ellauri005.html on line 1175: One perhaps whose truthfulness you doubt a bit,
ellauri042.html on line 885: Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, or in full Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, and severall steps in my Sicknes, is a prose work by the English metaphysical poet and cleric in the Church of England John Donne (22 January 1572 - 31 March 1631) , published in 1624. It covers death, rebirth and the Elizabethan concept of sickness as a French visit from God, reflecting internal sinfulness. The Devotions were written in December 1623 as Donne recovered from a serious but unknown illness – believed to be relapsing fever or typhus. Having come close to death, he described the illness he had suffered from and his thoughts throughout his recovery with "near super-human speed and concentration". Registered by 9 January, and published soon after, the Devotions is one of only seven works attributed to Donne which were printed during his lifetime.
ellauri048.html on line 1680: And weep the fulness from the mind:
ellauri049.html on line 97: Thy hungry eyes, even till they wink with fulness, tyhjennettyäsi tänään kamat pussiin,
ellauri051.html on line 1005: 418 I can cheerfully take it now, or with equal cheerfulness I can wait. 418 Voin ottaa sen iloisesti nyt, tai yhtä iloisesti voin odottaa.
ellauri071.html on line 565: The Qliphoth of Hod, similarly is founded on the idea of a radiating object: our eyes are blinded and cannot look behind the radiating surface. Unauthentic brilliance can be understood as the beginning of illusion and deceit. In the realm of the mind the shadow of Hod therefore is represented by the lie, artfulness or beguilement. At the same time the demon of Hod correlates to the ideas of fickleness, hesitation and lack of determination - the negative fluctuations of our mind. The Qliphoth of Hod is called ‘Samael‘ which can be translated as ‘The Deceitful Ones‘ (german, ‘Die Täuscher’, kr. diabolos) or ‘Poison of God’ (german, ‘Das Gift Gottes’).
ellauri072.html on line 548: But yes, Wallace was extremely competitive, even to the point of competing about not being competitive. One of the wincing pleasures of Max’s biography is reading excerpts from Wallace’s correspondence, especially with his close friend and combatant Jonathan Franzen, but also with just about every white male writer he might ever have viewed as a rival or mentor. Aggressive self-abasement, grandstanding, veiled abuse, genuine thoughtfulness, thin-skinned pandering — it’s all there. As the correspondents compete about who is making genuine human connections and who and what is really nice and good, they seem to be in some realm far from most kinds of human connection save for that of heated testosteronic battle.
ellauri074.html on line 531: MATHIAS ORTLIEB: Hej Sara! Börja med att se om du online kan hitta information om självhjälp vid ångest, avslappning, mindfulness och information om vad ångest är. Börja med det och testa ett antal övningar under några veckor, blir det sämre så kontakta mig med foto bifogat. Spela massvis computerspel tex Outlast och Manhunt 2. Kolla också dopingtips på mina MKUltra sidor. Pröva True-fit väst.
ellauri080.html on line 166: Standard features of this dimension include high levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, and goal-directed behaviors. Highly conscientious people tend to be organized and mindful of details. They plan ahead, think about how their behavior affects others, and are mindful of deadlines.
ellauri080.html on line 363: Self-directedness (self-concept) is one of the three aspects of human character in Cloninger’s biopsychosociospiritual model of personality (Cloninger et al. 1993). This character trait involves a person’s sense of responsibility, hopeful purpose, self-acceptance, self-actualization, and resourcefulness (Cloninger 2004). See Cooperativeness and Self-transcendence for the other two aspects of human character.
ellauri083.html on line 655: As nouns the difference between mirth and joy is that mirth is the emotion usually following humour and accompanied by laughter; merriment; jollity; gaiety while joy is a feeling of extreme happiness or cheerfulness, especially related to the acquisition or expectation of something good.
ellauri088.html on line 167: Välillä sopii tehä vähän mindfulnessia. Se on jotain buddhismin ja trainspottingin välimuotoa.
ellauri096.html on line 53: Typically prophecies like catastrophe warnings are made to serve opposite goals simultaneously. Competition between accuracy and helpfulness makes it possible for a prediction to be self-fulfilling by being self-defeating. Consider a prophet who warns ‘Your godless life will cause fatalities along the sinners’. Because of the warning, spectacle-seekers make a special trip to witness the carnage. They die like flies. The prophet’s announcement succeeds as a prediction by backfiring as a warning, or conversely.
ellauri098.html on line 533: ISFJs are caring and helpful. They are devoted to protecting and helping out those in need. ISFJs have very strong family ties and are quick to leap to the defense of their family. Sometimes, however, take on too much responsibility and lose sight of the big picture while trying to help everyone around them. They can also be too unassertive and pushovers for those who want to take advantage of their helpfulness. But there is no friend to have like an ISFJ when you find yourself in need of help.
ellauri108.html on line 73: In the King James Version of the Christian Bible, the Hebrew יהּ is transliterated as "JAH" (capitalised) in only one instance: "Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him". An American Translation renders the Hebrew word as "Yah" in this verse. In the 1885 Revised Version and its annotated study edition, The Modern Reader's Bible, which uses the Revised Version as its base text, also transliterates "JAH" in Psalms 89:8 which reads,"O LORD God of hosts, who is a mighty one, like unto thee, O JAH? and thy faithfulness is round about thee".
ellauri115.html on line 410: He was still insistent on his love for Rousseau - at least when writing to his French friends. He told one, "I have never known a man more amiable and more virtuous than he appears to me; he is mild, gentle, modest, affectionate, disinterested; and above all, endowed with a sensibility of heart in a supreme degree ... for my part, I think I could pass all my life in his company without any danger of our quarrelling ..." Indeed, a source of their concord, Hume thought, was that neither one of them was disputatious. When he repeated the sentiments to D'Holbach, the baron was glad that Hume had "not occasion to repent of the kindness you have shown ... I wish some friends, whom I value very much, had not more reasons to complain of his unfair proceedings, printed imputations, ungratefulness &c."
ellauri115.html on line 606: One, perhaps, whose truthfulness you doubt a bit.
ellauri119.html on line 758: Alisa is right that an existential sentence is in principle easier to prove than its negative. Just produce a specimen. I bet she filched it from Karl Popper. The negation takes another universal premise to prove it from. But God is a harder nut. If God supporters could produce the specimen, they'd still need to prove uniqueness and the requisite universal properties. God opposers try to argue they do not need that hypothesis. Thing is the supporters clearly feel that need. It's not logic, it's a eusocial insect's builtin circuit. Less stupid egomaniacs are aware of its usefulness as a mind numbing anesthesiac, opium for the masses. Fiction or fact, its a great hypothesis. It would deserve inventing if it did not come pre-installed. Alisa was a silly hag.
ellauri132.html on line 89: Hetkinen extää läsnäolo ollu sitä mindfulnessiä? Just sitä. Ympäri käydään yhteen tullaan. Kylnää on kaikki tätä samaa scheissea.
ellauri132.html on line 102: "- Kundilta ei tullut edes textaria. Törkeää." Naiset marssivat ohi suuttuneen näköisinä. Kuinka hölmöjä me ihmiset olemme. Suutumme mitättömästä. Tää on mindfulnessiä. Koirat ovat aina niin iloisia. Ne eivät tarvi onnellisuuteen muuta kuin nurmikentän ja kepin. Koiragolfia. Ajattelin äitiä ja tunsin niin suurta rakkautta että olin poxahtaa. Pystyin näkemään että kaikella oli tarkoitus.
ellauri133.html on line 662: Shùnlì success, smoothness, prosperity, successfulness,
ellauri133.html on line 689: Shùnshǒu success, successfulness, prosperity, smoothness,
ellauri133.html on line 694: Shùndang prosperity, smoothness, success, successfulness,
ellauri140.html on line 41: John Finn, medical director of palliative care at the Catholic St. John's Hospital, said Kevorkian's methods were unorthodox and inappropriate. He added that many of Kevorkian's patients were isolated, lonely, and potentially depressed, and therefore in no state to mindfully choose whether to live or die. Mindfulnessia peliin. Suikki on oikeesti iloinen asia, sanoi Faunia. Vielä iloisempi on eutanasia.
ellauri140.html on line 585: Their bellies swolne he saw with fulnesse burst, Se näki niiden masujen pullistuvan niin,
ellauri143.html on line 80: Considered one of the greatest works ever written on ethics and morality, it is known for its universality and secular nature. Its authorship is traditionally attributed to Valluvar, also known in full as Vallu Mursu. In addition, it highlights truthfulness, self-restraint, gratitude, hospitality, kindness, goodness of wife, duty, giving, and so on and so forth, besides covering a wide range of social and political topics such as king, ministers, taxes, justice, farts, war, greatness of army and soldier's honor, death sentence for the wicked, agriculture, education, abstinence from alcohol and intoxicants.
ellauri147.html on line 860: faces to find out the current standard of good looks on the Internet. On the Hot or Not web site, people rate others' attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10. An average score based on hundreds or even thousands of individual ratings takes only a few days to emerge. To make this hot or not palette of morphed images, photos from the site were sorted by rank and used SquirlzMorph to create multi-morph composites from them. Unlike projects like Face of Tomorrow, where the subjects are posed for the purpose, the portraits are blurry because the source images are of low resolution with differences in variables such as posture, hair styles and glasses, so that in this instance images could use only 36 control points for the morphs. A similar study was done with Miss Universe contestants, as shown in the averageness article, as well as one for age, as shown in the youthfulness article.
ellauri153.html on line 488: God’s faithfulness: how can God act so that justice is eventually
ellauri164.html on line 495: The book of Deuteronomy shows Moses giving several sermon-type speeches to the people, reminding them of God’s saving power and faithfulness. He gives the second reading of the Law (Deuteronomy 5) and prepares this generation of Israelites to receive the promises of God. Moses himself is prohibited from entering the land because of his sin at Meribah (Numbers 20:10-13). At the end of the book of Deuteronomy, Moses’ death is recorded (Deuteronomy 34). He climbed Mount Nebo and is allowed to look upon the Promised Land. Moses was 120 years old when he died, and the Bible records that his “eye was undimmed and his vigor unabated” (Deuteronomy 34:7). The Lord Himself buried Moses (Deuteronomy 34:5–6), and Joshua took over as leader of the people (Deuteronomy 34:9). Deuteronomy 34:10–12 says, " Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, who did all those signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt—to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land. For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel."
ellauri164.html on line 550: 2. He spoke to the people, not with meekness and calm authority, but in heat and bitterness. "Ye rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" Thus he "spake unadvisedly with his lips" (Psalm 106:33) instead of his stick. It is not difficult to understand how Moses should have so far forgotten himself on this occasion. Let the facts be weighed. The servant of the Lord is now 120 years old. The generation which sinned thirty-seven years ago, and was condemned to die in the wilderness, is nearly all gone. Moses is mortified to find that the new generation is infected with a touch of the same impatient unbelief which wrought in their fathers so much mischief. No sooner are they at a loss for water than they rise against Moses with rebellious murmurings. For once he loses command of himself. On all former occasions of the kind his meekness was unshaken; he either held his peace, or prayed for the rebels, or at most called on the Lord to be his Witness and Judge. Now he breaks out into bitter chidings. At the root of this there was a secret failure of faith. "Ye believed me not," - did not thoroughly rely on my faithfulness and power, - "to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel" (verse 12). His former meekness had been the fruit of faith. He had been thoroughly persuaded that the Lord who was with him could accomplish all he had promised, and therefore he faced every difficulty with calm and patient resolution. Now a touch of unbelief bred in him hastiness and bitterness of spirit.
ellauri164.html on line 588:
Moses’ Unfaithfulness at Meribah (Numbers 20:2-13)
ellauri164.html on line 879: This interpretation is solidified by Moses’ words about this event in the Book of Deuteronomy. Three times in the first four chapters of Deuteronomy, Moses says that he is not able to enter the Promised Land because of Israel. At first glance, again, this might seem an unfair charge. Moses had caused his own exclusion, hadn’t he? Why is he accusing the generation after the event in Numbers 20 of being the cause of his failure? If we look at these three mentions, we see a few important facts. In the first instance, Deuteronomy 1:37, Moses is recounting the failure of Israel when they listened to the 10 spies’ negative report and how God forbade that generation from entering the Promised Land, and he then says “The Lord was angry with me also on your account, saying, ‘Not even you shall enter there.’” Moses associates his inability to enter the Promised Land with Israel’s rebellion and unfaithfulness, but he also seems to be lumping the people’s refusal to enter the land (Numbers 13-14) with his own sin in Numbers 20. This is not Moses forgetting the chronology of these two events, but rather indicating that they are closely associate with one another.
ellauri171.html on line 679: The first important lesson from this account is that the Bible indicates God did not approve of the horrible sins that occurred in the city of Gibeah. Judges 20:18, 23, 28, 35 repeatedly reveal that God directed the other tribes of Israel to action against a morally evil tribe. This reveals that the accusation of some that Scripture is silent about the evil that occurred is wrong. The reason the account is recorded is summarized at the end of Judges 21. There God reveals that He condemned the nation of Israel for its actions in Judges 19-21. Judges 21:25 says, “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” It reveals what happens when men and women abandon God. Romans 3:10-18 states the human race is utterly perverted and their actions will demonstrate it. It says no one seeks after God. “There is not even one!” We have all turned aside from God. Jesus said to the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:17 that there is only One who is good and He is God. The rest of Romans 3:10-18 describes our utter sinfulness and despicable behavior when we abandon God. That describes the inhabitants of Gibeah and the nation of Benjamin. Tämmöistä sakinhivutusta suositaan armeijoissa nykyäänkin. Jos syyllistä ei saada kiinni, pannaan koko komppania kärsimään. Hemmetti tää on kyllä alkeellista touhua. Kuka tästä enää haluaa mitään oppia? No vizi on että raamatun lukijoista on varmasti yli 50% just yhtä alkeellista porukkaa. Ei apinat ole mihkään muuttuneet, ne on sopeutuneet tähän.
ellauri171.html on line 795: At this point, Jesus said to His disciples, “it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:23). Hard but not impossible. A camel can be diluted in acid and injected thru a needle. Anyway it was just the name of a gate in Jerusalem. This is because the care of riches in this life can be a snare for a Christian. A Christian’s heart cannot be set on riches and cares of this world above the Kingdom of God. In another example, the parable of the sower, Jesus warned that some who receive the word of God will allow their spiritual growth to be choked off by “the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches” (Matthew 13:22). These things show us that being poor can help a Christian not to be ensnared by such things. No cause to complain then.
ellauri171.html on line 1076: There are few words to describe the awfulness of this story, but let's give it the old college try: dismal, depressing, embarrassing and utterly lacking in any artistic or social worth.
ellauri182.html on line 187: As in other Pure Land Buddhist schools, Amitābha is a central focus of the Buddhist practice, and Jōdo Shinshū expresses this devotion through a chanting practice called nembutsu, or "Mindfulness of the Buddha [Amida]". The nembutsu is simply reciting the phrase Namu Amida Butsu ("I take refuge in Amitābha Buddha"). Jōdo Shinshū is not the first school of Buddhism to practice the nembutsu but it is interpreted in a new way according to Shinran. The nembutsu becomes understood as an act that expresses gratitude to Amitābha; furthermore, it is evoked in the practitioner through the power of Amida's unobstructed compassion. Therefore, in Shin Buddhism, the nembutsu is not considered a practice, nor does it generate karmic merit. It is simply an affirmation of one's gratitude. Indeed, given that the nembutsu is the Name, when one utters the Name, that is Amitābha calling to the devotee. This is the essence of the Name-that-calls.[7]
ellauri184.html on line 518: The Book of Genesis explains circumcision as a covenant with God given to Abraham,[Gen 17:10] In Judaism it "symbolizes the promise of lineage and fruitfulness of a great (???) nation," the "seal of ownership (???) and the guarantee of relationship between peoples and their god." Some scholars look elsewhere for the origin of Jewish circumcision. One explanation, dating from Herodotus, is that the custom was acquired from the Egyptians, possibly during the period of enslavement. An additional hypothesis, based on linguistic/ethnographic work begun in the 19th century, suggests circumcision was a common tribal custom among Semitic tribes (Jews, Arabs, and Phoenicians).
ellauri189.html on line 728: Some Pashtuns, especially from young generations, are doubting that this is true. In this article I’ll explore the possibilities of how this tradition could have originated. From this exploration it will become clear that doubting the truthfulness of this tradition is irrational. I would also outline some common traditions of Pashtuns and Jews, some of them are based on the Torah, which further confirm that this tradition is true and that Pashtuns are really Bene Israel. I’ll then say a few words about DNA testing and finally talk about the implications of this tradition.
ellauri219.html on line 777: Patanjalin kuuden pointin treeniohjelma: First faith; and then from faith, valour; from valour, right mindfulness; from right mindfulness, a one-pointed aspiration toward the soul; from this, perception; and finally, full vision as the soul.
ellauri226.html on line 283: peacefulness of the ’50s’ and ’60s coincided with the arrival of black and
ellauri241.html on line 724: Into forgetfulness; and, for the sage, unohdukseen; ja viisaalle:
ellauri247.html on line 353: Johnson displayed signs consistent with several diagnoses, including depression and Tourette syndrome. According to Boswell, Johnson "felt himself overwhelmed with an horrible melancholia, with perpetual irritation, fretfulness, and impatience; and with a dejection, gloom, and despair, which made existence misery".
ellauri257.html on line 52: He also intensified his relationship with a starets or spiritual elder, Matvey Konstantinovsky, whom he had known biblically for several years. Konstantinovsky seems to have strengthened in Gogol the fear of perdition (damnation) by insisting on the sinfulness of all his imaginative handiwork. Exaggerated ascetic practices with Matvey undermined his health and he fell into a state of deep depression. On the night of 24 February 1852 he burned some of his manuscripts, which contained most of the second part of Dead Souls. He explained this as a mistake, a practical joke played on him by the Devil in the guise of Matvey Konstantinovsky.[citation needed] Soon thereafter, he took to bed, refused all food, and died in great pain nine days later.
ellauri262.html on line 465: The Problem of Pain is a 1940 book on the problem of evil by C. S. Lewis, in which Lewis argues that human pain, animal pain, and hell are not sufficient reasons to reject belief in a good and powerful God. He begins by addressing the flaws in common arguments against the belief in a just, loving, and all-powerful God such as: "If God were good, He would make His creatures perfectly happy, and if He were almighty He would be able to do what he wished. But the creatures are not happy. Therefore God lacks either goodness, or power, or both." Topics include human suffering and sinfulness, animal suffering, and the problem of hell, where Lewis squirms like a tapeworm to reconcile these with a friendly omnipotent force beyond ourselves.
ellauri264.html on line 201: Jacob‟s example of valuing his possessions presents a particular challenge to us living in a modern, “disposable” age. Recognizing this trend, in 1955, the retailing analyst Victor Lebow highlighted a trend in consumer society, away from greater mindfulness regarding possessions and toward a more short-term view.
ellauri282.html on line 524: Whích What Hanhi (/ˈtɪk ˈnjʌt ˈhʌn/ TIK NYUHT HUHN; Vietnamese: [tʰǐk̟ ɲə̌t hâjŋ̟ˀ] (listen); born Nguyễn Xuân Bảo; 11 October 1926 – 22 January 2022) oli vietnamilainen Thiền-buddhalainen munkki, rauhanaktivisti, tuottelias kirjailija, runoilija ja opettaja, joka perusti Luumu Kylä Perinteen, joka on historiallisesti tunnustettu tärkeimmäksi innoituxexi sitoutuneelle buddhalaisuudelle. "Mindfulnessin isänä" tunnettu Nhất Hạnh oli merkittävä vaikutus buddhalaisuuden länsimaisiin käytäntöihin. Mindfulness (skr. smrti, pal. sati) tarkoittaa muistoa. Sitä mikä palaa mieleen. Lännessä hän on ikoni. En voi ajatella länsimaista buddhalaista, joka ei tiedä Thich Nhất Hạnhista. Selvä länkkäreiden agentti. Tätähän muuten tutki Antti Niemen tytär Maisu, ei saanut juuri mitään mitattavaa tulosta, mutta perusti siitä huolimatta mindfulness-toimiston Tukholman vanhaan kaupunkiin, joka varmaan vetää väkeä kuin häkä. 2019 raportoitiin, että Nhất Hạnhin kannattamasta mindfulnessista oli tullut teoreettinen perusta 1.1 miljardin dollarin teollisuudelle Yhdysvalloissa. Eräässä tutkimuksessa todettiin, että 35% työnantajista käytti mindfulnessia työpaikan käytännöissä. Varsinaista ison rahan vedätystä siis!
ellauri282.html on line 526: Nhất Hạnh loi Interbeingin ritarikunnan (vietnamiksi: Tiếp Hiện), luostari- ja maallikkoryhmän, vuosina 1964 ja 1966. Hän johti tätä ryhmää opettaen viisi mindfulness-koulutusta ja neljätoista mindfulness-koulutusta, yhteensä siis 19 täysijärkisyyskoulutusjaxoa tässä vaiheessa.
ellauri282.html on line 528: Nhất Hạnh muutti Pariisiin vuonna 1966. Hänestä tuli Vietnamin buddhalaisen rauhanvaltuuskunnan puheenjohtaja. Vuonna 1969 Nhất Hạnh perusti yhtenäisen buddhalaiskirkon (Église Bouddhique Unifiée) Ranskaan (ei osa Vietnamin yhtenäistä buddhalaista kirkkoa). Vuonna 1975 hän perusti Bataattimeditaatiokeskuksen Fontvannesiin, Foret d'Otheen, lähellä Troyesia Auben maakunnassa Pariisin kaakkoispuolella. Seuraavien seitsemän vuoden ajan hän keskittyi kirjoittamiseen ja suoritti Mindfulnessin ihmeen, Kuun bambun ja Aurinkoni sydämeni -arvosanat.
ellauri282.html on line 530: Nhất Hạnh alkoi opettaa mindfulnessia 1970-luvun puolivälissä kirjoillaan, erityisesti The Miracle of Mindfulness (1975), joka toimi hänen varhaisten opetustensa päävälineenä. Haastattelussa On Being hän sanoi, että Mindfulnessin ihme oli "kirjoitettu sosiaalityöntekijöillemme ensin Vietnamissa, koska he elivät tilanteessa, jossa kuoleman vaara oli olemassa joka päivä. Joten myötätunnosta, halusta auttaa heitä jatkamaan työtään, Mindfulnessin ihme kirjoitettiin manuaaliseksi harjoitukseksi. Ja sen jälkeen monet ystävät lännessä, he ajattelevat, että se on hyödyllistä heille, joten sallimme sen kääntämisen englanniksi.
ellauri282.html on line 534:
fulness.jpg" height="300px" />
ellauri282.html on line 540: 2014 Hanhi sai ketjureaktion eikä sen jälkeen pystynyt enää puhumaan, mitä nyt nyökkimään kyllä eli ei. Haluatko kotiin Vietnamiin? Kyllä. Haluatko sanoa vielä jotakin? Ei. Myöhemmmissä ruumissaatoissa oli ihanan rauhallinen tunnelma. Kaikki nää mindfulness-hemmot elää tosi vanhoixi, tääkin retkahti vasta 95-vuotiaana 2022.
ellauri285.html on line 262: Timo Airaxisen seuraaja joensuulainen Antti Kauppinen on kynäillyt luvun Meaningfulness kirjaan Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Well-Being. Abstract: This paper is an overview of contemporary theories of meaning of life and its relation to well-being.
ellauri333.html on line 162: Noble deeds of morality and the practice of morality consist in this, that compassion, liberality, truthfulness, purity, gentleness, and goodness, will thus be promoted among men ' ; while the pillaredict II (B, C) says : — ' What does morality include ? few sins, many virtuous deeds, compassion, liberality, truthfulness, purity.
ellauri346.html on line 40: According to EU law, terrorist offences are acts committed with the aim of seriously intimidating a population, unduly compelling a government or international organisation to perform or abstain from performing any act. (No mention of lawfulness here, or uniforms. Stress is on the word 'unduly'.)
ellauri348.html on line 165: Ja voi ei, Eckhart Tollekin! Tolle on haukuttu pystyyn jo albumissa 132. Sillä ei ole mitään tekemistä täällä Toivon kanssa, se on puhtaasti tässä ja nyt- poikia. Pitää ohittaa päässä kuuluvat äänet eli ajatuxet. Ihana hiljaisuus. Ääni estää nauttimasta tästä hetkestä. Mixi ajatella eteenpäin tai muistella etnisiä mokia? Mixi ajatella ylipäänsä. Paras että puhekuplassa lukee (Tyhjää.) Sellasta mindfulnessia.
ellauri348.html on line 429: Kognitiivisen psykoterapian piiriin luetaan muun muassa kognitiivis-analyyttinen terapia, skeemamunkkiterapia, tietoisuustaidot (engl. mindfulness), eräät traumatisoivat menetelmät, dialektinen materialismi ja muitakin hoitomuotoja. Psykoedukatiivisessa terapiassa on paljon elementtejä kognitiivisesta psykoterapiasta. Yhdistys on Kopsy. Siellä on paljon nepsyjä.
ellauri377.html on line 272: saxinnosten perusteella adultery, boredom, debauchery, depravity, filthy thoughts, fornication, idol-worship, illicit sex, immodesty, immoral, filthy, and indecent actions, immoral ways, impurity, indecency, indecent behavior, lasciviousness, lewdness, licentiousness, lustfulness, lustful pleasures, luxury, moral impurity, perversion, promiscuity, sensuality (total irresponsibility, lack of self-control), sexual immorality, shameful deeds, sorcery, uncleanness, whoredom.
ellauri377.html on line 288: Jump to Previous: Acts Adultery Clear Deeds Desire Doings Evident Evil Flesh Fornication Full Idol-Worship Immorality Impurity Licentiousness Lustfulness Manifest Natures Obvious Plain Senses Sensuality Sexual Sinful Sorcery Unclean Uncleanness Use Whoredom Works Wrong
ellauri377.html on line 293: It has been said that all our sinfulness may be resolved "into two elementary instincts: the instinct of self-preservation and the reproductive instinct." The third class of sins--sins of temper--would be referred to the first of the heads; sins of sensuality and excess--the one immediately, the other more remotely--to the second. The sins of superstition mentioned are of a more secondary character, and arise out of intellectual errors.
ellauri382.html on line 467: Overpoliteness, constant cheerfulness, an attitude of "Suck it up"
ellauri382.html on line 577: Imi has two Master’s degrees and is trained in Jungian theories, philosophical counseling, mentalization-based treatment, solution-focused coaching, trauma-informed practices, and mindfulness-based modalities. She works holistically, combining psychological insights with Eastern and Western philosophies such as Buddhism and Stoicism.
ellauri389.html on line 379: As early as 1795 he published a volume of poems at Carlisle, which display a thoughtfulness unusual at his age. In 1796 he made the acquaintance of Coleridge on the latter's visit to Birmingham to enlist subscribers to his Watchman. Fascinated with Coleridge's conversation, Lloyd "proposed even to domesticate with him, and made him such a pecuniary offer that Coleridge immediately acceded to the proposal." This was £80 a year, in return for which Coleridge was to devote 3 hours every morning to his instruction; and although the undertaking (apart from the "domestication") may not have been very strictly performed, Lloyd, much later in life, speaks with enthusiasm of the benefit he had derived from Coleridge's society.
ellauri389.html on line 399: His abilities as a thinker were overrated highly. "It was really a delightful luxury," declares De Quincey, "to hear him giving free scope to his powers for investigating subtle combinations of character." "His mind," says Talfourd, "was chiefly remarkable for a fine power of analysis. In this power of discriminating and distinguishing, in a word nitpicking, carried almost to a pitch of painfulness, Lloyd has scarcely been equalled."
ellauri390.html on line 425: Aijaa, tää ei ollutkaan vielä Hanhen omaa textiä, vaan esipuhe asiaan paremmin perehtyneeltä Veli Phap Dungilta. Varmaan Quang Phuc Dungin velimies. No se on kavereille yhteistä ainaskin että pitäisi pysähtyä vähän miettimään, ei aina painaa täysiä joka taalan perässä ja lopun aikaa kazoa hölmöputkea. Tää on taas nyt sitä mindfulnessia. Mind your own business. Meistä tulee fixumpia kun hypelöimme omaa ruumista. Pysäkki on eka etappi, toinen tiukka tuijotus. Happiness is a warm gun yeah yeah.
ellauri390.html on line 495: Unohdutus on pimeyttä, kevyttä mindfulness. Tuomalla mindfulness takaisin arkeen maailmasta tulee kirkkaampi.
ellauri406.html on line 102: Kappas vain, kuka olis arvannut? Ilmiö näyttää olevan todellinen joissain maissa. Köyhyys lisää tunneongelmia. Suurin riskitekijä on heikko sosioekonominen asema. Hoitoa pitäisi saada nuorille ennenkuin köyhyydestä tulee osa elämää. Kanaa, lohta, tonnikalaa ja tofua, niissä on paljon tryptofaania. Ja kastikkeexi mindfulnessiä. Ympäristöahdistusta ei voi pysäyttää enempää kuin kasvihuoneilmiötä. Onnexi kaikkia eivät kiinnosta ympäristöongelmat, ne seisoo puku päällä selin siihen kädet taskussa.
ellauri408.html on line 237: Me kaipaamme aina ääretöntä, iäistä, absoluuttista, ja relatiiviseen tyytyvä tiede jättää tyhjyyden, jota on hyvä täyttää mindfulnessillä, mietiskelyllä, hartaudella ja palvonnalla. Uskonto, sanoi Bacon, on mauste, jonka tulee suojella pekonia ja pakastekanaa pilaantumasta, ja siihen tarkoitukseen kaivataan varsinkin nykyään uskontoa platonisessa ja itämaisessa merkityksessään. Syvä keskittyminen on todellisuudessa kauniin toiminnan edellytys. Keskitysleirejä tarvitaan. Palaaminen vakavuuteen, jumalalliseen, pyhään, on yhä vaikeampi nyt, kun kriitillinen levottomuus on päässyt itse kirkonkin alueelle, saarnaaminen muuttunut maailmalliseksi ja yllytys yleiseksi, mutta sellainen palaaminen on yhä välttämättömämpi. Ilman sitä ei ole olemassa minkäänlaista sisäistä elämää. Ilman uusia muotoja ei ole koko taidetta. Ja sisäinen elämä on keino, jonka avulla voi tehokkaasti vastustaa ympäristöänsä. Seilorikaan ei pysy lämpimänä ilman nuttua ja malspiikkiryyppiä. Housuja se ei välttämättä tarvize, mutta lakki pitää olla. Perään perinteistä oikeistoindividualismia ja massojen halveeraamista. Vizi kylläpä on epäoriginellia. Tällä kaverilla piisaa kyllä sanoja mutta ne on kaikki niitä samoja. Ihminen joka ei puhalla saippuakuplia on kuin hamsteri, hälläpyörä, suhdannebarometri.
ellauri428.html on line 250: Meaningfulness
ellauri428.html on line 264: In her excellent paper ‘Narrative and Meaning in Life’, Helena de Bres offers a new account of why and how narrative structure contributes to the meaningfulness of a life. In the course of doing so, she makes some very helpful distinctions, which I’ll urge everyone to adopt, though, in a plot twist, I’ll also raise some worries about her recountist alternative to relationist views like mine.
ellauri428.html on line 266: A narrative, de Bres reminds us, is a particular kind of diachronic representation of a series of events, which characteristically displays connections between them, focusing on their pertinence to exercises of agency, and aims to convey their significance to an audience (3). Narrativists about meaningfulness claim that narratives, or perhaps narrative structure, contributes (in part) to the meaningfulness of a life (and not just to sense of meaningfulness). But how, and why?
ellauri428.html on line 268: According to de Bres’s neat distinction, some narrativists are relationists, who hold that it is the obtaining of certain causal relations among parts of a life that contributes (in part) to its meaningfulness. I, for example, have argued that our lives as agents consist of a succession of (often overlapping) projects, and that other things being equal, it contributes to meaningfulness if later projects build on earlier ones. Here building on the past means, for example, that later projects are more successful or have more valuable aims because of earlier ones, or fulfill aims that were left unrealized earlier. So the claim is that having a progressive structure – rather than a repetitive or disconnected or regressive one – makes a life more meaningful, other things being equal. Lives with such a structure are narratable in a certain kind of story that is apt to arouse admiration or pride, but no one need actually tell the story. (Let me add here parenthetically that it is a real pleasure to read a paper that presents one’s view as accurately and fairly as de Bres does!) De Bres rejects relationism, because she doesn’t believe that the mere existence of a causal relation between parts of a life is the sort of thing that could contribute to value or meaning (8-9). I’ll come back to this below.
ellauri428.html on line 270: The competing view is recountism, according to which it is telling stories that contributes to meaning in life. According to version inspired by Connie Rosati’s (2013) work on narrative value, which de Bres labels agency-recountism, “Telling a story about one’s life that emphasizes one’s status as an autonomous agent contributes to the meaningfulness of that life, by virtue of increasing one’s sense of agency.” (7) De Bres rejects agency-recountism, however, because it allows for false stories to make one’s life more meaningful, and because increasing sense of agency more plausibly contributes to sense of meaningfulness rather than meaning itself.
ellauri428.html on line 275: is (i) true and (ii) adheres to a set of (salient) narrative conventions, contributes to the meaningfulness of one’s life. It does so by making the life more intelligible to oneself and others, thereby enabling the goods of understanding and community.
ellauri428.html on line 283: There’s lots more to say, but I should stop here. I’ll just flag an elephant in the room: the concept of meaningfulness. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I think the concern about whether my life is meaningful has very little to do with whether it’s understandable or intelligible to me or others. But that’s for further discussion!
ellauri428.html on line 413: Outoa että vilpittömyys ja kyynisyys ovat Goffmanilla antonyymejä. Kyllä kyynisyys voi olla vilpitöntä. (Ahaa se määrittelee ne vastakohdixi s. 28. Mixei se sano vaikka disingenuous, se olisi sattuvampi sana.) Positiivisuus on jopa todennäköisemmin feikkiä. Kysymyxeen What is the best antonym for cynicism? Google vastaa optimism. cheerfulness. cheer. mirth. glee. sunniness. joviality. joy. Kysymyxeen what is the opposite of cynicism: The opposite of hope is pessimism, and the opposite of optimism is cynicism. Pessimism is the belief that things will always be bad. Outoa! Amerikkalaisilla on käsitteet pois jengoilta. Se on kaikki tota talousliberalismia. Tarkin antonyymi kyynisyydelle on sinisilmäisyys. Is it better to be cynical or naive?
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1033: Höh, onx tää joku uutinen. Nää nk best minds, Jaakko Hintikkamaiset nörtithän ne just on kaikista avuttomimpia arkipäivässä. Sen takia niistä ehkä tulikin sellasia propellipäitä. Jaakon tonttuilusta oli useitakin tärkeitä esimerkkejä tän tutkielman toisessa luvussa. Eskin mielestä mindlessnessistä pääsee mindfulnessiin oikeilla sanoilla (kts. se luettelo toisaalla). Glow-howta vaan kehiin.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 34: Mindfulness
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 40: Tietoisen läsnäolon harjoittelu eli mindfulness ei sovi kaikille. Se voi esimerkiksi lisätä jo ennestään itsekeskeisten ihmisten itsekkyyttä. Menetelmän haittapuolia on alettu vasta nyt tutkia.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 542: Viha on sallittua, se on hyvä asia, vaikka rasittaa. Rasitusta vähentää esim. liikunta, huutaminen, itkeminen, huumori, hyvät ystävät, luontoretket, rukousmietiskely, mindfulness (varo tätä!) sekä mieluisat harrasteet kuten suklaajäätelö, razastus tai kutominen. Käy kasvohoidossa, kampaajalla, osta uudet kengät ja juo lasi lempiviiniä kynttilänvalossa. Kannattaa kirjoittaa myös vihapostia. Juha Tapion musiikki on eräs voimavarani.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 168: Maisu on perustanut mindfulness hoitolan jonkun toisen naisen kaa Tukholman vanhaan kaupunkiin. Sen tekemä meta-analyysi ei osoittanut mitään hoidon tehosta.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 170: The mechanisms underlying the benefits of Mindfulness Based Interventions are suggested to include improved emotional regulation strategies and self-compassion levels, decreased rumination and experiential avoidance [3], as well as improved meta-cognitive skills and body awareness [4,5]. A number of authors have suggested models to explain the psychological mechanisms by which mindfulness interventions have an effect [6,7,8], and Hötzel et al. [9] have proposed a theoretical framework that integrates earlier models. This framework proposes that there are four main mechanisms: (1) attention regulation; (2) body awareness; (3) emotion regulation; and (4) change in perspective of the self; these, therefore, together improve self-regulation [9].
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 489: Mindfulness for difficult people
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 546: Voi vittu mitä tuubaa. Tääkö on mindfulnessia? Irkku-Tiinan lasiovisessa vessassa lukemastani pölyisestä Gill Hassonin Mindfulness-izehoitokirjasta päätellen se on rauhoittavaa sanomaa tämän päivän työelämässsä panikoiville anaalis-obsessiivisille tyypeille.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 558: its harmfulness demands our condemnation. Mr. Darwin was grieved
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 574: virility, loss of cheerfulness and loss of progeny.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 200: "Tietokirjailija, vuorovaikutuksen tutkija ja vapaa kouluttaja. Erikoisalana tunnetaidot, mindfulness ja narsismi".
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 366: Jon Kabat-Zinn (s. 5. kesäkuuta 1944) on yhdysvaltalainen lääketieteen emeritusprofessori. Hän on perustanut stressiklinikan ja tietoisuustaitokeskuksen Massachusettsin yliopiston lääketieteelliseen tiedekuntaan. Hän opettaa tietoisuustaitomietiskelyä stressin, ahdistuksen, kivun ja sairauksien helpottamiseksi. Kabat-Zinnin elämäntyö keskittyy lähinnä tavoitteeseen saada tietoisuustaito (myös: tietoinen läsnäolo) lääketieteen ja yhteiskunnan hyväksymäksi menetelmäksi. MBSR-menetelmään (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) liittyy mietiskelyä ja joogaharjoituksia, jotka auttavat erilaisista vaivoista kärsiviä tietoisen keskittymisen kautta kohentamaan oloaan. Sen avulla saadaan käyttöön sisäisiä voimavaroja pyrittäessä kohentamaan terveyttä ja hyvinvointia. Kabat-Zinn on työtovereineen tutkinut keskittymisen vaikutusta aivoihin, etenkin stressin aikaisiin tunnetiloihin ja immuunijärjestelmään. Hei mut tää taitaa olla just sitä fuulaa jolla Maisu meinaa takoa Tukholman vanhassa kaupungissa miljoonia kruunuja?
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 481: The Mind & Life Institute is a US-registered, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1991 to establish the field of contemplative sciences. Based in Charlottesville, Va., the institute “brings science and contemplative wisdom together to better understand the mind and create positive change in the world." Over three decades, Mind & Life has played a key role in the mindfulness meditation movement by funding research projects and think tanks, and by convening conferences and dialogues with the Dalai Lama. Since 2020, Mind & Life's grant-making events and digital programs have sought to nurture personal wellbeing, build more compassionate communities, and strengthen the human-earth connection. And fatten the monks' bank accounts. 1 to lama, 2 to me.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 515: Mindfulness liittyy joogaan, mietiskelyyn, tuoksukynttilöihin, kuukautiskiertoon, äiti maa -ajatteluun, sukattomuuteen, feminismiin yms. Se on rähmälläänoloa olemattomuudessa. Älä anna sen harmittaa, vaan ala jo. On kiskottava pelon kyllästämällä kyrvällä urheasti kitkerään loppuun saakka. Vaikka Lennu-koirakin on kuollut. Luonnosta ja taiteesta voi olla apua ellei oma riitä.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 651: Mindfulnessillä pääsee eroon rahanhimosta ja ylimääräisestä rahasta, joka sataa siitä perin peeteen laariin. Uusina arvoina rahan tilalle tulevat elinvoima, jaxaminen, läheisyys ja ihmissuhteet. Ei siis niinkään enää EAT! vaan FUCK!
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 669: Keski-ikäinen miekkonen kuvaa tapahtunutta muutosta. Ennen se pisti kamat pussiin äkkiä ihan sumussa. Nyttemmin (uudella partnerilla kyllä) se nussii vaikka 3 tuntia ja kazoo silmiin samalla. Jälkeenpäin se saattaa vielä hymyillä tuntemattomille vastoin japanilaisten aforistien ohjeita. Mikä parannus mindfulnessin ansiosta!
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 736: Kognitiivisen psykoterapian piiriin luetaan muun muassa kognitiivis-analyyttinen terapia, skeematerapia, tietoisuustaidot (engl. mindfulness) eräät traumapsykoterapian menetelmät, dialektinen käyttäytymisterapia ja muitakin hoitomuotoja. Psykoedukatiivisessa terapiassa on paljon elementtejä kognitiivisesta psykoterapiasta. Eli tällästä mantrojen hokemista ja peptalkia. Sano valas, vedä 10 kertaa housut alas.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 886: Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Vuodenaika sumujen ja pehmoisen vuodentulon,
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 345: "Rikun "tänäännyyttäminen" on jotain mindfulnessia.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 104: Toukokuussa Rantala kertoi, että Borráz-León on saanut hoitomallin tutkimiselle luvan Meksikossa. ”Syksyllä on vuokrattu Karibianmereltä hotelli, missä ihmisille laitetaan terveellinen ruokavalio, liikuntaa, joogaa, mindfulnessia, keskusteluterapioita, yksityinen hoito. México Citystä tulee stressaantuneita kaupunkilaisia. Sellainen miljonääri rahoittaa.” Syyskuun lopulla Rantalalla on kuitenkin ikäviä uutisia. Meksikon tutkimus on jouduttu siirtämään ensi keväälle koronaviruksesta johtuen.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 157: Portnoy, he says later on, “is about talking about yourself…. The method is the subject.” Likewise, “The comedy in The Great American Novel exists for the sake of no higher value than comedy itself; the redeeming value is not social or cultural reform, or moral instruction, but comic inventiveness. Destructive, or lawless, playfulness—and for the fun of it” (Roth’s italics).
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 788: a) The story is presented within the narrative flow as events that happened within Jesus’ lifetime. The clay birds incident is said to be a “sign from your Lord” that Jesus teaches the truth about Allah. The “sign” is meant for the children of Israel to see the truthfulness of Jesus’ message of Allah. How can something be a sign if the something has no historical referent? (Polyphemos and Parmenides had the same problem with the word "oudeis".)
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 801: Muslim apologists would then be making the claim that “Christians made a mistake by not seeing the text’s truthfulness and historical validity.” The problem with this objection is triune: a) the criteria for canonicity, b) the history of the books, and c) the theology of the gospel itself.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 535: Yhteisymmärrys toisten ongelmista ja lasilliset ei ihan kyykkyviiniä. Lari on huolestumisen Paavo Nurmi. Keskiluokan onni on olla piirun verran parempi kuin naapurit. Liikekumppanit ei jaxa ryynätä. Eero on eto yrittäjä, liikekumppaneina viehekalastava pelkuri ja laiska noske pasifisti joka hymyilee aamuisin puille ja pikkulinnuille. Älä mollaa mindfulnessia kun et tiedä siitä mitään, et osaa ensimmäistäkään asiasanaa. Eero anna pannun vähän jäähtyä. Eronneet narsistit nauraa vaimoille ja saunovat. Että osaa olla tympeätä tämäkin. Dingon minä ja minä Ispoisissa.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 99: Ursulan Telling on lähempänä jotain sosiaalifilosofista nyt pohditaan-utopiaa kuin seikkailu-fantasiarompskua. Näyttää että Ursula on tässä keximässä omaa mieleistään uskontoa, niinkuin mä kexin pienenä omia kieliä. Joku piti olla, fiilis oli sellainen, niinkuin usein juutalaisilla haudan lähetessä. Siihen kuuluu kaikenlaista dieettiä ja mindfulnessia sun muuta pidättäytymistä, nää hommathan on aina enemmän kuin oljen verran anaalis-retentiivisiä.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 219: Toms bästa tips för att handskas med att vara HSP, så man inte blir överväldigad är att vara noga med att ta pauser då man tar det lugnt och kopplar av med barnen. Han rekommenderar även Mindfulness, Sinfulness och liknande tekniker.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 282: For who to dumb Forgetfulness a prey, Kenelle tyhmäksi Unohtaminen saalis,
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 1075: On monia tutkimuksia, jotka ovat osoittaneet, että mindfulnessia harjoittavat ihmiset nauttivat paremmasta hyvinvoinnista. Tämä johtuu siitä, että he elävät nykyhetkessä ja heillä ei ole tuomitsevaa asennetta. Ihmiset, joilla on falski optimismi, elävät irrationaalisilla odotuksilla, kaukana "tietoisesta" mentaliteetista. Voit oppia lisää nykyhetkessä elämisestä edullisesta artikkelistamme: Kuinka elää nykyhetkessä, 7 psykologisessa avaimessa.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 501: But sleep and much forgetfulness of things.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 532: Though deeply pessimistic about the dangers of nuclear confrontation and the gap between rich nations and poor, Mr. Rorty retained something of Dewey’s hopefulness about America.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 49: Alla intresserade är välkomna, du behöver inte ha tidigare erfarenhet av mindfulness eller meditation. Vi börjar med en stunds meditation eller annan form utav närvaroövning, som efterföljs av en frågestund och ett föredrag av den läraren som håller passet (se teman nedan). Sedan tar vi en paus med te/vatten, och avslutar med en stunds meditationsövning igen med alla dom som ännu är närvarande. Du kan komma i vanliga, bekväma kläder. Mindfulnessista on paasattu mm. albumeissa 74, 88, 132, 219 (Patanjali), 282 (Which What Hanhi), 114, 116, 122 (Maisu), 123, 126, 137, 200, 225, ja tämä vielä.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 51: Grundkostnaden för deltagandet är 200 kr, men du är varmt välkommen att betala mer eller mindre, efter din förmåga. Du kan betala per Swish på plats eller per faktura. Maria Niemi föreläser om Meditation för den som har “svårt” att meditera, och om Mindfulness och ekopsykologi. Maria är legitimerad psykoterapeut med affektfokuserad psykodynamisk inriktning (läs mer här om psykoterapiformen som Maria erbjuder) och har flerårig erfarenhet som mindfulnessinstruktör (MBSR – läs mer här). Hon är även docent och forskare på Karolinska Institutet. Hon sitter med i styrelsen för den Svenska Lärarföreningen för Mindfulnessbaserade Program, MBTA Sweden.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 55: Maria är legitimerad psykoterapeut med utbildning från Skandinaviens Akademi för Psykoterapiutveckling, SAPU, samt grundläggande psykoterapiutbildning från St Lukas Utbildningsinstitut. Hon har även gått alla utbildningssteg för att ge Mindfulnessbaserad Stressreduktion i grupp, från Oasis Institute och Center for Mindfulness, Sweden. Hon utbildar sig också inom existentiell psykologi hos Sällskapet för Existentiell Psykoterapi.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 57: Maria har utövat mindfulnessmeditation – eller Vipassana/insiktsmeditation– i över 20 år (jo det är just den som foster-Wallace höll tummen upp för i album 80), och hon har deltagit på ett antal retreater genom åren. Hon har lärt ut Mindfulnessbaserad Stressreduktion (MBSR) på Karolinska Institutets personalfriskvård sedan 2010. Hon har även arbetat som samordnare för hållbar utveckling på organisatorisk nivå på Karolinska Institutet, samt hållit kurser i ämnet. Hon är medlem i Riksföreningen Psykoterapicentrum.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 77: Applied Psychology Positive Psychology Life Coaching Teamwork Team Leadership Customer Service Literature Research Commercial Aviation Mindfulness Microsoft Office English Microsoft Excel Social Media Public Speaking Microsoft Word PowerPoint Sales First Aid Secretarial Skills Change Management. Learning has been my lifelong passion. Live and learn. Focus of my interest is on human existence, communication and co-operation. I have studied psychology, social psychology, applied psychology and leadership as well as contemporary litterature and female studies. Real life experience on these themes I have gathered while working as a flight attendant and purser. In the future I want to to contribute to well being both in private as well as professional sectors of life.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 287: The fulness of your bliss, I feel—I feel it all. Mä tunnen teidän hurmion, mä elän siinä mukana.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 310: Not in entire forgetfulness, Ei täysin taulu tyhjänä,
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 420: With cheerfulness, Iloisesti,