ellauri221.html on line 294: Doctor Jolly Goodhead is a fictional character from the James Bond franchise, portrayed by Lois Chiles. She does not appear in any of the Ian Fleming novels, only in the film version of Moonraker (1979), but her character is similar to that of Gala Brand, the female lead in the original novel Moonraker (1955), by way of being James´s major lay this time round. In 25 years, James has graduated from screwing a secretary to schtupping a doctor of science. Way to go, Bond girls! Right on!
ellauri336.html on line 602: Yet Thunberg apparently does not have any problem with being silent while people and families are being slaughtered. Because nowhere in any of her social media feeds did she say a word about the attacks on Israel. The young activist did not offer a specific thought or a prayer for any of the innocent civilians targeted in Hamas’s brutal attacks nor condemn its use of violent terrorism. She couldn’t even spare a syllable for the Israeli babies that were killed by Hamas terrorists! Let alone poor unborn men in the cervices of Israeli girls!
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 228: Girls! girls! girls! girls! Typyjä! (4x)
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 242: Girls! girls! girls! girls! girls! girls! Typyjä! (6x)
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 245: Girls! girls! girls! girls! Typyjä! (4x)
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 246: Girls! girls! girls! girls! Typyjä! (4x)
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 247: Girls! girls! girls! girls! Typyjä! (4x)
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 420: Hi girls! Muistatte ehkä minun post where I whined noin mieheni ei tehdä? Häntä ei saa lainkaan käynnistää, blow job on työn takana, tai hän tulisi vain 1-3 minuuttia.
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 300: Okei, ei kun pyllyt heilumaan boys and girls! Yö oli erittäin leuto, lähes kuuma. Metaversestä kuului suurta kohua, jota Sergei Brin kuunteli ja ajatteli: "He puhuvat meistä, teinitähdistä."