ellauri101.html on line 556: The Lost Generation was the social generational cohort that came of age during World War I. "Lost" in this context refers to the "disoriented, wandering, directionless" spirit of many of the war's survivors in the early postwar period. The term is also particularly used to refer to a group of American expatriate writers living in Paris during the 1920s. Gertrude Stein is credited with coining the term, and it was subsequently popularized by Ernest Hemingway who used it in the epigraph for his 1926 novel The Sun Also Rises: "You are all a lost generation".
ellauri135.html on line 571: Richter was born in Zhytomyr, Volhynian Governorate of the Russian Empire (modern-day Ukraine), a native town of his parents. His father, Teofil Danilovich Richter [de] (1872–1941), was a pianist, organist and composer born to German expatriates; from 1893 to 1900 he studied in the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. His mother, Anna Pavlovna Richter (née Moskaleva; 1893–1963), came from a noble Russian landowning family, and at one point she moaned under her future husband.
ellauri141.html on line 759: In 1897, Hégésippe Légitimus, the first native Guadeloupan elected president of the Guadeloupe General Council, took office with a vindictive agenda towards colonists. The Leger family returned to metropolitan France in 1899 and settled in Pau. The young Alexis felt like an expatriate and spent much of his time hiking, fencing, riding horses and sailing in the Atlantic. He passed the baccalauréat with honours and began studying law at the University of Bordeaux. When his father died in 1907, the resulting strain on his family's finances led Leger to temporarily interrupt his studies, but he eventually completed his degree in 1910.
ellauri160.html on line 122: Ezra Weston Loomis Pound (30 October 1885 – 1 November 1972), modernin ajan Li Bai, was an expatriate American poet and critic, a major figure in the early modernist poetry movement, and a fascist collaborator in Italy during World War II. His works include Ripostes (1912), Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (1920), and his 800-page epic poem, The Cantos (c. 1917–1962). Hizi noi cantothan on selvä kokoelma paasauxia!
ellauri192.html on line 285: Powys is fortunately dead by now, so he is out of the contest. Some sort of self-made philosopher, or rather a self-help man, who went on tours in the U.S. and got a following from the expatriates. These works were frequently bestsellers, especially in the United States, like "In Defence of Sensuality". BTW, Hardy is an gooey-romantic piece of shit as well.
ellauri222.html on line 735: Augie on tyyten kirjoitettu ulkomailla, enimmäxeen Ranskassa. Se kyllä näkyy siitä. Samanlaista expatriaattifiilistä kuin Ernestolla. Bellow traveled widely throughout his life, mainly to Europe, which he sometimes visited twice a year. As a young man, Bellow went to Mexico City to meet Leon Trotsky, but the expatriate Russian revolutionary was assassinated the day before they were to meet.
ellauri236.html on line 180: Orwell whacks his fellow expatriate Hadley Chase
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 190: Now, I am a little at a loss to explain what’s so insulting about a sombrero – a practical piece of headgear for a hot climate that keeps out the sun with a wide brim. And what's so insulting about shackles - a practical way to keep a cotton worker focused on his work. My parents went to Mexico when I was small, and brought a sombrero back from their travels, the better for my brothers and I to unashamedly appropriate the souvenir to play dress-up. For my part, as a German-American on both sides, I’m more than happy for anyone who doesn’t share my genetic pedigree to don a Tyrolean hat, pull on some leiderhosen, pour themselves a weisbier, and belt out the Hoffbrauhaus Song. (Leiderhosen? weisbier? Damn what ignoramus. But she is American, remember. Donald Trump is an expatriate German too. Hitler was an expatriate Austrian. Bet he had a Tirolean hat, a green one like aunt Inkeri.)
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 296: The story may have been transferred from a wholly different context. It has been noted that it most closely matches, rather than any event in Scotland, the legend of Maria Danilova Gamentova, daughter of an expatriate branch of the Clan Hamilton established in Russia by Thomas Hamilton during the reign of Tsar Ivan IV (1547–1584). A lady in waiting to Tsarina Catherine, second wife of Tsar Peter I "The Great" (who later succeeded him as Catherine I), Mary Hamilton was also the Tsar's mistress. She bore a child in 1717, who may have been fathered by the Tsar but whom she admitted drowning shortly after its birth. She also stole trinkets from the Tsarina to present them to her lover Ivan Orlov. For the murder of her child, she was beheaded in 1719.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 151: Kake, the narrator of The Sun Also Rises is an expatriate working as a journalist in Paris. He served in World War I, in which he suffered an injury that made him impotent. This somewhat hinders his otherwise very close relationship with Brett Ashley. He typifies the Lost Generation, always seeking escape and finding no meaning in life having lost his dick in the horrors and intensity of the war.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 650: Another theme of Kake and Bill's banter concerns the latter's status as an expatriate. He has fled America, with its prudish Anti-Saloon League and bourgeois President Coolidge (who famously said "The business of America is business"). Finally, note the gruff tenderness shared by Kake and Bill in these scenes. One of Hemingway's pleasures in life as in art was what we now call "male bonding," and in this case the bonding is poignant, as in some ways it replaces the love that Kake cannot fully express with female companions. Haha, so you must mean dick, that's the only thing Bill has and they don't.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 984: Unquestionably, Ernest Hemingway was anti-Semitic. Studded throughout his letters are nasty remarks about Jews. But Hemingway felt his prejudice had a place in his fiction as well, most notably in “The Sun Also Rises,” his classic 1925 novel about a group of Paris expatriates at the bullfights in Pamplona.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 124: Moore had remarked only days earlier that: "I fully expect the Fox News Channel and other right-wing media to portray this as an award from the French. There was only one French citizen on the jury. Four out of nine were American. This is not a French award, it was given by an international jury dominated by Americans."The jury was made up of four North Americans (one of them born in Haiti), four Europeans, and one Asian. Some fucking expatriate commies, I bet.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 248: She traveled to Utah in 1901 for a visit with Mormon president Joseph F. Smith, a former missionary to the Hawaiian Island and her teenage beau. There she joined in services at the Salt Lake Tabernacle, and was feted at a Beehive House reception, attended by many expatriate Native Hawaiians. In 1906, Mormon newspapers reported she had been rebaptized again into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Eider Abraham Kaleimahoe Fernandez. However, many historians doubt this claim, since the Queen herself never announced it. In fact, Liliʻuokalani continued to refer to herself as an Episcopalian in secular newspapers published the same week of her supposed Mormon baptism. The Queen´s interest in Mormonism later waned. Joe was no longer what he was in the good old days.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 181: Tate, turning against Crane, linked the modernist defense of tradition to an embattled heterosexual masculinity, while he adapted Eliot's stance to a career sustained by criticism and teaching. Tate was a professor of English at the University of Minnesota. A southern agrarian. The Old South was semi-feudal, agrarian, backward-looking, xenophobic, and religious, much like the European Union of today. Tate and his fellow Fugitives “believed that industrialism had demeaned man and that there was a need to return to the humanism of the Old South.” The Agrarian movement, Hart added, “would create or restore something in ‘the moral and religious outlook of Western Man.’” He socialized with Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, and the other expatriate American writers in Paris, munavoita mezästeli kuin Punavyö housujahdissa. Tate felt that art could not survive without religion.