ellauri053.html on line 1174: He was very much fascinated by self-induced trance states, calculated symbolism, mediums, theosophy, crystal-gazing, folklore and hobgoblins. Golden apples, archers, black pigs and such paraphernalia abounded. Often the verse has an hypnotic charm: but you cannot take heaven by magic, especially if you are, like Mr. Yeats, a very sane person.

ellauri100.html on line 694: Maids heard the goblins cry:
ellauri100.html on line 735: “We must not look at goblin men,
ellauri100.html on line 739: “Come buy,” call the goblins
ellauri100.html on line 743: You should not peep at goblin men.”
ellauri100.html on line 784: Turn’d and troop’d the goblin men,
ellauri100.html on line 844: In the haunts of goblin men.
ellauri100.html on line 938: Once discerning even one goblin
ellauri100.html on line 959: That goblin cry,
ellauri100.html on line 977: She never caught again the goblin cry:
ellauri100.html on line 979: She never spied the goblin men
ellauri100.html on line 1011: Caught the goblins’ cry:
ellauri100.html on line 1015: She heard the tramp of goblin men,
ellauri100.html on line 1039: Laugh’d every goblin
ellauri100.html on line 1137: Though the goblins cuff’d and caught her,
ellauri100.html on line 1170: As if she fear’d some goblin man
ellauri100.html on line 1173: But not one goblin scurried after,
ellauri100.html on line 1184: Squeez’d from goblin fruits for you,
ellauri100.html on line 1185: Goblin pulp and goblin dew.
ellauri100.html on line 1189: And had to do with goblin merchant men.”
ellauri100.html on line 1200: Thirsty, canker’d, goblin-ridden?”—
ellauri214.html on line 74: J.K. Rowling did not limit herself to being racist, she also included anti-semitic stereotypes in her books. Many readers have noticed how the descriptions of the goblins in the Harry Potter series bear striking resemblance to anti-semitic stereotypes. The goblins are hooked-nosed creatures who work at the wizarding bank Gringotts and are obsessed with gold and money.
ellauri245.html on line 201: Harry Reikää ehdotetaan selvittämään norjalaisen reikäasiakkaan kuolemaa. Ei vizi, sekö goblin taas?
ellauri245.html on line 203: The popularity of "goblin mode" may be linked to a rejection of the carefully curated lifestyles often presented by users of social media platforms. The trend has also been linked to a manner of coping with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on society since this is described as a way of life that gives people permission to ditch societal norms and embrace their basic instincts and in social media, letting their inner goblin out has been a freeing experience.
ellauri245.html on line 355: Jerry Loch on kasvanut 4cm edellisestä kirjasta. Oltuaan suht väpelö vielä lepakon ja torakoiden aikana Jerrystä on nyt tehty jonkinlainen supergoblin, jota kazellaan jonkun mustatukkaisen pienihampaisen norjalaisen panopuun näkökulmasta. Tyyriit norjalaiset säikyttelee vierastyöläisiä. Kylläpä on narsistista taas. Importerte arbetskraft fra Pakistan og Afrika. Helkkarin hongkongilaiset, vapaakuppasia apinanaamoja. Taaskaan ei koukut nuku kunnon yöunia. Tupakki piti saada tietysti: har du en røyk. Samaa hoki kynäkaula Karl-Ove Knausgård juuri näihin samoihin aikoihin. Knausgård er mest kjend for det sjølvbiografiske seksbindsverket Min Kamp (2009-2011). Taidan olla pihalla kuin lumiukko Jonnen väliinpudonneista kirjoista. Lumiukkoasiaan viitataan toistamiseen. Pitänee vilkasta sen juonipaljastuksia.
ellauri262.html on line 186: Christus Victor is a book by Gustaf Aulén published in English in 1931, presenting a study of theories of atonement in Christianity. The original Swedish title is Den kristna försoningstanken ("The Christian Idea of the Atonement") published in 1930. Aulén reinterpreted the classic ransom theory of atonement, which says that Christ's death is a ransom to the powers of evil, which had held humankind in their dominion. It is a model of the atonement that is dated to the Church Fathers, and it was the dominant theory of atonement for a thousand years, until Anselm Panda of Canterbury supplanted it in the West with his satisfaction theory of atonement. So that the baddies in the story were Sauron and the goblins and orcs of Mordor, not God as angry Scrooge McDuck coming for his dues.
ellauri264.html on line 492: Ladies and Gentlemen: There are five hundred reasons why I began to write for children, but to save time I will mention only ten of them. Number 1) Children read books, not reviews. They don’t give a hoot about the critics. Number 2) Children don’t read to find their identity. Number 3) They don’t read to free themselves of guilt, to quench the thirst for rebellion, or to get rid of alienation. Number 4) They have no use for psychology. Number 5) They detest sociology. Number 6) They don’t try to understand Kafka or Finnegans Wake. Number 7) They still believe in God, the family, angels, devils, witches, goblins, logic, clarity, punctuation, and other such obsolete stuff. Number 8) They love interesting stories, not commentary, guides, or footnotes. Number 9) When a book is boring, they yawn openly, without any shame or fear of authority. Number 10) They don’t expect their beloved writer to redeem humanity. Young as they are, they know that it is not in his power. Only the adults have such childish illusions.
ellauri269.html on line 544: I thought the goblins were the jewish race.
ellauri269.html on line 575: The Tortollans are ultra-jewish, and many have said the goblins have traits of racist Jewish caricatures. Welcome to the וורלד אוף וורקראפט (eng. World of Warcraft).
ellauri269.html on line 579: The Tortollans are ultra-jewish, and many have said the goblins have traits of racist Jewish caricatures.
ellauri269.html on line 581: The Tortollans are essentially old Jewish grandparents, yes. That’s not exactly the same situation, though. And goblins, historically? Yes. But Blizzard have actually made a clear effort to distinguish the WoW goblins from that history and made them into, well… Steampunk Italian-Americans.
ellauri370.html on line 579: Sittemmin goblini lähti diplomaattiuralle ja työskenteli Bernissä, Hannoverissa, Teheranissa, Rio de Janeirossa ja Tukholmassa. Kaikkia näitä paikkoja hän vihasi. Persia ja Kreikka olivat hänen ainoat asema­paikkansa, joihin hän oli mieltynyt, koska siellä oli nubiileja naisia.
ellauri403.html on line 457: ‘Miserable little doom goblin’ Greta Thunberg ditches climate activism for Palestine protests. ”Den hårdare Greta Thunberg har gjort det riktigt svårt för sig”, komppaa pehmyt svedutantti. Misstron till politikerna tycks fördjupad och hon har skrotat sitt gamla budskap ”lyssna på klimatforskarna”. Men bara under det senaste året har Greta Thunberg mottagit kritik från flera håll. Bland annat för att ensidigt tagit ställning för palestinier efter 7 oktober-attacken. Thunbergs aktion skapar starka reaktioner: ”Antidemokratisk retorik”. Greta Thunbergs klimataktion utanför riksdagen vänder sig mot den parlamentariska demokratin. Det menar det reaktionära SvD:s reaktionära ledarskribent Mattias Svensson. Men Leonaidas Aretakis, Flammans chefredaktör, menar att aktionen tvärt om stärker demokratin. Han borde veta bättre, demokrati är ett grekiskt ord.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 573: If Kip humped his dreamgirl Peewee it would count as statutory rape. I'm sure Bob would shut an understanding eye to that. If the wormfaces ate up them both that would count as a mutton snack. Bob would not countenance anything like that. We are people, not some animals like sheep, or hobgoblins either, come to that. You gotta choose your team, and stick to them. George Byron would not agree, nor do I.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 278:
Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Harry Potterin goblinit eivät muistuta muumipeikkoja. :D

xxx/ellauri268.html on line 295: Vaikka goblinin epämiellyttävä samankaltaisuus vihamielisten antisemitististen trooppisten kanssa on jo havaittu (ja Pete Davidson on SNL:ssä tunnetusti valaissut sen ), Stewartin kommentit herättivät laajaa huomiota kiistaan.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 297: Mikä ongelma JK Rowlingin goblineissa on?
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 308: Mielestäni olisi kuitenkin epäreilua väittää, että tämä olisi tahallinen kiihkoilun osoitus; Rowling tunkeutui selvästi antisemitistisiin trooppisiin kuvituksiinsa goblineista, luultavasti alitajuisesti, mutta ajattelemattomat rasistiset trooppit ovat valitettavasti aivan liian yleisiä fantasiassa ja tieteiskirjallisuudessa (Star Wars -esiosa-trilogian avaruusolennot ovat hyvä esimerkki tästä ilmiöstä ) .
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 341: Stewart huomautti sitten samankaltaisuudet goblinien ja antisemitististen tekstien, kuten surullisen kuuluisan "Siionin vanhimpien pöytäkirjat", karikatyyrien välillä. Stewart on sittemmin selventänyt (kunnianloukkaussyytteiden pelossa), ettei hän kutsunut Rowlingia in pirsuna pirsunalmenti antisemitistiksi, eikä hänen mielestään "Harry Potter" -kirjat ja -elokuvat - joita hän rakastaa "luultavasti liikaa minun ikäiselleni herrasmiehelle" - vaativat muutoksia. Siitä huolimatta stereotypiat ovat olemassa. Ja niiden läsnäolo kaikkialla ei poista niiden mahdollista haitallisuutta.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 349: Many argue that the pervasive nature of antisemitic tropes means the Gringotts goblins and their ilk do no harm. Most children watching the “Harry Potter” films wouldn’t have picked up on the reference. The British charity Campaign Against Antisemitism, for example, tweeted a statement arguing that there are “centuries of association of Jews with grotesque and malevolent creatures in folklore” and that “those who continue to use such representations are often not thinking of Jews at all” but are innocently thinking “of how readers or viewers will imagine goblins to look.”
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 355: But it’s possible to do harm even if you don’t mean to. The conflation of greed and Judaism, and the constant subliminal drumbeat that Jewish people are ugly manipulative alien outsiders, can shape and reinforce ugly ideas about real Jewish people. Faces like mine are exaggerated and distorted and put on Rowling’s goblins and the Ferengi of "Star Trek." That’s why on social media, trolls often tweet pictures of my face at me because I have Jewish features. They’ve been taught by all their pop culture that “Jewish” is a stand-in for “ugly.”
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 364: Jewish people are not the main targets of hate and violence in the United States, it is the coons. Again, Rowling’s campaign of hatred against trans people has been much more harmful, and much more consequential, than her goblins.