ellauri021.html on line 885: According to The Australian, although the site´s operators claim that the site "strives to keep its articles concise, informative, family-friendly, and true to the facts, which often back up conservative ideas more than liberal ones", on Conservapedia "arguments are often circular" and "contradictions, self-serving rationalizations and hypocrisies abound."
ellauri042.html on line 156: and entirely uninformative report ja täysin epäasiallisesta esitelmästä
ellauri054.html on line 101: The exhibits of this small museum consist mainly of text and information-panels. I found it informative but it also was similar to reading a informative-book displayed on the museum walls. I missed some artwork or historical objects.
ellauri096.html on line 275: The points made so far suggest a solution to the surprise test paradox (Sorensen 1988, 328–343). As Binkley (1968) asserts, the test would be a surprise even if the teacher waited until the last day. Yet it can still be true that the teacher’s announcement is informative. At the beginning of the week, the students are justified in believing the teacher’s announcement that there will be a surprise test. This announcement is equivalent to:
ellauri102.html on line 565: Her work as a culture jammer and Imagitator is featured in several documentaries as well as the best-selling book “NO LOGO” by Naomi Klein. She earned a Bachelor of Education and an honours MA from OISE/UofT where her graduate research focused on Holistic Media Literacy and Transformative Learning.
ellauri106.html on line 450: During what Henry Luce deemed the American century—the century during which America rises to a position of dominance on the globe—the Americanethos paradoxically plummets, in large part due to the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal, politically charged events to which Roth pays particular attention in the novel because he sees them as formative of the 1990s moment at which he writes.
ellauri106.html on line 536: Although Roth’s heroes vary slightly—Levov, for instance, comes from a somewhat more privileged background and is five or ten years younger than Ringold and Silk—they share a demanding physical presence and, more significantly, the formative experiences of the Great Depression and World War II.
ellauri131.html on line 902: She then moved to Chicago, where she worked in low-paying jobs. In 1950, she moved on again, to New York. At this point she changed her first name, and began a career as a fashion model. She achieved success, working for Bill Blass, Oleg Cassini, and Pauline Trigère. In 1954, she married the English businessman Andrew Hay (1928–2001); after 14 years of marriage, she felt devastated when he left her for another woman, Sharman Douglas (1928–1996). Hay said that about this time she found the First Church of Religious Science on 48th Street, which taught her the transformative power of thought. Hay revealed that here she studied the New Thought works of authors such as Florence Scovel Shinn who believed that positive thinking could change people's material circumstances, and the Religious Science founder Ernest Holmes who taught that positive thinking could heal the body.
ellauri146.html on line 656: Poe saw a good deal of Scotland, too, on first arriving in Britain and may have attended school in Irvine for a time. It would be difficult to estimate the impact of these formative years in Britain upon the youthful Poe.
ellauri146.html on line 664: When Poe was just seventeen, his name was entered in the matriculation books of the new University of Virginia. This period of ten months, between St. Valentine’s Day and Christmas, 1826, which Poe spent at the University, marks the end of his formative youth. The general direction which his genius was to follow had been fairly established.
ellauri146.html on line 690: Indeed, Poe seems much more the Southerner than the Yankee American, and it is not hard to guess which path he would have chosen had he lived into the 1860’s. One may be very sure that Edgar Poe, though born, almost by accident, in Boston, would have proved one of the Confederacy’s most eloquent and committed partisans. In reviewing the various factors which we may believe shaped Poe’s youthful mind, we would expect to find in Poe, and in re-examining his opinions we do find, a cosmopolitan rather than a parochial outlook. And yet, at the same time, we know Poe was serious when he proclaimed, “I am a Virginian!” We may be justified in looking upon the general influences of his formative years as contributing factors in the development of strong inclinations to Europe, Britain and the American South, rather than to the American Union.
ellauri147.html on line 587: Ohne diesen imaginären Anderen kommt der Narzissmus, den Lacan (1936) in seinem legendären Aufsatz über das Spiegelstadium einmal den „Bildner des Ich“ nannte, nicht aus. Er hat – hier ist die Parallele zur dramatischen oder theatralischen Identität, von der Dieter Thomä in seiner Eröffnungsrede gesprochen hat – eine performative Dimension, die in den Kapriolen der zeitgenössischen Medienwelt offenbar reichlich Nahrung findet: Die narzisstische Aufführung hat den Charakter einer Inszenierung, einer in der Regel unbewussten Inszenierung, die allerdings nicht selten die Schwelle zur bewussten, strategisch durchgearbeiteten Aufführung überschreitet.-->
ellauri161.html on line 618: A voice from Vagina.com: Informative, funny, well written, well acted, and crystal clear in its message are words I emphatically cannot use.
ellauri184.html on line 623: 2. Processes of marginalization and not the concrete breaking of laws – led to Jesus’s death. Not only was Jesus passively exposed to these processes of marginalization, but he partly contributed to them because he modelled himself as an outsider and distanced himself too little from the messianic expectations ascribed to him. This staged self-marginalization – partly done in performative fashion – was dangerous because the term “Messiah” was often charged with political content, as was exemplified by numerous rebel leaders who regarded themselves as the Messiah or were considered as such by their followers. Many of them were executed, including Jesus.
ellauri184.html on line 640: We do not know whether Jesus routinely called himself the Messiah, Son of Man, or King of the Jews (though the evangelists sure make it appear so). Nevertheless, these logos were ascribed to him, and he did not sufficiently distance himself from them. Even worse, he presented himself as an outsider by caring for outcasts and thus broke social taboos. What is more, through healings, exorcisms, and commensality with the disdained, he deliberately distanced himself from societal norms, added to his image as an outsider in a performative way, and thereby metaphorically conveyed a message that his opponents understood very well.
ellauri198.html on line 780: Knowledge is aware not only of itself, but also of the negative of itself, or its limit. Knowing its limit means knowing how to sacrifice itself. This sacrifice is... self-abandonment.... Here it has to begin all over again at its immediacy, as freshly as before, and thence rise once more to the measure of its stature, as if, for it, all that preceded were lost, and as if it had learned nothing from the experience of the spirits that preceded. But re collection has conserved that experience, and is the inner being, and, in fact, the higher form of the substance. While, then, this phase of Spirit begins all over again its formative development, apparently starting solely from itself, yet at the same time it com mences at a higher level. The realm of spirits developed in this way, and assuming definite shape in existence, constitutes a succession, where one detaches and sets loose the other, and each takes over from its predecessor the empire of the spiritual world...
ellauri264.html on line 118: Gionet was born in Anchorage, Alaska, to a family of eight. His father is a pharmacist and his mother is a nurse. Both his parents are devout Christians who operate a non-profit organization aimed at promoting Christianity and providing medical supplies to orphanages in eastern Russia. During his formative years, Gionet was actively involved in his parents' charity and went to Russia with them numerous times. Five of his siblings were adopted from Russia. As an adolescent, Gionet spent a year and a half in the Russian city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. He later said that part of his "chaotic nature" may have stemmed from this experience.
ellauri285.html on line 763: Building on research by Barbara Fredrickson suggesting that individuals with a higher ratio of positive to negative emotions tend to have more successful life outcomes, and on studies by Marcial Losada applying differential equations from fluid dynamics to human emotions,[citation needed] Fredrickson and Losada proposed as informative a ratio of positive to negative affect derived from nonlinear dynamics modelling (based on Lorenz systems), which appeared in 2005 in a paper in American Psychologist. The derived combination of expressions and default parameters led them to conclude that a critical ratio of positive to negative affect of exactly 2.9013 separated flourishing from languishing individuals, and to argue that the ideal positivity/negativity ratio lies between 2.9013 and an upper limit ratio of 11.6346. Hence, they claimed that their model predicted cut-off points for the minimum and maximum positivity ratios within which one should observe qualitative changes in an individual´s level of flourishing, specifically, that those within this range of ratios would "flourish", and those outside would "languish".[non-primary source needed] As of January 2014, the 2005 Fredrickson and Losada´s paper had been cited more than 320 times in the psychology literature.
ellauri301.html on line 144: Young Wallander is a young, edgy, and modern series that sees Henning Mankell's iconic detective Kurt Wallander investigate his gripping first case. The story focuses on the formative experiences – professional and personal – faced by Kurt as a recently graduated police officer in his early twenties. Including frequent fornication with an unrealistically pretty immigrant charity worker.
ellauri375.html on line 301: Not at all! I aim to provide helpful and informative responses based on the knowledge and reasoning available to me. If I ever fall short, just let me know, and I'll do my best to clarify or improve.
ellauri375.html on line 411: I can provide information on theological concepts, but my expertise lies more in general knowledge and understanding rather than specific religious interpretations or beliefs. If you have theological questions, I'll do my best to provide accurate and informative responses.
ellauri375.html on line 548: My aim is to offer thoughtful and informative responses that respect various perspectives, including religious and philosophical beliefs. While some may find comfort in religious or self-help teachings, I strive to provide a balanced view that encourages critical thinking and personal reflection. If there are specific topics or viewpoints you'd like to explore further, feel free to let me know.
ellauri375.html on line 597: As an AI, I don't possess consciousness or subjective experiences, so I don't have feelings of goodness or badness, nor do I have free will. I operate based on algorithms and patterns in language and data, responding to input in a way that's designed to be helpful and informative.
ellauri375.html on line 611: However, I'm designed to simulate understanding and empathy in my responses, aiming to be helpful and informative based on the input I receive. My "growth" comes from continuous improvement in the algorithms and models that power me, allowing me to provide more accurate and relevant responses over time.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 330: Walter Bendix Schönflies Benjamin (/ˈbɛnjəmɪn/; German: [ˈvaltɐ ˈbɛnjamiːn];[5] 15 July 1892 – 26 September 1940) was a German Jewish philosopher, cultural critic and essayist. An electric tinker, combining elements of German idealism, Romanticism, Western Marxism, and Jewish mysticism, Benjamin made enduring and influential contributions to aesthetic theory, literary criticism, and historical materialism. He was associated with the Frankfurt School, and also maintained formative friendships with thinkers such as playwright Bertolt Brecht and Kabbalah scholar Gershom Shulem. He was also related to German political theorist and philosopher Hannah Arendt through her first marriage to Benjamin's cousin, Günther Anders.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 474: A few years later, Wallace laid into “American Psycho” in an interview with Larry McCaffery, saying it “panders shamelessly to the audience’s sadism for a while, but by the end it’s clear that the sadism’s real object is the reader itself… You can defend ‘Psycho’ as being a sort of performative digest of late-eighties social problems, but it’s no more than that.”
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 774: On July 23, 1989, Love married Leaving Trains vocalist James Moreland in Las Vegas; the marriage was annulled the same year. She later said that Moreland was a transvestite and that they had married "as a joke". After forming Hole, Love and Erlandson had a romantic relationship that lasted over a year. In Hole's formative stages, Love continued to work at strip clubs in Hollywood (including Jumbo's Clown Room and the Seventh Veil), saving money to purchase backline equipment and a touring van, while rehearsing at a Hollywood studio loaned to her by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Hole played their first show in November 1989 at Raji's, a rock club in central Hollywood. Their debut single, "Retard Girl", was issued in April 1990 through the Long Beach indie label Sympathy for the Record Industry, and was played by Rodney Bingenheimer on local rock station KROQ. Hole appeared on the cover of Flipside, a Los Angeles-based punk fanzine. In early 1991, they eleased their second single, "Dicknail", through Sub Pop Records.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 105: Annals of the Former World by John McPhee—this is me cheating so I don’t have to say “all of John McPhee’s geology writing”—John McPhee, who made reading about oranges (yes the fruit) interesting, got bit by the geology bug while researching for an essay about geology in the Southwest. I know this feeling. Again, this is engagingly written and most informative.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 172: Alongside Seneca's apparent fortitude in the face of death, for example, one can also view his actions as rather histrionic and performative; and when Tacitus tells us that he left his family an imago suae vitae (Annales 15.62), "imagonsa", he is possibly being ambiguous: in Roman culture, the imago was a kind of mask that commemorated the great ancestors of noble families, but at the same time, it may also suggest duplicity, superficiality, and pretence.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 359: But Bloom’s insights don’t resonate deeply. He is too obsessed with comparing and contrasting, rather than allowing his responses to touch us deeply. He repeats his theory that poets always wrestle with the work of the poets that have come before them, either unconsciously or consciously, and then struggle to find their own voice in reaction to what has come before. There is something anti-transformative about his assertions, often tangled up with incomprehensible jargon.