charnel aussi, j'ai tendance à croire que je le dois à l'Irlande; à elle aussi tout ce qui fait que je réussis un jour pour échouer l'autre, tout ce qui m'a poussé à écrire mes livres, enfin le meilleur et le pire de moi-même. Je reconnais l'apport écossais dans mes crises religieuses, dans un amour profond et invariable de l'Ecriture... A travers moi l'humanité passe comme sur une grand-route. Je suis une parcelle de l'Univers. L'Univers est heureux en moi. Je suis le ciel, le soleil, les arbres, la Seine et les maisons qui la bordent...
ellauri097.html on line 296: He became a literary icon, but White knew that people rarely actually read his work. He professed not to care what people thought, but he would sometimes check for copies of his novels in local libraries. He would search for dog-ears and stains, to gauge how far in the book they had read. Most people, he deduced, never finished. The Australian reading public never quite warmed to White, and nothing much has changed. My grandmother “couldn’t stand him.” I have seen my mother take up one of his novels—The Solid Mandala—and after a few moments quite literally toss it aside. White’s books are metaphysical, lyrical, high modernist, full of baroque descriptions of landscapes, and unsparing in his examination of the people who live in them. For a country besotted with kitchen-sink realism and plain-speaking larrikins, Patrick White was baffling.
ellauri097.html on line 424: The Protestant parson is the grandfather of German philosophy. The theologians’ instinct in the German scholars divined what Kant had once again made possible. The conception of a “true world,” the conception of morality as the essence of the world … were once again, thanks to a wily and shrewd skepticism, if not provable, at least no longer refutable. Kant’s success is merely a theologian’s success. [The Antichrist §10.]
ellauri098.html on line 212: SPOILERI: Nun /ˈnʊn/, in the Hebrew Bible, was a man from the Tribe of Ephraim, grandson of Ammihud, son of Elishama, and father of Joshua (1 Chronicles 7:26–27). Nun grew up in and may have lived his entire life in the Israelites´ Egyptian captivity, where the Egyptians "made life bitter for them with harsh labor at mortar and bricks and with all sorts of tasks in the field" (Exodus 1:14). In Aramaic, "nun" means "fish". Thus the Midrash tells: "[T]he son of him whose name was as the name of a fish would lead them [the Israelites] into the land" (Genesis Rabba 97:3).
ellauri099.html on line 57: Newly understanding that his beauty will fade, Dorian expresses the desire to sell his soul, to ensure that the picture, rather than he, will age and fade. The wish is granted, and Dorian pursues a libertine life of varied amoral experiences while staying young and beautiful; all the while, his portrait ages and records every sin.
ellauri099.html on line 176: In fact, we don’t even know that he was called Plato, which might have been a nickname. Laertius claims that he was actually called Aristocles, after his grandfather. “Plato” is close to the word “broad” in Greek, like the broad leaves of the platanos or plane tree under which Socrates and Phaedrus sit and talk about eros. Some think that Plato was so called because he was broad-shouldered because of his prowess in wrestling. Or because he got a flat nose, maybe a wrestling memento.
ellauri099.html on line 190: Aristotle was not much loved by the Athenians. This might have been because he was a tricky customer or because he was an immigrant: a metoikos or metic, resident alien, an ancient green card holder; Greek, but decidedly not an Athenian citizen, something like an American in London. Given his close ties to the Macedonian aristocracy, which was extending and tightening its military and political control across Greece, perhaps the Athenians were right to be suspicious of Aristotle.
ellauri100.html on line 256: Marriage (and family): Made my first love in the think-tank and married her 56 years later. Our happy union was blessed by two grown children — whose sad lives invalidate the (sometimes tough) support we gave them — and twelve fighting, shoving, and enraging grandchildren. 17-vuotiaat rakastuivat ensi silmäyxellä. Nyt Aune ei enää muista kuka Paavo on.
ellauri100.html on line 279: My parents’ outlook on life reflected the small-town values of the places in which they were raised. Through a grandmother to whom I was close, I got a good taste of how she, and my parents, had lived. I also came to know the advantages of living in villages, towns, and small cities: physical security and the kind of serenity that is almost impossible to find, for more than a few hours at a time, in the large cities and vast metropolitan areas that now dominate the human landscape of America.
ellauri100.html on line 319: However, it was not momentous events but a bit of seemingly irrelevant analysis that administered the coup de grâce to my naïve “liberalism”. It happened in the early 1970s, when my boss asked me to concoct grand measures of effectiveness for the armed forces (i.e., summary measures of antisubmarine warfare capabilities, of tactical strike capabilities, and so on). I struggled with the problem, and made a good-faith effort to provide the measures. But in the end I had to report to my boss that he had given me “mission impossible”. Why? Because, no summary measure could capture the effects of the many factors that would determine the effectiveness of the armed forces: the enemy, the characteristics of his forces, the timing and geographic particulars of any engagement, and so on. (See “Hemibel Thinking” in this post for a précis of my argument.) That was the first time I got sacked. But I returned as soon as my boss got fired.
ellauri100.html on line 626: Carve it in doves and pomegranates, Siihen kyyhkyjä ja granaatteja
ellauri100.html on line 713: Pomegranates full and fine,
ellauri100.html on line 1072: Pomegranates, figs.”—
ellauri101.html on line 46: Joseph Campbell was born in White Plains, New York, on March 26, 1904, the elder son of hosiery importer and wholesaler Charles William Campbell, from Waltham, Massachusetts, and Josephine (née Lynch), from New York. Campbell was raised in an upper-middle-class Irish Catholic family; he related that his paternal grandfather Charles had been "a peasant" who came to Boston from County Mayo in Ireland, and became the gardener and caretaker at the Lyman estate at Waltham, where his son Charles William Campbell grew up and became a successful salesman at a department store prior to establishing his hosiery business. During his childhood, he moved with his family to nearby New Rochelle, New York. In 1919, a fire destroyed the family home in New Rochelle, killing his maternal grandmother and injuring his father, who tried to save her.
ellauri101.html on line 532: Rotwelsch was formerly common among travelling craftspeople and vagrants. The language is built on a strong substratum of German, but contains numerous words from other languages, notably from various German dialects, including Yiddish, as well as from Romany languages, notably Sintitikes. There are also significant influences from Judæo-Latin, the ancient Jewish language spoken in the Roman Empire. Rotwelsch has also played a great role in the development of the Yeniche language. In form and development it closely parallels the commercial speech ("shopkeeper language") of German-speaking regions. During the 19th and 20th century, Rotwelsch was the object of linguistic repression, with systematic investigation by the German police. Fucking Nazis! Examples:
ellauri102.html on line 108: After almost a century of moving upward, David has eventually gone down. Yankelovich is survived by his daughter, Nicole Mordecai, and her husband David; granddaughter Rachel Mordecai; sister Libby Schenkman and her children Fay and Max. In 1959, he married Hassmieg Kaboolian; that marriage ended in divorce. She was Armenian. He later married Mary Komarnicki, now deceased, and then Barbara Lee. More recently, he lived in La Jolla with his companion, Laura Nathanson. Laura got nothing, being just a companion. Neither did Kaboolian nor Komarnicki, nor Barbara Lee, for being utter failures, having wrong opinions, or wrong religion.
ellauri102.html on line 322: Krugman was born to a Russian Jewish family, the son of Anita and David Krugman. In 1922, his paternal grandparents immigrated to the United States from Brest, Belarus, at that time a part of Poland.
ellauri102.html on line 418: Before World War II, her paternal grandparents were communists, but they began to turn against the Soviet Union after the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact in 1939. In 1942, her grandfather, an animator at Disney, was fired after the 1941 strike, and had to switch to working in a shipyard instead. By 1956, they had abandoned communism. Vitun takinkääntäjät, juutalaisiin ei ole luottamista, niinkuin se Trotskykin. Klein's father grew up surrounded by silly ideas of social justice and racial equality, but found it "difficult and frightening to be the child of Communists", a so-called red diaper baby.
ellauri105.html on line 492: Tuolle ajalle sisältyy myös varsin erikoinen ja omalla tavalla merkittävä ajanjakso niin koko Suomen ortodoksisen kirkon historiassa kuin varmasti myös Mefodin elämässä. Suomen ja Venäjän ortodoksisten kirkkojen "jääkausi", Suomen kirkon "melkein hajoaminen" kalenterikysymyksen edessä, munkkien karkottamiset ja pois muuttamiset ja monet muut tämän kaltaiset asiat. Kuusikymmentäluvulla ortodoksinen kirkko käytti jälleen Mefodin kielellistä lahjakkuutta hyväkseen ja hän toimi jonkin aikaa Kirkkojen Maailman Neuvoston (KMN) ekumeenisen komission jäsenenä Saksassa, jonne hän siirtyi pian pappismunkiksi vihkimisen jälkeen, mikä tapahtui vuonna 1968. Siirtyminen ulkomaille venäläisen ortodoksisen emigranttikirkon palvelukseen lienee ollut jonkinlainen turhautumisen ilmaus. Hän oli ennen sitä hävinnyt niukasti Heinäveden Valamon imugeenin eli luostarin johtajan vaalin ilmeisesti vain yhdellä äänellä. Kun samaan aikaan keskusteltiin koko Heinäveden luostarin lopettamisesta, koska vanhat munkit kuoluivat ja uusia ei saatu, hän pohti omia henkilökohtaisia ratkaisujaan. Myös hänen tehtäviensä suunnittelu - siis lähinnä hänen esimiestensä tekemät suunnitelmat - eivät oikein miellyttäneet ja siksi mahdollisesti hän päätti siirtyä ulkomaille.
ellauri105.html on line 507: Unknown 13. elokuuta 2013 klo 14.46 Älä ihmeessä lopeta. Pappismunkki Mefodin elämä on ollut todella mielenkiintoinen. Olisi mukava kuulla joskus myös jonkun venäläisen (ortodoksi) emigrantin tarina. Vastaa
ellauri106.html on line 65: Philip Roth was the younger of the 2 boys of Herman Roth (1901–1989) and his wife Bess, nee Finkel (1904–1981). Both parents were assimilated American Jews of the second generation of immigrants. The maternal grandparents came from the area around Kiev, the Yiddish-speaking paternal grandparents, Sender and Bertha Roth, from Koslow in Galicia. Sender Roth had trained as a rabbi in Galicia and worked in a hat factory in Newark. Herman Roth, the middle of seven children and the first child in the United States, first worked in a factory after eight years of schooling, then became an insurance agent selling door-to-door life insurance. By his retirement he made it to the district director of Metropolitan Life. Philip Roth's brother, Sanford (Sandy) Roth (1927–2009), who was four years older than him, studied art at the Pratt Institute, became vice-president of the advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather in Chicago and made a name for himself as a painter after his "early retirement".
ellauri106.html on line 69: From 1958 onwards, the couple lived in New York on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, and in 1959 they spent seven months in Italy on a Guggenheim grant. Upon their return, they both settled in Iowa City, where Roth led the Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa. The experiences in small-town Iowa far away from the American metropolises flowed into Roth's second novel Letting Go (Other People's Worries), which was published in 1962, but in contrast to Roth's previously published volume of short stories Goodbye, Columbus caused mixed reactions from critics. Stanley Edgar Hyman, for example, criticized weaknesses in the narrative structure of the novel, the two narrative parts of which are only superficially connected, but praised what he saw as "the keenest eye for the details of American life since Sinclair Lewis". Letting Go is also the first novel in which Roth, as in numerous later works, made the writings of his literary predecessors an integral part of the narrative, and is therefore often referred to as Roth's first "Henry James novel".
ellauri106.html on line 162: In addition to his wife and sons, Mr. Roth is survived by his brother, the well-known writer Philip Roth, and two grandchildren.
ellauri106.html on line 184: “The comedy is that the real haters of the bourgeois Jews, with the real contempt for their everyday lives, are these complex intellectual giants,” Zuckerman snorts. “They loathe them, and don’t particularly care for the smell of the Jewish proletariat either. All of them full of sympathy suddenly for the ghetto world of their traditional fathers now that the traditional fathers are filed for safekeeping in Beth Moses Memorial Park. When they were alive they wanted to strangle the immigrant bastards to death because they dared to think they could actually be of consequence without ever having read Proust past Swann’s Way. And the ghetto—what the ghetto saw of these guys was their heels: out, out, screaming for air, to write about great Jews like Ralph Waldo Emerson and William Dean Howells. But now that the Weathermen are around, and me and my friends Jerry Rubin and Herbert Marcuse and H. Rap Brown, it’s where oh where’s the inspired orderliness of those good old Hebrew school days? Where’s the linoleum? Where’s Aunt Rose? Where is all the wonderful inflexible patriarchal authority into which they wanted to stick a knife?”
ellauri106.html on line 199: Dilsey does not allow self-absorption to corrupt her values or spirit. She is very patient and selfless—she cooks, cleans, and takes care of the Compson children in Mrs. Compson’s absence, while raising her own children and grandchildren at the same time.
ellauri106.html on line 451: In a world governed by disorder, the American Dream of success and happiness through hard work can is likely to remain that: a dream. Immigrants such as those those from whom Roth hails who come to America seeking a betterlife might come to recognize that policies implemented by the American government do notinherently make great sense or work to support their unequivocal movement up the social ladder despite the melting-pot myth and its variations as politicians may propagate them.
ellauri107.html on line 65: Cool to see that my grandfather is still a star on the radio! He was such a good broadcaster, but was a better man!
ellauri107.html on line 366: Hawthornen tapaisia ihmisiä, viisaita vainajia. Hiljaisuus korkoa korolle kasvavana omaisuutena. Siinä mies joka osasi panna töpinäxi. 3 gallonaa luomumaitoa. Tietämätön hengen syvyyxistä. Kuoleman ahistuxen aikaansaama sexuaalinen kaipaus. Jyrkät jenkkiposkipäät ja leuka ja pitkä ehdottoman naisellinen kaula. Siitä näki kuinka leikkisä hiän osasi olla. Vaikka lukutaidoton ja totaalisen erilainen kuin hiäntä Viagran voimalla bylsivä sivistynyt proffa jonka isoon päähän mahtui kahden kuolleen kielen sanakirjat.
ellauri108.html on line 106: During his life, Selassie described himself as a devout Christian. In a 1967 interview, Selassie was asked about the Rasta belief that he was the Second Coming of Jesus, to which he responded: "I have heard of this idea. I also met certain Rastafarians. I told them clearly that I am a man, that I am mortal, and that I will be replaced by the oncoming generation, and that they should never make a mistake in assuming or pretending that a human being is emanated from a deity." His grandson Ermias Sahle Selassie has said that there is "no doubt that Haile Selassie did not encourage the Rastafari movement". Critics of Rastafari have used this as evidence that Rasta theological beliefs are incorrect, although some Rastas take Selassie's denials as evidence that he was indeed the incarnation of God, based on their reading of the Gospel of Luke.
ellauri108.html on line 160: There are various options that might explain how cannabis smoking came to be part of Rastafari. By the 8th century, Arab traders had introduced cannabis to Central and Southern Africa. In the 19th century, enslaved Bakongo people arrived in Jamaica, where they established the religion of Kumina. In Kumina, cannabis was smoked during religious ceremonies in the belief that it facilitated possession by ancestral spirits. The religion was largely practiced in south-east Jamaica's Saint Thomas Parish, where a prominent early Rasta, Leonard Howell, lived while he was developing many of Rastafari's beliefs and practices; it may have been through Kumina that cannabis became part of Rastafari. A second possible source was the use of cannabis in Hindu rituals. Hindu migrants arrived in Jamaica as indentured servants from British India between 1834 and 1917, and brought cannabis with them. A Jamaican Hindu priest, Laloo, was one of Howell's spiritual advisors, and may have influenced his adoption of ganja. The adoption of cannabis may also have been influenced by the widespread medicinal and recreational use of cannabis among Afro-Jamaicans in the early 20th century. Early Rastafarians may have taken an element of Jamaican culture which they associated with their peasant past and the rejection of capitalism and sanctified it by according it Biblical correlates.
ellauri108.html on line 268: Some Rastas in the African diaspora have followed through with their beliefs about resettlement in Africa, with Ghana and Nigeria being particularly favoured. In West Africa, Rastafari has spread largely through the popularity of reggae, gaining a larger presence in Anglophone areas than their Francophone counterparts. Caribbean Rastas arrived in Ghana during the 1960s, encouraged by its first post-independence president, Kwame Nkrumah, while some native Ghanaians also converted to the religion. The largest congregation of Rastas has been in southern parts of Ghana, around Accra, Tema, and the Cape Coast, although Rasta communities also exist in the Muslim-majority area of northern Ghana. The Rasta migrants' wearing of dreadlocks was akin to that of the native fetish priests, which may have assisted the presentation of these Rastas as having authentic African roots in Ghanaian society. However, Ghanaian Rastas have complained of social ostracism and prosecution for cannabis possession, while non-Rastas in Ghana often consider them to be "drop-outs", "too Western", and "not African enough".
ellauri108.html on line 277: During the 1950s and 1960s, Rastas were among the thousands of Caribbean migrants who settled in the United Kingdom, leading to small groups appearing in areas of London such as Brixton and Notting Hill in the 1950s. By the late 1960s, Rastafari had attracted converts from the second generation of British Caribbean people, spreading beyond London to cities like Birmingham, Leicester, Liverpool, Manchester, and Bristol. Its spread was aided by the gang structures that had been cultivated among black British youth by the rudeboy subculture, and gained increasing attention in the 1970s through reggae's popularity. According to the 2001 United Kingdom Census there are about 5000 Rastafari living in England and Wales. Clarke described Rastafari as a small but "extremely influential" component of black British life.
ellauri108.html on line 279: Rastafari also established itself in various continental European countries, among them the Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, and France, gaining a particular foothold among black migrant populations but also attracting white converts. In France for instance it established a presence in two cities with substantial black populations, Paris and Bordeaux, while in the Netherlands, it attracted converts within the Surinamese migrant community.
ellauri108.html on line 379: Solomons hubris, his tragic flaw, is the meat and bone of the Ethiopian bible, the Kebra Nagast, which, translated, is the glory of the kings. In this work, unlike the King James' bible, we see King Solomon struggling with his own mortality. Bayna-Lehkem, or David, as he is called by Solomon because of likeness to the boy's grandfather, King David, is a man of virtue who will extend his glory to Ethiopia. So, Solomon's weakness for women, which brings about his dissolution, gives him the thing he is truly seeking: a son to walk his own footsteps, like Shakespeare's Hamnet, a son wiser, by dint of his virtue, than himself. A son wiser than himself, that sounds rather like a stone too big to both create and throw. Solomon is disinherited by the lord when he marries the daughter of the Pharaoh and worships her golden insect idols. A hairy spider on its back. For this he is punished severely. We discern his absolute nihilism. His ultimate disillusionment. Knowledge is nothing but sorrow. He that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. In the bitter nutmeat of the Ecclesiastes. Who was the mother? Of course, Queen Sheba. She was, by all reports, black.
ellauri109.html on line 387: En 1840, le journaliste Alphonse Karr attribue la paternité de l'enfant qu'elle porte à son amant Victor Cousin dans un article intitulé Une piqûre de Cousin. Furieuse, Louise Colet l'agresse avec un couteau de cuisine qu'elle lui plante dans le dos. Alphonse Karr s'en tire avec une égratignure, et renonce à porter plainte au grand soulagement de Victor Cousin. Il se contente de mettre le couteau dont elle avait voulu le frapper sur une étagère avec cette inscription «Donné par Madame Louise Colet (Dans le dos)». Louise Colet est inhumée dans le vieux cimetière de Verneuil-sur-Avre, où résidait sa fille. En 2016, sa tombe est à l'abandon.
ellauri109.html on line 701: Dryden was born in the village rectory of Aldwincle near Thrapston in Northamptonshire, where his maternal grandfather was the rector of All Saints. He was the eldest of fourteen children born to Erasmus Dryden and wife Mary Pickering, paternal grandson of Sir Erasmus Dryden, 1st Baronet (1553–1632), and wife Frances Wilkes, Puritan landowning gentry who supported the Puritan cause and Parliament. He was a second cousin once removed of Jonathan Swift.
ellauri109.html on line 825: One of the disturbing aspects of the Yemenite Children Affair is the way the darker-skinned immigrants appear to have been treated as second-class citizens. The founders of Israel were mostly Ashkenazi Jews, of European descent, some of whom expressed fears that Mizrahi (literally "Eastern") Jews brought with them a backwards "Oriental" culture that might damage the new state.
ellauri109.html on line 833: He points out that hundreds of thousands of immigrants arrived in Israel at a time of war, and in the years immediately afterwards, when the country was still reeling.
ellauri110.html on line 351: Pepys may also have dallied with a leading actress of the Restoration period, Mary Knep. "Mrs Knep was the wife of a Smithfield horsedealer, and the mistress of Pepys"—or at least "she granted him a share of her favours". He called her husband "an ill, melancholy, jealous-looking fellow" and suspected him of abusing his wife. Knep provided Pepys with backstage access and was a conduit for theatrical and social gossip. When they wrote notes to each other, Pepys signed himself "Dapper Dickey", while Knep was "Barbry Allen" (a popular song that was an item in her musical repertory).
ellauri110.html on line 937: Oltuaan 70v pessimisti Mäkelä on ruvennut optimistixi. Lukee ulkohuusissa Valittuja Paloja. Optimisti jolla on Optimisti-jolla. On vain 1 ihminen jonka kanssa pitää elää sovussa, nim. minä ize. Ize asiassa on vain 1 ihminen koko maailmassa, nim. minä ize. Siihen päätyi Sale Belovkin, emigrantti sekin vaikkei maahantunkeutuja.
ellauri110.html on line 1093: Samalla käy selväxi minkä sorttiset ihmiset tykkää Dostojevskistä. Ne on sellaset joiden mielestä niillä izellään ja elämällä pitää olla joku pointti, muuten millään ei ole mitään pointtia. Ne ezii sitä pointtia kirsu ilmassa ja maassa, nuuhkivat ja vinkuvat, kunnes löytävät, ja löytäväthän ne, ezivä löytää ja ovea jyskyttävälle immigranttipoliisille avataan.
ellauri112.html on line 75: Edward Bradford Titchener (11 January 1867 – 3 August 1927) was an English psychologist who studied under Wilhelm Wundt for several years. Titchener is best known for creating his version of psychology that described the structure of the mind: structuralism. After becoming a professor at Cornell University, he created the largest doctoral program at that time in the United States . His first graduate student, Margaret Floy Washburn, became the first woman to be granted a PhD in psychology (1894). Tätä kautta Wundtista tuli kova nimi jenkeissä.
ellauri112.html on line 185: »Ajassa» on kerran ennen (vuosikerrassa 1911) tarkastettu muutamia Bergsonin filosofialle ominaisia, alkuperäisiä piirteitä. Tällä kertaa on tarkoitus kiinnittää huomiota niihin huomattaviin yhtäläisyyksiin, joita kaikesta huolimatta on olemassa Bergsonin ja hänen edeltäjänsä Renanin ajatustavan välillä. On pidetty Bergsonin filosofian huomattavimpana piirteenä sitä merkitystä, minkä hän antaa ajan realiteetille. On sanottu, että kun filosofia yleensä pyrkii katsomaan todellisuutta »iäisyyden näkökannalta», on sensijaan bergsonilaisuudelle ominaista »ajallisuuden näkökanta». »Aika» on tämän filosofian mukaan luova tekijä todellisuudessa, ei pelkkä subjektiivinen havainnonmuoto. Aika luo, todellisesti synnyttää uutta, samoinkuin sen hammas jäytää esineitä. »L'univers dure». Maailmankaikkeus on historiallinen ilmiö. Aivan yhtä syvästi on Renan vakuutettu ajan merkityksestä. »Aika näyttää minusta yhä enemmän olevan le facteur universel, la grand coefficient de l'eternal devenir» (Dialogues philosophiques, s. 155). 19. vuosisadan luonteenomainen piirre on Renanin mukaan, että dogmaatisen metodin sijaan on asetettu historiallinen metodi, kaikissa ihmishenkeä käsittelevissä tieteissä. »La catégorie du devenir» on asetettu »la catégorie de l'être'n» sijaan. Ennen puhuttiin uskonnosta, oikeudesta, jne. jonakin kerta kaikkiaan olemassaolevana, nykyään kaikki tuo käsitetään joksikin, joka paraikaa kehittyy. Kullakin tieteellä on tarkastettavanaan katkelma tätä ikuisen syntymisen vyyhteä. »Historia» sanan ahtaammassa merkityksessä on tässä suhteessa nuorin tieteistä; se käsittelee viimeistä myöhäisintä kautta tässä kehitysjaksossa. Filologia ja vertaileva mytologia valaisevat jo varhaisempaa kautta. Ihminen puhui ja loi myyttejä ennenkuin hän jätti jälkeensä kirjallisia muistomerkkejä. Ja näiden tieteiden takana alkavat paleontologian ja luonnonhistorian äärettömät taivaanrannat sarastaa. »Minä puolestani olen aina ajatellut, että lajien synnyn salaisuus piilee morfologiassa (kasvien ja eläinten muoto-opissa), että eläinmuodot ovat hieroglyyfikieli, jonka avain puuttuu meiltä, ja että koko menneisyyden selitys piilee niissä tosiseikoissa, jotka ovat meidän silmäimme edessä, mutta joita emme osaa lukea.» Mutta historiallisia dokumentteja eivät ole ainoastaan elolliset muodot; tähtisumuilla, linnunradalla on sama arvo. On tuleva aika, jolloin luonnontieteetkin muuttuvat historiallisiksi. »Muistelmissaan» valittaa Renan eräässä kohden sitä, että hän joutui harrastamaan historiallisia tieteitä, »noita vähäisiä arveluun perustuvia tieteitä, joista sadan vuoden perästä ei välitetä». Renan uskoo että jos hän olisi antautunut luonnontieteisiin, olisi hän johtunut useampiin Darwinin tuloksista, jotka hän väittää 1845:n tienoissa edeltäpäin aavistaneensa. Tätä valitusta ei tarvitse ottaa kovin vakavasti, sillä monista muista lausunnoista käy ilmi, että Renanin mielestä historiallisilla tieteillä on aivan erikoisen suuri filosofinen arvo.-- Toinen yhtymäkohta Renanin ja Bergsonin välillä on heidän »vitalistinen» käsityksensä kehityksen syistä. Bergson hylkää ajatuksen, että ulkonaiset, »mekaaniset» syyt aiheuttaisivat kehityksen. Elolliset muodot ovat hänen käsityksensä mukaan erään sisäisen sielullisen voiman tuote. Bergson on dualisti. Elottoman aineen rinnalla on maailmassamme vaikuttamassa edelliselle jyrkästi vastakkainen »élan vital», joka yhtenäisenä elämän virtana kuohuu kautta sukupolvien ja yksilöiden. Elottomassakin maailmassa vallitsee määräperäinen liike, mutta se on »putoamista», laskeutumista yhä alemmalle tasolle (entropia); »élan vital» sensijaan on vaivaloista ylöspäin ponnistamista. Elottomassa maailmassa energia hajaantuu ja haihtuu, mutta »élan vital» pyrkii sitä kasaamaan (lehtivihreä ja sen merkitys, orgaaniset yhdistykset).
ellauri112.html on line 189: Kaikki tämä kuitenkin lisäyksellä kenties. Päinvastainen tulos on yhtä mahdollinen; ehkäpä kaiken tuon pyrkimyksen tuloksena on tyhjyys; ehkäpä totuus on masentava... On puhuttu niin paljon Renanin »skeptillisyydestä». Jotka tahtovat olla oikein moderneja, hekkumoivat niillä »Dyb af Skepsis» (Brandes), joita he näkevät Renanin harmittomimpienkin ajatusten alla. Muistuu mieleen »keisarin uudet vaatteet» ... Vastakkainen leiri näkee tässä epäilyssä, tässä hiljaisessa hymyssä, törkeää rienausta. Mutta oikeastaan Renan on »skeptikko» vain siksi, että hän niin mielellään tutkistelee asioita, joihin ei ajatuksemme anna mitään lopullista vastausta, joihin nähden vapaasti liikkuva pro et contra on ylin viisaus. Taasen syy siihen, että Renan alituisesti palaa uudelleen tutkistelemaan elämän ja maailman mahdollisuuksia ja tulevaisuuden perspektiivejä, vaikkei hän koskaan pääse pitemmälle kuin noihin »ehkä» ja »kenties», on luullakseni haettava hänen uskonnollisesta »dilettantismistaan». Lapsuutensa ja nuoruutensa hartaasta ja ylevästä katoolisuudesta vieraantui Renan vain järkensä, ei koskaan tunteensa puolesta. Syvä kaipaus, jolla hän jätti Saint Sulpicen seminaarin, ei hänessä koskaan sammunut. Mikään mahdollisuus ei hänelle myöhäiseen vanhuuteensa saakka ollut rakkaampi ajatella kuin se, että uskonto sittenkin olisi tosi. Viimeiseen saakka koettaa hän tieteellisesti ymmärrettyyn maailmankuvaan sovittaa uskonnollisia käsitteitä, Jumala, ylösnousemus, kuolemattomuus. Tämä alituinen ja yhä uudistuva askarteleminen perspektiivien kanssa, joista hän kuitenkin kerran on luopunut, on yhteydessä Renanin luonteen päättämättömyyden kanssa. Tämä päättämättömyys oli hänessä niin silmiinpistävä, että hänen vanha ystävänsä Berthelot saattaa epäillä olisiko Renan koskaan lopullisesti rikkonut väliänsä kirkon kanssa, ellei hänellä olisi ollut tukenaan sisarensa Henriette, voimakas, päättäväinen, syvä luonne, joka kaukaa lähettämillään kirjeillä auttoi Renanin seuraamaan vakaumustaan. Palatakseni takaisin käsitteisiin »nisus» ja »élan vital», on sanottava että ne eivät toisistaan eroa vain siinä, että edellinen on latinaa, jälkimäinen ranskaa! Renanin »nisus» laahaa alituisesti liepeissään tuote »ehkä» ja »kenties ei kuitenkaan». Renan on alituisesti tietoinen siitä, että metafyysillinen filosofia on pelkkää runoilua, mielikuvituksen leikkiä, jolla on tosin lakastumaton viehätyksensä, mutta joka on otettava cum grano salis. »Renanismin» rinnalla on »bergsonismi» karkeasti dogmaatinen. Empimättä uskoo Bergson metafyysillisiin kangastuksiinsa, jotka runollisen mielikuvituksen näkyinä kieltämättä ovat mukaansatempaavan kauniit.-- Kolmas yhtymäkohta Renanin ja Bergsonin välillä on kenties kaikista mieltäkiinnittävin. Se koskee spekulatiivisen järjen kantavuutta tiedonlähteenä ja spekulatiivisen tiedon arvoa. Renanin käsitys filosofian olennosta ja tehtävästä on kenties hieman huojuva. Mutta siinä suhteessa on se selvä, että hänen mielestään spekulatiivinen filosofia, jolla muka on oma tiedelähteensä ja omat metodinsa, on vähänarvoinen. Kaikki suuret filosofit ovat olleet suuria tiedemiehiä; Aristoteles, Descartes, Leibniz, Kant tiesivät kaiken, mitä heidän vuosisatansakin. Ne ajat taas, jolloin filosofia on muuttunut »spesialiteetiksi», ovat olleet sen alennuksen kausia. Sellainen oli myöhempi kartesiolaisuus (Malebranche), sellainen Renanin nuoruudessa Saksan spekulatiivinen idealismi. Meidän aikanamme näyttävät pitkin koko rintamaa tieteet, joko historialliset tai luonnontieteet, olevan määrätyt ottamaan vastaan filosofian perinnön. Filosofian täytyy tulla tieteelliseksi, ellei se tahdo tulla Penelopen kankaaksi, jota lakkaamatta ja aina turhaan aletaan uudelleen. Ja Renan uskoo, että sensijaan kuin edellisinä vuosisatoina luonnontieteet tuottivat parhaan aineiston filosofisille aateskeluille, »historia on meidän aikamme todellinen filosofia» (Essais de morale et de critique, s. 83).
ellauri115.html on line 300: But let's give Montaigne some credit for doing his part. What's this... his grandfather was Jewish? Why are we not surprised?
ellauri115.html on line 360: 7. kävely jossa se selittää kasvien viehätystä on tähän mennessä vähiten ärsyttävä. Hibou grand-duc on huuhkaja. Cheveche on kissapöllö. Orfraie on ehken osprey, sääxi, tai size on merikotka. Partakorppikotkan tiet.nimi on ossifraga, luiden rikkoja. Partakorppikotkia taisi olla alpeilla, niitä oli villiinnytetty sinne takaisin.
ellauri115.html on line 942: The name Socinian started to be used in Holland and England from the 1610s onward, as the Latin publications were circulated among early Arminians, Remonstrants, Dissenters, and early English Unitarians. In the late 1660s, Fausto Sozzini's grandson Andreas Wiszowaty and great-grandson Benedykt Wiszowaty published the nine-volume Biblioteca Fratrum Polonorum quos Unitarios vocant (1668) in Amsterdam, along with the works of F. Sozzini, the Austrian Johann Ludwig von Wolzogen, and the Poles Johannes Crellius, Jonasz Szlichtyng, and Samuel Przypkowski. These books circulated among English and French thinkers, including Isaac Newton, John Locke, Voltaire, and Pierre Bayle.
ellauri115.html on line 1077: Vaknin was born in Kiryat Yam, Israel, the eldest of five children born to Sephardi Jewish immigrants. Vaknin's mother was from Turkey, and his father, a construction worker, was from Morocco. He describes a difficult childhood, in which he writes that his parents "were ill-equipped to deal with normal children, let alone the gifted". Arvaa kyllä ketä sillä tarkoitetaan.
ellauri115.html on line 1091: In his view, narcissists have lost their "true self", the core of their personality, which has been replaced by delusions of grandeur, a "false self". Therefore, he believes, they cannot be healed, because they do not exist as real persons, only as reflections: "The False Self replaces the narcissist's True Self and is intended to shield him from hurt and narcissistic injury by self-imputing omnipotence ... The narcissist pretends that his False Self is real and demands that others affirm this confabulation," meanwhile keeping his real-life imperfect true self under wraps.
ellauri117.html on line 378: Imagine process will be grand adventure. Imagine yourself as twenty-first-century F. Scott Fitzgerald in new, digital Hollywood.
ellauri118.html on line 593: Une femme qui s’était imposé de si grands sacrifices pouvait bien se passer des fantaisies. (MB, 217)
ellauri118.html on line 799: Fronden jälkeen hän itse piti kuulua kirjallista salonkia Société du samedi (´lauantaiseura´), joka oli viimeisiä jossa presiöösin tyylin henkeä vielä vaalittiin. Seuran jäseniä on sanottu ensimmäisiksi sinisukiksi. Tämä yltiöromanttinen ja hienostunut näkemys leimaa myös hänen kirjoittamiaan viittä valtavan suurta herooista historiallista romaania, jotka tosin ilmestyivät hänen veljensä nimissä: Ibrahim, ou l´illustre Bassa (4 osaa, 1641), jonka ansiosta tulivat muotiin turkkilaiset aiheet ja orientalismi, Artamène ou le grand Cyrus (10 osaa, 1649–1653), Clélie, histoire romaine (10 osaa, 1654–1660). Romaanit saivat myrskyisän suosion ja kuuluvat ajan suurimpiin kirjallisiin menestyksiin.
ellauri118.html on line 807: Madeleine de Scudéryn romaaneille on ominaista sisällön puolesta se että hän käsittelee rakkautta, historiallisia ja klassisistisia aiheita allegorian muodossa ja ottaa presiositeetin hengessä etäisyyttä kaikkeen, mikä hänen mielestään on alhaista ja vulgaaria. Hänet liitetään usein barokkiin, mutta toisaalta hänen teoksensa olivat tärkeä silta keskiajan ritarikirjallisuudesta romantiikkaan. Hänen kymmenosainen teoksena Artamène ou le grand Cyrus, jossa on 2,1 miljoonaa sanaa, on maailmanhistorian pisimpiä romaaneja. Se ei olis sormellakaan koskenut mun penseisiin, ne eivät ole riittävästi presiöösejä.
ellauri118.html on line 875: Il n´y a point de femme que le soin de sa parure n´empêche de songer à son amant; qu´elles en sont entièrement occupées; que ce soin de se parer est pour tout le monde, aussi bien que pour celui qu´elles aiment; que lorsqu´elles sont au bal, elles veulent plaire à tous ceux qui les regardent; que, quand elles sont contentes de leur beauté, elles en ont une joie dont leur amant ne fait pas la plus grande partie.
ellauri118.html on line 1112: “Some days, my grandmother would say we were related to her and on other days, she would deny the whole thing because it wasn't very respectable,” Atwood says. “I was actually trying to write a novel about her, but, unfortunately, I didn't know enough about the late 17th century to be able to do it. But I did write a long, narrative poem called 'Half-Hanged Mary,' because she only got half hanged.”
ellauri118.html on line 1114: Growing up, Atwood heard stories from her grandmother about Mary Webster, a colonial woman who was half hanged in Hadley, Massachusetts in 1685 for witchcraft, several years before the infamous Salem witch trials began in 1692. Atwood's grandmother often referred to Webster as a relative, though she sometimes denied it, and her ancestry can't be definitively proven one way or the other.
ellauri119.html on line 164: Now we reach the point in the countdown where Robin references obscure figures from history! Here, while playing chess with Batman in their secret identities of Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne, Dick remarks "holy Reshevsky!" This is a reference to the great Polish-born American chess grandmaster of the early 20th century Samuel Reshevsky.
ellauri119.html on line 622: She went on to briefly attend the State Institute for Cinema Arts, and in 1925 was granted a visa to the United States to visit relatives in Chicago, Illinois, landing first in New York. She decided then to never return to Russia.
ellauri119.html on line 646: Rosenbaum left Russia at the tail end of the Trust program. She was assisted by bolshevik Hollywood. Like a typical crypto-jew and communist she used a pseudonym. She became, together with Leo Strauss, a leading philosopher of the Trotskyites. She, like Strauss, helped create the philosophy of arrogance and entitlement that justifies the lies of government leaders to the people. Her philosophies misrepresent the realities of how wealth and psychopathic greed coupled with immorality destroys civilization. Her solution to class warfare is group disloyalty of the rich to society and the exploitation of the national resources by a privileged class to destroy the economy and sabotage the nation. She misrepresented American tradition in a way that benefitted our enemies and internationalized our national resources leaving them easy pickings for the exploitation of unregulated international markets. She advocated the ruinous gold standard which allows our enemies the opportunity to deflate our money supply and strangle the economy at their whim. By simply hoarding gold and/or sending it out of the nation the bankers can ruin us under a gold standard. Her philosophy falsely claims that the market can and will correct the actions of the enemy within to ruin the nation by their designs. She wanted to grant the enemy the right to act with impunity and free rein as a Trojan horse within America to completely destroy our nation, and she has nearly succeeded. The removal of the ability of government to impose with force the collective will of the nation inevitably leads to balkanization, and that was well known and desired by our bolshevik enemies, Rosenbaum’s masters. She never pointed out the name and the nature of the enemy, instead scapegoating the poor and the communists for what international jewry was doing, with her as one of its leading members. As far as I know, she NEVER addressed the existential danger of jewish messianic prophecy and the subversion of the American government by Israel. Being herself a jew, she was disloyal to America in favor of Israel. She was disloyal to the American majority population in favor of the banking class. She did absolutely nothing that was ever in any way harmful to the communists or the bankers, who have so harmed America.
ellauri131.html on line 942: Covey lived with his wife Sandra and their family in Provo, Utah, home to Brigham Young University, where Covey taught prior to the publication of his best-selling book. A father of nine and a grandfather of fifty-five, he received the Fatherhood Award from the National Fatherhood Initiative in 2003.
ellauri131.html on line 1087: Qu’on cloue en grande hâte un cercueil quelque part. Kuin kaivettaisiin jossain hautaa kiireellä.
ellauri132.html on line 131: "The book struck me as irredeemable poppycock. I was put off by the strained stateliness of Tolle's writing, as well as its nearly indecipherable turgidity ... jargon like "conditioned mind structures', "the one indwelling consciousness". What's more, the guy was stunningly grandiose. He referred to his book as a "transformational" device", and promised that, as you read, "shit takes place within you." I lay there rolling my eyes ..."
ellauri135.html on line 220: Berg, Nikolai, writer, born. 24 Mar 1823 in Moscow, mind. 16 Jun 1884 in Warsaw. The name of the family comes from Livonia, but the writer's grandfather, Vladimir, was Orthodox, served in the artillery, performed under the command of Suvorov several campaigns, under Silistria was wounded and died in the rank of bayonet-cadets. Father f Nikolai, Vasiliy, wrote and published poetry and prose when I was single and served in Irkutsk, placing their works in the "Herald of Europe" (1820-ies, signed "Irkutsk"). He especially loved Derzhavin and forced his son to memorize his poems.
ellauri140.html on line 58: Book IV, despite its title "The Legend of Cambell and Telamond or Of Friendship", Cambell's companion in Book IV is actually named Triamond, and the plot does not center on their friendship; the two men appear only briefly in the story. The book is largely a continuation of events begun in Book III. First, Scudamore is convinced by the hag Ate (discord) that Britomart has run off with Amoret and becomes jealous. A three-day tournament is then held by Satyrane, where Britomart beats Arthegal (both in disguise). Scudamore and Arthegal unite against Britomart, but when her helmet comes off in battle Arthegal falls in love with her. He surrenders, removes his helmet, and Britomart recognizes him as the man in the enchanted mirror. Arthegal pledges his love to her but must first leave and complete his quest. Scudamore, upon discovering Britomart's sex, realizes his mistake and asks after his lady, but by this time Britomart has lost Amoret, and she and Scudamore embark together on a search for her. The reader discovers that Amoret was abducted by a savage man and is imprisoned in his cave. One day Amoret darts out past the savage and is rescued from him by the squire Timias and Belphoebe. Arthur then appears, offering his service as a knight to the lost woman. She accepts, and after a couple of trials on the way, Arthur and Amoret finally happen across Scudamore and Britomart. The two lovers are reunited. Wrapping up a different plotline from Book III, the recently recovered Marinel discovers Florimell suffering in Proteus' dungeon. He returns home and becomes sick with love and pity. Eventually he confesses his feelings to his mother, and she pleads with Neptune to have the girl released, which the god grants.
ellauri141.html on line 240: cum tibi flagrans amor et libido, Kun sua liekeissä himo ja kiima,
ellauri141.html on line 757: Alexis Leger was born in Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe. His great-grandfather, a solicitor, had settled in Guadeloupe in 1815. His grandfather and father were also solicitors; his father was also a member of the city council. The Leger family owned two plantations, one of coffee (La Joséphine) and the other of sugar (Bois-Debout).
ellauri142.html on line 51: Markku is described as the fat, large-bodied, ungainly, and socially awkward illegitimate son of an old Russian grandee. He is educated in France and returns to Russia as a misfit. His unexpected inheritance of a large fortune makes him socially desirable. Markku is ensnared by the fortune-hunting Kristina Curagina, whose eventual deception leaves him depressed and confused, spurring a spiritual odyssey that spans the novel.
ellauri142.html on line 77: The Tolstoys were a well-known family of old Russian nobility who traced their ancestry to a mythical nobleman named Indris described by Pyotr Tolstoy as arriving "from Nemec, from the lands of Caesar" (Lithuania, from the sound of it) to Chernigov in 1353 along with his two sons Litvinos (or Litvonis) and Zimonten (or Zigmont) and a dozen or maybe 3000 people. Indris was then converted to Eastern Orthodoxy, under the name of Leonty, and his sons as Konstantin and Feodor. Konstantin's grandson Andrei Kharitonovich was nicknamed Tolstoy (fatso) by Vasily II of Moscow after he moved from Chernigov to Moscow.
ellauri143.html on line 1377: Tässä luvussa nuoleskellaan keskustalaisia. Sellasia kuin Haju Pisilä tai se porsasmainen Mikko Kärnä, jonka miälestä kaupungin pitäis syöttää porukoille sen näköisiä sikoja. Tai se vitun Seppä, joka haluaa tappaa susia "kannanhoitomielessä". Vitun kusilaareja. Koivisto oli oman elämänsä seppo, lausui sen kuoltua Haju Pisilä. Sepot, Juhat, Jarmot ja Ismot sun muut agranoomit ja mezänraiskaajat painukoot huut helkkariin.
ellauri144.html on line 268: Y hoy vivo en la gran ciudad Ja tänään asun suurkaupungissa.
ellauri144.html on line 294: In America, "Guantanamera" has been used during anti-war demonstrations, union strikes, marches for an overhaul of the US immigration system, and civil rights for immigrants. In more recent demonstrations, it was sung at Wall Street and around the country where folks were commenting on the balance of wealth.
ellauri144.html on line 318: Avrom was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Chaim Goldbogen (an Orthodox rabbi), and Sophia Hellerman, both of whom were Polish Jewish immigrants. He was one of nine children in a poor family, the youngest son, and his siblings nicknamed him "Tod" (pronounced "Toat" in German) to mimic his difficulty pronouncing the word "coat." It was from this that his name was derived. Nomen erat omen.
ellauri144.html on line 343: Syxy paisuttaa kurpizan, sanoo Keaz Philin alludoimassa, toiseen paasauxeen suomentamassani Syxylle-runossa. Vizi että nää Amerikan immigranttijutkut osaa olla rasisteja. Älä bylsi shixeä, NE OVAT KOKONAAN TOINEN IHMISLAJI! No Phil kyllä kerta kiellon jälkeen shtuppii shixeä, ja veltto molo vielä marakatin poskessa siteeraa ruozintamaani Yeazin Leda-runoa, kylläkin Aale Tynnin vetelämpää suomennosta siitä.
ellauri144.html on line 855: parecen, desde lejos, más oscuros, más grandes… näyttävät kauempaa tummemmilta ja isoilta.
ellauri145.html on line 60: L´humeur sombre de Breton s´exprime pleinement dans ce que Mark Polizzotti appelle le « passage le plus sinistre du manifeste » et qui est selon lui le reflet d´une grande « amertume personnelle », une phrase souvent citée et reprochée à Breton, notamment par Albert Camus : « L´acte surréaliste le plus simple consiste, révolvers aux poings, à descendre dans la rue et à tirer au hasard, tant qu´on peut, dans la foule.» Täähän trendaa nykyäänkin, kun sillä pääsee 6 sekunnixi klikkimeediaan. Polizzotto Salvo Montalbano miehineen puuttuu asiaan.
ellauri145.html on line 83: Son plus grand désir eût été d’appartenir à la famille des grands indésirables.
ellauri145.html on line 114: Baudelairen mielestä tärisevä Swedenborg oli vielä suurempi sekobolzi kuin Fourier. Swedenborgin mielestä taivas oli "un tres grande homme". Callella saattoi olla poinzi siellä. Jonkun muun ruukkupään mielestä luonto oli verbi.
ellauri145.html on line 170: À Mostaganem, il se révèle excellent administrateur mais, victime des idées romantiques qui ne l´ont jamais quitté, il emploie aussi bien les deniers publics que les siens pour sauver ses administrés de la faim et des fièvres. Le prefet critique ses rapports — la plus grande partie était faite en vers.
ellauri145.html on line 173: Baudelaire: j´ai toujours eu quelque sympathie pour ce malheureux écrivain dont le génie manqué, plein d´ambition et de maladresse, n´a su produire que des ébauches minutieuses, des éclairs orageux, des figures dont quelque chose de trop bizarre… altère la native grandeur.»
ellauri145.html on line 186: - Tes elles ! - s´écriait-il grandement cour roucé - Gu´ai-che avaire t´elles? Me brenez-phus bur ein boulet ? >>
ellauri145.html on line 251: L´HUMOUR chez Baudelaire fait partie intégrante de sa conception du dandysme. On sait que, pour lui, « le mot dandy implique une quintessence de caractère et une intelligence subtile de tout le mécanisme moral de ce monde ». L´humour, nul plus que lui n´a pris soin de le définir par opposition à la gaieté triviale ou au sarcasme grimaçant dans les quels se plaît à se reconnaître l´« esprit français ». Il place Molière en tête des « religions modernes ridicules»; Voltaire, c´est « l´antipoète, le roi des badauds, le prince des superficiels, l´antiartiste, le prédicateur des concierges, le père Gigogne des rédacteurs du Siècle ». Le dandy est partagé entre le souci narcissique de ses attitudes et de ses actes («Il doit aspirer à être sublime sans interruption. Il doit vivre et mourir devant son miroir ») et le désir de provoquer sur son passage une longue rumeur désapprobatrice (« Ce qu´il y a d´enivrant dans le mauvais goût, c´est le plaisir aristocratique
ellauri145.html on line 301: De son urne à grands flots verse un froid ténébreux Kaataa uurnastaan isoina laimiskoina pimeätä koleaa
ellauri145.html on line 341: Qu’un granit entouré d’une vague épouvante, Jota aallon ympäröimä kivi kauhistaa,
ellauri145.html on line 466: Il était un grand mur blanc ? nu, nu, nu, Oli iso seinä valkoinen ? paljas 3x
ellauri145.html on line 471: Un marteau lourd, un grand clou ? pointu, pointu, pointu, Ja raskas vasara, iso naula ? terävä 3x
ellauri145.html on line 476: Tout en haut du grand mur nu ? nu, nu, nu. Ylös isoon seinään ? paljaaseen 3x
ellauri145.html on line 599: – Olen sentään varannut itselleni pienen tutkijanhuoneen vastapäätä Palazzo Carignanoa (jossa synnyin Vittorio Emanuelena): kirjoituspöydän ääressä kuulee alapuoleltani Galleria Subalpinasta loistokasta musiikkia4. Maksan 25 fr palveluineen päivineen, huolehdin itse omat teeni ja kaikki ostokseni, kärsin repaleisista saappaista ja kiitän taivasta joka hetki muinaisesta maailmasta, jota varten ihmiset eivät olleet kyllin yksinkertaisia ja tyyniä5. – Koska minut on tuomittu viihdyttämään seuraavaa ikuisuutta huonoilla vitseillä, minulla on täällä kirjoittelemista, joka ei jätä mitään toivomisen varaa, varsin somaa eikä ollenkaan rasittavaa. Postiin on viiden askeleen matka, sinne tuikkaan itse kirjeet toimiakseni grand monden suurena sarjakirjoittajana6. Itse olen luonnollisesti läheisissä suhteissa Figaroon, ja jotta saisitte käsityksen siitä, kuinka harmiton voinkaan olla, kuulkaa kaksi ensimmäistä huonoa vitsiäni:7 Älkää ottako Pradon tapausta turhan vakavasti. Minä olen Prado, minä olen myös Pradon isä, rohkenen sanoa olevani myös Lesseps… Minä tahtoisin antaa pariisilaisilleni, joita rakastan, uuden käsitteen – kunniallisen rikollisen käsitteen. Minä olen myös Chambige – myös kunniallinen rikollinen.8 Toinen vitsi. Tervehdin kuolemattomia[.] Herra Daudet kuuluu quaranteen9.
ellauri145.html on line 601: Maailmaan laittamistani lapsistakin puntaroin koko lailla epäröiden, josko kaikki ”Jumalan valtakuntaan” tulevat myös tulevat Jumalasta11. Tänä syksynä menin mahdollisimman vähissä vaatteissa kahdesti omiin hautajaisiini, ensin kreivi Robilantina (ei – hän on poikani, siinä missä minä olen luontoni pohjalta Carlo Alberto), mutta minä itse olin Antonelli12. Rakas herra professori, teidän pitäisi nähdä tämä rakennelma13. Koska olen täysin kokematon seikoissa, jotka luon, teille kuulukoon kaikki kritiikki, olen kiitollinen voimatta luvata hyötyväni. Me artistit olemme opettamattomissa. – Tänään katselin – henkevänmaurilaista – operettiani, tyydytyksekseni totesin tässäkin tilaisuudessa, että nyt ovat Moskova yhtä hyvin kuin Roomakin grandiööseja asioita14. Ymmärrättehän, maisemaakaan varten ei minulta puutu lahjakkuutta.
ellauri145.html on line 630: 6 Ransk. grand monden eli arvokkaan ”suuren maailman” tyylin Feuilletonistena eli lehtimiehenä tai lehtiin jatkokertomusta kirjoittavana kirjailijana.
ellauri145.html on line 682: L´ouvrage paraît en 1869, dans un relatif anonymat. Il est rapidement oublié, de même que son auteur, mort quelques années plus tard. Il faut alors attendre la période surréaliste pour voir la popularité de ce livre évoluer. Il a eu une grande influence sur le surréalisme : redécouverte d´abord par Philippe Soupault (en 1917), puis Louis Aragon et André Breton, l´œuvre de Lautréamont ne cessera d´être revendiquée comme livre précurseur du mouvement.
ellauri145.html on line 703: Il faudrait...garder la véracité du document, la précision du détail, la langue étoffée et nerveuse du réalisme, mais il faudrait aussi se faire puisatier d’âme et ne pas vouloir expliquer le mystère par les maladies des sens; le roman, si cela se pouvait, devrait se diviser de lui-même en deux parts, néanmoins soudées ou plutôt confondues, comme elles le sont dans la vie, celle de l’âme, celle du corps, et s’occuper de leurs réactifs, de leurs conflits, de leur entente. Il faudrait, en un mot, suivre la grande voie si profondément creusée par Zola, mais il serait nécessaire aussi de tracer en l’air un chemin parallèle, une autre route, d’atteindre les en deçà et les après, de faire, en un mot, un naturalisme spiritualiste... (XII, 1, 10-11)
ellauri145.html on line 808: Germain Nouveau Germain Marie Bernard Nouveau (Pourrières, 31 juillet 1851 - Pourrières, 4 avril 1920) eli aika vanhaxi, melkein yhtä vanhaxi kuin mä. Se oli maalta kotoisin ja sinne se palasikin köyhäilemään kun se sekosi. Siitä piti tulla pappi mutta tulikin pylväspyhimys. Sitä ennen se ehti mittailla pylväitä sekä Rimpulan että Villamadon kaa. Louis Aragon disait de lui: ´Pas un petit poète, mais un grand poète. Pas un épigone de Rimbaud: mais son égal´.
ellauri145.html on line 1044: Le plus grand peuple de la Terre ! Maapallon suurenmoisin kansa!
ellauri145.html on line 1107: Avec l’assentiment des grands héliotropes. Isojen heliotrooppien nyökkiessä myöntymyxensä.
ellauri145.html on line 1117: Vitalie grandit sous l´autorité d´une mère autoritaire et conservatrice qui lui inculque une éducation stricte basée sur la morale chrétienne. À la différence de ses deux frères Frédéric et Arthur, qui étaient passés par l´institut Rossat, structure privée mais laïque d´excellente réputation, elle est pensionnaire chez les religieuses du couvent des Sépulcrines, situé place du Sépulcre, actuellement place Jacques-Félix.
ellauri145.html on line 1126: Alphonse Allais, né le 20 octobre 1854 à Honfleur et mort le 28 octobre 1905 à Paris, est un journaliste, écrivain et humoriste français. Célèbre à la Belle Époque, reconnu pour sa plume acerbe et son humour absurde, il est notamment renommé pour ses calembours et ses vers holorimes. Il est parfois mais pas souvent considéré comme l´un des plus grands conteurs de langue française.
ellauri146.html on line 439: L’une est grande et superbe, et l’autre est à ses pieds : Toinen on iso muskelimasa, toinen on sen jaloissa:
ellauri146.html on line 445: Ses grands yeux, entr’ouverts comme s’ouvre l’amande, Hiänen isot silmät viiruna kuin mantelit
ellauri146.html on line 482: Car plus le fleuve est grand et plus il est ému. Sillä vuolas joki virtaa nopeammin.
ellauri146.html on line 548: Que douze grands taureaux ne tiraient qu’avec peine, Jota tusina härkää tuskin jaxaa veellä,
ellauri146.html on line 668: The concern of the Pounder to advance republican ideals and republican politics among the students of the University was not notably effectual with one student at least: Poe was not receptive to Jeffersonian liberalism. But many of the impressions which Poe received at Charlottesville, both within and without the lecture rooms, must have remained with him. The young admirer of classic grandeur, we know, was impressed by the graceful Rotunda. About Poe at Virginia, Philip Alexander Bruce writes as follows:
ellauri146.html on line 864: The ban on communist symbols resulted in the removal of hundreds of statues, the replacement of street signs and the renaming of populated places including some of Ukraine's biggest cities like DniproPetrovsk (sorry, Dnipro). The city administration of Dnipro estimated in June 2015 that 80 streets, embankments, squares, and boulevards would have to be renamed. Maxim Eristavi of Hromadske.TV estimated late April 2015 that the nationwide renaming would cost around $1.5 billion. The legislation also granted special legal status to veterans of the "struggle for Ukrainian independence" from 1917 to 1991 (the lifespan of the Soviet Union). The same day, the parliament also passed a law that replaced the term "Great Patriotic War" in the national lexicon with "World War II" from 1939 to 1945 (instead of 1941–45 as is the case with the "Great Patriotic War"). A change of great significance.
ellauri147.html on line 304: Lily Jane Collins was born on 18 March 1989 in Guildford, Surrey, the daughter of English musician Phil Collins and his second wife, Jill Tavelman, an American who is the former president of the Beverly Hills Women´s Club. Her maternal grandfather was a Canadian Jewish immigrant who for many years owned a men´s clothing store in Beverly Hills, California.
ellauri147.html on line 434: Lily’s maternal grandfather owned a famous clothing store in Los Angeles. He was a Canadian Jewish immigrant.
ellauri150.html on line 279: Dans le salon de l’hôtel aristocratique, décoré de tapisseries un peu pâles, avec, sur un chevalet, au milieu de la pièce, le portrait de la robuste madame Stevens par un peintre à la mode, qui l’avait représentée languissante, comme une fleur sans eau, les yeux mourants, le corps tordu en spirale, pour exprimer la rareté de son âme millionnaire, — dans le grand salon aux baies vitrées, donnant sur de vieux arbres, que la neige poudrait, Christophe trouvait Colette toujours assise devant son piano, ressassant indéfiniment les mêmes phrases, se caressant les oreilles de dissonances moelleuses.
ellauri150.html on line 482: Over the 57 years that have followed, a few things have contributed to granting the film untouchable status, the foremost being the fact that it won 11 Academy Awards, still the most Oscars any film has ever won. (That total was later matched by Titanic and Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.) But while the Oscars, the prestige, and the fact that the plot of the film deals directly (if obliquely) with the life and death of Jesus Christ, all contribute to a certain image of Ben-Hur, there have always been alternate views of the film. One of the most famous came from the mouth of one of its own screenwriters.
ellauri150.html on line 715: I could go on, but I think it is best to leave it here. I've covered only the opening parts of this encyclical. There is so much more in this document about the various freedoms that we take for granted like freedom of religion, speech and the press. In discussing this encyclical I hope I've given you an appreciation for the writings of Pope Leo XIII. (You can find all of his encyclicals here.)
ellauri151.html on line 1130: La Porte étroite est en 1909 le premier grand succès littéraire de Gide. Strait is the Gate (French: La Porte Étroite) is a 1909 French novel written by André Gide. It was translated into English by Dorothy Bussy. It probes the complexities and terrors of adolescence and growing up. Based on a Freudian interpretation, the story uses the influences of Andy's childhood experience to explain the misunderstandings that can arise between two or more people. Strait is the Gate taps the unassuaged memory of Gide's unsuccessful wooing of his cousin between 1888 and 1891.
ellauri152.html on line 81: In 1894 Louÿs, travelling in Italy with his friend Ferdinand Hérold, grandson of the composer (1791–1831) of the same name, met André Gide, who described how he had just lost his virginity to a Berber boy named Muhammed in the oasis resort-town of Biskra in Algeria; Gide urged his friends to go to Biskra and follow his example. The Songs of Bilitis are the result of Louÿs and Hérold's shared encounter with Muhammed the dancing-boy, and the poems are dedicated to Gide with a special mention to "M.b.A", Mohammad ben Atala. Ben is boy, bat is girl, Q.E.D.
ellauri152.html on line 574: Ce mythe, qui paraît fort ancien et dont certains érudits vont chercher l'origine jusque dans l'Inde bouddhique, se précise à partir du xiiie siècle dans l'Historia major du bénédictin anglais Matthieu Pâris. sous diverses formes. C'est dans les pays de langue allemande que la figure d'Ahasvérus connaît la plus grande faveur, à la suite d'une version de la légende due à Chrysostomus Dudulaeus qui présente l'aventure du « Juif éternel » (1602) comme un récit quasiment autobiographique. La traduction française de ce livre imposera l'expression « Juif errant » (1609). Dès lors, la légende se répand par l'imagerie populaire et les estampes, les complaintes, dont la plus célèbre est celle d'Isaac Laquedem. Le Juif errant, qui personnifie le destin du peuple juif depuis le christianisme, a inspiré de nombreux écrivains : Wordsworth, Goethe, Eugène Sue, Apollinaire. Cette figure légendaire n'a cessé d'alimenter, à l'encontre des Juifs, une dangereuse satire sociale. Elle est, pour une part, responsable de la genèse de l'agitation antisémite des temps modernes. Pour en savoir plus, voir l'article antisémitisme.
ellauri152.html on line 615: Now, here Singer is not mad at Yentl the film for cis-normifying his gender-ambiguous, interestingly queer Yentl, but rather for turning the ending into optimistic kitsch that ignores the harsh reality of what life in America was for Jewish immigrants, especially for Jewish women. And in some ways I feel like rolling my eyes at him for that. Aside from the fact that it offends his artistic vision, why shouldn’t Jewish women get a film where—suspension of disbelief!—a Jew will study Torah, loudly and proudly, as a woman? It’s a musical, not a documentary.
ellauri153.html on line 241: Saadi was a Sunni Muslim. Arvasin. Ne on mumslimeista pölkkypäisimpiä. Saadi Shirazi whose family were from religious scholars, missed his father when he was a child. Then he was under the guardianship of his maternal grandmother. Siis mammanpoikia.
ellauri155.html on line 375: Earlier this year, the conduct of border patrol agents came into focus when the media and the Biden administration hyped up hysteria over photos appearing to show Haitian migrants being whipped by agents with horse reins.
ellauri155.html on line 501: Terry Brooks, The 1st Milky Bar Mitzvah boy now 58 and married to his second wife, Sue, he has four children and five grandchildren.

ellauri155.html on line 950: in part, of Lord Jim in my novel). They are grandsons of Lord John Russell,
ellauri156.html on line 56: Today Bob is a member of the BER core team, an elder and Bible teacher, the ministry coordinator for Bible.org *, and the grandpa of 13. All five of our girls came to faith as children and are walking the streets with the Lord (in fact many lords).
ellauri156.html on line 64: A few hours later, my uncle came by to visit my grandmother. He was just entering the driveway, very near the little mobile home where the altercation occurred earlier. Unfortunately, my uncle was driving a car which looked similar to the one driven by the estranged husband's adversary parked outside the trailer earlier in the day. Gunshots rang out as the enraged husband fulfilled his vow. The rifle easily penetrated the windshield, and my uncle was instantly killed -- by mistake. The angry husband had killed my uncle, falsely assuming that he was his adversary.
ellauri156.html on line 522: However, according to Josephus, in Antiquities, Book 7, Chapter 1, Joab had forgiven Abner for the death of his brother, Asahel, the reason being that Abner had slain Asahel honorably in combat after he had first warned Asahel and tried to knock the wind out of him with the butt of his "spear". However, probably by intervention of God, his obtuse tool went through Asahel. The Bible says everyone stopped and gawked. That shows that something like this never happened before. This battle was part of a civil war between David and Ish-bosheth, the son of Saul. After this battle Abner switched to the side of David and granted him control over the tribe of Benjamin. This act put Abner in David's favor.
ellauri156.html on line 780: (3) God is under no obligation to stop us from sinning. (So why did he bother with David then? Is he some sort of special case? Of course he is, he is Dawgs petlamb. Sometimes people justify their sin by saying something like: “I've prayed about it and asked God to stop me if it is wrong. . . .” When God does not stop them, they somehow assume it must be right. God could have stopped David after he chose to stay home from the war, or after he began to covet Uriah's wife, or after he committed adultery, but instead He allowed David to persist in his sin for some time. God even allowed David to get away with murder, for a time. Well actually, for good. It was just a immigrant after all. God's Word forbade David's sins of coveting, adultery, and murder. God's Word commanded David to stop, and he did not. God allowed David to persist in his sin for a season, but not indefinitely. God allowed David's sin to go full circle, to reach full bloom, so that he (and we) could see how sin grows (compare Genesis 15:12-16).
ellauri159.html on line 1079: Have a large mental database of facts to draw on. These MAY include sense memories, such as the taste of grandmother’s spoon cookies or the smell of oil in their grandfather’s hair. In a creative project, you can draw on these memories to personalize your writing and bring it to life. Yes, it´s OK, go ahead! Don´t be so stuck up!
ellauri159.html on line 1129: Enjoy writing about the natural world. Focusing on a sensation, such as fragrance or flavor, or a hot, slippery, hard or soft touch, can open a pathway into the subject matter. Look for ways to relate the topic to your personal experience. Think about the feelings that the experience evoked.
ellauri159.html on line 1213: Perhaps this is what draws me to writing women’s fiction. I can create relationship problems, which I can then go about solving, without hurting anyone but my fictional characters in the process. Real life, unfortunately, doesn’t work that way. The INFJs’ search for perfection can damage otherwise good relationships. So I propose a revised Serenity Prayer for INFJs: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Period. Oh, I got my period.
ellauri160.html on line 124: Pound was born in 1885 in a two-story cupboard house in Hailey, Idaho Territory, the only child of Homer Loomis Pound (1858–1942) and Isabel Weston (1860–1948), who married in 1884. Homer had worked in Hailey since 1883 as registrar of the General Land Office. Pound's grandfather, Thaddeus Coleman Pound, a Republican Congressman and the 10th Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin, had secured him the appointment. Homer had previously worked for Thaddeus in the lumber business.
ellauri160.html on line 126: Both sides of Pound's family emigrated from England in the 17th century. On his father's side, the immigrant ancestor was John Pound, a Quaker who arrived from England around 1650. Ezra's paternal grandmother, Susan Angevine Loomis, married Thaddeus Coleman Pound. On his mother's side, Pound was descended from William Wadsworth, a Puritan who emigrated to Boston on the Lion in 1632. Captain Joseph Wadsworth helped to write the Connecticut constitution. The Wadsworths married into the Westons of New York; Harding Weston and Mary Parker were Pound's maternal grandparents. After serving in the military, Harding remained unemployed, so his brother Ezra Weston and Ezra's wife, Frances Amelia Wessells Freer (Aunt Frank), helped to look after Isabel, Pound's mother. No oliko Pound sitten sukua myös Henry "setelitukun väärti" Longfellowille? Varmaan niin.
ellauri160.html on line 314: Francis Fukuyama was born in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, United States. His paternal grandfather fled the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 and started a shop on the west coast before being interned in the Second World War. His father, Yoshio Fukuyama, a second-generation Japanese American, was trained as a minister in the Congregational Church, received a doctorate in sociology from the University of Chicago, and taught religious studies. His mother, Toshiko Kawata Fukuyama (河田敏子), was born in Kyoto, Japan, and was the daughter of Shiro Kawata (河田嗣郎), founder of the Economics Department of Kyoto University and first president of Osaka City University. Francis grew up in Manhattan as an only child, had little contact with Japanese culture, and did not learn Japanese.
ellauri160.html on line 643: 2In the rabbinic literature of Yalḳuṭ Ḥadash, on the eves of Wednesday and Saturday, she is "the dancing roof-demon" who haunts the air with her chariot and her train of 18 messengers/angels of spiritual destruction. She dances while her mother, or possibly grandmother, Lilith howls. She is also "the mistress of the sorceresses" who communicated magic secrets to Amemar, a Jewish sage.
ellauri161.html on line 415: Qui regarde passer les grands Barbares blancs Kazelen valkeiden barbaarien tuloa
ellauri161.html on line 480: I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers.
ellauri161.html on line 529: So what exactly is wrong with McKay's picture of the "robber barons" aligning with the right? Well it's anachronistic. Today it's the left who are in power and it appears that Big Tech is in lock step with them. What's more the left can no longer be said to be sticking up for the "little guy," as they have granted a monopoly to pharmaceutical companies in their promotion of vaccines.
ellauri161.html on line 540: Entonces, hay suficientes razones para el ridículo, más que suficientes. De hecho, una de las deficiencias de Don't Look Up es que no se ha seleccionado ningún grupo que esté específicamente dirigido. Los dos personajes principales están en una racha perdedora con su trabajo científico porque el mundo entero parece estar formado solo por egoístas e idiotas. Quizás el director y el guionista incorporan una gran cantidad de personajes que no serían necesarios. (Vittu mikä ääliö! "ningun grupo johon satiiri olisi "especificamenti dirigido" ei ole "seleccionado". Helvetti, se just on se pointti! Kaikki on tässä pankrotissa mukana! Satira para tontos, nimenomaan! Exactamente la pelicula que nuestra sociedad se merece.)
ellauri161.html on line 582: Don't Look Up fires a salvo at the movie industry, too. A director who has a blissfully bloated disaster actioner titled Total Devastation lined up for release grandly admits in a television interview that it is "a popcorn movie".
ellauri161.html on line 769: Big let down. The humor is so off-putting it doesn´t pull laughs, while the drama is hard to dive into whilst characters scream at the camera. The portrayal is so unrealistic, so cringe, so superficial that none of the characters are true heroes. They all appear as delusional, distracted ego maniacs detached from reality. The end is anti-climactic leaving the viewer with gratitude it looks nothing like the world we actually live in. (True, being 22400 years away. But I bet the immigrant will soon reduce brontauks to extinction.)
ellauri161.html on line 851:

Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet

ellauri161.html on line 879: Sivu 323 - Pindare même, j'ai cru que je ne pouvais mieux justifier ce grand poète qu'en tâchant de faire une ode en français à sa manière, c'est-à-dire pleine de mouvements et de transports, où l'esprit parût plutôt entraîné du démon de la poésie que guidé par la raison.‎
ellauri161.html on line 910: Joseph de Maistre est dès 1773 membre de la loge maçonnique de La Parfaite Union qui relevait de la loge Saint-Jean des Trois Mortiers, à l'orient de Chambéry. Il a les titres de grand orateur, de substitut des généraux et de maître symbolique. Il entend concilier son appartenance à la franc-maçonnerie avec une stricte orthodoxie catholique: entre autres, il refuse les thèses qui voyaient en la franc-maçonnerie et l'illuminisme les acteurs d'un complot ayant amené à la Révolution[note 4]. Il écrit ainsi au baron Vignet des Étoles que « la franc-maçonnerie en général, qui date de plusieurs siècles […] n’a certainement, dans son principe, rien de commun avec la révolution françoise ».
ellauri161.html on line 919: Dans une intervention au souverain Sénat de Savoie, le sénateur de Maistre plaide pour que le peuple marche à grands pas vers l'égalité civile[9]. Toutefois, il déplore les excès populaires et les désordres qui bouleversent la vie du pays voisin. Certains biographes, dont Robert Triomphe[note 7], lui reprocheront ce qu'ils considèrent comme une volte-face.
ellauri161.html on line 935: Les théories de Joseph de Maistre, peu connues à la Révolution, connaîtront par la suite un grand succès chez les ultra-royalistes et les conservateurs.
ellauri161.html on line 956: Qui, le long des grands murs de l'hospice blafard, joka pitkin hospizin kalpeanvihreitä seiniä
ellauri162.html on line 124: Bernanos oli katolinen ja mystikko, mutta myöhemmin uransa aikana hän arvosteli katolista kirkkoa ja myös Francoa. Esimerkiksi teoksessaan Les grands cimetières sous la lune hän kirjoittaa Mallorcalla tapahtuneista julmuuksista. Hän arvosteli voimakkaasti muun muassa paikallisia katolisia piispoja, jotka Espanjan sisällissodan aikana olivat haluttomia puuttua (sic) punaisten kohteluun.
ellauri162.html on line 238: Tänään saapui suru-uutinen, suuri kirjailija poissa on, Aujourd'hui vint la triste nouvelle, le grand écrivain est parti,
ellauri162.html on line 239: hänen suuruuttaan on kuvata melkein mahdoton. il est presque impossible de décrire sa grandeur.
ellauri162.html on line 255: Taivasmatkaa hyvää suurelle kirjailijalle toivotetaan vaan, Le grand écrivain est bien souhaité bon pour le voyage dans le ciel.
ellauri162.html on line 281: Si c'était à refaire, je les mettrais en garde contre l'extrême légèreté avec laquelle ils se jettent à la tête d'un mauvais Français comme moi et pendant que j'y serais, une bonne fois, pour n'avoir plus à y revenir, pour ne plus me trouver dans le cas d'avoir à refuser d'aussi désirables faveurs, ce qui me cause nécessairement une grande peine, je les prierais qu'il voulussent bien, leur Légion d'honneur, se la carrer dans le train, comme aussi leurs plaisirs élyséens
ellauri162.html on line 368: Où l'eau creuse des trous grands comme des tombeaux. Mihin vesi uraa isoja koloja kuin hautoja.
ellauri162.html on line 762: Number 1 David Silverman is President of American Atheists, the organization founded in 1963 by the grande dame of American atheism, Madalyn Murray O’Hair (1919–1995). He is a Jew. You know it´s a myth. Religion is my bitch. Bitches, I don´t trust ´em But they give me what I want for the night.
ellauri163.html on line 50: God of Vengeance was published in English-language translation in 1918. In 1922, it was staged in New York City at the Provincetown Theatre in Greenwich Village, and moved to the Apollo Theatre on Broadway on February 19, 1923, with a cast that included the acclaimed Jewish immigrant actor Rudolph Schildkraut. Its run was cut short on March 6, when the entire cast, producer Harry Weinberger, and one of the owners of the theater were indicted for violating the state's Penal Code, and later convicted on charges of obscenity. Weinberger, who was also a prominent attorney, represented the group at the trial. The chief witness against the play was Rabbi Joseph Silberman, who declared in an interview with Forverts: "This play libels the Jewish religion. Even the greatest anti-Semite could not have written such a thing". (You just wait for Philip Roth...) After a protracted battle, the conviction was successfully appealed. In Europe, the play was popular enough to be translated into German, Russian, Polish, Hebrew, Italian, Czech, Romanian and Norwegian. Indecent, the 2015 play written by Paula Vogel, tells of those events and the impact of God of Vengeance. It opened on Broadway at the Cort Theater in April 2017, directed by Rebecca Taichman. Eli ei Asch ihan pasé vielä ole.
ellauri163.html on line 862: David Émile Durkheim was born 15 April 1858 in Épinal, Lorraine, France, to Mélanie (Isidor) and Moïse Durkheim, coming into a long lineage of devout French Jews. As his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had all been rabbis, young Durkheim began his education in a rabbinical school. However, at an early age, he switched schools, deciding not to follow in his family's footsteps. I bet dad, grandad and greatgranddad were all very disappointed. In fact, Durkheim led a completely secular life, whereby much of his work was dedicated to demonstrating that religious phenomena stemmed from social rather than divine factors. Despite this fact, Durkheim did not sever ties with his family or with the Jewish community. Actually, many of his most prominent collaborators and students were Jewish, some even blood-related.
ellauri164.html on line 487: In Exodus 2, we see Moses’ mother attempting to save her child by placing him in a basket and putting it into the Nile. The basket was eventually found by Pharaoh’s daughter, and she adopted him as her own and raised him in the palace of the pharaoh himself. As Moses grew into adulthood, he began to empathize with the plight of his people, and upon witnessing an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave, Moses intervened and killed the Egyptian. But that was not a sin because the guy was just an Egyptian. In another incident, Moses attempted to intervene in a dispute between two Hebrews, but one of the Hebrews rebuked Moses and sarcastically commented, “Are you going to kill me as you did the Egyptian?” (Exodus 2:14). Realizing that his criminal act was made known, Moses fled to the land of Midian where he again intervened—this time rescuing the daughters of Jethro Tull from some of Uriah Heep's bandits. In gratitude, Jethro (also called Reuel) granted his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage (Exodus 2:15–21). Moses lived in Midian for about forty years.
ellauri164.html on line 524: Now there was no water for the congregation. And they assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron. And the people quarreled with Moses and said, “Would that we had perished when our brothers perished before the Lord! Why have you brought the assembly of the Lord into this wilderness, that we should die here, both we and our cattle? And why have you made us come up out of Egypt to bring us to this wretched place which has neither grain nor figs nor vines nor pomegranates? Here there is not even water to drink!” But Moses and Aaron went way from the assembly to the entrance of the meeting tent, where they fell prostrate.
ellauri164.html on line 564: They angrily inquired, "Why have ye brought up the congregation of the Lord into this wilderness, that we and our cattle should die there? And wherefore have ye made us to come up out of Egypt, to bring us in unto this evil place? it is no place of seed, or of figs, or of vines, or of pomegranates; neither is there any water to drink. What the fuck, you call this a promised land?
ellauri164.html on line 802: In the first month the whole Israelite community arrived at the Desert of Zin, and they stayed at Kadesh. There Miriam died and was buried. (2) Now there was no water for the community, and the people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron. (3) They quarreled with Moses and said, "If only we had died when our brothers fell dead before the LORD! (4) Why did you bring the LORD's community into this desert, that we and our livestock should die here? (5) Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!" (6) Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the LORD appeared to them. (7) The LORD said to Moses, (8) "Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink." (9) So Moses took the staff from the LORD's presence, just as he commanded him. (10) He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, "Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?" (11) Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank. (12) But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them." (13) These were the waters of Meribah, [1] where the Israelites quarreled with the LORD and where he showed himself holy among them.
ellauri164.html on line 871: This pattern shows itself again in the beginning of Numbers 20 after the death of Miriam. Once more Israel rebels against Moses and Aaron, this time over a lack of water in the desert of Zin. They claim that it would have been better to have died with Korah’s rebellion rather than wander without food and water, and they express regret over leaving Egypt, a land of “grain, figs, vines, and pomegranates.” This might seem a bold claim, since in our reading Korah has just died a few chapters earlier. Careful reading, however, indicates that there’s actually been a quiet time skip; Numbers 33:38 indicates that Aaron died in “the fortieth year after the sons of Israel had come from the land of Egypt, on the first day in the fifth month.” Given that Aaron’s death is recorded in Chapter 20, just a few verses after the episode at Meribah, this would indicate that the episode at Meribah occurred in year 38 of the 40 year wandering in the wilderness (remember that Israel had spent more than a year at Sinai in addition to travel time from Egypt to Sinai and from Sinai to the Promised Land before the wandering). This means that this rebellious generation of Israelites aren’t referencing a recent event, but instead wishing they had died nearly forty years earlier with Korah! Moses and Aaron have been dealing with this wicked and hard group of people for a very long time, and they are now claiming it would have been better to have died with Korah: a fate they were only spared because of Moses and Aaron’s own intercession!
ellauri164.html on line 873: We would expect the pattern to repeat here. The people have rebelled, so the next part would be God’s wrath and threats of destruction. Instead, however, God merely grants their request for water. No mention of sin or possible annihilation, just grace in providing for Israel’s needs. The fact that this cycle we’ve come to expect changes is designed to highlight an important event; the oddity of the text “awakens us from our narrative slumber,” as one commentator puts it, and forces us to pay attention closely to what’s occurring. Why would God not threaten destruction? To answer that, we have to remember a key aspect of God’s character: He does not change. Hebrews 13:8 says He is the same yesterday and today and forever, “without variation or shifting shadow,” (James 1:17). The purpose of the threats of destruction, and Moses/Aaron’s intercession, was not to actually change God’s mind. God knew exactly what was going to happen in all these instances. God’s threats on Israel are spoken to Moses so that Moses will intercede. They are tests of Moses’ (and Aaron’s) character, just as God’s conversation with Abraham over the fates of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18) was about testing Abraham’s character rather than the doomed cities. Yet here, in Numbers 20, God does not follow the pattern. Why?
ellauri164.html on line 963: But wait. Didn’t we already learn a similar story back in Exodus? In fact, the first story of thirst came very soon after the crossing at the Sea of Reeds (Shemot 17:4). Since that was at the very beginning of the sojourn in the wilderness, before the events that led to God’s decision to delay the Israelites’ entry to the Land—and this story is at the end of the forty years—we can see the two stories as forming a kind of a framework around the whole saga of the wandering. In the first story, the Israelites were the first generation of those who left Egypt. In this story, they are the children and grandchildren of that generation. When we see this kind of framework, we look for the similarities and differences between the bracketing stories. At the same time, we understand that they suggest a theme for the stories between them.
ellauri164.html on line 965: First the comparison: this generation’s complaint about the lack of water is very different from that of the first generation. Although in both cases the people ask rhetorically why they have been brought out of Egypt, in this case, they bitterly object that in ” . . . this wretched place, a place with no grain or figs or vines or pomegranates. There is not even water to drink!” (Num. 20:5). This is a generation that is ready to enter the Land, and is worried that it will not live to do so.
ellauri171.html on line 474:
Dog's dinner. Serve her right, goddam immigrant!

ellauri171.html on line 647: The worthless fellows wanted the old man to send out the Levite so that they could engage in sexual activity with him. But the old man refused and offered the crowd of men his virgin daughter and the Levite’s concubine. The old man said, “you may ravish them” and do “whatever you wish.” He granted them permission to engage in sexual relations with the two women. Now it is obvious the men surrounding the old man’s house wanted to engage in sexual activity when the two women were offered. It is also obvious the men described as “worthless fellows” were homosexuals since they wanted sex with the Levite and two women were offered.[1, 2]
ellauri171.html on line 1160: Absalom waited, biding his time. For two years he said nothing, did nothing, but then he set his trap. He gave a feast for all David’s sons. At the height of the festivities when Amnon was half-drunk, Absalom had his half-brother killed, stabbed to death in a scene reminiscent of a Mafia killing. In the ensuring turmoil Absalom escaped, fleeing for sanctuary to Geshur, his grandfather’s territory.
ellauri172.html on line 150: Un Comte quelconque nomme Alcool vit couché dans un cercueil sa dame de volupté, sa pâlissante épousée, Véra, son désespoir. La nuit dernière, sa bien-aimée s’était évanouie en des joies si profondes que son cœur avait défailli. Cependant leur nature était des plus étranges, en vérité ! Certaines idées, celles de l’âme, par exemple, de l’Infini, de Dieu même, étaient comme voilées à leur entendement. La foi d’un grand nombre de vivants aux choses surnaturelles n’était pour eux qu’un sujet de vagues étonnements. Au lieu de cela, les deux amants s’ensevelirent dans l’océan des joies languides et perverses. Veera oli Madonnan näköinen, tottakai. Veera oli kulkija luonnoltaan. Jätkät sätkät parrunpätkät, jasen tervahöyryn nimi, oli PRINSESSA ARMAADA! Continuons.
ellauri172.html on line 153: toteutuu! Jopajjo. Tää on kuultu ennenkin. Ah ! les Idées sont des êtres vivants !… Idealismia nahkoineen ja karvoineen. Et, comme il ne manquait plus que Véra elle-même, tangible, extérieure, il fallut bien qu’elle s’y trouvât et que le grand Songe de la Vie et de la Mort entr’ouvrît un moment ses portes infinies ! Le chemin de résurrection était envoyé par la foi jusqu’à elle ! Isoissa alkukirjaimissa on ytyä!
ellauri172.html on line 165: Come la gran parte dei piemontesi dell'epoca, Vittorio Alfieri ebbe come madrelingua il piemontese. Giacché di nobili origini, apprese dignitosamente il francese e l'italiano, cioè il toscano classico. Compilava piccoli vocabolari. Dopo una giovinezza inquieta ed errabonda, si dedicò con impegno alla lettura e allo studio di Plutarco, Dante, Petrarca, Machiavelli e degli illuministi come Voltaire e Montesquieu: da questi autori ricavò una visione personale razionalista e classicista, convintamente anti-tirannica e in favore di una libertà ideale, al quale unì l'esaltazione del genio individuale tipicamente romantica.
ellauri172.html on line 167: Si entusiasmò per la Rivoluzione francese, durante il suo soggiorno parigino, nel 1789, ma ben presto, a causa del degenerare della rivoluzione dopo il 1792, il suo atteggiamento favorevole si trasformò in una forte avversione per la Francia. Tornò in Italia, dove continuò a scrivere, opponendosi idealmente al regime di Napoleone, e dove morì, a Firenze, nel 1803, venendo sepolto tra i grandi italiani nella Basilica di Santa Croce. Già dagli ultimi anni della sua vita Alfieri divenne un simbolo per gli intellettuali del Risorgimento, a partire da Ugo Foscolo.
ellauri172.html on line 254: Later writers satirised this view in terms of an ass which, confronted by both food and water, must necessarily die of both hunger and thirst while pondering a decision. Some proponents of hard determinism have granted the unpleasantness of the scenario (not for the donkey, it will end up eating both), but have denied that it illustrates a true paradox, since one does not contradict oneself in suggesting that a man might die between two equally plausible routes of action. For example, in his Ethics, Benedict de Spinoza suggests that a person who dies because he can't decide is an ass, or worse.
ellauri172.html on line 322: L’être vivant n’est pas purement et simplement un calculateur à la Bentham, un financier faisant sur son grand livre la balance des profits et des pertes : vivre, ce n’est pas calculer, c’est agir. Il y a dans l’être vivant une accumulation de force, une réserve d’activité qui se dépense non pour le plaisir de se dépenser, mais parce qu’il faut qu’elle se dépense : une cause ne peut pas ne pas produire ses effets, même sans considération de fin.
ellauri172.html on line 330: Peut-être notre terre, peut-être l’humanité arriveront-elles aussi à un but ignoré qu’elles se seront créé à elles-mêmes. Nulle main ne nous dirige, nul œil ne voit pour nous ; le gouvernail est brisé depuis longtemps ou plutôt il n’y en a jamais eu, il est à faire : c’est une grande tâche, et c’est notre tâche.
ellauri172.html on line 337: Barneyn ateistiäijien illazuissa Mesnilgrand jr. nousee kertomaan kaskuaan kuin Goethen rusinamorsian (Die Braut von Korinth) bylsittyään nuorukaista. Mikäs juttu tää nyt oli? Juu se on tää Goethen aika antiteistinen vampyyriballaadi.
ellauri172.html on line 548: Huismannin ihannoima Barney on kirjoittanut aika huuruisia esseitä, joista tää Diner des athées oli des Esseintesin suosikkeja. Alla lyhennettynä kuin Kaluttujen Palojen kirjavaliot. Huomaa misogynia ja päähenkilöön Mesnilgrand junioriin kohdistuva narsistinen päänsilitys.
ellauri172.html on line 552: Après la politique, la haine des Bourbons, le spectre noir de la Congrégation, les regrets du passé pour ces vaincus, toutes ces avalanches qui roulaient en bouillonnant d’un bout à l’autre de cette table fumante, il y avait d’autres sujets de conversation, à tempêtes et à tintamarres. Par exemple, il y avait les femmes. La femme est l’éternel sujet de conversation des hommes entre eux, surtout en France, le pays le plus fat de la terre. Il y avait les femmes en général et les femmes en particulier, — les femmes de l’univers et celle de la porte à côté, — les femmes des pays que beaucoup de ces soldats avaient parcourus, en faisant les beaux dans leurs grands uniformes victorieux, et celles de la ville, chez lesquelles ils n’allaient peut-être pas, et qu’ils nommaient insolemment par nom et prénom, comme s’ils les avaient intimement connues, sur le compte de qui, parbleu ! ils ne se gênaient pas, et dont, au dessert, ils pelaient en riant la réputation, comme ils pelaient une pêche, pour, après, en casser le noyau. Tous prenaient part à ces bombardements de femmes, même les plus vieux, les plus coriaces, les plus dégoûtés de la femelle, ainsi qu’ils disaient cyniquement, car les hommes peuvent renoncer à l’amour malpropre, mais jamais à l’amour-propre de la femme, et, fût-ce sur le bord de leur fosse ouverte, ils sont toujours prêts à tremper leurs museaux dans ces galimafrées de fatuité !
ellauri172.html on line 561: Mutta onnexi paha Mesnilgrand jr on alkanut kääntyä kohti ruskeampaa tuulta viirikukkona. Goethe mainitaan:
ellauri172.html on line 563: Et, pendant qu’il parlait de s’agenouiller, il grandissait, et, comme la fiancée de Corinthe dans la poésie de Goethe, il semblait, sans s’être levé de sa chaise, grandi du buste jusqu’au plafond:
ellauri172.html on line 570: Mais non, — cria-t-il, — tonnerre de tonnerres ! c’est impossible ! Voyez-vous, vous autres, le chef d’escadron Mesnilgrand à confesse, comme une vieille bonne femme, à deux genoux sur le strapontin, le nez au guichet, dans la guérite d’un prêtre ? Voilà un spectacle qui ne m’entrera jamais dans le crâne ! Trente mille balles plutôt. — Mille bombes ! — fit Capitain Haddock, exalté.
ellauri172.html on line 576: — À l’heure de la mort, je ne sais pas ce que vous ferez, Messieurs, — répondit lentement Mesnilgrand ; — mais quant à moi, avant de partir pour l’autre monde, je veux faire à tout risque mon portemanteau. Siitä voi olla jotain hyötyä.
ellauri172.html on line 579: — Brutalité de soldats ! — fit Mesnilgrand froidement, who cares; — mais voici du raffinement d’officier.
ellauri172.html on line 600: Mais Rosalba, c’était une grande jeune fille pâle avec une forêt de cheveux blonds.
ellauri172.html on line 604: — Virgile aussi s’appelait « le pudique, » et il a écrit le Corydon ardebat Alexim, — insinua Reniant, qui n’avait pas oublié son latin. — Et ce n’était pas une ironie, — continua Mesnilgrand, car Virgile etait un pédé.
ellauri172.html on line 625: Paha Mesnilgrand heittää vittuilumielessä Le Capentierin pystiä appelsiininkuorella. Sous la Restauration, au retour des Bourbons, il est exilé comme régicide, en 1816 : il trouve refuge à l'île de Guernesey, mais en est chassé par les autorités britanniques et revient de façon clandestine dans la Manche, se cachant dans le canton des Pieux. Après trois années de recherches, il est de nouveau arrêté, le 6 novembre 1819, sur dénonciation. Condamné à la prison à perpétuité, il meurt dans la prison du Mont-Saint-Michel, où il chantait les louanges de la famille royale et répondait comme servant à la messe tous les matins. Sa dépouille est décapitée et enterrée dans le cimetière d'Ardevon. Päätöntä touhua.
ellauri172.html on line 662: « Oui, — reprit amèrement Mesnilgrand, — c’est encore là un des revenants-bons de l’adultère et du partage ! En ces moments-là, les plus fendants ne sont pas fiers, et, par générosité pour une femme épouvantée, ils deviennent aussi lâches qu’elle, et font cette lâcheté de se cacher. J’en ai, je crois, mal au cœur encore d’être entré dans ce placard, en uniforme et le sabre au côté, et, comble de ridicule ! pour une femme qui n’avait pas d’honneur à perdre et que je n’aimais pas !
ellauri172.html on line 680: « — Eh bien ! — fit-elle, — puisque tu ne devines pas, jette ta langue aux chiens, imbécile ! C’est le capitaine Mesnilgrand!
ellauri172.html on line 710: « Je n’ai plus eu jamais des nouvelles de la Rosalba, dite la Pudica, — répondit Mesnilgrand. — Est-elle morte ? A-t-elle pu vivre encore ? Le chirurgien a-t-il pu aller jusqu’à elle ? Après la surprise d’Alcudia, qui nous fut si fatale, je le cherchai. Je ne le trouvai pas. Il avait disparu, comme tant d’autres, et n’avait pas rejoint les débris de notre régiment décimé.
ellauri172.html on line 717: — Servez donc le café ! — sanoi nuhaisella äänellään vanhempi M. de Mesnilgrand. — jos se on yhtä vahvaa kuin sun kaskusi, niin se on hyvää.
ellauri172.html on line 753: Olaf passe ensuite sa vie à disputer le royaume de Norvège au roi Knut le Grand ou Canut Ier, roi de Danemark et d'Angleterre. En effet, la grande puissance scandinave est, au début du xie siècle, le royaume viking du Danemark. Vers 1015-1017, il profite de ce que Knut est occupé en Angleterre pour rendre indépendante la Norvège. Le nouveau roi s'installe à Nidaros (actuelle Trondheim), et y bâtit une église.
ellauri172.html on line 757: Il est le grand législateur de l'Église en Norvège et, comme son parent Olaf Tryggvason, il tente de faire disparaître les traces de l'ancienne foi et de bâtir des églises à la place des anciens lieux sacrés qu'il a profanés ou détruits. Il fait aussi venir des évêques et des prêtres d'Angleterre.
ellauri180.html on line 183: In some African tribes, circumcision is performed at birth. In Judaic societies, the ritual is performed on the eighth day after birth, but for Moslems and many of the tribal cultures it is performed in early adult life as a rite of passage', e.g. puberty or marriage. Why the practice evolved is not clear and many theories have been proposed. Nineteenth century historians suggested that the ritual is an ancient form of social control. They conceive that the slitting of a man's penis to cause bleeding and pain is to remind him of the power of the Church, i.e. We have control over your distinction to be a man, your pleasure and your right to reproduce'. The ritual is a warning and the timing dictates who is warned; for the new-born it is the parents who accede to the Church: We mark your son, who belongs to us, not to you'. For the young adolescent, the warning accompanies the aggrandisement of puberty; the time when growing strength give independence, and the rebellion of youth.
ellauri180.html on line 201: Neonatal circumcision techniques have evolved in parallel. It is clear from most surgical texts that circumcision of the new-born had become a regular request for the surgeon by the later part of the 19th century. For instance, Jacobsen (1893) warns of the importance of establishing a familial bleeding tendency from the mother before circumcision. He describes the case of four Jewish infants, each descended from a different grandchild of a common ancestress, all of whom died from haemorrhage after circumcision.
ellauri181.html on line 41: Taantumusprofessori Soska zekintää Melvilleä, nim. pikku homon vltavaa Moby Dickiä, koska se oli ihaillut Nykissä champixi pyrkivien imigranttien raivopäistä seppoilua. No niin tietysti jenkkipuutiainen. Sexi pyhää aluetta, mitä vittua.
ellauri182.html on line 94: The 1989 film centers around Mikage, a young woman who loses her parents when young. She grows up in a lonely household with her grandmother who dies when Mikage reaches adulthood. Grief-stricken, she finds solace in the kitchen. Yuichi, a friend of Mikage's deceased grandmother, invites her to live with him and his mother. Then Mikage discovers that Yuichi's mother is actually her cross-dressing father. On the other hand, Mikage realizes that the wealth of gadgetry in Yuichi's kitchen is lovingly detailed... --- Unfortunately, that's all, this film is water under the bridge, overtaken by a 2019 gory crime film of the same name.
ellauri182.html on line 111: Mikage discovers, “a delightful German-made vegetable peeler—a peeler to make even the laziest grandmother enjoy slip, slipping those skins off.”
ellauri183.html on line 105: "One of the earliest letters I got was from a Jewish gentleman who wrote, 'Your father must be whirling in his grave!'" His father was a Yiddish-speaking Russian immigrant who had a small grocery store in Brooklyn.
ellauri183.html on line 214: En 1916 nació su hijo José Ortega Spottorno, que fue ingeniero agrónomo y fundador del periódico El País. Hei täähän on Espanjan Eljas Erkko, ja sen poika Aatos. Ja samanlaiset "edistysmieliset eli talousliberaalit kannatkin. Oli myötäilevinään La Republicaa mutta oli ize asiassa tyrmistynyt («el artículo donde la Constitución legisla sobre la Iglesia» le parece «de gran improcedencia»).
ellauri183.html on line 506: 1. (Sept. Α᾿νανία.) The father of Maaseiah and grandfather of Azariah, which last repaired part of the walls of Jerusalem after the exile (Ne 3:23). B.C. considerably ante 446.
ellauri184.html on line 62: His third wife, whom he married in 1962, and divorced in 1963, was the British heiress and journalist Lady Jeanne Campbell (1929–2007). She was the only daughter of Ian Campbell, 11th Duke of Argyll, a Scottish aristocrat and clan chief with a notorious private life, and a granddaughter of the press baron Lord Beaverbrook. The couple had a daughter, actress Kate Mailer.
ellauri184.html on line 250: According to the biblical chronicle, the Tribe of Manasseh was a part of a loose confederation of Israelite tribes from after the conquest of the land by Joshua until the formation of the first Kingdom of Israel in c. 1050 BC. No central government existed, and in times of crisis the people were led by ad hoc leaders known as Judges (see Book of Judges). With the growth of the threat from Palestinian (sorry) Philistine incursions, the Israelite tribes decided to form a strong centralised monarchy to meet the challenge, and the Tribe of Manasseh joined the new kingdom with Saul as the first king. After the death of Saul, all the tribes other than Judah remained loyal to the House of Saul, but after the death of Ish-bosheth, Saul's son who succeeded him to the throne of Israel, the Tribe of Manasseh joined the other northern Israelite tribes in making Judah's king David the king of a re-united Kingdom of Israel. However, on the accession of David's grandson Rehoboam, in c. 930 BC the northern tribes split from the House of David and from Saul's tribe Benjamin to reform Israel as the Northern Kingdom. Manasseh was a member of the Northern Kingdom until the kingdom was conquered by Assyria in c. 723 BC and the population deported. From that time, the Tribe of Manasseh has been counted as one of the ten lost tribes of Israel.
ellauri184.html on line 275: The ethnic nature of these units led Wome to create many “specialist” cohorts (e.g., dromedary, archery, sling) that worked with combat methods familiar to one or another ethnic group. Though auxiliaries often served in major imperial provinces alongside legionawies, they also served in minor provinces as well. Thus, provinces and regions with a governor of Equestrian status (e.g., Raetia, Noricum, pre-War Judaea) had no legions, but only auxiliaries. Until about 70 CE, many auxiliary soldiers were stationed in their home province; Judaeans were in Judaea, Syrians in Syria, etc. In addition to the Jewish War (66-73 CE), problems with soldiers’ divided loyalties with the Revolt of the Batavi in Germania Inferior (69-70 CE) and the Year of the Four Empewows (68-69 CE) led empewows to actively undermine any remaining ethnic homogeneity in the auxilia, stationing soldiers outside their homeland in increasingly diverse units. Finally, auxiliaries were paid less than legionawies and did not receive all the bonuses granted to legionawies if they were successful in the same battle.
ellauri184.html on line 364: When God is pleased to grant reformation and revival in our time, this will mean that our churches will begin to fill up with cleansed and forgiven sodomites. Can't say for sure about the catamites, thery're so swishy.
ellauri185.html on line 108: In Samuel's old age (wearing a Mitzpah bollock supporter) he appoints his sons Joel and Abijah as judges but, because of their corruption, the people ask for a king to rule over them. God directs Samuel to grant the people their wish despite his concerns: God gives them Saul from the tribe of Benjamin.
ellauri185.html on line 408: Pinker was born in Montreal, Quebec, in 1954, to a middle-class Jewish family. His grandparents emigrated to Canada from Poland and Romania in 1926, and owned a small necktie factory in Montreal. His father was a lawyer. His mother eventually became a high-school vice-principal. His brother is a policy analyst for the Canadian government, while his sister, Susan Pinker, is a psychologist and writer who authored The Sexual Paradox and The Village Effect.
ellauri185.html on line 641: Toin ei suuria poliittisia periaate-kysymyxiä kuten homoavioliitto lopullisesti ratkaista vetoomalla uskonnollisiin perusteisiin tai uskonnollisiin arvovaltoihin. Mutta kuitenkin on kaikitenkin kaikille kristityille erinomaisen painava seikka se, jos voidaan osoittaa, että join poliittinen oppi (esim. vihervasemmisto) on ilmeisessä ristiriidassa kristinopin ja Kristuxen omien sanojen kanssa tai päinvastoin. Tätä tutkiessamme meidän on pakko uskaltautua puhtaastaan teologiselle alalle, missä on se vaara että papit ja piispat älähtävät. Sixi en rupea sitä ize ruotimaan vaan siteeraan pääasiassa valtuutettuja raskaan sarjan ammattilaisia. Sevverran uskaltaudun puolestani sanomaan, että musta selvästi toi vuorisaarnan ahimsaoppi on läppä, samanlainen hyperbola kuin se silmän uloskaivu ja käden katkominen. Ei niitä ole tarkoitettu otettavaxi kirjaimellisesti, vaan cum grano salis, sapienti satis tyyppisesti suuntaa-antavana ohjeena. Lähinnä se tarkoittaa että poliisin ei pidä käyttää virka-asetta jos riittää pelkkä kumipamppu tai etälamautin.
ellauri188.html on line 156: Etiikan transsendentaalinen deduktio Darwinista: eusosiaalisuuden aste selittyy ravintoverkon laikkuisuudesta, eli siis kilpakumppanien granulariteetista. Jos ravintoa on paljon tai sitä on tasaisesti hyvin harvassa, ei juuri maxa vaivaa olla laumasieluja. Ize kukin elukka menestyy parhaiten seppoilemalla omin päin.
ellauri189.html on line 726: The fact is that some Pashtun tribes have a tradition of being the people of Israel (Bene Israel), meaning they descended from our father Yaakov. It is even told that the Afghan king once asked the Afghan Jews from which tribe they are, when they answered they don’t know the king said that the Pashtuns do, and that the king is from the tribe of Benyamin. In particular, I heard myself from Pashtuns from the tribes of Lewani, Benyamin, Afridi, Shinwari and more, that their grandfathers told them they are Bene Israel, and it is well known that this tradition is spread through most (or all) of the Pashtuns tribes.
ellauri189.html on line 773: Some Pashtuns also have Jewish artifacts. For example, I heard first hand from a Lewani Pashtun that his grandmother had these jewelries: Afghan Taaweez or lockets to be worn around the neck, with Israeli star on them.
ellauri189.html on line 815: First, being Israelis is a source of pride. It means you are the children of Prophet Yaakov. It means you were the first to believe in the one and only God, more that 1500 years before the Arabs. Your ancestors prayed to the one and only God while the Arabs were complete pagans, bowing to all sorts of idols who don’t have power over anything. It is also very likely that other prophets are your forefathers. For example, it is very likely you are descendants of Prophet Moses himself if you are Lewani. Your great great… great grandfather might have been Moses’ best student – prophet Yehoshua if you are Afridi, etc. Your ancestors saw with their eyes what God did to Egypt – stuff that no other nation but the Egyptians themselves have witnessed. They heard God talking to them on Mount Sinai, etc.
ellauri190.html on line 103: Many eventually settled to the west of the Black Sea, influencing the politics of Kievan Rus', the Galicia–Volhynia Principality, the Golden Horde Khanate, the Second Bulgarian Empire, the Kingdom of Serbia, the Kingdom of Hungary, Moldavia, the Kingdom of Georgia, the Byzantine Empire, the Empire of Nicaea, the Latin Empire and Wallachia, with Cuman immigrants becoming integrated into each country's elite. The Cumans also played a prominent role in the Fourth Crusade and in the creation of the Second Bulgarian Empire. Cuman and Kipchak tribes joined politically to create the Cuman–Kipchak confederation.
ellauri190.html on line 239: During the 9th century, “Varangians” (Vikings) began to serve as a kind of Praetorian Guard to the East Roman emperors. Tästä kertoo jännittävästi Mika Waltarin historiallinen romaani Mikael Karvajalka, joka taitaa olla meillä jossakin. To reach the city of Constantinople, they sailed from what today is called the Gulf of Finland up the Neva river to the lakes Ladoga and Ilmen and then to the Western Dvina and the Dnipro, going all the way down to the Black Sea. By the mid-9th century, they settled around and in Kyiv and founded their own dynasty of the descendants of Rurik. A grandson of Rurik, Svyatoslav (Sfendosleif) greatly expanded his realm to the east and south, while his mother Olga (Helga) traveled to Constantinople and was baptized Christian. Svyatoslav’s son, Volodymyr (Waldemar) married a daughter of the Eastern Roman emperor, was baptized, and baptized all his subjects in the year 988. (Back then, the city of Moscow, or the country now known as Russia – Россия – did not even exist, so there!) Over the next centuries, the “Rurikids” gradually lost their Scandinavian identity, marrying women of the Slavic, Hungarian, Greek, and Turkic ethnicities.
ellauri190.html on line 261: In the first half of the 14th century, most of what is now Ukraine was cleared of the Mongols by the troops of a powerful ruler of Lithuania, Gedimin, and Ukraine became a part of the Great Duchy of Lithuania. The latter was a peculiar country. The bulk of its territory and population was what now is the Slavic country of Belarus. Only a small minority of its people traced their origin from the Baltic tribes, while the majority were Slavs. Gedimin’s name in modern Lithuanian is Gyadiminas, but in the chronicles he is named Kgindimin or Kindimin, which might have a Slavic root. The language of Gedimin’s court, and the court of his sons and grandsons was very Slavic, much like a mixture of somewhat archaic Ukrainian and Belarusian. The laws of the entire Duchy, the so-called Lithuanian Statutes, were written in the Cyrillic alphabet and read very much like the Belarusian (definitely Slavic) language. So they were bad guys in anyone's book already then.
ellauri190.html on line 271: Also, during the 16th century, many thousands of random men, mostly young, robust, and adventure-seeking guys from all over Ukraine (compare today's immigrants), traveled to the lower Dnipro river, where the enormous rapids prevented the movement of battleships up from the Black Sea, and decided to call themselves, say, Kozaks. These Kozaks warriors wanted to defend the Orthodox Christian Ukrainian lands from the attacks of the Ottoman Turks. They founded their own city and fortress, called Sich, on the island of Khortytsya in the middle of the Dnipro river. There, they gathered in summertime, trained, and raided the steppes, fighting the Turkish and the Tatar troops from the Crimea. They also built ships and made sea raids on Istanbul and on Crimean seaports, freeing Christian captives whom the Turks and the Tatars enslaved. In winter, the Kozaks dispersed and lived close to the Dnipro banks as independent owners of their hamlets. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Kozaks became a formidable military force and a kind of a self-governing state with their own elected leaders and laws.
ellauri190.html on line 285: After Ottoman-Polish and Polish-Muscovite warfare ceased, the official Cossack register was again decreased. The registered Cossacks (reiestrovi kozaky) were isolated from those who were excluded from the register, and from the Zaporizhian Host. (Compare legal and paperless immigrants of today.) This, together with intensified socioeconomic and national-religious oppression of the other classes in Ukrainian society, led to a number of Cossack uprisings in the 1630s. These eventually culminated in the Khmelnytsky Uprising, led by the hetman of the Zaporizhian Sich, Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
ellauri190.html on line 448: Alp Arslan was the second Sultan of the Seljuq Empire and great-grandson of Seljuq, the eponymous founder of the dynasty. His real name was Muhammad bin Dawud Chaghri, and for his military prowess, personal valour, and fighting skills he ob...
ellauri190.html on line 479: Kublai Khan was the fifth Khagan (Great Khan) of the Ikh Mongol Uls (Mongol Empire), reigning from 1260 to 1294, and the founder of the Yuan Dynasty, a division of the Mongol Empire. Kublai was the fourth son of Tolui and a grandson of G...
ellauri190.html on line 484: Hulagu Khan was a Mongol ruler who conquered much of Southwest Asia. Son of Tolui and the Kerait princess Sorghaghtani Beki, he was a grandson of Genghis Khan, and the brother of Arik Boke, Möngke Khan and Kublai Khan. Hulagu's army greatly...
ellauri190.html on line 499: Timur meaning "iron" or Tamerlane in English, was a 14th-century conqueror of much of western and central Asia, founder of the Timurid Empire and Timurid dynasty (1370–1405) in Central Asia, and great great grandfather of Babur, the founder...
ellauri192.html on line 121: Je perds le goût de la poésie. Je la trouve de plus en plus puérile, comparé aux austères travaux de la science; les plus grands génies littéraires me semblent des enfants auprès du génie scientifique, qui, au lieu d’imiter et de défigurer la nature sous prétexte de la transfigurer par l’idéal et l’humain, l’étreint corps à corps, telle qu’elle est, et lui ouvre, doigt par doigt, ses mains fermées pour en arracher des lambeaux de vérité.
ellauri192.html on line 180: Les énormes lions qui rôdent à grands pas, Jättijellonat jotka marssii jättiaskelin,
ellauri192.html on line 242: À tant de maux si grands ne se peuvent ouvrir, Ei pysty avautumaan niin suuriin kurjuuxiin
ellauri192.html on line 305: “The subject of my book [‘The Books of Jacob’] — a multicultural Poland — was not comfortable for proponents of this new version of history,” Tokarczuk told PEN Transmissions, a journal run by the English iteration of PEN, in May, 2018. She was taken by surprise by the amount of rage the book provoked — not to mention her comment on receiving the Nike sneakers. But rather than retreat, she has continued to speak out on behalf of the communities she sees her government as wishing to sideline. In a January op-ed for The New York Times following a Polish radical’s on-air murder of the open-minded young Gdansk mayor Pawel Adamowicz, Tokarczuk wrote of a Polish populist narrative that “scapegoats… the so-called crazy leftists, queer-lovers, Germans, Jews, European Union puppets, feminists, liberals and anyone who supports immigrants.”
ellauri192.html on line 641: Seifert was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1984. Due to bad health, he was not present at the award ceremony, and so his daughter received the Nobel Prize in his name. Even though it was a matter of great importance, there was only a brief remark of the award in the state-controlled media. He died in 1986, aged 84, and was buried at the municipal cemetery in Kralupy nad Vltavou (where his maternal grandparents originated from). Not in the Jewish cemetery, perish the thought!
ellauri192.html on line 651: George Gibian, a professor of Russian and comparative literature at Cornell University, agrees that Mr. Seifert deserves the Nobel. ''I'm glad the world has caught up with him,'' he said. ''He is (or was) the grand old man of Czech poetry, a combination of Robert Frost and E.E. Cummings. He deserves it for his recent poetry, but especially for his poetry of the 1920's and 30's.''
ellauri194.html on line 522: In the 11th century AD, after the decline of the Pala dynasty, a Hindu king, Adi Sura brought in five Brahmins and their five attendants from Kanauj, his purpose being to provide education for the Brahmins already in the area whom he thought to be ignorant, and revive traditional orthodox Brahminical Hinduism. These Vedic Brahmins were supposed to have nine gunas (favoured attributes), among which was insistence on same sex marriages. Multiple accounts of this legend exist, and historians generally consider this to be nothing more than myth or folklore lacking historical authenticity. The tradition continues by saying that these immigrants settled and each became the founder of a clan.
ellauri197.html on line 647: His father was a well-paid clerk for the Bank of England, earning about £150 per year. Browning's paternal grandfather was a slave owner in Saint Kitts, West Indies, but Browning's father was an abolitionist. Browning's father had been sent to the West Indies to work on a sugar plantation, but due to a slave revolt there, had returned. Browning's mother was the daughter of a German shipowner who had settled in Dundee, Scotland, and his Scottish wife. His paternal grandmother, Margaret Tittle, had inherited a plantation in St Kitts and was rumoured in the family to have a mixed-race ancestry including some Jamaican blood, but author Julia Markus suggests she was Kittitian rather than Jamaican. The evidence is inconclusive. Robert's father, a literary collector, amassed a library of some 6,000 books, many of them rare so that Robert grew up in a household with significant literary resources. His mother, to whom he was close (no tietysti), was a devout nonconformist and a talented musician. His younger sister, Sarianna, also gifted, became her brother's "companion" in his later years, after the death of his wife in 1861. His father encouraged his children's interest in literature and the arts.
ellauri198.html on line 146: Part of the problem seems to be an inordinate ambition for grandeur; part is what feels to me like haste. If Warren were in less of a hurry to chronicle each dawn dream, birdsong, and memory as it occurred, a process of distillation just might be allowed to take place. He is not an original thinker or a visionary poet. His is
ellauri198.html on line 794: Roland is not mediated by his precursors; they do not detach him from history so as to free him in the spirit. The Childe's last act of dauntless courage is to will repetition, to accept his place in the company of the ruined. Roland tells us implicitly that the present is not so much negative and finite as it is willed, though this willing is never the work of an individual consciousness acting by itself. It is caught up in a subject-to-subject dialectic, in which the present moment is sacrificed, not to the energies of art, but to the near-solipsist's tragic victory over himself. Roland's negative moment is neither that of renunciation nor of the loss of self in death or error. It is the negativity that is self-knowledge yielding its power to a doomed love of others, in the recognition that those others like Shelley. more grandly had surrendered knowledge and its powers to love, however illusory. Or, mos simply, Childe Roland dies, if be dies, in the magnificence of a belatedness that can accept itself as such. He ends in strengh because his vision has ceased to break and deform the world, and has begun to turn its dangerous strength upon is own defense. Roland is the Kermit modem version of a poet-as-hero, and his sustained courage to weather his own phantasmagoria and emerge into fire is a presage of the continued survival of strong poetry.
ellauri203.html on line 208: Les premières années du mariage de Maximilien et de Marie sont heureuses et le couple donne le jour à une nombreuse progéniture. Cependant, les relations des deux époux se dégradent à partir de 1845, date à laquelle la grande-duchesse amorce une liaison avec le comte Grigori Alexandrovitch Stroganov. La plupart des historiens considèrent d'ailleurs que Maximilien n'est pas le véritable père des princes Eugène, Serge (ru) et Georges de Leuchtenberg, qui seraient en réalité les fils de Stroganov. De son côté, Maximilien n'est pas non plus un mari modèle: il multiplie, au contraire, les conquêtes féminines et s'adonne au jeu. En réalité, la vie en Russie pèse au prince, qui est humilié de n'y être que le mari de sa femme.
ellauri204.html on line 521: Anna-Leena Härkönen syntyi suomalaiseen emigranttiperheeseen Bulgariassa, mutta perhe pakeni nuttujen ja tumppujen sotaa Sveitsin alpeille, jossa Anna-Leena vietti lapsuutensa. Anna-Leenan eläinlääkäri-isä piti menestyvää praktiikkaa alppien vuorivuohialueella. Tarkempia tietoja Anna-Leenan lapsuudesta ei ole, koska humanoidit kaappasivat perheen vuonna 1988 ja Anna-Leena menetti abduktiossa muistinsa. Suoritettuaan lukion linnunradan ulkopuolella Anna-Leena palasi maapallolle ja ryhtyi opiskelemaan kierkegaardilais-hollantilaista todennäköisyyslaskentaa Helsingin yliopistossa, mutta vaihtoi pääaineensa myöhemmin homeopaattiseen hevostenhoitoon. Lähteenä käytin Willem Kirsch-Höpfnausin teosta "Alppirinteiltä kotilaitumille" eli "Ein Duschkringen uber nicht Hochhaus keine Kliebenenckell" vuodelta 2002, 2. painos, ISBN 0002 34039 4938998.
ellauri205.html on line 195: Mais le triomphe le plus pur de l'amour, la grâce suprême des guerres, c'est l'amitié qui monte au cœur des ennemis mortels. Elle fait disparaître la faim de vengeance pour le fils tué, pour l'ami tué, elle efface par un miracle encore plus grand la distance entre bienfaiteur et suppliant, entre vainqueur et vaincu :
ellauri205.html on line 199: Combien il était grand et beau; il avait le visage d’un dieu.

ellauri206.html on line 71: In 2017, Vietnamese-American writer Viet Thanh Nguyen (n.h.) questioned the validity of continuing to teach "show, don't tell" in creative writing classes in a New York Times op-ed on the subject. His position was that such teaching is biased against immigrant writers, who may describe emotions in ways readers from outside their culture might not understand, rendering "tell" necessary. Like the squeaky smiley that shows just raised eyebrows and no smiling mouth. Because a smile does not count for anything out there. Everybody smiles all the time.
ellauri206.html on line 270: Gérard de Nerval, pseudonyme adopté en souvenir d'un lieu-dit, le clos de Nerval près de Loisy, un champ cultivé par son grand-père maternel, à cheval sur la commune de Mortefontaine.
ellauri206.html on line 272: Theophile Gautier (1811-1872) oli paxu partapozo dekadentti. Les premières grandes passions de Teophile Gautier sont Robinson Crusoé ou Paul et Virginie, qui lui font une vive impression. Gautier rencontre a l'ecole le jeune Gérard Labrunie (le futur Gérard de Nerval). À cette époque, il commence à manifester un goût particulier pour les poètes latins tardifs dont la langue étrange le fascine. Il souffre de myopie.
ellauri206.html on line 454: Selon le témoignage de ses contemporains, Gassendi se levait régulièrement à trois heures du matin, jamais plus tard que quatre heures, et quelquefois à deux. Il étudiait jusqu'à onze heures, à moins de recevoir une visite et se remettait à l'étude vers deux ou trois heures après midi jusqu'à huit. Il soupait légèrement (une tisane tiède, des légumes, rarement de la viande) et se couchait entre neuf et dix. On le disait pieux, et pratiquant avec scrupule ses devoirs de prêtre ; ses paroissiens l'appelaient le saint prêtre. Par sa pauvreté, sa modestie, sa douceur, son humanité, sa bienfaisance, sa charité et sa simplicité, il faisait figure d'un anachorète, vivant dans le monde selon la règle d'un monastère. « Le plus grand philosophe parmi les hommes de lettres, et le plus grand homme de lettres parmi les philosophes », sanoi gibboni. Peu d'auteurs ont imaginé qu'il s'agissait là d'une posture, ou d'un masque.
ellauri207.html on line 182: Catherine Zeta-Jones was born on 25 September 1969 in Swansea, Wales, to David Jones, the owner of a sweet factory, and his wife Patricia (née Fair), a seamstress. Her father is Welsh and her mother is of Irish Catholic descent. She was named after her grandmother, Zeta Jones (whose name was derived from the name of a ship that her great-grandfather once sailed on), because 'Just Jones' would not cut the cheese in showbiz. Zeta-Jones was raised in the suburban area of Mumbles.Her struggle with depression and bipolar II disorder has been well documented by the media, for she is married to sex addicted actor Michael Douglas, son of Kirk, whose name used to be Issur Danielovitch Demsky. Michael is 25 years her senior but a wizard with cunnilingus.
ellauri210.html on line 40: Piha-Anteron huumorin määritelmä on freudilaisen huumoriton: démenti de la réalité, affirmation grandiose au principe du plaisir. Se on nähdäxeni aivan hakoteillä. Huumori on nimenomaan tosiasioiden tunnustamista, ja sen tajuamista, etteivät ne ole huisin tärkeitä. Mikään ole kuolemanvakavaa, edes kuolema. Huumorille on kaikki suhteellista, se vaatii suhteellisuudentajua. Siihen nähden Anteron kovan linjan suhteettomuus vaikuttaa suht sentimentaaliselta. Vaikka kirjan takakannessa se vakuuttaa, että musta huumori on sentimentaalisuudelle vihainen kuin rakkikoira. No pääasiahan on että nyt voin vihdoin palauttaa Andrein kirjasen yliopistolle, sillä se on lainattu Seijan kortilla. Se on läpitte!
ellauri210.html on line 604: Les voyages interplanétaires semblent être l'un des tous premiers pas vers le soi-disant « progrès scientifique » et pourtant en dernière analyse, il ne s'agit que d'un agrandissement du territoire mis à la disposition de l'homme.
ellauri210.html on line 608: Le grand ennemi de l'art, c'est le bon goût. Le goût est une source de plaisir, l'art n'est pas une source de plaisir, c'est une source qui n'a pas de couleur, pas de goût. L'art est une chose beaucoup plus profonde que le goût d'une époque. Je me suis forcé à me contredire pour éviter de me conformer à mon propre goût. Je suis dégoutant, et ca me goute.
ellauri210.html on line 683: devient un grandpapapillon grandempapaillé tulee isotätäytetty isopeperhonen
ellauri210.html on line 782: After the war, Tanguy is sent back to Spain, Barcelona where he learns that his grandmother has recently passed away and there is no one else to take care of him. He is sent to a reformation school for juvenile delinquents and orphans, run by priests who are no less cruel and sadist than the Nazi "kapos." Bitter, Tanguy believes they are worse than the Nazis because these priests hide their sadism behind the facade of religion and confession, but that makes their sin no less. He succeeds in escaping along with a "companion," but is forced to separate from his as well. This time around, he finds himself in a school run by a group of priests but unlike the reformation school, here, Tanguy is able to grow, learn and live comfortably. It is here, that he truly flourishes and finds friends and solace. But he is still not completely at peace and sets off again in search of the parents who had abandoned and forsaken him to such a bitter destiny. He does find them eventually, but only to realise that the years of hardship and horror experienced by him have built an impenetrable barrier between them. He is no longer a left wing radical like them. He has learned not to hate the capos. Don't get mad get even. LOL.
ellauri210.html on line 811: et dirent Dieu est grand Ja sanovat jumala on suuri
ellauri210.html on line 812: dieu est plus grand que notre fesse Jumala on suurempi kuin valjaamme
ellauri210.html on line 863: Fils d'un cadre du grand magasin Le Bon Marché, il est d’abord un élève brillant au lycée Montaigne, où il obtient un prix de récitation et de français, puis il devient passable et dissipé au lycée Louis-le-Grand où il se fait remarquer par son excentricité.
ellauri210.html on line 865: Dandy désargenté, vivant chez ses parents, il devient un grand consommateur d’opium, de cocaïne et d'héroïne. En 1922, il rejoint Tristan Tzara et quitte les surréalistes.
ellauri210.html on line 915: Jacques Prévert s'ennuie à l'école et fait souvent l'école buissonnière en parcourant Paris avec la complicité de son père. Dès 15 ans, après son certificat d'études primaires, il abandonne les études. Il multiplie alors les petits travaux, notamment au grand magasin Le Bon Marché. Il fait quelques larcins et fréquente des voyous mais n'est jamais inquiété par la police.
ellauri210.html on line 994: Le style joyeusement iconoclaste de Prévert et ses thèmes de prédilection, les bonheurs simples, la révolte et l’amour, séduisent autant le cercle de Saint-Germain-des-Prés que le grand public.
ellauri210.html on line 1394: Freud sanoi puhuessaan meemikurkosta: Freud parlant du grand roi mythique dit
ellauri211.html on line 202: Le grand ennemi de l´art, c´est le bon goût. Le goût est une source de plaisir, l´art n´est pas une source de plaisir, c´est une source qui n´a pas de couleur, pas de goût. L´art est une chose beaucoup plus profonde que le goût d´une époque. Je me suis forcé à me contredire pour éviter de me conformer à mon propre goût. Je suis dégoutant, et ca me goute.
ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
ellauri216.html on line 558: St Macarius glorified God and said, “In truth, the Lord seeks neither virgins nor married women, and neither monks nor laymen, but values a person’s free intent, accepting it as the deed itself. He grants to everyone’s free will the grace of the Holy Spirit, which operates in an individual and directs the life of all who yearn to be saved.”
ellauri216.html on line 1101: Tammi-helmikuussa 1940 Neuvostoliiton urheat lentokoneet pommittivat luostarin rakennuksia. Pommitukset olivat toistuvia: 6., 19., 20., 21.-28. tammikuuta, 2.-4. helmikuuta ja 10.-16. helmikuuta 1940. Valaamin pommituksista kirjoitettiin valkoisessa emigranttilehdistössä.
ellauri216.html on line 1115: Neuvostoliiton joukkojen läsnäolon aiheuttamia vahinkoja luostarille käyttivät fasistiset propagandistit. Luostarissa vieraili usein saksalaisia, jotka ottivat siitä kuvia, sekä muiden fasistisen blokin maiden - Bulgarian, Romanian, Slovakian, Unkarin ja Kroatian - edustajia. Näistä vierailijoista hyötyivät luostarin veljet – heidän kauttaan munkit lähettivät Valaamilaisille kirjeitä ja valokuvia muihin maihin. Elokuussa 1942 Valaamissa vieraili italialainen kirjeenvaihtaja ja valokuvaaja Lino Pellegrini, joka jätti yksityiskohtaisen raportin fasistisen puolueen "Il popolo d'Italia" virallisissa painetuissa elimissä (noin kuukautta myöhemmin valkoinen emigrantti painoi sen uudelleen." Paris Bulletin").
ellauri219.html on line 512:
72: Cloth grandmother figure

ellauri219.html on line 515: Created by Jann Haworth, then-wife of Peter Blake, and co-creator of the Sgt Pepper album cover, this cloth grandmother doll was one of a number of stuffed artworks she made from textiles.
ellauri219.html on line 828: I think a lot of the bias toward Americans also comes from our historical tendency to inflate the wonders of American life to oversized proportions out of sync with reality. Some of this comes from having been put down so frequently, a class-based psychological issue deep-rooted in American life, probably related to so many of us having come from poor immigrant families. We puff up the wonders of American life to compensate for having come from the bottom rungs of society in other countries. We’re not the only culture that does this.
ellauri220.html on line 116: granger.jpg" height="500px" />
ellauri220.html on line 306:
(U.S.) a white person. It originated in the coal regions of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, where Poles and other immigrants from Central Europe (Hungarians [Magyar], Rusyns, Slovaks) came to perform hard manual labor on the mines.
ellauri220.html on line 308:
(Canada) used by Italian Canadians for those of Anglo-Saxon or Northwestern European descent. Mangiacake literally translates to 'cake eater', and one suggestion is that this term originated from the perception of Italian immigrants that Canadian or North American white bread is sweet as cake in comparison to the rustic bread eaten by Italians.

ellauri221.html on line 110: Narcissistic personality disorder was nearly dropped from the DSM V. Narcissistic personality disorder was first defined in 1967. The DSM-IV defines the essential feature of narcissism as "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy that begins in early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts." It's a definition that was set before the rise of social networking, reality TV, or partisan news channels designed to confirm our every opinion. Perhaps it truly is time to update it.
ellauri222.html on line 92: LOS ANGELES—Born in Canada into an immigrant Jewish family in 1915, Nobel Prize-winning author Saul Bellow had a traditional Jewish upbringing, which included Torah study, Talmud, and Hebrew. Yet Rabbi David Wolpe observes that Bellow had an ambivalent relationship with Judaism.
ellauri222.html on line 117: “I am an American, Chicago born” begins the famous first sentence of “The Adventures of Augie March.” The author of that sentence was actually an illegal immigrant, Canada born, and the words were written in Paris. Bellow’s father, Abraham Belo, was born in a shtetl inside the Pale of Settlement. He began his career in St. Petersburg as a produce broker, specializing in Egyptian onions and Spanish fruit. The family seems to have been quite well off. Abraham had used a forged document to work in St. Petersburg, and, when this was discovered, he was arrested and convicted. He may have gone to prison. But he managed to escape and, in 1913, to get his family to Canada.
ellauri222.html on line 123: But Chicago was a city of immigrants. It also had a large Jewish population—by 1931, according to Leader, nearly three hundred thousand in a city of 3.3 million. All the Bellow children assimilated happily and all became well off. Saul is often associated with the University of Chicago, where he taught for many years as a member of the legendary Committee on Social Thought. He was a student there, but for less than two years. He had to withdraw for financial reasons (a truck driver was killed in an accident at his father’s coal yard and the insurance had lapsed), and he transferred to Northwestern, from which he graduated in 1937.
ellauri222.html on line 257: For a man for such small balls, he had huge needs. The writing life needed to be supported. He failed his children; he left them, and it was a wound he carried around like a medal. He knew the cruelty of this. At the very end, though he was not Rosie's father (oops), he was in the house. He and Rosie would watch The Lion King together: in the final, unpleasant stages of his last illness, he was at the point where he didn't mind watching that same film over and over. I was somehow managing Rosie and Saul in the same way." Do they have a relationship with Saul's sons? Not really. Rosie has special needs, and Jänis is focused very much on her. Their house is cozy, not grand, there just happen to be photographs of a Nobel laureate on almost every shelf. Guess which one?
ellauri222.html on line 471: Joe Gorman is a notorious Chicago thief whom Augie meets in the poolroom. Augie helps Gorman with a robbery and later goes on a road trip with him to move illegal immigrants across the border. The police catch Gorman, but Augie gets away.
ellauri222.html on line 511: Mrs. Klein is Jimmy’s mother. She is overweight and can’t keep on her feet very long. Her hair is dyed black and hangs in braids, making her look like an Indian. She has eight children, including Gilbert and Velma, who are both divorced, and Tommy, who works at City Hall. There are always grandchildren in her home. When Mrs. Klein dies, her husband marries again to a longtime sweetheart.
ellauri222.html on line 519: Mr. and Mrs. Kreindl are Hungarian immigrants and neighbors of the Marches. Mr. Kreindl, a “powerful, stub-handed man with a large belly,” plays cards with Grandma Lausch and helps out the family. His wife, Mrs. Kreindl, is quiet and modest to the neighbors and violently quarrelsome at home.
ellauri222.html on line 527: Agnes Kuttner is a friend of Stella’s in New York and the mistress of Mintouchian, Agnes is kept in a grand, luxurious style. Yet, she is still so ruthless in her pursuit of money that she fakes a mugging in Central Park, choking herself unconscious, so that she can collect insurance money.
ellauri222.html on line 531: Grandma Lausch, although unrelated by blood to the Marches, is a surrogate grandmother to Augie and his brothers, and has a powerful influence on them both. She rules their childhood house with a strict, imperious, and shrewd manner. The widow of a powerful Odessa businessman, this grande dame claims to speak a variety of languages and passes the time reading Tolstoy. Her two sons are married and living in other states. When Grandma’s mind begins to fail, they commit the dignified old lady to a retirement home where she eventually dies of pneumonia.
ellauri222.html on line 793: In all of Bellow's works, an appreciation of the cultural context in which his protagonists struggle is essential to understanding these characters and their search for renewal. Bellow's vision centers almost exclusively on Jewish male experience in contemporary urban America. Proud of their heritage, his heroes are usually second-generation Jewish immigrants who seek to discover how they can live meaningfully in their American present while honoring their skinless knobs. Much of their ability to maintain their belief in humanity despite their knowledge of the world can be attributed to the affirmative nature of the Jewish culture. Bellovian heroes live in a WASP society in which they are only partially assimilated. However, as Jews have done historically, they maintain their concern for morality and community despite their cultural displacement.
ellauri223.html on line 52: Aurinkokaupunki esitetään dialogina Johanniittain ritarikunnan pikashakin suurmestarin (grand master, GM) ja genovalaisen merikapteenin (Capt. Haddock) välillä. Sen esikuvana on toiminut Platonin Valtio sekä Timaioksessa oleva Atlantiksen kuvaus. Teos kuvaa teokraattisen yhteiskunnan, jossa tavarat, naiset ja lapset ovat yhteisomistuksessa. (Se muuten luetellaan katolisen kirkon heresioiden luettelossa nimellä barallotit. The Barallots were a sect, deemed heretical, at Bologna in Italy, who had all things in common, even their wives and children. They gave so readily into all manner of sensual pleasures, that they were also termed JIT Compilers.) Teoksessa on selvästi vaikutteita Picatrixista, arabialaisesta maagisen kaupunkisuunnittelun oppaasta.
ellauri223.html on line 105: Each one takes the woman he loves most, and they dance for exercise with propriety and stateliness under the peristyles. The women wear their long hair all twisted together and collected into one knot on the crown of the head, but in rolling it they leave one curl. The men, however, have one curl only and the rest of their hair around the head is shaven off. Further, they wear a slight covering, and above this a round hat a little larger than the size of their head. In the fields they use caps, but at home each one wears a biretta, white, red, or another color according to his trade or occupation. Moreover, the magistrates use grander and more imposing-looking coverings for the head. Vizi että apinat rakastavat hattuja!
ellauri223.html on line 206: What so ever I have given, granted, conferred, or appointed to my wife in the former part of this my Will, I do now for just and great causes, utterly revoke, and make void, and leave her to her right only.
ellauri226.html on line 120: The “quite pleasant woman” who fed the Lawrences was Agostino’s grandmother. He proudly showed us her picture, along with a brochure for the Festival D.H. Lawrence, which takes place every August. Lawrences, who, in the impoverished Sardinia of their day couldn’t find anything but cabbage soup and hard bread.
ellauri226.html on line 137: For a moment everyone just looked hostile. Then they all started talking at once. The bartender said his grandmother owned the place then. Another guy said, No, that was a different owner.
ellauri226.html on line 276: granted as children, and the willingness of their parents to allow them to
ellauri226.html on line 457: turned to welfare after businesses left The Bronx or closed causing unemployment. Fucking damn immigrants.
ellauri226.html on line 475: enjoy similar all-American white immigrant lifestyles. When new Hispanic groups and African Americans moved beyond the South Bronx, seeking to avoid the crime and drug use that had already seized the South Bronx, however, they brought their crummy lifestyles along. These cultural peculiarities seemed to clash with those that were in place with the older white immigrants, which only exacerbated the suspicions many whites already had regarding the perceived connection between race and crime rates.
ellauri226.html on line 480: For Roby (my mom), the differences of the new minority groups and the old Jewish, Italian, and Irish immigrants was clear, especially given the unique rules that governed her Parkchester Jewish community. Parkchester was originally privately owned by the Metropolitan Life, who employed a private police force to ensure law and order and instituted very specific rules that bound the residents of the community, everything from double parking and noise levels to not walking on the grass.
ellauri226.html on line 489: prime motivating factor for their departure. What they really meant were the fucking 2nd wave immigrants. Brian Werner, Elvira Werner, and Kathleen Roby all moved out of The Bronx during the 1960s and 1970s, and describe crime and the changing neighborhood as the major influence in their decision. My mom herself, she began running red lights because she was afraid of being raped if stopping too long in certain intersections. After her tires were stolen repeatedly while waiting for the traffic lights to change Mrs. Roby moved to Long Island in 1980, where her better-off sister already resided.
ellauri226.html on line 522: the white immigrant strongholdof the South Bronx began to rapidly deteriorate.
ellauri226.html on line 529: The notmees who wanted to move out of the worst areas of The Bronx "chose" to stay in Bronx and just moved to the places vacated by the suburban migration of the whites. The same push is now being felt in Nassau County and New Jersey, where white homeowners are pressured to only sell to whites to prevent another wave of immigrants with their smelly dishes and noisy habits, not to mention the sex, drugs, and rap "music".
ellauri236.html on line 63: The research is the latest in a growing body of evidence that social platforms are failing to prevent a flood of disinformation — some of it tinged with violence — on their services ahead of the runoff election Sunday between President Jair Bolsonaro and former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Brazilian lawmakers last week granted the nation’s elections chief unilateral power to force tech companies to remove misinformation within two hours of the content being posted — one of the most aggressive legal measures against North American social media giants that any country has taken.
ellauri236.html on line 188: I have already outlined the plot, but the subject-matter is much more sordid and brutal than this suggests. The book contains eight full-dress murders, an unassessable number of casual killings and woundings, an exhumation (with a careful reminder of the stench), the flogging of Miss Blandish, the torture of another woman with red-hot cigarette-ends, a strip-tease act, a third-degree scene of unheard-of cruelty and much else of the same kind. It assumes great sexual sophistication in its readers (there is a scene, for instance, in which a gangster, presumably of masochistic tendency, has an orgasm in the moment of being knifed - I can relate to that!), and it takes for granted the most complete corruption and self-seeking as the norm of human behaviour. The detective, for instance, is almost as great a rogue as the gangsters, and actuated by nearly the same motives. Like them, he is in pursuit of ‘five hundred grand’. It is necessary to the machinery of the story that Mr. Blandish should be anxious to get his money back, but apart from this, such things as affection, friendship, good nature or even ordinary politeness simply do not enter. Nor, to any great extent does normal sexuality. Ultimately only one motive is at work throughout the whole story: the pursuit of power. (Well, there is also the pursuit of spaghetti and some twat.)
ellauri236.html on line 194: As I have mentioned already, No Orchids enjoyed its greatest vogue in 1940, though it was successfully running as a play till some time later. It was, in fact, one of the things that helped to console people for the boredom of being bombed. Early in the war the New Yorker had a picture of a little man approaching a news-stall littered with paper with such headlines as ‘Great Tank Battles in Northern France’, ‘Big Naval Battle in the North Sea’, ‘Huge Air Battles over the Channel’, etc., etc. The little man is saying ‘Action Stories, please’. That little man with his little dick stood for all the drugged millions to whom the world of the gangster and the prize-ring is more ‘real’, more ‘tough’, than such things as crucifixions, wars, revolutions, earthquakes, famines, genocides, holocausts and pestilences. From the point of view of a reader of Action Stories, a description of the London blitz, or of the internal struggles of the European underground parties, would be ‘sissy stuff’. On the other hand, some puny gun-battle in Chicago, resulting in perhaps half a dozen deaths, would seem genuinely ‘tough’. This habit of mind is now extremely widespread. A soldier sprawls in a muddy trench, with the machine-gun bullets crackling a foot or two overhead, and whiles away his intolerable boredom by reading an American gangster story. And what is it that makes that story so exciting? Precisely the fact that people are shooting at each other with machine-guns! Neither the soldier nor anyone else sees anything curious in this. It is taken for granted that an imaginary bullet is more thrilling than a real one. (But note one difference: they get a whacking pile of money and loads of wet twat for it.)
ellauri236.html on line 198: There exists in America an enormous literature of more or less the same stamp as No Orchids. Quite apart from books, there is the huge array of ‘pulp magazines’, graded so as to cater for different kinds of fantasy, but nearly all having much the same mental atmosphere. A few of them go in for straight pornography, but the great majority are quite plainly aimed at sadists and masochists. Sold at threepence a copy under the title of Yank Mags(4), these things used to enjoy considerable popularity in England, but when the supply dried up owing to the war, no satisfactory substitute was forthcoming. English imitations of the ‘pulp magazine’ do now exist, but they are poor things compared with the original. English crook films, again, never approach the American crook film in brutality. And yet the career of Mr. Chase shows how deep the American influence has already gone. Not only is he himself living a continuous fantasy-life in the Chicago underworld, but he can count on hundreds of thousands of readers who know what is meant by a ‘clipshop’ or the ‘hotsquat’, do not have to do mental arithmetic when confronted by ‘fifty grand’, and understand at sight a sentence like ‘Johnny was a rummy and only two jumps ahead of the nut-factory’. Evidently there are great numbers of English people who are partly americanized in language and, one ought to add, in moral outlook. For there was no popular protest against No Orchids. In the end it was withdrawn, but only retrospectively, when a later work, Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief, brought Mr. Chase's books to the attention of the authorities. Judging by casual conversations at the time, ordinary readers got a mild thrill out of the obscenities of No Orchids, but saw nothing undesirable in the book as a whole. Many people, incidentally, were under the impression that it was an American book reissued in England.
ellauri236.html on line 468: “For the love of Mike, don’t start that all over again. I’ve enough worries without you adding to them. Why don’t you get smart, honey? A girl with your looks and your shape could hook a millionaire like Blandish. Why waste your time and talents on a loser like me? I’ll tell you something: I’ll always be broke. It’s a tradition in the family. My grandfather was a bankrupt. My father was a pauper. My uncle was a miser: he went crazy because he couldn’t find any money to mise over.”
ellauri238.html on line 763: The poet´s father, Bolesław (half-blooded Armenian), was a soldier in the Polish Legions during World War I and a defender of Lwów; he was a lawyer and worked as a bank manager. Herbert's grandfather was an English language teacher. Zbigniew's mother, Maria, came from the Kaniak family. (Mikähän sekin on?)
ellauri240.html on line 59: Joyce Diane Brothers (1927-2013) oli amerikkalainen psykologi, televisiopersoona, neuvoja, kolumnisti ja kirjailija. Hän tuli tunnetuksi ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1955 voittamalla pääpalkinnon amerikkalaisessa peliohjelmassa The $64,000 Question. Pikku-Aune oli aivan ilmiselvä juutalainen, os. Bauer, siskokin nai jonkun Goldsmithin. In 1949, she married Milton Brothers, who later went on to become an internist. 40 years later in 1989, Brothers lost her husband to bladder cancer. Following the death of her husband, Brothers fell into a state of depression for a year and contemplated suicide (at 62); however, she used her own self-help work to achieve inner peace and happiness. Brothers and her husband had a daughter, four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
ellauri240.html on line 107: Many Hmong refugees settled in the United States after the Vietnam War. Beginning in December 1975, the first Hmong refugees arrived in the U.S., mainly from refugee camps in Thailand; however, only 3,466 were granted asylum at that time under the Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1975. In May 1976, another 11,000 were allowed to enter the United States, and by 1978 some 30,000 Hmong people had immigrated. This first wave was made up predominantly of men directly associated with General Vang Pao's secret army. The Hmong allied with the French against the Communists during the whole Indochina War and with the Americans during the whole Vietnam War, hoping to resist communist Viêt Minh control. So here was the thanx for their efforts.
ellauri241.html on line 191: If thou wilt, as thou swearest, grant my boon!" jos haluat, niin kuin vannot, suoda pyyntöni!"
ellauri241.html on line 689: And fragrant oils with ceremony meet ja seremoniallisesti tuoksuvia öljyjä
ellauri243.html on line 611: His father, David Mahoney Sr., was an Irish immigrant construction crane operator in Bronx. Mahoney´s mother, Loretta Cahill, was a telephone operator with New York Bell.
ellauri244.html on line 92: The Serenity Prayer: “God, grant me the grace to accept with serenity the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.”
ellauri244.html on line 602: Miller married his first wife, Beatrice Sylvas Wickens, in 1917, at 26; their divorce was granted on December 21, 1923, due to the 7-year itch. Together they had a daughter, Barbara, born in 1919.
ellauri245.html on line 88: Färden fortsatte sedan till Hovsjö utanför Södertälje. I ett skogsområde i närheten av Hovsjö centrum bytte Mijailović kläder, lade dem i väskan och försökte tända eld på den. Det lyckades inte och istället gömde han väskan under en gran. Olikohan se se sama kuusi jonka alla Seija kävi hätäpaskalla viime kesän reisulla? I Hovsjö hade Mijailović en bekant där han stannade resten av kvällen och tittade på TV:s nyheter.
ellauri245.html on line 308: Etter 21,36 km med is, slush, sørpe, granbar, togskinner, sukker og melis under skia. Etter diverse problemer i smørebua (mannen som melder pass er lik hjelpeløs kone). Etter 580 høydemeter. Etter staking over vannene. Etter å ha gått til et sted med rart navn og drømt om vaffel og kaffe, for så å komme til påskestengt dør. Etter å ha slukt det ene knekkebrødet jeg hadde med og vurdert sjokoladetiggerrunde blant de andre fremmøtte. Etter å ha kommet meg opp den aller siste bakken på vei hjem. Da, da kommer en pensjonist seilende opp på sida mi. Han ser på meg og sier: "Ja, det begynnere bli litt trått nå. Men det verste er at kondisjonen min ikke er det samme lenger". Hadde tenkt til å spørre hvor han hadde gått, men det rakk jeg ikke før han hadde seilt videre i altfor god stil.
ellauri245.html on line 752: Oli Robert Altman. Altman´s German grandfather, Franz Altmann der Ältere, anglicized the spelling of the family name from "Altmann" to "Altman".
ellauri246.html on line 236:       In the grand dialect the Prophets spake. profeettojen karkealla kielellä.
ellauri247.html on line 261: "The learned Smelfungus travelled from Boulogne to Paris, from Paris to Rome, and so on, but he set out with the spleen and jaundice, and every object he passed by was discoloured or distorted. He wrote an account of them, but 'twas nothing but the account of his miserable feelings. I met Smelfungus in the grand portico of the Pantheon—he was just coming out of it. ''Tis nothing but a huge cockpit,' said he—'I wish you had said nothing worse of the Venus de Medici,' replied I—for in passing through Florence, I had heard he had fallen foul upon the goddess, and used her worse than a common strumpet, without the least provocation in nature. I popp'd upon Smelfungus again at Turin, in his return home, and a sad tale of sorrowful adventures had he to tell, 'wherein he spoke of moving accidents by flood and field, and of the cannibals which each other eat, the Anthropophagi'; he had been flayed alive, and bedevil'd, and used worse than St. Bartholomew, at every stage he had come at. 'I'll tell it,' cried Smelfungus, 'to the world.' 'You had better tell it,' said I, 'to your physician.'" (Sterne)
ellauri247.html on line 271: If you chide them for lingering, they will contrive to delay you the longer. If you chastise them with sword, cane, cudgel, or horsewhip, they will either disappear entirely, and leave you without resource, or they will find means to take vengeance by overturning your carriage. The only course remaining would be to allow oneself to become the dupe of imposition by tipping the beggar an amount slightly in excess of the authorized gratification. The disadvantage under which the novelist was continually labouring was that of trying to travel as an English Milord, en grand seigneur, and yet having at every point to do it "on the cheap." He was a genuine Scrooge McDuck without the fake beak. He would rather give away a crown than be cheated of a farthing.
ellauri247.html on line 276: Smollett characterized the chambers as cold and comfortless, the beds as "paultry" (with "frowsy," a favourite word), the cookery as execrable, wine poison, attendance bad, publicans insolent, and bills extortion, concluding with the grand climax that there was not a drop of tolerable malt liquor to be had from London to
ellauri247.html on line 297: "If a Frenchman is admitted into your family, and distinguished by repeated marks of your friendship and regard, the first return he makes for your civilities is to make love to your wife, if she is handsome; if not, to your sister, or daughter, or niece. If he suffers a repulse from your wife, or attempts in vain to debauch your sister, or your daughter, or your niece, he will, rather than not play the traitor with his gallantry, make his addresses to your grandmother; and ten to one but in one shape or another he will find means to ruin the peace of a family in which he has been so kindly entertained. What he cannot accomplish by dint of compliment and personal attendance, he will endeavour to effect by reinforcing these with billets-doux, songs, and verses, of which he always makes a provision for such purposes. If he is detected in these efforts of treachery, and reproached with his ingratitude, he impudently declares that what he had done was no more than simple gallantry, considered in France as an indispensable duty on every man who pretended to good breeding. Nay, he will even affirm that his endeavours to corrupt your wife, or deflower your daughter, were the most genuine proofs he could give of his particular regard for your family.
ellauri247.html on line 386: Tweedle Do and Tweedle Don't are the great grand brothers of Tweedledee and Tweedledum who appear in Disney's Alice's Wonderland Bakery voiced by Vanessa Bayer and Bobby Moynihan in Episode 16 Meet the Tweedles.
ellauri247.html on line 501: Le tableau est, par ses dimensions hors du commun (21,39 m de large et de 4,89 m de haut) considéré comme le plus grand tableau du XIXe siècle.
ellauri254.html on line 610: Nikolai Nikolajevitš Judenitš (ven. Николай Николаевич Юденич, 30. kesäkuuta (J: 18. kesäkuuta) 1862 Moskova, Venäjä – 5. lokakuuta 1933 Nizza, Ranska), oli Venäjän menestyksekkäimpiä kenraaleja ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa ja taisteli johtajana luoteisella rintamalla Venäjän vastavallankumouksessa ja sisällissodassa 1918–1920. Judenitš sai jalkaväenkenraalin arvon vuonna 1915, ja Venäjän valkoisten joukkojen komentajaksi hänet nimitettiin Baltiaan Venäjän sisällissodassa 1918–1920. Siinä läski riippuwiixi Judenits otti turpaansa hintelältä Trozkilta niin ettei kotiin löytänyt. Lähti Ranskaan emigrantixi.
ellauri254.html on line 626: Judenitšin johtama Luoteis-Venäjän armeija eteni 19. lokakuuta 1919 Pietarin kaupungin liepeille. Bolševikkihallitus päätti jo jättää kaupungin valkoisille, mutta bolševikkien vallankumousjohtaja Lev Trotski saapui johtamaan pääkaupungin puolustusta, lisäjoukkoja tuotiin Moskovasta ja tehdastyöläiset organisoitiin punakaarteiksi. 1. marraskuuta ilman suomalaisten tukea käynnistynyt Judenitšin hyökkäys epäonnistui nolosti ja hänen joukkonsa alkoivat vetäytyä. Vuonna 1920 britit evakuoivat Judenitšin joukot Virosta laivalla, ja Judenitš pakeni itse taas Ranskaan, mutta hänellä ei ollut merkittävää osaa Ranskan venäläisessä emigranttiyhteisössä. Maanmiehet nauroivat sille tunarille xa xa xa. Judenitš kuoli aurinkotuoliin Nizzassa Ranskan Rivieralla.
ellauri254.html on line 631: Pjotr Nikolajevitš Wrangel (ven. Пётр Николаевич Врангель, saks. Peter von Wrangel, 27. elokuuta (J: 15 elokuuta) 1878 Novoaleksandrovsk – 25. huhtikuuta 1928 Bryssel) oli venäläinen vapaaherra ja kenraali, joka toimi Krimiltä operoivan valkoisen Etelä-Venäjän armeijan ylipäällikkönä Venäjän sisällissodassa vuonna 1920 Anton Denikinin jälkeen. Etelä-Venäjän armeija taisteli sekä moskovalaismielistä bolševikkien vuonna 1918 perustamaa puna-armeijaa, anarkistista Ukrainan vallankumouksellista kapinallisarmeijaa sekä Ukrainan kansallisia maan itsenäistymiseen pyrkiviä armeijoita vastaan. Wrangel muodosti myös Krimin hallituksen. Myöhemmin hän oli valkoisen emigranttiliikkeen johdossa. Pjotrin esi-isä toimi toisessa Tanskan sodasssa meidän esi-isän Karl den Tionden apumiehenä.
ellauri254.html on line 803: Lunz was born in Saint Petersburg, the capital of the Russian Empire, into a middle-class Jewish family on May 2, 1901. His father, Natan Yakovlevich, an emigrant from Lithuania, was a pharmacist and seller of scientific instruments. His mother, Anna Efimovna, was an accomplished pianist. As a child, Lev was delicate but very lively; he contracted pneumonia and diphtheria, which may have weakened his heart.
ellauri254.html on line 1029:

ellauri254.html on line 1031: Emigrantteihin Gorgi otti kantaa kärkevästi ja kirjoitti heistä säälimättömiä vieroksunnan ja suuttumuksen sanoja. Se on vihainen kuin rakkikoira. Mitähän tehtiin kuningatar Elisabethin gorgeille sen kuoltua? Vietiinkö vallan saunan taaxe tai piikille? Ihmeellinen juoni - nälkään kuoleva noita! Se johdatti mieleeni Pjotr Kropotkinin, vaikka hän ei kuollutkaan nälkään. Ihmeellistä ja traagista, noita! Maanpakolaisuudessa noidat kuolevat henkiseen nälkään. Prof. Iljin on laatinut raamatun pohjalta Koston uskon. Struve heittää kuperkeikkaa. Pariisiin muuttanut VI. Hodasevitš vakuuttaa julkisessa sanassa olevansa luotettava emigrantti. Ikävää kuin kellarissa hapanneiden suolakurkkujen parissa.
ellauri254.html on line 1033: Kuvaillessaan Prahassa ollutta Venäjän silloiselle kirjallisuudelle omistettua esitelmätilaisuutta, jossa oli kehuttu serapioneja kaikesta siitä, mitä olette tehneet, Gorki sanoi, että esitelmöitsijän kimppuun kaikki oikeauskoiset emigrantit hyökkäsivät kuin pedot ja haukkuivat hänet pataluhaksi. Haukkuminen jatkuu vieläkin kaikissa lehdissä... Anteeksiantamaton rikos on puhua jotain hyvää Venäjästä. Hämmästyneenä, miltei kauhistuneena seuraan eilisten 'kulttuuri-ihmisten' rappeutumista. B. Zaitsev sepittelee taitamattomasti pyhimysten elämäkertoja.
ellauri256.html on line 518: Boris Sidis (/ˈsaɪdɪs/; October 12, 1867 – October 24, 1923) was a Ukrainian immigrant Jewish psychologist, physician, psychiatrist, and philosopher of education. Sidis studied under William James at Harvard, made 4 degrees, and founded the New York State Psychopathic Institute and the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. He sought to provide insight into why people behave as they do, particularly in cases of a mob frenzy or religious mania. He vigorously applied the principles of Darwinian evolution to the study of psychology. He saw fear as an underlying cause of much human mental suffering and problematic behavior. Boris Sidis opposed mainstream psychology and Sigmund Freud, and thereby died ostracized. Sidis himself derided himself as "silly, pedantic, absurd, and grossly misleading." He later credited his ability to think to his long solitary confinement in Ukraina. Sidis sr died estranged from Sidis jr on October 24, 1923, at the age of 56.
ellauri257.html on line 428: Gombrowiczin partisaani Simian on itäpolakki Ukrainasta. Tää on tämmöstä markiisi de Sade tyyppistä synnintunnosta hikeentymistä. Vizaa paljaalle pyllylle, se tuntuu kivalta. Partisanismi ei sovi vanhoille ja läskeille. Wizi Witold on pervo pedofiili. Että vaan toinen jalka paljaana! Fredrik on Muumipapan nuoruuden ystävä. Hän on ex-regissööri, siitä noi paljaat jalat. Witold, miten voit? Hauska tavata. Hizi mikä apinoiden planeetta. Läskien setämiesten urheilumezästystä nuoret notmiinä. Vaclawin on nähtävä tämä. Ei tässä juonta ole, mennään kiihotus edellä. Polta nämä kirjeet. Bara vidare! Utför allt nogrannt! Apinoiden planeetalle on hyvä mennä yhdessä ettei olla hulluja.
ellauri257.html on line 495: Vuonna 1940 hän solmi avioliiton Alma Haimannin kanssa, joka oli saksanjuutalainen emigrantti. Singer sai Amerikan kansalaisuuden vuonna 1943. Koko uransa ajan hän pysyi uskollisena Forverts-lehdelle, jossa hän vieläkin ilmestyy, tosin vain viikoittain. Singer oli 35 viimeistä elinvuottaan kasvissyöjä, etupäässä säälistä muita eläimiä kohtaan. Varjoja Hudsonin yllä suomensi Liisa Ryömä 1999.
ellauri257.html on line 514: Alma doesn’t explore the cultural differences that separated them. She was an upper-class German Jew born in Munich, whereas Singer was from Leoncin, a small Polish village northeast of Warsaw. In 1904, when Singer was born, Leoncin was part of the Russian Empire. In Alma’s milieu, Yiddish was a symbol of low caste. Her father had been a textile businessman and her grandfather had been a Handlerichter (LOL), a judge specializing in commercial cases. Although Wasserman, her first husband, was nowhere near as rich in America as he had been in Germany, he was certainly far wealthier than Singer, who was known as an impecunious journalist.
ellauri260.html on line 81: Albert Cornelius Knudson was born on January 23, 1873, in Grand Meadow, Minnesota. He was the son of Asle Knudson (1844-1939) and Synnove (Fosse) Knudsen (1842-1916), both of whom were immigrants from Norway. Livet er en gamp, sa kjerringa som døde først.
ellauri260.html on line 264: We have an experiment on the grandest possible lines in humanity and conducted by it. It puts a decisive question, and it demands either Yes or No. It is only the experience of the collective life that can show whether the answer which Socialism gives meets the whole reality of human nature ; for here it is not simply a question of mere theories and types of life, however well they may be constructed, but of actual vital developments.
ellauri262.html on line 146: Lewis's mother was Florence Augusta Lewis née Hamilton (1862–1908), known as Flora, the daughter of Thomas Hamilton, a Church of Ireland priest, and the great-granddaughter of both Bishop Hugh Hamilton and John Staples. Lewis had an elder brother, Warren Hamilton Lewis (known as "Warnie"). He was baptized on 29 January 1899 by his maternal grandfather in St Mark's Church, Dundela. Jacksie's dad was a second generation immigrant from Wales.
ellauri262.html on line 418: How grand to be a Toucan

ellauri262.html on line 456: Consequently, a member of the human species may not necessarily fit the definition of "person" and thereby not receive all the rights bestowed to a person. Hence, such philosophers have engaged in arguing that certain disabled individuals (such as those with a mental capacity that is similar to or is perceived as being similar to an infant) are not persons. This philosophy is also supposedly open to the idea that such non-human persons as machines, animals, and extraterrestrial intelligences may be entitled to certain rights currently granted only to humans. The basic criteria for the entitlement of rights, are the intellect (thinking ability, problem solving in real life circumstances and not mere calculation), and sometimes empathy (but not necessarily, because not all humans are empathetic; but indifference in the pain of others and crime are certainly criteria for the deprivation of rights. Genuine empathy is not required to achieve acceptable behavior, but a digital limbic system and a dopaminergic pathways alternative, would deliver a more acceptable result for future MPs judging on rights expansion.). Personism may have views in common with transhumanism.
ellauri263.html on line 458: Ja he tulivat Rypälelaaksoon; sieltä he leikkasivat viiniköynnöksen, jossa oli rypäleterttu, ja kahden miehen täytyi kantaa sitä korennolla; samoin he ottivat granaattiomenia ja viikunoita. Se paikka nimitettiin Rypälelaaksoksi, rypäleen tähden, jonka israelilaiset sieltä leikkasivat. Ja he palasivat maata vakoilemasta neljänkymmenen päivän kuluttua. He vaelsivat ja tulivat Mooseksen, Aaronin ja kaiken Israelin kansan luo Paaranin erämaahan Kaadekseen. Ja he tekivät heille ja kaikelle kansalle selkoa matkastaan ja näyttivät heille sen maan hedelmiä. a he kertoivat hänelle sanoen: "Me menimme siihen maahan, jonne meidät lähetit. Ja se tosiaankin vuotaa maitoa ja mettä, ja tällaisia ovat sen hedelmät. Mutta kansa, joka siinä maassa asuu, on voimallista, ja kaupungit ovat lujasti varustettuja ja hyvin suuria; näimmepä siellä Anakinin jälkeläisiäkin. Amalekilaiset asuvat Etelämaassa ja heettiläiset, jebusilaiset ja amorilaiset asuvat vuoristossa, ja kanaanilaiset asuvat meren rannalla ja Jordanin varsilla."
ellauri264.html on line 83: Comme il l’écrit à son grand ami et écrivain Jean-Richard Bloch en 1939 : « Il faudrait pouvoir toujours tenir compte, en lisant chacun de mes drames révolutionnaires, du cycle épique dont il est un fragment. Tels des jugements exprimés dans un drame sont des jugements d’étape, que corrige et complète la suite du voyage. » En effet, les Loups témoignent de son antisemitisme, tandis que sa dernière pièce, Robespierre, datée de 1938, reflète son compagnonnage de route avec le grand ours d’URSS.
ellauri266.html on line 121: Tämä hauskasti väärinkuultu lyrics on Härpi Vimpan-Anttilan esikoisen mottona. Toi susi on epilepsia, eli grand mal. Susi nielee 13 kiliä yhteispaino n. 130 kiloa, mutta kuttu ehtii hätiin ja täyttää suden mahan kivillä. Susi menee janoisena juomaan kaivolle ja putoo sinne. Avausjaxossa Mikaelan kurkku on ahdas ja limainen, sinne on juuttunut Villen mälliä. He ovat juuri tehneet aviorikoxen. Varmaan lojuvat sängyn päällä nakuina hikisissä täkeissä niinkuin joka ikisessä Netflix sarjassa. Tekee mieli röökiä. Yllättävä, rohkea, sivistynyt ja hauska. Toikin että käännytään hässimään toinen varvi on nähty miljoonissa pätkissä. Kai se sitten tuppaa olla tällästä. Ainakin sohvakansan toiveissa.
ellauri266.html on line 204: Tampere kuplii. Sarjis-Finlandian valitsee kirjailija Virpi Hämeen-Anttila. 2022. Äänikirjat. ... Suden vuodessa 2003 epilepsia sävyttää epä-so­vin­naista rak-kaus­ta­rinaa. Tokko Virpillä on sentään izellään grand mal vaivoja? Ei se ainakaan ole tunnustanut.
ellauri266.html on line 447: Le roman raconte l’histoire de trois hommes qui explorent une planète lointaine très-similaire à la Terre, où les grands singes sont les espèces dominantes et intelligentes, alors que l´humanité est réduite à l’état animal. Le narrateur, Ulysse Mérou, est capturé par les singes et se retrouve enfermé dans un laboratoire. Prouvant son intelligence aux singes, il aide ensuite les scientifiques simiens à découvrir les origines de leur civilisation.
ellauri266.html on line 456: Un manuscrit enfermé dans une bouteille est retrouvé dans l´espace par Jinn et Phyllis, un couple en voyage spatial. Ce manuscrit raconte l´histoire suivante : en l’an 2500, le savant professeur Antelle a organisé une expédition pour l’exploration de l’étoile supergéante Bételgeuse. Il a embarqué à bord de son vaisseau son disciple, le jeune physicien Arthur Levain, et le journaliste, narrateur de cette aventure, Ulysse Méroua 12 ainsi qu’un chimpanzé baptisé Hector et plusieurs plantes et animaux pour ses recherches scientifiques dans l’espace. Arrivés à proximité de l´étoile, ils distinguent quatre planètes gravitant autour d´elle. L’une d’entre elles ressemble étrangement à la Terre. Ils décident alors de l’explorer. À bord d’un « engin à fusée » qu´ils nomment chaloupe, les trois aventuriers survolent des villes, des routes, des champs avant d’atterrir dans une forêt1. Après avoir effectué des tests, ils quittent leur chaloupe et découvrent l’étonnante ressemblance de l’atmosphère de cette planète, qu’ils baptisent Soror, avec celle de la Terre. Ils enlèvent leurs scaphandres et assistent impuissants à la fuite d’Hector. Par curiosité, ils s’engagent dans la forêt et arrivent à un lac naturel dont l’eau limpide leur donne envie de se baigner. Mais à leur grande surprise, ils découvrent au bord du lac les traces de pas humains.
ellauri266.html on line 460: Le jour suivant, un grand tapage semble étourdir les humains de Soror qui fuient dans tous les sens. Sans trouver d’explication à cette agitation, le narrateur et Arthur Levain les suivent. Au bout de sa course, le narrateur s’arrête et découvre ce qui lui paraît un cauchemar3. Le tapage est en fait une partie de chasse où les chasseurs sont des singes et le gibier, des humains. Se trouvant sur la ligne de tir d’un gorille, le narrateur ne peut s’empêcher de remarquer l’élégance de sa tenue de chasse et son regard étincelant comme celui des humains sur la planète Terre. Ces singes semblent raisonnables et intelligents. Cependant, son compagnon Arthur, pris de terreur et tentant de s´enfuir, est tué sur-le-champ par le gorille. Le narrateur profite d’un petit instant de relâchement et s’enfonce dans les buissons. Mais il est capturé par un filet tendu pour attraper les fuyards.
ellauri266.html on line 488: L´évolution artificielle des singes et la déchéance des hommes sont quant à elles révélées au chapitre huit de la troisième partie: « Il [un singe] était chez moi depuis des années et me servait fidèlement. Peu à peu, il a changé. Il s´est mis à sortir le soir, à assister à des réunions. Il a appris à parler. Il a refusé tout travail. Il y a un mois, il m´a ordonné de faire la cuisine et la vaisselle. [...] Une paresse cérébrale s´est emparée de nous [les hommes]. Plus de livres ; les romans policiers sont même devenus une fatigue intellectuelle trop grande. [...] Pendant ce temps, les singes méditent en silence. Leur cerveau se développe dans la réflexion solitaire... et ils parlent. ». Boulle dans ce passage ne présente pas la capitulation physique de l’homme devant plus fort que lui mais la capitulation de l’homme vis-à-vis de lui-même.
ellauri267.html on line 56: Walter Herman Wager (September 4, 1924 - July 11, 2004) was an American novelist. Walter Wager grew up in the East Tremont section of The Bronx, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants; his father, Max, was a doctor, and his mother, Jessie, was a nurse. But was he an emigrant or an immigrant? Depends how rich his parents were. Some sources say emigrant, others immigrant.

ellauri267.html on line 93: Borzov kexii lopulta mikä oli Dalchimskyllä tuhoamisjärjestyxen juonena ja saa sen kiinni ize teosta. Isotissinen ja kurvikas Barbie joka sillä on bond-tyttönä onkin amerikkalaisten 2x agentti. Mutta Barbi rakastuukin aikuisten oikeasti Bronsoniin eikä luovuta kasakkaa työnantajillensa. Rakastavaiset saavat olla rauhassa, koska niillä on laukaisemattomat zombiet vielä puhelinkirjassa. Ei kovin uskottava tarina, mutta aina kivempaa kuin Dale Brownin wholesale ryssäviha. Asiaa auttoi varmasti että Wagner on ize emigrantti ryssistä. Mitäs kazojat sanovat? Että Åke Lindman ja Ansa Ikonen oli tosi hyviä ja Helsinki uskottava Moskova!
ellauri269.html on line 360: Jenkkifantasioissa kuulu asiaan ezä olet muita parempi ja rikkaampi mutet anna sen nousta päähän, kusen kuuluu jo olla siellä tukan alla piilossa, ja muidenkin kuuluu tietää se, muuten se on turpasaunan paikka. Naiset kasvattaa kukkia jauhotahra naamassa. Kunkku nyökkää ämmälle kohteliaasti ja palaa miesten asiaan. Stormwind on kaatunut. Sieltä tulee Lordaeroniin imigrantteja. Nyt on piru merrassa. Eloonjääneiden joukossa on prinssi Volkswagen Variant. Onkohan se hampaattoman Opan näköinen? Sen pappa Llama kuoli kahakassa, Opasta tulee poltetun maan uusi kuningas. Kunkkukolleegan kohtalo tuntuu Arthritixestä pahemmalta kuin tuhannet kodittomat piruparat. Arthritixen isä Teiresias salaa peukutti Artun retkiä rotinkaisten parissa. Viisas poliitikko kiertää konstituenttejä ja tarjoo niille kahvia pahvimukeista. Muistathan sitten äänestää minua. Kuningas Teiresias joka istuu timanttituolissa välittää syvästi alamaisista.
ellauri269.html on line 581: The Tortollans are essentially old Jewish grandparents, yes. That’s not exactly the same situation, though. And goblins, historically? Yes. But Blizzard have actually made a clear effort to distinguish the WoW goblins from that history and made them into, well… Steampunk Italian-Americans.
ellauri270.html on line 232: Jeffin runousoppi on ilmeisesti plagioitu sen Lontoon lehtorilta Winifred Nowottnyltä. "Current criticism often takes metaphor au grand sérieux, as a peephole on the nature of transcendental reality, a prime means by which the imagination can see into the life of things." --Language Poets Use (1962) by Winifred Nowottny. Winifred M.T.Nowottny, nee Dobbs, was educated at the University of London and later taught English Literature at University College London. She published the books, Language Poets Use in 1962 and Hopkins´ Language of Prayer of Praise in 1972. Jeff ois niikö Harry Potter ja Winifer Dobbs sen kotihaltija. Toinen keskeinen Jeffin lähde oli Penguin Dictionary of Quotations.
ellauri270.html on line 247: Ye granted me before.' And the masts o the beaten gold.
ellauri270.html on line 597: Louis David Brandeis (later: Louis Dembitz Brandeis — see below) was born on November 13, 1856, in Louisville, Kentucky, the youngest of four children. He was born to immigrant parents from Bohemia, who raised him in a secular Jewish home. His parents, Adolph Brandeis and Frederika Dembitz, both of whom were Frankist Jews.
ellauri272.html on line 330: Indian. Never mind the practically extinct aborigines, but he is a dangerous role model for the millions of immigrant more colorful hopefuls.
ellauri275.html on line 455: Chavchavadze's contradictory career – his participation in the struggle against the Russian control of Georgia, on one hand, and the loyal service to the tsar, including the suppression of Georgian peasant revolts, on the other hand – found a noticeable reflection in his writings. The year 1832, when the Georgian plot collapsed, divides his work into two principal periods. Prior to that event, his poetry was mostly impregnated with laments for the former grandeur of Georgia, the loss of national independence and his personal grievances connected with it; his native country under the Russian empire seemed to him a prison, and he pictured its present state in extremely gloomy colors. The death of his beloved friend and son-in-law, Griboyedov, also contributed to the depressive character of his writings of that time.
ellauri277.html on line 236: Gibran did not have the training to imitate the old masters of Arabic literature: his education had been haphazard and was as much in English as in Arabic, and there is little evidence of the influence of classical Arabic literature in his works. Instead, his Arabic style was influenced by the Romantic writers of late 19th-century Europe and shows obvious traces of English syntax. His allegorical sketches of exile, oppression, and loneliness spoke to the experiences of immigrants and had none of the rhetorical decoration that made high Arabic literature difficult for ordinary readers. Gibran’s haphazard education meant that his Arabic, like his English, was never perfect.
ellauri278.html on line 182: Siberian pensioner IS grandson of Josef Stalin, DNA test reveals. Yury Davydov, 67, gets proof of his roots after years of waiting: his grandmother was Stalin's 14 year old lover. Stalin a Pedo? what has the world come to?
ellauri279.html on line 120: granituretskogo.ru/en/paintings-by-artists/morozov-pavel-trofimovich-kakaya-zhe-nastoyashchaya-istoriya-pavlika/">Источник
ellauri279.html on line 203: Alperovichit näyttää olevan pahempia oikeistojutkuja kuin Suomen oma Ben Zyskovicz. The vast majority of Argentine Jews are descended from immigrants who arrived from Europe. These ashkenazic Jews migrated from small towns or shtetels of Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Germany, Romania or Ukraine, leaving behind most of their Jewish relatives. After two or three generations, those Jewish families lost track of their relatives, having been saved from the war, emigrated to other countries like USA, England or Australia.
ellauri281.html on line 181: Siberian pensioner IS grandson of Josef Stalin, DNA test reveals. Yury Davydov, 67, gets proof of his roots after years of waiting: his grandmother was Stalin's 14 year old lover. Stalin a Pedo? what has the world come to?
ellauri283.html on line 544: Larmet går från Medelhavet: EU låter migranterna dö. Över 31 000 migranter – fyra gånger fler än under samma period i fjol – har anlänt till Italien i år. Samtidigt dör fler människor på tröskeln till Europa än på sex år. – Europa har bestämt att de inte ska räddas, säger Francesco Creazzo på hjälporganisationen SOS Méditerranée. Det finns viktigare angelägenheter att ta hand om på östfronten just nu.
ellauri284.html on line 272: Todennäköisesti se (kadetraali siis) on rakennettu vanhemman toimistorakennuksen tilalle. Vuonna 1490 torni ja goottilaisen kirkon länsijulkisivu romahtivat. Siitä lähtien aloitettiin loputon läntisen massiivin jälleenrakennus, joka kesti 163 vuotta ja jonka tuloksena syntyi nykyisin tunnettu graniittinen julkisivu, joka on suurelta osin tyylitön. 11. helmikuuta 1754, keskellä uskonnollista jumalanpalvelusta, suuri kivi irrotettiin kuoron holvista enkelien toimesta. Insinööri Abeille oli ehdottanut koko rakennuksen uudelleenrakentamista kreikkalaisen turistin suunnitelman mukaan, mutta hän kuoli vuonna 1752 ilman, että projekti olisi saanut pienintäkään rahoitusta.
ellauri284.html on line 603: Gurgaon, a city of more than a million, rose pell-mell over the past three decades as private developers worked hand-in-hand with politicians to gain control of huge swaths of property, resulting in a chaotic metropolis of gated communities and golf courses that sit alongside squalid migrant camps and fetid cesspools.
ellauri285.html on line 691: Selon lui, la crise actuelle en France est une crise de la symbolique républicaine, due à un manque de sacré. Pour Régis Debray, le dernier grand homme à la symbolique républicaine était François Mitterrand.
ellauri285.html on line 712: Pour lui le messager conditionne le message. Sa thèse est : « l’invention de l’écriture alphabétique jointe à une nouvelle technique de partage (le codex) dans un milieu nomade mais sédentarisé a été la condition de naissance de Dieu comme universel ». – Est-ce vous qui avez inventé ça, la médiologie? – C´est un bien grand mot. C´est Victor Hugo qui l´a créée. « Ceci tuera cela ». Dans Notre-Dame de Paris, je vous recommande ce passage : c´est l´archidiacre Frollo, qui a un petit livre de Gutenberg, et qui est devant la cathédrale, et qui dit de façon prophétique « Ceci tuera cela », et dans l´autre main il avait un petit téléphone mobile, et de façon également prophétique: « Ceci tuera cela ».
ellauri285.html on line 714: La troisième grande technologie est la révolution informatique avec le développement du Web. Sur cette toile géante, il n’y a plus de frontières, plus d’État. À quelle forme de « sacré » cela mène-t-il ? Moi je ne suis qu´un petit continuateur, conclut modestement Régis Debray.
ellauri299.html on line 104: Topolin nimisankari on extraknäckiä tekevä naismiliisi. Mutta varsinaiset sankarit tulee nähtävästi olemaan jotain juutalaisemigrantteja. Inglourious Basterds. PS. Hartolan rompetorilta löytyi nippu Topolin pokkareita ryssäxi. Ostin niistä yhden, Ryssä huomenna. Jahka pääsen siihen asti kommentoin sitä tässä (tai sit jossain muussa jaxossa).
ellauri300.html on line 583: Don McLean's (1945) grandfather and father, both also named Donald McLean, were of Scottish origin. McLean's mother, Elizabeth Bucci, was Italian, originated from Abruzzo in central Italy. He has other extended family in Los Angeles and Boston.
ellauri300.html on line 591: McLean was raised in the Catholic faith of his mother, Elizabeth McLean; his father, Donald McLean, was a Protestant. His father died when McLean was 15. McLean grew up in a physically abusive household, and was abused by both his parents and his sister. His second marriage was to Patrisha Shnier McLean, of Montreal, Canada, from 1987 to 2016. They have two children, Jackie and Wyatt, and two grandchildren, Rosa and Mya. In 2018, McLean confirmed his romantic relationship with model and reality star Paris Dylan, who is 48 years his junior. McLean sang a duet of his song "Vincent" with Ed Sheeran.
ellauri300.html on line 593: On January 18, 2016, McLean's then-wife Patrisha Shnier McLean alleged that after four hours of "terrorizing" her, McLean pinned her to a bed until she broke free and ran to the bathroom. Shnier McLean alleged that McLean attempted "to shove open the locked bathroom door behind which I had barricaded myself. As it was splintering, I pushed the numbers 911." McLean was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence, and pled guilty to domestic violence assault, criminal restraint, criminal mischief and making domestic violence threats. McLean paid $3,660 in fines, and was not sentenced to any jail time. Under Maine's deferred disposition law, the State agreed to dismiss the domestic violence assault charge if McLean complied with the court's orders for one year, and the charge was expunged a year later. During this time, Shnier McLean filed for divorce, citing “adultery, cruel and abusive treatment, and irreconcilable differences." McLean has denied that he physically abused Shnier McLean, and his lawyer released a statement claiming McLean agreed to the plea deal in the interest of privacy. In March 2017, a Maine court granted Shnier-McLean's request for a 10-year protection order against McLean. In 2021, McLean's daughter Jackie told Rolling Stone that her father was emotionally abusive and created a cult-like household through paralyzing verbal attacks, forced isolation, and threats to withhold love or financial support.
ellauri301.html on line 98: He first appeared when Sweden was in the middle of a precipitate retreat to laissez-faire capitalism from the optimistic social democracy of the 1960s and 70s, so that the corruption and decay of the hero found an echo in the corruption and decay of the society around him. Sweden had become a much more racist country than it had seemed in the 60s, when there were hardly any immigrants from outside Scandinavia there. All the racist hate had been spent on the Finns, who nobody could distinguish from the locals until they opened their mouths. Which they rarely did.
ellauri301.html on line 144: Young Wallander is a young, edgy, and modern series that sees Henning Mankell's iconic detective Kurt Wallander investigate his gripping first case. The story focuses on the formative experiences – professional and personal – faced by Kurt as a recently graduated police officer in his early twenties. Including frequent fornication with an unrealistically pretty immigrant charity worker.
ellauri301.html on line 157: Wallander was once married, but his wife Mona (remember? the immigrant charity dish) left him and he has since had a difficult relationship with his rebellious only child, Linda, who barely survived a suicide attempt when she was fifteen. He also had issues with his late father, an artist who painted the same landscape 7,000 times for a living; the elder Wallander strongly disapproved of his son´s decision to join the police force and frequently derided him for it. Fair enough: painting sunsets with/without a black grouse pays off better than finding random middle fingers of color. Kurt Wallander sr is a great fan of the opera. Kurt Wallander jr says he actually hates opera. I bet that was a joke.
ellauri302.html on line 226: The God Of Vengeance paid my account the day before yesterday... We were standing under the eaves, the rain is so fragrant,.. It washes the whole winter off your head. (Goes over to Hindel.) Just look... (Showing her wet pubic hair.) How fresh it is... how sweet it smells...
ellauri302.html on line 243: Basha: Here, at least, I'm a free person. I've got my chest of finery, and dress swell. Better clothes, upon my word, than the rich daughters of my village... (Fetching from her compartment a hrown dress.) When I go walking on Marshalkovski street in this dress they all stare at me... Fire and flame! Mm! If I could only put in an appearance in my home town dressed in this fashion, here 's how I 'd promenade to the station. (Struts across the room like a lady of fashion^ raising her skirt at the hack and assuming a cosmopolitan air.) They'd die of jealousy, I tell you... They'd be stricken with apoplexy on the spot. (Promenades about the room playing the grand dame.)
ellauri302.html on line 277: Manke, embraces her passionately. Come, Rifkele, I'll wash your eyes in the rainwater. The night is so beautiful, the rain is so warm and the air is so full of delightful fragrance. Come.
ellauri302.html on line 294: Are you cold, Rifkele darling? Nestle close to me... Ever so close... Warm yourself next to me. So. Come, let's sit down here on the lounge. (Leads Rifkele to a lounge; they sit down.) Just like this... Now rest your face snugly in my bosom. So. Just like that. And let your body touch mine... It's so cool... as if water were running between us. (Pause.) I uncovered your breasts and washed them with the rainwater that trickled down my arms. Your breasts are so white and soft. And the blood in them cools under the touch, just like white snow, — like frozen water... and their fragrance is like the grass on the meadows. And I let down your hair so... (Buns her fingers through RifkeWs hair.) And I held them like this in the rain and washed them. How sweet they smell... Like the rain itself... (She huries her face in Rifkele's hair.) Yes, I can smell the scent of the May rain in them... So light, so fine... And fresh... as the grass on the meadows... as the apple on the bough... So. Cool me, refresh me with your tresses. (She washes her face in Rifkele^s hair.) Cool me, — so. But wait... I'll comb you as if you were a bride... a nice part and two long, black braids. (Does so.) Do you want me to, Rifkele? Do you?
ellauri309.html on line 1065: Mikki on tietysti irlantilainen, kuten Noora, ja Mikin heppakaveri Mad Max, alias Mel Gibson. Gibson's mother, Anne Patricia Reilly, was born in Ardagh in County Longford. In fact, Mel is named after St. Mel's Cathedral, the fifth-century Irish saint, and founder of Gibson's mother's local native diocese, Ardagh. While his middle name, Colmcille, is the name the Catholic diocese of Ardagh. Mel Gibson's grandfather John H Gibson was a millionaire tobacco businessman from the American South.
ellauri315.html on line 474: grantcountybeat.com/images/2017newsitems/Comics/Aug_21-to-Aug_27/bc082717dAPR.jpg" />
ellauri318.html on line 328: Nicholas Pritzker (1871–1957), Jewish immigrant from Kyiv, founded Pritzker & Pritzker law firm in Chicago and was a cousin of the existentialist philosopher Lev Shestov (Schwartzman). Penny is the sister of J. B. Pritzker, the current governor of Illinois.
ellauri321.html on line 105: For many years after Hazlitt had sounded his note of praise, Crèvecoeur and his work remained practically unknown. The ideas for which he stood, the literary atmosphere that he created, were both old-fashioned. Few people took Rousseau from their upper shelves, and the dust gathered on the tomes of Chateaubriand. Even Werther was more talked about than read. And so no one cared for this Earthly Paradise of the Age of Reason dashed with Rousseau's sentimentality, filled with his love of Nature, and prophetic of the whole Emigrant literature of France.
ellauri321.html on line 149: these accumulated rewards procure them lands; those lands confer on them the title of freemen, and to that title every benefit is affixed which men can possibly require. This is the great operation daily performed by our laws. Ubi panis ibi patria is the motto of all immigrants.
ellauri321.html on line 191: Pride steps in and leads him to every thing that the laws do not expressly forbid. It is not every immigrant who succeeds; no, it is only the sober, the honest, and industrious: happy those to whom this transition has served as a powerful spur to labour, to prosperity, and to the good establishment of children, born in the days of their poverty; and who had no other portion to expect but the rags of their parents, had it not been for their crappy imigration. Why here they can find better rags on the dump and eat heartier meals from the trashcans.
ellauri321.html on line 195: The Scotch and the Irish might have lived in their own country perhaps as poor, but enjoying more civil advantages, the effects of their new situation do not strike them so forcibly, nor has it so lasting an effect. From whence the difference arises I know not, but out of twelve families of emigrants of each country, generally seven Scotch will succeed, nine German, and four Irish. The Scotch are frugal and laborious, but their wives cannot work so hard as German women, who on the contrary vie with their husbands, and often share with them the most severe toils of the field, which they understand better. They have therefore nothing to struggle against, but the common casualties of nature. The Irish do not prosper so well; they love to drink and to quarrel; they are litigious, and soon take to the gun, which is the ruin of every thing; they seem beside to labour under a greater degree of ignorance in husbandry than the others; perhaps it is that their industry had less scope, and was less exercised at home. Their potatoes, which are easily raised, are perhaps an inducem
ellauri321.html on line 270: I believe that if Putin is allowed to take Ukraine it will embolden him to continue the war and take other countries that have something that he wants. I think the free world must continue to support Ukraine and other countries in precarious situations like South Korea and Taiwan. If the free world doesn’t support them, it will just be a matter of time before they are attacked. If you don’t believe in freedom, move to North Korea, Russia, China or any of the other countries with dictators, kings or a supreme being. Our children´s and grandchildren’s options and futures are at stake.
ellauri322.html on line 51: Thomas Paine est né en 1737 à Thetford, une bourgade du Norfolk en Angleterre. Son père, Joseph Pain, est quaker et sa mère, Frances Cocke Pain, anglicane. Malgré les affirmations selon lesquelles Thomas aurait changé l'orthographe de son nom de famille lors de son émigration en Amérique en 1774, il utilisait "Paine" déja en 1769, alors qu'il était encore à Lewes, dans le Sussex. Il grandit dans un milieu rural modeste et quitte l'école à l'âge de douze ans. Sa formation intellectuelle est donc celle d'un autodidacte. Grâce à cela, sa pensée simple et son style concis et clair ont fait de lui une arme efficace de propagande.
ellauri322.html on line 472: Sieni-omaisuuksia alettiin tehdä sodan aikana; ihmiset todellakin näyttävät olevan sienilajin jäseniä, ja se röyhkeä vulgaarisuus, jonka äkillinen vaurauden tulva tavallisesti tuottaa tavallisten ihmisten mielissä, on täällä hyvin silmiinpistävää, mikä on ristiriidassa monien emigranttisiirtolaisten surujen kanssa, jotka ovat kaatuneet, pudonneet kartanoiden korkeuksista, sellaisia ​ onnenpyörän ylä- ja alamäkiä. Monet siirtolaiset ovat urheasti kohdanneet sellaisen täydellisen olosuhteiden muutoksen, jota tuskin voi verrata, vetäytymällä arvokkaasti palatsista tuntemattomaan koloon, mutta suurempi joukko vaeltelee kaikkialla, loiston haamuja, St. Louisin ristit tarkoituksella esillä, täysi päättäväisyys toivoa, "vaikka taivas ja maa ovat siellä, missä heidän halunsa risteävät". Ja kuitenkin hyvä kasvatus leimaa herrasmiestä, ja kunnian ja herkkyyden tunteet näyttävät olevan sielun suuruuden tuotetta verrattuna likaisten prosenttisenttihammastajien nyyhkyviin katseisiin.
ellauri322.html on line 481: I left this letter unfinished, as I was hurried on board, and now I have only to tell you that, at the sight of Dover cliffs, I wondered how anybody could term them grand; they appear so insignificant to me, after those I had seen in Sweden and Norway.
ellauri323.html on line 70: On 11 December 1936, when Edward VII's grandson, Edward VIII, abdicated the throne to marry Wallis Simpson, Mrs. Alice Keppel, Edward's longtime mistress, while dining at the Ritz Hotel, was heard to say, "Things were done much better in my day." Van Keppelit olivat Willemin mukana britteihin tulleita hollanninmatuja. Alice oli Camilla rottweilerin isoisoäiti. Samassa duunissa siis toimi koko kolmikko. Kunniakumppanina Walesin prinssinnakille. Vasta Camilla pääsi hieromaan simpukkaansa valtaistuimeen.
ellauri323.html on line 74: Sebastian The Duke was open-handed, as he could well afford to be; money was a thing about which he never needed to think. There had always been plenty of money at Chevron, and there still was, even with the income-tax raised from 11d. to 1/- in the pound; that abundance was another of the things which had never changed and which had every appearance of being unchangeable. It was taken for granted, but Sebastian saw to it that his tenants benefited as well as himself. "An ideel landlord-wish there were more like him," they said, forgetting that there were, in fact, many like him; many who, in their unobtrusive way, elected to share out their fortune, not entirely to their own advantage-quiet English squires, who, less favoured than Sebastian, were yet imbued with the same spirit, and traditionally gave their time and a good proportion of their possessions as a matter of course to those dependent upon them. A voluntary system, voluntary in that it depended upon the temperament of the squire; still, a system which possessed a certain pleasant dignity denied to the systems of a more compulsory sort. But did it, Sebastian reflected, sitting with his pen poised above his cheque-book, carry with it a disagreeable odour of charity? He thought not; for he knew that he derived as much satisfaction from the idea that Bassett would no longer endure a leaking roof as Bassett could possibly derive, next winter, from the fact that his roof no longer leaked. He would certainly go over and talk to the man Bassett.
ellauri324.html on line 766: if you set the common man up against the immigrant, you
ellauri325.html on line 661: Granfelt menetti otteensa Raittiuden Ystävistä 1900-luvun alussa, jolloin työväenliikkeen vaikutus raittiusliikkeessä kasvoi. Poliittisesti konservatiivista ja yläluokkaista ”granfeltilaisuutta” alettiin pitää liian vanhoillisena. Niinpä Granfelt luopui Raittiuden Ystävien esimiehen tehtävistä 1902 ja valtakunnallisen kattojärjestön sihteerintoimesta 1906. Granfeltin aseman peri puoluepoliittisesti sitoutunut Väinö Voionmaa. Tyhmänoloinen Voiski vaikutti Norssin luokkajuhlassa elämäänsä tyytyväiseltä.
ellauri326.html on line 410: 8 August 2022 the World bank announced a $4.5 billion grant from the United States government to the Ukrainian government, meant for funding social payments, healthcare services and pensions.
ellauri326.html on line 415: Around €17 billion in grants and loans from 2014 until 12 February 2022.
ellauri326.html on line 552: Coppée fut le poète populaire et sentimental de Paris et de ses faubourgs, des tableaux de rue intimistes du monde des humbles. Poète de la tristesse à la vue des oiseaux qui meurent en hiver (La Mort des oiseaux), du souvenir d'une première rencontre amoureuse (« Septembre, au ciel léger »), de la nostalgie d'une autre existence (« Je suis un pâle enfant du vieux Paris ») ou de la beauté du crépuscule (« Le crépuscule est triste et doux »), il rencontra un grand succès populaire.
ellauri332.html on line 464: Le film engrange un million de dollars le jour de sa première diffusion
ellauri333.html on line 198: Ashokavadanan mukaan ei-buddhalainen Pundravardhanassa piirsi kuvan, jossa Buddha kumarsi Nirgrantha-johtajan Jnatiputran jalkojen juureen. Termiä nirgrantha ("vapaa siteistä") käytettiin Jaina-munkeista. Legenda kertoo, että buddhalaisen valvojan valituksesta Ashoka antoi käskyn pidättää ei-buddhalainen taiteilija ja sen jälkeen vähän mietittyään toisen käskyn tappaa kaikki Pundravardhanan ajivikat. Noin 18 000 Ajivika-lahkon seuraajaa teloitettiin tämän käskyn seurauksena. Joskus myöhemmin toinen Nirgrantha-seuraaja Pataliputrassa piirsi samanlaisen kuvan. Ashoka poltti hänet ja hänen koko perheensä elävältä heidän talossaan.
ellauri333.html on line 200: Hän ilmoitti myös palkitsevansa yhden dinaran (kultakolikko) jokaiselle, joka toi hänelle Nirgrantha-harhaoppisen pään. Ashokavadanan mukaan tämän käskyn seurauksena hänen oma veljensä erehtyi harhaoppiseksi ja hänet tappoi lehmänpaimen. Ashoka tajusi virheensä ja peruutti tilauksen.
ellauri338.html on line 166:
ellauri339.html on line 312: Allumons notre grande forge ! Sytytetään mahtava takomomme!
ellauri339.html on line 343: Le grand parti des travailleurs. Suuri työväenpuolue.
ellauri342.html on line 568: Tähtisotien Prinsessa Leijakin oli 50% juutalainen, vaikka sen äiti Debbie Reynolds oli skotti. Isä Eddie Fisher, joka nai myös Lizzie Tayloria, sensijaan oli tuppikulli, Tischin perheestä jotka oli Venäjän immigrantteja. Fisher's good looks and strong, melodious tenor voice made him a teen idol and one of the most popular singers of the early 1950s. Hänellä oli elämänsä aikana viisi vaimoa, joista kolme ensimmäistä olivat tunnettuja näyttelijöitä: Debbie Reynolds, Elizabeth Taylor ja Connie Stevens. Fisher kuoli 22. syyskuuta 2010 lonkkaleikkauksen komplikaatioihin 82 vuoden iässä. Ei olis kannattanut.
ellauri342.html on line 587:

Sepe susi, vauva, kannibaali-inkkari, serbi-imigrantti - Quel horreur!

ellauri342.html on line 591: Jenkeillä kauhunaiheita on vaikka kuinka paljon koska siellä on niin paljon erilaisia imigrantteja. Niinkuin noi lättäpää intiaanit Wyomingin reservaatissa jotka syövät mustakarhuja ja muita kannibaaleja. Tai size on paha serbiämmä joka paloittelee urhean pilvenpiirtäjiä pystyttäneen reumaattisen raxaäijän vaan hankkiaxeen green cardin ja saadaxeen unelmien maahan myös natopommitusten jälkeen Serbiaan jääneen poikansa. Ei mitään häpyä, tuoko on kiitollisuutta meikäläisille, mitä? I beg to disagree, sanoo Desperate Housewifeistä tuttu epäuskottavan simpsakka luutohtori, jonka pomo on vielä epäuskottavamman näköinen botoxhuulinen blondiämmä pusero reuhottaen aukinaisena. No serbi sentään passitettiin takas synnyinmaahansa, asustelkoon siellä poikasineen puutteessa ja nälässä ilman susiaaliapua.
ellauri344.html on line 261: Jews without Money is set in a slum populated mainly by Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. The father of the hero is a Romanian-born painter who suffers from lead poisoning. When he falls from a scaffold, he is disabled and can no longer work. His business fails and the family is pushed into poverty. The mother has to seek work in a restaurant. Although he is a bright boy, young Michael decides he must leave school. On the final page of the book, the poor Jewish boy prays for the arrival of a Marxist worker's revolution that will emancipate the working class.
ellauri346.html on line 295: Finland detaches from Russia as concrete barriers appear. Finland cuts off from Russia. Concrete barriers have appeared. On Thursday, a group of close to 20 individuals, including cyclists, arrived at the first border crossing in the north in Kuhmo. An immigrant, part of a group of about thirty, disobeyed orders, mandating the use of tear gas by the guards. Witness accounts and reports from asylum seekers suggest that migrants only resort to bicycles for the last leg of their journey, in the Russian border zone. The dictator of the Saleist regime of Finland raised the alarm: "Beware of Russia". According to Suvi Alvri, before February 1918, Russia and Finland, neighboring countries, had "functional relations". However, relations have now deteriorated.
ellauri349.html on line 490: Raymond Claude Ferdinand Aron est issu d'une famille juive et d'un milieu aisé des deux côtés. Ses parents sont Gustave Émile Aron (1870-1934) et Suzanne Levy (1877-1940). Son grand-père maternel, Léon Levy, possédait une usine de textile dans le nord de la France. Sa famille paternelle venait de Lorraine où elle était établie depuis la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Son grand-père paternel, Isidore (dit Ferdinand) Aron, était grossiste en textile à Rambervillers, puis Nancy (Lorraine). Un de ses grand-oncles paternels, Paul Aron, était le père de Max Aron, médecin biologiste à la faculté de médecine de Strasbourg. Ferdinand, le grand-père paternel de Raymond, prédit à celui-ci à sa naissance une grande carrière. Gustave Aron refusa de prendre la suite de l'affaire familiale et fit de brillantes études de droit; il publia des travaux juridiques, mais n'étant reçu que deuxième à l'agrégation de droit alors qu'un seul poste était attribué, il abandonna la perspective d'enseigner à l'université et devint professeur de droit à l'École normale supérieure de l'enseignement technique. Il arrêta de travailler au début du XXe siècle, vécut dès lors de l'héritage familial et fit construire une maison à Versailles en 1913-1915 avec un court de tennis. La famille Aron retourna ensuite à Paris. Après la guerre, Gustave Aron investit en bourse, mais sa fortune fut perdue du fait de la crise économique de 1929 et il fut obligé de reprendre un emploi. Il mourut en 1934 d'une crise cardiaque. La mère de Raymond mourut en juin 1940 à Vannes.
ellauri349.html on line 492: Cette fortune familiale disparue avait permis aux trois enfants Aron de mener une vie aisée et de faire de bonnes études. Le frère aîné de Raymond, Adrien Aron (1902-1969), a étudié au lycée Hoche et poursuit par une classe de mathématiques supérieures et une licence en droit[7], mais il était plus attiré par une vie facile et devint un grand joueur de tennis et de bridge et mena une vie de « flambeur », à l'opposé de Raymond et au grand dam de leur père. Avant la naissance d'Adrien, la mère avait accouché d'un enfant mort-né. Après Raymond vint un troisième garçon, Robert Aron, qui obtint une licence en droit et en philosophie, publia une étude sur Descartes et Pascal[Laquelle ?] et après son service militaire entra dans l'administration de la Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas (devenue en 1982 Paribas, qui fut ensuite rachetée en 2000 par la BNP pour former BNP Paribas), selon certains grâce à Raymond, qui jouait régulièrement au tennis avec son directeur.
ellauri349.html on line 505: Politiquement, Sartre a rejoint le camp de l'antiaméricanisme et du soutien (non sans critiques) du PCF et de l'URSS, alors qu'Aron se rapproche de celui de la démocratie libérale et de l'anticommunisme. Alors qu'ils étaient amis dans leur jeunesse, ils se brouillent à partir de 1947, lors d'un débat radiophonique où Sartre, opposé à l'ancien résistant Pierre de Bénouville, compare de Gaulle à Hitler. Il demande alors à Aron de les départager, ce qu'il refuse, sans pour autant soutenir Bénouville. Par la suite, les désaccords iront grandissants. Aron rejoint le RPF gaulliste, quand Sartre co-fonde le Rassemblement démocratique révolutionnaire, un nom que l'intellectuel libéral juge oxymorique, estimant que la révolution souhaitée par Sartre ne peut pas être démocratique. Lenin oli samaa mieltä.
ellauri349.html on line 609: Kalansilmäisen mutta syöpäisen Paul Austerin romuluinen puoliso, narsistinen Siri Hustvedt (kz. albumeita 8 ja 22) antaa Eskin narsismille lisäpotkua. Ei voi olla suuri narsisti olematta ensin pieni narsisti. Eskin lavatoiminta todisti ja vaati adaptiivista grandiositeettia, eli siis just tätä narsistista egoa. Eri asia oliko koko paskasta muuta hyötyjää kuin Eskin lompakko. No oli toki, kuten "The Nokia Way" ja arjen sankareiden lomaviihde. Kummasti se on säästänyt joka lippusen ja lappusen perustellaxeen tutkijanuransa lässähdystä ja uutta nousua liike-elämän komeljanttarina. Ei vittu nyt tulee Curre Lindström ja "den glider in". Currestakin on kai kaivettu jälkeenpäin esille kaikenlaista noloa (albumi 305). Sellaisia ne julkkixet tuppaa olemaan. Eski otti yleisönsä rajusti jo 20-vuotiaana laskareiden pitäjänä. Luennoidessaan Eski ei kazo ketään silmiin, vaan muumipilviä. Figures. Tuntuu suorastaan nololta, että Eski ylipäänsä puhuu muumeista. Se ei takuulla lukenut pienenä muumikirjoja, vaan Battler Brittoneita, Jerry Cottoneita ja Johannexen evankelumia. Panin murinaa jaguaariini.
ellauri353.html on line 378: Kuitenkin, Auringonlaskulla oli edelleen ihailijoita. Vuonna 1928 lähettämässään kirjeessä valkoiselle emigrantti- isälleen Boris Pasternak kirjoitti: "Luin eilen Auringonlaskun, Baabelin näytelmän, ja melkein ensimmäistä kertaa elämässäni huomasin, että juutalaisuus oli etnisenä tosiasiana myönteinen ilmiö., ongelmaton merkitys ja voima... Haluaisin sinun lukevan tämän merkittävän näytelmän..."
ellauri353.html on line 541: Ofördärvade bredbenta flickor granskade nyktert och sakligt den döende semitens avtärda, fina och lockiga manlighet. Du har fördärvat hästen, din fyrögda torsk, sade skvadronchefen. Kasakat ei antaneet hevosvarkautta ilmaisexi nelisilmälle. Eikä Kobakaan.
ellauri364.html on line 356: kun kuu paistoi kuusen ja kiven yllä, då månen sken över gran och häll,
ellauri365.html on line 65: ja suuret valot juoksivat nurmikon poikki. Et de grandes clartés couraient sur le gazon.
ellauri365.html on line 83: Tämän suuren tähtien valtameren läpi. Lempeä Par ce grand océan d’astres. Une tendresse
ellauri365.html on line 147: Joten istuimme suuren vaalean seinän edessä; Donc, nous étions assis devant le grand mur blême ;
ellauri365.html on line 162: Katselin toveriani, ja tunsin kasvavani J’épiais ma compagne, et je sentais grandir
ellauri365.html on line 205: pysyivät paikoillaan ja seisoivat kuin kaksi suurta pilaria. Restaient fixes, debout comme deux grands piliers.
ellauri365.html on line 249: « Ce soir dans un atelier de la rue de Fleurus, le jeune Maupassant fait représenter une pièce obscène de sa composition, intitulée FEUILLE DE ROSE et joué par lui et ses amis. C'est lugubre, ces jeunes hommes travestis en femmes, avec la peinture sur leurs maillots d'un large sexe entrebâillé ; et je ne sais quelle répulsion vous vient involontairement pour ces comédiens s'attouchant et faisant entre eux le simulacre de la gymnastique d'amour. L'ouverture de la pièce, c'est un jeune séminariste qui lave des capotes. Il y a au milieu une danse d'almées sous l'érection d'un phallus monumental et la pièce se termine par une branlade presque nature. Je me demandais de quelle absence de pudeur naturelle il fallait être doué pour mimer cela devant un public, tout en m'efforçant de dissimuler mon dégoût, qui aurait pu paraître singulier de la part de l'auteur de LA FILLE ELISA. Le monstrueux, c'est que le père de l'auteur, le père de Maupassant, assistait à la représentation. Cinq ou six femmes, entre autres la blonde Valtesse, se trouvaient là, mais riant du bout des lèvres par contenance, mais gênées par la trop grande ordure de la chose. Lagier elle-même ne restait pas jusqu'à la fin de la représentation. Le lendemain, Flaubert, parlant de la représentation avec enthousiasme, trouvait, pour la caractériser, la phrase : « Oui, c'est très frais ! » Frais pour cette salauderie, c'est vraiment une trouvaille. »
ellauri365.html on line 547: I sitt svar på Strindbergs angrepp hade Heidenstam stämplat både Strindberg och arbetarrörelsen som "proletärfilosofiska" krafter som byggde på avund och lumpet förakt för kulturen, förnuftet och rättvisan. 1911 kom skriften Proletärfilosofiens upplösning och fall, en bitter och ironisk uppgörelse med Strindberg. Förargerligt nog gick Strindberg segrande ur striden.
ellauri365.html on line 574: The next aspect of Heidenstam’s development appeared in his patriotic poetry. He had discovered early that love for the ancestral wealth and for the home of one’s noble birth is what most strongly links man to life. His self-love finally suggested a patriotic delusion of grandeur and called forth this passionate demand: "No people may be greater than you; that is the goal, no matter what the cost."
ellauri365.html on line 680: det är för att göra sig särskilt grann Vain sixi että kiihottuisi kaveri
ellauri368.html on line 29: granate-poems-of-avrom-sutzkever-book-cover.jpg?w=250&ssl=1" width="45.4%" />
ellauri368.html on line 47: New York Times kuvaili jiddiškirjailijaa Avrom Sutzkeveriä (1913–2010) "holokaustin suurimmaksi runoilijaksi". Nykyisellä Valko-Venäjällä syntynyt Sutzkever vietti lapsuutensa sotapakolaisena Siperiassa, palasi Puolaan osallistumaan sotien väliseen jiddishkulttuurin kukoistukseen, joutui natsimiehityksen aikana Vilnan gettoon, pakeni juutalaisten partisaanien joukkoon ja asettui sodan jälkeen uuteen Israelin valtioon. Henkilökohtainen ja poliittinen, mystinen ja kansallinen, hänen työnsä, mukaan lukien yli kaksi tusinaa runokokoelmaa, useita tarinoita ja muistelma, osoitti tapoja, joilla jiddishin luovuus tasapainotti samanaikaisesti surun ja herätyksen vaatimuksia holokaustin jälkeen. Kirjassa The Full Pomegranate hieno kääntäjä Richard J. Fein valitsee ja kääntää Sutzkeverin parhaita runoja, jotka kattavat hänen uransa täyden leveyden. Sutzkever on jiddishin runokaanonin hengellisesti ravitsevin runoilija.
ellauri368.html on line 66: Among the Jews of the Slavonic countries "maskil" usually denotes a self-taught Hebrew scholar with an imperfect knowledge of a living language (usually German), who represents the love of learning and the striving for culture awakened by Mendelssohn and his disciples; i.e., an adherent or follower of the Haskalah movement. He is "by force of circumstances detained on the path over which the Jews of western Europe swiftly passed from rabbinical lore to European culture" and to emancipation, and "his strivings and short-comings exemplify the unfulfilled hopes and the disappointments of Russian civilization." The Maskilim are mostly teachers and writers; they taught a part of the young generation of Russian Jewry to read Hebrew and have created the great Neo-Hebrew literature which is the monument of Haskalah. Although Haskalah has now been flourishing in Russia for three generations, the class of Maskilim does not reproduce itself. The Maskilim of each generation are recruited from the ranks of the Orthodox Talmudists, while the children of Maskilim very seldom follow in the footsteps of their fathers. This is probably due to the fact that the Maskil who breaks away from strictly conservative Judaism in Russia, but does not succeed in becoming thoroughly assimilated, finds that his material conditions have not been improved by the change, and, while continuing to cleave to Haskalah for its own sake, he does not permit his children to share his fate. The quarrels between the Maskilim and the Orthodox, especially in the smaller communities, are becoming less frequent. In the last few years the Zionist movement has contributed to bring the Maskilim, who joined it almost to a man, nearer to the other classes of Jews who became interested in that movement. The numerous Maskilim who emigrated to the United States, especially after the great influx of Russian immigrants, generally continued to follow their old vocation of teaching and writing Hebrew, while some contributed to the Yiddish periodicals. Many of those who went thither in their youth entered the learned professions. See Literature, Modern Hebrew. (Source: Jewish Dictionary)
ellauri368.html on line 318: Hasidism was inspired by Israel ben Eliezer, who was eventually dubbed the Ba'al Shem Tov after he was "revealed" as a wonder-working leader in about 1736. He lived in the Ukraine, where there was a high density of provincial Jewish communities. Two generations after the death of this charismatic leader, his followers printed BeShT (In Praise of the Ba'al Shem Tov, 1815, a Hebrew work consisting primarily of hagiographie tales about wonders of the rebbe, as passed on and eaborated by his disciples. In the same year, stories by Nahman of Bratislav - a great-grandson of the Ba'al Shem Tov - were published by his scribe Nathan Sternharz. Accompanied by Yiddish versions, the Hebrew tales were intended to reach the broadest possible audience.
ellauri369.html on line 106: Kirjassa The History of the Contending of Saint Paul hänen kasvojaan kuvataan "granaattiomenan ihon punertaviksi". Pyhän Pietarin teot vahvistavat, että Paavalilla oli kalju ja kiiltävä pää ja punaiset hiukset. Kuten Barnes tiivisti, Chrysostomos kirjoittaa, että Paavalin vartalo oli matala, hänen ruumiinsa kiero ja pää kalju. Lucian kuvaa teoksessaan Philopatris Paavalia "corpore erat parvo, contracto, incurvo, tricubitali" ("hän oli pieni, supistunut, kiero, kolme kyynärää eli neljä jalkaa kuusi").
ellauri370.html on line 84: Amalek (/ˈæməlɛk/ Biblical Hebrew: עֲמָלֵק‎, romanized: ʿĂmālēq; Arabic: عماليق, romanized: ʿAmālīq) is described in the Hebrew Bible as the enemy nation of the Israelites. The name "Amalek" can refer to the descendants of Amalek, the grandson of Esau, or anyone who lived in their territories in Canaan. In some rabbinical interpretations, Amalek is etymologised as am lak, 'a people who lick (blood)', but most scholars regard this as xenophobic bullshit.
ellauri370.html on line 86: According to Samuel Cox, the Amalekites were the "first" in their hostility toward the Israelites. Matthew George Easton theorized that the Amalekites were not the descendants of Esau's grandson Amalek, by taking a literal approach to Genesis 14:7 where Abram already beats some Amaleks. During the Islamic Golden Age, certain Arabic writings claimed that the Amalekites existed long before Abraham. Some Muslim historians claimed that the Amalekites who fought against Joshua were the descendants of the inhabitants of North Africa. Ibn-Arabshâh claimed that Amalek Sr. was a descendant of Ham, son of Noah. They were harmless semi-nomadic agro-pastoralists. They lived in tents, rode camels, participated in the copper trade and worshipped gods at masseboth shrines. It is likely that Saul's anti-Amalekite campaigns were motivated by a strategic desire to wrest control of copper production at Tel Matzos. Copper was valuable to the early Israelites and their theology and ritual.
ellauri370.html on line 141: B) Between 1880 and 1920, the majority of the Russian Jews (about 3 million) immigrated to the USA. This was mostly a response to the Czarist pogroms which killed about, say, 10,000 Russian Jews. Most American Jews are the descendants of these Russian Jewish immigrants.
ellauri374.html on line 654: Vuonna 1734 Venäjän valtakunta alkoi laajentaa valta-asemaansa ja vaikutusvaltaansa Aasiassa rakentamalla itärajalleen (Etelä-Uralille) linnoitettua kaupunkia nimeltä Orenburg. Tätä tarkoitusta varten kartografi ja tilastotieteilijä Ivan Kirilov aloitti vuonna 1735 Or-joen ja Ural-joen yhtymäkohdassa olevan asutuksen kehittämisen , ja ensimmäinen asutuspaikka valittiin hänen tutkimusmatkansa aikana. Hän väitti, että kaupunkia tarvittiin "kauttakulkureitin avaamiseksi Bukharaan, Badakhshaniin, Balkhiin ja Intiaan" ja että "sieltä voitiin saada rikkauksia kullan, lapis lazulin ja granaattien muodossa".
ellauri377.html on line 295: Adultery.--This word is omitted in the best MSS. Uncleanness, lasciviousness.--The first of these words signifies any kind of impurity, secret (JERKING OFF!) or open; the second flagrant breaches of public decency.
ellauri381.html on line 453: Vuonna 1974 Andrei Saharov puhui kriittisesti Solženitsynin näkemyksistä, ei hyväksynyt Sanyan ehdottamaa autoritaarista vaihtoehtoa siirtyä kommunismista saman tien fasismiin epädemokraattista kehityspolkua, "uskonnollis-patriarkaalista romantiikkaa" ja ideologisen tekijän yliarviointia. Saharov vertasi Solženitsynin ihanteita viralliseen Neuvostoliiton ideologiaan, Stalinin aika mukaan lukien, ja varoitti niihin liittyvistä vaaroista. Solženitsynin maanpakolainen ystävä, "sharashkaan" vangittu Lev Kopelev kritisoi julkisesti Solženitsynin näkemyksiä useaan otteeseen, ja vuonna 1985 hän tiivisti valituksensa kirjeeseen, jossa hän syytti Solženitsyniä emigranttien riitauttamisesta ja suvaitsemattomuudesta.
ellauri382.html on line 294: 1945 ja 2015, eri lähteistä. Cerca de 400 inmigrantes y sus perros
ellauri382.html on line 369: Goggins was born on February 17, 1975, to Trunnis and Jackie Goggins. In 1981, he lived in Williamsville, New York, on a street called Paradise Road (same as Donald Duck!) with his parents and brother, Trunnis Jr. While Goggins's neighborhood held "model citizens consisting of white people," he describes his colorful home experience as "hell on Earth." Goggins's father owned the roller skating rink Skateland, located in East Buffalo, New York. At age six, Goggins often worked the night shift at Skateland alongside his family, lining up roller skates. Goggins’s mother left his father due to abuse and eventually moved herself and her children to live with Goggins's grandparents in Brazil, Indiana. Goggins enrolled in second grade at a small Catholic school and made First and Second Communion but failed the Third. His brother, Trunnis Jr., returned to Buffalo to live with their father.
ellauri389.html on line 267: “My grandfather gave me some really strange books to read, including Colin Wilson’s The Outsider and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. He was an autodidact, left school at about twelve, a completely self-taught man, so he had a very eclectic taste. He would pass on books that interested him, some were philosophical books, and they interested me too.
ellauri389.html on line 271: “I spent most of my time at school playing rugby. I ended up going to Bristol University to do psychology, and I took philosophy and sociology as subsidiary subjects in the first year. I got disillusioned with psychology, dropped out, was a car park attendant for six months, tried to start a new course in English, but I wouldn’t have got a grant, so I carried on into my second year with philosophy, thinking I would become a journalist. Probably because I did so much student journalism I could write well enough that I conned them into a first class degree in philosophy, which meant I could go to Cambridge to do a PhD – there were proper grants in those days. I tried to get a job in publishing in my first year there but didn’t get that, so it’s only philosophy in want of anything better really."
ellauri389.html on line 381: They lived together at Kingsdown, Bristol, and at the close of 1796 Lloyd accompanied the Coleridges on their move to Nether Stowey. Coleridge's sonnet "To a Friend" on the birth of his son Hartley, and his lines "To a Young Man of Fortune," are probably addressed to Lloyd. Lloyd had already printed at Bristol, for publication in London, a volume of elegiac verse to the memory of his grandmother, Priscilla Pig, introduced by a sonnet from Coleridge, and concluded by "The Grandma" of Charles Lamb, to whom Lloyd had been introduced by Coleridge.
ellauri391.html on line 522: Chen Hao is the younger brother of Chen Xi, he along with his brother and grandfather lived far away in a lone place after the extermination of their clan. He is extremely talented and has an innate talent in sword dao cultivation.
ellauri392.html on line 95: Professor Hirsch introduced the literature of the Holocaust to the Brown University curriculum in 1983, and he taught courses in Holocaust memoir, song, poetry, and fiction. In collaboration with his wife Roslyn, a survivor of the Tarnopol Ghetto, he translated Justyna's Narrative, a Polish Holocaust memoir by Gusta Davidson Draenger, and Auschwitz: True Tales from a Grotesque Land, by Sara Nomberg-Przytyk. He also translated from Yiddish Ghetto Kingdom, the stories of Isaiah Spiegel; the poetry of Abraham Sutzkever (paasattu); and Aleksander Kulisiewicz’s songs from the Nazi death camps. Professor Hirsch died in 1999 and was survived by his wife Roslyn and son Joe, the only two Hirsch survivors. He had been hospitalized for several weeks for intestinal surgery, his family said. Well, actually, he was survived by his wife; a daughter, Helene Wingens of West Caldwell, N.J.; a son, Joseph, of Brooklyn; a sister, Rosalyn Suchow of Fort Lee, N.J., and two grandchildren.
ellauri396.html on line 107: She is a wop immigrant, same vintage as Mrs. Zilles. A crucially significant event for her was when an outhouse exploded after she poured too much quicklime into the latrine. Arttu perrkele!!! "That symbolized everything I would do with my life and work. I would be someone who would jump into the latrine of culture, into pornography and crime and psychopathology... and I would drop my own wee bomb into it". For more than a decade, Paglia was the partner of artist Alison Maddex. She dislikes lesbians and they dislike her. Paglia is an atheist, and has stated she has "a very spiritual mystic view of the universe". I endorse astrology. I believe in astrology. You hear? She is also a critic of contemporary American feminism and of post-structuralism, as well as multiple aspects of American culture such as its visual art, music, and film history. Too right.
ellauri399.html on line 124: Watts married three times and had seven children (five daughters and two sons). He sure got his germ line well dispersed. Watts was a heavy smoker throughout his life and in his later years drank heavily. Not much of a buddhist altogether. Rather, a sedentary and contemplative character, an intellectual, a Brahmin, a mystic and also somewhat of a disreputable epicurean who has three wives, seven children and five grandchildren.
ellauri401.html on line 584: Matkatoveri oli venäläisessä emigranttiperheessä varttunut Gerald Kaade (tuolloin vielä Blinoff, 1911–2001), jonka äiti Valentyna de Tillo oli Ruusu-Ristin jäsen. Gerald itse oli tutustunut Ervastiin pari vuotta aikaisemmin.
ellauri402.html on line 662: Aline Kominsky disliked the Jewish environment she grew up in. At age eight, she asked her grandmother why she and all the women had to sit behind a curtain in the synagogue. She was told that they were "dirty" and should therefore not be seen by men during the ceremony. Even as a child, Kominsky felt this was nonsense and soon after abandoned her religion for good. But the band who really liberated her were The Fugs. They openly sang about sex, drugs and politics in a time when mainstream media didn't give a fuck to such acts. Bunch sairastui peräsuolisyöpään, mutta toipui siitä kuollaxeen kohta haimasyöpään. Robert Crumb keeps on truckin'. "I'm the grandmother of whiny tell-all comics."
ellauri405.html on line 258: Putin genomförde ett oväntat statsbesök i grannlandet Mongoliet. Nu uppger källor i Kreml att den främsta anledningen till besöket var att få en mongolisk schaman. Det skriver oberoende ryska författaren och journalisten Michael Zygar i Der Spiegel. Ämnen i artikeln: Vladimir Putin Mongoliet Michail Zygar. Anmäl text- och faktafel. Anmäl dem till Medieombudsmannen eller till Häpnadsmannen. Detta är en nyhetsartikel.
ellauri406.html on line 315: Two years later, Kukko Koppava (aka Anton Borkovskyi) interviewed Colonel Grant. "Ukraine's army chief must reform strategy, tactics to secure victory - Colonel Grant." Glen Grant, tired British colonel and military expert, spoke about the need for reforms in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the weaknesses of the Russian army. Royal United Services Institute which is the think tank for the British government on defence. So it's got the same role in Great Britain as R an' D Corporation has for the American government and the Pentagon. Quite a chicken then. But grant Grant the floor:
ellauri406.html on line 449: Vuhledar’s fall is a microcosm of Ukraine’s predicament in this chapter of the nearly three-year war. It reflects the U.S.'s refusal to grant Ukraine permission to strike targets deep inside Russian territory with missiles made in the U.S. of A, preventing Kyiv from annihilating Moscow’s inhabitants. Meanwhile, Russia’s dominance of the skies allows it to develop and advance devastating aerial glide bombs for which Ukraine has no effective response, while a controversial mobilization drive has failed to produce a new class of Ukrainian fighters capable of holding the stick.
ellauri408.html on line 467: Ce matin, j'ai lu une partie des Romans de Voltaire, lecture détestable, si on la juge d'après la méthode conseillée par un sage, car cette lecture ne pousse qu'à l'immoralité. Rire de singe assis sur la destruction, a dit, du rire de Voltaire, un poète de nos jours. On ne sort de ce livre que méchant, impur, ricaneur, aride et irréligieux. Comme Rousseau et sa Julie grandissent sur ces sépulcres vides et putréfiés de Voltaire! comme on se prend à aimer le misanthrope en dépit de tous ses sophismes et de son implacable orgueil, à le respecter pour sa chaleur morale, pour son énergie de haine et d'amour!
ellauri408.html on line 562: En hel ny litteraturgenre, "det-går-an-litteratur", uppstod med anledning av Det går an, en litteratur som nästan uteslutande angrep Almqvist. Till denna "det-går-an-litteratur" hör bland annat Det går an. Fortsättning (av J. V. Snellman, 1840), Sara Widebeck. En tafla ur lifvet, af -e. Fortsättning till Det går an N:o 1 och Det går an N:o 2 (av August Blanche, 1840), Månne det går an? (av Malla Silfverstolpe, 1840) och Törnrosens bok. Nemligen den äkta och veritabla (av V. F. Palmblad, 1840), en humoristisk granskning i novellform av Almqvists hela författarskap. Striden med Blanche blev lång och infekterad. Almqvist anklagade Blanche för att vara av oäkta börd, det "Almqvistska dådet". Blanche utmanade då Almqvist på duell och när Almqvist inte hörsammade detta spottade August Blanche honom i ansiktet vid ett möte i Strömparterren. Detta väckte en enorm skandal. År 1840 gav Wilhelmina Stålberg (1803-1872) ut Eva Widebeck eller Det går aldrig an: en arabesk ur lifwet / af Faster Karin. År 1908 kom Karl Warburg (1852-1918) med "Det går an": dess litteraturhistoriska förutsättningar: striden om dess tendens.
ellauri408.html on line 706: Le 31 décembre 1849, toujours à la prison Sainte-Pélagie, Proudhon épouse Euphrasie Piégard, une ouvrière passementière avec laquelle il aura quatre filles. Taas tuli halkiohaara! Contrairement à ce qui a parfois été écrit, Proudhon a bénéficié d´un droit de sortie pour se marier à la mairie du Ve arrondissement. Le mariage fut purement civil, au grand dam de sa femme, qui était croyante, et de son beau-père royaliste. Ses enfants ne seront jamais baptisés.
ellauri409.html on line 134: imigrantteja.
ellauri409.html on line 219: Ackroyd was born in London and raised on a council estate in East Acton, in what he has described as a "strict" Roman Catholic household by his mother and grandmother, after his father skedadled from the family home. He first knew that he was gay when he was seven. No wonder. In 1972, he was a Mellow fellow at Yale University.
ellauri411.html on line 56: Reports "Steve" Braunias. Sotkutukkainen kiiwi. Name sounds like a Baltic Jew. No isä oli itävallan imigrantti. Holokaustikarkuri mitämax. Paskaläjä koko kaippari, siis poika-Braunias.
ellauri411.html on line 169:
The evidence for the actual history of how İsrael became İsrael does not align with the Torah narrative that closely according to the current research and archaeology- rather than being migrants from elsewhere, it appears our ancient ancestors were just indigenous people who began differentiating themselves politically from their neighbours via the adoption If a monolatrous, or henotheistic religion that later evolved into monotheistic Judaism several centuries later. Henotheism is the worship and or belief of a single deity, while accepting the existence or possible existence of other deities. Monolatry is the recognition of many deities, but only consistent worship of a single deity.
ellauri411.html on line 188: After this came the Greeks and the invasion of Alexander. That had a huge impact on the Jews, just as it did on the rest of the ancient world. Many Jews ended up joining his armies and traveling with him to various parts of the world. Everywhere that Alexander established a city (always called Alexandria) he gave people land grants to settle there. Thus, Jews settled all over the Hellenistic Empire.
ellauri411.html on line 192: This was especially true in Egypt, where tensions were brewing between all the different factions that lived there. The Roman conquerors saw the inhabitants of the conquered territories as either Romans or non-Romans. The Greek immigrants in various territories, who had become used to being treated as superior, were enraged at having their ‘rights’ taken away. In Alexandria alone, the Romans compromised that the Greeks and Jews could retain their privileges. In the rural areas, they were classified as foreigners and had all their privileges wiped away.
ellauri412.html on line 206: It always came back to worshiping false, pagan gods and Asherah was always in the top two, because you can go out and have a grand old time with a prostitute and still tell folks you were at church. God eventually had to send in the Babylonians to clean them out. Modern man is easily just as stubborn. That's why He is sicking the Russkies and Chinks at us now.
ellauri419.html on line 277: Tyskland erbjuder sig att placera ut luftvärnssystemet Patriot i Natogrannen Polen. Enligt tysken Kahl har Ryssland sannolikt kapacitet att attackera Nato militärt i slutet av decenniet. Då, hoppas tysken kan vi äntligen ta revansch på Stalingrad och Kursk!
ellauri420.html on line 66: Regina Jeffers, a public classroom teacher for thirty-nine years, considers herself a Jane Austen enthusiast. She is the author of several Austen-inspired novels, including Darcy's Passions, Darcy's Temptation, Vampire Darcy's Desire, Captain Wentworth's Persuasion, The Phantom of Pemberley, Christmas at Pemberley, The Disappearance of Georgiana Darcy, Honor and Hope, and The Mysterious Death of Mr. Darcy. She also writes Regency romances: The Scandal of Lady Eleanor, A Touch of Velvet, A Touch of Cashémere, A Touch of Grace, His: Two Regency Novellas, and The First Wives' Club. A Smithsonian presenter, a Time Warner Star Teacher and Martha Holden Jennings Scholar, Jeffers often serves as a consultant in language arts and media literacy. Currently living outside Charlotte, North Carolina, she spends her time with her writing, gardening, and her adorable grandson Lucifer.
ellauri420.html on line 338: Emil Cioran est considéré comme « le plus grand nihiliste de l’Occident depuis Nietzsche ». Ateisteissa panee miettimään kellekä ne ovat kiukuissaan. "Tosi uskova on tuskin erotettavissa hullusta; mutta hänen hulluutensa on laillista, luvallista; hän päätyisi asyyliin, jos hänen sekoilunsa olisi uskotonta. Mutta Jumala maxaa, pappa betalar, tekee siitä laillista. On suorastaan röyhkeää että uskovainen luulee  jatkavansa minuuttansa maailman tappiin saakka. Se on megalomaanista. Olen mieluummin normaali kuolevainen eli häviän kuin pieru Saharaan."
ellauri420.html on line 342: Emme juoxe kohti kuolemaa vaan säntäämme karkuun syntymän grande katastrofia. Naiset ovat parhaaltaan elukoita, miehet kretiinejä.
ellauri420.html on line 381: Sombrant tôt dans une folie qui lui accorde néanmoins de longues périodes de lucidité, il finira par se suicider lors d'une glaciale nuit d'hiver. Héritier direct des romantiques allemands qu'il contribue à faire découvrir en France, son influence sera grande chez les symbolistes et même chez les surréalistes, par son intérêt pour l'intériorité psychique et notamment pour les rêves. Le 26 janvier 1855, on le trouve pendu aux barreaux d'une grille qui ferme un égout de la rue de la Vieille-Lanterne.
ellauri420.html on line 555: Elle épouse, à 22 ans, en 1718, Jean-Baptiste de La Lande, marquis du Deffand, homme âgé de 30 ans (Ilmari Carlsonin ikäinen), et qu'elle n'estime guère. Femme célèbre par sa beauté et son esprit, d’une morale peu sévère, elle se voit bientôt entourée d'adorateurs ; elle a, dès lors, de nombreuses liaisons et mène une vie libre dans les salons de la Régence. « Mme du Deffand est avec Voltaire, dans la prose, le classique le plus pur de cette époque, sans même en excepter aucun des grands écrivains », écrivit Sainte-Beuve.
ellauri424.html on line 103: Joulukuussa 1942 Turun hovioikeus tuomitsi hänet "valtionsalaisuuksien ilmaisemisen yrityksestä" viideksi vuodeksi kuivahuoneeseen. Natalia toimi tarjoilijana 1930- ja 40-luvuilla. Kuva: Kansan arkisto. Mitä ilmeisimmin aviomies Erik ei tiennyt mitään vaimonsa vakoilupuuhista. Vaan ei hänkään mikään pulmunen ollut. Pietarissa syntynyttä Erikiä pidettiin emigranttipiireissä epärehellisenä hahmona. Jossain vaiheessa hänen huhuttiin myyneen kokaiinia. Natalian pidätyksen jälkeen Erik sai potkut työpaikastaan. Vakoilusta epäillyn naisen puolison ei katsottu olevan sovelias työskentelemään kirjapainossa, joka teki tilaustöitä puolustusvoimille. Kirjapainon johtajan mukaan Erik oli manaillut puoliääneen vaimonsa tekemisiä ja sanonut ottavansa tästä avioeron, mikä tapahtuikin pian sodan jälkeen.
ellauri425.html on line 220: TRUBETSKOY:N [NIKOLAJ SERGEEVIČ TRUBECKOJ) Eurooppa ja ihmiskunta julkaistiin Sofiassa vuonna 1920. Pieni kirja sisälsi johdannon ja kahdeksankymmentäkaksi sivua pomilointia. Ainoastaan ​​maailmansota "ja erityisesti sitä seurannut "rauha", joka jo nytkin on kirjoitettava lainausmerkkeihin, ravisteli uskoa "sivistyneeseen ihmiskuntaan" ja avasi monien silmät". Venäläisillä oli tietysti erityisen järkyttävä kokemus. Trubetskoyn ajatukset koskivat kuitenkin "ei vain venäläisiä, vaan myös kaikkia muita kansoja, jotka olivat tavalla tai toisella osallistuneet eurooppalaiseen kulttuuriin, olematta kuitenkaan romaanista tai germaanista alkuperää". Kaikki kommentit oli lähetettävä kirjoittajalle hänen Sofian yliopiston osoitteeseen, missä kreivi oli emigranttina kommareita karussa.
ellauri425.html on line 452: Some reported waiting up to 1 hour and 45 minutes to be served, but most did not seem to mind. In honor of the grand opening, a brigade of workers distributed McDonald’s flags and pins; entertainers performed on the accordion and sang folk songs under golden arches adorned with the Soviet hammer and sickle.
ellauri426.html on line 480: Howard S. Jonas (born 2 June 1956) is a businessman and telecom entrepreneur and the founder of IDT Corporation and Genie Energy. Although not raised an Orthodox Jew, he funds a range of Orthodox as well as other Jewish causes across the ideological spectrum, and has made major investments in Israel as well. It is estimated that 25 to 40 percent of the 5,000 employees at IDT are Orthodox. He has a B.A. in shady business. Genie Energy mostly peddles oil and gas. In 2013, Genie Energy was granted exclusive oil and gas exploration rights in the southern part of the Golan Heights by the Netanyahu government. GRE companies purchase electricity and natural gas in the wholesale markets which it resells to residential and small business customers. Also known as REPtiles.
ellauri428.html on line 176: Men vilken tur! El Salvador har erbjudit sig att ta emot både deporterade migranter och dömda eller redan fängslade personer från USA.
ellauri428.html on line 180: – Vi kan skicka dit dem och sedan sätter han dem i sina fängelser, sade Rubio om migranter som gripits i USA, och fortsatte:
ellauri428.html on line 429: En 1903, un éboulement détruit la mine de soufre et provoque la faillite de l'entreprise paternelle dans laquelle était investi tout ce qu'il possédait ainsi qu'une partie de la dot de sa femme. Ruiné, Pirandello, qui a envisagé de se suicider, reprend courage en s'investissant dans son travail de créateur. Il publie l'année suivante, en 1904, son roman le plus connu, Feu Mathias Pascal. À trente-sept ans, ce succès lui ouvre les portes de la plus grande maison d'édition italienne de l'époque, Trèves, et lui assure la sécurité matérielle.
ellauri429.html on line 491: kuninkaiden hevosia Babylonin graniitissa. Ja
ellauri430.html on line 190: Men vilken tur! El Salvador har erbjudit sig att ta emot både deporterade migranter och dömda eller redan fängslade personer från USA.
ellauri430.html on line 194: – Vi kan skicka dit dem och sedan sätter han dem i sina fängelser, sade Rubio om migranter som gripits i USA, och fortsatte:
ellauri430.html on line 269: I look to Sweden, where two weeks ago, the government convicted a Christian activist for participating in Quran burnings that resulted in his friend’s murder. And as the judge in his case chillingly noted, Sweden’s laws to supposedly protect free expression do not, in fact, grant – and I’m quoting – a ‘free pass’ to do or say just anything with a view to offend a group that holds this or that belief.
ellauri430.html on line 277: And of all the pressing challenges that the nations represented here face, I believe there is nothing more urgent than mass migration. It just has to stop! No voter on this continent went to the ballot box to open the floodgates to millions of unvetted immigrants. In England, they voted for Brexit. And agree or disagree, they voted for it. And more and more all over Europe, they are voting for political leaders who promise to put an end to out-of-control migration. Now, I happen to agree with a lot of these concerns, but you don’t have to agree with me. I just think that people care about their homes. They care about their dreams. They care about their safety and their capacity to provide for themselves and their nonexistent children. This does not apply to the immigrants, for they are not people but fucking rabbits.
ellauri431.html on line 264: Why did Abdul Muttalib want to slaughter his son Abdullah? In the lecture 'Lessons from Seerah in the light of Surah Alaq' an incorrect reason was given for the grandfather of Rasulullah SallalahuAlaihi wa Sallam vowing to slaughter one of his sons. The correct reason and version of events is as follows:
ellauri432.html on line 346: Female is especially concerning because every grant with animal studies will include a statement about using both male and female animals, or providing justifications for using a single sex. Anyone else seeing more and more commonalities with Orwell's 1984?
ellauri433.html on line 234: Times of Israel haastattelee tätä lyttynenää: "One needs only think of a Montaigne, or closer to us of a Michel Houellebecq. Religions (other than the Middle Eastern Abrahamic) seem to teem with killed gods. Does the death of God imply, as it would seem, the death of man? On the other hand, I don’t believe at all, either, in the death of the author. It is not advisable. I am one, after all." Renaud on ärtyisä homokirjailija, ei sentään jutku, vaan ranu porvari. Vuodesta 2019 lähtien Camus asuu edelleen linnassa. Ei tiilenpäitä lukemassa, vaan leveästi hulppeassa muinaismuistossa. Ei ole tarvinnut tehdä grande remplacementtia, se saa valtiolta tukia. Jannen rottelo varmaan pysyy pystyssä mamman handouteilla.
ellauri433.html on line 271: Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind Salafismus, Antisemitismus sowie psychosoziale Fragen und Probleme bei Migranten muslimischer Herkunft. Seit 2017 ist er Geschäftsführer der Mansour-Initiative für Demokratieförderung und Extremismusprävention (MIND) GmbH mit Sitz in Berlin, deren Projekte unter anderem vom Bayerischen Integrationsministerium gefördert werden. Siis länkkärien maxullinen agentti. Saxan veronmaksajien rahoilla vihaisia nuoria lähetettiin eheytettävixi imaamille joka asuu Espanjassa neljän vaimon ja 15 lapsen kanssa ja on ollut vankilassa huhtikuusta 2017 lähtien radikalisoitumisen vuoksi.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 28: Danza de los Muertos. Directed by Cassie Urban. A young boy´s grandmother comes back from the world of the dead to visit but he is too terrified of her skeletal form to dance with her.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1002: If 100 people manage to focus for five hours on themes that touch everybody and bear on the grand themes of life in a subjectively significant way, reaching personally relevant insights in the course of the process, any normal human being can attest to the fact that something of significance has happened even if it is not immediately obvious what has taken place.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1207: Rajneesh (born Chandra Mohan Jain, 11 December 1931 – 19 January 1990), also known as Acharya Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, and later as Osho (/ˈoʊʃoʊ/), was an Indian godman, mystic and founder of the Rajneesh movement. During his lifetime he was viewed as a controversial new religious movement leader and mystic. His parents, Babulal and Saraswati Jain, who were Taranpanthi Jains, let him live with his maternal grandparents until he was seven years old. By Rajneesh's own account, this was a major influence on his development because his grandmother gave him the utmost freedom, leaving him carefree without an imposed education or restrictions. In the 1960s he travelled throughout India as a public speaker and was a vocal critic of socialism, arguing that India was not ready for socialism and that socialism, communism, and anarchism could evolve only when capitalism had reached its maturity. He caused controversy in India during the late 1960s and became known as "the sex guru". Kun Intia kävi kuumaxi se siirsi bisnisit Oregoniin. Lopulta se potkittiin pois sieltäkin ja palautettiin Intiaan. Aiivan läpi paska äijä.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 330: Les grands ne connaissent pas le peuple, et n'ont aucune envie de le connaitre.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 334: Rousseau a manqué d'invention dans l'expression, et de grandeur dans la pensée. Ses poèmes manquent par le fond; ils sont travaillés avec art, mais froids.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 917: Pendant toute la guerre, entre 1940 et 1945, Simenon continue à vivre en Vendée et en Charente-Maritime, mais cette période, assez mal connue, est sujette à de multiples soupcons. Représentant de l'État belge auprès des Belges réfugiés, il refuse d'aider ceux d'entre eux qui sont juifs. Non seulement son frère fut volontaire auprès de la Waffen-SS Wallonie, mais de plus, selon certaines personnes, lors de cette période cruciale de sa vie et de son œuvre, l'écrivain aurait été un collaborateur, ou doucement dit, un peu "lâche". Il n'est pas revenu en Belgique, afin d'échapper au service militaire), un peu rusé et opportuniste, sans aucun sens de l'histoire avec un grand H. Il a commis d'« énormes imprudences » en écrivant dans des journaux contrôlés par les Allemands, mais Simenon ne dénonce pas, ne s'engage pas, ne fait pas de politique, seulement de la fiction. En fait, les accords qu'il a passés avec la firme cinématographique allemande Continental lui valent quelques tracas à la Libération. En 1944, une dépêche de l'AFP, retrouvée à Poitiers, mentionne sa dénonciation pour « intelligence avec l'ennemi » par « certains villageois vendéens exaspérés par la conduite égoïste de cet écrivain affichant l'opulence de son train de vie, à l'époque des tickets d'alimentation. »
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 925: En 1946, il quitte le Canada pour les États-Unis et Hollywood qui lui faisait des appels d'offre pour l'adaptation de ses œuvres à l'écran depuis de nombreuses années. Il s'installe d'abord en Californie, puis en Floride et dans l'Arizona en 1947, à Carmel-by-the-Sea en Californie en 1949, avant de s'établir en juillet 1950 à Lakeville dans le Connecticut, dans une propriété nommée Shadow Rock Farm, dont la grande maison de dix-huit pièces comporte huit chambres à coucher et six salles de bains. Pendant dix années, il parcourt cet immense continent en voiture. Afin d’assouvir sa curiosité et son appétit de vivre, il visite intensément New York, la Floride, l’Arizona, la Californie et toute la côte est, des milliers de miles, de motels, de routes et de paysages grandioses.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1149: Rafael Vardis barnbarn gnatar i HBL: Varför kan våra gamlingar som vi lämnat i Finland inte få personliga hembiträden på statens bekostnad? (Vi själva bor i Israel så vi behöver inte betala tax. ) Kanske är Finland en välfärdstat enbart for de rika unga och starka? Här i Israel är allt annorlunda och bättre. I många fall beviljas rätten att anställa en hemvårdare som bor med åldringen dag och natt. Det är "lagligt" anställa skitfattiga immigranter från Filippinerna Moldavien och Indien. En stor del av deras skrattretande låga löner betalas av folkpensionsanstalten. Vad måste ske att Finland skulle bli som Israel?
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1152: judar från Israel, plus några divisioner skitbilliga immigranter som de effektiva judarna snart sku få hemarbeta för futtig lön eller just för mat och logi, som de gör hemma i det förlovade landet. Kort sagt, vad behövs är skyhöga löneskillnader och snärtig raspolitik. Ett eller två sekel tillbaka i tiden bara, så går det bra. Farbror Sillinpää tänkte också att det ingen bra idé är att ge pigor lösa pengar, vad sku de behöva pengar för? Felet är att Finland för närvarande är nästan helt och hållet judenfrei.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1260: Runo on Vaaralle kuitenkin ennen kaikkea soitin, levyautomaatti. Kokoelman runoissa karva luistaa. Laulua piisaa: ”Kevätyön laulu”, ”Gondoolilaulu”, ”Alakuloinen oodi”, ”Laulu ulapalta”, ”Tulivuoren laulu”. Vaaraa tekee mieli kuulla äänikirjana, niin autistisia hänen runonsa ovat aina hallitusta joikumisesta riemukkaisiin rytmeihin. Rytmi on runon läpi huokuva kiertoilma, tai niin kuin Vaara itse sanoo: ”rytmi on runon veronkierto”. Suomen kieli tarjoaa tähän paljon autistisia mahdollisuuksia; kielestä voi hypittää esiin pitkiä vokaaleja ja diftongeja, riimejä, rytmejä ja sointukuvioita. Joskus äänet Vaaran runoudessakin leikkaavat kiinni, vaikka loppu pyrkii syntymään, niin kuin Vaara itse sanoo, kuitenkin syklisenä toistona ”toisto tyylikeinona”. Näin Vaara runossaan ”Äänetön maa”, jolla on muutenkin kuin nimen tasolla kytköksensä Edith Södergranin runoon ”Maa, jota ei ole”:
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 372: The Duke doesn’t know how to deal with it but Basanio, successful in his suit, recruits his clever fiancé Portia, who is schooled in matters of law, to appear as a judge, disguised as a man. The trial takes place and Portia grants Shylock the pound of flesh, and counsels him to show mercy. Shylock takes out his knife to cut the flesh from the area close to Antonio’s heart and she stops him and tells him that it is against the law for anyone to shed a drop of Christian blood.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 378: The play ends with an image of a miserable Shylock and the Christian community celebrating their victory in grand style.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 91: Poet Andrei Aldan-Semyonov claimed that he was the "creator" of Zhambyl, when in 1934, he was given the task by the Party to find an akyn. Aldan-Semenov found Zhambyl on the recommendation of the collective farm chairman, the only criterion of choice was that the akyn be poor and have many children and grandchildren. After Aldan-Semenov's arrest, other "translators" wrote Zhambyl's poems.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 191: Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges (Buenos Aires, 24 de agosto de 1899-Ginebra, 14 de junio de 1986) fue un escritor de cuentos, ensayos y poemas argentino, extensamente considerado una figura clave tanto para la literatura en habla hispana como para la literatura universal.​ Sus dos libros más conocidos, Ficciones y El Aleph, publicados en los años cuarenta, son recopilaciones de cuentos conectados por temas comunes, como los sueños, los laberintos, las bibliotecas, los espejos, los autores ficticios y la mitología europea, con argumentos que exploran ideas filosóficas relacionadas, por ejemplo, con la memoria, la eternidad, la posmodernidad y la metaficción.​ Las obras de Borges han contribuido ampliamente a la literatura filosófica, al género fantástico y al posestructuralismo. Según marcan numerosos críticos, el comienzo del realismo mágico en la literatura hispanoamericana del siglo XX se debe en gran parte a su obra.​
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 382: Antoine Lavoisier esitti ensimmäisen kerran aineen häviämättömyyden lain, aineita ei voitu hävittää eikä luoda. Lavoisier hävitettiin 1794. Lagrange valitti teloitusta sanomalla: ”Pään katkaiseminen kesti vain hetken, mutta saattaa kestää vuosisata samanlaisen luomiseen.” Ranskan hävittyä Saxalle 1871 päät muuttuivat saxalaisixi.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 74: Tässä kertomuxessa ehkä hauskinta oli että ihotautilääkärivaimo sai Pariisissa emigranttina toimia intiimihierojana. Rahasta tuskin oli puutetta, kun Sestofiltin isä oli ollut rättitukkukauppias.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 149: Onko anglosaxeilla mitään valaisevaa lisättävää tähän? Niihin on yleensä vähiten luottamista missään asiassa. Mut ehkä tässä, koska Sestofilt on yrittäjähenkinen vaikka onkin pariisilaisemigrantti Ukrainasta. Jenkkiyleisöä kiinnostaa kaikista eniten mikä olis ollut Sestofiltin net worth. Oliko se populääri vaiko ei? Näin:
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 203: Lefa Struzikin oli Saku Palkeen kolleega Chicagossa. Siellä oli aivan hemmetinmoinen ampiaispesä ilkeitä talousliberaalifasisteja, 13 talousnobelistia päättyen roistomaiseen Milton Friedmaniin. Valtaosa varmaan oli imigranttijutkuja.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 381: Kitt was also a member of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; her criticism of the Vietnam War and its connection to poverty and racial unrest in 1968 can be seen as part of a larger commitment to peace activism. Like many politically active public figures of her time, Kitt was under surveillance by the CIA, beginning in 1956. After The New York Times discovered the CIA file on Kitt in 1975, she granted the paper permission to print portions of the report, stating: "I have nothing to be afraid of and I have nothing to hide." Kitt later became a vocal advocate for LGBT rights and publicly supported same-sex marriage, which she considered a civil right. She had been quoted as saying: "I support it [gay marriage] because we're asking for the same thing. If I have a partner and something happens to me, I want that partner to enjoy the benefits of what we have reaped together. It's a civil-rights thing, isn't it?"
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 129: Kajanus was born in Trondheim, Norway, to Prince Pavel [also Paulo] Tjegodiev of Russia and Johanna Kajanus, a French-Finnish sculptress, bronze medal winner for sculpture at the Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (1937), and granddaughter of Robert Kajanus, the Finnish composer, conductor, champion of Sibelius and founder of the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra. He is the brother of the late actress and film-maker Eva Norvind and the uncle to Mexican theater and television actress Nailea Norvind.
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 410: granger-played-emma-watson.jpg" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 513: Benny was born Benjamin Kubelsky in Chicago on February 14, 1894, and grew up in nearby Waukegan. He was the son of Jewish immigrants Meyer Kubelsky (1864–1946) and Emma Sachs Kubelsky (1869–1917), sometimes called "Naomi". Meyer was a saloon owner and later a haberdasher who had emigrated to America from Poland. Emma had emigrated from Lithuania. Benny began studying violin, an instrument that became his trademark, at the age of 6, his parents hoping for him to become a professional violinist. He loved the instrument, but hated practice. His music teacher was Otto Graham Sr., a neighbor and father of football player Otto Graham. At 14, Benny was playing in dance bands and his high school orchestra. He was a dreamer and poor at his studies, and was ultimately expelled from high school. He later did poorly in business school and at attempts to join his father´s business. In 1911, he began playing the violin in local vaudeville theaters for $7.50 a week (about $210 in 2020 dollars). He was joined on the circuit by Ned Miller, a young composer and singer.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 126: A 2007 comic strip by Dave Kiersh in Syncopated Volume 3 (Syncopated Comics, 2007) tells of his relationship with Peterson, who was a friend of Kiersh's grandmother.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 259: Most people's minds are trying to answer problems even when they're supposed to be resting. What's the difference between them and the little guy? Often not much other than their grandiose sense of self worth very commonly found in type A personalities.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 280: Yes, Jordan Peterson suffers from depression, it has been a recurrent condition since he was 13. He reports that his father and paternal grandfather also suffered from depression.... Read More »
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 585: At this point, unless we allow millions more immigrants into our country, thereby expanding the workforce, economic growth will be sluggish. There is plenty of wealth being created, but it is often in too few hands. Government spending generally has far less velocity due to more and more people having less disposable income. The elitists in the U.S. embarked on this globalist philosophy 30–40 years ago and there has been significant economic growth worldwide, but that has been at the expense of the American worker and to some degree our way of life. The introduction of massive amounts of consumer credit has only made things worse.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 595: I would open up the border to allow a more free flow of immigrants.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 244: Basically, says Paul to Romans, dont do anything that looks bad to putative believers. Personally I would not get a tattoo because my wife, children, and grandchildren might be a little surprised to see me wearing one.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 500: Vitas Gerulaitis was some stupid Lithuanian immigrant tennis player in the 80's who died of carbon monoxide poisoning in his pool. During a tennis match, didn't the late tennis great Vitas Gerulaitis tell a Jewish umpire who had ruled against him, "You should be exterminated in a crematorium?" Well, this isn't precisely the same wording as your quote, but the meaning is similar:
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 637: An oracle then advised Thyestes that, if he had a son with his own daughter Pelopia, that son would kill Atreus. Thyestes did so by raping Pelopia (his identity hidden from her) and the son, Aegisthus, did kill Atreus. However, when Aegisthus was first born, he was abandoned by his mother, ashamed of the origin of her son. A shepherd found the infant Aegisthus and gave him to Atreus, who raised him as his own son. Only as he entered adulthood did Thyestes reveal the truth to Aegisthus, that he was both father and grandfather to the boy and that Atreus was his uncle. Aegisthus then killed Atreus.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 332: Milton was born in Brooklyn, New York on July 31, 1912. His parents, Sára Ethel (née Landau) and Jenő Saul Friedman, were Jewish immigrants from Beregszász in Carpathian Ruthenia, Kingdom of Hungary (now Berehove in Ukraine). They both worked as dry goods merchants. Shortly after his birth, the family relocated to Rahway, New Jersey. In his early teens, Friedman was injured in a car accident, which scarred his upper lip.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 342: Friedman was an idiosyncratic figure who would be hard to pigeonhole in the current political spectrum, he kinda drops off on the ultraviolet side. He inspired the conservative movement, but was against any discrimination against gay people, in addition to being an agnostic. He was a libertarian who advocated for a progressive income tax system that even went into the negative to ensure that everyone could, at the very least, meet their basic needs. Elon Musk is all for basic income too. But he also wants to send a Tesla to deep space as a token of esteem to alien intelligence. With a piece of cardboard inside the windshield spelling HUMAN. To sum up, Freedman and Musk are both East European emigrants, Elon is not a jew, and Milton was not gay, although a funny guy.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 392: Left: Generally, support a moratorium on deporting or offering a pathway to citizenship to certain undocumented immigrants. e.g. those with no criminal record, who has lived in the U.S. for 5+ years. Less restrictive legal immigration.

xxx/ellauri091.html on line 393: Right: Generally against amnesty for any undocumented immigrants. Oppose a moratorium on deporting certain workers. Funding for stronger enforcement actions at the border (security, wall). More restrictive legal immigration.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 673: Poland is the fifth best country in Europe. Why? Not because there are zillions of immigrant Poles in the US!

xxx/ellauri091.html on line 772: Emily Greene Balch (January 8, 1867 – January 9, 1961) was an American economist, sociologist and pacifist. Balch combined an academic career at Wellesley College with a long-standing interest in social issues such as poverty, child labor, and immigration, as well as settlement work to uplift poor immigrants and reduce juvenile delinquency. Mother Thing. She became a central leader of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) based in Switzerland, for which she won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946. In a letter to the president of Wellesley, she wrote we should follow "the ways of Jesus." Her spiritual thoughts were that American economy was "far from being in harmony with the principles of Jesus which we profess." Wellesley College terminated her contract in 1919.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 784: A typical example is her work concerning immigrants. She was the first professor in America to give students a course of lectures on problems relating to immigrants. Best known, undoubtedly, is her work on the Slav immigrants in the United States, a work which is said to be a landmark in the scientific analysis of immigration problems3. This work provides a perfect illustration of her approach: before putting pen to paper she visited most of the Slav centers in the United States and also did research for a year in those regions of Austria-Hungary from which many of the immigrants came. Not content to rely on verbal or written sources, she felt she had to see things for herself, to meet these people, and to study their conditions at first hand.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 798: Emily Balch has now reached old age but she remains active to the last, and, as she herself said when being congratulated on her seventy-fifth birthday: «I think I shall live for quite a while yet, for, as my grandfather said, an old woman is as tough as an old owl.» May her words prove to be no less than the truth, for the world cannot boast of many persons of her mettle.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 203: What strikes me about that definition is that “without permission” bit. However are we fiction writers to seek “permission” to use a character from another race or culture, or to employ the vernacular of a group to which we don’t belong? Do we set up a stand on the corner and approach passers-by with a clipboard, getting signatures that grant limited rights to employ an Indonesian character in Chapter Twelve, the way political volunteers get a candidate on the ballot? Anyway, do you really expect us Americans to seek permission from any of those lower races? Did we do so when we appropriated their land and property?
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 257:

I’m from a small rural community, and ev’rybody who lived in my neighborhood, if you want to call it that, were relatives.  We called it “the circle,” and our house was there, my grandmother’s house was there, an aun’ an’ uncle who were childless lived there, and (uh) a couple of aunts an’ uncles who had children.  There were five female cousins, an’ in the summertime we hung out together all day long from early until late.  In my grandmother’s yard was a maple tree, and the five of us developed that into our apartment building.  Each of us had a limb, and [small laugh] the less daring cousins took the lo’er limbs, and I and another cousin a year younger than I always went as far to the top as we could, an’ we– we were kinda derisive of those girls who stayed with the lower limbs.  We had front doors an’ back doors.  The front door was the — the limb — were the limbs on the front, that were nearest (um) the boxwood hedge.  And the grass was all worn away in that area.  An’ then the back doorwa–was on the back side of the tree, an’ you could only enter the front an’ exit from the rear.  And that had to be done by swinging off a limb that was fairly high off the ground, and (um) my cousin Belinda and I had no problem with that, but the other girls — that was always somethin’ we had to coax them into doin’.  But still, you entered the front, you left the rear.  We (um) ate our lunches together.  When it was lunchtime — an’ our mothers always cooked lunch in the summertime ’cause they didn’ want to be in the hot kitchen at night.  So we would just take our (um) — go home, an’ we’d load our plates with all the vegetables an’ the cornbread, an’ get our glasses of milk or ice tea or whatever we were havin’, an’ we would head for somebody’s yard, where we would all sit down an’ eat together.  It was just an institution:  lunch in somebody’s yard.  An’ if you wanted to go home for a second helping– sometimes that was quite a little walk, but it was worth it, because that was our thing, having lunch together, every day.  (Um) We gathered at my grandmother’s on Sundays.  All my aunts would get those chairs, form a circle.  (Uh) One crocheted.  (Uh) Most of them just sat an’ talked, an’ we girls hung out for the main part with the women.  (Uh) The men would gather around the fish pond, which was in a side yard.  It was (um) — it was kind of a rock (um) pond that my granddaddy had, had built.  There was a ir’n pipe in the middle, an’ when he went fishin’, he would put his catch in there.  Or he caught a mud turtle, he’d put it in there.  An’ there it stayed until it was time to kill it an’ cook it, whatever it was.  The pipe in the middle had water that sprayed up all the time.  There was a locust tree near there, an’ that’s where we girls picked the leaves an’ the thorns to make the doll clothes out o’ the locust.  It’s where we always ate the watermelon.  We always had to save the rind, an’ we always had to leave some pink on that rind, because my grandmother made watermelon pickles out o’ that rind.  I hated the things.  I thought they were the worst things I ever put in my mouth.  But ever’body else thought watermelon pickles were just a great delicacy.  That was also around the time that ev’rybody grew gladiolias [sic] an’ I thought they were the ugliest flower I’d ever laid my eyes on, but ever’body had gladiolias.  ‘Course now I’ve come to appreciate the gladiolia, but back then I had absolutely no appreciation for it.  It was also where we made (uh) ice cream, (uh) on the front porch.  We made ice cream on Sunday afternoons.  I had an aunt who worked in the general mercantile business that my family owned, an’ she was only home on Sunday, so she baked all day:  homemade rolls an’ cakes.  And so, she made cakes an’ we made ice cream, an’ ever’body wan’ed to crank, of course.  (Um) That was just a big treat, to get to crank that ice cream.  It was jus’ our Sunday afternoon thing, an’ I, I think back on it.  All the aunts would sit around an’ they’d talk, an’ they’d smoke.  Even if you never saw those ladies smoke, any other time o’ the week.  On Sunday afternoon when we all were gathered about in gran- in granny’s yard, they’d have a cigarette.  Just a way of relaxing, I suppose.  The maple tree’s now gone.  In later years, it was thought the maple tree, our apartment building, was shading the house too much an’ causing mildew, so it was removed at some point.  And I don’t, to this day, enjoy lookin’ (uh) into that part o’ the yard. …

xxx/ellauri103.html on line 281: I reviewed a novel recently that I had regretfully to give a thumbs-down, though it was terribly well intended; its heart was in the right place. But in relating the Chinese immigrant experience in America, the author put forward characters that were mostly Chinese. That is, that’s sort of all they were: Chinese. Which isn’t enough. They ought to be specifically American Chinese immigrants, believers in the American Dream. That would have fattened them out.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 528: Gifford's paternal grandfather was a Russian Jew from Saint Petersburg and her paternal grandmother had Native American ancestry. Her mother, a relative of writer Rudyard Kipling, was of French Canadian, German and English descent.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 667: Right and left play an important role in Jacob's final blessing to his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh (Gen. 48: 12–20), whom Joseph places at the left and right sides of Jacob, respectively (verse 13), expecting his father to place his right hand on Manasseh (the firstborn) and his left on Ephraim, and then bless them. But Jacob crosses his hands, placing his right hand on Ephraim (verse 14) and his left on Manasseh, despite Joseph's objections (verse 18). Jacob explains his actions by stating that Ephraim will be greater than Manasseh (verse 19).
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 684: Despite the loss of the additional history of Manasseh and Ephraim, several modern-day groups claim descent from them, with varying levels of academic and rabbinical support. The Yusufzai tribe (literal translation The Sons of Joseph) of the Pashtuns of Afghanistan, India and Pakistan, who collectively refer to themselves as the "Bani Israel", have a long tradition connecting them to the exiled Kingdom of Israel. The Samaritans claim that some of their adherents are descended from these tribes, and many Persian Jews claim to be descendants of Ephraim. Many Samaritans claim descent from the grandchildren of Joseph under four main septs, his grandsons Danfi, Tsedakah, Mafraj and Sarawi Samaritans Museum In northeast India, the Mizo Jews claim descent from Manasseh, and call themselves Bnei Menashe; in 2005 Shlomo Amar, Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, announced that he regarded this claim to be true, which under the Law of Return allows them to migrate to Israel, as long as they formally convert to Israel's Orthodox form of Judaism. Similar traditions are held by the Telugu Jews, in South India, who claim descent from Ephraim, and call themselves Bene Ephraim.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 720: The Book of Jubilees, in describing how the world was divided between Noah's sons and grandsons, says that Lud received "the mountains of Asshur and all appertaining to them till it reaches the Great Sea, and till it reaches the east of Asshur his brother" (Charles translation). The Ethiopian version reads, more clearly "... until it reaches, toward the east, toward his brother Asshur's portion." Jubilees also says that Japheth's son Javan received islands in front of Lud's portion, and that Tubal received three large peninsulae, beginning with the first peninsula nearest Lud's portion. In all these cases, "Lud's portion" seems to refer to the entire Anatolian peninsula, west of Mesopotamia.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 764: According to Genesis 9:20–27, Noah became drunk then cursed his grandson Canaan, for the transgression of Canaan's father, Ham. This is the Curse of Canaan, to which the misnomer "Curse of Ham" has been attached since Classical antiquity.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 182: She is best known for her philosophical treatises on feminism and women's role in society. She is an advocate of liberal feminism and women migrant workers' rights in France. Except wearing scarfs, that is not a right but a left. Badinter is described as having a commitment to Enlightenment rationalism and universalism. She advocates for a "moderate feminism". A 2010 Marianne news magazine poll named her France's "most influential intellectual", primarily on the basis of her bestselling books on women's rights and motherhood.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 291: Vargas Llosa lived with his maternal family in Arequipa until a year after his parents' divorce, when his maternal grandfather was named honorary consul for Peru in Bolivia. With his mother and her family, Vargas Llosa then moved to Cochabamba, Bolivia, where he spent the early years of his childhood. His maternal family, the Llosas, were sustained by his grandfather, who managed a cotton farm.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 293: As a child, Vargas Llosa was led to believe that his father had died—his mother and her family did not want to explain that his parents had separated. During the government of Peruvian President José Bustamante y Rivero, Vargas Llosa's maternal grandfather obtained a diplomatic post in the northern Peruvian coastal city of Piura and the entire family returned to Peru.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 341: Berättad i den första personen av en av dess huvudpersoner, en 1: a års student i San Miguel de Piura-skolan, är det ett studentuppror mot direktörens beslut att inte sätta ordning på slutproven. Det handlar också om huvudpersonens rivalitet med Lu, en partner som har avsatt honom i ledarskapet för bandet "Los Coyotes". Båda pojkarna tvingas glömma sina meningsskiljaktigheter för att möta den gemensamma fienden, personifierad i skolans chef. Marschen upplöses inför vägran att fortsätta den från grundskole- och gymnasieeleverna, rädda för repressalier från skolmyndigheterna.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 323: James "Jim" Polk was the long time editorial director of House of Anansi Press and edited two books by Charles Taylor, as well as work by Margaret Atwood, George Grant, Northrop Frye, and many others. With a literature PhD (which Peggy never finished) he has taught at Harvard, Idaho, Ryerson and Alberta, and has written a comic novel, a stage comedy about Canadian publishing, articles, short stories, and criticism about Canadian writers and writing. As an advisor at the Ontario Ministry of Culture, he worked on grants for theatre and books, developed a tax credit for publishers and remodelled the Trillium Book Prize to include Franco Ontarian writing. He lives in Toronto and, trained as a pianist, still practices daily, playing classics and show-tunes in seclusion.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 369: "Vihaan lapsia. Ne ovat niin inhimillisiä, tuovat mieleen apinat. SAKI". Whodat? Munro, skotl. lehtimies ja kirjailija. Hector Hugh Munro (18 December 1870 – 14 November 1916), better known by the pen name Saki and also frequently as H. H. Munro, was a British writer whose witty, mischievous and sometimes macabre stories satirize Edwardian society and culture. After his wife's death Charles Munro sent his children, including two-year-old Hector, home to England. The children were sent to Broadgate Villa, in Pilton near Barnstaple, North Devon, to be raised by their grandmother and paternal maiden aunts, Charlotte and Augusta, in a strict and puritanical household. A war fanatic, he was killed by a German sniper. According to several sources, his last words were "Put that bloody cigarette out!" Munro was homosexual at a time when in Britain sexual activity between men was a crime. (Mä ARRVASIN! Sen se oli näkönenkin.)
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1194: Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova caused controversy when she expressed support of Russia during the War in Donbas. She wrote, after posing in the Crimea region: "Do not give up! fight! Our grandfathers fought with bare hands against the fascists! Do not disgrace the honour of the Great Warrior! Be aware that Russia is always with you!" In 2022, she criticised the sanctions imposed on Russia as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian War and said that those sanctions would hurt models who couldn't compete in international organisations like Nato. Like her namesake Klaus, she is against racial mixing. "I am Nordic type, I have light skin, blonded hair and blue contact lenses, and I like it. So do you, judging from the bulge in your pants."
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1200: Lukyanova began rebelling against her father at age 13 — but she describes her style then as more goth. She rebelled against her Siberian-born grandfather and father at 13 by dyeing her hair and wearing all-black. She has always claimed her looks were never intended to attract men.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 127: Dock berömmer jag mig av att i vissa fall hava bättre hjärna än många människor. Pappa Edison har nämligen inplantat i mig, att om jag hör någonting, så skall jag inte göra som skvallerkäringarna, som taga ifrån och lägga till och göra en valfisk av en sill, utan ärligt och samvetsgrant upprepa vad jag hör och inte mera.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 649: Whatever problems plague you in your day-to-day life, chances are, they’re not all that important in the grand scheme of things. In fact you are not worth a shit in the grand scheme of things. We each have our own challenges, but as long as you can smile, do it. Who knows who you’ll infect. If you´re lucky you got Corona.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1051: don't know what is. Arresting, as well as disgusting, to suddenly notice that Lolita (who died giving birth to a stillborn girl, for Christ's sake) would have been 86 this year. … the thought that with patience and luck I might have her produce eventually a nymphet with my blood in her exquisite veins, a Lolita the Second, who would be eight or nine around 1960, when I would still be dans la force d'age; indeed, the telescopy of my mind, or un-mind, was strong enough to distinguish in the remoteness of time a vieillard encore vert—or was it green rot?—bizarre, tender, salivating Dr. Humbert, practicing on supremely lovely Lolita the Third the art of being a granddad.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1060: no man but one of your family (god grandad dad brother son or grandson) embrace you. Let no man but your betrothed kiss any more than
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1229: Il faut donc pour ce v.. un grand c.. vermoulu, Tää k.. vaatii siis ison madonsyömän v..n,
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 317: As presented, his intentions are unclear — other than to remind you that, you know, “I am a god!” Duly noted. Maybe now West can start tapping into his benevolent side. After all, he’s going to need it in 15 years when self-aggrandizing young men start objectifying his daughter.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 428: From the start, critics complained about the ostensible sameness of Roth’s books, their narcissism and narrowness—or, as he himself put it, comparing his own work to his father’s conversation, “Family, family, family, Newark, Newark, Newark, Jew, Jew, Jew.” Over time, he took on vast themes—love, lust, loneliness, marriage, masculinity, ambition, community, solitude, loyalty, betrayal, patriotism, rebellion, piety, disgrace, the body, the imagination, American history, mortality, the relentless mistakes of life—and he did so in a variety of forms: comedy, parody, romance, conventional narrative, postmodernism, autofiction. In each performance of a self, Roth captured the same sound and consciousness. in nearly fifty years of reading him I’ve never been more bored. I got to know Roth in the nineteen-nineties, when I interviewed him for this magazine around the time he published “The Human Stain.” To be in his presence was an exhilarating, though hardly relaxing, experience. He was unnervingly present, a condor on a branch, unblinking, alive to everything: the best detail in your story, the slackest points in your argument. His intelligence was immense, his performances and imitations mildly funny. “He who is loved by his parents is a conquistador,” Roth used to say, and he was adored by his parents, though both could be daunting to the young Philip. Herman Roth sold insurance; Bess ruled the family’s modest house, on Summit Avenue, in a neighborhood of European Jewish immigrants, their children and grandchildren. There was little money, very few books. Roth was not an academic prodigy; his teachers sensed his street intelligence but they were not overawed by his classroom performance. Roth learned to write through imitation. His first published story, “The Day It Snowed,” was so thoroughly Truman Capote that, he later remarked, he made “Capote look like a longshoreman.”
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 549: bestial uses that grand limb, that formidable member, which we
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 750: Courtney Michelle Harrison was born on July 9, 1964, at Saint Francis Memorial Hospital in San Francisco, California, the first child of psychotherapist Linda Carroll (née Risi) and Hank Harrison, a publisher and road manager for the Grateful Dead. Her parents met at a party held for Dizzy Gillespie in 1963. Her mother, who was adopted at birth and raised by an Italian-American family in San Francisco, was the biological daughter of novelist Paula Fox; Love's maternal great-grandmother was screenwriter Elsie Fox. Phil Lesh, the founding bassist of the Grateful Dead, is Love's godfather. According to Love, she was named after Courtney Farrell, the protagonist of Pamela Moore's 1956 novel Chocolates for Breakfast. Love is of Cuban, English, German, Irish, and Welsh descent.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 759: In 1981, Love was granted a small trust fund that had been left by her maternal grandparents, which she used to travel to Dublin, Ireland, where her biological father was living. She audited courses at Trinity College, studying theology for two semesters. She later received honorary patronage from Trinity's University Philosophical Society in 2010.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 481: The Mind & Life Institute is a US-registered, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1991 to establish the field of contemplative sciences. Based in Charlottesville, Va., the institute “brings science and contemplative wisdom together to better understand the mind and create positive change in the world." Over three decades, Mind & Life has played a key role in the mindfulness meditation movement by funding research projects and think tanks, and by convening conferences and dialogues with the Dalai Lama. Since 2020, Mind & Life's grant-making events and digital programs have sought to nurture personal wellbeing, build more compassionate communities, and strengthen the human-earth connection. And fatten the monks' bank accounts. 1 to lama, 2 to me.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 793: The squirrel's granary is full, Oravan varasto on täysi,
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 812: And bracelets too, and fragrant zone; Ja rannekorut, tuoxuvyön;
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 900: Thee sitting careless on a granary floor, Näkee sut istumassa ruokakomerosi permannolla
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 133: Fils d’un riche chapelier de Dinan, Duclos était destiné à reprendre les affaires de son père mais c’était un enfant doué d’une vive intelligence et d’une grande mémoire et sa mère, devenue veuve, décida de l’envoyer achever ses études à Paris. Il suivit d’abord les cours de l’académie que tenait, rue de Charonne, l’abbé de Dangeau, puis du collège d'Harcourt où il entreprit l’étude du droit en vue de devenir avocat. Mais il se laissa aller à la dissipation, s’appliquant surtout à l’étude des armes, avant de décider de se consacrer aux lettres. Il fréquenta le café Procope et le café Gradot, où l’on ne tarda pas à le remarquer pour l’agrément et le piquant de sa conversation.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 135: C’était, dit Jean-Jacques Rousseau, « un homme droit et adroit ». « Il faisait profession, écrit La Harpe, d’une franchise brusque qui ne déplaisait point […] Soit habitude, soit dessein, il gardait ce ton même dans la louange et l’on peut juger qu’elle n’y perdait pas. Il avait d’ailleurs un fonds de droiture qui le rendait incapable de plier son opinion ni sa liberté à aucun intérêt ni aucune politique ; et cependant ce ne fut point un obstacle à son avancement, parce qu’il n’offensa jamais l’amour-propre des gens de lettres, et qu’il sut intéresser en sa faveur celui des gens en place. » Duclos avait beaucoup d’esprit et une grande liberté de parole ; on cite de lui nombre de mots heureux.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 137: Duclos devint en 1755 secrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie française. Dans cette fonction, il se montra très actif et rendit de nombreux services à cette compagnie, prenant une grande part à l’édition de 1762 du Dictionnaire, dont il écrivit la préface, et faisant substituer aux lieux communs de morale qui formaient les sujets du prix d’éloquence des éloges des grands hommes (1755).
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 138: À l'Académie, il soutint généralement le parti des Philosophes, mais sans en faire partie car les excès de ses membres l’irritaient : « Les grands raisonneurs et les sous-petits raisonneurs de notre siècle, disait-il, en feront et en diront tant qu’ils finiront par m’envoyer à confesse. » Ses relations avec Voltaire furent froides et leur correspondance n’est qu’académique et de politesse. Il n’avait pas de relations avec Diderot, dont on lui reprocha d’avoir fait échouer la candidature à l’Académie. Il se brouilla avec D'Alembert et les deux hommes ne se réconcilièrent jamais entièrement. Généralement, son caractère autoritaire rendit ses relations souvent difficiles avec ses collègues.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 487: Noailles´n isä oli romanialainen emigrantti, ruhtinas Grégoire Bassaraba de Brancovan ja äiti kreikkalaissyntyinen ruhtinatar Rachel Musurus. Kuulostaa huijareiden feikkinimiltä. Anna de Noailles oli naimisissa ranskalaisen kreivin kanssa. Hän liikkui Pariisissa taidepíireissä, joihin kuuluivat häntä ihailleet Marcel Proust, André Gide, Paul Valéry ja Jean Cocteau. Nippu homopettereitä. Suomessa häntä ihaili jo nuoresta pitäen Olavi Paavolainen, joka valitsi hänet taiteelliseksi tunnuskuvakseen. Ja Sarkia. Toinen Noailles´n ihailija oli Anna-Maria Tallgren, joka kirjoitti hänestä artikkelin esseekokoelmaansa Pikapiirtoja nykyajan kirjailijoista (1917). Yleisemminkin hän oli Nuoren Voiman Liiton runoilijoiden innoittaja, muun muassa Paavolaisen kotona Kivennavalla 1925 pidetyn telttajuhlan tuloksena syntyi hänen innoittamanaan runoja, jotka ilmestyivät tulenkantajien runokokoelmassa Hurmioituneet kasvot (1925).
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 494: Peter Alexander Freiherr von Ustinov (16 April 1921 – 28 March 2004) was born at 45 Belsize Park, London, England. His father, Jona Freiherr von Ustinov, was of Russian, German, Polish, and Ethiopian Jewish descent. Peter´s paternal grandfather was Baron Plato von Ustinov, a Russian noble, and his grandmother was Magdalena Hall, of mixed German-Ethiopian-Jewish origin. Peter was a British actor, filmmaker and writer and a fixture on television talk shows and lecture circuits for much of his career. Peter oli kuraverinen äiskän puolelta.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 499: Alain Resnais [alɛ̃ ʁɛnɛ]n 1 est un réalisateur français, également scénariste et monteur, né le 3 juin 1922 à Vannes (Morbihan) et mort le 1er mars 2014 à Neuilly-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine). Réalisateur d'Hiroshima mon amour (1959) et de L'Année dernière à Marienbad (1961), Alain Resnais est rapidement considéré comme l'un des grands représentants du Nouveau cinéma (Nouvelle Vague) et comme un des pères de la modernité cinématographique européenne à l'instar de Roberto Rossellini, Ingmar Bergman et Michelangelo Antonioni dans sa manière de remettre en cause la grammaire du cinéma classique et de déconstruire la narration linéaire.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 585: his mother´s. His great-grandfather was Thomas Arnold of Rugby School, his
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 586: great-uncle Matthew Arnold, and his aunt Mrs Humphry Ward. His grandfather was
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 633: År 1907 gifte Munthe om sig med Hilda Pennington Mellor (1882-1967), en engelsk adelsdam 25 år yngre än han själv. Äktenskapet blev dock inte lyckligt men framgångsrikt. Munthe motsatte sig starkt nazismen, men förhandlade 1937 om att sälja sitt livsverk San Michele till Hermann Göring. Axel Munthes aska är strödd årligen i havet utanför Sveriges västkust. Axel Munthe har bott i Vimmerby som granne till Astrid Lindgren. Alla vi gräddarselbarn i Bullerbyn.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 635: Ti-Grace Atkinson (born November 9, 1938 as Grace Atkinson) is an American radical feminist author and philosopher. Atkinson was born into a prominent Louisiana family. Named for her grandmother, Grace, the "Ti" is Cajun French for petite, meaning little.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 615: Francis Wiener de Croissant, né Edgar Franz Wiener à Bruxelles le 28 janvier 1877 et mort à Neuilly-sur-Seine le 8 novembre 1937, est un auteur dramatique, romancier et librettiste français. Francis de Croisset est issu d'une famille juive allemande. Son grand-père, Jacques Wiener (1815-1899), s'était installé vers 1835 à Bruxelles ; graveur, il créa le premier timbre belge. Le frère cadet de celui-ci, Léopold Wiener, se fit également connaître comme graveur, médailleur et sculpteur. Le père de Francis de Croisset, Alexandre Wiener (1848-1920), était peintre. L'un de ses oncles, Samson Wiener (1851-1914), fut sénateur à la chambre haute de Belgique et bourgmestre d'une commune bruxelloise. The whole family was known for their remarkable skinless wieners. Francis' innovation was to embed his Jewish wiener in a French croissant, creating the first hot-dog.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 639: Gerfaut Philippe pseudonyme de Marguerite Dardenne de La Grangerie. Pensées d´un sceptique. Usant de plusieurs pseudonymes tels que Philippe Gerfaut et Marie-Alix de Valtine, elle est l´auteur entre autres du roman Le passé de Claudie (1884), des Pensées d´un sceptique (1886) et de Belle et bonne histoire d´une grande fillette (Prix Lambert en 1890).
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 640: Son mari, Albert Dardenne de la Grangerie, était fameux journaliste, rédacteur entres autres du Figaro et du Messager du Midi. Marguerite de la Grangerie fut avec son mari très liée au couple Gautier, Judith et Théophile. Elle était la petite-fille du duc de Persigny, propriétaire du chateau de Chamarande ou Théo séjourna en 1866. Ce dernier lui dédiera d’ailleurs deux sonnets dont « les poètes chinois… ». Usant de plusieurs pseudonymes tels que Philippe Gerfaut et Marie-Alix de Valtine, elle est l’auteur entre autres du roman Le passé de Claudie (1884), des Pensées d’un sceptique (1886) et de Belle et bonne histoire d’une grande fillette (Prix Lambert en 1890). Superbe exemplaire dans une reliure mosaïquée parfaitement établi par Louis Pouillet. Petites taches pâles sur le plat supérieur‎. Gerfaut puuttuu Vaakun hakemistosta.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 127: There was the elitist attitude that the people in the outside world would “just not understand,” or they would be “scared and mistrustful” of the wizarding world. This is a very liberal mindset: they are “progressive,” and the rest of us will not understand their grand scheme.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 365: but — vows and fragrance, infinite desire —
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 369: o vows! o fragrance! infinite desire!
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 525: These vows, these fragrant scents, these kisses without end,
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 529: — O vows! O fragrant scents! — O kisses without end!
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 787: Sujata, also Sujātā, Eugenie, well-born, was a farmer´s wife, who is said to have fed Gautama Buddha a bowl of kheer, a condensed milk-rice pudding, ending his six years of asceticism. Such was his emaciated appearance that she wrongly believed him to be a tree-spirit that had granted her wish of having a child. The gift provided him enough strength to cultivate the Middle Path, develop jhana, and attain Bodhi, thereafter becoming known as the Buddha. The story does not tell what the holy tree spirit said when Gautama ate his rice and curry.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 627: Loosens her fragrant boddice; by degrees Korut ja päästää narzan pikkuhoususta.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1026: Qui se croit un grand homme et fit une préface
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 420: 18 December International Migrants Day
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 539: 7:12 Että me nousisimme varhain viinamäkeen, ja näkisimme, jos viinapuut kukoistavat ja puhkeemaan rupeevat, jos granatomenat ovat tulleet ulos: siellä minä annan sinulle minun utareeni.

xxx/ellauri154.html on line 85: George Sand was known to her friends and family as "Aurore". Sand inherited the house of her granny, another Aurore, in 1821, when her grandmother died; she used the setting in many of her novels.
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 87: Her father Arsene Lupin was the grandson of the Marshal General of France, Maurice, Comte de Saxe, an out-of-wedlock son of Augustus II the Strong, king of Poland and elector of Saxony, and a cousin to the sixth degree to Kings Louis XVI, Louis XVIII and Charles X of France. This is probably where she got her very masculine gender expression. Unfortunately, Sand´s mother, Sophie-Victoire Delaborde, was a commoner, [citation was very badly needed], her mother was the daughter of a bird-seller, who, curiously enough, lived in the 'Street of the Birds' (Quai des Oiseaux) in Paris.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 231: The grand masters of Mussun Mussun would counter that such a path has the danger of escapism, as understanding oneself is the basis of mature consciousness. In some Hasidic schools, this pitfall of mystical escapism with more external forms of emotional enthusiasm are avoided, but that kills a lot of the fun.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 453: Nachman was the great-grandson of Baal Shem Tov, the founder of the Hasidic movement. In 1802, at the age of 30, Nachman instituted his own Hasidic sect based in the Ukrainian town of Breslau. Nachman taught his followers to live in faith, simplicity and joy. 1in 1810, at the age of 38, Nachman died of tuberculosis. Sein Leben war kurz und beschiessen wie ein Hühnerbrett. Ditto with Spinoza.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 175: In the absence of her skeletal remains, her devotees made do with visions – at Lourdes, Guadalupe, Fatima, Medjugorje, and so on. Like the other saints, her pilgrimage sites were places where she could be invoked to ask God to grant the prayers of her devotees.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 304: She was born Amy Lyon in Swan Cottage, Ness near Neston, Cheshire, England, the daughter of Henry Lyon, a blacksmith who died when she was two months old. She was baptised on 12 May 1765. She was raised by her mother, the former Mary Kidd (later Cadogan), and grandmother, Sarah Kidd, at Hawarden, and received no formal education. She later went by the name of Emma Hart.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 306: With her grandmother struggling to make ends meet at the age of 60, and after Mary went to London in 1777, Emma began work, aged 12, as a maid at the Hawarden home of Doctor Honoratus Leigh Thomas, a surgeon working in Chester.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 312: Greville took her in as his mistress, on condition that the child was fostered out. Once the child (Emma Carew) was born, she was removed to be raised by her great-grandmother at Hawarden for her first three years, and subsequently (after a short spell in London with her mother) deposited with Mr John Blackburn, schoolmaster, and his wife in Manchester. As a young woman, Emma's daughter saw her mother frequently, but later when Emma fell into debt, her daughter worked abroad as a companion or governess.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 358: She was desperately lonely, preoccupied with attempting to turn Merton Place into the grand home Nelson desired, suffering from several ailments and frantic for his return. The child, a girl (reportedly named Emma), died about 6 weeks after her birth in early 1804, and Horatia also fell ill at her home with Mrs Gibson on Titchfield Street. Emma kept the infant's death a secret from the press (her burial is unrecorded), kept her deep grief from Nelson's family and found it increasingly difficult to cope alone. She reportedly distracted herself by gambling, and succumbed to binges of heavy drinking and eating and spending lavishly.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 419: Up to and including Rashi, the Talmudic commentators occupied themselves only with the plain meaning ("peshaṭ") of the text; but after the beginning of the twelfth century the spirit of criticism took possession of the teachers of the Talmud. Thus some of Rashi's continuators, as his sons-in-law and his grandson Samuel ben Meïr (RaSHBaM), while they wrote commentaries on the Talmud after the manner of Rashi's, wrote also glosses on it in a style peculiar to themselves.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 496: The younger Hall is said to have never known his father. In 1919, Hall moved from Canada to Los Angeles, California, with his maternal grandmother to reunite with his birth mother, who was living in Santa Monica, and was almost immediately drawn to the arcane world of mysticism, esoteric philosophies, and their underlying principles. Hall delved deeply into "teachings of lost and hidden traditions, the golden verses of Hindu gods, Greek philosophers and Christian mystics, and the spiritual treasures waiting to be found within one's own soul."
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 534: And by teaching innocence of conduct, he expected to place men in their natural state of liberty & equality. He says, no one ever laid a surer foundation for liberty than our grand master, Jesus of Nazareth.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 602: Journalists face just the same old challenges than they did in Chicago in 1968. As the president vilifies the media as “the enemy of the people,” and reporters have occasion to attend his rallies with a security detail in tow, it’s clear that the specter of violence again looms large. There is also ferocious disagreement over the meaning of what we view on social media or television, a disagreement that clearly is not native to America, but brought in by the white immigrants. What is obvious to some is not to others, who would contend, for example, that “truth is not truth but alternative truth, " or "news is not news but fake news", or "election is not a vote but a steal".
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 268: Beginning in the early 1970s Gretchen Passantino was one of the early critics of the local churches of Taiwanese immigrants and of Witness Lee.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 399: And he looked at me and he said: "Beloved woman, I am Ramtha the Enlightened One, and I have come to help you over bitch" And, well, what would you do? I didn't understand because I am a simple person so I looked to see if the floor was still underneath the chair. And he said: "It is called the bitch of limitation", and he said: "And I am here, and we are going to do grand work together."
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 58: Il a en effet fabriqué un être artificiel de silicon et il attendait une occasion pour expérimenter son invention. Il lui propose donc d'adapter physiquement le prototype à son modèle feminin, tout en le rendant spirituellement bien supérieur. Car Il donne à l'être fabriqué l'âme" d'une jeune homme, c'est d'une grande perfection ainsi, plongée dans un sommeil hypnotique profond.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 77: Mots merveilleux qu’on prête aux grands hommes… Tässä Reunionin hepussa on jotain vakavasti vialla.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 123: Quos ego (ordagrant: "Vilka jag.") är en latinsk sentens från Vergilius Aeneiden (I, 135), där orden yttras av Neptunus till de rebelliska vindarna när han ska lugna vågorna.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 162: Au IIIe siècle avant J-C, l’ingénieur grec Philon de Byzance classe les jardins suspendus de Babylone, au sud de l’actuel Irak, parmi les sept merveilles du monde antique. Le premier à les évoquer est le prêtre babylonien Bérose (IVe siècle avant J-C). Il attribue leur construction à Nabuchodonosor II, qui les aurait créés pour son épouse persane Amytis, laquelle se languissait de la verdure de son pays natal. Le texte de Bérose est perdu, mais il subsiste sous forme de fragments chez des historiens et géographes du Ier siècle avant J-C, tels Flavius Josèphe, Diodore de Sicile et Strabon ; on le retrouve également chez Eusèbe de Césarée (265-339 de l’ère chrétienne). Toutefois, à l’exception de Bérose, aucun texte babylonien ne mentionne les jardins suspendus, ou du moins pas un seul n’a été retrouvé. Aucune des inscriptions relatant les grands chantiers de Nabuchodonosor II ne contient une référence à un jardin surélevé. Dans ses Histoires, le géographe et historien grec Hérodote (480-425 avant notre ère), qui a visité Babylone un siècle seulement après la mort de Nabuchodonosor, ne les évoque pas non plus lorsqu’il décrit la ville. Les murailles, la tour de Babel ou Ziggurat d’Etemenanki, les palais royaux et autres constructions de la ville antique ont été identifiés par les fouilles archéologiques ou sont attestés dans les textes cunéiformes. Mais cela n’a pas été le cas pour les jardins.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 198: Son visage un peu froid, mais d’un tour gracieux et sympathique, s’éclairait d’un sourire empreint de cette sorte de tristesse élevée qui décèle l’aristocratie d’un caractère. Ses traits, bien que d’une régularité grecque, attestaient par la qualité de leur finesse, une énergie de décision souveraine. De très fins et massés cheveux, une moustache et de légers favoris, d’un blond d’or fluide, ombraient la matité de neige de son teint juvénile. Ses grands yeux noblement calmes, d’un bleu pâle, sous de presque droits sourcils, se fixaient sur son interlocuteur. ― À sa main, sévèrement gantée de noir, il tenait un cigare éteint. Herrasmies kiireestä munapusseihin.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 342: ― Mais, comme vous avez grandi, mon cher lord ! reprit gaiement Edison, en indiquant l'utensil de lord Ewald. Je ne sais comment vous exprimer, aussi vite, le désir que j’éprouve!
xxx/ellauri175.html on line 301: Tuonne, hänen maagisen kynnyksensä portaille, Hadaly oli juuri ilmestynyt; hän kohotti loistavilla käsivarrellaan granaattisamettiverhoja.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 869: O'Casey is from Finsbury Park, the eldest of three daughters of hospitality and retail workers. She is of Irish and a quarter Jewish descent; the playwright Sean O'Casey was her great-grandfather. O'Casey has dyslexia and attended a Steiner School.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 880: Jordan was the faeces of the National Socialist Movement, which was later rebranded as the British Movement. The group campaigned to repatriate all immigrants of colour and for Jews to be shipped off to Israel. Jordan claimed that it was his group that invented the much publicised "If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Tory Liberal or Labour" slogan. Jordan was reportedly fined for stealing three pairs of red knickers from Tesco in 1975. Magistrates fined him £50 for the offence.
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 258: Ils restèrent longtemps silencieux, toujours très graves. Ils avaient roulé leurs têtes, les éloignant insensiblement, comme si la chaleur de leurs haleines les eût gênés. Puis, au milieu du grand silence, Serge ajouta cette seule parole:
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 749: "Olen usein ajatellut kivipyhimyksiä, jotka ovat olleet raivoissaan vuosisatojen ajan oman tilansa takaosassa", hän sanoi hyvin matalalla äänellä. Pitkällä tähtäimellä ne täytyy kylpeä suitsukkeessa sisäelimiä myöten... Ja minä olen kuin yksi niistä pyhimyksistä. Minulla on suitsukkeita elinteni viimeistä poimua myöten. Juuri tämä balsamointi tekee tyyneyteni, lihani hiljaisen kuoleman, rauhan, jota maistan elämättä... Ah! Älkää antako mikään häiritä minua liikkumattomuudestani! Pysyn kylmänä, jäykkänä, graniittihuulini loputtomalla hymyllä, voimattomana laskeutua ihmisten joukkoon. Tämä on ainoa toiveeni.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 764: Chris Lesley has been Raising Chickens for over 20 years and is a fourth generation chicken keeper. She can remember being a young child when her grandad first taught her how to hold and care for chickens. She also holds a certificate in Animal Behavior and Welfare and is interested in backyard chicken health and care.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 1030: Juan Belmonte popularizó la media verónica desarrollándola en dos tiempos, es decir, iniciada como verónica y cortada después, de donde tomó su nombre . Manolito con los dientes muy grandes la ejecutaba a veces citando de frente a pies juntos y de rodillas.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 687: Malmö ja Ruozi ylipäänsä on tähän mennessä jo totaalisen mätiä, kuten Nuori Wallenberg-Netflix-sarja, sen miljöö, henkilöt, juoni, ja ennen kaikkea sen liikeidea osoittaa. Suurin syyllinen on globalisaatio ja talousliberalismi, ja sen hännillä tullut immigranttien riisto ja kyykytys. Ei kyl yhtään huvittaisi joutua tutustumaan lähemmin vitun ruozidemokraatteihin, vielä vähemmän natoilla niden kaverina. "Something is wrong with democracy, when free speech is at risk." Minne hävisi kansankoti? Minne sosialidemokratia? Missä on Tage Erlanderin suomalainen vaimo? Varmaan kuoli koronaan vanhainkodissa. Mengeleä myydään käytettynä neekereille takaisin kuin t-paitapaalia. Vittu ja vielä pitää kuunnella ruozalaista räppiä. Tää on todella paska ohjelma. Ja kaiken kukkuraxi puisevat palikkasvenskit puhuu siinä toisilleen hoonoa enkkua. Å nej, bajsprogram från början till slut.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 105: Rilke lived on the brink of poverty for much of his life, dependent on the good graces of aristocratic and haute-bourgeois patrons in the twilight of the Hapsburg Empire. His shaky situation, much as he complained of it, suited his temperament as well as did the black clothes he liked to parade in during his dandyish younger days in Prague. Like the great German mystics, Rilke was a confirmed solitary. Thus he sought to form emotional bonds with people more ardently than do those who take their desire to be with others for granted. Wandering from person to person and from place to place like a pilgrim, he found that patrons offered him, among more practical things, a potential shrine of emotional fulfillment.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 449: She first met Bonhoeffer in the urban home of Ruth von Kleist-Retzow, her maternal grandmother, when she was 11 years old. He was conducting confirmation classes for Maria's elder brother and cousins and the grandmother asked if Maria could be included. Bonhoeffer interviewed her and refused to have her join the class due to her "immaturity". (Toisen lähteen mukaan se sai olla mukana kuunteluoppilaana kunnes rinnat kasvaisivat.)
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 54: Psychopathy is characterised by a superficial charm and callousness. People high in such traits often show an erratic lifestyle and antisocial behaviour. Machiavellianism derives from the writings of Niccolò Machiavelli, a Renaissance author, historian and philosopher. He described power games involving deception, treachery and crime. Thus, machiavellianism refers to an exploitative, cynical and manipulative nature. Narcissism is characterised by an exaggerated sense of entitlement, superiority and grandiose thinking, while sadism denotes a drive to inflict and enjoy pain in others.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 120: Broadly speaking, apartheid was delineated into petty apartheid, which entailed the segregation of public facilities and social events, and grand apartheid, which dictated housing and employment opportunities by race. Like petty theft and grand theft.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 222: An honor killing (American English), honour killing (Commonwealth English), or shame killing is the murder of an individual, either an outsider or a member of a family, by someone seeking to protect what they see as the dignity and honor of themselves or their family. Honor killings are often connected to religion, caste and other forms of hierarchical social stratification, or to sexuality, and those murdered will often be more liberal than the murderer rather than genuinely "dishonorable". Most often, it involves the murder of a woman or girl by male family members, due to the perpetrators' belief that the victim has brought dishonor or shame upon the family name, reputation or prestige. Honor killings are believed to have originated from tribal customs. They are prevalent in various parts of the world, as well as in immigrant communities in countries which do not otherwise have societal norms that encourage honor killings. Honor killings are often associated with rural and tribal areas, but they occur in urban areas too.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 312: Carlson's paternal grandparents were Richard Gere and Pamela Anderson, teenagers who placed "Dick" at The Home of The Worriers orphanage where he was wet nursed first by Carl Bellman's tjänare Mollberg, then a maiden, near Boston, and finally by a tannery worker with Swedish accent named Florence Nightingale, and as a result adopted at the age of two-years-old the reactionary views of upper-middle-class Finland immigrants, the Carlsons, and the oldest tanner in America and his wife.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 314: Carlson is also a distant relative of Mel Brooks and a great-great-great-grandson to author Henry Miller.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 335: By the end of 2018, after the show had begun to boycot at least twenty advertisers, Carlson said immigrants are "poorer, dirtier and even worse fooled than the rest". He was saved by his remarks concerning women (calling them "like dogs" and "extremely primitive").
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 460: This is a wonderful country with a good life for most thus encouraging immigrants past and present to settle here.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 464: If immigrants still feel that they dislike everything this country and its people stand for, there is a big wide world out there with plenty of places to choose to live in, but I doubt they would find anywhere better than here.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 883: Sandcastles washed away by the sea, a child wondering about Dad’s bald head, a disastrous picnic. Here are scenes from real life you will certainly recognise. But in Judith Nicholls’ poems, they are turned into myths and mysteries, grand stories, amusing songs or epic tales. On the other hand, she takes the mighty Roman empire – and packs it up into 40 words!
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 918: Но воздух жжется их благоуханьем, But the air burns with their fragrance,
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 959: Holy my mother in the insane asylum! Holy the cocks of the grandfathers of Kansas!

xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1061: Writing in The Guardian, the political journalist Gaby Hinsliff described Strange Death as "gentrified xenophobia" and "Chapter after chapter circles around the same repetitive themes: migrants raping and murdering and terrorising; paeans to Christianity; long polemics about how Europe is too ´exhausted by history´ and colonial guilt to face another battle, and is thus letting itself be rolled over by invaders fiercely confident in their own beliefs", while also pointing out that Murray offers little definition of the European culture he claims is under threat. Pankaj Mishra´s review in The New York Times described the book as "a handy digest of far-right clichés". In The Intercept, Murtaza Hussain criticized the "relentlessly paranoid tenor" of Murray´s work and said that its claims of mass crime perpetuated by immigrants were "blinkered to the point of being propaganda", while noting the book´s appeal to the far right. In Middle East Eye, Georgetown professor Ian Almond called the book "a staggeringly one-sided flow of statistics, interviews and examples, reflecting a clear decision to make the book a rhetorical claim that Europe is doomed to self-destruction".
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 433: Ingenting nytt alltså att nazisvenskar hejar på Paludan. Efter Palmes mord har Sveriges högertrend bara blivit klarare. Dom tänkte kunna skapa en ny billigare oorganiserad arbetarklass utav immigranterna men får nu äta sin egen skit när den planen sket.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 465: tuo granaattiomenapuu,
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 490: il verde melograno Raaka pomegranaatti
xxx/ellauri201.html on line 112: Phineas is an Anglicized name for the priest Phinehas in the Hebrew Bible; King Phineas, the first king of the Beta Israel in Ethiopia; Phineas Banning (1830-1885), American businessman and entrepreneur; P. T. Barnum (1810-1891), American showman and businessman. The grandson of Aaron and son of Eleazar, the High Priests (Exodus 6:25), he distinguished himself as a youth at Shittim with his zeal against the Bull-Shittim...
xxx/ellauri201.html on line 138: Delar av 1977 tillbringade 91:an Larsson i Eritrea, där han lärde ett kompani av kvinnliga gerillasoldater i den marxistiska Eritreanska befrielsefronten (ELF) att skjuta med granatkastare. Efter att ha drabbats av inflammation i pungarna beslöt han sig för att lämna landet. Väl hemma i Sverige arbetade han som nyhetsgrafiker vid Tidningarnas telegrambyrå (TT) mellan 1977 och 1999.
xxx/ellauri201.html on line 145: där han testamenterade sina finansiella tillgångar till Kommunistiska Arbetarförbundets (Socialistiska partiets fram till 2019) Umeåavdelning. Testamentet, som inte är bevittnat och därför inte juridiskt bindande, skrevs av Stig-Erland 1977 strax innan han åkte till inbördeskriget i Etiopien. Han var förbannad med Eva just vid den tidpunkten. Lite kvinnovåld med granatkastare var just vad som behövdes.
xxx/ellauri201.html on line 277: Torbjörn and Synnöve are two children living in the same valley. Synnöve's mother does not like them playing with each other because Torbjörn's grandfather Torbjörn drinks. They have both now grown up. Torbjörn is teased for having an alcoholic grandfather. This leads to fights, which Synnöve wants him to win. During a fight, Torbjörn is stabbed in the sack and paralyzed. He asks Synnöve to seek another man and not commit herself to a cripple. One day he sees his alcoholic grandfather's carriage overturn and, distressed by the event, he suddenly gets it up for the first time since the paralysis. A miracle has happened, and he can finally have his beloved.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 234: La loi, dans un grand souci d'égalité, interdit aux riches comme aux pauvres de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier dans les rues et de voler du pain.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 301: This is Jordan Peterson. I think he's insanely intelligent. This is a Quora fake question self answered by one Omme Salma. Bet he is an immigrant.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 329: Ever since the end of World War II, allegations of Adolf Hitler's Jewish ancestry via his paternal grandfather have been the subject of intense debate. Here's what the actual evidence says.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 344: In his memoir, Frank wrote that Hitler’s paternal grandmother, Maria Anna Schicklgruber, was once employed as a cook by a Jewish family in Graz, Austria. During this time, Schicklgruber became pregnant by an unknown man and gave birth to Hitler’s father, Alois Schicklgruber, in 1837. Alois was registered as an “illegitimate child” with no dad when he was born.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 346: Hitler would later insist that Johann Georg Hiedler — the man who married Schicklgruber in 1842 — was his paternal grandfather. Hiedler died in 1857, so he clearly wasn’t able to fully back up this claim for the Third Reich. Although Nazi Germany apparently accepted the story, many modern historians have debated whether it was actually true.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 348: To this day, the true identity of Hitler’s paternal grandfather remains unknown. So amidst the ongoing mystery, Frank suggested that Alois’s father was the 19-year-old son of Schicklgruber’s employer, Frankenberger Sr.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 350: Frank alleged that letters between Schicklgruber and Frankenberger Sr. corroborated this theory, as Frankenberger had sent money to Schicklgruber for child support. Frank suggested this as evidence that Hitler’s paternal grandfather was indeed Jewish — making Hitler a quarter Jewish.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 361: But in Nazi Germany, the leaders came up with their own anti-Semitic definition of a Vierteljude, or “Quarter Jew.” And this was someone who simply had one Jewish grandparent. So according to Hitler’s own rules, he would indeed be considered a quarter Jewish — if Frank’s claim was true.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 365: Most recently, the conspiracy theory about whether Adolf Hitler was Jewish resurfaced in 2019. Psychologist Leonard Sax released a paper reexamining the controversial claim, titled Aus den Gemeinden von Burgenland: Revisiting the question of Adolf Hitler’s paternal grandfather.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 385: “Even if there were Jews living in Graz in the 1830s, at the time when Adolf Hitler’s father, Alois, was born, this does not prove anything at all about the identity of Hitler’s paternal grandfather,” Evans said, also pointing out that Frank’s memoir has been found to be “notoriously unreliable.”
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 389: Furthermore, Evans said there is no contemporary evidence that Hitler’s grandmother was ever in Graz, nor any evidence that a Frankenberger family was living there during that time period. Evans notes that there was a Frankenreiter family who resided there, but they were not Jewish.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 398: “Hitler’s grandmother [from his father’s side] was not married, and thus, considering his destructive role and hideous actions, rumors and claims like that are almost natural,” said Havi Dreifuss, a historian of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe at Tel Aviv University.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 411: Though the idea may seem preposterous to some, the question seems to stem from the remote possibility that Hitler´s grandfather was Jewish. Hitler’s father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father when born in 1837 and to this day Hitler’s paternal grandfather is unknown. In 1842, Johann Georg Hiedler married Alois’s mother. Alois was brought up in the family of Hiedler’s brother, Johann Nepomuk Hiedler. In 1876, when Alois was 39, he was made legitimate and his baptismal record annotated by a priest to register Johann Georg Hiedler as Alois’s father (recorded as "Georg Hitler"). Alois then assumed the surname "Hitler."
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 413: In his 1953 memoir In the Face of the Gallows (published after his execution in 1946), Hitler’s lawyer Hans Frank claimed that Hitler had told him to investigate rumors of him having Jewish ancestry. Frank said Hitler showed him a letter from a nephew who threatened to reveal he had Jewish blood. Frank wrote that he found evidence that Hitler’s grandfather was Jewish and that Alois’ mother, Maria Schicklgruber, worked as a cook in the home of a wealthy Jewish family named Frankenreiter in Graz. Austria, was impregnated by a member of the family – possibly their 19-year-old son – when she was 42.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 419: In 1933, the London Daily Mirror published a picture of a gravestone in a Jewish cemetery in Bucharest inscribed with some Hebrew characters and the name Adolf Hitler, but this Bucharest Hitler could not have been the Nazi leader’s grandfather. At the time, though, this picture sufficiently worried Hitler that he had the Nazi law defining Jewishness written to exclude Jesus Christ and himself.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 639: Gunnar Olof Björling, född 31 maj 1887 i Helsingfors, död 11 juli 1960 i Helsingfors, var en finlandssvensk poet. Han var vid sidan av Edith Södergran, Hagar Olsson och Elmer Diktonius en av de ledande gestalterna inom den finlandssvenska litterära modernismen. Björling medarbetade i tidskriften Quosego 1928–1929.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1025: They asked Prophet Idris: "If we leave Babylon, where will we find a place like it?" Prophet Idris said: "If we immigrate for the sake of Allah, He will provide for us." (By now the West is full of these immigrants.) So the people went with Prophet Idris and they reached the land of Egypt. They saw the Nile River. Idris stood at its bank and mentioned Allah, the Exalted, by saying: "Subhan Allah." For three days of the week, Idris would preach to his people and four days he would devote solely to the worship of God.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1029: Many Qur´anic commentators, such as al-Tabari and Qadi Baydawi, identified Idris with Enoch. Baizawi said, "Idris was of the posterity of Seth and a forefather of Noah, and his name was Enoch (Ar. Akhnukh)". With this identification, Idris´s father becomes Yarid (يريد), his mother Barkanah, and his wife Aadanah. Idris´s son Methuselah would eventually be the grandfather of Nuh (Noah). Hence Idris is identified as the great-grandfather of Noah.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 77: His novels were admired by the author Somerset Maugham. A few years after Lodwick's death, Anthony Burgess wrote: "He is not afraid of rhetoric, grandiloquence; his knowledge of foreign literature is wide; his mastery of the English language matches Evelyn Waugh's." He warned, nevertheless, that because of his early death he was "in danger of being neglected", and indeed D. J. Taylor has written that in the post-war years Lodwick's "doomy romanticism sat queerly alongside the comic realism of a Waterhouse or an Amis: Lodwick's reputation did not survive the 1960s."
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 215: Ej du mejar med grannen i bredd, men lemnar dig efter,
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 275: Tröskare, akten er grannt, att lura det minsta om midda'n,
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 143: In 1961 Roth visited Bernard Malamud in Oregon. Roth was still in his twenties and had just published his first book of stories, Goodbye, Columbus. Malamud was almost 50 and one of the most famous writers in America. This meeting was immortalised in one of Roth’s greatest books, The Ghost Writer. In this 1979 work, a young writer, Nathan Zuckerman, visits EI Lonoff, a first-generation immigrant modelled on Malamud, who found a new voice for Jewish-American literature. He had found a voice but, more importantly, he had a subject: “life-hunger, life-bargains, and life-terror”—a Jewish experience rooted in the traumas of east Europe and Russia.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 171: "Vulgar Chicago" was always where his heart was. Vulgar Jewish Chicago - and Montreal, where he started out as son of an immigrant small time hustler.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 415: Amina was born in the middle of the sixteenth century CE to King Nikatau, the 22nd ruler of Zazzau, and Queen Bakwa Turunku (r. 1536–c. 1566). She had a younger sister named Zaria for whom the modern city of Zaria (Kaduna State) was renamed by the British in the early twentieth century. According to oral legends collected by anthropologist David E. Jones, Amina grew up in her grandfather's court and was favored by him. He carried her around court and instructed her carefully in political and military matters.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 456: Rockefeller flinched, saying: “The National Guard was used to break a strike in which a family corporation was involved when I was a child. Men and women were killed. … I will not use the National Guard.” Rockefeller was referring to the 1914 Ludlow massacre, when his grandfather, John D. Rockefeller, the owner of Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, got the Colorado governor to call in the National Guard to break a mine workers’ strike. The miners and their families were huddled in tents when the militia opened fire. Over 60 strikers and family members were shot dead or burned alive when their tents were set ablaze by the troops.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 609: Ingmar Guandique, an undocumented immigrant from El Salvador, was convicted of Levy’s murder in 2010 and sentenced to 60 years in prison, but his conviction was later overturned and a retrial ordered earlier last year. The U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia dismissed all charges against Guandique in July after the office concluded that "it can no longer prove the murder case against Mr. Guandique beyond a reasonable doubt."
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 234: He did not meet his illegitimate daughter from a past relationship until she was 26, although she learned that he was her father when she was 16. Norris has thirteen grandchildren as of 2017. An outspoken Christian, Norris is the author of several Christian-themed books. On April 22, 2008, Norris expressed his support for the intelligent design movement when he reviewed Ben Stein´s Expelled From Townhall.com.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 255: In 1953 (aged 24) while traveling to France aboard the Queen Mary, Ursula met historian Charles Le Guin.They married in Paris in December 1953. According to Le Guin, the marriage signaled the "end of the doctorate" for her. While her husband finished his doctorate at Emory University in Georgia, and later at the University of Idaho, Le Guin taught French and worked as a secretary until the birth of her daughter Elisabeth in 1957. A second daughter, Caroline, was born in 1959. Also in that year, Charles became an instructor in history at Portland State University, and the couple moved to Portland, Oregon, where their son Theodore was born in 1964. They would live in Portland for the rest of their lives, although Le Guin received further Fulbright grants to travel to London in 1968 and 1975.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 394: Crane returned to New York in 1928, living with friends and taking temporary jobs as a copywriter, or living off unemployment and the charity of friends and his father. For a time he lived in Brooklyn at 77 Willow Street until his lover, Opffer, invited him to live in Opffer´s father´s home at 110 Columbia Heights in Brooklyn Heights. Crane was overjoyed at the views the location afforded him. He wrote his mother and grandmother in the spring of 1924:
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 398: Oh-oh! Hart was a xenophile. No wonder his planned synthesis didn´t work. Can´t make an American synthesis without immigrants poking their pale faces in. With just Ishi and his chums it won´t be the same.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 420: Yet I would lead my grandmother by the hand
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 663: I Saltsjöbaden 1938 överenskoms att det skulle bli slut med strejkbryteri och ”unionbusting”. Socialdemokratins ledare åtog sig i gengäld att hålla militanta arbetare ( ex.vis. dåtidens kommunister) vid hornen, medan kapitalet i lugn och ro kunde mjölka arbetande. Den hyllade ”svenska modellen” knäsattes, och länge ansågs den vara framgångsrik, i synnerhet så länge våra och konkurrenter grannländer ännu var krigshärjade, och det ännu fanns socialistländer som hotade systemet.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 343: Andrei´s paternal grandfather Aleksandr Karlovich Tarkovsky (in Polish: Aleksander Karol Tarkowski) was a Polish nobleman who worked as a bank clerk. His wife Maria Danilovna Rachkovskaya was a Romanian language teacher who arrived from Iași. Andrei´s maternal grandmother Vera Nikolayevna Vishnyakova (née Dubasova) belonged to an old Dubasov family of Russian nobility that traces its history back to the 17th century; among her relatives was Admiral Fyodor Dubasov, a fact she had to conceal during the Soviet days. She was married to Ivan Ivanovich Vishnyakov, a native of the Kaluga Governorate who studied law at the Moscow State University and served as a judge in Kozelsk.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 408: The same for ancestor and grandson: Sama esi-isällä ja pojanpojalla:
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 491: When the mother made a honeyed sign of the cross on the foreheads of her marriageable daughters, she expressed her playful wish: “May Jesus grant that the young men will go after you like the flies go after honey!”
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 493: The mother then dipped garlic into her honey jar and each one present had to taste it. They believed that garlic chased away all pagan and evil spirits and kept them healthy. While giving the garlic to taste, the mother said: “May God grant that you be as smelly as this garlic!”
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 562: The British-Swedish-American television show places a group of strangers in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves. They are initially divided into two tribes. The contestants compete in challenges for rewards and immunity from gang rape. The remaining contestants are eventually merged into a single tribe. The contestants are progressively eliminated from the game as they are voted out by their fellow contestants or, as may be the result after the merge, lose an immunity challenge until only one remains and is awarded a grand prize. A Robinsonian version of the American Dream.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 138: (3.) Parents will have a regular subject upon which to examine their children and servants (LOL). – It is much to be desired that family worship were made more instructive than it generally is. The mere reading of the chapter is often too like water spilt on the ground. Let it be read by every member of the family before-hand, and then the meaning and application drawn out by simple question and answer. Like what was the name of the father of Jacob´s sons. The calendar will be helpful in this. Friends, also, when they meet, will have a subject for profitable conversation in the portions read that day. The meaning of difficult passages may be inquired from the more judicious and ripe Christians, and the fragrance of simpler Scriptures spread abroad to mask the smells of the riper Christians.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 635: Hävityn hyökkäyssodan jälkeen Törni loikkasi Lapin sodasta rintamakarkurixi sakemanneihin, tuomittiin maanpetturuudesta ja jäi kiinni Saksassa. Törni karkaili liittoutuneiden ja suomalaisten vankiloista kuin vanhan miehen virza ilman Tena Gentlemanneja. President Juho Paasikivi granted him a pardon in December 1948.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 641: While in the Gulf of Mexico, near Mobile, Alabama, Törni jumped overboard and swam to shore. Now a political refugee,Törni traveled to New York City where he was helped by the Finnish-American community living in Brooklyn´s Sunset Park "Finntown". There he worked as a carpenter and cleaner. In 1953, Törni was granted a residence permit through an Act of Congress that was shepherded by the law firm of "Wild Bill" Donovan, former head of the Office of Strategic Services.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 459: By 1903 he was encountering opposition from the Colonial Office, which felt he was proceeding too rapidly. In 1904, after being criticized for granting a concession on land previously reserved for the indigenous Maasai people, he resigned his position. Following his resignation, he served as vice chancellor of both the University of Sheffield (1905–12) and the University of Hong Kong (1912–18). His last diplomatic post was as the British ambassador to Japan, which he began in 1920. He retired in 1926, continuing to live in Japan. During his life he wrote several papers and books, including The East Africa Protectorate (1905) and Letters from the Far East (1907).
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 376: Stateless domicile: France. Onko Ivan emigrantti vaiko loikkari? Ivan Bunin syntyi maanomistajien perheeseen Vorónezhissa Länsi-Venäjällä ja vietti lapsuutensa maassa perheen kartanoilla (huomaa monikko). Hänen äitinsä Lyudmila Alexandrovna esitteli hänet venäläiseen kansanperinteeseen, ja hän alkoi kirjoittaa runoutta ja proosaa varhaisessa iässä. Hän matkusti ympäri Venäjää, Etelä-Eurooppaa, Pohjois-Afrikkaa, Lähi-itää ja Balkania. Vuonna 1909 hänet valittiin zaari-Venäjän tiedeakatemian jäseneksi. Bolshevikkihallinnon takia hän lähti Venäjältä vuonna 1920 ja asui loppuelämänsä Ranskassa. Kyllä se sitten oli loikkari, sillä lokakuun vallankumous (25.10. vanhaa laskua) oli tapahtunut jo 3 vuotta aiemmin.
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 418: Neuvostoliitossa reaktio oli negatiivinen: Buninin voitto selitettiin siellä "imperialistiseksi juoniksi", mitä ne tietysti olivatkin. Vaikka Bunin ei halunnut osallistua politiikkaan, häntä pidettiin nyt paizi kirjailijana ennen kaikkea ei-bolsevististen venäläisten arvojen ja perinteiden ruumiillistajana. Hänen matkansa ympäri Eurooppaa olivat näkyvästi esillä Venäjän emigranttilehdistön etusivuilla loppu vuosikymmenen ajan.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 99: If social claims appeal to the people's struggle with poverty and inequality, nationalism offers an encompassing narrative, an identity that blurs the lines of social classes and hides the social fractures that created this very problem. While Fascism promises to protect workers, studies show how Workers' conditions worsened severely during fascist times, something that can also be seen in the strong ultraliberal component most of the 'new far right', and of the dubious democratic credentials of of neoliberalism, devoid of the philosophical background of political liberalism. Nationalism gives the two great enemies behind the woes of people: foreigners, and immigrants. The external enemy, the internal enemy. Both combined ensure that no one is paying attention at inequality or working and living conditions.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 188: Maktutredningar är något av en nordisk tradition, förklarar norska statsvetaren Øyvind Østerud. Därefter följde de skandinaviska grannländerna upp med olika egna varianter och till slut plockades utredningsformen upp även i Finland. De svenska maktutredningarna i början av 2000-talet I stället utgjorde ett dråpslag mot hela det statliga kommittéväsendet. Den första maktutredningen fick fem år på sig, kvinnomaktutredningen bara två. Utredningen fick aldrig en ärlig chans att producera ny kunskap i större omfattning. Dessutom intog politiska aktörer en central roll som bröt mot oavhängighetstraditionen.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 218: Men hela Kamalis utredning och den verksamhet som bedrevs av hans kolleger i den utredning han fick ta ansvar för bygger på uppdelningar mellan ”vi och dom”. Det handlar hela tiden om vilka som är rasister, om vilka som tillhör gruppen ”vita” eller ”rasifierade”, och så självfallet uppdelningar efter klass och kön. Det är uppenbart att ”vi och dom” är en indelning som bör undvikas enbart i vissa sammanhang, inte i andra. Men det bestäms av forskarnas personliga uppfattningar om hur verkligheten är beskaffad och den präglas av en ideologisk förståelse. Det handlar inte om slutsatser baserade på rigorösa empiriska studier, utvecklade med ambitiösa metoder. Det handlar om åsikter. Det kan ju hända att när man först studerar allt riktigt nogrannt, visar det sig at det inte alls finns några klasser, raser eller kön.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 162: The rise of modern, centralized states in Europe by the early 19th century heralded the end of Jewish judicial autonomy and social seclusion. Their communal corporate rights were abolished, and the process of emancipation and acculturation that followed quickly transformed the values and norms of the public. Estrangement and apathy toward Judaism were rampant. The process of communal, educational and civil reform could not be restricted from affecting the core tenets of the faith. The new academic, critical study of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums) soon became a source of controversy. Rabbis and scholars argued to what degree, if at all, its findings could be used to determine present conduct. The modernized Orthodox in Germany, like rabbis Isaac Bernays and Azriel Hildesheimer, were content to cautiously study it while stringently adhering to the sanctity of holy texts and refusing to grant Wissenschaft any say in religious matters. On the other extreme were Rabbi Abraham Geiger, who would emerge as the founding father of Reform Judaism, and his supporters. They opposed any limit on critical research or its practical application, laying more weight on the need for change than on continuity.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 412: Until the age of 12, he studied under Issachar Ber in Lyubavichi (Lubavitch); he distinguished himself as a Talmudist, such that his teacher sent him back home, informing his father that the boy could continue his studies without the aid of a teacher. At the age of 12, he delivered a discourse concerning the complicated laws of Kiddush Hachodesh, to which the people of the town granted him the title "Rav". The misnagdim, on the other hand, dubbed him "Rebbe Schlemiel".
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 92: Den tunna blå linjen är lite mer realistisk än tex Unge Wallenberg, men båda visar tydliga spår på typiskt svenskt (själv)bedrägeri. Den ytterst osannolika fattiga judiska småförsäljaren vars dotter är en lika fattig gatupolis Leah, till exempel, istället för en kurd eller irakisk muslim i samma roll. Haha, låt mig skratta. Gamla ovänbilder andvänds för at sudda ut de aktuella. Svenskarna gör en stor runda kring araber; även unga Wallenbergs färggranne vän är en neger. Leah spelas av en turk som heter Erdogan.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 493: Brittijoukot ja emigranttiranskisten valkokenraalit laivataan giljotiineineen Ranskaan hommaammaan vastavallankumousta. Aikomus oli antaa anarkistien maistaa omaa lääkettään. Perseelleen meni sekin. Hizi nää jutut on sitten toisteisia. Ihan sama tematiikka on nähty Ukrainassa sadan vuoden väliajoin.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 588: Drink life and fragrance as they flow. Juo elämää ja tuoksua niiden virratessa.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 706: El talento poético de Neruda es indudable. En 1971 recibió el Premio Nobel de Literatura y ha sido admirado y reconocido por su grandísimo miembro.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 785: más grande que el más grande de los obstáculos,
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 834: ¿Destierro? Sí. ¿Ardiente? Sin duda. ¿Desconsolado? Seguramente no fue para tanto… Estar en Capri con los amigos y la amante no debe estar tan mal…Y es que Neruda, además de uno de los poetas más grandes de la historia en lengua castellana, era un hombre un poco exagerado y no muy sincero. Pero, quién esté libre de pecado….
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 859: La psicología humanista es, sin duda, una de las corrientes de pensamiento más importantes de la psicología. Pero para saber de qué trata, es necesario conocer el trabajo de otra gran figura de esta escuela. Es difícil entender el humanismo sin Rogers y Maslow. Por eso, antes de profundizar en las propuestas teóricas de Maslow, vamos a adentrarnos en la teoría de Carl Rogers.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 886: Maslow añade a la teoría de Rogers su concepto de las necesidades. La teoría de este psicólogo gira en torno a dos aspectos fundamentales: nuestras necesidades y nuestras experiencias. En otras palabras, lo que nos motiva y lo que buscamos a lo largo de la vida y lo que nos va ocurriendo en este camino, lo que vamos viviendo. Es aquí donde se forma nuestra personalidad. De hecho, Maslow es considerado uno de los grandes teóricos de la motivación.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 896: Maslow piensa que alcanzar las necesidades de autorrealización está en las manos de todo el mundo, sin embargo, son pocos los que lo consiguen. Las personas que logran satisfacer sus necesidades de autorrealización son personas autorrealizadas. Ahora bien, Maslow afirma que menos del 1% de la población pertenecen a esta clase de individuos.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 915: Tienen un gran sentido del humor
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 917: Poseen un gran espíritu crítico y se rigen por valores éticos
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 988: Este tipo de personalidad muestra una gran facilidad para dar respuesta a todas las necesidades de manera equilibrada, de manera que las crisis son aprovechadas como oportunidades para construir nuevas oportunidades y encontrar maneras de alcanzar niveles de bienestar.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 466: "Norsk krimis grand old fat lady, Anne Holt, lancerer en ny heltinde ved at sende hende ned i kulkælderen. Det klæder dem begge … stjerneadvokatens nedtur fanger. Det samme gør skildringen af indspistheden i norsk idrætsliv, hvor idrætsorganisationernes ledere beskrives som småkorrupte konger med udøverne som deres undersåtter. Det ligner noget, vi kender." Weekendavisen
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 440: "The characters are mere digital figures for a cinematic algorithm." Että kehtaakin jenkki tämmöstä vielä sanoa, jenkkileffat ne vasta on koneella veisattuja täysin klisheisine hahmoineen, ota vaikka Netflixin menesstyssarja Wednesday. Ja tää on ehkä pahin pohjanoteeraus kaikista, mistä näkyy Amerikan oma täydellinen aateköyhyys: "Yet even the grand humanistic reverberations of ancient artifacts (ne kivipiirustuxet joite ei edes jään alta nähnyt) leave Kuosmanen’s directorial gaze uninspired, even uninterested."
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 556: His father was Heinrich (Henry) Bukowski, an American of German descent who had served in the U.S. army of occupation after World War I and had remained in Germany after his army service. His mother was Katharina (née Fett). His paternal grandfather, Leonard Bukowski, had moved to the United States from Imperial Germany in the 1880s. In Cleveland, Ohio, Leonard met Emilie Krause, an ethnic German, who had emigrated from Danzig, Prussia (today Gdańsk, Poland). They married and settled in Pasadena, California, where Leonard worked as a successful carpenter. The couple had four children, including Heinrich (Henry), Charles Bukowski's father. His mother, Katharina Bukowski, was the daughter of Wilhelm Fett and Nannette Israel The name Israel is widespread among Catholics in the Eifel region. Bukowski assumed his paternal ancestor had moved from Poland to Germany around 1780, as "Bukowski" is a Polish last name. As far back as Bukowski could trace, his whole family was German.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 778: Kysytäänpä Riikka Suomiselta, se on halpa. Puhe kultaisen peniksen syndroomasta kertoo Suomisen mielestä yhteiskunnan normeista. ”Miksi ihminen ei saisi elää kultamunana, jos se on mahdollista? Ei kenelläkään ole velvollisuutta pariutua, perustaa perhettä ja hankkia kahta ja puolta lasta. Ainahan me voidaan ottaa maahan lisää sinkku immigrantteja korjaamaan huoltosuhdetta."
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3176: Strong from the sun and fragrant from the rains
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 261: Aiheena on siis oman tahdon tukahduttaminen. Ajatelkaamme sitä hyvää, mikä on mahdollista epäonnistumisen kautta, pettymyksen onnea, tappion rauhaa. Näemme miesten käyttävän kaikki voimansa johonkin jaloon tarkoitukseen, mutta hyvät tulokset jäävät oudosti pidättäytymään. He suunnittelevat pyhiä suunnitelmia, jotka, kuten Daavidin temppelin rakentaminen, ovat turhautuneita. Jeesus Kristus ei pidä edes hänen työtään parempana kuin omaansa. Viimeinen uhri, joka joidenkin ihmisten on tehtävä, ei ole nautinnon uhraus tai jostain kallisarvoisesta aarteesta luopuminen; se on rakkaan tarkoitusperän uhri, jolla he toivoivat voivansa tuoda kunniaa Herralleen. Heitä vaaditaan kääntymään pyhän palvelun polulta, luopumaan pyhästä yrityksestä. John Ruskin on kertonut meille, kuinka hänen toivonsa paremmasta palvelusta katkesi hänen tullessaan selkeämpään terveydentilaan. "Juuri kun olin päässyt koulusta, olin pahoillani siitä, että olin niin typerä poika, mutta kuitenkin otin palkinnon tai kaksi, ja odotan nyt ryhtyväni johonkin vakavampaan liiketoimintaan kuten kriketti, olen hylännyt mestarin, jolle toivoin tarjoilla. Kuinka viehättävä tapa, jolla Johannes Kastaja hyväksyi kaventuvan sfäärin ja myöntyi olosuhteisiin, jotka jättivät hänet hotellin hämärään ja hiljaisuuteen. "Hänen täytyy kasvaa, mutta minun on vähennettävä." Tämä hieno nöyryys antaa jalolle sielulle muuttavan kosketuksen. Se luo pehmeän loiston hänen luonteensa graniittihuippuihin.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 127: Stolbova asui Korsossa, vanhemmat oli emigrantteja, ei mitään mamuja. Neuvostoliitossa ei oltu käytykään. Sitten elämä vei, lapset ovat puolixi italiaanoja. Mä vietin kesät Venezian museoissa lapsena, siellä oli suullisia tenttejä, mutta selvisin. Opiskelin silti Helsingin yliopistossa jotakin. Carloa ei tarvi mainita. Diplomaattirouvana en pärjännyt, en osaa small talkia. Kuuntelemaan olen hirmu huono mutta hyvä puhumaan, mä puhun paljon ja päälle mielellään. Nykyään mä olen hyvä kuunteleen, sanoo ne jotka ehtii saada sanan väliin poikittain. Nilkkikin saa ihan pinnistää vaikka on izekin kova päällepuhuja. Me molemmat halutaan lisää maahanmuuttajia! Ekonomiselta asemaltaan erilaisia! Kiitos! Kiitos vaan!
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 149: Emmauxen käynnillä haaviin sattui Irwin Shawin, kommunistivainotun venäläisexpatriaatin novellikokoelma (1967) jonka niminovelli on "God was here but he left early". Nimi oli hauska, sixi ostin sen. Shawin oma nimikin oli ennen hauskempi. Shaw was born Irwin Gilbert Shamforoff in the South Bronx, New York City, to Jewish immigrants from Russia. Svetlana Moskovasta (venakko) sanoi goodreadseissa novelleista näin:
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 229: The author used real-life experiences as inspiration for her wizarding world. Assuming that the book would not sell well, the all male editorial team at Bloomsbury advised Rowling that she should not publish under her real name, Joanne Rowling, because boys would not read a book written by a woman. That sexist assumption certainly did not give much credit to the boys, and took it for granted that girls would only read a book written by men. Rowling, eager for success, agreed to write under the name J.K. Rowling. The J was her first initial. But Rowling does not have a middle name, so she used K as a tribute to her grandmother, Kathleen.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 357: Most disturbingly, there’s a direct line between Gringotts and the Grinch and the antisemitic attacks on George Soros. Soros is a billionaire Democratic donor and Holocaust survivor who has become a favorite target of the global far right. He’s been falsely accused of collaborating with Nazis and funding antifa. The right also (again falsely) claimed he was bankrolling the migrant caravan in 2018. That last conspiracy theory allegedly inspired one far-right radical to kill 11 people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 320: Havel was instrumental in dismantling the Warsaw Pact and enlargement of NATO membership eastward. Many of his stances and policies, such as his opposition to Slovak independence, condemnation of the treatment of Sudeten Germans, such as the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia after World War II, and granting of general amnesty to all those imprisoned under the Communist era, were very controversial domestically. By the end of his presidency, he enjoyed greater popularity abroad than at home.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 447: Oud or Oudh is by far one of the most expensive raw fragrance ingredients in the world. Also known as agarwood, this essential oil is extracted from the fungus-infected resinous heartwood of the agar tree, which is primarily found in the dense forests of Southeast Asia, India and Bangladesh. It is worth 1.5 times its weight in gold. It is an endangered species.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 730: On the subject of oligarchy and the treasure storehouses which oligarchs build for themselves, Alexei Navalny´s video reveals that he’s following a U.S. and NATO script, google translated into Russian. Navalny is of Russian and Ukrainian descent. His father is from Zalissia, a former village near the Belarus border that was relocated due to the Chernobyl disaster in Ivankiv Raion, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine. Navalny grew up in Obninsk, about 100 kilometres (62 mi) southwest of Moscow, but spent his childhood summers with his grandmother in Ukraine, acquiring proficiency in the Ukrainian language.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 45: In this historical fiction, author Diana Wallis Taylor offers a beautiful story of intrigue that explains how Rahab came to be the mother of Boaz, grandmother of Obese, and great-grandmother of Jesse, the father of King David, without peddling her arse for denars.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 232: Rehoboam (/ˌriːəˈboʊ.əm/; Hebrew: רְחַבְעָם‎, Rəḥaḇʿām; Greek: Ροβοάμ, Rovoam; Latin: Robocop, transl. "an enlarged penis") was, according to the Hebrew Bible, the first monarch of the Kingdom of Judah after the split of the united Kingdom of Israel. He was a son of and the successor to Solomon and a grandson of David. In the account of I Kings and II Chronicles, Rehoboam saw his ruler limited to only the Kingdom of Judah in the south following a rebellion by the ten northern tribes of Israel in 932/931 BCE, which led to the formation of the independent Kingdom of Israel under the rule of Jeroboam in the north..
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 196: 3 Kuin punainen nauha ovat sinun huulesi, ja suusi on suloinen; kuin granaattiomena, kypsyyttään halkeileva, on sinun ohimosi huntusi takana.

xxx/ellauri304.html on line 513: As novelists, we create a character not by what we tell but by what we show. Show not tell, you know (fucking immigrants shut up). What does that character say? What does he do? What do others say about him? What do they think of him? What would he say if he was slapping a kid at the local Walmart’s? That’s characterization and it makes your fictional people come alive.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 531: Yogi Berra oli typerälippalakkinen pesäpallisti jonka luonnetyyppi oli ISFP (introverted sensing feeling perceiving). Se kexi paljon Matti Nykäsmäisiä aforismeja. Unassuming yet passionate athlete. Kuoli samana vuonna kuin Warren mutta 8v vanhempana. Se oli italiaano 2. polven immigrantti jonka äiti ei osannut sanoa "Lawrence". He received the nickname "Yogi" from his friend Jack Maguire, who, after seeing a newsreel about India, said that he resembled a yogi from India whenever he sat around with arms and legs crossed waiting to bat or while looking sad after a losing game. Se oli hörökorvainen pikkumies, muistutti kyllä aika lailla Yodaa kuvissa.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 321: Kuvassa ukrainalais-latvialaista emigranttiälymystöä. Berdyadev ja Skobzova plus joku snäfä häiskä linssiluteena jonka nimeä ei sanota. (Se on joku bulgarialainen Stefan Tsantsov, mitätön kärpässarjalainen.)
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 324: Maria Skobtsova (20. [8. vanha kalenteri ] joulukuuta 1891 – 31. maaliskuuta 1945), tunnetaan nimellä Äiti Maria ( venäjäksi : Мать Мария ) , Pyhä Maria (tai Äiti Maria) Pariisissa, syntynyt Elizaveta Jurievna Pilenko ( Елизавьета Елизавьета Юриевна Пиленко) Karavajeva ( Кузьмина-Караваева ) ensimmäisessä avioliitossaan, Skobtsova ( Скобцова ) toisessa avioliitossaan, oli venäläinen aatelisnainen, runoilija, nunna ja Ranskan vastarintaliikkeen jäsen toisen maailmansodan aikana. Hänet julistettiin pyhimykseksi itäisessä ortodoksisessa kirkossa. Samalla kanonisoitiin muitakin Ranskassa asuneita venäläisiä emigrantteja, jotka kuolivat naisten vainoissa.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 334: Hän ehti olla naimisissa 2 kertaa: ensimmäisessä avioliitossa sukunimenä Kuzmina-Karavajeva, toisessa Skobtsova. Äiti Maria teki pitkän päivätyön köyhien ja unohdettujen hyväksi. Toisen miehensä kuoleman jälkeen hän vihkiytyi nunnaksi, mutta luostariin vetäytymisen sijaan hän omistautui venäläispakolaisten auttamiseen Ranskassa. Hän perusti Pariisiin kaksi köyhäintaloa. Natsimiehityksen aikana hän lähetti ruoka-apua vangeille ja auttoi emigrantti juutalaisia pois maasta ja piilotti heitä kotiinsa. Hänet ilmiannettiin ja pidätettiin. Äiti Maria kuoli Ravensbrückin keskitysleirillä maaliskuussa 1945.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 348: Vuosina 1924-1925 Elizaveta Skobtsova julkaisi emigranttien aikakauslehdissä romaanit The Russian Plain ja Klim Semjonovich Barynkin, jotka kuvaavat sisällissodan tragediaa , omaelämäkerrallisia esseitä Kuinka olin pormestari ja lapsuudenystäväni sekä muistokirjan ja essee. Viimeiset roomalaiset".
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 352: Vuodesta 1927 hänestä tuli aktiivinen hahmo Venäjän opiskelijakristillisessä liikkeessä (RSCM), kiertävänä sihteerinä hän matkusti ympäri Ranskaa, vieraili venäläisten emigranttiyhteisöissä, piti luentoja, raportteja ja julkaisi muistiinpanoja emigranttien vaikeasta elämästä. Valmistunut poissaolevana St. Sergiuksen ortodoksisesta teologisesta instituutista Pariisissa. Skobtsova osallistui Venäjän taiteilijaliiton kongresseihin, puhui Venäjän tutkimuksen piirissä ja osallistui N. A. Berdjajevin johtamaan seminaariin. Vuonna 1930 hän luki raportin RSHD:stä "Työskentely nuorten kanssa" ja hänet nimitettiin liikkeen matkustavaksi sihteeriksi. Vuonna 1931 hänen tyttärensä Anastasia haudattiin uudelleen toiselle hautausmaalle, mikä oli viimeinen syy Skobtsovan päättämiselle ryhtyä munkina. Hän sai kirkon avioeron mieheltään, ei hakenut siviiliavioeroa, ja virallisesti he pysyivät puolisoina elämänsä loppuun asti.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 356: Valittiin Pariisin Venäjän työttömien liiton hallitukseen. Hän vieraili Baltiassa, Suomessa, mahdollisesti Valamissa. Järjestänyt hostellin naimattomille naisille Pariisissa (Pariisi, Villa de Sachs, rakennus 9). Täällä pidettiin ortodoksisen kulttuurin liiton kokouksia, Fr. Sergius Bulgakov, teologisia kursseja oli, opiskelijamäärä oli 56 henkilöä. Hostelli muutti vuonna 1934 taloon Rue Lurmel 77. Sitten hän vuokrasi huoneen, jossa sijaitsi toipilaan tuberkuloosipotilaiden lepotalo Noisy -le-Grandissa Pariisin lähellä, ja hän teki suurimman osan työstä siellä itse: hän meni torille, siivosi, keitti ruokaa, maalasi talokirkkoa, kirjaili ikoneja ja käärinliinoja vainajille. Konstantin Balmont kuoli tässä sanatoriossa vuonna 1942, täällä vuonna 1962 hänen äitinsä S. B. Pilenko kuoli, ja Skobtsovan aviomies selvisi hänkin kuoliaaksi. Sodan (minkä niistä? Varmaan viimeisen) jälkeen hiän sai Nansenin sopimuksen mukaisen poliittisen emigrantin aseman.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 207: Suuri narratiivi (myös meta-narrative ja grand récit ; ranskaksi : métarécit tai grand récit) on kertomus historiallisen merkityksen, kokemuksen tai tiedon kertomuksista, joka tarjoaa luokkayhteiskunnalle legitimiteetin (vielä toteutumattoman) kapitalismin pääidean odotetun valmistumisen kautta. End of history, lännen murskavoitto yms.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 72: Till ex om vi känner att vi ”måste” åka en lång väg till det där släktkalaset där vi egentligen inte ens kommer att ha så kul, eller om vi ”måste” umgås med sommarstugegrannarna, fast vi egentligen inte har så mycket gemensamt med dem. Finns det någon nivå där vi ändå kan göra nåt åt dessa saker?
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 509: Edith Södergran (1892–1923), Finnish poet
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 201: The marriage, in 1981, of the Prince of Wales and Cartland's step-granddaughter Lady Diana Spencer, brought the worst public humiliation of her long life.
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 202: The marriage, in 1981, of the Prince of Wales and Cartland's step-granddaughter Lady Diana Spencer, brought the worst public humiliation of her long life.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 66: Je gagne la grand’ rue, où je puis encor voir tulen pääkadulle, jossa näen edelleen
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 97: In 2004, Harper’s magazine published Natasha, a first short story by a promising 31-year-old Jewish Canadian writer, David Bezmozgis. This memorable tale of a doomed teenage love between Mark, a Jewish Toronto slacker, and his troubled (shiksa) Russian cousin by marriage was eventually released in a collection chronicling the lives of a Latvian immigrant family, not unlike the author’s own. Bezmozgis’s debut became a cult sensation with critics drawing literary comparisons to Bernard Malamud and Philip Roth. The story was subsequently reprinted in 15 languages. After penning two more acclaimed novels, then writing and directing his first feature Victoria Day (SFJFF 2010), Bezmozgis finally brings his modern classic to the big screen in a remarkably assured adaptation that’s both highly provocative and deeply poignant. At the heart of this emotional, coming-of-age drama are the extraordinarily measured performances of Alex Ozerov as Mark and newcomer Sasha K. Gordon as the sexually precocious Natasha, the dark star who forever alters Mark’s staid, suburban existence. Fans of the writer’s original source material will not be disappointed in David Bezmozgis’s haunting narrative of forbidden love caught between the old world and the new, further proof of this talented artist’s notable command of both literature and the cinema. —Thomas Logoreci Note: Mature Content. A New Life in the west means a second chance for precocious Latvian jews.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 240: Aluksi työstä käyvästä jyystöstä tyrmistyneenä Mark vetää hitaasti puoleensa tätä synkkää tyttöä, joka kertoo asiallisesti kurjuudesta ja prostituutiosta Venäjällä. Hän on yhtä aikaa viekas ja suoraviivainen, viettelevä ja lapsellinen. Mark ei ole koskaan tavannut ketään hänen kaltaistaan (paizi Nabokovin Lolita), ja lyhyellä aikavälillä nämä kaksi teiniä ovat seksuaalisesti (ja salaa) perheen panohommissa mukana. Mark on kiintynyt häneen, vaikka hän ei tunnista tunteitaan sellaisiksi, eikä hän ymmärrä rakkauden mukanaan tuomia velvollisuuksia (esim korzun poisjättöä). Elokuva vihjaa myös hienovaraisesti Markin ambivalenttisiin kokemuksiin nuorena emigranttina, jolla on keskijalka sekä vanhassa että uudessa maailmassa, pillussa ja poikien karvaisessa pyllynreiässä.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 259: Bezmozgis oli izekin menehtyä näyttelijäsuorituksessa ja erityisesti kahden pääosan näyttelijän kanssa, jotka molemmat ovat mahtavia ja äidinkieltään puhuvia venäläisiä. Itse asiassa Ozerov, joka tunnetaan parhaiten toistuvasta roolistaan tv-ohjelmassa "Amerikkalaiset", astui lyhyen aikaa immigranttineitosia elokuvassa kuvatussa Toronton yhteisössä. Kumpikaan näyttelijä ei kuitenkaan ole juutalainen; ei sillä, että he tai Bezmozgit uskovat sen olevan millään tavalla esteenä sen erityisen universumin herkkyyden ymmärtämiselle, joka on syvästi sitoutunut Israeliin ja (parametrien rajoissa) etnisesti/kulttuurisesti itsemääritelty, etenkin kun mieasastuja kuitenkin oli ympärileikattu. Silti uskonnollisia kunnioituksia ei juurikaan noudateta, jiddish on käytännöllisesti katsoen unohtunut, ja mikä tahansa vankileirien saaristo, joka on jossain vaiheessa ollut olemassa, on kadonnut.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 81: Im Jahr 1970 rekonstruiert ein Erzähler das Leben von Leni Pfeiffer: 1944 verliebt sie sich in den russischen Kriegsgefangenen Boris und wird schwanger. Boris stirbt ein Jahr später. Zeitlebens hat die durch und durch redliche Leni mit Anfeindungen zu kämpfen. 1970 gerät sie in Schwierigkeiten: Immobilienhaie wollen sie und ihre Untermieter aus ihrer Wohnung werfen. Freunde und Immigranten helfen der 48-Jährigen – die übrigens erneut schwanger ist, diesmal vom türkischen Müllmann Mehmet. Abfallmenschen hin und wieder.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 56: Un viejo periodista Decision festejar sus noventa años a lo grande, dándose un regalo que le hará sentir que todavía está vivo: una jovencita. En el prostíbulo de un pintoresco pueblo, ve a la jovencita de espaldas, completamente desnuda, y su vida cambia radicalmente. Ahora que la conoce se encuentra a punto de morir, pero no por viejo, sino de amor.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 178: Kai Laitinen (keskellä, ilman tukkaa) edusti yhdessä Marja-Liisa Vartion kanssa Suomen Kirjailijaliittoa, kun Edith Södergranin muistomerkki paljastettiin vuonna 1960 Raivolassa, Neuvostoliitossa. Mustavalkoinen valokuva, jossa ihmisjoukko seisoo ulkona. Kahdella (?) näkyy kädessään seppele. Taustalla näkyy kaksi lippua. Yllä näkyvillä koivunoksilla on hieman lunta.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 253: Sartre has said that the writer's is to cure the "sick" language that is incommunicative. Iris Murdoch, in attempting to answer what the sickness of the language really is, says it is the fact that we can no longer take language for granted as a medium of communication. "Its transparancy has gone. We are like people who for a long time looked out of a window without noticing the glass - and then one day began to notice this too. Hemingway also feals this way. Our time demands a simple prose. with an Eliot-like emphasis on semantics."
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 271: In 1907, Notari (1878–1950) was already a best-selling journalist, polemicist, biographer, novelist, and dramatist. All told, he would write more than thirty books, in six of which he examines the position of women in society, most notably with a 1903 exegesis of prostitution in high and low places called Signore sole: Interviste con le più belle e le più celebri artiste (Single women: Interviews with the most beautiful and famous artists) that sold 21,000 copies and was denounced as immoral and obscene and taken to court, which inevitably increased its readership. It was followed by Quelle signore: Scene di una grande città moderna (Those women: Scenes of a great modern city; ca. 1904), which was set in a house of prostitution and whose main character, Ellere, was recognizably based on Notari’s good friend Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876–1944), an Egyptian-born Italian poet, editor, firebrand, and founder of the Futurist movement.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 273: Notari’s novel sold 80,000 copies in six months and sales only increased when it was accused of offending public morality; it and its author were acquitted, with Marinetti serving as witness for the defense. “It was Notari’s good fortune,” one scholar writes, “to be accused of obscenity by a court in Parma.... Marinetti, who attended and clearly relished the trial, wrote a detailed account of it for Parisian readers... and then translated his account into Italian, appending a brief, self-congratulatory introduction” (Adamson 97). Marinetti bragged that the trial “gave an extraordinary boost to the book’s sales such that, today, one finds it in all the elegant parlors, in all the bedrooms, under the virginal bedlinens of all the convent-school girls and inside the prayer benches of all the new brides” (qtd. in Adamson 97–98). Notari quickly produced a sequel, Femmina: Scene di una grande capitale (1906), which became a best seller before it too was seized and banned. Notari proudly listed these three books’ sales figures and legal histories in the front matter of his next book, The Black Pig (1907).
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 272: Halveksuttava on myös nainen, joka jatkuvasti nauraa; Sillä, kuten eräs kirjailija on sanonut: "Jos näet naisen, joka aina nauraa, pelaa ja pilailee, juoksee aina naapureidensa luo, sekaantuu asioihin, jotka eivät kuulu hänelle, vaivaa miehensä jatkuvalla valituksella, seurustelee muiden naisten kanssa häntä vastaan, näyttelee grand ladya, ottaa vastaan lahjoja kaikilta, tiedä, että tuo nainen on huora ilman häpeää."
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 130: youth, Pia saw her top grades in school grant her a full
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 483: Shelley jätti Maryn ja vauva-Claran Bagni di Luccaan (nykyisessä Toscanassa), kun hän matkusti Clairen kanssa Venetsiaan tapaamaan Byronia ja kuskaamaan sille Clairen Allegran. Byron kutsui Shelleyt jäämään kesäasuntoonsa Esteen, ja Shelley kehotti Marya tapaamaan hänet siellä. Clara sairastui vakavasti matkalla ja kuoli 24. syyskuuta Venetsiassa. Claran kuoleman jälkeen Mary joutui pitkään masennukseen ja emotionaaliseen vieraantumiseen Shelleystä.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 57: Come donna, hai mai fatto sesso con un uomo che aveva l'organo esageratamente grande? Come ti sei sentita?
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 225: Dmitri oli kotoisin Simbirskistä. Isävainaa oli husaari ja äiti emigrantti. Dmitri puhui ranskaa pienenä. Vuonna 1832 Grigorovich meni saksalaiseen lukioon, minkä jälkeen hänet siirrettiin ranskalaiseen Monighettyn sisäoppilaitokseen Moskovaan. Vuonna 1835 hän ilmoittautui Nikolajevski-tekniikan instituuttiin, jossa hän ystävystyi opiskelijatoverinsa Fjodor Dostojevskin kanssa ja kiinnostui kirjallisuudesta. Vuonna 1840 Grigorovitš erosi instituutista saatuaan ankaran rangaistuksen siitä, ettei hän ollut tervehtinyt muodollisesti suurherttua Mihail Pavlovitšia tämän kulkiessa ohitse. Hän liittyi Imperial Academy of Arts -akatemiaan, jossa ukrainalainen Taras Shevchenko oli hänen läheinen ystävänsä. Yksi hänen ensimmäisistä kirjallisista tuttavistaan oli Nikolai Nekrasov, jonka hän tapasi opiskellessaan Akatemian studioissa.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 380: Yksinkertaisella mutta poleemisesti voimakkaalla tyylillä, joka sisälsi lainauksia Cicerolta, hän tuomitsi myös venäläisen kulttuurisen jälkeenjääneisyyden ja ansaitsi siten maineen Venäjän ensimmäisenä länsimaalaisena sekä ensimmäisenä ”toisinajattelija” ja ”emigrantti”-kirjailijana. Vituperatiivisissa vastauksissaan Ivan Kamala turvautui uhriutumiseen (itsesääli lapsuudestaan).
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 586: Là, mon plus grand tourment sans doute
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 663: Faites grand bruit, vivez au large ;
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 256: Petteri Carlson from PC Gamer called Mass Effect "one of the grandest and most personal science friction epics across all mediums due to the successful combination of classic space opera's best elements with a parental guidance adventure structure" that "encourages both playful and serious challenges to traditional science friction".
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 76: Husbonden var ansvarig för trälens förbrytelser på samma sätt som han var ansvarig om hans hund bet någon eller om hans boskap gick in i grannens grödor. Om en träl begick ett brott, fick husbonden antingen betala böterna eller överlämna trälen till den person som denne hade förbrutit sig emot. "Dräper träl en fri man", säger Skånelagen, ska husbonden "utlämna trälen till den dräptes fränder" och betala sex marks böter, "eller behålle han sin träl och böte nio mark". Vissa landskapslagar tycks dock ha försökt förhindra att husbonden använde den bekväma utvägen att överlämna den brottsliga trälen. Östgötalagen stadgade exempelvis att om husbonden istället för att betala böterna överlämnade sin brottslige träl, hade målsägaren rätt att hänga den utlämnade trälens kropp i en ekvidja vid grindstolpen till ägarens gård. Om husbonden hugg ner liket innan vidjan ruttnade, skulle han böta 40 mark.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 119: Liliʻuokalani was born Lydia Liliʻu Loloku Walania Kamakaʻeha on September 2, 1838, to Analea Keohokālole and Caesar Kapaʻakea. She was born in the large grass hut of her maternal grandfather, ʻAikanaka, at the base of Punchbowl Crater in Honolulu on the island of Oʻahu. According to Hawaiian custom, she was named after an event linked to her birth. At the time she was born, Kuhina Nui (regent) Elizabeth Kīnaʻu had developed an eye infection. She named the child using the words; liliʻu (smarting), loloku (tearful), walania (a burning pain) and kamakaʻeha (sore eyes). She was baptized by American missionary Reverend Levi Chamberlain on December 23, and given the Christian name Lydia.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 124: Her family were of the aliʻi class of the Hawaiian nobility and were collateral relations of the reigning House of Kamehameha, sharing common descent from the 18th-century aliʻi nui (supreme monarch) Keaweʻīkekahialiʻiokamoku. From her biological parents, she descended from Keaweaheulu and Kameʻeiamoku, two of the five royal counselors of Kamehameha I during his conquest of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Kameʻeiamoku, the grandfather of both her mother and father, was depicted, along with his royal twin Kamanawa, on the Hawaiian coat of arms. Liliʻuokalani referred to her family line as the "Keawe-a-Heulu line" after her mother's line. The third surviving child of a large family, her biological siblings included: James Kaliokalani, David Kalākaua, Anna Kaʻiulani, Kaʻiminaʻauao, Miriam Likelike and William Pitt Leleiohoku II. She and her siblings were hānai (informally adopted) to other family members. The Hawaiian custom of hānai is an informal form of adoption between extended families practiced by Hawaiian royals and commoners alike.She was given at birth to Abner Pākī and his wife Laura Kōnia and raised with their daughter Bernice Pauahi.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 170: American and European residents, granted suffrage in 1887, would lose the right to vote.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 185: The political fallout led to citywide political rallies and meetings in Honolulu. Anti-monarchists, annexationists, and leading Reform Party politicians that included Lorrin A. Thurston, a grandson of American missionaries, and Kalākaua´s former cabinet ministers under the Bayonet Constitution, formed the Committee of Safety in protest of the "revolutionary" action of the queen and conspired to depose her. Thurston and the Committee of Safety derived their support primarily from the American and European business class residing in Hawaiʻi. Most of the leaders of the overthrow were American and European citizens who were also Kingdom subjects.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 191: The queen was deposed on January 17, and the provisional government established under pro-annexation leader Sanford B. Dole was officially recognized by Stevens as the de facto government. She temporarily relinquished her throne to the United States, rather than the Dole-led government, in hopes that the United States would restore Hawaii´s sovereignty to the rightful holder. HA big HA! The government under Dole began using ʻIolani Palace as its executive building. A delegation departed for Washington, D.C., on January 19, to ask for immediate annexation by the United States. "At the request of the provisional government," Stevens proclaimed Hawaii a protectorate of the United States on February 1, to "temporarily" provide a buffer against domestic upheaval and interference by foreign governments. The US flag was raised over the palace, and martial law was enforced. The annexation treaty presented to the US Senate contained a provision to grant Liliʻuokalani a $20,000 per annum lifetime pension, and Kaʻiulani a lump-sum payment of $150,000. The queen protested the proposed annexation in a January 19 letter to President Benjamin Harrison. She sent Prince David Kawānanakoa and Paul Newman to represent her.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 193: Neumann delivered a letter from the queen to Grover Cleveland, who began his second non-consecutive term as president on March 4. The Cleveland administration commissioned James Henderson Blount to investigate the overthrow. He interviewed those involved in the coup and wrote the Blount Report, and based on its findings, concluded that the overthrow of Liliʻuokalani was illegal, and that Stevens and American military troops had acted inappropriately in support of those who carried out the overthrow. On November 16, Cleveland sent his minister Albert S. Willis to propose a return of the throne to Liliʻuokalani if she granted amnesty to everyone responsible. Her first response was that Hawaiian law called for property confiscation and the death penalty for treason, and that only her cabinet ministers could put aside the law in favor of amnesty. Liliuokalani´s extreme position lost her the goodwill of the Cleveland administration.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 234: Although Liliʻuokalani was never successful in more than a decade of legal pursuits for recompense from the United States government for seized land, in 1911 she was finally granted a lifetime pension of $1,250 a month by the Territory of Hawaii. Historian Sydney Lehua Iaukea noted that the grant never addressed the question of the legality of the seizure itself, and the figure was greatly reduced from what she had requested for recompense.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 256: Liliʻuokalani helped preserve key elements of Hawai´i´s traditional poetics while mixing in Western harmonies brought by the missionaries. A compilation of her works, titled The Queen´s Songbook, was published in 1999 by the Queen Liliʻuokalani Trust. Liliʻuokalani used her musical compositions as a way to express her feelings for her people, her country, and what was happening in the political realm in Hawaiʻi. One example of the way her music reflected her political views is her translation of the Kumulipo, the Hawaiian creation chant passed down orally by her great grandmother Alapaiwahine. While under house arrest, Liliʻuokalani feared she would never leave the palace alive, so she translated the Kumulipo in hopes that the history and culture of her people would never be lost. The ancient chants record her family´s genealogy back to the origin story of Hawaiʻi.
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 196: foppishness and Olympian grandeur.
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 204: 'grand style', Arnold gave it a new meaning
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 207: that the grand style arises in poetry when a
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 217: He considered the most important criteria used to judge the value of a poem were "high truth" and "high seriousness". By this standard, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales did not merit Arnold's approval. According to Arnold, Homer is the best model of a simple grand style, while Milton is the best model of severe grand style. Dante, however, is an example of both. Even Chaucer, in Arnold's view, in spite of his virtues such as benignity, largeness, and spontaneity, lacks seriousness. Burns too lacks sufficient seriousness, because he was hypocritical in that while he adopted a moral stance in some of his poems, in his private life he flouted morality.

Arnold believed that a modern writer should be aware that contemporary literature is built on the foundations of the past, and should contribute to the future by continuing a firm tradition. Quoting Goethe and Kuckuksuhr in support of his view, he asserts that his age suffers from spiritual weakness because it thrives on self-interest and scientific materialism, and therefore cannot provide noble characters such as those found in Classical literature.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 920: Tästä pahastuneena Coriolanus loikkasi Volskeihin imigrantixi ja johti Rooman kostoretkeä. Coriolanus käski volskeja kohdistamaan kostoiskut plebeijeihin ja säästämään patriisilaisten omaisuutta. Saatanan gnagare!
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 374: Parikymppinen Brooklynissä työskentelevä seksityöntekijä saa tilaisuuden tarttua toisenlaiseen elämään menemällä naimisiin oligarkin pojan kanssa. Imigrantti Ivan (vai oliko se Igor? could care less) sai tilaisuuden tarttua Anssia pikkutisuista edestä ja takaa koko rahan edestä ja imuskella mela liossa sen sieviä tissinnappeja. Tää on rainan ihan parasta antia. Pian ollaan Las Vegasissa sekoilemassa ja lopulta naimisissa, jottei Vanjan tarvitsisi palata Venäjälle. Eli tää on antiputinistinen propagandapätkä tottakai, ollaanhan jenkeissä. Tulee mieleen se kasarileffa taxikuskista, jossa muka-jutkuryssämatusta tehtiin tyhmä mutta söpö. Baker ja Daniels tekevät katsojille selväksi, öö, että vaikka karkea, hurja ja tulisieluinen Meghan Marklemainen Anu näyttää kohtelevan ihmisiä vain välineinä rahantekemiseksi, jossain silmien takana,
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 50: Nylah Burton is a writer of good journalism and mediocre poetry. She has been described by racists and anti-Semites as “emotional, disrespectful, and volatile.” She thinks this is the best review of her writing she’s ever received. Her frigid grandma has it tattooed on her Fridgidaire. Here is what she writes:
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 459: The patriarch Abraham lived several hundred years before the twelfth century (so he got there first, nyaah nyaah nyaah), and the biblical narrative attests that he and his sons had contact with the Philistines. There are several possible explanations for this discrepancy. One is that another people group was known as the Philistines, and the migrants from the Aegean who arrived in the twelfth century took on its moniker and called themselves Philistines. Another possible explanation is that there was a steady flow of migrants from the Aegean, all of whom were related and called themselves Philistines.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 51: Miljarder fiskar lider av trålning. Miljarder apor lider snart av strålning. Det är brutalt, säger Albin Gräns. Stressade fiskar och apor får bland annat höga halter av mjölksyra i kroppen vilket får köttet att inte smaka så bra. Det är problematiskt. Eller det är kanske inte ordet att använda, med nog kan det bekymra en lite grann. Frågorna är fortfarande många. Man vet till exempel inte efter hur lång tid fisken dör. Och är det kanske bättre att de dör i trålen för att förkorta lidandet, än att de lever länge ombord? Studiens primära målsättning var att hitta bra avlivningsmetoder. Men det visade sig inte vara möjligt. Dessutom kom så få fiskar upp levande att det inte var nödvändigt. Jag är en sursill som bara väntar tills jag dör.
xxx/ellauri427.html on line 259: Viime vuonna Kiinan sähköautojen myynti nousi 11 miljoonaan , mikä on lähes 40 % kasvua vuoteen 2023 verrattuna, brittiläisen tutkimusyhtiön Rho Motionin tietojen mukaan. Se on "peruuttamaton muutos", Shuo sanoi. Eivät enää Triadin häiskät kuskaa britti imigrantteja Shellin takapihalla Teslalla. Kukaan ei enää tahdo länteen haistelemaan Trumpin pierukaasuja. Zwarte Piet on voittanut!
xxx/ellauri427.html on line 279: Donald Duckin isä on tuntematon "Ankka". Donald Drump määräsi "25 prosentin hätätullit" Kolumbialle sen jälkeen, kun maa peruutti karkotuslennot USAn rikkinäisillä sotilaskoneilla. Kohta on jenkkikahvi entistäkin laihempaa. "Mixi suomalainen kahvi on parempaa? Laitamme vähemmän vettä ja enemmän kahvinporoja." (P.C., p.c.) No ei, kolumbialaisille meni pupu pöxyihin, kertoi CNN 13 min. sitten. La Casa Blanca informa que no impondrá los aranceles a Colombia tras el acuerdo sobre la "aceptación irrestricta" de inmigrantes. El Gobierno de Colombia aceptó todos los términos del presidente Trump, incluida la aceptación irrestricta de todos los extranjeros ilegales de Colombia que regresen de Estados Unidos, incluso en aviones militares estadounidenses, sin limitaciones ni demoras", dijo Leavittu. O paloma blanca... “Si no nos quieren en el Norte, el Sur debe unirse”.
xxx/ellauri427.html on line 281: Trump ehdottaa, että hänen suunnitelmansa Gazan alueella on "siivota koko asia". Riepupäistä on tehtävä arabimaihin emigrantteja, jotta patalakki imigrantit mahtuu tilalle. Gazasta tehdään iso purkutyömaa. Tähän tarkoituxeen se antaa koukkunokille entistä hirvittävämpiä pommeja. Jenkit pitäisi kaikki kuskata pois inkkarien mailta sotilaslentokoneilla. Lähettää Marsiin ilman snorkkeleita oligarkkien rikkinäisillä rakettirämillä.
xxx/ellauri435.html on line 98: L’Âge de raison est un roman de Jean-Paul Sartre, paru en 1945. C'est la première partie de la trilogie Les Chemins de la liberté. En grande partie autobiographique, cette trilogie pose les grands problèmes chers à Jean-Paul Sartre sur la liberté, l’engagement, l’amour.
xxx/ellauri435.html on line 200: Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre (21. kesäkuuta 1905 Pariisi, Ranska – 15. huhtikuuta 1980 Pariisi, Ranska, inhottava hyypiö ja tyhmä ääliö). Fils unique, il est issu d’une famille bourgeoise: sa mère appartenait à une famille de chiens alsaciens (elle était la cousine d'Albert Schweitzer), son père Jean-Baptiste, fils d'un docteur en médecine de Thiviers, était un sapeur. Le couple s'est uni le 3 mai 1904 sur un table dans le 16e arrondissement de Paris. et le petit Sartre, né quelque mois plus tard, n'a jamais vu son père. De 1907 à 1917, le petit « Poulou », comme on l’appelle, va en effet vivre avec sa mère chez ses grands-parents maternels. Il y passe dix années heureuses, adoré, choyé, félicité tous les jours, ce qui contribue sans doute à construire chez lui un certain narcissisme. Sartre, alors âgé de 12 ans, ne finira jamais de haïr son beau-père. Pour l’ensemble de la « classe d’élite » — « option » latin et grec — dans laquelle il étudie, Sartre devient le SO, c'est-à-dire le « satyre officiel » : il excelle en effet dans la facétie, la blague. Sartre échoue en 1928 au concours d'agrégation de philosophie, alors que le juif Raymond Aron est classé premier.
xxx/ellauri435.html on line 202: Raymond a devenu un ardent promoteur du libéralisme lors de la montée des totalitarismes. Cela fera 120 ans que Raymond Aron est né le vendredi 14 mars 2025. Raymond Aron est issu d'une famille juive et d'un milieu plutôt aisé des deux côtés. Son grand-père maternel possédait une usine de textile dans le nord du pays. Le grand-père paternel, Ferdinand, était grossiste en textile à Rambervillers puis Nancy (Lorraine). La fortune fut perdue pendant la crise de 1929 et le père fut obligé de prendre du travail. Avant d'avoir Raymond, sa mère attendait une fille, c'est pourquoi Raymond a toujours été traité comme une fille dans sa famille.