ellauri006.html on line 1297: Tosin jopin lapset on jo listitty, et revi siitä. Mut onhan sillä vaimo. Ai jaa, jopihan on munaton, tai ainaskin, munat rupiset. Sittenhän on game over. Mut äläpäs nuolaise ennenkuin tipahtaa, tätä on monta episodia vielä jälellä.
ellauri007.html on line 1368: The tanuki, or "raccoon-dog," is a staple of Japanese folkore. They're known as tricksters, shape-shifters...and as a symbol of good luck. You can find statues of them outside of restaurants throughout Japan. They're considered lucky because their enormous scrotums (which are called "kintama" or "golden balls," in Japanese) are the source of their supernatural powers. Too bad Mario didn't get a nice super-sized sack when he suited up in his "tanooki suit" (as it was spelled for the English language release of the game.)
ellauri014.html on line 572: Tuotantokausi 2 päättyy palohälytyxeen: joku on pöllinyt Jullen pinkan rakkauskirjeitä! The game is up! Kuinkas sitten kävikään. Tää on ilmettyjä Kauniita ja rohkeita: joka tuotantokausi päättyy niin että jengi seisoo jostain käänteestä ällistyneinä huuli pyöreenä. Älkää missään nimessä missatko seuraavaa jaxoa. Kyllä jännittää. Jaksan tuskin lukea.
ellauri014.html on line 1621: In Adone, Marino quotes and rewrites passages from Dante´s Divine Comedy, Ariosto, Tasso and the French literature of the day. The aim of these borrowings is not plagiarism but rather to introduce an erudite game with the reader who must recognise the sources and appreciate the results of the revision. Marino challenges the reader to pick up on the quotations and to enjoy the way in which the material has been reworked, as part of a conception of poetic creation in which everything in the world (including the literature of the past) can become the object of new poetry. In this way, Marino also turns Adone into a kind of poetic encyclopaedia, which collects and modernises all the previous productions of human genius.
ellauri016.html on line 718: When the game's been fought

ellauri016.html on line 721: Now the game's been fought
ellauri018.html on line 302: Vain Luukas on täällä kanssani. Ota Markus mukaasi, sillä hänestä olisi minulle paljon apua. Tykikoksen olen lähettänyt Efesokseen. 13 Tuo mukanasi myös viittani, jonka jätin Troakseen Karpoksen luo, sekä kirjat, ennen kaikkea pergamenttikääröt. Kupariseppä Aleksandros on tehnyt minulle paljon pahaa, mutta Herra kyllä maksaa hänelle hänen tekojensa mukaan. Varo sinäkin häntä, sillä hän on vastustanut kiivaasti meidän opetustamme.
ellauri022.html on line 463: Ei ollut kuitenkaan tuo Pollyanna-versio. Glad-game oli peli, jota Pollyanna pelasi

ellauri028.html on line 112: It was sometimes a wonderful and fearsome thing to watch Mr. Clemens play billiards,” relates Elizabeth Wallace. “He loved the game, and he loved to win, but he occasionally made a very bad stroke, and then the varied, picturesque, and unorthodox vocabulary, acquired in his more youthful years, was the only thing that gave him comfort. Gently, slowly, with no profane inflexions of voice, but irresistibly as though they had the headwaters of the Mississippi for their source, came this stream of unholy adjectives and choice expletives."
ellauri030.html on line 974: Mukana on jotain sitaattia Gigameshista ja muista mesopotamialaisista klassikoista. Vähän teodikean makua tässä on. Elämä on absurdia, mihkään elämässä ei ole oikein kunnon perusteluja. Just tämmösiä vizejä on tehty myöhemminkin, et ensin kexitään joku course of action ja sit ryntätään se perästä.
ellauri032.html on line 150: 23. marraskuuta 1654 Pascal koki merkittävän käännekohdan elämässään. Vietettyään viimeiset pari vuotta suhteellisen huolettomana mietittyään muutakin kuin matematiikkaa ja kristinuskoa, tuona kyseisenä päivänä Pascal oli joutua vakavaan onnettomuuteen: hänen ohjaamansa nelivaljakon hevoset yhtäkkiä pillastuivat ja syöksyivät alas eräältä sillalta, mutta Pascal itse pelastui kun vaunujen valjaat murtuivat kesken kaiken. Pascal tulkitsi tapahtuman ja oman pelastumisensa Jumalan antamaksi varoitukseksi. (Paha aivotärähdys.) Tapahtuman jälkeen Pascal kirjoitti pergamentinpalalle mystisiä mietelmiä kokemastaan pelastuksesta, ja kantoi tuota tekstinpätkää sen jälkeen jatkuvasti mukanaan kuin amulettia. Ei lähtenyt enää minnekkään ilman paperia. Corona-viruxen takia jengi hamstraa ennen kaikkea vessapaperia. Ymmärtäisi paremmin jos se olisi koleraa. Lisäksi Pascal vetäytyi Jacquelinen esimerkin johdattamana Port-Royalin luostariin vetäytyäkseen maailmasta ja pohtiakseen filosofisia ongelmia. Tässä on Pascalin pikku paperpala. Sitä kelpaa verrata Dostojevskin puhelinmuistioon. Samantyyppisestä sairaudesta lienee ollut kysymys.
ellauri035.html on line 627: oi valkoisinta pehmeää pergamenttia, jolle
ellauri039.html on line 355: Work currently in progress at the Mt Holyoke mental hospital is an ancient Japanese game involving paper, stone and scissors. The winning strategy in this game has been worked out by prof. Jokohama Kumahuta (Stanford): Take all three and bash them in the face of the long-nosed lover in prosperity and in adversity.
ellauri042.html on line 648: The plot of the poem is simple. Dulness, the goddess, appears at a Lord Mayor's Day in 1724 and notes that her king, Elkannah Settle, has died. She chooses Lewis Theobald as his successor. In honour of his coronation, she holds heroic games. He is then transported to the Temple of Dulness, where he has visions of the future. The poem has a consistent setting and time, as well. Book I covers the night after the Lord Mayor's Day, Book II the morning to dusk, and Book III the darkest night. Furthermore, the poem begins at the end of the Lord Mayor's procession, goes in Book II to the Strand, then to Fleet Street (where booksellers were), down by Bridewell Prison to the Fleet ditch, then to Ludgate at the end of Book II; in Book III, Dulness goes through Ludgate to the City of London to her temple.
ellauri043.html on line 5033: No mä en sitten nähtävästi enää ole asioiden herra, hyvä on, hienoa, fraternityjen ja kreikkalaisten jumala, kaikkien kuninkaiden esi-isä, taivaan Agamemnon, vuorten Aladobix!
ellauri047.html on line 763: An mennä vaan! teillä ei ole game overi,
ellauri051.html on line 631: 79 Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it. Mukana pelissä ja ulkona, toimii takapiruna.
ellauri051.html on line 748: 178 Kindling a fire and broiling the fresh-kill'd game, 178 Tulen sytyttäminen ja tuoreen tapetun riistan paistaminen,
ellauri051.html on line 1351: 751 Upon the race-course, or enjoying picnics or jigs or a good game of base-ball, 751 Kilparadalla tai nauttimassa piknikistä tai jigeistä tai hyvästä baseball-pelistä,
ellauri053.html on line 930: But it would be wrong to emphasize only the dark side of the picture. We were essentially a happy lot and life was very rich and interesting in spite of our outward poverty. Whenever Father was present, he poured his soul into the institution and made it lively by singing songs which he never tired of com- posing, reciting his poems, telling stories from the Mahabharaia , playing indoor games with the boys, rehearsing plays, and even taking classes.
ellauri053.html on line 1284: And Agamemnon dead. Being so caught up, Och vems var ägget, det är aldrig lika klart med fåglar.
ellauri055.html on line 638: Idea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_games
ellauri058.html on line 803: The family unit, however defined, is itself a comparatively recent invention or convention; for whereas the bond of mother and child remains for our kind as for each of us the earliest form of attachment, among adults — and we should never forget that adulthood began much earlier in earlier times — it was the group, the horde, or that most decried yet most prevalent group, the gang. Gangs, first I suppose for hunting game, are to be found not only on streetcorners but in board rooms, the most common and powerful type of the gang being the committee. The group for and within which these poems were composed and circulated was neither a gang nor a committee — itself a martial term originally — but a court, neither an academy nor yet an institute; these rather than those high-flown heterosexual fantasies of the twelfth century represented the first form quite literally of courtly love.
ellauri061.html on line 414: HAMLET Is not parchment made of sheepskins? HAMLET Eikö pergamentti tehdä lampaannahasta?
ellauri063.html on line 263: Despite retirement of the term, it remains in common usage, even among Riot employees, and generally refers to these champions: [stupid mile long list of invented names follows for the benefit of braindead gamers].
ellauri063.html on line 268: Golems appear in the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons (first published in the 1970s), and the influence of Dungeons & Dragons has led to the inclusion of golems in other tabletop role-playing games, as well as in video games.
ellauri063.html on line 269: Golem is a playable character in the fighting arcade game Mutant Fighter.
ellauri064.html on line 370: GTA V: Grand Theft Auto V is a 2013 action-adventure game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It is the first main entry in the Grand Theft Auto series since 2008´s Grand Theft Auto IV.
ellauri065.html on line 494: ponzi Ponzi scheme (/ˈpɒnzi/, Italian: [ˈpontsi]; also a Ponzi game) is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors. The Ponzi scheme was also previously described in novels; Charles Dickens´ 1844 novel Martin Chuzzlewit and his 1857 novel Little Dorrit both feature such a scheme. Mä puhuin Kouvolassa pyramiidiskeemasta, kaikki talouspeikot ja yrittäjät oli noloina. EI SAA SANOA!
ellauri065.html on line 511: Puuki: a gaming web personality who was the most successful Pokemon Go / mobile gamer of Germany between 2015 and 2017. Before Fame. He was a typical student before he started doing social media. Trivia. In addition to mobile gaming content, he posts vlogs and lifestyle content for more than 1 million subscribers. Family Life.
ellauri066.html on line 511: Gloating is different from schadenfreude in that it does not necessarily require malice (one may gloat to a friend about having defeated him in a game without ill intent), and that it describes an action rather than a state of mind (one typically gloats to the subject of the misfortune or to a third party). Also, unlike schadenfreude, where the focus is on another's misfortune, gloating often brings to mind inappropriately celebrating or bragging about one's own good fortune without any particular focus on the misfortune of others. Tää on vähän kuin ne 2 näkökulmaa snobiin: ylhäältä alaspäinen ja alhaalta ylöspäinen.
ellauri067.html on line 473: The first residential house in America to be electrified was J.P. Morgan’s. The work was done by Thomas Edison. So how did Morgan say thanks to the guy who gave him the first home in America with electricity? He screwed Thomas Edison out of his own company. Welcome to the game of 1890s venture capital.
ellauri069.html on line 40: Postmodernism is the Swiss Army knife of critical concepts. It’s definitionally overloaded, and it can do almost any job you need done. This is partly because, like many terms that begin with “post,” it is fundamentally ambidextrous. Postmodernism can mean, “We’re all modernists now. Modernism has won.” Or it can mean, “No one can be a modernist anymore. Modernism is over.” People who use “postmodernism” in the first, “mission accomplished,” sense believe that modernism—the art and literature associated with figures like Picasso and Joyce—changed the game completely, and that everyone is still working through the consequences. Modernism is the song that never ends. Being postmodernist just means that we can never be pre-modernist again. People who use it in the second sense, as the epitaph for modernism, think that, somewhere along the line, there was a break with the assumptions, practices, and ambitions of modernist art and literature, and that everyone since then is (or ought to be) on to something very different. Being postmodernist means that we can never be modernist again.
ellauri069.html on line 470: Much of the book is about the difficulty of living in the ubiquitous shadow of immanent, instant destruction. How do you live a life with anything like normalcy, if you know that at any moment a V2 rocket you won't hear coming could make that moment your last? Some fall to nihilist "mindless pleasures" (the novel's working title); some play power games; some withdraw from the world; some remain willingly oblivious. Normalcy turns out not to be an option.
ellauri069.html on line 676: The most valuable of all Cracker Jack prizes are two sets of baseball cards together worth more than $125,000. Cracker Jack became part of the baseball pastime when the song "Take me out to the Ballgame" was written with the words "buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack."
ellauri069.html on line 678: The Cracker Jack brand has been owned and marketed by Frito-Lay since 1997. Frito-Lay announced in 2016 that the prizes would no longer be provided and had been replaced with a QR code which can be used to download a baseball-themed game. We're sorry but Cracker Jack doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.
ellauri069.html on line 688: How many people have sung “Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack” during the seventh inning stretch at baseball games? Now, they might have to start getting more specific. One of the world’s iconic brands is branching out.
ellauri071.html on line 48: The Kenosha Kid by Forbes Parkhill (Aug 1931) "A Robinhood of straights and flushes plays his most thrilling game for a desperation jackpot."
ellauri073.html on line 443: “seemed intuitively to sense that it was a matter not of reduction at all, but—perversely—of expansion, the aleatory flutter of uncontrolled, metastatic growth—each well-shot ball admitting of n possible responses, n-squared possible responses to those responses, and on into what Incandenza would articulate to anyone who shared both his backgrounds as a Cantorian continuum of infinities of possible move and response, Cantorian and beautiful because infoliating, contained, this diagnate infinity of infinities of choice and execution, mathematically uncontrolled but humanly contained, bounded by the talent and imagination of self and opponent, bent in on itself by the containing boundaries of skill and imagination that brought one player finally down, that kept both from winning, that made it, finally, a game, these boundaries of self.”
ellauri074.html on line 656: A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift, arguably his most difficult satire and perhaps his most masterly. William Wotton wrote that the Tale had made a game of "God and Religion, Truth and Moral Honesty, Learning and Industry" to show "at the bottom Jonathan´s contemptible Opinion of every Thing which is called Christianity." The work continued to be regarded as an attack on religion well into the nineteenth century. The overarching parody is of enthusiasm, pride, and credulity. It was widely misunderstood, especially by Queen Anne herself who purposely mistook its purpose for profanity. It effectively disbarred its author from proper preferment in the Church of England, but is considered one of Swift´s best allegories, even by himself.
ellauri082.html on line 767: Victim signalers were more likely to cheat in this game. The researchers again found that these results held after controlling for ethnicity, gender, income, and other factors.
ellauri088.html on line 112: Winwin on muka sama kuin nonzero sum game. No ei se ihan sama ole, se missä rikkaat voittavat ja köyhät köyhtyvät voi olla nonzerosum olematta win-win. Esim että rikkaat rikastuvat aina teki köyhät mitä tahansa.
ellauri096.html on line 55: Michael Scriven (1964) tried to refute predictive determinism (the thesis that all events are foreseeable), by conjuring two players, “Predictor” who has all the data, laws, and calculating capacity needed to predict the choices of others. Scriven goes on to imagine, “Avoider”, whose dominant motivation is to avoid prediction. Therefore, Predictor must conceal his prediction. The catch is that Avoider has access to the same data, laws, and calculating capacity as Predictor. Thus Avoider can duplicate Predictor’s reasoning. Consequently, the optimal predictor cannot predict Avoider. Let the teacher be Avoider and the student be Predictor. Avoider must win. Therefore, it is possible to give a surprise test. This sounds silly. The Predictor can predict that the Avoider double guesses her. Both can fiture out that this will go on and on, until time runs out, and they still just sit on their asses doing nothing. Thing is, you must remember that the players are part of the game, not outside of it as idealists would have it.
ellauri096.html on line 57: Idealizing the teacher and student along the lines of Avoider and Predictor fails to solve the puzzle. It falsely presupposes that two equally super clever agents are co-possible. It is like asking ‘If Aku is smarter than Anu and Anu is smarter than Aku, which of the two is the smartest?’ Its like Abott and Costello going thru the door, after you, no after you, until in the end they, predictably, try to go thru it at once. There is no equilibrium in the game, so shit just happens.
ellauri096.html on line 525: Kilikalikeikka. Onkohan tää joku uus Gilgamesh eepos. Exiitäkin ole mulla jossain jo paasaus? No ei mutta sillä oli yöahdistusta ja incubuxia niinkuin Akulla ja Anulla. Mitäs sit on nää Galgalit?
ellauri097.html on line 503: Gilgamesh, toi muinainen soturikuningas, oli samannimisen eepoxen (Gilgamesh-eepos siis) sankari. Se oli luultavasti historiallisesta Urukin 5. kuninkaasta tehty sarja.
ellauri097.html on line 505: Gilgamesh also seems to have been homosexual.
ellauri097.html on line 507: Gilgameshin elämän suuri rakkaus oli Enkidu, villimies. Gilgameshin äiskä, jumalatar, ennusti sille Enkidusta: sulle tulee vahva partneri ... rakastat häntä vaimona. Prostituutti Shamhat, joka opetti Enkidua talon tavoille, kertoi sille että sä ja Gilgamesh tuutte rakastamaan toisianne. (Tytöt aina kertoo näin et ne vaihtaa kesken kertomuxen ekaan ja toiseen persoonaan. Ne on empaattisempia.)
ellauri097.html on line 635: Tunnemme tarinan keskiaikaisesta munkista, "hänestä", joka pulpetin ääreen naulittuna jäljensi koko antiikin kirjallisuuden ja filosofian papereille ja pergamenteille ja ojensi sen meille valmiina ja kauniina. (Ei se kyllä vaan yxi jäbä ollut, vaan kokonaisia salillisia orjia.)
ellauri098.html on line 177: TV Tropes is a wiki that collects and documents descriptions and examples of plot conventions and devices, more commonly known as tropes, within many creative works. Since its establishment in 2004, the site has shifted focus from covering only television and film tropes to those in other types of media such as literature, comics, anime, manga, video games, music, advertisements, and toys, and their associated fandoms, as well as some non-media subjects such as history, geography, and politics.
ellauri098.html on line 306: In a separate incident in 2012, in response to other complaints by Google, TV Tropes changed its guidelines to restrict coverage of sexist tropes and rape tropes. Feminist blog The Mary Sue criticized this decision, as it censored documentation of sexist tropes in video games and young adult fiction. ThinkProgress additionally condemned Google AdSense itself for "providing a financial disincentive to discuss" such topics. Vittu Google pitäis vetää alas vessanpöntöstä.
ellauri100.html on line 453: The scale is a measure of statements describing behaviors relevant to five categories of business ethics: (a) usurpation of company resources (e.g. using company time/products), (b) corporate gamesmanship (politics), (c) cheating customers, (d) concealment of misconduct, and (e) offering kickbacks/gifts.
ellauri100.html on line 457: The graph below shows how often people say that they find various everyday ethical situations to be acceptable in everyday life. This business ethics questionnaire includes 5 categories: Usurpation of company resources, Offering kickbacks, Corporate gamesmanship, Concealment of misconduct, & Cheating Customers. Higher scores indicate greater acceptance of these behaviors.
ellauri101.html on line 509: Op:Overpowered "Demons are OP in this game, nerf them please! "
ellauri101.html on line 651: Many members of Generation Alpha have grown up using smartphones and tablets as part of their childhood entertainment with many being exposed to devices as a soothing distraction or educational aids. Screen time among infants, toddlers, and preschoolers exploded during the 2010s. Some 90% of young children used a handheld electronic device by the age of one; in some cases, children started using them when they were only a few months old. Using smartphones and tablets to access video streaming services such as YouTube Kids and free or reasonably low budget mobile games became a popular form of entertainment for young children. A report by Common Sense media suggested that the amount of time children under nine in the United States spent using mobile devices increased from 15 minutes a day in 2013 to 48 minutes in 2017. Research by the children´s charity Childwise suggested that a majority of British three and four year olds owned an Internet-connected device by 2018.
ellauri105.html on line 64: I am Mr. Potato Head - lets play a game!
ellauri107.html on line 91: Neil Klugman is an intelligent, working-class army veteran and a graduate of Rutgers University who works as a library clerk. He falls for Brenda Patimkin, a wealthy Radcliffe student who is home for the summer. They meet by the swimming pool at Old Oaks Country Club in Purchase, New York, a private club that Neil visits as a guest of his cousin Doris. Neil phones her and asks for a date. She does not remember him but agrees. He waits as she finishes a tennis game which only ends when it gets too dark to play.
ellauri107.html on line 400: Where does Roth pull it out of (the expression is apt)? Sabbath had decided to defy his own imminent demise by attempting to have as much sex as possible. As the book begins, Sabbath finds himself “six short years from seventy”, with “the game just about over”. What, 64? That is young! Phil was 62 in 1995. Is that when his pecker started to sag?
ellauri107.html on line 492: one-third are miserable and know it. They hate the whole peppy, boosting, go-ahead game, and they're bored by their wives and think their families are fools—at least when they come to forty or forty-five they're bored—and they hate business, and they'd go—Why do you suppose there's so many 'mysterious' suicides? Why do you suppose so many Substantial Citizens jumped right into the war? Think it was all patriotism?”
ellauri112.html on line 617: It’s these little moments that Reitman captures so well. Like Ron Livingston’s detached husband, who routinely retreats to his room to hide under a video game headset.
ellauri112.html on line 652: Marlo is a physical wreck, ugly fat and unkempt, a woman who doesn’t get enough or not at all and is chronically fatigued. She shuffles around in sweatpants and baggy sweaters as the house gets dirtier, the kids get noisier, and her husband gets "lazier". Everything becomes a battle for Marlo – keeping Jonah in school, putting a meal on the table, finding time to bathe, even getting her husband to hump her. He shuts her out at night, retreating to the bedroom alone to play video games with himself headphones on. Cant fix that part without fixing the hole.
ellauri117.html on line 376:

Writing video game

ellauri117.html on line 386: Calmly nod while game director explains to you why scene that explains game’s story has been cut. Also why player’s companion character is no longer a woman but a robot.
ellauri117.html on line 398: Tom Bissell was born in Escanaba, Michigan, in 1974. His short fiction has won two Pushcart Prizes and has been published in multiple editions of The Best American Series. He has also written eight works of nonfiction, including Apostle and (with Greg Sestero) The Disaster Artist, as well as many screenplays for video games and television. Bissell lives in Los Angeles with his family. Tom Bister is a sad case. Another Gold Hat of Hyvinkää.
ellauri117.html on line 487: A man was stopped by a game warden in North Algonquian park.

ellauri119.html on line 123: When you realize that Robin is referencing a telecommunications company that was founded as International Telephone & Telegraph in this season two episode, you know the reference is an outdated one. IT&T got out of the telecommunications game in 1986. It has been reformed a number of times into its current state, ITT Corporation. Amusingly, at the time Robin made the reference, IT&T and ABC (which aired "Batman") nearly merged with each other.
ellauri131.html on line 960: And what of the true cynic's view, that the lesson of history is that bastards often prevail? That markets are in and of themselves rational, and sometimes emotional, but rarely ever moral? That an appropriate model for business is not an extended family but a poker game? The late genius John von Neumann was fascinated by poker, and his study of the choice making involved in the game led him to develop the foundations of game theory. Von Neumann was a peerless student of the principles of rational self-interest, and he was also an adviser to Presidents Truman and Eisenhower. When the Soviets showed signs of developing nuclear weapons, he recommended bombing them into oblivion. Game theory, he said, dictated it.
ellauri133.html on line 863: When Shirley was a teenager, her weight fluctuated, resulting in a lack of confidence that she would struggle with throughout her life. Read: Shirley was a greaseball, a fatso. She attended Burlingame High School, where she played violin in the school orchestra.
ellauri141.html on line 366: Adolescent slave boys were fair game for a virile man. Jupiter may have had his Ganymede, but none of the standard pantheon of gods were gay as we use the term. But there was a limit: it was queer to screw a boy after he was old enough to shave. “Passive’ homosexuality was the real disgrace. The urge to bugger was understandable. A man’s desire to be buggered was disgraceful. As often observed, it was better to give than receive. And in Horace’s poems, pederasty seems no more frowned upon than a taste for veal might be frowned upon today. Actually less. By now you can see where I’m headed with all this. I think the puer in Persicos odi, puer, apparatus... is the kind of boy that Horace is sometimes fond of screwing.
ellauri144.html on line 66: along with his body. He looks back bemusedly at the rash confidence, the ambition to get ahead, that motivated his earlier writing. And now his poetic gift itself threatens to fall away, together with other games, notably lovemaking, that require youthful energy and zest (55-57). Philosophy, as he describes it, is most centrally the art of living well from day to day; of enjoying life’s gifts while you have them, and of accepting Nature’s high impersonal laws in preparation for that final retirement which is death (213-16).
ellauri144.html on line 336: kuoleva Agamemnon. Vallattuna,

ellauri144.html on line 347: Agamemnon oli kusipää nilkki, joka sai ansionsa mukaan uhrattuaan tyttärensä Ifigeneian. Äiti Klytaimnestra jauhoi sen jyvix ja syötti sen pullasorsille. Olis lähtenyt paremmalla tuulella. Mut jos tyypit olis järkeviä ei olis pukkilauluja.
ellauri144.html on line 684: Metaverses, in some limited form, have already been implemented in video games such as Second Life. Some iterations of the metaverse involve integration between virtual and physical spaces and virtual economies.
ellauri144.html on line 687: The term "metaverse" has its origins in the 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash as a portmanteau of "meta" and "universe." It has since gained notoriety as a buzzword for promotion, and as a way to generate hype for public relations purposes by making vague claims for future projects. Information privacy and user addiction are concerns within the metaverse, stemming from challenges facing the social media and video game industries as a whole.
ellauri147.html on line 107: Tyynni received several literary awards between 1943 and 1982. Morever, she won the gold medal in 1948 for her poem ‘Hellaan laakeri’ (‘Let's put a bearing into the stove') at a time when literary composition was still a part of the non-professional Olympic games. A Pro Finlandia medal holder, Academician of the Arts and Honorary doctor, Aake Tyynni died in 1997 at the age of 84. Her daughter Riitta Seppälä and son Mikko-Olavi Seppälä have written their mother’s biography, Aake Tyynni – Hymyily, kyynel, laulu. (‘Aake Tyynni. A smile, a tear, a song’, WSOY, 2013)
ellauri151.html on line 451: Let us assume that we invited an unknown person to a game of cards. If this person answered us, “I don’t play,” we would either interpret this to mean that he did not understand the game, or that he had an aversion to it which arose from economic, ethical, or other reasons. Let us imagine, however, that an honorable man, who was known to possess every possible skill in the game, and who was well versed in its rules and its forbidden tricks, but who could like a game and participate in it only when it was an innocent pastime, were invited into a company of clever swindlers, who were known as good players and to whom he was equal on both scores, to join them in a game. If he said, “I do not play,” we would have to join him in looking the people with whom he was talking straight in the face, and would be able to supplement his words as follows: “I don’t play, that is, with people such as you, who break the rules of the game, and rob it of its pleasure. If you offer to play a game, our mutual agreement, then, is that we recognize the capriciousness of chance as our master; and you call the science of your nimble fingers chance, and I must accept it as such, it I will, or run the risk of insulting you or choose the shame of imitating you.” … The opinion of Socrates can be summarized in these blunt words, when he said to the Sophists, the leaned men of his time, “I know nothing.” Help! TLDR!
ellauri151.html on line 582: human relationships, because they are used in religious language-games. Mitähän Ludi olis tässä kohtaa sanonut jos se olis ollut muslimi? Norjalaiset karvakäsi farmarit otti kaikki kuvat farmin seiniltä kun ne muutti sinne. Ei juutalaisetkaan juuri kuvista perustaneet. Jeesus kylläkin puhui vertauxin ja tunnuskuvin.
ellauri151.html on line 587: divine are intertwined. Social language-games similarly reveal logic
ellauri151.html on line 655: Hamann takes basic intuitions to be practices like playing music and painting. He argues that Kantian forms of intuition like space and time are symbolic forms of sensuously mediated bodily practices. Fornication is another sensuously mediated bodily practice. What's its logical form? Hello my name is Potato Head! Let's play a game!
ellauri151.html on line 692: Language has its worth and norms through language-use, which intertwines language and reality and makes reality, mental states and rational concepts a part of the language-games.
ellauri152.html on line 79: To lend authenticity to the forgery, Louÿs in the index listed some poems as "untranslated"; he even craftily fabricated an entire section of his book called "The Life of Bilitis", crediting a certain fictional archaeologist Herr G. Heim ("Mr. C. Cret" in German) as the discoverer of Bilitis' tomb. And though Louÿs displayed great knowledge of Ancient Greek culture, ranging from children's games in "Tortie Tortue" to application of scents in "Perfumes", the literary fraud was eventually exposed. This did little, however, to taint their literary value in readers' eyes, and Louÿs' open and sympathetic celebration of lesbian sexuality earned him sensation and historic significance.
ellauri153.html on line 327:
  • “God is omnipotent” means that God can achieve His plans and defeat evil. Dog has a winning strategy. Not all the moves in the game.
    ellauri153.html on line 332: be presented as a zero-sum game. Mixi zero-sum? Eikös trendaavampaa olis tollanen win-win situation? Selvää manikeolaisuutta! Länkkäri Ford Hippo on huolestunut, mutta riisipussit Ahura ja Mazda riemuizevat.
    ellauri153.html on line 339: Time for some game theory! James’ chess-master analogy can be formalized 6by treating the biblical
    ellauri153.html on line 340: dialogues between God, human beings and the world as games. 1065 We can e.g. take the storyline of
    ellauri153.html on line 341: the Book of Job as a basis for a game model G like the one formalizing Hamann’s creation myth:
    ellauri153.html on line 342:
    1. The players of the Justice-of-God game G are God, Job and Leviathan. Mix Leviathan? Sehän oli se krokodiili, tai paremminkin Moby Dick. Tekeekö Jaakko tässä Dogista munattoman Ahasveruxen, ja Job olis niikö se homo Ishmael?
      ellauri153.html on line 354: We can now give game-theoretical analogues for the grammatical principles concerning “goodness” and “omnipotence” for the justice-of-God game G. Note that goodness holds by definition.
      ellauri153.html on line 356:
      1. “God is good” is true at game history w if and only if God wins G if and only if Job wins G if and
        ellauri153.html on line 358:
      2. “God is omnipotent” is true at game history w if and only if God has a winning strategy in the justice-of-God game G. Tässähän se tapahtuu se suuri lässähdys. Muka omnipotentti jumala saa häthätää saatanasta matin loppupeleissä. Matkan varrella isokyrpäinen valas voi syödä vaikka kaikki sen nappulat paizi kurkon, joka jää viimeisenä laudalle. Aika lohduttavaa sen muulle tiimille. One can make a few clarifying remarks about the structure of the game. The form of the game is relatively simple: it’s an ordinary extended-form perfect information game. tuskinpa Jobilla oli täydellistä informaatiota pelitilanteesta tai edes pelin säännöistä, muista pelaajista puhumattakaan. Aika isoja informaatiojoukkoja oli niiden kalloissa. Sitäpaizi ei luonnossa pelaajat siirrä vuoronperään, vaan koko ajan, niinkuin differentiaalipeleissä. . The goal is here not to go deeply into technical details, but to construct an übersichtlich representation for the theological grammar of biblical stories and to highlight the uses of terms like “good” and “omnipotent” in them. The game or model can then be used as a simplified fragment that can be projected onto, contrasted with and used to interpret biblical stories. The point of this clarification is to highlight the grammar of the divine properties “good” and “omnipotent” within the logic of the struggle myth, and to get the consistency of {God is good, God is omnipotent, There is chaotic evil} as in the Book of Job. The argument needs two assumptions. First, the games between God, humans and creation are genuine dialogues. Paskanmarjat, ei nää ole edes mitään signaling gameja, puhumattakaan dialogipeleistä. Olis kannattanut lukea mun väitöskirja Dialogue Games, siinä on oikeeta sananvaihtoa. The players answer each other and thus have to take turns in making moves and participating in them. Then the game of Job and the struggle against chaos is in extended form to represent the sequence of the debate, and its resolution gives the drama of the fight against kid chaos. Second, the properties of God like “omnipotent” and “good” are defined against the background of Job’s encounter with God and the struggle against chaos. This redefinition builds on both James’ reinterpretation of the properties of God in terms of religious practices, and also of Job’s new world of faith in the encounter. Job’s encounter with God and the struggle against chaos are modelled in the game, so such properties of God as “good” and “omnipotent” are then internal to the game. Missä kohtaa Jopilla on tässä jotain pelivaraa? Montako valintaruutua Jobilla edes on: Marise-älä marise, ja Pyllistä-älä pyllistä. Siinä kaikki. Jotta jumalan tiimi voittaisi, sen pitää ensin marista ja sit pyllistää. Nain on meidankin elamassamme! Marise mitä mariset, mut muista pyllistää!
        ellauri153.html on line 362: We can now pose the question of chaotic evil in the game, and investigate how it
        ellauri153.html on line 382: The justice-of-God game G includes a sense of tragic and pointless evil: Leviathan’s
        ellauri153.html on line 388: “There is pointless evil” is true at game history w if and only if there is an evil s is at play in w, and
        ellauri153.html on line 389: either 1. if s is in play at the end of the game, God and Job lose, or 2. there is an agent A s.t. s arises out
        ellauri153.html on line 392: The existence of evil without reasons in the game can also be contrasted with the biblically
        ellauri153.html on line 427: prove God’s goodness and omnipotence in the justice-of-God game G:
        ellauri153.html on line 439: In (Question Job, disaster, question God), (answer Job) wins the game. (answer Job) wins the subgame
        ellauri153.html on line 440: from (Question God) iff, Job wins the subgame from (Answer Job) by playing (recognize God) iff God
        ellauri153.html on line 443: In the beginning 0, (Question Job) wins the game. Since Leviathan loses if he does not cause a disaster,
        ellauri153.html on line 444: (Question Job) wins the game iff God or Job can win the subgame from (Question Job, disaster). Now
        ellauri153.html on line 447: Thus “God is good” and “God is omnipotent” are true at all histories w of the game G.□
        ellauri153.html on line 452: situations w of God’s and Job’s encounter in the justice-of-God game G. They thus are
        ellauri153.html on line 454: game. Moreover, they capture the essence of God in the stories, as they function as grammatical
        ellauri155.html on line 793: To put it simply: though being good doesn´t entitle you to heaven, being bad is a sure way to end in hell. By being good you can at least enter the lottery. It makes no difference game theoretically whether God arranged his lottery before or after the fact. The information sets are just the same. Game theoretically, being good continues to carry a slight positive utility toward the jackpot.
        ellauri156.html on line 45: But here is the spoiler: What David's story tells us is that it is OK to be as awful and nasty a person privately as you could ever wish to be, as long as you end up as the overall winner of the cup. Winners can do nothing seriously wrong, because the victory at the end is the crucial thing. In terms of good old game theory: a virtuous life is no game of attrition, where every mistake counts and your deeds are toted up at the end. No, it is a winner takes all, you either win or lose at the end, whatever happens in subgames on the way is just wiped away. This applies to Dog himself, as Lauri Snellman with his nifty jesuitical game-theoretical theodicy argument has shown.
        ellauri161.html on line 621: By and large the efforts at humour here feel like juvenile, Grand Theft Auto-level sledgehamer attempts at satire (and I say that as a fan of the video game series, sophistication is not one of my hallmarks.). ’ I can count on the fingers of one hand the parts of the film that came close to eliciting some sort of feeling. And that's what films are for, ain't they?
        ellauri164.html on line 896: But we know that the Rock from which they drank water is Christ. “And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.” 1 Corinthians 10:4. Psalms 78: 15–16 says “He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and game them drink as out of the great depths. He brought streams also out of the rock, and caused waters to run down like rivers.” Jesus Himself testifies to this by saying, “He that believeth on Me,” as the scriptures say, “out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38
        ellauri171.html on line 395: The story continues the Bible’s exploration of the origin of evil in a world created by a God who is all goodness. (Remember the old word game: write down ‘God’ and ‘Devil’; then put an extra ‘o’ in the middle of ‘God’ and take the ‘d’ off ‘devil’; what do you have?) Another one: write the words backwards, what do you get? Dog lived. Okay never mind let's move on.
        ellauri171.html on line 1054: Tamar’s plan is as simple as it is clever: she covers herself with a veil so that Judah won’t recognize her, and then she sits in the roadway at the “entrance to Enaim” (Hebrew petah enayim; literally, “eye-opener”). She has chosen her spot well. Judah will pass as he comes back happy and horny (and maybe tipsy) from a sheep-shearing festival. The veil is not the mark of a prostitute (haha); rather, it simply will prevent Judah from seeing Tamar’s face, and women sitting by the roadway are apparently fair game. So, Judah propositions her, offering to give her a kid (well he did) for her services and giving her his pet seal and staff id (the ancient equivalent of a credit card) in pledge.
        ellauri171.html on line 1075: An entry into the cycle of avenging teen-girl pictures, in which the storyteller tries gamely to put a unique spin on familiar material, but eventually fall back on by-the-numbers tropes.
        ellauri172.html on line 769: St. Olaf appears to be a bilingual town with a significant amount of unique vocabulary (that may be specific to the area and not appearing in standard Norwegian). Rose uses these phrases quite often, to the exasperation of her roommates. Examples include Gerkanenaken (when dog feces turn white), Tutenbobels (buttocks), Ugel and Flugel (a Hide and seek game for adults) and Vanskapkaka (a special "friendship" cake; this word, however, is based on the Swedish word "vänskapskaka", which holds the same meaning). German, Swedish and Norwegian is the basis of the
        ellauri172.html on line 775: Guggenspritzer, a St. Olaf version of Monopoly. There is no money due to the bank, built by a bad contractor, sinking into a swamp leaving nothing but safety deposit slips and a pen on a chain. Also, you can buy the library or the phone booth, yet 'people use the phone booth'. Rose managed to win the entire game by buying one street - the only street in St Olaf.
        ellauri172.html on line 777: Ugel and Flugel, an adult version of the children's game 'hide and seek'.
        ellauri184.html on line 50: Neiti Mallory kertoo tästä lisää: "Norman was an oxymoron — an overweight senior citizen who was one of the best lovers I ever had." Mallory writes that Mailer never had erectile dysfunction: "Not once. Not in nine years..." Vanhasta Naahumista tulee mieleen Norssin voimistelunopettaja Lahtinen ja Star Warsin Yoda. “Each week he’d want to play a new game . . . doctor, manicurist, masseur, Hollywood director (that was his favorite).” “When our relationship ended, I realized that . . . Norman had never been on my team and had been slandering my writing and me behind my back.”
        ellauri185.html on line 798: The firstborn of a mother is referred to in the Bible (Exodus 13:2) as one who “opens the womb” of his mother. Jacob and Esau vied for right of way through Rebecca's birth canal. Esau won that set, but the game went to Jacob.
        ellauri194.html on line 485: I'd like to know myself, because despite the fact that I founded the only worldwide organization for game developers, helped put the Game Developers’ Conference (25,000 attendees annually) on its feet, worked on Madden NFL for six years for Electronic Arts, and wrote an introductory textbook on game design that has been translated into several languages, some anonymous random at Wikipedia has decided that I'm not “notable” enough because he personally has never heard of me, and wants to delete my page. Basically, you have to kiss the ass of the insiders if you don't want your content to be deleted. It's an oligarchy of the ignorant.
        ellauri194.html on line 487: Dr. Ernest Adams is a consultant and a senior lecturer at the Department of Game Design, Uppsala University. He holds a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in interactive storytelling. He has served in the game industry since 1989 as a programmer, producer, writer, and game designer, and is the author of six books. Dr. Adams has developed online, computer, and console games for machines from the IBM 360 mainframe to the present day. He is also the founder and first chairman of the International Game Developers' Association.
        ellauri194.html on line 488: What is the social justice activists' endgame? Did Faramir become a Steward? Why are European counties so big compared to American ones?Why do North Africans move to France if France colonized and oppressed them for years? Is it worth it to sacrifice Ukraine to keep the International Space Station going? What does the Constitution say about the right to privacy?
        ellauri198.html on line 612: Chin upon hand, to see the game at bay,— Panosta jo piippuun kassit lato!
        ellauri198.html on line 714: Allen Johnston of The New York Times was disappointed with how the series progressed; while he marveled at the "sheer absurdity of King's existence" and complimented King's writing style, he said preparation would have improved the series, stating "King doesn't have the writerly finesse for these sorts of games, and the voices let him down." Michael Berry of the San Francisco Chronicle called the series "highfalutin hodgepodge".
        ellauri210.html on line 671: la vache prend le chemin de parchemin lehmä valizee pergamentin tien
        ellauri213.html on line 264: Colonel Pantyukhov, Chief Scout of Russia, first resided in France and then moved to the United States, where large troops of Russian Scouts were established in cities such as San Francisco, Burlingame, California, and Los Angeles. He returned to Nice, France where he died.
        ellauri213.html on line 286: Rainbows (regrettable choice of name, in hindsight) is for all girls aged four to seven (five in some areas). We play loads of fun games and do activities and challenges and a few times we get badges – Matilda, Rainbow. Rainbows learn by doing – they get their panties dirty, do sports, arts and crafts and play games. Being a Rainbow is all about having the space to try new things. Through taking part in a range of different activities with girls their own age, Rainbows develop self-confidence and make lots of new friends.
        ellauri213.html on line 294: The girls didn't know much about the event beforehand, but Amelia was most excited about sleeping with the Big Top, Meghan couldn't wait to learn some tricks, while Abigail, Darcey and Ellie were looking forward to trying out some new adventurous group activities. We then enjoyed a very funny magic show, sucking our own magic wands and balloon creatures. Darcey and Aayla said they 'liked playing fun games with the Rainbows on the inflatables' which we did next.
        ellauri220.html on line 264: Cotter MartinCotter Martin is the teenage boy who skips school to attend a baseball game and ends up stealing the Bobby Thomson home run ball.
        ellauri220.html on line 284: Charles WainwrightCharles Wainwright is an account supervisor who buys the baseball from the Dodgers-Giants game from Manx Martin.
        ellauri220.html on line 286: Bill WatersonBill Waterson is a white businessman who befriends Cotter Martin at the baseball game and who tries to steal his stolen baseball.
        ellauri222.html on line 1051: Meanwhile, Zimmermann gave an inflammatory speech to his followers. You are here," he cried, "warriors and men of many tribes, Shawnee, Miami, Delaware, Illinois, Ottawa, and Wyandot. All who live in the valley north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi are here. You are brave men. Sometimes you have fought with one another. In this strife all have won victory and all have suffered defeat. But you lived the life that Manitou made you to live, and you were happy, in your own way, in a great and fair land that is filled with game.
        ellauri222.html on line 1058: "But a true warrior," he said, "never yields. Manitou does not love the coward. He has given the world, its rivers, its lakes, its forests, and its game, to the brave man. Warriors of the allied tribes, are you ready to yield Kain-tuck-ee, over which your fathers have hunted from the beginning of time, to the white man who has just come?"
        ellauri223.html on line 72: But in the City of the Sun, while duty and work are distributed among all, it only falls to each one to work for about four hours every day. The remaining hours are spent in learning joyously, in debating, in reading, in reciting, in writing, in walking, in exercising the mind and body, and with play. They allow no game which is played while sitting or lying on top of one another, neither the single die nor dice, nor chess, nor others like these. But they play with the ball, with the sack, with the rod, with the hoop, with wrestling, with scratching matches at the stake. They say, moreover, that grinding poverty renders men worthless, cunning, sulky, thievish, insidious, vagabonds, liars, false witnesses, etc.; and that wealth makes them insolent, proud, ignorant, traitors, assumers of what they know not, deceivers, boasters, wanting in affection, slanderers, etc. But with them all the rich and poor together make up the community. They are rich because they want nothing, poor because they possess nothing. Hey is this communism or what?
        ellauri226.html on line 254: allowed to and go to Poe Park; so we would play all sorts of games over
        ellauri236.html on line 206: Until recently the characteristic adventure stories of the English-speaking peoples have been stories in which the hero fights against odds. This is true all the way from Robin Hood to Pop-eye the Sailor. Perhaps the basic myth of the Western world is Jack the Giant-killer, but to be brought up to date this should be renamed Jack the Dwarf-killer, and there already exists a considerable literature which teaches, either overtly or implicitly, that one should side with the big man against the little man. Most of what is now written about foreign policy is simply an embroidery on this theme, and for several decades such phrases as ‘Play the game’, ‘Don't hit a man when he's down’ and ‘It's not cricket’ have never failed to draw a snigger from anyone of intellectual pretensions. What is comparatively new is to find the accepted pattern, according to which (a) right is right and wrong is wrong, whoever wins, and (b) weakness must be respected, disappearing from popular literature as well. When I first read D. H. Lawrence's novels, at the age of about twenty, I was puzzled by the fact that there did not seem to be any classification of the characters into ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Lawrence seemed to sympathize with all of them about equally, and this was so unusual as to give me the feeling of having lost my bearings. Today no one would think of looking for heroes and villains in a serious novel, but in lowbrow fiction one still expects to find a sharp distinction between right and wrong and between legality and illegality. The common people, on the whole, are still living in the world of absolute good and evil from which the intellectuals have long since escaped. But the popularity of No Orchids and the American books and magazines to which it is akin shows how rapidly the doctrine of ‘realism’ is gaining ground.
        ellauri238.html on line 732: "My cup runneth over!" is screamed as an expression of ecstasy by the fictional character William Bedford Diego in the 1999 video game System Shock 2, while in World of Warcraft, fictional character Blood Prince Valanar uses the phrase during the "Blood Prince Council" encounter. Also Pandaren Brewmaster from Dota 2 uses it. "Your cup runneth over!" is also an achievement or trophy in Devil May Cry 4. In an easter egg in Day of the Tentacle there is a Victorian photograph resembling the character Max from Sam & Max Hit the Road with the caption "The late Max Attucks, his petard runneth over." In the MOBA Smite, it is the name of a Match of the Day where teams begin the match at max level with 12,000 gold. The quote is also quoted by one of the symbiotic demons in Call of Duty: Vanguard´s zombies mode.
        ellauri241.html on line 49: It is only after Fanny receives a valentine from Brown that Keats passionately confronts them and asks if they are lovers. Brown sent the valentine in jest, but warns Keats that Fanny is a mere flirt playing a game. Fanny is hurt by Brown's accusations and Keats' lack of faith in her; she ends their lessons and leaves. The Dilkes move to Westminster in the spring, leaving the Brawne family their half of the house and six months rent. Fanny and Keats then resume their interaction and fall deeply (ca. 6 inches) in love. The relationship comes to an abrupt end when Brown departs with Keats for his summer holiday, where Keats may earn some money. Fanny is heartbroken, though she is comforted by Keats' love letters. When the men return in the autumn, Fanny's mother voices her concern that Fanny's attachment to the poet will hinder her from being courted. Fanny and Keats secretly become engaged.
        ellauri243.html on line 180: January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
        ellauri243.html on line 190: January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
        ellauri243.html on line 484: In his personal life, Brown is a member of CAP. He is one of the pilots who regularly fly outpatients to get the attention that he craves. This is all done on a volunteer basis (but the kerosene is on the house), so he spends a lot of time flying across the country. In his free time, he enjoys flying in his own personal plane and he is a soccer referee for youth games.
        ellauri243.html on line 506: Brown’s books have never made it into movies. The closest they have come is with some of the characters appearing in computer games. When asked the question on his website, he said it would be cool if his books could be made into movies, however he doesn’t have an agent in Hollywood so the chances are low.
        ellauri243.html on line 701: Whoever tales most chesspieces off the board wins a Baskin Robbins certificate. This is not war its a game. Roxanne was already ignoring the senior beside her. Grabbing the wrong trackball, she won´t win the certificate!
        ellauri244.html on line 180: There were shortcomings in the welfare of pupils. Fights between boys were said to average seventy a week and were regarded by Dr Butler "with a blind eye", comfort for boarders was minimal, and complaints about food were continuous, on one occasion leading to a riot. His initials "S.B." over the gateway to the house he built himself next to the school were said to be a sign for "stale bread, sour beer, salt butter, and stinking beef sold by Samuel Butler". He tried to suppress games at Shrewsbury, considering football (pre-FA) as "only fit for butcher boys" and "more fit for farmboys and labourers than for young gentlemen".
        ellauri254.html on line 389: ‘How often we wandered through the streets of the snowy city… All of the theatrical events that seemed so important in their time have grown dim in my memory. Acting at the theatre, which I loved so much, now seems to me far less exciting and bright than that game of masks in Blok’s circle. It is true that even at that time I did not look upon our meetings, gatherings, and strolls as mere entertainment. There is no doubt that others too felt the significance and creative value of it all, yet nonetheless we did not realize that the charms of Blok’s poetry almost deprived us all of our real existence, turning us into Venetian masqueraders of the north.’
        ellauri256.html on line 507: Maapallon vyötärönpituus on 40 megametriä. Länkkärien läntin leveys on jotain 6Mm, eli alle neljännes. Länkkäreixi izensä lukevien maiden totalitäärinen populaatio on runsas biljardi, enintään kuudennes koko vesipallon 8 biljardista apinankallosta. Mutta sitten tulee tärkein numero: mikä on näiden maiden osuus maailman bruttokansantuotteesta? Se on noin 75 biljardia totalitäärisestä summasta jotain 125 biljardia, eli reilusti yli puolet, vaikka Kiina nyt jo johtaa lähes 20% osuudella koko summasta. Mutta onhan siellä porukoitakin kolme neljä kertaa enemmän kuin pääkohtaista enkkaa hallussaan pitävässä stezonien maassa.
        ellauri262.html on line 192: Cooke took up golf in his mid-fifties, developing a fascination with the game, despite never attaining an extraordinary level of skill.
        ellauri263.html on line 499: H. P. Blavatskyn päätyö oli teosofinen oppi, johon hiän sulautti valtavasti vaikutteita eri tahoilta. Eniten Blavatskyn ajatteluun vaikuttaneista oppisuunnista, teoksista ja auktoriteeteista voidaan mainita ainakin buddhalaisuus, Bhagavad Gita ja hindulainen tantrismi, Kabbala (erityisesti Eliphas Levi), Raamattu, Zohar ja Talmud, hermetismi, ruusuristiläisyys, gnostilaisuus, zarathustralaisuus, kaldealaiset, vapaamuurarius, spiritismi, mystiikka, Jakob Böhme ja Mestari Eckhart, alkemia ja magia, aikansa tieteellinen kirjallisuus, Robert Fludd, Paracelsus, maailman mytologiat esimerkiksi germaaninen mytologia, Popol Vuh, Ryhmä Hau ja Gilgameš (myös otteita Kalevalasta), antiikin kirkkoisät Irenaeus, Tertullianus, Origenes ja Eusebius, filosofit, etenkin Platon ja uusplatonilaisuus, Porfyrios, Plotinos ja Ammonios Sakkas sekä historioitsijat ja monet muut antiikin kirjailijat kuten Plinius vanhempi, Ovidius, Homeros ja Josefus. Lisäksi hän väitti opiskelleensa huomattavien inkarnaatiolaamojen oppilaana Tiibetissä, Ladakhissa, Nepalissa ja Mongoliassa ja perehtyneensä muun muassa vajrayanan esoterismiin eli Kālacakrayanaan, Nepalin svābhāvikoiden oppiin ja sykretistiseen shamanismiin (puuh).
        ellauri264.html on line 94: The teenager Cayden Richards lives in a small town with his parents Dean Richards and Janice Richards and is having violent nightmares. He is the quarterback of the local football team and his girlfriend Lisa Stewart is a cheerleader. After a game, Lisa decides to have sex with Cayden for the first time in the car. Cayden hurts his girlfriend, Lisa, when the passion of making out causes him to transform into a werewolf. However he transforms into a monster and she flees from him.
        ellauri264.html on line 130: A children's book appropriating the Pepe character, The Adventures of Pepe and Pede, advanced "racist, Islamophobic and hate-filled themes", The book's author, a vice-principal with the Denton Independent School District, was reassigned after the publicity. In January 2019, the video game Jesus Strikes Back: Judgment Day was released, which allows players to play as Pepe the Frog, among other figures, and murder various target groups including feminists, minorities, and liberals.
        ellauri264.html on line 679: Definitely one of the darkest stories about Steve Jobs has to be the Breakout story. In the 1970’s, Steve Jobs was working for Atari, designing the game Breakout. Overwhelmed with work with a deadline quickly approaching, he approached Steve Wozniak for help in finishing his project within the next four days. In exchange for his help, Jobs offered Woz half of what he was earning, which he said was $700. For four days, Jobs and Wozniak worked day and night without sleep. When they were done, they were sick with mono and exhausted, but they finished the project before the deadline. Wozniak got his… (more)
        ellauri264.html on line 704: Perhaps the person who knew him best was his long-time friend Steve Wozinak. Ironically, even he wasn´t spared from being manipulated by Jobs. In the early days, he was asked to work on a game with Jobs with half of the total payment as his cut. Upon completion, he received $350 of $700 but Jobs had actually earned $5000 for the project.
        ellauri266.html on line 58: Rutherford (1975), who is half-Guyanese Indian, was born in Ipswich in the East of England and attended Ipswich School. His game is not football like Morris's but cricket. Rutherford was the podcast editor for the journal Nature for a while. He wrote a blog covering his thoughts when reading Charles Darwin's blockbuster On the Origin of Species. Adam is something of a cross between David Attenboro and Uncle Sam.
        ellauri267.html on line 97: Based on the novel by Walter Wager, "Telefon" has not aged well because it'(TM)s so dependent on the cold war tension that existed between the USSR and the US in the Seventies. The film is basically a cat-and-mouse game with Soviet agent Major Grigori Borzov (Charles Bronson, that's right Bronson is a commie) tracking rogue Russian scientist Nicolai Dalmchimsky (Donald Pleasence) across America to prevent him from activating sleeper agents. Borzov is assisted by Barbara (Lee Remick. fresh from "The Omen") who asks more annoying questions than necessary, leading the audience to believe she may not be completely true to the motherland. The film's middle section is dragged down by repetitive bomb scares. Dalmichimsky is working from outdated intelligence so his targets are all de-classified U.S. Military installations. Once Borzov realizes the pattern and hones in the next target the action shifts to a more linear chase that'(TM)s further heightened by Barbara'(TM)s loyalties. But the ultimate showdown is deflating because beyond some silly disguises Pleasence's Dalmichimsky is never built up to be a threat. Director Don Siegel uses his flair for montage to craft a his action sequences without dialogue. "Telefon" is a road movie, much like Alfred Hitchcock's "Saboteur" and "North by Northwest" had their leads criss-crossing America here we see plenty of seventies architecture including San Francisco's Hyatt Regency Hotel (used in "The Towering Inferno") and a modernist house resting on top of a barren rock outcropping. The supporting cast is uniformly good (but trapped in underwritten roles), and it'(TM)s nice to see veteran character actors Alan Badel and Patrick Magee playing snotty KGB strategists, and Tyne Daly in a small (and ultimately irrelevant role) as a computer geek. Trivia note: The poem that activates the Russian sleeper agents was used by Quentin Tarantino in "Death Proof" as the lines Jungle Julia has her listeners recite to Butterfly. The lines are an excerpt of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep."
        ellauri269.html on line 247: Syksyllä 2007 pelin tavallinen versio muuttui yhden DVD-levyn sisältäväksi myyntipakkaukseksi. Lokakuussa 2007 julkaistiin myös pelin uusille aloittajille suunnattu World of Warcraft: Battle Chest, joka sisältää sekä alkuperäisen World of Warcraftin että lisäosan The Burning Crusade kahdella DVD-levyllä. Mukana tulee myös Bradygamesin julkaisemat strategiaoppaat molempiin peleihin.
        ellauri269.html on line 258: World of Warcraftista on julkaistu myös erilaisia oppaita, esimerkiksi World of Warcraft Atlas, World of Warcraft Bestiary, Bradygamesin julkaisema yli 400-sivuinen opas World of Warcraft: Official Strategy Guide ja myös toinen lähes yhtä pitkä opas The Burning Crusade: Official Strategy Guide lisäosan maailmasta. Pelistä tehtyihin lisätuotteisiin lukeutuvat laaja lautapeli World of Warcraft: The Board Game sekä keräilykorttipeli World of Warcraft: Trading Card Game.
        ellauri269.html on line 268: World of Warcraft is free to play up to level 20 so that new players can experience the game without first having to buy it, and get well and truly hooked. If you have got hooked on drugs, you know the deal.
        ellauri269.html on line 272: Monthly Increments: The easiest way to purchase World of Warcraft game time is to sign up for a recurring subscription: World of Warcraft®: Subscription. You can pay monthly, or in 3 or 6 month blocks for a discount.
        ellauri269.html on line 274: Daily Increments: You can also buy game time cards. These are available from the Blizzard shop: Game Time. They can also be found at retailers like Amazon.
        ellauri269.html on line 276: Paying With Gold: You can also buy game time with the gold that you earn in game. Visit the Auction House and select WoW Token. The price fluctuates quite a bit, so you may have to keep a careful eye on it to figure out your best deal.
        ellauri269.html on line 278: In order to unlock all of the features of the game, including the latest end game content, you will need to purchase Shadowlands, the latest expansion of the game: World of Warcraft®: Shadowlands
        ellauri269.html on line 280: World of Warcraft has a concept called Realms for dividing players into population groups. The idea is that if everyone who played WoW was all in the game at once, it would be super crowded, very laggy, and generally difficult to play and have a good time. To solve this issue, Blizzard set up multiple servers so that each person can play the game in an environment where there are other players, but not too many other players. Each Realm is a different server and the players on each Realm can see, interact, and play with each other. If you want to play with someone on a different Realm, you can, but we'll get to that in a minute.
        ellauri269.html on line 282: Now it is time to create your character! There are three primary choices that you need to make: Faction, Race, and Class. These are important because they dictate how you will interact with the game and with other players. Faction and Race can be changed for a price, but Class is a permanent decision. The only way to change Class is to create a new character. (This is actually factually wrong: in real life, you can change Faction for free and Class for a price, but there is no way to change Race!)
        ellauri269.html on line 302: Within each faction, you can pick from seven different races, Alliance players can be Humans, Dwarves, Night Elves, Gnomes, Draenei, Worgens or Pandarens, while Horde players can be Orcs, Undead, Tauren, Trolls, Blood Elves, Goblins or Pandaren. Each race can only be certain classes, so picking a race will limit which class your character can be. There are other playable races in the game, but they are unlocked through gameplay and you won't have access to them immediately.
        ellauri269.html on line 424: Originally Answered: Is it possible for people to have sex in WoW? The short answer is no - there are no specific in-game mechanics that allows characters to have intercourse with each other.
        ellauri269.html on line 425: However, there is a gameplay style called Erotic Role-Play (ERP) where players can role-play sexual acts. The Moon Guard realm is notorious for this, but it's frowned upon - World of Warcraft is a game that is rated suitable for teenagers. Whilst I personally have no issue with what consenting players do in private or guild channels, ERP can be problematic when it takes place in public chat channels. But it's all textual. No actual humping with huge green orc penises in magenta arses is countenanced.
        ellauri269.html on line 541: That bit at the end I’ll have to think about, though. I’m not quite sure what is being implied either by you or (perhaps unintentionally) by the game’s writers here.
        ellauri270.html on line 317: The children’s activities—gathering stones—have a false innocence about them. Because this resembles the regular play of children, the reader may not assume gathering stones is intended for anything violent. The word “raids,” however, introduces a telling element of violence and warfare into the children’s innocent games. Similarly, the reader is lulled into a false sense of security by the calm and innocuous activities and topics of conversation among the adult villagers. We see the villagers strictly divided along gendered lines, even as children.
        ellauri276.html on line 545: At alle tymes, thogh hym gamed or smerte, whether in joy or distress; (see note)
        ellauri279.html on line 158: Pavel Morozovilla on yksi pinnallinen haava, jonka mitta on 4 senttimetriä rinnassa oikealta puolelta 5-6 kylkiluiden alueella, toinen pintahaava ylävatsan alueella, kolmas haava vasemmalta puolelta vatsaan, hypokondrium 3 senttimetriä, jonka läpi osa suolista tuli ulos ja neljäs haava oikealta puolelta (pupart ligamentista) 3 senttimetriä, jonka läpi osa suolesta tuli ulos ja kuolema seurasi. Lisäksi vasempaan käteen, peukalon metakarpuksen alle, tehtiin suuri, 6 senttimetriä pitkä haava.
        ellauri297.html on line 50: Bakery Worker, Word of Life Fellowship. I baked breads and pastries and or other culinary specialties for the campers. Word of Life Fellowship Tech Guy. I worked the light board for the meetings in Pine pavilion as well as setting up tech stations for games and outdoor meetings.
        ellauri297.html on line 386: Käsitefilliinissä on kaikki neljä tekstiä kirjoitettuna yhdelle pergamenttiliuskalle, mutta tefilliinipäässä on neljä erillistä lokeroa, joissa jokaisessa on yksi teksti.
        ellauri297.html on line 395: Tekstit on kirjoitettava halakisesti hyväksyttävällä (juutalaisen lain mukaan hyväksyttävällä) musteella halakisesti hyväksyttävälle pergamentille. Tekstien kirjoittamiselle on tarkat säännöt ja kaikki virheet mitätöivät sen. Esimerkiksi tekstin kirjaimet on kirjoitettava järjestyksessä - jos virhe myöhemmin havaitaan, sitä ei voi korjata, koska korvaava kirjain olisi kirjoitettu väärässä järjestyksessä.
        ellauri297.html on line 397: Pergamenteissä on 3188 kirjainta, ja koko sarjan kirjoittaminen voi kestää jopa 15 tuntia. Kirjoittajan on puhdistettava itsensä mikrossa (rituaalikylvyssä) ennen kuin hän aloittaa työn.
        ellauri301.html on line 261: De Klerk was a heavy smoker but gave up smoking towards the end of 2005. He also enjoyed a glass of whisky or wine while relaxing his muscles. He enjoyed playing golf and big game hunting, as well as going for brisk walks.
        ellauri301.html on line 308: Umongameli waseNingizimu Afrika (Zulu)
        ellauri301.html on line 310: uMongameli waseMzantsi Afrika (Xhosa)
        ellauri301.html on line 322: uMengameli weleNingizimu Afrika (Swazi)
        ellauri301.html on line 326: uMongameli weSewula Afrika (Southern Ndebele)
        ellauri301.html on line 529: "Gå då hem och be en bön. Personligen kan jag inte längre knyta på mej ett par bönekapslar och tala till väggen. Ingen har en aning om vad de där 'pannbanden' var som Moses befallde judarna i öknen att knyta mellan ögonen. Dom var sannerligen inga pergamentbitar i träfodral sammanhållna av läderremmar. I vetenskaplig mening handlar det om pannben. Det där du kallar 'bönekapslar' är lika mycket bibliska 'pannband' du är guvernör i Ohio."
        ellauri302.html on line 298: Manke You'll be the bride... a beautiful bride... It's Sabbath eve and you are sitting with your papa and mamma at the table... I — I am your sweetheart... your bridegroom, and I've come as your guest. Eh, Rifkele? Do you like that game?
        ellauri309.html on line 186: Suomessa ylitettiin vuoden 2000 kesäkuussa 300 000 myydyn kirjan raja, minkä kunniaksi Roberts vieraili Suomessa. Yllättävän vähän niitä löytyy poistohyllystä. Unelmien aikaa ei nähtävästi ole suolistettu. Viimeisten 30 vuoden aikana on myyty keskimäärin 27 Nora Robertsin kirjaa joka minuutti. Jos asetat kaikki Noran kirjat ylhäältä alas, ne ulottuisivat Yhdysvaltoihin New Yorkista Los Angelesiin 18 kertaa. Kuuhun asti niillä ei vielä mennä (etäisyys 385 megametriä).
        ellauri313.html on line 471: Strategies that emphasize the possibility of escalation or eruption are associated with the term "brinkmanship." (We will sometimes refer to the game of "chicken" when the brinkmanship is overtly two-sided.) "Chicken" is played by two drivers on a road with a white line down the middle. Both cars straddle the white line and drive toward each other at top speed. The first driver to lose his nerve and swerve into his own lane is "chicken"—an object of contempt and scorn—and he loses the game. The game is played among teenagers for prestige, for girls, for leadership of a gang, and for safety (i.e., to prevent other challenges and confrontations).
        ellauri318.html on line 279: "Yeah. Ball games, boxing, hockey." "This isn't any of those," I told him.
        ellauri323.html on line 183: kehystarinan. Sen pääsanoma on kuitenkin ettei kande koskaan luottaa toiseen apinaan, koska kaikki muutkin ajaa omaa etuaan, ja jos ei aja, silloin vasta kannattaakin ketkuilla. Kauppiaan kannattaa aina kusettaa, ja game of chickenissä pitää ajaa kohti vaan. Juuri näinhän jenkit menettelevät. Se on yxilöllisesti rationaalista.
        ellauri324.html on line 220: Jews' encounters with modernity – through new political, economic, intellectual, and social institutions, as well as new technologies and ideas – have engendered a wide array of responses that have transformed Jewish life profoundly. Nowhere is this more evident than in those practices that might be termed Jewish popular culture. In phenomena ranging from postcards to packaged foods, dance music to joke books, resort hotels to board games, feature films to T-shirts, Jews in the modern era have developed innovative and at times unprecedented ways of being Jewish.
        ellauri325.html on line 62: Tom Clancy´s Politika is a Risk-like game for the PC made by Red Storm Entertainment based on the Tom Clancy´s Power Plays novel "Politika".
        ellauri328.html on line 379: Tämä palautus sisältää "Gilgamesh Dream Tablet -tabletin", joka sisältää osan Gilgamesh-eeposta, joka löydettiin Irakista vuonna 1853. Jordanian Antiquities Association myi sen antiikkikauppiaalle vuonna 2003 ja myi huutokauppakamari Hobby Lobbylle vuonna 2003. 2014 1,6 miljoonalla dollarilla. Huutokauppatalo valehteli esineen saapumisesta markkinoille ja väitti, että se oli ollut markkinoilla Yhdysvalloissa vuosikymmeniä. Syyskuussa 2019 liittovaltion viranomaiset takavarikoivat tabletin, ja toukokuussa 2020 jätettiin siviilivalitus sen menettämisestä. Heinäkuussa 2021 Yhdysvaltain oikeusministeriö ilmoitti takavarikoineensa Hobby Lobbyn Gilgamesh-tabletin palauttamista varten Irakiin.
        ellauri328.html on line 381: Perustaja Steve Greenback lahjoitti Dead Sea Scrolls -pergamentin sirpaleita museon kokoelmaan sen avaamista varten. Kun museoluettelo julkaistiin, useat ulkopuoliset asiantuntijat ilmaisivat kuitenkin huolensa siitä, että museo ei ollut ottanut riittävästi huomioon sirpaleiden alkuperää. Arstein Justnes, raamatuntutkimuksen professori Agderin yliopistosta Norjasta, julisti, että ne olivat suoria väärennöksiä. Maaliskuussa 2020 museo vahvisti, että kaikki kuusitoista fragmenttia olivat väärennöksiä. Greenback myönsi: "Tiesin vähän keräilymaailmasta... Virheistäni johtuva museota kohtaan esitetty kritiikki oli oikeutettua."
        ellauri336.html on line 417: I completely disagree. I CHOSE to “up my observance level game” all on my very own. I dress more modestly and never leave the house with my hair uncovered. My husband and kids are supportive of my “modern orthodox” observance level even though they do not share it. No one, but NO ONE forced this on me…I don’t shave my head but I would if I had the guts to. I just find my hair annoying.. 🙂
        ellauri339.html on line 612: Americans, both the people and their government, distracted by the greatest propaganda tools ever imagined (the media), seem capable of focusing on only one bright shiny object at a time. In the case of wars, a new bright shiny object must include two clear sides, one good and one pure evil, with one preferably an underdog, daily combat footage which can be obtained without too much danger, and a football game-like progression across a map that is easy to follow. It should not be boring. Ukraine was such a conflict and enjoyed almost a full two-year run.
        ellauri342.html on line 534: On the steppes, in cleaner games, Tai aroilla kyykkäpelissä
        ellauri377.html on line 126: Hermesetaksen paimen ( kreikaksi: Ποιμὴν τοῦ Ἑρμᾶ, Poimén tou Herma; latinaksi: Pastori Hermae), joskus vain nimellä Paimen, on kristillinen kirjallinen teos 200-luvun ensimmäisen puoliskon lopulla, ja monet kristityt pitivät sitä arvokkaana kirjana ja jotkut varhaiskirkon isät, kuten Irenaeus, pitivät sitä kanonisena kirjoituksena. Paimen oli suosittu kristittyjen keskuudessa 2., 3. ja 4. vuosisadalla. Se löytyy Codex Sinaiticuksesta, jota kutsutaan myös Siinain raamatuksi, neljännen vuosisadan kristillinen kreikkalaisen Raamatun käsikirjoitus, joka sisältää suurimman osan kreikkalaisesta Vanhasta testamentista, mukaan lukien deuterokanoniset kirjat, ja kreikkalaisen Uuden testamentin sekä Barnabaan kirjeen ja Paimenen, eli Hermesetas on mukana. Se on kirjoitettu uncial eli pukkikirjaimin pergamentille.
        ellauri378.html on line 657: The Daily Telegraph praised Black Ops as its "meaty kick of the guns, the blistering pace of the action and the sterling soundtrack of explosions, gunshots and whistling bullets all serve to quicken the player's pulse and tighten their grip on the controller", and how the game is "compensated for by the nail-shredding tension and creepy atmosphere".
        ellauri378.html on line 659: Reviewers also noted that the game was buggy and had "a number of frustrating problems", including a lag in multiplayer modes which for some players rendered the game almost "unplayable".
        ellauri378.html on line 661: Compared to the much anticipated opening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1, the game earned more than twice as much as the film, earning $360 million.
        ellauri378.html on line 662: Expatriate Cubans condemned the game for its depiction of American special forces trying but failing to kill a young Fidel Castro, regrettably killing instead only a body-double. The Cuba-based pro-Fidel Castro website Cubadebate said the game "empowers sociopathic attitudes of American children and adolescents, the main consumers of these virtual games." 25M copies had been sold by 2013.
        ellauri383.html on line 479: Taivaalla Orion on kuvattu naapuritähtikuvion kuorsaavan Härän panoksen edessä, vaikka Orionin myytti ei viittaa sellaiseen taisteluun. Joka tapauksessa tähdistö syntyi sumerilaisten kanssa, jotka näkivät siinä suuren sankarinsa Gilgameshin taistelevan taivaan härkää vastaan. Orionin sumerilainen nimi oli URU AN-NA, joka tarkoittaa taivaan valoa. Härkä oli GUD AN-NA, taivaan härkä.
        ellauri383.html on line 481: Gilgamesh oli Herakleksen sumerilainen vastine, joka vie meidät toiseen arvoitukseen. Länkkärien mytologian suurimpana sankarina Herakles ansaitsee yhtä kirkkaan tähdistön kuin tämä, mutta todellisuudessa hänelle on määrätty paljon tummempi kuvio. Onko siis mahdollista, että seemiläinen Orion ei ole muuta kuin naamioitunut Herakles? Se voi olla, jos ajattelee, että yksi Herakleen töistä oli kreetalaisen härän vangitseminen ja että Orionin ja härän välinen taistelu on kuvattu taivaalla. Ptolemaios kuvaili hänen omaavan sauvan ja leijonan ihon, jotka ovat molemmat tunnettuja Herakleen ominaisuuksia, ja siksi hän on edustettuna vanhoissa tähtikartoissa. Homeros Odysseiassa kuvailee Orionia jättimäiseksi metsästäjäksi, joka on aseistettu tuhoutumattomalla kovalla pronssisella sauvalla. Taivaalla metsästäjän koirat (tähtikuviot Canis Major ja Canis Minor) seuraavat häntä tiiviisti jahtaamassa jänistä. Mutta näistä olosuhteista huolimatta yksikään mytologi ei mainitse mahdollista yhteyttä tämän tähdistön ja Herakleen välillä!
        ellauri391.html on line 179:
        Felicitas Pommerening is an author and game designer.
        ellauri392.html on line 268: Maps of God" (MoG) on Ilanot-projektin digitaalisten humanististen tieteiden lippulaivahanke , joka on omistettu juutalaisten kabbalististen kaavioiden tutkimukselle, joka tunnetaan nimellä ilanot ("puut", jotka ovat monimutkaisesti kaiverrettuja pergamenttikääröjä, jotka on omistettu luvatun maan kartoittamiseen). MoG-alusta esittelee suuren Ilanotin tieteellisiä painoksia käyttämällä innovatiivista linkitettyjen tietojen lähestymistapaa (mind map) jotta tutkijat ja maallikot voivat tutkia näitä kiehtovia esineitä ensimmäistä kertaa.
        ellauri392.html on line 480: Agamemnon was King of the Achaians at the time,
        ellauri392.html on line 496: Not Agamemnon who, as I said, was king at the time
        ellauri392.html on line 525: Or those of my avatar, Agamemnon,
        ellauri392.html on line 562: Agamemnon came home and, as I said, was stabbed by his wife
        xxx/ellauri010.html on line 911: Mielialan heilahtelua on piisannut, epäkunnioitusta auktoriteeteille, arroganssia ja varsinkin kyynisyyttä kiitettävästi. Itsetuhoisuuttakin, ja ihan samasta syystä: olen niin hyvä etten edes kelpaa itselleni. I am my worst enemy, and my own best friend, my Frankenstein, and my lord. My game of solitary, with two roles. Viettelyt on vanhemmiten jääneet mielikuvaharjoittelun asteelle. Onneksi oireet on lieventyneet iän mukana, kun muistaa äidin läksyn: naura sinäkin.

        xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1187: May god forgive you for your transgressions and games,
        xxx/ellauri057.html on line 964: Lao Rui: Joo kemiläinen ope on tajunnut pointin. Ehkä noilla kikkelivilleillä on eräitä elimellisiä ymmärryxen esteitä. Ja ne kattoo liikaa game of thronesia.

        xxx/ellauri057.html on line 967: Lao Rui: No toi et olis pitäny kirjottaa lisää skriptejä game of thronesiin on kyllä aika broilerimainen veto kriitikolta. Mix kirjoitit ton mixet mieluumin tätä.
        xxx/ellauri059.html on line 368: He approaches Shylock and even while asking for help he is unforgivingly insulting to him. He tells him that his ships will be in the port in three days and then he will be able to pay. Shylock agrees to lend him the money. He says, just as a little gambling game, more or less as a little joke, if he isn’t repaid in three months Antonio should give him a pound of his flesh. Antonio agrees to that.
        xxx/ellauri068.html on line 324: One of the earliest mentions of an incubus comes from Mesopotamia on the Sumerian King List, c. 2400 BC, where the hero Gilgamesh's father is listed as Lilu. It is said that Lilu disturbs and seduces women in their sleep, while Lilitu, a female demon, appears to men in their erotic dreams. Two other corresponding demons appear as well: Ardat lili, who visits men by night and begets ghostly children from them, and Irdu lili, who is known as a male counterpart to Ardat lili and visits women by night and begets from them. These demons were originally storm demons, but they eventually became regarded as night demons because of mistaken etymology.
        xxx/ellauri081.html on line 369: For more than 65 years, Dennis personally taught tens of thousands of people to play the game. But as the consummate “teacher of tennis teachers,” his influence in this sport extends to millions of recreational players around the world.
        xxx/ellauri084.html on line 292: Gilgamesh and Enkidu (Sumerian)
        xxx/ellauri086.html on line 625: Alone together, the narrator asks Dupin how he found the letter. Dupin explains the Paris police are competent within their limitations, but have underestimated with whom they are dealing. The prefect mistakes the Minister D— for a fool because he is a poet. (Siis kumpi on? Perfekti vai ministeri Dee? No Poe on ainakin, senhän sanoo nimikin, Poe-t. Ja hölmökin se on.) For example, Dupin explains how an eight-year-old boy made a small fortune from his friends at a game called Odds and Evens. The boy had determined the intelligence of his opponents and played upon that to interpret their next move. Tästä aiheesta on valtava amer. kirjallisuus, koskien vangin dilemman toistoja. He explains that D— knew the police detectives would have assumed that the blackmailer would have concealed the letter in an elaborate hiding place, and thus hid it in plain sight.
        xxx/ellauri086.html on line 654: Thyestes palasi jälleen valtaan, mutta Atreuksen pojat Agamemnonin ja Menelaoksen pelasti heidän hoitajansa Sikyonin. Spartan kuningas Tyndareus haetti Atreuksen pojat luokseen, ja yhdessä he ajoivat Thyesteen jälleen pois. Tyndareus antoi heille tyttärensä vaimoiksi, Klytaimnestra Agamemnonille ja Helenan Menelaokselle, joka peri valtaistuimen Tyndareuksen kuoltua. Näistäkin ämmistä koitui sitten tuhottomasti harmia.
        xxx/ellauri087.html on line 562: As an insurance salesman he sold 120 policies to inmates at an insane asylum. He robbed the Czechoslovakian Olympic ice hockey team of money they were to be paid for an exhibition game and allegedly once tried to blast his way into the Butte County courthouse with dynamite.
        xxx/ellauri087.html on line 566: Knievel earned millions from stunts but it all disappeared through years of financial mismanagement and a gambling addiction that would see him bet $10,000 on the result of a football game.
        xxx/ellauri091.html on line 310: Population can be greatly affected by scramble competition (and contest competition). Intraspecific competition normally leads to a decline of organisms. For example, the more time that an individual spends seeking food and reproduction opportunities, the less energy that organism naturally has to defend oneself against predators, resulting in a "zero-sum game". Competition is a density dependent effect, and scramble competition is no exception. Scramble competition usually involves interactions among individuals of the same species, which makes competition balanced and often leads to a decline of population growth rate as the amount of resources depletes. Ei niin pahaa ettei jotain hyvääkin.
        xxx/ellauri103.html on line 218: As for the culture police’s obsession with “authenticity,” fiction is inherently inauthentic. It’s fake. It’s self-confessedly fake; that is the nature of the form, which is about people who don’t exist and events that didn’t happen. The name of the game is not whether your novel honours reality; it’s all about what you can get away with. Well mine is anyway, I don't know about you. I try to get away with anything that is not nailed or welded fast.
        xxx/ellauri104.html on line 36: Johnny Nash was responsible for multiple equations and mathematical breakthroughs that influenced everything from economics to geometry. Like Nash equilibrium in game theory, one of the worst ideas an ape ever stumbled on. In addition to being a genius intellectual and genius mathematician he also suffered from schizophrenia his entire adult life. Not to put too find a point to it, he was mad as a march hare.
        xxx/ellauri116.html on line 393: Mikäs se nyt oli? Ainiin se 1700-luvun romaani, mulla taitaa olla se, vaikken ole lukenut. A French epistolary novel by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, first published in four volumes by Durand Neveu from March 23, 1782. It is the story of the Marquise de Merteuil and the Vicomte de Valmont, two narcissistic rivals (and ex-lovers) who use seduction as a weapon to socially control and exploit others, all the while enjoying their cruel games and boasting about their talent for manipulation. It has been seen as depicting the corruption and depravity of the French nobility shortly before the French Revolution, and thereby attacking the Ancien Régime. The book has also been described as merely a story about two amoral people.
        xxx/ellauri120.html on line 333: Perhe Trofonios oli poika Erginus kuninkaan Minyan Orchomenus ja veli Agamedes . Mutta Apollon sanotaan olevan hänen jumalallinen isänsä.
        xxx/ellauri120.html on line 334: Mukaan Homeroksen Hymyilevä Apollo, hän rakensi Apollon temppelin oraakkeli klo Delphi kanssa Agamedes. Valmistuttuaan oraakkeli käski veljiä tekemään kaiken, mitä he halusivat kuuden päivän ajan, ja seitsemäntenä heidän suurimman toiveensa täyttyisivät. He tekivät, irstailivat suklaapupuina onkaloissa ja löydettiin kuolleina seitsemäntenä päivänä. Menanderin maksimi, "ne, joita jumalat rakastavat, kuolevat nuorina", tulee tästä tarinasta.
        xxx/ellauri120.html on line 351: Vaihtoehtoisesti mukaan Pausanias he rakensivat aarre kammio (salainen sisäänkäynti vain he tiesivät) King Hyrieus of Boeotia . Salaisen sisäänkäynnin avulla he varastivat Hyrieuksen omaisuuden. Kuningas tiesi, mutta ei tiennyt kuka varas oli; hän asetti virvelän. Agamedes oli loukussa siinä; Trophonius katkaisi päänsä, jotta Hyrieus ei tietäisi kenen ruumis se oli. Sitten hän pakeni Lebadaean luolaan ja katosi ikuisesti. Trophoniusin luola löydettiin uudelleen vasta, kun libadalaiset kärsivät vitsauksesta ja ottivat yhteyttä Delphic Oracleen . Pythia neuvoi heitä, että nimeämätön sankari suuttui on laiminlyöty, ja että ne pitäisi löytää haudassaan ja tarjota hänelle palvomaan viipymättä. Useita epäonnistuneita etsintöjä seurasi, ja rutto jatkui rauhoittumattomana, kunnes paimenpoika seurasi mehiläisten polkua maan reikään. Hunajan sijasta hän löysi daimonin, ja Lebadaea menetti ruttoaan saadessaan suositun oraakelin. Vanha nainen Sibylla kuihtuneena pullossa. Ei ois kannattanut pyytää kuolemattomuutta ilman ikuista nuoruutta. Jumalat vittuilee jos ei lue pientä pränttiä.
        xxx/ellauri122.html on line 184: People are sarcastic when they say the opposite of the truth, or the opposite of their true feelings in order to be funny or to make a point. It is often thought that along with drinking tea and waiting in queues, winning colonial wars and losing football games, being racist pricks and dying in heaps of covid-19, the British have a fondness for sarcasm.
        xxx/ellauri122.html on line 913: In Orson Scott Card's militarised science-fiction universe, children are trained as soldiers in a series of games to prepare for future attacks from insect-like aliens. One child in particular, Ender Wiggin, becomes the tactical genius of the group as the story unfolds.
        xxx/ellauri123.html on line 233: In July of last year, Troy “Puppeh” Wells (m) released a Twitlonger where he explained Cinnpie (f) had initiated sexual conversations with him in 2016, when he was 14 years old. Wells is at the top of the game Smash Ultimate. Ultimate is the best-selling fighting game of all time, having sold over 23 million copies by March 2021. Cinnpie is an American streamer and gamer. She is also a renowned Esports Commentator. She is mainly famous for her Smash 4 Gameplays in Twitch.
        xxx/ellauri123.html on line 239: Cinnpie´s response comes after a prolonged silence on Twitter. She added a letter from her lawyers to her statement, a cease and desist to all the defamatory comments online. Creampie acknowledges that "I was an irresponsible, inappropriate, and immature 23 year old in 2016… and I deserve all of this. Sitä saa mitä tilaa. I may be a pussy pedophile, but I am not evil. I am not a crook. All I care ab is my favorite games & making my friends laugh." LOL
        xxx/ellauri123.html on line 619: Instead of taking shots at others, most people decide to draw up — and lose at — another imagined game: Who’s better? It’s a moot question. We have no idea what anyone’s story is like up to the page on which we meet them.
        xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1045: Many a true word is spoken in jest, especially about the kinship between eros and thanatos. FUCK! KILL! Puuttuu enää EAT! The two closest glimpses Humbert gives us of his own self-hatred are not without their death wish—made explicit in the closing paragraphs—and their excremental aspects: "I am lanky, big-boned, wooly-chested Humbert Humbert, with thick black eyebrows and a queer accent, and a cesspoolful of rotting monsters behind his slow boyish smile." Two hundred pages later: "The turquoise blue swimming pool some distance behind the lawn was no longer behind that lawn, but within my thorax, and my organs swam in it like excrements in the blue sea water in Nice." And then there's the offhand aside "Since (as the psychotherapist, as well as the rapist, will tell you) the limits and rules of such girlish games are fluid …" in which it takes a moment to notice that "therapist" and "the rapist" are in direct apposition.
        xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1096: Burlingame. She began reading when she was very
        xxx/ellauri124.html on line 162: "And then I realised over time it didn't detract from our relationship. I can see why it makes women feel objectified but when you play with them you realise they are more like a toy or game versus the doll as a substitute for you."
        xxx/ellauri125.html on line 419: teinit parkkipaikalla. Agamemnon haluaa tätä tyttöä paljon enemmän kuin vaimoaan
        xxx/ellauri126.html on line 540: The videogame character Shadow The Hedgehog is the best example of the redundant Edgelord mentality.
        xxx/ellauri127.html on line 238: Nabokov, as he admitted it, had hidden a riddle-game left for the benefit of the deserving reader. Lolita’s riddle.
        xxx/ellauri127.html on line 473: Kysyin rikkailta ihmisiltä mitä ne tekee työkseen. No ne ostaa halvannäköisiä peltiautoja ja muoviveneitä, leikkaa kuponkeja ja laskee konehella setelinippuja. Tästä puuttuu tonni. Syö harvinaisia eläimiä ja bylsii mosambikilaisia ja nubiileja tyttöjä. Järjestää Squid gameja joissa tapetaan velkaisia vähemmän koreita apinoita. Siinähän se on, EAT! FUCK! KILL! taas kerran lueteltuna.
        xxx/ellauri129.html on line 677: Henry Jones (2 November 1831 – 10 February 1899) was an English writer under the name "Cavendish", an authority on whist and other card games, tennis and other lawn games. Aivan vitun iso hipsterparta muttei wiixiä. Haavuri "Dervishi" Jonesin poikia. Loppupeleissä Henryllä meni aika heikosti.
        xxx/ellauri136.html on line 524: game-clipart-9.jpg" />
        xxx/ellauri137.html on line 703: Ghost of Tsushima is a video game. Its main characters never existed in real historical texts. Jin Sakai and his uncle, Lord Shimura, are completely fictional characters.
        xxx/ellauri148.html on line 491: Bamberg, Germany. Unesco-Welltag der Philosophie by Bamberg Universität. Man is only fully human where he plays (Friedrich Schiller). Play is still a largely unexamined phenomenon in ethics education. Despite the numerous possibilities of using it (e.g. as a role play), the traditional text discussion is still the standard. In interaction, the participants and the lecturer will discuss and test different possibilities of a game-centered ethics education. The central question is: Which competencies can be opened up through the use of playful methods? To make sure that it does not just remain theoretical, we offer all participating students a city tour of a different kind: By means of a rally on the app Action-Bound, the participants get to know Bamberg not only with its well-known sights, but also from a philosophical point of view. In addition to answering questions about the content, there are also smaller but philosphically no less important tasks to complete.
        xxx/ellauri157.html on line 413: Of those double games I hear
        xxx/ellauri165.html on line 489: Azrael (/ˈæzriəl/; Hebrew: עֲזַרְאֵל, romanized: ʿÁzarʾēl; Arabic: عزرائيل, romanized: ʿAzrāʾēl or ʿEzrāʾēl) is the angel of death in some Abrahamic religions, namely Islam and some traditions of Judaism. He is also referenced in Sikhism. In the Smurfs, the cat of the evil wizard Gargamel is called Azrael. In Hebrew, Azrael translates to "Angel of God" or "Help from God".
        xxx/ellauri166.html on line 145: Crepundia Video game items‎ (17 P)
        xxx/ellauri166.html on line 304: From that initial catastrophe, the highest sparks fell to the lowest places. In particular, Shechinah descended within this world to seek out our souls (also feminine), so that this world and this life of ours should play out as not just another zero-sum game, but as a win-win investment with incomparable returns.
        xxx/ellauri166.html on line 436: Tefillin (hepr. ‏תפילין‎) ovat nahasta tehtyjä koteloita, joiden sisältämiin pergamentteihin on kirjoitettu Tooran jakeita. Tefillinejä käytetään aamurukouksissa, ja uskovat juutalaiset laittavat ne ylleen päivittäin sapattia ja juhlapyhiä lukuun ottamatta. Tefillinejä on kaksi: toinen sidotaan käsivarteen, toinen otsalle hiusrajan yläpuolelle.
        xxx/ellauri167.html on line 612: Illuminati, a card game from Steve Jackson Games, was inspired by the books. A trading card game, Illuminati: New World Order, and a role-playing game, GURPS Illuminati, followed.
        xxx/ellauri167.html on line 614: Shea provided in 1983 a brief introduction for the Illuminati Expansion Set rule book. "Maybe," he wrote, "the Illuminati are behind this game. They must be. They are, by definition, behind everything."
        xxx/ellauri175.html on line 790: Jos hysteerisen yliherkkyyden tilassa indusoiva affiniteetti voi siten yhdistää potilaan elimistön näiden aineiden intiimeihin ominaisuuksiin ja houkutella niiden elävää vaikutusta lasin ja pergamentin huokosten läpi - kuten magneetti tekee vaikutuksen, lasin ja kankaiden läpi, rautaa, ― jos on vihdoin kiistatonta, että jonkinlainen hämärä magnetismi lähtee ulos jopa kasvi- ja mineraaliaineista ja voi ylittää ― ilman induktoreita, ― esteitä ja etäisyyksiä niin, että saan vaikutuksen elävään olentoon erityisellä hyvellään, kuinka voisin ihmetteletkö suunnattomasti, että kolmen samantyyppisen lajin yksilön välillä, jotka on asetettu toisiinsa yhteisen sähkömagnetoidun keskuksen avulla, nesteet ovat tietyllä hetkellä korrelatiivisia siinä määrin, että kyseinen ilmiö on tapahtunut?
        xxx/ellauri179.html on line 468: Juice stepped inside and Papa looked at Nick. “You hunt big game with a gun. But for me—a bull or a man you fight with your hands.”
        xxx/ellauri179.html on line 769: Thank you, really appreciated reading this. I am new to the chicken game and learning on a daily basis. Today one of mine was egg-bound, she seems fine now though and I saw her and another eating her egg yolk but I’m a bit concerned it broke insider her. If you have any advice, would love to know. I am googling and also likely to take to the vet on Monday (it is Saturday so vets not open). Thanks again, well written blog!

        xxx/ellauri179.html on line 992: Indeed, it could be a parlor game on the order of listing the famous alcoholics in American literature: Name the 20th-century authors who were anti-Semites — Theodore Dreiser; Hemingway; F. Scott Fitzgerald (a little); Sinclair Lewis; Ezra Pound, of course; T. S. Eliot; William Faulkner; Thomas Wolfe — the list goes on.
        xxx/ellauri193.html on line 54: Psychopathy is characterised by a superficial charm and callousness. People high in such traits often show an erratic lifestyle and antisocial behaviour. Machiavellianism derives from the writings of Niccolò Machiavelli, a Renaissance author, historian and philosopher. He described power games involving deception, treachery and crime. Thus, machiavellianism refers to an exploitative, cynical and manipulative nature. Narcissism is characterised by an exaggerated sense of entitlement, superiority and grandiose thinking, while sadism denotes a drive to inflict and enjoy pain in others.
        xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1024: "Matt Walsh wants to beat the left at their own game." - The Federalist
        xxx/ellauri200.html on line 318: to get it back. The game delighted all the neighbours'
        xxx/ellauri202.html on line 196: Roger Martin du Gard (23 March 1881 – 22 August 1958) was a French novelist, winner of the 1937 Nobel Prize for Literature. Martin du Gard, homosexual by inclination and avocation, was miserably married to a devout Catholic who despised all his literary friends. Martin du Gard is much impressed with the fine appearance of the German race. The handsome boys and beautiful young girls are, to him, a reincarnation of ancient Greece. Martin du Gard reported back to André Gide on the wonders and delights of Berlin, where he had found the young involved in ‘natural, gratuitous pleasures, sport, bathing, free love, games, [and] a truly pagan, Dionysiac freedom’.
        xxx/ellauri215.html on line 376: This is not a world where the big can rule over the small. What the world needs to see is a game rules-based international order where all of us can at least believe that we stick to the rules, the U.S. rules which Russia is not sticking to at the moment.
        xxx/ellauri218.html on line 114: “We’re still stuck in this view that war is like the Super Bowl: We meet on the field, both sides have uniforms, we score points, someone wins, and when the game ends you go home,”
        xxx/ellauri218.html on line 142: Donnie Ray Moore (February 13, 1954 – July 18, 1989) was an American relief pitcher in Major League Baseball (MLB) who played for the Chicago Cubs (1975, 1977–79), St. Louis Cardinals (1980), Milwaukee Brewers (1981), Atlanta Braves (1982–84) and California Angels (1985–88). Moore is best remembered for the home run he gave up to Dave Henderson while pitching for the California Angels in Game 5 of the 1986 American League Championship Series. With only one more strike needed to clinch the team's first-ever pennant, he allowed the Boston Red Sox to come back and eventually win the game. Boston then won Games 6 and 7 to take the series. Shortly after his professional career ended, he shot his wife three times in a dispute, failed to finish her and then committed suicide. Kylmä olen sitten huono. En osu edes omaan päähäni. Kierot palefacet puhuvat tyhmän Simson-nekrun ympäri. Hyvässä sovussa lähdetään ottelusta autolle.
        xxx/ellauri225.html on line 170: Akaan talous perustui käteiseen, ei luottoon. In Cod we trust, all others pay cash. Tää lukee taalan setelissä. Akaan porukat on ilmeisesti ketkuja. Raakoja, primitiivisiä ja tyhmiä. Epäluuloisia, eivät hellitä papusäkistä. Penan Tero ja Teron Pena oli homoja, niinkuin Enkidu ja Gilgamesh. Tero kuoli käsikähmässä ja sen kunniaxi Pena hyppäsi yli reelingin huutaen: Goodbye everybody!
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 544: No no, Robinson, formerly Expedition Robinson, is a Swedish reality game show and the original version of the international Survivor format. Ei siinä ollut vaan 1 mies, vaan useampia, plus useita isotissisiä naisia, joista miehille tulee kova kisa, ja kääntäen. Daniel ei osannut. Sen kirja on melkein koko ajan ihmisen kamppailua luontoa vastaan. Väärin väärin, luonto on jo päihitetty, jäljellä on vaan toiset apinat. Ja mitä homoilua tämä on:
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 562: The British-Swedish-American television show places a group of strangers in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves. They are initially divided into two tribes. The contestants compete in challenges for rewards and immunity from gang rape. The remaining contestants are eventually merged into a single tribe. The contestants are progressively eliminated from the game as they are voted out by their fellow contestants or, as may be the result after the merge, lose an immunity challenge until only one remains and is awarded a grand prize. A Robinsonian version of the American Dream.
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 593: The magazine format allowed for interviews, live music, features and even game shows. The flexible late-night format meant that guests could do just about anything to be controversial.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 235: Hoblan ainut edes jotenkin lukukelpoinen sarakenikkari Fredrik Sonck on saanut potkut lehdestä varmaan mädännäisen Erja Ala-Tuuhosen toimesta. Viele vehen vasemmalle ja se on game over. Sama kohtalo saattaa olla edessä hiukka liikaa tuuleen kääntyneellä ex-talousliberaali Torstenilla, joka kehtaa epäillä charitymiljardöörien motia näillä sanoilla:
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 685: Ei vittu tän ihmishirviön esimerkki elävästi todistaa sen minkä Darwin olisi voinut jo etukäteen sanoa: ei voi olla mitään oikeasti kaikille toimivaa moraalia johonka kaikki olisivat tyytyväisiä, koska tää on kaikki olemassaolon kilpailua, nolla tai suorastaan väheneväsummapeliä, game of attrition ilman tasapelejä. Se minkä Singer ahtaa taskuihinsa on pois toisilta, kazo vaikka Australian alkuperäislajeja ja vaaleanpunaisten apinoiden siellä vääjäämättä tuhoamaa luontoa. Kaikki ei voi voittaa, mutta kaikki voivat hävitä, ja toivottavasti häviävätkin mahd pian koko pallolta. Lisää inhottavia personisteja löytyy albumista 260.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 709: On being asked about his previously stated ethical views that it's unacceptable to do unethical things for the greater good, he disagreed with those views and said that expressing those views was a "dumb game we woke westerners play where we say all the right shibboleths and so everyone likes us".
        xxx/ellauri252.html on line 567: The Marshall Attack is an aggressive line in the Ruy Lopez, where Black sacrifices a pawn by playing d5 to gain initiative and a kingside attack. Frank Marshall famously debuted it in his game against José Raúl Capablanca in 1918. Marshall lost the game. White wins in well over half the plays.
        xxx/ellauri265.html on line 486: Panzar is a massively multiplayer online game featuring a multiplayer online battle arena developed and published by Russian Panzar Studio for Microsoft Windows. It is a free-to-play game, supported by micro-transactions. A prime example of communicative capitalism from an excommunicated ex-communist society.
        xxx/ellauri287.html on line 381:

      3. Nicknames: Messenger, Watcher, Supervisor for God, War game host, Son of the mighty, Son of God, Chariot.
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 630: Euripides oli sanomassa "Oinomaū gamei korēn ( nai Oinomaoksen tyttären).”
        xxx/ellauri295.html on line 214: Morton lyö vetoa että kirje Timofeille oli Patun viimeinen, kirjoitettu jostain kellariloukosta. Pallen pyynnöt siinä ovat kyllä aika vanhusmaisia: lisää Tena vaippoja, ja pergamenttia, joka oli jäänyt Trooaseen jonkun Polykarpin taloon. Luukasa on täällä kanssani, hän on lääkäri.
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 255: Oppimaton Patti Mulkkinen sortuu moniin virhepäätelmiin. Ensixi, että paskaa vääntämällä pergamentille voisi tulla kuolemattomaxi. Vittu ei, samalla lailla mätänette silti. Sielu ja sen monumentit ynnä muut meemit on vain typeriä kuoria, trilobiitteja. Toisexi, se että joku on väärässä todistaa että vastapuoli on oikeassa. Paskanmarjat, mitä todennäköisemmin ovat kumpikin väärässä ja vielä samalla lailla. 2 väärää ei tee 1 oikeaa.
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 531: Yogi Berra oli typerälippalakkinen pesäpallisti jonka luonnetyyppi oli ISFP (introverted sensing feeling perceiving). Se kexi paljon Matti Nykäsmäisiä aforismeja. Unassuming yet passionate athlete. Kuoli samana vuonna kuin Warren mutta 8v vanhempana. Se oli italiaano 2. polven immigrantti jonka äiti ei osannut sanoa "Lawrence". He received the nickname "Yogi" from his friend Jack Maguire, who, after seeing a newsreel about India, said that he resembled a yogi from India whenever he sat around with arms and legs crossed waiting to bat or while looking sad after a losing game. Se oli hörökorvainen pikkumies, muistutti kyllä aika lailla Yodaa kuvissa.
        xxx/ellauri305.html on line 236: gamempire.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Dead-or-Alive-Xtreme-3_2015_10-16-15_001.jpg" height="200px" />
        xxx/ellauri354.html on line 236: Hemingway's preoccupation with violence dominated his life. Tässä se nähtiin taas. He won the Nobel prize of literature in 1945. Figures. Big game hunting, deep sea fishing, military exploits, physical prowess, heavy boozing. Ilmiselvä homo.Tästä aiheesta on paljon paasausta ennestäänkin. Old man and the Seagram.
        xxx/ellauri376.html on line 602: Achille avec Agamemnon ?
        xxx/ellauri376.html on line 780: Akhilleuksen Agamemnonista?
        xxx/ellauri379.html on line 161:

        Gilgamesh eepos

        xxx/ellauri379.html on line 246: The Mass Effect series has been the subject of several major video game controversies. A cutscene from the first Mass Effect, which contains depictions of partial nudity and total sexual activity, was accused by neoconservative media outlets of being obscene content in late 2007. Controversy over the cutscene, especially one version which depicts a potent intimate scene between Liara T'Soni and a female Commander Shepard, attracted at least one instance of government scrutiny, which led to the game being briefly banned in Singapore. The controversy prompted an intervention from BioWare management into the development of Mass Effect 2 to remove planned same sex romantic content for companion characters Taylor Wift and Applejack.
        xxx/ellauri380.html on line 413: Kirjassa on myös useita elokuvan vinkeixi kirjoitettuja "näytöksixi" merkittyjä välisoittoja. Samaa toiveikkuutta ilmeni Jaakko Yli-Juotikkaan Gilgamesh-eepoxessa.