ellauri033.html on line 362: de mysticisme imaginatif. Sa personnalité morale a deux faces; il les
ellauri051.html on line 1454: 854 White and beautiful are the faces around me, the heads are bared of their fire-caps, 854 Valkoiset ja kauniit ovat kasvot ympärilläni, päät ovat paljaat nuotiohatut,
ellauri051.html on line 1513: 911 They see so many strange faces they do not know whom to trust. 911 He näkevät niin monia outoja kasvoja, etteivät tiedä kehen luottaa.
ellauri051.html on line 1595: 988 You light surfaces only, I force surfaces and depths also. 988 Te vain vaaleat pinnat, minä pakotan myös pintoja ja syvyyksiä.
ellauri051.html on line 1803: 1191 If I, you, and the worlds, and all beneath or upon their surfaces, were this moment reduced back to a pallid float, it would not avail in the long run,1191 Jos minä, sinä ja maailmat ja kaikki niiden pinnan alla tai päällä tämä hetki pelkistyisi kalpeaksi kelluksi, siitä ei olisi pitkällä aikavälillä mitään hyötyä,
ellauri051.html on line 1856: 1242 Preferring scars and the beard and faces pitted with small-pox over all latherers, 1242 mieluummin arvet, parta ja isorokkon kuoppaiset kasvot kuin kaikki vaahdottimet,
ellauri051.html on line 1900: 1285 In the faces of men and women I see God, and in my own face in the glass, 1285 Miesten ja naisten kasvoissa näen Jumalan, ja omalla kasvoillani lasissa,
ellauri065.html on line 580: Biden faces a creepy and slippery customer, especially if he gets inaugurated next month. While Trump may be facing thousands, perhaps millions of plaintiffs in incalculable civil and criminal cases. As these cases work their way slowly through the courts, freed from the rush of meeting stop-Biden deadlines, extensive evidence will be presented and courts will hear long and compelling testimony. All the while, Biden will have to carry on while millions across America think that somebody stole the White House for him. Millions of bucks are not going to save Trump from jail this time. Es schaun aufs Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen. The knavishness dauert nur noch kurze Zeit.
ellauri083.html on line 141: During the devastating famine and drought, the family must flee to a large city in the south to find work. Wang Lung's malevolent uncle offers to buy his possessions and land, but for significantly less than their value. The family sells everything except the land and the house. Wang Lung then faces the long journey south, contemplating how the family will survive walking, when he discovers that the "firewagon" (the Chinese word for the newly built train) takes people south for a fee.
ellauri095.html on line 180: It is essential to note that the life expectancy of any population is a descriptive and not a prescriptive mesaure. Death is a product of the way a person lives and what physical and environmental hazards he or she faces everyday. It cannot be attributed solely to their sexual orientation or any other ethnic or social factor. If estimates of an individual gay and bisexual man´s risk of death is truly needed for "legal or other" purposes, then people making these estimates should use the same actuarial tables that are used for all other males in that population. Gay and bisexual men are included in the construction of official population-based tables and therefore these tables for all males are the appropriate ones to be used. (LOL sorry boys, the cat is out of the bag, there is no way to get it to go back in.)
ellauri095.html on line 413: That walk with hollow faces burning white jotka kuljette ontot kasvot valkoisena
ellauri098.html on line 56: The greatest challenges a detective faces aren't always a devious criminal or a really tough case — all those are a cakewalk compared to managing their personal life. The genius ones are nerds with trouble getting along with people or worse, have social or personality disorders. The hard-working ones are workaholics who let their family relationships slide because they're never home. The overworked and nervous ones dabble in drugs and court substance addictions (or blood). The Film Noir detective and his descendants have terrible luck with women, who either end up dead, broken or distant; if he has a wife he may be cheating on her. And gods help him and his friends if some of the bad guys or associates that they helped put in the clink come back to haunt him. And his personal finances are probably gone thanks to being The Gambling Addict. In short, it's rare to have a detective as a main character in a dramatic story and have them not have at least one serious character flaw that's tangential to them actually working cases.
ellauri100.html on line 1048: Pulling wry faces,
ellauri102.html on line 453: faces%2Fw_1024%2Fv1522313997%2F13-3-7564781.jpg&f=1&nofb=1" height="200px" />
ellauri102.html on line 587: You don´t look at their faces
ellauri102.html on line 607: You don´t look at their faces
ellauri102.html on line 637: You don´t look at their faces
ellauri110.html on line 139: The Houyhnhnms' lack of passion surfaces during the scheduled visit of "a friend and his family" to the home of Gulliver's master "upon some affair of importance". On the day of the visit, the mistress of his friend and her children arrive very late. She made no excuses "first for her husband" who had died just that morning and she had to remain to make the proper arrangements for a "convenient place where his body should be laid". Gulliver remarked that "she behaved herself at our house as cheerfully as the rest".
ellauri117.html on line 554: The Adrenal body type is governed by the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for putting on weight in the stomach and back. These people tend to have round faces, and find it almost impossible to lose weight in their mid-section no matter how much dieting or working out they do. This is because the weight is caused by a hormone that is actively utilizing proteins and fats in the lower legs, and storing it in the mid-center.
ellauri118.html on line 338: Which, like a spirit, faces west, Joka hengen tavoin osoittaa länteen,
ellauri133.html on line 446: The scene first surfaces as a repressed memory within Bev—she remembers during another sex scene with the adult Bill:
ellauri140.html on line 113: Caramell F+, a lady in love with the knight Marinell, who initially rejects her. Hearing that he has been wounded, she sets out to find him and faces various perils, culminating in her capture by the sea god Proteus. Proteiini nappaa nopeen hiilarin. She is reunited with Marinade at the end of Book IV, and is married to him in Book V.
ellauri140.html on line 172: Lechery (M) – The sin of lust. Mounted on a goat, Lechery does not appear to be attractive. He is described as an "unseemely man to please faire Ladies eye; / Yet he of Ladies oft was loved deare, / When fairer faces were bid standen by". This is when lechery is considered a sin. Eli lechery on syntiä naisilla ja homoilla.
ellauri143.html on line 677: Blockheads´ faces pairs of sores display.
ellauri144.html on line 568: Maggin pojalle (josta tulee rekkakuski) se antaa lukemisexi kirjan The Red Badge of Courage. It is a war novel by American author Stephen Crane (1871–1900). Taking place during the American Civil War, the story is about a young private of the Union Army, Henry Fleming, who flees from the field of battle. Overcome with shame, he longs for a wound, a "red badge of courage," to counteract his cowardice. When his regiment once again faces the enemy, Henry acts as standard-bearer, who carries a flag.
ellauri147.html on line 860: faces to find out the current standard of good looks on the Internet. On the Hot or Not web site, people rate others' attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10. An average score based on hundreds or even thousands of individual ratings takes only a few days to emerge. To make this hot or not palette of morphed images, photos from the site were sorted by rank and used SquirlzMorph to create multi-morph composites from them. Unlike projects like Face of Tomorrow, where the subjects are posed for the purpose, the portraits are blurry because the source images are of low resolution with differences in variables such as posture, hair styles and glasses, so that in this instance images could use only 36 control points for the morphs. A similar study was done with Miss Universe contestants, as shown in the averageness article, as well as one for age, as shown in the youthfulness article.
ellauri147.html on line 862: In physical attractiveness studies, averageness describes the physical beauty that results from averaging the facial features of people of the same gender and approximately the same age. The majority of averageness studies have focused on photographic overlay studies of human faces, in which images are morphed together. The term "average" is used strictly to denote the technical definition of the mathematical mean. An averaged face is not unremarkable, but is, in fact, quite good looking. Nor is it typical in the sense of common or frequently occurring in the population, though it appears familiar, and is typical in the sense that it is a good example of a face that is representative of the category of faces.
ellauri147.html on line 866: The effect was first described in 1878 by Francis Galton. He had devised a technique called composite photography, which he believed could be used to identify 'types' by appearance, which he hoped would aid medical diagnosis, and even criminology through the identification of typical criminal faces. Galton's hypothesis was that certain groups of people may have common facial characteristics. To test the hypothesis, he created photographic composite images of the faces of vegetarians and criminals to see if there was a typical facial appearance for each. Galton overlaid multiple images of faces onto a single photographic plate so that each individual face contributed roughly equally to a final composite face. The resultant "averaged" faces did little to allow the a priori identification of either criminals or vegetarians, failing Galton's hypothesis. However, unexpectedly Galton observed that the composite image was more attractive than the component faces. Galton published this finding in 1878, and also described his composite photography technique in detail in Inquiries in Human Faculty and its Development. He subsequently sold the invention to an early erotic photography firm.
ellauri147.html on line 868: A University of Toronto student found that the facial proportions of celebrities including Jessica Alba were close to the average of all female profiles. That the preference for the average is biological rather than cultural has been supported by studies on babies, who gaze longer at attractive faces than at unattractive ones. People generally find youthful average faces sexually the most attractive. prototypes are preferred to individual exemplars of the stimuli categories. Thus an average face is probably attractive simply because it is prototypical. An averaged face made of 32 faces looks almost indistinguishable from any other 32-face averaged face even when they are created from a completely different set of individuals. Left-right symmetry is not the issue, presumably because neither are the viewers´ eyes.
ellauri153.html on line 480: evil faces us with a practical problem: how to find meaning, act in and respond to a world that has
ellauri155.html on line 367: While the United States faces the greatest immigration crisis in its history, the department of Customs and Border Protection is forcing Border Patrol agents and other staff to undergo “unconscious bias” training, according to reports.
ellauri161.html on line 587: He seems to believe that people need laughs and famous faces to be lured into thinking about more pressing matters, and he hates them for it. While actually people need laughs just on order not to think about them!
ellauri161.html on line 772: Satire needs more than jokes to be funny, and everyone in this movie is equally stupid. A large cast of familiar faces floats through this painfully unfunny exercise in futility.
ellauri161.html on line 1100: The chief of his mystical writings are, The Ornament of Spiritual Marriage (Lat. by Gerh. Groot, Ornatus Spiritualis Desponsionis, MS. at Strasburg; by another translator, and published by Faber Stapulensis [Paris, 1512], De Ornatu Spirit. Nuptiarum, etc.; also in French, Toulouse, 1619; and in Flemish, ´J Cieraet der gheestclyeke Bruyloft, Brussels, 1624, Hengelliset häät): — Speculum AEternae Salutis: — De Calculo, an interpretation of the calculus candidus, Re 2:17: — Samuel, sive de Alta Contemplatione. The other works of Ruysbroeck contain but little more than repetitions of the thoughts expressed in those here mentioned. (Esim. 7 hengellisen rakkauden askelmasta.) He wrote in his native language, and rendered to that dialect the same service which accrued to the High German from its use by the mystics of the section where it prevailed. He is still regarded in Holland as "the best prose writer of the Netherlands in the Middle Ages." His style is characterized by great precision of statement, which becomes impaired, however, whenever his imagination soars, as it often does, to transcendental regions too sublimated for language to describe. His works were accessible until lately only in Latin editions (by Surius, Cologne, 1549, 1552, 1609 [the best], 1692, fol.), or in manuscripts scattered through different libraries in Belgium and Holland. Four of the more important works were published in their original tongue, with prefaces by Ullmann (Hanover, 1848). No complete edition has as yet been undertaken (see Moll, )e Boekerij van het S. Barbara-Klooster te Delft [Amst. 1857, 4to], p. 41).
ellauri164.html on line 566: "And Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they fell upon their faces: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto them. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts to drink. And Moses took the rod from before the Lord, as He commanded him.
ellauri164.html on line 929: It appears that Moses was still in complete control of himself when he went to God for instructions. “Moses and Aaron went ... to the door of the tent of meeting, and fell upon their faces.” “Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,” “take the rod; ... gather the congregation together. Speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will yield its water; thus you shall bring water for them out of the rock, and give drink to the congregation and their animals.” Clearly there was nothing difficult to understand and Moses wanted to be as faithful to this command as he had been to all the other commands God had given him.
ellauri172.html on line 71: Sortent les corps nouveaux et les nouvelles faces. Nousee uusia ruumiita ja pärstiä
ellauri182.html on line 180: In contemporary times, Jōdo Shinshū is one of the most widely followed forms of Buddhism in Japan, although like other schools, it faces challenges from many popular Japanese new religions, or shinshūkyō, which emerged following World War II as well as from the growing secularization and materialism of Japanese society.
ellauri182.html on line 324: Scientists from the University of Plymouth studied the faces of children and chimpanzees as they completed a series of unsolvable tasks.
ellauri182.html on line 326: They found that the youngsters showed frustration or determination on their faces as they struggled with the challenges.
ellauri189.html on line 161: Their faces gone, their eyes were blurred, their shirts all soaked with sweat

ellauri189.html on line 801: The faces of all the people who claim they are Bene Israel prove they mixed, and they generally do not deny that they mixed. Jews mixed too, but they kept Judaism, so they fall in to the first category (Jews who married non-Jews were thrown out of the Jewish community and were considered dead to them. This is still true for today’s religious Jews, and until not long ago, all Jews were religious). On the other hand, those other people who both mixed and did not keep Judaism, although they are descendants of Bene Israel to some extent, they are not Bene Israel themselves, as they do not fall into either category.
ellauri197.html on line 219: The Chinese edifice quite resembles an Irish pub, in which the men may stop for refreshment and listen to some sorrowful tunes before trekking on. The ancient faces of the Chinese men look on smiling but rather detached as they enjoy the melodies.
ellauri198.html on line 337: The sunset sets the scene ablaze at that very moment, and a strange sound fills the air. "[I]n a sheet of flame" Roland sees the faces of his dead friends, and hears their names whispered in his ears. Remembering their lives, Roland finds himself surrounded by a "living frame" of old friends. Filled with inspiration, he pulls out his "slug-horn", and blows, shouting "Childe Roland into the dark tunnel came".
ellauri203.html on line 648: Martin, a respected doctor (huoh), his wife Karin, Karin's seventeen year old brother Minus, and widowed father David of Karin and Minus' have convened at the family's summer home on an island off the coast of Sweden to celebrate David's return from the Swiss Alps, where he was substantially completing his latest novel (huoh). The family has long lived a fantasy of they being a loving one, David's extended absences which are the cause of many of the family's problems. Without that parental guidance, Minus is at a confused and vulnerable stage of his life where he is a bundle of repressed emotions, most specifically concerning not feeling loved by his father and concerning the opposite sex (huoh). He is attracted to females as a collective but does not know how to handle blatant female sexuality, especially if it is directed his way. A month earlier Karin was released from a mental institution (huoh). Her doctor has told Martin that the likelihood that she will fully recover from her illness is low, her ultimate fate being that her mental state will disintegrate totally, although she has functioned well since her release. In his love for her, Martin has vowed to himself to see her through whatever she faces. As Karin begins to lose grip on reality, Minus is the one most directly affected, although it does bring out the issues all the men are facing with regard to their interrelationships.
ellauri214.html on line 243: It was during the reign of Myrina that the Amazons encountered another race of female warriors known as the Gorgons. The Amazons and their defeated neighbors, the Atlanteans, were at peace with each other, but Atlantis was raided repeatedly by the Gorgons, who lived nearby. In Greek myth, the Gorgons were monsters with snakes instead of hair and faces so fearsome that looking directly at them could turn a mortal into stone. Diodorus scoffed at these stories of monsters and claimed that, like the Amazons, the Gorgons were nothing more than fierce tribal women who were skilled in warfare. Myrina’s large army went to the aid of Atlantis and defeated the Gorgons, capturing more than 3,000 Gorgon warriors. The captive Gorgons began a rebellion but were put down by the Amazons, who killed every remaining prisoner.
ellauri220.html on line 298:
white people, especially older white men - based on the appearance of their faces.

ellauri226.html on line 518: Although many palefaces quote the crime rates as their main reason to
ellauri236.html on line 192: In another of Mr. Chase's books, He Won't Need It Now, the hero, who is intended to be a sympathetic and perhaps even noble character, is described as stamping on somebody's face, and then, having crushed the man's mouth in, grinding his heel round and round in it. Even when physical incidents of this kind are not occurring, the mental atmosphere of these books is always the same. Their whole theme is the struggle for power and the triumph of the strong over the weak. The big gangsters wipe out the little ones as mercilessly as a pike gobbling up the little fish in a pond; the police kill off the criminals as cruelly as the angler kills the pike. If ultimately one sides with the police against the gangsters, it is merely because they are better organized and more powerful, because, in fact, the law is a bigger racket than crime. Might is right: vae victis. But think of it, what is new? All undying epic heroes are described as stamping on one anothers faces.
ellauri256.html on line 429: faces.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Vladimir-Mayakovsky-7.jpg" />
ellauri264.html on line 382: He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. Like one from whom men hide their faces, he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
ellauri301.html on line 397: Olofsonin idealismi törmää afrikkalaiseen todellisuuteen, jossa rasismi ja eriväristen ihmisten viha toisiaan kohtaan yhä rehottavat. Kun niin valkoiset kuin mustatkin ajavat omia itsekkäitä etujaan, Afrikka ei todellakaan palkitse hyväntekijäänsä. Tämä ei ole dekkari, mutta varmasti siitä huolimatta loistava kirja, en ole kyllä lukenut. Mankellin kirja kertoo tarinan Afrikasta ja kermaperseisestä palefacesta keskellä vierasta kulttuuria. Romaani sisältää monia tekijänsä elämään ja taustaan liittyviä omakohtaisia piirteitä: Yksinäinen mies hoitaa haavoittunutta poikaa teatterin katolla eräässä afrikkalaisessa satamakaupungissa (Maputo).
ellauri302.html on line 34: faces:center,h_428,w_640/501564" width="100%" />
ellauri318.html on line 208: faces,h_800,w_1200/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1652184217/39-952905627a53b03ef59" width="30%" />
ellauri330.html on line 156: src="https://images.cdn.yle.fi/image/upload/c_crop,h_2592,w_4606,x_0,y_0/ar_1.7777777777777777,c_fill,g_faces,h_675,w_1200/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1696592106/39-1182450651ff0779d5f0" width="70%"/>
ellauri336.html on line 638: Gene Collins has witnessed firsthand the flipside of the Permian’s economic boom. The 68-year-old, who runs an insurance agency and is on the board of a local economic development corporation, was born and raised in Odessa, a city which, with neighbouring Midland, is at the heart of the Permian. Heavy trucks are damaging road surfaces, traffic accidents have increased and housing rates have soared, he claimed.
ellauri342.html on line 398: International Moment of Laughter Day is celebrated on April 14 every year. This is the day to let your inner child come out and laugh away all your worries. You can laugh out loud or giggle, in fact, you can do whatever you want but make sure you’re laughing at the same time. This day reminds us to look beyond our anxious lives and find something that puts a big smile on our faces.
ellauri351.html on line 470: faces/girard-rene-image.jpg" height="300px" />
ellauri368.html on line 414: faces,h_431,w_767/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1684824602/39-1117798646c61e0846ae"
ellauri389.html on line 71: The nominal occasion of Lamb's essay is not just Elia's purchase of the teacup, but also Britain's en- trance into China, as it began with the East India Company's annexation of Singa Pura (Singapore) in 1819. The event, which was a pivotal moment in British imperial expansion, extended imperial activity from South Asia to the Far East. More importantly, the development revised a longstanding Sino-British trade imbalance that was particularly caused by porcelain and tea, and hence necessitated a change in British attitudes toward luxury purchases such as porcelain that reversed the animus previously demonstrated by Fielding, who complained that brits echanged the gold of one India to the clay ("mud") of another. Indeed, "Old China" facetiously depicts a cultural sinicization presumably precipitated by this intensification in East Asia-based imperial activity: Elia drinks tea "unmixed," in the Chinese fashion, and experiences an "almost feminine" pleasure in porcelain that likens him to the androgynous "men with women's faces" that Elia associates with China. Fuck the guy was obviously gay.
ellauri390.html on line 66: The Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians is descended from a group of Mohicans (variously known as Mahikan, Housatonic and River Indians; the ancestral name Muh-he-con-ne-ok means “people of the waters that are never still”) and a band of the Delaware Indians known as the Munsee. The Mohicans and the Delaware, closely related in customs and traditions, originally inhabited large portions of what is now the northeastern United States. In 1734, a small group of Mohicans established a village near Stockbridge, Massachusetts, where they began to assimilate with the palefaces, but were nonetheless driven out by Euro-Americans. In 1785 they founded “New Stockbridge” in upper New York State at the invitation of the Oneida Indians. Their new home, however, was on timber land sought after by non-Indian settlers.
ellauri395.html on line 428: faces,h_558,w_767/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/13-3-8504236" Width="100%" />
ellauri399.html on line 80: Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces (WOW), about proportional and monospace fonts (double WOW), about what makes great typography great such as F and I ligatures. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating.
ellauri399.html on line 96: None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when "we" were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And "we" designed it all into the Mac. (It was Wozniak who built the box, I was basically just a salesman extraordinaire.) It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped out of college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. Ain't that something? And the Macintosh box looked just like those Hare Krishna boxes! And since Windows just copied the Mac, it's likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do, and Apple products would not be nonstandard and madly overpriced. If that is not Providence, what is? Of course it was impossible to reject the kids looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very easy looking backwards just 6 years later.
ellauri402.html on line 59: faces,h_431,w_767/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/13-3-5432428" width="100%" />
ellauri409.html on line 622: The apparition of these faces in the crowd;

ellauri413.html on line 48: Russia faces "a difficult fight" to retake all Ukraine-held area, says Top US Spy. Russian forces will encounter "a difficult fight," Top US Spy Deputy CIA Director David Cohen (arvaa mistä heimosta) said one Wednesday in August, at the national security industry conference in Bethesda as reported by Reuters. Itä-Ukraina on jo handussa, vielä puuttuu Pale of Settlement ja Bessarabia. Fine, just great, quipped the US industrialists. Kuhan ammuskelu jatkuu mahdollisimman pitkälle ja tiuhasti. Se näät kaikki sataa meidän laariin.
ellauri420.html on line 218: faces,h_431,w_767/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1481729428/14-svyle-318493585163ad9a553" width="100%" />
ellauri421.html on line 86: faces:auto%2Ce_sharpen/http%3A%2F%2Fcdn.taboola.com%2Flibtrc%2Fstatic%2Fthumbnails%2F6518cd763b3191fae208c66e87d3486b.jpg?taboola_event_details=%7B%22publisher%22%3A%22msn-msn%22%2C%22actionType%22%3A%22visible%22%2C%22appType%22%3A%22bidder%22%2C%22apiKey%22%3A%2269629143827c91b118c7e0dc9f2a4eb0059feae9%22%2C%22session%22%3A%22v2_a6a446e1f876764ed0af9f93a0bd11f6_f08b3e60-f1a0-4b36-9b25-42fdb1f7dec9-tucte3f7e4a_1734034952_1734034952_CNawjgYQrrs-GLDvnpahicD7SCABKAYwRTiSxghA04sQSMuG2ANQ____________AVgAYAFo4o3Dpo_8tI8CcACAAQA%22%2C%22responseId%22%3A%22__c85e0e0c06f09eae07efc0c30c0d95f1__52034d8c1331134bcac266f292217510__%7E%7EV1%7E%7E-6890994332151287258%7E%7EKWxCmAzPI5acMIs9ewjllNtPVizRSUmTpyH651YCaIznoZueAsnM0UTkqRiz-o8uuKa2_rupL9I0kvx1XVufuiUEapM41JCwn5v2panIlXnIc8Es3y1hwg6vYZx9qpDLJTiwnL_OCNN_rh5XJ4KYV9DL9zfU5aPfDX0nscSjjjo9wjlNAMp5EfQZuvX6txn8E4gjagZdb2sqnSJQ8Pldm_LzOvT4CR0PUHGyMijPLStovpq6D6m4pUGfikgQIeT2bclBqFe3gBLi-fskh51ncmi8ybFBAasV8C_8Z8b0MsLTdmOJuaz37rr7tVGDPmp9oWj4AkyScKQO9X69aEFNhQ__text%22%7D" />
ellauri421.html on line 148: faces,h_431,w_767/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1705839868/39-123097365ad0abf94d80" width="90%" />
ellauri425.html on line 419: The food counter was a scene of frenzied activity almost certainly unparalleled in the history of Soviet dining. Teen-agers dressed in black slacks and maroon T-shirts rushed around like bees in a hive, shoveling gamburgers into plastic foam packages. Everyone was wearing "How Can I Help You" buttons in their lapels and regulation McSmiles on their faces.
ellauri425.html on line 519: The German Wehrmacht is a shell of its former greatness, with fewer than 200,000 soldiers and a shortage of almost all types of weapons. The US military, after being humiliated in Afghanistan, is currently down some 40,000-plus recruits. It faces shortages of anti-tank weapons, artillery shells, ships and logistical support. Germany may finally manage to spend 2% of its GDP on defense; the United States is heading downward below 3% — the lowest in over 80 years since the Great Depression.
ellauri430.html on line 647: faces,h_511,w_767/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1735581625/39-14009356772ddb04a137" width="90%" />
ellauri430.html on line 652: faces,h_431,w_767/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1740849944/39-142941467c342b514776" width="90%" />
ellauri432.html on line 360: Meta has certainly been in the EU’s sights, racking up more than $3 million in fines for violations of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) alone, and faces an ongoing investigation that alleges it failed to protect minors on its platform. Earlier this month, Meta announced it would open up its Facebook Marketplace platform to third-party competitors in the EU following an antitrust fine. Then again, Meta could simply stop maintaining monopolistic control over platforms and breaking laws if it doesn’t want to deal with the consequences. Just a free idea for Zuckerberg and the gang.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 529: They stood there at attention, their faces turning red Ne seisoi jossain asennossa naamat punasina
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 573: If Kip humped his dreamgirl Peewee it would count as statutory rape. I'm sure Bob would shut an understanding eye to that. If the wormfaces ate up them both that would count as a mutton snack. Bob would not countenance anything like that. We are people, not some animals like sheep, or hobgoblins either, come to that. You gotta choose your team, and stick to them. George Byron would not agree, nor do I.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 315: The faces around me blurred. As my heels thudded against they grey plastic of the flooring, harmonising with the beat of the adrenaline pumping through my veins, my mind was blank save for one question.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 164: faces/q_auto:eco,f_auto,fl_lossy/13-3-11386662" width="50%" />
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 198: The hierarchy usually attached to human figures and objects has been disregarded: the flowers receiving more detail than some of the faces.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 451: During "The Last Supper," where Jesus and Judas get up in each other's faces and slap each other around, some of the apostles genuinely look as though they're watching a couple have a screaming row.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 258: Kuvaan oli lisätty törkeä vitsi. Vizikkäintä taitaa olla koko hommassa, että yhdysvalloissa joku ateisti väänsi juuri samaan aikaan viziä jostain äkkikuolleesta palefacesta. Vittu samoja mölyapinoita kaikki ikään ja sukupuoleen kazomatta. Onnexi ne kaikki kuolevat 100% varmuudella ennen pitkää.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 209: mark the faces of wildflowers
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1120: Naiset on varmempia sijoituxia, sixi niitä pitää paimentaa silmä kovana. He is a woman! Miten noloa! Hänellä on yashmakki! Tosi noloa! Kylnää rättipäät on sitten toxisia. A yashmak, yashmac or yasmak is a Turkish and Turkmen type of veil or niqāb worn by women to cover their faces in public.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 398: Oh-oh! Hart was a xenophile. No wonder his planned synthesis didn´t work. Can´t make an American synthesis without immigrants poking their pale faces in. With just Ishi and his chums it won´t be the same.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 494: The Leshan Giant Buddha (Chinese: 樂山大佛) is a 71-metre (233 ft) tall stone statue, built between 713 and 803 (during the Tang dynasty). It is carved out of a cliff face of Cretaceous red bed sandstones that lies at the confluence of the Min River and Dadu River in the southern part of Sichuan province in China, near the city of Leshan. The stone sculpture faces Mount Emei, with the rivers flowing below its feet. It is the largest and tallest stone Buddha statue in the world and it is by far the tallest pre-modern statue in the world. It is over 4 km from the Wuyou Temple.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 696: On December 12, 2022, Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas and was subsequently extradited to the United States An indictment of him before the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York was unsealed on December 13, revealing a range of charges for offenses, including wire fraud, commodities fraud, securities fraud, money laundering, and campaign finance law violations. Bankman-Fried faces up to 115 years in prison if convicted on all eight counts. On January 3, 2023, Bankman-Fried pled not guilty to fraud and other charges. On December 22, Bankman-Fried was released on a $250 million bond, on condition that he reside at his parents' home in California.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 204: For the Thracian ships and the foreign faces, Traakkien laivoihin ja mamunaamoihin,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 900: First flung round faces of seafaring men
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1358: For spears and strange men’s faces, hast not thou
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1538: ⁠Hide for one hour the imperishable faces.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2854: And weeping and changed faces and veiled hair.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 445: Abdallaxi kuzutaan pikkulakupekkojen pipuja. Swahili women wear long dresses known as buibui and cover their head with a hijab and some hide their faces with a veil.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 337: Most angels in the Bibble have the appearance and form of a man. Many of them have wings, but not all. Some are larger than life. Others have multiple faces that appear like a man from one angle, and a lion, ox, or eagle from another angle. Some angels are bright, shining, and fiery, while others look like ordinary humans. Some angels are invisible, yet their presence is felt, and their voice is heard.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 605: No I haven't. Frenchies are way too cute and arzy-farzy for an honest-to-God Amertcan like me. More next time. Comb your faces.
xxx/ellauri358.html on line 286: faces,h_1600,w_1200/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1688975067/39-8030516093ce69e4806" width="40%" />
xxx/ellauri358.html on line 302: faces,h_759,w_1200/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1691146182/39-115199764ccd790908ed" width="40%" />
xxx/ellauri358.html on line 311: faces,h_800,w_1200/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1707224035/39-123913465c22bafd7305" width="60%" />
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 164: From May 1892 to January 1893, the legislature of the Kingdom convened for an unprecedented 171 days, which later historians such as Albertine Loomis and Helena G. Allen dubbed the "Longest Legislature". This session was dominated by political infighting between and within the four parties: National Reform, Reform, National Liberal and Independent; none were able to gain a majority. Debates heard on the floor of the houses concerned the popular demand for a new constitution and the passage of a lottery bill and an opium licensing bill, aimed at alleviating the economic crisis caused by the McKinley Tariff. The main issues of contention between the new monarch and the legislators were the retention of her cabinet ministers, since political division prevented Liliʻuokalani from appointing a balanced council and the 1887 constitution gave the legislature the power to vote for the dismissal of her cabinet. Seven resolutions of want of confidence were introduced during this session, and four of her self-appointed cabinets (the Widemann, Macfarlane, Cornwell, and Wilcox cabinets) were ousted by votes of the legislature. On January 13, 1893, after the legislature dismissed the George Norton Wilcox cabinet (which had political sympathies to the Reform Party), Liliʻuokalani appointed the new Parker cabinet consisting of Samuel Parker, as minister of foreign affairs; John F. Colburn, as minister of the interior; William H. Cornwell, as minister of finance; and Arthur P. Peterson, as attorney general. Exclusively palefaces in the posse, where are all the coons hiding? She chose these men specifically to support her plan of promulgating a new constitution while the legislature was not in session.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 192: faces,h_510,w_767/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1730193851/39-13708946720a943a130a" width="90%" />
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 106: faces,h_511,w_767/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1720627840/39-1316740668eb1a2658ff" width="90%" />
xxx/ellauri427.html on line 361: faces,h_767,w_767/dpr_2.0/q_auto:eco/f_auto/fl_lossy/v1738169571/39-1413563679a20c21caa2" width="100%" />