ellauri009.html on line 36: Pass by and curse thy fill, but pass and stay not here thy gait.
ellauri021.html on line 455: gait-belt-still.jpg" width="30%" />
ellauri025.html on line 867: No jos ei pysty lukemaan edes Kotiliettä, on syytä paniikkiin. Samana vuonna 2002 mä täytin 50 ja tajusin, et tää on nyt tässä. Kesällä ajelin Darwinissa yxinäni, jos wallabeja ei lasketa. Yhden yli ajoinkin kaappiautolla yöpimeässä. Budgerigaita räpistel puissa kuin varpusia kotona. Mezä tuoksui eukalyptuspastillilta. Kuin olisi apteekissa retkellä. Hilpeänä ajelin kuin Hilding matkailuautossa, en tosin juonut. Radiosta soi australialainen tanssibändimusiikki. No ei, ei se ollut päällä.
ellauri051.html on line 1055: 466 My gait is no fault-finder's or rejecter's gait, 466 Minun kävelyni ei ole viallisen etsijän tai hylkääjän kävely,
ellauri052.html on line 108: I heard Bellow deliver the PEN speech on “American Writers and Their Public” to a packed hall in London on March 22, 1986. He had just suffered the death of his brothers and agonising break with Alexandra. Exhausted by jet-lag, stiff-gaited and parchment-skinned, he seemed terribly old and shattered. His talk ranged widely and wildly but, rambling and unfocused, he could not — like Ezra Pound in the Cantos — make it cohere.
ellauri052.html on line 882: I heard Bellow deliver the PEN speech on “American Writers and Their Public” to a packed hall in London on March 22, 1986. He had just suffered the death of his brothers and agonising break with Alexandra. Exhausted by jet-lag, stiff-gaited and parchment-skinned, he seemed terribly old and shattered. His talk ranged widely and wildly but, rambling and unfocused, he could not — like Ezra Pound in the Cantos — make it cohere.
ellauri213.html on line 197: gait. They may also experience seizures. A diagnosis of
ellauri240.html on line 274: Donec eris felix multos numerabis amicos. Tempora si fuerint nubila solus eris. Ante obitum nemo supremaque funera felix. Here lie I, Timon, who alive, all living men did hate, Pass by, and curse thy fill, but pass and stay not here thy gait."
ellauri378.html on line 174: Täällä on Dagestan. Sitä asuttavat avaarien lisäxi darginit, kumykit, lezgit, lakit, venäläiset, azerit, tabasaranit, tšetšeenit, nogait, rutulit, agulit, vuoristojuutalaiset ja muumit.