ellauri039.html on line 351: Hatsipompponen’s artistic development is threaded with a series of performance works that are inspired by autobiographical events and social issues. Benevolence evoked an inner quietness with extremely slow and repetitive motions, questioning the exponential acceleration of our contemporary lives. MISEMONO: SIDESHOW dealt with cultural stereotypes and racial issues. Ritual for RED was a re-enactment of the lost memories suffered from a severe auto accident. "My work in execution and establishment communicates both the solid fact and the ephemerality of life."
ellauri060.html on line 1046: This content quality problem has been exacerbated by Google’s switch to emphasize the freshness of their index years ago. The rationale was that there was so much good stuff around, and that its supply was (supposedly even exponentially) constantly increasing so Google would always be able to show amazing results just from the freshest portion of their index.
ellauri088.html on line 86: Gustav Fechner (1801-1887) argued for psychophysical parallelism, according to which the mental and physical worlds run parallel to each other but do not interact. Fechner developed the Weber-Fechner law, according to which the perceived intensity of a stimulus increases arithmetically as a constant multiple of the physical intensity of the stimulus or in other words, changes of physical intensity gallop along at a brisk pace while the corresponding changes of perceived intensity creep along. The Weber and the Weber-Fechner laws were the first laws to provide a mathematical statement of the relationship between the mind and the body. Another significant contribution when S. S. Stevens (1906-1973) demonstrated that psychological intensity grows as an exponential function of physical stimulus intensity, that is, equal stimulus ratios always produce equal sensory ratios although different ratios hold for different sensory modalities. (Siis mitä? Aritmeettisesti vai logaritmisesti?)
ellauri088.html on line 524: Kasautuminen ja kurjistuminen on kapitalismin laki, se on riistäjän rautainen laki. Ei siinä muusta ole kysymys kuin exponentiaalisesta kasvusta. Se on aivan luonnon normitoimintaa. Ässäkäyrää seurataan ja sitten kaoottista nyintää kunnes amplitudi menee nollaan ja laji katoaa.
ellauri093.html on line 176: Wingate was an exponent of unconventional military thinking and the value of surprise tactics. Assigned to Mandatory Palestine, he became a supporter of Zionism, and set up a joint British-Jewish counter-insurgency unit. Under the patronage of the area commander Archibald Wavell, Wingate was given increasing latitude to put his ideas into practice during the Second World War. He created units in Abyssinia and Burma.
ellauri098.html on line 58: What's your malfunction? A flawed character is more interesting than a flawless character. Ergo, a cast of characters with flaws is more interesting exponentially. An easy way to crank up drama is to supply everyone with a tragic past, a messed up family history, other significant issues (physical, psychological, etc.) or some combination of the three. When Dysfunction Junction comes into play, good parents can be as common as penguins in the Sahara, instead turning out to be neglectful, smothering/overprotective, unfeeling, abusive, misguided, or dead. And let's not even get into the rest of the family.
ellauri107.html on line 395: The antihero of Roth’s 1995 novel Sabbath’s Theatre blinds us with his astonishing misogyny, his exponential misanthropy, his audacious nihilism - and yet he makes us care shit. The depraved Mickey Sabbath, the hero, anti-hero and villain of Philip Roth’s 1995 tour d'Eiffel, Sabbath’s Theatre. Just what he does to deserve this affection over the course of 450 bile-filled pages is hard to fathom. He virtually copies that bête noire of creative writing courses, the unsympathetic character. To discover such a monstrous creation on the page is a shock.
ellauri107.html on line 398: He’s a supernova of sin, or a Roman candle, or a fire cracker at the very least, blazing away in Roth’s virtuoso paragraphs; blinding us with his astonishing misogyny, his exponential misanthropy, his audacious nihilism.
ellauri108.html on line 220: Whereas its membership had previously derived predominantly from poorer sectors of society, in the 1960s Rastafari began attracting support from more privileged groups like students and professional musicians. The foremost group emphasising this approach was the Twelve Tribes of Israel, whose members came to be known as "Uptown Rastas". Among those attracted to Rastafari in this decade were middle-class intellectuals like Leahcim Semaj, who called for the religious community to place greater emphasis on scholarly social theory as a method of achieving change. Although some Jamaican Rastas were critical of him, many came under the influence of the Guyanese black nationalist academic Walter Rodney, who lectured to their community in 1968 before publishing his thoughts as the pamphlet Groundings. Like Rodney, many Jamaican Rastas were influenced by the U.S.-based Black Power movement. After Black Power declined following the deaths of prominent exponents such as Malcolm X, Michael X, and George Jackson, Rastafari filled the vacuum it left for many black youth.
ellauri119.html on line 400: Paul Matthews van Buren (April 20, 1924 – June 18, 1998) was a Christian theologian and author. An ordained Episcopal priest, he was a Professor of religion at Temple University, Philadelphia for 22 years. He was a Director [NYT obituary says "Associate"] of the Center of Ethics and Religious Pluralism at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Van Buren was born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia. During World War II, he had served in the United States Coast Guard. He graduated with a bachelor´s degree in government from Harvard College in 1948. A professor at Temple University, he was considered a leader of the "Death of God" school or movement, although he himself rejected that name for the movement as a "journalistic invention," and considered himself an exponent of "Secular Christianity." He died of cancer on June 18, 1998 at age 74.
ellauri141.html on line 796: Nojoo, IV laulussa kaupunki n:o 1 perustetaan, ja siinä parasta on tyttöjen kalsongit ikkunoissa. Koirat haukkuvat, karavaani kulkee. Kaveri kylästyy taas vaan olemaan ja lähtee aamusella villihanhien mukana kuin Nils Holgersson. Kaupunkeja perustetaan vähän kaikkialle. Poeettojakin ilmestyy katukuvaan. Onkohan tää jotain kolonialistituubaa? On hienoa mennä nitistämään nomadeja, mezästäjä-keräilijöistä puhumattakaan. Kauppa se on joka kannattaa. Juu ja sitä on tarkoitus jatkaa kautta avaruuxien, kun tää pallo on puzattu. A paean for man. Voi helevetti. Tää anabasis on tota exponentiaalista kasvua, sepä tekee apinasta kuolemattoman. Voi helevetin helevetti. Ei ihme että Nobel antoi tälle palkinnon. Seleukidit mainitaan, eli kyltäs vinkataan Alexanteriin. Ne hevosenhajuiset hevoset sit varmaan tuli Xenofonilta, joka kirjoitti kirjan hevosten hoidosta. IX laulussa saadaan entistä parempia naisia, sillä ne tekee meille pentuja. Hahaa tää on aika sama teema kuin Aataminsaaren Eve Future. Ei herkullinen pano ole tärkeintä vaan pennut ovat. Tää on jostain syystä koiraiden vaikea tajuta. Stranger ei enää nouse pukille. Sille tuodaan vettä eze voi pestä suunsa, naamansa ja munansa. Sitä ei hevosenhaju enää kiinnosta.
ellauri183.html on line 206: José Ortega y Gasset (Madrid, 9 de mayo de 1883-ibídem, 18 de octubre de 1955) fue un filósofo y ensayista español, exponente principal de la teoría del perspectivismo y de la razón vital e histórica, situado en el movimiento del novecentismo.
ellauri192.html on line 79: At the New York École libre des hautes études, a sort of Francophone university-in-exile, he met and collaborated with Claude Lévi-Strauss, who would also become a key exponent of structuralism. He also made the acquaintance of many American linguists, chemists and anthropologists, such as Franz Boas, Benjamin Whorf, and Leonard Bloomfield. When the American authorities considered "repatriating" him to Europe, it was Franz Boas (another Jew) who actually saved his ass.
ellauri258.html on line 585: Autoritaarisissa valtioissa kuten Stalinin Neuvostoliitossa ja Pohjois-Koreassa on hyvä kortilla, koska ylhäältä alas suunnittelu ei pysy exponentiaalisen kasvun vauhdissa. Ja kun jaettavaa on niukalti, tulee apinoista tosi kyräileviä ja päät putoilevat pienestäkin pullikoinnista. Tää on nähty sen tuhannen kertaa eri paikoissa ideologioista täysin riippumatta. Kommarien sinänsä hyvältä kuulostanut ajatus että jaetaan vähäkin hyvä tasan kaikille ei todellakaan tyydytä streeberimpiä Teme-apinoita, ne haluavat päästä keulimaan, kähmimään ja kahmimaan, se on niiden mielestä apinoiden normipäivä. Niinpä suattaa olla, myös kommunistisissa systeemeissä kökkäreillä on taipumus nousta pinnalle.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 515: Elbert Green Hubbard (June 19, 1856 – May 7, 1915) was an American writer, publisher, artist, and philosopher. Raised in Hudson, Illinois, he had early success as a traveling salesman for the Larkin Soap Company. Hubbard is known best as the founder of the Roycroft artisan community in East Aurora, New York, an influential exponent of the Arts and Crafts Movement.
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 359: On tärkeätä oivaltaa että eusosiaalisuus on nousukasta, erakkomaisuus laskukasta. Eusosiaalisuus menestyy paikoitellen runsaissa talousoloissa. Syntyy exponentiaalista kasvua, kaikki ovat tyytyväisiä ja pohjimmaiset pyrkii ylöspäin solidaarisesti suhtkoht sovussa. Kaikki ovat nousukkaita. Syntyy vasemmistolaisia hyvinvointivaltioita ja kommunismia.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 139: Pisalainen Leonardo Fibonacci julkaisi lukujonon idean teoksessaan Liber abaci vuonna 1202. Hän esitteli nimellään kulkevien lukujen syntymekanismia kertoen maatilan pihalla kasvatettavien kanien lisääntymistä. Ensin oli kanipari. Se tuli sukukypsäksi ja sai kaksi poikasta. Seuraavassa vaiheessa kanipari sai uudelleen kaksi poikasta ja edelliset vain varttuivat sukukypsiksi. Sitten, kun ensimmäinen pari sai kolmannet poikasensa, saivat ensimmäiset poikaset poikasparin, ja toinen poikue varttui sukukypsäksi. Näin jatkuen kanit lisääntyivät korkoa korolle varsin rivakasti exponentiaalisen kasvun kaavalla. Kultainen leikkaus on noin 1,618 : 1 : 0,618.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 541: This baroque had its apologists and theoreticians, who maintained that the body existed for the purpose of deriving the greatest amount of pleasure from the greatest number of sites simultaneously. Merg Brb, its leading exponent, argued that Nature had situated - and stingily at that - centers of pleasurable sensation in the body for the purpose of survival only; therefore no enjoyable experience was, by her decree, autonomous, but always served some end: the supplying of the organism with fluids, for example, or with carbohydrates or proteins, or the guaranteeing - through offspring - of the continuation of the species, etc. From this imposed pragmatism it was necessary to break away, totally; the passivity displayed up till now in bodily design was due to a lack of imagination and perspective. Epicurean or erotic delight? - all a paltry by-product in the satisfying of instinctive needs, in other words the tyranny of Nature. It wasn´t enough to liberate sex - proof of that was sex had little future in it, from the combinatorial as well as from the constructional standpoint; whatever there was to think up in that department, had long ago been done, and the point of automorphic freedom didn´t lie in simple-mindedly enlarging this or that, producing inflated imitations of the same old thing. No, we had to come up with completely new organs and mem bers, whose sole function would be to make their possessor feel good, feel great, feel better all the time.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 610: had incarnated in Christ and imparted his immanent spirit which remained in the world even though Jesus was dead. Unlike Nietzsche, Altizer believed that God truly died. He was considered to be the leading exponent of the Death of God movement. Thornton Wilder´s tennis playing big brother Amos called his approach theopoetics.