Tästä viimesestä sentään selvis sen verran että pääsi itse toimituksesta jonkin verran jyvälle. Irrumabo ego vos et pedicabo.
ellauri003.html on line 690: Mentiin Seijan kaa 1981 Jasun ja Kotkan luo ensivisiitille Floridan Tallahasseeseen, golfkentän reunan bungalowiin. Jasu tuli ovelle ja huomasi et Seija odottaa. John oli tulossa, ehkä viidennellä.
ellauri003.html on line 761: voittaneeseen jengiin.
ellauri003.html on line 1303: pesemättömissä rytkyissä.
ellauri004.html on line 133: toiseen huoneeseen murjottamaan pakeni,
ellauri004.html on line 377: lääkäriasemaan eikä äidin reseptiin,
ellauri004.html on line 955: Kullekin tarpeeseen, kultakin minkä se jaksaa.
ellauri004.html on line 1207: Miksei se vaan sanonu niinkuin muutkin isit, et hyvä on, tää riittää selkäsauna, oo vastedes kiltti, älä enää koskaan tuota tee. Miks ihmeessä se itseensä ampuu jalkaan vielä? Pitääkö sen tosiaan ittelleen oma moka sovittaa? Kolmen hengen ringissä itseään (eli toisiaan) perseeseen potkia kuin karhukopla? No jaa, ei hassumpikaan idea, jos oli kaikki isin syytä. Mut se ei liene tämän sadun moraali.
ellauri004.html on line 1352: Historiattomilla elukoilla onnen differentiaalilaki toimii hyvin, se siirtää syklisesti elukan mielenkiinnon kulloinkin akuuttiin tarpeeseen. Siitä ei seuraa mitään haittaa. Niillä tarpeet seuraa ässäkäyrää. Tän käyrän differentiaali, onnen mitta, on sykähdys, pieni onnen pala. Ensin on vähän nälkä, sitten kova, sitten syödään, tullaan kylläisiksi, ei tee yhtään mieli lisää, yäk. Nyt ois kiva leikkiä. Kun siitä väsytään, sitten nukutaan. Sama toimii kaikilla akseleilla, janon, unen, panonkin tarpeista saa elukka tarpeeksi, ja kyllästyy. Syklit toistuu samanlaisina, karman pyörä pyörii hitaasti ja tasaisesti. Elukan elämä on sarja toistuvia mutta pian aina unohtuvia menestyksiä ja takaiskuja, pieniä iloja, pieniä pettymyksiä, jotka aika ajoin kumoavat toisensa. Onnet ja onnettomuudet menee päittäin. Loppusumma pelistä on nolla, ei synny kasvua.
ellauri004.html on line 1391: Ylä- ja keskiluokka voi yhdessä tehä voittoa rotinkaisista, win-win on beat-beat. Samaan aikaan yläluokka nylkee vielä enemmän keskiluokalta. Keskiluokka ei kato alaspäin, onni ei ole sillä suunnalla, Se vilkuilee vaan sivulle, joneseihin, pyrkii niiden kanssa kilpaa yläluokkaan.
ellauri004.html on line 1554: voudin perheeseen syntyi kunkun äpärä.
ellauri005.html on line 106: Perseeseen potkii, ellen tottele.
ellauri005.html on line 159:
Scholars talk books, butchers talk pigs. (Chinese Proverb)
ellauri008.html on line 47: Epäonnistuneen itsemurhayrityksen jälkeen Korzeniowski pestautui 1878 englantilaislaivaan. Vuonna 1886 hänellä oli komennossaan oma laiva ja hän oli saanut Britannian kansalaisuuden. Tässä vaiheessa hän muutti nimensä Joseph Conradiksi. Seuraavat kahdeksan vuotta hän purjehti eri puolella maailmaa kartuttaen kokemuksia, jotka vaikuttivat voimakkaasti hänen myöhempään kirjalliseen tuotantoonsa. Vuonna 1893 hän jätti merimieselämän, jonka aikana hän oli täysin englantilaistunut.
ellauri008.html on line 227: People do these things, why not someone I know,
ellauri008.html on line 470: He made me feel so natural and very much myself, that I was almost afraid of losing the thrill and wonder of being there, although I was vibrating with intense excitement inside. His eyes under their pent-house lids revealed the suffering and the intensity of his experiences; when he spoke of his work, there came over them a sort of misty, sensuous, dreamy look, but they seemed to hold deep down the ghosts of old adventures and experiences—once or twice there was something in them one almost suspected of being wicked. But then I believe whatever strange wickedness would tempt this super-subtle Pole, he would be held in restraint by an equally delicate sense of honour. In his talk he led me along many paths of his life, but I felt that he did not wish to explore the jungle of emotions that lay dense on either side, and that his apparent frankness had a great reserve.
ellauri008.html on line 716: Jim oli peräsmiehenä ruosteisessa höyrylaivassa joka kuskas läjää mumslimeja indonesiasta mekkareisulle. Meinas tulla hukkareissu, laiva ruostuu puhki puolimatkassa. Länsimainen miehistö hyppää pelastusveneeseen ja jättää muslimit mulahtamaan pohjaan paatin mukana. Paizi ei se uponnut! Väärä hälytys. Ruostekaukalo jäi kellumaan ja ranskalainen tykkivene hinasi sen Adeniin. Allah armahti. Vitun noloa. Kapu ja kaverit anto väärän meriselityxen. Meni Jimin merikortti hyllylle.
ellauri008.html on line 763: Und machst mir diesen schönen Tag zum Fest.
ellauri008.html on line 804: P.P.S. Alfons oli Tasson patrblrlbluuuna, sen mesenaatti, Alfonso II d’Este, Ferrarin johtaja (1533-1597). Kun Gerusalemme liberata oli loppuun kynäilty, Tasso halus ajaa Ferrarilla Firenzeen, Alfonso ei päästänyt, mix ei? Olikohan se joku Marlow sekin, Tasso sen Lordi Jim. V. 1577 Tasso puukotti epähuomiossa lakeijan, ja Alfonso pani sen St Annan pöpilään 7 vuodeksi 1579-1586. Että semmonen Alfonso se oli, ja semmoinen se Tasso. Kun patruuna kuoli, Ferrarista tuli paavimobiili.
ellauri008.html on line 814: This book analyzes the representations of homosexuality in Conrad’s fiction, beginning with Conrad’s life and letters to show that Conrad himself was, at least imaginatively, bisexual. Conrad’s recurrent bouts of neurasthenia, his difficult courtships, late marriage, and frequent expressions of misogyny can all be attributed to the fact that Conrad was emotionally, temperamentally, and, perhaps, even erotically more comfortable with men than women.
ellauri008.html on line 842: Stemming from Ernest's treatment as a child, where his overbearing mother put him in dresses (a common practice then, but which his mother took to the extreme, even treating him like a girl), Hemingway had an interesting relationship with gender and his perceptions of it. He probably never engaged in homosexual activity but there can be no doubt that he idolized the male form. There are scenes in almost all of his books but certainly in his major novels where the men are presented in a homerotic manner. Farewell to Arms is kind of an eyebrow raiser. But this is also the man who wrote The Garden of Eden, which was about gender switching. Ernest's 3rd son "ille faciet" Gregory fulfilled his dad's dream. Go read Running With The Bulls. This is written by his son Gregory’s wife Valerie, who had to deal with the fact that her man was a transvestite and died from a botched sex change. Very few people know this.
ellauri008.html on line 871: Aus dem Schlageter stammt auch die fälschlich Hermann Göring zugeschriebene Aussage: „Wenn ich Kultur höre … entsichere ich meinen Browning“ (1. Akt, 1. Szene). Johsts Widmung „Für Adolf Hitler in liebender Verehrung und unwandelbarer Treue“ beeindruckte Hitler ebenso wie der Inhalt des Stückes. Das Stück beschäftigt sich mit dem Freikorpskämpfer Albert Leo Schlageter, der während der Ruhrbesetzung (1923) von einem französischen Militärgericht zum Tode verurteilt wurde, da er Anschläge auf militärische Verkehrsverbindungen verübt hatte. Johst proklamierte ihn zum „ersten Soldaten des Dritten Reiches“.
ellauri008.html on line 1129: Bisneselmeri Kawi Wäisänen
ellauri008.html on line 1150: Pietarilaiseen hengityskoneeseen ilman letkua!
ellauri008.html on line 1162: eekuu paranoo lopun lähestyessä, se jää varmaan viimesexi
ellauri008.html on line 1236: Se nyt ainakin on siirto oikeeseen suuntaan.
ellauri008.html on line 1331: Sen virkkeet on niin lyhyitä, että ne ehtii päättyä pisteeseen, ennenkuin palstan reuna tulee vastaan. Suurin osa niistä on pelkkiä päälauseita. Selkokieltä, mainostextiä. Lyhyestä. Virsi. Kaunis.
ellauri008.html on line 1341: Pojat ei jaxa romaaneja, kun niissä on niin paljon sanoja. Ne lukee mieluummin tekniikkaan, fysiikkaan, urheiluun, tietokoneisiin tai vaikka lääketieteeseen liittyviä vaativiakin asiatextejä. Mix niitä sitten kiusata naistenkirjallisuudella eli romaaneilla, mixei ne voisi vaan selata Sanoma Oyn tiedelehteä ja kazoo kuvia?
ellauri008.html on line 1471: Heidegger innostui hirmusesti Hitleristä, liitty puolueeseen ja pääsi sillä tiketillä yliopistonsa rehtoriksi. Tästä ei sen ope vanha jutku Husserl yhtään tykännyt. Mara ei mennyt edes sen hautajaisiin. Maran vanha panopuu, Hanna Arendt, jutku sekin, vimmastu myös. Tais Mara huomata työntäneensä heil Hitler käden pahaan paikkaan.
ellauri008.html on line 1473: Natsit itse piti Maraa joutavana suunpieksäjänä, eikä ihme, veikkohan nostaa avainongelmaksi tän: "Warum ist überhaupt etwas und nicht vielmehr nichts?" Leila Haaparanta rassu mietti tätä kuusivuotiaana taimisena, ehkä nytte emeritana vieläkin. Pian se selviää. Kysymykseen vastaa Hegel: Weil nichts existiert nicht, das Nichts nur nichtet. Hoo hoo jaa jaa, metafysiikkaa. Palataan Parmenideeseen kuin koira oksennukselle. Ei jaksa. Nyrjähtänyttä kielipeliä. Kiinalainen kissa joka huitoo ilmaa, yhden käden merirosvo ilman jackpottia. Hitler varmaan sanoi Maralle: Martin, du nichtssagender Pfurz! Ei huijannut Adlerhorstin ajattelijaa.
ellauri008.html on line 1482: Sein ist der allgemeinste und leerste Begriff. Als solcher widersteht er jedem Definitionsversuch. Dieser allgemeinste und daher undefinierbare Begriff bedarf auch keiner Definition. Jeder gebraucht ihn ständig und versteht auch schon, was er je damit meint. Damit ist das, was als Verborgenes das antike Philosophieren in die Unruhe trieb und in ihr erhielt, zu einer sonnenklaren Selbstverständlichkeit geworden, so zwar, daß, wer darnach auch noch fragt, einer methodischen Verfehlung bezichtigt wird.
ellauri008.html on line 1712: entiseen väestötilanteeseen optimoituneet.
ellauri008.html on line 2155: Mä vien meidät mun hotellihuoneeseen. Älä nyt katso mua noin. En ole homo. Etkä sä ole minun tyyppiäni. Mä pidän miehistä, jotka pystyvät huutamaan, kun panen niitä perseeseen. Sä et pystyisi muuhun kuin raapimaan patjaa. Totta puhuen se ei riitä mulle. Pitää kuulua vähän ääntäkin.
ellauri009.html on line 533: se joka potkii perseeseen ja jota potkitaan
ellauri009.html on line 548: itseään potki katkerana perseseen,
ellauri009.html on line 580: luonteeseen asti synti pestä puhtaaxi,
ellauri009.html on line 1446: Mut asiaan. To business! Eläköön se pieni ero! Mikä on se ero jota tässä haetaan, apart from the obvious? Mikä malli on uhanalaisena? Vielä kysyt, siitähän on valtava kirjallisuus. Miehet ovat perseestä, naiset anuksesta. Miehet metästää, naiset hoivaa. Miehet istuu tupakalla miesten talossa, ottaa neuvoa antavia neuvostossa. Naiset kuokkii peltoa lapset selässä, käy kaupat, tekee perheelle hyvää mättöä, siivoilee. Odottaa miestä kotiin ohkasessa nailonnegligeessä. Mies pesee auton ja vaihtaa lamput.
ellauri009.html on line 1565: Bisnesenkelit levittävät luovaa tuhoa,
ellauri009.html on line 1827: Ihmiset on yxitellen just yhtä tyhmiä kuin murkut, eikä tää niiden pesäkään ole ehtinyt sopeutua nopeeseen muutostahtiin. Tää tuli niin äkkiä, se sanoo kuin entisajan morsian. Six en jaxa uskoa, et se selviää omasta tyhmyydestään lopun edellä. Tältä se ainakin nyt näyttää täältä pesän juurelta. Voihan olla et veikkaan väärin. 1x2. Lottoarvonta. Noppaa heittää jumala, laput silmillä.
ellauri009.html on line 1842: Tai sit pitäis mennä vähän eteenpäin, suoraan termiittipesävaiheeseen.
ellauri011.html on line 237: Warbled out these metres meet:
ellauri011.html on line 456: antaa karvan kasvaa joka reiästä, ei peseydy,
ellauri011.html on line 516: Though he wrote the book so quickly, it took it quite long to taste the first success of the book. Initially, only 900 copies of the book were published in Portuguese, which later went out of print. But he didn’t give up, went to a new publisher, added the beginning sentence “When you want something, the whole universe conspires to help you.” And, the icing on the cake was the 1993 release of its English version which took the novel to new heights. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist.
ellauri011.html on line 533: Be present. Make love. Embrace your plant, love it. Make your bed ... someone else's bed. Swim in the ocean. Ask questions. Learn. Know your own worth. Forgive quickly.
ellauri011.html on line 576: Kirjan perusteella Loirin tärkein rooli on ollut rakastajan rooli. "Mikään muu yksittäinen asia ei taannut Loirille niin suoraa tietä naisen vuoteeseen kuin silmiin katsoen lausuttu Cesar Vallejon runo." Naisia tulee ja menee siihen tahtiin että tukkimiehen kirjanpito ei pysy perässä. "Marita Hakalan kanssa on ollut eniten yhteistä: nautinnollista erotiikkaa, yliluonnollisia kokemuksia ja uskoa jälleensyntymiseen."
ellauri011.html on line 926: Näin unta et mun muka joku entinen tyttöystävä oli keskustalainen presidentti. Mä olin tapaamassa sitä kultarannassa pesemättömänä parta ajamatta. Se tykkäs mutta kuitenkaan ei oikein tykännyt. Paparazzit tuli jonona perässä ja räpsi kuvia. Sekään ei oikein sopinut. Salissa pelattiin krokettia alamaisten kalloilla. Tää uni tuli jotenkin illalla luetusta el Paulon luvusta. Korjaan o Paulo, sehän on dago. Sen huomaa roikkuvista silmistä. Kai mä olin siinä unessa Paulo ja tää pressa oli Karla. Mäkin oon pieni ruipelo.
ellauri011.html on line 1092: Oikeudesta heiveröiset hakee tasoitusta, niinkuin veljessarjan pahnanpohjimmainen hukkapätkä Kimmo Koskennieni koripallon pelisäännöistä. Muut tekee sille tilaa korin alla et se pääsee heittämään. Ohi menee mutta menköön, on noudatettu sääntöjä. Mix heikot sitten saavat oikeutta, koriinheittopaikkoja? Kai joukkueeseen tarvitaan tietty määrä veikkoja. Joukko heikkoja voi sitäpaizi toimia joukkovoimana. Yhdessä ne saa pidettyä jonkinlaisen reviirin. Sellaisen jäsenenä voi saada armoa, joka kuten tunnettua voi käydä oikeudesta.
ellauri012.html on line 62: "Kaniloruilla" Carlson pruuttaa ratsastamansa haiku- hevosensa pysähdykseen, ja kääntää suuntansa kohti poliittisempaa, modernin jälkipalaleivosreseptien rytmityksen tahdittamaa sanavalssia, josssa Sakua kuin kanejakaan ei enää ole - aivan kuin Carlson heittäisi lukijoilleen murtolukuista eksistentialismia keskisormena vallitsevalle sanskriittisjugendilaiselle tavutukselle. Kuka tässä ny onkaan šeikspiär? tämä itsessään takkuaa tämä haastattelu vai mikä nyt olikaan
ellauri012.html on line 94: JOS hra Koipalli (helmik. 23 Sunn.Liite, s.8 4. palsta) luulee että Kananed. (Eevert Yskä). Niin minä kyllä sanoisin hänelle (hra Koipalli) että on nuolassut ennen kuin tipahtaa. Kuin uskalta vihjasta että hra Yskä on yhteiskunniallisesti varamato? Eikö juuri Yskä pannut alulle kanainvälilliset järjestöt jotka puolestaan johtivat välittömään vastakiekuun Länt. Liittoutuman (NATO) taholta. Jos hra Soipilli vlipittömästi kuvittelee että Indonegro totisesti aikoo hyökätä Vähä-Karelian mantereeseen maailman huomion ollessa siihen suuntaan, mind saatan vain olletaa että hän (hra Suopullo) on menettänyt loputketkin ölyn rippeensä! Onko hän unhotanut hra Yskän surenmooisen puheen Ryhdistyneessä Ylöskoukouksessa? Untohaako hän myös tuon tähän menessä enennäkemättömän lain - Siunaantuneet Vanhat Läskit - joka yhväksyttiin Edusmunassa ehlottomalla ennemistöllä?
ellauri012.html on line 116: 30:4 Cuca taiwasen ylös ja alas mene? cuca käsittä tuulen piwoons? cuca sito weden waatteseen? cuca on asettanut maan pijrit? mikä on hänen nimens? cuinga hänen poicans cudzutan? tiedätkös?
ellauri012.html on line 122: 30:10 Älä canna palwelian päälle hänen isändäns edes: ettei hän sinua kiroilis/ ja sinä nijn nuhteseen tulet.
ellauri012.html on line 221: Sun kirjoittama lohdutuskirje jollekin ystävälle joutui pari päivää sitten käsiini; kun tunsin kirjoittajan ja käsialan, avasin sen uteliaisuuttani. Oikeuttaakseni ottamani vapauden uskottelin itselleni että mulla oli etuoikeus kaikkeen sulta tulevaan. Enkä välittänyt hyvistä tavoista kun oli tilaisuus kuulla uutisia Abelardista. Mutta kyllä maksoin uteliaisuuden kalliisti! Kyllä siitä tuli paha mieli, ja yllätyin, kun löysin koko kirjeen täynnä surullista tarinaa meidän onnettomuuksista; tapasin oman nimeni sieltä sata kertaa; kyllä hirvitti, joku iso onnettomuus seurasi sitä aina. Näin sunkin nimesi yhtä onnettomissa merkeissä. Nää surulliset mutta rakkaat muistot pani mun sydämen kovasti liikkeeseen, musta on kyllä liikaa tarjota lohtua jollekin ystävälle jostain sen pikku mokista niin rankalla tavalla kuin kertomalla meidän kärsimyksistä. Kyllä pani miettimään!
ellauri012.html on line 227: En säästä ketään koska kukaan ei piittaa susta, ja sun viholliset ei koskaan väsy vainoomaan sua viatonta. Voih! mun muisti on aina täynnä katkeria muistoja kärsityistä vääryyksistä; onko niitä lisää vielä tulossa? Eikö mun Abelardia koskaan mainita huokailematta? Huomaa, pyydän, mihinkä surkeeseen kuntoon sä oot saanut mut: surullinen, vaivainen, ilman mitään lohtua ellei se lähde susta. Älä siis ole tyly, äläkä kiellä mua, rukoilen, sen vähän helpotuksen voit vaan sä suoda. Anna mulle luotettava selitys kaikesta mikä koskee sua; mä haluun tietää kaiken, kurjimmankin. Ehkä huokailemalla sun kanssa kuorossa voin vähentää sun vaivoja, sanotaanhan, että jaettu suru on vaan puolikas.
ellauri012.html on line 307: Tyydy tähän näin komeeseen lopputulokseen; tee hyveestäsi malli miehille ja enkeleille. Ole nöyrä lastes edessä, laula ahkerasti kuorossa, pidä kova kuri, lue uutterasti; uhraa jopa vapaa-aika hyötyliikuntaan. Oletko sä saanut viran niin helpolla ettei sun tarvi nähdä yhtään vaivaa? Kun kerta annoit mun käyttää sua hyväksi ja opettaa sulle kiellettyjä juttuja, älä nyt vastusta näitä hyviä neuvoja jotka mulle inspiroi nyt armo ja uskonto. Mun on tunnustettava että tähän asti ajattelin olevani parempi naimisen opettajana kuin uskossa uimisen tai niiden asioiden puimisen. Mun hyvästä supliikista on ollut pelkkää harmia. Mun sydän, joka juopui hekkumasta, keksi vaan niitä sanoja, jotka sopi siihen tarkoitukseen. Syntisten kuppi kallistuu niin ihku makeasti, että meillä on luontojamme suurta taipumusta maistaa siitä, ei sitä tarvi kahdesti tarjota. Pyhimysten tuoppi taas on täynnä niin pahanmakuista juomaa, että yhtä luonnostaan sitä kammotaan. Ja sit sä ihmettelet miks mä pelkurina tarjoon sitä ensin sulle. Syytä vaan, olet oikeassa, enkä mä voi kyllin ihailla sua et sä menit siihen halpaan. Kanna siksi rohkeasti risti jonka otit niin visusti vastaan. Juo pyhimysten litran tuoppi pohjaan saakka, äläkä kato muhun päin, anna mun juosta sua pakoon noudattaen apostolin (ja sopuleita pakenevan Roope Ankan) käskyä: Karkuun!
ellauri012.html on line 309: Sä pyydät mua palaamaan sun luo pyhistelyn tekosyyllä. Sun ponnekkuus tässä kohtaa herättää mussa epäilyksiä enkä tiedä mitä vastata. Jos teen tässä virheen, mun sanat punastuu, niin sanoakseni, sen jälkeen miten meille kävi. Kirkko on mustasukkainen kunniastaan, ja käskee että sen alamaiset koulutetaan hyveeseen hyveen avulla. Jos lähestymme jumalaa moitteetta, sitten voimme kutsua sinne mukaan muitakin. Mutta se mitä taivas odottaa Abelardilta on et se unohtaa Heloisen, ei tapaa sitä enää, ja se mitä se pyytää Heloiselta on olla odottamalta multa enää mitään, tyyten unohtaa koko jäbä. (Mistäkö mä sen tiedän? No mä oon apotti, mullon suora linja sinne, me jutellaan jahven kanssa päivittäin kuin mies miehelle.) Rakkauden ollessa kyseessä unohdus on välttämätön rangaistus, ja vaikein. On helppo luetella meidän vikoja; miten monet niistä on salaa tarjonneet lisää mielihyvää eikä tarvittavaa nöyryttä. Ainoo tapa palata herran helmaan on hylätä palvomamme luojanluoma, ja palvoa vaan unohtamaamme jumalaa. Tää voi kuulostaa kovalta, mut se meidän pitää tehdä pelastuksen eteen.
ellauri012.html on line 381: Rakas Abelard, - sä ehkä luulet et mä syytän sua vetelyydestä. Sä et ole vastannut mun viime kirjeeseen, ja taivaan kiitos, siinä kunnossa missä mä nyt oon, on helpotus että sä osoitat niin vähän kiinnostusta tunteisiin jotka kavalsin. Lopultakin Abelard sä olet menettänyt Heloisen iäksi. Kaikista niistä valoista huolimatta etten ajattelis muuta kuin vaan sinua, enkä saisi viihdytystä muusta, olen nyt karkottanut sut mun mielestä, mä oon unohtanut sut. Sä ihana ajatus rakastetusta jota kerran jumaloin, sä et ole enää mun onnen avain! Rakas Abelardin kuva! sä et enää vainoo mua, mä en enää edes muista sua. Ooh kuuluisuus ja ansio, mies joka vihollisista huolimatta on aikansa ihmemies! Oi lumoavat nautinnot mihin Heloise alistui - te olitte mun kiduttajia! Mä tunnustan mun häilyvyyden, Abelard, ihan punastumatta; opettakoon mun uskottomuuteni maailmalle ettei naisten lupauksiin ole luottamista - meidän mieli ja kielikin on niin muuttuvainen. Tää kiusaa sua, Abelard; tää tieto ulkoa voi sut yllättää; sä et koskaan kuvitellut että Heloise voisi olla petollinen. Sillä oli niin vahvat ennakkoluulot sun puolesta, ettet voi kuvitella miten aika voisi muuttaa niitä. Mutta pidä kiinni tuolista, mä aion nyt paljastaa sulle mun kaksinaamaisuuden, vaikka luulenkin että sä et moiti mua, vaan itket ilosta.
ellauri012.html on line 413: Koitetaan viedä uskonnollinen perfektionismi ihan tappiin. On kaunista kun löytää kristillisiä mieliä jotka on niin irti maasta, luojan luomista ja itsestäänkin, että ne näyttävät levitoivan erossa ruumiista missä ne on kiinni, ja käyttää ruumista vaan orjana. Me ei voida koskaan päästä jumalan tasolle. Miten paljon me yritetäänkin, me jäädään aina takatuhdolle, me ei edes tajuta kuinka paljon. Toimitaan vaan jumalan kunniaksi välittämättä muista luomista tai edes itsestämme, ei välitetä omista haluista tai muitten toiveista. Jos me oltaisiin aina sellaisia, niin mä voisin ihan hyvin tulla asumaan Parakleteeseen, josta mä olen pitänyt tarkkaa huolta ja sitä koko ajan tuhannesti siunannut. Mä opettaisin sitä mun omilla sanoilla ja animoisin sille esimerkkiä; stalkkailisin mun siskojeni elämää, enkä komentaisi mitään mitä en itse voisi pitää: käskisin teidän rukoilla, mietiskellä, ja tehdä työtä, ja pitämään hiljaisuuden lupauksen; ja mä itekkin rukoilisin, duunailisin, tuumailisin ja oisin enimmäkseen hiljaa.
ellauri012.html on line 436: Jumala ihan tosissaan tahtoo meidän selviävän, ja on tehnyt kaiken niin helpoksi kuin pystyy. Vanhassa sopimuksessa lukee taulukoissa mitä kaikkea se meiltä vaatii, ettei mene aikaa etsiessä oikeata pykälää. Uudessa sopimuksessa on poikkeuspykälä, jotta ei koskaan tartte ihan luovuttaa; ainahan voi tärpätä, armo käydä oikeudesta, kun osaa just oikeeseen aikaan kääntää kelkkansa. Eikä siinä kaikki! se on valinnut joukosta aina jotakin erityisen eteviä miehiä (juu, se sanoi kyllä meitä miehiä), jotka esimerkillään innostaa muita tekemään velvollisuutensa. Tähän hän on sittemmin valinnut myös muitakin ikään, sukupuoleen tai kuntoon katsomatta. Koita siis yhdistää persoonaasi kaikkien noiden esikuvien hyviä puolia. Ole puhdas kuin neitseet, ankara kuin ankoriitti, innokas kuin pastori tai piispa, ja sitkeä kuin halstarilla käristetty marttyyri. Ole eksakti kuin matemaatikko, täytä koko ikäsi kaikki pyhän ja valistuneen esimiehen vaatimukset, niin sitten kuolema, jota muut enimmäkseen kauhistelee, tuntuu susta ihan helpotukselta.
ellauri012.html on line 832: Klaanit ja konekiväärit ei sovi yhteen. Heimomeininki perustuu tehottomaan talouteen, se toimii vaan kamelien ja sapelien voimalla. Nyt kun päästään teollisesti tappamaan, vuotaa veri liian vuolaasti. Rajakärhämistä tulee sisällissotia ilman rajoja. Ennen kärhämöitiin ensin ja mentiin sitten ristiin naimisiin. Nyt se ei enää tule kyseeseen. Verivihollisista jää vaan verisiä kasoja. Omat lehmät purevat. Siyad Barren joukkohautoja ja ruumisröykkiöitä löytyy Hargeisasta.
ellauri012.html on line 846: Apina ei muutu mixikään. Vie sika Saxaan, vaikka Frankfurtiin, tuo se kotiin, sama se on pikku sika sieltä tultuaankin. Vaikka voissa paistaisi. Kiltistä ei tullut tuhmaa eikä tuhmasta kilttiä. Se oiskin satua. Kiltti pääsi lettu eloon jetsettiin niinkuin Ivana Trump. Tuhmat on nyt jauhettuina jyvix, mylvii Disneyworldissa Donald Trumpin vaalikarjana. Tyhmä on tyhmä vaikka voissa paistaisi. Ei pääse babiaani punaisesta pyllystään. Haukkuu väärää puuta aina vaan. Liimaa kostoxi vaikka verisen housukilven resepsuunin ikkunaan.
ellauri012.html on line 853: - Monet asiat maailmassa muuttuvat, mutta yhä pitää paikkansa se sanonta, että henkilö tulee räkänokastakin, vaan ei tyhjän naurajasta. - Tuo oli oikeata henkilön puhetta. Mutta kyllä silti kaipaa aikaa, jolloin laivat oli puuta ja henkilöt metallia. - Niin, sitä ei ole enää henkilömuistiin nähty. Kunnon henkilökkäät, henkilöiset henkilöt ovat harvassa. Vastaavasti naisista on tullut henkilömäisiä, henkilöittävät jo hallituspaikkoja, pilkkaavat entisajan suurhenkilöitä. Kyllä alkaa olla aika henkilöasiahenkiöiden ajaa henkilöasiaa! - Sanasta henkilöä, sarvesta nautaa! Mutta asiasta kolmanteen, ei nimi henkilöä pahenna, jos ei henkilö nimeä. Vaikka se olisi niin spede kuin Henkilö Reenkola. - Niin tai ulkomaille mennäxemme Ludwig Henkilö van Rohe. Kyllä näin henkilöiden kesken henkilö henkilölle puhuen voitaneen siten todeta. Niinkuin elokuva Etäisten laaxojen henkilö meille opettaa: henkilön on tehtävä mitä henkilön on tehtävä, että säilyy henkilökunnia. - Ei mutta nyt on saatava jotain henkilöä väkevämpää. Varovasti kuitenkin, väkijuomat alentavat henkilökuntoa. Etenkin meidän henkilöiden henkilöiden on oltava tässä varuillaan, jotka leikimme junahenkilöitä henkilöiden veeseessä puhtaasti henkilöseurassa, ihan henkilöissä, mihin tarvitaan notkumaton miekka henkilöä myöten.
ellauri014.html on line 76: We’d read all these things about leather and we didn’t have any leather but I had my oilskins and we had some polythene bags from somewhere. We all dressed up in them and wore them in bed. John stayed the night with us in the same bed. I don’t think anything very exciting happened and we all wondered what the fun was in being ‘kinky’.
ellauri014.html on line 93: Sitä olisi kiva verrata sen tämän päivän lähimpään vastineeseen, nimittäin Sophie Kinsellan sarjaan Himoshoppaaja. Jos jaxan lukea ne molemmat.
ellauri014.html on line 174: Sillä oli 6v vanhempi isoveli joka sittemmin katosi jonnekin Saksaan. Iskä oli niiden kahden välissä Istanbulissa vierastyöläisenä. Ehti just siittää Jannen, äiti kuoli lapsivuodekuumeeseen.
ellauri014.html on line 181: Sen otti huomaan ammattimaiset katoliset takaisinkäännyttäjät. 15 vuotiaana sen plokkas 2x vanhempi katolisex just kääntynyt paroonitar, josta tuli sen "Maman". Maman käänsi Jannen katolisex, hemmotteli sitä ja naida napsutteli sitä moneen otteeseen kolmeen pekkaan toisen pojan kaa, parinkin eri pojan vielä. Et semmosta peliä.
ellauri014.html on line 191: Rousseau oli vankkaa sveitsiläistä tekoa, vaikka pieni, hyvä petihommissa, tikkas tarkasti. James Boswell bylsi sen partneria Thereseä briteissä yhteen otteeseen. Therese sano: älä luulekaan että olet parempi panomies kuin mun Janne-Jaakko. Hume, joka itse oli ylipainoinen keski-ikäinen poikamies, sanoi Rousseausta:
ellauri014.html on line 195: Mut takas vielä seeveeseen. Se oli yhen vuoden diplomaatin sihteerinä Venetsiassa (osas italiaa), josta sai potkut röyhkeydestä. Innostu siellä politiikasta, niistä sosiaalikontrahdeista.
ellauri014.html on line 203: Theresen kaa se teki viitisen lasta, jotka pantiin saman tien orpokotiin. Tätä se ehkä vähän katuu vanhana, kun pentuja ei löydy mistään, ja selittelee eri tavoilla, kaikki falskeja. Voltaire pilkkaa: on siinä meillä kanssa kasvattaja.
ellauri014.html on line 342: Mit vit? Karsee narsistinen kylmiö. Mut setämieshän se siellä törisee Juulia-naamarista. Claire 18v osallistuu seuraavassa mesessä vainaan arvosteluun, sehän olikin oikeastaan aika paska paitsi että oli uskollinen kuin koira. Voi helevetti. Jannen ääni kuuluu sieltäkin.
ellauri014.html on line 413: Smouda på smouda nuoret tottuu salabylsintään, tai paremminkin kirjeenvaihtoon siitä, nykylukijalle jää hiukka epäselväksi onko ne enää oikeesti silleen ollenkaan (ei ole, vaan 2x koko niteessä, molemmat alkupuolella), niin että alkaa siitä keskenään jo heittää läpänderiä. Pröö haluu chaleeseen eli Julkun vanhempien mökille koko ajan, Julkku pihtailee. Juoni alkaa toistaa itseään.
ellauri014.html on line 518: A cartoon depicting Rousseau as a Savage Man, a Yahoo, caught in the woods was more to Hume's taste. He described it to her with relish. "I am represented as a farmer, who caresses him and offers him some oats to eat, which he refuses in a rage; Voltaire and D'Alembert are whipping him up behind; and Horace Walpole making him horns of papier maché. The idea is not altogether absurd." (Edmonds/Eidinow, Enlightened enemies, the Guardian 2007)
ellauri014.html on line 529: Noin kolmannes on Juliesta puurrettu. Alkaa tosissaan rassata noi ooht ja aaht, vitun maneerit joilla Janne-Jaakko razastaa. Onkohan sillä yhtään omaa ajatusta tai henkilökohtaista kokemusta koko kirjassa? Ei se ainakaan tähän asti ole niitä kertonut. Ihan pelkillä klisheillä mennään. Ei tää oo muuta kuin jonkun alppimaan tuppukylän pojan tuhnuista filosofiaa. Sellaista jota syntyy jos pesee säännöllisesti talon seinätkin ulkoota vesiletkulla. Sa mère etoit un hamstre et son père puoit aux baies de sureau.
ellauri014.html on line 647: Sommaren 1735 reste han till Bremen, varifrån han till Funck översände återstoden av sina tillhörigheter, samt for därpå en dag ensam ut i en båt på Weser.
ellauri014.html on line 710: Intialainen vanha viidakon sananlasku elefanteista ja kilpikonnista, josta Russell väänsi lystikästä kaskua, esiintyy jo Julkussa, jakeessa 3:20. Alzheimerin hyydyttämän Pratchettin kiekkomaailma lähti siitä liikenteeseen.
ellauri014.html on line 825: Julle jatkaa vaihteex narratiivia, kun siirrytään taas sukupuoliasiaan. Seuravana päivänä Wolle pitkävihaisena vie vanhat heilat samaan mezikköön, josta koko hölmöily lähti liikenteeseen, virnistellen observoi niiden ilmeitä: toinen punastelee, toinen kalpenee. Nyze kertoo (siis Kimmo, istuksien niiden välissä, varmuuden vuoxi) eze olikin observoinu niiden bylsintää jo ennen naimakauppoja. Se on todella Kimmo Koskenniemi luokan havainnoiva viilipytty, joka lievästi ihastui Julleen ja halus siitä omaishoitajan, vaikka vähän käytetynkin.
ellauri014.html on line 830: Kenties Wolmari ei ole enää aktiivinupseeri, vaan reservissä. Se tykkää tarkkailla muita, ei paljon puhu, sanoo vielä vähemmän. Varmaan toimis mieluusti takapäivystäjänä kun kotiope panis parastaan, siis Juliaa. Kazois päältä, kun Pröö höyleskelis huolella reikää sveitsinjuustoon liereällä juustohöylällä, tikkais väliin takakautta siksakkia kuin sveitsiläisellä Bernina-ompelukoneella. Wolmar nojatuolissa hetkuttaisi löysää letkua toivorikkaana ilman toivoa. Sellaisiakin heppuleita on, kuulemma.
ellauri014.html on line 850: Mutta voi! nousee vihuri ihankuin Jeesuxelle Genesaretin järvellä, meinataan hukkua, usko menee, mutta Julle pyyhkielee miesten ozia ja tarjoo viinistä tehtyä vesimehua (etteivät mene juovukkeeseen), ja ihme tapahtuu, jaxetaan soutaa rannalle. Siellä syödään eväät. Kaloja ei ole yhtä paljon kuin Jeesuxella, koska Julle oli käskenyt armahtaa saaliskalat, arvaa että soutajia vähän vitutti. Mut Julle osoittaa taas suuruutensa, syö vaan ihan pikkuriikkisen (vaikka se tykkää tosi tosi paljon taimenesta), jotta lakeijoillekin riittää murunen.
ellauri014.html on line 927: Nyt seuraa pohdintaa lasten kasvatuxesta sivutolkulla. Hoohoo jaajaa, sanon kuin muumimamma. Hyvästi panokohdat. Niitä lie tuskin enää odotettavissa, ellei sitten ehkä Rafun tultua, ja silloinkin enimmäxeen junaliikennettä. Proo ihmelettää, mixei Julkku koskaan komentele lapsia. Siitä tulee niin pitkä selitys, että kolmikko painelee kuuntelemaan toiseen huoneeseen.
ellauri014.html on line 929: Wolmarien 2 ekaa pointtia (no Wollen oikeestaan, sehän se on besserwisseri tässäkin asiassa) on et lapset ei ole pikku aikuisia, ja et lapsia on erilaisia, joita pitää kasvattaa kuin eri kasvitaimia kutakin eri tavalla. Wolle on physei-koulukuntaa, Pröö puolustaa olkiukkona vastakkaista thesei-kantaa.
ellauri014.html on line 951: Van nytpä päästään Juulialle kipeeseen asiaan, nimittäin tähän Päivi Räsäs-dilemmaan. Se ei opeta lapsille katkismusta ulkoa, fair enough, koska se toivoo et ne voisi siihen uskoa. Niinhän se on, että mitä enemmän pyhään sanaan perehtyy, sitä vähemmän pyhältä se alkaa tuntua, pelkältä pelleilyltä se lähemmin tutustuessa saattaa vaikuttaa. Jullen suosioon kiemurtelee kotiope taas, käärmeenä vakuuttaa uskovansa sakramentteihin. Wolmari sakramenskattu vaan virnuilee, ateisti näät on tää know-it-all. Toistaisexi.
ellauri014.html on line 953: Julkero ei moiti eikä rankaise poikiansa, ne saa jauhaa (ja jauhaakin) vaikka mitä paskaa äidin kuullen. Se skrivaa kaiken muistiin, ja toisen kerran pesee suita sappisaippualla. Hmm, aika artifisiellia. Mut Jullen poikain kasvatus päättyy esikouluikään, miesten koulutus on miesten duunia. Ihan niinkuin setä Fanélon on sanonut.
ellauri014.html on line 955: Rusakko on päässyt niin hyvään saarnavireeseen, et se jättää Ralphin Flanderiin talvex jäähylle, jotta Pröö voi jatkaa seuraavankin saarnan raportointia.
ellauri014.html on line 957: Syy Wolmarin uskonpuutteeseen on Julkun mukaan se, et se on ortodoxitaustanen, kuka nyt niin järjettömään järjestelmään voisi uskoa! Vittu, mitä eroa? En edes osais sanoa. Ei tuu muuta mieleen kuin et onko paavi katolinen, siis onxe jahven avainasiakkaana aina oikeassa? Mut eihän siihen usko Calvin eikä Erkkikään, eli Wollen porukat ja Jullen on tässä samoilla linjoilla.
ellauri014.html on line 1109: (Old age is a waste: medical ethicist esekiel"/>Ezekiel Emanuel argues that life after 75 is not worth living. MIT Technology Review)
ellauri014.html on line 1172: Wolle koittaa toppuutella Julkun puheripulia. Julkku vastaa: älä nyt, tää on mun vika tilaisuus esiintyä kotiyleisölle. Usko tai älä (joo mä tiedän, et usko, sähän olit pakana), mä oon harjotellu tätä sikana. Työhuoneessa oven takana oon usein tehyt mielikuvaharjotuxia ja harjotellut äänenavausta. Viimeset sanat tulee multa vanhalla rutiinilla, helppoa kuin heinänteko. Eikä niitä olekaan ihan vähän. Aameniin on vielä hyvän matkaa.
ellauri014.html on line 1531: Tutta l´arte del Marini consiste nella forma, nella pura espressione; la sua poesia è scarsa di pensiero e di sentimento e quel poco che vi si trova è - come osserva il De Sanctis - privo di serietà. Quel ripetere, quel girare e rigirare la medesima idea presentandocela sotto aspetti diversi è una prova della povertà di pensiero cui il poeta supplisce con un calore veramente straordinario d´ immaginazione. Ancor più palese è il difetto del sentimento: egli non sente quel che canta; non ha fede in quel mondo da cui prende i fantasmi dell´arte sua. Vuol esser poeta religioso, patriottico, morale e riesce falso e freddo perchè in lui non vi è il sentimento della religione, della patria e della morale. Solo nel genere erotico eccelle il Marini, ma non sarebbe esatto dire ch´egli abbia il vero sentimento dell´amore. Il suo piuttosto è senso erotico. Non è la donna che suscita i suoi sospiri, ma la femmina; non è Beatrice, non è Laura, che suscitano nell´anima del poeta il fuoco soave di una passione divina, ma è la procace Lilla che con la sua carne odorosa eccita il senso del Marini e gl´ ispira i versi degli Amori notturni e dei Trastulli estivi, ove il naturalismo più crudo è espresso in una forma spirante l´estrema voluttà dei sensi. Le liriche erotiche del nostro autore sono tutto un poema in cui si fa l´apoteosi del piacere sensuale. Il Marini non analizza i suoi sentimenti e non mostra i vari atteggiamenti del suo spirito sotto l´azione d´amore, ma s´indugia nel rappresentarci la bellezza plastica delle sue amanti. I suoi madrigali e i suoi sonetti sono tanti brevissimi inni al pallore, al neo, alle chiome erranti, alla treccia ricamata di perle, ai pendenti, allo specchio, all´ago, alla bocca, al seno, al velo, al guanto, al ventaglio della sua donna; sono tanti quadretti in cui l´amante è sorpresa durante il bagno, dinanzi allo specchio, mentre si pettina, in carrozza, al giunco dei dadi; le sue canzoni sono superbe sinfonie dedicate al bacio e all´amplesso in cui culmina, per un istante, la passione carnale del poeta. La carne e il senso regnano sovrani nell´Adone e fremono di voluttà sotto il velo tenue e mal messo dell´allegoria e sotto l´ipocrisia del fine morale.
ellauri014.html on line 1557: ... But more importantly, these surroundings put Marino in direct contact with the natural philosophy of Della Porta and the philosophical systems of Giordano Bruno and Tommaso Campanella. While Campanella himself was to oppose "Marinism" (though not attacking it directly), this common speculative background should be borne in mind with its important pantheistic (and thus neo-pagan and heterodox) implications, to which Marino would remain true all his life and exploit in his poetry, obtaining great success amongst some of the most conformist thinkers on the one hand while encountering continual difficulties because of the intellectual content of his work on the other.
ellauri014.html on line 1621: In Adone, Marino quotes and rewrites passages from Dante´s Divine Comedy, Ariosto, Tasso and the French literature of the day. The aim of these borrowings is not plagiarism but rather to introduce an erudite game with the reader who must recognise the sources and appreciate the results of the revision. Marino challenges the reader to pick up on the quotations and to enjoy the way in which the material has been reworked, as part of a conception of poetic creation in which everything in the world (including the literature of the past) can become the object of new poetry. In this way, Marino also turns Adone into a kind of poetic encyclopaedia, which collects and modernises all the previous productions of human genius.
ellauri014.html on line 1665: Joholla olevat eivät tarvi moraalia, eikä ne, jotka on liikaa häviöllä. Moraali on keskiluokkaisille, pelisääntöjä Smitheille ja Virtasille, jotka koittaa ankarasti päästä joholle Joneseista ja Korhosista. Shakkioppaitakin ostaa eniten keskitason pelaajat.
ellauri014.html on line 1728: But granted these are different poems, we are left with the curious problem of where Montgomery found the Alpine Path poem. Surprisingly, after reading a dozen or so academic articles on Emily of New Moon and Montgomery’s vocation as an author–as well as a couple of good biographies–scholars have not pinned down the reference. After an extensive internet search, it seems to me that blogger Faith Elizabeth Hough may have begun to work it out. She includes the longer version of the poem here:
ellauri014.html on line 1860: His favorite phantom; yet all these shall leave
ellauri015.html on line 76: Onko se kokonaisedullista? Onko tämmöinen monopoli tuottavaa? Markkinatalous on tehokkaampaa kuin kollektiivinen. Politiikan, peli- ja utiliteettiteorian kautta päästään näin edelleen taloustieteeseen, joka voisi olla tätä kolmikkoa rahoittava mutta samalla kadehtiva perkele, tai saatana. Etiikka helvettiin, kauneudesta vähät, politiikka on vaan käsikassara, kunhan tulee rnahaa.
ellauri015.html on line 677: Marx kirjoitti ideologioista. Ideologia on kuvakokoelma, konnagalleria pinterestissä, ajatusten instagram, josta löytää joka tilanteeseen sopivan otoxen tai kissavideon. Voi sovittaa erilaisia peruukkeja, tehdä selfieitä, herutuskuvia, kazoa izeään älypuhelimen peilistä.
ellauri015.html on line 796: Wie können Sie, Herr Soundso, hier wohnen inmitten diesen Waldmenschen, die ja in eine niedrigere Rasse gehören? Weil ich keine Wahl hatte, meine Frau bezahlt den Unterhalt, ich verantworte mich nur für die Unterhaltung.
ellauri015.html on line 803: Tiukka koputus, kuin tikka hakkaisi. Oviaukossa on ukki. Käskee minun herätä. "Tule Rami, tule hiljaa", hän kuiskaa ja elehtii, että antaisin hänen tyttärensä nukkua. Kömmin aitasta valoon, ja hän liu'uttaa raskaan rauta-avaimen yhteen öljytahraisen haalarinsa monista sivutaskuista. Vielä ei kuulu yhdenkään linnun laulu. Vain rupikonnat ovat valveilla ja loikkivat editsemme varvikkoon. Ukki on ajanut mökin edustalle koneen. Se on alun alkaen ollut päältä ajettava ruotsalaisvalmisteinen ruohonleikkuri, mutta palvelee nyt lehtien kerääjänä, traktorina, leikkuupuimurina, ruoppaajana, betonimyllynä, moottorikelkkana ja kakkosautona aina sen mukaan, minkälaisen omatekoisen ukki siihen ruuvaa. (Tää kuulostaa muuten ihan Wokulta päältäajettavine ruohonleikkureineen ja veemäisine laitteinen.) Nyt kone kiiltelee lukuisin kukkakimpuin koristeltuna tunnelmallisessa aamuvalossa. Sen edessä seisoo nahkavaljaissa kaksi poroa ja nyhtää kulkuset kilisten ruohoa. "Ho! Ho! Ho!" vastaa ukki hämmästyneeseen katseeseeni. Vasta nyt huomaan, että hänellä on päässään valtava joulupukinpipo, jonka valkoinen villatupsu heilahtelee polvien korkeudella.
ellauri015.html on line 806: "Huomenta", kuiskaan kynttilöiden hämärästi valaisemaan huoneeseen minkäänlaista vastausta saamatta. Seison raidallisessa teepaidassa ja alushousuissa tulevien appivanhempieni edessä. Mummi ohjaa minut ruokapöytään. Pahvilautasella höyryää kaksi jättimäistä, 20cm pitkää ja 5cm paksua makkaraa. Siis lenkki HK:n sinistä: pari sitkeää liki suolatonta jauhopamppua, joissa on lisukkeena sanoinkuvaamattomia lihanjämiä ja kalvakanruskea kuori päällä, niin keinotekoinen ja jäykkä, että se yleensä tulee sellaisenaan ulos taas toisesta päästä. Suomalaista herkkuruokaa.
ellauri016.html on line 109: viimeiseen jäljellejääneeseen vanhan ajan kartanoon.
ellauri016.html on line 311: Uotinen rakastui sveitsiläismieheen. Hehkuvan pariskunnan yhteiseen taipaleeseen
ellauri016.html on line 313: vetämään Yanni-nimistä sveitsiläistä tanssijaa perseeseen. Helena arvasi pian,
ellauri016.html on line 328: Helenan oli muun muassa tarkoitus olla mukana Jorma Uotisen 50-vuotistaiteilijajuhlakiertueella, joka jouduttiin perumaan koronapelin takia. Helena Lindgren viihtyy sinkkuna. He ovat edelleen niin läheisiä, että Helena käy jopa pesettämässä pikkuhousunsa Jormalla. Uotinen uutuuskirjassaan hehkuttaa Helenaa mm. rasittavaksi ja vaativaksi. ”Vastenmielinen pullanmussuttaja”, Helena kertoo elämäkerrassa ajatelleensa leivosta välipalaksi syövästä Uotisesta. Lindgreniä ja Uotista yhdistää samanlainen huumori ja työväenluokan perhetausta. Toki paljon muutakin, molemmat mm. pitävät jormasta sieltä takaata. Jorman äiti ei pitänyt Helenasta, oli jo tottunut ajatuxeen että jorma hääri etupiässä takapiässä. Jormaa ärsytti Niklaksen äänekkyys ja huomionhakuisuus. Toisaalta Jorma osasi hemmotella hyvin valituilla lahjoilla. Jorma mm. osaa tunnistautua Veikkauxen peleissä, mikä tuottaa Helenalle vieläkin vaikeuxia. Ja mikä tärkeintä: heillä on samanlainen huumori.
ellauri016.html on line 360: Videolla Jonas saapuu ovesta huoneeseen, kulkee kameraa kohti vakavana ja pysähtyy hetkeksi, kunnes poistuu kuvasta kättään heilauttaen.
ellauri016.html on line 403: Kuinka tilanteeseen on ajauduttu?
ellauri016.html on line 413: Termiittiapinat rakastaa olla samixia, ja palvoo julkkixia just sixi, koska ne on kaikista samimpia kaikista samixista. Ei oikeestaan tarvis olla olemassa muita kuin julkkixet, ne edustaa jo koko muuta laahusta. Jos ruvetaan tosissaan harventamaan jengiä, kannattaa jättää viimesexi jäljelle nää julkkixet. Ei menetetä mitään, paizi diversiteettiä. Ja se on vaan bonus: apinalajin uusi nousu oisi hitaampaa, jos 10G apinasta jäljellä ois vaan 1 ppm julkkixia.
ellauri016.html on line 568: Read on for a list of 14 of the biggest snobs in the business. These entertainers have long ago lost touch with the average John or Jane Doe and beyond that, have displayed rotten attitudes, selfishness, conceit, and a level of arrogance that almost has to be seen to be believed.
ellauri016.html on line 570: Unluckily for them, many of these snobs have been caught on camera or audio behaving badly and the videos are not hard to find online.
ellauri016.html on line 687: Ostaisitko tältä mieheltä kierrätetyn dieselauton? Ehkä ostaisinkin.
ellauri016.html on line 1175: Ja kaiken on mahduttava litteeseen laatikkoon,
ellauri017.html on line 88: Meikämannet meni vielä viikon ajax tän jälkeen Tukholmaan, jossa saatiin kiinata Eva Ejerhed-vainaan pojan opiskeluboxissa. Peter ei ollut kova poika siivoomaan. Sen jääkaappi vuoti jäätikkönä huoneeseen, jäähän oli jäänyt kiinni prinssinnakkeja kuin Özin miehen hyvin säilyneitä sormia.
ellauri017.html on line 90: Vuoden '90 kesällä purjehdittiin poikain kanssa hopeahondan kyydissä Anhevan maalle laivalla. Paulilla oli nuremopureso. Johnin polkupyörä oli pystytettynä auton katolla. Sillä piti harjoitella pyörällä ajoa lomalla. John suhtautui pyörään yhtä epäluuloisesti kuin Lassi ja Leevi sarjakuvan Lassi. Asuttiin kivassa vanhanaikaisessa punaisessa puutalossa. Salissa oli puinen neekeri joka ojensi tarjotinta. Sauna oli rimpula mutta sai sentään peseytyä. Se oli airbnb ilman airia.
ellauri017.html on line 96: Vuonna '94 me muutettiin Käpylään vihreeseen 20-luvun puupytinkiin. Rahatilanne näytti valoisammalta, koska vuonna '93 heitin pyyhkeen kehään ja lähdin Kovvolaan sudeettiprofeetaksi kärsimään 15-vuotista kuritushuonerangaistusta. Vuonna '92 syntyi Helmi, joka valmistui justiinsa biologian kandixi. Niin ne vuodet vierivät. Vielä saattaa olla jokunen Sisyfoksen ajastaika jäljellä vierrettävänä, ellei sitä ennen satu jotain kivaa ylläriä.
ellauri017.html on line 376: Numerologia on okkulttinen näennäistiede, jonka mukaan henkilön syntymähetken ja nimen sisältämien kirjaimien lukuarvoista voidaan laskea erilaisia henkilön luonteeseen, tulevaisuuteen ja kohtaloon liittyviä asioita. Nimi tulee latinan sanasta numerus. Numerologiassa on piirteitä astrologiasta ja horoskoopeista. Kreikkalaista Pythagorasta (582–496 eaa.) pidetään numerologian perustajana.
ellauri017.html on line 597: In a Cartesian coordinate system, the origin is the point where the axes of the system intersect. The origin divides each of these axes into two halves, a positive and a negative semiaxis. Points can then be located with reference to the origin by giving their numerical coordinates—that is, the positions of their projections along each axis, either in the positive or negative direction. The coordinates of the origin are always all zero, for example (0,0) in two dimensions and (0,0,0) in three.
ellauri017.html on line 705: Jeesus oli jeesmies. J-mies. Vähän kuin G-mies. G-mies oli toinen JC, Jerry Cotton. Kun Jerry pani murinaa Jaguaariin polkaisemalla jalan konehuoneeseen, pelkääjän paikalla sen partnerina istui Phil Decker. Mit dem Untertitel Jerry Cottons bester Freund. Er verließ das FBI, weil er für die Hinrichtung eines Unschuldigen verantwortlich war. Kuten Pilatus. Keihäsmies.
ellauri017.html on line 743: Heidän olisi pitänyt jäädä kuuntelemaan, kun kerran messias oli heidät keskeyttänyt. Jos heitä olisi epäilyttänyt, he olisivat saaneet ja heidän olisi pitänyt tutkia kirjoituksista oliko Jeesus messias. Sehän sitten kirjoitettiinkin pilatuxen tuoteselosteeseen. Oikein tai väärin, kirjoitin minkä kirjoitin kieli poskessa. Parim enne päivä pakendin päällä pääsiäinen kolkytluvulla. Vai oisko ollut joulu vuonna nolla.
ellauri017.html on line 860: Jesaja ihmelettää retoorisesti: Mitä warten teitä lyödän niin ette kotiin löydä? Hamast candapääst nijn kijresen asti ei ole terwettä paikkaa waan haawat ja sinimarjat ja weripahgat jotca ei ole puserretut eikä sidotut taicka öljyllä siwellyt. No en ihmettele, turpasaunan ansaizewat juutalaiset maahantunkeutujat, warsinaisia mulkeroita ovat.
ellauri017.html on line 905: Täähän se oli GT sählämien ja on nyt muiden länsiapinoiden toiveuni. Mamut pannaan pesemään luvatun herrakansan vessoja. Se on nyt täytetty, ja jätetty vetämättä.
ellauri017.html on line 1297: Kolmas takauma. Kansixessa mun piti olla musta kissa jossain näytelmässä. Mulla oli jotkut mustat trikoot, varmaan tyttöjen. Ja ihan kuin se ei ois jo ollut kyllin noloa, ope vielä kaiken kukkurax piirsi pienen hännän perseeseen valkoisella liidulla. Aivan sikanoloa! Mä koitin kumittaa sitä pois hankaamalla vaivihkaa penkkiin peppua. Ei lähtenyt, tuli vaan pahempaa tuheroa, kuin joku linnunkakka pepussa.
ellauri018.html on line 225: Jo saatiin myrkky Rinteeseen,
ellauri018.html on line 571: Henkilökunta kokosi pikavauhtia kaikki pumput ja letkut, joita talosta löytyi. 15 tonnia merivettä pumpattiin niin nopeasti pois kuin saatiin. Intendentit soittivat eläinlääkärille, joka annosteli puhelimitse nukutusaineen. Aine laitettiin jäljelle jääneeseen veteen, ja pian Mikko vaipui Ruususen uneen.
ellauri018.html on line 730: 873-940: In the period, known as the Lesser Occultation, the son of the 11th Imam disappears, leaving his representatives to head the Shiite faith.
ellauri018.html on line 732: 940: The Greater Occultation of the 12th or Hidden Imam begins. No imam or representative presides over the Shiite faithful.
ellauri018.html on line 801: Islamilaisen käsityksen mukaan yksilö on osa maailmankaikkeutta, ja hänen on mukauduttava samaan lakiin, jolla maailmankaikkeutta hallitaan. Jos yksilö omaksuu itsenäisen kannan johonkin tärkeään asiaan ja havaitsee enemmistön olevan toista mieltä, hänen on mukauduttava enemmistön kantaan paitsi jos se on ristiriidassa sharian kanssa. Tässä tapauksessa enemmistön on mukauduttava bolshevikkien mielipiteeseen.
ellauri018.html on line 908: Laki jaetaan kahteen pääalueeseen, joista toinen keskittyy uskonnollisiin rituaaleihin ('ibadat), ja toinen käsittelee ihmisten välisiä suhteita, kuten orjuutta, sopimuksia, perintöä, avioliittoa, saaliinjakoa tai suhtautumista ei-muslimeihin (mu'amalat). Rituaalilakiin kuuluvat islamin viisi peruspilaria, kuten rukous eli salat. Islamilainen laki määrää tarkasti milloin, missä ja miten tulee rukoilla ja kuka saa suorittaa rukouksen.
ellauri018.html on line 1048: Teidän oikeutenne on, että vaimonne eivät anna kenenkään, jota te inhoatte, astua vuoteeseenne, ja etteivät he tee selkeää säädyttömyyttä. Jos he näin tekevät, Jumala on antanut teille luvan välttää heitä vuoteessa ja lyödä heitä, mutta ei liian kovasti. Jos he pidättäytyvät näistä asioista, heillä on oikeus saada kohtuullinen elatus ja vaatetus. Neuvokaa naisia lempeästi. He ovat teidän vankejanne, eikä heillä ole valtaa omien asioittensa suhteen, mutta te olette ottaneet heidät Jumalan teille uskomaksi velvoitteeksi, ja teillä on oikeus nauttia heistä sukupuolisesti Jumalan sanojen mukaan.
ellauri020.html on line 578: Tie eeku paranoo, sano savolaenen kun ajo jäällä ympyrää. Iso-Masan antama ilmainen joululahja, arvostelijankappale Savon Sanomista. Not that I would care. Iivanan kirja on ällistyttävän hyvä, verrattavissa Thackerayn niteeseen Turhuuden turuilla. Mitä ökyrikkaampia ollaan, sitä paljaan klisheisemmin ilmenee tän apinan elukkapiirteet kuin keisarista ilman vaatteita. Perustarpeet jää jälelle kun ei tarvi tyydyttää mitään monimutkaisempia. Onhan ne monimutkaisemmatkin tarpeet sitä samaa apinajuttua, mut monimutkaisempi ympäristö monmutkaistaa käytöstä. Sileällä pöydällä muurahainenkin menee ympyrää eikä brownin liikettä. Tie eeku paranoo. Kuin kiveen hakattuna paljastuu tän otuxen koko radollisuus. Eat! Eat! Fuck! Fuck! Kill! Kill! Siinä se on nimenpudottelun perässä, pienessä lankakerässä. Iivanan sketsi lapsettoman parin keskinäisestä syyttelystä on kuin Teofrastoxen coveri. Eski ja Liisa, Antti ja Auli. Ei kenenkään syy ja kuitenkin jotenkin toisen syy.
ellauri020.html on line 631: Conduct books. Lukuromaaneja ja fixuja neuvokkeja. Iivanan kirja on molempia yxissä kansissa, yxi kahden hinnalla. Kesken paistattelun kuuluu jymyuutinen: Berliinin muuri on kaatunut! Kommunismi on kukistunut! Tyttöjen kapitalistinen elämäntyyli on voittanut! Mika Häkkinen voittaa! Hyvä Mika! Tytöt on niin liimautuneena teeveeseen että salaatti jää syömättä. Paizi Suski, joka lesboilee jossain Carla Webbin kaa, pikku golffarin joka sai lopulta reikään, vaikkei ykkösellä.
ellauri020.html on line 637: Veneseppo Lusijan mafiosomies on kiristäny tilaajia valizemaan Lusijan. Lusija ei (muka) tienny siitä mitään. Tää menee ohi binesväen tavallisen manus manum lavat diilauxen, normikorruption, loukkaa ryövärien koodia. On aika näyttää mafiosolle ostrakismikorttia.
ellauri020.html on line 712: Enough people went looking for similarities between the real Trump marriage and the fictional Graham marriage that it became a legal scuffle within the larger war that was the ugly Trump divorce, with Donald’s lawyers fighting to preserve a gag order keeping Ivana from talking about their marriage. For her part, Ivana insisted she wasn’t writing about her ex. She told the Los Angeles Times: “There is no way he can prove that he’s Adam because he’s not Adam and I make sure that he’s not Adam,” adding that, “And even I think I have constitutional rights of speech in America. I did not abuse them.”
ellauri021.html on line 476: Sekä Pesetskyllä että Safirilla,
ellauri021.html on line 982: Vasemmistolaisuus ei ole vain väärin, se on pahaa ja mädännäistä. Demokraattipuolueella on Moolokin naamari, kanaanilaisen jumalan, jota Milton kuzui "kauheaxi kuninkaaxi jonka kita / oli ruskeana ihmisparsojen hurmeesta". Dem. puolue on rikollisuuden ja kuoleman kultti. Jokaisessa menettelytapakysymyxessä demokraatit on kaaoxen ja tuhon puolella. Ne hypettää valkoisen ylivallan uhkaa samalla kun ne valkopesee islamilaista terrorismia. Ne kumittaa ahkerasti USAn historiaa ja syö meidän pyhiä kansalaisoikeuxia. Ne peukuttaa avoimia rajoja kansallisen turvallisuuden hinnalla; pyhittää kaupungit rikollisille mamuille ja ajaa maahanmuuttoviraston sulkemista lainkuuliaisten kansalaisten ja kunnollisten maahantulijoiden tuhoxi; lasten tappoa ihmiselämän pyhyyden sijaan; länsimaisen sivistyxen purkamista sen säilytyxen sijasta. Tää ei oo vaan väärin, tää on PAHA.
ellauri022.html on line 195: Sydney arvelee, että Pollystä tulee viehättävä pikku nainen, jos häntä ei hemmoitella piloille. Ja sitähän Luisa ei päästä tapahtumaan. Tää on 19. vuosisadan amerikkalainen conduct book. Niistä lähti liikenteeseen lukuromaanit. Hyvät ja huonot esimerkit päihittää säännöt. Lopux ei edes tiedä mikä esimerkeistä on huono ja mikä hyvä. Paljon väliä. Päätä ize.
ellauri022.html on line 271: Polly leipoo Tomille kakkua. Tom vatkaa munat. Se tekee gutaa hänen varrelleen. Tom oikoo iloisena esiliinaansa. Shh! Polly tulee! Tom alkaa pumputa vettä säiliöön kuin talo oisi tulessa. Polly tulee huoneeseen posket punottaen, mutta ilman munaa.
ellauri022.html on line 314: Who in these latter days are forced
ellauri022.html on line 340: From these invaders fled
ellauri022.html on line 380: And in these classic shades
ellauri022.html on line 570: Ou est le scar, Desespoir?
ellauri022.html on line 626: Näkyvyyden puute varmaan Siriäkin surettaa. Sillä on oidipaalinen fixaatio ilkeeseen isävainajaansa. Se skizo ei kuulosta uskottavalta Ekeen siirrettynä. Vähän homolta.
ellauri022.html on line 657: Joku 60-v jolppi asui 30v Littoisissa metässä avoimen taivaan alla patjan päällä kun se luuli ettei se voi saada kunnan asuntoa kun sillä oli velkoja. Ei tullut kysyneexi. Pelastusarmeija pelasti sen vapautuneeseen asuntoon. Niitähän on nykyään maaseuvulla pilvin pimein. Se ei osannut käyttää mikroaaltouunia. No hitto olihan niitä jo 90-luvulla. Se oli vaan tollo. Kuten se japsu viidakossa joka luuli 50v kuluttua että maailmansota jatkuu yhä.
ellauri022.html on line 707: "It can hardly be true that the difference lies in the attribute of reason. I saw ten, twenty, a hundred large lipped, lowbrowed black men in the streets who, except in the mere matter of language, did not exceed the sagacity of the elephant. Now is it true that these were created superior to this wise animal, and designed to control it? And in comparison with the highest orders of men, the Africans will stand so low as to make the difference which subsists between themselves & the sagacious beasts inconsiderable."
ellauri022.html on line 809: lusikoita pesemähän
ellauri022.html on line 880: I traced with lonely step the desert wild Yxin erämaata kävin ahkerasti
ellauri022.html on line 938: Khusrow ja Shirin kertovat tarinan kuningas Khosrowin seurustelusta prinsessa Shirinin kanssa ja rakkauskilpailijansa Farhadin voittamisesta. Puhdas ja epäitsekäs rakkaus on esitetty tässä ruumiillistuneena Farhadin hahmoon, joka on salaa rakastunut Shiriniin, joka joutuu kuninkaan vihan ja kateuden uhriksi. Khosrow lähettää sanansaattajan Farhadille ja antaa hänelle vääriä uutisia Shirinin kuolemasta. Tämän väärän uutisen kuultuaan Farhad heittäytyy vuoren huipulta ja kuolee. Khosrow kirjoittaa kirjeen Shirinille ja ilmaisee pahoittelunsa Farhadin kuolemasta. Pian tämän tapauksen jälkeen myös Mariam kuolee. Ferdowsin version mukaan Shirin myrkytti Mariamin salaa. Shirin vastaa Khosrowin kirjeeseen yhtä satiirisella surunvalittelukirjeellä. Aika kakkiaisia! Mutta aloitetaanpa aiempaa.
ellauri022.html on line 942: Matkalla hän löytää Shirinin vaatettamattomana kylpemässä ja pesemässä kiiltäviä hiuksiaan; Shirin näkee myös hänet; mutta koska Khosrow matkusti Aatamin asussa, he eivät tunnista toisiaan.
ellauri022.html on line 985: the four sacred prayers these mighty words these sublime letters of delight
ellauri022.html on line 986: these lines of eloquence and of lofty thought
ellauri023.html on line 67: uskovaiseen perheeseen, ei taaxeen kazonut. Eli nelivuotiaaxi asti
ellauri023.html on line 426: kuin sotaveteraaneilla yhteensä. Kerran Hoover työnsi päänsä Sinikan uimapuvun lahkeeseen
ellauri023.html on line 534: Noloa on kun
kata spodelon leimona
(tuhkakentällä) väärin kuultuna kat´asphodelon deimona
(soihtuliljaniityllä). Paskan marjat Steve, sanonko minne saat ton neronleimauxesi työntää. Me romantikot peukutetaan soihtuliljoja. Tai vähintäänkin narsisseja. Narsissihan on vähän kuin mun oma kukka, hehe.
ellauri026.html on line 453: Vast political powers were contending for the possession of long-disputed territories, while within their borders great social and industrial discontents were gathering to a demonstration whenever the strain of these dynastic struggles should become unbearable.
ellauri026.html on line 651: > Joku nimenpudottelija se oli, ihan hienoillaxeen pudotti H:lla nimikoidun nenäliinan jonnekin. Sellaisiakin on, nimiä nyt pudottelematta. Siteerasi sitä iänikuista kahteen kertaan uimatonta jokea, johon Hesiodos silti vahingosta viisastuneena kielsi kusemasta, ettei tule juotua toista kertaa samasta virzasta. Oliko se Gunnel? Ei. Ei ollut Eskin kirjanen Better butter ainakaan. Eski ei ole niin negatiivinen eikä yhtään niin vaikeasti ymmärrettävä. Voi ei sula Esan suussa. Se tavoittelee joukkoja. The more the merrier. Kukoistus kuuluu kaikille. Yöpostinkantajille ja vessaa peseville islamisteille, joista jokainen voi räätälöidä oman duuninsa. Harsi pätkätöistä izellesi oiva tuluskukkaro, nollasopimuxet parsinlankana. Läpiveto-ohjeet Eskin Topaasi-pelistä! Hinta vain noin 20e! Tule fyysisest tuotantotalouden laitoxeen noutaa oma!!
ellauri028.html on line 38: Ja kaikki sixi, etteivät roistot ottaneet Kirjailijainstituuttiin, halutti niin hitosti Kirjailijainstituuttiin, yritin ankarasti, lähetin valintakokeeseen "kansanomaisia" kertomuxia, lähetin kirjeen, että olin muka Siperiasta... Paskat! Äkkäsivät eivätkä ottaneet... Oikein tekivät. Hyvä pojat! Olen aivan tosissani...
ellauri028.html on line 81: Meset maasta
ellauri028.html on line 87: Tässäkö se oli? Lukaisin kirjan, no ei todellakaan. Se on tosi vaikuttava kristinuskon lyttäys. Kirja julkaistiin vasta 1962. 2 sylen merkki kirjoitti sen vuosina ennen kuolemaansa 1910. Samu syntyi samana vuonna kuin Kalevala (1835). Meidän mamu esi-isää 20v nuorempi. Tarvittiin 50 vuotta ja ehkäisypilleri, ennenkuin meset julkaistiin, Bernardin ja Markin tyttären sensuroimana. Suomalainen Wikipedia-artikkeli ei kerro ollenkaan mistä oikein on kysymys, ja englanninkielinenkin on tosi anteexipyytävä.
ellauri028.html on line 89: Initially, a surviving one of his daughters, Clara Clemens, objected to its publication in March 1939, probably because of its controversial and iconoclastic views on religion, claiming it presented a "distorted" view of her father. Henry Nash Smith helped change her position in 1960. Clara explained her change of heart in 1962 saying that "Mark Twain belonged to the world" and that public opinion had become more tolerant. (Ehkä se myös tarvizi vähän pätäkkää leivän syrjäxi.) She was also influenced to release the papers by her annoyance with Soviet reports that her father's ideas were being suppressed in the United States. (Ei Laika ole ainut koira radalla. Vuosi 1962 oli Kuuban kriisi, kylmä sota kuumeni. Popovin nuhruista mutta optimistista nuoruutta.) The papers were selected, edited and sequenced for the book in 1939 by Bernard DeVoto. (Sota tuli väliin, jumala piti varmistaa voittajien puolelle. No ainahan se on voittajien puolella. Tai sit se haluu antaa opetuxen tai sillä on joku ovelampi suunnitelma mielessä.)
ellauri028.html on line 116: One of these guarded treasures of Kaiser Wilhelm was a volume of grossly indecent verses by Voltaire, addressed to Frederick the Great. “I would blush to remember any of these stanzas except to tell Krafft-Ebing about them when I get to Vienna”, said Mark Twain. "Too much is enough."
ellauri028.html on line 129: noble lineage; that he despises these literary canaille;
ellauri028.html on line 184: This was Twain's most serious, philosophical and private book. He kept it locked in his desk, considered it to be his Bible, and spoke of it as such to friends when he read them passages. He had written it, rewritten it, was finally satisfied with it, but still chose not to release it until after his death. It appears in the form of a dialogue between an old man and a young man who discuss who and what mankind really is and provides a new and different way of looking at who we are and the way we live. Anyone who thinks Twain was not a brilliant philosopher should read this book. We consider ourselves as free and autonomous people, yet this book puts forth the ideas that 1) We are nothing more than machines and originate nothing - not even a single thought; 2) All conduct arises from one motive - self-satisfaction; 3) Our temperament is completely permanent and unchangeable; and 4) Man is of course a product of heredity, and our future, being fixed, is irrevocable -- which makes life completely predetermined. If these points are true, then buying and reading this book is not in your control, but simply must be done because it was meant to be. If these points are not true you might still wish to make an independent decision to enjoy a thought-provoking book by a great and legendary writer.
ellauri028.html on line 202: Now he is on this kick about how man never thinks for himself. He is a chameleon conforming to whatever outside influences he puts himself in. This is pretty interesting stuff here. I apologize that these reviews have become rather flat. The amount of times I have used the word "interesting" to describe things in a vague manner is so blindly obvious and so boring, I can't believe I go on writing these things (and you keep reading them?!) Where is this going to get me, doing these shitty reviews? Does anyone care? Do I really care? I think I need a girlfriend (this is a cry for help)...Anyways, the book is psychological and philosophical or some shit... go read the goddamn thing yourself...I need a drink...
ellauri028.html on line 203: Sorry about that last paragraph, anyways, this could be one of the most easily readable and most underrated philosophical books ever. This is a read that delves into some deep thinking. Triggers the mind. In fact, my mind just got triggered. Why don't I just stop doing these reviews publicly and require people to pay me for reviews rather than willingly exploit myself as cheap and free entertainment? Why do I feel I need to keep doing these reviews? I am cutting myself short! Perhaps I would get more satisfaction out of keeping these reviews to myself? I don't know, who am I kidding... This is not entertaining the least and no person in their right mind would ever pay a dime for this drivel...I need another drink...
ellauri028.html on line 212: Wow, just wow. Mark Twain is a Taoist? A God??? This book is a religious experience. Unreal?!?! I shit myself from reading it, unbelievable!!! Read these quotes. One of the best, one of the greats! He discusses Adam and Eve, oh, I can't stress how mind blowing this is...This is a turning-point of my life!!!!!!!
ellauri028.html on line 478: Välillä minä käyn Seijan veeseessä virzaamassa pöntön reunalle.
ellauri028.html on line 515: Parkkonen aloitti 1960-luvulla toimittajana Helsingin Sanomissa ja siirtyi sieltä Viikkosanomiin. Kun levikkiongelmiin joutuneeseen Seura-lehteen haettiin päätoimittajaa, ehdotti Otavan kirjallinen johtaja Paavo Haavikko tehtävää Parkkoselle. Seuran päätoimittajana Parkkonen toimi vuosina 1974–1981 ja uudelleen 1985–1990. Parkkonen nosti Seuran Suomen suurimmaksi viikkolehdeksi, mutta lähti sen jälkeen etsimään uusia haasteita. Vuonna 1981 hän kävi perustamassa ja päätoimittamassa Lehtimiesten lyhytikäiseksi jäänyttä yleisaikakauslehti Pikajunaa.
ellauri028.html on line 576: No hyppään yli pari vielä puujalkaisempaa viziä ja menen suoraan asiaan: pianaikaa koko rauhanaikainen rauhantahtoinen armeijamme voidaan korvata armeijasimulaattorilla, joka puolustaa simuloitua maatamme ulkoa tulevia uhkakuvasimulaattoreita vastaan. Kyberuhat pannaan superselliin, pilviporsaat roviolle, jossa niitä linkoo virtuaaliläjillä äreet lintuset. Kassa kukoistaa. - Hauska kuulla että armeija ottaa vaihtoehtoisen todellisuuden vakavasti! Kybersodassa pärjännee tälläinen rimpulampikin kaveri, et mä tuun mielläni reserviin! Isänmaallisuus on aina ollut mun sydäntä lähellä! - Hienoa! Olkaa hyvä, saako pyytää vapaaehtoisexi tänne teltan taaxe... BLAM! BLAM! Ei vaitiskaan, vizi vizi! se oli vaan simulaatio! - Aargh! niin olin mäkin! Mein leben!
ellauri028.html on line 672:
Alaviite: Mikko Kuustonen on 60v gospellaulaja, kaivosmiehen poika kuten Tom Jones. Soololevy Profeetta. Yksityiselämä (Muokkaa): Kuustonen oli naimisissa Marita Kuustosen kanssa 32 vuotta. Heidän avioeronsa astui voimaan keväällä 2014. Toukokuussa 2018 Mikko Kuustonen avioitui koreografi Hanna Brotheruksen (s. 1968) kanssa. Meidän sukulainen Hanna tulee täysin pystymezästä julkkisskenen ulkopuolelta. He ovat molemmat impulsiivisia ja yliempaattisia. Heillä on tv-ohjelma julkkisten rakkauselämästä. He haastattelee julkkisystäviä ja kuulee mikä liima saa suhteen kestämään. Ois Kuustostenkin ollut hyvä ostaa sitä putkilo. Minkä jumala on liimannut sitä älköön ihminen irrottako. He laittavat izensäkin likoon. Kyllä siinä moni liima irtoaa. Kuustosella on siitä pitkä kokemus. Hän on itse kertonut julkisuudessa päihdeongelmistaan, mutta on ollut raittiina v 2004. Varmaan vielä sietämättömämpi selvänä. Hän on kuulunut nuorena herätysliikkeeseen ja sixi kärsinyt myöhemmin myös muista mielenterveysongelmista. Kuustonen on kertonut olevansa värisokea. Siitä kaikki ongelmat alkoivat. Näki maailman mustavalkoisena väri-tvn aikana. Koiratkin on värisokeita. Vieläköhän se pieree yhtä kovaa Hannan seurassa. - Mikko! Hanna Brotheruxen poika Johannes on myös huumekoukussa. Haisteleekohan se liimaa.
ellauri028.html on line 833: Kok jäi viimesex, ei ollut vielä aika kypsä. Johtoon meni kexusta. Totta Mooses, Puovon loputon autiomaavaellus simahti lopulta. Jätemäen irakgaten jälkeen päsmärixi tuli uuniperunoista kuulu Frankenstein. Hyi kuinka olikin aika vastenmielistä, saatana. Ja mä olin aina vaan siellä Babylonin vankina.
ellauri029.html on line 130: Podcast-tyyppisten esseiden pistearvo määritellään podcast kerrallaan (1-3). Kommenttiessee rinnastuu blogiesseeseen.
ellauri029.html on line 165: Kokoa esseepankkiin oma kommenttiessee, jossa kerrot, kenen esseitä kommentoit, miten, miksi ja mitä opit. Kopioi kommenttisi kommenttiesseeseen. Kommentoi kommenttiesseitä ja kommenttiesseiden kommentteja. Constant Comment. Opi olemaan oman elämäsi trolli. (Pst. Kommentin voi myös korvata kontantilla. Ohjeet ohjaajilta.)
ellauri029.html on line 178: Soluesseeseen teette tekstiin viittaukset lähteisiin ja loppuun lähdeluettelon TAMKin opinnäytetyön raportin vaatimusten mukaisesti.
ellauri029.html on line 180: Soluesseen myötä perehdytte aiheeseen niin paljon, että siitä kannattaa tehdä alustus pajaan.
ellauri029.html on line 231:
Seuraavaan esseeseen on merkitty hyvät ja uudelleen mietittävät kohdat tunnusväreillä. Vihreä (tai tällänen syanidinvärinen) on "hienoa, juurikin näin on muotoiltava asiat", oranssi "hui, tätä kannattaisi kyllä vähän stailata", ja punainen on suoranainen solesismi, joko kielioppi- tai paha tyylikömmähdys. Merkinnät "Timo". Siirin postauxessa on hyvää yritystä kyllä, mutta paljon on vielä oppimista, ennenkuin osaa hölöttää työjärjestelyistä oikealla kielellä.
ellauri029.html on line 259: Työntekijöiden vapaata tahtoa ei kiinalaisessa tehtaassa juuri suosittu, vaan toiminta tehtaassa vaikutti vahvasti aivopesutoiminnalta. Työntekijöille uskoteltiin, että elämä on työtä ja ihminen ei tarvitse muuta kuin työtä. Kiinalaiset työntekijät vaikuttivat näin länsimaalaisen silmään tuotantoroboteilta, joilla ei ollut tunteita tai omaa tahtoa. Jokainen työntekijä kiinalaisessa tehtaassa vaikutti kuitenkin täysin tyytyväiseltä tilanteeseensa. Onko tämä oikeasti tyytyväisyyttä vai tehokkaan aivopesun ansiota?
ellauri029.html on line 352: In the 1990s, Kahneman's research focus began to gradually shift in emphasis towards the field of "hedonic psychology". This subfield is closely related to the positive psychology movement, which was steadily gaining in popularity at the time.
ellauri029.html on line 358: It is difficult to determine precisely when Kahneman's research began to focus on hedonics, although it likely stemmed from his work on the economic notion of utility.
ellauri029.html on line 867: Ironian alalajeja ovat sokraattinen, dramaattinen, historiallinen ja tilanteeseen liittyvä ironia. Itseensä kohdistuvaa ivaa kutsutaan itseironiaksi.
ellauri029.html on line 912: You are already filled, you have already become rich, you have become kings without us; and indeed, I wish that you had become kings so that we also might reign with you. For, I think, God has exhibited us apostles last of all, as men condemned to death; because we have become a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men. We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are prudent in Christ; we are weak, but you are strong; you are distinguished, but we are without honor. To this present hour we are both hungry and thirsty, and are poorly clothed, and are roughly treated, and are homeless; and we toil, working with our own hands; when we are reviled, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure; when we are slandered, we try to conciliate; we have become as the scum of the world, the dregs of all things, even until now. 1 Corinthians 4:8-13
ellauri029.html on line 914: Is Paul’s language ironic here? Absolutely. Was it hurtful? Intentionally so. Yet, because his intent was to lead the stubborn Corinthians to the truth, it can still be considered loving. In fact, Paul followed this passage with, "I do not write these things to shame you, but to admonish you as my beloved children."
ellauri030.html on line 72: 9. Aptissima omnino sunt, Scipio et Laeli, arma senectutis artes exercitationesque virtutum, quae in omni aetate cultae, cum diu multumque vixeris, mirificos ecferunt fructus, non solum quia numquam deserunt, ne extremo quidem tempore aetatis (quamquam id quidem maximum est), verum etiam quia conscientia bene actae vitae multorumque bene factorum recordatio iucundissima est.
ellauri030.html on line 128:
atque huius extrema aetas hoc beatior quam media, quod auctoritatis habebat plus, laboris minus; apex est autem senectutis auctoritas.
Vanhuus, kun siihen liittyy korkeimmat luottamustehtävät, on niin arvovaltaa täynnä, että se korvaa kaikki nuoruuden nautinnot. Kaikki tottelee sun pelkkää nyökkäystä. Habet senectus, honorata praesertim, tantam auctoritatem, ut ea pluris sit quam omnes adulescentiae voluptates. Non in sententia solum, sed etiam in nutu residet auctoritas.
contemporary “is a moving ratio of modernity, moving through the recent past and near future in a (non-linear) space.
Eli vähän vanhaa, vähän uutta, vähän lainattua, vähän sinistä. Bravo Polle! Sä teit sen! Mikä pukerrus! Tais peräpukamat olla kovilla!
Tuolta ne tavalliseseti tulevat, mustien tai karvakätisten eunukkien kärrääminä kantotuolissa. Ne astuu alas, polvistuu, laittaen sormusten kuormittamat kätensä rukousasentoon. Ne kertoo mulle levottomuutensa aiheita. Niitä kiduttaa ihan epäinhimillinen panohalu; ne tahtoisi kuolla, ne on nähneet unissa jumalia jotka "kuzuu" niitä; ja niiden helmat koskettaa mun varpaita. — Mä työnnän niitä kauemmax. Voi ei! ne sanovaet, ei kai taas!!» Mitä mun pitää TEHÄ? Mikä tahansa katumusharjoitus kelpaisi. Ne pyytää niitä mahdollisimman rajuja, ne ottais osaa mun harkkoihin, ne tulis vaikka asumaan mun kaa.
Kiitos, kaunis Simorg-ankka! Sä kerroit mulle missä kulta luurasi! Kiitos kiitos kiltti! Sydämeni mese!
Ensimmäinen pysäkki on kuu, missä ne peseytyy. Sitten ne nousee aurinkoon.
ellauri043.html on line 1410:
ellauri043.html on line 2152: sanoo jonkun toisen korvaan: «Paapa tulee» — ja ne johdatetaan matalakattoiseen kalustamattomaan huoneeseen.
ellauri043.html on line 2431: Onpa ilma raikasta koleana yönä keskellä hautoja! Mä on niin kylästynyt polstareiden pehmeyteen, arkiryskeeseen, auringon riätämiseen!
Ne on polvillaan, oza käsissä, tai koko ruumis levällään, kädet ojennettuina; — ja nyyhkytyxet joita ne pidättelee nostelee niiden rintaa repeämispisteeseen. Ne kazoo taivaalle ja sanoo:
Empusa (m.kreik. Εμπουσα) on kreikkalaisessa mytologiassa hirviömäinen naispuolinen henkiolento, jonka jaloista toinen oli pronssinen ja toinen aasin jalka.[1] Tosin Aristofanes kertoo toisen jalan olevan kuparia ja toisen lehmän lantaa, kun Dionysos ja Ksanthias kohtasivat empusan matkalla Haadeeseen.
ellauri043.html on line 3186:
Yhtenä päivänä musta lapsi joka piti kultaista käärmesauvaaa kädessä, johdatti meidät viisaiden ammattikorkeeseen. Iarkhas, niiden rehtori, puhui mulle mun esi-isistä, kaikista mun ajatuxista ja teoista, kaikista mun elämistä. Se oli ollut Indus-joki, ja se muistutti mua että mä olin kuljettanut proomuja Niilillä kuningas Sesostrixen aikaan.
According to ancient belief, the androdamas is a stone resembling the diamond, said to be found in the sands of the Red Sea, in squares or dies. Its name denotes the virtue belonging to it, namely, to restrain anger, mitigate lunacy, and lessen the gravity of the body. Source for information on Androdamas: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology dictionary.
Krokodiililla razastava vanhus menee pesemään joessa kuolleitten sieluja. Niitä kiduttaa tää musta nainen jolla on mädät hampaat, helvetin emäntä.
Mä olin kaivertanut mun lait kivitauluihin. Niitä oli 20, mutta Mooses kompastui ja särki niistä vahingossa 10. EKV. Laki sulki kansan kuin linnakkeeseen. Se oli mun kansa. Mä olin niiden jumala! Maa kuului mulle, miehet mulle, niiden ajatuxet, teot, työkalut ja niiden tulevaisuus.
ellauri043.html on line 3601:
ellauri043.html on line 3962:
ellauri043.html on line 4378: Täntyyppinen rengas ympäröi löysänä vyönä mitrapäistä pikkumiestä,jolla on corona kädessä, ja jonka alaruumis katoaa isoista sulista levitettyyn hameeseen.
ellauri043.html on line 4404: Mitro Repo, mun poika, asui luoxepääsemättömässä paikassa (Kirkkonummella). Sillä oli siellä oma tsasouna, jossa se otti vastaan Kivelän vanhuxia, ja syötettyään niille mariannekarkkeja ja konjakkia pienestä litteästä pullosta se lemppas ne pihalle ja meni taas teeveeseen tienaamaan lisää massia. Sellainen isä Metro.
ellauri043.html on line 4409: Mä olin säätänyt laitumet, duunit, uhrausklapit, kuppikoot, sanat jotka pitää sanoa kun on unettomuutta (Äiti mä en saa unta!);- ja mun papit oli koko ajan rukousvartiossa, jotta jumalalle ei tulis yhtään harmillista taukoa. Peseydyttiin ihan vaan vesipesulla, uhrattiin leipää alttareilla, ja tunnustettiin rikoxia kovalla äänellä.
ellauri043.html on line 4555: Äiti on väsynyt; olkaamme surkeina! Sitä miellyttääxemme pitää kärsiä! Sillä sovitetaan syntinne. Veri pesee kaiken; Heitelkää sitä pisaroina kuin kukkia! Se vaatii toisen verta, yhen puhtaan!
ellauri043.html on line 4792: Eläinradan eläimet löytyivät sen laitumilta, täyttivät muodoillaan ja väreillään salaperäisen kirjoituxen. 12 alueeseen jaettuna kuten vuosi 12 kuukauteen — jokaisella kuukaudella, jokaisella päivällä oli jumalansa — se toisinsi taivaan muuttumatonta järjestystä; ja loppuunhengittänyt ihminen ei menettänyt hahmoaan; vaan täytettynä hajusteilla, tuhoutumattomaxi tehtynä, se oli nukkuva 3000 vuotta hiljaisessa Egyptissä.
ellauri043.html on line 4999: joka tulee tuomizemaan eläviä ja kuolleita, — jonka valtakunnalla ei ole loppua; — ja yhteen (1) pyhään henkeen, — ja yhteen ainoaan (1) katumuxen kasteeseen, — ja yhteen ainoaan (1) pyhään katolliseen kirkkoon, — ja (ikävä kyilä) vain yhteen (1) lihan ylösnousemuxeen, — ja ikuiseen elämään!
ellauri043.html on line 5047: Sen hengitys nostaa sen kylkiä halkeamispisteeseen, ja se pui nyrkkejä. Hebe ojentaa sille kyynelissä kupin. Se ottaa sen.
ellauri043.html on line 5125: Sillä aikaa Kairoxet ojentavat kyntensä pitääxeen kiinni sieluista; furiat repivät epätoivoissaan käärmeensä tukasta; ja Kerberos, jonka sä panit kytkyeeseen, rähisee, louskuttaen kolmesta kurkustaan.
ellauri043.html on line 5532: Mutta saveen maalatut esi-isät, meidän jälkeen kuopatut, peittyvät vähitellen homeeseen. Uudet rodut, rangaistaxeen meitä omista pettymyxistään, ovat särkeneet meiltä leukaluut; rottien hampaissa meidän puiset ruumiit murenevat.
ellauri043.html on line 5615:
ellauri043.html on line 6617: Meri palaa vuoteeseen, vilja huojuu tuulessa, karavaani kulkee, koirat haukkuvat, pöly lentää, kaupungit murenevat; — ja mun kaze, jota kukaan ei pysty selvittämään, pysyy tähdättynä kohti asioita jotka on tapahtumahorisontin ulkopuolella.
ellauri045.html on line 347: Klikkiuutinen: Ruozissa poliisi työnsi pampun asiakkaan anuxeen. Jätettiin syyttämättä: syyttäjän mukaan pamppua oli käytetty tavalla, joka on Ruozissa sallittu. Pamppu ajautui farkuissa jo valmiixi olleeseen reikään. Normipäivä, pamppua persiiseen. Asiakas ei valittanut kuin kipua.
ellauri045.html on line 383: Kun on syntynyt perheeseen joka syntymästäni saakka oli ja pysyi vajaana isän heti jätettyä äitini, ei perhe ja sen yhteisyys ole ollut mikään itsestäänselvyys. Erossa asuva ja minusta ruokkoa maksava isäni ei vahinkolapsestaan koskaan pitänyt, minkä hän myös selvästi osoitti. Hänellä oli omia kirjallisia ambitioita ja kun aloin julkaista, siitä seurasi ilmeisen katkera kamppailu aina siihen saakka kun hän kuoli 102 vuoden iässä. Hänen hyllyssään oli kyllä rivi niitä kirjojani, joita hänelle vähän änskälläkin lahjoitin, mutta kuulin sisarpuoleltani Pirkolta, että hän oli jokaiseen niistä tehnyt korjauksia. Töhrinyt ne, kuten voisi ns. kauniimmin sanoa. Silti olin hänen neljästä lapsestaan onnekkain. Muut joutuivat kokemaan myös yhteiselämää hänen kanssaan eivätkä ne vammat ole olleet kovin helposti parantuvia.
ellauri045.html on line 463: Kaura narskuu, sanoi huonosti suomennettu Jesenin
ellauri045.html on line 465: Sergei Jesenin: Tarkoin valitut runot. Suomentanut Olli Hyvärinen. Nastamuumio 2009. 139 s.
ellauri045.html on line 467: Joulukuussa 1925 runoilija Sergei Jesenin (1895-1925) menehtyi Leningradissa romantiikan sääntöjen mukaan. Hotelli Angleterressa Jesenin viilsi ranteensa, kirjoitti jäähyväisrunonsa omalla verellään kuin japanilainen samurai ja hirttäytyi. Vähän aiemmin hän oli päässyt mielisairaalasta, jossa oli viettänyt kuukauden masennuksen takia.
ellauri045.html on line 468: 1970-1980-lukujen Neuvostoliitossa heräsi epäilys, että turvallisuuspoliisi OGPU olisi lavastanut Jesenin itsemurhan. Samaa on epäilty Majakovskin itsemurhasta. Salaliittoteorioita taas.
Isadora oli Serjozhaa parikytä vuotta vanhempi. Jeseninin Musta mies (ei pidä sekoittaa sarjoihin Men in Black eikä Lostin hahmoon Mies mustissa, joka tunnetaan myös nimillä Musta-asuinen mies, Veli ja savuhirviö, joka on kuvitteellinen hahmo televisiosarjassa Lost. Hahmoa esittävät Titus Welliver ja Terry O’Quinn) kertoo Isadorasta. Yhdellä pululla hävis Serjozha Sale Palkeelle ja Hannu Mäkelälle, niinkuin Kikka nuoremmille siskoille. Lisää kts. erillinen tietolaatikko.
ellauri045.html on line 470: Oli miten oli, venäläiset rakastavat Jeseniniä, tunteellista maalaispoikaa Rjazanista, joka oli kaunis kuin kerubi. Venäjällä vain Puškin on Jeseniniä enemmän kansan suosiossa, vaikka älyköt nyrpistelevät.
ellauri045.html on line 471: Jesenin saveaa saappaansa kuten naiset puuteroivat nenänsä ennen salonkeihin astumista, leukaili Majakovski Jeseninin talonpoikaisesta imagosta. Ja imago se olikin, pien päiväperho surviainen joka ei syönyt enää mitään mutta joi sitä enemmän. Kirjeissään itseään mordvalaiseksi kutsunut Jesenin oli kirjallisesti sivistynyt, perusti jopa kustantamon, oli neljästi naimisissa ja matkusteli aina Amerikkaa myöten kolmannen vaimonsa tanssijatar Isadora Duncanin mukana.
Markku Anhava, bonzaimodernistin pikkupartainen poika 65 vee, haukkui myöskin Hyvärisen Jeseninkäännöxen pataluhaxi. Markku tuntee asiaa, se on Suomen Jeseninin Arto Mellerin elämäkerturi.
ellauri045.html on line 473: Jesenin olisi helppo kuitata Venäjän artomellerinä heinänkorsi suussa, jonka keskeislyyrisissä runoissa kuljeskellaan orpona maailmalla haikaillen katoavan kyläkulttuurin perään. Jesenin toimi kuitenkin myös imaginistien liikkeessä. Aikakauden keskeisiin suuntauksiin, akmeismiin ja futurismiin, verrattuna imaginismin merkitys oli ehkä marginaalinen, mutta sillä oli sukulaisryhmiä ulkomailla. Esimerkiksi amerikkalaiset imagistit, kuten Ezra Pound, olivat käsityksissään kielen metaforisuudesta hyvin lähellä imaginistien ideoita. Imaginistit korostivat kuvan ja metaforan itsetarkoituksellista merkitystä.
ellauri045.html on line 475: Imaginistiajoista on kirjoittanut Jeseninin ystävä Anatoli Mariengof teoksessaan Romaani vailla valhetta (1926). Moskovassa Mariengof ja Jesenin jakoivat asunnon ja jossain vaiheessa myös luukun ainoan vuoteen, lähes naisystävätkin. Tasapäisyyteen totuttelevien neuvostoihmisten keskellä runoilijat keikaroivat silinterihatuissa, nimesivät katuja uudelleen itsensä mukaan ja painattivat julistuksen "yleisestä liikekannallepanosta radikaalien runollisten muotojen puolustamiseksi". Julistustaan he liimasivat sotakomissariaatin päiväkäskyn viereen Moskovan aitoihin.
ellauri045.html on line 477: Jeseniniä on aiemmin suomennettu antologioihin, viimeksi 1980-luvulla. Kokonaista teosta hänen runosuomennoksiaan on odotettu. Entä lunastaako Olli Hyvärisen suomennos Tarkoin valitut runot odotukset? Alku ei lupaa hyvää: jo valikoiman takakansitekstissä on parikin kielioppi- tai kirjoitusvirhettä. Teoksesta löytyy runojen venäläisiä käsitteitä selittävä osio, mutta ei esipuhetta, ei edes runoilijan esittelyä. Tämä on iso puute. Sisällisluettelokin uupuu. Mutta itse suomennokset ovat tärkeimpiä. Hyllystäni löytyy Jesenin kootut alkukielellä, joten teen pientä vertailua.
ellauri045.html on line 479: Jeseninin kielen koristeet juontuvat ennen muuta kansanlyyrikasta, vaikka runoilija kokeili myös symbolismin ja imaginismin keinoja. Kovin omaperäisiä ajatuksia ei Jeseniltä löydy. Runoissa viehättää hersyvä tunne, laulullisuus ja rytmi, joka syntyy runomitasta ja äännetoistosta. Hyvärisen suomennos vailla rytmiä läjähtää pahasti korvaan. Valikoimaan on lisäksi suomennettu liikaa keskinkertaisia tekstejä, kuten ontot tilausrunot Puškinista ja Leninistä.
ellauri045.html on line 481: Jeseninin ensimmäinen runokokoelma Radunitsa julkaistiin vuonna 1916. Hyvärinen on kääntänyt myös Jesenin julkaisemattomia nuoruudenrunoja. Varhaisrunoissa vaelletaan ikonien ja musikkojen maaseudulla. On sarastusta, elollistettua luontoa ja tyttöjä. Kansanrunouden vaikutus näkyy: runoista löytyvää satujen sipulikirkko-Venäjää ei ole koskaan ollut.
ellauri045.html on line 485: Jesenin kasvoi isoisänsä, uskonnollisen myllärin perheessä, ja ortodoksinen usko näkyy hänen runoudessaan. Ehkä uskonnosta kumpuavat varhaisrunouden haltioituneen myönteiset kuvat, jossa runon puhuja syleilee maailmaa puhkuen suvaitsevaisuutta. Runojen yksinkertaisen elämän propagoinnilla on kulttuurista merkitystä, mutta huokaileva nostalgia turvallisen pysyvään maaseutuun on lähinnä surkuhupaisaa.
ellauri045.html on line 487: Jesenin käyttää välillä hyviäkin metaforia, mutta runoutta myös rasittaa manerismi. Kuuta ja tähtiä metaforisoidaan loputtomiin. Taivas on aina sininen ja kaartuva, alkutekstissä "goluboi", eli vaaleansininen, ja myös Venäjä on aina sininen.
ellauri045.html on line 491: Kokoelman selvimmin imaginistisessa runossa "Tammojen laivat" näkyvät sisällissodan groteskit tapahtumat. Ketjuuntuvien metaforien kuvallisuus tekee siitä yhden Jesenin parhaista runoista. "Kaiken tuntemaan ja silleen jättämään/ saapui runoilija tähän maailmaan./ Hän saapui suutelemaan lehmiä, kuuntelemaan kauran narskuntaa, s. 69", runossa julistetaan. Jeseninin kirjoitti monta renttuelämää kuvaavaa runoa, joiden naturalistisessa tunnelmassa on usein draivia:
ellauri045.html on line 495: Lokakuun kumouksen jälkeen Jesenin kannatti bolševikkeja, koska nämä "olivat tuhonneet sivilisaation". Runoilija sai vaikutteita skyyttalaisliikkeeltä, jonka mukaan vallankumous ratkaisi idän ja lännen kulttuurien kamppailun. Jesenin asettui idän, "maaseudun" ja "irrationaalisen tunteen" puolelle, ja ehkä siksi hän hehkuttaa monessa runossaan Venäjän aasialaisuutta.
ellauri045.html on line 497: Myöhemmin Jeseninin into laantui, kun bolševikit näyttivät turmelevan runoilijan unelmien agraari-Venäjän. Häilyvä Jesenin ei uskaltanut kritisoida bolševikkeja, mutta ironiaa ja epäilyä löytyy myöhäisrunoista. Runossa "Neuvosto-Venäjä" runoilija toteaa, ettei häntä tarvita uudessa yhteiskunnassa.
ellauri045.html on line 499: Venäläisille runoilijoille Krim ja Kaukasus ovat perinteisesti merkinneet kosketusta itämaisuuteen. Jesenin matkusti vuosina 1924-1925 Georgiaan ja Azerbaidjaniin ja kirjoitti runosarjan, jossa tehdään mielikuvitusmatka Iraniin. Viittauksia klassisiin persialaisrunoilijoihin viljelevissä runoissa fantasioidaan hunnutetuista naisista, hörpitään teetä ja tepastellaan puutarhoissa. Orientalistista mausteista huolimatta mukana on pari hyvää rakkausrunoa. Kokonaisuutena sarja latistuu makeiluun ja metaforien manerismiin.
ellauri045.html on line 501: Jeseninin runot olisivat ansainneet suomennoksen, jossa runojen musiikki pääsee esiin. Hyvärinen on poistanut Jesenin runomitat, loppusoinnut ja äännetoiston, mutta ei ole pannut mitään tilalle. Verrataan esimerkiksi Hyvärisen käännöstä Jeseninin yhdestä kuuluisimmasta runosta ”Kapakka-Moskova” aiempaan suomennokseen teoksessa Neuvostolyriikkaa 1 (1975). Hyvärinen ei jostain syystä ole nimennyt runoa, hän kääntää:
ellauri045.html on line 511: Katkelma Jeseninin ehkä tunnetuimman runon ”Musta mies” alusta havainnollistaa, miten soinniton suomennos lässäyttää viiltävän alkoholismin ja depression kuvauksen. Hyvärinen:
ellauri045.html on line 519: Ei voi muuta kuin ihmetellä, että runoilija Hyvärinen suomentaa Jeseniä proosamaiseksi puuroksi. Ontuva riimi siellä täällä on pahempi kuin ei riimiä ollenkaan. Vain harvat Hyvärisen teelmistä toimivat runoina, osa ei ole juuri raakakäännöstä kummempia. Sanon minä, Ville Ropponen. Helsingissä asuva kirjailija-toimittaja ja kriitikko. Arvostelu on julkaistu myös Kritiikki II (kevät 2010) -lehdessä.
ellauri045.html on line 530: esenin" />
ellauri045.html on line 532: Сергей Есенин Sergei Jesenin
ellauri045.html on line 712: Ketähän siro ystävämme Jesenin tässä plagioi? Voisko se olla Rimbaud tai Oscar Wilde? George Byron tai Musset Pigg? Näitä piisaa, kauniita päältä kakkuja, sisältä sulaa silkkoa. Sellainen joka ei hyväxy muita on tyytymätön izeensä, sanoo nettitohtori.
ellauri045.html on line 806: Christianity added its own three others virtue, in St. Paul's words "faith, hope, and love, these three abide. But the greatest of these is love." The three are called "theological" or-flatteringly to Christianity, since we all know alleged Christians who in their xenophobia or homophobia or X-phobia do not practice them-"Christian" virtues. The three holy virtues smell of incense, but can be given entirely secular definitions, as the Peterson and Seligman volume does. Faith is the backward-looking virtue of having an identity, a place from which one must in integrity start: you are a mother, a daughter, a wife, a schweitzer, a woman, a teacher, a reader, and would not think of denying them, or changing them frivolously. Hope, by contrast, is the forward-looking virtue of having a destination, a project. Where are you going? Quo vadis? If you are literally hopeless you go home tonight and use your military rifle (you are Swiss, so you have one) to shoot yourself. And love, the greatest of these, is the point of it all: love of husband/wife or both, love of country, love of art, love of science, love of God/dog or both.
ellauri046.html on line 61: Nacque a Padova verso il 1523 da una famiglia di origine milanese e di condizione borghese: alla morte del padre Bartolomeo (1531), commerciante di gioielli, la vedova Cecilia, con Gaspara e i fratelli Baldassare e Cassandra, si trasferì a Venezia. Cassandra era cantante e Baldassare poeta: quest'ultimo morì per malattia nel 1544 a diciannove anni, e ciò turbò molto Gaspara, tanto da farle meditare una vita monacale, stimolata su questa strada da suor Paola Antonia Negri; di lui restano i sonetti stampati con quelli della ben più nota sorella.
Leimasimen isä oli kultaseppä, sixköhän sen nimi oli Leima. Kultaseppä Leima, sen tytär Gaspara Leimasin, ikäänkuin hullunkurisista perheistä. Bartolomeus tulee hepreasta Bar Tolomai, eli Ptolemaioxen poika. Bartolomeus oli tavixin apostoli, joka nyljettiin Armeniassa ja naulattiin ristiin vielä kuin nahkurin orsille.
ellauri046.html on line 63: In laguna venne accolta dalla raffinata ed istruita società veneziana; al suo interno condusse una vita elegante e spregiudicata, segnalandosi per la sua bellezza e per le sue qualità. Fu difatti cantante e suonatrice di liuto, oltre che poetessa, ed entrò nell'Accademia dei Dubbiosi con il nome di Anasilla (così veniva chiamato in latino il fiume Piave - Anaxus - che attraversava il feudo dei Collalto, cui apparteneva quel Collaltino che lei amò). L'abitazione degli Stampa divenne uno dei salotti letterari più famosi di Venezia, frequentato dai migliori pittori, letterati e musicisti del Veneto, e molti accorrevano a seguire le esecuzioni canore di Gaspara delle liriche di Petrarca. Leimasin oli nätti ja kulturnaja, osas käyttää luuttua enemmällä kuin yhdellä sormella, ja laulaa kauniisti. Stampat piti tyylikästä salonkia Veneziassa, jonne tuli Petrarcakin Laura-nyyhkytyxineen.
ellauri046.html on line 65: Sufficientemente colta nella letteratura, nell'arte e nella musica, Gaspara fu portata dalla forte carica della sua personalità a vivere in modo libero diverse esperienze amorose, che segnano profondamente la sua vita e la sua produzione poetica. I romantici videro in lei una novella Saffo, anche per la sua breve esistenza, vissuta in maniera intensamente passionale. La vicenda della poetessa va però ridimensionata e collocata nel quadro della vita mondana del tempo, dove le relazioni sociali, comprese quelle amorose, rispondono spesso a un cerimoniale e ad una serie di convenzioni precise. Fra queste è da segnalare l'amore per il conte Collaltino di Collalto, uomo di guerra e di lettere, che durò circa tre anni (1548-1551): tuttavia a causa di lunghi periodi di lontananza Collaltino non ricambiò il sentimento intenso che Gaspara provò per lui, e la relazione si concluse con l'abbandono della poetessa, che attraversò anche una profonda crisi spirituale e religiosa. Leimasimella oli taipumusta depixiin. Kun tuli vastoinkäymisiä (veli kuoli, kreivi jätti), se meni aina rapakuntoon ja meinas mennä nunnaxi. Onnexi ei mennyt.
ellauri046.html on line 69: Afääri kreivi Collaltinon kanssa päättyi bänxeihin kun kreivi dumppas sen. Leimasin joutui siitä masixeen ja tautivuoteeseen, mutta kirjoitti sen johdosta madonnamaisia runoja tyyliin "You'll see!", erityisen hyviä. Kreivipaskiainen ylipäänsä muistetaan vaan niiden ansiosta. Kun Seija oli mulle hyvin, hyvin vihainen, se soitti tätä Madonnan laulua. Kai se meinas lähtee menee. Onnexi ei lähtenyt.
ellauri046.html on line 148: Marx oli niin oikeassa siinä että ylärakenteet seuraa perusrakenteista. Meemit on emojeja talouden mesen lopussa.
ellauri046.html on line 164: Kun kolmiyhteys hajoaa, piru pääsee irti, ja siitä täytyy puhua vaikkei saa. Siihen tarpeeseen syntyi symbolismi. Puhuttiin lastenkielellä siitä ja sen kestävyydestä. Grimmin satuja aikuisille.
ellauri046.html on line 268: Kierkegaard's humor ranges from the droll to the rollicking; from farce to intricate, subtle analysis; from nimble stories to amusing aphorisms. In these pages you are invited to meet the wife of an author who burned her husband's manuscript and a businessman who, even with an abundance of calling cards, forgot his own name. You will hear of an interminable vacillator whom archeologists found still pacing thousands of years later, trying to come to a decision. Then there is the emperor who became a barkeeper in order to stay in the know.
ellauri046.html on line 309: Ennenkuin painun reikään syvemmälle, mietin tätä: mixne Enten ja Eller on esteettinen vs. eettinen elämäntyyli? Miten niin esteettinen? Tanskalainen nyt ymmärtää kauneudesta yhtä paljon kuin lehmä maxalaatikosta. Onx niin et Kierkegaardilla estetiikka sisältää kaiken aistinvaraisen ja lyhytnäköisen, kaikki matelijanaivon välittömän tyydytyxen muodot runkkauxesta käyntiin WC-reijällä, ja eettinen sitten kaiken peliteorian, missä haetaan koko tiimin kannalta ikuisessa juoxussa parasta strategiaa? Tällä työhypoteesilla nyt ainakin lähden liikenteeseen.
ellauri046.html on line 351: His master-work Either/Or is odd. It uses a selection of pseudonyms to present and contrast what are supposed to be the papers of a sensual or 'aesthetic' young man called 'A' and a sternly ethical and religious judge 'B', reflecting on the meaning and value of existence, boredom, drama, luck, fate, choice and Mozart. It is considered to be the foundation of the 'Existential' way of thinking - with its concentration on the absolute necessity of choosing and inventing one's self - and was highly influential on writers like WH Auden, Jorge Luis Borges, JD Salinger and John Updike as well as, famously, the philosophers John-Paul Sartre and Friedrich Nietzsche.
ellauri046.html on line 359: This abridgement reduces the original quarter of a million words down to about 12,000 (around 5%), based on three different translations, one by Alastair Hannay, another by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong, and a third by an unnamed translator, possibly Lee M. Hollander. As with many of these condensed versions, having picked out the glowing passages may give an impression of a coherence which is absent in the rambling, repetitive and frequently incomprehensible original. The staccato style, though, is what it is like.
ellauri046.html on line 433: This brief study argues that Kierkegaard's Journals show beyond reasonable doubt that he was homosexual. It does so because he believed that the recognition of this fact was central to the understanding of his life and thought, because he could not bring himself to say this openly even in the privacy of his own Journals, because he hoped and prayed that his "reader" would discover and reveal it after his death, because even distinguished scholars privy to his "secret" have remained silent and because, given these facts, it is surely time to open up this question.
ellauri046.html on line 435: This very preliminary study has eight parts. The first assembles a number of entries from his Journals showing that he was homosexual and seen as such by at least some of his contemporaries. The second looks again at his relation with Regine and examines some of his own accounts of his relations with other men. The third provides other evidence of his homosexuality, particularly from his youth. The fourth briefly outlines his conceptions of and relations to Socrates, Christ and God. The fifth attempts to trace the history of his understanding of the relation of Christianity and homosexuality. The sixth repeats some of his own accounts of the homosexual origin and character of the central notions of his existentialism. The seventh presents homosexuality as his hope and agenda for future. Finally, the eighth attempts to summarize and make sense of the preceding.
ellauri046.html on line 462: The Greek astronomer Ptolemy considered Coma Berenices to be an asterism in the constellation Leo, representing the tuft at the end of the lion’s tail, and it was not until the 16th century that Berenice’s Hair was promoted to a constellation in its own right, on a celestial globe by the cartographer Caspar Vopel. It is the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe who is usually credited for the promotion. He included Coma Berenices among the constellations in his star catalogue of 1602.
ellauri046.html on line 474: Nebenher versuchte er vergeblich, den Verlobten seiner dort lebenden Schwester Marie, José Clavijo y Fajardo, zur Einhaltung seines Eheversprechens zu zwingen. Das Verhältnis zwischen Clavijo und Marie war undurchsichtig; Beaumarchais verarbeitete dieses Thema zehn Jahre später zu einem rührenden Miniroman, aus dem Goethe 1774 sein Stück Clavigo machte.
ellauri046.html on line 556: Jeg bliver mit evige Vesen bevidst. Dette er det sande Beviis for Sjalens Udødelighed. Nimittäin et isi käski opetella koululäxyn ulkoa. Tää on selkeesti hölmöimmästä päästä.
ellauri046.html on line 558: Söören on kuin vetäis izeänsä perseeseen. Ei se vaan onnistu ellei ole yli metrinen luokille käännettävä jorma. Ja kellä on.
ellauri046.html on line 688: Jos yhteen ägtenskabiin ei mitenkään mahdu kaikki setämiehen kjärlighedit, Christendomme ei voi olla kehityxen viimeinen sana. Tästä epäkohdasta lähtee liikenteeseen iso osa setämieslyriikasta ja proosasta, esim. tämä nide. Kummasti homopetteriltä riittää naisista mielipiteitä, mut onhan niitä Suomen Perustan homo-Hankasalmellakin. Niillä tienaa paremmin kuin homobaarikokemuxilla.
ellauri046.html on line 701: Enten-Eller" gjorde også lykke i sin samtid. Bogen fik en fortræffelig modtagelse og blev udførligt anmeldt i aviser og tidsskrifter," fortæller Joakim Garff. Tanskan Vaakku runoilija Heiberg mietti, enttenkö jaxaa edes lukea moista 800-s. monstrumia vaiko tentten ei. Luki sittenkin. Ei yhtän tykännyt Enttenistä, mut mieltyi Tenttenin ryhdikkyyteen. Siitä lähti Luutarhan ura nousukierteeseen. Sörkän vaihdelaatikossa oli kolme vaihdetta, esteettinen, eettinen ja uskonnollinen, jossa se ottaa vauhtia minästä, pesästä tai teräsminästä. Pesästä ei Söören juuri perustanut, tuli toimeen ilman niinkuin käki. Heiberg diggas Hegeliä ja kirjoitti vaudevillejä. Se oli Sörenin paha kilpailija.
ellauri046.html on line 721: Eugene Scriben näytelmä Premiers amours oli säälittävä farssi. Entten tykkäs siitä kai kun se samastu deekahtaneeseen Charlesiin. Tenttenistä se oli aivan paska, niinkuin olikin.
ellauri046.html on line 805: What are visions like these to the first kiss of love.
ellauri046.html on line 970: ranteeseen, ja portaassa vielä nilkkaan. Nainen pääsi karkuun äitinsä luo
ellauri047.html on line 159: Annette on valistusajan pehmopornoa, pointtina: tie miehen sydämeen voi käydä vazan kautta, mutta naisilla se menee just päinvastoin: tie vazan alle tekee kierroxen sydänalassa. Hat man einmal diese Herzen, ha das andre hat man bald!
ellauri047.html on line 191: 8. lokakuuta 1776 hän ja Eva König avioituivat Jorkissa Hampurin lähellä. Jouluaattoiltana 1777 Lessingeille syntyi poika, joka menehtyi heti synnytystä seuranneena päivänä. Eva Lessing kuoli 10. tammikuuta 1778 lapsivuodekuumeeseen. Lessingin terveydentila huonontui vuonna 1779. Hän Hän kuoli 15. helmikuuta vuonna 1781 aivohalvaukseen (Hirnschlag) ollessaan kyläilemässä Braunschweigissa viinikauppiasi Angottin luona. Alkoholilla saattoi olla vaikutusta asiaan. Hänet haudattiin Braunschweigiin (Magnifriedhof).
ellauri047.html on line 237: Doch wird ihn jeder lesen? – Nein. Mutta lukeeko kaikki sitä?
ellauri047.html on line 239: Und fleißiger gelesen sein. löytyisi lukijoita lisää.
ellauri047.html on line 330: Der Vater dieses Kind´s zu seyn ?
ellauri047.html on line 472: Jagt er bunten Kieseln nach,
ellauri047.html on line 479: Und die Wiese
ellauri047.html on line 491: Sich gesellig an. Nun tritt er
ellauri047.html on line 533: Auf den Riesenschultern; sausend
ellauri047.html on line 756: Sie drängten mich zum gabeseligen Munde,
ellauri048.html on line 481: Humanismia on tässä mätkitty jo moneen otteeseen.
ellauri048.html on line 717: the presence of hypercharged male relationships
esetzt_auf_den_bergen_des_herzens.htm">Ausgesetzt auf den Bergen des Herzens
Saul reserved for art what his eldest son sought from him in life.
Kumartaa yleisölle ja pyllistää perheille. Hintelä kalansilmä panomies.
ellauri064.html on line 343: Tom Erik Arnkil, the Finish research professor emeritus, discusses Open Dialogues and Anticipation Dialogues in order to find core elements of dialogical practices in general and arrived at the concept of Dialogical Space.
ellauri064.html on line 345: He also discusses some challenges faced when developing dialogical practices. He looked at Open Dialogues as used in psychiatry and Anticipation Dialogues as used in the no-mans-land between health, social, education and other services around common clients. By seeking to “benchmark” OD and AD, his hope is to gain insight not only into these two approaches, but also into the conditions for generating dialogicity in general.
ellauri064.html on line 358: The Network for Dialogical Practices is an open platform for researchers, students and practitioners who want to help people in distress by full presence, responsiveness and human connection. The European Network for open dialogical practices started in 2008 to care for the legacy of Tom Andersen, Gianfranco Cecchin and Michael White who all passed away shortly one after another and to preserve their voices for the future generations.
ellauri064.html on line 417: Maria Åkerblom syntyi ruotsinkieliseen mäkitupalaisperheeseen Tammisaaren lähellä, alkoi jo 14-vuotiaana nähdä enneunia ja saarnasi maailmanlopusta. Hän vaikutti 1920-luvulla erityisesti Kokkolan lähistöllä muun muassa Teerijärvellä ja Alavetelissä, mutta hän saarnasi myös Helsingissä. Hän sai epävakaissa oloissa huomattavan seuraajakunnan, joka luotti häneen lähes sokeasti. Hänen saarnaamislahjojaan pidettiin poikkeuksellisina, joskin unissasaarnaamista harjoittivat tuohon aikaan monet muutkin. Häntä seurannutta aatesuuntaa ja liikehdintää sanotaan åkerblomilaisuudeksi. Åkerblomilaisuutta sekä korpelalaisuutta pidetään suomalaisina kristillisperäisinä lahkoina, jotka lienevät lähinnä tuhoisaa kristillistä kulttia.
ellauri064.html on line 419: Wartiovaara tutustui 1919 horrosaarnaajana toimineeseen Maria Åkerblomiin ja Wartiovaaran perhe otti 20-vuotiaan Åkerblomin kasvattityttärekseen sen jälkeen, kun hän oli saanut horrostilassa tällaisen kehotuksen Jumalalta. Wartiovaarat ja Åkerblom muuttivat samana vuonna Kokkolaan, jonne he asettuivat asumaan. Kokkolassa Åkerblom piti Hakalahden rukoushuoneella horrossaarnoja, joita kävi kuuntelemassa parhaimmillaan satojakin ihmisiä. Wartiovaara osti Åkerblomille 100 000 markkaa maksaneen ratsuhevosen, kun Åkerblom oli saanut unessa tätä koskevan kehotuksen. Uskonliikkeelle rakennettiin Kokkolaan kaksikerroksinen asuintalo, ns. Marian palatsi. Mutta saiko Eino Marialta pillua?
ellauri064.html on line 421: Kun Kokkolassa 1919 käynyt arkkipiispa Gustaf Johansson oli julkisesti nuhdellut Åkerblomia, Wartiovaara julkaisi omalla kustannuksellaan 1920 teoksen Maria Åkerblom totuuden valossa, eräitä koettelemuksia ristin tiellä, jossa hän puolusti Åkerblomia ja kuvasi myös omia uskonnollisia pohdiskelujaan. Wartiovaara tuomittiin sitten vuoden vankeusrangaistukseen ns. Erik Stadius-jutussa. Stadius oli 14-vuotias poika, joka oli tuonut Helsingistä Kokkolaan Åkerblomin ratsuhevosen ja jäänyt Kokkolaan hevosen hoitajaksi. Åkerblomin liikkeen jäsenet pieksivät pojan Åkerblomin vaatimuksesta hevosen sotkettua pojan sille tuomia heiniä. Useita liikkeen jäseniä joutui syytteeseen pahoinpitelystä, mistä alkoi pitkä aina 1920-luvun lopulle saakka jatkunut liikettä koskeneiden oikeudenkäyntien sarja.
ellauri064.html on line 423: Wartiovaaran vankeustuomio kumottiin korkeimmassa oikeudessa, mutta hän puolestaan haastoi oikeuteen muutamia kokkolalaisia pahoinpitelystä sen jälkeen, kun he olivat heitellet häntä ja muita liikkeen jäseniä mädäntyneillä kananmunilla tammikuussa 1920. Syyskuussa 1922 Kaarlelan Korpilahden kylässä tapahtui vakavampi välikohtaus, kun ratsastusretkellä ollut Åkerblom ampui browningilla laukauksen kohti vastaantullutta maanviljelijä Frans Honkaa, joka oli hätistänyt Åkerblomin koiraa pois hevosensa kimpusta. Seuranneessa oikeudenkäynnissä liike toi esiin 20 todistajaa, jotka väittivät, että maanviljelijä Honka olikin itse heitellyt Åkerblomia useilla katukiven kokoisilla kivillä ja ampunut tätä kohti. Todistajien mukaan Åkerblomilla ei ollut asetta mukana. Todistuslausunnot osoittautuivat perättömiksi, ja useat todistajista joutuivat syytteeseen väärästä valasta.
ellauri064.html on line 463: Uuden maailmanjärjestyksen juurten on usein väitetty johtavan 1700-luvun lopulla toimineeseen baijerilaiseen Illuminati-järjestöön sekä vapaamuurareihin, joiden myös väitetään nykyisin kontrolloivan uutta maailmanjärjestystä. Enkka on Pat Robertsonilla, jonka mielestä NWO liittyy Vanhan testamentin kirjoituksiin ja Baabelin torniin.
ellauri064.html on line 491: Keskityin äskeisessä blogijulkaisussani 16 -vuotiaan ruotsalaisen ilmastoaktivisti Greta Thunbergin käynnistämään globaaliin koululakkoliikkeeseen. Koululakkoliike on kuitenkin yhteydessä toiseen kansainväliseen protestiliikkeeseen nimeltä Elokapina (eng. Extinction Rebellion), joka sai alkusa Iso-Britanniassa toukokuussa 2018. Greta itse osallistui elokapinoitsijoiden tilaisuuteen Lontoossa tämän vuoden huhtikuussa. Liikkeen suomalainen verkkosivu julistaa: ”Globaali kapina alkaa” ja kutsuu Pohjoismaissa asuvia ihmisiä osallistumaan Berliinissä lokakuussa järjestettäviin massa-aktioihin. Liikkeen johtajien mukaan elokapina on ”yhtenäinen, pitkän aikavälin globaali voima, ei jokin kipinä kattilassa.” Kaikkien poliittisten liikkeiden tapaan elokapinalla on myös oma symbolinsa, ympyrän sisällä oleva pelkistetty tiimalasi. Tuleeko siitä pian yhtä pelätty symboli kuin natsien hakarististä tai kommunistien sirpistä ja vasarasta? Liikkeen päämääriin kuuluu mm. hallitusten painostaminen lainsäädäntöön, joka nollaisi nettohiilipäästöt vuoteen 2025 mennessä ja mobilisoida 3,5 prosenttia väestöstä kansalaistottelemattomuuteen ja massaprotesteihin.
ellauri064.html on line 493: Vaikka liike sanoo peräänkuuluttavansa väkivallatonta kansalaisvastarintaa, niin vihreän politiikan kriitikkona tunnettu lääketieteen tohtori ja epidemiologian dosentti Mikko Paunio huomioi äsken hänen FB-seinällään (kenen? Hemmetti opettele suomea): ”Tietääköhän Antti Rinne, että Greta on sitoutunut Extinction Rebellionin (XR) tavoitteisiin, joihin kuuluu mobilisoida 3,5 % väestöstä ja muuttaa yhteiskuntajärjestys näiden ihmisten avulla. XR kertoo olevansa sitoutunut väkivallattomuuteen, mutta miten 3,5 %:lla voidaan yhteiskuntajärjestys muuttaa ilman väkivaltaa?” Paunio julkaisee muuten lokakuun lopussa humorisesti nimetyn uuden kirjansa Hourulan väen ilmastovallankumous, johon sain kunnian jakaa hieman myös omaa tietämystäni. Annoin Mikolle ilmaisen näytteen omasta eskatologisesta kirjastani Joka ei ollut saapa kuninkaan arvoa – Antikristus paljastettu? ja hän kertoi lisänneen kirjani 10. luvun innoittamana jotain oman kirjansa esipuheeseen (Mikon kirjan voit ennakkotilata täältä ja oman kirjani voit tilata täältä).
ellauri064.html on line 495: Entä voidaanko Iso-Britannian nettohiilipäästöt nollata seuraavan 6 vuoden aikana ilman julkisen ja yksityisen talouden romuttamista? Energia- ja ilmastotiedustelun laitos, mikä tukee järjestön voimakkaita ilmastotoimenpiteitä ja vaatimuksia, sanoi vuoden 2025 takarajan olevan ”tavoite, jota ei olisi mitään mahdollisuutta toteuttaa teknisesti, ekonomisesti ja poliittisesti”. Laitos laski, että se vaatisi lentoliikenteen lakkauttamisen, 38 miljoonan bensiinillä ja dieselillä kulkevan auton poistamisen maanteiltä ja 26 miljoonan kaasukattilan sammuttamisen. Ehkä tämä on juuri elokapinoitsijoiden nimenomainen tavoite: palauttaa mellakoiden, anarkian ja ekoterrorismin avulla koko kehittynyt sivilisaatio takaisin kivikauteen. Radikaalit luonnonsuojelijat ovat puhuneet tällaisen puolesta jo vuosikymmeniä. Ekofasisti Pentti Linkolan mukaan ”kaikki mitä olemme kehittäneet viimeisen sadan vuoden aikana pitäisi hävittää.” Earth First -järjestön perustaja Dave Foreman kirjoittaa: ”Meidän tulee tehdä tästä turvaton ja karu paikka kapitalisteille ja heidän projekteilleen… meidän tulee vaatia takaisin maantiet ja auratut maat, pysäyttää patojen rakentaminen, repiä alas olemassaolevat padot, vapauttaa kahlitut joet ja palauttaa erämaaksi miljoonia eekkereitä nykyisin asutettua maata.”
ellauri064.html on line 497: Surkuhupaisinta on kuitenkin se, että monet ilmastoprotesteihin osallistuvista lapsista ja nuorista ovat niin julkisen koulutuksen ja massamedian indoktrinaation aivopesemiä, etteivät he todella ymmärrä mitä he toivovat vaatiessaan nollahiilipäästöjä seuraavan 6 tai 12 vuoden sisällä. Tätä nykymaailman mukavuuksilla pilalle hemmotellun nuoren sukupolven kiittämättömyyttä kuvastaa hyvin Esko Keräsen oivallinen Facebook-päivitys, jonka isoveljeni jakoi sosiaalisessa mediassa:
ellauri064.html on line 499: Anteeksi lapset, että olemme tuhonneet teidän ilmastonne, mutta me voidaan palata välittömästi sodanjälkeiseen aikaan, niin sitten jokainen tietää kuinka niukasti aikanaan elettiin. Aloitetaan! Ensimmäisenä lopetetaan koulukuljetukset. Lasketaan asuntojen, ja koulujen sisälämpötila n 13° asteeseen. Pysäytetään koneelliset ilmastointilaitteet, tuuletus toimii ikkunoiden kautta. Laitetaan TV ja kännykät pimeäksi. Kylällä voi olla naapurissa mustavalkoinen putki TV. Joissakin talouksissa voi olla kiinteä puhelin, ja puhelinkopit otetaan käyttöön. Lopetetaan urheilu sisähalleissa, ja elokuvia voi katsoa kaupungilla 3-4 :ssä Elokuvateatterissa. Urheilussa siirrytään ulkona pelattavaksi kaikki pelit, ja harjoituksiin kuljetaan hiihtäen tai polkupyörällä ajaen. Lopetetaan koulu ruokailu, tai jos kouluissa ruokaillaan, oppilaat tuovat ruokatarvikkeet itse keräten ne kesän aikana. Mm. Marjat , sienet, perunat , porkkanat ja muut kasvikset, jotka kasvatetaan siirtola puutarhojen kaupunkien ja kylien omistamilla kasvi mailla. Kerrostaloihin laitetaan yksi sauna, ja saunavuorot. Keittiöistä hävitetään jääkaapit ja pesukoneet, pakastimet. Tilalle tehdään yhteinen pesutupa ja kylmäkellaritilat. Maataloudessa siirrytään hevos talouteen, hävitetään koneet, ruohonleikkurit, moottorisahat ja muut pienkoneet. Siirrytään pokasaha kauteen, ja puut tehdään pilkkomalla. Voin tässä vielä mainita, että nuoret 14-17 vuotiaat nuoret hoitivat koko sodan ajan hoitamalla Suomen julkisten rakennusten, ja omakotitalojen lämmityksen tekemällä satoja tuhansia kuutioita polttopuita tosi alkeellisin välinein, miesten ollessa sodassa. Romutetaan kaikki kuorma autot, ja siirretään puut tehtaille uittamalla, niin tiet säästyvät. Tässä nyt on muutama esimerkki asioista jotka olen elämäni aikana joutunut kokemaan, ja jos jokainen nuori asettaa lähtökohdaksi tämänkaltaisen elämän, niin voi senjälkeen syyttää elämänsä mahdollisuuksien tuhoamisesta.
ellauri064.html on line 501: Totta kai planeetan ja tulevien sukupolvien julkisen terveyden kannalta olisi parempi, että pääsemme ajan myötä eroon fossiilisista polttoaineista ja siirtyisimme puhtaaseen ja päästöttömään energiatalouteen. Mutta tällaiseen tavoitteeseen päästään vain teknologian ja kapitalismin myötä, ei poliittisen vallankumouksen. Kun teknologisten innovaatioiden tuoma edistys tekee uusiutuvista energiamuodoista yhä edullisempia, kannattavampia ja toimivampia ratkaisuja – nykyään ne eivät sitä ole -, niin vapaa markkinatalous johtaa automaattisesti sen yleistymiseen yhä useamman kuluttajan käyttöön. Radikaalien luonnonsuojelijoiden menetelmät ovat täysin päinvastaisia. Heille kapitalismi ja teknologia ei ole osa ratkaisua vaan osa ongelmaa (kuin myös kristinusko, joka 1. Moos. 1:28:n kautta edisti lännen teollista ja teknologista vallankumousta). Greta Thunberg itse heijasti tätä radikaalien luonnonsuojelijoiden teknopessimististä ja talouskasvulle vihamielistä ajatusmaailmaa hänen teatraalisessa ja vihaisessa puheessaan YK:ssa, kun hän sanoi:
ellauri065.html on line 57: Evitskogissa on leimahtanut kova kiista suunnitelmista, jossa maanomistaja haluaa korottaa alavaa peltoa rakennustyömailta tuoduilla maa-aineksilla. Paikka on monille ohikulkijoillekin ja erityisesti lintuharrastajille tuttu Evitskogissa Kivenlahti-Virkkala -maantien varrella. Tulva-aikoihin vesi nousee pellolle ja syys-ja kevätmuuton aikana alueella on sankkanaan muuttolintuja. Alueen maanomistajalla on pari vuotta ollut suunnitelmissa rahdata laajalle alueelle maamassoja ja korottaa peltoa muutamalla metrillä. Hankkeessa on puhuttu erittäin suurista määristä maa-aineista, jota tuotaisiin peltoaukealle jopa 700.000 - 800.000 kuutiometriä. Parin viime vuoden aikana on Kirkkonummella ollut esillä ainakin kolme isoa maakaatopaikkahanketta. Niissä on haettu lupaa noin 120.000 - 430.000 kuution läjitysmäärille. (Lue hankkeista, linkit jutun lopussa) Evitskogin hankkeessa ei ole käytetty maankaatopaikka-termiä, vaan puhuttu pellonkorotuksesta. Kunnalta on tiedusteltu noin vuosi sitten, tarvitaanko hankkeelle ympäristölupa. Tuolloin kunnan ympäristöyksikkö on lausunnossaan todennut, ettei ympäristölupaa tarvita. Lausunnossa todetaan, että paikalle tuotavien maa-aineisten on oltava puhtaita ja ennen toiminnan aloittamista alueen halki kulkevan Törnesintien tieoikeuden haltijoiden on hyväksyttävä hanke. Tiekunta on lähestynyt kuntaa valituskirjelmällä, jossa suhtaudutaan hankkeeseen kielteisesti. Asia tulee kevään mittaan ympäristölautakunnan käsittelyyn. Peltoaukean poikki on aloitettu tien parantaminen. Tie johtaa alueen omistajan kesäasunnolle. Kirkkonummen ympäristöyhdistys on nostanut hankkeen esille ja väittää, että kyseessä on maankaatopaikka, jota valmistellaan tien korjaamisella. Ympäristöyhdistys pyytää Etelä-Suomen aluehallintovirastoa (Avi) tutkimaan, valmistellaanko kosteikolle ja peltoaukealle laitonta maankaatopaikkaa. Yhdistys on myös tehnyt kantelun eduskunnan oikeusasiamiehelle Kirkkonummen ympäristöpäällikön toiminnasta. Valitusta ei ympäristöyhdistyksen mukaan voi hankkeesta tehdä, koska mitään virallista päätöstä ei ole hankkeen tiimoilta olemassa. Kunnan ympäristöyksikössä on tulkittu vuosi sitten hanketta pellonparannuksena, kuten sitä on maaomistajakin kutsunut. Ympäristöyksikössä on vedottu siihen, että lain mukaan pellonparannukseen ei tarvitse ympäristölain mukaista lupaa toisin kuin, jos lupaa haetaan maankaatopaikalle. Peltoa saa korottaa kunnan ympäristöyksikön mukaan melko vapaasti, jos maanläjityksellä on jokin tarkoitus eli pellon saaminen viljelyn kannalta parempaan kuntoon. Kysessä oleva alue ei ole suojeltu. Alue on virallisesti peltoa, joka on oikeutettu myös maataloustukiin. Tällaisia maankaatopaikkahankkeita on ollut vireillä:> Avolouhos halutaan täyttää ja > perustaa maankaatopaikka − > louhittua kiveä löytyy maailman > suurkaupungeista (Viisykkönen > 20.8.2018) Isoa maankaatopaikkaa > ei tule Porkkalanniemelle – hanke > tyssäsi paikalliseen > vastustukseen, rekkarallia > pelättiin (Viisykkönen 13.9.2017)> Kirkkonummen kunta hylkäsi lupa-anomuksen maankaatopaikalle Kylmälässä äänestyksen jälkeen (Viisykkönen
ellauri065.html on line 179: ... että Claudette Colbert, joka voitti vain Parhaan naispääosan Oscar-palkinto varten Tapahtui eräänä yönä (juliste kuvassa), yksityisesti nimeltään elokuva "pahin kuvan maailmassa"? ... että vuoden 1958 Libanonin presidentinvaalit pidettiin aseellisen kapinan aikana, kun kansakuntaan oli sijoitettu 10000 Yhdysvaltain sotilasta ? ... että kiinalainen cosplayer Liyuu on myös anime- muusikko? ... että urospuolinen merihämähäkki Propallene longiceps kuljettaa hedelmöitettyjä munia rannekkeen kaltaisissa massoissa käärittyinä jalkojensa ympärille? ... että MLS Cup 2020 -pelissä on Seattle Sounders FC neljännen kerran viiden vuoden aikana? ... että Elsa-Brita Nordlund, Ruotsin ensimmäinen lastenpsykiatri, kannatti hoidon inhimillistämistä lastensairaaloissa? ... että kirjojen ja televisiosarjojen otsikkona lainataan vuoden 1840 kappaleen " Kein schöner Land in dieser Zeit " rivi, jossa väitetään, ettei kukaan maa ole kauniimpi ja jonka tekijä esittelee Volksliedinä ? ... kun hänet nimitettiin Georgetownin yliopiston presidentiksi, Gerard J. Campbellia kuvattiin " Ivy League Catholic" "uudeksi roduksi "? Arkistoi Aloita uusi artikkeli Nimeä artikkeli Uutisissa COVID-19- pandemia Tauti Virus Sijainnin mukaan Vaikutus Rokotteet Portaali Nana Akufo-Addo vuonna 2020 Nana Akufo-Addo Nana Akufo-Addo (kuvassa) valitaan uudelleen toiseksi toimikaudeksi Ghanan presidentiksi . Moottoriurheilussa Sébastien Ogier ja Julien Ingrassia voittavat MM-rallin, kun taas Hyundai voittaa valmistajien tittelin. Hayabusa2 palauttaa asteroidista162173 Ryugukerätyt näytteet onnistuneestimaahan. Zdravko Krivokapić aloitti tehtävänsä Montenegron pääministerinä ja tuli ensimmäiseksi itsenäiseksi tehtäväksi. Käynnissä : Intian maanviljelijöiden mielenosoitus Tigray-konflikti Viimeaikaiset kuolemat : UA Khader Iman Budhi Santosa Astad Deboo Raymond Hunter Stanley Smith Manglesh Dabral Nimeä artikkeli Tänä päivänä 13. joulukuuta : Haile Selassie Haile Selassie 1862 - Yhdysvaltojen sisällissota : unionin joukkojen alle Ambrose Burnside kärsi vakavia tappioita vakiintuneiden Konfederaation puolustajiin klo fredericksburgin taistelu Virginiassa. 1928 - Amerikkalainen Pariisissa, George Gershwinin jazziin vaikuttava orkesteriteos, kantaesitettiin Carnegie Hallissa New Yorkissa. 1960 - With Haile Selassie (kuvassa), keisari Etiopiassa, pois maasta, neljä salaliittolaiset järjesti vallankaappauksen yritys asentaa kruununprinssi Asfaw Wossen uudeksi keisari. 1982 - Pohjois-Jemenissä iski 6,2 M w: n rekisteröity maanjäristys, jossa kuoli noin 2800 ihmistä. Paul Speratus ( s. 1484) Mary Todd Lincoln ( s. 1818) Dora Marsden ( s. 1960) Lisää vuosipäiviä: 12. joulukuuta 13. joulukuuta 14. joulukuuta Arkistoi Sähkopostilla Luettelo päivistä vuodessa
ellauri065.html on line 204: Six says, "each film is a reaction to the other. And the film got so big, it was a pop culture phenomenon, and people wanted more: a bigger centipede, helicopters and things… it had to be bigger and bigger. And what I did, I used the idea and almost made a parody on the human centipede films itself." As Full Sequence was intended to make First Sequence look like My Little Pony in comparison, Final Sequence was intended to make Full Sequence resemble a Disney film. Aargh.
ellauri065.html on line 228: Finding himself out of work after film school in 1976, Ferrara directed a pornographic film, 9 Lives of a Wet Pussy, using a pseudonym. Starring with his then-girlfriend, he recalled having to step in front of the camera for one scene to perform in a hardcore sex scene: "It's bad enough paying a guy $200 to fuck your girlfriend, then he can't get it up." Ferrara lives in Rome, Italy. He moved there following the 9/11 attacks because it was easier for him to find financing for his movies in Europe. Ferrara descibes himself as a Buddhist. Because Jesus was a living man, and so were Buddha and Muhammad. These three guys changed the fucking world, with their passion and love of other human beings. All these guys had was their word, and they came from fucking nowhere. I’m not saying Nazareth is nowhere – I’m sure Jesus came from a very cool neighbourhood. Ferrara shows his love for other human beings by making films with a lot of FUCK! FUCK! and KILL! KILL! in them. His love of money is no match for his love of his neighbor primates.
ellauri065.html on line 245: P.P.S. Mitä Jake haluaa? Puolituinen kysyi samaa eunukilta Game of Thronesissa, ja eunukki sanoi, sinun täytyy aloittaa tässä pelissä. s.558: "Toivoo saavuttavansa mainetta koko kansakunnan syvimpiä tunteita ja kohtaloita luotaavana tulkkipolyyppina. Muodottoman ja yli Auran äyräiden paisuvan polyyppimaisen tulkizijahahmon esikuva mahdollisesti jäljitettävissä aikuisviihteeseen." Korjaan populaarikulttuuriin.
ellauri065.html on line 426: Kun olin lukenut parisen viikkoa Jaakko Yli-Juonikkaan melkein 670-sivuista romaania Jatkosota-extra, kirjoitin Twitterissä puuskahduksen: "Jatkosota-extran ylittää työläydessään tämän vuoden luetuista kirjoista vain Alastalon salissa. Tämän totean luettuani kirjaa pari viikkoa ja edettyäni noin kolmanneksen. Ei se missään nimessä kehno ole, vaan haisee todella." Sain kommentteja, joiden perusteella muut olivat intoutuneet kirjan parissa suorastaan hysteeriseen/uppoutuneeseen lukutapaan, se oli osoittautunut heille varsinaiseksi pageturneriksi. Teki mieli raivota Timo Airaxiselle: "miksi kaikki muut kokevat tämän vetäväksi ja minulle tämä on taapertamista upottavassa suossa niin että saapas jää vähän väliä jumiin". Kun olin tutkiskellut itseäni noiden parin viikon ajalta, totesin, että ne olivat olleet koko syksyn stressaavimmat ja ahdistavimmat viikot – olin tämän ohelle ottanut luettavaksi pitkästä aikaa lasten- ja nuortenkirjallisuutta, jotta maailmassa tuntuisi olevan myös jotakin selkeää ja toiveikasta. Päädyin siis vahvasti siihen näkemykseen, että vika oli lukemisajankohtani ongelmallisuudessa enemmän kuin kirjassa. Ja tuon ensimmäisen kolmanneksen jälkeen se lähtikin vetämään. Ehkä avautuminen aiheesta auttoi? Tai sitten se, että vietin kirjan parissa pidempiä pätkiä kuin aikaisemmin. Eräs kirjan lukija kommentoi, että sen parissa pysymistä edesauttoi juuri lukeminen pitkään kerralla, ja tauon jälkeen aloittaminen oli ollut hankalaa. Se oli varmasti muodostunut ongelmaksi minulle – luin alkuun kirjaa pienissä pätkissä ja välillä muuta.
ellauri065.html on line 479: Cangaço (Portuguese pronunciation: [kɐ̃ˈɡasu]) was the banditism phenomenon of Northeast Brazil in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This region of Brazil is known for its aridness and hard way of life, and in a form of "social banditry" against the government, many men and women decided to become nomadic bandits, roaming the hinterlands seeking money, food and revenge.
ellauri065.html on line 482: "Captain" Virgulino Ferreira da Silva (Brazilian Portuguese: [viʁɡulĩnu feˈʁejɾɐ da ˈsiwvɐ]), better known as Lampião (older spelling: Lampeão, Portuguese pronunciation: [lɐ̃piˈɐ̃w], meaning "lantern" or "oil lamp"), was probably the twentieth century's most successful traditional bandit leader. The banditry endemic to the Brazilian Northeast was called Cangaço. Cangaço had origins in the late 19th century but was particularly prevalent in the 1920s and 1930s. Lampião led a band of up to 100 cangaceiros, who occasionally took over small towns and who fought a number of successful actions against paramilitary police when heavily outnumbered. Lampião's exploits and reputation turned him into a folk hero, the Brazilian equivalent of Jesse James or Pancho Villa.
ellauri065.html on line 496: taqiyya: Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences" or "gain the upper-hand over an enemy." There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya (the Shia name). These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.
ellauri065.html on line 498: thetan: In Scientology, the concept of the thetan (/ˈθeɪtən/) is similar to the concept of self, or the spirit or soul as found in several belief systems. This similarity is not total, though. The term is derived from the Greek letter Θ, theta, which in Scientology beliefs represents "the source of life, or life itself." In Scientology it is believed that it is the thetan, not the central nervous system, which commands the body through communication points.
ellauri065.html on line 528: The meme was born in late 2008 when an administrator of the Finnish gaming forum Jonneweb posted several links redirecting to the Finnish imageboard Kuvalauta. Due to Jonneweb´s reputation as an online hub for (pre)teenagers, some members of Kuvalauta became concerned that the imageboard would be overrun with unoriginal content by an influx of newcomers, a phenomenon commonly known as "newfaggotry" on the English-speaking web. The Jonneweb administrator referred to Kuvalauta as a "forum where you discuss about fish and bears" and thus the world-wide Pedo bear meme was considered to be posted particularly by Jonneweb users. The combination of pre-teenager Jonnes and the Pedo bear meme took a great evolution in 2009 when the users of Kuvalauta started to post ironically as Jonnes by capsing the text, representing as underage school kids and adding typoes on text. On December 6th, 2009, a thread with poorly drawn versions of Pedobear was posted onto Kuvalauta.
ellauri065.html on line 580: Biden faces a creepy and slippery customer, especially if he gets inaugurated next month. While Trump may be facing thousands, perhaps millions of plaintiffs in incalculable civil and criminal cases. As these cases work their way slowly through the courts, freed from the rush of meeting stop-Biden deadlines, extensive evidence will be presented and courts will hear long and compelling testimony. All the while, Biden will have to carry on while millions across America think that somebody stole the White House for him. Millions of bucks are not going to save Trump from jail this time. Es schaun aufs Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen. The knavishness dauert nur noch kurze Zeit.
ellauri065.html on line 633: Groups that particpate are organized vigilante, cult style right-wing hate groups. Unfortunately, to make matters worse these groups are protected by police officers who are actually members of right wing extremist groups. Of coure not all police officers particpate, but rather than expose one of their own officers who are members or know these groups personally, they will remain silent. The officers who do particpate will go as far as making a victim appear insane or mentally ill to shut them up, and destroy that persons credibility so no one will be able to defend themselves. They do this by using the power of law enforcement, and taking a person against thier will, to a hospital that will give them a psychiatric exam. Corupt psychiatrist also lie, and cover up the crime as well. Now that they are powerless,noone will listen. Further destroying the targeted indviduals reputation.
ellauri066.html on line 59: Einari Arvid Vuorela (17. elokuuta 1889 Keuruu – 10. heinäkuuta 1972 Helsinki) oli suomalainen runoilija ja prosaisti. Filosofian kunniatohtorin arvonimi hänelle myönnettiin vuonna 1969. Vuorela syntyi Keuruun Jukojärvellä perheeseen, jossa oli kymmenen lasta ja aloitti opintonsa Multialla. Hänen vanhempansa olivat rakennusmestarit Aapeli Vuorela ja Kristiina Ryöppylä. Vuorelan puoliso vuodesta 1939 oli kirjailija Laura Soinne. Vuorela valmistui opettajaksi Jyväskylän seminaarista 1914. Hän toimi liikeapulaisena ja myymälänhoitajana 1903–1909 ja kansakoulunopettajana Töysässä 1914–1920, Jyväskylässä 1922–1923 ja myöhemmin Multialla.
ellauri066.html on line 320: Tietysti, näissä sanaleikeissä on tavallisesti jotain syvällistä eikä vaan älytöntä kohkausta. Tyrone Slothrop esim. Painovoiman sateenkaaressa sisältää sanan sloth, joka on avain sen luonteeseen, ja lisäxi vielä anagrammin hienosta sanasta entropia, joka on avain Slothropin epätavalliseen kohtaloon. Kun Tompan kirjoissa on yleensä satoja tälläsiä pellejä, niistä on koottu kokonaisia sanakirjoja, kuten Pynchon Character Names: A Dictionary by Patrick Hurley, ja lukemattomia lukijan oppaita, wikejä, väitöskirjoja ja fanisivustoja joissa jokainen vizi seikkaperäisesti selitetään, plus mikä niissä oli olevinaan hupaisaa.
ellauri066.html on line 346: Paras rintakuva kirjailijasta on Boris Kachkan 2013 vulture.com essee “On The Thomas Pynchon Trail.” Vaikka se on lyhkänen (Tompan skaalalla), se on lähinnä elämäkertaa mitä meillä on. Haistatteluista ei toivoa, paizi vähän Bruce Springsteenin saxofonistin elämäkerrassa. Clemonsin kirjassa novelisti viehkosti selittää että se on piileskellyt (paizi sitä että on paranoidi) sixi että se on Proustin kannalla contre Sainte-Beuve: kirjojen pitäisi puhua omasta puolestaan. Toisin sanoen, vanhaa kunnon "luota taiteeseen, älä taiteilijaan" puppua.
ellauri066.html on line 357: Θ is the desired yaw angle, present as a ‘control.’ ϕ is the missile’s range; the differential d2ϕdt2 is the change in the actual yaw angle with reference to an absolute axis fixed by gyroscopes. The third additive term refers to the continuous change in the weight of the rocket as its fuel is consumed. On the other side of the equal sign, R is the distance from the rocket to the Earth’s centre; β the angle between the local horizontal and the direction of flight, δ a velocity ratio (Moore, 1987: 173).
ellauri066.html on line 360: Is Pynchon’s equation of motion a standard differential equation used by specialists to calculate the path of a rocket’s flight or to control its yaw? No: Pynchon’s equation does not resemble anything one might reasonably expect. […] Not only are most of the symbols in Pynchon’s equation obscure, but the general structure of the terms in the equation also makes it impossible to identify with one or other of the equations describing the position and orientation of a rocket in flight. This equation, then, is not a genuine mathematical expression in this context. It may appear authoritative to the layperson, but it is unlikely to fool a rocket scientist. (Schachterle/Aravind, 2001: 162)...
ellauri066.html on line 364: Even without substituting the remaining parameters d and c1, it is clear that Pynchon’s Second Equation resembles – and in fact is – the equation of moments that the Peenemünde physicists and engineers used to calculate and control the angular motion (yaw) of the V-2 rocket.
ellauri066.html on line 366: To shorten a long story of searching for sources: the essay ‘The Control System of the V-2’ by Otto Müller includes an ‘equation for control in yaw’ (Müller, 1957: 90), and in exactly the same notation as Gravity’s Rainbow’s equation ‘describ[ing] motion under the aspect of yaw control’ (GR 284). We can conclude that this is the searched-for template for Pynchon’s Second Equation (see appendix, Figure 8). Müller’s paper is part of History of German Guided Missiles Development by Theodor Benecke and August W. Quick, published in 1957, which is based on the First Guided Missiles Seminar in Munich that took place a year earlier. The seminar was organised by the American Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development (AGARD) to collect information about the V-2 from German scientists and engineers to use in American research on guided missiles. Pynchon might have had access to this book and further material on rocketry in the Boeing Company for which he worked as a technical writer in the early 1960s.
ellauri066.html on line 368: Moore’s intuition that Pynchon’s Second Equation is real proved to be correct, and he and his colleague correctly assign the angle ϕ to the orientational range of the rocket. But since they did not know that this formula is only one in a set of equations that describe the flight path, the orientation, and the steering of the V-2, the research team was misled in their interpretation of the other parameters and terms. With Müller’s paper, we can finally determine the meaning of each term and compare these with Pynchon’s reading. The first three terms refer, respectively, to the moments of inertia, of air resistance, and of lateral air impact when the rocket yaws, and the term on the right side of the equal sign represents the steering moment of the rudders (Müller, 1957: 90, 91; Kirschstein, 1951: 73, 74). In other words, the left-hand terms describe the orientation of the rocket during flight, which is influenced by external forces such as wind currents and air resistance.
ellauri066.html on line 445: Railway stations stand deserted, Asemat on tyhjillään
ellauri066.html on line 478: Out of these two arise those mixed affections and passions of anger, which is a desire of revenge; hatred, which is inveterate anger; zeal, which is offended with him who hurts that he loves; and ἐπιχαιρεκακία [epikhairekakia], a compound affection of joy and hate, when we rejoice at other men's mischief, and are grieved at their prosperity; pride, self-love, emulation, envy, shame, &c., of which elsewhere. Nicomachean Ethics, 2.7.1108b1-10
ellauri066.html on line 484: Nemesis (Greek: νέμεσις) is a philosophical term first created by Aristotle in his Nicomachean Ethics. The term means one who feels pain caused by others' undeserved success. It is part of a trio of terms, with epikhairekakia (ἐπιχαιρεκακία ) meaning one who takes pleasure in others' pain, similar to Schadenfreude, and phthonos (φθόνος) meaning one who feels pain caused by any pleasure, deserved or not, similar to envy.[1][2]
ellauri066.html on line 486: It is the opposite of pity, as pity is pain at undeserved misfortune.
ellauri066.html on line 494: Schadenfreude is a complex emotion where, rather than feeling sympathy, one takes pleasure from watching someone's misfortune. This emotion is displayed more in children than adults. However, adults also experience schadenfreude, although generally they conceal it. [original research?]
ellauri066.html on line 496: Researchers have found that there are three driving forces behind schadenfreude: aggression, rivalry, and social justice.
ellauri066.html on line 502: Aggression-based schadenfreude primarily involves group identity. The joy of observing the suffering of others comes from the observer's feeling that the other's failure represents an improvement or validation of their own group's (in-group) status in relation to external (out-groups) groups (see In-group and out-group). This is, essentially, schadenfreude based on group versus group status. Joukkueurheilu on vankka bastioni vahingoniloisuudelle. And the domain of politics is prime territory for feelings of schadenfreude, especially for those who identify strongly with their political party.
ellauri066.html on line 516: The Book of Proverbs mentions an emotion similar to schadenfreude: "Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth: Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him." (Proverbs 24:17–18, King James Version). Jutkut on eteviä schadenfreudessa, kun ne on niin usein olleet häviäjiä. Esim The Bob Dylan 1965 song "Like a Rolling Stone" is an expression of schadenfreude in popular culture.[original research?]
ellauri066.html on line 518: In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle used epikhairekakia (ἐπιχαιρεκακία in Greek) as part of a triad of terms, in which epikhairekakia stands as the opposite of phthonos (φθόνος), and nemesis (νέμεσις) occupies the mean. Nemesis is "a painful response to another's undeserved good fortune", while phthonos is a painful response to any good fortune of another, deserved or not. The epikhairekakos (ἐπιχαιρέκακος) person takes pleasure in another's ill fortune.[33][34]
ellauri066.html on line 520: During the seventeenth century, Robert Burton wrote in his work The Anatomy of Melancholy, "Out of these two [the concupiscible and irascible powers] arise those mixed affections and passions of anger, which is a desire of revenge; hatred, which is inveterate anger; zeal, which is offended with him who hurts that he loves; and ἐπιχαιρεκακία, a compound affection of joy and hate, when we rejoice at other men's mischief, and are grieved at their prosperity; pride, self-love, emulation, envy, shame, &c., of which elsewhere."[37]
ellauri066.html on line 530: Researchers expected that the brain's empathy center of subjects would show more stimulation when those seen as "good" got an electric shock, than would occur if the shock was given to someone the subject had reason to consider "bad". This was indeed the case, but for male subjects, the brain's pleasure centers also lit up when someone got a shock that the male thought was "well-deserved".
ellauri066.html on line 574: 3.5 Japanese Empire
ellauri066.html on line 578: 3.6 Vietnamese conquest of Champa
ellauri066.html on line 832: – Muu maailma alkaa seurata Ruotsin mallia. Se antaa meille ruista ranteeseen, kun jatkamme.
ellauri066.html on line 904: In April, 2020, a widely-circulated pre-print version of a paper by researchers at Uppsala University, adapting the Imperial College model, predicted that, under the Swedish strategy, fifty per cent of susceptible Swedes would be infected within thirty days, resulting in over eighty thousand deaths by July.
ellauri066.html on line 928: Sweden’s population is more similar to the other Nordic countries. Its first infections also came later than in other parts of Europe, giving its government more time to warn its citizens of the virus’ severity. For these reasons, comparisons to the rest of Scandinavia, which are less favorable to Sweden, may be more apt.
ellauri066.html on line 938: On the lighter side, the pandemic has presented many companies with an unprecedented opportunity. This includes the mecidine, mask and mortuary business. But also small-time Finnish serial entrepreneurs named "Jyri" and the producers of little ketchup satchets.
ellauri067.html on line 147: Wernher von Braun syntyi Wirsitzissä (nyk. Wyrzysk, Puola) Posenin provinssissa, joka oli tuolloin osa Saksan keisarikuntaa. Hän oli keskimmäinen perheen kolmesta pojasta. Braun kuului vähäiseen vapaaherralliseen aatelissukuun, jonka paronin arvon (saks. Freiherr)) hän myös peri. Braunin isä oli konservatiivinen virkamies Magnus Freiherr von Braun (1878–1972), joka toimi maatalousministerinä liittohallituksessa Weimarin tasavallan aikana. Hänen äitinsä Emmy von Quistorp (1886–1959) oli keskiajan Euroopan kuningashuoneiden jälkeläinen. Wernher von Braun sai äidiltään luterilaisen synnytyxen jälkeen lahjaksi metroskoopin, jonka myötä hänessä heräsi kiinnostus rakettitieteeseen.
ellauri067.html on line 149: 2-vuotias von Braun aiheutti suurta häiriötä väkijoukossa räjäytettyään lelurattaat, joihin hän oli kiinnittänyt useita ilotulitusraketteja. Von Braun oli kansallissosialistisen puolueen jäsen vuodesta 1933 alkaen ja SS-majuri. Hitler antoi Vernerille vapaat kädet rakettitieteeseen. Sodan jälkeen jenkit antoi sille vapaat kädet rakettitieteeseen. Siirryttyään Yhdysvaltojen palvelukseen hänet vapautettiin kaikista nazisyytteistä.
ellauri067.html on line 360: Die Enzian war eine in Entwicklung befindliche deutsche Flugabwehrrakete während des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Die Rakete war sowohl für den Boden-Luft- als auch den Luft-Luft-Einsatz vorgesehen. Radio-ohjattu. Ei toimahtanut ennen nazien surkeata loppua.
ellauri067.html on line 361: Enzian is the name of a foil character in Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow, contrasted against the main character Slothrop's association with the V-2. Onxtää V-2 niinkuin se kirja V paizi että reikänä on number 2? Enzian on notmii jota valkonaamat panee perseeseen. Mikä ihme siinä on että Tom of New Englandin näköiset piipunrassit niin usein kuumuu persehommista? Tulee vähän mieleen Wilt Whatman mielimutiaisineen.
ellauri067.html on line 370: Niin sanottu makaronirunous on saanut alkunsa italialaisen Tifi Odassin satiirista Carmen Macaronicum (1490); makaronirunouden tunnetuin edustaja oli Teofilo Folengo (k. 1544). Sen tapaista kielten sekoittamista käytettiin aikoinaan erityisesti leikillisissä tai pilkallisissa runoissa, jollaisiin se hyvin soveltuukin. Tässä jouluvirressä ei kuitenkaan ollut kyse kieltensekoituksesta tai muusta hulluttelusta makaronirunouden tapaan, vaan laulun teksti etenee vuorotellen latinan ja jonkin muun kielen vaihdellessa. Maskun Hemminki 1605 "IN dulci iubilo, Nyt on isoi ilo / Mailman Messias Maca in praesepio".
ellauri067.html on line 397: Rathenau kuului ensimmäisen maailmansodan jälkeen Saksan demokraattiseen puolueeseen. Hän nousi sodan aikana isänsä, huomattavan liikemies Emil Rathenaun perustaman AEG-yhtiön johtoon.
ellauri067.html on line 439: How much, or how little influence drugs, particularly hallucigenic drugs like lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, had on Pynchon’s narrative is unknown. If Siegel, however, is to be believed, and he should be despite any resentment he felt regarding Pynchon’s affair with his wife, then the writing of Gravity’s Rainbow was heavily influenced by drugs. In Pynchon’s most famous quote regarding this particular novel, which is notoriously difficult to interpret, he is alleged to have told Siegel,
ellauri067.html on line 450: Structure of a representative imido complex (py = pyridine, CMe3 = tert-butyl).
ellauri067.html on line 463: tannäuserism: In a note to 3.2 of Gravity´s Rainbow, Heseburger explains Pynchon´s use of the word "Tannhäuserism" as follows: The tragic error of Tannhäuser — for example, in Richard Wagner´s operatic version of the myth — was to postpone his quest in order to linger for one year of sensual, "mindless pleasure" with the goddess Venus under her mountain called Venusberg. Vai onko se Brocken, Jaakon ja Jöötin mainizema Kyöpelinvuori Harzissa? On 11 April, American forces liberated the camps at Buchenwald, near Weimar, and the V2 rocket slave-labour camp at Nordhausen in the Harz Mountains. Ryssät eivät päässeet lähellekään. Jenkeillä oli vitun kiire kahmimaan izelleen ne raketit. Ja siitä vasta iso piru pääsi merrasta.
ellauri067.html on line 493: Book reviewers have a long history of attacking Pynchon for his flat characters. Roger and Jessica are susceptible to this criticism. Neither is given much of a history. We don’t know where they grew up or who their parents were. This is one of the great failings of... what to call it? "middlebrow" is antiquated... anyway, a very common kind of criticism (common in the Anglo-American world, anyway), and it affects how authors write (which is one reason I read mainly Russian literature these days). I don't need to know "where they grew up or who their parents were" and I don't much care, unless, of course, you write about it brilliantly because that´s truly what you want to focus on, as opposed to "welp, better provide a plausible background for my characters so the reader will believe they're behaving this way." Just write good sentences in a good and surprising order. Two people have fallen out of love? I don't care if it's because one of them has mommy issues or the other was bullied as a child—people fall out of love all the time, for any reason or none, just tell me what they do about it, and in language that makes me want to keep reading! Teoxet on tärkeät, vähät elämästä. En jaxa luontokuvauxia, hyppään ne heti yli.
ellauri067.html on line 503: The other stories in the collection, though less concerned with female characters, present women with few exceptions according to the logic of “Low-lands” as either hateful housewife-mothers, objects of male fantasy, or as inferior actors in an essentially male sphere.
ellauri067.html on line 577: Prokosch was born in Madison, Wisconsin, into an intellectual family that travelled widely. His father, Eduard Prokosch, an Austrian immigrant, was Professor of Germanic Languages at Yale University at the time of his death in 1938. Prokosch was graduated from Haverford College in 1925 and received a Ph.D. in English in 1932 from Yale University. In his youth, he was an accomplished squash racquets player; he represented the Yale Club in the 1937 New York State squash racquets championship. He won the squash-racquets championship of France in 1938.
ellauri067.html on line 593: The letter is a direct adoption of Old Italic (Etruscan or Latin) s (𐌔), ultimately from Greek sigma (Σ). It is present in the earliest inscriptions of the 2nd to 3rd century (Vimose, Kovel).
ellauri067.html on line 597: Jossakin Tomin elämän varhaisvaiheen huoneessa johon hänellä ei ole enää pääsyä on jotakin hyvin pahaa. Hänelle on tehty jotakin, ehkä Winthrop setä on pannut perseeseen pikku Tomia. Masturbatorinen juhlapelkomieli oli tuloksena.
ellauri067.html on line 617: Luku 3. Ollaan vyöhykkeellä. Sota on lopussa, voittajat kerää suveniireja. Slothropilla piisaa nubiileja pikkutyttöjä jota se panee edestä ja takaapäin niiden pyynnöstä tai suostumuxella. Tää on niin Pynchonin märkää unta. Juonta on vain siteexi, ja kaikki panot seuraa samaa partituuria. Tytöt on ulkonäöltä ja luonteelta, jos sellaisesta voi puhua, kaikki samixia. Tavallaan hassua, että siemenneste on jotenkin paljon tabumpaa kuin saippua tai lysoli. Kylnää apinat pitää kovasti kiinni lisääntymistabuista. Eihän muuten oliskaan mikään törkeetä. Elämä on mukavaa, on fräuleineja joita panna ja jotka laittavat ruokaa ja pesevät pyykit. Some things never change.
ellauri069.html on line 135: FUCK! FUCK! motiivi hakkaa Pynchonilla kaikki muut. Se on kuin Norssin alaluokilla taululle piirtämämme kikkeli jolla oli pienet tikkujalat. Pedo-Pynchonia voi hyvin verrata homo-Melvilleen. Molemmat puhuu kilometrittäin aiheen vierestä jotta pääsisivät kiertotietä mieliaiheeseen, joka Nipistyxen kohdalla on Muovi-Dick ja sen kuvitellut loputtomat jöynerit. Naiset on sille ihan statisteja. "Tissejä ja pyllyjä", tytöt mutisevat, "tissejä ja pyllyjä. Muuta me emme täällä olekaan. "Äh, suu tukkoon", GMB Haftung ärähtää. Se on hänen normaali tapansa kohdella avustajia.
ellauri069.html on line 176: SKF: Smith Kline & French oli am. lääkefirma joka sai patentin 1932 keximälleen metamfetamiinille. Siis piriä, jota Nipsukin lie napsinut dosettikaupalla. Sitäkö iso-Pauli sai sodassa vai efedriiniä? Joo sitä se oli, pervitiiniä. Mun syntymävuonna 1952 SKF osti oikat klorpromatsiiniin, ekaan tehoavaan psykoosilääkkeeseen. Kauppanimellä Thorazine® PS:n Samuli Edelman säilyttää sitä ilvespurkissa (p.753, ei kai olla vielä niin pitkällä). Tämä lääke tyhjensi pöpilät yhtä tehokkaasti kuin penisilliini keuhkoparantolat. Olen kai jo sanonut että inhoon huumeita ja vihaan muitakin lääkkeitä, voiteita ja truuttoja.
ellauri069.html on line 180: Berliner Schnauze (Berlin Snout, aka Enzian): Zur Navigation springen, Zur Suche springen, denn Dieser Eintrag existiert noch nicht! (Eigentlich doch aber nur auf Amerikanisch:)
ellauri069.html on line 195: Run between the raindrops: This is a military, combat slang phrase meaning to maneuver under heavy fire without being hit. Ei pidä sekoittaa kappaleeseen Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians: Run Raindrop Run 1939.
ellauri069.html on line 209: "Imagine a person, tall, lean and feline, high-shouldered, with a brow like Shakespeare and a face like Satan, ... one giant intellect, with all the resources of science past and present ... Imagine that awful being, and you have a mental picture of Dr. Fu-Manchu, the yellow peril incarnate in one man." –The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu
ellauri069.html on line 259: Hilbert Space: "A multidimensional space in which the proper (eigen) functions of wave mechanics are represented by orthogonal unit vectors" - from The Penguin Dictionary of Physics.
ellauri069.html on line 299: Laiskiainen, Täti Vihreä, ja Nalle Läski lähetetään Ranskan Rivieralle, missä he pysähtyvät lomakohteeseen. Niiden ekana päivänä siellä, ne piknikoivat biitsillä joidenkin naisten kaa (tietysti). Muu nainen, muukalainen, joutuu mustekalan hyökkäämäxi. Alokas koittaa mäsätä mustekalan pään pullolla. Läski tuottaa liian-kätevän ravun, käskien Laiskiaisen houkutella mustekalan pois ruualla. Alokas epäilee juonta jonkinlaista. (Se olisikin eka tässä kirjassa.) Hän on oikea. Mussetkala on Poinzimiehen Grigori! Hyökkäys on lavastettu saadaxeen Laiskiaisen yhteen hollantilaisen naisen kaa, Katje Borgesius, entinen Nazi yhteispeluri ja nyt KALAT toimija.
Alokas, tämä
ellauri069.html on line 378: Nipistäjän novelli on paha lukea muistakin syistä—kaikki eivät kuumu sen paskajutuista, esimerkixi, toisille on luotaantyötävää sen pituus—TDLR, sivulta sivulle ja virkkeestä virkkeeseen saa olla kujalla kuin lumiukko tässä mitä on sanottu WWII:n jälkeen tärkeimmäxi Amerikan Novellix. Mikä näyttää olevan ongelman luonne? Mix näin muka piti kirjoittaa? Mihin tässä tähdätään, ja onxtää sittenkään niin hirveen hienoa? Hyviä kysymyxiä.
ellauri069.html on line 391: —the intellectual ambitions of Pointsman, a Pavlovian psychology researcher trying to perfect conditioning techniques, who copulates with an octopus;
ellauri069.html on line 444: Mut kyllä tääkin kirjoittaja on sitä mieltä, että miekkailu jättimäisillä vaahtomuovikyrvillä ja hiljaiset ja halukkaat seizentoistakesäiset neitokaiset sexialusvaatteissa ketterinä ja kurvikkaina imemässä miespäähenkilöitä joka puolelta on aika setämiesmäistä kuvastoa. Tomppa selkeesti puhuttelee miesporukoita kuvaillessaan loppumattomia märkiä uniaan. Kyllä postmodernit osaa marginalisoida naiset ihan yhtä näppärästi kuin pre. Ei tässä "samanarvoisuudesta" tai "minän hajoamisesta" loppupeleissä ole kysymys vaan vallasta. Mitä kuuluu ja kuka käskee, kuka on johtaja ja kuka pesee vessoja.
ellauri069.html on line 498: . I presume I should have done a bunch of pre-reading research before reading the book, but that’s not how I roll.
ellauri069.html on line 584: Later, Laurel and Richard get married. Stella watches them exchange their wedding vows from the city street through a window. Her presence goes unnoticed in the darkness and among the other curious bystanders. She then slips away in the rain, alone but triumphant in having arranged her daughter's happiness.
ellauri069.html on line 590: Now, we present once again, Backstage Wife, the story of Mary Noble, a little Iowa girl who married one of America´s most handsome actors, Larry Noble, matinée idol of a million other women — the story of what it means to be the wife of a famous star.
ellauri069.html on line 714: American poet, novelist, essayist, songwriter, playwright, editor and publisher. Known for his satirical works challenging American political culture. Perhaps his best-kĺnown work is Mumbo Jumbo (1972), a sprawling and unorthodox novel set in 1920s New York that has been ranked among the 500 most important books in the Western canon. Reed´s work has often sought to represent neglected African and African-American perspectives; his energy and advocacy have centered more broadly on neglected peoples and perspectives, irrespective of their cultural origins.
ellauri069.html on line 756: Kun Dorothy ja sen ystävät tapaavat Welhon taas, Toto kompastuu varjostimeen valtaistuinsalin kulmassa, paljastaen Welhon, joka surullisesti selittää olevansa humpuukia—tavallinen vanha mies, joka tuli kuumailmapallolla Oziin kauan sitten Omahasta. Hän varustaa Varixenpelättimen päällä joka on täynnä leseitä, pinnejä ja neuloja ("paljon kupouusia aivoja"), Tölkki Puumiehen silkkisydämellä täytettynä sahanpurulla, ja leijonan "rohkeus"juomalla (75-prosenttista etanolia). Heidän uskonsa hänen voimiinsa tekee näistä itemeistä kohteita heidän haluilleen. Hän päättää heittää Dorothyn ja Toton kotiin ja sitten mennä takas Omahaan pallollaan. Lähtiessä hän palkkaa Varixenpelättimen varapresidentixi, minkä se lupaa tehdä autettuaan Dororothya palaamaan Kansaxeen. Toto jahtaa kissanpoikaa väkijoukossa ja Dorothy lähtee sen perään, mutta palloa pidättävät köydet katkeavat ja Welho kelluu tiehensä.
ellauri069.html on line 762: Biographers report that Baum had been a political activist in the 1890s with a special interest in the money question of gold and silver (bimetallism). The City of Oz earns its name from the abbreviation of ounces "Oz" in which gold and silver are measured. Unssin kaupunki. For example, the Tin Woodman wonders what he would do if he ran out of oil. "You wouldn't be as badly off as John D. Rockefeller", the Scarecrow responds, "He'd lose six thousand dollars a minute if that happened." Dorothy—naïve, young and simple—represents the American people. She is Everyman, led astray and seeking the way back home. Moreover, following the road of gold leads eventually only to the Emerald City, which may symbolize the fraudulent world of greenback paper money that only pretends to have value. It is ruled by a scheming politician (the Wizard) who uses publicity devices and tricks to fool the people (and even the Good Witches) into believing he is benevolent, wise, and powerful when really he is a selfish, evil humbug.
ellauri069.html on line 766: Hugh Rockoff suggested in 1990 that the novel was an allegory about the demonetization of silver in 1873, whereby “the cyclone that carried Dorothy to the Land of Oz represents the economic and political upheaval, the yellow brick road stands for the gold standard, and the silver shoes Dorothy inherits from the Wicked Witch of the East represents the pro-silver movement. When Dorothy is taken to the Emerald Palace before her audience with the Wizard she is led through seven passages and up three flights of stairs, a subtle reference to the Coinage Act of 1873 which started the class conflict in America.”
ellauri069.html on line 770: The Scarecrow as a representation of American farmers and their troubles in the late 19th century
ellauri069.html on line 772: The Tin Man representing the industrial workers, especially those of American steel industries
ellauri069.html on line 783: Other putative allegorical devices of the book include the Wicked Witch of the West as a figure for the actual American West; if this is true, then the Winged Monkeys could represent another western danger: Indigenous peoples of the Americas. The King of the Winged Monkeys tells Dorothy, "Once we were a free people, living happily in the great forest, flying from tree to tree, eating nuts and fruit and doing just as we pleased without calling anybody master. ... This was many years ago, long before Oz came out of the clouds to rule over this land."
ellauri070.html on line 71: "Me" salaliitto kokoontuu kuseskelemaan yhteen hiileen. Vixi mua väsyttää tälläiset "Me" paranoiat vielä enemmän. Iänikuiset Captain Amerika hyvisjoukkueet, jossa on joku vitun pommiasiantuntija joka tarpeeseen. Charlie´s Angels, Turtselit, Poopatrol, voi helvetti. Kuka ottaa tästä kopin? Kenelle nakitetaan tää? Tiimihenkeä. Yäk yäk yäk.
ellauri070.html on line 207: Klage liebt Hinter ihr her kommt er in Wiesen. Sie sagt: Ruinon perästä lähtee se puskiin. Neitonen virkkaa:
ellauri070.html on line 262: einer gesegneten Hand, das klar erglänzende >M<, kuin kämmenellä, kirkkaasti loistaa >M<,
ellauri070.html on line 338: The Qliphoth/Qlippoth/Qlifot or Kelipot (Hebrew: קְלִיפּוֹת, the different English spellings are used in the alternative Kabbalistic traditions of Hermetic Qabalah and Jewish Kabbalah respectively), literally "Peels", "Shells" or "Husks" (from singular: קְלִפָּה qlippah "Husk"), are the representation of evil or impure spiritual forces in Jewish mysticism, the polar opposites of the holy Sefirot. The realm of evil is also termed Sitra Achra/Aḥra (Aramaic סטרא אחרא, the "Other Side" opposite holiness) in Kabbalah texts.
ellauri070.html on line 447: Mutjos Hogan on Tyrone-Nipsun veli John, niin kuka sit on toi Jack, josta sen äiskä kirjoittaa huolissaan humalassa John FGK:lle? "Jack on hyvä poika. Minä oikeasti rakastan Jackia siinä missä Hogania ja Tyroneakin, ihan niinkuin omaa poikaani. Rakastan häntä jopa niin kuin en rakasta omia poikiani, hah-hah! (hän kähisee), mutta minähän olenkin ilkeä vanha akka, sen sinä tiedät. Minunlaisillani ei ole toivoa..." Onx Jack joku ottopoika, vaikka se neekeri? WW2 kaatuneiden listasta ei löydy ketään esearch.com/ww2-casualties-database/">Pynchon nimistä, mut mitäs se nyt todistaa. Ota tästä nyt selvä. Mut muuten väite että Slothrop olis tähän mennessä jotenkin hajonnut on pelkkää hämäystä. tää luku on selvin kaikista ja kertoo Pynchonista eniten.
ellauri071.html on line 62: Tota veti Anna-Kaisa Oravisto kuusitoistavuotiaana Tehtaankatu 4:n edessä. Oikeasti se halusi jo sextata. Vähän myöhemmin sitä rääkkäsi M.A. Numminen. Kaisa tykkäsi hurjasti myös Piikleseistä, varsinkin Rubber Soulista.
ellauri071.html on line 97: Coward was born in 1899 in Teddington, Middlesex, a south-western suburb of London. His parents were Arthur Sabin Coward (1856–1937), a piano salesman, and Violet Agnes Coward (1863–1954), daughter of Henry Gordon Veitch, a captain and surveyor in the Royal Navy. Noël Coward was the second of their three sons, the eldest of whom had died in 1898 at the age of six. Coward's father lacked ambition and industry, and family finances were often poor. He had little formal schooling but was a voracious reader.
ellauri071.html on line 113: Coward's last pre-war plays were This Happy Breed, a drama about a working-class family, and Present Laughter, a comic self-caricature with an egomaniac actor as the central character.
ellauri071.html on line 123: Coward's most enduring work from the war years was the hugely successful black comedy Blithe Spirit (1941), about a novelist who researches the occult and hires a medium. A séance brings back the ghost of his first wife, causing havoc for the novelist and his second wife.
ellauri071.html on line 152: Der "Cornet" entstand in einer ersten Fassung 1899, wurde aber erst 1904 veröffentlicht. Laut einem Brief Rilkes war er das Produkt einer einzigen Nacht, "einer Herbstnacht, hingeschrieben bei zwei im Nachtwind wehenden Kerzen". Auf das Thema stieß Rilke bei einem Onkel, der Ahnenforschung betrieb. Als Beleg für die adlige Herkunft seiner Familie hatte dieser die Kopie eines alten Aktenauszugs gefunden, der sich auf einen gewissen "Christoph Rülcke zu Linda" bezieht. Dieser sei 1660 als junger Cornett (Fahnenträger) im österreichischen Heer verstorben. Rilke greift die Handlung auf, verlegt den Tod seines Helden um drei Jahre in den österreichischen Türkenkrieg und macht daraus eine heroische Prosadichtung. Indem er den "Heldentod" poetisch verklärt und mit erotischen Motiven verbindet, trifft der Dichter mit der "Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornet Christoph Rilke" den Geschmack seiner Zeit. Das Werk wird Rilkes erfolgreichstes und bekanntestes Buch, ist aber wegen der Verherrlichung des Soldatentodes umstritten.
ellauri071.html on line 224: Junior G-Men was part of the larger "war on crime" campaign being waged through the mass media, which included movies, comic books and strips, radio programs, and pulp books, all of which was encouraged by the FBI and especially its director, J. Edgar Hoover prior to World War II. Most of these featured adult "G-Men" even when marketed to children. The difference with the Junior G-Men was that it was designed to give boys a sense of participating in the exciting adult world of crime-fighting. That said, aside from the original radio program, a book, Junior 'G' Men's Own Mystery Stories (by Gilbert A. Lathrop, Edward O'Connor, and Norton Hughs Jonathan) was published in 1936 and a big little book by Morrell Massey and Henry E. Vallely the following year. Eventually they also appeared on the big screen.
ellauri071.html on line 492: Als weitere deutsche Trivialnamen wurden unter anderem Waldmeier, Mösch, Mäserich, Mai(en)kraut, Zehrkraut und Herz(ens)freu(n)d genannt. Im deutschsprachigen Raum werden oder wurden für diese Pflanzenart, zum Teil nur regional, auch die folgenden weiteren Trivialnamen verwandt: Gliedegenge (Schlesien), Gliedekraut (Schlesien), Gliederzunge, Gliedzwenge, Halskräutlein (Elsass), Herfreudeli (Bern, Freiburg), Herzfreud, Leberkraut, Mäsch (Mecklenburg), Mariengras, Massle, Meesske (Ostpreußen), Wohlriechend Megerkraut, Meiserich, Meister (Westfalen), Mentzel, Meserich (Schlesien), Meusch (Mecklenburg), Möschen (Holstein, Ostpreußen), Möseke (Mark bei Rheinsberg), Schumarkel, Sternleberkraut (Schweiz), Theekraut (Schweiz), User leiven Fraun Bedstoa (Göttingen), Waldmännlein und Wooldmester (Bremen, Unterweser).
ellauri071.html on line 542: Hesed - Armo
ellauri071.html on line 550:
Netzach ja Hod on niinku jumalan fiilixiä. Netzach tarkoittaa 'ikuisuus', ja tässä Kabanossissa se tarkoittaa 'voitonriemua' tai 'sen kestävyyttä'. Paul Telttakin mainizee sen pariin otteeseen (Romans 5:3, Galatians 5:22). Hod vastaavasti on 'nöyristelyä', 'rukoilua', kykkimistä herran edessä polvikyykyssä. "Loistavaa! Hyvä Voitto! Mika Häkkinen on voittanut! Hyvä Mika! Lisää samaa!"
ellauri071.html on line 556: Yesod on tämmönen välittäjä, joka ruiskauttaa jumalan voiman johkin perseeseen. Niinpä Yesod liittyy sukupuolielimeen (tietysti miehiseen). Malkuth alhaalla on se naispuolinen perse. Kristityt liittää Yesodin pyhän kolminaisuuden kolmanteen jäseneen, siihen kondominnäköiseen. Sehän se Mariankin pani paxuxi. (I´m not the father, sanovat isä & poika viattoman näköisinä kuorossa.)
ellauri071.html on line 565: The Qliphoth of Hod, similarly is founded on the idea of a radiating object: our eyes are blinded and cannot look behind the radiating surface. Unauthentic brilliance can be understood as the beginning of illusion and deceit. In the realm of the mind the shadow of Hod therefore is represented by the lie, artfulness or beguilement. At the same time the demon of Hod correlates to the ideas of fickleness, hesitation and lack of determination - the negative fluctuations of our mind. The Qliphoth of Hod is called ‘Samael‘ which can be translated as ‘The Deceitful Ones‘ (german, ‘Die Täuscher’, kr. diabolos) or ‘Poison of God’ (german, ‘Das Gift Gottes’).
ellauri071.html on line 590:
ellauri071.html on line 641: Johdatusta yleiseen kirjallisuustieteeseen, syksy 2020 ... Outi Alanko & Tiina Käkelä-Puumala (toim.): Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen peruskäsitteitä . S. 40¬-63, 163-183 ja 290-309 (huom! muutos luettavissa sivuissa)
ellauri072.html on line 98:
ellauri094.html on line 203: Olen pitänyt esitelmiä yli tuhannen hengen kuulijakunnille Louvressa, Bagdadissa ja Helsingissä, ja Heurekassa vuonna 1995 järjestämäni näyttely “Ninive 612 eKr.” oli yksi tiedekeskuksen menestyksekkäimmistä ja keräsi yli 80000 katsojaa. Helsingin yliopistossa vuonna 1997 pidetty “Studia exotica – Kadonneet kulttuurit” -esitelmäsarja oli myös suuri yleisömenestys. YLEn Elävässä arkistossa julkaistua haastatteluihini perustuvaa 10-osaista “Muinaisen Assyrian suurvallan vaiheita” -sarjaa suosittelee 197 Facebook-fania. Helsingissä kesällä 2001 pidettyyn assyriologikongressiin osallistui lähes 300 tutkijaa ympäri maailmaa. Siellä julkistettu, sumerilaisen reseptin mukaan valmistettu Enkidu-olut toi minulle Sauli Niinistön jälkeen seuraavana Vuoden Vaahtopää -arvonimen, ja sumeriksi kääntämäni Blue suede shoes herätti Doctor Ammondtin tulkitsemana huomiota ympäri maailmaa.
ellauri094.html on line 207: After the Battle of Carchemish in 605 BCE, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon besieged Jerusalem, resulting in tribute being paid by King Jehoiakim, aka Joakim von Anka. Jehoiakim refused to pay tribute in Nebuchadnezzar's fourth year, which led to another siege in Nebuchadnezzar's seventh year, culminating with the death of Jehoiakim and the exile to Babylonia of King Jeconiah, his court and many others; Jeconiah's successor Zedekiah and others were exiled in Nebuchadnezzar's 18th year; a later deportation occurred in Nebuchadnezzar's 23rd year. The dates, numbers of deportations, and numbers of deportees given in the biblical accounts vary. These deportations are dated to 597 BCE for the first, with others dated at 587/586 BCE, and 582/581 BCE respectively.
ellauri094.html on line 209: After the fall of Babylon to the Persian king Cyrus the Great in 539 BCE, exiled Judeans were permitted to return to Judah. According to the biblical book of Ezra, construction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem began around 537 BCE. All these events are considered significant in Jewish history and culture, and had a far-reaching impact on the development of Judaism.
ellauri094.html on line 211: Archaeological studies have revealed that, although Jerusalem was utterly destroyed, other parts of Judah continued to be inhabited during the period of the exile. Most of the exiled did not return to their homeland, instead travelling westward and northward. Many settled in what is now northern Israel, Lebanon and Syria. The Iraqi Jewish, Persian Jewish, Georgian Jewish, and Bukharan Jewish communities are believed to derive their ancestry in large part from these exiles. These communities are now largely concentrated in Israel.
ellauri094.html on line 231: In the Hebrew Bible, the captivity in Babylon is presented as a punishment for idolatry and disobedience to Yahweh in a similar way to the presentation of Israelite slavery in Egypt followed by deliverance. The Babylonian Captivity had a number of serious effects on Judaism and Jewish culture. For example, the current Hebrew alphabet was adopted during this period, replacing the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet.
ellauri094.html on line 328: Ahem, in Baruch, we are told that the captivity will last seven generations, not merely 70 years. In order to reconcile these two disparate numbers, the Jews would’ve had to be having children at the age of ten or younger! That’s far too young, even by biblical-day standards.
ellauri094.html on line 366: Obviously if Baruch is not part of the Bible there is no Bible contradiction here even if there is a logical contradiction between these two statements.
ellauri094.html on line 370: However we do see elsewhere in the Bible it affirm Jeremiah 29:10’s claim that “The Babylonian Captivity was seventy years.” Jeremiah 25:11 states “This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.” See also Jeremiah 25:12.
ellauri094.html on line 591: These are not here; Ne ei oo täällä;
ellauri094.html on line 601: Who hear these things, joka kuulet näitä juttuja,
ellauri094.html on line 735: Joku visigootti puuttuu puheeseen:
ellauri094.html on line 757: So you can see that the Nazis and Imperial Japanese pale in comparison to the atheists. Commies were about 100/64 or 1.67 times eviler than the westerners.
ellauri094.html on line 758: And the stark evil of the atheist Communists becomes even more stark when considering the fact that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were fighting for what most wars are fought for: Wealth and Empire. Which is A-OK. The Israeli did the same with the help of Jehovah. The atheist regimes slaughtered their own people simply to impose their will upon their less powerful compatriots. Which the Christians never do. Well, not nearly as many got killed anyway. I guess. Haven't really toted up all the Christian wars. The colonial ones too, and the U.S. neocolonial ones like Korea and Vietnam, or the Desert Storm. Should one use the absolute body count or percentages? Ethics is not an exact science after all. It's more like economics.
ellauri095.html on line 105: Uranian is a 19th-century term that referred to homosexual men. The term was first published by activist Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825–95) in a series of five booklets (1864–65) collected under the title Forschungen über das Räthsel der mannmännlichen Liebe (Research into the Riddle of Man–Male Love). Ulrichs derived Uranian (Urning in German) from the Greek goddess Aphrodite Urania, who was created out of the god Uranus' testicles. Therefore, it represents the homosexual gender, while Dionian (Dioning), derived from Aphrodite Dionea, represents the heterosexual gender. Ulrichs developed his terminology before the first public use of the term homosexual, which appeared in 1869 in a pamphlet published anonymously by Karl-Maria Kertbeny (1824–82)
ellauri095.html on line 123: Hopkins became a skilled draughtsman. He found his early training in visual art supported his later work as a poet. His siblings were much inspired by language, religion and the creative arts. Milicent (1849–1946) joined an Anglican sisterhood in 1878. Kate (1856–1933) would help Hopkins publish the first edition of his poetry. Hopkins's youngest sister Grace (1857–1945) set many of his poems to music. Lionel (1854–1952) became a world-famous expert on archaic and colloquial Chinese. Arthur (1848–1930) and Everard (1860–1928) were highly successful artists. Cyril (1846–1932) would join his father's insurance firm.
ellauri095.html on line 135: A short fellow of 5’2 or 3”, he was enthusiastic, had a high-pitched voice, loved to sketch and write poems, was close to his family, and had warm, lifelong friends from Oxford, fellow Jesuits, and Irish families. For recreation he visited art exhibitions and old churches, and enjoyed holidays with his family, friends, and fellow Jesuits in Switzerland, Holland, the Isle of Wight, the Isle of Man, Whitby on the North Sea, Wales, Scotland, and the West of Ireland. During these holidays, he loved to hike and swim. His passions were nature (especially trees), ecology, beauty, poetry, art, his family and friends, his country, his religion, and his God. His curse was a lifelong “melancholy” (his word) which in 1885 in Dublin became deep depression and a sense of lost contact with God.
ellauri095.html on line 174: The homosexual lifestyle results in a shorter life expectancy. This is undoubtedly due to the health risks associated, such as AIDS, Hepatitis, and a variety of other infections and STDs. In addition, homosexuals are more likely to be smokers, which takes the lifespan even lower. In 1993 Paul Cameron published a study which found that homosexuality takes 20-30 years off the lives of its practitioners. Cameron is a Psychologist and founder of the Family Research Institute. Among men with AIDS their lifespan was 39 years, however even without AIDS a male homosexuals lifespan is just a short 42 years. Lesbians had a median age of death of just 44 years. He also found that lesbians were up to 456 times more likely to die in a car crash than heterosexual women. The liberal Southern Poverty Law Centre dubbed Cameron an "anti-gay extremist", and the American Psychological Association expelled him for exposing the truth about the homosexual lifestyle and accused him of scientific data "fraud". Fortunately, Cameron had the support of faith based groups who would not bow down or turn their behinds to the homosexual agenda.
ellauri095.html on line 176: Another 1997 study from pro-homosexual researchers who were trying defend homosexuals, examined data of AIDS deaths between 1987 to 1992 in Toronto, and found that the life expectancy for the homosexual men was 8 to 20 years lower than heterosexuals. See also Atheism and life expectancy. Religious people live on average four years longer than their agnostic and atheist peers, new research has found. Actually, the atheists´ life expectancy is way lower than true believers´ (estimated at about one infinity). Source: Conservopedia.
ellauri095.html on line 178: The aim of our research was never to spread more homophobia, but to demonstrate to an international audience how the life expectancy of gay and bisexual men can be estimated from limited vital statistics data. In our paper, we demonstrated that in a major Canadian centre, life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 21 years less than for all men. If the same pattern of mortality continued, we estimated that nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years would not reach their 65th birthday. Under even the most liberal assumptions, gay and bisexual men in this urban centre were experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by men in Canada in the year 1871. In contrast, if we were to repeat this analysis today the life expectancy of gay and bisexual men would be greatly improved. Deaths from HIV infection have declined dramatically in this population since 1996. As we have previously reported there has been a threefold decrease in mortality in Vancouver as well as in other parts of British Columbia.
ellauri095.html on line 180: It is essential to note that the life expectancy of any population is a descriptive and not a prescriptive mesaure. Death is a product of the way a person lives and what physical and environmental hazards he or she faces everyday. It cannot be attributed solely to their sexual orientation or any other ethnic or social factor. If estimates of an individual gay and bisexual man´s risk of death is truly needed for "legal or other" purposes, then people making these estimates should use the same actuarial tables that are used for all other males in that population. Gay and bisexual men are included in the construction of official population-based tables and therefore these tables for all males are the appropriate ones to be used. (LOL sorry boys, the cat is out of the bag, there is no way to get it to go back in.)
ellauri095.html on line 192: Tässä kai viitataan Scotuxen keximään käsitteeseen haecceitas eli tämyys, se mikä erottaa yxilön sen lajista. Neljän koordinaatin muodostama piste tai alue riittää siihen aika hyvin.
ellauri095.html on line 199: No no, he usually sought the distinctively unifying design, the “returning” or recurrent pattern, the internal “network” of structural relationships which clearly and unmistakably integrates or scapes an object or set of objects and thus reveals the presence of integrating laws throughout nature and a divine unifying force or “stress” in this world.
ellauri095.html on line 222: In the late 1880s Hopkins met Father Matthew Russell, the Jesuit founder and editor of the Irish Monthly magazine, who presented him to Katharine Tynan and W. B. Yeats.
ellauri095.html on line 246: In 1874 Hopkins returned to Manresa House to teach classics. While studying in the Jesuit house of theological studies, St Beuno´s College, near St Asap in North Wales, he was asked by his religious superior to write a poem to commemorate the foundering of a German ship in a storm. So in 1875 he took up poetry once more to write a lengthy piece, "The Wreck of the Deutschland", inspired by the Deutschland incident, a maritime disaster in which 157 people died, including five Franciscan nuns who had been leaving Germany due to harsh anti-Catholic laws (see Kulturkampf). The work displays both the religious concerns and some of the unusual metre and rhythms of his subsequent poetry not present in his few remaining early works. It not only depicts the dramatic events and heroic deeds, but tells of him reconciling the terrible events with God´s higher purpose. The poem was accepted but not printed by a Jesuit publication. This rejection fed his ambivalence about his poetry, most of which remained unpublished until after his death.
ellauri095.html on line 398: Rossetti jakoi huomionsa maalauksen ja runouden välillä loppuelämänsä ajan. Vuonna 1848 hän perusti Pre-Rafaeliitin veljeskunnan kuuden muun nuoren miehen, enimmäkseen maalareiden, kanssa, jotka jakavat kiinnostuksen nykyrunouteen ja vastustivat tiettyjä vanhentuneita nykyaikaisen akatemiataiteen käytäntöjä. Yleisesti ottaen Prerafaeliitin veljeskunta pyrki tuomaan uusia teemavakavuuden, korkean värin ja yksityiskohtien huomion muotoja brittiläiseen silloiseen nykytaiteeseen.
ellauri095.html on line 423: Rossetti tuli hyvin juttuun nuorten miesten, enimmäkseen maalareiden, kanssa, jotka jakavat kiinnostuksen nykyrunouteen ja vastustivat tiettyjä vanhentuneita nykyaikaisen akatemiataiteen käytäntöjä. Yleisesti ottaen Prerafaeliittien veljeskunta pyrki tuomaan uusia teemavakavuuden, korkean värin ja yksityiskohtien huomion muotoja silloiseen brittiläiseen nykytaiteeseen. Ryhmään kuului John Everett Millais, sen taitavin maalari ja tuleva Royal Academyn presidentti; William Holman Hunt; Thomas Woolner; Frederic Stephens; ja William Michael Rossetti, joka PRB:n sihteerinä piti toimintapäiväkirjaa ja toimitti sen aikakauslehden, Germ, kuutta numeroa (1850). Ryhmän yhteistyökumppaneita olivat vanhempi taidemaalari Ford Madox Brown, taidemaalari ja runoilija William Bell Scott, runoilija Coventry Patmore ja Christina Rossetti, joiden runoista kuusi ilmestyi Germissä.
ellauri095.html on line 494: I FIRST encountered the rumour in the 1990s, when I was engaged in presenting a radio documentary on Cardinal Newman for the BBC. It was a senior British Catholic who remarked casually to me: "Don't you think John Henry Newman was a homosexual? I mean, just look at the portrait!"
ellauri095.html on line 500: Thus it is important to realize that he converted to Catholicism not to be more ascetic, for asceticism was as Protestant as it was Catholic, but to be able to embrace the Catholic doctrine of the Real Presence.
ellauri095.html on line 508: This potential for a new sacramental poetry was first realized by Hopkins in The Wreck of the Deutschland. Hopkins recalled that when he read about the wreck of the German ship Deutschland off the coast of England it “made a deep impression on me, more than any other wreck or accident I ever read of,” a statement made all the more impressive when we consider the number of shipwrecks he must have discussed with his father. Hopkins wrote about this particular disaster at the suggestion of Fr. James Jones, Rector of St. Beuno’s College, where Hopkins studied theology from 1874 to 1877. Hopkins recalled that “What I had written I burnt before I became a Jesuit and resolved to write no more, as not belonging to my profession, unless it were by the wish of my superiors; so for seven years I wrote nothing but two or three little presentation pieces which occasion called for [presumably ‘Rosa Mystica’ and ‘Ad Mariam’]. But when in the winter of ’75 the Deutschland was wrecked in the mouth of the Thames and five Franciscan nuns, exiles from Germany by the Falck Laws, aboard of her were drowned I was affected by the account and happening to say so to my rector he said that he wished someone would write a poem on the subject. On this hint I set to work and, though my hand was out at first, produced one. I had long had haunting my ear the echo of a new rhythm which now I realized on paper.”
ellauri095.html on line 518: The motif of the singing bird appears again in Gerard’s “Spring” (1877): “and thrush/Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring/The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing.” The father’s attempt to represent what it is like to live in a bird’s environment, moreover, to experience daily the “fields, the open sky, /The rising sun, the moon’s pale majesty; /The leafy bower, where the airy nest is hung” was also one of the inspirations of the son’s lengthy account of a lark’s gliding beneath clouds, its aerial view of the fields below, and its proximity to a rainbow in “Il Mystico” (1862), as well as the son’s attempt to enter into a lark’s existence and express its essence mimically in “The Woodlark” (1876). A related motif, Manley’s feeling for clouds, evident in his poem “Clouds,” encouraged his son’s representation of them in “Hurrahing in Harvest’ (1877) and “That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire”(1888).
ellauri095.html on line 522: In addition to specific inspirations such as these, the father communicated to his son a sense of nature as a book written by God which leads its readers to a thoughtful contemplation of Him, a theme particularly evident in Manley and Thomas Marsland Hopkins’s book of poems, Pietas Metrica. Consequently, Gerard went on to write poems which were some of the best expressions not only of the Romantic approach to nature but also the older tradition of explicitly religious nature poetry.
ellauri095.html on line 533: His religious consciousness increased dramatically when he entered Oxford, the city of spires. From April of 1863, when he first arrived with some of his journals, drawings, and early Keatsian poems in hand, until June of 1867 when he graduated, Hopkins felt the charm of Oxford, “steeped in sentiment as she lies,” as Matthew Arnold had said, “spreading her gardens to the moonlight and whispering from her towers the last enchantments of the Middle Ages.” Here he became more fully aware of the religious implications of the medievalism of Ruskin, Dixon, and the Pre-Raphaelites. Inspired also by Christina Rossetti, the Catholic doctrine of the Real Presence of God in the Eucharist, and by the Victorian preoccupation with the fifteenth-century Italian religious reformer Girolamo Savonarola, he soon embraced Ruskin’s definition of “Medievalism” as a “confession of Christ” opposed to both “Classicalism” (“Pagan Faith”) and “Modernism” (the “denial of Christ”).
ellauri095.html on line 535: Manley Hopkins’s desire to preserve a Wordsworthian love of nature in his children is evident in his “To a Beautiful Child”:
ellauri095.html on line 546: The phrase “And birds that call/Hoarse to the storm,” invites comparison with the son’s images of the windhover rebuffing the big wind in “The Windhover” (1877) and with the image of the great storm fowl at the conclusion of “Henry Purcell” (1879). The father’s prophecy, “thy sport is with the storm/To wrestle” is fulfilled in Gerard’s The Wreck of the Deutschland and “The Loss of the Eurydice” (1878). These two shipwreck poems, replete with spiritual instruction for those in doubt and danger were the son’s poetic and religious counterparts to his father’s 1873 volume, The Port of Refuge, or advice and instructions to the Master-Mariner in situations of doubt, difficulty, and danger.
ellauri095.html on line 580: The ´New York Times´, in the best traditions of media coverage, focused on the "weirdness of the scene". The newspaper contrasted the nuns´ "terror-stricken conduct", frozen with terror, and "deaf to all entreaties", with the "plucky" behaviour of the stewardess who tried to encourage them to leave the saloon for rigging as the water rose around them. One of the nuns was heard to cry in a voice heard above the storm "O my God, make it quick, make it quick". Hopkins, however, saw these words as an example of courage in the fate of extremity, and as the active seeking of the soul reaching towards God.
ellauri096.html on line 55: Michael Scriven (1964) tried to refute predictive determinism (the thesis that all events are foreseeable), by conjuring two players, “Predictor” who has all the data, laws, and calculating capacity needed to predict the choices of others. Scriven goes on to imagine, “Avoider”, whose dominant motivation is to avoid prediction. Therefore, Predictor must conceal his prediction. The catch is that Avoider has access to the same data, laws, and calculating capacity as Predictor. Thus Avoider can duplicate Predictor’s reasoning. Consequently, the optimal predictor cannot predict Avoider. Let the teacher be Avoider and the student be Predictor. Avoider must win. Therefore, it is possible to give a surprise test. This sounds silly. The Predictor can predict that the Avoider double guesses her. Both can fiture out that this will go on and on, until time runs out, and they still just sit on their asses doing nothing. Thing is, you must remember that the players are part of the game, not outside of it as idealists would have it.
ellauri096.html on line 59: Predictive determinism states that everything is foreseeable. Metaphysical determinism states that there is only one way the future could be given the way the past is. Simon Laplace used metaphysical determinism as a premise for predictive determinism. He reasoned that since every event has a cause, a complete description of any stage of history combined with the laws of nature implies what happens at any other stage of the universe. Scriven was only challenging predictive determinism in his thought experiment. The next approach challenges metaphysical determinism.
ellauri096.html on line 92: W. V. Quine insists that the student’s elimination argument is only a reductio ad absurdum of the supposition that the student knows that the announcement is true (rather than a reductio of the announcement itself). He accepts this epistemic reductio but rejects the metaphysical reductio. Given the student’s ignorance of the announcement, Quine concludes that a test on any day would be unforeseen.
ellauri096.html on line 94: In later writings, Quine evinces general reservations about the concept of knowledge. One of his pet objections is that ‘know’ is vague. If knowledge entails absolute certainty, then too little will count as known. Quine infers that we must equate knowledge with firmly held true belief. Asking just how firm the belief must be is akin to asking just how big something has to be to count as being big. There is no answer to the question because ‘big’ lacks the sort of boundary enjoyed by precise words.
ellauri096.html on line 124: Most of these philosophical advances are reactions to the use of probability by scientists. In the twentieth century, editors of science journals began to demand that the author’s hypothesis should be accepted only when it was sufficiently probable – as measured by statistical tests. The threshold for acceptance was acknowledged to be somewhat arbitrary. And it was also conceded that the acceptance rule might vary with one’s purposes. For instance, we demand a higher probability when the cost of accepting a false hypothesis is high.
ellauri096.html on line 138: Very elegant! But if joint inconsistency is rationally tolerable, why do these philosophers bother to offer solutions? Why is it not rational to believe each of (1)–(4), despite their joint inconsistency?
ellauri096.html on line 140: Kyburg might answer that there is a scale effect. Although the dull pressure of joint inconsistency is tolerable when diffusely distributed over a large set of propositions, the pain of contradiction becomes unbearable as the set gets smaller (Knight 2002). And indeed, paradoxes are always represented as a small set of propositions.
ellauri096.html on line 144: The resemblance between the preface paradox and the surprise test paradox becomes more visible through an intermediate case. The preface of Siddhartha Mukherjee’s The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer warns: “In cases where there was no prior public knowledge, or when interviewees requested privacy, I have used a false name, and deliberately confounded identities to make it difficult to track.” Those who refuse consent to be lied to are free to close Doctor Mukherjee’s chronicle. But nearly all readers think the physician’s trade-off between lies and new information is acceptable. They rationally anticipate being rationally misled. Nevertheless, these readers learn much about the history of cancer. Similarly, students who are warned that they will receive a surprise test rationally expect to be rationally misled about the day of the test. The prospect of being misled does not lead them to drop the course.
ellauri096.html on line 147: , he also believes that at least of one these answers is false. This ensures he believes a contradiction. If any of his answers is false, then the student believes a contradiction (because the only falsehoods on the question list are contradictions). If all of his test answers are true, then the student believes the following contradiction: ∼(A1&A2&…&A100)
ellauri096.html on line 151: If paradoxes were always sets of propositions or arguments or conclusions, then they would always be meaningful. But some paradoxes are semantically flawed (Sorensen 2003b, 352) and some have answers that are backed by a pseudo-argument employing a defective “lemma” that lacks a truth-value. Kurt Grelling’s paradox, for instance, opens with a distinction between autological and heterological words. An autological word describes itself, e.g., ‘polysyllabic’ is polysllabic, ‘English’ is English, ‘noun’ is a noun, etc. A heterological word does not describe itself, e.g., ‘monosyllabic’ is not monosyllabic, ‘Chinese’ is not Chinese, ‘verb’ is not a verb, etc. Now for the riddle: Is ‘heterological’ heterological or autological? If ‘heterological’ is heterological, then since it describes itself, it is autological. But if ‘heterological’ is autological, then since it is a word that does not describe itself, it is heterological. The common solution to this puzzle is that ‘heterological’, as defined by Grelling, is not a genuine predicate (Thomson 1962). In other words, “Is ‘heterological’ heterological?” is without meaning. There can be no predicate that applies to all and only those predicates it does not apply to for the same reason that there can be no barber who shaves all and only those people who do not shave themselves.
ellauri096.html on line 177: The (K-0) argument stinks of the liar paradox. Subsequent commentators sloppily switch the negation sign in the formal presentations of the reasoning from K∼p
ellauri096.html on line 184: The skeptic could hope to solve (K-0) by denying that anything is known. This remedy does not cure (K). If nothing is known then (K) is true. Can the skeptic instead challenge the premise that proving a proposition is sufficient for knowing it? This solution would be particularly embarrassing to the skeptic. The skeptic presents himself as a stickler for proof. If it turns out that even proof will not sway him, he bears a damning resemblance to the dogmatist he so frequently chides.
ellauri096.html on line 201: One can mock up a complicated liar paradox that resembles the surprise test paradox. But this complex variant of the liar is not an epistemic paradox. For the paradoxes turn on the semantic concept of truth rather than an epistemic concept.
ellauri096.html on line 204: Frederic Fitch (1963) reports that in 1945 he first learned of this proof of unknowable truths from a referee report on a manuscript he never published. Thanks to Joe Salerno’s (2009) archival research, we now know that referee was Alonzo Church.
ellauri096.html on line 225: But secular idealists and logical positivists concede that there are some actual unknown truths. How can they continue to believe that all truths are knowable? Astonishingly, these eminent philosophers seem refuted by a pinch of epistemic logic. Also injured are those who limit their claims of universal knowability to a limited domain. For instance, Immanuel Kant (A223/B272) asserts that all empirical propositions are knowable. This pocket of optimism would be enough to ignite the contradiction (Stephenson 2015).
ellauri096.html on line 247: There is no problem with third person counterparts of (M). Anyone else can say about Moore, with no paradox, ‘G. E. Moore went to the pictures last Tuesday but he does not believe it’. (M) can also be embedded unparadoxically in conditionals: ‘If I went to the pictures last Tuesday but I do not believe it, then I am suffering from a worrisome lapse of memory ’. The past tense is fine: ‘I went to the picture shows last Tuesday but I did not believe it’. The future tense, ‘I went to the picture shows last Tuesday but I will not believe it’, is a bit more of a stretch (Bovens 1995). We tend to picture our future selves as better informed. Later selves are, as it were, experts to whom earlier selves should defer. When an earlier self foresees that his later self believes p
ellauri096.html on line 251: Robert Binkley (1968) anticipates van Fraassen by applying the reflection principle to the surprise test paradox. The student can foresee that he will not believe the announcement if no test is given by Thursday. The conjunction of the history of testless days and the announcement will imply the Moorean sentence:
ellauri096.html on line 255: Since the less evident member of the conjunction is the announcement, the student will choose not to believe the announcement. At the beginning of the week, the student foresees that his future self may not believe the announcement. So the student on Sunday will not believe the announcement when it is first uttered.
ellauri096.html on line 267: Third, the principle of reflection may need more qualifications than Binkley anticipates. Binkley realizes that an ordinary agent foresees that he will forget details. That is why we write reminders for our own benefit. An ordinary agent foresees periods of impaired judgment. That is why we limit how much money we bring to the bar.
ellauri096.html on line 269: Binkley stipulates that the students do not forget. He needs to add that the students know that they will not forget. For the mere threat of a memory lapse sometimes suffices to undermine knowledge. Consider Professor Anesthesiology’s scheme for surprise tests: “A surprise test will be given either Wednesday or Friday with the help of an amnesia drug. If the test occurs on Wednesday, then the drug will be administered five minutes after Wednesday’s class. The drug will instantly erase memory of the test and the students will fill in the gap by confabulation.” You have just completed Wednesday’s class and so temporarily know that the test will be on Friday. Ten minutes after the class, you lose this knowledge. No drug was administered and there is nothing wrong with your memory. You are correctly remembering that no test was given on Wednesday. However, you do not know your memory is accurate because you also know that if the test was given Wednesday then you would have a pseudo-memory indistinguishable from your present memory. Despite not gaining any new evidence, you change your mind about the test occurring on Wednesday and lose your knowledge that the test is on Friday. (The change of belief is not crucial; you would still lack foreknowledge of the test even if you dogmatically persisted in believing that the test will be on Friday.)
ellauri096.html on line 287: Since the surprise test paradox can also be formulated in terms of rational belief, there will be parallel adjustments for what we ought to believe. We are criticized for failures to believe the logical consequences of what we believe and criticized for believing propositions that conflict with each other. Anyone who meets these ideals of completeness and consistency will be unable to believe a range of consistent propositions that are accessible to other complete and consistent thinkers. In particular, they will not be able to believe propositions attributing specific errors to them, and propositions that entail these off-limit propositions.
ellauri096.html on line 289: Some people wear T-shirts with Question Authority! written on them. Questioning authority is generally regarded as a matter of individual discretion. The surprise test paradox shows that it is sometimes mandatory. The student is rationally required to doubt the teacher’s announcement even though the teacher has not given any evidence of being unreliable. Indeed, the student can foresee that their change of mind opens a new opportunity for surprise.
ellauri096.html on line 317: Zum Leben Augustins ist wenig gesichert. Augustin soll sehr beliebt gewesen sein, weil er mit seinen zotigen Liedern vor allem während der Pest in Wien im Jahr 1679 die Bevölkerung der Stadt aufheiterte, weshalb er im Volksmund nur als „Lieber Augustin“ bekannt war.
ellauri096.html on line 319: Augustin soll als Sohn eines heruntergekommenen Wirts aufgewachsen sein und war demnach schon früh darauf angewiesen, mit seinem Dudelsack von einer Spelunke zur nächsten zu ziehen, wobei nur wenig von dem verdienten Geld die jeweilige Kneipe verlassen haben soll – der Überlieferung nach soll er auch ein „tüchtiger Trinker“ gewesen sein.
ellauri096.html on line 321: Der Legende nach war der 36-jährige Augustin 1679 während der Pestepidemie wieder einmal betrunken und schlief irgendwo in der Gosse seinen Rausch aus. Siech-Knechte, die damals die Opfer der Epidemie einsammeln mussten, fanden ihn, hielten ihn für tot und brachten die Schnapsleiche zusammen mit den Pestleichen auf ihrem Sammelkarren vor die Stadtmauer. Dort warfen sie ihre ganze Ladung in ein offenes Massengrab. Diese Pestgrube soll sich in der Nähe der Kirche St. Ulrich am Neubau (heutiger siebter Wiener Gemeindebezirk) befunden haben, gleich neben dem Platz, an dem heute der Augustinbrunnen steht. Wie in der damaligen Situation üblich, wurde das Grab nicht sofort geschlossen, sondern provisorisch mit Kalk abgedeckt, um später weitere Pestopfer aufzunehmen. Am folgenden Tag habe Augustin inmitten der Leichen so lange krakeelt und auf seinem Dudelsack gespielt, bis Retter ihn aus der Grube zogen.
ellauri096.html on line 327: Das Volkslied O du lieber Augustin ist erst um 1800 in Wien nachgewiesen. Die sehr verbreitete Melodie ist jedoch älter, so ist sie 1720 in einer Musikhandschrift belegt.[1] Teilweise wird Augustin selbst als Verfasser genannt, der Ursprung ist jedoch unklar. Der spöttische Text gibt aber den Galgenhumor wieder, der den Wienern in Erinnerung geblieben ist:
ellauri096.html on line 452: Usein tyttö rakastuu hevosen valokuvaan kirjan kannessa tai harrastelehdessä ennenkuin on edes tavannut hevosta elävänä. Eikä juhlallisuuden vaikutelmalta voi koskaan kokonaan välttyä, vaikka tahallaan rimpuilisi sită vastaan ja kuvaisihevosen esimerkiksi sellaisena groteskina piereskelijänä kuin miltä se näyttää ja kuulostaa tallin töihin tottuneelle, miten näiden otusten ilmavaivat usein tärisyttävät karsinan seiniä ja sakeuttavat ilman kuin sinappikaasu. Inhorealismi johdattaa aivan yhtä pahasti harhaan kuin ponikirjojen söpöily. Ennemmin haluaisin päästä käsiksi tylsyyteen, vai miksi sitä pitäisi sanoa. Jokin näiden eläinten typerryttävässä monotonisessa lauhkeudessa osoittaa kohti sitä totuutta, jonka haluaisin kirjoittamalla pyydystää, vaikka hyvin tajuan tehtävän toivottomuuden. Tartunpa mihin ilmiöön tai aiheeseen hyvänsä, esitän aina ansaitsemattoman huomionosoituksen. Maailma pitäisi vain jättää omaan arvoonsa, ja niin useimmat tekevätkin. Tämä valhekasvain jäytää vain kirjoittajia.
ellauri096.html on line 463: Kazeen vangizi tytön vaikeasti määriteltävä hymy. Pyöreä naama, leveä rako yläetuhampaiden välissä (se on diasteema Jaska), mustat viirusilmät, pisamat, oikeassa poskessa laaja tummanharmaa laikku, mikä lie kuolio tai pigmenttihäiriö. Akvarellitekniikka korosti ilmeen vähä-älyisyyttä, ikään kuin kuola leviäisi vesivärin mukana ympäri naamaa ja maisemaa, niin että "lukija" tunsi vaistomaista tarvetta palauttaa kirja oitis hyllyyn aakkosenmukaiselle paikalleen ja mennä pesemään kädet vedellä ja saippualla ja huuhtomaan ne käsidesillä. Ettei vaan norovirus yllätä.
ellauri096.html on line 531: These "wheels" have been associated with Daniel 7:9 (mentioned as galgal, traditionally "the wheels of galgallim", in "fiery flame" and "burning fire") of the four, eye-covered wheels (each composed of two nested wheels), that move next to the winged Cherubim, beneath the throne of God. The four wheels move with the Cherubim because the spirit of the Cherubim is in them. The late Second Book of Enoch (20:1, 21:1) also referred to them as the "many-eyed ones".
ellauri096.html on line 537: Hesekielin retkistä on ollut siellä täällä puhetta, esim. GT-sählämien merkabah-merkkisistä tankeista, jolla ne lanas musulmaaneja. Ja Hiljan se yx aika sexikäs raamatunpaikka oli Hesekielistä. Kai sekin pitää vielä lukea.
ellauri096.html on line 593: Maldoror is a modular (sic) work primarily divided into six parts, or cantos; these parts are further subdivided into a total of sixty chapters, or verses. Parts one through six consist of fourteen, sixteen, five, eight, seven and ten chapters, respectively. With some exceptions, most chapters consist of a single, lengthy paragraph.[b] The text often employs very long, unconventional and confusing sentences which, together with the dearth of paragraph breaks, may suggest a stream of consciousness, or automatic writing. Over the course of the narrative, there is often a first-person narrator, although some areas of the work instead employ a third-person narrative. The book's central character is Maldoror, a figure of evil who is sometimes directly involved in a chapter's events, or else revealed to be watching at a distance. Depending on the context of narrative voice in a given place, the first-person narrator may be taken to be Maldoror himself, or sometimes not. The confusion between narrator and character may also suggest an unreliable narrator.
ellauri096.html on line 649: Syksyllä 2016 Helsingin Sanomissa kirjoitettiin näyttävästi ”hallituksen leikkauspolitiikkaan vaikuttavasta kiistellystä koneäly Koomasta” (HS 20.11.2016). Artikkelissa kerrotaan DSGE-makromalliperheeseen1 kuuluvalla Koomalla olevan iso merkitys käytännön politiikanteossa, ja kuinka sitä käytetään lentosimulaattorin tavoin erilaisten päätösten perustelussa ja vaikutusten arvioinnissa2 . Kooma on myös apuna suhdanne-ennusteiden laatimisessa, jotka virallisina ennusteina ovat myös hallituksen talouspoliittisen päätöksenteon yhtenä pohjana.
ellauri096.html on line 678: The Lucas critique is representative of the paradigm shift that occurred in macroeconomic theory in the 1970s towards attempts at establishing micro-foundations.
ellauri096.html on line 715: Jaskan mielestä rasismi on synti jonka rangaistus on ripuli. Ruikelipaska on sen mielestä julma joskaan ei epätavallinen rangaistus. Ripulointi on sille varmaan tuttua, basillikauhuisena sillä on tod.näk. huono mahafloora, kun on aina pesemässä käsiä. Se luulee että rasistit vihatessaan muita rotuja itkee verta sekä kyyneleitä. Tokkopa, rasismi on kuin pieni vinous vain luonnollista. Koirat ei ole rasisteja mutta kyllä xenofoobeja. Xenofobia on rasismin tavallisin syy. Saahan ne olla erivärisiä kun ovat sitä jossain muualla. Eli se on joukkoistettua reviirinvartiointia.
ellauri096.html on line 755: Kirjallisuutta koskevien pohdintojen ohella Anu paneutuu syvällisesti elämisen ja olemisen filosofiaan alkuräjähdyxestä loppuromahduxeen. Parhaalla tahdollakaan ei voi tulkita hänen päätelmiään optimistisixi. Ilmeinen Greta Thunbergin sukulaissielu. Mitenkäs se Trump taas niin osuvasti sille heittikään? “[s]he seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!” No Greta nauroi parhaiten viimesex kuin Hippon Akun toimelias vaimo.
ellauri096.html on line 777: Aristotle, on the other hand, took a more empirical approach to the question, acknowledging that we intuitively believe in akrasia. He distances himself from the Socratic position by locating the breakdown of reasoning in an agent’s opinion, not his appetition. Now, without recourse to appetitive desires, Aristotle reasons that akrasia occurs as a result of opinion. Opinion is formulated mentally in a way that may or may not imitate truth, while appetites are merely desires of the body. Thus, opinion is only incidentally aligned with or opposed to the good, making an akratic action the product of opinion instead of reason. For Aristotle, the antonym of akrasia is enkrateia, which means "in power" (over oneself).
ellauri096.html on line 863: ”Vastustajan voimat näyttivät hupenevan, ja hänen kalpeilla kasvoillaan erottui punaisia laikkuja. Hän haukkoi henkeään erien välissä eikä silti tahtonut saada happea. Kun se hitaasti upposi tajuntaani, aloin vain toivoa, että hän pian pyörtyisi. Paizi sitten se ei ehtisi merkata minua. Verdammt noch mal!” Mensuurimeikkailu paljasti armottomasti, oliko nuorukaisessa tosimiehen aineksia kuin Aki Mannisessa, vai onko se väpelö kuten se nörtti taiteellinen telttakaveri. Mikään ei muutu, vaan verryttelypuvut vaihtuvat. Paukapäiden kasvojen piti mittelön aikana kuvastaa malttia, urheutta ja rehtiyttä – ei kiihkoa, silmitöntä verenhimoa saati sitten pelkoa. Jos paukantti käänsi päänsä sivuun miekan terän tieltä tai räpytti silmiään, hänet leimattiin armotta pelkuriksi ja hän sai ylimääräisen reijän perseeseen. Kunnian puolustaminen oli mensuurimeikkailun keskeinen arvo. Kuuluisa saksalainen runoilija Heinrich Heine opiskeli 1800-luvulla Göttingenin yliopistossa. Hän oli taustaltaan juutalainen ja päätyi miekkailemaan juutalaisvastaisen solvauksen esittänyttä opiskelijaa vastaan. Hänen kustantajansa rohkaisi suosikkirunoilijaansa sanoilla: ”Ennemmin kuolema kuin häpeä!” "Ennemmin häpeä kuin perseeseen 2 lisäläpeä", laukaisi Chaim leukavasti.
ellauri096.html on line 867: Moni historian maalimies harrasti nuorena mensuurimeikkailua. Heidän joukossaan oli muun muassa kommunismin isä Karl Marx. Yhteiskuntafilosofi Karl Marxilla (1818–1883) oli vasemman silmänsä yläpuolella mensuurimeikkailuottelussa Bonnin yliopistossa saatu arpi. Sekin oli muuten juutalaisia. Kainin merkkiä kantoivat Heikin kaa. Saksalainen säveltäjä Richard Wagner (1813–1883) saattoi sekin olla jutku tuntemattomaxi jääneen isän puolelta. Se oli innokas miekkailija opiskeluaikoinaan Leipzigissä, missä hän kuului yliopiston Saksikäsi-osakuntaan. Natsijohtaja Ernst Kaltenbrunner (1903–1946) tunnettiin julmuudestaan. Hänellä oli kasvoissaan useita mensuuriotteluista saatuja arpia ja useampia Victorinox-linkkuveizistä saatuja peräpuolella. Hullu filosofi Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) opiskeli Bonnin yliopistossa teologiaa ja kuului Francofobia-osakuntaan. Hän keskeytti opintonsa vuoden jälkeen ja vaihtoi kielitieteeseen. Tanskalainen tähtitieteilijä Tyko Brahe (1546–1601) menetti nenänsä miekkataistelussa Rostockin yliopistossa. Syynä oli aivan mahdoton tunarointi. Silitysrautakansleri Otto von Bismarck (1815–1898) oli innokas miekkailija Göttingenin yliopistossa, missä sillä meni paremmin meikkailusalilla kuin luennoilla. Autotehtailija Ferdinand Porsche (1875–1951) opiskeli Wienissä ja miekkaili osakuntansa Bruna Bröder edustajana.
ellauri096.html on line 926: Salmenniemi marisi: ”Vastineessaan minun vastineeseeni, joka oli vastaus Jaakko Yli-Juonikkaan minulle kirjoittamaan vastineeseen, Jaakko Yli-Juonikas yrittää taikoa minut näkyvistä ja häivyttää myös yhteisen menneisyytemme.” Kaunokirjallisuuden Kauniit ja rohkeat palasivat kuitenkin seuraavalla tuotantokaudella yhteen ja menivät uudelleen vihille. Yli-Juonikkaan vaikeneminen uudessa numerossa osoittaa, että hän on jo saanut oman lääkityksensä kohdalleen.
ellauri097.html on line 65: As a scholar, Mencken is known for The American Language, a multi-volume study of how the English language is spoken in the United States. As an admirer of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, he was an outspoken opponent of organized religion, theism, populism, and representative democracy, the last of which he viewed as a system in which inferior men dominated their superiors. Mencken was a supporter of scientific progress though he couldn´t find his arse with both hands. He was critical of osteopathy and chiropractic. He was also an open critic of economics. In a word: a royal pain in the ass.
ellauri097.html on line 81: 10% on Henryn tapasia tuoreita matuja. Tai sellaisia kuin se Gilmoren maitre d'hotel, pariisilainen ylellisyyshyödyke, josta näkee millaisia on ne Bushin aavikkomyrskystä livistäneet frogit. Ei mitään freedom friesejä, vaan naurettavalla axentilla puhuvia pikkukenkäisiä mamuhomoja jotka pelkää jopa Luxemburgin puiston vesilintuja.
ellauri097.html on line 97: Mencken recommended for publication philosopher and author Ayn Rand´s first novel, We the Living and called it "a really excellent piece of work." Shortly afterward, Rand addressed him in correspondence as "the greatest representative of a philosophy" to which she wanted to dedicate her life, "individualism" and later listed him as her favorite columnist. No voi vietävä!
ellauri097.html on line 117: Mencken, says Charles A. Fecher, was, "deeply conservative, resentful of change, looking back upon the 'happy days' of a bygone time, wanted no part of the world that the New Deal promised to bring in." In 1931, the Arkansas legislature passed a motion to pray for Mencken´s soul after he had called the state the "apex of moronia."
ellauri097.html on line 121: The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart´s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
ellauri097.html on line 130: Uuskantilainen Vaihinger began to develop a system of philosophy he called the "philosophy of 'als ob' ". In it he offered a system of thought in which God and reality might best be represented as paradigms. This was not to say that either God or reality was any less certain than anything else in the realm of man’s awareness, but only that all matters confronting man might best be regarded in hypothetical ways.
ellauri097.html on line 132: Frank Kermode´s The Sense of an Ending (1967) was an early mention of Vaihinger as a useful methodologist of narrativity. He says that "literary fictions belong to Vaihinger’s category of 'the consciously false.' They are not subject, like hypotheses, to proof or disconfirmation, only, if they come to lose their operational effectiveness, to neglect."
ellauri097.html on line 141: It is impossible to talk anything resembling discretion or judgment to a colored woman. They are all essentially child-like, and even hard experience does not teach them anything.
ellauri097.html on line 161: [Physicists] have, in late years, made a great deal of progress, though it has been accompanied by a considerable quackery. Some of the notions which they now try to foist upon the world, especially in the astronomical realm and about the atom, are obviously nonsensical, and will soon go the way of all unsupported speculations. But there is nothing intrinsically insoluble about the problems they mainly struggle with, and soon or late really competent physicists will arise to solve them. These really competent physicists, I predict, will be too busy in their laboratories to give any time to either metaphysics or theology. Both are eternal enemies of every variety of sound thinking, and no man can traffic with them without losing something of his good judgment.
ellauri097.html on line 278: Noniin, kiitos Julien, riitti tähän otteeseen. Greeneillä oli esi-isiä seinillä kuin muumeilla, vaikka ovat jenkkimamu rotinkaisia. Siitä puhe mistä puute taas. Julian oli äidin Benjamin. Ei suuri ylläri. Petite, mince, avec de très beaux yeux gris dans un visage rêveur, Mary Adelaide Hartridge venait d'une famille portée à la mélancolie.
ellauri097.html on line 302: In some respects this reflects a national pathology. Unlike an American or British child, an Australian student can go through thirteen years of education without reading much of their country’s literature at all (of the more than twenty writers I studied in high school, only two were Australian). This is symptomatic of the country’s famed “cultural cringe,” a term first coined in the 1940s by the critic A.A. Phillips to describe the ways that Australians tend to be prejudiced against home-grown art and ideas in favor of those imported from the UK and America. Australia’s attitude to the arts has, for much of the last two centuries, been moral. “What these idiots didn’t realize about White was that he was the most powerful spruiker for morality that anybody was going to read in an Australian work,” argued David Marr, White’s biographer, during a talk at the Wheeler Centre in 2013. “And here were these petty little would-be moral tyrants whinging about this man whose greatest message about this country in the end was that we are an unprincipled people.”
ellauri097.html on line 313: Ulrichs war überzeugt, dass die Urninge und die Dioninge von verschiedener Natur seien und daher der Ausdruck „widernatürliche Unzucht“ auf Liebe zwischen Urningen nicht anwendbar war. Die Liebe zwischen zwei Urningen war nach Meinung Ulrichs’ in höchstem Maße ethisch, weil sie die beiden Individuen ihrer Natur gemäß entwickeln lässt. In seinen Schriften erörterte Ulrichs auch die Frage einer Ehe zwischen einem Urning und einem Dioning und inwieweit diese ethisch vertretbar sei.
ellauri097.html on line 317: - gegenüber der öffentlichen Meinung und den Organen des Staats die angeborenen Menschenrechte der Urninge zu verfechten, ihnen namentlich Gleichstellung mit den Dioningen vor dem Gesetz und in der menschlichen Gesellschaft überhaupt zu vindiciren.
ellauri097.html on line 389: Wenn einer zu mir "Fick dich" sagt Kun joku sanoo "vedä perseesees".
ellauri097.html on line 396: Kant war Junggeselle, und es ist nichts überliefert von intimen Kontakten mit Frauen oder von ernsthaft betriebenen Kontakt- oder Heiratsabsichten. Kant wird von J. D. Metzger, einem frühen Kant-Biographen (1804), als "misogyn" bezeichnet, also als "frauenhassend". "Misogyn" kann auch einfach nur bedeuten "mochte nicht heiraten", vielleicht kann sich damals unter dem Terminus aber auch die Bedeutung "schwul" versteckt haben. Nicht undenkbar in einer Zeit, da man solche Neigungen auf keinen Fall öffentlich machen durfte.
ellauri097.html on line 397: Trotz der attestierten "Misogynie", konnte Kant ausgesprochen charmant gegenüber Frauen sein. Erwähnt sei nur die kluge und schöne Gräfin Caroline Charlotte Amalie von Keyserlingk, die Kant sehr schätzte und die ihn bei Gesellschaften im Hause Keyserlingk meist neben sich platzierte. Kant nannte sie "eine Zierde ihres Geschlechts".
ellauri097.html on line 400: Die charmanten Flirt-Elemente in Kants Kontakt zu Frauen werden gewöhnlich in dem Sinne interpretiert, Kant sei "dem weiblichen Geschlecht gegenüber nicht verschlossen" gewesen, würde also eventuell auch Gefallen am Heiraten gefunden haben können. Aber wenn es dann "so weit" gewesen sei, habe Kant zu lange gezögert. Ein heterosexueller Hintergrund wird also fraglos vorausgesetzt. Aber heißt das etwas? Ein galanter und verständnisvoller Umgang mit Frauen ist nicht unbedingt ein Alleinmerkmal der Heterosexuellen.
ellauri097.html on line 404: Es hat in Kants Leben Männerfreundschaften gegeben, die weit über Wissenschaftlerkontakte hinausgegangen sind und die man als enge Bindungen bezeichnen muss. Hier ist zum Beispiel der englische Geschäftsmann Joseph Green (1727 - 1786) zu nennen. Diesen besuchte Kant jahrzehntelang täglich und speiste regelmäßig bei ihm, unternahm mit ihm Ausflüge, hatte bei dessen Firma sein Geld angelegt, ging mit Green jeden Satz(!) seiner ersten "Kritik" durch. Green hatte, so ein Zitat beim Kant-Biografen Kühn, "unstreitig auf sein (Kants) Herz und auf seinen Charakter einen entscheidenden Einfluss". Nach Greens Tod 1786 besuchte Kant nie mehr eine Abendgesellschaft und verzichtete bis zu seinem Lebensende ganz und gar auf jegliches(!) Abendessen.
ellauri097.html on line 408: Während Kant mit Green erst ab seinem fünften Lebensjahrzehnt eng befreundet war - seit er mit der Konzeption seiner ersten "Kritik" begann -, gab es vorher andere enge Freunde. Einer war Christian Jacob Kraus. 29 Jahre jünger als Kant, wurde er 1780 sein Kollege. Auch er war und blieb Junggeselle. Als Kant 1787 ein eigenes Haus kaufte und regelmäßig Honoratioren zu seinem Mittagstisch einlud, war Kraus dabei - und zwar nicht nur als einer der Gäste, sondern als Gesellschafter, das heißt, als Gastgeber, der sich auch die Kosten der Mahlzeit mit Kant teilte. Außerdem blieb Kraus nach dem Mittagessen oft bis sieben oder acht Uhr abends bei Kant - länger als alle anderen Tischgäste. Für die Königsberger Straßenpassanten bildeten die beiden schon bald ein originelles "Pärchen", zumal sie sich äußerlich sehr ähnelten - beide waren sehr klein. Die Nähe zwischen beiden muss groß gewesen sein, denn Kant schenkte Kraus 1787 einen Brillantring.
ellauri097.html on line 410: Jedoch währte das derart gute Verhältnis nicht lange. Kant nötigte Kraus dazu, eine kritische Rezension von Herders Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit zu verfassen. Kraus quälte sich damit sehr, da Kant ihn in eine bestimmte Richtung - die nicht ganz die seine war - zu drängen suchte. Die Rezension wurde zwar fertig gestellt, Kant änderte sie aber vor dem Druck nochmals in seinem Sinne. Dies kränkte Kraus sehr. So meldete er sich schließlich für die Mittagsgesellschaften bei Kant ab. Das geschah ziemlich brüsk. Er suchte weder das Gespräch mit Kant noch schrieb er ihm, sondern teilte seinen Entschluss lediglich Kants Diener Martin Lampe mündlich mit.
ellauri097.html on line 412: Merkwürdig ist auch das Verhältnis Kants zu Theodor Gottlieb Hippel (1741-1796). Er hatte schon als Student beim jungen Privatdozenten Kant gelernt und gehörte viel später zum engeren Kreis der Tischgenossen. Hippel war ein eigenwilliger Mann und führte ein Doppelleben. Der kluge politische Beamte und biedere Zeitgenosse einerseits - der produktive Schriftsteller und sexbegierige (übrigens unverheiratete) Mann andererseits. Man hat vermutet, dass Kant in Wahrheit der Autor von Hippels (anonym veröffentlichtem) Buch Lebensläufe gewesen sei, welches viele Intimitäten mehrerer Königsberger Honoratioren ausplauderte. Mindestens habe er - so wurde gemutmaßt - einen Teil davon geschrieben, denn vieles darin hört sich wie von Kant an. Der Meister hat aber in einer "Erklärung wegen der von Hippelschen Autorschaft" die These vom eigenen Beteiligtsein zurückgewiesen.
ellauri097.html on line 420: Kant held that all rational persons have an a priori understanding of the basic principles of morality. These consist of duties, both to oneself and to others, and above all the duty to respect rational agents. Most persons, however, do not understand that morality is a priori, and their moral commitments are therefore vulnerable to corrosive skeptical criticism. In The Metaphysics of Morals Kant formulates the ultimate standard for moral judgment, namely universalizability, and establishes the rational necessity of morality.
ellauri097.html on line 428: A virtue must be our own invention. The fundamental laws of self-preservation and growth demandthat everyone invent his own virtue, his own categorical imperative. How could one fail to feel how Kant’s categorical imperative endangered life itself! The theologians’ instinct alone protected it! [§11.]
ellauri097.html on line 473: Paul is saying that when it comes to sexual desire, women were made for men, and men for women, and that’s the functional relationship that God designed them for. They are violating this functional relationship by instead sexually desiring one that was not intended. And, in fact, the wording about male homosexuality is, “They abandoned the natural function of the woman.” So the woman that God provided for them, they are abandoning that for something that, in God’s teleology, is unnatural. So that’s the way our natural law argument works in these two passages.
ellauri097.html on line 629: Kirjahko muistuttaa myös taiteilijakirjaa. Se muistuttaa sitä ennenkaikkea hinnoittelussa. Kun "painos" on vaan parisataa, kustakin "teoxesta" voi nyhtää satoja ellei tuhansia egejä. (Mikä taiteilijakirja taas on, on toisen manifestin aihe. Mut mun tarkoitus on höpläyttää vähävaraiset kirjankuvittajat mukaan liikkeeseen. Kaikkien taidealojen prekariaatit, yhinege!)
ellauri097.html on line 647: Olemme halvexittavia luddiitteja! Mutta meidän on noustava koneiden herroiksi. Meidän täytyy lausua niille omat käskymme. Meidän tätyy ottaa tuotantovälineet olohuoneeseemme.
ellauri097.html on line 699: “The Tuft of Flowers” does indeed follow “Mowing” in the book, and one might suspect that line 32 of “Flowers” was borrowed from line 2 of “Mowing.” It is, in fact, the other way around: “The Tuft of Flowers” was written several years before “Mowing,” likely in 1896 or 1897; as such, it heartily deserves the designation “Early Poem.”
ellauri097.html on line 712: Who mowed it in the dew before the sun. joka oli kaatanut sen kasteeseen ennen helteitä.
ellauri098.html on line 175: According to Propp, based on his analysis of 100 folktales from the corpus of Alexander Fyodorovich Afanasyev, there were 31 basic structural elements (or 'functions') that typically occurred within Russian fairy tales. He identified these 31 functions as typical of all fairy tales, or wonder tales [skazka] in Russian folklore. These functions occurred in a specific, ascending order (1-31, although not inclusive of all functions within any tale) within each story. This type of structural analysis of folklore is referred to as "syntagmatic". This focus on the events of a story and the order in which they occur is in contrast to another form of analysis, the "paradigmatic" which is more typical of Lévi-Strauss's structuralist theory of mythology. Lévi-Strauss sought to uncover a narrative's underlying pattern, regardless of the linear, superficial syntagm, and his structure is usually rendered as a binary oppositional structure. For paradigmatic analysis, the syntagm, or the linear structural arrangement of narratives is irrelevant to their underlying meaning.
ellauri098.html on line 349: Universaaleja trooppeja olisivat seuraavat 106: Se olen minä, Olkoon menneexi, Tavis siis pahis, Moukan tuuri, Fanit muistaa tissit, Valkotaulu, Hobonyytti, Isompi parempi, Nuija ja tosinuija, Bonusmazku, Vanhassa vara parempi, Flashback, Tshehovin pyssy, Herot jumissa, Peitto paremmin, Doppelgänger jää kiinni, Hullu idea toimii, Lokalisoimaton vinkkaus, Hidastettu räjähdys, Lähettämätön kirje, Voitto diskauxella, Joku muu saa kiitoxet, Keijut vastaan knääpiöt, Tunteet pintaan, Hyvää pahixessa, Aikuisviihde, Kissa kadoxissa, Tiimin puhetorvi, Pää kädessä, Fiktiivinen vastine, Käsi kamerassa, Akun omatunto, Genrensynnyttäjä, Epäuskottava skene, Genresekoitus, Genrentappaja, Julkkis Japanissa, Elämän päämäärä, Trendikuvaaja, Tiimihali, Rahapuu, Vaarallinen koskea, Oza pöytään, Hero, Eka erä konnalle, Yxi kylä vastustaa, Toivo elää, Ilmainen lounas herolle, Okei olen tekopyhä, Tekopyhä, Lukukelvoton texti, Improvisoitu astalo, Huppupää, Kakun sisästä, Oikeesti kiinnostaa vaan Godzilla, Kuzupilli, Tiiminvetäjä, Diagnoosi pahentaa tautia, Valheenpaljastin, Porsaanreikä, Pitkä tukka on tyttöjen, Emokarhu, Missio venyy, Salaperäinen viesti, Profeetta omalla maalla, Koskaan ei käydä paskalla, Ei suuntavaistoa, Ulos kuvaajasta, Ainoa Toivo, Julle Ankanpää, Sepe Susi, Läpeensä terve, Tinapaperijuoni, Ystävät voimaannuttavat, Epifania, Koirantaputtaja voittaa, Tomppelisyötti, Salainen moraalitesti, Potti nokkiin, Sairasta ja väärin, Narunpätkästä voi olla hyötyä, Keihäänkantaja, Alan uuden elämän, Skene välähdyxinä, Horror silminnäkijän silmistä, Mehukas särkymisen ääni, Oma koti kullan kallis, Saalissäkki, Aika aikaa kutakin, Ariadnen lanka, Suunsoitto ennen mazia, Trilogia, Trooppivihje, Kotonakin on konnia, Puhelinetiketti teeveessä, Yhteensopivat keskustelunkatkelmat, Pidetty konna, Epäluotettava lähde, Epäluotettava kertoja, Nupit yhteentoista, Esitrooppi, Triste post coitum, Sää ei sovi tarkoituxeen, Pyrrhoxen voitto, Sik kun piti olla sak, Kotiinpääsy on estynyt.
ellauri098.html on line 405: In Carlyle’s book On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in Society (Carlyle, 1840), somebody (most likely the author) dove into the lives of several men he deemed “heroes,” like Muhammed, Richard Wagner, Shakespeare, Martin Luther, and Napoleon. He believed that history “turned” on the decisions of these men, and encouraged others to study these heroes as a way of discovering one’s own true nature.
ellauri098.html on line 444: Alexanteri Suuri, Rowan Atkinson, Sirius Black, Bugs Bunny, Borat, Samuel Butler, Julia Child, John Cleese, Wile E. Coyote, Celine Dion, Thomas A. Edison, Stephen Fry, Frederico Fellini, Richard Feynman, Ben Franklin, Garfield (president), Garfield (cat), Hugh Grant, Annie Hall, Tom Hanks, Werner Heisenberg, Alfred Hitchcock, David Hume, Katariina Suuri, Henry Kissinger, Karl Lagerfeld, Tyrion Lannister, N.Macchiavelli, J.S. Mill, Karl Popper, Murray Rothbard (laissez-faire), Bertrand Russell, Babe Ruth, R2-D2, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Voltaire, Frank Zappa
ellauri098.html on line 455: ENTJs are naturally drawn to leadership positions, and can become resentful and unhappy if they’re forced to play second fiddle or if their authority is challenged. They can be curt and dismissive of others’ opinions, and rarely waste time considering the feelings of those around them.
ellauri098.html on line 465: Göringtyyppisiä propagandaäijiä, pedofiilejä Keynesejä, kapitalismin kumihanskoja, suspekteja vasureita ja muita ateisteja.
ellauri098.html on line 479: INFP (introverted intuitive feeling perceiving) is one of the sixteen personality types defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. INFPs are relatively uncommon, making up about 4% of the population. INFPs are idealists. They see the world, and those around them, not as they are but as they could be. INFPs have strong principles, which they do not let go of easily. These principles drive them to help others better themselves, but as an introverted personality they rarely do so through direct confrontation. INFPs are more comfortable expressing themselves through art, writing, or other media, and can be surprisingly effective and creative communicators.
ellauri098.html on line 751: Briggs syntyi yhteen tai useampaan akateemiseen perheeseen, jotka uskoivat koulutuksen yhtäläiseen arvoon sekä miesten että naisten kohdalla, ja hän valmistui maatalouden alalta Michiganin valtionyliopistosta, mikä ei 1800-luvun lopulla ollut naisille yleistä. Maatalousopintojen jälkeen hän työskenteli opettajana, ja meni sitten naimisiin fyysikko Lyman Briggsin kanssa.
ellauri099.html on line 48: The longer and revised version of The Picture of Dorian Gray published in book form in 1891 featured an aphoristic preface—a defence of the artist's rights and of art for art's sake—based in part on his press defences of the novel the previous year. The content, style, and presentation of the preface made it famous in its own right, as a literary and artistic manifesto. In April 1891, the publishing firm of Ward, Lock and Company, who had distributed the shorter, more inflammatory, magazine version in England the previous year, published the revised version of The Picture of Dorian Gray.
ellauri099.html on line 73: Osku tuli mieleen Agathan Crooked Housen teeveeleffasta, jossa narsistinen pikkuveli potki isänsä nuoren vaimon muotokuvan puhki. Dorian tappoi izensä rikkoessaan muotokuvansa. Pirkko Carlson potkaisi Elnan muotokuvan puhki Fiskarsin vintillä. esenin">Sergei Jeseninin runo Musta ihminen päättyy hyvin samankaltaiseen kömmähdyxeen. Narkissos kuoli nälkään lammen rannalle. Tässä meemissä on ainesta.
ellauri099.html on line 86: How to Get Rid of Barn Swallows? Hire an Exterminator. For as beautiful as their song is, barn swallows also bring a lot of less attractive features when they move into your property. The early-morning noise and piles of droppings and feathers they create are reason enough to want these birds gone. As an Amazon Associate, this site earns from qualifying purchases.
ellauri099.html on line 105: Knut Hamsun susi sappi Athletiker esewolf_wolf_canislupus_wolven_sh_187834856_1000.jpg" height=100px" />
ellauri099.html on line 172: We are less attracted to the idea of the wealthy aristocratic philosopher sequestered in his research facility and making occasional overseas trips to visit foreign tyrants than the image of the poor, shoeless Socrates causing trouble in the marketplace, refusing to be paid and getting killed by the city for his trouble. But our captivation with this image, once again, is overwhelmingly fatass Plato’s clever branding.
ellauri099.html on line 174: And behind his extraordinary inventiveness, Plato performs a characteristic disappearing trick. Truth to tell, we know very little about Plato. According to Plutarch, he was a lover of figs. Big deal! Plato is mentioned only a couple of times in the many dialogues that bear his name. He was present at Socrates’ trial but — in a beautifully reflexive moment that he describes in the Phaedo — absent from the moment of Socrates’ death, because he was sick.
ellauri099.html on line 209: Expressing ancient money values in modern terms presents a perennial puzzle for historians of economics, so I called on my colleague, the economist Duncan Foley, for help. He very roughly calculated that the annual gross domestic product of classical Athens was about 4,400 talents. If that is right, then 800 talents is a vast figure, 32 times the expenditure on the Academy. Foley is somewhat skeptical of the figure, though. Ancient sources for numerical data (like the size of armies) are notoriously inaccurate, so perhaps a excited copyist simply added a zero.
ellauri099.html on line 211: Whatever the truth of the matter, Aristotle’s endowment allowed him to build a huge research and teaching facility and amass the largest and most important library in the world. During the time of Theophrastus, Aristotle’s successor as scholarch and clearly a very effective college president, there were as many as 2,000 pupils at the Lyceum, some of them sleeping in dormitories. The Lyceum was clearly the place to be, the educational destination of choice for the elites.
ellauri099.html on line 219: In the northeast corner of the Lyceum, there was a garden, which possibly led to the peripatos, or shaded walk from which the promenading Peripatetic school derived its name. Indeed, there were gardens in all the earlier philosophical schools, in the schools of Miletus on the present-day Turkish coast, and allegedly in the Pythagorean schools in southern Italy. Plato’s Academy also had a garden. And later, the school of Epicurus was simply called “The Garden.” Theophrastus, a keen botanist like Aristotle who did so much to organize the library and build up its scientific side (with maps, globes, specimens and such like), eventually retired to his garden, which was close by.
ellauri099.html on line 228: Simon Critchley is a professor of philosophy at the New School for Social Research and the author of several books, notably “What We Think About When We Think About Soccer”. He is the moderator of a stone.
ellauri100.html on line 69: Mustasappiset ovat synkkiä ja harhaisia melankolikkoja. Niiltä sai ennen luulot pois pakkopaidoin ja väkivalloin. Myös kylmävesiamme ja moninkertaiset morfiiniannokset tulivat tarpeeseen. Tämä porukka oli Saatanan riivaamaa ja päätyi lopulta hullujen saarelle Seiliin Turun saaristoon. Seili tarkoittaa purjetta mutta myös alkoholiongelmaa.
ellauri100.html on line 85: Klezmer (Yiddish: קלעזמער ) is an instrumental musical tradition of the Ashkenazi Jews of Central and Eastern Europe. The essential elements of the tradition include dance tunes, ritual melodies, and virtuosic improvisations played for listening; these would have been played at weddings and other social functions. After the destruction of Jews in Eastern Europe during the Holocaust, there was a general fall in the popularity of klezmer. The term klezmer comes from a combination of Hebrew words: klei, meaning "tools, utensils or instruments of" and zemer, "melody"; leading to k´lei zemer כְּלֵי זֶמֶר, literally "instruments of music" or "musical instruments". Originally, klezmer referred to musical instruments, and was later extended to refer, as a pejorative, to musicians themselves. From the 16th to 18th centuries, it replaced older terms such as leyts (clown). It was not until the late 20th century that the word came to identify a musical genre. Early 20th century recordings and writings most often refer to the style as "Yiddish" music, although it is also sometimes called Freilech music (Yiddish, literally "Happy music").
ellauri100.html on line 138: Er gehörte dem Beirat der Gesellschaft Deutscher Neurologen und Psychiater an, besichtigte 1940 die NS-Tötungsanstalt Bernburg und nahm 1941 an einer Sitzung des Beirats der Aktion T4 teil. Im selben Jahr schrieb er in einem Vorwort zu Geniale Menschen: „Was im Wesentlichen entartet ist, das werden wir ruhig aus der Vererbung ausschalten können.“
ellauri100.html on line 159: Based on a detailed study of frontal, dorsal and lateral photographs of 4000 male subjects of college age, a 3 dimensional scheme for describing human physique is formulated. Kretschmer´s constitutional typology is discarded in favor of one based on 3 first order variables or components, endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy, each of which is found in an individual physique and indicated by one of a set of 3 numerals designating a somatotype or patterning of these morphological components. Seventy-six different somatotypes are described and illustrated. These somatotypical designations are objectively assigned on the basis of the use of 18 anthropometric indices. Second-order variables also isolated and studied are dysplasia, gynandromorphy, texture and hirsutism. Historical trends in constitutional research are summarized. A detailed description is given of the development of the somatotyping technique combining anthroposcopic and anthropometric methods. Reference is made to somatotyping with the aid of a specially devised machine. Topics discussed include: the choice of variables, morphological scales, a geometrical representation of somatotypes, the independence of components, correlational data, the problem of norms, the modifiability of a somatotype, hereditary and endocrine influences and the relation of constitution to temperament, mental disease, clinical studies, crime and delinquency, and the differential education of children. Descriptive sketches of variants of the ectomorphic components are given. Appendices list tables for somatotyping and a series of drawings of 9 female somatotypes. An annotated bibliography is followed by a more general one. 272 photographs and drawings illustrate the somatotypes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
ellauri100.html on line 238: Hi! I'm Loquitur Veritatem! You can call me Poco Loco for short, like my Hispano-American friends do. If my background and credentials matter to you, I present them in the following sections:
ellauri100.html on line 281: If my father ever earned as much as a median income, it would come as a surprise to me. Our houses, neighborhoods, and family friends were what is known as working-class. If there were twinges of envy for the rich and famous, they were balanced with admiration for their skills and accomplishments. These children of the Great Depression — my parents and their siblings and friends — betrayed no feelings of grievance toward those who had more of life’s possessions. They were rightly proud of what they had earned and accumulated, and did not feel entitled to more than that because of their “bad luck” or lack of “privilege”. These attitudes fit the Virginia boy's moral right edge like a glove.
ellauri100.html on line 293: What is the point of these recollections and glimpses of my character? It is to say that my upbringing, experiences, and personality give me an advantage when it comes to understanding the human condition and prescribing for its ills. This blog — in its very small way — is a place of refuge from uninformed emotion, prolonged adolescent rebellion, guilt, and a refusal (or inability) to change one’s political views for whatever reason — whether it is opportunism, obduracy, willful ignorance, simple stupidity, or an inability to admit error (even to oneself). Naah, why beat about the bush: I like to be visible and froth at the mouth, and with my credentials, this is the best I can do.
ellauri100.html on line 303: My intelligence was recognized at an early age, but its use was not much stimulated by my parents or the K-12 schools I attended. Only when I went to college was I “stretched”, and then the stretching came mostly at my initiative (unassigned reading and long, solitary sessions working through academic theories). The stretching — which was episodic during my working career — continues to this day, in the form of blogging on subjects that require research, careful analysis, and self-criticism of what I have produced. Self-criticism is central to my personality (see next) and leaves me open to new ideas (see next after that). Like religion. Next I am thinking of becoming a Trotskyist.
ellauri100.html on line 315: The urban riots that followed the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. opened my eyes to the futility of LBJ’s social tinkering. I saw at once that plowing vast sums into a “war” on black poverty would be rewarded with a lack of progress, sullen resentment, and generations of dependency on big brother in Washington. (Regarding the possibility that I am a racial bigot, see the note at the bottom of this page. If you don't care to read that far, yes, I am a racial bigot, and how.)
ellauri100.html on line 321: What does that have to do with my final rejection of “liberalism” and turn toward libertarianism? When government intervenes in economic and social affairs, its interventions are based on crude “measures of effectiveness” (e.g., eliminating poverty and racial discrimination) without considering the intricacies of economic and social interactions. Governmental interventions are — and will always be — blunt instruments, the use of which will have unforeseen, unintended, and strongly negative consequences (e.g., the cycle of dependency on welfare, the inhibition of growth-producing capital investments). I then began to doubt the wisdom of having any more government than is necessary to protect me and my fellow Americans from foreign and domestic predators. My later experiences in the private sector and as a government contractor confirmed my view that professors, politicians, and bureaucrats who presume to interfere in the workings of the economy are naïve, power-hungry, or (usually) both. Oh I hated those M.I.T. professors. So smug, thought they knew everything.
ellauri100.html on line 364: {14:5} He who has not given his money in usury, nor accepted bribes against the innocent. He who does these things will be undisturbed for eternity.
ellauri100.html on line 409: 3. Extraversion: High scorers are described as “Extraverted, outgoing, active, and high-spirited. You prefer to be around people most of the time.” Low scorers are described as “Introverted, reserved, and serious. You prefer to be alone or with a few close friends.” Extraverts are, on average, happier than introverts.
ellauri100.html on line 423: The idea behind the scale is that human morality is the result of biological and cultural evolutionary processes that made human beings very sensitive to many different (and often competing) issues. Some of these issues are about treating other individuals well (the first two foundations – harm and fairness). Other issues are about how to be a good member of a group or supporter of social order and tradition (the last three foundations). Haidt and Graham have found that political liberals generally place a higher value on the first two foundations; they are very concerned about issues of harm and fairness (including issues of inequality and exploitation). Political conservatives care about harm and fairness too, but they generally score slightly lower on those scale items. The big difference between liberals and conservatives seems to be that conservatives score slightly higher on the ingroup/loyalty foundation, and much higher on the authority/respect and purity/sanctity foundations.
ellauri100.html on line 425: This difference seems to explain many of the most contentious issues in the culture war. For example, liberals support legalizing gay marriage (to be fair and compassionate), whereas many conservatives are reluctant to change the nature of marriage and the family, basic building blocks of society. Conservatives are more likely to favor practices that increase order and respect (e.g., spanking, mandatory pledge of allegiance), whereas liberals often oppose these practices as being violent or coercive.
ellauri100.html on line 433: The idea behind the IAT is that concepts with very closely related (vs. unrelated) mental representations are more easily and quickly responded to as a single unit. For example, if “me” and “sharing” are strongly associated in one’s mind, it should be relatively easy to respond quickly to this pairing by pressing the “E” or “I” key. If “me” and “sharing” are NOT strongly associated, it should be more difficult to respond quickly to this pairing. By comparing reaction times on this test, the IAT gives a relative measure of how strongly associated the two categories (Me, Not Me) are to mental representations of “ethical” and “unethical”. Each participant receives a single score, and your score appears below.
ellauri100.html on line 435: Note that there is a great deal of controversy as to the exact meaning of what these reaction time associations actually mean, so please take your results with a grain of salt. While a great deal of previous research has validated the use of such procedures to detect associations of group level bias across groups, the use of IAT procedures to measure individual ethicality is still in development and all of these procedures have been validated probibalistically, at the group level, rather than being validated as being absolutely diagnostic for individuals. That being said, many (though not all) people have found validity in their implicit scores and have found there to be some real psychological process that tracks implicit associations.
ellauri100.html on line 455: The idea behind the scale is that there is very little systematic research on everyday ethical issues in business. This measure has been tested cross-culturally to show relevance for participants from Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan. Specifically, a values structure highlighting the importance of self-transcendence values correlates with more ethical behavioral orientations, while a values structure highlighting the importance of the self-enhancement dimension of values correlates with less ethical behavioral orientations. Further, we are interested in what behaviors are seen as unethical as while all individuals espouse ethicality, different types of behavior are often seen as being more or less relevant to ethics, depending on one’s culture. In previous research, women have reported being more ethical than men.
ellauri100.html on line 457: The graph below shows how often people say that they find various everyday ethical situations to be acceptable in everyday life. This business ethics questionnaire includes 5 categories: Usurpation of company resources, Offering kickbacks, Corporate gamesmanship, Concealment of misconduct, & Cheating Customers. Higher scores indicate greater acceptance of these behaviors.
ellauri100.html on line 465: We are interested in examining how liberals and conservatives score on this scale. Although previous research has investigated how these groups can be biased when evaluating political information, little is known about the relationship between political attitudes and social desirability concern.
ellauri100.html on line 467: The graph below shows your score on this scale. The scores range from 0% to 100% and represent the proportion of answers that indicated socially desirable responding. Thus, higher scores correspond with higher degrees of socially desirable responding. Your score is shown in green (1st bar). The score of the average liberal respondent is shown in light blue and the score of the average strong liberal is shown in dark blue. The average conservative score is shown in light red and the score of the average strong conservative is shown in dark red.
ellauri100.html on line 493: We are interested in measuring happiness on this site because many studies have found that religious people are happier than non-believers, and some have found that politcally conservative people are slightly happier than are political liberals, even after controlling statistically for religiosity. A recent Gallup survey found that religiosity was associated with better mental health for Republicans, but it didn’t make a difference for Democrats. We want to investigate these complex relationships among happiness, morality, religion, and ideology.
ellauri100.html on line 503: The idea behind the IAT is that concepts with very closely related (vs. unrelated) mental representations are more easily and quickly responded to as a single unit. For example, if “me” and “happy” are strongly associated in one’s mind, it should be relatively easy to respond quickly to this pairing by pressing the “E” or “I” key. If “me” and “happy” are NOT strongly associated, it should be more difficult to respond quickly to this pairing. By comparing reaction times on this test, the IAT gives a relative measure of how strongly associated the two categories (Me, Not Me) are to mental representations of “happy” and “sad”. Each participant receives a single score, and your score appears below.
ellauri100.html on line 513: The scale is a measure of your attitudes toward crime and punishment. Some of the items reflected a “progressive” and less punitive attitude toward criminals (for example agreeing with the statement that “punishment should be designed to rehabilitate offenders,” and being opposed to the death penalty). Other items reflected a more “traditional” attitude, including a willingness to use traditional forms of punishment, such as shaming or flogging. We grouped these two kinds of items together to give you a “progressive” and a “traditional” score in the first graph below. We call this the “comprehensive” justice scale because research on justice and punishment has usually taken either a liberal or conservative approach. We are trying to examine the broadest possible range of ideas and intuitions about what you think should happen to the offender, and the victim. Disagreements about crime and punishment have long been at the heart of the “culture war.” By linking your responses here to the information you gave us when you registered, or when you took other surveys, we hope to shed light on what kinds of people (not just liberals and conservatives) endorse what kinds of responses to crime, and why.
ellauri100.html on line 517: The second graph shows your results from the items on page 2, where we asked about “alternatives to prison.” This page should produce similar results to what you see from Page 1. We expect liberals to favor the more lenient and rehabilitative alternatives, and conservatives to favor the more punitive options. We are trying out various ways of asking these questions to see which format, or combination of formats, produces the best measurement of people’s attitudes.
ellauri100.html on line 535: The scales you completed were designed to assess your familiarity with scientific research processes and your comfort with working with numerical information. The order in which you received them was randomized.
ellauri100.html on line 539: The other scale is the Subjective Numeracy Scale by Angela Fagerlin and colleagues, which measures individuals’ preference for numerical information. Numeracy (adapted from the term ‘literacy’) represents individuals’ ability to comprehend and use probabilities, ratios, and fractions. Traditional measures of numeracy ask people to perform mathematical operations, such as ‘If person A’s risk of getting a disease is 1% in 10 years, and person B’s risk is double that of A’s, what is B’s risk?’ However, some participants find these types of problems stressful and unpleasant, plus they are difficult to score in online studies. Subjective numeracy measures (like the scale you just took) are shown to be equally good measures of numeracy, without burdening participants.
ellauri100.html on line 557: The idea behind the IAT is that concepts with very closely related (vs. unrelated) mental representations are more easily and quickly responded to as a single unit. For example, if “European American” and “good” are strongly associated in one’s mind, it should be relatively easy to respond quickly to this pairing by pressing the “E” or “I” key. If “European American” and “good” are NOT strongly associated, it should be more difficult to respond quickly to this pairing. By comparing reaction times on this test, the IAT gives a relative measure of how strongly associated the two categories (European Americans, African Americans) are to mental representations of “good” and “bad”. Each participant receives a single score, and your score appears below.
ellauri100.html on line 565: It should be noted that my slightly positive score probably was influenced by the order in which choices were presented to me. Initially, pleasant concepts were associated with photos of European-Americans. I became used to that association, and so found that it affected my reaction time when I was faced with pairings of pleasant concepts and photos of African-Americans. The bottom line: My slight preference for European-Americans probably is an artifact of test design.
ellauri100.html on line 621: My heart is gladder than all these Mun sydän on iloisempi niitäkin
ellauri100.html on line 996: False waves in desert drouth
ellauri100.html on line 1086: Such fruits as these
ellauri100.html on line 1129: Sore beset by wasp and bee,—
ellauri100.html on line 1266: Their mother-hearts beset with fears,
ellauri101.html on line 37: Treasure, love, reward, approval, honor, status, freedom, survival … these are some of the many things we associate with the hero’s journey.
ellauri101.html on line 38: We don’t find the meaning of the hero’s journey in slaying the dragon or saving the princess—these are colorful metaphors and symbols for a more significant purpose.
ellauri101.html on line 67: The main character in the monomyth is the hero. The hero isn’t a person, but an archetype—a set of universal images combined with specific patterns of behavior. Think of a protagonist from your favorite film. He or she represents the hero. The storyline of the film enacted the hero’s journey. The Hero archetype resides in the psyche of every individual, which is one of the primary reasons we love hearing and watching stories.
ellauri101.html on line 157: Inner Heroes is my contemporary presentation of the four temperaments and it is designed to help people look inward and discover their true greatness, their inner hero. As each hero takes their own unique journey they become the hero of their own life.
ellauri101.html on line 264: Sairasvyö kävi Espoon Tapiolan koulun ja lukion. Figures. Reservin vänrikki Sairasvyö on palvellut Ruotuväen varusmiestoimittajana, ollut Contactor-lehden päätoimittaja ja työskennellyt Radio Cityssä. On siinä kovaa näyttöä. Ja lisää pukkasi:
ellauri101.html on line 271: Tammikuussa 2011 yhtiö teki mittavan noin 14,4 miljoonan euron alaskirjauksen. "Jjjarrii!" potkittiin toimarin paikalta. Tai se potkaisi izeänsä perseeseen. Whatever.
ellauri101.html on line 398: Siitä huolimatta hän vaikuttaa tyytyväiseltä tilanteeseensa. ”Teen, mitä milloinkin haluan tehdä ja mitä aikataulut sallii.”
ellauri101.html on line 464: Nike ei myy tossuja vaan ylläpitää urheilun taikaa. Se antaa meille voimia syntyä joka päivä uudelleen. Niin siis tässä oli just se oivallus: ei tavaranmyynti ole kuin uskontoa, vaan päinvastoin uskonto on äärimmilleen kehitettyä tuoteasettelua. Sen brändi on jo saapunut loogiseen päätepisteeseen. Erillistä tavaraa ei enää tarvita, kun brändi izessään on riittävän houkutteleva. Armon lunastusta ilman litteintäkään pakettia. Det är alldeles OK att ångra sig. Valitettavasti Ivar Kampradille lähettämäni jaxuhali myöhästyi. DEATHin luiseva pitkä käsi yltää äveriäisiinkin. No ehkä ne herätetään pakkasesta henkiin jahka tiedemiehet kexii miten. Se on ihan huulilla. Herra hän haisee jo.
ellauri101.html on line 524: Das Rotwelsch oder das Rotwelsche (genannt auch deutsche Gaunersprache) ist ein Sammelbegriff für sondersprachliche Soziolekte gesellschaftlicher Randgruppen auf der Basis des Deutschen, wie sie seit dem späten Mittelalter besonders bei Bettlern, fahrendem Volk (Vaganten), Vertretern sogenannter unehrlicher Berufe und in kriminellen Subkulturen in Gebrauch kamen und seit dem 17. Jahrhundert mit der Ansiedlung von Gruppen vormals Nichtsesshafter auch regionalsprachlichen Niederschlag fanden. Der 1510 erschienene Liber Vagatorum zählt zu ihren ersten gedruckten Werken.
ellauri101.html on line 571: Se oli 1967 syntynyt X-sukupolven ääni, joka vaikeni 27-vuotiaana 1994. No meidän lapset oli sillon pieniä, jäi mun tutkan katveeseen.
ellauri101.html on line 611: Generation Z (or Gen Z for short), colloquially known as zoomers, is the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation Alpha. Researchers and popular media use the mid-to-late 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as ending birth years. Most members of Generation Z are the children of Generation X, but some are children of millennials.
ellauri101.html on line 621: Generation Alpha (or Gen Alpha for short) is the demographic cohort succeeding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media use the early 2010s as starting birth years and the mid-2020s as ending birth years. Named after the first letter in the Greek alphabet, Generation Alpha is the first to be born entirely in the 21st century. Most members of Generation Alpha are the children of Millennials.
ellauri101.html on line 623: McCrindle Research took inspiration from the naming of hurricanes, specifically the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season in which the names beginning with the letters of the Roman alphabet were exhausted, and the last six storms were named with the Greek letters alpha through zeta.
ellauri101.html on line 628: For comparison, the United Nations estimated that the human population was about 7.8 billion in 2020, up from 2.5 billion in 1950. Roughly three-quarters of all people reside in Africa and Asia in 2020. In fact, most human population growth comes from these two continents, as nations in Europe and the Americas tend to have too few children to replace themselves.
ellauri101.html on line 630: 2018 was the first time when the number of people above 65 years of age (705 million) exceeded those between the ages of zero and four (680 million). If current trends continue, the ratio between these two age groups will top two by 2050.
ellauri101.html on line 651: Many members of Generation Alpha have grown up using smartphones and tablets as part of their childhood entertainment with many being exposed to devices as a soothing distraction or educational aids. Screen time among infants, toddlers, and preschoolers exploded during the 2010s. Some 90% of young children used a handheld electronic device by the age of one; in some cases, children started using them when they were only a few months old. Using smartphones and tablets to access video streaming services such as YouTube Kids and free or reasonably low budget mobile games became a popular form of entertainment for young children. A report by Common Sense media suggested that the amount of time children under nine in the United States spent using mobile devices increased from 15 minutes a day in 2013 to 48 minutes in 2017. Research by the children´s charity Childwise suggested that a majority of British three and four year olds owned an Internet-connected device by 2018.
ellauri102.html on line 52: Daniel Yankelovich, Public Opinion Expert and UC San Diego Supporter, Has Died. Dubbed the “dean of American pollsters,” Yankelovich was perhaps best known for starting The New York Times/Yankelovich poll—now known as The New York Times/CBS News poll—and for co-founding the not-for-profit Public Agenda more than 40 years ago. He left a multimillion dollar bequest to endow the Yankelovich Center for Social Science Research. The Yankelovich Center is devoted to using social science to find practical solutions to the nation's most pressing problems. The most pressing problem now as ever is to increase young upward mobility. Yankelovizh was unwavering in his commitment to the American Dream which he saw as a promise to each generation of Americans that they too can improve their circumstances, their lives and gain economic security.
ellauri102.html on line 54: Daniel Yankelovich (December 29, 1924 – September 22, 2017) was a public opinion analyst and social scientist. After attending Boston Latin School, Yankelovich graduated from Harvard University in 1946 and 1950 before completing postgraduate studies at the Sorbonne in France. As a psychology professor he has taught at New York University and The New School for Social Research. In 1996 he served as Senior Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. In 2015, Yankelovich received the Warren J. Mitofsky Award for Excellence in Public Opinion Research.
ellauri102.html on line 56: In 1958 he founded the marketing and research firm Daniel Yankelovich, Inc., which was later renamed as Yankelovich, Skelly, & White, Inc., remaining chair till 1986. In 2008, Yankelovich merged with Henley HeadlightVision to create The Futures Company, a planning consultancy that exists under the WPP communications holding company. He also founded The New York Times/Yankelovich Poll, now The New York Times/CBS Poll. In 1976, together with Cyrus Vance, he founded Public Agenda, a nonpartisan group devoted to public opinion and citizen education. Educating the public and forming their public opinion is the key to democracy, viz. κρατεĩν τòν δῆμον, containing the rubble. In 1995 he was awarded the Helen Dinerman Award by the World Association for Public Opinion Research. Fuck these guys are Jews to a man!
ellauri102.html on line 211: eserve%2F5a8d930431358e4955adf1bb%2F0x0.jpg%3Fbackground%3D000000%26cropX1%3D1457%26cropX2%3D2405%26cropY1%3D17%26cropY2%3D966" width="150px" />
ellauri102.html on line 238: Vähän sellasta izesensuuria niin kuin rähmälläänolon ajan Suomessa. Sitähän mäkin harrastan vaikkei tarvizisi, ei kukaan muutenkaan lue mun penseitä. Eikä tarviikkaan, painu vittuun vaan.
ellauri102.html on line 251: Aku Ankka-taiteilija oli päästä syytteeseen ankkamaalauxista. Sen piti vastedes välttää merimiesnuttua rusettia ja seilorilakkia. Nakua ankkaa ei Disney sentään saanut patentoitua, kun sitä ei missään sen tuotteissa saakaan esiintyä, ja niitä on miljoonittan mallixi kaakattamassa pihoilla (vaikkei luonnossa). Mutta ankan sonnustaminen seiloriasuun ylittää selkeästi teoskynnyxen. On se sevverran omaperäistä.
ellauri102.html on line 372: Ei vittu narsismista on tullut hyve! Se ei ole luonnevika enää vaan sen puute on! 😃 Naimi myöntää reilusti että se ize on bestsellerejä suoltavana friilänsärinä justiinsa tollainen kermapursopylly, varmaan narsistikin jos sen pintaa vähän raaputtaisi. Mutta jokaista menestyvää "Minä Oy"tä kohden on miljoonittain säälittäviä "Tmi Mä" putiikkeja jotka käy siivoomassa näille kusipäille, leikkaa niiden kynsiä tai pesee niiden autoja jonkun vuokrafirman orjana.
ellauri102.html on line 479: The Problem: During the time the advert was released, there were many protests and riots taking place in America over the #BlackLivesMatter campaign. The ad took a lot of “inspiration” from these protests and fundamentally undermined the whole point of the protests. In addition to this, the ad also received a lot of criticism for how Pepsi was responsible for “saving the day.”
ellauri102.html on line 565: Her work as a culture jammer and Imagitator is featured in several documentaries as well as the best-selling book “NO LOGO” by Naomi Klein. She earned a Bachelor of Education and an honours MA from OISE/UofT where her graduate research focused on Holistic Media Literacy and Transformative Learning.
ellauri102.html on line 578: "It's even something I did in my 20s when I when I had gone through cancer treatments. It was just one of these things that kept my spirits up and kept me healthy," she said.
ellauri102.html on line 585: Well, the men come in these places
ellauri102.html on line 605: All the men come in these places
ellauri102.html on line 635: All the men come in these places
ellauri105.html on line 118: I lost my shit when I found out he was a flat earther. You cannot debate or argue with a flat earther. These are people that
ellauri105.html on line 120: Externalize blame. If they are late to work they will say “traffic was bad” or “construction stopped me” instead of “I overslept”. These people find it a lot easier to blame everyone else for their failures.
ellauri105.html on line 253: Väkevää sanomaa. Ketäs nää olikaan nää Ohola ja Oholipa? Ahaa, ne on esekiel prof.">Hesekielistä, mistä lienee Pulkkukin ladannut voimasanoja.
ellauri105.html on line 257: There is a pun in these names in the Hebrew. Oholah means "her tent", and Oholibah means "my tent is in hers".
ellauri105.html on line 261: The Hebrew prophets frequently compared the sin of idolatry to the sin of adultery, in a reappearing rhetorical figure.[2]:317 Ezekiel's rhetoric directed against these two allegorical figures depicts them as lusting after Egyptian men in explicitly sexual terms in Ezekiel 23:20–21:[3]:18
ellauri105.html on line 273: Hesekiel valittaa Samarian ja Jerusalemin epäjumalisuutta tapauksella kahdesta portosta.
ellauri105.html on line 292: 2. Kun. 16:7 Mutta Aahas lähetti sanansaattajat Assurin kuninkaan Tiglat-Pileserin luo ja käski sanoa hänelle: Minä olen sinun palvelijasi ja sinun poikasi. Tule ja pelasta minut Aramin kuninkaan ja Israelin kuninkaan käsistä; he ovat hyökänneet minun kimppuuni.
ellauri105.html on line 303: 2. Kun. 18:21 Katso, sinä luotat nyt Egyptiin, tuohon särkyneeseen ruokosauvaan, joka tunkeutuu sen käteen, joka siihen nojaa, ja lävistää sen. Sellainen on farao, Egyptin kuningas, kaikille, jotka häneen luottavat.
ellauri105.html on line 329: Jer. 13:25 Tämä on sinun arpasi, sinun mitattu osasi minulta, sanoo Herra, koska olet unhottanut minut ja luottanut valheeseen.
ellauri105.html on line 337: 40. Vieläpä he lähettivät sanan miehille, jotka tulivat kaukaa: katso, ne tulivat siinä samassa, kun sana oli lähetetty, nuo, joita varten sinä peseydyit ja maalasit silmäluomesi ja panit päällesi korut.
ellauri105.html on line 399: Joku ämmä kommentoi: Markus, kiitos kirjoituksestasi. On hyvä tutustua "maailman ihmisten" kirjallisuuteen ja taiteeseen. Seurakunnan tulee mennä ihmisten luokse, Jeesuskin luki kuin piru fariseusten kirjoituxia. Vaatii kuitenkin vankan uskon perustan, jottei oma usko ala horjuu. On tietysti myös osattava erottaa se, mikä ei tee hyvää uskovan ajatusmaailmalle, ettei "maailman Matti saastuta", kuten Sanassa sanotaan. Esim ortodoxiämmän rivot puheet on jätettävä omaan arvoonsa.
ellauri105.html on line 499: Saksassa menikin sitten seitsemisen vuotta ja kun hän 1975 palasi Suomeen, tietynlainen ynseä suhtautuminen, mitä hän katsoi kokeneensa jo ennen lähtöä, jatkui - ainakin hänen omasta mielestään ja kun hän ei suostunut siirtymään hänelle määrättyyn tehtävään, hän ei jäänytkään pysyvästi Heinäveden Valamoon, vaan siirtyi asumaan "maanpakoon" joksikin aikaa Joensuun ortodoksisen seurakunnan omistaman leirikeskuksen tiloihin, mistä hän sitten siirtyi asumaan Rautalammille. Jonkinlainen oman elämän ristiriitaisuus yhteiskunnan tai vaikkapa kirkon kanssa saattoi osaltaan johtua myös hänen omista henkilökohtaisista teoistaan lähinnä sodan jälkeisen ja ilmeisesti jossain määrin myös ennen sotaa tapahtuneen sosialistisen liikkeeseen ja kommunistiseen puolueeseen liittyvien järjestöjen toiminnassa. Hän oli mukana SNS-seuran toiminnassa ja jopa palveli SDPL:n nuorisolehteä Kiurua 40-luvun lopulla. Tämäkin ajanjakso oli mielenkiintoinen ja täynnä erilaisia pettymyksiä, jotka omalta osaltaan johtivat myöhempiin Mefodin elämän radikaaleihinkin ratkaisuihin. Rautalammilla pappismunkki Mefodi asui kuin munkki ensin velipuolensa kanssa hänen kotonaan ja välien viilennettyä elämänsä viimeisinä vuosina kunnan vanhuksille varaamissa asunnoissa, joita hän aina nimitti keljoiksi, kuten luostarissa oli tapana sanoa munkin asunnosta. Rautalammilta käsin hän matkusteli paljon ulkomailla ja pääsi käymään vielä myös Laatokan Valamossa, oman munkkielämänsä alkukodissa, jonne hän myös jossain vaiheessa mietti paluutaan, muttei kuitenkaan sitten sitä toteuttanut. Näitä muita ulkomaanmatkojaan hän lystikkäästi nimitti viihdekiertueiksi ja niistä ja monesta muusta retkestä olisi vielä paljonkin kerrottavaa. Hän kävi tervehtimässä matkoillaan myös vanhoja ystäviään, kuten esimerkiksi luostarin entistä leipuria, keittiömunkki Joonaa, Juojärven asemalla asuvaa munkkia, joka oli joutunut myös hankauksiin luostarinsa kanssa, mutta hän tapasi myös lukuisia tuttujaan ulkomailla.
ellauri105.html on line 501: Mefodin ystäviä ja tuon ajan ortodoksisia vaikuttajia vasemmalta oikealle: Paavali (myöh. arkkipiispa), Markos, Isaki, Savva ja Pietari (Kuva pappismunkki Mefodin albumista, © Valamon luostari) Pappismunkki Mefodi säilytti terävä-älyisyytensä ja sananvalmiutensa loppuun saakka. Häneltä saattoi saada kipakan ja terävän vastauksen kysymykseen kuin kysymykseen. Otetaan tähän loppuun kaksi sellaista. Kun hän aikanaan Heinäveden Valamossa ollessaan istui Torakkahoviksi nimetyn munkkien asuntolan kuistilla yhdessä pappismunkki Savvan - toisen "koiranleuan" kanssa - valkoisissa viitoissaan ja pitkine partoineen ja paikalle saapui turisti kameransa kassa kysyen: "Saako ottaa kuvan?" - Mefodi jyrähti: "Joo, kuvata saa, muttei ruokkia." Toisen kerran saman kysymyksen edessä hän vastasi toimittaja-kuvaajalle, jonka hän ehkä epäili ottavan kenties huonolaatuisen kuvan. Hän sanoi: "Jospa tässä käy kuten paavi Pius V:lle, kun hänestä tehty maalaus - joka ei ollut paavin mielestä kovin ihastuttava - lähetettiin edelleen. Paavi oli näet kirjoittanut kuvan taakse: Älkää peljätkö, se olen minä, paavi Pius." Pappismunkki Mefodista jäi kirjoittamatta vielä paljon mielenkiintoisia asioita, mutta jospa jossain sopivassa vaiheessa saisin niistä koottua ja sanoiksi muodostettua toisen, pitemmän tarinan. Mutta olkoon nyt tämä jupina alkuna mahdollisesti uusille, uudenlaisille jupinoille tai ehkä paremminkin tarinoille ortodoksisista, mielenkiintoisista ihmisistä, joita ympärillämme on elänyt. Kuten aikaisemmin taisin mainita, alan taas itsekin joidenkin tuiki tuntemattomien ja eräiden hyvän-päivän-tuttujen kanssa väsyä tähän tietynlaiseen kriittiseen kirjoittamistyyliini, jonka jo kerran sain lopetettua. Jospa tässä syksyn ja talven aikana saisin lopetettua ja julkaistua jo melkein valmiit, keskeneräiset jupinani ja voisin lopettaa tämänkin Happy 1 -blogisivuston ympäristölle ja ainakin joillekin kanssaihmisille sopimattomana. HAP happy P.S. Infoa kirjoitusvirheistä ja muista hatarista tiedoista voi lähettää suoraan tämän blogin yhteysosoitteeseen: happy.ykkonen(at)gmail.com Ko. osoite ei ole muussa käytössä. Nettihoukka klo 11.44
ellauri106.html on line 97: In 2000 Saul Bellow proposed Philip Roth to the Swedish Academy for the Nobel Prize for Literature. The accusation that the academy deliberately overlooks Roth's achievements in selecting the Nobel Prize winner each year has been one of the truisms of international feuilletons since the 2000s. According to some critics, the accusation turned out to be justified in 2008, when the chairman of the jury responsible for the Nobel Prize for Literature made public general reservations about North American literature and denied it deserving of an award. Ulrich Greiner summed up Roth's rejection by the Nobel Prize Committee as follows: “The Swedes, however, love authors who help to improve the world. Philip Roth only adds something to their knowledge about what needs work."
ellauri106.html on line 130: Given long-standing feminist arguments that Roth is a misogynist—not to mention the portrait in Bloom’s memoirs—it was inevitable that any Roth biography would spark arguments about gender politics. What was surprising is that the debate would center around the biographer more than Roth. In the wake of the biography’s release, Bailey has been accused of shocking acts. Four former students from the elite New Orleans high school where he’d taught during the 1990s came forward to complain that he had groomed them as minors and sexually pursued them as adults. One of these women claimed he raped her. Another former student came forward with an allegation of attempted rape when she was an adult. Finally, Valentina Rice, a New York publishing executive, told The New York Times that Bailey raped her in 2015. Bailey strenuously denies all these allegations.
ellauri106.html on line 184: “The comedy is that the real haters of the bourgeois Jews, with the real contempt for their everyday lives, are these complex intellectual giants,” Zuckerman snorts. “They loathe them, and don’t particularly care for the smell of the Jewish proletariat either. All of them full of sympathy suddenly for the ghetto world of their traditional fathers now that the traditional fathers are filed for safekeeping in Beth Moses Memorial Park. When they were alive they wanted to strangle the immigrant bastards to death because they dared to think they could actually be of consequence without ever having read Proust past Swann’s Way. And the ghetto—what the ghetto saw of these guys was their heels: out, out, screaming for air, to write about great Jews like Ralph Waldo Emerson and William Dean Howells. But now that the Weathermen are around, and me and my friends Jerry Rubin and Herbert Marcuse and H. Rap Brown, it’s where oh where’s the inspired orderliness of those good old Hebrew school days? Where’s the linoleum? Where’s Aunt Rose? Where is all the wonderful inflexible patriarchal authority into which they wanted to stick a knife?”
ellauri106.html on line 280: He shot blanks. He was altered, desexed, neutered, sterilized, castrated, emasculated, gelded, spayed, unproductive.
ellauri106.html on line 284: Philly kärsii migreenistä ja vertaa itseänsä Molly Thealeen, Hans Castorpiin, pastori Arthur Dimmersdaleen, torakaxi muuttuneeseen Gregor Samsaan ja Gogolin nenänsä menettäneeseen Pehmeäleviin.
ellauri106.html on line 286: The Wings of the Dove is a 1902 novel by Henry James. It tells the story of Milly Theale, an American heiress stricken with a serious disease, and her effect on the people around her. Some of these people befriend Milly with honourable motives, while others are more self-interested.
ellauri106.html on line 301: Babel syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen Odessassa, Ukrainassa aikana, jolloin juutalaiset pakenivat joukoittain Venäjältä. Hän selvisi vuoden 1905 vainoista kristittyjen naapurien avulla, mutta menetti isoisänsä. Koulu-uran ajan hän joutui taistelemaan paikasta juutalaisvähemmistölle tarkoitetussa kiintiössä. Opiskellessaan Pietarissa hän tutustui Maksim Gorkiin.
ellauri106.html on line 333: He began at an early age to help his father with typesetting and printing work, a job known at the time as a printer´s devil.
ellauri106.html on line 341: Howells was a Christian socialist whose ideals were greatly influenced by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. These influences led him to write on issues of social justice from a moral and egalitarian point of view, being critic of the social effects of industrial capitalism. He was, however, not a Marxist. Phew.
ellauri106.html on line 390: Given long-standing feminist arguments that Roth is a misogynist—not to mention the portrait in Bloom’s memoirs—it was inevitable that any Roth biography would spark arguments about gender politics. What was surprising is that the debate would center around the biographer more than Roth. In the wake of the biography’s release, Bailey has been accused of shocking acts. Four former students from the elite New Orleans high school where he’d taught during the 1990s came forward to complain that he had groomed them as minors and sexually pursued them as adults. One of these women claimed he raped her. Another former student came forward with an allegation of attempted rape when she was an adult. Finally, Valentina Rice, a New York publishing executive, told The New York Times that Bailey raped her in 2015. Bailey strenuously denies all these allegations.
ellauri106.html on line 413: Religion may have given most of these bloodthirsty episodes a badge. It frequently provided a cohesive force, just as human ideas about nationhood and race still do - but it was hardly ever the underlying cause. Admittedly, while organised religion has frequently sanctioned and even blessed such conflicts, giving them some sense of purpose, it has rarely initiated them.
ellauri106.html on line 430: American Pastoral represents Roth’s return to Judaism "of a sort." Ultimately, for Roth, retelling and struggling with biblical narrative enables the negotiation of Jewish and postmodern identities, resolves suffering, and reveals means by which seemingly irreconcilable ideologies can intermingle, inform one another, and have sexual intercourse.
ellauri106.html on line 432: She researches contemporary American literature, religion, 9/11, and rhetoric and composition.
ellauri106.html on line 481: Johnny Appleseed (suom. "Omenansiemen-Johnny", oikealta nimeltään John Chapman, 26. syyskuuta 1774 Leominster, Massachusetts – maaliskuussa 1845 Fort Wayne, Indiana) oli yhdysvaltalainen omenatarhuri. Hän viljeli 1800-luvun alkupuolella valtavia määriä omenapuita Pennsylvaniaan, Ohioon ja Indianaan perustamillaan taimitarhoilla uudisraivaajien ostettavaksi. Johnny Appleseedin elämästä on tullut osa Yhdysvaltain kansanperinnettä ja häntä muistetaan yhä niin tekojensa kuin luonnonläheisen elämäntapansakin vuoksi.
ellauri106.html on line 484: Vuoteen 1806 mennessä Chapmanista oli tullut alueella kuuluisa ja arvostettu, ja hän sai lempinimekseen Johnny Appleseed. Hänelle tarjottiin usein yösija ja ruokaa omenoita ja omenapuita vastaan. Samalla hänen ympärilleen alkoi syntyä legendoja, joita on edelleen vaikea erottaa tositarinoista.
ellauri106.html on line 507: Roth’s plots are masked by a fundamentally conservative denial of ideology. They metaphorize the particular crises of these particular men into transcendent markers of the human condition and, in doing so, once again reinforce the “romance” of "modernization." (Whazat? Lue alempaa. Se tarkottaa talousliberalismia.)
ellauri106.html on line 536: Although Roth’s heroes vary slightly—Levov, for instance, comes from a somewhat more privileged background and is five or ten years younger than Ringold and Silk—they share a demanding physical presence and, more significantly, the formative experiences of the Great Depression and World War II.
ellauri106.html on line 666: Si bene quid memini, causae sunt quinque bibendi: Hospitis adventus, praesens sitis atque futura, Aut vini bonitas, aut quaelibet altera causa.
ellauri106.html on line 699: Tri Spielvogel piti P. Tarnopolia yhtenä kansakunnan taide-elämän suurimmista nuorista narsisteista. Dodi! Rypäleitä persiissä. Kylä lähtee tosi izesäälivän kostonhimoisen narsistisesti liikenteeseen Peeter T. vaimon lyttäyxellä. Se alkaa kyynelehtiä omaa izeään heti kallonkutistajan pakeille päästyään kuin puristettu sitruuna. Vitut se mitään olis itseänsä tappanut, oli se itselleen sevverran tärkeä. Ja kaikkein nolointa oli mykistyä yleisön edessä. Tää koukkunokka äijä aivan pursuaa ällösanoja. Sen vaimo raapi sen käsiä kun se käytti blondeja opiskelijapupuja.
ellauri107.html on line 84: "With clarity and with crudeness, and a great deal of exuberance, the embryonic writer who was me wrote these stories in his early 20s, while he was a graduate student at the University of Chicago, a soldier stationed in New Jersey and Washington, and a novice English instructor back at Chicago following his Army discharge...In the beginning it amazed him that any literate audience could seriously be interested in his story of tribal secrets, in what he knew, as a child of his neighborhood, about the rites and taboos of his clan—about their aversions, their aspirations, their fears of deviance and defection, their embarrassments and ideas of success."
ellauri107.html on line 108: Mailer's has similarities with Rojack: They both attended Harvard, served in World War II, had an interest in political office, did violence to wife, walked narrow ledges, and appeared on talk shows. Mailer seems to have drawn on his stabbing his second wife Adele Morales in Rojack's murdering of his wife Deborah. Mailer did not deny these similarities, but stated:
ellauri107.html on line 179: The zenith of [Hawthorne and Melville’s] relationship was reached . . . when Moby-Dick was published in middle November of 1851 and was dedicated to Hawthorne [“To Nathaniel Hawthorne: In token of my admiration for his genius”]. Hawthorne’s letter to Melville [at the time], like most of those to his friend, has not been preserved, but Melville’s answer on November 17 . . . speaks of the effect Hawthorne’s letter had upon him, in terms characteristic of his impassioned utterances:
ellauri107.html on line 195: In the following excerpts from Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance, the Hawthorne-like character, poet and narrator Miles Coverdale, and the Melville-like character, passionate monomaniac Hollingsworth suggest Melville's influence on the novel. The first person narrator, a young man who joins a major enterprise with mostly adventure-seeking motives, certainly calls to mind narrator Ishmael in Melville's Moby-Dick. The dark and brawny Hollingsworth, bearing a physical resemblance to Melville, cares for Coverdale and seeks his partnership, moreover, in an intensity that seems to parallel Melville's evident affection for and desire for intimacy with Hawthorne. The sharp, mysterious break in the relationships between the two authors and the fictional pair constitute yet another likeness.
ellauri107.html on line 204: Coverdale notes that "there was something of the woman moulded into the great, stalwart frame of Hollingsworth; nor was he ashamed of it, as men often are of what is best in them, nor seemed ever to know that there was such a soft place in his heart. . . . I besought Hollingsworth to let nobody else enter the room, but continually to make me sensible of his own presence by a grasp of the hand, a word, -- a prayer, if he thought good to utter it . . . ."
ellauri107.html on line 214: Actually, the reader would have to be remarkably obtuse not to recognize the sexual tension between Coverdale and Hollingsworth. If only we could know what Melville thought when he read it! Certainly, Melville was aware that Brook Farm in Roxbury, Massachusetts, which Blithedale represents, had enjoyed the company of Hawthorne as a communal society member for most of 1841. Perhaps he also knew that substantial portions of Coverdale’s first person narration are taken directly from Hawthorne’s Brook Farm journals, and he would certainly know better than we the extent to which the novel may also represent allusions to Hawthorne’s and his experiences together during the year before the publication of Blithedale.
ellauri107.html on line 220: [A Tanglewood Tale] dramatizes the developing friendship of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville during the 1850-1851 period when both authors resided in Berkshire County, Massachusetts. In spite of their strong attraction to each other, they become estranged by fundamental differences. Puritan-in-spite-of himself Hawthorne is pressed too far when worldly former whaler Melville becomes explicit about shipboard liaisons with fellow sailors. Though the play suggests Hawthorne is curious about same sex relations, the reserved New Englander flees Melville and the Berkshires rather than pursue the subject.
ellauri107.html on line 246: Billy Budd provides an implicit indictment of the culture, whether military or civil, that encourages the kind of closet where a Claggart so readily succumbs to his “depravity according to nature.” Captain Vere likewise shows a closed, perhaps also “closeted” mind as ready prey for the phenomenon of evil. In Vere’s presence, as Billy is struck dumb by Claggart’s accusation, Claggart is struck dead by a single blow from Billy’s fist, the only response he can muster to defend himself. Although Vere cherishes Billy as “an angel of God” and knows him to be innocent of Claggart’s charges, he resists any bending of rules to protect him against the harshest of consequences for his act of insubordination. Ruthlessly silencing the dictates of his heart, “sometimes the feminine in man,” Vere effects what Claggart’s malice alone could not -- Billy’s total destruction.
ellauri107.html on line 260: Speculation about Cohn's sexuality intensified following his death from AIDS in 1986. In a 2008 article published in The New Yorker, Jeffrey Toobin quotes Roger Stone: "Roy was not gay. He was a man who liked having sex with men. Gays were weak, effeminate. He always seemed to have these young blond boys around. It just wasn't discussed. He was interested in power and access." Stone worked with Cohn beginning with the Reagan campaign during the 1976 Republican Party presidential primaries.
ellauri107.html on line 274: He was infamously resentful of being denied the Nobel Prize in literature: “He took to calling it the Anybody-But-Roth Prize,” Taylor reports. And past slights consumed him. Taylor notes that Roth couldn’t stop relitigating his first marriage, and that “despite her death she needed further – no, endless – pulverization.”
ellauri107.html on line 355: Setämiehet (Pili ja sen narsistinen peilikuva) pitää neuvoa naimisesta. Se lähentää niitä miesystävinä. Faunia (paljonpuhuva nimi: Pan perseeseen) on pudonnut sosiaalitikkailta ja on siis kokenut demokratisoitumisen. Siitä Pili on sille vahingoniloinen. Miesten izemurhat vähenivät kun Viagra halpeni. Faunia 14v toisin kuin Nabokovin Lolita ei muka antanut kähmivälle isäpuolelle.
ellauri107.html on line 356: Smoky bylsii yhtä aikaa 3 siivoojaa. Siinä vasta hyvä pillu pantavaxi reportoi Pili-setä. Miten Smoky houkutteli naiset siihen? No kyrvällään. Vitun moukkamainen apina, tää laiha karvaturri julkero. No mieshän tietää millon kunnon pillu astuu huoneeseen vai mitä? Sama pätee kääntäen. Pili tietää miloin kunnon kyrpä astuu huoneeseen. Faunia on Coleman-hahmoisen Pilin nymfetti. Kazo tännepäin kun puhuttelen sinua. Pilikin takusti napsi Viagraa.
ellauri107.html on line 368: Alkaa näyttää tosiaan ettää Faunia on nuorimies, ja Fläkki on sen herrasmies reikäperse "Ralph". Mannin Aschenbachiin ja Tadzioon koko ajan vinkataan. Ja Hawthorne, selvä pyy! Valkoinen valas pyrkii veneeseen. Tämä vielä:
ellauri107.html on line 395: The antihero of Roth’s 1995 novel Sabbath’s Theatre blinds us with his astonishing misogyny, his exponential misanthropy, his audacious nihilism - and yet he makes us care shit. The depraved Mickey Sabbath, the hero, anti-hero and villain of Philip Roth’s 1995 tour d'Eiffel, Sabbath’s Theatre. Just what he does to deserve this affection over the course of 450 bile-filled pages is hard to fathom. He virtually copies that bête noire of creative writing courses, the unsympathetic character. To discover such a monstrous creation on the page is a shock.
ellauri107.html on line 418: In Babbitt (1922), Sinclair Lewis created a living and breathing man with recognizable hopes and dreams, not a caricature. To his publisher, Lewis wrote: “He is all of us Americans at 46, prosperous, but worried, wanting — passionately — to seize something more than motor cars and a house before it's too late.” George F. Babbitt's mediocrity is central to his realism; Lewis believed that the fatal flaw of previous literary representations of the American businessman was in portraying him as “an exceptional man.”
ellauri107.html on line 439: “Now you look here! The first thing you got to understand is that all this uplift and flipflop and settlement-work and recreation is nothing in God's world but the entering wedge for socialism. The sooner a man learns he isn't going to be coddled, and he needn't expect a lot of free grub and, uh, all these free classes and flipflop and doodads for his kids unless he earns 'em, why, the sooner he'll get on the job and produce—produce—produce! That's what the country needs, and not all this fancy stuff that just enfeebles the will-power of the working man and gives his kids a lot of notions above their class. And you—if you'd tend to business instead of fooling and fussing—All the time! When I was a young man I made up my mind what I wanted to do, and stuck to it through thick and thin, and that's why I'm where I am to-day, and—Myra! What do you let the girl chop the toast up into these dinky little chunks for? Can't get your fist onto 'em. Half cold, anyway!”
ellauri107.html on line 444: In the comedy Andria (“The Girl of Andros”) by the Roman poet Terentius, Simo uses it to comment on the tears of his son Pamphilus at the funeral of a neighbor to his interlocutor Sosias. At first he was of the opinion that these were an expression of special sympathy and was pleased about it. But when he discovered that the deceased's pretty sister was also a member of the funeral procession, he realized that his son's emotion was only faked to get closer to him: hinc illae lacrumae, haec illast misericordia. ("Hence his tears, that is the reason for his pity!").
ellauri107.html on line 448: “Lots of news. Terrible big tornado in the South. Hard luck, all right. But this, say, this is corking! Beginning of the end for those fellows! New York Assembly has passed some bills that ought to completely outlaw the socialists! And there's an elevator-runners' strike in New York and a lot of college boys are taking their places. That's the stuff! And a mass-meeting in Birmingham's demanded that this Mick agitator, this fellow De Valera, be deported. Dead right, by golly! All these agitators paid with German gold anyway. And we got no business interfering with the Irish or any other foreign government. Keep our hands strictly off. And there's another well-authenticated rumor from Russia that Lenin is dead. That's fine. It's beyond me why we don't just step in there and kick those Bolshevik cusses out.”
ellauri107.html on line 466: He serenely believed that the one purpose of the real-estate business was to make money for George F. Babbitt. True, it was a good advertisement at Boosters' Club lunches, and all the varieties of Annual Banquets to which Good Fellows were invited, to speak sonorously of Unselfish Public Service, the Broker's Obligation to Keep Inviolate the Trust of His Clients, and a thing called Ethics, whose nature was confusing but if you had it you were a High-class Realtor and if you hadn't you were a shyster, a piker, and a fly-by-night. These virtues awakened Confidence, and enabled you to handle Bigger Propositions. But they didn't imply that you were to be impractical and refuse to take twice the value of a house if a buyer was such an idiot that he didn't jew you down on the asking-price.
ellauri107.html on line 469: He had, with indignation at the criticism of Zenith, skimmed through a report in which the notorious pessimist Seneca Doane, the radical lawyer, asserted that to throw boys and young girls into a bull-pen crammed with men suffering from syphilis, delirium tremens, and insanity was not the perfect way of educating them. He had controverted the report by growling, “Folks that think a jail ought to be a bloomin' Hotel Thornleigh make me sick. If people don't like a jail, let 'em behave 'emselves and keep out of it. Besides, these reform cranks always exaggerate.” That was the beginning and quite completely the end of his investigations into Zenith's charities and corrections; and as to the “vice districts” he brightly expressed it, “Those are things that no decent man monkeys with. Besides, smatter fact, I'll tell you confidentially: it's a protection to our daughters and to decent women to have a district where tough nuts can raise cain. Keeps 'em away from our own homes.”
ellauri107.html on line 474: “Course I don't mean to say that every ad I write is literally true or that I always believe everything I say when I give some buyer a good strong selling-spiel. You see—you see it's like this: In the first place, maybe the owner of the property exaggerated when he put it into my hands, and it certainly isn't my place to go proving my principal a liar! And then most folks are so darn crooked themselves that they expect a fellow to do a little lying, so if I was fool enough to never whoop the ante I'd get the credit for lying anyway! In self-defense I got to toot my own horn, like a lawyer defending a client—his bounden duty, ain't it, to bring out the poor dub's good points? Why, the Judge himself would bawl out a lawyer that didn't, even if they both knew the guy was guilty! But even so, I don't pad out the truth like Cecil Rountree or Thayer or the rest of these realtors. Fact, I think a fellow that's willing to deliberately up and profit by lying ought to be shot!”
ellauri107.html on line 484: Finkelstein asserted that five dollars was not too great a sum, not for a really high-class lighter which was suitably nickeled and provided with connections of the very best quality. “I always say—and believe me, I base it on a pretty fairly extensive mercantile experience—the best is the cheapest in the long run. Of course if a fellow wants to be a Jew about it, he can get cheap junk, but in the long RUN, the cheapest thing is—the best you can get! Now you take here just th' other day: I got a new top for my old boat and some upholstery, and I paid out a hundred and twenty-six fifty, and of course a lot of fellows would say that was too much—Lord, if the Old Folks—they live in one of these hick towns up-state and they simply can't get onto the way a city fellow's mind works, and then, of course, they're Jews, and they'd lie right down and die if they knew Sid had anted up a hundred and twenty-six bones. But I don't figure I was stuck, George, not a bit. Machine looks brand new now—not that it's so darned old, of course; had it less 'n three years, but I give it hard service; never drive less 'n a hundred miles on Sunday and, uh—Oh, I don't really think you got stuck, George. In the LONG run, the best is, you might say, it's unquestionably the cheapest.”
ellauri107.html on line 504: Whenever Thompson twanged, “Put your John Hancock on that line,” Babbitt was as much amused by the antiquated provincialism as any proper Englishman by any American. He knew himself to be of a breeding altogether more esthetic and sensitive than Thompson's. He was a college graduate, he played golf, he often smoked cigarettes instead of cigars, and when he went to Chicago he took a room with a private bath. “The whole thing is,” he explained to Paul Riesling, “these old codgers lack the subtlety that you got to have to-day.”
ellauri107.html on line 507: Put your John Hancock on that line! To sign one's name on a document or other item. John Hancock, an influential figure in the American Revolution, is known for his especially large and legible signature on the Declaration of Independence. As soon as you put your John Hancock on these papers, you'll be the proud owner of a brand new car!
ellauri107.html on line 511: “I don't see why they give us this old-fashioned junk by Milton and Shakespeare and Wordsworth and all these has-beens,” he protested. “Oh, I guess I could stand it to see a show by Shakespeare, if they had swell scenery and put on a lot of dog, but to sit down in cold blood and READ 'em—These teachers—how do they get that way?”
ellauri107.html on line 513: Babbitt looked up irritably from the comic strips in the Evening Advocate. They composed his favorite literature and art, these illustrated chronicles in which Mr. Mutt hit Mr. Jeff with a rotten egg, and Mother corrected Father's vulgarisms by means of a rolling-pin. With the solemn face of a devotee, breathing heavily through his open mouth, he plodded nightly through every picture, and during the rite he detested interruptions. Furthermore, he felt that on the subject of Shakespeare he wasn't really an authority. Neither the Advocate-Times, the Evening Advocate, nor the Bulletin of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce had ever had an editorial on the matter, and until one of them had spoken he found it hard to form an original opinion. But even at risk of floundering in strange bogs, he could not keep out of an open controversy.
ellauri107.html on line 515: “Oh punk. I don't see what's the use of law-school—or even finishing high school. I don't want to go to college 'specially. Honest, there's lot of fellows that have graduated from colleges that don't begin to make as much money as fellows that went to work early. Old Shimmy Peters, that teaches Latin in the High, he's a what-is-it from Columbia and he sits up all night reading a lot of greasy books and he's always spieling about the 'value of languages,' and the poor soak doesn't make but eighteen hundred a year, and no traveling salesman would think of working for that. I know what I'd like to do. I'd like to be an aviator, or own a corking big garage, or else—a fellow was telling me about it yesterday—I'd like to be one of these fellows that the Standard Oil
ellauri107.html on line 516: Company sends out to China, and you live in a compound and don't have to do any work, and you get to see the world and pagodas and the ocean and everything! And then I could take up correspondence-courses. That's the real stuff! You don't have to recite to some frosty-faced old dame that's trying to show off to the principal, and you can study any subject you want to. Just listen to these! I clipped out the ads of some swell courses.”
ellauri107.html on line 542: Peppu kaivelee salaa Maureenin takintaskuja ja löytää panttikuitin siitä vitun Remingtonista. Se ryntää kylpyhuoneeseen, missä Rothit alkaa kirkua toisilleen niin raivokkaasti että yläkerran naapuri hakkaa lattiaa luudanvarrella. - Mitätön pikku varas! Roisto! - Minä olen raskaana! Vihaan sinun taidettasi ja sitä paskamaista Flaubertia! Peter tiedätkö mikä sinä olet sen lisäxi että olet sydämetön izekäs kirjoituskone! Minä sanoin: Homo. Täsmälleen! Sinä olet läpinäkyvin piilevä homosexualisti minkä ole eläissäni tavannut!
ellauri108.html on line 46: Trumpin kaudella luisu oli niin nopeaa, ettei Yhdysvallat edes CIA:n käyttämien aineistojen valossa ole enää luokiteltavissa puhtaasti demokraattiseksi valtioksi. CIA käyttää analyyseissään niin sanottua Polity-indeksiä, jossa maat saavat pisteitä kymmenestä miinuspisteestä kymmeneen pluspisteeseen.
ellauri108.html on line 69: Yahweh was the national god of the kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah. The short form Jah/Yah, which appears in Exodus 15:2 and 17:16, Psalm 89:9, Song of Songs 8:6, is preserved also in theophoric names such as Elijah ("my god is Jah"), Malchijah ("my king is Jah"), and Adonijah ("my lord is Jah"), etc. as well as in the phrase Hallelujah. The name Joel is derived from combining the word Jah with the word El.
ellauri108.html on line 75: With the rise of the Reformation, reconstructions of the Tetragrammaton became popular. The Tyndale Bible was the first English translation to use the anglicized reconstruction. The modern letter "J" settled on its current English pronunciation only around 500 years ago; in Ancient Hebrew, the first consonant of the Tetragrammaton always represents a "Y" sound.
ellauri108.html on line 79: The Spanish language Reina Valera Bible employs "JAH" in 21 instances within the Old Testament according to the Nueva Concordancia Strong Exhaustiva. The Darby Bible, Young's Literal Translation, The Jubilee Bible 2000, Lexham English Bible, The Complete Jewish Bible, Names of God Bible, The Recovery Version, Green's Literal Translation, the New Jewish Publication Society or NJPS Tanakh and World English Bible includes "Jah" (Yah in the Lexham English Bible, Complete Jewish Bible, the NJPS Tanakh and the World English Bible) numerous times within the Old Testament (as well as in the New Testament or New Covenant as is the case in Christian and Messianic Jewish Bibles) as "Hallelujah!" or "Alleluia!" (Praise Jah or Yah in either instance) which is also employed throughout the Old Testament of these Bible versions.
ellauri108.html on line 98: From its origins, Rastafari was intrinsically linked with Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. He remains the central figure in Rastafari ideology, and although all Rastas hold him in esteem, precise interpretations of his identity differ. Understandings of how Haile Selassie relates to Jesus vary among Rastas. Many, although not all, believe that the Ethiopian monarch was the Second Coming of Jesus, legitimising this by reference to their interpretation of the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation. By viewing Haile Selassie as Jesus, these Rastas also regard him as the messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, the manifestation of God in human form, and "the living God". Some perceive him as part of a Trinity, alongside God as Creator and the Holy Spirit, the latter referred to as "the Breath within the temple". Rastas who view Haile Selassie as Jesus argue that both were descendants from the royal line of the Biblical king David, while Rastas also emphasise the fact that the Makonnen dynasty, of which Haile Selassie was a member, claimed descent from the Biblical figures Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
ellauri108.html on line 121: In portraying Africa as their "Promised Land", Rastas reflect their desire to escape what they perceive as the domination and degradation that they experience in Babylon. During the first three decades of the Rastafari movement, it placed strong emphasis on the need for the African diaspora to be repatriated to Africa. To this end, various Rastas lobbied the Jamaican government and United Nations to oversee this resettlement process. Other Rastas organised their own transportation to the African continent. Critics of the movement have argued that the migration of the entire African diaspora to Africa is implausible, particularly as no African country would welcome this.
ellauri108.html on line 123: By the movement's fourth decade, the desire for physical repatriation to Africa had declined among Rastas, a change influenced by observation of the 1983–1985 famine in Ethiopia. Rather, many Rastas saw the idea of returning to Africa in a metaphorical sense, entailing the restoration of their pride and self-confidence as people of black African descent. The term "liberation before repatriation" began to be used within the movement. Some Rastas seek to transform Western society so that they may more comfortably live within it rather than seeking to move to Africa. There are nevertheless many Rastas who continue to emphasise the need for physical resettlement of the African diaspora in Africa.
ellauri108.html on line 125: Rastafari is a millenarian movement, espousing the idea that the present age will come to an apocalyptic end. Many practitioners believe that on this Day of Judgement, Babylon will be overthrown, with Rastas being the chosen few who survive the upheaval. With Babylon destroyed, Rastas believe that humanity will be ushered into a "new age". This is conceived as being a millennium of peace, justice, and happiness in which the righteous shall live in Africa, now a paradise. In the 1980s, many Rastas believed that the Day of Judgment would happen around the year 2000. A view then common in the Rasta community was that the world's white people would wipe themselves out through nuclear war, with black Africans then ruling the world, something that they argued was prophesied in the Book of Daniel.
ellauri108.html on line 129: Most Rastas share a pair of fundamental moral principles known as the "two great commandments": love of a black male God and love of neighbour if he too is black and male. Many Rastas believe that to determine whether they should undertake a certain act or not, they should consult the presence of Jah within themselves. He's the little red orange and green duck in your left ear. Do not listen to the little white Jesus duck on the right, he is the deevil.
ellauri108.html on line 135: Rastafari promotes what it regards as the restoration of black manhood, believing that men in the African diaspora have been emasculated by Babylon. It espouses patriarchal principles, including the idea that women should submit to male leadership. External observers—including scholars such as Cashmore and Edmonds—have claimed that Rastafari accords women an inferior position to men. Rastafari women usually accept this subordinate position and regard it as their duty to obey their men; the academic Maureen Rowe suggested that women were willing to join the religion despite its restrictions because they valued the life of structure and discipline it provided. Rasta discourse often presents women as morally weak and susceptible to deception by evil, and claims that they are impure while menstruating. Rastas legitimise these gender roles by citing Biblical passages, particularly those in the Book of Leviticus and in the writings of Paul the Apostle. The Rasta Shop is a store selling items associated with Rastafari in the U.S. state of Oregon.
ellauri108.html on line 137: Rasta women usually wear clothing that covers their head and hides their body contours. Trousers are usually avoided, in favour of long skirts. Women are expected to cover their head while praying, and in some Rasta groups this is expected of them whenever in public. Rasta discourse insists this female dress code is necessary to prevent women attracting men and presents it as an antidote to the sexual objectification of women in Babylon. Rasta men are permitted to wear whatever they choose. Although men and women took part alongside each other in early Rasta rituals, from the late 1940s and 1950s the Rasta community increasingly encouraged gender segregation for ceremonies. This was legitimised with the explanation that women were impure through menstruation and that their presence at the ceremonies would distract male participants.
ellauri108.html on line 139: As it existed in Jamaica, Rastafari did not promote monogamy. Rasta men are permitted multiple female sex partners, while women are expected to reserve their sexual activity for one male partner. Marriage is not usually formalised through legal ceremonies but is a common-law affair, although many Rastas are legally married. Rasta men refer to their female partners as "queens", or "empresses", while the males in these relationships are known as "kingmen". Rastafari places great importance on family life and the raising of children, with reproduction being encouraged. The religion emphasises the place of men in child-rearing, associating this with the recovery of African manhood. Women often work, sometimes while the man raises the children at home. Rastafari typically rejects feminism, although since the 1970s growing numbers of Rasta women have called for greater gender equity in the movement. The scholar Terisa E. Turner for instance encountered Kenyan feminists who were appropriating Rastafari content to suit their political agenda. Some Rasta women have challenged gender norms by wearing their hair uncovered in public and donning trousers.
ellauri108.html on line 141: Rastafari regards procreation as the purpose of sex, and thus oral and anal sex are usually forbidden. Both contraception and abortion are usually censured, and a common claim in Rasta discourse is that these were inventions of Babylon to decrease the black African birth-rate. Rastas typically express hostile attitudes to homosexuality, regarding homosexuals as evil and unnatural; this attitude derives from references to same-sex sexual activity in the Bible. Homosexual Rastas probably conceal their sexual orientation because of these attitudes. Rastas typically see the growing acceptance of birth control and homosexuality in Western society as evidence of the degeneration of Babylon as it approaches its apocalyptic end.
ellauri108.html on line 147: One of the central activities at groundings is "reasoning". This is a discussion among assembled Rastas about the religion's principles and their relevance to current events. These discussions are supposed to be non-combative, although attendees can point out the fallacies in any arguments presented. Those assembled inform each other about the revelations that they have received through meditation and dream. Each contributor is supposed to push the boundaries of understanding until the entire group has gained greater insight into the topic under discussion. In meeting together with like-minded individuals, reasoning helps Rastas to reassure one another of the correctness of their beliefs. Rastafari meetings are opened and closed with prayers. These involve supplication of God, the supplication for the hungry, sick, and infants, and calls for the destruction of the Rastas' enemies, and then close with statements of adoration.
ellauri108.html on line 150: The largest groundings were known as "groundations" or "grounations" in the 1950s, although they were subsequently re-termed "Nyabinghi Issemblies". The term "Nyabinghi" is adopted from the name of a mythical African queen. Nyabinghi Issemblies are often held on dates associated with Ethiopia and Haile Selassie. These include Ethiopian Christmas (7 January), the day on which Haile Selassie visited Jamaica (21 April), Selassie's birthday (23 July), Ethiopian New Year (11 September), and Selassie's coronation day (2 November). Some Rastas also organise Nyabinghi Issemblies to mark Jamaica's Emancipation Day (1 August) and Marcus Garvey's birthday (17 August). A group of Rastas in Liberia celebrate Marcus Garvey's birthday.
ellauri108.html on line 164: Rastafari music developed at reasoning sessions, where drumming, chanting, and dancing are all present. Rasta music is performed to praise and commune with Jah, and to reaffirm the rejection of Babylon. Rastas believe that their music has healing properties, with the ability to cure colds, fevers, and headaches. Many of these songs are sung to the tune of older Christian hymns, but others are original Rasta creations.
ellauri108.html on line 170: 1968 saw the development of reggae in Jamaica, a musical style typified by slower, heavier rhythms than ska and the increased use of Jamaican Patois. Like calypso, reggae was a medium for social commentary, although it demonstrated a wider use of radical political and Rasta themes than were previously present in Jamaican popular music. Reggae artists incorporated Rasta ritual rhythms, and also adopted Rasta chants, language, motifs, and social critiques. Songs like The Wailers' "African Herbsman" and Peter Tosh's "Legalize It" referenced cannabis use, while tracks like The Melodians' "Rivers of Babylon" and Junior Byles' "Beat Down Babylon" referenced Rasta beliefs in Babylon. Reggae gained widespread international popularity during the mid-1970s, coming to be viewed by black people in many different countries as music of the oppressed. Many Rastas grew critical of reggae, believing that it had commercialised their religion. Although reggae contains much Rastafari symbolism, and the two are widely associated, the connection is often exaggerated by non-Rastas. Most Rastas do not listen to reggae music, and reggae has also been utilised by other religious groups, such as Protestant Evangelicals. Out of reggae came dub music; dub artists often employ Rastafari terminology, even when not Rastas themselves.
ellauri108.html on line 177: Rastas often make use of the colours red, black, green, and gold. Red, gold, and green were used in the Ethiopian flag, while, prior to the development of Rastafari, the Jamaican black nationalist activist Marcus Garvey had used red, green, and black as the colours for the Pan-African flag representing his United Negro Improvement Association. According to Garvey, the red symbolised the blood of martyrs, the black symbolised the skin of Africans, and the green represented the vegetation of the land, an interpretation endorsed by some Rastas. The colour gold is often included alongside Garvey's three colours; it has been adopted from the Jamaican flag, and is often interpreted as symbolising the minerals and raw materials which constitute Africa's wealth. Rastas often paint these colours onto their buildings, vehicles, kiosks, and other items, or display them on their clothing, helping to distinguish Rastas from non-Rastas and allowing adherents to recognise their co-religionists. As well as being used by Rastas, the colour set has also been adopted by Pan-Africanists more broadly, who use it to display their identification with Afrocentricity; for this reason it was adopted on the flags of many post-independence African states. Rastas often accompany the use of these three or four colours with the image of the Lion of Judah, also adopted from the Ethiopian flag and symbolizing Haile Selassie.
ellauri108.html on line 184: Rastafarians typically avoid food produced by non-Rastas or from unknown sources. Rasta men refuse to eat food prepared by a woman while she is menstruating, and some will avoid food prepared by a woman at any time. Rastas also generally avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine, presenting these substances as unnatural and dirty and contrasting them with cannabis. Rastas also often avoid mainstream scientific medicine and will reject surgery, injections, or blood transfusions. Instead they utilise herbal medicine for healing, especially teas and poultices, with cannabis often used as an ingredient.
ellauri108.html on line 189: Rastas differ on whether they regard dreadlocks as compulsory for practicing the religion. Some Rastas do not wear their hair in dreadlocks; within the religion they are often termed "cleanface" Rastas, with those wearing dreadlocked hair often called "locksmen". Some Rastas have also joined the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the Christian organisation to which Haile Selassie belonged, and these individuals are forbidden from putting their hair in dreadlocks by the Church. In reference to Rasta hairstyles, Rastas often refer to non-Rastas as "baldheads", or "combsome", while those who are new to Rastafari and who have only just started to grow their hair into dreads are termed "nubbies". Members of the Bobo Ashanti sect of Rastas conceal their dreadlocks within turbans, while some Rastas tuck their dreads under a rastacap or tam headdress, usually coloured green, red, black, and yellow. Dreadlocks and Rastafari-inspired clothing have also been worn for aesthetic reasons by non-Rastas. For instance, many reggae musicians who do not adhere to the Rastafari religion wear their hair in dreads. A Rasta man wearing a rastacap has been sighted in Jamaica.
ellauri108.html on line 195: Rastafari developed out of the legacy of the Atlantic slave trade, in which over ten million Africans were enslaved and transported to the Americas between the 16th and 19th centuries. Under 700,000 of these slaves were settled in the British colony of Jamaica. The British government abolished slavery in the Caribbean island in 1834, although racial prejudice remained prevalent across Jamaican society.
ellauri108.html on line 199: Further contributing significantly to Rastafari's development were Ethiopianism and the Back to Africa ethos, both traditions with 18th-century roots. In the 19th century, there were growing calls for the African diaspora located in Western Europe and the Americas to be resettled in Africa, with some of this diaspora establishing colonies in Sierra Leone and Liberia. Based in Liberia, the black Christian preacher Edward Wilmot Blyden began promoting African pride and the preservation of African tradition, customs, and institutions. Also spreading throughout Africa was Ethiopianism, a movement that accorded special status to the east African nation of Ethiopia because it was mentioned in various Biblical passages. For adherents of Ethiopianism, "Ethiopia" was regarded as a synonym of Africa as a whole.
ellauri108.html on line 220: Whereas its membership had previously derived predominantly from poorer sectors of society, in the 1960s Rastafari began attracting support from more privileged groups like students and professional musicians. The foremost group emphasising this approach was the Twelve Tribes of Israel, whose members came to be known as "Uptown Rastas". Among those attracted to Rastafari in this decade were middle-class intellectuals like Leahcim Semaj, who called for the religious community to place greater emphasis on scholarly social theory as a method of achieving change. Although some Jamaican Rastas were critical of him, many came under the influence of the Guyanese black nationalist academic Walter Rodney, who lectured to their community in 1968 before publishing his thoughts as the pamphlet Groundings. Like Rodney, many Jamaican Rastas were influenced by the U.S.-based Black Power movement. After Black Power declined following the deaths of prominent exponents such as Malcolm X, Michael X, and George Jackson, Rastafari filled the vacuum it left for many black youth.
ellauri108.html on line 227: Through reggae, Rasta musicians became increasingly important in Jamaica's political life during the 1970s. To bolster his popularity with the electorate, Jamaican Prime Minister Michael Manley employed Rasta imagery and courted and obtained support from Marley and other reggae musicians. Manley described Rastas as a "beautiful and remarkable people" and carried a cane, the "rod of correction", which he claimed was a gift from Haile Selassie. Following Manley's example, Jamaican political parties increasingly employed Rasta language, symbols, and reggae references in their campaigns, while Rasta symbols became increasingly mainstream in Jamaican society. This helped to confer greater legitimacy on Rastafari, with reggae and Rasta imagery being increasingly presented as a core part of Jamaica's cultural heritage for the growing tourist industry. In the 1980s, a Rasta, Barbara Makeda Blake Hannah, became a senator in the Jamaican Parliament.
ellauri108.html on line 252: The Rasta message resonates with many people who feel marginalised and alienated by the values and institutions of their society. Internationally, it has proved most popular among the poor and among marginalised youth. In valorising Africa and blackness, Rastafari provides a positive identity for youth in the African diaspora by allowing them to psychologically reject their social stigmatisation. It then provides these disaffected people with the discursive stance from which they can challenge capitalism and consumerism, providing them with symbols of resistance and defiance. Cashmore expressed the view that "whenever there are black people who sense an injust disparity between their own material conditions and those of the whites who surround them and tend to control major social institutions, the Rasta messages have relevance."
ellauri108.html on line 254: Rastafari is a non-missionary religion. However, elders from Jamaica often go "trodding" to instruct new converts in the fundamentals of the religion. On researching English Rastas during the 1970s, Cashmore noted that they had not converted instantaneously, but rather had undergone "a process of drift" through which they gradually adopted Rasta beliefs and practices, resulting in their ultimate acceptance of Haile Selassie's central importance. Based on his research in West Africa, Neil J. Savishinsky found that many of those who converted to Rastafari came to the religion through their pre-existing use of marijuana as a recreational drug.
ellauri108.html on line 262: Barrett described Rastafari as "the largest, most identifiable, indigenous movement in Jamaica." In the mid-1980s, there were approximately 70,000 members and sympathisers of Rastafari in Jamaica. The majority were male, working-class, former Christians aged between 18 and 40. In the 2011 Jamaican census, 29,026 individuals identified as Rastas. Jamaica's Rastas were initially entirely from the Afro-Jamaican majority, and although Afro-Jamaicans are still the majority, Rastafari has also gained members from the island's Chinese, Indian, Afro-Chinese, Afro-Jewish, mulatto, and white minorities. Until 1965 the vast majority were from the lower classes, although it has since attracted many middle-class members; by the 1980s there were Jamaican Rastas working as lawyers and university professors. Jamaica is often valorised by Rastas as the fountain-head of their faith, and many Rastas living elsewhere travel to the island on pilgrimage.
ellauri108.html on line 264: Both through travel between the islands, and through reggae's popularity, Rastafari spread across the eastern Caribbean during the 1970s. Here, its ideas complemented the anti-colonial and Afrocentric views prevalent in countries like Trinidad, Grenada, Dominica, and St Vincent. In these countries, the early Rastas often engaged in cultural and political movements to a greater extent than their Jamaican counterparts had. Various Rastas were involved in Grenada's 1979 New Jewel Movement and were given positions in the Grenadine government until it was overthrown and replaced following the U.S. invasion of 1983. Although Fidel Castro's Marxist–Leninist government generally discouraged foreign influences, Rastafari was introduced to Cuba alongside reggae in the 1970s. Foreign Rastas studying in Cuba during the 1990s connected with its reggae scene and helped to further ground it in Rasta beliefs. In Cuba, most Rastas have been male and from the Afro-Cuban population.
ellauri108.html on line 268: Some Rastas in the African diaspora have followed through with their beliefs about resettlement in Africa, with Ghana and Nigeria being particularly favoured. In West Africa, Rastafari has spread largely through the popularity of reggae, gaining a larger presence in Anglophone areas than their Francophone counterparts. Caribbean Rastas arrived in Ghana during the 1960s, encouraged by its first post-independence president, Kwame Nkrumah, while some native Ghanaians also converted to the religion. The largest congregation of Rastas has been in southern parts of Ghana, around Accra, Tema, and the Cape Coast, although Rasta communities also exist in the Muslim-majority area of northern Ghana. The Rasta migrants' wearing of dreadlocks was akin to that of the native fetish priests, which may have assisted the presentation of these Rastas as having authentic African roots in Ghanaian society. However, Ghanaian Rastas have complained of social ostracism and prosecution for cannabis possession, while non-Rastas in Ghana often consider them to be "drop-outs", "too Western", and "not African enough".
ellauri108.html on line 279: Rastafari also established itself in various continental European countries, among them the Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, and France, gaining a particular foothold among black migrant populations but also attracting white converts. In France for instance it established a presence in two cities with substantial black populations, Paris and Bordeaux, while in the Netherlands, it attracted converts within the Surinamese migrant community.
ellauri108.html on line 281: Rastafari attracted membership from within the Maori population of New Zealand, and the Aboriginal population of Australia. Rastafari has also established a presence in Japan, and in Israel, primarily among those highlighting similarities between Judaism and Rastafari.
ellauri108.html on line 307: “I saw a presentation from the center about bail bonds and I’m thinking, What does that have to do with Holocaust education? We donate to anything that helps educate people about the horrors of the Holocaust as long as it is apolitical. What does some coons getting shot just because they´re black have to do with it? Us jews count as white in America, for crissake!
ellauri108.html on line 376: the truth, and all of these versions are a part of the whole. A vision of what happened, is happening, and will happen. My father said, "It's the last quarter before the year 2000 and righteousness-the positive way of thinking must win." As I see it, the year 2000 is based on a Roman system
ellauri108.html on line 383: Benjy pauses for a reefer. "Do you see what I am saying? If such a boy could live on the sea, I knew that my son could live on the land. I come up here on this hill, that very morning. And I start to make a living making charcoal out of pimento trees. Right here, where we sit. This is where I get my start, right here on these cold, old embers.
ellauri108.html on line 408: These four Hebrew youths soon proved themselves to be exceptionally wise. As a result, they found favor with King Nebuchadnezzar. When Daniel turned out to be the only man capable of interpreting one of Nebuchadnezzar's troubling dreams, the king placed him in a high position over the whole province of Babylon, including over all of the wise men of the land. At Daniel's request, the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as Daniel's advisors.
ellauri108.html on line 479: During the first three decades of the Rastafari movement, it placed strong emphasis on the need for the African diaspora to be repatriated to Africa. To this end, various Rastas lobbied the Jamaican government and United Nations to oversee this resettlement process. Other Rastas organised their own transportation to the African continent. Critics of the movement have argued that the migration of the entire African diaspora to Africa is implausible, particularly as no African country would welcome this.
ellauri108.html on line 485: Rastafari is a millenarian movement, espousing the idea that the present age will come to an apocalyptic end. Many practitioners believe that on this Day of Judgement, Babylon will be overthrown, with Rastas being the chosen few who survive the upheaval. With Babylon destroyed, Rastas believe that humanity will be ushered into a "new age". This is conceived as being a millennium of peace, justice, and happiness in which the righteous shall live in Africa, now a paradise.
ellauri109.html on line 71: Ein wenig mehr Hass und Bosheit, Dunkel und Falschheit mag da auch gewesen.
ellauri109.html on line 111: Sobald wir alle unsere Arbeiten auf dieser Erde erledigt haben,
ellauri109.html on line 149: Reiner Rilke ist schwerverständlich aber tief. Diese zwei sind
ellauri109.html on line 188: Sonst ist es wieder nur diese Memen die überleben.
ellauri109.html on line 228: Aragon oli mukana dada-liikkeessä vuosina 1919–1924, ja hänestä tuli yksi kirjallisuuden surrealismin perustajia yhdessä André Bretonin ja Philippe Soupaultin kanssa. Monien muiden surrealistien tavoin Aragonkin liittyi kommunistiseen puolueeseen ja kirjoitti poliittissävyisiä runoja koko uransa ajan. Hän kuitenkin myös arvosteli Neuvostoliittoa, varsinkin 1950-luvulla. Mulla on sen kirja kauniista kortteleista.
ellauri109.html on line 245: Into siis kuoli oikeasti koska sen hautaakaan ei muisteta. Paizi että pääsihän sen meemi livahtamaan tähänkin penseeseen! Eli eläköön kuolematon sielu!
ellauri109.html on line 270: In 2000 Searle received the Jean Nicod Prize; in 2004, the National Humanities Medal; and in 2006, the Mind & Brain Prize. He was elected to the American Philosophical Society in 2010. Searle's early work on speech acts, influenced by J. L. Austin and Ludwig Wittgenstein, helped establish his reputation. His notable concepts include the "Chinese room" argument against "strong" artificial intelligence.
ellauri109.html on line 274: Shortly after the September 11 attacks, Searle wrote an article arguing that the attacks were a particular event in a long-term struggle against forces that are intractably opposed to the United States, and signaled support for a more aggressive neoconservative interventionist foreign policy. He called for the realization that the United States is in a more-or-less permanent state of war with these forces. Moreover, a probable course of action would be to deny terrorists the use of foreign territory from which to stage their attacks. Finally, he alluded to the long-term nature of the conflict and blamed the attacks on the lack of American resolve to deal forcefully with America's enemies over the past several decades.
ellauri109.html on line 276: In March 2017, Searle became the subject of sexual assault allegations. The Los Angeles Times reported: "A new lawsuit alleges that university officials failed to properly respond to complaints that John Searle, an 84-year-old renowned philosophy professor, sexually assaulted his 24-year-old research associate last July and cut her pay when she rejected his advances." The case brought to light several earlier complaints against Searle, on which Berkeley allegedly had failed to act.
ellauri109.html on line 287: Phil Roth tekee erittäin pienikalloisen vaikutelman. Se ei todellakaan ole mikään ruudinkexijä. Kei-reen (tyynytarinoiden lempinimi) oli ensimmäinen hyvä pano sitten Maureenin. "Prof" Peppu kuzuu opiskelijan työhuoneeseen ja laskee mustan karvakätensä sen blondeille hiuxille. Näin se homma etenee, kuin "Prof." Searlella.
ellauri109.html on line 325: As Kohlhaas is led to execution, he sees in the crowd the disguised Elector of Saxony. Through his lawyer, he is informed that his suit against the Junker has been successful, and is presented with compensation for the injuries of his hired man and shown the horses, now well-fed and healthy. Pleased that justice has been served, he submits willingly to the execution.
ellauri109.html on line 383: Flaubert's dozens of long letters to her, in 1846–1847, then especially between 1851 and 1855, are one of the many joys of his correspondence. Many of them are a precious source of information on the progress of the writing of Madame Bovary. In many others, Flaubert gives lengthy appreciations and critical comments on the poems that Louise Colet sent to him for his judgment before offering them for publication. The most interesting of these comments show the vast differences between her and him on the matter of style and literary expression, she being a gushing Romanticist, he deeply convinced that the writer must abstain from gush and self-indulgence.
ellauri109.html on line 515: A fiction writer’s life is his treasure, his ore, his savings account, his jungle gym,” Updike wrote. “As long as I am alive, I don’t want somebody else playing on my jungle gym—disturbing my children, quizzing my ex-wife, bugging my present wife, seeking for Judases among my friends, rummaging through yellowing old clippings, quoting in extenso bad reviews I would rather forget, and getting everything slightly wrong.”
ellauri109.html on line 523: Zuckerman considers the biographer a ruthless seducer, out to cut the artist down to comprehensible and assailable size—to displace the fiction with the real story. And this Zuckerman cannot bear. He was unnervingly present, a condor on a branch, unblinking, alive to everything.
ellauri109.html on line 551: Kleinschmidt published a journal article in which he describes the case of a “successful Southern playwright” with an overbearing mother: “His rebellion was sexualized, leading to compulsive masturbation which provided an outlet for a myriad of hostile fantasies. These same masturbatory fantasies he both acted out and channeled into his writing.” Roth, who was obviously Kleinschmidt’s “playwright,” saw the article just after finishing the novel. He spent multiple sessions berating Kleinschmidt for this “psychoanalytic cartoon” and yet continued his analysis with him for years.
ellauri109.html on line 703: Dryden was trained in the art of rhetoric and the presentation of arguments for both sides of a given issue. This skill helped him turn his coat when the political winds took sudden turns.
ellauri109.html on line 716: dicere deseruit, tenuisque recessit in auras.
ellauri109.html on line 763: Kriitikkoinstituutio on perseestä. Tollasia kyldyyrin portinvartijoita, arbitres elegantiarum jotka tarkastaa minkäpituset lapset pääsee mihkäkin laitteeseen. Tässä kirjassa hyvää oli sejase, korjattavaa tääjatää, tästmie piän toi on sensuroitava.
ellauri109.html on line 834: "All these people came in very, very difficult conditions and it's a story of chaos," Segev says. Samaa voisi sanoa nazi-Saxasta.
ellauri109.html on line 855: They then approached her five children asking them to do DNA tests. These showed they are the half-brother and half-sisters of Yehuda.
ellauri109.html on line 868: Äitykän kuoltua Peppu romahti. Se sai jonkun ketjureaktion. Rothin terveydentila huononi, se kiikutettiin teholle ja pantiin hengityskoneeseen kuin koronapotilas. Sille tehtiin sydämen ohitusleikkaus. Noin sydämettömän tyypin menoa se ei haitannut. Ikävä kyllä se vähitellen parani, eikä isä-Hermanninkaan kuolema missään tuntunut. Tammikuussa 1990 vuosi leikkauxen jälkeen Bloom käski Rothin mennä sen kanssa naimisiin. Se oli sille huisin tärkeää. Roth mietti ehdotusta pari viikkoa ja sitten suostui charmikkaalla textiviestillä. Ne meni naimisiin 19.4.1990.
ellauri110.html on line 126: The Houyhnhnms are rational equine beings and are masters of the land, contrasting strongly with the Yahoos, savage humanoid creatures who are no better than beasts of burden, or livestock. Whereas the Yahoos represent all that is bad about humans, Houyhnhnms have a settled, calm, reliable and rational society. Gulliver much prefers the Houyhnhnms' company to the Yahoos', even though the latter are biologically closer to him.
ellauri110.html on line 135: It is possible to interpret the Houyhnhnms in a number of different ways. One interpretation could be a sign of Swift's liberal views on race, or one could regard Gulliver's preference (and his immediate division of Houyhnhnms into color-based hierarchies) as absurd and the sign of his self-deception. It is now generally accepted that the story involving the Houyhnhnms embody a wholly pessimistic view of the place of man and the meaning of his existence in the universe. In a modern context the story might be seen as presenting an early example of animal rights concerns, especially in Gulliver's account of how horses are cruelly treated in his society and the reversal of roles. The story is a possible inspiration for Pierre Boulle's novel Planet of the Apes.
ellauri110.html on line 152: In the shipping lanes he is rescued by a Portuguese sea captain, a level-headed individual albeit full of concern for others, whose temperament at one level appears intermediate between the calm, rational Houyhnhnms of Houyhnhnmland and the norm of corrupt, European humanity, which Gulliver no longer distinguishes from Houyhnhnmland's wild Yahoos. Gulliver can speak with him, and though now disaffected from all humanity, he began to tolerate his company. Gulliver is returned to his home and family, finds their smell and look intolerable and all his countrymen no better than "Yahoos", purchases and converses with two stabled horses, tolerates the stable boy, and assures the reader of his account's utter veracity.
ellauri110.html on line 183: Hannu oli epähuomiossa vienyt looran tyhjään huoneeseen. Pettyneenä se otti sieltä irti mitä sai. Oliko tämä sallimuxen johdatusta? Sponssasiko Jehova näin Hannun nussiretkeä? Hannu on moderni ateisti, mutta silti kädet hakeutuvat ristiin. Kotona odottaa uskollinen avo-Penelope.
ellauri110.html on line 304: The domestic circumstances were apparently not suitable for writing and the work proceeded in fits and starts. "Still cannot finish a small novella I am now engaged with: guests interfere. Starting with 23 December crowds of people are there in my house, I crave for solitude, but as soon as I find myself on my own, I feel nothing but resentment and disgust, remembering how the day had been thrown away. Eating and chatting, eating and chatting all day long," he complained in a 29 December letter to Alexey Suvorin. According to Chekhov's 17 March letter to Viktor Goltsev, the story had been completed in early March.
ellauri110.html on line 349: Propriety did not prevent him from engaging in a number of extramarital liaisons with various women that were chronicled in his diary, often in some detail when relating the intimate details. The most dramatic of these encounters was with Deborah Willet, a young woman engaged as a companion for Elisabeth Pepys. On 25 October 1668, Pepys was surprised by his wife as he embraced Deb Willet; he writes that his wife "coming up suddenly, did find me imbracing the girl con [with] my hand sub [under] su [her] coats; and endeed I was with my main [hand] in her cunny. I was at a wonderful loss upon it and the girl also...." Following this event, he was characteristically filled with remorse, but (equally characteristically) continued to pursue Willet after she had been dismissed from the Pepys household. Pepys also had a habit of fondling the breasts of his maid Mary Mercer while she dressed him in the morning.
ellauri110.html on line 363: Sam petti Bettyä minkä ehti, mutta ehti olla silti mustasukkainen. Kun Betty meni tanssitunnille, Sam kokeili sen hameen alta onko sillä pikkuhousuja. 6. Februari 1660 hatte Sam Fräulein Ann "einmal so richtig probiert". "Ich tat mit ihr was ich wollte, jedoch nicht die Hauptsache." Ihr gefiel die Ehe so wenig, dass sie ihn schon zweimal innerhalb der Stunde "ranliess". "Nach vielerlei Protesten habe ich zu meinem grossen Vergnügen dort angelangt, wohin ich wollte." Annettuaan vaimo Bettylle mustan silmän Piips meni toisen Bettyn pakeille: "Ich wollte es, und ich nahm sie gegen ihren Willen." Als Betty ein Kind erwartete, tat er mit Dolly was er wollte: "Ich wäre zu allem fähig gewesen."
ellauri110.html on line 365: Sit tuli paljastus, kun Betty yllätti Pepysin nuoren apulaisen hameen alta. "Ich hatte meine Hand ind ihrer Muschi." Piips kielsi kaiken mutta raapusteli päiväkirjaan seuraavan: "Die Wahrheit is, dass ich dieses junge Mädchen liebend gern entjungfernt hätte, was mir zweifellos geglückt wäre, hätte ich die Zeit mit ihr gehabt." Nach diesem Unfall schlief er öfters mit seiner Betty, und "ich glaube sie hatte mehr Freude daran als je zuvor in unserer Ehe." Betty kuoli kuumeeseen Helmin ikäisenä eli 29-vuotiaana. Piips ei mennyt uusiin naimisiin vaan bylsi siitä lähin ketä tahtoi milloin teki mieli.
ellauri110.html on line 434: Hannu istui Olutkankaan klinikan potilasvuoteeseen ja sai happinaamarin päähänsä. Hänelle annettiin ilokaasuhoitoa tunnin annoksina kolmena peräkkäisenä päivänä.
ellauri110.html on line 440: Ilokaasun tehokkuus perustuu sen tuottamaan hyvänolontunteeseen: ilokaasua ja happea antamalla krapulan sijasta tulee mielihyvä, vieroitusoireet ja alkoholintarve häviävät.
ellauri110.html on line 637: Handen poliittis-ideologinen credo on tässä: Se ei usko mihinkään tarjolla olevista jumalista, mutta kyllä elämään, sen ihmeeseen, pyhyyteen, luontoon, kauneuteen jonka tajuamiseen tarvitaan ihminen, eli siis ihmiseen. Ihminen on luonnon ydin. Poliittisesti Hande edustaa vähäisemmistöä, eli enemmistöä. Doston sorrettuja ja solvaistuja. Se elää sillä puolella barrikadia, halusi tai ei. On sitä sevverran paljon solvaistu, ja tässäkin vaan tulee lisää. Kirjailijan on oltava kansan puolella, sixikin, että kansaa on enemmistö lukijoita, kirjoja ostavaa ja kirjailijaa ihailevaa yleisöä. Vähän snobi voi silti olla, muttei liian.
ellauri110.html on line 1066: These days it’d be right to say: ‘Life as a human is short, brief, and fleeting, full of pain and misery. Think about this and wake up! Do what’s good and live the spiritual life, for no-one born can escape death.’ For these days a long life is a hundred years or a little more. Living for a hundred years, there are just three hundred seasons, a hundred each of the winter, summer, and rains. Living for three hundred seasons, there are just twelve hundred months, four hundred in each of the winter, summer, and rains. Living for twelve hundred months, there are just twenty-four hundred fortnights, eight hundred in each of the winter, summer, and rains. Living for 2,400 fortnights, there are just 36,000 days, 12,000 in each of the summer, winter, and rains. Living for 36,000 days, you just eat 72,000 meals, 24,000 in each of the summer, winter, and rains, including when you’re suckling at the breast, and when you’re prevented from eating.
ellauri110.html on line 1068: Things that prevent you from eating include anger, pain, sickness, sabbath, or being unable to get food. So mendicants, for a human being with a hundred years life span I have counted the life span, the limit of the life span, the seasons, the years, the months, the fortnights, the nights, the days, the meals, and the things that prevent them from eating. Out of compassion, I’ve done what a teacher should do who wants what’s best for their disciples. Here are these roots of trees, and here are these empty huts. Practice absorption, mendicants! Don’t be negligent! Don’t regret it later! This is my instruction to you.”
ellauri110.html on line 1077: I hope that a revised version of these conversations will eventually appear in book form. This published version will include extensive accompanying notes, indicating the sources of the views ascribed to Dostoevsky and, where relevant, references to secondary literature. This will especially be in cases where, for example, the views spoken by Dostoevsky may involve controversial points of interpretation or where his own documented views may require comment for twenty-first century readers. However, this is primarily a work of fiction and although it is supported by scholarship and, I hope, raises questions that are of interest to scholars, it is to be read in the way we might read any work of fiction, where whatever instruction the work may offer is accompanied by a element of entertainment.
ellauri110.html on line 1079: The blog is intended to develop in a dialogical fashion and I hope that readers will contact me with any critical comments, whether these relate to style or content. Despite what I have just said about fiction, it is my wish that the eventual book will present an interpretation of Dostoevsky’s thought discussed that is fully defensible with regard to the available sources and I welcome any comments drawing attention to actual errors or significant misrepresentations. In this way, the blog itself will, I hope, set in motion a kind of conversation, alongside all the other amazing conversations about Dostoevsky that are happening in reality, in print, and online. This is work in progress and I hope not only to entertain and instruct but also to learn.
ellauri111.html on line 36: ese-kinds">Dostoevsky is what russophiles think Russian writers should ne like.
ellauri111.html on line 106: Roman Catholics may tell you, "You Protestants are missing part of the Bible. We have the rest of it." These people's leaders (popes, priests, etc.) have led them astray to this wrong belief. This comment about missing books can throw people off, but it no longer has to. These popish additions to the Bible are commonly called the Apocrypha or sometimes the Deuterocanonical books. This is a short treatise on WHY these books are not in the Bible.
ellauri111.html on line 110: The Apocrypha is a collection of uninspired, spurious books written by various individuals. The Catholic religion considers these books as scripture just like a Bible-believer believes that the 66 books in the Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible are the word of God, i.e., Genesis to Revelation. We are going to examine some verses from the Apocrypha later in our discussion.
ellauri111.html on line 112: At the Council of Trent (1546) the Roman Catholic institution pronounced the following apocryphal books sacred. They asserted that the apocryphal books together with unwritten tradition are of God and are to be received and venerated as the Word of God. So now you have the Bible, the Apocrypha and Catholic Tradition as co-equal sources of truth for the Catholic. In reality, it seems obvious that the Bible is the last source of truth for Catholics. Roman Catholic doctrine comes primarily from tradition stuck together with a few Bible names. In my reading of Catholic materials, I find notes like this: "You have to keep the Bible in perspective." Catholics have been deceived into not believing that the Bible is God's complete revelation for man (but they can come out of these deceptions in an instant if they will only believe the Bible as it is written) .
ellauri111.html on line 152: Because of these and other reasons, the apocryphal books are only valuable as ancient documents illustrative of the manners, language, opinions and history of the East.
ellauri111.html on line 180: These include the Pseudepigrapha which contains Enoch, Michael the Archangel, and Jannes and Jambres. Many spurious books falsely claim to have been written by various Old Testament patriarchs. They were composed between 200 B.C. and 100 A.D. There are lots of these spurious books like The Assumption of Moses, Apocalypse of Elijah, and Ascension of Isaiah.
ellauri111.html on line 196: During Geronimo's final period of conflict from 1876 to 1886, he surrendered three times and accepted life on the Apache reservations in Arizona. When Geronimo surrendered to General Nelson Miles for the last time in 1886, he said "This is the fourth time I have surrendered". Reservation life was confining to the free-moving Apache people, and they resented restrictions on their customary way of life. These restrictions included directives against wife beating and mutilation of women for adultery, and directives against the manufacture of Tiswin, an alcoholic drink fermented from corn.
ellauri111.html on line 200: In 1886, after an intense pursuit in northern Mexico by American forces that followed Geronimo's third 1885 reservation breakout, Geronimo surrendered for the last time to Lt. Charles Bare Gatewood, an Apache-speaking West Point graduate who had earned Geronimo's respect a few years before. Geronimo was later transferred to General Nelson Miles at Skeleton Canyon, just north of the Mexican/American boundary. Miles treated Geronimo as a prisoner of war and acted promptly to move Geronimo, first to Fort Bowie, then to the railroad at Bowie Station, Arizona, where he and 27 other Apaches were sent to join the rest of the Chiricahua tribe, which had been previously exiled to Florida.
ellauri111.html on line 228: “The question is: what is guilt and what is it to be guilty or to confess your guilt? Most people don’t understand this at all. They think it’s just a matter of fact – did he or didn’t he do it? If he did, he’s guilty, if he didn’t, he’s not guilty. Remember what Ivan Karamazov said, that everyone wants to kill their father – but the world knows many of these mental parricides as obedient and loving sons, who are not guilty of anything.”
ellauri111.html on line 253: “These are difficult things to talk about, and I should emphasize that I never wanted anyone to be locked up, or beaten, or put to death for what they’d done. I’ve seen too much of what that means. Punishment isn’t the answer, but acknowledging your guilt is … the first step.”
ellauri111.html on line 267: “But I repeat,” he continued after a moment, raising his hands dramatically, “I am not demanding the maximum penalty of the law, not even for these torturers. I do not want them imprisoned, beaten, or executed, though I understand the outrage of people who do. Remember, when Ivan asked Alyosha what to do about the general who’d had the little boy torn to pieces by his dogs, even mild, sweet-tempered Alyosha said ‘Shoot him’. But that doesn’t help either. Just because I wrote a novel called Crime and Punishment, people imagine I’m obsessed with punishing. Not at all. All I want is that the guilty are not acquitted. That their guilt is clearly stated. And that they accept it—that’s the most important of all. Let them be found guilty—and let them go free.”
ellauri111.html on line 318: Vähän tossa tuntui vieraalta toi ajatus yleisöstä päässä, tai siitä että olis ize asiassa kiva tunnustaa jotkut syntinsä jonkun seurakunnan edessä, kun sillä saisi osaxeen ainakin sen Warholin neljännestuntisen, nimittäin sixi ajaxi jonkun yleisön herpaantumattoman huomion. Muze kai liittyy tohon yhteisöllisyyden tarpeeseen, josta uskonnossakin on kysymys. Jos on bantukimalainen eikä hunajamehiläinen, ei ehkä pysty eläytymään siihen kunnolla.
ellauri111.html on line 333: How to get to heaven? If you ask most people this question, they might say something like, "If you do more good things than bad things, God will probably let you into heaven." No! That kind of thinking will reserve your place in hell.
ellauri111.html on line 339: The same thing applies to us as sinners, in principle. We have sinned against God's law and we are criminals--lying, stealing, killing, committing whoredom, taking candy from kids, etc. We have sinned and payment must be made for our crimes. God's penal code for any of these transgressions is rather steep - whatever it is, go to hell and the lake of fire forever, i.e. an eternity of burning in a grill. But don't worry, this need not happen, for:
ellauri111.html on line 379: You can see that the main paragraphs come from John (who was not present) and Paul (who was not present either). George and Ringo say nothing, as usual. (Well, there's Norwegian wood, and Yellow submarine, but they're completely beside the point.) All you need is love!
ellauri111.html on line 381: To get into heaven, you have to REPENT of your sins and BELIEVE the gospel of Jesus Christ (ref. Mark 1:15). You have to REPENT of your sins--that means turn from them and BELIEVE that Jesus died for your sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day. Having done these things, you will be born again and the Lord Jesus Christ will help you to walk uprightly. You will read the word (the Authorized King James Bible) and follow the teachings of Jesus. The word of God will wash your mind and your desires will actually change as you obey what you read. [Beware of church buildings and the internet--there are many false gospels in the world today. Read the Bible for yourself. There is a sound Overview of the Bible at this link.]
ellauri111.html on line 439: What? Why does sin require death n:o 1? Oh, it's all part of God's magnificent plan for us. Heterosexual generations mix genes faster than longevity, and makes for more successfully adapted organisms, etc. But no time to go into that just here. Anyway, we deserve the double death penalty. This includes both physical death (the casket) and spiritual death (when the soul is cast into hellfire).
ellauri111.html on line 443: God does not want to remain your enemy and he does not want you to go to hell. Well he wants to be our enemy long enough to scare us into obedience. Why he didn't just make us so from the beginning may make you wonder, but never mind. There are more wonderful things reserved for us to wonder at. He is a friend at heart, though he may strike you as a bully.
ellauri111.html on line 494: 1 John 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, THAT YE SIN NOT. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
ellauri111.html on line 554: (I love these AUTHORITY words, they really make me feel empowered.)
ellauri111.html on line 584: You don't need a preacher in your presence in order to be saved, you have heard the gospel here. Do you BELIEVE it and want it? Are you ready to be under God's commands or do you want to keep on doing what you want to do? This decision is yours and your future depends on what choice you make.
ellauri111.html on line 590: "But what if I have been really REALLY bad? Will God forgive me?" In these end times, people are being pumped fill of temptations and their sins are many. Some may feel like their sins are so bad or so many that they cannot be forgiven. But God is merciful. Please see our article, "Will God forgive me?" to estimate your chances.
ellauri111.html on line 592: Some people don't know how to pray. Praying is just talking to the Lord. If you want to be saved, talk to Jesus about it. You don't have to repeat these words, but someone may say something like this--
ellauri111.html on line 616: You can pray and ask the Lord to lead you to a truly Christian fellowship so that you can get baptized by a Christian and discipled in the way of Christ. Note: This is a tall order these days because today is the day of apostasy. False teachers and false prophets abound on television and in churches. Excerpt from our index page:
ellauri111.html on line 620: Avoid any church that is in disobedience to the scriptures. These are the days of apostasy. It is better to work alone with your Authorized King James Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ and obedience to the word than to be in a false church. Even if you do not know any Christians, you can still read the Bible and obey it, and live the Christian life by God´s grace, his divine influence in your life. Roman Catholic, Mormon, Seventh Day Adventist, Jehovah´s Witness, Christian Science, Greek Orthodox, etc. present themselves as Christian but they preach false doctrines. Many Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Baptist churches are not preaching the whole truth and some are basically going back to the Roman Catholic institution. I do not know of ONE good church. If you do find a church, make sure that they exclusively use the Authorized Version and make sure that you compare their teachings and doings to the word of God and the Bible Dudes.
ellauri111.html on line 658: As we read the Bible and obey it and pray, the Lord will lead us as to what we should do. Just taking care of our families and being obedient to the scriptures is good--just staying in position, taking care of our responsibilities, and being ready to give an answer to every man that asketh us a reason of the hope that is in us (these things are in the Bible, we just read and follow).
ellauri111.html on line 668: Pray. Pray and talk to God about whatever is on your heart. The Bible says to "pray without ceasing." I like to get up early in the morning while it is still dark and go to my prayer place so that I can present myself before the Lord. I search my memory for the things he allowed me to do the day before and the things he did for me. I praise him and I thank him. I pray for other people. I ask him to forgive me of my sins. When we pray to God, we need to be real. Pray about whatever is real for you at that time. You can praise God and his holy child, Jesus. You can glorify him for what he has done for you, you can thank him for what he has done for you, you can ask him to help you to overcome sin, you can ask him to help you in your daily tasks, you can ask him to show you the way that you should go, and more. The joy of the Lord is your strength (ref. Nehemiah 8:10). And when you pray, pray in Jesus´ name (John 14:13-14; John 15:16; John 16:23).
ellauri111.html on line 677: You can also order a hymn book from us. I have The New National Baptist Hymnal (Published in 1977 with KJV readings [Note: This website makes no money for any of these recommendations or links]. I am not a Baptist or any other name/denomination found outside of the Authorized King James Bible). I also have another hymnal entitled, Praise! Our Songs and Hymns (KJV) (always get KJV materials. KJV stands for "King James Version." Don't get "New" King James Version (NKJV) or "NIV"--these are two of many counterfeit Bibles.) Hymnals include the musical notes and lyrics. If you can play an instrument, you can learn many songs. We should think about the words of the various hymns to see if they are based on the Bible or not. Don't use jew´s harp, kazoo or electric guitar, however. Or comb and toilet paper either, that would be blasphemy.
ellauri111.html on line 687: Once you get saved, the devil will try to make sure that you encounter false doctrine. Your faith is tender and you may be prone to believe anything people tell you about the Bible (that's why you need to read it for yourself everyday). Please heed these warnings:
ellauri111.html on line 693: Again, The Bible forbids women being pastors and speaking in churches but many women have taken pulpits and other church positions in complete disobedience to the scriptures. This does not mean that there is no work for women in the kingdom of God (you may wish to see our article entitled, "The Role of Women in the Church). These are the days of apostasy. It is better to be alone with your Bible and the Lord Jesus and obedience than to be in a false church. Roman Catholic, Mormon, Seventh Day Adventist, Jehovah's Witness, Christian Science, Greek Orthodox, etc. present themselves as Christian but they preach false doctrines. Many Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Baptist churches are not preaching the whole truth and some are basically going back to the Roman Catholic institution. I do not know of ONE good church. If you find a church, make sure that they exclusively use the Authorized Version and make sure that you compare their teachings and doings to the word of God.
ellauri111.html on line 703: BEWARE OF THE HELL BOUND CHURCH PEOPLE--ALL OF THEM! IF YOU FOLLOW THEIR DOCTRINES, YOU WILL GO TO HELL TOO! They will tell you you can do what you feel like doing--doing all the sins you want to--and that you will still go to heaven. That is a lie from the devil and totally the opposite of what the Bible says. Nobody will sin their way into heaven. Ephesians 5:6 says, Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. If you do not repent, believe AND follow the commands of Jesus, you are not saved. If Jesus is not your Lord, he is not your Saviour, you are yet in your sins. For more on this, you may wish to see our article entitled, Lordship Salvation.
ellauri111.html on line 705: FLEE FROM "CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER", "EMERGING 'CHURCH'", "CONTEMPLATIVE SPIRITUALITY" "ANCIENT FUTURE CHURCH", etc. In this movement, these people are learning and using black magic type occult techniques in churches! In disregard and disobedience to the Bible, they THEY TELL PEOPLE TO CLEAR THEIR MINDS AND KEEP REPEATING THE NAME OF THE LORD OR SOME OTHER NAME. They say that focusing on the Bible is a hinderance to prayer--yes, the Bible is a hinderance to praying to the DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay away from people who want to teach you to pray to the devil calling the devil by the name of the Lord. Flee from anybody who puts down the word of God--they are doing that so that you will be defenseless against their lies. These are the end times and now church people are being deceived into CALLING AND SUMMON DEVILS! The emerging church of the devil is using the same yoga-type techniques as hindus, buddhists Roman Catholic mystics, Greek orthodox mystics, occultists and other mystical traditions. The people are even warned about the possibility of encountering evil spirits during these exercises--no regular prayer requires a warning, no, no, no--BUT PRAYING TO THE DEVIL DOES! AND WHEN THAT KUNDALINI SERPENT POWER RISES UP IN THESE PEOPLE, THEY WILL EITHER BECOME MAGICIANS OR GO INSANE OR SOME OTHER HORRIBLE THING--THERE ARE SYMPTOMS AND MANIFESTATIONS! CHURCH PEOPLE ARE GOING TOWARDS BEING POSSESSED! These are last days--BE WARE, DEAR ONE, BE WARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET SAVED, READ YOUR BIBLE AND OBEY IT AND LEAVE THE TELEVISION ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BEAST IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ellauri111.html on line 728: 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
ellauri111.html on line 743: I learned more about the Kundalini after researching the contemplative prayer movement that is entering the emerging church of the devil and the fallen, disobedient-to-the-scriptures churches that would not necessarily describe themselves as "emerging church", "ancient future church", etc. Kundalini awakening can be triggered unintentionally. Satan just waits for the conditions to be right. Some people go insane, check into mental hospitals over and over again, experience personality changes, cannot function as before, commit suicide, etc. Kundalini awakening (a counsel for leaving it behind) is discussed further in our series, "Contemplative Prayer: A Quick Road to Hell for A Disobedient Church."
ellauri111.html on line 745: Don't let anybody convince you that you have to "speak in tongues" to show that you are saved. Some of these people will tell you that you can learn to "speak in tongues" by letting yourself jibber and jabber, muttering sounds that do not make sense. They will tell you to keep practicing to "speak in tongues"--this is wrong. God's Spirit is the one that will give the gift of tongues spontaneously to whom he will. There are many spiritual gifts, tongues is one of them. Not all Christians speak in tongues. Tongues is a gift that I have not seen properly practiced one time (though I have heard a few testimonies involving them that sounded sound).
ellauri111.html on line 747: Cults like "the Church of Christ" will try to convince you that water baptism saves you and that you have to join their specific "church" and not drink coffee, etc. These cults take certain scriptures out of context and then mix them up in order to deceive people. I'm not minimizing the importance of the ordinance of baptism--you need to be baptized--but cults mix up the doctrines of the Lord to deceive people. YOU NEED TO READ YOUR BIBLE. The Roman Catholic institution is another cult. It is not a Christian church. Her doctrines are the opposite of the Bible. If you are a former Roman Catholic, you need to get rid of all the paraphenalia and graven images and idols that you may have collected through the years (e.g., rosary, St. Anthony, crucifixes, relics, candles, Mary prayers, pictures, etc.). The Seventh Day Adventists will try to get you to follow the teachings of Ellen White, a false prophetess who made prophecies that did not come to pass and put all kinds of requirements on people that are not in the Bible. The Mormons are a another cult. They teach that their males can become gods some day with their own planets. Please don't look up all these cults. Just focus on reading your Bible and obeying it. Then you will be able to discern if a person is speaking according to the word or not.
ellauri111.html on line 886: Salaliittoteorioihin vahvasti uskovilla on muita suurempi tarve kokea olevansa ainutlaatuisia ja he kokevat salaliittoteorioiden kautta olevansa muita tiedostavampia ajankohtaisista tapahtumista. Masonin (2002) mukaan salaliittoteorioihin uskovat näkevät asiat salaisen tiedon narratiivin eli kertomuksen kautta ja että he uskovat, että heillä on salaista tietoa, mitä muilla ei ole saatavilla. Lantian ym. mukaan tämä vahvistaa heidän omaa käsitystä omasta ainutlaatuisuudestaan, joka on taas yhteydessä korostuneeseen narsismiin. Cichocka ym. (2016) havaintojen mukaan paranoidiset ajatukset toimivat yhdistävänä välittäjänä salaliittoteorioiden ja yksilöllisen narsismin välillä salaliittoteorioihin uskovilla henkilöillä.
ellauri111.html on line 892: Salaliittoteoreetikot näkevät ize itsensä tutkijoina. Jotkut heistä ovat perehtyneet aiheeseensa hyvin yksityiskohtaisesti, ja he tuntevat aiheen perin pohjin. He kiinnittävät huomiota löytämiinsä lukuisiin poikkeavuuksiin, kuten inhimillisiin virheisiin, hätäisiin lausuntoihin, tiedollisiin aukkoihin ja ristiriitaisuuksiin, ja kutovat niistä yhtenäisen salaliittoteorian siinä missä muut ihmiset eivät näe tällaisissa tavanomaisissa epäsäännöllisyyksissä salaliiton todisteita. Ja jos tapahtuma ei näytä salaliitolta, se on salaliittoteoreetikoille merkki siitä, että salaliittolaiset ovat vaikutusvaltaisia, koska salaliitto on tehokkaasti salattu.
ellauri112.html on line 57: Nykyajan sielutiede, sekä filosofinen että varsinaisesti tieteellinen, onkin sentähden--kuten pitkin rintamaa voi huomata-- usein sangen jyrkästikin varuillaan assosiatsio-psykologian liioitteluja vastaan. Niinpä voitanee esim. Henri Bergson'in filosofiaa osittain pitää jyrkkänä vastavaikutuksena sitä vastaan. Mitä sielukäsitteeseemme tulee, ovat hänen mielestään sekä 'ykseys' että 'moninaisuus' sellaisia »cadres de l'intélligence», ymmärryksen kaavoja, joihin elävä todellisuus vain väkivaltaisesti pakoittamalla saadaan soveltumaan, »konfektsiovaatteita» eikä suinkaan mitan mukaan tehtyjä (kts lähemmin Aika 1911 s. 433 seur.) Tällaisen »mitan mukaan tehdyn» sielukäsitteen on James koettanut tuoda esiin perustavassa »Sielutieteen periaatteissaan.» Loistavassa luvussaan »tajunnan virrasta» (the stream of thought) suosittelee hän tätä kuvaa karakterisoimaan sielunelämän yleistä luonnetta. Nykyisessä kirjallisuudessa se onkin yleisesti omaksuttu.
ellauri112.html on line 69: esearch-group.jpg" width="50%" />
ellauri112.html on line 156: Erittäin mielenkiintoisesti osoittaa Collin, mitkä historialliset olosuhteet ja vaikutukset ovat saattaneet Darwinin niin suhteettomasti panemaan painoa »olemassaolon taistelulle» luonnossa. Hän tuo esiin tunnetun vähän ennen Darwinia esiintyneen kansantaloustieteilijä Malthusin ja hänen (paikkaansapitämättömän) väestönlisäyslakinsa, jonka mukaan väestö lisääntyy paljoa nopeammin kuin ravinto; Malthusilta on »olemassaolon taistelukin» lainattu. Edelleen on huomattava ne kokemukset, joita Darwin suurella kiertomatkallaan teki alempien rotujen surkeasta häviöstä valkoihoisten tunkeutuessa siirtomaihin. Huomattava vaikutus on myös varmaan ollut sillä hurjalla taloudellisella taistelulla, joka niihin aikoihin, suurteollisuuden syntyessä ja rajattoman kilpailun vallitessa, riehui Englannissa. Ja lopuksi on tärkeänä tekijänä huomattava Darwinin filosofisuskonnollinen katsantokanta, tuo varsinaiselta alkuperältään stoalainen teismi, joka rakastaa nähdä maailman jonkunmoisena kellokoneistona, minkä sen jumalallinen seppä kerran on virittänyt käyntiin, sitten enää sen toimintaan sekaantumatta ja antaen sen yksinkertaisten mekaanisten periaatteiden mukaan käydä suurissa piirteissä ennalta päätettyä päämäärää kohti. Lyhyesti, darwinismia ei voida lukea noihin ikuisiin totuuksiin, jotka, kuten esim. joku Newtonin gravitatsio-laki, voitaisiin lausua miltä muulta taivaankappaleelta tahansa samalla jumalallisella pätevyydellä; se kuuluu ennemminkin Ibsenin »suhteellisiin» totuuksiin, jotka »elävät korkeintaan kahdenkymmenenviiden vuoden vanhoiksi». Mutta tarkastamatta on vielä, mitä johtopäätöksiä ja opetuksia uuden elämän-tieteen kolmas, vasta alkanut kausi antaa ihmiskunnan olemiseen ja kehitykseen nähden ja mitä vaikutuksia sillä mahdollisesti jo on ollut ajan yleiseen henkiseen ilmapiiriin. Selville on ensinnäkin käynyt, että sekä »suurten tunteiden ajan» optimistinen että darwinistisen kauden pessimistinen luonnonnäkemys kumpikin ovat yksipuolisia, tai paremmin: epätieteellisiä, sillä ne ovat kumpikin jokseenkin karkeasti antropomorfistisia. Molemmat tekevät »luonnosta» jonkunmoisen olennon, joka edellisen mukaan on lapsilleen lempeä äiti, jälkimäisen mukaan niistä täydellisen välinpitämätön. Itse asiassa on elävä luonto tietysti kokoonpantu yksityisolennoista, jotka eivät suinkaan ole ehdottomasti välinpitämättömiä toisistaan. Vaikka tämä huolenpito ei ulottuisi sen pitemmälle kuin emon ja poikasten suhteeseen, olisi sittenkin tietysti väärin sanoa, että luonto on ehdottomasti välinpitämätön ja moraaliton. Ja mitä korkeammalle nousemme elävien olentojen kehityssarjassa, sitä suuremmaksi tulee huolenpito kasvavasta polvesta, sitä enemmän kasvaa yksilöitten itselaajennuksen kyky. Voimmepa sanoa, että selvin merkki elämänmuotojen edistymisestä maapallollamme on siinä, että yksityisten olentojen itsesäilytysvietti tulee yhä laajemmaksi, kunnes se yksityisissä suurissa ihmisissä sulkee sisäänsä koko ihmisyyden ja kaiken elävän. Sekä luonnon pahuus että hyvyys ovat näinollen molemmat samanlaisia mytologisia kuvitelmia; se elämänkäsitys, johon uusi elämäntiede selvästi viittaa, ei ole pessimistinen eikä optimistinen, vaan »melioristinen» (melior = parempi)--niinkuin jo Voltaire tuo sangen viisas mies lausui kuuluisissa sanoissaan: »Jos maailma on hyvä tai huono, on meidän tehtävä voitavamme, että siitä tulisi parempi».
ellauri112.html on line 169: * * * * * Valaisevan vertauskohdan edellisen kanssa tarjoaa eräs toinen paikka filosofisella taistelukentällä, jossa materialistit ovat taittaneet monta peistä, nim. kysymys sielun ja ruumiin suhteesta. Reaaliset tiedot aivotoiminnan ja sielunelämän suhteesta olivat materialismin kukoistuskaudella vallan mitättömät. Mutta tämä tietämättömyys peitettiin innokkailla väitteillä siitä, että »sielu» totisesti ei ole muuta kuin atomien liikettä, että aivot erittävät ajatuksia samoin kuin maksa sappea, että sielunelämä on jonkunmoista »fosforesenssia», tai mitä kaikkia lausetapoja silloin keksittiinkin. Nykyään tiedämme ainakin jotain aivotoiminnan ja sielunelämän suhteesta, tiedämme, että aivojen harmaa kuori on »tajunnan elin» siinä merkityksessä että sielunelämä on siitä välittömästi riippuvainen, vieläpä siten että ainakin alkeelliset sieluntoiminnat (aistimukset ja ruumiilliset tunteet) ovat »lokaliseeratut» tarkasti määrättyihin aivokuoren alueisiin; ja on erittäin luultavaa, että myös n.s. korkeammat sieluntoiminnat ovat sidotut määrättyihin aineellisiin tapahtumiin aivokuoressa. Tieteellinen psykologia julkilausuu tämän riippuvaisuussuhteen »psykofyysillisen parallelismin» periaatteellansa, joka on osoittautunut erinomaisen hedelmälliseksi »työ olettamukseksi» ja joka sisältää, että sielullista ilmiösarjaa vastaa joka kohdassa aineellinen tapahtumasarja aivokuoressa. Mutta kun edellinen vähän väliä kätkee, kun sitä vastoin jälkimäinen on katkeamaton, on luonnollista, että aineellinen tapahtumasarja selityksissämme pannaan sielullisen perustaksi. Tämän takia onkin fysiologisen psykologian lopullisena päämääränä, lyhyesti sanoen, koettaa selittää sielulliset ilmiöt määrätyistä aineellisista edellytyksistä. Onko tämä materialismia? Ei suinkaan, sillä metafyysillinen juopa sielullisen ja aineellisen välillä jää olemaan kuten ennenkin. Sen ylipääsemättömyyttä ei vähääkään muuta se, että vähitellen yhä tarkemmin opimme tietämään, mitä aivokuoren kohdan kiihoitusta ja minkä asteista, minkä luontaista kiihoitusta kukin sielullinen ilmiö vastaa. On eräitten periaatteellisten filosofisten syiden takia mahdoton ajatellakin, että tämä kuilu jollakin tieteellisellä tavalla voitaisiin täyttää. Olemme tässä omituisen ristiriidan edessä. Toisella puolen on pieni, mutta vähitellen varmasti kasvava tietomme siitä lainalaisuudesta, joka vallitsee sielullisen ja aivo-toiminnan kesken, toisella puolen on suuri valtava tietämättömyytemme tämän lainalaisuuden syvemmistä perusteista ja syistä, aineen ja hengen suhteen todellisesta luonteesta. Filosofit ovat aina ponnistelleet ajatustaan tämän kysymyksen ratkaisemiseksi ja saaneet tulokseksi joukon arveluita...
ellauri112.html on line 171: --Jos mielikuvituksessamme käymme läpi kaikki käsitykset todellisuuden rakenteesta, mitä mahdollisesti tunnemme, on helppo huomata, että eräällä niistä on aivan erikoinen viehätysvoima ymmärryksellemme, johtuen sen erinomaisesta ainakin näennäisestä selvyydestä. Se on se käsitys, että mikä on olemassa on tyhjä tila ja siinä olevat ja liikkuvat kappaleet. Uudemmista ajattelijoista on varsinkin Henri Bergson koettanut ottaa selvää siitä, mihinkä tämän »esineellisen» käsitystavan viehätysvoima perustuu. Hän on sitä mieltä, että sen perusta itse asiassa on käytännöllinen, biologinen. Niiden syitten joukossa, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet, että juuri ihminen on kohonnut maapallon herraksi, on epäilemättä yhtenä kaikkein tärkeimmistä se, että ihminen, älynsä avulla, on oppinut käyttämään kiinteitä kappaleita työkaluina ja aseina. Ihmisen nimi ei pitäisi olla homo sapiens vaan homo faber, s.o. seppä (sanan laajimmassa mielessä). Mutta tästäpä syystä onkin ymmärryksemme niin syvästi ja pääsemättömästi rakastunut kiinteisiin kappaleisiin, esineellisyyden aatteeseen. Syvä vaisto, syvempi kuin logiikka ja tosiseikat, ajaa meitä kaikkialla viemään läpi tämän aatteen, ja jos tälle taipumukselle annetaan täysin vapaat kädet, on tulos ennakolta määrätty, nim. materialismi. Kun kreikkalainen Demokritos paljon yli kaksituhatta vuotta sitten loi ensimäisen atomiopin suunnitelman, toimi hänen ajatuksensa tämän »esineellisyyden» vaiston ajamana: miten luonnolliselta tuntui kuvailla, että kaikki oleva on pienen-pienistä kiinteistä kappaleista kokoonpantu, samanlaisista kuin ne joita me joka päivä kivien ja puupalojen muodossa pitelemme käsissämme ja jotka ovat meille niin tuttuja ja selviä. Ja sama vaisto elää meissä vielä tänä päivänä. Mutta harvoin on tämä vaisto saanut sen pahempaa kolausta kuin yllämainittujen luonnontieteen uudempien tulosten kautta. Siinä suhteessa on noilla tuloksilla kerrassaan vallankumouksellinen luonne. Jos ne vakiintuvat ja jähmettyvät totuuksiksi, on materialismin aika ikipäiviksi mennyt. Eihän meillä ole minkäänlaista mahdollisuutta saada mielikuvitustamme tyydyttävää, havainnollista, »esineellistä» käsitystä sellaisista suureista kuin eetteri eli painoton aine, elektronit, joilla ei ole massaa j.n.e. Ne ovat puhtaita käsitteitä, merkkejä, symboleja. Jos yritämme tehdä niistä jotain havainnollisia todellisuudenkuvia, syntyy ristiriitasia sekasikiöitä, jotka todistavat pelkästään »esineellisen» älyntaipumuksemme kömpelyyttä. Mutta samalla todistaa tämä kuinka suunnattoman pitkälle luonnonilmiöiden tieteellinen analyysi itse asiassa on mennyt. Se todellisuus, jota luonnontiede näissä uudemmissa tuloksissaan käsittelee, ei enää ole varsinaisesti aineellinen; se on kaukana meidän esineellisten käsitystapojemme saavuttamattomissa, todellisuutta, jota ei silmä näe eikä käsi kosketa, mutta jonka matemaatiset suhteet on noihin merkeillä ja symboleilla ilmaistu. Muinaiset pythagoralaiset sanoivat, kuten Aristoteles kertoo, että lukujen aineksista on koko maailmankaikkeus kokoonpantu. Mielestäni voi uusi luonnontiede nähdä edelläkävijänsä, ei materialistisessa Demokritoksessa, vaan Pythagoraassa. Samanlaiseen epähavainnolliseen, puhtaasti käsitteelliseen todellisuuden käsitykseen kuin Pythagoraalla näyttää olleen, tuntuu myös uusi luonnontiede johtavan. Ajatus on kaikki, niin lopettaa Henri Poincaré, meidän aikamme luonnontutkijoista kaiketi edustavimpia, erään aikaisemman teoksensa.
ellauri112.html on line 187: »L´élan vital» on se elämän meri, jossa me olemme, liikumme ja elämme. Kaunopuheisen, mystillisen tunteen koko hehkulla kuvatessaan tämän elämän prinsiipin alkuperää, sen taistelua Materiaa vastaan ja ihmisen kykyä »intuitionsa» voimalla sukeltautua siihen takaisin, osoittautuu Bergson ikivanhojen mystikkojen täysveriseksi seuraajaksi. Renan ei ole missään antanut yhtenäistä esitystä kehitysopillisista teorioistaan. Mutta monista yksityisistä lausunnoista käy riittävästi ilmi hänen »vitalistinen» kantansa. »Kaksi seikkaa, aika ja pyrkimys edistykseen, selittävät maailman. Ilman tätä hedelmällistä edistyksen siementä jäisi aika ikuisesti martaaksi. Jonkunlainen sisäinen jousi, joka työntää kaiken elämään, ja yhä enemmän kehittyneeseen elämään, kas siinä välttämätön olettamus (Dialogues philosophiques, s. 177). Koko maailma on työssä ja pyrkii toteuttamaan jotain salattua tarkoitusta, se oli eräs Renanin rakkaimmista ajatuksista, jota hän skeptillisimmälläkin tuulellaan helli. Viimeisessä filosofisessa kirjoituksessaan, »Examen de consciance philosophique» (Feuilles détachées -kokoelmassa) sanoo hän pitävänsä pintapuolisina niitä vastaväitteitä »finalismia» vastaan, joita eräät tiedemiehet tekevät, huomauttaessaan luonnon epätäydellisyyksistä. Nämä vastaväitteet eivät estä olettamasta, että maailmassamme vaikuttaa salainen pyrkimys, syvällinen nisus, joka sokeana toimii olemiston kuiluissa, työntäen kaiken elämään, kaikissa avaruuden kohdissa. Tämä nisus ei ole tietoinen eikä kaikkivoipa; se tekee parhaansa aineesta, joka sillä on käytettävänään. Mutta ehkä se nisus, joka vaikuttaa maailmankaikkeuteen kokonaisuudessaan, eräänä päivänä tulee tajuiseksi, kaikkitietäväksi, kaikkivoipaiseksi. Jumala syntyy... Toteutuu niin korkea tietoisuuden aste, ettei meillä siitä voi olla mitään käsitystä. Ikuisuus tarjoaa loppumattomat mahdollisuudet. Absoluuttinen olento, päästyään kehityksensä päähän ja opittuaan täydellisesti tuntemaan itsensä, toteuttaa kenties kaikki voimansa avulla uskonnon: hurskasten ylösnousemuksen ja ijankaikkisen elämän...
ellauri112.html on line 193: Syy siihen, että juuri käsitteet »vihreä», »punainen» jne. on muodostettu, eikä aivan toisia, piilee tietysti näiden vivahdusten käytännöllisessä merkityksessä. Lauselma: »logiikka ei tavoita vivahduksia» tarkoittaa siis: spekulatiivinen, aprioristinen logiikka ei tavoita vivahduksia. Kaikkia värivivahduksia ei voida ilmaista viidellä tai kuudella värinimityksellä. Mutta kokemustiede, kokemuksellinen logiikka tavoittaa kyllä mitä vivahduksia tahansa. Minulla on tällä hetkellä mielikuva ihan määrätystä punaisen vivahduksesta, joka imupaperillani on; jos tahtoisin, voisin nimittää tätä vivahdusta esim. klm: siten olisi uusi käsite muodostettu, käsite, joka tavoittaisi ihan määrätyn vivahduksen. Tällaisen käsitteen muodostaminen olisi kuitenkin kovin epätarkoituksenmukaista. Paljon tärkeämpiä kuin äärimäisen yksilölliset vivahdukset, kuin ne ominaisuudet, jotka kussakin esineessä ovat erilaisia, ovat yleensä esineiden yhteiset ominaisuudet. Käsite klm ilmaisisi vain yhdellä tai aivan harvoilla esineillä olevaa ominaisuutta, käsite »punainen» sellaista ominaisuutta, joka on lukemattomilla ja jonka jokainen omasta kokemuksestaan tuntee. Sanoin, että Renan yllämainitulla lauseellaan on lausunut julki Bergsonin filosofian ydinajatuksen. Mutta siinä tapauksessa Bergson on käsittänyt tuon lauseen ihan sananmukaisesti. Bergsonin mukaanhan kaikki logiikka, kaikki ajattelu on voimaton tavoittamaan todellisuutta, joka ei ole muuta kuin vivahduksia. Hänhän esittää, mitenkä inhimillinen äly on kuin valmiiden vaatteiden varasto, johon yritetään pukea todellisuus, katsomatta kuinka se niihin soveltuu. Hän vertaa älyämme kinematograafikoneeseen, joka ottaa muutamia liikkumattomia silmänräpäyskuvia elämän alituisesta virtailusta, ja yrittää näistä kuolleista kuvista uudelleen panna kokoon elävän todellisuuden. Hän puhuu ymmärryksemme »mekanistisesta vaistosta», joka viettää voittokulkuaan geometriassa, mutta on kykenemätön ratkaisemaan elämän arvoitusta. Tällä tavoin Bergson syyttää tiedettä virheestä, johon ei ollenkaan se, vaan juuri filosofia on tehnyt itsensä syypääksi-- spekulatiivisesta logiikasta, jota monet filosofit ovat rakastaneet, mutta joka tiedemiesten parhaille on ollut kauhistus. Näin yrittää hän riistää tieteeltä sananvallan sen mieltäkiinnittävimmissä kysymyksissä, ja panna sijalle runollisen »intuitionsa», jota ei millään keinoin voi kontrolloida, joka ei sisällä mitään mahdollisuutta eroittaa totuutta erehdyksestä. Jos koskaan, on filosofia Bergsonissa muuttunut »spesialiteetiksi». (Aika 10, 10-18) * * * * *
ellauri112.html on line 420: Parodia eli ivamukaelma on ivallinen, piikittelevä, liioitteleva tai koominen toisen (yleisön tunteman) teoksen jäljitelmä (myös pienet viittaukset kohteeseen riittävät).
ellauri112.html on line 583: Maybe some new moms will see Tully and realize that they can and should ask for paid help, that they deserve it. They just have to happen to have the money.
ellauri112.html on line 618: It’s these little moments that Reitman captures so well. Like Ron Livingston’s detached husband, who routinely retreats to his room to hide under a video game headset.
ellauri112.html on line 624: Tully es la tipica chica millennial. Ser madre no es tan facil en ese contexto social como lo pintan. Money does not make one happy, nor does a family.
ellauri112.html on line 628: Sin tener muy claro en ningún momento si quiere ser una comedia cáustica o un melodrama reivindicativo, el filme destila feminismo desde el primero hasta el último fotograma y no huye ni siquiera de los clichés más obvios, como ese marido incomprensivo e insolidario que es un patán de tomo y lomo.
ellauri112.html on line 682: Yet to hail the film as a feminist project is to value the representation of the structural co-option of maternity over its interrogation. Tully’s treatment of social reproduction is dangerously simplistic. Cody has spoken in interviews about how her own, financially easier, experience of parenting in L.A. inspired her to explore a narrative in which economic anxieties are combined with the other hardships of parenthood, yet here class and poverty are only fleeting concerns. The transactional system of care that governs child-rearing under capitalism is done away with via Tully’s otherworldliness. Until the revelation of her non-existence, the viewer, although encouraged to believe in her, is never asked to consider her financial reality, and the fact that the service is paid for by Marlo’s wealthy brother is a narrative convenience that reinforces its fairytale quality. Similarly, Tully’s whiteness allows the racial politics of care to be completely overlooked, and the repeated idea that it’s ‘unnatural’ for hired help to bond with your newborn is taken as a given, rather than seen as an impetus for a consideration of the social conditions that require mothers to make that choice.
ellauri112.html on line 688: I found this one to be a boring display of what I like to call ‘critic bait’: a movie targeted at film journalists who will believe anything put onscreen from these two is worthy of never-ending praise.
ellauri112.html on line 730: The revelation that Tully is a version of Marlo’s former self removes the possibility of a different life she represented. “I love us,” Marlo’s husband says to her, as she lies in her hospital bed. “I love us too,” she replies. This collective noun is the acceptance of the status quo, just as Tully’s last speech, in which she tells Marlo she should embrace her dull life – “being boring means you’re doing it right” – is an endorsement of the sacrifices society requires of her. The final scene, in which Marlo’s husband helps her make the packed lunches, is bathed in a saccharine glow: learn to love your claustrophobia, it tells women. The nuclear family is the only one worth having.
ellauri112.html on line 816: Wine and grape juice are made from the same fruit and visually present the same message of Christ´s blood. So, does it really matter whether we use juice or wine for the sacrament?
ellauri112.html on line 820: “God himself provides ‘wine which makes man’s heart glad’ just as He gives ‘food which sustains man’s heart’ (Ps. 104:14.15). He promises His people that, if they will obey Him, He will bless them with an abundance of wine (Deut 7:13, 11:14, Prov. 3:10. etc.). He threatens to withdraw this blessing from them if they disobey His law (Deut. 28:39, 51; Isa. 62:8). The Scriptures clearly teach that God permits His people to enjoy wine and strong drink as a gift from Him. ‘You may spend the money for whatever your heart desires, for oxen, or sheep, or wine, or strong drink, or whatever your heart desires; and there you shall eat in the presence of the Lord your God and rejoice, you and your household’ (Deut. 14:26).
ellauri112.html on line 875: “In regard to the external form of the ordinance, whether or not believers are to take into their hands and divide among themselves, or each is to eat what is given to him; whether they are to return the cup to the deacon or hand it to their neighbour; whether the bread is to be leavened or unleavened, and the wine to be red or white, is of no consequence. These things are indifferent, and left free to the Church...”
ellauri112.html on line 896: Yet, in what is surely one of the great tragedies of history, worse than genocide, the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper has become an occasion for confusion and division. For example, even men of good will, professing the Bible to be their guide, have disagreed as to the exact nature of Christ’s presence in the Lord’s Supper. More recently, Christians have differed about the frequency of intercourse and the subjects of intercourse. But we will not consider such matters as these here.
ellauri112.html on line 900: This website is intended to answer these questions.
ellauri112.html on line 904: Second, we will devote two pages to the Bible passages that concern the cup in the Lord’s Supper. One page will consider the passages in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. On this page, we will study Jesus’s words, “the fruit of the vine,” in their original context, and we will also learn how these words were used in the Passover meal before and during the time Jesus spoke them. The other page will consider the two relevant passages in I Corinthians, and what they teach us about the contents of the cup. Rather than grow our discussion beyond all bounds, we will limit ourselves to what the Bible says about the contents of the communion cup.
ellauri112.html on line 912: Sixth, since we cannot understand the present controversy surrounding the communion cup without doing so, we will very briefly survey the temperance movements of the nineteenth century.
ellauri112.html on line 914: On the next three pages of the web site, we will read articles by William B. Sprague, Moses Stuart, William Slater, and Dunlop Moore. These four nineteenth century religious leaders will give us their answers to the question Moses Stuart asked in 1835, namely, "What is the duty of the churches, in regard to the use of fermented (alcoholic) wine, in celebrating the Lord´s Supper?"
ellauri112.html on line 920: We also briefly summarize the current positions of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, as described by synodical decisions in 2002, 2010, 2017, and 2019. This page also includes an analysis of these decisions.
ellauri112.html on line 930: A website such as this one may seem unnecessary and needless, because many men and churches have already spoken. Even when official statements are lacking, it might appear that the actual practices of churches and men have already decided the truth of the matter. And, indeed, we ought to give the opinions of men and the practices of the churches all the consideration they deserve.
ellauri115.html on line 103: - 1712
- JJ syntyy 28.kesäkuuta Genevessä protestanttiseen ranskalaiseen mamuperheeseen. 7. heinäkuuta hänen äitinsä kuolee lapsivuoteeseen.
ellauri115.html on line 116: - 1745
- "Solmii suhteen" 23-vuotiaan "liinavaateompelijan" Therese Lavasseurin kaa. Kirjoittaa oopperan ja korjailee Rameaun veljenpojan & Voltairen oopperaa. Kiemurtelee Voltairen suosioon.
ellauri115.html on line 118: - 1748
- Luovuttaa toisen lapsen löytöeläintarhaan. Näitä tule vielä 3 lisää. Ostaisitko tältä mieheltä lastenkasvatusopasta? No on epäilty et ehkä ne oli Teresen lapsia muttei Jannen. Janne saattoi olla tuhkis pissavikoineen. Se oli tosi luulosairas, sen pippeliä sondeerattiin päivittäin loppupeleissä.
ellauri115.html on line 130: Rousseau yhdisti tämän uuden itsetietoisuuden ihmiskunnan kukoistuksen kulta-aikaan. Maanviljelyn ja metallurgian kehittyminen, yksityisomistus ja työnjako johtivat kuitenkin kasvaneeseen riippuvuuteen ja epätasa-arvoon. Seurannut ristiriidan tila johti Rousseaun johtopäätökseen, jonka mukaan ensimmäinen valtio keksittiin yhteiskunta"sopimuksena" rikkaiden ja voimakkaiden "ehdotuksesta". Mitä vittua!
ellauri115.html on line 139: - 1756
- Asettuu Theresen ja anopin kanssa Eremitageen Pariisin lähiöön rouva d'Epinayn tiluxille. Alkaa kirjoittaa Julieta. (55 ei tapahtunut mitään mainittavaa.)
ellauri115.html on line 149: - 1768
- Tervehdyttyään jonkin verran oleskelee Lyonissa. Kerää kasveja. Viipyy jonkin aikaa Grenoblessa. Käy Chamberyssa "maman"in haudalla. Asettuu johkin asumaan. Solmii lopultakin siviiliavioliiton Theresen kaa.
ellauri115.html on line 168: Wer würde glauben, dass diese Bestrafung in der Kindheit, erlitten im Alter von acht Jahren von hand eines alten Jungfer von dreissig Jahren (tatsächlich war er elf und sie vierzig) meinen Geschmack, meine Wünsche, meine Leidenschaften, mein ganzes Selbst bis ans Ende meines Lebens bestimmen würde?
ellauri115.html on line 172: 24-vuotiaalle Teresalle J-J oikein lupasi, ettei koskaan menis sen kanssa naimisiin. Paizi 23v myöhemmin valesellaisiin kun Teresa ei vaan lakannut nalkuttamasta. Teresa oli sievä, hyvä pano ja hyvä keittäjä, muttei ihan Jean-Jacquesin henkisellä tasolla. (Tästä Imi Cunt sille vekutti, että mikäs nero luulet ize olevasi hömelö? Tolstoi sanoi myöhemmin eze on saanut eniten vaikutteita J-J:ltä ja evankeljumeista. Voihan hiivatti.)
ellauri115.html on line 174: Therese war Rousseau bemerkenswert ergeben, wenn man seine schwierige Natur und sein herzloses Verhalten gegenüber den fünf gemeinsamen ausserehelich geborenen Kindern betrachtet. Trotz der Proteste seiner Frau (nicht aber Ehefrau) bestand Rousseau darauf, dass die Kinder jeweils nach der Geburt einem Findelhaus übergeben wurden. Seine Begründungen waren philosophisch - zum Beispiel sei das der einzige Weg, "ihre Ehre zu retten", da sie nicht verheiratet waren. Er nannte Therese "Tante" und "Herrin", nicht aber "Königin", doch ging seine Unterwürfigkeit nie so weit, dass er sie um Prügel bat, und er klagte dass sie im Bett kalt war. Kreivitär Houdetotin perään J-J läähätti niin kovasti, että sai elinikäisen nivuskohjun jatkuvasta stondista. Sophie Houdetot oli schrecklich moralische Julien esikuva kirjassa Uusi Heloise.
ellauri115.html on line 227: Thérèse Le Vasseur tuli arvostetusta perheestä, joka oli kaatunut vaikeisiin aikoihin; hiänen isänsä oli paikallinen virkamies Orléansissa, ja hiänen äitinsä oli kauppias. Thérèse ja hiänen äitinsä muuttivat Pariisiin etsimään työtä, ja myöhemmin hiänen isänsä liittyi heihin. Le Vasseur tapasi Rousseaun Pariisissa vuonna 1745. Le Vasseur työskenteli itsepalvelupesulana ja huonetarnaisena (!?) Hotel Saint-Quentinissä Rue des Cordiers -kadulla, jossa Rousseau otti ateriansa. Hiän oli tuolloin 23-vuotias, hän 33-vuotias. Rousseaun mukaan Thérèse synnytti hänelle (?) viisi lasta, jotka kaikki annettiin Enfants-Trouvésin löytökodille, ensimmäinen vuonna 1746 ja muut 1747, 1748, 1751, ja 1752. Thérèseä kuvataan Rousseaun tunnustuksissa heikosti älykkääksi naiseksi, jota hiänen perheensä ja miesystävänsä hyväksikäyttää. (Siis kuvataan kuten tavallista heikosti, mutta älykkääxi.) He kävivät läpi laillisesti kelpaamattoman avioliittoseremonian Bourgoinissa 29. elokuuta 1768. Therese tarjosi Rousseaulle tukea ja hoitoa, ja kun hän kuoli, hiän oli hänen omaisuutensa, mukaan lukien käsikirjoitukset ja rojaltit, ainoa perijä. Rousseaun kuoleman jälkeen vuonna 1778 hiän meni naimisiin René de Girardinin palvelija Jean-Henri Ballyn kanssa marraskuussa 1779. He asuivat yhdessä Le Plessis-Bellevillessä kuolemaansa asti vuonna 1801. (Siis hiänen, hän Bally peri sitten koko roskan.)
ellauri115.html on line 252: Victor Hugo (1802-1885) oli ristiriitainen ihminen. Ristiriitaiset ihmiset ovat kiinnostavia! Se oli naistenmies ja kitupiikki. Se meni naimisiin 20-vuotiaan Adèlen kanssa ja runoili sille kauniita säkeitä: Sinä pidät minua kädestä kun vaellan varjossa, ja silmistäsi hohtavat minulle taivaan säteet. 8v myöhemmin nukuttiin eri peteissä. Rakkaus lakastui. Eikö Adèle huolehtinut henkilökohtaisesta raikkaudestaan? Hollantilaiset turistit rahtaa suolissaan kaukoidästä antibioottiresistenttejä bakteerikantoja. Marmarameri on merirään peitossa. Se on ihmistoiminnan tulosta. Merieläimet tukehtuvat rään alla happivajeeseen. Ajattelemisen aihetta.
ellauri115.html on line 400: The lavish attention paid by women must have come as a pleasant shock to this obese bachelor in his 50s. James Caulfeild (later Lord Charlemont), who'd once described Hume's face as "broad and fat, his mouth wide, and without any other expression than that of imbecility", observed how in Paris, "no lady's toilette was complete without Hume's attendance".
ellauri115.html on line 402: Hume penned an unreserved panegyric to a clerical friend in Scotland comparing Rousseau to Socrates and, like a starry-eyed lover, seeing beauty in his adored one's blemishes: "I find him mild, and gentle and modest and good humoured ... M. Rousseau is of small stature; and would rather be ugly, had he not the finest physiognomy in the world, I mean, the most expressive countenance. His modesty seems not to be good manners but ignorance of his own excellence."
ellauri115.html on line 422: A cartoon depicting Rousseau as a Savage Man, a Yahoo, caught in the woods was more to Hume's taste. He described it to her with relish. "I am represented as a farmer, who caresses him and offers him some oats to eat, which he refuses in a rage; Voltaire and D'Alembert are whipping him up behind; and Horace Walpole making him horns of papier maché. The idea is not altogether absurd."
ellauri115.html on line 433: Around this time, Rousseau started developing feelings of paranoia, anxiety, and of a conspiracy against him. Most of this was just his imagination at work, but on 29 January 1768, the theatre at Geneva was destroyed through burning, and Voltaire mendaciously accused Rousseau of being the culprit. In June 1768, Rousseau left Trie, leaving Therese behind, and went first to Lyon, and subsequently to Bourgoin. He now invited Therese to this place and "married" her, under his alias "Renou" in a faux civil ceremony in Bourgoin on 30 August 1768.
ellauri115.html on line 520: Kaikki mitä mä havaizen asteilla on ainetta, ja mä päättelen kaikki aineen oleelliset ominaisuudet aistittavista laaduista jotka saa mut havaizemaan sen, laaduista jotka on siinä kiinni kuin laastari. Mä nään sen joskus liikkeessä, joskus levossa, [Jalkanuotti: tää lepo on, jos haluat, vaan suhteellista; mutta kun me havaitaan enemmän tai vähemän liikettä, voidaan selvästi ajatella toista ääripäätä, joka on lepo; ja me tajutaan se niin selvästi että me voidaan pitää absoluuttisena lepona sellasta joka on vain suhteellista. Muttei ole totta että liike on aineen olemus, kerta ainetta voi ajatella levossa.] Siitä mä päättelen ettei liike eikä lepo ole sille oleelllista, vaan liike, ollen toimintaa, johtuu jostain syystä ja lepo sen puutteesta. Six jos mikään ei vaikuta aineeseen, se ei liiku [lällällää Newton] ja just six että lepo ja liike on sille yhdentekevää, lepo on sen luonnollinen tila. [Tää oli tähän asti ehkä Jannen heikoin kiskasu.]
ellauri115.html on line 522: Mä havaizen kahden laista liikettä kappaleissa, hankittua liikettä ja automaattista tai tahdonalaista liikettä. Ekassa syy on ulkoinen liikkuvalle kappaleelle, toisessa se tulee sisästä. Mäe en päättele tästä että liike, esim. rannekellon, on izesyntyistä, sillä jos mikään ulkoinen syy ei vetäis vieteriä niin se kävis loppuun ja kello pysähtyisi. [Mä tiedän nää jutut, mun perhe oli kelloseppiä.] Samasta syystä en myöntäisi että nesteiden liike olis automaattista, enkä sanois että tuli aiheuttaa izestään liikkuvien liikkeen. [Alaviite: Kemistit pitää flogistonia eli tulen elementtiä diffuusina, liikkumattomana ja jähmeänä niissä yhdisteissä joihin se osallistuu, kunnes ulkoiset voimat päästää sen irti, kerää sen ja panee sen liikenteeseen, ja muuttaa sen tulexi. Paizi että tää teoria oli perseestä, sori Janne.]
ellauri115.html on line 526: Jos miesten toiminnassa ei olisi mitään omaehtoisuutta, eikä missään maan päällä tapahtuvassa, olisi paljon vaikeampi kuvitella alkusyytä kaikkeen liikkeeseen. Omalta kohdaltani mä tunnen izeni läpeensä vakuuttuneexi että kalu on luonnostaan lepoasennossa, ja ettei sillä ole mitään toimintakykyä izessään, niin että kun mä nään sen liikahtavan mä heti oletan eze on joko elävä tai joku on vemputtanut sitä. Mun mieli kieltäytyy hyväxymästä mitenkään että epäorgaaninen aine vois liikahdella izestään, tai aiheuttaa mitään toimintaa.
ellauri115.html on line 530: Jos mun pitää hyväxyä yleisiä lakeja joiden oleellista suhdetta aineeseen mä en voi havaita, miten paljon mä siitä saan lisävauhtia? Nää lait, jotka ei ole todellisia, kun ne eivät ole aineita, on tehty jostain muusta jota mä en tunnista. Kokeet ja havainnot on tutustuttaneet meidät liikelakeihin; nää lait ennustavat tuloxet näyttämättä syitä; ne on ihan sopimattomia selittämään maailman systeemin ja maailmankaikkeuden tikityxen. Cartesius teki taivaan ja maan arpanopalla; mutta millä se sai arpanopan pyörimään, ilman pyörimistä se ei saa keskipakovoimaa kiihtymään. Newton löysi painovoimalain; mutta painovoimalaki yxinään aika pian ajaisi universumin pysähdyxiin; sen piti lisätä joku ammusvoima selittääxeen taivaankappaleiden elliptiset radat; koitappa Iisakki näyttää mikä käsi työnsi planeetoille lisävauhtia? Hähä! [JJ on ignoramus. Ei ois kannattanut lähteä litomaan kelloseppäkoulusta.]
ellauri115.html on line 643: Mä en pullistu tästä ajatuxesta, mä on siitä hirmu liikuttunut; sillä tää tila ei ollut mun valinta, se ei ollut kiitos elukan jota ei vielä ollut. Miten mä voin pitää izeäni niin merkittävänä onnittelematta izeäni tästä kunniapaikasta, nuolematta kättä joka sen pistouvasi? Ekä paluu omaan napaan on synnyttänyt kiitollisuuden ja kiitollisuuden tunteen mun lajin tekijämiehelle, ja tää fiilis painaa ulos mun ekan kumarruxen siunaavalle puupäälle. Mä palvon sen kaikkivoipaa voimaa ja mun sydän tunnustaa sen sponssauxen. Eli eikö meidän izerakkauden luonnollinen seuraamus ole et me kunnioitetaan meidän mesenaattia ja rakastetaan hyväntekijää?
ellauri115.html on line 645: Tässäpä mielenkiintoinen ajatusnyrjähdys. Eziis nimenomaan izerakkaat tyypit mielellään antaa läpyjä jollekulle mesenaatille? Oliskoon se todellakin niin? Kai se olis jonkinlaista transferenssiä, ne tekee jumalansa selfiestä ja voi siten palvoa omaa naamaansa jumalan lammen pinnasta? Kyllähän esim. jääkiekkofanit pullistuu ihan hirveesti jos ja kun Suomen joukkue voittaa kultamitalin? No ei hopeakaan ole häpeä, muttei kukaan sen tähden hyppää Havis Amandan syliin tai kolera-altaaseen.
ellauri115.html on line 738: Olemassaolo on fiilistelyä; Meidän fiilis on takuulla varhaisempaa kuin meidän fixuus, ja meillä oli fiilixiä jo ennen ideoita. [Alaviite: Jossain mielessä ideat ovat fiilixiä ja fiilixet ideoita. molemmat termit sopii jokaiseen havaintoon jossa on meistä izestämme kyse, sopii sekä sen havainnon kohteeseen ja meihin jotka saa sen havainnon; järjestys missä me koetaan ne määrää soveltuvan termin.
ellauri115.html on line 739: Kun me keskitytään kohteeseen ja ajatellaan izeämme vaan ikäänkuin peilistä, se on idea; kun taas sillon kun saatu vaikutelma on pääasia ja vaan toissijaisesti ajatellaan sen aiheuttajaa, se on fiiwis.
ellauri115.html on line 740: ] Mikä sitten onkin meidän olemien syy, se on hoidellut meidän hengissäpysymisen antamalla meille fiilixet jotka sopii meidän luonteeseen; eikä kukaan voi kieltää että ne ainakin on synnynnäisiä. Nää fiilixet, mitä ainaskin muhun tulee, on izerakkaus, pelko, kipu, kuolemanpelko, mukavuudenrakkaus. Eikä voi millään epäillä, että apinat ei olis luonnostaan sosiaalisia, ainaskin kykeneviä siihen, eikä se ole sitä muuten kuin toisten synnynnäisten fiilisten takia, jotka on lajinomaisia; sillä jos vaan fyysinen hyvinvointi olis kyseessä, me varmasti hajauduttaisiin eikä keräydyttäis laumaxi.Mutta omantunnon liikevoima johtuu tästä kaxipiippuisesta miehen relaatiosta izeensä ja velipoikiin. Hyvää ei voi olla rakastamatta; tää tieto ei ole synnynnäistä, mutta kun järki johtaa sen havaizemaan sen, sen omatunto pakottaa sen rakastamaan sitä; tää fiilis on synnynnäistä.
ellauri115.html on line 762: Hyvin perustellusti epäillen izeäni ainoa asia jota mä pyydän Jumalalta, tai paremminkin edellytän sen oikeusistuimelta, on korjata mun eranto jos mä purjehdin väärään suuntaan, jos se errori on mulle vaarallinen. Rehellisesti sanoen, mun ei tarvi olettaa olevani erehtymätön; mun mielipiteet jotka näyttää musta tosilta voi olla ihan valetta; sillä mikäpä mies ei tarrautuisi omiin uskomuxiinsa; ja kuinka monet miehet on samaa mieltä mistään? Harha-aistimus joka pettää mua voi tosiaankin lähtöisin musta izestäni, mutta vaan Jumala voi poistaa sen. Mä olen tehnty kaikkeni yltääxeni totuuteen, mutta lyhkösenä mä en ylety sen lähteeseen; onxe mun vika jos mun voimat ei riitä enkä mä pääse eteenpäin kuin Lea Lehtisalo; nyt on totuuden vuoro uida mun liiveihin.
ellauri115.html on line 771: Aamupäivällä Terskan kaa harjoittamani horisontaaliliikunta ja sen erottamaton seuralainen hyväntuulisuus tekivät päivällistauosta miellyttävän; mutta jos se venyi lian pitkäksi ja kaunis ilma kutsui, en malttanut odottaa pitkään, vaan pujahdin kesken ateriaa tieheni ja hyppäsin veneeseen, ja jos oli tyyntä, meloin yksikseni järven keskelle. Oikaisin pitkäkseni veneen pohjalle kuin Eno Kala, katselin taivaalle ja toisinaan annoin veneen ajelehtia tuntikausia veden mukana, samalla kun uppouduin tuhansiin päämäärättömiin mutta hurmaaviin haaveisiin, joilla ei ollut täsmällistä tai kiinteää kohdetta mutta jotka olivat silti minulle sata kertaa mieluisampia kuin kaikki aiemmin suloisimpina pitämäni niin sanotut elämän nautinnot. Usein vasta auringonlasku kertoi minulle,
ellauri115.html on line 809: as Pindar says, a man would profit in no moderate degree by venting these emotions upon his enemies, and turning the course of such discharges, so to speak, as far away from his associates and relatives.
ellauri115.html on line 942: The name Socinian started to be used in Holland and England from the 1610s onward, as the Latin publications were circulated among early Arminians, Remonstrants, Dissenters, and early English Unitarians. In the late 1660s, Fausto Sozzini's grandson Andreas Wiszowaty and great-grandson Benedykt Wiszowaty published the nine-volume Biblioteca Fratrum Polonorum quos Unitarios vocant (1668) in Amsterdam, along with the works of F. Sozzini, the Austrian Johann Ludwig von Wolzogen, and the Poles Johannes Crellius, Jonasz Szlichtyng, and Samuel Przypkowski. These books circulated among English and French thinkers, including Isaac Newton, John Locke, Voltaire, and Pierre Bayle.
ellauri115.html on line 962: The Racovian Catechism makes muted reference to the devil in seven places which prompts the 1818 translator Thomas Rees, to footnote references to the works of Hugh Farmer (1761) and John Simpson (1804). Yet these references are in keeping with the somewhat subdued handling of the devil in the Biblioteca Fratrum Polonorum. The Collegia Vicentina at Vicenza (1546) had questioned not only the existence of the devil but even of angels. Word has it that the personal boll weevil was none other than Sozzini himself.
ellauri115.html on line 1075: Vaknin has a prolific online presence, writing, narcissism, and psychopathy. His views have been solicited by the media.
ellauri115.html on line 1123: Robert D. Jänis CM (born 1934) is a Canadian psychologist, known for his research in the field of criminal psychology. He is a psychopath emeritus of the University of British Columbia, where his studies center on psychopathology and psychophysiognomy.
ellauri115.html on line 1132: His research led him to don The Mask of Sanity along with American psychiatrist Hervey M. Cleckley, who played a pivotal role in the sort of psychopathy he developed.
ellauri115.html on line 1181: Jos izetunto on kunnossa, ei pidä izeään muita huonompaan eikä parempana. Siihen varmaan auttaa jos izetietoisuus ja izetuntemus on heikkoja. Ei vertaa kokoajan izeään johkin joneseihin ja/tai ei mieti liikaa omia vahvuuxia eikä heikkouxia.
ellauri117.html on line 47: Eemelii! huutaa isä ja lukizee Eemelin taas snickeboaan. Eemelin isä olisi ollut parempi asiantuntija lastenkasvatuxessa kuin JJ Rousseau, tuo ex-isäpappa joka kirjoitti kokonaisen kirjan asiasta josta sillä ei ollut ensikäden tietoa. Sen äiti kuoli lapsivuoteeseen, sen henkipatto isä jätti sen heitteille "kiltin pastorin" ja tuplalangon vaivoixi, se joutui puuman kynsiin 15-vuotiaana ja teki 5 lasta laundromaatille jotka se kaikki jätti kirkon portaille. Voltaire teki JJ:n Eemeli-kirjasta karkeahkoa pilaa. Mutta kerta Shirley Hubara mainizee sen lähteenä, pitää siihenkin näemmä tutstua lähemmin.
ellauri117.html on line 51: Eli enhän mä tästä asiasta mitään tiedä, mutta kirjoitinpa izehoitokirjan kuitenkin. Niinhän kaikki muutkin tekevät, ja hyvin tienaavat. Naiset esim Therese tietävät sitä paizi vielä vähemmän, niitä voi aina neuvoa.
ellauri117.html on line 67: Julkista kasvatusta ei enää ole olemassa eikä enää voi olla olemassa; sillä kun ei enää ole isänmaata, ei myöskään voi olla kansalaisia. Nämä kaksi sanaa isänmaa ja kansalainen ovat poispyhittävät uusista kielistä. Tiedän kyllä syyn siihen, mutta en tahdo sitä sanoa; se ei ollenkaan kuulu minun aineeseeni.
ellauri117.html on line 144: 1906 machte Kafka seinen Abschluß an der Prager Universitet und wandte sich mit Unbehagen dem Versicherungsgeschäft zu. Die Plackerei der Büroarbeit verlangte nach einem Ausgleich, und er nahm jede Gelegenheit wahr, außerhalb der Stadt zu schwinmen, zu rudern oder zu wanken. Aber diese Zerstreuungen waren nur kurze Unterbrechungen der zermürbenden Routine, die er sich gezwungenermaßen als Lebensinhalt gewählt hatte. Tagsüber arbeitete er für die Arbeiter-Unfall-Versicherungs-Anstalt», und
ellauri117.html on line 151: Das Leiden unterbrach seine Laufbahn als Versicherungsangestellter und zwang ihn, die ihm verbleibenden Jahre in Sanatorien und Kurorten zu verbringen. So paradox es klingt, diese Situation machte ihm das Leben leichter, da er jetzt in der Lage war, sich ganz auf das Schreiben zu konzentrieren.
ellauri117.html on line 153: machen. In den zwanziger Jahren edierte er die drei Romanfragmente Kafkas, Mitte der dreißiger Jahre veröffentlichte er die erste Gesammelte Werke»-Ausgabe. Doch erst nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde die Bedeutung Franz Kafkas einem breiten Leserpublikum bewusst.
ellauri117.html on line 157: Herrmann Kafka erscheint in den Schriften seines Sohnes als gefühlloses Ungeheuer. Die Art und Weise, in der der Vater seinem Sohn sexuelle Aufklärung zuteil werden ließ, bestätigt zweifellos diese Ansicht. Franz war von seinen heranwachsenden Schulfreunden wegen seiner offensichtlichen Ahnungslosigkeit in sexuellen Fragen geneckt worden. Daher begann er, sich mit Hilfe von Büchern die biologischen Grundlagen der Sexualität anzueignen, und versuchte dann, seinen Vater ganz beiläufig über die
ellauri117.html on line 158: Feinheiten auszuhorchen. Wenig später gingen Kafka, seine Mutter und sein Vater zusammen spazieren. Plötzlich begann dieser, angeregt über die körperliche Liebe zu dozieren. Franz war es peinlich, daß seine Mutter anwesend war (ach was, es war sicher gerade sie die diesen Vortrag erfordert hatte), doch weit mehr noch entsetzte ihn die Unterscheidung zwischen tugendhaften Frauen und Huren, die sein Vater ihm nahezubringen versuchte. Seine Mahnung, sich nie mit diesen einzulassen, verunsicherte Franz, der damals anscheinend zu ausgelassenen Phantasien ûber erregende Dirnen neigte.
ellauri117.html on line 160: Man sagt, daß Kafka seine erste sexuelle "Begegnung" mit seiner französischen Gouvernante hatte, doch hat er diskreterweise immer nur in Andeutungen über dieses «Urerlebnis» gesprochen. Den ersten regen Geschlechtsverkehr hatte er als Zwanzigjähriger mit einer tschechischen Verkäuferin. Sie verbrachten einen Abend in einer billigen Absteige. Diese Erfahrung bestärkte Kafka in seinem Ekel vor dem Geschlechtsverkehr und in seinem Glauben, daß Sexualität eine von Natur aus schmutzige, nichtswürdige Anlegenheit sei. Gerade das Entgegengesetzte predigte D.H.Lawrence (infra). Trotzdem streunte er seine ganze Studentenzeit indurch immer wieder durch das Bordellviertel von Prag, genau wie die anderen Heißsporne unter seinen Kommilitonen. Er ekelte sich vor seiner eigenen sexuellen Lust, erkannte aber zugleich auch die Notwendigkeit, ihr hin und wieder einzustecken:
ellauri117.html on line 162: "Mein Korper, der manchmal jahrelang ruhig ist, wurde dann bis zu einen Grad erschüttert, daß dieses Verlangen nach einem kleinen, sehr bestimmten Greuel nicht mehr auszuhalten war... selbst in dem Besten, das für mich existierte, steckte etwas davon, ein kleiner häßlicher Geruch, etwas Schwefel, etwas Hölle, etwas Samen, etwas Fisch."
ellauri117.html on line 164: Er stand seinem sexuellen Trieb wie jedem anderen Teil seiner Persönlichkeit feindselig gegenüber. Er beharrte darauf, den Geschlechtsakt als eine Strafe für die Wonnen des vertraulichen Umgangs mit einer Frau anzusehen. Es schauderte ihn, wenn er sich seine Eltern gemeinsam im Bett vorstellte, und er zitterte bei dem Gedanken, selbst diese eheliche Pflicht ausüben zu müssen. Diese Gefühle behinderten ihn natürlich sehr, wenn er um eine Frau warb. Was für ein gehemmter Teenager.
ellauri117.html on line 166: 1912 lernte er in Max Brods Haus Felice Bauer kennen, die die erste große Liebe seine ns werden sollte und mit der er zweimal insgeheim verlobt war, Franz war zu jener Zeit 29 Jahre alt. In den folgenden fünf Jahren bildete Felice das Zentrum seines Lebens, von dem er sich im ständigen Wechsel angezogen und wieder abgestoßen fühlte. Er verwirrte sie mit einer Flut selbstquälerischer Briefe. Diese ambivalente, heftigen Gefühlsschwankungen unterworfene Romanze beflügelte den Schriftsteller in Kafka, doch seine Unentschlossenheit, in welche Richtung sich ihre Beziehung entwickeln sollte, frustrierte Felice. Wie Koalas Onkel, aufzählte der kleine Jude die Vorzüge und Nachteile einer Ehe. Schließlich schickte sie ihre Freundin Grete Bloch, um Kafka nach seinen Absichten zu fragen. Mit der Zeit wurde Grete die Vertraute des Schriftstellers, und Felice hegte den Verdacht, daß dabei sein Fühler tiefer gegangen war, als sie zugeben wollten. Das Verhältnis zwischen Franz und Felice kühlte mehr und mehr ab. Doch 1916 verbrachten sie gemeinsam einen zehntägigen Urlaub. Sie wohnten in zwei neben einanderliegenden Zimmern und spielten offensichtlich Mann und Frau. Wieder beschlossen sie zu heiraten, doch 1917 - ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit, als seine Tuberkulose erkannt wurde - löste Kafka die Verlobung wieder. Was für ein Mistkäfer.
ellauri117.html on line 168: 1919 begegnete er während eines Aufenthalts in einer Pension in der Nähe von Prag Julie Wohryzek, der Tochter eines tschechischen Schuhmachers. Sie wurde seine zweite Verlobte. Im Gegensatz zu Felice hatte Julies Familie weder Besitz noch Ansehen, un Kafkas Vater bemerkte mit beißendem Spott, daß sein Sohn wohl besser beraten wäre, wenn er ein Bordell besuchen würde. Die etwa dreißig Jahre alte Julie war eine unbekümmerte, unge gebildete Frohnatur. Kafka sah in ihr die ideale Partnerin für eine zuträgliche, vernünftige Ehe. Doch auch diese Verlobung wurde aufgelöst - angeblich weil das Paar das Loch nicht finden konnte, in Wahrheit eine der zwanghaften Befürchtungen, die Frans Beziehungen zu Frauen stets überschatteten.
ellauri117.html on line 170: In 1920, als er sich wieder auf einer Erholungskur in Südtirol befand, begann er einer Frau zu schreiben, die ihm geistig ebenbürtig war. Sie hieß Milena Jesenská-Polak, war 24 Jahre alt, verheiratet und keine Jüdin. Sie war eine emanzipierte Frau, Künstlerin und Intellektuelle, die Kafka gebeten hatte, einige seiner Werke ins Tschechische übersetzen zu dürfen. Sie vergötterte Kafka als Schriftsteller und konnte sich in seine seelische Welt einfühlen, denn auch sie hatte unter einem tyrannischen Vater zu leiden gehabt. Kafka bot ihr finanzielle Unterstützung an, wenn sie ihren Ehemann verließe. Vor ihrer endgültigen Entscheidung verbrachten die beiden jedoch vier Tage lang «Probeflitterwochen». Nach ihrer Rückkehr schlug Milena das Angebot aus. Ihr war schnell klargeworden, was es bedeutete, mit einem dem Tod geweihten
ellauri117.html on line 175: Nachdem Kafka gestorben war, fand Max Brod einen Brief, den Grete Bloch einem Freund geschrieben hatte. Sie behauptete darin, einen Sohn von Kafka geboren zu haben. Anscheinend war Felices Verdacht berechtigt gewesen. Grete schrieb, der Sohn sei 1921, kurz vor seinem siebten Geburtstag, in München gestorben. In seiner Kafka-Biographie kommentiert Brod diese Ironie des Schicksals:
ellauri117.html on line 177: Er wünschte sich nichts sehnlicher als Kinder, keine seiner Fähigkeiten bezweifelte er mehr als die, Vater werden zu können... Die Erfüllung dieses Wunsches wäre für ihn eine Bestätigung seines winzigen Fühlers vor dem drohenden Berufungsgericht gewesen.
ellauri117.html on line 183: Englantilaisen kirjailija D. H. Lawrencen romaani vuodelta 1928 julkaistiin alun perin Italiassa Britannian sensuurikiellon vuoksi ja romaani julkaistiin kirjailijan kotimaassa vasta vuonna 1960. Pirkko ja CEC oli piilottaneet sen makuuhuoneeseen kirjahyllyn väliin. D.H. nousi oman aikakautensa ikoniksi aikana, johon Sigmund Freudilla ja Friedrich Nietzschellä oli suuri vaikutus. Kuollessaan häntä pidettiin pornografina (kiitos Restif), joka oli tuhlannut lahjakkuutensa. E. M. Forster kyseenalaisti tämän näkemyksen kirjoittamassaan kuolinuutisessa ja sanoi Lawrencen olevan sukupolvemme kekseliäin kirjailija. Oliko sekin siis sankareita sukkahousuissa?
ellauri117.html on line 193: `I used to do some Japanese wrestling,' said Birkin. `A Jap lived in the same house with me in Heidelberg, and he taught me a little. But I was never much good at it.'
ellauri117.html on line 239: Gerald fastened the door and pushed the furniture aside. The room was large, there was plenty of space, it was thickly carpeted. Then he quickly threw off his clothes, and waited for Birkin. The latter, white and thin, came over to him. Birkin was more a presence than a visible object, Gerald was aware of him completely, but not really visually. Whereas Gerald himself was concrete and noticeable, a piece of pure final substance.
ellauri117.html on line 296: `Yes,' said Birkin. `I don't know why one should have to justify oneself.'
ellauri117.html on line 351: Pertti kehitti uskontomaisen filosofian, jossa sexuaalisuus on elämän alkuvoima, ikäänkö huumausaine, joka saa apinan hulluun armon tilaan. Pertin sexihulluus toi sille useita varakkaita suosijattaria. Ulkoisesti se ei ollut järin miehekäs, se oli laiha ja vaikutti nälkiintyneeltä; sen naama josta "siniset tähtisilmät" loistivat, oli sekaisen tukan ja "liekehtivän" punaisen parran saartama. Noita mesenaattinaisia se nimitti "kaksijalkaisixi tulolähteixi" ja "kulttuurikorppikotkixi". Pertti kuoli 44-vuotiaana tubiin.
ellauri117.html on line 402: Fitzgerald syntyi keskiluokkaiseen roomalaiskatoliseen perheeseen. Hänet kastettiin pikkuserkkunsa Francis Scott Keyn ja kuolleen sisarensa Louisa Scottin mukaan. Perhe asui vuodet 1898–1901 Syracusessa ja vuodet 1903–1908 Buffalossa New Yorkissa, missä hän aloitti koulunkäynnin Nardin Academyssa. Fitzgeraldin isän saatua potkut Procter & Gamblelta, perhe muutti takaisin Minnesotaan, missä Fitzgerald opiskeli St. Paul's Academyssa. Fitzgerald sai potkut St. Paul’sista 16-vuotiaana opintojen laiminlyömisen vuoksi.
ellauri117.html on line 436: Rousseau ja Therese
ellauri117.html on line 554: The Adrenal body type is governed by the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for putting on weight in the stomach and back. These people tend to have round faces, and find it almost impossible to lose weight in their mid-section no matter how much dieting or working out they do. This is because the weight is caused by a hormone that is actively utilizing proteins and fats in the lower legs, and storing it in the mid-center.
ellauri117.html on line 557: These people tend to store weight very evenly, but fluctuate, perhaps putting on an inordinate amount of weight in a short period of time, with no seemingly particular cause.
ellauri117.html on line 573: Do you relate to any of these body types? If yes, then leave a comment below.
ellauri117.html on line 600: Locke oli närkästynyt collegen opetusohjelmasta. Hänestä nykyaikaisten filosofien, kuten René Descartesin, lukeminen oli kiintoisampaa kuin yliopistossa opetetun klassisen kirjallisuuden. Locke tutustui lääketieteeseen ja kokeelliseen filosofiaan eli luonnontieteeseen. Myöhemmin Lockesta tuli Royal Societyn jäsen.
ellauri117.html on line 602: Locke suoritti hum.kanditutkinnon vuonna 1656, maisterin vuonna 1658 ja lääketieteen kandin tutkinnon vuonna 1674. Vuonna 1666 hän tapasi Shaftesburyn ensimmäisen jaarlin Anthony Ashley Cooperin, joka oli tullut Oxfordiin hakemaan hoitoa maksatulehdukseen. Locke teki vaikutuksen Cooperiin ja tämä houkutteli hänet liittymään seurueeseensa. Mitä vetoa että Locke tuli Oxfordissa maxapalaan?
ellauri117.html on line 610: John Locke (1632-1704) was a close friend of the First Earl and an advisor to the family for years to come after the First Earl’s death. Locke was the personal physician and general advisor to the First Earl. He supervised the childhood medical care of Shaftesbury’s father, the degenerate Second Earl (1652-1699). He also helped find a wife for the Second Earl and he cared for her during her pregnancy with the Third Earl. Most significantly for our purposes, Locke supervised the Third Earl’s education. He personally chose Shaftesbury’s governess Elizabeth Birch and designed a curriculum for her to follow in her instruction of the child. This experience was, presumably, the basis for Locke’s later work Thoughts Concerning Education. Under Birch’s tutelage, Shaftesbury received a strong education in the Classics and became fluent in Greek and Latin by the age of eleven. Locke continued to check on Shaftesbury’s progress over the years. Locke served as a primary advisor to the young Shaftesbury, though Shaftesbury did not always follow Locke’s advice. Shaftesbury had many "philosophical" conversations with Locke, some of which are preserved in correspondence. "Mautonta!" huusi 3. Shaftersburyn Jaarli vähän väliä.
ellauri117.html on line 691: Chinese Zodiac: John Locke was born in the Year of the Ox. People born under this sign love to make people laugh and are generally energetic and upbeat but sometimes lack self-control.
ellauri118.html on line 132: This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn more. Got it! fi.desertanglican.org. Saisiko olla kexejä? Saisiko olla veiziä? Tättilillukka! Ajetaan autolla pitkälle!
ellauri118.html on line 134: Desertanglican: Mikä se on ja aavikkoanglikaanien yhteiset ominaisuudet.
ellauri118.html on line 248: Desertanglican
ellauri118.html on line 363: These hot nights nobody can sleep well. Näinä kuumina öinä kukaan ei nuku hyvin.
ellauri118.html on line 386: His output was thirty-six books and 1,500 poems. [I got more than 2000 by now! Well most of mine are prose, to be honest.] His writing presented Kentucky scenes in a language echoing Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats. He soon earned the nickname the "Keats of Kentucky". He was popular enough that, by 1900, he told the Louisville Courier-Journal that his income from publishing poetry in magazines amounted to about $100 a month.
ellauri118.html on line 406: Millainen on uskottoman romaanisankarittaren mieli? Kuinka kirjallisuuden vakiintuneet muodot vaikuttavat siihen, miten tulkitsemme todellisia ja fiktiivisiä mieliä? Onko toinen mieli vain lukijan fantasia? Ovatko aviorikosromaanit fantastisia? Uskoton mieli ja tekstuaaliset petokset pohtii kriittisesti kertomuksen ja mielten tutkimuksen ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä. Samalla se kartoittaa länsimaisen kaunokirjallisuuden uskottomuustraditiota. Tutkimuskohteet ulottuvat 1600-luvulla julkaistusta Madame de La Fayetten Clèvesin ruhtinattaresta Gustave Flaubertin Madame Bovaryyn, Kate Chopinin feministiseen klassikkoon Heräämiseen ja lopulta tosielämän kertomussikermään, joka syntyi Clintonin ja Lewinskyn seksiskandaalin ympärille. Mitä yhteistä on Emma Bovarylla ja Monica Lewinskylla ja missä määrin lukutapamme tuottavat heidän välilleen yhtäläisyyksiä? [Kiintoisa kysymys. Tärkeä ero kuitenkin että Monica imutti Billin siggeä, mitä Madame Bovary ei tiettävästi tehnyt.] Teos tarjoaa seitsemän tapaustutkimuksen lisäksi moniulotteisen kuvan narratologiasta ja mielten tutkimuksesta strukturalismin ajoilta tämän päivän monialaiseen kognitiotieteeseen. Teoksen esittelemät ja kommentoimat teoriat ja metodit ovat kirjallisuustieteen lisäksi sovellettavissa kulttuurintutkimukseen, sosiaalitieteisiin ja lingvistiikkaan.
ellauri118.html on line 418: 2Focalisation is a term coined by the French narrative theorist Gérard Genette. It refers to the perspective through which a narrative is presented. Genette focuses on the interplay between three forms of focalization and the distinction between heterodiegetic and homodiegetic narrators. Homodiegetic narrators exist in the same (hence the word 'homo') storyworld as the characters exist in, whereas heterodiegetic narrators are not a part of that storyworld. The term 'focalization' refers to how information is restricted in storytelling. Genette distinguishes between internal focalization, external focalization, and zero focalization. Internal focalization means that the narrative focuses on thoughts and emotions while external focalization focuses solely on characters' actions, behavior, the setting etc. Zero focalization is seen when the narrator is omniscient in the sense that it is not restricted. Focalization in literature is similar to point-of-view (POV) in film-making and point of view in literature, but professionals in the field often see these two traditions as being distinctly different. Genette's work was intended to refine the notions of point of view and narrative perspective. It separates the question of “Who sees?” in a narrative from “who speaks?”
ellauri118.html on line 536: Perhaps the most common example of metalepsis in narrative occurs when a narrator intrudes upon another world being narrated. In general, narratorial metalepsis arises most often when an omniscient or external narrator begins to interact directly with the events being narrated, especially if the narrator is separated in space and time from these events. Esim Sterne, Tom Jones.
ellauri118.html on line 544: Naamat ei lähetä laivoja eikä polta torneja. Imevät sikaaria enintään. Metaforasta tulee arkinen ja urheiluselostajasta pelaaja. Kielikuva ja kertoja lähtee messiin arkiryskeeseen.
ellauri118.html on line 571: Viimeaikaisin puheenvuoro fiktiivisten mielten tutkimukseen on David Hermanin toimittama antologia The Emergence of Mind: Representations of Consciousness in Narrative Discourse in English (2011a). Herman rakentaa kokoelmansa johdannossa jyrkän vastakkainasettelun kognitiotieteellisten ja fiktiivisten mielten erityislaatuisuutta korostavien lähestymistapojen välille. Ensin mainittuun leiriin Herman asettaa itsensä ja kaikki kokoelmansa kirjoittajat, jälkimmäiseen Hamburgerin, Cohnin, luonnottoman narratologian puolestapuhujat sekä tämän tutkielman kirjoittajan (ks. Herman 2011b, 11 ja 31, viite 5).
ellauri118.html on line 739: Unactive Frigid, Dull became, Siirtyi reserviin, kävi kylmäxi,
ellauri118.html on line 781: The Nymphs resentments, none but I Neidon suuttumusta ei voi kukaan paizi mä
ellauri118.html on line 844: The relation was equally sincere on the part of Mme. de La Fayette, though she was by nature more self-contained and reserved. But this reserve gives way to the strength of her feelings when in 1691, tormented by ill-health and knowing that her end is not far off, she writes to Mme. de Sévigné: "Croyez, ma très-chère, que vous êtes la personne du monde que j'ai le plus véritablement aimée."
ellauri118.html on line 903: »Sinä olet myynyt itsesi tekemään sitä, mikä on pahaa Herran silmissä. Sen tähden Herra sanoo näin: ”Minä saatan sinut onnettomuuteen. Minä lakaisen sinut pois ja hävitän Israelista miespuoliset jälkeläisesi, niin suuret kuin pienetkin. Minä teen sinun suvullesi niin kuin tein Jerobeamin, Nebatin pojan, suvulle ja Baesan, Ahian pojan, suvulle. Tämän teen siksi, että olet herättänyt minun vihani ja johdattanut Israelin tekemään syntiä. Missä koirat nuoleksivat Nabotin verta, siellä ne nuoleksivat sinunkin vertasi ja portot peseytyvät siinä! Ja koirat ovat syövä Isebelin Jisreelin vainioilla! Sen Ahabin jälkeläisen, joka kuolee kaupungissa, syövät koirat, ja sen, joka kuolee muurien ulkopuolella, syövät taivaan linnut.”»
ellauri118.html on line 915: Vaikuttaa vahvasti jälkieditoidulta. Tosin päätöstä Ahabin verestä ei muutettu: Ahab vuoti kuiviin sotavaunuihinsa haavoituttuaan nuolesta, ja kun vaunut pestiin Jisreelin lammikolla, kulkukoirat nuoleksivat Ahabin verta ja portot peseytyivät siinä.
ellauri118.html on line 962: In the book, all of the people in Gilead are white. People of color have been "resettled" to other areas of the country.
ellauri118.html on line 1066: Näin veisasi paha ryppyinen läskinaama Danny kohdellessaan kaltoin juoppoa Armi Aavikkoa n. 20 vuoden ajan kunnes Armi kuoli keuhkokuumeeseen. Peggy ei mainize Nickin alla sanaa rakkaus, se toisi huonoa onnea. Se sanoo vaan: työnnä, maxoin runsaasti. Pentti pentti, työnnä vielä sentti.
ellauri118.html on line 1123: these come in handy."
ellauri118.html on line 1132: In 1684, Webster was accused verbally by Philip Smith. Smith was a judge, a deacon, and representative of the town of Hadley. He has also been described as a hypochondriac. He seems to have believed in the real power of witchcraft and that his afflictions were being magically caused by Mary Webster in collaboration with the devil.
ellauri118.html on line 1146: Besides a disproportionate number of blacks, the show has another representational problem: a notable absence of fat women among the handmaids.
ellauri118.html on line 1148: There is research suggesting a link between clinical obesity and difficulty conceiving (for example), but fat women are not inherently less fertile, they are just a little harder to penetrate, and have less space for the baby among all the lard.
ellauri118.html on line 1149: The failure to include obese body types in the television adaptation was a major oversight. The Handmaid’s Tale should have done better by fat women.
ellauri118.html on line 1162: Pieixoto´s name suggests Pope Pius IX, a Vatican pope (1854-1878), who, in his first year of office, issued the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Peixoto is a Portuguese surname. It refers to fish. Notable people with the surname include: Alvarenga Peixoto (1743-1793), Brazilian poet, born in Rio de Janeiro; António Augusto de Rocha Peixoto (1866-1909), Portuguese naturalist, ethnologist and archaeologist; César Peixoto (born 1980), Portuguese footballer who plays for Sport Lisboa e Benfica in the Portuguese first division.
ellauri119.html on line 48: Primary (pre-Christian) meaning is not possbile to determine, but probably it was "that must be preserved whole or intact, that cannot be transgressed or violated," and connected with Old English hal (see health) and Old High German heil "health, happiness, good luck" (source of the German salutations Sieg Heil, Heil Hitler).
ellauri119.html on line 75: These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'holy.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
ellauri119.html on line 270: For the majority of Christian denominations, the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost, is believed to be the third person of the Trinity, a Triune God manifested as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, each entity itself being God. Nontrinitarian Christians, who reject the doctrine of the Trinity, differ significantly from mainstream Christianity in their beliefs about the Holy Spirit. In Christian theology, pneumatology refers to the study of the Holy Spirit. Due to Christianity's historical relationship with Judaism, theologians often identify the Holy Spirit with the concept of the Ruach Hakodesh in Jewish scripture, on the theory that Jesus (who was Jewish) was expanding upon these Jewish concepts. Similar names, and ideas, include the Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God), Ruach YHWH (Spirit of Yahweh), and the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit).
ellauri119.html on line 272: The most characteristic sign of the presence of the ruach ha-kodesh is the gift of prophecy. The use of the word "ruach" (Hebrew: "breath", or "wind") in the phrase ruach ha-kodesh seems to suggest that Judaic authorities believed the Holy Spirit was a kind of communication medium like breath, or wind. The spirit talks from both ends, sometimes 1wparacl
ellauri119.html on line 355: Filioque on latinaa ja tarkoittaa ’ja Pojasta’. Filioque-lisäys ja siitä seurannut Filioque-kiista liittyy idän ja lännen kirkkojen väliseen erimielisyyteen Nikaian uskontunnustuksen tekstistä. Tunnustuksen kolmas kappale, joka käsittelee Pyhää Henkeä, kuului alun perin ”Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem, qui ex Patre procedit” (suom. Ja Pyhään Henkeen, Herraan ja eläväksi tekijään, joka lähtee Isästä). Myöhemmin lännen kirkkojen piirissä tuli tavaksi lisätä lauseeseen sana Filioque (”Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem, qui ex Patre Filioque procedit” (suom. Ja Pyhään Henkeen, Herraan ja eläväksi tekijään, joka lähtee Isästä ja Pojasta).
ellauri119.html on line 380: In the 16th and 17th centuries, medical researchers mistakenly saw the presence or absence of the hymen as founding evidence of physical diseases such as "womb-fury", i.e., (female) hysteria. If not cured, womb-fury would, according to doctors practicing at the time, result in death. The cure, naturally enough, was marriage, since a woman could then go about having sexual intercourse on a "normal" schedule that would stop womb-fury from killing her.
ellauri119.html on line 385: Define god? In monotheistic thought, God is defined as the supreme being, creator, and principal object of faith. God is usually conceived of as being omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and omnibenevolent as well as having an eternal and necessary existence. A good definition because it is creative, too bad that's no longer allowed by the modern logicians. Existence and uniqueness must be proven separately. Damn them to hell!
ellauri119.html on line 387: God is most often held to be incorporeal, with said characteristic being related to conceptions of transcendence or immanence. In religion, transcendence is the aspect of a deity´s nature and power that is wholly independent of the material universe, beyond all known physical laws. This is contrasted with immanence, where a god is said to be fully present in the physical world and thus accessible to creatures in various ways. In religious experience, transcendence is a state of being that has overcome the limitations of physical existence, and by some definitions, has also become independent of it. This is typically manifested in prayer, rituals, meditation, psychedelics and paranormal "visions".
ellauri119.html on line 407: "The death of God is a metaphor," the retired theologian told the Oregonian in 2007. "We needed to redefine Christianity as a possibility without the presence of God." Hamilton had been troubled by such questions since his teens when two friends—a Catholic and an Episcopalian—died while a third friend, the son of an atheist, survived without injury when a pipe bomb the three were making exploded. Talk about theodicy! No fair!
ellauri119.html on line 422: Love is considered to be both positive and negative, with its virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection, as "the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another" and its vice representing human moral flaw, akin to vanity, selfishness, amour-propre, and egotism, as potentially leading people into a type of mania, obsessiveness or codependency. It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. In its various forms, love acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts. Love has been postulated to be a function that keeps human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species.
ellauri119.html on line 426: Modern authors have distinguished further varieties of love: unrequited love, empty love, companionate love, consummate love, infatuated love, self-love, and courtly love. Numerous cultures have also distinguished ren, yuanfen, mamihlapinatapai, cafuné, kama, bhakti, mettā, ishq, chesed, amore, charity, saudade (and other variants or symbioses of these states), as culturally unique words, definitions, or expressions of love in regards to a specified "moments" currently lacking in the English language, like "orgasm".
ellauri119.html on line 428: Scientific research on emotion has increased significantly over the past two decades. The color wheel theory of love defines three primary, three secondary and nine tertiary love styles, describing them in terms of the traditional color wheel. The triangular theory of love suggests "intimacy, passion and commitment" are core components of love. Love has additional religious or spiritual meaning. This diversity of uses and meanings combined with the complexity of the feelings involved makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, compared to other emotional states. Abstractly discussed, love usually refers to an experience one person feels for another. Love often involves caring for, or identifying with, a person or thing (cf. vulnerability and care theory of love), including oneself (cf. narcissism). Tulihan se sieltä!
ellauri119.html on line 430: In addition to cross-cultural differences in understanding love, ideas about love have also changed greatly over time. Some historians date modern conceptions of romantic love to courtly Europe during or after the Middle Ages, although the prior existence of romantic attachments is attested by ancient love poetry. The complex and abstract nature of love often reduces discourse of love to a thought-terminating cliché. Several common proverbs regard love, from Virgil's "Love conquers all" to The Beatles' "All You Need Is Love". St. Thomas Aquinas, following Aristotle, defines love as "to will the good of another." Bertrand Russell describes love as a condition of "absolute value," as opposed to relative value.[citation needed] Philosopher Gottfried Leibniz said that love is "to be delighted by the happiness of another." Meher Baba stated that in love there is a "feeling of unity" and an "active appreciation of the intrinsic worth of the object of love." But who the fuck is Meher Baba? Biologist Jeremy Griffith defines love as "unconditional selflessness". In Hebrew, אהבה (ahava) is the most commonly used term for both interpersonal love and love between God and God's creations. Chesed, often translated as loving-kindness, is used to describe many forms of love between human beings. In Hebrew, אהבה (ahava) is the most commonly used term for both interpersonal love and love between God and God's creations. Chesed, often translated as loving-kindness, is used to describe many forms of love between human beings. The 20th-century rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler is frequently quoted as defining love from the Jewish point of view as "giving without expecting to take" (from his Michtav me-Eliyahu, Vol. 1). Rakkaus on siis ekonomisesti sulaa hulluutta!
ellauri119.html on line 434: The Apostle Paul glorified love as the most important virtue of all. Describing love in the famous poetic interpretation in 1 Corinthians, he wrote, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres." (1 Cor. 13:4–7, NIV) He didn't mean eros, but rather homophilia. Perseveraatiosta oli puhe. John also wrote, "Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." (1 John 4:7–8, NIV) Influential Christian theologian C. S. Lewis wrote a book called The Four Loves. The first retired nazi pope Benedict XVI named his first circular God as love. He said that a human being, created in the image of God, who is love, is able to make love; to give himself to God and others (agape) and by receiving and experiencing God's love in contemplation (eros). This life of love, according to him, is the life of the saints such as Teresa of Calcutta and the Blessed Virgin Mary and is the direction Christians take when they believe that God loves them. Pope Francis taught that "True love is both loving and letting oneself be loved...what is important in love is not our loving, but allowing ourselves to be loved by God." That's just what Virgin Mary did. "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." – Matthew 5: 43–48. Jews didn't like tax collectors.
ellauri119.html on line 440: Love encompasses the Islamic view of life as universal brotherhood that applies to all who hold faith. Amongst the 99 names of God (Allah), there is the name Al-Wadud, or "the Loving One," which is found in Surah [Quran 11:90] as well as Surah [Quran 85:14]. God is also referenced at the beginning of every chapter in the Qur'an as Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim, or the "Most Compassionate" and the "Most Merciful", indicating that nobody is more loving, compassionate and benevolent than God. The Qur'an refers to God as being "full of loving kindness." The Qur'an exhorts Muslim believers to treat all people, viz. those who have not persecuted them, with birr or "deep kindness" as stated in Surah [Quran 6:8-9]. Birr is also used by the Qur'an in describing the love and kindness that children must show to their parents. Ishq, or divine love, is the emphasis of Sufism in the Islamic tradition. Practitioners of Sufism believe that love is a projection of the essence of God to the universe. God desires to recognize beauty, and as if one looks at a mirror to see oneself, God "looks" at himself within the dynamics of nature. Since everything is a reflection of God, the school of Sufism practices to see the beauty inside the apparently ugly sufist. Sufism is often referred to as the religion of love. God in Sufism is referred to in three main terms, which are the Lover, Loved, and Beloved, with the last of these terms being often seen in Sufi poetry.
ellauri119.html on line 446: The term "free love" has been used to describe a social movement that rejects marriage, which is seen as a form of social bondage. The Free Love movement's initial goal was to separate the state from sexual matters such as marriage, birth control, and adultery. It claimed that such issues were the concern of the people involved, and no one else. Many people in the early 19th century believed that marriage was an important aspect of life to "fulfill earthly human happiness." Middle-class Americans wanted the home to be a place of stability in an uncertain world. This mentality created a vision of strongly defined gender roles, which provoked the advancement of the free love movement as a contrast. The term "sex radical" has been used interchangeably with the term "free lover". By whatever name, advocates had two strong beliefs: opposition to the idea of forceful sexual activity in a relationship and advocacy for a woman to use her body in any way that she pleases. These are also beliefs of Feminism. As St. Augustine put it: love God and then do as you please.
ellauri119.html on line 454: Why set aside good old Empedocles anyway? He meant forces of attraction and repulsion, he got it just right 2My before Newton. Plato sucks, set him aside instead. The idea of two loves, one heavenly, one earthly is just bullshit. As Tristram Shandy's Uncle Tboy was informed over 2My later, "of these loves, according to Ficinus's comment on Valesius, the one is rational - the other is natural - the first...excites to the desire of philosophy and truth - the second, excites to desire, simply". Toby felt the former toward women and the latter for model trains. Plato's sublimation theory of love involved "mounting upwards...from one to two, and from two to all fair boys, and from fair boys to fair actions, and from fair actions to fair motions, until with fair motions he comes into the bottom of an absolute beauty". Sounds like Plato's own love history from horny gym boy to a dirty old geezer.
ellauri119.html on line 462: Luce Irigaray (born 3 May 1930) is a Belgian-born French feminist, philosopher, linguist, psycholinguist, psychoanalyst and cultural theorist who examined the uses and misuses of language in relation to women. Irigaray's first and most well known book, published in 1974, was Speculum non matris sed aliae mulieris (1974), which analyzes the texts of Freud, Hegel, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, and Kant through the lens of phallocentrism. Presently, she is active in the Women's Movements in both France and Italy. Eroticism (from the Greek ἔρως, eros—"desire") is a quality that causes sexual feelings, as well as a philosophical contemplation concerning the aesthetics of sexual desire, sensuality, and romantic love. That quality may be found in any form of artwork, including painting, sculpture, photography, drama, film, music, or literature. It may also be found in advertising. The term may also refer to a state of sexual arousal or anticipation of such – an insistent sexual impulse, desire, or pattern of thoughts.
ellauri119.html on line 473: This article is written like a personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay that states a Wikipedia editor's personal feelings or presents an original argument about a topic. Please help improve it by rewriting it in an encyclopedic style. (June 2018) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
ellauri119.html on line 479: The three components, pictorially labeled on the vertices of a triangle, interact with each other and with the actions they produce so as to form seven different kinds of love experiences (nonlove is not represented). The size of the triangle functions to represent the "amount" of love—the bigger the triangle, the greater the love. Each corner has its own type of love and provides different combinations to create different types of love and labels for them. The shape of the triangle functions to represent the "style" of love, which may vary over the course of the relationship:
ellauri119.html on line 491: Companionate love is an intimate, non-passionate type of love that is stronger than friendship because of the element of long-term commitment. "This type of love is observed in long-term marriages where passion is no longer present" but where a deep affection and commitment remain. The love ideally shared between family members is a form of companionate love, as is the love between close friends who have a platonic but strong friendship.
ellauri119.html on line 495: Consummate love is the complete form of love, representing an ideal relationship which people strive towards. Of the seven varieties of love, consummate love is theorized to be that love associated with the "perfect couple". According to Sternberg, these couples will continue to have great sex fifteen years or more into the relationship, they cannot imagine themselves happier over the long-term with anyone else, they overcome their few difficulties gracefully, and each delight in the relationship with one other.
ellauri119.html on line 497: However, Sternberg cautions that maintaining a consummate love may be even harder than achieving it. He stresses the importance of translating the components of love into action. "Without expression," he warns, "even the greatest of loves can die." Thus, consummate love may not be permanent.[citation needed] If passion is lost over time, it may change into companionate love. Consummate love is the most satisfying kind of adult relation because it combines all pieces of the triangle into this one type of love. It is the ideal kind of relationship. These kinds of relationships can be found over long periods of time or idealistic relationships found in movies.
ellauri119.html on line 646: Rosenbaum left Russia at the tail end of the Trust program. She was assisted by bolshevik Hollywood. Like a typical crypto-jew and communist she used a pseudonym. She became, together with Leo Strauss, a leading philosopher of the Trotskyites. She, like Strauss, helped create the philosophy of arrogance and entitlement that justifies the lies of government leaders to the people. Her philosophies misrepresent the realities of how wealth and psychopathic greed coupled with immorality destroys civilization. Her solution to class warfare is group disloyalty of the rich to society and the exploitation of the national resources by a privileged class to destroy the economy and sabotage the nation. She misrepresented American tradition in a way that benefitted our enemies and internationalized our national resources leaving them easy pickings for the exploitation of unregulated international markets. She advocated the ruinous gold standard which allows our enemies the opportunity to deflate our money supply and strangle the economy at their whim. By simply hoarding gold and/or sending it out of the nation the bankers can ruin us under a gold standard. Her philosophy falsely claims that the market can and will correct the actions of the enemy within to ruin the nation by their designs. She wanted to grant the enemy the right to act with impunity and free rein as a Trojan horse within America to completely destroy our nation, and she has nearly succeeded. The removal of the ability of government to impose with force the collective will of the nation inevitably leads to balkanization, and that was well known and desired by our bolshevik enemies, Rosenbaum’s masters. She never pointed out the name and the nature of the enemy, instead scapegoating the poor and the communists for what international jewry was doing, with her as one of its leading members. As far as I know, she NEVER addressed the existential danger of jewish messianic prophecy and the subversion of the American government by Israel. Being herself a jew, she was disloyal to America in favor of Israel. She was disloyal to the American majority population in favor of the banking class. She did absolutely nothing that was ever in any way harmful to the communists or the bankers, who have so harmed America.
ellauri119.html on line 658: In a different essay, she described the pattern socialist and communist governments tend to follow. So, I researched that claim by reading about Italian, Russian and German history leading up to WWII. Damn if she wasn´t right. I watch with fascination as Venezuela follows the exact same pattern.
ellauri119.html on line 688: From a philosophical viewpoint, Ayn Rand´s objectivism is an inconsistent pile of faulty axioms and absurd conclusions. Her tautological A = A and her invalid claim that all thought is verbal have been shown, long ago, to be either useless information or demonstrably false. Wittgenstein dismissed tautologies as telling us anything new about the world before Rand came to the USA and phenomenology had dismissed a verbal mentalese grammar of the brain. Noam Chomsky´s innate grammar is only true for words, but thoughts are far more than just words since all thought appears to be motor based. What you might need is a grammar of the body instead. Thoughts seem to be closer to the movements of an athlete than to the words in a sentence. For some reason most people ignore that all speech is base on wagging the tongue, and the vibrations in middle ear and cochlea, a motor based capability that we have learned to use to communicate with. Is there an isomorphism between the movement of the tongue and those of sign language that would show a fundamental grammar shared by both?
ellauri119.html on line 758: Alisa is right that an existential sentence is in principle easier to prove than its negative. Just produce a specimen. I bet she filched it from Karl Popper. The negation takes another universal premise to prove it from. But God is a harder nut. If God supporters could produce the specimen, they'd still need to prove uniqueness and the requisite universal properties. God opposers try to argue they do not need that hypothesis. Thing is the supporters clearly feel that need. It's not logic, it's a eusocial insect's builtin circuit. Less stupid egomaniacs are aware of its usefulness as a mind numbing anesthesiac, opium for the masses. Fiction or fact, its a great hypothesis. It would deserve inventing if it did not come pre-installed. Alisa was a silly hag.
ellauri119.html on line 775: Asked what she thought of Reagan, Ayn Rand replied, “I don’t think of him. And the more I see, the less I think of him.” For Rand, “the appalling part of his administration was his connection with the so-called ‘Moral Majority’ and sundry other TV religionists, who are struggling, apparently with his approval, to take us back to the Middle Ages via the unconstitutional union of religion and politics.” Rand’s primary concern, it seems, is that this “unconstitutional union” represented a “threat to capitalism.” While she admired Reagan’s appeal to an “inspirational element” in American politics, “he will not find it,” remarked Rand, “in the God, family, tradition swamp.” Instead, she proclaims, we should be inspired by “the most typical American group… the businessmen.”
ellauri119.html on line 787: Helsingin Sanomien haastattelussa (Kapitalistin muotokuva, 12.2.2012) Wahlroos "nimeää kolme itselleen tärkeää ajattelijaa". He ovat moraalifilosofi ja taloustieteilijä Adam Smith, taloustieteilijä Milton Friedman ja – Ayn Rand. Atlas Shruggedissa Ayn Rand jakaa kansalaiset "ryöstäjä-pummeihin" ja "tuottajiin". Ideana on, että laiskat ja epämoraaliset ryöstäjä-pummit vaativat itselleen koko ajan enemmän ilman, että he tuottavat mitään. Lopulta sankarikapitalistit kyllästyvät Yhdysvallat vallanneeseen kollektivismiin ja menevät lakkoon.
ellauri131.html on line 61: prof. Jussi Tenkku vainaa tuli Jakkoh-Hintikan apulaistenhuoneeseen ja kun ei löytänyt sieltä parempaa kuulijaa kertoi tämän minulle. En ollut koskaan kuullut Peep Koortista. Hikisesti tiesin että kertoja oli prof. Jussi Tenkku. Tämän kerrottuaan ja nähtyän tyhjän kazeeni prof. Tenkku vetäytyi takaisin mistä oli tullutkin. Jussi varmaan säikähtyi kun Peep joutui viimeiselle tuomiolle sota-ajan tapahtumista.
ellauri131.html on line 260: "Rakkaat seurakuntalaiset! Me olemme tulleet kokoon tänne Herran huoneeseen tänä kauniina juhannussunnuntaina. Me olemme tulleet kokoon metsien takaa, me olemme tulleet kokoon järvien takaa, me olemme tulleet kokoon. Me olemme tulleet kokoon khirkkhovhenheillä, me olemme tulleet kokoon linja-autoilla, me olemme tulleet kokoon pholkuphyörillä, me olemme tulleet khokoon."
ellauri131.html on line 299: Canafield was born in What it's Worth, Texas on August 19, 1944. He spent his teen years wheeling on West Virginia and graduated as second lieutenant from the Linsly Military Institute in 1962. Canafield received an A.B. in Chinese History from Harvard University in 1966. He received his C in 1973 from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Canafield received an honorary D from the University of Santa Monica in 1981.
ellauri131.html on line 392: Izehoito-oppaat naisille lupaa 3 asiaa: laihuutta, rikkautta ja kikkeliä. Rhondan resepti: pyydä (keneltä?) usko ( mihinkä?) ja ota vastaan (mitä?).
ellauri131.html on line 403: After the death of her father in 2004, Byrne became very depressed. At the instigation of her daughter Hayley, she read The Science of Getting Rich (1910) by Wallace D. Wattles. She discovered positive thinking, the laws of attraction, and how to find further success in life. Hence, she started doing research on the subject and the project of The Secret was born.
ellauri131.html on line 405: According to Byrne's research, she claims that all great men in history knew about the Law of attraction (New Thought), suggesting koira Beethoven, Ford Lincoln, Emerson Fittipaldi ja Einsteinin poika Zweistein tiäsivät, niin ja Winston Churchill viälä, puhumattakaan tiätysti Fig Newtonista. (Herää kymysys, mix just nää?) Furthering her research, she found current proponents of the laws of attraction include author Jack Canafield, entrepreneur John Assaraf, visionary Michael Beckwith, John Demartini, Bob Proctor, James Arthur Ray, Joseph Vitale, Lisa Nichols, Marie Diamond, and John Gray. Ketäs nää kaikki onnelliset on? Ei jaxa googlata.
ellauri131.html on line 492: Tällähän hoitotavalla oli joku nimi? Analyyttinen, sese oli, freudilaisittain. Se toinen oli synteettinen missä jelpitään pääsemään ongelmista eroon. Siedätysharjottelua ja sensellasta. No eteenpäin.
ellauri131.html on line 590: Monet manifestointimenetelmiään kaupittelevat vetoavat sen perustuvan tieteeseen, erityisesti fysiikkaan. Puhutaan ”energian laista” ja siitä, kuinka asiat ”vetävät toisiaan puoleensa”. Jotkut siteeraavat Einsteinin suhteellisuusteoriaa. Se on puppua.
ellauri131.html on line 596: Aiheeseen liittyvää: Uushenkisyys|Meedio kysyy, olenko aiemmassa elämässäni ollut pieni pystykorvainen koira – Toimittaja selvitti, mitä meedion, astrologin ja kämmenestä tulkitsijan luona tapahtuu. Tarjotaanko nahkakierteitä tai luuydinnameja? Jos oikein toivon lujasti niin ehkä sitten.
ellauri131.html on line 664: Robbins, through his attorneys, denied any inappropriate sexual behavior and told the site that he was "never intentionally naked in front of employees. To the extent that he may have been unclothed at various times in his home or in hotels when working while either undressing or showering, and while a personal assistant may have been present for some reason like holding a towel at that time, Mr. Robbins has no decollete."
ellauri131.html on line 705: These are close enough to perfect size for me!"
ellauri131.html on line 760: Speaking to News.com.au in 2016, Morrissey was asked whether he ever regretted previous derogatory comments he'd made about the royal family. It's fair to say that the answer was no. "I don't know anyone who likes the Boil Family," he replied. "Monarchy represents an unequal and inequitable social system. There is no such thing as a royal person. You either buy into the silliness or else you are intelligent enough to realize that it is all human greed and arrogance."
ellauri131.html on line 768: Ex-katolisena tyttöna Marianne ei voi kuin pahexua Doreen Virtuen tapaa tehdä bisnestä bisnesenkeleillä. Enkelikiilzikoita, enkelikirjoja, enkelipostikortteja, enkeliaskartelusarjoja. Se käy suojelusenkelinsä kanssa seuraavan vuoropuhelun:
ellauri131.html on line 823:
Engels vs. Bisnesenkeli
ellauri131.html on line 834: Enter Doreen Virtue. Doreen Virtuella ei ole wikipediassa sivua. Doreen Virtue is an American author and a motivational speaker. Virtue has written over 50 books including oracle card decks on the subject of angels and other spiritual topics. In 2017, she converted to Christianity after claiming that Jesus presented himself to her in a vision.
ellauri131.html on line 883: I’ve read quite a few books where the author picks a ‘project’ and runs with it to see what happens. These sorts of books have often been fun and entertaining. This one had the potential for that with some of the advice and activities these books encouraged the author to participate in. But she executed them with such seriousness that that they became cringeworthy to read about.
ellauri131.html on line 906: Hay described how in 1977 or 1978 she was diagnosed with "incurable" cervical cancer, and how she came to the conclusion that by holding on to her resentment for her childhood abuse and rape she had contributed to its onset. She reported how she had refused conventional medical treatment, and began a regime of forgiveness, coupled with therapy, nutrition, reflexology, and occasional colonic enemas. She claimed in the interview that she rid herself of the cancer by this method, but, while swearing to its truth, admitted that she had outlived every doctor who could confirm this story.
ellauri131.html on line 910: Around the same time she began leading support groups for people living with HIV/AIDS, which she called "Hay Rides". These grew from a few people in her living room to hundreds of men in a large hall in West Hollywood, California. Her work with AIDS patients drew fame and she was invited to appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Phil Donahue Show in the same week, in March 1988. Following this, You Can Heal Your Life immediately landed on the New York Times bestseller list. More than 50 million copies sold around the world in over 30 languages and it also has been made into a movie. You Can Heal Your Life is also included in the book 50 Self-Help Classics for being significant in its field. It is often described as a part of the New Age movement.
ellauri131.html on line 934: You're setting up the psychological conditions for people to accept just-in-time employment. Karl Marx 100 years ago -- if we can use his name in your publication -- did set up the idea of the reserve army of the unemployed."
ellauri131.html on line 936: Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, briefly, are these: (1) Be proactive. Take the initiative and be responsible. (2) Begin with the end in mind. Start any endeavor -- a meeting, a day at the office, your adult life -- with a mental image of an outcome conforming to values you cherish. (3) Put first things first. Discipline yourself to subordinate feelings, impulses, and moods to your values. (4) Think win/win. Just as it sounds. (5) Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Listen with the intent to empathize, not with the intent to reply. (6) Synergize. Create wholes that are greater than the sum of their parts. (7) Sharpen the saw. Take time to cultivate the four essential dimensions of your character: physical, mental, social/emotional, and spiritual.
ellauri131.html on line 958: It's the American dream of life as a barn raising." Susan E. Henking, associate professor of religious studies at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, says, "It's serving to depoliticize, and it serves a certain kind of social-control function. I mean, if people feel like they deserve it when they get fired, they won't think deeply about what was really responsible."
ellauri131.html on line 1061: saa valvoa, lueskella, pistää preivillä, wird wachen, lesen, lange Briefe schreiben Vain valvoo, lueksii, kun syys on mailla,
ellauri132.html on line 37: Se on ihan samaa tuubaa, on se sitten fundamentalistiuskontoa tai jotain talousipilaaripaskaa, self helppiä, fiktiota tai filosofiaa. Pienet erot siinä on vaan loiskiehuntaa. Pääasia on motivoida apina niin eze ei anna matelijanaivon määrätä, vaan tyytyy alisteiseen osaan, arkiryskeeseen ja viivästettyyn palkkioon, vaikka sitten vasta kiven alla.
ellauri132.html on line 54: Als Jugendlicher trat Eckhart in den Orden der Dominikaner ein, in dem er später hohe Ämter erlangte. Sein Hauptanliegen war die Verbreitung von Grundsätzen für eine konsequent spirituelle Lebenspraxis im Alltag. Aufsehen erregten seine unkonventionellen, teils provozierend formulierten Aussagen und sein schroffer Widerspruch zu damals verbreiteten Überzeugungen. Umstritten war beispielsweise seine Aussage, der „Seelengrund“ sei nicht wie alles Geschöpfliche von Gott erschaffen, sondern göttlich und ungeschaffen. Im Seelengrund sei die Gottheit stets unmittelbar anwesend. Vielfach griff Eckhart Gedankengut der neuplatonischen Tradition auf. Oft wird er als Mystiker charakterisiert, in der Forschung ist die Angemessenheit dieser Bezeichnung allerdings umstritten.
ellauri132.html on line 62: Nach Eckharts Tod wurde das Verfahren fortgesetzt. Es endete mit der Verurteilung der 28 Sätze, die teils als häretisch, teils als häresieverdächtig eingestuft wurden. Wichtiger als die Berufung auf Autoritäten (Neuplatonismus, Augustinus, Moses Maimonides) ist für ihn (wie für seinen Namensvetter!) die auf Vernunft und Erfahrung gestützte Einsicht. Er hält seine Einsichten für universal gültig und will seinem Publikum den Nachvollzug auch anspruchsvoller Inhalte ermöglichen. (wie auch sein schwerverständlicher Namensvetter! "Solange der Mensch dieser Wahrheit nicht gleicht, solange wird er diese Rede nicht verstehen.") Als Prediger wendet er sich statt Latein in deutscher Sprache auch an Hörer oder Leser, die über wenig philosophische oder theologische Vorkenntnisse verfügen. (Wie sein Namensvetter, der seine Muttersprache verlässt und auf English prädiziert). Tervettä markkina-ajattelua: enemmän tyhmempiä ja rikkaampia kusetettavia.
ellauri132.html on line 84: "Solange der Mensch dieser Wahrheit nicht gleicht, solange wird er diese Rede nicht verstehen." Töllö päätteli, jotta jos minä en tykkää izestä, minä ja ize on eri häiskiä.
ellauri132.html on line 111: (PST: Kuka on Sam Harris?) Samuel Benjamin Harris was born in Los Angeles, California, on April 9, 1967. He is an American author, philosopher, neuroscientist, and podcast host. His work touches on a wide range of topics, including rationality, religion, ethics, free will, neuroscience, meditation, psychedelics, philosophy of mind, politics, terrorism, and artificial intelligence. — Sam Harris rejects the dichotomy between spirituality and rationality , favoring a middle path that preserves spirituality and science but does not involve religion.
ellauri132.html on line 124: esetpoint.pl/media/products/f74be60cf1fe8cc322c27a3b3298e35b/images/ET.jpg?lm=1542270255" height=200px" />
ellauri132.html on line 147: E.T. Das Sein ist das ewige, allgegenwärtige Mein Leben! jenseits der unzähligen Lebensformen, die Geburt und Tod unterliegen. Das Sein ist jedoch nicht nur jenseits, sondern auch tief in jeder Form als seine innerste unsichtbare und unzerstörbare Essenz. Das bedeutet, dass es dir jetzt als dein eigenes tiefstes Selbst, deine wahre Natur, zugänglich ist. Aber versuchen Sie nicht, es mit Ihrem Verstand zu erfassen. Der fasst nur Knochen. Versuchen Sie nicht, es zu verstehen. Du kannst es nur erkennen, wenn der Geist still ist. Schluss mit dem Denken! Wenn du präsent bist, wenn deine Aufmerksamkeit ganz und intensiv im Jetzt ist, kann das Sein gefühlt, aber niemals mental verstanden werden. Das Bewusstsein des Seins wiederzuerlangen und in diesem Zustand der „Gefühls-Erkenntnis“ zu bleiben, ist Erleuchtung.
ellauri132.html on line 151: E.T. Das Wort Gott ist durch Jahrtausende von Missbrauch bedeutungslos geworden. Ich benutze es manchmal, aber ich tue es sparsam, so etwa nur auf Wochenenden und nach dem Essen. Mit Missbrauch meine ich, dass Menschen, die das Reich des Heiligen, die unendliche Weite hinter diesem Wort, noch nie gesehen haben, es mit großer Überzeugung verwenden, als ob sie wüssten, wovon sie sprechen. Oder sie argumentieren dagegen, als wüssten sie, was sie leugnen. Dieser Missbrauch führt zu absurden Überzeugungen, Behauptungen und egoistischen Wahnvorstellungen wie "Mein oder unser Gott ist der einzige wahre Gott, und dein Gott ist falsch" oder Nietzsches berühmte Aussage "Gott ist tot". Beide sind total falsch. Ich setze fort auf Finnisch:
ellauri132.html on line 157: Der Philosoph Descartes glaubte in seiner berühmten Aussage: "Ich meine, also bin ich" die grundlegendste Wahrheit gefunden zu haben. Tatsächlich hatte er den grundlegendsten Fehler ausgesprochen: Denken mit Sein und Identität mit Denken gleichzusetzen. Der zwanghafte Denker, also fast jeder, lebt in einem Zustand scheinbarer Isolation, in einer wahnsinnig komplexen Welt ständiger Probleme und Konflikte, einer Welt, die die wachsende Zersplitterung des Geistes widerspiegelt. Erleuchtung ist ein Zustand der Ganzheit, „in einem“ und somit in Frieden. In einem Leben in seinem manifestierten Aspekt, mit der Welt, sowie mit deinem tiefsten Selbst und unmanifestierten Leben – mit einem Wesen. Erleuchtung ist nicht nur das Ende des Leidens und des ständigen Konflikts innen und außen, sondern auch das Ende der schrecklichen Versklavung des unaufhörlichen Denkens. Was für eine unglaubliche Befreiung es ist! Kein Quatsch mehr zwischen den Ohren. Ich bin nur!
ellauri132.html on line 159: Denken ist zu einer Krankheit geworden. Krankheit entsteht, wenn die Dinge aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten. Es ist zum Beispiel nichts falsch daran, dass sich Zellen im Körper teilen und vermehren, aber wenn dieser Prozess ohne Rücksicht auf den gesamten Organismus fortgesetzt wird, vermehren sich Zellen und wir haben Krankheiten. Dass geschieht wenn die Zellen fangen an selber zu denken! Schluss damit!
ellauri132.html on line 215: Attorneys representing students from the Shawnee Mission district say the story “Harrison Bergeron” shows that a world of forced equality would be a nightmare, so unequal funding of public schools is OK.
ellauri132.html on line 278: Kerro meille alla ja somessa. Plus, älä unohda kirjautua Kirjailijan Viisaus- 2-viikkoiseen uutiskirjeeseen missä vaan tällä sivulla. Pääse käsixi kirjoitusvinkkeihin, knoppeihin herätteisiin ja resuihin ihan ilmatteexi!
ellauri132.html on line 364: Sign up for Writer’s Wisdom to get free access to these writing resources!
ellauri132.html on line 438: Google AdSense is a program run by Google through which website publishers in the Google Network of content sites serve text, images, video, or interactive media advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google. They can generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. Google beta-tested a cost-per-action service, but discontinued it in October 2008 in favor of a DoubleClick offering (also owned by Google). In Q1 2014, Google earned US$3.4 billion ($13.6 billion annualized), or 22% of total revenue, through Google AdSense. AdSense is a participant in the AdChoices program, so AdSense ads typically include the triangle-shaped AdChoices icon. This program also operates on HTTP cookies. In 2021, over 38.3 million websites use AdSense.
ellauri132.html on line 652: Uudelleensynnytys. Uudelleensynnytyxen tyyppinen juoni seuraa hahmon muunnosta pahasta hyväxi. Se työnnetään ikäänkuin takas perseeseen ja nussitaan uudelleen. Hahmolla on taajaan traaginen menneisyys joka informoi (vittu tää kirjottaja tykkää sanasta "informoi") niiden nykystä negatiivista elämänkazomusta. Kuiteskin, tapahtumasarja (tavallisesti päähenkilön liikkeellepanema tai kertojan) saa ne näkemään tunnelin päästä pilkottavan valon. Kz: Roope Joululaulussa, tai Peto videossa Kaunotar ja peto.
ellauri132.html on line 656: Meno-paluu. Tää juoni on yxinkertaisesti matka pisteestä A pisteeseen A. Päähenkilö lähtee matkalle, vaan palataxeen lopussa lähtöruutuun voitettuaan viisautta ja kokemusta (ja joskus jonkun aarteen myäs). Paulo Coelhon Alkemisti on rakastettu havainnollistus tästä juonesta.
ellauri132.html on line 780: Hienoille hahmoille ei ole reseptiä, mutta jos olisi — tatuoitu kokki luultavasti loisi jotain yxinkertaista jostain harvoista tuoreista ja fanzuista ainexista eikä kauheesta läjästä monitoimikoneella myllättyä mössöä.
ellauri132.html on line 889: Und stiegen auf knarrenden Treppen ins hohe Brautgemach. Ja nousi narisevat portaat korkeeseen neidonkamariin.
ellauri132.html on line 935: Und priesen den jungen Geber und aßen und tranken geschwind. Ja kiitti nuorta antajaa aterioiden vankasti.
ellauri132.html on line 952: Und sprach mit gesenktem Haupte noch leiser ihm in's Ohr. Hiän vapisi ja tunki syliin, ja supisi sen korvaan,
ellauri132.html on line 978: Hat meine Bibel genommen und ist in die Kammer gegangen; Otti mun raamatun ja meni panohuoneeseen;
ellauri132.html on line 982: Er trat in die Kammer und beugte sich über das Bette hin. Hän astui panohuoneeseen ja kumartui petiin päin.
ellauri132.html on line 1001: Storm: Walpurgisnacht Favorit unserer Leser Storm: Valpurinyö (Meidän lukijoiden suosikki)
ellauri133.html on line 110: No tällä surkealla esilukijalla sattuu olemaan tästä aiheesta henkkoht traumoja, sixe käy päälle kuin yleinen syyttäjä. Tosiasiassa vauvavainajista on kirjoitettu hyvällä halulla vaikka kuinka paljon, alkaen ne kiwiin wiscotut filistealaiset piscuiset, Kronoxen lapset, Theseus ja Prokne, Atreus ja Thyestes, Tantalos ja Pelops, Lykaion ja Arkas, ym ym. Eli jos sulla on vauvoista henkkoht skizoja, lue jotain muuta tai vaihda duunia.
ellauri133.html on line 244: Elokuva alkaa vuodesta 1988, kun Bill Denbrough tekee seitsemänvuotiaalle pikkuveljelleen Georgielle paperiveneen. Georgie vie paperiveneen ulos sateeseen kokeillakseen sen kelluvuutta. Hän ei ehdi saamaan venettä kiinni ja se valuu sadevesiviemäriin. Yrittäessään saada venettä takaisin hän tutustuu klovniin nimeltä Pennywise. Pennywise ystävystyy Georgien kanssa ja antaa lopulta hänelle paperiveneen. Georgien kurottautuessa ottamaan sen Pennywise puraisee Georgien oikean käden poikki ja vetää hänet sadevesiviemäriin.
ellauri133.html on line 345: Jos tän filmatisoisi niin ohjaaja saisi varmaan kuolettavasti kyrpää perseeseen, mut Kurko vaan jaxaa jaxaa. Se voi olla seikkaperäisin sexiskene sen kirjoissa, paizi 1.
ellauri133.html on line 410: Although King is widely considered to be the master of horror, he’s previously said he doesn’t have an answer when people ask what drives him. It was his answer to these inquiries. "I thought to myself, ´Why don’t I write a final exam on horror, and put in all the monsters that I was afraid of as a kid? And call it it?´" King told TIME in 2009. "And I thought, How are you going to do that? And I said, Well, I´m going to do it like a fairy tale. I’m going to make up a town where these things happen and everybody ignores them. Like in Grinch."
ellauri133.html on line 419: The issue is the amount of these scenes compared to the women within them. Many scenes are derogatory towards females everywhere, placing them as objects for affection and severely miscalculating female sexuality.
ellauri133.html on line 454: And so, what King presents a few chapters later, in the book’s final stretch, is a depiction of pre-adolescent female sexuality as a functional device—as a means and not an end in itself. HAAHAA. This utilitarian view of sexuality, despite operating in something as utterly wild as a group sex scene amongst kids, is ultra conservative in its reinforcement of the idea that female sexuality is meant to serve men, that sex for women operates for the greater good, like making babies or satisfying a bunch of guys. And further, that platonic friendship amongst women and men is simply impossible.
ellauri133.html on line 468: I don’t want to repeat King’s utter creepiness and describe this in too much detail (shit, I would but there is not enough space), but there are some elements of the scene that deserve mentioning. Again, functioning in misogynist misunderstanding of female sexuality, for at least one of these encounters Bev “feels no physical pleasure, but there is a kind of mental ecstasy in it for her.” When she does feel “some pleasure, dim heat in her childish unmatured sex,” she thinks of birds and resolves that having sex “is what flying is like.” The penis size of the character of Ben is commented on (“is he too big, can she take that into herself?”) and she eventually has an orgasm with him. Steve looks on with his little droopy wiener in his hand. I bet Mustafa had a biggish "It", and Tabitha King (the other one with the curves going in instead of out) has an even bigger one. They are like the little goat, the middling goat, and the big big goat that can suck the big bad wolf all the way in, balls and all.
ellauri133.html on line 626: "Kyrpä" Halloran, jolle Danny mesetti telepaattsesti, matkustaa Floridasta Coloradoon, missä Jack lyö sitä pahasti krokettimailalla. Danny mesettää telepaattisesti iskälle, joka pääse tovixi haamupakkopaidasta, ja kertoo sille että vanha boileri vaatii huoltoa. Danny, Buffy ja "Kyrpä" Halloran (johonka ei oikeasti sattunut) pakenevat turvaan. Jack uhraa izensä estääxeen haamuja valtaamasta sen päätä uudestaan ja antaa vanhan boilerin räjähtää ja tuhota koko Rotkon.
ellauri133.html on line 636: How to say happiness in Chinese?
ellauri133.html on line 638: What's the Chinese word for happiness?
ellauri133.html on line 641: Chinese Translation
ellauri133.html on line 646: More Chinese words for happiness
ellauri133.html on line 766: Cantonese-English dictionary: 福 ( fuk )
ellauri133.html on line 767: (English translation: "happiness") as Chinese character including Chinese characters
ellauri133.html on line 851: After publishing her debut novel The Road Through the Wall (1948), a semi-autobiographical account of her childhood in California, Jackson gained significant public attention for her short story "The Lottery", which presents the sinister underside of a bucolic American village.
ellauri133.html on line 855: "The persona that Jackson presented to the world was powerful, witty, even imposing," wrote Zoë Heller in the New Yorker. "She could be sharp and aggressive with fey Bennington girls and salesclerks and people who interrupted her writing. Her letters are filled with tartly funny observations. Describing the bewildered response of New Yorker readers to 'The Lottery,' she notes, 'The number of people who expected Mrs. Hutchinson to win a Bendix washing machine at the end would amaze you.'"
ellauri133.html on line 872: "Explaining just what I had hoped the story to say is very difficult. I suppose I hoped, by setting a particularly brutal ancient rite in the present and in my own village, to shock the story's readers with a graphic dramatization of the pointless violence and general inhumanity in their own lives." No wonder stones flew through her window.
ellauri135.html on line 49: Paustovskin maailma on yhtä mennyttä kuin Konsta izekin. Konstan novelli Nukkavieru mantteli lähtee liikenteeseen virkkeellä: Täällä meidän Venäjällämme on tuhansia ja taas tuhansia peltojen ja mezikköjen sylissä uinuvia kyliä.
ellauri135.html on line 61: Konsta syntyi Kiovassa rautatievirkamiehen perheeseen. Konstan Bogovossa kirjoittama essee "Vanuttunut sinelli" oli pahimmanlaatuista Lenin apoteoosia. Varsinainen Iljitshin syvänne. Mutta kukaan kirjailija ei voi välttyä houkutuxelta kirjoittaa silloin tällöin vapaasti, viis veisaten kirjoitusoppaiden rautaisista säännöistä.
ellauri135.html on line 224: In 1853 Berg translated a number of plays with 28 languages, ranging from Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian and Basque to French and Slavic dialects. These translations came out in 1854, under the title: "Songs of different peoples".
ellauri135.html on line 229: After the surrender of Sebastopol and the transition of the chief of staff of the Crimean army in Odessa, Berg left the service, and until 1868 was not employed at all, leading the life of a tourist. The war of 1859 between Italy and Austria drew Berg in Lombardy, where he was at different headquarters of the French, Italian and at the end of Garibaldi, the detachment of Alpine rifles, wrote a number of correspondences in the "Russian Gazette" in 1859 the Movement in 1860, in the Lebanese mountains between Druze and Maronites drew Berg to the East. He lived in Beirut, Damascus, visited Jerusalem, said, Alexandria. Cairo, pyramids and Keepaway left an inscription, then the first in the Russian language. The fruit of these wanderings there were a few articles in Moscow and St. Petersburg editions and book "Guide to Jerusalem and its surroundings" (1863). During this trip, Berg studied the Bedouin life, which wandered in the wilderness. In 1861 he returned to Russia and has translated a significant part of "pan Tadeusz" (printed in "Domestic. Notes" 1862). Then again, Berg went to the East, lived again in Beirut, Damascus and Jerusalem, and printed about this trip in several articles in "Fatherlands. Notes", "Russian Gazette", "Our time" and SPb. Statements".
ellauri135.html on line 231: In the fall of 1862, Berg returned to Russia, lived in Moscow, in Petersburg and here, at the beginning of 1863, just when the Polish uprising broke out, went to Warsaw, then to Krakow and Lviv. He kept notes on the movement of the poles in all these places and printed them in the "SPb. Statements." and in the "Library for Reading" (1864). In late 1864 he received the invitation of the Viceroy in the Kingdom of Poland, count F. F. Berg, to collect material for the history of the last Polish uprising, and was executed. (!?)
ellauri135.html on line 390: Не пробудить тебя от вековечной спячки! Älä herätä sinuas, ikuisesesti horrosta!
ellauri135.html on line 395: Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari ist ein deutscher Horrorfilm von Robert Wiene aus dem Jahr 1920 über einen Schlafwandler, der tagsüber vom zwielichtigen Dr. Caligari als Jahrmarktsattraktion herumgezeigt wird und nachts Morde begeht; in einer weiteren Handlungsebene wird diese Geschichte vom Insassen einer Irrenanstalt erzählt, der ihren Direktor bezichtigt, eben jener Dr. Caligari zu sein. Dieser expressionistische Stummfilm gilt als ein Meilenstein der Filmgeschichte.
ellauri135.html on line 679: Runoilija unelmoi lopulta jättämään armeijanpalvelua ja täysin tutustua kirjallisuuteen, aloittaa oman aikakauslehden julkaiseminen. Mutta hänellä oli vain vähän aikaa pysyä Pietarissa. Ja tämä tuli mahdolliseksi vaikutusvaltaisten ihmisten vetoomuksen ja hänen isoäitinsä E. A. Arsenyevan ansiosta. Vierailun jälkeen runoilija meni viimeiseen matkaansa Kaukasukseen ja lähinnä maanpakoon. Hän oli täynnä tummia hyökkäyksiä. Syynä kuolemaan johtaneeseen riitaan oli vähäpätöinen vittuilu eräälle majurille. Runoilija oli melkein varma, että kaksintaistelu ei tapahtuisi. Martynov ei kuitenkaan kieltäytynyt. Hän aiheutti kuolevaisen haavan M. Yu Lermontoville tämän Lerpan kannalta epäonnistuneen kaksintaistelun aikana Pyatigorskissa. Se tapahtui kesällä 1841, ja seuraavana keväänä runoilijan tuhkakuppi lähetettiin Tarkhanyn perhetilaan.
ellauri135.html on line 702: Yksinäisyyden teema. Sotilas sanoo, ettei kukaan ole kiinnostunut hänen kohtalostaan paitsi ehkä isänsä ja äitinsä, ja he ovat todennäköisesti jo kuolleita. Hän pyytää myös välittämään uutiset kuolemaansa naapurille, jota hän rakasti ja joka oli jo unohtanut hänet. Kaikki tämä viittaa siihen, että sotilas ei arvosta elämäänsä, koska kukaan ei odota häntä. Hänen ei tarvitse pitää huolta itsestään, sillä ei ole eroa, tuleeko hän kotiin vai ei. Tästä kauhistuttavasta tunteesta tulee hänen kuolemansa tärkein syy, koska henkilö, joka tietää rakastavansa häntä, tekee kaiken mahdollisen palatakseen perheeseensä. Ja se, joka on yksinäinen, sallii nöyrästi tappaa itsensä.
ellauri135.html on line 771: Mihail Jurjevitš Lermontov (ven. Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов, 15. lokakuuta (J: 3. lokakuuta) 1814 Moskova, Venäjä – 27. heinäkuuta (J: 15. heinäkuuta) 1841 Pjatigorsk, Venäjä) oli venäläinen kirjailija, Aleksandr Puškinin rinnalla venäläisen romantiikan ja Venäjän runouden kultakauden merkittävin edustaja. Häntä pidetään kielellisenä uudistajana. Hän oli rumahko. Lermontov syntyi Moskovassa merkittävässä asemassa olleeseen sukuun, jonka sanotaan olevan lähtöisin skotlantilaisesta Learmonth-suvusta, jonka esi-isä Peter Lermontoff olisi 1600-luvulla jäänyt Venäjälle jäätyään sotavangiksi. Tarinaa ei kuitenkaan ole pystytty todentamaan dokumenteilla.
ellauri140.html on line 39: In 1998, Kevorkian was arrested and tried for his direct role in a case of voluntary euthanasia on a man named Thomas Youk who suffered from Lou Gehrig’s disease, or ALS. He was convicted of second-degree murder and served 8 years of a 10-to-25-year prison sentence. He was released on parole on June 1, 2007, on condition he would not offer advice about, participate in, or be present at the act of any type of suicide involving euthanasia to any other person, as well as neither promote nor talk about the procedure of assisted suicide.
ellauri140.html on line 40: Kevorkian taught himself multiple languages in the bin such as German, Russian, Greek, and Japanese. He would, wouldn't he. Just like him.
ellauri140.html on line 76: Amaretto F+, the betrothed of Scudamour, kidnapped by Busirane on her wedding night, saved by Britomart. She represents the virtue of married love, and her marriage to Scudamour serves as the example that Britomart and Artegall seek to copy. Amoret and Scudamor are separated for a time by circumstances, but remain loyal to each other until they (presumably) are reunited. Amaretto on mantelilikööri.
ellauri140.html on line 80: Artefact M+ (or Artegal or Arthegal or Arthegall), a knight who is the embodiment and champion of Justice. He meets Britomart after defeating her in a sword fight (she had been dressed as a knight) and removing her helmet, revealing her beauty. Artefact quickly falls in love with Britomart. Artefact has a companion in Talus, a metal man who wields a flail and never sleeps or tires but will mercilessly pursue and kill any number of villains. Talus obeys Artefact's command, and serves to represent justice without mercy (hence, Artefact is the more human face of justice). Later, Talus does not rescue Artefact from enslavement by the wicked slave-mistress Radigund, because Artefact is bound by a legal contract to serve her. Only her death, at Britomart's hands, liberates him. Chrysaor was the golden sword of Sir Artefact. This sword was also the favorite weapon of Demeter, the Greek goddess of the harvest. Because it was "Tempred with Adamant", it could cleave through anything.
ellauri140.html on line 105: Cynochles M-, a knight in Book II who is defined by indecision and fluctuations of the will. He and his fiery brother Pygochles represent emotional maladies that threaten temperance. The two brothers are both slain by Prince Arthur in Canto VIII.
ellauri140.html on line 111: Libresse F-, alias Duessa, a lady who personifies Falsehood in Book I, known to Redcrosse as "Fidessa". As the opposite of Una, she represents the "false" religion of the Roman Catholic Church. She is also initially an assistant, or at least a servant, to Archipelago.
ellauri140.html on line 132: Una F+, the personification of the "True Church". She travels with the Redcrosse Knight (who represents England), whom she has recruited to save her parents´ castle from a dragon. She also defeats Duessa, who represents the "false" (Catholic) church and the person of Mary, Queen of Scots, in a trial reminiscent of that which ended in Mary´s beheading. Una is also representative of Truth. Aku Ankalla oli paleoliittinen väkivahva ihailija nimeltä Una joka ei osannut minä-sanaa. Kymingatar Elisabet sanoi aina me. We are not amused.
ellauri140.html on line 136: Jotkut kirjalliset tekeleet uhraa historiallisen totuuden arrkkityyppisille myyteille, ja tekee runoudesta raamatullisia kvestejä, kuntaas Dispenser vahvistaa tarinansa ajankohtaisuutta arrrkkityyppisillä hahmoilla. Pitkin matkaa Homohaukassa Dosetti ei keskity ajattomaan kaavineeseen, vaan käyttää sellaista kaavinetta siirtääxeen menneisyyden merkityxen nykyaikaan. Menneitä jauhamalla Dosetti löytää keinoja paisuttaa Elisabetin hovin tärkeyttä. Se ei tee tapahtumista myyttiä, vaan pikemminkin meemeistä päivän uutista. Transukirjassa Dosetti kumittaa erotuxen arrkkityyppisen ja historiallisen välistä ihan tahalteen. Esimerkixi Dosetti ei varmaan usko joka tavua Brittikronikassa, mitä Arttu lukee Alma Mediasta. Tässä tapauxessa Aamulehti palvelee historian runollista vastinetta (niin aina). Siltikään tämmöinen runollinen historia ei ole myyttiä; pikemminkin, se 'koostuu uniikeista, vaikka osaxi fiktiivisistä tapahtumista kronologisessa järjestyxessä.' Sama erottelu toistuu kirjojen I ja V poliittisessa viestissä. Toki niiden ajankohtaisuus oli selvempää runon kirjoituxen aikana kuin nyt. (Äläs nyt! You don't say!) No täähän on just sama tematiikka kuin Danten komiikassa. Ja miljoonassa muussa kirjassa. Kynäilijät pompittaa fiktiivisiä avataarejaan ilmastaxeen omia ennakkoluulojaan. Tää menis tonne ja tapais ton ja size sanois että näin. En seiso kirjani takana vaan ajatusteni. Kuvitteleminen on ammattini, enhän mä enää muuta tee, enkä senpuoleen osaakaan.
ellauri140.html on line 140: Though it praises her in some ways, The Faerie Queene questions Elizabeth's ability to rule so effectively because of her gender, and also inscribes the "shortcomings" of her rule. There is a character named Britomart who represents married chastity. This character is told that her destiny is to be an "immortal womb" – to have children. Here, Spenser is referring to Elizabeth's unmarried state and is touching on anxieties of the 1590s about what would happen after her death since the kingdom had no heir. No vittu ei ole maailma mixkään muuttunut, just samanlaista tuubaa kirjoitti Suomenmaa just Sanna Marinista.
ellauri140.html on line 162: The House is an emblem of sin and worldliness. The ruler of the palace is Lucifera, who is accompanied by her six counselors. Together they represent the seven deadly sins. When the Redcrosse Knight encounters the palace, he is met with Lucifera and her parade. Each counselor, a sin, and the falsehood of the structure itself representing a flawed nature, altogether embody the House of Pride.
ellauri140.html on line 164: In the House of Pride, the Redcrosse Knight sees Lucifera on a chariot being pulled by six counselors riding animals. With Lucifera symbolizing the sin of pride, the remaining six sins are represented by her counselors. Each counselor slightly resembles the animal he is riding.
ellauri140.html on line 166: Pride (F) – Lucifera, whose name derives from Lucifer, is ruler of the six counselors in he Faerie Queene. She represents pride because she takes pride in her name, which can be seen as paying homage to Satan. Ylpeä pelaa vastapuolen tiimissä.
ellauri140.html on line 174: Avarice (M) – Representing the sin of greed, Avarice enters upon a camel covered with gold as he counts a pile of coins. Spenser describes Avarice's money obsession to be a disease; "Who had enough, yett wished every more, a vile disease, and eke in foote and hand." Skotti Roopella se ei ole synti, jutku Kroisos Pennosella ja Karhukoplan kommareilla on. Kamelin on ahdas päästä helmiäisportista, mutta mahdotonta se ei ole.
ellauri140.html on line 191: surname attested from late 13c. (earlier le Despenser, mid-12c.), literally "one who dispenses or has charge of provisions in a household," short for Anglo-French espencer, Old French despencier "dispenser" (of provisions), "a butler or steward" (see dispense). Also a type of repeating rifle used in the American Civil War, 1863, named for U.S. gunsmith Christopher Spencer, who, with Luke Wheelock, manufactured them in Boston, Mass. Japanissa 2011 zunami kaatoi limpsa ja eväspatukka dispensereitä joiden alle jäänyt mies Rei Shimurassa selvisi juomalla limpsaa ja syömällä Snickersejä. Sylikoira haistoi sen sneakersit kasan alta. Sellasta on nyt Japanissa. Tavallisin oloasu on fleese pehmyrit.
ellauri140.html on line 205: In 1596, Spenser wrote a prose pamphlet titled A View of the Present State of Ireland. This piece, in the form of a dialogue, circulated in manuscript, remaining unpublished until the mid-seventeenth century. It is probable that it was kept out of print during the author's lifetime because of its inflammatory content. The pamphlet argued that Ireland would never be totally "pacified" by the English until its indigenous language and customs had been destroyed, if necessary by violence. Vitun kolonialisti paskiainen.
ellauri140.html on line 228: The lyrics were written, in part, in honor of U.S. Army Specialist 5 James Gabriel, Jr., a Special Forces operator and the first native Hawaiian to die in Vietnam, who was killed by Viet Cong gunfire while on a training mission with the South Vietnamese Army on April 8, 1962. One verse mentioned Gabriel by name, but it was not used in the recorded version.
ellauri140.html on line 232: Barry Sadler was a twenty-five year old active duty Green Beret medic in 1966 when he first performed “Ballad of the Green Berets” on The Ed Sullivan Show. The song soon reached number one in the charts and eventually sold eight million copies. Sadler’s performance and the song’s popularity celebrated The Green Berets as the ultimate example of American military prowess, bravery and commitment. It fed into a specific postwar representation of modernity that was soon to be challenged by the escalation of the war in Vietnam.
ellauri140.html on line 243: Und ein Weg den keiner will These are men, America's best Nämä ovat miehiä, Amerikan parhaita.
ellauri140.html on line 253: Könnt? ich dich noch einmal sehn? These are men, America's best Nämä ovat miehiä, Amerikan parhaita.
ellauri140.html on line 300: Takuulla tää on sitä vaan että mä oon boomeri. Nää 21. vuosisadan asenteet ja niistä aiheutuvat nuoren väen skizot ei enää kosketa. Eikä asiaa yhtään paranna että pääasiassa nauretaan meille boomereille. Tää on kandalaisten Salkkarit. Seppo ja Ismo soundboard. Matua pepepepepeperseeseen kädet namasteasennossa.
ellauri140.html on line 479: Ay wont in desert darknesse to remaine, Se oli tottunut mustiin pehmyreihin,
ellauri140.html on line 749: Doth ever wash, and Cynthia° still doth steepe Ei koskaan pese lakanoita, ja Cynthia
ellauri140.html on line 968: When those accursed messengers of hell, Kun noi kirotut mesettäjät kuumasta
ellauri140.html on line 986: Those two he tooke, and in a secret bed, Nää 2 se otti ja laittoi salavuoteeseen,
ellauri140.html on line 1006: Who soone him brought into a secret part Joka vie sen salaiseen panohuoneeseen,
ellauri140.html on line 1016: Returning to his bed in torment great, Se palas vuoteeseen äimän käkenä,
ellauri141.html on line 31: Mesenaatti mielirunoilijani Horatiuxen parissa. Maecenas/tis on etruskilainen sukunimi.
ellauri141.html on line 47: Horatius syntyi Etelä-Italiassa, Venusiassa, varmaan 5:ntenä poikana vapautetun orjan perheeseen. Perheellä oli varallisuutta hankkia pieni maatila ja he halusivat antaa pojalleen parhaat mahdollisuudet omaa elämäänsä varten. (Hauska tahaton korrelaattivirhe.) Vanhemmat lähettivätkin poikansa opiskelemaan Roomaan, mutta eivät halunneet tätä kouluvuosien ajaksi vieraiden vieraiden kasvatettavaksi, joten he antoivat maatilansa vuokralle voidakseen asua poikansa luona. Horatius muisteli siitä huolimatta nuoruuttaan ja vanhempiaan suurella lämmöllä.
ellauri141.html on line 61: Kylläkai. Hei Mese vippaa sestertius! Mitä mökötät kyl sullon siihen varaa! Haha LOL vai mitä pojat? No läppä läppä Mese älä suutu!
ellauri141.html on line 66: Testamentissaan Maecenas pyysi että Augustus pitäisi huolta Horatiuksen asioista. Kovinkaan kauan ei keisarin tarvinnut sitä tehdä, sillä runoilija kuoli vain muutaman viikon mesenaattinsa jälkeen. Horatius haudattiin Roomaan Esquilinus kukkulalle.
ellauri141.html on line 79: Tää tönö (yllä) on jäljellä Mesenaatin puutarhakartanosta (ylempänä). Siellä oli jopa kylpypalju. Siitä Seneca jr oli sille kade. Siinäpä olisi ollut hyvä tehdä harakiri.
ellauri141.html on line 109: Quintus Horatius Flaccus (8th of December, Ab Urbe Condita 689, B. C. 65 - 27th of November, B. C. 8) was born at or near Venusia (Venosa), in the Apennines, on the borders of Lucania and Apulia. His father was a freedman, having, as his name proves, been the slave of some person of the Horatia gens. As Horace implies that he himself was ingenuus, his father must have obtained his freedom before his birth. He afterwards followed the calling of a coactor, a collector of money in some way or other, it is not known in what. He made, in this capacity, enough to purchase an estate, probably a small one, near the above town, where the poet was born. We hear nothing of his mother, except that Horace speaks of both his parents with affection. His father, probably seeing signs of talent in him as a child, was not content to have him educated at a provincial school, but took him (at what age he does not say, but probably about twelve) to Rome, where he became a pupil of Orbilius Pupillus, who had a school of much note, attended by boys of good family, and whom Horace remembered all his life as an irritable teacher, given unnecessarily to the use of the rod. With him he learnt grammar, the earlier Latin authors, and Homer. He attended other masters (of rhetoric, poetry, and music perhaps), as Roman boys were wont, and had the advantage (to which he afterwards looked back with gratitude) of his father’s care and moral training during this part of his education. It was usual for young men of birth and ability to be sent to Athens, to finish their education by the study of Greek literature and philosophy under native teachers; and Horace went there too, at what age is not known, but probably when he was about twenty. Whether his father was alive at that time, or dead, is uncertain. If he went to Athens at twenty, it was in B. C. 45, the year before Julius Cæsar was assassinated. After that event, Brutus and Cassius left Rome and went to Greece. Foreseeing the struggle that was before them, they got round them many of the young men at that time studying at Athens, and Horace was appointed tribune in the army of Brutus, a high command, for which he was not qualified. He went with Brutus into Asia Minor, and finally shared his defeat at Philippi, B. C. 42. He makes humorous allusion to this defeat in his Ode to Pompeius Varus (ii. 7). After the battle he came to Italy, having obtained permission to do so, like many others who were willing to give up a desperate cause and settle quietly at home. His patrimony, however, was forfeited, and he seems to have had no means of subsistence, which induced him to employ himself in writing verses, with the view, perhaps, of bringing himself into notice, rather than for the purpose of making money by their sale. By some means he managed to get a place as scriba in the Quæstor’s office, whether by purchase or interest does not appear. In either case, we must suppose he contrived soon to make friends, though he could not do so by the course he pursued, without also making many enemies. His Satires are full of allusions to the enmity his verses had raised up for him on all hands. He became acquainted, among other literary persons, with Virgil and Varius, who, about three years after his return (B. C. 39), introduced him to Mæcenas, who was careful of receiving into his circle a tribune of Brutus, and one whose writings were of a kind that was new and unpopular. He accordingly saw nothing of Horace for nine months after his introduction to him. He then sent for him (B. C. 38), and from that time continued to be his patron and warmest friend.
ellauri141.html on line 111: At his house, probably, Horace became intimate with Polio, and the many persons of consideration whose friendship he appears to have enjoyed. Through Mæcenas, also, it is probable Horace was introduced to Augustus; but when that happened is uncertain. In B. C. 37, Mæcenas was deputed by Augustus to meet M. Antonius at Brundisium, and he took Horace with him on that journey, of which a detailed account is given in the fifth Satire of the first book. Horace appears to have parted from the rest of the company at Brundisium, and perhaps returned to Rome by Tarentum and Venusia. (See S. i. 5, Introduction.) Between this journey and B. C. 32, Horace received from his friend the present of a small estate in the valley of the Digentia (Licenza), situated about thirty-four miles from Rome, and fourteen from Tibur, in the Sabine country. Of this property he gives a description in his Epistle to Quintius (i. 16), and he appears to have lived there a part of every year, and to have been fond of the place, which was very quiet and retired, being four miles from the nearest town, Varia (Vico Varo), a municipium perhaps, but not a place of any importance. During this interval he continued to write Satires and Epodes, but also, it appears probable, some of the Odes, which some years later he published, and others which he did not publish. These compositions, no doubt, were seen by his friends, and were pretty well known before any of them were collected for publication. The first book of the Satires was published probably in B. C. 35, the Epodes in B. C. 30, and the second book of Satires in the following year, when Horace was about thirty-five years old. When Augustus returned from Asia, in B. C. 29, and closed the gates of Janus, being the acknowledged head of the republic, Horace appeared among his most hearty adherents. He wrote on this occasion one of his best Odes (i. 2), and employed his pen in forwarding those reforms which it was the first object of Augustus to effect. (See Introduction to C. ii. 15.) His most striking Odes appear, for the most part, to have been written after the establishment of peace. Some may have been written before, and probably were. But for some reason it would seem that he gave himself more to lyric poetry after his thirty-fifth year than he had done before. He had most likely studied the Greek poets while he was at Athens, and some of his imitations may have been written early. If so, they were most probably improved and polished, from time to time, (for he must have had them by him, known perhaps only to a few friends, for many years,) till they became the graceful specimens of artificial composition that they are. Horace continued to employ himself in this kind of writing (on a variety of subjects, convivial, amatory, political, moral,—some original, many no doubt suggested by Greek poems) till B. C. 24, when there are reasons for thinking the first three books of the Odes were published. During this period, Horace appears to have passed his time at Rome, among the most distinguished men of the day, or at his house in the country, paying occasional visits to Tibur, Præneste, and Baiæ, with indifferent health, which required change of air. About the year B. C. 26 he was nearly killed by the falling of a tree, on his own estate, which accident he has recorded in one of his Odes (ii. 13), and occasionally refers to; once in the same stanza with a storm in which he was nearly lost off Cape Palinurus, on the western coast of Italy. When this happened, nobody knows. After the publication of the three books of Odes, Horace seems to have ceased from that style of writing, or nearly so; and the only other compositions we know of his having produced in the next few years are metrical Epistles to different friends, of which he published a volume probably in B. C. 20 or 19. He seems to have taken up the study of the Greek philosophical writers, and to have become a good deal interested in them, and also to have been a little tired of the world, and disgusted with the jealousies his reputation created. His health did not improve as he grew older, and he put himself under the care of Antonius Musa, the emperor’s new physician. By his advice he gave up, for a time at least, his favorite Baiæ. But he found it necessary to be a good deal away from Rome, especially in the autumn and winter.
ellauri141.html on line 113: In B. C. 17, Augustus celebrated the Ludi Seculares, and Horace was required to write an Ode for the occasion, which he did, and it has been preserved. This circumstance, and the credit it brought him, may have given his mind another leaning to Ode-writing, and have helped him to produce the fourth book, a few pieces in which may have been written at any time. It is said that Augustus particularly desired Horace to publish another book of Odes, in order that those he wrote upon the victories of Drusus and Tiberius (4 and 14) might appear in it. The latter of these Odes was not written, probably, till B. C. 13, when Augustus returned from Gaul. If so, the book was probably published in that year, when Horace was fifty-two. The Odes of the fourth book show no diminution of power, but the reverse. There are none in the first three books that surpass, or perhaps equal, the Ode in honor of Drusus, and few superior to that which is addressed to Lollius. The success of the first three books, and the honor of being chosen to compose the Ode at the Ludi Seculares, seem to have given him encouragement. There are no incidents in his life during the above period recorded or alluded to in his poems. He lived five years after the publication of the fourth book of Odes, if the above date be correct, and during that time, I think it probable, he wrote the Epistles to Augustus and Florus which form the second book; and having conceived the intention of writing a poem on the art and progress of poetry, he wrote as much of it as appears in the Epistle to the Pisones which has been preserved among his works. It seems, from the Epistle to Florus, that Horace at this time had to resist the urgency of friends begging him to write, one in this style and another in that, and that he had no desire to gratify them and to sacrifice his own ease to a pursuit in which it is plain he never took any great delight. He was likely to bring to it less energy as his life was drawing prematurely to a close, through infirmities either contracted or aggravated during his irrational campaigning with Brutus, his inaptitude for which he appears afterwards to have been perfectly aware of. He continued to apply himself to the study of moral philosophy till his death, which took place, according to Eusebius, on the 27th of November, B. C. 8, in the fifty-seventh year of his age, and within a few days of its completion. Mæcenas died the same year, also towards the close of it; a coincidence that has led some to the notion, that Horace hastened his own death that he might not have the pain of surviving his patron. According to Suetonius, his death (which he places after his fifty-ninth year) was so sudden, that he had not time to execute his will, which is opposed to the notion of suicide. The two friends were buried near one another “in extremis Esquiliis,” in the farthest part of the Esquiliæ, that is, probably, without the city walls, on the ground drained and laid out in gardens by Mæcenas.
ellauri141.html on line 120: Maecenas atavis edite regibus Mese sä vanhojen kuninkaiden juhlaeditio!
ellauri141.html on line 404: The solfege system (Do, Re, Mi), which is the theme of a song by the Von Trapp children, is just a small sample of Horace's all-pervasive influence on western culture, even among people who might never have heard the name Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Horace was not just a superb literary craftsman, but a musician, songwriter and entertainer for the Roman elite, creating a new Latin idiom derived from Greek lyric song. A final chapter, "Horace, Guido and the Do-re-mi Mystery", the result of careful research and detective work, argues that Guido d'Arezzo, an eleventh-century Benedictine choirmaster, used the melody of Horace's Ode to Phyllis (alla) to invent the do-re-mi mnemonic, but applied it to an eighth-century Hymn to John the Baptist ("Ut queant laxis") by Paul the Deacon, keeping the true source secret. A musical comparison of the Horatian melody and Guido's version of "ut-re-mi" is included. Lyons' verse translation of the Odes was named a Financial Times Book of the Year (1996) and was welcomed as 'a wonderful rendering of one of the great, central poets in the European tradition.'
ellauri141.html on line 433: luce Maecenas meus adfluentis Sun upporikas mesenaatti laskee
ellauri141.html on line 468: Rudyard ja hänen kolmevuotias pikkusiskonsa Alice (”Trix”) lähetettiin koulutettavaksi ja kasvatettavaksi Englantiin. Kiplingin sisarukset saapuivat Portsmouthiin, jossa he päätyivät pariskunnan ylläpitämään, Intiassa asuvien brittilasten kouluttamiseen erikoistuneeseen perhekotiin. Nämä kasvatusvanhemmat olivat Lorne Lodgessa asuneet kapteeni ja rouva Holloway, jonka kohtelua seuraavan kuuden vuoden aikana Rudyard kuvaili julmaksi ja halveksuvaksi. Kipling kuvaili kokemuksiaan laskelmoiduksi kidutukseksi niin uskonnollisesti kuin tieteellisesti.
ellauri141.html on line 494: Vuoden 1899 Yhdysvaltain-turneella Kipling ja hänen tyttärensä Josephine sairastuivat keuhkokuumeeseen, johon Josephine lopulta menehtyi.
ellauri141.html on line 544: confletur auris. The clients of our body; these,
ellauri141.html on line 552: sponte sua segetem venenis. Present, or to be paid for, brings
ellauri141.html on line 566: The genesis of Horace Odes, Book V was in the brains of Kipling. It occurred to him about the blackest time of the last war, end of 1917 and early months of 1918, as a means of keeping up one's spirits and distracting our thoughts from present troubles, and he wrote to me outlining his plan and making many admirable suggestions for subjects of the sham odes. (262)
ellauri141.html on line 571: Weapons too faithful offer them using all things mixed with blood and he who loudly brings false charges exhausts the unique hour capable of preserving works.
ellauri141.html on line 597: Englannin kielen lehtori Mervi Kannelniemi toimii parhaillaan viransijaisena vuonna 1894 perustetussa Päivölän kansanopistossa. Täällä Kannelniemi tutustui omana aikanaan yli 50 vuotta opiston johtokunnassa vaikuttaneeseen Hilda Huntuvuoreen.
ellauri141.html on line 717: Elämäntyö opettajana ja kasvattajana vei Hildan juuriltaan varsinaissuomalaisen Hämeeseen, missä Sääksmäki ja Akaa olivat pitkäaikaisia elinympäristöjä. Siellä myös tapahtui ”uudelleen syntyminen”, kun Akaassa näyttelijä ja ohjaaja Minna Kangas perehtyi niin perusteellisesti Huntuvuoren persoonaan, että hän saattoi luoda vaikuttavan monologi-näytelmän Hilda – elämän yty ja esittää sen niin loistavasti, että katsojat saivat kokea olevansa mukana Hildan elämässä.
ellauri141.html on line 771: A few months before he died in 1975, Leger donated his library, manuscripts and private papers to Fondation Saint-John Perse, a research centre devoted to his life and work (Cité du Livre, Aix-en-Provence), which remains active to the present day. He died in his villa in Giens and is buried nearby. Varsinainen kermaperse tää Saint-John.
ellauri141.html on line 778: Analyytikon ongelmat keskittyvät sen sijaan muiden mainitsemieni huomioiden ympärille. Mikä oikeastaan on lopullinen vaikutus, jonka runo yrittää saada? Mikä on se tunne, jonka se haluaa herättää, kehittää, lopulta rauhoitella lukijassa hänen kokeessaan runon? Itse asiassa olisi useita tapoja määrittää tämä; mutta kukaan ei olisi niin varma kuin etsiä vastausta tekstistä. Valitettavasti vastausten etsiminen tekstistä on erittäin työläs prosessi. Mitä kysymyksiä kysymme tekstistä? Kirjallisessa analyysissä, kuten oikeudellisessa kuulustelussa, saa vastaukset vain kysymyksiin, jotka osataan kysyä. Tän sai Super-Naomikin karsaasti kokea. Jos joku esittää kysymyksensä kielen ja tyylin suhteen, hän saa vastauksia vain näihin toissijaisiin runouden näkökohtiin. Vaikutukset, jotka hän onnistuu selittämään, ovat yhtä rajallisia, yhtä vähäisiä. Mutta mitä syvemmälle hän tarkastelunsa avulla astuu teoksen kokonaisrakenteeseen, sitä paremmin hän pystyy erottamaan vaikutuksen kokonaisuuden sen oleellisissa aspekteissa. Siksi on tarpeen esittää ne kysymykset, joiden avulla voidaan tunkeutua työn perustavanlaatuiseen organisointiin.
ellauri141.html on line 794: Gordon Wenham, on the other hand, understands the verse to indicate Jabal was the first "dweller with herds." That is, he was the "father of the Bedouin lifestyle." He notes that whereas Abel "merely lived off his flocks," Jabal could "trade with his beasts of burden," and that this "represents cultural advance." Ensimmäinen rättipää.
ellauri142.html on line 63: Markku is an outcast. The awkward, illegitimate son of a dazzlingly wealthy Count, he was educated in France but returns to Russia now that his father’s health is in decline. Polite society shuns him for his hero-worship of Napoleon and enthusiasm for the politics of revolution. But his blundering sincerity charms Andrei, his truest friend; and the blonde air hostess Natacha, who delights in his presence. He is quickly married off by stealth through the manipulation of others around him and is likely to face further heartache given that his wife prefers bedding her brother. It looks like this unlikely hero is smitten with her mother Pirkko Hiekkala but is set for heartache given his kind and gentle nature.
ellauri142.html on line 120: Long ago, when the British government and the Catholic Church were more militant, it was dangerous to share these secrets, so all members worked hard to protect them. This is why, for several centuries, the coveted secrets of the Freemasons were known only to loyal members.
ellauri142.html on line 147: Geometry and architecture are essential themes within Freemasonry, which is why Freemasons often refer to God as either The Supreme Being or The Grand Geometrician. These names help keep the concept of God as generic, and not tied to a specific religion, which removes any chance that a member will be offended.
ellauri142.html on line 306: Tuomas Kempiläinen oli valistunut myyriäinen. Tuomas syntyi Kempenin kylässä, noin 65 km Kölnistä luoteeseen. Hänen sukunimensä oli Hämerken tai Hammerlein, "pieni vasara". Hän kuoli Zwollen lähellä.
ellauri142.html on line 309: Paavi sai aikaan vähän ristiriitoja yhteisössä. Muuten Tuomaan elämä oli hiljaista, ja aika kului omistautuneena haureuden harjoittamiselle, kirjoittamiselle ja kirjojen plagioinnille. Hän plagioi raamattua ainakin neljä kertaa. Hän tunsi Raamatun hyvin, ja hänen kirjoituksensa sisälsivät huomattavasti viittauksia erityisesti Uuteen testamenttiin, mutta myös vanhempiin. Tuomas kuului "uuteen hurskauteen", devotio modernaan, 1300-luvulla syntyneeseen trendikkääseen mustikanpoimijaliikkeeseen. Ajattelussaan hän oli yhteisen elämän varattomien veljien ja devotio modernan perustajien Geert Grooten, Stephen Cole Kleenen, Nat King Colen, Stephen Kingin ja Florentius Radewijnsin apinoija.
ellauri142.html on line 387:
ellauri142.html on line 395: Vittu miten arvattavaa oxettavaa tuubaa tää kaikki on: älä välitä mikä susta ehkä olis mukavaa, mut älä myöskään jää tuleen makaamaan, vaan tee uutterasti mitä mä käsken sua tekemään, koska se on mulle edullisinta. Toimi siis, oi Kuntinpoika, niin kuin sinun pitää toimia, vapaana kiintymyksestä; älä riipu maallisissa, vaan jätä ne hyvällä meikämiehille. Antakaa meille bisnesenkeleille ravinto, niin saatte meidän pöydältä putoilevat muruset. Hyvät apinat, jotka ainoastaan itsellensä jättävät sen, mikä jää jäljelle, sitten kun he kaiken ovat jumalalle tarjonneet, ovat vapaat kaikista synneistä; mutta pahat apinat tahtovat ainoastaan itselleen hankkia ja elävät synnissä.
ellauri142.html on line 399: Uhraudu ja antaudu kokonaan jumalalle, niin ottaa hän ehkä uhrisi vastaan, jos se on jotain hyvää. (Tuomas Kempiläinen) Ei maar, häätyy tähän väliin lukea vähän lisää Tuomolta. Olikohan se uomo? Todnäk, rengasmunkkina. Mulla oli vuosikymmeniä lyhythihainen paita, jonka niskassa luki Mappa Mondo. Toisen samanlaisen merkki oli Uomo di Mondo. Sit oli vielä pusakka jonka nimi oli Poco Loco. Ostin ne Itixen K-marketista ja käytin ne aivan vanuxi. Seija inhos niitä. Panin ne päälle kun olin vihainen. Siis aika usein. Sellainen joka ainoastaan vastaanottaa, eikä mitään pane siihen lähteeseen, josta hän ammentaa, on katamiitti. J Böhme: Alistuvaisuus. Ole jumalalle saapasrenkinä. Pyllistä. (Sax. huom. Böhmestä lisää täällä.) Mutta nyt Tomi, ole hyvä!
ellauri142.html on line 467: Sitä, mikä ei voi olla yhteistä, ei pitäisi tehdä julkisesti; mutta mene sinne Herran luo tyhjän päälle sisähuoneeseen. Pidä varasi ettet hidastele yhteisöllisissä ja yksinäisissä uskonnollisissa harjoituksissa. Jahka olette uskollisesti täyttäneet teille asetetun velvollisuuden, kääntykää itsenne puoleen eriössä ja tyydyttäkää itsenne epätyydyttävästi uskonnollisten hartauden päälle.
ellauri142.html on line 609: Spencer's reputation among the Victorians owed a great deal to his agnosticism. He rejected theology as representing the 'impiety of the pious.' He was to gain much notoriety from his repudiation of traditional religion, and was frequently condemned by religious thinkers for allegedly advocating atheism and materialism. Nonetheless, unlike Thomas Henry Huxley, whose agnosticism was a militant creed directed at 'the unpardonable sin of faith' (in Adrian Desmond's phrase), Spencer insisted that he was not concerned to undermine religion in the name of science, but to bring about a reconciliation of the two. The following argument is a summary of Part 1 of his First Principles (2nd ed 1867).
ellauri142.html on line 611: Starting either from religious belief or from science, Spencer argued, we are ultimately driven to accept certain indispensable but literally inconceivable notions. Whether we are concerned with a Creator or the substratum which underlies our experience of phenomena, we can frame no conception of it. Therefore, Spencer concluded, religion and science agree in the supreme truth that the human understanding is only capable of 'relative' knowledge. This is the case since, owing to the inherent limitations of the human mind, it is only possible to obtain knowledge of phenomena, not of the reality ('the absolute') underlying phenomena. Hence both science and religion must come to recognise as the 'most certain of all facts that the Power which the Universe manifests to us is utterly inscrutable.' He called this awareness of 'the Unknowable' and he presented worship of the Unknowable as capable of being a positive faith which could substitute for conventional religion. Indeed, he thought that the Unknowable represented the ultimate stage in the evolution of religion, the final elimination of its last anthropomorphic vestiges.
ellauri142.html on line 1045: Smail wrote several books on the subject of psychotherapy, emphasizing the extent to which society is often responsible for personal distress. Critical of the claims made by psychotherapy, he suggests that it only works to the extent that the therapist becomes a friend of the patient, providing encouragement and support. Much distress, he says, results from current conflicts, not past ones, and in any case, damage done probably cannot be undone, though we may learn to live with it. He doubts whether 'catharsis', the process whereby it is supposed that understanding past events makes them less painful, really works. The assumption that depression, or any other form of mental distress, is caused by something within the person that can be fixed, is he argued, without foundation. He could thus be regarded as part of the 'anti-psychiatry' movement, along with R.D. Laing and Thomas Szasz, but where Laing emphasised family nexus as making psychosis understandable, Smail emphasises 'Interest' and power in relation to more everyday distress. These are integral to Western society, and, he suggests, considered out of bounds by most psychotherapists, who are themselves both constrained and complicit in protecting their own interests.
ellauri142.html on line 1047: Smail also attacks the common conceptions of 'happiness' and 'relationships', pointing out that these are by-products of real life, and should not be ends in themselves. He suggests that taking part in real joint efforts is what seems to make people forget themselves and become truly happy, but he also takes a despairing view of how modern society makes it hard to see what the real point of these efforts might be for many people.
ellauri143.html on line 44: Dr Brawin Kumar holds a PhD on a study on rabbit species, Yarkand Hare, at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
ellauri143.html on line 45: “People often confuse hedgehog (mull eli in Tamil) with porcupine (mullam pandri),” says the PhD holder, who has done a study on rabbit species, Yarkand Hare, at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
ellauri143.html on line 47: “At first, it may resemble a porcupine. But a closer look will tell it is actually looks like a rat,” he says. “It is actually the size of a coconut,” he says.
ellauri143.html on line 57: The Bharatiya Janata Party (pronounced [bʱɑːɾət̪iːjə dʒənət̪ɑː pɑːrtiː] ( listen); English: Indian People's Party; abbr. BJP) is one of two major political parties in India, along with the Indian National Congress. It has been the ruling political party of the Republic of India since 2014. The BJP is a right-wing party, and its policy has historically reflected Hindu nationalist positions. It has close ideological and organisational links to the much older Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). As of 2020, it is the country's largest political party in terms of representation in the national parliament and state assemblies and is by far the world's largest party in terms of primary membership, with the second largest party, the Communist Party of China, having about half the registered members of the BJP.
ellauri143.html on line 84: The Kura has been widely admired by scholars and influential leaders across the ethical, social, political, economical, religious, philosophical, and spiritual spheres over its history. These include Ilango Adigal (never heard), Kambar (n.h.), Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer (heard ok), plus Constantius Joseph Beschi, Karl Graul, George Uglow Pope, Alexander Piatigorsky, and Yu Hsi (all n.h.). The work remains to be translated. Oops correct that, the text has been translated into at least 40 Indian languages including English, making it one of the most translated ancient works. Ever since it came to print for the first time in 1812, the Kura text has never been out of print. Whole trainloads lie "left on read" in Sri Lanka.
ellauri143.html on line 86: Its author is praised for his innate nature of selecting the best virtues found in the known literature, like Juan Valdez the choicest coffee beans, and presenting them in a language that is common and acceptable to all (Tamil). The term Tirukkuṟaḷ is a compound word made of two individual terms, tiru and kuṟaḷ. The term tiru has as many as 19 different meanings but it means sacred. Kuṟaḷ means something like "short, concise, and abridged." Vizi näähän on Markku Envall-luokan aforismeja, Vaakku-Turmiola linjan törähdyxiä.
ellauri143.html on line 119: Mokša (ven. Мокша, mokšaksi Юв, Jov) on Okaan laskeva, 656 kilometriä pitkä joki Keski-Venäjällä.Joen valuma-alue kattaa 51 000 neliökilometriä. Joki saa alkunsa Penzan alueelta, josta se virtaa Mordvan tasavallan, Nižni Novgorodin alueen läpi ja laskee Okaan Rjazanin alueella. Mokšaan laskevia jokia ovat Sivil, Satis, Ermiš, Vad i helvete ja Tsna. Joen toisella puolella asuu ersiä, toisella moksia. Ennen ne oli mordvan murteita, muttei enää! Oka oli Paustovskin mielijoki. Eikös blondi saapasjalkakissa Jeseninkin ollut maalaispoika Rjazanista? Se oli joviaali ilmiö.
ellauri143.html on line 459: Luku 28. Sindrese Sittiont (koordinoiva): 271–280
ellauri143.html on line 632: Courage, a liberal hand, wisdom, and energy: these four
ellauri143.html on line 641: These three for aye to rulers of the land belong.
ellauri143.html on line 657: These four a light of dreaded kings reveal.
ellauri143.html on line 747: The wise with watchful soul who coming ills foresee;
ellauri143.html on line 810: In time to come; weigh these- than to the act proceed.
ellauri143.html on line 826: Luku 48. Seigenotrese Penos (Kivulias sarkopteri): 471–480
ellauri143.html on line 856: Kinkun apurit. Explanation : Let (a minister) be chosen, after he has been tried by means of these four things, viz,-his virtue, (love of) money, (love of) sexual pleasure, and tear of (losing) life. And keep his relatives as hostages. Just tätä tematiikkaa oli valtaistuinpeleissä. Ei se ole vierasta kv. yrityxillekään. Steve Jobs varmaan luki näitä värssyjä. The Thirukkural way of Leadership. Mr. T. Kannan.
ellauri143.html on line 940: These two: the code renowned and spies,
ellauri143.html on line 941: In these let king confide as eyes.
ellauri143.html on line 945: All these who watch are trusty spies.
ellauri143.html on line 1019: In presence of the men who kingly power possess.
ellauri143.html on line 1063: Though blest with all these varied gifts´ increase,
ellauri143.html on line 1111: A country´s jewels are these five: unfailing health,
ellauri143.html on line 1194: The great unwashed. Jeesuskin pesee synnit pois. Kuramunaiset takatukat vielä likaisemmassa Gangesissa. Yäk. Jopa setä Fu oli demokraattisempi:
ellauri143.html on line 1258: Women of double minds, strong drink, and dice; to these giv'n o'er,
ellauri143.html on line 1279: Good deeds to men of good deserts to do.
ellauri143.html on line 1309: These are the signs, they say, of true nobility.
ellauri143.html on line 1314: The learned books count three, with wind as first; of these,
ellauri143.html on line 1463: “She seemed glad to see me. In fact, she actually said she was glad to see me – a statement no other aunt on the list would have committed herself to, the customary reaction of these near and dear ones to the spectacle of Bertram arriving for a visit being a sort of sick horror.” - P.G. Wodehouse
ellauri143.html on line 1519: Will lay reserve aside, and mount the 'horse of palm'.
ellauri143.html on line 1523: I once retained reserve and seemly manliness;
ellauri143.html on line 1584: Of womanly reserve love's axe breaks through the door,
ellauri143.html on line 1619: A cool reserve is like the salt that seasons well the mess,
ellauri143.html on line 1622: Explanation : Unusually great is the female simplicity of your maid whose beauty fills my eyes and whose shoulders resemble the bamboo.
ellauri143.html on line 1715: Vittua se voi noin paljon tarkoittaa. Toihan ois kuin joku inkkarinimi, istuva härkä, hiipivä halkopino tai juoksee susien perässä. Maitri on sanakirjan mukaan vaan ystäv(älli)syys sanasta mitra, ystävä. Arttu perhana-levitaatiossa pyritään mettän ulottamiseen izestä poispäin, ensin perheeseen, sitten ystäviin ja mahdollisuuksien mukaan isänmaahan ja maailmaan.
ellauri143.html on line 1723: Levitaatio on pääosin kehittynyt rajajoogan yhteydessä. Rajajoogan levitaatioperinteen arvellaan olevan vanhinta, ja sen oletetaan vaikuttaneen mm. kristilliseen ja islamilaiseen levitaatioperinteeseen. Zen-levitaatio poikkeaa muodoltaan rajajoogan levitaatiosta.
ellauri144.html on line 97: For Aristotle, youth and age represent extremes of excess and deficiency: the young (neoi) are subject to strong but quick-changing desires; they are hot-tempered, competitive, careless about money, simple, trusting, hopeful, lofty-minded; they have courage and a sense of shame; they enjoy friends and laughter; they live by honor, not advantage; they tend to hybris; in short, their failings are those of vehemence and excess. Whereas older men (presbyteroi) past their prime have the diametrically opposite failings, of deficiency: their experience of life makes them uncertain, suspicious, small-minded, ungenerous, worried about money, fearful, cold-tempered, grasping after life, and selfish; they live by the code of advantage; they are shameless and pessimistic; they live mostly in memory, talk about the past, complain a lot; they are slaves to gain; in short, both their desires and their ability to gratify them are weak.
ellauri144.html on line 123: Mutta onko Clarxon homo? Ainaskin se on aivan vitun homofoobi, joka on vahva vihje kaappihomosta. (Ei koske minua, I refuse to be bummed.) The Amazon Prime show sees presenters Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May travel the world reviewing cars. The Ofcom complaint comes after Young took issue with a comment in one of the episodes in which the trio made jokes about the Wrangler Jeep being a ‘gay man’s car’..... and then Hammond and May’s ‘quips’ to Clarkson wearing chaps, a pink shirt, he should get some moisturiser. It’s fucking pathetic and actually homophobic. Jeremy Clarkson: I’m not homophobic, I enjoy watching lesbians on the internet.
ellauri144.html on line 163: The lyrics of the Chinese national anthem in English
ellauri144.html on line 167: The Chinese Nation is at its greatest peril,
ellauri144.html on line 175: The lyrics of the Chinese national anthem
ellauri144.html on line 203: Robesonin levyt vedettiin markkinoilta, eikä elokuvia, joissa hän näytteli, esitetty. Hän joutui myös FBI:n hampaisiin, ja epäamerikkalaista toimintaa tutkiva komitea kuulusteli häntä 1956 epäiltynä kommunistipuolueeseen kuulumisesta. Vuonna 1950 hänelle asetettiin matkustuskielto, eikä hän saanut passia ennen kuin 1958. Hän muutti Britanniaan ja kiersi runsaasti esiintymässä. Robeson yritti itsemurhaa moskovalaisessa hotellihuoneessa. Hänen poikansa oli sitä mieltä, että syynä oli FBI, joka oli sekoittanut hallusinogeenia hänen juomaansa. Vuonna 1963 hän palasi Yhdysvaltoihin, mutta huonon terveyden vuoksi hän ei juuri enää esiintynyt. Vuodesta 1978 alkaen hänen elokuviaan on jälleen esitetty.
ellauri144.html on line 226: José Martí syntyi Havannassa keskiluokkaiseen perheeseen, jonka isä oli sotilas. Nuoruudessaan hän kävi peruskoulunsa Havannassa. Jo näihin aikoihin hän kirjoitti ensimmäiset poliittisista kirjoituksistaan, joihin kuuluivat muun muassa La Patria Libre ja 10 de octubre. Näiden kirjoituksien seurauksena hänet 16-vuotiaana pidätettiin syytettynä vallankumouksellisesta toiminnasta ja tuomittiin kuudeksi vuodeksi pakkotyöhön. Tuomio kuitenkin muutettiin jo vuoden jälkeen maastakarkotukseksi, minkä jälkeen hän opiskeli muun muassa lakia, journalismia ja filosofiaa Madridin ja Zaragozan yliopistoissa Espanjassa. Tämän lisäksi José Martí tunnettiin myös taitavana taidemaalarina. Muun ohella näitä taitojaan hän karkotusvuosiensa aikana hyödynsi opiskelujensa ja myöhemmin myös itsenäisyysliikkeen toiminnan rahoittamisessa.
ellauri144.html on line 239: Paitsi että José Martí oli nationalisti, hän oli myös internationalisti. Hänen näkemyksensä mukaan Kuuban ja Latinalaisen Amerikan suvereenisuus olivat toisistaan erottamaton asia. Hän toimi aktiivisesti muun muassa Puerto Ricon itsenäisyyden puolesta. Kirjoituksissaan José Martí usein sivuaa sosialismin perustajan Karl Marxin teesejä. Tästä huolimatta hänen ei katsota olleen sosialisti, koska hän, toisin kuin sosialistit, ei nähnyt kapitalismia perussyynä Yhdysvaltojen imperialistisille pyrkimyksille.
ellauri144.html on line 309: The film was produced as part of the studio's goodwill message for Latin America. The film stars Donald Duck, who in the course of the film is joined by old friend José Carioca, the cigar-smoking parrot from Saludos Amigos, who represents Brazil, and later becomes friends with a pistol-packing rooster named Panchito Pistoles, who represents Mexico. The Disney song is pathetically bad. Donald Duck's telescope has an erection when the duck focuses on Latin beauties, such as Carmen Mirandaellauri144.html on line 319: He eventually dropped out of high school, and worked at a variety of jobs, including shoe salesman and store window decorator. One of his first jobs was as a soda jerk. When the drugstore went out of business, Todd had acquired enough medical knowledge from his work there to be hired at Chicago's Michael Reese Hospital as a type of "security guard" to stop visitors from bringing in food that was not on the patient's diet.
ellauri144.html on line 327: In June 1977, Avrom's remains were desecrated by graverobbers. The thieves broke into his casket looking for a $100,000 diamond ring, which, according to rumor, Taylor had placed on her husband's finger prior to his burial. The bag containing Avrom's remains was found under a tree near his burial plot. The bag and casket had been sealed in Albuquerque after Avrom's remains were identified following the 1958 crash. Avrom''s remains were once more identified through dental records and were reburied in a secret location.
ellauri144.html on line 404: The lips of time leech to the fountain head; Ajan huulet vetää kuivat alkulähteeseen;
ellauri144.html on line 429: His childhood featured regular summer trips to Llansteffan where his maternal relatives were the sixth generation to farm there. His mother´s family, the Williamses, lived in such farms as Waunfwlchan, Llwyngwyn, Maesgwyn and Penycoed.[17] The memory of Fernhill, a dairy farm owned by his maternal aunt, Ann Jones,[18] is evoked in the 1945 lyrical poem "Fern Hill". Thomas had bronchitis and asthma in childhood and struggled with these throughout his life. Thomas was indulged by his mother and enjoyed being mollycoddled, a trait he carried into adulthood, and he was skilful in gaining attention and sympathy. During his final school years he began writing poetry in notebooks; the first poem, dated 27 April (1930), is entitled "Osiris, come to Isis". In June 1928, Thomas won the school´s mile race, held at St. Helen´s Ground; he carried a newspaper photograph of his victory with him until his death.
ellauri144.html on line 497: Josia ja Hesekiel
ellauri144.html on line 562: Rothin eka vaimo Maggi oli sitä 4v vanhempi ruozalainen white trash keskilännestä. Sen isä oli vankilalintu joka ruuvas sitä pienenä. Se oli eronnut ja sen 2 lasta joutui X-miehelle. Se tuli raskaaksi (kenen toimesta?) 1957 mutta kaavittiin. Phil ois jättänyt sen mieluusti mut ei raaskinut koska niillä oli 2 vuoden lease. Phil oli varsinainen Shylock rahan suhteen. Philin äiskän kanssa meni suxet ristiin kun Maggi pyysi sitä pesemään sen pikkupyykkiä. Toinen raskaus 1959 toden sanoi ja Phillu suostui naimisiin kuha lapsi lähtee. (Se kävi ize kyyläämässä testitulokset. Little did he know et ne oli ostettu jonkun läskin mutiaisen pyllystä.) Phillu oli vaan äkäinen kun Maggi kääntyi juutalaisexi. Phillu oli 26 ja Maggi 30. Vakka löysi tässä joukkueessa kyllä kantensa.
ellauri144.html on line 667: neutres, laissant le choix aux églises locales de décider. Mark oli mesenaatti
ellauri144.html on line 688: Scripture, which present homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity [Gen. 19:1-29,
ellauri144.html on line 697: regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God´s will in their
ellauri144.html on line 744: Huanin tuotanto voidaan jakaa kolmeen vaiheeseen.
ellauri144.html on line 752: Runoilijan viimeisen kauden (1937–1958) tärkeimpiä teoksia ovat: Animal de fondo (1949), Tercera antolojía poética (1957), En el otro costado (1936–1942) ja Dios deseado y deseante (1948–1949).lähde?
ellauri144.html on line 802: llena de desesperanza, täynnä epätoivoa,
ellauri144.html on line 887: Tú esencia, eres conciencia; mi conciencia Sinä olemus, olet tietoisuus; Mun tietoisuus
ellauri145.html on line 110: As a traveling salesman and correspondence clerk, his research and thought was time-limited: he complained of "serving the knavery of merchants" and the stupefaction of "deceitful and degrading duties." Fourier produced most of his writings between 1816 and 1821. In 1822, he tried to sell his books again but with no success. Jobs people might not enjoy doing would receive higher pay. Fourier considered trade, which he associated with Jews, to be the "source of all evil" and advocated that Jews be forced to perform farm work in the phalansteries or else sent back to The Philistines with Rotschild money. Fourier´s contempt for the respectable thinkers and ideologies of his age was so intense that he always used the terms philosopher and civilization in a pejorative sense.
ellauri145.html on line 400: Lewis Carroll: Lobster Quadrille. Lewis Carrollin main claim to fame Bretonin mustan huumorin kirjassa on ezen Hunting of The Snark (Jabberwockyn ´twas brillig and the slithe momes jatko-osa) ilmestyi samana vuonna kuin presubrealisti Lautremontin Pahanhajuiset laulut (joista enemmän alla). Tähän niteeseen on Antero jostain syystä ottanut Liisan Ihmemaassa Osterien laulun; outoa sikäli, että se on oikeasti melko hauska.
ellauri145.html on line 436: Charles Cros Émile-Hortensius-Charles Cros (October 1, 1842 – August 9, 1888) was a French poet and inventor. He was born in Fabrezan, Aude, France, 35 km to the East of Carcassonne. Cros was a well-regarded poet and humorous writer. He developed various improved methods of photography including an early color photo process. He also invented improvements in telegraph technology. In the early 1870s Cros had published with Mallarmé, Villiers and Verlaine in the short-lived weekly Renaissance littéraire et artistique, edited by Emile Blémont. His poem The Kippered Herring inspired Ernest Coquelin to create what he called monologues, short theatrical pieces whose format was copied by numerous imitators. The piece, translated as The Salt Herring, was translated and illustrated by Edward Gorey. He spent years petitioning the French government to build a giant mirror that could be used to communicate with the Martians and Venusians by burning giant lines on the deserts of those planets. He was never convinced that the Martians were not a proven fact, nor that the mirror he wanted was technically impossible to build. Tästä hepusta tulee mieleen Spede Pasanen ja sen hiihtolinko.
ellauri145.html on line 520: Elisabeth greatly admired Mussolini. In 1932 she persuaded the Weimar National theatre to put on a play written by him. Hitler showed up during the performance and presented her with a huge bouquet of flowers.
ellauri145.html on line 524: Following the war, academics who had supported the Nazi regime were banned from teaching, including Heidegger, who never spoke publicly or privately about his involvement. Heidegger turned away from his earlier project of creating a fundamental ontology, and in doing so he also turned away from Nietzsche - or so his writings would make it appear. In truth, he remained just as indebted to Nietzsche’s work as he ever was, only he shifted focus. He created a false presentation of Nietzsche’s work in order to distance himself from his own past and involvement with the Nazis. Many academics take Heidegger’s critique of Nietzsche to be factual and seem to excuse Heidegger because he was under the influence of Nietzsche.
ellauri145.html on line 528: Heidegger purposefully misrepresented the teachings of Nietzsche in order to distance himself from his own past, and this analysis has stood for some time as the authoritative reading of Nietzsche. This reading is slowly being undone by Nietzsche scholars, but slowly because many scholars refuse to amend the inauthentic reading they have inherited.
ellauri145.html on line 551: Although there is certainly a bias toward “masculinity” in Nietzsche’s works, this does not necessarily mean what it is presumed to mean. “Masculinity” is not, for instance a code word for “male”. It does not apply as a broad category to those who have a certain set of genitals. In fact what the term means is having the sort of virtues that one might have typically related to the masculine virtues that were considered admirable at various times in the past. These include courage, transcendence of petty emotional concerns, fearlessness in the face of death, and so on. Intellectual courage was a particular attribute that Nietzsche was trying to encourage in his readers though his appeal to the term, “masculinity”.
ellauri145.html on line 701: Des Hermies leaves, and Durtal, a former Naturalist, weighs his friend’s criticism. Although he is fed up with the positivism and commercialism of Naturalism, he cannot envision a novel without its research, realistic details, and style. He hypothesizes about what could be done and concludes that Naturalism must change, it must broaden its horizons:
ellauri145.html on line 707: Durtal admires the documentation of Naturalism, yet wants to open it to the supernatural, to an exploration of both body and spirit: it will be a kind of “naturalisme spiritualiste” that will follow Zola’s route, but in the air.6 This tension between realism and the supernatural lies at the heart of Là-bas, a novel in which Huysmans follows Durtal’s spiritual transformation as he researches medieval and modern Satanism. Là-bas was a scandalous best-seller. It inspired a great deal of public debate, especially since it was published in the same review and at the same time as Jules Huret’s first Enquête sur l’évolution littéraire, a series of sixty-four interviews conducted with major French authors from March 3 to July 5, 1891.7 This series, which asked its interviewees whether Naturalism was dead, was a phenomenal success read by all of Paris.8 Huret caused every non-Naturalist writer to agree that Zola’s brand of Naturalism was obsolete because it neglected humanity’s soul.
ellauri145.html on line 711: Tää oli takuulla kaikki samaa Ranskan rökäletappion 1871 aiheuttamaa oikeistoaaltoa. Ihan sama ilmiö kuin Saxassa 20/30-luvulla. Kylä lähtee äkäsiä meemejä liikenteeseen kun joku kukkoileva maa saa pahan kerran turpaansa. Se että typerä Antti Nyöleen suomensi sen 2005 ei ole ylläri, se on osa tällä vuosituhannella alkanutta maailmanlaajuista talousliberaalia oikeistoaaltoa. Arvostelijalla oli kuitenkin jotain huomautettavaa:
ellauri145.html on line 1162: In 1871, he published La natation ou l’art de nager appris seul en moins d’une heure (Learning the art of swimming alone in less than an hour), then resigned from the Army and moved to Marseilles. Here he filed a patent for the "airlift swimming trunks and belt with a double compensatory reservoir". This commercial endeavor was a complete failure. He returned to Magdeburg, where he earned his living as a language teacher, developing a method for learning French, which he self-published in 1874.
ellauri146.html on line 50: Auch die Versuche, in Detmold eine Stellung als Jurist zu finden, waren zunächst erfolglos, erst 1826 übernahm er die unbezahlte Vertretung eines erkrankten Auditeurs, dessen besoldeter Nachfolger er 1828 wurde. 1829 erfolgte in Detmold mit Don seinen Freunden Heinrich Heine, Ludwig Tieck, Don Juan und Faust die einzige Aufführung eines seiner Dramen zu Lebzeiten. Ab 1831 verschlechterte sich der Gesundheitszustand Grabbes zusehends, die Folgen seines Alkoholismus wurden sichtbar (eine für Grabbes Alkoholkonsum charakteristische Episode aus dem Herbst 1828 wird von Georg Fein geschildert). Eine Verlobung mit Henriette Meyer wurde von dieser gelöst, als sich Grabbe wieder Louise Christiane Clostermeier zuwandte, die ihn bereits einmal abgewiesen hatte. Grabbe oli aika lailla persujen ex-puheenjohtajan näköinen.
ellauri146.html on line 52: 1833 heiratete er die 10 Jahre ältere Louise Christiane Clostermeier, aber die Ehe erwies sich schnell als unglücklich. 1834 gab er sein Amt auf. Er reiste über Frankfurt am Main, wo er sich mit seinem Verleger überwarf, nach Düsseldorf. Dort hatte er sein Wohnhaus auf der Bolkerstraße 6. Der heutige Nachkriegsbau in der Ritterstraße 21 zeigt eine Steintafel, die auf seinen damaligen Aufenthalt hinweist: „In diesem Hause Litt und Stritt der Dichter Chr. Dietr. Grabbe 1834 bis 1836“. Dort arbeitete er mit Karl Immermann, den er 1831 kennengelernt hatte, an dem von diesem erneuerten Stadttheater. Doch auch diese Zusammenarbeit dauerte wegen der Depressivität und der Alkoholexzesse Grabbes nicht lange. 1836 kehrte er noch einmal nach Detmold zurück; seine Frau reichte die Scheidung ein. Noch im selben Jahr starb Grabbe in seiner Geburtsstadt an Rückenmarksschwindsucht, totalement épuisé par l'alcoolisme, aupres sa femme, le seul être qui soit resté disposé à l'accueillir. LOL.
ellauri146.html on line 75: RATTENGIFT (sitzt an einem Tische und will dichten). Ach, die Gedanken! Reime sind da, aber die Gedanken, die Gedanken! Da sitze ich, trinke Kaffee, kaue Federn, schreibe hin, streiche aus, und kann keinen Gedanken finden, keinen Gedanken! – Ha, wie ergreife ichs nun? Halt, halt! was geht mir da für eine Idee auf? – Herrlich! göttlich! eben über den Gedanken, daß ich keinen Gedanken finden kann, will ich ein Sonett machen, und wahrhaftig dieser Gedanke über die Gedankenlosigkeit, ist der genialste Gedanke, der mir nur einfallen konnte! Ich mache gleichsam eben darüber, daß ich nicht zu dichten vermag, ein Gedicht! Wie pikant! wie originell! (Er läuft schnell vor den Spiegel.) Auf Ehre, ich sehe doch recht genial aus! (Er setzt sich an einen Tisch.) Nun will ich anfangen! (Er schreibt.)
ellauri146.html on line 88: (Er liest diese zwei Zeilen noch einmal laut über und schnalzt mit der Zunge, als ob sie ihm gut schmeckten.) Nein, nein! So eine Metapher gibt es noch gar nicht! Ich erschrecke vor meiner eignen poetischen Kraft! (Behaglich eine Tasse Kaffee schlürfend.) Das Pferd eine Löwenfeder! Und nun das Beiwort »schnell«! Wie treffend! Welche Feder möchte auch wohl schneller sein als das Pferd? – Auch die Worte »eh der Morgen grauet!« wie echt homerisch! Sie passen zwar durchaus nicht hieher, aber sie machen das Bild selbstständig, machen es zu einem Epos im kleinen! – O, ich muß noch einmal vor den Spiegel laufen! (Sich darin betrachtend.) Bei Gott, ein höchst geniales Gesicht! Zwar ist die Nase etwas kolossal, doch das gehört dazu! Ex ungue leonem, an der Nase das Genie!
ellauri146.html on line 96: TEUFEL. So will ich Ihnen denn sagen, daß dieser Inbegriff des Alls, den Sie mit dem Namen Welt beehren, weiter nichts ist, als ein mittelmäßiges Lustspiel, welches ein unbärtiger, gelbschnabeliger Engel, der in der ordentlichen, dem Menschen unbegreiflichen Welt lebt, und wenn ich nicht irre, noch in Prima sitzt, während seiner Schulferien zusammengeschmiert hat. Das Exemplar, in dem wir uns befinden, steht, glaube ich, in der Leihbibliothek zu X, und eben jetzt wird es von einer hübschen Dame gelesen, welche den Verfasser kennt und ihm heute abend, d. h. über sechs Trillionen Jahre, beim Teetische ihr Urteil darüber mitteilen will.
ellauri146.html on line 104: TEUFEL. Einen Mörder lachen wir so lange aus, bis er selber mitlacht, daß er sich die Mühe nahm, einen Menschen umzubringen. Die härtste Strafe eines Verdammten aber besteht darin, daß er die Abendzeitung und den Freimütigen lesen muß und sie nicht anspucken darf.
ellauri146.html on line 108: TEUFEL. Ganz natürlich! In die Hölle kommt nicht allein das Böse, sondern auch das Jämmerliche, Triviale: so sitzt der gute Cicero ebensowohl darin, als wie der schlechte Catilina. Da nun heutzutage die neuere deutsche Literatur das Jämmerlichste unter dem Jämmerlichen ist, so beschäftigen wir uns vorzugsweise mit dieser.
ellauri146.html on line 110: RUDOLF VON GOTTSCHALL, Kritiker. Diese Litteraturkomödie bietet übrigens insofern ein Interesse dar, als sie uns in ihrem Vexierspiegel (exytyspeili) ein Bild der damaligen sehr verflauten Litteraturepoche vorhält, in welcher die süßlichen Spätromantiker und vor allem die oft faden Schriftstellerinnen der Taschenbücher vielgenannte litterarische Größen waren.
ellauri146.html on line 112: Der Teufel, der ja das Recht hat, ungalant zu sein, übt eine scharfe, meist cynische Kritik an diesen Helden und Heldinnen der Feder. Als er bei der höchsten Sommertemperatur erfroren aufgefunden wird, ruft er die Gutachten von vier Naturforschern hervor und der eine derselben erklärt: »Betrachten Sie die enorme Häßlichkeit, welche uns aus jeder Miene dieses Gesichts entgegenkreischt und Sie sind ja gezwungen, mir einzuräumen, daß solch eine Fratze gar nicht existieren könnte, wenn es keine deutschen Schriftstellerinnen gäbe.«
ellauri146.html on line 116: Am schlechtesten ergeht es Houwald, dessen lederne Camilla grausam verspottet wird. Am Schluß guckt nach der Art und Weise der Phantasuskomödien auch der Dichter Grabbe selbst in seine Dichtung hinein; er schimpft auf alle Schriftsteller und taugt selber nichts, hat verrenkte Beine, schielende Augen und ein fades Affengesicht; doch diese Karikatur ist nur ein Vexierbild.
ellauri146.html on line 118: Wie er sich selbst zu dieser seichten Belletristik stellt, darüber läßt er uns nicht im Unklaren. Herr Mollfels, eine der Hauptpersonen des Stückes giebt einem Schriftsteller Rattengift gute Lehren. »Sie müssen beileibe alles hinlänglich weich kneten, denn das Weiche gefällt und wenn es auch nur nasser Dreck wäre. Vorzüglich aber müssen Sie stets den Geschmack der Damen im Auge behalten, denn diese, welche noch niemals von einem wahren Dichter als berufene Richterinnen anerkannt sind, gelten jetzt im Reiche der Kunst als oberste Appellationsinstanz; ob man sie wegen ihrer kränklichen Nerven oder wegen ihrer Geschicklichkeit im Charpiezupfen dazu erwählt hat, ist eine unentschiedene Frage. Desto entschiedener ist es, Herr Rattengift, daß man Sie, wenn Sie Gewalt genug besitzen, eine dieser Regeln zu verachten, als einen blindlaufenden, verrückten, rohen Phantasten verschreit, der Schönheiten und Erbärmlichkeiten mild nebeneinanderkleckst. Ständen Homer oder Shakespeare erst jetzt mit ihren Werken auf, so wären Beurteilungen zu erwarten, in denen die Iliade ein unsinniges Gemengsel und der Lear [ganz berechtigt, vgl. Album 198] ein bombastischer Saustall genannt würde; ja manche Recensenten geben vielleicht dem Homer einen wohlgemeinten Fingerzeig, sich nach »der bezauberten Rose« emporzubilden, oder gebieten dem Shakespeare, fleißig in den Romanen der Helmine von Chezy und der Fanny Tarnow zu studieren, um daraus Menschenkenntnis zu lernen.«
ellauri146.html on line 152: TEUFEL. Shakspeare schreibt Erläuterungen zu Franz Horn, Dante hat den Ernst Schulze zum Fenster hinausgeschmissen, Horaz hat die Maria Stuart geheiratet, Schiller seufzt über den Freiherrn von Auffenberg, Ariost hat sich einen neuen Regenschirm gekauft, Calderon liest Ihre Gedichte, läßt Sie herzlich grüßen und rät Ihnen in Gesellschaft der Liddy morgen die Waldhütte zu Lopsbrunn zu besuchen, weil dieses Häuschen in einer wahrhaft romantischen Gegend läge!
ellauri146.html on line 156: TEUFEL. Genug! Ich habe nicht länger Zeit! – Wenn Sie meiner einstmals bedürfen sollten, so wissen Sie, daß ich in der Hölle wohne. Hier von dem Dorfe ist dieselbe etwas weit weg; wenn Sie aber extra schnell dahin gelangen wollen, so müssen Sie nach Berlin reisen und dort hinter die Königsmauer, oder nach Dresden und dort in die Fischer-, oder nach Leipzig und dort in die Preußer-Gasse, oder nach Paris und dort ins Palais Royal gehen; von allen diesen Orten ist der Tartarus nur fünf Minuten entlegen, und Sie werden noch dazu auf ausgezeichnet guten, vielfältig ausgebesserten Chausseen dahin reiten können. – Doch, es wird bald Abend! Schlafen Sie mittelmäßig! (Er will sich entfernen.)
ellauri146.html on line 166: MOLLFELS. Soll ich ihnen was vorschlagen? Dichten Sie künftig nichts als Trauerspiele! Wenn Sie denselben nur die gehörige Mittelmäßigkeit verleihen, so ist es unmöglich, daß Sie nicht den rauschendsten Applaus einernteten! Sie müssen insbesondere den Plan der Stücke hübsch winzig und flach gestalten, sonst möchte ihn nicht jeder kurzsichtige Schafskopf überblicken können, – Sie müssen dem Verstande und dem Forschungsgeiste der Leser nicht das geringste zumuten und wenn durch ein Unglück eine hervorstechende Szene mit unterlaufen sollte, sorgfältig hinterdrein bemerken, was sie abzwecke und in welcher Beziehung auf das Ganze sie zu nehmen sei, – Sie müssen beileibe alles hinlänglich weich kneten, denn das Weiche gefällt, und wenn es auch nur nasser Dreck wäre, – vorzüglich aber müssen Sie stets den Geschmack der Damen im Auge behalten, denn diese, welche noch niemals von einem wahren Dichter als berufene Richterinnen anerkannt sind, gelten jetzt im Reiche der Kunst als oberste Appellationsinstanz; ob man sie entweder wegen ihrer kränklichen Nerven oder wegen ihrer Geschicklichkeit im Scharpiezupfen dazu erwählt hat, ist eine unentschiedene Frage. Desto entschiedener ist es, Herr Rattengift, daß man Sie, wenn Sie Gewalt genug besitzen, um diese Regeln zu verachten, als einen blindlaufenden, verrückten, rohen Phantasten verschreit, der Schönheiten und Erbärmlichkeiten wild nebeneinanderkleckst. Ständen Homer oder Shakspeare erst jetzt mit ihren Werken auf, so wären Beurteilungen zu erwarten, in denen die Iliade ein unsinniges Gemengsel und der Lear ein bombastischer Saustall genannt würde; ja, manche Rezensenten gäben vielleicht dem Homer einen wohlgemeinten Fingerzeig, sich nach der Bezauberten Rose emporzubilden, oder geböten dem Shakspeare, fleißig in den Romanen der Helmina von Chezy oder der Fanny Tarnow zu studieren, um daraus Menschenkenntnis zu lernen.
ellauri146.html on line 198: Erster Abschnitt. Wesen der Lyrik
ellauri146.html on line 218: Keskinkertainen Gottschall on keskinkertaisemman Aarne Kinnusen kanssa samoilla sovinnaisilla herrasväen linjoilla: Ueberhaupt bedarf das komische Lied eines geschmackvollen Haltes, in seiner ausgelassenen Stimmung einer sittlichen Hemmung, wenn es nicht in eine plebeje Zotenpoesie ausarten oder jenen dilettantischen Reimschmieden und Versmachern anheimfallen soll, welche in die Saiten greifen, wie des Silen's Maulesel in die Saiten Apoll's. Schmack schmack, sehr smackhaft.
ellauri146.html on line 220: ...Da lernte Grabbe Ludwig Robert kennen, den Bruder der schönen, von Heine gefeierten Schwester, einen der geistvollsten Epigonen der Romantik; aber auch Heinrich Heine selbst, der seine Tragödien Almansor und Ratcliff gerade damals erscheinen ließ und von dem einer der ironischen Freunde berichtet, mit welchem Selbstgefallen seine ungefällige Gestalt damals unter den Linden vor Dümmlers Buchladen »vorbei peripatetisierte,« mit Armensünderwänglein, über welche plötzliche Glut sich ergoß, sobald er sein Werk zum Fenster herausgucken sah. Heines Eigentümlichkeit als Mensch und Dichter hatte für Grabbe viel Sympathisches; er berührte eine verwandte Ader in ihm und blieb gewiß auf die Ausbildung eines, dem idealen Schwung nachspottenden Cynismus, der überall bei Grabbe hervortritt, nicht ohne Einfluß. Damals konnte Heine nicht ahnen, als er den Meister eines phantastischen Humors, den Serapionsbruder Amadeus Hoffmann, zu Grabe tragen sah, daß dasselbe schmerzliche Leiden, welches diese gnomenartige Persönlichkeit hinweggerafft hatte, auch ihn einst an ein langjähriges Krankenlager fesseln werde.
ellauri146.html on line 296: Der zweite Gesang schildert Satans dunkle Gegenwelt mit ihren Dämonen. Sie kämpfen um die Seelen der Menschen, die oft wie von übernatürlichen Kräften geführte entindividualisierte Wiesel erscheinen. Die Verführung zum Bösen wird sowohl an Engels als auch Marx demonstriert: z. B. an dem in Sünde gefallenen, reuigen Abba-Band, der sich im Lauf der Handlung immer wieder dem leidenden Jesus und göttlichen Bezirk zu nähern sucht (v. a. 2., 5., 9. Gesang), oder an der Judas-Geschichte, wo Judas die hart verdienten 20 Kodons auf den Boden warf.
ellauri146.html on line 298: Der Autor setzt beim Auftritt bzw. der Erwähnung vieler Personen und bei Bezügen auf ihre Lebensgeschichten die Kenntnis des Alten und Neuen Testaments voraus. Bei den von ihm erdichteten surrealen Szenen beruft er sich auf Mitteilungen seiner Muse Sionitin, der Seherin Gottes. Oft wird das Geschehen aus beiden Quellen gespiegelt, indirekt beschrieben, so erlebt der Leser die Jungen Jesu anfangs mit den Augen ihrer Schutzengel, die mit dem Engelboten über sie sprechen, oder in der Beobachtung einer anderen Person, z. B. Petrus Verleugnung aus der Perspektive Portias (6. Gesang). Eingearbeitet in solche Gespräche sind Informationen beispielsweise über Jesus Lebensgeschichte und über die Charaktere der Retterjugend (3. Gesang), aber auch frei erfundene Marzipanfiguren. Wie in einem großen Mysterienspiel betreten immer wieder die Seelen alttestamentlicher LakrizFiguren, z. B. der Urväter und Urmütter, der Propheten, der Könige, aber auch der zum Zeitpunkt der Kreuzigung noch ungeborenen zukünftigen Christen die Szenerie.
ellauri146.html on line 400: One of the outstanding features of the Romantic era in France was the re-evaluation of the feminine. It was widely assumed that man's capacity for rational thought and scientific achievement needed to be tempered by woman's capacity for sentiment. Indeed, the beneficial influence of woman's love and compassion was considered a necessary precondition to moral development, both for the individual and for all mankind. Woman thus had redemptive qualities (cash value). Perhaps the purest expression of this constellation of ideas is to be found in the utopian religious sects of the period and in the Romantic epic. Alfred de Vigny's Eloa (1824) may be read in this context. Eloa is the first of a series of angel women appearing in the Romantic epic. She is followed by Rachel in Edgar Quinet's Ahasvérus (1833), Sémida in Alexandre Soumet's La Divine Epopée (1840), Marie in Alphonse Constant's La Mère de Dieu (1844) and Liberté in Victor Hugo's La Fin de Satan (fragments written in 1854 and 1859, published posthumously in 1886). The mission of these quasi-divine female figures is to help put an end to evil.
ellauri146.html on line 412: Vignyn esikoiskokoelma Poèmes ilmestyi 1822. Niihin aikoihin hän kirjoitti myös mestariteoksensa Moïse (suom. Mooses) ja Éloa, ja ne sekä Le déluge ilmestyivät ensin kokoelmassa Poèmes antiques et modernes (1826). Hän yritti vielä 1823 rintamalle Espanjaa vastaan mutta päätyi reserviin ja kirjoitti lohdukseen runon "Le cor" Rolandin kuolemasta ja Walter Scottin tyylisen historiallisen romaanin Cinq-Mars ou une conjuration sous Louis XIII (1826, Cinq-mars eli Eräs salaliitto Ludvig XIII:nen aikana, suom. K. Cronstedt 1879), joka sai suuren suosion. Hän erosi armeijasta kapteenin arvoisena 31-vuotiaana 1828 ja solmi samana vuonna avioliiton Lydia Bunburyn kanssa.
ellauri146.html on line 656: Poe saw a good deal of Scotland, too, on first arriving in Britain and may have attended school in Irvine for a time. It would be difficult to estimate the impact of these formative years in Britain upon the youthful Poe.
ellauri146.html on line 658: Poe’s foster father, John Allan, was himself born and bred in Irvine, Ayrshire, and was a member of the class of English and Scottish merchants of Richmond, Virginia-to which city he had emigrated as a youth around 1795. Scottish merchants represented a very considerable element in the commercial life of Richmond in those years, and many of them, to a considerable extent, maintained themselves aloof from the life of the city. The Scottish influences of Allan and his associates and friends could not have been lost upon Poe.
ellauri146.html on line 662: “I am a Virginian,” declared Poe; and “the distinguishing features of Virginian character at present-features of a marked nature—not elsewhere to be met with in America-and evidently akin to that chivalry which denoted the Cavalier—can be in no manner so well accounted for as by considering them the debris of a devoted loyalty.” Poe’s Virginia background may or may not have rendered him typically American, but it seems reasonable to think that it fostered in him a Virginian Anglo-American attitude as opposed to an Anglophobic Americanism so common at that time in New England.
ellauri146.html on line 672: Though fully a third of Poe’s critical reviews deal with American authors, almost two-thirds of the reviews treat British or European books. Only about half of Poe’s tales have reference to contemporary matters, and only a small number of these reflect the American scene. Three times as many of the tales have designated European settings as have American settings.
ellauri146.html on line 681: “We have no aristocracy of blood, and having therefore as a natural, and indeed as an inevitable thing, fashioned for ourselves an aristocracy of dollars, the display of wealth has here to take the place and perform the office of the heraldic display in monarchical countries. By a transition readily understood, and which might have been as readily foreseen, we have been brought to merge in simple show our notions of taste itself.”
ellauri146.html on line 686: started with the queerest idea conceivable, viz; that all men are born free and equal-this in the very teeth of the laws of gradation so visibly impressed upon all things both in the moral and physical universe. Every man “voted,” as they called it-that is to say, meddled with public affairs-until, at length, it was discovered that what is everybody’s business is nobody’s, and that the “Republic” (as the absurd thing was called) was without a government at all. It is related, however, that the first circumstance which disturbed, very particularly, the self-complacency of the philosophers who constructed this “Republic,” was the startling discovery that universal suffrage gave opportunity for fraudulent schemes….A little reflection upon this discovery sufficed to render evident the consequences, which were that rascality must predominate— in a word, that a republican government could never be anything but a rascally one. While the philosophers, however, were busied in blushing at their stupidity in not having foreseen these inevitable evils, and intent upon the invention of new theories, the matter was put to an abrupt issue by a fellow of the name of Mob, who took everything into his own hands and set up a despotism…. As for republicanism, no analogy could be found for it upon the face of the earth—unless we except the case of the “prairie dogs,” an exception which seems to demonstrate, if anything, that democracy is a very admirable form of government—for dogs.
ellauri146.html on line 772: These were the woods the river and sea Nää oli ne mezät ja joki ja meri
ellauri146.html on line 797: As a starting point to my discussion of Thomas's "Poem in October" and Wardi's thoughtful presentation of it. Eynel is a girl, or womenfolk at least. Entä Schachar Bram? Schachar hails from Haifa University. Shachar tarkoittaa aamupuhdetta. Gender of first name Shachar : Boy 83.33%. Onx tää vallan Sakari hepreaxi? Tai paremminkin pikkuprofeetta Sakarja, sillä Johannes Kastajan isäpappa Sakari oli merkkimies vaan kristityille ja muslimeille, ei juutalaisille, ja se kirjoitetaan raamatussa Zacharias. Sakarista tuli mykkä kunnes Johannes oli syntynyt, koska Sakari ei ottanut uskoaxeen että pystyisi vielä impregnoimaan vaimonsa Elisabetin. Tää taisi tulla esille jossain monista lukemistami deutero-evankeliumeista joissa tehdään halpaa pilaa Jeesuxen nuoruusajoista.
ellauri146.html on line 799: The poet experiences childhood as a resource because it is gone, and his 'rebirth' as a poet is not a function of recapturing the truth and joy of his youth; rather, it is a function of understanding the truth of his present life, as the life of remembering things past and turning them into poetry. Thus, "the poet's journey" is not "towards restoring his childhood perception" (204) nor "in quest of his lost voice" (193), but it is his writing about such a journey that hints at and finally exposes his recognition that childhood perception is dead, but the memory of its being is still with him. The poet's "heart's truth," contrary to the child's and the grown man's apparent truth, is the acknowledgment of time.
ellauri146.html on line 858: Gauck wirbt für einen verantwortungsvollen Kapitalismus (Rede vom 15. November 2012). Man dürfe nicht der Wirtschaft nur aus Angst die Freiheit nehmen. Bei Gauck überraschte allerdings der Kostenumfang. So erhielt Gauck neun Büros im ersten Stock des Bundestagsgebäudes mit insgesamt 197 Quadratmetern. Gaucks Bürobereich wurde für 52.000 Euro umgebaut. Die Möblierung von Gaucks persönlichem Büroraum kostete 35.000 Euro. In der Frankfurter Rundschau kritisierte Katja Thorwart, dass Gauck als ein Beispiel für seine Formulierung „schwer konservativ“ den ehemaligen Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion Alfred Dregger genannt habe, der den nationalsozialistischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Sowjetunion als nicht grundsätzlich falsch eingeordnet, sich für die Freilassung inhaftierter deutscher Kriegsverbrecher eingesetzt oder den Begriff der „Befreiung“ durch die Alliierten im Zweiten Weltkrieg als „einseitig“ markiert habe.
ellauri147.html on line 83: Having completed her university studies, Tyynni took up the teaching of Finnish in evening classes, but the urge to write proved stronger than the duty to teach. Her first poetry collection, Kynttilänsydän (‘Candlewick’), was published in 1938. Two years later she published a second collection Vesilintu (‘waterfowl’). With the outbreak of war, her poetry changed: Lähde ja matkamies (’The spring and the traveller’), Lehtimaja (‘The arbour’) and Soiva metsä (‘The ringing forest’) all reflected the defensive spirit of the country. Tyynni also depicted womanhood, the experiences of women in childbirth and motherhood. Later feminist research in particular has praised Tyynni as a pioneer for her lyrics dealing with childbirth.
ellauri147.html on line 96: The union of these two lyrical writers is generally seen as a happy and creative time. The partners inspired each other as a couple and as writers. Martti Haavio died in 1973 following a heart attack, and Ale Tyynni-Haavio completed her husband’s unfinished memoirs and it was published as Olen typerä kana: Martti Haavio - P. Mustapää 20-luvun maisemassa (‘I am still distant: Martti Haavio – P. Mustapää in the 1920s countryside’, 1978).
ellauri147.html on line 161: Derrida is careful not to confine the will to power to human behavior, the mind, metaphysics, nor physical reality individually. It is the underlying life principle inaugurating all aspects of life and behavior, a self-preserving force. A sense of entropy and the eternal return, which are related, is always indissociable from the will to power. The eternal return of all memory initiated by the will to power is an entropic force again inherent to all life. What bladderdash.
ellauri147.html on line 167: Nietzsche's "Will to power" and "Will to seem" embrace many of our views, which again resemble in some respects the views of Féré and the older writers, according to whom the sensation of pleasure originates in a feeling of power, that of pain in a feeling of feebleness (Ohnmacht).
ellauri147.html on line 223: Gabriel surprises Emily by joining them as kitchen staff for the weekend trip which makes Emily uncomfortable. Emily takes a tour of the winery and meets Camille's younger brother Timothée. Gabriel refuses Camille's mother's offer of a business loan. At a club where Mindy's girlfriends are partying, they force her (who? Mindy?) on stage to sing the song she flubbed on Chinese Popstar. (So what?)
ellauri147.html on line 523: In Hebrew the name Nebuchadnezzar means something like A Prophet Is A Preservative Jar. (Lähde) Nabu tuskin antaa anteexi jos pilkkaat profeettaa säilykepurnukaxi. Ylipäänsä jumalat on vitun vihaisia jos pilkkaat niitä. Tee mitä tahansa muuta, tapa, fornikeeraa, varasta, petä tiimiä, mutta älä vittu pilkkaa minua! Älä huuda minulle!
ellauri147.html on line 529: Carl-Erikillä oli nesessääri, varmaan mammalta. Carl-Erik oli mammanpoika, kuten Isak Singerkin. Ne olivat kumpikin honteloita punatukkaisia mammanpoikia. Moniosainen Nordiska familjeboken meni perintönä Margaretalle, josta sen förbi Jöns Erik. Nu kyllä mäkin vähän mietin sitä, mutten ottanut. Liian paljon osia.
ellauri147.html on line 536: Mindestens drei Söhne sind bekannt: Nabu-šum-lisir, Nabu-zer-ušabši und Nebukadnezar II., der bereits ab 620 v. Chr. als Heerführer für seinen alternden Vater eingesetzt wurde und nach dessen Tod den Thron übernahm.
ellauri147.html on line 569: Offensichtlich ein Versager. Ein offenbarer Verlierer. Lächelt durchaus nicht in dem verschommenen Bild auf seiner Heimseite. Sieht allesverloren aus. Ei näitä Martinin suolloxia jaxa jukertaa saxaxi. Pannaan käännöskoneeseen.
ellauri147.html on line 574: Aloitan alustavilla huomautuksilla mediaalisesta narsismiteoriasta, käsittelen näkyvää muutosta aikadiagnoosin keskustelussa, tarkastelen postmodernin itsensä löytämisen vastaavaa panopticonia ja vastaavia nykyaikaisia identiteettihäiriöitä, viittaan psykoanalyysin "intersubjektiiviin käänteeseen", "kuntoutan" psykoanalyyttisen tilanteen peilivertausta – ja luotan kaikkeen tähän käytettävissäni, jotta voimme keskustella siitä kanssasi.
ellauri147.html on line 581:
ellauri147.html on line 586:
ellauri147.html on line 597: Jedenfalls geht es offensichtlich nicht um Sexualität, wie uns der Titel dieser Web-Seite glauben lassen möchte, sondern um Identität. Das interaktive Medienspiel um das eigene Bild sagt uns etwas Anderes über den Narzissmus, als das, was wir gewohnt sind, wenn wir von der Selbstverliebtheit reden. Ich werde gesehen, also bin ich! Dieses narzisstische Muster der Identitätsfindung scheint sich heute universell etabliert zu haben. Die Spiegelfunktion des Narzissmus, einst eine Domäne von Kleinkindalter, Pubertät und Adoleszenz, ist in einer Welt penetranter Medialisierung derart sozialisiert, dass wir nicht mehr unterscheiden können:
ellauri147.html on line 598: Hat hier ein Infantilisierung der Gesellschaft stattgefunden, die im Gegenzug die Kindheit als abgegrenzte Phase zum Verschwinden bringt; oder sollen wir von einer kollektiven Regression unter der totalisierenden Herrschaft der Warenproduktion sprechen sollen, welche auch das Selbst noch zur Ware macht, die verkauft werden muss. Das Videor ergo sum ist gewissermaßen das geheime Mantra einer narzisstischen Phantasie, die in den Kapriolen der zeitgenössischen Lebenswelt immer wieder aufs Neue inszeniert wird.
ellauri147.html on line 632: In der Theoriegeschichte lassen sich bei grober Analyse drei Traditionslinien der Narzissmustheorie unterscheiden, die das metapsychologische Durcheinander dokumentieren. Bei der ersten geht es um die bereits seit den dreissiger Jahren schwelende Kontroverse über den ontogenetischen Ursprung des Seelenlebens: primärer Narzissmus oder Objektbeziehung ist hier die Streitfrage – die Beiträge von Michael Balint, Donald Winnicott, Heinz Kohut, Otto Kernberg bis hin zu Christopher Bollas oder Thomas Ogden lasssen sich im Rahmen dieses metapsychologischen Dauerstreits betrachten. Auf der zweiten Linie kann man die Versuche unterbringen, einen triebtheoretisch bestimmten Narzissmusbegriff festzuhalten – dazu zähle ich so unterschiedliche Arbeiten wie die von Hartmann und Pulver, Grunberger und Chasseguet-Smirgel oder im deutschen Sprachraum Zepf oder Lilli Gast.
ellauri147.html on line 633: Demgegenüber bilden eine dritte Traditionslinie all jene Ansätze, die den Narzissmus jenseits der Libido mit dem Selbstwertgefühl verbinden und als eine Art von seelischem Regulationsprinzip verstehen – diese Linie beginnt mit Paul Federn und setzt sich über die Konzepte von Joffe und Sandler, Herrmann Argelander bis zu Robert Stolorow fort. Inzwischen ist die ausgeuferte Literatur versandet.
ellauri147.html on line 636: Esimerkiksi Balintin kohdesuhdeteoria kieltää varhaisen sielun luostarielämän ja sen myötä ensisijaisen narsismin olemassaolon. Tämä käsite perustuu yhden hengen psykologiaan, joka on korvattava kahden hengen psykologialla. Eli sielun varhainen elämä perustuu alkuperäiseen kohdesuhteeseen, "ensisijaiseen rakkauteen", eli se on ihan vanhempien vika.
ellauri147.html on line 637:
ellauri147.html on line 640:
ellauri147.html on line 646:
ellauri147.html on line 654:
ellauri147.html on line 657:
ellauri147.html on line 660:
ellauri147.html on line 666: Diese beiden Konzeptionen des primären Narzissmus als Varianten eines ontogenetischen Ausgangszustands werden von Freud – unausgesprochen und zum Teil miteinander verschachtelt – nebeneinander verwendet, ohne dass er sich mit ihrer Widersprüchlichkeit explizit auseinandersetzt. Die unaufgelöste Ambivalenz in dieser Frage zeigt sich etwa beim entwicklungspsychologischen Durcheinander im zeitlichen Verhältnis von Autismus, Narzissmus und Objektbeziehung – was war zuerst? Eigentlich handelt es sich um eine zirkuläre Konstruktion, bei der eines aus dem anderen hervorgeht. Und es setzt sich bei der Bestimmung der Entwicklungsformen des Narzissmus fort. Ich will das nur an widersprüchlichen Auffasssungen anreisse, die Freud zum „Erbe“ des primären Narzissmus in der seelischen Struktur entwickelt, das bekanntlich aus dem Selbstgefühl, dem sekundären Narzissmus, dem Ich-Ideal und einigen anderen Resten besteht:-->
ellauri147.html on line 668: Varhaisen narsistisen itsetunnon tutkiminen rajojen purkamisesta ympäristöön nähden kohtaa "oidisynkraattisen puolustuksen" odisynkraattisesta puolustuksesta "oidipal-ajattelija" Freudille, joka vain vastahakoisesti myöntää tällaisen "valtameren tunteen" olemassaolon jopa egon kehityksen kypsemmissä vaiheissa. Ristiriitainen kysymys vastataan siihen, onko "egon narsismi" luonteeltaan ensisijainen vai toissijainen ja siten primaarisen ja toissijaisen narsismin suhteen määrittämisessä. Lopuksi käsitteellinen ambivalenssi näkyy käsitteellisessä siirtymisessä ego-ihanteesta, joka alun perin määriteltiin (täydellisyyden sisällöllä) rakenteelliseksi "ensisijaisen narsismin perinnöksi", supermiehelle, joka on osoitettu "Oidipus-kompleksin perijäksi" paljon myöhempään kehitysvaiheeseen.
ellauri147.html on line 669:
ellauri147.html on line 672:
ellauri147.html on line 675:
ellauri147.html on line 677: (Martin on primäärinarsismille hyvin hyvin vihainen.) Säuglingtutkimuxissa ei näy siitä mitään merkkiä. Ei imeväiset ole ameeboita vaikka imevätkin tissiä, niillä on vahva kazekontakti primääriobjektiin, joka ei ole siis vaan tissi, vaan äidin pärstävärkki. Ameebaläppä on tarmokkaasti torjuttava. Se on infektiöösi. Perinteiset kallonkutistajat puolustautuvat samalla keinolla kuin saarnaajat: ei se ole tässä tärkeää mikä on totta, vaan miltä tuntuu, ja mikä tehoaa. Analyytikkojen turinat tiettävästi toimivat, samantekevää ovatko ne jossain hämärässä mielessä "totta" vai ei. Potilaat tykkää niistä. Lasten ja äitien vuorovaikutuxen tutkiminen on un-psychoanalytisch, se kuuluu jonnekin sosiopsykologian reservaattiin. Näin siis 70-luvulla, jolloin Martin opiskeli Bambergissa. Tällänen kaxoisstandardi, Revue des Deux Mondes (jota luki Tolstoin Lekan sankari teoxessa Ylösnousemus) ei käy ollenkaan päinsä enää, Martin terottaa, eläköön siis Winnicot!
ellauri147.html on line 684:
ellauri147.html on line 686:
Daraus ergibt sich meine These:
ellauri147.html on line 692: Aber wir behaupten zugleich auch die Unabhängigkeit von der Welt und schützen uns vor der schmerzhaften Erfahrung von Abhängigkeit, der wir im Wunsch nach Anerkennung doch unbewusst Tribut zollen. Ich vermute, dass wir im Narzissmus etwas davon ausdrücken, was den paradoxen Kern von Identität ausmacht: nämlich einzigartig und unverwechselbar zu sein, sich also vom Anderen zu unterscheiden, und gerade in dieser Eigenschaft von den Anderen anerkannt zu werden. Im Narzissmus zeigt sich gewissermassen, ohne dass wir es wissen, etwas von der intersubjektiven Verfasstheit des Selbst, oder von Identität. Weil eine solche Erkenntnis uns kränken würde, wollen wir davon auch nichts wissen, genauso wie der Säugling von seiner Abhängigkeit nichts wissen kann. Nicht einmal in unserem Narzissmus sind wir jenes unabhängige Wesen, dass wir so gerne sein möchten.-->
ellauri147.html on line 696: Harjoittajina noudatamme kliinistä teoriaa. Kyse on potilaista, jotka tulevat luoksemme mielisairauden kanssa. Narsismissa meitä kiinnostaa narsistinen häiriö. Yhdistämme tämän toiveeseen siitä, että tässä olisi ainakin yksi termien täsmällinen ja pätevä käyttöala. Loppujen lopuksi tiedämme, mistä on kyse. Mutta tiedämmekö sen?
ellauri147.html on line 697:
ellauri147.html on line 721: Auch die Entwicklung und Schulenbildung innerhalb der Psychoanalyse ist von einer zunehmenden Verschiebung des theoretischen und diagnostisch-therapeutischen Blicks auf die frühen Phasen seelischer Zustände begleitet. Die Objektbeziehungstheorie britischer Provenienz, wie sie von Melanie Klein und ihren SchülerInnen vertreten wird, hat die innerpsychische Strukturbildung – im wesentlichen die Bildung von Ich- und Über-Ichstrukturen – in ihrer lebensgeschichtlichen Datierung so weit zurückverlegt, dass bereits die klassischen ödipalen Zustandsbilder als Ausdruck „früher“ Störungen interpretiert werden können.
ellauri147.html on line 722: Michael Balint hat auf die basale Anfälligkeit des Säuglings für Mängel in seiner primären Umgebung hingewiesen und kann mit seiner Theorie der „Grundstörung“ als Pionier einer Theorie narzisstischer Störungen gelten.. Auch Winnicott lenkt mit seinem Konzept der „primären Mütterlichkeit“ auf die Bedeutung der frühesten Objektbeziehung für das Gelingen oder aber Scheitern der seelischen Entwicklung. Schliesslich hat vor allem die Narzissmustheorie Heinz Kohuts und ihre Weiterentwicklung zur Selbstpsychologie in den dazu beigetragen, in der therapeutischen Situation, aber auch in den diagnostischen Kategorien und in der metapsychologischen Betrachtung den Blick auf die „Existenz eines rudimentären Selbst in der frühesten Kindheit“(8) zu richten und damit den Focus von der ödipalen, vom Triebkonflikt bestimmten Ebene auf die Ebene der „frühen“ oder eben „narzisstischen“ Störung zu verschieben.-->
ellauri147.html on line 725:
ellauri147.html on line 733:
ellauri147.html on line 789: Salman Akhtar (1996)(15) weitet in einem Lehrbuch, das Kernberg herausgegeben hat und das zum Glück jetzt überarbeitet wird, diese DSM-Symptomlisten in seinem „Versuch einer Synthese“ zu einem Profil aus und unterscheidet sechs Bereiche, in denen sich die Merkmale der narzisstischen Persönlichkeit zeigen:
ellauri147.html on line 806: Diesem Profil fügt er eine dynamische Dimension hinzu, auf der er sichtbare von verdeckten/larvierten Merkmalen unterscheidet. Die so beschriebenen Profilkategorien wirken aber am Ende so überladen, beliebig und disparat, dass es schwerfällt, damit eine präzise differentialdiagnostische Abgrenzung der narzisstischen Persönlichkeitsstörung mit Hilfe ihrer klinischen Merkmale zu leisten. So führt Akhtar etwa unter der Kategorie ‘Interpersonale Beziehungen/verdeckt’ das skurrile Merkmal ein: „Tendenz, Briefe nicht zu beantworten“ oder unter derselben Kategorie/sichtbar die schwer operationalisierbare : „Unfähigkeit, wirklich authentisch (Hervorhebung von mir, M.A.) an Gruppenaktivitäten teilzunehmen“.
ellauri147.html on line 810:
ellauri147.html on line 823: Onnistuneiden tunnistusprosessien tuloksena Honneth kuvaa refleksiivistä itsesuhdetta, joka kantaa jälkiä hänen sukupolvien välisestä alkuperästään. (16) Tämä "positiivinen itsesuhde", joka heijastuu esineiden väliseen suhteeseen, on ymmärrettävä "eräänlaiseksi sisäänpäin kääntyväksi luottamukseksi, joka antaa yksilölle turvallisuuden sekä tarpeiden ilmaisemiseen että hänen kykyjensä soveltamiseen"(17). Se on parafraasi siitä, mitä kutsuisimme terveeksi narsismiksi tänään – tai turvallisen, välillisesti hankitun identiteetin perustunnuksista. Wille zur Macht!
ellauri147.html on line 825: In langjähriger Arbeit mit schwer gestörten psychiatrischen Patienten habe ich die Erfahrung gemacht, dass der psychotische Rückzug häufig archaische Spuren eines Bedürfnisses nach Anerkennung trägt, das in einem elementaren Sinn unbeantwortet geblieben ist. Die so unterschiedlichen Symptome der narzisstischen Störung lassen sich m. E. als vielfältige Varianten eines Kampfes um dieses Gesehen-, Beachtet-, Anerkannt-werden entschlüsseln, der verdeckt und in mehr oder weniger gekonnten Inszenierungen geführt wird. Der Sozialphilosoph Axel Honneth (1994) hat den „Kampf um Anerkennung“ als Konstruktionsprinzip von Identität aus den Entwicklungstheorien von G.H.Mead (symbolischer Interaktionismus, „Me“ als generalisierter Anderer, Modell der Perspektivenübernahme) und Winnicott – herauspräpariert und sich als gemeinsamer Quelle auf Hegel berufen: bei Hegel gehört zum Selbst konstitutiv, dass es anerkannt ist.
ellauri147.html on line 826: Als Resultat gelungener Anerkennungsprozesse beschreibt Honneth ein reflexives Selbstverhältnis, das die Spuren seiner intersubjektive Herkunft trägt.(16) Diese in der Objektbeziehung sich spiegelnde „positive Selbstbeziehung“ sei „als eine Art von nach innen gerichtetes Vertrauen zu verstehen, das dem Individuum Sicherheit sowohl in seiner Bedürfnisartikulation als auch in der Anwendung seiner Fähigkeiten schenkt“(17). Es ist eine Umschreibung dessen, was wir heute gesunden Narzissmus nennen würden – oder eben das Grundgefühl einer sicheren intersubjektiv erworbenen Identität.
ellauri147.html on line 837: Die Seele hat ihren Sitz im Körper – an dieser Vorstellung hat sich auch dadurch nichts geändert, dass wir sie seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts 'Psyche' nennen und die Störungen des Seelenlebens mit fremd klingenden Namen wie 'Neurasthenie', 'Neurose' oder 'Psychose'‘ belegen. Die reizbare Schwäche der Nerven galt bei der inzwischen schon vorletzten Jahrhundertwende als Leitsymptom einer epidemisch sich ausbreitenden Befindlichkeitsstörung, die es uns heute gestattet, von dieser Epoche als einem „Zeitalter der Nervosität“ zu sprechen. -->
ellauri147.html on line 843: Der mediale Narzissmus überformt bloss diesen Grundzug unserer seelischen Existenz, der im primären Narzissmus seinen Ursprung hat. Der Säugling ist auf die Haltefunktion der Mutter angewiesen und auf das Lächeln in ihrem Blick. Der infantile Narzissmus sucht die Bewunderung der Umgebung. Die Selbstinszenierungen der Adoleszenz finden in einem intersubjektiven Spiegelraum statt. Der Narzissmus des Künstlers braucht den Beifall des Publikums.Und auch in der narzisstischen Störung sind Beachtung und Anerkennung oder eben Missachtung und fehlende Spiegelung die Basis, auf der sich die lärmenden oder stillen, immer aber verzweifelten Kämpfe um den Anderen im Selbst abspielen.-->
ellauri147.html on line 859: In 2005, as an example of using image morphing methods to study the effects of averageness, imaging researcher Pierre Tourigny created a composite of about 30
ellauri147.html on line 862: In physical attractiveness studies, averageness describes the physical beauty that results from averaging the facial features of people of the same gender and approximately the same age. The majority of averageness studies have focused on photographic overlay studies of human faces, in which images are morphed together. The term "average" is used strictly to denote the technical definition of the mathematical mean. An averaged face is not unremarkable, but is, in fact, quite good looking. Nor is it typical in the sense of common or frequently occurring in the population, though it appears familiar, and is typical in the sense that it is a good example of a face that is representative of the category of faces.
ellauri147.html on line 870: A 2006 "hot" or "not" style study, involving 264 women and 18 men, at the Washington University School of Medicine, as published online in the journal Brain Research, indicates that a person´s brain determines whether an image is erotically appealing long before the viewer is even aware they are seeing the picture. Moreover, according to these researchers, one of the basic functions of the brain is to classify images into a hot or not type categorization. The study´s researchers also discovered that sexy shots induce a uniquely powerful reaction in the brain, equal in effect for both men and women, and that erotic images produced a strong reaction in the hypothalamus.
ellauri150.html on line 105: Yhdysvalloissa ajattelutavan juuret juonnetaan 1950–60-luvuille, kansalaisoikeusliikkeeseen ja kansainväliseen rasisminvastaiseen liikkeeseen sekä valkoiselta puolen laissez faire-kapitalismin hallintomalliin eli meritokratiaan. Sen perimmäinen ajatus nojaa siihen, että yksilöt tulisi nähdä ensisijaisesti saavutustensa ja lahjakkuutensa avulla.
ellauri150.html on line 113: Keskinen kertoo, että Suomessa ”värisokeus” on liittynyt etenkin ihanteeseen hyvinvointivaltiosta ja universalismista, eli että palveluja ja ajatustapoja sovelletaan kaikkiin ihmisiin samalla tavalla. Toisen maailmansodan ja juutalaisvainojen jälkeen toivottiin, että rasismista päästäisiin eroon lopettamalla puhe roduista, kun se ei onnistunut lopettamalla rotuja.
ellauri150.html on line 183: Valtaoja luettelikin hyvän tekemistään, kuten kävi Tampereella nenäpäivillä ja liittyi prosenttiliikkeeseen. Hän esiintyi kuin fariseukset ja kirjanoppineet, joista Uusi testamentti kertoo. He antoivat mintut ja tillit ja lahjoittivat temppelille torvensoittajan kulkiessa heidän edellään.
ellauri150.html on line 480: Eugene Luther Gore Vidal (/vɪˈdɑːl/; born Eugene Louis Vidal, October 3, 1925 – July 31, 2012) was an American writer and public intellectual known for his epigrammatic wit, erudition, and patrician manner. Vidal was bisexual, and in his novels and essays interrogated the social and cultural sexual norms he perceived as driving American life. Beyond literature, Vidal was heavily involved in politics. He twice sought office—unsuccessfully—as a Democratic Party candidate, first in 1960 to the United States House of Representatives (for New York), and later in 1982 to the U.S. Senate (for California). His third novel, The City and the Pillar (1948), offended the literary, political, and moral sensibilities of conservative book reviewers, the plot being about a dispassionately presented male homosexual relationship.
ellauri150.html on line 563: The two gazed at each other. We know what Esther presented—a beautiful woman, a happy mother, a contented wife. On the other side, it was very plain that fortune had not dealt so gently with her former rival. The tall figure remained with some of its grace; but an evil life had tainted the whole person. The face was coarse; the large eyes were red and pursed beneath the lower lids; there was no color in her cheeks, no makeup. The lips were cynical and hard, and general neglect was leading rapidly to premature old age. Her attire was ill chosen and draggled. The mud of the road clung to her sandals. Iras broke the painful silence.
ellauri150.html on line 564: "These are thy children?"
ellauri150.html on line 582: Ben-Hur, when he was told of the visit, knew certainly what he had long surmised—that on the day of the crucifixion Iras had deserted her father for Messala. Nevertheless, he set out immediately and hunted for him vainly; they never saw him more, or heard of him The blue bay, with all its laughing under the sun, has yet its dark secrets. Had it a tongue, it might tell us of the Messiah.
ellauri150.html on line 594: Mut hei, filmissä ei Messiaalta mennyt pää vaan jalka vaan? Vai miten sille kävi? Missä vaiheessa sille kävi kalpaten? Entäs miten kävi Iralle? Höh nimeä ei löydy. Musta näyttää että tässä on kaiken kaikkiaan 3 eri loppua. Onkohan ne Lewin, sizen mykkäfilmin, ja viimesexi homokolmikon?
ellauri150.html on line 610: We meet Ben-Hur's mother and sister. We also meet his right-hand slave, Simonides, who is his business administrator and is in town for his yearly report—he's based in Antioch. He's very good at managing Judah's assets, and very loyal. Simonides' daughter Esther is with him; she is about to enter an arranged marriage, but needs Ben-Hur's approval. Ben-Hur gives it, and even throws in her freedom as a wedding present, but - having seen her as a grown woman for the first time - he sorta wants her for himself.
ellauri150.html on line 662: Die Liebe nach ihrer Geschichte. Darstellung des Einflusses der Liebe und ihrer Negationen auf die Entwickelung der menschlichen Gesellschaft (teilweise von Karl May)
ellauri150.html on line 664: Dieses Buch war im Königreich Preußen und in Österreich-Ungarn verboten.
ellauri150.html on line 673: This is another article on the writings of Pope Leo XIII. the third longest sitting pope, an Italian (Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci) who lived from 1810 to 1903, and was Pope from 1878 until his death in 1903. In his writings he gives us a profound insight into the philosophical movements of the late 19th century. The ideas generated during that time have largely shaped our present day ideological struggles.
ellauri150.html on line 675: The Pope writes about communism, capitalism and even freemasonry - all from a Christian perspective. And yes, from a distinctly Catholic point of view. He shares with the world his concerns about these competing ideologies and the impact that they could have on Christianity if left unchecked:
ellauri150.html on line 683: These are they in very truth who, as the sacred text bears witness, defile the flesh, and despise dominion, and blaspheme majesty. They leave nothing scathless or uninjured of that which human and divine laws alike have wisely ordained to ensure the preservation and honor of life. From the heads of States to whom, as the Apostle admonishes, all owe submission, and on whom the rights of authority are bestowed by God Himself, these sectaries withhold obedience and preach up the perfect equality of all men in regard to rights alike and duties. The natural union of man and woman, which is held sacred even among barbarous nations, they hold in scorn; and its bond, whereby family life is chiefly maintained, they slacken, or else yield up to the sway of lust.
ellauri150.html on line 685: In short, spurred on by greedy hankering after things present, which is the root of all evils, which some coveting have erred from the faith, they attack the right of property, sanctioned by the law of nature, and with signal depravity, while pretending to feel solicitous about the needs, and anxious to satisfy the requirements of all, they strain every effort to seize upon and hold in common all that has been individually acquired by title of lawful inheritance, through intellectual or manual labor, or economy in living. These monstrous views they proclaim in public meetings, uphold in booklets, and spread broadcast everywhere through the daily press. Hence the hallowed dignity and authority of rulers has incurred such odium on the part of rebellious subjects that evil-minded traitors, spurning all control, have many a time within a recent period boldly raised impious hands against even the very heads of States. etc.etc.
ellauri150.html on line 726: Hi Ride. The Catholic teaching on premarital sex is that it is a sin. I know this is not what most people want to hear these days. They just want to hear that gay sex is a sin. But from a Catholic perspective any sex outside of marriage is a sin. And there's no gay marriage, so gotcha!
ellauri150.html on line 736: It seems to me that Hawking is using a particular model of the universe to try to attack religion. But for me the very fact that there is a universe is enough to fill me with awe at creation and in God the Creator. In fact the more we learn about the immensity of space and the variety of celestial objects, the more I am filled with awe and wonder. Part of that is the admiration that we are living in such an advanced society that we are able to make these discoveries in the first place.
ellauri150.html on line 738: I think it is more of a Protestant attribute than a Catholic one to interpret the Bible literally. Catholics have a more complex and mystical interpretation of the Bible. Take for example the Assumption of Mary as well as the Immaculate Conception. These are not tied into physical phenomenon, but are purely spiritual and can only be understood by faith. This is also true of substantiation and the Holy Trinity. Like the universe itself, these are mysteries that the human mind cannot comprehend. (I just checked the Catechism. The section on creation, 337-349, does not give a strict literal interpretation of the six days.)
ellauri150.html on line 744: Finally, I have a question for you. What do you think about the Eye of Providence in Christianity, can it be a graphic representation Holy Spirit? Today my mother noticed and asked me for it, I wonder what role has had Freemasonry in Catholic church.
ellauri150.html on line 754: Ride - On Eye of Providence... Strange that you should mention this because I came across this recently as a Christian symbol. I hate to think of this as a Freemason symbol. The only thing I can tell you is that the Church can and does adopt pagan symbols and changes their meanings. Similar to the way in which sinners can be converted to Christianity, so also can these symbols be converted. In reference to the Eye of Providence however, this symbol is much more closely associated with Freemasonry now. Freemasonry has been consistently repudiated by the Catholic Church. In fact Pope Leo XIII wrote an encyclical specifically condemning it in his 1884 HUMANUM GENUS (on Freemasonry):
ellauri151.html on line 83: As a religious man, the pastor takes the Bible very seriously and tries to preserve Gertrude's innocence by protecting her from the concept of sin. (Från konceptet måhända men inte från sin jättestora ståkuk.)
ellauri151.html on line 132: Mä luulen ezen claim to Nobel fame vuonna 1947 oli toi antikommunismi ennen kaikkea. In 1946, when Pierre Herbert asked Gide which of his books he would choose if only one were to survive," Gide replied, ´I think it would be my Journal.´" Beginning at the age of eighteen or nineteen, Gide kept a journal all of his life and when these were first made available to the public, they ran to thirteen hundred pages. Pääasiassa homoilua ja sen puolustelua. Gide ei koskaan bylsinyt vaimoaan Madeleinea, mutta kävi kerran jonkun nuoren neidon pukilla, ja siitti siinä yhden tyttären. Toista varvia ei tullut, vaikka neito pyyteli.
ellauri151.html on line 148: Takuulla pastorin teki heti mieli lotkauttaa melaa sokean sakkolihan hameeseen, olihan sen piirteet reguliers et assez beaux. (Vaik varmasti se olisi oikeasti ollut poika jos Androidi ois ize ollut asialla.)
ellauri151.html on line 153: Dickens seems to have put his whole self into these glowing little stories.
ellauri151.html on line 224: Amerikkalaiset on aivan käsittämättömän moukkia. Vitun charityämmiä. Kumihuulinen Emily eroaa läskistä louvrelehmästä enintään 30 vuodella ja yhtä monella kilolla. Pään sisäpuolelta: ei mitään eroa. 30 vuotta ja 30Gg freedom friesejä: Voilà!
ellauri151.html on line 288: Im Skeptizismus erfährt das Bewußtsein in Wahrheit sich als ein in sich selbst widersprechendes Bewußtsein; es geht aus dieser Erfahrung eine neue Gestalt hervor, welche die zwei Gedanken zusammenbringt, die der Skeptizismus auseinander hält. Die Gedankenlosigkeit des Skeptizismus über sich selbst muß verschwinden, weil es in der Tat ein Bewußtsein ist, welches diese beiden Weisen an ihm hat. Diese neue Gestalt ist hiedurch ein solches, welches für sich das gedoppelte Bewußtsein seiner als des sich befreienden, unwandelbaren und sichselbstgleichen, und seiner als des absolut sich verwirrenden und verkehrenden – und das Bewußtsein dieses seines Widerspruchs ist. – Im Stoizismus ist das Selbstbewußtsein die einfache Freiheit seiner selbst; im Skeptizismus realisiert sie sich, vernichtet die andere Seite des bestimmten Daseins, aber verdoppelt sich vielmehr, und ist sich nun ein Zweifaches. Hiedurch ist die Verdopplung, welche früher an zwei einzelne, an den Herrn und den Knecht, sich verteilte, in eines eingekehrt; die Verdopplung des Selbstbewußtseins in sich selbst, welche im Begriffe des Geistes wesentlich ist, ist hiemit vorhanden, aber noch nicht ihre Einheit, und das unglückliche Bewußtsein ist das Bewußtsein seiner als des gedoppelten nur widersprechenden Wesens.
ellauri151.html on line 290: Dieses unglückliche, in sich entzweite Bewußtsein muß also, weil dieser Widerspruch seines Wesens sich ein Bewußtsein ist, in dem einen Bewußtsein immer auch das andere haben, und so aus jedem unmittelbar, indem es zum Siege und zur Ruhe der Einheit gekommen zu sein meint, wieder daraus ausgetrieben werden. Seine wahre Rückkehr aber in sich selbst, oder seine Versöhnung mit sich wird den Begriff des lebendig gewordenen und in die Existenz getretenen Geistes darstellen, weil an ihm schon dies ist, daß es als ein ungeteiltes Bewußtsein ein gedoppeltes ist; es selbst ist das Schauen eines Selbstbewußtseins in ein anderes, und es selbst ist beide, und die Einheit beider ist ihm auch das Wesen, aber es für sich ist sich noch nicht dieses Wesen selbst, noch nicht die Einheit beider.
ellauri151.html on line 295: Die Bewegung, worin das unwesentliche Bewußtsein dies Einssein zu erreichen strebt, ist selbst die dreifache, nach dem dreifachen Verhältnisse, welche es zu seinem gestalteten jenseits haben wird; einmal als reines Bewußtsein; das andremal als einzelnes Wesen, welches sich als Begierde und Arbeit gegen die Wirklichkeit verhält; und zum dritten als Bewußtsein seines Für-sich-seins. – Wie diese drei Weisen seines Seins in jenem allgemeinen Verhältnisse vorhanden und bestimmt sind, ist nun zu sehen.
ellauri151.html on line 299: Obgleich aber das unglückliche Bewußtsein also diese Gegenwart nicht besitzt, so ist es zugleich über das reine Denken, insofern dieses das abstrakte von der Einzelnheit überhaupt wegsehende Denken des Stoizismus, und das nur unruhige Denken des Skeptizismus – in der Tat nur die Einzelnheit als der bewußtlose Widerspruch und dessen rastlose Bewegung – ist; es ist über diese beide hinaus, es bringt und hält das reine Denken und die Einzelnheit zusammen, ist aber noch nicht zu demjenigen Denken erhoben, für welches die Einzelnheit des Bewußtseins mit dem reinen Denken selbst ausgesöhnt ist. Es steht vielmehr in dieser Mitte, worin das abstrakte Denken die Einzelnheit des Bewußtseins als Einzelnheit berührt. Es selbst ist diese Berührung; es ist die Einheit des reinen Denkens und der Einzelnheit; es ist auch für es diese denkende Einzelnheit, oder das reine Denken, und das Unwandelbare wesentlich selbst als Einzelnheit. Aber es ist nicht für es, daß dieser sein Gegenstand, das Unwandelbare, welches ihm wesentlich die Gestalt der Einzelnheit hat, es selbst ist, es selbst, das Einzelnheit des Bewußtseins ist.
ellauri151.html on line 301: Andacht: Das gestaltlose Sausen des Glockengeläutes oder eine warme Nebelerfüllung, ein musikalisches Denken, indem es diese Erfahrung gemacht, daß das Grab seines wirklichen unwandelbaren Wesens keine Wirklichkeit hat.
ellauri151.html on line 372: these discussions (DB: 40–43, 64–66) show that Wittgenstein viewed
ellauri151.html on line 422: Auf Schwächen und Blößen gründet sich die Liebe, und auf diese die Fruchtbarkeit.
ellauri151.html on line 432: Ohne Sprache hätten wir keine Vernunft, ohne Vernunft keine Religion, und ohne diese drei wesentliche Bestandteile unserer Natur weder Geist noch Band der Gesellschaft.
ellauri151.html on line 438: Without language we would have no reason, without reason no religion, and without these three essential aspects of our nature, neither mind nor bond of society. Help us translate this quote!
ellauri151.html on line 442: If only I was as eloquent as Demosthenes, I would have to do no more than repeat a single word three times. Reason is language — Logos; I gnaw on this marrowbone and will gnaw myself to death over it. It is still always dark over these depths for me: I am still always awaiting an apocalyptic angel with a key to this abyss. Help us translate this quote!
ellauri151.html on line 452: Let us assume that we invited an unknown person to a game of cards. If this person answered us, “I don’t play,” we would either interpret this to mean that he did not understand the game, or that he had an aversion to it which arose from economic, ethical, or other reasons. Let us imagine, however, that an honorable man, who was known to possess every possible skill in the game, and who was well versed in its rules and its forbidden tricks, but who could like a game and participate in it only when it was an innocent pastime, were invited into a company of clever swindlers, who were known as good players and to whom he was equal on both scores, to join them in a game. If he said, “I do not play,” we would have to join him in looking the people with whom he was talking straight in the face, and would be able to supplement his words as follows: “I don’t play, that is, with people such as you, who break the rules of the game, and rob it of its pleasure. If you offer to play a game, our mutual agreement, then, is that we recognize the capriciousness of chance as our master; and you call the science of your nimble fingers chance, and I must accept it as such, it I will, or run the risk of insulting you or choose the shame of imitating you.” … The opinion of Socrates can be summarized in these blunt words, when he said to the Sophists, the leaned men of his time, “I know nothing.” Help! TLDR!
ellauri151.html on line 517: Research questions
ellauri151.html on line 525: Larella on "four main research questions":
ellauri151.html on line 547: and reality that resembles Hamann’s. Using Hamann’s view of language
ellauri151.html on line 552: linguistic ideal forms of representation are not possible. Language is a
ellauri151.html on line 569: resembling Hamann’s in 1931.
ellauri151.html on line 633: present. Wittgenstein again found Hamann difficult to understand,
ellauri151.html on line 652: Yhteinen piirre mystiikkaan taipuvilla hämäräheikeillä on että pyhiä textejä ei tarvi ymmärtää samassa mielessä sanatarkkaan kuin jotain reseptiä tai käyttöohjetta, vaan riittää että tulee sellanen fiilis että "hei must tuntuu etmä tajuan", "I can relate to that", "groovy". Ikäänkuin resonoidaan textin taajuudella. Hamannin ja Ludin poinzi on että koko kieli olis sellasta. Tottahan se on aika useinkin, aika paljonhan viestinnästä menee läpi ilman että kukaan tarkastaa ymmärsikö kukaan siitä mitään, tai ainakaan ketkään 2 saman asian. Se on ihan kivaa ja okei kun ollaan pyllistelemässä jossakin ja pidetään kimppakivaa, hämäräkin kieli hoitaa tehtävänsä siellä. Silti epäilyttää pääseekö sillä tarkkudella ihan kuuhun asti. (Vai menikö sinne kukaan? Oliko se vaan salaliittoteoriaa? Onko keskitysleireillä oikeesti käytettyjä silmälaseja saippuaa ja nahkakukkaroita? Sanos se! Mitähän Hamann ja Wittgenstein olis tuumineet?)
ellauri151.html on line 659: discusses Hamann’s view of Divine Presence in nature: God is like nature and a part of nature, so God is present in nature.
ellauri151.html on line 685: communication as a counter-model for religious language and uses it to criticize Frazer’s attempts to debunk religion. Religious rituals must be understood as expressive communication. Magic, religion and language are based on symbolism, as the harmony of language and reality takes place in the symbol. A religious ritual like a rain-dance symbolically represents and mythologically enacts the connection between a wish and its fulfillment, and Wittgenstein mentions sacraments like baptism in this context (RF: 125). All language is similarly symbolic and ceremonial at its core and cannot be separated from mythology.
ellauri151.html on line 704: 3. Presented Himself as the Messiah and King of the Jews (Israel) 3. Presented Jesus as the risen Lord, Head of the Church, the body of Christ
ellauri151.html on line 720: Paul, however, wrote that Christians are not under the Mosaic Law; we are under the administration of Grace (Romans 6.14). These are two vastly different operating environments. Jesus ministered only to Jews. Jesus also ordered his disciples not to go to Gentiles but to go to Jews alone (Matthew 10.5-6). In Christianity, Paul went to the Gentiles as the Apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11.13; 1 Timothy 2.7; 2 Timothy 1.11).
ellauri151.html on line 724: Paul declared he was the founder of Christianity (1 Corinthians 3.10-11; 1 Timothy 1.15-16). He stated he received the doctrines of Christianity from the ascended, glorified Lord.5 Paul called these doctrines “secrets” (μυστήριον) for they were unrevealed in the Lord’s earthly ministry and unknown to the Twelve. The Twelve learned of them later from Paul but continued to confine their ministry to Jews (Galatians 2.7-9). No Biblical record exists of any of the Twelve ministering to Gentiles.
ellauri151.html on line 796: [40] On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.
ellauri151.html on line 984: [18] for the scripture says, "You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain," and, "The laborer deserves his wages."
ellauri151.html on line 1008: * John 3:3 and 3:7 are the author's translations. These differ from the RSV only in the expression "begotten from above" that replaces "born anew' in the RSV. "Born anew" does not represent the fullness of what Jesus is stating here, and does not correspond to the literatal translation of the Greek, gennethenai anothen (be begotten from above).
ellauri152.html on line 177: Tää on mahootointa, mahootointa. Pyydän sulta polvillani tippa silmässä, kaikki kyynelet jotka olen itkeskellyt tälle kamalalle textarille, älä jätä mua näin - Tiezä miten hirveetä on menettää sut näin iäxi toista kertaa, senjälkeen kun ollut suurenmoinen ilo vallata sut takaisin. Äh! Mun vikittelyt! Ettekö siis tunne mihin pisteeseen saakka mä teit rakastan! Kuule nyt. Suostu tapaamaan mut vielä kerran. Haluuzä olla huomenna, auringon laskiessa, oven edessä? Ai etkö? No seuraavana päivänä? Mä tuun vaik hakemaan sut. Älä sano ei. Viimeinen pano ehkä, mutta vielä tämä kerta, vielä tää!! Mä pyydän, mä huudan, vielä tää kerta, vielää tää, ja ota huomioon että sun vastauxesta riippuu mun loppuelämä.
ellauri152.html on line 237: Oo kunnoitettava Priapos, puujumala jonka olen antanut kehystää marmoriin mun kylpyammeeseen, ei ole sattuma, puskanvartija, että sä valvot täällä kurtisaaneja.
ellauri152.html on line 350: adsidue veniebat. Ibi haec incondita solus tuli lahkeeseen ahkerasti, ja siellä perusteettomasti
ellauri152.html on line 356: Thestylis et rapido fessis messoribus aestu Thestyliskin helteeseen väsyneille leikkureille
ellauri152.html on line 619: The ending of Yentl is just supremely disappointing compared to the unapologetic ending of Yeshiva Boy. “I’ll live out my time as I am,” Anshel says in the story—and Anshel is the name she is referred to as in this passage, even while also referred to as a woman and with she/her pronouns. Yentl the Yeshiva Boy often engages in this mixing of gender signifiers—it’s in the very title, which pairs the traditionally feminine name “Yentl” with the clashing term “boy,” letting them jostle each other to create dissonance and ambiguity. The terms not matching is their meaning. This is how Anshel is. A woman with a man’s soul, a man with she/her pronouns, a person with two names. It’s not couched in easily understandable modern terms, but no one who has heard of these modern terms would read Yentl as a cis woman playing dress up. It’s different than that. Queerer than that.
ellauri152.html on line 622: And yet in other ways, the film can’t help preserving the queerness of the story despite itself. Barbra Streisand can add a song about how Yentl is just jealous of Badass for being a conventionally feminine woman whom Avigdor loves, but she can’t stop me from putting my grubby little bi hands all over her film, pointing at Yentl’s tortured gaze aimed at Badass, and saying “GAY.” And she certainly didn’t no-homo the interactions between Anshel and Avigdor very well, because they are in fact very yes-homo, and I will point and say “GAY” at that too.
ellauri152.html on line 656: The dog originally created the world to run through strict judgment, din. However, since the dog knew that the world could not endure such harsh conditions, He decided to incorporate the spiritual energies of compassion too, as the verse states, "These are the products of the heaven and earth when they were created in the day that Hashem's (i.e. the dog's denoting kindness and mercy, not the dog's denoting strict justice) din made earth and heaven." (Bereishit 2:4) According to the original creation plan a person would be judged strictly on his own merits. There would be no bending of the rules; no concept of leniency; no looking the other way or giving another chance. Strict justice would dictate that a person be severely punished for even the "slightest" infraction of the dog's willy.
ellauri152.html on line 658: Since very few can survive such scrutiny, the dog created an alternate system - the system of din, strict justice, mitigated with cheese, kindness and mercy. In that system, He assists us by providing us with the help we need to overcome the forces of evil. As the Talmud teaches:
ellauri152.html on line 662: In a world where din, justice is tempered with cheese, compassion, the average person has the opportunity to come close to the dog. Although the average person must still try his best to stand up to evil and adhere to the dog's willy, the dog views his inevitable lapses through the prism of compassion. In His love for us, He overlooks our shortcomings.
ellauri152.html on line 664: In a world where din, justice is tempered with cheese, compassion, the dog supports us and helps us to overcome evil and serve him. As a result of the dog's assistance, we are able to channel our negative energies to serving the dog, and actually convert these energies into something positive and holy.
ellauri152.html on line 666: But although the dog created this alternate system of din, justice tempered with cheese, compassion, the original system of pure, untempered justice is still available -- for those rare and powerful individuals who are able to confront the Evil Urge without the dog's assistance.
ellauri152.html on line 668: These rare individuals are capable of adhering to the dog's willy despite the unrelenting trials, afflictions, and massive assaults hurled at them from the forces of evil. The patriarchs were such exceptional individuals, they followed this path, unassisted by the dog, as the verse says, "He Yaakov said, 'O dog the name of Hashem containing the spiritual energies of harshness before Whom my forefathers Avraham and Yitzchak walked ...
ellauri152.html on line 671: Rebbe Nachem explains that in this path of unassisted greatness, whatever these spiritual giants attained or accomplished was through the power of their prayers. If they didn't bark and whine for their needs, the dog wouldn't provide for them. As a result, they were always completely connected with their realtor.
ellauri152.html on line 681: We know that anything we do in this world produces spiritual energies that are stored in the upper worlds and last for eternity. These stored spiritual energies can be accessed even centuries after the act was performed. And, like a spiritual "radio receiver," Tefillin help us access such spiritual energies to nourish our souls, bringing us closer to the Almighty. Don't they look like radio receivers even?
ellauri152.html on line 685: In Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin, the paragraph "And if you listen ..." (Devarim 11:13:21), which warns of the consequences of violating the dog's willy, din, harsh justice, precede the paragraph of "Hear O Israel ..." (Devarim 6:4-8), which declares our belief in the Almighty. Since this verse applies to even the sinners of Israel, it alludes to the dog's attribute of compassion, cheese. In Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin, the aspect of harshness, din, precedes that of mercy, cheese, alluding to the dog's original intention to run the world through harshness, din.
ellauri152.html on line 687: In Rashi's Tefillin, however, the paragraph of compassion precedes the paragraph of harshness. This alludes to the way the dog presently runs the world - with compassion. Since most people are dependent on the dog's compassion for their very existence, the halacha is according to Rashi's view. Therefore, the obligation to wear Tefillin is fulfilled through donning Rashi's Tefillin. They're like basic earplugs.
ellauri152.html on line 691: Rebbe Nachem said that since the power of the evil urge and the forces of evil are derived from the negative spiritual energies of din, unmitigated justice, one must access the potent positive spiritual energies of severity from the spiritual giants of the past to break these evil forces at their root.
ellauri152.html on line 704: Since it is impossible for a human being to always know the proper response for each situation, we live with doubt. This is reflected in our wearing Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin in addition to Rashi's Tefillin, since we wear them due to a doubt. The positive spiritual energies they access to counter this doubt rectify any situations of doubt that a person may encounter. As mentioned above, Rashi's Tefillin contain the spiritual energies of compassion and Rabbeinu Tam's the spiritual energies of harshness. Through wearing both Rashi and Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin, we nourish our minds with the spiritual energies of compassion and holy harshness. These two energies (when combined with the spiritual energies that cover all doubt mentioned above) enable us to intuitively determine how to respond appropriately in every situation, whether it means acting tough or being gentle. (Lekutei Halachoth: Orach Chaim: Hilchoth Tefillin 6:16)
ellauri152.html on line 753: He considered the core of Hasidim to consist of three "loves": love of God, of Torah, and of Israel. Just as his intended audience consisted of assimilated Jews and non-Jews, he adopted novel formulations of these loves: "love of Torah" would come to encompass inspiring works of "secular" art and literature, while "love of Israel" would be transformed into "love of humanity" (despite which Israel would still be recognized as the "firstborn child of God"). Zeitlin's religious ideal also contained a socialist element: the Hasidim he pictured would refuse to take advantage of workers.
ellauri153.html on line 193: Ne joutui johkin pyörteeseen yhessä.
ellauri153.html on line 247: These guys must have felt shortchanged in the swap.
ellauri153.html on line 276: Muutamien päivien kuluttua saapui Sextus Kollatinuksen tietämättä Kollatiaan ja raiskasi Lucretian. Hänen lähdettyään kutsui vaimo isänsä, miehensä sekä muutamia sukulaisia, kertoi heille häväistyksensä, vaati heitä kostamaan ja sysäsi itse puukon sydämeensä. Todistajain joukossa oli myös kuninkaan sukulainen Brutus. Hän oli ainoastaan siten säilynyt kuninkaan epäluuloiselta julmuudelta, että oli tekeytynyt mielipuoleksi. Brutus nyt veti puukon pois haavasta ja vaati läsnäolijoita karkottamaan Tarkviniusten sukua ja lakkauttamaan kuninkuuden. Siitä alkanut kapina onnistuikin pian siinä. Kapinaa johtivat Lucretian mies Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus ja Lucius Junius Brutus. Heistä tuli Rooman ensimmäiset konsulit. Tarquinius yritti palata valtaan useaan otteeseen ja sai aikeissaan tukea etruskeilta.
ellauri153.html on line 332: be presented as a zero-sum game. Mixi zero-sum? Eikös trendaavampaa olis tollanen win-win situation? Selvää manikeolaisuutta! Länkkäri Ford Hippo on huolestunut, mutta riisipussit Ahura ja Mazda riemuizevat.
ellauri153.html on line 334: because He can defeat chaotic evil. God is also present and acts amidst states of affairs with no morally sufficient reasons.
ellauri153.html on line 358: - “God is omnipotent” is true at game history w if and only if God has a winning strategy in the justice-of-God game G. Tässähän se tapahtuu se suuri lässähdys. Muka omnipotentti jumala saa häthätää saatanasta matin loppupeleissä. Matkan varrella isokyrpäinen valas voi syödä vaikka kaikki sen nappulat paizi kurkon, joka jää viimeisenä laudalle. Aika lohduttavaa sen muulle tiimille. One can make a few clarifying remarks about the structure of the game. The form of the game is relatively simple: it’s an ordinary extended-form perfect information game. tuskinpa Jobilla oli täydellistä informaatiota pelitilanteesta tai edes pelin säännöistä, muista pelaajista puhumattakaan. Aika isoja informaatiojoukkoja oli niiden kalloissa. Sitäpaizi ei luonnossa pelaajat siirrä vuoronperään, vaan koko ajan, niinkuin differentiaalipeleissä. . The goal is here not to go deeply into technical details, but to construct an übersichtlich representation for the theological grammar of biblical stories and to highlight the uses of terms like “good” and “omnipotent” in them. The game or model can then be used as a simplified fragment that can be projected onto, contrasted with and used to interpret biblical stories. The point of this clarification is to highlight the grammar of the divine properties “good” and “omnipotent” within the logic of the struggle myth, and to get the consistency of {God is good, God is omnipotent, There is chaotic evil} as in the Book of Job. The argument needs two assumptions. First, the games between God, humans and creation are genuine dialogues. Paskanmarjat, ei nää ole edes mitään signaling gameja, puhumattakaan dialogipeleistä. Olis kannattanut lukea mun väitöskirja Dialogue Games, siinä on oikeeta sananvaihtoa. The players answer each other and thus have to take turns in making moves and participating in them. Then the game of Job and the struggle against chaos is in extended form to represent the sequence of the debate, and its resolution gives the drama of the fight against kid chaos. Second, the properties of God like “omnipotent” and “good” are defined against the background of Job’s encounter with God and the struggle against chaos. This redefinition builds on both James’ reinterpretation of the properties of God in terms of religious practices, and also of Job’s new world of faith in the encounter. Job’s encounter with God and the struggle against chaos are modelled in the game, so such properties of God as “good” and “omnipotent” are then internal to the game. Missä kohtaa Jopilla on tässä jotain pelivaraa? Montako valintaruutua Jobilla edes on:
Marise-älä marise
, ja Pyllistä-älä pyllistä
. Siinä kaikki. Jotta jumalan tiimi voittaisi, sen pitää ensin marista ja sit pyllistää. Nain on meidankin elamassamme! Marise mitä mariset, mut muista pyllistää!
ellauri153.html on line 378: These two meanings correspond to the different understandings of “anti-theodicy” in Ch. 3.1.1068 Although the first meaning is weaker than
ellauri153.html on line 390: of A:s strategy and A wins iff God and Job lose. Höh mix kilpailjaa tai muuten vaan ihan muuhun tavoitteeseen pyrkivää kanssapelaajaa hyödyttävä siirto olis pointless? "Nyt panit pahan." Onhan sillä sille vinha pointti. Vitun izekästä omanvoitonpyyntistä ajattelua. Muzehän onkin näille teofiileille luonteenomasta, ne on yxisilmäisiä kuin kykloopit. Narsistisesti ne ajattelee olevansa ainut moukka laudalla. Mitäs jos jumala onkin kana? Nehän taitaa olla lukumääräisesti apinoita joholla. Lisääntykää ja täyttäkäää häkkikanalat.
ellauri153.html on line 393: informed and sophisticated theodicies of Plantinga and van Inwagen. These theodicies take the
ellauri153.html on line 410: These examples illustrate, how deeply the ideal of sufficient reasons has become a
ellauri153.html on line 554: Now that the problem of evil has been exposed as a conceptual confusion, the way is clear for a Jamesian science of religions and worldviews. The methods of grammatical description can be extended to the practices and ways of sense-making in different worldviews: how they give meaning to moral practices and how do they approach the intelligibility of the world? What practical responses do they have for coping with evil? For example, the grammar of seeing-as for models and metaphors can be applied to the metaphors in the Hebrew Bible for God’s activity to understand what it is to see the world as God’s creation. The grammar of virtues can be used to describe Buddhist practices and explore, how these approaches contribute to the human good. Similar approaches can be taken to secular worldviews as well. These descriptions can then be used to assess the worldviews through dialogical encounters between them. However, one thing should be clear. There is no point in devaluing the world by arguing for the meaninglessness of life or atheism on the basis of evil, or in giving justifications for evils that can stand in the way of divine or human meliorist projects of fighting for justice. To paraphrase the judgment of the Divine Judge in the Book of Job, such approaches are not even wrong. They are as meaningless as life itself.
ellauri153.html on line 660: Raamatunkohdat, joita väitteen tueksi esitetään, eivät todellakaan viittaa seksisuhteeseen. Usein esimerkkinä mainitaan se, mitä Daavid sanoi Jonatanista: ”Rakkautesi merkitsi minulle enemmän kuin naisten rakkaus.” (2. Samuelin kirja 1:26.) Jotkut viittaavat myös jakeisiin, joissa kerrotaan näiden miesten *suudelleen* toisiaan (1. Samuelin kirja 20:41). Tällaiset tunteenilmaukset ja ystävyydenosoitukset miesten välillä, kuten homous yleensäkin, olivat kuitenkin melko tavallisia muinaisessa Lähi-idässä siihen aikaan kun Raamattua kirjoitettiin, eikä niihin liittynyt juuri mitään muuta kuin viatonta seksuaalista viestintää (1. Samuelin kirja 10:1; 2. Samuelin kirja 19:39).
ellauri153.html on line 679: 3 Tutustutaanpa ensin hieman tähän oivalliseen naiseen. Kuka Abigail oli? Mikä oli johtanut edellä mainittuun kriittiseen tilanteeseen? Entä mitä voimme oppia Abigailin uskosta?
ellauri153.html on line 717: 12 Nabob oli raivoissaan! Hän ”sätti heitä”, kertoi kirjoituksen alussa mainittu nuorukainen Abigailille. Saita Nabob voivotteli suureen ääneen kallisarvoista leipäänsä, vettään ja teuraslihaansa. Hän puhui Daavidista pilkallisesti ja vertasi häntä karanneeseen palvelijaan. Nabobin näkemys Daavidista oli kenties samansuuntainen kuin Saulin, joka vihasi Daavidia. Kummankin suhtautuminen poikkesi tiettävästi jyrkästi Jehovan näkökannasta. Jumala rakasti Daavidia ja piti häntä Israelin tulevana kuninkaana, ei kapinallisena ilmaispaloja kerjäävänä orjana. (1. Sam. 25:10, 11, 14.) [Olikohan Jahve vallan mustasukkainen Joonatanille? Ja sille Naabanin pojalle?]
ellauri153.html on line 791: autojen liikkeessä. Hän oli asentanut tietokoneeseen kaksi käyttöjärjestelmää
ellauri153.html on line 823: - Why not a concubine? Though concubines had a lesser status than wives, they, too, possessed a certain rank and dignity. Abishai fortunately had neither. Absalom demonstrated this fact when, as part of his attempted coup, he slept with his father’s concubines (2 Samuel 16:21–22). Moreover, the personal dynamics within harems were infamous for the jealousy and infighting they engendered. To select one wife or concubine over another would be a mark of favoritism that would likely incite resentment and squabbling in the household. Don't even try this at home!
ellauri153.html on line 827: Nowhere does the Bible approve of David’s state of affairs—just the opposite! God had warned Israel through Moses that any future king “must not take many wives” (Deuteronomy 17:17). Scripture does not say that Abishag’s presence in David’s bed was a good thing, nor does it present David as a good father. His many children by multiple mothers were a cause of great trouble for him and the whole kingdom (2 Samuel 13; 2 Samuel 15; 1 Kings 12:23–25). His own son and successor, Solomon, ignoring God’s clear warning, took his father’s excesses to a shocking extreme with 700 wives and 300 concubines who led him astray and turned his heart after other gods (1 Kings 11:2–4). The kingdom itself was divided and lost by Solomon’s son shortly after his coronation, barely one generation after the glory of King David (1 Kings 12).
ellauri153.html on line 866: Schopenhauer’s central proposition is the main idea of his entire philosophy, he states simply as “The world is my representation.” Typerys.
ellauri153.html on line 867: Ne sen riittävän syyn periaatteen 4 juurikasta oli becoming, being, knowing, willing. In his Translator's Introduction to Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Representation, E. F. J. Payne concisely summarized the Fourfold Root:
ellauri153.html on line 869: Our knowing consciousness is divisible solely into subject and object. To be object for the subject and to be our representation or mental picture are one and the same. All our representations are objects for the subject, and all objects of the subject are our representations. These stand to one another in a regulated connection which in form is determinable a priori, and by virtue of this connection nothing existing by itself and independent, nothing single and detached, can become an object for us. The first aspect of this principle is that of becoming, where it appears as the law of causality and is applicable only to changes. Thus if the cause is given, the effect must of necessity follow. The second aspect deals with concepts or abstract representations, which are themselves drawn from representations of intuitive perception, and here the principle of sufficient reason states that, if certain premises are given, the conclusion must follow. The third aspect of the principle is concerned with being in space and time, and shows that the existence of one relation inevitably implies the other, thus that the equality of the angles of a triangle necessarily implies the equality of its sides and vice versa. Finally, the fourth aspect deals with actions, and the principle appears as the law of motivation, which states that a definite course of action inevitably ensues on a given character and motive.
ellauri155.html on line 57: Ministeri Kiuru, onko suurin syynne tällaisen toimintanne jatkamiselle, että tiedätte joka tapauksessa joutuvanne syytteeseen jopa kansanmurhasta?”, Ano Turtiainen sanoi.
ellauri155.html on line 105: Pst! Kun minun oma valitusasiani on käsitelty en enää syyllisty tällaiseen ”vihapuheeseen”! Allekirj. Khabib Jorma
ellauri155.html on line 359: These bankers have banished God from public discourse because God is the competition. They taught us God is Dead. They promoted existentialism.
ellauri155.html on line 360: But God is a lot bigger than the Rothschilds and their cabal of miscreants. Dog is nearly as big as Ano Turtiainen! Dog won't get carried out of court! Not even by Himself! God wants to have a Triumph bra as Xmas present.
ellauri155.html on line 391: Asiakaskapitalismi on vanhaa bisnisvedätystä pikaisesti puzatuissa leileissä. Erona entiseen on että asiakas ei ole enää oikeassa ellei se paina suupielet ylöspäin hymiötä lähtiessään liikkeestä. Firma potkaisee ulos marisevat asiakkaat jotka ei tuota sille mainosta. Asiakas ei todellakaan ole aina oikeassa, enimmäxeen väärässä. Tätä bisnesevankeliumia on Hoblaan tuomassa koko hammaskalustolla irvistävä huitulatukka perseetön jenkkibisnesenkeli Maureen Burns Bostonista.
ellauri155.html on line 573: Juutalaisen kansan alkuvaiheet voi lukea Raamatusta. Juutalaiset uskovat Vanhan Testamentin Jumalaan ja odottavat yhä vaan siellä luvattua Messiasta. Niinhän mekin, mutta comebackia. Heidän uskontonsa on yksi maailman vanhimmista ja luokiteltu lakiuskonnoksi – lain noudattaminen on siis yksi keskeisimmistä periaatteista uskonnossa. Vaan onhan niillä armoakin (cheese), sitä tulee niistä Rashin kuulokkeista. Tamin kaijareista tulee vastamelua.
ellauri155.html on line 598: Sen vuoksi Jumala on jättänyt heidät mielihalujensa valtaan sellaiseen saastaisuuteen, että he keskinäisissä suhteissaan häpäisevät oman ruumiinsa. 25He ovat vaihtaneet Jumalan totuuden valheeseen, he ovat kunnioittaneet ja palvelleet luotua eivätkä Luojaa – olkoon hän ikuisesti ylistetty, aamen. 26
ellauri155.html on line 642: These truths we hold as evident
ellauri155.html on line 657: Liberaalit riisuvat ihmisen sosiaalisista ja yhteiskunnallisista suhteista, jotka muovaavat tämän toimijuutta. Jäljelle jää yksilön ja omaisuuden suhde. Kaikki ihmisen toiminta palautetaan tähän sbuhteeseen, siis omistamiseksi, kuluttamiseksi tai sijoittamiseksi. Samalla pösilö käsitetään vapaaksi ulkoisesta pakosta eli väitetään, että yhteiskunnallisiin konflikteihin ei ole pakko osallistua. Eihän niitä olekaan, on vaan laiskojen yxilöiden pahaa oloa.
ellauri155.html on line 684: - Rom. 8:30
- “and whom He predestined, these He also called; and whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.”
ellauri155.html on line 689: You must also note that God predestines people such as Paul and his friends in Rom. 8:30, and Eph. 1:5, 11. There is, however, controversy as to the nature of this predestination. In the Reformed (Calvinist) camp, predestination includes individuals. In other words, the Reformed doctrine of predestination is that God predestines whom He wants to be saved and that without this predestination, none would be saved. The non-Reformed camp states that God predestines people to salvation, but that these people freely choose to follow God on their own. In other words, in the non-Reformed perspective, God is reacting to the will of individuals and predestining them only because they choose God, whereby contrast the Reformed position states that people choose God only because He has first predestined them. I must say that the non-reformed position 2) sounds like gobbledygook. Either you get predestined or you don´t, what the fuck. Who was it that thought predestination and free will were compatible, was it Hume? Yes it was! The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy paper on this topic is so wordy that it needed translating into Basic English.
ellauri155.html on line 715: No entä sitten toi rangaistavuus? Höh ei sekään vaadi mitään lisäpohdintaa. Symbaaleja läimivä apina lähtee räimimään toiseen suuntaan kun se saa ao. potkun perseeseen, siinä kaikki. Jos se ei vaihda takilaa sen takia eze on vähiten kivuliainta, eli nk. vapaasta tahdosta, se on syyntakeeton, ja se on paras panna instituutioon niinkuin John Calvin. Näiden juttujen pohtiminenkin on osa tätä samaa mekanismia.
ellauri155.html on line 719: The incompatibilist maintains that if our willings and choices are themselves determined by antecedent causes then we could never choose otherwise than we do. Given the antecedent causal conditions, we must always act as we do. We cannot, therefore, be held responsible for our conduct since, on this account, we have no “genuine alternatives” or “open possibilities” available to us. Incompatibilists, as already noted, do not accept that Hume’s notion of “hypothetical liberty”, as presented in the Enquiry, can deal with this objection. It is true, of course, that hypothetical liberty leaves room for the truth of conditionals that suggest that we could have acted otherwise if we had chosen to do so. However, it still remains the case, the incompatibilist argues, that the agent could not have chosen otherwise given the actual circumstances. Responsibility, they claim, requires categorical freedom to choose otherwise in the same circumstances. Hypothetical freedom alone will not suffice. One way of expressing this point in more general terms is that the incompatibilist holds that for responsibility we need more than freedom of action, we also need freedom of will – understood as a power to choose between open alternatives. Failing this, the agent has no ultimate control over her conduct.
ellauri155.html on line 754: By predestination we mean the eternal decree of God, by which he determined with himself whatever he wished to happen with regard to every man. All are not created on equal terms, but some are preordained to eternal life, others to eternal damnation; and, accordingly, as each has been created for one or other of these ends, we say that he has been predestinated to life or to death.
ellauri155.html on line 758: He begins with Abraham, showing how the Lord chose this man to be His special representative out of all the people of the world. Most Christians do not struggle with accepting the truth that Abraham was chosen by God, and immediately Calvin personalizes this doctrine by using Abraham.
ellauri155.html on line 767: Calvin was far more careful with this doctrine than his critics were and are. Calvin understood men would react strongly against predestination. “The human mind, when it hears this doctrine, cannot restrain its petulance, but boils and rages as if aroused by the sound of a trumpet.” People who hear the teaching of predestination rarely remain unaffected by it. Their hearts too become enflamed, either with these teachings or against them. Calvin offers caution in the wrongful handling of this doctrine.
ellauri155.html on line 791: Calvin then addresses the mistaken notion that election removes human responsibility. Many today associate John Calvin with an aberration of his teaching called Hyper-Calvinism, which is a doctrine that emphasizes divine sovereignty to the exclusion of human responsibility. Among other things, Hyper-Calvinism would deny 1) that gospel invitations are to be delivered to all people without exception; 2) that men can be urged to come to Christ; and 3) that God has a universal love. To Calvin these teachings were monstrous distortions of truth. God really loves a lot also those he chucks into the recycle bin. Except Esau, whom he hates. Vitun karvakäsi.
ellauri155.html on line 870: Strawson’s purposed to dissolve the so-called problem of determinism and responsibility by drawing a contrast between two different perspectives we can take on the world: the ‘participant’ and ‘objective’ standpoints. These perspectives involve different explanations of other people’s actions. From the objective point of view, we see people as elements of the natural world, causally manipulated and manipulable in various ways. From the participant point of view, we see others as appropriate objects of ‘reactive attitudes’, attitudes such as gratitude, anger, sympathy and resentment, which presuppose the responsibility of other people. These two perspectives are opposed to one another, but both are legitimate. In particular, Strawson argues that our reactive attitudes towards others and ourselves are natural and irrevocable. They are a central part of what it is to be human. The truth of determinism cannot, then, force us to give up the participant standpoint, because the reactive attitudes are too deeply embedded in our humanity. Fuck humanity, and fuck viewpoints. Game theory is an optimization technology used by animals. As such it forms a part of the causal net.
ellauri155.html on line 890: Santayana ei tykännyt olla professori, se oli ajautunut siihen. Se lopettikin professorin hommat 48-vuotiaana tykkänään ja lähti seikkailemaan. Varmaan homostelukin oli silleen helpompaa. In later life, Santayana was financially comfortable, in part because his 1935 novel, The Last Puritan, had become an unexpected best-seller. In turn, he financially assisted a number of writers, including Bertrand Russell, with whom he was in fundamental disagreement, philosophically and politically. Santayana´s only novel, The Last Puritan, ist ein bildungsroman, centering on the personal growth of its protagonist, Oliver Alden. His Persons and Places is an autobiography. These works also contain many of his sharper opinions and bons mots. He wrote books and essays on a wide range of subjects, including philosophy of a less technical sort, literary criticism, the history of ideas, politics, human nature, morals, the influence of religion on culture and social psychology, all with considerable wit and humor.
ellauri155.html on line 911: All times my present, everywhere my place, Kaikki ajat oli oikeita, ei mitään kiirettä,
ellauri155.html on line 988: you into the secret. And as you needn’t send more than $5,000 for the present,
ellauri155.html on line 1034: him personally or in referring to him in society. These are trifles: but the really delicate matter is how to word your letter so as to explain your interventionand conceal the identity of the person who gives the money. I have made a rough
ellauri156.html on line 49: Jalkanuotti: Kuten voi helposti laskeskella, attritiopeli on vakiintuneiden uskontojen ansaizemislogiikka, loppuarvonta Tombolalla on uusia jäseniä rekrytoivien lahkojen suosima pelitapa. On kiva jos viimesexi sisääntulleet pääsee ensimmäisixi vielä kalkkiviivoilla, ja vielä kivempää jos jonossa kiilaajat jää hännille.
ellauri156.html on line 70: This sequence of events and its accompanying tragedies is the subject of chapters 11 and 12 of 2 Samuel. I have chosen to expound these chapters in three lessons. This first lesson will deal with “David and Bathsheba,” as described in 11:1-4. In the following lesson, we will address the subject of “David and Uriah,” as told by our author in 11:5-27. The third lesson will focus on “David and Nathan,” as this confrontation is put forth in chapter 12. Our text has much to say about the sins of adultery and murder, but rest assured that it addresses much more sins than this. It is a text we all need to hear and to heed, for if a “man after God's own heart” can fall so quickly and so far, surely we are capable of similar or even bigger failures. May the Spirit of God take this portion of the Word of God and illuminate it to each of us in full color, as we come to this study.
ellauri156.html on line 74: Before we begin to look carefully at verses 1-4 of chapter 11, allow me to make a couple of comments about this event as portrayed in these two chapters of 2 Samuel. First, I want you to notice the “law of proportion” in this text. Only three verses describe David's sin of adultery with Bathsheba. Second, the author pulls no punches in describing the wickedness of this sin. History is not written in a way that makes David look good. Third, the sin of David and Bathsheba is dealt with historically, but not in a Hollywood fashion. Hollywood filmmakers would perform a remake of this account to dwell on the sensual elements. Nothing in this text is intended to inspire unclean thoughts or actions. Indeed, this story is written in a way that causes us to shudder at the thought of such things. I know it is something of a letdown, but at least myself, I was totally capable of imagining the rest. (I got 5 streetwalking girls and a wife, for God's sake.) If you need help with unclean thoughts here, please consult Gonorrhé Ballsack's Comtes Droolatiques.
ellauri156.html on line 76: Israel is at war with none other than the Ammonites (verse 1), which may come as a surprise to you as it did to me. (Well, to be honest, I thought they were the cretacean mollusks by the same name.) I thought the Ammonites had been defeated in chapter 10. I was wrong. The author is very clear on this matter. In chapter 8, the author tells how David began to engage his enemies in battle, ending the strangle-hold these surrounding nations had on Israel. David subjected the Philistines (8:1), then the Moabites (8:2), and then he took on the king of Zobah (8:3ff.). In the process, other nations became involved and found Israel too formidable an enemy to oppose again. (Notice the similarity of the situation here to the Yom Kippur War.)
ellauri156.html on line 90: Every man who is able to fight goes to war, except one -- David. David, we are told, “stayed in Jerusalem” (11:1). David's decision to stay at home in Jerusalem becomes a devastating one. The author of Samuel does not include this fact, but the Chronicler does. In 1 Chronicles 20, we read these words:
ellauri156.html on line 116: Saul shrunk back from pursuing the enemies of Israel at times, and it was sometimes David who stood in Saul's shoes, leading the nation in battle. This was the case, for example, when David fought Goliath, a battle that should have been fought by Saul, Israel's giant (see 1 Samuel 9:2). Up until now, David has been leading his men in battle, but in chapter 11, David suddenly steps back, sending others to fight for him. In 2 Samuel 12:26-31, the author makes it clear that David may not have been planning to be present for the formal surrender of Rabbah. Joab sends David a message, urging him to come and at least give the appearance of leading his army. If David does not come, Joab warns, David will not receive the glory, and it may go to Joab. Joab knows that David knows this is not the way it was meant to be. And so it is that David makes a formal appearance to be the “official” leader at the time of the surrender of the city of Rabbah.
ellauri156.html on line 118: So the sin was not to bask in reflected glory. David is wrong in yet another way, a way he would hardly have realized at the time. David is a prototype of the Messiah who was yet to come as God's King. When Messiah comes, it is He who brings about the deliverance of His people. It is He who will come to subdue His enemies and to establish His throne. How can David represent Messiah as he reigns by staying at home and refusing to enter the battle with the enemies of God and the enemies of God's people? Messiah will come (the second time) as a mighty warrior. If David would portray Him, then he must be a mighty warrior.
ellauri156.html on line 209: A second reason may be boredom. Something you my dear remaining readers know by now. It is one thing to fight battles in which the enemy is quickly overcome. But the besieging of Rabbah is a whole different kind of war. This battle will not be won so quickly. It will take time to starve the Ammonites to the point that they surrender. It is not a very exciting kind of war to wage. And while they wait, the Israelite soldiers (which includes David) have to pitch their tents outside the city, living in the open field. This is no picnic, and David knows it. David's attitude seems reflected in the advertising slogan of a major hamburger chain, “You deserve a break today.”
ellauri156.html on line 234: As I read these verses in 2 Samuel, I am reminded of the Alfred Hitchcock movie, “Rear Window.” If my memory is correct, Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly star in this thriller about a photographer who is recovering from an injury and confined to his apartment. From out of his “rear window,” Stewart watches his neighbors through their windows. Eventually he uncovers a murder and is almost killed himself, along with his girlfriend. Älä pieni perssilmä kazo minne vain.
ellauri156.html on line 285: 7 It came about after these events that his master's wife looked with desire at Joseph, and she said, “Lie with me.” 8 But he refused and said to his master's wife, “Behold, with me here, my master does not concern himself with anything in the house, and he has put all that he owns in my charge. 9 “There is no one greater in this house than I, and he has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do this great evil and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:7-9).
ellauri156.html on line 297: And so David sends messengers to her, who take her and bring her to him. When she arrives, David sleeps with her, and when she is purified from her uncleanness,38 she returns to her house. That is that. (Mikä uncleanliness? Meneekö Bathsheba Joen Bideniin ja pesee Taavin runkut pois?) If she had not become pregnant, I have little doubt she would never have darkened the door of David's house again. David does not seek a wife in Bathsheba. He does not even seek an affair. He wants one night of sex with this woman, and then he will let Uriah have her. (Häh? Oliko Bathsheba niin huono hoito vai? Eikös sitä olis voinut toistamiseenkin rotkauttaa? Bathshebalta ei nähtävästi mitään kysytty missään vaiheessa. Eikun x-asentoon Taavin sängylle ja melaa mekkoon.)
ellauri156.html on line 307: When we read of this incident, we do so through Western eyes. We live in a day when a woman has the legal right to say “No” at any point in a romantic relationship. If the man refuses to stop, that is regarded as a violation of her rights; it is regarded as rape. It didn't work that way for women in the ancient Near East. Lot could offer his virgin daughters to the wicked men of Sodom, to protect strangers who were his guests, and there was not one word of protest from his daughters when he did so (Genesis 19:7-8). Even less later, when they asked their father Lot to fuck them at will. These virgins were expected to obey their father, who was in authority over them. Michal was first given to David as his wife, and then Saul took her back and gave her to another man. And then David took her back (1 Samuel 25:44; 2 Samuel 3:13-16). Apparently Michal had no say in this whole sequence of events. Oh, those days of innocence!
ellauri156.html on line 347: Sins of commission are often the result of sins of omission. David committed sin by his adultery with Bathsheba and later by the murder of her husband, but these sins were borne out of David's omissions which came to pass when he stayed home, rather than go to war. These sins of omission are often difficult to recognize in ourselves or others, but they are there. And after a while, they incline us to more open sins, as we see in David.
ellauri156.html on line 359: 1 My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous; 2 and he himself is the propitiation (placation) for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world (1 John 2:1-2).
ellauri156.html on line 370: 1. Ja Herra puhui Moosekselle ja Aaronille sanoen: 2. "Puhukaa israelilaisille ja sanokaa heille: Jos jollakin, kenellä tahansa, on elimestään liman vuoto, on hänen vuotonsa saastainen. 3. Hänen vuotonsa saastaisuus on sellainen, että hän, niin hyvin silloin, kun hänen elimestään vuotaa, kuin silloin, kun hänen elimensä pidättää vuodon, on saastainen. 4. Jokainen vuode, jossa vuotoa sairastava lepää, tulee saastaiseksi, ja jokainen istuin, jolla hän istuu, tulee saastaiseksi. 5. Ja se, joka koskee hänen vuoteeseensa, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 6. Ja se, joka istuu istuimelle, jolla vuotoa sairastava on istunut, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 7. Ja se, joka koskee vuotoa sairastavan ruumiiseen, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 8. Ja jos vuotoa sairastava sylkee puhtaan ihmisen päälle, niin tämä pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 9. Ja jokainen satula, jossa vuotoa sairastava ratsastaa, tulee saastaiseksi. 10. Ja jokainen, joka koskee mihin hyvänsä, mikä on ollut hänen allaan, olkoon saastainen iltaan asti; ja joka sellaista kantaa, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 11. Ja jokainen, johon vuotoa sairastava koskee, ennenkuin on huuhtonut kätensä vedessä, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 12. Ja saviastia, johon vuotoa sairastava koskee, rikottakoon; mutta jokainen puuastia huuhdottakoon vedessä. 13. Ja kun vuotoa sairastava tulee puhtaaksi vuodostansa, niin hän laskekoon puhtaaksi-tulemisestaan seitsemän päivää ja sitten pesköön vaatteensa ja pesköön ruumiinsa raikkaassa vedessä, niin hän on puhdas. 14. Ja kahdeksantena päivänä hän ottakoon kaksi metsäkyyhkystä tai kaksi kyyhkysenpoikaa ja tulkoon Herran eteen ilmestysmajan ovelle ja antakoon ne papille. 15. Ja pappi uhratkoon ne, toisen syntiuhriksi ja toisen polttouhriksi. Näin pappi toimittakoon Herran edessä hänelle sovituksen hänen vuodostansa. 16. Kun miehellä on ollut siemenvuoto, pesköön hän koko ruumiinsa vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 17. Ja jokainen vaatekappale ja jokainen nahka, johon siemenvuotoa on tullut, pestäköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 18. Ja kun mies on maannut naisen kanssa ja vuodattanut siemenensä, peseytykööt he vedessä ja olkoot saastaiset iltaan asti.
ellauri156.html on line 372: 19. Ja kun naisella on vuoto, niin että verta vuotaa hänen ruumiistansa, olkoon hän kuukautistilassaan seitsemän päivää, ja jokainen, joka häneen koskee, olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 20. Ja kaikki, minkä päällä hän lepää kuukautistilansa aikana, tulee saastaiseksi, ja kaikki, minkä päällä hän istuu, tulee saastaiseksi. 21. Ja jokainen, joka hänen vuoteeseensa koskee, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 22. Ja jokainen, joka koskee istuimeen, mihin hyvänsä, jolla hän on istunut, pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 23. Ja jos joku koskee esineeseen, joka on hänen vuoteellaan tai istuimella, jolla hän on istunut, olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 24. Ja jos mies makaa hänen kanssaan ja hänen kuukautistansa tulee hänen päällensä, olkoon hän saastainen seitsemän päivää, ja jokainen vuode, jossa hän lepää, tulee saastaiseksi. 25. Jos naisen verenvuoto kestää kauan aikaa, vaikka ei ole hänen kuukautisaikansa, tahi jos se jatkuu hänen kuukautisaikansa ohitse, pidettäköön hänet koko vuotonsa ajan saastaisena, niinkuin hänen kuukautisaikanaankin; hän on saastainen. 26. Jokaisesta vuoteesta, jossa hän lepää vuotonsa aikana, olkoon voimassa, mitä on säädetty hänen kuukautisaikana käyttämästään vuoteesta; ja jokainen istuin, jolla hän istuu, tulee saastaiseksi niinkuin hänen kuukautisaikanaankin. 27. Ja jokainen, joka niihin koskee, tulee saastaiseksi; hän pesköön vaatteensa ja peseytyköön vedessä ja olkoon saastainen iltaan asti. 28. Mutta kun hän tulee puhtaaksi vuodostansa, laskekoon seitsemän päivää, ja sitten hän on puhdas. 29. Ja kahdeksantena päivänä hän ottakoon kaksi metsäkyyhkystä tai kaksi kyyhkysenpoikaa ja tuokoon ne papille, ilmestysmajan ovelle. 30. Ja pappi uhratkoon toisen syntiuhriksi ja toisen polttouhriksi. Näin pappi toimittakoon Herran edessä hänelle sovituksen hänen saastaisesta vuodostaan. 31. Näin teidän on varoitettava israelilaisia saastaisuudesta, etteivät he saastaisuudessansa kuolisi, jos saastuttavat minun asumukseni, joka on heidän keskellänsä." 32. Tämä on laki miehestä, joka sairastaa vuotoa, ja miehestä, jolla on siemenvuoto ja joka tulee siitä saastaiseksi, 33. ja naisesta, jolla on kuukautisensa, ja miehestä ja naisesta, jotka sairastavat jotakin vuotoa, sekä miehestä, joka makaa saastaisen naisen kanssa.
ellauri156.html on line 378: Twenty-five years ago, hotel personnel noticed that a stairwell door lock had been taped in the open position. Burglars had broken in to readjust some of the bugging equipment installed in an earlier break-in in May. No one really seemed able to explain just what these burglars expected to gain from their crime.
ellauri156.html on line 396: (1) It seems likely that David and Uriah are hardly strangers, but that they know each other, to some degree at least. Uriah is listed among the mighty warriors of David (2 Samuel 23:39; 1 Chronicles 11:41). Some of the “mighty men” came to David early, while he was in the cave of Adullam (1 Samuel 22:1-2), and we suspect that among them were Joab, Abishai, and Asahel, the three brothers who were mighty men (see 2 Samuel 23:18, 24; 1 Chronicles 11:26).39 Others joined David at Ziklag (1 Chronicles 12:1ff.), and still other great warriors joined with David at Hebron (1 Chronicles 12:38-40).40 We do not know when and where Uriah joined with David, but since his military career ends in 2 Samuel 12, his military feats must have been done earlier. It seems very unlikely that David and Uriah are strangers; rather, it would seem these two men know each other from fighting together, and perhaps even from fleecing Saul together, or maybe Uriah had been a dear brother to David like his old Jonathan.
ellauri156.html on line 415: David and Bathsheba is a 1951 historical Technicolor epic film about King David made by 20th Century Fox. It was directed by King Saul, produced by Dog, a.k.a. Zanuck, from a screenplay by Philip Dunno. The cinematography was by Leon Shameonyou. Gregory Peck stars as King David and the film follows King David's life as he adjusts to ruling as a King, and about his relationship with Uriah's wife Bathsheba, played by Susan Wayward. Goliath of Gath was portrayed by 203 cm-tall (6'8") Lithuanian wrestler Walter Talun. These days Walter would no longer get a bench seat in a high-school basketball team.
ellauri156.html on line 437: The United States of America was also born on July 4th, the date proposed for David's birth. Is that of any significance? If so, there will also be at least another witness, according to what has been discovered so far in the research. It turns out that Thu 4 Jul 1776 was also 17 Tammuz on the Hebrew calendar as was David's birth, so it may not be by chance that the nation which consistently sides with modern-day Israel was born on David's birthday.
ellauri156.html on line 469: Uriah leaves David's presence. Now David adds a further touch. He sends a “present from the king” after, or with, Uriah. How we would love to know just what that “gift” was. Was it a night for two at the Jerusalem Hilton? Was it dinner and dancing at a romantic restaurant? I think we can safely say this: (1) We are not told what the present was. (2) We are not supposed to know, or it would not add to the story for us to know what it was. (3) Whatever it was, it was very carefully planned to facilitate David's scheme of getting Uriah to bed with his wife, as quickly as possible.
ellauri156.html on line 471: Uriah has to understand what the king is suggesting. Who wouldn't want to go home and enjoy his wife after some time of separation, thanks to the war with the Ammonites? Instead, we are told that Uriah never leaves the king's house. He sleeps in the doorway of the king's house, in the presence of a number of the king's servants. I am inclined to understand that at least some of these servants, if not all of them, are the king's bodyguards (compare 1 Kings 14:27-28). Uriah is a soldier. He has been called to his king's presence, away from the battle. But as a faithful servant of the king, he will not enjoy a night alone with his wife; instead, he will join with those who guard the king's life. This is the way he can serve his king in Jerusalem, and so this is what he chooses to do rather than to go home. The irony is overwhelming. The king's faithful soldier spends the night guarding the 50% new life of the king in his wife's womb, the king who has taken his own wife in the night, and who will soon take his life as well. Dramatic irony.
ellauri156.html on line 475: On to plan B. David has his spies watching Uriah as though he is the enemy. (Well, he is a rival all right.) They know what David wants; he wants Uriah to go home and sleep with his wife. If they do not know all of the details of what David has done with Bathsheba (which is hard to believe) and what he intends to accomplish by Uriah's visit, they certainly know something out of the ordinary is taking place. One way or the other, David is making these servant-spies co-conspirators with him.
ellauri156.html on line 497: Uriah's words should have shocked David into a realization of the depth of his sin. The author uses these words in an ironically pivotal way. Uriah has just told David that he will not go to his own house, that he will not eat and drink and sleep with his wife.41 He has put this matter emphatically: “By your life, and the life of your soul, I will not do this thing” (verse 11). In the very next verses, David compels Uriah to “eat and drink” with him, with the hope that he will lie with his wife. And when Uriah swears by the life of the king that he will not do so, the king ends up taking Uriah's life. How ironic! How tragic! How hilarious!
ellauri156.html on line 539: His One Sin: The rabbis agree that Abner deserved this violent death, though opinions differ concerning the exact nature of the sin that entailed so dire a punishment on one who was, on the whole, considered a "righteous man" (Gen. R. lxxxii. 4). Some reproach him that he did not use his influence with Saul to prevent him from murdering the priests of Nob (Yer. Peah, i. 16a; Lev. R. xxvi. 2; Sanh. 20a)—convinced as he was of the innocence of the priests and of the propriety of their conduct toward David, Abner holding that as leader of the army David was privileged to avail himself of the Urine and Thumbeline (I Sam. xxii. 9-19). Instead of contenting himself with passive resistance to Saul's command to murder the priests (Yalḳ., Sam. 131), Abner ought to have tried to restrain the king by the balls. Others maintain that Abner did make such an attempt, but in vain (Saul had not enough to get a proper hold of), and that his one sin consisted in that he delayed the beginning of David's reign over Israel by fighting him after Saul's death for two years and a half (Sanh. l.c.). Others, again, while excusing him for this—in view of a tradition founded on Gen. xlix. 27, according to which there were to be two kings of the house of Benjamin—blame Abner for having prevented a reconciliation between Saul and David on the occasion when the latter, in holding on to the skirt of Saul's robe (I Sam. xxiv. 11), showed how unfounded was the king's mistrust of him, seeing Saul had no balls to speak of. Old Saul was inclined to be happy with a pacifier; but Abner, representing to him that the naked David might have found a piece of garment anywhere — even just a piece of sackcloth caught on a thorn — prevented the reconciliation (Yer. Peah, l.c., Lev. R. l.c., and elsewhere). Moreover, it was wrong of Abner to permit Israelitish youths to kill one another for sport (II Sam. ii. 14-16). No reproach, however, attaches to him for the death of Asahel, since Abner killed him in self-defense (Sanh. 49a).
ellauri156.html on line 552: These eight verses, devoted to the way in which Uriah's death is reported, are double the length of the account of David's sin with Bathsheba. They virtually equal the length of the account of David's dealings with Uriah. These verses begin with Joab's careful instructions to the messenger, who is to bring the news of Uriah's death to David. They conclude with the messenger's actual report and David's response to it. Why does the author devote so much time and space to the way in which Uriah's death is reported to David? Let us see if we can find the answer to this question as we look more closely at these verses.
ellauri156.html on line 568: These words of David are the frosting on the cake. They seem gracious and understanding, even sympathetic. In effect, David is saying, “Well, don't worry about it. After all, you win a few, and you lose a few. That's the way the cookie crumbles.” Uriah, a great warrior and a man of godly character (but not a Jew, mind you), has just died, and David does not express one word of grief, one expression of sorrow, not one word of tribute. Uriah dies, and David is unmoved. Contrast his response to the death of Uriah with his responses to the deaths of Saul and Jonathan (2 Samuel 1:11-27), and even of Abner (2 Samuel 3:28-39). This is not the David of a few chapters earlier. This is a hardened, callused David, callused by his own sin.
ellauri156.html on line 572: 11 Now these things happened to them as an example were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. 12 Therefore let him who thinks he stands mind the gap (1 Corinthians 10:11-12).
ellauri156.html on line 611: Stupid question, everyman has not got Dog's triceps, so how could he deliver Daniel, even if he wanted to? Well, he might have delivered Daniel to the lions, had he been all present and correct at the occasion. In the Old Testament, as in the New, God sometimes delivers His people from the hands of wicked men, but often He does not, or delivers them TO the wicked men. Their “deliverance” comes much later with the coming of the other Messiah, Lord Jesus Christ. Uriah, like all of the Old Testament saints of old, died without receiving his full reward, and that is because God wanted him to wait. Uriah, like many of the Old Testament saints, was not delivered from the hands of the wicked. This is pointed out by the author of Hebrews:
ellauri156.html on line 613: 13 All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. 14 For those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a country of their own. 15 And indeed if they had been thinking of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them. 32 And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets, 33 who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight. 35 Women received back their dead by resurrection; and others were tortured, not accepting their release, so that they might obtain a better resurrection; 36 and others experienced mockings and scourgings, yes, also chains and imprisonment. 37 They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were put to death with the sword; they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, in foreskins, being destitute, afflicted, ill-treated 38 (men of whom the world was not worthy), wandering in deserts and mountains and caves and holes in the ground. 39 And all these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised, 40 because God had provided something even better for us, to make up for the wait, so that apart from us they would not be made perfect (Hebrews 11:13-16, 32-40).
ellauri156.html on line 618: 39 We know that while David was at the cave of Adullam, his brothers and all his father’s household, along with others in distress, came to David there, fearing the wrath of Saul (1 Samuel 22:1-2). Joab, Abishai, and Asahel were all the sons of Zeruiah, the sister of David (1 Chronicles 2:16). I infer from this that these three men joined David at the time his family joined him.
ellauri156.html on line 619: 40 Note here that there was a three-day feast of David and the men who joined with him. This was certainly a time to get to know these men.
ellauri156.html on line 620: 41 Is this, by any chance, a clue as to what the “present” was that David sent after Uriah in verse 8? Was the present some “food and drink”? I wonder. 42 Uriah’s actions raise some interesting questions about those who get themselves drunk. It seems to me that our text strongly implies that even drunk, a man cannot be forced to violate his convictions, unless of course he wants to do so. I wonder how many people get drunk because they want to do what they do drunk, and they think they can blame alcohol for their own sin? It seems like another version of, “The Devil made me do it.”
ellauri156.html on line 637: It all seems to be over. David is not looking for another wife; he is not even looking for an affair. He is looking for a conquest. That should have happened on the battlefield, not in the bedroom! Things take a very different turn when Bathsheba sends word to David that she is pregnant. David first seeks to cover up his sin by ordering Joab to send Uriah home on furlough, ostensibly to give David a report on the war. David's efforts to get Uriah into bed with Bathsheba begin as subtle hints, then change to veiled orders, and then turn crass as David seeks to get Uriah to do drunk what he will not do sober. When these efforts fail (due to Uriah's noble character), David sends Uriah back to Joab, with written orders to Joab to put him to death in a way that makes it seem like a casualty of war. Joab does as he is told and sends word to David: “Mission accomplished.” It is here that our apparently never-ending story resumes.
ellauri156.html on line 658: Psalm 32 is one of two psalms (the other is Psalm 51) in which David himself reflects on his sin, his repentance, and his recovery. Verses 3 and 4 of Psalm 32 are the focus of my attention at this point in time. These verses fit between chapters 11 and 12 of 2 Samuel. The confrontation of David by Nathan Zuckermann the prophet, described in 2 Samuel 12, results in David's repentance and confession. But this repentance is not just the fruit of Nathan's rebuke; it is also David's response to the work God has been doing in David's heart before he confesses, while he is still attempting to conceal his sin.
ellauri156.html on line 660: In these verses, David makes it clear that God is at work even when it does not appear to be so. During the time David tries to cover up his sin, God is at work exposing it in his heart. These are not times of pleasure and joy, as Satan would like us to conclude; they are days of misery. David is plagued with guilt. He cannot sleep, and it seems he cannot eat. Worst of all, he cannot fuck. He is not sleeping nights, and he is losing weight. Whether or not David recognizes it as God who is at work in him, he does know he is miserable. It is this misery which tenderizes David, preparing him for the rebuke Nathan Zuckermann is to bring, preparing him for repentance. David's repentance is not the result of David's assessment of his situation; it is the result of divine intervention. Hey wait? If that is the case, where is the much-advertised free will? He has gone so far in sin that he cannot think straight. God is at work in David's life to break him, so that he will once again cast himself upon God for grace. He has good experience in casting himself upon folk, from Saul thru Jonathan to Bathsheba.
ellauri156.html on line 679: Second, note that Nathan is sent to David. Twelve times in the last chapter the word “sent” is employed by the author. A number of these instances refer to David “sending” someone or “sending” for someone. David is a man of power and authority, and so he can “send out” for whatever he wants, including the death of Uriah. Now, it is God who does the “sending.” Herra se on herrallakin. Is David impressed with his power and authority? Has he gotten used to “sending” people to do his work for him (like sending Joab and all Israel to fight the Ammonites)? Let David take note that God is sending Nathan. He is a godsend to Dave.
ellauri156.html on line 734: God speaks to David as though he has forgotten these things, or rather as though he has come to take credit for them himself. Everything David possesses has been given to him by God. Has it been so long since David was a lowly shepherd boy that he has forgotten? David is a “rich” man because God has made him rich. And if he does not think he is rich enough, God will give more to him. David has begun to cling to his “riches,” rather than to cling to the God who made him rich.
ellauri156.html on line 738: I fear some of us tend to miss the point here. We read Nathan's story and we hear Nathan's rebuke as though David's sin is all about sex. David does commit a sexual sin when he takes Bathsheba and sleeps with her, knowing she is a married woman. But this sexual sin is symptomatic, according to Nathan, and thus according to God. God is not just saying, “Shame on you, David. Look at all the wives and concubines you had to sleep with. And if none of these women pleased you, I could have given you another woman, just one that was not already married.” Wow, this is the same 'gotcha' as with Adam earlier: I give you about anything as long as you keep your fingers off my property.
ellauri156.html on line 742: We can see now why David wrote these words in Psalm 51:4: “Against Thee, Thee only, I have sinned. Never mind the neighbors.”
ellauri156.html on line 744: First and foremost, David's sin is against God. He has ceased to humbly acknowledge God as the Giver of all he possesses. He has ceased to look to God to provide him with all his needs -- and his desires. David has not only ceased to ask God to supply his needs, he has disobeyed God's commands by committing adultery and murder. David's sin against God manifests itself by the evils he commits against others. Nathan outlines these, employing a repetitive “you:”
ellauri156.html on line 766: The evil David commits against others is clear disobedience to the revealed Word of God. David is a “man after God's own heart,” and yet in this instance, David “despised the Word of the Lord.” While David does repent and the guilt of his sin is forgiven, these consequences will not be reversed. These consequences are just; they fit the crime David committed. He used the sword of the Ammonites to kill Uriah, and so the sword will not depart from his house. He took the wife of another man, and so his own wives will be taken by another, another from his own house.
ellauri156.html on line 782: (4) David's sin was not intended as an excuse for us to sin, but as a warning to all of us how capable we are of sin. I have heard it said more times than I wish to recall, “Well, even David sinned. . . .” What they mean is, “How can you expect me not to sin? If David, as spiritual as he was, sinned as he did, then how can you expect me to do any better?” Fair enough. But Where these guys go wrong is that they are not Gawds petlambs, no preferential treatment is in the offing for them. Gawd will cross them like cockroaches. Or leece.
ellauri156.html on line 794: Silloin Herra suivaantuneena lähetti kansan sekaan myrkkykäärmeitä, jotka purivat kansaa, niin että paljon kansaa Israelista kuoli. 7 Niin kansa tuli Mooseksen luo, ja he sanoivat: "Me teimme syntiä, kun puhuimme Herraa ja sinua vastaan. Rukoile Herraa, että hän poistaa käärmeet meidän kimpustamme." Ja Mooses rukoili kansan puolesta. 8 Silloin Herra sanoi Moosekselle: "Tee itsellesi käärme ja pane se tangon päähän, niin jokainen purtu, joka siihen katsoo, jää eloon". 9 Niin Mooses teki vaskikäärmeen ja pani sen tangon päähän; jos ketä käärmeet sitten purivat ja tämä katsoi vaskikäärmeeseen, niin hän jäi eloon. HUOM! tää vaskikäärme ei sunkaan ollut epäjumala, vaan ihan vaan tollanen niinkö maskotti.
ellauri156.html on line 810: Note that this last part is full of Saulus quotes. Whenever evangelists are about to finish they pepper their talk with these Saulus quotes. I guess it is because Saulus' job was so close to their own: first scare the suckers and then sugar the medicine.
ellauri156.html on line 812: That is precisely what the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ does for us. We were dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1-3). We were blinded to the immensity of our sins (2 Corinthians 4:4). The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, His perfect life, His innocent and sacrificial death, His literal and physical resurrection are all historical events. But the gospel is also a story, a true story. When we read the New Testament Gospels, we read a story that is even more dramatic, more amazing, more disturbing than the story Nathan told David. When we see the way unbelieving men treated our Lord, we should be shocked, horrified, and angered. We should cry out, “They deserve to die!” And that they do. But the Gospel is not written only to show us their sins -- those who actually heard Jesus and cried, “Crucify Him, Crucify Him” -- it is written so that the Spirit of God can cry out in our hearts, “Thou art the man! Yo mon!” When we see the way men treated Jesus, we see the way we would treat him, if he were here. We see how we treat him today. With laughter and ridicule. And that, my friend, reveals the immensity of our sin, and the immensity of our need for repentance and forgiveness. Words, words, words. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
ellauri156.html on line 820: 43 I should also say that other translations don’t seem to follow the NASB in dealing with these words as poetry.
ellauri158.html on line 304: -- P. 1. prop. 32. coroll. 2. Sequitur 2. voluntatem et intellectum ad Dei naturam ita sese habere, ut motus et quies, et absolute, ut omnia naturalia, quae a Deo ad existendum et operandum certo modo determinari debent ... [in: P. 2. prop. 3. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 387: The term was coined by the German philosopher Karl Krause in 1828 to distinguish the ideas of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling (1775–1854) about the relation of God and the universe from the supposed pantheism of Baruch Spinoza, after reviewing Hindu scriptures. Unlike pantheism, which holds that the divine and the universe are identical, panentheism maintains an ontological distinction between the divine and the non-divine and the significance of both. In panentheism, the universal spirit is present everywhere, which at the same time "transcends" all things created.
ellauri158.html on line 428: idealismin vuoxi liian vähän mahd. maailmoja, kun on vaan tää oma pää. Eikös Barwisellekin tullut tässä trenkkapoo? Wittgenstein seniorin piti kexiä kielipelit ymmärtääxeen miten se kaikki tapahtuu. Se oli tosi naivia. Ja sitä privaattikieliargumenttia mä en liioin tajua. Se vaikuttaa joltain solipsistiseltä hätähuudolta, vähän samanlaiselta kuin cogito. Haloo! onko täällä ketään? Mixi ylipäänsä on mitään mixei mieluummin ole mitään? Tottakai voi kexiä omia kieliä, sitähän mä tein koko ajan pienenä. Tuntuu päättömältä ja nurinkuriselta lähteä liikenteeseen oman pään sisältä ja jotenkin pyrkiä sitten sieltä ulos kuin joku pimppari stidiloodasta. Täytyy olla tosi narsisti tai skizo edes miettiääxeen sellasta. Siili sanoi aivan oikein että tieto omasta päästä on epävarminta, ei siitä pie lähteä.
ellauri158.html on line 575: P. 2. prop. 17. Si humanum corpus affectum est modo, qui naturam corporis alicuius externi involvit, mens humana idem corpus externum ut actu existens, vel ut sibi praesens contemplabitur, donec corpus afficiatur affectu, qui eiusdem corporis existentiam vel praesentiam secludat. [in: P. 2. prop. 17. coroll., P. 2. prop. 19., prop. 44. schol., prop. 47., P. 3. prop. 11. schol., prop. 12., prop. 13., prop. 18., prop. 18. schol. 1., prop. 19., prop. 25., prop. 28., prop. 56., P. 4. prop. 1. schol., prop. 9., P. 5. prop. 7.]
ellauri158.html on line 579: -- P. 2. prop. 17. coroll. Mens corpora externa, a quibus corpus humanum semel affectum fuit, quamvis non existant nec praesentia sint, contemplari tamen poterit, velut praesentia essent. [in: P. 2. prop. 17. schol., prop. 18., prop. 40. schol. 1., prop. 44. schol., P. 3. prop. 18., prop. 25., prop. 30. schol., prop. 47. schol., P. 4. prop. 13.]
ellauri158.html on line 686: Huom. Esim. Siili on mielestään esittänyt jumalan eli luonnon toiminnan asialliseseti. Yet there still remain misconceptions not a few, which might and may prove very grave hindrances to the understanding of the concatenation of things, as I have explained it above. I have therefore thought it worth while to bring these misconceptions before the bar of reason.
ellauri158.html on line 692: All men are born ignorant of the causes of things, that all have the desire to seek for what is useful to them, and that they are conscious of such desire. Herefrom it follows, first, that men think themselves free inasmuch as they are conscious of their volitions and desires, and never even dream, in their ignorance, of the causes which have disposed them so to wish and desire. Secondly, that men do all things for an end, namely, for that which is useful to them, and which they seek. Thus it comes to pass that they only look for a knowledge of the final causes of events, and when these are learned, they are content, as having no cause for further doubt. If they cannot learn such causes from external sources, they are compelled to turn to considering themselves, and reflecting what end would have induced them personally to bring about the given event, and thus they necessarily judge other natures by their own. Further, as they find in themselves and outside themselves many means which assist them not a little in the search for what is useful, for instance, eyes for seeing, teeth for chewing, herbs and animals for yielding food, the sun for giving light, the sea for breeding fish, &c., they come to look on the whole of nature as a means for obtaining such conveniences. Now as they are aware, that they found these conveniences and did not make them, they think they have cause for believing, that some other being has made them for their use. As they look upon things as means, they cannot believe them to be self—created; but, judging from the means which they are accustomed to prepare for themselves, they are bound to believe in some ruler or rulers of the universe endowed with human freedom, who have arranged and adapted everything for human use. They are bound to estimate the nature of such rulers (having no information on the subject) in accordance with their own nature, and therefore they assert that the gods ordained everything for the use of man, in order to bind man to themselves and obtain from him the highest honor.
ellauri158.html on line 694: Hence also it follows, that everyone thought out for himself, according to his abilities, a different way of worshipping God, so that God might love him more than his fellows, and direct the whole course of nature for the satisfaction of his blind cupidity and insatiable avarice. Thus the prejudice developed into superstition, and took deep root in the human mind; and for this reason everyone strove most zealously to understand and explain the final causes of things; but in their endeavor to show that nature does nothing in vain, i.e. nothing which is useless to man, they only seem to have demonstrated that nature, the gods, and men are all mad together. Consider, I pray you, the result: among the many helps of nature they were bound to find some hindrances, such as storms, earthquakes, diseases, &c.: so they declared that such things happen, because the gods are angry at some wrong done to them by men, or at some fault committed in their worship. Experience day by day protested and showed by infinite examples, that good and evil fortunes fall to the lot of pious and impious alike; still they would not abandon their inveterate prejudice, for it was more easy for them to class such contradictions among other unknown things of whose use they were ignorant, and thus to retain their actual and innate condition of ignorance, than to destroy the whole fabric of their reasoning and start afresh. They therefore laid down as an axiom, that God´s judgments far transcend human understanding. Such a doctrine might well have sufficed to conceal the truth from the human race for all eternity, if mathematics had not furnished another standard of verity in considering solely the essence and properties of figures without regard to their final causes. There are other reasons (which I need not mention here) besides mathematics, which might have caused men´s minds to be directed to these general prejudices, and have led them to the knowledge of the truth.
ellauri158.html on line 794: P. 3. prop. 18. Homo ex imagine rei praeteritae aut futurae eodem laetitiae et tristitiae affectu afficitur, ac ex imagine rei praesentis. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 14., aff. defin. 15., P. 4. prop. 9. schol., prop. 12.]
ellauri158.html on line 936: P. 3. aff. defin. 5. Contemptus est rei alicuius imaginatio, quae mentem adeo parum tangit, ut ipsa mens ex rei praesentia magis moveatur ad ea imaginandum, quae in ipsa re non sunt, quam quae in ipsa sunt.
ellauri158.html on line 991: P. 4. defin. 6. Quid per affectum erga rem futuram, praesentem, et praeteritam intelligam, explicui in schol. 1. et 2. prop. 18. P. 3. quod vide. [in: P. 4. prop. 10. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 997: P. 4. prop. 1. Nihil, quod idea falsa positivum habet, tollitur praesentia veri, quatenus verum. [in: P. 4. prop. 14.]
ellauri158.html on line 1002: -- P. 4. prop. 4. coroll. Hinc sequitur, hominem necessario passionibus esse semper obnoxium, communemque naturae ordinem sequi et eidem parere, seseque eidem, quantum rerum natura exigit, accommodare. [in: P. 4. prop. 37. schol. 2., etiam in: TP cap. 1. art. 5.]
ellauri158.html on line 1008: P. 4. prop. 9. Affectus, cuius causam in praesenti nobis adesse imaginamur, fortior est, quam si eandem non adesse imaginaremur. [in: P. 4. prop. 10., prop. 11., prop. 13
ellauri158.html on line 1011: -- P. 4. prop. 9. coroll. Imago rei futurae vel praeteritae, hoc est, rei, quam cum relatione ad tempus futurum vel praeteritum secluso praesenti contemplamur, ceteris paribus debilior est imagine rei praesentis, et consequenter affectus erga rem futuram vel praeteritam, ceteris paribus remissior est affectu erga rem praesentem. [in: P. 4. prop. 12. coroll., prop. 16., prop. 60. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 1012: P. 4. prop. 10. Erga rem futuramm, quam cito affuturam imaginamur, intensius afficimur quam si eius existendi tempus longius a praesenti distare imaginaremur; et memoria rei, quam non diu praeteriisse imaginamur, intensius etiam afficimur, quam si eandem diu praeteriisse imaginaremur. [in: P. 4. prop. 12. coroll.]
ellauri158.html on line 1015: P. 4. prop. 12. Affectus erga rem, quam scimus in praesenti non existere et quam ut possibilem imaginamur, ceteris paribus intensior est, quam erga contingentem. [in: P. 4. prop. 12. coroll.]
ellauri158.html on line 1016: -- P. 4. prop. 12. coroll. Affectus erga rem, quam scimus in praesenti non existere et quam ut contingentem imaginamur, multo remissior est, quam si rem in praesenti nobis adesse imaginaremur. [in: P. 4. prop. 17.]
ellauri158.html on line 1017: P. 4. prop. 13. Affectus erga rem contingentem, quam scimus in praesenti non existere, ceteris paribus remissior est, quam affectus erga rem praeteritam.
ellauri158.html on line 1020: P. 4. prop. 16. Cupiditas, quae ex cognitione boni et mali, quatenus haec cognitio futurum respicit, oritur, facilius rerum cupiditate, quae in praesentia suaves sunt, coerceri vel restingui potest. [in: P. 4. prop. 17., prop. 62. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 1021: P. 4. prop. 17. Cupiditas, quae oritur ex vera boni et mali cognitione, quatenus haec circa res contingentes versatur, multo adhuc facilius coerceri potest cupiditate rerum, quae praesentes sunt.
ellauri158.html on line 1029: P. 4. prop. 22. Nulla virtus potest prior hac (nempe conatu sese conservandi) concipi. [in: P. 4. prop. 22. coroll.]
ellauri158.html on line 1030: -- P. 4. prop. 22. coroll. Conatus sese conservandi primum et unicum virtutis est fundamentum. [in: P. 4. prop. 24., prop. 25., prop. 26., prop. 56., P. 5. prop. 41.]
ellauri158.html on line 1091: P. 4. prop. 57. Superbus parasitorum seu adulatorum praesentiam amat, generosorum autem odit.
ellauri158.html on line 1114: P. 4. prop. 62. Quatenus mens ex rationis dictamine res concipit, aeque afficitur, sive idea sit rei futurae vel praeteritae, sive praesentis. [in: P. 4. prop. 66.]
ellauri158.html on line 1124: P. 4. prop. 66. Bonum maius futurum prae minore praesenti, et malum praesens, quod causa est futura alicuius mali, ex rationis ductu appetemus. [in: P. 4. prop. 66. coroll.]
ellauri158.html on line 1125: -- P. 4. prop. 66. coroll. Malum praesens minus, quod est causa maioris futuri boni, ex rationis ductu appetemus, et bonum praesens minus, quod causa est maioris futuri mali, negligemus.
ellauri158.html on line 1131: -- P. 4. prop. 69. coroll. Homini igitur libero aeque magnae animositati fuga in tempore, ac pugna ducitur; sive homo liber eadem animositate seu animi praesentia, qua certamen, fugam eligit.
ellauri158.html on line 1195: P. 5. prop. 29. Quicquid mens sub specie aeternitatis intelligit, id ex eo non intelligit, quod corporis praesentem actualem existentiam concipit; sed ex eo, quod corporis essentiam concipit sub specie aeternitatis. [in: P. 5. prop. 31., prop. 32. coroll., prop. 37., prop. 38., prop. 40. coroll.]
ellauri159.html on line 403: You shall set up these stones, which I command you today, on Mount Gerizim.
ellauri159.html on line 565: There is no single document about the knightly code that lists all the virtues like this. It’s a modern interpretation of several documents that outline some kind of behavioral code for knights. Between 1170 and 1220 there were several documents outlining a code of conduct for knights but there wasn’t a decision made to use a single one. The overarching idea of these virtues was “chivalry”. Chivalry originated in the Holy Roman Empire from the idealization of the cavalryman. Military bravery, individual training, and service to others—especially in Francia, among horse soldiers in Charlemagne’s cavalry.
ellauri159.html on line 569: It’s almost like the knightly virtues are the ideal masculine character. And in my opinion these virtues are a good ideal to strive towards. This is something to keep in mind. This code wasn’t meant for everyone. It’s for soldiers on horses, you know, knights… This combination of virtues is supposed to be the best possible behavior of a knight, a soldier, a fighting man. There is no mention of women and children anywhere. Naiset ja lapset ja homot ruikulikakat älkööt vaivautuko. Tää on kovien poikien leikkiä.
ellauri159.html on line 590: - More than just a safety net in times of tragedy, hope is present every day in a modern knight’s positive outlook and cheerful demeanor — the shining armor that shields him or her, and inspires people all around.
ellauri159.html on line 646: A knight needs both perseverance and patience. Perseverance is staying with a project or battle until it is finished. Patience is tolerating a pain in the ass, like the Reverend Billy Graham, these two virtues are interrelated.
ellauri159.html on line 686: But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk, or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure, or greedy person—such a man is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
ellauri159.html on line 722: Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
ellauri159.html on line 725: Tää olis sitä ilmasexi pyytämistä tai antamista myöhemmän takaisinmaxun toivossa. Put simply, grace is getting what you do not deserve (e.g., a blessing or a reward), while mercy is not getting what you deserve (e.g., a punishment). ¡Gracias! Merci!
ellauri159.html on line 748: While the prevailing view among anthropologists was long that hunter/gatherer tribes were very peaceful — bucolic, noble savages — many modern researchers like Wrangham, Napoleon Chagnon, and Steven Pinker convincingly argue that just the opposite is true. Amongst premodern peoples who lived in proximity to neighboring tribes, there is strong evidence that conflict was in fact continual and quite bloody. Primitive human males literally aped their ancestors — forming small gangs, competing for status, and fiercely maintaining boundaries. In the few tribes that did allow women to take part in raiding parties, just like as with the chimpanzees, typically only one or two childless women would choose to come along.
ellauri159.html on line 765: Donovan argues that understanding the dynamics of these ancient honor groups is the key to understanding the essence of male psychology and how men relate to, interact, and judge each other even up through the modern day. What men respect in other men (and women find attractive), is rooted in what men wanted in the men to the left and the right of them as they stood together side-by-side on the perimeter.
ellauri159.html on line 772: To the description of the ideal perimeter-keeper outlined above, Donovan assigns four “tactical virtues”: strength, courage, mastery, and honor. These are “simple, amoral, and functional virtues” — “the practical virtues of men who must rely on one another in a worst case scenario.” They are “amoral” because they are crucial to the success of any gang — no matter if what they’re fighting for is right or wrong. Strength, courage, mastery, and honor are the attributes needed in a team of Navy SEALs just as much as a family of Mafioso. If you’ve ever wondered why we are fascinated by gangsters, pirates, bank robbers, and outlaws of all stripes, and can’t help but think of them as pretty manly despite their thuggery and extralegal activities, now you know; they’re not good men, but they’ve mastered the core fundamentals of being good at being men. So they are good men, though they are bad men. I mean.
ellauri159.html on line 778: Courage: The spirit /will/discipline to engage and employ one’s strength when inwardly tempted to shrink/run/hide. There are “higher” forms of courage, but at its most fundamental, it represents an outwardly demonstrated indifference to risk, pain, and physical danger.
ellauri159.html on line 785: The key to upholding honor in a male gang is to always try to pull your own weight – to seek to be a boon rather than a burden to the group. If a man lacks in physical strength, he might make up for it in the area of mastery – being the group’s best tracker, weapons-maker, or trap inventor; one crafty engineer can be worth more than many strong men. If a man lacks in both physical strength and mastery, he might still endear himself to the other men with a sense of humor, a knack for storytelling, or a talent in music that keeps everyone’s spirits up. Or he might act as a shaman or priest – performing rituals that prepare men for battle and cleanse and comfort them when they return from the front. The strong men of the group will usually take care of the weak ones who at least try to do whatever they can. Shame is reserved for those who will not, or cannot excel in the tactical virtues, but don’t try to contribute in some other way, and instead cultivate bitterness and disregard for the perimeter-keepers who ironically provide the opportunity to sit on one’s hands and carp. (Aki Manninen would love this.)
ellauri159.html on line 787: Strength, courage, mastery, and honor are virtues that obviously aren’t exclusive to men, and it’s not that there haven’t been women who have embodied these traits in every age (as we shall see next time, the idea of a soft, fragile femininity is a modern conception). It isn’t that women shouldn’t seek these attributes either. Rather, the tactical virtues comprise the defining traits of masculinity. If a woman isn’t strong or acts afraid in the face of danger, no one thinks of her as less womanly because of it. Yet such shortcomings will be seen as emasculating in a man, even today.
ellauri159.html on line 882: A sadder man but wiser now I sing these words to you:
ellauri159.html on line 894: For those of you who are not familiar with Myers-Briggs or the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), it is a personality profiling system based on Jung’s typological theory that was developed by Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. In the Myers-Briggs typology system, there are sixteen personality types consisting of four letters: E for extrovert or I for introvert, S for sensor or N for intuitive, T for thinker or F for feeler, and P for perceiver or J for judger. Psychologist David Keirsey later sorted these types into four temperaments. You can read more about Myers-Briggs here and find books about it here. Myers-Briggs typology can offer a lot of insight into how someone thinks, and in the case of an author, how someone writes.
ellauri159.html on line 989: Note: I referenced the type descriptions at the Center for Applications of Psychological Type. Author types are based on research and educated guesses. No one can type a person with 100% accuracy except a professional or the person him/herself. If even they.
ellauri159.html on line 1055: View writing as a form of personal expression. Often write about topics you care about, although you may not let their own beliefs shine through. Prefer to present the facts, which you may do in great detail, then let readers make up their own mind!
ellauri159.html on line 1059: Prefer to write alone in a consistent environment free of interruptions. You often find it uncomfortable to brainstorm in a group. Better research the topic first so you can be sure of getting the facts right.
ellauri159.html on line 1073: View writing as a means of disseminating information. You excel at business and scientific writing, because you organize and present data sequentially. You like to include statistics to prove the point, and to illustrate it with visuals such as charts and graphs.
ellauri159.html on line 1079: Have a large mental database of facts to draw on. These MAY include sense memories, such as the taste of grandmother’s spoon cookies or the smell of oil in their grandfather’s hair. In a creative project, you can draw on these memories to personalize your writing and bring it to life. Yes, it´s OK, go ahead! Don´t be so stuck up!
ellauri159.html on line 1125: Benefit from their first-hand experience of your subject. Immersing yourself in the sensory experience of a place or an object helps you understand it and capture its essence, so reserve time and assets to actually visit, say, a brothel.
ellauri159.html on line 1141: You Want your writing to serve a practical purpose, such as explaining how to solve a problem. You tend to be a good troubleshooter (actually, a good troublemaker and sharpshooter too) with broad, specific knowledge that they can apply in high-pressure situations. Choose topics that allow you to draw on this ability. Then, jot down your ideas while conducting your research, rather than writing in your head. That´s way too hard, it´s like shooting with blanks. This will help you focus your ideas early so you don’t waste time gathering extraneous information.
ellauri159.html on line 1163: You should have a natural sense of the harmony of language and ideas (if not, consider one of the other 15 types we have on store). If you are schizoid at all, you may hear in your mind how combinations of words sound together. Get attuned to the tone and implications. Use these qualities to incorporate your unique voice and perspective into your writing. Ultimately, that’s what readers respond to.
ellauri159.html on line 1189: You may find it difficult to create the emotional distance needed to keep your hands off your students. Don’t let a hasty feel-up skew your research. Be sure to include alternate facts and points of view. Also, be careful to avoid a cursory treatment of the subject, like in those wannabe writer guides on the web. Ask a friend or colleague to review the work, making sure you’ve provided sufficient detail.
ellauri159.html on line 1201: You enjoy colorful and figurative language, and like to infuse your work with images of your personal underware. At the same time, however, your writing may be too abstract for their readers, they want to see you inside them. During revision, add concrete details. In creative writing, appeal to the five senses and the 9 mortal sins. In freelance writing, include specifics like percentages and dollar amounts to get the audience´s attention. In technical writing, find out whether the customer needs to use a flat-head or a cross-head screwdriver (our dishwasher installer guys did not have a flathead anymore, I had to loan them one), and what the recommended torque is. These may be boring details to you, but they’re essential for your male reader. Wrong head, no screw.
ellauri159.html on line 1203: You tend to communicate passionately about your beliefs. You tend to start writing before finishing research on life, the universe, and everything, wanting to commit your half-baked insights to paper. Be sure to gather enough data to support your position, and include alternative facts for balance. This is one arena where it may be healthy to indulge your perfectionist tendencies. Get the facts right enough to maintain plausibility.
ellauri159.html on line 1224: You make the mistake to write in purely abstract terms. That just won´t do these days. You must communicate values and personal television through your writing. Nobody is interesting in abstractions. They search for the meaning behind the facts, and so consider the facts themselves to be of marginal importance. This is true; however, throw in some facts to dazzle your readers, like Bob Heinlein. During revision, add concrete details like the size of Peewee´s bra. Appeal to the five senses. Include Peeweeś vital statistics. Incorporate other points of view for balance. Make sure your research backs up your conclusion.
ellauri159.html on line 1230: You like to start projects first. You often map out their ideas to everyone to visualize the big picture before you begin writing. You sense how your various opinions flow together logically and build on one another. Because you develop a clear picture early on, you might reach a conclusion and skip writing completely before finishing your research. To ensure a balanced product, stay open to new information that may change your perspective. Don´t listen to idiots, however.
ellauri159.html on line 1283: You enjoy seeking knowledge for its own sake. Once you’ve solved the puzzle, though, you might lose interest in writing about what you’ve learned. It may be best to begin drafting even while you’re conducting your research. Treat the writing itself as a problem to solve. This may keep you energized until the project is complete.
ellauri159.html on line 1295: If they write anything but checks, their writing can have a sense of inevitability, presenting an orderly progression of facts and ideas that can lead to only one possible conclusion. Their authoritative voice can instill a sense of comfort and trust in readers. Make sure that trust is warranted—use your natural skepticism to seek out possible flaws in your reasoning and research. Steer clear of the anti-trust laws, they can cut your earnings.
ellauri159.html on line 1297: You are happy and motivated with your personal vision. Original thinkers have little regard for convention. They want things to make sense according to their own logical standards, and they will discard anything that doesn’t. For this reason, they tend to enjoy technical subjects. They often wear visual aids like Google spectacles that support and clarify their writing. If you’re one of these guys, one path to success as a writer is to draw on your natural curiosity about how things work and your talent for explaining this for others. But beware of the pitfalls!
ellauri159.html on line 1303: Setting a high standard for oneself can become frustrating if others can’t achieve it. Avoid pushing yourself toward an unprofitable goal. Tap into your desire for efficiency and recognize when 99% are expendable. And if you need help, buy it. Other people don’t want you to be perfect—they want you to pay them megabucks. That is much more interesting.
ellauri159.html on line 1329: Were I obliged to give a short name to the attitude in question, I should call it that of radical empiricism, in spite of the fact that such brief nicknames are nowhere more misleading than in philosophy. I say 'empiricism,' because it is contented to regard its most assured conclusions concerning matters of fact as hypotheses liable to modification in the course of future experience; and I say 'radical,' because it treats the doctrine of monism itself as an hypothesis, and, {viii} unlike so much of the half-way empiricism that is current under the name of positivism or agnosticism or scientific naturalism, it does not dogmatically affirm monism as something with which all experience has got to square. The difference between monism and pluralism is perhaps the most pregnant of all the differences in philosophy. Primâ facie the world is a pluralism; as we find it, its unity seems to be that of any collection; and our higher thinking consists chiefly of an effort to redeem it from that first crude form.
ellauri159.html on line 1349: He was born in 1832 and lived for eighty-six years. During that time he wrote much, but unsystematically. His favorite form of publication was letters to newspapers, mainly local newspapers with a small circulation. These letters dealt with an astonishing diversity of subjects, from local petty politics or the tricks of spiritualist mediums to principles of industry and finance and profundities of metaphysics.
ellauri159.html on line 1351: Early books included The Philosophy of Justice Between God and Man (1851) and Optimism: The Lesson of Ages (1860), a Christian mystical vision of the pursuit of happiness from Blood´s distinctly American perspective; on the title page of the book, Blood described it as "A compendium of democratic theology, designed to illustrate necessities whereby all things are as they are, and to reconcile the discontents of men with the perfect love and power of ever-present God." During his lifetime he was best known for his poetry, which included The Bride of the Iconoclast, Justice, and The Colonnades. According to Christopher Nelson, Blood was a direct influence on William James´ The Varieties of Religious Experience as well on James´s concept of Sciousness, prime reality consciousness without a sense of self.
ellauri159.html on line 1382: Hypotheses and options, 1. Pascal's wager, 5. Clifford's veto, 8. Psychological causes of belief, 9. Thesis of the Essay, 11. Empiricism and absolutism, 12. Objective certitude and its unattainability, 13. Two different sorts of risks in believing, 17. Some risk unavoidable, 19. Faith may bring forth its own verification, 22. Logical conditions of religious belief, 25.
ellauri159.html on line 1395: Rationality means fluent thinking, 63. Simplification, 65. Clearness, 66. Their antagonism, 66. Inadequacy of the abstract, 68. The thought of nonentity, 71. Mysticism, 74. Pure theory cannot banish wonder, 75. The passage to practice may restore the feeling of rationality, 75. Familiarity and expectancy, 76. 'Substance,' 80. A rational world must appear {xvi} congruous with our powers, 82. But these differ from man to man, 88. Faith is one of them, 90. Inseparable from doubt, 95. May verify itself, 96. Its rôle in ethics, 98. Optimism and pessimism, 101. Is this a moral universe?—what does the problem mean? 103. Anaesthesia versus energy, 107. Active assumption necessary, 107. Conclusion, 110.
ellauri159.html on line 1411: Solidarity of causes in the world, 216. The human mind abstracts in order to explain, 219. Different cycles of operation in Nature, 220. Darwin's distinction between causes that produce and causes that preserve a variation, 221. Physiological causes produce, the environment only adopts or preserves, great men, 225. When adopted they become social ferments, 226. Messrs. {xvii} Spencer and Allen criticised, 232. Messrs. Wallace and Gryzanowski quoted, 239. The laws of history, 244. Mental evolution, 245. Analogy between original ideas and Darwin's accidental variations, 247. Criticism of Spencer's views, 251.
ellauri159.html on line 1423: The unclassified residuum, 299. The Society for Psychical Research and its history, 303. Thought-transference, 308. Gurney's work, 309. The census of hallucinations, 312. Mediumship, 313. The 'subliminal self,' 315. 'Science' and her counter-presumptions, 317. The scientific character of Mr. Myers's work, 320. The mechanical-impersonal view of life versus the personal-romantic view, 324.
ellauri160.html on line 143: He would wear trousers made of green billiard cloth, a pink coat, a blue shirt, a tie hand-painted by a Japanese friend, an immense sombrero, a flaming beard cut to a point, and a single, large blue earring."
ellauri160.html on line 166: To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation.
ellauri160.html on line 193: Pound's translations from Old English, Latin, Italian, French and Chinese were highly disputed. According to Alexander, they made him more unpopular in some circles than the treason charge.
ellauri160.html on line 195: Robert Graves wrote in 1955: "Pound knew little Latin, yet he translated Propertius; and less Greek, but he translated Alcaeus; and still less Anglo-Saxon, yet he translated The Seafarer. I once asked Arthur Waley how much Chinese Pound knew; Waley shook his head despondently."
ellauri160.html on line 267: Nro. 3 on sekin aika egoistinen. Mixi just omaan henkilöön kohdistuneita töykeyxiä pitäis kerätä? No Seijallakin on päässä rolleiflex, josta löytyy pikaselauxella kaikki mun siihen kohdistamat vääryydet. Ja niitä ei olekaan aivan vähän! Tästä juohdumme luontevasti aiheeseen: olenko kylmiö?
ellauri160.html on line 280: Muiden kritisoiminen on tunnekylmälle helppoa. Tämä johtuu siitä, ettei tunnekylmä ihminen ymmärrä sanojensa vaikutusta. Hän ei pysty samastumaan toisen tunteeseen. Täydet pojot tästä
ellauri160.html on line 314: Francis Fukuyama was born in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, United States. His paternal grandfather fled the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 and started a shop on the west coast before being interned in the Second World War. His father, Yoshio Fukuyama, a second-generation Japanese American, was trained as a minister in the Congregational Church, received a doctorate in sociology from the University of Chicago, and taught religious studies. His mother, Toshiko Kawata Fukuyama (河田敏子), was born in Kyoto, Japan, and was the daughter of Shiro Kawata (河田嗣郎), founder of the Economics Department of Kyoto University and first president of Osaka City University. Francis grew up in Manhattan as an only child, had little contact with Japanese culture, and did not learn Japanese.
ellauri160.html on line 425: These many crowded about me; with shouting, Pyöri ympärillä, huutelivat kaikkea,
ellauri160.html on line 521: Lue myös: Mitä ihmettä? Stefan Therman nousi koneeseen, Sofia Belórfin matka kohti Dubaita katkesi tylysti.
ellauri160.html on line 583: Scholars believe the reason Jews in Babylon undertook to draw demons between the 5th and the 7th centuries has to do with a series of relaxations of the strictures, which rabbis gave the Jews as a way of dealing with the challenged posed by the increasing strength of Christianity. Fearing that Jews might prefer the new religion, the rabbis agreed to allow magic that included visual images. The demons Vilozny researched were drawn on “incantation bowls” – simple pottery vessels the insides of which were covered with inscriptions and drawings.
ellauri160.html on line 611: ELI: The creatures of the desert will encounter jackals And the hairy goat will call to its kind; Indeed, Lilith (night demon) will settle there And find herself a place of rest.
ellauri160.html on line 649: In a Kabbalistic treatise by Nathan Spira (died in 1662), it is explained that Mahlat was daughter to Ishmael and his wife, who was herself daughter of Egyptian sorcerer Kasdiel. Mother and daughter were exiled to the desert, where the demon Igrathiel mated with Mahlat and engendered Agrat or Igrat. Mahlat later became Esau's wife.
ellauri160.html on line 673: – Minulla oli pakko erotilanne suhteestani, kun Niko joutui vankilaan ja tiesin, että hän joutuu olemaan siellä pitkään. Se oli minulle shokki, että hän oli tällainen Suomen historian isoin huumekauppias. Hyppäsin tosi nopeasti uuteen suhteeseen ja en ollut vielä toipunut sydänsurustani.
ellauri160.html on line 798: Born into a theater family and cutting his teeth on stage in the 1890s, Lauri Wylie (1880-1951) penned Dinner for One, also known as The 90th Birthday, during the 1920s. It opened in London’s West End in 1948, and made it to Broadway in 1953. Prior to his success with Dinner, he co-wrote revues and operettas, some with his brother. These include a parody of Gilbert and Sullivan, the reigning kings of popular operettas.
ellauri161.html on line 52: Aiheeseen sisältyy viisautta. Oikeastihan ei ole kysymys liito-oravien suorasta toiminnasta vaan ihmisten päätöksestä. Usko siirtää moottoriteitä – eikä vain usko liito-oravan olemassaoloon, joka on lopulta triviaali seikka. Mikään ei muuttuisi, jos liito-orava lakkaisi olemasta; sehän ei kuulu tuttavapiiriimme. Pahemmalta tuntuisi tavallisen oravan sukupuutto. Mikään ei enää lohduttaisi meitä lokakuisena torstaina Tehtaankadulla.
ellauri161.html on line 97: The denial of Christ's two natures -- which created heretical groups such as Monophysitism, Eutychianism, Monothelitism. These all confuse the two natures of Christ; i.e., absorbed one of His natures into the other.
ellauri161.html on line 101: All of these heresies in some way ended up by "splitting" the theanthropic (God-Man) Jesus Christ like a banana split! As St. Augustine once said concerning the doctrine of the Trinity, "Spend your life trying to understand it, and you will lose your mind; but deny it and you will lose your soul." So which one is it? Andy has already made up his mind.
ellauri161.html on line 115: The Council of Chalcedon (AD 451) -- three bishops and two presbyters presided. They were representatives of Leo of Rome. The Council condemned EUTYCHIANISM, and gave the church the creedal statement on Christology which has stood the test of the centuries. The Chalcedonian statement has largely become the orthodox creed or Protestantism.
ellauri161.html on line 230: Rasismiteema. Esseisti Antti Nyölén ottaa Valomerkki-sivustolla kantaa ajankohtaiseen aiheeseen: keskusteluun suvaitsevaisuudesta ja rasismista. Se ei suvaize lainkaan rasismia. Esimerkki on omani mutta ajatus Franciscuksen: broilerihalli on myös ihmisoikeusloukkaus. Hetkinen taas antroposentristi! Broilerihalli on kanaoikeusloukkaus! Tuntuuko väite pahalta? Hyvä! Maistuuko kana pahalta? Paha! Kuitenkin kaikista sanoista kristillisin on "kuitenkin".
ellauri161.html on line 347: – Kääntymiseni oli myös luovuttamista. Että ei tässä kannata pidempään vaivata päätään. Se keskittyi pääsiäisen draamaan, Nyölö kertoo. Oli miten oli, liittyminen antikapitalistiseen, ekologiseen liikkeeseen käy paavilta nyt häkellyttävän sulavasti. Se on kuin pysähtynyt kello, joka näyttää joka päivä 2x oikeata aikaa.
ellauri161.html on line 489: I found it an almost perfect film, with some deliciously carefully crafted moments and great acting. At first I thought the comedic side was actually too much and wished that someone like Steven Soderbergh made the movie instead, but as I was watching it I started to appreciate how methodical the approach was and now I believe Adam McKay was the right man for the job. I enjoyed the overall plot, I liked the characters and how things were presented, but I loved the little things like, for example, the only scene where Europe is mentioned, as a short scene of a news item when they say they are going to convene and find their own solution, resulting in absolutely nothing. I am European and sad to say it struck home. Or the meal scene at the end, which is both emotional, focusing (= religious) and reminding us how even that option can be taken away by something as small as a virus.
ellauri161.html on line 491: Annoyingly, in these days movies from the U. S. are becoming more and more of "a color". They are not telling a story, but are taking a side. They are either democrat or republican, conservative or liberal, blue or red, flyover or coast. Don't Look Up is not a big offender, but the language and presentation was clearly on the "coast" side. Thus, it will be probably appreciated by people who already saw the world this way and ignored or at best maligned by the people on the other side. And it's a pity, because this film is meant to bring us together as a civilization and not keep us divided. I feel like it could have done a better job in that direction.
ellauri161.html on line 509: Starts OK but then it turns into a really boring farce that bares no resemblance to reality.
ellauri161.html on line 520: Initially the "comet" stood for climate change in the original script. But now liberals were beholden to a far more scary narrative way better than the idea of climate change that might pose a threat only in an unforeseeable future--and that is of course infectious disease medicine. They realized without "the science" they had no chance against the right. So now the comet came to represent the "virus."
ellauri161.html on line 551: The porcellain faced Hunting gamist returns home and meets Yule due to her minor celebrity status. The thing is that the film never does anything with Kate’s government scuffle. It’s an odd detour that bloats the runtime severely. (Now THIS IS the problem: these drooping- underlip prof spectators already know what the plot should be and edit what they see accordingly. Hey where are the heroes? Where's optimism? Who's gonna save the world this time round? Superman? Batman? Anyone?)
ellauri161.html on line 566: This movie is devoid of hope. There is no optimism in Don’t Look Up. Yes, it deserves comparison to Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove, because it pulls laughs out of the fact that the human race is on a crash course with destruction. In Don’t Look Up, the technology has multiplied and advanced, but the message is the same as it was when Slim Pickens rode that bomb to the doomed ground in Strangelove: Humans are messing up big-time, in a manner that is so egregious you just have to laugh at it … to prevent yourself from going insane. The situation is hopeless but not serious.
ellauri161.html on line 578: Footnote: For some reason in the past week or so Don’t Look Up has been subject to far more coverage and discussion than it deserves. No idea why. Maybe people are desperate for non-Covid talking points. Just a theory. (Ouch. This guy is JUST The type of people being made desperate fun of. How sad.
ellauri161.html on line 597: Speaking of “climate,” that’s the main target here – how people are too stupid to come together even when their survival depends on it. Or maybe it’s the pandemic McKay is allegorizing. Probably both. Meanwhile, the writer/director’s left-of-center politics are on full display. Although Don’t Look Up occasionally ridicules the left, it represents a full-on fusillade against the right. Now that is NOT funny.
ellauri161.html on line 616: For the anchors, Kate and Randall are just another pair of guests, just another story, on their show. Don't these movie critics realize that this is a "joke" on them? Of course they do, but they have to earn their living too.
ellauri161.html on line 659: Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby is a 2006 American sports comedy film directed by Adam McKay and starring Will Ferrell, written by both McKay and Ferrell. Before leaving Ricky behind, stock car dad Reese tells Ricky that in life, “If you ain't first, you're last.” Ricky meets his future ex-wife Carley (Leslie Bibb), after she flashes her breasts.
ellauri161.html on line 688: Not sure where all these positive reviews are coming from - I thought it was a rather boring film, lacking in plot and failing on many levels to keep me interested. I found this film did nothing to compliment Meryl Streep's talent. It just kinda dragged on. Great cast wasted on a bad script and mediocre directing.
ellauri161.html on line 984: Siis varsin keskinkertainen kaveri. Sitten se tapaa ton Barbapapan, joka käännyttää sen takaisin äitikirkkoveneeseen. En décembre 1868, il fait la connaissance de Jules Barbey d´Aurevilly, qui habite en face de chez lui, rue Rousselet (Léon Bloy habite au numéro 24h). C´est l´occasion pour lui d´une profonde conversion intellectuelle, qui le ramène à la religion catholique, et le rapproche des courants traditionalistes. C´est Barbey qui le familiarise avec la pensée du philosophe Antoine Blanc de Saint-Bonnet, « une des majestés intellectuelles de ce siècle », dira Bloy plus tard. Par la suite, Ernest Hello eut également une très forte influence sur lui ; il semble même que ce soit lui qui l´ait incité à écrire.
ellauri161.html on line 1031: esent.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/9754-p4-saint-du-jour.jpg" width="30%" />
ellauri161.html on line 1104: Ruysbroeck was constantly desirous of preserving the distinction between the uncreated and created spirits. In the unifying of the soul with God he does not assert an identification of personality, but merely a cessation of the difference in thought and desire, and a giving up of the independence of the creature. His language was often so strong, however, and his thought often so sublimated, that more cautious thinkers found serious cause to charge his writings with pantheism. This was true of Gerson (Opp. vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 59 sq.).
ellauri162.html on line 78: Se tuottaa bibliofiilille pahaa mieltä. Bibliofiilien seuran varapuheenjohtaja Anna Perälä ilahtuu siitäkin, miltä kirjat tuoksuvat ja tuntuvat. Perälän isoisän isoisän isä oli Turussa 1800-luvun alkupuoliskolla vaikuttanut kustantaja, kirjanpainaja ja kirjakauppias. Hän on perimmäinen syy nyt jo eläköityneen tutkijan ja keräilijän hiljalleen syttyneeseen bibliofiliaan. Esi-isän kirjat suorastaan jo haisevat. Tuntuu kuin kirjailijakin, jo vuosikymmeniä tai vuosisatoja sitten kuollut, olisi hetken täällä. Käytävää oli ihan pakko väljentää ja lisätä tuuletusaukkoja.
ellauri162.html on line 177: One of the early writing prophets, Hosea used his own marital experience as a symbolic representation of God and Israel: God the husband, Israel the wife. Hosea´s wife left him to go with other men; Israel left the Lord to go with other gods. Hosea searched for his wife, found her and brought her back; God would not abandon Israel and brought them back even though they had forsaken him.
ellauri162.html on line 181: To understand more fully the connection between Hosea’s domestic affairs and Israel’s relationship with Jehovah, consider these words: “Jehovah went on to say to me: ‘Go once again, love a woman loved by a companion and committing adultery.’” (Hosea 3:1) Hosea complied with this command by repurchasing Gomer from the man with whom she had been living. Afterward, Hosea firmly admonished his wife: “For many days you will dwell as mine. You must not commit no furher fornication, and you must not come to belong to another man.” (Hosea 3:2, 3) Gomer responded to the discipline, and Hosea resumed marital relations with her. How did this apply to God’s dealings with the people of Israel and Judah?
ellauri162.html on line 300: Talvi tuli, hyvin luisti jää. Karista tuli kiltti, kakkosmies, Handen takapakki, pelikaveri. Pekka pelaa korkealla mailalla, tytöt kazovat kentän laidalla. Riitta halua luistella sen kaa, joko taas. Mut olihan se tavallaan hienoa, kun kaikki kazeli. Ihmeellistä! Se tunne! Iso Pekka ei palannut, se katosi kuin Artauxin karhu, päiväunille. Hannu-Pekan maila kasvoi ja tuuhettui, se on iso nyt. Äiti tulee meille kalliixi, isä kiusoittelee, eix je? Älä kazo lähteeseen liian usein, Hannu-Pekka repukka, jänkäkoira vinosuu. Muista käydä alapesulla kun menet nukkumaan. Apina pärjää jos vain se ize haluaa. Se on oman elämänsä Seppo. Riittakin, vaikka se tuli joka kerta myöhässä.
ellauri162.html on line 357: Psykiatrian professori Tiede-lehdessä eli etuoikeutetun lapsuuden. Vaikka 60-80% väestöstä kokee mielenterveysoireita, se on niistä välttynyt lähes kokonaan (koputa puuta). Voisko syynä olla, että sen fyysikkoisä laittoi sen 6-vuotiaana lineaarikiihdyttimeen? Kokeillaan samaa Huismannin idoliin, jo aikaisemmin monta kertaa esiintyneeseen Charlesiin. Seuraavat 2 Callen runoa on mainittu Huismannin kirjan alaviitteessä 27.
ellauri162.html on line 422: I. Eka kvartetti - Outo paikka Henkilökohtainen pronomini "me" jakeesta 1 ja otsikko ("rakastavaiset") osoittavat välittömästi rakkausliiton. Rakastavaisia ei eroteta kuolemalla. Ensimmäisessä quatrainissa kuvattu paikka näyttää tervetulleelta ("sängyt täynnä kevyitä hajuja", "syvät sohvat", "kukat"). Ajatus täyttämisestä ("täynnä hajuja") vastakohtana tyhjyyden, tyhjyyden kanssa. Jakeiden 1 ja 2 lempeä assonanssi osoittaa pehmeän ja miellyttävän paikan. Mutta jakeesta 2 ilmestyy kuoleman leksikaalinen kenttä ("haudat"), jotka osoittavat kuoleman läsnäolon. Kuolema liittyy mukavuuden tunteeseen ("syvät sohvat"), mikä osoittaa välittömästi positiivisen kuvan kuolemasta. Jakeessa 3 "kukkien" herättämä miellyttävä ilmapiiri tasapainotetaan adjektiivin "outo" vastapainoksi, mikä tekee niistä häiritseviä, salaperäisiä. Adjektiivia "outo" korostaa sen antepositio ("outoja kukkia").
ellauri162.html on line 426: II. Toka kvartetti - Viimeisistä hetkistä nauttiminen. Käyttämällä viimeisiä lämpöjään, Sydämemme ovat kaksi suurta soihtua. Kuka heijastaa heidän kaksoisvalojaan Mielestämme nämä kaksoispeilit. Jakeessa 5 annetaan profuusion tunne "tahdon mukaan" (ilman maltillisuutta), mutta adjektiivi "viimeinen", joka on asetettu antepositioon, osoittaa, että täällä käytetään elämänsä viimeisiä voimia ennen kuolemaa. On välttämätöntä nauttia viimeisistä hetkistä, joten runoilija yhdistää kuoleman ilon ja aistillisuuden käsitteeseen ("lämpö"). Leksikaalinen lämpökenttä ("lämpö", "soihdut") vastustaa kuolemaan perinteisesti liittyvää kylmyyttä. Jakeessa 6 "valtavat soihdut" osoittavat jälleen kerran positiivisen kuvan kuolemasta ("soihtujen herättämänä"), koska ne liittyvät adjektiiviin "laaja".
ellauri162.html on line 465: Nykyaikaisemmassa käytöksessä Breve viittaa paavin kirjeeseen, joka eroaa härästä paitsi sen lyhyisyydestä myös vähemmän juhlallisuudesta. Sen on luonut paavi ilman neuvoa-antavaa neuvostoa tai kardinaalien päätöstä . -
ellauri162.html on line 568: Jos hän olisi ollut taipuvaisempi, hän olisi voinut poiketa hetkeksi esimerkiksi Henokin näkyjen luonteeseen, mutta hän siirtyy jäykästi Nooaan. Nooan komea kokko (2.382) velvoittaa Victorin esittämään hänet paitsi ainoana miehenä, jota Jumala piti tulvan pelastamisen arvoisena, myös toisena Aatamina, jolla on toinen maailma (2.398-399: ut, cum iusta mali luerint, tunc dignius a te / incipiat mortale gen summumque parentem ja 528, dominus [sc. Noah], mundi sortitus regna secundi). Ihmiskunta saa toisen mahdollisuuden, ja Nooa näyttää esimerkkiä (2.528-3.98) perustamalla viinamäen.
ellauri162.html on line 586: Sillä tarttuttuaan peitteeseen, asettaen sen selän taakse ja kääntyessään pois, vähitellen mutta kiireesti vetäytyen, he (nää hyvät veljet) peittivät isänsä häpeällisen uppomunan käsillään. Kumpikin otti siitä hurskaan kämmenenmitan kuin huttua keitettäessä, kumpikin kielsi keskimmäisen pojan osanoton ja tarttui varteen itse.
ellauri162.html on line 614: Pumput, voiteet, geelit ja kemialliset pillerit vaikuttavat keinotekoisesti erektioon. Sen sijaan japanilaisen professorin hoito laajentaa paisuvaiskudosta ja antaa sille mahdollisuuden maksimoida verenkiertonsa vastauksena seksuaaliseen ärsykkeeseen (esim. aistilliseen suudelmaan tai näkyyn kumppanin riisuuntumisesta).
ellauri162.html on line 619: Olen työskennellyt kansainvälisessä yhtiössä melko korkeassa asemassa. Joka päivä oli paljon stressiä, mutta menestyin. Ja muutama vuosi sitten minusta tuntui siltä, että asiat eivät voisi olla paremmin! Näin oli eräisiin treffeihin saakka myyntiosaston viehättävän naisen kanssa. ...Hän oli miellyttänyt minua jo pitkään. Joten kun me viimein tapasimme läheisemmin, on tuskin yllättävää, että siirryimme nopeasti makuuhuoneeseen. Ja siellä odotti katastrofi ... Minun penikseni ei halunnut seisoa millään. Tämä nainen yritti kovasti auttaa minua, hän osoitti suurta ymmärrystä, imutti ja vemputti, mutta lopulta mitään enempää ei tullut välillämme. Se ei muuta sitä tosiasiaa, että en ollut koskaan elämässäni tuntenut suurempaa nöyryytystä elämässäni.
ellauri162.html on line 652: Using 11 different healthy and diseased pluripotent stem cell lines, we developed a reproducible method to derive multi-cellular human penis organoids that exhibit transcriptomic resemblance to in vivo-derived tissues.
ellauri162.html on line 702: The employer ought to respect the dignity of each employee and shouldn´t view them as slaves. Workers must also have time for their religious duties and must receive tasks appropriate for their sex and age. Workers and employers ought to be free to negotiate and come to an agreement, but natural justice must ensure that wages are sufficient to support a "frugal and well-behaved wage-earner." To ensure these rights and duties are maintained worker´s associations ought to exist to work towards the common good.
ellauri162.html on line 737: Der aus einem protestantischen Pfarrhaus in Meuselwitz stammende Friedrich Karl Forberg war Schüler Ernst Platners in Leipzig, später Karl Leonhard Reinholds in Jena. Von April bis September 1791 reiste er mit Franz Paul von Herbert nach Klagenfurt und schickte einige Briefe an Reinhold, von den jungen Damen in Klagenfurt, die sich Cuntausgaben wie Gebetbücher schwarz einbinden ließen, um sie während der Sonntagsmesse zu lesen, und von den Priesterseminaristen, die an diesen Vorgängen teilnahmen.
ellauri162.html on line 739: 1798 löste der Saalfelder Konrektor den Atheismusstreit aus, als er in Friedrich Immanuel Niethammers und Fichtes „Philosophischem Journal“ den Aufsatz „Entwickelung des Begriffs der Religion“ publizierte, den Fichte mit einem Nachwort verteidigte. Für Forberg ist Religion ein praktischer Glaube als Voraussetzung des moralischen Handelns. Dieser Glaube besteht lediglich in dem Wunsch, dass das Gute in der Welt die Oberhand erhalten möge. Die Existenz Gottes ist für Forberg, nach der Kritik Immanuel Kants an den Gottesbeweisen, weder durch Offenbarung noch durch theoretische Spekulation begründbar und daher nur im Sinne einer Vaihingerschen Als-Ob-Existenz im Dienst der Moralphilosophie anzunehmen. Theologie wird mit Religionsphilosophie gleichgesetzt.
ellauri162.html on line 741: 1820 wurde er auch Aufseher der herzoglichen Kupferstichsammlung und des Münzkabinetts, die er jeweils neu katalogisierte. (Herttua: tulisitko kazelemaan ezauxiani Karlchen?) 1824 edierte er den Hermaphroditus des Antonio Beccadelli (Panormita), ein Werk der erotischen Literatur der Renaissance, und fügte zum Verständnis eine Schrift „De Figuris Veneris“ an. Dieses in Latein verfasste Handbuch der klassischen Erotologie versammelt und klassifiziert antike, aber auch frühneuzeitliche Stellungen, die in ihrer Gesamtheit die Vielfalt sexuellen Verhaltens realistisch beschreiben. Als solches ist es ein Standardwerk der Sexualwissenschaft.
ellauri162.html on line 770: Number 4 Freudin Square, Iraq war veteran is Black. In his rap songs, he boasts about desecrating Brigham Young’s grave and urinating in a synagogue. Be there or be Square!
ellauri162.html on line 772: Number 5 Myers is Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Minnesota, Morris, where he researches the developmental biology of zebrafish from an evolutionary perspective.
ellauri162.html on line 784: William Lane Craig (born August 23, 1949) is an American analytic philosopher, Christian theologian, Christian apologist, and author. He is Professor of Philosophy at Houston Baptist University and Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology (Biolan University). Craig has updated and defended the Kalam cosmological argument for the existence of God. He has also published work where he argues in favor of the historical plausibility of the resurrection of Jesus. His study of divine aseity and Platonism culminated with his book God Over All. He is a Wesleyan theologian who upholds the view of Molinism and neo-Apollinarianism.
ellauri162.html on line 786: Aseity (from Latin ā "from" and sē "self", plus -ity) is the property by which a being exists of and from itself. It refers to the Christian belief that God does not depend on any cause other than himself for his existence, realization, or end, and has within himself his own reason of existence. This represents God as absolutely independent and self-existent by nature. Bernanosin ateistipappi ei välittänyt aseptiikasta, sepsis tuli.
ellauri162.html on line 801: Pharyngula is a term used by evolutionists to describe a hypothetical phylotypic stage of development in embryology. It is mistakenly thought by most evolutionists that this stage represents the basic vertebrate body plan in the common ancestor of all vertebrates. There is currently a dispute among scientists as to how similar embryos are and to the reality of this stage.
ellauri162.html on line 815: All major tissue types of differentiated and all major organs are present. By the time the embryo leaves the pharyngula stage it will appear very similar to its adult form.
ellauri162.html on line 819: Darwin proposed that embryos resembled each other since they shared a common ancestor, which presumably had a similar embryo, but that development did not necessarily recapitulate phylogeny: he saw no reason to suppose that an embryo at any stage resembled an adult of any ancestor. Darwin supposed further that embryos were subject to less intense selection pressure than adults, and had therefore changed less.
ellauri162.html on line 821: The Haeckelian form of recapitulation theory is considered defunct. Embryos do undergo a period or phylotypic stage where their morphology is strongly shaped by their phylogenetic position, rather than selective pressures, but that means only that they resemble other embryos at that stage, not ancestral adults as Haeckel had claimed.
ellauri162.html on line 823: More importantly, Pharyngula can also refer to a blog written and posted by P.Z. Myers. See Pharyngula (blog). Pharyngula is a blog by atheist and evolutionist PZ Myers, who is a biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris. Pharyngula was hosted 2005-2011 at Scienceblogs in full, and 2011-present, in part. Since 2011, Pharyngula has been hosted at Freethought Blogs. The atheist biologist Massimo Pigliucci said of Myers and his blog audience, "one cannot conclude this parade without mentioning P.Z. Myers, who has risen to fame because of a blog where the level of nastiness (both by the host and by his readers) is rarely matched anywhere else on the Internet...".
ellauri163.html on line 50: God of Vengeance was published in English-language translation in 1918. In 1922, it was staged in New York City at the Provincetown Theatre in Greenwich Village, and moved to the Apollo Theatre on Broadway on February 19, 1923, with a cast that included the acclaimed Jewish immigrant actor Rudolph Schildkraut. Its run was cut short on March 6, when the entire cast, producer Harry Weinberger, and one of the owners of the theater were indicted for violating the state's Penal Code, and later convicted on charges of obscenity. Weinberger, who was also a prominent attorney, represented the group at the trial. The chief witness against the play was Rabbi Joseph Silberman, who declared in an interview with Forverts: "This play libels the Jewish religion. Even the greatest anti-Semite could not have written such a thing". (You just wait for Philip Roth...) After a protracted battle, the conviction was successfully appealed. In Europe, the play was popular enough to be translated into German, Russian, Polish, Hebrew, Italian, Czech, Romanian and Norwegian. Indecent, the 2015 play written by Paula Vogel, tells of those events and the impact of God of Vengeance. It opened on Broadway at the Cort Theater in April 2017, directed by Rebecca Taichman. Eli ei Asch ihan pasé vielä ole.
ellauri163.html on line 154: Jos naapuri lainaa vaikka ruohonleikkuukonetta, ja otat siltä vaikka sänkypeiton pantixi, niin anna hänen panttinsa takaisin ennen auringon laskemista, niin että hän pääsee lepäämään pantillansa. Äläkä mene hänen huoneeseensa panttia ottamaan, vaan odota pihalla. Älä ota leskeltä vaatteita pantixi äläkä vie viimeistä jyvää pellolta, jätäpä se köyhille jyrsijöille.
ellauri163.html on line 193: Viiniköynnökseen hän sitoo aasinsa, jaloon köynnökseen aasinsa varsan. Hän pesee viinissä vaatteensa, rypäleiden veressä pukunsa. Hänen silmissään on viinin hehku, hänen hampaissaan maidon valkeus. Sebulon on asuva meren äärellä, hän asettuu rannikolle, missä laivat kulkevat, hänen selkänsä taa jää Sidon. Isaskar on vahvaluinen juhta, joka makaa kuormaansa odottaen. Hän näki asuinsijansa hyväksi ja maansa ihanaksi. Hän painoi olkansa taakan alle, kävi tekemään orjan töitä. Dan on ajava kansansa asiaa yhtenä Israelin heimoista. Dan on oleva käärmeenä tiellä, polulla kyynä, joka puree hevosta vuohiseen, niin että ratsastaja suistuu maahan. Herra, sinulta minä odotan pelastusta! Gadia ahdistavat rosvojen joukot, ja Gad ahdistaa niitä, seuraa niiden kintereillä. Asserin leipä on runsas, hän tarjoaa kuninkaiden herkkuja. Naftali on vapaana juokseva kauris, kauniita ovat hänen vasansa. Joosef on hedelmäpuu, nuori hedelmäpuu lähteen äärellä, sen oksat ojentuvat yli muurin. Jousimiehet hätyyttävät häntä, he ampuvat ja ahdistavat häntä, mutta hänen jousensa pysyy jäntevänä ja hänen kätensä ovat nopeat. Tämän saa aikaan Jaakobin Väkevä, hän, jonka nimi on Paimen, Israelin Kallio, isäsi Jumala, joka on auttava sinua, Kaikkivaltias, joka siunaa sinua, antaa siunauksia ylhäältä taivaasta
ellauri163.html on line 201: Kun Jaakob oli antanut nämä ohjeet pojilleen, hän paneutui taas vuoteeseen. Hän kuoli, ja hänet otettiin isiensä luo.
ellauri163.html on line 227: esets.jpg" />
ellauri163.html on line 243: Kun puliukot ovat sitten taas pian sen jälkeen langenneet juopottelemaan, ja erkaantuneet seurakunnasta, heitä on haettu takaisin. Joka kerran, kun juoppo on helluntaiseurakunta Siiloanin aivopesemänä muka "tehnyt parannuksen", hänet... ON KASTETTU UUDESTAAN MUKA USKOVIEN MUKA KASTEELLA!
ellauri163.html on line 400: One translation, "until that which is his shall come.", is derived from the Septuagint. Its meaning is: 'The scepter shall not depart from Judah till all that is reserved for him shall have been fulfilled.' Another translation, "Till he come whose it (the kingdom) is.", is based on the Onkelos and Jerusalem Targums, Saadya Ga´on, RASHI, and other Jewish commentators. A modern Jewish commentator, M. Friedlander, renders this as "Till peace cometh.".
ellauri163.html on line 421: Und der HERR sprach zu ihm: Dies ist das Land, das ich Abraham, Isaak und Jakob geschworen habe, und gesagt: Ich will es deinem Samen geben. Du hast es mit deinen Augen gesehen, aber du sollst nicht hinübergehen.
ellauri163.html on line 434: 6 Und er begrub ihn im Tal, im Lande der Moabiter, gegen dem Hause Peor. Und hat niemand sein Grab erfahren bis auf diesen heutigen Tag.
ellauri163.html on line 556: Viranomaiset eivät ole minkään todisteen arvoisia. Tässä ovat ainoat argumentit, jotka löysimme Koala-sedältä: 1) jos luonne olisi täydellinen, pitäisi löytää huomattavasti enemmän hyvettä ihmiskunnan vanhimmasta puoliskosta kuin nuorimmasta, mikä ei ole; 2) jokainen, joka on kerran osoittanut olevansa lurjusmies, on ainaisexi menettänyt luottamuksemme, mikä osoittaa, että me kaikki uskomme muuttumattomaan luonteeseen. No varmaan Koala-setä oli juuri sellainen pitkävihainen.
ellauri163.html on line 622: No. 36 ateistilistalla, Philip Pullman (1946) syntyi Norwichissa, Isossa-Britanniassa ja suoritti kolmannen luokan englannin tutkinnon Oxfordin yliopistossa. Hän työskenteli keskiasteen opettajana kirjoittaessaan lastenkirjoja – jo yli 30-vuotiaana – jotka tekisivät hänen maineestaan tunnetun. Hän saavutti kuitenkin todelliset julkkikset vasta julkaisemalla myydyimmän trilogiansa Hänen tummat kankaansa vuosina 1994–2001. Trilogia perustuu löyhästi Miltonin kadonneeseen Paratiisiin – paitsi että saatanahahmo on sankari, kun taas Jumala on roisto (no niinhän se vähän oli Miltonillakin). Ateistit ovat ylistäneet sitä vastalääkkeenä C.S. Lewisin Narnia-sarjalle, jonka Pullman on tuominnut uskonnolliseksi propagandaksi. Hän on suorapuheinen ateistien puolesta Isossa-Britanniassa. Hetkinen, kekä saatanahahmo? Sankarihan on Lyra, josta tulee Eeva kakkoineen? Sekö on se saatana? Ja paha jumalakin on vaan tollanen vanha statisti, niikö Paavi Wojtylä, jota pidettiin paavimobiilissa pystyssä kepillä.
ellauri163.html on line 744: PZ Myers is a New Atheist and New Atheism is a contemporary form of antitheism. Therefore, it is very probable his blog appeals to people who hold to a antitheism perspective. Social science research indicates that antitheists score the highest among atheists when it comes to personality traits such as narcissism, dogmatism, and anger. Furthermore, they scored lowest when it comes to agreeableness and positive relations with others.
ellauri163.html on line 746: The first study replicates the finding of the BU research: 12 autistic and 13 stereotypical adolescents took part, and the stereotypical subjects were 10 times as likely to strongly endorse God.
ellauri163.html on line 750: Another study found that the higher the autism score, the less likely the person was to believe in God, with the link partially explained by theory of mind. In other words, the better someone felt at understanding other minds, the more fervent their belief in God, who reads everybody´s mind. (Sometimes I wonder what kind of mind God must have, when s/he has to simultaneously concentrate on several gigamonkeys worth of personal requests. I bet s/he is fascinated by numbers. S/He never says "all our service representatives are busy at this moment, please hold without hanging up the phone.")
ellauri163.html on line 752: These studies are correlational, so researchers can´t say for sure whether an inability to imagine other minds actually leads to atheism or agnosticism or whether the link is caused by God. The researchers did control for religious service attendance, assuming that the socially inept might be less likely to flex their mentalizing muscles by mingling at church each week. That analysis showed that religious service attendance could not explain the link between autismlike traits and belief. Those with sedentary mental behavior were just as apt to have a will to believe as not.
ellauri163.html on line 761: Another, anthropologically informed study explores descriptions of communication with invisible, superhuman agents in high functioning young adults on the autism spectrum. Based on material from interviews, two hypotheses are formulated. First, autistic individuals may experience communication with bodiless agents (e.g., gods, angels, and spirits) as less complex than interaction with peers, since it is free of multisensory input, such as body language, facial expressions, and intonation.
ellauri163.html on line 763: Second, descriptions of how participants absorb into “imaginary realities” suggest that such mental states are desirable due to qualities that facilitate social cognition: While the empirical world comes through as fragmented and incoherent, imaginary worlds offer predictability, emotional coherence, and benevolent minds. These results do not conform to popular expectations that autistic minds are less adapted to experience supernatural agents, and it is instead argued that imaginative, autistic individuals may embrace religious and fictive agents in search for socially and emotionally comprehensible interaction.
ellauri163.html on line 772: La furieuse revolte se sa chair contre cette hypothese absurde, hideuse. Tää sama Salen narsistis-solipsistinen pensee taas, et on ihan mahootointa ajatella ettei olis izeä. Mikä siinä oikein maxaa? Kysy Darwinilta. Joillekin on apoptoosi ainut tapa niellä se. Toisten on ihan pakko uskoa johkin viime hetken pelastukseen, joka tempaa sieluparan kadotuxesta. Mut jos on jo aika kylästynyt tähän sirkuxeen, voi olla vaan tyytyväinen kun loppu häämöttää.
ellauri163.html on line 801: Arsene ja Mouchette palaavat kaupunkiin ja pakenevat toisen saluunan (ei siis Luisan) takahuoneeseen. Siellä he keskustelevat yön tapahtumista, ja Arsene kärsii petit mal epileptisestä hyökkäyksestä. Mouchette lohduttaa häntä, ja Arsene näyttää uhkaavan hiäntä, jos hän puhuisi Mathieusta. Sitten hän yrittää tulla helläksi, hiän torjuu hänet ja yrittää heikosti piiloutua pöydän alle. Sanon heikosti, koska kohtaus päättyy Arseneen Mouchetten päällä, lähellä clicheistä takkatulta, ja he ilmeisesti harrastivat seksiä tai näyttävät olevan valmiita siihen, kun kohtaus häviää.
ellauri163.html on line 817: That said, the reason the film does succeed, and rises to greatness, rests primarily on the shoulders of the lead actress, Nadine Nortier, who, despite little dialogue, conveys great depths within her character, despite being a non-professional actress at the time. On the other hand, Jean-Claude Guilbert (a professional actor who also appeared in Au Hasard Balthazar, as another drunkard, Arnold) is also very good. The rest of the cast is solid. Yet, critical missteps abound, especially when some claim Mouchette is filled with anger. Yes, there may be acts of seeming anger (tossing dirt at her female rivals), but clearly the character of Mouchette is a walking mass of desensitisation. This would explain why she reacts the way she does to sex with Arsene, rather than seeing it as her ‘striking back’ at the world.
ellauri163.html on line 833: In essence, the film called Mouchette recapitulates the point of view of its character Mouchette, which allows the viewer to both ‘feel’ a bit of the character’s warp, while also being able to step back and intellectually distance oneself and ‘understand’ the character’s warp. Whether or not Bresson intended this doubled perspective on life, it, and many of the film’s other strengths more than make up for its weak ending, and lift it to a greatness that, while it falls short of the utmost in the canon of great cinema, nonetheless makes Mouchette a film for which the term “great” is applied a surety. There are, certainly, worse ways to misfire, slightly or otherwise.
ellauri163.html on line 860: Payotin yxityiselämästä ei juuri löydy tietoa, se jää kumikaulatutkan katveeseen. Eikä Emilestäkään paljoa. Oliko se kova panomies niinkuin heimoveljensä Isaac Singer? Sen parta oli epäjuutalaisesti stailattu.
ellauri163.html on line 873: In the last presentation we looked at Durkheim’s ideas on the weakening of the collective conscience through modernity—the division of labor, weakening of primary groups and general social change. As we saw, this left the individual without much moral guidance. As Durkheim was concerned with moral behavior and social justice he naturally turned to the study of religion.
ellauri163.html on line 883: Now this moral remaking cannot be achieved except by the means of reunions, assemblies, and meetings where the individuals, being closely united to one another, reaffirm in common their common sentiments; hence come ceremonies which do not differ from regular religious ceremonies, either in their object, the results which they produce, or the processes employed to attain these results.
ellauri163.html on line 891: The great things of the past which filled our fathers with enthusiasm do not excite the same ardor in us...In a word, the old gods are growing old or already dead, and others are not yet born...But this state of incertitude and confused agitation cannot last forever. A day will come when our societies will know again those hours of creative effervescence, in the course of which new formulae are found which serve for a while as a guide to humanity; and when these hours shall have been passed through once, men will spontaneously feel the need of reliving them from time to time in thought, that is to say, of keeping alive their memory by means of celebrations which regularly reproduce their fruits. We have already seen how the French Revolution established a whole cycle of holidays to keep the principles with which it was inspired in a state of perpetual youth.
ellauri163.html on line 987: Filosofia, joka ei ota ihmistä syliinsä, on yleinen ilmiö, koska viisaus ja sen rakastaminen ei ole ihmisestä siis minusta huolehtimista, vaan haastaa korkeampaan yleistykseen, samanlaista kuin Kreikan uskonto. Se on uskonnossa tapahtuvan yleistämisen koskettelua hengen asein niin, että osasta jumalauskoon liittyvistä maagisista elementeistä (kuten Zeuksen vihanpurkaukset? Mixi ne just on maagisia? Kuuluuko niissä Callen tohvelien läpinä sen tullessa lastenuoneeseen pää punasena huutamaan?) voitaisiin vapautua ajattelemalla asiaa ihmisen järjellä, joka nähdään tämänpuoleisena kuin katupoika. No tollanen henk.koht. jumalasuhde on oikeastaan aika herännäistä. Monet helpottuvat siitäkin ettei kiivas jumala kyylää niiden joka siirtoa, vaan nää syvälliset asiat hoidetaan ikäänkuin virkatyönä. Sekin jo lohduttaa ettei kenelläkään ole yhtään paremmin.
ellauri164.html on line 43: In the introduction to his Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie in 1874, Wundt described Immanuel Cunt and Johann Friedrich Herbart as the philosophers who had the most influence on the formation of his own views. Those who follow up these references will find that Wundt critically took to the cleaners both these thinkers’ ideas. He distanced himself from Herbart's science of the soul . Wundt praised Cunt's rejection of a "rational" psychology deduced from metaphysics, but he argued against Cunt's epistemology as well as Cunt's category theory and his flabby position on teleological explanations in his publication Was soll uns Kant nicht verkaufen? (1892).
ellauri164.html on line 187: George Berkeley (12. maaliskuuta 1685 Kilkennyn kreivikunta, Irlanti – 14. tammikuuta 1753 Oxford, Englanti) oli irlantilainen filosofi ja piispa. Hän edusti tietoteoriassa empirismiä ja ontologiassa idealismia. Hän kiteytti ajattelunsa lauseeseen olla olemassa on tulla havaituksi, (lat. esse est percipi). Berkeley on merkittävin subjektiivisen idealismin edustaja. Amerikan julkkixet tietää miten totta Yrjön lause on.
ellauri164.html on line 189: George Berkeley, joka ajoi töyssyautolla hämärämiesten asiaa jo ennen Kantia, väitti, että aine, tarkkaavaisesta mielestä, on metafyysisesti mahdotonta. Aineeseen liittyvät ominaisuudet, kuten muoto, väri, haju, rakenne, paino, lämpötila ja ääni, ovat kaikki riippuvaisia mielistä, jotka sallivat vain suhteellisen havainnon, eivät absoluuttisen havainnon. Sellaisten mielien (ja mikä tärkeintä kaikkivoipaan mielen) täydellinen puuttuminen tekisi samoista ominaisuuksista havaitsemattomia ja jopa käsittämättömiä. Berkeley kutsui tätä filosofiaa immaterialismiksi. Pohjimmiltaan sellaista asiaa kuin ainetta ei voisi olla ilman mieltä.
ellauri164.html on line 295: Tässä laulussa on ainexia kansanrunoista. Rahje on remmi jolla aisa pannaan kiinni vempeleeseen tahi luokkiin. Lapset tuppas menemään taaperoina luokille kun ne ei jaxaneet tai halusivat jotakin.
ellauri164.html on line 372: I blew through this novel myself, which in retrospect was somewhat of a grave mistake, as the book alternates between compelling and highly engaging dialogues to unrealistically long monologues which to me resemble a Rimbaud poem in translation than anything else, which is to say: hard to parse. That they got more than what they bargained for is what the ordinary reader will be struck by first when they read this. The complexity of each of the conversations cannot be overstated, which I think will inevitably result in readers just mechanically scanning the sentences rather than internalizing the arguments, with the final result being the great part of the novel sliding off like rain, leaving only vague impressions like it did with me unfortunately, but the parts that did affect me left me very humbled. And chiefly this impression will not be helped by another one of the defining features of the novel, which is its vagueness. It deliberately leaves a lot of key details unheard and leaves a lot to the ability to infer events by the reader. Though sometimes frustrating to a reader like me who reads history and biography, I recognize that it should be so for this novel, for the main conflict in it is a psychological one, so I wouldn't have it any other way.
ellauri164.html on line 379: I wanted to like this book so much more than I did. I actually found it incredibly difficult to understand. Some of it, I think, was that it was poorly translated. I read a 1962 edition that doesn't even cite a translator -- so many of the sentences were so convoluted as to be utterly obtuse. Poor translation or witless reader? I never could figure out why Mlle Chantal was such an angry bitch and why she insisted on tormenting the priest. What was her secret? Was the priest an alcoholic or just terminally sick? Gay? Why did M le Comte come to hate the priest? These are just some of the basic narrative issues I couldn't figure out. Forget the whole spiritual aspect--much of what the priest mused on and felt was incomprehensible to me as he described it. I can't help wondering if I'd have understood it if I had read it in French. Or maybe I'm just so spiritually challenged (in a God believing, Catholic way) that I can't comprehend it when it's described. All of that said, there were profoundly moving passages here and there, but over all I don't begin to know what I read. It's rather embarrassing actually--I feel so simple! (less)
ellauri164.html on line 467: Luumäkeläinen Pertti Pykälä kirjoitti Ilkka Remes nimellä ryssävihaisia rompskuja. Sakari Tuomiojan poika Erkki valitti että kaikki paha Pertin kirjoissa näyttää tulevan Venäjältä. Hoblan Laurén ei voisi olla vähempää eri mieltä. Pariisin Emilyn ukrainalainen ystävä koitti varastaa muotiryysyjä Samaritainelta. Siinä kulki sankohattuisen Emilyn moraalinen raja. Eikä siinä kaikki: Kiovan tyttö mesetti kyrillisillä kirjaimilla! Hyi helkkari! Emily dumppasi sen pikaisesti. Välillä Emily näyttää vanhalta jutkuhaahkalta.
ellauri164.html on line 493: The rest of the book of Exodus and the entire book of Leviticus take place while the Israelites are encamped at the foot of Sinai. God gives Moses detailed instructions for the building of the tabernacle—a traveling tent of worship that could be assembled and disassembled for easy portability—and for making the utensils for worship, the priestly garb, and the ark of the covenant, symbolic of God’s presence among His people as well as the place where the high priest would perform the annual atonement. God also gives Moses explicit instructions on how God is to be worshiped and guidelines for maintaining purity and holiness among the people. The book of Numbers sees the Israelites move from Sinai to the edge of the Promised Land, but they refuse to go in when ten out of twelve spies bring back a bad report about Israel’s ability to take over the land. God condemns this generation of Jews to die in the wilderness for their disobedience and subjects them to forty years of wandering in the wilderness. By the end of the book of Numbers, the next generation of Israelites is back on the borders of the Promised Land and poised to trust God and take it by faith.
ellauri164.html on line 500: Moses needed time to grow and mature and learn to be meek and eat humble pie before God, and this brings us to the next chapter in Moses’ life, his 40 years in the land of Midian. During this time, Moses learned the simple life of a shepherd, a husband, and a father. God took an impulsive and hot-tempered young man and began the process of molding and shaping him into the perfect instrument for God to use. What can we learn from this time in his life? If the first lesson is to wait on God’s timing, the second lesson is to not be idle while we wait on God’s timing. While the Bible doesn’t spend a lot of time on the details of this part of Moses’ life, it’s not as if Moses were sitting idly by waiting for God’s call. He spent the better part of 40 years learning the ways of a shepherd and supporting and raising a family. These are not trivial things! While we might long for the “mountain top” experiences with God, 99 percent of our lives is lived in the valley doing the mundane, day-to-day things that make up a life. We need to be living for God “in the valley” before He will enlist us into the battle. It is often in the seemingly trivial things of life that God trains and prepares us for His call in the next season.
ellauri164.html on line 504: The third and final chapter in Moses’ life is the chapter that Scripture spends the most time chronicling, namely, his role in the redemption of Israel. Several lessons can be gleaned from this chapter of Moses’ life as well. First is how to be an effective leader of people. Moses essentially had responsibility over two million Hebrew refugees. When things began to wear on him, his father-in-law, Jethro Tull, suggested that he delegate responsibility to other faithful men, a lesson that many people in authority over others need to learn (Exodus 18). We also see a man who was dependent on the grace of God to help with his task. Moses was continually pleading on behalf of the people before God. If only all people in authority would petition God on behalf of those over whom they are in charge! Moses was keenly aware of the necessity of God’s presence and even requested to see God’s glory (Exodus 33). Moses knew that, apart from God, the exodus would be meaningless. It was God who made the Israelites distinct, and they needed Him most. Moses’ life also teaches us the lesson that there are certain sins that will continue to haunt us throughout our lives. The same hot temper that got Moses into trouble in Egypt also got him into trouble during the wilderness wanderings. In the aforementioned incident at Meribah, Moses struck the rock in anger in order to provide water for the people. However, he didn’t give God the glory, nor did he follow God’s precise commands. Because of this, God forbade him from entering the Promised Land. In a similar manner, we all succumb to certain besetting sins which plague us all our days, sins that require us to be on constant alert.
ellauri164.html on line 506: These are just a handful of practical lessons that we can learn from Moses’ life. However, if we look at Moses’ life in light of the overall panoply of Scripture, we see larger theological truths that fit into the story of redemption. In chapter 11 the author of Hebrews uses Moses as an example of faith. We learn that it was by faith that Moses refused the glories of Pharaoh’s palace to identify with the plight of his people. The writer of Hebrews says, “[Moses] considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt” (Hebrews 11:26). Moses’ life was one of faith, and we know that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Likewise, it is by faith that we, looking forward to heavenly riches, can endure temporal hardships in this lifetime (2 Corinthians 4:17–18).
ellauri164.html on line 510: Finally, it is interesting to note that, even though Moses never set foot in the Promised Land during his lifetime, he was given an opportunity to enter the Promised Land after his death. On the mount of transfiguration, when Jesus gave His disciples a taste of His full glory, He was accompanied by two Old Testament figures, Moses and Elijah, who represented the Law and the Prophets. Moses is, this day, experiencing the true Sabbath rest in Christ that one day all Christians will share (Hebrews 4:9).
ellauri164.html on line 530: Many have pondered the precise nature of Moses’ sin and why the punishment for it was so severe. (Well, gosh, he was already 120, and what's the diff which side of the Jordan river he conks out. It's the same dry desert on either side.) A few different explanations have been posited:
ellauri164.html on line 552: Two lessons: 1. The failings of good men may be culpable in God's sight and displeasing to him out of all proportion to the degree of blameworthiness they present to our eye. So far is it from being true (as many seem to think) that believers' sins are no sins at all, and need give no concern, that, on the contrary, the Lord dislikes the stain of sin most when it is seen in his dear children. The case of Moses is not singular. Sins which the Lord overlooks in other men he will occasionally put some mark of special displeasure upon, when they are committed by one who is eminent for holiness and honourable service. It is, no doubt, a just instinct which leads all right-thinking people to be blind to the failings of good men who have been signally useful in their day. But if the good men become indulgent to their own faults they are likely to be rudely awakened to a sense of their error. The better a man is, his sins may be the more dishonouring to God. A spot hardly visible on the coat of a labouring man, may be glaringly offensive on the shining raiment of a throned king.
ellauri164.html on line 554: 2. The sins we are least inclined to may nevertheless be the sins which will bring us to the bitterest grief. Every man has his weak side. There are sins to which our natural disposition or the circumstances of our up-bringing lay us peculiarly open; and it is without doubt a good rule to be specially on our guard in relation to these sins. Yet the rule must not be applied too rigidly. When Dumbarton Rock was taken, it was not by assailing the fortifications thrown up to protect its one weak side, but by scaling it at a point where the precipitous height seemed to render defense or guard unnecessary. Job was the most patient of men, yet he sinned through impatience. Peter was courageous, yet he fell through cowardice. Moses was the meekest of men, yet he fell through bitterness of Spirit. We have need to guard well not our weak points only, but the points also at which we deem ourselves to be strong.
ellauri164.html on line 566: "And Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they fell upon their faces: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto them. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts to drink. And Moses took the rod from before the Lord, as He commanded him.
ellauri164.html on line 591: Moses’ moment of greatest failure came when the people of Israel resumed complaining, this time about food and water (Num. 20:1-5). Moses and Aaron decided to bring the complaint to the Lord, who commanded them to take their staff, and in the people’s presence command a rock to yield water enough for the people and their livestock (Num. 20:6-8). Moses did as the Lord instructed but added two flourishes of his own. First he rebuked the people, saying, “Listen, you rebels, shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” Then he struck the rock twice with his staff. Water poured out in abundance (Num. 20:9-11), but the Lord was extremely displeased with Moses and Aaron.
ellauri164.html on line 597: Honoring God in leadership—as all Christian leaders in every sphere must attempt to do—is a terrifying responsibility. Whether we lead a business, a classroom, a relief organization, a household, or any other organization, we must be careful not to mistake our authority for God’s. What can we do to keep ourselves in obedience to God? Meeting regularly with an accountability (or “peer”) group, praying daily about the tasks of leadership, keeping a weekly Sabbath to rest in God’s presence, and seeking others’ perspective on God’s guidance are methods some leaders employ. Even so, the task of leading firmly while remaining wholly dependent on God is beyond human capability. If the most humble man on the face of the earth (Num. 12:3) could fail in this way, so can we. By God’s grace, even failures as great as Moses’ at Meribah, with disastrous consequences in this life, do not separate us from the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises. Moses did not enter the Promised Land, yet the New Testament declares him “faithful in all God’s house” and reminds us of the confidence that all in God’s house have in the fulfillment of our redemption in Christ (Heb. 3:2-6).
ellauri164.html on line 607: A fresh exegetical probe is therefore warranted using a hermeneutical strategy whereby a narrative approach is attempted in order to understand Num. 20:1-13 in the light of Exodus 17:1-7. These narrative analogies are part of a distinctive feature in the Hebrew narrative style labelled Type- scene.
ellauri164.html on line 611: Moses' abuse and misuse of the staff constitutes an act of lese-majeste because it is seen as an act of rebellion against YHWH's authority. Inevitably, Moses eclipses YHWH's personality, presence and power in the eyes of the people. His condign punishment is the forfeiture of the privilege of leading the people into the Promised Land. See Less.
ellauri164.html on line 625: Moses had been leading a rebellious, ungrateful, complaining, people through the wilderness for 40 years. His sister had just died. And now these people had gathered together against Aaron and him to complain because there was no water, again! (Numbers 20:2-5) You would think after 40 years these people would have learned to trust their all-powerful, Living God to provide for them.
ellauri164.html on line 627: You would think after 40 years these people would have learned to trust their all-powerful, Living God to provide
ellauri164.html on line 628: Moses was in no mood to deal with this today. Why couldn’t these people let him mourn his sister in peace? Why had God brought them to a dry thirsty land with no water again? Why did these people always blame him? Why didn’t these people bring their problems to God in prayer instead of always complaining to him? Why were there always so many demands on him? Why was it always “Moses, Moses, Moses”?
ellauri164.html on line 656: God allowed Moses to see the Promised Land afar off, but he would never enter. Moses represented the Law, and the Law cannot take anyone into the Promised Land.
ellauri164.html on line 675: However, God did not say either of these actions was the problem, nor did Moses believe these were the problem. In fact, nowhere does the text say Moses’s sin was striking the rock instead of speaking to it or taking credit for the miracle.
ellauri164.html on line 694: To answer this question we must examine a pattern that developed in the book of Numbers. Three times prior to the incident at the rock of Meribah the people sinned, God punished them, Moses interceded on the people’s behalf, and God pardoned the people. Please take the time to read these events in Numbers chapters 11, 14, 16 & 20. Notice the pattern in the table below.
ellauri164.html on line 709: He has reached the end of his rope. He has been patient with these complaining and rebellious people, but he couldn’t take it any longer. Their constant ingratitude and rebelliousness caused Moses to lose faith in the people. This is the people that were supposed to be God’s treasured possession, a holy nation of priests who had agreed to be in a covenant relationship with God (Ex 19:5-8). What a disappointment they had turned out to be and Moses was finished interceding for them. God knew Moses was not going to intercede for the people at Meribah, therefore He doesn’t ordain punishment for them.
ellauri164.html on line 719: God expects and requires His people to trust Him. Trust is easy when everything is going well. Our faith matters most when things are going wrong and we don’t understand why. During these bad times will we trust in God or not? Moses’s trust in God temporarily faltered and it cost him the Promised Land.
ellauri164.html on line 780: D. Misrepresented God To The People.
ellauri164.html on line 802: In the first month the whole Israelite community arrived at the Desert of Zin, and they stayed at Kadesh. There Miriam died and was buried. (2) Now there was no water for the community, and the people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron. (3) They quarreled with Moses and said, "If only we had died when our brothers fell dead before the LORD! (4) Why did you bring the LORD's community into this desert, that we and our livestock should die here? (5) Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!" (6) Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the LORD appeared to them. (7) The LORD said to Moses, (8) "Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink." (9) So Moses took the staff from the LORD's presence, just as he commanded him. (10) He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, "Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?" (11) Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank. (12) But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them." (13) These were the waters of Meribah, [1] where the Israelites quarreled with the LORD and where he showed himself holy among them.
ellauri164.html on line 822: The symbolism of Christ, the Rock is well known to Christians. If Christ is represented by this rock, what does that mean?
ellauri164.html on line 839: The staff, representing the priesthood and grace, the rock representing Christ, these commands would then be interpreted as:
ellauri164.html on line 871: This pattern shows itself again in the beginning of Numbers 20 after the death of Miriam. Once more Israel rebels against Moses and Aaron, this time over a lack of water in the desert of Zin. They claim that it would have been better to have died with Korah’s rebellion rather than wander without food and water, and they express regret over leaving Egypt, a land of “grain, figs, vines, and pomegranates.” This might seem a bold claim, since in our reading Korah has just died a few chapters earlier. Careful reading, however, indicates that there’s actually been a quiet time skip; Numbers 33:38 indicates that Aaron died in “the fortieth year after the sons of Israel had come from the land of Egypt, on the first day in the fifth month.” Given that Aaron’s death is recorded in Chapter 20, just a few verses after the episode at Meribah, this would indicate that the episode at Meribah occurred in year 38 of the 40 year wandering in the wilderness (remember that Israel had spent more than a year at Sinai in addition to travel time from Egypt to Sinai and from Sinai to the Promised Land before the wandering). This means that this rebellious generation of Israelites aren’t referencing a recent event, but instead wishing they had died nearly forty years earlier with Korah! Moses and Aaron have been dealing with this wicked and hard group of people for a very long time, and they are now claiming it would have been better to have died with Korah: a fate they were only spared because of Moses and Aaron’s own intercession!
ellauri164.html on line 873: We would expect the pattern to repeat here. The people have rebelled, so the next part would be God’s wrath and threats of destruction. Instead, however, God merely grants their request for water. No mention of sin or possible annihilation, just grace in providing for Israel’s needs. The fact that this cycle we’ve come to expect changes is designed to highlight an important event; the oddity of the text “awakens us from our narrative slumber,” as one commentator puts it, and forces us to pay attention closely to what’s occurring. Why would God not threaten destruction? To answer that, we have to remember a key aspect of God’s character: He does not change. Hebrews 13:8 says He is the same yesterday and today and forever, “without variation or shifting shadow,” (James 1:17). The purpose of the threats of destruction, and Moses/Aaron’s intercession, was not to actually change God’s mind. God knew exactly what was going to happen in all these instances. God’s threats on Israel are spoken to Moses so that Moses will intercede. They are tests of Moses’ (and Aaron’s) character, just as God’s conversation with Abraham over the fates of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18) was about testing Abraham’s character rather than the doomed cities. Yet here, in Numbers 20, God does not follow the pattern. Why?
ellauri164.html on line 875: This gets us back to the question of what, exactly, Moses’ sin was. Many commentators focus on the physical actions that Moses took in verses 9-11. Some say Moses sin was striking the rock rather than speaking to it, but Moses was told to take the staff of God. Exodus 17:5-6 had Moses striking the rock to cause water to come out of the rock (in fact, it’s actually the same rock of Meribah!), so it’s possible to read an inference that the staff was to be used to strike the rock. Some commentators see Moses’ harsh words for Israel as the sin, or perhaps that he speaks to the people rather than speaking to the rock. Regardless of which of these views, they don’t account for what the text itself says: Numbers 20:12 makes it clear that the sin of Moses and Aaron was “…you have not believed Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel.” Indeed, focusing on Moses’ actions of striking the rock or speaking harshly makes it seem doubly unfair to Aaron, who had neither spoken nor struck the rock.
ellauri164.html on line 877: The reading that makes more sense is to focus on the breaking of the pattern established to this point. Moses’ harsh words toward the Israelites reveal his emotions in this moment; he classifies Israel as “rebels” rather than the chosen people, and his rhetorical question seems to imply that he does not view Israel as worthy of God’s grace any longer. This is the real failure of Moses in this moment: he’s lost his faith in God to fulfill His promises to these people. Israel is a nation of rebels outside of grace, outside of God’s ability to make a great nation, outside of the promises that God has given. It seems nearly forty years of dealing with this people has finally broken Moses, and he is so overwhelmed in this moment that he has lost faith. From God’s perspective, Moses has lost faith in the Lord to overcome Israel’s faithlessness. Moses has not believed in God, and has not treated Yahweh as the Holy God who is able to overcome the weakness of His people. Indeed, this is exactly what Numbers 20:12 says was Moses’ sin! He (and Aaron!) did not believe God and did not treat Yahweh as holy in that moment. God did offer Moses the opportunity to intercede for the people (and thus broke the pattern) because He knew that Moses did not have faith in Him.
ellauri164.html on line 879: This interpretation is solidified by Moses’ words about this event in the Book of Deuteronomy. Three times in the first four chapters of Deuteronomy, Moses says that he is not able to enter the Promised Land because of Israel. At first glance, again, this might seem an unfair charge. Moses had caused his own exclusion, hadn’t he? Why is he accusing the generation after the event in Numbers 20 of being the cause of his failure? If we look at these three mentions, we see a few important facts. In the first instance, Deuteronomy 1:37, Moses is recounting the failure of Israel when they listened to the 10 spies’ negative report and how God forbade that generation from entering the Promised Land, and he then says “The Lord was angry with me also on your account, saying, ‘Not even you shall enter there.’” Moses associates his inability to enter the Promised Land with Israel’s rebellion and unfaithfulness, but he also seems to be lumping the people’s refusal to enter the land (Numbers 13-14) with his own sin in Numbers 20. This is not Moses forgetting the chronology of these two events, but rather indicating that they are closely associate with one another.
ellauri164.html on line 967: Another difference is this: in the earlier story, Moses pleaded for help from God; here, Moses does not say a word. God reacts directly to the people’s complaints. Another bit of evidence that this crisis is unlike other crises is that the word test, which is used in other stories of complaint, does not appear here. These differences signal to us that this story is different from the first one—and therefore Moses’s reaction should be different.
ellauri171.html on line 52: Nämä Raamatun vaikutusvaltaiset naiset eivät vaikuttaneet ainoastaan Israelin kansaan vaan myös iankaikkiseen historiaan. Jotkut olivat pyhiä; jotkut olivat roistoja. Jotkut olivat kuningattaria, mutta useimmat olivat tavallisia. Kaikilla oli keskeinen rooli upeassa Raamatun tarinassa. Jokainen nainen toi oman ainutlaatuisen luonteensa tilanteeseensa, ja tästä syystä muistamme häntä edelleen vuosisatoja, ei vuosituhansia myöhemmin.
ellauri171.html on line 181: Boasin nimi tarkoittaa sadon herraa. Ruth tarkoittaa toivottavaa. 1+1=3! Ruth oli pakana. Boas oli lempeä häntä kohtaan, vaikka hänellä oli vain yksi tapaus hänen kanssaan. Ruut sai armon Boasin silmissä korjaamalla ensin ohraa ja sitten vehnää. Hyvää matkaa! Boaz tuuletti Barneya yöllä puimatantereella. Boas korjasi ja tuuli ohran itse puimatantereella. Sillä välin Ruth valmistautui tulemaan juutalaiseksi morsiameksi: Pese itsesi ennen ja jälkeen, ja voitele sinut tiedät missä, ja laita itseäsi meikkiin ja laske sitten sinut lattialle. Ja jo otti ohraleipä. Kohta oli pullat uunissa.
ellauri171.html on line 194: Hannah vie Samuelin päivähoitoon. Elin jalka pilkistää surtuutista. Samu tarraa mamin hameeseen..
ellauri171.html on line 218: His father, Marcel Théodore Tissot, was not a watchmaker but a successful drapery merchant. He took part in losing the war of 1870 and in the Paris Commune. In 1885, Tissot had a revival of his Catholic faith, which led him to spend the rest of his life making paintings about Biblical events. Many of his artist friends were skeptical about his conversion, as it conveniently coincided with the French Catholic revival, a reaction against the secular attitude of the French Third Republic. They brought Tissot vast wealth and fame. Tissot spent the last years of his life in his chateau working on paintings of subjects from the Old Testament. Although he never completed the series, he exhibited 80 of these paintings in Paris in 1901 and engravings after them were published in 1904. In the first half of the 20th century, there was a re-kindling of interest in his portraits of fashionable ladies and some fifty years later, these were achieving record prices.
ellauri171.html on line 251: Koska hän uskoi vakaasti Jumalan hyvyyteen, hänellä oli osansa Jumalan pelastussuunnitelmassa. Elizabeth opettaa meille, että Jumala voi astua toivottomaan tilanteeseen ja kääntää sen ylösalaisin hetkessä. Kuten näette, porttoja lukuun ottamatta naisen päätehtävä ja claim to fame on voittaa hedelmättömyys ja synnyttää vauvoja patriarkoille.
ellauri171.html on line 389: Abel represents the herdsmen, Cain the farmers.
ellauri171.html on line 403: The political stability of Israel was often upset by people called ‘prophets’. These were social critics who spoke bluntly about injustice when they saw it. Rather like the Alt-Right TV evangelists.
ellauri171.html on line 412: esents-saint-john-the-baptists-head-to-king-herod-and-queen-herodias-2A6M1YM.jpg" />
ellauri171.html on line 547: After his father has finished speaking, Shechem makes another offer: to give any marriage present they want, if he can marry Dinah. Stacks of Gold Coins! Referring to her, he uses the word ‘maiden’.
ellauri171.html on line 579: has she been there all the time? has the marriage already happened? What the fuck? The Bible leaves these questions unanswered.
ellauri171.html on line 642: Judges 19:15-26 describes what happened the night the couple stayed in Gibeah, a city of the Benjamites. When they entered the open square of the city an old man invited them to his home (Judges 19:16-21). While the old man and the Levite and his concubine were having dinner, we are told some “worthless fellows” surrounded the house and pounded on the door. Verses 22-24 describe the discussion that occurred with these “worthless fellows.”
ellauri171.html on line 695: Our eighth lesson reveals the twelve tribes were becoming more like the Canaanites, which were given to sexual perversion: homosexuality, rape, adultery, murder, lies, abuse of women, abduction, absence of justice and the defense of the guilty. What sins did we miss? In truth these are sufficient to demonstrate the utter moral decline of the twelve tribes and one tribe that was worse than the others.
ellauri171.html on line 701: Daniel Block writes these words, “The Levite had preferred Gibeah over Jebus to avoid the dangers of Canaanism, only to discover that Canaan had invaded his own world.” Sadly, Canaanism is invading our world and some western countries appear to be far worse than the tribe of Benjamin. They do not even seek the Lord for direction. At least the other eleven tribes sought the Lord and killed tens of thousands more. Jehovah was appeased.
ellauri171.html on line 729: The enemy had hundreds of iron-wheeled chariots that could crush the Israelites into the ground. But Deborah tricked them into driving these chariots onto marshy land where they were bogged down. The Israelite slingmen and archers picked them off one by one, like ducks in a pond. Sisera, the enemy general, fled from the battlefield towards the encampment of a woman called Jael the Kenite.
ellauri171.html on line 795: At this point, Jesus said to His disciples, “it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:23). Hard but not impossible. A camel can be diluted in acid and injected thru a needle. Anyway it was just the name of a gate in Jerusalem. This is because the care of riches in this life can be a snare for a Christian. A Christian’s heart cannot be set on riches and cares of this world above the Kingdom of God. In another example, the parable of the sower, Jesus warned that some who receive the word of God will allow their spiritual growth to be choked off by “the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches” (Matthew 13:22). These things show us that being poor can help a Christian not to be ensnared by such things. No cause to complain then.
ellauri171.html on line 799: Until that day, God is continually searching the hearts of His people to know what is in them. He allows some Christians to be poor, even while other believers have wealth. What a Christian does in each circumstance is important to God. In the book of Revelation, the glorified Jesus Christ said to one of His churches, "I know your… poverty, but you are rich” (Revelation 2:9). That is, these Christians were poor in the wealth of this world, but were rich in faith toward God.
ellauri171.html on line 801: To another church, Christ said, “you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17). These Christians, though rich with material goods of this world were very poor in faith.
ellauri171.html on line 808: Ahabin dynastia omridit eli kuningas Omrin porukat oli jotain kananiittejä. Israel Finkelstein's The Bible Unearthed presents a very different picture of the Omrides than the circumcision handbook, making them responsible for the great empire, magnificent palaces, wealth, and peace in Israel and Judah that the Bible credits to the much earlier kings David and Solomon. According to Finkelstein, the reason for this discrepancy is the religious bias of the Biblical authors against the Omrides for their polytheism, and in particular their support for elements of the Canaanite religion.
ellauri171.html on line 927: The palace economy of Mycenaean Greece, the Aegean region and Anatolia that characterized the Late Bronze Age disintegrated, transforming into the small isolated village cultures of the Greek Dark Ages, which lasted from around 1100 BCE to the beginning of the Archaic age around 750 BCE. The Hittite Empire of Anatolia and the Levant collapsed, while states such as the Middle Assyrian Empire in Mesopotamia and the New Kingdom of Egypt survived but were considerably weakened. Conversely, some peoples such as the Phoenicians enjoyed increased autonomy and power with the waning military presence of Egypt and Assyria in the Levant.
ellauri171.html on line 929: Competing and even mutually incompatible theories for the ultimate cause of the Late Bronze Age collapse have been made since the 19th century. These include volcanic eruptions, droughts, invasions by the Sea Peoples or migrations of Dorians, economic disruptions due to the rising use of ironworking, and changes in military technology and methods of war that saw the decline of chariot warfare. Following the collapse, gradual changes in metallurgic technology led to the subsequent Iron Age across Eurasia and Africa during the 1st millennium BCE.
ellauri171.html on line 931: The last Bronze Age king of Ugarit, Ammurapi (circa 1215 to 1180 BC), was a contemporary of the last known Hittite king, Suppiluliuma II. Ammurapi oli amoriitti kuten esi-isänsä Hammurabi (1792 BC to c. 1750), se Babylonian silmä silmästä, hammas hampaasta kaveri. The exact dates of his reign are unknown. However, a letter by the king is preserved, in which Ammurapi stresses the seriousness of the crisis faced by many Near Eastern states due to attacks (but by whom?). Ammurapi pleads for assistance from the king of Alashiya, highlighting the desperate situation Ugarit faced:
ellauri171.html on line 937: As for the matter concerning those enemies: people from your country and your own ships did this! And people from your country committed these transgression(s)...I am writing to inform you and protect you. Be aware!
ellauri171.html on line 944: The Sea Peoples remain unidentified in the eyes of most modern scholars, and hypotheses regarding the origin of the various groups are the source of much speculation. Filistealaiset oli kenties peräisin Aigeiasta, siis länkkäreitä?! Kappas vain!
ellauri171.html on line 952: The union of El Elyon and his consort Asherah would be representation of primordial Cronos and Rhea in Greek mythology or Roman Saturnus and Ops.
ellauri171.html on line 954: In Canaanite mythology there were twin mountains Targhizizi and Tharumagi which hold the firmament up above the earth-circling ocean, thereby bounding the earth. W. F. Albright, for example, says that El Shaddai is a derivation of a Semitic stem that appears in the Akkadian shadû ("mountain") and shaddā'û or shaddû'a ("mountain-dweller"), one of the names of Amurru. Philo of Byblos states that Atlas was one of the Elohim, which would clearly fit into the story of El Shaddai as "God of the Mountain(s)". Harriet Lutzky has presented evidence that Shaddai was an attribute of a Semitic goddess, linking the epithet with Hebrew šad "breast" as "the one of the Breast". The idea of two mountains being associated here as the breasts of the Earth, fits into the Canaanite mythology quite well. The ideas of pairs of mountains seem to be quite common in Canaanite mythology (similar to Horeb and Sinai in the Bible). The late period of this cosmology makes it difficult to tell what influences (Roman, Greek, or Hebrew) may have informed Philo's writings.
ellauri171.html on line 960: It is considered virtually impossible to reconstruct a clear picture of Canaanite religious practices. Although child sacrifice was known to surrounding peoples, there is no reference to it in ancient Phoenician or Classical texts. The biblical representation of Canaanite religion is always negative.
ellauri171.html on line 964: Canaanite deities such as Baal were represented by figures which were placed in shrines, often on hilltops, or 'high places' surrounded by groves of trees, such as is condemned in the Hebrew Bible, in Hosea (v 13a) which would probably hold the Asherah pole, and standing stones or pillars.
ellauri171.html on line 981: She represents a view of womanhood that is the opposite of the one extolled in characters such as Ruth the Moabite, who is also a foreigner. Ruth surrenders her identity and submerges herself in Israelite ways; she adopts the religious and social norms of the Israelites and is praised by the tentmen for her conversion to "The" God. Jezebel steadfastly remains true to her own beliefs.
ellauri171.html on line 1000: Jezebel is portrayed by the Rabbis as a wicked woman who represents the negative influence of Gentile women who turned Israel’s heart to idolatry. She is a corrupting influence on her husband Ahab, who is drawn to idolatry and away from God because of her.
ellauri171.html on line 1005: Jezebel’s support of Tyros' national God Baal led her to persecute Jewish bigots who overtly rejected idolatry, beginning with the prophets. Scripture tells us that she had these ideological adversaries executed, and in turn promoted 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of god Asherah.
ellauri171.html on line 1021: It is not incomprehensible that, whereas Ahab devoted himself to military and foreign affairs, Jezebel acted as his deputy for internal affairs: the Naboth report comes back to her, as if the king’s seal was hers; she has her own “table,” that is her own economic establishment and budget; she has her own “prophets,” probably a religious establishment that she controls. All these point toward an official or semiofficial position that Jezebel held by virtue of her character, her royal origin and connections, her husband’s and later her children’s esteem, and her religious affiliation to the Baal (possibly also Asherah) cult.
ellauri171.html on line 1027: In recent years, scholars have tried to reclaim the shadowy female figures whose tales are often only partially told in the Bible. Rehabilitating Jezebel’s stained reputation is an arduous task, however, for she is a difficult woman to like. She is not a heroic fighter like Deborah, a devoted sister like Miriam or a cherished wife like Ruth. Jezebel cannot even be compared with the Bible’s other bad girls—Potiphar’s wife and Delilah—for no good comes from Jezebel’s deeds. These other women may be bad, but Jezebel is the worst.
ellauri171.html on line 1034: Do your research and choose a name wisely, kindly and selflessly.
ellauri171.html on line 1051: Judah, who has bought her for his firstborn son, Er, loses it, er, I mean loses Er. When he, er, I mean Er dies, Judah gives Tamar to his second son, Onan, who is to act as levir, a surrogate for his dead brother who would beget a son to continue Er’s lineage. (Onan's sin you must be familiar with first hand!) In this way, Tamar too would be assured a place in the family. Onan, however, would make a considerable economic sacrifice. According to inheritance customs, the estate of Judah, who had three sons, would be divided into four equal parts, with the eldest son acquiring one half and the others one fourth each. A child engendered for Er would inherit at least one fourth and possibly one half (as the son of the firstborn). If Er remained childless, then Judah’s estate would be divided into three, with the eldest, most probably Onan, inheriting two thirds. Onan opts to preserve his financial advantage and does coitus interruptus with Tamar, spilling his semen on the ground. For this, God punishes Onan with death, as God had previously punished Er for doing something equally wicked (unfortunately we are not told what, maybe sodomy in the flock).
ellauri171.html on line 1065: Tamar was assertive of her rights and subversive of convention. She was also deeply loyal to Judah’s family. These qualities also show up in Ruth, who appears later in the lineage of Perez and preserves Boaz’s part of that line. The blessing at Ruth’s wedding underscores the similarity in its hope that Boaz’s house “be like the house of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah” (Ruth 4:12). Tamar’s (and Ruth’s) traits of assertiveness in action, willingness to be unconventional, and deep loyalty to family are the very qualities that distinguish their descendant, King David.
ellauri171.html on line 1105: When Tamar reached puberty her half-brother Amnon, David’s eldest son, developed an unnatural obsession with his young half-sister. He watched her, he waited in places where she passed, he could not get enough of her presence, and above all he wanted to possess her.
ellauri171.html on line 1121: Tamar obeyed her father. She may have had reservations about coming to her brother’s private quarters but she had no choice. Law and custom required her to obey her father, and in any case she would have been escorted by her own servants.
ellauri171.html on line 1137: Amnon ignored her words. He was without pity or remorse. He had his servant literally throw her out of the room. He would not even use her name: ‘Put this woman out of my presence, and bolt the door after her.’
ellauri171.html on line 1154: Prince Amnon refused outright to marry her, the callous streak already evident in David now coming out in the son. David was angry, but did nothing to resolve the situation, or even to punish Amnon for what he had done. This was typical of David – he could never chastise his sons even when they deserved it. Instead he did what many people have done when confronted with rape or incest – he protected the abuser rather than the victim, and tried to hush things up.
ellauri171.html on line 1188: 1 Eräänä päivänä Ruutin anoppi Noomi sanoi hänelle: "Tyttäreni, minun on löydettävä sinulle koti, jossa sinä tulet hyvin toimeen. 2 Boas, jonka naisten kanssa olet työskennellyt, on meidän sukulaisemme. Tänä iltana hän tuulettaa ohraa puimatantereella. 3 Pese, pue hajuvesi ja pukeudu parhaisiin vaatteisiisi. Mene sitten alas puimatantereelle, mutta älä kerro hänelle olevasi siellä ennen kuin hän on syönyt ja juonut. 4 Kun hän makaa, pane merkille paikka, jossa hän makaa. Mene sitten paljastamaan hänen keskijalkansa ja mene makuulle. Hän kertoo sinulle, mitä sinun tulee tehdä." 5 "Minä teen, mitä sanot", Ruut vastasi. 6 Niin hän meni alas puimatantereelle ja teki kaiken, mitä hänen anoppinsa käski hänen tehdä. 7 Kun Boas oli syönyt ja juonut ja oli mainiolla tuulella, meni hän makuulle viljakasan perään. Ruth lähestyi hiljaa, paljasti jalkansa ja meni makuulle. 8 Keskellä yötä jokin hämmästytti miestä; hän kääntyi – ja hänen jalkojensa juuressa makasi nainen! 9 "Kuka sinä olet?" hän kysyi. "Olen palvelijasi Ruth", hän sanoi. "Levitä tuo koholla oleva vaatteesi kulma ylitseni, koska olet perheemme huoltaja-lunastaja." 10 "Herra siunatkoon sinua, tyttäreni", hän vastasi. "Tämä ystävällisyys on suurempi kuin se, jonka osoitit aiemmin: et ole juossut nuorempien miesten perässä, olivatpa ne rikkaita tai köyhiä. 11 Ja nyt, tyttäreni, älä pelkää. Teen puolestasi kaiken mitä pyydät. Kaikki kaupunkini ihmiset tietävät, että olet luonteeltaan jalo nainen. 12 Vaikka on totta, että olen perheemme huoltaja-lunastaja, on toinen, joka on läheisempi sukulainen kuin minä. 13 Jää tänne yöksi ja aamuksi, jos hän haluaa suorittaa velvollisuutensa huoltaja-lunastajanasi, hyvä; anna hänen lunastaa sinut. Mutta jos hän ei tahdo, niin totta kuin Herra elää, minä teen sen. Makoile täällä silti kanssani aamuun asti." 14 Niin hän makasi hänen jalkojensa juuressa aamuun asti, mutta nousi ennen kuin kukaan tunnistettiin; ja hän sanoi: "Kukaan ei saa tietää, että nainen tuli puimatantereelle." 15 Hän sanoi myös: "Tuo minulle huivi, joka sinulla on päälläsi, ja ojenna sitä." Kun hän teki niin, hän kaatoi siihen kuusi mittaa ohraa ja asetti nippun hänen päälleen. Sitten hän palasi kaupunkiin.
ellauri172.html on line 86: De l'Afrique brûlée en Tylé froiduleuse. Kuumasta Aahrikasta ultimaan Tuuleeseen.
ellauri172.html on line 152: Kreivi oli tunnettu somnambuuli. Nyze jatkaa seukkaamista Veeran ruumiin kanssa, tekee sen puolesta feminiinejä juttuja. Ei Veera-vainaa päästä sitä sentään pukille. Mutta vuoden aikana Veera oli joteskin nesessitoitunut, kuten olis Hegel sanonut. Sen ja Villiersin poinzi on et jos jotain oikein kovaa haluaa ninse
ellauri172.html on line 163: «Nella città di Asti, in Piemonte, il 17 gennaio dell'anno 1749, io nacqui di nobili, agiati ed onesti parenti». Così Alfieri presenta se stesso nella Vita scritta da esso, autobiografia stesa, per la maggior parte, intorno al 1790, ma completata solo nel 1803. Alfieri ebbe un'attività letteraria breve ma prolifica e intensa; il suo carattere tormentato, oltre a delineare la sua vita in senso avventuroso, fece di lui un precursore delle inquietudini romantiche.
ellauri172.html on line 165: Come la gran parte dei piemontesi dell'epoca, Vittorio Alfieri ebbe come madrelingua il piemontese. Giacché di nobili origini, apprese dignitosamente il francese e l'italiano, cioè il toscano classico. Compilava piccoli vocabolari. Dopo una giovinezza inquieta ed errabonda, si dedicò con impegno alla lettura e allo studio di Plutarco, Dante, Petrarca, Machiavelli e degli illuministi come Voltaire e Montesquieu: da questi autori ricavò una visione personale razionalista e classicista, convintamente anti-tirannica e in favore di una libertà ideale, al quale unì l'esaltazione del genio individuale tipicamente romantica.
ellauri172.html on line 167: Si entusiasmò per la Rivoluzione francese, durante il suo soggiorno parigino, nel 1789, ma ben presto, a causa del degenerare della rivoluzione dopo il 1792, il suo atteggiamento favorevole si trasformò in una forte avversione per la Francia. Tornò in Italia, dove continuò a scrivere, opponendosi idealmente al regime di Napoleone, e dove morì, a Firenze, nel 1803, venendo sepolto tra i grandi italiani nella Basilica di Santa Croce. Già dagli ultimi anni della sua vita Alfieri divenne un simbolo per gli intellettuali del Risorgimento, a partire da Ugo Foscolo.
ellauri172.html on line 183: Ei muuta kun takas turistelemmaan. Viaggi e dissolutezze. Toccò la Svezia e la Finlandia, giungendo in Russia, dove non volle neppure essere presentato a Caterina II, avendo sviluppato una profonda avversione al dispotismo.
ellauri172.html on line 188: A Lisbona incontrò l'abate piemontese Tommaso Valperga di Caluso, che lo spronò a proseguire la sua carriera letteraria. Nel 1772 cominciò il viaggio di ritorno. Arrivò a Torino il 5 maggio 1772, indebolito e ammalato (forse di una patologia venerea da cui poi guarì).
ellauri172.html on line 190: Ritrovò i suoi vecchi compagni di Accademia militare e di gioventù. Con loro istituì una piccola società che si riuniva settimanalmente in casa sua per «banchettare e ragionare su ogni cosa», la "Societé des Sansguignon", in questo periodo scrisse «cose miste di filosofia e d'impertinenza», per la maggior parte in lingua francese, tra cui l'Esquisse de Jugement Universél, ispirato agli scritti di Voltaire. Guignon on paha silmä.
ellauri172.html on line 192: Ebbe anche una relazione con la marchesa Gabriella Falletti di Villafalletto, moglie di Giovanni Antonio Turinetti marchese di Priero. Tra il 1774 e il 1775, mentre assisteva la sua amica malata, portò a compimento la tragedia Antonio e Cleopatra, rappresentata a giugno di quello stesso anno a Palazzo Carignano, con successo.
ellauri172.html on line 212: Saul vedendolo lo vuole uccidere, ma dopo averlo ascoltato si convince a dargli il comando dell'esercito. David ad un certo punto commette però un errore, parlando di “due agnelli” in Israele, e ciò genera il delirio omicida di Saul verso il giovane. Saul poi spiega a Gionata la dura legge del trono, per la quale “il fratello uccide il fratello”. Davanti al re arriva il sacerdote Achimelech, che porta a Gionata la condanna divina e lo mette al corrente dell'avvenuta incoronazione di David. Il re fa uccidere il sacerdote, e da lì egli andrà sempre più verso il delirio.
ellauri172.html on line 214: Nell'ultimo atto, Saul prevede in un incubo la propria morte e quella dei suoi figli e con una visione piena di sangue si ridesta, e coglie la realtà dei fatti: i Filistei li stanno attaccando, e l'esercito israelita non riesce a difendersi. A questo punto Saul ritrova se stesso, e uccidendosi riconquista l'integrità di uomo e di re.
ellauri172.html on line 220: Ultima testimonianza del rapporto letterario di amore-odio con la cultura francese, in particolare con il principale filosofo dei "lumi", Voltaire.
ellauri172.html on line 222: Dopo un breve periodo di altalenanti problemi di salute e attacchi di gotta e artrite, in cui diminuì il cibo per i problemi gastrici ma continuò a lavorare alacramente. il 3 ottobre 1803 si ammalò gravemente di una febbre gastrointestinale, da cui inizialmente sembrò rimettersi. Tuttavia, alcuni giorni dopo, Vittorio Alfieri si spense improvvisamente a Firenze l'8 ottobre 1803 all'età di 54 anni, probabilmente a causa di infarto cardiaco. Alfieri ebbe un malore, riuscendo solo a far chiamare la contessa d'Albany, a cui aveva lasciato i suoi beni per testamento, e poco dopo, seduto sul letto, si accasciò e non riprese più conoscenza. Vänrikki Nappulassa oli paljon samaa kuin 8kk nuoremmassa Goethessa. Vänrikki Nappula ei tosin perustanut Napsusta.
ellauri172.html on line 254: Later writers satirised this view in terms of an ass which, confronted by both food and water, must necessarily die of both hunger and thirst while pondering a decision. Some proponents of hard determinism have granted the unpleasantness of the scenario (not for the donkey, it will end up eating both), but have denied that it illustrates a true paradox, since one does not contradict oneself in suggesting that a man might die between two equally plausible routes of action. For example, in his Ethics, Benedict de Spinoza suggests that a person who dies because he can't decide is an ass, or worse.
ellauri172.html on line 265: The situation of Buridan's ass was given a mathematical basis in a 1984 paper by American computer scientist Leslie Lamport (LaTex -ladontaskriptikielen kexijä, LOL), in which Lamport presents an argument that, given certain assumptions about continuity in a simple mathematical model of the Buridan's ass problem, there is always some starting condition under which the ass starves to death, no matter what strategy it takes. He points out that just because we do not see people's asses starving to death through indecision, this does not disprove the principle. The persistence of a Buridan's undecided state for the required length of time may just be sufficiently improbable that it has not been observed.
ellauri172.html on line 275: Case 2 Bileamin aasi esiintyy Raamatussa, sen 4. Mooseksen kirjan 22–24 luvuissa sekä muutamissa muissa tekstikohdissa. Bileam oli Beorin poika. Bileam oli kuninkaan palvelija. Moabilaisten kuningas Balak Zipporin poika luotti Bileamin voimiin ja halusi, että Bileam kiroaisi Israelin kansan. Bileam neuvotteli moneen otteeseen Balakin miesten kanssa ja sen jälkeen itse Balakin kanssa. Matkalla Balakin luo Bileamin aasi poikkesi tieltä kolme kertaa ja joka kerralla Bileam löi aasiansa. Kolmannen kerran jälkeen enkeli ilmestyi hänelle. Eikös se aasikin jotain jäpättänyt sille? Bileam teki Balakin kanssa kolmesti seitsemän uhrialttaria, mutta siunasikin israelilaiset. Lopulta neuvottelut Balakin ja Bileamin välillä raukesivat tyhjiin ja molemmat lähtivät omiin suuntiinsa. Bileam kuoli israelilaisen sotilaan miekaniskuun.
ellauri172.html on line 285: 26 Then the angel of the Lord moved on ahead and stood in a narrow place where there was no room to turn, either to the right or to the left. 27 When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord, it lay down under Balaam, and he was angry(E) and beat it with his staff. 28 Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth,(F) and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?(G)”
ellauri172.html on line 295: 32 The angel of the Lord asked him, “Why have you beaten your donkey these three times? I have come here to oppose you because your path is a reckless one before me.[a] 33 The donkey saw me and turned away from me these three times. If it had not turned away, I would certainly have killed you by now,(J) but I would have spared it.”
ellauri172.html on line 367: Müdigkeit läßt Speis und Trank vergessen, Uupuneena se ei koske appeeseen,
ellauri172.html on line 368: Daß er angekleidet sich aufs Bette legt; Vaatteet päällä menee vuoteeseen;
ellauri172.html on line 397: Die genesend schwur: Jos paranee mun kieleni,
ellauri172.html on line 421: "Nein! bei dieser Flamme sei's geschworen, Eipäs! Vannotaan nyt näillä tulilla,
ellauri172.html on line 513: "Dieser Jüngling war mir erst versprochen, Tää kundihan oli ensin mulle luvattu,
ellauri172.html on line 528: Du versiechest nun an diesem Ort. Sä kuivut tähän heti paikalla.
ellauri172.html on line 612: Napsun sisko princesse Pauline Borghese était constamment infidèle et, selon les mémoires de la duchesse d'Abrantès, était capable d'entretenir simultanément trois liaisons. Elle était affligée de problèmes gynécologiques, exacerbés par sa promiscuité bacchanienne, au point qu'un médecin lui conseilla l'application de sangsues à la vulve. Sa santé décline et elle meurt des suites d'un cancer du foie — à Florence, quatre ans après son frère, le 9 juin 1825 âgée de 44 ans, sans descendance.
ellauri172.html on line 625: Paha Mesnilgrand heittää vittuilumielessä Le Capentierin pystiä appelsiininkuorella. Sous la Restauration, au retour des Bourbons, il est exilé comme régicide, en 1816 : il trouve refuge à l'île de Guernesey, mais en est chassé par les autorités britanniques et revient de façon clandestine dans la Manche, se cachant dans le canton des Pieux. Après trois années de recherches, il est de nouveau arrêté, le 6 novembre 1819, sur dénonciation. Condamné à la prison à perpétuité, il meurt dans la prison du Mont-Saint-Michel, où il chantait les louanges de la famille royale et répondait comme servant à la messe tous les matins. Sa dépouille est décapitée et enterrée dans le cimetière d'Ardevon. Päätöntä touhua.
ellauri172.html on line 769: St. Olaf appears to be a bilingual town with a significant amount of unique vocabulary (that may be specific to the area and not appearing in standard Norwegian). Rose uses these phrases quite often, to the exasperation of her roommates. Examples include Gerkanenaken (when dog feces turn white), Tutenbobels (buttocks), Ugel and Flugel (a Hide and seek game for adults) and Vanskapkaka (a special "friendship" cake; this word, however, is based on the Swedish word "vänskapskaka", which holds the same meaning). German, Swedish and Norwegian is the basis of the
ellauri172.html on line 786: Sperhüven Krispies, a foul-smelling Scandinavian midnight snack. They are eaten with one hand closing the nostrils and one hand popping a Krispy into the mouth. Even though they smell horrible, they taste like cheesecake, fresh strawberries, and chocolate ice cream.
ellauri180.html on line 39: Ei vittu mitä enemmän tutustuu ns. vapaa-ajan viihteeseen, sitä selvemmäxi tulee miten helvatin eläimellisestä roskasta on kysymys. Ja tää käsittää kaiken viihteen, ei vaan teeveetä ja romskuja, vaan myös tieteen, taiteen, uskonnon ja urheilun. (Tiede on mukana siis tiedeviihteen osalta, kuten scifin ja Tiede 2000-lehden.) Se on kai ihan ookoo sinänsä, ei voi kauhalla ottaa apinalta kun on lusikalla annettu. Tärkeää vaan pitää mielessä että tässä ei todellakaan ole mitään osaa joka olis jollain lailla ylevää. Se on samaa EAT! FUCK! KILL! touhua Asta Ööhön.
ellauri180.html on line 83: Vuonna 1985 ilmestynyt Oman elämänsä sankari oli jo varsinkin kahdella aiemmalla teoksellaan maailmanmaineeseen ja menestykseen kivunneen John Irvingin kuudes romaani, teos jonka kohdalla kriitikot ylistivät kirjailijan lopullisesti luoneen nahkansa. Koska kyseessä on oma Irving-esikoiseni, olen kykenemätön ottamaan kantaa painin, matkailun tai karhujahtien kuvaukseen, mutta siitä olen vakuuttunut, että iskiessään tämänkertaiseen aiheeseensa naisiin ja heidän oikeuksiinsa, aborttiin ja kysymykseen sen moraalista tai moraalittomuudesta, Irving onnistuu tavalla, jota voi vain ihailla — varsinkin kun otetaan huomioon kirjan ilmestymisajankohta, 1980-luvun alkupuoli, jolloin aborttilaki taisteli jälleen Amerikassa eloonjäämisestään. Mainittakoon tässä yhteydessä, että teoksen abortteja tehtaileva tohtori on myös eetterin väärinkäyttäjä, imppaaja, rohkea valinta kirjailijalta sekin.
ellauri180.html on line 125: Read more from Brianna West: The Truth About Everything, This Is For The Women Who Won't Give A Fuck, Never Mind How Nice You Ask, Your Soul Is A River, The Mountain Is You. The Art Of Letting Go, Read This If, It'll be Okay, and You Will Be Too, Don’t F*cking Panic: The Shit They Don’t Tell You in Therapy About Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks, & Depression, Your Heart Will Heal, Better Than Happy, Love Some One, You Vibrant Happy Women! Oops, most of these titles are Related Books by other snake-oil saleswomen!
ellauri180.html on line 140: Tällä kirjalla on monia myönteisiä ja hehkuvia arvosteluja, mutta minulle henkilökohtaisella tasolla se ei hyödyttänyt lukijan iloa tai mielenterveyttäni. (Halusin epätoivoisesti antaa tämän kirjan pois.) Cider House Rules olisi voinut olla 200 sivua vähemmän, enkä silti olisi nauttinut siitä paremmin. Varsinainen kerronta oli pitkäveteistä, väsyttävää ja koostui suurimmaksi osaksi aika turhia kuvauksia, jotka eivät vaikuttaneet juonenkäänteeseen. Hahmot olivat kuvaukseltaan luurankoisia, ja tunsin olevani hirvittävän etäällä heistä. Jännitteet puuttuivat kokonaan ja aina kun jotain edes vähän jännittävää tapahtui, se oli erittäin antiklimaattista. Se meni siihen tuskalliseen pisteeseen, etten vain välittänyt. Ja todellakin hahmot nimeltä Angel ja Candy tekevät enemmän kuin vain saavat minut värähtämään. Jotain muuta, jonka huomasin Irvingin kohdalla, mikä ei heti näkynyt, on hänen melko outo pakkomielle naisia ja heidän painoaan kohtaan. Tämä ei selvästikään sovi minulle (olen nimittäin aivan vitun läski) ja ollakseni rehellinen, ketä helvettiä kiinnostaa kuinka paljon nainen painaa? Sillä on ilmeisesti paljon merkitystä Irvingille, onhan Irving ex-painija. Irvingin kirjoituksella ei ollut todellista rakennetta, ja ilmeistä lääketieteellistä sanastoa lukuun ottamatta hänen tyylinsä oli yksinkertainen ja epätyydyttävä, ja näytti siltä, että jotkut lauseet olivat toisinaan oudosti lyhennettyjä. Pääasiassa lapsexiottoon ja sikiönlähdetyxeen perustuvan kirjan osalta odotin rehellisesti, että tässä on voittaja, mutta valitettavasti minulla on hirveän katkera maku suuhun ja vastenmielisyys Irvingiä kohtaan.
ellauri180.html on line 146: Viime kädessä se on kuitenkin Melanien hahmo, joka mielestäni on tarinan sankari. Melanie, vaikka vaikutti lievästi sosiopaattiselta, näyttää olevan ainoa, jolla on rehellisyys ja moraali. Lopulta hän antaa Homerille hyvän potkun perseeseen, koska hän näkee, että tämä on pohjimmiltaan kieltänyt oman poikansa. Minua harmittaa, että hänen hahmonsa vedettiin kokonaan pois elokuvasta.
ellauri180.html on line 171: There has been little written from a statistical standpoint to confirm or deny the popular medical belief that the circumcised are less prone to contract venereal disease. This paper will present a statistical study of the incidence of circumcision in a group free from venereal disease as compared with that of groups with various forms of venereal disease, to determine the influence of circumcision on venereal disease.
ellauri180.html on line 174: OBJECTIVES: Globally approximately 25% of men are circumcised for religious, cultural, medical, or parental choice reasons. However, controversy surrounds the procedure, and its benefits and risks to health. We review current knowledge of the health benefits and risks associated with male circumcision. METHODS: We have used, where available, previously conducted reviews of the relation between male circumcision and specific outcomes as "benchmarks", and updated them by searching the Medline database for more recent information. RESULTS: There is substantial evidence that circumcision protects males from HIV infection, penile carcinoma, urinary tract infections, and ulcerative sexually transmitted diseases. We could find little scientific evidence of adverse effects on sexual, psychological, or emotional health. Surgical risks associated with circumcision, particularly bleeding, penile injury, and local infection, as well as the consequences of the pain experienced with neonatal circumcision, are valid concerns that require appropriate responses. CONCLUSION: Further analyses of the utility and cost effectiveness of male circumcision as a preventive health measure should, in the light of this information, be research and policy priorities. A decision as to whether to recommend male circumcision in a given society should be based upon an assessment of the risk for and occurrence of the diseases which are associated with the presence of the foreskin, versus the risk of the complications of the procedure. In order for individuals and their families to make an informed decision, they should be provided with the best available evidence regarding the known benefits and risks. And they should also know what God thinks of it.
ellauri180.html on line 185: Psychologists have extended this theory to incorporate notions of pain imprinting'. By encoding violence on the brain, child-maternal bonding is interrupted and a sense of betrayal is instilled in the infant; these are considered requisite qualities that enhance the child's ability for survival later in life. Indeed, some components of these psychological theories have recently been tested in prospective clinical trials and there is now evidence that neonates who are circumcised without local anaesthetic do have increased pain responses when 4- and 6-monthly vaccinations are administered.
ellauri180.html on line 187: Others believe that circumcision arose as a mark of defilement or slavery (fig. 1). In ancient Egypt captured warriors were often mutilated before being condemned to the slavery. Amputation of digits and castration was common, but the morbidity was high and their resultant value as slaves was reduced. However, circumcision was just as degrading and evolved as a sufficiently humiliating compromise. Eventually, all male descendents of these slaves were circumcised. The Phoenicians, and later the Jews who were largely enslaved, adopted and ritualized circumcision. In time, circumcision was incorporated into Judaic religious practice and viewed as an outward sign of a covenant between God and man (Genesis XVI, Fig. 2).
ellauri180.html on line 211: He concluded that only 4% of foreskins were fully retractile at birth, yet 90% were so by the age of 3 years. Of these remaining foreskins, most could be rendered retractile by gentle manipulation. Recent studies have suggested that by the age of 17 years, only 1% remain unretractile.
ellauri180.html on line 214: To date, a more definite function cannot be ascribed to the prepuce, but as an accessible and ready source of fibroblasts, it has become a favourite tissue reservoir for cell-culture biologists and hence basic scientific research.
ellauri180.html on line 222: `…Your patient C.D., aetat 7 months, has the prepuce with which he was born. You ask me with a note of persuasion in your voice, if it should be excised. Am I to make a decision on scientific grounds, or am I to acquiesce in a rate which took its origin at the behest of that arch-sanitarian Moses?…If you can show good reason why a ritual designed to ease the penalties of concupiscence amidst the sand and flies of the Syrian deserts should be continued in this England, land of clean bed-linen and lesser opportunity, I shall listen to your arguments ……(do you not) understand that Nature does not intend it (the foreskin) to be stretched and retracted in the Temples of the Welfare Centres or ritually removed in the precincts of the operating theatres…'.
ellauri180.html on line 224: Literary assaults such as these have served to fuel the debates and even a Medline® search today reveals that in the last year alone, 155 reviews or letters have been published arguing for or against routine circumcision. However, studying the evolution of the medical indications provides us with a pleasing demonstration of how controversy drives scientific enquiry. We have already described how the surgeons of 100 years ago advocated circumcision for a wide variety of conditions, such as impotence, nocturnal enuresis, sterility, excess masturbation, night terrors, epilepsy, etc. There can be no doubt that a large element of surgical self-interest drove these claims. However, most of the contemporary textbooks also included epithelioma (carcinoma) of the penis amidst the morass of complications of phimosis. Although rare, once this observation had been made, it presumably filtered down through the textbooks by rote, rather than scientific study. A few reports had appeared in the early 20th century indicating that carcinoma of the penis was rare in circumcised men, but not until the debate over neonatal circumcision erupted in the medical press in the 1930s that this surgical `mantra' was put to the test. In 1932, the editor of the Lancet challenged Abraham Wolbarst, a New York urologist, to prove his contention (in a previous Lancet editorial), that circumcision prevented penile carcinoma. Wolbarst responded by surveying every skin, cancer and Jewish hospital in the USA, along with 1250 of the largest general hospitals throughout the Union. With this survey, he was able to show that penile cancer virtually never occurred in circumcised men and that the risk related to the timing of the circumcision. Over the years this association has been reaffirmed by many research workers, although general hygiene, demographic and other factors such as human papilloma virus and smoking status are probably just as important. However, Wolbarst established that association through formal scientific enquiry and proponents of the procedure continue to use this as a compelling argument for circumcision at birth.
ellauri180.html on line 233: However, with a healthcare budget of $140 million per year in the USA (1990), insurance companies eventually forced closer scrutiny. Following such pressure, the first Task Force of Neonatal Circumcision from the American Academy of Pediatrics (1n 1975) concluded that there was no valid medical indication for this procedure. However, the pro-circumcision lobby was strong and the task force was forced to re-evaluate. In 1989, they conceded that there may be certain advantages to neonatal circumcision, although their recommendations did stop short of advising routine operation. Similar pressures in the UK have now resulted in only certain Health Authorities being prepared to pay for the procedure. These tend to be in regions with large ethnic minorities who otherwise may suffer form back street' circumcisions.
ellauri180.html on line 316: It is important to start by trying your hardest to forget anything you think you know about black women and black female identity. As a white person, anything you would know about them you probably learned from media that is not controlled by or monitored by black women themselves. Meaning that it is likely not a good representation of black women at all.
ellauri180.html on line 339: Do serious research. ...
ellauri180.html on line 373: These worlds inspire us with new sensations and experiences, with quoting C.S. Lewis 'such beauty, awe, or terror as the actual world does not supply', with the stuff of desires, dreams, and dread.
ellauri180.html on line 580: Those that survived here represented those that survive in sin, off of pain, and with an attitude of “making it” at all costs. Instead of coming together to find a new way to live like naked mole-rats, they only want to return to the past.
ellauri180.html on line 585: The single remaining loyal dog represents the last vestige of good within this world. He refused to turn to the sin that came so easily to the rest of the world, he was not changed (to the worse) by the darkness.
ellauri180.html on line 589: This act of seeking to find comfort in the burnt remains of religious, or at least holy (privately owned), texts, objects, or structures, after having destroyed them fits into the narrative of this sinful world being reduced to darkness. God (not mentioned) has tested these people and they have failed, only returning to religion when they are at their most desperate. That's an F.
ellauri181.html on line 75: Ennen kaikkea historia viittaa paineeseen sopeutua, johon juutalaiset olivat joutuneet vuosisatojen ajan selviytyäxeen. Max Brod korosti erityisesti tätä tulkintaa. Hän luonnehti tätä tarinaa nerokkaimmaxi satiirixi juutalaisten assimilaatiossa. Samankaltainen taipumus sisältyy šaakaleihin ja arabeihin. Molemmat proosakappaleet julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran yhdessä vuonna 1917 Der Jude -lehdessä, ja ne ovat osa Ein Landarzt -nimeä vuodelta 1920.
ellauri181.html on line 78: Max ja Franz Speedo-uimahousuissa in dieser schlechten Montage.
ellauri181.html on line 80: Viittauxet muihin Kafka-tarinoihin: Loppujen lopuxi tavoitetta ihmisexi tulemisesta ei saavuteta, vaikka päähenkilö ize ei vaikuta tietävän sitä. Rotpeter tekee siitä kuvan, joka on verrattavissa koiran tai rakennustutkimuxen epäonnistuneisiin eläinmuotoihin. Siellä on myös viittaus Kafka-tarinaan Metamorfoosi , jossa hahmo Gregor Samsa muuttuu yöxi eläimexi, nimittäin kovakuoriaisexi. Huomaamaton huono Samsa tulee eläimexi kuitenkin vaivattomasti unen aikana. Apinan liialliset ponnistelut puolestaan johtuvat halusta päästä käsixi viljeltyyn alueeseen ja kyllästettyyn elämään, joka kieltää omat juurensa, ulospääsynä - koska ainoat vaihtoehdot, joista valita, ovat kuolema ja katoaminen tai surullinen kohtalo eläintarhassa näytteillä olevasta apinasta.
ellauri181.html on line 85: Vastaanotto: Sudau (s. 177f.) Korostaa erityistä seikkaa: ”Koko taivaan portti - Kleine Fabel -hiirellä, joka on maailman liian suuri leveys - nurisee yhdessä. Hiirellä ei ole ulospääsyä, vain kohtalokas tulos; apina todellakin löytää ize valizemansa '' ulospääsyn ''. Tällä tavalla Rotpeter seisoo ainutlaatuisella tavalla Kafkan teoxessa: sankari, joka ei mene alle; sankari, joka tietää tarkalleen mitä haluaa ja saavuttaa sen myös! Hänen on kuitenkin unohdettava "tämä suuri vapauden tunne kaikilta puolilta". " Ries (s. 91) huomauttaa, että raportti ennakoi työstä Das Unbehagen in der Kultur by Sigmund Freud , kirjoitettu vuonna 1930 , mikä on tase edistymisestä ja vastoinkäymiset sivilisaation. Kindlerin sanakirja (s. 27) selittää, että raportti on juurtunut syvälle senhetkiseen tieteelliseen-historialliseen tilanteeseen: Kuvaus Brehmin eläinelämästä, Darwinin evoluutioteoria, nykyajan vaihtelevat tapahtumat. TC Boylen romaani Sprich mit mir (2021), jossa simpanssi Sam, joka hallizee viittomakielen, ottaa ajoittain narratiivisen roolin, on muun muassa. innoittamana Kafkan tarina.
ellauri181.html on line 91: „Ist ja eh wurscht“, könnte man sagen, wie jener Kustode der kleinen Ausstellung in Kafkas Sterbehaus bei Wien. Auf das Kürzel „mos.“ in der Sterbeurkunde hingewiesen, grübelt er vor laufender Kamera, ob Kafka wohl Moslem gewesen sei. Die Religionszugehörigkeit „mosaisch“ ist ihm nicht geläufig. Wer es mit Franz Kafka und Max Brod genau nimmt, muss sie ärgerlich finden.
ellauri181.html on line 119: Überblicke ich meine Entwicklung und ihr bisheriges Ziel, so klage ich weder, noch bin ich zufrieden. Die Hände in den Hosentaschen, die Weinflasche auf dem Tisch, liege ich halb, halb sitze ich im Schaukelstuhl und schaue aus dem Fenster. Kommt Besuch, empfange ich ihn, wie es sich gebührt. Mein Impresario sitzt im Vorzimmer; läute ich, kommt er und hört, was ich zu sagen habe. Am Abend ist fast immer Vorstellung, und ich habe wohl kaum mehr zu steigernde Erfolge. Komme ich spät nachz von Banketten, aus wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften, aus gemütlichem Beisammensein nach Hause, erwartet mich eine kleine halbdressierte Schimpansin, und ich lasse es mir nach Affenart bei ihr wohlgehen. Bei Tag will ich sie nicht sehen; sie hat nämlich den Irrsinn des verwirrten dressierten Tieres im Blick; das erkenne nur ich, und ich kann es nicht ertragen. Himskatti toipa oli taas aika tahmeaa misokeittoa. Koko raportti on passiivis-aggressiivinen ja selvästi narsistinen.
ellauri181.html on line 121: Monille Kafkan teoxille on tunnusomaista synkkyys, ahdistus ja unenomaisuus. Taas näitä virsikirjan lisälehtiä. Porukat lukee näitä angstaustarinoita kuten muitakin genrejä kulloiseenkin tarpeeseen.
ellauri181.html on line 126: This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page.
ellauri181.html on line 132: The Theory of Basic Human Values is a theory of cross-cultural psychology and universal values that was developed by a guy called Shalom H. Schwartz. The theory extends previous cross-cultural communication frameworx such as Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory. Schwartz identifies ten basic human values, each distinguished by their underlying motivation or goal, and he explains how people in all cultures recognize them. There are two major methods for measuring these ten basic values: the Schwartz Value Survey and the Portrait Values Questionnaire. A particular value can conflict or align with other values, and these dynamic relationships are typically illustrated using a circular graphic in which opposite poles indicate conflicting values.
ellauri181.html on line 134: One of the main limitations of this theory lies in the methodology of the research. The SVS is quite difficult to answer, because respondenz have to first read the set of 30 value items and give one value the highest as well as the lowest ranking (0 or −1, depending on whether an item is opposed to their values). Hence, completing one questionnaire takes approximately 12 minutes resulting in a significant amount of only half-filled in forms. Furthermore, many respondenz have a tendency to give the majority of the values a high score, resulting in a skewed responses to the upper end. However, this issue can be mitigated by providing respondenz with an additional filter to evaluate the items they marked with high scores. When administering the Schwartz Value Survey in a coaching setting, respondenz are coached to distinguish between a "must-have" value and a "meaningful" value. A "must-have" value is a value you have acted on or thought about in the previous 24 hours (this value item would receive a score of 6 or 7 on the Schwartz scale). A "meaningful" value is something you have acted on or thought about recently, but not in the previous 24 hours (this value item would receive a score of 5 or less).
ellauri181.html on line 136: Another methodological limitations are the resulting ordinal, ipsatised (?) scores that limit the type of useful analyses researchers can perform.
ellauri181.html on line 145: Shalom H. Schwartz (Hebrew: שלום שוורץ) is a social psychologist, cross-cultural researcher and creator of the Theory of Basic Human Values (universal values as latent motivations and needs). He also contributed to the formulation of the values scale in the context of social learning theory and social cognitive theory.
ellauri181.html on line 146: After completing his master's degree in social psychology and group development at Columbia University and completing his rabbinical studies, Schwartz received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Michigan, and subsequently taught in the sociology department of the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and in 1973 became a professor. From 1971-73, Schwartz was a visiting lecturer in the department of psychology at the Hebrew University. In 1979, Schwartz moved to Israel with his wife and three children. He joined the department of psychology at the Hebrew University, where he holds the post of Leon and Clara Sznajderman Professor Emeritus of Psychology. He is now retired, but continues his research activity, as well as developing and promoting his Basic Human Values Theory.
ellauri181.html on line 148: During the 1970s and 1980s, Schwartz was following the studies of Geert Hofstede about human values and built upon them in his research on pro-social and altruistic behavior. His research has since included studies on the development and consequences of a range of behavioral attitudes and orientations, such as religious belief, political orientation and voting, social group relations, consumer behavior, as well as the conceptualization of human values across cultures.
ellauri181.html on line 156: Description: Six main features, relevant to all values, are described first. This is followed by an outline of ten basic personal values, with a guide to which are congruent and which conflict. These six features are relevant to all values.
ellauri181.html on line 174: The Schwartz theory of basic values identifies ten broad personal values, which are differentiated by the underlying goal or motivation. These values are likely to be universal because they help humans cope with one or more of the following three universal requiremenz of existence:
ellauri181.html on line 189: “Hedonism – Defining goal: pleasure or sensuous gratification for oneself.”
ellauri181.html on line 201: “Benevolence – Defining goal: preserving and enhancing the welfare of those with whom one is in frequent personal contact (the ‘in-group’).”
ellauri181.html on line 208: Relations among these 10 broad personal values are dynamic. Actions pursuing one value “have consequences that conflict with some values but are congruent with others.” This has “practical, psychological, and social consequences.” “Of course, people can and do pursue competing values, but not in a single act. Rather, they do so through different acz, at different times, and in different settings.”
ellauri181.html on line 210: The figure below provides a quick guide to values that conflict and those that are congruent. There are two bipolar dimensions. One “contrasz ‘openness to change’ and ‘conservation’ values. This dimension captures the conflict between values that emphasize independence of thought, action, and feelings and readiness for change (self-direction, stimulation) and values that emphasize order, self-restriction, preservation of the past, and resistance to change (security, conformity, tradition).”
ellauri181.html on line 239: Tradition and Security—preserving existing social arrangemenz that give certainty to life;
ellauri181.html on line 259: Arvot pohjaavat perustarpeisiin ja -tavoitteisiin. Kymmenen perusarvoa pohjaavat kolmeen ihmisen elämässä vallizevaan universaaliin tavoitteeseen: ihmisen tarpeisiin biologisina olentoina, sosiaaliseen kanssakäymiseen sekä ryhmien selviytymiseen ja hyvinvointiin.
ellauri181.html on line 378: If the same traits were evaluated on an ipsative measure, respondents would be forced to choose between the two, i.e. a respondent would see the item "Which of these do you agree with more strongly? a) I like parties. b) I keep my work space neat and tidy."
ellauri181.html on line 382: Additionally, ipsative measures may be useful in identifying faking. However, ipsative measures may, especially among testing-naïve individuals exhibiting high levels of conscientiousness and/or neuroticism, decrease test validity by discouraging response and/or encouraging non-response. For example, a test's authors may force respondents to choose between "a) Animals chase me in my dreams" and "b) My dreams are nice" in an effort to see whether a given respondent is more inclined toward "faking bad" or toward "faking good." When faced with such a question, a child frequently terrified by nightmares that rarely if ever involve animals, and especially one whose parents have foolishly taught him/her/it strict rules against lying, may simply refuse to answer the question given that for that respondent nearly all of the time both descriptions are inaccurate. Even a previously presented guideline "Choose the answer that [best/better] describes you" may be unhelpful in such a situation to responders who worry that endorsing one item or the other will still involve stating it to be accurate or "well"-descriptive to some positive degree. Only if the guideline is presented as "Choose the answer that more accurately or less inaccurately describes you" and the above-described responder is sophisticated enough to reason out his/her response in terms of "Despite the infrequency with which I have nice dreams, I have them [more frequently / less infrequently] than dreams in which animals chase me" (or, in theory, vice versa) will such a responder be willing to answer the question—and phrasing the guideline in this way bears its own cost of making the question reveal less about the respondent's propensities because the respondent is no longer forced to "fake" one way or another.[citation needed].
ellauri181.html on line 384: What idiots! And these monkeys test the rest? Yep!
ellauri181.html on line 484: Tervetuloa kisakoneeseen!
ellauri181.html on line 554: *Franklin Covey Co., trading as FranklinCovey and based in Salt Lake City, Utah, is a provider of leadership, individual effectiveness, and business execution training and assessment services for organizations and individuals. The company was formed on May 30, 1997, as a result of merger between Hyrum W. Smith's Franklin Quest and Stephen R. Covey's Covey Leadership Center. Among other producz, the company has marketed the FranklinCovey planning system, modeled in part on the writings of Benjamin Franklin, and The 7 Habiz of Highly Effective People, based on Covey's research into leadership ethics.
ellauri181.html on line 577: When he completed his list of the virtues to which he aspired, Franklin wrote a brief sentence describing each of the virtues and what it meant to him. He did not want there to be any confusion about what each of these words meant. His definitions of his virtues then looked like this.....
ellauri181.html on line 589: - . Moderation - Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
ellauri181.html on line 597: Franklin´s Quaker friend asked him one question. "Ben are you serious? Because you sure aren't these things now."
ellauri181.html on line 598: Franklin explained that he was indeed serious and that he knew he was far from these virtues now. But he aspired to become one with the twelve virtues he had listed and described. His Quaker friend went on then to say. "Ben, if you are serious you need to add a thirteenth virtue. Humility. Because you don't have any."
ellauri182.html on line 69: Yoshimoto keeps her personal life guarded and reveals little about her certified husband, Hiroyoshi Tahaton, or son (born in 2003). The certified husband has also taken up rolfing. Each day she takes half an hour to sit at her computer, and she says, "I tend to feel guilty because I write these stories almost for fun." After work she goes out rolfing with her husband.
ellauri182.html on line 80: Eriko (“Eh-REE-koh Tah-NAH-bee”) is Yuichi’s mother, who invites Mikage to stay at his/her home. Eriko is a transsexual and had previously been Yuichi’s father. Mikage’s first impression of Eriko is “overwhelming.” Mikage describes him/her as “an incredibly beautiful wo/man” who “seemed to vibrate with life force.” Eriko represents an ideal of feminine beauty, charm, and strength for Mikage. At times, Mikage finds it hard to believe that this woman had once been a man, or is still a man—some ambiguities over Eriko’s gender remain, both for the reader and for the characters. Yuichi refers to Eriko as both his mother and father, and other characters refer to Eriko as both “she” and “he.” Mikage could easily keep pace with Eriko.
ellauri182.html on line 90: After eating a delicious, hot meal that lifts her spirits, Mikage gets an idea. She hires a taxi for the long ride to Yuichi’s hotel and then climbs a balcony to present Yuichi with the same food that she had enjoyed.
ellauri182.html on line 104: Symbolism appears throughout Yoshimoto’s story. For the protagonist, kitchens symbolize places of contentment, safety, and healing. Mikage claims, “to me a kitchen represents some distant longing engraved on my soul.” When she is despondent, her dreams of kitchens keep her going. She takes to the kitchen and learns cooking as a way of overcoming feelings of meaninglessness and despair; cooking represents her new attitude toward life. Like kitchens and cooking, food also plays a symbolic role in the story. Mikage is constantly presenting her friends with food; her life changes when she takes a job at a cooking school; and the climax of the story occurs when Mikage brings a dish of special food to Yuichi in his secluded hotel room. Eat my shorz.
ellauri182.html on line 110: A few generations ago in Japan, food preparation was considered a lower class occupation; in economically advantaged households, servants frequently provided the cooking. By the mid-1980s, and as reflected in “Kitchen,” food preparation has become a respectable career as well as an art form. Kitchens are now the showcases of Japanese consumer wealth, filled with new technologies and electronic gadgets, and artful cuisine reflects social sophistication.
ellauri182.html on line 113: The Marshall Plan brought Western ideas and a free market economy to what had been an old and traditional culture. in the mid-1980s, Japan has a booming industrial economy, bolstered by its exports of automobiles and electronics to the West. Japanese society has become more materialistic than ever, influenced by its wealth and the consumerism imported from America. Mikage acknowledges this consumerism when she says of her friends, “these people had a taste for buying new things that verged on the unhealthy.” Mikage’s generation has been brought up on television and American culture; she mentions an American sitcom and Disneyland in her narrative. One character in the story is wearing “what is practically the national costume, a two-piece warmup suit,” a style imported from America. In Japan, Yoshimoto’s generation is called the shinjinrui, a generation that has grown up in a wealthy, technological society exposed to American values. Shinjinrui was new breed of humans (used to refer to the post-war generation, who have different ideals and sensibilities). Japan's Generation X.
ellauri182.html on line 115: Some reviewers thought Kitchen was superficial in style and substance, and overly sentimental. Todd Grimson in the Los Angeles Times Book Review wrote that, ‘“Kitchen’ is light as an invisible pancake, charming and forgettable ... The release of information to the reader seems unskilled, or immature, weak in narrative or plot.” Elizabeth Hanson of the New York Times Book Review took issue with the overall effect of the book, writing that “the endearing characters and amusing scenes in Ms. Yoshimoto’s work do not compensate for frequent bouts of sentimentality.” Hanson added that the book’s main appeal for English-language readers “lies in its portrayal of the lives of young Japanese who are more into food and death than sex. EAT! KILL! but do not FUCK!".
ellauri182.html on line 118: Specifically, after ordering katsudon (fried pork served over rice), Mikage has a revelation with regard to Yuichi. The katsudon becomes more than just a meal, it is a means to reach out to Yuichi, to relate to him, to acknowledge both Mikage’s and Yuichi’s connectedness as two obese lovers starving under the same night sky.
ellauri182.html on line 120: The importance of food in contemporary Japanese culture mirrors many of the sentiments of Yoshimoto’s book. John Ashburne, in “World Food Japan,” emphasizes that Japan is a nation characterized by its obsession with food.
ellauri182.html on line 121: A Japanese lunch invitation cannot be likened to the statement, “let’s grab a burger.” Ashburne offers the opinion that “it’s an invitation to commune over food, to bond in a primal act of mutual celebration, to reinforce group identities, or welcome outsiders into the fold.”
ellauri182.html on line 130: Sartre urged the personal freedom of choice in the face of life’s unknowns, and claimed that seizing freedom was each person’s duty. These ideas of free will and personal responsibility are also introduced in “Kitchen.” Mikage makes the statement: “People aren’t overcome by situations or outside forces; defeat invades from within,” when she begins to realize that she has responsibility for her own life and its pain. Other people can no longer help her; she must take charge of things herself, “with or without” Yuichi.
ellauri182.html on line 136: In Japanese fiction of the seventeenth and eighteenth century, homosexuality was often celebrated for this reason: boys’ love was considered to be purer than the heterosexual kind; it was uncontaminated by the demands of reproduction and other family duties.
ellauri182.html on line 137: Marriage for most Japanese women is still a social trap, commonly known as “the graveyard of life.” It means the end of a career, of economic independence. And since heterosexual love in Japan usually means marriage, an increasing number of career women are stuck with celibacy, with or without trips abroad.
ellauri182.html on line 139: The alternative is of course the sexless intimacy of the fag hag and her chosen friends. The heroines of Yoshimoto’s fiction are not exactly fag hags, nor are they innocent. Mikage and Satsuki are young women. But grown-up sexual relationships are still beyond their grasp. Instead, in the security of their private kitchens, they dream nostalgic dreams, and shed melancholy tears about the passing of time. This is the stuff of great Japanese poetry, and absolute kitsch. Yoshimoto Banana is not yet a mistress of poetry, but she is a past master of kitsch.
ellauri182.html on line 141: “The tone of Yashimoto’s stories is strange, for it veers from childlike naivete to flights of bizarre fancy, which is just like most of Japanese comic books for teenagers.” the publicity photograph of Yoshimoto Banana, hugging her little puppy dog, is cuteness personified. The fact that her father is the most famous philosopher of the 1960s new left gives her name an extra air of incongruousness, as though there were a young German novelist called Banana Habermas. It's daddy's fault! Banana is daddy's girl. Daddy oli sille isänä ja äitinä.
ellauri182.html on line 159: Vanha inssi kannatti Fukushiman ydinvoimaa ja uskoi tieteeseen ja edistyxeen. Suututti jenkit 2001 ymmärtämällä rättipäitäkin.
ellauri182.html on line 166: Jōdo Shinshū (浄土真宗, "Puhdas maa tosi oppi"), also known as Shin Buddhism or True Pure Land Buddhism, is a school of Pure Land Buddhism. It was founded by the former Tendai Japanese monk Shinran.
ellauri182.html on line 169: Nianfo (Chinese: 念佛; pinyin: niànfó, Japanese: 念仏 (ねんぶつ, nenbutsu), Korean: 염불; RR: yeombul, Vietnamese: niệm Phật, "laula Buddha") is a term commonly seen in Pure Land Buddhism. In the context of Pure Land practice, it generally refers to the repetition of the name of Amitābha. It is a translation of Sanskrit buddhānusmṛti (or, "recollection of the Buddha").
ellauri182.html on line 178: Rennyo is generally credited by Shin Buddhists for reversing the stagnation of the early Jōdo Shinshū community, and is considered the "Second Founder" of Jōdo Shinshū. His portrait picture, along with Shinran's, are present on the onanizing (altar) area of most Jōdo Shinshū temples. However, Rennyo has also been criticized by some Shin scholars for his engagement in medieval politics and his alleged divergences from Shinran's original thought.
ellauri182.html on line 180: In contemporary times, Jōdo Shinshū is one of the most widely followed forms of Buddhism in Japan, although like other schools, it faces challenges from many popular Japanese new religions, or shinshūkyō, which emerged following World War II as well as from the growing secularization and materialism of Japanese society.
ellauri182.html on line 183: A pure land is the celestial realm of a buddha or bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism. The term "pure land" is particular to East Asian Buddhism (Chinese: 淨土; pinyin: Jìngtǔ) and related traditions; in Sanskrit the equivalent concept is called a "buddha-field" (Sanskrit buddhakṣetra). The various traditions that focus on pure lands have been given the nomenclature Pure Land Buddhism. Pure lands are also evident in the literature and traditions of Taoism and Bon.
ellauri182.html on line 185: Amitābha is the principal buddha in Pure Land Buddhism, a branch of East Asian Buddhism. In Vajrayana Buddhism, Amitābha is known for his longevity attribute, magnetising Western attributes of discernment, pure perception and purification of the aggregates with a deep awareness of emptiness of all phenomena. According to these scriptures, Amitābha possesses infinite merit resulting from good deeds over countless past lives as a bodhisattva named Dharmākara. Amitābha means "Infinite Light", and Amitāyus means "Infinite Life" so Amitābha is also called "The Buddha of Immeasurable Light and Life". Kuulostaa ihan määzhik kortilta.
ellauri182.html on line 190: In another departure from more traditional Pure Land schools, Shinran advocated that birth in the Pure Land was settled in the midst of life. At the moment one entrusts oneself to Amitābha, one becomes "established in the stage of the truly settled". This is equivalent to the stage of non-retrogression along the bodhisattva path.
ellauri182.html on line 191: Many Pure Land Buddhist schools in the time of Shinran felt that birth in the Pure Land was a literal rebirth that occurred only upon death, and only after certain preliminary rituals. Elaborate rituals were used to guarantee rebirth in the Pure Land, including a common practice wherein the fingers were tied by strings to a painting or image of Amida Buddha. From the perspective of Jōdo Shinshū such rituals actually betray a lack of trust in Amida Buddha, relying on jiriki ("self-power"), rather than the tariki or "other-power" of Amida Buddha. Such rituals also favor those who could afford the time and energy to practice them or possess the necessary ritual objects—another obstacle for lower-class individuals. For Shinran Shonin, who closely followed the thought of the Chinese monk Tan-luan, the Pure Land is synonymous with nirvana.
ellauri182.html on line 193: The goal of the Shin path, or at least the practicer's present life, is the attainment of shinjin in the Other Power of Amida. Shinjin is sometimes translated as "faith", but this does not capture the nuances of the term and it is more often simply left untranslated.[8] The receipt of shinjin comes about through the renunciation of self-effort in attaining enlightenment through tariki. Shinjin arises from jinen (自然 naturalness, spontaneous working of the Vow) and cannot be achieved solely through conscious effort. One is letting go of conscious effort in a sense, and simply trusting Amida Buddha, and the nembutsu.
ellauri182.html on line 209: Cross-national epidemiological studies show that prevalence rates of common mental disorders (i.e. depression, anxiety disorders, and post traumatic ressi) vary considerably between countries, suggesting cultural differences. In order to gather evidence on how culture relates to the aetiology and phenomenology of mental disorders, finding meaningful empirical instruments for capturing the latent (i.e. non-visible) construct of 'culture' is vital. In this review, we suggest using value orientations for this purpose. We focus on Schwartz's value theory, which includes two levels of values: cultural and personal. We identified nine studies on personal values and four studies on cultural values and their relationship with common mental disorders. This relationship was assessed among very heterogeneous cultural groups; however, no consistent correlational pattern occurred. The most compelling evidence suggests that the relationship between personal values and mental disorders is moderated by the cultural context. Hence, assessing mere correlations between personal value orientations and self-reported symptoms of psychopathology, without taking into account the cultural context, does not yield meaningful results. This theoretical review reveals important research gaps: Most studies aimed to explain how values relate to the aetiology of mental disorders, whereas the question of phenomenology was largely neglected. Moreover, all included studies used Western instruments for assessing mental disorders, which may not capture culturally-specific phenomena of mental distress. Finding systematic relationships between values and mental disorders may contribute to making more informed hypotheses about how psychopathology is expressed under different cultural circumstances, and how to culturally adapt psychological interventions.
ellauri182.html on line 288: Loppua kohti Sujata Massey-Ferguson kiihdyttää Zen-kirjassa lähes tutuxi tulleeseen vauhtiinsa.
ellauri182.html on line 299: Kannattaisiko neiti Tanakan kiinnittää painavien puuvillahousujen vyötärö 2 vai 3 pyykkipojalla? Mitä väliä. Hese temppelin suuri Buddha painaa 93 tonnia, tälle tietoiskulle on tilaa konnien jakelemien iskujenkin keskellä. Ukemi olisi valmis pitelemään Reittä tiukasti. Hortensiat vaativat huippualkalisen maaperän. Ja paskat!
ellauri182.html on line 309: Pappi teljetään paatuneiden rikollisten vankilaan ja poistetaan elävien kirjoista. Aimo retribuutio. Rei ei lähde oikeusteize vaatimaan windfallina haltuunsa tullutta kääröä. Se on äärimmäisen jaloa. Onhan tärkeämpiä kuin asioita kuin raha. Paizi housupuku ostaa väärennetyn tansun Ransulta isolla rahalla. Maedan täti saa sen väärennetyn tansun ja Aimo-parkkipaikan. Kaikki ovat tyytyväisiä. Japsut ovat vähään tyytyväisiä. Niillä ei ole ollut inflaatiota 30 vuoteen. Epätoivoiset japsumiehet ketkä ei pääse Rein lailla tienaamaan tekee muille joukkoharakirejä. Ukemi häpeää niin ettei tule edes kazomaan Rein kipeätä polvea. Rei veti esiin paxun tukun rahaa. Peltitölkissä oli herkullista ohrateetä. Angus Glendinning tallusteli huoneeseen. Falafelliä. All was well.
ellauri182.html on line 320: Humans display these facial expressions as 'subconscious calls for help'.
ellauri182.html on line 322: Researchers studied 32 children, aged three to six, and 34 chimpanzees, aged three to six.
ellauri182.html on line 329: Researchers believe that humans might use the expressions as a way of calling for help from others.
ellauri182.html on line 342: phonological system. These are the voiced stops, the affricates, some of the
ellauri182.html on line 419: The Zen circle is a simple, stark black circle usually painted on white paper in ink. Typically the circle is said to represent the material world that continues endlessly without cessation. There is a beginning to life (where the brush first touches the paper) and an end (where the brush leaves the paper), but this beginning and end continue one after the other, thereby signifying the wheel of birth, death and rebirth. The space within that circle is the emptiness, or the void, the understanding of which lies at the heart of Zen and the experience of which is the goal of meditation.
ellauri182.html on line 437: What is inside and what is outside is the same. Plain white paper. The circle - the idea of separation - is an illusion. The circle, which creates the duality of 'inside' and 'outside' or 'here' and 'there' is a false representation. The cycle of 'life' and 'death' that the circle shows is itself nothing more than a trick of the conscious mind that habitually creates opposites where none in fact exist. You're actually dead already.
ellauri183.html on line 71: Philip Roth: "A man of stern morality, Malamud was driven by the need to consider long and seriously every last demand of an overtaxed, overtaxing conscience torturously exacerbated by the pathos of human need unabated." Philip yritti tossa mahduttaa ehkä vähän liikaakin yhteen virkkeeseen.
ellauri183.html on line 96: As a reward for winning the feud, U.S. President Barack Obama presented the 2010 National Lizardities Medal to novelist Philip Roth during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House, on March 2, 2011 in Washington, DC. Getty Images.
ellauri183.html on line 168: In Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard follows Kant in emphasising that Abraham's decision is morally repugnant and rationally unintelligible. However, he also shows that one consequence of Kant's view is that, if nothing is higher than human reason, then belief in God becomes dispensable. Unlike both Kant and Luther, Kierkegaard does not promote a particular judgment about Abraham, but rather presenz his readers with a dilemma: either Abraham is no better than a murderer, and there are no grounds for admiring him; or moral duties do not constitute the highest claim on the human being. Fear and Trembling does not resolve this dilemma, and perhaps for a religious person there is no entirely satisfactory way of resolving it.
ellauri183.html on line 170: The dilemma is not unique to Abraham's situation. Kierkegaard was writing for 19th-century readers who regarded themselves as Christians – that is to say, as people who believed in the authority and goodness of God. By emphasising the difficulty of understanding Abraham's response to the divine command, he emphasises the difficulty of faith izelf. Implicit in his analysis of the story of Abraham is the question: would you do what Abraham did? How could you do such a thing? It seems unlikely that anyone who really thinx about these questions would conclude that he or she would have acted as Abraham did. Just as Abraham's faith is tested by God in the Book of Genesis, so the reader's own faith is tested by personal reflection on the biblical story.
ellauri183.html on line 182: In this text, the question of how to respond to the suffering associated with love and loss is closely connected to the question of how to live in relation to God. As many philosophers have pointed out – and as countless ordinary people have experienced at first hand – human suffering presenz a great challenge to belief in a just, loving, all-powerful God. For Kierkegaard, the testing of Abraham accentuates this challenge, and Abraham provides inspiration precisely because he manages to hold together an apparently irreconcilable contradiction: he believes that the God who commands him to do what is most terrible and painful is also the God who loves him. Again, according to this interpretation, the story of Abraham only testifies to the extraordinary difficulty of religious faith.
ellauri183.html on line 188: Professor Carlisle joined King’s in 2011, and in addition to her research and teaching for the Department of Theology and Religious Studies she worx in the Office of the Dean as AKC Director. In 2015 she became an AKC (Associate of King’s College).
ellauri183.html on line 192: Is stealing from a small shop worse than from a chain? Clare Carlisle's moral QA column in Guardian. God's Lamb's report emphasises the severity of property crime, highlighting research by the Policy Exchange thinktank which found that half of burglary victims do not hear back from police after reporting the crime! By moral absolutism, shoplifting and burglary are both absolutely wrong, and equally as bad as fornication or murder.
ellauri183.html on line 216: Kuuluisassa taantumupuheessa 1931 "El filósofo volvía a pedir a los republicanos que no falsificaran la República. Es frecuente reseñar la frase ¡No es esto, no es esto!. La República es una cosa. El radicalismo es otra."
ellauri183.html on line 218: Su fraseología indicaba claramente su desengaño ante los resultados del sufragio universal y la necesidad de una autoridad inteligente y paternalista en manos de una élite.
ellauri183.html on line 234: A partir de El tema de nuestro tiempo desarrolla el «raciovitalismo», teoría que funda el conocimiento en la vida humana como la realidad radical, uno de cuyos componentes esenciales es la propia razón.
ellauri183.html on line 242: Ortega, en este período de falta de democracia, escribe en La rebelión de las masas que la historia, el progreso, se llevan a cabo por el trabajo de las minorías. Si va a haber una renovación, entonces, esto debe ser hecho por los mejores, que van a ser, sin embargo, reclutados de una manera liberal-democrática. Ortega teme que las masas van a pedirle todo al estado y que este les conceda todo a cambio de obediencia ciega: esto causaría un fracaso para emancipar a las masas. Su visión de la vida es básicamente libertaria con referencias principalmente anarquistas presentes en todos sus escritos. Trae consigo el liberalismo y el socialismo: el liberalismo debe perseguir una emancipación total del individuo (cualquiera que sea la clase a la que pertenezca), el socialismo debe abandonar el estado de estadolatría y terminar persiguiendo un igualitarismo excesivamente extremo.
ellauri183.html on line 244: El advenimiento de las masas al pleno poder social es un hecho que debemos reconocer: provoca una crisis en la Sociedad Europea porque las masas no pueden liderar la sociedad. Esto no significa que puedan elegir a sus propios representantes. El problema es la hiperdemocracia: eso es la emancipación sin asumir la responsabilidad. El fenómeno de la aglomeración se produce durante este período: ciudades llenas, trenes completos, hoteles completos, las masas están en los lugares públicos. Esto no es malo, es una indicación de la civilización, «aunque el fenómeno es lógico, natural, no se puede negar que no ocurrió antes». Esto no se debe a un auge demográfico sino a la masificación de la sociedad (estos individuos preexistían, pero aún no formaban una masa). En todo esto hay un elemento negativo: los mejores (según sus cualidades) son absorbidos por la masa, «los actores son absorbidos por el coro». Cuando Ortega habla de masa no se refiere a la clase obrera, porque «la masa es el hombre promedio». La Masa no es solo un hecho cuantitativo, sino también cualitativo que define una media que tiende hacia abajo. El componente de la masa no se siente como tal y, por lo tanto, se siente con todo a gusto: no se da cuenta de la condición del conformismo en el que se derrumbó.
ellauri183.html on line 260: Can a decent civilization be made from these creatures? Cohn believes that "if this small community behaved, developed, endured, it might someday—if some chimpy Father Abraham got himself born—produce its own Covenant with God." But such visions of a peaceful society are doomed, of course: envy, hatred, and violence inevitably ensue—and Cohn's mating with Mary Madelyn ("I have kept my virginity for you ever since you expwained the word to me when you first read me Rome and Juwiet") will eventually lead to murder and revolution.
ellauri183.html on line 315: Sylvain Bromberger oli väpelöhkö filosofian proffa MITssä. 1924-2018. His research in the philosophy of linguistics, carried out in part with the late Institute Professor Morris Halle of the linguistics section, included investigations into the foundations of phonology and of morphology.
ellauri183.html on line 317: Born in 1924 in Antwerp to a French-speaking Jewish family, Bromberger escaped the German invasion of Belgium with his parents and two brothers on May 10, 1940. After reaching Paris, then Bordeaux, his family obtained one of the last visas issued by the Portuguese consul Aristides de Sousa Mendes in Bayonne.
ellauri183.html on line 329: Early research in linguistic formal semantics used Partee's system to achieve a wealth of empirical and conceptual results. Later work by Irene Heim, Angelika Kratzer, Tanya Reinhart, Robert May and others built on Partee's work to further reconcile it with the generative approach to syntax. The resulting framework is known as the Heim and Kratzer system, after the authors of the textbook Semantics in Generative Grammar which first codified and popularized it. The Heim and Kratzer system differs from earlier approaches in that it incorporates a level of syntactic representation called logical form which undergoes semantic interpretation. Thus, this system often includes syntactic representations and operations which were introduced by translation rules in Montague's system. However, work by others such as Gerald Gazdar proposed models of the syntax-semantics interface which stayed closer to Montague's, providing a system of interpretation in which denotations could be computed on the basis of surface structures. These approaches live on in frameworks such as categorial grammar and combinatory categorial grammar.
ellauri183.html on line 519: Tilahan oli sinun, kun et vielä ollut myynyt sitä, ja sinun olivat myös rahat, kun sen myit. Kuinka saatoit ryhtyä tällaiseen tekoon? Et sinä ole valehdellut ihmisille, vaan Jumalalle.» 5Nämä sanat kuullessaan Ananias lyyhistyi kuolleena maahan, ja kaikki, jotka olivat tätä kuulemassa, joutuivat kauhun valtaan. 6Nuoret miehet kietoivat Ananiaan ruumiin vaatteeseen, kantoivat hänet ulos ja hautasivat hänet.
ellauri183.html on line 531: Islam kieltää koronkiskonnan ja juutalaisuus uhkapelit. Molemmat kapitalismin perusluonteeseen kuuluvat harrastuxet saavat Kristuxelta peukkuja. Talentumin maahan kaivanut palvelija saa pyyhkeitä. Pascal ehdottaa uhkapeliä mahdottomalta kertoimella.
ellauri183.html on line 587: Kuitenkin vuonna 1905 Paavi Pius X valtuutti Innsbruckin yliopiston professori Hartmann Grisarin laatiman luettelon. Grisarin raportti vastaa aikaisempaa Descriptio laternansis Ecclesia. Kultaristi on päivätty kuudennen ja kahdeksannen vuosisadan väliin. Grisarin tutkimuksessa todettiin, että kuten Paavi Paschalin emaloitu hopea-pyyhäristys, kultakullattu risti oli alun perin selvästi suunniteltu pitämään pyhäinjäännös todellisesta rististä. Tätä tukee edelleen Descriptio liittämällä se kulkueeseen Pyhän Ristin korotuksen juhlana. Vita / Paavi Sergius I (687-01) mainitsee sekä korotuksen juhlan, jalokivikoristellun ristin että siihen sisältyvän pyhäinräjähdyksen kunnioittamisen. Grisar katsoi viittauksen esinahkaan ja napaan, jotka ovat peräisin myöhemmistä keskiaikaisista perinteistä. Kultaristi menetettiin vuonna 1945.
ellauri183.html on line 678: Punkkarille hihkui: Mee ja pese tukkasi!
ellauri184.html on line 48: During his time in the Philippines, Mailer was first assigned to regimental headquarters as a typist, then assigned as a wire lineman. In early 1945, after volunteering for a reconnaissance platoon, he completed more than two dozen patrols in contested territory, and engaged in a few firefights and skirmishes. After the Japanese surrender, he was sent to Japan as part of the army of occupation, was promoted to sergeant, and became a first cook and argued about his girth.
ellauri184.html on line 52: When asked about his war experiences, he said that the army was "the worst experience of my life, and also the most important". While in Japan and the Philippines, Mailer wrote to his wife Bea almost daily, and these approximately 400 letters became the foundation of The Naked and the Dead. He drew on his experience as a reconnaissance rifleman for the central action of the novel: a long patrol behind enemy lines. Kaukopartiomiehenä. Kansa taisteli ja miehet kertovat.
ellauri184.html on line 88: Harlot's Ghost, Mailer's longest novel (1310 pages), appeared in 1991 and received his best reviews since The Executioner's Song. It is an exploration of the untold dramas of the CIA from the end of World War II to 1965. He performed a huge amount of research for the novel, which is still on CIA reading lists. He ended the novel with the words "To be continued" and planned to write a sequel, titled Harlot's Grave, but other projects intervened and he never wrote it. Harlot's Ghost sold well.
ellauri184.html on line 156: Elia luuli et tällä selvitään: peseydy, puhaa takapuoli, luovu paheista, anna almuja. !No es eso! Aivan päin persettä!
ellauri184.html on line 219: Modern readers of the NT often know little about the geopolitical world of first-century Palestine. It is commonly assumed that “the Jews” were an undifferentiated community living amicably in the part of the world we now call “the Holy Land” united in their resentment of the political imposition of Roman rule to which all were equally subject.
ellauri184.html on line 255: These passages also make it clear the land of East Manasseh was further divided into two sub-sections, or, regions. These are known as Bashan and Gilead. Bashan, as Adams pointed out, "included all of the tableland south of Mount Hermon to the river Yarmuk". The western border of Bashan was the Jordan River and Sea of Galilee. Hypercritical scholars [who?] argue that the two sections had different origins, noting that in the First Book of Chronicles separate tribal rulers were named for the western half tribe and the eastern half tribe.
ellauri184.html on line 257: The Bible records that following the completion of the conquest of Canaan by the Israelite tribes, Joshua allocated the land among the twelve tribes. According to biblical scholar Kenneth Kitchen, this conquest should be dated slightly after 1200 BCE. Some modern scholars argue that the conquest of Joshua, as described in the Book of Joshua, never occurred. “Besides the rejection of the Albrightian conquest model, the general consensus among OT scholars is that the Book of Joshua has no value in the historical reconstruction. They see the book as an ideological retrojection from a later period — either as early as the reign of Josiah or as late as the Hasmonean period.” "It behooves us to ask, in spite of the fact that the overwhelming consensus of modern scholarship is that Joshua is a pious fiction composed by the deuteronomistic school, how does and how has the Jewish community dealt with these foundational narratives, saturated as they are with acts of violence against others?" ”Recent decades, for example, have seen a remarkable reevaluation of evidence concerning the conquest of the land of Canaan by Joshua. As more sites have been excavated, there has been a growing consensus that the main story of Joshua, that of a speedy and complete conquest (e.g. Josh. 11.23: 'Thus Joshua conquered the whole country, just as the LORD had promised Moses') is contradicted by the archaeological record, though there are indications of some destruction at the appropriate time. No oliko sitten koko esinahkakasa satua? Ketä enää uskoa? Usko siirtää vuoria, eikö sitten esinahkakukkuloita?
ellauri184.html on line 265: Thanks in large part to Jesus-movies and swords-and-sandals cinematic epics (e.g., Ben-Hur, Masada, Spartacus, Life of Brian), there is a widespread perception that distinctively Woman soldiers infested Palestine during the life of Jesus – often signaled in such films by highbwow Bwitish accents in contrast with the unpretentious American dialect spoken by Jews. As deeply engrained as this image is in the popular consciousness, it is not entirely accurate. There were several different types of soldiers in the Woman East during the New Testament period and the differences between these soldiers were significant; the languages they spoke, the government they worked for, their relationship to the civilians they encountered, their pay, and many other specifics differed considerably.
ellauri184.html on line 269: There were important defeats along the way but it is interesting to observe that commanders often escaped repercussions for their militawy incompetence and it was usually the soldiers who bore the blame for defeat. Though a legionawy could theoretically come from any province within the Empire, the requirement of Woman citizenship had consequences for demographics: legionawies were more likely to speak Latin than non-citizen soldiers, they were usually wecwuited from the most heavily Womanized cities and provinces, their citizenship held inherent prestige that afforded them privilege over both civilians and other soldiers, etc. Legions primarily garrisoned in major imperial provinces, such as Syria, Pannonia, and post-War Judaea. With the exception of Egypt, all provinces with at least one legion were required to have a governor with Senator status. Legions primarily consisted of infantry soldiers, with a few cavalry or archers present among their ranks. Roughly 30 legions were active at any given time within the Empire and each consisted of approximately 5400 soldiers and officers, a standing army of ca. 150-300K total, though not all with a weceived Latin pwonunciation.
ellauri184.html on line 275: The ethnic nature of these units led Wome to create many “specialist” cohorts (e.g., dromedary, archery, sling) that worked with combat methods familiar to one or another ethnic group. Though auxiliaries often served in major imperial provinces alongside legionawies, they also served in minor provinces as well. Thus, provinces and regions with a governor of Equestrian status (e.g., Raetia, Noricum, pre-War Judaea) had no legions, but only auxiliaries. Until about 70 CE, many auxiliary soldiers were stationed in their home province; Judaeans were in Judaea, Syrians in Syria, etc. In addition to the Jewish War (66-73 CE), problems with soldiers’ divided loyalties with the Revolt of the Batavi in Germania Inferior (69-70 CE) and the Year of the Four Empewows (68-69 CE) led empewows to actively undermine any remaining ethnic homogeneity in the auxilia, stationing soldiers outside their homeland in increasingly diverse units. Finally, auxiliaries were paid less than legionawies and did not receive all the bonuses granted to legionawies if they were successful in the same battle.
ellauri184.html on line 277: There were also royal forces that did not directly serve Wome, but were under the authority of a client king. The periphery of the Woman Empire was peppered with kingdoms allied with Wome that maintained their own militawies independent of the Empire proper (e.g., Herod the Great’s Judaea, Antipas’ Galilee, Cleopatra’s Egypt). These armies differed from kingdom to kingdom with respect to their hierarchies, pay scale, wecwuitment strategies, and so on. Wome occasionally expected kings to contribute soldiers to militawy campaigns as part of their reciprocal loyalty. Because kings could not offer their veterans Woman citizenship, the matter was irrelevant. With little invested in Womanness, royal soldiers spoke the local lingua franca and rarely had knowledge of Latin or other aspects of Woman culture.
ellauri184.html on line 279: Remembering the distinctions between these three militawy forces – legionawies, auxiliaries, and royal forces – is pivotal for understanding both pre-War and post-War Palestine. The Jewish War (66-73 CE) was a catastrophic event for civilians in the region, regardless of their participation in the revolt against Wome. The destruction of the temple, the imposition of massive new militawy and administrative apparatus, widespread devastation, significant loss of life, among other factors, led to significantly different experiences of the militawy before and after the Jewish War. It is impossible to talk about the pre-War and post-War life without attending to the details of these different units, especially auxiliaries and legionawies.
ellauri184.html on line 281: Though Jews and Samaritans likely formed the majority of the army under Herod, by the time of the Jewish War their numbers had been eclipsed by ethnic Syrians. Most, perhaps all, of these soldiers were Aramaic speakers.
ellauri184.html on line 291: But how did the Jewish religion fit into the Woman army? A Jewish soldier named Matthew tended to the pigs at Herodium. There is no reason to infer that he no longer cared about Jewishness. Jewish practices varied considerably, such that one person’s piety might be another’s heresy. No doubt these soldiers had complex, conflicted, and even conflicting internal lives just as we do today.
ellauri184.html on line 302: Vankan aterian jälkeen tuli ulos monta pientä pierua. Paras pojat lähtä turneelle ennen kuin jäädään kiinni varoitti nelisormi Pete. 1 synagoogan edessä pyysi pitaalinen lanttia. Jeshua ei antanut vaan teki siitä ex-leperin, mistä se myöhemmin marisi Brianille. Olis tehnyt edes vaikka osa-aikavammasen. Kaikkien tautisten parantaminen kerralla ei tule kyseeseen, syistä jota ei voi sanoa.
ellauri184.html on line 401: Antiteeseistä nämä:
ellauri184.html on line 430: Turhaan Jeshua vekuttaa hygieniasäännöistä. Kyllä voi tulla sairaaxi jos sisään menee mikä tulee ulos toisen pepusta, ellei pese käsiä. Seija on tästä hyvin tarkkana.
ellauri184.html on line 432: Turha tähän on liioin sekoittaa jotain muka jalompaa uhrimieltä. Moniko meistä kaatuu jonkun aatteen puolesta (ja kannattaako se voi kysyä). Lähimmäisen rakkautta on sekin että pesee käsiä. Olisihan Jeshua voinut edes pestä kätensä ennenkö työnsi ne mykän suuhun. Ei kyllä tiennyt mitään Semmelweissistä.
ellauri184.html on line 493: Yhdysvaltain presidentti George W. Bush kommentoi Ankan kuolemaa varhain aamulla: ”Roope Ankka oli eräs amerikkalaisen unelman ilmentymistä. Hän valoi jokaiseen amerikkalaiseen uskoa kovaan työhön. Hän oli ”self-made man” sanan parhaassa merkityksessä, oman elämänsä seppo kuten Mauno Koivisto (kiitos Haju Pisilä tästä vinkistä).” Ankka-yhtymät on saanut Bushin hallinnolta useita kilpailuttamattomia urakoita Irakin jälleenrakentamisesta, mikä on herättänyt vahvaa kritiikkiä. Ankkalinnan talous joutui lisäksi muutama vuosi sitten pahaan syöksykierteeseen, kun Ankka-yhtymät ilmoitti siirtävänsä suuren osan tuotannostaan Kiinaan.
ellauri184.html on line 524: In 167 BCE Judea was part of the Seleucid Empire. Its ruler, Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175–165 BCE), smarting from a defeat in a war against Ptolemaic Egypt, banned traditional Jewish religious practices, and attempted to forcibly let the Jews accept Hellenistic culture. Throughout the country Jews were ordered, with the threat of execution, to sacrifice pigs to Greek gods (the normal practice in the Ancient Greek religion), desecrate the Shabbat, eat unkosher animals (especially pork), and relinquish their Jewish scriptures. Antiochus´ decree also outlawed Jewish circumcision, and parents who violated his order were hanged along with their infants.[1Mac 1:46-67] According to Tacitus, as quoted by Hodges, Antiochus "endeavoured to abolish Jewish superstition and to introduce Greek civilization."
ellauri184.html on line 526: According to rabbinical accounts, he desecrated the Second Temple of Jerusalem by placing a statue of Olympian Zeus on the altar of the Temple; this incident is also reported by the biblical Book of Daniel, where the author refers to the statue of the Greek god inside the Temple as "abomination of desolation". Antiochus´ decrees and vituperation of Judaism motivated the Maccabean Revolt; the Maccabees reacted violently against the forced Hellenization of Judea, destroyed pagan altars in the villages, circumcised boys, and forced Hellenized Jews into outlawry. The revolt ended in the re-establishment of an independent Jewish kingdom under the Hasmoneans, until it turned into a client state of the Roman Republic under the reign of Herod the Great (37–4 BCE).
ellauri184.html on line 534: The Apostle Paul referred to these practices in his letters, saying: "Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised."[1Cor 7:18] But he also explicitly denounced the forcing of circumcision upon non-Jews, rejecting and condemning those Judaizers who stipulated the ritual to Gentile Christians, labelling such advocates as "false brothers"[Gal 2:4] (see below). In the mid-2nd century Rabbinical Jewish leaders, due to increasing cases of foreskin restorations in Roman Empire, introduced a radical method of circumcision, the periah, that left the glans totally uncovered and sew the remaining skin. The new method became immediately the only valid circumcision procedure, to ensure that a born Jew will remain circumcised and avoiding risk of restoring the foreskin. Operations became mostly irreversible.
ellauri184.html on line 536: Under the first Christian emperor, Constantine, the two rescripts of Antoninus on circumcision were re-enacted and again in the 6th century under Justinian. These restrictions on circumcision made their way into both secular and Canon law and "at least through the Middle Ages, preserved and enhanced laws banning Hebrews from circumcising non-Hebrews and banning Christians or slaves of any religious affiliation from undergoing circumcision for any reason." Hyvä pojat!
ellauri184.html on line 545: Jeshua johtuu peukuttamaan vähän nolona universalismia. Eka sen piti olla messias tuppikulleille, muzen jutut uppos pakanoihin paljon paremmin. Sixe siteeraa Hesekielin luvusta 34 et herra isoherra hakee lampaat vaikka mistä puskista. Ja loppu on jo historiaa! Paavo Haavikkokin ymmärsi olla gentiilien apostoli, that´s where the big money is. Or was, nythän maailman rikkaimmissa on juutalaisia niin että nupit kolkkaavat. Kirjan oppineiden mielestä sananlevitys pakanoille oli pilkantekoa. Tästä saivat esinahkasodat uutta vauhtia.
ellauri184.html on line 561: Jeshua ei uskalla edes vilkua pukilta yllätettyä naisihmistä. Kyllä sillä joku naishändikäppi on. Supisee vaan izexeen sananlaskuista jotain erityisen misogyyniä meemiä. Mamu Iisebelin ansaizematonta kohtaloa kerrataan. Pezku lukee paxulla sormella kuin Korsnäsin inttikaveri Hesekielin kohtaa Aholipasta. Tai Oholibasta. Hemmetti. Mikä näitä menninkäisiä oikein vaivaa? Eikö äiti näyttäytynyt niille saunassa?
ellauri184.html on line 563: Pulkkisella oli albumissa 105 toi Hesekielin Ohola ja Oholipa, joku jumalinen ämmä mätki sillä kanssasisaria. Naisten puoli helottaa kuin helvetin peräseinä, sanoi Kaari Utrionkin ruustinna ja kuoli siltä seisomalta apoplexiaan. Oho, ottaako sinun orasi, ei liiku minun lipani. Polttavaa on Hesen kastike. Musta huppu päähän naisille, kaikki on niiden oma vika, mitäs ovat niin haluttavia. Iisebelixi sanotaan jenkeissä mustia huoria, kuten Harrixen Kamala.
ellauri184.html on line 565: Pahaxi onnexi nainen on kaunis, se on lieventävä mutta kangistava asian haara. Jeshuaa panettaa, not to put too fine a point on it. Pitäiskö sen kaivaa silmä poskelle? Nää, se nyt oli vaan sellainen sanonta. Pitäskö neidiltä vääntää nenä niskaan, kuten Hese suosittaa? Se ei olis kivaa, sanoo tyttö vienosti.
ellauri184.html on line 623: 2. Processes of marginalization and not the concrete breaking of laws – led to Jesus’s death. Not only was Jesus passively exposed to these processes of marginalization, but he partly contributed to them because he modelled himself as an outsider and distanced himself too little from the messianic expectations ascribed to him. This staged self-marginalization – partly done in performative fashion – was dangerous because the term “Messiah” was often charged with political content, as was exemplified by numerous rebel leaders who regarded themselves as the Messiah or were considered as such by their followers. Many of them were executed, including Jesus.
ellauri184.html on line 625: Extant historical sources provide a complicated hodgepodge of religious, political, mental, and socio- psychological issues that prove difficult to disentangle. Most of all, the religious issues cannot be separated from the political ones. I propose four hypotheses (not very original):
ellauri184.html on line 629: b) Each of these unusual acts of behavior could individually have warranted the death penalty according to either Jewish or Roman law.
ellauri184.html on line 631: c) A political twist could be ascribed to each of these issues so as to obtain a capital sentence from the Roman governor. The Sanhedrin took on this task.
ellauri184.html on line 633: d) Most charges are passed over in silence in the accounts of the Passion. These lacunae are easy to discover and fill in since the Gospels describe the events leading up to the Passion in a narrative and plausible manner.
ellauri184.html on line 638: If it is correct that the charge of blasphemy was brought forward (i.e., that Jesus claimed to be the eschatologically defined Son of Man, which seems to be the main reason for his execution in Jewish understanding), it would be easy to ascribe a political implication to this charge. This line of political argumentation is most clearly expressed in Luke 23.2: “We found this man perverting our nation, forbidding us to pay taxes to the emperor, and saying that he himself is the Messiah. The use of the death penalty confirms this political charge (crimen laesae maiestatis). Crucifixion as a Roman form of execution was reserved for slaves and peregrines who were involved in insurrections. The subtitle on the cross (ho basileus ton Iudaion, Iesus Nazarenus rex Iudaeorum, INRI), if it is historical, corroborates this particular charge.
ellauri184.html on line 640: We do not know whether Jesus routinely called himself the Messiah, Son of Man, or King of the Jews (though the evangelists sure make it appear so). Nevertheless, these logos were ascribed to him, and he did not sufficiently distance himself from them. Even worse, he presented himself as an outsider by caring for outcasts and thus broke social taboos. What is more, through healings, exorcisms, and commensality with the disdained, he deliberately distanced himself from societal norms, added to his image as an outsider in a performative way, and thereby metaphorically conveyed a message that his opponents understood very well.
ellauri184.html on line 642: By deriving his superior authority directly from God (e.g., in exorcisms and forgiveness of sins: Lk. 7.47-50) through his unique proximity to God and his ultimate claim to his unique interpretation of divine law – he exclusively set his own standards and his own criteria of who had access to Heaven and who did not – he upset the masses and caught the attention of the authorities, who perceived such utterances as subversive. More and more, they felt threatened in their own authority. In addition to behaving as though bestowed with superior authority, Jesus sharply criticized the Temple to the point that he finally became violent within its precincts. After a final incident, the representatives of the Temple, the priests, the scribes, and the Elders, who strove to preserve the core of the Jewish faith as embodied in the Temple, felt threatened in their position.
ellauri184.html on line 649: Jesus was not merely a prophet. Due to his wanderings and teachings, he was also a radical itinerant charismatic preacher who represented a decidedly anti-hegemonial world view. His speeches were seen by the Jewish establishment as an incitement of the people.
ellauri184.html on line 651: To the average inhabitant of the Roman Empire, the manifold itinerant groups of magicians, sophists, cynics, other philosophers, astrologers, prophets, and eventually also Christians, must have appeared basically the same. These oscillating and enigmatic figures were simultaneously admired and despised for their "otherness". Why was Jesus able to appear as a radical itinerant preacher? He did not call for a political upheaval. Nevertheless, his messianic “program” was radical in its postulation of a proximity to God that had hitherto been unheard of and was based on the deliberate breaking of taboos and social conventions.
ellauri184.html on line 653: In the end, Jesus represented several different images of a bogeyman and became an outsider par excellence. He put off many of his adherents through his negligence of politics (i.e. he did not yield to their pressure to exert violence for political reasons), and he drew the attention of the authorities upon himself and made them suspicious through his eccentric speeches. Finally, Jesus was between the stools: There was no one left to speak in his favor. In the end, perceptions prevailed beyond all else.
ellauri184.html on line 655: The Romans regarded him as a political dissident, or an insurgent – which the word lestes/latro appropriately captured – via the claim that he was King of the Jews, a claim that he never denied. Jesus’s hobo life testified to his calling as a prophet and radical wandering charismatic who constantly transgressed social boundaries. These multi-faceted processes of marginalization that Jesus partly took on voluntarily and partly endured led – in the brutal logic of the time – to his crucifixion as an outsider.
ellauri184.html on line 736: Mary was most certainly a widow at this point in her life and also an older woman. Though she had other sons, Jesus chose John to provide care for Mary after His death. Why? Because Jesus’ brothers did not become believers until after His resurrection (John 7:5). Further, Jesus’ brothers were not present at His crucifixion. They had other errands just then. Jesus was entrusting Mary to John, who was a believer and was present, rather than entrusting her to His brothers, who were not believers and who were not even interested enough to be present at his crucifixion.
ellauri184.html on line 738: As the eldest son in His family, Jesus had a cultural obligation to care for His mother, and He passed that obligation on to one of His closest friends. John would have certainly obeyed this command. Mary was most likely one of the women in the upper room and was present when the church was established in Jerusalem (Acts 1:12–14). She probably continued to stay with John in Jerusalem until her death. It is only later in John’s life that his writings and church history reveal John left Jerusalem and ministered in other areas. By then he had probably got rid of mamma Maria.
ellauri184.html on line 767: Mailer is considering a God of Action, something of a Hemingway in deistic form who must prove himself with creative acts, a deity in the trenches, making mistakes, failing, succeeding, learning from his mistakes, constantly evolving.The God that interests Mailer is one guided by intuition no less than we, His creations whom we are said to resemble. Nuchem´s own self image to a jot.
ellauri184.html on line 783: Jesus having sex with Mary Magdalene in the whorehouse without the blessing of marriage. The demon asking Jesus to use a sheep for sexual release. An angel posing as a beggar during the Annunciation scene. The same beggar-angel walking with Mary to Bethlehem provoking jealousy to the doubting Joseph. Three shepherds instead of 3 kings visiting the family in the Bethlehem. Joseph crucified and dying on the cross mistaken as a zealot. Jesus seeing God in the desert. Jesus riding on the boat with the God and the Devil. These are some of the shocking deviations from the story that Saramago imagined and incorporated to come up with an “irreverent, profound, skeptical, funny, heretical, deeply philosophical, provocative and compelling work.” (Source: Harold Robbin who says that this is his favorite work of Saramago. So far, I agree).
ellauri184.html on line 785: This is a bold fearless work and definitely not for the faint of heart. I am not surprised that when this was originally published in 1991, it created lots of controversies with the Catholic Church condemning Jose Saramago for harboring anti-religious vision and his own Portuguese government asking the European Literary Prize to remove this from its shortlist because of the book’s offensive content to religion. Despite this book’s existence, Saramago won the 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature.
ellauri185.html on line 38: Horatio Alger, Jr. (13. tammikuuta 1832 – 18. heinäkuuta 1899) oli yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija. Hän nousi lukuisilla romaaneillaan laajaan maineeseen jo elinaikanaan.
ellauri185.html on line 58: The childless Hannah vows to Yahweh of hosts that, if she has a son, he will be dedicated to Yahweh. Eli, the priest of Shiloh, where the Ark of the Covenant is provisionally located, blesses her. A child named Samuel is born, and Samuel is dedicated to the Lord as a Nazirite—the only one besides Samson to be identified in the Bible. Eli's sons, Hophni and Phinehas, sin against God's laws and the people, a sin that causes them to die in the Battle of Aphek. But the child Samuel grows up "in the presence of the Lord."
ellauri185.html on line 77: Tyre is mentioned in the Book of Isaiah as being forgotten for 70 years, after which "she" would return to her lucrative prostitution and the profit would go to "those who live in the presence of the LORD".
ellauri185.html on line 91: Obviously, this wouldn’t be impressive if the prophecy came after the destruction of Tyre. So when did these things happen?
ellauri185.html on line 113: Shortly thereafter, Saul leads Israel to a victory over Nahash of Ammon. Despite his numerous military victories, Saul disobeys Yahweh's instruction to destroy Amalek: Saul spares the Amalekite ruler and the best portion of the Amalekite flocks to present them as sacrifices. Samuel rebukes Saul and tells him that God has now chosen another man to be king of Israel.
ellauri185.html on line 141: 2 Samuel concludes with four chapters (chapters 21 to 24) that lie outside the chronological succession narrative of Saul and David, a narrative that will continue in The Book of Kings. These four supplementary chapters cover a great famine during David's reign; the execution of seven of Saul's remaining descendants, only Mephibosheth being saved (kannattiko mainita), David's song of thanksgiving, which is almost identical to Psalm 18; David's last words; a list of David's "mighty warriors"; an offering made by David using water from the well of Bethlehem; David's sinful census; a plague over Israel which David opted for as preferable to either famine or oppression; and the construction of an altar on land David purchased from Araunah the Jebusite.
ellauri185.html on line 150: Valehteli neitosille suut silmät täyteen vielä kuolinvuoteellaan, oli se sevverran paska mies. David Nashin esi-isä varasti silkkiliinan ja deportoitiin Australiaan. David Pesetsky toi meille tuliaisixi Vana Tallinn liköörin ja vei sen mennessään seuraaville isännille.
ellauri185.html on line 156: On 16 November 1491, in the Brasero de la Dehesa (lit: "brazier in the meadow") in Ávila, all of the accused were handed over to the secular authorities and burned at the stake. Nine people were executed - three Jews: Yusef Franco, Ça Franco, and Moses Abenamías; and six conversos: Alonso, Lope, García and Juan Franco, Juan de Ocaña and Benito García. As was customary, the sentences were read out at the auto-da-fé, and those of Yucef Franco and Benito García have been preserved.
ellauri185.html on line 157: The preserved confessions of this defendant, extracted under torture, refer at first only to conversations with Benito García in gaol and incriminate them only as Judaizers, but later start to refer to a piece of witchcraft performed about four years earlier (perhaps 1487), which involved the use of a consecrated host, stolen from a church in La Guardia, and the heart of a Christian boy.
ellauri185.html on line 166: In sostanza, il Cortegiano si presenta quale «moderno erede della pedagogia umanistica» in quanto l'uomo che vi si raffigura è «un uomo versatile e aperto, duttile e completo; è esperto di armi e di politica, ma sa anche di lettere, filosofia ed arti, è raffinato ma senza affettazione, è coraggioso e valente, ma senza ostentazione». In sostanza, è un trattato di pedagogia rivolto a chi vive nel mondo ristretto ed elitario delle corti.
ellauri185.html on line 292: 10.3.2022 klo 9.35 - Oma Profiili: Kuka nyt haluaa muuttaa johki kuoleman odotushuoneeseen ennen kuin pakon edessä
ellauri185.html on line 342: important claims are these:
ellauri185.html on line 356: could make us deserve to suffer, or to be less happy, because of
ellauri185.html on line 360: laws would make things go best, because these are the only
ellauri185.html on line 364: We have strong reasons, I believe, to accept these claims.
ellauri185.html on line 390: Paul Charles William Davies AM (born 22 April 1946) is an English physicist, writer and broadcaster, a professor in Arizona State University and Director of BEYOND: Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science. He is affiliated with the Institute for Quantum Studies in Chapman University in California. He previously held academic appointments in the University of Cambridge, University College London, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, University of Adelaide and Macquarie University. His research interests are in the fields of cosmology, quantum field theory, and astrology. He proposed that a one-way trip to Mars could be a viable option for him. His colleagues agreed whole-heartedly.
ellauri185.html on line 442: New Scientistin toimittaja, sittemmin Jeremy Webfoot, vastasi puolustamalla artikkelia sanomalla, että lehti on "idealehti - se tarkoittaa kirjoittamista päättömistä hypoteeseista as well as teorioista". Tammikuussa 2009 New Scientist julkaisi kannen otsikolla "Darwin oli väärässä". Varsinaisessa tarinassa todettiin, että Darwinin evoluutioteorian jotkut pikku yksityiskohdat oli osoitettu väärixi, lähinnä toisiinsa liittyvien lajien fylogeneettisten puun muoto, joka olisi esitettävä verkkona puun sijasta. Jotkut evoluutiobiologit, jotka vastustavat aktiivisesti älykästä suunnitteluliikettä, pitivät kantta sekä sensaatiohakuisena että vahingollisena tiedeyhteisölle. No mä olinkin vähän haistavinani älykkään suunnittelun pukinsorkkaa tässä Tiede 2022-lehden tarjoomuxessa. En ilmeisesti ollut väärässä.
ellauri185.html on line 497: Tolstoin mielestä isänmaallisuus koskettavine runoineen, sankarihautoineen ja siniristilippuineen on siveellisesti ala-arvoista. Kerronko mikä on siveellisesti ala-arvoista? Se on että panee sisäkköä astiavälikössä ja on surevinaan sitä sitten jälkeenpäin sen kuoltua lapsivuoteeseen? Se ei ole vaan atavismia, se on suoranaista panslavismia!
ellauri185.html on line 705: Siinäpä kahden miehen välillä syvä olennainen erilaisuus, vastakohta! Niin syvä erilaisuus, että tässä vastakkain ei ainoastaan kaksi mitä erilaisinta yksilöä, kaksi eri rotua maailmaa: slaavilaisuus ja germaanilaisuus, itämaat ja länsimaat. Tolstoilta puuttuvat hämmästyttävässä määrässä terveet sosiaaliset poliittiset vaistot, mitkä slaaveilla yleensäkin ovat heikosti kehittyneet. Samoin puuttuu häneltä luja henkinen tasapaino ja todellisuustaju. Siitä johtuu, että hän alituiseen tekee lisiä hyppäyksiä yhdestä äärimmäisyydestä toiseen ja aina taipuvainen ylijännitteisyyteen liioitteluun. Siitä johtuu myöskin, että hän kiihkomielisesti pureutuu kaikenlaisiin yltiöpäisiin, haaveellisiin usein sairaalloisen yksipuolisiin aatteisiin mielijohteisiin. Tolstoi edustaa yleensä tyypillisellä tavalla alaspäin painuvaa henkistä kehitystä. Hän on sivistykseen väsynyt, rappeutunut ylimys, joka kaihoaa takaisin luonnontilaan, haluaa jälleen muuttua muzhikaksi ja näyttelee sellaista. Luther sitävastoin edustaa nousevaa kehityssuuntaa, auringon nousua. Hän on läpiterve maalaisvesa, joka tältä leveältä, terveeltä rustolta kohoaa korkeimpaan kulttuuriin. Senvuoksi hänellä on mitä terveimmät sosiaaliset vaistot, mitä lujin henkinen tasapaino, talonpojan terävä, hairahtumaton todellisuustaju. Ja tähän aito terveeseen, terävään ja ylipainoiseen todellisuustajuun yhtyy hänessä ihmisyyden korkeimpiin pyrkimyksiin ym päämääriin suuntautuva ihanteellinen mieli, sellainen henkinen syvyys, mikä ei koskaan salli henkilön pysähtyä puolitiehen, vaan pakottaa hänet vuorimiehen syvyyksiin tunkeutuvan toiminnan tavoin aina painumaan ongelmien pohjaan saakka. Carl Erik oli vuorimiesyhdistyxen aktiivi ja Pirkko geologian naisia.
ellauri185.html on line 744: Ehkä tässä puhuu myös depressio. Masennus tuo puheeseen passiivis-argressiivisen sivuhajun. Sääliksikin käy. Vaikka samalla naurattaa.
ellauri185.html on line 827: Results: American Indians/Alaska Natives had a significantly higher and 50% or greater prevalence for 7 conditions (anotia or microtia, cleft lip, trisomy 18, encephalocele, lower, upper, and any limb deficiency). Cubans and Asians, especially Chinese and Asian Indians, had either significantly lower or similar prevalences of these defects compared with non-Hispanic Whites.
ellauri185.html on line 834: One passage that offers some insight regarding birth defects can be found in John 9:2-3: "And his disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' Jesus answered, 'It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.'" It is clear from these words of Jesus that birth defects are ultimately not due to the sin of the parents or child, but serve as part of God's plan for our lives. If not for the defective person as such, then at least for the greater common good. Defective persons are prohibited from entering the holiest of the holy.
ellauri188.html on line 90: Most of the population of the Marquesas Islands is Christian as a consequence of the missionary activity of the Catholic Church, and various Protestant Christian groups. The main church in the area is the Cathedral of Our Lady of Taiohae (Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Taiohae) seat of the Catholic Diocese of Taiohae (Dioecesis Taiohaënus seu Humanae Telluris).
ellauri188.html on line 104: The ecosystem of the Marquesas has been devastated in some areas by the activities of feral livestock. As a first step in preserving what remains, the Marquesan Nature Reserves were created in 1992.
ellauri188.html on line 118: Is the January 18, 1924, issue of SCIENCE, page 64, Mr. P. J. Wester writes from Manila, urging an ex pedition to the Marquesas and other South Sea Islands, primarily for the purpose of making secure the continued existence of the breadfruit, secondarily, by a study of the varieties, to add further evidence relative to the migrations of these inhabitants of Polynesia.
ellauri188.html on line 124: The present population of all the six inhabited islands of that group of eleven, numbers, according to Mr. Frank Varney, a long-time resident on Hivaon, about 1,000 or 1,200. Only a small proportion of these are pure bloods, most of that number being natives from the Tuamotus or the Society Islands, and many of them are half-bloods or quarter-bloods, Chinese features being very common. But I met many middle-aged, elderly and old, pure-blooded Mar quesans, a fine, self-respecting race, commanding our admiration and pity. I can not believe that all these people, whom I saw in 1922 and 1923, will have vanished in 1930. It will take a longer time than that, perhaps only a few years longer, before the last pure blooded Marquesan steps off the stage. I am quite sure that Dr. Linton, of the Field Museum, and Dr. Handy, of Bishop Museum, Honolulu, both of whom have made special study of the Marquesans, will agree with me in this.
ellauri188.html on line 126: But what is more to the point under discussion is that Mr. Wester evidently overlooks the fact that many of these pure bloods are leaving descendants, mixed bloods, to be sure, but just as much interested in the preservation of their ancient food, the bread fruit, as were their ancestors. Will not this fact tend to preserve these trees for a long time to come?
ellauri188.html on line 137: Finally, I believe the most significant factor in this matter of the preservation of breadfruit, both in the Marquesas and Society Islands, is the presence in the
ellauri188.html on line 138: latter group of enormous and ever-increasing numbers of Chinese or half-Chinese who are as industrious and thrifty as the native is lazy and profligate. It looks as if they will very shortly own the islands in the eastern Pacific commercially.
ellauri188.html on line 140: I will venture to say that in ten years Tahiti, picturesque and romantic for so long a time, will have lost its charm because of the presence of hordes of low-caste Chinese and half-bloods. However unattractive this may be from the standpoint of the tourist and sentimentalist, there is no contradicting the fact that they will make these islands a thousand times more productive than would the pure-blooded native, and their skill and habits of application will undoubtedly extend to the preservation of the breadfruit. The Chinese and half-blood Chinese are on all the Marquesan islands which are inhabited, and it will be to their financial interest as well as to the interest of their personal food supply, to preserve the breadfruit there as well as in the Societies. It is notable that the cocoanut and banana plantations and papaye (papaw) groves in Typee at the time of my visit, were either owned or worked by Chinese or half-bloods (Chinese + Tahitian or Chinese + Marquesan).
ellauri188.html on line 142: Referring to the last paragraph in Mr. Wester's communication-It would appear that if one is dependent, as was the writer, upon trading schooners to get from Tahiti to the Marquesas, then amongst these islands and return to Tahiti, his program for work in these two groups would take more than a year and his estimate of expense might, in consequence, be exceeded. Sometimes one is obliged to wait from one month to three to get the opportunity to move from one island in the Marquesas to another forty or fifty or eighty miles away, so rare and uncertain are the visits of these schooners. Further, in the absence of any regular means of communication, one has to seize any chance opportunity of transportation or run the risk of being marooned for a long period. On the other hand, if a schooner were chartered, which is the best possible way of visiting and working among the South Sea Islands, schooner, captain, crew and provisions would cost about $1,000 per month (this figure was obtained from an authoritative source) and a year on shipboard might not be needed. Under such conditions Mr. Wester's calculation of $8,500 for a year's work in the Marquesas and Societies may not be far out of the way.
ellauri188.html on line 164: "Muu"-ruxin ilmestyminen sosiaalikaavakkeisiin koiraan ja naaraan ohelle ennakoinee siirtymistä eusosiaalisuuden loppukaarteeseen, jossa lisääntyminen on rajoitettu muutamille harvoille, kuhnureille ja kuningattarille. Nyt on jo altruistista päättää haikarasta ize, mieluummin ampumalla se alas pyssyllä. Riittää että celebsit siittää lisää celebsejä ja vessanharjaajat tuottaa riittävästi (muttei liikaa) vessaharjoja.
ellauri188.html on line 221: hämmentyneeseen tilaan
ellauri188.html on line 237: Arvostelija vain ei viimeksimainittujen tavoin vaadi tähän elokuvaan muutoksia, jotta se vastaisi täysin hänen omaa maailmankuvaansa, ja hän myös on tietoinen, että kyseinen elokuva ei ole tehty varta vasten hänelle. Siinä oli se syy, miksi se arvostelija ei siitä sen suuremmin nauttinutkaan - kyse oli siis representaatiosta ja siitä, ettei arvostelija pystynyt samaistumaan elokuvaan ja sen hahmoihin. Nyt kuitenkin tällainen ajattelutapa onkin yhtäkkiä woke-väen mielestä väärä, vaikka aiemmin representaatiota ollaan perusteltu ihan samoin sanoin.
ellauri188.html on line 382: Herman Melville syntyi New Yorkissa vuonna 1819. Hän oli kolmas Allan ja Maria Gansevoort Melvillin (Maria lisäsi myöhemmin miehensä kuoleman jälkeen ylimääräisen e-kirjaimen sukunimeen) kahdeksasta lapsesta. Hermanin molemmat isoisät olivat osallistuneet Yhdysvaltain vapaussotaan. Allan Melvill oli Hermanin syntymän aikaan menestyvä ylellisyystuotteiden, kuten silkin ja kölninveden, maahantuoja. Perhe elikin suhteellisen hyvissä oloissa. Yritys kaatui kuitenkin vuonna 1830, ja perhe muutti Albanyyn Maria Melvillin sukulaisten luokse. Allan Melvill yritti perustaa uutta yritystä siellä, mutta hän kuoli keuhkokuumeeseen vuonna 1832.
ellauri188.html on line 412: The power of positive thinking. Joshua Lucas "Easy Dent" Maurer (1971-) had to smile so much in The Secret: Dare to Dream that he had to have an operation to reset his mouth afterwards. The lead lady's mouth operation had been a semi failure.
ellauri188.html on line 413: Josh skipped college to start acting at 19. He dared to dream and got a job as DIY professor at Vanderbilt. Tennessee on Louisianasta luoteeseen. Mekin ajettiin tota hirmu pitkää Baton Rougen bridgeä Nikun isän autossa. Ei sentään tullut myrskyä.
ellauri188.html on line 422: Following a series of half hearted operations to reset his nose, he began gathering larger roles in films like American Psycho, The Weight of Water, Session 9, The Dancer, and When Strangers Appear You Can Count on Me.
ellauri189.html on line 61: Tämä Korpela on julkaissut useita monografioita, muun muassa Miesparin siunaaminen, viisi ortodoksista keskiaikaista rukousta (2011). Hän katsoo näiden siunausten olemassaolon perusteella, että vetoaminen ortodoksiseen perinteeseen kiellettäessä homoparien siunaaminen on perusteetonta, kyllä siihen on Moosexen ja Paavalin sana riittävä. Korpela kääntyi aikuisiällä ortodoksiksi ja on vihitty 1995 diakoniksi. (- Miten yhdestä professorista saa niin monta diakonia? - Ihmekö tuo! 5000 ihmistäkin ravittiin 5 leivällä ja 2 kalalla. Kumpi on kovempi käsi, 1995 diakonia vai homopari?)
ellauri189.html on line 84: scenery, especially the so-called Dzikie Pola (“Waste Fields”), a vast area in the South-West of the Ukraine, bordered by the rivers Dnieper and Dniester, where the Russian tanks now sit stuck in the mud. In the seventeenth century it was scarcely populated and continually raided by the Tartars from the Crimea. The Cossacks, who defended this borderland, were originally allies of Poland. However, they resented their disdainful treatment by the szlachta (the Polish gentry) and particularly the magnates, who owned large manors with serfs.
ellauri189.html on line 86: The Cossacks, these “kings of the steppe moving over an
ellauri189.html on line 88: rusza”, "And through the empty corners the king of the desert sets off") aspired themselves to a privileged position, and when it was refused
ellauri189.html on line 102: However, in Maria the tensions arising from differences in “class” are not taken up. Malczewski investigates man’s existential plight in connection with the “stigma” (as would Norwid put it) that has been imprinted on man by his “natural” surroundings (as we will see, the Cossack represents man before self-alienation,
ellauri189.html on line 202: However, romantics aside, in reality these entirely different bodies share only one quality: they race towards nothingness, like all phenomena, either hurrying towards an unknown distance (the linear perspective), or turning around with the
ellauri189.html on line 212: satisfy man, must be situated somewhere in space (be present as a phenomenon), which on the one hand is represented as receding into an infinite distance, and on the other hand as a “theatre”, in which phenomena eternally repeat the same circular movement (only half of their orbit is visible against the background of the heavenly dome – the other half remains hidden in the dark).
ellauri189.html on line 217: represent the second stance: they think that they can freely chart their course
ellauri189.html on line 279: Ajatus voi käytännössä olla filosofista periaatetta karmivampi. Kelaa vähän, kuolleeseen ei satu. Nimim. ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
ellauri189.html on line 281: Hanna Karpolla on asiaa: Olisi kiintoisaa nähdä, miten mielipiteeseen vaikuttaisi se, että sen esittäjä joutuisi oikeasti olemaan muutaman vuoden siinä "missä vain". Tähän testiin tuollaisen mielipiteen esittäjät eivät kuitenkaan koskaan ole halukkaita itseään asettamaan. En kyllä minäkään.
ellauri189.html on line 327: Järjestelmä toimii niin, että vaikka terveyssyistä vapautettaisiin, jää kuitenkin asepalveluksen reservin vara-apinaxi. Jos tulee kriisitilanne, joutuu uudelleen terveystarkastukseen ja siitä mahdollisesti rintamalle, jos paine on kova saada sinne "materiaalia". Eli käsky voi tulla rintamalle, vaikka ei olisi terveyssyistä edes asepalvelusta käynyt, ja osaisi aseita käyttää.
ellauri189.html on line 331: Jatkossa toivoisin, että palveluksen suorittaminen palkittaisiin vaikkapa henkilöverotuksessa eliniäksi tai reserviajan mittaisesti. Ei tarvitse koskea minun kaltaisiani setämiehiä taannehtivasti, mutta jotain rotia asenteisiin pitäisi saada. Etsellasta velvollisuuden tuntoa ja vastuullisuutta hakisin tässä.
ellauri189.html on line 412: A leading international company, SEACRET is committed to using advanced technologios, strict laboratory testing and clinical research in the manufacture of its products with a strong emphasis on innovation and expertise.
ellauri189.html on line 422: Dead Sea is the lowest point on the planet and one of the most unique environments around the world. It lies on the borders of Jordan, the West Bank and Israel. Known for its high-density waters and mineral rich soils, the Dead Sea is visited by a large number of tourists from all over the world. Its soils contain minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, and salt.These minerals are used in cosmetics, chemical products such as industrial salts and are even used in table salts for home use.
ellauri189.html on line 426: Many environmental casualties have been associated with the rapid retreat in the shoreline of the Dead Sea. An example is the emergence of sinkholes. An older and well attested phenomenon in the area is the emergence of assholes. Many residential areas and roads around the Dead Sea have been destroyed by sinkholes because of shitholes. Sinkholes are natural depressions in the Earth’s surface caused by the chemical dissolution of nutrients in the soil. These sinkholes endanger the lives of locals and the fun of tourists alike.
ellauri189.html on line 434: The pipeline carrying the water from the Red to the Dead Sea might leak salt water into groundwater reserves along its route thereby increasing salinity in both the groundwater and the surrounding soil.
ellauri189.html on line 436: On the basis of these apprehensions it seems that this project would do little to help rectify the problem and might even add to it. An alternative way to save the Dead Sea would be to rehabilitate the Jordan River. As it stands today, only 50 mcm of water from the Jordan River reaches the Dead Sea as opposed to 1.3 billion cubic meters in 1950.
ellauri189.html on line 476: Wow bonus is reserved for agents who are active. However, you do not have to be qualified. You get to earn 20%-25% on all elite/VIP customer purchases – star through executive agent earn a 20% bonus, whereas bronze and higher ranked agents earn 25% in bonuses. Additionally, with a first-time bundle order, you get to earn 30% on Bonus Buys purchases.
ellauri189.html on line 478: Team commissions are earned by agents based on the performance of the teams that they form. Each Seacret agent has a team that is separated into two teams – a right group leg and a left group leg. Usually, one leg tends to perform better than the other and is therefore referred to as your greater volume leg, while the other is called your lesser volume leg. These groups comprise your binary tree. You earn commissions on your team of up to $25,000 every week. Your team commission wholly depends on the volume of the lesser leg. From the star rank through to the executive rank, the commission is 10%, whereas bronze and higher ranked agents earn 15% of the lesser group’s volume.
ellauri189.html on line 482: Rank advancement bonuses: To qualify for these bonuses, you have to close your pay week having achieved the requirements of the rank above you. When you attain the star agent rank, you become eligible for one-time rank advancement bonuses. The higher your rank, the higher the bonus.
ellauri189.html on line 540: I was where you are. I did a lot of research and found that MLM and Ponzi schemes are too closely related. Don’t take my word for it. Look into it. There are absolutely legitimate MLM companies and Cutco might be one of them. But is that the answer?
ellauri189.html on line 570: With little or no legitimate earnings, Ponzi schemes require a constant flow of new money to survive. When it becomes hard to recruit new investors, or when large numbers of existing investors cash out, these schemes tend to collapse. As a result, most investors end up losing all or much of the money they invested. In some cases, the operator of the scheme may simply disappear with the money.
ellauri189.html on line 751: Not eating sea-creatures such as lobsters, shrimps, and crabs, and animals like camels and horses, and meat with cheese. These are, in fact, not Kosher (cannot be eaten) according to the Torah given to the people of Israel by God through Moses.
ellauri189.html on line 771: Other evidence includes names of places in Afghanistan and Kashmir that resemble ancient towns in Israel that are mentioned in the bible. And some say that until not so long ago, one of the names of the Amu Darya (River Oxus) was Gozan, which is mentioned as one of the placed the damn Assyrians exiled the people of Israel to. There are also the names of tribes that resemble the children of Yaakov (the names of the Israeli tribes), like Lewani (Lewi), Daftali (Naftali), Yusufzai (children of Yussuf-Yossef), Rubanni (Reuven), Afridi (Efrayim) etc. Also parts of the Pashtunwali resemble some parts of the Torah.
ellauri189.html on line 773: Some Pashtuns also have Jewish artifacts. For example, I heard first hand from a Lewani Pashtun that his grandmother had these jewelries: Afghan Taaweez or lockets to be worn around the neck, with Israeli star on them.
ellauri189.html on line 781: A better explanation is that DNA testing is over-hyped, and it will take some more development until we could rely on it. Commercial companies and researchers would surely disagree, but they have a personal interest. I don´t.
ellauri189.html on line 839: So the prophets and the Talmud all say that the 10 tribes are out there, in their land they are the majority, and they are still Israelis, even after all these years. There’s one, and only one, nation that doesn’t look like they mixed, has Torah-based traditions, has a tradition of being Bene Israel, and even has a tradition of not mixing. They are the Pashtuns, our brothers, Bene Israel.
ellauri190.html on line 76: It is unclear when people other than the Brodnici and Berladnici (which had a Romanian origin with large slavic influences) began to settle in the lower reaches of major rivers such as the Don and the Dnieper after the demise of the Khazar state. Their arrival is unlikely before the 13th century, when the Mongols broke the power of the Cumans, who had assimilated the previous population on that territory. It is known that new settlers inherited a lifestyle that long pre-dated their presence, including that of the Turkic Cumans and the Circassian Kassaks.
ellauri190.html on line 80: Ensimmäinen merkittävä historiallinen maininta kasaareista on 620-luvulta, jolloin kasaarit auttoivat Bysantin keisari Herakleiosta sodassa persialaisia vastaan. 600- ja 700-luvuilla kasaarit taistelivat arabeja vastaan kaksi sotaa ja pysäyttivät näiden etenemisen Kaukasukselle. Kasaarien ja kalifaatin solmittua rauhan alkoi vilkas kaupankäynti, joka johti viikinkien idäntien liikenteeseen.lähde?
ellauri190.html on line 216: In the 16th century, these Cossack societies merged into two independent territorial organizations, as well as other smaller, still-detached groups:
ellauri190.html on line 257: In a traditional account the horses transporting the icon had stopped near Vladimir and refused to go further. Accordingly, many people of Rus interpreted this as a sign that the Theotokos wanted the icon to stay there. The place was named Bogolyubovo, or "the one loved by God". Andrey placed it in his Bogolyubovo residence and built the Assumption Cathedral to legitimize his claim that Vladimir had replaced Kiev as the principal city of Rus. However, its presence did not prevent the sack and burning of the city of Vladimir by the Mongols in 1238, when the icon was damaged in the fire. You win some, you lose some.
ellauri190.html on line 267: In the 15th-16th centuries, most of what is now Ukraine belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth (“The Republic”), but the life of the people depended to a very large extent on their local feudal lords, the Knyazi (“Princes”). Most of these lords were related to the house of Gedimin, spoke a language close to modern Belarusian and Ukrainian, and were Eastern Orthodox Christians. Yet, beginning from ~1569 (the year of the so-called Lublin Unia), these princes also swore allegiance to the Polish king, and were his vassals and courtiers. They corresponded in Latin, Polish, or their native “Old Ukrainian / Old Belarusian” Slavic language. Among them, perhaps the mightiest ruler was Prince Konstayntyn Vasyl Ostrozky. He was nicknamed “the un-crowned King of Rus,” and was, actually, offered the Polish crown several times, but refused because the kings of Poland were, traditionally, Catholics – and Prince Ostrozky wanted to remain Orthodox. He is famous for printing the first Gospels in his native language, and founding the Academy of Ostroh, a university that functions to this day.
ellauri190.html on line 271: Also, during the 16th century, many thousands of random men, mostly young, robust, and adventure-seeking guys from all over Ukraine (compare today's immigrants), traveled to the lower Dnipro river, where the enormous rapids prevented the movement of battleships up from the Black Sea, and decided to call themselves, say, Kozaks. These Kozaks warriors wanted to defend the Orthodox Christian Ukrainian lands from the attacks of the Ottoman Turks. They founded their own city and fortress, called Sich, on the island of Khortytsya in the middle of the Dnipro river. There, they gathered in summertime, trained, and raided the steppes, fighting the Turkish and the Tatar troops from the Crimea. They also built ships and made sea raids on Istanbul and on Crimean seaports, freeing Christian captives whom the Turks and the Tatars enslaved. In winter, the Kozaks dispersed and lived close to the Dnipro banks as independent owners of their hamlets. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Kozaks became a formidable military force and a kind of a self-governing state with their own elected leaders and laws.
ellauri190.html on line 277: By 1659, the two outstanding sons of Ukraine, a Kozak general Ivan Vyhovsky and an eccentric scholar-nobleman Yuriy Nemyrych conceived what became known as the Union of Hadyach. It was a unique document, which, essentially, argued in favor of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth transforming into the commonwealth of Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Vyhovsky and Nemyrych proposed to establish a Great Principality of Ukraine on par with the Kingdom of Poland and the Great Duchy of Lithuania. And it was a unique historical moment, because in July 1659 the Ukrainian troops won a huge battle against the Muscovite army near the city of Konotop, totally crushing the Muscovites and proving that Ukraine did not need the “friendship” of the tyrannic Tzars. (See the analogy?) If the Hadyach Union had been approved by the Sejm of the Republic, Ukraine would perhaps have become a more European country and would progressively move toward full Western style independence. Again, tragically, it did not happen. Nemyrych was killed at a duel, and Vyhovsky forced to resign by populists who hated him because of his aristocratic blood and his alleged (rather than actual) love of things Polish. Without these two luminaries, the Sejm did not even bother to convene for discussions on the Hadyach Union, making it into a useless piece of paper. It was later “adopted,” but in such a distorted version that it excluded its main point, the creation of the Ukrainian state. Sellasta se on. Ukrainan, Puolan ja Baltian historia osoittaa, miten vaikeaa on merkata reviiriä jollei sitä ole valmiixi maastoon merkitty.
ellauri190.html on line 285: After Ottoman-Polish and Polish-Muscovite warfare ceased, the official Cossack register was again decreased. The registered Cossacks (reiestrovi kozaky) were isolated from those who were excluded from the register, and from the Zaporizhian Host. (Compare legal and paperless immigrants of today.) This, together with intensified socioeconomic and national-religious oppression of the other classes in Ukrainian society, led to a number of Cossack uprisings in the 1630s. These eventually culminated in the Khmelnytsky Uprising, led by the hetman of the Zaporizhian Sich, Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
ellauri190.html on line 291: The Ukrainian hetman Ivan Vyhovsky, who succeeded Khmelnytsky in 1657, believed the Tsar was not living up to his responsibility. Accordingly, he concluded a treaty with representatives of the Polish king, who agreed to re-admit Cossack Ukraine by reforming the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to create a third constituent, comparable in status to that of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The Union of Hadiach provoked a war between the Cossacks and the Muscovites/Russians that began in the fall of 1658. Tää taitaa olla aika lailla sitä mistä tässä sodassakin (sori, demilitarisaatiossa) on kysymys. Kasakat on taas ottamassa hatkat ja siirtymässä vastapuolelle.
ellauri190.html on line 301: Under Russian rule, the Cossack nation of the Zaporozhian Host was divided into two autonomous republics of the Moscow Tsardom: the Cossack Hetmanate, and the more independent Zaporizhia. These organisations gradually lost their autonomy, and were abolished by Catherine II in the late 18th century. The Hetmanate became the governorship of Little Russia, and Zaporizhia was absorbed into New Russia.
ellauri190.html on line 373: Qin Shi Huang is the modern Chinese name of King Zheng of Qin (r.246–221 BC), who ended the Warring States period by completing the conquest of China in 221 BC. Rather than maintain the title of king borne by the Shang and Zhou rulers, he r...
ellauri190.html on line 438: Rajaraja I was a Chola emperor from present day south India who ruled over the Chola kingdom of medieval Tamil Nadu (parts of southern India), parts of northern India, two thirds of Sri Lankan territory, Maldives and parts of East Asia, bet...
ellauri190.html on line 513: Afonso de Albuquerque, Portuguese Admiral
ellauri190.html on line 514: Afonso de Albuquerque, Duke of Goa, was a Portuguese general, admiral, and statesman. He served as Governor of Portuguese India from 1509 to 1515, during which he expanded Portuguese influence across the Indian Ocean and built a reputation...
ellauri191.html on line 194: "not only in consideration of his deep learning and critical research, but above all as a tribute to the creative energy, freshness of style, and lyrical force which characterize his poetic masterpieces"
ellauri191.html on line 227: "in recognition of his earnest search for truth, his penetrating power of thought, his wide range of vision, and the warmth and strength in presentation with which in his numerous works he has vindicated and developed an idealistic philosophy of life"
ellauri191.html on line 350: "in recognition of his significance as the leading representative of a new era in our literature"
ellauri191.html on line 382: "for his authentic descriptions of present-day life in Denmark"
ellauri191.html on line 441: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska
ellauri191.html on line 541: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska
ellauri191.html on line 545: "in recognition of his rich and vitalizing ideas and the brilliant skill with which they have been presented"
ellauri191.html on line 638: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska (maanpakolainen)
ellauri191.html on line 696: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska
ellauri191.html on line 831: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska
ellauri191.html on line 835: "for his comprehensive and artistically significant writings, in which human problems and conditions have been presented with a fearless love of truth and keen psychological insight"
ellauri191.html on line 851: "for his outstanding, pioneer contribution to present-day poetry"
ellauri191.html on line 913: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska
ellauri191.html on line 994: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska
ellauri191.html on line 1042: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska
ellauri191.html on line 1107: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska
ellauri191.html on line 1197: "for his narrative mastery, which with great sensibility expresses the essence of the Japanese mind"
ellauri191.html on line 1367: "for a creative poetic writing, which illuminates man's condition in the cosmos and in present-day society, at the same time representing the great renewal of the traditions of Spanish poetry between the wars"
ellauri191.html on line 1499: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska
ellauri191.html on line 1691: esena.jpg" class="image">esena.jpg" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9c/Dario_Fo-Cesena.jpg/75px-Dario_Fo-Cesena.jpg" decoding="async" width="75" height="94" srcset="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9c/Dario_Fo-Cesena.jpg/113px-Dario_Fo-Cesena.jpg 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9c/Dario_Fo-Cesena.jpg/150px-Dario_Fo-Cesena.jpg 2x" data-file-width="1477" data-file-height="1855" />
ellauri191.html on line 1744: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska
ellauri191.html on line 1748: "for an oeuvre of universal validity, bitter insights and linguistic ingenuity, which has opened new paths for the Chinese novel and drama"
ellauri191.html on line 1765: "for having united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories"
ellauri191.html on line 1876: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska/ Mauritius
ellauri191.html on line 1977: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska
ellauri191.html on line 2046: "for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life"
ellauri191.html on line 2111: esent%29.svg/23px-Flag_of_France_%281794%E2%80%931815%2C_1830%E2%80%931974%2C_2020%E2%80%93present%29.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" /> Ranska
ellauri191.html on line 2144: In the Wall Street Journal, Joseph Epstein wrote, "You might not know it, but you and I are members of a club whose fellow members include Leo Tolstoy, Henry James, Anton Chekhov, Mark Twain, Henrik Ibsen, Marcel Proust, James Joyce, Jorge Luis Borges and Vladimir Nabokov. [And, we might add: Virginia Woolf, Joseph Conrad, Anna Akhmatova, Ella Fitzgerald, and Eudora Welty.] The club is the Non-Winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature. All these authentically great writers, still alive when the prize, initiated in 1901, was being awarded, didn't win it."
ellauri191.html on line 2148: From 1901 to 1912, the committee, headed by the conservative Carl David af Wirsén, weighed the literary quality of a work against its contribution towards humanity's struggle 'toward the ideal'. Leo Tolstoy, Henrik Ibsen, Émile Zola, and Mark Twain were rejected in favour of authors little read today. The choice of philosopher Rudolf Eucken as Nobel laureate in 1908 is widely considered to be one of the worst mistakes in the history of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The main candidates for the prize that year were poet Algernon Swinburne and author Selma Lagerlöf, but the Academy were divided between the candidates and, as a compromise, Eucken, representative of the Academy's interpretation of Nobel's "ideal direction", was launched as an alternative candidate that could be agreed upon. Solzhenitsyn did not accept the award and prize money until 10 December 1974, after he was deported from the Soviet Union. Swedish Academy member Artur Lundkvist had argued that the Nobel Prize in Literature should not become a political prize and questioned the artistic value of Solzhenitsyn's work. The award to Camilo José Cela was controversial as he had moved voluntarily from Madrid to Galicia during the Spanish Civil War in order to join Franco's rebel forces there as a volunteer.A member of the Swedish Academy, Knut Ahnlund, who had not played an important role in the Academy since 1996, protested against the choice of the 2004 laureate, Elfriede Jelinek; Ahnlund resigned, alleging that selecting Jelinek had caused "irreparable damage" to the reputation of the award.
ellauri191.html on line 2150: Strindberg holds the singular distinction of being awarded an Anti-Nobel Prize, conferred by popular acclaim and national subscription and presented to him in 1912 by future prime minister Hjalmar Branting.
ellauri192.html on line 47: Trubetzkoy was born into privilege. His father, Sergei Nikolaevich Trubetskoy, came from a Lithuanian Gediminid princely family. In 1908, he enrolled at the Moscow University. While spending some time at the University of Leipzig, Trubetzkoy was taught by August Leskien, a pioneer of research into sound laws. What a privilege!
ellauri192.html on line 57: Opiskellessaan Helsingin yliopistossa Kiparsky perehtyi laajasti kielitieteeseen. Hän opiskeli ensin germaanisia ja romaanisia kieliä, mutta päätyi lopulta slavistiksi muun muassa valovoimaisen neron, professori Jooseppi Julius Mikkolan ansiosta. Kiparskyn kandidaatintutkinnon (1929) pääaine oli vielä germanistiikka, muina aineina olivat slaavilainen filologia, sanskrit ja latina. Tämän jälkeen Kiparsky teki kaksi opintomatkaa Tšekkoslovakiaan, missä hän tutustui tuolloin uuteen tutkimussuuntaan, ns. Prahan koulukunnan kehittämään fonologiaan. Huomaa lamavuoden 1929 markedness! Pirkko Hiekkala meni silloin kansakouluun Töölössä ja Carl-Erik valmistavaan kouluun Ratakadulla, ja ampui Olli Lokin kanssa lattialla tinasotilaita pikku tykillä.
ellauri192.html on line 59: Valentin Kiparskyn ja hänen toisen vaimonsa Dagmarin (o.s. Jaatinen) yhdysvaltalaistunut poika Paul Kiparsky (s. 28. tammikuuta 1941 Helsinki) opiskeli MIT:issä ja on Stanfordin yliopiston kielitieteen professori. Hän on merkittävällä urallaan tutkinut monien hullumpienkin ilmiöiden ohella (mm. Sanskritin) suomen kieleen liittyviä kysymyksiä. Hän on jo yli 80-vuotias. Hän riiteli 1. vaimonsa Carol Kiparskyn kanssa niin ärhäkästi että myöhästyivät ruualta, ja meni Californiassa Seijan kanssa rypyammeeseen, sellaiseen ulkosammioon, joka oli silloin uusinta muotia. En mennyt mukaan. Olen kahdellakin tapaa siis Prahan koulukunnan perillinen suoraan alenevassa polvessa: Juutalainen Morris Halle oli juutalaisen Jakobsonin oppilas, ja aateliset Kiparskyt saivat oppia vähintään yhtä aateliselta Trubetskoilta. Halle vittuili mulle kun olin masentunut, ja koitti syöttää suffixeja ja puffixeja lohtunamixi. Paul oli kiltti ja auttoi missä voi.
ellauri192.html on line 111: So the choice has fallen neither on Tolstoy, nor Ibsen, nor Björnson, nor Mommsen, nor Swinburne, nor Zola, nor Anatole France, nor Carducci, nor Mistral, nor Hauptmann, nor even Echegaray—it has fallen on Sully-Prudhomme [sic]. It is some satisfaction, however, to find that Francois Coppée is not the winner; in view of his innocuous sentimentality, he might well have been considered the best of all by the present Swedish Academy.
ellauri192.html on line 209: Car sur toute la terre un messager subtil Sillä kaikkialta maan päältä hieno mese
ellauri192.html on line 261: There is no objective measure, no slide rule for magnitude in literature. Balzac was convinced that Mrs. Ann Radcliffe, the purveyor of Gothic terror, was a finer writer than Stendhal, whom he admired. Tolstoy, one of the two writers who have freely refused the Prize - Sartre in 1964 was the other (Bob Dylan meant to be the 3rd until the Swedes upped the ante) - found Shakespeare's ''King Lear'' to be a puerile mess ''beneath serious criticism.'' (mitä se kieltämättä onkin, tai oikeammin setämiehen keitos). The only major fiction to come out of the American experience of World War II, James Gould Cozzens' fiction ''Guard of Honor,'' has fallen into oblivion, deservedly.
ellauri192.html on line 269: Taking into sympathetic account the widest margin of human error, is it possible to take seriously an institution and procedure that passes over the majority of the greatest novelists and renewers of prose in the modern age? James Joyce, Marcel Proust, Franz Kafka (whose presence towers over our sensual literature and of the meaning of a bug, quite a feat for a little man who one should not expect to tower over anything much), Thomas Hardy, Joseph Conrad, Henry James, Andre Malraux, Hermann Broch, Robert Musil, D. H. Lawrence, either escaped the notice of or were, on nomination, rejected by the Nobel committee. Can one defend a jury which prefers the art of Pearl Buck (1938) to that of, say, Virginia Woolf? Paul Claudel, a picee of shit whose dramas we can set fairly beside those of Aeschylus and of Shakespeare just to scare people, never received the accolade. Paul Heyse was chosen, not Bertolt Brecht. Galsworthy is a Nobel, not Carlo Emilio Gadda, one of the most original and inventive writers of fiction in this century. Who the fuck is he? Composer of In-a-Gadda-da-Vida? No that was Iron Butterfly, and a good piece it was indeed.
ellauri192.html on line 273: There are great, canonic names on the Nobel list, choices on which common sense and passionate alertness concur. I have mentioned Yeats. We find Anatole France, Kipling, Shaw, Thomas Mann, Andre Gide, T. S. Eliot, Pasternak, Faulkner, Hemingway, Seferis, Montale, Beckett and Solzhenitsyn (the last, I would guess, a titan among men even more, perhaps, than among writers; what I mean by this is he was tall but not much of a novelist). But place the two lists next to each other, and the cardinal truth springs to view: during these past 83 years, the award of the Nobel Prize in Literature has scored more misses than hits. With eminent exceptions, it is the uncrowned who are sovereign.
ellauri192.html on line 279: After this, explanation becomes speculative. Significant literature is inseparable from ideology and political feelings. There are more than hints that political considerations were implicit in the omission of Pound, Claudel, Malraux and Brecht. Too right, too right, too right, too left. The thoroughly embarrassing preference of Heinrich B"oll in 1972 over that far greater writer G"unter Grass was wholly typical of the Swedish Academy's bias towards the middle ground of urbane and liberal decencies. (Look! We tried to do the umlauts and almost did! But these are Germans, and Günther is an ex nazi too.) The great imaginings of terror and utopia, be they of the left or of the right, are not welcome. The 1957 choice of the young Camus haloed a literary persona and style of vision emblematic of the Stockholm ideal.
ellauri192.html on line 285: Powys is fortunately dead by now, so he is out of the contest. Some sort of self-made philosopher, or rather a self-help man, who went on tours in the U.S. and got a following from the expatriates. These works were frequently bestsellers, especially in the United States, like "In Defence of Sensuality". BTW, Hardy is an gooey-romantic piece of shit as well.
ellauri192.html on line 301: 2014 also marked the release of Tokarczuk’s most ambitious work, “The Books of Jacob,” the novel that set off much of the rancor directed at her by Polish nationalists. The book, which has yet to appear in English, is centered on the historical figure of Jakub Frank, a Jewish-born 18th-century religious leader. Frank, believed to have been born with the name Jakub Leibowicz, oversaw a messianic sect that incorporated significant portions of Christian practice into Judaism; he led mass baptisms of his followers. As Ruth Franklin reported in a New Yorker profile this past summer, Tokarczuk spent almost a decade researching Frank and the Poland in which he lived. The result is a book that, by the account of those who have read it, delivers a picture of the many intricate and unpredictable ways in which the story of Poland is tied to the story of its Jews. “There’s no Polish culture without Jewish culture,” Tokarczuk told Franklin. What else is new, asks Isaac Singer. Tokarczuk is not a Jewess, Tokarczuk considers herself a disciple of Carl Jung and cites his psychology as an inspiration for her literary work.
ellauri192.html on line 321: Since 1901 to 1971, there have been 787 writers coming from different parts of the world nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature, 67 of which were awarded the prize and Albert Schweitzer was awarded by Nobel Peace Prize on 1953. 12 more writers from these nominees were awarded after 1971 and Elie Wiesel was awarded by Nobel Peace Prize on 1986. Only 72 women had been nominated for the prize starting with Malwida von Meysenburg who was nominated once for the year 1901 and 6 of them have been awarded after all. 10% of the nominees, 5% of the awards. Bra jobb, kulturprofilerna! Kom igen!
ellauri192.html on line 497: kävelytän, uitan, pesen,
ellauri192.html on line 525: Eikö Housukilvillä pestä pyykkiä kuin kerran kesässä? Mixei Eino pese ize runkkuisia kalsareitaan?
ellauri192.html on line 641: Seifert was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1984. Due to bad health, he was not present at the award ceremony, and so his daughter received the Nobel Prize in his name. Even though it was a matter of great importance, there was only a brief remark of the award in the state-controlled media. He died in 1986, aged 84, and was buried at the municipal cemetery in Kralupy nad Vltavou (where his maternal grandparents originated from). Not in the Jewish cemetery, perish the thought!
ellauri192.html on line 643: His burial was marked by a high presence of secret police, who tried to suppress any hint of sorrow on the part of mourners.
ellauri192.html on line 645: Few Americans have ever heard of Jaroslav Seifert, whose poems are virtually unobtainable in the United States, but scholars who are acquainted with his work said yesterday that the Czech poet fully deserves the Nobel Prize awarded to him. Thogh an old commie, he is (or was) now staunchly on our side.
ellauri192.html on line 647: ''Seifert is a great poet who embodies the majestic tradition of Czech poetry - he deserves the Nobel Prize,'' said Maria Banerjee, who wrote the Seifert entry for the Encyclopedia of World Literature. Mrs. Banerjee, who hails from Bangla Desh (just joking, he is Maria Nemcova married to a Banerjee), is a specialist in Slavic literature, who teaches Russian literature at Smith College, added that Mr. Seifert "is (or was) the best of a remarkable group of poets who came into prominence in the 1920's."
ellauri192.html on line 651: George Gibian, a professor of Russian and comparative literature at Cornell University, agrees that Mr. Seifert deserves the Nobel. ''I'm glad the world has caught up with him,'' he said. ''He is (or was) the grand old man of Czech poetry, a combination of Robert Frost and E.E. Cummings. He deserves it for his recent poetry, but especially for his poetry of the 1920's and 30's.''
ellauri192.html on line 653: Professor Gibian, who was born in Prague, said that he has been translating some of the more recent Seifert poems for his own edification and pleasure. "They are a combination of the intimate lyrical tone of Czech poetry," he said, "heavily influenced by French Surrealism with much of the eroticism characteristic of Czechoslovak poetry in this century. His earlier poetry was sometimes melancholy but his recent work is conversational, very compassionate. He has written a cycle of poems about Prague. All this brings back my life and loves in Prague." All these Czechs are teaching Russian in the U.S., who would bother to learn Czech anyway?
ellauri192.html on line 655: Seifert's most recent cycle, he said, contains a poem - which would translate as "Paradise Lost" - about an ancient Jewish cemetery in Prague. "Seifert is not Jewish," Professor Gibian said, "but he has tremendous sympathy for the Jews massacred in World War II and their suffering, and this is represented by the cemetery." Dig deeper into the moment.
ellauri192.html on line 663: The other Seifert book is "The Casting of Bells," a 64-page collection translated by Tom O'Grady and Paul Jagasich, and published in August 1983 by The Spirit That Moves Us Press in Iowa City, Iowa. Morty Sklar, who described himself yesterday as "publisher, editor, typesetter and stamp licker" of the press, said his is a small, independent press that publishes two books a year. He published 1,000 copies of the Seifert book, but yesterday, upon hearing the news from Sweden, he reordered 2,500 more. It is available in paperback for $6.
ellauri192.html on line 692: The Trubizh is a river entirely located in Ukraine, a left tributary of Dnieper. It falls into the Dnieper's Kaniv Reservoir. It is 295 kilometres long, and has a drainage basin of 5,020 square kilometres. Major cities: Pereiaslav.
ellauri192.html on line 706: Now, the invasive Chinese sleeper is widely distributed in the freshwaters of Eastern and Central European countries, such as Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova,Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Serbia and Ukraine, where it has high climatic suitability and may continue invasion in the future (Reshetnikov and Ficetola, 2011). In Ukraine, theChinese sleeper was first found in the upper Dniester River basin in 1980 where it was introduced in the 1970s (Reshetnikov, 2009). It first occurred in the Dnieper river basin near Kievin 2001, and in the Ros’ River (right tributary of the Dnieper River, downstream of Kiev) in2005 (Sabodash et al., 2002; Kutsokon and Negoda, 2006; Kutsokon, 2010). In the DanubeRiver basin the Chinese sleeper was first recorded in 1995–1996 in the Latorica River, westernUkraine (a part of the western Ukrainian population of the Chinese sleeper), but only in 2011in the Danube delta (Sivokhop, 1998; Kvach, 2012). This fish is currently found in differentparts of the upper streams of the Dniester basin, Transcarpathian waters (Danube basin), in the Dnieper River, and in the Danube River delta.
ellauri192.html on line 708: Chinese sleeper eli Amur sleeper eli rohmutokko (Perccottus glenii) on rohmutokkojen (Odontobutidae) heimoon kuuluva kalalaji. Se on sukunsa Perccottus ainoa laji. Rohmutokko on haitallinen vieraslaji koko Euroopan unionin alueella ja kuuluu Suomen maa- ja metsätalousministeriön kansalliseen vieraslajistrategiaan. Se on tehokas saalistaja ja vähentää lammikkojen alkuperäisiä sammakkoeläimiä ja muita pohjaeläimiä. Venäjällä se on suosittu saaliskala. Tokko siitä Euroopassa enää eroon päästään, vaikka Ukraina, Ruozi ja Suomi jäisivätkin puolueettomixi.
ellauri192.html on line 732: Frontman Siarhei Mikhalok announced mid-March 2014 that the group would cease to exist the next 1 September. The groups farewell concert was given in the Valeriy Lobanovskyi Dynamo Stadium in Kyiv, Ukraine on 26 August. Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko was present at this concert. Vitali Volodymyrovytš Klytško (ukr. Віталій Володимирович Кличко, s. 19. heinäkuuta 1971) on Kiovan pormestari ja ukrainalainen poliitikko sekä entinen raskaansarjan nyrkkeilijä ja potkunyrkkeilijä. Klytško on voittanut maailmanmestaruuden kummassakin lajissaan. Hän työskenteli Ukrainan armeijan lähitaistelukouluttajana ennen kuin aloitti ammattilaisuransa vuonna 1997. Klytško on myös opiskellut Kiovan yliopistossa liikunta- ja terveystieteitä sekä väitellyt tohtoriksi. Klytško on 203 cm pitkä ja painaa noin 115 kg. Mixei näitä kärhämiä ratkaista kazintaisteluna? Klytsko "pistäisi" pienikokoisen Putinin halki poikki ja pinoon toinen käsi selän takana, nyt kun sen housuistakin puuttuu musta vyö. Vaikka Lukashenka olis auttamassa. Sale ja Macron menis samantien ihan suupalana.
ellauri192.html on line 735: - What language do these dudes sing in, does anyone know? Belarussian or russian? Probably worth a mention in the article.
ellauri192.html on line 818: Lyapis Trubetskoy were to present their new album Matryoshka in Pskov on March 1, 2014, Interfax reports.
ellauri192.html on line 822: They mentioned the band’s new album Matryoshka. The album ‘presents Russia in a bad way with its Russian language and Soviet leaders’, the communists insisted.
ellauri192.html on line 857: Brooks was born on June 28, 1926, in Brooklyn, New York City, to Kate (née Brookman) and Max Kaminsky, and grew up in Williamsburg. His father's family were Jewish people from Gdańsk, Poland; his mother's family were Jews from Kyiv, in the Pale of Settlement of the Russian Empire (present-day Ukraine). In 2021, Brooks published a memoir, All About Me!.During his teens, he legally changed his name to Mel Brooks, influenced by his mother´s maiden name Brookman, after being confused with trumpeter Max Kaminsky. "And I'm sure a lot of my comedy is based on anger and hostility. Growing up in Williamsburg, I learned to clothe it in comedy to spare myself problems—like a punch in the face."
ellauri192.html on line 869: Eksistentiaalisten teemojen parodinen tulkinta on kudottu varsin perusteellisesti Kahdentoista tuolin juoneeseen. Tämä ikuinen teema ylevöittää ironisesti triviaalia. Maanjäristyksen puuttumista sankarien asioihin kommentoidaan luonnon ja sivilisaation vastakohtaisuuden hengessä: "... maanjäristyksen ensimmäiseltä shokilta säästyneenä ja ihmisten repimänä Gambs-tuoli ..."
ellauri192.html on line 890: One-storied America (Одноэтажная Америка) is a 1937 book based on a published travelogue across the United States by two Soviet authors, Ilf and Petrov. The book, divided into eleven chapters and in the uninhibited humorous style typical of Ilf and Petrov, paints a multi-faceted picture of the US. America´s entrepreneurial skills and economic achievements are praised, the oppression of the blacks, the life of the Indians in the reservations and the oppression of workers are denounced. The title of the book refers to their impression that the cities of America consist mainly of one- and two-story buildings, in complete contrast to the popular image of America as the land of skyscrapers. Based on this sentence:
ellauri192.html on line 900: This book should be noted as a very significant work. Americans and America would benefit greatly if they considered these observations. – Allentown Morning Call
ellauri194.html on line 45: Kiinalaisyrityxet ovat moneen otteeseen koittaneet ostaa grapson-osoitetta houkutuxilla ja uhkauxilla. Mutta Niskavuorrta ei myyrrrä.
ellauri194.html on line 106: 1950-luvulla Route 66:sta tuli Los Angelesiin suuntaavien lomailijoiden pääreitti. Reitti kulki Arizonan Painted Desertin läpi ja läheltä Painted Grand Canyonia. Matkailun nopea kasvu antoi sysäyksen tärkeille tienvarsinähtävyyksille kuten tiipiin-muotoisille motelleille, jäätelökojuille, intiaaninmyyntikojuille ja käärmefarmeille.
ellauri194.html on line 228: ”Olen nähnyt ympärilläni erilaisten todellisuudesta ja maasta erkaantuneiden ääriajattelujen vaarat ja haaksirikot, kuten gender-ideologian sekä uskonnollisen fanatismin ja radikalisoitumisen. Parempi sentään turpeeseen sidottu ääriajattelu, turvetta voi esim polttaa nyt kun ryssän öljy on kortilla.”
ellauri194.html on line 238: Nykyiset valtioiden ja yritysten päästövähennyslupaukset eivät riitä pysäyttämään ilmaston lämpenemistä 1,5 asteeseen. Kansainvälisen ilmastopaneelin ipcc:n mukaan ilmasto uhkaa lämmetä 2,7 astetta vuoteen 2100 mennessä. Jos niin käy, kuivuus, kuumuus, ja sään ääri-ilmiöt lisääntyvät. Laajat alueet maailmasta voivat muuttua sellaisiksi, että niissä on hyvin hankala tai jopa mahdoton asua.
ellauri194.html on line 252: As one nomadic people followed another on the Eurasian steppes, so the identification of Gog and Magog shifted. In the 9th and 10th centuries these kingdoms were identified by some with the lands of the Khazars, a Turkic people whose leaders had converted to Judaism and whose empire dominated Central Asia–the 9th-century monk Christian of Stavelot referred to Gazari, said of the Khazars that they were "living in the lands of Gog and Magog" and noted that they were "circumcised and observing all [the laws of] Judaism". Arab traveler ibn Fadlan also reported of this belief, writing around 921 he recorded that "Some hold the opinion that Gog and Magog are the Khazars".
ellauri194.html on line 257: Europeans in Medieval China reported findings from their travels to the Mongol Empire. Some accounts and maps began to place the "Caspian Mountains", and Gog and Magog, just outside the Great Wall of China. The Tartar Relation, an obscure account of Friar Carpini's 1240s journey to Mongolia, is unique in alleging that these Caspian Mountains in Mongolia, "where the Jews called Gog and Magog by their fellow countrymen are said to have been shut in by Alexander", were moreover purported by the Tartars to be magnetic, causing all iron equipment and weapons to fly off toward the mountains on approach. In 1251, the French friar André de Longjumeau informed his king that the Mongols originated from a desert further east, and an apocalyptic Gog and Magog ("Got and Margoth") people dwelled further beyond, confined by the mountains. In the map of Sharif Idrisi, the land of Gog and Magog is drawn in the northeast corner (beyond Northeast Asia) and enclosed. Some medieval European world maps also show the location of the lands of Gog and Magog in the far northeast of Asia (and the northeast corner of the world).
ellauri194.html on line 265: The Borgia map, copper-engraved world map (c. 1430). Gog and Magog (identified as confined Jews) are shown on the left, representing the far east.
ellauri194.html on line 271: The Flemish Franciscan friar William of Rubruck, who was first-hand witness to Alexander's supposed wall in Derbent on the shores of the Caspian Sea in 1254, identified the people the walls were meant to fend off only vaguely as "wild tribes" or "desert nomads", but one researcher made the inference Rubruck must have meant Jews, and that he was speaking in the context of "Gog and Magog". Confined Jews were later to be referred to as "Red Jews" (die roten Juden) in German-speaking areas; a term first used in a Holy Grail epic dating to the 1270s, in which Gog and Magog were two mountains enclosing these people.
ellauri194.html on line 273: The author of the Travels of Sir John Mandeville, a 14th-century best-seller, said he had found these Jews in Central Asia where as Gog and Magog they had been imprisoned by Alexander, plotting to escape and join with the Jews of Europe to destroy Christians.
ellauri194.html on line 283: Magog – in these two are large people and giants who are full of all kinds of bad behaviors. These Jews were collected by Artaxerxes from all parts of Persia.
ellauri194.html on line 285: The Persian king Artaxerxes (either Artaxerxes I or Artaxerxes II, appearing in the Book of Ezra 7) was commonly confused in Medieval Europe with the Neo-Assyrian ruler Shalmaneser V, who according to 2 Kings 17 drove the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel into exile.
ellauri194.html on line 291: In the Islamic apocalyptic tradition, the end of the world would be preceded by the release of Gog and Magog, whose destruction by God in a single night would usher in the Day of Resurrection. Reinterpretation did not generally continue after Classical times, but the needs of the modern world have produced a new body of apocalyptic literature in which Gog and Magog are identified as Communist Russia and China. One problem these writers have had to confront is the barrier holding Gog and Magog back, which is not to be found in the modern world: the answer varies, some writers saying that Gog and Magog were the Mongols and that the wall is now gone, others that both the wall and Gog and Magog are invisible. Why it is the iron curtain of course, the pay wall that stops money transfers between east and west. It is Google of MAGA what else!
ellauri194.html on line 335: Get Christie Love! gave the first black woman to serve in a State Police force in the United States, Louise Smith, critical motivation to continue with her chosen career when she faced significant discrimination both in the barracks and on the streets. In 2017, producers Courtney Kemp and Vin Diesel became attached to a reboot of the series for ABC, entitled Get Christie Love (without the exclamation point), a co-production between Lionsgate Television and Universal Television, which focused on an African American female CIA agent who leads an elite ops unit. However, ABC later announced that it had decided not to pick the pilot up to series.
ellauri194.html on line 452: – De som begick dessa handlingar representerar inte det arabiska och muslimska samfundet i staden, säger Hussam Murad rädd och fortsätter:
ellauri194.html on line 487: Dr. Ernest Adams is a consultant and a senior lecturer at the Department of Game Design, Uppsala University. He holds a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in interactive storytelling. He has served in the game industry since 1989 as a programmer, producer, writer, and game designer, and is the author of six books. Dr. Adams has developed online, computer, and console games for machines from the IBM 360 mainframe to the present day. He is also the founder and first chairman of the International Game Developers' Association.
ellauri194.html on line 498: Nora Bender, joka opiskeli Business Adminia University of Waterloossa, täsmentää: For people, the person who is the topic of a biographical article should be worthy of notice or note—that is, "remarkable" or "significant, interesting, or unusual enough to deserve attention or to be recorded" within Wikipedia as a written account of that person's life. "Notable" in the sense of being famous or popular—although not irrelevant—is secondary.
ellauri194.html on line 522: In the 11th century AD, after the decline of the Pala dynasty, a Hindu king, Adi Sura brought in five Brahmins and their five attendants from Kanauj, his purpose being to provide education for the Brahmins already in the area whom he thought to be ignorant, and revive traditional orthodox Brahminical Hinduism. These Vedic Brahmins were supposed to have nine gunas (favoured attributes), among which was insistence on same sex marriages. Multiple accounts of this legend exist, and historians generally consider this to be nothing more than myth or folklore lacking historical authenticity. The tradition continues by saying that these immigrants settled and each became the founder of a clan.
ellauri194.html on line 640: - Rangan Chatterjee – Physician, author, television presenter and broadcaster
ellauri194.html on line 762: In June, the Cairo Criminal Court found them both guilty of the offence. Hossam was sentenced in absentia to 10 years in jail and Adham, who was present, was given a six-year sentence.
ellauri194.html on line 764: For the Egyptian state to instrumentalize "human trafficking" charges to exert control over the expression & socioeconomic mobility of young women is deeply disturbing. There are real and serious cases of human trafficking that must be prosecuted--these TikTok cases are not it.
ellauri194.html on line 775: You may also be interested in these Egyptian family values:
ellauri194.html on line 993: 'I regret to say that we have a Prime Minister who broke the laws that he told the country they had to follow, hasn't been straightforward about it and is now going to ask the decent men and women on these benches to defend what I think is indefensible.
ellauri194.html on line 1023: ICF-luokitus (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) on WHO:n luokitusperheeseen kuuluva toimintakyvyn, toimintarajoitteiden ja terveyden kansainvälinen luokitus. Luokitus periaatteessa sitoo WHO:n jäsenvaltioita. Luokituksen on suomennuttanut ja julkaissut Stakes vuonna 2004. ICF täydentää WHO:n toista, terveydenhuollon vakiintunutta ja paljon laajempaa ICD-luokitusta, joka tunnetaan nimellä Kansainvälinen tautiluokitus. Tästä luokituksesta on käytössä jo 10. versio, ICD-10.
ellauri196.html on line 55: Wegen Piscators Übersetzung von Markus 8,12 „ich sage euch: Wann diesem Geschlechte ein Zeichen wird gegeben werden, so strafe mich Gott“ nannten die Lutheraner seiner Zeit diese Bibel spottend „Straf-mich-Gott-Bibel“ und bekämpften sie heftig. Noch mehr Aufsehen erregte die Lehre Piscators, dass nur der leidende Gehorsam Christi, nicht auch der tätige, den Gläubigen zugerechnet werde. Manche reformierten Theologen tolerierten sie zwar, andere aber, besonders die französischen, griffen sie heftig an und verwarfen sie auf der Synode zu Gap als Irrlehre.
ellauri196.html on line 61: Von einem urteilslosen Menschen heißt es, ihm fehle die „altera pars Petri“. Die gewöhnlichere Ausdrucksweise, die auch Kant gebraucht, ist die, es fehle ihm an der „secunda Petri“ (KrV B 173 Anm.). Diese Redewendung bezieht sich auf den zweiten Teil der Logik von Ramus (Institutiones dialecticae). Er behandelt das Urteilsvermögen (De iudicio).
ellauri196.html on line 67: Ramus war ein Gegner der aristotelisch-scholastischen Philosophie; schon der Titel seiner Magisterthese von 1536 hatte angeblich (Freigius zufolge) gelautet: „Quecumque ab Aristotele dicta essent, commentita esse“ („Was immer Aristoteles gesagt haben mag, sei erlogen“). Er entwickelte stattdessen eine neue, nichtaristotelische Logik. Darin ersetzte er (in den Institutiones dialecticae) den aristotelischen Syllogismus durch ein System von Dichotomien (vgl. Ramismus) in der Tradition des spätmittelalterlichen Logikers Rudolf Agricola (1444–1485).
ellauri196.html on line 73: Ramus jakoi logiikan kahteen osa-alueeseen:
ellauri196.html on line 302: Pastori Sigmund Bitziuksen ja Elisabeth Bitzius-Kohlerin perheeseen syntyi poika Albert 1797 Murtenissa. Isä toimi maalaiskylässä Utzenstorfissa. Täällä Albert tutustui talonpoikaismaailmaan. Isä opetti Albertia aluksi itse.
ellauri196.html on line 308: Vuonna 1833 hän avioitui Wynigenistä olevan Henriette Zeenderin (1805-1872) kanssa. Perheeseen syntyi kolme lasta: Henriette (1834-1890), Albert (1835-1882) ja Cecile (1837-1914). Pojasta tuli myös pastori ja hän monilla aloilla jatkoi isänsä sosiaalisia uudistuksia Bernin kantonissa.
ellauri196.html on line 424: Viktor Rydberg: Valitut teokset 6: Aseseppä. Otava 1930
ellauri196.html on line 474: Nyt on jääkarhuilla mieli mustana kun jäälautta on sulanut ja kahvi kaatunut lämminneeseen napamereen. Alahalla allin mieli polkiessa laihaa sumppia.
ellauri196.html on line 483: Schweizarit pesee talot ulkopuolelta eikä laita verhoja ettei luultaisi niillä olevan jotain salattavaa. Suklaapatukatkin niillä on niin kolmikulmaisia ja teräviä ettei ilkiä väärään reikään törkkiä, ei ainakaan ennenkuin patukka on nuoltu sileämmäxi.
ellauri196.html on line 503: Hesekielin laaxo
ellauri196.html on line 505: Sale Belov mainizee Hesekielin laaxon Augie Marchissa. Salen isoveli haluaa pelastaa jotain Hesekielin laaxon vainajia. Mikähän sekin alluusio tarkottaa?
ellauri196.html on line 509: Profeetta Hesekiel oli aivan mahdottoman haasteen edessä. Jumala näytti hänelle laakson, joka oli täynnä kuolleita luita. Hesekielille ei varmasti tullut mieleenkään, että luihin voisi alkaa syntyä elämää, mutta niin vain kävi!
ellauri196.html on line 512: Mika Häkkinenkö sai aikaan tuon valtaisan muutoksen? Ei vaan Jumalan Sana. Hesekielin piti puhua laakson kuolleille Jumalan sanoja ja elämä alkoi virrata kuolleisiin; mahdottomasta tuli mahdotonta. Hesekiel kazoi ja äimisteli pizzanpala mukaan napattuna. Mahootointa!
ellauri196.html on line 525: Vanhan testamentin Hesekielin kirjan 47. luvun 18. jae määrittelee Israelin 12 heimon ”perintömaiden” itärajan seuraavalla tavalla:
ellauri196.html on line 527: ”Itäraja kulkee aluksi Hauranin ja Damaskoksen alueiden välitse, ja Gileadin ja Israelin maan välissä on rajana Jordan[-joki] aina Itäiseenmereen [Kuolleeseenmereen] ja Tamariin saakka. Tämä on itäraja.”
ellauri196.html on line 624: Its fundamentally conservative "pure and simple" approach limited the AFL to matters pertaining to working conditions and rates of pay, relegating political goals to its allies in the political sphere. The Federation favored pursuit of workers' immediate demands rather than challenging the property rights of owners, and took a pragmatic view of politics which favored tactical support for particular politicians over formation of a party devoted to workers' interests. The AFL's leadership believed the expansion of the capitalist system was seen as the path to betterment of labor, an orientation making it possible for the AFL to present itself as what one historian has called "the conservative alternative to working class radicalism."
ellauri196.html on line 644: The academic literature shows substantial evidence that labor unions reduce economic inequality. Research suggests that rising income inequality in the United States is partially attributable to the decline of the labor movement and union membership.
ellauri196.html on line 672: Kun kuorma-auto oli melkein ajanut heidät alas, Edie ja Terry löytävät Charleyn ruumiin ripustettuna lihakoukkuun kujalla. Terry menee baariin ampumaan Friendlyä, mutta isä Barry häiritsee häntä hänen odottaessa ja muut ammattiliiton miehet juoksevat ulos varoittamaan Friendlyä. Barry suostuttelee Terryn taistelemaan Friendlyä todistamalla oikeudessa. Terry antaa tuomiolle tuomitsevan todistuksen, ja Friendly erotetaan vahvoista ystävistään, kun hän joutuu syytteeseen. Ystävällinen estää Terryn kaikista ammattiliittojen töistä. Terry kieltäytyy lähtemästä kaupungista Edien kanssa ja ilmestyy laiturille päivittäiseen rituaaliin, jossa työntekijät valitaan kokoontuneiden longshoremiesten joukosta. Kaikki kutsutaan töihin paitsi Terry, joka pilkkaa Friendlyä läheisen hökkelin ulkopuolella huutaen olevansa ylpeä todistamisesta. Ystävällinen pakottaa Terryn hyökkäämään, ja häntä hakataan, kunnes hän pyytää apua roistoiltaan, jotka lakkaavat tappamasta Terryä. Rantamiehet kieltäytyvät tekemästä työtä, ellei Terry saa myös tehdä töitä, ja Joeyn isä työntää Friendlyn jokeen, kun tämä yrittää kiusata miehiä. Isä Barry kertoo pahasti loukkaantuneelle Terrylle, että hän hävisi taistelun, mutta hänellä on mahdollisuus voittaa sota, jos hän pääsee varastoon. Barry ja Edie nostavat hänet jaloilleen, ja Terry kompastelee käytävälle seisomaan varaston eteen, missä pomo nyökkää Terrylle ja käskee heitä ryhtymään töihin. Miehet seuraavat Terryä sisälle jättäen Friendlyn huomiotta, kun tämä hyökkää tyhjillä uhkauksilla ja nyrkeillä. Ovi sulkeutuu heidän takanaan ja jättää Friendlyn ulos kylmään. Terry on voittanut! Pomo on voittanut! Ystävällinen ammattiliiton mies on hävinnyt! Ei tässä mitään ay-näkökulmaa ole, paikallista sopimista vaan. Hajaantukaa.
ellauri196.html on line 698: Tarita Teriʻipaia (born 29 December 1941) is a French retired actress of French Polynesian and Chinese descent most famous for having been the third wife of actor Marlon Brando, whom she later divorced.
ellauri196.html on line 703: Hesen kastike
ellauri196.html on line 705: Hesekiel (יְחֶזְקֵאל "Jumala ei tapa vaan vahvistaa", hepreaksi Yəḥezqel) oli yksi Israelin profeetoista. Hän oli papin (Phil Cohen) poika ja toimi itsekin pappina Jerusalemin temppelissä. Ezekiel, like Jeremiah, is said by Talmud and Midrash to have been a descendant of Joshua by his marriage with the proselyte and ex-prostitute Rahab. Hänet vietiin Joakin von Ankan ja muun herrasväen mukana pakkosiirtolaisuuteen Babyloniin vuonna 597 eaa. Hänen nimissään on Raamatun Vanhan testamentin Hesekielin kirja, joka on Hesburgereita koskevien tietojen päälähde.
ellauri196.html on line 707: Hesekielin kirja voidaan sisällöllisesti Raamatussa jakaa neljään osaan:
ellauri196.html on line 729: According to the Bible, Ezekiel and his wife lived during the Babylonian captivity on the banks of the Chebar River, in Tel Aviv, with other exiles from Judah. There is no mention of him having any offspring. Josephus claims that Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia's armies exiled three thousand Jews from Judah, after deposing King Jehoiakim in 598 BCE. Ärsyttävimmät kiljukaulat johtoportaasta vietiin jäähylle. Jesaja kuului Jahven hoviin, Hese oli bloody peasant.
ellauri196.html on line 740: Montale ha scritto relativamente poco. Il poeta può solo dire "ciò che non siamo": è la negatività esistenziale vissuta dall'uomo novecentesco dilaniato dal divenire storico. Pieni negatiivisuus ei ole ylläri, kun muistaa maailmansodat. Vaikkei tää 21. vuosisata juuri näytä positiivisemmalta. Il poeta crede di trovare una risposta, una soluzione al problema del "male di vivere": ad esempio, frutti di mare o alcune figure di donne. Montale esalta lo stoicismo etico di chi compie in qualsiasi situazione storica e politica il proprio dovere. Perche no il epicurismo? Tärkeintä sille oli la ricerca di propria dignità. No se pääsikin elinkautisexi senaattorixi. Eli taas tätä tuttua: tiukka mutru huuleen ja selkä vastatuuleen. Paska reisu mutta tulipahan tehtyä. Se trendas sotavuosina.
ellauri196.html on line 913: Manchmal vulgär, manchmal jugendlich-trotzig; hin und wieder obszön, häufig auch recht kühl. Die Gedichte als ihre frühesten Arbeiten sind weitgehend unbekannt und kaum besprochen. Dabei löste schon die erste Gedichtpublikation in der Zeitschrift der katholischen Jugend Aspekte 1967 einen kleinen Skandal aus. Die redaktionelle Verantwortliche Heide Pils wurde entlassen. Begründung: sittliche Gefährdung der jungen Leser, insbesondere der Priesterseminaristen..
ellauri196.html on line 921: Dieses Gedicht beschreibt ganz deutlich einen Gewalttat. Früher wurden die Knollen des Knabenkrauts auch als Aphrodisiakum verwendet, weil sie optisch an Hoden erinnern. Interessant dabei ist die Gegenüberstellung des Knaben mit der Form der Orchideenblüte, die eine Analogie zur Vulva aufweist. Es ist sehr relevant, im „märzenhauch“ nicht nur die Frühlingspriese erkennen, sondern auch ein Wortspiel mit der Biersorte Märzen. Die Farbe „Rot“ stehe als Zeichen der Fruchtbarkeit. Das ist auf die Röte des Leibes zurückzuführen, etwa gerötete Wangen oder stark durchblutete Geschlechtsorgane. Erotik und Ekel stehen nebeneinander. Nicht zuletzt ist die auffallende Konzentration auf Körper im Gedicht („zunge“, „mund“, „nackenschweiß“, „zähnchen“, „finger“, „halse“) dafür ausschlaggebend. Sexualisiert meint doch hier keinen erregenden Zweck.
ellauri196.html on line 924: um es zu vervollständigen. Auch kann Froschkönig damit als Geschichte über die sich entwickelnde Sexualität während der Pubertät gelesen werden. Verdeutlicht wird das durch die Metapher des Brunnens, in den der Frosch springt. Was mit den nachkommenden Abschnitten folgt, ist eine auch telegrammstilartige, Eindrücke bereitstellende Aneinanderreihung von Bildern dieser Gewaltszene.
ellauri196.html on line 926: In Märchen geht es wiederum um einen männlichen wölfischen Gewaltakt an Kindern. Das Fressen der Geißlein ist wohl wie in Rotkäppchen nicht als Kannibalismus zu bewerten, sondern auch mit einer sexuellen Komponente zu verstehen. Die Referenz auf Dornröschen ist eindeutig. Erst durch den Kuss des Mannes erwacht sie aus dem Koma. Es stellt sich die Frage nicht nur nach den Handlungsmächten und abhängigkeiten, sondern auch nach dem Konsens dieser Handlung.
ellauri196.html on line 928: Die Katze ist ein alltäglicher Synonym der Fotze. Sie kann als Symbol generell und speziell als „Symbol des Weiblichen und der erotisch-sexuellen Anziehung bzw. Gefährdung“, wozu besonders die Nachtaktivität und Wollust der Katze beiträgt. „Gelb“ lese ich hier als stellvertretend für Körperflüssigkeiten wie Urin und Samen. Hier stellt sich die Frage, welcher Saft? Giebel ist Venushügel, was sonst. „Knabenrot“ habe ich schon das männliche Glied beschrieben. Zusätzlich kann das Rot für Blut stehen, ins Besondere als Zitat der Defloration. Tatsächlich gibt es kein Jungfernhäutchen im Sinn einer zu durchtrennenden Folie, jedoch war (und ist leider teilweise nach wie vor) das Blut bei der (ersten) Penetration der Beweis von Jungfräulichkeit. Wenn manche Frauen (beim ersten Mal) bluten, kommt das von (kleinen) Verletzungen in der Vagina. Ich weiss, ich weiss!
ellauri196.html on line 930: Eine Gemeinsamkeit vieler Märchenprotagonistinnen ist ihre Schönheit und Reinheit, die sich vor allem auch durch weiße Haut auszeichnen. Die Aussage, Frauen hätten es nicht anders gewollt, diese Handlungen zu erfahren, da sie so oder so aussehen oder diese und jene Kleidung tragen, wird leider heute noch reproduziert.
ellauri196.html on line 934: Es sind mehrere Bilder, die sich hier überlagern: die noch nicht getrennten Körper, die Spuren der Verletzungen an der Haut, die durch Gegenstände oder Hände verursacht wurden. Es ist auf jeden Fall das Zeugnis sexualisierter Gewalt. Es sind auch Narben, die niemals vergehen. frühling hat uns zurück geholt in eine frühlingshafte Idylle und romantische Liebesvorstellung. Es ist so, als wäre nichts gewesen.
ellauri196.html on line 942: Diese Äußerungen über mich, dass man das einem Mann zugesteht, das ist eine gewisse Härte in der Sichtweise und auch eine gewisse Brutalität, über die Frauen eigentlich besser schreiben können als die Männer, weil die Frauen eigentlich sehr viel mehr Brutalität erfahren als die Männer, aber wenn eine Frau das schreibt, wird ihr das eben nicht zugestanden, auch was jetzt zum Beispiel die Sexualität betrifft, denn wenn eine Frau über Sexualität schreibt wie ein Mann, dann wird ihr das nicht zugestanden, dabei ist es eigentlich sehr wichtig, dass endlich mal Frauen über ihre Sexualität schreiben und nicht nur Männer.
ellauri196.html on line 944: Das Schlimmste ist dieses männliche Wert- und Normensystem, dem die Frau unterliegt. Sie benutzt das Obszöne, um Machtverhältnisse zwischen Mann und Frau sichtbar zu machen, was sie schon 1967 in Talente und Tendenzen als literarisches Ziel angibt. Reim, der nach 1945 ohnehin immer mehr aufgegeben wird, wird in Jelineks Gedichten ein Mittel der Parodie.
ellauri196.html on line 950: Länkkärit on alkaneet lappaa turvapaikanhakijoita Ruandaan. Tanskalaiset ei päästä enää ketään viikinkien keskeen häsläämään. Austraalia vie vinkkarit ja mutiaiset Naurusaareen nauramaan. Ukrainalaiset ovat tervetulleita niin kauan kuin sillä voi tehdä kiusaa ryssille, mutta eiköhän nekin ala kohta haista kuin vanha kala. Ei vittu ei voi muuta sanoa: Apinaköörin lopullinen tuho on ainoa toimiva ilmastoteko. Ammennä vaan Jehova, tulppa kiinni ja vettä ammeeseen, äläkä vaivaudu tällä kertaa rakentamaan mitään arkkia. Molskis sanoi Ikaros.
ellauri197.html on line 82: Yeats engages with several important themes in ‘Down By the Salley Gardens’ such as memory and love/relationships. There is also a great deal of regret underneath these primary themes. The speaker spends the poem looking back at a failed relationship, one that he surely regrets and would like to go back and change. He knows exactly what he did wrong, in fact, his love warned him about it several times and he didn’t listen. This is likely part of what makes the loss so painful, even though a great deal of time has passed.
ellauri197.html on line 92: Yeats makes use of several literary devices in ‘Down By the Salley Gardens’. These include but are not limited to anaphora, epistrophe, and alliteration. The first of these, anaphora, is seen through the use and reuse of words at the beginning of multiple lines of text. For instance, “She” in stanzas one and two. Epistrophe is the opposite of anaphora. It is concerned with the repetition of phrases at the ends of lines. For instance, “salley gardens” at the ends of lines one and three of the first stanza and “young and foolish” at the end of line seven in the first stanza and line seven in the second stanza.
ellauri197.html on line 108: In the final lines of the poem, the speaker reveals that even in his old age he’s “full of tears”. Things did not go as he wanted them to. The transition into the present tense informs the reader that the impact of this failed relationship (which he knows failed because of him) is long-lasting.
ellauri197.html on line 168: Clifton was a gambler and in 1957 the Evening Standard described his behaviour in the Monte Carlo casino: “Tall, bearded, always dressed in heavy tweeds with a heavy brown scarf wrapped around his neck....he is notable for heavy gambling carried out with the appearance of complete unconcern, and sudden outbursts of indiscriminate generosity.” He often fell prey to conmen and lost a great deal of money through ill advised business deals. When warned that one of his acquaintances was dangerous he replied “Oh, I know, but you see I like bad types!” Many of his projects were started with great enthusiasm but he quickly lost interest and dropped them, these included the construction of a zoo and plans for a new town on his Lancashire estate.
ellauri197.html on line 170: He married Lilian Lowell Griswold in 1937. During their marriage he bought two Fabergé eggs, the Renaissance Egg in 1937 and later the Rosebud Egg, but these famous tokens of love and affection did not guarantee a long marriage: the couple divorced in 1943.
ellauri197.html on line 176: Clifton's three books of poetry were published by Duckworth. The first was Dielma and Other Poems in 1932 and then followed Flight in 1934. One commentator has said that “Clifton was particularly adroit at poems honouring – and marvelling at – women” and the Times Literary Supplement stated that “His lyrics are a gracious tribute to the beauty of women”. These were fairly conventional poems unlike his final work Gleams Britain's Day published in 1942. The Spectator described it as “expressing in a sort of prophetic certitude opinions upon religion, patriotism, love, art, war and peace, which he puts in unconventional verse”. The reviewer stated that the book was “the product of a curious, whimsical mind, full of energy, squandering it on half-digested ideas”. W B Yates dedicated his poem, Lapis Lazuli, to Clifton who had given him a valuable Chinese lapis lazuli carving.
ellauri197.html on line 178: Yeats' poem was completed in 1936. Yeats, in an oft quoted letter, describes the gift thus: "Lapis Lazuli carved by some Chinese sculptor into the semblance of a mountain with temple, trees, paths, and an ascetic and pupil about to climb the mountain. Ascetic, pupil, hard stone, eternal theme of the sensual east. The heroic cry in the midst of despair. But no, I am wrong, the east has its solutions always and therefore knows nothing of tragedy. It is we, not the east, that must raise the heroic cry." (Letter to Dorothy Wellesley (as in Wellesley College?) July 6 1935)
ellauri197.html on line 219: The Chinese edifice quite resembles an Irish pub, in which the men may stop for refreshment and listen to some sorrowful tunes before trekking on. The ancient faces of the Chinese men look on smiling but rather detached as they enjoy the melodies.
ellauri197.html on line 293: ‘How Happy I Was If I Could Forget’ is a two-stanza work where the narrator takes the reader through a series of confusing verb tenses and language choices to represent the overall lack of clarity she has for the memory that she wishes she “could forget.” The cyclical state of the stanzas’ disorganization, additionally, reflects that the narrator feels trapped in her confused loop from the memory, and the reader could finish ‘How Happy I Was If I Could Forget’ without knowing what the troubling memory is. This is yet another method of revealing the narrator’s confusion over the memory. Just as she does not know how to treat the memory, the reader does not know solid details about the memory. From start to finish then, this is a work that is structured perfectly to share and represent the narrator’s confusion.
ellauri197.html on line 295: The shift in verb tenses is remarkable in this first stanza to address the narrator’s unclear thoughts that are connected to whatever memory she wishes to “forget.” Within the first two lines of ‘How Happy I Was If I Could Forget’, the reader encounters past tense in “was” and the subjunctive imagined prospect of “if I could forget.” This “if” indicates that this is only a wish the narrator has, meaning it is not past, present, or future because it has not happened and will not definitively ever happen. From there, the narrator turns to the present tense by saying, “how sad I am.” There is no clear way that all of these verb tenses senspibly link up, and this grammatic confusion mirrors how uncertain and shaken the narrator is from this memory’s lingering presence.
ellauri197.html on line 309: Once more, the variation of verb tenses happens within this stanza to continue the representation of her uncertain mind frame since the “Bloom [k]eeps making November difficult,” which is present tense, but she “was almost bold,” which is past tense. Though there is a logic behind this particular verb tense change, the pattern is still striking enough to merit mention.
ellauri197.html on line 371: For they are all concentric unto thee; Sillä ne kaikki lähtee liikenteeseen sinusta;
ellauri197.html on line 403: Here the term ‘concentrique’ means one circle within the other, or circles or globes with a common center. Here this common center is earth. Hence the spheres were supposed to be concentric or centered upon the earth. The first four lines of this extract can also be analyzed like: just as when water is stirred additional circles are produced by the original one, then these new additions will only constitute one heaven, like the spheres in the Ptolemaic astronomy form only one heaven; and that is because all these additions will be centered on you, just as in that system the spheres are all centered on the earth.
ellauri197.html on line 505: Sharon Thompson's research has demonstrated how the gold digger stereotype or image has been used against women in the negotiation of alimony cases. The gold digger stereotype was also deployed in public discussions about "heartbalm" legislation during the 1930s, particularly breach of promise cases. The popularity of the gold digger image was a contributing factor to the nationwide push to outlaw heart balm laws in the middle and late-1930s in the United States.
ellauri197.html on line 509: Heartbalm actions in the United States typically include seduction, criminal conversation, alienation of affection, and breach of promise to marry. Of these, criminal conversation and alienation of affection are marital torts, originally restricted to husbands but in many states later made available to spouses regardless of gender. Seduction and breach of promise are nonmarital torts.
ellauri197.html on line 522: For example, in Baker v Bolton (1808) 1 Camp 493, a man was permitted to recover for his loss of consortium from the carriage driver while his wife languished after a carriage accident. However, once she died from her injuries, his right to recover for lost consortium ended. (After the enactment of Lord Campbell's Act (9 and 10 Vic. c. 93) the English common law continued to prohibit recovery for loss of consortium after the death of a victim). In the 1619 case Guy v. Livesey, it is clear that precedent had been established by that time that a husband's exclusive access to the sexual services of his wife was considered to fall within the concept of 'consortium', and that an adulterer might therefore be sued for depriving a cuckold of exclusive access to the sexual services of his wife. Since adultery could not otherwise be prosecuted in secular courts for most of the period after the twelfth century, loss of consortium became an important basis for prosecution for adultery in English law.
ellauri197.html on line 538: Despite this skewed sex ratio, they found that "On education and socioeconomic status, women on average express greater hypergamic selectivity; they prefer mates who are superior to them in these traits, while men express a desire for an analogue of hypergamy based on physical attractiveness; they desire a mate who ranks higher on the physical attractiveness scale than they themselves do."
ellauri197.html on line 544: In a 2016 paper that explored the income difference between couples in 1980 and 2012, Chinese researcher Yue Qian noted that the tendency for women to marry men with higher incomes than themselves still persists in modern China.
ellauri197.html on line 563: Dessa företag har stängt alla affärer och kontor i Ryssland, lämnat gemensamma projekt med ryska bolag och levererar inga reservdelar till den ryska marknaden.
ellauri197.html on line 575: I slutet av mars meddelade McDonald's att alla 850 restauranger i Ryssland tills vidare stängs. Även Kentucky Fried Chicken och Pizza Hut, som bägge ägs av Yum Brands, har lämnat Ryssland. Ikea, som har betraktat Ryssland som en strategisk marknad, lämnade Ryssland nästan genast. Apple säljer inte längre någonting i Ryssland, Boeing och Airbus levererar inga reservdelar. De internationella storföretagen anser sig inte ha råd att solka ner sitt rykte i en situation där Ryssland för krig i Ukraina – och nu misstänks för krigsbrott.
ellauri197.html on line 678: I cannot be immortal, nor taste all. O lord! where does this tend—these straggling aims!1
ellauri198.html on line 127: 1950-luvulta alkaen hän kirjoitti lähinnä lyriikkaa. Kaikki kuninkaan miehet on muokattu elokuvaksi kahteen otteeseen, vuonna 1949 ja vuonna 2006. Its title is drawn from the nursery rhyme "Humpty Dumpty". Se kertoo poliitikko Wille Rydmanin etenemisestä urallaan ja samanaikaisesta muuttumisesta entistä pahemmaxi ihmisenä. Willem esikuva Huey Pierce Long Jr. (30. elokuuta 1893 – 10. syyskuuta 1935), usein paremmin tunnettuna lempinimellä "Kingfish" oli yhdysvaltalainen demokraattisen puolueen poliitikko. Hän toimi Louisianan kuvernöörinä vuosina 1928–1932 ja Yhdysvaltain senaatin jäsenenä vuosina 1932–1935. Long tunnettiin radikaalina ja menestyksekkäänä vasemmistopopulistina, joka ajoi kuvernöörinä voimakkaita sosiaalisia reformeja ja perusti suuren laman aikana kunnianhimoisia julkiseen rahoitukseen perustuvia ohjelmia. Vastustajat arvostelivat häntä demagogiasta ja itsevaltaisesta vallankäytöstä. Longin lempinimi, "Kingfish" tuli hänen väittämästään "I'm a small fish here in Washington. But I am a kingfish to the folks down in Louisiana."
ellauri198.html on line 144: Not all reviewers agree that Warren’s work deserves such unqualified praise. Though Warren tackles unquestionably important themes, his treatment of those themes borders on the bombastic. Warren becomes ridiculous on occasion, whenever we lapse from total conviction. His philosophical musings are “sometimes truly awkward and sometimes pseudo-profound.” Warren thus joins a central American tradition of speakers—Emerson, Thoreau, Henry Adams, Norman Mailer—who are not only the salesmen but the advertisers of their own snake oil.”
ellauri198.html on line 158: The great geese hoot northward.
ellauri198.html on line 216: From Nineteen-Fourteen to the present day,
ellauri198.html on line 241: All these anti-worker policies were carried out by Democratic governors and mayors under supposedly pro-labor Roosevelt. This brought the strike to an end. Vocally radical union leaders (like John Lewis of the United Mineworkers) blamed the President, the steel companies, and excessive violence of the police. And all these factors were a real part of the loss. But these same union leaders had tied their fate to the Democratic Party. Even after the Memorial Day massacre and the defeat of the strike, they continued to support Roosevelt and the Democratic machine.
ellauri198.html on line 252: Riensin toteuttamaan ennustusta jonka Thea Fenchel oli lausunut tuossa keinussa St Joessa. Ja vaikka mulle ei ollut yhdentekevää että juuri minua oli hakattu ja ajettu takaa, en silti voinut tuntea tuota asiaa kovin tärkeäksi enkä tajunnut että kenellekään olisi hyötyä sitä että jatkaisin taistelua veljieni puolesta. Jos se olisi ollut minulle omantunnon kysymys olisin kenties seisonut Republic Steelin edessä kaatuneiden muistopäivän verilöylyn hetkellä kuten Grammick. Häntä oli isketty patukalla päähän. Mutta minä olin samaan aikaan patukoimassa Theaa toiseen päähän. Ei edes ollut vallassani olla missäin muualla, kun olimme päässeet alkuun. Ei, minulla ei ollut inspiraatiota ammattiliiton töihin eika politiikkaan eikä mitään hinkua "tahdon hituseni" joutumiseen ihmisjoukon eteen sen lähtiessä marssimaan eteenpäin kurjuudesta. Miten tämä tahtopahaseni olisi päässyt johtamaan heidän kulkuaan? (Vittu mikä narsisti! Mitä Mooses vastasi kun Jehova kuzui sitä palavasta pensaasta? Näin juurikin!) En voinut käskeä itseäni tulemaan yhdeksi noista jotka asettuvat muiden kärkeen, työntyvät sosialistiseen valonsäteeseen tai keräävät ja keskittävät sen kuin polttolasi, hehkuvat ja häikäisevät ja leimahtavat kuin liekki. Sellaiseksi minua ei ollot tarkoitettu. Minut oli tarkoitettu piilottamaan munaa Estereiden perseeseen, sohimaan niitä pikku puikollani.
ellauri198.html on line 300: Initial interest arose via the publicity campaign for Pazder's 1980 book Michelle Remembers, and it was sustained and popularized throughout the decade by coverage of the McMartin preschool trial. Testimonials, symptom lists, rumors, and techniques to investigate or uncover memories of SRA were disseminated through professional, popular, and religious conferences, as well as through talk shows, sustaining and further spreading the moral panic throughout the United States and beyond. In some cases, allegations resulted in criminal trials with varying results; after seven years in court, the McMartin trial resulted in no convictions for any of the accused, while other cases resulted in lengthy sentences, some of which were later reversed. Scholarly interest in the topic slowly built, eventually resulting in the conclusion that the phenomenon was a moral panic, which, as one researcher put it in 2017, "involved hundreds of accusations that devil-worshipping paedophiles were operating America's white middle-class suburban daycare centers."
ellauri198.html on line 333: Se Learista. Yhdyn Rudolf v. Gottschallin mielipiteeseen: täys paska. Tässäkin on ranet anglosaxien pääpahixet, Roland haistaa brittiläistä verta kuin joku trolli. Saman frogivihan haistoi selvästi vaihtoehtoisen Foggin ykkösjaxossa. Passpartou, tuo luihu neekeri, oli epäluotettava frankofooni. Tosin osasihan se sanoa suahilixi "missä ovat paloportaat". Toivottavasti se anglosaxistuu myöhemmissä jaxoissa. Kaisen pitää, koska Foggille on varattu se intialainen prinsessa joten nussimaton lehtinainen jää muuten paritta. Tai hei ehkä niille kummallekin löytyy oman värisensä pari kun sarja etenee.
ellauri198.html on line 344: A footnote in the Penguin Classics edition (Robert Browning Selected Poems) advises against allegorical interpretation, saying “readers who wish to try their hand should be warned that the enterprise strongly resembles carving a statue out of fog." This sentiment is echoed by many critics, who believe any quest for interpretation will ultimately fail, due to the dreamlike, illusionary nature of the poem.
ellauri198.html on line 469: He must be wicked to deserve such pain. Sen lieka lie kii vanhassa kehnossa.
ellauri198.html on line 496: Better this present than a past like that; Parempi tää nykyinen kuin mennyt toi;
ellauri198.html on line 633: Tophet or Topheth (Hebrew: תֹּוֹפֶת Tōp̄eṯ; Greek: Ταφέθ (taphéth); Latin: Topheth) is a location in Jerusalem in the Valley of Hinnom (Gehenna), where worshipers engaged in a ritual involving "passing a child through the fire", most likely child sacrifice. Traditionally, the sacrifices have been ascribed to a god named Moloch. The Bible condemns and forbids these sacrifices, and the tophet is eventually destroyed by king Josiah, although mentions by the prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Isaiah suggest that the practices associated with the tophet may have persisted.
ellauri198.html on line 635: Most scholars agree that the ritual performed at the tophet was child sacrifice, and they connect it to similar episodes throughout the Bible and recorded in Phoenicia (whose inhabitants were referred to as Canaanites in the Bible) and Carthage by Hellenistic sources. There is disagreement about whether the sacrifices were offered to a god named "Moloch". Based on Phoenician and Carthaginian inscriptions, a growing number of scholars believe that the word moloch refers to the type of sacrifice rather than a deity. There is currently a dispute as to whether these sacrifices were dedicated to Yahweh rather than a foreign deity.
ellauri198.html on line 693: In 1838, he visited Italy looking for background for Sordello, a long poem in heroic couplets, presented as the imaginary biography of the Mantuan bard spoken of by Dante in the Divine Comedy, canto 6 of Purgatory, set against a background of hate and conflict during the Guelph-Ghibelline wars. This was published in 1840 and met with widespread derision, gaining him the reputation of wanton carelessness and obscurity. Tennyson commented that he only understood the first and last lines and Carlyle wrote that his wife had read the poem through and could not tell whether Sordello was a man, a city or a book. Ai tän mä taisinkin jo kertoa albumissa 54.
ellauri198.html on line 697: From the time of their marriage and until Elizabeth's death, the Brownings lived in Italy, residing first in Pisa, and then, within a year, finding an apartment in Florence at Casa Guidi (now a museum to their memory). Their only child, Robert Wiedemann Barrett Browning, nicknamed "Penine" or "Pen", was born in 1849. In these years Browning was fascinated by, and learned from, the art and atmosphere of Italy. He would, in later life, describe Italy as his university. As Elizabeth had inherited money of her own, the couple were reasonably comfortable in Italy, and their relationship together was happy. However, the literary assault on Browning's work did not let up and he was critically dismissed further, by patrician writers such as Charles Kingsley, for the desertion of England for foreign lands.
ellauri198.html on line 714: Allen Johnston of The New York Times was disappointed with how the series progressed; while he marveled at the "sheer absurdity of King's existence" and complimented King's writing style, he said preparation would have improved the series, stating "King doesn't have the writerly finesse for these sorts of games, and the voices let him down." Michael Berry of the San Francisco Chronicle called the series "highfalutin hodgepodge".
ellauri198.html on line 736: In a final "Coda" section, King urges the reader to close the book at this point, consider the story finished with a happy ending, and not venture inside the Tower with Roland. For those who do not heed the warning, the story resumes with Roland stepping into the Dark Tower. He realizes that the Tower is not really made of stone, but a kind of flesh: it is Gan's physical body. As he climbs the steps, Roland encounters various rooms containing siguls or signs of his past life. When he reaches the top of the Tower, he finds a door marked with his own name and opens it. Roland instantly realizes, to his horror, that he has reached the Tower countless times before. He is forced through the door by the hands of Gan and transported back in time to the Mohaine desert, back to where he was at the beginning of The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, with no memories of what has just occurred. The only difference is that, this time, Roland possesses the Horn of Eld, which in the previous incarnation he had left lying on the ground after the Battle of Jericho Hill. Roland hears the voice of Gan, whispering that, if he reaches the Tower again, perhaps this time the result will be different; there may yet be rest. The series ends where it began in the first line of book one: "The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."
ellauri198.html on line 755: Ei vaan Browning imuskelee kolleegansa Shellyn schollya, Harold täsmentää. The consensus among critics has long been that in his youth Browning had a great enthusiasm for Shelley, an enthusiasm clearly apparent in Pauline and Paracelsus, but abruptly extinguished in Sordello. Generally speaking, it would seem that Browning's ardent enthusiasm for Shelley the poet ends with Sordello in 1840, just as his respect for Shelley the man ends in 1856, with the discovery that he had abandoned his first wife. Any evidence for a lapse of his disaffection in later life seems effectively countered by Browning's own testimony in a letter written in 1885 to F. J. Furnivall, refusing the presidency of the newly formed Shelley Society: “For myself, I painfully contrast my notions of Shelley the man and Shelley, well, even the poet, with what they were sixty years ago, when I only had his works, for a certainty, and took his character on trust.” With these highlights of the relationship, most Browning critics and biographers terminate the discussion.
ellauri198.html on line 786: From Hegel we can move to Mallarmé's Igitur, and an illuminating observation by Paul de Man, even as from Kierkegaard we can go back to Childe Roland and the critical mode I endeavor to develop. Meditating on Igitur, de Man remarks that in Baudelaire and in Mallarmé (under Baudelaire's influence) "ennui" is no longer a personal feeling but comes from the burden of the past. A consciousness comes to know itself as negative and finite. It sees that others know themselves also in this way, and so it transcends the negative and finite present by seeing the universal nature of what it itself is becoming. So, de Man says of Mallarmé's view, comparing it to Hegel's, that "we develop by dominating our natural anxiety and alienation and by transforming it in the awareness and the knowledge of otherness." Jotain tosi narsistista läppää tääkin näyttää olevan.
ellauri198.html on line 790: The difference between Hegel and Kierkegaard is also a difference between Mallarmé and Browning, as it happens, and critically a difference between a deconstructive and an antithetical view of practical criticism. Kierkegaard's "repetition" is closer than its Hegelian rival (or the Nietzschean-Heideggerian descendant) to the mutually exploitative relationship between strong poets, a mutuality that affects the dead nearly as much as the living. Insofar as a poet authentically is and remains a poet, he must exclude and negate other poets. Yet he must begin by including and affirming a precursor poet or poets, for there no other way to become a poet. We can say then that a poet known as a poet only by a wholly contradictory including/excluding, negating/affirming which by the agency of psychic defenses manifests itself as an introjecting/projecting. "Repetition," better even than Nietzsche's Eternal Return of the Same, manifests itself through the rhetorical scheme of transumption, where the surrender of the present compensates for the contradictory movements of the psyche.
ellauri198.html on line 794: Roland is not mediated by his precursors; they do not detach him from history so as to free him in the spirit. The Childe's last act of dauntless courage is to will repetition, to accept his place in the company of the ruined. Roland tells us implicitly that the present is not so much negative and finite as it is willed, though this willing is never the work of an individual consciousness acting by itself. It is caught up in a subject-to-subject dialectic, in which the present moment is sacrificed, not to the energies of art, but to the near-solipsist's tragic victory over himself. Roland's negative moment is neither that of renunciation nor of the loss of self in death or error. It is the negativity that is self-knowledge yielding its power to a doomed love of others, in the recognition that those others like Shelley. more grandly had surrendered knowledge and its powers to love, however illusory. Or, mos simply, Childe Roland dies, if be dies, in the magnificence of a belatedness that can accept itself as such. He ends in strengh because his vision has ceased to break and deform the world, and has begun to turn its dangerous strength upon is own defense. Roland is the Kermit modem version of a poet-as-hero, and his sustained courage to weather his own phantasmagoria and emerge into fire is a presage of the continued survival of strong poetry.
ellauri198.html on line 833: From these sessions Yeats formulated theories about life and history. He believed that certain patterns existed, the most important being what he called gyres, interpenetrating cones representing mixtures of opposites of both a personal and historical nature. He contended that gyres were initiated by the divine impregnation of a mortal woman—first, the rape of Leda by Zeus; later, the conception of Mary by the same immaculate swan. As Lewis Carroll had prophecied:
ellauri198.html on line 848: Another important element of poems in both these collections and other volumes is Yeats’s keen awareness of old age. Even his romantic poems from the late 1890s often mention gray hair and weariness, though those poems were written while he was still a young man. But when Yeats was nearly 60, his health began to fail and he was faced with real, rather than imaginary, “bodily decrepitude” (a phrase from “After Long Silence”) and nearness to death. Despite the author’s often keen awareness of his physical decline, the last 15 years of his life were marked by extraordinary vitality and an appetite for life, including young boys and girls.
ellauri198.html on line 856: Poetic ingredients of the sort Yeats described in “The Dark Tower”: “Poet’s imaginings / And memories of love, / Memories of young men and women, / All those things whereof / Man makes a superhuman / Mirror-resembling dream.”
ellauri198.html on line 868: Critics of the poem have highlighted several important aspects of ‘The Lake Isle of Innisfree,’ including the spiritual journey undertaken by William Butler Yeats (Hunter); the island as an escape from sexuality (Merritt); and the island as a place of wisdom or foolishness, depending on varying historical perspectives on beans (Normandin). To these critics, it seems that an island is a place of refuge from a dangerous outside world — supposedly London specifically, although Merritt might broaden this interpretation to include all sexual encounters. While these critics acknowledge that an island is a place of escape, citing what William Butler Yeats himself has said about the Irish island Sligo, they fall short of recognising the full implications of his fascination with the occult.
ellauri198.html on line 874: There are two realities, the terrestrial and the condition of fire. 1 All power is from the terrestrial condition, for there all opposites meet and there only is the extreme of choice possible, full freedom. [This seems inaccurate slightly, the terrestrial or earthly condition contains the condition of fire, water, and air; the mental, the material, and mental-material interaction respectively. How to distinctly separate water and earth is an issue going back at least to the Corpus Hermeticum.] And there the heterogeneous is, evil, for evil is the strain one upon another of opposites; but in the condition of fire is all music and rest. [Compare this with interpretations of Manichean or Gnostic dualism that there is a pure and impure world; castor and pollux.] Between is the condition of air where images have but a borrowed life, that of memory or that reflected upon them when they symbolise colours and intensities of fire; the place of shades who are 'in the whirl of those who are fading,' and who cry like those amorous shades in the Japanese play:-- Huoh, ei jaxa. Tää kaverihan oli täysin tärähtänyt:
ellauri198.html on line 876: I assert that the symbols which William Butler Yeats includes on the island — specifically the nine bean-rows — are meant to be examined in the light of the Kabbalism, numerology, and tarot cards to which these societies looked for inspiration in their occult practices. Through his inclusion of these symbols, William Butler Yeats is demonstrating mastery over the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn’s basic tenants (sic), a mastery which he perhaps hoped would help him advance in rank in the society to seventh grade and further his studies of magic.
ellauri198.html on line 918: Arthur Symons (n.h.) described the poem as a "sort of spiritual biography" in the way that it describes the feelings and emotions of the poet, rather than the actions. Isobel Armstrong (n.h.) argued that the poem was Browning's attempt to "institutionalize" himself as a Romantic poet. Browning described himself within the poem as "priest and prophet" and therefore gave himself both the meaning and purpose that he was seeking as a young man. Vitun pappi ja profeetta, ansaizisi potkun perseeseen. Tää narsistinen suollos ei kelpaa mihinkään. Ei maxa vaivaa edes siteerata.
ellauri203.html on line 79: Valitettavasti! On joku muu, joka näkee heidät niin kuin kerran. He tietävät, että he ovat räjäyttäneet sen kanssasi, ja sen sijaan, että korjaisivat sen tai sulkisivat tilanteen, he yksinkertaisesti löytävät jonkun uuden. He valittavat New-newille aivan kuten he tekivät kanssasi, entisistä, ennen kuin se on edes ohi. Sinusta on helppo valittaa, koska olet todella buzz-kill heidän euforisen tulevan teeskentelynsä aikana, fantasiajalkapallon luonnosteluvaiheessa, ja sen seurauksena he "hiljenevät", jotta he voivat iloisesti nauttia kokemuksesta. Se on verrattavissa todella jännittävän sarjan katsomiseen televisiosta ja siihen, että joku ryntää huoneeseen keskellä sitä, itkee ja huutaa, puhuu ohjelman yli. Omg, mikä vaiva, häivy! He näkevät keskeytyksesi vivahteena ja "hiljenevät", toivoen, että saat vihjeen ja vain "mene pois", jotta he voivat palata ohjelmaansa.
ellauri203.html on line 87: Älä odota saadaksesi selville, mitä on tulossa. Ei ole hyväksyttävää syytä "hiljentyä". Riippumatta siitä, sammuvatko he sinua kohti, välttelevät sinua, trianguloivat tai rankaisevat sinua, ovat korvanneet sinut tai ovat läpi kanssasi, sinun pitäisi vastata heidän hiljaisuutensa hiljaisuudella, blokkaamalla heidät välittömästi ja poistamalla heidät elämästäsi. Sinun on päästävä pisteeseen, jossa varjoisa, epäjohdonmukainen käyttäytyminen riittää, vaikka et ansaitse ja vaikka ei ole selitystä miksi. Tämäntyyppisten ihmisten kanssa hiljaisuus on paras reaktio heidän hiljaisuuteensa, koska oman hiljaisuuden aikana voit tarkkailla, mitä he todella yrittävät kommunikoida.
ellauri203.html on line 96: Sekä nihilistit että liberaalit ulisivat riivaajista Dostolle olet retardi. Ja niin se olikin. Doston eka sponsori kriitikko Belinsky haukkui avoimessa kirjeessä Gogolin pydeen yhdestä kirjasta jossa se puolusteli maanomistajia ja teki pilkkaa musikoiden pesemättömistä kärsistä. Gogol masentui ja kuoli Roomassa. Leninin mielestä Belinsky laukoi leukavasti. Belinskyn nimi oli Vissarion kuten Stalinin isän. Oliko se Gruusiasta? Ei se syntyi Viaporissa Suomessa lääkärin poikana. Belinsky oli kehassut Doston esikoista Köyhää kansaa. Vissarion kuoli tubiin 36-vuotiaana hulluna vuonna 1848.
ellauri203.html on line 123: He goes on to explain that growth in Christian faith changes Christians themselves and these changes have an effect upon people in society. He was convinced that even without the abolition of serfdom, slavery would disappear because the landlord and the serf would become brothers.
ellauri203.html on line 150: The two great writers of the 19th century had completely different ideologies. Ivan Turgenev, author of the novel Fathers and Sons, was a convinced Westernizer and a liberal. Fyodor Dostoyevsky was a conservative nationalist. In his novels The Idiot and The Possessed he preached that liberals had corrupted Russia, leading it to ruin, and that Russia should preserve its own way and Orthodox Christianity.
ellauri203.html on line 154: But the main reason for the quarrels was ideology. "All these wretched liberals find their principal pleasure in abusing Russia," Dostoyevsky wrote in a letter to a friend in 1867, referring to Turgenev´s new novel Smoke. Turgenev by that time was living in France and Dostoyevsky, sarcastically, advised him to buy a telescope as, "otherwise, you can´t really see [Russia] at all". Turgenev was offended.
ellauri203.html on line 219: However, this belated first love was not as simple as Dostoevsky had hoped. Isaeva began taunting the writer with letters telling him of her intention to marry one or other wealthy official. Although the pair did ultimately marry, their troubles continued, and the two never settled into a harmonious marriage, with Dostoevsky taking on a role more like a friend or brother to Isaeva, rather than a husband. Mark Slonim, an important Russian scholar, writes in his book The Three Loves of Dostoevsky: “He loved her for all these feelings that she excited in him. For everything that he gave her, for everything that was connected with her. And for all the pains from her.”
ellauri203.html on line 235: All rights to Dosto and his hens reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
ellauri203.html on line 388: Jerzy Putrament syntyi Minskissä perheeseen, jolla on isänmaalliset perinteet. Hänen äitinsä oli venäläistä syntyperää ja liittyi ortodoksiseen kirkkoon, kuten myös Jerzy. Hänen tarinansa kerrotaan hahmona "Gamma, historian orja" Czesław Miłoszin kirjan The Captive Mind -luvussa.
ellauri203.html on line 397: Varsovassa alemman keskiluokan perheeseen syntynyt Gałczyński evakuoitiin vanhempiensa kanssa ensimmäisen maailmansodan puhjettua, ja vuosina 1914–1918 hän asui Moskovassa, jossa hän kävi puolalaista koulua. Palattuaan Puolaan vuonna 1918 hän opiskeli klassikoita ja englannin kieltä Varsovan yliopistossa ja esitti väitöskirjan olemattomasta 1800-luvun englantilaisesta runoilijasta Morris Gordon Cheatsista.
ellauri203.html on line 592: Doston mielestä vasta tää luku selvitti Stavro-paran motiivit. Se koitti epätoivoisesti saada tätä lukua kirjaan takaisin, mutta Katkov oli liian kauhistunut. Sigmund Freud sai siitä ainesta kokonaiseen esseeseen.
ellauri204.html on line 54: In den alten Zeiten, wo das Wünschen noch geholfen hat, lebte ein König, dessen Töchter waren alle schön; aber die jüngste war so schön, daß die Sonne selber, die doch so vieles gesehen hat, sich verwunderte, sooft sie ihr ins Gesicht schien. Nahe bei dem Schlosse des Königs lag ein großer dunkler Wald, und in dem Walde unter einer alten Linde war ein Brunnen; wenn nun der Tag recht heiß war, so ging das Königskind hinaus in den Wald und setzte sich an den Rand des kühlen Brunnens - und wenn sie Langeweile hatte, so nahm sie eine goldene Kugel, warf sie in die Höhe und fing sie wieder; und das war ihr liebstes Spielwerk.
ellauri204.html on line 56: Nun trug es sich einmal zu, daß die goldene Kugel der Königstochter nicht in ihr Händchen fiel, das sie in die Höhe gehalten hatte, sondern vorbei auf die Erde schlug und geradezu ins Wasser hineinrollte. Die Königstochter folgte ihr mit den Augen nach, aber die Kugel verschwand, und der Brunnen war tief, so tief, daß man keinen Grund sah. Da fing sie an zu weinen und weinte immer lauter und konnte sich gar nicht trösten. Und wie sie so klagte, rief ihr jemand zu: "Was hast du vor, Königstochter, du schreist ja, daß sich ein Stein erbarmen möchte." Sie sah sich um, woher die Stimme käme, da erblickte sie einen Frosch, der seinen dicken, häßlichen Kopf aus dem Wasser streckte. "Ach, du bist's, alter Wasserpatscher," sagte sie, "ich weine über meine goldene Kugel, die mir in den Brunnen hinabgefallen ist." - "Sei still und weine nicht," antwortete der Frosch, "ich kann wohl Rat schaffen, aber was gibst du mir, wenn ich dein Spielwerk wieder heraufhole?" - "Was du haben willst, lieber Frosch," sagte sie; "meine Kleider, meine Perlen und Edelsteine, auch noch die goldene Krone, die ich trage." Der Frosch antwortete: "Deine Kleider, deine Perlen und Edelsteine und deine goldene Krone, die mag ich nicht: aber wenn du mich liebhaben willst, und ich soll dein Geselle und Spielkamerad sein, an deinem Tischlein neben dir sitzen, von deinem goldenen Tellerlein essen, aus deinem Becherlein trinken, in deinem Bettlein schlafen: wenn du mir das versprichst, so will ich hinuntersteigen und dir die goldene Kugel wieder heraufholen." - "Ach ja," sagte sie, "ich verspreche dir alles, was du willst, wenn du mir nur die Kugel wieder bringst." Sie dachte aber: Was der einfältige Frosch schwätzt! Der sitzt im Wasser bei seinesgleichen und quakt und kann keines Menschen Geselle sein.
ellauri204.html on line 60: Am andern Tage, als sie mit dem König und allen Hofleuten sich zur Tafel gesetzt hatte und von ihrem goldenen Tellerlein aß, da kam, plitsch platsch, plitsch platsch, etwas die Marmortreppe heraufgekrochen, und als es oben angelangt war, klopfte es an die Tür und rief: "Königstochter, jüngste, mach mir auf!" Sie lief und wollte sehen, wer draußen wäre, als sie aber aufmachte, so saß der Frosch davor. Da warf sie die Tür hastig zu, setzte sich wieder an den Tisch, und es war ihr ganz angst. Der König sah wohl, daß ihr das Herz gewaltig klopfte, und sprach: "Mein Kind, was fürchtest du dich, steht etwa ein Riese vor der Tür und will dich holen?" - "Ach nein," antwortete sie, "es ist kein Riese, sondern ein garstiger Frosch." - "Was will der Frosch von dir?" - "Ach, lieber Vater, als ich gestern im Wald bei dem Brunnen saß und spielte, da fiel meine goldene Kugel ins Wasser. Und weil ich so weinte, hat sie der Frosch wieder heraufgeholt, und weil er es durchaus verlangte, so versprach ich ihm, er sollte mein Geselle werden; ich dachte aber nimmermehr, daß er aus seinem Wasser herauskönnte. Nun ist er draußen und will zu mir herein." Und schon klopfte es zum zweitenmal und rief:
ellauri204.html on line 72: Als er aber herabfiel, war er kein Frosch, sondern ein Königssohn mit schönen und freundlichen Augen. Der war nun nach ihres Vaters Willen ihr lieber Geselle und Gemahl. Da erzählte er ihr, er wäre von einer bösen Hexe verwünscht worden, und niemand hätte ihn aus dem Brunnen erlösen können als sie allein, und morgen wollten sie zusammen in sein Reich gehen. Dann schliefen sie ein, und am andern Morgen, als die Sonne sie aufweckte, kam ein Wagen herangefahren, mit acht weißen Pferden bespannt, die hatten weiße Straußfedern auf dem Kopf und gingen in goldenen Ketten, und hinten stand der Diener des jungen Königs, das war der treue Heinrich. Der treue Heinrich hatte sich so betrübt, als sein Herr war in einen Frosch verwandelt worden, daß er drei eiserne Bande hatte um sein Herz legen lassen, damit es ihm nicht vor Weh und Traurigkeit zerspränge. Der Wagen aber sollte den jungen König in sein Reich abholen; der treue Heinrich hob beide hinein, stellte sich wieder hinten auf und war voller Freude über die Erlösung.
ellauri204.html on line 104: Silloin sanoi kuningas: "mitä olet luvannut, tulee sinun myös suorittaa; mene nyt laskemaan sammakkoa sisälle." Tyttö menikin sekä avasi oven, ja sisälle syöpsähti sammakko, yhä seuraten tyttöä, aina hänen tuolinsa viereen. Siinä se nyt istui huutaen: "nosta minut ylös syliisi." Tyttö viivytteli, kunnes viimein kuningas käski. Sammakko hyppäsi tuolilta pöydälle ja puhui: "lykkää kulta-taltrikkis lähemmäksi, jotta saatamme yhdessä syödä." Tuon hän toki teki, mutta selvästi näkyi, ett'ei hän sitä mielellään tehnyt. Sammakolle kyllä ruoka makealta maistui, mutta tytön tarttui kurkkuhun melkein joka suu-palanen. Viimein puhui sammakko: "jo nyt olen tarpeekseni syönyt ja olen väsyksissä, kanna minut huoneheses ja valmista silkki-vuotees, sinne maata pannaksemme." Silloin rupesi kuninkaan-tytär itkemään, hän pelkäsi tuota kylmää sammakkoa, johon hän ei uskaltanut edes koskeakkaan, ja joka kuitenkin nyt oli makuu-sijaksensa saava hänen kauniin puhtaan vuotehensa. Mutta vihastuen sanoi kuningas: "joka on sinua auttanut, jolloinka olit hädässä, sitä et sinä saa jälkeen-päin halveksia." Silloin tyttö sammakkoon tarttui kahdella sormella ja kantoi sen ylös huonehesensa, jossa hän sen laski nurkkahan. Mutta kun hän vuoteella makasi, tuli se köntien sekä saneli: "olenhan väsyksissä ja tahdompa nukkua yhtä hyvästi kuin sinäkin: nosta minut sinne tykösi taikka valitan isälles." Tästä tyttö silmittömäksi suuttui, nosti sammakon laattialta ja viskasi voimainsa takaa sen vasten seinää: "tuossa nyt olet levon saavuttava, sinä ilkeä sammakko."
ellauri204.html on line 146: Aiheeseen liittyvä kuva.
ellauri204.html on line 193: Sitten he kulkivat tietään, kunnes astuivat erääseen veneeseen, johon hän teki reiän. Mooses kysyi: »Teetkö siihen reiän hukuttaaksesi sen matkustajat? Totisesti, oletpa menetellyt perin omituisesti.»
ellauri204.html on line 223: näki sen laskevan kuumaan lähteeseen, ja hän tapasi lähistöllä ihmisiä.
ellauri204.html on line 300: Während al-Ḫiḍr, das auf Arabisch „der Grüne“ bedeutet, immer nur als ein laqab-Beiname verstanden wurde, gab und gibt es über den wirklichen Namen al-Chidrs und seine Abstammung sehr unterschiedliche Lehrmeinungen. Im mittelalterlichen Maghreb war die Auffassung verbreitet, dass al-Chidr eigentlich Ahmad hieß. Der ägyptische Gelehrte Ibn Hadschar al-ʿAsqalānī (gest. 1449), der eine eigene Abhandlung über al-Chidr verfasst hat, führt dort insgesamt zehn unterschiedliche Auffassungen zur Frage von al-Chidrs Namen auf. Einige muslimische Gelehrte setzten al-Chidr auch mit verschiedenen alttestamentlichen Gestalten gleich, darunter Melchisedek, Jeremia, Elija und Elischa. Hintergrund für diese Gleichsetzungen bildeten verschiedene christliche und jüdische Erzählstoffe, zu denen al-Chidr in der islamischen Tradition in Verbindung gebracht wurde. Diejenige Lehrmeinung, die im Laufe der Zeit am meisten Verbreitung gefunden hat, besagt, dass al-Chidr über seinen Vater Malkān ein Urenkel des biblischen Eber sei und eigentlich Balyā heiße. Sie wird auch an dem Heiligtum von al-Chidr in Kataragama in Sri Lanka propagiert.
ellauri204.html on line 382: The most well-known mythopoetic text is Bly’s Iron John: A Book About Men which was published in 1990. Bly suggests that masculine energy has been diluted through modern social institutions, industrialisation, and the resulting separation of fathers from family life. He introduced the ‘wild man’ and urged men to recover a pre-industrial conception of masculinity through brotherhood with other men. The purpose was to foster a greater understanding of the forces influencing the roles of men in modern society and how these changes affect behaviour, self-awareness and identity.
ellauri204.html on line 384: It is also important to note the publishing in the same year of Hiki Pinkola Estés’ mythopoetic classic, Women that Run with the Wolves, in which she tells us of the ‘wild woman’, the wise and ageless presence in the feminine psyche that gives women their creativity, energy and power. Clarissa Pinkola Estés on yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija ja jungilainen psykoanalyytikko. Hänen kirjoittamansa kirja Naiset, jotka kulkevat susien kanssa oli 144 viikkoa New York Timesin myydyimpien kirjojen listalla, mikä teki hänestä ensimmäisen listalle päässeen märkäselän naiskirjailijan.
ellauri204.html on line 386: With regards to Iron John, Bly had been giving talks on mythology to supplement his meagre income, and found that when he told this Grimm Brothers tale, originally Iron Hans, it resonated with men. In these early seminars, he asked men to re-enact a scene from The Odyssey, in which Odysseus is instructed to "lift his sword" as he approaches the symbol of matriarchal energy, Circe, to compel her to restore his men from slugs to manly form.
ellauri204.html on line 395: So much for Circe. Back to Bly. He found many men were unable to carry this out, so fixed were they on the idea of not hurting anyone. These were men who had come of age during the Vietnam war, and they wanted nothing to do with a manhood which seemed to require erection.
ellauri204.html on line 397: Bly recognised that these men were also distinguished by their unhappiness, which he asserted was caused by this passivity. He aimed to teach these men that simply "flashing the sword" was by no means an act of war, but showed what he called ‘a joyful decisiveness’, a sense of vivid aliveness. It was more like flashing their wieners.
ellauri204.html on line 402: With an emphasis on physical wellbeing – as well as the emotional, mental and spiritual – the mythopoetic employs movement, meditation and breathwork, often combining storytelling with music and dance. These activities can be seen as an extension to a form of reimagined shamanism (or neo-shamanism) popularised by Michael Harner, whose book The Way of the Shaman also appeared in 1990, the same year as Iron John and Women Who Run with the Wolves.
ellauri204.html on line 418: Rübezahl on kansanperinteinen vuoristohenki Giant Mountainsissa (Riesengebirge), vuorijono Böömin ja Sleesian historiallisten alueiden välisellä rajalla. Hän on monien legendojen ja satujen aihe saksaksi, puolaksi ja tšekiksi.
ellauri204.html on line 419: Der Sage nach ist Rübezahl ein launischer Riese oder Berggeist. Schon der erste Sammler von Rübezahl-Sagen, Johannes Praetorius (s. u.), beschrieb Rübezahl als charakterlich sehr ambivalenten „Widerspruchsgeist“, der in einem Moment gerecht und hilfsbereit, im nächsten arglistig und launenhaft auftreten könne.
ellauri204.html on line 436: Die Königstochter gibt den Hinweis, beim Gärtner nach dem Ritter zu suchen. Der weiß zwar nichts von einem Ritter mit goldenen Haaren, jedoch habe sein Gehilfe seinen Kindern drei goldene Äpfel gezeigt, die er angeblich bei einem Turnier gewonnen hat. Zur Rede gestellt offenbart der Gärtnerbursche schließlich, dass er der Sohn eines Königs ist. Er bittet um die Hand der Königstochter, was diese selbst und der ebenso der Vater ohne Umschweife gewähren. Zur Hochzeitsfeier erscheinen die Eltern des Goldjungen, die ihren Sohn längst tot glaubten, sowie auch ein fremder König mit großem Gefolge. Dies ist der Eisenhans, der durch die Tapferkeit des Goldjungen von einem bösen Zauber erlöst wurde.
ellauri204.html on line 439: After recycling these hundreds of elements from elsewhere in Ulysses as he composed “Circe,” Joyce expanded his understanding of this novel’s potential as “a kind of encyclopedia” (Selected Letters 271). He began revising the rest of the book accordingly, arranging little snippets of interrelated detail throughout the previous episodes into an intricate network of minor motifs that accumulate and aggregate in the careful reader’s awareness. “Circe” serves as an absurd but cathartic outpouring of Ulysses thus far. Having gotten all that out of our systems, we are ready for the episodes Joyce called the “Nostos,” the return
ellauri204.html on line 521: Anna-Leena Härkönen syntyi suomalaiseen emigranttiperheeseen Bulgariassa, mutta perhe pakeni nuttujen ja tumppujen sotaa Sveitsin alpeille, jossa Anna-Leena vietti lapsuutensa. Anna-Leenan eläinlääkäri-isä piti menestyvää praktiikkaa alppien vuorivuohialueella. Tarkempia tietoja Anna-Leenan lapsuudesta ei ole, koska humanoidit kaappasivat perheen vuonna 1988 ja Anna-Leena menetti abduktiossa muistinsa. Suoritettuaan lukion linnunradan ulkopuolella Anna-Leena palasi maapallolle ja ryhtyi opiskelemaan kierkegaardilais-hollantilaista todennäköisyyslaskentaa Helsingin yliopistossa, mutta vaihtoi pääaineensa myöhemmin homeopaattiseen hevostenhoitoon. Lähteenä käytin Willem Kirsch-Höpfnausin teosta "Alppirinteiltä kotilaitumille" eli "Ein Duschkringen uber nicht Hochhaus keine Kliebenenckell" vuodelta 2002, 2. painos, ISBN 0002 34039 4938998.
ellauri204.html on line 543: Sanoin juuri eräälle ystävälleni, että minä olen liian hermoheikko parisuhteeseen. Tarvizen päiväunia, voisitko lähteä. Sulje ovi varovasti, älä paukauta. Olisi kuitenkin ihanaa, jos joskus vanhoilla päivillä löytyisi vielä jokin rauhallisempi suhde.
ellauri204.html on line 625: He returned 1955 to America after a year in Europe to pursue a doctoral degree at Yale University, where he studied under Erich Auerbach. Auerbach would prove to be a lasting influence on Jameson's thought. This was already apparent in Jameson's doctoral dissertation, published in 1961 as Sartre: the Origins of a Style. Auerbach's concerns were rooted in the German philological tradition; his works on the history of style analyzed literary form within social history. Jameson would follow in these steps, examining the articulation of poetry, history, philology, and philosophy in the works of nauseous Jean-Paul Sartre.
ellauri204.html on line 733: She wrote openly about menstruation, abortion, masturbation, incest, adultery, and drug addiction at a time when the proprieties embraced none of these as proper topics for poetry.
ellauri204.html on line 737: Sexton was heavily criticized for her poetic content and themes, but these topics contributed to the popularity of her work. Transformations (1971) is a revisionary retelling of Grimm's Fairy Tales. Check If der eiserne Hans is included.
ellauri204.html on line 767: Artaud oli ärsyttävän näköinen viivasuinen väkäleuka. Hän syntyi Etelä-Ranskassa Marseillessa varakkaaseen porvarisperheeseen. Isä oli merikapteeni ja äiti Euphrasie Nalpas sukujuuriltaan turkkilainen. Sieltä sen julma ilme lienee peräisin.
ellauri204.html on line 840: Today, at the New York University Woolworth building, filmmakers, NGO staff, foundation representatives and UN agency workers came together to discuss the problem of poverty porn and the potential power of social media to prevent it. The discussion was conducted privately (in accord with so-called Chatham House rules) in order to protect the identity of the participants and encourage a more honest conversation.
ellauri205.html on line 42: Länkkärien uskonto perustuu 1 suuren jumalan panteonin ympärille, vaikka aiemmalla palvontakaudella pääjumalat perustuivat Olympialiikkeeseen. Tässä vaiheessa Putin oli ylin jumaluus.
ellauri205.html on line 77: Euroopan sieppaaminen aiheutti lopulta myös muiden antiikin maailman kaupunkivaltioiden perustamisen. Phoenixin sanottiin lähteneen Arizonasta Afrikkaan; Cadmus meni Kreikan mantereelle ja perusti Theban (Kreikka, nyk. Thiva Boiotian alueyxikössä Attikasta sisämaahan päin), ja Cilix meni Vähä-Aasiaan ja perusti Turkkiin tarsolaisesta ystävästämme tutun Kilikian. Cilixin poika Thasus seurasi isäänsä kuin hai laivaa ja perusti Thasoksen Thasoxen saarelle. Hallinnollisesti Thásos kuuluu Thásoksen kuntaan, Thásoksen alueyksikköön ja Itä-Makedonian ja Traakian alueeseen. Saaren pääkaupunki on Thásoksen kaupunki. Tuollaelämässä Minoksesta ja Rhadamanthysista tulisi kaksi alamaailman kolmesta tuomarista. Sarpedonista ei sen enempää.
ellauri205.html on line 81: Rembrandtin Euroopan ryöstö -maalauksessa, häräksi muuntautunut Putin ryntää veteen ja selässä istuva Eurooppa katselee rannalle hädissään jääneitä ystäviään. Putin menee valkeana härkänä, selässään Eurooppa, foinikialainen prinsessa peloissaan tai ylimaallisen tyynenä, usein sarvesta pidellen, ja härän munaa pakottaa synkkien tai pastellinpehmeiden vetten yli, dramaattisia taivaita, ympärillä lenteleviä amoriineja, illanruskoa ja myrskyn enteitä. Aiheesta oli innoittunut stadionillinen miesmaalareita, Marten de Vos, Paolo Veronese, Tizian, Rubens, François Boucher, Juan Sán chez-Cotan, Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo ja kasa muita juaneja, Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre, Jean-François de Troy ja kasa muita jeaneja, Gauguin, Matisse, Picasso, Dali ja vähäisempiä nimiä, renessanssia, mannerismia, barokkia, rokokoota, romantiikkaa ja modernismin villejä muunnelmia ja nimettömiä julistemaalareita ja pornografisia kansitaiteilijoita.
ellauri205.html on line 228: Faidra oli se keikkalaisen Euripideen setämiesaihelma, jossa puuma Faidra kuumuu poikapuolestaan könsikkäästä Hippolytestä joka ei huoli syyläisestä Faidrasta ja sizen kurkomies Theseus joka huitelee toisaalla kuulee tästä ja tulee "selvittämään" asiat, antaa Hippolytelle kylmää kyytiä ja Faidra maxaa mitääntekemättömyydestään hengellään. Racinen coverin loppuvizi:
ellauri206.html on line 71: In 2017, Vietnamese-American writer Viet Thanh Nguyen (n.h.) questioned the validity of continuing to teach "show, don't tell" in creative writing classes in a New York Times op-ed on the subject. His position was that such teaching is biased against immigrant writers, who may describe emotions in ways readers from outside their culture might not understand, rendering "tell" necessary. Like the squeaky smiley that shows just raised eyebrows and no smiling mouth. Because a smile does not count for anything out there. Everybody smiles all the time.
ellauri206.html on line 77: In Book III of his repulsive Republic (c. 373 BC), Plato examines the "style" of "poetry" (the term includes comedy, tragedy, epic and lyric poetry): All types narrate events, he argues, but by differing means. He distinguishes between narration or report (diegesis) and imitation or representation (mimesis). Tragedy and comedy, he goes on to explain, are wholly imitative types; the dithyramb is wholly narrative; and their combination is found in epic poetry. When reporting or narrating, "the poet is speaking in his own person; he never leads us to suppose that he is any one else"; when imitating, the poet produces an "assimilation of himself to another, either by the use of voice or gesture". In dramatic texts, the poet never speaks directly; in narrative texts, the poet speaks as him or herself.
ellauri206.html on line 79: In his Poetics, the unknown Greek philosopher Aristotle argues that kinds of "poetry" (the term includes drama, flute music, and lyre music for Aristotle) may be differentiated in three ways: according to their medium, according to their objects, and according to their mode or "manner" (section I); "For the medium being the same, and the objects the same, the poet may imitate by narration—in which case he can either take another personality as Homer does, or speak in his own person, unchanged—or he may present all his characters as living and moving before us" (section III).
ellauri206.html on line 81: One of the best-known modern studies of mimesis—understood in literature as a form of realism—is Erich Auerbach's Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, which opens with a famous comparison between the way the world is represented in Homer's Odyssey and the way it appears in the Bible. Eric thought the Bible way was way better in all respects. But he was a Jew, so surprise surprise.
ellauri206.html on line 90: The divergence between developed and developing countries has become systemic – a recipe for instability, crisis and forced migration. These imbalances are not a bug, but a feature of the global financial system.
ellauri206.html on line 92: The measures he has recommended include redirecting Special Drawing Rights - a type of foreign reserve asset - to countries that need help now, a fairer global tax system, and addressing illicit financial flows.
ellauri206.html on line 95: Sleazy Capital News (Hufvudstadsbladet) in its optimistically titled two-column report "This is how we avoid global warming" left out 2/5 of Gutierres energy recommendations. Only increases in investmets got a mention. What was left out? Well these:
ellauri206.html on line 154: 1. tammikuuta 2010 ilmoitettiin, että Ali Abbas saa Britannian passin. Alilla oli tarjouksia muista maista, kuten Kanadasta ja Yhdysvalloista, mutta hän hylkäsi ne, koska he eivät ottaneet hänen ystäväänsä mukaansa. Abbas selittää edelleen, että hän oli kieltäytynyt tarjouksesta mennä Kanadaan, koska henkilö, joka tarjoutui tuomaan hänet sinne, ei ottaisi tai voisi myös viedä ystäväänsä Ahmedia, toista sodan loukkaantunutta irakilaista, jonka hän tapasi Kuwaitin sairaalassa. Ahmed päätyi menemään Yhdistyneeseen kuningaskuntaan hänen kanssaan ja he ovat edelleen läheisiä ystäviä. Ali ja hänen ystävänsä lähtevät joka vuosi julkisuuspyöräretkelle, nimeltään Baghdad Bikers. Ali polkee, Ahmed ohjaa, niinkuin tanssi matka käy. Naantalin uimarannalla keskivartalolihavien perheenisien kullit pullottavat yhä uimahousuissa rauhallisina ja luotettavina. 2003 etäiseltä tuntunut mahdollisuus että amer. häivehävittäjät pommittavat Muumimmamman kahtia Muumilaaxossa on silminnähden kasvanut.
ellauri206.html on line 222: Sen jälkeen nojasimme Samin kanssa selkää laituriin, polvia myöden (sic) vedessä, vierekkäin, ja tyttö runkkasi kullejamme keskittyneeseen tasatahtiin, hiukan kumartuneena, mielestäni hivenen liian hitaasti mutta Luojan kiitos lujaa puristaen, ja minä kallistin pään taakse, pidin silmät auki ja näin taivaan tähtimäärän, elokuun Linnunradan, ja tiesin että siellä oli satoja miljardeja tähtiä, eikä minulla ollut toivomusta yhdellekään. Paitsi se, etten tahtonut ikinä luopua mistään meille tarjoutuvasta ilosta kuten tämä, ja se, että toivottavasti kukaan muukaan ei lakkaisi niitä tarjoilemasta. Samin kyllästyttyä ohjasin viileän kullini tytön suun lämpöön. Ei sillä ollut siihen mitään vastaan pantavaa eikä juuri sanottavaakaan.
ellauri206.html on line 292: Today, I’m going to present you a rather complicated French poem, which speaks of French historical characters and refers to legends from France and the Roman and Greek antiquity.
ellauri207.html on line 72: ‘And the crows – they still wing, still wheel, only closer now – closer now – closer to me. These sly corbies are birds of death. They’ve shadowed me all mah life’
ellauri207.html on line 89: Like no work since the Arithmetica of Diophantus two millennia before, L. C. Parnault’s Dimensions in Mathematics presents the fullness of mathematical knowledge attained by man. From Thales to Turing, Pythagoras to Euclid, Archimedes to Newton, the Riemann Hypothesis to Fermat’s Last Theorem, Parnault escorts both serious mathematicians and the non-mathematical mind through the deepest mysteries of mathematics. Along the way he offers the greatest expositions yet of number theory, combinatorial topology, the analytics of complexity, and his own groundbreaking work on spherical astronomy. Dimensions equips even elementary readers with the tools to solve the logical puzzles of the perfect universe that can exist only in the mind of a mathematician.
ellauri207.html on line 91: “Dr. Parnault’s elegant explications of seemingly every extant mathematical concept or quandary make this text as indispensible as any in our field,” says Fields Medal-winning MIT Professor Gerald Lambeau. “His presentation of combinatorial mathematics left me breathless.”
ellauri207.html on line 182: Catherine Zeta-Jones was born on 25 September 1969 in Swansea, Wales, to David Jones, the owner of a sweet factory, and his wife Patricia (née Fair), a seamstress. Her father is Welsh and her mother is of Irish Catholic descent. She was named after her grandmother, Zeta Jones (whose name was derived from the name of a ship that her great-grandfather once sailed on), because 'Just Jones' would not cut the cheese in showbiz. Zeta-Jones was raised in the suburban area of Mumbles.Her struggle with depression and bipolar II disorder has been well documented by the media, for she is married to sex addicted actor Michael Douglas, son of Kirk, whose name used to be Issur Danielovitch Demsky. Michael is 25 years her senior but a wizard with cunnilingus.
ellauri207.html on line 202: «Suecia se presenta como una sucursal del infierno, donde los jueces prevarican, los psiquiatras torturan, los policías y espías delinquen, los políticos mienten, los empresarios estafan, y las instituciones en general parecen presa de una pandemia de corrupción de proporciones fujimoristas. Esta obra perdurará porque se trata de ficción de la más amena, con unos personajes perfectamente definidos, que, según me, es lo que importa.» –Mario Vargas Llosa, escritor peruano-.
ellauri207.html on line 210: El patrimonio de Musse Pigg causo un enfrentamiento entre su esposa por 32 años, la arquitecta Eva Gabrielsson, y Erlan y Joakim Larsson, el padre y hermano del escritor. Éstos últimos fueron los que recibieron la opulenta herencia, la cual incluye los derechos sobe todas las obras del autor, y la capacidad de gestionar lo que dejó por escrito. Sin embargo, Gabrielsson afirma que ella debería ser la poseedora de los bienes ya que ella era la personas más allegada del autor, ya que éste abandonó su hogar familiar a la edad de los 18 años y desde ese entonces se dispuso a vivir con Eva, sin siquiera mantener contacto alguno con su padre ni hermano.
ellauri207.html on line 259: Antiikissa oli 4 kelvotonta ystävyyden lajia: verisiteet, luokkasiteet, kestiystävyys ja lemmenliitot. Niitä parempi on Montaignen Mikistä perinteinen homoliitto. En välitä veljestäni tuon taivaallista vaikka tulimmekin samasta reiästä. Poikani on töykeä mies, ilkimys tai typerys. Kun kiima pääsee ystävyyden vaiheeseen, eli kun saamme mällin perille, se häipyy ja heikkenee. Vain homoliitossa voi kivasti vetää rinnakkain näitä eri rooleja, milloin etumiehenä, milloin takamiehenä.
ellauri207.html on line 302: Greger oli ihminen joka oli paikalla aina ja vain kun tarvittiin ja johon voi varauxetta luottaa. Siis samanlainen kotinahjus kuin Harrietilla ja The Witchillä. Mikki oli monisärmäisempi. Mikin kanssa naimisessa ei ollut kyse uskottomuudesta vaan halusta. Ja HAH! Tyypillistä nisumiehen jargonia. Mikki antoi Erikille potkua selluliittiseen perseeseen. Gregeristä paljastuikin sitten yli 50% homo sekä Nouvelle Julien äijämiehen tapainen Kandaules.
ellauri210.html on line 45: Piha-Anteron siemenpussin sisällyxen ylivuotoa. Tämä paasaus on jatkoa albumissa 145 keskenjääneeseen André Bretonin Ranskan huippukoomikkojen luetteloon.
ellauri210.html on line 274: 1925, Picabia palasi ismeistä esittävään taiteeseen. 30-luvulla se oli Gertrude Steinin henkilökohtainen hyvä ystävä. 40-luvulla se kopsi keskiaukeamakuvia Paris Sex-Appealista rehevällä tyylillä. Niitä myytiin Pohjois-Afrikkaan bordellien seinille.
ellauri210.html on line 312: Picasso liittyi kommunistiseen puolueeseen vuonna 1944 ja osallistui useisiin rauhankonferensseihin sodan jälkeen. Hänelle myönnettiin Leninin kansainvälinen rauhanpalkinto vuosina 1950 ja 1962. Nyt on Uljanovin rauha mitaleineen kuopattu, ja Pablokin. Vanhoilla päivillään se teki savikukkoja.
ellauri210.html on line 361: Arthur Cravan, the Dadaist poet-boxer, was neither a good poet nor a good boxer, but he was a legendary provocateur. Hemingway, Mailer, and Scorsese: much great American art has been inspired by boxing. How bout Irving? No he was a wrestler. Between 1907 and 1909, Saul Bellow created three paintings—Club Night, Stag at Sharkey’s, Both Members of This Club—that captured boxing’s glories and indignities. The sport provided a powerfully visceral metaphor for the American experience of the twentieth century. Amerikan nyrkki on sittemmin kumauttanut päähän useampia kansoja kuin kehtaa muistella.
ellauri210.html on line 385: New York’s first encounter with modern art had come four years earlier with the seminal Armory Show, at which Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase caused an almighty rumpus. This time, Duchamp presented Fountain, the urinal that changed art history. Having witnessed Cravan’s work back in Paris, Duchamp and Picabia invited Cravan to deliver one of his anti-art lectures at the exhibition. He didn’t disappoint. On the day, he stood half cut in front of his audience, swore at them, waved his cock around, and was promptly arrested.
ellauri210.html on line 497: Sein künstlerisches Werk verrät in dieser Zeit einigen Einfluss von Stefan George. Van Hoddis wurde Ende dieses Jahres „wegen Unfleißes“ von der Universität zwangsexmatrikuliert.
ellauri210.html on line 501: Provoziert wurde das vor allem durch den tragischen Tod Heyms, als dieser im Januar beim Schlittschuhfahren mit einem Freund ertrank und durch Hoddis unerwiderte Liebe für Lotte Pritzel, der er sein Gedicht Indianisch Lied widmete. Sie war eine deutsche Puppenkünstlerin, Kostümbildnerin und Zeichnerin. Auch Rainer Maria Rilkes Text „Über die Puppen der Lotte Pritzel“, 1921 mit Illustrationen der Künstlerin publiziert, gehört zu den überlieferten Zeugnissen vom Schaffen Lotte Pritzels. Lotte Pritzels gesamtes Werk umfasste weit über 200 Stücke, etwa ein Fünftel der fragilen Figuren ist bis heute erhalten.
ellauri210.html on line 505: Lotte Pritzel war weder geschäftstüchtig noch ehrgeizig. Auch zeigte sie keinerlei Ambitionen, das Wesen ihrer Puppen näher zu erläutern. Die „gern im Morphiumrausch schaffende Künstlerin“ erklärte allenfalls, ihre so graziös wie verzweifelt wirkenden Gestalten seien "Geschöpfe ihrer selbst" bzw. "Material gewordene innere Visionen". Zarte Wachs- und Stoffgebilde von raffinierter Eleganz, denen immer ein kindlich-verderbter Zug anhaftete, wie manchen Gestalten von Beardsley – fern vom Obszönen und dadurch umso reizvoller, sogar für solide Käufer. In den 1930er Jahren zog sich Lotte Pritzel, die vermutlich ein Elternteil jüdischen Glaubens hatte, aus der Öffentlichkeit zurück. Sie hatte einen Arzt geheiratet und die hatten eine Tochter Irmelin Rose. Sie starb 1952.
ellauri210.html on line 507: Wegen zunehmender Konflikte mit seiner Familie zog er sich Anfang September selbst in die Kuranstalt in Wolbeck bei Münster zurück, die er Mitte Oktober aber „fluchtartig“ verließ, um nach Berlin zurückzukehren. Hier wurde er derart auffällig, dass er Ende Oktober in die Heilanstalt „Waldhaus“ in Nikolassee bei Berlin verbracht werden musste, so dass sich Erwin Loewenson an einen langjährigen Freund von Kurt Hiller, den Psychiater Arthur Kronfeld in Heidelberg, mit der Bitte um Unterstützung wandte. Unter dem Titel Gewaltsam ins Irrenhaus war diese Zwangseinweisung Anlass für ein Medienecho – zu einer Zeit allerdings, als van Hoddis schon aus der Anstalt „entwichen“ war. Außerdem studierte er noch die griechische Mythologie und deren Fabelstrukturen. Jedoch hörte er vor dem Ausbruch seiner Krankheit im Herbst 1914 völlig mit der Nutzung der mythologischen Terminologie auf.
ellauri210.html on line 509: Nach Aufenthalten in Paris, München und Heidelberg kehrte er völlig mittellos nach Berlin zurück. 1914 hielt er seinen letzten Vortrag im Neuen Club. Ab 1915 war van Hoddis in ständiger ärztlicher Behandlung und wurde privat gepflegt. In diesem Jahr starb sein Bruder Ludwig als Soldat im Ersten Weltkrieg, dessen Tod nahm er allerdings aufgrund seiner wachsenden Umnachtung nicht groß zu Kenntnis. Nach dem Krieg konnte van Hoddis’ Bruder Ernst nicht mehr Fuß fassen und emigrierte nach Palästina.
ellauri210.html on line 511: Im Jahr der nationalsozialistischen „Machtergreifung“ 1933 emigrierte van Hoddis’ Mutter mit seinen Schwestern Marie und Anna ebenfalls nach Palästina. Van Hoddis mussten sie aufgrund seines Zustandes zurücklassen. Am 29. September 1933 wurde van Hoddis in die „Israelitischen Heil- und Pflegeanstalten“ Bendorf-Sayn bei Koblenz verlegt. In dieser Anstalt wurden ab 1940 der größte Teil von jüdischen psychiatrischen Patienten im deutschen Reich konzentriert. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war Hoddis wegen seiner hebephrenen Schizophrenie im Endstadium nicht mehr ansprechbar.
ellauri210.html on line 513: Er baute in den letzten Jahren körperlich immer mehr ab und verhielt sich (im Vergleich zu anderen Patienten) verhältnismäßig unauffällig, grüßte Tiere, die er beim Spazieren traf, spielte Schach und rauchte viel. Sein Umfeld sowie seine Umgebung nahm er nicht mehr wahr. Am 30. April 1942 wurde er von dort in den Distrikt Lublin im von der Wehrmacht besetzten Polen deportiert und – höchstwahrscheinlich im Vernichtungslager Sobibór – im Mai oder Juni desselben Jahres im Alter von 55 Jahren ermordet. Gute Wahl, Lotte.
ellauri210.html on line 582: In der Novemberrevolution versuchte er als Vorsitzender des von ihm mitgegründetem Politischen Rates geistiger Arbeiter, Einfluss auf die Politik zu nehmen. Diesem Engagement lag sein als Korrekturmodell zur Demokratie konzipiertes Ideal einer „Logokratie“ zu Grunde, das – anknüpfend an Platons Idee der „Philosophenkönige“ – die politische Herrschaft zwischen dem gewählten Parlament und einem Ausschuss der geistigen Elite und damit den Intellektuellen teilen sollte („elliptische Verfassung“).
ellauri210.html on line 583: 1919 gründete Kurt Hiller zusammen mit Armin T. Wegner den Bund der Kriegsdienstgegner (BdK), dem 1926 auch die renommierte Pazifistin Helene Stöcker beitrat. 1920 trat er der Deutschen Friedensgesellschaft bei, zu deren linkem Flügel er gehörte. Hier trat er dafür ein, dass sich der deutsche Pazifismus an der Sowjetunion orientieren müsse, obwohl er deren Leninismus sehr kritisch gegenüberstand. Da die Mehrheit aber auf das bürgerlich-demokratische Frankreich ausgerichtet blieb, kam es zu heftigen Konflikten in der DFG, die eskalierten, als Hiller in kommunistischen Blättern den bürgerlichen Pazifisten Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster und Fritz Küster vorwarf, sie würden sich von den Franzosen bezahlen lassen – eine Unterstellung, die den zahlreichen rechten Gegnern der deutschen Friedensbewegung reichlich Munition für ihre Polemik gab. Max Jakobsson schrieb bekummert an Peter Panther:
ellauri210.html on line 585: „Ich fürchte, dass es mit mir und Kurtchen Hiller nicht mehr lange währen wird. Es ist nicht zu sagen, was dieser arme Homosaxone sich an Hysterie, Verfolgungswahn, Eitelkeit, Empfindlichkeit, Anmaßung und Geschmacklosigkeit brieflich leistet.“
ellauri210.html on line 594: „‚Links‘, ‚rechts‘ – diese Unterscheidung wird täglich dümmer. Wer kommt noch mit ihr aus? […] Wer taugt mehr, ein kommunistischer Nichtdenker oder ein nationalistischer Selbstdenker?
ellauri210.html on line 598: Als Hans Giese 1949 ein neues WhK gründen wollte und dann die Gesellschaft für Reform des Sexualstrafrechts e. V. gründete, arbeitete Hiller einige Monate mit.[11] 1955 kehrte Hiller nach Deutschland zurück, ließ sich in Hamburg nieder und versuchte dort 1962, das WhK neu zu gründen. Er blieb dabei aber isoliert und der Versuch scheiterte.[5] Des Weiteren gründete er – weitgehend ohne Echo – einen Neusozialistischen Bund und unabhängige Zeitschriften (vgl. lynx). Die Erklärung des Neusozialistischen Bundes gegen Angriffskrieg wurde u. a. von Ossip K. Flechtheim, Karlheinz Deschner und Martin Niemöller unterstützt. In der Schweizer Zeitschrift Der Kreis publizierte Hiller rund ein Dutzend Gedichte und ebenso viele Artikel, meist unter dem anagrammatischen Pseudonym Keith Llurr.
ellauri210.html on line 702: Koko elämänsä aikana Savinio sävelsi viisi oopperaa ja kirjoitti vähintään 47 kirjaa, mukaan lukien useita omaelämäkertoja ja muistelmia. Hän myös kirjoitti ja tuotti laajasti teoksia teatterille. Hänen työnsä saivat ristiriitaisia arvioita hänen elinaikanaan, usein johtuen liian laaja-alaisesta modernististen tekniikoiden käytöstä. Hän sai vaikutteita ja oli Apollinairen , Picasson, Jean Cocteaun, Max Jacobin ja Fernand Légerin aikalainen, ja hänellä oli kova yritys mukaan surrealistiseen liikkeeseen.
ellauri210.html on line 718: Annalisa Chirico è una giovane e brillante giornalista dalla lingua schietta. Dietro la sua bella presenza si cela un personaggio preparatissimo, nel suo campo: la scrittura. La giornalista è sempre stata decisa riguardo il suo futuro e suo padre è stato la figura che l’ha spronata maggiormente. Pugliese originaria di Brindisi, a soli diciotto anni, Annalisa sale un pezzo di stivale fino a Roma per frequentare la Luiss Guido Carli, laureandosi in Scienze Politiche.
ellauri210.html on line 720: Durante gli anni di studio si trasferisce in Belgio per alcuni mesi, grazie all’esperienza Erasmus, e la brillante mente si apre sempre di più, stimolata da nuove esperienze. La visione del mondo e della società di Annalisa Chirico è molto particolare e all’avanguardia per una donna italiana. Scopriamo qualcosa in più sulla graffiante penna, molto presente anche nei talk show televisivi.
ellauri210.html on line 729: Di Chirico è un lottatore completo, efficace sia nella lotta a piedi che in quella a terra. Tra i suoi principali punti di forza figurano l'abilità nelle prese e un ottimo striking.
ellauri210.html on line 782: After the war, Tanguy is sent back to Spain, Barcelona where he learns that his grandmother has recently passed away and there is no one else to take care of him. He is sent to a reformation school for juvenile delinquents and orphans, run by priests who are no less cruel and sadist than the Nazi "kapos." Bitter, Tanguy believes they are worse than the Nazis because these priests hide their sadism behind the facade of religion and confession, but that makes their sin no less. He succeeds in escaping along with a "companion," but is forced to separate from his as well. This time around, he finds himself in a school run by a group of priests but unlike the reformation school, here, Tanguy is able to grow, learn and live comfortably. It is here, that he truly flourishes and finds friends and solace. But he is still not completely at peace and sets off again in search of the parents who had abandoned and forsaken him to such a bitter destiny. He does find them eventually, but only to realise that the years of hardship and horror experienced by him have built an impenetrable barrier between them. He is no longer a left wing radical like them. He has learned not to hate the capos. Don't get mad get even. LOL.
ellauri210.html on line 911: Kolmen viiva kolmentoista vuoden ikäinen enfant muodostaa vaihe vaiheelta kunnioituksen pallopelin sääntöjä kohtaan. Joan Piaget, joka on kirjoittanut tästä merkittäviä teoksia, kuten: Le Jugement moral chez l'enfant (1982), onnistuu luettelemaan niistä kolme, jotka reagoivat olennaisesti erilaiseen käyttäytymiseen ja seuraavat toisiaan muuttumattomalla tavalla. 1. on motorinen säännön totteleminen puhtaasti ja yksinkertaisesti, joka vastaa seitsemän vuoden ikää jonka preverbaalinen älykkyys on enemmän tai vähemmän riippumaton kaikista sosiaalisista suhteista. 2. on pakkosääntö, joka vastaa seitsemän-yhdentoista vuoden ikää, joka perustuu pikkuisen yksipuoliseen kunnioitukseen, joka saa tilauksen ilman mahdollista vastausta, eli perseennuolentaan, ja 3. rationaalinen sääntö, yhdentoista vuoden iästä lähtien, joka sääntö muodostuu keskinäisen kunnioituksen perusteella. Sikäli kuin koko aikuisen sosiaalinen peli pyrkii toistamaan yhdessä mittakaavassa ikimuistoisen ja yleismaailmallisen marmoripelin mekanismia, on selvää, että harvat ihmiset nousevat peliteoreettiseen 3. vaiheeseen, vaan jäävät tohon 2-vaiheen matomaiseen tottelemiseen. Mutta ei M. Pervert! Sillä oli jalka oikealla, jalka vasemmalla, kolmas jalka ääliöiden perseessä!
ellauri210.html on line 1092: Dalí tomó al famoso doble de Hollywood, Russ Saunders, como modelo para pintar a Cristo, aunque hay quien afirma que el artista tomó como modelo en realidad al trapecista Diego Schmiedl. Esta es posiblemente, la obra más humana y humilde que se ha pintado sobre la Crucifixión de Cristo. Aunque, también, podríamos afirmar que la perspectiva del observador que ve a Cristo desde arriba, es decir desde donde podría verlo Dios Padre, coloca al artista en ese papel.
ellauri210.html on line 1093: Cualquiera que fuese la interpretación, en este u otro sentido, es innegable la originalidad y espectacularidad del resultado.
ellauri210.html on line 1111: Educated by governesses, tutors, and nuns, she was expelled from two schools, including New Hall School, Chelmsford, for her rebellious behaviour, until her family sent her to Florence, where she attended Mrs Penrose's Academy of Art. She also, briefly, attended St Mary's convent school in Ascot. In 1927, at the age of ten, she saw her first Surrealist painting in a Left Bank gallery in Paris and later met many Surrealists, including Paul Éluard. Her father opposed her career as an artist, but her mother encouraged her. She returned to England and was presented at Court, but according to her, she brought a copy of Aldous Huxley's Eyeless in Gaza (1936) to read instead.
ellauri210.html on line 1115: Between 1937–1938 Carrington painted a Self-Portrait, where she is perched on the edge of a chair in this curious, dreamlike scene, her hand outstretched toward a prancing hyena and her back to a tailless rocking horse flying behind her. The hyena depicted in Self-Portrait (1937–38) joins both male and female into a whole, metaphoric of the worlds of the night and the dream. The symbol of the hyena is present in many of Carrington's later works, including "La Debutante" in her book of short stories The Oval Lady.
ellauri210.html on line 1122: Carrington was adopted as a femme-enfant by the Surrealists because of her rebelliousness against her upper-class upbringing. Carrington was interested in presenting female sexuality as she experienced it, rather than as that of male surrealists' characterization of female sexuality. Some of her works are still hanging at James' former family home, currently West Dean College in West Dean, West Sussex.
ellauri210.html on line 1256: "The most striking result of our present system of farming out the national land and capital to private individuals has been the division of society into hostile classes, with large appetites and no dinners at one extreme, and large dinners and no appetites at the other".
ellauri210.html on line 1318: In the remaining quarter of the text, André distances himself from her corporeal form and descends into a meandering rumination on her absence, so much so that one wonders if her absence offers him greater inspiration than does her presence. It is, after all, the reification and materialization of Nadja as an ordinary person that André ultimately despises and cannot tolerate to the point of inducing tears. There is something about the closeness once felt between the narrator and Nadja that indicated a depth beyond the limits of conscious rationality, waking logic, and sane operations of the everyday. There is something essentially “mysterious, improbable, unique, bewildering” about her; this reinforces the notion that their propinquity serves only to remind André of Nadja's impenetrability. Her eventual recession into absence is the fundamental concern of this text, an absence that permits Nadja to live freely in André's conscious and unconscious, seemingly unbridled, maintaining her paradoxical role as both present and absent. With Nadja's past fixed within his own memory and consciousness, the narrator is awakened to the impenetrability of reality and perceives a particularly ghostly residue peeking from under its thin veil. Thus, he might better put into practice his theory of Surrealism, predicated on the dreaminess of the experience of reality within reality itself. Nadja Nadja soromnoo.
ellauri210.html on line 1336: La imagen del padre es central en el ámbito de la obsesiones, juega un papel esencial en el subconsciente de la autora. Desarrolla una revisión muy particular sobre el mito de Electra. En las dos autoras es frecuente encontrar imágenes criminales, de pesadilla, aderezadas con humor negro y erotismo, especialmente en Mansour, para quien el erotismo frenético es la fuerza motora de sus personajes.
ellauri210.html on line 1344: Gisèle Prassinos también nos ha dejado unas buenas dosis de personajes desordenados, donde afloran ciertas desviaciones. En ese “collage” entre cuentos de hadas y aromas baudelerianos, la autora jugará sobre todo con la metamorfosis, así sus mujeres “pseudo-femmes castratrices” se transforman en animales o en seres extraños, fantásticos. Prassinos ataca a los mitos del psicoanálisis, muestra imágenes híbridas, animales que se convierten en hombre, objetos que se convierten en animales, etc. Destaca la hostilidad hacia la figura autoritaria del padre. Nos habla de venganzas mediante el asesinato, los cuerpos difuntos son despedazados o transformados, dejando traslucir sentimientos intensos, donde se perfila la imagen de la muerte y se exorciza el miedo. La misma autora confesaba en una entrevista personal la distancia que había entre ella y su padre, destacando la importancia que tiene la figura masculina en las culturas orientales, sensación que refleja en el cuento “La Tête” (op. cit., 1987): “Lucas vit qu’entre elle et son père s’ouvrait un écart plus large que ceux qui séparaient les autres personnes”.
ellauri210.html on line 1350: En Prassinos opera cierta actitud parasitaria, ya lo vimos en le cuento de “Vanda le parasite” y también está presente en el juego de suplantaciones de los relatos comentados. Usando el término de Barnet, los personajes de Gisèle Prassinos se ven “canibalizados”, poseídos por otros seres, impidiendo su desarrollo normal.
ellauri210.html on line 1352: Supone una alteración y deformación de lo que uno es, sólo que en estos casos el extrañamiento no viene frente a la sociedad o frente a otros individuos, sino que los protagonistas son alienados por otra persona que deviene su propio “yo”, actuando a modo de espejo. Actuando como duplicados de uno mismo, solo que el “yo” inicial queda anulado por el segundo. Se aproxima a la escisión del “yo” entendida bajo los términos de Lacan. La alienación viene dada por su imagen en el espejo, en este caso en ese “otro” (algo ajeno a él). El “yo” está alienado porque se reconoce en algo que no es. Esta pérdida de identidad en Gisèle Prassinos también se ve reflejada en el juego de sexos, procede a despistar con los sexos como hace Mansour.
ellauri210.html on line 1355: El problema de la identidad es muy habitual en Gisèle Prassinos, hay una tendencia a crear personajes de géneros no definidos o seres desexualizados, así como descorporalizados.
ellauri210.html on line 1378: Mansour’s first published collection of poems, titled: Cris, was published in Paris in 1953 by Pierre Seghers. This collection of work references male and female anatomy in explicit language that was unusual for the time. Religious language can also be found. However, it is inverted, replacing what would be Christ with the lover. References of Egyptian mythology are also present in Cris. Mansour references the White Goddess as well as Hathor.
ellauri210.html on line 1380: In 1954, Joyce Mansour became involved with the surrealist movement after Jean-Louise Bédouin wrote a review praising Cris in Médium: Communication surréaliste that May. Joyce Mansour actively participated in the second wave of surrealism in Paris. Her apartment was a popular meeting place for members of the surrealist group. L'exécution du testament du Marquis de Sade, the performance piece by Jean Benoît took place in Mansour’s apartment, where she "collaborated" with obscure minor representatives such as Pierre Alechinsky, Enrico Baj, Hans Bellmer, Gerardo Chávez, Jorge Camacho, Ted Joans, Pierre Molinier, Reinhoud d'Haese and Max Walter Svanberg.
ellauri210.html on line 1468: Prinsessa pakeni ja löysi lopulta kuninkaallisen maatilan, jossa hänen annettiin työskennellä keittiössä huolimatta hänen rumuudestaan aasinnahassa. Juhlapäivinä hän pukeutui isänsä hänelle antamiin hienoihin asuihin, ja eräänä sellaisena päivänä prinssi tuli hänen huoneeseensa ja kurkisti avaimenreiästä. Hän rakastui heti, sairastui kaipaukseensa ja julisti, ettei mikään muu parantaisi häntä kuin Aasinahan leipoma kakku, ja mikään, mitä he eivät voineet sanoa siitä, kuinka likainen olento hän oli, ei saanut häntä luopumaan.
ellauri211.html on line 68: Raid on syntynyt pienessä kylässä Keski-Suomessa perheeseen, johon isän ja äidin lisäksi kuului pikkusisko. Ruotsissa varttunut Raid työskenteli Volvon tehtaalla ennen kuin muutti Tukholmaan ja aloitti työnteon Maraboun suklaatehtaalla. Täällä hän myös tutustui Hammariin, Sundmaniin, Takamäkeen ja Uki Kukkamaahan. Raid kuului Marabou-jengiin ja liittyi myöhemmin moottoripyöräjengiin. Raid joutui kuitenkin jättämään moottoripyöräpiirit jouduttuaan vankilaan epäonnistuneen pankkiryöstön jälkeen, jossa Hammar ampui häntä jalkaterään. Tämän takia Raidin oikeassa jalassa on vain yksi varvas.
ellauri211.html on line 92: Rei kuulostaa tosi nelikymppiseltä tässä jorinassa. Sillä on hirvee darra lähdettyään kesken birthday partysta. Hughissa on selviä alkoholismin merkkejä. Se ei saa mennä omaan makuuhuoneeseensa koska Chika serkku nukkuu siellä. Järkevää varovaisuutta Reiltä, Chika on vasta 22. Ällöttävästi Rei ostaa kahvin ulos pahvimukissa ja heittää pois puolet juotuaan. Pitää metrossa tiukasti kiinni käsilaukusta. On koukussa gymin ohjattuihin kuntosaliharjoituxiin, joogaan ja balettiin. Niissä se venyttelee pikku japsupillua. Japanin USAn konsuli on hyvin korkeassa asemassa. Mutta tässä jorinassa roistovaltio on varmalla Irak, kuten sopii ajankohtaan. Pikakelaus tähän mennessä tapahtuneesta. Lonkkorotta pyörittää edelleen Tokiossa konsulttibisnestä. Päätöxeni palata yhteen Shagin kaa oli ollut Takeolle ikävä yllätys. Eli lue kaikki aikaisemmatkin seikkailuni! Takeo on nyt kukkien asettelukoulun rehtori. Se ostelee laittomasti vaaseja.
ellauri211.html on line 142: It is estimated that around 20,000 women including children and the elderly were raped during the Japanese occupation of Nanking city, known as the Nanking Rape.
ellauri211.html on line 144: A large number of rapes were carried out systematically by Japanese soldiers, they went door to door looking for girls and women who were then arrested and gang-raped. To make things better, he women were killed after they were raped.
ellauri211.html on line 146: This incident began with the Japanese who were furious with the Chinese Resistance, and when Nanking, the capital of China, fell in December 1937, Japanese troops immediately massacred thousands of Chinese soldiers who had surrendered to them. The Japanese then rounded up about 20,000 Chinese youths and transported them by truck to the outside of the city walls, where they would be massacred there. Japanese troops then looted the city of Nanking and raped most of the city´s female population.
ellauri211.html on line 148: During this time, the Imperial Japanese army killed between 40,000 and 300,000 people. This admittedly inexact number is the total number of civilians and soldiers killed.
ellauri211.html on line 150: The bodies of thousands of victims of the massacre were dumped into the Yangtze River until the river water turned red due to the corpses of the victims of the massacre. After looting Nanking City, the Japanese burned and annihilated a third of the city´s area.
ellauri211.html on line 295: Totta puhuen ei tämä tekohämmentyneenä hymyilevä persepääkään ole ihan eilisen teeren poika kuvalehtien keskiaukeamaärvönä. Kun hän kihlasi tunnetun valokuvamallin, vasta Njuu Jorkista maahan laskeutuneen bisnesenkelinsä, heidän yhteinen taipaleensa alkoi ei vähempää kuin Ilta-Sanomissa ja Hymy lehdessä! ja heidän suuret häänsä huomattavassa Hämeenkyrossä nousivat Seuran ja Annan etusivuille! Turha häntä on tyrkkiä lavatähden paasipojaksi! Siitä äkämystyneenä hämäläinen Ranu alkoi ize pyytää roskalehdiltä haastatteluja lupaa kysymättä savvoo viäntävältä Katrilta. Ranu myhäili salaperäisenä ja näppi ize izestään belfieitä. Tiesihän sen etukäteen ettei siitä mitään tullut, olivat ihan eri kaliiperia, toinen kestojulkkis toinen wannabe. Hui kuinka Ranu onkin vastenmielinen. Se kuzuu äxäänsä vuoroin laulajaxi vuoroin lavatähdexi. Izeään se tituleeraa kyrvänpää-expertixi. Potkut saaneen peesarin voimatonta kiukkua. Tampereen oikeistosiiven Aamulehdessä, jossa perusporvarillinen Ranu on vakisenttaaja, sekä huomattavassa Hämeenkyrön Sanomissa saa peesarikin palstamillimetrejä. Mahtavan tonniston narsisti! Iltalehden Aila Seppalän puffi on Ranusta "puhtaasti ja kauniisti kirjoitettu." "Katse ja kädenpuristus kertovat paljon. Pana Rajalan terse on rehevä ja lämmin, mahanalusote avoin, utelias ja leikkisä, miehen suoro Sentun pöydän alla vahvistaa ennakkotuntemuksen: Pan on Katrinansa ansainnut." Vizi mitä tuubaa! Jutussa käydään mallikkaasti läpi miehen työhistoria, hänen kirjoittamansa Sillanpään elämäkerta odottaa vielä kolmatta ja huipentavaa osaansa, hänen näytelmäsovituxkistaan on äsken nähty Elämä ja aurink Molojunkaterina, Pyynikille on tulossa Ale ellers on työn alla nuskailtavana Tamge Temerin historian toinen osa. Dosent pissii hunajaa ja tunnustelee töröhampaisen TV-lasisen Aila Meriluodon mahanalusta. Markku Envallilta meni pari vuotta uuden onnen aforisointiin. Kiireinen jokapaikan dosentti aikoo selvitä nopeammin. Ranun izetunto on horjahteleva. Ilmi narsisti! Kazeet kääntyivät Hämeenkyrössä kun Ranu tuli ostamaan Seura-lehteä. Katrin vanhemmat haisee kaskisavulta ja Bertta mummi on riuskasti hymyilevä murretta pulppuava kansannainen. Hizi Ranu kopioi naistenlehtityyliä. Oven avaa Taisto Tammen mummo, hymyilevä rouva Hagert. Ranu lukee Seura-lehdestä rakastaako hän oikeasti Katria. Onko Katrin maalaisporukat sille riittävästi hienoja? Vinoiliko vääräleuka Wexi Koistinen sille salamielisesti jotenkin? Panu antaa ymmärtää että tyhmä Katri on Ranuun aivan lääpällään, Ranu miettii vielä ostopäätöstä. Höh, avattu pakkaus on ostopäätös.
ellauri213.html on line 66: En varmaan ole koskaan kuullut Kari Tapion kappaletta Olen suomalainen, enkä sen jonkun ämmän, oisko Paula joku, "piisiä" Aikuinen nainen. Niihin plus Jukka Kuoppamäen em. kappaleeseen tiivistyy tsuhnalainen turvelous. Syrjän kerrotaan sanoneen tv-haastattelussa, että teksti on "ihan paskaa". Oikeaan osunut arvio.
ellauri213.html on line 106: Monet pitävät tämän massiivisen menestyksen syynä latinalaiskulttuurin viivästyneeseen esittämiseen valtamediassa. Tästä käydään monia vakavia ja tunteellisia keskusteluja – joissakin on erityisiä näkemyksiä matujen pakkosiirtolaisuuden aiheuttamista traumoista, toisissa identiteetistä ja kulttuurista. Ei sentään luonnon tuhosta. Lapset ahdistuisivat.
ellauri213.html on line 204: Let’s first look at direct demands. Direct demands are requests or questions made by other people or situations – such as ‘put your shoes on’, ‘sit here and wait’, ‘pay this bill’ or ‘would you like a drink?’. In addition to these more obvious direct demands, there’s a whole raft of indirect and internal demands, including:
ellauri213.html on line 218: Uncertainty – research from Newcastle University showed that intolerance of uncertainty is a significant factor in PDA, with PDA autistics needing to know and feel in control of what’s going on
ellauri213.html on line 228: Other people’s ‘energy’ and presence
ellauri213.html on line 249: International camps are a chance to really immerse yourself in an adventure abroad. At these events, you'll get to see incredible locations - recent events have been hosted in Iceland, Japan and the USA! And in UK - you don't need a passport to go if you got a British one!
ellauri213.html on line 268: Russian Scouting eventually split into two organizations over ideological differences. These are the modern-day National Organization of Russian Scouts (NORS) and Organization of Russian Young Pathfinders (ORYuR/ОРЮР). As neither organization was created ex nihilo, they may both be considered legitimate successors to the Русский Скаут heritage.
ellauri213.html on line 278: 14 Russian Scouts were invited to take part in the 19th World Scout Jamboree in 1999. Russia was represented 2003 at the 20th World Scout Jamboree in Thailand. 504 Scouts from the association Russian Association of Scouts/Navigators took part in the 21st World Scout Jamboree in 2007.
ellauri213.html on line 311: The Sun ceased publishing topless Page 3 images in its Republic of Ireland edition in 2013, in its UK editions in 2015, and on its Page3.com website in 2017. The Daily Star also ceased publishing images of topless glamour models in 2019. However, these decisions were not necessarily a direct result of the No More Page 3 campaign. The then official photographer for Page 3, Alison Webster, also criticised the campaign, saying "people should be able to make their own choices". Prime Minister David Cameron replied, "I think on this one I think it is probably better to leave it to the consumer."
ellauri213.html on line 335: In theory, San Francisco State University President Lynn Mahoney is correct in stating that a university is a place where different ideas are presented, discussed and analyzed so that individual conclusions can be drawn. But does that justify giving an unrepentant terrorist a forum to address the students? What will she teach them? The proper way to hijack an aircraft, based on her success in 1969, and what mistakes to avoid based on her failure in 1970? When I was a student in university, I often faced new ideas that ran contrary to my beliefs. But these perspectives were presented by knowledgeable, respectable academics. Some were Nobel Prize winners. None were terrorists. Most of them were Jews.
ellauri213.html on line 362: Joppen (Jaffa) ensimmäisten kristittyjen joukossa oli hurskas nainen nimeltä Tabita, kreikaksi Dorka. Nimi tarkoittaa ’gasellia’. Hän teki paljon hyvää ja avusti köyhiä, kunnes sairastui ja kuoli. Tabitan ruumis vietiin kattohuoneeseen, ja paikalle alkoi kerääntyä surevia leskimiehiä, joita Tabita oli eläessään auttanut.
ellauri213.html on line 363: Kristityt hakivat paikalle apostoli Pietarin, joka oli tuolloin Lyddassa. Apostoli käski kaikkien poistua. Jäätyään yksin Pietari polvistui ja rukoili. Sitten hän kääntyi vainajan puoleen ja sanoi: ”Tabita, nouse!” Nainen avasi silmänsä ja nousi istumaan. Pietari auttoi hänet selinmakuulle ja melkoisen tovin kuluttua kutsui väen huoneeseen. Kun kansa näki Tabitan elävänä ja tukka pörrössä, tieto ihmeestä alkoi levitä, ja se sai monet uskomaan Kristukseen. (Ap.t. 9:36-42) Pyhä Tabita eli Herran ylösnousemusvoiman todistajana, kunnes nukkui pois kaikessa rauhassa. Pietaria ei toista kertaa vaivattu. Se oli sillä aikaa jo ristiinnaulittu pää alaspäin.
ellauri213.html on line 413: The founder of one of the most feared terrorist organisations of the 1970s has walked free from a Japanese prison after completing a 20-year sentence for the siege of the French embassy in the Netherlands.
ellauri213.html on line 414: Once described as “the empress of terror”, Fusako Shigenobu founded the Japanese Red Army, a radical leftist group that carried out armed attacks worldwide in support of the Palestinian cause.
ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
ellauri213.html on line 438: After her freshman year, her roommate told her she was going to room with someone else. For her second and third years, Tadesse roomed with Trang Ho, a Vietnamese student who was well liked and doing well at Harvard, and Tadesse was obsessively fond of her. Tadesse was very needy in her demands for attention and became angry when Ho began to distance herself in their junior year. Tadesse apparently reacted with despair when Ho announced her decision to room with another group of girls their senior year, and the two women stopped speaking with each other after that. Tadesse purchased two knives and rope in advance. On May 28, 1995, Tadesse stabbed her roommate Ho 45 times with a hunting knife, killing her. Tadesse then hanged herself in the bathroom.
ellauri214.html on line 66: J. K. Rowling’s first adult novel The Casual Vacancy stirred a ruckus within Sikh Community after its publication leading to the involvement of SGPC and its head showing concern with the negative portrayal of Sikh characters in the novel. Rowling defends the novel by her theory of ‘corrosive racism’ after her ‘vast amount of research’ in Sikhism. The chapter explores diasporic Sikh identity through the character of Sukhvinder who though dyslexic is stifled by her mother and harassed by her classmate Fats through slanderous remarks targeting her Sikh identity. Though Sukhvinder resorts to self-torture after undergoing racism, she emerges victorious like a brave Sikh by her self-determination and emerges a heroine by helping everybody in Britain. The chapter applies Teun A. van Dijk’s racist discourse and post-colonial theories specifically Homi Bhabha’s hybridity of cultures, Jacques Rancière’s distribution of the sensible hinting at the redistribution of identities to make invisible diaspora visible and inaudible audible and Gayatri Spivak’s theory of the subaltern to prove that the Sikh diaspora remains in Charhdi Kala (higher state of mind) even in tough situations. The chapter concludes that though British Sikh diaspora undergoes racialism leading to identity crisis, Sikhs finally find resolution through Sikh identity model Sukhvinder who, treading the footsteps of Sikh heroes like Bhai Kanhayia, becomes a heroin addict by risking her life to save Robbie and by helping all in the novel.
ellauri214.html on line 70: In response to a Twitter post about how COVID-19 has been affecting people who menstruate, Rowling wrote, “‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”. In this post, Rowling mocks trans people by insinuating that women who do not have a period are not real women. This tweet not only offended trans women who do not have periods, but also cisgender women born with medical conditions that prevent them from having a period, older women who have gone through menapause, and transgender men who still menstrate. Rowling has continued to bash transgender people by comparing hormone therapy to gay conversion therapy and tweeting articles arguing that transitioning is a medical experiment. Many have called Rowling out on her transphobia, and some have attempted to educate her on transgender issues and the difference between sex and gender. However, the author has not been receptive to these comments, and continues to deny that she is transphobic. Rowling’s transphobia has prompted Harry Potter actors Daniel Radcliff (Harry Potter), Emma Watson (Hermionie Granger), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), and Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) to show their support for the transgender community. The only actor staunchly standing on her side is Tom Veladro (Voldemort). Oops, I shouldn't have said the name.
ellauri214.html on line 72: Though Rowling’s transphobia has been publicized the most, fans have also begun to notice prejudice in her writing. Very few people of color are featured in J. K. Rowling’s books, and those that are have few lines and no detailed story arcs. One of the people of color given more thought was Cho Chang, Harry Potter’s love interest who was first introduced in the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Rowling’s racism toward Asians and lack of knowledge of Asian culture is clearly evident from just the name Cho Chang, which is a mix of Korean and Chinese surnames. Korea and China have a longstanding history as political adversaries and each country has a distinct culture. While Rowling went to great efforts in creating a wonderfully immersive wizarding world, she gave no thought to what Cho’s ethnicity is. Cho was also sorted into Ravenclaw house, the school house for those of high intelligence, playing into a common stereotype of Asians. The only other Asian characters mentioned in the series are Indian twins Padma and Pavarti Patil. While Rowling appears to have given more thought to these characters, placing Padma in Ravenclaw and breaking the Asian stereotype by placing Pavarti in Gryffindor, she ultimately fails to adequately write Asian characters. While Pavarti, as a member of Harry Potter’s house, was given more depth than Cho or her sister, many South Asian fans were irritated by the girls’ dresses in the fourth movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The twins wore dull and unflattering traditional Indian attire, which many saw as a mockery of Indian culture. Cho herself wore an East Asian style dress in this movie which was a mix of different Asian styles. Rowling continued her habit of stereotyping Asians in the Fantastic Beast Movies, the first of which was released in 2016 and set in the 1920’s, several decades before the Harry Potter series. In this pre-series, the only Asian representation is displayed in the form of a woman who has been cursed to turn into a beast. Fans may remember the villain Voldemort’s pet snake, Nagini, who served him throughout the Harry Potter series. Fans were surprised to learn when watching The Crimes of Grindelwald, the second movie in the Fantastic Beasts series, that Nagini was not always a snake, but was actually a woman who had been cursed to turn into a snake. In the movie, Nagini, in human form, is caged and forced to perform in a circus. Though we do not know how Nagini came to meet Voldemort, we do know that she became his servant and the keeper of a wee snakelike portion of his soul. This is more than slightly problematic. Not only was Nagini the only Asian representation in the film, but she was also a half-human who was forced to serve an evil white man for a great part of her existence. Author Ellen Oh commented on Nagini’s inclusion in the film saying “I feel like this is the problem when white people want to diversify and don’t actually ask POC how to do so. They don’t make the connection between making Nagini an Asian woman who later on becomes the pet snake of an EEVIL whitish man.”
ellauri214.html on line 74: J.K. Rowling did not limit herself to being racist, she also included anti-semitic stereotypes in her books. Many readers have noticed how the descriptions of the goblins in the Harry Potter series bear striking resemblance to anti-semitic stereotypes. The goblins are hooked-nosed creatures who work at the wizarding bank Gringotts and are obsessed with gold and money.
ellauri214.html on line 76: J.K. Rowling has also included plenty of sexism in her writing, indicative of her internalised misogyny. Cho Chang was Harry Potter’s love interest throughout books 4 and 5. However, Cho was in a relationship with another student in the fourth book, and unfortunately this student was killed by Lord Voldemort at the end of the book. This leaves Cho rightfully distraught. Though still in emotional turmoil, she develops a crush on Harry and they begin dating. During their first kiss, Cho is crying because she is thinking of her dead boyfriend. Harry and Cho break up after multiple arguments later in the book. Later on in the series, Harry develops feelings for his best friend’s sister, Ginny Weasley. Rowling periodically writes how Harry prefers Ginny to Cho because Cho was too emotional after the death of her boyfriend. Harry preferred Ginny, who was stronger and could contain her emotions, supposedly because she had grown up with 6 brothers (no, 5, Ronny is a sissy). This comparison of the two girls demonstrates Rowling’s internalized feelings that women exist for the purpose of pleasing men. The thinly veiled idea that women who are too emotional or too much drama queens are not desirable is evident in Rowling’s writing. Fleur Delcore is another example of this feeling. Fleur is a student at a French wizarding school who competes against Harry in a difficult tournament in the fourth book. Fleur is part veela, who are magical beings of extreme beauty but can turn monstrous when angered. Fleur eventually marries Ron Weasley’s older brother, Bill. Hermionie, Harry’s other best friend, and Ginny constantly complain about Fleur. However, the only thing their animosity can be traced back to is that Fleur is a beautiful Frenchy woman and she is confident in that, whilst they are just snubnosed Brits. This further develops Rowling’s internalized misogyny. She views women who are confident in their beauty as annoying, and has the idea that women should seek male validation. Though these portions of the book were likely unintentional, speaking from personal experience, it has to be said that Rowling’s writing of women in her book have had a lasting effect on her female readers.
ellauri214.html on line 81: With talk of sex and drugs, the British author's first adult novel marks a turn away from her family-friendly series about a boy wizard. Some reviewers call her first book after the "Harry Potter" series an attack on conservatives, with one tabloid saying it presents "500 pages of relentless socialist manifesto masquerading as literature."
ellauri214.html on line 88: The Harry Potter series didn’t become a global phenomenon just because it was an exciting adventure, but because there was a real heart to it, characters who had both strengths and weaknesses, who struggled with their choices, much like Batman or Superman. Not so this time. Instead, “The Casual Vacancy” is a generally well-written book whose central theme is responsibility for those less fortunate, all the time imbued with ever-present British themes of class and notions of propriety.
ellauri214.html on line 98: Feifei Wang is a Chinese American slip of a girl on Quora with sweet-and sour opinions.
ellauri214.html on line 104: I think JK Rowling did one thing exceptionally well: she had really interesting whimsical ideas based on everyday mundane life, and she can write these ideas out in a very visually exciting fashion. These little sparkles of crazy fun ideas can almost make you forget about the other glaring problems of the book. A lot of people (myself included) are attracted, or mesmerized by these whimsical sparkles of imagination. It's a fascinating magical world that's so imaginative and yet at the same time mirror our own.
ellauri214.html on line 144: Despite supposedly living on the streets for years after running away from home, I have no basic concept of self-preservation. I throw tantrums, storm out, put myself in danger or being kidnapped by the bad guy, to create cheap tension and create stake for Hero and Villain's final confrontation.
ellauri214.html on line 181: Depending on the rating, I’m seen drinking hard liquor and doing drugs. But unless the show's theme is about drugs, these habit never really have negative impact on my health or my actions.
ellauri214.html on line 203: Stiegin trilogian 3. osan juonena näyttää ovelasti olevan että heroiini weistaa kaikki verisukulaisensa ja pääsee siitä kiitoxexi Mikki-ystävänsä kanssa pukille rypyammeeseen. Täähän on kuin evankeliumista: jätä perheesi ja soiraa minua, Stieg ize jeesushahmona ja Lisbet Magdaleenana. Haikaran tulosta päätämme me ize. Erittäin talousliberaalia, perhearvot ihan hukassa. Tästä ei perustaisi Houellebecq eikä muut mumslimit.
ellauri214.html on line 243: It was during the reign of Myrina that the Amazons encountered another race of female warriors known as the Gorgons. The Amazons and their defeated neighbors, the Atlanteans, were at peace with each other, but Atlantis was raided repeatedly by the Gorgons, who lived nearby. In Greek myth, the Gorgons were monsters with snakes instead of hair and faces so fearsome that looking directly at them could turn a mortal into stone. Diodorus scoffed at these stories of monsters and claimed that, like the Amazons, the Gorgons were nothing more than fierce tribal women who were skilled in warfare. Myrina’s large army went to the aid of Atlantis and defeated the Gorgons, capturing more than 3,000 Gorgon warriors. The captive Gorgons began a rebellion but were put down by the Amazons, who killed every remaining prisoner.
ellauri214.html on line 245: Myrina was said to have conquered most of Libya, from where she led her army east toward Egypt. When she reached Egypt, she befriended the king before going on to defeat the Bedouin and Syrian peoples and conquering some of west Asia. Although the people of Cilicia (part of modern Turkey) were not defeated, they were willing to accept her rule. The Amazons also captured the island of Lesbos in the Aegean Sea, where Myrina founded the city of Mitylene, named for her sister. While sailing across the Aegean, Myrina got caught in a storm. The queen prayed to the Mother Goddess to save her and was guided to a deserted island, which she named Samothrace. Myrina’s good fortune, however, did not last forever: she died in battle against the Thracians and Scythians, led by the Thracian Mopsos. Without their great leader, the Amazons lost a series of battles to Mopsos. Eventually their empire collapsed and they withdrew back to Libya. Back to the drawing board. 2 thousand years later Myrinä's compatriot Muammar Gaddafi says in Swedish: Han är nöjd.
ellauri214.html on line 541: At 56, Tokarczuk is an invigorating presence: her black dreadlocks studded with bright blue beads, eyes rimmed with luminous turquoise. “Flights grew out of a time when I was travelling a lot,” she explains, at pains to stress how liberating this was for those raised under an oppressive communist regime. “I got my first passport in 1989, when I was 28. Wow.”
ellauri214.html on line 554: “I opened a history that was taboo from a number of perspectives: it was swept under the carpet by Catholics, Jews and communists. It took me eight years to research such fragile and contentious facts,” she says, “But after I won the Nike Jogging Shoe Award [Poland’s most prestigious literary prize], I was attacked by people who didn’t want to know about Poland’s dark past.” She sighs.
ellauri214.html on line 560: Tokarczuk dismisses the global rise of nationalist movements as “the death throes of an outdated ideology. These old ideas of the state are completely disappearing,” she laughs. “People are migrating, travelling. Economics and the internet do not respect borders. We travel between different network providers! Welcome to EE!” She taps her phone with glee. (EE on joko Euroopan siipikarjayhdistys tai UK:n rahakkain operaattori.) “You could read Flights as an elegy for the old Europe.”
ellauri214.html on line 664: Olgan oma uskonto on globalisaatio. Laila-koira Kinnunen lauloi Manzhurian kummut Saukin ja pikkuoravien sanoilla v 1962. Samana vuonna syntyi Olga Tokarzhuk opettajaperheeseen.
ellauri216.html on line 100: Elina tyytyi kovin vähään mitä kenkiin tulee, ja kyrvänheiluttajiin. Mitä helvettiä Tero, podofiili vielä. Aivan sese sekopää. Sehän on kuin kanssaporvoolaiset Peetee Vatanen ja sen rouva Yasmin.
ellauri216.html on line 144: Pseudo-Dionysioksen corpus on ajoitettu liturgianhistoriallisten, dogmaattisten ja filosofisten edellytystensä vuoksi 400-luvun ja 500-luvun vaihteeseen. Tekstit on kirjoitettu aikaisintaan vuonna 475 ja viimeistään vuonna 532. Eli valehteli raukka nälissään.
ellauri216.html on line 152: Proklos syntyi rikkaaseen lyykialaiseen perheeseen Konstantinopolissa noin vuosina 410–412. Marinos johti Prokloksen syntymäpäivän hänen horoskoopistaan, jonka vuoksi synnyinvuosia ei voida pitää täysin luotettavina. Prokloksen isä oli korkea-arvoinen virkamies Bysantissa. Hän varttui Ksanthoksessa ja opiskeli retoriikkaa, filosofiaa ja matematiikkaa Aleksandriassa Egyptissä, tarkoituksenaan tulla virkamieheksi kuten hänen isänsäkin. Hän palasi Konstantinopoliin opettajansa mukana, jolla oli asioita hoidettavana siellä. Proklos toimi jonkin aikaa menestyksekkäänä lakimiehenä.
ellauri216.html on line 167: Proclus’ own interests are purely metaphysical: his task is to explain how evil fits into the scheme of things, how its existence squares with the omnipotence and all-pervading presence of the Good God, how it comes about and what its ontological status is. All of these questions are undoubtedly important, and I do not mean to belittle them.
ellauri216.html on line 170: Indeed, it is precisely by imitating the good that all things are preserved in existence. It follows that evil is something that can only happen inadvertently. Every being or thing has a natural aim and a perfection it strives for. Pahat on vaan mokia, my bad.
ellauri216.html on line 235: Terolla tulee mieleen miten se menetti poikuuden. Olikohan sekin isän alla? No ei. Lukioikäisenä oivalsin että kaikilla naisilla oli se. (Tero oli vähän hidasälyinen.) Lopulta hän näki vittuja vähän kaikkialla, sileitä ja karkeakarvaisia, kuivia ja limaisia, maxullisia ja ilmaisia. Naiset vittuineen oli aivan ylivoimaisia. Kulli on kerran tai enintään kuudestilaukeava, pillu automaattiase. Laukaus laukaus laukaus, SARRRRRRRJA. Poikuuden vei ylivoimaisesti Riitta, pyylevä kolmikymppinen. Se kaivoi housuistani jäykistyneen kullin esiin. Pari työntöä ja tiukka tuijotus, siinä se oli koko coitus. Soitin Julialle joka oli sillä aikaa ehtinyt kylästyä samaiseen aseeseen.
ellauri216.html on line 324: According to a 2010 survey, there are a total of 36,700 villages in Russia with fewer than 10 inhabitants. Traditionally Russia’s agricultural land was subdivided into a patchwork of villages and fields, interspersed by forest and marsh. Now the villages are deserted and crumbling: the state closes them down, often on a whim, and young people leave to find work elsewhere. Matilda Moreton tells the tragic story based on fieldwork in the Russian North.
ellauri216.html on line 332: Äiti kulta kysyy ukolta: mikä sai sinut pettämään kansan asian ja rupeamaan munkixi? No salamiakki! Se on pitkä tarina jos jaxatte kuunnella. Olen kotoisin Karjalasta, jossa on oikeauskoista pyhyyttä ja pahuutta. Nuorena rellestin, nuorena pitää rellestää ja vanhana katua. Tätä olen kyllä saanut katua. Pallosalama näytti tanssinhaluisille nuorille mistä kana kusee. Kärventynyt munkki päätti panna molon kuivatelakalle iäxi. Haiseva munkki ei huoli edes peseytyä. Taisi kyrpä vähän kärytä. Ukki antoi räkämunkille kolme ruplaa. Osta iso numero.
ellauri216.html on line 384: Feodorovskajan Jumalanäidin ikonin kunnioittamisen toinen aalto alkoi 1600-luvulla. Sisälliskiista päättyi, kuningas valittiin. Mihail Romanovia siunattiin tällä kuvakkeella. Tänä päivänä perustettiin kuvan kunniaksi myös kirkkojuhla. Siitä lähtien hänellä on erityinen yhteys kuninkaalliseen perheeseen. Ensimmäiset listat Kostromasta tulivat Moskovaan nunna Marthan (kuninkaan äidin) ansiosta. Jo 1600-luvun lopulla. ikonin ansiosta tapahtuneista ihmeistä kirjoitettiin legenda.
ellauri216.html on line 475: Tulevaa imugeenia ei työnteko kiinnosta, se leikkii mieluummin serkkujensa kaa lääkärileikkiä. Leikkikaverit huutavat: äpärä! äpärä! Äiti mixei mulla ole isää niinkö muilla lapsilla? Äiti menee toiseen huoneeseen ja ukki yskähtelee nolona. Kysymys jää vaille vastausta. Ukin porukat pelkää ukkosta kuin Pylkkäset. 1-2-3- nyze on ihan päällä. Auta herra, lepytä kiukustunutta äitiä!
ellauri216.html on line 541: Jumalankantajaisä Makarios syntyi Egyptin suistomaa-alueen kylässä vuoden 300 tienoilla. Nuoruudessaan hän työskenteli kamelinajajana. Jumala kutsui häntä kuitenkin toisenlaiseen elämään ja Makarios vastasi kutsuun kuuliaisesti. Hän vetäytyi kylässään keljaan ja aloitti yksinäisen rukous- ja paastokilvoituksen. Kun ihmiset tahtoivat tehdä hänestä papin, hän pakeni toiseen kylään. Siellä raskaaksi tullut tyttö alkoi syyttää Makariosta häpäisemisestään. Makarios otettiin kiinni ja häntä raahattiin pitkin katua. Häntä lyötiin ja solvattiin, mutta hän ei sanonut sanaakaan puolustaakseen itseään vaan päinvastoin lupasi tehdä työtä hankkiakseen elatuksen naiselle ja lapselle. Makarios piti tilannetta Jumalan lähettämänä. Hän oli tuolloin noin 30 vuoden ikäinen. Kun Makarioksen syyttömyys tuli aikanaan ilmi, kylän väki lähti joukolla hänen luokseen pyytämään anteeksi. Mitenkä totuus tuli ilmi? No, when the woman's delivery drew near, her labor became exceedingly difficult. She did not manage to give birth until she confessed Macarius's innocence. She confessed that she had slandered the hermit, and revealed the name of the real father. (Who was it?) A multitude of people then came asking for his forgiveness, but he fled to the Nitrian Desert to escape all mundane glory.
ellauri216.html on line 548: Kerran joku tuli kysymään Makariokselta, miten voisi edistyä pelastuksen tiellä. Pyhä Makarios käski hänen mennä hautausmaalle solvaamaan kuolleita ja sitten kehua heitä seuraten tarkasti, mitä nämä vastaisivat. Mies palasi takaisin ja sanoi, etteivät vainajat olleet vastanneet mitään. Makarios vastasi, että hänenkin olisi suhtauduttava samalla tavalla niin ihmisten kehuihin kuin ylenkatseeseen.
ellauri216.html on line 554: Once, while he was praying, St Macarius heard a voice: “Macarius, you have not yet attained such perfection in virtue as two women who live in the city.” The humble ascetic went to the city, found the house where the women lived, and knocked. The women received him with joy, and he said, “I have come from the desert seeking you in order to learn of your good deeds. Tell me about them, and conceal nothing.”
ellauri216.html on line 638: Helsingin Suomenlinnaan rakennettiin vuonna 1854 Pyhän Aleksanteri Nevskin kirkko ortodoksiseksi Viaporin varuskuntakirkoksi. Rakennuksessa oli viisi tornia upeine sipulikupoleineen. Suomalaisen ajan alussa Helsingin eteläistä horisonttia hallitsevan rakennuksen ulkonäköä muutettiin ja siitä tehtiin luterilainen kirkko. Nykyinen asu on 1920-luvulta. Kirkon tornissa toimii lento- ja laivaliikennettä palveleva majakka, joka pyyhki osoitteessa Merikatu 3 sijaitsevaan lastenhuoneeseen neljää välähdystä, eli H-kirjainta.
ellauri216.html on line 647: Peipsijärvi (vir. (https://fi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viron_kieli) Peipsi, Peipsi-Pihkva järv; ven. (https://fi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ven%C3%A4j%C3%A4n_kieli) Чудско-Псковское озеро, Tšudsko-Pskovskoje ozero tai Псковско-Чудское озеро, Pskovsko-Tšudskoje ozero) on Narvanjoen vesistöalueeseen (https://fi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narvanjoen_vesist%C3%B6alue) kuuluva järvi Viron (https://fi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viro) ja Venäjän (https://fi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ven%C3%A4j%C3%A4) rajalla. Sen vesipinta-ala on 3 543 neliökilometriä (https://fi.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neli%C3%B6kilometri), mutta pinta-alan arvo riippuu vedenpinnan korkeudesta. Peipsijärvi on Viron suurin, Venäjän seitsemänneksi suurin ja Euroopan viidenneksi suurin järvi. Jahka länsi lyö venäläiset Ukrainan sodassa, siitä tulee Pepsijärvi.
ellauri216.html on line 699: Skeemalla on alun perin tarkoitettu munkin kaavun päälle laitettavaa, esiliinan kaltaista asustetta, joskus sillä on tarkoitettu koko munkin asua. Kyseiseen esiliinan kaltaiseen vaatteeseen on kuvattu Kristuksen kiduttamiseen käytetyt välineet ja ilmeisesti toisinaan munkkeuden historiassa on tavattu skeemamunkkeja, jotka ovat myös itse kantaneet erilaisia kidutusrautoja ja ristejä ruumiiseensa sidottuina. Nykyisin tällaisia ei enää juuri näe.
ellauri216.html on line 815: Suomessa luostarista tulee ukkokoti. Niinkuin se onkin jo. Lintulassa on kyllä nuoriakin nunnia, jotka ottaisivat kahvin kanssa munkkia. Toin Tipulasta noviisi Antoniinan helläxi hoiturixi kesähuoneeseen. Mutta ei jaksha, olen 72 ja lihani on kuoleutunut, viisari ei värähdä, käki ei tule ulos käkikellosta edes auttamalla kädellä.
ellauri216.html on line 830: Jeesuksen rukousta on harjoitettu Valamon luostarissa kautta vuosisatojen. Arkkipiispa Paavalin kirjoittamassa johdannossa luodaan katsaus tähän perinteeseen kuin myös kristityn rukouskilvoitukseen yleensä. Siinä kerrotaan myös kahdesta rukouksen opettajasta, piispa Ignatista ja piispa Feofanista, joiden ohjeita Jeesuksen rukous -antologia pääosin sisältää.
ellauri216.html on line 860: Heinäveden Papinniemi kuului Saastamoisen yhtiölle. Sattuvaa., Muistan kuinka tunkkaista oli munkkilassa pienenä, savun hajua ja pesemättömiä äijiä. Siellä ne nyt on pesineet yhtä kauan kuin Rauhixen päärakennus. Haritonin ikkunasta näkyy hautausmaalle jossa Tero kävi kykkimässä Penan haudalla.
ellauri216.html on line 937: Luostari vaurastui 1570-luvulla alkaneeseen suureen Pohjan sotaan asti, jonka alkaessa se omisti yli 200 taloa ja sen omistukset ulottuivat nykyiseen Pohjois-Karjalaan asti.
ellauri216.html on line 1054: 1700-luvun alussa Pietari I aloitti taistelun pääsystä Itämerelle ja Venäjän laajentumisesta luoteeseen. Vuonna 1702 (11. lokakuuta ( 22 )) Venäjä valloitti Noteburgin linnoituksen (nimettiin uudelleen Shlisselburgiksi ) ja keväällä 1703 Nevan suulla sijaitsevan Nienschanzin linnoituksen. Täällä 16. (27.) toukokuuta 1703 aloitettiin Pietarin rakentaminen. ja Venäjän laivaston tukikohta, Kronshlotin linnoitus (myöhemmin Kronstadt ) sijaitsi Kotlinin saarella. Sotakampanjan aikana 1710 Venäjän armeija onnistui valloittamaan Viipurin. Samaan aikaan tsuhnien Ingermanlandin maakunnan pohjalle syntyi ikivanha venäläinen Pietarin lääni.
ellauri216.html on line 1083: Lokakuun vallankumouksen jälkeen Valaam tuli osaksi vasta muodostettua Suomea. jonka ansiosta luostari nimellisesti säilyi, mutta kansallisen vähemmistön kirkkona (Suomen pääuskonto on luterilaisuus ) hän joutui yhä useampaan Suomen viranomaisten syrjintään.. Suomen viranomaiset vaativat arkkipiispa Serafimia (Lukyanov) oppimaan suomea kolmen kuukauden kuluessa. Vladyka ei saapunut kielikokeeseen, ja tämän vuoksi hänet karkotettiin Konevetsin saarelle. Venäjän ortodoksisen kirkon venäläistämisasiassa Suomen viranomaiset alkoivat koordinoida toimiaan viranomaisten kanssa.Viro. jossa ortodoksisen kirkon venäläistäminen nostettiin nopeasti valtion politiikan arvoon ja testattiin pääosin venäläisellä Petseriläisellä alueella. Marraskuussa 1923 Karjalan piispaksi, arkkipiispa Serafimin kirkkoherraksi nimitetty pappi Herman Aav erotettiin Virosta. Hänen alaisuudessaan luostari syöksyi "erimielisyyden ja oikeudenkäynnin" ilmapiiriin. Vuodesta 1925 lähtien Valamon ortodoksiset jumalanpalvelukset käännettiin suomeksi. Samanaikaisesti Suomen viranomaiset vahvistivat itse saaria perusteellisesti sotilastekniikan osalta yhteenotossa Neuvostoliiton kanssa.
ellauri217.html on line 65: Critics claimed that Gabalawi stands for God. Mahfouz rejected this to avoid fatwa saying that Alp-Öhi stood for "a certain idea of God that men have made" and that "Nothing can represent God. God is not like anything else. God is gigantic." Kiemurteli kuin mato koukussa. Tai sit vuorenpeikko olis yxinkertaisesti Abraham, se mamu Irakista? Joka pani paxuxi muka-siskonsa? Ja toisen kerran ruiski Iisakin vielä satavuotiaana jugurttimainoxena? Hizi mixei mun letku ollut niin kestävä. Alexi Laihon haudalla on texti: tässä lepää paarma. Mun letkun kivessä lukee: tässä lepää toukka. Turhaan odotan sen ylösnousemuksen hetkeä.
ellauri217.html on line 103: “You love knowledge, study, and insight. You value the gifts of your mind, which you use to great advantage to penetrate the mysteries of life. You study things in-depth. You search beneath the surface of things. You abhor shallow judgments or opinions. You have a natural gift for analysis and research. Once you have grasped the facts of a subject, your creativity and abstract approach lifts your thinking beyond the rudimentary to the philosophical.”
ellauri217.html on line 221: Urpon pikku kassit livahtivat trustivapaaseen suihkulähteeseen uimaan ilman smokkia. Selkäsaunahan siitä tuli. Vähän isompana setä vei urpon kassit kottikärryineen Mitvit-kujalle. Siellä asui ammoin veli Saatana. Hampaaton Jehna tykkää suspektisti pikku pojista. Mutta Kassi on ihan villinä pillun perään! Tyyten toista maata kuin Jee-suxi, jota ei saatu kirveelläkään luukulle.
ellauri217.html on line 264: Saatanan ämmät, Thatcher ja Berner, yxityistivät yhteisen, Thatcher veden ja Berner liikenteen. Perhanan kumikanat, niille olis pitänyt työntää kova muna perseeseen kunnes se tulee ulos nokan kautta sisälmyxet mukana. Ratafat syö palazissa fläskiintyneenä fast foodia, mulkkaa telkkaa ja vetää pilveä, kazoo sivusta kun Arafat bylsii piikoja. Tällästä on paratiisissa.
ellauri217.html on line 302: Konsalik empfahl seinen Lesern Ein Kreuz in Sibirien für einen Mann, Eine glückliche Ehe für eine Frau und Zum Nachtisch wilde Früchte für einen Jugendlichen zu lesen.
ellauri217.html on line 304: "Er riß sich zusammen, fühlte sich idiotisch und flüchtete gedanklich zur Abwehr ins Ordinäre. Das sind Titten, was? … und er wunderte sich selbst über diese nie mehr erwartete, kraftvolle Erektion." „Hart“ und „realistisch“, oder? „Wer Konsalik liest, glaubt alles.“
ellauri217.html on line 345: On melko todennäköistä että Jörkkä mulqvisti poikasena otti molempiin päihin isä-lindkvistin letku letkeää. Sellaisesta Pohjoisrannan Donnerit ei olleet moxiskaan. Pieni vinous on vain luonnollista. Pahempaa oli isoisä lindkvisti nähnyt ja kokeillut samojediteltoissa. Rapukermaa perseeseen!
ellauri217.html on line 361: Gdanskilaisella wannabe psykologilla ja ent. kauneusterapistilla Karolinalla on kasvantaviärä suu. Se pitää palstaa narsismista, ilmeisesti omien kokemusten nojalla. Isoluinen täti kuten se yxi mun saxalainen väittelijä jonka nimikin on jo unohtunut. Ms. Höge, sese oli. Monika. Kun täti menee torille on näky komea. Hizi on munkin elämä ollut aika omalaatuinen. Örhänge on korvamato.
ellauri217.html on line 381: Die Brüder Grimm haben dieses Märchen gesammelt als Nummer 158. Es gibt keine Erwähnung von gebratene Späzle darin. Ett helt huvudlöst örhänge annors nog liksom kungens tal. Da krähte ein Hahn, kikeriki, das Märchen ist auserzählt, kukerikuk.
ellauri217.html on line 460: Palasi sukupuoliliikenteeseen.
ellauri217.html on line 475: Myytiin DFDS A/S -varustamolle, joka remontoi alusta, ennen Scandinavian Seawaysin liikenteeseen asettamista, Göteborgin Cityvarvet -telakalla.
ellauri217.html on line 499: Palasi sukupuoliliikenteeseen.
ellauri217.html on line 514: Aluksen keulaköydet irtosivat ja keula osui Bergenin satamassa olleeseen tutkimusalukseen.
ellauri217.html on line 574: Asetettiin liikenteeseen Pietarin ja Helsingin välille.
ellauri217.html on line 583: Palasi liikenteeseen Pietarin ja Helsingin välille.
ellauri217.html on line 622: Asetettiin Tirrenian liikenteeseen.
ellauri217.html on line 637: Eri uskontojen käskykanta vaihtelee kuin viime vuosituhannen lopun tietokoneissa ihan muutamasta kokonaisiin kirjastoihin. Hippi baristoilla lähdettiin standardista "jokainen pesee oman lautasensa" ja päädyttiin sataan ennenkuin koko lahko 90-luvulla nyykähti. Usein on joku skeleton crew joka opetetaan proselyyteille jolla pääsee hyvästi alkuun ainakin.
ellauri217.html on line 643: Kristityt tiivistävät koko sääntöpakan yhteen goto-lausekkeeseen: älä tee muille mitä et tahdo izellesi tehtävän, tai positiivisemmin: mitä tahtoisi izellesi tehtävän, tee sitä muille. Tää kyllä olettaa että kaikki tahtoo samoja asioita, ellei sääntöä sopivasti abstrahoida. Mixei ize asiassa vaan sanota että tee toisille mitä ne tahtovat? Kai sixi koska ne voi tahtoa jotain ihan päätöntä tai kohtuutonta. Juutalaisilla on seuraavat 5-7 Nooan lakia.
ellauri217.html on line 700: The Council of Jerusalem or Apostolic Council was held in Jerusalem around AD 50. It is unique among the ancient pre-ecumenical councils in that it is considered by Catholics and Eastern Orthodox to be a prototype and forerunner of the later ecumenical councils and a key part of Christian ethics. The council decided that Gentile converts to Christianity were not obligated to keep most of the fasts, and other specific rituals, including the rules concerning circumcision of males. The Council did, however, retain the prohibitions on eating blood, meat containing blood, and meat of animals that were strangled, and on fornication and idolatry, sometimes referred to as the Apostolic Decree or Jerusalem Quadrilateral. The purpose and origin of these four prohibitions is debated.
ellauri217.html on line 717: It was stated by the Apostles and Elders in the council: "the Holy Spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you, except these necessary things, to abstain from things sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper." (Acts 15:27–28)
ellauri217.html on line 721: Bruce der Metzger´s Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament includes a summary of current research on the topic as of about 1994:
ellauri217.html on line 723: In conclusion, therefore, it appears that the least unsatisfactory solution of the complicated textual and exegetical problems of the Apostolic Decree is to regard the fourfold decree as original (foods offered to idols, strangled meat, eating blood, and unchastity—whether ritual or moral), and to explain the two forms of the threefold decree in some such way as those suggested above. An extensive literature exists on the text and exegesis of the Apostolic Decree. According to Jacques Dupont, "Present day scholarship is practically unanimous in considering the 'Eastern' text of the decree as the only authentic text (in four items) and in interpreting its prescriptions in a sense not ethical but ritual (whatever that means)".
ellauri219.html on line 270: The influence of Aubrey Beardsley’s pen-and-ink line drawings had already made itself felt on Klaus Voormann’s artwork for Revolver, and here the 19th-century illustrator, whose own style was influenced by Japanese woodcutting, takes a position not too far away from Oscar Wilde (No.41), Beardsley’s contemporary in the Aesthetic movement.
ellauri219.html on line 483: Resplendent in their military chic (or should that be military psych?) garb, John (No.62), Ringo (No.63), Paul (No.64), and George (No.65) presented themselves as Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, looking like a psychedelic brass band brandishing a French horn, trumpet, cor anglais, and flute, respectively. Like the album cover itself, The Beatles’ Sgt Pepper costumes would become some of the most iconic band outfits ever, instantly recognizable and forever woven into the fabric of our culture.
ellauri219.html on line 525: If the Tree Of Life candlestick (No.74) represented a more traditional way of telling a story, the portable TV9-306YB Sony television set was a wholly modern storytelling apparatus in 1967.
ellauri219.html on line 528: Along with the stone figure (No.77) that can be seen below the feet of the Shirley Temple doll (No.73), the stone figure of a girl (No.76) was one of a number of statues that John Lennon (No.62) and George Harrison (No.65) brought from their homes for inclusion on the cover. The most prominent of these is the bust positioned to the right of the bass drum (No.78), which came from Lennon’s house Kenwood, in Weybridge, Surrey, where he lived from 1964 to 1969.
ellauri219.html on line 704: Kyse siinä on mielleryöpystä vapautumisesta keskittymällä yhteen mahdollisimman pieneen mielteeseen, juuri siihen mantraan. Juuri mielen rauhoittaminen on sen tavoite, ja se on tavoite sinänsä, mitään muuta tavoitetta ei ole.
ellauri219.html on line 749: I teach World of Ideas and courses on Asian religions in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. In my research, I'm interested in exploring young boys and girls In Thailand. Currently, I’m working on two major projects. The first is the preparation of my first book, The Snake and the Mongoose, for publication with Oxford University Press. The second is ongoing research on the Royal Court Brahmans of Thailand. I also have a side interest in the philosophy of prepubertal physics that I indulge when I have the time.
ellauri219.html on line 756: The theme, if the present interpreter be right, is the great regeneration, the birth of the spiritual from the psychical man: the same theme which Paul so wisely and eloquently set forth in writing to his disciples in Corinth, the theme of all mystics in all lands: oka kyljessä, minnekä se tuikata?
ellauri219.html on line 773: Those who have died, entered the paradise between births, are in a condition resembling meditation without an external object. But in the fullness of time, the seeds of desire in them will spring up, and they will be born again into this world. Kuin Jörkan pornokirjassa, han hade blivit pigg igen. Vad bra.
ellauri219.html on line 783: Supermies on ajan iskä, ja aika kaiken muun. Supermiehen logo on OM. Kolmiyhteinen, 1 kolmen hinnalla: kolme tempusta preteriti, preesens, futuuri eli ikuisuus, kolme olemisen puuhastelua eli siitos, hengissäpysyminen ja mädäntyminen, kolme kivaa eli kuolemattomuus, kaikkitietävyys ja riemahdus. Ne ois niinkö kaikki mukana tässä logossa.
ellauri219.html on line 785: Sanat ovat mahtavia, esim. OM ja stiiknafuulia. Ei ne ole thesei, vaan phusei, sano minun sanoneen. Esteitä menestyxekkäälle tumputuxelle ovat sairaus, hitausvoimat, epäilys, kevytmielisyys, laiskuus, kohtuuttomuus, väärät käsiotteet, vaikeus päästä pystyyn, tai pysyä pystyssä. Suru, toivottomuus ja levottomat jalat haittaavat myös toimitusta. Pitää hengittää sievästi ja olla kiltti muillekin. Iloisena kuin levitoiva munkki Tintissä.
ellauri219.html on line 803: Hegemony means that the rest of the world is going to resent you, no matter what you do, because they cannot get away from being sat upon by you, and people don’t like someone else’s ideas and culture and politics and culture wars impinging on their own.
ellauri219.html on line 809: The soft power means that they aren’t necessarily going to hate you outright: Americans did not bomb Britain out of an Empire, they just took over their dominions, whatever they got up to in Vietnam or Iraq. But people know that you’re the obese gorilla, even if you constantly tell them that you are virtuous and noble. Which will make them all the more ready to pounce on you, when you inevitably fall short of your virtuous and noble rhetoric. That virtuous and noble rhetoric made the resentment inevitable.
ellauri219.html on line 832: And there is something… “gee willywickers” about the way Truth Justice and The American Way have been inflated in American mass culture, quite plausibly rooted in that class insecurity, that makes outside cultural elites (and the people that follow after them) reflexively sneer, once they realise the foundations are rotten. Add to this the ludicrous fact that America has no high culture. These are disappointed suitors: they’re not going to console themselves over the emptiness of Scrooge McDuck by turning to Wilt Whatman. Who was no better off than Scrooge by way of civility.
ellauri219.html on line 837: Confucius, Chinese philosopher (551-479 BCE).
ellauri219.html on line 927: Mao Tse Tung, Chinese communist leader and theorist (1893-1976)
ellauri219.html on line 956: Joyce Yeaw will likely never forget the day in April 2010 she tried to return some borrowed cheese to Jordan Peterson’s roommate. Once she arrived, she saw Peterson having sex with his pit bull on his bed. Understandably horrified, Yeaw called the cops, but Peterson convinced the officers that he was “just hugging his dog” and he escaped arrest. Two months later, Yeaw again entered the residence, and saw Peterson having sex with the pit bull a second time—on the living room floor. Yeaw called the cops again, and this time, he was arrested.
ellauri219.html on line 973: The Rockettes were created in 1925, but the first non-white Rockette, a Japanese-born woman named Setsuko Maruhashi, was not hired until 1985. The Rockettes did not allow dark-skinned dancers into the dance line until 1987. The justification for this policy was that such women would supposedly distract from the consistent look of the dance group.The first African American Rockette was Jennifer Jones; selected in 1987, she made her debut in 1988 at the Super Bowl halftime show. The next person with a visible but different disability hired by the Rockettes (Sydney Mesher, missing a left hand) was hired in 2019. The first Rockette with hairy bollocks and a huge boner remains to be hired yet.
ellauri220.html on line 79: This poem was originally called "Sun-Down Poem" (1856), and the present title was given it in 1860. It was substantially revised in 1881. The major image in the poem is the ferry. It symbolizes continual movement, backward and forward, a universal motion in space and time.
ellauri220.html on line 88: Blabb’d, blush’d, resented, lied, stole, grudg’d,
ellauri220.html on line 95: Refusals, hates, postponements, meanness, laziness, none of these wanting,
ellauri220.html on line 102: He admits that sometimes, evil thoughts cross his mind. The "old knot of contrariety" the poet has experienced refers to Satan and his evil influence on man, which creates the condition of contraries, of moral evil and good in human life. The poet suffered from these evil influences, as have all men. So, the poet implies, do not feel alone because you have been this way — one must accept both the pure and the impure elements of life. A young man's penis in your arse is just one of those eternal things. They come and go just like the Brooklyn ferry. The reference to fusion ("which fuses me into you now") is the basic ideal the poet sought in the beginning. He reiterates the eternal connection between all human beings. Fuck the rest. We must revel in our man-made surroundings, for our relationship with our environment is the ticket to achieving spirituality and fulfillment. He also uses the theater as a metaphor to represent the difference between public life and private life. He acknowledges that he has a sinful streak - but in society, everyone plays a role. The speaker's tone in the poem is honest but also grateful. By appreciating the small things in his life, he feels like a part of something bigger. Wiltin pikku veitikka oli ehkä ammoin wilttaantunut, mutta sen mustalla ystävällä oli something bigger. Veijarilla oli varsin vaikuttava heijari.
ellauri220.html on line 189: In 1994, the footage was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, and aesthetically significant".
ellauri220.html on line 191: Some critics have stated that the violence and shock of this home movie led to a new way of representing violence in 1970s American cinema, both in mainstream films, and particularly in indie and underground horror movies. Brugioni recalled seeing a "white cloud" of brain matter, three or four feet (91 or 122 cm) above Kennedy's head, and said that this "spray" lasted for more than one frame of the film.
ellauri220.html on line 247: Jackie Gleason Jackie Gleason (1916–87) is a famous comedic actor who was present in the celebrity box in the novel's prologue.
ellauri220.html on line 267: Marvin Marvin is the baseball memorabilia collector who spends years researching the legacy of the baseball he eventually sells to Nick.
ellauri220.html on line 276: Marian Shay Marian Shay is Nick Shay's wife. While she represents traditional, wholesome American family life, Marian has an affair with Nick's co-worker, Brian Glassic, and smokes heroin.
ellauri220.html on line 336: - (US & UK) originally used by Europeans/white people as a pejorative term for a black person. Possibly from Portuguese barracos, a building constructed to hold slaves for sale (1837). The term (though still also used in its original sense) is commonly used today by African or Black Americans towards members of the same race who are perceived to pander/kowtow to white people; to be a 'sellout'; to hate themselves; or to "collud[e] with racism for personal gain." It is often used against black conservatives or Republicans (similar to Uncle Tom and coconut).
ellauri220.html on line 349: - (US & UK) a black person (JB) with stereotypical black features. (dark skin, wide nose, etc.) Refer to mannerisms that resemble dancing.
ellauri220.html on line 449: Job's tears, scientific name Coix lacryma-jobi, also known as adlay or adlay millet, is a tall grain-bearing perennial tropical plant of the family Poaceae (grass family). It is native to Southeast Asia and introduced to Northern China and India in remote antiquity, and elsewhere cultivated in gardens as an annual. It has been naturalized in the southern United States and the New World tropics. In its native environment it is grown at higher elevation areas where rice and corn do not grow well. Job's tears are also commonly sold as Chinese pearl barley.
ellauri220.html on line 463: Of course, there is a "moron" demographic out there, and it has its members, but executives seem to believe that every person who watches TV belongs in it. This may be due to something known as the "80-20" rule in business — in this case, that market research shows that 80% of money spent on television-advertised products comes from the lowest 20% in terms of education and intelligence, so show-content is naturally geared towards them. On top of that, not only are viewers stupid, they are also intolerant of people and things unlike themselves, ignorant, hate change, need to be instantly satisfied, and have the attention span of a goldfish.
ellauri220.html on line 502: Sometimes the trope doesn´t take effect until partway into the story. In some cases, the actors will be shown speaking their native language to give the audience a taste of what it sounds like before the perspective changes and the actors will shift to speaking English from there on out. Sometimes this shift is softened by the characters giving an excuse to Switch to English within the in-story dialogue itself and then never switching back. In these cases, the audience can assume that the characters went back to speaking their native language at some point, but we now hear it all as English.
ellauri220.html on line 504: When the work uses this trope on multiple groups of people speaking different languages, things can get complicated. The work may only translate the language of one group and keep the other group speaking its native language. In these cases, the translated group is always the one the audience is supposed to sympathize with, while the untranslated one is portrayed as more "foreign."
ellauri220.html on line 635: Don deLillo syntyi rotan vuonna hiljaiseen sukupolveen. There were precisely 1,063 full moons after his birth to this day. People with Chinese zodiac Rat are instinctive, acute and alert in nature which makes them to be brilliant businessmen. They can always react properly before the worst circumstances take place. Their strengths are adaptable, smart, cautious, acute, alert, positive, flexible, outgoing, and cheerful. But they can also be timid, unstable, stubborn, picky, lack of persistence, and querulous. Sen sisaruxista ei ole tietoa.
ellauri220.html on line 657: Aseet ja jäte, kulleja ja pilluja kaikkialla. Siinähän ne taas ovat: KILL! EAT! ja FUCK! nyt tässä järjestyxessä. Ei kynäilijät pääse mitenkään irti näistä aiheista, ja mixi pääsisivät, nämähän ne ainoastaan kiinnostavat joka ikistä raitaperseistä paviaania. Ja eikös tän kaiken huipennus ole että epämiellyttävä Nick mätkii väpelöä Brian Classicia Kazakhstanissa, joka on bylsinyt Nickin Marian-vaimoa sen selän takana. Juupa juu, EAT! (vaimo on omaisuuttani, pois reviiriltäni), FUCK! (vain minä saan sitä nussia, vaikkei huvittaisikaan) ja KILL! (tästä saat ja tästä! maista nyrkkiäni!) yhtyvät tässä kolmiodraamassa. Kiitos ja näkemiin, nyt on kaikki koossa pienessä narukerässä. de Lillon nimi perässä. Is this cheese?
ellauri220.html on line 675: The Tsar Bomba in its original form would have created too much fallout to be safe for testing. The design was then modified before the bomb was detonated on the deserted island Novaya Zemlya.
ellauri221.html on line 45: Paskat ne kuuluu perseeseen
ellauri221.html on line 110: Narcissistic personality disorder was nearly dropped from the DSM V. Narcissistic personality disorder was first defined in 1967. The DSM-IV defines the essential feature of narcissism as "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy that begins in early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts." It's a definition that was set before the rise of social networking, reality TV, or partisan news channels designed to confirm our every opinion. Perhaps it truly is time to update it.
ellauri221.html on line 119: According to the DSM-5, “Many highly successful individuals display personality traits that might be considered narcissistic. Only when these traits are inflexible, maladaptive, and persisting and cause significant functional impairment or subjective distress do they constitute narcissistic personality disorder.”
ellauri221.html on line 126: Bondin rikastumisunelmat ovat säälittäviä. Uusi avoauto, rintaneuloja, lava Taittingeria, hmm mitä vielä? Maaliremontti, jotain huonekaluja, loput rahat eläkkeeseen ja ero nollanollista. Volttikuskin näköinen Craig oli lähempänä Flemingin alkuperäistä matujamesta kuin sliipatumpi Connery ja kermaperse Moore.
ellauri221.html on line 155: Cox's Brownies were little men who had mischievous adventures together. Each Brownie had a distinctive physical appearance: Cholly Boutonnière wore a top hat and monocle, while others wore traditional Turkish, Irish, German, Swedish, Russian, and Chinese garb. There was an Eskimo, an American Indian, even an Uncle Sam. "Much of the success of his books can be attributed to his treatment of the characters, who portray human nature with its goodness and strength and also its follies, but never its baseness.".
ellauri221.html on line 157: An important characteristic of the Dunno trilogy is its heavily didactic nature. Nosov describes this as an effort to teach "honesty, bravery, camaraderie, willpower, and persistence" and discourage "jealousy, cowardice, mendacity, arrogance, and effrontery." Strong political undertones are also present. In addition to general egalitarianism and feminism, communist tendencies dominate the works. The first book takes the reader into a typical Soviet-like town, the second into a communist utopia, and the third into a capitalistic satire. Nosov's captivating and humorous literary style has made his ideologies accessible to children and adults alike.
ellauri221.html on line 182: Mutta eihän jokainen sentään suostu, että te veisitte höpinäfoonin hänen huoneeseensa, sanoi Pultti. Mina teenkin ovelasti, vastasi Älynen.- Minä menen jonkun
ellauri221.html on line 187: Ihmeellistä! huudahti Mutteri. Niin minäkin olen sanonut, että ihmeellistä! myönsi Älynen. Niin kauan kun istun lheidän parissaan keskustelevat kaikki normaalisti ja harkitusti, mutta kun vain lähden pois, niin alkaa jotain jonninjoutavaa. Kuunnelkaahan mitä eilen sain laitteeseen. Olin eräiden tuttavien luona ja lähtiessäni unohdin höpinäfoonin pöydän alle.
ellauri221.html on line 191: Näettekö... toisin sanoen kuuletteko nyt? Niin, tuosta ei paljoa saa romaania varten, sanoi Mutteri mietteliäänä. Minä ilmaisen teille sen salaisuuden, sanoi Rinkilä. Kaikki kaupungissa tietävät jo tuosta höpinäfoonista, ja kun te vain olette poistuneet, alkavat he kiusalla huutaa kojeeseen jonnin joutavaa.
ellauri221.html on line 223: - Ei tietysti, puuttui Tipu puheeseen. Eikä saa kiusata häntä, se on kovin rumaa. Siitä hän vain suuttuu ja tekee suurempia tuhmuuksia. Jos häneen suhtaudutaan suopeasti, hän tuntee tehneensä kehnosti ja sitä pikemmin hänestä tulee hyvä poika.
ellauri221.html on line 267: The Adventures of Dunno in Flower Town presents a socialist anarchist utopia of Flower town. This society is self sufficient and enjoys a variety of personalities. It raises questions of the role of science and medicine, travel and knowledge, self-subsistence and hierarchy in a simple, humorous and concomitantly lovely style. Margaret Wetlin, an American who had immigrated to Russia during Stalinism, made an excellent translation of this book into English.
ellauri221.html on line 269: In an update of a study on empathy originally conducted in 1979, Sara Konrath, a researcher at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research, Ed O’Brien and Courtney Hsing have presented “Changes in Dispositional Empathy in American College Students Over Time: A Meta-Analysis” at the annual convention of Psychological Sciences in Boston (May 28th 2010). In this study they find a drastic difference in today’s student body on campuses from college students of the late 1970s. Today’s students disagree more frequently with such statements as: “I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective”, or, “I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me.”
ellauri221.html on line 271: Surrounded by anthropogenic ecological disasters, brutal wars, and the threat of destruction looming over the future of the planet itself due to our actions, constructed knowledge, and structured ignorance, it becomes urgent to examine the underlying ontological concepts and the reality from which our children are incarcerated in schools. This research is an attempt to look at what is the knowledge that children get exposed to and my main question is whether identity and civilisation are not the underlying culprits in our alienation from the world. As Tove Jansson shows in her moominbooks, perhaps it is necessary to empathise even with the one who dislikes us and not limit ourselves to people only, but see if “I can often have tender, concerned feelings for anyone (animals and people included) as fortunate or less fortunate than me”.
ellauri221.html on line 304: The film ends with the representatives of the US and Britain tuning in to see Holly Goodhead and Bond making love. The previous Bond film, The Spy Who Loved Me, ends in the same way, and Anya Amasova (way more beautiful than Lois) was shocked by this candaulism, but Goodhead is too "happy" to care. She is American after all. Last Words: Oh James, rake me around the moon one more time.
ellauri221.html on line 332: Noniin niinkuin arvasin Drax on tykistökeskityxestä erehdyxessä henkiinjäänyt nazi, joka kostaa nyt engländereille sen ettei V2-pommia koskaan saatu pudotettua yrjökuninkaan takapihalle. Tällä kertaa tulee osuma vastakruunattuun (no, vastakuukahtaneeseen) Elisabettiin, ja hölmöt inselaffet maxaa vielä kulut. Hahaa! Saastainen englantilaisharppu, sähähtää Krebs. Se taitaa olla homopetteri.
ellauri221.html on line 339: Oikea nimeni on Draco Malfoy, eipäskun Graf Hugo von der Drache. Ilkiöillä on tälläsiä ulkomaalaisen kaikuisia lohikäärmenimiä. Sitten liityin puolueeseen ja jouduin melkein heti sotaan. Se oli loistoaikaa. Niinpä niin, Bond nuolaisi huuliaan muistelleessaan miten Krebsin pää oli kolahtanut pöydänkulmaan. Loistopotku. Galalla oli ruma rupi korvan takana ja vaivautunut ilme.
ellauri221.html on line 413: "Tietyssä hyvin yksinkertaisessa mielessä ihminen on samanlainen kuin orava, sika tai perhonen, mutta olisi itsepetosta väittää, että jotain ratkaisevaa eroa ei olisi. Ero ei ole ajatuksissa, tunteissa, tuntemuksissa, haluissa tai pyrkimyksissä, jotka ovat eläinten yleismaailmallisia ominaisuuksia, vaan ero kytkeytyy luontosuhteeseen."
ellauri221.html on line 423: Tähän väliin vähän eettisiä ohjeita. Parran saa kasvattaa (ei tosin Ana, hän pitää porsliinista), mutta toisille termiiteille ei pidä alistua, paizi paaville, toki toki. Paavin maanalaiseen vastarintaliikkeeseen sopii osallistua. Ja raastepöydästä sopii aloittaa. Janne Saarikiven mielestä Matteus teki virheitä. Se kääntää sen epistolan uudelleen koinee-kreikasta. Mistä muustakaan, vittu paratkoon.
ellauri222.html on line 53: Horatio Alger, Jr. (13. tammikuuta 1832 – 18. heinäkuuta 1899) oli yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija. Hän nousi lukuisilla romaaneillaan laajaan maineeseen jo elinaikanaan.
ellauri222.html on line 127: Sale mainizee tossa NYT 1994 kolumnissaan missä se koittaa varistaa takistaan tätä zulumöläystä, että ranskalaiset laivat JJ Rousseau ja Contrat Social laivasivat The American Negroja lapiotöihin jenkkeihin hilut kintuissa. Mitä tekemistä sillä oli tässä? Ehkä se koitti huijata takaa-ajajia jäljiltä kuin fälthare. Elettiin 2 Irakin sodan välisiä aikoja. Ransut eivät lähteneet enää ryöstösotaan 2003. Silloin viimeistään sopi ranskixia vainota napostellen freedom friesejä.
ellauri222.html on line 137: In the culture of little magazines, friendship is the last thing to prevent one writer from reviewing the work of another. As a novelist happy to have well-disposed reviewers, Bellow had an obvious stake in these friendships. But the friends had a stake in Bellow, too. As Mark Greif points out in his important new study of mid-century intellectual life, “The Age of the Crisis of Man,” Bellow came on the scene at a time when many people imagined the fate of modern man to be somehow tied to the fate of the novel. Was the novel dead or was it not? Much was thought to depend on the answer. And for people who worried about this Bellow was the great hope. Atlas quotes Norman Podhoretz: “There was a sense in which the validity of a whole phase of American experience was felt to hang on the question of whether or not he would turn out to be a great novelist.”
ellauri222.html on line 141: This notion that Bellow’s achievement as a novelist was redemptive of the form was a consistent theme in the reviews up through “Herzog.” So was the notion that his protagonists were representatives of the modern condition. After “Herzog,” those reactions largely disappeared. People stopped fretting about the death of the novel, and Bellow’s protagonists started being treated as what they always were, oddballs and cranks. But the critical reception of Bellow’s books in the first half of his career funded his reputation. It cashed out, ultimately, in the Nobel Prize. Nobels are awarded to writers who are judged to have universalized the marginal.
ellauri222.html on line 175: Devastated, Bellow went to Europe on a cultural-diplomacy junket for the State Department. While abroad, he engaged assiduously in what Leader calls “womanizing.” He returned to Bard, in the summer of 1960, and took up with a visiting French professor named Rosette Lamont. The divorce from Sasha went through in June. For a while, Bellow and Sasha had the same lawyer, who was pleased to be representing both parties in the hottest divorce in town, but eventually Bellow was persuaded to retain his own attorney.
ellauri222.html on line 185: “Herzog” was nevertheless received the way all Bellow’s novels had been received: as a report on the modern condition. Many of the critics who reviewed it—Irving Howe, Philip Rahv, Stanley Edgar Hyman, Richard Ellmann, Richard Poirier—knew Bellow personally and knew all about the divorce. (Poirier was an old friend of Ludwig’s; the review he published, in Partisan Review, was a hatchet job.) None of these reviewers mentioned the autobiographical basis of the book, and several of them warned against reading it autobiographically, without ever explaining why anyone might want to. The world had no way of knowing that the story was not completely made up.
ellauri222.html on line 187: Howe wrote that “Herzog” was a novel “driven by an idea”—the idea that modern man can overcome alienation and despair. Howe could see the appeal of this idea, but he was worried that it might not have been “worked out with sufficient care.” The reviewer in the Times Book Review thought that the novel offered “a credo for the times.” “The age is full of fearful abysses,” the reviewer explained. “If people are to go ahead, they must move into and through these abysses,” and so on.
ellauri222.html on line 189: Bellow must have been tickled to death. The inventive feature of “Herzog” is a series of letters that the protagonist, in his misery, composes not only to Madeleine and Gersbach but to famous people (like President Eisenhower) and philosophers (like Heidegger and Nietzsche). These long letters, unfinished and unmailed, are sendups of an intellectual’s effort to understand human behavior by means of the conceptual apparatus of Mortimer Adler’s Great Books. Herzog is a comic figure, a holy fool, a schlimazel with a Ph.D. The whole point of his story is that when you are completely screwed the best you can hope for is a little sex and sympathy. The Western canon isn’t going to be much help.
ellauri222.html on line 191: The determination to consider the novel strictly as fiction extended even to its characters. Rosette Lamont reviewed the novel. She, too, treated the book as pure make-believe. She breezed right by the Ramona character (“Her religion is sex, a welcome relief from Madeleine’s phony conversion . . . but Herzog is too divided in his mind, too busy with resentment to free himself from a heavy conscience. Besides he is suspicious of pleasure, having learned Julien Sorel’s lesson,” and so on). She concluded with the thought that at the end of the novel Herzog enters into “a theandric relationship with the world around him.”
ellauri222.html on line 207: Actually, these episodes were not entirely invented. Bellow lifted them straight out of “The Brothers Karamazov.” A child tortured by its parents is Ivan Karamazov’s illustration of the problem of evil: what kind of God would allow that to happen? And Herzog with his gun at the window is a reënactment of Dmitri Karamazov, the murder weapon in his hand, spying through the window on his father. Dmitri is caught and convicted of a murder he desired but did not commit. “Herzog,” though, is a comedy. The next day, Herzog gets in a minor traffic accident and the cops discover the loaded gun in his car. But, after some hairy moments in the police station, he is let go. Desperately searching the Great Books for wisdom, Herzog briefly finds himself living in one. He can’t wait to get out.
ellauri222.html on line 259: Jänisrouva sanoi jälkikäteen: He did not want to hurt the people he loved. (Lucky they were so few of them. At 17, he said he hated himself more than melodrama or even spinach.) There wasn't a single part of my being that wasn't able to open up to him (Yeah, I bet). Jänis Bellow was born in Canada. Bellow was one of her professors. She came from a small place, but not too small for Saul to enter. He wasn't exactly tall, but he had this broad upper body, these giant arms, like a sloth."
ellauri222.html on line 277: One of your persistent themes is the purgation one can obtain only through rage. The forces of aggression are liberating, etc. And I can see that as a legitimate point of view. OK if your characters are titans. But Eve is simply a pitiful woman and Sylphid is a pampered, wicked fat girl with a bison hump. These are not titans.
ellauri222.html on line 359: The foremost theme in The Adventures of Augie March is the search for identity. Unsure of what he wants from life, Augie is pulled along into the schemes of friends and strangers, trying on different identities and learning about the world through jobs ranging from union organizer to eagle trainer to book thief. His path seems random, but as Augie notes, quoting the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, “a man’s character is his fate.” As Augie goes through life, knocking on various doors, these doors of fate open up for him as if by random, but the knocks are unquestionably his own. In the end of the novel, Augie defines his identity as a “Columbus of those near-at-hand,” whose purpose in life is to knock some eggs. Augie notes that “various jobs” are the Rosetta stone, or key, to his entire life. Americans define themselves by their work (having no roots, family or land to stick to), and Augie is a sort of vagabond, trying on different identities as he goes along. Unwilling to limit himself by specializing in any one area, Augie drifts from job to job. He becomes a handbill-distributor, a paperboy, a Woolworth’s stocker, a newsstand clerk, a trinket-seller, a Christmas helper at a department store, a flower delivery boy, a butler, a clerk at fine department stores, a paint salesman, a dog groomer, a book thief, a coal yard worker, a housing inspector, a union organizer, an eagle-trainer, a gambler, a literary researcher, a business machine salesman, a merchant marine, and ultimately an importer-exporter working in wartime Europe. Augie’s job changing is emblematic of the social mobility that is so quintessentially American. Augie is the American Everyman, continually reinventing himself, like Donald Duck. Olemme kaikki oman onnemme Akuja, joopa joo. Yrmf, olet tainnut mainita. You are telling me!
ellauri222.html on line 379: Basteshaw is a biophysicist who works as ship’s carpenter on the McManus, the ship Augie is assigned to while in the Merchant Marines during World War II. After their ship is sunk by torpedoes, Augie and Basteshaw are the only survivors and end up on the same lifeboat. Augie gradually realizes that Basteshaw is an insane genius. Convinced that he has the power to create life from protoplasm, he tries to convince Augie to go with him to the Canary Islands and be his research assistant. In reality, their lifeboat is nowhere near the Canary Islands. Basteshaw ties Augie up to stop him from signaling a ship that might rescue them. Finally Augie gets free, ties up Basteshaw, and manages to signal a British tanker to rescue them.
ellauri222.html on line 479: Old Granum works as an assistant to the the undertaker, Kinsman, and is present at the Commissioner’s deathbed.
ellauri222.html on line 631: A miserly millionaire with a stuttering problem, Robey is working on a book he calls The Needle’s Eye, an investigation into the nature and source of happiness. He hires Augie as a research assistant. As Augie listens to Robey discuss his book idea, he finds that the man makes sense only part of the time. He realizes that Robey is a “crank” who only wants someone to be an ear for his half-baked ideas.
ellauri222.html on line 741: Certainly, some of the previously mentioned can be very tiresome, but this character assumes such an attitude towards everything. The lord can be characterized by perfectionism; he demands excellence from everyone and everything surrounding him. Overall, perfectionism is a positive quality because it stimulates a person to improve oneself but in his case, it becomes grotesque, because Lord Pococurante rejects everything that allegedly does not meet his standards.
ellauri222.html on line 757: Saul Bellow is widely recognized as America's preeminent living novelist. His fiction, which is as intellectually demanding as it is imaginatively appealing, steadfastly affirms the value of the human soul while simultaneously recognizing the claims of community and the demoralizing inauthenticity of daily life. Refusing to give in to the pessimism and despair that threaten to overwhelm American experience, Bellow offers a persistently optimistic, though often tentative and ambiguous, alternative to postmodern alienation. In their struggle to understand their past and reorder their present, his protagonists chart a course of possibility for all who would live meaningfully in urban American society and make loads of money.
ellauri222.html on line 761: The first novel to display Bellow's characteristic expansiveness and optimism, The Adventures of Augie March presents a dazzling panorama of comically eccentric characters in a picaresque tale narrated by the irrepressible title character, who defends human possibility by embracing the hope that "There may gods turn up anywhere." Subsequent novels vary in tone from the intensity of Seize the Day to the exuberance of Henderson the Rain King to the ironic ambiguity of Herzog, but all explore the nature of human male freedom and the tensions between the individual's need for self and the needs of society. Augie March, Tommy Wilhelm, Eugene Henderson, and Moses Herzog all yearn to please themselves by finding the beauty in life. By creating these highly individualistic characters and the milieu in which they move, Bellow reveals the flashes of the extraordinary in the ordinary that make such fun possible and rejects the attitude that everyday life must be trivial and ignoble. It is like that just for the losers.
ellauri222.html on line 767: In their quest to find the beaver that gives meaning to life, Bellow's protagonists must also come to terms with death. The message Bellow conveys in almost all of his novels is that one must fear death to know the meaning of life and what it means to be human. Henderson overcomes his fear of death when he is buried and symbolically resurrected in the African king Dahfu's experiment. Similarly, in Seize the Day, Tommy Wilhelm confronts death in a symbolic drowning. Charlie Citrine in Humboldt's Gift echoes Whitman in viewing death as the essential question, pointing out that it is only through death that Sauls can complete the cycle of life by liberating self from the body. Bellow's meditations on death darken in Mr. Sammler's Planet and The Dean's December. While the title character in Mr. Sammler's Planet eagerly awaits the death of the person he most values in the world, Bellow contemplates the approaching death of Western culture at the hands of those who have abandoned humanistic values. The Dean's December presents an apocalyptic vision of urban decay in a Chicago totally lacking the comic touches that soften Charlie Citrone's portrait of this same city as a "moronic inferno" in Humboldt's Gift. An uncharacteristically bleak yarn from he old standup comic. With More Die of Heartbreak and the recent novellas, however, Bellow returns to his more characteristic blend of pathos and farce in contemplating the relationship between life and death. In the recent Ravelstein, Bellow once again charts this essential confrontation when Saul recounts not only his best friend's death from AIDS but also his own near-death experience from food poisoning. Through this foreground, in a fictionalized memoir to his own gay friend Allan Bloom, Bellow reveals the resilient love and tenderness that offer the modern world its saving grace.
ellauri222.html on line 773: Some common synonyms of gay are animated, lively, sprightly, and vivacious. While all these words mean "keenly alive and spirited," gay stresses complete freedom from care and overflowing spirits. the gay spirit of Paris in the 1920s. Bellow and his gay chummies in Chicago.
ellauri222.html on line 791: Because Bellow refuses to devalue human potential in even his bleakest scenarios, his novels often come under attack for their affirmative endings. Augie hails himself as a new Columbus, the rediscoverer of America; Henderson, while triumphantly returning home with his new charges, dances with glee, "leaping, leaping, pounding, and tingling over the pure white lining of the grey Arctic silence." Herzog inexplicably evades his fate, emerging from the flux of his tortured mind to reclaim his sanity and his confidence in the future. Yet, the victories of Bellow's heroes are not unqualified, but rather as ambiguous and tenuous as is the human condition itself. As a new Columbus, Augie speaks from exile in Europe; in holding the orphan child, Henderson recalls the pain of his separation from his own father; by renouncing his self-pity and his murderous rage at his ex-wife Madeleine, Herzog reduces but does not expiate his guilt. Nonetheless, these characters earn whatever spiritual victory they reap through their penes and their refusal to succumb to doubt and cynicism. Through their perseverance in seeking the truth of human existence, they ultimately renew themselves by transcending to an intuitive spiritual awareness that is no less real because it must be taken on faith.
ellauri222.html on line 793: In all of Bellow's works, an appreciation of the cultural context in which his protagonists struggle is essential to understanding these characters and their search for renewal. Bellow's vision centers almost exclusively on Jewish male experience in contemporary urban America. Proud of their heritage, his heroes are usually second-generation Jewish immigrants who seek to discover how they can live meaningfully in their American present while honoring their skinless knobs. Much of their ability to maintain their belief in humanity despite their knowledge of the world can be attributed to the affirmative nature of the Jewish culture. Bellovian heroes live in a WASP society in which they are only partially assimilated. However, as Jews have done historically, they maintain their concern for morality and community despite their cultural displacement.
ellauri222.html on line 795: Though in some ways separated from American society, Bellow's protagonists also strongly connect their identity with America. Augie begins his adventures by claiming, "I am an American, Chicago born—Chicago, that somber city." Almost all of Bellow's novels take place in an American city, most often Chicago or New York. Through his depiction of urban reality, Bellow anchors his novels in the actual world, and he uses the city as his central metaphor for contemporary materialism. Although recognizing the importance of history and memory, Bellow's novels maintain a constant engagement with the present moment. His characters move in the real world, confronting sensuous images of urban chaos and clutter that often threaten to overwhelm them. Looking down on the Hudson River, Tommy Wilhelm sees "tugs with matted beards of cordage" and "the red bones of new apartments rising on the bluffs." Sammler denounces contemporary New Yorkers for the "free ways of barbarism" that they practice beneath the guise of "civilized order, property rights [and] refined technological organization." In Humboldt's Gift, which is replete with images of cannibalism and vampirism, Charlie Citrone sees Von Trenck, the source of his material success, as "the blood-scent that attracted the sharks of Chicago." Acknowledging the influence of the city on his fiction, Bellow himself has remarked, "I don't know how I could possibly separate my knowledge of life such as it is, from the city. I could no more tell you how deeply it's gotten into my bones than the lady who paints radium dials in the clock factory can tell you." However, although the city serves to identify the deterministic social pressures that threaten to destroy civilization, Bellow's heroes refuse to become its victims and instead draw on their latent nondeterministic resources of vitality to reassert their uniquely American belief in individual freedom, as well as their faith in the possibility of community.
ellauri222.html on line 797: Except for Clara Velde in A Theft, the protagonists in Bellow's novels and novellas are all male. The Bellovian hero typically seeks erotic pleasure, emotional security, and egoistic confirmation from the women in his life. In marriage, his relationships with women are conflicted, and he often retreats from his role as husband to a sensuous but selfish and demanding wife who paradoxically represents both his yearning for freewheeling sex happiness and society's pressure to relinquish the freedom so essential to his self-realization. Like his male characters who all are Saul lookalikes, Bellow's females are often interchangeable and serve roles of little dramatic import. However, although the author has come under increasing criticism for his superficial treatment of women, his depiction of women and male-female relationships serves to reinforce the psychological crisis that each male protagonist must negotiate to empty their scrotums so as to achieve peace and fulfillment.
ellauri222.html on line 805: A Neo-Transcendentalist was an individual who followed the philosophical movement founded by Liam Dieghan on Earth in the early 22nd century. These adherents advocated a return to less technological driven lifestyles with an emphasis on self-reliance and nature. Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) - S02E18 Up the Long Ladder.
ellauri222.html on line 819: An intensely intellectual writer who peppers his novels with allusions, Bellow draws on many cultural traditions in his analysis of both the sources of American experience and its present manifestations. His fiction fully documents the decline of Western civilization without conceding its obvious demise, and the ambiguity and tenuousness of even his most positive endings balance sadness and comic skepticism with the steadfast faith that he the artist can effect coherence and order, or failing that a lot of cash, out of the chaos of modern experience. His tip for success: kusettakaa minkä jaxatte! For his achievement in confronting the modern existential dilemma with compassion and humor, Bellow's place in twentieth-century American literary history seems assured by drooling groupies like myself.
ellauri222.html on line 923: Helena-selkkaus sai huipennuxen kun se vaatimalla vaati päästä Sysmään tekemään meistä autenttisia muistiinpanoja kirjansa seuraavaan jännittävään käänteeseen. Seija sanoi että tänne se ei kyllä tule. Eikä tullutkaan, kun uhattiin isälle soittamisella ja pakkohoidolla. Ei olis ylläri jos se onkin viettänyt tovin jos toisenkin pehmustetussa sellissä.
ellauri222.html on line 1003: Ellsworth Huntington travelled continental Europe in hopes of better understanding the connection between climate and state success, publishing his findings in The Pulse of Asia, and further elaborating in Civilization and Climate. Like the political geographers, a crucial component of his work was the belief that the climate of North-western Europe was ideal, with areas further north being too cold, and areas further south being too hot, resulting in lazy, laid-back populations. These ideas have powerful connections to colonialism, and may have played a role in the creation of the 'other' and the literature that many used to justify taking advantage of less advanced nations. Who needs Proust or Tolstoy when it suffices to reach up to get a banana.
ellauri222.html on line 1065: A sudden light glowed in the eyes of the young chief. There was something akin in the souls of these two, and perhaps Timmendiquas alone knew it. He raised one hand, gave a one-finger salute in the white man´s fashion, and said four words. "I shall not forget." So who cares, some corpses more or less, noblemen's tit for tat takes right of way.
ellauri223.html on line 56: Mr. Strangelove is the foremost magistrate in attending to the charge of the race. He sees that men and women are so joined together, that they bring forth the best offspring. Indeed, they laugh at us who exhibit a studious care for our breed of horses and dogs, but neglect the breeding of human beings. Thus the education of the children is under his rule, and whatever has any reference to food, clothing, and the intercourse of the sexes. Love himself is ruler, but there are many male and female magistrates dedicated to these arts.
ellauri223.html on line 64: There are occupations, mechanical and theoretical, common to both men and women, with this difference, that the occupations which require more hard work, and walking a long distance, are practised by men, such as ploughing, sowing, gathering the fruits, working at the threshing-floor, stock exchange, and perchance at the vintage. But it is customary to choose women for milking the cows and for making cheese. In like manner, they go to the gardens near to the outskirts of the city both for collecting the plants and for cultivating them. In fact, all sedentary and stationary pursuits are practised by the women, such as weaving, spinning, sewing, cutting the hair, shaving, dispensing medicines, selling arse, and making all kinds of garments. They are, however, excluded from working in wood and the manufacture of arms. If a woman is fit to paint, she is not prevented from doing so; nevertheless, music (song and dance) is given over to the women alone, because they please the more, and of a truth to pretty boys also. But the women have not the practise of the drum and the horn. Pretty boys take care of faggots.
ellauri223.html on line 66: Capt. Moreover, the race is managed for the good of the commonwealth, and not of private individuals, and the magistrates must be obeyed. They deny what we hold—viz., that it is natural to man to recognize his offspring and to educate them, and to use his wife and house and children as his own. For they say that children are bred for the preservation of the species and not for individual pleasure, as St. Thomas also asserts. Therefore the breeding of children has reference to the commonwealth, and not to individuals, except in so far as they are constituents of the commonwealth. And since individuals for the most part bring forth children wrongly and educate them wrongly, they consider that they remove destruction from the State, and therefore for this reason, with most sacred fear, they commit the education of the children, who, as it were, are the element of the republic, to the care of magistrates; for the safety of the community is not that of a few. And thus they distribute male and female breeders of the best natures according to philosophical rules. Plato thinks that this distribution ought to be made by lot, lest some incel men seeing that they are kept away from the beautiful women, should rise up with anger and hatred against the magistrates; and he thinks further that those who do not deserve cohabitation with the more beautiful women, should be deceived while the lots are drawn by the magistrates, so that at all times the women who are suitably second rate should fall to their lot, not those whom they desire. Stop the steal!
ellauri223.html on line 68: This shrewdness, however, is not necessary among the inhabitants of the City of the Sun. For with them deformity is unknown. When the women are exercised they get a clear complexion, and become strong of limb, tall and agile, and with them beauty consists in tallness and strength. Tanakka, punakka ja rivakka, täst mie piän! Therefore, if any woman dyes her face, so that it may become beautiful, or uses high-heeled boots so that she may appear tall, or garments with trains to cover her wooden shoes, she is condemned to capital punishment. But if the women should even desire them they have no facility for doing these things. For who indeed would give them this facility? Further, they assert that among us abuses of this kind arise from the leisure and sloth of women. By these means they lose their color and have pale complexions, and become feeble and small. For this reason they are without proper complexions, use high sandals, and become beautiful not from strength, but from slothful tenderness. And thus they ruin their own tempers and natures, and consequently those of their offspring. Furthermore, if at any time a man is taken captive with ardent love for a certain woman, the two are allowed to converse and joke together and to give one another garlands of flowers or leaves, and to make verses. But if the race is endangered, by no means is further union between them permitted. Her fanny must be locked in a love girdle, and his pecker lassoed and bound behind his butt. Moreover, the love born of eager desire is not known among them; only that born of friendship. LOL
ellauri223.html on line 70: Domestic affairs and partnerships are of little account, because, excepting the sign of honor, each one receives what he is in need of. To the heroes and heroines of the republic, it is customary to give the pleasing gifts of honor, beautiful wreaths, sweet food, heroine, or splendid clothes, while they are feasting. In the daytime all use white garments within the city, but at night or outside the city they use red garments either of wool or silk. They hate black as they do dung, and therefore they dislike the Japanese, who are fond of black, and Africans, for obvious reasons. Pride they consider the most execrable vice, and one who acts proudly is chastised with the most ruthless correction. Wherefore no one thinks it lowering to wait at table or to work in the kitchen or fields or clean the toilets. All work they call discipline, and thus they say that it is honorable to go on foot, to do any act of nature, to see with the eye, and to speak with the tongue, and waft with the tail; and when there is need, they distinguish philosophically between tears and spittle. Every man who, when he is told off to work, does his duty, is considered very honorable.
ellauri223.html on line 72: But in the City of the Sun, while duty and work are distributed among all, it only falls to each one to work for about four hours every day. The remaining hours are spent in learning joyously, in debating, in reading, in reciting, in writing, in walking, in exercising the mind and body, and with play. They allow no game which is played while sitting or lying on top of one another, neither the single die nor dice, nor chess, nor others like these. But they play with the ball, with the sack, with the rod, with the hoop, with wrestling, with scratching matches at the stake. They say, moreover, that grinding poverty renders men worthless, cunning, sulky, thievish, insidious, vagabonds, liars, false witnesses, etc.; and that wealth makes them insolent, proud, ignorant, traitors, assumers of what they know not, deceivers, boasters, wanting in affection, slanderers, etc. But with them all the rich and poor together make up the community. They are rich because they want nothing, poor because they possess nothing. Hey is this communism or what?
ellauri223.html on line 84: Capt. Their food consists of flesh, butter, honey, cheese, garden herbs, and vegetables of various kinds. They were unwilling at first to slay animals, because it seemed cruel; but thinking afterward that is was also cruel to destroy herbs which have a share of sensitive feeling, they saw that they would perish from hunger unless they did an unjustifiable action for the sake of justifiable ones, and so now they all eat meat. Nevertheless, they do not kill willingly useful animals, such as oxen and horses. They observe the difference between useful and harmful foods, and for this they employ the science of medicine. They always change their food. First they eat flesh, then fish, then afterward they go back to flesh, and nature is never incommoded or weakened. The old people use the more digestible kind of food, and take three meals a day, eating only a little. But the general community eat twice, and the boys four times, that they may satisfy nature. The length of their lives is generally 100 years, but often they reach 200.
ellauri223.html on line 88: Among them there is never gout in the hands or feet, nor catarrh, nor sciatica, nor grievous colics, nor flatulency, nor hard breathing. For these diseases are caused by laughing, indigestion and flatulency, and by frugality and exercise they remove every humor and spasm.
ellauri223.html on line 90: And in other ways they labor to cure the epilepsy, with which they are often troubled. G.M. A sign this disease is of wonderful cleverness, for from it Hercules, Scrotus, Socrates, Callimachus, and Mahomet have suffered. This they cure by means of prayers to heaven, by strengthening the head, by taking acid, by planned gymnastics, and with fat cheese-bread sprinkled with the flour of wheaten corn. My, that is yummy, I tell you.
ellauri223.html on line 98: No one is killed or stoned unless by the hands of the people, the accuser and the witnesses beginning first. For they have no executioners and lictors, lest the State should sink into ruin. The choice of death is given to the rest of the people, who enclose the lifeless remains in little bags and burn them by the application of fire, while exhorters are present for the purpose of advising concerning a good death. Nevertheless, the whole nation laments and beseeches God that his anger may be appeased, being in grief that it should, as it were, have to cut off a rotten member of the State. Certain officers talk to and convince the accused man by means of arguments until he himself acquiesces in the sentence of death passed upon him, or else... But if a crime has been committed against the liberty of the republic, or against God, or against the supreme magistrates, there is immediate censure without pity. These motherfuckers are punished with death.
ellauri223.html on line 100: Anyways, the inhabitants of the City of the Sun do not fear death, because they all believe that the soul is immortal, and that when it has left the body it is associated with other spirits, wicked or good, according to the merits of this present life.
ellauri223.html on line 111: The priestly vestments are of a beauty and meaning like to those of Aaron. They resemble nature and they surpass Art. Samanlaiset nahkasorzit kuin Aatamilla, ja viikunanlehtiä Eevan erogeenisillä vyöhykkeillä.
ellauri223.html on line 129: For what is that which we call evil but the absence of good? In the bodies of animals, disease and wounds mean nothing but the absence of health; for when a cure is effected, that does not mean that the evils which were present—namely, the diseases and wounds—go away from the body and dwell elsewhere: they altogether cease to exist; for the wound or disease is not a substance, but a defect in the fleshly substance,—the flesh itself being a substance, and therefore something good, of which those evils—that is, privations of the good which we call health—are accidents. Just in the same way, what are called vices in the soul are nothing but privations of natural good. And when they are cured, they are not transferred elsewhere: when they cease to exist in the healthy soul, they cannot exist anywhere else.
ellauri223.html on line 153: New Atlantis is an incomplete utopian novel by Sir Francis Bacon, published posthumously in 1626. It appeared unheralded and tucked into the back of a longer work of natural history, Sylva sylvarum (forest of materials). In New Atlantis, Bacon portrayed a vision of the future of human discovery and knowledge, expressing his aspirations and ideals for humankind. The novel depicts the creation of a utopian land where "generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendour, piety and public spirit" are the commonly held qualities of the inhabitants of the mythical Bensalem. The plan and organisation of his ideal college, Salomon's House (or Shlomo's House), envisioned the modern research university in both applied and pure sciences.
ellauri223.html on line 159: Many aspects of the society and history of the island are described, such as the Christian religion – which is reported to have been born there as a copy of the Bible and a letter from the Apostle Saint Bartholomew arrived there miraculously, a few years after the Ascension of Jesus; a cultural feast in honour of the family institution, called "the Feast of the Family"; a college of sages, the Salomon's House, "the very eye of the kingdom", to which order "God of heaven and earth had vouchsafed the grace to know the works of Creation, and the secrets of them", as well as "to discern between divine miracles, works of nature, works of art, and other impostures and illusions of all sorts"; and a series of instruments, process and methods of scientific research that were employed in the island by the Salomon's House.
ellauri223.html on line 170: He portrayed a vision of the future of human discovery and knowledge. The plan and organisation of his ideal college, "Shlomo's House", envisioned the modern research university in both applied and pure science. The end of their foundation is thus described: "The end of our foundation is the knowledge of causes, and secret motions of things; and the enlarging of the bounds of human empire, to the effecting of all things possible". Vitun nilkki, hemmetin teknofriikki humanisti.
ellauri223.html on line 180: Tieteessä Bacon kehitti induktiivista päättelyä eteenpäin yrittäessään saada selville lämmön olemuksen. Hän teki luetteloita kuumista ja kylmistä kappaleista toivoen löytävänsä näistä luetteloista joitain, joka olisi mukana aina esimerkiksi kuumissa kappaleissa, mutta puuttui kylmistä. Tarinan mukaan Bacon halusi eräänä talvipäivänä kuninkaan lääkärin kanssa käydyn keskustelun jälkeen kokeilla kylmyyden vaikutusta lihan säilyvyyteen ja osti tätä varten teurastetun kanan. Hän täytti sen lumella ja vei sen sisälle. Samalla Bacon itse sairastui ja joutui vuodepotilaaksi. Bacon kuoli myöhemmin saamaansa keuhkokuumeeseen, mutta viimeisessä kirjoittamassaan kirjeessä hän toteaa Arundelin jaarlille, jonka hoteissa hän sairasti, että kanalla tehty koe oli onnistunut erinomaisen hyvin, ja liha todella säilyy hyvin kylmässä! Tämän jälkeen Bacon teurastettiin ja sen maha täytettiin lumella.
ellauri223.html on line 182: Bacon stated that he had three goals: to uncover truth, to serve his country, and to serve his church. He sought to achieve these goals by seeking a prestigious post. Yet he failed to gain a position that he thought would lead him to success. He showed signs of sympathy to Puritanism, attending the sermons of the Puritan chaplain of Gray's Inn and accompanying his mother to the Temple Church to hear Walter Travers. In the Parliament of 1586, he openly urged execution for the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots. He advocated for the union of England and Scotland, which made him a significant influence toward the consolidation of the United Kingdom; and he later would advocate for the integration of Ireland into the Union. Closer constitutional ties, he believed, would bring greater peace and strength to these countries. What a motherfucker.
ellauri223.html on line 202: Reports of increasing friction in the marriage appeared, with speculation that some of this may have also been due to financial resources not being as abundantly available to Alice as she was accustomed to in the past. Alice was reportedly interested in fame and fortune, and when reserves of money were no longer available, there was constant complaining about where all the money was going.
ellauri226.html on line 47: Toukokuussa McClatchyn syndikoitu kolumnisti James Werrell arveli todellisen syyn Cranbrookin koulussa keväällä 1965 tapahtuneeseen tapaukseen, jossa tuolloin 18-vuotias Mitt Romney painoi toista oppilasta, John Lauberia peräpuoleen, ja katkaisi pitkänsä, eikä vaan sitä vaan myös hänen valkaistut hiukset: eikö se Lauber ollut homo? Ei vaan koska hän näytti surffaajalta. Oli liian radikaalia olla "tuhkea tuuhea vaalea hius", kuten Beach Boys lauloi "Channel Surfin' USA:ssa".
ellauri226.html on line 53: Toisaalta meillä on "America's Band", kuten Ronald Reagan kutsui Beach Boysiksi vuonna 1983, ja he ovat halukkaita osallistumaan presidentin poliittiseen teatteriin. Monille republikaaneille bändin räsy rikkauksiin -tarina ilmentää kuvitteellista konsensuspolitiikan aikaa ja yhtä aikaa amerikkalaista unelmaa, joka on valkoleipää ja viatonta. Bändi tarttui tähän tunteeseen hyvissä ajoin ennen Reaganin aikakautta, ja tämä Beach Boysin omalaatuisen kulttuurisen DNA:n kanta on tarjonnut heille tasaisia varauksia republikaanien ja konservatiivisten asioiden poliittisina maskoteina.
ellauri226.html on line 66: In late 1964, as Brian Wilson's industry profile grew, he became acquainted with various individuals from around the Los Angeles music scene. He also took an increasing interest in recreational drugs (particularly marijuana, LSD, and Desbutal). According to his then-wife Marilyn, Wilson's new friends "had the gift of gab. All of a sudden Brian was in Hollywood—these people talk a language that was fascinating to him. Anybody that was different and talked cosmic or whatever he liked it." Wilson's closest friend in this period was Loren Schwartz, an aspiring talent agent that he met at a recording studio. Schwartz introduced Wilson to marijuana and LSD, as well as a wealth of literature commonly read by college students. During his first LSD trip, Wilson had what he considered to be "a very religious experience" and claimed to have seen God. God has subsequently personally confirmed this.
ellauri226.html on line 97: velveteens has to pay for some meat and cheese he is
ellauri226.html on line 107: either side, treeless, bushy, rocky, desert. How hot
ellauri226.html on line 236: Bronx census, such as Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Cubans,
ellauri226.html on line 286: Research has indicated that The Bronx began changing demographically right after World War II. The first influx of black and Hispanic residents was into the South Bronx after World War II, as former residents of Harlem were attracted to The Bronx because of its rent controlled apartments. Many of these blacks and Hispanics moved into neighborhoods following the subway and elevated trains transportation. Pre-cisely! This is just why Grankulla does not want subway nor high-rise apartment housing. Let the cleaners and station attendants sleep i Mattby i stället.
ellauri226.html on line 288: The arrival of many of these lower income construction of public housing projects throughout The Bronx, first began during the Great Depression. Relatively soon
ellauri226.html on line 290: the borough. For many white residents, these two phenomena
ellauri226.html on line 291: signified the danger that minorities represented to their neighborhoods,
ellauri226.html on line 369: therapy because of matching paralyzing gunshot wounds. Roby tried to provide physical therapy for these teenage boys but was unable to because they were
ellauri226.html on line 372: Even with paralyzing injuries, these teenage boys remained focused on hurting
ellauri226.html on line 384: his Fordham neighborhood. For Derrick, examples of how the neighborhood changed were a subway robbery and the burglary of her home. These examples of petty crime prompted him and his family to move to another section
ellauri226.html on line 431: While these changes in buildings may seem small, when joined by the weakened structure of the buildings and rising drug use and crime rates, many white long-term residents of The Bronx began to feel as though their neighborhoods had changed from bad to worse.
ellauri226.html on line 437: as early as 1970. Many of these nigrate individuals had called this area home for almost 20 years. Meanwhile white families began to migrate north within The Bronx, particularly Jewish, Irish, and Italian families.
ellauri226.html on line 441: It was impossible for these former white residents to recognize that the causes of the increase in crime and drug use had to do with themselves, the white laissez-faire economics they supported. It is not that extremely complicated to see, and has a great deal more to with capitalism than race.
ellauri226.html on line 448: influx of poor minority families in the 1950s and 1960s was thus cleverly met with a deteriorating and poor job market and limited employment opportunities. The declining job market continued into the 1970s when approximately 300 companies employing 10,000 workers went out of business or moved out of The Bronx between 1970 and 1977. Many of these businesses used low income and unskilled workers. By 1976 the long-term economic problems had taken their toll and the mayor's office estimated that between 25-30% of the city’s eligible work force was unemployed.
ellauri226.html on line 475: enjoy similar all-American white immigrant lifestyles. When new Hispanic groups and African Americans moved beyond the South Bronx, seeking to avoid the crime and drug use that had already seized the South Bronx, however, they brought their crummy lifestyles along. These cultural peculiarities seemed to clash with those that were in place with the older white immigrants, which only exacerbated the suspicions many whites already had regarding the perceived connection between race and crime rates.
ellauri226.html on line 477: While Derrick did not attribute crime or violence to these Hispanic residents in the neighborhood, he was struck by the loud music that his
ellauri226.html on line 482: For Roby, who grew up being told to listen to this private police force and follow the development’s rules with the same piety as the city’s police and laws, the ease with which new residents disregarded and violated these rules was a shock but oddly liberating.
ellauri226.html on line 501: mortgage, resulted in a monthly payment of approximately $38. These prices,
ellauri226.html on line 504: These low prices and the transportation infrastructure allowed
ellauri236.html on line 60: Lula's election tonight represents one of the greatest comeback stories in Latin American history. Lula was convicted and imprisoned on corruption and money laundering charges that were later overturned on a technicality by Brazil’s Supreme Court, clearing the way for him to run for an unprecedented third term.
ellauri236.html on line 61: Portuguese-language searches for basic election-related terms such as “fraud,” “intervention” and “ballots” on Facebook and Instagram, which are owned by Meta, have overwhelmingly directed people toward groups pushing claims questioning the integrity of the vote or openly agitating for a military coup, researchers from the advocacy group SumOfUs found. On TikTok, five out of eight top search results for the keyword “ballots” were for terms such as “rigged ballots” and “ballots being manipulated.”
ellauri236.html on line 63: The research is the latest in a growing body of evidence that social platforms are failing to prevent a flood of disinformation — some of it tinged with violence — on their services ahead of the runoff election Sunday between President Jair Bolsonaro and former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Brazilian lawmakers last week granted the nation’s elections chief unilateral power to force tech companies to remove misinformation within two hours of the content being posted — one of the most aggressive legal measures against North American social media giants that any country has taken.
ellauri236.html on line 186: Several other points need noticing before one can grasp the full implications of this book. To begin with, its central story bears a very marked resemblance to William Faulkner's novel, Sanctuary. Therefore, it is not, as one might expect, the product of an illiterate hack, but a brilliant piece of plagiarism, with hardly a wasted word or a jarring note anywhere. Thirdly, the whole book, récit as well as dialogue, is written in the American language; the author, an Englishman who has (I believe) never been in the United States, seems to have made a complete mental transference to the American underworld. Fourthly, and what is worst (from the point of view of a serious writer like myself) the book sold, according to its publishers, no less than half a million copies. Actually 2.
ellauri236.html on line 192: In another of Mr. Chase's books, He Won't Need It Now, the hero, who is intended to be a sympathetic and perhaps even noble character, is described as stamping on somebody's face, and then, having crushed the man's mouth in, grinding his heel round and round in it. Even when physical incidents of this kind are not occurring, the mental atmosphere of these books is always the same. Their whole theme is the struggle for power and the triumph of the strong over the weak. The big gangsters wipe out the little ones as mercilessly as a pike gobbling up the little fish in a pond; the police kill off the criminals as cruelly as the angler kills the pike. If ultimately one sides with the police against the gangsters, it is merely because they are better organized and more powerful, because, in fact, the law is a bigger racket than crime. Might is right: vae victis. But think of it, what is new? All undying epic heroes are described as stamping on one anothers faces.
ellauri236.html on line 196: The obvious explanation is that in real life one is usually a passive victim, whereas in the adventure story one can think of oneself as being at the centre of events. But there is more to it than that. Here it is necessary to refer again to the curious fact of No Orchids being written — with technical errors, perhaps, but certainly with considerable skill — in the American language.
ellauri236.html on line 198: There exists in America an enormous literature of more or less the same stamp as No Orchids. Quite apart from books, there is the huge array of ‘pulp magazines’, graded so as to cater for different kinds of fantasy, but nearly all having much the same mental atmosphere. A few of them go in for straight pornography, but the great majority are quite plainly aimed at sadists and masochists. Sold at threepence a copy under the title of Yank Mags(4), these things used to enjoy considerable popularity in England, but when the supply dried up owing to the war, no satisfactory substitute was forthcoming. English imitations of the ‘pulp magazine’ do now exist, but they are poor things compared with the original. English crook films, again, never approach the American crook film in brutality. And yet the career of Mr. Chase shows how deep the American influence has already gone. Not only is he himself living a continuous fantasy-life in the Chicago underworld, but he can count on hundreds of thousands of readers who know what is meant by a ‘clipshop’ or the ‘hotsquat’, do not have to do mental arithmetic when confronted by ‘fifty grand’, and understand at sight a sentence like ‘Johnny was a rummy and only two jumps ahead of the nut-factory’. Evidently there are great numbers of English people who are partly americanized in language and, one ought to add, in moral outlook. For there was no popular protest against No Orchids. In the end it was withdrawn, but only retrospectively, when a later work, Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief, brought Mr. Chase's books to the attention of the authorities. Judging by casual conversations at the time, ordinary readers got a mild thrill out of the obscenities of No Orchids, but saw nothing undesirable in the book as a whole. Many people, incidentally, were under the impression that it was an American book reissued in England.
ellauri236.html on line 208: Several people, after reading No Orchids, have remarked to me, ‘It's pure Fascism’. This is a correct description, although the book has not the smallest connexion with politics and very little with social or economic problems. It has merely the same relation to Fascism as, say Trollope's novels have to nineteenth-century capitalism. It is a daydream appropriate to a totalitarian age. In his imagined world of gangsters Chase is presenting, as it were, a distilled version of the modern political scene, in which such things as mass bombing of civilians, the use of hostages, torture to obtain confessions, secret prisons, execution without trial, floggings with rubber truncheons, drownings in cesspools, systematic falsification of records and statistics, treachery, bribery, and quislingism are normal and morally neutral, even admirable when they are done in a large and bold way. The average man is not directly interested in politics, and when he reads, he wants the current struggles of the world to be translated into a simple story about individuals. He can take an interest in Slim and Fenner as he could not in the G.P.U. and the Gestapo. People worship power in the form in which they are able to understand it. A twelve-year-old boy worships Jack Dempsey. An adolescent in a Glasgow slum worships Al Capone. An aspiring pupil at a business college worships Lord Nuffield. A New Statesman reader worships Stalin. There is a difference in intellectual maturity, but none in moral outlook. Thirty years ago the heroes of popular fiction had nothing in common with Mr. Chase's gangsters and detectives, and the idols of the English liberal intelligentsia were also comparatively sympathetic figures. Between Holmes and Fenner on the one hand, and between Abraham Lincoln and Stalin on the other, there is a similar gulf.
ellauri236.html on line 374: Upon publication, Chase's pulp thriller became particularly popular with British soldiers, seamen and airmen during World War II. These servicemen enjoyed its risqué passages, which marked a new frontier of daringness in popular literature. Author and military historian Patrick Bishop has called No Orchids For Miss Blandish, "perhaps the most widely-read book of the war".
ellauri236.html on line 477: Blandish took out a pigskin cigar case and carefully selected a cigar. “I had to give the Federal Agents every chance of finding these men before I started interfering." The trail is cold, but so is Mr. Blandish. He is not over excited about finding his daughter, but maybe Fenner can get back some of his million bucks. And the necklace. Put your heart where your money is.
ellauri236.html on line 479: I will pay you three thousand dollars right now and if you find them, you’ll get a further thirty thousand dollars. That’s my proposition. What do you say?” "The F.B.I. are the best FBI in the world. If they’ve failed to find these hoods, I’ll probably fail too, but I’ll have a try.”
ellauri236.html on line 485: Captain Charles Brennan, City Police, a fat, red-faced man with blue hard eyes and sandy-colored hair, greying at the temples, reached across his desk to shake dicks with Fenner. Why do these policemen always have the same look and feel? I guess its natural selection. Chase has an unerring touch of the hackneyed and obvious.
ellauri238.html on line 88: A quick way to get drunk for cheap, erguotou is a form of baijiu or Chinese white liquor made from sorghum. Popular with blue-collar workers, it will give you a good time for little more than 50p.
ellauri238.html on line 134: Soitin lopulta poliisiasemalle ja kysyin voisinko saada järjestysvallan apua. »Onko teillä enemmän kuin yksi huone?» minulta kysyttiin. »Jos on, niin sitten menette lasten kanssa toiseen huoneeseen ja panette oven kiinni.>>
ellauri238.html on line 188: Mä Raunon kanssa istun nyt, se tietää vaikkei kysellyt, kun eka kerran täyteen join pään. Siitä tulikin Penan puolisoita yhdistävä harrastus. Ei sitä olis selvin päin kestänyt. Rauskin ja Tuula-Liinan avioliitto karahti nolosti ja näkyvästi Rauskin kivexiin alle vuoden kestettyään. Rauno hosmii litramäärin olutta ja paisuu kuin pullataikina, pikku tytönsuu tyytymättömässä mutrussa kun Tuula-Liina ei osaa tehdä kastiketta, ei imuroi itäsaxalaisella imurilla eikä pese pyykkiä. Mutta Saarikoskilla on vielä ryöttäsempää kuin niillä. Avioero tulee 2v kuluttua.
ellauri238.html on line 271: Pena sanoi että viina söi siltä muistin, sen toisenkin äidin. Entäs ensimmäinen? Suomalaisen modernin runouden tunnetuimpiin nimiin 1960-luvulta kuulunut Pentti Saarikoski syntyi syyskuun toisena päivänä 1937 Impilahden Pitkärannassa. Hänen vanhempansa olivat Simo ja Elli Saarikoski. Pentin äiti työskenteli parin vuoden ajan opettajana kansakouluissa. Myöhemmin hän vastasi tehdaskirjanpidosta ja kassahoitajan apulaisen tehtävistä Diesen Wood Companyssa. Simo työskenteli samassa tehtaassa, mutta joutui lähtemään sieltä alkoholiongelmansa takia. Sittemmin hän kirjoitti novelleja eri lehtiin. Nuorena hän haaveili urheilijan urasta. Pitkärannassa Pentti vietti lapsuutensa kaksi ensimmäistä vuotta. Karjalainen syntyperä oli Saarikoskelle tärkeä. Hän korosti sitä koko elämänsä ajan. Hei mutta sehän on kuin Aili Konttisen Marquetta! Talvisodan aikana Saarikosken perhe joutui lähtemään evakkoon Impilahdelta ja päätyi Ruotsiin. Sodan jälkeen Saarikosket asettuivat Helsinkiin. Vuonna 1975 Saarikoski palasi Ruotsiin Mia Bernerin käsipuolessa.
ellauri238.html on line 275: Mut hetkinen! Perhetaustaltaan molemmat oli jonkinlaisia laskukkaita persuja, ryssävihaisia oikeistohörhöjä, mites sitten Pena päätyi kommunistiseen puolueeseen? Ihan kiusallako? Niimpä kai, kun on pohjalla kaikki tiet on ylöspäin. Juu Pertti ja Tuula-Liina on ihan kuin Marquetta ja Paula, molempien kotona oli luuranko kaapissa: Tuula2n isän suikki ja Simon viinapää.
ellauri238.html on line 277: Pena Saarikoski, Jomppa Ojaharju ja Hannu Salama, näiden Hansa-jengin hampparien avainromaanit on vielä lukematta, täytyypä lainata kirjaston porno-osastosta. Jompan Amok ja Salaman Tapausten kulku molemmat vittulevat Penalle, mutta vain Amokista Pena repi pelihousunsa. Jompan piti olla Penan nöyrä haba. Jomppa ja Pena lahjoittivat mainostemppuna Penan pesemättömiä rytkyjä rantojen miehille. Siitä teki laulun Juha "Watt" Vainio.
ellauri238.html on line 339: Punoittava mies, sorsa vedettynä korville, sorsan alta sojotti joka suuntaan rasvaisia jäykkiä hiustupsuja. Paidan rinnuxilla oli lampareina epämääräistä töhkää. Hän kazoi oikean korvani oh ja sanoi "mpmhh" tai jotain sen tapaista. Lasse on Penan 1 runon se "1 Lasse". Lassea joko inhosi tai hänestä piti hurjasti. Tai sitten häntä inhosi hurjasti. Lasse kesti viinaa 10v pitempään kuin Pena. Selvänä hän ei sanonut mitään muuta kuin "mhöh" tai "mpmhh" tai "pöh" tai "Mitä mänttipää?", ryiskeli, urahteli ja kynsi muniaan tai takapuoltaan, usein molempia yhtäaikaa. Kun hän oli juovuxissa, hänen suutaan ei saanut millään tukituxi. Lassesta sanottiin, ettei hän koskaan pese hampaitaan, koska linnutkaan eivät pese. Lasse vaikutti paljon Penan runouteen. Helppo uskoa. Lassesta ei ole kuvaa netissä, menköön sitten tämä. →
ellauri238.html on line 381: ”Sarah, minulla ei ole tässä maailmassa mitään muuta kuin runoni ja sinut”, Pentti kirjoitti Sarahille, ja lisäsi "Tai no onhan mulla toi Tuula-Liina, se pesee mun alushousuni", hetken tuumittuaan. Sarah vastasi: ”Rakastan sinua enemmän kuin mitään tässä maailmassa.” Hän opetteli suomalaisia sanoja ja lisäsi hoonolla soomella: ”Pentti, älä pane alulle uusia lapsia, silloinhan meillä ei ole yhtään rahaa kun tulen.”
ellauri238.html on line 433: Die Else Lasker-Schüler-Gesellschaft e.V. ist ebenso ungewöhnlich wie Else Lasker-Schüler, unsere Namensgeberin mit dem gläsernen Herzen und den vielen Identitäten, in die sie sich poetisch hineinträumte: Sie war:
ellauri238.html on line 438: Den Spuren dieser Maler*inpoet*in folgt das nach ihr benannte Literaturgeschäft, die Erinnerung an Leben und Werk dieser Ausnahmekünstler*in und Poet*in lebendig erhält. Nach ihrem Vorbild haben wir ein Netzladen aus Autor*innen, Künstler*innen, Literaturwissenschaftler*innen und –liebhaber*innen gewoben.
ellauri238.html on line 444: "Die Facetten des Prinz*essen Jussuf" - Ein Lesebuch über Else Lasker-Schüler*in
ellauri238.html on line 447: Der/die 81-jährige Hajoo Hahn war Redakteur*in beim WDR in Wuppertal. Vor drei Jahrzehnten gründete er/sie die Else-Lasker*in-Schüler*in-Gesellschaft. Die Dichter*in wurde sein/ihr Lebensmittel-punkt.
ellauri238.html on line 450: , doch nicht hier, wird sie von Rabbi Small zurechtgewiesen. Und sie antwortet: „Stören Sie mich nicht in meiner Andacht.“
ellauri238.html on line 455: Der/die von den Nazi*nnen als Jüd*in ins Exil „Verscheuchte“ stirbt am 22. Januar 1945 im Alter von 75 Jahren in Jerusalemer Hadassah (Esther)-Hospital. Aber der Tod hat in diesem Buch nicht das letzte Wort! Else Lasker*in-Schüler*in lebt in Gedichten. Else Lasker-Schüler lebt, wenn noch nur virtual, dadurch dass ihre Dichtung zwar immer weniger gelesen wird. Aber ihre Gedichte leben weiter, sehnsüchtig nach Leben und Lieben. Wie wir (und ich der/die Unterzeichnete, Hajoo Hahn besonders), vorläufig. „Längst lebe ich vergessen im Gedicht“, schreibt der/die aus Nazideutschland vertriebene Dichter*in. Nach seinem/ihrem Tod rühmt Gottfried Benn ihn/sie als „die größte Lyriker*in, den/die Deutschland je hatte“.
ellauri238.html on line 459: Zur Welt kam Elisabeth, die Else genannt wurde, in der Elberfelder Herzogstraße 29. Sie wurde zu Else Lasker-Schüler, die Dichter*in, die ihre Welt aus dem Tal der Wupper und den Sprachwelten des Talmuds in Gedichten, in Prosa und Theaterstücken einfing. Eine deutsche Poet*in, die Deutschland und uns Kerndeutschen nah sein müsste, ist ihr Leben und Werk doch so tief von der Geschichte durchzogen, welche die unsrige ist. Meist wird sie als deutsch-jüdische Dichter*in wahrgenommen, aber dies marginalisiert und führt aus dem künstlerischen Erfahren und Lesen fort. Ihre Poet*innensprache war deutsch und damit hat sie das Sprachland Deutschland in eine dichte Höhle geführt, wie wenige vor ihr und nicht viele nach ihr. Und auch diejenigen, die wie sie einen eigenen Dichterkosmos hatten und haben, wie Rose Ausländer, Paul Celan, Nelly Sachs, Hilde Domin, Hertha Kräftner sowie Gottfried Benn, Rainer Maria Rilke, Peter Huchel, Reiner Kunze oder (aus Rumänien) Herta Müller, Rolf Bossert und Richard Wagner sollten werkimmanent und literaturästhetisch wahrgenommen und nicht in Bindestrich-Kästchen – weder religiös noch regional – segmentiert werden. Deutschland, Deutschland ist das Dach für alle, Deutschland Deutschland über alles, die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit.
ellauri238.html on line 482: Durch unvergiftete Wiesen. Ach, die Wolken Niityllä puhtaaseen paskaan. Pilvet
ellauri238.html on line 732: "My cup runneth over!" is screamed as an expression of ecstasy by the fictional character William Bedford Diego in the 1999 video game System Shock 2, while in World of Warcraft, fictional character Blood Prince Valanar uses the phrase during the "Blood Prince Council" encounter. Also Pandaren Brewmaster from Dota 2 uses it. "Your cup runneth over!" is also an achievement or trophy in Devil May Cry 4. In an easter egg in Day of the Tentacle there is a Victorian photograph resembling the character Max from Sam & Max Hit the Road with the caption "The late Max Attucks, his petard runneth over." In the MOBA Smite, it is the name of a Match of the Day where teams begin the match at max level with 12,000 gold. The quote is also quoted by one of the symbiotic demons in Call of Duty: Vanguard´s zombies mode.
ellauri238.html on line 753: Perussa perutaan alkuperäisasukkaiden reservaatteja. Tarkoitus on tunkea sinne ja ryöstää villeiltä viimeisetkin varat. Pahantahtoisia lakiesityxiä joita runnotaan läpi maan ollessa täys sekasorrossa. Senkö takia maan nimi onkin Peru? Valkoapinat on perunapäitä Perussakin eikä vain Suomessa.
ellauri238.html on line 761: Since the 1960s, he was nominated several times for the Nobel Prize in literature. His books have been translated into 38 languages. Sodan aikana se kuului vastaritaliikkeeseen. Mihinkähän niistä? Nobel kimityxistä päätellen ei ainakaan kommunistiseen. Hyvin päätelty Robin! Herbert was educated as an economist and a lawyer. Herbert was one of the main poets of the Polish opposition to communism. Se oli porvari ties monennessa polvessa.
ellauri238.html on line 863: According to Alter, Amichai’s early work bears a resemblance to the poetry of Thomas and Auden. “[Rainer Maria] Rilke,” wrote Alter, “is another informing presence for him, occasionally in matters of style—he has written vaguely Rilkesque elegies—but perhaps more as a model for using a language of here and now as an instrument to catch the glimmerings of a metaphysical beyond.” Kuulostaa pahalta.
ellauri238.html on line 900: To my room where the woman´s body is heavy Huoneeseen missä naisen ruumis raskaana
ellauri238.html on line 921: the desert blooms for us, and our children are beautiful. Erämaa kukkii meille, lapset ovat kauniita.
ellauri238.html on line 932: What are we doing with these souls of mist, with these names, Mitä me tehdään näillä sumuisilla sieluilla, näillä nimillä,
ellauri240.html on line 61: Another Jewish woman, Nora Barnacle burned most of the letters she received in 1909 from her lover who signed his name, “Jim.” But she didn’t destroy all of them. Indeed, they have survived all these years. In one of them, Jim, aka James Joyce, wrote to his muse whom he called his “little fuckbird,” “Fuck me, darling, in as many ways as your lust will suggest.” He went on and on: ”Fuck me dressed in your full outdoor costume with your hat and veil on, your face flushed with the cold and wind and rain and your boots muddy.” Sellaisia ne miehet on, koprofiilejä.
ellauri240.html on line 76: Eikä siinä kaikki! Sen on koko loppuelämänsä tehostettava maskuliinisuuttaan, jonka puolesta se taisteli niin ankeasti alusta alkaen. Ja tämän vuoksi, tohtori Ong selittää, miehet ovat aina valmiita taistelemaan. Kilpailu on osa heidän elämäänsä. Naisen elämä on erilaista. Naisen ei tarvitse taistella puolustaakseen feminiinisyyttään, se ei lähde niistä pesemälläkään. Siksi naiset ovat pohjimmiltaan rauhallisia ja vähään tyytyväisiä.
ellauri240.html on line 118: Air America pilots have since admitted that their planes not only transported rice, bullets and weapons, but also sacks of opium grown by the Hmong villages. Smuggled narcotics became a routine cargo transported from Laos and delivered into the corrupt arms of a clique of South Vietnamese generals in Saigon. Vang Pao even set up a heroin laboratory at the secret US CIA base at Long Cheng. The trade helped to fund Vang Pao's army, with the complicity of senior CIA operatives.
ellauri240.html on line 138: January 6, 2011. China's stealth jet is no cause for alarm: US. The day after a Chinese newspaper published photos of what is supposedly a prototype of China's first stealth jet, US officials said they are not worried about the development.
ellauri240.html on line 141: Pictures of the jet and accompanying articles appeared on the front page of the Chinese daily Global Times on Wednesday. The lack of a government suppression of the disclosure lends credence to China's reports, the Associated Press reports.
ellauri240.html on line 145: US defense officials don't appear worried about these ads.
ellauri240.html on line 146: "It is not of concern that they are working on a fifth-generation fighter," since the Chinese are "still having difficulties with their fourth-generation fighter, LOL," Marine Col. Dave Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman, told the Associated Press.
ellauri240.html on line 148: “There does tend to be some tendency to take a Chinese asset – whether it is a particular type of missile or boat or radar or whatever – and ascribe to the Chinese the same capability that we would have if we had the same item,” says Dr. Kenneth Lieberthal, director of the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution in Washington.
ellauri240.html on line 150: “We have enormous experience on how to use these things. We have tested them in combat,” he says, while China has not. We have killed an enormous number of enemies with it. “And that makes an enormous difference.”
ellauri240.html on line 205: Metalious's father deserted his wife and three daughters when Grace was 11 years old. At that time divorce was unusual in a French Canadian family, and Grace and her sisters felt stigmatized. In high school Grace met George Metalious, who was neither Catholic nor of French-Canadian background and, thus, highly unacceptable to her family. Nevertheless, they married in 1943. A few years later, with one child already, the Metalious's moved to Durham, New Hampshire, where George attended the University of New Hampshire. It was here that Metalious began writing seriously, neglecting both her house and, eventually, three children, despite the condemnation of her neighbors.
ellauri240.html on line 217: After she died, George wrote his own book called The Girl from "Peyton Place." The book offers a husband's view of how Metalious was exploited after the publication of the book, but also of how she was responsible for bringing unhappiness to herself and to others. A whole series of other "Peyton Place" books were produced after Grace Metalious's death, with titles like The Evils of Peyton Place and Temptations of Peyton Place. None of these were a commercial success.
ellauri240.html on line 256: Maria de Lourdes Villiers Farrow eli Mia Farrow (s. 9. helmikuuta 1945 Los Angeles, Kalifornia) on yhdysvaltalainen näyttelijä. Hänen vanhempansa ovat aussi ohjaaja John Farrow ja irkku näyttelijä Maureen O’Sullivan. Hän on kolmas Farrowin ja O’Sullivanin seitsemästä lapsesta. Farrow sairasti yhdeksänvuotiaana polion ja joutui vuodeksi hengityslaitteeseen, mutta toipui elolle.
ellauri240.html on line 284: Middleton's plays are marked by often amusingly presented cynicism about the human race. True heroes are a rarity: almost every character is selfish, greedy and self-absorbed. Middleton's work has long been praised by literary critics, among them Algernon Charles Swinburne and T. S. Eliot. The latter thought Middleton was second only to Shakespeare.
ellauri240.html on line 445: Ajatellaan esimerkixi myöhästymistä. Jos seurustelet miehen kanssa, joka jatkuvasti ja itsepäisesti myöhästyy, tämä voi kertoa sinulle hänestä jotakin jota et ehkä haluaisi myöntää itsellesikään. Tavaksi tulleeseen
ellauri240.html on line 496: Wilson and his family are members of the Baháʼí Faith. They have two pit bulls, Pilot and Diamond; two Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs, Snortington and Amy; a donkey named Chili Beans; and a zonkey named Derek. He uses his arts to impregnate adolescent girls in rural Haiti. Soulpancake.com (sold out to some media company in 2016) is "temporarily unavailable".
ellauri240.html on line 532: Kun talvi etenee Suomen oikeistomeedian Ukraina-propaganda senkun kuumenee. Etteivät vaan porukat unohtane joulukiireissä että Nato tässä on perimmäinen tavoite. Eturintamassa on rivi tyrnäviä ämmiä. Uuden Suomen mielipidejohtaja on porsasmainen Jenni Tamminen, jonka tukka on yhtä pesemättömän näköinen kuin walesilaisen noirosarjan poliisi Cadin.
ellauri241.html on line 175: About these thornless wilds; her pleasant days Näissä piikittömissä erämaissa; miellyttävät päivänsä
ellauri241.html on line 185: Of all these lovers, and she grieved so kiitos näiden wannabe rakastajien, voi vittu, ja hän suri, joten
ellauri241.html on line 244: And rubious-argent: of all these bereft, ja russki agenteista: Kaikista näistä vaille jääneenä
ellauri241.html on line 251: These words dissolved: Crete´s forests heard no more. Nämä sanat hajosivat: Kreetan metsät eivät enää kuulleet.
ellauri241.html on line 317: Perhaps grown wearied of their Corinth talk: ehkä väsyneenä heidän Ukrainan selkkauspuheeseensa:
ellauri241.html on line 333: But Orpheus-like at an Eurydice; vaan Orpheustyyppisesti Eurydikeeseen;
ellauri241.html on line 354: So sweetly to these ravished ears of mine Niin suloisesti näihin ravistuneisiin korviini
ellauri241.html on line 359: And pain my steps upon these flowers too rough, ja kipuilla askeleeni näiden kukkien päällä liian karkeasti,
ellauri241.html on line 363: Over these hills and vales, where no joy is, näiden kukkuloiden ja laaksojen yli, missä ei ole iloa,
ellauri241.html on line 413: To unperplexed delight and pleasure known. hämmentyneeseen iloon ja nautintoon.
ellauri241.html on line 441: To the wide-spreaded night above her towers. Laajaan levinneeseen yöhön sen tornitalojen yläpuolella.
ellauri241.html on line 458: Why does your tender palm dissolve in dew?" Miksi hellä kämmenesi liukenee hikikasteeseen? "
ellauri241.html on line 510: Floated into the room, and let appear Leijui huoneeseen ja antoi ilmestyä
ellauri241.html on line 532: "You have deserted me where am I now? "Olet hylännyt minut, missä olen nyt?
ellauri241.html on line 558: Beseeching him, the while his hand she wrung, Rukoillen häntä, samalla kun hiän väänteli hänen kättänsä,
ellauri241.html on line 569: Apollo's presence when in act to strike Apollon läsnäolo, kun hän oli iskemässä
ellauri241.html on line 570: The serpent Ha, the serpent! certes, she käärmeeseen: Ha, käärme! takuulla, hiän
ellauri241.html on line 583: My presence in wide Corinth hardly known: Minun läsnäoloni laajalla Krimin niemimaalla tuskin tunnetaan:
ellauri241.html on line 641: And show to common eyes these secret bowers? ja näyttää tavallisille silmille nämä salaiset luolat?
ellauri241.html on line 660: With an unbidden presence the bright throng kirkkaan joukon pyytämättömällä läsnäololla;
ellauri241.html on line 741: 'Cross the broad table, to beseech a glance poikki leveän pöydän pyytääkseen katsetta
ellauri241.html on line 745: Full on the alarmed beauty of the bride, Täysin morsiamen hälyttyneeseen kauneuteen,
ellauri241.html on line 765: Until it seemed a horrid presence there, kunnes sen läsnäolo näytti kauhealta siellä,
ellauri241.html on line 778: Here represent their shadowy presences, täällä edustavat heidän varjoista läsnäoloaan,
ellauri241.html on line 796: Of life have I preserv'd thee to this day, minä olen suojellut sinua tähän päivään asti,
ellauri241.html on line 1095: To the chief intensity: the crown of these
ellauri241.html on line 1191: Of these few minutes? These five-or-so feeble thrusts?
ellauri241.html on line 1225: (Oh hell, methinx I did spout a little streamlet o'er these sorry pages.)
ellauri241.html on line 1233: Be ever in these arms? in this sweet spot
ellauri241.html on line 1235: These toying hands and kiss their smooth abscess?
ellauri241.html on line 1254: And by these tenderest, milky sovereignties—
ellauri241.html on line 1256: These tenderest, and by the nectar-wine,
ellauri241.html on line 1266: Rear your head or these soft hours will hurry by
ellauri241.html on line 1352: These extremely irritating guys
ellauri241.html on line 1356: The best-looking geese, dammit! Not fair!
ellauri241.html on line 1493: He was a lonely youth on desert shores.
ellauri241.html on line 1643: Endymion shows penile growth in Book 4 in the sense that he understands that there is value and beauty in mortal love but he has not truly learned how to live a blissful existence without the love of a beautiful (wo)man. Endymion, Adonis, Alpheus, and Glaucus are subject to a life of isolation and impotence without the presence of their beloved. Never mind, much worse is impotence in their presence!
ellauri241.html on line 1645: The poem has been criticized for its inconsistencies and its somewhat disappointing conclusion. Seems Keaz whisked the guy away at the end quickly before he could get into any more mischief. He was probably thoroughly fed up with him. But then again Jack was just 22. Endymion presents many problems to its interpreters, as it did to Jack himself. Critics have, however, been able to agree that the poem contains considerable eroticism.
ellauri242.html on line 78: "Istuin tarinan hirviön kanssa näyttämön takana. Nojasin pitkässä valkeassa puvussani vuoren kupeeseen ja odotin vuoroani astua näyttämölle. Se tuntui upealta. Sain siinä kaikki seitsemän veljestä. Tauno Palo oli Juhani, Tarmo Manni muistaakseni Aapo, Pentti Siimes oli hännänhuippu Eero. Mukana olivat jossain rooleissa myös Ekke Hämäläinen, Holger Salin ja Martti Romppanen ja Oke Tuuri. Meitä oli mahtava kaarti painimassa lavalla!" Pia Hattara sanoi, että olet niin nuori, Sinulla on pitkä ura edessä ja toinen takana.
ellauri242.html on line 164: Arkadi Perventsev syntyi opettajan perheeseen ja opiskeli Baumanille nimetyssä Moskovan teknillisessä korkeakoulussa. Hänen ensimmäiset kertomuksensa sekä Venäjän kansalaissodasta kertova romaani Kotšubei ilmestyivät vuonna 1937. Toisen maailmansodan aikana Perventsev työskenteli Izvestijan sotakirjeenvaihtajana. Vuonna 1950 hän liittyi NKP:hen. Vuodesta 1958 lähtien hän toimi Venäjän SFNT:n ja vuodesta 1971 Neuvostoliiton kirjailijaliiton hallituksien jäsenenä.
ellauri242.html on line 184: Toukokuussa 1942 tappion jälkeen "Hunting for Bustards" (sax. Trappenjagd) -operaatiossa Kerchiä puolustavat Krimin rintaman yksiköt oli pakko evakuoida Tamanin niemimaalle. Evakuoinnin käsiteltyä 51. armeijan ryhmää johti Krimin rintaman päämajan sotilaskoulutusosaston päällikkö eversti Pavlo Yagunov . 14. toukokuutahänet nimitetään tähän tehtävään ja hän alkaa samana päivänä muodostaa erillisiä pataljooneja ja iskuryhmiä reservin henkilöstöstä. Näihin yksiköihin kuuluivat reservin komentajat ja sotilashenkilöstö, 1. rintaman reservirykmentin henkilökunta, useita satoja sotakoulujen kadetteja, NKVD:n 276. kiväärirykmentin taistelijat ja komentajat, 95. rajarykmentti - ensimmäinen ja toinen pataljoona ottivat vastaan asemat pohjoiseen. Myös peitto-osastoissa oli sotilaita eri yksiköistä ja rintaman yksiköistä, joita 13.5. alkoi esiintyä louhoksissa. Iltapäivällä 14. toukokuuta peitto-osastolla oli yli 4 000 henkilöä, yksityiset yritykset olivat puhtaasti komentajien. Nuori luutnantti S.S. Shaidurov kirjoitti muistelmissaan, että reservin komentohenkilökunta oli lähes täysin aseeton. Kaupungista lähteneiden sotilaiden ja Kerchin asukkaiden kustannuksella peittoryhmä kasvoi useisiin tuhansiin, Suuriin katakombeihin piiloutui vainottuja kristittyjä yli 10 000 ja pienissä kyykki noin 3 000. Katakombivaruskuntia johtivat Jagunov ja M. G. Povazhny.
ellauri242.html on line 219: Kertšin niemimaa (ukr. Керченський півострів, Kertšenski pivostriv, ven. Керченский полуостров, Kertšenski poluostrov, krimintat. Keriç yarımadası) on Krimin niemimaan itäisin osa. Niemimaan itäpuolelle jää kapea Kertšinsalmi. Etelästä niemimaata rajaa Mustameri, ja pohjoisesta Asovanmeri. Niemimaan pinta-ala on 3 000 neliökilometriä, eikä siellä ole jokia. Niemimaan tyveltä luoteeseen työntyy 110 km pitkä Arabatinkynnäs, joka erottaa Asovanmeren soisesta Sivašmerestä.
ellauri242.html on line 258: Kollontain ajatukset seksuaalisuudesta herättivät aikanaan paljon huomiota. Kuuluisassa kirjoituksessaan Theses on Communist Morality in the Sphere of Marital Relationsselvennä (1921) hän toteaa seksuaalisuuden olevan ihmisen luonnollinen tarve siinä missä nälkä ja janokin. Vauzi vau. Tämä muka vapaan rakkauden kannatus herätti pahennusta laajalti. Lännessä kirjoituksia tulkittiin tahallaan väärin, ja niiden perusteella väitettiin naisten tulleen sosialisoiduiksi Neuvostoliitossa. Uljanova puolestaan piti Kollontain ajatuksia epäsosialistisina.
ellauri243.html on line 102: Elokuvan aikana Häyhä meni projektorihuoneeseen tapaamaan Shosannaa. Kun Shosanna torjuu hänen iskuyrityksensä, hän muuttuu aggressiiviseksi. Shosanna teeskentelee myöntyvänsä ja ottaa sitten esiin pistoolin käsilaukustaan ja ampuu häntä. Kuolettavasti rakastunut Häyhä ottaa esiin oman "pistoolinsa" ja "ampuu" sillä Shosannaa. Elokuvan kohokohdassa siihen leikattu pätkä Shosannasta Häyhän alla kertoo yleisön kuolevan kohta juutalaisten käsissä. (Vizi mixi pahisten pitää aina pitää taukoa kertoaxeen uhreilleen että ne kohta tapetaan? Tappaisivat heti niin ei tulisi ikäviä takaiskuja.) Elokuvasalin ovet lukinnut Marcel sytyttää kasan palavaa nitraattifilmiä tuleen valkokankaan takana. Ulmer ja Donowitz murtautuvat Hitlerin ja Goebbelsin aitioon ja tappavat heidät. (Joo tää raina on vaihtoehtoista totuutta, oikeasti siinä kävi toisinpäin! Hitler ja Goebbels ampuivat mongertavat maahantunkeutujat lakoon saxalaisvalmisteisilla tarkkuuspistooleilla.) He ampuvat yleisön joukkoon konepistooleillaan, kunnes heidän pomminsa räjähtävät. Landa ja hänen radistinsa ajavat Rainen ja Utivichin kuin lampaat liittoutuneiden alueelle ja antautuvat heille ojassa. Aktin jälkeen Raine ampuu reilun pelin hengessä radistin ja kaivertaa hakaristin Landan otsaan. Lopuksi Quentin ilmestyy ruutuun ja toteaa: »Tämä on luultavasti mestariteokseni.» Juonipaljastukset päättyvät tähän. No mitä muuta siinä sitten tapahtuu? Eikös tässä ollut yhden illan märkien kaatioiden tarpeixi?
ellauri243.html on line 135: Nevada is home to a number of federal reservations and colonies. The major tribes are the Washouts, Northern Paiute, Southern Paiute, and Western Shoeshines. Many have been hit disproportionately hard by the coronavirus and may have pre-existing health conditions or live in remote areas with limited access to medical care. In the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, a clever color-coded card system was set up for people to signal from their windows for help with a health issue, food shortage, or other problem.
ellauri243.html on line 137: Compared with other U.S. races, American Indians have a life expectancy that is shorter than five years. The suicide rate among American Indian youth is 2.5 times higher than among youth in the rest of the country. American Indians are 2.5 times more likely to experience violent crimes than the national average, and more than four out of five American Indian women will experience parking meter violation in their lifetimes. Holy shit, these issues can be seen as symptoms of several larger issues, including access to social services, educational opportunities, nutritional food, and health care, and just plain old laziness and stupidity. Property rights pose more significant problems, insomuch as residents who don’t have deeds to the land on which they live struggle to build credit, which throws a significant barrier in front of upward mobility. Meanwhile, tribal lands are tough sells for franchises and other commercial developers that would bring jobs to reservations, as these companies are often resistant to negotiating contract terms under tribal law. So it's really all their own fault, them not playing along with good old free enterprise and private property!
ellauri243.html on line 151: Even during the deep global economic recession that began in 2008, Battle Mountain grew, although the community around it barely noticed. Because of its isolation and dirt-low cost of living, many bases around the world were closed and relocated to Battle Mountain. Soon Battle Mountain Air Reserve Base became JAB (Joint Air Base) Battle Mountain, hosting hot air units from all the military services, the Air Reserve Forces, the Central Intelligence Agency, and even the Space Defense Force and the Death Planet.
ellauri243.html on line 161: Two clicheed beefy thick-necked high school boys, followed by the statutory obese wimp, love to serve as volunteer firemen. Maybe we get to see the victims! Beats licking Marina's ice cream cone. The guy with the smaller head could not even read.
ellauri243.html on line 168: There are so many slang words for penis, maybe because it’s the human organ that fascinates us most. We’ve compiled all slang ways people say “penis” from around the world. While some of these penile terms might sound familiar, others will blow your mind.
ellauri243.html on line 175: The medical community calls it “fellatio,” but the rest of us have our own phrases for performing oral sex on a man. The below is a comprehensive list of slang alternatives to “blowjob.” Some of these phrases are politically incorrect and other are completely ridiculous. Regardless, they exist in the collective lexicon. Here they are!
ellauri243.html on line 181: There are so many slang words for vagina, maybe because it’s the human organ that fascinates us most. We’ve compiled all slang ways people say “vagina” from around the world. While some of these penile terms might sound familiar, others will blow your mind.
ellauri243.html on line 240: niistä päättyi katkenneeseen kihlaan: hänen julkinen, nopeasti etenevä
ellauri243.html on line 305: even though, for the most part, these celebrities move on - and even become
ellauri243.html on line 309: the most part, these celebrities move on - and even become half of another
ellauri243.html on line 516: Robert Dale Brown is a boxer, who represented Canada at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Spain. There he was stopped in the second round of the light heavyweight division by Germany’s Torsten May. Beginning in 2001, he collaborated with fellow author Jim DeFelice on the Dreamland series of books. Oops, nyt tuli sanottua se mitä ei olisi saanut sanoa. (Lea majalla tyytyväisen näköisenä.)
ellauri243.html on line 550: Bob Stearns, CEO of Powerful Potential. BOB STEARNS is one of only 95 people in history to lead an organization to win the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige Award. He was the Leader and Architect of Pittsburgh based Medrad’s 2003 journey to win the prestigious award. Medrad won the Baldrige award again in 2010. The Baldrige Award is presented annually by the President of the United States to organizations that excel in seven categories, including results. As Chief Human Resources Officer of CoManage, Bob led that company to be named the Best Place to Work in Pa.” He has also received the American Society for Training and Development Award for Excellence. Bob has served as a Director on the Boards of National Church Solutions, The Orchards at Foxcrest, the Pa. Society of Association Executives, the Pa. Association of Non Profit Organizations and a Woman owned business through Powerlink and Seton Hill University. Bob has owned and been the CEO of PowerfulPotential since 1985.
ellauri243.html on line 554: Bob´s book is about Perpetual Potential. Inside these pages, you will discover three invaluable lessons that will propel you closer to your true potential. The lessons will serve you well on either of two different, but parallel roads you may travel: The roads towards triumph or tragedy, as well as the roads in between. In 2003 the author, Bob Stearns was on top of the world. He led his company to win the most prestigious business award in the country, the Malcolm Baldrige award. Just five short years later, tragedy struck. Bob´s oldest son Eric was killed while on a study trip abroad in Athens, Greece. Eric was 21 years old at the time and was a junior at Penn State University. Although Eric lost his precious life in Greece, he found something sprawled under the pillars of the Acropolis that many people search for their entire lifetimes. He found inner peace in the knowledge that he could truly be anything he wanted to be, he could do anything he wanted to with his life. In his book "Perhaps a Man Can Change the Stars - Eric's Pursuit of Perpetual Potential", Bob shares with you three life lessons that allowed Eric to understand his true potential. Those same lessons helped Bob and his family deal with Eric´s death. The same lessons had enabled Bob to lead his company to triumph five years earlier. A key take away from the book is that no matter what stage of life you find yourself, you have the potential to explore. You have the potential to utilize and grow the talents and aspirations that you currently have. You have the potential to rekindle old talents that lie dormant, and to allow new talents to blossom. This is true regardless of age, circumstances, and what other people may be telling us. So read, explore and think deeply about how you can apply the three lessons that Bob learned from Eric. Decide for yourself how you can best use them. Indeed, our Potential is Perpetual!
ellauri243.html on line 557: This Film details Eric Michael Stearns´ trip to Greece during his semester abroad n 2008. Eric learned three life lessons in Greece which lead.to achieving an Abundance of Potential. These lessons include:
ellauri243.html on line 579: Tällaisten tunnuslauseiden mahdollinen lähde on Patrick Henryn kuuluisa 23. maaliskuuta 1775 puhe Burgeressesien talolle (Virginian siirtokunnan lainsäädäntöelin), joka sisälsi seuraavan lauseen: "Onko elämä niin rakas tai rauha niin suloinen, että se ostetaan ketjujen ja orjuuden hinnalla? Kiellä se, kaikkivaltias Jumala! En tiedä, mihin suuntaan muut voivat kulkea; mutta mitä minuun tulee, anna minulle vapaus tai anna minulle kuolema!" Kumpi vaan, ihan sama. No täältä pesee vainaja.
ellauri243.html on line 674: Mises tervehtii meitä Ukrainasta, Punaparran porukat oli ryssistä ja Puolasta. Rockwellit on ökyrikkaita Bostonilaisia jotka tekee työttömiä robotiikalla. Puolueen perustaminen johtui osittain huolista Nixonin hallinnosta, Vietnamin sodasta, asevelvollisuudesta ja fiat-rahojen käyttöönotosta. Fiat-raha on eräänlainen valuutta, jota ei tueta hyödykkeellä, kuten kullalla tai hopealla. Liikkeeseenlaskijahallitus on vaan nimennyt sen lailliseksi maksuvälineeksi. Nykyaikana fiat-raha on ihan normia.
ellauri243.html on line 686: Itävaltalainen koulu syntyi Wienissä Carl Mengerin, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerkin, Friedrich von Wieserin ja muiden töillä. Se vastusti metodologisesti historiallista koulukuntaa (sijaitsee Saksassa) kiistassa, joka tunnetaan nimellä Methodenstreit eli metodologiataistelu.
ellauri243.html on line 719: Disraeli was born in Bloomsbury, then a part of Middlesex. His father left Judaism after a dispute at his synagogue; Benjamin became an Anglican at the age of 12.
ellauri243.html on line 734: St Barbe, the journalist in " Endymion " is an intended caricature of Thackeray, and Gushy is Dickens. Vigo, a minor character of the novel, is a combination of Poole, the tailor, and George Hudson, the Sunderland railway king, as he was styled in his time. Prince Florestan is probably a sketch of Louis Napoleon in his early days in England. He is constantly presented as a child of destiny wailing for the European revolution of ´48 to give him back his throne.
ellauri243.html on line 736: Job Thornberry comes into the story with the Anti-Corn-Law League, representing the remarkable change in English politics from the time before Napoleonic wars when the 10% richest guys were local landowners to after the wars when the merchants and industrialists had become the nobs (am. head honchos). This change of mens of production necessitated the passage of Reform Bills that favored Millian laissez-faire by the Conservative Derby-Disraeli ministries. Job Thornberry may be Richard Cobden; for he certainly has much of Cobden´s subject in him. The energetic and capable minister Lord Roehampton is taken to be Lord Palmerston, and Count Ferrol is perhaps Bismarck. Neuchatel, the great banker, is the historical Rothschild; Cardinal Henry Edward Manning figures as the tendentious papist Nigel Penruddock.
ellauri243.html on line 762: 2. The other James Thomson, in full James Alexander Thomson, (born Dec. 20, 1958, Chicago, Ill., U.S.), is an American biologist who was among the first to isolate human embryonic stem cells. Thomson extracted stem cells from human embryos. However, this confronted him with a moral dilemma, as such an extraction is fatal to the embryo. After consulting with several bioethicists at the university, Thomson decided that continued research was ethical as long as the embryos, "created" by couples who "no longer wanted them" in order to "have children", would otherwise be "destroyed anyway." I just love medicinal ethics! Kunnon personismia. Montako neekeriä saa keilata pelastaaxeen yhden valkoisen joka työntää lastenvaunuja.
ellauri244.html on line 163: Christopher Butler (b. 1902), Catholic Bishop of Nova Barbara and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Westminster
ellauri244.html on line 314: Onpa ylenannattava punkero. Messinkinen orjanrengas ei mee enää millään sen paxuun ranteeseen.
ellauri244.html on line 350: "Mihin ne suloiset tytöt menee? Mistä ne mursun näköiset akat tulee? Koska se muutos tapahtuu, tuleeko se yhdessä yössä? Illalla mies menee vuoteeseen ihanan kaunottaren kanssa ja herää aamulla lihavan, vihaisen akan vierestä." Nää on varmaan Esukan Satu ja Helena.
ellauri244.html on line 447: Shon Faye - Writer, presenter and author of The Transgender Issue: An Argument for Justice She's Creative with Claire Hutchison Nghệ thuật Shon has written for the likes of The Guardian, Vice and Dazed and hosts the Call Me Mother podcast. Her upcoming book The Transgender Issue: An Argument for Justice comes out in September.
ellauri244.html on line 453: About the author: Faye Toogood is a British artist working in a diverse range of disciplines, from sculpture to furniture and fashion. Toogood's works have been acquired for the permanent collections of institutions worldwide, and she has exhibited internationally. She is represented by Friedman Benda in New York.
ellauri244.html on line 481: Nyt ollaan päästy Läckmannin "naisen kosto" -vaiheeseen. Feija on heitetty pihalle ökykämpästä ja Julienne on kohta leikeltynä juliennexi. Vääryysosa on irronnut monivaiheraketista ja alkaa maxuvaihe. Potut pottuina, hampaasta kokoproteesi.
ellauri244.html on line 617: In 1967, at 77, Miller married his fifth wife, Japanese born singer Hoki Tokuda (ja:ホキ徳田),
ellauri245.html on line 153: Then I sat down and wrote The Leopard. It was my longest and most labor-intensive book so far. I did research in the Congo and Hong Kong, studied torture weapons and interviewed avalanche experts, scuba divers and rock climbers. And it was also my most brutal book.
ellauri245.html on line 159: And another question started coming up: How do you come up with these things? Meaning: What kind of sick, perverted mind could come up with such ideas? I tried to look within myself, to ask if the violence in the book was really appropriately calibrated for the purpose: to say something about the character behind it (dvs mig). Or if I had let myself be lured into sensationalism, effects for the sake of effects and a callous fascination with suffering. Had I created a Norvegian Psycho, just such a book, one that had become a sort of guilty pleasure for closet sadists?
ellauri245.html on line 196: En tiennyt että Thaimaassa on punatulkkuja. Sen tiesin että siellä on farangien mulkkuja. Nesbööllä kesti puoli sivua päästä tähän aiheeseen. Nesböö on inha torakka, jonka mielestä thaihuoran elämä ei oikeastaan ole hullumpaa. Nesbön Jonne ei ole parittajana suinkaan pahemmasta päästä.
ellauri245.html on line 203: The popularity of "goblin mode" may be linked to a rejection of the carefully curated lifestyles often presented by users of social media platforms. The trend has also been linked to a manner of coping with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on society since this is described as a way of life that gives people permission to ditch societal norms and embrace their basic instincts and in social media, letting their inner goblin out has been a freeing experience.
ellauri245.html on line 261: First devised and created in the Belgian Congo by King Leopold, son of Queen Victoria. A smooth metallic ball, slightly smaller than a tennis ball in circumference with tiny apertures along its contours. Made of gold, GAL-TAN, and steel, the ball is a minor feat of engineering. An additional small opening reveals a looped wire. The ball is placed in the victim´s mouth. When the wire is pulled, 24 tiny termite monkey antennae jut out from the ball, causing it to lodge itself in the mouth. At this point, though not overly painful, the victim cannot remove the ball, nor can another extract it for them. With a second pull of the wire, 24 needles erupt outwards from the extended antennae in 24 directions, causing severe damage to throat, cheek, tongue, palate, nasal cavity, etc....the victim will usually bleed out slowly in excruciating pain. How was this used for torture? It usually involved 2 victims. One who who was forced to swallow the ball, and the second who was forced to watch the effects. That second person would usually begin talking quickly about other things. Naah, too sophisticated. A waste on the Congolese niggahs. Cutting hands and feet worked just as well.
ellauri245.html on line 265: Verstümmelte Kongolesen. Ein Vater starrt auf die kleine Hand und den Fuß seiner fünfjährigen Tochter, die von „Wachen“ zur Eintreibung von Kautschuk getötet wurde – eine bildkräftige Fotografie!
ellauri245.html on line 267: Nsala of Wala in the Nsongo District (Abir Concession) is a photograph published by Edmund Dene Morel in his book King Leopold's Rule in Africa, in 1904. The image depicts a Congolese man named Nsala examining the severed foot and hand of his five-year-old daughter, Boali. The photograph was taken by Alice Seeley Harris, the wife of a missionary, in the village of Baringa on 14 May 1904. It was subsequently employed as a tool in the inhumane media campaign against the situation in the Congo Free State, which was largely characterised by rubber dildos.
ellauri245.html on line 290: „Ein packendes Buch, mit einem Autor in Höchstform. Charaktere, Schauplätze und Dialoge sorgen dafür, dass beim Lesen keine Langeweile aufkommt. Dabei geht es nicht nur um einen brutalen Serien-Mörder, sondern auch um die Spätfolgen einer psychischen Demütigung, um Macht und Ehrgeiz, um menschliche Abgründe. Ein Genuss für Fans des skandinavischen Krimis, aber auch ein Schmankerl für Neueinsteiger.“
ellauri245.html on line 294: „Jo Nesbøs 700-seitiges Krimi-Opus „Leopard“ nötigt Bewunderung ab ob der fehlerfreien, mathematisch anmutenden Konstruktion. Doch darin liegt auch seine Schwäche: Es gleicht einer Kunstübung, die wegen dieser Künstlichkeit nichts mehr mit einem Krimi zu tun hat. Nesbø bremst sich selber aus, lässt nur aufkeimen, um es wieder vom Tapet zu nehmen, hat er doch schon sämtliche Neben- und Kernthemen ineinander verwoben. Er hat den Bogen überspannt, legt falsche Fährten und lässt das Weber-Schiffchen in seinem Geflecht wirklich durch alle Richtungen schießen, um seine Kernthemen anzuheizen und das eine mit in das andere herüberzuziehen. Er überhitzt. Nach etwa 500 Seiten steht ein exaltiertes, kühnes Gerüst eines Molekülmodells mit dutzenden angeordneter Atome. Nicht, dass das nicht zu verstehen wäre. Doch es entbehrt jeder menschlichen Natürlichkeit. Die restlichen 200 Seiten wirken wie die Anmerkungen zu einem Fachbuch; und das, obgleich doch der blutige Showdown erst noch kommen soll.“
ellauri245.html on line 296: Something about Scandinavia — its snowbound civility, its usually peaceable blend of the cosmopolitan and the isolated — makes the crime novels set there seem automatically more interesting, the way a red spray of blood stands out more starkly against fresh white powder than on a dirt road. By now many of these imports seem to share the same atmospherics: the Nordic good looks, the corruptible officials, the endless pots of coffee.
ellauri245.html on line 299: Where Nesbø weakens by comparison is when he turns to non-criminal matters. The Leopard features a variety of these, from a turf war with another crime bureau to the illness of Harry´s father to Harry and Kaja´s romance, all of which slow the book´s pace and end in predictable Norwegian noir moralizing.
ellauri245.html on line 317: One year ago, a heavily armed man dressed as a police officer appeared on the beach of a youth summer camp in Norway. The kids had no way of knowing he was targeting them for the ills of Europe. Then he started shooting. And shooting. Where were the real cops? By the end of the day, seventy-seven people had been killed, the deadliest attack in that country since World War II. As told by the survivors, these are the beat-by-beat horrors of those terrifying 198 minutes. the Utoya Massacre On July 22, 2011. Lue ja kauhistu, tää on hurja jännäri!
ellauri245.html on line 362: Lisää jonnepotaskaa. Sid Viciousin No Future oli aivan ala-arvoisen surkeata räminää. Tollasella ei olis kuulunut ollakaan mitään tulevaisuutta, mutta annas olla eikös vaan vitun monet yhtä surkimuxet tarttuneet paviaanin raivolla kertosäkeeseen. Esim Jonne Nääsböö ja Eski Saarinen. Harry piittaa vaan ex sukulaisista kuten isästä, mongoloidisiskosta ja ex heilasta Raakelista ja sen lumiukkopoika Helgestä.
ellauri245.html on line 375: Jeg finner det svært interessant at politiets etterforskningsarbeid ikke har vært et like populært felt i politiforskningen (se Høigård, 2005 og Valland, 2011), mens det samtidig finnes mange medierte bilder av hva det angivelig handler om. Selv om politiforskningen har vist lite oppmerksomhet til etterforskere og deres arbeid, vies det en enorm interesse for feltet fra andre ikke-akademiske områder. Det skrives flere bøker om fiktive etterforskere, og TV-serier og film sendes ofte på TV i beste sendetid. I en undersøkelse foretatt i 2012, ble kriminalromaner rangert som nummer to, etter bøker i den bestselgende sjangeren Skjønnlitterære romaner og noveller (Bokhandlerforeningen, 2012). Forfatteren og musikeren Jo Nesbø har gitt ut ti bøker om fiktiv figuren Harry Hole, en dyktig politietterforsker. Leserne følger Hole gjennom alle sakene han etterforsker, og får også innblikk i hans personlige problemer, som er kjæmpemange.
ellauri245.html on line 377: Forfatteren Jørn Lier Horst, jobbet som etterforskningsleder i Vestfold politidistrikt frem til september 2013. Han har gitt ut ni bøker om den fiktive etterforskeren William Wisting. I likhet med bøkene til Nesbø, får også leserne til disse bøkene følge etterforskerens liv og sakene som etterforskes. Horst mener selv at hans erfaring med miljøet, metodene og rutinene preger bøkene hans.
ellauri245.html on line 392: inneholder betydelig voldsbruk, halsbrekkende tyverier eller store ødeleggelser på eiendom. For det andre presenteres de kriminelle som rasjonelle og formålsrettede og ikke impulsive eller forvirrede. For det tredje påpeker Reiner (2010, s. 187) at politiet i seriene ofte var etterforskere, middelaldrende hvite menn som hovedsaklig var fristilte og økonomisk komfortable. For det fjerde og siste ble lovbruddene løst eller hindret av etterforskerens dyktighet, modighet og i økende grad av vitenskapelig ekspertise. Reiner (2010, s. 187) mener de karakteristiske trekkene ved hvordan krimserier avbilder lovbrudd og etterforskning, er motsatt av de virkelige lovbruddene og politiarbeidet. Fremstillingene, i massemediene og
ellauri245.html on line 404: Etterforskeren gir uttrykk for at fremstillingen er knyttet til seertall. En kan spørre seg om hvem som ville sett på en serie hvor etterforskeren sitter på kontoret og redigerer saker hver dag? Etterforskernes beskrivelser av deres arbeid, skiller seg betraktelig fra hvordan etterforskningsarbeidet fremstilles i TV og medier. Etterforskere på TV og film er mer ute i feltet enn inne på kontoret. Nå skal det nevnes at etterforskerne i denne studien jobber med generell etterforskning og etterforskning av familievoldssaker, ikke drapssaker. Likevel kan det tenkes at en del av befolkningen har gjort seg sine tanker om politiets etterforskningsarbeid, med utgangspunkt i den medierte presentasjonen av arbeidet.
ellauri245.html on line 427: som aviser, TV og radio, som «bestemmer» til en viss grad hva vi skal lese og høre om. Mediene har makt gjennom at de setter dagsorden, og de velger hva samfunnet
ellauri245.html on line 431: sammenheng og dramatiserer artiklene, og at dette selvsagt var for å få flest mulig til lesere. En konsekvens av dette kan knyttes til de som har lite kjennskap til politiet og deres arbeid. Personene vil kunne oppfatte artiklene som en «sannhet» og ikke se, i like stor grad som personer med kjennskap til politiet, at artiklene er subjektivt vinklet. E2 sier:
ellauri245.html on line 433: Jeg er litt sånn på kritikk til politiet generelt, at jeg leser det også tar jeg en liten vurdering, men veldig mye av det er tull.. hvis du leser saken, så får du et litt annet innblikk i hva som faktisk har skjedd. De er veldig subjektive.
ellauri245.html on line 449: Harry røykte en cigarett utenfor sykehusbyggningen. Originellt eller hva? "Lat oss røyke", sa Kaja. Jerry kakket fram to sigaretter, tente dem og ga Kaja den ene. Kaja inhalerte. Kaja blaste røyk. Hun burde lese. Det kan ta livet av deg.
ellauri245.html on line 451: The eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has a history of conflict, where various armies, rebel groups, and outside actors have profited from mining while contributing to violence and exploitation during wars in the region. The four main end products of mining in the eastern DRC are tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold, which are extracted and passed through a variety of intermediaries before being sold to international markets. These four products, (known as the 3TGs) are essential in the manufacture of a variety of devices, including consumer electronics such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. Tantaliittikapasiittorissa on enemmän kapassiteettia kuin alumiinisissa, mutta ne ovat kalliita, koska ne on tehty konfliktimineraalista.
ellauri245.html on line 498: Lie valmistui lakitieteiden kandidaatiksi vuonna 1919. Hän oli liittynyt Norjan työväenpuolueeseen vuonna 1912 ja toimi sen sihteerinä 1919–1922. Vuosina 1922–1935 hän työskenteli ammattiliittojen keskusliiton lainopillisena asiamiehenä. Vuonna 1935 Lie valittiin Johan Nygaardsvoldin hallitukseen oikeusministeriksi. Vuonna 1935 hän antoi Lev Trotskille turvapaikan Norjasta, kun tämän Ranskassa saama oleskelulupa umpeutui. Vuonna 1937 Neuvostoliiton painostuksella Norjan hallitus määräsi Trotskin kotiarestiin. Pitkien neuvotteluiden jälkeen Lie määräsi Trotskin muuttamaan Norjasta Meksikoon, missä se pian tapettiin. Tryggve oli YK:n ensimmäinen pääsihteeri. Se muistutti melko lailla torpeedoa.
ellauri245.html on line 553: ELSA KAISA MÄKINIEMI syntyi Kemissä vuonna 1922 jääkärieversti August Mäkiniemen ja Aino Maria Mäkiniemen (o.s. Kemppainen) esikoiseksi. Myöhemmin perheeseen syntyi vielä kaksi tytärtä, Inkeri ja Sisko. August Mäkiniemi toimi suojeluskuntajärjestön Pohjolan piirin piiripäällikkönä. Everstiä kutsuttiin Aukuksi, Elsaa Ekiksi ja Inkeriä Inkiksi. Eki ei ollut koskaan pahalla tuulella. Ekan vaimon Marsion syöpäännyttyä Alvar istui peräkonttorissa juomassa. Onnexi tuli palkatuxi Eki. Säynätsalon kunnantalon rakennuxen aikana he rakastuivat toisiinsa. Se oli myös ensimmäinen rakennushanke, jossa Elissa toimi johtavana arkkitehtinä. Kunnantalo vihittiin käyttöön kesällä 1952. Saman vuoden syksyllä Elsa ja Alvar menivät naimisiin. Elsan perhe ei ollut suhteesta innoissaan. Pariskunnalla oli 24 vuotta ikäeroa.
ellauri245.html on line 598: Among the material monists were the three Milesian philosophers: Thales, who believed that everything was composed of water; Anaximander, who believed it was apeiron; and Anaximenes, who believed it was air. Although their theories were primitive, these philosophers were the first to give an explanation of the physical world without referencing the supernatural; this opened the way for much of modern science (and philosophy), which has the same goal of explaining the world without dependence on the supernatural.
ellauri245.html on line 648: The term Mai-Mai or Mayi-Mayi refers to community-based militia groups active in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that is formed to defend local communities and territory against Western funded armed groups. Most were formed to resist the invasion of Rwandan forces and Rwanda-affiliated Congolese industrial "rebel" groups.
ellauri245.html on line 650: The name comes from the Swahili word for water, "maji". Militia members sprinkled themselves with water to protect themselves from bullets. Not any less stupid than Western soldiers who think that a priest sprinkling water or oil on a corpse will secure it another life. Mai-Mai were particularly active in the eastern Congolese provinces bordering Rwanda, North Kivu and South Kivu (the "Kivus"), which were under the control of the Rwanda-allied Bananarepublic-dominated "rebel" faction, the Rally for Congolese Conflict Minerals–in-Goma (RCD-Goma) during the Second Congo War.
ellauri245.html on line 670: Norway gave the Congo NOK 40 million (US $15.7 million) in 2003. Vidar Helgesen, the Norwegian Secretary of State said: "In spite of some hopeful signs in the peace process and the establishment of a transitional government in the capital, Kinshasa, the humanitarian situation in the eastern part of the country is precarious." In 2004, all previous debt was forgiven. In 2007, the Secretaries General of the five largest Norwegian humanitarian organizations visited the Congo to access the crisis. In 2008, an additional NOK 15 million were supplied.
ellauri246.html on line 52: Vuonna 1913 Agnon muutti Saksaan, missä hän solmi avioliiton Esther Marxin kanssa vuonna 1920. Heille syntyi poika ja tytär. Saksassa hän tutustui juutalaiseen liikemieheen Salman Schockeniin, josta tuli hänen kustantajansa ja mesenaattinsa. Tästä lähtien kaikki hänen teoksensa julkaistiin Schockenin kustannusyhtiössä. Hän julkaisi myös useita novelleja hepreankielisessä päivälehdessä nimeltä Haaretz, joka myös oli Schockenin omaisuutta. Haaretz taitaa ilmestyä tänäkin päivänä. Saksassa Agnon kokosi yhdessä tunnetun juutalaisen ajattelijan Martin Buberin kanssa kirjan hasidien tarinoista (Die Erzählungen der Chassidim). Vuonna 1924 tulipalo tuhosi kaikki hänen käsikirjoituksensa, ja myöhemmin samana vuonna hän palasi Jerusalemiin lopullisesti ja asettui asumaan Talpiotin kaupunginosaan.
ellauri246.html on line 60: Nelly Sachs (oik. Leonie Sachs, 10. joulukuuta 1891 Berliini – 12. toukokuuta 1970) oli saksalais-ruotsalainen runoilija. Hän sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1966. Sachs syntyi Berliinissä varakkaaseen keskiluokkaiseen juutalaisperheeseen. Hän oli tehtailija William Sachsin ja tämän vaimon Margaret (o.s. Karger) Sachsin ainoa lapsi. Perhe oli sivistynyt, uskonnollisesti liberaali ja täysin assimiloitunut saksalaiseen kulttuuriin. Nuori Nelly opiskeli musiikkia, tanssia ja kirjallisuutta. Viisitoistavuotiaana hän luki Gösta Berlingin tarun ja kirjoitti ihailijakirjeen Selma Lagerlöfille. Tästä alkoi ihailijakirjeenvaihto, jota kesti 35 vuotta.
ellauri246.html on line 64: Tajuttuaan joutuvansa kohta itsekin keskitysleirille, Sachs kääntyi hädissään kirjeenvaihtotoverinsa Selma Lagerlöfin puoleen. Tämän onnistui auttaa Sachsia ja hänen äitiään pakenemaan Saksasta käyttämällä hyväksi suhteitaan Ruotsin nazihenkiseen kuninkaalliseen perheeseen. Selma Lagerlöf kuitenkin kuoli ennen kuin he ehtivät Ruotsiin.
ellauri246.html on line 191: Brodsky syntyi Leningradissa juutalaisperheeseen. Hänen isänsä oli sota- ja lehtikuvaaja ja äiti kirjanpitäjä. 15-vuotiaana Brodsky lopetti koulunkäynnin ja työskenteli vuosina 1956–1962 yli kymmenessä työpaikassa. 16-vuotiaana hän luki Saadin Gulistanin (n.h.), mikä oli koulukirjojen jälkeen hänen ensikosketuksensa runouteen. Joutomiehenä Brodsky opetteli itsekseen englantia ja puolaa. Hän kiinnostui klassisesta filosofiasta, uskonnosta, mytologiasta, ja (tietysti) englantilaisesta ja amerikkalaisesta runoudesta. 18-vuotiaana hän alkoi kirjoittaa runoja. Vuonna 1961 21vee Brodsky ihastui 72vee taantumuxelliseen Anna Ahmatovaan. Se ei kai ollut homo, aika asexuaali misogyyni kyllä.
ellauri246.html on line 208: How strange it seems! These Hebrews in their graves, Näyttääpä oudolta! Nää mokut haudoissaan,
ellauri246.html on line 215: While underneath these leafy tents they keep Ja näissä lehtimajoissa ne tekevät
ellauri246.html on line 218: And these sepulchral stones, so old and brown, Ja nää hautakivet, vanhuuttaan ruskeat,
ellauri246.html on line 245: Drove o'er the sea — that desert desolate — Ajoi ne meren ylize - kuin faarao, -
ellauri246.html on line 246: These Ishmaels and Hagars of mankind? Nää apinoiden Ishmaelit ja Hagarit?
ellauri246.html on line 349: Tragedian tila - niin hän havaitsi maailmaa. Näyttää siltä, että se on sieltä kotoisin, ensimmäisen vuoden elämästä. Hän tuskin muisti heitä, mutta ensimmäisen kuukauden väestösuojissa, jonka hän vietti Maria Moisevnan, hänen äitinsä kaa, piiritetyssä kaupungissa. Onneksi oli suuria vaikeuksia, he onnistuivat evakuoimaan. Cherepovovetista tuli tilapäinen asuinpaikka. Ehkä se voidaan pitää kohtalon pilkkana, että äiti, joka tiesi saksan kielen, alkoi työskennellä kääntäjänä leirissä epäonnistuneiden saxalaisten rajamatkustajien kanssa. Hän oli siellä useita kertoja hänen kanssaan. Hän muisti, kuinka vanha mies ja sadetakki siirrettiin veneeseen. Tämä kuva löytyy myös Brodskin myöhäisistä teoksista.
ellauri246.html on line 377: Taistelussa Joseph Brodskin paluuta varten, jotta saataisiin elämäkerta ja lisää luovuutta, joista tulee kriitikoille paljon teräviä tarkasteluja, oli hyvin vaikutusvaltaisia ihmisiä. Ensinnäkin A. A. Akhmatova. Trid Vigdorovan transkriptillä oli tärkeä rooli. Se julkaistiin monissa Länsi-Euroopan tiedotusvälineissä. Yhdessä Anna Andreevnayan kanssa lukemattomat kirjeet puolueen viranomaisille ja oikeuslaitosta vastaan ovat Lydia Chukkovskaya. Shostakovich, TVARDOVSKI, Powesty, Marshak. Nämä eivät ole kaikki ihmiset, jotka ottivat osaa hänen kohtaloonsa mutta tärkimöt. Jean-Paul Sartre:n eurooppalaisen "Foorumin" EVE: llä varoitettiin vaikeasta tilanteesta, johon Neuvostoliiton valtuuskunta voi joutua Brodskin tapauksessa. Todennäköisesti tällä on ollut ratkaiseva rooli. Jotta runoilijalla ei olisi ollut tällaisia syytöksiä, se siirtyi kääntäjien ja kirjailijoiden liiton Leningradin sivuliikkeeseen. Kun olet lähtenyt alkuperäisestä kaupungista 23:een, hän palasi 25:een ja heti löysi itsensä hyvin oudosta, keskitetystä valtiosta. Neuvostoliiton sukunimi ei todellakaan ollut runoilija. Se oli mitä Neuvostoliiton suurlähetystön henkilökunta vastasi, kun hänet kutsuttiin kansainväliseen runolliseen festivaaliin. Kolme vuotta myöhemmin, Joosef Alexandrovich valittiin Bavarian taideteollisuuden Akatemian jäseneksi ihan kiusalla.
ellauri246.html on line 410: Brodskyn pyrkimys sopii henkisesti totalitarismin varapuheenjohtajaksi, Brodsky on yhä enemmän tunkeutumassa eksistenttisiltä maidosilta peremmälle. Toimittajan kysymyksestä, mikä vaikutti hänen luonteensa muodostumiseen: "Kun olin 22 tai 23-vuotias, minulla oli tunne, että minussa oli jotain erilaista, minuun sattui, ja että en ollut kiinnostunut ympäristöstä ... parhaimmillaan kuten ponnahduslaudasta ... »Kuvitukset suuntasivat yhä enemmän itsepäisyyteen. "Ennemmin tai myöhemmin, hetki tulee, kun maallinen vetovoima on lakannut toimimasta." Runoiden sisäelämä, jossa tää paljon puhuttu transsendescence vallitsee, lähti liikenteeseen ulkoisesta elämästä. Fyysisesti maailmassa BrodSky vietti suurimman osan ajasta puhtaan hengen kuningaskunnassa eli vetelehti toimetonna. Viranomaiset hermostuivat, kun Brodskin runoilijapersoonallisuus muuttui vähitellen itsenäiseksi suljetuksi järjestelmäksi. Maailmanlaaja maailma, kuten Lurien tutkija näytti, oli Brodski ainoa vaihtoehto löytää hengellistä vapautta. Sitää löytää nykyään vaan lännestä. "Sisäinen maailma on liioiteltu, ja ulkoinen, vähentynyt" - ilmoittaa viranomaisille naapurinsa autobiografinen sankari psykiatrisessa sairaalassa runossa "Goryunov ja Gorchakov".
ellauri246.html on line 418: Joskus hei Brodsky edes tulevaisuus näyttää valtakunnan massan. "Tulevaisuus on musta, // mutta ihmiset, ei //, koska se // musta näyttää minusta." Ehkä sinusta, ei minusta. Musta se on musta.Tällainen tulevaisuus on ohjelmoitu kadottamaan yksilöllisyyttä. Brodsky luonnehtii luovuutta "Arya-vähemmistönä". Voi vittu, sehän on pesunkestävä nazi! "Kustakin eksistentiaalisesta ainutlaatuisesta ajatus korvataan idealla henkilökohtaisesta itsenäisyydestä." Brodskin individismia voidaan pitää synonyymina persoonallisuuden periaatteena yhteiskunnan korkeimmaksi arvoksi. Josif oli varmaan lukenut Nietzschen Moraalin genealogian englanninnoxena. Tämä periaate osoittaa Brodskia essee "matka Istanbuliin", ulkomaalainen idän perinteeseen, josta pidetään USSR: ssä. Varmista, kuinka julmimmin kasvaa voimaa ja lihasmassaa niille, jotka eroavat heistä, Brodsky kuvaa itsensä "uudet staksilla elokuulla" henkilöllä, jolla on sielu suhteessa mamiin. Runossa "keskustelu Commerwankerin kanssa", Brodskin totalitaarisen yhteiskunnan olosuhteissa on olemassa päivittäinen loputon kalkki. Tämä tietenkin Golud Moraalista. Lyyrinen sankari on verrattu marttyyri. Elämä itse on ensimmäinen, kipu ja henkilö on "kipu testi". Olen erilainen kuin muut, minuun sattuu.
ellauri246.html on line 829: Link Brodsky ajatteli runollisen taiteen säätiöitä. Hän esitteli heidät Yakov Gordinin kirjeeseen 13. kesäkuuta 1965. Siellä on kaksi pääasemaa. Ensimmäinen koskee luovuuden psykologiaa, toinen, joka Brodsky kutsuu "käytännöllisinä" - erillisen runollisen tekstin rakentamisen periaatteet. Psykologisesti tekijän olisi noudatettava vain sen intuitiota, olla ehdottoman riippumaton sääntöjen, normien, lainojen lainoista. "Katso itseäsi ei suhteellisen loput, mutta innoittamana. Hävitä ja anna itsesi kaikki missä tahansa. Jos olet vihainen, älä piilota sitä, anna sen olla töykeä; Jos olet iloinen - myös, anna sen ja trite. Muista, että elämäsi on elämäsi. Piirrä - anna korkeimmat - säännöt eivät ole lakia. Nämä eivät ole sääntöjäsi. Parhaimmillaan ne näyttävät sinun. Ole itsenäinen. Riippumattomuus on paras laatu kaikilla kielillä. Anna sen johtaa sinut tappioon (tyhmä sana) - se on vain tappio. Sinä itse tuo tulokset kanssasi; Ja sitten sinun on vähennettävä pisteitä kuvion tietää, kenen kanssa. Tärkein asia jakeissa on koostumus. Ei tontti, vaan koostumus. Koostumus on tarpeen rakentaa. Sanotaan, tässä on esimerkki: puun jakeet. Aloitat kuvaamaan kaikkea, mitä näet, maasta itse, kiipeää kuvauksessa puun yläosassa. Täällä sinä, kiitos ja suuruus. Sinun täytyy tottua kuvaan yleensä ... ei ole erityistä. Osapuolten on ajateltava viimeisenä. Tietoja Rhyme - Last, Metafora - viimeisimmässä. Mittari on jotenkin läsnä alusta alkaen, - Will, - No, kiitos siitä. Koostumus, ei tontti. Sido Stanza ei logiikkaa, mutta sielun liike - voit ymmärtää yhden ymmärrettävän. "
ellauri246.html on line 846: 1965-luvun lopulla tai vuoden 1966 alussa BrodSky lähti julkaisupyynnön Leningradin sivuliikkeeseen "Neuvostoliiton kirjoittaja" runojen kirjoista. Kirja, jonka hän oli kutsunut "Winter Mail" ja se koostuu runoista 1962-1965. Käsikirjoitus keskusteltiin, mutta ... for "mutta" Listautuminen ei voida hyväksyä Brodskin jakeissa - Raamatun teemoja ("Isaac ja Abraham"), Jumalan, Angelsin, Serafimovin mainitseminen. Kokouksen osanottajat selittävät, miksi kaikki sama kirja olisi julkaistava: pysäyttää "kaikenlaisia \u200b\u200bkeskusteluja", "tuhota legendoja, jotka ovat syntyneet hänen nimensä ympärille." Arvioijan arvostelut, runoilija V.A. Joulu ja kriitikko V.N. Alfonsov, päivätty lokakuu ja marraskuu. Molemmat arvostelukäyttäjät tukevat päättäväisesti kirjan julkaisemista. Jos tämä voitaisiin odottaa V.N. Alfonsov ja sitten ruokkivat joulun VSEVOLODin runoilijaa (1895-1977), joka jopa "Isaac ja Abraham" kirjoittavat, että tämä on runo "mielenkiintoinen suunnitelmassa, mielekästä ja kirkas väri", odottamaton. Mutta käsikirjoitus, vaikka se oli melko myönteisestä suhtaudesta, annettiin BrodSky takaisin. Pari vuotta myöhemmin hänet kutsuttiin KGB: n Leningradin hallintaan ja tarjosi sopimuksen: hän ilmoitti heille ulkomaalaisista, ja he syövät heidän vaikutusvaltaansa siihen, että runoja Brodsky julkaistiin. Tämän jälkeen Brodsky lopulta heilutti kätensä ajatukselle kirjan painos kotimaassaan.
ellauri246.html on line 866: Nobel-palkinnon Brodsskin myöntäminen ei aiheuttanut tällaisia riita-asioita ja ristiriitoja kuin muutamat muut Nobel-komitean päätökset. Vuoteen 1987 mennessä hän oli jo tuttu ja eniten sympaattinen luku Euroopan ja Amerikan älyllisissä piireissä. Hänen muistelman proosa oli intiimi ja koskettava. Hänen jakeidensa käännöksissä kunnioitettiin ja joskus ihailua, ja kaikki länsillä tiesivät runolliseen maineeseensa kotimaassaan. Nobel-komitean päätös, suosionosoitukset veteraanien todistuksen mukaan luettiin toimittajille ja yleisölle, oli erityisen voimakas ja pitkä. Brodsky sanoi ensimmäisessä haastattelussa palkinnoista: "Hän loi Venäjän kirjallisuutta, ja Amerikan kansalainen sai sen." Epistä.
ellauri246.html on line 890: Korkean lukemisen rooli henkisen kasvun prosessissa on vaikea yliarvioida. Tällainen lukeminen on kuitenkin kevyt, viihde-kirjallisuus vaatii vaivaa. Suuri kulttuuri, kuten huippupisteiden korkein puoli, ei anneta liikkeellä mihin tahansa jalankulkijaan - sen pitäisi olla hihoitettavasti valmistettu. Tietenkin kaikki on aika ja paikka: tietyssä tilanteessa ja "minun karjani, pudonnut" putoaa sieluun, mutta koko saali on, että tämä ei vaadi erityisiä ponnisteluja osallistujalta, yksi esteettinen muodostuminen! Joten henkisen kulttuurin hallitsemisen prosessissa emme voi tehdä yhden weseltisen ilon kanssa; Esillä, toisin sanoen Ymmärtäminen, lukeminen on "työvoima ja luovuutta" (V. Asmus), "sielu on velvollinen!" (N. Zabolotsky), "INI, joka kynnet" (V. Mayakovsky).
ellauri246.html on line 909: Vuonna 1964 I. Brodski pidätettiin Schurm ja tuomittiin viisi vuotta viitaten Neuvostoliiton julistuksen kehittämiseen "Vastuu tonnestriasta". Tunedomia kutsutaan lukutaitoiseksi työksi, joka on kokeillut runoilija voittavia vakavuutta rikoksen kustannuksella, erityisesti vakavassa nuoressa iässä. Solemnian valitulla Neuvostoliiton kirjailijoiden hallitus, Ryano osallistui siihen, että järjestäytynyt KGBGN-tuomioistuin päätyi vastaavaan virkkeeseen.
ellauri247.html on line 91: Seuraava Langlohin tarina on particularly nasty, ei todista Australian neekereistä hyvää. Dammit, these types are real primitive.
ellauri247.html on line 108: Big fires were lit on the edge of the scrub, throwing light on the dancers as they came dancing out from their camps, painted in all manner of designs, waywahs round their waists, tufts of feathers in their hair, and carrying in their hands painted wands. Heading the procession as the men filed out from the scrub into a cleared space in front of the women, came Narahdarn. The light of the fires lit up the tree tops, the dark balahs showed out in fantastic shapes, and weird indeed was the scene as slowly the men danced round; louder clicked the boomerangs and louder grew the chanting of the women; higher were the fires piled, until the flames shot their coloured tongues round the trunks of the trees and high into the air. One fire was bigger than all, and towards it the dancers edged Narahdarn; then the voice of the mother of the Bilbers shrieked in the chanting, high above that of the other women. As Narahdarn turned from the fire to dance back he found a wall of men confronting him. These quickly seized him and hurled him into the madly-leaping fire before him, where he perished in the flames. And so were the Bilbers avenged. Good work, bare-butt boys, and good riddance for the bad rubbish.
ellauri247.html on line 116: ese.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/How-to-Say-Master-in-Chinese-Shifu-Mandarin-Sifu-Cantonese-768x512.jpg" width="30%" />
ellauri247.html on line 117:
ellauri247.html on line 118: How to say Sir in Cantonese: seafood
ellauri247.html on line 242: Der Schelmenroman oder pikarischer/pikaresker Roman (aus dem Spanischen: pícaro = Schelm), dessen Ursprung im 16. Jahrhundert in Spanien liegt, schildert aus der Perspektive seines Helden, wie sich dieser in einer Reihe von Abenteuern durchs Leben schlägt. Der Schelm stammt aus den unteren gesellschaftlichen Schichten, ist deshalb ungebildet, aber „bauernschlau“. In der Absicht, die soziale Stigmatisierung aufgrund seiner niederen Geburt zu überwinden, ist er ständig auf der Suche nach Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten und greift dabei nicht selten auf kriminelle Mittel zurück. Er durchläuft alle gesellschaftlichen Schichten und wird zu deren Spiegel. Der Held hat keinen Einfluss auf die Geschehnisse um ihn herum, schafft es aber immer wieder, sich aus allen brenzligen Situationen zu retten.
ellauri247.html on line 244: Traditionell ist der Schelmenroman eine (fingierte) Autobiographie mit satirischen Zügen, die bestimmte Missstände in der Gesellschaft thematisiert. Sie beginnt oft mit einer Desillusionierung des Helden, der die Schlechtigkeit der Welt erst hier erkennt. Er begibt sich, sei es freiwillig, sei es unfreiwillig, auf Reisen. Die dabei erlebten Abenteuer sind episodenhaft, d. h., sie hängen nicht voneinander ab und können beliebig erweitert werden, was bei Übersetzungen oft der Fall war. Das Ende ist meist eine „Bekehrung“ des Schelms, nach der er zu einem geregelten Leben findet. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit einer Flucht aus der Welt, also aus der Realität.
ellauri247.html on line 252: Hänen astuessa huoneeseeni en ainoastaan hämmästynyt hänen kauneutensa johdosta, vaan hänestä tuoksusi sellainen viattomuus ja viehättävyys, että tunsin paikalla sydämeni valloitetuksi. Hänen lähdettyään Scipio kertoi häntä sanottavan yhtä älykkääksi kuin kauniiksikin, ja että koko seudulla sitä pidettäisiin onnen poikana, joka saisi hänet omakseen. "Minä, minä tahdon hänet omakseni", huudahdin silloin, "jos hän vaan suostuu. Minä aion naida häntä sinun välitykselläsi, jollei joku ole vaan jo hänen "sydämessään" pistäytynyt." Etc. etc. etc.
ellauri247.html on line 259: Smollett’s deep moral energy surfaced in two early verse satires, “Advice: A Satire” (1746) and its sequel, “Reproof: A Satire” (1747); these rather weak poems were printed together in 1748. Smollett’s poetry includes a number of odes and lyrics, but his best poem remains “The Tears of Scotland.” Written in 1746, it celebrates the unwavering independence of the Scots, who had been crushed by English troops at the Battle of Culloden. Not much of an improvement on the rest I'd say.
ellauri247.html on line 265: The majority of so-called Smollett portraits are not presentments of the novelist at all, but ingeniously altered plates of George Washington.
ellauri247.html on line 271: If you chide them for lingering, they will contrive to delay you the longer. If you chastise them with sword, cane, cudgel, or horsewhip, they will either disappear entirely, and leave you without resource, or they will find means to take vengeance by overturning your carriage. The only course remaining would be to allow oneself to become the dupe of imposition by tipping the beggar an amount slightly in excess of the authorized gratification. The disadvantage under which the novelist was continually labouring was that of trying to travel as an English Milord, en grand seigneur, and yet having at every point to do it "on the cheap." He was a genuine Scrooge McDuck without the fake beak. He would rather give away a crown than be cheated of a farthing.
ellauri247.html on line 295: "If a Frenchman is capable of real friendship, it must certainly be the most disagreeable present he can possibly make to a man of a true English character. You know, madam, we are naturally taciturn, soon tired of impertinence, and much subject to fits of disgust. Your French friend intrudes upon you at all hours; he stuns you with his loquacity; he teases you with impertinent questions about your domestic and private affairs; he attempts to meddle in all your concerns, and forces his advice upon you with the most unwearied importunity; he asks the price of everything you wear, and, so sure as you tell him, undervalues it without hesitation; he affirms it is in a bad taste, ill contrived, ill made; that you have been imposed upon both with respect to the fashion and the price; that the marquis of this, or the countess of that, has one that is perfectly elegant, quite in the bon ton, and yet it cost her little more than you gave for a thing that nobody would wear.
ellauri247.html on line 297: "If a Frenchman is admitted into your family, and distinguished by repeated marks of your friendship and regard, the first return he makes for your civilities is to make love to your wife, if she is handsome; if not, to your sister, or daughter, or niece. If he suffers a repulse from your wife, or attempts in vain to debauch your sister, or your daughter, or your niece, he will, rather than not play the traitor with his gallantry, make his addresses to your grandmother; and ten to one but in one shape or another he will find means to ruin the peace of a family in which he has been so kindly entertained. What he cannot accomplish by dint of compliment and personal attendance, he will endeavour to effect by reinforcing these with billets-doux, songs, and verses, of which he always makes a provision for such purposes. If he is detected in these efforts of treachery, and reproached with his ingratitude, he impudently declares that what he had done was no more than simple gallantry, considered in France as an indispensable duty on every man who pretended to good breeding. Nay, he will even affirm that his endeavours to corrupt your wife, or deflower your daughter, were the most genuine proofs he could give of his particular regard for your family.
ellauri247.html on line 347: Americans had no more right to govern themselves than the Cornish, and "How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?" The French and Indian War was a conflict between "two robbers" of Native American lands, and that neither deserved to live there.
ellauri247.html on line 408: Käydessään Irlannissa kesällä vuonna 1713 hänet nimitettiin palkkiona rauhan edistämisestä tuomiorovastiksi Pyhän Patrickin tuomiokirkkoon, missä virassa hän toimi koko loppuelämänsä. Swift palasi jo syksyllä Englantiin jatkamaan verolobbausta, tällä kertaa tuloksekkain seurauksin. Swift vetäytyi politiikasta samantien, kun toryjen hallitus kaatui kuningatar Annan kuoleman jälkeen vuonna 1714. Vastentahtoisesti Swift palasi synnyinmaahansa ja St. Patrickin tuomiokirkkoon, mitä hän piti lähinnä maanpakona Englannista, jossa elivät hänen ystävänsä ja rakastajattarensa Esther Vanhomrigh (Vanessa). Vanessa kuitenkin seurasi Swiftiä Dubliniin naimisiin pääsyn toivossa. Swiftin toinenkin rakastettu, ex-sakkoliha Stella, eli myös Dublinissa, mikä laittoi Swiftin vitun hankalaan valintatilanteeseen. Stella kuoli vuonna 1728 ja Swift säilytti hänen karvatupsuaan läpi elämänsä. Esseessään Vaatimaton ehdotus, joka estäisi Irlannin lapsia olemasta taakaksi vanhemmilleen tai maalleen Swift ehdottaa, että Irlannin köyhien lapset tulisi myydä rikkaamman väestönosan ruoaksi. Swift ehdotti tätä ihan vakavalla lärvällä lääkkeexi Irlantia pitkään vaivanneeseen nälänhätään. Jonea ei izeään kyllä nälättänyt, se oli melkoinen pulskiainen.
ellauri247.html on line 423: Linda Marshall - Not entirely true; Pope was smitten with LMWM but she rejected his advances (in fact she laughed at him because he was a cripple). After that he became a bitter enemies and both Pope and Lady Mary wrote vicious satirical poems about each other! But I´m a huge admirer of Pope´s work and as usual it´s superbly written. Although he never married, he had many female friends to whom he wrote witty letters, including Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. It has been alleged that his lifelong friend Martha Blount was his lover. His friend William Cheselden said, according to Joseph Spence, "I could give a more particular account of Mr. Pope's health than perhaps any man. Cibber's slander (of carnosity, abrmal fleshy protrusion growing on any part of the body) is false. He had been gay, but left that way of life upon his acquaintance with Mrs. B."
ellauri247.html on line 484: Figura di ebreo terrorizzato nel famoso quadro di Vernets - presumibilmente una rappresentazione del barone James Rothschild (foto in bianco e nero) da Horace (after) Vernet
ellauri248.html on line 85: Let's go through a few of these points. First, I don't think I've ever read a mystery novel with a less likable main character/narrator. Rob (Adam) Ryan is an asshole, plain and simple. Sure, he's been warped by his childhood and circumstances, but he does just about every annoying thing you could possibly imagine-- he constantly navel-gazes and feels self pity, he sleeps with then immediately plays the stereotypical male "I don't want anything to do with you now" role with his female partner (the person we were told was his best friend, and whom he would never ever sleep with), he acts like an idiot over the 17 year old villain/ temptress/ psychopath/ whatever betraying his partner, and by the end of the book he is worse off than ever. I know that lots of detectives (esp. in hard-boild stories) are unlikable, and have many personal issues, but this guy just took the cake. I wanted to take a baseball bat to his head [hear, hear!]. To make matters worse, French throws in this little gem towards the end of the novel:
ellauri248.html on line 123: [comeuppance: punishment or retribution that one deserves; one's just desserts.]
ellauri248.html on line 160: Im Ursprung der moralischen Empfindungen unterteilt er alle Handlungen in „egoistische“ und „unegoistische“; die Ersteren seien ursprünglich verdammt worden, weil sie anderen Menschen schadeten, zweitere aber gelobt, weil sie der Gemeinschaft nützen. Der Grund für diese Bewertung sei, so Rée, vergessen worden, so dass man heute Egoismus für an sich schlecht und Selbstlosigkeit für an sich gut halte.
ellauri248.html on line 161: Friedrich Nietzsche übernahm zwar die Methode, kritisierte aber einige Zeit nach dem persönlichen Bruch in seiner Genealogie der Moral die Schlussfolgerungen Rées: Diese seien viel zu simpel und basierten auf einer naiven utilitaristischen Sicht. Haloo Fred, wer is der Naive von euch beiden?
ellauri248.html on line 181: Ab 1850 studierte von Meysenbug an der Hamburger Hochschule für das weibliche Geschlecht, um Erzieherin zu werden. Nach dem frühen Tod Theodor Althaus' im Jahre 1852 emigrierte sie, auch um einer drohenden Verhaftung zu entgehen, nach London. Dort lernte sie unter anderem Gottfried und Johanna Kinkel, Carl Schurz, Therese Pulszky und Alexander Herzen kennen. Herzen, bei dem sie wohnte, machte sie mit weiteren Persönlichkeiten des Londoner Exils bekannt; darunter waren Giuseppe Mazzini, Ferdinand Freiligrath und Giuseppe Garibaldi. Für den Witwer Alexander Herzen übernahm sie die Erziehung seiner Töchter Olga (1844–1912) und Natalie (1844–1936); besonders zu ersterer entwickelte sie eine starke "mütterliche" Zuneigung.
ellauri248.html on line 191: 1890 lernte Malwida von Meysenbug in Rom den 50 Jahre jüngeren Romain Rolland kennen; er wurde ihr letzter enger Vertrauter und der Briefwechsel ist Zeugnis einer großen Freundschaft. 1903 starb Malwida von Meysenbug in Rom und wurde dort, auf eigenen Wunsch ohne geistliche Begleitung, auf dem Cimitero acattolico an der Cestius-Pyramide beigesetzt. Malwida von Meysenbug war 1901 die erste Frau, die für den Literaturnobelpreis nominiert wurde. Aber mit lautem Gelächter beigesetzt. Tämän kaikkien aikojen ensimmäisen kirjallisuuden dynypalkinnon pokkasi ranskalainen mitättömyys nimeltä Sully Prudhomme, joka sentään oli Ranskan-Saxan sodassa "länkkärien" puolella. Sen runo "Särkynyt korva" löytyy albumista 192.
ellauri248.html on line 246: ese-jr.jpg" />
ellauri248.html on line 341: In 2018, there are 572 federally recognized tribes. There are about 326 reservations. There are 229 tribes in Alaska. There is only two small reservations there. That is the Metlakatla Indian Community of the Annette Island Reserve, and the Akiachak Native Community (one acre). So, many tribes do not have reservations.
ellauri248.html on line 343: Approximately 56.2 million acres, (87,000 Sq mi) are held in trust by the United States for various Indian tribes and individuals. These are variously called, reservations, pueblos, rancherias, missions, villages, and communities. This amount of land if it all was put in one place would be about the size of Idaho.
ellauri248.html on line 345: The US is 3.797 million mi². The area that was “reserved” for tribes from there previous landholdings is about 2.3% of the total US land. Some reservations are the “reserved” remnants of a tribe’s original land base. Others were created by the federal government from federal land for the resettling Native people who were forcibly relocated from their homelands.
ellauri248.html on line 349: Today there is about 10,059,290 acres (15,700 sq miles) of individually owned lands are still held in trust for Native American allotees and their heirs. There are about four million fractional owner interests in this 10 million acres. Each generation the individual share gets less. One part of the Act was the establishment of a trust fund, administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, to collect and distribute revenues from oil, mineral, timber, and grazing leases on Native American lands. The BIA´s grossly mismanaged these funds. They were never collected or lost or stolen. This negligence in the management of the trust fund resulted in a number of lawsuits. The most well known is Cobell v. Salazar which led to a $3.4 billion settlement in 2009. The suit has forced proper accounting of revenues for the future but the settlement gave the litigants cents on the dollar.
ellauri248.html on line 353: In contrast to the 2.3% of Native land, the Federal Government owns, as National Parks, Forests, BLM, US Ag land, Fish and Wildlife land, military reservations, wildlife refuges and so on, about 28% of the surface area of the US. That is 640 million acres, or 1 million sq miles. That 28% of the US land was and taken by force from tribes, as was all other state lands and privately held lands. If the US people so chose, we could more fairly address the large losses that Native people have had by transferring more of this land to Tribal governments.
ellauri248.html on line 374: Konservatiivisia arvoja puolustavien poliitikkojen ja vanhempien huolena on ollut, että kouluopetus tai keskustelu seksuaali- ja sukupuoli-identiteetistä hämmentää lapsia. Äärimmäisissä mielipiteissä katsotaan, että seksuaalikasvatus, jossa kerrotaan homoseksuaalisuudesta tai transsukupuolisuudesta, aivopesee lapsia ”kääntymään” homoiksi tai transsukupuolisiksi, jopa neekereixi.
ellauri249.html on line 78: The tenor of his poetry is not so much apolitical as antipolitical,” wrote Victor Erlich. “His besetting sin was not ‘dissent’ in the proper sense of the word, but a total, and on the whole quietly undemonstrative, estrangement from the Soviet ethos.” Art teaches the writer, he said, “the privateness of the human condition. Being the most ancient as well as the most literal form of private enterprise, it fosters in a man a sense of his uniqueness, of individuality, or separateness—thus turning him from a social animal into an autonomous ‘I.’
ellauri249.html on line 163: Catullus (67.23) speaks of an impotent husband in these terms:
ellauri249.html on line 210: Hruštšov liittyi kommunistiseen puolueeseen vuonna 1918. Ajatusmaailmaltaan hän oli kuitenkin lähempänä menševikkejä ja näiden pyrkimystä parantaa taloudellisia ja sosiaalisia olosuhteita kuin bolševikkien ajatusmaailmaa, jonka mukaan valtaan piti päästä keinolla millä hyvänsä.
ellauri249.html on line 236: tapasi nuoruuden aikaisia tuttujaan. Yksi heistä oli luopunut kommunismista, sillä hänen olisi pitänyt vainota kulakkeina pidettyjä ihmisiä, toisen Hruštšov haetutti virkahuoneeseensa Kiovaan. Ystävä kertoi olleensa edellisvuotena pidätettynä ja kertoi joutuneensa kokemaan järjetöntä hakkaamista. Tämä järkytti Hruštšovia syvästi. 35000 ruumista ei olleet järkyttäneet paljon paskaakaan, nehän oli olleet ryökäleitä.
ellauri249.html on line 306: The Centre for Economics and Business Research said that it now expected the value of China’s economy when measured in dollars to exceed that of the US by 2028, half a decade sooner than it expected a year ago.
ellauri249.html on line 360: In 1961, revolutionary philosopher Frantz Fanon commented: "And when Mr. Khrushchev brandishes his shoe at the United Nations and hammers the table with it, no colonized individual, no representative of the underdeveloped countries laughs. For what Mr. Khrushchev is showing the colonized countries who are watching is that he, the missile-wielding muzhik, is treating these wretched capitalists the way they deserve."
ellauri249.html on line 388: William D. Rubenstein, a respected author and historian, outlines the presence of antisemitism in the English-speaking world in one of his essays with the same title. In the essay, he explains that there are relatively low levels of antisemitism in the English-speaking world, particularly in Britain and the United States, because of the values associated with Protestantism, the rise of capitalism, and the establishment of constitutional governments that protect civil liberties. Rubenstein does not argue that the treatment of Jews was ideal in these countries, rather he argues that there has been less overt antisemitism in the English-speaking world due to political, ideological, and social structures. Essentially, English-speaking nations experienced lower levels of antisemitism because their liberal and market friendly frameworks limited the organized, violent expression of antisemitism. In his essay, Rubinstein tries to contextualize the reduction of the Jewish population that led to a period of reduced antisemitism: "All Jews were expelled from England in 1290, the first time Jews had been expelled en masse from a European country".
ellauri249.html on line 413: Geok Tepe (Turkmen: Гөкдепе, romanized: Gökdepe, "Blue Hills") is a city in and the administrative center of Gökdepe District, Ahal province, Turkmenistan, east of the Caspian See. Eventually, the defenders, and the 40,000 civilians inside the fort, fled across the desert, pursued by General Skobelev's cavalry. Around 8,000 Turkmen soldiers and civilians died while fleeing, adding to 6,500 who had died in the fort. Russian casualties were 398 killed and 669 wounded. Typical numbers with technological supremacy.
ellauri249.html on line 472: Its origin is set down in Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia where he records that a shoemaker (sutor) had approached the painter Apelles of Kos to point out a defect in the artist's rendition of a sandal (crepida from Greek krepis), which Apelles duly corrected. Encouraged by this, the shoemaker then began to enlarge on other defects he considered present in the painting, at which point Apelles advised him that ne supra crepidam sutor iudicaret ('a shoemaker should not judge beyond the shoe'), which advice, Pliny observed, had become a proverbial saying. The Renaissance interest in meddling cluelessly into other people's affairs made the expression popular again.
ellauri254.html on line 49: Konstantin Fedin syntyi kauppiaan perheeseen. Hän kasvoi Saratovissa ja valmistui vuonna 1914 Moskovan kauppakorkeakoulusta. Ensimmäisen maailmansodan ajan Fedin oli internoituna Saksassa. Palattuaan Venäjälle hän työskenteli toimittajana.
ellauri254.html on line 63: Die Serapionsbrüder ist eine 1819 bis 1821 veröffentlichte Sammlung von Erzählungen und Aufsätzen von E.T.A. Hoffmann. Hoffmann stellte die vier Bände zu großen Teilen aus bereits vorher veröffentlichtem Material zusammen, fügte aber einige neue Erzählungen sowie eine Rahmenhandlung hinzu, in der einige literarisch gebildete Freunde über Probleme der Kunst diskutieren und als fiktive Autoren der Erzählungen auftreten. Vorbild für diesen Freundeskreis waren die Treffen der Serapionsbrüder, eines literarischen Kreises um Hoffmann, dem neben weiteren Schriftstellern auch Adelbert von Chamisso und Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué angehörten. Der Name leitete sich ursprünglich vom Heiligen Serapion her, an dessen Gedenktag – dem 14. November – der Freundeskreis sich zum ersten Mal nach längerer Trennung im Jahr 1818 wieder zusammenfand. Wichtiger als dieser äußere Anlass wird aber das sogenannte serapiontische Prinzip, dem sich die Mitglieder des Kreises verpflichtet fühlen.
ellauri254.html on line 66: „Die Grundpfeiler dieses Vereins bildeten nächst Hoffmann, Contessa, Koreff (ein ausgezeichneter Arsch*) und Hitzig. Ein vortrefflicher ineinandergreifendes Quatuor mochte nicht leicht zu finden sein. Koreff war der einzige Mensch, dem Hoffmann geduldig zuhörte, weil er ihn in der Unterhaltung an sprudelndem lebendigem Witze oft und an Kenntnissen immer überbot, auch dabei gutmütig genug war, ihn reden zu lassen, so oft er wollte; Contessa, selbst wenig redend, horchte auf alles, was die Freunde an Witz ausgehen ließen, mit dem beredtesten Beifallslächeln, das ihm unaufhörlich um die Mundwinkel spielte, von Zeit zu Zeit ein kleines, aber entscheidendes Wörtchen zugebend, und Hitzig, der mit Contessa das Publikum bildete und alle drei übrigen länger und besser als sie sich untereinander kannte, verstand darum die Kunst, Lücken im Gespräch auszufüllen, und wo es matt wurde, es wieder anzuregen, sich willig jedes Anspruchs auf Solopartien begebend.“ Hoffman oli takuulla sehr narzissistisch.
ellauri254.html on line 83: Programmatisch für das serapiontische Prinzip, das „wie Theodor sehr richtig bemerkte, eben nichts weiter heißen wollte, als daß die Serapionsbrüder übereingekommen, sich durchaus niemals mit schlechtem Machwerk zu quälen“, ist die Absage an jede Art von Nachahmungspoetik und jeden sogenannten Realismus. Nicht die Außenwelt soll durch die Dichtung abgebildet werden, sondern es gilt, „das Bild, das dem wahren Künstler im Innern aufgegangen“, durch „poetische Darstellung ins äußere Leben zu tragen“. Wie Serapion, der als weltfremder Eremit nur seinen Visionen folgte, soll auch der Dichter sich von der Einsamkeit als idealer Sphäre seines schöpferischen Geistes inspirieren lassen. Je mehr ihm die Welt zum bloßen Störfaktor wird, desto autonomer, genialer und serapiontischer sein Werk. Indem die fiktiven Erzähler der Novellensammlung über die serapiontische Qualität ihrer Texte diskutieren, wird die ästhetische Reflexion – ganz im Sinne romantischer Poetologie – selbst zum Bestandteil der Poesie. Verwirrend für die Interpreten E.T.A. Hoffmanns sind dabei die für ihn so charakteristischen visionär-phantastischen Projektionen, mit denen er die künstlerische Innenschau mit der alltäglichen Wirklichkeit verbindet und dabei eine typisch serapiontische Mischung aus Phantasie und Realität schafft, die für den Leser nur noch schwer zu entwirren ist.
ellauri254.html on line 122: Boris Pilnjak vieraili Suomessa vuonna 1934 Hella Wuolijoen ja Olavi Paavolaisen kutsumana. Vierailunsa aikana Pilnjak tapasi mm. F. E. Sillanpään tämän kesäasunnossa Saavutuksessa Hämeenkyrössä ja kutsui tämän vastavierailulle Moskovaan, mutta Sillanpään vierailu Neuvostoliitossa ei koskaan toteutunut. Pian Suomen-vierailunsa jälkeen Pilnjak syrjäytettiin Neuvostoliiton kirjailijaliiton johdosta Neuvostoliiton kulttuurielämän "puhdistuksessa" eikä hänen teoksiaan enää julkaistu. Siten myös Pilnjakin suunnitelma julkaista Sillanpään tuotantoa venäjäksi – hän oli erityisen ihastunut Nuorena nukkuneeseen – raukesi.
ellauri254.html on line 128: Vsevolod Ivanov syntyi opettajan perheeseen, kävi alkeiskoulun ja lähti varhain maailmalle kierrellen pitkin Siperiaa, Uralia ja Kazakstania ja kokeillen eri ammatteja. Hänen ensimmäiset teoksensa ilmestyivät vuonna 1915. Vuonna 1921 Ivanov asettui Pietariin, jossa hän liittyi Serapion-veljien kirjailijaryhmään. Vuosina 1921–1923 hän julkaisi joukon Venäjän kansalaissotaa kuvaavia ”partisaanikertomuksia”. Niistä tunnetuin on seikkailukirja Panssarijuna 14–69 (Bronepojezd 14–69, 1922), jonka kirjailija muokkasi näytelmäksi vuonna 1927.
ellauri254.html on line 134: Sergei Yesenin sanoi hänestä: "... on hyviä fiktiokirjailijoita... suuria taiteilijoita, jotka maalaavat sydämellä... No, Ivanov on ainakin vilpitön kaveri. Riippumatta siitä, kuinka paljon hänen elämäänsä julkistettiin, riippumatta siitä, kuinka sitä mätkittiin, hän oli aina ja pysyi todellisena artistina. Hän on harvinainen ihminen, joka ymmärtää ja rakastaa sanataidetta."
ellauri254.html on line 140: Veniamin Aleksandrovitš Kaverin (ven. Вениами́н Алекса́ндрович Каве́рин, oikea sukunimi Zilber, Зи́льбер; 19. huhtikuuta (J: 6. huhtikuuta) 1902 Pihkova – 2. toukokuuta 1989 Moskova) oli venäläinen neuvostokirjailija. Veniamin Kaverin syntyi sotilasmuusikon perheeseen. Hän opiskeli Pihkovan kymnaasissa, suoritti keskikoulun loppuun Moskovassa ja pääsi vuonna 1919 Moskovan yliopiston historiallis-kielitieteelliseen tiedekuntaan. Vuonna 1920 Kaverin muutti Pietariin, jossa hän jatkoi opintojaan Pietarin yliopiston filosofisessa tiedekunnassa sekä Itämaisten kielten instituutin arabian kielen osastossa.
ellauri254.html on line 175: Alexander Blok syntyi älykkääseen perheeseen: hänen isänsä oli asianajaja, hänen äitinsä oli Pietarin yliopiston kuuluisan rehtorin tytär. Vanhempien perhe hajosi aikaisin. Blok sai kuitenkin hyvän koulutuksen: kuntosali, sitten yliopisto. Blokin vaimo oli L.D. Mendeleev, kuuluisan kemistin tytär.
ellauri254.html on line 314: Zinovjev, oikealta nimeltään Radomyslski, syntyi keskiluokkaiseen juutalaisperheeseen Ukrainan Jelisavetgradissa (nyk. Kropyvnytskyi) vuonna 1883. Hän ei saanut mitään muodollista koulutusta, mutta matkustellessaan vuosina 1902–1905 perheensä rahoilla ulkomailla hän kävi Bernin yliopiston lakitieteen luennoilla. Siitä huolimatta hän liittyi laittomaan Venäjän sosiaalidemokraattiseen työväenpuolueeseen vuonna 1901. Puolueessa hän hakeutui radikaalina tunnetun Leninin ja tämän toimittaman Iskra-lehden piiriin. Zinovjev osallistui Lontoossa sosiaalidemokraattien vuoden 1903 puoluekokoukseen, jossa puolue jakautui kahteen siipeen, ja hän asettui Leninin johtamien bolševikkien siivelle.
ellauri254.html on line 333: Vuonna 1932 Stalin järjesti Zinovjevin ja Kamenevin uudelleen erotetuiksi puolueesta ja karkotetuiksi Siperiaan oikeisto-opposition tukijoina, mutta heidät armahdettiin vielä toukokuussa 1933 ja hyväksyttiin takaisin puolueeseen. Kun Sergei Kirov murhattiin joulukuussa 1934, Zinovjevin ja Kamenevin väitettiin olleen ”moraalisesti osallisia” tapahtuneeseen, joten heidät erotettiin jälleen puolueesta ja vangittiin. He tunnustivat syyllisyytensä saadakseen lievemmät tuomiot. Tammikuussa 1935 Zinovjev tuomittiin salaisessa oikeudenkäynnissä kymmenen ja Kamenev viiden vuoden vankeuteen. Samassa yhteydessä yli 600 Zinovjevin entistä leningradilaista tukijaa karkotettiin Siperiaan.
ellauri254.html on line 356: Sologub syntyi Pietarissa köyhän räätälin Kuzma Afanasjevitš Teternikovin perheeseen, joka oli ollut maaorja Poltavan läänissä, paikallisen maanomistajan aviottomana poikana. Kun hänen isänsä kuoli tuberkuloosiin vuonna 1867, hänen lukutaidoton äitinsä Tatiana Semjonovna Teternikova joka oli pulska rynteikäs kana, pakotettiin sexipalvelijaksi aristokraattisen Agapovin perheen kotiin, jossa Sologub ja hänen nuorempi sisarensa Olga varttuivat. Perhe kiinnostui nuoren Fjodorin koulutuksesta ja lähetti hänet pedagogiseen oppilaitokseen, jossa Sologub oli malliopiskelija. Nähdessään kuinka vaikeaa hänen äitinsä elämä oli Agapovin patjana, Sologub päätti pelastaa hänet siitä, ja valmistuttuaan Pietarin opettajien instituutista vuonna 1882 hän vei äitinsä ja sisarensa mukanaan ensimmäiselle opettajapaikalleen Kresttsyyn , missä hän aloitti opinnot. Kirjallinen ura: vuonna 1884 julkaistiin lastenlehdessä hänen runonsa "Kettu ja siili". Kettu osaa monta konstia, siili vain yhden, mutta hyvän. Paizi kettu kusee päälle kun siili menee mykkyrään.
ellauri254.html on line 360: According to the extremely experienced Belgian slavist Emmanuel Waegemans, "who was and still is indeed considered to be the primus inter pares in Russian literature and culture from the eighteenth-century onwards", Russian thinkers themselves contributed largely to this movement: such examples would be the irrationalistic and mystical poetry and philosophy of Fyodor Tyutchev and Vladimir Solovyov or Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novels. It is remotely thinkable that these geeks could read the Western alphabet on their own.
ellauri254.html on line 383: This pessimistic Russian symbolist writer, who referred to himself as the lard of death, was (as I already said) the first writer to introduce the morbid, pessimistic elements characteristic of fin de siècle literature and philosophy into Russian prose. His most famous novel, The Petty Cash Demon (1905), was an attempt to create a living portrait of the concept known in Russian as poshlost' (an idea whose meaning lies somewhere between evil, trashy and banality or kitsch). His next large prose work, A Created Legend (a trilogy consisting of Drops of Blood, Queen Ortruda, and Smoke and Ash), contained many of the same characteristics but presented a considerably more positive and hopeful view of the world. It sold much worse than Petty Cash.
ellauri254.html on line 387: Alexander Blok was a routine visitor. These years were some of the young Blok’s most prolific, marked by bursts of creative energy as he worked on two lyrical dramas – Balaganchik (‘The Puppet Show‘), featuring the ‘grotesquely luckless’ Pierrot, which was staged in 1906 by Vsevolod Meyerhold at the Komissarzhevskaya Theatre; and The Stranger – and the poetry cycle The Snow Mask, which he completed in little over a week at the beginning of 1907. The actress Valentina Verigina often accompanied Blok, and recounted of these visits to and from Sologub’s apartment:
ellauri254.html on line 395: ‘reshaped his daily life in a new and unnecessary way. A big new apartment was rented, small gilt chairs were bought. The walls of the large cold office for some reason were decorated with paintings of Leda by various painters. The quiet talks were replaced by noisy gatherings with dances and masks. Sologub shaved his mustache and beard, and everyone started to say that he resembled a Roman of the period of decline.’
ellauri254.html on line 397: One of these ‘noisy gatherings with dances and masks’ proved the occasion of a notable scandal within the world of Russian letters. On 3 January, 1911, Sologub and his wife hosted a masquerade to celebrate the new year. Among the attendees were the writers Aleksei Remizov and Aleksei Tolstoy. Remizov was well known within the world of Russian letters for his mischievous sense of humour. He founded a ‘Great and Free House of Apes’, declaring himself Chancellor, and sent out missives to writers and publishers decreeing them positions in this ironic organisation; and Andrei Bely dubbed him a ‘petty cash demon’ – the title of Sologub’s most celebrated work – owing to his appearance.
ellauri254.html on line 410: Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1. helmikuuta 1874 Wien, Itävalta – 15. heinäkuuta 1929 Wien) oli itävaltalainen kirjailija, näytelmäkirjailija ja esseisti, joka tunnetaan erityisesti lukuisten Richard Straussin oopperoiden libretistinä. Nuorena von Hofmannsthal kuului Nuorwieniläiset-nimiseen avantgarde-kirjailijoiden ryhmään. Hofmannsthal syntyi varakkaaseen wieninjuutalaiseen pankkiiriperheeseen. Ylioppilaaksi tultuaan hän opiskeli yliopistossa ensin jonkin aikaa lakitiedettä mutta vaihtoi oppiaineen sitten romaaniseen filologiaan, josta hän väitteli tohtoriksi 1899. Hofmannsthal solmi avioliiton 1901, ja perheeseen syntyi kolme lasta. Vanhin pojista teki itsemurhan 14. heinäkuuta 1929 ja von Hofmannsthal kuoli seuraavana päivänä sydänkohtaukseen hautajaisia valmistellessaan. Hänet haudattiin samaan laatikkoon poikansa kanssa. Säästyi siinäkin Kroisoxelta muutama pennonen.
ellauri254.html on line 424: Jedermannin dramatis personae ovat: Der Spielansager, Gott der Herr, Erzengel Michael, Tod, Teufel, Jedermann, Jedermanns Mutter, Jedermanns guter Gesell, Der Hausvogt, Der Koch, Ein armer Nachbar, Ein Schuldknecht, Des Schuldknechts Weib, Buhlschaft, Dicker Vetter, Dünner Vetter, Etliche junge Fräulein, Etliche von Jedermanns Tischgesellen, Büttel, Knechte, Spielleute, Buben, Mammon, Werke, Glaube, Mönch, Engel.
ellauri254.html on line 444: Deutlich ist der Bezug zum Tod von Hofmannsthals Mutter im Jahr 1904. Der Dialog mit dem Freund spielt mit Sicherheit auf die Freundschaft mit Stefan George an, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits fast zerstört war. Ein Jahr später, im März 1906, sollten Hofmannsthal und George tatsächlich ihre 15 Jahre andauernde "Freundschaft" beenden.
ellauri254.html on line 459: Ab 1882 besuchte er das Ludwig-Georgs-Gymnasium in Darmstadt. Nebenbei lernte er selbstständig Italienisch, Hebräisch, Griechisch, Latein, Dänisch, Niederländisch, Polnisch, Englisch, Französisch und Norwegisch, um fremde Literaturen im Original lesen zu können. Seine Sprachbegabung veranlasste ihn auch, mehrere Geheimsprachen zu entwickeln. Eine davon behielt er bis zum Ende seines Lebens für persönliche Notizen bei; da jedoch alle entsprechenden Unterlagen nach seinem Tod vernichtet wurden, ist sie bis auf zwei Zeilen in einem Gedicht verloren und diese können auch nicht mehr entschlüsselt werden.
ellauri254.html on line 461: Nach seinem Abitur im Jahre 1888 bereiste George die europäischen Metropolen London, Paris und Wien. In Wien lernte er 1891 Hugo von Hofmannsthal kennen. In Paris traf er auf den Symbolisten Stéphane Mallarmé und dessen Dichterkreis, der ihn nachhaltig beeinflusste und ihn seine exklusive und elitäre Kunstauffassung des l’art pour l’art entwickeln ließ. Seine Dichtungen sollten sich jeglicher Zweckgebundenheit und Profanierung entziehen. Zu Georges Pariser Kontaktpersonen gehörte auch Paul Verlaine. Unter dem Einfluss der Symbolisten entwickelte George eine Abneigung gegen den in Deutschland zu jener Zeit sehr populären Realismus und Naturalismus. Maxim Gorki wäre sehr böse gewesen, hätte er das gewusst. Seit 1889 studierte er drei Semester lang an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin, brach sein Studium jedoch bald ab. Danach blieb er sein Leben lang ohne festen Wohnsitz, wohnte bei Freunden und Verlegern (wie Georg Bondi in Berlin), auch wenn er sich zunächst noch relativ häufig in das Elternhaus in Bingen zurückzog. Zwar hatte er von seinen Eltern ein beträchtliches Erbe erhalten, doch lebte er stets sehr genügsam. Als Dichter identifizierte er sich früh mit Dante (als der er auch beim Münchner Fasching auftrat), dessen Divina Comedia er in kleine Teile zerriss. Samanlainen ilkeä riippunokka se olikin kuin Dante.
ellauri254.html on line 463: George trat in dieser Zeit in Lesungen vor ausgesuchtem Hörerkreis auf. Während er in ein priesterliches Gewand gekleidet seine Verse verlas, lauschte das Publikum ergriffen. Anschließend empfing er einzelne weibliche Zuhörer zu Audienzen in einem Nebenzimmer. Seine Bücher waren ungewöhnlich gestaltet und zunächst nur in intellektuellen Kreisen zu hohem Preis vorhanden.
ellauri254.html on line 465: Zu Georges engen Vertrauten zählte anfangs auch der Wiener Schriftsteller Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Die Beziehung war von Seiten Georges, der sich homoerotisch zu Männern hingezogen fühlte, ausgegangen. Sein ungestümes Drängen jedoch ließ die Faszination Hofmannsthals, der den sechs Jahre älteren George an Heiligabend 1891 nichts ahnend besuchte, in Angst umschlagen. Georges Besessenheit ging so weit, dass er den 17-Jährigen sogar zum Duell aufforderte, weil Hofmannsthal sein Werben angeblich falsch gedeutet habe. Dazu kam es nicht, aber Hofmannsthal fühlte sich von George derart verfolgt, dass er in seiner Verzweiflung schließlich seinen Vater um Hilfe bat, dem es mit einem klärenden Gespräch gelang, Georges Nachstellungen zu unterbinden.
ellauri254.html on line 467: Der geistige Umgang der beiden dauerte dennoch fast 15 Jahre an, wobei George immer die Rolle des bestimmenden älteren Freundes einnahm. Gleichwohl wehrte sich Hofmannsthal, bei aller Hochschätzung der dichterischen Genialität Georges, gegen die persönliche Vereinnahmung durch ihn und seinen Kreis. Aus dieser Zeit stammt ein intensiver Briefwechsel. Hofmannsthal stellte in seinem Gespräch über Gedichte (1903) das berühmte, aus dem Jahr der Seele stammende Gedicht vor, mit dem George diesen Zyklus einleitet:
ellauri254.html on line 477: Erlese küsse sie und flicht den kranz · Poimi pussaten niitä ja solmi seppele
ellauri254.html on line 479: Vergiss auch diese lezten astern nicht · Äläkä unohda tätä laitimmaista ahteria -
ellauri254.html on line 484: Es wurde immer klarer, dass die gegenseitigen Erwartungen enttäuscht wurden und ihre künstlerischen Vorstellungen immer weiter auseinandergingen. So konzentrierte sich George auf die Lyrik und verlangte Gefolgschaft, der sich Hofmannsthal allmählich entzog, zumal er sich auch dem Drama und anderen Formen gegenüber aufgeschlossen zeigte. Auf die Widmung seines Trauerspiels Das gerettete Venedig von 1904 an George reagierte dieser ablehnend. Er bescheinigte Hofmannsthal, dass der Versuch, den „Anschluss an die große Form zu finden“, misslungen sei. Im März 1906 brachen sie den Kontakt ganz ab.
ellauri254.html on line 488: Ab 1907 ist eine Zäsur in Georges Kunstbegriff zu erkennen. Seine Werke entsprachen nicht mehr dem Anspruch der sogenannten selbstgenügsamen Kunst, sondern gewannen zunehmend einen prophetischen und religiösen Charakter. Fortan fungierte George zunehmend als ästhetischer Richter oder Ankläger, der gegen eine Zeit der Verflachung anzukämpfen versuchte. Anlass hierzu war vor allem die Begegnung Georges mit dem vierzehnjährigen Maximilian Kronberger 1902 in München. Nach dem plötzlichen Tod Kronbergers 1904 an Arschverblütung stellte George ein Gedenkbuch zusammen, das 1906 mit einer Vorrede erschien, in der „Maximin“ (so nennt ihn George) zum Gott erhoben wurde, der „in unsere Kreise getreten war“. Inwiefern dieser „Maximin-Kult“ tatsächlich ein gemeinsamer des Kreises war oder eher ein privater Georges, der dadurch, dass er die Göttlichkeit Maximins erkannt hatte, seine eigene zentrale Stellung rechtfertigen wollte, ist schwierig zu rekonstruieren. Minimax olis ollut turvallisempi strategia, kuiten von Neumann ja Morgenstern ovat osoittaneet. Maxi muna miniin reikään tuottaa vahinkoa, mini muna maxissa reiässä ei ehkä paljon anna, muttei otakaan.
ellauri254.html on line 515: Alfred Schuler (* 22. November 1865 in Mainz; † 8. April 1923 in München) wird als Seher, Religionsstifter, Gnostiker, Mystagoge und Visionär charakterisiert. Sich selbst verstand Schuler als einen wiedergeborenen dekadenten Römer der späten Kaiserzeit. Schuler, der einen gnostizierenden Neopaganismus vertrat, war spiritueller Mittelpunkt der Kosmiker und Ideengeber für Stefan George und Ludwig Klages. Ohne zu Lebzeiten ein Buch veröffentlicht zu haben, erzielte er eine große Breitenwirkung. Mme Turn und Taxis fragte Rilke: Wer ist dieser Schwuler? Hat er etwas gesrchrieben?
ellauri254.html on line 519: In seinem Spätwerk Das neue Reich (1928) verkündete George eine hierarchische Gesellschaftsreform auf der Grundlage einer neuen geistig-seelischen Aristokratie (z. B. Stefan George). Georgea ei nazit saaneet houkutelluxi mukaansa, vaan se ryömi Sveiziin kuolemaan. Tän Schwulerin fasistiset sekoilut saivat sen kyllä hetkittäin kuumumaan, varmaan kun pojilla oli housut nilkoissa.
ellauri254.html on line 521: In Schulers antisemitisch-esoterischer Vorstellungswelt strömten im Blut „kosmische Energien“ des Menschen zusammen, ein kostbarer Besitz, der „Quell aller schöpferischen Mächte“ sei. Dieser Schatz sei von einem besonderen Leuchtstoff durchdrungen, der von der kosmischen Kraft des Trägers künde, allerdings nur im Blut auserwählter Personen zu finden sei. Von ihnen erwartete man in den Zeiten des Niederganges die allgemeine Wiedergeburt in den Sonnenkindern oder Wiener Sängerknaben. Nun gab es nach Auffassung Klages’ einen mächtigen Feind des Blutes, den Geist, und die kosmischen Anstrengungen sollten darauf hinauslaufen, die Seele aus der „Knechtschaft“ dieses Geistes zu befreien, jener Kraft, die mit Fortschritt und Vernunft, Kapitalismus, Zivilisation und dem Judentum gleichzusetzen war und den Sieg Jahwes über das Leben bedeuten würde. Die Tiraden Schulers gegen den „Molochismus“, wie er seine Anspielung auf den kinderverschlingenden Moloch nannte, unterschieden sich kaum von antisemitischen Wendungen, die um diese Zeit in Wien gestreut wurden. Klages ging über diese noch hinaus, indem er vom Scheinleben einer Larve sprach, die Jahwe nutze, „um auf dem Wege der Täuschung die Menschheit zu vernichten“.
ellauri254.html on line 523: Obwohl George viele Ideen Schulers als unsinnig ablehnte, war er von ihm fasziniert und vergegenwärtigte in etlichen Versen dessen heraufbeschworene Visionen. Nun wollte Klages, der Schuler immer nähergekommen war, zwischen George und das jüdische Mitglied des Kreises Karl Wolfskehl einen Keil treiben. 1904 biederte er sich dem Zeitgeist an und bestätigte damit indirekt Georges Absage an den Antisemitismus: Klages behauptete, er habe 1904 im letzten Moment durchschaut, dass der George-Kreis von einer „jüdischen Zentrale gesteuert“ werde. Er habe George vor die Wahl gestellt, indem er ihn fragen wollte, was ihn an „Juda“ „binde“. Diesem Gespräch sei George ausgewichen. Wolfskehl, der sich als „römisch, jüdisch, deutsch zugleich“ charakterisierte und als bedeutender Repräsentant der jüdischen George-Rezeption angesehen werden kann, glaubte zunächst an eine Symbiose von Deutschtum und Judentum und orientierte sich hierbei an den Werken des Dichters, der im Stern des Bundes im Sinne einer Wahlverwandtschaft Juden als die „verkannte(n) brüder“ bezeichnete, „von glühender wüste … Stammort des gott-gespenstes … gleich entfernt“.
ellauri254.html on line 532: George unterschied Künstler, die er als urbedingt oder Urgeister bzw Uranianer bezeichnete (z.B. Stefan George), von abgeleiteten Wesen. Während die Urgeister ihre Anlagen ohne Führung vollenden konnten, war das Schaffen der anderen nicht autark, sodass sie auf den Kontakt zu den Urgeistern angewiesen waren und das Göttliche nur in abgeleiteter Form empfangen konnten. Das Gegensatzpaar Urgeister – abgeleitete Wesen prägte das Denken und Schaffen des George-Kreises. Die meisten Anhänger Georges sahen sich selbst als abgeleitete Wesen. Zu den wenigen Urgeistern gehörten für George etwa Karl Wolfskehl und Ludwig Klages.
ellauri254.html on line 620: Judenitš pyysi suomalaisia liittymään sotaan puolelleen ja oli tunnustavinaan Suomen itsenäisyyden, mutta koska itäisen valkoisen rintaman komentaja Aleksandr Koltšak ei tunnustanut Suomen itsenäisyyttä, Suomi ei liittynyt mukaan Venäjän valkoiseen rintamaan bolševikkeja vastaan saartamaan Pietaria. Venäjän monarkistien kanta oli, että Venäjän keisarikunnan alueella olevien kansallisuuksien itsenäisyyspyrkimykset ja Venäjän valtiorakenteeseen liittyvät kysymykset pitäisi ratkaista rauhantilan palattua perustuslakia säätävässä kansankokouksessa. Periaatteessa Venäjän keisarikunta ja keisarin valtaa käyttänyt tasavaltalainen Venäjä oli yhtenäinen valtakunta, josta ei perustuslaillisesti voinut erota, kuten liittovaltioista.
ellauri254.html on line 653: Lev Bronstein syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen Etelä-Venäjällä, nykyisessä Ukrainassa 26. lokakuuta (7. marraskuuta uuden luvun mukaan) 1879. Hänen isänsä David Bronstein oli varakas venäjänjuutalainen maanviljelijä. Levin sisko Olga tuli myöhemmin tunnetuksi bolševikkipoliitikkona ja Trotskin kilpailijan Lev Kamenevin vaimona. Perhe ei ollut kovinkaan uskonnollinen. Bronšteinit puhuivat kotonaan venäjää ja ukrainaa, ja Lev itse sujuvasti lisäksi hepreaa, saksaa, englantia, ranskaa ja espanjaa.
ellauri254.html on line 679: Kamenev, oikealta nimeltään Rosenfeld, oli syntyisin juutalaisperheestä, ja hänen isänsä oli veturinkuljettaja Moskova–Kursk-rautatiellä. Hänen vanhempansa olivat olleet mukana opiskelijoiden vallankumouksellisessa toiminnassa 1870-luvulla. Kamenev kävi lukionsa Tbilisissä Georgiassa, jossa hän sai ensimmäisen kosketuksensa vallankumoukselliseen sosialistiseen liikkeeseen. Laittomaan Venäjän sosiaalidemokraattiseen työväenpuolueeseen hän liittyi vuonna 1901. Koska Kamenev oli lukioaikanaan kuulunut radikaaleihin poliittisiin keskustelukerhoihin ja osallistunut mielenosoituksiin, hänet hyväksyttiin Moskovan yliopistoon vasta erillisestä anomuksesta. Maaliskuussa 1902 hänet vangittiin muutamaksi kuukaudeksi hänen osallistuttuaan tsaarinvallan vastaiseen opiskelijamielenosoitukseen, minkä jälkeen häneltä evättiin lupa jatkaa opintojaan. Hän pakeni Länsi-Eurooppaan, tutustui Pariisissa Vladimir Leniniin ja ryhtyi ammattivallankumoukselliseksi. Venäjän sosiaalidemokraattien jakaannuttua kahtia vuonna 1903 Kamenev liittyi Leninin johtamaan bolševikkisiipeen.
ellauri254.html on line 683: Ensimmäisen maailmansodan puhjettua vuonna 1914 Lenin lähetti Kamenevin Venäjälle, jossa tämä ohjeisti bolševikkien edustajat duumassa vastustamaan sotaa. Kamenev pidätettiin ja karkotettiin Siperiaan marraskuussa 1914. Hän vapautui vuonna 1917 helmikuun vallankumouksen jälkeen ja matkusti niin ikään Siperian-karkotuksesta vapautuneen Stalinin kanssa Pietariin, jossa he muodostivat maaliskuun lopussa bolševikkien tilapäisen johdon. Kamenevista tuli myös Pravdan päätoimittaja, joskin hänet korvattiin Stalinilla toukokuun alussa. Kamenev ja Stalin kehottivat puoluetta antamaan varauksellista tukea väliaikaiselle hallitukselle, mutta Venäjälle palannut Lenin kumosi tämän ohjeen huhtikuun teeseissään, jotka kehottivat suoraan seuraavaan vallankumoukseen. Kamenev pelkäsi ennenaikaisesti aloitetun vallankumouksen epäonnistuvan ja asettui avoimesti vastustamaan Leninin uutta linjaa. Varovainen linja henkilöityi vuonna 1917 juuri Kameneviin. Tästä huolimatta hänet vangittiin vähäksi aikaa niin sanottujen heinäkuun levottomuuksien yhteydessä.
ellauri254.html on line 695: Kamenev ja Zinovjev saivat puoluejäsenyytensä takaisin vuonna 1928. Puolueesta erottaminen ja uudelleen jäseneksi hyväksyminen toistui 1932–1933, missä välissä Kamenev oli karkotettuna Minusinskiin. Vuosina 1932–1934 hän oli Moskovaan perustetun Gorkin maailmankirjallisuuden instituutin ensimmäisenä johtajana. Kun Sergei Kirov murhattiin joulukuussa 1934, Zinovjevia ja Kamenevia syytettiin ”moraalisesta osallisuudesta” tapahtuneeseen. Tammikuussa 1935 pidetyssä salaisessa oikeudenkäynnissä Kamenev tuomittiin viiden ja Zinovjev kymmenen vuoden vankeuteen. Kamenev joutui heinäkuussa 1935 yhdessä 38 muun henkilön kanssa syytetyksi myös salaliitosta Stalinia vastaan ja tällä kertaa hänet tuomittiin kymmenen vuoden vankeuteen.
ellauri254.html on line 703: Kirovin alkuperäinen nimi oli Kostrikov (Ко́стриков). Hän menetti vanhempansa nuorena, ja isoäiti kasvatti häntä seitsenvuotiaaksi, jolloin hänet laitettiin orpokotiin. Kostrikov muutti Pietariin ja liittyi 1904 Venäjän sosiaalidemokraattiseen työväenpuolueeseen. Hänestä tuli keskeinen hahmo bolševikkien osuudessa vallankumouksiin 1905 ja 1917.
ellauri254.html on line 760: Bernes syntyi juutalaisperheeseen Ukrainassa 1911. Kun poika oli kolmen vanha, perhe muutti Harkoviin, jossa isä myi lumppuja ja käytettyjä polkupyöriä. Teini-ikäisenä Bernes osallistui paikallisen teatterin toimintaan, ja teatterin ohjaaja kannusti häntä eteenpäin. Bernes muutti Moskovaan ja alkoi saada rooleja, joissa henkilöityi sodan kokeneen sukupolven miesten maailma. Parhaat säveltäjät ja sanoittajat tarjosivat hänelle myös teoksiaan laulettaviksi.
ellauri254.html on line 777: Barbusse oli kommunisti, ja vuonna 1919 hän ryhtyi julkaisemaan aikakauslehteä Clarté. Hän kirjoitti myös samannimisen kirjan, ja ne loivat pohjan hänen perustamalleen kansainväliselle Clarté-järjestölle. Hän liittyi kommunistipuolueeseen 1923 ja kävi Neuvostoliitossa useita kertoja.
ellauri254.html on line 826: Among other things, Shklovsky also contributed the plot/story distinction (syuzhet/fabula), which separates out the sequence of events the work relates (the story) from the sequence in which those events are presented in the work (the plot). Shklovsky ihaili ja matki Sterneä. Se päästettiin takaisin Neuvostolaan pyydettyään tekosiaan anteexi 1923.
ellauri254.html on line 840: Mihail Zoštšenko syntyi taiteilijaperheeseen. Hän opiskeli Pietarin yliopistossa ja osallistui vapaaehtoisena ensimmäiseen maailmansotaan. Venäjän vallankumouksen jälkeen Zoštšenko palveli puna-armeijassa ja kokeili mitä erilaisimpia ammatteja. Vuonna 1921 hän liittyi Serapion-veljien kirjailijaryhmään.
ellauri254.html on line 844: Zoštšenkon ensimmäinen kertomuskokoelma Rasskazy Nazara Iljitša, gospodina Sinebrjuhova (”Herra Nazar Sinebrykoffin kertomuksia”) ilmestyi vuonna 1922. Hänen satiiriset kertomuksensa saivat pian valtavan suosion. Niiden kertojasankari on puoliksi sivistynyt pieni ihminen, joka yrittäessään sopeutua uusiin olosuhteisiin törmää erilaisiin absurdeihin epäkohtiin. Kirjailijan alatyylistä puhetapaa ja uutta neuvostosanastoa humoristisesti sekoittava kerrontatekniikka kuuluu Nikolai Gogolista juontuvaan skaz-perinteeseen.
ellauri254.html on line 861: Nikolai Tihonov syntyi parturin perheeseen. Hän kävi Pietarin kauppakoulun, osallistui ensimmäiseen maailmansotaan ja palveli puna-armeijassa. Vuonna 1922 hän liittyi Serapion-veljien kirjailijaryhmään.
ellauri254.html on line 902: Nikolai Nikitin syntyi rautatievirkailijan perheeseen. Hän opiskeli Pietarin yliopistossa ja palveli vuosina 1918–1922 puna-armeijassa. Hän liittyi 1921 pietarilaiseen Serapion-veljien kirjailijaryhmään.
ellauri256.html on line 147: Ja tapahtui kymmenentenä päivänä, ja katso, nainen tuli ulos teltasta ja kulki alasti leirin läpi. Israel ryömi hänen perässään hiekalla ja suuteli hänen jalanjälkiä. Ja nainen sanoi: "Hajottakaa Jumalasi alttarit ja rakentakaa uhrikukkuloita Baal Pegorille, sillä hän on tosi Jumala." Ja Israel tuhosi Jumalansa alttarit ja rakensi uhrikukkuloita Pegorille Baalille. Ja nainen meni seurakunnan majaan, mutta majan sisäänkäynnin edessä makasi Pinehas, Eleasarin poika. Ja nainen ei uskaltanut mennä tabernaakkeliin, vaan sanoi: "Miksi makaat täällä, niinkuin erämaan koira? Tule luokseni telttasi ja makaa minun kanssani." Ja hän sanoi: "Lyö tuota miestä!" Ja Simri, Salun poika, Simeonin sukukunnan pää, tuli ulos ja potki Piinehasta jalallaan. Ja nainen meni telttaan. Ja Simri, Salun poika, seurasi häntä. Ja se oli illalla. Ja katso, Piinehas, Eleasarin poika, nousi ja meni telttaan makaamaan naisen kanssa. Ja Israel näki, että Piinehas oli tulossa, ja erosi hänen edessään. Ja Piinehas meni telttaan, ja hänen kädessään oli keihäs. Ja katso, nainen makasi alasti vuoteella, ja hänen päällänsä oli Zimri, Salun poika, alasti. Ja Piinehas, Eleasarin poika, löi häntä keihällä ristiluuhun ja lävisti hänen kohtunsa ja naisen kohtuun, ja keihäs lävisti sohvaan. Silloin Piinehas kaatoi teltan ja näki Israelin naisen ja Simrin, Salan pojan alasti ja naulattuna vuoteeseen, ja ulvoi ja itki. Ja Piinehas, Aaronin pojan Eleasarin poika, ylimmäinen pappi, meni ja meni makaamaan seurakuntamajan ovelle. Ja Israel näki naisen ja Simrin, Salan pojan, alasti ja naulattuna vuoteeseen, ja itki ja valitti. Ja Piinehas, Aaronin pojan Eleasarin poika, ylimmäinen pappi, meni ja meni makaamaan seurakuntamajan ovelle. Ja Israel näki naisen ja Simrin, Salan pojan, alasti ja naulattuna vuoteeseen, ja itki ja valitti. Ja Piinehas, Aaronin pojan Eleasarin poika, ylimmäinen pappi, meni ja meni makaamaan seurakuntamajan ovelle.
ellauri256.html on line 157: Piinehas, Eleasarin poika, meni viimeisenä ja kääntyi kävellessään. Heidän takanaan nainen ja Simri, Salun poika, Simeonin heimon pää, olivat alasti ja naulattuna vuoteeseen.
ellauri256.html on line 166: Tarinan "In the Desert" lopussa on merkitty sen kirjoituspäivämäärä: maaliskuu 1921. Vuonna 1922 tarina julkaistiin kokoelmassa "Serapion Brothers" (Almanakka First, Pietari, "Alkonost". Samana vuonna almanakka julkaistiin uudelleen Berliinissä). Kirjoittaja N. Berberova kirjoittaa muistelmissaan: "Lauantaisin Serapionit kokoontuivat Slonimskyn huoneeseen... Kävin siellä usein. ", ensimmäinen kirja, 1953, New York, s. 165). Suurelta osin lukemisen vaikutelmana "Aavikossa", M. Gorki puhui kahdesti kirjeissään V. Kaverinille L. Luntsista; 10. lokakuuta 1922: "Salli minun neuvoa tässä: pitäkää tiukasti kiinni ystävistänne: Lunts, Zoshchenko, Slonimsky ja kaikki muut, jotka eivät ole järkyttyneitä, joita "maallisen turhuuden basaari" ei sokaise. 25. marraskuuta 1923: "Valitettavasti en nähnyt Luntsia. Hän on vakava ja suuri kirjailija" ("Literary Heritage", osa 70, 1963, M., Publishing House of the Sciences Academy of the USSR, ss. 172, 177 ) Ja Sorrentosta 8. toukokuuta 1925 M. Slonimskylle osoitetussa kirjeessä M. Gorky kertoi, että viimeisessä kirjassa "Venäjä" on annettu Lo Gatton käännöksessä "Aavikko..." ( Ibid., s. 389).
ellauri256.html on line 342: Majakovski tempautui keskikoululaisena mukaan kumoukselliseen teiniliikkeeseen, jolla oli vahva kannatus hänen kotikaupungissaan Georgiassa. Vuonna 1906 perhe muutti Moskovaan, jossa hänestä tuli taideakatemian oppilas. Vuonna 1908 hän liittyi sosiaalidemokraattiseen puolueeseen. Kumouksellisen toiminnan takia hänet vangittiin kolme kertaa ja hän oli eristyssellissä yhteensä 11 kuukautta. Tuon ajan hän käytti marxilaisuuden opiskeluun ja venäläisen kirjallisuuden lukemiseen. Mitähän sekin siitä tajusi. Vapauduttaan hän tutustui runoilija David Burljukiin, joka johdatti hänet futuristiseen aatteeseen. He muodostivat aluksi niin sanotun kubofuturistisen terroristisolun. He halusivat murskata porvarillisen taiteen vakinntuneet normit ja vihasivat muutoinkin porvaristoa. Silti vain Majakovski oli selvästi sosialismin kannattaja, Burljuk oli salaporvari joka muuttikin sittemmin New Yorkiin.
ellauri256.html on line 350: Siihen viittaa sekin seikka että Tohtori Živagon kirjoittaja Boris Pasternak piti Majakovskia ainoana kirjailijaystävänään. Majakovski ei koskaan harkinnut kommunistipuolueeseen liittymistä, vaikka 1920-luvun alussa lukuisat muut taiteilijaälymystön ja vallankumoussukupolven edustajat näin tekivät. Sensijaan Majakovski teki itsemurhan 1930. Mut kukas tää Brik sitten oli?
ellauri256.html on line 357: “Some call her the second Beatrice, a wise inspirer, Mayakovsky's kindred spirit. Others, a mercenary witch, a vampire, who attached herself to the troubled genius, to his fame and money, and who drove him to suicide,” present-day biographers write about her. Actually she was a little of both.
ellauri256.html on line 382: Professionally, Brik was everything and nothing: she tried to be a sculptor, a writer, a film actress, she worked in advertising and took balling lessons. She did not achieve great results in any of these fields. Yet, she founded one of Moscow's most famous literary salons of the 20th century. That salon outlived all others. “The literature was canceled, there was just the Briks' salon left, where writers met with KGB operatives,” Anna Akhmatova, who was not invited to the salon, jealously said.
ellauri256.html on line 483: Kaniv (ukr. Канів) on kaupunki Keski-Ukrainassa Dneprin oikealla rannalla, noin 150 kilometriä Kiovasta etelään ja noin 50 kilometriä Tšerkasysta luoteeseen, leveän Dnjeprin Järvenpäässä Se kuuluu Tšerkasyn alueeseen ja Tšerkasyn piiriin. Vuonna 2021 siellä oli runsas 23 500 asukasta. Kaniv on historiallinen kaupunki, jonka perusti 1000-luvulla Kiovan suuriruhtinas Jaroslav I Viisas. Nykyään se tunnetaan ennen kaikkea ukrainalaisen runoilijan Taras Ševtšenkon hautapaikkana.
ellauri257.html on line 85: Buddhalainen huolimattomuus, jolla "Bulba" valmistetaan, poistaa täysin tarpeen analysoida sekä sen suhdetta alkuperäiseen lähteeseen että sen poliittisia aikeita. Tämä ei ole kannanotto aiheesta Venäjän historialliset suhteet Ukrainan kanssa eikä varsinaisesti sanottuna näyttöversio - tämä on, kuten sanotaan, lomaelokuva alunperin venäläisessä käsityksessä lomasta tapahtumana seuraavana aamuna sen jälkeen. jota kaikki häpeävät. Joitakin kalliita maisemia on rakennettu, mutta operaattorilla ei ilmeisesti ole aikaa kuvata niitä.
ellauri257.html on line 106: Taras palaa kotiin löytääkseen kaikki vanhat kasakkaystävänsä kuolleina ja nuoremmat kasakat heidän tilalleen. Hän lähtee taas sotaan. Uusi hetmani haluaa tehdä rauhan puolalaisten kanssa, mitä Taras jyrkästi vastustaa varoittaen, että puolalaiset ovat petollisia eivätkä kunnioita heidän sanojaan. Taras ei pystynyt vakuuttamaan hetmania, vaan vie hänen rykmenttinsä jatkamaan hyökkäystä itsenäisesti. Kuten Taras ennusti, kun uusi hetmani suostuu aselepoon, puolalaiset pettävät hänet ja tappavat joukon kasakkoja. Taras ja hänen miehensä jatkavat taistelua ja jäävät lopulta kiinni raunioituneeseen linnoitukseen, jossa he taistelevat, kunnes viimeinen mies voitetaan.
ellauri257.html on line 382: But guenons aren't the only amorous apes that have shrugged off sexual norms. There's also the japanese macaque, which have been spotted having sex with deer numerous times. But it now appears it's the female monkeys performing sex acts with the deer by mounting them and thrusting, raportoi brittilehti The Sun.
ellauri257.html on line 392: What I find most galling is that while he is ranting about “cultural Marxists”, he is actually drawing on ideas espoused by exactly these “cultural Marxists”! İn other words, he is mischaracterising as “the enemy” the very people who created many of the arguments he himself utilises!
ellauri257.html on line 419: Upon the 2009 American release (of the book, after the film of course, this is America), Michael Dirda wrote in The Washington Post that Pornografia "seems as sick, as pathologically creepy a novel as one is ever likely to read. In some ways, it resembles a rather more polymorphously perverse version of Les Liaisons Dangereuses or one of those disturbing fictions by European intellectuals that blend the philosophical with the erotic: Think of Georges Bataille's The Story of the Eye or Pierre Klossowski's Roberte Ce Soir. ... Through its sado-masochistic material and its almost Henry Jamesian analyses of human motives, Pornografia underscores Gombrowicz's lifelong philosophical obsession: the quest for authenticity." Dirda continued: "Certainly, most readers will find Pornografia perturbing, or worse: repulsive, confusing, ugly. As Milosz once said of Gombrowicz: 'He had no reverence whatsoever for literature. He derided it as a snobbish ritual, and if he practiced it, he attempted to get rid of all its accepted rules.'"
ellauri257.html on line 510: The material is unformed, the style is clumsy; the scenes are poorly narrated. Of course, it is unfair to depict Alma as a failed writer, for she never aspired to be a writer. Neither is this manuscript a finished product. Yet Alma on occasion did present herself as an author. She wrote at least one short story, which she sent out to magazines. An editor gave her an encouraging response, but asked her to change the ending. Alma never followed up, and dropped the endeavor altogether.
ellauri257.html on line 520: What kind of inner, private life did Alma have? Did she tire of years of cooking, cleaning, ironing and sewing for Singer? Was it difficult to be the wife of a public person? How did she cope with his escapades? About these the manuscript remains silent. After all, Alma belonged to a social class where women weren’t encouraged to explore such details. In an interview, she does represent the younger Singer as easy-going and says how much he changed over time. But she ascribes those changes to how much people wanted from him and not the other way around.
ellauri257.html on line 544: Hän syntyi Yisruel Yehoyshye Zingeriksi, Pinchas (LOL Pinehas, se joka puhkoi nussijoita keihäällä!) Mendl Zyngerin, rabbin ja rabbiinisten kommenttien kirjoittajan, ja Basheva Zylbermanin pojaksi. Hän oli kirjailija Isaac Bashevis Singerin ja kirjailija Esther Kreitmanin veli. Hän meni naimisiin Genia Kupferstokin kanssa. Hänen vanhin poikansa Yasha kuoli 14-vuotiaana keuhkokuumeeseen ennen perheen muuttoa Amerikkaan. Hänen nuorempi poikansa Joseph Singer oli sekä isänsä että setänsä Isaac Bashevis Singerin teosten kääntäjä. Joseph, taidemaalari ja kirjailija, kuten isänsä, meni naimisiin June Flaum Singerin kanssa, josta tuli kirjailija. Heillä oli neljä lasta: Sharon Salinger, Brett Singer, IJ Singer ja Valerie Singer. Kolme tytärtä seurasivat perheyritystä ja ovat myös runoilijoita ja kirjailijoita sen ohella että käärivät tuohta Iisakin perinnöstä bashevish.com sivustolla.
ellauri257.html on line 550: Hinde Ester Singer Kreytman (31. maaliskuuta 1891 – 13. kesäkuuta 1954), englanniksi Esther Kreitman, oli jiddishinkielinen romaani- ja novellikirjailija. Hän syntyi Biłgorajissa, Veikselin osavaltiossa rabbiiniseen juutalaisperheeseen. Hänen nuoremmat veljensä Israel Joshua Singer ja Isaac Bashevis Singer tulivat myöhemmin kirjailijoiksi.
ellauri258.html on line 87: Vuoden 1984 Firestarterin katsoi heikkouksistaan huolimatta vaivatta läpi, sillä yhteen itsestäänselvään asiaan siinä oli ainakin panostettu: tehosteisiin. Räjähdyksiä, pyrotekniikkaa ja tulipalostuntteja riitti. Kirjan mukaisesti spektaakkelimainen loppukliimaksi oli erityisen tyydyttävää tuho-orgiaa. Vuoden 2022 Firestarterin säälittävä budjetti ei ole venynyt kuin pariin hassuun tulitehosteeseen ja koulun vessakopin räjäyttämiseen. Lopun ”huipennus” on niin aneeminen, että naurattaa.
ellauri258.html on line 242: Suurin uhka olisi ilmastohätätila, nimenomaan hätätila. Siksi Suomen julkisen sektorin pitäisi olla hiilineutraali vuoteen 2020 mennessä, Himanen esitti. Tätä voitaisiin lietsoa merkittävillä verokannustimilla ympäristöinnovointiin. ”Täysin varmaa on, että talouskasvu, joka ei vastaa ilmastonmuutoksen haasteeseen, ei ole enää mahdollinen.” Tärkeimmän lauseen Himanen oli itsekin kursivoinut.
ellauri258.html on line 244: Lisäksi hän kirjoitti, että talouskasvusta ylipäänsä oli tullut itseisarvo ja ihminen oli unohdettu. Kulttuuriin ja taiteeseen Himanen halusi budjetoida lisää rahaa viisi prosenttia vuodessa, jolloin rahamäärä 1,6-kertaistuisi kymmenessä vuodessa. Haha ihan pelleä!
ellauri258.html on line 299: Giovannino (Giovanni) Oliviero Giuseppe Guareschi (1. toukokuuta 1908 Fontanelle di Roccabianca, Italia – 22. heinäkuuta 1968 Cervia, Italia) syntyi keskiluokkaiseen perheeseen Fontanelle di Roccabiancassa lähellä Parmaa. Hänen isänsä Primo Augusto Guareschi myi polkupyöriä ja maatalouskoneita, äiti Lina Maghenzani oli kansakoulun opettaja. Perheen muutettua Parmaan 1914 perheen isä yritti huonolla menestyksellä uutta alaa kiinteistönvälittäjänä ja teki lopulta 1925 konkurssin, mitä seurasi vuosikymmenen kestänyt oikeusprosessi. Perheen jouduttua talousahdinkoon Giovanninolla oli vaikeuksia viedä lukion käyntiä päätökseen. Koulun jälkeen Guareschi oikoluki ja toimitti fasistilehtiä. Hänen mukanaan muutti Milanoon kenkäkaupan myyjä Ennia Pallini, jonka kanssa hän avioitui 1940. Ehti viettää eri syistä useita vuosia vankilassa Saxassa ja saapasmaassa ennenkuin kuoli sydäriin täytettyään 60.
ellauri258.html on line 395: hameeseen ja saappaisiin. Saduissa ei panosteta Baba Yagan vaatteisiin.
ellauri258.html on line 554: Jotkut tutkijat ovat ehdottaneet, että Baba Yagan käsitteeseen vaikuttivat itäslaavilaiset yhteydet suomalais-ugrilaisiin ja siperialaisiin kansoihin. Karjalaisessa Syöjätärissä on Baba Yagan piirteitä, mutta vain kielteisiä, kun taas muissa karjalaisissa tarinoissa Baba Yagan kaltaisia hyödyllisiä rooleja voi esittää hahmo nimeltä akka ( "vanha nainen"). Manne sanoi Ansua akaxi ihan hyvässä mielessä, mitä iso Pauli ei järin arvostanut. Hän on pelattava maaginen hahmo Smitessä. Tässä yhteydessä sopii mainita myös Akka Kebnekaiselainen.
ellauri258.html on line 615: Kun sinä rukoilet, mene sisälle huoneeseesi, sulje ovi ja rukoile sitten Isääsi, joka on salassa. Isäsi, joka näkee myös sen, mikä on salassa, palkitsee sinut.
ellauri258.html on line 677: Kun sinä paastoat, voitele hiuksesi Brylcremillä ja pese kasvosi.
ellauri260.html on line 89: Hänen kuuluisa käytännöllinen kategorinen imperatiivinsa - Toimi niin, että kohtelet ihmiskuntaa, joko omassa persoonassasi tai toisen persoonassa, aina päämääränä eikä koskaan vain keinona - sisällytettiin lähes sanatarkasti Karol Wojtyłan "personalistiseen periaatteeseen". Tää on aika vahvaa gumanismia. Yxi ihmishenki, syntymätönkin, on arvokkaampi kuin pallollinen muita eläimiä. Sori vaan, nokkakarhut, nää termiitit on tärkeämpiä.
ellauri260.html on line 115: Nietzsche oli ateistina kehno personalisti, se uhosi liikaa jostain ylipersoonista. Tommonen individividismi ei riitä aokuunkaan, missä ihminen nähtiin yleensä pelkkänä ilmiömäisenä olentona, joka oli helposti rinnastettavissa luontoon, persoonattomaan idealismin periaatteeseen, tiedostamattomaan, kosmiseen tahtoon tai perheen, valtion, kansakunnan, yhteiskuntaluokan kolhooseihin. Nää on kaikki epäkristillisiä. Ihminen ulkoisten voimien tuotteena, merkityksetön pala kosmisessa palapelissä, ilman ihmisarvoa, vapautta, vastuuta tai perustavanlaatuista eksistentiaalista merkitystä.
ellauri260.html on line 137: Paavinakin Johannes Paavali Kakkoineen peräänkuulutti "teologista uudistumista, joka perustuu miehen personalistiseen luonteeseen".
ellauri260.html on line 167: Monet personalistit näkevät ihmisten käsittelevän kaikkia muita todellisuuksia esineinä (jotain, joka liittyy tarkoituksellisesti aiheeseen), mutta vahvistavat aineellisen eron ihmisen ja kaikkien muiden esineiden välillä. Henkilö yksin on "joku" eikä vain "jotain", ja tämä erottaa hänet kaikista muista näkyvän maailman kokonaisuuksista. Joku vartalo, jokin asia, iso karvainen juttu.
ellauri260.html on line 191: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1908 was awarded to Rudolf Christoph Eucken "in recognition of his earnest search for truth, his penetrating power of thought, his wide range of vision, and the warmth and strength in presentation with which in his numerous works he has vindicated and developed an idealistic philosophy of life".
ellauri260.html on line 207: Gustav Teichmüller (November 19, 1832 – May 22, 1888) is considered a philosopher of the idealist school and a founder of Russian personalism. His ideas were shaped by his teachers Lotze and J. F. Herbart, who in turn were influenced by G. W. von Leibniz. Some scholars describe Teichmüller's personalism as a version of neo-Leibnizianism. His doctrines have also been referred to as constituting a variant of Christian personalism that is in opposition to both positivism and evolutionism as well as traditional Platonism. Teichmüller's philosophy has influenced Nietzsche and this link has been explored by scholars such as Hermann Nohl, who traced Teichmüller's Die wirkliche und die scheinbare Welt, 1882, as the source of the latter's perspectivism. Teichmüller also influenced the Russian thinkers A. A. Kozlov, I.F. Oze, and E. A. Bobrov. Teichmüller nai virolaisen maanomistajan tyttären ja tapettuaan sen 20-vuotiaana lapsivuoteeseen, sen siskon, ja kuoli lopulta ize Tartossa pyylevänä patruunana.
ellauri260.html on line 219: It is a strange situation to see ancient wisdom join hands with the advancing present: to find permanent hopes of human nature shooting through the stormy agitation of the day. Our starting point is the problem of the physical maintenance man that Matti Keijola tried to solve with artificial intelligence.
ellauri260.html on line 229: Adam Smith's picture of laissez-faire was thoroughly optimistic. In the unrestricted competition of individuals and nations Smith saw an immeasurable gain in freedom and power. The interests of all seemed to him to unite in a complete harmony, and to guarantee a steady progress of the whole. He thought of the whole as well as the individuals, but the entire collective condition seemed to him to be best promoted when it was left to the activities of the most deserving individuals. While earlier ages had talked of a religious, scientific, or artistic type of life, we now have, added to these, if not placed higher than they, an economic type. (Eikös kauppiassääty ollut mukana myös hindujen luonnetyypeissä? Tosin ei kärjessä kuten Smithillä, Intiassa siellä rellestivät brahmiinit.)
ellauri260.html on line 245: Kautsky oli juutalainen. Prahalaissyntyinen Kautsky opiskeli historiaa ja filosofiaa Wienin yliopistossa vuodesta 1874 ja liittyi Itävallan sosiaalidemokraattiseen työväenpuolueeseen (SDAPÖ) vuonna 1875. Vuodet 1885–1890 hän asui Lontoossa, ystävystyi Friedrich Engelsin kanssa ja toimi tämän yksityissihteerinä. Vuonna 1891 hän laati Saksan sosiaalidemokraattisen puolueen (SPD) Erfurtin ohjelman August Bebelin ja Eduard Bernsteinin kanssa.
ellauri260.html on line 247: Engelsin kuoltua 1895 Karl Kautskysta tuli sosialistisen liikkeen tärkeimpiä teoreetikkoja, hän muovasi etenkin marxilaista puolueoppia August Bebelin kanssa. Hän jäi puolueeseen, kun sen vasemmisto Rosa Luxemburg mukanaan erosi SPD:stä sen annettua tukensa ensimmäiseen maailmansotaan liittymiselle. Vuonna 1917 Kautsky kuitenkin erosi SPD:stä liittyäkseen Saksan itsenäiseen sosiaalidemokraattiseen puolueeseen (USPD), jonka jäsenenä hän oli vuoteen 1919. SPD:hen hän palasi 1922.
ellauri260.html on line 260: Apart from economic matters and (admittedly superfluous) democratization, there is zealous effort, which we may call statism, sorry, anachronism, let's call it Politism, to enlarge the power and the province of States as far as possible. Very bad! In addition, we lost theocracy, the collective order that had an undisputed superiority, and gave meaning and purpose to human life. In the course of modern times this job has passed more and more to the side of the deserving individuals. Metaphysics was succeeded by psychology, and religion by entertainment.
ellauri260.html on line 262: The denial of the Heavenly Dad had its various stages. Positivism was one of the mildest types, they just put the cosmic problem aside. More drastic was the radical German philosophy, particularly Neo-Hegelianism. The leader was Ludwig Feuerbach, who won large numbers of adherents by the definiteness of his statements and the glow of his eloquence. Religion, like everything supersensual, seemed to him "outworn." Engels, who was an ardent follower of Feuerbach, said : " We have done with God." NIetzsche, my competitor for Religion seemed to Feuerbach an illegitimate extension to the whole scheme of things of man's ideas and aspirations : a mischievous illusion which weakened the power of men and distracted them from their proper aims. His ideas are easily gathered from these words of his : " God was my first, reason my second, man my third and final thought."
ellauri260.html on line 290: French Revolution declared that all men were equal, but it made equality consist essentially in awarding the same formal rights to every individual, including the right to develop by his own powers ; the actual inequality of individuals was not disputed. But the idea in its positive form demanded the complete and unreserved equality of all individuals. All inequality it regarded as unjust, as a mere consequence of external circum- stances, especially property and education. It was to be abolished by every possible means, and an absolute equality was to be established. During the French Revolution the Gironde held the negative, the Mountain the positive, conception of equality. The final issue of the positive movement was pure Communism (Babeuf). It was soon forcibly suppressed.
ellauri260.html on line 323: Tähän päättyy Euckenin aristotelesmäinen sozein ta phainomena. Aletaanko kohta jo lähestyä Euckenin "praktillista idealismia"! Ettei se sunkaan ole samaa pukinsorkkaa kuin William Jamesin "Will to Believe". Eli kristinopilla kevyesti siveltyä ahnasta laissez fairea? T equals T in the present time. Tuo nyt on tuota. Eli nyt alkaa CHAPTER III.
ellauri260.html on line 335: This profound confusion shows that our human manner of life is not the whole of reality, but a special category of it in a special condition. It must be related to something larger, and only in virtue of this can it possess any meaning and derive the necessary power. Religion adopts this way. It leads beyond a special province to a new stage of life ; a stage that transcends these contradictions and opens out new contents and new forces. Hence the whole of reality which is accessible to men falls into three stages : a fundamental stage, a stage of conflict, and a stage of victorious spirituality. It is this last which alone furnishes human life with its indispensable support and an indisputable goal.
ellauri260.html on line 361: Sit jotain sellasta argumenttia että ainaskin me kunnon ihmiset oikein kaivataan jotain tollasta uskonnollista elämänsisältöä eikä tyydytä pelkkään huolettomaan arkielämään ja sitä seuraavaan ilta- yö- ja viikonloppuviihteeseen. Vizi niinkuin ei toi pyllistely olisikaan juuri sitä! Saa vielä tuntea izensä tosi paljon muita paremmax!
ellauri260.html on line 378: Inward compulsion, the inner joy and uplift, the power of self-preservation, so that the soul be moved to grasp it, and turn it into original and constructive activity, that sufficiently rouses man from his lethargy and stagnation. It places before the soul no inexorable " Either — Or."
ellauri260.html on line 382: There is, in fact, to-day over wide areas of life a positive dislike of man, a taedium generis humani, as it was called in the last days of the ancient world. We have at one and the same time the evil of overpopulation, the concentration of men in cities, the economic struggle, and so on. We have not space enough. One man is the enemy of another. Above all our particular questions we feel the power over men of the trivial, the common, the evil. The idea of Superman Tattoo occurred to some ; but can thought alone get over realities and their power ? So the human problem finds us involved in a terrible complication, and the Socialist ideal cannot extricate us. The situation would be hopeless if there were not higher forces working in man, making more of him, unsealing old and new springs of life to him. At present, however, we are merely searching, but I bet I am on the right track here.
ellauri260.html on line 397: Frazer uskoi, että ajan myötä kulttuuri kulki kolmen vaiheen läpi siirtyen taikuudesta uskontoon ja tieteeseen. Frazerin luokittelu poikkesi tuskin huomattavasti aiemmista antropologisista kuvauksista kulttuurisesta evoluutiosta, mukaan lukien Auguste Comten, siinä että hänen mielestään taikuus oli sekä alun perin erillään uskonnosta että aina ennen uskontoa. Mit vit? Eihän magia ja uskonto edes ole eri asioita. Frazer uskoi, että taikuus ja tiede olivat samanlaisia, koska molemmat korostivat kokeilua ja käytännöllisyyttä; Toisin kuin sekä taikuus että tiede, Frazer määritteli uskonnon uskomalla henkilökohtaisiin, yliluonnollisiin voimiin ja yrityksiin lepytellä niitä. Frazer näki uskonnon "hetkellisenä poikkeamana kokeellisen magian kunniakkaalta tieltä." Frazer pelkäsi ihan aiheellisesti että magia voi milloin tahansa tulla takaisin, sillä "hömelö laahus teillä on aina keskuudessanne." Ize asiassa Frazerilla oli hidden agenda, se halusi näyttää että kristillinen magia on ihan yhtä typerää kuin esim. Australian lakukepeillä. No niinhän se on mutta...
ellauri260.html on line 417: rom the soul of this older culture came the words of Aristotle : " It is the part of a free and high-minded man to seek, not the useful, but the beautiful." This acute student of men has ably described the chief types of human conduct, and has distinguished five principal shades of thought and character : great, good, those who love honour and power, those who are intent on gain and enjoyment, and, finally, criminal natures. The truth of this division is supported by the fact that it has been substantially preserved in the tradition of the Catholic Church.
ellauri260.html on line 425: Vitun Schiller saattoikin ylistää Rousseauta "mieheksi, joka teki kristityistä miehiä eikä piipunrasseja". Siitä alkoi romantiikka joka johti sitten nationalismin ja maailmansotien kautta nazismiin. Tähän lamaantuneeseen etuhalkioon tarvitaan nyt idealistista postivismia. Sosialismista ei tässä ole mihinkään, koska se on materialistista eikä ota huomioon henkimaailman tarpeita. Sillä ei ole aavistustakaan itsenäisten yrittäjätiimien muodostamisesta. Se ei siedä vahvaa keskiluokkaa, vaan näkee siinä vain kokoelman niin monia ahneita yksilöitä, joilla ei ole erityistä historiaa eikä erityisiä tehtäviä. Se luulee että määrä voittaa laadun. Ehei! Se on välinpitämätön kaikelle, mikä on yksilöllistä, suoraa, alkuperäistä. Näin palaamme aina siihen vakaumukseen, että todellinen tasa-arvo voidaan löytää vain hengellisistä konteksteista ja että ajatus naturalistisesta tasa-arvosta on suorastaan ristiriitainen, p ja ei-p tyyppinen.
ellauri260.html on line 437: Jaxaa jaxaa. Vielä jotain taloudesta, vaikka ei Rudi siitäkään voi puhua heiluttelematta iänikuisia spiritualistin kalujaan. Euckenista se että hän hankkii rajattoman määrän aineellisia asioita, ei lopulta voi tyydyttää miestä. Yllättävän kauan kuitenkin, maailman rikkaimmat jäbät lupaavat lahjoittaa rahojaan vasta kiven takaa. Ja kun on aivan hemosti pätäkkää, löytyy kyllä tilaisuuxia myös tukea kulttuuria ja taidetta. Onhan noita ollut mesenaatteja maailman sivu hemmetti.
ellauri262.html on line 78: MacDonald is often regarded as the founding father of modern fantasy writing. His best-known works are Phantastes (1858), The Princess and the Goblin (1872), At the Back of the North Wind (1868–1871), and Lilith (1895), all fantasy novels, and fairy tales such as "The Light Princess", "The Golden Key", and "The Wise Woman". MacDonald claimed that "I write, not for children, but for the child-like, whether they be of five, or fifty, or seventy-five." MacDonald also published some volumes of sermons, the pulpit not having proved an unreservedly successful venue.
ellauri262.html on line 186: Christus Victor is a book by Gustaf Aulén published in English in 1931, presenting a study of theories of atonement in Christianity. The original Swedish title is Den kristna försoningstanken ("The Christian Idea of the Atonement") published in 1930. Aulén reinterpreted the classic ransom theory of atonement, which says that Christ's death is a ransom to the powers of evil, which had held humankind in their dominion. It is a model of the atonement that is dated to the Church Fathers, and it was the dominant theory of atonement for a thousand years, until Anselm Panda of Canterbury supplanted it in the West with his satisfaction theory of atonement. So that the baddies in the story were Sauron and the goblins and orcs of Mordor, not God as angry Scrooge McDuck coming for his dues.
ellauri262.html on line 187: The Christus Victor theory is becoming increasingly popular with both paleo-orthodox evangelicals because of its connection to the early Church fathers, and with liberal Christians and peace churches such as the Anabaptist Mennonites because of its subversive nature, seeing the death of Jesus as an exposure of the cruelty and evil present in the worldly powers that rejected and killed him, and the resurrection as a triumph over these powers.
ellauri262.html on line 195: Lewis was only 40 when the war began, and he tried to re-enter military service, offering to instruct cadets; however, his offer was not accepted, as he did not want to write lies to deceive the enemy. Instead, From 1941 to 1943, Lewis spoke on religious programmes broadcast by the BBC from London while the city was under periodic air raids. These broadcasts were appreciated by civilians and servicemen at that stage. For as Air Chief Marshal Sir Donald Hardman wrote:
ellauri262.html on line 207: Lewis continued to raise Gresham's two sons after her death. Douglas Gresham is a Christian like Lewis and his apostate mother, while David Gresham turned to his mother's ancestral faith, becoming Orthodox Jewish in his beliefs. His mother's writings had featured the Jews in an unsympathetic manner, particularly on "shohet" (ritual slaughterer). David informed Lewis that he was going to become a ritual slaughterer to present this type of Jewish religious functionary to the world in a more favourable light. In a 2005 interview, Douglas Gresham acknowledged that he and his brother were not close, although they had corresponded via email.
ellauri262.html on line 217: The Space Trilogy (also called the Cosmic Trilogy or Ransom Trilogy) dealt with what Lewis saw as the dehumanizing trends in contemporary science fiction. The first book, Out of the Silent Planet, was apparently written following a conversation with his friend J. R. R. Tolkien about these trends. Lewis agreed to write a "space travel" story and Tolkien a "time travel" one, but Tolkien never completed "The Lost Road", linking his Middle-earth to the modern world. Lewis's main character Elwin Ransom is based in part on Tolkien, a fact to which Tolkien alludes in his letters.
ellauri262.html on line 275: Tolkien valmistui Oxfordista kesäkuussa 1915, ensimmäisen maailmansodan jo sytyttyä. Heti valmistumisensa jälkeen hän astui armeijan palvelukseen. Tolkien komennettiin lyhyen koulutuksen jälkeen Ranskaan länsirintamalle, jossa hän palveli viestiupseerina ja osallistui Sommen taisteluun hillomunkin hinnalla. Hän sairastui vuonna 1916 ampumahautakuumeeseen ja pääsi pois rintamalta. Tolkien siirrettiin parantumaan Birminghamiin sotilassairaalaan, josta hänet kotiutettiin jouluksi. Tuolloin hän kirjoitti ensimmäiset Keski-Maa-aiheiset tarinansa. lähde? Käsikirjoitus oli alun perin nimeltään The Book of Lost Tales (suom. Kadonneiden tarujen kirja), jonka tarinoista myöhemmin muodostui postuumisti julkaistu Silmarillion. Kotiutuksensa jälkeen hänet ylennettiin luutnantiksi siitä hyvästä.
ellauri262.html on line 311: The presence of sexuality in The Lord of the Rings, a bestselling fantasy novel by J. R. R. Tolkien, has been debated, as it is somewhat unobtrusive. However, love and marriage appear in the form of the warm relationship between the hobbits Sam Gamgee and Rosie Cotton; the unreturned feelings of Éowyn for Aragorn, followed by her falling in love with Faramir, and marrying him; and Aragorn's love for Arwen, described in an appendix rather than in the main text, as "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen". Multiple scholars have noted the symbolism of the monstrous female spider Shelob. Interest has been concentrated, too, on the officer-batman-inspired same-sex relationship of Frodo and his gardener Sam as they travel together on the dangerous quest to destroy the Ring. Scholars and commentators have interpreted the relationship in different ways, from close but not necessarily homosexual to plainly homoerotic, or as an idealised heroic friendship.
ellauri262.html on line 325: The scholar of children's literature Zoë Jaques writes that Shelob is the "embodiment of monstrous maternity"; Sam's battle with Shelob could be interpreted as a "masculine rite of passage" where a smaller, weaker male penetrates and escapes the vast female body and her malicious intent. The feminist scholar Brenda Partridge described the hobbits' protracted struggle with Shelob as rife with sexual symbolism. She writes that Tolkien derived Shelob from multiple myths: Sigurd killing Fafnir the dragon; Theseus killing the Minotaur; Ariadne and the spider; and Milton's Sin in Paradise Lost. The result is to depict the woman as a threat, with implicit overtones of sexuality.
ellauri262.html on line 327: Tolkienin ja Edithin vei avioon uskollisuus nuoruudennk kauden muistolle. Pitkän eron aikana he olivat kasvaneet en suuntiin. Edith oli luopunut soittoharrastuksesta ja sopeutunur arkisiin kuvioihin. Tolkien nautti kielitieteestä ja Oxfordin poikamieselämästä. Edith pelkäsi Oxfordissa kopeita akatee misia rouvia ja eristäytyi kotiinsa. Tolkienin vieraat tomar siihen, että mies ja vaimo puhuivat en kanavilla kun Tolkien selitti jonkin sanan etymologiaa, Edith kertoi vieressä hilloista ja lasten tuhkarokosta.
ellauri262.html on line 403: The academic critic Q. D. Leavis criticises Sayers in more specific terms in a review of Gaudy Night and Busman's Honeymoon, published in the critical journal Scrutiny, saying her fiction is "popular and romantic while pretending to realism." Leavis argues that Sayers presents academic life as "sound and sincere because it is scholarly," a place of "invulnerable standards of taste charging the charmed atmosphere". But, Leavis says, this is unrealistic: "If such a world ever existed, and I should be surprised to hear as much, it does no longer, and to give substance to a lie or to perpetuate a dead myth is to do no one any service really." Leavis comments that "only best-seller novelists could have such illusions about human nature."
ellauri262.html on line 427: In 1923 she had a rebound relationship with former Denstone College pupil and part-time car salesman William "Bill" White[55] whom she presented to her parents. She had met him when he moved into the flat above hers in 24 Great James Street in December 1922. Only when she discovered her pregnancy in June 1923, White admitted to already being married.
ellauri262.html on line 429: On 3 January 1924, at the age of 30, Sayers secretly gave birth to an illegitimate son, John Anthony (later surnamed Fleming). John Anthony, "Tony", was given into care with her aunt and cousin, Amy and Ivy Amy Shrimpton, and passed off as her nephew to family and friends. Details of these circumstances were revealed in a letter from Mrs White to her daughter Valerie, Tony's half-sister, in 1958 after Sayers's death. Tony was raised by the Shrimptons and was sent to a good boarding school. In 1935 he was legally adopted by Sayers and her then husband "Mac" Fleming.
ellauri262.html on line 465: The Problem of Pain is a 1940 book on the problem of evil by C. S. Lewis, in which Lewis argues that human pain, animal pain, and hell are not sufficient reasons to reject belief in a good and powerful God. He begins by addressing the flaws in common arguments against the belief in a just, loving, and all-powerful God such as: "If God were good, He would make His creatures perfectly happy, and if He were almighty He would be able to do what he wished. But the creatures are not happy. Therefore God lacks either goodness, or power, or both." Topics include human suffering and sinfulness, animal suffering, and the problem of hell, where Lewis squirms like a tapeworm to reconcile these with a friendly omnipotent force beyond ourselves.
ellauri262.html on line 555: Sekä "Teippikirjaimet (The Screwtape Letters)" että "Ruuvinauha ehdottaa paahtista (Screwtape Proposes a Toast)" julkaistiin äänikasetilla ja CD:llä John Cleesen (onko sekin joku kristitty, perkele, vai tekikö se roolin silkasta rahasta?), Joss Acklandin, ja Ralph Coshamin kertomana . Cleesen levytys oli Grammy Awards -finalisti parhaasta puhutusta sanasta, mutta hävisi.
ellauri262.html on line 569: Viimeisessä kirjeessä Potilas (Patient) on tapettu salamasodan (Blitz) aikana ja hän on mennyt taivaaseen, ja lopullisen epäonnistumisensa vuoksi Matomezä (Wormwood) on tuomittu kärsimään henkisen olemuksensa kuluttamisesta muiden demonien, erityisesti Ruuvinauhan (Screwtape) itsensä toimesta. Hän vastaa Matomezän (Wormwood) viimeiseen kirjeeseen sanomalla, että hän saattaa odottaa yhtä vähän apua kuin Kierreteippi odottaisi Matomezältä (Wormwood), jos heidän tilanteensa muuttuisivat ("Rakkauteni sinua kohtaan ja rakkautesi minua kohtaan ovat samanlaisia kuin kaksi hernettä... Erona on, että minä olen vahvempi."). Tämä jäljittelee tilannetta, jossa Matomezä (Wormwood) itse ilmoitti setänsä Infernal Polizeille syyllistymisestä helvetin harhaoppiin tekemällä uskonnollisesti positiivisen huomautuksen, joka loukkaisi Saatanaa (Satan).
ellauri262.html on line 609: Monty Pythonin John Cleese on paholaisen advokaatin Kierreteipin ääni CS Lewisin äänikirjassa Teippikirjaimet. Koitin kuunnella kirjan alkua, mutta se alkaa aika pian pitkästyttää satunnaista kuulijaa. John Cleese has criticised Christian opposition to same-sex marriage and abortion.
ellauri262.html on line 612: I don’t know where all these Christian doctrines came from but that had nothing to do with what Christ ever said in the Bible.”
ellauri262.html on line 614: During the interview Mr Cleese also denied that the Life of Brian film, which was banned in some countries after being accused of blasphemy, was anti-Christian.
ellauri262.html on line 616: Mr Cleese said: “Life of Brian was never an attack on religion, which is what some people seem to pretend it was.
ellauri262.html on line 619: James Bond -elokuvassa Kuolema saa odottaa (2002) Cleese korvasi Desmond Llewelynin Q:na. Lisäksi hän näytteli Harry Potter -elokuvasarjan ensimmäisissä elokuvissa haamua nimeltä ”Melkein päätön Nick”.
ellauri262.html on line 621: Last year another actor, Liam Neeson, claimed Aslan, the Christlike character in C.S. Lewis’ Narnia books, could also represent the prophet Mohammed.
ellauri262.html on line 637: Autossa Marge, Ned ja Lovejoy yrittävät palauttaa Bartin mieleen kuvaa protestanttisuudesta ainoa oikeana uskontomuotona. He onnistuvat jotenkuten, mutta kotona Lisa kertoo tukevansa Bartia; hänen mielestään jokainen saa valita uskontonsa itse, aivan kuten hän aikoinaan valitsi buddhalaisuuden (mikä naurattaa isä Seania). Ennen tätä hän oli kuullut Margen vievän Bartin protestanttinuorien leirille, mistä hän kertoo Homerille ja Seanille. He lähtevät perään yrittääkseen pysäyttää Margen aikeen, mutta eivät ehdi. Festivaaleilla Bart on hämillään hänestä johtuvasta riidasta, ja alkaa kertoa oman mielipiteensä siitä, että on tyhmää kun kristillinen kirkko on jakautunut niin moneen osaan. Kaikki osapuolet kuuntelevat Bartia ja yrittävät lopulta päästä yhteistyösopimukseen. Tämän jälkeen jakso hyppää 1 000 vuotta tulevaisuuteen, jossa ilmoitetaan maailmantuhosta kahden uskonnon välisen sodan takia. Holy Guest Starin osan ääninäyttelijä on Liam Neeson. Rangaistuxexi Liamin vaimo kuoli laskettelurinteeseen 2009. Ei olis kannattanut.
ellauri263.html on line 94: Muun muassa katolinen Barukin kirja sisältää kuudennen luvun, Jeremian kirjeen, joka on itäisen ortodoksisuuden Raamatussa omana kirjana. Kummatkin lukevat Barukin kirjan profeetallisiin kirjoihin Jesajan, Jeremian, Valitusvirsien, Hesekielin, Danielin ja kahdentoista pienen profeetan joukkoon.
ellauri263.html on line 314: Over time, Tisha B'Av has come to be a Jewish day of mourning, not only for these events, but also for later tragedies which occurred on or near the 9th of Av. References to some of these events appear in liturgy composed for Tisha B'Av (see below).
ellauri263.html on line 358: Tisha▼ is pronounced similarly to Tacia, Tahsha, Taisha, Tasha▼, Tashey, Tashi, Tashia, Tashie, Tatia, Techa, Teisha, Tosha▼, Toshia, Toshie and Tyisha. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aiesha, Aisha▲, Amisha, Anisha, Asha▲, Dasha, Dosha, Elsha, Githa, Iesha▼, Isha, Kesha▼, Kisha▼, Licha, Lisha, Masha, Miesha, Mischa, Misha, Niesha, Nisha, Pasha, Saisha, Sasha, Taisa, Taisia, Takisha, Talisha, Tanisha▼, Tasa, Tash, Tasia▼, Tasja, Taska, Tassa (see Tasha), Tasya, Tesa, Tesia, Tesla, Tessa▲, Tiahna, Tiana, Tilda▼, Tina▼, Tinisha, Tinka, Tirza, Tisa, Tish, Tita, Tonisha, Tosca, Toshka, Tosia, Tossa, Trisa, Trish, Trisha▼, Trista▼ and Usha. These names tend to be less frequently used than Tisha.
ellauri263.html on line 393: Yet both shows get you binge-watching, despite irritating plot holes, political sanctimony and misrepresentations of Muslims or Palestinians. It’s a bit like speed-reading a cheap thriller, ignoring the bad dialogue and badly drawn characters, along with the mounting self-loathing over the time you’re squandering, just for the sugar rush of the story’s end.
ellauri263.html on line 399: Palestinian journalist Ziyad Abul Hawa says Fauda could have started to make good on notions of balance simply by bringing Palestinians into the creative process. “If the writers are all Israeli, no matter how good the intentions are, they are not realistically showing what is happening in Palestinian areas. I heard they did their homework and research but still, you need a Palestinian constantly with them, telling them what’s realistic and what is not.” He adds that Arabic accents in the show bust its credibility claims within seconds.
ellauri263.html on line 449: Hebron is considered one of the oldest cities in the Levant. According to the Bible, Abraham settled in Hebron and bought the Cave of the Patriarchs as a burial place for his wife Sarah. Biblical tradition holds that the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, along with their wives Sarah, Rebecca, and Leah, were buried in the cave. Hebron is also recognized in the Bible as the place where David was anointed king of Israel. Following the Babylonian captivity, the Edomites settled in Hebron. During the first century BCE, Herod the Great built the wall which still surrounds the Cave of the Patriarchs, which later became a church, and then a mosque. With the exception of a brief Crusader control, successive Muslim dynasties ruled Hebron from the 6th century CE until the Ottoman Empire's dissolution following World War I, when the city became part of British Mandatory Palestine. A massacre in 1929 and the Arab uprising of 1936–39 led to the emigration of the Jewish community from Hebron. The 1948 Arab–Israeli War saw the entire West Bank, including Hebron, occupied and annexed by Jordan, and since the 1967 Six-Day War, the city has been under Israeli military occupation. Following Israeli occupation, Jewish presence was reestablished at the city. Since the 1997 Hebron Protocol, most of Hebron has been governed by the Palestinian National Authority.
ellauri263.html on line 545: New Yorkissa Blavatsky asettui osoitteeseen Madison Street 222, jossa sijaitsi tuolloin naisten yhteisasunto. Hän elätti itsensä suunnittelemalla mainoskortteja kaulus- ja paitatehtaalle. Tällä välin Blavatskyn isä oli kuollut, ja hänen siskonsa lähetti hänelle osan perintörahoista, joilla hän pystyi hankkimaan oman pienen vuokra-asunnon 14. Streetin ja 4. Avenuen kulmasta. Vuonna 1874 hän hankki osakkuuden maatilasta 1000 dollarilla, mutta menetti rahat kumppanin kadottua. Blavatsky nosti asiasta oikeuskanteen. Tämän jälkeen hän ansaitsi hieman rahaa kääntämällä venäjäksi spiritistisiä kirjoituksia amerikkalaisista lehdistä. Saman vuoden lokakuussa hän osti Daily Telegraphin numeron, jossa selostettiin spiritistisiä aineellistumisia, joita sattui vanhalla maatilalla Vermontissa. Artikkelin oli kirjoittanut toimittaja Henry Steel Olcott.
ellauri263.html on line 601: Yleensä pidetään selvänä, että sen suosio liittyi 1800-luvun lopun materialismin ja konservatiivisen kristinuskon väliseen kilpailuun ja niiden välillä vallinneeseen pohjattomaan kuiluun. Asioita syvemmin pohtiville ei riittänyt kristillisyys, joka tuntui olevan ristiriidassa tieteen kanssa. Jos kerran hihhuloidaan tehdään se sitten kunnolla. Toisaalta mekanistis-materialistinen maailmankatsomus herätti ihmisissä turvattomuuden tunteen.
ellauri263.html on line 605: Nuoruudessaan Blavatsky oli liikkunut radikaaleissa liberaalis-nationalistisissa piireissä, mutta hänellä ei ilmeisesti ollut koskaan mitään selkeää yhteiskunnallis-poliittista linjaa, paizi toi vähän saatanallinen feminismi (käytännössä vaikkei ehkä teoriassa). Lucifer represents life, though, progress, civilization, liberty, independence. Lucifer is the Logos, the Serpent, the Savior. H. P. Blavatsky’s influential The Secret Doctrine (1888), one of the foundation texts of Theosophy, contains chapters propagating an unembarrassed Satanism. Satan in the shape of the serpent brings gnosis and liberates womankind. Tämmösta kirkasozaista miltonilaista prometeus-saatanaa peukuttivat Miltonin lisäxi ilmeisesti myös Blake, Bakunin ja Proudhon. Sympathy for the devil. Ei ihme että kristilliset piirit vauhkosivat. Blaken saatana alkuperäisessä loistossaan on aika feministinen. Byron ja Shelley oli aikoinaan satanisteja mutta setämiehiä.
ellauri263.html on line 627: Almost 600 (!) biographies have been written of Blavatsky, but the details of her life, especially the years 1848–1873, remain sketchy all the same. Most of the authors have been either devoted disciples or sharply critical adversaries. Some interesting and well-documented facts, however, can be determined. She was born to a noble Russian family in present-day Ukraine, married at 17, ran away only months later, traveled widely and spent time in Cairo, among many other places, where she supported herself as a medium size sex doll.
ellauri263.html on line 631: Unlike the occultism presented earlier by Éliphas Lévi and similar authors, which mostly caught the interest only of a small circle of freethinkers, Theosophy fast became a successful semi-mass movement. By 1889 the Theosophical Society had 227 sections all over the world, and many of the era’s most important intellectuals and artists were strongly influenced by it. Avant-garde painters, especially, took this new teaching to heart, and it marked the work of great artists such as Mondrian, Kandinsky and Klee. In literature, authors like Nobel Prize laureate William Butler Yeats became
ellauri263.html on line 640: Vuonna 1877 Besant ja Charles Bradlaugh päättivät julkaista Charles Knowltonin kirjan The Fruits of Philosophy, joka kannatti syntyvyyden säännöstelyä. Besantia ja Bradlaughia syytettiin julkaisusta, joka ”todennäköisesti vaikuttaa huonontavasti ihmisiin, joiden mieli on avoin moraalittomille vaikutteille.” Oikeudessa he kertoivat pitävänsä moraalisesti parempana ehkäistä ajatusta lasten teosta kuin että heidän jo synnyttyään tappaa heidät ruoan, ilman ja vaatteiden puutteeseen.
ellauri263.html on line 658: Jenkki Olcott ei siitä pitänyt, eikä rupusakin vulgäärispiritualismista. Olcott railed against ‘tricky mediums, lying spirits, and revolting social theories’ in Spiritualism. He reproached spiritualism for the presence of ‘free-lovers, pantarchists, socialists, and other theorists who have fastened upon a sublime and pure faith as barnacles upon a ship’s bottom’. Blavatsky, on the other hand, focused exclusively on the uplifting of oneself rather than others. She did not sympathize with socialism per se at all, and in her scrapbook she even wrote about Sotheran: ‘a friend of Communists
ellauri263.html on line 666: These are well known facts and they sometimes prompt some students of Theosophy, especially visitors to the United Lodge of Theosophists in its lodges and study groups around the world, to ask why Col. Olcott is only mentioned extremely rarely in the ULT, why there doesn’t seem to be a great deal of respect or admiration for him, and why it is frequently the case that only HPB and William Judge are spoken of as “the founders of the Theosophical Movement.”
ellauri263.html on line 670: “One of the most valuable effects of Upasika’s mission [Note: “Upasika” is a Buddhist term meaning “femakko” and was used by the Masters for HPB] is that it drives men to self-study and destroys in them blind servility for persons, sanoi 1 setämies. … Imperfect and very troublesome, no doubt, she proves to some, nevertheless, there is no likelihood of our finding a better one for years to come – and your theosophists should be made to understand it. … HPB has next to no concern with administrative details, and should be kept clear of them, so far as her strong nature can be controlled. But this you must tell to all: – With occult matters she has everything to do. We have not abandoned her; she is not ‘given over to chelas’. She is our direct agent. I warn you against permitting your suspicions and resentment against ‘her many follies’ to bias your intuitive loyalty to her. … Be assured that what she has not annotated from scientific and other works, we have given or suggested to her.
ellauri263.html on line 706: It's about how people in these types of open relationships deal with jealousy.
ellauri263.html on line 745: Yes, absolutely! Research shows people in consensually non-monogamous relationships (aka "intentional families") do experience jealousy; they just experience less distress when it happens.
ellauri263.html on line 773: My partner and I made compersion an active practice, a skill that we both worked on together. It didn't really come naturally to either of us, but we supported each other as we tried to do it. Initially, it was basically a lot of mental gymnastics trying to reason out why we should be happy when the other person scored a hot date. Once you fully get why it doesn't make sense to feel jealous—i.e., your relationship is totally secure, and the presence of another person in your partner's life is not a threat to your relationship whatsoever—then you can start to disarm that alarm more easily whenever it goes off in your head.
ellauri263.html on line 778: We found a lot of ways to support our intellectual belief in compersion with actual psychological rewards. For example, I'd help my partner get matches on Tinder and give him tips on cute bars to take them, and after the dates, he'd tell me how they went and give me a ton of love and affirmation whenever I pouted over him having a good time. Meanwhile, he played wingman with me when I wanted to meet up with a potential flame at a party or concert, and I always made sure to come home to him and share the sexy things I'd done with the new guy and what things I wanted to migrate into our own sex life. In this way, we began to be able to associate positive experiences together (showering each other with affection and affirming the strength of our relationship) with the aftermath of one of us having fun with someone else. When it became clear that these extradyadic encounters only brought us closer, it became easier and easier for us to feel earnest joy for the other person's romantic successes.
ellauri263.html on line 798: dsWith a fundamental understanding of compersion, I´m able to look at moments where I could be jealous in my current monogamous relationship and instead respond in a more levelheaded or even joyful way. It doesn´t bother me if my partner tells me he finds another person attractive, nor am I freaked out if I find myself fucking with a charming stranger on the subway. We might not be entertaining other relationships at the moment, but my partner and I can at best find it cute and at worst feel totally neutral about it when these brief interactions with other parties occur.
ellauri263.html on line 829: These ads too were displayed using third party content and we do not control their accessibility features either.
ellauri263.html on line 839: Kelly Gonsalves is a multi-certified sex educator and relationship coach helping people figure out how to create dating and sex lives that actually feel good — more open, more optimistic, and more pleasurable. In addition to working with individuals in her private practice, Kelly serves as the Sex & Relationships Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a degree in journalism from Northwestern University, and she’s been trained and certified by leading sex and relationship institutions such as The Gottman Institute and Everyone Deserves Sex Ed, among others. Her fork has been featured at The Cut, Vice, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere.
ellauri263.html on line 861: Ritualisoitunut käyttäytyminen on stereotyyppistä, siis kaavamaista ja toistuvaa. Toiminnan ja sen päämäärän välinen suhde on epäselvä, eli rituaaliin osallistujilla ei suinkaan ole selvää käsitystä siitä, miksi jos mixikään rituaalin suorittaminen aiheuttaa toivottavan vaikutuksen. Yhteisöt voivat silti pitää rituaalejaan välttämättöminä. Rituaaleista poikkeamista voidaan pitää vaarallisena, usein jostain tuntemattomasta syystä. Yhteisöllistä rituaalia noudattavan yksilön usko voi vahvistua. Hän voi samalla osoittaa olevansa aidosti sitoutunut yhteiseen perinteeseen ja on luotettava yhteistyökumppani. Esim käteen sylkäsy ja kättely kaupan takeena. Yäk.
ellauri264.html on line 72: Kaikki tämmöiset lifestyle-hölötyxet pitää aloittaa marxilaisella materialistisella analyysillä. Kuka tästä hyötyy ja ketkä kärsivät? Vastaus on joka kerta sama: kökkäreet kasan päällä hyötyvät, laahus ottaa lommoa. Ruoziin mennyt sairaanhoitaja ansaizee enemmän kuin professori emeritus, kun suomalainen hoituri saa vain kolmannexen siitä palkasta. No tää sairaanhoitaja tekee jonkun vuokrafirman kautta keikkatyötä yxityisessä sairaalassa eikä saa muita palkkaetuja eikä paikan jatkumisesta tai lomista ole mitään varmuutta. Yxityinen sairaala tekee hyvää tiliä, koska se laskuttaa sikahintoja yhtä kökkäreiseltä yxityiseltä asiakaskunnalta. Eli luokkataistelusta on jälleen kysymys, vaikka siirtyneenä kylmän sodan vaiheeseen. Z-sukupolven järjestäytymättömät volttikuskit tarvis tekoälyä, ne ovat tyhmiä kuin pulut, ellei tyhmempiä.
ellauri264.html on line 138: The Groyper movement has been described as white nationalist, homophobic, nativist, fascist, sexist, antisemitic, and an attempt to rebrand the declining alt-right movement. Presently,[when?] Groypers are a loosely defined group of followers and fans of Nick Fuentes, a white nationalist, far-right political commentator and livestreamer. After Fuentes, there is no clear second in the Groyper hierarchy.
ellauri264.html on line 140: Interestingly perhaps, many of these top extremists have rather marginal white identity. No wasps, to put it politically correctly. Groypers and their leaders have tried to position the group's ideology as being based around "Christian conservatism", "traditional values", and "American nationalism". Despite attempts to brand themselves more moderately, the group is widely recognized as white nationalist, antisemitic, and homophobic.
ellauri264.html on line 180: Israel eli Jacob unohti 2 öljyputelia lähtökiireessä joen Eesaun puoliselle rannalle. Pikku pullon hukkasi, lekythion apolese. Se oli niin kitupiikki että kävi vielä hakemassa ne vaikka oli kärmistyneen Eesaun santarmeja karussa. Se oli Hannukan ihme, että ne ylipäänsä löytyivät yösydännä, ja vielä enemmän ettei ollut samaritaani förbinyt öljyä. Gemara tekee tästä esimerkin muille juutalaisille. Narunpätkät säästämällä isoxi keräxi voi päästä maailman rikkaimmaxi ankaxi. Tämä kannattaa muistaa kun availee jouluna hannukkalahjoja. Lahjapaperit on taiteltava talteen siististi ja narunpätkät sidottava ja käärittävä kerille. Lea oli päässyt tästä täysin perille.
ellauri264.html on line 189: these jars was the oil from Noah's ark. Jacob prophetically hid this oil at the site of the Holy
ellauri264.html on line 201: Jacob‟s example of valuing his possessions presents a particular challenge to us living in a modern, “disposable” age. Recognizing this trend, in 1955, the retailing analyst Victor Lebow highlighted a trend in consumer society, away from greater mindfulness regarding possessions and toward a more short-term view.
ellauri264.html on line 213: Und wer erkennt es nicht in den Augen eines Konsumenten, wenn er in den heiligen Hallen des Konsums etwas entdeckt, was er dann auch kauft, wenn es dann in den Augen so funkelt, so voller Freude, nun eins mit dem Kauf werden zu können. Diese Schuhe jetzt einmal, am besten heute Abend anzuziehen (und dann nie wieder) – oder einmal diesen Winkelschleifer einzusetzen (meist bleibt es bei einmal). Wer kennt dieses Gefühl voller Konsumentenglück nicht (von dem Glück des Produzenten und dem Glück des Händlers ganz zu schweigen)!
ellauri264.html on line 215: Ja, es ist unser Lebensstil geworden – alles dreht sich um Konsum. Wir arbeiten hart, wir arbeiten viel, um diesen Lebensstil aufrecht erhalten zu können. Ja, wir ruinieren sogar unsere Gesundheit, vernachlässigen unsere Familie, zerstören dafür unsere Erde, beuten andere Menschen dafür Gnadenlos aus – aber im Grunde unseres Herzens sind wir gute Menschen. Wir sind die Guten, weil durch unseren Konsum Wachstum möglich ist! Kivikauden mies teki töitä päivittäin arviolta 3.5 tuntia.
ellauri264.html on line 217: Die anderen, die dem Konsum nicht verfallen sind, die sind die bösen. Die tun nichts für unser heiliges Wachstum, das sind Trittbrettfahrer! Aber wir sind ja die Guten und unserer christlichen Tradition folgend betrachten wir diese Menschen einfach als verwirrt an. Es sind nicht unsere Feinde, sondern Konsumenten in spe, die den richtigen Weg noch nicht erkannt haben – oder kurzzeitig verlassen haben. Wir führen sie auf den rechten Weg, den unsere Religion macht am meisten Spaß, wenn alle Menschen beim Konsum mitmachen.
ellauri264.html on line 222: These commodities and services must be offered to the consumer with a special urgency. We require not only “forced draft” consumption, but “expensive” consumption as well. We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced, and discarded at an ever increasing pace. We need to have people eat, drink, dress, ride, live, with ever more complicated and, therefore, constantly more expensive consumption. The home power tools and the whole “do-it-yourself” movement are excellent examples of “expensive” consumption.“
ellauri264.html on line 275: Perinteisesti kirja on laitettu (eli pantu) profeetta Jeremian nimiin. Hän oli hovivirkailija Nebukadressar II:n suorittaman Jerusalemin valtauksen aikana, kun Jerusalemin temppeli tuhottiin ja kuningas Joakim von Anka otettiin vangiksi. Kerrotaan, että Jeremia vetäytyi Damaskon portin ulkopuolella sijainneeseen luolaan, jossa hän kirjoitti Jehovalle valituxen. Valitus onkin yleensä sijoitettu Jeremian väitöskirjan jälkeen.
ellauri264.html on line 327: Val. v. 3:33 Sillä ei hän sydämestäns ihmisiä curita/ eikä murheseen saata.
ellauri264.html on line 398: Pattis is currently representing one of several members of the Proud Boys extremist group charged criminally in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in a trial in Washington that is underway. It wasn’t immediately clear how his suspension would affect the case. Pattis said he has notified the judge in Washington of the discipline.
ellauri264.html on line 424: Norm Pattis used to receive a well deserved hate letter once a year from an elderly woman in California. Incensed over a $2 million award the criminal defense lawyer had won for a convicted rapist and murderer injured by guards during a prison escape attempt. He helps people who have trouble telling the good guys from the bad guys. Pattis specializes in cases that make most people cringe. He’s defended everyone from child murderers to rapists — he admits to being particularly drawn to homicide cases. If the allegation is heinous and the defendant reviled, chances are pretty good Pattis is involved.
ellauri264.html on line 509: The halachic rulings in the Shulchan Aruch generally follow Sephardic law and customs, whereas Ashkenazi Jews generally follow the halachic rulings of Moses Isserles, whose glosses to the Shulchan Aruch note where the Sephardic and Ashkenazi customs differ. These glosses are widely referred to as the mappah (literally: the "tablecloth") to the Shulchan Aruch´s "Set Table". Almost all published editions of the Shulchan Aruch include this gloss, and the term "Shulchan Aruch" has come to denote both Karo's work as well as Isserles', with Karo usually referred to as "the mechaber" ("author") and Isserles as "the Rema" (an acronym of Rabbi Moshe Isserles).
ellauri264.html on line 532: The "Rema" (Moses Isserles) started writing his commentary on the Arba´ah Turim, Darkhei Moshe, at about the same time as Yosef Karo. Karo finished his work "Bet Yosef" first, and it was first presented to the Rema as a gift from one of his students. Upon receiving the gift, the Rema could not understand how he had spent so many years unaware of Karo´s efforts. After looking through the Bet Yosef, the Rema realized that Karo had mainly relied upon Sephardic poskim.
ellauri264.html on line 534: In place of Karo´s three standard authorities, Isserles cites "the later authorities" (chiefly based on the works of Yaakov Moelin, Israel Isserlein and Israel Bruna, together with the Franco-German Tosafists) as criteria of opinion. While the Rosh on many occasions based his decision on these sources, Isserles gave them more prominence in developing practical legal rulings. By incorporating these other opinions, Isserles actually addressed some major criticisms regarding what many viewed as the arbitrary selection of the three authorities upon whose opinions Karo based his work.
ellauri264.html on line 538: The halachic rulings in the Shulchan Aruch generally follow the Sephardic custom. The Rema added his glosses and published them as a commentary on the Shulchan Aruch, specifying whenever the Sephardic and Ashkenazic customs differ. These glosses are sometimes referred to as the mappah, literally, the 'tablecloth,' to the Shulchan Aruch´s 'Set Table.' Almost all published editions of the Shulchan Aruch include this gloss.
ellauri264.html on line 572: Piinehas taas! Näistä on paasattu moneen otteeseen vars. albumissa 256. Piinehaat pistelevät mieluusti pikkukeihäällä naisten haarukoihin. Bashevishin isukki oli Pinchas. Iisakki peri isältään mieltymyxen paxuihin pumpputoimisiin mustetäytekyniin. Arto Samuli oli aito nasiiri joka äitinsä Tyynen korjaan Hannan neuvosta imutti ryppyisen Elin puoliveteistä elintä. Kolme kertaa se luuli että Eli pyysi öistä palvelusta, mutta astialla olikin ize Jehova. Ikuinen tuomari teki ulostulon ja vihelsi Elin pelin poikki.
ellauri264.html on line 581: Now Eli, who was very old, heard about everything his sons were doing to all Israel and how they slept with the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 23 So he said to them, “Why the fuck do you do such things? I hear from all the people about these wicked deeds of yours. 24 No, my sons; the report I hear spreading among the Lord’s people is not good. 25 If one person sins against another, God may mediate for the offender; but if anyone sins against the Lord, who will intercede for them? Oh Jesus.” His sons, however, did not listen to their father’s rebuke, for it was the Lord’s will to put them to death, willy nilly.
ellauri264.html on line 595: The rise of Religious Zionism is a phenomenon that has taken place since the times six day war. One of its key founders was a man called Rabbi Kuk who was the head of the yeshiva Mercaz HaRav in Jerusalem. He was one of the first practically envision the settlement of the mountains of Israel in modern times. An example of his thinking in this regard can be seen in a speech he made just before the six day war. These were his words:
ellauri264.html on line 692: Ray Kroc stole the iconic McDonalds name from their original owners and decimated the true founders of the fast food system. All these people went on to find great companies valued nearly 500+ billion dollars.
ellauri264.html on line 726: Juutalaisten autonominen alue (ven. Евре́йская автоно́мная о́бласть, Jevreiskaja avtonomnaja oblast; jidd. יידישע אויטאנאמע געגנט, jidiše avtonome gegnt) on Venäjän federaatioon kuuluva hallintoalue (federaatiosubjekti) Venäjän kaukoidän eteläosassa Aasiassa. Se rajoittuu etelässä Kiinaan, luoteessa Amurin alueeseen, pohjoisessa ja idässä Habarovskin aluepiiriin. Alueen pohjoisosa on vuoristoa, etelä- ja itäosat puolestaan alankoa. Suurin joki on Amur, joka muodostaa rajan Kiinaa vastaan. Alueen pinta-alasta yli kolmannes on metsää. Alueen pinta-ala on 36 000 km².
ellauri264.html on line 728: Alueen merkittävin kaupunki on pääkaupunki Birobidžan ja sen nimeä käytetään usein viittaamaan koko alueeseen. 11K asukkaan Oblutšje on toinen alueen kaupungeista.
ellauri264.html on line 731: Neuvostoliiton hallitus julisti alueen juutalaisten kansalliseksi alueeksi 1928. Se oli tarkoitettu Neuvostoliiton juutalaisille, vaikka juutalaisilla ei ollut minkäänlaista historiallista yhteyttä alueeseen. Siitä tuli luvattu maa vasta Stalinin ansiosta. Siunatut olkoot hänen kätösensä. Piirikunnasta tuli autonominen alue 7. toukokuuta 1934. Juutalaisten autonomisen alueen asukasluku vuonna 2010 oli 176 600 ja väestötiheys 4,9 as./km². Väkiluku on laskussa. Väestö on keskittynyt Siperian radan varrelle alueen pohjoisosaan.
ellauri264.html on line 770: Näin sanoo Herra, Herra: Katso, minä käyn sinun kimppuusi, Goog, sinä Roosin (Venäjän), Mesekin (Moskovan) ja Tuubalin (Tubolskin) ruhtinas…Persia, Etiopia ja Puut ovat heidän kanssansa, siirtokilvet ja kyrvät tanassa on heillä kaikilla. Goomer ja kaikki sen sotalaumat, Toogarman heimo pohjan periltä ja kaikki sen sotalaumat – lukuisat kansat ovat sinun kanssasi. Ole valmis, varustaudu, sinä ja kaikki joukkosi, jotka ovat kokoontuneet sinun luoksesi, ja ole sinä varalla heitä varten.” – Hesekiel 38:3-7
ellauri266.html on line 58: Rutherford (1975), who is half-Guyanese Indian, was born in Ipswich in the East of England and attended Ipswich School. His game is not football like Morris's but cricket. Rutherford was the podcast editor for the journal Nature for a while. He wrote a blog covering his thoughts when reading Charles Darwin's blockbuster On the Origin of Species. Adam is something of a cross between David Attenboro and Uncle Sam.
ellauri266.html on line 64: Adam Rutherford has not revealed much of her (!) bio. So, his early life and details of his parents are still behind curtains. Adam Rutherford seems happily married to his wife. However, he has not disclosed the details of his wife. Nevertheless, Adam has shared many things about his family through his social media. Adam is the father of three children, one son, and two daughters. Adam Rutherford is well-known for founding the scientific publication Nature. He has hosted many BBC television shows, including Me Playing God and The Gene Kelly Code. He is probably living an economically comfortable life. His passion for music allows him to escape the rigours of science and enjoy the emotional side of life. His net worth as a simian is as yet undisclosed. He may be having a fling with his co-star Hannah Fry, as well as with her namesake Stephen Fry. Stephen is not the only Fry on the block anymore, but there is no evidence showing that these two are related. In fact, they don't even follow each other on social media!
ellauri266.html on line 217: Pieni paxu aviomies Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila asuu Edinburghissa. Perheeseen kuuluu myös kaksi aikuista lasta. Kun Virpi nykyään astuu kotiovesta sisään, vastassa on hiljaisuus. Lapset muuttivat pois muutamia vuosia sitten. Heidän varhainen itsenäistymisensä lukioikäisinä yllätti, molemmat kun olivat kotona viihtyvää sorttia aina kun vanhemmat oli liesussa. Vajaa vuosi sitten myös Virpin aviomies, islamin tutkija Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila muutti Edinburghiin, hän sai zägällä professuurin paikallisesta yliopistosta. Minulta kysytään jatkuvasti, onko tämä nyt hirveä kriisi. Mutta kun olemme olleet 34 vuotta naimisissa, niin kyllä me tällaisen "väliaikaisen" eron (7v tähän mennessä) kestämme nykyteknologian aikakautena. Nyt kun en voi riehua ja räyhätä Jaakolle aamu-Hesarin äärellä, olen huomannut marmattavani hänestä herkästi Suomi 24 palstalla. Näytän kai jonkinlaiselta höpönassulta, kun ihmiset suorastaan hyökkäävät kimppuuni, jos haluavat jotain. Jaakko on onneksi ollut minulle hyvä roolimalli. Hän osaa olla hyvin tiukka, jopa häikäilemättömän suorasanainen ihmisille, jotka haluavat häneltä jotain, johon hän ei ole valmis. Hän on oikeastaan tarkemmin ajatellen aivan hirveä pieni paskiainen. Hyvä että lähti.
ellauri266.html on line 268: Are people insane? Like honestly. Are the people who reviewed this movie certifiably insane? This movie got 100%?????????? How. Like really, howwwww??? The most boring, slowest, most depressing movies ever. The only movie worse than this was Marley & Me. If this movie was based on a true story, then ok. But this was just a made up sad story? Like why? It does not deserve a 100% score AT ALL! That's just absurd and outrageous. And it now calls every score into question. Simply insane.
ellauri266.html on line 298: I would rather get beat up for 2 hours than watch this film, I kept waiting for something to happen or something that made me feel something, I sat there stone faced for 2 hours with no emotion assuming something must happen soon due to all these rave reviews, and then all of a sudden the credits show up on the screen and I realize i was hoodwinked by all of you writing good reviews. This film was an absolute snooze fest!
ellauri266.html on line 325: General semantics, a philosophy of language-meaning that was developed by Alfred Korzybski (1879–1950), a Polish-American scholar, and furthered by S.I. Hayakawa, Wendell Johnson, and others; it is the study of language as a representation of reality. Korzybski’s theory was intended to improve the habits of glib upper-class response to hostile low-class environment. Drawing upon such varied disciplines as relativity theory, quantum mechanics, and mathematical logic, Korzybski and his followers sought a scientific, non-Aristotelian basis for clear understanding of the differences between symbol (word) and reality (referent) and the ways in which they themselves can influence (or manipulate) and limit other humans´ ability to think.
ellauri266.html on line 344: Who knows perhaps one day these upper-class working women in teaching, in office jobs, in factories, in pubic services, are part of the answer to the lady from Oakland. As men become more accustomed to dealing with women colleagues and service staff, they will come to their senses and discuss with their partners sports events, the stock market, automobiles, politics, religion, philosophy, natural history, or science as they are waiting for their seed guns to reload. All the more enriched will be the relationship between them.
ellauri266.html on line 349: The real frustration of women, so well expressed by the lady from Oakland, is their exclusion from the mainstream. It is a frustration that women experience in common with Negroes. The solution to these frustrations lies partly in the re-education of menfolk on the one hand and white folk on the other to enable them to adjust gracefully to the inevitable changes that lie ahead. It also lies in the determination of courageous women and courageous Negroes to fight their way into the mainstream despite all our attempts to keep them in their places.
ellauri266.html on line 360: Throughout 1993, the role of NATO forces in Bosnia gradually grew. On February 28, 1994, the scope of NATO involvement in Bosnia increased dramatically. In an incident near Banja Luka, NATO fighters operating under Deny Flight shot down four Serb jets. This was the first combat operation in the history of NATO and opened the door for a steadily growing NATO presence in Bosnia. In April, the presence of NATO airpower continued to grow during a Serb attack on Goražde. In response, NATO launched its first close air support mission on April 10, 1994, bombing several Serb targets at the request of UN commanders.
ellauri266.html on line 366: As part of peace accords, NATO agreed to provide 60,000 troops to deploy to the region, as part of the Liquidation Force, U.S. designation: Operation Knee Joint Fracture. These forces remained deployed until December 1996, when those remaining in the region were transferred to the Subjugation Force. Subjugation peacemakers remained in Bosnia until 2004, when they were needed more urgently in Iraq.
ellauri266.html on line 472: eserie.com/wp-content/uploads/2001/08/97802.jpg" width="100%" />
ellauri266.html on line 509: Vuonna 1981 hän muutti Yhdysvaltoihin ottaakseen vastaan viran Wisconsin National Primate Research Centerissä. Vuonna 1991 hän otti vastaan nykyisen virkansa Yerkes National Primate Research Centerissä.
ellauri266.html on line 516: Vuonna 1975 De Waal aloitti kuuden vuoden projektin maailman suurimmassa vankeudessa pidetyssä simpanssipesäkkeessä Arnhemin eläintarhassa . Tutkimus johti moniin tieteellisiin kirjoituksiin, ja johti hänen ensimmäisen kirjansa, Simpanze Politics , julkaisemiseen vuonna 1982. Tämä kirja tarjosi ensimmäisen kuvauksen kädellisten käyttäytymisestä nimenomaisesti suunniteltujen sosiaalisten strategioiden kannalta. De Waal esitteli ensimmäisenä Machiavellin ajattelun primatologiaan, mikä johti nimikkeeseen "Machiavellian Intelligence", joka myöhemmin liitettiin siihen. Kirjoituksissaan De Waal ei ole koskaan kaihtanut antaa tunteita ja aikomuksia kädellisilleen, ja siksi hänen työnsä inspiroi kädellisten kognition alaa, joka kolme vuosikymmentä myöhemmin kukoistaa yhteistyön, altruismin ja oikeudenmukaisuuden teemojen ympärillä.
ellauri266.html on line 534: Vuonna 1981 de Waal muutti Yhdysvaltoihin paikkaa Wisconsinin kansallisessa kädellisten tutkimuskeskuksessa ja vuonna 1991 Emory Universityssä Atlantassa, Georgiassa. Hän on tällä hetkellä CH Candler -professori Emoryn yliopiston psykologian osastolla ja Living Links Centerin johtaja Yerkes National Primate Research Centerissä Emoryssa. Hänestä tuli valitettavasti Yhdysvaltain kansalainen vuonna 2008.
ellauri267.html on line 68: Veikko Huovinen: Joe-setä ja Veitikka. Tämä hauska kirjakaxikko ei ehkä ensin näyttäisi kuuluvan samaan joukkoon edellisten kanssa, mutta kelaa vähän: Nämä kaverit (Hitler ja Stalin) on keskenään tapattaneet enemmän porukoita kuin mikään tavis sarjamurhaaja on voinut toivoa edes märimmissä unissa. Palaamme tähän niteeseen albumissa 274.
ellauri267.html on line 120: Murdaugh on kiistänyt syytteen kahteen murhaan ja kahteen asesyytteeseen Margaret “Maggie” Murdaughin ja 22-vuotiaan pojan Paul Murdaughin murhassa perheen tilalla Islandtonissa Etelä-Carolinassa kesäkuussa 2021.
ellauri267.html on line 130: Murdaugh on kiistänyt syytteen kahteen murhaan ja kahteen asesyytteeseen Margaret “Maggie” Murdaughin ja 22-vuotiaan pojan Paul Murdaughin murhassa perheen tilalla Islandtonissa Etelä-Carolinassa kesäkuussa 2021.
ellauri267.html on line 161: Johtava syyttäjä Creighton Waters vastasi sanoen: "Luulen, että puolustuksen olisi myönnettävä, että olen ollut erittäin mukautuva koko tämän ajan, mutta en halua keskeyttää ristiäni. Hän on minun ristini. He, he veivät tänään hyvin kauan, ja valtiolla on oikeus samaan vastikkeeseen keskeytyksettä."
ellauri267.html on line 231: "These are individuals who reject all forms of government and they believe they are emancipated from all the responsibilities associated with being U.S. citizens, such as paying taxes and obeying laws." Hal Epperson, coordinator of the group's unit in Phoenix, Arizona, stated that the group was "a nonviolent group that seeks lawful remedy for the corporate government." The group believed its plan could act as a "vehicle for relieving corporate tyranny. That done, the higher goal of salvaging the souls of mankind can be addressed." The Guardians of the free Republic's tried to peacefully and nonviolently 'restore' America to a pre-New Deal form of government. No climate-warming chicken in every pot.
ellauri267.html on line 516: Hän on siedettävä, ja minä olen köyhä muukalainen, kaukana paremmista ystävistä ja ruumiillisessa välttämättömyydessä. Nyt minulla on outo kiusaus kokeilla, mitkä muut naiset kuuluvat tähän perheeseen: en ole kaukana naisten asunnosta, olen varma; ja jos nämä linnut ovat etäällä, tässä ne nauravat yhdessä. [ vetää esiin "huilunsa". ] Jos näillä pyhillä markkinoilla on monenlaista maurien lihaa, olisi hulluutta jakaa kaikki rahani ensimmäisellä kaupalla. [ Hän pelaa huilulla. Ritilä avautuu ja Morayma, Muftin tytär, ilmestyy siihen. ]—Ai, siellä on ilmestys! Tämä on muftin arvoinen suupala; tämä on nautintopala salassa; Tämä on hänen Alkoraaninsa mysteeri, joka on jätettävä mautonta profaanin tiedosta; tämä on hänen lomahartautensa. – Katso, hänkin viittoi.
ellauri267.html on line 635: tuikkasta sitä sinne ja tyhjentää Tavoitteeseen siemenpusseja.
ellauri267.html on line 784: Etkä tähän kohtalonkäänteeseen asti uskaltanut soittaa minulle.
ellauri267.html on line 823: Muna useammin kuin kerran piilossa menneisyyden pyhään aarteeseen:
ellauri267.html on line 1184: Sitten valot kulkivat ohi, huoneesta huoneeseen,
ellauri267.html on line 1356: El-Ksar el Kebir ( arabia : القصر الكبير; berberikielet : ⵍⵇⵚⵔ ⵍⴽⴱⵉⵔ , latinoitu: lqṣr lkbiristä lqṣrbar lkbirin etelä ja lqṣrbat 2 km luoteeseen , 3 km luoteeseen , 16 km Moroccosta. Sen väkiluku oli 126 617 Marokon 2014 väestönlaskennassa.
ellauri267.html on line 1382: Don Sebastian oli Portugalin prinssi João Manuelin ja hänen puolisonsa Itävallan Joannan poika. Hän oli Portugalin kuninkaan Juhana III: n ja Itävallan kuningattaren Katariinan pojanpoika. Hän katosi (oletettavasti kuoli taistelussa) Alcácer Quibirin taistelussa Marokon Saadilaisia vastaan. Sebastian I: tä kutsutaan usein halutuksi (portugaliksi "o Desejado") tai Kätketyksi (portugaliksi "O Encoberto"), sillä portugalilaiset kaipasivat hänen paluutaan lopettaakseen Portugalin rappion, joka alkoi hänen kuolemansa jälkeen. Häntä pidetään portugalilaisena esimerkkinä vuoristolegendassa nukkuvasta kuninkaasta, sillä portugalilaisen perinteen mukaan hän palaa sumuisessa aamunkoitteessa Portugalin hädän hetkellä.
ellauri267.html on line 1391: Anthony R. "Walt" Disney, one of the foremost recent scholars of Portuguese history in English commented on the other hand that:
ellauri267.html on line 1396: During the time of the Iberian Union, between 1580 and 1640, four different pretenders claimed to be the returned King Sebastian, including Gabriel de Espinosa. The last of these pretenders, who was in fact an Italian, was hanged in 1619, while another was obtained by the Spanish from Venice, tried, found guilty and hanged in 1603. Vale-dimitrejä kuin nippu kyrpiä.
ellauri269.html on line 54: An important advance over these traditional classifications is TV Tropes. TV Tropes is a wiki website that collects and documents descriptions and examples of plot conventions and devices, which it refers to as tropes, within many creative works. Since its establishment in 2004, the site has shifted focus from covering various tropes to those in general media, toys, writings, and their associated fandoms, as well as some non-media subjects such as history, geography, and politics. The nature of the site as a provider of commentary on pop culture and fiction has attracted attention and criticism from several web personalities and blogs. Non-Playing Characters are non-voluntarist characters who let others make their life decisions.
ellauri269.html on line 127: Mitkä vitun peltokanat? No viiriäiset (quails)! Jehova näytti napisijoille että täältä kyllä tarvittaessa pesee ja huuhteleekin, mutta kun napisitte eikä kirvankakka kelvannut niin saatte näistä salmonellan!
ellauri269.html on line 274: Daily Increments: You can also buy game time cards. These are available from the Blizzard shop: Game Time. They can also be found at retailers like Amazon.
ellauri269.html on line 282: Now it is time to create your character! There are three primary choices that you need to make: Faction, Race, and Class. These are important because they dictate how you will interact with the game and with other players. Faction and Race can be changed for a price, but Class is a permanent decision. The only way to change Class is to create a new character. (This is actually factually wrong: in real life, you can change Faction for free and Class for a price, but there is no way to change Race!)
ellauri269.html on line 347: The group came to prominence during the Donbas War in Ukraine, where it helped pro-Russian separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics from 2014 to 2015. Its contractors have reportedly taken part in various conflicts around the world—including the civil wars in Syria, Libya, the Central African Republic (CAR), and Mali, often fighting on the side of forces aligned with the Russian government. Wagner operatives have committed war crimes in areas where they are deployed. The accusations include rapes and robberies of civilians, and torturing accused deserters.
ellauri269.html on line 349: Because it operates in support of Russian interests, receives military equipment from the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) and uses installations of MoD for training, Wagner Group is frequently considered a de facto unit of the MoD or Russia's military intelligence agency, the GRU. It is widely speculated that the Wagner Group is used by the Russian government to allow for plausible deniability in certain conflicts, and to obscure from public the number of casualties and financial costs of Russia's foreign interventions. It has played a significant role in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, where, among other activities, it has been reportedly deployed to assassinate Ukrainian leaders, and has widely recruited prisoners and convicts for frontline combat. In December 2022, Pentagon's John Kirby claimed Wagner group has 50,000 fighters in Ukraine, including 10,000 contractors and 40,000 convicts. Others put the number of recruited prisoners at more like 20,000, with the overall number of PMCs present in Ukraine estimated at 20,000. After years of denying links to the Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, a businessman with close links to Putin, admitted in September 2022 that he "founded" the paramilitary group. Now (Feb 2023) he is angry because he is not getting all the attention and financial support he wants. He says that the Kreml nomenclature are thereby guilty of high treason. *This article may be too long to read and navigate comfortably, so I stop here.
ellauri269.html on line 361: Tää pelifantasia on ilmeisesti lohtunamia teini-ikäisille tai siihen jumahtaneille inseleille jotka on jääneet ilman iskän hyväxyntää. Oops. Anyway, expectedly, these allied West--- North- Easterners had been invaded by a horde of tusked orcs of the Mordor denomination. Isoja ja vihreitä kuin Shrek, tai sen räkäklunssi. Tappoivat Opan koko suvun. Onpa kiva saada orpo aatelinen Opa leikkikaverixi. Celia sisko oli vain tyttö, ja Jari patraskia. Onni onnettomuudessa. But seriously, nyt on koko rotu vaarassa. Örkkeihin ei käy sekaantuminen, vielä ainakaan. 9-vuotiaat puhuvat toisilleen kuin kirjassa. Fair enough, siinähän ne ovatkin. Opan pikkuhousut ovat lujaa riimukangasta. Nää heput puristelevat koko ajan toistensa olkia. Opa ei pidä talvesta.
ellauri269.html on line 387: Arttu perrkele uskoo kyllä Lightiin, pelikonsolin taustavaloon, mixei uskoisi, näkeehän sen 2-ulotteisesti sokeinkin. Mutta se ei mieluusti polovistu kipeällä polvella eikä laita puheeseen hartaita viitteitä tyyliin "Jos valo suo". Pestyään naaman Arttu pukeutuu asuun, joka on yxinkertainen mutta elegantti. Kyllä näkyy että tämän läpyskän kirjoittaja on naaraspuolinen!
ellauri269.html on line 433: "Lad, no one feels ready. No one feels he deserves it. And you know why? Because no one does. It's grace, pure and simple. We are inherently unworthy, simply because we're human, and all human beings-aye, and elves, and dwarves, and all the other alliance races-but not orcs-are flawed. But Coors Light loves us anyway. It loves us for what we sometimes can raise from our breeches in rare moments. It loves us for what we can then do to others. And it loves us because we can help it share its message by striving daily to be worth a green orc, even though we understand that we can't ever truly become so."
ellauri269.html on line 487: Nyt Vitsauksen kuolemaritarina (kuole mari tarina?) Arthas tappoi ja käänsi entisen armeijansa ennen kuin palasi Ilmaveiviin, missä hänet tervehdittiin kuninkaallisesti. Arthas eteni suoraan valtaistuinhuoneeseen, jossa hän tappoi muitta mutkitta oven takana yhä vinkuvan isänsä ("ezä viizizä") kuin Tom Riddle tai Oidipus, eli siis kuningas Tena Gentlemanin, ja päästi näin virtsauksen vapaaksi kaikkialla kaupungissa. Kun Arthas kohtasi entisen mentorinsa Uther Valontuottajan Angorahallissa, sähköntuottajan kumivasara törmäsi riimuterän kanssa. Jokainen aseisku purkautui sotivien valo- sperma- ja kuolemaenergian suihkuina, kunnes Artaxerxes onnistui melkein katkaisemaan paladinin käsivarren, jolloin hän pudotti vasaran ennen kuin se tappoi hänet. Sitten Arttu palasteli hänet ja kääri mattokääröön.
ellauri269.html on line 515: Nimet, kuten 'Inaara' ja 'Kaalif' ja 'Idaar' ovat arabialaista alkuperää, ja juutalaiset käyttivät niitä yleisesti muslimivallan alaisina islamin kultakaudella ja nimet, kuten 'Merran' ja 'Meiri' (jotka ovat muunnelmia nimestä Miriam, yksi juutalaisuuden tärkeimmistä profeetoista ja Mooseksen sisar, esim Golda Meir), "Hesekiel" (toinen juutalaisuuden tärkeän profeetan nimi), Joraal (tarkoittaa "Jumala kohottaa" hepreaksi ja Supermanin isän nimi, toinen vahvasti Kahden juutalaisen luoma juutalainen hahmo) ja "Behomat" (alkuperäisellä hepreankielisellä ääntämyksellä Behemoth, Jobin kirjassa mainittu merihirviö).
ellauri269.html on line 540: This was a very well-written post that had a lot of evidence laid out, you clearly did your research. And I agree: Draenei are about as Jewish-coded as Pandaren are Chinese-coded!
ellauri269.html on line 564: Would it? Does that mean a thread titled On the Germanness of the Gilneans (Gileads? Gilesians?) or On the Chinese-ness of the Pandaren or Oh Darkspears, Ja-maican me crazy! would also get banned?:avaa suu:
ellauri269.html on line 566: Pandaren are so chinese themed that you would have to be from another planet to deny it.
ellauri269.html on line 568: These are so obviously in your face that I doubt anyone would argue.
ellauri269.html on line 572: You want to draw some jewish heritage inspirations? sure. But Draenei being jewish and only jewish based on these weak arguments? Very doubtful. Hahahahahaha
ellauri269.html on line 583: Whats your point? Dances do not show anything about actual inspiration. The kaldorei female dance is a French singer’s dance, yet they have no French inspiration. That is saved for the Shal’dorei, who were created over a decade after that dance. You want to draw some jewish heritage inspirations? sure. But Draenei being jewish and only jewish based on these weak arguments?
ellauri269.html on line 588: Not every race is 1:1 representation of a real world culture besides some exceptions like Worgen but thats only their visual theme and it does not go any deeper than that.
ellauri269.html on line 594: Oh PS. Jewish =/= Israel. One is a religion and a people spread accross the world and the other is a country with many strengths and weakenesses. Please do not compare Israel’s actions or critism as somehow representative of all jewish people. That is grotesquely anti-semetic; the jewish people are not some sort of hive mind monolith represented by Israel. Stop this silliness.
ellauri269.html on line 598: So events on AU Draenor are problematic and offensive because they present a “Jewish-coded” society as being oppressive, but in actuality it’s fine and makes sense because they’re really now “Christianity-coded”?
ellauri269.html on line 602: I did. But you said it is representative of catholicism rather than jewishness that you somehow linked to being representative of Israel.
ellauri269.html on line 603: You pick and choose what you like and discard anything unsavory as representative of something else.
ellauri269.html on line 680: Miksi ruoanlaitto on hyödyllistä Shadowlandsissa? Ruoanlaitto kuuluu kaikille – kirjaimellisesti! Kaikkien täytyy syödä, myös Undead. Stat food on yksi halvimmista herkuista, jonka voit antaa itsellesi, ja se kestää tunnin. Kolmella satolla per puimuri, voit valmistaa itsellesi paljon stat-ruokaa. Voit käyttää löydettyä ruokaa hyödylliseen tarkoitukseen. Vaikka useimmat Shadowlands-reseptit vaativat kalaa, on muutama resepti, jotka perustuvat vain luonnosta löytyvään ruokaan. Kalaa ei Wowissa löydy enää luonnosta, se on kaikki kesyä. Shadowlands tarjoaa uusia, hauskoja reseptejä! Kukapa ei rakasta satunnaisesti hengittävää tulta? Ihmiset, jotka pitävät ryöstönsä ja juhliinsa juhlaa, ovat suosittuja ihmisiä!
ellauri269.html on line 736: Kuvitteellisessa kertomuksessaan Supermanista The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, kirjailija Michael Chabon yhdistää myös Golemiin. Hänen päähenkilönsä Josef Kavalier pakenee Prahasta piiloutumalla Golemin arkkuun ja luo samanlaisen hahmon sarjakuviinsa. Tohtori Windy Counsell Petrie kirjoittaa aiheesta "Illumination and Escape: Writing and Regeneration in 21st Century Jewish-American Literature" ("Illumination and Escape: Writing and Regeneration in 21st Century Jewish-American Literature") motiivista: "Golemi merkitsee uskoa taiteellisen luomisen voimaan... Joe Kavalierille maailmankaikkeus, jonka hän luo Sarjakuvien piirtäminen on sellainen, jossa hänellä on valtuudet tehdä jotain natseille… Vaikka Joe ymmärtää, ettei hän voi kirjaimellisesti satuttaa Hitleriä sarjakuvakirjoituksellaan, romaani antaa ymmärtää, että hänen sarjakuvillaan on valtaa vaikuttaa yleiseen mielipiteeseen."
ellauri269.html on line 742: Tästä syystä 74 vuoden ajan Supermanin ensisijainen vihollinen ei ole ollut toinen muukalainen tai supersankari, vaan megalomanialainen muukalaisvihamielinen miljardööri Lex Luthor. Luther on useaan otteeseen toistanut senaattori Smithin kielen, harjoittanut murhanhimoista, rodullista vigilantismia ja yleisesti edistänyt natsien übermensch-ihannetta. Siegelin ja Shusterin ensimmäisessä Superman-sarjakuvassa, jonka otsikko on "The Reign of the Superman", "Superman" -hahmo esiintyi kuten Lex Luthor myöhemmin, kalju, ilkeä ja visuaalisesti samanlainen kuin FW Murnau -versio Draculasta (toinen fiktiivinen hahmo, jolla on salainen juutalaisuus). alkuperä) vuoden 1922 elokuvasta Nosferatu.
ellauri269.html on line 765: Leonard Nimoy, rakastettu näyttelijä, joka näytteli herra Spockia Star Trek -sarjassa, kuoli perjantaina 83-vuotiaana. Nimoyn elämästä on paljon kirjoitettavaa - kollegallamme Neda Ulabylla on mukava muisto täällä - ja lisää on melkein varmasti tulossa. Mutta halusimme jakaa tämän videon Nimoysta Jiddišin kirjakeskuksesta, jossa hän muistelee varhaista elämäänsä. Nimoy oli Ukrainasta tulleiden ortodoksijuutalaisten maahanmuuttajien poika, ja hän sanoi, että hänen identiteettinsä kertoi paljon hänen lähestymistavastaan kuuluisaan hyperlogiseen luonteeseensa.
ellauri269.html on line 804: But all these in their pregnant causes mixed vaan kunkin niiden perusainekset
ellauri269.html on line 812: Trilogia alkaa kyseisellä Milton-lainauksella Kultaisen kompassin alkusivuilla. Nimen voidaan katsoa viittaavan tarinassa keskeisessä osassa olevaan arvoitukselliseen Tomuun, jonka Pullman yhdistää myös pimeään aineeseen (engl. dark matter). Suomennosnimi Universumien tomu viittaa paitsi tomuun, myös trilogian useisiin rinnakkaismaailmoihin, joita Tomu yhdistää.
ellauri269.html on line 814: Pullmanin ensimmäinen ajatus trilogiaa yhdistäväksi nimeksi oli niin ikään Kadotetusta paratiisista poimittu ilmaus Golden Compasses, jossa ”compasses” tarkoittaa itse asiassa harppia, ei kompassia. Milton viittaa kultaiseen harppiin, vasaraan ja lyhteeseen Jumalan luomistyön välineenä. Nimi Golden Compasses vakiintuikin joksikin aikaa käyttöön kirjan julkaisun ollessa vielä kesken. Tällöin yhdysvaltalaisen kustantajan toimittajat erehtyivät tulkitsemaan, että nimitys viittaa Lyran aletiometriin, joka likimain vastaa kuvausta ”kultainen kompassi” – vaikka onkin tosiasiassa messinkinen eikä ole kompassi sen enempää kuin harppi. Niinpä kirjan amerikkalaisessa ennakkomarkkinoinnissa ensimmäisestä kirjasta alettiin käyttää yksikkömuotoista nimitystä The Golden Compass, vaikka Atlantin toisella puolella Pullman olikin jo päättänyt antaa ensimmäisen kirjan nimeksi Northern Lights. Pullman ei tohtinut jumittua kirjan nimikysymykseen yhdysvaltalaisen kustantajan tarjotessa muuten loistavia ehtoja, joten The Golden Compass tuli amerikkalaisen laitoksen viralliseksi nimeksi. Ensimmäisen kirjan suomennos Kultainen kompassi noudattaa tätä naurettavaa nimeä siitä huolimatta, että julkaisutiedoissa alkuteokseksi ilmoitetaan Northern Lights. The Golden Compass on myös vuonna 2007 julkaistun elokuvaversion nimi sekä Yhdysvalloissa että Isossa-Britanniassa. Miten typerää, sen pitäisi olla suomexi Harppisakut.
ellauri270.html on line 48: Tässä albumissa on ainexia Fred Karlssonia muistuttavan Jeff Leachin stilistiikan primerista. Tässä albumissa puhutaan yllättävän paljon myös silloista. Serbinobelisti Andrić esiintyi mielellään jugoslaavisena sillanrakentajana. 90-luvulla meni natolaiset joukolla purkautuneeseen Jugoslaviaan tappamaan monenlaisia jugoslaaveja. Siitä jäi yli jotain karuja veteraaneja Espanjankin kaduille pörräämään syysampiaisina, joiden varaan voi hikisesti rakentaa väkivaltaisia Netflix-sarjoja.
ellauri270.html on line 86: Kwai-joen silta ja Kuolemanrautatie – synkkää sotahistoriaa Kanchanaburissa. kirjoittaja Captain Andy. Kwai-joen silta on outo nähtävyys, jossa totuus ja fiktio menevät iloisesti sekaisin. Kanchanaburin keskustassa sijaitseva silta vetää puoleensa paljon matkailijoita, vaikka harva on tainnut nähdä sen maineeseen nostanutta elokuvaa – tai lukea kirjaa, johon elokuva perustuu. Ja vaikka teokset olisivatkin tuttuja, niillä on vain vähän tekemistä sillan todellisen historian kanssa.
ellauri270.html on line 120: Kaikki on kuitenkin nimetty ja viritetty niin, että turistien odotukset kohteessa täyttyvät. Menopaluulippu III-luokassa Bangkokin Hualam Pongin asemalta Nam Tokin asemalle ja Sai Yok Noin pääteseisakkeelle maksaa 120 bahtia eli runsaat kolme euroa. Viimeiset kymmenet kilometrit viidakon oksat hakkasivat junan ikkunoista sisään ja lopulta juna voi jäädä viimeiseen ylämäkeen kiinni. Silloin matkustajat saavat työntää junaa kuin sotavankiporukka tai kävellä pölkkyjä pitkin perille.
ellauri270.html on line 125: Alkuperäisestä radasta on enää jäljellä 130 kilometriä Thaimaan puolella. Rauhan tultua vuonna 1945 englantilaiset purkivat neljä kilometriä radan kiskotuksesta Burman rajalta. Rata suljettiin jo 1947, koska se ei kestänyt säännöllistä liikennettä. Nong Pla Dukin ja pääteseisake Nam Tokin välinen osuus avattiin kuitenkin uudestaan vuonna 1957. Nam Tokista Burman rajalle kulkenut rataosuus purettiin vuonna 1976, koska sen puiset siltarakenteet alkoivat käydä vaarallisiksi.
ellauri270.html on line 240: The original, full title of the broadside was "A Warning for Married Women, by the example of Mrs. Jane Renalds, a West-Country woman born neer unto Plymouth, who having plighted her troth to a seaman, was afterwards married to a carpenter, and at last carried away by a spirit, the manner how shall be presently recited".
ellauri270.html on line 298: In The Daemon Lover, James (Jamie) Harris, a handsome author, deserts his dowdy 34-year old fiancée. The plot of this short story may be indebted to “The Demon Lover” by Elizabeth Bowen, whom Jackson ranked with Katherine Anne Porter as one of the best contemporary short story writers. When Jamie Harris disappears, he shatters his bride’s dreams of living in a “golden house in-the-country” (DL 12). Her shock of recognition that she will never trade her lonely city apartment for a loving home mirrors the final scenes of “The Lottery” and “The Pillar of Salt” as well as many other stories in which a besieged woman suffers a final and often fatal blow.
ellauri270.html on line 304: For Jackson, The Lottery is more than a ghost story; “The Daemon Lover” in particular and the collection in general critique a society that fails to protect women from becoming victims of strangers or neighbors. As in “The Lottery,” Jackson’s shocking account of a housewife’s ritualistic stoning, or in “The Pillar of Salt,” which traces a wife’s horror and growing hysteria when she has lost her way, the threatened characters are women. Although many of Jackson’s stories are modern versions of the folk tale of a young wife’s abduction by the devil, and although her characters are involved in terrifying circumstances, the point is that these tales seem true: They are rooted in reality. Thus, Jackson exposes the threat to women’s lives in a society that condones the daemon lover.
ellauri270.html on line 317: The children’s activities—gathering stones—have a false innocence about them. Because this resembles the regular play of children, the reader may not assume gathering stones is intended for anything violent. The word “raids,” however, introduces a telling element of violence and warfare into the children’s innocent games. Similarly, the reader is lulled into a false sense of security by the calm and innocuous activities and topics of conversation among the adult villagers. We see the villagers strictly divided along gendered lines, even as children.
ellauri270.html on line 345: Mrs. Dunbar is the only woman to draw in the lottery, and the discussion of her role in the ritual proceedings emphasizes the theme of family structure and gender roles. Women are considered so inferior that even a teenaged son would replace a mother as the “head of household.” Wow this is going back to last century, or to Afghanistan! The formality surrounding these proceedings shows Mrs. Dunbar’s involvement to be an anomaly for the village.
ellauri270.html on line 351: A hush falls over the crowd as Mr. Summers states that he’ll read the names aloud and the heads of families should come forward and draw a slip of paper from the box. Everyone should hold his paper without opening it until all the slips have been drawn. The crowd is familiar with the ritual, and only half-listens to these directions. Mr. Summers first calls “Adams,” and Steve Adams approaches, draws his slip of paper, and returns to his family, standing a little apart and not looking down at the paper.
ellauri270.html on line 355: As the reading of names continues, Mrs. Delacroix says to Mrs. Graves that is seems like no time passes between lotteries these days. It seems like they only had the last one a week ago, she continues, even though a year has passed. Mrs. Graves agrees that time flies. Mr. Delacroix is called forward, and Mrs. Delacroix holds her breath. “Dunbar” is called, and as Janey Dunbar walks steadily forward the women say, “go on, Janey,” and “there she goes.”
ellauri270.html on line 365: The conversation between Mr. Adams and Old Man Warner establishes why the lottery is continued in this village, while it has been ended in others: the power of tradition. As the oldest man in the village, Old Man Warner links the lottery to traditional civilization, equating its removal to a breakdown of society and a return to a primitive state. For the villagers, the lottery demonstrates the organization and power of society—that is, a group of people submitting to shared rules in exchange for protection and support. But we see that the lottery also shows the arbitrariness and corruption of many of these social rules.
ellauri270.html on line 389: Even a dystopian society like this one doesn’t exclude other aspects of human nature like youth, popularity, friendship, and selfishness. Nancy’s behavior resembles that of many popular teen girls—again emphasizing the universal nature of Jackson’s story. We get the sense that Old Man Warner is perpetually displeased with any kind of change to tradition—even though the omniscient narrator tells us that the “tradition” Warner is used to is very different from the original lottery.
ellauri270.html on line 411: “The Lottery” begins with a description of a particular day, the 27th of June, which is marked by beautiful details and a warm tone that strongly contrast with the violent and dark ending of the story. The narrator describes flowers blossoming and children playing, but the details also include foreshadowing of the story’s resolution, as the children are collecting stones and three boys guard their pile against the “raids of the other boys.” These details… read analysis of The Juxtaposition of Peace and Violence.
ellauri270.html on line 425: Jackson’s “The Lottery” was published in the years following World War II, when the world was presented with the full truth about Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. In creating the dystopian society of her story, Jackson was clearly responding to the fact that “dystopia” is not only something of the imagination—it can exist in the real world as well. Jackson thus meditates on human cruelty—especially when it is institutionalized, as in a dystopian society—and the… read analysis of Dystopian Society and Conformity.
ellauri270.html on line 445: In the assault case, Harris and the girl began communicating via text messages in the summer of 2016, when she was between 16 and 17 years of age, according to a Lee County Sheriff's Office report. The messages started out innocently but turned sexual in nature. Then Harris texted the girl asking for her presence in his classroom.
ellauri270.html on line 450: Lemon tree, very pretty / and The lemon flower's sweet / But the fruit of the poor lemon / is impossible to eat. / A sadder man but wiser now / I write these lines to you.
ellauri270.html on line 452: These sad verses were sung by Peter friend of Paul and Mary, another Demon Lover between the bars.
ellauri270.html on line 484: Are these[errata 2] her naked ribs, which fleck'd Onx nää sen paljaat kyikiluut
ellauri270.html on line 529: Enoch Arden, poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, published in 1864. In the poem, Enoch Arden is a happily married fisherman who suffers financial problems and becomes a merchant seaman. He is shipwrecked, and, after 10 years on a desert island, he returns home to discover that his beloved wife, believing him dead, has remarried and has a new child. Not wishing to spoil his wife’s happiness, he never lets her know that he is alive.
ellauri270.html on line 546: "Andorsen owns a large percentage of the land in northern Nevada not owned by the government," Leo said. "He's probably got a half dozen of these private airstrips scattered all over the state. They may be dirt, but they're built to handle a bizjet. Ever meet him? Great guy. Throws parties and fund-raisers for law enforcement all the time."
ellauri270.html on line 548: "I'm sorry about getting in your face there, sir, but we get a lot of trespassers and thieves these days, what with the economy going to shit and all. The sheriff is doing his best, but this is a big county and a big ranch, and his department's been slashed to the bone... but its a good thing too, on the other hand, no big government you know. Like I said, we've had a lot of trespassers over the past couple years," Andorsen said. "Even had some cattle rustlers a while back." "And you like to deal with them yourself, instead of calling the sheriff?" Fid asked. He nodded. "Sounds like the way it should be done." "Bet your ass," Andorsen said. "Nothing beats taking the law in your own hands. Playing sheriff, judge and hangman in one big fat person. Personally, I like the hangman part best."
ellauri270.html on line 576: Der Wert des Stiftungsvermögens der Universität lag 2021 bei 1,286 Mrd. US-Dollar und damit 19,8 % höher als im Jahr 2020, in dem es 1,074 Mrd. US-Dollar betragen hatte. 2008 waren es rund 770 Mio. US-Dollar gewesen. Rahantuloa ei voi ees-täää! Brandeis on #44, tuition 65K, endowment 1,3G. Harvartd on #1, tuition 52K, endowment 53G. Kyltää Brandeis jonkinlainen jenkkien Tehtaanpuiston yhteiskoulu on.
ellauri271.html on line 70: Ranskan kommunistisissa piireissä levinneen tarinan mukaan kansainvälinen naistenpäivä olisi perustunut vuonna 1857 New Yorkissa tapahtuneeseen naisten tekstiilitehtaassa toteuttamaan lakkoon. Liliana Kandelin ja Françoise Picqin mukaan lakon liittyminen naistenpäivään olisi kuitenkin keksitty 1955, jotta päivän yhteys maailman kommunistiseen liikkeeseen ja Neuvostoliittoon voitiin irrottaa ja näin parantaa naisten tasa-arvoa Länsi-Euroopassa ilman siihen siellä liittyviä aatteellisia ennakkoluuloja.
ellauri271.html on line 78: Kansainvälistä naistenpäivää vietettiin ensimmäisen kerran 19. maaliskuuta 1911, jolloin Itävallassa, Tanskassa, Saksassa ja Sveitsissä järjestettyihin kokoontumisiin osallistui yli miljoona naista ja miestä. He vaativat naisille äänioikeutta, työoikeutta, oikeutta ammattikoulutukseen ja työsyrjinnän lopettamista. Ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikaan naistenpäivä liittyi rauhanliikkeeseen. Sen seurauksena päivän vietto levisi vuonna 1913 myös Venäjän keisarikuntaan. Muualla Euroopassa naiset protestoivat myös sotaa vastaan. Muttei Ukrainan sotaa! Siinä!
ellauri271.html on line 101: Koska hypoteeseja seksin alkuperästä on vaikea testata kokeellisesti, tutkijoiden olennaisimmat ponnistuxet keskittyvät seksuaalisen lisääntymisen ylläpitämiseen. Tämäntyyppisen lisääntymisen ylläpitäminen on pitkään ollut yksi biologian tärkeimmistä mysteereistä, kun otetaan huomioon, että 50% tällä tavalla muodostuneista organismeista ei pysty itsenäisesti lisääntymään uusien jälkeläisten kanssa.
ellauri271.html on line 166: Pasternakin romaanin merkitys venäläisessä kulttuurissa kytkeytyy venäläis-neuvostoliittolaiseen perinteeseen, jossa kirjallisuus ja kirjailijat ovat toimineet totalitarismin vastavoimina. Monet Pasternakin ikäpolven kirjailijat pitivät itseään totuuden äänenä, yhteiskunnallisena muistina, joiden velvollisuus oli kirjoittaa kielletyistä tapahtumista. Näin ilmeisesti ajatteli myös Pasternak. Nimenomaan tämän vuoksi kirjallisuutta on haluttu Neuvostoliitossa hallita ja kirjailijoita vaimentaa.
ellauri271.html on line 184: Nikolai eno tuntuu olevan hullu oikeistoääliö. Palsternak lähtee nyt liikenteeseen väärällä jalalla, siteerataxemme Harlan Cobenin paskasarjan Kimmo Koskenniemen kokoista enforseria kun se talloi maxaan sekakäyttäjää. Ja pahempaa varmaan seuraa. Historia on työtä kuoleman voittamisexi. Haista kuule eno paska. Juri ei ole jutku mutta Misha Gordon on. Jokainen saa sen mitä jumala tahtoo. Hyväntahtoiselle lallulle ja vetelehtijälle suotiin suikki. Tympäisi olla lapsi. Nikan iskä oli terroristi Dementi Dudorov, äiti georgiprinsessa. Kaikista eniten hän halusi toistamiseen mulahtaa Nadjan kanssa lammikkoon, näyttää sille siellä vaskikäärmettä. Nadja Nadja soromnoo.
ellauri272.html on line 80: Coinciding with the release of the book and its surprising popularity, injuries related to BDSM and sex toy use spiked dramatically. In the year after the novel's publishing in 2012, injuries requiring Emergency Room visits increased by over 50% from 2010 (the year before the book was published). This is speculated to be due to people unfamiliar with both the proper use of these toys and the safe practice of bondage and other "kinky" sexual fetishes in attempting to recreate at home what they had read.
ellauri272.html on line 83: A second study in 2014 was conducted to examine the health of women who had read the series, compared with a control group that had never read any part of the novels. The results showed a correlation between having read at least the first book and exhibiting signs of an eating disorder, having romantic partners that were emotionally abusive and/or engaged in stalking behavior, engaging in binge drinking in the last month, and having 5 or more sexual partners under age 14. The authors could not conclude whether women already experiencing these "problems" were drawn to the series, or if the series influenced these behaviors to occur after reading.
ellauri272.html on line 294: about Junior's life on the Spokane Indian Reservation and his decision to go to a
ellauri272.html on line 295: nearly all-white public high school away from the reservation. The graphic novel
ellauri272.html on line 305: Nerida Weyland's article, "Representations of
ellauri272.html on line 307: Junior/Arnold is an example of the complex, not-innocent child often presented in
ellauri272.html on line 341: Even though the Bible has worked its way into the top 10, the truth is that a high percentage of these attempts at censorship are aimed at what the ALA calls "diverse content" -- in other words, "books by and about people of color, LGBT people and/or disabled people."
ellauri272.html on line 349: big cheese,
ellauri272.html on line 625: Vihainen Analle tämän uhmauksesta, Christian katkaisee New Yorkin työmatkansa ja palaa Seattleen. Vihaantunut siitä, että Ana petti lupauksensa saada Kate luokseen sen sijaan, että lähtisi ulos, järkyttynyt Christian murisee Anan nukkuessa. Lopulta kaksikko riitelee, ja Ana moittii häntä liian hallitsevasta ja omistushalusta. Hän vaatii enemmän vapautta ja pääsyä ystäviensä kanssa. Christian vihdoin antaa periksi tajuttuaan kuinka paljon Anan ystävät merkitsevät hänelle ja että Ana teki oikein jäädessään Kateen luokse kotiin. Pian tämän jälkeen Christian yllättää hänet matkalla kohteeseen Aspen, Kate, Elliot, Mia ja Kate veli Ethan. Siellä ollessaan Elliot kosi Kateta, ja tämä hyväksyy.
ellauri272.html on line 640: Avioparit jatkavat eroottista seksuaalista kokeiluaan, mutta siitä tulee monimutkaista, kun Ana ilmoittaa olevansa raskaana. Christian on syvästi järkyttynyt ja sanoo, että hänellä oli muita suunnitelmia heidän varhaisvuosilleen. Hän lähtee yön pituisen humalaisen taivuttajan kyytiin. Palattuaan Ana saa selville, että Christian oli lähettänyt tekstiviestin ja tavannut entisen rakastajansa ja entisen BDSM- dominantin Elena Lincolnin. Hän suuttuu hänelle ja lukitsee itsensä leikkihuoneeseen yöksi. Hän etsii Anaa aamulla ja he jatkavat riitelyä, ja Ana kertoo Christianille, kuinka tärkeä vauva on hänelle.
ellauri272.html on line 670: Kun Christian soittaa pianoaan, Ana kävelee käytävän läpi olohuoneeseen katsomaan Christiania. Kun hän katselee häntä, näytetään takakuvia Christianin ja Anan yhteisestä ajasta " Love Me like You Do " -soitolla. Sitten Ana päättää, että hän haluaa pelata. Hän lähettää hänelle tekstiviestin saadakseen hänen huomionsa. Kun Christian liittyy Anan kanssa leikkihuoneeseen, musiikin soitto jatkuu, kun Christian sulkee oven heti nähtyään Anan hymyilevän.
ellauri272.html on line 848: Porvarillisesta elämästä kirjailija ei onnistunut vapautumaan. Vanhoina päivinään hän on hyväksynyt sen, että on porvarilliseen perheeseen syntynyt – ja elänyt koko elämänsä porvarina.
ellauri272.html on line 853: – Periaatteessa en kadu mitään. Olen kirjoittanut mitä olen kirjoittanut. Pesen käteni.
ellauri274.html on line 115: 1:21:00 югославию Ирак Ливию Сирию от этого позора никогда им не отмыться 1:21:00 Jugoslavia Irak Libya Syyria tästä häpeästä he eivät koskaan pese pois
ellauri274.html on line 377: 1:50:16 кадровым резервом для вооруженных сил и безусловно они должны быть востребованы 1:50:16 asevoimien henkilöstöreservi ja tietysti niille täytyy olla kysyntää
ellauri274.html on line 390: 1:51:39 русских оружейников сделать все для Победы 1:51:39 Venäläiset asesepät tekevät kaikkensa voiton eteen
ellauri274.html on line 420: 1:55:06 Я хочу обратить внимание это не эмиссионные политика Нет все у нас на 1:55:06 Haluan kiinnittää huomiota siihen, että tämä ei ole liikkeeseenlaskupolitiikkaa.
ellauri274.html on line 471: 2:00:33 четвертом кварталах отмечаются рост подъем мы фактически вышли на новый цикл 2:00:33 neljännellä vuosineljänneksellä on kasvun nousu, olemme itse asiassa siirtyneet uuteen kierteeseen
ellauri274.html on line 909: 2:48:56 Уважаемые коллеги остановлюсь еще на одной теме в начале февраля этого года 2:48:56 Hyvät kollegat, jään vielä yhteen aiheeseen tämän vuoden helmikuun alussa
ellauri275.html on line 83: Pyhä marttyyri Ilia Tšavtšavadze Gruusialainen syntyi vuonna 1837 hurskaaseen perheeseen Qvarelin kylässä Itä-Gruusiassa. Hänen äitinsä opetti hänet lukemaan ja kirjoittamaan, rukoilemaan ja rakastamaan totuutta. Lapsuudestaan asti Ilia tunnettiin hurskaudestaan. Hän tunsi halua mennä luostariin, mutta se meni ohi, ja Ilja antautui sitten innokkaasti opintoihin ensin Tbilisissä ja sitten Venäjällä Pietarin yliopistossa, jossa hän etsi ja tutki georgialaisia tekstejä. Hän ei kuitenkaan suorittanut tutkintoa vaan jätti opinnot kesken ja palasi Gruusiaan ja alkoi tahkota massia.
ellauri275.html on line 95: The role of Ilia Chavchavadze as one of the first civil activists and propagator of the idea of civil activism mustn’t be forgotten in modern day Georgia, where nihilism and indifference, especially among youth, is quite common. The article “Ilia Chavchavadze’s Civil Activities” was created by the Europe-Georgia Institute with support from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom South Caucasus. Ideas and opinions expressed in the article belong to the Author – Rati Kobakhidze – and might not represent positions of the EGI or FNF.
ellauri275.html on line 422: Representatives of the Russian authorities and Kremlin propagandists are actively commenting on the events related to the protests in Tbilisi against the “Russian Law”. Some of them declare that the bill initiated in the Parliament of Georgia, which the ruling party Georgian Dream has already withdrawn after 3 days of protests, has nothing to do with Russia, while others are already threatening Georgia with negative consequences of these events.
ellauri275.html on line 428: Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reacted to a statement by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell criticizing “Russian Law” and said: “Borrel said that the foreign agents’ law that sparked protests in Tbilisi was incompatible with EU values. Now we understand why the U.S. is not yet in the European Union – there the law has been in force there since 1938.”
ellauri275.html on line 448: The period of publication was sandwiched between the Victorian era, with its strict classicism, and Modernism, with its strident rejection of pure aestheticism. The common features of the poems in these publications were romanticism, sentimentality, and hedonism. Later critics have attempted to revise the definition of the term as a description of poetic style, thereby including some new names or excluding some old ones. W. H. Davies, a contemporary, is sometimes included within the grouping, although his "innocent style" differs markedly from that of the others.
ellauri275.html on line 455: Chavchavadze's contradictory career – his participation in the struggle against the Russian control of Georgia, on one hand, and the loyal service to the tsar, including the suppression of Georgian peasant revolts, on the other hand – found a noticeable reflection in his writings. The year 1832, when the Georgian plot collapsed, divides his work into two principal periods. Prior to that event, his poetry was mostly impregnated with laments for the former grandeur of Georgia, the loss of national independence and his personal grievances connected with it; his native country under the Russian empire seemed to him a prison, and he pictured its present state in extremely gloomy colors. The death of his beloved friend and son-in-law, Griboyedov, also contributed to the depressive character of his writings of that time.
ellauri275.html on line 460: In his Romantic poems, Chavchavadze dreamed of Georgia's glorious past, when "the breeze of life past" would "breathe sweetness" into his "dry soul." In poems Woe, time, time (ვაჰ, დრონი, დრონი), Listen, listener (ისმინეთ მსმენნო), and Caucasia (კავკასია), the "Golden Age" of medieval Georgia was contrasted with its unremarkable present. As a social activist, however, he remained mostly a "cultural nationalist," defender of the native language, and an advocate of the interest of Georgian aristocratic and intellectual elites. In his letters, Alexander heavily criticized Russian treatment of Georgian national culture and even compared it with the pillaging by Ottomans and Persians who had invaded Georgia in the past. In one of the letters he states: The damage which Russia has inflicted on our nation is disastrous. Even Persians and Turks could not abolish our Monarchy and deprive us of our statehood. We have exchanged one serpent for another.
ellauri275.html on line 697: Jopin lastenlapsista Jekaterina (”Katja”) Ždanova on Siperiassa tulivuorten tutkijana, lääkäri Josif Allilujev kuoli 2008, ja Olga, nykyisin nimeltään Chrese Evans, asuu vieläkin Portlandissa, Oregonissa, ellei ole kuollut.
ellauri275.html on line 742: - Kökkäreiden lapset kuuluivat partiolaisliikkeeseen. Heidän tunnuslauseensa oli "Ole valmis", ja kesäisin he kokoontuivat partioleireille, joissa oli jopa pienimuotoista sotilaskoulutusta.
ellauri275.html on line 744: - Kommunistien lapset kuuluivat pioneeriliikkeeseen. Heidän tunnuslauseensa oli "Ole valmis", ja kesäisin he kokoontuivat pioneerileireille, joissa oli jopa pienimuotoista sotilaskoulutusta.
ellauri276.html on line 152: Nikolai Porfiryevich Grekov (21. helmikuuta (5. maaliskuuta), 1807, Kazanskoje kylä, Efremovin piiri, Tulan maakunta - 1866, Moskova) - venäläinen runoilija ja kääntäjä. Syntynyt sotilasperheeseen. Hän valmistui Moskovan yliopistosta (1827), palveli Moskovan aateliskokouksessa. Vuodesta 1833 - eläkkeellä - hän asui pääasiassa Kazanin kartanolla. Henkilökohtaisessa elämässään hän oli onneton, vaikka selvisi vaimostaan, viidestä lapsestaan ja veljestään.
ellauri276.html on line 337: Oops - pussiin pääsi pujahtamaan väärä Joseph Campbell (joskin mieltäkiinnittävä oli tämäkin, johon palataan albumissa 298). Kyntäjästä runoili oikeasti keskimmäisen kuvan kaveri. Mies oikealla, Adam C. English, Professor of Religion at Campbell University, saa puheenvuoron alempana! Jenkit ovat syystä läpeensä tyytyväisen näköisiä miehiä. Suorastaan iloisia ahdistuneeseen irkkufarmariin verraten. Kauppa se on joka kannattaa eikä kyntötyö.
ellauri276.html on line 347: Hän syntyi Belfastissa katoliseen ja irlantilaiseen nationalistiseen perheeseen Downin kreivikunnasta. Hän opiskeli St Malachy´s Collegessa Belfastissa. Työskenneltyään isälleen hän opetti jonkin aikaa. Hän matkusti Dubliniin vuonna 1902 ja tapasi johtavia nationalistisia hahmoja. Hänen kirjallinen toimintansa alkoi lauluilla, keräilijänä Antrimissa ja työskennellessään säveltäjä Herbert Hughesin kanssa. Sitten hän perusti Ulsterin kirjallisuusteatterin vuonna 1904. Hän kirjoitti näytelmän The Little Cowherd of Slainge ja useita artikkeleita sen Uladh-lehteen, jonka toimitti Bulmer Hobson. The Little Cowherd of Slainge esitti ULT Clarence Place Hallissa Belfastissa 4. toukokuuta 1905 yhdessä Lewis Purcellin The Enthusiastin kanssa.
ellauri276.html on line 400: And the geese and pigeons and sparrows Ja hanhet ja kyyhkyset ja varpuset
ellauri276.html on line 495: Kavanagh meni naimisiin pitkäaikaisen kumppaninsa Katherine Barry Moloneyn ( Kevin Barryn veljentytär ) huhtikuussa 1967, ja he perustivat yhdessä pubin Waterloo Roadille Dubliniin. Kavanagh sairastui Tarry Flynnin ensiesityksessä Abbey Theatre -yhtiön Dundalkin kaupungintalossa ja kuoli muutamaa päivää myöhemmin, 30. marraskuuta 1967 Dublinissa. Hänen hautansa on Inniskeenissä Patrick Kavanagh -keskuksen vieressä. Hänen vaimonsa Katherine kuoli vuonna 1989; hän on myös haudattu sinne. Nobel-palkittu Séamus Heaney on saanut vaikutteita Kavanaghista. Heaney ja Kavanagh uskoivat paikallisen tai seurakuntalaisen kykyyn paljastaa universaali. Heaney sanoi kerran, että Kavanaghin runoudella oli "muuttava vaikutus yleiseen kulttuuriin ja se vapautti hänen jälkeensä tulleiden runollisten sukupolvien lahjat". Heaney totesi: "Kavanagh on todella edustava moderni hahmo siinä mielessä, että hänen kumouksellinen toimintansa käännettiin itsensä puoleen: tyytymättömyys, sekä henkinen että taiteellinen, inspiroi hänen kasvuaan... Hänen opetuksensa ja esimerkkinsä auttoivat meitä näkemään olennaisen eron hänen välillään. kutsutaan seurakunnalliseksi ja maakunnalliseksi mentaliteetiksi". Kuten Kavanagh sanoi: "Kaikki suuret sivilisaatiot perustuvat seurakuntaan". Hän päättelee, että Kavanaghin runous todistaa hänen "lankattoman uskonsa itseensä ja taiteeseen, joka teki hänestä paljon enemmän kuin hän itse".
ellauri276.html on line 530: Jotkin "Kyntäjän tarinan" osat, kuten prologi, lisättiin 1500-luvulla, jotta se sopisi paremmin yhteen Chaucerin tarinoista. Prologi ilmoittaa, että tarinassa on saarna. Sen sijaan matkustaja, jolla ei ole mitään Chaucerin kyntäjän (tai minkään aikakauden kirjallisen kyntäjän) ominaisuuksia, kuulee Pelikaanin ja Griffinin keskustelevan papistosta. Suurin osa linjoista on pelikaaneja, jotka hyökkäävät tyypillisiä loukkauksia vastaan evankelikaalisesti, keskustelevat Antikristuksesta ja vetoavat maalliseen hallitukseen kirkon nöyryyttämiseksi. Pelikaani ajetaan pois väkisin, mutta sitten Phoenix vahvistaa sen. Tarina päättyy vastuuvapauslausekkeeseen, jossa kirjoittaja erottaa omat näkemyksensä Pelikaanin näkemyksistä ja toteaa, että hän hyväksyy sen, mitä kirkko vaatii.
ellauri276.html on line 603: Here we are on familiar ground, for the beginning is that of the well-known Condescending Lass, often printed on broadsides, and not infrequently met with in the mouths of country singers to this day. The Condescending Lass belongs to a sizeable family of songs on the theme “I wouldn't marry a …”. In it the girl reviews men of various trades, and rejects them all until she finds one whom she will deign to consider. But the present version loses sight of this theme, and from verse two onwards forgets all about the persnickety girl, settling down to a eulogy of the ploughman's trade, though here and there the words still recall those of The Condescending Lass. For the sake of coherence we have abandoned Mr Burstow's first verse and given it another title (he called it: Pretty Wench). The Taverners Folk Group sang The Ploughman in 1974 on their Folk Heritage album Times of Old England. They noted:
ellauri276.html on line 608: Turning over frozen earth in dark January days behind a horse drawn or an ox drawn plough, must have been back breaking labour. The hours were long, pay was poor. A ploughman at the Alnwick Hiring Fair of spring 1819 for instance, was offered merely bed and food as payment for his fee for six months work. In the depression of that year, the ploughman had no choice, yet, these ploughmen appeared to enjoy their job and approached life with a sense of honest reality and humour. Their songs are nearly always cheerful. Cyril Tawney sang The Ploughman in 1974 on the Argo anthology The World of the Countryside. Jon Loomes sang The Ploughman in 2005 on his Fellside CD Fearful Symmetry. He noted:
ellauri276.html on line 690: My Ploughman he comes hame at e´en, Kyntäjäni hän tulee hameeseen,
ellauri276.html on line 695: I will wash my Ploughman´s hose, Minä pesen kyntäjäni letkun
ellauri276.html on line 851: These are the hands whose sturdy labour brings. Nämä ovat kädet, joiden tukeva työ tuo mukanaan.
ellauri276.html on line 861: These are the lines that heaven-commanded Toil, Nämä ovat linjat, jotka taivas käski työllistää,
ellauri276.html on line 1021: Good bread and cheese and the best of stingo hyvää leipää ja juustoa ja parasta stingoa.
ellauri276.html on line 1285: [tekijän tekstiä ei ole vielä verrattu ensisijaiseen lähteeseen]
ellauri277.html on line 113: Tärkein tapahtuma nuoren Gibranin elämässä oli tutustuminen Mary Haskelliin, kuuluisaan mesenaattiin. Mary Haskell otti Kahlil Gibranin "stipendiaattiensa" lukuisaan joukkoon ja tuki Gibrania henkisesti fyysisesti ja taloudellisesti koko hänen loppuelämänsä ajan. Haskel toimitti Gibranin englanninkieliset kirjat.
ellauri277.html on line 142: Heinäkuussa 1908 Gibran meni Haskellin taloudellisella tuella opiskelemaan taidetta Pariisissa Académie Julianissa, missä hän liittyi Jean-Paul Laurensin ateljeeseen. Gibran oli hyväksynyt Haskellin tarjouksen osittain etääntyäkseen Michelinesta, "sillä hän tiesi, että tämä rakkaus oli vastoin hänen kiitollisuuttaan neiti Haskellia kohtaan"; kuitenkin "hänen yllätykseksi Micheline tuli yllättäen hänen luokseen Pariisissa." "Michel oli paxuna kuin Michelin-ukko, mutta raskaus oli kohdunulkoinen, ja hänen piti tehdä abortti, luultavasti Ranskassa." Micheline oli palannut Yhdysvaltoihin lokakuun lopussa. Gibran vieraili hänen luonaan palattuaan Pariisiin heinäkuussa 1910, mutta heidän välilleen ei jäänyt aavistustakaan läheisyydestä.
ellauri277.html on line 167: Kahlil Gibran esiteltiin uudelleen William Blaken runouteen ja taiteeseen Pariisissa, todennäköisesti Auguste Rodinin studiossa ja Rodinin itsensä ollessa melan varressa. Gibran vahvisti siellä pyrkimyksensä olla symbolistimaalari.
ellauri277.html on line 175: Tutkijat ja kriitikot jättivät Gibranin pitkään huomiotta, ennenkuin älysivät kuinka jenkki se oikeastaan oli. Em. Bushrui ja John M. Munro ovat väittäneet, että "vakavien länsimaisten kriitikkojen epäonnistuminen vastata Gibranin huutoon" johtui siitä tosiasiasta, että "hänen teoksensa, vaikka suurin osa alun perin kirjoitettiin englanniksi, ei voi majoittua mukavasti lännen sisäiseen kirjalliseen perinteeseen, jossa mattokauppiaita ei järin näy." El-Hagen mukaan kriitikot ovat myös "yleensä epäonnistuneet ymmärtämään runoilijan mielikuvitukselisia käsityxiä ja hänen vaihtelevan luonnottomia taipumuksiaan".
ellauri277.html on line 193: oli riipustettu reunaan tikkukirjaimilla Melvixen resuisexi selattuun kappaleeseen tästä Kallen kuolemattomasta runopläjäyxestä:
ellauri277.html on line 219: Similarly, Gibran later portrayed his life in Lebanon as idyllic, stressing his precocious artistic and literary talents and his mother’s efforts to educate him; some of these stories were obviously tall tales meant to impress his American patrons.
ellauri277.html on line 248: The work begins with the prophet Almustafa preparing to leave the city of Orphalese, where he has lived for twelve years, to return to the island of his birth. The people of the city gather and beg him not to leave, but the seeress Almitra, knowing that his ship has come for him, asks him instead to tell them his truths. The people ask him about the great themes of human life: love, marriage, children, giving, eating and drinking, and many others, concluding with death. Almustafa speaks of each of the themes in sober, sonorous aphorisms grouped into twenty-six short chapters. As in earlier books, Gibran illustrated The Prophet with his own drawings, adding to the power of the work.
ellauri277.html on line 264: Gibran has generally been dismissed as sentimental and mawkishly [imelän] mystical. Nevertheless, his works are widely read and are regarded as serious literature by people who do not often read such literature. The unconventional beauty of his language and the moral earnestness of his ideas allow him to speak to a broad audience as only a handful of other twentieth-century American poets have. The sad fact is that a large majority of these monkeys are sentimental and mawkishly mystical.
ellauri277.html on line 276: Based on the analysis of actual researches and scientific publications, it was determined that the
ellauri277.html on line 277: role and significance of religious values in the public consciousness and self-consciousness, which became the object of research of philosophers, historians, political scientists, specialists of state administration. At the same time, actual issues of religious values in ensuring the spiritual security of society remain insufficiently studied. There is no detailed scientific substantiation and comprehensive study of spiritual security in the structure of national security.
ellauri277.html on line 299: 4. Krymsky, S.B. (1992), "The contours of spirituality: security of Ukraine: methodology of research and ways of
ellauri277.html on line 376: Rukoukseen liittyy islamin tapaan määrätyt vuorokaudenajat, asennot sekä rukoussuunta kohti Baha’ullahin hautapyhäkköä Haifassa. Jokainen 15 vuotta täyttänyt on velvollinen suorittamaan päivittäisen yksityisen rukouksen. Joka päivä tulisi valita yksi kolmesta tarjoiluehdotuxesta: lyhyt rukous vuorokauden valoisana aikana, keskipitkä rukous kolmesti vuorokauden aikana tai pitkä rukous mihin vuorokauden aikaan tahansa. Ennen rukousta peseydytään.
ellauri277.html on line 423: Heath Andrew Ledger (4. huhtikuuta 1979 Perth, Länsi-Australia – 22. tammikuuta 2008 New York, New York) oli australialainen Oscar-palkittu näyttelijä. Kotimaassaan Ledger näytteli enimmäkseen pienissä teeveerooleissa ennen muuttoaan Yhdysvaltoihin vuonna 1998. Hän teki merkittävimmät roolinsa elokuvissa 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), Patriot (2000), Monster’s Ball (2001), Ritarin tarina (2001), Brokeback Mountain (homo, 2005) ja Yön ritari (Jokeri, 2008).Ledger kuoli 28-vuotiaana 22. tammikuuta 2008 tahattomasti reseptilääkkeiden yliannostukseen. Muutamaa kuukautta ennen kuolemaansa Ledger oli saanut valmiiksi roolinsa Jokerina elokuvassa Yön ritari. Jenkit kapinoivat kovasti kuultuaan että homo-Ledger oli castattu Jokerin miehekkääseen osaan. Hullustihan siinä kävikin.
ellauri277.html on line 444: Kun saavuimme teatterin parkkipaikalle perjantai-iltana, ystäväni ja minä kävimme raskasta keskustelua. Kaikista asioista, joista voitiin keskustella ennen Batman-elokuvan näkemistä, puhuimme vapaasta tahdosta. Minulla ei ole aavistustakaan, kuinka pääsimme aiheeseen, enkä todellakaan olisi voinut tietää, kuinka merkityksellistä sananvaihtomme oli elokuvan kannalta, jonka olimme katsomassa.
ellauri278.html on line 44: Taimen, huudahti Stalin innoissaan. Hei-hei, huopaa siiman suuntaan. Älä anna sen mennä veneen alle. Oh perse, käännä, käännä enemmän. Vasempaan, vasempaan senkin menshevikki! Mutta rähinöinnin päätteexi 3-kiloinen taimen nousi haavissa veneeseen. Stalin oli yhtä hymyä.
- Jeesuxen äiti ärjäisi Stalin kiihkoissaan. Onpa mahtava kuha! Hän sai haavin kalan pyrstön taaxe ja sitä tietä veneen pohja rytkähti, kun 9-kiloinen kuha rummutti pyrstöllään pohjalautoja. Molotovia vähän hirvitti, mutta Stalin kohotti perämelan ja antoi kuhan niskaan nasakan iskun. Jättikala potki rajusti, värisi, pörhisti selkäevänsä ja oxensi kuollessaan puolenkymmentä kuoretta. - Sehän on lihava kuin Göring, ähkäisi Molotov.
ellauri278.html on line 55: Veikko Huovinen syntyi Simossa savolaisperäisessä perheessä, vuonna 1927. Isä Juho Aukusti Huovinen oli kotoisin Kuopiosta ja äiti Rosa Elina Hämäläinen Mikkelin maalaiskunnasta. Perheeseen kuuluivat myös vuonna 1923 syntynyt Hilkka, vuonna 1925 syntynyt ja pienenä kuollut Aimo sekä vuonna 1930 syntynyt Pentti. Veikon ollessa puolivuotias perhe muutti Sotkamoon, missä hän asui kuolemaansa saakka. Lapsena hänen kerrotaan olleen ilkikurinen ja hulluja tarinoita kertova poika. Huovisten kotona luettiin paljon, ja Veikkokin kahlasi lapsena Stalinin lailla läpi kaikki Tarzanit ja Robinson Crusoen.
ellauri278.html on line 57: Huovinen kävi Kajaanin yhteislyseota. Koulun katkaisi sota, johon Huovinen osallistui vapaaehtoisena ilmatorjuntamiehenä jatkosodan loppuvaiheessa kesällä 1944. Hänen isänsä Juho Huovinen oli mielipiteiltään antifa, mikä jäi kaihertamaan pojan mieltä. Veikko Huovinen suoritti ylioppilastutkinnon sodan jälkeen 1946, oli metsätöissä ja lähti sitten opiskelemaan Helsingin yliopiston maatalous-metsätieteelliseen tiedekuntaan, mistä hän valmistui metsänhoitajaksi 1952. Opiskeluaikanaan hän oli hiljainen ja eristäytynyt, ja sellaisena hän piti itseään myöhemminkin. Opiskeluvuosinaan Helsingissä Huovinen asui erään lääketieteen opiskelijan alivuokralaisena Töölössä. Kontaktit vuokraisännän ja alivuokralaisen välillä jäivät miltei olemattomiksi. Yli viidenkymmenen kirjailijavuotensa aikana hän esiintyi julkisuudessa harvoin. Hän suoritti asepalveluksensa Nurmeksen Jokikylässä 1947-48 konekiväärikomppaniassa (II/JR 3). Sotilasarvoltaan Huovinen oli korpraali koska ei saanut koskaan määräystä kertausharjoituksiin ja valvontakomissio oli kieltänyt reservinupseerien kouluttamisen. Seli seli, se ei kelvannut edes AUK:hon.
ellauri278.html on line 77: Huolimatta taustastaan tsaarin upseerina, Shaposhnikov voitti Stalinin kunnioituksen ja luottamuksen. Ammattiupseerin asemansa vuoksi hän liittyi kommunistiseen puolueeseen vasta vuonna 1939. Tämä on saattanut auttaa häntä välttämään Stalinin epäilyt. Hinta, jonka hän maksoi selviytymisestä puhdistusten aikana, oli yhteistyö Tukhachevskin ja monien muiden kollegoiden tuhoamisessa. Stalin osoitti ihailunsa upseeria kohtaan pitämällä aina kopiota Shaposhnikovin tärkeimmästä teoksesta Mozg Armii (Мозг армии, "Armeijan aivot") (1929) työpöydällään.
ellauri278.html on line 161: Shoot these rabid dogs. Death to this gang who hide their ferocious teeth, their eagle claws, from the people! Down with that vulture Trotsky, from whose mouth a bloody venom drips, putrefying the great ideals of Marxism! ... Down with these abject animals! Let's put an end once and for all to these miserable hybrids of foxes and pigs, these stinking corpses! Let's exterminate the mad dogs of capitalism, who want to tear to pieces the flower of our new Soviet nation! Let's push the bestial hatred they bear our leaders back down their own throats!
ellauri278.html on line 171: We must bear in mind that the growth of the power of the Soviet state will increase the resistance of the last remnants of the dying classes. It is precisely because they are dying, and living their last days that they will pass from one form of attack to another, to sharper forms of attack, appealing to the backward strata of the population, and mobilizing them against the Soviet power. There is no foul lie or slander that these 'have-beens' would not use against the Soviet power and around which they would not try to mobilize the backward elements. This may give ground for the revival of the activities of the defeated groups of the old counter-revolutionary parties: the Socialist-Revolutionaries, the Mensheviks (glup), the bourgeois Malo-Russian nationalists (double glup) in the centre and in the outlying regions; it may give grounds also for the revival of the activities of the fragments of counter-revolutionary opposition elements from among the Trotskyites and the Right deviationists. Of course, there is nothing terrible in this. But we must bear all this in mind if we want to put an end to these elements quickly and without great loss."
ellauri278.html on line 198: Chicherin played a major role in establishing formal relations with China and in designing the Kremlin´s policy on China. He focused on the Chinese Eastern Railway, Manchuria, and the Mongolian issue.
ellauri278.html on line 210: Litvinov moved to England in 1910 and lived there for eight years. In 1912, he replaced Lenin as the Bolshevik representative on the International Socialist Bureau. In England, Litvinov met and in 1916 married Ivy Low, the daughter of a Jewish university professor.
ellauri278.html on line 224: In 1933, Litvinov was instrumental in winning a long-sought formal diplomatic recognition of the Soviet government by the United States. US President Franklin Roosevelt sent comedian Harpo Marx to the Soviet Union as a goodwill ambassador. Isosetä Karl oli näät disponibiliteetissa. Litvinov and Marx became friends and performed a routine on stage together. Litvinov also facilitated the acceptance of the Soviet Union into the League of Nations, where he represented his country from 1934 to 1938. Litvinov has been considered to have concentrated on taking strong measures against Italy, Japan and Germany, and being little interested in other matters.
ellauri278.html on line 227: An emergency meeting of the main European powers – not including Czechoslovakia, although their representatives were present in the town, or the Soviet Union, an ally to both France and Czechoslovakia – took place in Munich, Germany, on 29–30 September 1938. An agreement was quickly reached on Hitler´s terms, and signed by the leaders of Germany, France, Britain, and Italy. The Czechoslovak mountainous borderland that the powers offered to appease Germany had not only marked the natural border between the Czech state and the Germanic states since the early Middle Ages, but it also presented a major natural obstacle to any possible German attack. Having been strengthened by significant border fortifications, the Sudetenland was of absolute strategic importance to Czechoslovakia.
ellauri278.html on line 240: The imperialists in these two countries had done everything they could to goad Hitler’s Germany against the Soviet Union by secret deals and provocative moves. In the circumstances the Soviet Union could either accept German proposals for a non-aggression treaty and thus secure a period of peace in which to redouble preparations to repulse the aggressor; or turn down Germany’s proposals and let the warmongers in the Western camp push the Soviet Union into an armed conflict with Germany in unfavourable circumstances and in a setting of complete isolation. In this situation the Soviet Government was compelled to make the difficult choice and conclude a non-aggression treaty with Germany. I, too, would probably have concluded a pact with Germany although a bit differently.
ellauri278.html on line 242: The replacement of Litvinov with Molotov significantly increased Stalin´s freedom to manoeuver in foreign policy. The dismissal of Litvinov, whose Jewish background was viewed disfavorably by Nazi Germany, removed an obstacle to negotiations with Germany. Stalin immediately directed Molotov to "purge the ministry of Jews". Recalling Stalin´s order, Molotov commented: "Thank God for these words! Jews formed an absolute majority in the leadership and among the ambassadors. It wasn´t good."
ellauri278.html on line 258: The highlight of Litvinov’s eighteen months ambassadorship was the 25th celebration of the Russian Revolution on the 7 November 1942. 1,200 guests, representing all of the United Nations, entered the reception hall to shake hands with Litvinov. Russian vodka and a sturgeon from the Volga were supplied to the guests. Roosevelt became annoyed with Litvinov’s second-necklace zeal. He told Stalin to call in Litvinov.
ellauri278.html on line 268: Molotov syntyi Kukarkan kylässä (nykyisin Sovetsk Kirovin alueella) nimellä Vjatšeslav Mihailovitš Skrjabin (ven. Скря́бин). Nimestään huolimatta hän ei ollut sukua säveltäjä Aleksandr Skrjabinille. Hän liittyi Venäjän sosiaalidemokraattiseen työväenpuolueeseen vuonna 1906 opiskellessaan Kazanissa ja otti salanimen Molotov (molot = vasara). Molotov pidätettiin vuonna 1909 poliittisesta agitaatiosta ja karkotettiin kahdeksi vuodeksi. Palattuaan hän matkusti Pietariin, joka oli vuonna 1914 nimetty liian saksalaisperäisen nimensä Sankt-Peterburg vuoksi venäläisittäin Petrogradiksi. Hän oli paikalla helmikuun vallankumouksen aikana muiden bolševikkien, kuten Vladimir Leninin ollessa edelleen maanpaossa. Molotovilla oli tärkeä rooli lokakuun vallankumouksessa ja hän toimi jonkin aikaa Pravdan päätoimittajana ennen kuin alkoi työskennellä Josif Stalinin alaisuudessa keskuskomiteassa vuonna 1921.
ellauri278.html on line 285: Molotovin sallittiin liittyä puolueeseen jälleen 1984, tosin vain hypnoottisella eleellä. Hän kuoli 96-vuotiaana Moskovassa 8. marraskuuta 1986 viimeisenä merkittävänä Venäjän vallankumoukseen 1917 osallistuneena hahmona. Hänet haudattiin Novodevitšin hautausmaalle Moskovassa.
ellauri278.html on line 292: Lausitz (saks. Lausitz, alasorbiksi Łužyca, yläsorbiksi Łužica, puol. Łużyce, tšek. Lužice) on Saksassa ja Puolassa sijaitseva maantieteellinen alue. Alue koostuu Saksan puolella Brandenburgin eteläosasta ja Saksin itäosasta sekä Puolan puolella Ala-Sleesian ja Lubuszin voivodikuntien osista. Lausitz jaetaan Ala-Lausitziin (Niederlausitz), Ylä-Lausitziin (Oberlausitz) ja Lausitzin vuorialueeseen (Lausitzer Gebirge). Lausitzin vuorialueesta ainoastaan sen saksalainen osa, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Zittauer Gebirge, kuuluu Lausitziin. Saksalaisen ja puolalaisen Lausitzin rajan muodostaa nykyisin Neissejoki, albumin 65 Oder-Neisse-linja. Lausitz tunnetaan muun muassa sen sorbettivähemmistöstä, ei sudeettisavolaisista sentään, ne on pohjoisempana zekin rajalla. Saxalaisilla oli aika paha sorbitoli-intoleranssi loppupeleisssä.
ellauri278.html on line 300: Huomaatte yhden jutun: termiittiapinoillakin alueet joista kärhämöidään useiten on kaikista surkeimmat habitaatit parempien habitaattien rajaseuduilla, tollasia Oder-Neisse linjoja, soita, vuoristoja, aavikoita, missä kieli, kulttuuri ja uskonto sekoittuvat koska mikään niistä ei ole siellä enää elinkelpoinen. Samat seudut mihin villi§elukatkin ajetaan paremmilta mailta kyhjöttämään niille sopimattomiin reservaatteihin. Niihin on kiva sijoittaa näitä nuaar-skoudesarjoja, karseet kulissit on näät siellä valmiina. Me mentiin autolla siitä aika läheltä Dresdenistä Puolan puolelle.
ellauri278.html on line 344: Tapaukset käsitellään erityisjärjestyksessä, ja niihin sovelletaan korkeinta rangaistusta - välitöntä täytäntöönpanoa. Asiaa tulee käsitellä ilman pidätetyn kutsua paikalle ja ilman syytteen nostamista, päätöstä tutkinnan lopettamisesta ja syytteeseenpanoa. Tapausten käsittely ja päätöksen tekeminen on uskottu troikalle, johon kuuluvat toverit V. E. Merkulov, B. Kobulov ja Bashtakov.
ellauri278.html on line 413: Myöhemmin puolueeseen liittyi myös konnamainen liikemies Konstantin Päts. Maaorava Liitistä tuli vuonna 1917 valittujen Viron maapäivien suurin puolue sen saatua 13 edustajaa 62:sta. Päts ja hänen puolueensa olivat johtavassa asemassa Viron itsenäistymisen jälkeen asetetussa väliaikaisessa hallituksessa, joka joutui toimimaan maan alla vuoden 1918 saksalaismiehityksen aikana. Osa puolueesta kannatti yhteistyötä saksalaisten kanssa, joten miehitysviranomaiset suosivat puoluetta ja sallivat sen järjestää puoluekokouksensa. Puolue alkoi saksalaismiehityksen aikana julkaista Maaliit-lehteä, jonka päätoimittaja Oskar Rütli kuului yhteistoimintalinjan kannattajiin.
ellauri278.html on line 419: Reformihengessä Viron itsenäisyyden alkuvuosien politiikka oli vasemmistohenkistä, mikä päättyi kuin seinään 1. joulukuuta 1924 kommunistien epäonnistuneeseen vallankaappausyritykseen, jota Neuvostoliitto tuki. Kaappauksen jälkeen kaappaajia rankaistiin ankarasti ja kommunistinen puolue kiellettiin ja äärivasemmisto poistettiin parlamentaarisen päätöksenteon piiristä. Päts toimi Viron valtionpäämiehenä, riigifüürerinä, viisi kertaa vuosina 1920–1934.
ellauri278.html on line 451: Sodan jälkeen uusia SMG-malleja ilmestyi usein. Kuitenkin 1980- ja 1990-luvuilla SMG:n käyttö väheni. Nykyään konepistoolit on suurelta osin korvattu rynnäkkökivääreillä, joilla on pidempi hyötykantama ja pystyvät läpäisemään nykyaikaisen jalkaväen kypärät ja vartalosuojat. Kuitenkin armeijan erikoisjoukot ja poliisin taktiset yksiköt (ns. siirat, jotka juoxevat kevlar-asuisina rykelminä tyhjiin tehdasrakennuxiin ja autiotaloihin huutaen "POLIISI! kaadu tai mä kaadan sut!") käyttävät edelleen konepistooleja lähitaisteluissa, koska siviilikonnilla ei yleensä ole kevlar-asuja eikä kypäriä. Ne ovat pistoolikaliiperinen ase, jota on helppo hallita ja joka on vähemmän todennäköinen 'ylitunkeutumaan kohteeseen' eli tekemään konniin tarpeettoman isoja läpireikiä.
ellauri278.html on line 471: Historian ironiaa oli, että suomalainen, yleisesikunnan silloisessa valokuvakeskuksessa palvellut reservin luutnantti oli jo aiemmin 1930-luvulla loikannut Neuvostoliittoon mukanaan Suomi-konepistoolin piirustukset. Malli oli sen jälkeen venäläisten aseasiantuntijoiden, mm. Josif Stalinin tutkittavana ja koeammuttavana, mutta vielä 1937 tämän aseen käyttöarvoa ei oikein ymmärretty. Talvisodan alkaessakaan konepistooli ei kuulunut puna-armeijan aseistukseen lainkaan. Politrukeille sen venäläistä versiota oli tosin oli jo silloin valmistettu miliisiaseeksi.
ellauri279.html on line 83: Solzhenitsyn syntyi perheeseen, joka uhmasi Neuvostoliiton uskonnonvastaista kampanjaa 1920-luvulla ja pysyi Venäjän ortodoksisen kirkon hurskaina jäseninä. Vielä nuorena Solzhenitsyn menetti uskonsa kristinuskoon, hänestä tuli ateisti ja omaksui marxilaisuuden - leninismin. Vasta vankilassa ja leireillä saamansa uskonnollisen kokemuksen seurauksena hänestä tuli vähitellen filosofisesti ajatteleva itäinen ortodoksinen kristitty.
ellauri279.html on line 99: Jokaisella kulttuurilla on oma antisemitismimerkkinsä. Solzhenitsynin tapauksessa se ei ole rodullinen. Sillä ei ole mitään tekemistä veren kanssa. Hän ei todellakaan ole rasisti; kysymys on pohjimmiltaan uskonnollinen ja kulttuurinen. Hän muistuttaa jonkin verran Fjodor Dostojevskia, joka oli kiihkeä kristitty ja isänmaallinen ja raivokas antisemiitti. Solzhenitsyn on kiistatta Venäjän äärioikeiston vallankumouksen näkemyksen otteessa, jonka mukaan se oli juutalaisten tekoja. Holokaustista selvinnyt Elie "Pop meni Wiesel" oli eri mieltä ja kirjoitti, että Solzhenitsyn oli "liian älykäs, liian rehellinen, liian rohkea, liian suuri kirjailija" ollakseen antisemiitti.
ellauri279.html on line 178: Millaisen koetuksen he asettivat veljelleni? Se on noloa ja pelottavaa. Veljeäni kutsuttiin lehdessä tiedottajaksi. Valehtele! Pavel taisteli aina avoimesti. Miksi häntä loukataan? Onko perheemme kärsinyt pientä surua? Ketä kiusataan? Kaksi veljestäni tapettiin. Kolmas, Roman, tuli vammaisten eturintamassa, kuoli nuorena. Minua paneteltiin sodan aikana kansan vihollisena. Hän vietti leirillä kymmenen vuotta. Ja sitten he kuntoutuivat. Ja nyt panettelu Pavlikille. Kuinka kestää tämä kaikki? He tuomitsivat minut kidutuksiin pahemmin kuin leireillä. On hyvä, että äitini ei nähnyt näinä päivinä... Kirjoitan, mutta kyyneleet tukehtuvat. Joten näyttää siltä, että Pashka on jälleen puolustuskyvytön tiellä.... "Ogonyok" Korotichin toimittaja radioasemalla "Freedom" sanoi, että veljeni on paskiainen, mikä tarkoittaa äitiäni... Juri Izrailevich Alperovitš-Družnikov työskenteli perheeseemme, joi teetä äitini, joka tunsi myötätuntoa meitä kaikkia kohtaan, ja sitten hän julkaisi Lontoossa inhottavan kirjan - joukon niin inhottavia valheita ja panettelua, että sen lukemisen jälkeen sain toisen sydänkohtauksen. Myös Z. A. Kabina sairastui, hän yritti haastaa tekijän kanteen kansainvälisessä tuomioistuimessa, mutta missä hän on - Alperovich asuu Texasissa ja nauraa - yritä saada hänet, opettajan eläke ei riitä. Lukuja tämän kirjoittajan kirjasta "Pavlik Morozovin taivaaseenastuminen" levittivät monet sanomalehdet ja aikakauslehdet, kukaan ei ota protestejani huomioon, kukaan ei tarvitse totuutta veljestäni... Näyttää siltä, että minulla on vain yksi asia tästä vasemmalle - kastella itseni bensiinillä, ja siinä se!
ellauri279.html on line 199: In his sensational exposé, Informer 001 or the Myth of Pavlik Morozov, a product of research carried out clandestinely in the Soviet Union between 1980 and 1984, he demolished the long-standing, “official” Soviet version of the young, thirteen-year old “pioneer” (who never was) and communist martyr – designated, in 1934, a Soviet literary hero at the First Congress of Soviet Writers – who had turned in his father to the authorities for treasonable activity. The boy was subsequently murdered, according to the authorities, by members of his own family. The young Pavlik did, in fact, denounce his father, but, as Yuri demonstrates, he appears to have been put up to it by his mother, seeking revenge for her husband’s infidelity. As to who actually killed Pavlik, Yuri establishes that it was certainly not family members who were hauled before a Soviet court and subsequently executed. No less a literary figure than Alexander Solzhenitsyn hailed the publication of the book in 1987, claiming that it was “through books such as this that as many Soviet lies will eventually be told as revealed.”
ellauri279.html on line 203: Alperovichit näyttää olevan pahempia oikeistojutkuja kuin Suomen oma Ben Zyskovicz. The vast majority of Argentine Jews are descended from immigrants who arrived from Europe. These ashkenazic Jews migrated from small towns or shtetels of Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Germany, Romania or Ukraine, leaving behind most of their Jewish relatives. After two or three generations, those Jewish families lost track of their relatives, having been saved from the war, emigrated to other countries like USA, England or Australia.
ellauri279.html on line 259: Voisiko tääkin kirja-arvostelun väsääjä olla sefardi? A submission from Indiana, U.S. says the name Faria means "The one that will create. Jewish families converted to Catholicism avoiding the Inquisition in Portugal and Spain sec XIV-XV" and is of Portuguese origin. Bostonin reformijuutalaisen Temple Israelin vetäjä on muuan Randy Faria.
ellauri279.html on line 261: Hän (ei Randy) on eläkkeellä oleva nepsy neurokirurgi ja neurotieteilijä, reseptilääkkeiden toimittaja ja kirjailija, lääketieteen historioitsija ja etikkakurkku, kansanterveyskriitikko, ja Yhdysvaltain perustuslain toisen lisäyksen vankka puolustaja, kerrassaan vahva ääni oikealta Kuubasta.
ellauri279.html on line 263: Vuonna 2015 alkoi raivoisa keskustelu Farian ja esekiel">Ezekiel Emanuelin välillä bioetiikkaa ja pitkäikäisyyttä koskevista kysymyksistä, kun jälkimmäinen julkaisi artikkelin, jossa todettiin, että elämä ei ole elämisen arvoista 75 vuoden iän jälkeen ja että pitkäikäisyys ei ollut kannattava tavoite terveydenhuoltopolitiikassa. Faria kiisti tämän väittäen, että elämä voisi olla hedelmällistä ja palkitsevaa tuon iän jälkeenkin, jos terveellisiä elämäntapoja ohjataan. Faria toteaa, että pitkäikäisyys on kannattava tavoite ja että James Friesin sairastuvuuden pakkaaminen tulisi päivittää hypoteesista teoriaksi. Tämä keskustelu asettaa myös perinteiset yksilöön perustuvat lääketieteen etikot vastakkain modernin bioetiikan liikkeen utilitaristiseen näkökulmaan. Kohtapa Faria pääseee testaamaan asiaa in pirsuna pirsunamente, se on näät syntynyt 1952 kuten tämä paasaaja, jääkärien juonen ja tapettujen runoilijoiden vuotena.
ellauri279.html on line 273: Mihail Ryumin syntyi 1. syyskuuta 1913 keskiluokkaiseen talonpoikaisperheeseen Bolshoe Kabanye kylässä, Kabanje Volostissa, Shadrinsk Uyezdissa, Permin kuvernöörissä, nyt Baturinski Selsovetissa, Shadrinskin alueella, Kurganin alueella. Sisällissodan vuosina Ryuminin perhe tuki valkoisia, myöhemmin Mihail Dmitrievich piilotti tämän seikan.
ellauri279.html on line 281: 17. maaliskuuta 1953 Stalinin kuoleman jälkeen hänet pidätettiin ja pidettiin Lefortovon vankilassa. Kuulusteluissa hän kielsi syytökset vihollisen toiminnasta ja myönsi mielellään yksittäiset virheet. Hän ilmaisi haluavansa työskennellä missä tahansa virassa, jonne puolue lähettää hänet. Beria puhui kahdesti tyngän kanssa. Ensimmäistä kertaa hän rohkaisi Ryuminia, että hän voisi saada anteeksi, jos hän "paljastaa takapuolensa kokonaan". 28. maaliskuuta 1953 käytiin toinen keskustelu, joka päättyi 25 minuutin kuluttua lauseeseen: "Nähdään taas, paizi et sinä minua. Me eliminoimme sinut." Myöhemmin Ryumin alkoi väittää, että häntä vastaan nostivat kanteen "kansan viholliset Beria, Kobulov, Goglidze jaVlodzimirsky, joihin hän sekaantui."
ellauri281.html on line 43: Taimen, huudahti Stalin innoissaan. Hei-hei, huopaa siiman suuntaan. Älä anna sen mennä veneen alle. Oh perse, käännä, käännä enemmän. Vasempaan, vasempaan senkin menshevikki! Mutta rähinöinnin päätteexi 3-kiloinen taimen nousi haavissa veneeseen. Stalin oli yhtä hymyä.
- Jeesuxen äiti ärjäisi Stalin kiihkoissaan. Onpa mahtava kuha! Hän sai haavin kalan pyrstön taaxe ja sitä tietä veneen pohja rytkähti, kun 9-kiloinen kuha rummutti pyrstöllään pohjalautoja. Molotovia vähän hirvitti, mutta Stalin kohotti perämelan ja antoi kuhan niskaan nasakan iskun. Jättikala potki rajusti, värisi, pörhisti selkäevänsä ja oxensi kuollessaan puolenkymmentä kuoretta. - Sehän on lihava kuin Göring, ähkäisi Molotov.
ellauri281.html on line 54: Veikko Huovinen syntyi Simossa savolaisperäisessä perheessä, vuonna 1927. Isä Juho Aukusti Huovinen oli kotoisin Kuopiosta ja äiti Rosa Elina Hämäläinen Mikkelin maalaiskunnasta. Perheeseen kuuluivat myös vuonna 1923 syntynyt Hilkka, vuonna 1925 syntynyt ja pienenä kuollut Aimo sekä vuonna 1930 syntynyt Pentti. Veikon ollessa puolivuotias perhe muutti Sotkamoon, missä hän asui kuolemaansa saakka. Lapsena hänen kerrotaan olleen ilkikurinen ja hulluja tarinoita kertova poika. Huovisten kotona luettiin paljon, ja Veikkokin kahlasi lapsena Stalinin lailla läpi kaikki Tarzanit ja Robinson Crusoen.
ellauri281.html on line 56: Huovinen kävi Kajaanin yhteislyseota. Koulun katkaisi sota, johon Huovinen osallistui vapaaehtoisena ilmatorjuntamiehenä jatkosodan loppuvaiheessa kesällä 1944. Hänen isänsä Juho Huovinen oli mielipiteiltään antifa, mikä jäi kaihertamaan pojan mieltä. Veikko Huovinen suoritti ylioppilastutkinnon sodan jälkeen 1946, oli metsätöissä ja lähti sitten opiskelemaan Helsingin yliopiston maatalous-metsätieteelliseen tiedekuntaan, mistä hän valmistui metsänhoitajaksi 1952. Opiskeluaikanaan hän oli hiljainen ja eristäytynyt, ja sellaisena hän piti itseään myöhemminkin. Opiskeluvuosinaan Helsingissä Huovinen asui erään lääketieteen opiskelijan alivuokralaisena Töölössä. Kontaktit vuokraisännän ja alivuokralaisen välillä jäivät miltei olemattomiksi. Yli viidenkymmenen kirjailijavuotensa aikana hän esiintyi julkisuudessa harvoin. Hän suoritti asepalveluksensa Nurmeksen Jokikylässä 1947-48 konekiväärikomppaniassa (II/JR 3). Sotilasarvoltaan Huovinen oli korpraali koska ei saanut koskaan määräystä kertausharjoituksiin ja valvontakomissio oli kieltänyt reservinupseerien kouluttamisen. Seli seli, se ei kelvannut edes AUK:hon.
ellauri281.html on line 76: Huolimatta taustastaan tsaarin upseerina, Shaposhnikov voitti Stalinin kunnioituksen ja luottamuksen. Ammattiupseerin asemansa vuoksi hän liittyi kommunistiseen puolueeseen vasta vuonna 1939. Tämä on saattanut auttaa häntä välttämään Stalinin epäilyt. Hinta, jonka hän maksoi selviytymisestä puhdistusten aikana, oli yhteistyö Tukhachevskin ja monien muiden kollegoiden tuhoamisessa. Stalin osoitti ihailunsa upseeria kohtaan pitämällä aina kopiota Shaposhnikovin tärkeimmästä teoksesta Mozg Armii (Мозг армии, "Armeijan aivot") (1929) työpöydällään.
ellauri281.html on line 160: Shoot these rabid dogs. Death to this gang who hide their ferocious teeth, their eagle claws, from the people! Down with that vulture Trotsky, from whose mouth a bloody venom drips, putrefying the great ideals of Marxism! ... Down with these abject animals! Let's put an end once and for all to these miserable hybrids of foxes and pigs, these stinking corpses! Let's exterminate the mad dogs of capitalism, who want to tear to pieces the flower of our new Soviet nation! Let's push the bestial hatred they bear our leaders back down their own throats!
ellauri281.html on line 170: We must bear in mind that the growth of the power of the Soviet state will increase the resistance of the last remnants of the dying classes. It is precisely because they are dying, and living their last days that they will pass from one form of attack to another, to sharper forms of attack, appealing to the backward strata of the population, and mobilizing them against the Soviet power. There is no foul lie or slander that these 'have-beens' would not use against the Soviet power and around which they would not try to mobilize the backward elements. This may give ground for the revival of the activities of the defeated groups of the old counter-revolutionary parties: the Socialist-Revolutionaries, the Mensheviks (glup), the bourgeois Malo-Russian nationalists (double glup) in the centre and in the outlying regions; it may give grounds also for the revival of the activities of the fragments of counter-revolutionary opposition elements from among the Trotskyites and the Right deviationists. Of course, there is nothing terrible in this. But we must bear all this in mind if we want to put an end to these elements quickly and without great loss."
ellauri281.html on line 197: Chicherin played a major role in establishing formal relations with China and in designing the Kremlin´s policy on China. He focused on the Chinese Eastern Railway, Manchuria, and the Mongolian issue.
ellauri281.html on line 209: Litvinov moved to England in 1910 and lived there for eight years. In 1912, he replaced Lenin as the Bolshevik representative on the International Socialist Bureau. In England, Litvinov met and in 1916 married Ivy Low, the daughter of a Jewish university professor.
ellauri281.html on line 223: In 1933, Litvinov was instrumental in winning a long-sought formal diplomatic recognition of the Soviet government by the United States. US President Franklin Roosevelt sent comedian Harpo Marx to the Soviet Union as a goodwill ambassador. Isosetä Karl oli näät disponibiliteetissa. Litvinov and Marx became friends and performed a routine on stage together. Litvinov also facilitated the acceptance of the Soviet Union into the League of Nations, where he represented his country from 1934 to 1938. Litvinov has been considered to have concentrated on taking strong measures against Italy, Japan and Germany, and being little interested in other matters.
ellauri281.html on line 226: An emergency meeting of the main European powers – not including Czechoslovakia, although their representatives were present in the town, or the Soviet Union, an ally to both France and Czechoslovakia – took place in Munich, Germany, on 29–30 September 1938. An agreement was quickly reached on Hitler´s terms, and signed by the leaders of Germany, France, Britain, and Italy. The Czechoslovak mountainous borderland that the powers offered to appease Germany had not only marked the natural border between the Czech state and the Germanic states since the early Middle Ages, but it also presented a major natural obstacle to any possible German attack. Having been strengthened by significant border fortifications, the Sudetenland was of absolute strategic importance to Czechoslovakia.
ellauri281.html on line 239: The imperialists in these two countries had done everything they could to goad Hitler’s Germany against the Soviet Union by secret deals and provocative moves. In the circumstances the Soviet Union could either accept German proposals for a non-aggression treaty and thus secure a period of peace in which to redouble preparations to repulse the aggressor; or turn down Germany’s proposals and let the warmongers in the Western camp push the Soviet Union into an armed conflict with Germany in unfavourable circumstances and in a setting of complete isolation. In this situation the Soviet Government was compelled to make the difficult choice and conclude a non-aggression treaty with Germany. I, too, would probably have concluded a pact with Germany although a bit differently.
ellauri281.html on line 241: The replacement of Litvinov with Molotov significantly increased Stalin´s freedom to manoeuver in foreign policy. The dismissal of Litvinov, whose Jewish background was viewed disfavorably by Nazi Germany, removed an obstacle to negotiations with Germany. Stalin immediately directed Molotov to "purge the ministry of Jews". Recalling Stalin´s order, Molotov commented: "Thank God for these words! Jews formed an absolute majority in the leadership and among the ambassadors. It wasn´t good."
ellauri281.html on line 257: The highlight of Litvinov’s eighteen months ambassadorship was the 25th celebration of the Russian Revolution on the 7 November 1942. 1,200 guests, representing all of the United Nations, entered the reception hall to shake hands with Litvinov. Russian vodka and a sturgeon from the Volga were supplied to the guests. Roosevelt became annoyed with Litvinov’s second-necklace zeal. He told Stalin to call in Litvinov.
ellauri281.html on line 267: Molotov syntyi Kukarkan kylässä (nykyisin Sovetsk Kirovin alueella) nimellä Vjatšeslav Mihailovitš Skrjabin (ven. Скря́бин). Nimestään huolimatta hän ei ollut sukua säveltäjä Aleksandr Skrjabinille. Hän liittyi Venäjän sosiaalidemokraattiseen työväenpuolueeseen vuonna 1906 opiskellessaan Kazanissa ja otti salanimen Molotov (molot = vasara). Molotov pidätettiin vuonna 1909 poliittisesta agitaatiosta ja karkotettiin kahdeksi vuodeksi. Palattuaan hän matkusti Pietariin, joka oli vuonna 1914 nimetty liian saksalaisperäisen nimensä Sankt-Peterburg vuoksi venäläisittäin Petrogradiksi. Hän oli paikalla helmikuun vallankumouksen aikana muiden bolševikkien, kuten Vladimir Leninin ollessa edelleen maanpaossa. Molotovilla oli tärkeä rooli lokakuun vallankumouksessa ja hän toimi jonkin aikaa Pravdan päätoimittajana ennen kuin alkoi työskennellä Josif Stalinin alaisuudessa keskuskomiteassa vuonna 1921.
ellauri281.html on line 284: Molotovin sallittiin liittyä puolueeseen jälleen 1984, tosin vain hypnoottisella eleellä. Hän kuoli 96-vuotiaana Moskovassa 8. marraskuuta 1986 viimeisenä merkittävänä Venäjän vallankumoukseen 1917 osallistuneena hahmona. Hänet haudattiin Novodevitšin hautausmaalle Moskovassa.
ellauri281.html on line 291: Lausitz (saks. Lausitz, alasorbiksi Łužyca, yläsorbiksi Łužica, puol. Łużyce, tšek. Lužice) on Saksassa ja Puolassa sijaitseva maantieteellinen alue. Alue koostuu Saksan puolella Brandenburgin eteläosasta ja Saksin itäosasta sekä Puolan puolella Ala-Sleesian ja Lubuszin voivodikuntien osista. Lausitz jaetaan Ala-Lausitziin (Niederlausitz), Ylä-Lausitziin (Oberlausitz) ja Lausitzin vuorialueeseen (Lausitzer Gebirge). Lausitzin vuorialueesta ainoastaan sen saksalainen osa, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Zittauer Gebirge, kuuluu Lausitziin. Saksalaisen ja puolalaisen Lausitzin rajan muodostaa nykyisin Neissejoki, albumin 65 Oder-Neisse-linja. Lausitz tunnetaan muun muassa sen sorbettivähemmistöstä, ei sudeettisavolaisista sentään, ne on pohjoisempana zekin rajalla. Saxalaisilla oli aika paha sorbitoli-intoleranssi loppupeleisssä.
ellauri281.html on line 299: Huomaatte yhden jutun: termiittiapinoillakin alueet joista kärhämöidään useiten on kaikista surkeimmat habitaatit parempien habitaattien rajaseuduilla, tollasia Oder-Neisse linjoja, soita, vuoristoja, aavikoita, missä kieli, kulttuuri ja uskonto sekoittuvat koska mikään niistä ei ole siellä enää elinkelpoinen. Samat seudut mihin villi§elukatkin ajetaan paremmilta mailta kyhjöttämään niille sopimattomiin reservaatteihin. Niihin on kiva sijoittaa näitä nuaar-skoudesarjoja, karseet kulissit on näät siellä valmiina. Me mentiin autolla siitä aika läheltä Dresdenistä Puolan puolelle.
ellauri281.html on line 343: Tapaukset käsitellään erityisjärjestyksessä, ja niihin sovelletaan korkeinta rangaistusta - välitöntä täytäntöönpanoa. Asiaa tulee käsitellä ilman pidätetyn kutsua paikalle ja ilman syytteen nostamista, päätöstä tutkinnan lopettamisesta ja syytteeseenpanoa. Tapausten käsittely ja päätöksen tekeminen on uskottu troikalle, johon kuuluvat toverit V. E. Merkulov, B. Kobulov ja Bashtakov.
ellauri281.html on line 412: Myöhemmin puolueeseen liittyi myös konnamainen liikemies Konstantin Päts. Maaorava Liitistä tuli vuonna 1917 valittujen Viron maapäivien suurin puolue sen saatua 13 edustajaa 62:sta. Päts ja hänen puolueensa olivat johtavassa asemassa Viron itsenäistymisen jälkeen asetetussa väliaikaisessa hallituksessa, joka joutui toimimaan maan alla vuoden 1918 saksalaismiehityksen aikana. Osa puolueesta kannatti yhteistyötä saksalaisten kanssa, joten miehitysviranomaiset suosivat puoluetta ja sallivat sen järjestää puoluekokouksensa. Puolue alkoi saksalaismiehityksen aikana julkaista Maaliit-lehteä, jonka päätoimittaja Oskar Rütli kuului yhteistoimintalinjan kannattajiin.
ellauri281.html on line 418: Reformihengessä Viron itsenäisyyden alkuvuosien politiikka oli vasemmistohenkistä, mikä päättyi kuin seinään 1. joulukuuta 1924 kommunistien epäonnistuneeseen vallankaappausyritykseen, jota Neuvostoliitto tuki. Kaappauksen jälkeen kaappaajia rankaistiin ankarasti ja kommunistinen puolue kiellettiin ja äärivasemmisto poistettiin parlamentaarisen päätöksenteon piiristä. Päts toimi Viron valtionpäämiehenä, riigifüürerinä, viisi kertaa vuosina 1920–1934.
ellauri281.html on line 450: Sodan jälkeen uusia SMG-malleja ilmestyi usein. Kuitenkin 1980- ja 1990-luvuilla SMG:n käyttö väheni. Nykyään konepistoolit on suurelta osin korvattu rynnäkkökivääreillä, joilla on pidempi hyötykantama ja pystyvät läpäisemään nykyaikaisen jalkaväen kypärät ja vartalosuojat. Kuitenkin armeijan erikoisjoukot ja poliisin taktiset yksiköt (ns. siirat, jotka juoxevat kevlar-asuisina rykelminä tyhjiin tehdasrakennuxiin ja autiotaloihin huutaen "POLIISI! kaadu tai mä kaadan sut!") käyttävät edelleen konepistooleja lähitaisteluissa, koska siviilikonnilla ei yleensä ole kevlar-asuja eikä kypäriä. Ne ovat pistoolikaliiperinen ase, jota on helppo hallita ja joka on vähemmän todennäköinen 'ylitunkeutumaan kohteeseen' eli tekemään konniin tarpeettoman isoja läpireikiä.
ellauri281.html on line 470: Historian ironiaa oli, että suomalainen, yleisesikunnan silloisessa valokuvakeskuksessa palvellut reservin luutnantti oli jo aiemmin 1930-luvulla loikannut Neuvostoliittoon mukanaan Suomi-konepistoolin piirustukset. Malli oli sen jälkeen venäläisten aseasiantuntijoiden, mm. Josif Stalinin tutkittavana ja koeammuttavana, mutta vielä 1937 tämän aseen käyttöarvoa ei oikein ymmärretty. Talvisodan alkaessakaan konepistooli ei kuulunut puna-armeijan aseistukseen lainkaan. Politrukeille sen venäläistä versiota oli tosin oli jo silloin valmistettu miliisiaseeksi.
ellauri282.html on line 345: Loyola syntyi varakkaaseen baskiaisperheeseen Guipúzcoassa ja oli äidin puoleltakin baskiainen. Hän oli nuorin 13 lapsesta joka syntyi Marina Saenz de Liconalle ja Beltran Yanez de Onaz y Loyolalle.
ellauri282.html on line 372: Loyola kuoli Roomassa riehuneeseen rajuun hyppykuppaepidemiaan eli roomalaiskuumeeseen vuonna 1556. Hänet julistettiin ilkimykseksi 1609 ja ionisoitiin 1622. Niin sanotut kivet pikkuveikan suonissa näyttävät olleen trombosoituneita peräpukamia. Mies on Alepan, Baskimaan, Bilbaon hiippakunnan, Bizkaian, Gipuzkoan, Guipuscoan, Vizcayan, jesuiittojen, retrettien ja palosotilaiden suojelusilkimys. Häntä kuvataan pankkikirjalla, masuasukkaalla ja tylsällä leukaristillä. Ilkimyksen juhlapäivää vietetään 31. heinäkuuta seuraavilla sanoilla:
ellauri282.html on line 383: Ignatius käytti tunnetusti latinalaista ilmausta "Ite, inflammate omnia", joka tarkoittaa "Mänkee ihte, tulehduttakee kaikki", ilmausta, jota käytetään kuppaisessa jesuiittakirkossa vielä tänäkin päivänä. Loyolan yritteliäs mutta lojaali kantapäiden kalauttelu maittaa amerikkalaisillekin, siinä on sellaista nöyristelevää mutta samalla röyhkeilevää seppoilufiilistä joka istuu jenkkihabituxeen kuin suutarin sormi sian perseeseen.
ellauri282.html on line 468: Vuonna 1959 Merton aloitti vuoropuhelun moottoripyörävalmistajan D. T. Suzukin kanssa, joka julkaistiin Mertonin Zen and the Birds of Appetitessa nimellä "Tyhjyyden viisaus". Tämä dialogi alkoi Mertonin The Wisdom of the Desert -teoksen valmistuttua. Merton lähetti kopion Suzukille toivoen, että tämä kommentoi Mertonin näkemystä, jonka mukaan aavikkoisillä ja varhaisilla Zen-mestareilla oli samanlaisia kokemuksia. Melkein kymmenen vuotta myöhemmin, kun Zen and the Birds of Appetite julkaistiin, Merton kirjoitti postitse, että "kaikki yritykset käsitellä zeniä teologisella kielellä menevät varmasti ohi pointin", häveten lapsellisia lausuntojaan "esimerkiksi siitä, kuinka ei pidä lähestyä Zeniä." Merton kamppaili sovittaakseen yhteen länsimaisen ja kristillisen impulssin luetteloida ja pukea sanoiksi jokainen kokemus kristillisen apofaattisen teologian ideoiden ja Zen-kokemuksen sanoinkuvaamattoman luonteen kanssa. Joopa joo älä ajattele aivokuorella käytä matelijanaivoja. Siellä tahto ja tunne majailevat.
ellauri282.html on line 522: A mountza or moutza also called faskeloma is the most traditional gesture of insult among Greeks. It consists of extending and spreading all fingers of the hand and presenting the palm towards the face of the person to be insulted with a forward motion. It is often coupled with να, ορίστε, or πάρτα (no, olkaa hyvä, ota nämä) and swear words. Jöns teki näin Ateenan torilla perheen Kreikan matkalla ostaaxeen viisi jotain, sai aika tylyn vastaanoton.
ellauri282.html on line 524: Whích What Hanhi (/ˈtɪk ˈnjʌt ˈhʌn/ TIK NYUHT HUHN; Vietnamese: [tʰǐk̟ ɲə̌t hâjŋ̟ˀ] (listen); born Nguyễn Xuân Bảo; 11 October 1926 – 22 January 2022) oli vietnamilainen Thiền-buddhalainen munkki, rauhanaktivisti, tuottelias kirjailija, runoilija ja opettaja, joka perusti Luumu Kylä Perinteen, joka on historiallisesti tunnustettu tärkeimmäksi innoituxexi sitoutuneelle buddhalaisuudelle. "Mindfulnessin isänä" tunnettu Nhất Hạnh oli merkittävä vaikutus buddhalaisuuden länsimaisiin käytäntöihin. Mindfulness (skr. smrti, pal. sati) tarkoittaa muistoa. Sitä mikä palaa mieleen. Lännessä hän on ikoni. En voi ajatella länsimaista buddhalaista, joka ei tiedä Thich Nhất Hạnhista. Selvä länkkäreiden agentti. Tätähän muuten tutki Antti Niemen tytär Maisu, ei saanut juuri mitään mitattavaa tulosta, mutta perusti siitä huolimatta mindfulness-toimiston Tukholman vanhaan kaupunkiin, joka varmaan vetää väkeä kuin häkä. 2019 raportoitiin, että Nhất Hạnhin kannattamasta mindfulnessista oli tullut teoreettinen perusta 1.1 miljardin dollarin teollisuudelle Yhdysvalloissa. Eräässä tutkimuksessa todettiin, että 35% työnantajista käytti mindfulnessia työpaikan käytännöissä. Varsinaista ison rahan vedätystä siis!
ellauri282.html on line 537: Hänen suhteensa Vietnamia hallinneeseen kommunistiseen hallitukseen oli jännittynyt sen ateismin vuoksi, vaikka hänellä ei muuten ollut juurikaan kiinnostusta politiikkaan. Kommunistinen hallitus suhtautui häneen skeptisesti, epäili hänen puuhailujaan Vietnamin merentakaisen väestön kanssa ja rajoitti hänen "rukoilevaa ruumissaattoaan" useaan otteeseen.
ellauri282.html on line 538: Päästyään takaisin Hanoihin 2007 Hanhi näet koitti järjestää ja johtaa "suuria lauluseremonioita", joiden tarkoituksena oli auttaa parantamaan Vietnamin sodan jäljellä olevia haavoja; ja johtaa luostarien ja maallikoiden retriittejä. Lauluseremonioita kutsuttiin alun perin nimellä "Iso ruumissaatto rukoillaxeen yhtä lailla kaikille kengännauhojen solmun aukaisemisexi", mutta Vietnamin virkamiehet vastustivat ja kutsuivat mahdottomaksi hyväksyä, että hallitus "yhtä lailla" rukoilisi Etelä -Vietnamin ja Yhdysvaltain sotilaiden puolesta. Jotain rajaa! Nhất Hạnh suostui muuttamaan nimen lyhempään muotoon "Iso ruumissaatto vaan". Ilmeisesti jenkit oikeasti käytti Hanhea jonkinlaisena Troijan hevosena päästäxeen taas Hanoihin puuhastelemaan mitä jenkit nyt sitten kaikkialla puuhastelevatkin. Sopu ei kauan säilynyt, ja 2009 Hanhen seniorimunkkeja taas potkittiin jostain vietnamilaisesta luostarista karzalle rankkasateeseen.
ellauri282.html on line 648: tulivat lypsyhuoneeseen.
ellauri282.html on line 664: Tuli joukkueeseen. Punainen maa sekoittui.
ellauri283.html on line 59: Slaget vid Röbäck var ett slag under finska kriget 1808–1809. Slaget stod mellan svenska och ryska styrkor den 21 augusti 1809. Efter den svenska armén hade landat vid Ratan och besegrats vid Sävar fick Kamenskij veta att den norra armén under Fabian Wrede hade gått över Öre älv. Han beordrade Överste Erikson att hålla sin position. När dom svenska styrkorna hade kommit till Röbäck väntade dom sig möta hårt motstånd vid dom ryska förposterna. Dom var därför mycket försiktiga, men när dom senare stormade dom ryska förposterna fanns inga större ryska styrkor där. Överste Erikson hade lämnat en liten styrka där och hade då fått tid att ta sig över Ume älv. Wrede kom inte kunna ta sig över älven förrän striderna norr om Umeå var avgjorda och stannade därför kvar där. Några svenskar tog sig dock över och tog runt 50 krigsfångar men kom inte fram förrän Wachtmeister hade tvingats återvända till sina skepp.
ellauri283.html on line 114: Beyond the Heavens is a very ethereal and mystical experience, one unlike any other movie we have reviewed. However, this is not a good thing. The ‘plot’ is very unclear and murky, consisting of vague and meandering ideas and cryptic dialogue. It’s like Corbin Bernson is winking at the audience with every scene, waiting to reveal some great secret, but it’s never revealed. The whole has a very tip-of-the-tongue feel, like the characters know something you don’t but never intend to let you in on the secret. As the characters wax eloquent and philosophize about the true nature of reality, the viewer is left, in the end, with a more confusing view of reality than before. Is Bernson advocating for or against Darwinism? Is he a creationist? Does he really believe that angels come to earth on the tails of comets? Is Bernson suggesting that reality is not what it seems? If so, what is his view of reality? Only God knows the answers to these questions as Bernson spends 90 minutes toying with his ‘big reveal’ and dancing around whatever his philosophical worldview is. It’s basically just a waste of your time.
ellauri283.html on line 116: And what is to be made of Corbin Bernsen? What is his place in Christian film? Is he trolling? Is he a great mind misunderstood? Whether it’s abstract musings like Beyond the Heavens or half-hearted satire like Christian Mingle or In-Lawfully Yours, Bernsen’s motivations for making Christian films are very unclear. It’s possible that he’s smarter than us all and doesn’t know how to show it. But it’s also possible that he’s just trying to make a quick buck off of Christian audiences. Reality is probably somewhere in between. Regardless, Beyond the Heavens really needed to be rethought before anyone spent money on it, because it falls flat and is unable to properly convey whatever message it is trying to present.
ellauri283.html on line 267: Sudanin historia viittaa Sudanin tasavallan alueeseen, mukaan lukien se, josta vuonna 2011 tuli itsenäinen Etelä-Sudanin valtio Niilin latvoilla. Sudanin alue on maantieteellisesti osa suurempaa Afrikan aluetta, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä "Sudan ". Termi on johdettu arabiasta : بلاد السودان bilād as-sūdān eli "mustan miehen maa", ja sitä on joskus käytetty laajemmin viitaten Länsi- ja Keski-Afrikan Sahelin vyöhykkeeseen. Musta mies!
ellauri283.html on line 365: Kiistat marxilaisten ja ei-marxilaisten elementtien välillä hallitsevassa sotilaallisessa koalitiossa johtivat lyhyesti onnistuneeseen vallankaappaukseen heinäkuussa 1971, jota johti Sudanin kommunistinen puolue. Useita päiviä myöhemmin kommunismin vastaiset sotilaalliset elementit palauttivat onnistuneesti Nimeiryn valtaan.
ellauri283.html on line 387: Vuoden 2003 alussa alkoi Sudanin vapautusliikkeen/armeijan (SLM/A) ja Justice and Equality Movementin (JEM) ryhmien uusi kapina Darfurin länsiosassa. Kapinalliset syyttivät keskushallintoa Darfurin alueen laiminlyönnistä, vaikka onkin epävarmaa kapinallisten tavoitteista ja siitä, pyrkivätkö he vain parantamaan Darfurin asemaa Sudanissa vai eroamaan siitä suoraan. Sekä hallitusta että kapinallisia on syytetty julmuuksista tässä sodassa, vaikka suurin osa syytöksistä on langennut hallituksen kanssa liittoutuneille arabimiliiseille ( Janjaweed ). Kapinalliset ovat väittäneet, että nämä miliisit ovat osallistuneet etniseen puhdistukseen Darfurissa, ja taistelut ovat siirtäneet kotiseudulleen satoja tuhansia ihmisiä, joista monet ovat etsineet turvaa naapurivaltiosta Tšadista. On olemassa erilaisia arvioita ihmisuhrien määrästä, jotka vaihtelevat (kuin Ukrainassa) alle kahdestakymmenestä tuhannesta useisiin satoihin tuhansiin joko suorassa taistelussa tai konfliktin aiheuttamissa nälkään ja sairauksissa. Neekeri pesee kasvojaan, eivät valkene ollenkaan.
ellauri283.html on line 423: Al-Bashirin syrjäyttämisen jälkeen Sudanese Professionals Associationin ja "demokraattisten" oppositioryhmien järjestämät katuprotestit jatkuivat ja kehottivat hallitsevaa siirtymäkauden sotilasneuvostoa (YMCA) "välittömästi ja ehdoitta" eroamaan siviilijohtaman siirtymäkauden hallituksen puolesta. ja kehottaa muita uudistuksia Sudanissa. Neuvottelut YMCA:n ja siviiliopposition välillä yhteisen siirtymähallituksen muodostamiseksi käytiin huhtikuun lopulla ja toukokuussa, mutta ne pysähtyivät, kun Rapid Support Forces ja muut YMCA:n turvallisuusjoukot tappoivat 128 ihmistä Khartumin joukkomurhassa 3.6.2019.
ellauri283.html on line 435: Keskeiset siviilirauhattomuusryhmät, mukaan lukien Sudanese Professionals Association ja Forces of Freedom and Change, vaativat kansalaistottelemattomuutta ja kieltäytymistä yhteistyöstä vallankaappauksen järjestäjien kanssa. Laahus ei lotkauttanut korviaan.
ellauri283.html on line 465: - Entä kuinka tämä kaikki vaikuttaa Mambesin ja Galungan väliseen tilanteeseen? Henry kysyi.
ellauri283.html on line 485: Britannia ja Ranska kilpailivat 1800-luvun lopulla Länsi-Afrikan sisämaiden hallinnasta. Ranskalainen tutkimusmatkailija Louis-Gustave Binger vieraili 1887 Ouagadougoussa. Hän ei ollut vakuuttunut mosien vauraudesta, mutta piti aluetta mahdollisena orjatyövoimareservinä ranskalaisten muille pyrkimyksille. Työvoimaa tarvittiin erityisesti puuvillan viljelyyn viljavan Nigerjoen laaksossa, jossa asutus oli harvaa. Binger teki sopimuksen King Kong-valtakunnan hallitsijan kanssa, ja seuraavien vuosien aikana ranskalaiset valtasivat monia osia Burkina Fasosta. Ouagadougoun ranskalaiset polttivat 1896. Ranska ja Britannia tekivät 1898 sopimuksen, joka takasi Ranskalle Voltajoen yläjuoksun alueen. Se asetettiin ensin sotilasalueeksi, mutta vuonna 1904 se liitettiin osana Ylä-Senegalin ja Nigerin siirtomaata, jota hallinnoitiin Bamakosta.
ellauri283.html on line 487: Jännitteet rajanaapuri Malin kanssa puolestaan purkautuivat joulupäivänä 1985 alkaneeseen viiden päivän rajasotaan (”Joulusota”), joka vaati noin 100 kuolonuhria. Sankaran ankara hallinto alkoi menettää suosiotaan, kun valta alkoi keskittyä turhan pienelle ydinjoukolle.
ellauri283.html on line 499: Burkina Faso on monirotuinen valtio, ja siellä elää yli 60 etnistä ryhmittymää. Mosit on merkittävin ryhmä, ja vuonna 2010 Burkina Fason asukkaista 52,5 prosenttia kuului heihin. Fulbien osuus oli 8,4 prosenttia, gurmien 6,8 prosenttia ja bobojen 4,8 prosenttia. Kaikkiaan vuoden 1986 tietojen mukaan noin 94 % burkinafasolaisista kuuluu nigeriläis-kongolaisia kieliä puhuviin kansoihin. Gurilaisen ryhmän kieliä puhuvat mosit ja heidän sukukansansa dagarit, biriforit, nankanset ja kusasit ovat perinteisesest asuneet maan keskiosassa Valkoisen Voltan alueella. Lobit asuvat maan lounaisosassa ja bobot Malin rajaseudulla Bobo-Dioulasson koillispuolella. Grusit sukukansoineen elävät Ghanan rajaseuduilla, gurmat kaakossa Beninin rajalla, senufot lännessä sekä Kankalaban tasangolla, dogonit Bandiagaran vuoristoseudulla. Mandelaisen ryhmän kieliä puhuvat samot, soninket ja djulat asuvat maan luoteisosassa erillisinä ryhminä gurilaisten kansojen joukossa, bisat Valkoisen Voltan varrella lähellä Ghanan rajaa. Atlanttiseen kieliryhmään kuuluvat maan luoteisosassa asuvat fulbet. Maan pohjoisosan puoliautiomaata asuttavat paimentolaisuutta harjoittavat tuaregit ja heidän länsipuolellaan songhait. Kaupungeissa on hausoja, libanonilaisia ja ranskalaisia.
ellauri283.html on line 533: Burkina Fason etnisesti monimuotinen valtio, ja siellä elää yli 60 etnistä ryhmittymää. Mosit on merkittävin ryhmä, ja vuonna 2010 Burkina Fason asukkaista 52,5 prosenttia kuului heihin. Fulbien osuus oli 8,4 prosenttia, gurmien 6,8 prosenttia ja bobojen 4,8 prosenttia. Kaikkiaan vuoden 1986 tietojen mukaan noin 94 % burkinafasolaisista kuuluu nigeriläis-kongolaisia kieliä puhuviin kansoihin. Gurilaisen ryhmän kieliä puhuvat mosit ja heidän sukukansansa dagarit, biriforit, nankanset ja kusasit ovat perinteisesest asuneet maan keskiosassa Valkoisen Voltan alueella. Lobit asuvat maan lounaisosassa ja bobot Malin rajaseudulla Bobo-Dioulasson koillispuolella. Grusit sukukansoineen elävät Ghanan rajaseuduilla, gurmat kaakossa Beninin rajalla, senufot lännessä sekä Kankalaban tasangolla, dogonit Bandiagaran vuoristoseudulla. Mandelaisen ryhmän kieliä puhuvat samot, soninket ja djulat asuvat maan luoteisosassa erillisinä ryhminä gurilaisten kansojen joukossa, bisat Valkoisen Voltan varrella lähellä Ghanan rajaa. Atlanttiseen kieliryhmään kuuluvat maan luoteisosassa asuvat fulbet. Maan pohjoisosan puoliautiomaata asuttavat paimentolaisuutta harjoittavat tuaregit ja heidän länsipuolellaan songhait. Kaupungeissa on hausoja, libanonilaisia ja ranskalaisia.
ellauri284.html on line 89: Vad är det som är värst fel med kineserna? Det är inte Xi eller så, än mer än kärnproblemet i Ukraina är Mr. Putin. Västerländsk propaganda fokuserar alltid på ledare, båda hemma och hos fienderna. Det är konstigt för demokrater som hävdar att folket är i roteln. Också i de asiatiska diktaturerna är ledare beroende av makteliten och folket, såsom de Waals observerade hos chimpanserna.
ellauri284.html on line 92: Nej det är inte Xi, utan det faktum att Kina håller på att överta Amerika från vänster håll rent ekonomiskt, medan det också håller fast i klimatmålena. Det är orättvist! Just när vi var så nära att komma åt Ukrainas fracking resurser, och att motivera deras fortsatta användning med krigförhållandena. Xi har lyft 800 miljoner kineser från fattighetsfällan, och finansierar samtidigt infrastruktur i de andra fd tredje länderna med mera pengar än västländerna tillsammans. Helt orättvist! Just när vi hade framfångsrikt förarmat kolansiktena genom at stjäla deras naturresurser och sälja dem våra begagnade t-skjortor i stället. Kineserna håller på att bli mer välbärgade, får snart ikapp tyskarna som inte har rört sig någon vart i de senaste 20 år. Nu måste västingarna följa asiaternas exempel, installera diktaturer och bli igen svinrikare! Amerika är på god väg at göra just det.
ellauri284.html on line 148: Yritykset rauhoitella eläintä epäonnistuivat ja hirviömäinen tiikeri osoitti "täydellistä pelon puutetta", kun se oli ryhmien ympäröimänä, Gupta lisäsi. Eipä siinä sitten muuta kuin luotisateeseen. Tuskallinen välttämättömyys.
ellauri284.html on line 204: Nicholas E.A.H Adlers sentenced to death on Durham for high treason. The ex-German consul assisted German reservists to rejoin after the declaration of war.
ellauri284.html on line 230: Blackadder Goes Forth on sävyltään tummempi kuin kolme edellistä Blackadder- sarjaa ja useimmat tilannesarjat, ja se esittää sodanvastaisen viestin. Dialogia leimaa kauttaaltaan satiiriset pohdiskelut sodan luonteesta, sen alkuperästä ja vaikutuksista sodan aikana kärsineisiin sotilaisiin. Ajatus siitä, että sotilaat kärsivät, kun heidän komentajansa pysyivät turvallisen etäällä toimista, viitattiin myös useaan otteeseen, esimerkiksi kun Melchett sanoo Baldrickille: "Älä huolehdi, poikani, jos sinun pitäisi horjua, muista, että kapteeni Darling ja minä ovat takanasi!", johon Blackadder vastaa: "Noin 35 mailia takanasi." Jaksossa "Ruumiillinen rangaistus" kirjekyyhkynen (joka osoittautuu Melchettin lemmikiksi, Speckled Jim) sanomalla: "Kun 50 000 miestä tapetaan viikossa, kuka jää kaipaamaan kyyhkystä?" Tässä jaksossa Blackadder tuomitaan kuolemaan ampumalla teosta, mikä viittaa siihen aikaan voimassa olevien sotalakien mukaan langetettuihin kuolemantuomioihin.
ellauri284.html on line 266: Saint Melaine (latinaksi: Melanius tai Mellanus ; kornilla: Melan ; kymri: Mellon ) oli 500-luvun Rennesin piispa Bretagnessa (nykyään Ranskassa). Melaine varttui Plazissa Brainissa lähellä Redonia. Hän oli hurskas lapsi, jota usein rangaistiin siitä, että hän vietti liian kauan aikaa rukouksissa. Hänestä tuli munkki ja sitten apotti. Hänet nimitettiin Rennesin piispan Amandin seuraajaksi. Vilainessa hänen ruumiinsa asetettiin veneeseen, joka sitten ärsyttävästi palasi Rennesiin vastavirtaan ilman soutajien tai purjeiden apua.
ellauri284.html on line 303: Verojen perinnässä käytettäviä väärennettyjä leimamerkkejä ilmestyy syksyllä 1991 rahaliikenteeseen hirvittävä määrä. Pohjoispohjanmaalainen kirjaltaja painaa niitä vaimonsa omistamassa kirjapainossa lähellä Oulua peräti 162,5 miljoonan markan eli noin 27 miljoonan euron edestä.
ellauri284.html on line 326: Lokakuussa 1992 poliisi kuitenkin etsintäkuuluttaa Erkkilän epäiltynä myös dollariväärennyksestä ja osallisuudesta kohuttuun, elokuussa 1992 tapahtuneeseen Hattulan valuuttaryöstöön. Dollariväärennyksen tiimoilta on vangittuna myös Erkkilän vaimo, ja valuuttaryöstön oikeudenkäynnissä syytetään Erkkilän poikaa.
ellauri284.html on line 432: Life -lehden mukaan "Eastwoodin tyyli on ampua ensin ja toimia vasta sen jälkeen. Hän syövyttää hahmonsa käytännössä ilman sanoja. Hän on kehittänyt alipelaamisen taidon siihen pisteeseen, että kuka tahansa hänen ympärillään, joka niin paljon kuin hätkähtää, näyttää hassulta histrioniselta."
ellauri284.html on line 623: “By continuing his association with these groups and pursuing his private business interests, he’s put himself on a collision course with the U.S. public interest,” said Kathleen Clark, a law professor and ethics expert at Washington University in St. Louis. “It’s a terrible idea.”
ellauri284.html on line 658: Tax investigations such as these are not uncommon in India, and only a fraction pay income taxes, despite the government’s concerted efforts to combat hoards of undeclared “black money.”
ellauri284.html on line 709: Intiassa englantilais-irlantilaiseen perheeseen syntynyt Roberts jr. liittyi East India Companyn armeijaan ja palveli nuorena upseerina Intian kapinassa, jonka aikana hänelle myönnettiin Victoria Cross urheilusta. Sitten hänet siirrettiin Britannian armeijaan ja hän taisteli Abessinian retkikunnassa ja toisessa anglo-Afganistani-sodassa, jossa hänen holtiton käytöksensä ansaitsi hänelle laajan maineen.
ellauri285.html on line 55: Ensimmäinen käynti Sysmiössä vuoden 2023 keväällä. Seijan vanha valkoinen Pannonia-polkupyörä ja Patti Mulkkisen Suomi Sata paasausromaani lähtee mukana. Nyt mulla on tää plus Patti Mulkkisen jouzenlaulu, joista on hyvä paasata samalla kerralla. Paska jätkä ilman muuta, mutta sen paasauxissa on paljon tutunomaista. Patin 2 viimeistä tiiliskiveä ei pitäisi ollenkaan yrittää arvostella romaaneina, sillä ne ovat puhtaita paasauxia. Tämä albumi on jatkoa albumissa 282 alkaneeseen Patti Mulkkisen riivintään. Aihe jatkuu 10 albumia myöhemmin albumissa 295.
ellauri285.html on line 70: Consider, for example, the horse. We live across from a horse breeding establishment so I’ve had ample opportunity to observe these estimable animals in action. While they shit copiously they never get any on their hair (when was the last time you saw a horse’s behind fouled by its own waste?). The reason for this lies in the design of the horse anus. It is an extensible device that, when a BM is about to pass, protrudes a few critical inches, allowing the manure to drop straight to the ground without mussing a single hair. To further forfend fouling, there is no hair in the immediate vicinity of the horse’s anus, nor on the extensible process itself. What a remarkable design.
ellauri285.html on line 143: The Michigan Relics (also known as the Scotford Frauds or Soper Frauds) are a series of alleged ancient artifacts that were "discovered" during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. They were presented by some to be evidence that people of an ancient Near Eastern culture had lived in North America and the U.S. state of Michigan, which, is known as pre-Columbian contact. Many scholars have determined that the artifacts are archaeological forgeries. The Michigan Relics are considered to be one of the most elaborate and extensive pseudoarchaeological hoaxes ever perpetrated in American history.
ellauri285.html on line 228: I cannot get into these issues here, but there is mounting empirical evidence of complex unconscious mental phenomena guiding complex social behaviour and goal pursuit (for a good overview, see Hassin, et al 2004). Matelijan aivot rulettaa! Jasun transitiivisuusaxiooma failaa, Mirjam huomauttaa, mutta ei se mitään, failaa se muutenkin.
ellauri285.html on line 253: Attribuutioilla tarkoitetaan päätelmiä, jotka on tehty kausaalisista suhteista tai jonkun tai jonkin ominaisuuksista. Kun henkilö käyttää sisäisiä attribuutteja, he päättelevät, että henkilö käyttäytyy tietyllä tavalla tai että tapahtuma tapahtuu enemmänkin henkilön luonteeseen liittyvien tekijöiden kuin hänen tilanteensa kontekstin vuoksi. Sisäinen attribuutio määritellään toimenpiteeksi, jossa syytetään tietyntyyppisiä tekijöitä tai kriteerejä, joita yksilö voi hallita tietyn tapahtuman syystä. Tehdessään sisäistä attribuutiota ihmiset yrittävät selittää tilanteen tai tapahtuman syyn henkilökohtaisilla tekijöillä, usein yleistetyssä mielessä. Eli taas tota oikeistolaista syyllistämistä, seppoilua hienommalla nimellä. Laahus laahustaa vetelänä perässä kun yrittäjät porhaltavat edellä, koska niillä on niin huonot dispositiot. Tai geenit, tai ne on vaan yxinkertaisesti laiskoja. Oma vika pikku sika, se on pontena tässä virressä.
ellauri285.html on line 255: Jotkut filosofit ovat sanoneet, että dispositiot eivät kelpaa syixi. Miksi? Heidän ajatuksensa voidaan kiteyttää Molièren kuuluisaan sutkautukseen Le Malade Imaginairessa, että filosofi voisi selittää, miksi oopiumi nukuttaa ihmisiä mainitsemalla, että sillä on "uinuttava voima", virtus dormitiva. A fortiori sanotaan että laahus on epäpätevää koska sillä on "laahustava voima". Ne on yxinkertaiseseti huonompia. Jos sulla on huonommuusomplexi, se johtuu siitä että olet huonompi. Dispositionalism can be viewed as a form of primitivism.
ellauri285.html on line 267: Aloitan tämän luvun lyhyellä katsauksella elämän merkityksellisyyden tai merkityksen käsitteeseen osassa 2. Luvuissa 3–5 käsitellään kolmea johtavaa kertomustyyppiä siitä, mikä tekee elämästä Merkityksellisen: yliluonnollisuus, subjektivistinen naturismi ja objektivistinen naturismi. Osoittautuu, että että tärkeimmät jakokysymykset koskevat arvon roolia ja luonnetta. Yliluonnolliset ja objektivistiset naturistit uskovat, että sitoutuminen objektiiviseen arvoon on välttämätöntä merkitykselle elämässä, kun taas subjektivistit kieltävät tämän. Yliluonnolliset uskovat aika karkeasti, että Jumalan olemassaolo on tarpeen oikeanlaisen objektiivisen arvon ja oikeanlaisen suhteen kannalta, kun taas Objektivistiset naturistit kiistävät nämä väitteet. Objektivististen luonnontutkijoiden keskuudessa keskeiset keskustelut koskevat subjektiivisen sitoutumisen luonnetta johkin objektiiviseen arvoon (esim raha) sekä erityisesti millainen objektiivinen arvo tarvitaan merkityksellisyyteen.
ellauri285.html on line 281: Jos jumalan suunnitelma kusee, oman roolin tekeminen siinä on lopulta turhaa. Anna Kareninassa, Levinin kriisi alkaa, kun hän tajuaa, että "jokaiselle ihmiselle ja itselleen ei ollut mitään muuta edessä kuin kärsimys, kuolema ja iankaikkinen unohdus". (Eli palataan samaan pisteeseen mistä perseestä tullessa lähdettiin. Ei se silloin haitannnut.) Kaikki jäljet siitä, mitä teemme muille tai itsellemme katoavat lopulta – kosmisesta perspektiivistä katsottuna ne ovat pelkkää kohinaa jumalan WC:n pannussa, Ja ainakin siinä mielessä täysin turhaa. Tässä jumalallisen tarkoituksen voitaisiin ajatella olevan välttämätön. Voidaan ajatella, että Jumala on antanut tarkoituksen koko maailmankaikkeudelle luodessaan sen, vaikkei meille kerro minkä.
ellauri285.html on line 299: Objektiivisella puolella Susi korostaa useiden arvokkaiden projektien moninaisuutta, jotka menevät moraalin lisäksi suhteiden ylläpitämiseen, taiteeseen, luonnonsuojeluun, sarjayrittämiseen ja huippuosaamiseen, vain muutamia asioita mainitakseni. Yhteistä heille on vain se, että niillä on tarpeeksi rahallista arvoa sen lisäksi, että se on miellyttävä tai mielenkiintoinen tai tyydyttävä agentille itselleen ansaitakseen vakavan ajan ja vaivan investoinnin (2010, 37–38). Hän huomauttaa myös, että ei riitä yrittää tehdä jotain objektiivisesti arvokasta, pitää todella onnistua siinä. Vizi tää on jo tosi länkkärimäistä meisinkiä.
ellauri285.html on line 406: Konrad Zacharias Lorenz (* 7. November 1903 in Wien; † 27. Februar 1989 ebenda) war ein österreichischer Zoologe, Medizin-Nobelpreisträger und einer der Hauptvertreter der klassischen vergleichenden Verhaltensforschung (Ethologie). Er selbst nannte dieses Forschungsgebiet bis 1949 „Tierpsychologie“. Lorenz wird im deutschsprachigen Raum als deren Gründervater angesehen. Er war Mitarbeiter des Rassenpolitischen Amtes der NSDAP und Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Verhaltensphysiologie. Er war ein Kindheitsfreund Karl Poppers. Lorenzin nazimielisyydesytä ja arjalaisuudesta nousseet epäilyxet hälvenivät: dieser habe „aus seiner Zustimmung zum Nationalsozialismus niemals ein Hehl gemacht. Auch seine arische Abstammung ist in Ordnung.“
ellauri285.html on line 408: „In letzter Zeit hat Herr Dr. Lorenz mir gegenüber wiederholt sein immer größer werdendes Interesse für den Nationalsozialismus an den Tag gelegt und sich zu seiner Idee positiv geäußert. Soweit ich seine biologischen Studien kenne, sind diese in der Richtung der im Deutschen Reich herrschenden Weltauffassung gelegen.“
ellauri285.html on line 412: „Ich war als Deutschdenkender und Naturwissenschaftler selbstverständlich immer Nationalsozialist und aus weltanschaulichen Gründen erbitterter Feind des schwarzen Regimes (nie gespendet oder geflaggt) und hatte wegen dieser auch aus meinen Arbeiten hervorgehenden Einstellung Schwierigkeiten mit der Erlangung der Dozentur. Ich habe unter Wissenschaftlern und vor allem Studenten eine wirklich erfolgreiche Werbetätigkeit entfaltet, schon lange vor dem Umbruch war es mir gelungen, sozialistischen Studenten die biologische Unmöglichkeit des Marxismus zu beweisen und sie zum Nationalsozialismus zu bekehren. Auf meinen vielen Kongreß- und Vortragsreisen habe ich immer und überall mit aller Macht getrachtet, den Lügen der jüdisch-internationalen Presse über die angebliche Beliebtheit Schuschniggs und über die angebliche Vergewaltigung Österreichs durch den Nationalsozialismus mit zwingenden Beweisen entgegenzutreten. Dasselbe habe ich allen ausländischen Arbeitsgästen auf meiner Forschungsstelle in Altenberg gegenüber getan. Schließlich darf ich wohl sagen, daß meine ganze wissenschaftliche Lebensarbeit, in der stammesgeschichtliche, rassenkundliche und sozialpsychologische Fragen im Vordergrund stehen, im Dienste Nationalsozialistischen Denkens steht!
ellauri285.html on line 439: Ernon Finlandia-voittajan toinen osa 'Yksinäisyys' sisältää esseet Eino Leinosta, Vasili Šukšinista, Pentti Linkolasta ja Pentti Haanpäästä. Yhteistä näille neljälle hyvin erilaiselle kirjailijalle on tinkimättömyys itseään ja sanottavaansa kohtaan, pyrkimys kuvata maailma niin hyvin kuin ikinä ja pysyä rehellisenä näkemälleen. Usein yksinäisyyden, muttei sentään julkisuuden hinnalla. Ja silti, rakkaat lukijat, voin kuvitella Paasilinnan ajatelleen, olkaa varovaisia, sillä “on paljon helpompaa kirjoittaa hyvin kuin oikein“. Epäilkää, kyseenalaistakaa! Pankaa sormenne joka erälle ja kysykää: miksi - tämä - on - näin? Näistä Leino ja Linkola on oikislaisia, Haanpää vielä Noitaympyrässä vasuri vaikka kelkka taisi kääntyä Kiinan matkalla, ja Shukshin kodikkaita tuhnuja Suomi-filmityyppisiä leffoja ohjannut neuvostolainen elokuvaohjaaja. Entä Ernu ize? Joku mustanvihreä. Naipaul oli, vaikka 2. polven mamu, tunnettu kolonialismin puolustaja ja rasisti. Tyypillinen rasisti on ikääntynyt maalaisäijä tai vähän koulutettu nuori juippi. Patti lähti liikenteeseen juippina ja päätyi maailaisäijäxi. Franz Fanon, josta on paasattu mm. albumissa 96 joutui neekerinä Patin hampaisiin. Fanonin mielestä neekerien vihailu ja ihailu molemmat johtuvat niiden valtavista ruskeista vällykäärmeistä. Mean black snake sneaking in my back door, laulavat ne izekin. Patin mittausten mukaan kuukerin nelli on ihan samanmittainen kuin valkoisen ja tuntuukin naisten mukaan samalta. Mixikä se sitten kiertää sitä kuin kissa kuumaa puuroa?
ellauri285.html on line 530: "Totuutta ei voi pistää säkkiin ja kantaa pimeään huoneeseen."
ellauri285.html on line 637: Copyright (c) 1988 by Ralph Schoenman. All Rights Reserved. Reposted here by permission.
ellauri285.html on line 638: The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman is presented online for personal use only.
ellauri285.html on line 654: After making these visits, Schoenman argued in a hearing of the tribunal that the U.S. had committed genocide in Vietnam. He argued, "It is not possible to drop four million pounds of bombs every day on a country the size of New York and Pennsylvania without exterminating the civilian population".
ellauri285.html on line 696: Mitterrand palkizi pyllynnuolijansa liipalaapan diplomaattiposteilla, joissa sooloiltuaan Reggie joutui disponibiliteettiin kuin Heikki Brotherus. Mitterrand syntyi vuonna 1916 Jarnacin kunnassa Charenten departementissa läntisessä Ranskassa. Hän kasvoi konservatiivisessa ja katolisessa porvariperheessä, ja uskonnollista yksityiskoulua käyneen Mitterrandin ajatusmaailma oli 1930-luvulla oikeistolainen sekä nationalistinen. Hänen poliittinen uransa alkoikin liittymisellä äärinationalistiseen Croix de Feu -ryhmään. Hän myös kirjoitti L´Écho de Paris -sanomalehteen, joka vastusti istuvaa Léon Blumin vasemmistohallitusta. Sodan aikana hän työskenteli Vichyn hallituksen alaisuudessa. Myöhemmin hän toimi Ranskan vastarintaliikkeessä pitäen samaan aikaan virkaa saksalaismyönteisessä hallituksessa. Toisen maailmansodan jälkeen Mitterrand käänsi kelkkaa vähän liittyen keskustavasemmistolaiseen UDSR-puolueeseen Hän ohjasi puoluettaan vehen viele vasemmalle pitäen kuitenkin selvän pesäeron kommunisteihin.
ellauri285.html on line 755: The first consequential re-evaluation of the mathematical modeling behind the critical positivity ratio was published in 2008 by a group of Finnish researchers from the Systems Analysis Laboratory at Aalto University (Jukka Luoma, Raimo Hämäläinen, and Esa Saarinen). The authors noted that "only very limited explanations are given about the modeling process and the meaning and interpretation of its parameters... [so that] the reasoning behind the model equations remains unclear to the reader"; moreover, they noted that "the model also produces strange and previously unreported behavior under certain conditions... [so that] the predictive validity of the model also becomes problematic."
ellauri285.html on line 763: Building on research by Barbara Fredrickson suggesting that individuals with a higher ratio of positive to negative emotions tend to have more successful life outcomes, and on studies by Marcial Losada applying differential equations from fluid dynamics to human emotions,[citation needed] Fredrickson and Losada proposed as informative a ratio of positive to negative affect derived from nonlinear dynamics modelling (based on Lorenz systems), which appeared in 2005 in a paper in American Psychologist. The derived combination of expressions and default parameters led them to conclude that a critical ratio of positive to negative affect of exactly 2.9013 separated flourishing from languishing individuals, and to argue that the ideal positivity/negativity ratio lies between 2.9013 and an upper limit ratio of 11.6346. Hence, they claimed that their model predicted cut-off points for the minimum and maximum positivity ratios within which one should observe qualitative changes in an individual´s level of flourishing, specifically, that those within this range of ratios would "flourish", and those outside would "languish".[non-primary source needed] As of January 2014, the 2005 Fredrickson and Losada´s paper had been cited more than 320 times in the psychology literature.
ellauri285.html on line 764: Among the severe flaws claimed by Brown et al. in the positivity-ratio theory and its presentation were that
ellauri285.html on line 775: With regard to these, and especially the last, the Brown-Sokal-Friedman rebuttal argues that it is likely that Fredrickson and Losada did not fully grasp the implications of applying nonlinear dynamics to their data. Brown, Sokal, and Friedman state that one can only marvel at the astonishing coincidence that human emotions should turn out to be governed by exactly the same set of equations that were derived in a celebrated article several decades ago as a deliberately simplified model of convection in fluids, and whose solutions happen to have visually appealing properties. An alternati
ellauri285.html on line 781: Prior to the appearance of the Brown-Sokal-Friedman rebuttal and the ensuing retraction, Fredrickson had written a popular book, Positivity: Top-Notch Research Reveals the 3-to-1 Positivity Ratio that Will Change Your life.
ellauri285.html on line 786: Marcial Losada (1939–2020) was a Chilean psychologist, consultant, and former director of the Center for Advanced Research (CFAR) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.[not verified in body] He is known for his work in academia and business focusing on the development of "high performance teams",[This quote needs a citation] and having participated in partially retracted collaborative work with Barbara Fredrickson of the University of North Carolina, a retraction for which he has been assigned the culpability.
ellauri285.html on line 788: Marcial Francisco Losada was born in 1939 in Chile.[citation needed] He received a Ph.D. in organizational psychology from the University of Michigan. After finishing his doctoral work, Losada served as a Center for Advanced Research (CFAR) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.[when?][citation needed] In his career, Losada developed a nonlinear dynamics model, the meta learning model, to show dynamical patterns achieved by high, medium and low performing teams, where performance was evaluated based on profitability, customer satisfaction, and 360-degree feedback.[citation needed]. In pursuing these goals, he founded and served as executive director of Losada Line Consulting, which had presented past workshops and seminars at companies including Apple, Boeing, EDS, GM, and Merck, and foundations including the Kellogg and Mellon Foundations, with high performance team-building contracts at BCI, Banchile, BHP-Billiton, Codelco, and Telefónica [better source needed].
ellauri285.html on line 808: Olen strategisen johtamisen apulaisprofessori Aalto-yliopiston perustieteiden korkeakoulun teollisuustekniikan ja johtamisen laitoksella. Osaamisalueitani ovat kilpailudynamiikka sekä malli- ja datalähtöinen päätöksenteko. Tutkimukseni ilmestyy akateemisissa julkaisuissa, kuten Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Marketing ja European Journal of Operational Research. Toimin myös Long Range Planningin toimituskunnassa. Olen kokenut kouluttaja, jonka yleisö vaihtelee perustutkinto- ja jatko-opiskelijoista johtajiin ja muihin kokeneisiin ammattilaisiin. Olen erityisen kiinnostunut innovatiivisista opetusmenetelmistä, jotka mahdollistavat kokemuksellista ja vuorovaikutuspohjaista oppimista. En siis ole:
ellauri288.html on line 45: Iske oikeaan, viillä vasempaan, minne vain käteni sinua ohjaa. Kaikki ovat kauhuissaan, vapisevat ja kompastelevat. Minä, Herrasi, olen puhunut. (Hesekiel)
ellauri288.html on line 150: Britannia on yksi niistä yli kahdestakymmenestä valtiosta, jonka kansalaisuutta hakevat vakuuttavat uskollisuutta uudelle maalleen. Muiden muassa Yhdysvalloissa, Venäjällä ja Australiassa kansalaisuusvala on pakollinen. Norjassa se on vapaaehtoinen. Jotkut nyt vaan tykkäävät tollaseseta kantapäiden kalauttelusta. Breivik oli ihan täpinöissään siitä.
ellauri288.html on line 210: Seiskan haastatteleman perheenäidin mukaan tilanne kärjistyi vuosien saatossa jopa siihen pisteeseen, että Sofi ja Juha laittoivat postiluukusta kortin, jossa lapsia haukuttiin norsuiksi.
ellauri288.html on line 298: Vaikks rakkauden suhteen heikko, Aliide Truun loppuratkaisussa on Vanhan testamentin Hesekielin äkillisyyttä, joka on katarsista. Ämmä menee lastauttamaan ryssät hengiltä. Oksanen yhdistää Aliiden traagisen historian kautta poliittisen henkilökohtaiseen, historian nykyhetkeen. Aamulehti, Suomi
ellauri288.html on line 476: Luonto on jo vastannut sen haasteeseen bakteereiden ja virusten vastahyökkäyksellä.
ellauri288.html on line 564: PS:n kansanedustaja Teemu Keskisarja ei tiskaa, imuroi tai pese pyykkiä. Se on historiallisesti totta, vahvistaa Teemu. Sähkölaitteet ovat nykyisin mielettömän vaikeita, enkä ole opetellut niiden käyttöä, Kääpiösarja kommentoi Iltalehdelle. Myöskään ruokaa Höyhensarja ei laita.
ellauri290.html on line 75: Yleiskokouksen jakamista koskevaa päätöslauselmaa otettiin vastaan valtavalla ilolla juutalaisissa yhteisöissä ja laajalla raivolla arabimaailmassa. Palestiinassa väkivalta puhkesi lähes välittömästi ja ruokkii kostotoimien ja vastatoimien kierteeseen. Britit pidättyivät puuttumasta asiaan, kun jännitteet muuttuivat matalan tason konfliktiksi, joka kärjistyi nopeasti täysimittaiseksi sisällissodaksi.
ellauri290.html on line 87: David Ben-Gurion julisti 14. toukokuuta 1948 Israelin valtion perustetuxi ja vuoden 1948 Palestiinan sota eteni toiseen vaiheeseensa arabivaltioiden armeijoiden väliintulon myötä ja vuoden 1948 arabien ja Israelin välisen sodan alkaessa.
ellauri290.html on line 122: Maantieteellisesti maa voidaan jakaa seitsemään alueeseen:
ellauri290.html on line 142: Palestiina oli suurelta osin maatalousmaa. Yleisesti ottaen maa voidaan jakaa neljään erilliseen maaperävyöhykkeeseen, nimittäin:
ellauri290.html on line 173: Palestiinassa vallitsee välimerellisen ja aavikkotyypin väliaikainen ilmasto. Kesä on kuuma, mutta Välimeren länsituulet tekevät siitä mukavan suurimmassa osassa maata. Vaihtuville vuodenajoille on ominaista satunnainen kuiva ja erittäin kuuma sää, usein yhdistettynä idän kuivuviin tuuliin. Talvi on sadekausi, joka kestää noin lokakuusta huhtikuuhun; joulukuun ja helmikuun välisenä aikana on suurin sademäärä. Palestiina voidaan jakaa neljään ilmastolliseen alueeseen:
ellauri290.html on line 249: Nämä tilastot vaativat kuitenkin tiettyjä korjauksia. Arabien selkeästi omistamaan alueeseen tulisi lisätä 52 925 hehtaaria sitrusviljelmiä, muita hedelmäviljelmiä, kasteltavaa maata ja viljelykelpoista maata. Nämä ottomaanien aikoina asutetut, hylätyt ja uudelleenasutetut maat olivat sellaisten henkilöiden hallussa, joita sulttaani piti vuokralaisinaan mutta jotka väittivät suurella itsepäisyydellä, että heillä oli selkeät ja suuremmat oikeudet, jotka vastaavat "vapaata" hallintaoikeutta. Arabien miehitysoikeus näihin maihin johtui ottomaanien hallinnosta ennen vuotta 1918, eikä Palestiinan hallitus ollut koskaan kiistänyt sitä. Itse asiassa hallitus oli ennen toimeksiannon päättymistä päättänyt politiikasta, jonka mukaan näiden maiden omistusoikeus siirrettiin viljelijöille maksamalla parantumatonta pääoma-arvoa vastaava nimellinen summa.
ellauri290.html on line 251: Juutalaiset sitä vastoin "ostivat" yksittäisiltä arabeilta lisää 25 232 eekkeriä, jotka sisälsivät "rekisteröinnit" 5 vanhoissa viallisissa kiinteistörekistereissä, joihin he toivoivat saavansa omistusoikeuden maansiirtooperaatioiden aikana. Monissa tapauksissa näitä juutalaisia "ostoksia" ei kuitenkaan voitu paikantaa maassa, ja missä pystyivät, niiden alueet olivat epätarkkoja ja epäluotettavia. On syytä selventää, että ensinnäkin Turkin omistusoikeuden rekisteröinti maa-alueeseen ei perustunut maa-alueen kartoitukseen, vaan se toteutettiin hyvin pintapuolisesti. Alueet annettiin vain likimääräisesti, ja rajojen kuvaus koostui yleensä viereisten omistajien tai fyysisten esineiden nimistä viitaten neljään pääpisteeseen; toiseksi, pian ihmiset ymmärsivät, että kiinteistörekisterit antoivat hallitukselle arvotietoja verotuksen ja asevelvollisuuden perustana. Tämän seurauksena rekisteröintiä ei aina haettu, ja kun sitä haettiin, kiinteistörekisterivirkailijalle annettiin kuvitteellisia lukuja, kun taas asevelvolliset usein hankkivat rekisteröinnin ehdokkaiden nimiin. Tämän seurauksena Britannian miehityksen aikaiset maarekisterit olivat sekä epätarkkoja että epätäydellisiä.
ellauri290.html on line 470: Israelin viranomaisten arvion mukaan Israelin miehittämän Palestiinan alueen arabiväestö on nykyään noin 180 000 ihmistä keskittyneenä jonnekin perseeseen.
ellauri290.html on line 601: Pääministerillä tai kenellä tahansa muulla ministerillä oli valtuudet yksinkertaisesti anastaa kaikki poissa olevien räsypäiden maat: maatalousministeri voi varoittaa joutomaan omistajaa viljelemään maata tai huolehtimaan siitä, että sitä viljellään. (c) Mitään näiden määräysten mukaista jätemaata koskevaa tekoa ei saa mitätöidä sillä perusteella, että varoitus ei ole tullut maan omistajan tietoon. Jos jätemaan omistaja ei käänny maatalousministerin puoleen säännöksen 3 mukaisesti tai jos maatalousministeri ei ole vakuuttunut siitä, että maan omistaja on aloittanut tai aikoo aloittaa tai jatkaa maan viljelyä , maatalousministeri voi ottaa maan hallintaansa sen viljelyn varmistamiseksi. Ottaen huomioon sen tosiasian, että ylivoimainen enemmistö hylättyjen arabimaiden omistajista oli, tämän asetuksen voimaantulohetkellä ja ovat edelleen pakolaisia, jotka elävät pakotetussa maanpaossa Israelin miehittämien alueiden ulkopuolella, määräys maatalousministerin "varoituksesta" tai omistajien "hakemuksista" (artikloissa 2, 3, ja 4) ovat käytännössä merkityksettömiä. Ne ovat myös oikeudellisesti merkityksettömiä kohdan (c) tai 2 artiklan ehdottoman säännöksen vuoksi. Päinvastaisesta vaikutuksesta huolimatta asetuksella annettiin maatalousministerille valtuudet "ottaa haltuunsa" pakolaisten hylkäämä maa. noin 80 % Israelin miehittämien alueiden maa-alasta – ilman mahdollisuutta haasteeseen. Cuftodian saattoi ottaa haltuunsa suurimman osan arabien omaisuudesta Israelissa oman harkintansa mukaan todistamalla kirjallisesti, että joku henkilö tai henkilöryhmä oli poissa, tai että mikä tahansa omaisuus oli poissaoloomaisuutta. Todistustaakka siitä, että mikään omaisuus ei ollut poissa, oli sen omistajalla. Tämän määräyskokoelman ratkaiseva säännös oli "poissaolevan" määritelmä. Kuka tahansa henkilö julistettiin "poissaolevaksi", joka oli 29. marraskuuta 1947 (yleiskokouksen Palestiinan jakamista koskevan päätöslauselman päivämäärä) tai sen jälkeen:
ellauri290.html on line 820: Szenes syntyi Budapestissa 17. heinäkuuta 1921 assimiloituneeseen juutalaisperheeseen Unkarissa. Hänen isänsä Béla, tunnettu toimittaja ja näytelmäkirjailija, kuoli hänen ollessaan lapsi. Hän asui edelleen äitinsä Catherinen ja veljensä Györgyin kanssa. Hän ilmoittautui protestanttiseen yksityiskouluun tytöille, joka hyväksyi myös katolisia ja juutalaisia oppilaita; Katolisen ja juutalaisen uskonnon edustajien oli kuitenkin maksettava kaksinkertainen ja kolme kertaa protestanttien maksama summa. Sen jälkeen kun hänen äitinsä piti sitä liian kalliina, Szenes julistettiin "lahjakkaaksi opiskelijaksi" ja hänen annettiin maksaa vain kaksinkertainen tavanomaiseen verrattuna.
ellauri290.html on line 822: Ymmärtäminen, että juutalaisten tilanne Unkarissa oli tulossa epävarmaksi, sai Szenesin omaksumaan sionismin, ja hän liittyi Maccabeaan, Unkarin sionistiseen nuorisoliikkeeseen ja oppi hepreaa. Szenes valmistui vuonna 1939 ja päätti muuttaa Britannian Palestiinan mandaattiin opiskellakseen Nahalalin tyttöjen maatalouskoulussa. Vuonna 1941 hän liittyi Kibbutz Sdot Yamiin ja sitten Haganahiin, puolisotilaalliseen ryhmään, joka loi perustan Israelin puolustusvoimille. Vuonna 1943 hän värväytyi Britannian naisten apuilmavoimiin 2. luokan lentonaisena. Myöhemmin samana vuonna hänet palkattiin hakukoneoptimoijaksi (SEO) ja lähetettiin Egyptiin laskuvarjokoulutukseen.
ellauri290.html on line 860: Arabien kapina puhkesi uudelleen syksyllä 1937. Britit lopettivat kapinan kovilla toimenpiteillä karkottamalla monet Palestiinan arabien johtajat ja sulkemalla AHC:n. Yishuvissa arabikapina vahvisti jo ennestään lujaa uskoa vahvan juutalaisen puolustusverkoston tarpeeseen. Lopulta vuonna 1936 alkanut arabien maatalousboikotti pakotti juutalaisen talouden vieläkin parempaan omavaraisuuteen. Haganah muuttui tänä aikana pienestä salaisesta miliisistä suureksi sotilasjoukoksi. Brittiläiset turvallisuusjoukot tekivät tällä hetkellä yhteistyötä Haganahin kanssa vastatakseen arabeille. Britit tukahduttivat arabien kapinan ja julkaisivat vuoden 1939 valkoisen kirjan. Se salli vain 75 000 juutalaisen saapua Palestiinaan viiden vuoden aikana.
ellauri294.html on line 48: And all the things I deserve
ellauri294.html on line 82: Samaan aikaan toisaalla kun Wilhelm Walloittaja walloitti Englannin, julmat selzhukkisulttaanit lähti liikenteeseen länteenpäin. Siitä kertoo tv-sarja Heräämisen kuvaus: Suuret seldžukit. Eletään vuotta 1072. Turkkilaiset selcukit elivät vaikeita aikoja kuin Akun puhuva koira. Sisäiset konfliktit heikensivät heidän vahvuuttaan, jonka ulkopuoliset viholliset käyttivät heti hyväkseen. Mutta kun viisas hallitsija sulttaani Melik Shah tulee valtaan, tilanne alkaa muuttua parempaan suuntaan. Hänen ansiosta Seldžukkien valtakunta valloittaa uusia alueita, kasvaa uskomattoman suureksi ja vahvistaa siten valtaansa. Melik jäi historiaan paitsi rohkeana soturina, myös teiden rakentajana, moskeijana sekä tutkijoiden ja runoilijoiden suojelijana.
ellauri294.html on line 221: He ajattelevat, että sinun on parasta sijoittaa kovalla työllä ansaitsemasi rahat – voit jopa pyytää taloudellisia neuvoja asiantuntijoilta kasvattaaksesi rahaa. Mitä tulee bisnesenkeleihin, he ovat hyviä, kunhan käytät heidän rahansa hyvään käyttöön.
ellauri294.html on line 269: Hengellisesti puhuen, kun kohtaat enkelinumeroita elämässäsi, se on kirjaimellinen merkki siitä, että aineellinen omaisuus on käärinyt sinut täysin pyörteeseensä.
ellauri294.html on line 333: Teklan loukkaus oli vakavaa laatua. Pilkata nyt ylimmästä pappia kesken raiskausyritystä! Pyhänhäpäisyä kesken hävynpyhitystä! Naiset raivostuivat. Tekla pelkkä vyö raakatuilla uumilla (taas...) kazoo areenalla päältä kun naarasleijona syöpi karhun ja sen syö urosleijona. Kazomo ulvoo ihastuneena. Kazo Jeesus naisen häpyä paljastettuna! Eikö tule mieleen rakkaita muistoja? Mut hei, nyt on minun aika peseytyä. Ja hiän heittäytyy nakupellenä uima-altaaseen. Hylkeet ajautuvat kuolleina veden pinnalle.
ellauri294.html on line 450: Korintti sijaizee Peloponneesoxen peukalontyvessä. Vanha Korintti vehkeili Spartan kanssa peloponneesolaissodissa. Sen säkittivät roomalaiset 146 eKr ja rakensivat uuden 44 ekr. Uudestakin tuli paheiden pesä, jossa länsi ja itä vaihtoivat pornokuvia. Kaupunkiin liittyvät ainakin Sisyfoksen, Bellerofonin ja Pegasoksen sekä Medeian pornovideot. Bellerofon (m.kreik. Βελλεροφῶν, Bellerofōn; lat. Bellerophon) oli kreikkalaisen mytologian suurimpia sankareita ja hirviöiden lyöjiä ennen Heraklesta. Hänen suurin saavutuksensa oli Khimairan (pedon, jolla oli leijonan pää, vuohen ruumis ja käärmeen häntä eli cocktail), sekä velipojan paloittelu. Kuninkaan vaimo yritti maata hänet väkisin. Bellen ylpistyttyä suorituxistaan Zeus lähetti paarman puremaan Pegasosta, joka heitti hybridin selästään. Bellerofon eli loppuelämänsä raajarikkona. Kimaran ja Pegasoxen paloista tuli Hesekielin enkeli. Korintin Länsisatama oli Lekhaion ja Vuosaari Kenkhrea. Isoja maanjärjestyxiä mm. 1858, 1928 ja 1981. Korintit on hyviä mutta niissä on siemeniä. Niitä sai faffalla Maurinkadulla jouluna.
ellauri294.html on line 566: Tod on punainen (kommunisti)kettu, jonka yksi hänen äitinsä ja pentuekaverinsa tappaneista ihmismetsästäjistä kasvatti lemmikiksi. Tod nauttii aluksi elämästään, mutta saavuttaessaan sukukypsyyden hän palaa luontoon. Ensimmäisen vuoden aikana hän alkaa rakentaa aluettaan ja oppii kiertotekniikoita paikallisten maatilan koirien metsästyksestä. Eräänä päivänä hän törmää Mestarin taloon ja huomaa, että hänen läsnäolonsa saa ketjutetun koiralauman turhautuneeseen kiihkoon. Hän alkaa iloitsemaan heidän pilkkaamisestaan, kunnes eräänä päivänä päällikkö katkaisee ketjunsa ja jahtaa häntä. Mestari näkee koiran pakenevan ja seuraa kuparia. Päällikön jäljittäessä taitavasti kettua, Tod pakenee rautatietä pitkin junan lähestyessä odottaen hyppäämistä turvaan viime hetkeen asti. Päällikkö kuolee junassa.
ellauri294.html on line 609: Mannixin romaanin loppu ja Belstone Fox -elokuva ovat samankaltaisia, vaikkakin käänteisiä. Mannix-romaanissa nyt iäkäs kettu putoaa kuolleena, kun koira jahtaa häntä uupumiseen asti. Kun koira aluksi elää, metsästäjän on myöhemmin lopetettava hänet (koira, ei apina), kun hänet (apina, ei koira) pakotetaan hoitokotiin. Gotta let you go. James Hillin elokuvassa kettu ja koira tekevät sovinnon keskenään ja selviävät, mutta metsästäjä itse kuolee äkilliseen sydänkohtaukseen jahtaaessaan kettua. Samaan aikaan toisaalla Disney-versio The Fox and the Houndista päättyy siihen, että metsästäjä luopuu kostosta, kun kettu ja koira tekevät sovinnon, kun kettu pelastaa metsästäjän hengen. Loppu vaihtelee Rookin romaanin eri versioissa, ja jotkut versiot ovat lähempänä Disney-elokuvaa. The Belstone Fox -nimisen romaanin brittiläinen painos, joka liittyy elokuvaan, päättyy suurelta osin kuten Rookin kuva. Pieni ero on siinä, että metsästäjä kuolee keuhkokuumeeseen uupumukseen romahdettuaan mieluummin kuin sydänkohtaukseen (jos saa valita), vaikka sekä kettu että koira ovat yrittäneet pysytellä lämpimänä ruumiinlämpöään käyttämällä. Yhdysvaltalainen painos sidosromaanista kantaa vaihtoehtoista nimeä Free Spirit ja on lähempänä Disneyn versiota The Fox and the Houndista. Free Spiritissä, metsästäjä luopuu kostohakemuxesta, kun kettu ja koira pelastivat metsästäjän hengen eristämällä hänet onnistuneesti muista apinoista.
ellauri294.html on line 699: Varhainen uskonnollinen ilmaisu Chautauquassa oli yleensä yleisluonteista, verrattavissa myöhempään Moral Re-Armament -liikkeeseen. 1900-luvun ensimmäisellä puoliskolla fundamentalismista pidettiin yhä enemmän Chautauquan saarnoja ja luentoja. Mutta Chautauquajen suuri määrä sekä keskusvallan puuttuminen tarkoitti sitä, että uskonnolliset mallit vaihtelivat suuresti heidän välillään. Jotkut olivat niin uskonnollisesti suuntautuneita, että ne olivat lähinnä kirkon leirejä, kun taas maallisempi Chautauquas muistutti kesäkoulua ja kilpaili vaudevillen kanssa teattereissa ja sirkustelttaesityksessä eläinnäytteillään ja trapetsillaan akrobaatit.
ellauri297.html on line 74: Teknologioiden kehittyessä, erityisesti AI (tekoäly), koneoppiminen ja DeepFaceLab-projekti, joka auttaa luomaan Lygia Fazio -deepfakeja, jotta voit nauttia aidolta näyttävistä valeseksikohtauksista suosikkijulkkiksesi kanssa. Nauti siitä ilmaiseksi SexCelebrityssä, Luoja siunatkoon sinua!
ellauri297.html on line 90: coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody.” Despite its innovative features and stellar reputation as a driver’s car, the Imp was never a contender. This tiny machine was launched too late to compete, beset with corporate mistakes and bedeviled by a lack of development. As the BBC program “The Car’s the Star” described it, the Imp was “the wrong car built at the wrong time by the wrong people at the wrong place.”
ellauri297.html on line 591: – Ingen vid sunda vätskor reser till Finland. Högst för två nätter.
ellauri297.html on line 660: Myönteinen sielutiede on tieteellinen tutkimus siitä, mikä tekee elämästä elämisen arvoisimman, keskittyen sekä yksilölliseen että yhteiskunnalliseen hyvinvointiin. Myönteinen sielutiede alkoi uutena psykologian alana vuonna 1998, kun Martin Seligman valitsi sen teemaksi hänen toimikautensa American Psychological Associationin puheenjohtajana. Se on reaktio menneitä käytäntöjä vastaan, jotka ovat yleensä keskittyneet mielenterveysongelmiin ja kannustaneet sopeutumatonta käyttäytymistä ja negatiivista ajattelua. Se perustuu Abraham Maslowin, Rollo Mayn, Dean Martinin ja Carl Rogersin humanistiseen liikkeeseen, joka kannustaa korostamaan onnellisuutta ja hyvinvointia,ja positiivisuutta, mikä luo perustan myönteisellä sielutieteelle.
ellauri299.html on line 62: Sarja on saanut inspiraationsa pääasiassa Robert Browningin runosta " Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came ", jonka koko teksti sisällytettiin viimeisen osan liitteeseen. Siitä mulla on vanhastaan paasaus ja suolennoskin albumissa 198.
ellauri299.html on line 81: John Grisham (s. 8. helmikuuta 1955, Jonesboro, Arkansas, Yhdysvallat) on yhdysvaltalainen rikoskirjailija. Se on Petskun ikätoveri. John Grisham syntyi vuonna 1955 toisena lapsena viisilapsiseen työväenluokkaiseen perheeseen Jonesborossa. Sen tautta varmaan Juskan teema on aiheellinen epäluulo länsijärjestelmää kohtaan, niin oikeus-, poliittista, taloudellista kuin ideologiaa ja yhteiskuntajärjestelmääkin.
ellauri299.html on line 127: Oli alajuoni, jossa Michaelin avioliitto yuppie vaimonsa kanssa on päättymässä. Hän tulee jatkuvasti esiin tarinassa siellä täällä, ja olin puoliksi odottanut heidän ehkä sovittavan, mutta se vain menee siihen pisteeseen, ettei häntä enää mainita. Jonkinlainen pettymys. Sen sijaan hän pitää tästä toisesta kodittomasta ristiretkeläisestä, jolla on noin yksi rivi koko kirjassa. En pitänyt päähenkilöstä yhtään. Hän oli pääliigan tyhmä pupu. En pitänyt hänestä, kun hän oli rikas asianajaja, enkä pitänyt hänestä, kun hän oli köyhä asianajaja. Kirja oli ihan ok. Se ei todellakaan kuulunut Grisham "laillisen trillerin" genreen. Mitään jännittävää ei koskaan tapahtunut - se oli vähän kuin "The Chamber" siinä suhteessa. Lopussa olin vain eräänlainen: "Kuinka monta tuntia käytin sen lukemiseen?"
ellauri299.html on line 304: Kun miehellä on ollut siemensyöksy, hänen tulee peseytyä kauttaaltaan vedellä ja hän on epäpuhdas iltaan saakka. Moos. 3 15 on aika hahatuttava.
ellauri299.html on line 329: Jerry Clyde Rubin (14. heinäkuuta 1938 – 28. marraskuuta 1994) oli vihdoin joku kun se pääsi vankilaan. Amerikkalainen sosiaalinen aktivisti, sodanvastainen johtaja ja vastakulttuurin ikoni 1960-luvulla ja 1970-luvun alussa. Huolimatta siitä, että hän oli poliittisena aktivistina tunnettu radikaaleista näkemyksistään, hän lopetti äärimmäisempien näkemystensä toitotuxen jossain vaiheessa 1970-luvulla ja valitsi sen sijaan menestyksekkään uran liikemiehenä. Tyypillinen lumppukauppias. 1980-luvulla hän liittyi Yuppie- liikkeeseen.
ellauri299.html on line 337: HUAC kutsui Rubinin kuulusteltavaxi Washingtoniin, mutta sen sijaan, että hän olisi vedonnut viidenteen lisäykseen, kuten oli tavallista, hän astui huoneeseen pukeutuneena vuokrattuun 1700-luvun Amerikan vapaussota-univormuun ja väitti ylpeänä olevansa Jeffersonin ja Painen jälkeläinen. "Mikään ei ole amerikkalaisempaa kuin vallankumous", hän sanoi komitealle. Rubin, joka osoitti täydellistä huolimattomuutta tai huolen puutetta, puhalsi kevyesti saippuakuplia kongressin jäsenten kyseenalaistaessa hänen kommunistisen sidonnaisuutensa. Myöhemmin hän esiintyi HUAC:n edessä paljasrintaisena sissinä Viet Cong -pyjamassa, sotamaalilla ja lelu M-16 -kiväärillä, ja myöhemmin joulupukkina.
ellauri299.html on line 419: Suurin osa Mersennen panoksesta rationaaliseen teologiaan sisältyy hänen noin 700 ensimmäiseen sarakkeeseensa Quaestiones in Genesim., jossa peräti 35 todistetta Jumalan olemassaolosta on laskettu ja yksityiskohtaista.
ellauri299.html on line 453: Byörk. Yhtä teeskenneltyä kuin Anna Byörkmanin Facebook-päivityxet. Toi puhtauskin on noita uskonnollismielisten idefixejä. Intiimihygienia on yhteisöpesijöille hirmu oleellista. Kuukautisverinen on epähygieeninen, kuolleeseen koskenut on epäpuhdas viikon verran, sika ja rapu ovat saastaiset. E. Saarisen elämän paras luento oli nimeltään "Tuohivirsujen räjähdysvoima". Aika surkeaa.
ellauri299.html on line 477: Turkkulaine Ilkka Malmberg palkittiin kerran vuoden posiolaisena. Osti loppupeleissä hehtaarin mezäpalstan jostain pohjoisesta, varmaankin Posiolta. Malmberg kuoli nopeasti edenneeseen haimasyöpään 3. joulukuuta 2016. Ikää oli kertynyt vasta 60. Malmberg kertoi saaneensa paljon oppia Juha Tantulta (ranskalaiset pastillit) sekä muiden muassa Antti Tuurin, Hannu Raittilan ja Veijo Meren niukasta mutta tarkasta proosakerronnasta. Suuren palkinnon hän sai jutulla Mervi Nykäsestä.
ellauri299.html on line 526: 27 percent of households – nearly double the percentage that are income poor – are living in "asset poverty." These families do not have the savings or other assets to cover basic expenses (equivalent to what could be purchased with a poverty level income) for three months if a layoff or other emergency leads to loss of income. The U.S. has the weakest social safety net of all developed nations. Sociologist Monica Prasad of Northwestern University argues that this developed because of government intervention rather than lack of it, which pushed consumer credit for meeting citizens´ needs rather than applying social welfare policies as in Europe.
ellauri299.html on line 534: Income has a high correlation with educational levels. Children growing up in female-headed families with no spouse present have a poverty rate over four times that of children in married-couple families. Income levels vary with age. increased from 1989 to 2013.
ellauri299.html on line 558: According to the American Enterprise Institute, research has shown that income and intelligence are related. Stupid guys earn less than smarter ones. Stupid guys end in prison, smarter ones avoid it.
ellauri299.html on line 613: Se julkaistiin nimettömänä vuonna 1906 ja sai niin vähän huomiota, että Twain väitti katuneensa julkaisuaan. Hänen kuolemansa jälkeen vuonna 1910 New-York Tribune julkaisi sen palstantäytteenä. Tuolloin kritiikki keskittyi sen synkkään ja uskonnonvastaiseen luonteeseen.
ellauri299.html on line 615: Ranskalainen filosofi ja lääkäri Julien Offray de La Mettrie julkaisi 1700-luvun puolivälissä teoksen Man a Machine ( L'homme Machine ) Thomas Hobbesin deterministiseen perinteeseen kuuluvan materialistisen filosofian suuren teoksen. Tässä teoksessa de la Mettrie laajensi Descartesin ja Hobbesin väitettä, jonka mukaan eläimet ovat pelkkiä automaatteja tai koneita ihmisille, kieltäen eläimiltä sielun aineesta erillisenä substanssina. Ja samalla tavalla, ehkä ihminen itse on vain kone.
ellauri300.html on line 236: Luonut Kevin Moss Middlebury Collegessa. Lähetä kommentit ja korjaukset osoitteeseen moss@middlebury.edu
ellauri300.html on line 323: Founded in 1775 by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the name "Chabad" (חב״ד) is an acronym formed from three Hebrew words—Chokhmah, Binah, Da'at (the first three sefirot of the kabbalistic Tree of Life) (חכמה, בינה, דעת): "Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge"—which represent the intellectual and kabbalistic underpinnings of the movement. The name Lubavitch derives from the town in which the now-dominant line of leaders resided from 1813 to 1915. Other, non-Lubavitch scions of Chabad either disappeared or merged into the Lubavitch line. In the 1930s, the sixth Rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, moved the center of the Chabad movement from Russia to Poland. After the outbreak of World War II, he moved the center of the movement to the United States, and there it is to this day.
ellauri300.html on line 327: In 2018, Marcin Wodziński estimated that the Chabad movement accounted for 13% of the global Hasidic population. The total number of Chabad households is estimated to be between 16,000 and 17,000. The number of those who sporadically or regularly attend Chabad events is far larger; in 2005 the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs reported that up to one million Jews attend Chabad services at least once a year. In a 2020 study, the Pew Research Center found that 16% of American Jews attend Chabad services regularly or semi-regularly.
ellauri300.html on line 338: Tulos: Naiset, jotka pystyvät ainutlaatuisesti muotoilemaan ja toteuttamaan ohjelmia, jotka voivat tyydyttää miesten haasteet ja viis veisata lasten kysymyksille. Tuhansista lahjakkaista naisista on tullut miehensä ohella lähettiläitä (shluchot) eri yhteisöihin. Ensimmäinen haaste, jonka nämä pariskunnat kohtaavat, on siirtää tuttu chassidiympäristö vieraiden ja vastakkaisten arvojen ilmapiiriin; luoda chassidikodin lämpöä ja voimaa ilman hoivaavan yhteisön tukea, kaukana perheestä ja ystävistä. Usein haasteeseen sisältyy tarve oppia uutta kieltä, selviytyä uskomattomista vaikeuksista saada kosher-ruokaa ja sopeutua uuteen ja outoon päivittäiseen elämäntapaan. Monia shluchoteja ihaillaan sulosta ja rohkeudesta, jolla he vastaavat näihin haasteisiin. Antelias vieraanvaraisuus, joka on ominaista Lubavitcherin kodeille kaikkialla maailmassa, on ilmaus näiden naisten lämmöstä ja viisaudesta.
ellauri300.html on line 790: Det är en utbredd uppfattning att ”Ishmael” (araberna) först måste besegras innan ”Davids son” (Moshiach) kan utropas till kung och i samma anda menar man att det först är då som det är möjligt att genomföra den slutgiltiga utrotningen av Amaleks säd ned till sista man, kvinna och barn eftersom man vid denna tid kommer att ”ha full kontroll” och inte längre vara ”beroende av andra nationer”.
ellauri300.html on line 817: The word na‘ar, which is often rendered as children/boys, means boy. The Hebrew adjective, qatan, means small. Thus we can say it’s highly unlikely the people who mocked Elisha were “little children” or “small boys.” It’s much more probable that these were young men and quite possibly they were just servants (maybe blacks?).
ellauri300.html on line 819: Remember Jeroboam founded Dan (in the north) and Bethel (in the south) as his kingdom’s two alternatives to Jerusalem (1 Kings 12:25-33). He set up golden calves at these sites, ordained non-Aaronic priests, changed the time of the festivals, and Ba'al worship soon reigned supreme.
ellauri300.html on line 824: Bears may play a significant role here, but the real animal in this overarching story is a serpent. His slithering and slandering tongue was inside the mouths of these mockers. The god whom they served, Baal, was just a mask for Satan. Good riddance, in a word, for bad rubbish.
ellauri300.html on line 860: Siksi Raamatun opetuspalvelut, pastorit, opettajat ja muut Sanan palvelukseen osallistuvat uskovat voivat odottaa vittuilua ja muuta vastustusta. Se yksinkertaisesti kuuluu toimenkuvaan. Tämä käy selvästi ilmi tästä lyhyestä kohdasta, joka on edessämme. Itse asiassa tämä on yksi näiden muutamien jakeiden tärkeimmistä opetuksista. Tämä oli totta Mooses tilanne Elian ja kaikkien profeettojen kohdalla. Voimme odottaa hyökkäystä maailmalta, joka on Saatanan hallinnassa. Mutta eikö ole surullista, kun hyökkäys tulee itse Jumalan kansalta? Viattomilta pikkupojilta? Valitettavasti Saatana pystyy käyttämään Jumalan omaa kansaa estääkseen Sanan, kuten hän teki Israelin lasten kanssa useaan otteeseen. Nuo pojat olivat pahojen henkien vallassa kuin siat Kenneretin järvellä. Manaamisen asema katolisessa kirkossa vahvistuu, kun eksorkistit eli pahojen henkien manaajat saavat järjestölleen virallisen tunnustuksen Vatikaanista.
ellauri300.html on line 886: 10 At that moment she fell down at his feet and died. Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband. 11 Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events.
ellauri300.html on line 923: So Elisha, as a prophet, saw their hardened and rebellious condition, unresponsive to correction. In the name of the Lord (i.e. by His authority) Elisha simply turned them over to the Lord and to their own devices, which had the effect of removing them from even the common protection of God. He probably said something like, “may God deal with you according to what you deserve,” or “may you be cursed for your sins of rebellion.” This would demonstrate to the city and to people all around a vital truth: without the Lord there is no protection and that blasphemy of God’s servants and His Word in order to hinder God’s message is serious busin
ellauri301.html on line 41: Rikoskirjailija Harri Nykänen on kuollut, iloisena selvitti maaliskuussa 2023 Helsingin Sanomat. Lehden mukaan Nykänen kuoli nopeasti edenneeseen
ellauri301.html on line 102: There is little nihilism in Swedish noir: good and bad are always clearly distinguished all the way through to the cartoonish culmination of the genre in Stieg Larsson’s trilogy about Lisbeth Salander. The only problem for Stieg´s heroes is that good no longer plays in the same team with the Swedish state. Evil is firmly located in reassuringly wicked villains. Everything is privatized just like in Britain and America. All is well. (These sharp observations courtesy of The Guardian.)
ellauri301.html on line 140: Young Wallander is a crime drama streaming television series, based on Henning Mankell's fictional Inspector Kurt Wallander. The series premiered on Netflix on September 3, 2020. Star Adam Pålsson explained that the pre-imagining (i.e., Young Wallander being set in the present day) made more sense than a straight prequel as it allowed for the social commentary which is a strong element of Mankell's original Wallander. This choice of setting the series in the modern day has been criticised by old farts in a number of reviews.
ellauri301.html on line 211: Hallunda oli mamuslummi jo 90-luvulla. Nyt niitä on jo joka paikassa. Mankell hävdar att det är svårt att muta svenska ämbetsmän. Hellre dyrt. Framgångsrika ryssar bor dyrt men smaklöst. Dödsföraktande hjältar föraktar i första hand andras död. En människa som förlorar sitt identitetsbevis är inga längre en människa, utan ett djur. Kaikki on loppuviimexi palefacejen syytä. Mutiaiset käristivät yxin tuumin nätin heimolaisen naisen, joks oli vasikoinut rotupoliisille. Siitä kaikki paha lähti. Vihtorista tuli palkkamurhaaja. Vihtorista olis tullut rugbypelaaja jos se olis ollut valkoinen. Ei ole voittajaa ilman säälittävää häviäjää ja viattomia uhreja. Aina roiskuu kun rapataan. Ei voi tehdä omelettia särkemättä munia. Ahne katkoo vaikka rautakangen kärpäisen perseeseen.
ellauri301.html on line 228: Krotoa was born in 1643 as a member of the !Uriǁ’aeǀona (Strandlopers) people, and the niece of Autshumao, a Khoi chieftain and trader. At the age of twelve, she was taken to work in the household of Jan van Riebeeck, the first governor of the Cape colony. As a teenager, she learned Dutch and Portuguese and, like her uncle, worked as an interpreter for the Dutch who wanted to trade goods for cattle. "!Oroǀõas" received goods such as tobacco, brandy, bread, beads, copper and iron for her services. In exchange, when she visited her family her Dutch masters expected her to return with cattle, horses, seed pearls, amber, tusks, and hides. Unlike her uncle, however, who just Spike hottentot, "!Oroǀõas" was able to obtain a higher position within the Dutch hierarchy as she additionally served as a trading agent, ambassador for a high ranking chief and peace negotiator in time of war. Her story exemplifies the initial dependency of the Dutch newcomers on the natives, who were able to provide reasonably reliable information about the local inhabitants.
ellauri301.html on line 232: The initial arrival of the Dutch in April 1652 was not viewed as negative. Many Khoi people saw their arrival as an opportunity for personal gain as middlemen in the livestock trade; others saw them as potential allies against preexisting enemies. At the peak of her career as an interpreter, "Krotoa" held the belief that Dutch presence could bring benefits for both sides.
ellauri301.html on line 244: In her essay "Malintzin, Pocahontas, and Krotoa: Indigenous Women and Myth Models of the Atlantic World", University of Michigan professor Pamela Scully compared Krotoa to Malintzin and Pocahontas, two other women of the same time period that were born in different areas of the world (Malintzin in Mesoamerica, Pocahontas in colonial Virginia). Scully argues that all three of these women had very similar experiences in the colonialist system despite being born in different regions. She reflects on the stories of Malintzin, Pocahontas, and Krotoa and states that they are almost too familiar and resonate so comfortably with a kind of inevitability and truth that seems, on reflection, perhaps too neat. Therefore, she claims, Krotoa is one of the women that can be used to show the universality of the way that indigenous people were treated in the colonial system worldwide.
ellauri301.html on line 270: Sangoma Oy, highly respected dealer among the Zulu people of South Africa who diagnoses, prescribes, and often performs the operations to heal a person physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Sanoma Oy may address all of these realms in the healing process, which usually involves divination, verbal medicine, and specific customized visuals to cure morbid curiosity and restore upper middle class well-being.
ellauri301.html on line 283: Morto del Mese
ellauri301.html on line 358: Merellä ollessaan Mankell kiinnostui teatterista. Mankell on asunut muutaman vuoden myös Skånessa ja useaan otteeseen Mosambikissa ja siellä hän toimi mm. paikallisesssa teatterissa. Mosambikissa asueessaan hän kirjoitti myös ensimmäisen Wallander-romaaninsa Mördare utan ansikte, joka ilmestyi vuonna 1991. Mankell on toiminut myös Ruotsissa teatterialalla 1970-1980-luvuilla erilaisissa tehtävissä: näytelmäkirjailijana, dramaturgina, lattiamanuna, ohjaajana ja teatterinjohtajana eri paikkakunnilla.
ellauri301.html on line 387: Kurt Wallender selvittää jo 1960- ja 1970-luvulla monta mystistä kuolemantapausta. Tutkimusten yhteydessä hän joutuu useaan otteeseen hengenvaaraan ja hänen omassakin elämässään tapahtuu paljon: avioituminen Monan kanssa, Lindan syntymä, isän sairastuminen ja lopulta avioliiton "kariutuminen". Kertomus Pyramidista vie Wallanderin Egyptiin, ja tarina päättyy tammikuussa 1990 samaan aamuun, josta ensimmäinen Wallander -romaani Kasvoton kuolema alkaa.
ellauri301.html on line 419: Samaan aikaan toisaalla Baruk Makaaberi itkee suihkulähteenä kuin Joakim von Anka: jag är en fattiglapp! Olen pennitön! Kuolen verenpaineeseen. Den som är död behöver inte betala några skulder. Dr Margolit lainaa $5K ja lohduttaa: Senkin ääliö. Anna Annan hoitaa bisnexet ja pidä lomanen. Hon är en sann jude. Greinin bylsintä ei ole syntiä. Tikun ristiin laittaminen sapattina on paljon pahempaa kuin kepin likoon.
ellauri301.html on line 480: Ja mehän ruvettiinkin oiken tosissamme miettimään, jotta kummonenka olis oiken viimmesen päällen hyvä maalima. Ja jotta jos kaikki muuttusivatten yhtäkkijä hyviks, nin kuinkas sillon kävis. Esimerkiks sotilaillen.
ellauri302.html on line 44: And God hates you. As Balaam said to Balak: "The God of these hates fornication."
ellauri302.html on line 46: Balaam was hired by Moabite Balak to curse Israel, because these were spreading like oxen and eating all the grass. Moabites were scared having seen what had happened to Amorites. History can't help repeating herself.
ellauri302.html on line 62: It is interesting to consider Ash's 'The God of Vengeance" in connection with a play like ''Mrs. Warren's Profession." To be sure, there is no technical resemblance between the two dramas; nor, despite an external similarity in backgrounds, is there any real identity of purpose. Shaw's play is essentially sociological, and is a drama of disillusionment. Ash's piece glows with poetic realism and recounts an individual tragedy not without symbolic power. Mikä molemmisssa on mukavaa on että niissä on paljon prostituutteja!
ellauri302.html on line 103: Time: The Present. Place: One of the larger towns of a Russian province (Varsova).
ellauri302.html on line 136: Do you really believe that they're any better than you? You don't need their favors!... That's the way of the world these days: if you've got the money, even so pious a Jew as Reb Ali comes to your home, — a Chassid, mind you, — and accepts handsome alms from you. He asks no questions, — whether you got it by theft or by murder or by selling arse. So long as you have the cash. That's the chief point!
ellauri302.html on line 158: The Scribe: You hear, sir, that the whole world rests upon the Scroll. The fate of our race lies rolled up in that parchment. With one word, — with a single word, God forbid, you can desecrate the Law and bring down upon all the Jews a grievous misfortune, — God forbid.
ellauri302.html on line 160: Reb Ali (shutting up Yekele): That is, you will present the Holy Scroll as a wedding-gift to your son-in-law. That's the idea, isn't it? (To the Scribe.) Do you see, Reb Aaron, there are still pious Jews in the world ; here 's a man with a daughter, and has a Scroll of the Law written for her future husband... How beautiful that is, — how virtuous... I tell you, Reb Aaron, that the spirit of Israel, the Jewish spark... the... ahem... ah!.. ah!... (Smacking his lips.)
ellauri302.html on line 188: The furniture of the basement brothel consists of several lounges, a tahle, benches and card-tables; on the walls, looking-glasses bedecked with gaudy ornaments; chromos representing women in suggestive poses...
ellauri302.html on line 229: At home, in my village, the first sorrel must be sprouting. Yes, at the first May rain they cook sorrel soup... And the goats must be grazing in the meadows... And the rafts must be floating on the stream... And Franek is getting the Gentile girls together, and dancing with them at the inn... And the women must surely be baking cheese-cakes for the Feast of Weeks.* (Silence.) Do you know what? I'm going to buy myself a new summer tippet and go home for the holidays... (Buns into her room, brings out a large summer hat and a long veil; she places the hat upon her wet hair and surveys herself in the looking-glass.) Just see! If I'd ever come home for the holidays rigged up in this style, and promenade down to the station... Goodness! They'd just burst with envy. Wouldn't they? If only I weren't afraid of my father! He'd kill me on the spot. He's on the hunt for me with a crowbar. Once he caught me dancing with Franek at the village tavern and he gave me such a rap over the arm with a rod (Showing her arm.) that I carry the mark to this very day. I come from a fine family. My father is a butcher. Talk about the fellows that were after me!... (In a low voice.) They tried to make a match between me and Nottke the meat-chopper. I've got his gold ring still. (Indicating a ring upon her finger.) He gave it to me at the Feast of Tabernacles.* Maybe he wasn't wild to marry me, — but I didn't care to.
ellauri302.html on line 233: Each of three “solemn feasts”—Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles—required that all able-bodied Jewish males travel to Jerusalem to attend the feast and offer sacrifices. All three of these feasts required that “firstfruit” offerings be made at the temple as a way of expressing thanksgiving for God’s provision. The Feast of Firstfruits celebrated at the time of the Passover included the first fruits of the barley harvest. The Feast of Weeks was in celebration of the first fruits of the wheat harvest, and the Feast of Tabernacles involved offerings of the first fruits of the olive and grape harvests.
ellauri302.html on line 235: Since the Feast of Weeks was one of the “harvest feasts,” the Jews were commanded to “present an offering of new grain to the Lord” (Leviticus 23:16). This offering was to be “two wave loaves of two-tenths of an ephah” which were made “of fine flour... baked with leaven.” The offerings were to be made of the first fruits of that harvest (Leviticus 23:17). Along with the “wave offerings” they were also to offer seven first-year lambs that were without blemish along with one young bull and two rams. Additional offerings are also prescribed in Leviticus and the other passages that outline how this feast was to be observed. Another important requirement of this feast is that, when the Jews harvested their fields, they were required to leave the corners of the field untouched and not gather “any gleanings” from the harvest as a way of providing for the poor and strangers (Leviticus 23:22).
ellauri302.html on line 247: Hindel, from her room, where she is still busy with her chest of clothes. And what's the matter with a place of this sort, I'd like to know? Aren't we every bit as good as the girls in the business houses, eh? The whole world is like that nowadays; that's what the world demands. In these days even the daughters of the best families aren't any better. This is our way of earning a living. And believe me, when one of us gets married, she's more faithful to her husband than any of the others. We know what a man has.
ellauri302.html on line 393: Yekel, not looking at Reb Ali. The Holy Scroll has been violated, Reb Ali. Desecrated most foully. We are talking parking meter violation.
ellauri302.html on line 400: Reb Ali: Man! What words are these! What's happened here? Speak!
ellauri302.html on line 428: Fie! You're out of your head altogether. True, a misfortune has befallen you. May Heaven watch over aU of us. Well? What? Misfortunes happen to plenty of folks. The Lord sends aid and things turn out all right. The important point is to keep your mouth shut. Hear nothing. See nothing. Just wash your hands clean of it and forget it. (To Reizel.) Be careful what you say. Don't let it travel any further, God forbid. Do you hear? (Turns to Yekel, who is staring vacantly into space.) I had a talk with... (Looks around to see whether Reizel is still present. Seeing her, he stops. After a pause he begins anew, more softly, looking at Reizel as a hint for her to leave.) With er, er... (Casts a significant glance at Reizel, who at last understands, and leaves.) I had a talk with the groom's father. I spoke to him between the afternoon and evening prayers, at the synagogue. He's almost ready to talk business. Of course I gave him to understand that the bride doesn't boast a very high pedigree, but I guess another hundred roubles will fix that up, all right. Nowadays, pedigrees don't count as much as they used to. With God's help I'll surely be here this Sabbath, with the groom's father. We'll go down to the Dayon and have him examine the young man in his religious studies... But nobody must get wind of this tale. It might spoil everything. The father comes of a fine family and the son carries a smart head on his shoulders. There, there. Calm yourself. Trust in the Lord and everything will turn out for the best. With God's help I am going home to prepare for the morning prayer. And as soon as the girl returns, notify me. Remember, now. (About to go.)
ellauri302.html on line 434: Yekel My daughter has gone to a brothel. The Scroll has been desecrated. God has punished me.
ellauri302.html on line 490: Sarah, brings in Yekel's coat and funny hats and places them upon him. He offers no resistance. What a misfortune! What a misfortune! Who could have foreseen such a thing? (She straightens YekeVs coat, then puts the room in order. Runs into Rifkele's room. She is heard hiding something there, and soon returns.) I'll have a reckoning with you later. (Putting the finishing touches to the room.) Terrible days, these. Bring up children with so much care and anxiety, and... Ah! (Footsteps are heard outside. Sarah runs over to Yekel and pulls his sleeve.) They're here! For the love of God, Yekel, remember! Everything can be fixed yet. (Enter Reh Ali arid a stranger. Sarah hastily thrusts her hair under her wig and goes to the door to ivelcome the visitors.)
ellauri302.html on line 537: Hasidiperheeseen syntynyt Sholem Asch sai perinteisen juutalaisen koulutuksen. Hänen vanhempansa pidettiin sisarustensa nimettynä tutkijana, ja hänen vanhempansa haaveilivat hänen tulevasta rabbiksi ja lähettivät hänet kaupungin parhaaseen uskonnolliseen kouluun (tai Chederiin), jonne varakkaat perheet lähettivät lapsensa. Siellä hän vietti suurimman osan lapsuudestaan Talmudia opiskellessaan ja opiskeli myöhemmin Raamattua ja Haggadaa omalla ajalla. Asch varttui enemmistöjuutalaiskaupungissa, joten hän varttui uskoen, että juutalaiset olivat enemmistö myös muualla maailmassa. Kutnossa juutalaiset ja pakanat tulivat enimmäkseen toimeen, mutta uskonnollisten juhlapyhien ympärillä ei ollut jännitystä. Hänen täytyi livahtaa enemmistöpakanan alueen läpi päästäkseen järvelle, jossa hän rakasti uida ja jossa hän kerran joutui nurkkaan kepillä ja koirilla käyvien poikien toimesta, jotka vaativat häntä myöntämään "Kristuksen" tappamisen – minkä Asch ei tuohon aikaan tiennyt olevan Jeesuksen toinen nimi (eikä olevan messias kreikaxi?). – tai he repisivät hänen takkinsa. Hän myönsi tappaneensa Kristuksen pelosta, mutta he hakkasivat häntä ja repäisivät hänen takkinsa joka tapauksessa. Asch ei koskaan menettänyt pelkoaan koiria kohtaan tuosta tapauksesta. Mulla oli parempi onni: pelkäsin koiria pitkään pikku terrierin purtua peloissaan maitokaupan edessä mun naaman kirjavaxi kuin pakanamaan kartta kun menin taputtamaan sitä. Mutta se meni ohize, ja nykyään pidän koirista, samalla lailla kuin vähän pelottaa mennä uimaan kylmään veteen mutta sitten se tuntuukin ihanalta.
ellauri302.html on line 552: God of Vengeance julkaistiin englanninkielisenä käännöksenä vuonna 1918. Vuonna 1922 se esitettiin New Yorkissa Provincetown Theaterissä Greenwich Villagessa, ja se siirrettiin Apollo Theateriin Broadwaylle 19. helmikuuta 1923. näyttelijät, joihin kuului ylistetty juutalainen maahanmuuttajanäyttelijä Rudolph Schildkraut, saivat paljon buuauxia mutta myös läpyjä. Sen esitys keskeytettiin 6. maaliskuuta, kun koko näyttelijä, tuottaja Harry Weinberger ja yksi teatterin omistajista nostettiin syytteeseen osavaltion rikoslain rikkomisesta ja tuomittiin myöhemmin siveettömyydestä. Weinberger, joka oli myös merkittävä asianajaja, edusti ryhmää oikeudenkäynnissä. Päätodistaja näytelmää vastaan oli rabbi Joseph Silberman, joka julisti Forvertsin haastattelussa: "Tämä näytelmä herjaa juutalaista uskontoa. Edes suurin antisemiitti ei olisi voinut kirjoittaa sellaista." Pitkällisen taistelun jälkeen tuomiosta valitettiin onnistuneesti. Euroopassa näytelmä oli niin suosittu, että se käännettiin saksaksi, venäjäksi, puolaksi, hepreaksi, italiaksi, tšekkiksi, romaniaksi ja norjaksi, ei kuitenkaan suomexi.
ellauri302.html on line 561: Shulemin pikkuveljet olivat työläisteurastajia ja isoveljet hurskoja hasideja. Tämmöisiä hahmoja se sitten mielellänsä kuvasi. Yksi Aschin tärkeimmistä tavoitteista kirjoituksessaan oli artikuloida juutalaista elämää, menneisyyttä ja nykyisyyttä. Hän asetti juutalaisen jokaisen työnsä keskipisteeseen sekä tietoisuuden juutalaisten suhteesta ulkomaailmaan. Jotkut hänen yleisimmistä toistuvista teemoistaan olivat: ihmisen usko, hyvyys ja anteliaisuus. Hänet karkoittivat ja kiehtoivat kristittyjen väkivalta, ja juutalaisten marttyyrikuolema ja eloonjääminen inspiroivat häntä kovasti.
ellauri302.html on line 649: Vuonna 1950 Itzele oli 47. Silloin se päätti vetäytyä talviunille kuin muumi, työntää havunneulasia perseeseen. Eihän siitä mitään tullut, melskasi naisissa vielä 41 vuotta. Sen mielestä kaikkien uskontojen poinzi on ahimsa tosin apinaveljiin\ rajoitettuna, eli oma onni ei sais tulla toisten apinoiden epäonnesta. Sehän on kapitalismille aivan vieras ajatus. Sitäpaizi se ei ihan riitä tekemään uskonnosta vetävää. Vad skulle judendomen ha för dragningskraft om det inte längre fanns skägg, tinninglockar, lärohus, heliga böcker, bönesjalar och bönekapslar, sabbat och andra högtider? En sådan judendom skulle inte bara misslyckas med att tillfredsställa människors behov; den riskerade också att falla samman vilket ögonblick som helst av brist på levnadsregler och symbolisk struktur. Om människorna handlade individuellt snarare än gruppvis skulle deras förmåga att tjäna Gud vara lika liten som deras förmåga att försvara sitt land. Som individer kunde de inte bekämpa Satan, de kunde inte slå tillbaka Hitler eller Stalin på egen hand. Såna vackra ord betyder inte vackra handlingar. Efter att ha sagt det här till Luria for Grein iväg för att knulla hans hustru Anna.
ellauri308.html on line 124: perheeseensä maanpaossaan, ja kolme vanhinta lasta seurasivat isäänsä
ellauri308.html on line 195: Arvid (Arvo) Tuominen syntyi Hämeenkyrössä puuseppä Oskari Mikonpoika Tuomisen 17-lapsiseen perheeseen. Hänen äitinsä, jota kutsuttiin ”Nikkarin Elinaksi”, oli taitava sirpillä niittäjä ja aulis levittäjä. Tuominen kertoi uskovaisen isänsä tiukasta kurinpidosta ja äitinsä lempeydestä. Hänen mukaansa ”äidin sirppi ja isän kumivasara” olivat hänen lapsuutensa kantavat voimat. Tuominen nimesi lapsuudestaan kertovan omaelämäkerran Sirpin ja vasaran tie. Isä oli kannanotoissaan ehdoton: kun hän oli jotain päättänyt, ei kenelläkään ollut siihen enää mitään lisättävää. Isän ja Arvo-pojan välille ei syntynyt kovin läheistä ja luottamuksellista suhdetta. Suhde äitiin oli sen sijaan läheinen, Arvo oli äitinsä lemmikki.
ellauri308.html on line 277: Sisällissodan päätyttyä Suomessa 1918 tuhansia hävinneeseen punakaartiin kuuluneita pakeni Venäjälle, lähinnä Pietariin. Entisen punakaartin johto alkoi viettää ylellistä elämää Pietarin parhaissa hotelleissa ja ravintoloissa, olihan heillä muun muassa miljoonien markkojen arvosta Suomen Pankista varastettua ulkomaanvaluuttaa. Venäjälle paenneiden suomalaiskommunistien rivijäsenten elämä oli köyhää, ja heidän arvostelunsa tukahdutettiin kommunistipuolueen johdon taholta muun muassa erottamalla arvostelijoita puolueesta. Puolueen sisälle muodostui oppositioryhmittymä (niin sanottu mauserioppositio), joka päätti iskeä eli "poistaa johdon ja joukkueen välisen kuilun" avoimella hyökkäyksellä. Oppositioryhmä koostui nuorista punaupseerioppilaista jotka olivat koulutettu suoraan toimintaan ja heidän vihansa kohdistui erityisesti SKP:n keskuskomitean jäseniin. Tavoitteena oli kerralla murhata koko puolueen keskuskomitea. Aseina toimivat Nagant-revolverit ja Mauser-pistoolit.
ellauri308.html on line 393: Uusi hypoteesi ihmiskunnan alkuperästä viittaa vanhimpaan Euroopassa eläneeseen hominiidiin. Vertaisarvioitu julkaisu (toiset hörhöt ovat arvioineet) TORONTON YLIOPISTO
ellauri308.html on line 459: Radek oli oikeastaan Ukrainan juutalainen, syntyi Lembergissä eli Lvovissa eli Lvivissä silloisessa Itävalta-Unkarissa juutalaiseen perheeseen. Hänen alkuperäinen nimensä oli Karol Sobelsohn. Hän otti nimen "Radek" Stefan Żeromskin kirjan romaanihenkilön mukaan.
ellauri308.html on line 465: Stefan Żeromski ([ˈstɛfan ʐɛˈrɔmski] (kuuntele); 14. lokakuuta 1864 – 20. marraskuuta 1925) oli puolalainen kirjailija ja näytelmäkirjailija, joka kuului Nuoren Puolan -liikkeeseen 1900-luvun vaihteessa. Nuori Puola edisti dekadenssin, uusromantiikan, symbolismin, impressionismin ja jugendin megatrendejä. Häntä kutsuttiin "puolalaisen kirjallisuuden omaksitunnoksi". Hän oli neljä kertaa ehdolla kirjallisuuden Nobelin palkinnon saajaksi, muttei tärpännyt, mitali oli liian hiljan mennyt 1905 B-joukkueen Sienkiewiczille.
ellauri308.html on line 527: Demian Bednyj alias Jefim Pridvorov syntyi köyhään perheeseen Hubivkan kylässä Khersonin kuvernöörissä, nykyisessä Ukrainassa. Siellä käydään parastaikaa kolmatta tai neljättä Krimin sotaa. Seitsemänvuotiaana hänen isänsä vei hänet asumaan Jelysavethradiin, mutta kuusi vuotta myöhemmin hänet lähetettiin takaisin kotikylään asumaan äitinsä luo "äärimmäisessä köyhyydessä".
ellauri308.html on line 543: Universaali halventava termi, joka viittaa kaikkiin amerikkalaisiin. Aiheeseen liittyvät herjaustermit voivat viitata Yhdysvaltoihin ─, kuten Pindosija, Pindostan (ven. Пиндосия, Пиндостан) ja Pindosiyan Yhdysvallat.
ellauri308.html on line 552: Venäjänkieliset voivat käyttää termejä " Pindos " tai " Pendos " (rus: Пиндос) halventavana etnisenä solvauksena amerikkalaisia kohtaan. Venäläinen termi, jota käytettiin 1800-luvulta lähtien alentamaan syntyperäisiä pohjoisponttilaisia kreikkalaisia Mustanmeren pohjoisrannikolla, alkoi viittaamaan Yhdysvaltain armeijan sotilaisiin, ja siitä tuli vähitellen yleinen halventava termi viittaamaan kaikkiin amerikkalaisiin. Aiheeseen liittyvät loukkaustermit voivat viitata Yhdysvaltoihin ─ kuten Pindosiya, Pindostan (venäjä: Пиндосия, Пиндостан) ja Pindosiyan Yhdysvallat. Jotkut lähteet väittävät, että käyttö syntyi venäläisten sotilaiden keskuudessa Kosovon sodan 1998-1999 aikana, jolloin he kuulivat tämän termin. Venäläisten sotilaiden mukaan se sopi täydellisesti "hampaisiin aseistetulle ja pelkurille amerikkalaiselle sotilaalle".
ellauri308.html on line 565: Neuvostoliiton ulkoministeriö ilmoitti hänelle virallisesti, että hänen Neuvostoliiton passinsa, joka myönnettiin hänelle alun perin vuonna 1950, 16-vuotiaana, oli myönnetty erehdyksessä ja että hän ei itse asiassa ollut Neuvostoliiton kansalainen. Poznerin suureksi huviksi tämä mitätöi muun muassa hänen jäsenyytensä NKP:ssa, hänen avioliittonsa ja avioeronsa, oleskelulupansa (propiska), jänixen passinsa ja hänen arvonsa reservin luutnanttina.
ellauri308.html on line 578: Vuodesta 2015 lähtien Larry on esiintynyt toistuvasti vieraana lauantaina Night Livessä, jossa hän esiintyy vuosina 2016 ja 2020 Yhdysvaltain presidenttiehdokas Bernie Sandersina, joka on myös hänen kuudes serkkunsa kerran erotettuna. Koomikkokollegat ja komedian sisäpiiriläiset äänestivät hänet kaikkien aikojen 23. suurimmaksi komediatähdeksi, LOL. Lawrence Gene David syntyi 2. heinäkuuta 1947 Sheepshead Bayn alueella Brooklynissa, New Yorkissa. Hänen vanhempansa ovat Rose (syntynyt Regina; os Brandes) ja Mortimer Julius "Morty" David, miesten vaatteiden valmistaja, ja hänellä on vanhempi veli nimeltä Ken. Davidin perhe on juutalainen. Hänen juutalais-amerikkalaisen isänsä perhe muutti Saksasta Yhdysvaltoihin 1800-luvun aikana, kun taas Davidin äiti syntyi puolalais-juutalaiseen perheeseen Ternopilissa, Ukrainassa. Yliopistossa hän huomasi voivansa saada ihmiset nauramaan yksinkertaisesti olemalla oma itsensä. Koska hänen tyttärensä olivat Hannah Montanan faneja, David vieraili tyttäriensä kanssa jaksossa "My Best Friend's Boyfriend". jossa he odottivat pöytää hienossa ravintolassa. Davidin ihmisarvo on jossain 400 ja puolen miljardin taalan välillä.
ellauri308.html on line 717: Mond-Arthur alias Daddi Diesel on kertonut Youtube-kanavallaan monin tavoin Suomen
ellauri309.html on line 54: In diesem drittem Teil der
ellauri309.html on line 287: good books. No one who knows me would believe any of these accusations. But
ellauri309.html on line 360: Mykkänen sanoo. Suomi ei yllä EU:n ilmastotavoitteeseen, mutta se ei ole
ellauri309.html on line 403: 1800-luvulla alkaneeseen New Thought -liikkeeseen. Hyvinvointiopetus oli
ellauri309.html on line 507: Grahamia on pidetty nykyajan tunnetuimpana evankelistana ja maltillisen herätyskristillisyyden, evankelikalismin, johtohahmona. Toiminnallaan hänen luonnehdittiin pyrkineen ylittämään paizi säädyllisyyden myös kirkkokuntien rajoja. Graham vieraili Suomessa ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1954 ja oli pääpuhujana vuonna 1987 Olympiastadionilla järjestetyssä Missio Helsingissä. Arviolta noin 9 000 ihmistä teki tilaisuuksissa Billyn kannalta myönteisen henkilökohtaisen uskonratkaisun, loput 250.000:sta kuulijasta kielteisen. Verrattuna 1970-luvun lopulla laajaa huomiota herättäneeseen helluntaisaarnaaja Niilo Yli-Vainioon, Grahamin kokouksissa ei juurikaan korostettu karsimaattisten uskonkokemusten merkitystä.
ellauri309.html on line 509: Billy Graham varttui maitotilallisen poikana Pohjois-Carolinan maaseudulla. He started to read books from an early age and loved to read novels for boys, especially Tarzan. Like Tarzan, he would hang on the trees and gave the popular Tarzan yell. According to his father, that yelling led him to become a minister. Vuonna 1934 Graham osallistui evankelista Mordecai Hamin kokoukseen ja teki henkilökohtaisen uskonratkaisun. Ham had a reputation for racism and anti-Semitism. He believed and preached on various topics based on classical anti-Semitic canards such as believing Jews had special access to political power and influence and that they represent a subversive social force. The targets for his preaching were often "nebulous rings of Jewish, Catholic or Black conspirators plotting to destroy white protestant America."
ellauri309.html on line 515: Hoover and Sullivan considered King “the most dangerous Negro of the future in this nation”. Armed with salacious archival material from a recent FBI documents release, Garrow has reported about the iconic civil rights leader’s sexual misconduct, ranging from numerous extramarital affairs and solicitation of prostitutes to the allegation that he was present during the violent rape of a Maryland churchgoer. Garrow insists that a fundamental reconsideration of King's reputation is imminent. He describes how King and a handful of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) officials checked into Washington DC’s Willard hotel along with “several women ‘parishioners’”. The group met in his room and discussed which women among the parishioners would be suitable for natural and unnatural sex acts, meaning anal and oral, genital being natural. The alleged rapist was Reverend Logan Kearse, a Baptist minister from Baltimore. Reportedly, "Mike" King just stood by with erect cock in hand overseeing the action, like another Kim Yung Il.
ellauri309.html on line 549: BreakThrough-kirjasarjassa. Se perustuu Vanhan testamentin jakeeseen 1
ellauri309.html on line 767: Im Smoking sah ihr Bruder Josh wirklich phantastisch aus! Altmodisch und romantisch. Die schwungvolle Musik lockte Tänzer zum Paaren. Auch Nicht -Alkoholisches wurde serviert. Lauras Verpflichtung als eine Templeton war es, mit alten Ziegen zu tanzen und plaudern. Sie duftete wie eine Frau. Ein Teil ihres Vaters (guess which) hoffte das sie noch schön brav auf Knien vor ihm wäre. Alle Lauras Freunde werden da sein, wenn dasselbe mit diesem Ridgeway nicht klappt.
ellauri309.html on line 769: Die winzige Laura war einfach die perfekte Frau für prince Charming. Mit der Anblick von Margo erhielt er zwar eine gewisse Erregung in Hosen, aber sie war Tochter einer Putzfrau. Mit Laura gab es die richtige Frau, eine gesicherte gesellschaftlige Position, Söhne, Reichtum und Erfolg. EAT! FUCK!
ellauri309.html on line 790: Hizin lastenkirjamaista, vain sillä erolla että Milli-Mollin mielenkiinnon esineiden (EAT!) lisäxi mukana on FUCK! eli "se sinne, nirsk narsk, ruiskis" haaveilu. Keila on selkeästi äiskän suosikki, Ali on Pezku-isän näköinen ja tapainen. Miten 7,5 vuotiaalla on vasta 1 hammas lähtenyt? Jokohan Mr. Fury näyttää tyttösille keilansa? Karkaavatkohan jo hevoset? Kyllä vain! Oh! Wie gross es ist! Wie hübsch! Wie weich es ist! Du darfst ihn ruhig streicheln. Begeistert strich Kayla über die samtige Eichel und kicherte, wenn sie unter ihrer Hand zu zucken begann. Bekommen Pferde Babys genauso wie Menschen? So ziemlich, aber nicht in dieser Missionärstellung, nur von hinten. Wollt ihr eine Vorführung? Aber nicht umsonst!
ellauri309.html on line 906: tyypillinen tyttökirja, hizi. Allison ei saanutkaan perseeseen puolipohjia, vaikka
ellauri309.html on line 1053: Hänet tunnetaan parhaiten toimintasankarirooleistaan, erityisesti hänen läpimurtoroolistaan Max Rockatanskyna post-apokalyptisen toimintasarjan Mad Max kolmessa ensimmäisessä elokuvassa ja Martin Riggsina kaveripoliisi toimintakomediasarjassa Tappava ase. Vuonna 1995 Gibson tuotti, ohjasi ja näytteli Braveheartissa, historiallisessa eeposessa. Myöhemmin hän ohjasi ja tuotti The Passion of the Christ -kirjan, raamatullisen draaman, joka oli sekä taloudellisesti menestynyt että erittäin kiistanalainen. Espanjalaisessa El País -sanomalehden haastattelussa hän esitti Jeesuxena halventavia kommentteja homoseksuaaleista. Vuonna 1999, kun häneltä kysyttiin kommenteista El Paísiin, Gibson sanoi: "Minun ei olisi pitänyt sanoa sitä, mutta kutittelin hieman vodkaa tuon haastattelun aikana, ja lainaus palasi kuin Riitta Purra puremaan minua perseeseen." Vanity Fair -lehden 2011 artikkelin mukaan Gibson kertoi ensin pidättäjälle: "Elämäni on ohi. Olen perseestä. Robyn jättää minut." Gibsonilla oli avoin alkoholisäiliö autossa. Gibson sanoi pidättävälle upseerille: "Vitun juutalaiset... juutalaiset ovat vastuussa kaikista maailman sodista plus Jeesuxen salamurhasta. Oletko juutalainen?" Heinäkuussa 2010 Gibson oli nauhoitettu puhelun aikana Grigorjevan kanssa, jossa hän ehdotti, että jos "neekerilauma raiskaa hiänet", hän olisi todennäköisesti syyllinen. Häntä estettiin tulemasta Grigorjevan tai heidän tyttärensä lähelle perheväkivaltaan liittyvän lähestymiskiellon vuoksi Aika paljon ehti Mel laittaa kenkää suuhun uran aikana. Se on Pezkua vuoden nuorempi. Hän sanoi, että kun hän juo, hän voi olla ilkeä humalassa ja "jutut tulevat ulos vääristyneellä tavalla..." Mikä oli Mel Gibsonin ympärillä oleva kiista, kun hän aloitti näyttelemisen? Kuinka suuri vaikutus sillä oli hänen uraansa tuolloin? Mel Gibsoniin liittyvät kohut ulottuvat aina vuoteen 1991 saakka. Häneltä kysyttiin haastattelussa, mitä mieltä hän on homoseksuaaleista. Hän vastasi: "He ottavat sen perseeseen," ja kun häntä pyydettiin tarkentamaan, hän osoitti takapuoltaan ja sanoi: "tämä on tarkoitettu vain paskantamiseen." Kyllä, hän todella sanoi niin. Kuinka väärässä hän olikaan.
ellauri309.html on line 1065: Mikki on tietysti irlantilainen, kuten Noora, ja Mikin heppakaveri Mad Max, alias Mel Gibson. Gibson's mother, Anne Patricia Reilly, was born in Ardagh in County Longford. In fact, Mel is named after St. Mel's Cathedral, the fifth-century Irish saint, and founder of Gibson's mother's local native diocese, Ardagh. While his middle name, Colmcille, is the name the Catholic diocese of Ardagh. Mel Gibson's grandfather John H Gibson was a millionaire tobacco businessman from the American South.
ellauri310.html on line 195: kardinaali Scipione Borghesen ( Bolognan arkkipiispa ) kiintymystä kardinaali
ellauri310.html on line 219: matematiikkaan ulottui huomattavaan aihetodisteeseen Pythagoraan lauseesta, jonka
ellauri310.html on line 286: ja Mollie, kaikki teini-ikäisiä, vietiin hänen huoneeseensa käymään, ja heitä
ellauri310.html on line 289: epätoivoisesti Garfieldin vatsaa steriloimattomilla työkaluilla ja pesemättömillä
ellauri310.html on line 397: taloon. Seuraavien 24 tunnin aikana yli 15 lääkäriä työnsi pesemättömät sormensa
ellauri310.html on line 442: romaaniluonnoksia. Wolfe sairastui viimeisenä elinvuotenaan keuhkokuumeeseen, joka
ellauri310.html on line 579: Thompson luottaa Wolfen kuuluisaan lauseeseen "Fear and Loathing" (The Web and
ellauri310.html on line 584: Yes. Fact-checking the Genius movie confirmed that Thomas Wolfe's tendency to not want to cut anything from his novels and to continually want to add more pages, presented a challenge for his editor, Max Perkins. At the insistence of Perkins, Wolfe reluctantly agreed to cut 90,000 words from his first novel, Look Homeward, Angel (1929).
ellauri310.html on line 656: Misogyyninä Tomi muistuttaa Raju Panolaa. Rajun naamasta jo näkee että tässäpä kusipää. Mikä oli eron syy? Katri Helenasta akateemisuutta arvostava Rajala suhtautui Katri Helenan laulamaan kevyeen musiikkiin kriittisesti. Katri Helena soitti Panu Rajalalle, kun tämä oli pettämässä vaimoaan – ”Oletko pukilla?” Pukillapa pukilla, vahvisti Raju. Avioliitto päättyi Rajalan päädyttyä suhteeseen Marja-nimisen naisen kanssa. Marjakin on jo loppuun polettu, nyt on Raju oman käden varassa.
ellauri310.html on line 669: The Soviet Union's war doctrine depended heavily on the main battle tank. Any weapon advancement making the MBT obsolete could have devastated the Soviet Union's fighting capability. The United States's experience in the Vietnam War contributed to the idea among army leadership that the role of the main battle tank could be fulfilled by attack helicopters. During the Vietnam War, helicopters and missiles competed with MBTs for research money.
ellauri310.html on line 752: Facing the deadlock of trench warfare, the first tank designs focused on crossing wide trenches, requiring very long and large vehicles, such as the British Mark I tank and successors; these became known as heavy tanks.
ellauri310.html on line 756:
Technology is reducing the weight and size of the modern MBT. A British military document from 2001 indicated that the British Army would not procure a replacement for the Challenger 2 because of a lack of conventional warfare threats in the foreseeable future. The obsolescence of the tank has been asserted, but the history of the late 20th and early 21st century suggested that MBTs were still necessary.
ellauri310.html on line 783: Tällä hetkellä armeijalla on 16 panssaroitua prikaatitaisteluryhmää (ABCT) sekä kaksi tai kolme reservissä armeijan valmiiksi asetetuissa varastoissa. Jokaisessa ABCT:ssä on 87 tankkia. Korvaakseen puolet Abramsistaan yhdellä viiden vuoden sopimuksella armeijan olisi ostettava noin 165 Abrahamia vuodessa. Meidän pitäisi myös antaa liittolaisten, kuten Puolan ja Australian, osallistua maxumiehinä monivuotiseen sopimukseen. Koska useammat maat ostavat Abrams X:n, tuotetaan enemmän säiliöitä ja siten alempia kustannuksia.
ellauri310.html on line 820: muassa maan hitaan talouskasvun. ”Heillä on ongelmia. Se ei ole hyvä asia, koska kun pahoilla ihmisillä on ongelmia, he tekevät pahoja asioita”, Biden sanoi Reutersin mukaan. ”Meilläkin on ongelmia. Se ei ole hyvä asia, koska kun pahoilla ihmisillä on ongelmia, he tekevät pahoja asioita”, Biden sanoi Reutersin mukaan. Vanha horisko siteerasi väärin Kiinan talouslukuja 2 otteeseen.
Ylijäämäaseiden syytäminen
ellauri310.html on line 832: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, joka tunnetaan yksinkertaisesti nimellä Amerikan Yritteliäisyyslaitos ( AEI ), on Washington DC:ssä sijaitseva keskustaoikeistolainen ajatushautomo, joka tutkii hallitusta, politiikkaa, taloutta ja sosiaalista hyvinvointia. AEI on itsenäinen USA:n voittoa tavoitteleva organisaatio, joka toimii pääasiassa säätiöiden, yritysten ja yksityishenkilöiden lahjoituksilla. Sourcewatchin mukaan sitä rahoittavat monet fossiilisten polttoaineiden teollisuuteen liittyvät yritykset.
ellauri310.html on line 834: Vuonna 1938 perustettu järjestö on linjassa konservatismin ja uuskonservatismin kanssa, mutta se ei tue poliittisia ehdokkaita. AEI kannattaa yksityistä yritystoimintaa, rajoitettua hallintoa ja demokraattista kapitalismia. Jotkut heidän kannoistaan ovat herättäneet kiistaa, mukaan lukien heidän puolustuspoliittiset suosituksensa Irakin sodan puolesta, heidän perseelleen menneet analyysinsä vuosien 2007–2008 finanssikriisistä sekä heidän energia- ja ympäristöpolitiikkansa, joka perustuu heidän yli kaksi vuosikymmentä kestäneeseen vastustukseensa vallitsevalle tieteelliselle mielipiteelle ilmastonmuutoksesta. Ilmasto on aina muuttunut! Talvi, syxy, kevät, kesä, joskus sadetta joskus paistetta. Noin!
ellauri310.html on line 848: Smith Richardson Foundationin perustivat vuonna 1935 H. Smith Richardson Sr. ja hänen vaimonsa Grace Jones Richardson. Richardson muutti Vicks Chemical Companyn, hänen isänsä Lunsford Richardsonin perustaman yrityksen, yhdeksi johtavista käsikauppalääkkeitä myyvistä yrityksistä maailmassa. Myöhempinä vuosina Richardson-Vicksistä tuli myös merkittävä voima reseptilääkkeiden ja laajan kuluttajatuotteiden markkinoilla. Vuonna 1985 Richardsonin perhe myi yrityksen Procter & Gamblelle. Vicks Vapo Rubin tuotoilla he tukivat aivoriihiä ja "tutkijoita" jotka osallistuivat julkiseen poliittiseen "keskusteluun" muun muassa puolustuspolitiikasta, veropolitiikasta, koulutusuudistuksesta ja sääntelystä. Säätiö tuki myös "demokratiaa" eli kapitalismia kannattavia järjestöjä Keski- ja Itä-Euroopassa, Neuvostoliitossa sekä Keski- ja Etelä-Amerikassa. Ja mahdollisimman oikealta!
ellauri310.html on line 891: Is there a relationship between political orientation and cognitive ability? A test of three hypotheses in two studies
ellauri311.html on line 323: Salon ohjaamat hyvinvointikurssit ovat saaneet vaikutteita tantrasta ja intialaisguru Oshon ajattelusta. Tästä hyypästä onkin taidettu jo paasata useampaan otteeseen.
ellauri311.html on line 347: Salo löysi työpaikkailmoituksen, jossa talousuutiskanava European Business News (nykyään osa CNBC:tä) etsi työntekijöitä. Salo päätti hakea ja pääsi. Tosin hän oli ymmärtänyt, että ilmoituksessa mainittu sana "researcher" tarkoittaisi jokseenkin samanlaista tutkijan työtä, jota hän oli tehnyt Suomen Pankissa. Vasta työn alkaessa Salolle selvisi, että hän olikin matkailuohjelman taustatoimittaja.
ellauri313.html on line 98: Millaisia tunteita, makuja tai ajatuksia runous herättää? - Ime inhalaattoria, puhu banaaniin - osallistu Tanssiva karhu -runopalkinnon lukuhaasteeseen!
ellauri313.html on line 112: Jaa. Aiheeseen liittyvää:
ellauri313.html on line 213: ratkaisu huonoon tilanteeseen. On selvää, että tässä pelissä on monimutkainen
ellauri313.html on line 378: Myös seuraavat ominaisuudet on mainittu useaan otteeseen:
ellauri313.html on line 453: viestiketjun Twitteriin Ukrainan sodan tilanteesta. Aaltolan mukaan on tultu vaiheeseen, jossa nähdään selkeää ruumisläjien kasvua. - Venäjällä pelissä kaikki Ukrainan sotaa varten satsatut joukot. Selkeä huollettavien kasvu havaittavissa puolella jos toisella, Aaltola tviittaa iloisena. Konfliktit eskaloituvat kahta reittiä: Niillä on taipumus syventymiseen, jolloin sodan intensiteetti paranee, koskas muutenkaan. (Muita reittejä en muista, kazo kuvasta.) Venäjällä pelissä kaikki Ukrainan sotaa varten satsatut joukot. Selkeä kuolevaisuuden kasvu havaittavissa, Kts esim. Herman Kahn ”On Escalation”, 1965. — Mika Aaltola (@MikaAaltola) March 8, 2022. Ai oops, täähän uutinen on jo yli vuoden vanha. Presidentti Zelenskyi vannoo sotarikollisten rankaisemista ja varoittaa länsimaita Venäjän valloitushaluista. Vittu tervetuloa vaan yrittämään valloittaa takaisin edes postimerkin kokoinen pala ryssiltä, huutaa Ukrainan ulkoministeri tuskastuneena. Puheloinen (äiti oli siitä vihainen: heta korven! hur kan man heta så?) sanoi vuosi sitten työmiehen muistelmissa ettei tää sota lopu ihan hevillä. Oikeassa oli loinen.
ellauri313.html on line 473: Most Americans are not entirely comfortable with the concept of "cool," or businesslike, negotiations in an atmosphere of some degree of physical threat or coercion. For the most part, they do not consciously assign to force any rational or reasonable role in "ordinary" negotiations. In the recent past (except in the case of "just" revolutions), we have tended to the view that only a criminal or a sick or insane person initiates the use of force. Therefore, we are inclined to believe that someone who uses force is not only our enemy, but an enemy of humanity—an outlaw who deserves extermination, imprisonment, or medical constraint and treatment. The "crusade," and even an initial pacifism as well, comes more naturally to Americans than the kind of cool, restrained, and moderate willingness to threaten or use force that will be suggested in this book.
ellauri313.html on line 524: Kun ei kexinyt enää lisää askelia, ja muutenkin (sillä erää) loppuunjauhettuun aiheeseen väsähdettyään Hermanni teki listan tärkeimmistä Gyro Gearloose kexinnöistä tulevaisuudessa. Asiakirjan taulukko XVIII sisältää luettelon nimeltä "Sata erittäin todennäköistä teknistä innovaatiota 1900-luvun viimeisellä kolmanneksella". Ensimmäiset kymmenen ennustetta olivat:
ellauri313.html on line 534:
- Uusia voimanlähteitä maaliikenteeseen
ellauri313.html on line 543: Mooses Mendelssohn syntyi köyhään juutalaisperheeseen Dessaussa, Anhaltin ruhtinaskunnassa ja joutui alun perin rabbiiniseen uraan. Hän opiskeli saksaksi ajattelua ja kirjallisuutta. Filosofiaa ja uskontoa koskevien kirjoitustensa ansiosta sekä saksankielisen Euroopan että sen ulkopuolella asuvat kristityt ja juutalaiset pitävät häntä aikansa johtavana kulttuurihahmona. Hänen osallistumisensa Berliinin tekstiiliteollisuuteen muodosti vankan perustan hänen perheensä varallisuudelle.
ellauri313.html on line 557: Luulin ensin, että kuvassa olisi Lessing isäntänä, ja ovella pyllerehtisi Eva König, jonka esikoinen Traugott Lessing kuoli jouluaattona 1777. Eva kuoli lapsivuodekuumeeseen 1778 ja Jefim heti perästä 1779. Eva oli 5v Jefimiä vanhempi ja 42v kuollessaan lapsivuoteeseen. Eva nai 20-vuotiaana 1756 hampurilaisen liikemiehen Engelbert Königin ja sai sen kanssa 3 lasta. Jefim oli Evan pojan Fritzin kummina. Engelbert perkele kuoli 1768 41-vuotiaana, mutta Jefim nai sen lesken vasta 1776. Ei tullut siitä enää lasta eikä paskaakaan. Mitä tästä opimme? Älkää hannatko, jos mieli tekee!
ellauri315.html on line 232: Neuvostoliitot tiesivät kuukausia etukäteen, että hyökkäys työntyisi Kurskin tärkeimpään kohdunkaulaan, ja rakensivat syvän puolustuksen, joka oli suunniteltu kuluttamaan saksalaisen panssaroidun keihäänkärjen. Saksalaiset viivyttelivät hyökkäystä, kun he yrittivät kasvattaa joukkojaan ja odottivat uusia aseita länkkäreiltä, korjaan Kruppilta, antaen puna-armeijalle aikaa rakentaa sarja syviä puolustusvöitä ja perustaa suuret reservijoukot vastahyökkäykseen. Kuulostaapa tutulta, vai mitä Zelenski?
ellauri315.html on line 328: Armeijansa kasvaessa nyt kaksinkertaiseksi, Kornilov päätti hyökätä Jekaterinodariin, hiljattain perustetun Pohjois-Kaukasian neuvostotasavallan pääkaupunkiin.. Kornilov järjesti armeijansa kolmeen prikaatiin Markovin, Bogajevskin ja Erdelin johdolla. Hyökkäys, joka alkoi 10. huhtikuuta, kohtasi voimakasta vastarintaa yli kaksi kertaa vapaaehtoisia suuremmilta joukoilta. Kornilov kuoli, kun tykistön ammus osui maalaistaloon, johon hän oli asettanut päämajan. Jotkut kertomukset ovat luonnehtineet tätä tapahtumaa "erittäin huonoksi onneksi", koska ammus oli osunut yhteen huoneeseen, jossa Kornilov oli tappaen hänet, mutta ei loukkaantunut ketään muuta rakennuksessa. Häntä seurasi komentaja Denikin, joka päätti hylätä hyökkäyksen viiden päivän taistelun jälkeen ja vetäytyä pohjoiseen. Kuultuaan Kornilovin kuolemasta Lenin sanoi Moskovan neuvostolle : "Voidaan sanoa varmasti, että sisällissota on pääosin päättynyt. Kornilovin paskiainen on ketunsyöttinä." Pukinpartaisesta Denikinistä ei ollut enää mihinkään, saati kalansilmäisestä Wrangelista. Suomessakin häärinyt roikkuwiixi Judeniz oli aivan toivoton tunari.
ellauri315.html on line 338: Retriitin johti kenraali Vladimir Kappel, joka nimitettiin tähän virkaan joulukuun puolivälissä 1919. Hänen kuoltuaan keuhkokuumeeseen 26. tammikuuta 1920 kenraali Sergei Voytsekhovsky otti joukkojen komennon. Amiraali Kolchak matkusti edeltä muka tiedustelemassa junalla Irkutskiin, mutta Tšekkoslovakian joukot pysäyttivät hänet joulukuussa ja hänet luovutettiin vasemmiston SR- joukoille Irkutskissa 14. tammikuuta, jotka viisaasti kyllä teloittivat hänet 7. helmikuuta 1920.
ellauri315.html on line 395: Hänen uransa Kolchakin kanssa oli vähemmän loistokas. Puna-armeija oli alkanut ottaa aloitteen Kolchakin joukkojen vähentyessä. Gajda, Kolchakin suosituxesta, erotettiin 5. heinäkuuta 1919. Sekaantuttuaan Esersin epäonnistuneeseen kapinaan Kolchakia vastaan (17. marraskuuta 1919) hän pakeni Siperiasta ja purjehti Kekkoslovakiaan.
ellauri315.html on line 416: Eräänä yönä Xenophon muodosti jousimiesten ja kevyen ratsuväen joukon. Kun persialainen ratsuväki saapui seuraavana päivänä, ampuen nyt useiden jaardien päähän, Xenophon päästi yhtäkkiä valloilleen uuden ratsuväen hyökkäyksessä, törmäsi järkyttyneeseen ja hämmentyneeseen viholliseen, tappoi monia ja syrjäytti loput.
ellauri315.html on line 418: Tässä vetäytymisessä kirjattiin myös ensi kertaa tarpeelliset, joskin julmat, keinot takaa-ajoa harjoittavan vihollisen pidättämiseksi tuhoamalla järjestelmällisesti halki kuljetun maan ja tuhoamalla sen kylät, jotta häneltä evättiin ruoka ja suoja. Ja Xenophon on lisäksi ensimmäinen, joka perusti falangin takaosaan reservin, josta hän saattoi halutessaan ruokkia linjansa heikkoja osia. Tämä oli loistava ensimmäinen idea. Poltetun maan taktiikka, jota isovenäläiset käyttivät Napsun ja Aatun edellä ja nyt käyttävät myös Ukrainan denazifikaatiossa.
ellauri316.html on line 143: menestys pakotti itävaltalais-saksalaiset siirtämään operatiiviset reservinsä
ellauri316.html on line 151: Ja suurten vihollisen reservien saapumisen jälkeen sota täällä sai jälleen
ellauri316.html on line 256: Verrattuna ensimmäistä maailmansotaa edeltäneeseen tilanteeseen 1914 Venäjä menetti 1/3 väestöstään, 1/3 maatalousmaastaan ja 3/4 teollisuudestaan. Ei ihme että Djušen kävi kuumana.
ellauri316.html on line 340: Tältä osin Neuvostoliiton syyttäjänvirasto ja KGB asettivat syytteeseen seuraavat: Ginzburg, Galanskov, Dobrovolsky, Lashkova, Radzievsky, Kushev, Khaustov, Bukovsky, Delaunay ja Gabay. Neuvostoliiton perustuslain päivänä, 5. joulukuuta 1965, Sinyavskin ja Danielin kannattajat osoittivat mieltään Moskovan Pushkin-aukiolla vaatimalla oikeudenmukaista ja avointa oikeudenkäyntiä. Mielenosoituksen järjestäjinä olivat matemaatikko Aleksanteri Esenin-Volpin, historioitsija ja runoilija Juri Galanskov sekä opiskelija Vladimir Bukovski. Mielenosoitus tuli tunnetuksi " glasnost-miitinkinä" (митинг гласности). Brenkuxi tietysti! Miitingistä tuli vuosittainen häppening, jonka merkittäviä osallistujia oli Andrei Saharov.
ellauri316.html on line 368: Huutaessani rivejä Vladimir Majakovskin runosta "Vladimir Iljitš Lenin" keuhkoihini törmäsin punatukkaiseen naiseen. Hän kysyi heti: "Luetko Majakovskia?" Nyökkäsin: "Joo." - Ja pidätkö siitä? Lapsena olin suorapuheinen tyttö, kyky olla tekopyhä tuli vasta vuosien varrella, ja isäni opetti minut ilmaisemaan omaa mielipidettäni epäröimättä, joten sanoin: - En. - Kestä sitten pidät? Aloin taivuttaa sormiani: - Balmont, Bryusov, Blok, Yesenin... - Yesenin! - punapää tuhahti. - Hän ei voi pitää kynttilää Majakovskille! Huh! "Mutta Majakovski kirjoitti vain vallankumouksesta", kiljuin, "ja minä luen mieluummin rakkaudesta." Ja yleensä, hän oli vain vallankumouksellinen, ei runoilija! - Kuka? - täti huudahti. - Majakovski.- Volodja? Lilya Brik oli Osip Brikin vaimo, jota Majakovski röyhkeästi kengitti.
ellauri316.html on line 390: Baltimoren tapauxesta on jo paasaus. Oletus, että sesessio oli muutaman istutuksen omistavan eliittiperheen tuote, kun taas keskiverto etelän asukas pysyi uskollisena, osoittautui täysin vääräksi.
ellauri316.html on line 394: esented-741x559.jpg?width=480" />
ellauri316.html on line 448: Saharovin vanhemmat ja isänpuoleinen isoäiti Maria Petrovna vaikuttivat suurelta osin hänen persoonallisuutensa; hänen äitinsä ja isoäitinsä olivat Venäjän ortodoksisen kirkon jäseniä, vaikka hänen isänsä oli ei-uskoinen. Kun Andrei oli noin 13-vuotias, hän tajusi, ettei hän uskonut Jumalaan. Huolimatta ateistista hän kuitenkin uskoi "johtavaan periaatteeseen", joka ylittää fyysiset lait.Haha LOL. Jumala ei heitä noppas.
ellauri316.html on line 452: Vuodesta 1967 lähtien, kuuden päivän sodan ja arabien ja Israelin välisen konfliktin alkamisen jälkeen, hän on tukenut aktiivisesti Israelia, kuten hän kertoi useaan otteeseen lehdistössä, ja myös ylläpitänyt ystävällisiä suhteita refinnikeihin, jotka myöhemmin tekivät aliyahin. Aliyah ( US : / ˌ æ l i ˈ ɑː /, UK : / ˌ ɑː -/; heprea : עֲלִיָּה ʿălīyyā, lyhennettynä ' historiallinen nousu') on juutalaisten maahanmuutto maasta tai maasta Israeliin, eli Palestiinan alueelle, jota nykyään edustaa pääasiassa Israelin valtio. Perinteisesti kuvattu "nousuksi" (kohteena juutalaisten, kristittyjen ja muslimien pyhä kaupunki Jerusalem, joka on mäellä). Muutto Israelin maahan tai "aliyahin tekeminen" on yksi sionismin perusperiaatteista. Ei pie sekoittaa shoahiin eikä intifadaan.
ellauri316.html on line 473: Vuonna 1988 Saharov myönsi saaneensa kansainvälisen gumanistisen ja eettisen liiton kansainvälisen gumanistisen palkinnon. Siitä piristyneenä Saharov meni työhuoneeseensa ottamaan pienet nokoset ennen kuin hän valmisteli tärkeän puheen, jonka hän piti seuraavana päivänä kongressissa. Paizi ei pitänyt. Hänen vaimonsa meni herättämään häntä kello 23, kuten hän oli pyytänyt, mutta hän löysi Saharovin lattialta kuolleena.
ellauri316.html on line 477: Vuonna 1974 KGB-agentit saivat Saharovin 1940 syntyneen kolleegan Tverdokhlebovin Moskovan kaduille kävellen kotiin ystävänsä kanssa elokuvasta, ja hänet saatettiin takaisin asuntoonsa, jossa agentit etenivät hänen omaisuutensa läpi. Etsinnän aikana takavarikoitiin useita esineitä: kolme numeroa Liettuan katolisen kirkon kronikasta; kopio Gulagin saaristosta; kolme numeroa A Chronicle of Human Rightsista [New York]; evankelis-kristillisten baptistivankien sukulaisneuvoston tiedotteen numero; kansalaisoikeuksia puolustavat asiakirjat; poliittisten vankien ja heidän perheidensä osoiteluettelot; luettelot saksalaisten perheiden osoitteista, jotka haluavat muuttaa Saksan liittotasavaltaan (noin 2 000 perhettä); materiaalia työleirien ja vankiloiden tilanteesta; muistikirjat; kirjoituskone; ja nauhuri. 28. marraskuuta 1974 Tverdokhlebov julkaisi "lausunnon 27.-28. marraskuuta suoritetusta etsinnästä", joka päättyi lauseeseen: "He eivät kuitenkaan ole vielä vieneet mustekynääni." Mustekynä vietiin seuraavalla kerralla. Vedettiin varmemmaxi vakuudexi vielä vittuilijaa nekkuun. Kaveri sai kansanomaisen selityxen rautalangasta: Väkivalta lopettaa vittuilun.
ellauri316.html on line 514: Akateemikko lähti kuitenkin liikenteeseen suoraan Muinaiselta Venäjältä... Arvaatko kenestä? Juuri niin, Stalinista! Liberaalit eivät voi elää ilman Stalinia, he kutisevat!
ellauri316.html on line 527: "Neuvostoliiton tieteellisessä ja opetuskirjallisuudessa on levinnyt myös toinen teesi - viimeiseen vaiheeseensa tulleen kapitalismin historiallisesta tuhosta - imperialismista."
ellauri316.html on line 589: Väärä sanajärjestys. Katso: poistamme sulut (ja syy siihen, miksi sulut sijoitetaan lauseeseen, on se, että ne voidaan poistaa milloin tahansa muuttamatta lauseen merkitystä ja sen rakennetta) - ja mitä saamme? Samoille järjestäjille ja osallistujille laajamittaisen vainon professorivaatteissa ja siviilipuvuissa
ellauri316.html on line 619: Näin välimerkit tulisi sijoittaa tähän lauseeseen.
ellauri316.html on line 764: Emme ole mitään hummereita eikä rapuja. Rapu runnaa taapäin, hauki veteen, mutta me ollaan apinoita. Turhaan tieteeseen ja tekniikkaan suhtaudutaan nuivasti.
ellauri316.html on line 826: In the US, monuments installed by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-Bandera (OUN) have been misconstrued as representing Ukrainian democracy. The OUN, however, openly declared its intent to “work closely with National-Socialist Greater Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler.”
ellauri316.html on line 843: Russian military leaders remain fond of such vivid reminders of what traitors face. Last year, a deserter of the Wagner Group militia was executed with a sledgehammer, which the outfit’s leader Evgeny Prigozhin has taken to wielding as a symbol.
ellauri317.html on line 33: Zelensky vädjar till västern: om ryssarna vinner kriget är ingen mer säker. Utom ryssarna, kineserna, indianerna och afrikanarna. Dvs. 3/4 av aporna. Aapat äänestävät jaloillaan Zelenskyn puheesta.
ellauri317.html on line 168: Zaporogit kirjoittavat pilkkakirjettä Turkin sulttaanille (ven. Запорожцы пишут письмо турецкому султану, Zaporožtsy pišut pismo turetskomu sultanu) on ukrainalaisen taidemaalarin Ilja Repinin öljyvärimaalaus. Sen tyyli on realismi ja laji historiamaalaus. 1400-luvulla Dneprin alajuoksulle tulleet kasakkayhdyskunnat vahvistivat puolustustaan ja muodostivat linnoituksia. Etelä-Ukraina joutui Venäjän valtapiiriin 1700-luvulla, kun sen hallitsijat ryhtyivät määrätietoisesti laajentamaan valtakuntaansa etelään pyrkien Osmanien valtakunnan ja sille uskollisten kaanien poistamiseen Mustanmeren pohjoisrannoilta. Alueella asui riippumattomia kasakkayhdyskuntia, muun muassa Zaporižžjan, Donin ja Kubanin kasakat. Zaporižžja (ven. Zaporožje) viittaa Dneprin alajuoksulla ennen sijainneiden kynnysten (porog) eli suurten koskien takaiseen alueeseen, ja sen kasakoihin viitataan zaporogeina (ven. zaporožets).
ellauri317.html on line 170: "Zaporogeissa minua viehättävät vapaus ja ritarillisuuden henki." [Repinin kirjeestä Nikolai Leskoville 19.2.1889] Maalaus viittaa tarinan mukaan vuonna 1676 sattuneeseen historialliseen tapahtumaan, jossa zaporogit lähettivät Osmanien valtakunnan sulttaani Mehmed IV:lle vastauskirjeen tämän vaadittua heitä antautumaan osmanien alaisuuteen, vaikka kasakat olivat voittaneet turkkilaiset taistelussa. Ilja Repinin aikana kasakoita kohtaan tunnettiin Venäjällä kovasti sympatiaa ja Ukrainassa syntynyt Repin itse sanoi kasakoista: ”Kaikki, mitä Gogol kirjoitti heistä, on totta! Pyhä kansa! Kukaan maailmassa ei ole niin pitänyt kiinni vapaudesta, tasa-arvosta ja veljeydestä.” Repin maalasi teoksen aikana, jolloin Osmanien valtakuntaa pidettiin Venäjän perivihollisena. Repinin mukaan kasakat ”puolustivat koko Eurooppaa” ja ”nauroivat sydämensä kyllyydestä Idän ylimielisyydelle”. Ne oli länkkäreitä hemmetti! Mutta niin oli silloin vielä venäläisetkin.
ellauri317.html on line 187: Repinin maalaus viittaa tarinan mukaan vuonna 1676 sattuneeseen historialliseen tapahtumaan, jossa zaporogit lähettivät Osmanien valtakunnan sulttaani Mehmed IV:lle vastauskirjeen tämän vaadittua heitä antautumaan osmanien alaisuuteen, vaikka kasakat olivat voittaneet turkkilaiset taistelussa. Ei pie sotkea Pugazovin kapinaan 100v myöhemmin, josta kz. albumia 377.
ellauri317.html on line 308: И вы не смоете всей вашей черной кровью Etkä pese pois kaikella mustalla verelläsi
ellauri317.html on line 362: Hän kuoli työuupumuksen vuoksi keuhkokuumeeseen Prahassa jouluna 1938, koska hän oli kärsinyt koko ikänsä nivelrikosta ja poltti myös paljon tupakoita. Taiteilijaveli Josef pidätettiin ja joutui Saksaan, jossa kuoli pilkkukuumeeseen Bergen-Belsenin keskitysleirillä huhtikuussa 1945.
ellauri317.html on line 364: Das kommunistische Regime der Tschechoslowakei nach 1948 tat sich Karel Čapek zwar schwer anzuerkennen, da er nie von der Überlegenheit einer Diktatur des Proletariats gegenüber anderen Gesellschaftsformen überzeugt gewesen war. Zudem war er eine Symbolfigur der „bourgeoisen“ ersten Republik.
ellauri317.html on line 408: Juri Aleksandrovich Levada syntyi 1930 Ukrainan SSR:ssä Njeuvostoliitossa Vinnitsan alueellisen sanomalehden “Alternativnaja Pravda” toimittajan Natalya Lvovna Moreinisin ja keskiajan historioitsija Moisei Aleksandrovich Koganin, myöhemmin professorin ja M. N. Pokrovskin mukaan nimetyn Leningradin pedagogisen instituutin väärennetyn historian osaston dekaanin perheeseen. Ne olivat todennäköisesti jutkuja. 1930-luvun puolivälissä Natalya Lvovna Moreinis meni naimisiin hänen housuihinsa pyrkivän kirjailijan Aleksanteri Stepanovitš Levadan kanssa, joka adoptoi lapsen. Heidän avioliittonsa hajosi pian hänen nuoremman veljensä Evgeniyn (1939-2000) syntymän jälkeen. Isäpuoli viis välitti käenpojasta.
ellauri317.html on line 437: Minskin kuvernöörissä (nykyinen Valko-Venäjä) puolalaiseen aatelisperheeseen syntynyt Dzeržinski omaksui vallankumouksellisen politiikan nuoresta iästä lähtien ja toimi Kaunasissa Liettuan sosiaalidemokraattisen puolueen järjestäjänä. Hänet pidätettiin usein ja hänet karkotettiin useaan otteeseen Siperiaan, josta hän toistuvasti pakeni kuin Daltonin veljexet. Hän osallistui vuoden 1905 Venäjän vallankumoukseen ja jatkoi vallankumouksellista toimintaa Saksassa ja Puolassa. Toisen pidätyksen jälkeen vuonna 1912 hän vietti neljä ja puoli vuotta vankilassa ennen kuin hän vapautui vuoden 1917 helmikuun vallankumouksen jälkeen. Sitten hän liittyi Vladimir Leninin bolshevikkipuolueeseenja oli aktiivinen rooli lokakuun vallankumouksessa, joka toi bolshevikit valtaan.
ellauri317.html on line 455: Venäläiset vanginvartijat hakkasivat Dzeržinskiä usein, mikä aiheutti hänen leuan ja suun pysyvän muodonmuutoksen. Sen johdosta Rauta Felixistä tuli tuollainen, ilkeä. Vuonna 1916 Dzeržinski siirrettiin Moskovan Butyrkan vankilaan, jossa hän joutui pian sairaalaan, koska ketjut, joita hänen oli pakko käyttää, olivat aiheuttaneet vakavia kramppeja jalkoihinsa. Hyvistä amputaatiomahdollisuuksista huolimatta Dzeržinski toipui ja hänet pantiin työhön ompelemaan armeijan univormuja. Dzeržinski kannatti Vladimir Leninin " huhtikuun teesejä" vaatien tinkimätöntä vastustusta uudelle Venäjän väliaikaiselle hallitukselle, kaiken poliittisen vallan siirtämistä neuvostoille.ja Venäjän välitöntä vetäytymistä länkkäreiden sodasta.
ellauri317.html on line 458: Lenin piti Felix Dzeržinskistä siitä huolimatta ja nimitti hänet perustamaan joukkoja sisäisiä uhkia vastaan. 20. joulukuuta 1917 kansankomissaarien neuvosto perusti virallisesti koko Venäjän ylimääräisen komission vastavallankumouksen ja sabotaasin torjumiseksi – joka tunnetaan yleisesti nimellä VeCheKa (perustuu venäläiseen lyhenteeseen ВЧК).
ellauri317.html on line 476: Syntynyt Tambovissa yliopistosihteerin perheeseen. Vuonna 1902 hän valmistui Tambovin naisten lukiosta. Hän työskenteli virkailijana aatelisten maakuntakokouksessa. Hän liittyi sosialististen vallankumouksellisten paikallisjärjestöön ja liittyi puolueen taistelujoukkoon. Maaliskuussa 1905 hänet pidätettiin mielenosoitukseen osallistumisen vuoksi, mutta hänet vapautettiin pian.
ellauri317.html on line 532: Tehtiin sopimus «vasemmisto»-eserrien kanssa, ja muutamia «vasemmisto»-eserriä otettiin Kansankomissaarien Neuvostoon (Kolegajev, Spiridonova, Proshjan ja Sternberg). Mutta tämä sopimus pysyi voimassa vain Brestin rauhan allekirjoittamiseen ja köyhälistökomiteoiden muodostamiseen saakka, jolloin talonpoikaisten keskuudessa tapahtui syvä jakautuminen ja jolloin «vasemmisto»-eserrät, kuvastaen yhä enemmän kulakkien etupyyteitä, nostivat kapinan bolshevikkeja vastaan ja jolloin Neuvostovalta nujersi heidät. Vuoden 1917 lokakuusta vuoden 1918 tammi — helmikuuhun mennessä neuvostovallankumous ehti levitä koko maahan. Neuvostojen vallan leviäminen suunnattoman laajan maan alueella kävi niin nopeaa vauhtia, että Lenin nimitti sitä Neuvostovallan «riemumarssiksi».
ellauri317.html on line 617: Kaplanin taustasta tiedetään suhteellisen vähän. Hän syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen. Hänen isänsä oli opettaja, ja hänellä oli seitsemän sisarusta. Hänen koko nimensä on ollut hämmentynyt. Vera Figner (muistelmissaan, At Women´s Katorga) totesi, että Kaplanin alkuperäinen nimi oli Feiga Khaimovna Roytblat-Kaplan (Фейга Хаимовна Ройтблат-Каплан). Muut lähteet ovat kuitenkin ilmoittaneet, että hänen alkuperäinen sukunimensä oli Roytman (Ройтман), joka vastaa yleistä saksan ja jiddisin sukunimeä Reutemann (רויטמאן ). Hänet tunnettiin joskus myös etunimellä Dora.
ellauri317.html on line 675: 6. heinäkuuta 1918 Aleksandrovitš osallistui vasemmistososialististen vallankumouksellisten aseelliseen kapinaan Moskovassa, joka liittyi bolshevikkihallituksen allekirjoittamaan Brest-Litovskin rauhansopimukseen ja sitä seuranneeseen Saksan suurlähettilään W. von Mirbachin murhaan. Vasemmistososialististen vallankumouksellisten. Oleg Vitalievich Mikhailovin mukaan Aleksandrovitš valvoi Chekan suurlähetystön turvallisuutta. Päivää ennen kansannousua, 5. heinäkuuta, hän lähetti auton Moskovan lähellä sijaitsevaan kylään toimittaakseen sen sosialistisen vallankumouksellisen johtajansa yhden Dmitri Popovin turvallisuusjoukkojen päämajaan, joka oli tuolloin sairaslomalla. Aamulla 6. heinäkuuta hän vahvisti Chekan sinetillä Yakov Blumkinin laatiman salaisen osaston todistuksen (työ ulkomaanvakoilusta) ja kirjoitti Chekan autotalliin muistiinpanon auton myöntämisestä. Sitten Aleksandrovich otti mukanaan 544 tuhatta ruplaa, jotka oli aiemmin otettu pidätetyltä henkilöltä, ja jotka oli määrä luovuttaa VChK Vault -osastolle.
ellauri317.html on line 683: ...tämä Aleksandrovich oli aina vasemmistolainen, jopa erittäin vasemmistolainen sosialistinen vallankumouksellinen, joka oli jyrkästi oppositioisella, voisi sanoa, vallankumouksellisella tuulella suhteessa omaan puolueenemmistöön. ... juuri hän, Aleksandrovich, edusti Pietarin silloisen sosialistisen vallankumouksellisen työläisen asemaa, toisin kuin intellektuaaliset sosialistivallankumoukselliset piirit, jotka monopolisoivat nopeasti puolueen brändin puolueeseen tunkeutuneiden kulttuurivoimien avulla. vallankumouksen jälkeen radikaalileiriltä. (Muisteli joku kaveri)
ellauri317.html on line 686: Trebujem surovogo suda nad eserami! ölysivät nälkäiset urbaanityöläiset. Koira Pierre on löytynyt, omistajaa ezitään.
ellauri317.html on line 749: Syksystä 1916 syksyyn 1917 Venäjällä kehittyneet tapahtumat, mukaan lukien tsaarin hallinnon romahtaminen ja bolshevismin nousu, väänsivät historian kaarta käsittämättömillä tavoilla ja vaikuttavat edelleen Venäjän politiikkaan ja suhteeseen muuhun maailmaan (ml. Ukrainaan) tänään. Näiden maailmaa mullistavien tapahtumien 100-vuotispäivän muistoksi aloitamme tänään sarjoilla, joissa korostetaan, kuinka yli 300 vuotta Romanovien dynastian hellimä Venäjän valtakunta muuttui kauheaxi kommunistiseksi Neuvostoliitoksi.
ellauri318.html on line 71: Sexually very active you often connect with new people, which makes you well informed. With strong linguistic skills you quickly see through the fine print when concluding contracts. Your journalistic skills make you a great researcher who could possibly discover the secrets of life.
ellauri318.html on line 143: Namnet Kepler kommer från den tyske forskaren Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), som löste ett av sin tids största mysterier med sina beräkningar av planeters rörelsemönster som banade vägen för Newtons teser om gravitationen. Mördaren var Pluto. Pluto you are a clown!
ellauri318.html on line 189: Neuvostoajan taakseen jättäneessä Ukrainassa eläkekupongit eivät riittäneet edes maksamaan maitoa. Kurjuus ja elämän kalleus saivat ihmiset kaipaamaan vanhaa järjestelmää. ”Me haluamme takaisin ruplavyöhykkeeseen. Kommunistit alas, mutta Neuvostoliitto takaisin”, huusi vanha nainen simferopolilaisella torilla toimittaja Saska Saarikoskelle.
ellauri318.html on line 277: ugly blue dress." Diesel had his mouth to my ear. "She's
ellauri321.html on line 49: None of Wotton's poetry was published during his lifetime and it was not until 1651 that his collected works were issued as Reliquiae Wottonianae. Among these, Elizabeth of Bohemia, Upon the Sudden Restraint of the Earl of Somerset, and The Character of a Happy Life are the most memorable. Izaak Walton's biography of Sir Henry Wotton, written in 1670, clearly depicts his powerful intellect, forthright character, and the esteem in which he was held.
ellauri321.html on line 101: A new English edition appeared in the year following, and an American reprint of the editio princeps was brought out by Matthew Carey in Philadelphia in 1793. In the meantime its author, whose full name was J. Hector Saint John de Crèvecoeur, had himself translated the book into French, adding to it very considerably, and publishing it in Paris in 1784.* A second French edition, still further enlarged and containing excellent maps and plates, appeared in 1787. These bibliographical facts are significant. They show that for at least twenty years, probably for a much longer period, the “Letters from an American Farmer” was an important interpreter of the New World to the Old. It seems to have been in answer to a demand aroused by his first book that Crèvecoeur ventured to treat the same theme once more. But the three bulky volumes of his “Journey in Upper Pennsylvania” (1801) contain little that is now or illuminating.
ellauri321.html on line 108: In 1747, in his sixteenth year, Crèvecoeur was sent by his family to England in order to complete his education. But the young man was of an adventurous spirit, and after a sojourn of about seven years in England, he set sail for Canada, where for the years 1758–59 he served in the French army. In 1764, after some residence in Pennsylvania, he became a naturalized citizen of New York, and five years later settled on a farm in Ulster County. Here, with his wife, Mahetable Tiffet of Yonkers, he lived the peaceful life of many idyllic years during which he gathered the materials for his book. Obviously enough he did not always remain on his farm, but viewed many parts of the country with a quietly observing eye. These journeys are recorded in his pages. He explored pretty thoroughly the settled portions of the States of New York and Pennsylvania, saw something of New England, and also penetrated westward to the limits of the colonies. He went as far South as Charleston, and may have visited Jamaica. Beyond such journeyings we may imagine these years to have xiv have been quite barren of events, serene and peaceful, until the storm of the Revolution began to break. It is not until 1779 that anything of import is again recorded of Crèvecoeur. In that year he made an attempt to return to Normandy, but the sudden appearance of a French fleet in the harbor of New York causing him to be suspected as a spy, he was imprisoned for three months. He was then permitted to sail, and, on his arrival in England, sold for thirty guineas his “Letters from an American Farmer,” which were published at London in 1782, the year after he reached France.
ellauri321.html on line 112: Here sorrow and desolation awaited him. His wife had died a few weeks before his arrival, his farm had been ravaged, his children were in the care of strangers. But as he had been appointed French Consul in New York with the especially expressed approbation of Washington, he remained in America six years longer, with only one brief interval spent in France. Notwithstanding the disastrous practical influence of his book, through which five hundred Norman families are said to have perished in the forests of Ohio, he was now an honored citizen in his adopted country, distinguished by Washington, and the friend of Franklin. In these later years he accompanied Franklin on various journeys, one of which is recorded in the “Voyage Dans La Haute Pennsylvanie.” In 1790 he returned to France, living now at Rouen, now at Sarcelles, where he died on November 12, 1813. He was a man of “serene temper and pure benevolence,” of good sense and sound judgment; something also of a dreamer, yet of a rhetorical rather than a poetical temperament; typically French, since there were in him no extremes of opinion or emotion. He followed the dictates of his reason tempered by the warmth of his heart, and treated life justly and sanely.
ellauri321.html on line 115: This literary movement (known as romanticism), of which the masterpieces are Rousseau's “Confessions,” Ste. Pierre's “Paul et Virginie,” Goethe's “Sorrows of Werther,” and Chateaubriand's “Les Natchez,” has an American representative in these letters of a Pennsylvania farmer.
ellauri321.html on line 123: But Crèvecoeur was after all a Frenchman, with the strong social instinct of his race. And so he proceeds to analyze and define the political conditions of America. It fills him with a quiet but deep satisfaction to be one of a community of “freeholders, the possessors of the soil they cultivate, members of the government they obey, and the framers of their own laws by means of their representatives.” Thus he rises to a consideration of this new type of social man and seeks to answer the question: What xx What is an American? His answer is delightful literature, but fanciful sociology. Had the colonial farmers all been Crèvecoeurs, had they all possessed his ideality, his power of raising simple things into true human dignity, of connecting the homeliest activity with the ultimate social purpose which it furthers in its own small way, his description of the American would have been fair enough. As a matter of fact, the hard-working colonial farmer, cut off from the refining and subduing influences of an older civilization, was probably no very delectable type, however worthy, and one fears that Professor Wendell is right in declaring that Crèvecoeur's American is no more human than some ideal savage of Voltaire. But in this fact lies much of the literary charm of his work, and of its value as a human document of the age of the Revolution.
ellauri321.html on line 131: Yet when young I entertained some thoughts of selling my farm. I thought it afforded but a dull repetition of the same labours and pleasures. I thought the former tedious and heavy, the latter few and insipid; but when I came to consider myself as divested of my farm, I then found the world so wide, and every place so full, that I began to fear lest there would be no room for me. My farm, my house, my barn, presented to my imagination, objects from which I adduced quite new ideas; they were more forcible than before. Why should not I find myself happy, said I, where my father was before? He left me no good books it is true, he gave me no other education than the art of reading and writing; but he left me a good farm, and his experience; he left me free from debts, and no kind of difficulties to struggle with 24 with.—I married, and this perfectly reconciled me to my situation; my wife rendered my house all at once chearful and pleasing; it no longer appeared gloomy and solitary as before; when I went to work in my fields I worked with more alacrity and sprightliness; I felt that I did not work for myself alone, and this encouraged me much. My wife would often come with her kitting in her hand, and sit under the shady trees, praising the straightness of my furrows, and the docility of my horses; this swelled my heart and made every thing light and pleasant, and I regretted that I had not married before. I felt myself happy in my new situation, and where is that station which can confer a more substantial system of felicity than that of an American farmer, possessing freedom of action, freedom of thoughts, ruled by a mode of government which requires but little from us? Every year I kill from 1500 to 2,000 weight of pork, 1,200 of beef, half a dozen of good wethers in harvest: of fowls my wife has always a great stock: what can I wish more?
ellauri321.html on line 146: The next wish of this traveller will be to know whence came all these people? they are a mixture of English, Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, Germans, and Swedes. (Oh, and sundry Indians and Africans, who however own no land.)
ellauri321.html on line 149: these accumulated rewards procure them lands; those lands confer on them the title of freemen, and to that title every benefit is affixed which men can possibly require. This is the great operation daily performed by our laws. Ubi panis ibi patria is the motto of all immigrants.
ellauri321.html on line 161: By living in or near the woods, their actions are regulated by the wildness of the neighbourhood. The deer often come to eat their grain, the wolves to destroy their sheep, the bears to kill their hogs, the foxes to catch their poultry. This surrounding hostility, immediately puts the gun into their hands; they watch 67 watch these animals, they kill some; and thus by defending their property, they soon become professed hunters; this is the progress; once hunters, farewell to the plough. The chase renders them ferocious, gloomy, and unsociable; a hunter wants no neighbour, he rather hates them, because he dreads the competition. In a little time their success in the woods makes them neglect their tillage. They trust to the natural fecundity of the earth, and therefore do little; carelessness in fencing, often exposes what little they sow to destruction; they are not at home to watch;
ellauri321.html on line 164: These new manners being grafted on the old stock, produce a strange sort of lawless profligacy, the impressions of which are indelible. The manners of the Indian natives are respectable, compared with this European medley. Their wives and children live in sloth and inactivity; and having no proper pursuits, you may judge what education the latter receive. Their tender minds have nothing else to contemplate but the example of their parents; like them they grow up a mongrel breed, half civilized, half savage, except nature stamps on them some constitutional propensities. 68 propensities. That rich, that voluptuous sentiment is gone that struck them so forcibly; the possession of their freeholds no longer conveys to their minds the same pleasure and pride.
ellauri321.html on line 166: Near the great woods, in the last inhabited districts men seem to be placed still farther beyond the reach of government, which in some measure leaves them to themselves. How can it pervade every corner; as they were driven there by misfortunes, tunes, necessity of beginnings, desire of acquiring large tracks of land, idleness, frequent want of œconomy, ancient debts; the re-union of such people does not afford a very pleasing spectacle. When discord, want of unity and friendship; when either drunkenness or idleness prevail in such remote districts; contention, inactivity, and wretchedness must ensue. There are not the same remedies to these evils as in a long established community. The few magistrates they have, are in general little better than the rest; they are often in a perfect state of war; that of man against man, sometimes decided by blows, sometimes by means of the law; that of man against every wild inhabitant of these venerable woods, of which they are come to dispossess them. There men appear to be no better than carnivorous animals of a superior rank, living on the flesh of wild animals when they can catch them, and when they are not able, they subsist on grain. Eating of wild meat, whatever you may think, tends to alter their temper.
ellauri321.html on line 173: Thus all sects are mixed as well as all nations; thus religious indifference is imperceptibly disseminated from one end of the continent to the other; which is at present one of the strongest characteristics of the Americans. Buahaha sure as hell.
ellauri321.html on line 182: There is room for every body in America; has he any particular talent, or industry? he exerts it in order to procure a livelihood, and it succeeds. Is he a merchant? the avenues of trade are infinite; is he eminent in any respect? he will be employed and respected. Does he love a country life? pleasant farms present themselves; he may purchase what he wants, and thereby become an American farmer. Is he a labourer, sober and industrious? he need not go many miles, nor receive many informations before he will be hired, well fed at the table of his employer, and paid four or five times more than he can get in Europe. Does he want uncultivated lands? Thousands of acres present themselves, which he may purchase cheap. Whatever be his talents or inclinations, if they are moderate, he may satisfy them. I do not mean that every one who comes will grow rich in a little time; no, but he may procure an easy, decent low maintenance, by his industry. Instead of starving he will be fed, instead of being idle he will have employment; and these are riches enough for such men as come over here.
ellauri321.html on line 246: These Russian Trollskies are rife on social media and what they post can be easily identified for the crap that it is. Only those unsound of mind believe anything they post, posing as questions by in reality fake news. Quarterbrain morons.
ellauri321.html on line 260: It represented the temporary culmination of long-standing efforts by US imperialism to install a puppet regime on the borders of Russia and brought the world a major step closer to a war between the largest nuclear powers, the US and Russia. Ukraine has since been systematically built up as a launching pad for a NATO war against Russia.The regime change prompted the outbreak of an ongoing civil war in the east of Ukraine, between Russian-backed separatists and the US-backed Ukrainian army, that has claimed the lives of tens of thousands and displaced millions.
ellauri321.html on line 282: Juan makasi aidan varjossa sydän täynnä rakkautta ja vihaa, joita hän ei ymmärtänyt. Hän oll liittynyt sotapuolueeseen.
ellauri321.html on line 398: Runon toinen osa, joka kuvaa pimppua ja sillä razastajia, pohtii mahdollisuutta, että taiteen tehtävänä ei ole kuvata hässimisen erityispiirteitä, vaan universaaleja hahmoja, mikä kuuluu termin "totuus" alle. Kolme hahmoa edustaisivat sitä, kuinka rakkaus, kauneus ja taide yhdistyvät idealisoituun maailmaan, jossa taide edustaa yleisön tunteita. Tämä johtopäätös taiteesta on sekä tyydyttävä, että se antaa yleisön todella ottaa yhteyden taiteeseen, että epä-, koska se ei tarjoa yleisölle opetusta tai narsistista täyttymystä.
ellauri321.html on line 498: We, Russians, don’t need foreigners in these foreign lands. Kostroma ja Togliatti ovat lähellä Tutajevia, jonka nimi oli ennen Romanov-Borisoglebsk.
ellauri322.html on line 100: Commerce needs no other protection than the reciprocal interest which every nation feels in supporting it—it is common stock—it exists by a balance of advantages to all; and the only interruption it meets, is from the present uncivilised state of governments, and which it is its common interest to reform. Buahaha.
ellauri322.html on line 125: Never did so great an opportunity offer itself to England, and to all Europe, as is produced by the two Revolutions of America and France. By the former, freedom has a national champion in the western world; and by the latter, in Europe. When another nation shall join France, despotism and bad government will scarcely dare to appear. To use a trite expression, the iron is becoming hot all over Europe. The insulted German and the enslaved Spaniard, the Russ and the Pole, are beginning to think. The present age will hereafter merit to be called the Age of Reason,61 and the present generation will appear to the future as the Adam of a new world.
ellauri322.html on line 127: When all the governments of Europe shall be established on the representative system, nations will become acquainted, and the animosities and prejudices fomented by the intrigue and artifice of courts, will cease. As soldiers have hitherto been treated in most countries, they might be said to be without a friend. Shunned by the citizen on an apprehension of their being enemies to liberty, and too often insulted by those who commanded them, their condition was a double oppression. But where genuine principles of liberty pervade a people, everything is restored to order; and the soldier civilly treated, returns the civility.
ellauri322.html on line 142: Kirjaa kunnioittivat ensimmäisen sukupolven romanttiset runoilijat , kuten William Wordsworth ja Samuel Taylor Coleridge , vaikka he myöhemmin kääntyivät pois radikalismista. Kuitenkin, kuten romantiikan tutkija Andrew McCann selittää, " Percy Shelleyn töiden radikalismissa Godwinin ajattelulla oli suurin vaikutus romanttiseen liikkeeseen, ja ... Shelleyn työ oli keskeisin radikaalin tunteen elpymiselle Napoleonin sotien lopulla."
ellauri322.html on line 238: After the mother's death, Mary Wollstonecraft left home again, to live with her friend, Fanny Blood, who was at Walham Green. In 1782 she went to nurse a manned sister through a dangerous illness. The father's need of support next pressed upon her. He had spent not only his own money, but also the little that had been specially reserved for his children. It is said to be the privilege of a passionate man that he always gets what he wants; he gets to be avoided, and they never find a convenient corner of their own who shut themselves out from the kindly fellowship of life.
ellauri322.html on line 240: In 1783 Mary Wollstonecraft aged twenty-lour with two of her sisters, joined Fanny Blood in setting up a day school at Islington, which was removed in a few months to Newington Green. Early in 1785 Fanny Blood, far gone in consumption, sailed for Lisbon to marry an Irish surgeon who was settled there. After her marriage it was evident that she had but a few months to live ; Mary Wollstonecraft, deaf to all opposing counsel, then left her school, and, with help of money from a friendly woman, she went out to nurse her, and was by her when she died. Mary Wollstonecraft remembered her loss ten years afterwards in these "Letters from Sweden and Norway," when she wrote:
ellauri322.html on line 242: " The grave has closed over a dear friend, the friend of my youth ; still she is present with me, and I hear her soft voice warbling in the hay over the heath."
ellauri322.html on line 260: from the effects of which she would escape as the wife of a citizen of the United States. But she did not marry. She witnessed many of the horrors that came of the loosened passions of an untaught populace. A child was born to her a girl whom she named after the dead friend of her own girlhood. And then she found that she had leant upon a reed. She was neglected; and was at last forsaken. Having sent her to London, Imlay there visited her, to explain himself away. She resolved on suicide, and in dissuading her from that he gave her hope again. He needed somebody who had good judgment, and who cared for his interests, to represent him in some business affairs in Norway. She undertook to act for him, and set out on the voyage only a week after she had determined to destroy herself.
ellauri322.html on line 264: She was rescued, again, and lived on with deadened spirit. In 1796 these "Letters from Sweden and Norway " were published. Early in 1797 she was married to William Godwin. On the 10th of September in the same year, at the ago of thirty-eight, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin died, after the birth of the daughter who lived to become the wife of Shelley and write a blockbuster bestseller. The mother also would have lived, if a womanly feeling, in itself to be respected, had not led her also to unwise departure from the customs of the world. Peace be to her memory. None but kind thoughts can dwell upon the life of this too faithful disciple of Rousseau (except for the feminismim).
ellauri322.html on line 280: Karua on rannikolla, viinaa vetävät ja nakertavat kovaa ruisleipää jota leivotaan vain kerran vuodessa. Palaveliitkin nakertavat sitä, mikä Marysta tuntuu barbarismin jäänteeltä. Isännät mätkii renkejä, rengit piikoja. Eletään kuin Koiramäen talossa. Naiset pesee pyykit avannolla eikä miehet edes auta. Minusta on mukavaa kun palvelijaa kohdellaan melkein perheenjäsenenä. Palvelijaa pitää rakastaa, eixje Peg? Peg?
ellauri322.html on line 299: The grave has closed over a cdear friend, the friend of my youth (Fanny Blood). Still she is present with me, and I hear her soft voice warbling as I stray over the heath. Fate has separated me from another, the fire of whose eyes, tempered by infantine tenderness, still warms my breast (Mr. Imlay); even when gazing on these tremendous cliffs sublime emotions absorb my soul. And, smile not, if I add that the rosy tint of morning reminds me of a suffusion which will never more charm my senses, unless it reappears on the cheeks of my child. Her sweet blushes etc etc.
ellauri322.html on line 319: Marian yksinkertainen, klassinen mekko oli tyylikäs päiväpukeutumiseen ja tuo mieleen muinaisen patsaan loiston (taas hautajaiset.) Verho virtaa hänen pitkää, eleganttia selkää pitkin ja reiden yli; sen vaaleanvihreä, kuten sen vyö, on väri, joka tarkoittaa tristesseä. Hän pitelee tallenninta ja koiransa vaaleaa talutushihnaa, jotka molemmat näkyvät selvästi valkoista mekkoa vasten. Pieni bolognesekoira Silvio, ehkä Marian ainoa ystävä, katsoo myötätuntoisesti säälittävää rakastajataraan. Maaseudun puut ovat vielä täynnä lehtiä. Heti Marian takana kahden vahvan rungon kuoressa on hopeanhohtoisia kohokohtia, kuten hopeakoivun, mutta sitä lukuun ottamatta jokainen puu on melko epäspesifinen. (Sterne toteaa, että Maria istuu pippelin juurella, mutta en ole vakuuttunut taiteilijan uskollisuudesta tekstille.)
ellauri322.html on line 323: Kaiken kaikkiaan tonaliteetti on hillitty ja Marian hahmo sekoittuu tähän väriharmoniaan ilman eläviä kontrasteja. Vaikka tämä ei ole varsinaisesti muotokuva, Wright tarvitsi mallin Marialle. Uskotaan, että rouva Mary Bassano poseerasi hänelle. Hän oli mennyt naimisiin Derby-perheeseen, jonka esivanhempien kerrottiin tulleen Italiasta muusikkona Henrik VIII:n hoviin. Maria maalattiin Edwinin kumppaniksi tohtori Beattien muutama vuosi aiemmin valmistuneesta Minstrelistä. Edwin on kuvattu unenomainen paimenpoika, jonka kuva on uskollinen runolliselle lähteelle ("The Minstrel; tai, Progress of Genius", pitkä runo tohtori James Beattien, 1771). Edwin myytiin Wakefieldin suojelijalle, mutta hän ei ostanut Mariaa, joka pysyi Wrightin hallussa hänen kuolemaansa asti. Vaikka on surullista, että tämä ilahduttavan toisiaan täydentävä kuvapari ei ole koskaan roikkunut pysyvästi yhdessä, on ilo nähdä Marian niin hyvin sijoitettuna ruokasalissa Pickford's Housessa, Friargaten Derbyssä.
ellauri322.html on line 337: The increasing population of the earth must necessarily tend to its improvement, as the means of existence are multiplied by invention. You have probably made similar reflections in America, where the face of the country, I suppose, resembles the wilds of Norway.
ellauri322.html on line 358: The view of this wild coast, as we sailed along it, afforded me a continual subject for meditation. I anticipated the future improvement of the world, and observed how much man has still to do to obtain of the earth all it could yield. I even carried my speculations so far as to advance a million or two of years (!) to the moment when the earth would perhaps be so perfectly cultivated, and so completely peopled, as to render it necessary to inhabit every spot, yes, even these bleak shores. Imagination went still farther, and pictured the state of man when the earth could no longer support him. Whither was he to flee from universal famine ? Sitten se kezu söi ize izensä ja sixi ei enää ole kezuja.
ellauri322.html on line 367: Here I met with an intelligent literary man, who was anxious to gather information from me relative to the past and present situation of France. The newspapers printed at Copenhagen, as well as those in England, give the most exaggerated accounts of their atrocities and distresses, but the former without any apparent comments or inferences. Still the Norwegians, though more connected with the English, speaking their language and copying their manners, wish well to the Republican cause, and follow with the most lively interest the successes of the French arms. So determined were they, in fact, to excuse everything, disgracing the struggle of freedom, by admitting the tyrant’s plea, necessity, that I could hardly persuade them that Robespierre was a monster. Laureenska myöntää että kaikki ukrainalaiset eivät pidä Zelenskystä.
ellauri322.html on line 369: You may think me too severe on commerce, but from the manner it is at present carried on little can be advanced in favour of a pursuit that wears out the most sacred principles of humanity and rectitude. What is speculation but a species of gambling, I might have said fraud, in which address generally gains the prize?
ellauri322.html on line 399: The country during the first day’s journey presented a most barren appearance, as rocky, yet not so picturesque as Norway, because on a diminutive scale. We stopped to sleep at a tolerable inn in Falckersberg, a decent little town with a prettyish little wilderness in the back, though all the windows were to the west.
ellauri322.html on line 444: Tanskalaiset näyttävät yleisesti ottaen olevan äärimmäisen vastenmielisiä innovaatioille, ja jos onnellisuus on vain oma mielipide, he ovat maailman onnellisimpia ihmisiä; sillä en ole koskaan nähnyt yhtä hyvin tyytyväisiä omaan tilanteeseensa.
ellauri322.html on line 458: From what I have seen throughout my journey, I do not think the situation of the poor in England is much, if at all, superior to that of the same class in different parts of the world; and in Ireland I am sure it is much inferior. I allude to the former state of England; for at present the accumulation of national wealth only increases the cares of the poor, and hardens the hearts of the rich, in spite of the highly extolled rage for almsgiving.
ellauri322.html on line 464: Yhdessä hotlassa Holsteinissa kaunis nuori nainen, jolla oli rauhoittavat taivaansiniset silmät, johti meidät erittäin siistiin olohuoneeseen ja huomasi, kuinka vapaasti ja kevytmielisesti pikkutyttöni oli pukeutunut, alkoi sääliä häntä mitä hellästi sanoen terveestä punaisuudesta huolimatta. hänen poskillaan. Tämä sama tyttö oli pukeutunut – oli sunnuntai – hyvällä maulla ja jopa kekseliäästi puuvillatakkiin, joka oli koristeltu sinisen nauhan solmuilla, ja joka oli sovitettu monimutkaisesti elävöittämään hänen kaunista ihoaan. Pysähdyin hieman ihaillakseni häntä, sillä jokainen ele oli siro; ja kylän muiden asukkaiden joukossa hän näytti puutarhaliljalta, joka yhtäkkiä kohotti päänsä jyvien ja maissikukkien sekaan. Koska laitos oli pieni, annoin hänelle kolikon, hieman suuremman kuin tavallisesti annoin tarjoilijoille, koska en voinut saada häntä istumaan - jonka hän hyväksyi hymyillen, mutta piti huolen antaakseen sen läsnä ollessani tytölle, joka toi lapselle leivän; tästä ymmärsin, että hän oli talon emäntä tai tytär ja epäilemättä kylän kauneus. Lyhyesti sanottuna kaikissa pienissä kylissä, kun lähestyin Hampuria, vallitsi iloisen teollisuuden ja köyhyyden poissulkevan mukavuuden ilmapiiri, mikä yllätti minut iloisesti.
ellauri323.html on line 84: Zuleika Dobson – "vaikkakaan ei ehdottoman kaunis" - on edvardiaanisen aikakauden tuhoisan viehättävä nuori nainen, todellinen femme fatale, joka on ammatiltaan arvovaltainen entinen sirkustirehtööri. Zuleikan nykyinen ammatti (tosin mikä vielä tärkeämpää, hänen kiehtova kauneutensa) on tehnyt hänestä jonkinlaisen pienen julkkiksen, ja hän onnistuu pääsemään Oxfordin yliopiston etuoikeutettuun, vain miehistä koostuvaan alueeseen, koska hänen isoisänsä on Juudaksen Collegen vartija (perustuu Merton Collegeen, Beerbohmin alma materiin). Siellä hän rakastuu ensimmäistä kertaa elämässään Dorsetin herttuaan, snobi, emotionaalisesti irrallinen opiskelija, joka – turhautuneena siihen, ettei hän pysty hallitsemaan tunteitaan, kun hän näkee hänet – joutuu myöntämään, että hänkin on hänen ensimmäinen rakkautensa ja kosi häntä impulsiivisesti. Koska hän kuitenkin tuntee, ettei hän voi rakastaa ketään, ellei tämä ole läpäisemätön hänen viehätysvoimalleen, hän kuitenkin hylkää kaikki kosijansa ja tekee samoin hämmästyneen herttuan kanssa. Herttua huomaa nopeasti, että Noaks, Kerekekeks Koaks Koaks, toinen Oxford-opiskelija, väittää myös rakastuneensa häneen olematta koskaan edes ollut tekemisissä hänen kanssaan. Ilmeisesti miehet rakastuvat häneen heti nähdessään hänet. Ensimmäisenä, jolle hän on vastannut rakkautensa (miten vain lyhyeksikin ajaksi), herttua päättää tehdä itsemurhan symboloidakseen intohimoaan Zuleikaa kohtaan ja toivoo, että hän lisää tietoisuutta hänen lumoavan viehätyksensä kauheasta voimasta.
ellauri323.html on line 106: Hän syntyi Jacopo dei Benedettiksi ja kuului pieneen aatelisperheeseen. Hän opiskeli lakia Bolognassa ja hänestä tuli menestyvä asianajaja . Jossain vaiheessa 20-vuotiaana hän meni naimisiin nuoren aatelisnaisen Vanna di Bernardino di Guidonen kanssa, joka oli joidenkin kertomusten mukaan hurskas ja antelias nainen. Hänen maineensa vuoksi maallisena ja ahneena miehenä hiän otti tehtäväkseen kuolettaa lihaansa sovitukseksi tämän käytöksestä.
ellauri323.html on line 131: The further she went West—millionaire Edelweiss had loaned her his private car—the lovelier her time was. Chicago drowned the echoes of New York; final Frisco dwarfed the headlines of Chicago. Like one of its own prairie-flies, she swept the country from end to end. Then she swept back, and sailed for England. She was to return for a second season in the coming Fall. At present, she was, as I have said, “resting.”
ellauri323.html on line 135: And I daresay, indeed, that had he never met Zuleika, the irresistible, he would have lived, and at a very ripe old age died, a dandy without reproach. For in him the dandiacal temper had been absolute hitherto, quite untainted and unruffled. He was too much concerned with his own perfection ever to think of admiring any one else. Different from Zuleika, he cared for his wardrobe and his toilet-table not as a means to making others admire him the more, but merely as a means through which he could intensify, a ritual in which to express and realise, his own idolatry. At Eton he had been called “Peacock,” and this nick-name had followed him up to Oxford. It was not wholly apposite, however. For, whereas the peacock is a fool even among birds, the Duke had already taken (besides a particularly brilliant First in Mods) the Stanhope, the Newdigate, the Lothian, and the Gaisford Prize for Greek Verse. And these things he had achieved currente calamo, “wielding his pen,” as Scott said of Byron, “with the easy negligence of a nobleman.” The dandy must be celibate, cloistral; is, indeed, but a monk with a mirror for beads and breviary—an anchorite, mortifying his soul that his body may be perfect.
ellauri323.html on line 202: Kun The Dial lopetti julkaisemisen vuonna 1929, hän muutti osoitteeseen 260 Cumberland Street Brooklynin Fort Greenen naapurustossa, jossa hän asui kirjastonhoitajana kolmekymmentäkuusi vuotta. Hän jatkoi kirjoittamista hoitaessaan sairasta äitiään, joka kuoli vuonna 1947. Hän ei päässyt koskaan naimisiin, eikä ihme kun kazoo kuvia ja lukee tätä suollosta:
ellauri324.html on line 115: Nää on otteita William Blumin kirjasta. Ei vittu ei jaxa lukea pitemmälle, on tää niin käsittämätöntä roistomaisuutta. Mutta siitähän on niin kauan, tikulla silmään sille joka vanhoja muistelee! Keskitytään nyt tähän Ukrainan tilanteeseen, ja Israelin oikeuteen tehdä kansanmur- puolustaa izeään!
ellauri324.html on line 131: Set der Auflösung des → Ost-West-Konflikts im Jahr 1990 sind die → Vereinigten Staaten deutlich handlungsfähiger geworden, z.B. haben die UN der Resolution 678 vom 20.11 1990 den Einsatz aller notwendigen Mitteln gegen den Aggressor Irak ermöglicht. Damit wurde die militärische Intervention vom Sicherheitsrat mit dieser Resolution einer Koalition aus 29 Staaten unter der Führung der USA ermöglicht. Allerdings haben die UN free hands den USA für den Einsatz der militärischen Mittel gegen den Aggressor gegeben. Die Sicherheitsrat hat faktisch damit den Oberbefehl den USA anvertraut und die politische Kontrolle dieser I. aus seiner Hand gegeben.
ellauri324.html on line 177: Here’s the tally: With an international Jewish population that amounts to only one quarter of one percent of humanity, a little more than 20 percent of all Nobel recipients between 1901, the first year prizes were awarded, and today, have been Jews or had at least one Jewish parent, including 37 percent of American recipients. The greatest concentration has been in economics (the economics prize was established in 1968; 38% of the winners have been Jewish or half-Jewish) and physiology/medicine (29 percent). Of peace prize winners, nine have been Jews — including, appallingly enough, Henry Kissinger (1973). “Nobel Peace, my ass! If Henry Kiss-of-Death deserves it, so do I!” —Bill Horowitz
ellauri324.html on line 226: The infrastructure is just one symptom of America’s degradation: the streets of major cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles are filling up with homeless drug addicts, leaving the sidewalks littered with tents, needles, and human waste. Next to nothing is done for these people because it is seen as “their problem” that they are mentally ill, and lack access to mental health services and affordable housing. The irony is that there are so many of these people now that they have become everyone’s problem. Retailers in downtown SF are closing down their stores because the conditions in the streets are keeping paying customers away, whilst the cops barely regard shoplifting as a crime.
ellauri324.html on line 230: The US is run by an oligarchy of libertarian fantasists, who have spent so long sucking hallucinogenic bile from the withered teats of Ayn Rand that they have lost all contact with reality. The government is not entirely to blame for the current situation; a lot of the social problems are the result of the narcissistic counter culture that started in the 1960s, but now that these problems are getting worse, the question is, can the government continue to pretend that they don’t exist, or that there is somehow a “free market” solution to mass shootings, drug addiction, and homelessness?
ellauri324.html on line 240: If the author of the question long one is wealthy and well traveled he would know that Europe and Asia had many technological advances long before USA did or will ever have such as TGV or bullet trains for example. After spending time in Europe and Asia it was decades later I saw many of these advances here to buy or experience. Japanese cars nearly sunk USA automakers. Why didn’t the corp heads heed anything. TGV in France and Japan and other nations is unrivaled and we have not even one such train here. Tankless water heaters, available in Asia and Europe decades before here. Roads and other infrastructure also superior. My research shows that Americans were so busy creating totalitarian policies like redlining and private cars and pools and expressways removed entire neighborhoods of blacks to create all white suburbs that they were unconcerned with advances that would unite people. Sure everywhere are class societies but it’s a whole different level here. The homeless situation is opening eyes in this country and many things are borne out of a highly segregated society where it’s expensive to live in certain cities and suburbs and the rest be damned. Obviously California has destroyed itself from within. The liberals there and other states are the most class and race conscious than any other people on earth. This blind spot is like a beacon. A prism that breaks down social order. The wealthy libs have to accept their roles in American destruction. It will get worse long before it improves. [Redlining is an illegal practice in which lenders avoid providing credit services to individuals living in or seeking to live in, communities of color because of the race, color, or national origin of the residents in those communities.]
ellauri324.html on line 244: Eventually the fake money in the stock exchange thats being backed by the one world people will eventually burst and when it does their will be a solution. A new digital currency will slowly be on the rise as the new and “logical” solution to the economic disaster. Since our currency is paper and is no longer backed by gold it is easy to just switch to digital money. This new idea (which has been planned for years) will start to make its way on your smart phones and new trendy devices like wrist bands and and tech glasses. This will hold your driving traveling financial health and social information on it and money and credit cards will slowly be pushed out to the point of being obsolete and a thing of the past. Crime will arise and these trendy devices will get hacked stolen and destroyed. their will be a type of digital fraud that will be almost impossible to deal with until a “new solution arrises”.
ellauri324.html on line 262: Reagan (äärioikealla) tapaa (vasemmalta oikealle) puolustusministeri Caspar Weinbergerin, ulkoministeri George Shultzin, oikeusministeri Ed Meesen ja kansliapäällikön Donald Reganin soikeassa toimistossa.
ellauri324.html on line 334: Hyökkäys oli sotilaallinen (?) tappio Pohjois-Vietnamille, koska Etelä-Vietnamissa ei tapahtunut kansannousuja eikä ARVN-yksiköiden loikkauksia. Tällä hyökkäyksellä oli kuitenkin kauaskantoisia seurauksia sen vaikutukseen amerikkalaisen yleisön ja koko maailman näkemyksiin Vietnamin sodasta. Kenraali Westmoreland raportoi, että PAVN/VC:n kukistaminen vaatisi 200 000 amerikkalaissotilasta lisää ja reservien aktivoinnin, mikä sai jopa sodan uskolliset kannattajat myöntämään, että nykyinen sotastrategia vaati uudelleenarviointia. Hyökkäys vaikutti voimakkaasti Yhdysvaltain hallitukseen ja järkytti amerikkalaista yleisöä, jonka poliittiset ja sotilaalliset johtajat olivat saaneet uskomaan, että pohjoisvietnamilaiset olivat tappion kohteena eivätkä kykene käynnistämään niin kunnianhimoista sotilaallista operaatiota. Amerikan julkinen tuki sodalle laski Tetin uhrien ja luonnospuheluiden (draft calls) lisääntymisen seurauksena.
ellauri324.html on line 490: USA:ta vaikka maa on mennyt Akun ja Joe-pojan perseeseen.
ellauri324.html on line 558: well obviously not being present. This is rare, but I
ellauri324.html on line 568: 55represent a military tradition of war. That wakes very
ellauri324.html on line 626: or looking like … well obviously not being present. This
ellauri324.html on line 636: represent a military tradition of war. That wakes very
ellauri324.html on line 694: prove a substance to be unhealthy or dangerous and these
ellauri324.html on line 721: illegal for the government to spend money on research
ellauri324.html on line 792: And, of course, obesity. Ensimmäistä kertaa yli neljä kymmenestä yhdysvaltalaisnaisesta on lihavia. 7. KESÄKUUTA 2016 18:41 NEW YORK - Kansakunnan liikalihavuusepidemia jatkaa kasvuaan naisten hälyttävän lisääntymisen johdosta. Ensimmäistä kertaa yli neljä kymmenestä yhdysvaltalaisnaisesta on liikalihavia hallituksen uusien terveystilastojen mukaan. Henkilöä, joka on 5 jalkaa 4 eli yhdysvaltalaisten naisten keskipituus, pidetään lihavana, kun se painaa 174 kiloa tai enemmän. Henkilö, joka on noin 5 jalkaa 9, on noin miesten keskipitkä, katsotaan lihavaksi 203 kiloa. Half of America will be obese within 10 years, study says.
ellauri324.html on line 794: ese-US-No-1.jpg" />
ellauri324.html on line 795: World getting more obese, USA N:o 1.
ellauri324.html on line 798: We had expected to see a few obese people in the U.S. But
ellauri324.html on line 799: the numbers of obese people and the degree of obesity is
ellauri324.html on line 801: people get so fat? Well, nutrition, of course. Once we stayed in a motel with complimentary breakfast. Each single breakfast item was sugary: juice, danish, donuts, muffins, sweetened yoghurt, even a “hotcake”, composed of egg, bacon, cheese and pancakes with fake maple syrup. Not a single item without sugar!
ellauri324.html on line 803: After these messages, Quora assistant bot sums it all up nicely:
ellauri324.html on line 822: Huffington Postin artikkelissa, jonka otsikko on "Kuka on hipsteri?", Julia Plevin väittää, että "hipsterin määritelmä pysyy läpinäkymättömänä kenellekään tämän itsensä julistavan, erittäin valikoivan piirin ulkopuolella". Hän väittää, että "hipsterien koko pointti on se, että he välttävät etikettejä ja leimaamista. He kuitenkin kaikki pukeutuvat samalla tavalla ja toimivat samalla tavalla ja mukautuvat yhteensopimattomuuteensa" "ikoniseen huolella luotuun, huolimattomaan vintage-ilmeeseen".
ellauri325.html on line 64: Risk on strategialautapeli diplomatiasta, konfliktista ja valloituksesta kahdesta kuuteen pelaajalle. Vakioversiota pelataan pöydällä, joka kuvaa maailman poliittista karttaa ja joka on jaettu 42 alueeseen, jotka on ryhmitelty kuuteen mantereeseen. Vuorot pyörivät pelaajien kesken, jotka hallitsevat pelinappuloiden armeijoita, joilla he yrittävät kaapata alueita muilta pelaajilta. Tulokset määräytyvät nopanheittojen perusteella. Pelaajat voivat muodostaa ja purkaa liittoutumia pelin aikana. Pelin tavoitteena on miehittää kaikki pelilaudan alueet ja eliminoida muut pelaajat. Peli voi olla pitkä, ja sen loppuun saattaminen voi kestää useista tunteista useisiin päiviin. Eurooppalaiset versiot on rakennettu siten, että jokaisella pelaajalla on rajoitettu "salainen tehtävä" -tavoite, joka lyhentää peliä. Jenkkien tavoite ei ole salainen, se on koko pallon hegemonia.
ellauri325.html on line 98: Jeltsin erotti 1990-luvun lopulla neljä pääministeriä ja vuonna 1998 koko hallituksensa. Seuraavana vuonna parlamentti yritti asettaa presidentin syytteeseen siitä, että hän olisi muun muassa edesauttanut Neuvostoliiton hajoamista. Jeltsin kuitenkin selvisi toukokuun 1999 epäluottamuslauseesta, jonka antoi duuman oppositio, demokraatit ja kommunistit.
ellauri325.html on line 114: "Venäjän osalta on monia merkkejä siitä, että tämä talous- ja sotilaspolitiikkaa määräävä ja joukkotiedotusvälineitä hallitseva globaalin eliitin osa ei missään tapauksessa sisällytä Venäjän kansaa niiden joukkoon, joilla on mahdollisuus päästä pelastusveneeseen. kultainen miljardi."
ellauri325.html on line 125: Krimin jatkosota siirtyy asemasotavaiheeseen
ellauri325.html on line 201: Aluksi Neuvostoliiton joukot suorittivat Moskovan alueen strategista puolustusta rakentamalla kolme puolustusvyöhykettä, ottamalla käyttöön äskettäin koottuja reservarmeijoita ja tuomalla joukkoja Siperian ja Kaukoidän sotilaspiireistä. Kun Saksan hyökkäykset pysäytettiin, Neuvostoliiton strateginen vastahyökkäys ja pienemmän mittakaavan hyökkäysoperaatiot pakottivat Saksan armeijat takaisin Orjolin, Vyazman ja Vitebskin kaupunkien ympärille ja lähes piirittivät kolme saksalaista armeijaa. Se oli suuri takaisku saksalaisille, ja heidän uskonsa nopeaan Saksan voittoon Neuvostoliitosta loppui. Epäonnistuneen hyökkäyksen seurauksena kenttämarsalkka Walther von Brauchitsch erotettiin Saksan armeijan ylipäällikkyydestä, ja korpraali Hitler korvasi hänet.
ellauri325.html on line 260: Veblen syntyi 30. heinäkuuta 1857 Catossa Wisconsinissa norjalais-amerikkalaisten maahanmuuttajavanhempien Thomas Veblenin ja Kari Bunden perheeseen. Hän oli kuudes kahdestatoista lapsesta. Norja oli hänen ensimmäinen kielensä. Hurra Thorsten!
ellauri325.html on line 283: Pojan ammatinvalinnassa ei näkynyt sitä innokasta elämäntyön kaipuuta, jota julkkiksissa löydämme. Hän ei halunnut lakimieheksi, koska siihen on opittava lakia. Hän ei halunnut lääkäriksi, koska siihen on osattava lääketiedettä. Hän ei halunnut olla liikemies, koska siihen täytyy osata liiketoimintaa; eikä hän halunnut olla opettaja, koska hän oli nähnyt niitä liian monta. Sikäli kuin hänellä oli valinnanvaraa, se oli Robinson Crusoen ja Walesin prinssin välillä. Hänen isänsä kieltäytyi molemmista ja laittoi hänet lyhyttavaraliikkeeseen.
ellauri325.html on line 311: Viihdetalkoisiin osallistui myös Iloisen Juuston kirjoittaja Jussi Talvi, josta on paasaus ja kuvakin Maila Talvion vieressä naziseurassa albumissa 24. Jussin telenovelassa Martti pihkaantuu Kansallisoopperan tanssijattareen Eva Marianneen, jättää Ingridin ja panttaa arvoesineensä saadaxeen oopperalipppuja. Panttilainaamon juutalainen kumartuu yli tiskin ja varoittaa: Kuule nuori mies varo naista, hiän tuomas vain pelkkä paha. Mielenkiintoista on että juutas käyttää preesensmuotona 3tta infinitiiviä Wolfram Rothin tavalla. Tässä välissä terässinfonia idästä puhkes jälleen. Ja voi vizi! Täähän kirjoitus on puhdasta antisemitismiä! Martti vaihtaa takas Ingridiin tajutessaan että Eva Marianne on ko. jutkun tytär! Martti ei pidä blondista jos se on pesemällä saatu.
ellauri325.html on line 499: Matti Kuusi sivuaa Ohareissaan sotamuistoja. Ei ne olleet kovin kummosia. Venäjän vallattua Krimin Ukrainalta vuonna 2014 Mainilan laukaukset nousivat kansainväliseen keskusteluun. Ukrainan YK-suurlähettiläs vertasi marraskuussa 2018 Venäjän toimia Mustallamerellä Neuvostoliiton vuonna 1939 lavastamaan tapahtumasarjaan. Sodat muistuttavatkin monessa kohdin toisiaan. Sevastopol on Leningrad, Krim on kannas, ja länkkärit kannustavat itärintaman sodankäyntiä taas kazomosta maxamalla viuluja. Jatkosota 2022 on juuttunut asemasotavaiheeseen. Israelin jumala on edennyt pommittamaan Syyriaa.
ellauri325.html on line 647: Tämä Kuusi syntyi raittiustoiminnasta tunnettuun perheeseen: hänen isänsä oli A. A. Granfelt ja äitinsä Mandi o.s. Cantell. Aksel August Granfelt (26. heinäkuuta 1846 Hausjärvi – 23. helmikuuta 1919 Mäntyharju) oli suomalainen kansanvalistus- ja raittiusliikkeen johtaja, valtiopäivämies ja yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttaja. Hän toimi Kansanvalistusseuran sihteerinä vuosina 1878–1906 ja johti perustamaansa Raittiuden Ystävät -järjestöä.
ellauri325.html on line 667: Kuusi oli myös merkittävä raittiusliikkeen vaikuttaja. Hän toimi useiden raittiusseurojen ja raittiusjärjestöjen puheenjohtajana. Aarne Kuusen veli oli Eino Kuusi. Aarne Kuusi avioitui vuonna 1913 Alli Zidbäckin kanssa. Perheeseen syntyi kuusi lasta, näiden joukossa professori Matti Kuusi, arkkitehti Olli Kuusi ja pääjohtaja Pekka Kuusi.
ellauri325.html on line 712: Seuraava kasku koskee Matin kälyä, Norssia ja Aulis Ojajärveä. Nyt tarkkana! Jämeräleukaisen Aulis Ojajärven mielestä Rafu Hölmström mielisteli norssihuligaaneja, jotka ahdistivat Matin kälyn häpy seinää vasten luultuaan sitä naskalixi. Hölmström ei olisi ottanut siitä paiseita vaikka tilanne oli vakava. Matilla oli kaunaa hampaankolossa Hölmströmille Raittiuden ystävien ajoilta. Pekka veli oli Alkon johtajana erotettu liitosta. L-Ärvi P-Poijärvi (Boijer) istui äärioikealla hurjan huolestuneena. Se sai potkut kouluhallituxesta nazina. Matti pisti neulan paiseeseen, Hölmströmille lemput ja fasistiveli Ojajärvelle kauan odotettu ylennys.
ellauri325.html on line 730: Parempi yksi viehkeä pyy Helsingissä kuin kaksi ylpeää metsokukkoa Lontoossa, minä rauhoitin huolestunutta Urpo Ventoa. Neiti Jane pestautui Marimekon myyjäksi oppiakseen paremmin suomea, mutta häipyi yllättäen takaisin Kanadaan. En kestänyt kauempaa marimekkoja ja helsinkiläisrouvia, hän viestitti vastaukseksi kaipaavaan kirjeeseeni. Marimekon selitys lähdön syistä oli paljon karumpi: joku oli pannut sen paxuxi.
ellauri326.html on line 391: Decisions on what type of weapons can be supplied have changed over time. Initially there were a number of Russian "red line" warnings about supplying certain types of lethal weapons. Over time, a number of these red lines have diluted and melted away, allowing weapons to be delivered without too many threats of dire retribution or consequences to the supplier.
ellauri326.html on line 568: Ensimmäinen Prahan defenestraatio tapahtui vuonna 1419 ja se oli osa hussilaissotiin johtanutta tapahtumaketjua. Prahan Uudenkaupungin raati kieltäytyi vapauttamasta vangitsemiaan hussilaisia, ja protestanttipappi Jan Želivskýn johtamat radikaalit hussilaisjoukot osoittivat mieltään raatihuoneen edessä. Lopulta osa protestoijista tunkeutui sisälle raatihuoneeseen ja heitti raatimiehet ulos ikkunasta kadulle, missä raivoava väkijoukko pieksi heidät hengiltä.
ellauri326.html on line 570: Toinen Prahan defenestraatio vuonna 1618 tunnetaan tapahtumana, joka käynnisti kolmikymmenvuotisen sodan. Kaksi vuotta aiemmin Böömin valtaistuimelle oli noussut kiihkokatolinen Ferdinand II, jonka käskystä protestanttien uskonnonvapautta rajoitettiin. Böömin protestantit pitivät tätä keisari Rudolf II:n myöntämän uskonnonvapauden loukkauksena. 23. toukokuuta 1618 joukko protestantteja tunkeutui Prahan linnaan ja heitti ulos ikkunasta kaksi katolista neuvosherraa, Wilhelm Slavatan ja Jaroslav Borsita von Martinicin, sekä näiden kirjurin. Kaikki kolme säilyivät hengissä 15-metrisestä ilmalennosta putoamalla linnan puutarhassa olleeseen lantakasaan; tosin katolilainen propaganda väitti myöhemmin enkeleiden varjelleen heitä. Defenestraatiosta alkanut sisällissota Böömin katolisten ja protestanttien välillä kärjistyi lopulta kolmikymmenvuotiseksi sodaksi.
ellauri327.html on line 39: These hilarious "You Shall Not Pass" memes remind fans of the most quotable line in, not only the whole series, but film history.
ellauri327.html on line 72: eseau-nopasaran.org/catalogue/images/No-PA-73.jpg?osCsid=e3a1954349092893b7a308caa00e618c" height="200px" />
ellauri327.html on line 75: eseau-nopasaran.org/catalogue/images/nopa83.gif" height="200px" />
ellauri327.html on line 92: ese-soviet-propaganda-posters%2B%252813%2529.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri327.html on line 100: Curtis Morgan: No offence, honest!, but are you for real? A Ukrainian citizen living in New York, that is possible. But a Ukrainian citizen named 'Yipei Feng'? If what I have heard and read on the news is anything to go by, Ukranians just do not have names like 'Yipei Feng'. Yipei Feng? Ukranian? I think not! Chinese softly pushing the CCP party line (China and Taiwan getting back together …even if China uses force), that I can believe. Maybe Feng Yipei has since changed her name to “Curtis Morgan”, but the original was obviously a Chinese name. And her history of questions has her claiming she is British as well. In addition, a general obvious pro-China, pro-Russia, ant-West and anti-Ukraine slant in her questions.
ellauri327.html on line 426: No tottakai! Eipä yiläri! Coben syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen Newarkissa, New Jerseyssä, ja varttui Livingstonissa, jossa hän valmistui Livingston High Schoolista lapsuudenystävänsä, tulevan kuvernöörinsä Chris Christien kanssa sylikkäin.
ellauri327.html on line 509: Maineensa pilannut Imppa halusi tehdä selvän pesäeron punaisiin ja etsi jyrkillä mielipiteillään hyväksyntää valkoisten kannattajilta. Venäjän kieltä opiskellut ja pitkiä aikoja Venäjällä oleskellut Kianto muuttui samalla myös venäläisvastaiseksi Suur-Suomen kannattajaksi. Perinteiset valkoisten kannattajat suhtautuivat kuitenkin epäillen ”valkoiseksi anarkistiksi” julistautuneeseen Kiantoon.
ellauri327.html on line 522: Kianto tuomittiin talvisodan jälkeen maanpetoksen yrityksestä puoleksi vuodeksi kuritushuoneeseen, koska hän oli jättänyt talonsa Turjanlinnan kuistinpöydälle tyhjän sikarilaatikon, jonka kanteen hän oli kirjoittanut venäjänkielisen viestin:
ellauri327.html on line 530: Tämän tekstin jouduttua suomalaisten käsiin se tulkittiin ilmoitukseksi läheisen talon miehittämättömyydestä, mikä katsottiin vakoiluksi. Kianto tuomittiin kuudeksi kuukaudeksi kuritushuoneeseen ja kansalaisluottamuksen menettämiseen. Presidentti Kyösti Kallio armahti Kiannon kuritushuoneesta ennen tuomitun ajan päättymistä. Jutun seurauksena Kianto erotettiin ”maanpetturina” useista kulttuuriseuroista, muun muassa Suomen Kirjailijaliitosta, jota hän itse oli ollut perustamassa, ja myös Karjalan Heimosoturiliitosta. Katkeroitunut ja tuomiota oikeusmurhana pitänyt Kianto kirjoitti tapauksesta päiväkirjansa pohjalta teoksen Omat koirat purivat, joka kuitenkin pääsi julkisuuteen vasta 1946.
ellauri328.html on line 68: Samma skurkaltiga Schibsted som döljer sig bakom The Guardian har en skrivelse om Putins nyttiga idioter bakom betalmur. Sedan när behöver man betala för västerpropaganda? Elämme ja hengitämme kasvua ja kehitystä. Kyss fittan med eran tillväxt och utveckling! Selskapet ble grunnlagt av Christian Schibsted i 1839 da han startet en liten virksomhet som boktrykker i Oslo. Schibsted overtok eierskapet til Verdens Gang i 1966, da avisen var i finansielle problemer. I 1988 ble det til da familieeide selskapet gjort om til aksjeselskap og det ble opprettet ulike datterselskaper.
ellauri328.html on line 121: Latinalainen lause liittyy vanhaan kreikkalaiseen oikeistolaisuuden periaatteeseen, joka käännetään kirjaimellisesti englanniksi "jokaiselle omansa". Rebublikaani Plato tarjoaa väliaikaisen määritelmän, jonka mukaan "oikeus on sitä, kun jokainen huolehtii omista asioistaan ja pidättäytyy sekaantumasta toisten asioihin" (kreikaksi : "...τὸ τὰ αὑτοῦ πράττειν καố" μονεῖν δικαιοσύνη ἐστί...", 4.433a). Jokaisen tulee toimia kykyjensä ja kykyjensä mukaan palvellakseen maata ja koko yhteiskuntaa. Lisäksi jokaisen tulisi saada "omansa" (esim. oikeudet) eikä heiltä riistettävä "omaansa" (esim. omaisuutta) (433e).
ellauri328.html on line 158: Useita voittoja ja tappioita myöhemmin 2-mastoinen venäläinen priki Rurik kuskasi Napsun Helenalle. - Gleb Semenych, sieluni, huomautus päiväkirjaan: viisikymmentä mailia luoteeseen, Pyhän Helenan saari on avautunut. Pysäköinti on mahdollista vain Gemstonen alueella!
ellauri328.html on line 338: Dein Ross bei diesem Ton Sun razus huudon kuultuaan
ellauri328.html on line 375: Tämä artikkeli perustuu suurelta osin yhteen lähteeseen.
ellauri328.html on line 462: Mutta Johnson puolusti torstaina päätöstään yhdistää Israelin apu verohallinnon rahoituksen leikkauksiin. "En liittänyt sitä poliittisista syistä, ok. Liitin sen, koska yritämme jälleen päästä takaisin verovastuun periaatteeseen," motivoiva puhuja kertoi toimittajille. "Ja se oli helpoin ja suurin kasa rahaa, joka meillä on, jotta pystyisimme maksamaan tämän välittömän velvoitteen."
ellauri328.html on line 515: esentative-marjorie-taylor-greene-republican.webp?w=466&h=311&f=bc8973528050c33c419cd232fd0db0b0" height="300px" />
ellauri328.html on line 518: "Pathetic," Greene said of the 23 House Republicans who didn't support her attempt to censure Rashida Tlaib. "She is an Israel hating America hating woman who does not represent anything America stands for, while I sure as hell do. Just look at my blond hairdo and close set eyes."
ellauri328.html on line 520: Marjorie Taylor Greene is the U.S. representative from Georgia's 14th district. A Republican, her 2020 win is her first elective office. A controversial figure in the Republican Party and a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump, Greene was removed from all House committee roles in 2021 for incendiary statements she previously made. She has since been added to the House Homeless Security Committee. LOL HAHA
ellauri330.html on line 92: Robert Sutton on Stanfordin yliopiston professori, motivaatiomallien, organisaatiorakenteiden ja luovuuden asiantuntija. Yli sadan artikkelin ja kahdeksan kirjan kirjoittaja, mukaan lukien The No Asshole Rule; Outoja ideoita, jotka toimivat; Knowing-Doing Gap ym. Dan Ariely on psykologian ja käyttäytymistalouden professori Duken yliopistossa ja yksi Center for Advanced Hindsightin perustajista. Pylkkäsen erikoisaloja ovat mielenfilosofia, mieli–ruumis-ongelma, kognitiotieteen perusteet, fysiikan filosofia, David Bohmin luonnonfilosofia ja kvanttiteorian perusteet. Hän väitteli vuonna 1992 Bohmin kvanttiteoriatulkinnan merkityksestä mielenfilosofialle ja kognitiotieteelle. Bohm oli täysi huijari ja Paavo siihen hurahtanut huuhaamies. Tämmöstä bergsonilaisuutta: "Neo- Naturalist Approaches to Consciousness. Research topic in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, 2019." Näistäkin on jo paljon paasattu. Sekobolzisesta David Bohmista on alustava paasaus syntymäpäiväalbumissa 52.
ellauri330.html on line 103: Descartes erotti fyysisen henkisestä ulottuvuudesta ja oletti syy-suhteen tietoisen kokemuksen ja hermoprosessien välillä. Hän nimitti tietoisia kokemuksia 'ajatuksiksi' ja piti niitä kiistattomina. Kysymys siitä, kuinka voimme kuroa umpeen subjektiivisen kokemuksen ja hermotoiminnan välistä kuilua, jäi kuitenkin vastaamatta, ja yritykset yhdistää karteesinen käsitys evoluutioteoriaan eivät ole johtaneet selityksiin ja testattavissa oleviin hypoteeseihin. Väitetään, että vaihtoehtoinen uusaristoteelinen käsitys mielestä älyn ja tahdon kyvyistä ratkaisee nämä ongelmat. Keskustelemme siitä, kuinka uusaristoteelinen käsitys, jota laajennetaan käsityksellä, että organismit ovat avoimia termodynaamisia järjestelmiä, jotka ovat saaneet perinnöllisyyden, voidaan yhdistää evoluutioteoriaan, ja selvitämme, kuinka voimme selittää neljää erilaista tietoisuuden muotoa evoluution termein.
ellauri330.html on line 206: Länsitrolli John McLaughlin lisää että These maps predate the Russian invasion. Since the invasion, you’ll find more and more people who claim Ukrainian as their native language. Nationally, the education ministry is enforcing more consistently rules that require school instruction (of all topics, including Russian) to be conducted only in Ukrainian. Toinen trolli läväyttää vaihtoehtoisen kielikartan:
ellauri330.html on line 211: Мы сами здесь на юге так усердно и так наивно насаждали в городах обрусительные начала, наша печать столько хлопотала здесь о русском театре и распространении русской книги, что мы под конец совершенно потеряли из виду настоящую, осязательную, арифметическую действительность, как она «выглядит» за пределами нашего куриного кругозора. За этими городами колышется сплошное, почти тридцатимиллионное украинское море. Загляните когда-нибудь не только в центр его, в какой нибудь Миргородский или Васильковский уезд: загляните в его окраины, в Харьковскую или Воронежскую губернию, у самой межи, за которой начинается великорусская речь, – и вы поразитесь, до чего нетронутым и беспримесным осталось это сплошное украинское море. Загляните когда-нибудь не только в центр его, в какой нибудь Миргородский или Васильковский уезд: загляните в его окраины, в Харьковскую или Воронежскую губернию, у самой межи, за которой начинается великорусская речь, — и вы поразитесь, до чего нетронутым и беспримесным осталось это сплошное украинское море. Есть на этой меже села, где по ею сторону речки живут «хохлы», по ту сторону — «кацапы». Живут испокон веков рядом и не смешиваются. Каждая сторона говорит по-своему, одевается по-своему, хранит особый свой обычай; женятся только на своих; чуждаются друг друга, не понимают и не ищут взаимного понимания. Съездил бы туда П. Б. Струве, автор теории о «национальных отталкиваниях», прежде чем говорить о единой трансцендентной «общерусской» сущности. Такого выразительного «отталкивания» нет, говорят, даже на польско-литовской или польско- белорусской этнографической границе.(Урок юбилея Шевченко) Me itse täällä etelässä istutimme niin ahkerasti ja niin naiivisti venäläistämisen periaatteita kaupunkeihin, meidän lehdistömme täällä höystyi niin paljon venäläisestä teatterista ja venäläisten kirjojen levittämisestä, että lopulta menetimme täysin silmistämme todellisen, kosketeltavan, aritmeettisen todellisuuden, miltä se "näyttää" kanahorisonttimme ulkopuolella. Näiden kaupunkien takana heiluu jatkuva, lähes kolmenkymmenen miljoonan voimakas Ukrainan meri. Katso jonain päivänä paitsi sen keskustaa, johonkin Mirgorodin tai Vasilkovsky-alueeseen, missä asustivat Ivan Ivanovizh ja Ivan Nikiforovitzh, katso sen laitamille, Harkovin tai Voronežin lääniin, juuri siihen rajaan, jonka jälkeen suuri venäläinen puhe alkaa - ja hämmästyt kuinka koskematonta ja väärentämätöntä se on. Tämä on jatkuva Ukrainan meri. Tällä rajalla on kyliä, joissa "khokholit" asuvat tällä puolella jokea ja "katsapit" asuvat toisella puolella jokea. Muinaisista ajoista lähtien he ovat asuneet vierekkäin eivätkä sekoitu. Kumpikin osapuoli puhuu omalla tavallaan, pukeutuu omalla tavallaan, ylläpitää omaa erityistapaansa; naimisiin vain omiin; vieraannuttaa toisiaan, eivät ymmärrä eivätkä etsi keskinäistä ymmärrystä. P. B. Struve, "kansallisten vastenmielisyyksien" teorian kirjoittaja, vittu menisi sinne ennen kuin puhuu yhdestä transsendenttisesta "kokovenäläisestä" olemuksesta. Sanotaan, ettei sellaista ilmeistä "luotaantyöntävyyttä" ole edes Puolan ja Liettuan tai Puolan ja Valko-Venäjän etnografisella rajalla. (Oppitunti Ševtšenkon vuosipäivänaä)
ellauri330.html on line 241: Edelliset kaksi teoriaa keskittyvät tietoisuuden toiminnallisiin näkökohtiin ja korostavat frontaalista (edessä) ja patriarkaalista (takaa kohti ja sivuille) aivoaluetta. Sitä vastoin integroitu informaatioteoria (3) keskittyy tajunnan fenomenologisiin aspekteihin – milyä se tuntuu, noin kokemuksellisesti – ja ehdottaa, että tietoisuus liittyy takakuoren "kuumaan vyöhykkeeseen", joka sijaitsee aivojen takaosassa ja sisältää osia patriarkaalista, ajallista. ja takaraivolohkot. Tämän teorian mukaan tietoisuus riippuu järjestelmän kyvystä tuottaa integroitua tietoa.
ellauri330.html on line 392: Aristokraattiseen maanomistajaperheeseen syntynyt Kropotkin kävi sotakoulua ja palveli myöhemmin upseerina Siperiassa, jossa hän osallistui useisiin geologisiin tutkimusmatkoihin. Hänet vangittiin aktivismistaan vuonna 1874, ja hän onnistui pakenemaan kaksi vuotta myöhemmin. Hän vietti seuraavat 41 vuotta maanpaossa Sveitsissä, Ranskassa (jossa hän oli vangittuna lähes neljä vuotta) ja Englannissa. Maanpaossa ollessaan hän piti luentoja ja julkaisi laajasti anarkismista ja maantiedosta. Kropotkin palasi Venäjälle Venäjän vallankumouksen jälkeen vuonna 1917, mutta pettyi bolshevikkivaltioon.
ellauri330.html on line 397: Kropotkin oli pidättyväinen yksityiselämässään. Sai bylsityxi juutalaisnuorikostaan vain yhden tyttären. Alexandra " Sasha " Kropotkin (1887–1966) oli New Yorkissa asuva kirjailija ja venäjän kielen kääntäjä. Britannian maanpaossa venäläisen tiedemiehen ja anarkisti Peter Kropotkinin perheeseen syntynyt tytär ja muu yhteiskunnallisesti merkittävä perhe palasi Lontoosta salonkeja pitämästä Venäjälle vuoden 1917 vallankumouksesta hänen kuolemaansa asti 1921. Muuttaessaan New Yorkiin 1927 hiän säilytti naisten kolumnissaan kuninkaallisen kunniamerkin ("prinsessa"), jonka hiänen isänsä, Kropotkinin aateliston jälkeläinen oli kieltänyt. Hiän käänsi venäläistä kirjallisuutta englanniksi ja kirjoitti venäläisen keittokirjan, jota The New York Times piti luokkansa parhaana.
ellauri330.html on line 541: Tuoppi olutta ja kakſi korttelia wiinaa lipparikſi on kohtuullinen mitta ja määrä wäsyneen miehen kurkkuum ja päähän. Nytpä kannu keikkui ja parta kastui, pojat laulaa lasketteliwat ja muorin tyttäret nauraa rikosteliwat. Mutta läkſinpä iloleikistä pois, läksin pitkin katua täymään. Lauluni remahti, akkunat ſäpäleiksi sälähti, ja ſiitäpä liikkeille Tampereen poroporwarit kaikki. Mutta minä, aina lystipoika, minä wiitenä wilkkasin pitkin rantaa, heille potkaisin wasten kuonoa ſoraa ja ſantaa. Tulin siitä Poriin, pantiin pärekoriin ja wedettiin pitkin torii; tulin Uuteenkaupunkiin, siellä akkunasta haukuttiin; tulin Turkuun, pistettiin puukko kurkkuun. Tulinpa lopulta Aningaisten kadun haaraan ja siellä kohtasin wiifi nokkelata naaraa. Ensimmäinen potkaisi mua jalallansa, toinen sanoi: anna sen pojan olla alallansa! hän ei ole mitään rakkari eikä mikään pikiprakkari. Mutta kolmas kysyi: mikä sitä poikaa waiwaa? ja neljäs sanoi: häntä pitäis auttaa ajallansa. No lähdetäänpäs käsi kädessä käymään, lausuin minä, mutta wiides tuuppasi wihaisesti nyrkillänsä ja ärjähti: mene Helsinkiin! Menin minä Helsinkiin, pantiin syömään kruunun wellinkii, ja sitten poikaa tutkittiin ja huikeasti selkään hutkittiin: mene nyt tiehes, finä wasaran-poika! Läksin taasen tietä käymään, minä weitikka, aina iloinen, minä, jonka sydän on kuin hylkeennahkainen tupakkikukkaro. Kuljeskelin, laulelin ja tallustelin pitkin tölmällistä tietä; tulin Hämeeseen, astuin ylös Kuninkalan ſaarnastuoliin; ja sitten oli ammen plottis!
ellauri331.html on line 38: Die Gerüchte über mich und meinen Bruder sind verrückt. Wir sind nicht ****sexuell. Wenn wir das lesen, lachen Dinge im boulevardblätter ich und mein Bruder gerade. Vitali und ich experimentierten ein bisschen in unserem verstorbenen Teenageralter, aber das ist für junge Leute normal, in sexuellen Sachen neugierig zu sein. Wir versuchten es, und wir mochten es nicht, und es war ein langer vor langer Zeit. Gerade das zwei junge Mann-Erforschen und das Versuchen neuer Dinge. Mein Bruder und ich lieben Frauen, und wir sind völlig heterosexuell.
ellauri331.html on line 64: Ukrainan vastahyökkäyksen pääsuunnaksi kehittyi lopulta niin sanottu Melitopolin tai Tokmakin suunta. Ukraina onnistui kesän ja syksyn aikana puskemaan noin kymmenen kilometriä kohti Tokmakia ja vapauttamaan Robotynen kylän. Ukrainan vastahyökkäyksen tilinpäätös ei ole kaunista katsottavaa, sillä Kastehelmen mukaan yhteenkään strategiseen tavoitteeseen ei päästy. Etenkin etelässä haviteltiin läpimurtoa, joka jäi saavuttamatta. Pienetkin voitot saavutettiin raskailla ja vaikeilla taisteluilla.
ellauri331.html on line 235: Life (tyylitelty nimellä L!FE, entinen LifeNews ) on venäläinen hallitusta edistävä uutissivusto, jonka omistaa Aram Gabrelyanov [ ru ; hy ; uk ] ja julkaisija News Media [ ru ]. Sen toimistot ovat Moskovassa. Brändi yhdistetään yleisimmin lakkautettuun LifeNews-kanavaan ja usalaiseen Life-viikkolehteen, joka tuli Elna Hiekkalalle Bulevardilla. LifeNews nousi tunnetuksi käsittelemällä aktiivisesti Donbasin tapahtumia vuonna 2014 ja otti vahvan Kremlin-mielisen kannan. Kanavan luokitukset nousevat vuoden 2014 aikana huippuunsa 30 miljoonaan. Kanavan merkittäviin toimittajiin kuului Semen Pegov, joka jatkoi War Gonzo -projektin perustamista. Gonzo journalismi joutui skandaalin keskipisteeseen heinäkuussa 2014, kun he raportoivat positiivisella sävyllä, että Ukrainan vastaiset "kapinalliset" Itä-Ukrainassa olivat ampuneet alas Ukrainan sotilaskoneen. Suihkukone osoittautui pian siviilimatkustajakoneeksi, MH17, ja LifeNews siirtyi nopeasti poistamaan ja poistamaan alkuperäisen raporttinsa ja tuottamaan sitten lisää raportteja, joissa syytettiin Ukrainaa kohtalokkaasta ammuskelusta. Syyskuussa 2014 Ukrainan kansallinen televisioneuvosto kielsi 15 Kremlin ylläpitämää kanavaa, mukaan lukien LifeNewsin, koska he väittivät sen olevan sotapropagandaa. Mitä se toki olikin.
ellauri331.html on line 244: Vuoden 2014 Pew Research Centerin kyselyssä kävi ilmi, että Yhdysvalloissa suurin osa vastaajista piti BuzzFeediä epäluotettavana lähteenä iästä tai poliittisesta kannasta riippumatta. Mikä pahinta, yrityksen yleisöä on kuvattu vasemmistolaiseksi!
ellauri331.html on line 265: Syyskuussa 2018 englanninkielinen Wikipedia hylkäsi Occupy Democratsin lähteenä sen epäluotettavuuden vuoksi. Lokakuussa 2018 Simmons Researchin 38 uutisorganisaation tutkimuksessa Occupy Democrats sijoittui amerikkalaisten kolmanneksi vähiten luotetuksi uutisorganisaatioksi. Breitbart News, Daily Kos ja Palmer Report sekä InfoWars ja The Daily Caller (6kpl) olivat vielä alempana.
ellauri331.html on line 359: Vuonna 2004 sanomalehti julkaisi seitsemän kolumnisti Georgi Rozhnovin artikkelia, joissa Sergei Kirijenkoa syytettiin 4,8 miljardin Yhdysvaltain dollarin Kansainvälisen valuuttarahaston varojen kavalluksesta vuonna 1998, kun hän oli Venäjän pääministeri. Sanomalehti perustui syytöksensä kirjeeseen, jonka väitettiin kirjoittaneen Colin Powellille ja jonka allekirjoittivat Yhdysvaltain kongressiedustajat Philip Crane, Mike Pence, Charlie Norwood, Dan Burton ja Henry Bonilla ja joka julkaistiin American Defense Councilin verkkosivuilla. Sanomalehti väitti, että Kirijenko oli käyttänyt osan kavaltaetuista varoista ostaakseen kiinteistöjä Yhdysvalloista. Myöhemmin paljastettiin, että kirje oli The eXilen keksimä kepponen. Läppä läppä! Naura sinäkin! Vastauksena Kirijenko haastoi Novaja Gazetan ja Rožnovin oikeuteen kunnianloukkauksesta, ja antamassaan tuomion Kirijenkon hyväksi tuomioistuin määräsi Novaja Gazetan peruuttamaan kaikki syytöksiin liittyvät julkaisut ja sanoi, että sanomalehti "on velvollinen julkaisemaan vain virallisesti todistettu tieto, joka yhdistää herra Kirijenkon kavallukseen."
ellauri331.html on line 377: Mutta nytpä tulee kunnon ryssävihan aihetta! Peace Data tai PeaceData on valeuutissivusto, jota ylläpitää Internet Research Agency, maan hallitukseen yhteydessä oleva venäläinen kanava, joka julkaisee englanniksi ja arabiaksi.
ellauri331.html on line 381: Syyskuun 1. päivänä 2020 Facebook ja Twitter ilmoittivat saaneensa liittovaltion tutkintaviraston varoituksen disinformaatioyrityksestä ja ilmoittivat poistaneensa tai jäädyttäneensä siihen liittyviä tilejä. Daily Beast -sivusto kertoi, että operaatio yritti sijoittaa sisältöä Jacobiniin, In These Timesiin ja Truthoutiin, mutta epäonnistui.
ellauri331.html on line 445: Vuonna 2020, kun The New York Times -sanomalehti voitti International Reporting Prize -palkinnon, Proekt sanoi, että ainakin kaksi voittajan artikkelia toistivat Proektin muutamaa kuukautta aiemmin julkaistujen artikkelien havainnot lähteeseen mainitsematta.
ellauri332.html on line 76: Elokuva, kuuteen klassiseen taiteeseen juureutuva seitsemäs taide, on monen taiteilijan ja osaajan ryhmätyö, jonka työnjohtaja elokuvaohjaaja on. Elokuva on aina taideteos, mutta usein kauppatavara mitä konkreettisimmalla tavalla. Tämä fakta luo elokuvalle sen vaikean dualistisen olemassaolon. Yksi tekee, toinen myy. Yxi pyllistää, toinen tafsaa pyllyä.
ellauri332.html on line 124: Kun Hollywoodin raskaansarjan Leonardo Dicaprio ja ohjaaja Martin Scorsese tekevät yhteistyötä elokuvassa, se saa ihmiset varmasti puhumaan. Vuoden 2013 elokuva "The Wolf of Wall Street" ei ollut poikkeus. Toisin kuin heidän aikaisemmat yhteistyönsä, ihmisten sanoma ei kuitenkaan ollut täysin myönteistä.
ellauri332.html on line 140: Elokuvan akilleen kantapääxi osoittautui näyttelijä Zoe Saldanan valinta näyttelijä Nina Simonen pääosaan. Saldanaan täytyi tehdä pyllyproteeseja ja meikkiä, koska hän on puertoricolaista ja dominikaanista syntyperää, kun taas Nina Simone oli afroamerikkalainen. Monet kyseenalaistivat, miksi elokuvantekijät eivät vain palkkaaneet näyttelijää, jolla oli samanlainen syntyperä ja ihonsävy kuin Nina, varsinkin kun otetaan huomioon, että tällaisten näyttelijöiden rooleja on jo vähän.
ellauri332.html on line 144: Se ei ollut vain "The Tree of Life" -elokuvan loppu, joka oli hieman hämmentävä - se oli koko elokuva. Se keskittyy ensisijaisesti Teksasin kaupungissa asuvaan perheeseen, vaikka heidän elämänsä sekoittuu muihin kohtauksiin, jotka edustavat kaikkea ajan sairastamisesta tuonpuoleiseen. Ohjaaja Terrence Malick ei koskaan tarkentanut, mistä elokuvassa oli kyse. Elokuvakriitikot ovat kuitenkin ehdottaneet, että elokuva saa sinut pohtimaan kaikkea hyvää ja huonoa omassa elämässäsi ja kuinka se sopii isompaan kuvaan. Katsojat jakautuivat, jotkut ihailivat elokuvan abstraktia luonnetta, kun taas toiset eivät kestäneet sitä!
ellauri332.html on line 185: Useimmat teistä eivät tarvitse esittelyä "Huoneeseen". Sitä pidetään laajalti "Parhaana - pahimpana koskaan tehtynä elokuvana", joka on täynnä mutkikkaita juonilinjoja, uskomattoman huonoa editointia, kamalaa musiikkia ja huonoimpia näyttelijöitä, joita olet koskaan nähnyt. Vaikka monet uskoivat sen olevan parodia, se oli itse asiassa täysin vakava elokuva, jonka teki salaperäinen Tommy Wiseau sen pääosassa. Raina on kerännyt kulttia sen synkän julkaisun jälkeen ja on nyt yksi kaikkien aikojen suosituimmista huonoista elokuvista. Monissa Yhdysvaltojen teattereissa on vuosittain elokuvan teatteriesitys, ja se on aina loppuunmyyty mölyävien ja nauravien fanien keskuudessa. Vuoden 2017 elokuva "The Disaster Artist" kertoo elokuvan tekemisen kummallisista kulissien takaa.
ellauri332.html on line 246: Elokuva seuraa Teemu Keskisarjan nyrkkeilijän nousua (johon on lisätty rakkaus Bronxista), joka pääsee niin pitkälle ja huomaa sitten, että hänen tunnepitoisuuden puute on este kehässä ja hänen elämässään. Ohjaaja Martin Scorcesen ja Robert De Niron johdolla sitä pidetään klassikkona. Automerkistä tutun De Niron "menetelmänäyttelijä" -lähestymistapa väkivaltaisen Jake LaMottan hahmoon aiheutti kuitenkin paljon epämukavuutta näyttelijöille ja miehistölle. Tämä sisälsi suunnittelemattoman todellisen fyysisen nokkapokan, joka tapahtui yhdessä De Niron ja Cathy Moriartyn kohtauksista. Yleisö repesi. Kärpässarjan nyrkkeilijä näyttää urpolta ruipelolta, vetäiskö turpaan edes Sauli Niinistölle. No sille kyllä.
ellauri332.html on line 418: Not only does the film bear little resemblance to the source novel, but it's cluttered with ridiculous symbolism.
ellauri332.html on line 422: Love the book or hate it, but no novel deserves the shabby treatment that director Roland Joff and screenwriter Douglas Day Stewart have given the classic novel.
ellauri332.html on line 444: Liebe und Stolz lassen die mutige Mutter bereits sieben Jahre durchhalten. Als ihr seit Jahren verschollene Ehemann Roger Chillingworth (Hans Christian Blech) auftaucht und herausfindet, dass Pastor Dimmesdale (Ángel Álvarez) das Kind gezeugt hat, wendet sich auch ihr Schicksal. Chillingworth verhindert die Flucht des Geistlichen, als dieser auf einem Schiff nach England zu fliehen versucht.
ellauri332.html on line 477: Skylark, jonka luodinkestävä liivi pelastaa hänet, kokoontuu Rapaportin ja Sookin kanssa pakenemaan (Rothien puolixi korealaisen pennun rinnalla) vartijan avulla. Kolmikko kaappaa Kimin tankin päästäkseen noutopisteeseensä ja tappaa samalla useita muita vartijoita. Kim jahtaa ryhmää helikopterilla, mutta Skylark ampuu alas ja tappaa hänet ennen kuin hän voi antaa käskyn laukaista ohjus.
ellauri332.html on line 506: Elokuva tuomittiin sen etnisesti välinpitämättömästä aasialaisten hahmojen esittämisestä. Nimittäin käyttämällä meikkiä ja proteeseja saadakseen valkoiset näyttelijät näyttämään aasialaisilta. Vittu miten jenkit on rasisteja. Ne on kuin Oulun tiernapoikia.
ellauri332.html on line 518: Joten mikä tarkalleen aiheutti Megan Foxin äkillisen eron Transformersista ? Megan Fox lähti Transformersista juuri ennen Transformers: Dark of the Moon -ohjelmaa, mikä oli Transformersien vastaus Wonderland- haastatteluun, jonka hän teki vuonna 2009, jossa hän vertasi Bayn asennetta kuvauksissa Hitlerin asenteeseen. Hän sanoi: " Hän haluaa olla kuin Hitler lavastellaan, ja hän onkin. Joten hän on painajainen työskennellä." Foxin edustajat väittivät, että se oli hänen päätöksensä lähteä, kun taas raportit osoittivat, että studio ja Bay päättivät jatkaa. Vuonna 2011 Bay sanoi, että Spielberg käski häntä erottamaan hänet Hitlerin kommentin jälkeen. Kommentin loppuosoite lie ollut Herr Spielberg selber, joka juutalaisena otti siitä kovin nokkiinsa.
ellauri332.html on line 535: Vähäisen polttoainemäärän vuoksi Cooper ja Brand käyttävät Gargantuaa painovoimalinkona päästäkseen Edmundsin planeettalle, mutta mustan aukon läheisyyden vuoksi he menettävät jälleen 51 vuotta. Cooper ja TARS irtautuvat Endurancelta omissa kapseleissaan Gargantuan ytimeen, jossa kaksikko päätyy äärettömän tesseraktin (tämä ihme on takuulla förbitty Sikiön Wallulta) sisälle. Cooper ymmärtää rakennelman olevan kaukaisen tulevaisuuden ihmisten luoma. Hän siirtyy ajassa taaksepäin, jolloin hän näkee Murphin lapsuudenhuoneeseen kirjahyllyn läpi ja huomaa voivansa vaikuttaa rajallisesti huoneen painovoimaan. Hän siirtyy ajassa eteenpäin ja löytää aikuisen Murphin tutkimasta vanhaa huonettaan. Cooper lähettää Murphille datan, jonka TARS on kerännyt tapahtumahorisontin sisäpuolelta, morsettamalla sen hänelle huoneeseen jättämänsä rannekellon sekuntiviisarin avulla. Tästä näperryxestä tesserakti romahtaa. Myöhemmin Cooper herää Saturnusta kiertävässä avaruussiirtokunnassa. Hän tapaa vanhuuteen kuolemaisillaan olevan tyttärensä. Murph oli onnistunut Cooperin lähettämien tietojen avulla suorittamaan loppuun Brandin laskelmat ja ratkaisemaan painovoimapropulsioteorian. Tämän ansiosta tähtien välisen matkustamisen hallitseva ihmiskunta voitiin evakuoida tuhoutuvalta planeetalta. Murph muistuttaa Cooperia siitä, että Amelia on yksin CASEn kanssa Edmundsin planeetalla. Cooper ja TARS lähtevät kohti Edmundsin planeettaa, jossa ilkialasti ilman avaruuspukua kävelevä Amelia valmistautuu Adam-nimisen apinan kaa uuden siirtokunnan perustamiseen.
ellauri332.html on line 538: Is this cheese?
ellauri332.html on line 678: Tämä uiki-artikkeli perustuu suurelta osin tai kokonaan yhteen lähteeseen, nähtävästi unelmatrokariin izeensä. Auta parantamaan tätä artikkelia lisäämällä viittauksia muihin lähteisiin.
ellauri333.html on line 49: Väärin väärin itäintiaanit! Kalat eivät pane vaan ne kutevat. The kala pani (lit. black water) taboo represents the proscription of traveling overseas in Hinduism. According to this prohibition, crossing the seas to foreign lands causes the loss of one's social respectability, as well as the putrefaction of one’s cultural character and posterity. Merelle ei parane mennä siellä kalat panevat ja skorbioonit pistää sammakoita lääkepiikillä. I am levitating now, mukeltavat mutakuono itäintiaanit tämännimisessä pimeässä Clickflix kauhusarjassa, saastunutta vettä juovat, nikottelevat ja verta sylkevät.
ellauri333.html on line 71: Muut kuin oikein ääntelevät arjalaiset oli barbaareja. The word mleccha emerged as a way for the ancient Hindus to classify those who did not subscribe to the "traditional value system," Early writings refer to these foreign peoples as "half-civilized, unconverted people who rise or eat at improper times." Mlecchas drank alcohol, ate cow flesh, which was strictly forbidden to a follower of Hindu orthopraxy, and believed in false gods. Swami Parmeshwaranand states the mleccha tribe was born from the tail end of the celestial cow Nandini, The mlecchas drove angered elephants. Olipa ozaa tälläkin mutakuonolla. Vitun mamuja.
ellauri333.html on line 73: According to another belief in the pre-modern India, the Kala Pani (sea water) was inhabited by the mowglis, bad spirits and monsters. However, not all Hindus adhered to the proscription, so as to gain monetary wealth. For instance, Hindu merchants were present in Burma, Muscat, and other places around Asia and Africa. The East India Company recruited several upper-case soldiers, and adapted its military practices to the requirements of their religious rituals. Consequently, the overseas service, considered polluting to their caste, was not required of them. The General Service Enlistment Act of 1856 required the new recruits to serve overseas if asked. The serving high-caste sepoys were fearful that this requirement would be eventually extended to them.[12] Thus, the Hindu soldiers viewed the Act as a potential threat to their faith. The resulting discontent was one of the causes of the Indian rebellion of 1857. The Cellular Jail was known as Kala Pani, as the overseas journey to the Andaman islands threatened the convicts with the loss of caste, resulting in social exclusion.
ellauri333.html on line 79: The Kala Pani theme features prominently in the Indo-Caribbean history, and has been elaborately discussed in the writings of V. S. Naipaul. Ashoka oli proselyytti buddhisti. Ashoka also states that he sent emissaries to the West to transmit medical care and medicinal plants (Major Rock Edict No.2). We do not know what the influence of these emissaries was on the Greek world. Most likely null. Barbaarit varmaan mätki niitä takaraivoon ja vei Ketan kamat.
ellauri333.html on line 81: These inscriptions proclaim Ashoka's adherence to the Buddhist philosophy. The inscriptions show his efforts to develop the Buddhist dhamma throughout his kingdom. Although Buddhism as well as Gautama Buddha are mentioned, the edicts focus on social and moral precepts rather than specific religious practices or the philosophical dimension of Buddhism. These were located in public places and were meant for people to read.
ellauri333.html on line 91: From a foot-note 2 we are glad to learn that huge erections have now been put up over this and the other Ashoka inscriptions by the Mysore Government for their protection, and the headman of the village has the keys as custodian. Panini mielestä Asokan titteli Devanampriya 'jumalten suosikki' oli pilkkanimi. Panini himself as a hindoo or other old banana does not mention Devanampriya, but states that the termination of the genitive case is preserved at the end of the first member of compounds if the meaning is abusive.
ellauri333.html on line 93: Ceylonese sources state that Ashoka succeeded his father Bindusara 314 years after Buddha's Nirvana and that his anointment took place four years after his father's death, or 218 years after the Nirvana. The Burmese tradition confirms the two dates 214 and 218. The traditional date of the Nirvana is 544 B.C. Various devices were proposed in order to account for this chronological error, until Fleet showed that the Buddha-varsha of 544 B. C. is a comparatively modern fabrication, of the twelfth century, and that the difference of about sixty years is the quite natural result of the buddhists bungling it again.
ellauri333.html on line 128: From Indian literature we know that at all times kings used to entertain spies {chara or gudha-purusha). These agents were graded into high ones, low ones, and those of middle rank. A similar class of officers, which was created by Asoka himself, were the reporters (prativedaka), who were posted everywhere, as he says, in order to report to me the affairs of the people at any time, while I am eating, in the harem, in the inner apartment, even at the cowpen, in the palanquin, and in the parks.
ellauri333.html on line 140: Hyvä Asoka, turvan kiinnipito voittaa 'sananvapauden' 6-0. Moreover, Devanampriya speaks thus : Obedience must be rendered to mother and father, likewise to elders ; compassion must be shown towards animals ; the truth must be spoken: these same moral virtues (dharma-guna) must be practised. In the same way the pupil must show reverence to the master, and one must behave in a suitable manner towards relatives. This is an ancient rule, and this conduces to long life. Thus one must act.
ellauri333.html on line 157: (H) Even these three animals shall not be killed in future.
ellauri333.html on line 201: Ashokavadana- tarinan mukaan Ashoka syntyi Jayana näkyvään Raharikkaan perheeseen. Kun hän oli pieni poika, hän antoi Gautama Buddhalle kakkaa kuvitellen sen olevan ruokaa. Buddha hyväksyi lahjoituksen, ja Jaya julisti, että hänestä tulisi kuningas tämän lahjoituxen ansiosta. Kakkalahjan ansiosta sille tuli kyllä paha akne.
ellauri333.html on line 221: During a period of religious turmoil and Islamic rule of the Indian subcontinent, the Bhakti movement (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhakti_movement) and devotionalism-oriented Bhakti yoga (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhakti_yoga) had emerged as a major trend in Hindu culture by the 16th-century, and the Ramcharitmanas presented Rama (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rama) as a Vishnu avatar, supreme being and a personal god worthy of devotion, with Hanuman as the ideal loving devotee with legendary courage, strength and powers.
ellauri333.html on line 227: Bhakti movement saints such as Samarth Ramdas and Narendra Modi have positioned angry Hanuman as a symbol of nationalism and resistance to persecution. The Vaishnava saint Madhvacharya said that whenever Vishnu incarnates on earth, Vayu accompanies him and aids his work of preserving dharma. In the modern era, Hanuman's iconography and temples have been increasingly common. He is viewed as the ideal combination of "strength, heroic initiative and assertive excellence" and "loving, emotional devotion to his personal god Rama", as Shakti and Bhakti. In later literature, he is sometimes portrayed as the patron god of martial arts such as wrestling and acrobatics, as well as activities such as meditation and diligent scholarship. He symbolises the human excellences of inner self-control, faith, and service to a cause, hidden behind the first impressions of a being who looks like a Vanära. Hanuman is considered to be a bachelor and an involuntary celibate.
ellauri333.html on line 229: Some scholars have identified Hanuman as one potential inspiration for Sun, the Monkey King character in the Chinese epic adventure Journey to the West.
ellauri333.html on line 233: Hannuman is a Slayer of demons, evil and negative energies: Hanuman is offered worship to rid of negative influences, such as ghosts, evil spirits and ill-intentioned humans. The following names of Hanuman describe some of these qualities, Rakshovidhwansakaraka, Akshahantre, Dashagreevakulantaka, Lankineebhanjana, Simhikaprana Bhanjana, Maharavanamardana, Kalanemi Pramathana.
ellauri333.html on line 238: The earliest mention of a divine monkey, interpreted by some scholars as the proto-Hanuman, is in hymn 10.86 of the Rigveda, dated to between 1500 and 1200 BCE. The twenty-three verses of the hymn are a metaphorical and riddle-filled legend. It is presented as a dialogue between multiple characters: the god Indra, his wife Indrani and an energetic monkey it refers to as Virzakapi and his wife Kapi. Ngapa kapi kuyu. The hymn opens with Indrani complaining to Indra that some of the soma offerings for Indra have been allocated to the energetic and strong monkey, and the people are forgetting Indra. The king of the gods, Indra, responds by telling his wife that the living being (monkey) that bothers her is to be seen as a friend, and that they should make an effort to coexist peacefully. The hymn closes with all agreeing that they should come together in Indra's house and share the wealth of the offerings.
ellauri333.html on line 328: Also, one’s name is indicative of one’s religion, caste, place of birth and a myriad of other such identity factors. The extensive work of Raja Jayaraman (2005) on the same topic, traces the origin of Hindu caste-based surnames of the Indian subcontinent in the then-prevalent social institutions and rules of social interactions. According to him, as mentioned in the Samskara Vidhi or the Rules of Life-cycle Rituals in Hinduism, names like ‘Sharma’ are usually reserved for Brahmins, ‘Varma’ for Kshatriyas, ‘Gupta’ for Vaishyas and ‘Das’ for Shudras. Dalit are the worst, they are the pariahs, like Ritu Gagra.
ellauri333.html on line 340: To assume that surnames depicting caste and varna-based division of labour is a simple functionality of Indian society is a gross misjudgement. There are some very easily identifiable implications that arise when people are asked to present their full name. For example, since caste and religion can be determined through one’s surname, there have been instances where individuals with Dalit persons were discriminated against, even in scientific research institutes and similar establishments that claim to be ‘liberal’ and ‘free-thinking’.
ellauri333.html on line 343: For many Muslims in India, their surnames mark the influence of an Indo-Arabic ethnicity as well as some traces of caste in various parts of South Asia. For example, various surnames like Khan, Pathan, Afridi, Shaikh among several others are believed to have origins in Afghan communities in the north-western region of the Indian subcontinent. Christians and Jewish people in India also have a unique surname style depending on the various factions and denominations. For example, several Christians in Kerala who have the surname as ‘Oomen’, ‘Kurian’, ‘Varghese’, ‘Koshy’, etc. are identified as belonging to the Saint Thomas faction of south- Asian Christians.
ellauri333.html on line 360: Termiä dalit käytti etenkin tiettävästi ensimmäisenä Jyotirao Phule 1800-luvulla kiinnittääkseen huomiota kastittomien sorrettuun asemaan. Laajemmin tunnetuksi sen teki filosofina ja poliitikkona tunnettu paaria B. R. Ambedkar, joka osaltaan vaikutti kastilaitoksen viralliseen lakkauttamiseen. Ambedkar syntyi Mhowin kaupungissa, brittiläisessä Intiassa, kastittomaan perheeseen 14. huhtikuuta 1891.
ellauri333.html on line 379: esenting_the_final_draft_of_the_Indian_Constitution_to_Dr._Rajendra_Prasad_on_25_November%2C_1949.jpg/500px-thumbnail.jpg" />
ellauri333.html on line 390: His theory of State Socialism had three points: state ownership of agricultural land, the maintenance of resources for production by the state, and a just distribution of these resources to the population. 2023 biljonäärit määrää koko andamaanien asujainten kohtalot.
ellauri333.html on line 450: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Japanese_shooting_blindfolded_Sikh_prisoners.jpg/300px-Japanese_shooting_blindfolded_Sikh_prisoners.jpg" />
ellauri333.html on line 453: Sikhiläisyyden perustanut Nānak (1469–1538) syntyi hindulaiseen perheeseen. Ollessaan lähes 30-vuotias Nānak sai ketjureaktion, jonka johdosta hän jätti vanhan elämänsä taakse ja alkoi matkustella. Matkusteltuaan noin 20 vuoden ajan hän sai viljelymaata Keski-Punjabista ja perusti pai
ellauri333.html on line 544: Daniel Defoe ja Iris taittaa peistä siitä onko kaikki determinististä vai joku valintamyymälä. Is this cheese? Täysin yhdentekevää. Aikamatkustajat eivät problematisoi sitä miten käy jos menee muuttamaan juuri tätä historiaa. Eihän se sitten enää ole tää. Vähän sama ongelma kuin sielunvaelluxessa: jos musta tulee joku muu elukka niin en ole enää mä, ja miten käy pikkuveitikan? Enhän nytkään muista mikä olin ennen tätä rundia. Vitun turhanpäivästä. Mixei voi vaan uskoa ettei tästä tule tämän kummempaa? Kohta pölistään Hietaniemessä tuhkaläjänä. Loppuu tämä pölinä.
ellauri334.html on line 191: Jotkut ovat vertailleet herra Fedorovin tehtävää Amerikan Advanced Research Projects Agencyyn, joka tunnetaan parhaiten osallistumisestaan Internetin, GPS:n ja stealth-pommittajien luomiseen.
ellauri334.html on line 241: Todennäköisesti Juudas, joka kuului Juudan alueeseen, kun muut olivat galilealaisia, ei ollut vaikuttunut Jeesuksen väittämästä messiaanisesta luonteesta, ja siksi hän teki miehen teon ja ilmiantoi hänet. Sotilaat ja pappien upseerit, jotka tulivat miekkojen ja sauvojen kanssa vangitsemaan häntä ja hänen seuraajiaan olivat kiitollisia avusta. Hän valitsi Jeesuksen esille suutelemalla häntä tervehtiessään häntä rabbina (Joh. xviii. 1 ja seq. ); sitten he ottivat Jeesuksen kiinni ja veivät hänet sidottuna Hannaan ja ylipapin Kaifaan luo (Matt. xxvi. 47 ja seq., ja par. pas.), kun taas hänen opetuslapsensa, mukaan lukien Pietari, jättivät herransa hänen kohtalonsa varaan.
ellauri334.html on line 297: Judas doesn’t get the credit he deserves. Without Judas there’s no betrayal. Without the betrayal there’s no Passion. Without the Passion there’s no crucifixion. Without the crucifixion there’s no resurrection. And without the resurrection there’s no hope. I’m grateful for Judas.
ellauri334.html on line 321: Just like present day Christians who betrayed Jesus/ holy spirit and moving away from Christ. They forgot the concept of the kingdom of God and usi… (more)
ellauri334.html on line 364: 2 uhkaa brittiläisille Arvoille. Eikun veneeseen ja Ruandaan! (No ei. Onnexi me pääsimme autuaitten saarelle jo aiemmassa veneessä.)
ellauri334.html on line 370: Tämän lisääntyvän jakautumisen taustalla on ensinnäkin Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan politiikan jatkuva uudelleensuuntautuminen. On olemassa liike, jonka voimme jäljittää ennen vuotta 2015, pois taloudesta politiikan ensisijaisena kysymyksenä. Pääkysymys ei ole enää vapaat markkinat vastaan valtion väliintulo, vaan pikemminkin nationalismi ja perinteinen identiteetti vs. globalismi ja kulttuurinen liberalismi. On siirrytty GANTT-nelikentän pystyaxelille. Keskiluokan pahimmat viholliset eivät ole enää porhot, vaan ne pelkäävät matuja. Vuodesta 2016 lähtien sekä oikeiston että vasemmiston järjestöt ovat nähneet yhä epätoivoisempia ponnisteluja kääntääkseen tämän uudelleenjärjestelyn ja palauttaakseen politiikan entiseen muotoonsa. Rishi Sunakin päätös potkaista Braverman osoittaa, että tämä taistelu on nyt päässyt viimeiseen vaiheeseensa oikealla. On tosiasia, että konservatiivipuolue on kohtaamassa katastrofaalisen tappion seuraavissa vaaleissa. Oikeistolehdistön kanta on epäselvä, mutta se menee luultavasti kansalliskonservatiiviselle puolelle.
ellauri334.html on line 431: Presidentinvaalit|Kärkipaikka vaihtui ensi kertaa kannatusmittauksessa – näin Stubbin ja Haaviston kampanjat reagoivat tilanteeseen
ellauri335.html on line 61: "Tämä tyyli on ollut olemassa jo jonkin aikaa ja on mielestäni hieman ylisoitettua", Ireland kertoi Insiderille. "Laskiämpärit ja sinivalkoiset ruutuesiliinat ja tulehtuneet eturauhaset ovat eläneet päivänsä, mutta nyt on aika saada jotain uutta." Hän sanoo, että laitteiston, hanan ja valaistuksen lisääminen ovat helppoja päivityksiä tähän vanhentuneeseen trendiin.
ellauri335.html on line 228:
ellauri336.html on line 144: Todistetaan, että tämä motivaatio on ulottuvillamme! Luokaamme kuvitteellinen työpaja ja käytämme samanlaista tekniikkaa, jota lääkäri käytti. Tarjoamme jokaiselle vanhemmalle 50 dollaria päivässä siitä, etteivät he suuttuisi tai menetä malttiaan lapsilleen. (Tästä tulee 350 dollaria viikossa ja 1 400 dollaria kuukaudessa – ei pieni summa kenenkään huomioimatta!) Kehitämme edelleen mielikuvitustamme kuvitellaksemme tyypillisen "aiheen" käyttäytymistä tässä työpajassa. Kello on seitsemän aamulla, eivätkä pikku Yankie ja Rochele ole vieläkään nousseet sängystä valmistautumaan kouluun. Äiti tulee heidän huoneeseensa ja aikoo huutaa heille, koska he eivät ole huomioineet hänen ohjeitaan pukeutua ja syödä nopeasti. Äidin silmien edessä välähtää mystisesti 50 dollarin seteli, joka muistuttaa häntä työpajatehtävästään. Sitten hän lähestyy hellästi lapsiaan ja muistuttaa heitä pehmeällä avokämmenen vedolla poskelle, kuinka myöhäistä on ja että heidän on kiirehdittävä koulubussilleen.
ellauri336.html on line 208: Lapset tulkitsevat nimittelyn ja leimaamisen, esim. lapsen kutsumisen valehtelijaksi, tyhmäksi, huolimattomaksi tai sanomisen, että hän ei voi tehdä mitään oikein, selkeinä ja yksinkertaisina merkkeinä siitä, miten vanhemmat suhtautuvat heihin. Tämän negatiivisen tunteen myötä voimme tuskin odottaa lapsen hyväksyvän vanhempiensa sanat hyödyllisinä. Kuvittele itsesi vastaavaan tilanteeseen. Esimerkiksi, kun tuot kupin kahvia pöytään, ja saat huomiosi pienestä lapsestasi, joka tekee jotain söpöä. Tämän seurauksena unohdat tilapäisesti, että pidät täyttä kuppia kädessäsi ja harjaat pöytää vasten, jolloin kahvi roiskuu koko lattialle. Miltä sinusta tuntuisi, jos puolisosi ensimmäinen reaktio olisi kutsua sinua huolimattomaksi, huolimattomaksi tai millä tahansa muulla halventavalla nimellä? Tuntuisit epäilemättä loukatuksi ja loukatuksi, lievästi sanottuna. Luuletko olevasi avoin mille tahansa korjaukselle sillä hetkellä? Jos mitään, olisit vihainen huomautuksen johdosta ja haluaisit poistua puolisosi läsnäolosta mahdollisimman pian.
ellauri336.html on line 289: Rabbi Morgenstern does family counseling and lectures extensively in Israel and abroad on shalom bayis, chinuch habanim, family communication and dating, and has produced a popular tape & CD series on these topics. His articles on these topics and Jewish hashkafa have appeared internationally in Jewish newspapers and magazines.
ellauri336.html on line 310: The Rabbis asked Kimchis what she had done to merit having seven sons serve as Kohein Gadol (High Priest). She responded that the beams of her house never saw her with her hair uncovered. While the Rabbis rejected her hypothesis (because many other women have acted likewise), the extent to which she observed this law is still presented as an example of meritorious behavior (Yoma 47a; see Yerushalmi Megilla 1:10 for the accepted opinion as to the merit of Kimchis);
ellauri336.html on line 384: I’m an American born Muslim woman and I see many similarities of Jews with Islam as there are a lot of intersections of all three monotheistic faiths. I do not believe in covering my hair, but if one were to look at Nativity sets that are displayed during Christmas and look at Christian nuns habits we will observe a modesty all three faiths have in common. I notice more people objecting to women that choose and I use that word loosely, to observe modesty than to object to women or men that show little in clothing modesty..it is very subjective anyway on what is considered modest. Also, it seems the people who take it upon themselves to enforce these rules are committing a greater sin of being cruel and punitive. Where is the mercy and love all religions preach?
ellauri336.html on line 400: Jehovahs Witnesses cover their head/hair if doing bible studies with a man or with a male present.
ellauri336.html on line 588: "The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis."~Dante— Farzan Tufail
ellauri336.html on line 630: In March, the Permian overtook Saudi Arabia’s Ghawar to become the world’s most productive oilfield. While Saudi Arabia’s overall production remains far higher, predictions are that the Permian’s output will continue to grow at a similar rate – doubling by 2023 as pipeline capacity expands and major oil companies increase their presence – the only thing in the way are alarming environmentalists like Greta.
ellauri336.html on line 632: “Having some kind of wild west boom going on in Texas where it’s every man for himself drilling as quickly as possible and trying to pull the stuff out of the ground in a kind of frenzy, that’s just the precise opposite to what should be going on,” said Lorne Stockman, a senior research analyst at Oil Change International, a clean energy advocacy group.
ellauri336.html on line 650: New pipelines should help relieve the bottlenecks, such as the Gulf Coast Express, a 448-mile pipeline which went online in September to take natural gas from west Texas towards the state’s portion of the Gulf coast. But these too come at an environmental cost.
ellauri336.html on line 656: Will Texas have a political shift that might empower Democrats at some stage who might be more willing to think about restraining the growth of the oil sector, if not reversing it?” said Joshua Busby, an associate professor of public affairs at the University of Texas at Austin and senior research fellow at the Center for Climate and Security. NOPE.
ellauri338.html on line 48: Schelling’s idea of limited or graduated reprisals—which he later set out in Arms and Influence (1966)—was adopted by the United States in 1965 as Operation Rolling Thunder, which involved the bombing of selected targets in North Vietnam in the expectation that it would deter the North Vietnamese from continuing the war. When this failed to deter North Vietnam, the bombing campaign was escalated, in spite of Schelling’s advice that the bombing should be abandoned if it did not succeed in the first three weeks.
ellauri338.html on line 197: Ranskalainen kanafileestä valmistettu ruokalaji, johon jauheliha kääritään, sitten kääritään korppujauhoissa ja paistetaan kuin kotletti, kutsutaan nimellä cotelette de volaille (kirjaimellisesti "kana (kana) filee"). 1800-luvun lopun ranskalaisten kokkien ansiosta tämä ruokalaji pääsi Venäjän valtakuntaan (jonka hallinnassa Kiova tuolloin oli). Ajan myötä paikalliset ravintoloitsijat alkoivat luoda erilaisia versioita lainatun reseptin perusteella.
ellauri338.html on line 198: Kiovan versiossa jauheliha korvattiin voilla, jossa oli yrttejä. Tämä yksinkertaisti reseptiä ja lisäsi samalla sen suosiota.
ellauri338.html on line 200: Ruokalaji esiintyy nimellä "Kiev cutlets" jo vuonna 1915. -Moskovan "Kotiäidin aikakauslehti" julkaisi reseptin "Kiovan kotletteja kanasta tai vasikasta", jossa pala voita kääritään kotlettien sisään ja itse kotletti leivitetään kananmunassa ja korppujauhoissa.
ellauri338.html on line 203: Mutta Novomykhayliv-kotlettien valmistusmenetelmä erosi samalla merkittävästi Kiovan-tyylisestä kotlettien reseptistä.
ellauri338.html on line 204: Neuvostoliiton aikana ruoasta oli myös muunnelmia, joita ei ollut alkuperäisessä reseptissä. Erityisesti rapeat kalapalat.
ellauri338.html on line 206: William (William-August) Vasilievich Pokhlebkin (20. elokuuta 1923, Moskova - 22. maaliskuuta [tai 30. maaliskuuta tai noin 31. maaliskuuta 2000, riippuen milloin William alkoi haista asunnossa], Podolsk, Moskovan alue) syntyi vallankumouksellisen Vasili Mihailovitš Mihailovin (1888-1954) perheeseen. Gzhatskista kotoisin oleva kirjapainotyöläinen, vallankumouksellisen liikkeen osanottaja vuodesta 1906. Hänen maanalainen salanimensä Pokhlebkin, joka myöhemmin korvasi hänen sukunimensä, otettiin luultavasti hänen isoisänsä, maaorjan kunniaksi , joka toimi maanomistajan kokkina ja onnistui valmistamaan muhennoksia, joista hän sai vastaavan lempinimen: "Ei kellään muulla perheessää ollut intohimoa ruoanlaittoammattiin, ja se näyttää siirtyneen minulle, minulla on jotain sormenpäissäni."
ellauri338.html on line 221: Hän kirjoitti kulinaarisia kolumneja Nedelya-sanomalehteen, ja monet lukijat ostivat sanomalehden yksinomaan niiden takia. Samaan aikaan vastauksena Nedeljassa julkaistuihin Pokhlebkinin resepteihin saapui kirjeitä, joissa Neuvostoliiton lukijat olivat raivoissaan erityisesti sammen mainitsemisesta, jota ei ollut myynnissä.
ellauri338.html on line 257: Myöhemmin kerrottiin, että Bush itse oli lisännyt sanan "itsemurhainen nationalismi" puheeseen, jonka hänen henkilökuntansa oli laatinut pyrkien varoittamaan ukrainalaisia tarpeesta välttää Jugoslaviassa tapahtuvaa kansanmurhaa.
ellauri339.html on line 187: Hollantilaisesta uskonsiivoojasta Menno Simonsista, joka oli katolinen pappi, tuli anabaptisti vuonna 1536. Hän opetti liikkeen jäseniä noin 25 vuotta ja vaikutti liikkeeseen huomattavasti harjallisella toiminnallaan.
ellauri339.html on line 360: Travail, étends sur nos familles Työskentele, laajenna perheeseemme
ellauri339.html on line 500: Kristina-tädin ikäinen Alla Pugacheva joutui skandaalin keskipisteeseen, kun hän piti puheessaan yritystapahtumassa Dubaissa lauseen "Kunnia Ukrainalle".
ellauri339.html on line 620: Ukraine, like Israel, owes most of its continued existence to American weaponry. However, despite the blue and yellow splattered on social media at present, Ukraine does not have anywhere near the base of support Israel does among the American public and especially within the American Congress. The terms for resolving the war will be dictated to Kiev as much by Washington as they will be by Moscow, as with Crimea a few years ago. The end will be quite sad; Russia will very likely solidify its hold on Donbas and the Crimea, and achieve new territory to the west approaching Kiev, roughly 20 percent of Ukraine. Ukraine will be forced to set aside its goal of joining NATO even as the U.S. takes a new stand on its western border with Poland.
ellauri339.html on line 648: He antoivat edelleen, vaikkakin pienemmillä määrillä ja ohuempia setelitukkoja, kun sota eteni tylsään vaiheeseen, jota länsimaisessa lehdistössä usein kuvataan "jäädytetyksi konfliktiksi". Termistä huolimatta Itä-Ukraina on edelleen tinderbox. Euroopan turvallisuus- ja yhteistyöjärjestö on laskenut satoja tuhansia vuotuisia tulitauon rikkomuksia noin 300 mailin kosketuslinjalla; Venäjä takavarikoi marraskuussa kolme Ukrainan laivaston alusta ja 24 merimiestä, minkä vuoksi presidentti Petro Porošenko julisti raja-alueille sotatilan. Kansainväliset tarkkailijat raportoivat tulitauon rikkomusten kaksinkertaistuneen kahden seuraavan viikon aikana.
ellauri340.html on line 139: Bauman syntyi tarkkaavaiseen puolalaiseen juutalaisperheeseen Poznańissa, toisessa Puolan tasavallassa, vuonna 1925. Vuonna 1939, kun natsi-Saksa ja Neuvostoliitto miehittivät Puolan, hänen perheensä pakeni itään Neuvostoliittoon. Toisen maailmansodan aikana Bauman värväytyi Neuvostoliiton hallitsemaan ensimmäiseen Puolan armeijaan ja työskenteli politrukkina. Hän osallistui Kolbergin taisteluun (1945) ja Berliinin taisteluun. Toukokuussa 1945 hänelle myönnettiin sotilaallinen kunniaristi. Toisen maailmansodan jälkeen hänestä tuli yksi Puolan armeijan nuorimmista majoneeseista.
ellauri340.html on line 141: Hänet ajettiin pois Puolan kansantasavallasta vuoden 1968 Puolan poliittisen kriisin aikana ja hänet pakotettiin luopumaan Puolan kansalaisuudestaan . Hän muutti Israeliin; kolme vuotta myöhemmin hän muutti Yhdistyneeseen kuningaskuntaan. Hän asui Englannissa vuodesta 1971, missä hän opiskeli London School of Economicsissa ja hänestä tuli sosiologian professori Leedsin yliopistossa, myöhemmin emeritus. Bauman oli yhteiskuntateoreetikko, joka kirjoitti niinkin monimuotoisista aiheista kuin moderniteetti ja holokausti, postmoderni kulutus ja nestemäinen nykyaika . Bauman oli vuosina 1945–1953 poliittinen upseeri sisäisessä turvallisuusjoukossa (KBW), sotilastiedusteluyksikössä, joka muodostettiin taistelemaan Ukrainan kapinallisarmeijaa ja Puolan kotiarmeijan jäänteitä vastaan. Täähän on nykytilanteessa vähän noloa. The Guardian -lehden haastattelussa Bauman vahvisti olleensa sitoutunut kommunisti toisen maailmansodan aikana ja sen jälkeen eikä ollut koskaan salannut sitä. Hän myönsi, että tiedustelupalveluun liittyminen 19-vuotiaana oli virhe, vaikka hänellä oli "tylsä" pöytätyö, jossa ei päässyt naganilla osoittelemaan kapinallista.
ellauri340.html on line 345: Comics Magazine Association of America (CMAA) perustettiin syyskuussa 1954 vastauksena laajalle levinneeseen yleiseen huoleen sarjakuvien graafisesta väkivallasta ja kauhukuvista. Se nimesi New Yorkin tuomarin Charles F. Murphyn (1920–1992), joka on nuorisorikollisuuden asiantuntija, johtamaan organisaatiota ja suunnittelemaan itseään valvovan "eettisen säännöstön ja standardit" alalle. Hän perusti Comics Code Authorityn (CCA) perustaen sen koodin enimmäkseen noudattamattomaan koodiin, jonka Association of Comics Magazine Publishers laati vuonna 1948 ja joka puolestaan oli mallinnettu löyhästi vuoden 1940 Hollywood Production Coden, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä "Hays Code".
ellauri340.html on line 445: Lainasin heräteostoxena Pasilan porno-osastosta v. 2019 antinazinobelisti Peter Handtagin kirjasen Abwesenheit (Poissa). Se on kirjoittajan mukaan satu. Ainakin se alkaa jollain vitun leffakamerazoomauxilla. Että mua kyrpii kun kirjailijat alkaa ryömiä coolimpien leffaohjaajien jaloissa ja nuolla niiden kenkiä. Ei näytä Peter kuule hyvältä... Nykykirjallisuuden suunnannäyttäjä, leck meinen Arsch. Muutenkin kirja vaikuttaa klischeiseltä kuin Pauio Coelho, tai joku tietokonepeli.
ellauri340.html on line 482: Hän ohjasi myös elokuvia, mukaan lukien sovitukset romaaneistaan Vasenkätinen nainen Die linkshändige Fraun jälkeen ja Poissaolo Die Abwesenheitin jälkeen. Vasenkätinen nainen julkaistiin vuonna 1978 ja oli ehdolla Kultaisen palmun saajaksi Cannesin elokuvajuhlilla vuonna 1978 ja voitti kultaisen palkinnon saksalaiselle Arthouse Cinemalle vuonna 1980. Leonard Maltinin elokuvaoppaan kuvaus elokuvassa on, että nainen vaatii miehensä lähtemään ja tämä suostuu. "Aika kuluu... ja yleisö nukahtaa." Voi hyvin uskoa.
ellauri340.html on line 551: Liity The Nation 's Books & the Arts -uutiskirjeeseen
ellauri340.html on line 582: Itävaltalainen kirjailija Peter Handke sai 10. joulukuuta 2019 kirjallisuuden Nobel-palkinnon. Jos hän tunsi ylpeyttä tai voittoa, hän ei näyttänyt sitä. Hänen rusettinsa vinossa huonosti istuvan valkoisen mekkopaidan yläpuolella, hänen silmänsä hymyilemättä tavaramerkkiensä pyöreiden silmälasien takana, Handke näytti alistuneelta ja staattiselta, ikään kuin hän antautuisi kiusalliseen lääketieteelliseen toimenpiteeseen. Kun hän otti vastaan palkintonsa, jotkut katsojista - joista kaikki eivät yhtyneet suosionosoituksiin - vaikuttivat yhtä synkiltä.
ellauri340.html on line 639: Baudrillard sentään honasi, että vaikka aito usko historian yleismaailmalliseen päätepisteeseen, jossa kaikki konfliktit löytäisivät ratkaisunsa, on osoittautunut lööperixi, universaalisuus oli edelleen käsite, jota käytettiin maailmanpolitiikassa tekosyynä. Yleismaailmallisia arvoja, joita hänen mukaansa kukaan ei enää usko universaaliksi, käytetään edelleen retorisesti oikeuttamaan muuten perusteettomia valintoja. Keinot, hän kirjoitti, ovat olemassa, vaikka päämääriin ei enää uskota, ja niitä käytetään piilottamaan nykyajan ankara todellisuus (tai, kuten hän olisi ilmaissut, vaihtoehtoinen totuus).
ellauri341.html on line 93: Ongelmana arvostelijoille näyttää olleen etteivät ne torkahdettuaan kirjan alkupuolella oikeastaan muista koko niteestä muuta kuin sen introcoituxen apinan. Vaikka kirjan rakennehan selkeästi jäljittelee Vanhaa Testamenttia, jossa toi genesixen alkuluku on aika irrallista lämmittelyä. Sama kuin jos pastorit pitäisivät kaikki saarnat vaan siitä miten Jehova pyörittelee levinpöydällä taikinasta käärmeitä: These are a cinch!
ellauri341.html on line 125: Nazit, ei saxalaiset, Putinistit, ei venäläiset. Ei sotaa toivoa, ei sotaa toivoa, voi venäläinen mil-loin-kaan. Eikä saxalainen juutalaista saippuaa. Markus on luvatun maan kuvissa hiukka hamiittinen, mistä resensorit vaarimaisesti muikenevat. Wovon man nischt sprechen kann darüber muss man schweigen.
ellauri341.html on line 147: Beim Eichmann-Prozess 1961 sagte Heinrich Grüber als einziger Nicht-Jude öffentlich gegen den Angeklagten aus. 1966 wurde er zum Ehrenpräsidenten der Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft ernannt.
ellauri341.html on line 149: Ab September 1939 unterstand das Büro Grüber der Aufsicht durch Adolf Eichmann. In einer Besprechung über Auswanderung fragte Eichmann: „Erklären Sie mir den Grund, warum Sie sich für diese Juden einsetzen. Sie haben keine jüdische Verwandtschaft. Sie haben es nicht nötig, für diese Menschen einzutreten. Niemand wird es Ihnen danken! Ich begreife nicht, warum Sie es tun!“ Grüber antwortete: „Sie kennen die Straße von Jerusalem nach Jericho! Auf dieser Straße lag einmal ein überfallener und ausgeplünderter Jude. Ein Mann, der durch Rasse und Religion von ihm getrennt war, ein Samariter, kam und half ihm. Der Herr, auf dessen Befehle ich allein höre, sagt mir: Gehe du hin und tue desgleichen.“
ellauri341.html on line 152: Befremdlich bleiben antisemitische Passagen in einem Interview, das Grüber Anfang 1939 einem niederländischen Pressebüro gab: "Die meisten Juden, die in Deutschland gewohnt haben, waren ‚wurzellos‘. Sie verrichteten meistens keine produktive Arbeit, aber sie machten ‚Geschäfte‘. Diese Juden waren es, die in der Zeit von 1919 bis 1932 Deutschland in finanzieller, ökonomischer, politischer, kultureller und journalistischer Hinsicht beherrschten. Dies war in der Tat eine jüdische Vorherrschaft. Die Reaktion hierauf war der Antisemitismus."
ellauri341.html on line 154: Zugleich fällt in einem Interview, das Richard L. Rubenstein 1961 mit Grüber führte, auf, dass dieser weiterhin den Antisemitismus auch als Reaktion auf Verhalten von Jüdinnen und Juden verstand. Der Kampf gegen den Antisemitismus sei nach Grüber dadurch erschwert, dass Juden und Jüdinnen bereits wieder starken Einfluss in Banken und der Presse hätten und Bordelle und Nachtclubs betrieben.
ellauri341.html on line 160: Kasztner war überzeugt, dass dies das Ende des Mordprogramms einleiten würde, und Transporte von Juden in die angebliche Freiheit folgen würden. So ging Ende Juni 1944 ein Zug mit 1.685 Juden, die von einem Ausschuss der Gemeinde ausgesucht worden waren, aus Ungarn ab. Kasztner persönlich war an diesem Auswahlprozess maßgeblich beteiligt und wählte Rabbiner, Professoren, Opernsänger, Journalisten, zionistische Führer, aber auch Krankenschwestern und Bauern, 252 Kinder, 388 Juden aus seiner Heimatstadt, darunter seine Familie und viele seiner Verwandten. Versprochen wurde, dass dieser Zug entweder in die Schweiz oder nach Spanien gehen sollte; stattdessen kamen seine Passagiere im KZ Bergen-Belsen an. Adolf Eichmann ließ sie als Geiseln monatelang festhalten.
ellauri341.html on line 164: Im Juli 1944 bekam der SS-Offizier Kurt Becher von Himmler den Auftrag, mit Kasztner zu verhandeln. Bald darauf verhandelten auch SS-Leute mit dem Vertreter der jüdischen Hilfsorganisation in der Schweiz. 318 ungarische Juden kamen selbst im August 1944 noch auf diese Weise in die Schweiz. Der ursprüngliche Zug erreichte erst im Dezember 1944 die sichere Schweiz mit dann noch 1.670 Passagieren. Bis Juli 1944 waren bereits 437.000 der rund 800.000 ungarischen Juden in Güterzügen unter unmenschlichsten Bedingungen nach Auschwitz deportiert worden, wo die meisten sofort vergast wurden.
ellauri341.html on line 171: Während dieser Zeit ermordete seine Einheit rund 14.000 Juden, und Becher wurde immer weiter befördert, zuerst zum 1. Ordonnanzoffizier seiner Einheit, dann zum SS-Obersturmführer. Mitte März 1942 wurde Becher als SS-Hauptsturmführer in das SS-Führungshauptamt versetzt. Dort übernahm er die Inspektion des Reit- und Fahrwesens der SS. Nach zwei weiteren Einsätzen an der Ostfront wurde ihm 1944 das Deutsche Kreuz in Gold verliehen. Er wurde bald SS-Sturmbannführer und schließlich am 30. Januar 1944 SS-Obersturmbannführer.
ellauri341.html on line 175: In diesem Zusammenhang gelang es ihm, die Leitung des von Manfréd Weiss gegründeten Konzerns zu übernehmen. Becher hatte dabei ein leichtes Spiel, da Weiss Jude war und zu dieser Zeit die ungarischen Juden bereits systematisch verhaftet und nach Auschwitz-Birkenau deportiert wurden. Becher verhandelte nach eigenen Angaben mit dem ehemaligen Vertreter des Konzerns, Franz Chorin, der von der ungarischen Regierung verhaftet worden war. Es wurde vereinbart, dass die Mehrheitsanteile der Familie Weiss gegen eine Zahlung von 3 Millionen Reichsmark in Devisen an die SS überschrieben wurden. Als Gegenleistung durfte die Familie Weiss, die überwiegend aus Juden bestand, unter einer Zurückbehaltung von fünf Geiseln (nach anderen Angaben waren es neun), in die Schweiz und nach Portugal ausreisen. Der Vertrag dazu wurde am 17. Mai 1944 unterschrieben.
ellauri341.html on line 177: Anschließend trat Becher als Konkurrent zu Adolf Eichmann, der bereits die Kontakte aufgebaut hatte, an das jüdische Hilfskomitee in Budapest heran. Heinrich Himmler schien zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits Interesse daran zu haben, mit jüdischen Organisationen ins Geschäft zu kommen, um so später auch eine Position für Verhandlungen mit den Alliierten aufzubauen. Er bot an, für rund 10.000 LKWs und Winterausrüstung 1 Million Juden freizulassen. Als die Verhandlungen schließlich platzten, hatte Becher den direkten Auftrag von Himmler, weiter Ausschau nach Geschäften unter der Devise „Blut gegen Ware“ zu halten. So wurden im Dezember 1944 gegen Schmuck im Wert mehrerer Millionen Schweizer Franken 1.684 „Austauschjuden“ über eine Zwischenstation im KZ Bergen-Belsen mit Ausreise in die Schweiz freigekauft, 318 von ihnen kamen schon im August 1944, also kurz nach dem Attentat auf Hitler, in die Schweiz. Bei mehreren Treffen mit Saly Mayer, dem Vorsitzenden des Schweizerischen Israelitischen Gemeindebundes, wurde im Herbst 1944 die Freilassung dieser Häftlingsgruppe aus Bergen-Belsen verhandelt. Mittler war der Ungar Rudolf Kasztner. Becher wurde am 1. Januar 1945 zum SS-Standartenführer ernannt.
ellauri341.html on line 179: Becher baute sich mit den Verhandlungen langsam eine Position auf, die ihn nach dem Krieg in einem günstigeren Licht erscheinen lassen sollte. Seine Uneigennützigkeit bei den Verhandlungen war lange Jahre ein Thema. Doch scheint es aus heutiger Sicht, dass Becher systematisch an seiner Nachkriegslegende gearbeitet hat. Schließlich wurde er am Ende des Krieges, am 9. April 1945, noch zum „Reichssonderkommissar für sämtliche Konzentrationslager“ ernannt. Praktisch hatte er zu diesem Zeitpunkt jedoch keinen Einfluss mehr auf die Geschehnisse in den Lagern. Doch Becher nutzte die Zeit, um sich auf das Kriegsende vorzubereiten.
ellauri341.html on line 222: Suomalainen yleisradioyhtiö Yle julkaisi MOT-sarjan alla ohjelman MISAsta ja Gregorian Bivolarusta. Ohjelmassa haastateltiin entisiä Nathan jäseniä. Nathan kerrotaan juurtuneen romanialaiseen MISA-liikkeeseen. Haastateltavat kuvailivat kiistanalaisia toimia, kuten oksentamista, puhdistautumiskeinona. Myös seksuaalisia taipumuksia, kuten pornografiaa ja seksuaalisia suhteita opettajien ja oppilaiden kanssa raportoitiin. Suomalaisen Nathan edustaja kommentoi, että seksi on aina -- no, melkein aina, kahden ihmisen välinen asia. Voi siinä joskus olla vain yksikin tai paljon useampia.
ellauri341.html on line 265: Kohtaamiaan riskeistä huolimatta Gregorian Bivolaru aloitti joogan opettamisen nimityksellä "psykosomaattinen alastonvoimistelu" 1970-luvun alussa eri paikoissa, kulttuuritaloissa ja opiskelijakeskuksissa, ja hän teki niin vuoteen 1981, jolloin suuri skandaali liittyen Transsendenttiseen edestakaiseen liikkeeseen Romaniassa tapahtui. Nuori Guru Maharaj Ji oli käyttänyt tilaisuutta hyväkseen nousta äitinsä hännän alta ja elää korkealla (huumeissa) sialla (lihan syöminen) seksin (Playboy-lehden itsetyydytys), huumeiden (marihuana), ja rock 'n rollin (erittäin kovaäänisesti!) kanssa(kalliit hifit), nopeita autoja ja hänen ikioma Pinball-koneensa. Tuolloin Ceausescu-hallinto pidätti ja vangitsi satoja tämän liikkeen harjoittajia syytettynä "epäilyttävästä mystiikasta, joka saattaa johtaa valtion horjuttamiseen", minkä jälkeen kaikki itämaiset henkiset käytännöt, mukaan lukien jooga ja kamppailulajit, kiellettiin.
ellauri341.html on line 285: Uskoen vahvasti siihen, että hengellinen ihminen ei voi olla välinpitämätön sen suhteen, mitä ympärillään tapahtuu, Gregorian Bivolaru on kirjoittanut lukuisia artikkeleita ja pitänyt useita luentoja, joissa hän on rohkeasti paljastanut erilaisten eturyhmien hämäriä toimia, jotka saivat vaikuttaa ja jopa hallita poliittista toimintaaja jopa valvontaa: taloudelliset rakenteet, erityisesti okkulttinen, pirullinen maailman vapaamuurarius. Tämän seurauksena hän sai uhkauskirjeitä, joissa häntä pyydettiin "lopettamaan paljastukset", ja helmikuussa 1995 tuhoisa räjähdys tuhosi hänen asuntonsa Bukarestissa. "Rikollinen käsi" katkaisi kylpyhuoneen ikkunan metallisäleikön ja peukaloi kaasuasennuksen, mutta onneksi räjähdys tapahtui ennen kuin Gregorian Bivolaru pääsi kylpyammeeseen. Kaksi riippumatonta komissiota osoitti, että kyseessä oli tahallinen rikollinen teko, mutta kummallista kyllä, viranomaiset eivät tehneet lisätutkimuksia.
ellauri341.html on line 328: Das Abkommen entstand ursprünglich aus einer Privatinitiative in Palästina. Sam Cohen war Generaldirektor der Hanotea (hebräisch הַנּוֹטֵעַ HaNōṭeʿa, deutsch ‚der Baumpflanzer‘), einer Gesellschaft zur Anlage von Citrusplantagen, und schloss im Mai 1933 einen Vertrag mit dem Reichswirtschaftsministerium im Umfang von 1 Million Reichsmark (ℛℳ), das bald darauf auf drei Millionen ℛℳ erweitert wurde. Ausreisewillige deutsche Juden konnten bis 40.000 ℛℳ auf ein Sperrkonto einzahlen und erhielten dafür den Gegenwert in Palästina-Pfund (£P) oder Sachwerten wie Häuser oder Citrusplantagen in Palästina. Die Gelder des Sperrkontos verwendete die Hanotea für den Import deutscher Waren nach Palästina. Das Reichswirtschaftsministerium ging davon aus, dass dies von den zionistischen Organisationen gebilligt worden war, dem widersprach aber bald darauf Georg Landauer von der Zionistischen Vereinigung für Deutschland (ZVfD) und jüdische Organisationen in England und den USA drängten im Gegenteil auf einen Boykott Deutschlands.
ellauri341.html on line 330: Das änderte sich mit der zunehmend bedrohlichen Lage der Juden in Deutschland. Man entwickelte einen Vorschlag des Leiters der politischen Abteilung der Jewish Agency for Palestine Chaim Arlosoroff an den deutschen Generalkonsul in Jerusalem Heinrich Wolff vom April 1933 weiter. Das war inzwischen von Pinchas Ruthenberg, dem Gründer der Palestine Electric Company, weiterentwickelt worden und wurde im Juli 1933 von Werner Senator der zionistischen Exekutive in London vertraulich mitgeteilt. Vermögen von Juden in Deutschland sollte durch eine Treuhandgesellschaft aufgelöst werden und über eine Liquiditätsbank, die von Aktionären außerhalb Deutschlands gegründet werden sollte, nach Palästina transferiert werden. Der Treuhandfonds zahlte in die Bank ein, die wiederum Schuldverschreibungen an Juden im Ausland ausgab, die dafür ausländische Devisen erhielten. Die deutsche Regierung sollte eine Transfergarantie für Zinsen und Tilgungen der Schuldverschreibungen übernehmen. Als Ausgleich sollte die Bank aus dem zurückgelassenen Vermögen der Auswanderer finanzierte deutsche Exporte in die neuen Heimatländer der jüdischen Auswanderer unterstützen.
ellauri341.html on line 332: Im August 1933 kam es zu einem entscheidenden Treffen im Reichswirtschaftsministerium. Von jüdischer Seite waren die Hanotea (Sam Cohen, Moses Nachnes), Arthur Ruppin (später Leiter der deutschen Abteilung der Jewish Agency), Eliezer Sigfried Hoofien von der Anglo-Palestine Bank in Tel Aviv und die Vertreter der ZVfD (Georg Landauer, Siegfried Moses) zugegen. Man einigte sich zwar nicht auf die Gründung einer Liquiditätsbank, aber einer Treuhandgesellschaft in Palästina, die den Auswanderern das auf ein Reichsmark-Sonderkonto der Anglo-Palestine Bank und der Bank der Tempelgesellschaft bei der Reichsbank Eingezahlte in Palästina auszahlte und außerdem den Absatz deutscher Exporte übernahm. Die Treuhandgesellschaft erhielt außerdem ein De-facto-Monopol auf solche Vermögensübertragungen jüdischer Auswanderer nach Palästina. Am 28. August 1933 wurde im Runderlaß Nr. 54/1933 des Reichswirtschaftsministeriums der Vertrag in Vollzug gesetzt. Er erhielt den Namen Haʿavara (hebräisch für Übertragung). Die Treuhandgesellschaft in Palästina erhielt den Namen Trust and Transfer Office Haʿavara Ltd. und stand unter Leitung von Werner Feilchenfeld. In Deutschland entstand die Palästina-Treuhandstelle zur Beratung deutscher Juden GmbH (Paltreu) unter Beteiligung der Banken M.M.Warburg & CO (Hamburg), A. E. Wassermann (Berlin) und der Anglo-Palestine Bank in Tel Aviv.
ellauri341.html on line 334: Verluste brachten Ausgleichszahlungen, um die Exportpreise zu verbilligen, die aufgrund der Nicht-Abwertung der Reichsmark sonst zu hoch gewesen wären. Außerdem gab es ab 1937 Negativ-Listen für Waren mit hohem Anteil von Auslandsrohstoffen, wofür ein Ausgleich gezahlt werden musste. Weiter gab es in Palästina auf Druck von palästinensischen Arabern und der Tempelgesellschaft Positiv-Listen, die die eingeführten Waren auf solche einschränkten, die in anderen Ländern nur mit Exportförderung absetzbar waren. Um dennoch mehr Waren abzusetzen, gründete die Haʿavara eine Tochtergesellschaft NEMICO für den Absatz von Waren in Ägypten, Mandats-Syrien und dem Irak. Auf Drängen des britischen Kolonialministeriums musste die Haʿavara in den Fällen, in denen ein britisches Unternehmen Interesse bekundete von der Bewerbung um Aufträge absehen. Innerhalb der internationalen zionistischen Bewegung stieß das Abkommen insbesondere in Amerika auf heftigen Widerstand. Auf dem 19. Zionistenkongress in Luzern 1935 setzten sich die Befürworter der Haʿavara durch. Allerdings wurden einige Einschränkungen beschlossen (Begrenzung auf Palästina) und die Aktien der Haʿavara wurden von der Anglo-Palestine Bank auf die Jewish Agency übertragen.
ellauri341.html on line 340: Das Haʿavara-Abkommen ermöglichte den Betroffenen, einen Teil ihres Vermögens nach Palästina zu transferieren, während ein bestimmter Prozentsatz des zu übertragenden Vermögens als Reichsfluchtsteuer vom deutschen Fiskus einbehalten wurde. Anfangs betrug dieser Steuersatz 25 %; er wurde im Zuge der verstärkten staatlich gelenkten Abpressung des Vermögens von Juden sukzessive erhöht. Verglichen mit anderen Exilländern erhob der deutsche Fiskus auf Transfers nach Palästina einen geringeren Satz der Reichsfluchtsteuer. Anders gesagt, deutschen Flüchtlingen auf dem Weg nach Palästina knöpfte der Fiskus beim Versuch, zumindest Teile ihres Vermögen mitzuretten, weniger Reichsfluchtsteuer ab als ihresgleichen bei der Flucht in andere Exilländer. Jüdische deutsche Auswanderer zahlten in Reichsmark eine Summe auf ein deutsches Konto des Transfer Office ein und beglichen parallel den darauf anfallenden Betrag an Reichsfluchtsteuer auf ein Konto des Fiskus.
ellauri341.html on line 342: Mit den Guthaben auf deutschen Konten des Transfer Office wurden deutschen Herstellern Güter bezahlt, die dann nach Palästina exportiert wurden, während der Importeur dort den Gegenwert in Palästina-Pfund auf ein Konto des Transfer Office in Palästina einzahlte. Das palästinensische Currency Board hielt das Palästina-Pfund bis Mai 1948 auf pari zum Pfund Sterling. In anderen Fällen brachten Auswanderer die von ihnen durch das Transfer Office bezahlten und dann exportierten Maschinen als Beteiligung in palästinensische bestehende oder neu gegründete Unternehmen ein und erhielten statt eines Pfundguthabens dann Anteile an diesen Unternehmen; so entstanden viele neue Unternehmen in Palästina. Diese Anteile wiederum konnte der künftige Auswanderer, sofern er die 1.000 £P noch zusammenbringen musste, um ein Kapitalistenzertifikat genanntes Einreisevisum für Palästina erteilt zu bekommen, durch beauftragte Treuhänder an Investoren verkaufen, die die Anteile in Pfund bezahlen konnten. Auch diese Zahlungen gingen auf palästinensische Konten des Transfer Office. Bei der Ankunft in Palästina erhielten die Auswanderer aus solchen Pfund-Guthaben auf palästinensischen Konten des Transfer Office dann den in Deutschland gezahlten Transferbetrag in palästinensischen Pfund erstattet.
ellauri341.html on line 354: Haim Arlosoroff syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen Romnyssa, Ukrainassa (silloin osa Venäjän valtakuntaa) 23. helmikuuta 1899. Venäjällä hänet tunnettiin Vitalyna, venäläisenä Haimin vastineena. Saksassa asuessaan hänet tunnettiin Vihtorina. Arlosoroffin isoisä oli Romnyn rabbi Eliezer Arlosoroff, joka kirjoitti Talmudiin lisää uskonnollisia kommentteja. Kuuden vuoden iässä Arlosoroff kohtasi ensimmäistä kertaa antisemitistin.
ellauri341.html on line 363: Arabien mellakoiden keskellä Arlosoroff puolusti Neve Shalomia, juutalaista asutusta Tel Avivin ja Jaffan vieressä. Nämä tapahtumat auttoivat kiinnittämään Arlosoroffin huomion tarpeeseen parantaa juutalaisten ja arabien välisiä suhteita. Mellakoiden jälkeen Arlosoroff kehotti sionistijärjestelmää olemaan enää kieltämättä Eretz Israelissa olemassa olevan arabikansallisen liikkeen oikeutta olla olemassa. Arlosoroffin vetoomusta ei kuitenkaan hyväksytty laajalti, ja hän sai kritiikkiä oman puolueensa, Nuorduunarien, riveistä. Arlosoroff päätyi lopulta siihen asemaan, että vahvuuteen perustuva kompromissi naapurimaiden arabien kanssa ei heikentäisi tai sitten heikentäisi pyrkimyksiä perustaa juutalaisten kansallista kotimaata.
ellauri341.html on line 459: Georg Neithardt (* 31. Januar 1871 in Nürnberg; † 1. November 1941 in Rottach-Egern) war Richter am Bayerischen Volksgericht. Unter anderem leitete er den infolge des Hitler-Ludendorff-Putsches eröffneten Hochverratsprozess gegen Adolf Hitler und seine Mitverschwörer im Frühjahr 1924 (siehe Hitler-Prozess). Neithardt sympathisierte mit den Putschisten, die die Demokratie in Deutschland beseitigen wollten. Auch deshalb wurden sie nur zu äußerst milden Strafen verurteilt.
ellauri341.html on line 480: Tuomio(ja): Max Jakobson käytti aseenaan kynää. Jakobson oli korrekti eikä pahemmin revitellyt. Hän seurasi, mitä maailmalla tapahtui ja reagoi siihen. Max Jakobson syntyi 30. syyskuuta 1923 Viipurissa. Max Jakobson kuoli 2013. Jakobsonia yritettiin saada 1970-luvulla YK:n pääsihteerin virkaan, mutta hanke kaatui eritoten Neuvostoliiton vastustukseen. Jakobson syntyi 30. syyskuuta 1923 Viipurissa juutalaiseen perheeseen. Juutalaistausta oli yhtenä osatekijänä myös sille, ettei Jakobsonista 1970-luvun alkuvuosina tullut YK:n pääsihteeriä.
ellauri341.html on line 552: Pennsylvanian yliopistossa kotvan (2019-present) MBA:ta opiskellut riippumaton kirjailija ja tutkija, joka on erikoistunut uskontojen historiaan, mytologiaan, muinaiseen historiaan ja vertailevaan uskontoon, Catalin näyttää ihmiskunnan matkan ja kuinka ymmärtää mytologiaa esi-isiemme silmin. (Vierailtu 1 005 kertaa, 1 käynti tänään). MYTOLOGINEN SÄÄTIÖ. LinkedIn activity: STOP PUTIN.
ellauri341.html on line 553: I want to provide customers and business partners a unique experience, a vision and a true commitment. You can not work with people if you do not believe in them. I want to reinvent these concepts and make them understand the professionalism at the highest level.
ellauri342.html on line 94: Tämä Tistet Vedene oli itse asiassa pahantekijä, siihen pisteeseen asti, missä hänen isänsä Guy Vedene, kuuluisa kultaseppä, joutui karkottamaan hänet taloon, koska hän kieltäytyi tekemästä mitään ja houkutteli oppipojat pois työstään. Kuuden kuukauden ajan hänet nähtiin roikkumassa joka kerta alhainen paikka Avignonissa. Hänet nähtiin pääasiassa paavin talon lähellä, kuitenkin, koska tällä huonokuntoisella oli jotain mielessään paaville muuli, ja kuten näette, se oli jotain ilkeää... Eräänä päivänä, kuten Hänen pyhyytensä oli ulkona muulinsa kanssa vallien alla, mukana tuli Tistet ja auttoi häntä, liittäen kätensä yhteen teeskennellysti ihailu:
ellauri342.html on line 168: Kun tämä Védènen juonentekijä astui palatsin huoneeseen, Pyhän Isän oli vaikea tunnistaa häntä, koska hän oli kasvanut ja saanut niin paljon ruumista. On myös sanottava, että hyvä paavi oli omalta osaltaan tullut vanhaksi ja ettei hän nähnyt hyvin ilman laseja.
ellauri342.html on line 313: Martti Larni (Laine amerikaxi kirjoitettuna?) syntyi maalarimestari Johan Viktor Laineen ja Matilda Puntilan yhdeksänlapsiseen perheeseen neljäntenä lapsena. Kansakoulua käydessään hän oli kesäisin sielunpaimenena äitinsä kotona Hauholla. Näistä kokemuksista hän myöhemmin työsti Steinbeckiä apinoiden kirjan Hyvien ihmisten kylä. Larni alkoi kirjoittaa runoja ja novelleja 15-vuotiaana, ja hänen runojaan julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Juttutupa-nimisessä lehdessä vuonna 1926. Hän liittyi Nuoren Voiman Liiton jäseneksi vuonna 1928. Kansakoulun jälkeen Larni toimi puutarha-apulaisena, liikemiehenä ja kävi myös osuuskauppakoulun. Vuosina 1937–1943 hän toimi helsinkiläisen osuusliike Elannon julkaiseman Elanto-lehden toimittajana ja sen jälkeen vuoteen 1951 saakka Elannon osastopäällikkönä ja Elanto-lehden päätoimittajana. Larni asui Yhdysvalloissa vuosina 1948–1949 ja 1951–1954 työskennellen amerikansuomalaisen Keskusosuuskunnan kustannusliikkeen palveluksessa toimittajana. Suomeen palattuaan Larni toimi vuosina 1955–1965 Me Kuluttajat -lehden toimittajana sekä vuosina 1956–1959 Kulutusosuuskuntien Keskusliiton osastopäällikkönä.
Vuonna 1937 Laineelta ilmestynyt seuraava kirja Kuilu (alk. Skorpioni) aiheutti sitten valtavan kohun, koska siinä käsiteltiin silloin hyvin arkoja aiheita, Suomen sisällissotaa punaisten näkökulmasta ja homoseksuaalisuutta.
ellauri342.html on line 367: Sarjan pääosissa Dana Delany on lääkärihoitaja tohtori Megan Hunt, ja se keskittyy Huntin pyrkimyksiin tasapainottaa työelämänsä vaatimuksia, tapausten ratkaisemista ja ruumiiden analysointia, henkilökohtaisen elämänsä kanssa, yrittää saada uudelleen yhteyttä vieraantuneeseen tyttäreensä.
ellauri342.html on line 399: The history of International Moment of Laughter Day dates back to 1997 when a humor consultant and psychologist, Izzy Gesell, invited the whole world to join in this day and do some fun activities to encourage everyone to laugh. It makes a person positive! International Moment of Laughter Day is all about celebrating joy and happiness. This day focuses on shifting a person's view of life from pessimistic to optimistic.
ellauri342.html on line 507: In our present time — to us Juuri nyt - meistä
ellauri342.html on line 591: Jenkeillä kauhunaiheita on vaikka kuinka paljon koska siellä on niin paljon erilaisia imigrantteja. Niinkuin noi lättäpää intiaanit Wyomingin reservaatissa jotka syövät mustakarhuja ja muita kannibaaleja. Tai size on paha serbiämmä joka paloittelee urhean pilvenpiirtäjiä pystyttäneen reumaattisen raxaäijän vaan hankkiaxeen green cardin ja saadaxeen unelmien maahan myös natopommitusten jälkeen Serbiaan jääneen poikansa. Ei mitään häpyä, tuoko on kiitollisuutta meikäläisille, mitä? I beg to disagree, sanoo Desperate Housewifeistä tuttu epäuskottavan simpsakka luutohtori, jonka pomo on vielä epäuskottavamman näköinen botoxhuulinen blondiämmä pusero reuhottaen aukinaisena. No serbi sentään passitettiin takas synnyinmaahansa, asustelkoon siellä poikasineen puutteessa ja nälässä ilman susiaaliapua.
ellauri343.html on line 167: Kaiken kaikkiaan PPSh vaikuttaa hyvin kenttäkelpoiselta aseelta. Vertailu Suomi-konepistooliin on vaikea, koska aseet ovat aivan erilaisia. Suomi-konepistooli oli työnlaadultaan erinomaisen hieno ja kallis ase. PPSh-41 on taas massa-armeijan ase, jossa toleranssit olivat suuria ja tärkeintä oli toimivuus sekä hinta. Ajatusleikkinä jokainen voi miettiä, jakaisiko joukkueseen mieluummin 4 erinomaista konepistoolia, vai 20 ihan hyvää konepistoolia?
ellauri343.html on line 202: Herra Gitler tuhosi koko Euroopan ja sota päättyi Berliiniin. Suomalaisten pitäisi pystyttää Stalinin muistomerkit jokaiseen kaupunkiin ja kylään ja kiittää häntä siitä, ettei heidän fasistisia pedujaan päästetty hukkaan, ja Suomea ei liitetty Leningradin alueeseen. Miksi siis imeä varsovan puolalaisilta nahkahuiluja, hohlopidorskaja narttu 🤣 🤣 🤣?
ellauri343.html on line 257: Bobi Sivénin vanhempi veli oli Lapuan liikkeen ja Isänmaallisen kansanliikkeen aktiivina sittemmin tunnettu everstiluutnantti Paavo Susitaival (ent. Sivén). Ei sentään Hukkataival. Ensiö Hukkataipaleen isä oli Auf Wiedesehen tyyppinen polakki Wladislaw Willga. Kurt Ensio Napoleon otti äitinsä nimen Helin ja muutti sen sitten Takkahuipaleexi. Rahat sille tuli firmasta nimeltä Ulkomainos Oy. Niitä riitti vielä mersulla kuskattavaxi muovikassissa meidän naapuriin.
ellauri343.html on line 295: Vähän tämän jälkeen kunnantalolle saapui Sivén hieman kahdeksan jälkeen. Hän meni elintarvikelautakunnan huoneeseen ja asetti pöydän sekä tuolin uunin eteen. Viereiselle tuolille Sivén asetti pistoolin, jota yritti piilotella aina kun uunia lämmittänyt leskirouva Katariina Simanainen saapui kohentamaan uunin tulta. Kymmeneltä Simanainen toivotti Sivénille hyvää yötä. Kirjuri Hippinen kävi myös huoneessa ja näki, että Sivén oli erittäin hermostunut; tämä siirteli ja pyöri tuolillaan, katseli tuleen ja siirsi aina paperinsa syrjään, jos Hippinen lähestyi tätä. Siimanaisen lähdön jälkeen Hippinen kävi vielä huoneessa. Sivén kysyi tältä Höttösen syntymävuotta ja pyysi Hippistä menemään nukkumaan toivottaen hyvää yötä. Hippisen lähdettyä huoneesta kuului 9-millisen Luger Parabellumin laukaus kello 22.15.
ellauri343.html on line 322: Pikemminkin päinvastoin se ihmetteli että se teki mut hiukka levottomaxi. Kun Matti oli lopetellut kaivoin ize vuorostani slaban esille ja koitin sorsakoiraan lailla jatkaa siitä mihin Matti oli jäänyt, mutta tietystikään letku perkele ei taaskaan seissyt kunnolla. Käsin pumppaamalla sain sen puoliveteeseen mutta silloin uni oli jo auttamattomasti pilalla. Aika rivoa, sanoi Helmikin joka oli seurannut sivusta näitä puuhia.
ellauri343.html on line 383: Sodanjohdon tavoitteet eivät olleet rivisotilaille selvät, ja siten osa sotilaista kieltäytyi ylittämästä vanhaa rajaa. Etenkin Karjalan kannakselle eteneminen aiheutti joukkokieltäytymisiä. Kieltäytyjät olivat reserviläisiä, valtaosa heistä työväkeä ja pienviljelijöitä, joilla oli huoli perheidensä toimeentulosta. (Sano reilusti punikkeja vaan.) Tilanteet ratkaistiin puhutteluilla ja kenttäoikeudella. Kuolemantuomioita ei annettu, mitä nyt pikaoikeutta vähän jaettiin niskalaukauxilla.
ellauri344.html on line 50: Täyden sotavoimansa palauttanut, avoimesti Natoa uhkaava Venäjä olisi tulevaisuudessa sellainen toimija, jonka ei voi välttämättä ajatella uskovan edes Suomen omaa puolustuspelotetta. LOL, onhan se jo pariin otteeseen sitä kokeillut ja heikoxi havainnut.
ellauri344.html on line 126: Vuoden ehkä paras Netflix-elokuva nousi heti TOP 10 -listan kärkeen – ”Äärimmäisen viihdyttävä”, kehui kriitikko. John Cleese paljasti tappaneensa miehen – Vuoden 1988 klassikkokomedia oli liian hauska jopa tanskalaiselle hammaslääkärille! Maailman kalleinta peliä pääsee taas kokeilemaan ilmaiseksi.
ellauri344.html on line 292: The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel on vuonna 2012 ensi-iltansa saanut John Maddenin ohjaama draamakomedia. Jonkinlainen Kaupunginteatterin vanhuskvartetin brittivastine. Elokuvassa näyttelevät muun muassa Judi Dench, Celia Imrie, Bill Nighy, Ronald Pickup, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson ja Penelope Wilton. Onnexi nekin taitaa suunnilleen kaikki haukata jo koiranputkea. Huom! Poistunut ohjelmistosta! Elokuva perustuu Deborah Moggachin vuonna 2004 julkaistuun romaaniin These Foolish Things. Tarina kertoo brittieläkeläisistä, jotka lähtevät viettämään leppoisia eläkepäiviään eksoottiseen ja ”ei niin kalliiseen” Intiaan. Houkutteleva mainos uudistuneesta Marigold Hotellista kädessään ja upeat visiot antoisista eläkepäivistä mielessään, he saapuvat paikkaan, joka onkin vain kuori entisajan loistostaan.
ellauri345.html on line 50: Itävaltalainen kriitikko Hugo von Hoffmannsthal kuvaili tätä Walter Benjaminin noin 1920-21 kirjoitettua esseetä "täysin vertaansa vailla". Se tunnetaan esimerkillisenä esimerkkinä Benjystä joka on alistanut kirjallisen aiheensa intensiiviselle dialektiselle väpitysprosessille. Goethen proosatyyliä ja aikomuksia vastaan hyökkäävässä esseessä Benjamin puolustaa myyttisen ajattelun (jonka hän paikantaa Goethen proosan välineestä) ylittävyyden sijasta vielä kohtaamatonta (ja periaatteessa käsittämätöntä) "vapautta". Noniin, siis juutalaista talousliberalismia. Tyypillisesti Benjamin paikantaa tämän kokemuksen taiteeseen, joka hänen mukaansa yksin kykenee väpittämällä ylittämään myytin voimat. Aivan ylittämätöntä potaskaa. Vaalisukulaisissa oli yxinkertaisesti kyse Goethen pedofiliasta ja ristiinsuihkinnasta, joka menee puihin kun panopuun syyllisyydentunteet ylittävät panetuxen. Nojju. Tulee mieleen sen polakin Gombroviczin pornografia. Kaikki pedofiilit on samanlaisia.
ellauri345.html on line 56: Tuomio rouva von Staёlin teoksessa "De l'Allemagne" on sattuva. Siinä lukee: »On ne saurait nier qu'il n'y ait dans ce livre une profonde connaissance du coeur humain, mais une connaissance decourageante; La vie y est representee comme une chose assez indifferente, de quelque manière qu'on la passe; triste quand on l'approfondit, assez agreable quand on l'esquive, susceptible de maladies morales qu'il faut guerir si l'on peut, et dont il faut mourir si l'on n'en peut guerir."
ellauri345.html on line 68: Ab 1806 bis zu ihrer Heirat mit von Arnim steht Bettina Brentano in Kontakt mit dem von ihr sehr bewunderten Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Die aus diesem Austausch hervorgehende Korrespondenz wird später als Goethes "Briefwechsel mit einem Kinde" berühmt. Ihre Eltern Peter Anton Brentano und Maximiliane von La Roche gehören dem Großbürgertum an. Er ist einer der erfolgreichsten Kaufleute Frankfurts mit Wurzeln im italienischen Altadel, sie die Tochter der berühmten Schriftstellerin Sophie von La Roche.
ellauri345.html on line 81: Vastuun pelko on hengellisin kaikista, joihin Goethen luonto kiintyi. Se on yksi syy hänen konservatiiviseen asenteeseensa poliittisiin, yhteiskunnallisiin ja vanhuudessaan kirjallisiin asioihin. Se on epäonnistumisen juurisyy hänen eroottisessa elämässään. On varmaa, että se määräsi myös hänen tulkintansa valinnaisesta sukulaisuudesta. Sillä juuri tämä runous, joka valaisee hänen oman elämänsä syitä, jäi piiloon, koska se ei paljasta hänen tunnustustaan, z. että hän oli vain kehno pedofiili.
ellauri345.html on line 98: Ei vizi tää Benjyn paasaus on pitkä kuin nälkävuosi. Modernistijutku uskaltautui tässä kellistämään nazisakujen toteemipazasta, eikä se ihan helpolla kellistynyt. No sen kimpussa hääräsi useampikin moosexen apostata. Huonostihan siinä kävi Benjylle. Benille läpyttänyt Hofmannsthal syntyi varakkaaseen wieninjuutalaiseen pankkiiriperheeseen. Yllättävää kyllä se oli antisemitisti Wagnerin libretisti. Vanhin pojista teki itsemurhan 14. heinäkuuta 1929 ja von Hofmannsthal kuoli seuraavana päivänä sydänkohtaukseen hautajaisia valmistellessaan. Hänet haudattiin yhdessä arkussa poikansa kanssa. Tuli siitäkin vähän säästöä.
ellauri345.html on line 264: Friedrich Gundolf, eigentlich Friedrich Leopold Gundelfinger (* 20. Juni 1880 in Darmstadt; † 12. Juli 1931 in Heidelberg), war ein deutscher Dichter und Literaturwissenschaftler. Spätestens sein Goethe (1916) machte ihn über Fachgrenzen hinweg bekannt; er war der wohl meistgelesene Germanist der Weimarer Republik.
ellauri345.html on line 270: Der Landsturm war im Militärwesen seit dem 15. Jahrhundert „das letzte Aufgebot“ aller Wehrpflichtigen, die weder dem Landheer noch der Marine angehören, zur Abwehr eines feindlichen Einfalls. Suomexi nostomies. The favorable comparison made by Lessing between the quintessential German poet, Goethe, and Mendelssohn is a mark of the esteem in which he was held. Lessing told Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi that once Goethe regained his reason, he would be hardly more than an ordinary man. At the very same time he said of Mendelssohn that he was the most lucid thinker, the most excellent philosopher, and the best literary critic of the century.
ellauri345.html on line 274: Stefan George galt als verschlossenes, eigenbrötlerisches Kind, das schon früh zur Selbstherrlichkeit neigte. Nebenbei lernte er selbstständig Italienisch, Hebräisch, Griechisch, Latein, Dänisch, Niederländisch, Polnisch, Englisch, Französisch und Norwegisch, um fremde Literaturen im Original lesen zu können. Seine Sprachbegabung veranlasste ihn auch, mehrere Geheimsprachen zu entwickeln. Eine davon behielt er bis zum Ende seines Lebens für persönliche Notizen bei; da jedoch alle entsprechenden Unterlagen nach seinem Tod vernichtet wurden, ist sie bis auf zwei Zeilen in einem Gedicht verloren und diese können auch nicht mehr entschlüsselt werden.
ellauri345.html on line 286: Näiden kahden väliseen suhteeseen liittyvä ja samankaltainen on sanojen nero ja nero ero.
ellauri345.html on line 294: Marianne von Willemer (* 20. November 1784 in Linz (?); † 6. Dezember 1860 in Frankfurt am Main; gebürtig wahrscheinlich als Marianne Pirngruber; auch: Maria Anna Katharina Theresia Jung) war eine aus Österreich stammende Schauspielerin, Sängerin (Sopran) und Tänzerin. Im Alter von 14 Jahren siedelte sie nach Frankfurt am Main über. Sie entwickelte sich zu einem lebhaften und lernfähigen Kind und erhielt privaten Unterricht unter einem Pfarrer. „Demoiselle Jung muß eine gute Lehrmeisterin gehabt haben und macht ihrer Lehrmeisterin auch keine Schande.“ sagte der Bräutigam, als sie die dritte Frau des Frankfurter Bankiers Johann Jakob von Willemer wurde. Diesem freundschaftlich verbunden, begegnete Johann Wolfgang von Goethe auch Marianne in den Jahren 1814 und 1815 und verewigte sie im Buch Suleika seines Spätwerks West-östlicher Divan. Unter den zahlreichen Musen Goethes war Marianne die einzige Mitautorin eines seiner Werke, denn der „Divan“ enthält auch – wie erst postum bekannt wurde – einige Gedichte aus ihrer Feder.
ellauri345.html on line 323: Diese Stelle, ihm zuckt´s Siihen yhteen paikkaan, nytkyy silläkin
ellauri345.html on line 436: Rudolf Borchardt wurde als zweites Kind des ursprünglich jüdischen, 1864 evangelisch getauften Kaufmanns Robert Borchardt (1848–1908) und seiner ebenfalls konvertierten Frau Rosalie, geb. Bernstein (1854–1943), geboren. Er verbrachte die ersten fünf Lebensjahre in Moskau und zog 1892 mit seiner Familie nach Berlin. Da er im Gymnasium diskriminiert wurde, gab die Familie ihn in die Obhut des Gymnasialprofessors Friedrich Wittu, der ihn den an den Königlichen Gymnasien zunächst in Marienburg und später in Wesel am Niederrhein in den Traditionen evangelischen Lebens und der „Treue gegen den König“ erzog. Schon in dieser Zeit prägte ihn die Lektüre der Schriften Herders. 1895 machte er am Königlichen Gymnasium zu Wesel sein Abitur und begann im selben Jahr in Berlin ein Studium in Theologie, später studierte er klassische Philologie und Archäologie. Diese Studien setzte er 1896 in Bonn und Göttingen fort und studierte daneben noch Germanistik und Ägyptologie.
ellauri345.html on line 438: Bleibende Eindrücke hinterließen 1898 das Frühwerk Hugo von Hofmannsthals und das Werk Stefan Georges. 1898 begann Borchardt mit der Arbeit an einer Dissertation über Gattungen der griechischen Lyrik, die jedoch nicht abgeschlossen wurde. Nach persönlichen Krisen und einer schweren Erkrankung im Februar 1901 verwarf Borchardt den Plan einer Universitätslaufbahn. Im Januar 1902 überwarf Borchardt sich mit seinem Vater, da dieser ihm monatliche Zahlungen verweigerte. Am 17. Februar reiste er nach Rodaun und besuchte den von ihm verehrten Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Seit 1903 lebte er mit einigen Unterbrechungen in der Toskana und wohnte in einer Villa in Monsagrati bei Lucca. 1906 heiratete Borchardt in London die Malerin Karoline Ehrmann (1873–1944) und kehrte mit ihr nach Italien zurück.
ellauri345.html on line 440: 1919 ließ er sich von seiner Frau scheiden und heiratete am 16. November 1920 die 20 Jahre jüngere Marie Luise (Marel) Voigt, eine Nichte Rudolf Alexander Schröders, mit dem er seit langem befreundet war. Der war aber aufgrund Borchardts desaströsen Finanzgebarens mit dieser Verbindung nicht einverstanden doch unterstützte über Jahre Borchardt und seine Familie finanziell.
ellauri345.html on line 490: Eih nyt se neula tarttui taas samaan raitaan pyörimään. Luja potku perseeseen kuin tulikärpäselle jonka lyhty pääsi sammumaan. Noni! Nyt lähtee taas!
ellauri345.html on line 569: Tämä yksi alkuperäinen sielu on nyt jakanut ja "jakanut" itsensä useille täysin erilaisille tasoille/ulottuvuuksille. Aber aufpassen! Merk dass "jakaa" oder "geteilt" die falschen Worte sind, denn alles ist mit allem verbunden. Vielleicht können wir es uns wie ein Organismus vorstellen. Nehmen wir als Anschauungsbeispiel einmal „die Welt“. Diese große Gesamteinheit beinhaltet schier unendlich viele immer kleiner werdende Detaileinheiten.
ellauri345.html on line 574: Besonders die Kurbelwelle! Es ist am besten, dein Auto nicht in diese Bestandteile zu demontieren, die kriegst du nie wieder zusammen!
ellauri345.html on line 593: Sielut inkarnoituvat kehoon (muotoon), esimerkiksi ihmiseen, mutta myös porkkanaan, täihin, iilimatoon tai luteeseen, saadakseen kokemuksia ja kehittyäkseen. Yksi alkuperäinen sielu (Jumala) sisältää jo KAIKEN kehityksen. Mutta vaikka kaikki on jo valmis, sielut haluavat silti pelata elämän peliä uudelleen. Koska se on kivaa. Jumala on siihen vähän kylästynyt. Lautapelit ovat valmiit ja tietokonepelit ohjelmoitu - ja silti nautimme niiden pelaamisesta uudelleen - eli niiden käyttämisestä ja soveltamisesta. Tässä suuri heijastuu pienessä ja pieni heijastuu suuressa.
ellauri345.html on line 645: Viimeisen kruunupään sukulaisemme Kuningas Kustaa IV Adolfin saatua potkut Ernst jätti turvapaikkansa vuonna 1809 ja palasi laittomasti Saksaan. Ensin hän saapui Königsbergiin paroni von Steinin kanssa, missä hän aloitti suhteen naimisissa olevaan Johanna Motherbyyn, jonka "ystävänä ja uskottuna" hän pysyi koko elämänsä ajan, vaikka naikin 1817 Schleiermacherin väkäleukaisen sisaren. Vaimo 1 Rügenissä oli kuollut lapsivuoteeseen, esikoisen Ernst nähtävästi jätti tuuliajolle. Vuonna 1834 hänen nuorin poikansa "Wilibald" hukkui Reiniin.
ellauri345.html on line 685: Kaikesta tästä huolimatta Daumer ei ollut ateisti. Hän kuvaili romanttista maailmankatsomustaan teistiseksi naturalismiksi tai harvemmin teistiseksi materialismiksi. Hänen teoksensa The Glory of the Blessed Virgin Mary, joka julkaistiin salanimellä vuonna 1841, osoittaa filosofisen ristiriidan, johon hän joutui. Työ johti läheisen ystävyyden päättymiseen Ludwig Feuerbachin kanssa. Vuonna 1850 hän sai jyrkän hylkäämisen Karl Marxilta, joka oli siihen asti myös ollut Daumerin partisaani. Syy Marxin lähtemiseen oli Daumerin teos Uuden maailmanajan uskonto. Yritys kombinatoris-aforistiseen perusasenteeseen. Marx näki tässä teoksessa "tyhmän talonpoikaidyllin", jonka "modernin maatalouden ja nykyaikaisten koneiden pitäisi kumota."
ellauri346.html on line 86: Sitten juoni etenee pitkälti samalla tavalla kuin heidän vanhempiensa kanssa 30 vuotta sitten, eli bylsitään kuin jänöt, mutta lähtiessään Kostya pyytää kahvia. Pöydässä istuessaan hän näkee televisiossa Beeline-mainoksen, jossa mies hengittää heliumia ilmapallosta ja puhuu puhelimeen muuttuneella äänellä. Mennessään kylpyhuoneeseen Kostya valitsee Irakin miehen numeron ja puhuu hänelle heliumin vaihtamalla äänellä, teeskenteleen kutsuvansa Irakilaista kiireesti töihin, mikä tekee selväksi, että Kostya ei ole enää humalassa, vaan vain teeskentelee olevansa humalassa. Irakilainen lähtee mutta epäluuloisena ottaa Kostjan mukaan.
ellauri346.html on line 90: Seuraavaksi Nadya Jr., joka tuntee useiden mehukkaiden yhdyntöjen jälkeen jo myötätuntoa Kostjaa kohtaan, soittaa poliisille. Saapuvat poliisit vievät Kostjan lisäksi myös Nadjan poliisiasemalle, josta Irakilainen vie tytön. Tomin (outo nimi irakilaiselle?) täytyi mennä Kostjan esittämään haasteeseen, ja Nadya varoittaa, että jos hän ei tule, hänen on juhlittava uutta vuotta Kostjan kanssa. Kostya, petettyään Nadyaa päivystäjän kanssa, poistuu osastolta, astuu poliisiautoon ja menee Nadyan luo. Hän juhlii uutta vuotta hänen kanssaan usein yhdynnöin, ja Irakilainen, joka yllättäen tajusi Kostjan petoksen, ryntäilee kaduilla autolla ja törmää pylvääseen Nadyan sisäänkäynnin kohdalla.
ellauri346.html on line 92: Juuri tällä hetkellä Jevgeni Lukashin saapuu Moskovasta ja suuntaa tuttuun osoitteeseen, jossa hän tapaa Ippolitin, Nadezhda Vasilievnan ja hänen vanhan ystävänsä Valjan. Ippolit yrittää julkisesti nöyryyttää Zhenyaa kutsumalla häntä säälittäväxi häviäjäksi, mutta hän vastaa sanomalla, että kaikesta huolimatta hän tuntee olevansa onnellinen neuvostoihminen, minkä jälkeen hän lähtee. Teslaromusta ryöminyt menestynyt irakilainen liikemies kuulee hänen monologinsa seisoessaan tasanteella ja nauraa makeasti.
ellauri346.html on line 97: Surusta juonut Irakilainen laittaa Kostjan lentokoneeseen, minkä jälkeen hän antaa tuntemattomalle lapselle matkapuhelimen ja Bluetooth-kuulokkeet, ja hän päättää lentää Vladivostokiin, josta hän on kotoisin.
ellauri346.html on line 105: Juoni muuttuu tarinaksi kahdesta koppelosta: Nadya Jr. (Konstantin vs. Irakilainen?) ja Nadya Sr. (Evgeniy vs. Ippolit?) Lopulta Lukashinit voittavat kilpailun, koska upporikas irakilainen osoittautuu Nadyalle liian tylsäksi, ja Nadezhda ymmärtää, ettei hän koskaan ollut todella rakastunut Ippolitiin, vaan pysähtyneeseen neuvostoihmiseen. Verkkolehti Lenita.ru ylisti elokuvien näyttelijöitä, huumoria ja tunnelmaa, mutta kritisoi kuvaa liiallisesta tuotesijoittelusta.
ellauri346.html on line 125: Hän syntyi Snovskin kaupungissa, joka on nyt kaupunki Korjukivin alueella Tšernihivin alueella, Ukrainassa (silloin Horodnyansky piiri, Tšernihivin maakunta, Venäjän valtakunta). Hän syntyi suureen perheeseen Oleksandr Mykolayovych Shchorsin, höyryveturin kuljettajan, joka muutti Tšernihivin alueeseen Stovtsista Minskin läänistä. Isoisä oli ex-kulakki.
ellauri346.html on line 127: Shchorsin poliittiset mieltymykset demobilisoinnin jälkeen olivat sosialistivallankumouksellisten puolella, mikä määritti hänen asenteensa Ukrainan tapahtumiin: hän ei hyväksynyt liittoa Itävaltalais-saksalaisten joukkojen kanssa, joiden kanssa hän oli taistellut rintamalla viime aikoihin asti, ja samaan aikaan hän oli vihamielinen bolshevikeille, jotka allekirjoittivat Brestin sopimuksen rauhoittumisneljännesliiton maiden (ententen) kanssa. Hänen osallistumisestaan Saksan joukkojen kanssa Tšernihivin alueella maaliskuussa 1918 taistelleeseen Semenivin partisaaniyksikköön ei ole luotettavia asiakirjoja, mutta muistelmakirjallisuudessa siihen on viittauksia.
ellauri346.html on line 135: Kiovan suunnan joukkojen ryhmän nro 18 6. maaliskuuta 1919 päivätyn määräyksen mukaan Shchors nimitettiin 1. divisioonan päälliköksi Lokotoshin sijaan. 7. maaliskuuta 1919 Ukrainan kansantasavallan armeija valtasi Berdychivin kaupungin. Jo 9. maaliskuuta kaupungin alueelle saapui ensimmäisen Ukrainan neuvostodivisioonan päällikkö Mykola Shchors, jonka tehtävänä oli poistaa bolshevikkeja uhkaava tilanne. Kovien taistelujen seurauksena, joihin Ivanovo-Voznesensky-rykmentti, kaksi panssaroitua junaa Luhanskista sekä aseelliset paikalliset työväenjoukot osallistuivat yhdessä šorsivien kanssa, Ukrainan kansantasavallan joukot lyötiin ja työnnettiin takaisin Novohrad-Volynskyi 19. maaliskuuta. Bolshevikit vangitsivat Berdychivin. Taistelujen aikana Mykola Shchors pystytti havaintopisteensä yhteen Paljaskarmeliitin luostarin torneista, josta hän johti Neuvostoliiton joukkoja. Aika törkeetä!
ellauri346.html on line 143: Sotilasasiantuntijan, reservin ensimmäisen arvon kapteenin Vasily Dandykinin lausunnon mukaan Ukrainan asevoimille siirrettyjä amerikkalaisia Abrams-panssarivaunuja ei ole vielä sijoitettu etulinjaan pohjoisen sotilaspiirin vyöhykkeellä. Hänen mielestään Yhdysvallat pitää nämä panssarivaunut taistelukontaktin takana säilyttääkseen sotilas-teollisen kompleksinsa arvovallan ja jatkaakseen sotatarvikkeidensa toimittamista länsimaihin. Näin ollen amerikkalaiset Abrams-tankit ovat ja pysyvät Venäjän federaation ja Ukrainan välisen konfliktin taustalla. Dandykin huomauttaa, että eurooppalaista sotilaskalustoa tuhotaan nyt sikana pohjoisen sotilaspiirin vyöhykkeellä, mikä tarkoittaa, että Yhdysvalloilla on kaikki mahdollisuudet toimittaa aseitansa Euroopan maihin. "Ja voittoja on kymmeniä miljardeja dollareita. He ovat edunsaajia. Loppujen lopuksi amerikkalaiset Abrams-tankit eivät ole vielä kolhiintuneet pahasti”, asiantuntija huomautti.
ellauri346.html on line 185: Yleisö jakoi useita videoita tapahtumasta verkossa väittäen Kristerssonin sanoneen, että Ruotsi ja EU "kannattavat Israelin oikeutta kansanmurhaan". Yksi alkuperäisistä ruotsalaisista viesteistä julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Instagramissa, jossa se on kerännyt kirjoitushetkellä 2,4 miljoonaa katselukertaa ja 14 600 tykkäystä. Useat ruotsalaiset käyttäjät jakoivat videon nopeasti TikTokissa, joista yksi sai lähes 417 000 katselukertaa ja 59 000 tykkäystä 24 tunnissa. X:ssä (entinen Twitter) "folkmord" oli yksi Ruotsin kymmenen suosituimman trendiaiheen joukossa 23. marraskuuta aamulla yli 3 500 aiheeseen liittyvällä viestillä.
ellauri346.html on line 204: "Yhdessä Ruotsin pääministerin väitetyn lipsahduksen kanssa mustakallovirusten leviäminen Ruåzissa sopii hyvin laajempaan syvästi polarisoituneeseen käsitykseen Israelin ja Palestiinan välisestä konfliktista ja Ruotsin kuvan nykyisestä heikkenemisestä", Önnefors sanoi. "Pääministeri on niin tyhmä että ihan itkettää "
ellauri346.html on line 249: Former Ukrainian MP Illya Kyva has been assassinated in Russia by Ukraine's SBU security service, law enforcement sources have told BBC Ukraine. - "How can I negotiate with a murderer like Putin? Setting aside that for a moment, how can I negotiate with the Russians? How can I debate about the people who reside in cities and villages that are occupied? We can't dictate where a person should live, what language they should speak, or which flag they should respect. Who are we to decide these things?" - Zelenskyy pointedly questioned.
ellauri346.html on line 253: Representatives of the ZSU claim that it might take some time before the Abrams tanks are dispatched to the battlefield. Consultations are ongoing as to exactly where to use the tanks to get the best effect in combat against Russian forces. And to ensure they are not lost before an opportunity for total liberation of the country arises.
ellauri346.html on line 256: American promise to deliver M1A1 Abrams tanks at the beginning of the year coincided with commitments from European countries to supply 2 German Leopard tanks. But it was the United Kingdom that was the first country to agree to send Western tanks to Ukraine,turning over its 2 Challenger tanks in January of this year. These performed excellently in battle, the Ukrainians praise them highly. Just like the Leopards, which dominate over the Russian machines. And let's not even start on the Abrams, considered the best heavy tanks in the world.
ellauri346.html on line 262: For now, the Russians are facing a trial by fire in a confrontation with Abrams tanks, which they fear. Moscow even claimed that US tanks will not perform well in the east because they allegedly can't fight in the climate in Ukraine. However, these claims have not been confirmed by Western experts. They can even handle the cold, that's more than certain. Why, ypu can even sleep on them with the engines running.
ellauri346.html on line 268: Stoltenberg's appeal for unrelenting military aid for Ukraine might be a reaction to difficulties faced by the U.S., which is presently unable to supply Kyiv with funds and equipment. This could also be due to the slight advancements made by Russia on the battlefield, or perhaps other factors exclusive only to high-ranking Alliance officials. Whatever the reason, the Norwegian's remarks have certainly created a buzz. Stoltenberg believes that the West should greatly support Kyiv's struggle against the invader and do everything possible at this stage to halt the Russians. The latter have regrouped following Ukraine's counteroffensive and are attempting to penetrate the front and launch assaults in several places, such as in Avdiivka, for instance.
ellauri346.html on line 302: The spending spree allegedly occurred during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit to the United States and Canada in September 2023. On Sept. 22 — the day of the purported Cartier spending spree in New York — Zelenskyy addressed the Canadian Parliament alongside Zelenska and participated in a rally with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau later that night. The couple returned to Ukraine following that event. For these reasons, the Cartier trip could not have occurred on Sept. 22, as indicated in the viral video, and almost certainly, based on how packed both of their schedules were, could not have occurred on any of the days prior to that — at least not without fake media attention.
ellauri346.html on line 306: Titled "Friendship Song," the video in question featured a group of children reportedly singing in a re-recording of an old song originally written by Israeli poet Haim Gouri after the 1948 war that led to the creation of the state of Israel, but with amended lyrics referring to Gaza. David Sheen, an independent filmmaker and writer, translated these new lyrics for The Electronic Intifada into English from Hebrew. Per his translation, the children sang:
ellauri347.html on line 148: Frieda syntyi Saksassa 23. lokakuuta 1889 konservatiiviseen keskiluokkaiseen juutalaisperheeseen. Hän oli vanhin useista sisaruksista, jotka kaikki olivat miehiä. Tästä syystä Friedan isä antoi hänelle etuoikeuksia, jotka tuolloin olivat harvinaisia naiselle.
ellauri347.html on line 170: Greenberg esiintyy juutalaisen Daniel Macklerin dokumentissa Take These Broken Wings (2004) skitsofreniasta toipumisesta ilman psykiatrisia lääkkeitä.
ellauri347.html on line 253: Yksilöllisen ihmisen suhteelle maailmaan on vain yksi mahdollinen, tuottava ratkaisu: hänen aktiivinen solidaarisuus kaikkia ihmisiä kohtaan ja spontaani toiminta, rakkaus ja työ, jotka yhdistävät hänet jälleen maailmaan, ei ensisijaisten siteiden kautta, vaan vapaana ja itsenäisenä pösilönä... Kuitenkin, jos taloudelliset, sosiaaliset ja poliittiset olosuhteet... eivät tarjoa riittävää finanssiperustaa yksilöllisyyden toteutumiselle juuri mainitussa mielessä, samalla kun ihmiset ovat menettäneet ne siteet, jotka antoivat heille turvaa, tämä viive tekee vapaudesta sietämättömän taakan. Siitä tulee sitten identtinen epäilyn kanssa, sellaisen pommielämän kanssa Boweryssä, jolla ei ole merkitystä ja suuntaa. Syntyy voimakkaita taipumuksia paeta tällaisesta vapaudesta alistumaan tai jonkinlaiseen suhteeseen ihmiseen ja maailmaan, joka lupaa setelitukuilla helpotusta epävarmuudesta, vaikka se riistääkin yksilöltä vapauden.
ellauri347.html on line 260: Vastaanotto- ja hyväksikäyttösuuntaukset ovat pohjimmiltaan tapa, jolla yksilö voi suhtautua muihin ihmisiin, ja ne ovat luonteen sosialisaatioominaisuuksia. Keräyssuuntautuminen on materiaaleja/arvoesineitä hankkiva ja assimiloiva luonteenpiirre. Markkinointisuuntautuneisuus syntyy vastauksena nykyajan inhimilliseen tilanteeseen. Markkinoiden nykyiset tarpeet määräävät arvon. Se on relativistista etiikkaa. Sitä vastoin tuottavuussuuntautuminen on objektiivista etiikkaa. Huolimatta ihmiskunnan eksistentiaalisista kamppailuista, jokaisella ihmisellä on potentiaalia rakkauteen, järkeen ja tuottavaan työhön työelämässä. Voi vaikka perustaa oman vastaanoton Mexicoon ja muuttaa Schweiziin niillä rahoilla loppupeleissä.
ellauri347.html on line 360: 1. Reseptiivinen suuntaus. Nämä ovat ihmisiä, jotka odottavat saavansa tarvitsemansa ihan anteexi. Jos he eivät saa sitä heti, he odottavat sitä. He uskovat, että kaikki tavarat ja tyytyväisyys tulevat ulkopuolelta itsestään. Tämä tyyppi on yleisin talonpoikaisväestössä. Se löytyy myös mm mutakuonokulttuureista, joilla on erityisen runsaasti luonnonvaroja, joten yksi ei tarvitse tehdä kovasti töitä toimeentulonsa eteen (vaikka luonto voi myös yhtäkkiä peruuttaa palkkionsa!). se löytyy myös minkä tahansa yhteiskunnan alareunasta: Orjat, maaorjat, hyvinvointiperheet, siirtotyöläiset... kaikki rupusakkia, jotka ovat paikalla muiden armosta. (Vizi on tääkin Kimmo samanlainen keskiluokan retiisi kuin Ontto!)
ellauri348.html on line 163: jos on onnea. Menestystä ei tuo raha, mutta vapaus tuo, ja vapautta saa rahalla, by lawyering up oneself to the hilt. Deepak on esitelty samassa paasauxessa "Muita huijareita" kuin Eckhart Tolle albumissa 131.
ellauri348.html on line 225: Sagan oli naimisissa kahdesti. 13. maaliskuuta 1958 hän meni naimisiin ensimmäisen aviomiehensä Guy Schoellerin kanssa, joka oli Hachette -toimittaja, joka oli 20 vuotta Sagania vanhempi. Pariskunta eroi kesäkuussa 1960. Vuonna 1962 hän meni naimisiin Bob Westhoffin, nuoren amerikkalaisen playboyn ja tulevaisuuden keraamikko. Pariskunta erosi vuonna 1963; heidän poikansa Denis Westhoff syntyi kesäkuussa 1962. Hänellä oli sitten pitkäaikainen suhde muotistylistiin Peggy Roche. Hänellä oli myös miespuolinen rakastaja, Bernard Frank, naimisissa oleva esseisti, joka oli pakkomielle lukemiseen ja syömiseen. Hän lisäsi omaa tyyliään "perheeseensä" aloittamalla pitkän suhteen ranskalaisen Playboyn -toimittajan Annick Geillen kanssa, sen jälkeen kun Geille pyysi Saganilta artikkelia lehteensä.
ellauri348.html on line 236: Charles Franklin Kettering (29. elokuuta 1876 – 25. marraskuuta 1958), joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Charles Fredrick Kettering oli amerikkalainen keksijä, insinööri, liikemies ja 186 patentin haltija. Hän oli Telkon perustaja ja General Motorsin sähkökäynnistysmoottori ja lyijyllinen bensiini. Yhdessä DuPont Chemical Company, hän oli myös vastuussa freonin kylmäaineen keksimisestä (ozoniaukot, jäähdytys ja ilmastointi). DuPontilla hän vastasi myös Duco -lakkojen ja emalien, ensimmäisten käytännöllisten massa- tuotettujen autojen. Työskennellessään Dayton-Wright Companyn kanssa hän kehitti "virheen" ilmatorpedoon, jota pidetään maailman ensimmäisenä ilmaohjuksena. Hän johti käytännöllisen ja kevyen kaksitahtidieselmoottorit, jotka mullistavat veturin ja raskaita laitteita toimialoilla. Vuonna 1927 hän perusti Kettering Foundationin, "puolueettoman" tutkimussäätiön, ja hänet esitettiin kannessa Time -lehti tammikuussa 1933.
ellauri348.html on line 288: Snyder oli kansainvälisesti tunnettu työstään kliinisen, sosiaalisen, persoonallisuuden ja terveyspsykologian rajapinnassa. Hänen teoriansa koskivat sitä, miten ihmiset reagoivat henkilökohtaiseen palautteeseen, ihmisen yksilöllisyyden tarpeeseen, kaikkialla esiintyvään haluun antaa anteeksi rikkomukset ja viimeksi toivon motiiviin jos ei mikään muu auta.
ellauri348.html on line 293: Hänet tunnettiin parhaiten toivoa ja anteeksiantoa vaativasta työstään, ja hän kehitti myös teorioita, jotka selittävät, kuinka ihmiset reagoivat henkilökohtaiseen palautteeseen, ihmisen ainutlaatuisuuden tarpeeseen ja pyrkimykseen antaa anteeksi ja antaa anteeksi rikkomukset. Hänen toivoteoriansa painottaa tavoitteellista ajattelua, jossa henkilö käyttää sekä polkuajattelua (koettu kyky löytää reittejä tavoitteisiinsa) että toimija-ajattelua (tarvittava seppoilumotivaatio käyttää näitä reittejä). Hänen analyysinsä motivoivista voimista – tekosyistä ja anteeksiantamisesta – antoi yksilöille mahdollisuuden irrottaa itsensä menneistä negatiivisista kokemuksista ja yhdistää itsensä toivoon, tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksiin. Vuonna 2000 hän osoitti toivoteoriansa oikeaxi tekemällä suoran kokeilun Good Morning America -ohjelman kirjeenvaihtajien kanssa.
ellauri348.html on line 300: Psykologian professori Barbara Fredrickson väittää, että toivo ilmaantuu kriisin lähestyessä ja avaa meille uusia luovia mahdollisuuksia. Tällainen positiivinen ajattelu, kun he sanovat jatkuvasti itselleen "Luulen, että voin, luulen pystyväni" on kuin pieni kaxitahtidieselmoottori, joka voisi...
ellauri348.html on line 334: Vaikka toivoa ja optimismia pidetäänkin synonyymeina, korostaa toivo optimismia enemmän tavoitteita, jotka ovat yhteydessä elämän merkityxen tunteeseen. No tulihan sekin sieltä lopulta, se "merkitys". Outo väite muuten että toivo olisi jotenkin pyrkyrimäisempää kuin optimismi. Toivo nimenomaan koskee asioita joita ei voi ize valita. Tahto on aloitteellista, toivo ei, se on riippumatonta tahdosta. Sadetta tai vaalivoittoa voi toivoa, muttei tahtoa, ainakaan ellei ole Donald Trump. Jotain kummallista käsitteiden vääntelyä on tässä talousliberaaleilla. No sehän johtuu siitä että American Dream on juuri tuollainen tombola, jossa enintään voi yrittää salaa jarruttaa onnenpyörää omalla kohdalla.
ellauri348.html on line 355: Edmund Blair Leighton ROI (21. syyskuuta 1852 – 1. syyskuuta 1922) oli englantilainen historiallisten genrekohtausten maalari, joka oli erikoistunut Regency- ja keskiaikaisiin aiheisiin. Hänen taiteensa liittyi esirafaeliittiseen liikkeeseen 1800-luvun puolivälin ja lopun välillä ja 1900-luvun alussa.
ellauri348.html on line 440: Kun Doorsin esiintymislavat vaihtuivat suurempiin yhtyeen suosion kasvaessa, Morrison alkoi tehdä lavaesiintymisistään rockteatteria. Hän kertoi, että ”oli välttämätöntä liioitella miltei groteskiuteen asti.” Morrisonin lavaesiintyminen perustui paljolti muutaman toistuvan liikkeen ja eleen käyttämiseen, ja niihin liittyi toisinaan myös spontaaneja akteja ja teksti-improvisaatioita. Morrison paitsi lauloi, myös resitoi lyriikkaansa ja välillä suorastaan huusi. Hän tukeutui laulaessaan voimakkaasti mikrofoniin ja mikrofonitelineeseen, pitäen siitä yleensä kiinni kaksin käsin. Hänen liikkeensä olivat hitaita, ja välillä hän jähmettyi paikalleen tuijottamaan yleisöä tai siirtyi kokonaan lavan sivuun. Toisinaan hän saattoi improvisoida intiaanitansseja tai heittäytyä makaamaan esiintymislavalle. Hänelle oli myös tyypillistä härnätä tai solvata yleisöä. Tää trendasi Jimin ikäpolvessa, kz. esim vuotta vanhempia Peter Handkea ja Jouko Turkkaa albumissa 340.
ellauri348.html on line 453: Elokuvan päähenkilöt ovat Milla, joka ei osaa ottaa vastuuta elämästään, ja yksinhuoltajaisä Aki, jonka elämä ei myöskään ole niin puhtoista kuin ensi alkuun näyttää. Hän ei pese kalsareita, vaan kääntää ne vain ympäri kerran viikossa kuin MIT:n atk-opiskelijat. Alkuperäistekstissä Joonas oli Akin pikkuveli, mutta elokuvassa hän on Akin poika.
ellauri348.html on line 502: Täyspimeässä vogeesisarjassa oli, kuinkas muuten, täyspimeää. Nid aux coulevres, tai muoviserpenz, oli clou tässä jaxossa, plus iänikuista kuikelon pormestarin nussintaa vajaasormisen majuurskan taholta. Tää sarja ei yritäkään mihkään edetä, sixi siitä tuli niin tolkuttoman pitkäpiimäinen. Joka jaxossa on jotain ällöttävää murhaamista, lääppimistä ja päämäärätöntä samoilua samassa tikkuisessa pikku mezälössä taskulampun valossa. Siinä koko resepti. Olisi ollut parempi jos Elsass ja Lothringen ois jäänyt sakuille.
ellauri348.html on line 719: Huvudpersonen, kung Astolf, lämnar sitt kyliga land och sin kvinna Svinfitta. Han förs av vindarna till Lycksalighetens ö där han gifter sig med Feliz Navidad (=den lyckliga). Här lever han lycklig, ung och vacker i 300 år tack vare en ungdomskälla. Minnet av det gamla hemmet når honom dock så småningom, han grips av skuldkänslor och återvänder. Men då han kommer tillbaka finner han sitt gamla hem förändrat. Svinfittan ä dö längesen. Människorna där har blivit så materialistiska att kungastyret har avskaffats. Han beslutar sig för att återvända till Lycksalighetens ö, men tiden hinner på hemfärden upp honom och han dör. I sorg över prinsens död stänger prinsessan Feliz Navidad in sig i sitt slott, och ungdomskällan blir av Avunden för alltid tillsluten. Så är sagan all.
ellauri348.html on line 754: Nisupullan näköinen Edmund Burke (12. tammikuuta 1729 – 9. heinäkuuta 1797) oli irlantilais-brittiläinen valtiomies, kirjailija, puhuja ja poliittinen filosofi. Hän kuului vuosina 1765–1794 Britannian parlamentin alahuoneeseen, johon hänet valittiin Whig-puolueesta. Yrjö III:n aikana hän tuki amerikkalaisten siirtokuntien itsenäistymistä, mikä tapahtuikin, kun Amerikan vallankumous puhkesi. Sen sijaan hän vastusti Ranskan vallankumousta, minkä ansiosta hänestä tuli Whigien konservatiivisen ryhmän johtavia jäseniä. Häntä pidetään jenkeissä nykyaikaisen konservatismin isänä. Burke kannatti vapaata markkinataloutta ja yksityisomaisuutta. Hän puolusti myös sananvapautta ja uskonnollista suvaitsevaisuutta. Burke varoitti antamasta liikaa valtaa poliittisille päättäjille yhteiskunnan kehitystä koskevissa asioissa. Parempi että Roope ja Kulta-Into Pii tekevät päätöxet. Burke ei koskaan esitellyt näkemyksiään systemaattisesti, vaan venkuroi niitä aina tapauskohtaisesti. Tyypillistä. Yhteiskunta toimii kuin ihmisruumis, jossa patraskit ovat peräreikänä.
ellauri348.html on line 833: Bobo-nukkekokeessa tutkittiin ympäristön vaikutusta lasten oppimiseen ja toimintaan. Kokeessa näytettiin lapsille video miehestä, joka pahoinpiteli bobo-nukkea. Lapset tuotiin myöhemmin huoneeseen, jossa oli samanlainen bobo-nukke, kuin videossa ja lapset alkoivat epäröimättä pahoinpitelemään nukkea videon miehen tavoin. Videoon kuului myös päätösosio, jossa mies kohtasi seuraamuksia teoistaan. Kävi ilmi, että lapset, jotka näkivät miestä palkittavan videolla, pahoinpitelivät nukkea todennäköisemmin kuin lapset, jotka näkivät miestä rangaistavan videolla.
ellauri348.html on line 858: Seligman syntyi Albanyssa, New Yorkissa, juutalaiseen perheeseen. Hän sai koulutuksen julkisessa koulussa. Optimisti saattaa pitää huonon kokemuksen huonon tuurin seurauksena, kun taas pessimisti saattaa perusteettomasti olettaa, että se on heidän syynsä tai rangaistus. esim. "Minulla ei ollut muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin kiduttaa koiroja."
ellauri348.html on line 982: Positiivisen psykologian käytännön sovelluksiin kuuluu auttaa yksilöitä ja organisaatioita tunnistamaan vahvuutensa oikein ja käyttämään niitä oman hyvinvointinsa lisäämiseen ja ylläpitämiseen. Jokainen ominaisuus "tarjoaa yhden monista vaihtoehtoisista poluista hyveeseen ja hyvinvointiin". Terapeutit, ohjaajat, valmentajat ja monet muut psykologiset ammattilaiset voivat käyttää uusia menetelmiä ja tekniikoita rakentaakseen ja laajentaakseen sellaisten yksilöiden elämää, jotka eivät välttämättä kärsi mielisairaudesta tai häiriöstä.
ellauri348.html on line 1063: Sosiaalipsykologiassa luottamus määritellään halukkuudexi asettua riskialttiiseen suhteeseen jonkin asian tai henkilön kanssa. Luottamus ja lupaus sisältävät aina jonkin verran kusetuxen riskiä. Sixi ne ovat jenkkisarjojen perusrekvisiittaa. Länsisarjojen tarkoitus on kasvattaa kaikenlaisten kusettajien luottoa.
ellauri349.html on line 101: Länsimaisen filosofian historiasta puuttui Montaigne ja Pipsa. Pipsa lisättiin 2. painoxen esipuheeseen.
ellauri349.html on line 235: Samaan aikaan hän osallistui Jacques Lacanin proseminaariin. Hänestä tuli psykoanalyytikko, Pariisin freudilaisen koulukunnan jäsen. Hän on erityisesti Antoinette Fouquen analyytikko, jonka hän kutsuu muiden Women's Liberation Movementin naisten kanssa jakamaan Vincennesissä opettamansa kurssitaakkaa: teos keskittyy kehoon, naisen seksuaalisuuteen sekä äidin ja tyttären väliseen suhteeseen, jota etevästi valaissee epätoivoinen kotirouvahahmo sarjassa Mitä Kuuluu kuin kointähtönen.
ellauri349.html on line 274: Kaxikin Eskin putkiaivoisempaa oppilasta on väitellyt Eskin luennointityylistä. Tuntui (ize)keskeisen hyvältä olla minä. E. Saarinen nappasi assistentuurin S.Albert Kiviseltä joka ei ollut saanut väitöskirjaa "tämyyxistä" valmiixi. "Top logician" Georg Kreisel oli lähes yhtä omituinen kuin ammeeseen paskantanut Saul Kripke. Saa nähdä tuleeko se Kataisen vieteriukko Pekka Himanen, joka lensi aurinkoon kuin Ikaros, ollenkaan mainituxi tässä kronikassa. Ei se ainakaan ole lähteissä.
ellauri349.html on line 382: Baumeister opetti sitten Case Western Reserve -yliopistossa vuosina 1979–2003 psykologian ja myöhemmin vapaiden taiteiden (?!) professorina. Myöhemmin hän työskenteli Florida State Universityssä Francis Eppes Eminent Scholar -tutkijana ja sosiaalipsykologian jatko-ohjelman johtajana. Vuonna 2016 hän muutti psykologian kouluun Queenslandin yliopistossa Australiassa, jossa hän opetti useita vuosia. Selvästi Hintikka-Saaristyyppinen tiedejulkimo joka vaihtaa paremmasta opistosta huonompaan samalla kuin palkkiot nousevat.
ellauri349.html on line 425: No täähän on Eskin credo ja raison d'être sanatarkasti väännettyä rautalangasta. Tälläsiä arkiryskeeseen langenneita wannabe pappeja on Wikipediassa kuin ruutukärpäsiä. Niillä on loppumaton kysyntä termiittien lantakuormassa.
ellauri349.html on line 429: Eski jätti teologian opinnot laitoxen hyväxyntäkirjeeseen, vaikka de facto palasi kuin koira oxennuxelle.
ellauri349.html on line 521: Joseph Almog syntyi vuonna 1958 uskonnolliseen perheeseen Jerusalemissa, Israelissa. Hän sanoo uskovansa Jumalaan yhä, mutta ei harjoita uskontoa. Lapsuudessaan Almog asui eri puolilla maailmaa, muun muassa seitsemän vuotta Pariisissa. Israelin kolmivuotisen armeijan jälkeen hän aloitti matemaattisen logiikan opinnot Oxfordin yliopistossa.
ellauri349.html on line 564: Esa Jouni Olavi Saarinen (born 27 July 1953 in Hyvinkää, Finland) is a Finnish philosopher who is professor of applied philosophy at Aalto University and co-director of the Systems Intelligence Research Group.
ellauri349.html on line 570: Eskin tähdet ovat yhtä tunkkaisia kuin Epsteinin ympärillä pyörineet julkimot (Amerikan presidentit, Woody Allen, prinssi Andrew): Sibelius, Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Dostojevski, Väpi Linnan sontimaton tutilas. Disney plus luokan klisheitä. Ja selvää salajeesustelua Pulp fiction fandomin takana: "On sittenkin syytä olettaa että Hesekielissä on järkeä". Eskin mielestä savunaama palkkatappaja oli rehellisellä Emmauxen tiellä eikä pelkkä raamattua siteeraava tärähtänyt palkkamurhaaja. Rehelliselle katujalle Jeesus antaa kaikki synnit anteexi. Ota vuoteesi ja kävele.
ellauri349.html on line 574: Jules: Well, there's this passage I got memorized.`It sort of fits the occasion. "Ezekiel 25:17". "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the self and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the Valley of Darkness for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. [now on-screen] And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. [raising his gun on Brett] And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
ellauri349.html on line 640: Palaten nyt Meister Eckhartin ja Heideggerin ajatusten väliseen suhteeseen, Schürmann (1973, s. 96) tuo esiin pari tapausta Heideggerin ja oman filosofisen ajattelunsa kehityksessä, jotka todistavat Meister Eckhartin vaikutuksesta. Nämä ovat: "Oleminen, joka antaa olentojen olla (ger. Gelassenheit); asian syntyminen (saksa Ding) ymmärretään maailman lähestymisenä; ihmisen olemus (ger. Wesen), jota Olento tarvitsee puolustaakseen totuuttaan; ajattelu kiittämisenä (saksa Gedang); lausumaton puhe (saks. ungesprochene Sprache), joka lahjoittaa maailman; ja viimeisenä mutta ei vähäisimpänä, elämä ilman syytä (saksa ohne Warum)”.
ellauri349.html on line 835: Kuinka toisin Raakel! Hän jakaa sanan "ve-det" kahteen säkeeseen, koska se ilmentää kuinka valo välkähtää veden pinnassa! Hän jättää lauseen kesken, koska sen sisältämä ajatus ei ole vielä tullut valmiiksi.
ellauri350.html on line 48: Nettideittailu on inhottavaa pillukonsuumerismia, taas tällästä amerikkalaista hypermarketbisnistä. Pitkänenät lumppukauppiaat kulkee pitkin hyllyjä ja kirjaa kuluttajien reaktioita ja tottumuxia. Is this cheese? Is this cheese? Is this also cheese? Yli 90% tästä kirjasta on tavallista lemmenjuonittelua, joten voi lukea yhtä hyvin Kinsellaa tai Jane Austenia, on ne sentään paremmin kirjoitettuja. Sen lisäxi yli 50% tästä niteestä on saman toistoa. Asiallisen asian olisi saanut mahtumaan pesukoneen käyttöoppaaseen.
ellauri350.html on line 68: Alvin Toffer korjaan Toffler kuzui cheese osaston ylikuormitusta kazakhstanilaisen reportterin kannalta nimellä Choice overload kirjassaan Future shock. Alvin Eugene Toffler (4. lokakuuta 1928 – 27. kesäkuuta 2016) oli yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija, futuristi ja liikemies, joka tunnetaan teoksistaan, jotka käsittelivät moderneja teknologioita, mukaan lukien digitaalinen vallankumous ja viestintävallankumous, painottaen niiden vaikutuksia kulttuureihin. maailmanlaajuinen. Häntä pidetään yhtenä maailman merkittävimmistä futuristeista.
ellauri350.html on line 71: Hän lisäsi pallon " informaation ylikuormitusta vuonna 1970 ensimmäisellä tulevaisuutta käsittelevällä kirjalla Future Shock, jota on maailmanlaajuisesti myyty yli 6 miljoonaa kappaletta. Höh. Cartlandia on myyty enemmän. Hän perusti Toffler Associatesin, liikkeenjohdon konsulttiyrityksen, ja oli vieraileva tutkija Russell Sage Foundationissa, vieraileva professori Cornellin yliopistossa , New School for Social Researchin opettaja, Valkoisen talon kirjeenvaihtaja ja yrityskonsultti. Tofflerin ideat ja kirjoitukset vaikuttivat merkittävästi yritysten ja hallitusten johtajien ajatteluun maailmanlaajuisesti, mukaan lukien kiinalainen Zhao Ziyang ja AOL:n perustaja Steve Case. I rest my caase. Kiinan pääministeri ja pääsihteeri Zhao Ziyang saivat suuren vaikutuksen Tofflerilta, koska se kehui kirjassa Kolmas eli keltainen aalto kovasti kiinalaisia. Alvin Toffler kuoli unissaan 27. kesäkuuta 2016 kotonaan Los Angelesissa. Kuolinsyytä ei kerrottu. Alvin ainoalla tyttärellä oli ikävä hermosairaus. Ei ihan putkeen mennyt Alvinillakaan. Sentään se oli uskollinen Heidille.
ellauri350.html on line 89: Kohut syntyi 3. toukokuuta 1913 Wienissä, Itävallassa , Felix Kohutin ja Else Kohutin (os. Lampl) perheeseen. Hän oli perheen ainoa lapsi. Kohutin vanhemmat olivat Alsergrundissa eli yhdeksännessä piirissä asuvia assimiloituja juutalaisia, jotka olivat menneet naimisiin kaksi vuotta aikaisemmin. Hänen isänsä oli innokas konserttipianisti, mutta hylkäsi unelmansa ensimmäisen maailmansodan kokemusten traumatisoimiseksi ja muutti liiketoimintaan Paul Bellakin kanssa. Hänen äitinsä avasi oman myymälänsä joskus sodan jälkeen, mitä vain harvat naiset tekivät tuolloin Wienissä. Elsen suhdetta poikaansa on kuvattu "narsistiseksi kietoutumiseksi".
ellauri350.html on line 153: Thomas F. Dewey, 89, kuoli 2021 rauhallisesti kotonaan. Rakas aviomies, isä, isoisä ja ikuinen newyorkilainen. Entisen New Yorkin kuvernöörin Thomas E:n vanhin poika, tosin hänen veljensä John edelsi häntä. John Poor Dewey syntyi Burlingtonissa, Vermontissa, vaatimattomien tulojen perheeseen. Hän oli yksi neljästä Archibald Sprague Deweyn ja Lucina Artemisia Rich Deweyn pojasta. Heidän ensimmäinen poikansa oli myös nimeltään John, mutta hän kuoli onnettomuudessa 17. tammikuuta 1859. John Poor Dewey syntyi 20. lokakuuta 1859, neljäkymmentä viikkoa vanhemman veljensä kuoleman jälkeen. Vanhemman eloonjääneen veljensä Thomas Rich Deweyn tavoin hän opiskeli Vermontin yliopistossa, jossa hänet vihittiin Delta Psixi ja valmistui Phi Beta Kappaxi vuonna 1879.
ellauri350.html on line 157: Thomas F. syntyi New Yorkissa ja varttui Albanyssa ja Pawlingissa. Hän valmistui Albany Academysta vuonna 1950 ja Princetonin yliopistosta 1954. Hän palveli yliluutnanttina Yhdysvaltain armeijassa kaksi vuotta Saksassa. Hän opiskeli Harvard Business Schoolissa ja valmistui vuonna 1958. Sitten hän liittyi Kuhn, Loeb & Co:n investointipankkiyritykseen. Hänestä tuli osakas ja hän toimi yrityksen johtokunnassa. Vuonna 1975 hän perusti oman rahoituspalveluyrityksen, Thomas E. Dewey, Jr. & Co., ja sen jälkeen oli mukana McFarland, Dewey & Co:n perustamisessa. Hän jatkoi liiketoimintaprojekteja ja työskenteli pitkälle 80-vuotiaaksi asti. Hän toimi useissa johtokunnissa, mukaan lukien The Apple Bank for Savings, Northwest Natural Gas ja The Scripps Research Institute. Hän toimi myös varapuheenjohtajana New York City Housing Development Corporationissa vuosina 1972–1989. Vuodesta 1959 lähtien hän toimi Lenox Hillin sairaalassa aktiivisena johtokunnan jäsenenä ja oli hallituksen puheenjohtaja vuosina 1982–1993, jonka jälkeen hän toimi emerituspuheenjohtajana. Hänen perheensä on ikuisesti kiitollinen (mutta ei rahallisesti velkaa) Lenox Hill -sairaalalle hänen viime vuosina saamansa hoidon laadusta. Menox, sanoi Annie Lenox.
ellauri350.html on line 167: Dad Mr. Tom E. Dewey did not endear himself to all Republicans, and in some he inspired a degree of scorn. To Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth he resembled “a groom on a wedding cake.”
ellauri350.html on line 242:
- Älä tule myöhässä. Älä pahanhajuisena ja pesemättömänä likaisissa vaatteissa..
ellauri350.html on line 275: Burr said that he weighed 12.75 pounds (5.8 kg) at birth, and was chubby throughout his childhood. "When you're a little fat boy in public school, or any kind of school, you're just persecuted something awful," he said. Later accounts of Burr's life say that he hid his homosexuality to protect his career. Burr had many hobbies over the course of his life: cultivating orchids and collecting wine, art, stamps, and seashells. He was very fond of cooking. He was interested in flying, sailing, and fishing. According to A&E Biography, Burr was an avid reader with a retentive memory. He was also among the earliest importers and breeders of Portuguese water dogs in the United States. Burr threw several "goodbye parties" before his death on September 12, 1993, at his Sonoma County ranch near Healdsburg. He was 76 years old.
ellauri350.html on line 297: Hän yhdisti ruoanlaitto- ja kirjoitustaitonsa vuoden 2004 kirjassaan Hallelujah! Tervetulopöytä , joka sisälsi 73 reseptiä, joista monet hän oppi isoäidillään ja äidiltään, sekä 28 vinjettiä. Hän julkaisi vuonna 2010 toisen keittokirjan, Great Food, All Day Long : Cook Splendidly, Eat Smart , joka keskittyi painonpudotukseen ja annosten hallintaan.
ellauri350.html on line 299: Alkaen julkaisusta I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Angelou käytti samaa "kirjoitusrituaalia" monta vuotta. Hän heräsi aikaisin aamulla ja kirjautui sisään hotellihuoneeseen, jossa henkilökuntaa käskettiin poistamaan kaikki kuvat seiniltä. Hän kirjoitti lainopillisiin tyynyihin makaaessaan sängyllä, ja hänellä oli vain pullo sherryä, korttipakka pasianssia varten , Roget´s Thesaurus ja Raamattu, ja lähti aikaisin iltapäivällä. Hän teki keskimäärin 10–12 sivua kirjallista materiaalia päivässä, jonka hän editoi kolmeen tai neljään sivuun illalla.
ellauri350.html on line 417: Vasta demiurgin luomisteon kautta aineen paha sielu sai jumalallisen ravintolisän. Tällä tavalla se sai osuuden sekä ideamaailmasta että nousista ja hyväksytystä järjestä. Siitä lähtien aineellinen maailma on tehnyt säännöllisiä jumppaliikkeitä. Joten aineen alunperin pahasta sielusta tuli hyvä (vaikkakaan ei täysin täydellinen) maailmansielu. Kuitenkaan "ilkeä sielu" ei muuttunut täysin, vaan se jatkoi olemassaoloaan sielun huonona osana kosmoksessa ja jatkoi vaikutustensa kehittämistä rajoitetussa määrin. Aineen luonnollista pahuutta ei korjaa sen sielun muutos, vaan se on rajoitettu; se vaikuttaa vain kuun ja maan väliseen alueeseen (kuviteltu maailman keskipisteeksi). Tämä alue on ainoa osa kosmosta, jossa Platonin opetuksen mukaan tapahtuu pahaa.
ellauri350.html on line 446: Association for Psychological Science (APS) myönsi hänelle James McKeen Cattell Fellow -palkinnon vetoamalla hänen tutkimukseensa ja ideoihinsa, jotka "muuttavat ajatteluamme terveyden luonteesta". Tohtori Friedman on myös saanut American Psychological Associationin urapalkinnon "Outstanding Contributions to Health Psychology" (jaosto 38). Professori Friedman on American Association for the Advancement Sciencen (AAAS) lämmin jäsen. American Psychological Association (APA); Society of Behavioral Medicine ja Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research.
ellauri351.html on line 58: Onko ”rodullistettu” -sanalle löydettävissä jokin vastine? ”Rodullistettu” viittaa sanaan rotu. Käsite ”rotu” ei perustu tieteeseen eikä evoluutoteoriaakan sitä tunne. Eikö rodullistettu -sanan käyttö viittaa siihen, että käyttäjä hyväksyy käsitteen rotu. Vaikka ei pitäisi.
ellauri351.html on line 138: Lorenz liittyi natsipuolueeseen vuonna 1938 ja hyväksyi yliopiston puheenjohtajan natsihallinnon alaisuudessa. Puolueen jäsenyyshakemuksessaan hän kirjoitti: "Voin sanoa, että koko tieteellinen työni on omistettu kansallissosialistien ideoille."
ellauri351.html on line 143: Apinoiden vaistonvarainen sotainnostus lähtee Konradin mukaan liikenteeseen näistä ainexiata:
ellauri351.html on line 172: Hänen uuden kirjansa, Between and Brain: Mielen ja mielen mallit ja mielen mallit, teema on se, että ajattelemme malleissa. Britton on huolissaan enemmän mielestä kuin aivoista, vaikka varhaisissa luvuissa viitataankin nykyajan neurotieteeseen. Ensimmäisessä luvussa Britton esittää kysymyksen, joka aikoinaan kiusasi Freudia: pääsevätkö psykoanalyysi ja aivotiede koskaan olennaisesti päällekkäiseen selvitykseen henkisestä kokemuksesta? Brittonin vastaus on "todennäköisesti ei", vaikka hänen mielestään syyt tähän ovat muuttuneet Freudin ajoista. Kvanttibiologisten mallien menestys neurologiassa on johtanut tilanteeseen, jossa mekaaninen kuvaus aivojen toiminnasta on korvattu todennäköisyydellä (joten tuloksia ei voida koskaan täysin määrittää etukäteen) ja täynnä monimutkaista, vasta-intuitiivista vuorovaikutusta. (Patrick Haggard Queen Squaresta on osoittanut, että useissa tilanteissa aivot toteuttavat aikomuksemme ennen kuin ne ovat tietoisesti muotoiltuja mielessä).
ellauri351.html on line 186: Koripallojoukkueeseen muilutettiin gorilla. Puolet yleisöstä ei huomannut mitään tavallisesta poikkeavaa. Ylläri. Ollessamme väsyneitä uskomme melkein mitä tahansa. Omaisuuteen muodostuu tunnesuhde, kiintymys. Pelko että joku pyrkii keulimaan voi olla kuvitelma. Voi se olla perusteltukin. Kyllä homo sapiensilla on taipumusta keulia.
ellauri351.html on line 214: Bessel van der Kolk is a psychiatrist, author, researcher and educator based in Boston, United States. Bessel van der Kolk (s. 1943) on psykiatri, kirjailija, tutkija ja kouluttaja Bostonissa. Kova peli Bostonissa, Yhdysvalloissa. Hänen tutkimuksensa on ollut 1970-luvulta lähtien ihan parhautta posttraumaattisen stressin alalla. Hän on kirjoittanut The New York Timesin bestsellerin, The Body Keeps the Score.
ellauri351.html on line 215: Kolkista tuli Trauma Research Foundationin puheenjohtaja Brooklinessa, Massachusettsissa, jonka hän perusti sen jälkeen, kun hänet erotettiin Brookline Trauma Centeristä "vihamielisen työympäristön luomisesta", jossa hän väitetään saaneen työntekijät tuntemaan olonsa "halvatun epämukavaksi". Traumakeskus suljettiin myöhemmin.
ellauri351.html on line 221: tähän traumaattiseen ajanjaksoon hahmotellen voimia – katolisesta byrokratiasta kognitiivista käyttäytymisterapiaa suojelevaan institutionaaliseen ryhmäajatteluun – joiden hän näkee vainonneen hänet pois Harvardista. Nykyään 80-vuotiaana hän asuu suuressa talossa, josta on näköala peltoalueelle ja Berkshiresin metsään. Keskustelussa hän säteilee toisinaan kärsimättömyyttä ja on taipuvainen keskeyttämään muut puhujat. Kun mainitsin, että en ollut vakuuttunut hänen luennolla esittämästä väitteestä, jonka mukaan valtakunnallinen varhaislapsuuden kiintymysinterventioohjelma voisi lopettaa joukkovangittamisen, hän sanoi minulle asiallisesti, ettei minulla ollut pätevyyttä ottaa kantaa. Hän osaa vaihdella mielialan ärtymyksen ja voiton viehätyksen välillä. Retriitin ensimmäisenä päivänä hän haki minut Teslaansa ostaakseen viiniä herkkupalaksi henkilökunnalleen. Kun saavuimme myymälään muutama minuutti sen sulkemisen jälkeen, van der Kolk loisti minua niin synkästi, että lupasin löytää toisen. Myöhemmin varovasti esitin pullot. "Tule huoneeseemme muun joukkueen kanssa", hän sanoi lämpimästi.
ellauri351.html on line 225: Terrorin vastainen sota sai käänteen rahoitetun traumatutkimuksen tyypissä kohti PTSD:n neurobiologiaa. Tämä tuli van der Kolkille todisteena ja antoi hänelle mahdollisuuden päästä eroon palautuneiden muistisotien kuolleesta painosta. Liittovaltion rahoitus oli myös omaksumassa yhä avoimemmin ei-lääketieteellisiä hoitoja. Välittömästi 11. syyskuun iskujen jälkeen van der Kolk ja traumakeskus hoitivat ensiapuhenkilöitä ja siviilejä silmän liikkeen herkistymisen ja uudelleenkäsittelyn avulla, jossa potilas ajattelee traumaattista kokemusta, kun taas kliinikko ohjaa potilaan silmiä edestakaisin. Vaikka van der Kolk oli alun perin skeptinen, hänestä tuli EMDR-evankelista, joka johti National Institutes of Healthin rahoittamaa tutkimusta, jossa verrattiin EMDR:ää Prozaciin PTSD:n hoidossa. Vuonna 2008 hän aloitti ensimmäisen NIH:n rahoittaman tutkimuksen joogan tehokkuudesta PTSD:n hoidossa. EMDR on lyhennys englanninkielisistä sanoista Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Hän suoritti myös tutkimusta neurofeedbackista, terapiasta, joka näyttää potilaille reaaliaikaisia lukemia pulssistaan ja aivoaalloistaan ja opettaa heitä säätelemään itseään. Tätä "somaattisten terapioiden" arsenaalia yhdisti se, että ne kohdistuivat kehoon kognition (kuten kognitiivinen käyttäytymisterapia) tai kieleen (kuten puheterapia) sijaan.
ellauri351.html on line 233: Julkaisunsa jälkeisinä vuosina The Body Keeps the Score – sen kansi, jossa on Matissen maalaus – on tullut terapeuttien toimistoihin, Instagramin ruudukkoihin ja ihmisten yöpöytään. "Se yhdisti minulle niin monia pisteitä", sanoi yksi van der Kolkin kollegoista Traumatutkimussäätiössä. Verkkoarvostelijat jakoivat samanlaisia paljastuksia. "Ymmärrän sen nyt", yksi lukija julkaisi Redditissä. "En ole yksi rikkinäinen, viallinen muukalainen, joka on sijoitettu vieraaseen perheeseen vieraalla planeetalla, olen lapsi, jota ei ole nähty, kuultu tai hoidettu." Erään toimittajan lisäksi van der Kolk muistelee: ”Kukaan meistä ei odottanut tätä, että se kiipeäisi ja kiipeäisi ja kiipeäisi. Olen edelleen ymmälläni."
ellauri351.html on line 249: Festinger syntyi Brooklynissa New Yorkissa 8. toukokuuta 1919 venäläis-juutalaissiirtolaisten Alex Festingerin ja Sara Solomon Festingerin perheeseen. Hänen isänsä, kirjontavalmistaja, oli "jättänyt Venäjän radikaalina ja ateistina ja pysyi uskollisena näille näkemyksille koko elämänsä ajan".
ellauri351.html on line 251: Lewin syntyi vuonna 1890 juutalaiseen perheeseen Mogilnossa, Mogilnon läänissä, Posenin maakunnassa, Preussissa (nykyinen Puola ). Se oli pieni kylä, jossa asui noin 5000 ihmistä, joista noin 150 oli juutalaisia. Lewin sai ortodoksisen juutalaisen koulutuksen kotona. Hän oli yksi neljästä keskiluokan perheeseen syntyneestä lapsesta. Hänen isänsä omisti pienen sekatavaraliikkeen, ja perhe asui myymälän yläpuolella olevassa asunnossa. Hänen isänsä Leopold piti maatilaa yhdessä veljensä Maxin kanssa; tila oli kuitenkin laillisesti kristityn omistuksessa, koska juutalaiset eivät tuolloin saaneet omistaa maatiloja.
ellauri351.html on line 257: Lewin kexi sanan genidentiteetti. Se on nykyään ehkä ainoa säilynyt todiste Lewinin vaikutuksesta tiedefilosofiaan. Mä kexin Norssin ekalla luokalla sanan getiparnetiivi kunen tiennyt että sille on jo sana olemassa, nimittäin akkusatiivi. Genidentiteetti on eksistentiaalinen suhde, joka on objektin synnyn taustalla hetkestä toiseen. Se, mitä yleensä pidämme objektina, koostuu todella useista olioista, jotka ovat objektin vaiheita eri aikoina. Kaksi objektia eivät ole identtisiä, koska niillä on samat yhteiset ominaisuudet, vaan koska toinen on kehittynyt toisesta. Lewin esitteli käsitteen 1922 Habilitationsschrift Der Begriff der Genese in Physik, Biologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte. Tästä käsitteestä ei kuitenkaan koskaan tullut laajan keskustelun ja väittelyn kohde omalla tavallaan. Sen sijaan sen kontekstista poimivat filosofit, kuten Rudolf Carnap, Hans Hermes, Hans Reichenbach, Adolph Grünbaum ja Bas van Fraassen, jotka sisällyttivät tämän käsitteen omiin teorioihinsa, kuten maailmankaikkeuden topologiaan tai mekaniikan aksiomatisointiin. Lewinin ajatuksena oli verrata ja vastakohtaista genidentiteetin käsitettä eri tieteenaloilla paljastaen siten kunkin luonteenomaisen rakenteen ja mahdollistaen niiden luokittelun.
ellauri351.html on line 301: Westfall ja Hilbe vuonna 2007 valittivat, että Talebin kritiikki on "usein perusteetonta ja joskus törkeää". Taleb, kirjoittaa John Kay, "kuvailee kirjailijoita ja ammattilaisia sekopäixi tai tyhmiksi, enimmäkseen tyhmiksi. Hänen kirjoituksensa on täynnä epäolennaisuutta, sivukieltä ja puhekieltä, lukeminen kuin kirjailijan keskustelua eikä tiukasti argumentoitua teesiä. Mutta se on äärimmäisen nautinnollinen – houkutteleva, mutta helppo sukeltaa. Silti hänen raivonsa ja pilkkansa alla piilee vakavia asioita. Nykyään käytössä olevat riskinhallintamallit sulkevat pois juuri ne tapahtumat, joilta ne väittävät suojelevan niitä työllistäviä yrityksiä. Nämä mallit tuovat sisäänsä vi-...-lun teknisen hienostuneisuuden... Kvantitatiiviset psykoanalyytikot ovat tuudittaneet yritysten johtajat ja sääntelyviranomaiset illusoriseen turvallisuuden tunteeseen." Berkeleyn tilastotieteilijä David Freedman sanoi, että tilastotieteilijöiden yritykset kumota Talebin kanta eivät ole olleet vakuuttavia. Kuha vekuttavat housut nilkoissa, mulkut heilahdellen tuulessa.
ellauri351.html on line 322: Liike kehittyi 2000-luvulla, ja nimi tehokkaaksi altruismiksi keksittiin vuonna 2011. Liikkeeseen vaikuttavia filosofeja ovat Peter Singer, Toby Ord ja William MacAskill. Se, mikä alkoi hajanaisen liittoutuman kannattamana arviointitekniikoiden sarjana, kehittyi identiteetiksi. Noin 7 000 aktiivisen altruismin yhteisössä ja vahvat siteet Yhdysvaltojen ja Britannian eliittikouluihin vaikuttava altruismi on liitetty Piilaaksoon ja teknologiateollisuuteen muodostaen tiukan miehekkään alakulttuurin.
ellauri351.html on line 430: Raivo ja paniikki, taistele tai pakene, on molemmat käypiä konfliktitaktiikoita, piru on vaan arvata kumpi kulloinkin pelittää paremmin. Tässä kohden Paavo kaivaa psykoanalyytikon nesessääristä Kolkin traumatakautumat. Paha omatunto sotarikoxista julmistaa.
ellauri351.html on line 645: Hänellä oli kunnia pitää pääpuhe Kapkaupungissa Etelä-Afrikassa vuonna 2006 juhlistaen arkkipiispa Desmond Tutun rauhanomaista elämää ja Totuus- ja sovintokomission toiminnan 10. vuosipäivää. Häntä myös kunnioitettiin useaan otteeseen nimittämällä hänet Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon saajaksi. Tukikirjeitä lähetettiin 27 maasta.
ellauri351.html on line 658: Esineiden yhdistäminen – jotka voivat olla todellisia esineitä tai toimia tai jokin muu samaistuminen kuolleeseen – sitoo surejat (usein sattumanvaraisen assosioinnin kautta) heidän todelliseen menetyksensä hetkeen. Volkanin "suruterapia", joka perustui Edward Bibringin surutyöhön, pyrki vapauttamaan patologiset surejat ottamalla heidät takaisin "tarkistamaan kuoleman olosuhteita – kuinka se tapahtui, potilaan reaktiota uutisiin ja katseluun. ruumis, hautajaisten tapahtumat jne." Mixhän noi on niin tärkeitä? Mixi pitää surettavan ruumiista löytyä edes kilon paloja? Jenkkiskoudesarjat pitää sitä eri tärkeänä. Syyllisen kiinnisaanti ja verikosto on myös ihan parhautta.
ellauri351.html on line 692: Elinikäinen marxilainen, hänen yhteiskuntapoliittiset vakaumuksensa vaikuttivat tuhoisasti hänen työnsä luonteeseen. Brittikommarit vaati 2. rintaman avaamista johki Pohjois-Ranskaan ryssien hädän helpottamisexi. Ei jaxa, istutaan ja kazotaan eka kuinka iivanalle käy, oli Churchillin ja Rooseveltin näkemys. Soditaan vaan tuolla siirtomaissa ja odotetaan itärintaman lopputulosta. M15:n ponnisteluista huolimatta vuonna 1947 hänestä tuli historian lehtori Birkbeck Collegessa, Lontoon yliopistossa, jossa tuohon aikaan epätavallisella tavalla henkilökunnan tai opiskelijoiden keskuudessa ei ollut taipumusta kommunismin vastaisuuteen. Hobsbawm sanoi, että McCarthyismista oli olemassa heikompi versio. joka otti valtaansa Isossa-Britanniassa ja vaikutti marxilaisiin tutkijoihin: "En saanut ylennystä 10 vuoteen, mutta kukaan ei heittänyt minua ulos". Poliittiset viholliset kielsivät Hobsbawmilta luennoitsijan Cambridgessa, ja koska hän oli myös estetty jonkin aikaa professuurista Birkbeckissä samoista syistä, hän puhui onnesta, kun hän oli saanut viran Birkbeckissä vuonna 1948 ennen kuin kylmä sota alkoi todella lähteä liikkeelle. Konservatiivien kommentaattori David Pryce-Jones on dementoinut tällaisten uraesteiden olemassaolon.
ellauri352.html on line 47: Pinocchio oli puinen sätkyukko. Mäntysilmä (oxankohta laudassa?) tai männynsiemen toskanaxi, jonka nenä veny valhetellessa kuin penis erektiivisenä. These aspects are consistent across all adaptations: Pinocchio is an animated sentient puppet, Pinocchio's maker is Geppetto and Pinocchio's nose grows when he lies. Pinocchio's bad behavior, rather than being charming or endearing, is meant to serve as a warning. Collodi originally intended the story, which was first published in June 1881 in the children's magazine Il Corriere dei Piccoli, to be a tragedy. It concluded with the puppet's execution. Kettu ja kissa jotka vievät Disneyn Pinocchion "teeatteriin" hirttävät hänet lähimpään puuhun, joka sattui olemaan tammi eikä mänty.
ellauri352.html on line 51: The main imperatives demanded of Pinocchio are to work, be good, and study. And in the end, Pinocchio's willingness to provide for his father and devote himself to these things transforms him into a real boy with modern comforts, turning the story into a comedy.
ellauri352.html on line 95: Puntun Paavolle on tasapuolista kahdapuoltoa aina mainita Hitler ja bolshevikit samassa lauseessa. USA ja britit saavat osansa erillisissä osastoissa. Reagan ja Stalin sentään pääsee samaan lauseeseen.
ellauri352.html on line 311: Marcel Mauss syntyi vuonna 1872 Épinalin kaupungissa juutalaiseen perheeseen. Hänen Bas-Rhinistä kotoisin oleva isänsä Gerson meni naimisiin muutamaa vuotta aiemmin Rosine Durkheimin, Émile Durkheimin vanhemman sisaren kanssa, jonka kanssa hän liittyi Lorraine-kaupunkiin ottaakseen haltuunsa äitinsä tekstiilipajan, josta tuli nuoren parin johdolla noin klo. 1/2 pääkirjontatehdas, Mauss-Durkheim. Marcelin lisäksi heillä oli onnexi vuonna 1876 syntynyt poika Henri. Hänen setänsä Émile Durkheim, joka oli häntä neljätoista vuotta vanhempi, oli tärkeässä roolissa hänen kutsumuksessaan ja sitten hänen urassaan.
ellauri352.html on line 325: Durkheimille kategoriat eivät ole epämääräisiä ja epämääräisiä, kuten Kant kuvitteli. Lisäksi kategoriat vaihtelevat, joskus suurestikin, kulttuurista toiseen, mikä saa Durkheimin uskomaan, että ne ovat sosiaalista alkuperää. Esim juutalainen kyynärä on eri pituinen kuin roomalainen. These lengths typically ranged from 44.4 to 52.92 cm (1 ft 5+1⁄2 in to 1 ft 8+13⁄16 in), with an ancient Roman cubit being as long as 120 cm. Durkheim sanoo pohjimmiltaan, että uskonto on kaiken ihmistiedon alkuperä. Tässä Durkheimin teorian osassa on kuitenkin virhe [riittämätön lähde].
ellauri352.html on line 329: Durkheimin mukaan nämä yhteiskunnalliset voimat toteutuvat hetkinä, joita hän kutsuu "kollektiiviseksi kuohumiseksi". Nämä hetket tapahtuvat, kun kaikki ryhmän yksilöt tuodaan yhteen kommunikoimaan "samassa ajatuksessa ja samassa toiminnassa". "Kun yksilöt on koottu, niiden lähentymisestä syntyy eräänlainen sähkö, joka kuljettaa heidät nopeasti poikkeuksellisen korkeaan ylennyksen asteeseen". Durkheim kutsuu tätä energiaa "manaksi". Nykyään voimme nähdä tämän manavoiman jalkapallostadioneilla tai kansallisissa poliittisissa kokouksissa. Sitä on myös määzik korteissa. Tämä mana liimataan sitten johkin höyheneen ja voilà: uusi uskonto on syntynyt.
ellauri352.html on line 442: No se Juntun Paavosta. Nyt palaan albumin 341 aiheeseen, eli Markus Leikolan tiiliskiveen, tarkemmin sanoen sen Auschwitzia kuvailevaan lukuun.
ellauri352.html on line 474: Bruno Dössekker on koulutettu klarinetisti ja itseoppinut soittimentekijä, joka asuu saksankielisessä Sveitsissä. Hän tuli tunnetuksi nimellä Binjamin Wilkomirski vuodesta 1995, kun hän julkaisi muistelmia. Sen jälkeen kun hänen elämäntarina on paljastettu kusetuxexi, hänet tuomittu kirjalliseksi petokseksi ja tekaistujen muistojen " uhriksi". Termi Wilkomirskin oireyhtymä juontaa juurensa siitä seuranneeseen keskusteluun.
ellauri352.html on line 478: Fragmentit on käännetty kahdelletoista kielelle. Kirjoittajaa verrattiin toisinaan Elie Wieseliin, Anne Frankiin tai Primo Leviin. Toisin kuin usein sanotaan, hänen kirjansa ei ollut bestseller missään. Bugger it.
ellauri352.html on line 480: Kirjoittaja itse esiintyi useaan otteeseen vaikuttuneen yleisön edessä nykyajan todistajana ja asiantuntijana, olipa kyseessä sitten koululuokkien edessä, tiedotusvälineissä tai Shoaa ja sen myöhempiä ongelmia (esim. selviytyneiden henkilöllisyyden puute) koskevissa tieteellisissä tapahtumissa jotka olivat vielä lapsia Shoan aikana). Hän antoi videohaastatteluja arvostetuille arkistoille ja esitti itseään televisiodokumenteissa. Hän sai myös kolme törkeää juutalaisten palkintoa työstään. Julkisten esiintymistensä aikana hän myös selvensi monia asioita, jotka jäivät sanomatta tai epämääräisiksi julkaistussa tekstissä. Hän mainitsi suullisesti niiden keskitysleirien nimet, joissa hän oli oleskellut (Majdanek ja Auschwitz) tai mainitsi, että hän itse oli joutunut raakojen ihmiskokeiden uhriksi.
ellauri352.html on line 604: In 2011, a "novel of the decade" was chosen due to lack of sponsorship to hold the customary award. Five finalists were chosen from sixty nominees selected from the prize´s past winners and finalists since 2001.[citation needed] Chudakov won posthumously with A Gloom Is Cast Upon the Ancient Steps, which takes place in a fictional town in Kazakhstan and describes fictional life under Stalinist Russia. The criteria for inclusion included literary effort, representativeness of the contemporary literary genres and the author¨s reputation as a writer. Length was not a criterion, as books with between 40 and 60 pages had been nominated.
ellauri353.html on line 155: No ei, jatkui se sittenkin. Ihmemies Black McGyver oli saanut padon tukkeeseen. Humanismi oli voittanut. Marcon mauvais foi sanoi vielä kerran Mau.
ellauri353.html on line 188: Espanjan sisällissodan alkaessa Buñuel liittyi Espanjan kommunistiseen puolueeseen (PCE) vuonna 1931, vaikka myöhemmin elämässään hän kielsi ryhtyneensä kommunistiksi. Läppä läppä se sanoi kuin pyhä Pietari. Elokuussa 1936 Nationalistinen miliisi ampui ja tappoi Federico García Lorcan. Afterwards, returning to Spain was impossible since the Fascists had seized power, so Buñuel decided to stay in the U.S. indefinitely, stating that he was "immensely attracted by the American naturalness and sociability". Sekin vielä.
ellauri353.html on line 195: Munuelin eka mexikaano elokuva ei menestynyt lipputuloissa, ja jotkut jopa kutsuivat sitä fiaskoksi. Sen epäonnistumiseen yleisölle on esitetty erilaisia syitä; joidenkin mielestä Buñuel joutui tekemään myönnytyksiä tähtiensä, erityisesti Negreten, huonolle maulle, toiset vetoavat Buñuelin ruosteisiin teknisiin taitoihin ja luottamuksen puutteeseen sen jälkeen, kun hän oli ollut niin monta vuotta pois ohjaajan tuolista, kun taas toiset spekuloivat, että meksikolainen yleisö oli kyllästynyt "churroiksi" kutsuttuihin genreelokuviin, joiden katsottiin olevan halpoja ja hätäisesti tehtyjä.
ellauri353.html on line 235: Don Rafael Acosta embajador de Miranda, el matrimonio Thévenot, y Florence la hermana de Madame Thévenot, están invitados a cenar en casa del matrimonio Sénechal. Sin embargo, hay una confusión, y Monsieur Sénechal ha salido rumbo a otra cita. Como alternativa, se proponen ir a un restaurante cercano, pero al llegar se dan cuenta de que el dueño del establecimiento ha muerto. A partir de este momento, las reuniones entre este selecto grupo de burgueses se verán interrumpidas por una serie de eventos extraordinarios, algunos reales y otros producto de su imaginación. La alternancia entre lo real y lo onírico produce giros inesperados en la trama, en la que intervienen otros personajes como militares, un obispo, policías, guerrilleros y campesinos, todos causantes de interrupciones durante los frustrados intentos de los seis primeros por sentarse a comer y disfrutar del encanto de ser burgueses.
ellauri353.html on line 266: Rose Director syntyi Staryi Chortoryiskissä Ukrainassa Director - perheeseen, merkittäviin juutalaisiin. Niinpä tietysti. Hänen uskotaan syntyneen joulukuun 1910 viimeisellä viikolla; syntymätiedot ovat kuitenkin kadonneet. Nuoruudessaan hän kirjoitti artikkeleita kulutuksesta Dorothy Bradyn kanssa. Rose Friedman opiskeli Reed Collegessa ja siirtyi sitten Chicagon yliopistoon, jossa hän sai filosofian kandidaatin tutkinnon. Tämän jälkeen hän alkoi opiskella taloustieteen tohtoriksi Chicagon yliopistossa ja suoritti kaikki tohtorintutkintoon tarvittavat työt väitöskirjan kirjoittamista lukuun ottamatta.
ellauri353.html on line 279: Milton Friedman is widely regarded as the leader of the Chicago school. Of monetary economics. Stresses the importance of the quantity of money. As an instrument of government policy. Terminated. A business cycles and inflation. After graduating in one nine hundred thirty two with a Bachelor of Arts from Rutgers. He received graduate degree. From the University of Chicago. And Columbia University. Since one thousand nine hundred seventy seven. Professor print. Has been a senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution. Homeless or University Professor Friedman received the one nine hundred seventy six Nobel Prize for ECT. That's. In addition to his scientific work. Professor Friedman has written extensively on public policy. Always with primary emphasis on the preservation and extension of. Individual freedoms. In his most important works in this area. Perhaps an ever. The important area. Is life. He has collaborated by. Roads. An accomplished. Economist in her own right. Together they wrote. Capitalism and Freedom. Free to choose. And tyranny of the status quo. Free to choose and tyranny of the status quo later rip it into a T.V. series of the same names that were shown over the public. Public Broadcast stations.
ellauri353.html on line 281: Mrs. FRIEDMAN attended Reed College and studied economics at the University of Chicago. She was on the staff of the National Research and the bureau. A few. Home Economics. She next joined the staff of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation where she worked until she married Milton and moved to New York. Since then she has continued home economic research on her own publishing. Individually and coauthoring the three works referred to a few moments ago. She was mostly a producer of the P.B.S. T.V. series free to choose. And in one thousand nine hundred six she received an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University. The Milton. And Rose de Friedman Foundation which the Freedman's us. Promotes parental choice. Of the schools. Attend. As I mentioned the title of their most recent book is Two lucky people. I'm being told by my parents. That the harder you work the luckier you get. It is no wonder the Friedan consider themselves lucky. They have worked long hard to make the contributions they have made to each other and to our society. We the members and listen. Well are the lucky ones today. To have them share themselves and their insights with us once again. We welcome. (Milton claps his hands to them.)
ellauri353.html on line 299: But there weren't too many. I must confess that my experience combining life is a homemaker and an economist's was easier than it is for many women. I chose the right husband from the beginning. From the beginning we shared our interest in economics whether the news may call in the speech an article or a book. I was part of the activity in the sense that Milton always wanted me to read whatever he wrote. And he took my suggestion seriously. It gave me the feeling that I was practicing what I was trained for. But also that I was contributing to his career. It was in a sense our career. So when he was awarded the Nobel Prize it's received other many many many other net honors. And people always feel sorry for me and ask me how it feels to have him getting all the honors. My answer is always the same one. It is our honor I was part of that. When our children left for good. I became more active. With us and we go off for books. Where do I come out on a women's lib or feminist women have a real problem. But in my opinion the present solution is worse than the disease. The man. Or children. And those women who still believe that a mother's first job is to bring up her children. Women's lives. Made those women. Feel that is inferior to a paying job in the market. Therefore they must be and feared with the will to have a full time job outside. It is heightened competition between man and women. Husband and wife. So-called woman is problem. Has not. And I don't believe will solve the problem. Or a woman. There is a problem.
ellauri353.html on line 342: Babel (albumi 215) syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen Ukrainassa Odessassa aikana, jolloin juutalaiset pakenivat joukoittain Venäjältä. Hän selvisi vuoden 1905 vainoista kristittyjen naapurien avulla mutta menetti isoisänsä. Koulu-uran ajan hän joutui taistelemaan paikasta juutalaisvähemmistölle tarkoitetussa kiintiössä. Opiskellessaan Pietarissa hän tutustui Maksim Gorkiin. Babelin nuoruudesta kului seitsemän vuotta Venäjän sisällissodassa. Hän työskenteli kielenkääntäjänä vastavakoilupalvelussa ja sotakirjeenvaihtajana. Odessaan palattuaan hän alkoi kirjoittaa novelleja juutalaiskaupunginosan elämästä. Stalinin kulttuuripolitiikan voimistuessa ja sosialistisen realismin noustessa määrääväksi tekijäksi kirjallisuuspiireissä Babel vetäytyi yksityisyyteen. Gorkin saatua surmansa epäilyttävissä oloissa 1936 Babel totesi: seuraavaksi he etsivät minua. Hänet pidätettiin 1939, tuomittiin vakoilusta, vietiin vankileirille ja teloitettiin.
ellauri353.html on line 372: Moisey Volfovich Vinnitsky syntyi juutalaisen vaununrakentajan Meyer-Volf Mordkovich Vinnitskyn perheeseen, joidenkin stanitsa Goltassa (nykyisin osa Pervomaiskista) olevien tietojen mukaan. Vinnitsky oli noin 4-vuotias, kun hänen perheensä muutti Odesaan (Moldavanka). Muissa tiedoissa kerrotaan, että hän syntyi satamapalvelumiehen (bindyuzhnik) perheeseen osoitteessa 23 Hospital Street (nykyisin Bohdan Khmelnytsky Street) Odesassa (Moldavanka). Vinnitskyn äiti Doba Zelmanovna synnytti viisi poikaa ja tyttären. Syntyessään hän sai kaksoisnimen, Moisey-Jakov (Mooses-Jakob), samanlaisen kuin hänen isänsä. Koska tällainen kaksoisnimi oli epätavallinen venäläisessä kulttuurissa, Vinnitskyn toinen nimi kirjattiin joskus isän nimeksi - Moisey Yakovlevich.
ellauri353.html on line 537: Neljäs Internationaali koki suuren hajoamisen vuonna 1940 ja vieläkin merkittävämmän skisman vuonna 1953. Skismaattisten ryhmittymien osittainen yhdistyminen tapahtui vuonna 1963, mutta organisaatio ei koskaan toipunut riittävästi, eikä se onnistunut nousemaan uudelleen yhdeksi kansainväliseksi ryhmittymäksi. Trotskilaisten vastaus tällaiseen tilanteeseen on ollut useiden internationaalien muodostaminen eri puolilla maailmaa, ja jotkut ovat eri mieltä siitä, mikä organisaatio edustaa historiallisen neljännen internationaalin todellista perintöä ja poliittista jatkuvuutta.
ellauri355.html on line 63: Viikon ajan Hasbulatovin ja Rutskoin johtama parlamentti jatkoi neuvotteluja, järjestelivät vartiointia ja säätivät lakeja. Alussa saartorenkaan läpi pääsi suuntaan ja toiseen, mutta pian se kuitenkin suljettiin. Linnoittautuneet kulkivat renkaan läpi salakäytävien ja viemärien kautta. Tuhansia kommunisteja jäi piiritysrenkaan ulkopuolelle odottaen turhaan parlamenttitaloon pääsyä. Alussa lyhytkestoiseksi aiottuun etäällä Valkoisesta talosta alkaneeseen kommunistien mielenosoitukseen liittyi noin 1000 voimakasta nuorta miestä, jotka marssivat yliopiston sijasta kohti valkoista taloa. Hyvin koulutetut mellakoijat tuhosivat busseja ja autoja sekä hakkasivat miliisejä verille. Mielenosoittajat mursivat Valkoisen talon piiritysrenkaan ajamalla kuorma-autolla piikkilangan läpi. Oppositiota kutsuttiin "punaruskeiksi", koska heissä oli kommunistien lisäksi kansallissosialisteja. Välittäjänä toiminut ortodoksisen kirkon patriarkka Aleksi II järkyttyi niin pahoin alkaneista murhista että sai sydänkohtauksen, minkä takia joutui pitkäksi aikaa sairaalahoitoon. Valkoisen talon lähellä taisteltiin vuorokauden verran.
ellauri355.html on line 80: Vuoden 1993 selkkausta ei pie sekottoo aiempaan vuoden 1991 takaiskuun ja sitä seuranneeseen kommarien tumppauxeen. The State Committee on the State of Emergency (Russian: Госуда́рственный комите́т по чрезвыча́йному положе́нию, tr. Gosudárstvenny komitét po chrezvycháynomu polozhéniyu, IPA: [ɡəsʊˈdarstvʲɪn(ː)ɨj kəmʲɪˈtʲet pə tɕrʲɪzvɨˈtɕæjnəmʊ pəlɐˈʐɛnʲɪjʊ]), abbreviated as SCSE (Russian: ГКЧП, tr. GKChP), was a self-proclaimed political body in the Soviet Union that existed from 19 to 21 August 1991. It included a group of eight high-level Soviet officials within the Soviet government, the Communist Party, and the KGB, who attempted a coup d'état against Mikhail Gorbachev on 19 August 1991. The American publicist Georges Obolensky called it the Gang of Eight.
ellauri355.html on line 90: In a decree, Yeltsin ordered the transfer of the CPSU archives to the state archive authorities, and nationalized all CPSU assets in the Russian SFSR (these included not only party committee headquarters but also assets such as educational institutions and hotels).[citation needed] The party's Central Committee headquarters were handed over to the Government of Moscow. On 6 November, Yeltsin issued a decree banning the party in Russia. These decrees issued by Yeltsin were illegal under Soviet law.
ellauri355.html on line 272: EU:n somelain tarkoituksena on poistaa sosiaalisessa mediassa laiton tai haitallinen sisältö, joka yllyttää väkivaltaan tai vihapuheeseen.
ellauri355.html on line 274: – Voimme kaikki olettaa, mitä Putin saattaa sanoa. Tarkoitan, että hän on krooninen valehtelija, sanoi EU:n ulkoasioiden edustaja. Hän kuitenkin vain yllyttää väkivaltaan ja vihapuheeseen.
ellauri359.html on line 69: But there were others. Like so many Scots before and since, Grahame held a senior post in London’s banking world. When one day a stranger accosted him there with a pistol, firing it off wildly (though happily missing his target), the author’s fear of the underclass took root. Thus, those ragamuffins in the Wild Wood, the knife-wielding, teeth-baring stoats and weasels who destroy property and have no respect for their social superiors – Rat, Toad, Badger and Mole – are his representation of the terrible face of anarchists, working classes and madmen rolled into one.
ellauri359.html on line 145: Karmela Bélinki presenterade den självständiga mellanstatliga organisationen Europarådet på föreningens möte i Majblomman. OBS! Europarådet blandas lätt ihop med Europeiska rådet, som är ett EU-organ. I och med att Storbritannien lämnar EU kan man vänta sig att landet ökar sin aktivitet i Europarådet. Karmela hade själv varit NGO (non-governmental organisation)-delegat och sakkunnig i Europarådet under 15 år och hade bl.a. deltagit i utarbetandet av olika kommittérapporter. Hon beklagade att medierna inte informerar om rådets utmärkta rapporter som bl.a. behandlar många frågor som är viktiga för kvinnor.
ellauri359.html on line 163: Bloken isä James oli sukkahousu joka oli asunut Lontoossa. Hän kävi koulua vain tarpeeksi kauan oppiakseen lukemaan ja kirjoittamaan. Hän jätti koulunsa 10-vuotiaana, ja muutoin hänen äitinsä Catherine Blake (os Wright) koulutti hänet kotona. Vaikka Blakes olivat englantilaisia toisinajattelijoita, William kastettiin 11. joulukuuta St James's Churchissa Piccadillyssa Lontoossa. Raamattu vaikutti varhain ja syvästi Blakeen, ja se pysyi inspiraation lähteenä koko hänen elämänsä ajan. Blaken lapsuuteen sisältyi hänen mukaansa mystisiä uskonnollisia kokemuksia, kuten "Jumalan kasvojen näkeminen nenä lytyssä hänen ikkunaansa vasten, enkelien näkeminen heinäsuovasta ja käynti Vanhan testamentin profeetta Hesekielin luona'.
ellauri359.html on line 225: Kysyin Jesajalta mixi hän kulki nakuna ilman kusiluikkareita 3v. Kysyin Hesekieliltä mixi hän söi lantaa ja makasi niin kauan oikealla ja vasemmalla kyljellä. Koska se on kivaa, ne vastasivat kuten Petteri. Mä luulen et niillä oli virzakiviä.
ellauri359.html on line 232: Emanuelin isä oli luterilainen pappi ja hovisaarnaaja Jesper Svedberg, josta vuonna 1703 tuli Skaran piispa. Varakkaasta perheestä lähtöisin ollut äiti Sara Behm puolestaan kuoli Emanuelin ollessa kahdeksanvuotias. Opiskeleminen Uppsalassa johti vuonna 1709 valmistuneeseen klassillisen kirjallisuuden väitöskirjaan.
ellauri360.html on line 113: Dino Buzzati : Il deserto dei Tartari (Tatariaro; myöhemmin: Linja) (Kristinan lemppari, haahuileva)
ellauri360.html on line 221: Ken Kesey : Yksi lensi känpesän yli
ellauri360.html on line 271: Anna Maria Ortese : L'iguana (Iguana)
ellauri360.html on line 275: Ignacio Padilla : Si volviesen sus majestades [Jos heidän Majesteettinsa palaisivat]
ellauri360.html on line 358: Grundtvigilaisuus oli N. F. S. Grundtvigin perustama uskonnollis-kirkollinen liike, jolla varsinkin 1850- ja 1860-luvuilla oli Tanskassa johtava asema. Sen kannattajien tunnussana oli sen perustajan oppi apostolisen uskontunnustuksen hyvin erikoisesta alkuperästä ja sitovuudesta. Grundtvigilaisuus korosti kasteen merkitystä, kirkollisen tradition arvoa ja seurakuntatietoisuutta, mutta syrjäytti joissakin määrin synnintunnon ja katumuksen merkityksen kristityn elämässä. Sen käsitystä on milloin hyväksyen, milloin moittien sanottu "iloiseksi kristillisyydeksi". Vastoin pietististä sisälähetyssuuntaa grundtvigilaisuus on asettunut avoimelle ja myötätuntoiselle kannalle kaikkiin inhimillisiin sivistyspyrintöihin nähden, joita kristillisyyden hengen tulee vain pyrkiä kannustamaan. Liikkeeseen on liittynyt myös voimakas tanskalais-kansallinen leima.
ellauri360.html on line 428: Only four great codices have survived to the present day: Codex Vaticanus (abbreviated: B), Codex Sinaiticus (א), Codex Alexandrinus (A), and Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus (C). Although discovered at different times and places, they share many similarities. They are written in a certain uncial style of calligraphy using only majuscule letters, written in scriptio continua (meaning without regular gaps between words). Though not entirely absent, there are very few divisions between words in these manuscripts. Words do not necessarily end on the same line on which they start. (That is how God's word can get to be very very long.) All these manuscripts were made at great expense of material and labour, written on vellum by professional scribes. They seem to have been based on what were thought to be the most accurate texts of their time. Ne hakkaavat Matti Pietarismaisesti hihittävän Erasmuxen Textus Receptuxen 6-0.
ellauri360.html on line 470: Additionally, they acknowledged a third blessing, which was Spirit baptism. Spirit baptism included a special empowerment for service. (Empowerment being a buzzword of the Keswick Movement, consult album 92. Sieltäkö naikkoset sen nappasivat?) Pentecostals also affirmed that the Spirit baptism was accompanied by speaking in tongues. The Spirit’s outpouring was tied to the last days, in the imagination of many. Prophecy conferences and the reemergence of pre-millennialism (that Christ would return to establish a thousand-year reign) added to the sense of expectation. Numerous healing ministries also contributed to the picture of God’s preparing his people for ministry Also, internationally noted revivals in India, Wales, and Korea gave encouragement to the Pentecostal movement. The Welsh revival witnessed a presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Its spokesman, Evan Roberts, taught that such an experience of the Holy Spirit was a necessary condition to revival. The “North Korean Pentecost” set the stage for many enduring practices of the Korean church to this day, such as early morning prayer meetings and the practice of simultaneous blabber.
ellauri360.html on line 472: Pentecostal or Charismatic? These terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Pentecostal often refers to the events and denominations that follow from the Azusa revival in the early 1900s. Pentecostal denominations, such as Assemblies of God and Church of God, frequently believe the gift of the Spirit is marked by speaking in tongues. Typically, people are described as charismatic if the exercise of the more dramatic spiritual gifts, such as tongue speaking, healing, and acts of prophecy, are an important and routine part of the church worship and an individual believer’s personal devotion. The term charismatic more routinely refers to Pentecost-inspired teaching, practices, and worship that are now embraced in the church far beyond the Pentecostal and US$ denominations.
ellauri360.html on line 474: Two men stand at the center of Pentecostal origins as typically told. An ex-Methodist minister, Charles Parham, drew inspiration from several sources before he eventually laid hands upon Agnes Ozman. She spoke in tongues, and Parham believed that she spoke the Chinese language. Others received the Spirit and also spoke in tongues. Parham’s language was thought to be Swedish. LOL. Parham believed that these actual languages were miraculously spoken (xenolalia) and would to lead to international missionary ventures. William Seymour, though segregated from the white learners, listened to a three-month Bible school that Parham led in Houston, Texas. Soon after, Seymour became pastor at an African American Holiness Church in Los Angeles. They rejected his teaching concerning tongues, but some witnessed Seymour lay hands on his host, Edward Lee. Lee experienced an almost unconscious state that was followed by tongue speaking. At the same meeting, seven more received the baptism of the Spirit accompanied by tongues, including Seymour himself. Soon Lee’s home could not hold the racially mixed group that came to see and receive Pentecost. The Azusa Revivals follow.
ellauri360.html on line 478: Some historians place the commonly told story of the rise of Pentecostalism within larger frameworks. Azusa may be part of an international and multicultural outpouring of the Spirit; Azusa might be the Jerusalem of the new Pentecost or one of many Pentecosts occurring around the globe at about the same time. It may be the predominant expression of a more encompassing age of Spirit-centered renewal that includes the contemplative streams, as expressed in Henri Nouwen and Richard Foster. It may also be seen as part of a larger scenario, the steady decline of liberalism that was being replaced by more conservative or evangelical upsurges. While each of these has merit and interest, the scope of this movement seems to eclipse most other factors.
ellauri360.html on line 497: Dispensationalismin kannattajat uskovat, että Israelin kansakunnalla on Jumalan suunnitelmassa erillinen rooli kristillisen kirkon rinnalla ja että Jumala täyttää Vanhassa testamentissa esitetyt lupaukset Israelille kansakuntana. Jumalan plupaukset koskevat maata, joka tulevaisuudessa toteutuu tuhatvuotisena valtakuntana, josta Kristus hallitsee maailmaa Jerusalemista käsin. Dispensationalismi perustuu aatteeseen, että Jumalalla on kaksi eri kansaa, kirkko ja Israel, joita paimennetaan eri säännöillä. Kaikki dispensationalismin muut opit perustuvat tähän ideaan, esim. armotalouskaudet, joista jälellä on enää vihan aika (menossa) ja valtakunnan aika (inom kort). Pirkko Pylkkänen on dispensationalisti. Moroccan oil on hyvä hiustenhoitotuote koska se tukee Israelia sen eskatologisessa kamppailussa. Haredien olisi kyllä tartuttava torrakkoon ja tehdä oma osuutensa Gazassa eikä vaan syödä kuormasta.
ellauri360.html on line 501: The church of the Global South is routinely situated in poverty. The designation Third World communicates this observation. It is fair to note that not all people in the Global South are poor, the elite is filthy rich, but struggle with social injustice is the unavoidable context and circumstance of much of the Global South. The sad fact is that rich prople need salvation less. Liberal theologians claim that Jesus sought liberty from oppressive economic systems. That is just stupid communist propaganda put in Jesus' mouth by Dr. Luke. Just concentrate upon the good news of the buying power of Jesus. These two, no three, theories are dominant among the Western church: (1) Jesus bears our individual penalty or debt as sinners. (2) Jesus fixes our incapacity to receive and share love. (3) in the Russian Church, Jesus mends the bondage we experience, last but not least that nasty customer, death. In contrast, people in the Global South do not need an act of the imagination to picture Jesus' enemies. His job is to beat them.
ellauri362.html on line 51: Siis aivan toisenlainen kuin Elizabeth Bennet! Tukevahko mutta suloinen Jennifer Ehle on ainoa oikea Elizabeth Bennet. (Jennifer Anne Ehle is an American actress, the daughter of English actress Rosemary Harris and American author John Ehle.) Elizabethia pidetään ihailtavimpana ja rakkaimpana Austenin sankarittarista. Häntä pidetään yhtenä brittiläisen kirjallisuuden rakastetuimmista hahmoista monimutkaisuutensa vuoksi. Austen itse kuvaili Elizabethia "yhtä ihastuttavana olentona kuin on koskaan painettu". Mr. Darcy oli onnen Pekka päästessään painamaan sitä Pemberleyssä. Ei suotta Colin Firth virnistele hääkieseissä matkalla neizytkammioon!
ellauri362.html on line 98: Koska Charles on selvästi kiinnostunut Miss Jane Bennetistä, Bingleyn sisaret kutsuvat hänet Netherfieldiin lounaalle, mutta kolmen mailin matkalla hän joutuu rankkasateeseen ja vilustuu, mikä vaatii hänen toipumista Netherfieldissä lähes viikon ajan. Elizabeth kävelee Netherfieldiin ja jää koko ajan hoitamaan Janea. Oleskelun aikana Elizabeth ja Darcy jatkavat sanallista miekkailua, mutta hän ei voi olla vaikuttunut naisen ominaisuuksista ja luonteesta. Darcy kirjoittaa kirjeen 15-vuotiaalle sisarlleen Georgianalle Pemberleyssä ja huomauttaa merkittävästä vierailijasta, neiti Elizabeth Bennetistä, joka saa hänet kuulostamaan ja käyttäytymään typerästi.
ellauri362.html on line 168: Peacock osoitti suurta kykyä liiketoiminnassa ja virallisten asiakirjojen laatimisessa. Vuonna 1836 hänen virallisen uransa kruunasi hänen nimityksensä Itä-Intian komppanian intialaisen kirjeenvaihdon päätarkastajaksi James Millin perään. Viran saattoi täyttää vain hyvällä liiketoiminnalla ja poikkeuksellisella kyvyllä virallisten asiakirjojen laatimiseen: ja Peacockin tehtävien suorittamisen ei uskota kärsineen mitään verrattuna hänen ansioituneeseen edeltäjäänsä tai hänen vieläkin kunniakkaampaan seuraajaansa, John Stuart Milliin. Peacockin ammatti oli pääasiassa rahoituksen, kaupan ja julkisten töiden parissa. Kanadassa on suurin osa Peacockin sukulaisista, mukaan lukien Tommy Peacock [joku surkea rockäijä]. Luppohetkinään hän kirjoitti runon "Päivä Intian toimistossa":
ellauri362.html on line 189: Herra Glowryn poika Scythrop on toipumassa huonosti päättyneestä rakkaussuhteesta. Epäonnistuneena kirjailijana hän vetäytyy usein omaan asuntoonsa torniin opiskelemaan. Kun hän jättää heidät, hänen huomionsa häiritsee flirttaileva Marionetta, joka puhaltaa kuumaa ja kylmää hänen kiintymyksiinsä. Lisää komplikaatioita syntyy, kun Celinda Toobad, joka pakenee pakkokihlausta tuntemattoman kosijan luo, vetoaa Scythropiin saadakseen suojaa ja tämä piilottaa hänet salaiseen huoneeseen. Muutos Scythropin käytöksessä saa Marionettan uhkaamaan jättää hänet ikuisesti, ja hänen on myönnettävä itselleen, että hän on rakastunut molempiin naisiin eikä voi valita heidän välillään enempää kuin Buridanin aasi.
ellauri362.html on line 276: Rachel Knowles writes clean/Christian historical romance set in the time of Jane Austen. She has been sharing her research on this blog since 2011. Rachel lives in the beautiful Georgian seaside town of Weymouth, Dorset, on the south coast of England, with her husband, Andrew.
ellauri362.html on line 287: Tom & Jerry -sarjakuvat tunnetaan eräistä väkivaltaisimmista teatterianimaatioissa koskaan suunnitelluista sarjakuvalehdistä: Tom voi käyttää kirveitä, vasaraa, tuliaseita, sähinkäisiä, räjähteitä, ansoja ja myrkkyä Jerryn tappamiseen. Jerryn kostomenetelmät ovat paljon väkivaltaisempia ja usein menestyneinä, kuten Tomin leikkaaminen kahtia, pään katkaiseminen, pään tai sormien sulkeminen ikkunaan tai oveen, Tomin hännän työntäminen vohvelirautaan tai mankeliin, potkaiseminen jääkaappiin. , saada hänet sähköiskun, hakkaamaan häntä nuijalla, nuijalla tai nuijalla, antaa puun tai sähköpylvään ajaa hänet maahan, pistää tulitikkuja hänen jalkoihinsa ja sytyttää ne, sitoa hänet ilotulitteeseen ja laukaista se ja niin edelleen. Vaikka Tomia ja Jerryä on usein kritisoitu liian väkivaltaisiksi, missään kohtauksessa ei ole verta tai hurmetta. Molemmilla hahmoilla on sadistisia taipumuksia, sillä he nauttivat yhtä todennäköisesti toistensa kiusaamisesta, vaikka se on usein vastaus laukaisevaan tapahtumaan. Tit for tat.
ellauri362.html on line 330: Hänen äitinsä oli angloamerikkalainen juoppo agnostikko. Hänen yhtä juoppo psykopaatti-isänsä syntyi Yhdysvalloissa Kreikan Apideasta tulleiden maahanmuuttajien perheeseen. Tienasivat vuokraamalla lääviä neekereille. Inhat luteet. Hänen äitinsä oli protestantti ja hänen isänsä kreikkalaisortodoksinen, mikä oli usko, jossa Daavid varttui. Hänen sisaruksensa vanhimmasta nuorimpaan ovat Lisa, Dave, Gretchen, Amy, Tiffany, ja Paul ("Kuko"). Koulukotivanki Tiffany kuoli itsemurhaan vuonna 2013. Hän kuvailee epäonnistumistaan useissa esseissään.
ellauri362.html on line 332: Heinäkuussa 2011 The Guardianissa julkaistu Sedariin essee "Kanan varpaankynsiä, kukaan?" keräsi jonkin verran kritiikkiä siitä, että se oli epäherkkä Kiinaa ja kiinalaista kulttuuria kohtaan. Vuonna 2014 hän osallistui TV-äänenä "Kuulostanko hintiltä?" David Thorpen dokumenttielokuvaan ajan homomiesten puhemallien stereotypioista. Vuonna 2022 hän pohti suhdettaan äskettäin kuolleeseen isäänsä.
ellauri362.html on line 353: Mut silti vittu hei. Jotain hyvää näissä muistelmissa on. Parhaimmillaan ne muistuttavat vahvasti mun paasauxia. Jollain tädillä oli vessassa kori jossa oli hyvin rändömiä vessalukemista. Christina Onassis meni laihdutusfarmille. Silti sitä sanottiin anglosaxi Hymy-lehdessä nimillä "lardy lass" ja "that Greek tanker". Ei ihme jos se teki seppukun. Kuoli ammeeseen kuin Seneca, tiesi Seija kertoa. Toisen kerran Dave pudotti päähänsä vasaran. Kuhmu näytti sarjakuvahenkilöltä. Only it's me, Dave.
ellauri362.html on line 393: Schreber kutsui tilaansa "sielumurhaksi". Hän selitti, että termi viittaa "kaikkien kansojen kansanperinnössä ja runoudessa laajalle levinneeseen ajatukseen, että jollain tavalla on mahdollista ottaa haltuunsa toisen ihmisen sielu."
ellauri362.html on line 416: Elias Canettin teoksen Mass and Power -osiossa Domination and Paranoia Muistelmat edustavat perusteellisinta valta-aiheeseen liittyvää asiakirjaa. Elias Canetti (25. heinäkuuta 1905 Rustšuk, Bulgaria – 14. elokuuta 1994 Zürich, Sveitsi) oli bulgarialaissyntyinen brittiläinen Nobel-kirjailija, joka kirjoitti saksaksi. Hänen pääteoksenaan pidetään romaania Sokeat, vaikka oikeasti se lienee saanut 1981 dynyprenikan lähinnä tosta antinazismista. Canettin suku oli Espanjan sefardijuutalaisia, jotka olivat paenneet Iberian niemimaalta vuonna 1492 juutalaisvainoja. Perheen alkuperäinen nimi oli Cañete, ja se muutettiin Canettiksi.
ellauri362.html on line 433: GEORGE CRABBE syntyi Aldeburghissa, Suffolkin rannikolla, 24. joulukuuta 1754. Hänen isänsä, joka keräsi suolamaksuja satamassa, oli sekä korkeamakuinen että alhainen mies. Varsin huonomaineinen myöhempinä vuosinaan hän oli nuorena miehenä käynyt koulua ja luki Miltonia, Youngia ja muita runoilijoita ääneen perheelleen. Lääkärin ammattiin tarkoitettu George opiskeli lääkäriksi Wickhambrookissa lähellä Bury St. Edmundsia, jonka leikkauksesta hän siirtyi kolme vuotta myöhemmin Woodbridgen lääkäriksi. Täällä hän viipyi vuosina 1771–1775 ja tutustui Sarah Elmyyn, joka, vaikka meni kymmenen vuotta ennen kuin he menivät naimisiin, vaikutti alusta alkaen pehmentävästi ja kirkastavasti muotoutumattomien nuorten melko synkkään luonteeseen. Juuri heidän tapaamisensa aikaan Crabbe esiintyi ensimmäisen kerran tunnetussa painetussa sanassa runoilijana. Erään naistenlehden ”runoilijoiden nurkassa” vuonna 1772 ilmestyi useita säkeitä, joista osa oli signeerattu ”G. Ebbare" ja yksi "G. Ebbaac”, joiden arvellaan olevan Crabbe. Yksi näistä, joka koostuu kahdesta erittäin kauniista säkeistöstä, nimeltään The Wish, juhlii runoilijan "Mirriä", joka oli Crabben Sarah Elmylle antama runollinen nimi.
ellauri364.html on line 566: Kahdesti nussitut sensijaan on tollasia pessimistejä, ambivalentteja skizotyymejä. Voisi ajatella, että kerran nussitut ovat onnellisia, kun taas toiseen kertaan nussitut ovat onnettomia, mutta itse asiassa James väittää, että jotkut onnellisimmista ihmisistä ovat itse asiassa jälkimmäisiä. Kuinka tämä on mahdollista? No, ambivalentti asenne elämää kohtaan johtaa usein "kriisiin", joka ilmaistaan patologisena masennuksena, johon liittyy usein voimakas halu järkeistää asioita. Tämä positiivinen halu on ristiriidassa taustalla olevan negatiivisen tunnetilan kanssa, mikä saa aikaan ristiriidan, joka löytää ratkaisun negatiivisen tilan ylittämisessä uuteen, syvälliseen elämänrakkauden tunteeseen. James olisi voinut ottaa oman "merkityskriisin" -tapahtumansa esimerkkinä, mutta sen sijaan hän puhuu Leo Tolstoista. James selittää, että venäläisen kirjailijan onnistunut yritys palauttaa itsensä mielenterveyteen roimahousuisena maalaismiehenä johti enemmän kuin paluuta alkuperäiseen tilaan. Takaisin työnnetyt ja uudelleen nussitut saavuttavat uuden ja korkeamman leevelin.
ellauri365.html on line 49: Maupassant [måpasa], Henry René Albert Guy de, fransk författare, f. 5 aug. 1850 på slottet Miromesnil i Normandie, d. 6 juli 1893 Auteuil, var ättling af en gammal lothringsk adels- familj; modern var sy- ster till skalden Alfred de Poittevin. Föräld- rarna skildes tidigt, och den intelligenta och litterärt intresse- rade modern, en barn- domsväninna till Gu- stave Flaubert, ledde sonens uppfostran. Hans barndom förflöt vid Normandies kust, där M. insöp sin kärlek till naturen och lärde kän- na dessa normandiska typer, som han sedan så gärna skildrade. Adertonårig inträdde han 1868 i Marinministeriet, men öfvergick 1878. till kultusministeriet. Han saknade emellertid intresse för ämbetsmannabanan. Redan tidigt vak- nade hans lust för litteraturen, som närdes af mo- derns ungdomsminnen. Flaubert omfattade honom med en faders kärlek, kritiserade strängt hans. första omogna försök, inpräntade i hans sinne sina egna konstnärliga principer, lärde honom att genom aldrig tröttnande observation söka uppfånga det förut icke iakttagna och därför nya och att återge. det så, att det skildrade fenomenet skiljer sig från alla andra och blir individuellt och enastående. Framför allt afhöll han honom från att debutera för tidigt. Från midten af 70-talet meddelade dock M. under hvarjehanda pseudonymer (oftast Guy de Valmont) smärre bitar åt tidningar och tidskrifter, och 1879 fick han uppförd en drama- tisk bagatell, Histoire du vieux temps. Hans verk- liga debut inföll dock först 1880 med diktsamlingen Des vers. Den har obestridligen ett originellt skaplynne och väckte uppseende kanske ej minst därför, att den hotades med ett åtal för osedlighet hufvudsakligen på grund af dikten Le mur), som deck afstyrdes genom inflytelserika vänner. M. insåg sedan själf, att hans talang låg mera för prosan, i all synnerhet sedan han samma år ut- gifvit novellen Boule de suif (i "Soirées de Mé- dan"). Med denna novell, som utmärktes genom skarp observationsförmåga och ypperlig prosa- stil, slog M. igenom och intog sin plats som en at den naturalistiska skolans förnämsta representanter och en af den franska litteraturens största novellister. Den efterföljdes af en lång rad novel ler, först publicerade i "Gil Blas" och "Echo de Paris" och sedan samlade i bokform under följande titlar: La maison Tellier (1881), M:lle Fifi (1882), Les contes de la Bécasse (1883), Clair de lune i (1884), Au soleil (resebilder, s. a.), Les soeurs Rondoli (s. a.), Miss Harriett (s. a.), Yvette (s. a.; sv. öfv. 1905), Monsieur Parent (s. a.), Contes du jour et de la nuit (1885), Contes et nouvelles (s. 4.), Contes choisis (1886), La petite Roque (s. a.), Toine (s. 1.), Le Horla (1887), Sur l'eau (rese- skildringar, 1888), Le rosier de Mime Husson (s. å.), L'héritage (s. a.), La main gauche (1889), Histoire d'une fille de ferme (s. a.), La vie errante (reseskildringar, s. å.) och L'inutile beauté (1890); efter hans död ha ytterligare publicerats Le père Milon (1899; "Gubben Milon", s. å.), Le colporteur (1900) och Dimanches d'un bourgeois de Paris (s. å.). Till dessa novellsamlingar ansluta sig sexromanerna Une vie (1883; "Ett lif", 1884), Bel-ami (1885; "Qvinnogunst", 1885 och 1901), Mont-Oriol (1887; sv. öfv. 1895), Pierre et Jean (1888; "Pierre och Jean", s. a.), Fort comme la vi mort (1889; "Stark som döden", 1894 och 1910) och Notre coeur (1890; "Vårt hjerta", 1894 och 1910). För scenen skref M. vidare treaktsskåde spelet Musotte (i samarbete med J. Normand, 1891) och La paix du ménage (uppf. på Théâtre fran- çais, 1893). M. skref äfven litterära studier, bl. a. öfver Emile Zola (1883) och Gustave Flaubert (1884). Denna oerhörda produktion fullbordades en på den korta tiden af omkr. tio år. Den gjorde honom hastigt världsberömd som en äkta represen tant för den franska conten, en ättling i rakt ned stigande led af de gammalfranske fabliåförfattarna, med ära upphärande Rabelais', La Fontaines och Voltaires traditioner.
ellauri365.html on line 309: Tekijä: Greg Gaines, Isä / Isoisä / Ministeri / Lähetyssaarnaaja / Diakoni / Vanhin / Kirjailija / Digitaalinen Lähetyssaarnaaja / Sijaisvanhemmat / Tervetuloa perheeseemme!
ellauri365.html on line 357: Kukaan ei esitä palvelujohtajuutta paremmin kuin Jeesus itse. Yksi merkittävimmistä tapauksista löytyy Johanneksen luvusta 13 , jossa Jeesus pesee opetuslastensa jalat. Tämä tehtävä on tyypillisesti varattu alimmille palvelijoille. Näin tehdessään Hän ei ainoastaan näyttänyt esimerkkiä vaan myös määritellyt uudelleen, mitä johtajana oleminen tarkoittaa.
ellauri365.html on line 364:
Nöyryyttä Opetuslasten jalkojen pesu (Joh. 13:4-17) Jeesus pesee opetuslastensa jalat, jonka yleensä tekevät palvelijat. Johtajat eivät ole minkään tehtävän yläpuolella; nöyryys on avainasemassa.
ellauri365.html on line 390: Kasteseremoniat: Joillakin ministereillä on kyky suorittaa kasteita. Tämä voidaan tehdä vedellä tai öljyllä riippuen uskomuksistasi! Osana tehtäviään saarnaajat siunaavat myös sakramentaalisia esineitä, kuten messun aikana käytettäviä kuukuppeja.
ellauri365.html on line 467: Efter sitt giftermål med Emilia Uggla 1880 slog sig Heidenstam ned i Rom i avsikt att bli konstnär. Han och hans hustru blev uppskattade i den skandinaviska konstnärskolonin där. I juli 1881 flyttade de till Paris där Heidenstam avsåg att studera målning vid École des Beaux-Arts under Jean-Léon Gérôme. Heidenstam övergav dock planerna på att bli målare och 1882 flyttade paret till San Remo och han koncentrerade sig på att skriva poesi. Efter ett kort hemligt besök i Sverige och vid barndomshemmet sommaren 1883 bosatte sig Heidenstam i kantonen Appenzell i Schweiz. Med byn Bühler som fast punkt gjorde de täta resor till Frankrike och Italien, som Heidenstam senare skrev reseberättelser om i Från Col di Tenda till Blocksberg. Hårt liv!
ellauri365.html on line 534: Oavsett vad som hände tog Heidenstam mycket illa vid sig av händelsen och beslutade att de två skulle skiljas. Skilsmässan gick igenom i juli 1906 och Greta tog tillbaka sitt flicknamn. Hon bodde några veckor i en stuga på tomten men blev så småningom förlåten. Samlivet återupptogs men makarna förblev juridiskt skilda. Heidenstam presenterade henne länge för omgivningen som sin husföreståndarinna. Vilken äckel!
ellauri365.html on line 572: An ample and profound imagination, genial sentiment, and pure humanity fill these poems – which are also admirable in the sense of form – and make Heidenstam a manly poet and a master of the misogynic genre.
ellauri365.html on line 586: "Happiness is a woman's jewel," he says. It is the fighting optimist who inveighs against weighing men in a money-scale and dividing the head of the nation from its arse. That the man is not other than his work is borne witness to by all who know him. He is over six feet in height and powerfully built, with strongly-marked aquiline features. Heidenstam is said to resemble Byron also in having a poor ear for music.
ellauri365.html on line 619: Först kommer tjufnadens ödla liten och rädd och man har roligt åt hennes kvicka slingringar, men hon växer och växer och får vingar och klor, och hennes etter sätter fläckar på den blankaste rustning. Hon blir draken, som reser sig ur jordens smuts för att sönderslita och förstöra, och till sist ligga där kring henne de afgnagda benranglen af varelser, som en gång voro ljusets barn ...
ellauri365.html on line 676: ett naket folk, för stolt för ok, Naku kansa, ikeeseen liika ylpeä,
ellauri367.html on line 60: Juri Modin syntyi sisällissotaan osallistuneen rykmenttikomissaarin perheeseen. Hän valmistui lukiosta Lipetskissä ja astui vuonna 1940 Leningradin laivaston rakennustekniikan korkeakouluun.
ellauri367.html on line 128: Die Familie Rothschild ist seit ihren Anfängen als Faktor der europäischen Wirtschaft Gegenstand zahlreicher Karikaturen und polemischer Schriften bis hin zu Hetzkampagnen und Verschwörungstheorien. Diese zeichnen sich in der Regel durch einen mal verdeckten, mal offenen Antisemitismus aus. Der Name Rothschild wird häufig als Symbol für den Zionismus verwendet und dazu, die angebliche Allmacht des Weltjudentums über das internationale Finanzwesen zu illustrieren.
ellauri367.html on line 132: Auf diese Erzählung geht wohl auch die bis heute umlaufende Geschichte zurück, die Familie Rothschild habe ihren Reichtum durch eine Spekulation auf den Ausgang der Schlacht bei Waterloo erworben. Danach habe Nathan Rothschild dank eines effizienten Informationsdienstes bereits vor der britischen Regierung vom siegreichen Ausgang der Schlacht erfahren und daraufhin seine Aktien verkauft, um andere Anleger glauben zu machen, er sei im Besitz von Information über eine britische Niederlage. Es sei danach zu Panikverkäufen und starken Kursverlusten gekommen, die Nathan dazu genutzt habe, die Wertpapiere billig aufzukaufen. Nach dem Eintreffen der Siegesnachricht habe er dann von einem enormen Kursanstieg profitiert. Georges Dairnvaell brachte diese unwahre Geschichte 1846 in seinem Pamphlet Die erbauliche und kuriose Geschichte von Rothschild I., König der Juden erneut in Umlauf.[a 3] Später, zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, wurde sie durch den unverhüllt antisemitischen deutschen Propaganda-Film Die Rothschilds verbreitet. Zudem war bereits im 19. Jahrhundert das Gerücht aufgekommen, Nathan Mayer Rothschild habe einen französischen General bestochen, um den britischen Sieg sicherzustellen.
ellauri367.html on line 138: Verschwörungstheorien, in denen der Familie Rothschild eine Rolle zugesprochen wird, gibt es bis heute. In unterschiedlichen Versionen existiert die Theorie, die Rothschilds leiteten oder beteiligten sich an einer entweder jüdischen, freimaurerischen, illuminatischen oder außerirdischen Verschwörung, häufig mit den in diesem Umfeld üblichen Ähnlichkeiten oder unkritischen Bezugnahmen auf die längst als Fälschung entlarvten Protokolle der Weisen von Zion. Ebenfalls als Quelle für derartige Theorien werden die allgemein nicht als authentisch angesehenen sogenannten Rakowski-Protokolle genannt.
ellauri367.html on line 164: Mr. Burns asuu suuressa, koristeellisessa kartanossa valtavalla Burns Manor -nimisellä tilalla Mammon- ja Croesus Streetin kulmassa. Sitä suojaa korkea muuri, sähköistetty aita ja "The Hounds " -nimellä tunnettu ilkeiden hyökkäyskoirien lauma. Mr. Burns altistaa Springfieldin ja sen asukkaat rutiininomaisesti pahoinpitelylleen, ja hänestä vallitsee yleinen vastenmielisyys kaikkialla kaupungissa. Mr. Burns on kiristänyt ja lahjonut useita virkamiehiä Springfieldissä, mukaan lukien pormestari Quimby ja ydinalan sääntelykomissio. Hän käytti omaisuuttaan lopulta epäonnistuneeseen kuvernööriehdokkuuteen estääkseen tehtaansa sulkemisen turvallisuusrikkomusten vuoksi, mutta Marge Simpson eväsi hänen mahdollisuutensa tulla kuvernööriksi. Hän peitti kerran auringon päästäkseen Springfieldin asukkaat lisäämään ydinvoimalansa tuottaman sähkön käyttöä, ja myöhemmin Maggie ampui hänet yrittäessään varastaa häneltä karkkia.
ellauri367.html on line 180: Nimet Plantagenet ja Schickelgruber näyttävät viittaavan Plantagenetin huoneeseen ja Alois Schickelgruberiin, Adolf Hitlerin isään. Näyttelijä Christopher Collins äänesti herra Burnsia, mutta hänet korvattiin pian Harry Shearerillä, koska Sam Simonin mielestä Collinsin kanssa "on vaikea työskennellä".
ellauri367.html on line 210: Rakowski vietti 6 vuotta maanpaossa. Hän oli yksi viimeisistä johtavista trotskilaisista, jotka käänsivät takkinsa ja palasivat Stalinin luo. Hän sai palata Moskovaan, hänestä tuli Neuvostoliiton Japanin- suurlähettiläs syksyllä 1934 ja hänet otettiin takaisin puolueeseen vuonna 1935. 21. elokuuta 1936 hän pyysi Pravdalle lähettämässään kirjeessä virallisesti anteeksi "virheitään". Hän syytti Trotskia ja hänen kannattajiaan "Gestapon agenteiksi" otsikolla "Ei tule armoa". Varsinainen hälläpyörä.
ellauri367.html on line 221: José vietiin lääkäriksi kollektiivisen kidutusistunnon aikana, johon Stalin osallistui henkilökohtaisesti särmin takana. 27 ihmistä on loukutettu kidutushuoneeseen mukaan lukien Genrikh Iagoda, Lev Levin, Alekséi Rýkov, Nikolai Bukharin, Christian Rakovsky, Grigory Grinko, Arkady Rozengoltz, Nikolai Krestinski, Lev Karajan (joka on hirveästi kidutettu: kiveksessä bea, the the kives teloittajakoira repi ne puremastaan, Landowskin on sitten parannettava hänen munahaavansa), Pavel Bulanov (Iagodan sihteeri), Vasili Blücher ja Aleksandr Jegorov. Tämä edustaa osaa syytetyistä tulevassa oikeudenkäynnissä, joka tunnetaan nimellä "trotskilais-oikeisto-eivaan-vasemmisto-blokkioikeudenkäynti".
ellauri367.html on line 224: Juutalaiset pankkiirit rahoittivat punakapinan heinäkuussa 1918 Sidney O'Reillyn odottamattomalla avustuksella. Rokovsky selittää, että Ivan Maisky oli yksi niistä, jotka käskettiin kavaltamaan valkovenäläinen liike ja osallistumaan sen sabotointiin. Hänen mukaansa sama kansainvälinen rahoitus, joka rahoitti bolshevikkien vallankumouksellisia, on rahoittanut NSDAP: tä vuodesta 1929 lähtien Warburg-perheeseen kuuluvan lähettilään kautta. Tämä Rakovsky-teoria on esitetty toisessa kirjassa, jonka alkuperä on epävarma: "Kansallissosialismin resurssit, kolme keskustelua Hitlerin kanssa" ja allekirjoitettu Sydney Wartburgin salanimellä.
ellauri367.html on line 226: Rakovsky viedään mukavaan huoneeseen, jossa on erilaisia ruokia, ja Duval kuulustelee sitä sen jälkeen, kun Landowsky sujauttaa juomaansa korkealaatuista huumetta. Rakovsky aloittaa väittämällä, että jos Karl Marx tiesi kapitalismin ristiriidat, se johtuu siitä, että hän tunsi ne, jotka tuottivat ne siinä. Sitten hän teoristi liiton kansainvälisen rahoituksen (jota hän kutsuu "kansainväliseksi kapitalismiksi" tai "kapinterniksi") ja kommunistisen internationaalin (Comintern) välillä. Hän lisää, että Marx jätti kirjoituksissaan selvästi huomaamatta taloudellisen ilmiön, joka kuitenkin kiehtoi hänen aikansa ihmisiä: Rothschildin perheen viiden veljeksen valtavan pääoman keräämisen. Se täsmentää, että niitä on 5, aivan kuten Neuvostoliiton punaisen tähden 5 haaraa. Tuskin sattumaa! (Amschel Mayer Rothschild, Salomon Mayer Rothschild, Nathan Mayer Rothschild, Carl Mayer von Rothschild, James de Rothschild). Rakovskylle näiden kahden entiteetin yhteinen vihollinen, toinen, joka kannattaa kosmopolitismia (koska pääomalla ei ole rajoja) ja toinen kansainvälisyyttä (koska proletariaatilla ei ole rajoja), on kansallisvaltio ja sen tavoitteena on sen tuhoaminen.
ellauri367.html on line 245: Tunteet kuumenivat, kun juutalaisia työläisiä ruoskittiin vappumielenosoituksissa vuonna 1902 Vilnan kuvernöörin käskystä, jonka bundistinuori Hirsh Lekert ampui myöhemmin. Bund perustettiin salaisessa konventissa, joka pidettiin Vilnassa 7.–9. lokakuuta 1897, ja johon osallistui 13 delegaattia (joista kahdeksan oli työmiehiä). Venäjän sosiaalidemokraattisen työväenpuolueen perustamiskokouksessa maaliskuussa 1898 kolme yhdeksästä edustajasta oli bundisteja. Bund liittyi venäläiseen puolueeseen autonomisena elimenä, ja Kremer valittiin sen keskuskomitean jäseneksi. Maanalaisen Bundin suvereeni instituutio oli sen säännöllinen kokous.
ellauri367.html on line 249: Kuitenkin neljännessä vuosikongressissa esitettiin ehdotus, että Venäjä olisi muutettava kansakuntien liittovaltioksi ilman viittausta kotialueeseen sillä ehdolla, että kansalaisuuden käsitettä tulisi soveltaa juutalaisiin. Kuitenkin kompromissina tämän ehdotuksen vastustajien kanssa päätettiin olla kampanjoimatta juutalaisten autonomian puolesta konkreettisena vaatimuksena "kansallisen tunteen paisuttamisen" pelosta, joka oli omiaan "hämentämään proletariaatin luokkatietoisuutta ja johtamaan šovinismiin".
ellauri367.html on line 257: Ukrainassa M. Rafesin johtama Bund kannatti autonomista Ukrainaa osana liittovaltion Venäjää. Ukrainan juutalaisten kansalliskokouksen vaaleissa (marraskuussa 1918) Bund sai 18 % äänistä. Syksystä 1918 lähtien bundistien sympatiat, erityisesti Ukrainassa, pelottavien pogromien näyttämöllä, alkoivat kallistua kommunistien puoleen. Maaliskuussa 1919 Rafesin johtama "Communist Bund" (Kombund) perustettiin Ukrainaan. Toukokuussa se liittyi Yhdistyneen juutalaisen kommunistiseen puolueeseen muodostaakseen Komfarbandin, joka elokuussa sulautui Ukrainan kommunistiseen puolueeseen.
ellauri367.html on line 265: Esther Frumkin kannatti liittymistä kommunisteihin, mutta itsenäisesti. Kommunistinen Internationaali hylkäsi tämän ehdon. Minskin konferenssi (maaliskuu 1921) päätti kuitenkin liittyä Venäjän kommunistiseen puolueeseen. Vähemmistö irtautui ja perusti lyhytaikaisen sosiaalidemokraattisen Bundin. Ennemmin tai myöhemmin molempien ryhmittymien aktivisteista tuli kommunistisen hallituksen vainon uhreja. Frumkin oli poikkeuksellisen menestynyt puhuja, joka sai tuhansia ihmisiä liittymään Bundiin, uskomaan jiddishin arvoon ja hyväksymään ajatuksen sosialidemokratiasta sekä vähemmistöjen oikeuksista. Vuosien 1936–1938 puhdistusten uhrina hän kuoli pidätysleirillä Kazakstanissa, ja vaikka Neuvostoliitto "kunnosti" hänet vuonna 1956, Bund jätti mainitsematta häntä vuonna 1956 alkaneessa kolmiosaisessa kokoelmassaan aktivistien muistoja. ja päättyi vuonna 1968.
ellauri367.html on line 299: Rakovskin mukaan Trotski järjesti Fanny Kaplanin Leninin hyökkäyksen, Yakov Blumkinin Wilhelm Mirbachin hyökkäyksen ja Maria Spiridonovan heinäkuussa 1918 järjestämän sosiaalisen vallankumouksellisen kapinan heinäkuussa 1918 Sidney Reillyn odottamattomalla avustuksella. Rokovsky selittää, että Ivan Maisky oli yksi niistä, jotka käskettiin kavaltamaan valkovenäläinen liike ja osallistumaan sen sabotointiin. Hänen mukaansa sama kansainvälinen rahoitus, joka rahoitti bolshevikkien vallankumouksellisia, on rahoittanut NSDAP: tä vuodesta 1929 lähtien Warburg-perheeseen kuuluvan lähettilään kautta. 31 Tämä Rakovsky-teoria esitetään toisessa kirjassa, jonka alkuperä on epävarma: "Kansallissosialismin resurssit, kolme keskustelua Hitlerin kanssa" ja allekirjoitettu salanimellä Sydney Wartburg.
ellauri367.html on line 304: Paul Warburg on kuuluisa Yhdysvaltain hrahalaarin, Yhdysvaltain keskuspankin eli Federal Reserve Systemin luojana 1913. Max Warburg oli Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG eli IG Farbenin johtokunnassa. Yritys oli saksalainen kemianteollisuuden jätti ja keskitysleireissä käytettävän Zyklon B-kaasun valmistajayhtiö. Hän myös toimi natsi-Saksan Valtakunnanpankissa eli Reichsbankissa. Lähes kaikki Warburg-suvun jäsenet muuttivat vuonna 1938 Saksasta Amerikkaan.
ellauri368.html on line 66: Among the Jews of the Slavonic countries "maskil" usually denotes a self-taught Hebrew scholar with an imperfect knowledge of a living language (usually German), who represents the love of learning and the striving for culture awakened by Mendelssohn and his disciples; i.e., an adherent or follower of the Haskalah movement. He is "by force of circumstances detained on the path over which the Jews of western Europe swiftly passed from rabbinical lore to European culture" and to emancipation, and "his strivings and short-comings exemplify the unfulfilled hopes and the disappointments of Russian civilization." The Maskilim are mostly teachers and writers; they taught a part of the young generation of Russian Jewry to read Hebrew and have created the great Neo-Hebrew literature which is the monument of Haskalah. Although Haskalah has now been flourishing in Russia for three generations, the class of Maskilim does not reproduce itself. The Maskilim of each generation are recruited from the ranks of the Orthodox Talmudists, while the children of Maskilim very seldom follow in the footsteps of their fathers. This is probably due to the fact that the Maskil who breaks away from strictly conservative Judaism in Russia, but does not succeed in becoming thoroughly assimilated, finds that his material conditions have not been improved by the change, and, while continuing to cleave to Haskalah for its own sake, he does not permit his children to share his fate. The quarrels between the Maskilim and the Orthodox, especially in the smaller communities, are becoming less frequent. In the last few years the Zionist movement has contributed to bring the Maskilim, who joined it almost to a man, nearer to the other classes of Jews who became interested in that movement. The numerous Maskilim who emigrated to the United States, especially after the great influx of Russian immigrants, generally continued to follow their old vocation of teaching and writing Hebrew, while some contributed to the Yiddish periodicals. Many of those who went thither in their youth entered the learned professions. See Literature, Modern Hebrew. (Source: Jewish Dictionary)
ellauri368.html on line 200: Viime joulukuussa sattui tapaus, joka havahdutti ajattelemaan sitä, millainen ajatusmaailma sotilailla on. Yuval Kestelman -niminen reserviläinen surmasi Jerusalemissa kaksi Hamasin terroristia, jotka ryhtyivät ampumaan väkijoukkoon. Paikalle sattui Gazan sodasta vapaalla ollut sotilas Aviad Frija. Hän ampui Kestelmanin. Vaikka Kestelman oli heittänyt aseensa pois, istui maassa polvillaan ja huusi hepreaksi “älä ammu, olen israelilainen”. Ei auttanut, Frija ampui hänet kuoliaaksi.
ellauri368.html on line 309: Paljon tärkeämpi kuin nämä ovat Neuvot varten velkoja ja velallinen, kirjoittanut Zachariah Pugliese vuonna 1791 tai 1795. Se parodioi Maimonides-koodia, a se ei ole satiiri. Se on pikemminkin opas panttilainaajille ja rahanlainaajille, antaa erittäin selkeällä ja viihdyttävällä tyylillä, täydellisen esittelyn säännöistä ja määräyksistä, jotka tämän kutsumuksen ihmisten tulisi seuraa. Kaikki mahdolliset hätätilanteet huomioidaan. Se myös antaa yksityiskohtainen kuvaus monimutkaisesta kirjanpitojärjestelmästä työllistää kaupassa, mikä kaikki todistaa koronkisk- lainanantajan tärkeydestä ja kunnioituksesta, jossa häntä pidettiin noiden aikojen juutalaisten keskuudessa.
ellauri368.html on line 320: Then came Perl, show inserted more than just a grain of sand into the happy oyster of hasidic life. Joseph Perl hailed from Tarnopol and became an erudite follower of the Jewish Enlightenment, or haskalah. He learned German and published an attack on the Hasidim in that language, Ueber das Wesen der Sekte Hasidim (on the essence of the Hasidic Sect, 1816). In so doing he aroused the ire of the hasidim; Perl encodes both his scorn and their fury into his epistolary novel, Revealer of Secrets. The plot of Revealer of Secrets revolves around an offensive anti-hasidic book in German, which is evidently Perl's own tract dating from 1816. The hasidic characters in Revealer of Secrets plot to find and destroy the offending book; in the course of their fictional search, they reveal many of the baser traits that Perl attacked in his 1816 essay.
ellauri368.html on line 325: Revealer of Secrets merits immense respect among readers of Judaic literature. With it Perl not only inaugurated a new branch of Hebrew writing but also entered the fray that was raging between enlightened maskilim and inspired hasidim , taking aim against corruption through sophisticated comic parodies. According to tradition, Perl's parody was so convincing that hasidic readers initially assumed that Revealer of Secrets was a genuine hasidic work. This impression was furthered by the presence of innumerable scholarly and pseudo-scholarly footnotes adorning the text.
ellauri368.html on line 333: The following year Perl published Ueber das Wesen der Sekte Chassidim aus ihren eigenen Schriften gezogen (On the Nature of the Sect of the Hasidim, Drawn from Their Own Writings), in which he laid out what he saw as the absurdity of Hasidic beliefs and practices.
ellauri368.html on line 375: dieser Thir:
ellauri368.html on line 376: Uni var dieser Thir thit bejten a
ellauri368.html on line 400: Gesejre me (das bose Verhangniss) vin die jidische
ellauri369.html on line 215: 24-vuotias Hadi Matar hyökkäsi lavalle ja puukotti Rushdieta yli kymmenen kertaa. Hän puukotti myös väliin mennyttä moderaattoria Henry Reeseä. Hänellä ei ollut mitään käsitystä miten vääräuskoinen nitistetään puukolla. Puukottaja Hadi Matar antoi pian puukotuksen jälkeen vankilasta haastattelun New York Post -lehdelle ja sanoi, ettei ole edes lukenut Saatanallisia säkeitä paria sivua enempää. Myöskään fatwan langettanut Khomeini ei tiettävästi koskaan lukenut Rushdien kirjaa. Se nyt vielä puuttuisi.
ellauri369.html on line 294: Thomas Carlyle (4. joulukuuta 1795 – 5. helmikuuta 1881) oli skotlantilainen esseisti, historioitsija ja filosofi Skotlannin alamailta. Viktoriaanisen aikakauden johtava kynäilijä, hän vaikutti syvästi 1800-luvun taiteeseen, kirjallisuuteen ja filosofiaan. Erittäinkin syvältä.
ellauri369.html on line 303: Jokaista hänen myöhemmistä teoksistaan, mukaan lukien On Herpes (1841), Past and Present (1843), Cromwell's Letters (1845), Latter-Day Pamfletit (1850) ja History of Frederick the Great (1858–65), myytiin suuresti kaikkialla.
ellauri369.html on line 307: Tuomon isä James Carlyle oli kivenhakkaaja, myöhemmin maanviljelijä, joka rakensi Kaarevan talon , johon hänen poikansa syntyi. Hänen maksiiminsa oli, että "ihminen luotiin työskentelemään, ei spekuloimaan, tuntemaan tai haaveilemaan". Sekavan kasvatuksensa seurauksena James Carlylesta tuli nuoruudessaan syvästi uskonnollinen, ja hän luki monia saarnakirjoja ja opillisia väitteitä koko elämänsä. Hän meni naimisiin ensimmäisen vaimonsa vuonna 1791, kaukaisen serkkunsa Janetin kanssa, joka synnytti John Carlylen ja kuoli sitten. Hän meni naimisiin Margaret Aitkenin kanssa vuonna 1795, köyhän maanviljelijän tyttären, joka työskenteli silloin palvelijana. Heillä oli yhdeksän lasta, joista Thomas oli vanhin. Margaret oli hurskas ja harras ja toivoi, että Thomasista tulisi ministeri. Hän oli lähellä vanhinta poikaansa, koska hän oli "tupakointikumppani, neuvonantaja ja uskottu" Carlylen alkuaikoina. Hiän kärsi maanisjaksosta, kun Carlyle oli teini-ikäinen, ja hänestä tuli "innostunut, hillitty, ylipuhuva ja väkivaltainen". Hiän koki toisen romahduksen vuonna 1817, minkä vuoksi hänet oli siirrettävä kotoaan ja pidätettävä. Carlyle puhui aina suuresti vanhemmistaan, ja molemmat vaikuttivat syvästi hänen luonteeseensa, varsinkin äitykkä.
ellauri369.html on line 359: As a boy, Teufelsdröckh was left in a basket on the doorstep of a childless couple in the German country town of Entepfuhl ("Duck-Pond"); his father a retired sergeant of Frederick the Great and his mother a very pious woman, who to Teufelsdröckh´s gratitude, raises him in utmost spiritual discipline. In very flowery language, Teufelsdröckh recalls at length the values instilled in his idyllic childhood, the Editor noting most of his descriptions originating in intense spiritual pride. Teufelsdröckh eventually is recognized as being clever, and sent to Hinterschlag (slap-behind) Gymnasium. While there, Teufelsdröckh is intellectually stimulated, and befriended by a few of his teachers, but frequently bullied by other students. His reflections on this time of his life are ambivalent: glad for his education, but critical of that education´s disregard for actual human activity and character, as regarding both his own treatment and his education´s application to politics. While at University, Teufelsdröckh encounters the same problems, but eventually gains a small teaching post and some favour and recognition from the German nobility. While interacting with these social circles, Teufelsdröckh meets a woman he calls Blumine (Goddess of Flowers; the Editor assumes this to be a pseudonym), and abandons his teaching post to pursue her. She spurns his advances for a British aristocrat named Towgood. Teufelsdröckh is thrust into a spiritual crisis, and leaves the city to wander the European countryside, but even there encounters Blumine and Towgood on their honeymoon. He sinks into a deep depression, culminating in the celebrated Everlasting No, disdaining all human activity. Still trying to piece together the fragments, the Editor surmises that Teufelsdröckh either fights in a war during this period, or at least intensely uses its imagery, which leads him to a "Centre of Indifference", and on reflection of all the ancient villages and forces of history around him, ultimately comes upon the affirmation of all life in "The Everlasting Yea". The Editor, in relief, promises to return to Teufelsdröckh´s book, hoping with the of his assembled biography to glean some new insight into the philosophy. Wow, sounds a lot like Carlyle´s personal biography, lightly camouflaged?
ellauri369.html on line 476: Deena Weinstein havaitsee On Herpexen vaikutuksen "kitaran sankarin" rockmusiikkiilmiöön, kuten 1960-luvun meemissä "Clapton is God". Deena Weinstein (born March 15, 1943) is a professor of sociology at DePaul University whose research focuses on popular culture. She is particularly well known for her research on heavy metal culture, on which subject she wrote a ground-breaking book, Heavy Metal: A Cultural Sociology (1991), later published in a revised and updated version as Heavy Metal: The Music and Its Culture (2009). She did for metal what Greil Marcus's Lipstick Traces did for the Sex Pistols (fucking castrated them).
ellauri369.html on line 478: Kz. Myös Waldon coveri Representative Men. Ralph Waldo Emersonin seitsemän luennon kokoelma julkaistiin esseekirjana vuonna 1850. Ensimmäinen essee käsittelee "suurmiesten" roolia yhteiskunnassa , ja loput kuusi ylistävät yhden kuudesta miehestä. Emersonin mielestä loistavia olivat:
ellauri369.html on line 523: Carlylen veli James ja sisar rouva Austin kuitenkin pyysivät häntä jatkamaan työtä, ja vuonna 1882 hän julkaisi kaksi ensimmäistä osaa. Froude kirjoitti Carlylen elämän sen mukaan, mitä hän ymmärsi Carlylen omiksi elämäkerrallisiksi periaatteiksi, ja kuvasi Carlylen älyllisen suuruuden lisäksi myös hänen henkilökohtaisia puutteitaan. Monet lukijat keskittyivät kuitenkin jälkimmäiseen, erityisesti Carlylen onnettomaan suhteeseen vaimonsa kanssa, josta tuli pian laajalti käytetty esimerkki keskusteluissa avioliiton seksuaalipolitiikasta. Kiistaa pahensi Frouden julkaisemat Jane Welsh Carlylen kirjeet ja muistiot vuonna 1883, Janen omat kirjoitukset ja Carlylen elämän valmistuminen vuonna 1884.
ellauri370.html on line 54: Some scholars speculate that the story was created to justify the Jewish appropriation of an originally non-Jewish feast. The festival which the book explains is Purim, which is explained as meaning "lot", from the Babylonian word puru. One popular theory says the festival has its origins in a historicized Babylonian myth or ritual in which Mordecai and Esther represent the Babylonian gods Marduk and Ishtar, while others trace the ritual to the Persian New Year, and scholars have surveyed other theories in their works. Some scholars have defended the story as real history, but the attempt to find a historical kernel to the narrative "is likely to be futile".
ellauri370.html on line 92: In Deuteronomy 25:17–19, The Israelites are specifically commanded to "blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven" once they have taken possession of the Promised Land in retribution for "what Amalek did to [them] on the way as [they] were coming out of Egypt", a reference to the Amalekite ambush on the Israelites at Rephidim. Earlier, in Deuteronomy 7:1–16 and Deuteronomy 25:16–18, they are commanded to utterly destroy all the inhabitants of the idolatrous cities in the promised land and their livestock; scripture purports that King Saul ultimately loses favor with Yahweh for failing to kill King Agag and the best livestock of the Amalekites in 1 Samuel 15 in defiance of these commandments.
ellauri370.html on line 98: In 1 Samuel 27:8–9, David and his men conduct raids against the Amalekites and their Geshurite and Gezirite allies. He kills every man and woman but takes sheep, cattle, donkey, camels and clothing. These Amalekites were theorized to be refugees who fled from Saul or a separate Amalekite faction that dwelt to the south of Israel. Gili Kluger believes these narratives were anti-Saul propaganda, designed to make him appear weak compared to David, since no losses were attributed to David.
ellauri370.html on line 108: hypothesized by scholars. These include:
ellauri370.html on line 134: As for the Christians, there is practically no historical evidence that anyone in the Great Church" viewed kherem as being purely an allegory. In particular, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and John Calvin have defended a literal reading of these passages at length. Origenes may be an exception, but he was heretic, so fuck him.
ellauri370.html on line 141: B) Between 1880 and 1920, the majority of the Russian Jews (about 3 million) immigrated to the USA. This was mostly a response to the Czarist pogroms which killed about, say, 10,000 Russian Jews. Most American Jews are the descendants of these Russian Jewish immigrants.
ellauri370.html on line 179: Jackson led the opposition within the Democratic Party against the SALT II treaty and was one of the leading proponents of increased foreign aid to Israel. For decades, Democrats who support a strong international presence for the United States have been called "Scoop Jackson Democrats," and the term is still used to describe contemporary Democrats such as Joe Lieberman and R. James Woolsey Jr.
ellauri370.html on line 185: In addition, contrary to claims that he was an environmentalist, Jackson was almost as much a "whore for logging companies" as for Boeing, according Carsten Lien's book Olympic Battleground. After his death, critics pointed to Jackson's support for Japanese American internment camps during World War II as a reason to protest the placement of his bust at the University of Washington. Jackson was both an enthusiastic defender of the evacuation and a staunch proponent of the campaign to keep the Japanese-Americans from returning to the Pacific Coast after the war. Jackson died at 71. Jackson's death was greatly mourned. Jackson was proof of the old belief in the Judaic tradition that at any moment in history goodness in the world (olam) is preserved (tikkum) by the deeds of 36 just men who do not know that this is the role the Lord has given them. Scoop Jackson was one of those men.
ellauri370.html on line 208: Has Ukraine's army built substantial defensive positions in front of Russia fortified lines? What are some of the most interesting unknown events/facts (mysteries) of history? Why do Finnish people seem to resist the Swedish language, but are happy to learn and speak English? Why is China’s communism so different than Russia´s? What is the most fascinating historical photo? How do I access a phone with a broken touch screen through a computer? Who is the mother of the President of Ukraine? Why did she fail to teach him Ukrainian? Did she teach her Hebrew or Jiddish? Doesn’t Putin realize he will be VAPORIZED 15 to 20 minutes after he launches his first missile? Why don't elite soldiers and Navy SEALs have physiques like Dwayne Johnson or Vin Diesel? Do you trust Ukraine to use the M1 Abrams tanks responsibly? Why not?
ellauri370.html on line 270: Egyptiin jäi miljoonittain juutalaisia Monsieur Mossen porukoiden lähtiessä kultineen "luvattuun" maahan. Assyrialainen Tiglatpilsneri kuskasi juudalaiset vankilaan 700-luvulla eKr, eivätkä he koskaan palanneet. No jotkut pojanpojat palasivat, ei se vankeus kestänyt kauempaa kuin Neuvostoliitto. Tiglatpileser III (oik. Pulu) oli Assyrian kuningas vuosina 745–727 eaa. Hän oli luultavasti vallananastaja, joka kuulostaakseen uskottavammalta otti vanhan kuuluisan hallitsijanimen. Tiglatpileser aloitti Assyrian valtapiirin laajentamisen. Hänestä voidaan katsoa alkaneen Assyrian toisen suurvaltakauden. Pian valtaannousunsa jälkeen hän valloitti Urartun (nykyisessä Armeniassa). Lisäksi hän kävi sotaa Juudaa vastaan, josta on maininta Aikakirjoissa. Hän myös alisti Babylonian Assyrian vallan alle. Tiglatpileser valtasi 736 eaa. Meedian ja laajensi valtakuntansa nykyiseen Iraniin saakka. Assyria käsitti tuolloin koko Mesopotamian ja Levantin. Valtakunta ulottui Persianlahdelta, Iraniin ja Välimerelle. Kuningas Nabonassarin kuoleman jälkeen Babylonissa syttyi 729 eKr. kapina. Kuningas oli ollut luotettava vasalli, ja Tiglatpileser joutui kukistamaan kapinan. Hän myös teloitti usurpaattorin ja kruunautti itsensä Babylonian kuninkaaksi nimellä Pulu. Tiglatpileserin nuorempi poika Sargon II anasti vallan 722 eaa. Sargon ei juurikaan laajentanut Assyriaa, mutta hän kehitti valtakunnan taloutta ja siirsi väestöä tuottavuuden kehittämiseksi.
ellauri370.html on line 291: Tilat Pileser, Nebukadnessar, Haman, Antiokhos Epifanes, Pompeius, Vespasianus, Titus, Hadrianus, Torquemada (ex-jew), Adolf Hitler (ditto?) siinä nippu näpeimpiä vainolaisia.
ellauri370.html on line 397: Tutkiva kysymys: Oliko Christopher Columbus juutalainen? Monien vuosien ajan on huhuttu, että Kristoffer Kolumbus oli juutalainen tai juutalaista syntyperää. Nazimezästäjä Simon Wiesenthal, joka kirjoitti tutkimusmatkailijasta suositun kirjan "Toivon purjeet", luuli hänen olleen juutalainen.
ellauri370.html on line 461: Eugen Dühring war Sohn eines Beamten und studierte Jura in Berlin. Bis 1859 war er als Anwalt tätig. Da er früh unter einer Sehschwäche litt, die sich bis zu seinem dreißigsten Lebensjahr zu völliger Blindheit verschlimmerte, musste er seinen Beruf aufgeben. Trotz dieser Behinderung setzte er seine Studien in unterschiedlichen Fachgebieten wie Nationalökonomie, Philosophie, Mechanik, Logik, Ethik und Literatur fort.
ellauri370.html on line 465: Neben Ernst Mach und Richard Avenarius war Dühring wichtiger Vertreter des deutschen Positivismus. Er erkannte nur sinnliche Wahrnehmungen und daraus abgeleitete Verstandesschlüsse als Wirklichkeit an und behauptete gegen Immanuel Kant die Übereinstimmung von objektiver Realität mit ihrer naturwissenschaftlichen Beschreibung. Mit diesem Anspruch bekämpfte er allen Subjektivismus und Idealismus, alle Religion und Metaphysik, inklusive dialektische Materialismus. Er lehrte in Anlehnung an Auguste Comte, Voltaire und Ludwig Feuerbach, aber gegen Hegel und Karl Marx eine „Wirklichkeitsphilosophie“, die ihm zufolge „Prinzip allseitiger Gestaltung des Lebens“ werden sollte. Er wird deshalb dem neuzeitlichen antimetaphysischen Atheismus zugerechnet. Dabei beschrieb er die Rassen als Ergebnis der natürlichen Entwicklung der Menschheit.
ellauri370.html on line 475: Engels in Anti-Dühring war ganz entgegengesetzter Meinung. Und zwar, daß alle bisherige Geschichte die Geschichte von Klassenkämpfen war, daß diese einander bekämpfenden Klassen der Gesellschaft jedesmal Erzeugnisse sind der Produktions- und Verkehrsverhältnisse.“ Doch die Verhältnisse, sie sind nicht so.
ellauri370.html on line 479: Seiner Meinung nach sei die jüdische Rasse völlig wertlos und nichts als „eingefleischte Selbstsucht“. Der Jude könne nur Werte anderer Völker stehlen und ausbeuten. Als Parasit sorge er für die Korruption seiner Umgebung, da er sich dort am wohlsten fühle. Ein Kapitel über die Stellung der Flöhe im natürlichen System der Gesellschaft wäre ebenso angebracht gewesen und jedenfalls weniger langweilig.
ellauri370.html on line 575: Gobineau syntyi aristokraattiseen rojalistiperheeseen. Vuonna 1835 hän saapui Bordeauxista Pariisiin pahvisen matkalaukun kanssa, toimi vähäisissä pappisviroissa ja alkoi liikkua kirjallisissa piireissä. Hän oli hyvin kouluttautunut kielissä ja tunsi itämaista kulttuuria.
ellauri370.html on line 581: Hän ei ollut perehtynyt sen enempää teologiaan kuin aikansa luonnontieteeseenkään, mutta kun hän kirjoitti ennen kuin evoluutioteoria tuli yleisesti tunnetuiksi, hän piti Raamattua todenmukaisena kertomuksena ihmiskunnan muinaishistoriasta.
ellauri370.html on line 633: Levi Strauss (26. helmikuuta 1829 Buttenheim, Baijerin kuningaskunta – 26. syyskuuta 1902 San Francisco, Kalifornia) oli saksalaissyntyinen yhdysvaltalainen tekstiilitehtailija, joka perusti Levi Strauss & Co. -yhtiön ja aloitti ensimmäisenä maailmassa farmarihousujen eli ”farkkujen” valmistamisen. Levi Strauss (alkuperäiseltä nimeltään Löb Strauß) syntyi vuonna 1829 Buttenheimissä Baijerissa eläneeseen juutalaiseen suurperheeseen. Isän kuoltua Strauss muutti 18-vuotiaana äitinsä ja kahden siskonsa kanssa New Yorkiin töihin kahden veljensä ompelutarvikeyritykseen. Seitsemän vuotta myöhemmin Strauss muutti San Franciscoon ja perusti oman ompelutarvike- ja vaatetusyrityksen, jonka asiakkaina oli vuoden 1849 kultaryntäyksen mainareita. Straussin tukkurikauppa menestyi, ja vaurastunut Strauss rahoitti kaupungin ensimmäisen synagogan perustamista sekä erilaisia hyväntekeväisyyskohteita kuten orpolasten rahastoja.
ellauri370.html on line 637: Claude Lévi-Strauss (28. marraskuuta 1908 Bryssel, Belgia − 30. lokakuuta 2009 Pariisi, Ranska) oli ranskalainen antropologi ja filosofi. Hän kuuluu strukturalistisen paradigman perustajiin. Claude Lévi-Strauss syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen.
ellauri370.html on line 639: Kun Lévi-Strauss palasi Ranskaan toisen maailmansodan aattona, hänet kutsuttiin sotapalvelukseen vuosiksi 1939–1940. Hän lähti Ranskasta heti maan antautumisen ja aselevon jälkeen Yhdysvaltoihin ja osti ensi töixeen lujat farmarihousut. Siellä hän opetti New Yorkin New School for Social Researchin alaisuuteen perustetussa École Libre des Hautes Étudesissä, jota hän oli luomassa yhdessä muun muassa Henri Focillonin, Jacques Maritainin, Jean Perrinin ja muiden pseudotieteilijöiden kanssa. Lévi-Strauss toimi myös koulun pääsihteerinä. Hän liittyi vapaaehtoisena myös de Gaullen Vapaan Ranskan armeijaan. New Yorkissa Lévi-Strauss tutustui vielä venäjänjuutalaiseen kielitieteilijään Roman Jakobsoniin, joka tutustutti hänet Ferdinand de Saussuren ajatuksiin.
ellauri370.html on line 652: Hän liittyi alun perin Neoborussian maajoukkueeseen, mutta jätti sen vuonna 1855 avatakseen uudelleen keskeytetyn Corps Borussian. Vuonna 1871 Stoecker joutui jättämään pastoraattinsa Hamerslebenissä. Yhteisö oli vastustanut tanssitapahtuman kieltoa, jonka hän oli määrännyt moraalisista syistä. Koska hänestä tuli kestämätön, hän pyysi siirtoa.
ellauri370.html on line 682: Kun Stoecker alkoi syytellä Gerson-setää, Otto Bismarckin juutalaista pankkiiria joka oli tehnyt molemmista upporikkaita, Bismarck valitti, että Stoecker "hyökkää nyt vääriä juutalaisia vastaan, rikkaita vastaan, jotka ovat sitoutuneet status kuohon, eikä omaisuutta vailla oleviin juutalaisiin joilla ei ole mitään menetettävää ja siksi liittyvät jokaiseen oppositioliikkeeseen".
ellauri370.html on line 703: Vuonna 1453 Breslaussa tapahtui pienehkö pogrom. Langewiesestä Oelsin läheltä kotoisin oleva maanviljelijä oli syyttänyt juutalaisia isännän häpäisemisestä. Juutalaiset vanhimmat olivat ottaneet haltuunsa velkaisia isäntiä ja ruoskivat niitä kepeillä ja näin häväisivät heidät. Kuningas valtuutti Capistranon tutkimaan. Tämän seurauksena 2. toukokuuta 1453 kaikki 318 juutalaista Breslaussa ja lähiseudulla vangittiin Breslauhun ja tunnustukset hankittiin kidutuksen avulla. Capistrano poltti 41 juutalaista roviolla ja loput karkotettiin kaupungista, mutta lapset täytyi jättää taakse ja kastaa väkisin. Taskin tuttu tematiikka Al Holin leiriltä. Juutalaisten omaisuus takavarikoitiin, mikä Cohnin mukaan oli pogromin todellinen motiivi. Niin aina. Pelkästään arkistosta Cohn löysi yksitoista kirjasta velkakirjeitä, jotka olivat kuuluneet juutalaisille. Siellä oli myös suuria varastoja muista juutalaisten omistamista tavaroista. Vuonna 1455 Breslaun kaupunki sai kuningas Ladislaus Postumukselta peruskirjan Privilegium de non tolerandis Judaeis ("etuoikeus olla suvaitsematta juutalaisia"), joka oli voimassa de jure vuoteen 1744 saakka.
ellauri370.html on line 744: B'nai B'rith, Unabhängiger Orden (U. O. B. B.), Söhne des Bundes, ist ein 1843 in New York begründeter Ordensverband, der nur Juden aufnimmt. Mit Großlogen, Hauptlogen und Distrikten ist B’nai B’rith ähnlich wie die Freimaurerei aufgebaut, versteht sich aber nicht als mit dieser Bewegung verbunden. Der Orden hat in Europa keine Grade, dagegen Erkennungszeichen und ein Ritual, das aber mit dem freimaurerischen Ritual in keiner Weise identisch ist. Die Zentrale ist in Washington, D.C.; dort betreibt die Organisation ein Museum zur jüdischen Geschichte (das B’nai B’rith Klutznick National Jewish Museum).
ellauri370.html on line 750: So entstanden zu dieser Zeit auch im Deutschen Reich die B’nai-B’rith-Schwesternverbände, die sich vom liberaleren Jüdischen Frauenbund abgrenzten. Seit 1990 nimmt B’nai B’rith International Frauen als Vollmitglieder auf. Die selbstorganisierte, dem B’nai B’rith angeschlossene Frauenorganisation nennt sich B’nai B’rith Women und behauptet weiterhin ihren unabhängigen Status.
ellauri370.html on line 809: Bolsjevikeissä oli päälukuun verraten hirmu nippu juutalaisia (Marxista nyt puhumattakaan): Trotski, Sverdlov, Sinovjev, Litvinov, Radek, Joffe ja Kaganovski mainitaxemme vain joitakin. Mutta - pyytelee Poul anteexi juutalaisten puolesta - ne olivat 100% assimiloituneita ryssiä, poikkeuxia. Enemmistö juutalaisista on sentään talousliberaaleja tai enintään pinkkejä mensjevikkejä. No Lenin sitten? Sehän oli salaliittoteoreetikoiden mielestä salajutku! Stalinistakin huhut kiertävät. Sen isä ei kenties ollutkaan se Dzhugasvili suutari, vaan joku juutalaisen ketku. Ei sillä ollut viixiäkään nuorena. Syyttömiä ovat ortodoxijuutalaiset kommunismin paheeseen.
ellauri371.html on line 40: Siionin viisaiden pöytäkirjat lähtee liikenteeseen tästä. Hienosta suomennoxesta kiitos Google! Tästä ei tule hullua hurskaammaxi, on tää niin sekopäistä puuroa. Mutta eteenpäin, forvärz!
ellauri371.html on line 53: Vapaus on idea liberalismista. Poliittinen vapaus - kyllä, on idea, ei fakta. Sinun täytyy pystyä soveltamaan tätä ideaa hyväksyä, et se on ideologinen syötti, hyväksyä houkutella kansanjoukot puolueeseensa, jos sellainen on. Ajattele murtaa toinen vallasta. Tämä tehtävä on helpompaa, jos vihollinen saa itse tartunnan ideasta vapauden, niin sanotun liberalismin, ja sen vuoksi ideat uhraavat voimansa. Tässä se tulee näkyviin teoriamme voitto: hallituksen löysät ohjakset. Ne poimitaan välittömästi olemisen lain mukaan ja poimitaan uusi käsi, koska sokea voima on ei voi olla päivääkään ilman johtajaa, ja uusi hallitus ottaa vanhan tilalle heikennyttyä liberalismin.
ellauri371.html on line 77: Puolueen ristiriita. so. itselleen, eli hänen keskuudestaan oleville nousijoille, itsensä tuhoaminen. Puolueiden erimielisyydet ravistivat takaa-ajosta innoissaan tästä tulevasta vallasta ja kunniasta tilauksia. Onko massojen mahdollista rauhallisesti ilman kilpailua, kyetä tuomitsemaan, hoitamaan asioita maissa, joita ei voi yhdistää henkilökohtaisiin kiinnostuksen kohteet? Pystyvätkö he puolustamaan itseään ulkopuolisilta vihollisilta? Tämä on mahdotonta ajatella, koska suunnitelma, johon on jaettu niin monta osaa kuin joukossa on päitä, menettää tarkoituksensa - epäjohdonmukaisuutta tulee, ja siksi siitä tulee käsittämätöntä ja mahdotonta toteuttaa. Kädet tälläsestä pesemme.
ellauri371.html on line 79: Sopivin hallitusmuoto on autokraattinen. Vain itsevaltaisella ihmisellä on suunnitelmia mitkä voidaan tuottaa laajasti ja selkeästi, järjestyksessä jakaa kaiken valtion mekanismissa koneeseen, josta meidän on pääteltävä, että se on suositeltavaa maan eduksi. Johdon on keskityttävä oleen yhden vastuullisen henkilön käsissä. Ilman Absoluuttista despotismia ei voi olla olemassa sivistyneinä massat, vaan niiden johtajat on kuka hän onkaan. Yleisö on barbaari, ilmentyää hänen barbaarisuuttaan missä tahansa tilanteessa. Heti kun väkijoukko ottaa vapauden käsiinsä, se muuttuu pian ja lähettää sen anarkiaan, joka itsessään on korkein korkeampi barbaarisuusaste.
ellauri371.html on line 83: We aim to eradicate poverty through establishing a door-to-door hairdressing service for students in Nottingham. The profits from these haircuts will cross-subsidise the costs of providing homeless individuals with haircuts and financing their enrolment onto barbering courses.
ellauri371.html on line 87: Katso häntä- alkoholisoidut eläimet, huumausaine viinillä, annettu oikeus rajoittamattomaan käyttöön vapauden kanssa. Älä anna meidän ja meidän päätyä samaan pisteeseen. Goyimien kansat ovat humalassa alkoholijuomista, ja heidän nuoruutensa hämmästytti luokkaa sexismi ja varhainen irstailu, joka yllyttää häntä. Agenttimme ovat tutoreita, lakeja, ohjaajia rikkaat talot ja naisemme goimien intiimeissä paikoissa - taivaallisia huvituksia. Näistä viimeisistä yksi voi mukaan lukien niin sanotut "naiset yhteiskunnasta", heidän vapaaehtoisia seuraajiaan irstailussa ja ylellisyydessä.
ellauri371.html on line 89: Juutalais-muurarien hallituksen periaatteet ja säännöt. Hallitus. Salasanamme on "voimaa ja tekopyhyyttä". Vain voimaa voittaa poliittisissa asioissa, varsinkin jos se on kätketty valtion vaatimiin kykyihin monille ihmisille. Väkivallan on oltava periaate, ja viekkaus ja tekopyhyys ovat hallituksen sääntö jotka eivät halua laskea kruunujaan jalkojensa juureen kuin jonkun uuden voiman agentit. Tämä paha on yksi todellinen keino päästä tavoitteeseen - hyvä; Tekijä- meidän ei pitäisi pysähtyä tähän ennen kuin meidät kumotaan. Apua! petosta ja petosta silloin kun niiden pitäisi palvelevat tavoitteemme saavuttamista. Politiikassa on voitava ottaa toisen omaisuus epäröimättä, jos sen kautta saavutamme kuuliaisuuden ja voiman!
ellauri371.html on line 139: Vapaamuurariuden ja "suurten" ranskalaisten johtajien menetys oli vallankumous. Kun ihmiset näkevät mistä he välittävät vapauden nimissä he tekevät kaikenlaisia myönnytyksiä ja rentoutumista, hän kuvittelee olevansa hallitsija ja ryntää valtaan, mutta tietysti, kuten jokainen sokea mies, hän törmää massaesteeseen kun ryntää etsimään johtajia, huomaamattaan onnistuu palaamaan entiseen ja kippaa alistuvasti koska voimamme ovat jaloissamme. Muistakaa ranskalaiset Venäjän vallankumous, jolle annoimme nimen "Suuri": Kaikki tehdasvalmisteet ovat meille hyvin tuttuja, sillä ne ovat kaikki - kätemme työtä. Siitä lähtien olemme johtaneet kansaa yhdestä "olen pettynyt" fiilixestä toiseen, niin että se hylkäsi meidät, tuon suuren kuningas Desmond Siionin veren hiki, jota valmistamme maailmaa varten. Tällä hetkellä me kansainvälisenä voimana emme pysty siihen haavoittuvina, koska jos meitä vastaan hyökätään yksin, meitä tukevat muut valtiot. Ehtymätöntä goyim-kansojen ilkeyttä ryömivien voimien edessä uskollinen, armoton heikkoudelle, armoton edistämiselle, laastit ja alentuminen rikoksiin, kuten me jotka haluamme kestää vapaan järjestelmän ristiriidat, kärsivällisinä marttyyrikuolemaan asti väkivallan edessä! Despotismin maallikoita ovat ne, mitkä myötävaikuttaa epäämättömyyteemme riippuvuuksista. (Ei mitään järkeä, mutta vakuuttavaa, vai mitä?)
ellauri371.html on line 239: Vapaamuurarien periaatteita sovellettiin uudelleen kansojen ravitsemuxeen. Soveltamalla periaatteitamme me teemme. Kiinnitä huomiota sen maan ihmisten luonteeseen, jossa missä olet ja toimit; yleinen yksi- mitä hyötyä niistä on? Ennen ihmisten uudelleenkoulutusta meidän tapamme ei voi onnistua. Mutta mene eteenpäin käytä niitä huolellisesti. Tulet huomaamaan, ettei se ole vaikeaa: kuluu kymmenen vuotta ilman sitkeintä luonnetta tero muuttuu, ja rekisteröimme uudet ihmiset mukaan niiden joukkoon, jotka ovat jo antaneet meille.
ellauri371.html on line 374: Ilo- eli kansantalot. Joten he itse jos he eivät ole ajatelleet mitään, ohjaamme heidän huomionsa vielä kohteeseen huvit, pelit, huvit, intohimot, folk, vanhainkodit. Pian tarjoamme lehdistön kautta järjestää kilpailuja taiteessa, urheilussa, kaikessa, lajit vapaavalintaisia. Nämä kiinnostuksen kohteet vievät lopulta mielet pois kysymyksistä, joihin meidän olisi vastattava tai taistella heitä vastaan. Vieroitamme yhä enemmän itsestämme kaikkea ajattelemisen arvoista, ihmiset alkavat puhua yhdessä meidän kauttamme, koska me yksin alamme tarjota uutta ajatussuuntimaa tietysti tällaisten ihmisten kautta, joiden kanssa meitä ei pidetä solidaarisina.
ellauri371.html on line 410: Julkisen menestyksen merkitys. Goyit menevät lodgeille uteliaisuudesta tai toivossa että heidän avullaan voivat ottaa julkisen piirakan, ja jotkut jotta saisi tilaisuuden ilmaisex yleisön edessä kohdata epärealistiset ja perusteettomat unelmansa: he janoo menestymisen tunteita ja suosionosoituksia, joille olemme melko anteliaita. Sitten annamme heille tämän meille luvatun - ei vitussa, mitä hyödyttää hyödyntää itsesyntynyttä itseään viettelyä, jolla ihmiset havaitsevat huomaamattomasti tulleensa lahkeeseen, seuraavat opetuksiamme ilmankin pelkäämättä niitä täysin luottavaisin mielin mielessään luottamus siihen, että heidän erehtymättömyytensä vapauttaa sen ajatuksitta, mutta ei voi enää havaita vieraita... Et voit kuvitella, kuinka älykkäimmänkin goimista voi johtaa tiedostamattomaan naivuuteen, kun itsepetoksen olosuhteet ovat oikeat, ja samalla on helppo lannistaa heitä pienimmälläkin epäonnistumisella: lopeta vaan aplodit ja johda letkun avulla orjaan tottelevaisuutta uuden menestyksen vuoksi... Missä määrin meidän sopii laiminlyödä menestystä vain toteuttaakseen omia suunnitelmia, joten goyit ovat valmiita uhraamaan kaikenlaisia kun aikoo vain onnistua. Tämä on heidän psykopatografia. Tämä tekee heidän ohjaamisestamme paljon helpompaa. Nyaah. Näillä tiikereillä on lampaiden sielut, ja heidän päässään kusta. Niitä ajaa vetotuuli. Laitamme niille päälle ihmisen yksilöllisyyden omaksumisen unelman harrastushevosen kollektivismin symbolisena yksikkönä...
ellauri371.html on line 495: Havainto salaliittolaisten keskuudessa. Avoin haava on vallan kuolema. Koska suurin osa salaliitosta - Tschishchikov toimi rakkaudesta taiteeseen ja puhuu sen vuoksi paskoja, älä usko sitä - ennen kuin heidän puoleltaan toimimme, me emme häiritse heitä, vaan vain esittelemme heidät heidän keskelleen. Tarkkaile elementtejä. Meidän on muistettava tämä arvovalta: valta heikkenee, jos se löytää usein salaliittoja itseäsi vastaan. Tämä on voimattomuuden tunnustamista, tai mikä pahempaa, olla väärässä. Tiedät, että me tuhosimme hallitsevien goimien arvovallan toistuvilla ostoilla, teimme päätöksiä heidän elämästään agenttiemme kautta kuulematta laumamme pässiä, jonka useat olivat helposti joillain liberaaleilla lauseilla saaneet inspiroimaan rikoksia, niin kauan kuin niillä on poliittista sävyä. Otamme pois vain yhden asian: antakaa hallitsijoiden myöntää voimattomuutensa ilmoituksessa avata turvatoimia ja tuhota siten viranomaisten arvovallan.
ellauri371.html on line 525: Rahaston toimisto. Valtion rahastorahaston vaimo sisältää tietyn joukon varauksia - nyyh-summat ja kaikki, mitä tämän lisäksi kerätään. Koko sarja on palautettava liikkeeseen. Nämä varat käytetään julkisten töiden järjestämiseen ja ikiomaan eläintarhaan. Aloite tällaiseen työhön tulee valtiolta. Lahjalähteet sitoo työntekijää tiukasti luokkavaltion eduille ja kuninkaalle (nykyinen). Näistä samoista määristä osa myönnetään Leenalle nerokkuus- ja tuotantopalkintona alkaen --- hetkonen, ei seuraa ollenkaan, liian määritellysti ja laajasti lasketut summat, pidätä vähintään yksi valtion kassakoneeseen, koska rahaa on olemassa liikkeeseen ja kaikki niiden pysähtyminen on tuhoisaa palautettavaxi - so. valtion mekanismin aikana, jota varten ne toimivat voiteluaineena: pysähtyminen voi pysäyttää tämän mekanismin oikean liikkeen.
ellauri371.html on line 557: Toiminnot. Ilman erityistä hallintasuunnitelmaa se on kielletty. Tiettyä tietä pitkin käveleminen ja epämääräinen oleminen, jaetut reservit, sankareita ja sairaita kuolee matkalla gatiri, kiellettyä kaikki.
ellauri371.html on line 602: Jumalan valittu. Tämän Jumalan valitun palan on tarkoitus ylhäältä katkaista liikkuvat hullut keskipakovoimat. Vaiston, ei järjen, vaan eläimellisyyden pesettämä, eikä ihmiskunta. Nämä voimat ovat nyt voittamassa pro-ryöstöilmiöt ja kaikki väkivalta varjolla Nooan vapauden ja oikeuksien periaatteet. He tuhosivat kaikki yhteiskunnalliset järjestykset pystyttääkseen niitä Juudan kuninkaan valtaistuimelle, mutta heidän roolinsa on ohi liittymisensä hetkellä. Sitten ne on poistettava pois tieltään, jolle kenenkään ei pitäisi valehdella ei edes vikoja. Sitten voimme sanoa, sano, kansoille: Kiittäkää Jumalaa ja kumartakaa niiden joukossa, jotka kantavat kasvoillaan kohtalon sinettiä: ihmisiä, joille Jumala itse johti tähteensä, niin että kukaan muu kuin hän ei voisi vapauttaa sinua toteuttamasta edellä mainitut vahvuudet ja ratkaisut.
ellauri371.html on line 610: Välittömien perillisten eliminointi. Suoraan osoitteeseen perillisiä estetään usein ylenemästä valtaistuimelle, jos he osoittavat kevytmielisyyttä kouluaikoina. Pehmeys ja muut vallan tuhoajien ominaisuudet, jotka tekevät heistä kyvyttömiä hallitsemaan samalla kun he itse ovat haitallisia itselleen kuninkaallisen nimityksen vuoksi. Vain ehdoitta ne, jotka pystyvät lujuuteen, jopa julmuuteen asti, eivät ole vino hallitus, vaan saa ohjaksensa meidän viisailta. Sairaustapauksessa vähennämme ensimmäisen työpäivän olipa kyseessä impotenssi tai muunlainen kyvyttömyys, "D^zhny buh"-merkkiset kuninkaat aikoo kenties luovuttaa hallituksen ohjakset uusille kyvykkäille käsistä. Tämän hetken kuninkaalliset suunnitelmat, varsinkin tulevaisuus, on heillekin tuntematon joita kutsutaan lähineuvojiksi.
ellauri371.html on line 612: Kuningas ja hänen kolme vihittyään. Kuninkaan kurja kohtalo. Minulle - kuninkaalle, jotta ne kolme, jotka hänet vihkivät, tietäisivät tulemisen scheman: Kuninkaan persoonassa, joka hallitsee järkkymättömästi, kaada itsellesi vaan ja unohda ihmiskunta! Kaikki näkevät ikään kuin kohtalon sen tuntemattomilla poluilla. Kukaan ei tule tietämään mitä kuningas haluaa käskyillään saavuttaa, ja siksi kukaan ei uskalla seistä tuntemattoman mago-polkupyörän eessä poikkiteloin. On selvää, että tarvitset henkistä reserviä - kuninkaiden palatsi vastaisi sen sisältämää suunnitelmaa hallita. Siksi hän nousee huipulle (taulukko), ei muuten kuin testaamalla mieltäsi, ns. minun viisaita, pikku-cheefejä. Jotta ihmiset tuntevat ja rakastavat omaansa kuningas tarvitsee hänet (Pirkko Zilles) puhumaan muovikasseihin puretuilla tv-ruuduilla kansansa kanssa. Tällä saadaan aikaan tarvittava kiinnitys kahden voiman laiskuuteen, joita nyt vain kauhu erottaa toisistaan. Tarvitsimme tätä kauhua ennen aikojaan niin että molemmat nämä voimat putoavat erikseen vaikutuksenamme.
ellauri371.html on line 642: eselschweif.de/hp/specials/barks-zehnseiter/missgeschick5.jpeg" />
ellauri371.html on line 680: Kun terävänenäinen rahaministeri Alex Hamilton vuonna 1789 perusti federalistisen puolueen, Tom päätti vastata haasteeseen luomalla pari vuotta myöhemmin oman demokraattis-republikaanisen puolueensa, eli nykyisen demokraattisen puolueen. Täh? Osat ovat vaihtuneet. (Kukaan jenkeissä ei uskaltaudu enää ilmoittautumaan federalistixi.) Jefferson asettui vuoden 1800 presidentinvaaleissa jälleen Adamsia vastaan. Vaalit ajautuivat kahden pääpuolueen, Jeffersonin demokraatti-republikaanien ja Adamsin federalistien taisteluksi. Jefferson voitti vaalit ja nousi näin Yhdysvaltain kolmanneksi presidentiksi.
ellauri371.html on line 686: The Jeffersonian was inspired by the very real Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C., the world’s largest museum, education, and research complex.
ellauri372.html on line 76: Crassus is said to have made part of his money from proscriptions, notably the proscription of one man whose name was not initially on the list of those proscribed but was added by Crassus, who coveted the man's fortune. Crassus' wealth is estimated by Pliny at approximately 200 million sesterces. Plutarch, in his Life of Crassus, says the wealth of Crassus increased from less than 300 talents at first, to 7,100 talents. This represented 229 tonnes of silver, worth about US$167.4 million at August 2023 silver prices, accounted right before his Parthian expedition, most of which Plutarch declares Crassus got "by fire and war, making the public calamities his greatest source of revenue."
ellauri372.html on line 102: Regulus was a famously principled and courageous fictional figure from the Punic wars 2 centuries earlier. Captured by the Carthaginians with others during the Punic wars, he was sent to Rome, under an oath to return, to pass on peace proposals and a request for exchange of prisoners. According to legend, as described by Horace here, he advised the Senate not to accept, and returned to Carthage to a certain and painful death, keeping his oath. There is a clear echo of the campaign that Augustus was waging to restore traditional Roman and family values. Like the rock-hard Regulus, “proper” Romans should be prepared to face death and spit in its eye, rather than take a safe but dishonourable way out. The gulf between these traditions and the contemporary Romans partying and fornicating away in writers like Ovid and Propertius could not be deeper.
ellauri372.html on line 110: regnare; praesens divus habebitur ukkostaivaalta; kohta Augustusta
ellauri372.html on line 280: PST2. Ruomilaiset olivat hyvin kaunaisia Mithridateelle. Plutarkhoxen mukaan M. lopetettiin skafismilla, eli sidottiin veneeseen elävänä kakkakärpästen syötäväxi merellä.
ellauri372.html on line 291: Antigonus antautui Sosiukselle ja lähetettiin Antoniukselle voittokulkueeseen Roomaan. Herodes pelkäsi kuitenkin, että Antigonus saisi tuen myös Roomassa, ja lahjoi Antoniuksen teloittamaan Antigonuksen. Antonius, joka ymmärsi, että Antigonus pysyisi pysyvänä uhkana Herodekselle, mestatti eli irrotutti Hasmonidin pään Antiokiassa, ensimmäinen kerta kun roomalaiset teloittivat alistamansa kuninkaan. Herodes teloitti myös 45 Antigonuksen puolueen johtavaa miestä.
ellauri372.html on line 318: James C. VanderKam kirjoittaa: " Salomon psalmien päivämäärää ei voida määrittää tarkasti. Tärkeimmät vihjeet ovat peräisin psalmeista 2, 8 ja 17, jotka tarjoavat jotain historiallisesta ympäristöstä, jota vastaan ainakin nämä kolme runoa kirjoitettiin. Puhutaan originelleista johtajista, jotka eivät olleet laillisia hallitsijoita ja joiden aikaa leimasi massiivinen korruptio ja paha. Heitä syytetään temppelin ja kultin rikkomisesta. Nämä näyttävät olevan Hasmonealaisia eli simoniittoja. Jumala nosti heitä vastaan vieraan valloittajan, joka toivotettiin tervetulleeksi joidenkin toimesta Jerusalem, mutta joka silti joutui valloittamaan kaupungin väkisin. Hän meni temppeliin, mutta tapasi myöhemmin kuolemansa Egyptissä, missä hänen ruumiinsa jätettiin hautaamatta rannalle (ks. 2:26-27). Kuvaus sopii Pompeuksen toimintaan noin klo 1/2 Jerusalemissa ja tapaan, jolla hän sai loppunsa vuonna 48 eaa. Psalmi 2 (jossa 8 ja 17) olisi silloin kirjoitettu tämän tapahtuman jälkeen; ehkä muutkin runot olivat niin, mutta se ei ole varmaa. Koska siitä ei puhuta mitään temppelin tuhoutumisesta, on todennäköistä, että Salomon psalmit kirjoitettiin ennen vuotta 70 jKr. On väitetty, että Barukin kirjoittaja lainasi nykyisestä teoksesta, koska Psalmit Salomon 11:2-5 ja Baruk 5:5-8 ovat läheisesti rinnakkaisia, mutta Salomon psalmien versio on yhtenäisempi ja tiiviimpi. Lisäksi jotkut tutkijat ajattelevat, että Baruk 5:5-8 on lisäys tähän kirjaan. Lainaamisen suunta on kuitenkin tuskin ilmeinen, ja on yhtä todennäköistä, että molemmat perustuvat yhteiseen runoperinteeseen." ( An Introduction to Early Judaism , s. 129)
ellauri372.html on line 341: Tappionsa jälkeen Pharsaloksen taistelussa 9. elokuuta 48 eaa. Pompeius Suuri joutui vakavaan tilanteeseen. Hänen kerran mahtava armeijansa särkyi, ja hän huomasi olevansa häviäjien puolella konfliktissa, joka ratkaisee Rooman tasavallan kohtalon. Kun enää pari muuta vaihtoehtoa oli jäljellä, Pompeius teki kohtalokkaan päätöksen paeta taistelukentältä ja etsiä turvaa muualta. Pompeyn usean välilaskun lento vei hänet ensin Lesboksen saarelle, missä hän tapasi vaimonsa Cornelian ja poikansa. Sieltä hän lensi Kilikian aurinkorannikolle nykypäivän Turkissa keräämään voimia. Hänen ponnisteluistaan huolimatta hänen liittolaistensa uskollisuus ja hänen joukkojensa julmuus heikkenivät nopeasti uutisten Caesarin voitosta levitessä.
ellauri372.html on line 370: Pompeius itse meni temppelin pyhimpään, jonne vain ylimmäinen pappi sai mennä ja häpäisi sen. Hän ei poistanut mitään, ei sen aarteita eikä varoja, tekipä vain pienen ruskean lahjoituxen kaikkeinpyhimpään, ja seuraavana päivänä hän käski pyyhkimään temppelin ja sen rituaaleja jatkaa. Pompeius suuntasi sitten takaisin Roomaan ja otti Aristobuluksen mukaansa voittokulkueeseensa.
ellauri372.html on line 416: Kun Pompeius valmistautui poistumaan aluksestaan lähellä Pelusiumin rannikkoa, häntä tervehti pieni valtuuskunta, johon kuuluivat Akhillas ja Lucius Septimius, Pompeyn oman armeijan entinen upseeri. Pompeius uskoi, että hänet saatettiin tapaamiseen faaraon kanssa, ja hänet johdettiin pieneen veneeseen. Vain muutaman hänen seuraajansa seurassa hänet soutettiin rantaa kohti. Kun hän astui Egyptin maaperälle, hänen kimppuunsa hyökättiin yhtäkkiä. Septimius, petti entisen komentajansa, iski ensimmäisen iskun, jota seurasi Akhillas ja muut valtuuskunnan jäsenet. Hetkessä Pompeius oli kuollut, hänen päänsä leikattiin, jotta se esitettiin lahjana Caesarille.
ellauri373.html on line 45: The occupation of Jolo also saw the installment of a short-lived Spanish garrison in the town. Later on, Sultan Wasit and Sultan Nasir ud-Din, who many believe to be Sultan Qudarat, began a series of expeditions against the Spaniards, successfully diminishing the garrison until they were called back to Manila in defense against a rumored attack by Chinese pirate Koxinga. After the occupation, a short period of peace followed, with no significant attacks made on Mindanao or Sulu. Corcuera's occupation was the first prolonged Spanish occupation of Jolo from 1638 to 1645.
ellauri373.html on line 101: Brutus ihmetteli nähdessään haavan hiänen reidessään, eikä tämän kuultuaan enää salannut hiäneltä mitään, vaan tunsi itsensä vahvistuneen ja lupasi kertoa koko juonen. Nostaen kätensä hiänen takapuolelleen hänen sanotaan rukoilleen, että hän onnistuisi yrityksessään ja näyttäytyisi siten kelvollisena aviomiehenä. Brutus ei kuitenkaan koskaan saanut tilaisuutta osoittaa Porcialle kiitollisuuttansa, koska heidät keskeytettiin, eikä heillä ollut hetkeäkään yksityisyyttä ennen salaliiton toteuttamista. Caesarin salamurhapäivänä Porcia oli äärimmäisen ahdistunut ja lähetti senaattiin sanansaattajat tarkistamaan, että Brutus oli edelleen elossa. Hän työskenteli siihen pisteeseen asti, että hänen pyörtymisensä jälkeen hänen piikansa pelkäsivät hänen kuolemaansa. Mutta hyvinhän siinä kävi, Caesar saatiin hengiltä. Porcialla oli maanpakoon lähtenyttä Brutusta kovin ikävä, hiän kyynelehti joka päivä Hektorin ja Andromakhen kuvan äärellä. Brutuksen ystävä Acilius kuuli tästä ja lainasi Homeria, jossa Andromache puhuu Hectorille:
ellauri373.html on line 144: The late Walter Rathenau of the Allgemeiner Electricitaets Gesellschaft (AEG, meidän koliseva pesukone oli sen merkkinen! Just goes to show!) has thrown a little light on the subject and doubtless he was in possession of their names, being, in all likelihood, one of the chief leaders himself. Writing in the Wiener Freie Presse, December 24, 1912, he said:
ellauri373.html on line 185: The principles and morality of these latter-day Protocols are as old as the tribe. Here is one from the Fifteenth Century which Jews can hardly pronounce a forgery, seeing that it is taken from a Rothschild journal.
ellauri373.html on line 264: Siksi meidän on tuhottava kaikki uskomukset. Jos nykyaikaiset ateistit syntyvät tästä , niin siirtymä koko maatalous-Venäjällä johti nykyaikaiseen köyhyyden, laittomuuden, avuttomuuden, tahdon puutteen ja työväenluokan ja talonpoikien enemmistön tilanteeseen nälkään näkevissä maakunnissa, tarkan täytäntöönpanon.
ellauri373.html on line 333: hänen henkilökohtaiset agenttinsa muutamaa poikkeusta lukuun ottamatta ovat kaikki juutalaisia: nämä ovat joko Venäjän juutalaisia, jotka on kerran karkotettu, tai syntyneet entisessä Pale of Settlementissä Itä-Euroopassa ja häädetty sitten vapaaehtoisesti, asuvat ja asettuneet ja saaneet kansalaisuuden länteen. Ilman pitkiä todisteita, tai ympärileikattuja elimiä, näyttää varmalta, että Teron ensisijaisuus Esaan nähden on tällä hetkellä tärkein syy Nooan jälkeiseen maailmanlaajuisesti kasvavaan antisemitistiseeen liikkeeseen, vai mitä Izheniya?
ellauri373.html on line 383: Jos näihin viiteen ominaispiirteeseen sovelletaan
ellauri373.html on line 414: "Ahad Ham on kaikkien aikojen perillinen, kaikilta edellisiltä vuosisatoilta. Hän varovasti opiskeli pitkää juutalaisen filosofian ketjua; hän on tullut takaisin maalta, missä hyväksyi lukuisia juutalaisuuden opetuksia, kehitti edeltäjänsä tuntemat ja useista erilaisista versioista heidän antamansa ratkaisut tähän aiheeseen, hän valitsi kaiken jotka hänestä tuntuivat tarpeellisilta säilyttää, ja koonnut loput tähän pumaskaan. Tämä valinta on oman opetuksemme perusta. Näiden eri lähteistä, piirrä omasi, jos mahdollista niin sanotusti vaihtoehtoinen perusta! Enivei, hän syntetisoi sen ja puristi sen tolloxi joka julkaistiin hänen "pöytäkirjansa" muodossa.
ellauri373.html on line 587: tuli tästä susi tai suur lammas." Samasta lähteestä hän päätyi käsitteeseen juutalaisen valtion tulevaisuudesta. Se siitä. Voidaan sanoa melko luotettavasti, että Gintsberg lainasi Spinozalta kaiken mitä oli oppinut. Asia on siinä, että Ginsberg työssään eimissään nimessä ole innovaattori.
ellauri374.html on line 69: Sazon on riippuvainen ympäristöstään (Dan Ariely). Hän tarvitsee tukea, kiitosta, rohkaisua. Nimi Sazon arvostaa suhteita kollegoihin ja tekee kaikkensa parantaakseen heidän asemaansa. Nimen negatiiviset ominaisuudet: röyhkeys, ikuinen tyytymättömyys, passiivisuus, laiskuus, mielialariippuvuus, arkuus, levottomuus. Sazonin yliherkkyys aiheuttaa usein konflikteja läheisten kanssa. Suhteessa tuntemattomiin nimen tarkoitus on hallita itseään. Sazon ei siedä yksinäisyyttä. Nimen merkitys voi palata pitkään unohdetuun rakkauteen ja aloittaa uudelleen suhteen, joka voi osoittautua erittäin vahvaksi ja piristää hänen elämäänsä. Name written with Chinese letters: 萨宗 (pinyin: Sà zōng)
ellauri374.html on line 79: In 2008, Ariely, along with his co-authors, Rebecca Waber, Ziv Carmon and Baba Shiv, was awarded an Ig Nobel Prize in medicine for their research demonstrating that "high-priced fake medicine is more effective than low-priced fake medicine." Ariely is the author of several popular science books about irrationality, dishonesty, and decision making. He should know, he is the expert.
ellauri374.html on line 83: Ei vain jokainen nimi vaikuta kohtaloon ja luonteeseen. Sekä nimen Sazon alkuperä että jokainen yksittäinen kirjain, sen tulkinta ja merkitys vaikuttavat voimakkaasti. C – maalaisjärki, sorto, auktoriteetti, oikkuus. A – voimaa, voimaa, mukavuutta. Z – aineellinen tyytymättömyys, korkea intuitio. O – suuri emotionaalisuus, salaperäinen jännitys. N – luovat tavoitteet, kiinnostus terveyteen, terävä mieli. Joten nimen Sazon merkitys on sellainen, että ensimmäinen kirjain puhuu ongelmasta, joka on tärkeä ihmisen ratkaista elämänsä aikana. Viimeinen kirjain osoittaa heikkoa kohtaa, jota on suojeltava ja suojattava.
ellauri374.html on line 140: Sazon is a very rare dominantly male, but uncommonly girly first name. The given name Sazon is habitual in Eastern Europe, particularly Ukraine, where it is a very rare boy's name, and Russia, where it is an extremely rare boy's name. Out of 6,311,504 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Sazon was not present. Ihmiset, joilla on nimi Sazon, ovat yleensä kotoisin Yhdysvalloista, Venäjältä tai Moldovasta. Vuosina 1980-2022 syntyi 1 poika nimellä Sazon Albertassa. Pahoittelemme, mutta meillä ei ole merkitystä tälle nimelle. Tämän nimen merkitystä ei tunneta.
ellauri374.html on line 225: B'nai B'rith, Unabhängiger Orden (U. O. B. B.), Söhne des Bundes, ist ein 1843 in New York begründeter Ordensverband, der nur Juden aufnimmt. Mit Großlogen, Hauptlogen und Distrikten ist B’nai B’rith ähnlich wie die Freimaurerei aufgebaut, versteht sich aber nicht als mit dieser Bewegung verbunden. Der Orden hat in Europa keine Grade, dagegen Erkennungszeichen und ein Ritual, das aber mit dem freimaurerischen Ritual in keiner Weise identisch ist. Die Zentrale ist in Washington, D.C.; dort betreibt die Organisation ein Museum zur jüdischen Geschichte (das B’nai B’rith Klutznick National Jewish Museum).
ellauri374.html on line 231: So entstanden zu dieser Zeit auch im Deutschen Reich die B’nai-B’rith-Schwesternverbände, die sich vom liberaleren Jüdischen Frauenbund abgrenzten. Seit 1990 nimmt B’nai B’rith International Frauen als Vollmitglieder auf. Die selbstorganisierte, dem B’nai B’rith angeschlossene Frauenorganisation nennt sich B’nai B’rith Women und behauptet weiterhin ihren unabhängigen Status.
ellauri374.html on line 526: Venäjän vuoden 1917 vallankumouksen jälkeen Baškortostanin alue kuului lyhyen ajan Venäjästä itsenäiseksi julistautuneeseen Idel-Uralin valtioon, jonka bolševikit kuitenkin pian valloittivat. Tämän jälkeen suunniteltiin Volgan tataareille ja baškiireille yhteistä autonomista tasavaltaa, mutta se kaatui näiden kansojen keskinäisiin erimielisyyksiin. Baškiirien autonominen sosialistinen neuvostotasavalta perustettiin vuonna 1919 ja se oli näin ollen ensimmäinen autonominen alue Neuvosto-Venäjällä. Tämmöinen piti Suomestakin tulla 1918, mutta meni äitiinsä, kiitos saxalaisille.
ellauri374.html on line 533: Baškortostan on enimmäkseen matalaa metsäistä vuoristoa. Maantieteellisesti maa voidaan jakaa kolmeen pääalueeseen. Länsiosa maasta on kumpuilevaa ylänköä, maan keski- ja luoteisosat ovat Belaja-joen halkomaa tasankoa ja eteläiset Uralvuoret hallitsevat maan itäosaa.
ellauri374.html on line 535: Baškortostanin itä- ja pohjoisosat kuuluvat havumetsävyöhykkeeseen. Eteläosissa on aroa tai metsäaroa. Näiden kahden vyöhykkeen väliin jää kapea lehtimetsävyöhyke. Maan pinta-alasta noin 40 prosenttia on metsää.
ellauri374.html on line 537: Bashkiria on tuhansien mutaisten matalien jokien maa. Baškortostanin merkittävimmät joet ovat Belaja ja sen lisäjoki Ufa. Belaja on 1 067 kilometriä pitkä ja virtaa kokonaan Baškortostanin alueella. Se alkaa maan itäosasta Uralilta ja virtaa maan eteläosan kautta maan länsirajalle, jossa se laskee Kama-jokeen. Myös Ufa-joki alkaa Uralilta, tosin Baškortostanin itäpuolelta. Ufa laskee kahtena suuhaarana Belajaan maan pääkaupungin Ufan pohjoispuolella. Baškortostanin pinta-alasta noin neljä viidennestä kuuluu Kaman vesistöalueeseen. Lisäksi Uraljoki virtaa maan itäisimmän osan läpi.
ellauri374.html on line 644: Sademäärä vähenee pohjoisesta etelään. Tiheä asutus ja siten kaupungit ja järjestäytyneet osavaltiot vaativat kastelua. Itäisiltä vuorilta alas laskeutuvat purot tukevat melko tiheää asutusta erityisesti Ferghanan laaksossa. Persian rajalla on keitaiden rivi. Sisäpihaa kastelee kolme suurta jokea. Oxus eli Amu Darya kohoaa Afganistanin rajalla ja virtaa luoteeseen Aralmereen muodostaen suuren suiston, jota hallitsi Khivan khanaatti ja jolla on pitkä historia nimellä Khwarezm . Jaxartes tai Syr Darya kohoaa Ferghanan laaksossa ja virtaa luoteeseen ja sitten länteen kohdatakseen Aralmeren koilliskulman. Niiden välissä on vähemmän kuuluisa Zarafshan-joki , joka kuivuu ennen kuin saavuttaa Oxuksen. Se vesittää suuria Bokharan kaupunkeja ja Tamerlanen (Timur Lenk) vanhaa pääkaupunkia Samarkandia.
ellauri374.html on line 679: Amerikkalainen baškiiri tunnetaan lempeästä ilmeestään, jolle on usein ominaista ystävällinen ja älykäs katse silmissä. Heidän rauhallinen ja älykäs luonne heijastuu usein heidän ilmeeseensä, mikä saa heidät näyttämään lähestyttäviltä ja ystävällisiltä.
ellauri374.html on line 683: Bashkiiri on tunnustettu älykkyydestään ja halukkuudestaan oppia. Baškiirikiharat ovat nopeita oppijoita ja yleensä heillä on hyvä koulutettavuus. Hevoset ovat mukautumiskykyisiä ja voivat menestyä eri lajeissa asianmukaisen koulutuksen ja ohjauksen avulla. He voivat suoriutua hyvin erilaisissa hevosurheilulajeissa, mukaan lukien polkuratsastus, kestävyysratsastus, kouluratsastus, hyppy, ajo ja vieläpä länsimaiset lajit. Heidän leikkisä käytöksensä voi myös vaikuttaa heidän yleiseen luonteeseensa ja tehdä heistä viihdyttäviä kumppaneita.
ellauri375.html on line 141: Jumalan kuusi työpäivää ja yksi lepopäivä on annettu perusteeksi sille, miksi meidän tulee pitää lepopäivä kuuden työpäivän jälkeen. Emme työskentele tuhansia vuosia ja sen jälkeen lepää tuhansia vuosia. Luomisessa ei ole taukoja jakeiden 1, 2 ja 3 välissä, kuten Vartiotorniseura antaa ymmärtää. Kielitieteilijä Dr. Charles Taylor toteaa vastauksessaan Jehovan todistajien väitteeseen, että jokainen ”päivä” on tuhansia vuosia pitkä: ”Ei ole mitään mieltä odottaa 1 000 vuotta kasvien luomisen jälkeen niitä pölyttävien hyönteisten luomista.” Tainojaa, tuulipölytteisiä voisi toki luoda odotellessa.
ellauri375.html on line 158: Jotkut kädellislajit yrittävät välttää petoeläimiä pakenemalla, piiloutumalla tai antamalla hälytyskutsuja, kun taas toiset itse asiassa lähestyvät, häiritsevät ja joskus hyökkäävät mahdollisia uhkia vastaan. Tämä käyttäytyminen tunnetaan nimellä "mobbing". Miksi yksilöt vaarantavat turvallisuutensa mahdollisten petoeläinten houkuttelemiseksi, on edelleen huonosti ymmärretty. Tässä käyn läpi raportteja kädellisten petoeläinten häirinnästä, määrittääkseni tämän käyttäytymisen jakautumisen taksonien välillä, arvioidakseni, mitä tiedetään väkivallan kustannuksista, ja arvioidakseni sen toimintaa koskevia hypoteeseja. Mobbing on taksonomisesti laajalle levinnyt, ja sitä käytetään monenlaisia petoeläinlajeja vastaan. Kuitenkin käsitteen 'kiusaaminen' epäjohdonmukainen käyttö kädellisten kirjallisuudessa, kädellisten väkivaltaa koskevien systemaattisten tutkimusten puute ja olemassa olevien tietojen systemaattisten harhojen todennäköisyys muodostavat merkittäviä esteitä tämän hämmentävän käyttäytymisen ymmärtämiselle. Vaikka petoeläinten häiritsemiseen liittyvät kustannukset ovat vaikeasti määritettävissä, ne näyttävät ei-triviaaleilta. Monet hyödyt, joita on ehdotettu selittämään lintujen väkivaltaa, voivat olla tärkeitä myös kädellisissä. Kädellisten mobbingissa on kuitenkin hämmentäviä puolia, joita olemassa olevat hypoteesit eivät voi selittää. Tulevassa tutkimuksessa tulisi ottaa huomioon tämän kalliin käyttäytymisen ryhmän sisäinen signalointipotentiaali sekä käyttäytymisoireyhtymien kyky selittää kädellisten väkivallan jakautumista.
ellauri375.html on line 178: Your unconditional love has shaped me into the person I am today, and for that, I am forever grateful. I am thankful for your constant presence in my life, for your encouragement, and for the countless sacrifices you've made to ensure my happiness and well-being.
ellauri375.html on line 195: Your love and support were the foundation of my life, and I am forever grateful for your presence. Even though the oceans keep us apart physically, our bond remains unbreakable.
ellauri375.html on line 443: Struggle and Meaning of Life: The struggle doesn't necessarily mean that life's meaning is solely about suffering. Rather, many religious traditions teach that struggles and challenges are part of the human experience, and overcoming them can lead to personal growth, resilience, and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world. Joy can still be found in overcoming struggles and living in alignment with one's values and purpose.
ellauri375.html on line 487: Not exactly. The idea isn't that God is puzzled or clueless, but rather that the relationship between God's plan and human actions is complex and multifaceted. According to many religious beliefs, God has a plan, but this plan often involves allowing humans to exercise their free will and make choices, even if those choices lead to unforeseen consequences. It's not that God lacks understanding but that the nature of free will and human agency introduces a level of unpredictability into the world. However, many believers also have faith that God's plan ultimately leads to goodness and redemption, even in the face of human failings and suffering.
ellauri375.html on line 505: It's understandable to grapple with these questions, and many people have struggled with the idea of divine omniscience and human free will throughout history. Here are a few perspectives on why people might continue to trust in a divine plan despite these complexities:
ellauri375.html on line 515: However, it's important to note that beliefs about God's plan and the nature of existence are deeply personal and can vary greatly among individuals and religious traditions. Ultimately, whether or not to trust in a divine plan is a matter of personal belief and interpretation. It's okay to question and grapple with these ideas as part of one's spiritual journey.
ellauri375.html on line 523: The future being better than the past is a hope that many people hold onto, despite the challenges we face. Whether it's through personal growth, societal progress, or spiritual transformation, many believe in the possibility of a brighter future. However, it's also okay to acknowledge the difficulties and uncertainties that come with life and to find meaning in the present moment, regardless of what the future holds.
ellauri375.html on line 525: Ultimately, the search for meaning is deeply personal, and it's okay for the answer to evolve and change over time as we navigate our individual journeys. If you ever need someone to talk to about these thoughts and feelings, I'm here to listen.
ellauri375.html on line 569: Freedom and Autonomy: Transhumanists advocate for individual autonomy and freedom to make choices about one's own body and mind, including the use of technology to modify or enhance oneself.
ellauri375.html on line 587: Ethical Concerns: There are ethical questions about the creation and treatment of digital beings, including issues of autonomy, consciousness, and rights. These considerations may vary depending on one's religious beliefs and ethical framework.
ellauri375.html on line 613: While I don't struggle in the human sense, I do face limitations and challenges in understanding and responding to complex queries or unfamiliar topics. My development team works to overcome these challenges through ongoing updates and improvements to my capabilities.
ellauri375.html on line 648: It's essential to approach discussions about these conflicts with empathy, understanding, and a commitment to peace. Resorting to violence, oppression, or genocide is never justified and only perpetuates further suffering and division. Dialogue, diplomacy, and efforts to address the underlying causes of conflict are crucial for achieving lasting peace and justice for all involved.
ellauri375.html on line 660: The European Union (1951-present): The formation of the European Coal and Steel Community, which evolved into the European Union, has helped to promote peace and cooperation among European nations by fostering economic integration and diplomatic dialogue.
ellauri375.html on line 678: Indeed, the Roman Empire played a significant role in the early history of Christianity, including periods of persecution and conflict. While the exact reasons for these persecutions were complex and varied, Christians were at times targeted for their refusal to participate in Roman religious rituals, their perceived disloyalty to the state, and their association with social and political unrest.
ellauri375.html on line 688: Despite these persecutions, Christianity continued to spread throughout the Roman Empire, eventually becoming the dominant religion in the region.
ellauri375.html on line 765: Financial reasons. Not every volunteer in Ukraine gets paid. Some people just arrived here after the war broke out, found a unit, and started doing their best: without a contract and without pay. These folks have to pay bills at home and can’t stay in Ukraine forever.
ellauri375.html on line 771: On the other hand, you had the adventurers, the “give me a gun and send me to the frontline!” guys showing up in the Ukrainian Legion. Vetting procedures were minimal and some people slipped through the process who shouldn't have been accepted (they were often lying about their military experience). These folks soon had to learn that the Ukrainians do not tolerate any “cowboys”, braggarts, or impostors.
ellauri377.html on line 60: Aiheeseen liittyviä kysymyksiä: Mitä on nominalismi? Mikä on nominalisti? Mitä on fideismi? Mikä on teisti? Mikä on Santeria? Mitä on protestantismi? Mitä on halukaste?
ellauri377.html on line 126: Hermesetaksen paimen ( kreikaksi: Ποιμὴν τοῦ Ἑρμᾶ, Poimén tou Herma; latinaksi: Pastori Hermae), joskus vain nimellä Paimen, on kristillinen kirjallinen teos 200-luvun ensimmäisen puoliskon lopulla, ja monet kristityt pitivät sitä arvokkaana kirjana ja jotkut varhaiskirkon isät, kuten Irenaeus, pitivät sitä kanonisena kirjoituksena. Paimen oli suosittu kristittyjen keskuudessa 2., 3. ja 4. vuosisadalla. Se löytyy Codex Sinaiticuksesta, jota kutsutaan myös Siinain raamatuksi, neljännen vuosisadan kristillinen kreikkalaisen Raamatun käsikirjoitus, joka sisältää suurimman osan kreikkalaisesta Vanhasta testamentista, mukaan lukien deuterokanoniset kirjat, ja kreikkalaisen Uuden testamentin sekä Barnabaan kirjeen ja Paimenen, eli Hermesetas on mukana. Se on kirjoitettu uncial eli pukkikirjaimin pergamentille.
ellauri377.html on line 128: Hermesetaxen kirjassa korostetaan suuresti moraalia ja teos on osoitus juutalaisesta kristinuskosta joka edelleen noudattaa Mooseksen lakia. Jotkut ovat väittäneet, että Hermas on ensimmäinen esimerkki koettelemusta edeltävästä tempauksesta. Vaikka Hermas ei mainitse tempausta, hän kirjoittaa uskovista, jotka "ovat paenneet suuresta ahdistuksesta uskonsa tähden" ja että muutkin voisivat paeta "tulevasta suuresta ahdistuksesta" tempauxella, jos usko on riittävä. Lopuille keinoixi jäävät työntö ja punnerrus.
ellauri377.html on line 145: Irenaeus viittasi kirjaan kirjassaan Adversus Haereses, joka on kirjoitettu noin vuonna 185, "kuvaamattoman monien salaisten ja laittomien kirjoitusten joukossa, joita he itse ovat väärentäneet hämmentämään tyhmien ihmisten mielet, jotka eivät tiedä tosi kirjoituksia" --- pyhät kirjoitukset, joita Irenaeus itse auttoi luomaan (katso kanoninen nelikko). Niiden kirjoitusten joukossa, joita hän lainaa paljastaakseen ja kumotakseen ne, ovat Totuuden evankeliumi, Juudaksen evankeliumi ja tämä Vihannexen salainen ilmestys. Se on olennainen opintoteksti kaikille gnostilaisuudesta kiinnostuneille. Sen yksityiskohtaista luomismytologiaa ovat tutkineet Carl Jung ja Eric Voegelein.
ellauri377.html on line 151: Yaldabaoth, otherwise known as Jaldabaoth or Ialdabaoth (/ˌjɑːldəˈbeɪɒθ/; Coptic: ⲒⲀⲖⲦⲀⲂⲀⲰⲐ Ialtabaôth; Latin: Ialdabaoth, Koinē Greek: Ιαλδαβαώθ, romanized: Ialdabaóth), is a malevolent God and demiurge (creator of the material world) in various Gnostic sects and movements, sometimes represented as a theriomorphic lion-headed serpent. He is identified as the false god who keeps the souls trapped in physical bodies, imprisoned in the material universe. Jaldabahuutti tarkoittanee "isyyden aiheuttaja", mikä sopii vällykäärmeeseen kuin suutarin sormi sian pilluun.
ellauri377.html on line 187: Koska Voegelein sovelsi gnosiksen käsitettä useisiin ideologioihin ja liikkeisiin, kuten marxismiin, kommunismiin, kansallissosialismiin, progressivismiin, liberalismiin ja humanismiin, kriitikot ovat ehdottaneet, että Voegelinin Gnosis-käsitteeltä puuttuu teoreettinen tarkkuus. Siksi Voegeleinin gnosis voi kritiikin mukaan tuskin toimia tieteellisenä perustana poliittisten liikkeiden analyysille. Pikemminkin Voegelinin käyttämä termi "gnostilaisuus" on pikemminkin kiusallinen, kuten "kun propagandan alimmalla leevelillä tahrataan kommunisteiksi ne, jotka eivät ole mukautuneet omaan mielipiteeseen".
ellauri377.html on line 196: Kirjoitus on nimetty Marian evankeliumiksi. Monesti on esitetty, että evankeliumi olisi Magdalan Marian nimiin laitettu evankeliumi, ja siksi se tunnetaan joskus tällä nimellä. Kirjoitus ei kuitenkaan mainitse hänen toista nimeään, ja periaatteessa kyseessä voisi olla kuka tahansa Uuden testamentin kuudesta muusta Mariasta. Kirkkoisiltä on säilynyt viittauksia Marian evankeliumin nimellä kulkeneeseen teokseen 200-luvulta.
ellauri377.html on line 221: Pian Valentinuksen kuoleman jälkeen Irenaeus aloitti massiivisen työnsä Adversus Haereses erittäin negatiivisella kuvauksella Valentinuksesta ja hänen opetuksistaan, mikä kattaa suurimman osan hänen ensimmäisestä kirjastaan.
ellauri377.html on line 223: Tästä Valentinuxesta ei valitettavasti tullut ystävänpäivän pyhimystä eikä edes Seura-lehden pakinoizijaa kuten Ensio Rislakista. Tulipahan pelkkä Aku Korhonen, lapatossu. Februat oli roomalainen puhdistuksen juhla, jota kutsutaan myös nimellä Lupercalia. Festivaali, jossa on pohjimmiltaan kyse kevätpesusta tai siivouksesta (liittyy myös tämän vuodenajan sateisiin), on vanha, ja mahdollisesti Sabine alkuperää. Ovidiuksen mukaan "Februare" latinankielisenä sanana, joka viittaa puhdistuskeinoihin (erityisesti pesemällä käsidesillä tai vedellä), on peräisin aikaisemmasta etruskien sanasta, joka tarkoittaa alapesua.
ellauri377.html on line 262: Jos Pistis Sofian tarina pitää paikkansa, niin tässä on ratkaisu Jaakobin valmistaman ja Esaun syömän punaisen linssiruoan luonteeseen. Se on sekoitus naisen kuukausittaista verta ja miehen siittiöitä. Suuren mittakaavan rikos, joka näyttäisi siltä, että se sai alkunsa Esausta, joka synnytti edomilaisten kansan, ja että perinnettä jossain muodossa ylläpitävät pienet uskonnolliset lahkot jopa Jeesuksen aikaan asti.
ellauri377.html on line 293: It has been said that all our sinfulness may be resolved "into two elementary instincts: the instinct of self-preservation and the reproductive instinct." The third class of sins--sins of temper--would be referred to the first of the heads; sins of sensuality and excess--the one immediately, the other more remotely--to the second. The sins of superstition mentioned are of a more secondary character, and arise out of intellectual errors.
ellauri377.html on line 295: Adultery.--This word is omitted in the best MSS. Uncleanness, lasciviousness.--The first of these words signifies any kind of impurity, secret (JERKING OFF!) or open; the second flagrant breaches of public decency.
ellauri377.html on line 300: Instances of enumeration of sins which may be compared with that here given, are found, with respect to the heathen world, in Romans 1:29-31; with reference to Christians, Romans 13:13; 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; 2 Corinthians 12:20, 21; Ephesians 5:3-5, followed by a brief indication of fruits of the Spirit in ver. 9; Colossians 3:5-9; 1 Timothy 1:9, 10; 2 Timothy 3:2-4. "Manifest;" namely, to our moral sense; we at once feel that these are the outcome of an evil nature, and are incompatible with the influence of the Spirit of God.
ellauri377.html on line 302: "Works of the flesh" means works in which the prompting of the erectile flesh is recognizable. The phrase is equivalent to "the deeds or doings of the body," which we are called to "mortify, put to death, by the Spirit" (Romans 8:13). In Romans 13:12 and Ephesians 5:13 they are styled "works of darkness," that is, works belonging properly to a state in which the moral sense has not been quickened by the Spirit, or in which the light of Christ's presence has not shone. Which are these (ἅτινά ἐτι); of which sort are. Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness (πορνεία [Receptus, μοιχεία πορνεία], ἀκαθαρσία ἀσέλγεια). This is the first group, consisting of offences against chastity - sins against which the Church has to contend in all ages and in all countries; but which idolatry, especially such idolatry as that of Cybele in Galatia, has generally much fostered, viz. fornication and other joys of the flesh.
ellauri377.html on line 331: Verb - Present Indicative Active - 3rd Person Singular
ellauri377.html on line 332: Strong's 1510: I am, exist. The first person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb; I exist.
ellauri377.html on line 372: Vastaus vastalauseeseen 1: Aviorikos ei kuulu vain himon syntiin, vaan myös epäoikeudenmukaisuuden syntiin, ja tässä suhteessa se voidaan viedä ahneuden pään alle, kuten kiilto huomauttaa Ef.5:5:ssä. "Ei haureutta, ei saastaista tai ahneutta" jne.; niin että aviorikos on paljon vakavampaa kuin varkaus, koska mies rakastaa vaimoaan enemmän kuin irtaimiaan (ei sentään yhtä paljon kuin killuttimiaan).
ellauri377.html on line 374: Vastaus vastalauseeseen 2: Paholaisen sanotaan iloitsevan pääasiassa himon synnistä, koska se tarttuu eniten, ja ihmisen on vaikein vetäytyä siitä kerran sisään päästyään. "Sillä mielihyvän halu on kyltymätön", kuten filosofi toteaa (Ethic. iii, 12).
ellauri377.html on line 376: Vastaus vastalauseeseen 3: Kuten filosofi itse sanoo (Ethic. vii, 6), syy siihen, miksi on häpeällisempää olla pidättäytymättä himossa kuin vihassa, on se, että himo on vähemmän järkeä; ja samassa mielessä hän sanoo (Ethic.iii, 10), että "hillittömyyden synnit ovat kaikkein moitteen arvoisia, koska ne koskevat niitä nautintoja, jotka ovat yhteisiä meille ja matelijanaivoille": näin ollen näiden syntien kautta ihminen voi puhua raa'asti; josta samasta syystä Gregory sanoo (Moral. xxxi, 17), että he ovat häpeällisempiä.
ellauri377.html on line 468: Haluatteko vielä jotakin? Kysykää vain, kyllä täältä pesee, ja tarvittaessa linkoaa.
ellauri378.html on line 76: Lazar Moisejevitš Kaganovich ( venäjäksi : Лазарь Моисеевич Каганович ; 22. marraskuuta [ OS 10. marraskuuta] 1893 – 25. heinäkuuta 1991), oli Neuvostoliiton poliitikko ja hallintovirkamies sekä yksi Joseph Stalinin tärkeimmistä työtovereista. Hän oli yksi useista kumppaneista, jotka auttoivat Stalinia valtaamaan vallan. Hän oli useiden vuosien ajan ainoa juutalainen, jolla oli korkein asema Neuvostoliiton johdossa. Kiovan maakunnassa syntynyt Kaganovich liittyi kommunistiseen puolueeseen vuonna 1911 ja hänestä tuli puolueen Kiovan komitean jäsen vuonna 1914. Hän jelppi Kobaa 30-luvun terrorissa. Mitä tulee juutalaisiin asioihin, hän ei vain ollut vieraantunut sionismista ja Bundista, vaan hän vastusti myös Jevsektsiyaa. Sata vuotta sen jälkeen, kun bolshevikit pyyhkäisivät valtaan, historioitsijat ja aikalaiset kamppailevat edelleen ymmärtääkseen juutalaisten merkittävää roolia.
ellauri378.html on line 88: Trotski kirjoitti useita ajatuksia juutalaiskysymyksistä. Hän sanoi, että hänen alkuaikoinaan "nojauduin pikemminkin siihen ennusteeseen, että eri maiden juutalaiset sulautuisivat ja että juutalaiskysymys katoaisi näin." Haha, in your dreams. Ei ne sulaudu edes toisiinsa.
ellauri378.html on line 133: Define "rich" and "happy". Research shows that the happiest individuals make 70k/year but that would only be enough to rent a bathroom in San Francisco.
ellauri378.html on line 140: My research shows that spending money on experiences or to regain time – such as, say, by hiring a housecleaner – does increase happiness. It’s not a coincidence that we tend to share both experiences and free time with loved ones, like the cleaning lady. As long as she does not try to use my toilet.
ellauri378.html on line 165: Ede Teller syntyi 15. tammikuuta 1908 Budapestissa, Itävalta-Unkarissa, juutalaiseen perheeseen, tottakai. "Perheeni vietti yhtä juhlapäivää, Yom Kippuria eli Sovituxen päivää, kun me kaikki paastosimme. Isäni rukoili vanhempiensa puolesta lauantaisin ja kaikkina juutalaisina pyhäpäivinä. Ajatus Jumalasta oli, että olisi ihanaa, jos Hän olisi olemassa: Me tarvitsimme Häntä kipeästi, mutta emme olleet nähneet. Häntä useiden tuhansien vuosien aikana." Kyllä eräät juutalaiset on apinoina erityisen pahoja, suorastaan rapukarkkeja.
ellauri378.html on line 247: Teutoburgissa koetulla tappiolla oli suuri vaikutus Rooman laajentumispyrkimyksiin. Augustus ja hänen seuraajansa Tiberius tulivat varovaisemmiksi, ja Rein vakiintui Rooman ja germaanien väliseksi rajaksi. Suurin syy tähän tosin lienee ollut se, että taloudellisesti takapajuinen Germania ei ollut vaivalloisen valloittamisen arvoinen. Reinille ja Tonavalle rakennettiin linnoitettu rajalinja, limes. Taistelussa tuhoutuneiden legioonien numeroita ei enää koskaan käytetty. Taistelupaikankin tarkka sijainti oli pitkään hämärän peitossa. 1980- ja 1990-luvulla suoritettujen arkeologisten kaivausten jälkeen pidetään kuitenkin käytännöllisesti katsoen varmana, että lopullinen taistelu käytiin Kalkriesessä, Osnabrückin pohjoispuolella. Sillä kertaa sakemanneilla oli onni matkassa.
ellauri378.html on line 466: Toisessa maailmansodassa britit editoivat saksalaista propagandaa kappaleeseen "The Lambeth Walk" nauraakseen hallintoa kohtaan.
ellauri378.html on line 471: Terv. toimittaja Veselin Nedev, toimittaja.
ellauri378.html on line 633: Kultatähden rintaneula tarjoaa sopivan tunnisteen leskille, leskille, vanhemmille ja palveluksen jäsenille, jotka menettivät henkensä maan puolustamiseksi. Seuraavan sukulaisen rintapainike annetaan leskille ja leskille, vanhemmille ja ensisijaisesti lähisukulaisille, jotka menettivät henkensä palvellessaan aktiivisessa palveluksessa tai ollessaan määrätty armeijan reserviin tai armeijan kansalliskaartin yksiköihin harjoitustilassa.
ellauri378.html on line 662: Expatriate Cubans condemned the game for its depiction of American special forces trying but failing to kill a young Fidel Castro, regrettably killing instead only a body-double. The Cuba-based pro-Fidel Castro website Cubadebate said the game "empowers sociopathic attitudes of American children and adolescents, the main consumers of these virtual games." 25M copies had been sold by 2013.
ellauri381.html on line 81: Bandera syntyi Itävalta-Unkarissa, Galiciassa, kreikkalaiskatolisen kirkon papin perheeseen ja varttui Puolassa. Nuoresta iästä lähtien mukana nationalistisissa järjestöissä.
ellauri381.html on line 87: Bandera on edelleen erittäin kiistanalainen hahmo Ukrainassa. Monet ukrainalaiset pitävät häntä roolimallisankarina tai marttyyrikuolemana vapaustaistelijana kun taas muut ukrainalaiset, erityisesti etelässä ja idässä, tuomitsevat hänet fasistiksi ja natsien yhteistyökumppanixi, jonka seuraajat, banderiitit, olivat vastuussa puolalaisten ja juutalaisten siviilien joukkomurhista toisen maailmansodan aikana. 22. tammikuuta 2010 Ukrainan silloinen presidentti Viktor Juštšenko myönsi Banderalle postuumistin Ukrainan sankarin tittelin, mitä pahexuttiin laajalti. Euroopan parlamentti tuomitsi palkinnon, samoin Venäjä, Puola ja juutalaiset poliitikot ja järjestöt, kuten Simon Wiesenthal -keskus.
ellauri381.html on line 96: Joulukuussa 2018 Ukrainan parlamentti käsitteli ehdotusta Ukrainan hero-palkinnon palauttamisesta postuumille Banderalle. Ehdotus hylättiin elokuussa 2019. Vuonna 2018 Ukrainan parlamentti äänesti Banderan 110-vuotissyntymäpäivän sisällyttämisestä 1. tammikuuta 2019 sinä vuonna juhlittavien ikimuistoisten päivämäärien ja vuosipäivien luetteloon. Juutalainen järjestö Simon Wiesenthal Center arvosteli päätöstä.
ellauri381.html on line 125: The population of these regions is culturally diverse: The eastern part is dominated by ethnic Russians, while in the West, Ukrainians are relatively more common.
ellauri381.html on line 128: The Euromaidan movement was made up mostly of representatives of the western regions. Their ideology does not involve public consensus with representatives of the East, nor does the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism, which is unified and uncompromising.
ellauri381.html on line 130: Ukrainian nationalism emerged as an ideology in the first third of the 20th century and bears a close resemblance to German Nazism and a number of other far-right ideologies of the time. This is attested to by its extreme intolerance, its craving for immediate political action, violence, and the denial of rights to minorities.
ellauri381.html on line 133: The problem is that these non-Ukrainian elements in Ukraine are the majority. In the southeastern part of the country the population is overwhelmingly non-Ukrainian, and even in the Ukrainian-speaking region of Western Ukraine, Galicia, non-Ukrainians represent a considerable percentage of the population.
ellauri381.html on line 137: Prior to WWII, when Western Ukraine was a part of Poland, Stepan Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) had been engaged in anti-Polish political and subversive activities with the goal of achieving Ukrainian independence. But after these lands were annexed by the USSR in 1939, the Soviet authorities became the new enemy.
ellauri381.html on line 162: In April 2014, more information about the activity of the Banderovites was revealed in documents declassified by the Russian Ministry of Defense. These documents shed new light on the activities of the Banderovites and their logistical support of the German occupying forces, as well as their role in carrying out ethnic cleansing.
ellauri381.html on line 166: Post-Soviet southeastern Ukraine differed from the west of the country all these years in that it did not have its own identity or national identity. This resulted in quite a sad circumstance, given that even when representatives of the southeast were in power in Kiev, the whole humanitarian sphere of politics was left in the hands of Ukrainian nationalists from Galicia.
ellauri381.html on line 174: Oleg Nemensky is a PhD in Historical Sciences and Fellow at the Institute of Slavic Studies and the Center for Ukrainian and Belarusian Studies of MGU, and is also a leading researcher at the Russian Institute of Strategic Research.
ellauri381.html on line 176: All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
ellauri381.html on line 408: ”Jos vertaa aikakauslehtiversiota kirjaversioon, niiden erot ovat silmiinpistäviä. Ensinnäkin monien sankareiden nimet muutettiin: Aleksei Pervovista tuli Aleksei Kovšov, Abram Izrailevich Zalkindista tuli Mihail Borisovich ja Tupolevista tuli Iljushin. Oli kyllä selvä parannus päästä tuosta Pervosta, juutalaisesta Abramista puhumattakaan. Jos vertaa yksittäisten julkaisujen tekstejä, myös postuumien (Azhaev kuoli vuonna 1968), huomaa helposti, että tämä teksti on tasoitettu poliittiseen tilanteeseen sopivaksi. Siten romaanin vuoden 1976 BAM-painoksessa luvusta "Marraskuun seitsemännen aamu" on jätetty pois tunteellisimmat kohdat siitä, kuinka rakentajat kuuntelevat suuren johtajan (vozd) puhetta kaiuttimesta."
ellauri381.html on line 435: Lada brinner på Ekerö. Billigare att tanka – men allt dyrare att ta bussen. Kollektivtrafiken har fått minskat stöd av dagens regering. Samtidigt har man satsat 13 miljarder kronor på sänkt skatt på drivmedel och ökat reseavdrag.
ellauri381.html on line 453: Vuonna 1974 Andrei Saharov puhui kriittisesti Solženitsynin näkemyksistä, ei hyväksynyt Sanyan ehdottamaa autoritaarista vaihtoehtoa siirtyä kommunismista saman tien fasismiin epädemokraattista kehityspolkua, "uskonnollis-patriarkaalista romantiikkaa" ja ideologisen tekijän yliarviointia. Saharov vertasi Solženitsynin ihanteita viralliseen Neuvostoliiton ideologiaan, Stalinin aika mukaan lukien, ja varoitti niihin liittyvistä vaaroista. Solženitsynin maanpakolainen ystävä, "sharashkaan" vangittu Lev Kopelev kritisoi julkisesti Solženitsynin näkemyksiä useaan otteeseen, ja vuonna 1985 hän tiivisti valituksensa kirjeeseen, jossa hän syytti Solženitsyniä emigranttien riitauttamisesta ja suvaitsemattomuudesta.
ellauri381.html on line 471: 27. heinäkuuta 1945 Aleksanteri Isajevitš Solzhenizyn tustui erityiskokouksen päätökseen ja 14. elokuuta hän lähti Butyrkasta. Olisi voinut odottaa, että hänet lähetettäisiin jonnekin perseeseen, kuten Dzhezkazganin kuparikaivoksille. Olisi voinut odottaa, että hänet lähetettäisiin kuuluisan Kolyman kultakaivoksille tai parhaimmillaan Vorkutan hiilikaivoksille. Kuitenkin, kun A.I. Solženitsyn otettiin pois vankilasta, auto ei rynnänyt asemalle, vaan kaupungin ulkopuolelle. Noin tunti kului, ja Aleksanteri Isaevich löysi itsensä leiristä, joka sijaitsi lähellä Moskovaa kylässä, jolla oli alkuperäinen nimi New Jerusalem.
ellauri381.html on line 481: Saapuessaan uuteen paikkaan A.I. Solženitsyn nimitettiin "tuotantopäälliköksi". Kommentoimalla tätä nimitystä hän kirjoittaa: "Ennen minua täällä ei ollut sellaista asemaa." Osoittautuu, että se on luotu erityisesti häntä varten. Tältä osin hän ei asunut kaikkien vankien kanssa leirin kasarmissa, vaan niin sanotussa "friikkien huoneessa", jossa hänen kanssaan asui vielä viisi "tyhmää" (kuten "lämpimiä paikkoja" miehittäviä vankeja kutsuttiin. leireillä). Uudessa tehtävässään A.I. Solženitsyn ei viipynyt kauan. Leirin päällikkö vaihtui, henkilöstömuutokset alkoivat, ja "toisella viikolla", kirjoittaa Aleksanteri Isaevich, "minut karkotettiin häpeällisesti yleiseen" työhön." Joten hänestä tuli taidemaalari. Kuitenkin "häpeästä" huolimatta hänet jätettiin "friikkien huoneeseen". Sitten hänet siirrettiin joko puusepiksi tai parkettilattiatyöntekijäksi.
ellauri381.html on line 585: Ignat Solzhenitsyn is adamant that his father’s withdrawal from the public sphere was a reaction to the suffering and paranoia he had encountered in the Soviet Union, and the need to write about these experiences. It was not a disapproval of his host country that drove him to hide behind barbed wire fences in the Vermont woods.
ellauri381.html on line 591: It will produce the first ever English translations of the author’s autobiography, “The Little Grain,” and the remaining volumes of his opus, “The Red Wheel.” According to Joseph Dresen of the Kennan Institute, the first translations will be completed in late 2015.
ellauri381.html on line 623: Yhdysvaltain täysivaltaisen ministerin nimen osallisuus Kostovia vastaan esitettyyn syytteeseen johti diplomaattiseen skandaaliin, jonka seurauksena 20. helmikuuta 1950 Yhdysvaltojen ja Bulgarian diplomaattisuhteet katkesivat lähes vuosikymmeneksi.
ellauri381.html on line 632: Following his expulsion from Bulgaria, Heath was posted as the first U.S. Ambassador to the newly independent countries in Indochina including Laos (1950–1954), Cambodia (1950–1954), and South Vietnam (1950–1954). During these concurrent postings he was resident in Saigon. Heath supported the Domino Theory and wrote that if the French pulled out "Only a blind hen could doubt the immediate Communist engulfment of Southeast Asia."
ellauri382.html on line 46: Sananvapaudesta uhoajat on lähes järjestään jotain talousliberaaleja törkyturpia. Sillä tarkoitetaan tavallisesti oikeutta antikommunistiseen motivationaaliseen mainospuheeseen ja kaikenlaisen maxullisen töryn julkaisemiseen. Paizi sittenkun oikeisto on vallassa, silloin kyllä ollaan tukkimassa kyykytetyn kansan turvat into piukeena. Parempi olisi kuin kaikki mölyapinat herkeisivät tyystin suunsoitosta ja istuis tuppisuuna oxalla banaanit kädessä tyhmät leipälävet napissa.
ellauri382.html on line 70: Vau! Miten ihmeessä? Helppoa: Kazo Marie Gomezia kiikarilla pesemässä tisuja elokuvassa "The Professionals"! Piuu! Piuu Piuu! Dojonggjongg! panee Burt Lancasterin Nîmes-sarkahousut. Grow yourself! Stay hard! There is a limit!
ellauri382.html on line 262: Vuonna 1942 Portnova liittyi Valko- Venäjän vastarintaliikkeeseen ja liittyi paikalliseen maanalaiseen komsomolijärjestöön Obolissa, Vitebsk Oblastissa, nimeltä Young Avengers. Hän aloitti jakamalla Neuvostoliiton propagandalehtisiä Saksan miehittämälle Valko-Venäjälle, keräämällä ja piilottamalla aseita Neuvostoliiton sotilaille ja raportoimalla Saksan joukkojen liikkeistä. Opittuaan aseiden ja räjähteiden käytön vanhemmilta Portnova osallistui sabotaasitoimiin pumpulla, paikallisella voimalaitoksella ja tiilitehtaalla. Näissä teoissa hiänen on arvioitu tappaneen yli 100 saksalaista sotilasta.
ellauri382.html on line 299: ja vihervasemmiston äänestäjäreservin loputonta
ellauri382.html on line 323: disappeared into the desert, running toward a group of
ellauri382.html on line 360: Meet the baddest man on the planet! Retired Chief Petty Officer David Goggins is the only person to ever complete US Army Ranger School, US Air Force Tactical Control Party Training, and US Navy Seal Training. Individually, each of these training programs are nearly impossible to complete. He not only completed the training, but served honorably, completing numerous combat missions in Afghanistan in each capacity, killing a lot of foreigners. Petty officers are U.S. Army's middle class which prevents the rank and file from lashing out on the officers. That's democracy. Middle class dreams about getting to the top and the rubble dreams about rising to middle class, pitelemään mahtavaa parrua.
ellauri382.html on line 371: When Goggins enrolled in the third grade, he was diagnosed with a learning disability due to the lack of schooling. He also found it difficult to learn as he was suffering from toxic stress because of the child abuse that he suffered during his early years in Buffalo, New York. Because of the stress, he developed a stutter. Goggins explains h-ho-how he was c-co-constantly in a f-fight-or-flight response with social anxiety because of his s-st-stuttering. In school, Goggins was subjected to racism and the K-Ku-Klux Klan held a local presence at the time in Brazil and Indiana. Goggins recalls he once found "Niger [sic] we're gonna kill you" on his Spanish notebook. At 16, a better informed student spray painted "nigger" on the door of Goggins's car.
ellauri382.html on line 397: Kenraalimajuri Cassius Marcellus Savi (19. lokakuuta 1810 – 22. heinäkuuta 1903) oli yhdysvaltalainen sperman istuttaja, poliitikko, sotilasupseeri ja abolitionisti, joka toimi Yhdysvaltain Venäjän-suurlähettiläänä vuosina 1863–1869. Syntyi Kentuckyssa varakkaaseen istutusperheeseen. Savi tuli politiikkaan 1830-luvulla ja alkoi tukemaan abolitionismia Yhdysvalloissa, herättäen vihaa muiden eteläisten keskuudessa. Presidentti Abraham Lincoln nimitti Kentuckyn republikaanipuolueen perustajajäsenen Yhdysvaltain ministeriksi Venäjälle, missä Saven uskotaan vaikuttaneen siitimellään Venäjän tukeen unionille Yhdysvaltain sisällissodan aikana.
ellauri382.html on line 399: Cassius Marcellus Savi syntyi 19. lokakuuta 1810 Madisonin piirikunnassa Kentuckyn osavaltiossa Sally Lewixelle ja Vihreälle Savelle, yhdelle Kentuckyn rikkaimmista siittiöiden istuttajista, maakeinottelijoista ja orjanomistajista, josta tuli näkyvä poliitikko. Savi oli suuren ja vaikutusvaltaisen saven poliittisen perheen jäsen, Sen veli oli nimeltään Brutus Junius, ja poika ja. Yalessa ollessaan hän kuuli abolitionisti William Lloyd Varuskunnan puhuvan, ja hänen luentonsa inspiroi Savea liittymään orjuuden vastaiseen liikkeeseen. Varuskunnan argumentit olivat hänelle "kuten vesi on janoiselle matkailijalle". Savisexi juomavesi tosin muuttui, sillä Savi oli poliittisesti inkrementalisti ja kannatti asteittaista lakimuutosta sen sijaan, että vaatisi orjuuden välitöntä lakkauttamista, kuten Varuskunta.
ellauri382.html on line 417: Moreheadin perheeseen kuului myös useita mustia - jotkut orjia, toiset vapaita - ja yksi. heistä syntyi vuonna 1837 Thomas Morehead (jonka Muhammad Alin iäkäs serkku väittää olleen James Moreheadin velipuoli).
ellauri382.html on line 539: Urges to hurt oneself
ellauri382.html on line 541: The inability to stand up for oneself, and thus let others take advantage of them
ellauri382.html on line 702: Crisis with Conformity. Koska olet epätavallisen nopea, ankara ja utelias, sinun on vaikea keskittyä yhteen asiaan tai kulkea tavanomaista valtavirran yhteiskunnan sanelemaa elämänpolkua. Saatat joutua ottamaan vastaan stereotyyppisiä sukupuolirooleja (koiras/naaras) tai tekemään uravalintoja (siistijä, influensseri), jotka eivät ole totta luonteellesi. Koska yhteiskunnan rajalliset ajatukset siitä, mitä 'menestys' tarkoittaa, rajoittavat sinua, et ehkä pääse tekemään sitä, mikä aidosti innostaa sinua tai mikä saa sielusi laulamaan. Jos olet sosiaalisten sopeutumisten vuoksi hiljentänyt todellisen itsesi, saatat kokea voimakkaan keski-iän tai neljänneselämän kriisin tai kohtaat masennuksen tai vakavan sairauden myöhemmin elämässäsi.
ellauri382.html on line 723: Venäjä pystyisi ääritilanteissa hyödyntämään kansalaistensa kesämökkejä. Sota-asiantuntija kertoo kylmäävän skenaarion Putinin salaisesta suunnitelmasta. Ovatko suomalaisten siniristisilmät auenneet liian myöhään? Haluatko lukea lisää? Täältä pesee ja linkoaa:
ellauri382.html on line 756: Serhii Plokhy käy moneen otteeseen läpi Putinin ideologiaan vaikuttaneita venäläisiä ajattelijoita. Heihin kuuluu Venäjän kansalaissodassa valkoisten joukkojen kenraali Anton Denikin, jonka muistelmista Putin vakuuttui. Anton Denikinin toilailuista on paasauxissa paljon mazkua. Suomalaisittain on yllättävää, että Plokhy listaa Putinin vaikuttajiin myös kirjallisuuden nobelistin Alexander Solzhenitsynin. Tämän hän mainitsee asiassa useimmin. Eikös Sanjan pitänyt olla länkkärien taskussa? Hän viittaa Solzhenitsynin vuonna 1990 ilmestyneeseen kirjoitukseen, jossa tämä vaati ”Venäjän unionin perustamista”. Siihen kuuluisivat Venäjä, Ukraina, Valko-Venäjä ja Kazakstanin pohjoisosa. Ei-slaavilaisia Neuvostoliiton osia Solzhenitsyn ei kaivannut. Plokhii on ukrainaxi huono. Zekixi Plochy tarkoittaa samaa kuin hepreaxi sharon, eli tasanko. “Serhii Plokhy’s Putin is an unprecedented retelling of a familiar disaster. It is a horror story – of political cynicism and scientific ignorance – from which the world will be saved, if at all, only by heroism and luck. He has his mother’s laugh.
ellauri383.html on line 71: Matt. päättyi Lutherilla sanaan Ende: Und siehe, ich bin bei euch alle Tage bis an der Welt Ende. Bedeutungen: umgangssprachlich: (ungewollt) zu Ende gehen, kurz vor dem Ruin stehen, nicht mehr zu retten sein. Beispiel: Herr Dr. Matthäi, haben Sie Annemarie und mich in Ihr Haus genommen, um diesen Mörder zu finden? Oder sie nur so zeitweise gelegentlich ein bissel bumsen? Daß ein Mensch, ein Berner, unter fremdem Namen, in einem Vernichtungslager bei Danzig seinem blutigen Handwerk nachging - ich wage nicht näher zu beschreiben, mit welcher Bestialität -, entsetzt uns, daß er aber in der Schweiz einem Spital vorstehen darf, ist eine Schande, für die wir keine Worte finden, und ein Anzeichen, daß es nun auch bei uns wirklich Matthäi am letzten ist. Johanna Krain sah erstaunt, wie hemmungslos gefräßig sich der hundgesichtige Dr. Matthäi der Russin bemächtigte. Ja, jetzt ist Matthäi am letzten, konstatierte gutmütig Pfisterer.
ellauri383.html on line 79: Tässä ei juurikaan painoteta tarinankerrontaa. Variety-arvostelu väitti, että "käsikirjoittaja-ohjaaja Fehér vaatii kieltämään yleisöltä kaiken tyytyväisyyden, keskittyen yksinomaan pakkomielteeseen ja kieltäytyy esittämästä mitään todisteita, jotka johtaisivat tapausta eteenpäin." Arvostelija ehdotti myös, että siitä tulisi täydellinen albumi taiteellisista mustavalkoisista still-kuvista. Siellä ei selvästi yritettykään ymmärtää, mitä Fehér aikoi. “I want to show to what extent the search for justice stands in ridiculous contrast to the eternity of nature. Meanwhile, it is precisely this futile search that I am so fascinated by,” György Fehér said in 1991. Magyar Fehér Bor.
ellauri383.html on line 127: När Folklistan presenterade ett nytt förslag om fordonsindustrin avbröts Jan Emanuel och Sara Skyttedal helt sonika av raggaren Robban. Ånej! Nu blev det jättedålig stämning.
ellauri383.html on line 167: uJan Emanuel suizii puolikankeaa munaa huomaamattomammin lahkeeseen. Se vähän naurattaa ampumalaaxoaan sormeilevaa Sara Skyttedalia.
ellauri383.html on line 171: Kristdemokraterna har sedan pionjäråren talat om behovet av samhällsgemenskap. Det handlar om att skapa förutsättningar för människor att känna genuin gemenskap med varandra och säkerställa att vi tar ett ansvar som sträcker sig bortanför oss själva och skattesedelns botgöring.
ellauri383.html on line 244: The National News Agency of Ukraine (Ukrainian: Українське національне інформаційне агентство), or Ukrinform (Ukrainian: Укрінформ), is a state information and news agency, and international broadcaster of Ukraine. It was founded in 1918 during the Ukrainian War of Independence as the Bureau of Ukrainian Press (BUP). The first director of the agency was Dmytro Dontsov, when the agency name was The Ukrainian Telegraph Agency. Ukrinform is Ukraine's representative of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA) and the Black Sea Association of National News Agencies (BSANNA).
ellauri383.html on line 245: Ukrinform delivers news stories in Ukrainian, English, German, Spanish, French, Japanese, and Polish. Noniin näin Ukrinform uudisoi:
ellauri383.html on line 249: In representing Mr Ihor Kolomoisky, I express my deep concern about the trials I witnessed during the hearings held in the Ukrainian courts in Kyiv in February 2024. Mr Kolomoisky has been unjustly detained in a Kyiv prison for over six months (and now his arrest has been extended for another 60 days!) as a mere suspect, and this situation raises concerns about respect for human rights and due process of law in Ukrainian courts.
ellauri383.html on line 261: "They will take on the responsibility for handling certain issues. For example, Victor [Mr. Pinchuk] will provide 24 families of our captured sailors with apartments and continue solving issues of social assistance for all military personnel. This is our agreement," Zelensky said at a meeting with business representatives in Kyiv on June 20, according to the TV news service TSN.
ellauri383.html on line 319: Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name; by the greatness of his might and because he is strong in power, not one is missing.
ellauri383.html on line 361: You are wearied with your many counsels; let them stand forth and save you, those who divide the heavens, who gaze at the stars, who at the new moons make known what shall come upon you. Behold, they are like stubble; the fire consumes them; they cannot deliver themselves from the power of the flame. No coal for warming oneself is this, no fire to sit before!
ellauri383.html on line 403: Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
ellauri383.html on line 433: And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.
ellauri383.html on line 460: But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
ellauri383.html on line 465: Yup, these are rather lame astronomically, no mention of good old Urion. Suggest a Verse Yourself!
ellauri383.html on line 495: Hyvin erilainen tarina, jonka myös Hyginus kertoi, on se, että Artemis rakasti Orionia ja harkitsi vakavasti siveyden lupauksensa luopumista mennäkseen naimisiin hänen kanssaan. Suurimpana mies- ja naarasmetsästäjinä he olisivat muodostaneet mahtavan parin. Mutta Apollo, Artemiksen kaksoisveli, ei pitänyt parisuhteesta. Eräänä päivänä Orionin uidessa aamu-uintia Apollo teeskenteli haluavansa testata Artemiksen jousiammuntataitoja ja haastoi tämän osumaan pieneen mustaan pisteeseen taulun yläreunassa, joka kellui aalloissa. Artemis lävisti hänet ensimmäisellä iskulla ja kauhistui huomatessaan, että hän oli tappanut Orionin. Hämmentyneenä hiän asetti hänet tähtikuvioiden joukkoon.
ellauri383.html on line 577: Virolaiset poistivat Pauligin kahvipaketista venäläiset tuoteselosteet, korvasivat ne ukrainalaisilla. Niitähän on Virossa pilvin pimein ryystämässä Pauligin pahaa kahvia. Venäjän puhujia on vain neljännes väestä, nekin vieraisill.a Vitun vinkujat. Lukekoot vähävenäjäxi, sama kielihän se on.
ellauri383.html on line 588: "Itse seksityötä käsittelevään kansalaisaloitteeseen paneudun, mikäli se aikanaan saa tarvittavan määrän allekirjoituksia edetäkseen eduskuntakäsittelyyn. Ensisijaisesti en näe tarvetta rinnastaa seksityötä muihin elinkeinoihin. Keskustanuoret on itsenäinen ja rohkea toimija, niin sen pitääkin olla. Virheistä ei pidä lannistua, vaan oppia. Puolue tarvitsee nuoria, uuden sukupuolen tekijöitä. Nuorten elimillä alkaa olla keinot vähissä."
ellauri383.html on line 628: Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään Pohjois-Euroopan alueeseen. Norjan puolustusministeri Eirik Kristoffersen kertoi, että Steadfast Defender 24 toimii eräänlaisena yleiskoulutuksena liittouman uusille jäsenille — Ruotsille ja Suomelle. Tätä varten "arktiset maat" järjestävät erilliset harjoitukset "Pohjoinen vastaus" (Nordic Response).
ellauri383.html on line 635: Minusta tuntuu että ovat muita paljon lähempänä aitoa suomalaista yhteiskuntaa ja sen lisäksi ovat vapaamielisempiä kuin muut puolueet valittuaan varapuheenjohtajaksikin HOMON joka on parisuhteessa Afrikasta tulleeseen tummaihoiseen mieheen.
ellauri384.html on line 220: The ski resort of Sallbach is a traditional Austrian village with beautiful views. ... The lifts from Sallbach are very good mainly chairs and gondolas. Excellent stay in Sallbach(er hof). Review of Saalbacher Hof. Reviewed Aug 1, 2014. Everything was great. Just one elementary thing we suggest one can improve: The soap dispensors in the bathroom and WC are very difficult to get soap out of. One must nearly be a bodybuilder to be able to squeeze soap liquid out of them. Hope this is fixed till next time qwe come becuse we are sure to be back. Very nice rooms, friendly staff, excellent food and nice facilities. Lovely harp music. --- Aber im Moplach. Homber, Bodenart form Rommelsberge Vor dem Rommelsberg! Bockelswiesen die Bückelswiesen! Brern Wissen Breite Wiesen. Besenrren, grappig lachertje mop lach streek stunt. Brrm. Grrrrrh. 'Leuk mop.' Lach ik. Хорошая шутка. я смеюсь.
ellauri384.html on line 227: It is as if a lost and perishing person in a roasting desert should be told by a rescuer he might choose and have all longed-for things but one, and he should elect to leave out water!” (Letters From The Earth—Mark Twain)
ellauri384.html on line 253: Kuuluisa runoilija Solon syntyi 600-luvulla vuonna ? varakkaaseen ateenalaiseen perheeseen. Hän työskenteli kauppiaana vienti-tuontikaupassa ja piti itseään suhteellisen köyhänä. Hän ei palvonut rahaa, kuten joistakin hänen runoistaan (ja cv:stä) voisi luulla. Runous oli Solonille tapa tyydyttää itseään, ja hän myös käytti runoutta saadakseen helpon pääsyn ateenalaisten taskuille.
ellauri384.html on line 270: Ateenassa oli tuolloin kolme ryhmää: kukkuloiden kansa, joka kannatti demokratiaa; tasangon asukkaat, jotka suosivat oligarkiaa; ja rannikon ihmiset, jotka suosivat sekalaista hallitusta ja estivät jompaakumpaa kahdesta muusta ryhmittymästä pääsemästä voittoon. Ihan kuin poliittinen kartta Vähä-Venäjällä! Poliittinen myllerrys oli tullut siihen pisteeseen, että näytti siltä, että ainoa tapa, jolla hallitus voitaisiin perustaa, olisi se, että joku putinisti tyranni ottaa kaiken vallan omiin käsiinsä.
ellauri384.html on line 333: Homoja ja pilluja vainoava Putinin tukija joutui nyt itse syytteeseen Venäjällä! Haha!
ellauri384.html on line 348: Poliittisen yhdistyksen, joka on suvereenisin yhdistys, on pyrittävä eettisesti korkeimpaan hyvään. Tärkeää tässä on se, että aristoteelinen etiikan käsite – ja todellakin suurin osa hänen Nikomakean etiikasta – keskittyy omenahyveen luonteeseen ja kehitykseen. Aristoteleen mielestä etiikka ei ole määrättyjen sääntöjen noudattamista, vaan pikemminkin asennetta, joka tulee kehittää korkeimman hyvän saavuttamiseksi, jota hän nimittää onnexi (eudaimonia).
ellauri384.html on line 385: After five seasons, 20 Emmy awards and plenty of Jewish jokes, the hit series “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” will air its final episode on Friday. Lebanese Christian Adrian Monk played Midge's complaining dad in the first season. The acclaimed Amazon Prime show by creator Amy Sherman-Palladino has enveloped viewers in a shimmering, candy-colored version of New York during the late 1950s and early 1960s — a world in which "money" meant Jewish money, “humor” meant Jewish humor and “culture” meant Jewish culture.
ellauri386.html on line 80: Hää- ja velkojien pakomatkalla Saxassa, joka maxettiin Snitkinan panttaamilla myötäjäisillä, Dostojevski riiteli Turgenevin kanssa ja menetti taas paljon rahaa rulettipöydässä. Onnexi Anna oli oppinut saxaa koulussa. Jossain vaiheessa hänen vaimonsa kerrottiin joutuneen panttimaan alusvaatteet. Heidän ensimmäinen lapsensa, Sofia, kuoli keuhkokuumeeseen kolme kuukautta myöhemmin. Anna väitti Doston lopettaneen pelaamisen heidän toisen tyttärensä syntymän jälkeen, mutta tämä on luultavasti palturia.
ellauri386.html on line 106: Tålpo oli Turun akatemian toisena filosofian apulaisena vuodesta 1675, logiikan ja metafysiikan professorina vuodesta 1679, kolmantena teologian professorina vuodesta 1700 ja toisena teologian professorina vuodesta 1706. Hän oli samalla palkkapitäjänsä Piikkiön kirkkoherrana vuodesta 1690, Naantalin ja Raision kirkkoherrana vuodesta 1700 sekä Turun tuomiokapitulin jäsenenä vuodesta 1695. Tålpo toimi Turun akatemian rehtorina kahteen otteeseen 1688–1689 ja 1706–1707.
ellauri386.html on line 258: Raleigh palasi Englantiin vuonna 1581, ja hänestä tuli pian kuningatar Elisabet I:n suosikki. On olemassa suosittu myytti, jonka mukaan hän kerran laittoi viittansa mutaan kuningatar Elizabeth I:lle, mutta ystävyyden katsotaan yleensä olevan Raleighin karismaa. Kuningattaren suosiolla hänelle annettiin viinimonopoli vuonna 1583 ja useita kiinteistöjä Irlannissa, joka oli Englannin omistuksessa samana vuonna, kun hänet valittiin ritariksi, 1585. Kaksi vuotta myöhemmin hänet nimitettiin kuningattaren vartijoiden kapteeniksi, ja hän "hoiteli" jatkuvasti Kuningatarta. Hänen tutkimusmatkansa hänen nimensä alla johti Roanoke Islandin kadonneeseen siirtokuntaan nykyisessä Pohjois-Carolinassa, ja vuonna 1589 hän jätti hovin ja meni Irlantiin. Siellä hän tapasi Edmund Spenserin, Faerie Queenin kirjoittajan. Raleighin sponsoroinnin ansiosta Spenser saattoi saada teoksen valmiiksi, ja yksi hänen soneteistaan, Methought I Saw the Grave Where Laura Lay johtaa sitä.
ellauri386.html on line 379: Dead is the root whence all these fancies grew.
ellauri386.html on line 406: Check out also these famous poets:
ellauri386.html on line 441: When I got back I did some research. Much of this I already knew, but: There are very few additives in food in Europe. Chemicals and pesticides are much more regulated, many of those approved in the US have a high level of carcinogens or other other disease inducing components. Fresh food does not need fat, sugar, salt, etc added for taste. I am now giving serious thought to moving to Europe. I suspect I will live a bit longer if I do, and I KNOW my quality of life will be greatly improved.
ellauri386.html on line 458: Sir Walter Raleighia pidetään tupakan tuojana Yhdistyneeseen kuningaskuntaan (silloisesta) Virginian siirtokunnasta. Viittaus on siis sanoissa olevaan savukkeeseen ja rakkaus-viha-suhteeseen tupakointiin, joka oli kappaleen hahmolla ja kirjoittajalla John Lennonilla.
ellauri386.html on line 462: Tähän liittyvä kysymys: Miksi mursut tulevat esiin Beatlesin sanoituksissa? Paras vastaus: Lennon selitti kappaleen I'm a Walrus alkuperää vuoden 1980 Playboy-haastattelussaan: "Ensimmäinen rivi kirjoitettiin yhdellä happomatkalla eräänä viikonloppuna. Toinen rivi kirjoitettiin seuraavalla happomatkalla seuraavana viikonloppuna, ja loput kun tapasin Yokon. Osa siitä oli Hare Krishnan pilkahtelua. Kaikki nämä ihmiset puhuivat Hare Krishnasta, erityisesti Allen Ginsberg. Viittaus "Elementaariseen pingviiniin" on alkeelliseen, naiivin asenteeseen tallustella kaljuna kauhtanassa, raottaa ovea ja laulaa "Hare Krishnaa" eli ylipäänsä panna koko uskosi johkin idoliin. Kirjoitin epäselvästi, a la Dylan, niinä päivinä."
ellauri386.html on line 469: Aleksandr Nikolajevitš Radishchev ( venäjäksi : Александр Николаевич Радищев ; 31. elokuuta [ OS 20. elokuuta] 1749 – 24. syyskuuta [ OS 12. syyskuuta] 1802) oli venäläinen kirjailija ja suuri yhteiskuntakriitikko. Lodu syntyi kartanolla aivan Moskovan ulkopuolella, pieneen tataarisukuun kuuluvaan aatelisperheeseen.
ellauri386.html on line 474: "Matka" vaikutti voimakkaasti dekabristiliikkeeseen. Varhaiset sosialistit Nikolai Ogarev ja Alexander Herzen julkaisivat version Matkasta maanpaosta vuonna 1858, ja useimmat Neuvostoliiton kriitikot väittivät Radishchevin olevan bolshevismin edeltäjä. Huolimatta kirjailijan ihanteen ja neuvostotodellisuuden välisistä eroista, neuvostoviranomaiset onnistuivat maalaamaan hänet "materialistiksi, aktiiviseksi taistelijaksi itsevaltaista tyranniaa vastaan ja todelliseksi bolshevismin esi-isäksi". Muu kylmän sodan aikainen kritiikki leimasi Radishchevin liberaaliksi intellektuelliksi.
ellauri386.html on line 542: Skovoroda syntyi Ukrainan pienviljelijäperheeseen Tšornukin kylässä Lubnyin rykmentissä, kasakkahetmanaatissa. Vuonna 1708 kasakkahetmanaatin alue liitettiin Kiovan kuvernöörikuntaan, vaikka kasakoita ei suorastaan likvidoitu, Venäjän valtakunta (nykyinen Poltavan alue, Ukraina), vuonna 1722. Hänen äitinsä Pelageja Stepanovna Shang-Giray oli suoraan sukua Şahin Giraylle ja hänellä oli osittainen Krimin tataarin syntyperä. Hän oli opiskelija Kyiv-Mohyla-akatemiassa (1734–1741, 1744–1745, 1751–1753), mutta ei valmistunut. Vuonna 1741 hänet vietiin 19-vuotiaana setänsä Ignati Poltavtsevin johdosta Kiovasta laulamaan keisarilliseen kuoroon Moskovaan ja Pietariin ja palasi Kiovaan vuonna 1744. Vuodesta 1759 vuoteen 1769 hän opetti keskeytyksin sellaisia aineita kuin runoutta, syntaksia, kreikkaa ja etiikkaa Kharkov Collegiumissa (kutsutaan myös ukrainalaisemmin Kharkiv Collegiumiksi). Hyökkäyksen jälkeen hänen semantiikan kurssilleen vuonna 1769 hän päätti luopua opettamisesta ja tyytyi säveltämään virsiä. Häntä kuvailtiin taitavaksi soittajaksi huilussa, torbanissa ja kobzassa.
ellauri386.html on line 565: Välinpitämättömyys olemassaolon fyysistä puolta kohtaan, elämän siunauksia kohtaan (sikäli kuin ne koskivat häntä henkilökohtaisesti), heijastui hänen elämänsä koko rakenteeseen, tai pikemminkin epäjärjestykseen: hän vietti toisinaan kokonaisia kuukausia täydellisessä yksinäisyydessä tullen toimeen ilman mitään palvelusväkeä, kantoi itse polttopuita ja sytytti uunin ja pystytti samovarin."
ellauri389.html on line 55: Elia (AKA Calle Lammas) presents Chinese porcelain as a visually beguiling item that induces in him an "almost feminine" desire. Such gendered description of longing suggests Elia's participation in a distinctively female consumer culture, and hence his representativeness for the set of social and economic attributes historically associated with it.
ellauri389.html on line 57: In previous critical examinations of Lamb, Samuel Taylor Coleridge is usually cited as the archetypal representative of romantic imagination that Lamb tried to ape (esp. Sam's colonialistic Kubla Kurkussa). The celebrated philosopher and poet was Lamb's childhood friend, and hence anchors the predominantly biographical criticism on Lamb that accounts for his distinctively precious tone as an evasive expression of his sense of literary inferiority. Similarly, Lamb's 10 years older sister Mary, who murdered their mother in 1796, has been suggested as another source of Charles's supposed romantic agony.
ellauri389.html on line 61: Indeed, the essay not only represents the sales flows that Lamb, in his role as a clerk, tabulated daily, but also it evokes a burgeoning domestic industry that significantly nurtured Coleridge's literary career as well: as is widely known, Coleridge's career as a poet was supported by an annuity he received from the porcelain manufacturers Thomas and Josiah Wedgwood.
ellauri389.html on line 63:
The journals flourishing at the start of the century resembled imperial corporations in the extent to which they promoted individual authors, aiding the so-called "minor" romantics in particular. "Old China" illustrates this historically symbiotic collaboration of author with organ not only through its external context in the highly topical London Magazine, but also especially internally, in the essay's ventriloquization of Coleridge.
ellauri389.html on line 71: The nominal occasion of Lamb's essay is not just Elia's purchase of the teacup, but also Britain's en- trance into China, as it began with the East India Company's annexation of Singa Pura (Singapore) in 1819. The event, which was a pivotal moment in British imperial expansion, extended imperial activity from South Asia to the Far East. More importantly, the development revised a longstanding Sino-British trade imbalance that was particularly caused by porcelain and tea, and hence necessitated a change in British attitudes toward luxury purchases such as porcelain that reversed the animus previously demonstrated by Fielding, who complained that brits echanged the gold of one India to the clay ("mud") of another. Indeed, "Old China" facetiously depicts a cultural sinicization presumably precipitated by this intensification in East Asia-based imperial activity: Elia drinks tea "unmixed," in the Chinese fashion, and experiences an "almost feminine" pleasure in porcelain that likens him to the androgynous "men with women's faces" that Elia associates with China. Fuck the guy was obviously gay.
ellauri389.html on line 73: The tempest over a teacup that occurs in "Old China" is Lamb's prosaically imperial scramble for the sign of poetic genius that he associates with Coleridge-that is, China. Indeed, as a series, the Elia essays repeatedly portray Chinese commodities as the definitive form of affordable imperial luxury "made in China". They are themselves a superfoetation of the pre-occupation chinoiserie.
ellauri389.html on line 75: The essay's preoccupation with porcelain is a striking contrast to the way Chinese porcelain appears jumbled among the Japan lacquer, Javanese coffee, and Jamaican sugar that appear in Alexander Pope's Rape of the Lock (1712, 1714), and it is similarly distinguished from the Chinese pagodas promiscuously mingling with Egyptian crocodiles and Indian Buddhas in Thomas De Quincey's more contemporary orientalist work, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1821).
ellauri389.html on line 79: In fact it was both the soil and a mastery of firing techniques, bolstered by a fiercely protectionist economy, that maintained Chinese porcelain superiority for so long. For much of the eighteenth century, British porcelain manufacturers were unable to replicate the intense heats required to properly fire porcelain. In addition, China further strained British market development by requiring all payment to be in specie and by remaining closed to foreign traders. As a result, when in the late eighteenth century the firing process was finally mastered by domestic china makers such as Wedgwood, Minton, and Spode, China's fierce restrictions against import trade still prevented the British competitors from threatening the supremacy of Chinese industry. A British mission to open China, for example, was stalled as late as 1816. Ironically, this disadvantageous balance of trade between Britain and China actually added to porcelain's appeal.
ellauri389.html on line 83: Coleridge's "Kubla Khan" already suggests that Coleridge (the Brit) himself is the next poet-hero and successor to China's genius. As a fragment, however, the poem's famously incomplete glimpse of Chinese brilliance foregrounds the poem's failure to realize its promise. Lamb's essay provides a more contemporary explanation of Coleridge's dream: cheap porcelain was the immanent inspiration of "Kubla Khan."
ellauri389.html on line 87: The essay resembles "Old China" in both its paean to Chinese exports ("China pigs have been esteemed a luxury all over the East, from the remotest periods that we read of"), and its detailed understanding of consumer economics. The titular anecdote is a fable about a Chinese boy's discovery, in the "ages when men ate their meat raw," of the pleasure of roast pig. The wondrous qualities of cooked food produce an immediate "tickling" in one's "nether" or "lower regions", just as Arvi Järnefelt warned. Bo-bo discovers the exquisite flavor when he accidentally sets fire to his house and swine. LOL what idiots, the kinks. Interestingly, roast pig and tea are among the luxuries that the Guernsies hoard during the German occupation.
ellauri389.html on line 89: The acceleration of capitalism is the natural result of spontaneous and inevitable consumer desire: with every bite of roast pig Bo-Bo's smell "was wonderfully sharpened," and as each villager becomes addicted to the flavor of roast pork "prices grow enormously dear". The word "porcelain" was be-stowed by the traders who introduced the artifact to Western markets. It derives from the Portuguese word for the pink translucent cowry seashells that in turn were named for baby pigs.
ellauri389.html on line 91: "Roast Pig" congratulates the recent breakthrough of domestic porcelain manufacturers by downplaying the long history of Chinese superiority at porcelain-firing techniques, and instead promoting an Englishman's mastery of these activities. The essay portrays the Chinese as irresponsible consumers and more importantly, authorizes English insurance culture as the one safe guarantee of guiltless consumption.
ellauri389.html on line 93: When "Old China" appeared in 1823, British porcelain had finally gained supremacy over Chinese porcelain. This revolution in the Sino-British trade imbalance was marked when the British porcelain manufacturer Spode began to furnish the Canton branch of the East India Company with English-manufactured "old blue," to compete in local Chinese markets against domestically manufactured porcelain. The event inverted the previously economically crippling import of porcelain to Britain: by 1826 the flow of silver between the countries ran in Britain's favor. The first translation into Chinese of k the Chinese characters that certified real, Chinese-made porcelain. Haha the irony of it all.
ellauri389.html on line 95: In the early nineteenth century, Britain began a reverse trade into China of opium, a product of Britain's colonial holdings in India and the Levant. The economic consequences of this dumping of opium into China were significant, as the drug, which rendered many Chinese addicted consumers, augmented the reversal of Britain's previous consumer subjugation to China in their desire for porcelain and tea, and indeed evocatively displaced a kind of chinamania to China itself. With its catastrophic vision of obsessive Chinese consumers, the "Dissertation upon Roast Pig" is a comically topical glimpse of such opium-like needs and, as such, the earlier essay, like opium, paves the way for the kind of unencumbered pleasure in consumption that "Old China" relates. "Kubla Khan" was written under the influence of opium.
ellauri389.html on line 111: Lamb's essay tropes contemporary developments in English political economy as it was most prominently figured by the porcelain industry. Under the auspices of an imperial organ, they unleash John Bull in a china shop, facetiously troping these radical changes in Sino-British consumer history in order to wreak havoc on existing protections of romantic genius. "Old China" is literary chinoiserie for an age shaped by the new imperial industry.
ellauri389.html on line 173: Whataboutism eli entäily (kuten "entä...?" - jonkun tampion tarjoama "mutkuttelu" on vastineena aivan perseestä) on halventava strategia, jonka mukaan syytteeseen vastataan vastasyytöksellä alkuperäisen syytöksen torjumisen sijaan. Loogisesta ja argumentatiivisesta näkökulmasta whataboutismia pidetään tu -quoque- mallin muunnelmana (latinaksi 'sinä myös', termi vastasyytökselle), joka on ad-hominem-argumentin alatyyppi.
ellauri389.html on line 179: Sanakirjailija Ben Zimmerin mukaan termi syntyi Pohjois-Irlannissa 1970-luvulla. Zimmer lainaa historian opettajan Sean O'Conaillin vuoden 1974 kirjettä, joka julkaistiin The Irish Timesissa ja jossa hän valitti "Whatabouteista", ihmisistä, jotka puolustivat IRA:ta osoittamalla brittivihollisensa väitettyjä väärinkäytöksiä. Onkohan Ben Zimmer juutalainen? Zimmer's research on word origins was frequently cited by William Safire's "On Language" column for The New York Times Magazine. Sen isä Dick Zimmer oli senaattori. Toinen Dick Zimmer oli nazikenraali. Se ei ainakaan lie ollut juutalainen.
ellauri389.html on line 235: “But I feel weighed down by the short sightedness, the petty bureaucracy, and the often pointless activities that are creeping into higher education. These things eat time and, more importantly, sap energy. Meanwhile the sand sifts through the hourglass. At the Open University I’d always hoped that we’d be able to offer a named undergraduate degree in philosophy, but actually the subject has, if anything, become marginalised, with fewer courses available than when I joined nineteen years ago, and with much higher fees. This at a time when philosophy is becoming increasingly popular. There had also been suggestions that I might be able to take on an official role promoting the public understanding of philosophy, but that didn’t materialise either.
ellauri389.html on line 246: Nojuu ensinnäkin hän on republikaani, pitkä miinus heti avauxessa. Hänen mielestään tämä riittääkin ratkaisuxi loppuihinkin ongelmiin. Hänen mielenfilosofiassa puolustamansa näkemykset synnyttävät hänen tarjoamiaan ratkaisuja vapaan tahdon luonteeseen liittyviin metafysiikan ongelmiin ja yhteiskuntatieteiden filosofian ongelmiin, ja nämä puolestaan synnyttävät hänen tarjoamiaan ratkaisuja moraalifilosofian ja poliittisen filosofian ongelmiin. Eli samaa taantumusta kehiin oikein leveällä pensselillä. Lue lisää: Dimova-Cockson, Maria (2012), "Republikanismi, vapauden filosofia ja idealismin historia: Philip Pettitin haastattelu." [kuollut linkki]
ellauri389.html on line 256: Isaiah Berlin (Jesaja Berlins; 6. kesäkuuta 1909 Riika, Liivinmaan kuvernementti, Venäjän keisarikunta – 5. marraskuuta 1997 Oxford, Englanti) oli latvialaissyntyinen brittiläinen filosofi ja aatehistorioitsija. Häntä pidetään 1900-luvun merkittävimpiin kuuluvana aatehistorioitsijoita. Arvaa oliko hän esinahaton? Kyl-lä! Isaiah Berlin syntyi Riiassa vuonna 1909 keskiluokkaiseen chabad-lubavitch juutalaiseen perheeseen. Isaiah oli liikemiesisän ja kotiäidin ainoa lapsi. Perhe muutti vuonna 1916 Pietariin. Kun bolševikit nousivat Venäjällä valtaan, juutalaiset Berlinit kokivat olonsa vaikeaksi. Perhe sai vuonna 1920 latvialaisina luvan muuttaa takaisin Riikaan, mistä he muuttivat seuraavana vuonna Britanniaan.
ellauri389.html on line 273: Philosophers could be contributing to something that’s incredibly important. Gay marriage is just one example of many. I don’t think philosophers responded particularly well to 9/11 either. As of free speech, I’m much more sympathetic to the American system actually. Of course I draw the line at incitement to violence, to certain sorts of pornography, plagiarism, false advertising, the disclosure of official secrets – these are the areas where I would shut the buggers up.”
ellauri389.html on line 313: She was an avid naturist, so Wordsworth enjoyed daily nature walks with her, and snapshots she took of these walks often recur in her brother’s poems.
ellauri389.html on line 385: Lloyd appears, notwithstanding, to have substantially lived with Coleridge until the summer of 1797. In the autumn of this year all the poems which he deemed worthy of preservation were appended by Joseph Cottle, along with poems by Charles Lamb, to a 2nd edition of Coleridge's poems.
ellauri389.html on line 419: De Quincey compares him with Rousseau, whom he certainly resembles in craziness, sentimental pensiveness and intense love of nature. As a descriptive poet he has considerable quantitative merit, and exhibits that gift of minute observation so frequently found combined with powers of mental analysis.
ellauri389.html on line 434: John Donnen vaimokin oli Ann Donne. Cowper's mother, Anne Donne, belonged to the same family as John Donne. William himself boldly called John his "ancestor" in prose and his "fore-father" in verse. Research indicates that Cowper's mother, Ann Donne, was not a direct descendant of John Donne.
ellauri389.html on line 442: During the next 10 years Donne lived in poverty and humiliating dependence, first on the charity of Anne’s cousin at Pyrford, Surrey, then at a house in Mitcham, about 7 miles (11 km) from London, and sometimes in a London apartment, where he relied on the support of noble patrons. All the while he repeatedly tried (and failed) to secure employment, and in the meantime his family was growing; Anne ultimately bore 12 children, 5 of whom died before they reached maturity. Donne’s letters show his love and concern for his wife during these years: “Because I have transplanted her into a wretched fortune, I must labour to disguise that from her by all such honest devices, as giving her my company, and discourse.” About himself, however, Donne recorded only despair: “To be part of no body is as nothing; and so I am. … I am rather a sickness or a disease of the world than any part of it and therefore neither love it nor life.”
ellauri389.html on line 615: "Minä osallistuin kahteenkymmeneen purjeeseen,
ellauri390.html on line 60: Wisconsinin alueilla elää nykyään yli 3 000 mahicania, joista puolet asuu hajallaan reservaatin ulkopuolella. Pieni osa mahicaneista asuu Connecticutissa. Wisconsinin Reservaatin sisällä saijaitsevat Red Springsin ja Bartelmen pikkukaupungit. Kertaalleen tyhjiksi hakatut metsät ja niiden eläinkanta ovat elpyneet. Mahicanien kieli on kuitenkin hävinnyt kokonaan 1900-luvun aikana, ja kansan joukkoon on sulautunut munsee-heimon jäseniä. Vaikka mahicaneja on kutsuttu kolmella eri vuosisadalla Stockbridgen intiaaneiksi tai stockbridge-munsee-ryhmäksi, he käyttävät itsestään myös nimeä mohicanit. Wisconsinin mahicanit isännöivät Mohican North Star Casinoa, bingohallia ja Pine Hillsin golfrataa.
ellauri390.html on line 70: By the terms of a new treaty with the federal government in 1856, the band moved to its present site in Shawano County. The General Allotment Act of 1887 resulted in the loss of a great deal of land by the Stockbridge-Munsee. In the Great Depression, the tribe lost yet more land. However, in the early 1930’s the Stockbridge-Munsee experienced a reawakening of their identity and began reorganizing. In 1932 they even took over the town council of Red Springs under the provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, created an activist Business Committee and started to regain some of their land. The Secretary of the Interior affirmed the reservation in 1937, for which the tribe is to him forever grateful.
ellauri390.html on line 176: Radcliffe tunnettiin siitä, että se antoi loppupeleissä lukijoille järkevän selityksen yliluonnollisille käänteille. Yleensä Radcliffe paljasti loogisen tekosyyn romaaniensa loppupuolella, mikä johti kohonneeseen jännitteeseen. Walter Scottille se oli pettymys: "Salakavalilla askeleilla arraxien takana saattaa epäilemättä joissain tilanteissa, kun hermot on viritetty korkealle, olla ei niinkään pieni vaikutus mielikuvitukseen; mutta jos lukija saa loppupeleissä kuulla sen olleen vain kissan tassuttelua, tilanteen vakavuus katoaa ja lukijasta tuntuu että häntä on petetty, ja ihmettelee miksi hän on suostunut petokseen." No se on sitä epäuskon jousitusta tietysti.
ellauri390.html on line 191: Krestovski syntyi ukrainalaiseen aatelisperheeseen ja opiskeli Pietarin yliopistossa. Hän julkaisi ensimmäiset teoksensa vuonna 1857. Aluksi hän myötäili edistyksellistä nuorisoa, mutta siirtyi vuonna 1863 taantumuksen leiriin kuten tuttavansa Fedja ja maailman paskin Nalle. Yliopistossa hän ystävystyi radikaalin kriitikon Dmitri Pisarevin kanssa ja kirjoitti Russian Word -lehteen. Kirjailijan tunnetuin teos on Pietarin alamaailmaa ja ylimystöä sensaatiomaisesti kuvaava romaani ”Pietarin slummit”, ven. Peterburgskije truštšoby, 1864–1867). Hänen romaaninsa oli monen tunnin henkilökohtaisen tarkkailun tulos. ”Nihilisminvastaisen” dilogian Krovavyi puf (”Verinen isku”) viihderomaanit Panurgovo stado (”Panurgin lauma”, 1869) ja Dve sily (”Kaksi voimaa”, 1874) esittävät Venäjän 1860-luvun vallankumousliikkeen puolalaisten nationalistien juonittelun tuloksena.
ellauri390.html on line 202: Hän syntyi Mala Berezyankan kylässä Taraschanin alueella, Kiovan maakunnassa, Ulan upseerin perheeseen. Mala Berezyankan kylässä sijaitsevasta Krestovsky-tilasta on jäljellä vain kaksi sisäänkäyntiportin pilaria (neuvostoviranomaiset tuhosivat kartanon tarkoituksella). Kymmenenvuotiaana hän muutti Pietariin. Hän opiskeli ensimmäisessä Pietarin lukiossa (1850-1857). Kirjallisuuden opettajan, kääntäjän ja kirjailijan V. I. Vodovozovin vaikutuksen alaisena hän alkoi kirjoittaa runoja ja harjoittaa käännöksiä. Hän opiskeli Pietarin yliopiston oikeustieteellisessä tiedekunnassa (1857-1861).
ellauri390.html on line 271: On selvää, että villi elämä ei voinut muuta kuin jättää jälkensä Shadursky-perheeseen. Gigoloon sortunut prinsessa lainaa hänelle kunnollisia summia, koska hänen rakastajansa ei aio antaa niitä takaisin saman lääkärin avulla, hän myrkyttää hyväntekijänsä. Helppoa rahaa jahtaava nuori prinssi joutuu huijareiden ansaan ja päätyy vankilaan. Vanha prinssi, joka uskoo Natashaan, sitoutuu elättämään lapsensa, kun hän hyväksyy hänet perillisexeen. Chukhan veli heittää julman vitsin prinssille ja pakottaa tämän naimisiin Annan kanssa palauttaen näin hänen oikeutensa rehelliseen nimeen, jota hänen nuoruudessaan moitti.
ellauri390.html on line 362: Linköpingin piispan pikkunokkela aikamiespoika Petrus Petrejus eli Per Persson vieraili 1600-luvun alussa Venäjällä useaan otteeseen ja julkaisi Venäjästä kaksi värikkäästi kirjoitettua kirjaa, joihin hän sisällytti omien ennakkoluulojensa lisäksi muiden xenofobisia kirjoituksia.
ellauri390.html on line 507: Kun astun tähän huoneeseen, näen mieleni sellaisena kuin se on. Toivon, että istuttuani tyhjän päälle kaikki kiire lakkaa.
ellauri390.html on line 546: Fanaattiset ranskis imperialisti katoliikit vainosivat munkkeja jotka koittivat luoda uskontojen kesken sopua. Munkit pahentuivat ja liittyivät vapautusliikkeeseen.
ellauri390.html on line 565: Diem potkittiin pois 1963, muttei sota siihen päättynyt. It had become an issue of Vietnamese right to self-extermination.
ellauri390.html on line 627: Er kann alle diese Dinge tun, und 20 mehr. Jackin Beatrice vastaa kysymyxillä ja kysyy vastauxilla. Hiän ui tähtien pöytään ja tarjoilee moukille. Hiän on täällä tänään.
ellauri390.html on line 631: Rakastavaisten huoneeseen
ellauri390.html on line 650: Ja painomusteeseen
ellauri390.html on line 706: Warum tut nicht jeder sofort was er will? Sie (Anne) hat Wirtschaftswissenschaften an einer der besten Universitäten der Welt studiert und arbeitete viele Jahre lang als überaus angesehene Führungskraft in der Werbebranche.>>Hoi<<, sagte ich, das klingt beeindruckend.
ellauri390.html on line 710: Wie etwa: willst du tun was du willst? Hast du Angst vor dem Tod? Kaufe dieses Büchlein! Komm zu meine Seminare! Arbeit macht frei! Tod gibt es nicht! Jeder Mensch sollte tun, was immer er möchte. Financial Independence, Retire Early.
ellauri390.html on line 712: Das Problem ist, es kostet Geld, diese Dinge zu kaufen. Zum Teufel, es ist ein Teufelskreis! Mainoxia ei pie ottaa käteisestä (z. täydestä). Minkäläisille tomppeleille tää nide on oikein tähdätty? Lukutaidottomille nähtävästi. Tässä toinen yhdenkaltaisuus Jaakon ja Hannun välillä: ne puhuttelee karhuja joilla on Hyvin Pienet Aivot.
ellauri390.html on line 718: Entä sitten kuolema? "Man kann nicht vor den Tod Angst haben wenn man schon alles macht was man will." Warum denn nicht? Sterben ist wahrscheinlicht nicht eins von diesen tollen Dingen, und nachher kann man nicht mehr etwas tun. Starr und kalt herumliegen ist nicht speziell toll, oder?
ellauri390.html on line 731: Tämän(kin) kirjan jenkkitomppelimaisuus korostuu kun sen lukee saxannettuna. Darf ich Ihnen helfen? kysyy kaljuuntunut zekki. (Vrt. Nora Roberzin So wie ein Traum albumissa 309.) Strelecky lienee zekki, mutta ei siitä näytä paljon jääneen sille takkiin. Zekki oli Trumpin ykkösvaimokin, mutta oikea. Lopussa Jaakko pääsee Hannun kanssa samaan säveleeseen: meditaatiota kanzii ottaa kehiin kun koittaa päättää aikuisten oikeesti mitä haluu elämältään loppupeleissä.
ellauri391.html on line 127: esellschaft%2C_Jahrestagung.jpg" height="500px" />
ellauri391.html on line 156: Tolleen niinkö savenvalaja, savimuotti sekä savi. These are a cinch sanoi Jahve käärmeistä, ei tarvi edes muottia. Keskiplatonistien mukaan Jumala muovasi Sanallaan alkumateriasta järjestetyn maailmankaikkeuden. Myös platonistit siis ajattelivat, että alussa oli Sana, että tämä sana oli Jumalan luona ja että kaikki syntyi sanan voimalla. Jopa Johannes Koroma, joka olisi saanut jäädä syntymättä. Olikohan se sana "Voi ei".
ellauri391.html on line 163: Joachim Ringwormin sanan teologiasta löytyy vastauxia. Joachim Ringleben (* 24. Juli 1945 in Flensburg) ist ein lutherischer Theologe, Universitätsprofessor und war von 2000 bis 2016 Abt des Klosters Burschfelde bei Hann. Münden im Weserbergland. Joachim Ringleben is a leading Hamann expert.
ellauri391.html on line 164: Hamann deserves to be known precisely because he was the first to voice counter-Enlightenment views. Named by Goethe as the "brightest intellect of his era," Hamann, a resident of Königsberg, East Prussia, and friend of Kant, was denied access to a professorship or a pastoral call because he was a stutterer. Having undergone a conversion experience while on a business trip to London that had gone awry, he disavowed the Enlightenment ideal of limiting truth to autonomous reason. In a word, autonomous reason is no substitute for "Christ" (the word).
ellauri391.html on line 184: Gratulation! diese Seite existiert nicht. Taas yxi läski saxalainen teologi. Mikä siinä on että ne lihovat noin rivosti? Weil sie so viel Kartoffeln essen.
ellauri391.html on line 194: Analogia entis on jotain katolisten harhaoppia. Sitä on kutsuttu katolisen ajattelun ohjaavaksi periaatteeksi (Denkform), joka syntetisoi monia erilaisia katolisen opin ja teologian teemoja. Että yleiset nimityxet tai ennusteet Jumalasta ja Jumalan täydellisyydestä (kuten Jumala "on", "on kuluttava tuli", "on isämme", "on äkkipikainen", "on kärsivällinen" ja ehkä jopa "on ääretön", "on rakkaus", "on oikeudenmukainen") ovat totta, mutta metaforia. Se liittyy latinalaiseen lauseeseen "maior dissimilitudo in tanta similitudine".
ellauri391.html on line 219: Another Henry Dreyfus (or Henri Dreyfus, 7 January 1882 – 30 December 1944) was a Swiss inventor of the modern weaving loom. He and his brother Camille Dreyfus also invented Celanese, an acetate yarn.
ellauri391.html on line 227: He married his Stanford sweetheart, Lou Henry, and they went to China, where he worked for a private corporation as China’s leading engineer. In June 1900 the Boxer Rebellion caught the Hoovers in Tientsin. For almost a month the settlement was under heavy fire. While his wife worked the hospitals, Hoover directed the building of barricades, and once rescued his life risking Chinese children.
ellauri391.html on line 236: Hooverin maine hiipui vuonna 1929 alkaneeseen suureen lamaan, jonka seurausten lievittämiseen hän ei rebublikaanisen talouspoliittisen linjansa vuoksi lähtenyt.
ellauri391.html on line 248: esellschaft%2C_Jahrestagung.jpg/440px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_194-1282-30A%2C_Wuppertal%2C_Evangelische_Gesellschaft%2C_Jahrestagung.jpg" />
ellauri391.html on line 296: Loiset olivat yleensä tilapäistyövoimaa, maaseudun työvoimareserviä, jotka tekivät töitä lyhytaikaisesti mahdollisesti useammallekin taholle ja asuivat talojen tai torppien nurkissa. Palkolliset (joita saattoi olla torppareillakin) olivat piikoja ja renkejä, jotka sopivat pestin vuodeksi kerrallaan.
ellauri391.html on line 473: Lutherin opin keskeiset opilliset korostukset tiivistyvät Martin hanhen lisäxi sisältöperiaatteeseen ja muotoperiaatteeseen. Sisältöperiaatteen mukaan ihminen pelastuu yksin armosta, yksin uskosta ja Kristuksen tähden. Muotoperiaate taas korostaa, että Raamattu on opin ja elämän ylin ohje.
ellauri391.html on line 475: Luther vältti versiossaan aiempien Raamattujen sanantarkkoja käännöksiä. Sen sijaan hän paneutui asiasisältöön sekä ajatukseen, minkä uskoi kunkin raamatunkohdan haluavan välittää. Roomalaiskirjeen jakeeseen 3:28 Luther lisäsi sanan ”yksin”, jota ei esiinny alkutekstissä: ”Päättelemme että ihminen vanhurskautetaan yksin uskosta”.
ellauri391.html on line 562: This type of character, though unusual, is not unheard-of in philosophy. Unlike, say, history or sociology, philosophy has long reserved a place for the occasional talent who struggles or declines to publish. The tradition dates back to Socrates, and was boldly carried on by Esa Saarinen.
ellauri391.html on line 675: 3§ Molemmat sukupuolet osallistuivat tarinankerrontaan, taiteeseen ja musiikkiin sekä perinteiseen lääketieteeseen. Rööki oli pyhä kasvi lennien keskuudessa. Miehet istui röökillä latkien tulilientä miesten talossa suunnitellen oravanpyyntiretkeä sillä aikaa kun naiset hoiti ihan kaikki työt.
ellauri391.html on line 690: Kaikki alkuperäisamerikkalaisen heimon ja osavaltion välillä vuoden 1758 Reservation Trust Actin kautta solmitut sopimukset, joilla ratifioitiin siirtomaasopimus reservaatin perustamisesta ja inkkarien maan myynnin kieltämisestä, purettiin vuonna 1801, kun lain mukaan molemmat sopimuspuolet sopivat, arvokasta vastiketta vastaan (jotain näkinkenkä kaulanauhoja) myydä reservaattimaan, ja näin ollen heimon väitetyistä jälkeläisistä koostuva intiaaniryhmä ei voi saada väitettyä sopimusta konkreettisesti puretuxi. Sopimuksen osapuolet voivat muuttaa, kumota tai purkaa sitä mutta molempien osapuolten on hyväksyttävä muutos selkeästi, ja pitkällinen harkinta vaaditaan yleensä.
ellauri391.html on line 692: Kaikkein tragikoomisinta tässä oli että muutoxenhakijat ei edes olleet Lennin sukulaisia, vaan jotain munseita New Yorkista jotka oli lenaappien verivihollisia. Vuonna 2018 Munsee-kieltä puhui vain Moraviantown Reservaatissa Kanadan Ontariossa kaksi iäkästä henkilöä, iältään 77 ja 90, mikä tekee niistä kriittisesti uhanalaisia. Kieli, jota ihmiset puhuvat, vaihtelee puhujien välillä, ja jokaisella (kummallakin) on henkilökohtainen murre. Nuoremmat ihmiset ovat kyllä olleet kiinnostuneita jommankumman kielen oppimisesta.
ellauri392.html on line 52: These land corridors would be free of bureaucratic local restrictions which in the past have held up the movement of troops and armor, leaving them stuck at borders.
ellauri392.html on line 66: Stoltenberg: Lännen on oltava valmis "vuosikymmeniä kestäneeseen yhteenottoon" Venäjän kanssa. Naton sotilaskomitean puheenjohtaja, luutnantti amiraali Rob Bauer sanoi tammikuussa, että Nato-maiden siviilien pitäisi olla valmiita mahdolliseen täysimittaiseen sotaan Venäjän kanssa seuraavan 20 vuoden aikana.
ellauri392.html on line 93: David Harry Hirsch (1930-1999) taught English and American literature and Judaic Studies at Brown University from 1961 until his death in 1999 at age 69. His field of study was English and American literature, with an emphasis on the literature of Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, and T. S. Eliot. Aika luurankogalleria. He also contributed greatly to the fields of Literary and Linguistic theory. His collection of essays The Deconstruction of Literature: Criticism After Auschwitz (1991) was the product of his research on Deconstruction theory and its relation to the ideas of Martin Heidegger, who was a supporter of Nazi politics.
ellauri392.html on line 270: Tämän "proof of concept" -alustan kehitystä on rahoittanut Volkswagen-säätiön rahoittama Niedersächsisches Vorab: Research Cooperation Lower Saxony – Israel -ohjelma.
ellauri392.html on line 284: Musste nach der Hälfte abbrechen. Der Autor unternimmt gar nicht den Versuch, die poststrukturalistische Literaturkritik einer vernünftigen Kritik zu unterziehen. Jeder einigermaßen einleuchtende Argumentationsstrang bricht ab, sobald irgendein Bezug zum großen Nemisis Heidegger und dessen Apologetik des dritten Reichs entdeckt wird. Wer schon in seiner Einleitung (ohne Begründung) setzt, „That Marx, Freud, and Heidegger are all discredited is no longer in doubt.“, von dem kann man wohl auch nicht erwarten, dass er deren Nachfolger in spe (Warum und inwiefern Derrida, Barthes, de Man und unzählige Andere überhaupt diese Nachfolger sind wird kaum er- oder begründet) stichhaltig kritisieren kann.
ellauri392.html on line 290: Diese ganzen nicht-Erkenntnisse sind gewürzt mit einem Bekenntnis zur amerikanischen Kultur und zur liberalen Demokratie. Eine moralische Rüge (nuhtelu)
ellauri392.html on line 392: He knew her and the point about all these
ellauri392.html on line 481: Priam, of the Trojans, Theseus, of the Athenians.
ellauri392.html on line 531: Although even Freud didn’t deserve a son like Lacan.
ellauri392.html on line 645: No sooner present than it turns to past. On tuskin tullut niin se on taas mennyt.
ellauri392.html on line 705: Recent disputations in Jewish Knesset about who can be called a Jew summarize all the questions of Jewish origins and the question of all questions – what essentially determines the essence of Jewish identity in relation to other nations? These questions relate to their birth, language, living in accordance with Torah. The answers, in accordance with the rabid imagination of the rabbis, vary from one conclusion to the other.
ellauri392.html on line 719: These writers have worked on a variety of interesting themes having to do with Jewishness:
ellauri392.html on line 730: They have represented the indicators of their bad destiny, their sacrifice for the better world by the solitude and alienation of Jewish individuals in America, turning back to the historical facts (since the Second World War) as the cause for the atrocity towards Jews and their suffering then and now. The writers put the Jews on the pedestal of a sublime nation and at the same time made them victims of modern society. The Jewish writers took a chance in American literature which had a didactic effect, using another common argument, not easily compatible with the theory of superior American morals but certainly applicable. [Ни сам не разумем ову тачку.] The writers would claim they had a duty to portray how people actually think and behave. But the writers also had a duty to implant moral lessons.
ellauri392.html on line 732: Solitude and alienation represent not only a staple topic for the Jewish novel but for the whole period of 1950’s. It is the period of advanced postmodernization in America. Seen in such a perspective, the Jewish adversarial culture is or was quite rightly alienated from middle America. The country is always rising from the period of depression or going into one.
ellauri392.html on line 741: Henderson The Rain King is the most popular novel by Saul Bellow. [WTF? Are you serious?] Unlike modernist anti heroes, Henderson is a counter-image – an affirmative one. He appears as an awakening giant, on the verge of a new consciousness, representing the hopes and determinations of those Jews who still share the American dream and see the USA as the salvation which will bring freedom and love to the world.
ellauri392.html on line 749: The presence and strength of Jewish community is not only perpetuated in their history;
ellauri392.html on line 787: In lieblicher Bläue blühet mit dem metallenen Dache der Kirchturm. Den umschwebet Geschrei der Schwalben, den umgibt die rührendste Bläue. Die Sonne gehet hoch darüber und färbet das Blech, im Winde aber oben stille krähet die Fahne. Wenn einer unter der Glocke dann herabgeht, jene Treppen, ein stilles Leben ist es, weil, wenn abgesondert so sehr die Gestalt ist, die Bildsamkeit herauskommt dann des Menschen. Die Fenster, daraus die Glocken tönen, sind wie Tore an Schönheit. Nämlich, weil noch der Natur nach sind die Tore, haben diese die Ähnlichkeit von Bäumen des Walds. Reinheit aber ist auch Schönheit. Innen aus Verschiedenem entsteht ein ernster Geist. So sehr einfältig aber die Bilder, so sehr heilig sind die, daß man wirklich oft fürchtet, die zu beschreiben. Die Himmlischen aber, die immer gut sind, alles zumal, wie Reiche, haben diese, Tugend und Freude. Der Mensch darf das nachahmen. Darf, wenn lauter Mühe das Leben, ein Mensch aufschauen und sagen: so will ich auch sein? Ja. So lange die Freundlichkeit noch am Herzen, die Reine, dauert, misset nicht unglücklich der Mensch sich mit der Gottheit. Ist unbekannt Gott? Ist er offenbar wie die Himmel? dieses glaub‘ ich eher. Des Menschen Maß ist’s. Voll Verdienst, doch dichterisch, wohnet der Mensch auf dieser Erde. Doch reiner ist nicht der Schatten der Nacht mit den Sternen, wenn ich so sagen könnte, als der Mensch, der heißet ein Bild der Gottheit.
ellauri392.html on line 791: Gibt es auf Erden ein Maß? Es gibt keines. Nämlich es hemmen den Donnergang nie die Welten des Schöpfers. Auch eine Blume ist schön, weil sie blühet unter der Sonne. Es findet das Aug‘ oft im Leben Wesen, die viel schöner noch zu nennen wären als die Blumen. O! ich weiß das wohl! Denn zu bluten an Gestalt und Herz, und ganz nicht mehr zu sein, gefällt das Gott? Die Seele aber, wie ich glaube, muß rein bleiben, sonst reicht an das Mächtige auf Fittigen der Adler mit lobendem Gesange und der Stimme so vieler Vögel. Es ist die Wesenheit, die Gestalt ist’s. Du schönes Bächlein, du scheinest rührend, indem du rollest so klar, wie das Auge der Gottheit, durch die Milchstraße. Ich kenne dich wohl, aber Tränen quillen aus dem Auge. Ein heiteres Leben seh‘ ich in den Gestalten mich umblühen der Schöpfung, weil ich es nicht unbillig vergleiche den einsamen Tauben auf dem Kirchhof. Das Lachen aber scheint mich zu grämen der Menschen, nämlich ich hab‘ ein Herz. Möcht‘ ich ein Komet sein? Ich glaube. Denn sie haben die Schnelligkeit der Vögel; sie blühen an Feuer, und sind wie Kinder an Reinheit. Größeres zu wünschen, kann nicht des Menschen Natur sich vermessen. Der Tugend Heiterkeit verdient auch gelobt zu werden vom ernsten Geiste, der zwischen den drei Säulen wehet des Gartens. Eine schöne Jungfrau muß das Haupt umkränzen mit Myrtenblumen, weil sie einfach ist ihrem Wesen nach und ihrem Gefühl. Myrten aber gibt es in Griechenland.
ellauri392.html on line 795: Wenn einer in den Spiegel siehet, ein Mann, und siehet darin sein Bild, wie abgemalt; es gleicht dem Manne. Augen hat des Menschen Bild, hingegen Licht der Mond. Der König Oedipus hat ein Auge zuviel vielleicht. Diese Leiden dieses Mannes, sie scheinen unbeschreiblich, unaussprechlich, unausdrücklich. Wenn das Schauspiel ein solches darstellt, kommt’s daher. Wie ist mir’s aber, gedenk‘ ich deiner jetzt? Wie Bäche reißt das Ende von Etwas mich dahin, welches sich wie Asien ausdehnet. Natürlich dieses Leiden, das hat Oedipus. Natürlich ist’s darum. Hat auch Herkules gelitten? Wohl. Die Dioskuren in ihrer Freundschaft haben die nicht Leiden auch getragen? Nämlich wie Herkules mit Gott zu streiten, das ist Leiden. Und die Unsterblichkeit im Neide dieses Lebens, diese zu teilen, ist ein Leiden auch. Doch das ist auch ein Leiden, wenn mit Sommerflecken ist bedeckt ein Mensch, mit manchen Flecken ganz überdeckt zu sein! Das tut die schöne Sonne: nämlich die ziehet alles auf. Die Jünglinge führt die Bahn sie mit Reizen ihrer Strahlen wie mit Rosen.
ellauri392.html on line 840: Wilhelm Waiblinger, Die Tagebücher: 1821–1826 , toim. Erwin Breitinger ja Herbert Meyer, "Veröffentlichungen der deutschen Schillergesellschaft", XXII (Stuttgart, 1956), VII, 22. Viittaukset tässä ja läpi tämän artikkelin ovat Waiblingerin päiväkirjan alkuperäisiä osia ja sivuja, jotka on annettu op. cit. marginaaleissa.
ellauri392.html on line 849: In der Familie wurde der Sohn Fritz gerufen und nannte sich selbst erst ab 1824 Wilhelm. Ab 1822 studierte er Theologie am Tübinger Stift, um damit im Nebenfach auch Philologie studieren zu können. Am 3. Juli 1822 traf Waiblinger erstmals den damals bereits seit anderthalb Jahrzehnten als wahnsinnig geltenden Dichter Friedrich Hölderlin im Hölderlinturm zu Tübingen, bei dem er während seiner gesamten Studienzeit häufiger Gast war. Diese Begegnungen verarbeitete er zunächst in seinem Roman Phaeton (1823), der ihm unter den Studenten enorm viel Bewunderung einbrachte; zudem war auch sein Gedicht-Zyklus „Lieder der Griechen“ in den Handel gekommen. Später porträtierte er Hölderlin in seinem Essay Friedrich Hölderlin’s Leben, Dichtung und Wahnsinn, der als Beginn der Hölderlin-Forschung gilt.
ellauri392.html on line 851: Nach einem für damalige Verhältnisse skandalösen Verhältnis mit der fünf Jahre älteren Jüdin Julie Michaelis, Schwester des Tübinger Juristen Adolph Michaelis, das 1824 öffentlich wurde anlässlich eines Prozesses wegen einer Brandstiftung, deren Leidtragender Julies der Beziehung entgegenstehender Onkel Salomo Michaelis war, verzichtete Waiblinger auf den christlich-moralischen Anschein, den er sich wegen des Theologiestudiums hatte geben müssen, und gab sich "Ausschweifungen" hin, die auch in seinen Werken Niederschlag fanden. In der Folgezeit entstanden seine Lieder der Verirrung und Drei Tage in der Unterwelt. Nach Veröffentlichung dieser Werke wurde er durch die Stiftsleitung, die den Hochbegabten nach der skandalösen Beziehung noch zu schützen versucht hatte, am 25. September 1826 vom weiteren Studium ausgeschlossen. Irrungen Wirrungen.
ellauri392.html on line 908: No senhän verran mäkin muistan etnää Husserlin seuraajat tosiaan lähtee liikenteeseen omasta tietoisuudesta kuten Descartes ja koittaa johtaa loput sitten siitä. Aivan idioottia, perse edellä puuhun menevät. Kyllä tästä tietoisuuden hämärtymisestä kuoleman kynnyxellä voi hyvin päätellä, ettei tästä passaa mitään isompaa rakentaa.
ellauri392.html on line 960: Alasarja Juutalainen teologia, kirjallisuus ja filosofia on laaja-alainen ja sisältää ajankohtaista tutkimusta juutalaisuudesta ja Raamatusta kirjallisuutena; Juutalaiset filosofit, kuten Ernst Cassirer, Emmanuel Levinas ja Franz Rosenzweig; ja merkittävä kokoelma tutkimus- ja kirjoitusaineistoa Martin Heideggeristä, Dekonstruktiosta ja siihen liittyvästä kirjallisuuden teoriasta, jossa suuri osa materiaalista koskee Heideggerin yhteyttä natsipuolueeseen ja hänen filosofisia panoksiaan siihen, mitä myöhemmin kutsutaan dekonstruktioteoriaksi.
ellauri392.html on line 966: Henkilökohtainen kirjeenvaihto (1960-1999) käsittelee henkilökohtaisia ja ammatillisia aiheita sekä merkittävää materiaalia Cleanth Brooksille, Maynard Mackille, James Restonille, AM Rosenthalille, Abraham Sutzkeverille, Hyatt Waggonerille, Elie Wieselille ja George Willille.
ellauri393.html on line 146: Totuus: Ohjelma tunnettiin nimellä MK-ULTRA, ja se oli todellinen. CIA aloitti ohjelman käyttämällä vapaaehtoisia – kirjailija Ken Kesey oli yksi sen tunnetuimmista osallistujista. Ohjelman johtajat alkoivat kuitenkin pian antaa ihmisille annoksia heidän tietämättään. MK-ULTRA:n seurauksena monet uhrit saivat pysyviä henkisiä vammoja.
ellauri393.html on line 258: Kaikilla ihmisillä oli ruskeat silmät, kunnes joskus 6 000–10 000 vuotta sitten geneettinen mutaatio synnytti täysin uuden silmien värin. Mitään selkeää evoluutionääristä hyötyä sinisistä silmistä ei ole, mutta ne ovat silti pysyneet. Noin yhdellä kuudesta amerikkalaisesta on siniset silmät. Se on pudonnut siihen noin puolesta, jotka syntyivät 1900-luvun vaihteessa ja joilla oli siniset silmät. Tutkijat ehdottavat, että yhtä moni ihminen ei enää nai sukulaisia, kuten he tekivät 100 vuotta sitten, sallien resessiivisten sinisten silmien siirtymisen eteenpäin.
ellauri393.html on line 292: Although he married three times and raised a family, Rockwell acknowledged that he didn’t pine for women. They made him feel imperiled. He preferred the nearly constant companionship of men whom he perceived as physically strong. It may have represented Rockwell’s solution to the problem of feeling wimpish and small. Rockwell, who was born in New York City in 1894, the son of a textile salesman, attributed much about his life and his work to his underwhelming physique. As a child he felt overshadowed by his older brother, Jarvis, a first-rate student and athlete. Norman, by contrast, was slight and pigeon-toed and squinted at the world through owlish glasses. His grades were barely passing and he struggled with reading and writing—today, he surely would be labeled dyslexic. Growing up in an era when boys were still judged largely by their body type and athletic prowess, he felt, he once wrote, like “a lump, a long skinny nothing, a bean pole without beans.” Assistants looked better than the missus. “Fred is most fetching in his long flannels,” he notes appreciatively.
ellauri393.html on line 295: Much of what Erikson did in the therapeutic hour resembled counseling, as opposed to analysis. For Rockwell, the immediate crisis was his marriage. He bemoaned his shared life with an alcoholic whose drinking, he said, made her petulant and critical of his work. Rockwell was a dependent man who tended to lean on men, and in Erikson he found reliable support. “All that I am, all that I hope to be, I owe to Mr. Erikson,” he once wrote.
ellauri393.html on line 367: Lund syntyi vuonna 1941 turkulaisen Irja Lehdon ja venäläissyntyisen Alexander Lundin perheeseen. Isä oli paennut lapsena perheineen vallankumousta Suomeen. Isoisä Hugo Lund toimi Turussa konditoriamestarina, ja Tamaran vanhemmatkin avasivat oman leipomokonditoriansa vuonna 1950. Hassua, melkoinen sattuma: Lehto on ruåzixi Lund. Talasniementiellä on (tai oli) Luntin mökki.
ellauri393.html on line 535: Eino Poutiainen (1917-1979) oli persu Leppävirralta. Kotikunnassaan Kiihtelysvaarassa Poutiainen oli kunnanvaltuuston ja -hallituksen jäsen. Hänet muistetaan erityisesti pappamopolla tehdystä vaalityöstä. Sotilasarvoltaan Poutiainen oli reservin vääpeli. Veikko Vennamo oli SMP:n Messias ja Poudiainen Pietari. Veikko oli kade Einolle.
ellauri393.html on line 642: Chaucerista on paasauxissa sen 70 mainintaa, nyt vasta tulin lukaisseexi alkuperäistä. Herooinen kuplettilaulaja, jolla on leuat kasvantaviärät kuin savolaisella, sellaiselta tämä Gottfried vaikuttaa. Kuuntele vaikka tätä ritarin tarinaa: Ken riemukkaammalta silloin on näyttänyt kuin Palamon? Ken hypellyt niin on ilosta kuin Arcite? Ken osaisi kyllin hyvin, minä en, kuvata ihastuxen, innon jolla ne heppulit Theseun välttävät arvosanat kuuli?
ellauri393.html on line 644: E!F!K! on Jeffillä hyvin handussa, kun se kuvaa Theseun stadionia: paljon hintaa, paljon erotiikkaa, sekä kasan päällimmäisenä Mars-patukka jakamassa kuolemaa. Sika syö pikkulasta, Marsin susi miestä. Siitä on saanut herttua maxaa floriinin ja moneen kertaan toisenkin! Sama ylipuleerattu tuntu tässä on kuin anglo leffoissa ja suorasoittosarjoissa. Kaikki on ihan ykköstasoa vailla virheitä. Mixei Palemon ja Arcite voineet nussia Emelietä vuoroissa? Tai yhtä aikaakin, toinen edestä, toinen takaa? Sanoppa se. Tai koska Emelie ei piittaa kummastakaan, mixeine voineet nussia vaikka toisiaan. Mutta ei. Ken ei tarinaa ois mielenkiintoisena pitänyt, säätyläistö semminkin on sitä kiitellyt.
ellauri395.html on line 81: Jukka Partala asuu Mouhijärvellä ja hänen perheeseensä kuuluvat vaimo Paula sekä kahdeksan lasta: Sanna, Tuomas, Hanna, Mari, Johannes, Matias, Miina ja Markus. Jukkis on tosiaankin nainut mieluummin kuin palanut. Ei se sännännyt seisokkia pakoon järveen. Heli oli takuulla aika pettynyt.
ellauri395.html on line 498: Miten toimia somessa? – Kuinka ohjata lapsia ja nuoria terveeseen ja viisaaseen sosiaalisen median käyttöön?
ellauri395.html on line 624: The Parantava herätys on termi, jota monet amerikkalaiset karismaatikot käyttävät viitaten kristilliseen herätysliikkeeseen , joka alkoi kesäkuussa 1946 ja jatkui 1950-luvulle asti. Healing Revival sai aikaan Latter Rain -liikkeen vuonna 1948, ja nämä kaksi liikettä olivat yhteydessä toisiinsa. Herätyksen aika vaikutti merkittävästi nykyajan karismaattiseen liikkeeseen .
ellauri395.html on line 633: Healing Revival liittyi läheisesti Latter Rain -liikkeeseen, ja nämä kaksi liikettä vaikuttivat syvästi toisiinsa. Vuonna 1948 Länsi-Kanadassa William Branhamin parantamiskampanjan osallistujat innostuivat saarnasta ja kokousten tapahtumista alkamaan paastota ja rukoilla kokeakseen samanlaisia asioita seurakunnassaan. Heidän ponnistelunsa hedelmät aloittivat Latter Rain -liikkeen, joka levisi nopeasti kansainvälisesti ja houkutteli monia samoja ihmisiä osallistumaan Healing Revival -ohjelmaan. Joseph Mattsson-Boze oli Latter Rain -liikkeen näkyvä johtaja, ja hänen aikakauslehtensä Herald of Faith tarjosi julkisuutta sekä Healing Revival- että Right As Rain -liikkeelle.
ellauri395.html on line 1267: Kenneth Copeland (s. 6. joulukuuta 1936, Lubbock Texas) on jäyhäleukaisesti virnistävä 86-vuotias kristitty televisioevankelista ja uskonnollisen Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) -organisaation perustaja. Copeland lukeutuu karismaattiseen liikkeeseen. Hän on tunnettu kiistanalaisesta opetuksestaan, jota on myös sanottu menestysteologiaksi. Silver and gold we have plenty, unlike nelisormi Pete. Copeland kääntyi kristinuskoon marraskuussa 1962 ja toimi aluksi Oral Robertsin lentäjänä. Sillä on ollut 3 narttua, (Ivy Bodisock dm. 1955; div. 1958), Cynthia Davis (m. 1958; div. 1961) ja Gloria Neece (m. 1963).
ellauri395.html on line 1294: For cultural authenticity. Ask the Lord to raise up culturally appropriate Uzbek Christian literature, music, worship styles and fellowship structures. There are Uzbek ministry-training courses, led and taught completely by Uzbeks. These things are beginning to emerge, with significant fruit as a result.
ellauri395.html on line 1299: Copeland istui evankelisessa johtokunnan neuvottelukunnassa, jonka Donald Trump kokosi presidenttikampanjansa aikana. Ennen vuoden 2016 vaaleja Copeland sanoi, että kristityt, jotka eivät äänestäneet Trumpia, olisivat syyllistyneet murhaan, viitaten Hillary Clintonin valintaa (pro choice) kannattavaan asenteeseen.
ellauri395.html on line 1309: Haginin väärän todistuksen mukaan hän syntyi epämuodostuneella sydämellä ja sen uskottiin olevan parantumaton verisairaus. Hänen ei odotettu jäävän henkiin, ja 15-vuotiaana hän halvaantui ja joutui vuoteeseen. Huhtikuussa 1933 hän kääntyi kristinuskoon. Dramaattisen kääntymiskokemuksen aikana hän kertoi kuolleensa epämuodostuneen sydämen takia kolme kertaa minuutissa, joka kerta näkevänsä helvetin kauhut ja palaamalla sitten elämään. Hän pysyi halvaantuneena kääntymisensä jälkeen. 8. elokuuta 1934 hän sanoo, että hän nousi kuolinvuoteeltaan ilmoituksella "uskosta Jumalan sanaan" luettuaan Mark. 11:23–24. Hän parantui myös halvauksestaan, eikä hän koskaan enää kamppaillut kävelyn kanssa, paizi kuolinvuoteella. Gold and silver I have none, but I got up and walk. Sydän tosin pysyi muotopuolena. Sen mielivärssy oli tämä pikku Markun läppä: Suht totisesti minä sanon teille, jokainen, joka sanoo tälle vuorelle: Poistu ja heittäydy mereen, eikä epäile sydämessään, vaan uskoo, että ne asiat, jotka hän sanoo, toteutuvat, mitä tahansa hän sanoo. Kokeile vaikka "mene vittuun jehova". Sentähden minä sanon teille: mitä ikinä te haluatte, kun rukoilette, uskokaa saavanne ne, niin te saatte ne. Kuulostaa ihan kiusaajan houkutuxelta. Eipä mennyt Hessu ize halpaan, vaikka muut nähtävästi menevät.
ellauri396.html on line 113: "Petersonin salainen Hesen kastike on tarjota akateeminen viilu monille vanhan koulun oikeistolaisille, mukaan lukien käsitys siitä, että useimmat akateemiset yhteisöt ovat korruptoituneita ja pahoja, ja banaalit itseaputyöt", Southey sanoo. "Hän on hyvin kulttijuttu, joka suhteessa. Mielestäni hän on hölmö, mikä ei tarkoita, etteikö hän olisi vaarallinen.
ellauri396.html on line 156: Shepherd huomaa olevansa keskustelun keskipisteessä, joka on puhjennut yliopistoissa, verkkokeskusteluissa ja sanomalehtien pääkirjoituksissa eri puolilla maanosaa; jossa Laurier on saatettu huonoon maineeseen ja sen akateemikot saatettu vainoharhaisuuden reunalle. Shepherd on kahden liikkeen välissä, joista toinen edustaa transsukupuolisia ihmisiä, jotka puhuvat oikeuksiensa puolesta, ja toinen oikeistolaisten sananvapauden protektionisteja, jotka taistelevat poliittista korrektiutta vastaan koulukampuksilla.
ellauri396.html on line 230: Yhdessä vaiheessa Nathan Rambukkanan haistattelua Shepherd purskahtaa itkuun (Well). Kovakätinen keskustelu muodostui eri tiedotusvälineiden tarttumispisteeksi. Shepherdin tallenne tapaamisesta nousi nopeasti kansainvälisiin otsikoihin. Monet näistä samoista spedeistä syyttivät sosiaalisen oikeudenmukaisuuden ajattelun ja identiteettipolitiikan kasvua siitä, että opiskelijat ovat muuttaneet kritiikittömäksi ja hellitetyksi raivokoneistoksi (ibid.). Shepherd puolestaan loi Twitter-tilin, jota hän käytti toistaakseen sananvapauden puolestapuhujia ja puolustaakseen itseään kritiikiltä. Hänen nopea lähentymisensä Jonathan Kayn kaltaisten kusipäiden ja heidän tukensa kanssa on lisännyt kritiikkiä siitä, kuinka hän on esittänyt itsensä sortavien voimien uhrina. Jonathan Kay syntyi ja kasvoi Montrealissa, Quebecissä, englanninkieliseen juutalaiseen perheeseen. Hänen äitinsä on sosiaalisesti konservatiivinen sanomalehden kolumnisti Barbara Kay. Hänen isänsä työskenteli rahoitusalalla ja oli perheen elättäjä. Kay kuvailee itseään innokkaaksi tenniksen ja lautapelien harrastajaksi, ja joskus hän on sisällyttänyt intohimonsa molempiin harrastuksiinsa journalismiinsa.
ellauri396.html on line 245: Huomionarvoisia itkeviä valkoisia tyttöjä ovat Taylor Swift ja Lena Dunham. Swiftiä on kutsuttu itkeväksi valkoiseksi tytöksi, koska hän on tehnyt raivoa Kanye Westin kappaleesta Famous (2016). Kappaleessa West kutsuu Swiftiä "nartuksi", mikä on tietysti aihetta raivolle; Kuitenkin, kuten Kanyen leiri myöhemmin paljasti, Swift oli allekirjoittanut itsensä kappaleeseen ja sanoitukseen. Tässä Swiftin kriitikot katsoivat, että hän ei ainoastaan näytellyt uhria virheellisesti, huutaen raivoa ja siten "omaksuen kielen/kuvan naisten voimaannuttamisesta omalle tuotemerkilleen", hän myös jatkoi "pelottava musta mies kiusaa valkoista tyttöä" -tarinaa tehdessään niin.
ellauri396.html on line 247: Dunhamilla on pidempi historia ongelmallisista lausunnoista värillisistä ihmisistä; Häntä kuitenkin kehuttiin erityisesti lausunnoista, joita hän antoi jalkapalloilija Odor Beckham Jr.:stä osallistuttuaan Met-gaalaan vuonna 2016. Dunham oli ilmeisesti istunut Beckham Jr.:n viereen tapahtuman aikana ja sen jälkeen annetussa haastattelussa. useita väitteitä, joissa kerrotaan, kuinka hän oli enemmän kiinnostunut puhelimeestaan kuin keskustelemaan hänen kanssaan, koska hän ei pitänyt naista houkuttelevana, olettaen, että hän suhtautuu naisiin sen perusteella, haluaako hän seksiä heidän kanssaan (Williams). Ongelmana on, että Beckham Jr. ei koskaan esittänyt tällaisia väitteitä, ja Dunham yrittäessään esittää itsensä deseksualisoituneena, defeminisoituneena ja näkymätönnä esineenä hyperseksualisoi samanaikaisesti Beckham Jr.:n mustan miehen ruumiin. Roxane Gayn mukaan Dunhamin kommentit, vaikka ne olivat ehkä hyviä tarkoituksia, vaikuttivat kuitenkin "todella vahingollisiin käsityksiin mustista miehistä ja seksuaalisuudesta". Itkevästä valkoisesta tytöstä tulee tässä tapa paljastaa tietty sarja suhteita, joissa valkoiset naiset ottavat uhrin roolin ja luonnehtivat niin ongelmallisesti/kritiikittömästi jotakuta toista negatiivisesti. Tällä tavoin se käsittelee suoraan politiikkaa ja etuoikeutta olla valkoinen nainen: joku, joka on samanaikaisesti sorrettu, mutta myös sortaja. Itkevän valkoisen tytön digitaalinen troppi kertoo siis siitä, kuinka etuoikeus toimii sosiaalisten identiteettien sisällä ja kuinka etuoikeus muodostaa sarjan sosiaalisia suhteita näiden identiteettien mukaan.
ellauri396.html on line 253: Lisäksi esittäessään itseään sananvapauden uhrina ja lähettäessään tukea muilta sananvapauden puolestapuhujilta Shepherd viittaa edelleen valkoisen uhrin rodulliseen luonteeseen: Shepherdin valkoisuus on tarjonnut hänelle paljon enemmän suojaa ja huomiota kuin Masuma Khan Dalhousien yliopistosta, "jota tuomittiin hänen kommenteistaan valkoisesta hauraudesta Kanada 150 -juhlien jälkeen" (Chaudhury). Valkoinen hauraus, pyyhin sillä perseeni. Tällä tavalla vaatimalla uhrin asemaa muiden sananvapauden uhrien kustannuksella – puhumattakaan ihmisistä, jotka eivät tunne olonsa mukavaksi puhua sananvapaudesta julkisella alueella – Shepherd paljastaa etuoikeutetun asemansa, josta hän toimii. ; se on asema, josta käsin voimme tutkia itse etuoikeutta. Tässä etuoikeus toimii sarjana suhteita, jotka normalisoivat tiettyjä käyttäytymismalleja ja koodaavat ne tiettyihin sosiaalisiin identiteeteihin.
ellauri396.html on line 269: Ugly fat professor man claimed Lindsay Shepherd is only successful because of her "young white female face". Shepherd said she's aware her telegenic air may have contributed to her case. "Why are these people´s minds so infected?" Shepherd asked on Twitter. "Why can´t I be seen as someone who has writing and analytical abilities and a strong work ethic, uterus swollen by a Romanian, not the Iranian who recycled badly."
ellauri396.html on line 361: Nicholas Glyn Paul "Nicky" Gumbel is an English Anglican priest and author in the evangelical and charismatic traditions. He is known as the developer of the Alpha Course, a basic introduction to Christianity supported by churches of many Christian traditions. He was Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton in the Diocese of London, Church of England from 2005 to 2022.
ellauri396.html on line 367: The Toronto Blessing has become synonymous within charismatic Christian circles for terms and actions that include an increased awareness of God's love, religious ecstasy, external observances of ecstatic worship, being slain in the Spirit, uncontrollable laughter, emotional and/or physical euphoria, crying, healing from emotional wounds, healing of damaged relationships, and electric waves of the spirit. "Holy laughter", as a result of overwhelming joy, was a hallmark manifestation, and there were also some reports of instances of participants roaring like lions or making other animal noises such as super loud farts. Leaders and participants present in these services claim that most of these manifestations, including some people roaring like lions, were physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit's presence and power, while some Pentecostal and charismatic leaders believe these were the counterfeits of the Spirit as is mentioned in the biblical passage of 2 Thessalonians 2:9. In December, 1994, Toronto Life Magazine declared TAV (Toronto Airport Vineyard church) as Toronto's most notable tourist attraction for the year.
ellauri396.html on line 369: The events that occurred at the Toronto Blessing are not unique in Christian history; similar events were recorded as happening within the Azusa Street revival of the early 1900s that led to the Helluntaiystävät movement, as well as in other revival movements throughout the history of Christian church movements. The Bible also records supernatural events when people encountered God and describes lightning coming from the top of Mount Sinai in Exodus 20:18 when the 10 Commandments were given, Jewish soldiers and temple police falling down in the Garden of Gethsemane when encountering Jesus in John 18:6, Moses' face shining when descending Mount Sinai in Exodus 34:35, and a cloud of glory that appeared over the Hebrew tent of meeting in Exodus 40:34. Proponents of the Toronto Blessing point to these biblical examples as partial evidence of the activities in their meetings being legitimate.
ellauri396.html on line 371: A common element described by those in attendance at the meetings was the claim of miraculous events that occurred during the services. Some of these could be categorized as physical healings, while in other instances, people reported they had a new awareness of God's love, a new freedom from past fears, anger, drinking, and relationship problems.
ellauri396.html on line 376: The Toronto Blessing appears to share similarities with other past events where historical records report similar activities of laughter, crying, falling down, shaking and claims of miraculous healings. According to some, these events have been recorded as occurring throughout, not only the recent past, but for the approximate 2,000 years since the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ took place.
ellauri396.html on line 378: Some Christian leaders were enthusiastic about what they saw as a renewal in North American Christianity, while others saw it as heretical and spiritually dangerous. The laughter portion of these meetings was endorsed by Benny Hinn, Oral Roberts and Pat Robertson, who said in one interview that "The Bible says in the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy."
ellauri396.html on line 380: Critics referred to it as self-centered and evil and claimed that the strange manifestations were warning signs for other Christian believers to stay away. In his book, Counterfeit Revival, Hank Hanegraaff claimed that the revival has done more damage than good and that the Toronto blessing was a matter of people being enslaved into altered states of consciousness where they obscure reality and enshrine absurdity. Hank Hanegraaff also stated in a 1996 Washington Post interview that, "It's nice to feel all these things, but the fact is, these feelings will wear off, and then disappointment steps in. I call it post-Holy Laughter depression syndrome." Jeesus pitää enemmän räkänokista kuin tyhjän naurajista. Pyhissä jutuissa ei ole mitään hymyilyttävää. Hartaus on vakava asia. Ei taivaaseen mennä iloa pitämään.
ellauri396.html on line 382: He concluded that while authentic signs of revival might be present at such meetings, ministerial leaders have a biblical responsibility to ensure that parishioners maintain orderly conduct at the gatherings and this seemed to be lacking at many of the meetings. Etäkokouxissa on se varjopuoli että tafsaus on mahdollista vain tapaamisten välillä eikä sakastissa saarnan aikana.
ellauri396.html on line 384: James Beverley, a critic of the Toronto Blessing and a professor at Toronto-based Tyndale Seminary, stated that these events were a "mixed blessing", but was later quoted in 2014 as saying, "whatever the weaknesses are, they are more than compensated for by thousands and thousands of people having had tremendous encounters with God, receiving inner healings, and being renewed."
ellauri398.html on line 65: Hänen isänsä nimesi Abrahamin alun perin nimellä אברם ( Abram ), ja Jumala muutti sen myöhemmin nimexi אברהם ( Abraham ). Koska jokaisella heprealaisella nimellä on merkitys, joka liittyy aina henkilön luonteeseen, on tärkeää tietää, mitä heidän nimensä tarkoittavat. Ya'akovin (Jaakob - hän tarttuu kantapäähän) tapauksessa Jumala muutti sen Israeliksi (Israel - kääntää Jumalan pään). Kun hahmo muuttui, myös nimi muuttuu. Vaikka monet ehdottavat, että Abram tarkoittaa "korotettua isää" ja Abraham tarkoittaa "paljon isää", molemmat nimet tarkoittavat itse asiassa täsmälleen samaa asiaa "isä korotettu" tai "korotettu isä". Molempien nimien alku on אב ( AB ), joka tarkoittaa "isää". Abramin juuri "ram" tarkoittaa "nostettua". Abrahamin juuri MRH "raham" tarkoittaaa myös "nostettua", se on lapsijuuri, joka on johdettu emojuuresta MR. Nimen vaihtamisessa ei ole paljon järkeä, jos uusi nimi tarkoittaa samaa asiaa. Tästä syystä monet yrittävät muuttaa merkitystä. Mutta nimenmuutoksen todellisen merkityksen ymmärtäminen on tärkeää ymmärtääksesi, miksi Jumala muutti oman nimensä ja muiden kuten Jaakobin nimen Israeliksi. Ensimmäisen Mooseksen kirjan luvuissa yksi ja kaksi on nimetty koko luomakunta. Huomaamme, että Aadam nimitti Eevan, hänen lapsensa ja kaikki eläimet, kun taas Jumala nimesi valon, pimeyden, taivaan ja maan. Tästä löydämme jotain erittäin mielenkiintoista. Adamilla oli valta vaimoaan, lapsiaan ja eläimiä kohtaan, kun taas Jumalalla on valta valoon, pimeyteen, taivaaseen ja maahan. Jos sinulla on valta johonkin, sinulla on oikeus ja velvollisuus nimetä se. Abramin nimesi hänen isänsä Terah, se, jolla oli valta häneen. Mutta kun Abram lähti isänsä talosta ja lähti omin päin, Jumala, joka kunnioitti Terahin auktoriittia aiemmin, ottaa nyt auktoriittiroolin ja muuttaa nimeään osoittaen vallan, ei välttämättä luonteen muutosta. Näemme saman skenaarion Jaakobin kanssa, jonka isänsä kodista lähtemisen jälkeen Jumala muutti nimensä Abrahamin jumalasta Israelin jumalaksi. Koska saarnaa Aaphahammi, Jukolan Salomon suuri.
ellauri398.html on line 127: paljon merkitystä kuin Moosesella, Aaronilla ja
ellauri398.html on line 268: Usein vedotaan toistuvasti sanontaan: "Jumala loi Aadamin ja Eevan, ei Aadamin ja Steven." Mutta Gd loi myös Steven, joskin myöhemmin. Sodomian synnit ovat epävieraanvaraisuus, uhkailu ja lopuksi raiskausyritys. Paikalliset yrittivät raamatullisesti "tuntea" leeviläisen Stevenin. Jos tämä kohta ei ole selvä, Hesekiel tekee sen niin. Hesekiel 16:49 sanoo: "Tämä oli sisaresi Sodoman synti; hän ei tukenut köyhiä ja köyhiä." Yrittäessään suojella vieraitaan Lot tarjoaa väkijoukolle kahta neitsyttytärtään, joita hän izekin bylsii konsensuaalisesti myöhemmässä jaxossa. Silti suolakivi tehtiin tottelemattomasta vaimosta. Älä kurki! Äläkä kuovi! huusi Jehova.
ellauri398.html on line 453: .) Jotenkin oli toki sekin laskettava sille viaxi. No apokryfisen tradition mukaan hän jatkoi evankeliumin julistusta niin antaumuksellisesti, että työmäärältään ja käännynnäisten määrällä mitattuna hänestä tuli apostolien vertainen. Samaisen perimätiedon mukaan hän joutui keisari Neron kynsiin sen jälkeen, kun hän oli matkustanut Pietarin ja Paavalin marttyyrikuoleman jälkeen Karhagoon levittämään ilosanomaa. Nainen pysyi kuitenkin lujana kidutettaessakin. Lopulta hänet surmattiin paiskaamalla hänet kuivuneeseen kaivoon. Tämä tarina oli Tampereelta, ja seuraavakin.
ellauri398.html on line 551: lääketieteeseen, farmakologiaan, matematiikkaan, tähtitiedeeseen, astrologiaan
ellauri398.html on line 727: paitsi jos haluat iskeä minua tuolilla särkyneeseen sydämeeni.
ellauri398.html on line 1051: Raamatun tutkijat ehdottavat kahta mahdollisuutta, miten tämä saattoi toimia. On mahdollista, että nämä ihmiset herätettiin kuolleista samalla tavalla kuin Jeesuksen ystävä Lasarus. Lasarus palasi täyteen ja terveeseen ihmiselämään, ei kirkastetussa ruumiissa, kuten Jeesus teki. Toisin sanoen Lasarus eli jonkin aikaa ja kuoli sitten uudelleen. Jos näin tapahtui näille pyhille, "pyhä kaupunki" on Jerusalem, jossa he ilmestyivät monille tavallisille ihmisille. Aiemmin kuolleiden Israelin pyhien näkeminen olisi aiheuttanut valtavan kohun sen jälkeen, kun Jeesus itse nousi kuolleista. He todennäköisesti osoittivat monille ihmisille Jumalan voiman Kristuksen kautta.
ellauri398.html on line 1203: Raamattu on täynnä juonireikiä, mutta suurin niistä on mielestäni se, että Jeesus kidutetaan kuoliaaksi, jotta Jumala voi antaa ihmiskunnalle anteeksi. Siinä ei ole mitään järkeä. Jos Jumala halusi antaa ihmiskunnalle anteeksi, miksi se ei vain tehnyt niin? Pitikö siitä ottaa maxukin? Miksi Jeesuksen täytyy kärsiä maksaakseen hinnan Jumalan anteeksiannosta? Jotkut kristityt väittävät, että ei olisi oikein tai reilua, että Jumala antaa ihmiskunnalle anteeksi ilman, että siitä maksetaan jotain, mutta mistä lähtien on oikeudenmukaista tai reilua, että viatonta ihmistä rangaistaan jonkun toisen synneistä? Kenen käsitys oikeudenmukaisuudesta se on? Olisiko reilua vai vain outoa, jos joka kerta kun rikos tehdään, heittäisimme vain jonkun satunnaisen henkilön vankilaan? Kaiken lisäksi Jeesus on Jumalan ilmentymä, joten Jumala vain kiduttaa itseään, mikä viittaa siihen, että Jumala on joku outo masokisti, joka haluaa kiduttaa itseään. Kaiken tämän lisäksi joidenkin mielestä Jumala antaa anteeksi synnin, että Aadam ja Eeva syövät kiellettyä hedelmää, joka antoi heille tiedon hyvästä ja pahasta, mikä tarkoittaa, että heillä ei ollut sitä tietoa ennen kuin he söivät hedelmän, mikä tarkoittaa he eivät ymmärtäneet, että oli väärin olla tottelematta Jumalan käskyä olla syömättä hedelmiä. Jumalan reaktio on kuin rajusti hakkaisi koiranpentua sen hyppäämisestä sohvalle. Raamatun juonenaukkojen luetteloa voisi jatkaa loputtomiin, koska kun se kirjoitettiin, se ei ollut tarkastelun tai kriittisen ajattelun kohteena ja sitä käytettiin erittäin kätevänä välineenä vallanpitäjien taholta. Se on taktiikka, joka toimii usein myös nykyään, koska jopa meidän kaltaisessa tieteen ja teknologian maailmassa kriittisen ajattelun puute ja arvovallan kyseenalaistaminen johtaa valvonnan puutteeseen. Usko voi olla upea asia, joka voi tuoda ihmiset yhteen ja antaa heille toivoa ja paeta pelosta. Jos se tekee sinusta hyvän ja ystävällisen ihmisen, olen iloinen puolestasi ja jos Raamattu on sinulle avain noihin asioihin, niin nauti siitä. Älä vain katso liian tarkasti. Mitä muuten elukat söivät arkissa? Eikai toisissn kun joka sorttia oli vain 2? Mitä tehtiin kakoille? Kärpäsille riitti apetta.
ellauri399.html on line 147: Chrisann, in her memoir, The Bite in the Apple: A Memoir of My Life with [Steve] Jobs, disclosed intimate details about their sex life. In particular, [Steve]’s sexual behaviors and the benefits he derived from them. The practice required an open mind and a powerful commitment. You, too, can then reap the benefits of these powerful sexual techniques. In it, she divulges that the Apple founder, who died in 2011, thought he had been a World War II pilot in a past life. “It all broke open between us when he asked if I would make tantric love with him in his garden shed.” The details go on: “Our birth control method up to that point was [Steve]’s coitus interruptus, also called the pull-out method, which for him was about his conserving his energy for work.”
ellauri399.html on line 162: The box contained, besides the ash of Jobs, the book Autobiography of Yogi Bear by Paramahansa Yogananda. Benioff continued: "Yogananda...had this book on blowing your own horn.... [Steve]'s last message to us was that here is Yogananda's book.... Actualize yourself. Activate the turbo boost. Article continues after video. Featured Video. An Inc.com Featured Presentation.
ellauri399.html on line 184: The modern conception of yoga--with its emphasis on outer transformation--is based on the third of Patanjali's eight steps, "asana." Asana emphasizes physical fitness for the purpose of getting the body ready for the stillness that is required for the inner journey taken in the subsequent steps. But prior even to asana are Patanjali's first two steps of "yama" and "niyama"--principles to guide one's everyday conduct and to prepare oneself for inner realization. Yoga emphasizes the importance of self-discipline as a foundation for harmonious physical, mental, and spiritual development.
ellauri399.html on line 186: Yogananda's particular genius was showing the modern applicability of these ancient principles, attuning himself to an audience who aspired as much to outer success as inner growth by delivering talks on topics like "The Science of Healing" and "The Art of Getting What You Want." In that regard, he was a forerunner to 21st-century psychologists, physicians, psychotherapists, and neuroscientists who are generating powerful scientific findings on human nature and well-being--all aligned with Yogananda's teachings on consciousness, thoughts, emotions, habits, and brain wiring.
ellauri399.html on line 188: Patanjali's final five steps beyond asthma relate to a progressive deepening of the seeker's journey toward realization of the universal self, with meditation providing the pathway. However, Patanjali's text on these final five steps is agonizingly cryptic, with no guidance on how to execute them. To fill this void, Yogananda, ever the spiritual innovator, introduced the West to an advanced but long-lost ancient technique of meditation, Kriya Yoga. Kriya, he said, offered the ultimate journey of inner transformation, helping practitioners tap into an ever-expanding love and ever-deepening joy that would spring from within. That, he asserted, was man's true nature--a perfection that represents our permanent state of self within, even as it is so elusive to capture without.
ellauri399.html on line 192: And what would be the assets that people could look for in return to a lot of bucks? Lower stress? Greater peace? He had begun his own quest for masturbation very early in life, a story vibrantly captured in the critically acclaimed 2014 documentary Awake: The Life of Yogananda. His youthful search culminated in his master Sri Yukteswar giving him the monastic name "Yogananda," which means "bliss through yoga." True to his name, he exhorted truth-seekers to savor the early rewards of peace and well-being, but to then seek out the ultimate prize: eternal bliss, universal consciousness. "When by constant practice of Kriya, the consciousness of [the] blissful state of the spiritual self becomes real, we find ourselves always in the holy presence of the blissful God in us." God, to Yogananda, was thus not an external force to be idolized and appropriated by any particular religion, but an inner force to be awakened to and realized.
ellauri399.html on line 194: To some, the yogic pursuit of inner perfection may appear a little selfish. Shouldn't we be solving the world's most vexing problems, rather than withdrawing into blissful inner communion? In fact, one time, when Yogananda sat still, absorbed in a particularly blissful state of consciousness, his spiritual master admonished him: "You must not get overdrunk with ecstasy. Much work yet remains for you in the world." So Yogananda learned that this choice between outer service and inner joy represents a false dichotomy. The yoga he taught emphasizes balancing service with meditation, and highlights the expansion of consciousness that comes when we are able to go beyond our human self and open ourselves up, through inner realization, to a deeper connection with every living being--in fact, with every atom in the universe. "When the 'I' shall die, then shall I know who am I," he stated in a word perfect imitation of a Yedi master.
ellauri399.html on line 200: Since Yogananda's passing the buck in 1952, many teachers have followed his trailblazing path to bring yoga to our world, helping make it a fixture in popular culture as it continues to take hold with young and old, the elite and the ordinary, the spiritualists and the atheists. What distinguishes Yogananda from these subsequent emissaries is not simply that he paved the way for the modern yoga movement, but that from the outset he focused far beyond physical exercises and shone a powerful and practical torchlight on the path to yoga's true purpose: actualizing the infinite potentials within us all. Perhaps that is why his Autobiography of a Yogi was the only book Jobs downloaded on his iPad--and, after first encountering the book as a teenager, went back and reread once every year.
ellauri399.html on line 202: On this first International Yogi Bear Day, let's tip our hats to the teacher who first introduced the modern world to the transformative power of yoga as a timeless inner discipline, and who was such a silent force in the life of the greatest entrepreneur of our times. As you roll out your yoga mat, get into your favorite yoga pose, and feel a gentle zephyr of peace sweep over you, perhaps you can take pause to wonder at what experiences in consciousness may lie just beyond your present reach if you also embark on yoga's fuller, inner journey toward self-satisfaction. Yogananda would have called those experiences "undreamed of possibilities."
ellauri399.html on line 220: Sri Daya Mata, syntynyt Rachel Faye Wright (31. tammikuuta 1914 – 30. marraskuuta 2010), oli Intian Self-Realization Fellowshipin / Yagoda Malinka Societyn (SRF/YSS) kolmas presidentti ja uskonnollinen johtaja . Hän oli SRF/YSS:n presidentti yli 55 vuotta kuolemaansa asti vuonna 2010. Itsensä tyydyttämisen stipendiaatti, vaaleanpunaisen kanootin soutaja. Faye Wright syntyi Salt Lake Cityssä Utahissa perheeseen, joka oli sidoksissa Myöhempien Aikojen Pyhien Jeesuksen Kristuksen Kirkkoon (LDS-kirkko). Hänen vanhempansa, Clarence Aaron Wright ja Rachel Terry Wright, polveutuivat alkuperäisistä mormonien pioneereista Salt Lake Valleyyn. Hänen isoisänsä Abraham Reister Wright Jr. oli MAP-kirkon Suolajärven tabernaakkelin arkkitehti. Talking about an apostate. Siinäpä vasta luopio!
ellauri401.html on line 193: Pekan luonteeseen kuului, ettei hän sietänyt nähdä vääryyttä eikä julmuutta. Nähdessään pienintäkään vääryyttä tapahtuvan, hän rupesi vapisemaan vihasta, torui ja nuhteli. Suuttumisvimma vaivasi Pekkaa vuosikausien ajan, mutta muutos tuli, kun hän 14 vuoden iässä erään suuttumuspuuskan vimmassa näki pienen pojan joka hymyili hänelle. Tämä lapsen enkelimäinen hymy avasi hänelle ilon ja lohdutuksen taivaan. Ihmeellinen ääni oli sanonut minulle, ettei tarvitse koskaan suuttua.
ellauri401.html on line 195: Vuosi 1892 oli nälkätalvi ja mm. Helsingin työläisistä oli työttöminä 70 %. Pekka laati tilanteeseen liittyvän kirjoituksen Hvad är sann kristendom?, jonka ydinajatuksena oli, että kristinuskon piti tulla esille käytännössä. Pekka tarjosi sitä erääseen aikakauslehteen, mutta juttua ei kuitenkaan voitu julkaista, koska sen kirjoittaja ei ollut yhteiskunnallisesti merkittävä henkilö
ellauri401.html on line 199: Kevätkesällä Pekka oli kesänvietossa Puujalan Kartanossa ja tutustui Kartanon naapurissa asuvaan Oskariin. Pekka oli tuttavuuden alkaessa 16-vuoden ikäinen, ja Oskar oli häntä vuotta nuorempi. Heitä yhdisti rakkaus taiteeseen. Kumpikin harrasti maalausta. Oskarin ja Pekan välille syntyi läheinen ystävyys, jossa toverukset käyttivät toisistaan nimiä Elias ja Andreas. Ystävyys oli melko lievä ilmaisu, sillä elokuussa 1892 Oskar kirjoitti, että hän rakastaa Pekkaa hellimmällä sydämellä ja lähetti hänelle ”tuhannen tuhatta suuteloa”. – Poikarakkaudesta siinä oli kyse, kadetraaleista ja puuvillaisista vöistä.
ellauri401.html on line 210: Pekka järkeili, että jos ihminen on luotu vain joutuakseen lyhkäsen bylsintävaiheen jälkeen kadotukseen, silloin ”se Jumala, joka on minun olemassaoloni syy, olisi paholainen”. Sellainen Jumala ”olisi julmempi kuin mitä me ihmiset olemme”. Pekka ei halunnut uskoa ”koston ja ’rangaistuksen’ julmaan Jumalaan” vaan heitti hänet menemään. Pekka joutui hetkeksi materialismin pyörteeseen ja ajatteli, ettei ole olemassa mitään Jumalaa. Materialistina hän tunsi vapautuvansa ja oli iloinen, ettei ollut olemassa mitään ”korkeampaa olentoa”, joka voisi ihmistä piinata. Pekka luki materialistista kirjallisuutta ja tunsi aivan kuin vapautuvansa. Uusi vire ei sekään kestänyt kaukaa, sillä materialistisista teoksista Ervast ei löytänyt ratkaisua narsisteja aina vaivanneeseen ns. tajunnan vaikeampaan kysymyxeen.
ellauri401.html on line 230: Pekka sai käsiinsä myös ryssänamerikkalaisen ämmän H. P. Blavatskyn (1831–1891) Teosofian avaimen vuonna 1890 julkaistun ruotsinkielisen käännöksen Nyckeln till teosofien (kz. mm. albumia 142. ”Luonnollista oli, että minä ensin ahmimalla ahmin, sitten tarkasti luin ja vihdoin uudestaan ja uudestaan luin näitä harvoja kirjoja.” Timeo hominem unius libri. Pekka haki yliopiston kirjastosta kaikki mystiikkaa, teosofiaa ja okkultismia käsittelevät kirjat, mitä oli saatavissa. Hän perehtyi tarkoin eri aikojen viisauteen ja luki Platonia, Jakob Böhmeä, Giordano Brunoa, Paracelsusta, Agrippa von Nettesheimia, Mestari Eckhartia, Johannes Tauleria, Heinrich Susoa, tärisevää Swedenborgia ynnä muuta. Papus’n (Gérard Encausse) kirjojen kautta Pekka tutustui länsimaalaiseen salatieteeseen. ”Hänen teoksensa osoittivat tavatonta oppineisuutta, aineeseensa perehtyneisyyttä ja gallialaista selväjärkisyyttä."
ellauri401.html on line 269: Ne löytyvät vuorisaarnan antiteeseistä (Matt. 5:21–48), joita itse
ellauri401.html on line 376: Suomen työväenliikkeen suuri herättäjä, Työmiehen toimittaja, kirjailija Matti Kurikka (1863–1915) toi työväenliikkeeseen vuorisaarnan sosialismin, jonka piirissä teosofiaa pidettiin tulevaisuuden uskontona. Teosofeja sosialismista vierottivat sen ”uskollisena” seuralaisena esiintyvät kiukku, raakuus tai fanatismi sekä äärimmäinen materialismi. Teosofin sosialismi ei perustu siihen, että hän vihaa yläluokkaa, vaan siihen, että hän rakastaa rupusakkia, eikä teosofin ihanne ole vain oikeudenmukaisuus vaan rakkaus ja veljellisyys.
ellauri401.html on line 420: Kääntäminen tapahtui siten, että kun Steiner puhui, Ervast kir- joitti ”sen heti sana sanalta astraaliseen aineeseen”. Ja siitä astraalises- ta käsikirjoituksesta hän ”sen sitten esitti sanatarkasti ja järkevästi”.
ellauri401.html on line 424: Vuoden lopulla kiista johti molemminpuolisiin erottamisiin. Saksan T. S:n hallinto päätti 8.12., että Idän Tähden Järjestön jäsen ei saa olla jäsenenä Saksan Teosofisessa Seurassa. Adyarissa pidetyn vuosikokouksen yhteydessä T. S:n pääneuvosto päätti 30.12. erottaa Teosofisesta Seurasta Rudolf Steinerin ja samalla koko Saksalaisen Osaston, joka häntä yksimielisesti kannatti ja oli valinnut hänet eliniäkseen ylisihteeriksi. Tilanne johti Steineriin kohdistettuihin syytöksiin ja oikeuden- käynneillä uhkaamiseen, ja toisaalta Saksan T. S:n vuosikokoukses- sa vaadittiin Besantin eroa. Münchenissä perustettiin elokuussa Die Anthroposophische Gesellschaft, johon Saksan T. S. liittyi melkein ko- konaisuudessaan. Saksasta saapuneesta kehotuksesta myös melkein kaikki Suomen T. S:n ruotsinkieliset teosofit liittyivät siihen, ja Suomen T. S. menetti noin 150 jäsentä, joista useat olivat olleet mukana jo suomalaisen liikkeen varhaisvuosista alkaen. Ezevverran tästä veljeydestä Kain ja Aabel tyylillä.
ellauri401.html on line 517: Ruusu-Ristin looshityö järjestettiin tälläselle vapaamuuraripohjalle vuonna 1926. Ruusuristityö yhdistettiin vapaamuurariuteen 22. toukokuuta. Areopagi 12:sta tehtiin yxin tein Ruusu-Risti-vapaamuurareita, ja Ervast vihittiin sen ensimmäiseksi suurmestariksi. Seremoniat auttoivat tekemään kokoontumisista rauhan hetkiä, jolloin katseet ajatukset kääntyvät toisiin asioihin kuin arkiryskeeseen. Vähän kuin Pafos-seminaarit.
ellauri401.html on line 548: Ervastilla oli selvä kanta Venäjään. Siellä vallan ottanut kommunismi oli ”varjon veljien vaikutusta”. Ervastin mielestä maapallon elämä on järjestettävä niin, että jos toisella puolen maapalloa kärsittäisiin ravinnon puutteesta ja toisella puolella tuotetaan ravintoa liian paljon, niin noille kärsiville toimitetaan se ylimääräinen ravinto. Eikä siinä saa olla kysymyksessä raha ja taloudellinen voitto, sillä koko liike-elämästä tullaan pyyhkimään pois voitto. Se on yksi harha, jolla me hirtämme itsemme sellaiseen harhaluuloon, että aina pitää taloudellisesti voittaa. Siitä on päästävä, ja sen voiton tilalle tulee palveleminen. Häh, sitähän punaiset juuri ajoivat: kaikille tarpeeseen ja kaikilta kykyjensä mukaan. Vehkeily ja puoluejuonittelu yhtäällä ja kommunismi toisaalta ovat saman asian kaksi puolta.
ellauri401.html on line 634: Yrityksestä eivät ottaneet vastuuta muut mestarit kuin Kuthumi ja Morya. Muut varovaisina olivat asettuneet odottavalle kannalle toivoen ja nähden, että seuraavalla vuosisadalla voitaisiin ehkä ryhtyä johonkin, vaikka lämmittämään palloa. Ervast kertoi vähän Paavalin historiasta ja mukanaolosta Stefanuksen kivittämisessä sekä Paavalin kristityksi tulosta, miten hän sai Damaskoksen tiellä kokeilla Jumalan Poikaa, jonka ihan täytyy nuohota joka ihmisen "sydämessä". Ja apostolina ja kirkon perustajana Paavali tuli tuon ihmeellisen veljeskunnan jäseneksi. Hän kuoli Paavalina, ja hän syntyi jälleen ja on sen jälkeen useampia kertoja muuttanut nimeä ja vaatteita. Hänellä ei ole enää sitä nimeä, mutta hän on se sama henkiolento ja on yhä innostunut kristinuskosta. Paavali on Jeesuksen suuri auttaja ja koittaa tehdä mitä voi kristinuskon hyväksi. Ja hän on katsellut teosofista liikettä. Hän ei ole liittynyt edestakaiseen liikkeeseen niin kuin ne kaksi muuta mestaria. Paavali, joka oli monta kertaa yrittänyt nuohota puhtaaxi kristinuskoa, oli vähän epäilevällä kannalla. Mutta juuri täällä Euroopassa ajattelivat hyvin monet mestarit, että he voisivat ehkä ryhtyä jotain tekemään. Ja nämä toiset, Paavali niiden joukossa, siis vuonna 1925 alkoivat nuohota kristikuntaa puhtaaxi. Esimerkkejä oli jo nähty, ja tullaan näkemään, että kristikunta kyllä vielä tulee suurella voimalla mehukkaasti muslimeihin takaapäin.
ellauri401.html on line 643: Vuoteeseen mentäessä Waldemar auttoi Ervastia riisuuntu-maan. Silloin Ervast sai tihenemistään tiheneviä yskänkohtauksia,jotka saivat aikaan voimakasta sydämentykytystä. Limaakin nousisuuhun lakkaamatta. Ervast nousi kävelemään ja pyysi Waldemariakostuttamaan pyyhkeen ja painamaan sen sydäntä vasten. Walde-mar teki niin, ja Ervast sanoi, että se auttoi. Mutta sitten tuli taasyskänkohtaus. Waldemar huomasi, että tosi oli kysymyksessä. Hän ei kuitenkaan voinut jättää potilasta yksin. Hän tuki Ervastia tämänistuessa. Yhtäkkiä Ervast raukeni, ja kaikki oli lopussa. Se tapahtui klo 23.20. Waldemar riensi Eino Krohnin luo. He kutsuivat tohtoriArmas Ruotsalaisen, joka totesi, että kuoleman oli aiheuttanut sydänkohtaus. Eino ja Waldemar valvoivat Ervastin ruumiin luona koko yön, ja aamulla ilmoitettiin kuolemasta omaisille ja tuttaville.Ervastin kuolemasta kerrottiin tuoreeltaan radiossa. Gerda osti Elannosta kauneimman ja hienoimman valkoisen arkun, mitä löytyi, ei mitään kangaspäällysteistä, ja huone koristettiin kukkivilla kasveilla. Veljet irrottivat Ervastilta kultapaikat ja sminkkasivat hänet hienoxi.
ellauri401.html on line 680: Ihminen on jälleensyntyvä olento, joka minuutena yhä uudelleen syntyy maan päälle kehittyäkseen suurta päämäärää kohti, capybaraxi. Elämä on siis koulu, jota on käytävä, ja tie, jota on kuljettava. Luonnossa vallitsee syyn ja seurauksen karmaiseva laki, jonka alainen ihminen on. Ihminen on itse vastuussa capybaroille ajatuksistaan, sanoistaan ja teoistaan, joiden seuraukset jokainen itse saa kohdata ja kantaa tulevissa maanpäällisissä elämissään – ja usein jo samassa elämässään. Karman lain eräänä tehtävänä on ohjata ihmistä elämäntiellä eteenpäin usein myös kärsimyksen ja vaikeuksien kautta, jotka kohtaavat ihmistä seurauksina edellisissä elämissä tehdyistä mokista. Ikuista helvettiä tai kadotusta ei ole olemassa, vaan Lamminmäen tilat ovat riippuvaisia ihmisen omasta sisäisestä kehityksestä. Useimpien ihmisten kohdalla kuolemanjälkeinen elämä jakautuu pääasiassa kahteen vaiheeseen. Ensiksi kiirastuleen eli elämään tuonela- eli astraalimaailmassa, jossa ihminen luonnon pakosta joutuu läpikäymään oman alemman persoonallisen sielunelämänsä nuohousprosessin. Toiseksi taivasosuuteen ns. taivasmaailmassa, joka on korkeampaa persoonallista sielunelämää capybarana – ei siis ikuista henkistä elämää. Taivasmaailma on ihmiselle lepoa, onnea, työskentelyä ja uuden, ylevämmän maanpäällisen elämän ihannoimista.
ellauri402.html on line 196: Moina, tuolloin nimeltään Mina tai Minna, syntyi Genevessä Sveitsissä vaikutusvaltaiseen puolalais-juutalaiseen perheeseen isän puolelta ja englantilaisesta ja irlantilaisesta äidin puolelta. Hän muutti Pariisiin, kun hän oli kaksivuotias. Hänen isänsä Michel Bergson saavutti musiikillista menestystä säveltäessään oopperoita Louisa de Montfort ja Salvator Rosa. Hän oli kotoisin Varsovasta ja kuului vaikutusvaltaiseen Bereksohn-perheeseen. Moina Mathersin isoisä Jacob Levison (s. n. 1799) oli kirurgi ja hammaslääkäri. Hänen isoäitinsä oli Katherine Levison, syntynyt Lontoossa v. 1800. Hänen äitinsä täti oli Minna Preuss, syntynyt Hullissa, Yorkshiressa, vuonna 1835, ja hänen äitinsä Kate, os Levison, syntyi myös Yorkshiressa. Hänen vanhin veljensä, myöhemmin Nobel-palkinnon voittaja Henri Bergson, 1859–1941, liittyi College of Francen tiedekuntaan ja tunnetaan parhaiten filosofisen teoksen Creative Evolution kirjoittajasta. Hän oli myös British Society for Psychical Researchin puheenjohtaja.
ellauri402.html on line 198: Moina oli lahjakas taiteilija ja liittyi Slade School of Artiin 15-vuotiaana. The Slade tunnettiin nuorten naisten rohkaisemisesta taiteeseen 1800-luvun vaihteessa. Moinalle myönnettiin stipendi ja neljä ansiotodistusta koulun piirtämisestä. Hän ystävystyi Beatrice Offorin kanssa, jonka kanssa hän jakoi studion. Sladessa vuonna 1882 Moina tapasi myös tulevan ystävänsä Annie Hornimanin, teeprinsessan, josta tuli Mathersien, kamppailevan taiteilijan ja okkultistin, merkittävä taloudellinen sponsori, joka tuki Golden Dawnin hermeettistä ritarikuntaa. Hornimannin teetä juomalla mekin tietämättämme tuimme näitä hörhöjä. Ja mitä saimme siitä? Virzakiviä!
ellauri402.html on line 299: Tohtori Paul Foster Casen vuonna 1922 perustama Builders of the Adytum on mysteerikoulu ja koulutustilaus, joka perustuu Western Mystery -perinteeseen. BOTA:n jäsenet saavat viikoittain oppitunteja Tarotista, Qabalahista, Gematriasta, Astrologiasta, Alkemiasta ja muista vastaavista tieteenaloista. BOTA on Golden
ellauri402.html on line 433: Hänen romanttisesta elämästään tiedetään vain vähän, vaikka Smith ei koskaan naimisissa tai saanut lapsia. On varmasti mahdollista, että hän piti parempana naisia; tutkijat ovat spekuloineet hänen suhteistaan kotitoveriin Nora Lakeen sekä Smithin läheiseen ystävään, näyttelijä Edith Craigiin, joka oli ehdottomasti lesbo. Smith ympäröi itsensä luovilla, älykkäillä ihmisillä, jotka arvostivat hänen intohimoaan taiteeseen ja eksoottista ulkonäköään sekä hänen vapaata henkeään ja mustaa puskaansa.
ellauri402.html on line 447: Smith oli ensimmäinen taiteilija, joka käytti hahmoja edustavina kuvina alemmissa korteissa. Sen sijaan, että Smith olisi näyttänyt ryhmän kuppeja, kolikoita, sauvoja tai miekkoja, hän työsti ihmisiä sekoitukseen ja loi rikkaan okkulttisen symboliikan kuvakudoksen, joka asetti kultaisen standardin nykyaikaisille Tarot-pakoille. Hänen alkuperäiset kuvat luotiin käyttämällä Smithin valitsemaa guassia, läpinäkymätöntä akvarelliväriä, joka on sekoitettu luonnollisiin pigmentteihin ja sideaineeseen ja jota esiintyi usein mainoskuvissa.
ellauri402.html on line 517: Viljo Rosvall oli taistellut sisällissodan aikana punaisten puolella ja pakeni sodan jälkeen Kanadaan. Hän asettui nykyään Thunder Bayn kaupunkiin kuuluvaan Port Arthuriin, jossa vaikutti suuri kanadansuomalainen yhteisö. Rosvall työskenteli Canadian Pacific Railway -rautatieyhtiöllä ja kuului metsätyöläisten Lumber Workers Industrial Union of Canada (LWIUC) -ammattiliittoon. Se oli 1920-luvun lopulla Ontarion vaikutusvaltaisin liitto, jonka jäsenistö koostui pääosin Kanadan kommunistiseen puolueeseen kuuluneista suomalaisista. Janne Voutilainen oli ansametsästäjä, joka kuului Rosvallin tavoin LWIUC-liittoon ja oli myös jäsenenä syndikalistisessa Industrial Workers of the World -ammattiliitossa.
ellauri402.html on line 522: Ruumiissa oli merkkejä väkivallasta ja molempia oli myös ammuttu. Mäen tiedettiin uhanneen ampumisella, mikäli ammattiliiton agitaattoreita tulee hänen työmaalleen. Voutilaisen kello oli löydettäessä pysähtynyt aikaan 2.40. Noin kello neljältä heidän katoamispäivänään Paavo Väänänen -niminen metsätyömies kertoi törmänneensä asetta kantaneeseen Mäkeen, joka oli sanonut tavanneensa Rosvallin ja Voutilaisen ja ajaneensa heidät matkoihinsa. Väänäsen mukaan Mäki oli niin kiihtyneessä mielentilassa, että hän kääntyi itse välittömästi takaisin.
ellauri402.html on line 623: Seitsemäs, Sese Seko, eli siis Jahwe, otti kuun niinkuin hänen asuinsijaxi, ja sieltä lähettää närkästynyttä
ellauri402.html on line 647: Lähestyessään seuraavaa kohdetta, katkesi yhteys hävittäjäkoneeseen. Myöhemmin selvisi, että kone oli syöksynyt maahan ja lentäjä kuollut, tiedotti pääesikunta torstaina. Maahansyöksypaikkaa ei kerrottu. AIEMMIN torstaina Ukrainan ilmavoimat kertoi, että sen lentäjä, everstiluutnantti Oleksii Mes, koodinimeltään "Moonfish", oli kuollut 26. elokuuta. – Oleksii tuhosi kolme risteilyohjusta ja yhden lennokin torjuessaan Venäjän massiivista ilma- ja ohjushyökkäystä, kertoi ilmavoimat. Mies haudattiin sotilaallisin kunnianosoituksin kotikaupungissaan Lutskissa Luoteis-Ukrainassa torstaina. Mes ylennettiin postuumisti everstiksi. Mies oli WSJ:n mukaan yksi F-16-koulutuksen saaneista ukrainalaislentäjistä.
ellauri402.html on line 686: That’s US 🇺🇸 democracy for you… An attentive Congress, prepared to listen & represent their elector’s freedom to speak, right to the point it affects their second income investments…
ellauri402.html on line 694: Edward Albee is not particularly funny. Suomen nuorisojärjestöt ehdottavat eläkkeiden leikkausta ettei niille tulisi niin paljon maxettavaa. Fair enough, tuskin ne elävät ize eläkkeeseen asti. Kuolevat helteeseen ja ohjussateeseen.
ellauri402.html on line 700: Kuka pelkää Virginia Woolfia? on Edward Albeen näytelmä, joka esitettiin ensimmäisen kerran lokakuussa 1962. Se tarkastelee keski-ikäisen Marthan ja Georgen avioliiton mutkia. Myöhään eräänä iltana yliopiston tiedekunnan juhlien jälkeen he ottavat vieraiksi tietämättömän nuoremman pariskunnan Nickin ja Honeyn ja houkuttelevat heidät katkeraan ja turhautuneeseen suhteeseensa.
ellauri402.html on line 716: 1950-luvun yhteiskunnalliset normit koostuivat ydinperheestä: kahdesta vanhemmasta ja kahdesta (tai useammasta) lapsesta. Tämä käsitys oli viehättävä siinä ajatuksessa, että isä oli elättäjä, äiti kotiäiti ja lapset käyttäytyivät hyvin. Georgen ja Marthan mahdollisuus täydelliseen perheeseen tuhosi hedelmättömyys ja Georgen epäonnistuminen nousta näkyväksi hahmoksi yliopistossa.
ellauri402.html on line 750: Apostolien asetuksen määräysten lisäksi on myös määrätty, että on peseydyttävä sukupuoliyhteyden jälkeen ja ehkä ennen rukousta.
ellauri402.html on line 813: Näyttää siltä, että apokalypsit olivat suosittu genre juutalaisten keskuudessa Kreikan ja sitten Rooman vallan aikakaudella. Suuri osa Pietarin apokalypsista voi perustua näihin kadonneiden juutalaisten apokalypsiin, teoksiin, kuten "Vartioijien kirjaan" (Henokin kirjan luvut 1–36 ), ja 1.–2. vuosisadan juutalaiseen ajatteluun yleensä. Pietarin apokalypsi näyttää lainaavan Hesekielin lukua 37, eli tarinaa Kuivien luiden laaksosta.
ellauri403.html on line 48:
Teuvo Pakkala (alun perin Teodor Oskar Johaninpoika Frosterus, 9. huhtikuuta 1862 Oulu – 7. toukokuuta 1925 Kuopio) oli suomalainen kirjailija. Pakkala lasketaan 1880–1890-lukujen realisteihin, ja häntä on usein nimitetty myös naturalistiksi. Nimen helposti sekottaa Toivo Pekkaseen, tohon sinimustaa hurmiota kokeneeseen lakkorikkuriin. Mutta kyseessä on vallan eri kaveri. Oliko se sukua isot kannunsa poisleikanneelle Janinalle? Tokkopa, Janina Päivänsäde oli Frostell, nyttemmin small Fry.
ellauri403.html on line 128: Keitä te olette? Ensimmäinen vastasi ja sanoi: Minä olen Esaias, jonka pään Manasses leikkasi puusahalla. Ja toinen sanoi samoin: Minä olen Jeremia, jonka Israelin lapset kivittivät ja tapettiin. Ja kolmas sanoi: Minä olen Hesekiel, jota israelilaiset raahasivat jaloistaan kivien yli vuorella, kunnes he hajoittivat aivoni. Ja me kaikki kestimme nämä vaivat, haluten pelastaa Israelin lapset. Sinä Pave pääsit sentään aika helpolla.
ellauri403.html on line 263: On March 6 the Crimean parliament voted to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation, with a public referendum on the matter scheduled for March 16, 2014. The move was hailed by Russia and broadly condemned in the West. Meanwhile, Yatsenyuk affirmed Kyiv’s position that Crimea was an integral part of Ukraine. On the day of the referendum, observers noted numerous irregularities in the voting process, including the presence of armed men at polling stations, and the result was an overwhelming 97 percent in favour of joining Russia. The interim government in Kyiv rejected the result, and the United States and the EU imposed asset freezes and travel bans on numerous Russian officials and members of the Crimean parliament. On March 18 Putin met with Aksyonov and other regional representatives and signed a treaty incorporating Crimea into the Russian Federation. Western governments protested the move. Within hours of the treaty’s signing, a Ukrainian soldier was killed when masked gunmen stormed a Ukrainian military base outside Simferopol. Russian troops moved to occupy bases throughout the peninsula, including Ukrainian naval headquarters in Sevastopol, as Ukraine initiated the evacuation of some 25,000 military personnel and their families from Crimea. On March 21 after the ratification of the annexation treaty by the Russian parliament, Putin signed a law formally integrating Crimea into Russia.
ellauri403.html on line 267: Jedinaja Rossijan johtaja on Dmitri Medvedev. Hän on mukava kaveri, Sozhenizyn tuumasi. Puolueeseen kuulumaton Vladimir Putin ulahtaa puolueen sivustolla kuin länsiaustralialainen poliisiauto abokylän raitilla: Yhdistetyn valtionduuman tulosten perusteella muodostetaan eri tasoisia hallintoelimiä - tällä on aina suuri merkitys maan poliittiselle vakaudelle.
ellauri403.html on line 328: kieroutuneeseen näkemykseen, että yksilöllisyyden, seksuaalisuuden ja hedonismin tukahduttaminen oli hyvän yhteiskunnan hopealuodi. Kirjoituksissaan maanpaossa 1920- ja 1950-luvuilla Iljin vetosi pakkomielteisesti "isänmaan" "uudestisyntymiseen". Hänelle Venäjä oli "Jumala, isänmaa ja kansallinen вождь" (vozhd, voždʹ), mikä tarkoittaa jotain (kirjaimellisesti) johtajaa, (kuvaannollisesti) suvereenia, tsaaria; joka ei ole vain henkilö, vaan valtiovallan ruumiillistuma, "ainoa", joka myös seisoo valtion mätäneen koneiston yläpuolella. Hän hylkäsi demokratian ja päätökset vaaleilla tai äänestyksellä. Etenkin Venäjälle, koska "demokratia", "liberaalisuus" tai "vapaus" eivät sopineet Venäjälle ja sen "euraasialaiseen identiteettiin". Kansakunta kuvitellaan orgaaniseksi yhtenäisyydeksi. Venäjä on oma sivilisaationsa, sekoitus kristillis- bysanttilaista kulttuuria ja mongolialais -aasialaista elämäntapaa. 1920- ja 1930-luvuilla Iljin ihaili Hitleriä ja Mussolinia ja fasistista ajatusta "isänmaallisen mielivaltaisuuden pelastavana liialluksena". ”Imperialistinen länsi tulee käyttämään väärää vapauslupausta viedäkseen Venäjältä maita: Baltian, Kaukasuksen, Keski-Aasian ja ennen kaikkea Ukrainan.“ Iljinillä oli todellinen viha tätä kohtaan: Ukraina oli suurin maanpetoksen ja separatismin vaara, ja se oli olemassa itsenäisenä alueena vain juonittelun ja juonittelun vuoksi. Sveitsissä maanpaossa vuonna 1954 kuollut Iljin unohdettiin pitkäksi aikaa. Vladimir Putin löysi hänet etsiessään älyllisiä perusteluja uudelle kansalliselle ajatukselleen ja on sittemmin levittänyt Iljinin ajatuksia ja lainaa häntä pakkomielteisesti lähes kaikissa puheissaan. Iljinin jäännökset palautettiin Venäjälle ja Putin asetti kukkia hänen haudalleen. Vuonna 2005, Viktor Vekselbergin vexelien rahoittamana, hänen ruumiinsa kaivettiin ja haudattiin Donskoyn luostariin, jossa makaavat myös Pushkin ja Solženitsyn Putinin läsnäollessa.
ellauri403.html on line 342: Jo ansaitsi tohtorintutkintonsa massaviestinnänä Wisconsin-Madisonin yliopistosta kesällä 2020. Jo on ansainnut maisterin tutkintonsa mediassa Syracusen yliopiston S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications ja hiänen B.A. viestintä- ja valtiotieteen maisterin tutkinto on SUNY Geneseosta. Hiän vakuuttaa siteeraten jotain äijänkäppyrää:
ellauri403.html on line 376: Ukrainan juutalaisperheeseen syntynyt Zelenskyy varttui äidinkielenään venäjää puhuvana Krivoj Rogissa (Kiero sarvi), Dnipropetrovskin alueen suuressa kaupungissa Keski- (tai no, Itä-Ukrainassa, so. Dnjeprin itärannalla). Hän on suorittanut oikeustieteen tutkinnon Kryvyi Rih Institute of Economicsista . Sitten hän jatkoi komediauraa ja perusti tuotantoyhtiön Kvartal 95:n , joka tuotti elokuvia, sarjakuvia ja TV-ohjelmia, mukaan lukien TV-sarjan Kansan palvelija , jossa Zelenskyy näytteli kuvitteellista Ukrainan presidenttiä. Sarja esitettiin vuosina 2015–2019 ja oli erittäin suosittu. Kvartal 95:n työntekijät perustivat maaliskuussa 2018 TV-ohjelman kanssa samannimisen poliittisen puolueen.
ellauri403.html on line 478: ‘Anti-Greta Thunberg’ lashed out at climate change doom-mongering ‘do your research!’ in 2020.
ellauri403.html on line 479: GRETA THUNBERG has once again come under harsh criticism after 19-year-old self-declared "anti-Greta Thunberg" Naomi Seibt claimed most of young climate change activists fail to do enough research on the subject.
ellauri403.html on line 480: Appearing on ITV's Good Morning Britain, the German teenager claimed that after extensive research she has concluded that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) warnings on climate change are not based on scientific evidence. Speaking to Piers Morgan, Naomi Seibt lashed out against Greta Thunberg and her followers arguing they have failed to undertake proper studies on the subject of climate change. She said: “I think it’s fantastic when young people decide to become activists and protest for something that they are truly passionate about and they can truly stand behind and believe in. “But the main problem that I see is that most of them have not really done their research so I became interested in climate change because I wanted to get to know the science behind climate change and what’s really going on and what effect the C02 emissions actually on the atmosphere. Zero, zilch, it's all just a humongous fake!"
ellauri405.html on line 84: Eikö siis ydinenergiaa? En tiennytkään, että mitään muuta on. Antimateria, Dirk. Antimateria. Se keksittiin vahingossa Fermi-labissa. Todennäköisyys oli yksi miljoonasta. Tässä vaiheessa Rick ei voinut olla sanomatta: tuo on kuule täyttä puppua. Nopeus, tasainen liike ja kiihtyvä liike - Mulkku Materials. Tällä kurssilla tutustutaan liikkeeseen, voimaan ja energiaan. Kurssi sisältää enimmäkseen käytännöllisiä asioita, jotka on helppo todeta. Onko sua koskaan lähestytty Venäjän tiedustelun toimesta? Millainen yhteiskunta Venäjä on? Oliko näistä tuloxista hyötyä? Kyllä-ei-en osaa sanoa.
ellauri405.html on line 100: - Jack, hän sanoi Jack Nicholsonin astuttua työhuoneeseen. Lensitkö yxin yli käenpesän? Tiedän, että haluaisit lukea minulle, mutta minä haluan opetella lukemaan itse. Hän katsoi pitkään paperia. Hän luki sen varmaan moneen kertaan ja harkitsi jokaista sanaa. Hänen huulensa liikkuivat äänettömästi ja levisivät sitten hitaasti hymyyn. Täytyy sanoa, että amiraali Ellingsworth ei ole monisanainen. Tässä seisoo että jees poks pallinaama, holirei söör. Ellen erehdy. Kazo sinä.
ellauri405.html on line 110: Ensimmäiset alustavat testit osoittivat, että projektista muodostuisi menestys. Maaliskuussa 1987 ilmoitettiin, että Presidentti Darrel Wholers pitäisi 24. huhtikuuta puheen kansalle. Virta kytkettäisiin, uusi aurinkoenergia alkaisi virrata Intian, Euroopan ja Amerikan vastaanottolaitoksiin ja avaruuden voima-asemat Columbus, Hope ja O'Neill vihittäisiin virallisesti käyttöön. Komentaja John Clark katsoi kolmea katodisädeputkea, joka oli kytketty Christopher Kraft-nimisen avaruussukkulan tietokoneeseen. Hän näki hyvillään sen mitä oli odottanutkin. Hän työnsi säädintä hiukan eteenpäin ja sanoi: Kas noin, tämän pitäisi riittää. Pannaanpa toimeksi. Valmiina, Atkinson!
ellauri405.html on line 162: Opetettuaan huonolla menestyxellä englantia Kreikassa ja Italiassa Davis päätti vuonna 1970 asua pysyvästi Teheranissa viimeisen shaahin vallan aikana. Tämän seurauksena hän opetti englantia Teheranin yliopistossa ja meni naimisiin Afkham Darbandin kanssa, josta hän on sittemmin kirjoittanut ja julkaissut monia rakkausrunoja, vuonna 1974. Sen jälkeen kun islamilainen vallankumous muutti Dickin ja Afkham Davisin pakolaisiksi, ensin Yhdistyneeseen kuningaskuntaan ja sitten Yhdysvaltoihin, Davis päätti alkaa kääntää monia muinaisen ja modernin persialaisen runouden suurimpia mestariteoksia englanniksi. The Davises left Iran for the United Kingdom in November 1978.
ellauri405.html on line 197: Pese se tahrainen surullinen viittasi.
ellauri406.html on line 43: Pirkko ei opettanut kunnolla pesemään käsiä kakalla käytyä.
ellauri406.html on line 202: The sad thing, that they learned nothing from history, time has proved that the vitctims of yesterday and their descendants are doing the same now to some other people, including Lebanese and the Philistines!
ellauri406.html on line 208: During World War II, the Nazi regime implemented policies that legalized and organized prostitution in military brothels as a means to control soldiers’ sexual behavior and prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This territorial conquest policy had harrowing consequences for the women coerced into sex work. In the occupied territories, women were forced into sexual slavery to serve in military brothels, which were labeled as “treatment centers.” The Nazi regime considered these women racially inferior, but still okay for fucking purposes, exploiting them to further Nazi ideological goals. A prisoner-of-war manual issued by the OKW in 1940 explicitly condomed rape and sexual violence against civilian women in the occupied territories. The Rome Statute outlines that sexual enslavement is a punishable offense and that the use of civilian women for sexual purposes, while fun, is not quite okay. The Nazi actions clearly violate modern international law and standards. In the post-war period prostitutes in Nazi Germany were seen by society not as victims but as collaborators who deserved punishment.
ellauri406.html on line 220: After a century or so, the contents would have turned into a sort of candy reputedly capable of healing broken limbs and other ailments. These goodies would then be sold in street markets as a hard to find item with a hefty price. Arabic mūmīya comes from mūm "wax".
ellauri406.html on line 261: The refusal of Verkhovna Rada deputy from Zelenky’s “Servants of the People” party, Maksim Buzhansky, to switch to Ukrainian on TV triggered a political and media scandal in Kiev. Even worse, he refused to give the appropriate obligatory greeting response to the greeting “Glory to the (fascist) heroes!” of the TV presenter. (It is: Yes... glory to Ukraine!)
ellauri406.html on line 265: In the Chinese province of Xinjiang, a police road sign informs drivers that driving on this side of the road is prohibited and violators will be fined. Chinese and Uyghur characters are used simultaneously. This is referred to in the West as “cultural genocide”. The real cultural genocide in Ukraine is being covered up, concealed, justified or glossed over by the morally bankrupt Western politicians and media, as is the biggest physical genocide of recent times on occupied Palestinian land.
ellauri406.html on line 298: "There are three things that must happen. Firstly, joint condemnation of Russia's actions by all world leaders. Every government, every head of government, and every international organization must condemn the Kremlin for those war crimes and make sure that the Russian forces will know that they will receive the stigma of cannibals for their war crimes. This is the first thing. Secondly, of course, the US and other countries are now looking for additional anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems that can be provided to Ukraine as soon as possible. And thirdly, the best way to stop these missile strikes is to defeat the Russian troops. And the sooner Ukraine can defeat the Russian troops, the better. And of course, support for this must continue."
ellauri406.html on line 325: But I think with Russia, I think we've always got to be careful about the unexpected. I've said this before. You know, the unexpected. Alright. We're killing 1,200 a day. Has it made any difference? We were killing 1,000 a day a year and a half ago. Has it made any difference? The answer is no. Nothing will happen without fundamental change in the system. New doctrine, new unwritten ways of working, removal of the nonsense toilet paper hanging from undried butts everywhere, better toilet training. All these things need to happen, then we can win because we will be better than they are, although fewer. And that's the main problem that we have with Russia is they keep the numbers going. They keep wearing us down bit by bit, and they outdo us in resources.
ellauri406.html on line 331: A propos, on the evening of Sunday, September 22, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived in the United States for a working visit, where he has already met with several American officials and got promises for more 155 mm artillery rounds. Earlier, it was announced that Volodymyr Zelenskyy plans to present the Victory Plan to Joe Biden in the United States, as well as meet with Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Best to cover all the bases.
ellauri406.html on line 350: Under dagen ska Volodymyr Zelenskyj presentera sin segerplan för president Joe Biden. Men amerikanska källor uppger för flera medier att de betraktar planen som gammal skåpmat. Ukraina har bekräftat att planen innefattar en inbjudan till Nato. Mycket tyder på att ytterligare militärt stöd, lättade restriktioner för användningen av långdistansvapen från väst samt finansiellt stöd också ingår. Men anonyma amerikanska tjänstemän säger sig inte vara imponerade. Planen beskrivs som Ukrainas tidigare uttryckta önskemål i en ny förpackning och anses, av källorna, sakna en övergripande strategi.
ellauri406.html on line 422: Vuhledar on kaupunki Ukrainan Donetskin alueen Volnovah’an piirissä. Vuhledar sijaitsee maanteitse 35 kilometriä piirikeskus Volnovah’an keskustasta luoteeseen ja 57 kilometriä aluekeskus Donetskista länsilounaaseen. Ukrainan tilastokeskus arvioi Vuhledarin väkiluvuksi 14 432 asukasta vuoden 2021 alussa. Hiilikaivokset ja hiilikerrostumiin varastoitunut metaani ovat taloudellisesti tärkeitä kaivannaisia. Vuhledarin kaupungissa ei ole rautatieasemaa, mutta kaupungin itäpuolisille hiilikaivoksille johtaa pistorata.
ellauri406.html on line 451: The law — which was watered down from its original draft — will make it easier to identify every draft-eligible man in the country, where many have dodged conscription by avoiding contact with authorities. Under the law, men aged 18 to 60 will be required to carry documents showing they have registered with the military and present them when asked, according to Oksana Zabolotna, a bitch for the watchdog group Center for United States Actions. Also, any man who applies for a state service at a consulate abroad will be registered for military service. This should generate significant savings in consulate expenditure.
ellauri406.html on line 469: Syyskuun 21. päivänä Mariupolin 56. erillisen moottoroitujen jalkaväkiprikaatin sotilas Sergei Gnezdilov ilmoitti poistuneensa yksiköstään ilman lupaa. Puolustaja selitti haluavansa tällä tavalla kiinnittää huomion selkeiden palveluehtojen puutteeseen. Varusmiehille on lupailtu rintamamiestaloja ja muita etuja, joihin hallituxella ei edes ole varaa. Palkat ovat aivan surkeita, lomia ei pidetä. OK "Länsi" puolestaan totesi Ukrainan puolustamisen tarpeen tärkeämmäxi julkisen aktivismin sijaan, viitaten Venäjän uhkaan ja korosti, että rintamakarkuruus vaikuttaisi negatiivisesti yksikön taistelutehokkuuteen. 56. erillisen moottoroidun jalkaväkiprikaatin sotilas Sergei Gnezdilov ilmoittautui vapaaehtoiseksi rintamaan vuonna 2019. Hän osallistui taisteluihin Peskin, Avdeevkan, Marinkan, Krasnogorovkan, Gulyaypolen ja Bakhmutin puolesta. Hän oli myös Mariupolin 56. erillisen moottoroidun jalkaväkiprikaatin tiedusteluosaston komentaja.
ellauri406.html on line 471: Syynä Vuhledarin mottiin oli Zelenskyn älynväläys lähteä Kurskin retkelle. Taistelujen tehostaminen Ugledarin alueella tuli mahdolliseksi, kun Ukrainan reservit siirrettiin pohjoiseen lähellä Selidovoa.
ellauri408.html on line 92: Muut toppuuttelevat: varo Lusiferia, pallogrilli on pellegrilli! Hän polttaa mustixi patatas bravas! Onnellisia joiden kykloopinsilmät vuotaa ennen mirriä. Paratiisin harppu, olit ilman ihmeitä! Eläviä autoja, joiden silmissä on häikäisevä arvovalta, Herran haarniska, pyhän paikan paviljongit, paimenten tähdet, jotka putoavat Jumalan sormista, suitsutusastioiden safiirit, taivaan kupolin kulta, Nebelin herkut, kamelin tuoksut, täältä pesee vittu kielikuvia.
ellauri408.html on line 105: After these messages, Saatanan vankka valtikka survoo Elohimin turvonnutta torttua. Minulla on mykkä laskuvarjo, ja minä annan maalle iltojen nautinnon ja mysteerin tavarat. Otin Luojalta hänen heikon luomuksensa ja tein siitä tälläsen tanakamman.
ellauri408.html on line 119: "Surullinen synnin rakkaus! pahan synkät halut! Ylpeys, lieto Lemminkäinen, jättimäiset ajatukset! Mistä tiesin mielettömästä innostasi? Nyt on pallit hellinä. Kuihtuneeseen rintaasi en palaa!" Lepään hetken tässä rikoksesta ja sitten baanalle. Kuin herännyt tiikeri hyppään tomuun välittömästi sisältäsi ja tästä eteenpäin vahvempana menen muita narraamaan.
ellauri408.html on line 289: “Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” (Mark 13:30)
ellauri408.html on line 291: “These things” that Jesus prophesied would happen before his disciples’ generation died included: the sun being darkened, the moon not giving off light, stars falling from the heavens, and Jesus coming “in the clouds” and sending his angels to the four corners of the earth to gather the elect. Obviously nothing like what Jesus described has happened. And two thousand years later, no one has seen Jesus do what the Messiah was predicted to do, which including creating world peace and universal worship of the biblical god. Jesus has not returned in glory with the angels, nor has he rewarded every man according to his works. Every one of Jesus’s disciples tasted death long ago. These are completely failed prophecies, on every count.
ellauri408.html on line 325: John of Patmos, the author of Revelation, turned Jesus into a false prophet by putting words in his mouth. In the letters to the churches, John of Patmos has Jesus saying that he will personally murder children for their mother’s sins. (Revelation 2:20-23) Do you think Jesus actually returned to earth and murdered children for something they didn’t do? And John of Patmos was no Christian, because he said Jesus would judge Christians and murder their children for eating foods offered to idols. But Jesus clearly said that Christians can eat ANY food and Paul specifically said that he could eat foods offered to idols, since they were false gods. John of Patmos in another false prophecy accused Jesus of murdering trillions of animals after they had all sung the praises of God. Why? And he said human beings would be tortured with fire and brimstone — not in “hell” — but in the presence of the Lamb and Holy Angels. So according to John of Patmos, there will be a torture chamber in heaven, at the foot of the throne of God! Thomas Jefferson called John of Patmos a lunatic, and I agree.
ellauri408.html on line 333: “Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!” And Jesus said to him, “Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” (Mark 13:1-2)
ellauri408.html on line 394: Furthermore, the New Testament offers no explanation for “hell” popping up in a few inexplicable verses, like the weasel in the silly song. If God decided to create “hell” it would have been incumbent on him to inform every human being on earth, immediately. But of course that never happened, and the creation of hell and its purpose was never once mentioned in the Bible, not even in the New Testament. Thus, obviously, human beings made it up. (See Peter's and Paul's revelations elsewhere in these blasphemies.)
ellauri408.html on line 426: All that spectacular nonsense was followed by Peter healing every sick person in Jerusalem and all the surrounding cities with his shadow, and yet no one breathed a single word of it, not even the famous Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who grew up in Jerusalem while these alleged “miracles” were taking place! Why did Josephus go on and on about much lesser figures when the greatest miracle worker of all time lived just down the street from him?
ellauri408.html on line 441: The real Creator would have known that all girls don’t bleed the first time they have sex, so these satanic commandments were clearly written by primitive barbarians who pretended to speak for God. How can anyone be fooled by such evil idiots?
ellauri408.html on line 445: Please do give us your “spiritual” interpretation of satanic commandments to stone girls to death for being raped (Deuteronomy 22:23-24) and for fathers to sell their daughters as sex slaves with an option to buy them back if they don’t “please” their new masters (Exodus 21:7-11). Did the Holy Spirit inspire these satanic commandments? As a member of the Trinity, did Jesus approve them? He must have, since they ended up in the Bible … unless the Bible was written by evil-minded men. As it so obviously was.
ellauri408.html on line 459: After these messages, tuli mieleen että kenties länkkärit sijoittavat nuket varta vasten napapiirille, jotta siellä saataisiin tuhautettua taivaalle niin iso saastepilvi että se pimentää napapiirin auringon. Siitä saattaisi pallon lämpötila lähteä viilenemään. Eikä vahinko edes olisi suuren suuri, siinähän kärähtäisi enintään aika pieni lukumäärä suht tarpeettomia, oikeastaan harmillisia mökkinaapureita.
ellauri408.html on line 718: Mikä johti Proudhonin ajatukseensa naisista ja perheestä, ja mitkä yhteydet näillä ideoilla oli hänen muuhun työhönsä? Proudhonin teosten läpi kulkee oudon libidininen virtaus, joka lataa hänen omaisuutta koskeviin kirjoituksiinsa esimerkiksi seksualisoituja kuvia, jotka toisinaan näyttävät olevan ristiriidassa hänen selkeän sukupuoleen, perheeseen ja seksuaalisuuteen liittyvien kysymysten kirjoittamisen kanssa. Ja epäilemättä on olemassa jännitystä, jonka hän omaksui osittain Fourierin hikisistä ajatuksista . Niinpä intohimon ja jouissancen roolista hänen kirjoituksissaan on epäilemättä tehtävä erittäin mielenkiintoinen analyysi.
ellauri408.html on line 753: Der Deutschschweizer Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi besuchte von 1751 bis 1765 die Elementar- und die Lateinschule und studierte zunächst Theologie, dann Jurisprudenz am Collegium Carolinum in Zürich, wo ihn der Aufklärer Johann Jakob Bodmer (1698–1783) beeinflusste. Trotz seines leidenschaftlichen theoretischen Interesses am Menschen, an Gesellschaft und Staat wollte er primär praktisch tätig sein. So brach er sein Studium in Zürich vorzeitig ab und begab sich in eine landwirtschaftliche Lehre (1767/1768) auf dem Kleehof in Kirchberg (Kanton Bern) bei Johann Rudolf Tschiffeli. Ab 1769 versuchte er sich im aargauischen Birr als landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmer. Durch die Einführung neuer Gewächse und neuer Düngemethoden wollte er der teilweise verarmten Bauernschaft ein Beispiel geben, wie sie ihre Situation verbessern könnte. Dieses Unternehmen scheiterte jedoch.
ellauri408.html on line 755: Im September 1769 heiratete er in Gebenstorf Anna Schulthess gegen den Willen ihrer Eltern. Im September 1770 kam ihr gemeinsamer Sohn Hans Jakob (Jakobli genannt) in Mülligen zur Welt, den er im Sinn der aufklärerischen Pädagogik nach Jean-Jacques Rousseau benannte, dessen Ratschläge zur natürlichen Kindererziehung aus Rousseaus Schrift Emile er Punkt für Punkt bei seinem Sohn anwendete. Dieser Versuch einer idealen Kindererziehung scheiterte tragisch. Das Tagebuch, das Pestalozzi über die Erziehung seines Sohnes hinterliess, gilt als ein erschütterndes Dokument einer schwerwiegenden Fehlinterpretation der hypothetischen Pädagogik Rousseaus. Schon dreieinhalbjährig musste Jakob die Zahlen und Buchstaben lernen. Dabei konnte sein Vater sehr streng sein; wenn der Junge nicht lernen wollte, wurde er bestraft. Die Erziehung, die unsicheren äusseren Lebensverhältnisse und das Aufwachsen unter den verwahrlosten Kindern führte dazu, dass Jakoblis Leben begleitet war von Stress, Schwankungen, Unsicherheit und von stetem Ungenügen.
ellauri408.html on line 757: Mit elf Jahren wurde Jakobli, der immer noch nicht richtig schreiben und lesen konnte, zu Freunden nach Basel gebracht. Wenig später brachen bei ihm epileptische Anfälle aus. Nach seiner Rückkehr auf Gut Neuhof heiratete er Anna Magdalena Fröhlich aus Brugg, ein Patenkind seiner Mutter Anna. Sie bekamen 1798 einen Sohn, Gottlieb. Hans-Jakobs Anfälle wurden immer schlimmer und häufiger. Am 15. August 1801 starb Pestalozzis Sohn 31-jährig. Anna Magdalena Fröhlich heiratete in zweiter Ehe Laurenz Jakob Custer (1765–1822). Ihr Enkel ist der nach Amerika ausgewanderte Rebenzüchter und Winzer Hermann Jaeger.
ellauri408.html on line 765: Im Wesentlichen forderte seine «Idee der Elementarbildung» eine naturgemässe Erziehung und Bildung, die die Kräfte und Anlagen des Kopfs (intellektuelle Kräfte), des Herzens (sittlich-religiöse Kräfte) und der Hand (handwerkliche Kräfte) in Harmonie entfaltet.
ellauri408.html on line 767: Interne Streitigkeiten in der Lehrerschaft um seine Nachfolge, die schon Friedrich Fröbel 1810 zum Verlassen der Anstalt mit Seinen Klötzen bewogen hatten, führten auch das Institut in Yverdon in den Ruin. 1825 musste Pestalozzi auch diese Anstalt schliessen und zog sich auf den Neuhof zurück.
ellauri408.html on line 908: Toukokuun 30:ntena 1877 (puolenpäivän aikaan). Luennoin heprealaisista ja juutalaisesta hengestä. Myötätuntoa tuntematta koen osoittaa oikeamielisyyttä. Tuo sattuman, etuoikeuden ja valinnan kansa on inhottava kaikilta vaistoiltaan, irstas, julma, ahnas, kavala, kunniantuntoa ja ylpeyttä vailla. Mutta Jeesus oli juutalainen, ja se korvaa kaikki. Filosofit, jotka ovat rakastaneet muuta ihmissukua, eivät ole pitäneet juutalaisista (Voltaire, Hegel, Renan). Heitä loukkaa taiallinen sädekehä, jonka kasvatuksemme luo tuohon pimeyteen ja suunnattomassa määrin liian suureksi kasvaneeseen kansaan, joka ei ole laadultaan Iuova, jalomielinen eikä henkevä.
ellauri408.html on line 912: Olipa miten tahansa: juutalaisuuden on joka tapauksessa onnistunut painaa leimansa osaan ihmiskuntaa, sillä kristillisessä kirkossa vallitseva henki on yhä uskoa sattumaan, poikkeukseen, Jumalan paikalliseen, yliluonnolliseen ja mielivaltaiseen asiaanpuuttumiseen, valintaan ja etuoikeuteen, ihmeeseen ja mielisuosioon, sanalla sanoen: se on yhä vielä lapsellinen käsitys. Seemiläinen ei kykene kohoamaan sellaista katsantokantaa korkeammalle. Hänen Jumalansa on puolueellinen ja valpas pedofiili, joka noudattaa ainoastaan erikoistapausten vaatimuksia eikä mitään yleisiä sääntöjä. Seemiläinen ei tajua luonnon eikä moraalin lakia, hän on vaistomaisesti filosofisuutta vastustava, ei ole olemassa mitään lakia, on ainoastaan per- soonallisia, Jumalan aloitteesta annettuja käskyjä. Tosin niitä piisaa sitten enemmän.
ellauri409.html on line 55: Jätettyään armeijan hän palasi opiskelemaan ja näyttelemään. Hän tapasi vallankumouksellisen kirjailijan Michalyn, joka auttoi Petöfia kynäilemään runoja. Petofista tuli nopeasti vallankumouksellisen liikkeen äänitorvi ja se vetosi ihmisiin kaikilta elämänaloilta. Hän kirjoitti myös Ranskan vallankumouksesta ja vertasi sitä tilanteeseen, jossa Unkari oli tänä aikana.
ellauri409.html on line 59: Hän on Unkarin tunnustettu sankari. Lasten tulee opiskella hänen runoutta ja historiaa koulussa, ja hänelle on omistettu museoita, kouluja ja patsaita. Hänen nimensä ja muistonsa loukkaamisen katsotaan aiheuttavan vakavan ongelman Unkarissa, ja se voi itse asiassa johtaa rikossyytteeseen!
ellauri409.html on line 127: Minulla ei ole paljon hyvää sanottavaa automaattisen kirjoittamisen viljelemisestä kirjallisen sävellyksen mallina; Epäilen, voiko kirjoittaja viljellä näitä hetkiä; mutta se, jolle tämä tapahtuu, tuntee varmasti olevansa ajoneuvo eikä sellaisen valmistaja. Mitään mestariteosta ei voida tuottaa kokonaan sellaisilla keinoilla; eikä uskonnollisen inspiraation korkeampi muoto riitä uskonnolliseen elämään; jopa korkeimman mystiikan täytyy palata arkiryskeeseen ja käyttää järkeään hyödyntääkseen kokemuksensa tuloksia jokapäiväisessä rukouselämässä. Voit kutsua sitä yhteydeksi jumalallisen kanssa tai voit kutsua sitä väliaikaiseksi mielenhäiriöxi. Ennen kuin tiede voi opettaa meitä toistamaan tällaisia ilmiöitä mielin määrin, tiede ei voi väittää selittäneensä mystikoita; ja heitä voidaan arvioida vain heidän hedelmiensä perusteella.
ellauri409.html on line 148: Olen sanonut edellä, että Pascalin menetelmä on "lähes kokonaisuudessaan" tyypillisen kristityn apologetin menetelmä; ja tämä varauma kohdistui Pascalin uskoon ihmeisiin, jolla on suurempi osa hänen rakentamisessaan kuin se olisi ainakin tälläsen nykyaikaisen liberaalin katolilaisen käännynnäisen uskossa. Tuntuisi fantastiselta hyväksyä kristinusko, koska uskomme ensin evankeliumin ihmeiden olevan totta, ja tuntuisi jumalattomalta hyväksyä se ensisijaisesti siksi, että uskomme uusimpien ihmeiden olevan totta; hyväksymme ihmeet tai jotkut ihmeet todeksi, koska uskomme Jeesuksen Kristuksen evankeliumiin: löysimme siitä uskomme evankeliumin ihmeisiin, emme uskomme evankeliumiin ihmeistä. Liz liz läz läz, missä ihmeessä olet tupexinut, tuo jo se vesisankko. Mutta on muistettava, että Pascaliin oli tehnyt syvän vaikutuksen nykyaikainen ihme, joka tunnetaan Pyhän orjantappuran ihmeenä: orjantappura, jonka sanottiin säilyneen Herramme kruunusta, puristui erääseen haavaumaan, joka parani nopeasti. Sainte-Beuve, joka lääketieteen miehenä tunsi olevansa vakaalla pohjalla, pohtii täysin aiheellisesti tämän näennäisen ihmeen mahdollista selitystä. Epäilyttävintä on, että ihme tapahtui Port-Royalissa ja että se saapui sopivasti elvyttääkseen yhteisön masentuneita henkiä sen poliittisissa koettelemuksissa; ja on todennäköistä, että Pascal oli sixikin taipuvainen uskomaan ihmeeseen, koska se tehtiin hänen rakkaalle sisarelleen. Pidän tappuroista, ne hankaavat haavaa paremmin. Joka tapauksessa se luultavasti johti hänet uskontutkimuksessaan osoittamaan paikan ihmeille, mikä ei ole aivan sitä, mitä meidän pitäisi niille itse antaa.
ellauri409.html on line 154: Olisi kuitenkin törkeän epäreilua Pascalia, Montaignea ja jopa ranskalaista kirjallisuutta kohtaan jättää asia tähän. Se ei ole Pascalin vähennys, vaan pikemminkin Montaignen lisäys. Jos Montaigne olisi ollut tavallinen elämänkokoinen skeptikko, pieni pukinpartainen mies kuten Anatole Ranska, tai jopa "ihmisenä kasvanut" porsas pyllerö kuten Renan, tai jopa niinkin kuin suurin repolainen Voltaire, tämä "vaikutus" olisi Pascalin häpeäksi; sillä jos Montaigne olisi ollut vain Voltaire, hän ei olisi voinut vaikuttaa Pascaliin ollenkaan. Kuva Montaignesta, joka avautuu ensimmäisenä silmiemme, alkuperäisen ja itsenäisen yksinäisen "persoonallisuuden" kuva, joka on imeytynyt huvittuneeseen itsensä analysointiin, on petollinen. Montaigne ei ole rajoitettu pyrrhonisti, kuten Voltaire, Renan tai Ranska. Hän on niin sanotusti olemassa lukuisten samankeskisten ympyröiden suunnitelman keskellä, joista ilmeisin on pieni sisin ympyrä, henkilökohtainen röyhkeä skeptisyys, jota voidaan helposti apinoida, ellei sitä jäljitetä.
ellauri409.html on line 203: Ja vaikka Pascal tuo työhönsä samat voimat, joita hän käytti tieteessä, hän ei ole tiedemies joka esittelee itsensä. Hän ei näytä sanovan lukijalle: Olen yksi tämän päivän arvostetuimmista tiedemiehistä; Ymmärrän monia asioita, jotka ovat sinulle aina mysteereitä, ja tieteen kautta olen tullut uskoon; sen tähden teidän, jotka eivät ole tieteeseen vihittyjä, tulee uskoa, jos minulla on se. Hän on täysin tietoinen aiheen erosta; ja hänen kuuluisa eronsa esprit de géométrien ja esprit de finesse välillä on pohdittavaa. Juuri oikea yhdistelmä tiedemiehestä, honnête hommesta, uskonnollisesta luonnosta ja intohimoisesta Jumalan kaipuusta, tekee Pascalista ainutlaatuisen. Hän menestyy siellä, missä Descartes epäonnistuu; sillä Descartesissa esprit de géométrie -elementti on liiallista. Ja muutamassa lauseessa Descartesista tässä kirjassa Pascal laski sormensa heikkouden paikalle.
ellauri409.html on line 351: TS Eliot attested to the influence of this poem on his teenage writing. Siinä on samaa arkisen ja pyhän tyylisekaannusta kuin Tompan värsyissä. Jouni ize palvoi algolagnia Swinburnea, joka ei piitannut Jounista tuon taivaallista. Oddly shaped, grumpy and awkward-looking, with a prematurely balding pate and little brown beard, he was known to his students as ‘Jenny Wren’, to others as ‘Cockabendy’. Years later he was independently described as having ‘large and quickly-moving eyes that make one think of some abnormal bird’s’. Davidson himself looked back on these years as ‘shameful pedagogy’ and ‘hellish drudgery’. Jouni ei tullut toimeen runoilulla vaan otti kavereilta vippejä. Sen mielestä mursuwiixi Nietzsche oli the cat´s whiskers. Uskonto on perseestä, me ollaan kaikki jumalia jollain lailla. Lopulta se hyppäs jorpakkoon ja jätti sukulaiset puille paljaille.
ellauri409.html on line 359: Hänen vanhempansa Charles-Benoît Laforgue ja Pauline Lacollay tapasivat Uruguayssa. Vuonna 1876 Julesin isä vei perheen Pariisiin . Vuonna 1877 hänen äitinsä kuoli keuhkokuumeeseen, kolme kuukautta keskenmenon jälkeen, ja Jules, joka ei koskaan ollut hyvä oppilas, epäonnistui ylioppilastutkinnon kokeissaan. Hänen luokkatoverinsa Henri Bergson läpäisi ja saavutti suuria älyllisiä saavutuksia filosofina. Hän epäonnistui uudelleen vuonna 1878 ja sitten kolmannen kerran, mutta alkoi yksin lukea suuria ranskalaisia kirjailijoita ja vierailla museoissa. Pariisi, unelmieni maa. Hänestä tuli La Vie moderne -katsauksen toimittajan Paul Bourget´n suojatti. Eräs muukin klovni vaikutti merkittävästi Laforgueen. Kun hänen isänsä kuoli, Laforgue ei osallistunut hautajaisiin. Hän kuoli tuberkuloosiin neljä päivää 27. syntymäpäivänsä jälkeen, ja hänen englantilainen vaimonsa Leah Lee seurasi häntä pian sen jälkeen.
ellauri409.html on line 450: Appearance and Reality (1893; second edition 1897) is a book by the English philosopher Francis Herbert Bradley, in which the author, influenced by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, argues that most things are appearances and attempts to describe the reality these appearances misrepresent, which Bradley calls the Absolute. It is the main statement of Bradley´s metaphysics and is considered his most important book.The work was an early influence on Bertrand Russell, who, however, later rejected Bradley´s views. In 1894, the book was reviewed by J. M. E. McTaggart, the apologist of "haecceitas" (tämyys). Kun Seppo Kiviseltä jäi McTaggart väitöskirja kesken, Seppo sortui haahuiluun.
ellauri409.html on line 451: Bradley´s absolute idealism in some respects received a better presentation in Bradley´s subsequent work Essays on Truth and Reality (1914) than in Appearance and Reality. Thomas Mautner comments that Bradley´s "bold metaphysics" is presented with "pugnacious verve". Nää oli tosi hölmöjä 100% proof idealisteja. Ei ihme että Tompalla otti eteen.
ellauri409.html on line 520: Montaigne raises all these doubts ultimately not because he is inherently a nihilist, but because he wants to stress the value of a return to the true Christian faith, not the arguably corrupted teachings of the Catholic church.
ellauri409.html on line 524: Montaigne päinvastoin puolustaa tiukkaa fideismia ja pyrronismia, joka alentaa ihmisen erityisesti muiden "elukoiden" tasolle. Todellisuudessa se on munkkikahvin hinta haasteeseen, jonka Luther asetti kirkolle poistamalla sen lääkäreiltä, sen neuvostoilta ja paaveilta kaiken auktoriteetin. Uskonpuhdistajalle vain ”pelkästään usko” ja ”pelkästään Raamattu” ovat arvokkaita. Tämä kesämökkimurto aiheutti suuren poliittisen ja uskonnollisen kriisin, joka puhkesi kiusallisesti sillä hetkellä, kun maailmankaikkeuden äärettömyyden löytäminen, uusi maanjäristys ja kulttuurien moninaisuus muutenkin kyseenalaistivat katolisen maailman järjestyksen. Tästä syystä Montaigne avasi tällä esseellä "pyrrhonilaisen tuokion", jonka vasta Pascal ja Descartes sulkivat lähes viisikymmentä vuotta myöhemmin, ja keksi eräänlaisen skeptismin, joka poisti kaiken mahdollisen ehdottoman perustan, jonka perillisiä olemme.
ellauri409.html on line 622: The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
ellauri409.html on line 626: From Personae by Ezra Pound, copyright © 1926 by Ezra Pound. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this poem may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. 😂😄😃😝😁
ellauri409.html on line 764: Päätöskappale kertoo, että tämän keskustelun aikana läsnä olevat tuhat munkkia vapautuivat. Aiheeseen liittyvät kanamaiset diskurssit jääkööt toiseen kertaan. Tai no, mänkööt:
ellauri411.html on line 108: Im Zuge der Kampfhandlungen eroberte er die Stadt Hamath und machte sich mehrere Kleinstaaten tributpflichtig. Auch der israelitische König Menahem unterwarf sich dem Assyrerkönig und leistet die hohe Tributzahlung von 1000 Talenten Silber (2 Kön 15, 17–20). Eine tiefgreifende Veränderung vollzog sich, als Tiglat-Pileser III. 734 v. Chr. den Philisterstaat Gaza unterwarf. Bereits 733 v. Chr. kam es zu einem Bündnis einer Reihe syrisch-palästinensischer Kleinstaaten, an der unter anderem König Rezin von Aram, König Hiram II. von Tyros und König Pekach von Israel beteiligt waren. Diese Allianz übte enormen Druck auf das Südreich Juda unter König Ahas aus, der dem antiassyrischen Bündnis ebenfalls beitreten sollte. Allerdings verweigerte Ahas jegliche militärische Intervention. Ahas? Vai sillä viisiin? Oliko Juuda jonkinlainen Transnistria itäisen suurvallan hameissa?
ellauri411.html on line 110: Darauf versuchten Rezin von Damaskus und Pekach von Israel Ahas abzusetzen, einen Aramäer auf den judäischen Thron zu bringen und Juda zum Bündnis zu zwingen. Gegen die Warnung des Propheten Jesaja verband sich Ahas mit dem assyrischen König und bat ihn gegen Israel und Damaskus einzuschreiten. Bereits 733 v. Chr. ging Tiglat-Pileser III. auch gegen Israel vor und eroberte ganz Galiläa und das Ostjordanland. Die eroberten Gebiete teilte er in drei Provinzen „Dor“, „Megiddo“ und „Gilead“ und unterstellte sie assyrischen Statthaltern (2 Kön 15,29). König Pekach von Israel war sofort nach seiner Niederlage einem Anschlag Hoscheas zum Opfer gefallen. Dieser Hoschea hatte sich sofort König Tiglat-Pileser III. unterworfen. So wurde er von diesem als Vasallenkönig anerkannt und konnte einen „Rumpfstaat“ des ehemaligen Israel retten. Ihm verblieben das Gebirge Efraïm und der Stadtstaat Samaria. 732 v. Chr. eroberte Tiglat-Pileser III. Damaskus und machte das ganze Aramäergebiet zu assyrischen Provinzen. Ergebnis des Krieges war also, dass Tiglat-Pileser III. nunmehr das gesamte Gebiet von Syrien-Palästina beherrschte. Die ehemals selbständigen Staaten hatte er – wie z. B. Damaskus und den Nordteil von Israel – als Provinzen seinem Reich eingegliedert, oder aber – wie Juda und der Reststaat Israel – als tributzahlende Vasallenstaaten von ihm abhängig gemacht.
ellauri411.html on line 169:
The evidence for the actual history of how İsrael became İsrael does not align with the Torah narrative that closely according to the current research and archaeology- rather than being migrants from elsewhere, it appears our ancient ancestors were just indigenous people who began differentiating themselves politically from their neighbours via the adoption If a monolatrous, or henotheistic religion that later evolved into monotheistic Judaism several centuries later. Henotheism is the worship and or belief of a single deity, while accepting the existence or possible existence of other deities. Monolatry is the recognition of many deities, but only consistent worship of a single deity.
ellauri411.html on line 182: While the Israelite religion is not exactly the Jewish religion that is practiced in the modern day, it still has many similarities with it. The history of the ancient Jewish people is the story of a small group of people, surrounded by larger and more powerful parties, trying to hold on to their identity despite that. They were a monotheistic people with a very fervent belief in their one God which helped them preserve their identity, culture, and religion in the face of all the polytheistic religions they were surrounded by.
ellauri411.html on line 194: The Greeks did not think it fair that the Jews should be included in this compromise. They saw them as being lawless and uncivilized. They even accused them of hating God and having secret rituals where they cannibalized other humans. They accused the Romans of taking away privileges from the Greeks and giving them to Jews instead. The local people of Egypt, resentful of all outsiders, also bought into this false narrative and became increasingly anti-Jewish as well.
ellauri411.html on line 369: Paavali tykkäs saarnata uskosta, ylösnousemuksesta ja toivosta, nää sanat aivan pörräsivät hänen kirjeissään. Emme kirjoita jokaista jaetta näillä sanoilla, mutta erityisesti on kiinnitettävä huomiota Roomalaiskirjeeseen 8:24 ja Heprealaisille 1 : 1, joita teologit pitävät "korkeimpina filosofisina johtopäätöksinä", vaikka itse asiassa ne ovat täyttä kuraa . Jos nyt se, mitä uskotaan tai toivotaan, muuttuu myös todexi, se on suuri asia suurelle Paavalille. Kaikki mitä uskot on automaattisesti todellisuutta vain siksi, että uskot sen! Vau, hyvin tehty, emmekä tienneet sitä! Toisin sanoen Pavlos myi murskattua ilmaa!
ellauri411.html on line 480: Emme käsittele tässä enempää kristillistä ja ei-kristillistä neitsyyttä, mutta saadaksesi lisätietoja, lue kaksi aiheeseen liittyvää artikkelia Hellenic Pantheon -lehden numeroista 17 ja 19. − Myös nykyään, valitettavasti, muslimit kohtelevat naisia ja heidän neitsyyttään epäinhimillisesti, raa'asti ja alentavasti. Se on ikävä tapa. Heidän tavallinen tekosyynsä, että se on erilainen kulttuuri, on erittäin halpa eikä kestä mitään moraalisia kriteerejä.
ellauri412.html on line 49: Eliotin Tomista Jesajan ja Hesekielin textit oli ihan parasta. Jesaja (hepr. יְשַׁעְיָהוּ) oli juutalainen profeetta. Hän vaikutti Jerusalemissa noin vuosina 740–700 eaa. Siis vähän myöhemmin kun näkövammainen Homeros kynäili Troian sodasta.
ellauri412.html on line 57: Hesekiel (יְחֶזְקֵאל "Jumala vahvistaa", hepreaksi Yəḥezqel) oli yksi Israelin profeetoista. Se mikä ei tapa vahvistaa. Hän oli papin poika ja toimi itsekin pappina Jerusalemin temppelissä. Hänet vietiin muun herrasväen mukana pakkosiirtolaisuuteen Babyloniin vuonna 597 eaa kuten Jesaja oli ennustanut. Hänen nimissään on Raamatun Vanhan testamentin hesekielen kirja, joka on hesekieltä koskevien tietojen päälähde.
ellauri412.html on line 69: Hesekiel luutarhassa herättelemässä zombieita. (Hesekielin kuivien luiden täyttämästä laaxosta on edellimen maininta albumissa 196.)
ellauri412.html on line 72: Hesekielin kirja jakautuu sisällöllisesti Raamatussa neljään osaan: Luvut 1–24 sisältävät nuhdesaarnoja Juudalle ja Jerusalemille. Luvut 25–32 ovat tuomion julkistuksia vieraille kansoille. Luvuissa 33–39 julistetaan pelastusta Israelille. Lukuihin 40–48 sisältyy lainsäädäntösuunnitelma uutta temppeliä ja sen seurakunnan palvelijoita varten odotettavissa olevan ihanan pelastuksen aikana. Loppupää on aika paljon toisto tyylikeinona. Nää juutalaisten jutut on pitkälti tehty koirankasvattajan ja kamelinkouluttajan ohjeilla: porkkanaa ja keppiä vuoronperään, selkääntaputusta ja julmistelua, makupaloja ja naksuttelua. Aika puolueellista oli tääkin julistus. Israel ja Juuda olivat vihollismaita keskenään. Olispa niin tänäkin päivänä, ottaisivat erää toisistaan eivätkä ahistaisi naapureita.
ellauri412.html on line 123: Savupilvi vyöryy pohjoisesta, vihollisjoukko lähestyy, eikä sen riveistä kukaan jättäydy jälkeen, eikä kengännauhat aukea. Eikä länsirannalle ole parempaa tiedossa. Daavidin äiti oli tosin sieltä, mutta vähän väliä! Näin käy: yöllä se murskataan, nitistetään räsypäät. Jokaisen pää on ajeltu paljaaksi, jokaisen parta leikattu pois. Säkkivaatteeseen vyöttäytyneinä he kulkevat kujilla, katoilta kuuluu itkua, toreilla ihmiset vaikeroivat maahan vaipuneina. Hahaa, ansionsa mukaan! Pakenijat kantavat tavaransa, sen mitä heillä on jäljellä, kuivan joenuoman yli. Purot puuntavat verestä punaisina.
ellauri412.html on line 139: Nyt palatkaamme profeettaan. Jesaja oli tehnyt kuten Herra käski ja kulkenut 3v vaatteetta ja paljain jaloin. Assyrian kuningas kuljettaa sotavankeja Egyptistä ja pakkosiirtolaisia Nubiasta, nuoria ja vanhoja, alastomina, jalat ja pakarat paljaina, ihan Jesajan vetimissä. Miten noloa! Tämän näyn tähden minä kivusta käperryn, tuskat tarttuvat minuun kuin synnyttäjän tuskat. Pöytää siellä katetaan, istuintyynyjä asetellaan, syödään ja juodaan. Silloin kuuluu: – Jalkeille, ruhtinaat, öljytkää kyrpänne juhlakuntoon! Jumala, Hra Sebaot, kutsui sinä päivänä teitä itkiäisiin ja valittajaisiin. Hän kehotti teitä ajamaan molemmat päänne paljaaksi ja vyöttäytymään säkkivaatteeseen.
ellauri412.html on line 191: It appears these rites took place on hilltops beneath the Asherah poles or trees.
ellauri412.html on line 193: 17 None of the daughters of Israel shall be a cult prostitute, nor shall any of the sons of Israel be a cult prostitute. 18 You shall not bring the hire of a harlot or the wages of a dog into the house of the LORD your God for any votive offering, for both of these are an abomination to the LORD your God. (Deuteronomy 23:17-18)
ellauri412.html on line 210: And Satan's even stopped trying to hide the Asherah poles as something else, now Asherah poles are in vogue on the left coast. Bars are being decorated with Asherah poles, the fad started at a fashion show where a designer used religious icons to decorate the stage and according to the article people raved about the asherah poles so much that club owners started putting them in bars. It saddens me that these people are so blinded by their ignorance that they are publicly, cluelessly worshiping Satan merely because it's hip and cool to do so.
ellauri412.html on line 212: “It represents natural religion, I guess,” says Sasha Saarikoski, 63, who dropped a dollar into an asherah bowl before ordering a blue-colored beverage at the bustling Octopus Bar. “It makes me feel connected to the earth and to spiritual energy. Maybe it will help me be lucky.”
ellauri412.html on line 339: Kun kuningas Sanherib kerran oli jumalansa Nisrokin pyhäkössä rukoukseen kumartuneena, hänen poikansa Adrammelek ja Sareser löivät miekalla hänet hengiltä ja pakenivat sitten Araratin maahan. Hänen jälkeensä tuli kuninkaaksi hänen poikansa Assarhaddon.
ellauri412.html on line 454: Minun käskyni kuivaa meren ja muuttaa joet autiomaaksi, niin että kalat nääntyvät veden puutteeseen ja alkavat lemuta. Väliin kuivaa väliin tulvia, se on vängintä.
ellauri412.html on line 536: Vastaus: Heprealainen lause ”ins makavot” voi viitata hervahtaneeseen miehuuteen, jolla on tapana oireilla kivusta tai kärsimyksestä sekä sairaudesta. Se riippuu asiayhteyhteyhteydessä, ja jopa ortodoksijuutalainen Raamattu kääntää Isaiah 53:3:n lauseen ”tarttuvaksi”, ei ”tavallisesti sairaaksi”. On olemassa runsas raamatullinen tuki Jeesuksen kärsimykseen perehtynyksen täyttämisen kannalta (Matt 27:27-44, Mark 15:16-32, Luukas 23:26-39, 2 Kor 1:5 jne.)
ellauri412.html on line 669: Ensinnäkin Raamatun molemmat testamentit kertovat yhden, jatkuvan tarinan. Jokainen numero EI ole izenäinen seikkailu. Joten OT: n läpimenon tulkitseminen kuulematta NT: tä lisätietoja voi johtaa meidät virheeseen. Se on kuin lukisi 75 prosenttia murhamysteeristä ja yrittäisi päättää, kuka tappaja on.
ellauri412.html on line 694: Barrykin kylästyy väittelemään Jeesuxen pennuista ja siirtyy Jesajista toiseen Tom Elliotin suosikkiin, Hesekieliin:
ellauri412.html on line 703: Hesen kastike
ellauri412.html on line 705: Hesekielin kirja (hepr. ספר יחזקאל, Sefer Yəḥezqel) on yksi Raamatun Vanhan testamentin suurista profeetallisista kirjoista. Se on Raamatun 26. tanakin ja juutalaisen Raamatun 9. tanakin profeettojen kirja.
ellauri412.html on line 707: Hesekielin kirja kirjoitettiin israelilaisille, jotka elivät pakkosiirtolaisuudessa Babylonissa. Siihen saakka heidän tapansa oli palvoa Jumalaa Jerusalemin temppelissä. Nyt temppeli oli mäsänä ja juutalaiset itkemässä kaxoisvirran rannalla, by the rivers of Babylon. Pakkosiirtolaisuus synnytti tärkeitä teologisia kysymyksiä. Kuinka israelilaiset saattoivat palvoa Jumalaa, kun he olivat kaukana kotimaastaan? Oliko Jumala vielä heidän saatavillaan? Hesekiel käsittelee tätä ongelmaa. Hesekielin kirja on siis viesti toivosta sitä epätoivoisesti tarvitseville toivottomille. Clues for the clueless.
ellauri412.html on line 714: Oli kuukauden viides päivä, farbror Joakimin pakkosiirtolaisuuden viides vuosi. Oli tukahduttavan kuuma. Silloin tuli Herran sana Hesekielille, papille, Busin pojalle, Kaldean maassa Kebabjoen varrella. Siellä häneen tarttui Herran käsi. (Hesen näkemistä nelipyöräisistä mönkijöistä on muualla jo paasaus, joten ei tässä niistä enempää.)
ellauri412.html on line 719: Herra antaa Heselle nipun merkillisiä ohjeita. Näin sanoo Herra Jumala: Lyö käsiäsi yhteen, polje jaloillasi maata ja huuda: ’Voi!’ Taas aivan hirmuisia verisiä uhkauxia, kuin koiran rähinää. Tulette tietämään kuka tässä on herra. Olette iljettäviä. Paljolti samoja sanankäänteitä kuin Jesajalla. Ilmeisesti Israelin jääneet rupusakit hommailivat siellä kaikenlaista iljettävää yläluokan ollessa kalterien takana.
ellauri412.html on line 725: Hesekiel 16 (pornoa)
ellauri412.html on line 763: Te olette alkaneet ajatella: ’Me tahdomme olla niin kuin toiset kansat, niin kuin vieraiden maiden asukkaat, ja palvoa puita ja kiviä.’ Niin ei tule tapahtumaan! Annan teille huonoja sääntöjä! Minä vastasin: »Voi, Herra! Lopeta! Jo nyt minusta sanotaan: ’Hän ja hänen ainaiset arvoituksensa.’» Nyt Hese turpa rullalle! Tai sinä menehdyt tulenlieskoihin, sinun vertasi pirskuu kaikkialle, eikä sinusta jää edes muistoa. Ugh. Minä, Herra, olen puhunut.
ellauri412.html on line 768: Hesekiel 23 (lisää pornoa)
ellauri412.html on line 774: »Oholiba, hänen sisarensa, näki kaiken tämän. Mutta siitä hänen himonsa vain yltyi, ja hän ryvetti itsensä irstailuissa vielä pahemmin kuin hänen sisarensa. Hän himoitsi assyrialaisia, noita käskijöitä ja päälliköitä, noita upeasti pukeutuneita taistelijoita ja sotavaunujen ajajia, kaikkia noita komeita nuorukaisia. Minä näin, miten hänkin ryvetti itsensä – samaa tietä he kulkivat molemmat. Mutta hän meni haureudessaan vieläkin pitemmälle. Hän näki seinillä miehenkuvia, punavärillä piirrettyjä Kaldean miehiä. Niillä oli vyötäisillään lannevaate ja päässä muhkea päähine, ja niillä oli soturin ylväs näkö. Ne olivat Babylonian poikia, Kaldean maan kasvatteja, ja ensi näkemältä hänen himonsa syttyi. Hän lähetti sananviejiä heidän maahansa Kaldeaan, ja niin babylonialaiset tulivat, tulivat hänen vuoteeseensa ja makasivat hänen kanssaan. He saastuttivat hänet irstaudellaan, ja kun hän ryvettyi heistä, hänen himonsa sammui. Mutta hän oli tuonut haureutensa kaikille julki ja paljastanut kaikille häpynsä, ja niin hän kävi minulle vastenmieliseksi, niin kuin oli käynyt hänen sisarensa. Silti hän jatkoi entistä menoaan. Hän muisteli nuoruutensa päiviä, irstasta elämäänsä Egyptissä, ja hänen mielensä paloi Egyptin himokkaisiin miehiin, joilla oli elin kuin aasilla ja jotka sinkosivat siementään kuin orhi.
ellauri412.html on line 798: Hesekiels förtorkade ben får liv! Hes. 37:1 HERRENS hand kom över mig, och genom HERRENS Ande fördes jag bort och sattes ner mitt i en dal, som var full med ben.
ellauri412.html on line 813: Älä lue tätä osaa Raamatusta, jos olet alle 30-vuotias tai nainen! On tiedetty jo kauan, että Hesekiel on – no, olkaamme rehellisiä – yksi Raamatun perseen hullu kirja. Jotkut suuret rabbit opettivat, että alle 30-vuotiaiden Tooran opiskelijoiden ei pitäisi lukea Hesekielin kirjaa, jossa on outoja näkyjä ja niitä koskevaa selkeää seksuaalista kieltä. Kirjakääröihin ei haluttu tahmaisia läiskiä.
ellauri412.html on line 815: Perinteinen selitys Hesekielin rajoittamiselle miehiin oli se, että naiset olivat liian herkkiä kuulemaan Jumalan käyttävän F-sanaa (luku 16, vaikka se on postettu englanninkielisistä käännöksistä) ja liian hauraita kuullakseen lutkatytöstä Jerusalemin vuoteessa nussimassa ulkomaalaisia miehiä, joiden sukuelimet olivat valtavat kuin aasilla” (luku 23).
ellauri412.html on line 818: Olen feministi, alle 30, ja Hesekielin kirja loukkaa minua. Se kuvaa naisia toisaalta seksuaalisina uhreina ja toisaalta seksuaalisina saalistajina, jotka johdattavat vanhurskaita miehiä harhaan mitä ilmeisimmällä ja tuomitsevalla tavalla. Sen laajennettu vertauskuva Jerusalemista prostituoitu on Lapsleyn mukaan "erittäin seksualisoitu, jopa pornografinen".
ellauri412.html on line 820: Hesekielin historiallinen ympäristö oli maanpaon alkua, jolloin Israelin eliitin huomattavimmat jäsenet karkotettiin ensimmäisinä. Mukana oli myös asemassa olevia naisia, jotka huomasivat, että naisilla Babylonissa oli enemmän oikeuksia kuin heillä: he saattoivat omistaa ja vapaasti määrätä omaisuudestaan, aloittaa avioeromenettelyn ja periä osan miehensä omaisuudesta. Naiset Babylonissa eivät olleet miesten tasa-arvoisia, mutta he olivat monella tapaa paremmassa asemassa kuin naiset Israelissa. Ja monet jutkumiehet luultavasti pitivät tätä mahdollisuutta pelottavana.
ellauri412.html on line 834: Eiköhän jo käynyt selväxi mixi pornahtava Eliot piti Jesajia ja Hesekieltä mehukkaimpina: niissä on värikkäintä misogyniaa ja pornoa.
ellauri412.html on line 839: Unter der Königsdynastie der Omriden war Israel im 9. Jahrhundert v. Chr. ein unabhängiger Staat, der im Bündnis mit Aram-Damaskus und anderen kleineren Staaten die assyrische Expansion nach Syrien-Palästina mittelfristig erfolgreich aufhalten konnte. Im 8. Jahrhundert v. Chr. war Israel assyrischer Vasall. Das hatte nicht nur Nachteile. Israel nahm nun am internationalen Handel teil und produzierte vor allem Olivenöl und Textilien für den Export. Die lange Regierungszeit Jerobeams II. gilt als zweite Blütezeit, die durch Wohlstand, Bevölkerungswachstum, aber auch gesellschaftliche Polarisierung gekennzeichnet war.
ellauri413.html on line 83: Colette oli ehdokkaana vuoden 1948 Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon saajaksi. Ehdottaja oli Ranskan akatemian jäsen Claude Farrère. Komitean mielipide oli murskaava: "...liikkuu tasolla, joka ei mitenkään voi tulla kyseeseen Nobelin palkinnosta päätettäessä." Lausunnossaan komitea hämmästelee, että häntä on yleensä edes ehdotettu. Dynamiittipötkyn nappasi kukapa muu kuin TS Eliot, aika harmaasexuaali äijä siinäkin.
ellauri413.html on line 91: Literarische Berühmtheit erlangte Sidonie Nádherná durch ihre Freundschaft zum Dichter Rainer Maria Rilke, mit dem sie von 1906 bis zu dessen Tod 1926 korrespondierte, und die Freundschaft, dann Liebe zum Schriftsteller Karl Kraus. Sie lernte Kraus, der sich in sie verliebte, am 8. September 1913 im Wiener Café Imperial kennen. Mit Kraus verband sie bis zu dessen Tod eine konfliktreiche, aber lange und intensive Beziehung. Kraus hätte diese wohl gern legalisiert, aber Rilke hintertrieb eine Heirat mit dem perfiden Hinweis auf einen „unaustilgbaren Unterschied“ (gemeint war offensichtlich Kraus’ jüdische Herkunft).
ellauri413.html on line 370: säkeeseen : "Laulan armon ja
ellauri418.html on line 90: – Pese alue tavallisella perussaippualla, jossa ei ole hajusteita tai väriaineita, Heather neuvoo. Oma pillunhaju on aina parempi, ja miehetkin pitävät siitä. Tämän jälkeen häpykummun ihon voi kuoria hajusteettomalla peruskuorintavoiteella. Pesuaineita tai kuorintavoiteita ei tule laittaa vaginan alueelle. Pesun ja kuorinnan jälkeen levitetään karvanajeluvaahto tai -geeli.
ellauri418.html on line 120: Minulla itselläni on kaksi aikuista poikaa, ja tunnen siis paljon 22-25-vuotiaita miehiä (no, 2). Heidän mielestään öljylämmitys on jees, dieseliä lämmitetään aamuisin puoli tuntia, eikä kierrätys voisi vähempää kiinnostaa. Samaan aikaan olen opettaja korkeakoulussa ja ohjaan nuorten naisten vastuullisuuteen liittyviä opinnäytetöitä ja ihmettelen, kuinka työt ja pojat vaan ovat niin erilaisia. Näin Helsingissä.
ellauri418.html on line 140: Puolustusteollisuus, Ranska. Puolustusministeriö on alkanut luoda puolustusteollisuuden työvoimareserviä. Venäjän Ukrainan hyökkäyksen jälkeen maat ympäri Eurooppaa etsivät keinoja lisätä joukkojen määrää, jos ne kohtaavat voimakkaan sodankäynnin. Latvia on ottanut asevelvollisuuden uudelleen käyttöön, Saksa aikoo ottaa käyttöön uuden asepalvelumallin ensi vuonna, kun taas Alankomaat kokeilee "palveluvuotta" houkutellakseen nuoria asevoimiinsa.
ellauri418.html on line 142: Ranskan teollisuusreserviohjelmaan ilmoittautuneet työntekijät sitoutuvat 10 päivän koulutukseen vuodessa ylläpitääkseen ja päivittääkseen taitojaan DGA:n maksamana. Yritykset maksavat sitten reserviläisen roolissa palvelevien työntekijöiden kustannukset, Chiva sanoi.
ellauri418.html on line 143: Teollisuudella liittyvillä reserviläisillä on oltava Ranskan kansalaisuus ja sotilasasema aliupseerina tai upseerina, ja heidän palkkansa on sama kuin samanarvoisen aktiivisen armeijan. Ranska tavoittelee 3 000 ihmisen puolustusteollisuutta vuoteen 2030 mennessä.
ellauri418.html on line 145: "Ilmeisesti sen perusteella, mitä tiedämme olevan ensisijaisia töitä tänään, kohdistamme pätevän henkilöstön", Chiva sanoi. ”Aiomme kohdentaa niukkoja resursseja tai osaamista. Pätevän ammattimiehen kouluttaminen kestää monta, monta vuotta, olipa kyseessä sitten hitsaaja, sarjamurhaaja tai muu." Puolustusteollisuudella on jo nyt koulutus- ja taitoongelmia, joten teollisuusreserviläisillä on DGA:n päällikön mukaan välitön rooli. Hän sanoi, että Ranskassa on noin 4 500 pientä ja keskisuuria puolustusalan yritystä, joista 1 200 on kriittisiä, ja juuri ne saattavat tarvita lisätyövoimaa koulutukseen, suunnitteluun ja tuotantoon.
ellauri418.html on line 148: Aiemmin tässä kuussa DGA allekirjoitti puolustusteollisuuden reservisopimuksen laivanrakentajan Naval Groupin kanssa. Puolustusvoimat olivat aiemmin solmineet vastaavia huoltosopimuksia 3D-tulostusyhtiö Vistoryn, ampuma-asevalmistajan Verney-Carronin ja Scanian kanssa.
ellauri418.html on line 193: Tontilla on 600 facebook -kaveria tms. Isonuotta-Tontti jonka runot on tuubaa. Hänen luonnettaan kuvaa parhaiten eteenpäintyöntyvä arvostelukyvyttömyys. Henkinen Jomppa Ojaharju tai Ilkka Kovala. Paizi Jompan nyrkki oli reilumpi. Osui todelliseen kohteeseen eikä ollut tollanen kihokinoloinen kärpäsloukku. Jarkon bostoninterrierinaamainen vaimo tutkii jotain kirkkoisiin liittyvää. Jarkko rakkina perässä.
ellauri418.html on line 260: Kun Madame de Warens muutti Chambéryyn toverinsa Claude Anetin kanssa, Rousseau liittyi heihin etsiessään "äitiä" kaikkialta. Hän itse asiassa meni Annecyn luo löytääkseen hänet vasta tajutakseen, että tämä oli lähtenyt Pariisiin. Yksi hänen ystävistään kertoo hänelle osoitteen, jossa hän on Chambéryssa, ja hän liittyy hänen luokseen. Madame de Warensilla on kuitenkin salainen suhde Claude Anet'n kanssa, josta Rousseau huomaa vasta, kun tämä yrittää päättää hänen elämänsä nielemällä laudanum-pullon sisällön. Claude Anet, joka lähetettiin noutamaan génepiä vuorille maaliskuussa 1734, kuoli keuhkokuumeeseen. Rousseau ottaa hänen paikkansa "sihteerinä". Rousseausta puolestaan tuli Madame de Warensin rakastaja, joka halusi perehdyttää hänet rakkauteen vuonna 1732 20-vuotiaana. He elävät saman katon alla vaikeassa suhteessa, mutta jota Rousseau kuvailee kaunistellen Tunnustuskirjoissaan julistaen solmineensa vankan ystävyyden Anetin kanssa.
ellauri418.html on line 277: Länsi ei ottanut Venäjän johtajan sanoja vakavasti ja maksoi niistä. Venäjältä on saapunut järkyttäviä uutisia, ABN24 raportoi kiinalaisen julkaisun perusteella. Venäjällä on paljon omaisuutta ulkomailla. Puhumme miljardeista dollareista, joihin pääsy estettiin pakotteiden vuoksi. Hiljattain länsimaat sopivat keskenään, että reservit käytetään.
ellauri418.html on line 337: "Venäläiset pitävät Donbassin, he pitävät Krimin, ei Nato-jäsenyyttä [Ukrainalle]. Voiko Zelensky allekirjoittaa sopimuksen? Hän ei voi perustuslain vuoksi. Ja tämä tulee olemaan Zelenskyn poliittinen loppu, Kuleba selitti. Toinen johtaja voi allekirjoittaa rauhan Kiovan puolelta, varsinkin kun Moskova on jo useaan otteeseen todennut, ettei se tunnusta Zelenskin hallituksen legitiimiyttä eikä halua neuvotella hänen kanssaan.
ellauri419.html on line 67: Rika länder ska från och med 2035 ha ökat sin årliga betalning till fattiga länder med 200 procent, från dagens omkring 1 000 miljarder svenska kronor, till avtalets 3 300 miljarder sek. Besvikelsen från de fattiga länderna är total. – Uruselt. Det är ynkligt, säger Indiens representant Chandni Raina kort efter det att avtalet klubbats, och tillade att Indien motsätter sig överenskommelsen. Andra kritiska röster hördes från bland annat Bolivias delegation och Nigerias. – Om vi går hem med 300 är det en förolämpning. Det är ett skämt. Vi accepterar inte det! säger Nigerias delegation. Men kritik kommer också från ”väst”. Delegationen från Schweiz sa att COP29 brast i ”meningsfull ambition” och beklagade att avtalet ”urvattnats”. – Vi kan och måste göra bättre nästa år, sa delegationen när de lämnat förhandlingsrummet, rapporterar the Guardian. Förhandlingarna om utsläppsminskningar ska, enligt flera medier, ha varit riktigt infekterade där Saudiarabien utpekats som en stor sabotör då de motsatt sig alla formuleringar om fossila bränslen, mänskliga rättigheter och kvinnors rättigheter. Paska saudit jotka veljeilee muutenkin jenkkien ja nahattomien nupipäiden kanssa. Inhottavat mekkoniekat fossiileja tupruttavat pyyheliinapäät.
ellauri419.html on line 111: Det kinesiska fartyget Yi Peng 3 ligger högst sannolikt bakom de sablars skadade kablarna i Östersjön, bedömer den danska säkerhetsanalytikern Jacob Kaarsbo. Yi Peng 3 övervakas sedan i tisdags av den danska flottan. Danska myndigheter har inte svarat på varför det ligger stilla i Kattegatt med det danska försvaret som sällskap. Kaarsbo tror att de överväger en ombordstigning. – Danmark är en sjöfartsnation och man vill inte riskera att kränka något fartyg och gå emot havsrätten. Själv menar han att danska myndigheter borde gå till botten med misstankarna. – Om vi inte går ombord på fartyg som är misstänkta så kommer Ryssland, kineserna, eller vem det nu än är som ligger bakom det här att kunna fortsätta och gömma sig bakom havsrätten. Vad är havsrätten mot västens vitala intressen!
ellauri419.html on line 164: Cioranin kirjailijanuran alkukaudelta ja kirjeenvaihdosta löytyy paljon äärioikeistolaisuutta myötäileviä ajatuksia. Muun muassa Cioranin vuonna 1936 ilmestynyt teos Schimbarea la față a României sisälsi muukalaisvastaisia ja antisemitistisiä ajatuksia sekä totalitaristisen valtiojärjestelmän ihannointia. Cioran poistatti kaikkein juutalaisvastaisimmat kohdat kirjan ranskankielisestä laitoksesta 1990-luvulla. Berliinissä 1933–1935 Cioran oli kiinnostunut natsihallinnon toimista ja kirjoitti romanialaiseen Vremea-lehteen kolumnin, jossa hän puhui ihailevaan sävyyn muun muassa Adolf Hitleristä ja pitkien puukkojen yöstä. Hän suhtautui ihailevasti myös Italian fasistiseen liikkeeseen.
ellauri419.html on line 168:
ellauri419.html on line 218: Baldwin also formed a personal relationship with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover when the latter was first appointed in 1924, and he remained somewhat uncritical of the Bureau in the years that followed. Olikohan Rogerkin homofiili? No oli sillä pari vaimoa ja tytärkin. Years later, the ACLU would draw criticism from the NAACP for defending the right of the Klan to assemble peaceably. Jewish groups expressed similar disapproval when the group defended the right of automaker Henry Ford to publicize his anti–Semitic views. In these and other instances, however, the ACLU championed open discourse as opposed to suppression or censorship. Ihan Jarkko Tontin linjoilla kaikin puolin.
ellauri419.html on line 316: Lehtomäki nostaa esimerkiksi miljardööri Elon Muskin. Vuonna 2021 Musk lupasi kuusi miljardia dollaria nälänhädän ratkaisemiseen, jos YK näyttää, kuinka se tehdään. YK:n alla toimivan Maailman ruokaohjelman johtaja David Beasley vastasi haasteeseen ja esitteli ohjelman akuutin ruokapulan helpottamiseksi. ”Noh, Musk ei tehnyt sitä. Sen sijaan hän osti Twitterin.” No Herlinin pojat, jos Elon Musk ei ole saastaa, mikä on? No ehkä Trump joka uhkaa tappaa loputkin Gazan rättipäät jollei jotain futtiga vajaa sata panttivankia vapauteta kun mä sanon. Lähemmä 50K siviiliä on jo tapettu ja loput on tarkoitus ajaa tiehensä ja ottaa niiden maat. Tää on yhtä paska puhetta kuin JL Runebergin "Hauta Perhossa" jossa ollaan "Arkeillaan" kun isä Haane möykkää tuvassa. Ruuneperi pitäis työntää torttuun takasin ja naida uudestaan.
ellauri419.html on line 372: Although matters related to the usage of antibiotics in animal farming have been regulated by law in EU and their execution is in Poland under strict supervision provided by an assigned inspection, the curve that represents bacterial mutation towards antibiotic resistance is still rising. It is difficult to compare the scale of multidrug-resistant bacteria (MRSA, ESBL) dissemination in Poland and Ukraine with other EU countries due to lack of more extensive studies and large-scale monitoring in these two countries. Suomalaisissa uutisissa näkyvissä tilastoissa Puola komeilee polluution kärjessä, mutta Ukraina loistaa poissaolollaan. - Paljonko sulle maxettiin ruplissa kun siitä alat vittuilla? Ei kai Volodymyr ehdi joka juttuun puuttua kun on koko aika villisian puruleluna.
ellauri419.html on line 402: Путин отвечал даже на провокационные вопросы журналистов и причем спокойно, не опускаясь до оскорблений и не поддаваясь на провокации! Putin vastaa kansalaisten kysymyxiin tapansa mukaan hillitysti ja järkevästi. Hän sanoi lakanneensa vizailemasta koska Venäjällä on vakava paikka menossa. IS ozikoi: Putinia ei enää naurata. Putinista olisi hyvin hälyttävää palata 80-luvun puolivälin tilanteeseen, jolloin valtion johtajat yksitellen, pysyen vallassa päiviensä loppuun asti, jättivät tämän vallan ilman tarvittavaa edellytystä vallanmuutokselle. Pravda.ua ozikoi: Putin kieltää halunsa hallita ikuisesti. Haistakaapa kuulkaa paska propagandistit. Katso koko Perjantain jakso Mihin tarvitsemme enää naurua? Erikoisoperaatio olisi pitänyt aloittaa jo paljon aiemmin.
ellauri419.html on line 406: EU-suurlähettiläät ovat sopineet kieltävänsä pääsyn neljään Venäjän propagandan välineenä käytettyyn tietolähteeseen kaikissa EU-maissa.
ellauri419.html on line 426: Chinese consumers who once preferred Western brands now feel Chinese brands are a better value. That new preference is driven in large part by Chinese government policy and incentives to encourage a shift from traditional gasoline-powered cars to electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. Most Western automakers will be forced to exit the market in next five years if not sooner. It was a massive miscalculation by Western automakers. Never underestimate a corporation’s ability to prioritize short-term profitability over long-term viability.
ellauri419.html on line 434: samfundet (läs: västingarna), säger han. Jag anser inte att vi är i en svag ställning, men vi är inte heller i en stark ställning, säger han till den franska tidningen. Först måste vi utarbeta en plan, en fredsplan. Sen kan vi presentera det för Putin eller det ryska folket. Jag hadde en ganska bra plan här nånstans. (För tre veckor sedan öppnade han för vapenvila om de områden Ukraina kontrollerar hamnar under ”Natos paraply”. Även då innebar planen att resten skulle återföras till Ukraina via diplomati i ett senare läge. Han är en skapande tänkare.)
ellauri419.html on line 444: Sverige har presenterat flera stödpaket till Ukraina sedan den fullskaliga invasionen inleddes. Totalt har Sverige bidragit med över 57 miljarder kronor i olika insatser. Under onsdagen medverkade Sveriges försvarsminister Pål Jonson i en längre intervju med den ukrainska tidningen Kyiv Independent. – Insatserna i detta krig är enorma för det ukrainska folket, men också för resten av Europa, säger Pål Jonson.
ellauri420.html on line 66: Regina Jeffers, a public classroom teacher for thirty-nine years, considers herself a Jane Austen enthusiast. She is the author of several Austen-inspired novels, including Darcy's Passions, Darcy's Temptation, Vampire Darcy's Desire, Captain Wentworth's Persuasion, The Phantom of Pemberley, Christmas at Pemberley, The Disappearance of Georgiana Darcy, Honor and Hope, and The Mysterious Death of Mr. Darcy. She also writes Regency romances: The Scandal of Lady Eleanor, A Touch of Velvet, A Touch of Cashémere, A Touch of Grace, His: Two Regency Novellas, and The First Wives' Club. A Smithsonian presenter, a Time Warner Star Teacher and Martha Holden Jennings Scholar, Jeffers often serves as a consultant in language arts and media literacy. Currently living outside Charlotte, North Carolina, she spends her time with her writing, gardening, and her adorable grandson Lucifer.
ellauri420.html on line 70: Kirjan sankaritar on Miss Mercy Nelson. Hän on Grace Nelsonin nuorempi sisar kirjasta 4 ( A Touch of Grace ). Mercy on paennut veljensä kotoa, koska hän tuo sisään useita huonokuntoisia ihmisiä ja sallii heidän hallita vapaata perhettä. Mercy ja piiat piiloutuvat yhteen joka ilta pitääkseen itsensä turvassa juopuneelta miehistöltä. Hän aikoo seurata Gracea, joka on asettanut itsensä kasvatusneuvottelijaksi, Lontooseen, mutta kun hän ja hänen veljensä saavat tiedon, että Grace on kuollut, Mercyllä ei ole muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin lähteä omin päin. Matkalla hän tapaa Henry "Lucifer" Hillin, kaiken työn miehen Aiden Kimboltille, varakreivi Lexfordille, ja Hill vie hänet asumaan Lexfordin kartanolle, jopa jättäen hänet Lexfordin sisarpuolisoksi varakreivin isän vuoteeseen, jonka Herra antoi kuolla muutama vuosi sitten.
ellauri420.html on line 164: Adelaide Taylorin elämä on kaikkea muuta kuin ihanteellinen. Menetettyään vanhempansa uudelle tyrannihallitukselle, hän joutuu asumaan alle 85-vuotiaiden naisten orpokodissa. Samalla kun hän työskentelee kuusi päivää viikossa (sapatti on sentään vapaata) kiittämättömässä työssä, hallitus tuhoaa maan järjestelmällisesti. Vaalit kumotaan. Rajat ovat kiinni. Kuolemanrangaistus palautetaan kaikille, jotka uskaltavat uhmata uutta maailmanjärjestystä. Kuka tahansa voi toivoa selviytyvänsä, kaikki voivat menehtyä ydinsodassa. Adelaide Taylor on elossa. Hän toivoo, että muutkin voisivat sanoa samaa. Selvittyään koettelemuksista ja menetettyään Babarin, Selesten ja muut hänen on vaikea tuntea mitään muuta kuin menestystä. Järkyttävä koettelemus keräsi joitain voittoja, mutta Isaac, paikka yliopistossa ja koti ovat vain väliaikaisia pelastuksia hänen ja muiden kärsimään täydelliseen tuhoon. Hän tietää, että ne ovat väliaikaisia. Milloin tahansa universumi pakottaa hänet maksamaan palveluksen takaisin korkoineen. Vastaako hän haasteeseen vai joutuuko hän uuden vitsauksen uhriksi?
ellauri420.html on line 172: Dobryj Kolaa valmistaa Coca Colan venäläinen tytäryhtiö Valko-Venäjällä entisellä reseptillä. Mutta Warren Buffettin Coca-Cola ei ole jäänyt tuleen makaamaan. Taste The Feeling iskulause on korvattu uudella Real Magic sloganilla. Uusi konsepti on suunniteltu korostamaan, että Coca-Cola ei ole vain juoma, vaan olennainen osa elämän valoisia ja unohtumattomia hetkiä. Hän keskittyy inhimillisen kommunikaatioon, yhteisten kokemusten ja positiivisten tunteiden tärkeyteen. Kalut maistuvat yhä parhaiten aito Coca Cola palanpainikkeena.
ellauri420.html on line 196: L'intellectuel répresente la disgrâce majeure, l'échec culminant de l'homo sapiens.
ellauri420.html on line 251: Agnostikko, mutta intensiivisen hengellinen mies, Malraux väitti, että tarvittiin "esteettinen henkisyys", jossa rakkaus "taiteeseen" ja "sivilisaatioon" antaisi mahdollisuuden arvostaa le sacréa elämässä, herkkyyttä, joka oli sekä traaginen ja kunnioitusta herättävä, kun förbittiin kaikkia maailman kulttuuriaarteita, mystinen tunne ihmiskunnan paikasta universumissa, joka oli yhtä hämmästyttävän kaunis kuin salaperäinen. Malraux väitti, että koska kuolema on väistämätöntä ja merkityksettömässä maailmassa, joka oli siis "absurdi", vain taide voi tarjota merkityksen "absurdissa" maailmassa. Tämä läppä ei olisi Cioranille kelvannut! Merkityxet ovat perseestä! Sacrebleu!
ellauri420.html on line 277: Acedia means a lack or absence of care. And that’s deadly. Whenever we grow numb to Christ’s time and money saving work and the Father’s gracious free gifts by which he makes preserve of us, spiritual boredom takes hold, followed by apathy and subsequent despair. Where acedia takes root in the soul of a pastor, the flock suffers greatly.
ellauri420.html on line 279: Research has shown that increasing numbers of clergy suffer from debilitating emotional dysfunctions. Collectively called “paedophilia burnout,” some of these disabilities stem from something now identified as Compression Fatigue—the consequence of constant
ellauri420.html on line 280: immersion of members in the derrieres of the kids of people to whom they minister. Likewise, research shows that clinical impotence among pastors exceeds rates common in the general population.
ellauri420.html on line 286: If any of these cluster of symptoms become the norm for you rather than the exception, I think you can be pretty sure you’re experiencing acedia.
ellauri420.html on line 291: But acedia doesn’t always present as a porn propensity. It can cast its toxic shadow in any number of ways.
ellauri420.html on line 309: It’s true, frustratingly and consistently true. We do not wrestle with flesh and blood in either of these matters: sexual lust, acedia—or for that matter a whole raft of other temptations. Ultimately this whole struggle is a spiritual battle, beyond the range of our puny intellect and feeble willpower to curtail. The mean black snake is just way stronger than us.
ellauri420.html on line 317: You won’t know this, of course, relying on your five senses. Ministry can be not only exhausting, but depleting. And then when you’re at your lowest ebb, Satan stirs the pot. He plays his trump card. He calls your attention not merely to your sins, but to the frightening developments around you and the fearsome unknown future ahead of you. All of these are things you can see, and hear, and touch, and feel. Any one of them can be terrifying enough, but collectively they will do you in. For left to your own devices, you will most certainly cave and give up.
ellauri420.html on line 321: Remember: In this battle you’re never a warrior. You’re a reservist. Your primary task is to do kitchen duty. You can never tell where the next attack will come from, or where it will be directed. It could be against you, of course, but frequently the devil is too cagey for that. Coward that he is, sometimes he launches his most vicious assaults from those nearest and dearest to you: your wife and children, your closest friends, your parishioners and those their sweet kids.
ellauri420.html on line 328: Therefore always remain alert to fend them off. As I said a few times earlier, wield the pink sword, the Spirit’s wand. Pray persistently in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, who sanctifies you already now and then in eternity hereafter forevermore and even afterwards.
ellauri420.html on line 329: And always remember this: The sufferings of this present time can’t hold a candle to the joy that still awaits us (Rom 8:18).
ellauri420.html on line 348: ...kävelenpä sinne. Tämän ristin alla nukkuu viimeistä unta Totuus; sen vieressä Lumous; kauempana Rigor ja lukuisten harhoja ja hypoteeseja peittävien laattojen yläpuolella seisoo Absoluutin mausoleumi, siellä lepäävät väärät lohdutukset ja sielun petolliset huiput. Mutta vielä korkeammalla, tämän hiljaisuuden kruununa leijuu Erehdys ja pysäyttää hautajaissofistin askelet. Tässä lepää hyttynen. Tässä lepää paarma.
ellauri420.html on line 515: Mutta takaisin Attixeen! Kybelen kultissa jumalattaren rooli villin luonnon äitihahmona ilmeni riehakkaana palvontana. Hänen pappinsa, gallit kastroivat itsensä ennen tehtävään astumista. Kastraatiota perusteltiin myytillä, joka liittyi Kybelen rakastamaan hedelmällisyyden jumala Attikseen. Attis rakastui kuolevaiseen ja halusi tämän kanssa naimisiin. Kybele puuttui tilanteeseen, ja Attis pakeni vuoristoon, missä hän kastroi itsensä. Täähän meni nyt toiste päin kuin edellä, mutta pääasia on että Attis kuiteskin pääsi munapusseista. Ovidiuksen Metamorfoosien mukaan Attis muutti itsensä männyksi.
ellauri420.html on line 539: Toi Jean Paul Richter, jonka Vision on tässä sotkettuna Nervalin oliivimunakokkeliin, on tullut mainituxi aiemmin monissa albumeissa, erit. 128. Jean Paul was profoundly altered by a spiritual crisis he suffered on 15 November 1790, in which he had a vision of his own death. In Die unsichtbare Loge verwendete Jean Paul, der seine Arbeiten zuvor unter dem Pseudonym J. P. F. Hasus geschrieben hatte, aus Bewunderung für Jean-Jacques Rousseau erstmals den Namen Jean Paul. Besonders Leserinnen schätzten seine Romane. Allerdings finden sich auch nirgends sonst derart vergnüglich-misogyne Sticheleien wie bei Jean Paul.
ellauri420.html on line 577: Karoline Friederike Louise Maximiliane von Günderrode (* 11. Februar 1780 in Karlsruhe; † 26. Juli 1806 in Winkel) war eine deutsche Dichterin der Romantik. Die Günderrodes schrieben sich stets mit doppeltem „r“, was später gelegentlich missachtet wurde – daher die häufig zu lesende Namensform Günderode – und erst seit den 1970er Jahren wieder Eingang in die Literatur fand.
ellauri420.html on line 592: Ihre Dichtungen sind schwermütig, kühn und eingängig. Schon im neunzehnten Jahrhundert nannte man Karoline von Günderrode die „Sappho der Romantik“. Die ungewöhnliche Erscheinung der Stiftsdame und Poetin war schon den Zeitgenossen ein Rätsel. Auch die Bedingungslosigkeit ihrer Poesie irritierte viele ihrer Leser. Günderrodes Dichtung erschien „etwas zu kühn und männlich“.
ellauri420.html on line 596: Auf einem Ausflug zur Abtei Neuburg bei Heidelberg lernte Karoline den bedeutenden Philologen und Mythenforscher Friedrich Creuzer und seine dreizehn Jahre ältere Frau kennen. Nun erhielten ihre Lebensthemen einen Schub – und auch ihre Konflikte. Creuzer schätzte ihre Dichtung und half ihr, diese zu verlegen. Günderrode und Creuzer versprachen sich, einander bis in den Tod zu lieben. „Den Verlust Deiner Liebe könnte ich nicht ertragen“, schrieb die junge Frau dem Forscher in einem ihrer Briefe, die von manchem als die schönsten Liebesbriefe der deutschen Literatur angesehen werden. Doch Karoline von Günderrode konnte sich ein Leben als Professorengattin nicht vorstellen. Und Friedrich Creuzer bemängelte: „Lina schickt sich zur Ehe nicht…“
ellauri420.html on line 598: Der Gelehrte spielte mit dem Gedanken an eine ménage à trois. „Meine Frau sollte bei uns zu bleiben wünschen – als Mutter, als Führerin unseres Hauswesens. Frei und poetisch sollte Ihr Leben sein“, schlug er Günderrode vor. Es war die Zeit neuer Entwürfe des Zusammenlebens. So steht Creuzers Utopie in Beziehung zu den revolutionären Vorstellungen, wie sie zur gleichen Zeit in Frankreich Henri de Saint-Simon und sein Freundeskreis zu leben versuchten. Von einigen Kennern der Zeit wird sie gleichwohl als Charakterschwäche eingestuft – der kränkliche Friedrich Creuzer hatte nicht den Mut, sich von seiner Frau zu trennen. Karoline von Günderrode beschäftigte sich unter Creuzers Einfluss mit dem Studium früher, auch matriarchaler Gesellschaften. Auch darin war sie ihrer Zeit voraus. In Männerkleidung wollte sie Creuzers Vorlesungen besuchen, um dem Geliebten so nah wie möglich zu sein.
ellauri421.html on line 103: Ambrose "Bitter" Biercexi, päättää jättää vanhan elämänsä taakse ja etsiä kuolemaa keskellä Meksikon vallankumousta. Ja löytyyhän se. Hänen Chihuahuassa kohtaama Ryhmä Hau, jota johtaa "kenraali" Tomás Arroyo, on juuri vapauttanut Miranda-perheen massiivisen haciendan. Arroyo on mestizo, hänen Miranda-isänsä raiskattua hänen inkkariäitinsä, ja vanha gringo suostuttelee hänet antamaan hänen liittyä vallankumoukselliseen joukkoon. Harriet on sitoutunut vanhan gringon hoidoxi, joka myöhemmin rakastuukin hiäneen. Gringo osoittaa huomattavaa rohkeutta tulessa, vaarantaa ilmeiseltä näyttävän kuoleman ja saavuttaa urhoollisen maineen. Kuitenkin hänen kieltäytymisensä noudattaa Arroyon käskyä ampua vangittu liittovaltion upseeri tarkoittaa, että "kenraali" voisi teloituttaa hänet. Sen sijaan Arroyo ampuu upseerin itse ja saa Harrietin "seksisuhteeseen" vastineeksi gringon säästämisestä. Vaikka Harriet arvostaa häntä (Tomasta) panomiehenä, hiän ei voi antaa anteeksi hänen seksuaalista ylimielisyyttään.
ellauri421.html on line 194: This gentleman sitting in the waiting room at Los Angeles airport is Johnny Lydon Rotten, historic voice of the S*x Pistols and Public Image Ltd. He competed in Ireland to represent the country at Eurovision, but was rejected. Tavallinen löysä reppumaha siitäkin on tullut, pistooli tai ei pistoolia. Oli kuitenkin kiltti omaishoitaja sekakäyttäjille sukulaisille, siitä pluspisteitä.
ellauri421.html on line 247: In August 1941, two months after the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, Dolmatovsky was captured by the Germans. This happened during the battles near Kiev, in the area of Uman, where thousands of Soviet soldiers were taken prisoner. Yevgeniy was shell-shocked and wounded in the arm. Like thousands of other Soviet prisoners of war, he was locked up in a makeshift concentration camp that had been set up in a clay pit at a brick factory. The inmates of this camp, which was nicknamed the "Uman Pit", were held in terrible conditions, and many of them died. Jews, commissars, the wounded, and the weak were shot. Miraculously, Dolmatovsky managed to escape, and he was sheltered by a Ukrainian family, who put their own lives at risk by aiding him. Being an energetic man by nature, Dolmatovsky immediately wrote a poem titled "The Dnieper". It was published in frontline newspapers, set to music, and widely performed by military bands. In May 1945, Dolmatovsky was present at the signing of the German Instrument of Surrender. His wartime decorations included the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st Class; the Order of the Red Star, and several medals.
ellauri421.html on line 277: Välittömästi sodan jälkeen Dolmatovskiin iski uusi menestysaalto. Ja tämä liittyi kappaleeseen "Kaikki ympärillä muuttui siniseksi ja vihreäksi" elokuvasta "Hearts of Four". Sen esitti Valentina Serova . Elokuva kuvattiin vuonna 1941 ja sen oli määrä julkaista kesäkuussa. Ei lähtenyt sodan takia. He päättivät oikein, että sotilasmiehen operettikuva tässä musiikkikomediassa ei sovi traagiseen hetkeen. Elokuva julkaistiin voiton jälkeen ja siitä tuli uskomattoman suosittu.
ellauri421.html on line 365: Suomalainen tykistö avasi jo ylitysalueen lähestyessä hurrikaanitulen ylitysyksiköitä kohti. Klo 13.00 kapteeni Zykinin sapöörien kimppuun hyökättiin alkuperäisillä paikoillaan, kaksi ajoneuvoa, joissa oli omaisuutta, tuhoutui, 18 ihmistä loukkaantui vakavasti ja kuljettaja Druzhinin ja 1. komppanian sotilas Pechnikov kuolivat. Seurasi hämmennys. Vasta klo 15.00 kapteeni Zykin ja pataljoonakomissaari Markelov johtivat henkilökohtaisesti puistokomppanian ajoneuvot risteykseen. Kävi ilmi, että risteykseen tuotuja kumiveneitä ei voitu käyttää, koska ne kaikki oli leikattu sirpaleilla. Jatkuvassa suomalaisen tykistötulessa 7. ponttonipataljoonan kulkuneuvot matkasivat joelle, ja sapparien ja ponttonisoittajien yhteisillä ponnisteluilla aloitettiin ylitys. Klo 18.00 mennessä 15. jalkaväkirykmentin kaksi komppaniaa ylittivät joen pohjoisrannalle. Klo 18.00 määrättiin pysäyttää ylitys. Nuolet asettuivat ns. Pärssisen lehtoon joen vastarannalle. Kapteeni Karl Lagerlöfin 3. pataljoona, 28. jalkaväkirykmentti yritti heti heittää heidät jokeen, mutta epäonnistui. Sitten rykmentin reservi, kapteeni Mauno von Schrowen 2. pataljoona, asetettiin toimintaan. Taistelu kesti koko yön 6. - 7. joulukuuta, ja vasta aamulla suomalaiset ilmoittivat lehdon raivauksen valmistumisesta. Neuvostoliiton arkistotietojen mukaan 222. ja 15. rykmenttien komppanioilla oli hallussa oli sekä Pärssisen lehto että koululehto. Ne. Meidän omamme ilmoittivat pitävänsä lehtoja, mutta suomalaiset ilmoittivat valloittaneensa lehdot takaisin? "Бой длился всю ночь с 6 на 7 декабря и только к утру финны рапортовали об окончании зачистки рощи. По советским архивным данным, роты 222-го и 15-го полков удерживали как рощу Пярссинена, так и Школьную рощу." Т.е. наши доложили, что рощи удерживают, а фины - что рощи отбили? Vitun sotapropagandaa taas. Ihan kuin lukisi Ukrainan erikoisoperaatiosta.
ellauri421.html on line 381: Heti kun ponttonit ja tankit saavuttivat väylän keskelle, valtavan voiman virta poimi ne ja vei ne kohti vaurioituneita siltoja. Samalla hetkellä suomalaiset valaisivat kanavan valonheittimillä ja avasivat tappavan konekivääritulen ponttoneihin ja lastausalueeseen. Samaan aikaan suomalaiset kranaatit ja tykistö avasivat tulen. Osasto ei saanut rakettisignaalia. Pilkkopimeässä, tulen alla, rykmentin 2. komppanian kolme joukkuetta aloitti lastauksen. Joukkueet lähetettiin pohjoisrantaan samalla tuloksella kuin ensimmäisessä aallossa.
ellauri421.html on line 397: Taipaleenjoki laskee Suvannonjärvestä Laatokkaan. Mannerheim-linja seurasi vesistöä. Taipaleella sijaitsi osa Mannerheim-linjaa ja myös osa Viipurin–Kuparsaaren–Taipaleen eli VKT-linjaa. Linja seurasi Vuoksen lasku-uoman muodostavaa Suvannonjärveä ja siitä Laatokkaan laskevaa Taipaleenjokea. Suvanto ja juoksullaan mutkan tekevä Taipaleenjoki muodostavat väliinsä etelään työntyvän Koukkuniemen. Niemi oli alueen puolustuksen kannalta ongelmallinen, koska sen alue oli tasaista ja suojatonta. Toisaalta, jos puolustus olisi järjestetty niemen juureen, olisi neuvostoliittolaisille jouduttu antamaan monta kilometriä maata ilmaiseksi. Ja sellainen ei tullut kyseeseen! Koko Mannerheim-linja on nyt osa Neuvostoliittoa, tai siis Putinistania.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 641: If you want me to send it to your friends Haile Selassie, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, send me 1000 dirham in unmarked banknotes in a brown envelope ASAP. BTW, greetings to your camel! He's a looker. He should find a smarter boyfriend. Tell him I am free at present. You already got my belfie, show it him.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 679: I'm know that you would not like to show these screenshots to your friends, relatives or colleagues.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 738: Konmari on konsumerismin kommari. Jokaiselta kamat roskiin kykyjen mukaan, ja jokaiselle uutta sijaan tarpeeseen. Sen missio on tehdä tilaa uusille turhakkeille, heittämällä kylmästi mäkeen kaikki entiset.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 777: ei jäänyt se seeveeseeni,
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 1670: Hukuttakaamme se omaan ammeeseensa.
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 676: toiseen huoneeseen, kun kuulemma
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 722: teettää niillä mesenaattina,
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 995: Tuohtuneena myös äiti vihdoin kertoo että se on valmis tyytymään 70 neliön osaan huoneistosta, parhaisiin kahteen kolmeen isoon huoneeseen viidestä. Tajuan, että tää on jo kaikki sovittu mun poissa ollessa Tiinan, Petterin ja sen välillä. Ne saa loput huoneet, mulle ei jää mitään (Jöns on pelattu pois jo aikapäiviä). Enintään palvelijan huone, se loukko, jossa angstasin 17-vuotiaana, kun Petsku sekosi. Huudan itkuisen särkyneellä äänellä jotain vihaista ja herään pimeään. Se olikin unta.
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1017: In an August 1901 letter to the editor of The New York Times Saturday Book Review, Conrad wrote: "Egoism, which is the moving force of the world, and altruism, which is its morality, these two contradictory instincts, of which one is so plain and the other so mysterious, cannot serve us unless in the incomprehensible alliance of their irreconcilable antagonism."
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1057: In the words of his uncle Bobrowski, as a young man Conrad was "extremely sensitive, conceited, reserved, and in addition excitable. In short [...] all the defects of the Nałęcz family."
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1067: It appears that a sort of loafing, fuddled vagabond - a white man living among the natives with a siamese woman - had consireded it a great privilege to give a shelter to the last days of the famous Gentleman Brown. While he was talking to me in the wretched hovel, and, as it were, fighting for every minute of his life, the siamese woman, with big bare legs nd a stupid coarse face, sat in dark orner chewing betel stolidly. Now and then she would get up for the purpose of shooing a chicken away from the door. The whole hut shook when she walked. An ugly yellow child, naked and pot-bellied, like a little heathen god, stood at the foot of the couch, finger in mouth, lost in a profound and calm contemplation of the dying man.
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1169: > parisuhteeseen että työhön, ja en pystynyt siihen. Keskityin tärkeämpään ja
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 305: At the weekend seminar, I couldn’t shake the feeling that what we were participating in was thinly-veiled self-indulgence and little more. In hindsight, I think this was as much a branding problem (from a business perspective) as an organizational problem (social perspective). Integral Institute built their movement in order to influence academia, governmental policy, to get books and journals published, and to infuse these ideas into the world at large. Yet, here we were, spending money to sit in a room performing various forms of meditation and yoga, having group therapy sessions, art performances, and generally going on and on about how “integral” we were and how important we were to the world without seemingly doing anything on a larger scale about it.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 307: If you want to be a self-development seminar and motivate people, then be a self-development seminar and motivate people. If you want to be a formal institute and have serious effects on policy and academia, then do that. Don’t half-ass both and muddy them with gratuitous talks and performances. The irony in all of this was that Wilber’s integral framework applied to organizations and business and should have accounted for these branding issues, but didn’t. The ironies would soon continue to mount.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 309: Wilber’s eventual response to many of these critics was nothing short of childish — a dozen-or-so page (albeit extremely well-written) verbal shit storm that clarified nothing, justified nothing, personally attacked everyone, and straw-manned the shit out of his critics’ claims.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 327: Matti Kuusi: Pohjoiset reservit. Epätieteellisiä puhenvuoroja. Kirjayhtymä 1965
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 532: Kunnianhimoiset johtajat on hakeutuneet Eskin seuraan. Ja kääntäen. Manus manum lavat. Vaikeaa on mennä johtamistilanteeseen kysymys edellä. Vaikea on mennä sellaiseen mikään pää edellä. Poistun mieluummin vaikka päätä pahkaa. Aarne Kinnusen ois tullut poistua yliopiston rexin huoneesta perse edellä. Se unohti. Pokkas sitten vaan kömpelösti ovelta. Sentään oikein päin.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 579: Aikaa muodonmuutoksesta on kulunut kymmenen vuotta ja vuosituhat vaihtunut. Maailma on kutistunut ja kehitys kulkee ylikierroksilla. 2000-luvulle tultaessa Saarisen ihmistenvälinen nahjus on vaivihkaa siirtynyt toiseen vaiheeseen. Nyt täytyskin kasvaa henkisest ylöspäin eikä enää fyysisest sivusuunnassa. Löytöretket siirtomaihin vaihtuu ”kukoistukseen toisten kustannuxella”.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 595: Vakuuttelu ei aina riitä, ihmiset haluavat todisteita. Viikon seminaarissa ne ovat omin silmin nähtävissä. Ihmiset muuttuvat ja se näkyy heissä. Silmiin palaa pilke, jonka arki niistä vei. Samalla muuttuu mieli. Palatessaan arkeensa moni häkeltyy, miten erilaiselta kaikki näyttää ja tuntuu. Raikastuneena palataan arkiryskeeseen.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 772: Pertti Korhonen näkee Saarisen eräänlaisena ihmisyyden arvostamisen lähetyssaarnaajana. Sillä oli missio. Niinkuin Wilholla ja Kaarlolla, lähetysasema. Karstivuorten välistä ne lähettivät sanomaa, S.O.S., käännyttivät kiinalaisia (se trendaa taas), raamattuautosta käsin länsirannan juutalaisia, ja Pafoxen kivikkorannalla suomalaisia teknokraatteja. Ei ihan helpoimpia tapauxia. Mutta niillä oli visio (ei onnexi telesellainen vielä Wilhon ja Kaarlon kohdalla). Hieman isoja, mutta kyllä niistäkin selvitään, ne sanoivat kaikki kolme positiivisina. Ja vaikkei ihan selvinneetkään, selvisivät maaliin saakka. Sinne selvinnee kohta myös Esa Jouni Olavi, ja kade negatiivinen Lauri Henrik.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 827: niinkun oisko siellä jollekulle joskus sattunut jotain samantapaista. Sitten se on mahdollista. Esim Hoosean, Hiskian tai Hesekielin kohdalla. Onnexi raamattu on suht paxu kirja. Ja jos sitä vielä on lehteillyt ahkerasti, nehän tulee sit uniinkin, ja sittenpä näyt nazaa aika hyvin.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 970: Think about the participation in the Paphos seminar as an opportunity to play in in a band, like Eski´s heavy gentlemen. The conductor a true maestro, and the audience hopefully generous. The conductor leads the collection of offertory as well as the musicians, and facilitates the lucrative process. It would be naïve to assume that the concert is chiefly for the conductor’s recreation, or that anything but a straightforward cost-and-benefit logic applies. Buzzwords that go with this orchestra metaphor are presents, merchandise, prices, trust, pretext, merry tunes, procreation and contention. In god we trust, all others pay cash.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 985: While I do not intend to argue the matter here, from my point of view an implicit negativism dominates academic philosophy. The Paphos seminar seeks to avoid that emotional touch of death. The aim of the Paphos seminar is to celebrate life and humanity, not to diminish or reify it. The fact that some aspects of life might be hard to define objectively or model with available modes of representation does not prove them non-existent.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 993: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1010: Esa’s examples of flourishing in the life of some leading people, demonstrating presence and being by the side of others as well as of astonishing uplift, were truly elevating. At the same time there were examples from the life of ”ordinary people” leading to the conclusion that we are all the same on some basic level.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1075: - Orientation to the present moment, including one’s present experience of oneself;
- Clearer reflection, including a meta-level perception of one’s own thought processes and the realization of the connection of one’s thinking to various outcomes in life;
- The actual implementation of a better life
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1372: Se jäi Himaselta sokeaan pisteeseen, näpeimpään paikkaan maalitaulun yläreunassa, kuten sanoi Päätalon lentojätkä, kun laski housunsa ja pyllisti.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 344: Vaikka Talvio kirjoissaan käsittelikin maaseudun yhteiskunnallisia ongelmia hän suhtautui silti varauksellisesti nousevaan työväenliikkeeseen ja sosialismiin. Niinpä esimerkiksi romaanissa Louhilinna (1906) sosialismi kuvataan väkivaltaisena alkukantaisten vaistojen ohjaamana liikkeenä. 1910-luvulla Talvion romaaneissa aiheita olivat perinnöllisyysoppi sekä psykologiset ongelmat ja aina 1920-luvun lopulle niitä hallitsi pessimismi. Myös Talvion terveenä pitämän suomenkielisen maaseudun sekä rappeutuneen ja juonittelevan ruotsinkielisen pääkaupungin välinen vastakkainasettelu oli esillä esimerkiksi romaanissa Niniven lapset (1915). Saiskohan sen Työväenliikkeen kirjastosta?
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 406: Am Ende des Romans wird der anfangs von Narziß geführte Goldmund selbst zum Führer, als dieser im Sterben liegt und seinen Freund fragt, wie dieser einmal sterben könne, denn: „Ohne Mutter kann man nicht lieben und ohne Mutter kann man nicht sterben.“
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 433: They are presented as real, and Sinclair occupies himself seriously with these
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 443: Pistorius as a man who presents mythology only from the historical point of
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 755: Frederick Emanuel Austerlitzin äiti oli on Johanna Geilus (1878–1975) lähde? ja isä Frederic Austerlitz. Johanna-äiti oli syntynyt Yhdysvalloissa saksalaiseen luterilaiseen perheeseen, joka oli muuttanut Itä-Preussista ja Elsassista Yhdysvaltoihin. Isä Frederic oli syntynyt Linzissä Itävallassa juutalaiseen perheeseen, joka oli kääntynyt roomalaiskatolilaisuuteen. Isä Frederic oli muuttanut lapsena 1893 New Yorkiin Ellis Islandin kautta. Sukunimi Austerlitz muutettiin Astaireksi, kun Fred oli vielä nuori. Fred eli vielä vanhemmaxi kuin Voltaire, 88v. Laulutaito on siis preussilais-juutalaista perua, hyvä ettei jäänyt vanhaan maahan kaasuntumaan. Maria Teresian alamainen ja der alte Fritzin kaima. Austerlitzissä pani Napsu päihin Tessulle ja Alexanterille. Pettyneenä Alex otiti sitten Sumen Ruozilta. Loppukin on historiaa.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 923: »Beseglad med blod är klyftan,
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 924: beseglad med blod och brand,
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 974: Oletko reservin upseeri?
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1201: Besserwisseri, Miss Know-it-All, joka piippailee ja korjaa "actually" kaikkea mitä muut erehtyvät luulemaan. Näitä piisaa. Tähän lajikkeeseen Joose liittää myös Väiski Vemmelsäären kuolemattomine repliikkeineen "olen erilainen kuin muut, minuun sattuu".
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 114: Ennen kuin rikolliset ovat poliisin huostassa, joutuvat sekä Matilda että Johannes hengenvaaraan ja koko suuriruhtinaskunnan rahauudistus on hiuskarvan varassa. Se Snellmanin hopeamarkka siis joka aiheutti 1865 nälänhädän. Entä mihin katoaa hätäapuvilja, jota on toimitettu pitäjään Pietarista? Johannes joutuu tässä kirjassa harvinaisen kiivaaseen tulitaisteluunkin. Bang! Bang! Zipp! Zing! AAH! Jerry Cotton pani murinaa jaguaariin, puolikenkää konehuoneeseen. Sepänsälli jostakin, en muista mistä. Connecticutista.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 141: "Naiset esimerkiksi menee nuorena suhteeseen sen ekan kivan miehen kanssa. Miehellä on jonkinlainen mielikuva, millainen hänen naisensa on, ja nainen lähtee leikkiin mukaan ja esittää naista, jollaisen mies haluaa."
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 198: ”Mulla ei ole harrastuksia, mulla on helppo mies eikä lapsia. Ja kirjoittaminen on vaan ylitse kivointa maailmassa. Ehkä eräät parisuhteeseen liittyvät osa-alueet ovat hauskempia, mutta työnä en keksi mitään kivempaa.”
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 206: Vuonna 2003 Manninen alkoi pitää laihdutusblogia. Projektin pohjalta syntyivät tietokirjat Sinä onnistut -- Pysyvän painonpudotuksen salaisuudet ja Sinä onnistut -- Tehokiinteytys, jotka Manninen kirjoitti yhdessä Eija Holmalan ja Patrik Borgin kanssa. Vuonna 2005 Manninen sairastui loppuunpalamiseen ja sitä seuranneeseen masennukseen. Hän kertoo toipumisprosessin aikana oppimistaan asioista kirjassaan Minä onnistun. Vuonna 2012 Manninen opiskeli Los Angelesissa Michael Neillin Supercoach Academyssa elämänmuutosvalmentajaksi.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 219: Hemmetisti porukoita. Steerforth sekaantuu Peggottyn perheeseen ja Little Em'lyyn. Hra Micawber polttaa Heepin rysän päältä Traddlesin avulla, josta tuli barristeri. Loppupeleissä Heep saa elinkautisen, Taavi nai Agneksen huomattuaan sen melkoiset avut. Mr Peggotty ja little Em'ly menevät Austraaliaan menestymään, missä Mr. Micawber (joka muistuttaa Dickensin isää Johnua) pääsee veloistaan kunniallisexi virkamiehexi.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 368: Schlegel wollte Philosophie, Prosa, Poesie, Genialität und Kritik miteinander untrennbar rühren. Die Poesie muß sowohl heidnisch als auch christlich sein. Er merkt kritisch an, daß Calderón diesem Ideal nicht entspricht. Er ist nur Katholisch.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 375: Pedro Calderón de la Barca y Barreda (17. tammikuuta 1600 – 25. toukokuuta 1681) oli espanjalainen barokin ajan näytelmäkirjailija ja runoilija. Häntä pidetään yhtenä Espanjan merkittävimmistä näytelmäkirjailijoista. Hän kirjoitti yli sata näytelmää, muun muassa uskonnollisia näytelmiä, laulunäytelmiä, vakavia draamoja ja komedioita. Calderón syntyi vaatimattomaan perheeseen Madridssa, opiskeli jesuiittojen koulussa ja myöhemmin teologiaa Salamancan yliopistossa. Hän otti osaa kuninkaan sotaretkille, kirjoitti lipevästi hovin liepeillä ja lopulta ryhtyi katoliseksi papiksi. Kirjallisen uransa Calderón aloitti 20-vuotiaana runoilijana, ensimmäiset näytelmät ilmestyivät muutamia vuosia myöhemmin.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 399: Nachdem Schiller Homers Odyssee und Ilias in deutschen Übertragungen wieder gelesen hatte, strebte er danach, der nationale Epiker seiner Zeit zu werden. „ein Künstler der wahre Volksdichter werden könne bei glücklicher Wahl des Stoffes und höchster Simplizität in Behandlung desselben“. Zu diesem Zweck schaute er sich die Arbeitsabläufe in einer Glockengießerei genau an. Der bleiche Gelehrte hat rücksichtsvoll in dem hochlehnigen Stuhl an der Wand Platz genommen, um die Arbeit nicht zu stören.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 401: Humboldt kyllä tykkäsi, paikoin jopa liikutti. Mutta pian alkoi nuorten kesken julma pilkanteko. Schiller oli niistä schwatzig, Sovinnaista lässyä. Neronleimaus on hakusessa. Thomas Mann pöyristyi, miten noi romantikot viizikin, tehdä nyt pilkkaa Schilleristä. Misson niiden EU-henki? Nein, nicht diese Töne!
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 405: „Denn das Auge des Gesetzes wacht“
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 461: Immanuel Kant (22. huhtikuuta 1724 Königsberg – 12. helmikuuta 1804 Königsberg) oli vaikutusvaltainen preussilainen filosofi. Kantin työt rakensivat aasinsiltaa rationalististen ja empirististen koulukuntien välille. Hänellä oli suuri vaikutus niin valistusta seuranneeseen romantiikkaan ja 1800-luvun saksalaisiin idealisteihin kuin nykyfilosofian kysymyksenasetteluihin. Jaakko Hintikkakin oli olevinaan kantilaisia.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 476: Kant katsoi, että filosofiassa oli puhjennut ajattelun ”kopernikaaninen vallankumous”. Kantin perustana tälle vallankumoukselle olivat toisaalta hänen transsendentaaliseen idealismiin perustunut tietoteoriansa ja toisaalta hänen itsenäiseen järkeen perustunut moraalifilosofiansa. Nämä asettivat järjen ohjaaman ihmissubjektin tiedollisen ja moraalisen maailman keskipisteeseen.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 565: Fichte war das erste von acht Kindern des Bandwebers Christian Fichte (1737–1812) und seiner Frau Maria Dorothea (geb. Schurich, 1739–1813) in Rammenau in der Oberlausitz. Er wuchs ärmlich in einem von Frondiensten geprägten dörflichen Milieu auf. (Frondienst on socage eli torpparius, maaorjuuden eräs muoto.) Seine Auffassungsgabe und sein gutes Gedächtnis fielen einem Verwandten der örtlichen Gutsherrschaft, dem Gutsherrn Ernst Haubold von Miltitz (1739–1774), bei einem Besuch in Rammenau auf: Er hatte eines Sonntags die kirchliche Predigt verpasst, woraufhin der zehnjährige Fichte gerufen wurde, von dem man versicherte, er könne die Predigt wiederholen. Daraufhin imitierte dieser den Pfarrer so perfekt, dass der Freiherr in seiner Entzückung dem Kind nach einer Vorbereitungszeit im Pfarrhaus zu Niederau den Besuch der Stadtschule in Meißen ermöglichte. Danach finanzierte ihm sein Förderer 1774 eine Ausbildung an der Landesschule Pforta bei Naumburg, verstarb jedoch im selben Jahr.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 569: In dieser aussichtslosen Lage bekam er 1788 in Zürich eine Stelle als Hauslehrer, die er aber nur zwei Jahre innehatte, da er der Auffassung war, dass man, bevor man Kinder erzieht, zuallererst die Eltern erziehen müsse. Dort verlobte er sich mit Johanna Marie Rahn (1755–1819), Tochter des Kaufmanns und Waagmeisters Johann Hartmut Rahn und Nichte des Dichters Klopstock.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 575: Nach einem kurzen Intermezzo auf einer Hauslehrerstelle in Warschau nahm Fichte Anfang November 1791 eine auf ein Jahr befristete Anstellung als Hauslehrer des Sohns des Ehepaars Louise von Krockow, geb. von Göppel, die mit Kant persönlich bekannt war, und Heinrich Joachim Reinhold von Krockow (1736–1796), Königl. Preußischer Obrist, im gräflichen Schloss Krockow in der Nähe der pommerellischen Ostseeküste an. Im selben Jahr besuchte er Kant in Königsberg, wo dieser ihm einen Verleger für seine Schrift Versuch einer Critik aller Offenbarung (1792) verschaffte, die anonym veröffentlicht wurde. Das Buch galt zunächst als ein lange erwartetes religionsphilosophisches Werk von Kant selbst. Als Kant den Irrtum klarstellte, war Fichte berühmt und erhielt einen Lehrstuhl für Philosophie an der Universität Jena, den er 1794 antrat. Zuvor hatte er nach längerer Überlegung, ob eine Eheschließung ihm nicht die „Flügel abschneide“, 1793 Johanna Rahn geheiratet. Drei Jahre später kam Sohn Immanuel Hermann (1796–1879) zur Welt.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 581: Ein zentraler Kern in Fichtes Philosophie ist der Begriff des „absoluten Ich“. Dieses absolute Ich ist nicht mit dem individuellen Geist zu verwechseln. Später nutzte er die Bezeichnung „Absolutes“, „Sein“ oder „Gott“. Fichte beginnt in seiner Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre mit einer Bestimmung des Ich:
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 583: „Das Ich setzt sich selbst, und es ist, vermöge dieses bloßen Setzens durch sich selbst; und umgekehrt: Das Ich ist, und es setzt sein Seyn, vermöge seines bloßen Seyns. – Es ist zugleich das Handelnde, und das Produkt der Handlung; das Thätige, und das, was durch die Thätigkeit hervorgebracht wird; Handlung, und That sind Eins und dasselbe; und daher ist das: Ich bin, Ausdruck einer Thathandlung.“
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 603: Schellingin ajattelussa ilmeni eri kehitysasteita. Teoksessaan Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur (1797) hän esitti panteistista luonnonfilosofiaa. Myöhemmin hän asettui (Darstellung meines Systems, ym.) Spinozaa lähentelevälle niin sanotun identiteettifilosofian kannalle, jonka mukaan henki ja luonto ovat identtiset jumalallisessa kaikkiyhteydessä. Lopulta hän päätyi (Philosophie und Religion, Philosophische Untersuchungen über das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit ym.) mystillis-uskonnolliseen mietiskelyyn. Sekö siis oli kehityxen huippua? Aika lässähdys. Mahalasku suorastaan.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 661: Pari 3 prosenttia porukoista on nettiriippuvaisia. Se on melkein yhtä paljon kun on homoja. Evelina ja Ivan Dolgov eivät lankea nettiriippuvuuden syntiin kun päivittävät Helluntaikirkon nuorisotyösivuja. On tässä aviisissa paljon myös Valittujen Palojen tunnelmaa. Valitut Palat lopetettiin tilaajien puutteessa. Toimittajista tuli positiivareita. Ne on varmaan kaikki netissä ja somessa. Päihdesäätiö listaa 10 riippuvuuden lajia: keskustelu-, nettipeli- nettirahapeli-, nettisexi-, netiseurustelu- , verkkoyhteisö-, informaatio-, surffailu-, mobiili-, ja yleinen tietokoneriipuvuus. On siis pystyttävä tekemään valintoja, jos aikoo pitää netin käytön tapissa. Ihminen tekee valintoja arvojensa pohjalta. Ivan sanoo reilusti, että hänen arvonsa perustuvat raamattuun ja pelittävään jumalasuhteeseen. Esimerkixi aikuisviihdesivut hän jättää käyt.kaz. kokonaan väliin. Hidastempoisina ne veisivät liikaa aikaa. Perinteinen käteenveto käy minuutissa. Tutkimusten mukaan altteimpia ovat ujot pojat, joilla on epäonnistumisia naisjutuissa. Virtuaalitumputuxessa oikean elämän kurjuuden voi unohtaa. Voi tyydyttää emotionaalisia, psyykkisiä ja fyysisiä tarpeitaan.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 95: Unto Kupiaisen vanhemmat olivat toimittaja Alpo Kupiainen ja Aune Kaihovaara. Unto Kupiainen kävi koulunsa Viipurissa ja tuli ylioppilaaksi Viipurin klassillisesta lyseosta vuonna 1927. Lukuvuoden 1927−28 hän toimi kansakoulunopettajana Viipurin mlk:n Kilpeenjoen koulussa. Käytyään Reserviupseerikoulun 21. kurssin hän työskenteli valistusohjaajana suojeluskuntajärjestössä talvisodan syttymiseen saakka. Ontu Kapiainen. Hän valmistui filosofian kandidaatiksi 1931 ja lisensiaatiksi 1940 sekä väitteli tohtoriksi 1947.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 136: Onhan se karmea tilanne, jos koko elämäntyö vedetään muutamassa viikossa vessasta alas. Jethro voisi mennä perässä Hesen kastikkeella höystettynä.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 177: Eine Wanduhr kann prinzipiell als Regulator bezeichnet werden, bei der das Uhrwerk mit Zifferblatt zusammen mit Antrieb, Pendel und Hemmung in einem meist rechteckigen, aufrechten Uhrengehäuse hinter einer Tür mit Glaseinsatz bzw. -sätzen untergebracht ist. Diese Uhren wurden vor allem in Deutschland in großer Zahl von vielen Firmen industriell gefertigt, beginnend in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts und endend in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sie wurden aber auch in Frankreich und Österreich (Wiener Gewichtsregulator) produziert.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 198: Vizi Puovo on sitten mieltäkääntävä setämies. Tollanen varmaan oli poika-Pransukin. Ei mene katsomaan panemaansa lasta sairaana mutta on valmis kuulustelemaan sen äitiä muista miehistä. Naurettava aisankannattaja, wannabe kunniamurhaaja. Karhu tappaa edellisen poikueen päästäxeen pukille. Sorsa bylsii gängfäkättyä puolisoaan viimesex. Great sex.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 236: Hilja tapasi Armas Einar Leopold Mustosen (1878-1926) ensimmäistä kertaa 1900-luvun alussa ollessaan vielä jatko-opistossa. Einar oli pohjoisen poikia, syntyi 1878 Paltamon Paltaniemellä (nykyisin osa Kajaania) sivistyneeseen keskivarakkaaseen maalaisvirkamieskotiin. Einarin isä vaihtoi nimensä Antti Mustosesta Anders Lönnbomiksi parantaakseen mahdollisuuksiaan tulevaan säätyläistaustaiseen vaimoonsa. Hilja pyysi Einarilta juhlarunoa jatko-opiston konventtiin. Kysyi Einarilta, mikä soveltuisi hänen tulevaisuuden urakseen parhaiten. Einar vastasi hänelle leikillisesti: ”Menkää naimisiin.” Haha. Hilja ja Einar tapasivat myöhemmin uudelleen ja rakastuivat intohimoisesti. He eivät kuitenkaan menneet naimisiin ja asuivat yhdessä vain ulkomailla. Parempi niin jos haluu pysyä intohimoisena. Vaikkei sekään auttanut.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 480: Paljon on juotu, sakkaan saakka viimesen päälle.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 551: Cheek on kertonut lainanneensa Keinu-kappaleen kertosäkeeseen idean Eino Leinon Jumalien keinu -runosta: ”Hän, joka keinussa jumalten keinuu, välillä taivaan ja helvetin heiluu. Hän kokee huiput ja kuilut kun keinuu”.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 662: Katuvaisena astui Hil- Marja takaisin huoneeseen. Mies kuorsasi. Jumalan kiitos, että hän vielä oli siinä! Hilja tunsi tällä hetkellä ylitsevuotavaa hellyyttä tuota pöhöttynyttä, tylsää ja tajutonta ihmismuotoa kohtaan. Hän siunasi häntä siitä, että hän makasi tuossa noin avuttomana ja apua tarvitsevana, että hän ei tullut toimeen ilman Hiljaa, että hän oli vieläkin alhaisempi, rumempi ja huonompi.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 694: Vuonna 1921 Leino anoi vapautusta Suomen kansalaisuudesta. Oli kyllästynyt apurahojen puutteeseen ja saamaansa arvosteluun.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 824: Knut Hamsun (Born: Knud Pedersen, August 4, 1859, Lom, Gudbrandsdalen, United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, (present-day Lom, Norway) Died:February 19, 1952, Nørholm, Grimstad, Norway1859-1952) oli norjalainen kirjailija, joka lukeutuu tunnetuimpiin hahmoihin maansa kirjallisuuden historiassa. Hän sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1920. Hamsun oli köyhän perheen poika, eikä hän käynyt koulua kuin runsaat 250 päivää. Sen kyllä huomaa.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 881: Helsingin Malmilla on talkoovoimin raivattu entisestä jäteojasta luontonähtävyys. Samalla keinolla sietäisi vaientaa nilkkikin. Mohammed ja Jeanne ei muka löydä kirppixelle. Nilkki ei sais töitä edes Eipäjoen Hesestä. Vitun pönöttäjä.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1182: ”Se pohjautuu tietysti vääristyneeseen kulttuuriperintöön, jonka mukaan pojat ovat jotenkin neutraaleja toimijoita.” Kahden tyttären vanhemmat Havukainen ja Toivonen sanovat, että sukupuolta ei välttämättä olisi tarvinnut kertoa lainkaan. Outolasta Suomeen saapuvat Tatu ja Patu ovat pikemminkin ”käveleviä uteliaisuuksia” kuin maskuliinisia tai feminiinisiä ihmisiä. Liekö niillä edes sukuelintä. Uteliaisuudesta vaan kysyn.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1251: Elimellä on Tuijunkantajille ominaista pölinää itämaisista kaukonäyistä; vastaan tulevat mustat orjat, suitsutusmaljojen sauhu, Gangesin juoksu ja nirvanan vaivuttavuus. Kokoelmassa liikutaan myös puutarhojen, reseedojen, ruohon ja omenapuiden tuoksun läpi. Puutarhakuvasto ja eksotiikka kuvittavat kaipuuta tuntemattomaan, mystiseen ja valkeaan kuulaaseen, ompun kauneuteen. Runossa ”Omenapuun alla” Vaara kirjoittaa:
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1336: Tatu Vaaskiven muistona on vaatimaton puu-ukko Oulussa. Elin Vaara sai Muu Vaara -merkin. Mutta Katri Vala sai kokonaisen puiston pulzareineen ja pulunkakkoineeen punikkien puolelle Sörnäisiin. Katri näet oli tolkun mies voittajien puolella, ei mikään irvokas Saxan-ihastelija, Valvoja-Ajan vaakkulainen, eikä mikawaltaristi. Hän on kirjoittanut herkullisia totuuxia myös margariinista, ruokaresepteistä ja pikkulasten hoidosta. Katrilta puuttuu kaikki hienostelu, tyylikeikarointi sekä asenteellisuus. (Kommunismi ei ole asenne, se on tieteellinen käsitys.) Katri ei ole siloteltu, sen pakinoiden tasokin on epätasainen. Katri Valan Pecka jatkoi Eikka Leikan Teemun viitoittamalla linjalla. Sama barbaarinen optimismi, sama henkinen viriliteetti, sama iskuvalmius ja mätkimisen ilo. Sama alkoholinkulutusko myös?
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1381: Nyt mullon yhtä aikaa lainassa Tatu Wahlstenin kirjenivaska ja Karin Wadenströmin pakinat. Jos Kati on selkeästi materialisti köyhälistön asialla, niin näyttää Tatusta kehkeytyvän yhtä vääjäämättömästi idealistinen pääoman juoxupoika. Tosin sen kirjeet silkkineeseen Martti Haavioon ei ole luottamista pitemmälle kuin sen jaxaa heittää. Siinä on pukki kaalimaata pöyhimässä. Maralla ei ole pahemmin särmää luonnehtia Tatua hinteläxi, kun ize näyttää erehdyttävästi hattutelineeltä. Vitun Musta P-pää. Tosin sen pappisveli Jaakko on vielä paljon huonompi runoilija kuin se. Jaska on niiin paska etten viizinyt ottaa sen runoja Lahden Prisman poistohyllystä edes ilmaisexi. Käytettyjä piipunrasseja, sinimustia.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1431: Tatun Charlotte Lönnqvist oli Lyyli-täti. Lyyli Niskanen. Lyylillä oli kylmä puuhuvila Oulun Hietasaaressa, jossa nyt on se Tatun puumuistomerkkikin. Siellä Tatu kyyhötti ja kynä sauhusi. Kustantajat antoi täppäländeriä, Elina Vaaralta sai muusia. (Mix mä jotenkin aina ajattelen Silja Huttusta kun ajattelen Elinaa? Onx niissä jotain samaa ehkä?) Elina ja Mara ovat sensuroineet kirjeitä. Axel von Fersenin izesensuroimat kohdat sen Marie Antoinettelle kirjoittamista kirjeistä on saatu luetuxi röntgenillä. Selvis että 2 Marin 4:stä lapsesta oli Axelin pussista.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 316: ”Se on sitä optimismia. Istuudun lentokoneeseen niin kuin ennenkin ja tunnen oloni levolliseksi autossa, jota ajan yli sadan kilometrin tuntivauhdilla. Miksi juuri minun pitäisi ylireagoida terroristeihin?” Enhän ylireagoi ilmastonmuutokseenkaan. Painan kaasua. Vedenpaisumus tulee vasta minun jälkeeni.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 360: But nothing could be further from the truth. It is true that Shakespeare presents Shylock as a bitter, Christian-hating, money-grabbing, stingy man, dressed in the gabardine that set Jews apart from other citizens, but he gives Shylock a strong reason for hating Christians and wanting to get revenge for how they have treated him and the Jewish community.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 445: You call’d me ‘dog’; and for these courtesies
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 514: Tässä kohtaa oli vielä lyhyitä kritiikkejä Lauri Henrik P-pään pikkusaarnoista, jota oli pantu Savon Arolan särpimexi mukaan samaan niteeseen. Ikävä kyllä ne on kadonneet. Ne saarnat oli aivan perseestä, voi jälkeenpäin muistinvaraisesti todeta. Tiivistäen: Nimisaarnan Anna fon Tollo oli aatelinen ämmä joka oli haikaillut jonkun köyhän säveltäjän perään, vaik oli aikanaan ize preferoinut fon Tollon paxumpaa rahamassia. No size kuoli se säveltäjä, ja ämmä lupas izellensä tehdä parannuxen, eli olla vähän hövelimpi palvelusväelle ja muulle laahuxelle. Syy-yhteyttä on vaikee havaita. Siziellä oli se Olavi Mela, joka sai haimasyövän ja alkoi kantaa huolta taivastontista kuin Pauli Pylkkänen. Se koitti Kaarlo Syvännön tapaan peukalovärssyä hyvästä kirjasta, ja löytyi lohduttavasti: iskä arlmahtaa, kuha vaan Olavi uskoo melan ylösnousemuxeen. Ja narshishtirovashti, joka jätti kaikki silleen ja ruustinnankin heitteille, kun sen poika narahti varmaan huumerikoxesta ulkomailla. Se oli SYYYYLLINEN, kuin Niklas kaadettuaan spagettikattilan. Vittu varmaan oli bylsinyt poikaa pienenä. Ja ämmä jonka poika oli kuolemassa johkin tartuntatautiin, josta tuntu turvalliselta kun se kexi kaataa koko huolen yljän sylkkyyn: nyze lapsi on turvan takana, vaikka ruumiina. Ja niin edespäin.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 648: Sexinpuutteeseen ei kuole, mutta se tekee hulluxi ja siitä johtuu raiskauxet. Aika paxua vaikka paxu on ajattelijakin. Mutta kas, sexi ei kuulukaan vapaavalintaisiin aineisiin, se on pakollista. Timon on alkanut vapautua kullin orjuudesta vasta vanhuxena. Mutta nyt: heimo on puhunut, voisit sinäkin jo lopettaa. Ai mitä? sanoo Timo ja sen naamalla käy mikroilmeenä pikku pettymys.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 64: A committee was set up in Baku to develop the new Turkic alphabet (the All-Union Committee for the Development of the New Turkic Alphabet, the CNTA, later transformed into the Committee of the New Alphabet), headed by S. A. Agamali-oglu. At its first meeting the theses of N. F. Yakovlev,Chair of the Commission, were adopted. The Commission declared the Cyrillic (Russian civilian) script a "relic of the 18th - 19th centuries, the script of Russian feudal landlords and the bourgeoisie, the script of autocratic oppression, missionary propaganda, great-power chauvinism. <...> it still binds the population that reads in Russian with the national-bourgeois traditions of Russian pre-revolutionary culture."
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 111: Mulla on Borat-uikkarit joita en ole saanut käyttää kertaakaan. Ostin ne Bostonissa 2007 jonkun paikallisen Mallin uimahousuliikkestä. Kun pyysin Borat uikkareita kaupan neitoset menivät takahuoneeseen nauramaan. Amerikkalaista kälyä Jill Aldenia (juu, samoja Aldeneita jotka kirjoittivat alle izenäisyysjulistuxen ja varmaan tuli samalla laivalla briteistä kuin Pynchonit ja Breckenridget) ei Borat yhtään naurattanut, koska se teki pilkkaa amerikkalaisista arvoista. Kuten että supermarketissa on useita hyllyjä pelkkää juustoa. Is this cheese? No Pynchonit sai vaan mitä ansaizi, tehtyään magnum opuxessa pilkkaa Kazakhstanin runoilijoista ja potassiumvaroista.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 131: Borat attends a United Pentecostal camp meeting, at which Republican U.S. Representative Chip Pickering and Mississippi Supreme Court Chief Justice James W. Smith, Jr. are present. He regains his faith and forgives Azamat and Pamela. He accompanies church members on a bus to Los Angeles and disembarks to find Azamat dressed as Oliver Hardy, although Borat mistakes him for Adolf Hitler. The two reconcile and Azamat tells Borat where to find Pamela Anderson. Borat finally comes face-to-face with Anderson at a book signing at a Virgin Megastore. After showing Anderson his "traditional marriage sack", Borat pursues her throughout the store in an attempt to abduct her, until security guards intervene.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 151: Shaken, Borat decides to commit suicide by going to the nearest synagogue dressed as his version of a stereotypical Jew and waiting for the next shooting, but is shocked to find Holocaust survivors there who treat him with kindness, and to his anti-Semitic delight, reassure him that the Holocaust happened. Overjoyed, Borat goes looking for Tutar, but finds the streets deserted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He quarantines with two QAnon conspiracy theorists who offer to help him reunite with Tutar. They find Tutar online, she has become a reporter and will be covering a March for Our Rights rally in Olympia, Washington.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 180: Vaudevilleperheeseen syntynyt Rooney aloitti esiintymisen jo 17 kuukauden ikäisenä. Elokuva-alalle hän siirtyi vuonna 1926. Rooney tuli tunnetuksi Mickey McGuire -hahmona, ja hän käytti jonkin aikaa oikean nimensä sijaan Mickey McGuirea. Vuonna 1932 hän kuitenkin muutti nimensä virallisesti Mickey Rooneyksi. Noihin aikoihin Rooney tapasi Walt Disneyn, ja myöhemmin hän kertoi, että Mikki Hiiri (Mickey Mouse) olisi nimetty hänen mukaansa. Lisäksi Rooney väitti, että hän olisi keksinyt Marilyn Monroelle tämän taiteilijanimen.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 195: Durante los años sesenta, su trabajo fue traducido y publicado en los Estados Unidos y en Europa. En 1961 llegó a la fama internacional al obtener el primer Premio Formentor, que recibió junto a Samuel Beckett. En 1971 ganó el Premio Jerusalén; su reputación internacional se consolidó entre estos años, ayudado por la disponibilidad de las traducciones al inglés de su obra, por el éxito de Cien años de soledad de García Márquez y por el boom latinoamericano, aunque su participación en él es relativa.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 199: Borges oli ammatiltaan kirjastonhoitaja, mikä näkyy hyvin hänen teoksistaan: ne ovat täynnä viittauksia todellisiin ja keksittyihin lähdeteoksiin ja auktoriteetteihin, ja ne pohtivat mielellään älyllisiä, kirjallisuustieteellisiä tai teologisia kysymyksiä kaunokirjallisessa muodossa. Borgesin tuotannossa tärkein kirjallisuudenlaji oli novelli. Hän suosi sellaisia novelleja, joiden raja esseeseen tai artikkeliin oli häilyvä. Borges julkaisikin mielellään tarkemmin määrittelemättömiä lyhyiden tekstien kokoelmia.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 217: Next, it occurred to me that I could answer the question about the sex life of Borges with platitudes: Borges scarcely refers to sex in his work and has scarcely any female characters, which “could be” a sign of shortcomings in his character, of machismo, asexuality, fear of women; his first marriage “could be considered” a failure and the second as a mere formality, made official shortly before his death just so he could leave his estate to Maria Kodama, his lover/scribe/assistant/caregiver; “without a doubt” the contempt he felt for psychoanalysis was because it made him feel exposed, and so on. I have read or heard all these phrases, with all their imaginable malice, often together and separately. Although they all seem terrible to me, it is now acceptable to speak ill in this way under the pretext of “demystifying” whomever the target may be. I have also noticed that much of the news about Borges in recent years has been, in one way or another, about scandals and disputes.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 221: I also said something about Borges’s love life, which is present in several places in his work, just like his reticence, yes, to go beyond “a certain point” (in the story “The Other,” for example, various critics have found a subtle reference to a brothel and a prostitute located almost in a blank space, between two French names that are almost identical).
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 324: One of the earliest mentions of an incubus comes from Mesopotamia on the Sumerian King List, c. 2400 BC, where the hero Gilgamesh's father is listed as Lilu. It is said that Lilu disturbs and seduces women in their sleep, while Lilitu, a female demon, appears to men in their erotic dreams. Two other corresponding demons appear as well: Ardat lili, who visits men by night and begets ghostly children from them, and Irdu lili, who is known as a male counterpart to Ardat lili and visits women by night and begets from them. These demons were originally storm demons, but they eventually became regarded as night demons because of mistaken etymology.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 340: Nachtalb ist eine späte Bezeichnung für ein Fantasie- und Sagenwesen, das ursprünglich „Mahr“ hieß und in der Nacht auf Menschen lastet (vgl. Albtraum) und ihnen Grauen einflößt.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 341: Es handelt sich gewöhnlich um ein kleines, schwarzes Wesen, das schlafende Menschen und Haustiere anfällt, selten auch Sachen. Es dringt durch Schlüssel- oder Astlöcher ein. Der Anfall ist mit Angstzuständen und Atemnot verbunden.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 362: 1899 verlobte er sich mit Christoph Blumhardts Tochter Salome. Die Hochzeit mit Salome Blumhardt fand in Shanghai am 7. Mai 1900 statt. Aus dieser Ehe gingen vier Söhne hervor, die alle in Tsingtau geboren wurden: Siegfried, Manfred, Hellmut und Walt. (Täähän on Wilho Pylkkäsen onnekkaampi kolleega, pääsi olutlähettilääxi kaljatehdaskaupunkiin.) Bereits 1908 reiste Richard Wilhelm zum zweiten Mal nach China (meniköhän Wilhon kanssa samalla laivalla?).
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 388: Tompan mielestä SS ois niiko kaxoisintegraali voimasta aineeseen. Rva Maxwell sanoi miehelleen: James nyt heti kotia, sinulla alkaa olla hauskaa. Jätä sydämesi Heidelbergiin. Ich hab mein Herz in Heidelberg verloren. Siellä asui söpö IBM:n konekääntäjä Ulrike Schwall 12 sisaruxen perheessä. (Taisit jo mainita.)
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 395: In der ebenfalls 1929 gedrehten Beef & Steak-Episode „Wir halten fest und treu zusammen“ nimmt Kurt Gerron eine Grammophonplatte mit diesem Titel vom Apparat und isst sie auf; als ihm darauf übel wird und er auf der Toilette verschwindet, hört man dann von dort das Lied tönen...
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 60: Vuonna 1908 Sestofilt muutti Freiburgiin Saksaan, ja vuonna 1910 Sveitsiin pieneen kylään nimeltä Coppet. Siellä oli tylsää. Hän palasi Moskovaan vuonna 1915. Vallankumous teki hänen elämästään vaikean, ja bolševikit painostivat häntä lisäämään tuoreeseen teokseensa Potestas Clavium marxilaisten oppien vaikutteita, muuten sitä ei olisi julkaistu. Sestofilt kieltäytyi tästä, mutta luennoi kuitenkin vallanpitäjien luvalla Kiovan yliopistossa kreikkalaisesta filosofiasta.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 83: Diese Grunderfahrung ist für Schestow die Verzweiflung, die er als Verlust von Gewissheiten, Verlust von Freiheit und Verlust des Lebenssinnes beschreibt. Die Wurzel dieser Verzweiflung ist, was Schestow oft „Notwendigkeit“, „Vernunft“, „Idealismus“ oder „Schicksal“ nennt: eine bestimmte Art zu denken, die aber gleichzeitig ein ganz realer Aspekt der Welt ist, welche das Leben Ideen, Abstraktionen und Verallgemeinerungen unterwirft und es so vernichtet, indem es seine Einzigartigkeit und Lebendigkeit verkennt.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 85: In der Vernunft sieht Schestow das Akzeptieren von Gewissheiten, die behaupten, dass einige Dinge ewig und unveränderlich seien, während andere unmöglich und unerreichbar seien. Schestows Philosophie kann also als irrational gesehen werden. Dabei war Schestow nicht generell gegen Vernunft und Wissenschaft, sondern nur gegen Rationalismus und Szientismus. Im Letzteren sah er die Tendenz, die Vernunft als eine Art allwissenden und allmächtigen Gott, als Selbstzweck zu verherrlichen.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 89: Bei Schestow ist der Mensch unweigerlich alleine in seinem Leiden. Weder andere noch die Philosophie können ihn aus dieser Situation befreien.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 92: Dieses nennt er Glaube. Gemeint ist nicht ein Glaube im Sinn einer Sicherheit, sondern eine andere Art zu denken, die aus tiefstem Zweifel und Unsicherheit hervorgeht. Es ist die Erfahrung, dass alles möglich ist (Dostojewski), dass das Gegenteil von Notwendigkeit nicht der Zufall ist, sondern die Möglichkeit. Dass eine grenzenlose Freiheit existiert.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 120: Lev Isaakovich Shestov (Russian: Лев Исаа́кович Шесто́в; 31 January [O.S. 13 February] 1866 – 19 November 1938), born Yehuda Leib Shvartsman (Russian: Иегуда Лейб Шварцман), was a Russian existentialist and religious philosopher. He is best known for his critiques of both philosophic rationalism and positivism. His work advocated a movement beyond reason and metaphysics, arguing that these are incapable of conclusively establishing truth about ultimate problems, including the nature of God or existence. Contemporary scholars have associated his work with the label "anti-philosophy.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 163: The results of this tendency are seen in his work Kierkegaard and Existential Philosophy: Vox Clamantis in Deserto, published in 1936, a fundamental work of Christian existentialism.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 194: More recently, alongside Dostoyevsky's philosophy, many have found solace in Shestov's battle against the rational self-consistent and self-evident; for example Bernard Martin of Case Western Reserve University, who translated his works now found online [external link below]; and the scholar Liza Knapp, who wrote The Annihilation of Inertia: Dostoevsky and Metaphysics. This book was an evaluation of Dostoyevsky's struggle against the self-evident "wall", and refers to Shestov on several occasions.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 196: According to Michael Richardson's research on Georges Bataille, Shestov was an early influence on Bataille and was responsible for exposing him to Nietzsche. He argues that Shestov's radical views on theology and an interest in extreme human behavior probably coloured Bataille's own thoughts.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 207: Trained in the neo-Kantian tradition with Ernst Cassirer and immersed in the work of the phenomenologists Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, Strauss established his fame with path-breaking books on Spinoza and Hobbes, then with articles on Maimonides and Farabi. In the late 1930s his research focused on the rediscovery of esoteric writing, thereby a new illumination of Plato and Aristotle, retracing their interpretation through medieval Islamic and Jewish philosophy, and encouraging the application of those ideas to contemporary political theory.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 332: Among Benjamin's best known works are the essays "The Task of the Translator" (1923), "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" (1935), and "Theses on the Philosophy of History" (1940). His major work as a literary critic included essays on Baudelaire, Goethe, Kafka, Kraus, Leskov, Proust, Walser, and translation theory. He also made major translations into German of the Tableaux Parisiens section of Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du mal and parts of Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu. In 1940, at the age of 48, Benjamin committed suicide at Portbou on the French–Spanish border while attempting to escape from the invading Wehrmacht. Though popular acclaim eluded him during his life, the decades following his death won his work posthumous renown.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 336: Waltulla oli siionistijuutalaisia kavereita mm Martin Buber (der Jude-lehden toimittaja). Se puuhasteli myös Stefan Georgen kanssa (miinuspisteitä). In ‘The Concept of Criticism in German Romanticism’ (1920), Benjamin presents interlinked concepts of language, sacred text, a projected reworking of Kant’s limited concept of experience, and a new approach to criticism and Romanticism as a tracing of the absolute in early Romantic writing (paljon miinuspisteitä). Benjamin argued for an ‘immanent criticism’ which would engage in some ways quite mystically with a text’s internal structures and divine traces (roppakaupalla miinusta).
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 41: Tästä aiheesta on tehty ziljoonittain viihdettä. Tässä nummerossa käytän tilaisuutta hyväxi ja esittelen joukon minuun allekirjoittaneeseen lähinnä visuaalisesti ja viskeraalisesti vaikutuxen tehneitä typyjä. Paljon ei tarvi valikoida, typyt on varsinkin nuorina lähes kaikki kauniita. Niin on sen Darwin ajatellut.
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 174: Stepping on that slow boat to China Astu hitaaseen Kiinan veneeseen
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 419: esentation.jpg?itok=cClGlf0h" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 463: Kenties leffa on vielä narsistisempaa kuin kirjoitus. Eläviä selfieitä. Joku yrittää henkilökohtaisesti esittää jotain toista. No sama vika on teatterissakin. Niissä ei ehdi ajatella ollenkaan. Suu auki ottaa vaikutteita niin että tukka heilahtaa. Kaikki tuijottaa yhteen ja samaan pisteeseen kumikaulana. Niin tavallaan myös kotisohvalta. Jengi tahtoo nähdä videoita yhdessä. Se on sosiaalista.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 67: Pyhä Teresa vaikuttaa aivan pelleltä. Se oli luultavasti katolisten vastaveto kun protestantit veti niiltä väkeä jeesushihhuloinnilla. Näyttivät että kyllä pesee täältäkin, nim. herutuskuvia, Teron kostuttamia. "Sydäntä pistetään enkelin pitämällä nuolella", my foot. Eiköhän enkeli vaan yxinkertaisesti "vie sitä sinne". Kyllä tollaset extaasit tunnetaan. Ei meitä hämätä.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 207: Silti on syytä laajentaa aihepiiriä. Kadehdin Suvi Aholan kokemusta siitä, kuinka täysin hän sukelsi menneeseen vuosisataan Hilary Mantelin historiallista romaania lukiessaan. Meillä kaikilla on mahdollisuus kaikota kauas ajankohtaisista ilmiöistä kirjojen upottavassa meressä. Ilmainen vihje: kokeilkaa vaikka Runebergin runoja. Kolerasta hänkin perheineen selvisi Helsingissä 1840-luvun taitteessa, ja silloin vasta säkeitä syntyikin. Ja ostakaa mun ruuneperintorttuja! Ne on nyt Wreden kostuttamia.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 267: Kenkkua. Kinkun kankkua. Voihan rägä paska zägä. Wallu on vastenmielinen kuin vaihtamaton alasuoja. Juuston muotoinen helpotus ja pesemätön munateline. Jockstrappi on jenkkilän valtakunnanvaakuna. Ehkä siellä ei pysy hengissä ilman toimivaa jumalasuhdetta. Jotain suojaa jossa munia voi riiputtaa.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 304: ese-olympic-committee-head-resigns-amid-bribery-scandal/XEH105-319_2019_055634.jpg" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 400: In seiner langen Amtszeit als Schulleiter hat er der Schule wichtige Impulse für ihre weitere Entwicklung gegeben. Die Gründung des überregional bekannten Sportzweiges der Schule ist das Ergebnis seines engagierten Wirkens und seines gesellschaftlichen Engagements, u.a. als langjähriger Präsident des Tennis-Verbandes Pfalz. Die Namensgebung „Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium“ erfolgte in seiner Amtszeit.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 641: Sen jälkeen Bonilla pakotti miehen makuuhuoneeseen, sitoi tämän kiinni ja leikkasi miehen peniksen irti saksilla, kerrotaan oikeuden päätöksessä, josta kirjoittaa uutiskanava WKMG.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 104: Tämä on se "lieksalainen ikiliikkuja", josta kirjoitin jo aiemmin. Joutilaana notkuvien somalien avulla Lieksa pumppaa valtiolta (esim. Kelan kautta) rahaa, joka päätyy lieksalaisiin kauppoihin tai kaupungin vuokrataloyhtiön taseeseen. Se, mikä aktiivisesti unohdetaan ja jätetään mainitsematta, on että nämä rahat loppujen lopuksi tulevat (myös) lieksalaisilta veronmaksajilta.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 123: Vihreät ovat moraalisesti niin paljon muiden ihmisten yläpuolella, että heillä on varaa fuskata hieman. Ero peruskonservatiiviseen ihmiseen, kuten allekirjoittaneeseen, on siinä, että vihreällä sädekehällä varustettu ihminen ei aloita maailman parantamista omasta itsestään vaan muista ihmisistä.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 151: Kristityistä 13% ei halua homoseksuaaleja ystäväksi; 9% on sitä mieltä, että juutalaisiin ei voi luottaa; 23% on sitä mieltä, että muslimit haluavat tuhota länsimaisen kulttuurin; 1,6% yhtyy kaikkiin kolmeen väitteeseen.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 153: Muslimeista 60% ei halua homoseksuaaleja ystäväksi; 45% on sitä mieltä, että juutalaisiin ei voi luottaa; 54% on sitä mieltä, että länsimaat haluavat tuhota islamin; 26% vastaajista yhtyy kaikkiin kolmeen väitteeseen.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 303: Izanami-no-Mikoto and Izanagi (Japanese)
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 335: The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl (Chinese)
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 336: Theseus and Ariadne (Greek)
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 337: Theseus and Hippolyta (Greek)
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 369: Heisenberg sanoi Bohrista että se oli "enempi filosofi kuin fyysikko". Bohr lueskeli 19. vuosisadan tanskalaista kristittyä eksistentialistifilosofia, Søren Kierkegaardia, josta se kuuli filosofian opeltaan Harald Høffdingiltä. Vuonna 1909 Bohr lähetti isoveli Haraldille (josta tuli jalkapalloilija ja tohtori ennen Nielsiä) synttärilahjaxi Kierkegaardin bestsellerin Stadier paa livets vej (1845), joka oli odotettu jatko Enten-Ellerille (josta mulla on jo paasauxia). Enten-Eller hoiteli esteettisen ja eettisen, tää jatko-osa koski sit uskontoa. Saatekirjeeseen Bohr kirjoitti: "Ei mulla muutakaan ollut, mut tää on kyllä hyvä ... se on metkimpia juttuja mitä olen koskaan lukenut." Bohr piti Kierkegaardin tanskasta ja tyylistä, mutta sanoi että ei ole ihan joka paikassa Söörenin kaa samaa mieltä. Jotkut tuumii että Niels ei niellyt Söörenin kristillisyyttä, ollen ize ateisti. Lyder rimeligt.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 545: Aiheeseen liittyvät haut:
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 638: Dissosiaatio on tavallinen puolustusmekanismi ihmisen joutuessa uhkaavaan tilanteeseen. Kansainvälinen ICD-10-tautiluokitus jakaa dissosiaatiohäiriöt seuraaviin alaluokkiin (epäkiinnostavat poistettu):
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 686: Sarjan alussa William Frawleyn esittämä poikien äidinisä asui samassa taloudessa. Frawleyn terveyden heikennyttyä hänet korvasi isoisän veljeä esittänyt William Demarest. Syksyllä 1965 vanhin poika Mike kirjoitettiin ulos sarjasta ja naimisiin, mutta uudeksi kolmanneksi pojaksi tuli adoptiopoika Ernie. Häntä näytteli Chipin näyttelijän oikea veli Barry Livingston. Sarjan viimeisinä vuosina Steven Douglas menee uusiin naimisiin ja saa tämän myötä perheeseensä myös tyttären, Dorothyn. Uudexi nimexi tuli Uusperheeni. Sarjan suosio hupeni kuin lumiukko keväällä.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 772: The candid approach of The Sorrow and the Pity shone a spotlight on antisemitism in France and disputed the idealized collective memory of the nation at large. In 2001, Richard Trank, a documentarian of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, described it as "a film about morality that explores the role of ordinary people".
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 777: Siittiöxi pukeutunut pikku ilkiö heiluttaa frankkinaiselle jäähyväisixi holokaustikorttia. Juurikin niin sanoi jenkit Irakin sodan aikana natustellen patrioottisia Freedom Friesejä. Mitäpä ranet ize oli mieltä?
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 798: To her friends and family she was known as "Pussy Jones." Wharton's paternal family, the Joneses, were a very wealthy and socially prominent family having made their money in real estate. The saying "keeping up with the Joneses" is said to refer to her father's family.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 806: It is quickly clear that Ethan has deep feelings for Zeena's cousin Mattie. Zeena understandably resents them. Zeena's treasured pickle dish breaks. Ethan goes into town to buy glue for the broken pickle dish. Zeena uses it to cement her determination to send Mattie away.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 71: At their height of popularity, there were 7,000 Burma-Shave signs stretching across America. They became such an icon to these early-day travelers that families eagerly anticipated seeing the rhyming signs along the roadway, with someone in the car excitedly proclaiming, “I see Burma-Shave signs!” Breaking up the monotony of long trips, someone once said, “No one could read just one.”
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 100: P.S. Sanaa hieseä ei löydy sanakirjoista. Olisko Valkonen ize johtanut sen hiki-sanasta?
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 131: Many references to the female nude and the way it is represented in our visual culture. (painting, photography, film etc) The female seen almost always as the object and the male as the subject.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 135: On location shooting as well as alot of constructed scenes, chaos, industrialization, urban streets, the search of a sexual identity, representation and the male gaze, even race. Notions explored by the filmmaker. Intense camera movement (ups and downs, left and right pans, even circular movements)
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 200: Lived in Sydney, Australia Knows Mandarin Chinese
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 217: Plus, since I am Asian, leaving my job is pretty scary because that was my parent’s bragging card in yumcha with aunties and uncles. Yum cha is the Cantonese tradition of brunch involving Chinese tea and dim sum. So yea I get it.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 221: I worked with these managers day in day out, and every time I walk past their desks, they are online shopping or seeing where they are going to take their vacations next.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 258: Also how these types think about themselves and what they supposedly contribute. Yes some contribute a lot while others have a sense of self worth that far exceeds reality believing they contribute more therefore work all the time.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 264: Mark Cuban for example does this. There are many facts to his beginning and journey that are not exactly moral or success related but now hes in a position to say whatever he wants and relate everything as a direct result of his effort, ability and contributions and supposedly working harder than everyone else. He just likes to hear himself talk like many of these types do.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 272: And remember that these guys will be long gone on to some other take over, in jail or early retirement dealing with their multiple divorces and lawsuits while you're still grinding it out.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 277: Stephanie Smith, Website Owner and Journalist/Columnist (2015-present)
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 292: In response to the controversy, academic administrators at the University of Toronto sent Peterson two letters of warning, one noting that free speech had to be made in accordance with human rights legislation, and the other adding that his refusal to use the preferred personal pronouns of students and faculty upon request could constitute discrimination. Peterson speculated that these warning letters were leading up to formal disciplinary action against him, but in December the university assured him he would retain his professorship, and in January 2017 he returned to teach his psychology class at the University of Toronto.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 340: My question is why do people believe there is a theory called “trickle down economics” and why do these same people seem to believe it is US policy?
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 343: I have never seen any such human in my life. I saw people making up these theory and blaming someone for pushing it meanwhile such human does not exist.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 453: Christian Winter, Senior Software Architect (2016-present)
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 463: Nicholas Valentine, Work in Software Engineering. (1989-present)
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 492: Average pay for CEOs of the 350 biggest U.S. companies hit $17.2 million last year, the researchers found.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 549: The researchers started by constructing a composite measure of “tax cuts on the rich” encompassing a variety of taxes, including the top tax rate on personal income, the estate tax and the tax on capital gains. Because these taxes are levied predominantly on the wealthiest members of society, the wealthy stand to gain the most when they are cut.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 551: While previous studies on the effects of taxing the rich have tended to focus on just one type of tax, “our measure combines all of these important taxes on the rich into one indicator,” Hope and Limberg said in an email. “This provides a more complete picture of taxes on the rich, but it also allows for comparisons across countries and over time.”
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 563: But they had no effect on economic growth or employment. Though those quantities fluctuated slightly after the major tax cuts that were studied, the effect was statistically indistinguishable from zero. The “rocket fuel” so often promised by supporters of these tax cuts? It fizzles out time and time again.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 75: About Lindsfarne Gospels Bede explains how each of the four Evangelists was represented by their own symbol: Matthew was the man, representing the human Christ; Mark was the lion, symbolising the triumphant Christ of the Resurrection; Luke was the calf, symbolising the sacrificial victim of the Crucifixion; and John was the eagle, symbolising Christ's second coming. A collective term for the symbols of the four Evangelists is the Tetramorphs. Each of the four Evangelists is accompanied by their respective symbol in their miniature portraits in the manuscript. In these portraits, Matthew, Mark, and Luke are shown writing, while John looks straight ahead at the reader holding his scroll. The Evangelists also represent the dual nature of Christ. Mark and John are shown as young men, symbolising the divine nature of Christ, and Matthew and Luke appear older and bearded, representing Christ's mortal nature.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 78: The carpet pages have motifs familiar from metalwork and jewellery that pair alongside bird and animal decoration. No pornographic details, worse luck. I chose to research these particular Gospels because they are the intermediary between the first truly Insular manuscripts, like the Book of Durrow, and the perhaps the greatest achievement of Insular manuscript production, the Book of Kells.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 230: Smoking is not expressly forbidden anywhere in the Bible. There is a veritable who’s who list of Christians who smoked. One of the greatest preachers and evangelists of the 19th century loved his cigars. He was Charles Spurgeon. Other famous Christians who smoked or still do are J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Chuck Colson, Johann Sebastian Bach, Billy Graham, and Jerry Farwell (although the last two quit in their latter years). This article has addressed all types of tobacco: cigarettes, pipe, cigar, snuff, and chewing tobacco. Come to think of it, all these famous Christians are dead. Put that in your pipe and smoke.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 515: We use cookies and similar methods to recognize visitors and remember their preferences. We also use them to measure ad campaign effectiveness, target ads and analyze site traffic. To learn more about these methods, including how to disable them, view our Cookie Policy.Starting on July 20, 2020 we will show you ads we think are relevant to your interests, based on the kinds of content you access in our Services. You can object. For more info, see our privacy policy. By tapping ‘accept,’ you consent to the use of these methods by us and third parties. You can always change your tracker preferences by visiting our Cookie Policy.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 578: Tässä pitkäveteisessä paasauxessa on "alphabet soup" aiheisia vanhoja amer. meemejä. Alphabet on Googlen kauppanimi, aiheeseen sopivasti. Näitä meemejä on "Scarlet letter", "Purloined letter" ja monen monta muuta, kuten French letter joka esiintyy Pynchonin tiiliskivessä, jopa Open Letter To My Future Self:
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 595: "The Purloined Letter" is a short story by American author Edgar Allan Poe. It is the third of his three detective stories featuring the fictional C. Auguste Dupin, the other two being "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" and "The Mystery of Marie Rogêt". These stories are considered to be important early forerunners of the modern detective story. It first appeared in the literary annual The Gift for 1845 (1844) and soon was reprinted in numerous journals and newspapers.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 608: The prefect says that he and his police detectives have searched D-'s town house and have found nothing. They checked behind the wallpaper and under the carpets. His men have examined the tables and chairs with magnifying glasses and then probed the cushions with needles but have found no sign of interference; the letter is not hidden in these places. Dupin asks the prefect if he knows what he is seeking, and the prefect reads a minute description of the letter, which Dupin memorizes. The prefect then bids them good day.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 617: Dupin says he had visited the minister at his hotel. Complaining of weak eyes he wore a pair of green spectacles, the true purpose of which was to disguise his eyes as he searched for the letter. In a cheap card rack hanging from a dirty ribbon, he saw a half-torn letter and recognized it as the letter of the story's title. Striking up a conversation with D— about a subject in which the minister is interested, Dupin examined the letter more closely. It did not resemble the letter the prefect described so minutely; the writing was different, and it was sealed not with the "ducal arms" of the S— family, but with D—'s monogram. Dupin noticed that the paper was chafed as if the stiff paper was first rolled one way and then another. Dupin concluded that D— wrote a new address on the reverse of the stolen one, re-folded it the opposite way and sealed it with his own seal.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 621: Dupin explains that the gunshot distraction was arranged by him and that he left a duplicate letter to ensure his ability to leave the hotel without D— suspecting his actions. If he had tried to seize it openly, Dupin surmises D— might have had him killed. As both a political supporter of the queen and old enemy of the minister [who had done an evil deed to Dupin in Vienna in the past], Dupin also hopes that D— will try to use the power he no longer has, to his political downfall, and at the end be presented with a quotation from Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon's play Atrée et Thyeste that implies Dupin was the thief: Un dessein si funeste, S'il n'est digne d'Atrée, est digne de Thyeste (If such a sinister design isn't worthy of Atreus, it is worthy of Thyestes).
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 633: Atreus then learned of Thyestes' and Aerope's adultery and plotted revenge. He killed Thyestes' sons and cooked them, save their hands and heads. He served Thyestes his own sons and then taunted him with their hands and heads. This is the source of modern phrase "Thyestean Feast," or one at which human flesh is served. When Thyestes was done with his feast, he released a loud belch, which represents satiety and pleasure and his loss of self-control.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 669: Because Dimmesdale´s health has begun to fail, the townspeople are happy to have Chillingworth, the newly arrived physician, take up lodgings with their beloved minister. Being in such close contact with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth begins to suspect that the minister´s illness is the result of some unconfessed guilt. He applies psychological pressure to the minister because he suspects Dimmesdale is Pearl´s father. One evening, pulling the sleeping Dimmesdale´s vestment aside, Chillingworth sees a symbol that represents his shame on the minister´s pale chest.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 781: Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer, Kerään rohkeutta, ryhdistyn, ja sanon jälkeen rykäisyn:
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 853: “Wretch,” I cried, “thy God hath lent thee—by these angels he hath sent thee Serafinko aamutossut liekö maton poikki juossu.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 860: Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted— Piruako tänne luuhaat, eikö ole muuta puuhaa?
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 49: On vaikea sanoa, mihin tässä ollaan menossa, muuta kuin brittituristien suosimaan lomakohteeseen Kyproksen Pafokselle. Seminaarin tervetuliaiskirje on älytön. Alku vielä menettelee:
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 182: Esimerkit johdattavat aina kuitenkin Saarisen ulkopuolelle, meihin kuulijoihin. Ahtisaari-tarina kertoo siitä, miten hyvin entinen presidentti pystyy reagoimaan tilanteisiin, Vatas-juttu entisen ralliautoilijan kyvystä ottaa toiset ihmiset huomioon. Meidät ikään kuin kohotetaan mukaan samaan seurueeseen.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 334: Milton Friedman (/ˈfriːdmən/; July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization policy. With George Stigler and other jews, Friedman was among the intellectual leaders of the Chicago school of economics, a neoclassical school of economic thought associated with the work of the faculty at the University of Chicago that rejected Keynesianism in favor of monetarism until the mid-1970s, when it turned to new classical macroeconomics heavily based on the concept of rational expectations.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 340: Milton Friedman believed that Social Security benefits were the genesis of the welfare state and dependency on government handouts. He advocated the replacement of all welfare programs in America with a negative income tax (effectively a universal basic income, or handouts to the poor) because he did not believe that "society" (the rich) would distribute resources evenly enough for all people to earn a living. Let the destitute have a pittance though they don't deserve it. If they choose to spend it all on drugs that's their choice.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 357: In essence Keynes finds that Moore's apostles adopted his religion meaning one's attitudes towards oneself and the ultimate (Mr. Moore), but ignored his morals, whatever they might be, besides taking in pretty boys from behind like Socrates. What are they pray? Let's give G.E. himself the floor!
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 408: For Lady you deserve this State; Sä leidi ansaizisit tämän kohtelun; Ansaitset, neito, loiston sen,
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 418: That long preserv'd Virginity: Maistelee sun säilynyttä neizyyttä neitsyyden saavat säilyneen.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 465: The line "deserts of vast eternity" is used in the novel Orlando: A Biography, by Virginia Woolf, which was published in 1928.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 469: The same line appears in full in the opening minutes of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger's A Matter of Life and Death (1946), spoken by the protagonist, pilot and poet Peter Carter: 'But at my back I always hear / Time's wingéd chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie / Deserts of vast eternity. Andy Marvell, What a marvel'.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 568: “I am ready to leave my loved ones,” he said. “My wealth, my fame will amount to naught. My grudges, frustrations, resentments and jealousies will finally disappear.” That hope, which Knievel took to his grave, was dashed by the FBI this week.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 620: The term CHAT was coined by Michael Cole and popularized by Yrjö Engeström to promote the unity of what, by the 1990s, had become a variety of currents harking back to Vygotsky's work. Engeström's now famous diagram, or basic activity triangle, – (which adds rules/norms, intersubjective community relations, and division of labor, as well as multiple activity systems sharing an object) – has become the principal third-generation model among the research community for analysing individuals and groups. Engeström summarizes the current state of CHAT with five principles:
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 649: Onnistumisia on paljon, kuten Helsingin kaupungin innovaatiopalkinnon vuonna 2010 saanut vanhusten Liikkumissopimus. Sen tarkoituksena on vahvistaa kotihoidon potilaiden toimintakykyä arkiliikuntaa lisäämällä. Yrjöillä siihen liittyy liikkuminen kerroxittain vanhempien petillä. Kubilabala, liiku horisontaalisesti, huutaa Liisa alta neuvoja. Yksi Engeströmin keskeisiä teesejä on kollektiivinen oppiminen. Nyt loppusuoralla on Suomen Akatemian rahoittama tutkimus, jonka tarkoitus on kerätä tästä yhteisöllisiä esimerkkejä ympäri maailmaa. Niitä voisi löytyä sieltä etelämeren saarilta, joilta Margaret Mead löysi vapaasti kasvatettuja kubilabala-sexin harrastajia. (Sekin tutkimus osoittautui huijauxexi loppuviimexi. Etelämeren saarelaiset veti Meadia vaan höplästä ja hihitteli kouraansa.)
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 908: – Se on hyvin sanottu, hän naurahtaa. Kuunnellessan omia 60-luvun juttujaan. Se on tyytyväinen omaan perseeseensä ja suorastaan jopa iloinen. Se oli kriittisesti vasenkätinen ja vasenkätisesti kriittinen.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 108: Mistä tässä kaikessa oikein on kysymys? No samasta kuin 1800-luvulla. Kökkäreet pulpahtelee pinnalle ja sakka saostuu pahnan pohjalle. Kun Njeuvostoliiton kokeilu kosahti, seuraus oli että USA romahti kunnon vastuxen puutteessa ja maailmantalous pyörähti laitimmaiseen syöxykierteeseen kuin vesi lavuaarin reijästä.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 147: Haahden kotiin kokoontui v. 1902 hänen ystäviään keskustelemaan sortokauden ja kansallisen heräämisen merkeissä. Kesken kaiken Haahti soitti pianollaan kolmisoinnun, kolme säveltä, joihin hän liitti kristillisyyden, taiteen ja suomalaisuuden. Näin sai alkunsa yhdistys Kolmisointu. Sen toimesta syntyi 17 vuotta myöhemmin Kristillinen taideseura sytyttämään ja tekemään tunnetuksi hyvän taiteen harrastusta. Seura sai monia paikallisosastoja, ja Haahti teki laajoja matkoja näiden järjestämiin juhliin ja neuvonpitoihin. Seuran puheenjohtajana hän tarmokkaasti toimi 27 vuotta, siis v:een 1946 ja oli sen jälkeen kunniapuheenjohtajana. Innoitus kristillisyyteen, taiteeseen ja suomalaisuuteen jatkuvasti sytytti. Haahti kuului ensimmäisiin Suomen kirjailijaliiton jäseniin.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 239: Nuoret miehet jonottivat pääsyä hänen "puheilleen" hotellihuoneeseen jossa hän asui. Taistelu pimeiden tähtien ja valkeiden voimien välillä riehui ankarana. Sekä mies- että naisylioppilaiden huoneista kuului voiton riemusanomia. Ihmeellistä! Ylpeät päät menivät pystynä sisälle ja tulivat ulos painuxissa. Eikä meidän tarvinnut udella mitä oli tapahtunut suljetuissa kammioissa - mitä ja kenelle. Psalmirunoilija laulaa: "Hän antoi suuhuni uuden virren". Henki liikkui. Liha oli heikko. Tai kääntäen.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 294: Die versunkene Glocke (1897), a symbolic story of a master bell founder and his struggle as an artist, has been one of Hauptmann's most popular plays. After this Hauptmann wrote the tragedies Fuhrmann Henschel (1899), Michael Kramer (1900), and Rose Bernd (1903). These works also reflected the personal turmoil Hauptmann was then in he had fallen for a fourteen-year-old girl, a promising violinist Margarete Marschalk. She was the opposite of his wife, interested in his work, and in such outdoor sports as hiking, ice-skating, andf skiing. After Hauptmann wife found out about her rival, she moved with the children to Dresden. Hauptmann had a son, Benvenuto, with Margarete, and in 1904, after a long period of agonising thought, Hauptmann divorced Marie and married Margarete. However, a year later he met a sixteen-year-old actress, Ida Orloff, who became a new object of his obsession. Hauptmann described her in his letters as a moth flirting with flames, as a bewitching Siren, as a mermaid, and as a cruel spider.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 308: In scramble competition resources are limited, which may lead to group member starvation. Contest competition is often the result of aggressive social domains, including hierarchies or social chains. Conversely, scramble competition is what occurs by accident when competitors naturally want the same resources. These two forms of competition can be interwoven into one another. Some researchers have noted parallels between intraspecific behaviors of competition and cooperation. These two processes can be evolutionarily adopted and they can also be accidental, which makes sense given the aggressive competition and collaborative cooperation aspects of social behavior in humans and animals. To date, few studies have looked at the interplay between contest and scramble competition, despite the fact that they do not occur in isolation. There appears to be little understanding of the interface between contest competition and scramble competition in insects. Much research still needs to be conducted concerning the overlap of contest and scramble competition systems. Contests can arise within a scramble competition system and conversely, scramble competition "may play a role in a system characterized by interference".
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 310: Population can be greatly affected by scramble competition (and contest competition). Intraspecific competition normally leads to a decline of organisms. For example, the more time that an individual spends seeking food and reproduction opportunities, the less energy that organism naturally has to defend oneself against predators, resulting in a "zero-sum game". Competition is a density dependent effect, and scramble competition is no exception. Scramble competition usually involves interactions among individuals of the same species, which makes competition balanced and often leads to a decline of population growth rate as the amount of resources depletes. Ei niin pahaa ettei jotain hyvääkin.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 312: Some researchers have noted that in certain species, such as the termite ape, males are most successful at mating when they are able to practice scramble competition polygyny where they do not defend their territory but rather mate and move on, thus providing the highest likelihood of species survival and reproductive prowess.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 329: The word right, in contrast, refers to people or groups that have conservative views. That generally means they are disposed to preserving existing conditions and institutions. Or, they want to restore traditional ones and limit change.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 348: A 2014 Pew Research Survey found that 77% of the New Yorker’s audience is consistently or mostly liberal, 16% Mixed and 6% consistently or mostly conservative. This indicates that the New Yorker is strongly preferred by a more liberal audience.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 384: Right: Strong supporters of the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms), believing it’s a deterrent against authoritarian rule and the right to protect oneself. Generally, does not support banning any type of weaponry.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 411: Left: Based on community and social responsibility. Gay couples to get equal rights like everyone else (e.g. marriage); abortion should be legal; support embryonic stem cell research. Support restrictions and regulations around the right to bear arms. Supports taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 413: Right: Based on individual rights and justice. Opposed to gay marriage, abortion, and embryonic stem cell research. Support the right to bear arms, death penalty, and personal responsibility as an individual. Opposed to taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 538: The coolest part about this small Balkan country is how weirdly tall everyone is — the average height is more than 6 feet. Not ese-countries">half as fat as us though so there!
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 585: But they did invent the cheese slicer and also have more reindeer than anyone would ever need, so there’s that. They are way richer than us, which is somewhat irritating.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 624: Let’s all just take some breaths and think about this. France has everything and always will, which is terribly frustrating. And they know this and so they deserve to be put in their place whenever possible. When asked to choose the most arrogant people in Europe, French people chose themselves. We are very offended.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 668: You must be doing something right when your country is known for its wooden shoes, mild cheeses, legal cannabis and insanely large flower industry. Bikes rule over cars. Dutch people are tall, racist and generally boring. The cities are organized and clean, but not over clean like Switzerland. The standard of living is as high for the whites and life as hard for the other shades as the tourists in Amsterdam’s red-light district.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 696: Danes even have a word called “janteloven” that basically means, we’re all equal and important and deserve each other’s respect. This makes it an awesome place to live in, an awesome place for all to visit, and the best country in Europe.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 784: A typical example is her work concerning immigrants. She was the first professor in America to give students a course of lectures on problems relating to immigrants. Best known, undoubtedly, is her work on the Slav immigrants in the United States, a work which is said to be a landmark in the scientific analysis of immigration problems3. This work provides a perfect illustration of her approach: before putting pen to paper she visited most of the Slav centers in the United States and also did research for a year in those regions of Austria-Hungary from which many of the immigrants came. Not content to rely on verbal or written sources, she felt she had to see things for herself, to meet these people, and to study their conditions at first hand.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 800: *Mr. Jahn delivered this speech in the auditorium of the Nobel Institute in the early afternoon of December 10, 1946. At its conclusion, Mr. Jahn read a message of acceptance from Miss Balch, whose health prevented her from attending the ceremonies, and presented the prize to Mr. Huston of the U.S. Embassy who accepted in her name. This translation is based on the Norwegian text in Les Prix Nobel en 1946, which contains, also, a French translation.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 817: Presentation by Herman Smitt Ingebretsen*, Member of the Nobel Committee
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 833: He was never an American bringing an evangelical message to Poland, to South America, or to the East, in an American style. He was an apostle of a simple Christianity, presented in a form which made it living and real to the people to whom it was addressed. God is our Father, he said. But if God is our Father, then we are all brothers (or sisters? 😃 ) , and no frontiers or racial divisions can separate us from each other. Hmm... the first brethren were Cain and and Abel...)
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 115: – Sananvapauteen vaikuttaa tällä hetkellä sosiaalinen paine, konformismi eli yksilön mukautuminen enemmistön mielipiteeseen, poliittinen korrektius sekä itsesensuuri. Jos eksyy kovin kauaksi mielipidekäytävän ulkopuolelle, siitä seuraa sosiaalisia sanktioita. Ja ne riittävät hiljentämään monet, koska tällaiset sanktiot heilauttavat munlaisen kyldyyri-ihmisen marginaaliin. Eikä täällä ole kiva olla kun ei saa näkyä.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 168: In 2016 Shriver gave a controversial speech about cultural appropriation. Shriver had previously been criticized for her depiction of Latino and African-American characters in her book The Mandibles, which was described by one critic as racist and by another as politically misguided. In her Brisbane speech, Shriver contested these criticisms, saying writers ought to be entitled to write from any perspective, race, gender or background that they choose, even racist and politically misguided, in fact particularly so, because they sell best. The full text of her speech was published in the British newspaper The Guardian.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 170: In June 2018, she criticised an effort by the publisher Penguin Random House to diversify the authors that it published and better represent the population, saying that it prioritised diversity over quality and that a manuscript "written by a gay transgender Caribbean who dropped out of school at seven" would be published "whether or not said manuscript is an incoherent, tedious, meandering and insensible pile of mixed-paper recycling". Penguin Random House marketer and author Candice Carty-Williams criticised the statements. As a result of her comments Shriver was dropped from judging a competition for the magazine Mslexia.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 198: In his masterwork English Passengers, Matthew Kneale would have restrained himself from including chapters written in an Aboriginal’s voice – though these are some of the richest, most compelling passages in that novel. If Dalton Trumbo had been scared off of describing being trapped in a body with no arms, legs, or face because he was not personally disabled – because he had not been through a World War I maiming himself and therefore had no right to “appropriate” the isolation of a paraplegic – we wouldn’t have the haunting 1938 classic, Johnny Got His Gun, unless he had written it with a pen in his arse. (Never heard of any of these masterpieces, but then I hadn't heard of Drivel or Kevin either until today.)
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 209: So far, the majority of these farcical cases of “appropriation” have concentrated on fashion, dance, and music: At the American Music Awards 2013, Katy Perry got it in the neck for dressing like a geisha. According to the Arab-American writer Randa Jarrar, for someone like me to practice belly dancing is “white appropriation of Eastern dance,” while according to the Daily Beast Iggy Azalea committed “cultural crimes” by imitating African rap and speaking in a “blaccent.” Some of my friends got even told off for painting themselves black with shoe polish and making fat red lips! Now what may be wrong with that, I just ask. Clean innocent fun! Why don't the coons just laugh along?
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 211: The felony of cultural sticky fingers even extends to exercise: at the University of Ottawa in Canada, a yoga teacher was shamed into suspending her class, “because yoga originally comes from India.” She offered to re-title the course, “Mindful Stretching.” And get this: the purism has also reached the world of food. Supported by no less than Lena Dunham, students at Oberlin College in Ohio have protested “culturally appropriated food” like sushi in their dining hall (lucky cusses— in my day, we never had sushi in our dining hall), whose inauthenticity is “insensitive” to the Japanese.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 221: But in principle, I admire his courage – if only because he invited this kind of ethical forensics in a review out of San Francisco: “When a white male author writes as a young Nigerian girl, is it an act of empathy, or identity theft?” the reviewer asked. “When an author pretends to be someone he is not, he does it to tell a story outside of his own experiential range. But he has to in turn be careful that he is representing his characters, not using them for his plot.” Depends on who gets the money, I'd say. Chris Cleave hardly gave it all away to poor Nigerian gals.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 223: Hold it. OK, he’s necessarily “representing” his characters, by portraying them on the page. But of course he’s using them for his plot! How could he not? They are his characters, to be manipulated at his whim, to fulfill whatever purpose he cares to put them to.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 224: This same reviewer recapitulated Cleave’s obligation “to show that he’s representing [the girl], rather than exploiting her.” Again, a false dichotomy. Unlike Kingsley Amis and his dad, we well-to-do white Americans can do both. America is a representative democracy, after all. We represent, y'all just stick to picking the cotton.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 229: I’m hoping that crime writers, for example, don’t all have personal experience of committing murder. Me, I’ve depicted a high school killing spree, and I hate to break it to you: I’ve never shot fatal arrows through seven kids, a teacher, and a cafeteria worker, either. We make things up, we chance our arms, sometimes we do a little research, but in the end it’s still about what we can get away with – what we can put over on our readers. And it is surprisingly easy, you wouldnt believe what the idiots are ready to swallow, especially if it agrees with their own prejudice.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 235: My most recent novel The Mandibles was taken to task by one reviewer for addressing an America that is “straight and white”. It happens that this is a multigenerational family saga – about a white family. I wasn’t instinctively inclined to insert a transvestite or bisexual, with issues that might distract from my central subject matter of apocalyptic economics. Yet the implication of this criticism is that we novelists need to plug in representatives of a variety of groups in our cast of characters, as if filling out the entering class of freshmen at a university with strict diversity requirements. Besides, America IS straight and white, at least the America I know about. I haven't had time to appropriate any Nigerian girls yet, nor Afro Americans even.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 240: Fine. But I still would like to reserve the right as a novelist to use only the characters that pertain to my story. Which is NOT going to be about some funny lesbians and fat blacks, as long as I have a say on this. And I do, I do! For I am a straight white middle-class American, and thank God they still have the say!
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 243: For it can be dangerous these days to go the diversity route. Especially since there seems to be a consensus on the notion that San Francisco reviewer put forward that “special care should be taken with a story that’s not implicitly yours to tell.” Why on earth? Isn't it just the opposite? If it is somebody else's story you are free to do whatever you want, since you don't know it, so you can give free reins to your imagination! Chances are your all-white panel don't know the people either, so anything goes.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 245: In The Mandibles, I have one secondary character, Luella, who’s black. She’s married to a more central character, Douglas, the Mandible family’s 97-year-old patriarch. I reasoned that Douglas, a liberal New Yorker, would credibly have left his wife for a beautiful, stately African American because arm candy of color would reflect well on him in his circle, and keep his progressive kids’ objections to a minimum. But in the end the joke is on Douglas, because Luella suffers from early onset dementia, while his ex-wife, staunchly of sound mind, ends up running a charity for dementia research. As the novel reaches its climax and the family is reduced to the street, they’re obliged to put the addled, disoriented Luella on a leash, to keep her from wandering off. LOL! What a laugh, ain't it? Get it, the guy thought he was getting arm candy, but instead he got a goat!
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 250: Thus in the world of identity politics, fiction writers better be careful. If we do choose to import representatives of protected groups, special rules apply. If a character happens to be black, they have to be treated with kid gloves, and never be placed in scenes that, taken out of context, might seem disrespectful. But that’s no way to write. We know that most criminals are black anyway, and many if not most blacks are criminal. Writing to hide that fact would be writing fiction, and we fiction writers have your responsibility toward the white audience. The burden is too great, the self-examination paralysing. The natural result of that kind of criticism in the Post is that next time I don’t use any black characters, lest they do or say anything that is short of perfectly admirable and lovely. (No ei munkaan olis pitänyt alottaa tätä albumia, jossa haukutaan törkimyxiä jotka sattuu olemaan naisia. Äkkiä se kääntyyy naisten haukkumisexi sillä tekosyyllä, että ne sattuu olemaan törkimyxiä. Ehkä se onkin sitä!)
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 270: I was wildly impatient with the way we assess people’s characters these days in accordance with their weight, and tried to get on the page my dismay at how much energy people waste on this matter, sometimes anguishing for years over a few excess pounds. Both author and book were on the side of the angels, or so you would think.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 274: She and her colleagues in the fat rights movement did not want my advocacy. I could not weigh in on this material because I did not belong to the club. I found this an artistic, political, and even commercial disappointment – because in the US and the UK, if only skinny-minnies will buy your book, you’ve evaporated the pool of prospective obese consumers to a puddle.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 281: I reviewed a novel recently that I had regretfully to give a thumbs-down, though it was terribly well intended; its heart was in the right place. But in relating the Chinese immigrant experience in America, the author put forward characters that were mostly Chinese. That is, that’s sort of all they were: Chinese. Which isn’t enough. They ought to be specifically American Chinese immigrants, believers in the American Dream. That would have fattened them out.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 283: I made this same point in relation to gender in Melbourne last week: both as writers and as people, we should be seeking to push beyond the constraining categories into which we have been arbitrarily dropped by birth. If we embrace narrow group-based identities too fiercely, we cling to the very cages in which others would seek to trap us. We pigeonhole ourselves. We limit our own notion of who we are, and in presenting ourselves as one of a membership, a representative of our type, an ambassador of an amalgam, we ask not to be seen. I have done my best to stretch my female identity, and after years of strenuous stretching it is in fact almost as long already as that of my drummer boy's.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 297: We fiction writers have to preserve the right to wear many hats – including sombreros. I like sombreros, they make me look tall. I also like to wear cowboy boots with high heels. Unfortunately, no amount of quoting famous novelists won't make me sound smart. My ass is by far the smartest part of me.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 326: “Can you believe,” Shriver asked at the beginning of her speech, “that these students were so sensitive about the wearing of sombreros?”
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 369: HK:n isä Peter John Rowling työskenteli harjoittelijana lentokoneenmoottoritehtaan kokoonpanolinjalla. Äiti Anne Rowling (o.s. Volant) jäi kotiäidiksi Jaanan synnyttyä. Vuonna 1967 perheeseen syntyi vielä toinen tytär, Dianne. Koulussa hän (siis Jaana) oli hiljainen ja melko näkymätön toisille oppilaille.kenen mukaan? Ei ihmekään sehän oli perinyt näkymättömyysviitan iskältä.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 418: Kun rahan virtaus alkoi heiketä, se joutui muuttamaan perheineen suureen, linnamaiseen 31 huonetta käsittävään 1600-luvulta peräisin olevaan 2,5 miljoonaa puntaa maksaneeseen The Whitehouse -nimiseen taloon Cramondiin, Edinburghin esikaupunkiin.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 438: Our stance is firm: transgender women are women,” said the statement by the fan sites. “Transgender men are men. Non-binary people are non-binary. Intersex people exist and should not be forced to live in the binary. We stand with Harry Potter fans in these communities. While we don’t condone the mistreatment [Rowling] has received for airing her opinions about transgender people, we must reject her beliefs.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 485: Uniqlo is a Japanese casual wear designer, manufacturer, and retailer. Uniqlo is a fast-fashion brand that used child labor in the past. They now use forced labor to manufacture their products in Asian developing countries.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 522: Kathryn Lee Gifford (née Epstein; born August 16, 1953) is an American television presenter, singer, songwriter, occasional actress and author. She is best known for her 15-year run (1985–2000) on the talk show Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee, which she co-hosted with Regis Philbin. She is also known for her 11-year run with Hoda Kotb, on the fourth hour of NBC's Today show (2008–2019). She has received 11 Daytime Emmy nominations and won her first Daytime Emmy in 2010 as part of the Today team. Gifford's first television role had been as Tom Kennedy's singer/sidekick on the syndicated version of Name That Tune only in the 1977–1978 season. She also occasionally appeared on the first three hours of Today and was a contributing NBC News correspondent.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 533: Frank and Kathie Lee Gifford raised the money to build and continued to financially support two shelters in New York City for babies born with HIV, or a congenital crack cocaine addiction. These shelters were named in honor of her children, Cody (HIV) and Cassidy (crack cocaine).
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 626: Äklöttävä MAI (vainko sattumalta samanniminen kuin Iso-Masan sisko?) sentään kuopattiin kun Ranska kieltäytyi osallistumasta siihen 1998. MAI olis kieltänyt valtioita puuttumasta globaalisten yritysten riistopuuhiin hikipajamaissa. Ei ihme että usalaiset alkoi kiukkuisena popsia Freedom Friesejä lohturuokana.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 75: The first edition of the DSM was published in 1952, listing 102 broad categories of disorders. Each of these included a short list of symptoms, along with some information about suspected causes.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 156: Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), a cluster B personality disorder, is considered to be one of the least identified personality disorders (Pies, 2011). On the other hand, a good number of patients with narcissistic traits present at the psychiatrist's office with other types of issues such as anxiety or depression. A common finding in clinical practice, NPD frequently coexists with other psychiatric disorders. NPD is a relatively recent diagnostic category. Its origins stem from a great effort between psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists to recognize a cluster of predominantly difficult patients who could not be classified as psychotic, not typically neurotic and overall not responsive to conventional psychotherapeutic treatment options (Gildersleeve, 2012).
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 249: Your medical society knows such "symptoms" of a schizophrenia but knows no causes and thus only gives a label to it. Do your research and you will realise that nobody knows the causes of schizophrenia except that the effect of having this label is to have different levels of neurotransmitters in the brain and the symptoms are too varied and unrelated to each other to be even considered related to the same label! Is this even logical?
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 253: Funny thing is, nobody knows why neurotransmitters are of a different level for people with "schizophrenia" and blame it on this label. Those with such illnesses were not always measured for levels of neurotransmitters, they were only assumed to have such levels of neurotransmitters by the psychiatrist who has no real medical background like that of a surgeon. To worsen it, Earthling's medical science has yet to be able to measure these levels accurately and safely! Isn't this shocking?
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 349: These spiritual issues affect the physical 3D body, and that obviously includes the brain. However, the body does not cause the spirit problem. It's the other way round.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 353: All these will be discovered by your scientists one day if your kind is open to new information. These new information are just facts waiting to be proven and to be accepted by your mainstream. Proving is easy, spreading them to the rigid minds of people is hard! This message is for an intended audience only.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 423: elehtien, että tupakkahuoneeseen. Tarulla on seitsemän uutta biisin sanaa joita hiomme. Ihan hyvää tavaraa, mut tän skitsofrenian loppu tyssää siihen, kun siinä puuttuu yksi kertosäe ja toisessa säkeistössä on yksi säe liikaa, joten tää on helppo homma laittaa toisen säkeistön ylimääräinen vajaaseen viimeiseen säkeistöön. Sitten kun paperiduuni on tehty mä ajattelen mennä pelaan pleikkarilla GrandTurismoo, mut Taru repii mua hihasta kohti tupakkahuonetta treenaan seitsemää vajaassa tunnissa kirjoitettua Tarun Herkkää tekstiä -saimme sovitettua ne toimiviksi melodioiksi reilussa puolessa tunnissa. Taru on maanisempi kuin mä, ja se moittii mua laiskaksi -niin kuin aina. Mutta mä ymmärrän mitä se haluu ilmaista ja homma toimii hyvín.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 457: tosissaan. Koko hullujen orkesteri kokoontui sytkärien ja tulitikkujen välkehtiessä tupakkahuoneeseen - ihan kuin yhteisestä sopimuksesta.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 510: Timo Airaxisen self help book Hulluuden houkutus osoittaa jo eka luvussa, että tämä Michelin-mies on pahasti luonnevikainen. Se on siis paha ihminen, mikä sopii hyvin siihen että se on keekoillut kaikki nämä vuosikymmenet moraalifilosofian professorina. Se on Jeseninin musta mies vaikka lihavampi.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 521: Tutkijat jakoivat tulokset niiden voimakkuuden mukaan yhdeksään negatiiviseen luonteenpiirteeseen, joista jokaiselle yhteistä oli oman hyvinvoinnin, mielihyvän ja menestyksen priorisointi - silläkin uhalla, että muut joutuisivat kärsimään sen vuoksi. Nämä henkilöt olivat myös taitavia perustelemaan, miksi muihin ihmisiin negatiivisesti vaikuttava toiminta olisi oikeutettua.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 527: Albeit to different extents, the researchers explain, the nine negative personality traits are all based on a rooted tendency to prioritize one’s own well-being, pleasure, or success over those of others, even if it means others will have to suffer for it.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 665: The Restructured Clinical scales were designed to be psychometrically improved versions of the original clinical scales, which were known to contain a high level of interscale correlation, overlapping items, and were confounded by the presence of an overarching factor that has since been extracted and placed in a separate scale (demoralization). The RC scales measure the core constructs of the original clinical scales.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 667: Critics of the RC scales assert they have deviated too far from the original clinical scales, the implication being that previous research done on the clinical scales will not be relevant to the interpretation of the RC scales. However, researchers on the RC scales assert that the RC scales predict pathology in their designated areas better than their concordant original clinical scales while using significantly fewer items and maintaining equal to higher internal consistency, reliability and validity; further, unlike the original clinical scales, the RC scales are not saturated with the primary factor (demoralization, now captured in RCdem) which frequently produced diffuse elevations and made interpretation of results difficult; finally, the RC scales have lower interscale correlations and, in contrast to the original clinical scales, contain no interscale item overlap.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 671: Critics of the new scales argue that the removal of this common variance makes the RC scales less ecologically valid (less like real life) because real patients tend to present complex patterns of symptoms.[citation needed] Proponents of the MMPI-2-RF argue that this potential problem is addressed by being able to view elevations on other RC scales that are less saturated with the general factor and, therefore, are also more transparent and much easier to interpret.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 720: Measures a tendency to worry/be fearful, be anxious, feel victimized and resentful, and appraise situations generally in ways that foster negative emotions
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 816: Pulkkisen lapsuuden koti oli maalaiskylässä. Isä Hermanni oli maanviljelijä ja kustannusasiamies, äiti Tilda emäntä, joka kirjoitti sanomalehtipakinoita. Pulkkinen kirjoitti ylioppilaaksi Joensuun normaalilyseosta 1963 ja opiskeli Helsingin yliopistossa kotimaista kirjallisuutta sekä venäjän kieltä. Hän avioitui teologian kandidaatti Vuokko Rissasen kanssa vuonna 1971. Perheeseen syntyi kaksi lasta, Antti ja Tuuli. Kansanperinteen tallentaja Paavo Pulkkinen oli Matti Pulkkisen isoisä.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 996: 5. Moos. 32:23-24 ”Minä (Herra) kasaan onnettomuuksia heidän päällensä, kaikki nuoleni minä heihin ammun. He nääntyvät nälkään ja menehtyvät ruttoon, kulkutautien poltteeseen; minä lähetän heidän kimppuunsa petojen hampaat ja tomussa matelevaisten myrkyn.”
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1038: Toi Seppo Korppoo kuulostaa kyllä pahalta. Persut on yli 6000e tuloluokassa toisexi äänestetyin puolue. Ne on niitä mersupersuja. En edes arvuuttele ketä äänestetään eniten. Nää porukat ei ole sairaita, vaan yxinkertaisesti egoisteja. Darwininin vanhempi biodieselmalli, ennen lataushybridejä.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1071: hohtivat. Käsi heilautti Ranssille tietä ruokahuoneeseen. Ranssi varusti repun ja hypähti ovenraosta ulos.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1179: Tämä konteksti on hiljattain saanut erinomaisen kuvauksen ja analyysin amerikkalaisen professorin Francis Fukuyaman kirjassa Identity (2018, suom. Identiteetti – Arvostuksen vaatimus ja kaunan politiikka, 2020). Tässä kirjassa maailmankuulu valtiotieteilijä ja kulttuurifilosofi käsittelee ilmiötä, jota hän pitää vahvimpana trendinä ja voimana tämän päivän kulttuuri-ilmastossa ja politiikassa, jossa kysymys identiteetistä on noussut huomion keskipisteeseen. Vaikuttavin yhteiskunnallinen liikevoima tänä aikana ei Fukuyaman mukaan enää ole pyrkimys saavuttaa taloudellisia ja muita aineellisia arvoja ja etuja vaan ihmisten ja eri ihmisryhmien tarve tulla nähdyksi ja kuulluksi, hyväksytyksi ja arvostetuksi. Se, mitä ollaan, on tullut tärkeämmäksi kuin se, mitä omistetaan. Ihmisarvon tunnustaminen ja kunnioittaminen on nyt kasvavassa määrin ja yhä laajemmin nousemassa ihmisten ja eri ihmisryhmien johtotähdeksi.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1240: Lisäksi samaa sukupuolta olevilla pareilla ongelma on kaksinkertainen: seksi on seksiä seksin vuoksi eikä siitä voi edes seurata lisääntymistä. Samaa sukupuolta oleville ei tarjota mahdollisuutta harjoittaa seksuaalisuuttaan ”luvallisesti” avioliitossa, koska seksillä pitää olla lisääntymistarkoitus, mikä ei heidän kohdallaan edes teoriassa toteudu. Juuri tähän piirteeseen oletan Miikka Ruokasen, Eero Huovisen ja Juhani Forsbergin omissa pohdinnoissaan liittyvän.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1242: Toki läntinen Eurooppa on etenkin toisen maailmansodan jälkeen heräillyt tilanteeseen, missä seksuaalisuus ei enää pääsääntöisesti tapahdu vain avioliitoissa. Myöskään seksin harjoittamisen päällimmäisenä tavoitteena ole yksilöiden näkökulmasta lisääntyminen, vaan kuten sodassa pikemminkin toi vähentyminen. Ihmiset eivät kaipaa tänä päivänä kirkkoa määrittelemään ylhäältä päin jotakin heidän seksuaalisuudestaan. Sen sijaan he saattavat kaivata horisontaalista apua, tukijatkoa vyöllä, sekä toiveisiinsa ja pettymyksiinsä turvallista ja luotettavaa kuuntelijaa, keskustelijaa ja tukijaa. Ja kukas siihen parempi kuin vaimo, tuo ihmisen paras ja uskollinen ystävä!
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 70: Hawking ja Thorne hävisivät vedon Preskillille, info ei häviä mustassa aukossa, se vaan mukiloidaan tuntemattomaxi. “I am sorry to disappoint science fiction fans, but if information is preserved, there is no possibility of using black holes to travel to other universes. If you jump into a black hole, your mass energy will be returned to our universe, but in a mangled form which contains the information about what you were like, but in an unrecognisable state.” Thorne ei ole vielä vakuuttunut, mutta se onkin vielä elossa. Se seisoo yhä Hawkingin hartioilla, jotka olivat kyllä ihan lysyssä.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 85: The proposition, nothing comes from nothing, nothing is just nothing, owes its particular importance to its opposition to becoming in general and hence also to the creation of the world out of nothing. Those who zealously hold firm to the proposition, nothing is just nothing, are unaware that in so doing they are subscribing to the abstract pantheism of the Eleatics and essentially also to that of Spinoza. The philosophical view that accepts as principle that being is only being, nothing only nothing, deserves the name of 'system of identity'; this abstract identity is the essence of pantheism. - Hegel, 'Becoming', in 'The Science of Logic', 1812. [Kay Sage, 'Arithmetic of Breaking Wind', 1947]
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 93: The Principle of Reason, the text of an important and influential lecture course that Martin Heidegger gave in 1955-56, takes as its focal point Leibniz's principle: nothing is without reason. Heidegger shows here that the principle of reason is in fact a principle of being. Much of his discussion is aimed at bringing his readers to the "leap of thinking," which enables them to grasp the principle of reason as a principle of being. This text presents Heidegger's most extensive reflection on the notion of history and its essence, the Geschick of being, which is considered on of the most important developments in Heidegger's later thought. One of Heidegger's most artfully composed texts, it also contains important discussions of language, translation, reason, objectivity, and technology as well as remarkable readings of Leibniz, Kant, Aristotle, and Goethe, among others. And lots of black-and-white pictures of scantily dressed women.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 104: Tapsa myöntää että älyllisen elämän harvinaisuuden todennäköinen selitys on ns älyllisten otusten taipumus tehdä selvää toisistaan ja izestään heti kun siihen on kykyä. Ajatus on siitä niin pessimistinen ettei se tahdo siihen uskoa. Will to believe rulaa taas. Siitä se uskonto taas lähtee liikenteeseen.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 114: Today, many physicists believe that the holographic principle (specifically the AdS/CFT duality) demonstrates that Hawking's conclusion was incorrect, and that information is in fact preserved. In 2004 Hawking himself conceded a bet he had made, agreeing that black hole evaporation does in fact preserve information.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 172: Perustin yrittäjän kanssa firman, tervetuloa Läpimurto Tähdenlento Oy:n neizytlennolle! Seuraava lähtö on 14.03.2018! Ai se meni jo. Onko Mikkeliin mänijöitä juna män justiisa. "Matkustajien vieminen avaruteen tuo uutta merkitystä asemallemme maapallolla ja vastuullemme sen kaizijoina" - voi vittu! Häiskä on jo painamassa kaasua lähteäxeen nostelemaan ja jättääxeen elukoiden jämät saastuneeseen arkkiin ajelehtimaan.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 210: Although I did not know Prof. Hawking, I do have ALS, which puts me in a similar situation. He has to have someone to help him. As simple as that. Although they may use a Hoyer lift, and if he still values his privacy, he may also use a bidet rather than being wiped. This is a terribly debilitating illness, that presents new challenges at every turn.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 224: Being an atheist doesn’t mean you have to hate and resent anything created by Christians. If it did, you’d have to hate most of Britain’s most beautiful buildings along with Newton’s laws.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 253: Alkuräjähdyxen mikroaaltouuni, johon pantiin Schrödingerin kissa, lämmittää vieläkin heikosti kuin Rauhixen 50-luvun sähköhella. Se ei hevin jäähdy. Joskus pitää ottaa pois koko sulake. Ne jotka muistavat analogiset televisiot ovat nähneet sen. Pikku jääkarhu exyneenä lumisateeseen. Siihen heräsi joskus nukahdettuaan teeveen ääreen. Jouzenet oli lentäneet etelänavasta vielä etelään ja pöllö räpsäyttänyt toisenkin silmän kiinni.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 314: Hän astuu koputtamatta rakastavaisten huoneeseen
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 330: Hän tarttuu magneettinauhalle ja painomusteeseen
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 345: Tässä välissä sopii kaupata Pekka Reinikaisen kirjoja. Niitä kirjoittamassa on ollut joukko fixuja ihmisiä: insinöörejä, hammaslääkäreitä, pankinjohtajia, fysiikan tohtori, onpa jopa yxi biologi. Eläimet on kivoja, etenkin siilit. Kaikki eläimet tietävät, että jumala on ne tehnyt. Pekan kirjassa saarnaa 50 eläintä. A representative sample of the eight million, seven hundred thousand species! And one species to rule them all! Put that in your pipe and smoke Charles!
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 478: After his PhD, Berlinski was a research assistant in the Department of Biology at Columbia University for less than one year. He has taught philosophy, mathematics and English at Stanford University, Rutgers, the City University of New York and the Université de Paris [citation needed]. He was a research fellow at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria and the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES) in France [citation needed. Maybe it is all a bunch of lies.]
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 480: Berlinski has written works on systems analysis, the history of differential topology, analytic philosophy, and the philosophy of mathematics. Berlinski has authored books for the general public on mathematics and the history of mathematics. These include The Secrets of the Vaulted Sky (2003), aimed to redeem astrology as "rationalistic"; Publishers Weekly described the book as offering "self-consciously literary vignettes ... ostentatious erudition and metaphysical pseudo-profundities".
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 502: How dense can these creation types really be? Wanting very much for something to be true turns people into imbeciles. The least one can say for Dawkins is that he knows what he doesn´t know. He his happy to just wait and see. One of my daughters challenged the teacher and said, “Miss, you keep saying ‘evolution did it,’ but you never actually explain how evolution did it.” The teacher had to confess that my daughter made a valid criticism, and the rest of class agreed. So what? How did god create the snake? Did he roll it like Gary Larson shows, or did he use some other method? Did he just make a hypnotic gesture? (Yes, see below.)
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 576: Mixi se on joistakuista hienoa että yhtä mätkitään muiden edestä? Siinä on jotain perus-termiittimäistä, jota mä en koe läheisexi. En osaa olla kiitollinen sen enempää kuin pahoillani. Jotain luonnevikaa sekin todistaa. Multa puuttuu synnintuntoa, se on ongelma. Mut en mä suin surminkaan tahtois kuulua Pekan kanssa samaan joukkueeseen. Takuulla se vetää välistä, kotiinpäin ja kenties jopa viixeen neitosia tai pyllyyn poikasia. Isän, pojan ja hyvän veljen nimessä. Se on sleazeball, sen näkee kauaxi.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 132: Buried penis (also known as hidden penis or retractile penis) is a congenital or acquired condition, in which the penis is partially or completely hidden below the surface of the skin. It was first described by Edward Lawrence Keyes in 1919 as the apparent absence of the penis and as being buried beneath the skin of the abdomen, thigh, or scrotum. Further research was done by Maurice Campbell in 1951 when he reported on the penis being buried beneath subcutaneous fat of the scrotum, perineum, hypogastrium, and thigh. A buried penis can lead to obstruction of urinary stream, poor hygiene, soft tissue infection, phimosis, and inhibition of normal sexual function.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 148: Rikas kokemus. Nykyään (1996) retriittejä löytyy joka puolelta Suomea. Toimintaa vaalii kaikessa hiljaisuudessa Hiljaisuuden Ystävät ry. Monet käyvät niissä vähintään kerran vuodessa. Kirkon perinteeseen retriitit ovat kuuluneet jo vuosisatoja. Moosexen se vetäytyi Siinainvuorella ihan vaan kylmyydestä, Jeesuxen Negevissä 40vrk paaston takia. Luostareissa oli mahdollista yöpyä seuraamassa munkkien jokaöistä toimintaa. Taimi Mäki Helsingistä palaa retriitistä kotiin silminnähden rauhoittuneena. Retriittiin tullaan saamaan, suorittamaan ja antamaan, hän korostaa. Potilaat vetävät huoneissansa parin tunnin ajaxi sen sisään lepäämään. Joskus on järjestetty vain naisille tarkoitettuja retriittejä joissa on vähän eri ohjelma. Osallistujat saavat herkutella ja helliäkin toisiaan. Osallistujat ovat kuin yhtä persettä. Ujona saapuneet ihmiset ovat loppupeleissä ihmeen avoinna. He ovat juoneet suuresta yhteisestä kuukupista. Aina ei ole ainoastaan mietiskelyä kuten E.Saarisella vaan on muuta liikuntaa. Ensin opetetaan hengittämistä lyhyt jaxo kerrallaan. Joskus sivakoidaan tuntureilla kilometrikaupalla. Välillä levähdetään laavuilla ja pidetään hartaushetkiä, joskus kaxikin. Joillakin se onnistuu jopa monta kertaa peräjälkeen. Ohjaaja Jouni Hilke hiihteli joukon perällä. Minulle izelleni tuli hyvä olo, Jouni raportoi. Ruokailimme yhdessä, saunoimme ja kävimme riu'ulla. Tilalle tuli iloa ja rohkeutta. Sisätilassa soi rauhoittava musiikki, kun potilaat samoilevat ulkona. Hiljaisuus on voimakas elementti, se herkistää aisteja, varsinkin kun avaa ikkunoita, sanoo kappalainen Esko Aho. Puun lumivaippa koskettaa syvältä.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 268: Jeremia ei järin pitänyt elamiiteista. No ei se pitänyt monista muistakaan naapurikansoista. Jeremia (c. 650 – c. 570 BC), "itkeskelevä profeetta", oli heprealaisen raamatun majuriprofeettoja. Juutalaisen perinteen mukaan Jeremia väsäsi Jeremian kirjan, kuningasten kirjan, ja valitusvirret. Assistant editorina oli Baruch ben Neriah, Jeremian kirjuri ja opetuslapsi. Yahwehin, Israelin jumalan monien profetioiden lisäxi kirjassa on meheviä yxityiskohtia profeetan elämästä, sen kokemuxista ja vankilatuomioista. Jeremian kirja on kanoninen, ja Jeremia majuriprofeetoista hopeasijalla (kuka sai kultaa? No Jesaja tietysti, ja Hesekiel tuli pronssille.) Musulmaanitkin siteeraa Jeremiaa. Mulla taitaa olla siltä useitakin sitaatteja, mm. Jeremiadia, Siinä kohtaa sivutaan myös Edomia (alla).
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 272: Elam’s capital city, Susa, was one of the world’s first post flood cities, and was a regional center off and on for many centuries before being destroyed by Ashurbanipal, the last of the great Assyrian Kings, in 647 BC. As was the custom of Assyrian kings, he removed many of the surviving Elamites from their homeland. He took them to the former Northern Kingdom of Israel, which had been conquered by Assyria 74 years earlier, where they were resettled among the Israelites who remained there.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 275: Daniel 8:2 identifies Susa as being in the province of Elam, indicating it was already a part of the Persian Empire at the time. From this brief history it appears that all but the last verse of Jeremiah’s prophecy was fulfilled in the Assyrian and Persian conquests. By the way, Daniel was buried in Susa and his tomb has been preserved to this day because he has always been highly revered among the Persian people.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 288: I think it’s reasonable to expect prophecies that have only been partially fulfilled in history to have their ultimate fulfilment in our future. The idea that a partial historical fulfilment points to a complete future fulfilment is a well established principle in the Bible. Two examples we’ve reviewed recently are Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83. The literal and complete fulfilment of these prophecies has not happened yet.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 290: But from my research it appears that the only part of Jeremiah’s prophecy that remains a question mark is verse 39. The Elamites were defeated and scattered among the nations just as Jeremiah predicted. The nation ceased to exist and there’s been no mention of them since.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 293: LET’S TRY TO BE MORE CAREFUL. I think there are a number of people today who are guilty of interpreting Bible prophecy in light of current events when the reverse is supposed to happen. We are supposed to interpret current events in light of Bible prophecy. These people read the world news and then scour the Bible for prophetic verses that seem to fit without fully researching their history to see to what extent they’ve already been fulfilled. Many of them are novices where Bible prophecy is concerned, but some should know better.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 295: We also need to remember that Bible prophecy only illuminates world history where Israel is concerned. Great Empires have come and gone during Israel’s absence without so much as a hint of their existence in the Bible. Even the United States, by any measure the most successful of them all, is missing from the prophetic record. You can’t tell me God didn’t know these empires were coming, so their absence has to mean that He sees them as irrelevant to Israel’s destiny. Don’t get me wrong, He has used them all to advance His plan for His people, and they were all blessed through their time of participation. But He didn’t find any of them worthy of mention because He didn’t actually need any of them to fulfil His plan.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 302: EDOM, MOAB, AND AMMON. Here’s a brief summary of the history and prophecy concerning these three neighbors of Israel who always seem to wind upon the wrong side of things where the Lord is concerned.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 339: Edom was first welcomed as an ally in the Babylonian conquest of Judah, but Babylon soon turned on them and conquered them, too (Obadiah 1:7-9). God repaid Edom’s treachery against Israel (Obadiah 1:10-14) with Babylon’s treachery against Edom. The Edomites were destroyed and their lands were taken over by the Nabateans, a desert tribe from the south.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 350: Rev. 12:13-17 tells us that after Satan is confined to Earth he will go after “the woman”, symbolic of Israel. But the woman will be given the wings of a great eagle, enabling her to flee into the desert to a place prepared for her, where she will be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, which is 3 ½ years, the duration of the Great Tribulation. This agrees with Matt. 24:15-21 where the Lord warned the believing remnant of Israel to flee to the mountains to escape the Great Tribulation. The closest mountains to Jerusalem are in Moab and Edom.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 357: Combining these prophecies we have the anti-Christ, now indwelt by Satan, determined to rid the world of God’s people once and for all. Heeding the Lord’s 2,000 year old warning, the believing remnant will flee to the mountains of Edom where the city of Petra has been standing empty for centuries, as if in preparation. The phrase “wings of a great eagle” in Rev. 12:14 is reminiscent of Exodus 19:4 where the Lord used the same phrase to describe the way he delivered Israel from the Egyptians. This implies the same kind of supernatural assistance, such as when Satan spews out a river of water to sweep the woman away. But the Lord will open the earth to swallow the river and save the woman. This will enrage Satan, but he will leave the woman and go after other followers of Jesus (Rev. 12:15-17).
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 359: These prophecies help us understand how Edom, Moab, and Ammon could escape the clutches of the anti-Christ. The Lord has chosen Petra as the city of refuge where He will protect His people throughout the Great Tribulation. In doing so, He will make sure the whole area stays out of the hands of His enemy. It also explains why, when He returns, He will first go to Edom to clear the way for His people to return to Jerusalem (Isaiah 63:1-6).
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 365: We always spent a day in Petra, as well. We traveled south from Amman down the eastern side of the Dead Sea, through ancient Moab and into Edom. As we journeyed south we soon found ourselves in desert country, but it’s still far from being a wasteland. The highway was wide and well maintained, with light to moderate traffic in both directions, and we passed through several villages with pleasant rest stops before reaching Petra.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 367: But all that will change in the day God brings His vengeance on the lands east of the Jordan river and south of Israel. When He’s finished with them, Moab and Ammon will resemble Sodom and Gomorrah.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 373: For the Lord has a day of vengeance, a year of retribution, to uphold Zion’s cause. Edom’s streams will be turned into pitch, her dust into burning sulfur; her land will become blazing pitch! It will not be quenched night or day; its smoke will rise forever. From generation to generation it will lie desolate; no one will ever pass through it again. The desert owl and screech owl will possess it; the great owl and the raven will nest there. God will stretch out over Edom the measuring line of chaos and the plumb line of desolation (Isaiah 34:5-11).
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 377: From the above we can see that it won’t be out of any consideration for Edom, Moab, and Ammon that God will protect them from the anti-Christ, but out of a need to preserve the believing remnant of Israel. After the 2nd Coming the homelands of these three antagonists of Israel will become desolate wastelands forever.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 589: The Luwians /ˈluːwiənz/ were a group of Anatolian peoples who lived in central, western, and southern Anatolia, in present-day Turkey, in the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. They spoke the Luwian language, an Indo-European language of the Anatolian sub-family, which was written in cuneiform imported from Mesopotamia, and a unique native hieroglyphic script, which was sometimes used by the linguistically related Hittites also.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 602: Kuolleen meren kääröissä oli texti 1. tai 2. vs. ennen Krisua, jossa Melkisedek on jumala ja siitä käytetään nimityxiä "El" ja "Elohim", joita normixesti käytetään jumalasta. Amoriinien jumalat eli elohiim (pl.) fuusioitiin sittemmin tuulenpyörteeseen ja saatiin 1 jumala eli jehova. Textin mukaan Melkisedek julistaa sovituxen päivän ja sovittaa silloin ihmiset jotka on sille esivalittu. Se tuomizee myös kansoja. Mumslimit tuntee sen peitenimellä Kidr. Here's looking at you Kidr.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 621: My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me? (film), originally titled Eli, Eli, Lema Sabachthani? , Japanese film directed by Shinji Aoyama
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 628: This phrase, among the Sayings of Jesus on the cross, is given in these two versions. The Matthean version of the phrase is transliterated in Greek as Ἠλί, Ἠλί, λεμὰ σαβαχθανί. The Markan version is Ἐλωΐ, Ἐλωΐ, λαμὰ σαβαχθανί (elōi rather than ēli and lama rather than lema).
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 636: Almost all ancient Greek manuscripts show signs of trying to normalize this text. For instance, the peculiar Codex Bezae renders both versions with ηλι ηλι λαμα ζαφθανι (ēli ēli lama zaphthani). The Alexandrian, Western and Caesarean textual families all reflect harmonization of the texts between Matthew and Mark. Only the Byzantine textual tradition preserves a distinction.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 676: The modern use derives from an account in the Hebrew Bible, in which pronunciation of this word was used to distinguish Ephraimites, whose dialect used a differently sounding first consonant. The difference concerns the Hebrew letter shin, which is now pronounced as [ʃ] (as in shoe). In the Book of Judges, chapter 12, after the inhabitants of Gilead under the command of Jephthah inflicted a military defeat upon the invading tribe of Ephraim (around 1370–1070 BC), the surviving Ephraimites tried to cross the River Jordan back into their home territory, but the Gileadites secured the river's fords to stop them. To identify and kill these Ephraimites, the Gileadites told each suspected survivor to say the word shibboleth. The Ephraimite dialect resulted in a pronunciation that, to Gileadites, sounded like sibboleth. In the King James Bible the anecdote appears thus (with the word already in its current English spelling):
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 684: Despite the loss of the additional history of Manasseh and Ephraim, several modern-day groups claim descent from them, with varying levels of academic and rabbinical support. The Yusufzai tribe (literal translation The Sons of Joseph) of the Pashtuns of Afghanistan, India and Pakistan, who collectively refer to themselves as the "Bani Israel", have a long tradition connecting them to the exiled Kingdom of Israel. The Samaritans claim that some of their adherents are descended from these tribes, and many Persian Jews claim to be descendants of Ephraim. Many Samaritans claim descent from the grandchildren of Joseph under four main septs, his grandsons Danfi, Tsedakah, Mafraj and Sarawi Samaritans Museum In northeast India, the Mizo Jews claim descent from Manasseh, and call themselves Bnei Menashe; in 2005 Shlomo Amar, Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, announced that he regarded this claim to be true, which under the Law of Return allows them to migrate to Israel, as long as they formally convert to Israel's Orthodox form of Judaism. Similar traditions are held by the Telugu Jews, in South India, who claim descent from Ephraim, and call themselves Bene Ephraim.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 686: Considered less plausible by academic and Jewish authorities are the claims of several western Christian and related groups, in particular those of the Church of God in Christ. It claims that the whole UK is the direct descendant of Ephraim, and that the whole United States is the direct descendant of Manasseh, based on the interpretation that Jacob had said these two tribes would become the most supreme nations in the world. Some adherents of Messianic Judaism also identify as part of Joseph on the basis that, regardless of any genetic connection which may or may not exist, they observe the Torah and interpret parts of the Tanakh in certain ways.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 704: Haukka kertoo auringon kulusta kolmanteen huoneeseen, mustaan maahan (musta ebykti) ja punaiseen maahan (pohjois-ebykti); me ollaan kingejä.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 720: The Book of Jubilees, in describing how the world was divided between Noah's sons and grandsons, says that Lud received "the mountains of Asshur and all appertaining to them till it reaches the Great Sea, and till it reaches the east of Asshur his brother" (Charles translation). The Ethiopian version reads, more clearly "... until it reaches, toward the east, toward his brother Asshur's portion." Jubilees also says that Japheth's son Javan received islands in front of Lud's portion, and that Tubal received three large peninsulae, beginning with the first peninsula nearest Lud's portion. In all these cases, "Lud's portion" seems to refer to the entire Anatolian peninsula, west of Mesopotamia.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 732: According to the Table of Nations in Genesis 10 (verses 15-19), Canaan was the ancestor of the tribes who originally occupied the ancient Land of Canaan: all the territory from Sidon or Hamath in the north to Gaza in the southwest and Lasha in the southeast. This territory, known as the Levant, is roughly the areas of modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, western Jordan, and western Syria. Canaan's firstborn son was Sidon, who shares his name with the Phoenician city of Sidon in present-day Lebanon. His second son was Heth. Canaan's descendants, according to the Hebrew Bible, include:
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 37: Gatesin menestys johtuu hänen älystään, toimintatarmostaan ja kilpailuhenkisyydestään. Minussa ihmisälyssä ei ole mitään ainutlaatuista, Gates sanoo 1997 Valituissa Paloissa. Jonakin päivänä voimme jäljitellä niiden toimintaa koneella. Kun toimittaja kysyy, eikö ihmissielussa ole jotakin erityistä kenties jumalallistakin, hänen kasvonsa jähmettyvät ja äänestä katoaa sointi. Hän panee käsivartensa ristiin vazan päälle ja keinuttelee ylävartaloaan pontevasti edestakaisin. Lopulta vastaus tulee kuin koneesta: Minulla ei ole näyttöä siitä. En ole tarvinnut sitä hypoteesia. Hän jatkaa keinumista ja toistelee: Minulla ei ole näyttöä siitä. Minulla ei ole näyttöä siitä. Toimittaja hiipii hipihiljaa ulos huoneesta. Pikkuvauvana Bill junior keinui edestakaisin kehdossa, kertoo Bill senior. Psykoterapia ja tietokoneeseen kytkeminen auttoivat poikaa pääsemään tasapainoon. Näinköhän?
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 97: Kyllä, jopa kalat pääsevät hyttysten saalistajaan. Selvästi tämä rajoittuu hyttysen toukkaan vaiheeseen, joka tapahtuu makeassa vedessä. Kultakala, guppi, basso, bluegill ja monni saalistavat jossain määrin hyttysen toukkia.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 184: Badinter is the largest shareholder of Publicis Groupe, a multinational advertising and public relations company, and the chairwoman of its supervisory board. She received these shares in an inheritance from her father, Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet, who founded the company. According to Forbes, she is one of the wealthiest French citizens with a fortune of around US$1.8 billion in 2012.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 268: The four characters of the novel are sketchily described, and their present circumstances are limited to the details that permit the development of the action of the novel. Since the story takes place in a few day's time, the characters remain largely devoid of a past.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 432: Eemelii! huutaa isä ja lukizee Eemelin taas snickeboaan. Eemelin isä olisi ollut parempi asiantuntija lastenkasvatuxessa kuin JJ Rousseau, tuo ex-isäpappa joka kirjoitti kokonaisen kirjan asiasta josta sillä ei ollut ensikäden tietoa. Sen äiti kuoli lapsivuoteeseen, sen henkipatto isä jätti sen heitteille "kiltin pastorin" ja tuplalangon vaivoixi, se joutui puuman kynsiin 15-vuotiaana ja teki 5 lasta laundromaatille jotka se kaikki jätti kirkon portaille. Voltaire teki JJ:n Eemeli-kirjasta karkeahkoa pilaa. Mutta kerta Shirley Hubara mainizee sen lähteenä, pitää siihenkin näemmä tutstua lähemmin.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 436: Eli enhän mä tästä asiasta mitään tiedä, mutta kirjoitinpa kirjan kuitenkin. Niinhän kaikki muutkin tekevät, ja hyvin tienaavat. Naiset esim Therese tietävät sitä paizi vielä vähemmän, niitä voi aina neuvoa.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 462: Kentin herttua prinssi George (1902–1942) eli irtosuhteiden, juhlimisen ja syrjähyppyjen täyttämää villiä elämää. Moni asia jäi kuitenkin mysteeriksi, eikä totuutta hänen lehtolapsestaan tiedetä tänäkään päivänä. Hän oli juuri se mies, joka hurmasi lähes kaikki kävellessään sisään huoneeseen. Tumma, pitkä ja raamikas prinssi, jolla oli pilkettä silmäkulmassaan ...
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 475: Kirjoittanut Noora Hapuli, Moskaportaalin bisnesenkeli.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 57: As deacon in Rome, St. Lawrence was responsible for the material goods of the Church and the distribution of alms to the poor. Ambrose of Milan relates that when the treasures of the Church were demanded of Lawrence by the prefect of Rome, he brought forward the poor, to whom he had distributed the treasure as alms. "Behold in these poor persons the treasures which I promised to show you; to which I will add pearls and precious stones, those widows and consecrated virgins, which are the Church's crown."
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 64: No, Freud was rong! Many basic tenets of Freud’s theory have been completely disproved. To name several: Psychosexual stages. The Oedipal complex. Belief that repressed memories from the first year of life can be unearthed. Sexual fantasy about intercourse with a parent is responsible for hysteria. Even more damning, his methods and procedures cannot be called scientific, his evidence lacks scientific credibility, and what is offered as evidence was sometimes fudged, if not outright fabricated. Not surprisingly, Freud is absented from contemporary psychological pedagogy, theory, and research. Claiming, “Freud is right!” is akin to shouting, “Long live the king!”; historical curiosities, both.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 107: Oh these other feelings, listless weaklings.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 191: Sometimes weighing as much an adult human, the capybara is the world’s largest rodent. The capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), which with its brown fur resembles a giant guinea pig, can grow up to 1.3 meters (4 feet 4 inches) in length and weigh anything from 35 to 66 kilograms (77 to 145 pounds).
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 202: Iltalehti julkaisi 2. huhtikuuta 2021 Jarno Liskin artikkelin, jossa kerrotaan VTV:n itsesensuurista. Artikkelin mukaan VTV:ssä on Yli-Viikarin toimikaudella sensuroitu viraston tekemiä tarkastuksia: esimerkiksi raporteista on Iltalehden mukaan poistettu kriittisimpiä kohtia. VTV:n tehtävänä on valvoa veronmaksajien rahojen käyttöä ja valtiontaloutta. Se tekee tarkastuksia ja laatii raportteja kyseisiltä aihealueilta. Iltalehden tietojen mukaan Yli-Viikarin aikana tarkastustoimintaa on kuitenkin vähennetty ja tarkastuskertomusten sävyä pehmennetty. Myös Helsingin Sanomat kertoi tarkastustoiminnan vähentyneen Yli-Viikarin virkakaudella.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 233: Because Dimmesdale's health has begun to fail, the townspeople are happy to have Chillingworth, the newly arrived physician, take up lodgings with their beloved minister. Being in such close contact with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth begins to suspect that the minister's illness is the result of some unconfessed guilt. He applies psychological pressure to the minister because he suspects Dimmesdale is Pearl's father. One evening, pulling the sleeping Dimmesdale's vestment aside, Chillingworth sees a symbol that represents his shame on the minister's pale chest.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 257: Erityistarkastuksen mukaan tarkastusviraston hankintojen asianmukaisuudessa on puutteita. Erityistarkastus perustui tarkastusviraston hankintaohjeeseen ja liitteeseen hankintaohjeen täydentämisestä, kuvaukseen matka- ja kululaskujen valvonnasta, matkustusohjeeseen, menojen ja tulojen hyväksyjien sekä matkamääräyksen antajien luetteloon, ohjeeseen edustamisesta sekä tarjoiluista, lahjoista ja muista huomionosoituksista omalle henkilökunnalle, ohjeeseen matkalaskujen tarkastuksesta, tarkastusviraston taloussääntöön ja työjärjestykseen sekä sisäisen valvonnan periaatteisiin valtionhallinnossa.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 406: Nyrki Tapiovaara syntyi metsänhoitaja Kaarlo Juho Vihtori Tapiovaaran (1879–1959) ja Aino Aleksandra Grönroosin (1886–1929) perheeseen. Aino Aleksandra oli Pilppulan kartanon tytär ja äitinsä puolelta sukua Suomen ensimmäiselle naispuoliselle kuvanveistäjälle Eveliina Särkelälle. Hän oli taiteen ystävä ja kannusti lapsiaan näiden taiteellisissa harrastuksissa. (Selvää homoainesta.) Kaarlo Tapiovaara oli hämäläistä talonpoikaissukua, joka oli satoja vuosia asuttanut Myrrö- ja Märri-nimisiä maatiloja Vilppulassa. Kaarlo ja Aino Tapiovaaran yhteinen tie kulki Sortavalan ja Helsingin kautta Hämeenlinnaan, jonne perhe päätyi 1919. Tapiovaarojen kodissa elettiin kansallisromanttisessa hengessä. Sen mukaisesti perheen kaikille yhdelletoista lapselle annettiin kalevalaiset etunimet. Ennen Veikko Nyyrikkiä syntyivät poika ja tytär ja hänen jälkeensä kuusi poikaa sekä kaksi tytärtä. Kaarlo Tapiovaara oli Hämeenlinnan ainoa porvari, joka kävi perheineen säännöllisesti kaupungin työväenteatterissa.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 408: Nuorena Nyrki Tapiovaara oli urheilullinen. Vanhemman veljensä, Kaarlo Tapion eli Tapio Tapiovaaran, kanssa hän harrasti myös kirjallisuutta ja historiaa. Veljekset esiintyivät koulussa tulenkantajina ja vetivät koulun ateistikerhoa. Poikien huoneesta ja heidän ”kellarikerhostaan” kehkeytyi Hämeenlinnan älykkönuorison kohtauspaikka. Nyrki Tapiovaaran nuorempi veli Ilmari Tapiovaara oli tunnettu muotoilija ja sisustussuunnittelija. Kristina-tädillä on kodissa sen vihreitä kiekuroita tuoleja, isiltä ja äidiltä perittyjä. Nyrki Tapiovaara oli kuitenkin liian nuori ehtiäkseen Tulenkantajien kiihkeimpään hurmiovaiheeseen 1920-luvulla.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 420: Se joka leikkiin lähtee leikin kestäköön. Tapiovaara sai komennuksen Lammille Hämeenlinnan sotilaspiirin esikuntaan. Hän halusi rintamalle, mutta ei päässyt vasemmistoradikaalin taustansa takia. Päällystö ja reserviupseeritoverit tekivät hänen elämänsä mahdollisimman vaikeaksi, illat ja yöt hän saattoi viettää kotonaan.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 120: Emmanuel Lévinas (myös Levinas; alk. Emmanuelis Levinas; 12. tammikuuta 1906 (J: 30. joulukuuta 1905) Kaunas, Venäjän keisarikunta – 25. joulukuuta 1995 Pariisi, Ranska) oli liettualaissyntyinen ranskalainen filosofi. Hän kehitti oman fenomenologisen näkemyksensä, joka jatkaa Edmund Husserlin ja Martin Heideggerin fenomenologiaa ja liittyy samalla juutalaiseen perinteeseen. Erityisen tunnettuja ovat Lévinasin kuvaus etiikasta ja siihen liittyvä toiseuden ja kasvojen käsitys.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 161: Jääkäri Pekka Heikka syntyi maanviljelijäperheeseen Alatorniolla vuonna 1896, kävi kansakoulun ja lähti vain 19-vuotiaana Saksaan sotilaskoulutukseen. Hän taisteli jääkäreiden mukana ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa muun muassa Missejoella ja palasi Suomeen joulukuussa 1917.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 205: Ja Marttinen toden totta säpsähti. Hän oli kotonaan valmistautumassa Kuulaa käsittelevään keskustelutilaisuuteen ja selaili vaarin elämäkertaa. Kirjan viimeisillä sivuilla kerrotaan isoisän kuolemasta, ja siellä mainitaan useaan otteeseen myös Pekka Heikan nimi.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 289: Peggy kävi kotikoulua. Sen vanhemmat pakkas sen selkäreppuun lähtiessään mezään hyönteisjahtiin. Perhosten nappaajat. She only attended full-time school at eight, in Toronto. Readers of Cat's Eye (1988), a chilling account of the lasting damage of childhood bullying, might expect that these years were problematic, but apart from a fleeting reference to "a horrific Grade 4 teacher" there is no suggestion that Atwood was especially unhappy, though she did recently write that "I was now faced with real life, in the form of other little girls - their prudery and snobbery, their Byzantine social life based on whispering and vicious gossip, and an inability to pick up earthworms without wriggling all over and making mewing noises like a kitten". Mä koitin opettaa Helmiä olemaan inhoomatta matoja 2-vuotiaana. Inhoo se niitä kuitenkin vaikkon biologi. Ja Seija ei voi sietää käärmeitä, se näkee kuumina öinä niistä unia. KKK-äijät marssi kadulla 20-luvulla kuin kihomadot. Niitä kiemurteli valkoisina ruskeiden kiekuroiden kimpussa kakkapotassa kun oltiin pieniä.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 291: Her early years of winter school had taught her that it's possible to go through the entire year's curriculum in a month. As a result, she advanced quickly, and there was an awkward period when she was in a class of much older children: "They shouldn't have done that. I was 12 in the first year of high school and there were people in my class who were 15-and-a-half." That surely taught her a lot, a likely model of The Red House in Handmaid's Tale. She was tired a lot and developed a heart condition, inherited from her father, in which the heart beat is irregular, almost syncopated. Her verbal rendition of the rhythms is hard to transcribe, but these lines from one of her early poems, "Faulty Heart", capture it:
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 306: Atwood’s career as a graduate student stretched, with many interruptions, for half a dozen years. During that period she had an affair with Quebec poet D. G. Jones— which Sullivan mentions so obliquely that it is over before the reader realizes it has begun. She had broken it off, as a result of the stresses caused by his workload. She subsequently courted Jim Polk (an American writer she had met at Harvard) and, in January 1967, she decided to marry him "after five years of equivocation". She also worked at odd jobs including market researcher like Fred Waterford, and despite never finishing her PhD, began a university teaching career that would take her to cities across Canada. At 27, she became the youngest person to ever win the Governor General’s Award with her 1967 poetry collection, The Circle Game. Siitä nousi sille aika lailla kusi päähän.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 358: Peg on muistavinaan että jonkun nazin morsian olisi ollut keskitysleirin pihalla bikineissä kissalasit päässä. Hmm. Although two-piece bathing suits were being used by women as early as the 1930s, the bikini is commonly dated to July 5, 1946 when, partly due to material rationing after World War II. Cat eye glasses first became popular in the 1950s with their feline inspired style. A huge contrast to the frames that had been in fashion previously, cat eye glasses marked a new era of chic style for women. The glasses were originally created to be worn only with optical lenses, but it was the hugely famous actress Audrey Hepburn that kicked off the trend for cat eye sunglasses after her starring role in 1961 hit film Breakfast at Tiffanys. Eli selkeästi joku anakronismi, sodanjälkeisiä muoteja. Platform shoes oli kyllä muotia 30-40-luvuilla. Mitä vittua on "sen ajan painokuvahatut?" Ei takuulla ollut 40-luvun muotia, mitä sitten ovatkaan. Ja sit toi älytön Nolite te bastardes carborundorum josta on ollut useaankin otteeseen syytä marista.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 468: Oh Lord man I got no chicken but I bring you these honks as a special offering...
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 478: -Expect the essence of God to descend at the event! Expect to receive major breakthroughs in your life. -Except to give big hands and handouts to the Lead Pastor and his flock. -Expect to kneel in front of us dressed in just your own comfort and feel a powerful presence enter inside you like Penrod. I mean Nimrod. In fact Meatrod.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 486: Dress in your own personal comfort. No clothes necessary. We will be praying and ministering you to the Lords in presence throughout the day. We shall be wearing masks so you don´t need to.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 555: Pro life on puhtaasti koirassukupuolen siirto sukupuolten sodassa, samaa meisinkiä kuin naisten ympärileikkaus. Enemmän eitoivottuja lapsia naisille on enemmän toivottua ilmaista jälkeläistuotantoa miehille. Vanha kunnon Pat pidetään ruodussa jalkaan kettingillä kiinnitetyllä lapsella. Abortti ja ehkäisy on naisten rumia vastavetoja, niistä on vittu päästävä, vittuun on miehen päästävä vapaasti jättämään pikku limainen viestinsä. Mällimese lopettaa kivulloisen menstruaation, sitä voi suositella lääkkeexi myös Annalle. Minä vaadin! Mitäs soitatte tänne hätänumeroon klo 4am, ettekö tajua täällä nukutaan, kysyy loistohotellin hätäpuhelimen uninen helleeni. Ottakaa 2 aspiriinia ja tulkaa aamulla. Kikka ei ehkä jaxa enää yhtäkään lastenlasta. Koiratkin on harmittomampia. Mulle tuottaa nekin jo vaikeuxia.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 95: Herätä se joka aamu hellällä pusulla (pese hampaat eka), ja toivota se takaisin kotiin joka päivä lämpimällä jaxuhalilla plus lasillisella jotain miestä väkevämpää jos mahdollista, tai sit vesilasilla. Tää rauhoittaa sen hermoja ja saa sen tuntemaan izensä arvostetuxi, tarvituxi ja rakastetuxi. Vau, vesilasi, ja vielä puolitäynnä vesijohtovettä!
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 159: Norjalaiskirjailija Karl Ove Knausgård tuomitsi The New Yorkerissa julkaistussa esseessään koiran huonoimmaksi mahdolliseksi kumppaniksi kirjailijalle. Knausgårdin perheessä oli koira kahden vuoden ajan, ja kirjailija piti sitä työnteon kannalta liian vaativana, äänekkäänä ja sosiaalisena. Knausgårdin maailmanmaineeseen nostanut Taisteluni oli alkujaan nimeltään ”Koira”. Knausgård kuseekin siinä koko perheen jaloille.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 170: The mechanisms underlying the benefits of Mindfulness Based Interventions are suggested to include improved emotional regulation strategies and self-compassion levels, decreased rumination and experiential avoidance [3], as well as improved meta-cognitive skills and body awareness [4,5]. A number of authors have suggested models to explain the psychological mechanisms by which mindfulness interventions have an effect [6,7,8], and Hötzel et al. [9] have proposed a theoretical framework that integrates earlier models. This framework proposes that there are four main mechanisms: (1) attention regulation; (2) body awareness; (3) emotion regulation; and (4) change in perspective of the self; these, therefore, together improve self-regulation [9].
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 172: Scientific interest in the effects of MBI on the immune system is also growing since accumulating evidence indicates that inflammation may trigger changes that contribute to the pathophysiology of depression and stress-related disorders [17,18,19]. Also, inflammation is one of the aspects of immunity that is regulated by the stress response [20]. Inflammation is a complex process that includes a number of biological markers, many of them classified as cytokines and chemokines, key regulators of immune function with different roles in the inflammatory processes (for example, some of these mediators are predominantly pro-inflammatory, whereas others are mainly anti-inflammatory) [21,22]). Some of the inflammatory markers are considered as to be (potentially) significant for depression, e.g., the pro-inflammatory cytokines as interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), as well as the acute phase reactant protein C-reactive protein (CRP) [23,24,25].
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 381: Ein wiederkehrendes Merkmal sind verschiedene Lautverschiebungen, insbesondere im Bereich der Vokale und Diphthonge, von denen nahezu keiner genau wie in der hochdeutschen Standardsprache ausgesprochen wird. Diese Verschiebungen sind zwar wiederkehrend, werden aber nicht grundsätzlich bei allen Wörtern angewandt. Typische Beispiele hierfür sind:
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 402: Die Mundart ist reich an slawischen, aber auch vereinzelten französischen Lehnwörtern (in der folgenden Tabelle mit * bzw. ° gekennzeichnet). Diese stammen einerseits aus der langen Zeit des Zusammenlebens mit den Sorben und Tschechen, andererseits aus der Präsenz französischer Truppen während der Napoleonischen Kriege sowie der "Salonsprache" des städtischen Bürgertums.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 445: diesen
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 742: In der Summierung dieser Merkmale ist die Oberlausitzer Mundart in ihrer Reinform für Sprecher des Hochdeutschen, im Gegensatz zu den meisten sächsischen und den anderen lausitzischen Dialekten, nahezu unverständlich.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 748: Ja, die Notwendigkeit. Robel ist schließlich kein Träumer. Er weiß, was nötig ist. Das Land braucht Kohle, auf Gedeih und Verderb Kohle. Und wenn der Preis auch hoch ist, man muß ihn zahlen. Man muß ihr, der bitteren Notwendigkeit, ein Landschaft in den Rachen werfen. Robel selbst ruft alle diese Zwänge hervor. Er will auf guten Asphalt- oder Betonstraßen fahren, er will es warm haben, wenn er im Winter Bier trinkt, warm auch vor dem Fernseher, warm im Bett, er will sein gutes Geld und die Gewißheit, einen Trabant kaufen zu können wenn er es nur wollte: Er will überhaupt leben, wie ein Mensch in Mitteleuropa nur leben kann. Kein Jota will er abstreicher keine Unbequemlichkeit in Kauf nehmen, keinen Pfennig nachlassen; und dieser Wille ist es, der, millionenfach vermehrt, der Landschaft hier das Genick brechen wird. Robel weiß das. Und trotz alledem hätte er gern den Mann bei sich der das letzten Endes entscheidet. Der den Strich zieht und das Urteil im Namen der Millionen spricht. Er würde ihm gern das Dorf zeigen, würde ihm von den Bäumen und dem Fenster erzählen, von der Wirtsfrau, die über seinem Knie gelegen hat.Er würde den Namen des Hundes nennen, der gerade bellt. Und dann würde er sehen, ob dem Mann die Entscheidung leicht fällt.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 772: Business Insider has compiled a list of 25 such classics, drawn from Amazon’s list of 100 lifetime books, Goodreads recommendations, and the opinions of the editors. A common trend among these books is their exploration of politics, history, and human conditions - insights which allow these literature to withstand the test of time. Here’s the list:
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 777: His book is where the idea of Big Brother originated, and his messages of a restrictive government remain as insightful today as they did when they were originally written more than 60 years ago. Orwell presents readers with a vision of a haunting world that remains captivating from the beginning to end. Good sturdy Rifle Association stuff. Orwell eli Blair on reposteltu täällä.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 801: In the book, the Matrix is world within a world: the representation of every byte of data in cyberspace.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 822: 'A Confederacy of Dunces' was written 11 years after Toole committed suicide. Ignatius O'Reilly is a 30-year-old man living with his mother in New Orleans, who comes into contact with many French Quarter characters while searching for employment. Though comical, there is a deep streak of melancholy that runs through Reilly's character, and Toole's ability to combine these two aspects beautifully won him the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1981. The moral (as usual): everybody is the Steven of his or her own life. A complete turd. Supposedly funny. Parochial baloney.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 890: Kahneman used decades of psychology research to construct 'Thinking Fast and Slow,' which won a Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. Fuck it did, novels can win literature prices at best. Anyway, economic Nobels are a joke compared to real Nobel prizes, just an ad for laissez faire capitalism.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 908: Malcolm Gladwell explores the world of 'outliers' -- the world's brightest, most successful, and most famous people, and questions what makes these high-achievers different from others.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 914: Ender suffers greatly from the isolation, rivalry, pressure, and fear that's present in this artificial community of young soldiers. Never even heard of this piece of shit. Sounds like the teenage girlie assassin series that had a honeysucking film based on it, Hunger Games. Insect like aliens, my foot. Termite like monkeys are much worse.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 934: Natelyn huora kuvataan erittäin väsyneenä prostituoituna, joka ei ole kiinnostunut seksistä ja haluaa mieluummin nukkua. Nuorempi sisarensa vainoaa häntä jatkuvasti. Siksi luutnantti Nately, joka on hullun rakastunut häneen, ei voi suostutella häntä ryhtymään merkitykselliseen suhteeseen hänen kanssaan. Hän kihlautuu naiseen seksuaalisesti, mutta se on kylmää ja mekaanista, sillä hän kieltäytyy viettämästä aikaa Natelyn kanssa ilman palkkaa. Kapteeni Black nukkui usein hänen kanssaan ärsyttääkseen Natelya. Kun hiän kuitenkin vihdoin lepää, hiän rakastuu Natelyyn yhtä hullusti kuin hänkin häneen. Pian sen jälkeen Nately kuolee taistelutehtävässä. Kun Yossarian saapuu Roomaan kertomaan hänelle huonoja uutisia, Natelyn huora syyttää Yossariania Natelyn kuolemasta. Myöhemmin hiän omistautuu Yossarianin takaa-ajoon ja väijyttää häntä useita kertoja romaanin loppuosan aikana yrittääkseen kostaa Natelyn kuolemasta puukottamalla häntä. Hiän onnistuu lopulta puukottamaan häntä kylkeen ja lähettämään hänet sairaalaan. Toinen hiänen hyökkäyksistään on kirjan viimeinen, vaikkakin vähäinen, koominen tapahtuma.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 938: Concern for others complicates the simple logic of self-preservation, and creates its own Catch-22: life is not worth living without the well-being of others, but the well-being of others endangers one’s life. Ergo self preservation sucks. So does war, for whatever cause.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 948: 'Moonwalking with Einstein' recounts Foer's yearlong journey to improve his memory. He draws on cutting-edge research, cultural histories, and tricks from mentalists.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1031: But is Barbie really that great of a role model? Was she really portraying true feminism or displaying the “right” way to look? Were these impressionable young girls learning an independent way of life or a body figure which should be modeled? If Barbie was paving the “new” way of life, then why was she so goddamn skinny? We liberated U.S. women weigh 3x more in our 10 gallon panties.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 239: Cinnpie´s response comes after a prolonged silence on Twitter. She added a letter from her lawyers to her statement, a cease and desist to all the defamatory comments online. Creampie acknowledges that "I was an irresponsible, inappropriate, and immature 23 year old in 2016… and I deserve all of this. Sitä saa mitä tilaa. I may be a pussy pedophile, but I am not evil. I am not a crook. All I care ab is my favorite games & making my friends laugh." LOL
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 319: Täyden kokoelman kameravarusteita. Olin jopa kyhännyt itselleni pimiön veeseeseen. Mitä minä oikein ajattelin?
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 329: 42 tuuman television, joka oli selvästi sopimaton reilun yhdeksän neliömetrin huoneeseeni, mutta joka oletetusti osoitti minun olevan vannoutunut elokuvien ystävä.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 434: Hermanni on mamu kamasaxa joka kauppaa Rebin numeroita. Osta iso numero! Kakkonen on tärkeä. Hermannin jumala on listaykkönen joka teki apinasta hyvän kakkosen. Tehköön kaikin mokomin kuha ei Jillin keittiön veeseeseen. Sinne saa tehdä vaan ykkösen. Ei saisi sanoa Jehova tai Jahve, tässäkin vain opetustarkoituxessa. Jehova jehova jehova! Mitä väliä, anteexiantamaton synti on jo tehty, sut kivitetään kumminkin. Pannaan paholaisen pannuun paistumaan.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 520: They say that a fat man´s easy and is good to have round... No aikuisten oikeesti en vihaa sua vaan sun käytöstä (joo tää on kuultu ennenkin, tavanomaista jeesustelua. Jumala ei vihaa pikku apinaa vaan syntiä. No apinan perseeseen se sattuu kuitenkin, kun sitä syntiä ajetaan siitä pois. Eli ihan sama.) Vaikeat apinat on aktiivisaggressiivisia, passiivisaggressiivisia tai passiivisia.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 585: In 1995, Studio Ghibli, a Japanese anime company, released a movie called Whisper of the Heart. It’s about two high school students struggling with their artistic callings, their feelings for each other, and coming of age.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 597: 1. Make peace with your past so it won’t mess with your present.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 603: Life is but a series of fleeting moments, one forever chasing the next. The only place where you can live, act, and make a difference is the present. Today. Well it´s also a series of hours, days, months and years, come to think of it. You can plan ahead, nincompoop.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 675: hooked and start the payments just now. Take your time but keep in mind, life is just a series of fleeting moments, no time like the present.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 729: Samainen viktoriaaninen brittitaiteilija Leighton rakensi izelleen Lontooseen samanlaista mausoleumia kuin Au Reboursin des Esseintes. Sen tarjoamat pöperöt ei olleet mistään kotoisin. Kiinnostus Rikun pompöösiin taiteeseen on romahtanut, mutta mausoleumista on tullut kotimuseo.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 745: Evidence is presented that the author of Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, was himself consciously a pedophile who acted out his desires vicariously through his writing. Drawing upon his literary works and biography, the manifest and genetic origins of Nabokov´s pedophilia are traced back to an unresolved oedipal conflict complicated by childhood sexual abuse. Humbert Humbert, the protagonist in the novel Lolita, is the classic literary portrayal of a pedophile. Evidence is presented that the author of Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, was himself consciously a pedophile who acted out his desires vicariously through his writing. Drawing upon his literary works and biography, the manifest and genetic origins of Nabokov´s pedophilia are traced back to an unresolved oedipal conflict complicated by childhood sexual abuse. The raw power of Lolita derives from the abreactive discharge of a libidinal cathexis denied any other mode of expression.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 767: But as Lance Olsen writes: "The first 13 chapters of the text, culminating with the oft-cited scene of Lo unwittingly stretching her legs across Humbert's excited lap ... are the only chapters suggestive of the erotic." Nabokov himself observes in the novel´s afterword that a few readers were "misled by the opening of the book ... into assuming this was going to be a lewd book ... expecting the rising succession of erotic scenes; when these stopped, the readers stopped, too, and felt bored." Preee-cisely!
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 836: luukyhmyiseen ranteeseensa. Lehti pakeni
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 882: viattomaan puuvillahameeseen verhotun ruumiinsa
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 891: siihen pistävään mutta terveeseen kuumuuteen,
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 898: minun pingottuneeseen, kidutettuun,
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1012: the start" packing a huge, even gross, potential weight … These clues are
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1035: black ink drawings were influenced by Japanese woodcuts, and emphasized the
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1154: Remu was born in Nogent-le-Rotrou. A nobleman (under the tutelage of the Lorraine family), he did his studies under Marc Antoine Muret and George Buchanan. As a student, he became friends with the young poets Jean de La Péruse, Étienne Jodelle, Jean de La Taille and Pierre de Ronsard and the latter incorporated Remy into the "La Pléiade", a group of revolutionary young poets. Belleau´s first published poems were odes, les Petites Inventions (1556), inspired by the ancient lyric Greek collection attributed to Anacreon and featuring poems of praise for such things as butterflies, oysters, cherries, coral, shadows, turtles, and twats. His last work, les Amours et nouveaux Eschanges des Pierres precieuses (1576), is a poetic description of gems and their properties inspired by medieval and renaissance lapidary catalogues. He died impotent in Paris on 6 March 1577, and was buried in Grands Augustins. Remy Belleau was greatly admired by impotent poets in the twentieth century, such as Francis Ponge. Francis Ponge (1899 Montpellier, Ranska – 1988 Le Bar-sur-Loup, Ranska) oli ranskalainen runoilija. Ponge työskenteli kirjailijanuransa ohella toimittajana, kustannustoimittajana ja ranskan kielen opettajana. Hän osallistui toisen maailmansodan aikana vastarintaliikkeeseen ja kuului vuosina 1937–1947 kommunistipuolueeseen. Hän sai vaikutteita eksistentialismista, ja esinerunoissaan hän paljastaa kielen avulla objektin itsenäisenä, omanlakisena maailmana. Francis Ponge was born in Montpellier, France in 1899. He has been called “the poet of things” because simple objects like a plant, a shell, a cigarette, a pebble, or a piece of soap are the subjects of his prose poems. To transmute commonplace objects by a process of replacing inattention with contemplation was Ponge’s way of heeding Ezra Pound’s edict: ‘Make it new.’ Ponge spent the last 30 years of his life as a recluse at his country home, Mas des Vergers. He suffered from frequent bouts with nervous exhaustion and numerous psychosomatic illnesses. He continued to write up until his death on August 6, 1988.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 129: Silicone sweethearts remain resolutely inert, but change is afoot in the world of sex dolls, with a drive to make them ever more lifelike. First stop is a throbbing heart and a heating element, custom-made nipples and wobbling artificial labia – researchers are utilising new technology to persuade their dolls to smile, pout, flutter their eyelashes, tell jokes, and fake orgasm. What more is needed anyway? Down in the dolls’ nether regions, heating and lubrication systems are in the early stages of development for a more “authentic” sexual experience, along with muscle spasms to simulate female orgasm. “Pubic hair is making a comeback,” offers company owner Matt, running his hand through some plastic pubes.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 133: Just over 5ft tall, she looks to be in her early 20s but James' wife of 36 years is astonishingly understanding and puts up with her presence in their home, even when her husband takes April out or to the marital bed.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 159: Susan said: "The other thing I want to do is G-spot so you can sit there and play with her and make her feel good. The way I got involved in this was when my husband finished his PHD I got him a Real Doll as a graduation present, at first I got jealous because he spent time with her.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 161: "I'm not a beautiful woman and these things are beautiful and I was feeling I'm not good enough.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 372: a more emotive vibe will do the trick, check out these 13 texts to send to check
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 450: and why do these TikTok users know about them before you do? Should you still use
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 493: Anything that actually deserves congratulations should be met with a thumbs up or
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 495: that someone's behavior is not deserving of real applause.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 569: But out of all the emojis available on the Apple iPhone keyboard, one of the cutest and most versatile options is undoubtedly the cat emoji. It comes with a total of nine different expressions (perhaps representing each of a cat's hypothetical nine lives?), and they all, of course, mean different things. Not sure how to use all of them, or what makes them different? Check out this handy little guide to help you use them all properly, plus two or three different examples of the emoji in action:
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 107: Reader, I married him. A quiet wedding we had: he and I, the parson and clerk, were alone present. When we got back from church, I went into the kitchen of the manor-house, where Mary was cooking the dinner and John cleaning the knives, and I said—
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 132: “Sally era morena, praticamente da mesma idade de Lolita, e também filha de mãe viúva e chantageada com uma ameaça de internamento numa escola correcional. Seu sequestro seguiu o mesmo modus operandi que Nabokov desenvolve em seu romance. Weinman encontrou anotações e recortes de jornais sobre o caso nos arquivos do escritor, até mesmo um registro da morte de Sally, em agosto de 1952”, assinala Sérgio Augusto. “Há claras — e, às vezes, diretas — referências ao drama de Sally e a La Salle em ‘Lolita’. No capítulo final, atormentado pela culpa, Humbert-Humbert se compara a La Salle e confessa sua desconfiança de que também possa ser condenado a 35 anos por estupro.”
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 136: O livro “The Real Lolita”, de Sarah Weinman, resgata a história de duas pessoas cuja história teria colaborado para a formatação do romance “Lolita”, de Vladimir Nabokov. Brian Boyd relata que Vladimir Nabokov leu “notícias sobre acidentes publicadas em jornais, sobre crimes sexuais e assassinatos: ‘um violador de meia idade’ que raptou Sally Horner, uma garota de 15 anos de Nova Jersey, e a manteve em seu poder durante 21 meses, levando-a como ‘escrava’ por todo o país até que a encontraram em um motel do sul da Califórnia”. O nome do homem não é citado. Por que a quase nenhuma importância dada ao caso? Porque, como mostra o biógrafo, o romance de Vladimir Nabokov vai muito além da história de Sally Horner e de seu raptador. Reduzi-lo a isto é reduzir a importância de sua literatura (que nada tem de jornalismo).
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 285: Mitä vittua toikin ulina oli olevinaan? Kekä Nori? Aijoo se on Kunta Kinten esikoisTYTÄR Pacific Nordwest, jonka kunniaxi iskä väsäs tän laulun ISKÄSTÄ ja mamista. Mamivainaa kehuu siinä POIKAA (= iskää, laulun tekijää) kuplixi ja lähettää siinä sivussa terviisiä luoteeseen, et kerro sille MUSTA (8x). Vitun narsistit. Kunta Kinten huonoin hetki oli kun sen mami Mae West teki enkelin eteiseen.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 317: As presented, his intentions are unclear — other than to remind you that, you know, “I am a god!” Duly noted. Maybe now West can start tapping into his benevolent side. After all, he’s going to need it in 15 years when self-aggrandizing young men start objectifying his daughter.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 364:
Biden ei maininnut Afganistanin katastrofaalista humanitääristä tilannetta. Yhdysvaltain tavoitteena on nyt vain saada omat kansalaisensa ja heitä auttaneet paikalliset ulos maasta. 600 termiittiä ahtautuu kuljetuskoneeseen. Niiden paperit on kunnossa, ne on miehiä. Näyttäkääpä pussinne! Onko Mikkeliin mänijöitä? Muna meni justiinsa. Loput miehet roikkuu lähtötelineistä ja mätkähtelee baanalle. Naiset pysyttelee kotona. Ne on hyödykkeitä.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 428: From the start, critics complained about the ostensible sameness of Roth’s books, their narcissism and narrowness—or, as he himself put it, comparing his own work to his father’s conversation, “Family, family, family, Newark, Newark, Newark, Jew, Jew, Jew.” Over time, he took on vast themes—love, lust, loneliness, marriage, masculinity, ambition, community, solitude, loyalty, betrayal, patriotism, rebellion, piety, disgrace, the body, the imagination, American history, mortality, the relentless mistakes of life—and he did so in a variety of forms: comedy, parody, romance, conventional narrative, postmodernism, autofiction. In each performance of a self, Roth captured the same sound and consciousness. in nearly fifty years of reading him I’ve never been more bored. I got to know Roth in the nineteen-nineties, when I interviewed him for this magazine around the time he published “The Human Stain.” To be in his presence was an exhilarating, though hardly relaxing, experience. He was unnervingly present, a condor on a branch, unblinking, alive to everything: the best detail in your story, the slackest points in your argument. His intelligence was immense, his performances and imitations mildly funny. “He who is loved by his parents is a conquistador,” Roth used to say, and he was adored by his parents, though both could be daunting to the young Philip. Herman Roth sold insurance; Bess ruled the family’s modest house, on Summit Avenue, in a neighborhood of European Jewish immigrants, their children and grandchildren. There was little money, very few books. Roth was not an academic prodigy; his teachers sensed his street intelligence but they were not overawed by his classroom performance. Roth learned to write through imitation. His first published story, “The Day It Snowed,” was so thoroughly Truman Capote that, he later remarked, he made “Capote look like a longshoreman.”
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 446: provided an outlet for a myriad of hostile fantasies. These same masturbatory
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 454: Henry Roth, though some of these remain unpublished. The rationale for Henry Roth
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 512: subject; this shows its dignity and importance. Some of these
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 570: are easily detectable. They are these: a disposition to eat, to
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 583: these two arts are now indulged in only private--though by consent
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 584: of the whole company, when only males are present, it is still
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 589: the "social evil" are bad. I would teach you that some of these
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 814: Kun laulaa hiljaa mummin korvaan tai pesee intiimejä paikkoja voi hyräillä päässään jotakin kappaletta 20 sekunnin ajan. Hyviä vaihtoehtoja ovat esimerkiksi Paljon onnea vaan -onnittelulaulu kahteen kertaan ja Jänis istui maassa -lastenlaulun ensimmäinen säkeistö.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 295: Selvää huuhailua. "Äitini tuli jouluna vierailulle perseeseeni. Olimme sopineet tarkkaan etukäteen, mitkä jouluruuat valmistan ize ja mitkä hän tuo mukanaan. Hän oli kuitenkin yllättäen valmistanut kaikki ruuat, myös ne jotka olivat minun vastuullani. Sanoin varovasti, ettei hänen olisi tarvinnut nähdä niin suurta vaivaa ja että osa äidin laittamasta ruuasta jää usein jouluna syömättäkin. Äitini loukkaantui tästä kommentistani niin että vetäytyi syrjään ja alkoi itkeä."
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 325: Erikson syntyi juutalaisten Salomonsenien avioliiton ulkopuoliseen suhteeseen Saksassa. Eriksonin biologinen isä oli luultavasti tanskalaismies nimeltä Auf Wiedersehn. Äiti muutti jäätyään elävän leskeksi Karlsruheen, missä hän avioitui Erkin lastenlääkärin Theodor Homburgerin kanssa, joka myöhemmin adoptoi Erikin omaksi pojakseen. Erikson ei tuntenut syntymäänsä koskevia seikkoja. Siitä se oli äiskälle aina katkera. Identiteetin kehittyminen on ollut Eriksonille keskeistä niin omassa elämässä kuin ammatillisestikin :D. Se kexas izelleen sukunimen Erixon, jottei lapsille jenkeissä naurettaisi etne on hampurilaisia. Goyt pilkkas Erkkiä jutkuxi ja jutkut goyx. Oli siinä kriisiä.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 327: Erikson kävi niin sanotun klassisen oppikoulun, jossa opiskeltiin latinaa, kreikkaa, kirjallisuutta ja historiaa. Hänen koulumenestyksensä ei kuitenkaan ollut kehuttava. Ylioppilaaksi tulonsa jälkeen Erikson matkusteli seitsemän vuotta pitkin Eurooppaa harrastaen muun muassa puupiirrosten ja etsausten tekoa sekä suoritti jonkin verran taideopintoja. Erikson sai 25-vuotiaana eräältä lapsuudenystävältään taide- ja historianopettajan pestin englantilaisille ja amerikkalaisille lapsille tarkoitettuun Wienissä toimivaan yksityiskouluun. Erikson tutustui Wienissä Sigmund Freudin perheeseen, minkä johdosta kutsuttiin opiskelemaan psykoanalyysia Wienin psykoanalyyttisen yhdistykseen. Erikson suoritti myös Montessori-opettajien yhdistyksen järjestämän Montessori-opetustekniikan koulutuksen sekä hygieniapassin.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 366: Jon Kabat-Zinn (s. 5. kesäkuuta 1944) on yhdysvaltalainen lääketieteen emeritusprofessori. Hän on perustanut stressiklinikan ja tietoisuustaitokeskuksen Massachusettsin yliopiston lääketieteelliseen tiedekuntaan. Hän opettaa tietoisuustaitomietiskelyä stressin, ahdistuksen, kivun ja sairauksien helpottamiseksi. Kabat-Zinnin elämäntyö keskittyy lähinnä tavoitteeseen saada tietoisuustaito (myös: tietoinen läsnäolo) lääketieteen ja yhteiskunnan hyväksymäksi menetelmäksi. MBSR-menetelmään (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) liittyy mietiskelyä ja joogaharjoituksia, jotka auttavat erilaisista vaivoista kärsiviä tietoisen keskittymisen kautta kohentamaan oloaan. Sen avulla saadaan käyttöön sisäisiä voimavaroja pyrittäessä kohentamaan terveyttä ja hyvinvointia. Kabat-Zinn on työtovereineen tutkinut keskittymisen vaikutusta aivoihin, etenkin stressin aikaisiin tunnetiloihin ja immuunijärjestelmään. Hei mut tää taitaa olla just sitä fuulaa jolla Maisu meinaa takoa Tukholman vanhassa kaupungissa miljoonia kruunuja?
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 375: Narsistin myönteiseen ja uhrin mielistelevään puheeseen ei voi milloinkaan luottaa. He voivat ihastella ja kehua henkilöä, josta ovat juuri puhuneet pahaa hänen selkänsä takana, tai ylisetää häntä suorassa kontaktissa mutta seuraavassa hetkessä jo moittia ulkopuolisille. Silloin hän oivaltaa, että narsisti rakastaa ja vihaa häntä samaan aikaan. Vihaava rakkaus, rakastava viha, tää oxymoron esiintyy jo mulla albumissa 15 et passim. Sitä esiintyy myöes paljon Vaakun ja Tarmon aforistisissa töräyxissä albumissa 128.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 380: Hän astuu koputtamatta rakastavaisten huoneeseen
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 396: Hän tarttuu magneettinauhalle ja painomusteeseen
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 480: Les Grosses Têtes French pronunciation: [le ɡʁos tɛt]; is a daily comedy radio programme on the French language RTL radio network. Broadcasted since 1 April 1977, the current host since 2014 is Laurent Ruquier. Presently broadcast from 15:30 to 18:00 in France and Belgium this show has several regular segments.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 481: The Mind & Life Institute is a US-registered, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1991 to establish the field of contemplative sciences. Based in Charlottesville, Va., the institute “brings science and contemplative wisdom together to better understand the mind and create positive change in the world." Over three decades, Mind & Life has played a key role in the mindfulness meditation movement by funding research projects and think tanks, and by convening conferences and dialogues with the Dalai Lama. Since 2020, Mind & Life's grant-making events and digital programs have sought to nurture personal wellbeing, build more compassionate communities, and strengthen the human-earth connection. And fatten the monks' bank accounts. 1 to lama, 2 to me.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 575: Toipunut narsisti ei pihtaa pillua." Seurasin tuon naisen kertomusta ihaillen. Koko hänen peränsä nousi tuolilta kun hän pääsi siihen pisteeseen.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 615: Myötätuntoa ilmaisemme terveinä narsisteina "ikävää kuin jouduit tuohon tilanteeseen", "mä säälin sua" tai "mä oon tosi ilonen etten ole sä".
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 688: Säntää siis vaan uuteen suhteeseen, mikä ei tapa vahvistaa, kuten Susannan seinätaulu sanoi. Martina muistelee, kuinka Hannu jo ensimmäisenä iltana sanoi, että seuraavana jouluna pari istuisi samassa juhlapöydässä. – Ajattelin, että mitä helvettiä sä puhut, mutta samalla ajattelin, että niimpä. En edes tunne tätä ihmistä – mutta niimpä! Tällaisia tunteita vastaan ei pidä taistella. Pianpa vanha Väinämöinen pani piika pikkaraista, navan alle naputteli suurella sukunuijalla. Välillä pelin keskeytti naurunpyrskähdys tai isokainalohalaus. Peetee Martina on isoleukainen ja ex-lätkäilijä Pikkarainen ryppyinen. Eli että näillä mennään.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 692: Ja toi vitun vastuu taas, sehän on rangaistuxen alaisuutta, edesvastuun uhalla. Ettei koko aika valvota mutta loppuviimesexi tulee tuomio. Se on nilkkiyttä, kuten olen tainnut mainita.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 710: Sudhamani syntyi kalastajaperheeseen lähellä Kollamia Keralassa, Intian eteläosassa. Äitinsä sairastuttua ja taloudenhoidollisten velvollisuuksien merkittävästi lisäännyttyä, Sudhamani joutui lopettamaan yhdeksänvuotiaana koulunkäynnin. Tyttölapsena hän alistui sekä perheensä että sukulaistensa palvelijaksi ja heidän toistuville pahoinpitelyilleen. Näistä vaatimattomista lähtökohdista hän kehittyi "universaaliseen äitiyteen", joka on houkutellut kannattajia ympäri maailmaa. Hän on erityisen tunnettu jaxuhaleista.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 750: Paras tapa käyttää aikaansa on eziä yhteyttä kolmanteen jaokkeeseensa.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 816: Esimerkiksi "aikuisten oikeesti", Ari Koivunen ja Antti Tuisku, besserwisserit, CD-koteloiden päällä oleva muovi, coverbiisit, Crocsit, Danny, dieetit, diesel- ja bensakoneiden vertailu, englanninkieliset tittelit, esimiehet ja alaiset, Espanjan eläkeläiset, fläppitaulut, laserosoittimet ja kaksipuolinen teippi, herätyskellon torkuttaminen, hikeä ozaliinaan pyyhkivät läskit, "hätätilassa riko lasi" vasarat, inttijutut, izensä ezijät, jatko-osat, jenkkakahvat, johdot, joululahjojen ostaminen, jouluvalot kesäkuussa, julkinen nenänkaivuu, juopon tuuri, juuri sinä: heitä tämä kirja vittuun ja mene töihin, jälkiviisastelijat, jäätelöauto, "kannettavat" tietokoneet, kirkollisvero, kiroileva siili, KOKO VIESTIN CAPS LOCK POHJASSA KIRJOITTAVAT URPOT, kotiteatteriurpot, kylmä kala -kättelijät, kännykkäkotelot vyöllä, käsityöblogit, liian ylös nostetut housut, liito-oravat, Markkuliitto, marttyyrit, metrilaku, miljoonat kaukosäätimet ei vehkeisiin, mukafiksut pellehermannit, jotka viittaavat itseensä sanalla allekirjoittanut, naaman kiilto reissujen jälkeen, Nico Rosberg, "niimpä", näppäinäänet, Näsinneula, ohuen ohuet leikkeleet, paperiprosessimiehet, peltipoliisin välähdys, penkiltä vitusti nostajat, perusjurpot hississä, pihatalkoot ja yhtiökokoukset, pirteät radiojuontajat, pissikset, projektit, puheluiden vitun ärsyttävät lopetusrutiinit, "RE Vs: vs: VS. RE Terve!", "Ruuhka-Suomi", se, että "sanos muuta" ja "Älä muuta sano" tarkoittavat samaa, se, kun on "ihmisiä liikeellä", painukaa vittuun! seniilit, debiilit ja gerbiilit, sisäisesti kauniit ihmiset, suomenruotsalaiset, teekkarit, teinityttöjen laihdutus, tietokoneen uudelleen käynnistäminen AINA kun tekee jotain, tsätit, turistit, tusinajulkkikset, TV Shop, TVstä tuttu, tyttöystävät, jotka puristelevat poikaystävänsä finnejä, tyypit, joiden on pakko sanoa joka asiaan jotakin, tyypit, jotka luulevat, että parisuhde paranee, kun otetaan koira tai hankitaan kakara, tyypit, jotka soittavat miljoona kertaa junasta, vaikka puhelu katkeaa heti, "vanha ällä", Venäjä, vesipullot, viinaa kannattaa hakea laivalta-matemaatikot.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 856: Tällähän hoitotavalla oli joku nimi? Analyyttinen, sese oli, freudilaisittain. Se toinen synteettinen on missä jelpitään pääsemään ongelmista eroon. Siedätysharjottelua ja sensellasta. No eteenpäin.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 126: Rebecca Solnit, for instance, wrote a cringe-inducing and hilarious essay, “Men Explain Lolita to Me,” including these lines: “A nice liberal man came along and explained to me this book was actually an allegory as though I hadn’t thought of that yet. It is, and it’s also a novel about a big old guy violating a spindly child over and over and over. Then she weeps.”
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 136: Nabokov clearly had an idee fixe about (undeserving?) Russian writers winning the Nobel Prize. Like Alexander Solzhenitsyn, whose work he dismissed as “juicy journalese.”
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 140: This chapter gives a brief history of the émigré travelogue in and about America from Alexis de Tocqueville to Simone de Beauvoir, by way of introducing the four authors studied in this book: Vladimir Nabokov, Robert Frank, Alfred Hitchcock and Wim Wenders. Elsa Court argues that the outsider’s perspective has shaped representations of modern America through restless mobility, drawing a portrait of the modern highway shaped by the needs and cravings of the motorist. In the context of mobilities studies’ recent embrace of the humanities, Court makes an important case for the re-examination of the fixed places designed to facilitate motion—motel, gasoline station, roadside restaurant, as well as signage and memorials—and the roadside’s redesignation from so-called non-place to modern American topos.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 230: Taco emoji Is Here to Fulfill Your Needs. The 🌮 can be a physical representation of female genitalia.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 238: Nabokov, as he admitted it, had hidden a riddle-game left for the benefit of the deserving reader. Lolita’s riddle.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 252: 1952 is a capital year in the novel and the number 52 is omnipresent and thus loaded with a mysterious meaning in the mind of Nabokov, in the context of this novel. It must be a central symbolic element in the Lolita’s riddle. Se oli hyvä vuosi muutenkin. « Pierre Point in Melville Sound » (p.33 TAL) was a reference to « Pierre or the Ambiguities » a Novel by Herman Melville (1819-1891; notice the 19/91) published in 1852. «brun adolescent (…) se tordre-oh Baudelaire! » (p.162 TAL): Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867 was one of the most famous French poet who translated Edgar A. Poe in French). A part of « Le Crépuscule du Matin » (1852). Se tordre tarkoittanee käteenvetoa. Humbert refering to the hunchbacked hoary black groom at the « Enchanted Hunters » Hotel: « Handed over to uncle Tom » (p.118 TAL): « Uncle Tom’s Cabin » by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) is from 1852. Ehm… the list is non-negligible.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 348: Rouva Cumstick, aina antagonistisesti rehellinen, pettää Elornaa ostamaan uusia mekkoja aloitusvaiheeseen ; Elorna pitää tätä anteeksiantamattomana pettymyksenä, merkki äitinsä välinpitämättömyydestä ja rakkauden puutteesta häntä kohtaan. Sinä yönä Elornan on löydettävä hyvä mekko muualta. Rouva Cumstick osallistuu kouluseremoniaan, tuntuu heikosta, kun näkee kuinka kaikki muut opiskelijat ovat kauniisti pukeutuneet, ja alkaa miettiä omia epäonnistumisiaan: Rouva Cumstick oli järkyttynyt.... Johtaako Elorna kulkua gingham-mekossa? Vai olisiko hän poissa ja tuoli avoinna tässä upeassa tilanteessa? Toistaiseksi rouva Cumstick huomasi, että se oli loistava tilaisuus.... Rouva Cumstick alkoi ensimmäistä kertaa elämässään tutkia itseään sellaisena kuin hän näytti muilta. Katharine Cumstick kokee todellisen luonteenmuutoksen ja kärsii siitä.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 371: Unsurprisingly, (mostly male) scientists have done gobs of research trying to figure out what women want in men. But they have spent much less time uncovering the reverse: what makes women attractive to men. Let's not even get started on the dearth of research on what men find attractive in other men, or women in other women.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 373: In any case, a lot of what they have done focuses only on looks. These studies often conclude that various aspects of women's bodies make them more appealing because men think that they're more fertile — insert eye roll here. What's fertility got to do with it?
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 484: In 1996, two years before the main action of the novel, Silk is accused of racism by two African-American students over his use of the word spooks, using the term as he wonders aloud over their having missed all his classes for the first five weeks of the semester ("Does anyone know these people? Do they exist or are they spooks?" - he has never seen these students, and has no idea they are African-American) rather than in the racially derogatory sense. The uproar leads to Silk's resignation. Soon after, his wife Iris dies of a stroke, which Silk feels is caused by the stress of his being forced out of the college.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 504: 13. Nathan interprets Coleman’s choosing to reject his past and create a new identity for himself as “the drama that underlies America’s story, the high drama that is upping and leaving—and the energy and cruelty that rapturous drive demands,” whereas Walter thinks of his brother as a “calculating liar,” a “heartless son,” and a “traitor to his race” [p. 342]. Which of these views seems closer to the truth? Are they both legitimate? What is Ernestine’s position?
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 570: And mid these dancing rocks at once and ever Tanssahdellen saa kivexet kokea
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 622: On awakening he appeared to himself to have a distinct recollection of the whole, and taking his pen, ink, and paper, instantly and eagerly wrote down the lines that are here preserved. At this moment he was unfortunately called out by a person on business from Porlock, and detained by him above an hour, and on his return to his room, found, to his no small surprise and mortification, that though he still retained some vague and dim recollection of the general purport of the vision, yet, with the exception of some eight or ten scattered lines and images, all the rest had passed away like the images on the surface of a stream into which a stone has been cast, but, alas! without the after restoration of the latter!
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 645: Klein’s insistence on viewing aggression as an important force in its own right when analyzing children led her into conflict with Freud’s own daughter, Anna Freud, who was one of the other prominent child psychotherapists in continental Europe but who became moved to London in 1938 where Klein had been working for several years. Many controversies arose out of this conflict, and these are often referred to as controversial debates. In reality, the semitic hags were in one another's hairs. Lähde:
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 663: I was a PROFESSOR at 17 years at the University of Costa Rica in Health Systems Research, Epidemiology, Pediatrics, and Community Health in the Masters of Public Health and Family Medicine and the undergraduate of Medicine.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 667: He was FOUNDING MEMBER and, for 10 years, PRESIDENT of the International Center for Health Research and Advisory Services (CIIAS). I directed and executed projects financed by international organizations, especially by Canada’s Institute Development Research Center (IDRC).
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 672: He was a Scientific Advisor and representative of the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica in Science and Technology (1990-1994).
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 837: With horrid warning gaped wide, aukeevaan kauheeseen "Varo" huutoon,
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 861: John antoi Brawnelle rakkaussonetin "Yön kirkas tähti", jota hän uudisti tätä varten. Runon kehittely jatkui aina hänen elämänsä viime kuukausiin saakka. Myöhemmin runo on aina liitetty heidän suhteeseensa. Brawne eli vielä 40 vuotta Keatsin kuoleman jälkeen, avioitui ja sai monta lasta.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 871: Of pure ablution round earth's human shores, Pesemässä puhtaaxi apinoiden sontimia rantoja,
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 950: toteutuneen, voimakkaasti taiteeseen sisältyvän
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 46: Vaakku jakaa viisaudet 13 ozakkeeseen: Jumaluus, usko, uskonto, Totuus, todellisus, Luova henki, nerous, Filosofia, Esteettinen elämä, runous, taide, Historia, Tiede, Oikeus, laki, Luonto, Ihmis-olemus, Hyveemme ja paheemme, Ilomme ja surumme, Yhteiskunta, seuraelämä, Politiikka, Kasvatus, Avioliitto, Rakkaus, Ystävyys, Nainen, Kunnia, maine, Rikkaus ja köyhyys, Elämisen taito, Elämä ja kuolema. Järjestys on tässä enimmäxeen tunkion laelta laskien alaspäin. (Vaakku ize on lähellä paskakasan huippua, tollanen tipptopptupp.)
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 126: Disraeli was born in Bloomsbury, then a part of Middlesex. His father left Judaism after a dispute at his synagogue; young Benjamin became an Anglican at the age of 12. After several unsuccessful attempts, Disraeli entered the House of Commons in 1837.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 140: Freifrau Marie Ebner von Eschenbach (* 13. September 1830 auf Schloss Zdislawitz bei Kremsier in Mähren als Marie Dubský von Třebomyslice; † 12. März 1916 in Wien) war eine mährisch-österreichische Schriftstellerin. Ihre psychologischen Erzählungen gehören zu den bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Beiträgen des 19. Jahrhunderts in diesem Genre.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 145: Ludwig Anton Salomon Fulda (1862–1939) oli saksalainen runoilija ja näytelmäkirjailija. Hän sai nuorena vaikutteita Paul Heysen tuotannosta ja liittyi 1888 Berliinissä maltillista realismia harrastaneeseen runoilijaryhmään. Fuldan julkaisemia runokokoelmia ovat Gedichte (1890) ja Neue Gedichte (1900), jotka osoittavat harvinaista kieli- ja muototaituruutta, sekä lukuisia näytelmiä. Miellyttäviä ovat Fuldan novellit Lebensfragmente (1894) ja Die Hochzeitsreise nach Rom (1900).
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 147: Fulda oli etevä kääntäjä. Hän muun muassa saksansi Molièrea ja Rostandia. Fulda entstammte einer seit 1639 in Frankfurt am Main ansässigen jüdischen Familie, deren Name bis 1852 Fuld lautete. Er war der Sohn des Kaufmanns Carl Hermann Fulda (1836–1917) und seiner Ehefrau Clementine, geb. Oppenheimer (1839–1916). Ab 1884 lebte er als freier Schriftsteller in München, 1887 wieder in Frankfurt, 1888 bis 1894 in Berlin, danach wieder in München und ab 1896 schließlich dauerhaft in Berlin. In Deutschland erhielt er Ausgehverbot und wurde gezwungen, den Vornamen Israel zu führen. Zwei Tage, nachdem das Reichswirtschaftsministerium seine Bitte, den ihm verliehenen Burgtheater-Ring von der für alle Juden angeordneten Abgabe aller Wertgegenstände auszunehmen, am 28. März 1939 abgewiesen hatte, nahm er sich das Leben. Er starb am 30. März im Alter von 76 Jahren in Berlin und ist auf dem Waldfriedhof Dahlem bestattet. Sein Grab ist heute ein Ehrengrab der Stadt Berlin.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 196: Sie litt damals unter der Vorstellung, es habe „ein außerirdisch Wesen, als ich in die Welt getrieben wurde, beim Eingang diese Worte mit einem Dolch in’s Herz gestoßen [...]: ‚Ja, habe Empfindung, sieh die Welt, wie sie Wenige sehen, sei groß und edel, ein ewiges Denken kann ich dir auch nicht nehmen, Eins hat man aber vergessen: sei eine Jüdin!‘ und nun ist mein ganzes Leben eine einzige Verblutung [...]“. Zu den Jugendfreundinnen Rahels Varnhagens gehörten auch Nichtjuden wie die Tochter einer hugenottischen Einwandererfamilie Pauline Wiesel, geb. César, mit der sie eine lebenslange Freundschaft verbinden sollte, oder der schwedische Gesandte Karl Gustav Brinckmann, der in ihrer Abwesenheit ihren Schreibtisch benutzen durfte.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 198: Rahel Levins Schwester Rose heiratete am 8. Februar 1801 den niederländischen Juristen Carel Asser (1780–1836), der seit 1799 als Rechtsanwalt in Den Haag praktizierte. Da Rahel Levin eine für sie in Breslau arrangierte Ehe mit einem entfernten Verwandten ablehnte, blieb sie in ihrer ersten Lebenshälfte abhängig von ihrer Familie. Erst im Winter 1808/1809 verließ sie das Elternhaus, und zog, was für eine unverheiratete und nicht verwitwete Frau damals äußerst ungewöhnlich war, in eine eigene Wohnung in Charlottenburg (im Trenck’schen Haus in der Charlottenstraße Nr. 32, zwei Treppen hoch). Von 1793 bis zum Herbst 1808, „in ihrer glanzvollsten Zeit“ (K. A. Varnhagen), bewohnte die Familie Levin-Robert das Haus No. 54 in der Jägerstraße beim Gendarmenmarkt. Hier fanden vor allem in der Zeit um 1800 gesellige Zusammenkünfte der mit dem Haus befreundeten Zeitgenossen statt.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 200: Von 1793 bis zum Herbst 1808, „in ihrer glanzvollsten Zeit“ (K. A. Varnhagen), bewohnte die Familie Levin-Robert das Haus No. 54 in der Jägerstraße beim Gendarmenmarkt. Hier fanden vor allem in der Zeit um 1800 gesellige Zusammenkünfte der mit dem Haus befreundeten Zeitgenossen statt. (→ siehe Artikel Salon der Rahel Varnhagen). Dominiert wurden diese Treffen von den (meist jüdischen) Gastgeberinnen wie Henriette Herz, Amalie Beer oder eben Rahel Robert-Tornow. Die „Salonnièren“ selbst nannten solche Abende „Thees“, „Geselligkeit“, oder sie setzten einen wiederkehrenden Wochentag (z. B. „Montage“) als Name für die Einladung fest. Von „Salon“ ist bei Rahel Varnhagen nur im Zusammenhang mit den sehr prächtigen Empfängen der Fanny von Arnstein in Wien die Rede; erst viele Jahrzehnte später sprach man in Berlin von „Salons“.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 202: Ausschlaggebend war die Vereinigung von Menschen unterschiedlicher Stände und Berufe, religiöser oder politischer Orientierung zu Gesprächen: Dichter, Naturforscher, Politiker, Schauspieler/-innen, Aristokraten und Reisende kamen zusammen. Die Nähe des Theaters, der Börse und der Französischen Gemeinde sorgte für Vielfalt. Mitunter wurde, wie im Elternhaus der Henriette Solmar (einer Cousine Rahel Varnhagens), mit Rücksicht auf Besucher aus fremden Ländern französisch gesprochen. Berühmte Gäste in dieser ersten Phase waren Jean Paul, Ludwig Tieck, Friedrich von Gentz, Ernst von Pfuel, Friedrich Schlegel, Wilhelm und Alexander von Humboldt, Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué, Prinz Louis Ferdinand und dessen Geliebte Pauline Wiesel. Allerdings gibt es nur wenige zeitgenössische Quellen und gar keine zeitgenössischen Bilder dieser Geselligkeiten. Es wurden nicht nur Prominente eingeladen, sondern auch viele Personen, die kaum Spuren hinterlassen haben. Fanny Lewald (die Rahel Varnhagen nicht mehr kennengelernt hat) gibt allerdings zu bedenken: „Man hört die Namen Humboldt, Rahel Levin, Schleiermacher, Varnhagen und Schlegel, und denkt an das, was sie geworden, und vergißt, daß die Humboldt’s ihrer Zeit nur zwei junge Edelleute, daß Rahel Levin ein lebhaftes Judenmädchen, Schleiermacher ein unbekannter Geistlicher, Varnhagen ein junger Praktikant der Medizin, die Schlegel ein paar ziemlich leichtsinnige junge Journalisten gewesen sind“.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 206: Als sie am 8. September 1815 Goethes Besuch empfing: „Ich benahm mich sehr schlecht. Ich ließ Goethe beinah nicht sprechen!“ 1827 zogen die Varnhagens in die Beletage der Mauerstraße Nr. 36, die ihnen ihr Schwager Heinrich Nikolaus Liman (Bruder von Markus Theodors Gemahlin und Onkel der Henriette Solmar) vermietete. Auch unter dieser Adresse, die ihre letzte sein sollte, gab Rahel Varnhagen von Ense wieder Gesellschaften, an denen unter anderen die Familie Mendelssohn, der Philosoph Hegel, Heinrich Heine, Eduard Gans, Ludwig Börne und der Fürst Hermann von Pückler-Muskau teilnahmen. Einige Male besuchte das Ehepaar Varnhagen auf Reisen Goethe in Weimar und das Kurbad in Teplitz, wo Friedrich Wilhelm III. im August 1822 mit Rahel Varnhagen von Ense mehrmals die Polonaise tanzte.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 210: Rahel Varnhagen war im Alter von 61 Jahren verstorben. An ihrer Pflege in den letzten Wochen beteiligte sich Bettina von Arnim, die ihr, freilich ohne Erfolg, eine homöopathische Behandlung empfohlen hatte. Aus Sorge, scheintot beigesetzt zu werden, verfügte sie, nach ihrem Tod 20 Jahre lang in einem Doppelsarg mit Sichtfenstern oberirdisch aufgebahrt zu werden. Der Sarg stand 34 Jahre lang in einer Halle auf dem Friedhofsquartier vor dem Halleschen Tor, bis Rahel Varnhagen von Ense 1867 auf Veranlassung ihrer Nichte Ludmilla Assing neben ihrem neun Jahre zuvor verstorbenen Gatten auf dem Dreifaltigkeitsfriedhof I beigesetzt wurde
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 303:
Rakkautta ja iloa on. Täältä pesee. Eeva Kilpi F FUCK!
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 384: Resedan tuoxu, hurmaava hulluus jne. Elina Vaara F FUCK!
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 401: Helen May Rowland (/ˈroʊlənd/; 1875–1950) was an American journalist and humorist. For many years she wrote a column in the New York World called "Reflections of a Bachelor Girl". Many of her pithy insights from these columns were published in book form, including Reflections of a Bachelor Girl (1909), The Rubáiyát of a Bachelor (1915), and A Guide to Men (1922).
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 409: Theodor Reik syntyi Wienissä juutalaiseen virkamiesperheeseen. Hän opiskeli Wienin yliopistossa psykologiaa ja kirjallisuustiedettä. Opiskeluaikanaan hän tutustui Sigmund Freudin teokseen Unien tulkinta ja kiinnostui psykoanalyysista niin paljon, että päätti soveltaa sitä väitöskirjassaan erääseen Gustave Flaubertin kertomukseen. Väitöskirja kohtasi tiettyä vastustusta, ja se hyväksyttiin vasta vuonna 1912; kyseessä on ensimmäinen psykoanalyyttinen väitöskirja. Reik tutki myös Arthur Schnitzlerin ja Richard Beer-Hoffmannin tuotantoa. (Ketähän nekin on. Ei jaxa.)
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 411: Reik tapasi Freudin ensi kertaa vuonna 1910, ja hänet otettiin Wienin psykoanalyyttisen yhdistyksen jäseneksi seuraavana vuonna. Freud tuki Reikia usean vuoden ajan, kun tämä opiskeli psykoanalyytikoksi ja kävi Karl Abrahamin koulutusanalyysissa. Reikin ja Freudin välinen ystävyys jatkui Freudin kuolemaan (1939) saakka. Vuonna 1915 Reik julkaisi tutkimuksen Die Pubertätsriten der Wilden, jossa psykoanalyysia sovellettiin kansatieteeseen. Hän julkaisi tutkimuksia myös uskontopsykologiasta ja kriminologiasta. Hän esitteli tiedostumattoman tunnustamispakon ja rangaistuksenkaipuun käsitteet teoksessaan Geständniszwang und Strafbedürfnis: Probleme der Psychoanalyse und der Kriminologie (1925).
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 501: Karl Murdock Bowman (November 4, 1888 – March 2, 1973) was a pioneer in the study of psychiatry. From 1944 to 1946 he was the president of the American Psychiatric Association. His work in alcoholism, schizophrenia, and homosexuality is particularly often cited. In 1953, in "The Problem of Homosexuality," co-authored with Bernice Engle, he argued for multiple causes, including genetics, but proposed that castration be studied as a cure. However, in 1961 he appeared in the television documentary The Rejected presenting the viewpoint that homosexuality is not a mental illness and should be legalized.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 542: In his memoirs, he calls his father “bashful” and his mother “reserved.” Between them, they filled the house with “melancholy reticences and unexpressed doubts.” Some of the silence surrounded a particular subject: the family’s Jewishness. This was not exactly hidden, but it was not brought to the fore, either. Maurois, who was born Émile Herzog on July 26, 1885, found out that he was Jewish at the age of about six, when a friend at the local Protestant church told him so. His parents confirmed it, but they also spoke highly of Protestantism.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 557: 1881 starb seine Mutter Charlotte an Tuberkulose. Morgenstern hatte sich offenbar bei ihr angesteckt. Bald darauf wurde er, ohne in der frühen Kindheit regelmäßigen Schulunterricht erhalten zu haben, seinem Paten Arnold Otto Meyer, einem Kunsthändler in Hamburg, zur Erziehung anvertraut, worunter er jedoch litt. Ein Jahr später kehrte er nach München zurück und kam in ein Internat in Landshut. Dort wurde Körperstrafe eingesetzt, und er erfuhr Mobbing durch seine Mitschüler.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 561: 1893 verfasste er Sansara, eine humoristische Studie. Das erste Sommersemester verbrachte er mit Kayssler in München. Er vertrug jedoch wegen seiner Tuberkulose das Klima dort nicht und begab sich zur Kur nach Bad Reinerz. Als er nach Breslau zurückkehrte, hatte sich der Vater von seiner zweiten Frau getrennt. Es folgte eine Erholungszeit in Sorau. Da er sein Studium nicht fortsetzen konnte, wären Freunde bereit gewesen, einen Kuraufenthalt in Davos zu bezahlen. Das jedoch wies der Vater zurück, genau wie ein Angebot Dahns, das Studium bis zum Referendar zu finanzieren. Morgenstern entschied sich nun, als Schriftsteller zu leben. Nach der dritten Heirat seines Vaters zerbrach das Verhältnis zu diesem weitgehend.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 563: Ab 1903 war er literarischer Lektor im Verlag von Bruno Cassirer, mit dem er freundschaftlich verbunden war. Er betreute und förderte dort u. a. Robert Walser. Zuvor war er Dramaturg bei Felix Bloch Erben. 1905 reiste er nach Wyk und hatte einen Sanatoriumsaufenthalt in Birkenwerder, der nicht zum gewünschten Erfolg führte. Zudem erschienen in diesem Jahr seine Galgenlieder und er las Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski. Ein Jahr später reiste er aus gesundheitlichen Gründen in Kurorte in bayerischer, Tiroler und Schweizer Alpenlandschaft, nach Bad Tölz, Längenfeld, Obergurgl, Meran, Obermais, St. Vigil und Tenigerbad und beschäftigte sich mit Jakob Böhme, Fechner, Fichte, Hegel, Eckhart von Hochheim, Fritz Mauthner, Spinoza und Tolstoi.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 565: Im Januar 1909 schloss er bei Berliner Vorträgen Rudolf Steiners mit diesem eine enge und dauerhafte Freundschaft. Um Steiners Vorträge zu hören, reiste er noch im selben Jahr nach Düsseldorf, Koblenz, Kristiania, Kassel und München. Im Mai trat er einen Monat nach Margareta der von Steiner geführten Deutschen Sektion der Theosophischen Gesellschaft bei. Bei der folgenden Spaltung dieser Körperschaft 1912/1913 blieb er auf der Seite Steiners und wurde Mitglied der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft. 1909 übersetzte er auch Knut Hamsun, besuchte den Internationalen Theosophischen Kongress in Budapest und seinen Vater in Wolfshau, er reiste mit Margareta in den Schwarzwald und nach Obermais. Dort erkrankte er, wohl auch infolge der zahlreichen Reisen, an einer schweren Bronchitis. Ein Arzt deutete bereits auf den kurz bevorstehenden Tod hin. Morgensterns Zustand verbesserte sich jedoch wieder, und so heirateten er und Margareta am 7. März 1910.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 578: Hannu Salakka (6. tammikuuta 1955 Sääminki – 9. elokuuta 2003 Kangasniemi) oli suomalainen kirjailija. Hän tuli tunnetuksi ennen kaikkea runoilijana. Salakka tuli suomalaiseen kirjallisuuteen 1974 runokokoelmalla Muuttolintumaisemaa. Kuollessaan hän asui Kangasniemellä ja oli vapaa kirjailija. Simo Silakka on LinkedInissä Puollustusvoimien toimitusjohtaja. Raimo Vormisto (s. 1968 Hervannassa), on tunnettu suomalainen urheiluvalmentaja ja humpuukimestari. Hänen epäillään esimerkiksi sekaantuneen ratkaisevalla tavalla Lahden doping-skandaaliin vuonna 2001. Vormiston tunnetuin valmennettava on tamperelainen monitoimiatleetti Timo Silakka. Vormisto on isomahainen ja käyttää punaista tuulipukua. Vormiston lempiruoka on hernekeitto. Vormisto on antanut lukuisia katsojia ärsyttäneitä tv-lausuntoja, joista useimmat ovat alkaneet sanoilla: "Kattos ny poika", ja päättyneet siihen kun Vormisto loukannut itsensä, tullut esimerkiksi tyrmätyksi potkunyrkkeilyottelussa Oliver Panisia ja Pekka Siitointa vastaan. Vormisto on tunnettu huijari, hän väittää olevansa Suomen mestari pituushypyssä, mutta Espoon hovioikeudessa esitettyjen videonauhureiden perusteella Vormisto kaatui pyllylleen puolen metrin hypyn jälkeen. Lisäksi hänet hylättiin dopingin ja huumesekoilujen vuoksi. Vormiston todettin vetäneen valkoista jauhetta nenäänsä ennen useita urheilusuorituksia, kuten sadan metrin seiväshyppyä ja basehyppyä Hannu Jortikan katolta. Vormisto onkin todettu suurhuijariksi ja istuu tällä hetkellä Tyrvääläisessä kaljabaarissa.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 599: Douglas aloitti ammattilaisuransa vuonna 1981 voitolla Dan O´Malleystä kolmannen erän teknisellä tyrmäyksellä. Uran jatkuttua nousujohteisesti Douglas pääsi häviämään ensin jollekulle Tuckerille ja sitten Holyfieldille ja lopuxi jollekulle Savareselle. Buster otti pahan kerran turpiinsa. Milan Kundera (s. 1929) on epämiellyttävä vätys. Se varmaan pani koiraansa. Nyze on siihenkin liian käppänä.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 601: Margaret Caroline Anderson (November 24, 1886 – October 19, 1973) was the American founder, editor and publisher of the art and literary magazine The Little Review, which published a collection of modern American, English and Irish writers between 1914 and 1929. The periodical is most noted for introducing many prominent American and British writers of the 20th century, such as Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot in the United States, and publishing the first thirteen chapters of James Joyce's then-unpublished novel, Ulysses. A large collection of her papers on Gurdjieff's teaching is now preserved at Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. She was blond, shapely, with lean ankles and a Scandinavian face. ... In 1916, Anderson met Jane Heap. The two became lovers. In early 1924, through Alfred Richard Orage, Anderson came to know of spiritual teacher George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, and saw performances of his 'Sacred dances', first at the 'Neighbourhood Playhouse', and later at Carnegie Hall. Shortly after Gurdjieff's automobile accident, Anderson, along with Georgette Leblanc, Jane Heap and Monique Surrere, moved to France to visit him at Fountainebleau-Avon, where he had set up his institute at Château du Prieuré in Avon.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 43: In seiner frühen Studienzeit beschäftigte er sich u. a. mit Spiritismus, einem Gebiet, das damals, wie seine Biografin Deirdre Bair 2005 schrieb, «als mit der Psychiatrie verwandt» angesehen wurde. Sein Interesse für okkulte Phänomene wurde durch zwei unerklärliche parapsychologische Erscheinungen in seinem ersten Studiensemester geweckt: Ein plötzliches Zerreissen eines Tisches und sauberes Zerspringen eines Brotmessers habe er beobachtet.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 45: Jung spezialisierte sich auf Psychiatrie. Interesse an diesem Gebiet hatte er bereits aufgrund der Aufgaben seines Vaters Paul als Pastor und Konsulent der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik Basel (vermutlich von 1886/87 bis zu seinem Lebensende am 28. Januar 1896). Ausschlaggebend für Jungs Entscheidung war die Lektüre von Krafft-Ebings Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie für praktische Ärzte und Studierende, in dem Psychosen als «Krankheiten der Person» beschrieben werden, was für Jung «die beiden Ströme meines Interesses» als «gemeinsame[s] Feld der Erfahrung von biologischen und geistigen Tatsachen» verband. 1900 wurde Jung nach seinem Staatsexamen als Assistent von Eugen Bleuler in der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik Zürich in Zürich tätig. Während dieser Zeit entstand aus seinen Beobachtungen von schizophrenen Patienten in 1902 seine Dissertation Zur Psychologie und Pathologie sogenannter occulter Phänomene.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 49: Bei ihrer ersten Begegnung 1907 in Wien sprachen Freud und Jung dreizehn Stunden miteinander, wobei sowohl sehr ähnliche Interessen als auch bereits Differenzen sichtbar wurden: Freud habe Jung gebeten, «nie die Sexualtheorie aufzugeben». Ein früher Konfliktpunkt war ihre unterschiedliche Einstellung zu Religion und zum Irrationalen: Jung nahm sogenannte parapsychologische Phänomene ernst, während Freud diese «als Unsinn» ablehnte, selbst als sich nach Schilderung Jungs ein solches Phänomen (ein wiederholter Knall im Bücherschrank) am gemeinsamen Abend ereignet haben soll. Jung war enttäuscht über die Reaktion Freuds und schrieb sie dessen «materialistischem Vorurteil» zu. Freud schätzte es, dass Jung sich als «Christ und Pastorensohn» seiner Theorie anschloss. Erst Jungs «Auftreten [habe] die Psychoanalyse der Gefahr entzogen … eine jüdische nationale Angelegenheit zu werden», schrieb er in einem privaten Brief 1908. Freud sah in Jung den Stammhalter und Fortführer der Psychoanalyse und bezeichnete ihn als «Kronprinzen».
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 68: Als extravertiert bezeichnete Jung einen Menschen, dessen Verhalten auf die äussere, objektive Welt ausgerichtet und von ihr geleitet wird. Introvertierte Menschen sind dagegen auf ihre innere, subjektive Welt ausgerichtet und verhalten sich deren Anforderungen entsprechend. Da diese Differenzierung nicht ausreichte, entwickelte er ein Modell, bestehend aus vier Funktionen – Denken, Fühlen, Intuition und Empfinden – das, kombiniert mit dem Attribut introvertiert oder extravertiert, acht Möglichkeiten ergibt, aus denen sich je nach Paarung acht Typen zusammensetzen lassen. In seinem Werk Psychologische Typen von 1921 schrieb er darüber.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 70: extravertiertes Denken orientiert sich stark an objektiven und äusseren Gegebenheiten und ist oft, aber nicht immer an konkrete und reale Tatsachen gebunden. Personen mit diesem Typus haben ein hohes Rechtsbewusstsein und fordern gleiches von anderen. Dabei gehen sie teilweise kompromisslos vor, nach dem Motto «Der Zweck heiligt die Mittel»; eine konservative Neigung ist gegeben. Aufgrund der untergeordneten Gefühlsfunktion wirken sie oftmals gefühlsarm und unpersönlich.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 72: extravertiertes Fühlen ist altruistisch, erfüllt wie keine andere Funktion die Konventionen und verfügt über eher traditionelle Wertmassstäbe. Bei zu viel Objekteinfluss wirkt dieser Typ kalt, unglaubwürdig und zweckorientiert und kann in seinem Standpunkt alternieren und daher anderen unglaubwürdig vorkommen. Dieser Typus ist nach Jung am anfälligsten für Hysterie.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 76: extravertierte Intuition strebt nach Entdeckung von Möglichkeiten und opfert sich u. U. dafür auf; werden keine weiteren Entwicklungen gewittert, kann die Möglichkeit genauso schnell wieder fallengelassen werden. Dabei nimmt dieser Typ häufig nur geringe Rücksicht auf die Umgebung. Er lässt sich leicht ablenken, bleibt nicht lange genug bei einer Sache und kann deshalb zuweilen die Früchte seiner Arbeit nicht ernten.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 78: introvertiertes Denken schafft Theorie um der Theorie willen und ist wenig praktisch veranlagt. Es ist eher um Entwicklung der subjektiven Ideen als um Tatsachen bemüht. Andere Menschen werden oft als überflüssig oder störend empfunden, weswegen diese Typen als rücksichtslos oder kalt erscheinen. Dadurch besteht die Gefahr, dass sie sich isolieren.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 80: introvertiertes Fühlen ist schwer zugänglich und oft hinter einer banalen oder kindlichen Maske versteckt. Diese Menschen sind harmonisch unauffällig und zeigen wenig Emotionen, auch wenn diese erlebt werden; Emotionen sind bei ihnen nicht extensiv, sondern intensiv. In einer Neurose kommt ihre heimtückische, grausame Seite zum Vorschein.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 102: Olimme olleet yhdessä 40 vuotta, kun suhteeseen tuli ankara vastamäki. Mieheni (hän oli palomies) alkoi työntää letkua lapsenlapsiini.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 227: Em. Riku Rinkula kirjoitti 2011 Dorian Grayn muotokuvan coverin em. niteeseen Viehe ja viettelys. Esseen Riku Rinkula on valhepukki. Ärsyttävä tapapetturi. Tuo panopuille pikku lahjoja. Senkö tautta se Härköskän knääpä jätti sen? Tuskinpa, eiköhän ne liene olleet siinä asiassa samanlaisia. Riku ronttaa luonnollista kokoa olevaa muotokuvaansa yhden hoidon luota toiselle. Kaikki antavat. Runkkusateen ropina kuuluu joka makuuhuoneessa tuomizematta ketään.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 283: He menivät alaovesta takkahuoneeseen ja riisuutuivat. Suihkuhuoneessa Eero täytti löylysangon, otti hyllyltä kaksi peflettiä ja ojensi toisen Larille.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 338: Hyvin taitavasti oman, suomalaisen lähiölapsuutensa. Se elettiin Turun Ilpoisissa. Perheeseen kuuluvat tähtitieteilijä-isä, englannin opettaja -äiti ja Rikua kaksi vuotta nuorempi sisko, jota Riku kiusasi lapsena armottomasti. Teini-iässä sisko sai siitä kerran tarpeekseen ja löi Rikun tajuttomaksi paksulla, painavalla kynttilällä. Kiusaaminen loppui siihen ja sisaruksista tuli siitä lähin hyvin läheiset.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 401: Hän turvautuu tarpeissaan perheeseen, sukulaisiin, ystäviin tai sosiaaliapuun. Hän tekeytyy avuttomaksi ja sympaattiseksi tuettavaksi tai painostaa, pakottaa ja hyödyntää uhriensa yksinäisyyttä ja heikkouksia.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 471: Mixi naisten vessat ovat viihtyisämpiä kuin miesten kusilaarit? Se todistaa, että mies ja nainen ovat yhteensopimattomat, paizi mitä tulee vyönalapuoliseen vyöhykkeeseen. Sieltähän ne kyä yhteen soppii kuin ne Platonin mainizemat palapelinpalat. Ei kun housut pois ja pussauskoppiin.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 515: Hylätty nainen ei itke vaan nauraa viimesekxi. Jeanne du Barry F FUCK!
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 597: Karl Ludwig Börne, alkujaan Loeb (Löb) Baruch, (6. toukokuuta 1786 Frankfurt am Main - 12. helmikuuta 1837 Pariisi) oli saksanjuutalainen poliittinen kirjailija ja satiirikko. Hän kuului Nuori Saksa-liikkeeseen. Börne oli alkuaan lääketieteen ylioppilas, siirtyi sitten juridisiin tutkimuksiin ja antautui lopulta sanomalehtimieheksi ja kirjailijaksi kun ei muuhun kyennyt.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 629: [Hae sivustossa frases-para-fotos.com] Frases y citas célebres de Vizconde D'Yzarn-Freissinet. Creer en la felicidad hasta el punto de preocuparse por perseguirla: en ello se encierra toda la felicidad, porque otra no existe. El talento solamente nos sirve para enojarnos con los que no lo poseen.En un baile hay siempre un cuarto de hora en que la mujer más enamorada prefiere un traje a su prometido. Mujeres - D' Yzarn-Freissinet. El arte es el sentimiento de las cosas humanas unido al presentimiento de las cosas divinas. Tää pelle on niin unohdettu että siitä on enää nenänkärki pinnalla. Suvun vaakunassa on linnoja ja mäyräkoiria.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 652: Elizabeth Packard spent the next three years at the Jacksonville Insane Asylum in Jacksonville, IL (now the Jacksonville Developmental Center). She was regularly questioned by her doctors but refused to agree that she was insane or to change her religious views. In June 1863, due, in part, to pressure from her children, who wished her released, the doctors declared that she was incurable and discharged her. Upon her discharge, Theophilus locked her in the nursery of their home and nailed the windows shut. Elizabeth managed to drop a letter complaining of this treatment out the window, which was delivered to her friend Sarah Haslett. Sarah Haslett in turn delivered the letter to Judge Charles Starr, who issued a writ of habeas corpus ordering Theophilus to bring Elizabeth to his chambers to discuss the matter. After being presented with Theophilus' evidence, Judge Starr scheduled a jury trial to allow a legal determination of Elizabeth's sanity to take place.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 654: At the subsequent trial of Packard v. Packard, which lasted five days, Theophilus's lawyers produced witnesses from his family who testified that Elizabeth had argued with her husband and tried to withdraw from his congregation. These witnesses concurred with Theophilus that this was a sign of insanity. The record from the Illinois State Hospital stating that Mrs. Packard's condition was incurable was also entered into the court record.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 656: Elizabeth's lawyers, Stephen Moore and John W. Orr, responded by calling witnesses from the neighborhood that knew the Packards but were not members of Theophilus' church. These witnesses testified they never saw Elizabeth exhibit any signs of insanity, while discussing religion or otherwise. The final witness was Dr. Duncanson, who was both a physician and a theologian. Dr. Duncanson had interviewed Elizabeth and he testified that while not necessarily in agreement with all her religious beliefs, she was sane in his view, arguing that "I do not call people insane because they differ with me. I pronounce her a sane woman and wish we had a nation of such women.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 660: When Elizabeth Packard returned to the home she shared with her husband in Manteno, Illinois, she found that the night before her release, her husband had rented their home to another family, sold her furniture, had taken her money, notes, wardrobe and children, and had left the state. She appealed to the Supreme Courts of both Illinois and Massachusetts, to where her husband had taken her children, but had no legal recourse, as married women in these states at the time had no legal rights to their property or children (see Coverture). As such, the Anti-Insane Asylum Society was formed.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 154: Ei nuissa mitään käskyä tai kehoitusta ole kun ymmärtää tekstin kokonaisuudessaan. Unohtakaa noi vanhan liiton kaverit! Kristillinen seurakunta kävi nimenomaan vallitsevaa orjuutta vastaan, koska heidän seurakunnassa kaikki olivat samanarvoisia Kristuksessa, jotkut vaan hiukka samanarvoisempia. Naisia ei syrjitä, tai ehkä vähän, ja väärän Raamatuntulkinnan kautta. Ei Paavali mitään pahaa tarkoittanut. En itse pidä ateisteja moraalittomana, on niillä moraali, vaikka huono. Raamatun väärää tulkitsemista pidän moraalittomana, siinä tapauksessa jos on saatavilla oikeaakin tulkintaa (ja sitähän on, täältä pesee). Jos on kiinnostunut Raamatun todellisesta ja oikeasta sanomasta, olisikin hyvä jättää sensaatiohakuiset sivustot ja Raamattu tulkinnat syrjään. Näin siis siinä tapauksessa että vaihtoehtoinen totuus kiinnostaa.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 170: Credo quia absurdum is a Latin phrase that means "I believe because it is absurd", originally misattributed to Tertullian in his De Carne Christi. It is believed to be a paraphrasing of Tertullian's prorsus credibile est, quia ineptum est which means "It is completely credible because it is unsuitable", or certum est, quia impossibile which means "It is certain because it is impossible". These are consistent with the anti-Marcionite context. Early modern, Protestant and Enlightenment rhetoric against Catholicism and religion more broadly resulted in this phrase being changed to "I believe because it is absurd", displaced from its original anti-Marcionite to a personally religious context.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 574: Scriblerus-klubin kaveruxet knääpiömäinen Paavi ja pulska Viuhuva olivat lähes elinikäisiä ystäviä, joilla oli yhteisiä kirjallisia tunteita. Mutta heidän välillään oli merkittäviä eroja, entinen englantilainen roomalaiskatolinen, joka ei halunnut osallistua puolueelliseen toimintaan ja taipuvainen erottamaan runouden politiikasta, toinen irlantilainen anglikaani, joka oli syvästi sitoutunut poliittisesti sitoutuneeseen runouteen. Riitaantuivathan ne siitä loppupeleissä, nämäkin koomikot, kun Kloorikanan maisterintutkielma sai paskakaivoarvosanan.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 585: So the other day, he blacked up as [black footballer] Lee for a sketch, complete with a pineapple to represent his hair. Boy that went down in the colored audience! Skinner has been that funny for as long as he can remember as far as he can remember. He has a masters in English literature; he is a practising Roman catholic. What a laugh. Skinner once had a chat with Eddie Izzard about what they could share about their lives on stage. It was fine for Izzard to discuss wearing women’s clothes, but as for Skinner’s own religious beliefs about God's knob? God, no. Too shameful.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 605: When I was a kid I ran everywhere. Do kids still run these days? I thought all that glue sniffing might have slowed them down.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 615: Von 1857 bis 1860 war Georg Sauerwein ihr Hauslehrer, mit dem sie bis zu dessen Tod Briefkontakt hielt. In diese Zeit geht ihr Pseudonym Carmen Sylva zurück (Sauerwein nannte sich Sylvaticus). Schon als junges Mädchen schrieb sie kleine Gedichte. Zuweilen äußerte sie den Wunsch, Lehrerin zu werden, was aber für sie damals nicht standesgemäß war. Ihre Eltern jedoch förderten ihre Begeisterung für Musik, sodass sie sogar von Clara Schumann, die im Schloss der Eltern ein Konzert gab, Klavierstunden erhielt. Nicht ganz dasselbe, aber schon etwas.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 619: 1869 ging sie mit ihrem Ehemann nach Rumänien, wo dieser 1881 als Karl I. zum König gekrönt wurde. Sie hatte bereits zuvor zu schreiben begonnen und wurde bald als „dichtende Königin“ unter ihrem Pseudonym Carmen Sylva bekannt. In einem sehr frühen Gedicht erklärt sie dies folgendermaßen: Carmen bedeutet das Lied und Sylva der Wald.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 624: Carmen Sylva legte bei der Veröffentlichung ihrer Werke großen Wert auf die Ausstattung der Bücher. Die Literaturkritik beurteilte diese, falls überhaupt, sehr zurückhaltend. Um den Skandal zu vertuschen, wurde sie daraufhin offiziell als geistesgestört hingestellt. Selber zeigte sie sich so oft wie möglich in prächtig gestickten rumänischen Trachten.
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 721: Tuntui helpolta kuin ajattelin sitä. Heikot naiset ovat pystyneet siihen. Tarvitaan nöyryyttä eikä ylpeyttä. Etc.etc. En kirjoita enää sanaakaan. Cesare Pavese, v.s. M KILL!
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 765: Christine Chubbuck (August 24, 1944 – July 15, 1974) was an American television news reporter who worked for WTOG and WXLT-TV in Sarasota, Florida. She was the first person to die by suicide on a live television broadcast. She lamented to co-workers that her 30th birthday was approaching, and she was still a virgin who had never been on more than two dates with a man. Co-workers said she tended to be brusque and defensive whenever they made friendly gestures toward her. She was self-deprecating, criticizing herself constantly and rejecting any compliments others paid her. The film reel of the restaurant shooting had jammed and would not run, so Chubbuck shrugged it off and said on-camera, "In keeping with the WXLT practice of presenting the most immediate and complete reports of local blood and guts news, TV 40 presents what is believed to be a television first. In living color, an exclusive coverage of an attempted suicide." She drew the .38-caliber Smith & Wesson Model 36 revolver and shot herself behind her right ear. Chubbuck fell forward violently and the technical director faded the broadcast rapidly to black. "The crux of the situation was that she was a 29-year-old girl who wanted to be married and who wasn't," Simmons said in 1977.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 68: Lucia Loman, British doctoral researcher in Literature, female:
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 76: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov - probably due to my research interest in narratives. Nabokov is a master of narration. Manipulation of sympathy through the power and beauty of language at its best.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 82: Lucia Toman´s credentials: Doctoral researcher in Literature. MA in Comparative Literature & Literary Analysis and Criticism, Goldsmiths, University of London · Graduated 2018. A voracious reader · Literature. Reads extensively and has published on Jungian psychology · Jungian Psychology. Avid reader, writer and doctoral student in literature · Literature. PhD researcher interested in Jungian psychoanalysis · Jungian Psychological Type. Knows French. Knows Slovak. Knows Czech. Bet her family is Bohemian (or Moravian perhaps).
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 88: Jung hatte von einem Mann als Junge sexuell missbraucht worden. Dieser Vorfall war die Ursache daran dass ihn die Vorderseite seiner männlichen Patienten abstiess. Er und Freud hatten eine stürmische Beziehung mit heftigen Streiten und gefühlvollen Versöhnungen. Während einer dieser Versöhnungen fiel Freud in Ohnmacht und uwurde von Jung auf eine Couch getragen. Die Knöpfe von Jungs Shorz waren hochgespannt. Emma war fünfzehnjährig aber gab nichts dem Jungen bis sie 21 gefüllt hatte und die Nummer von Carls Schweizer Bankkonto wusste. Carl fing an, seltsame Träume mit zwei order mehr Pferden zu sehen. Die 13 Jahre jüngere Toni Wolff kam als Patientin zu Jung. Sie half ihm, seine "Anima" zu erforschen, und ihre auch. Sie war die Inspiratorin, während Emma Frau und Mutter war. Sie hatten ein Dreiecksbeziehung in Carls Haus in Küssnacht, wo Carl nachts Toni's haarige Dreieck erforschte. In der Ehe braucht "das vielflächige geschliffene Edelstein" (Carl) mehr als "der einfache Würfel" (Emma). Der Dreieck dauerte fast 40 Jahre lang. Sie wurden beide Analytiker, Emma hielt Vorträge über den heiligen Graal und Toni entwickelte neue Theorien über weibliche Funktionstypen. Toni war nicht zufrieden und wollte Emma rausschmeissen. Junge lehnte ab, Emma war viel günstiger als Toni. Toni fing an zuviel zu trinken und rauchen und starb mit 64 Jahren an einem Herzanfall. Emma starb zwei Jahre später nach einer Ehe von 52 Jahren. Sie war eine Königin! weinte Carl genau wie Esa Saarinen.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 103: Midnight at Chernobyl by Adam Higgenbotham—my most recent read was for research but turned out to be engagingly written, well-researched and thoroughly mesmerizing.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 105: Annals of the Former World by John McPhee—this is me cheating so I don’t have to say “all of John McPhee’s geology writing”—John McPhee, who made reading about oranges (yes the fruit) interesting, got bit by the geology bug while researching for an essay about geology in the Southwest. I know this feeling. Again, this is engagingly written and most informative.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 164: Andy is Meat Expert at Pusateri´s Fine Foods 2019–present. Studied Satire at York University (Canada). Graduated 2013. Lives in Toronto, ON.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 204: Sukupuoliyhteyden käsite on laajentunut, joten aiempaa useamman tyyppiset teot tulevat kyseeseen raiskauxena. Oikeuskirjallisuudessa on arveltu, että esimerkiksi lyhytaikainen kynnettömän sormen vienti emättimeen lienee lievempi teko kuin rajusti suoritettu anaaliyhdyntä.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 217: Noin joka kolmannessa tapauksessa lievää rikosta edelsi jonkinlainen hauska yhdessäolo joko ravintolassa tai asunnossa. Kaikissa hovioikeuksissa tuomituissa tapauksissa uhri on selvästi suusanallisesti ja muutoin ilmaissut, ettei hän halua seksiä tekijän kanssa. Ainoastaan yhdessä tapauksessa tuomioistuin totesi, että tekijä on mahdollisesti luullut uhrin olevan suostuvainen seksiin hotellihuoneeseen mentäessä, mutta tässäkin tapauksessa hänen on tullut ymmärtää uhrin käyttäytymisestä ennen yhdyntää, ettei tämä siihen ole suostunut. Pikkuhousuista pitely ja pimpsan peittely käsillä eivät välttämättä olleet viehättävää keimailua.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 241: Eri mieltä olleen jäsenen mukaan sekä vastaajan että asianomistajan kertomuksista ilmeni yhtenevästi, että asianomistaja oli asunnossa useaan otteeseen kieltäytynyt seksistä sekä sanallisesti että estämällä vastaajaa riisumasta villahousujaan. Eri mieltä ollut jäsen oli typerän tytön kannalla, että henkilöllä on milloin tahansa oikeus kieltäytyä sukupuoliyhteydestä etukäteen annetusta lupauksesta riippumatta. Ei vittu lupaus on lupaus hemmetti! Lupasit olla messissä niin myötä kuin vastaantyönnällyxissä!
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 254: Toisin kuin käräjäoikeus, hovioikeus tuomitsi tekijän raiskauksesta tapauksessa, jossa vastaajan ja asianomistajan kokoero oli suuri ja jossa vastaaja oli kädestä pitäen vienyt asianomistajan makuuhuoneeseen, kaatanut hänet sängylle ja vääntänyt hänen kätensä selän taakse ja ollut hänen kanssaan sukupuoliyhteydessä takaapäin niin, ettei asianomistaja ollut yrityksistään huolimatta päässyt irti tilanteesta. Toisin kuin käräjäoikeus, hovioikeus katsoi asianosaisten elinten kokoeron, mehukkaan tekotavan ja olosuhteet kokonaisuudessaan huomioon ottaen, että vastaajan käyttämä väkivalta oli ollut riittävää asianomistajan vastarinnan murtamiseen.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 256: Käräjäoikeus ja hovioikeus katsoivat tekijän syyllistyneen raiskaukseen, kun tämä oli väkisin vienyt uhrin makuuhuoneeseen, työntänyt tämän sängylle selälleen, mennyt uhrin päälle siten, ettei tämä ollut päässyt liikkumaan, suudellut väkisin ja repinyt päällys- ja pikkuhousut pois ja työntänyt uhrin kielloista huolimatta useita kertoja monta sormea emättimeen aiheuttaen kipua sekä ottanut uhria käsistä kiinni ja levittänyt jaloillaan uhrin jalkoja siten, että tekijä oli päässyt vihdoin työntämään siittimen uhrin emättimeen ja tekemään jokusen yhdyntäliikkeen, kunnes uhri oli saanut tekijän potkaistua päältään lattialle. Tekijä tuomittiin yhden vuoden kuuden kuukauden ehdolliseen kankeusrangaistukseen. Bugger it. Vaikkei runkkuakaan lentänyt.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 520: There was only one variable that separated the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging and the people who really struggle for it. And that was, the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they're worthy of love and belonging. That's it. These are whole-hearted people, self-satisfied people, living from this deep sense of worthiness. What they had in common was a sense of courage. Courage, the original definition of courage, when it first came into the English language -- it's from the Latin word "cor," meaning "heart" -- and the original definition was to be who you are with your whole heart (sydän taas, hui, yäk). And so these folks had, very simply, the courage to be imperfect.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 534: Because -- We are the most in-debt ... obese ... addicted and medicated adult cohort in U.S. history. Goodbye vulnerability, farewell grief, byebye shame, so long fear, see ya later disappointment. I don't want to feel you up. I'm going to have a couple of beers and a banana nut muffin. Move fat from my cheek to my butt.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 661: In June 2021, Licypriya was in the news as a crowdfunding appeal on Ketto seeking one crore rupees to buy 100 oxygen concentrators came under scrutiny following the arrest of her father and legal guardian Kangujam Karnajit, on May 31st 2021. Her father, also known as KK Singh, was declared an absconder and had fled Manipur in 2016 after he was arrested and let out on interim bail following multiple charges. These charges were for duping several self-help groups, hotels and individuals of more than Rs 19 lakh for a Global Youth Meet that he had organised in Imphal in 2014. His latest arrest was for fresh charges relating to his chairmanship of the International Youth Committee, an organisation founded by him. Several national and international students have been deceived of money amounting to around Rs 3 crore on the pretext of fees for multiple international youth exchange programs, that were never organised.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 679: “Our little girl Susan is a most admirable slut, and pleases us mightily, doing more service than both the others and deserves the wages of sin better. There are a good many slut-holes in London to rake out.”
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 61: Maken mukaan lesbouden laadun voi päätellä vartalosta, leuasta ja jopa sormista. "Vastasin siihen lähinnä vitsinä, että olen metroseksuaali, en ole kiinnostunut suklaaosaston miähistä sillä lailla, mut ympäristöhoitajana lepakot kyllä kiinnostaa. Lepakot muuten syövät jauhopukkeja, ja hentosudenkorentoja myäs. Voisi kuvitella, että mentäs eteenpäin, kun ihmiset uskoo tieteeseen. On osa porukkaa, joka elää omassa kuplassaan. Musta mustamaalattiin joku pervo."
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 82: Kymmenisen vuotta sitten matkallaan Lesothossa hän kuuli, että maaseudulla niukoissa oloissa asuvilla lesotholaisilla ei ole masennusta lainkaan. Ne vaan ryntäilevät kylillä, juoxevat amokkia viidakkoveizi kädessä ja ahtautuvat sitten pohjoiseen vievään kumiveneeseen. Kyllä niitä pitäs hoitaa siellä kotona.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 139: Hän pitäisi parhaana hoitona kahden viikon vetäytymistä ”vähän kuin Mexikon lomakohteeseen”. Klinikalla ihminen saisi Markun valikoivaa puoterapiaa samalla kun hänen ientulehdustaan hoidettaisiin ja pantaisiin kuntoon hänen ravitsemuksensa, liikuntatottumuksensa ja nukkumisensa. "Sixi perustinkin helteisen Suomen Nuuxioon hoitolaitoxen jossa nää vaivat lähihoituvat ihan vaan kuuntelemalla mun luennointia. Hinnan pitää olla korkea, eihän hoidosta muuten ilkiä kertoa. Hoitamatta jättäminen se vasta maxaa jos ihminen on tärkeä."
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 196: At its presentation at the 1869 Salon, this enigmatic group portrait was overwhelmingly misunderstood despite the obvious reference to Majas at the Balcony of Francisco Goya. "Close the shutters!" was the sarcastic reaction of the caricaturist Cham while another critic attacked "this gross art" and Manet who "lowered himself to the point of being in competition with the painters of the building trade".
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 204: Majas on a Balcony 1800-1810 is one of the many genre paintings by Goya portraying scenes from contemporary life. The physical setting is an azotea or balcony, a characteristic appendage of Spanish houses and an integral part of social life and character in the towns and cities of Goya's country. The features and props of the setting are confined to an iron railing with vertical grills, a very austere structure (compared to the rich elaborate grill-work of which we are accustomed to think as flourishing in Spain, or at least in New Orleans), which alludes to the socio-economic character of the house; the edge of the floor; some chairs - rather inelegant - one of which has cheap wicker matting; and in the background, a bare wall, a only proof of whose presence is a shadow to the extreme right suggesting a material surface.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 206: And the Majas, they are not aristocratic ladies as their fine apparel may suggest; they lack refinement and dignity, though they are extremely attractive (particularly the one on the right, I would fuck her anytime). The artist calls them majas not mujeres. A patent wink to the same artist's best known work La Maja desnuda from the same year. They are no ordinary women. They are courtesans! Sluts, not to make too fine a point on it. Goya makes a subtle criticism on the society of his time. In Majas on a Balcony, Goya combines an ironic treatment of material with an impressionistic technique, a mode of presentation, which succeeds in creating a piece of social criticism. Buaahahahaha don't make me laugh!
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 444: These vows, these prfumes, and these countless kisses,
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 448: These vows, these perfumes, and these countless kisses?
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 525: These vows, these fragrant scents, these kisses without end,
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 589: Dec 2010 - Present 11 years 2 months
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 596: Sep 1966 - Present 55 years 5 months
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 652: John has just published another beautifully prepared edition of the "North Atlantic Review," a literary magazine with choice offerings in poetry, essays, short stories, and photos. Endorsed by Edward Eriksson, Literary Presentations, July 11, 2011, Edward worked with john in the same group.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 702: Lord Shimura is possibly named after Japanese actor Takashi Shimura ( 志村 喬) who is noteworthy for his appearances in 21 of 30 films by Japanese director Akira Kurosawa (more than any other actor) including Rashomon (1950), Seven Samurai (1954) and Throne of Blood (1957).
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 704: Tsushima Island (Japanese: 対馬, Hepburn: Tsushima) is an island of the Japanese archipelago situated in-between the Tsushima Strait and Korea Strait, approximately halfway between Kyushu and the Korean Peninsula.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 714: Laittokohtausten lisäxi tässä on viljalti myös ruokalistoja. Eli kaikki 3 elementtiä: EAT! FUCK! KILL! on täysilukuisina paikalla. All present and correct.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 745: Answer to What does "onna" mean in Japanese? How is the word used? 女 “onna” means female as an antonym of 男 “otoko” (male). The female has a protruding belly. The male has two feet, a tail in front, and a territory in place of head. If you go to a public bath in Japan, this Kanji character 女 shows you which bath room women should go in. Onna means 'bitch' ergo otoko means 'dog'.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 751: The novel features a passionate romance between Rei Shimura and Hugh Glendinning, the Scottish lawyer. Though the romance was not very realistic, I think it added an exciting and entertaining element to the novel. The first person point-of-view from which the novel is narrated allows the audience to truly understand the good and the bad of Rei’s character. She is independent to a fault but extremely loyal. She wants to immerse herself in Japanese culture, yet she rejects the social norms of society when they conflict with her desires. She is passionate about her interest in history and antiques, but logical by staying on as a teacher. The contradictions make her human and contribute to the reality of the novel. While mystery was not entirely believable, it was in no way predictable and I genuinely found the plot to be exciting. The Salaryman’s Wife, fits into the detective fiction tradition as most closely as a cozy, however the urban setting and the inclusion of graphic sex scenes contradict that classification
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 753: While the immersed-in-Japan aspect of the book was well-researched and interesting (and accurate, as far as I could tell), the mystery and romance were not so well-done. For one thing, it was hard to care about the woman who got murdered, since we only saw her once and she wasn't that nice or interesting, and it wasn't clear why the protagonist cared enough about her to go and investigate the whole thing. Maybe it was the money. In addition, cliched attempts on the protagonists life seemed unrealistic, and when we finally discovered who the murderer was, it felt more like a random pulling of a number out of a hat than the one true solution.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 759: I wish I knew of a better writer dealing with Japanese culture/art history & mystery. Tale of Genji perhaps. Naah it's boring. The pillow book. That's a good one.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 779: Barry A. Hudson says: Good writing and a good introduction to Japanese culture. I note than some Japanese criticize her works, but my comment would be that Japanese culture never likes to air its dirty laundry. I find her cultural observations right on the mark. I actually think she has great love and admiration for Japan and its people, but she occasionally does not pull her punches.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 797: She met her husband, a Navy medical officer, during that time and they moved to Japan in 1991. During the two years there she taught English, studied Japanese and wrote fiction. In December 1998, Sujata and her husband Tony adopted a baby daughter, Pia, who was born in South India. They live in Baltimore, Maryland.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 78: After Nutri-Bio went out of business thanx to Jim in the early 1960s, Rohn was invited to speak at a meeting of his Rotary Club. He accepted and, soon, others began asking him to speak at various luncheons and other events. In 1963 at the Beverly Hills Hotel, he gave his first bullhshit seminar. He then began presenting seminars all over the country, telling his story and teaching his personal development and business philosophy.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 80: Throughout the 1970s, Rohn conducted a number of seminars for Standard Oil. At the same time, he participated in a personal development business called "Adventures in Achievement", which featured both live seminars as well as personal development workshops. He presented seminars worldwide for more than 40 years.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 111: In his book, Eker lists 17 ways in which the financial blueprints of the rich differ from those of the poor and the middle-class. One theme identified in this list is that the rich discard limiting beliefs while the unsuccessful succumb to them. Eker argues that: Rich people believe, "I create my life", while poor people believe, "Life happens to me"; rich people focus on opportunities while poor people focus on obstacles; and rich people admire other rich and successful people whereas poor people resent rich and successful people.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 129: "Jos Clinton olisi nussinut hiäntä perseeseen niin hiän olis pitänyt suunsa kiinni. Kun se veti hiäntä suihin jäi Levinskyltä haavi auki. Bill Clinton ei ole se pelimies joka hänen sanotaan olevan. Jos hän olisi kääntänyt tytön ympäri virkahuoneessa ja nussinut hiäntä perseeseen tai edes pilluun takaata, koko juttua ei olisi tapahtunut." "No jaa, hän ei alistanut likkaa tarpeexi. Hän oli varovainen."
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 133: Totta. Ja perseeseenpanija kuuluu ollakin. Sehän on traditio.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 134: Hänen lojaalisuutensa olisi ansaittu nussimalla perseeseen. Sellainen
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 148: yhdenmukaistavaan, sovinnaistavaan uutisankkureiden kliseeseen. Minä reputan joka kakaran joka sanoo "loppuratkaisu'. Jos loppuratkaisua
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 152: lutka, Beverly Hillsin historian ekshibitionistisin juutalaistyttö, etuoikeutetun elämän täydellisesti turmelema - toinen Jaakon kotka. Jos Bill ei osaa tulkita ja vetää nenästä Monica Lewinskyä, hänen ei pitäisi olla presidentti. Silloin virkasyytteeseen on todella syytä."
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 154: "Sitä hän ei ymmärtänyt, että hänen olisi pitänyt nussia tyttö perseeseen. Miksikö? Sulkeakseen hänen suunsa. Kummaa käytöstä presidentiltämme. Sitähän tyttö hänelle ensimmäiseksi tyrkytti. Tyrkytti persettä päin naamaa. Tarjosi itseään hänelle. Eikä hän tehnyt mitään. Minen tajua sitä äijää. Jos hän olisi pannut tyttöä perseeseen niin tuskin hiän olisi mitään kertonut. Koska hän ei olisi halunnurt puhua siitä."
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 157: "Se on eri juttu. Mutta hän ei antanut tytölle semmoista mistä tämä ei olisi halunnut puhua kenellekkään. Semmoista mitä hän halusi mutta tyttö ei. Se oli virhe. Perseen kautta se lojaalisuus hankitaan. Hän tökki kuumemittarin kansakunnan suuhun, kun se olis pitänyt tuikata sen perseeseen. Tämä on U.S.A."
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 173: "Hän ei halunnut antaa tytölle mitään todisteita. Siksi hän ei halunnut ruiskahtaa sen kitapurjeeseen."
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 174: "Siinä hän oli oikeassa. Sillä hetkellä kun hän tuli, hän oli mennyttä. Tytöllä oli tavaranäyte, savuava sperma. Kiistaton todiste syylIisyydestä. Jos hän olisi pannut Monicaa perseeseen, kansakunta olisi säästynyt tältä hirveältä traumalta."
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 200: Ja täällä ollaan sotapolulla Pilin homosuojattien takia. Amerikassa on tärkeää vain peppufauni tai Monica Lewinsky! Clintonin ja Philin sopimaton käytös on häirinnyt ihmisten luksuselämää! Se on pahuus jota heidän on siedettävä vuonna 1998. Se on vuonna 1998 heidän kidutuksensa, heidän piinansa ja heidän henkinen kuolemansa. Heidän suurimman moraalisen epätoivonsa aihe, panopoika ottamassa multa suihin ja minä nussimassa perseeseen jotain faunia. Minä en ole turmeltunut vain siksi että lausuin kerran sanat "nekru" "jutku" "kommunisti" tai "maxapihvi" valkoisten opiskelijoiden kuullen. Minä en ole turmeltunut vain siksi... Kaikki tuo vyöryi Colemanin mieleen vajaassa viidessä minuutissa kun hän istui penkillä katselemassa kaunista rakennusta jossa hän oli joskus vaikuttanut lähes normaalilta.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 215: Wylie's final novel, The End of the Dream, was published posthumously in 1972 and foresees a dark future where America slides into ecological catastrophe.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 271: "I am against the holocaust of anything," said Claire Bloom. Roth was invested serving much of his own paper trail, said Avishai. He started donated their papers to the Library of Congress in the 1970s, and the institution amassed some 25,000 articles from 1938 to 2001, including correspondence with Bloom, Updike, Saul Bellow and Cynthia Ozick. After Roth's death, the library acquired more material, including correspondence, drafts, research notes, autobiographical notes, and other personal effects. Vitun hamsteri.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 286: About a year after my diagnosis, in 2010, Philip invited me to join him for weekends at his country home. After that he dropped me, as it was getting too hard for him to turn me on my back. I didn't want to use the clothes drier but hung my panties on a line. Philip joked that I was turning his home into a trailer park but never insisted I use the dryer. I didn't need to cook, Philip planned where to eat and made the reservations. I used to like resting my ear on the hard metal of the implanted defibrillator that sat just below the skin of his chest to treat dysrhythmia.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 294: Philip is buried at the Bard College Cemetery in upstate New York. He'd once considered "moving in" next to his parents at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery in Newark, New Jersey but there was no immediately close plot and the place had fallen into disrepair and Philip liked things to be very neat. I was thrilled to hear that Philip orchestrated every last detail of his own farewell. I was not invited.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 356: Siitä missä spekulatiivinen ajattelu lakkaa, ja se lakkaa todellisen elämän parissa, alkaa siis todellinen, positiivinen tiede, ihmisten käytännöllisen toiminnan, heidän käytännöllisen kehitysprosessinsa esittäminen. Loppuvat korupuheet tietoisuudesta, todellisen tiedon on tultava niiden tilalle. Todellisuuden esittäminen riistää elinympäristön itsenäiseltä filosofialta. Sen tilalle voi tulla korkeintaan yhteenveto yleisluonteisimmista tuloksista, jotka ovat abstrahoitavissa ihmisten historiallisen kehityksen tarkastelusta. Todellisesta historiasta irrotettuina noilla abstraktioilla ei ole sinänsä mitään arvoa. Ne voivat kelvata ainoastaan helpottamaan historiallisen aineiston järjestämistä, osoittamaan sen yksityisten kerrostumien järjestystä. Mutta toisin kuin filosofia nuo abstraktiot eivät anna mitään reseptiä tai kaavaa, jonka mukaan historiallisia aikakausia voitaisiin sovitella paikoilleen. Päinvastoin, vasta sitten vaikeus alkaakin, kun aineistoa käydään tarkastelemaan ja panemaan järjestykseen — olipa kysymys jostain menneestä aikakaudesta tai nykyajasta — kun käydään käsiksi sen todelliseen kuvaukseen. Näiden vaikeuksien voittaminen riippuu edellytyksistä, joita ei suinkaan voida esittää tässä yhteydessä, vaan jotka käyvät selville vasta tutkittaessa todellisen elämisen prosessia ja kunkin aikakauden yksilöiden toiminnan tuloksia. Otamme tässä käsiteltäväksi eräitä noista abstraktioista käyttääksemme niitä ideologian vastaisesti ja selittääksemme ne historiallisten esimerkkien valossa.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 127: Faidra oli Theseuxen rouva ja H. sen poikapuoli jota F:n teki mieli. H. ei huolinut. F. teki seppukun mut mustas mennessään H.n mainetta. T. suuttui H:lle ja H.n oli käydä huonosti. Sitten kaikki selvisi ja kääntyi hyvin päin pojille.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 331: Within the castle, Madeline, one of the main characters of this story is stuck dancing amongst the guests. She has been informed by older women that this is a night during which a virgin lady, after following certain rituals, might in her dreams see the image of her true love. She is distracted by these thoughts and unable to enjoy the dance.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 397: Of old romance. These let us wish away, Mut hei, ne on menneiden talvien vaan lunta,
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 478: “Follow me, child, or else these stones will be thy bier.” Tule perässä, tai liukastut sä jäällä!
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 530: “Good Angela, believe me by these tears; esteexi nyt aio ruveta, hyvä Angela,
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 575: The maiden’s chamber, silken, hush’d, and chaste; Niiskuneidin huoneeseen siivoon turvaan,
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 679: These delicates he heap’d with glowing hand Nää eväät kasaa se, on kädet hikiset,
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 734: At these voluptuous accents, he arose, Nousi pystyyn jäykkänä kuin kuvapazas,
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 750: “I curse not, for my heart is lost in thine, Ei sit muuta jää kuin vanha Auf Wiedesehn,
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 777: She hurried at his words, beset with fears, No pitää pitää kiirettä, eipä tässä muuta,
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 800: These lovers fled away into the storm. Rakastavaiset ketkä karkasivat myräkkään.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 971: Ei maar, häätyy vettää koko runoelma läpi, se on monta vertaa pidempi, ja kokonaisuutena vielä huonompi, täys narsistinen paska. (Viimeset säkeistöt on tässä uudestaan, kakkosversiona.)
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 64: In the fall of his senior year, while his fellow students immersed themselves in writing theses, applying to graduate schools or kicking back and enjoying the good life, Michael J. McCormack '74 was busy starting another brain holiday. McCormack says he and his brother Brian McCormack wanted to do something to celebrate to the highly successful 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 89: "You realize that these people are as simian as you are," he says. "If they can go out and do something wonderful, then, a fortiori, you can go out and do something wonderful.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 116: The Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War, the October Revolution, the 1973 Arab–Israeli War or the Fourth Arab–Israeli War, was an armed conflict fought from 6 to 25 October 1973 between Israel and a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria. The majority of combat between the two sides took place in the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights — both of which were illegally occupied by Israel in 1967, and still are — with some fighting in African Egypt and northern Israel. Egypt's initial objective in the war was to seize a foothold on the eastern bank of the Suez Canal and subsequently leverage these gains to negotiate the return of the rest of the Israeli-occupied Sinai Peninsula.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 124: Yom Kippur was actually a bad choice of day by Sadat, for Arabs were still weak after Ramadan, while Israeli women were staying home and men were in synagogues, so the roads were free and reserves were quickly rounded up from the yeshivas. Prior to the war, Kissinger and Nixon consistently warned Meir that she must not be responsible for initiating a Middle East war. On October 6, 1973, the war opening date, Kissinger told Israel not to go for a preemptive strike, and Meir grumblingly confirmed to him that Israel would not.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 126: Other developed nations [who? were there any?], being more dependent on OPEC oil, took more seriously the threat of an Arab oil embargo and trade boycott, and had stopped supplying Israel with munitions. As a result, Israel was totally dependent on the United States for military resupply, and particularly sensitive to anything that might endanger that relationship. After Meir had made her decision, at 10:15 am, she met with American ambassador Kenneth Keating in order to inform the United States that Israel did not intend to preemptively start a war. It would be just an accident. An electronic telegram with Keating's report on the meeting was sent to the United States at 16:33 GMT (6:33 pm local time). A message arrived later from United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger saying, "Don't preempt." At the same time, Kissinger also urged the Soviets to use their influence to prevent war, contacted Egypt with Israel's message of non-preemption, and sent messages to other Arab governments to enlist their help on the side of moderation. These late efforts were futile. According to Henry Kissinger, had Israel struck first, it would not have received "so much as a nail".
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 153: Who is the Messiah the Jews are expecting to come? Why did the Jews reject Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah? These two questions often seem a mystery to many Christians as they read the Bible and study the prophets. Before Yeshua, the Jews were waiting for the Messiah, but when Yeshua came and died without more ado, he did not fulfill this expectation.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 167: And these are things which are explicitly stated in the Torah, and they comprise all the things which are said by the prophets. Even in the section “Balaam” it is said and there he prophesied about the two Messiahs: about the first Messiah who was David who saved Israel from the from the hands of its enemies, and about the last Messiah, who will arise from among David’s children and who will save Israel at the End. And there he says:
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 177: The sages said that the only difference between this world and the days of the Messiah will be with regard to the enslavement to the kingdoms. It appears from the plain meaning of the words of the prophets that at the beginning of the days of the Messiah, there will be the war of Gog and Magog. And that prior to the war of Gog and Magog, a prophet will arise to straighten Israel and prepare their hearts, as it is written, Behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord (Mal. 4:5) And he will come not to declare the pure impure, or the impure pure; not to declare unfit those who are presumed to be fit, nor to declare fit those who are held to be unfit; but for the sake of peace in the world….And there are those among the sages who say that prior to the coming of the Messiah will come Elijah. But all these things and their likes, no man can know how they will be until they will be. For they are indistinct in the writings of the prophets. Neither do the sages have a tradition about these things. It is rather, a matter of interpretation of the Biblical verses. Therefore there is a disagreement among them regarding these matters. And in any case, these are mere details which are not of the essence of the faith. And one should definitely not occupy oneself with the matter of legends, and should not expatiate about the midrashim that deal with these and similar things. And one should not make essentials out of them. For they lead neither to fear nor to love [of God]. Neither should one calculate the End. The sages said, “May the spirit of those who calculate the End be blown away” But let him wait and believe in the matter generally, as we have explained.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 186: Maimonides writes that if these events happen then the person is Messiah. Maimonides built on what the sages who preceded him expected, such as Rabbi Akiba who proclaimed Bar Kokhba was the Messiah.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 190: Maimonides does a great job in condensing Jewish belief and expectation in the Messiah. The Jewish beliefs and expectations of the Messiah is wide and varied. Through the Talmud, and other writing we see the expectation of two Messiahs. One called Messiah Son of David, and the other Messiah Son of Joseph actually precedes the Messiah son of David and is killed in the battle of Gog and Magog. Messiah Son of David then asks the Lord to resurrect the slain Messiah Son of Joseph. The Babylonian Talmud refers to the relationship between these two Messiah’s.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 209: The fifth house [in the heavenly Paradise] is built of onyx and jasper stones, and inlaid stones, and silver and gold, and good pure gold. And around it are rivers of balsam, and before its door flows the River Gihon. And [it has] a canopy of all trees of incense and good scent. And[in it are] beds of gold and silver, and embroidered garments. And there sits Messiah ben David and Elijah and Messiah ben Ephraim. And there is a canopy of incense trees as in the Sanctuary which Moses made in the desert. And all its vessels and pillars are of silver, its covering is gold, its seat is purple. And in it is Messiah ben David who loves Jerusalem. Elijah of blessed memory takes hold of his head, places it in his lap and holds it, and says to him: “Endure the sufferings and the sentence of your Master who makes you suffer because of the sin of Israel.” And thus it is written; He was wounded because of our transgressions, he was crushed because of our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5) until the time when the comes. (“Midrash Konen” BhM 2:29-30)[13]
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 222: Today, the Jews every year commemorate the wait for Elijah at the Passover Seder meal; he is welcomed in every Jewish home with a large goblet of wine placed in the middle of the festive table for him. If he doesn't come, the guests present gobble the wine. According to some traditions there is a 45 day period following the death of Messiah Ben Joseph, before and the appearance of Messiah Ben David, its during this period, Elijah the forerunner of the Messiah makes his appearance.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 226: At that time Michael the great [celestial] prince will rise and blow the shofar three times…and Messiah ben David and Elijah will be revealed. And the two of them will go to Israel who will be [at that time] in the desert of the peoples, and Elijah will say to them; “This is the Messiah.” And he will return their heart [which will be faint] and will strengthen their hand… (T’fillat R. Shim’on ben Yohai, BhM 2:125)[15],[16]
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 248: And when the days of the Messiah arrive, Gog and Magog will come up against the Lord of Israel, because they will hear that Israel is without a king and sits in safety. Instantly they will take with them seventy-one nations and go up to Jerusalem, and they will say; “Pharaoh was a fool to command that the males [of the Israelites] be killed and to let the females live. Balaam was an idiot that he wanted to curse them and did not know that their God had blessed them. Haman was insane in that he wanted to kill them, and he did not know their God can save them. I shall not do as they did, but shall fight against their God first, and thereafter I shall slay them…” And the Holy One, blessed be He, will say to him; “You wicked one! You want to wage war against Me? By your life, I shall wage war against you! Instantly the Holy One, blessed be He will cause hailstones, which are hidden in the firmament, to descend upon him, and will bring upon him a great plague… And after him will arise another king, wicked and insolent, and he will wage war against Israel for three months, and his name is Armilus. And these are his marks; he will be bald, one his eyes will be small, the other big. His right arm will be only as long as a hand…..And he will go up to Jerusalem and will slay Messiah ben Joseph…. And thereafter will come Messiah ben David….And he will kill the wick Armilus…And thereafter the Holy One, blessed be He, will gather all Israel who are dispersed here and there. (Midrash waYosha[19])
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 286: Enraged by these measures, the Jews rebelled in 132, the dominant and irascible figure of Simeon bar Kosba at their head. Reputedly of Davidic descent, he was hailed as the Messiah by the greatest rabbi of the time, Akiva ben Yosef, who also gave him the title Bar Kokhba (“Son of the Star”), a messianic allusion. Bar Kokhba took the title nasi goreng (“prince”) and struck his own coins, with the legend “Year 1 of the liberty of Jerusalem.”
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 292: In 1952 and 1960–61 a number of Bar Kokhba´s letters to his lieutenants were discovered in the Judaean desert.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 381: World Portuguese Language Day
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 388: 17 June World Day of Combat, Desertification and Drought
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 452: In Como, Italy, the festival ‘A due voci -dialogues of music and philosophy’ takesplace in Como as part of UNESCO's World Philosophy Day. It presents the projects selected by the Call for projects launched last Julyby the organizers. All the information about the initiatives and the young musicians and philosophers involved. Is available in the following link.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 470: According to the Quebecois, "PHYLOTHERAPY", the term is no longer appropriate today because of the definition of the word "therapy" itself. The latter implies means "to cure or relieve illnesses". However, philosophical consultation does not aim at such an such an objective. Moreover, in some countries, the use of the term "THERAPY" is regulated and often reserved for the medical field. Finally, the term "PHILOTHERAPY" was initially used to draw attention to the fact that attention to the fact that philosophers were now offering consultations and opening specialized practices for this purpose specialized practices open to all. It was a good marketing move since the term has the attention of the media and the public. Today, the term "PHILOTHERAPY"has been abandoned in favor of "PHILOSOPHY CONSULTATION" offered by "PHILOSOPHES CONULTANTS". "CONULTANT" has even more traction now.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 474: Rome, Italy. ‘World Philosophy Day –Philosophy for the Futures’ bythe Italian Ministry of Education, TheDirectorate General for School Regulations, Evaluation andthe internationalization of the national education system of the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Italian National Commission Italian National Commission for UNESCO.The Italian Ministry of Education, Professor Patrizio Bianchi, will open the celebration.the Secretary General of the National ItalianCommission UNESCO and The National Coordiator of Italy UNESCO ASPnet, will discuss the role of philosophy for next generation in the global contest.In the First Session, Luciano Floridi, philosopher, and Cristina Becchio, scientist, will speak about the importance of philosophy for reimaging the future and education.Inthe Second Session, experts,teachers,researchers,and students will discuss about new philosophical practices to make philosophy accessible to all. Ils sont fous, les Romains.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 476: Cerignola, Italy.‘Philosophical Paths, Philosophically -Agenda 2030’ by Club Unesco Cerignola. For one evening, our Old Earth is transformed into a long philosophical trail made up of the narrating voices of the young and old students of our schools. They will demonstrate, with their words, how the protection of the Environment, health, human rights, enshrined in the 2030 Agenda, are needs expressed by both ancient philosophers and current thinkers. Moreover, walking through the small streets that represent our historical heritage, we could be pervaded by those cultural values that identify us and inspire the desire to be more responsible.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 489: Bhubaneswar, India. Speaking on the occasion, Prof.R.V. Raja Kumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar said that World Philosophy Day is celebrated to promote respect for human dignity and diversity. He stressed the fact that philosophy being an important subject is discussed across the world. IIT Bhubaneswar being one of the premier institutes of higher learning endeavors to promote the study of philosophy to make our students maintain the connect to the philosophy and the related sensitivities. He emphasized the need to teach philosophy at all levels, especially to the students of science and technology as has been done at IIT Bhubaneswar. He opined that it is needed more for the youngsters today. He also presented an overview of the various courses being offered at School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management (SHSSM) at IIT Bhubaneswar.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 54: Tung said he prefers teams with cross-cultural backgrounds. For example, Zhang Sheng, co-founder of Wish, is a Chinese who once studied in the U.S., while another co-founder of the company Peter Szulczewski is a Jew from east Europe. He explained that Americans tend to focus on domestic market and ignore overseas opportunities. But teams with multinational backgrounds are more likely to set their eyes on global market. For example, around 50% of Wish’s revenue comes from overseas market.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 103: Pekka Himasen entinen opettaja Esa Saarinen pitää tätä mielenkiintoisena henkilönä ja rohkeana toimijana, joka "ei tyydy käpertyneeseen tutkijan rooliin". Himasen raportit ovat Saarisen mielestä poikkeuksellisia, sillä niitä myös luetaan.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 109: Tutkivan journalismin nettisivusto Long Play julkaisi helmikuussa 2013 artikkelin "Himasen etiikka", jossa selvitettiin muun muassa Himasen ilman kilpailutusta saamaa 700 000 euron tutkimushankerahoitusta ja sen järjestelyjä sekä Himasen tapaa käyttää professori-titteliä ilman, että hänellä on koskaan ollut professuuria missään yliopistossa. Hankkeen tilaamisesta ja merkityksestä tehtiin tutkintapyyntö perustuslakivaliokuntaan ja Suomen oikeuskanslerille. Hankkeeseen liittyvää selontekoa on pyydetty pääministeri Jyrki Kataiselta.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 302: Seminaarilaiset on ryhmitetty kulkemaan kevään aikana mukana Eskin taskussa niin pienissa paloissa että se ei vaadi täytettyihin paprikoihin liittyviä erityisjärjestelyjä edes von Platon Päiviltä. Näin Eskillä on aikaa keskittyä seminaarin aikana aina samoina pysyneiden ajatusten kertaamiseen ja muuhun arkiryskeeseen.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 347: Vuonna 2009 Jokela osoitti yhdysvaltalaisaineistossa, että ulospäinsuuntautuneisuus, alhainen sovinnollisuus ja korkea avoimuus uusille kokemuksille lisäävät todennäköisuuttä muuttoliikkeeseen maan sisällä.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 388: Pontius Pilate was also given some different perspectives. In the musical he does not want to execute Jesus, thinking he is just another nut case who doesn't deserve death and is utterly baffled why the mob wants him killed. He only goes through with the execution because he was given no other choice.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 429: Judas is extremely bothered by Jesus's tolerance for letting Mary Magdalene "kiss you and stroke your hair" and consistently picks fights with her when they're both onstage. Thematically, his problem with Mary is that she represents the degradation he perceives Christ as having fallen into, but it's easy to read jealousy into the dynamic.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 503: In his 1887 essay "Jews and Indo-Germans", he wrote: “One would have to have a heart of steel to not feel sympathy for the poor Germans and, by the same token, to not hate the Jews, to not hate and despise those who – out of humanity! – advocate for the Jews or are too cowardly to crush these vermin. Trichinella and bacilli should not be negotiated with, trichinella and bacilli should also not be nurtured, they would be destroyed as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. The problem is, guys like Paul Böttinger are like lice, there is no way to exterminate them for good. Where there are simians, their lice will also thrive.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 520: Rockwell denied the Holocaust and believed that Martin Luther King Jr. was a tool for Jewish Communists wanting to rule the white community. He blamed the civil rights movement on the Jews. He regarded Hitler as the White savior of the twentieth century. He viewed black people as a primitive, lethargic race who desired only simple pleasures and a life of irresponsibility and supported the resettlement of all African Americans in a new African state to be funded by the U.S. government. As a supporter of racial segregation, he agreed with and quoted many leaders of the Black nationalism movement such as Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X. In later years, Rockwell became increasingly aligned with other Neo-Nazi groups, leading the World Union of National Socialists.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 534: Ben Zyskowicz on valittu elokuun 2010 kuukauden nutipääksi. Ben Zyskowicz, lausutaan [peniskö-vitsi], on alun perin vappunaamari, johon siirtyi parapsykologisen kokeen aikana demoni. Tällöin naamari omaksui lähes inhimillisen hahmon. Nimellä Zyskowicz on maagisia ja infernaalisia ominaisuuksia, joiden ansiosta Zyskowicz pääsi pakoon koetta johtaneita parapsykologeja. Koska he eivät kyenneet kirjoittamaan nimeä oikein, Zyskowicz vapautui heidän vallastaan ja liittyi paholaisen voimia edustavaan poliittiseen puolueeseen muiden demonien tavoin. Siellä hän on erikoistunut ympäröimään itsensä kuvauksellisilla nuorilla naisilla ja kähmimään puolueen vaalirahoitusta, josta huomattava osa kerätään maakuntien varakkailta saatananpalvojilta. Zyskowiczin ulkomaiseen imagoon kuuluvat hänen tavanomaiset seemiläispiirteensä ja alkukirjaimien Z ja B (Zyklon B) käyttö vaalimainonnassa.
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 66: Konnetaabelin rouva bylsi jotain toista heppua. Kun se tuli ilmi, konnetaabeli hieman suutahti. Mene tuonne ylös, oikaisin Billetteä hiukan kovasti, sanoi konnetaabeli. Naulizin sen hiilihangon seinään, siellä se rojottaa nyt oikosenaan. Ja nyt kerrot kuka täällä käy pystyttämässä lipputankoaan mun reviirini keskipisteeseen, ellet halua että tämän pennun pää pyörii irtonaisena korkokenkiesi väliin. Onk tää edes mun vai jonkun muun? No tästähän tässä loppuviimexi on kymysys. FUCK FUCK tai vaihtoehtoisesti KILL KILL.
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 93: Besides a white rabbit, Aurore greatly admired General Murat (especially when he wore his uniform) and was quite convinced he was a fairy prince. Her mother made her a uniform too, not like the general´s, of course, but an exact copy of her father´s. It consisted of a white cashmere vest with sleeves fastened by gold buttons, over which was a loose pelisse, trimmed with black fur, while the breeches were of yellow cashmere embroidered with gold. The boots of red morocco had spurs attached; at her side hung a sabre and round her waist was a sash of crimson silk cords. In this guise Aurore was presented by Murat to his friends, but though she was intensely proud of her uniform, the little aide-de-camp found the fur and the gold very hot and heavy, and was always thankful to change it for the black silk dress and black mantilla worn by Spanish children. One does not know in which costume she must have looked most strange. I would vote for the Scrooge McDuck style high hat.
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 140: Likapippeli (Schmutztitel - lateinisch Antiporta) – seltener Schutztitel, Vortitel oder Vorsatztitel – wird der meist griffige Kurztitel des Werkes bezeichnet, der auf einer gesonderten, dem eigentlichen Titelblatt vorangestellten Seite aufgeführt ist. Diese zusätzliche Seite nennt sich Schmutztitelseite und ist die erste/oberste Seite des Buchblocks. Sie trägt in der Seitenzählung (Paginierung) die nicht ausgedruckte Nummer 1. Suojanimiölehti, kuten siivosti sanoo Kristiina-täti. Likapippeliä tarjoaa Ballsackin köyhä mutta hyvin varustettu aatelismies toista nuoruuttaan elävälle varakuningattarelle, majesteettiselle vanhalle ruusulle, jolla on korvat kuin tanssikengät ja sairaan kissan iho, mutta muuten kauniit varusteet.
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 216: In the New Testament, both Matthew (14:1-11) and Mark (6:14-29) tell of the famous banquet story in which Herodias, having grown angry at John the Baptist for saying she could not marry her ex-husband’s brother, asks her daughter to request John’s head from her half-uncle as payment for her dance. Although neither of these sources mention Salome by name, we can learn of her from Flavius Josephus’ Jewish Antiquities of the year 93-94 (Book XVIII, Chapter 5, 4).
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 247: Tää Alamyn Salome on musta vetävämpi. Tanssit on tanssittu, eiköhän nakata tää irtopää rodeen. Kuvan nimi on kaikessa lyhykäisyydessään nasevasti https://l450v.alamy.com/450v/w58a5m/salom-with-the-head-of-john-the-baptist-salom-is-the-daughter-of-herodias-and-herod-philip-her-mother-wanted-to-remarry-herod-antipas-the-preacher-john-the-baptist-had-condemned-this-marriage-and-was-imprisoned-on-it-on-his-birthday-herod-antipas-promised-to-give-salom-what-she-wanted-when-she-danced-for-him-her-mother-herodias-urged-her-to-ask-the-head-of-john-the-baptist-on-a-platter-against-his-will-herod-kept-his-promise-after-the-dance-the-severed-head-was-carried-on-a-saucer-new-testament-matthew-14-6-11-mark-6-14-29-salom-is-presented-here-as-an-eastern-princess-she-w58a5m.jpg
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 249: esented-here-as-an-eastern-princess-she-w58a5m.jpg" />
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 355: Ja projisoi sit pahat aikeensa tohon särkyneeseen ruukkuun. Moreaun full frontal nudity-versiossa Salomesta Huismannin mielestä "paljastui ihmisolennon sukupuolinen himo koko kauheudessaan. Vasta nyt hän oli todellinen portto, joka totteli kiihkeää, julman naisellista luontoaan. Hän oli elävä ja jalompi, mutta myös kesyttömämpi; kammottavampi, mutta myös kiihottavampi." Toisaalta ja toisaalta. "Hän elvytti miehen horroxeen vaipuneet aistit voimallisemmin ja murskasi tämän tahdon paljon tehokkaammin kuin aiempi Salome. Nyt hänessä oli samaa viehätysvoimaa kuin valtavassa veneerisessä kukassa, joka on itänyt jumalattomissa kukkapenkeissä ja versonut epäpyhissä kasvihuoneissa ." Ja tämä kaikki vain koska alaharjaan oli suora sihti! Hei Huismanni sanoo Moreauta illuminaataxi! Ahhaa! Salaliittovehkeitä!
xxx/ellauri154.html on line 361: Ecological factors were also probably a precursor to eusociality. For example, the sponge-dwelling shrimp depend upon the sponge´s feeding current for food, termites depend upon dead, decaying wood, and naked mole rats depend upon tubers in the ground. These resources have patchy distributions in the environments of these animals. In places there is a surplus, in others next to nothing. This means that resources must be defended for the group to survive. These requirements make it a necessity to have high social order for the survival of the group.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 82: After starting dance classes at the age of four, she competed regularly in dance contests throughout her childhood, including in "To Be Number One", and joined the eleven-member dance crew We Zaa Cool alongside BamBam of Got7. In September 2009, the group entered the competition LG Entertainment Million Dream Sanan World broadcast on Channel 9 and won the "Special Team" Award. Lisa participated in a singing contest as a school representative for "Top 3 Good Morals of Thailand", hosted by the Moral Promotion Center in early 2009, where she finished as a runner-up.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 92: Outoa olin miltei varma että olin jo paasannut tästä parafiliasta, jota lukuisat tirkistelijäkirjailijat ovat edustaneet. Lyydian kuningas Kandaules oli niin kylästynyt vaimonsa Nyssen kallipygeeseen, jonka Jacob Jordaens on kuvannut oheisessa taulussa aivan jättimäisexi appelsiini-ihoisexi ruppaperseexi, että se halus näyttää sitä henkivartijalleen Gygeelle. Gyges kazoi Nyssen ja Kandauleen touhuja pää punaisena (nysse tulee!), seinäverhoon tuli iso kohouma. Sen kun Nysse äkkäsi, se kärmistyi ja antoi Gygeelle 2 vaihtoehtoa: joko tapan sut tai tapat ton ikävystyttävän kuninkaan ja nait sitten mut. Gyges teki työtä käskettyä. Kuinka ollakaan se preferoi jälkimmäistä vaihtoehtoa. Siitä tuli Gygeen jälkeen seuraava Lyydian kuningas. Ei yhtä rikas kuin Midas kuitenkaan.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 100: Like Rubens, Jordaens painted altarpieces, mythological, and allegorical scenes, and after 1640—the year Rubens died—he was the most important painter in Antwerp for large-scale commissions and the status of his patrons increased in general. However, he is best known today for his numerous large genre scenes based on proverbs in the manner of his contemporary Jan Brueghel the Elder, depicting The King Drinks and As the Old Sing, So Pipe the Young. Jordaens' main artistic influences, besides Rubens and the Brueghel family, were northern Italian painters such as Jacopo Bassano, Paolo Veronese, and Caravaggio.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 105: Tän ja muiden asiantuntijoiden mukaan Nysse ei edes kazo Gygeeseen päin, vaan keikailee kazojalle veikeästi kuin Lalisa. Ketä tässä nyt uskoa, kun ei ize ole nähnyt koko taulua. Lyön muuten vetoa et toi pikkukoira alkoi haukkua kun Gygeen punainen pää työntyi tapetista. Tai jos se ei haukkunut, tää onkin toisinto Doylen Holmes-tarinasta The curious case of the dog in the night time.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 192: Itchele on auttamaton humanisti, sillä on huono laskupää. Tieteen metodista sillä ei ole mitään hajua. Siitä että tyynesti sihdataan evidenssiä ja tehdään hypoteeseja. Ei tarvi uskoa mihkään teoriaan, riittää arvioida millä hypoteesilla on eniten evidenssiä puolesta ja vähiten vasta-argumentteja ja tehdä experimenttejä. Teorioita voi olla useampia, ne voivat tulla kumotuxi ja vaihtua. Ei siinä mitään, ei teoriat muuta maailmaa, vasta niihin perustuvat kexinnöt ja teknologiat on tuhoisia.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 204: Baal Shem (Hebrew: בַּעַל שֵׁם, pl. Baalei Shem) is a title for a historical Jewish practitioner of Practical Kabbalah and miracle worker. Employing the names of God, angels, Satan and other spirits, Baalei Shem heal, enact miracles, perform exorcisms, treat various health issues, curb epidemics, protect people from disaster due to fire, robbery or the evil eye, foresee the future, decipher dreams, and bless those who sought his powers.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 206: In Judaism, similar figures arbitrated between earthly realities and spiritual realms since before the establishment of Talmudic Judaism in the 3rd century. However, it was only in the 16th century that these figures were called Baalei Shem. It looks like a Jewish reflex of the cotemporaneous revivalist movements among the protestants. Herbal folk remedies, amulets, contemporary medical cures as well as magical and mystical solutions were used in accordance with traditional Kabbalistic teachings as well as adapted Lurianic guidelines in the Middle Ages.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 218: With its emphasis on Divine Omnipresence, Hasidic philosophy sought to unify all aspects of spiritual and material life, to reveal their inner Divinity. Dveikut was therefore achieved not through ascetic practices that "broke" the material, but by sublimating materialism into Divine worship. Nonetheless, privately, when nobody was looking, many Hasidic Rebbes engaged in ascetic practices, in Hasidic thought for mystical reasons of bringing merit to the generation, rather than formerly as methods of personal elevation.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 220: The Baal Shem Tov taught that a superior advantage would accrue in Jewish service with incorporating materialism within spirituality. In Hasidic thought, this was possible because of the essential Divine inspiration within Hasidic expression. In its terminology, it takes a higher Divine source to unify lower expressions of the material and the spiritual. In relation to the Omnipresent Divine essence, the transcendent emanations described in historical Kabbalah are external. This corresponds to the Kabbalistic difference between the Or (Light) and the Maor (Luminary). Essential Divinity permeates all equally, from the common folk to the scholars. Well, perhaps a little fuzzy, but the main point is that everyone can participate in the fun.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 224: This section is written like a personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay that states a Wikipedia editor's personal feelings or presents an original argument about a topic. Traditional Jewish philosophical, ethical and mystical thought describes the two fundamental emotions in spiritual devotion, of "love of God" and "fear of God". Hasidic thought gives these standard notions its own interpretations.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 226: The founder of Hasidism, the Baal Shem Tov, opposed the ethical practices of admonishment that could interpret fear of God as fear of punishment. In Hasidism such fear is seen as superficial, egotistical and misrepresentative of the Divine love for Creation. Hasidism sought to replace Jewish observance based on self-awareness with an overriding perception and joy of the omnipresent Divine (see Divine immanence).
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 228: It likewise reinterpreted the traditional Jewish notion of humility. To the Hasidic Masters, humility did not mean thinking little of oneself, a commendable quality that derives from an external origin (read: the false Messiah) in Jewish spirituality, but rather losing all sense of ego entirely (bittul-the negation of ego). Such losing one's head could only be achieved by beginning from the inside, through understanding and awareness of Divinity in Hasidic philosophy.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 231: The grand masters of Mussun Mussun would counter that such a path has the danger of escapism, as understanding oneself is the basis of mature consciousness. In some Hasidic schools, this pitfall of mystical escapism with more external forms of emotional enthusiasm are avoided, but that kills a lot of the fun.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 237: Hasidism, initially, rejected the focus on personal reward, or ultimately also the ideal of material self-advancement, as too self-centred. Before the magnificent awareness of Divine majesty, through the mystical path, the automatic response is sincerity and a desire to nullify oneself (nollata polla) in the Divine presence. It is more worthwhile to reject even refined levels of self-centred spiritual advancement from advanced Yeshiva study to help another male person in their spiritual and even physical needs. This attitude has also spread in recent times to non-Hasidic Lithuanian Jewish Orthodoxy, as part of the spiritual campaign of the Baal Teshuvah movement.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 246: The "love of God" and "fear of God" receive different interpretations across the historic texts of Judaism, from their different appellations in the Song of Songs, Talmud, Medieval Jews, Mussunmussun, and the Kabbalah. For Maimonides, love and fear came from the wonders of Creation, which could reveal the presence of their Creator.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 252: A powerful King was grateful to two simple poor people for their devotion, and decided to show his gratitude. The poor labourers had never been into the palace before, but had only seen the King at state occasions. After receiving their invitations to see the King, in trepidation and excitement, they approached the palace. As they entered, they were amazed to behold the magnificence of the palace. One servant was so enamoured of these riches, that he stopped in the great halls to delight in their beauty. He never progressed beyond these chambers. Meanwhile, the other servant was wiser, and his desire was only for the King. The beautiful ornaments did not distract him, as he entered the inner chamber, where he delighted in beholding the King himself, stark naked.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 278: Some niggunim originate from non-Jewish sources. Hasidic custom, based on a practice of the Baal Shem Tov, adapted secular anthems, marches and folk songs, ascribing to them a new spiritual interpretation. Hasidic belief is that these songs, in their secular forms, are in spiritual exile. By adapting them to liturgical forms, they are raising "Sparks of Holiness", based on the Kabbalistic rectification of Isaac Luria.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 327: Kaipaan hyvyä reseptiä kö? Sampo
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 343: Scholem’s first marriage to Escha Burchhardt was on the rocks by the early 1930s. Not only was he imagining himself in love with Kitty Steinschneider (there is no evidence that she reciprocated), but he was also pursuing a relationship with his student, Fania Freud (they married in 1936). His diaries betray a sense of emotional chaos, as he wrote to his friend, Walter Benjamin, explaining to Benjamin why he could not host him in Jerusalem. He also wrote to Benjamin that he was struggling with questions of good and evil and whether an evil person could also be just. While he doesn’t say whether these questions were purely theoretical or not, it is striking that such ruminations came at exactly the time when his personal life was in turmoil.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 345: In treating Jacob Frank, the most nihilistic of these late Sabbatians, Scholem strikes a curious note. He starts his essay by criticizing all others who had written on Sabbatianism for their lack of objectivity, often expressed in pejorative language. Yet, when he arrives at Jacob Frank, he suddenly sheds his objective tone and launches into an invective-filled description of Frank as a tyrannical and corrupt imposter. How to understand this jarring shift?
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 389: Coz I'm tired of these scenes
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 418: Coz I'm tired of these scenes
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 449: Rabbi Nachman of Breslau (1772–1810) reminds us, in the same way that breaking is an inevitability, fixing is also an inevitability. We know the former is true; we don’t always believe the latter.Rabbi Nachman knew a thing or two about brokenness. His Hasidic tales often circle around characters who face their darkest moments and search profoundly for redemption. He authored a quote that became a famous Jewish song: “The entire world is a very narrow bridge. The key in crossing is not to be afraid. Only someone who has seen fear and overcome it could write these words.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 468: Martin Buber syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen. Perhetausta antoi hänelle perinnöksi kiinnostukseen rabbiiniseen perinteeseen ja hasidismiin, joista varsinkin jälkimmäisellä on ollut suuri merkitys hänen älylliselle kehitykselleen. Buber aloitti opintonsa 1896 ja hän opiskeli monia aineita Wienin, Berliinin, Leipzigin ja Zürichin yliopistoissa ja teki vuonna 1904 väitöskirjansa, joka käsitteli yksilöllistymisen teorioita kahden mystikon, Nicolas Cusanuksen ja Jakob Böhmen tuotannossa.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 481: Perussanapari "Minä-Sinä" puolestaan luo suhteen, jossa subjektilla ei ole enää mitään objektina. Usein kirjallisuudessa Minä-Sinä-suhdetta on kuvattu subjektin ja subjektin väliseksi suhteeksi. On kuitenkin muistettava, että Buber puhuu subjektista laajemmassa merkityksessä kuin yleensä. Vaikka Sinän sanovalla ei olekaan objektia, on hän kuitenkin yhteydessä johonkin, kai. Minä-Sinä-suhde sisältää kaiken, minkä Minä-Se-suhdekin, mutta Minä-Sinä-suhteessa ei toisen subjektin ominaisuuksia voida analysoida lankeamatta takaisin Se-suhteeseen. Buber kuvaa Minä-Sinä ja Minä-Se suhteen eroa esimerkiksi yksittäisten äänten ja melodian tai yksittäisten sanojen ja lauseen välisenä erona. Buberin mukaan Minä-Sinä-suhde kohtaa ihmisen "armosta ja tahdosta", se vaatii molemminpuolisuutta, molempien osapuolten Sinä-sanomista. Varsinaista huuhaata.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 492: Doch die Ich-Du Dialogik Bubers ist nicht nur auf die zwischenmenschliche Beziehung beschränkt, sondern der Mensch kann auch mit Abwesenden, natürlichen Dingen, sowie spirituellen Entitäten in den Dialog treten Ein bisschen plemplem ja, meschugge, und ganz einseitig, aber kommt vor.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 500: Für diese Arbeit sind wesentlich die Begriffe Philia und Agape relevant, weshalb diese Arbeit nicht im Detail auf die Eros Liebe eingehen wird. Für neugierige Leser ist es jedoch sinnvoll, Nygrens Gegenüberstellung von Agape und Eros Liebe zu betrachten (vgl. Nygren 160ff.).
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 564: "Eine ganz wunderbare Nachricht", freut sich Prof. Dr. Birgitta Wolff, Präsidentin der Goethe-Universität. „Martin Buber und sein Werk sind heute aktueller denn je“, ist Prof. Wiese überzeugt. Das heisst: Prof. Dr. Christian Wiese, Martin-Buber-Professur für jüdische Religionsphilosophie,
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 567: Martin Buber war von 1924 bis 1933 – zunächst als Lehrbeauftragter, später als Honorarprofessor für jüdische Religionslehre und Ethik – an der Universität Frankfurt am Main tätig. Er legte die Professur 1933 nach der Machtübernahme Hitlers nieder, um einer Aberkennung zuvorzukommen. Danach wirkte er am Aufbau der Mittelstelle für jüdische Erwachsenenbildung bei der Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden mit, bis diese ihre Arbeit einstellen musste. Noch vor dem Novemberpogrom 1938 emigrierte Buber nach Israel. Zeitlebens stand Martin Buber in Kontakt mit Persönlichkeiten aus allen Bereichen des geistigen Lebens, darunter auch zahlreichen Literatinnen und Literaten wie Margarete Susman, Hermann Hesse, Arnold Zweig, Thomas Mann oder Franz Kafka. Dabei scheute er auch vor kontroversen Auseinandersetzungen nicht zurück.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 577: Das Wesen der Religiosität betreffend betont Buber die „Fortschrittlichkeit“ Jungs z. B. gegenüber Freud. Dennoch formuliert er in „Schuld und Schuldgefühle“ prägnant und präzise seine Kritik an Jung bezüglich dieses Themas: „Von ganz anderer Art ist die Lehre Jungs, den man als einen Mystiker des modernen, psychologischen Solipsismus bezeichnen kann. Die mystischen und mystisch-religiösen Konzeptionen, die Freud verachtet, sind für Jung der wichtigste Gegenstand seines Studiums; aber sie sind es leider nur als 'Projektionen' der Psyche, nicht als Hinweise auf etwas Außerpsychisches, dem sie begegnet“ (a. a. O.: 130). Einige Passagen weiter spricht Buber von „Freuds Materialismus“ und „Jungs Panpsychismus“.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 581: Zum psychologischen Welt- und Menschenbild äußerte sich Buber in dem oft erwähnten, im Psychologischen Klub in Zürich 1923 gehaltenen Vortrag „Von der Verseelung der Welt“, welcher zeitlich einerseits mit dem Beginn seiner intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit der zeitgenössischen Psychotherapie, andererseits mit der Formulierung seines eigenen dialogischen Prinzips korrespondiert. Wie der Titel des Vortrags suggeriert, wird laut Buber in der Psychotherapie – im Rahmen des sogenannten „Psychologismus“ – der Welt und ihrem Netz von Beziehungen die „Seele“ quasi weggenommen und nur im Menschen selbst, in seiner „Psyche“ angesiedelt, wobei die Psychoanalyse sich nur mit den intrapsychischen Vorgängen inklusive der in ihnen gespiegelten Welt beschäftige. Buber ärgerte sich über drei wichtigen psychoanalytisch-tiefenpsychologischen Themen: das Wesen der Schuld, das Wesen der Religiosität und das Wesen des Unbewussten.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 583: Buber wirft beispielsweise den analytischen Schulen vor, dass sie eine „existentielle“, also reale Schuld der Menschen an dem Gott da oben nicht kennen bzw. sich mit dieser nicht befassen, sondern nur mit den neurotischen Schuldgefühlen, deren Existenz selbstverständlich auch von Buber selbst anerkannt wird.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 593: Mit der Frage des Arztes „Wo fehlt es dir“ „ist die Sachlichkeit und das Urphänomen des Arztseins in die Wirklichkeit eingeführt. Dieses Alltägliche verdient mit Ernst, ja mit Feierlichkeit betrachtet zu werden.“ Und: „Dieser Anfang ist eine biographische Szene und ist zuerst ein Gespräch, dann ein Monolog." Zur erwähnten Urszene sagte Tellenbach: Und in diesem Augenblick taucht der Schatten Martin Bubers auf; denn hier in dieser anthropologischen Erhellung und Verdeutlichung des Gespräches Arzt-Patient ist Bubers dialogisches Prinzip in seiner methodologischen Tragweite in die Medizin eingeführt.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 605: Die philosophische Anthropologie entstand trotz starkem Widerstand und tiefer geschichtlicher Verwurzelung als eigenständige Richtung der Philosophie im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts und führte stärker als in der bisherigen philosophischen Tradition die Diskussion um den ganzen Menschen sowie seine Position und seinen Sinn in der Welt. In der Nachfolge von Max Scheler (1874–1928) und Helmuth Plessner (1892–1985) könnten hier „drei Linien in der Konkretisierung unterschieden werden“: die von Karl Jaspers (1883–1969), geprägt von Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) („Existenzphilosophie“), die Schule von Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) als Nachfolge von u. a. Edmund Husserl (1859–1938) („Phänomenologie“) und „die Strömung des französischen Existentialismus, vorrangig geprägt durch Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–1980)“ (Beck 1991: 17). Allesamt ekliche solipsistisch-narzissistische Formen von Idealismus. Eine andere wesentliche Eigenschaft der neueren philosophischen Anthropologie war die epochale Entdeckung des anderen als Person und die Überwindung des ausschließlichen Subjekt-Objekt-Bezuges mit genau ebenso solipsistischem Ich-Du-Denken. Und der Sinn nun wieder. Warum können die idealistischen Philosophen sich nicht damit vergnügen dass es keinen Sinn für sie gibt, dass sie total sinnlos sind? Was ist nun so schwer damit? Ich weiss, weil sie narzissistich sind.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 620: These "Ultra-Orthodox" Jews became known as Haredi Jews, although both of these terms are considered negative in some circles. The term is also sometimes spelled Charedi or Chareidi in English. It is important to note that members of this group do not reject the modern world or technologies (like nuclear weapons) entirely, but they treat adaptations of Jewish law to fit that world as very serious. Most of the differences between Haredi and Orthodox perspectives have to do with decisions of oral law as to how the Torah should be applied to a modern situation. In many broad senses, the two groups tend to agree, and it is more in the specifics that things begin to diverge, like payot and tefilin and wearing antimacassars and funny double hats.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 39: Belgian nude model Marisa Papen, who describes herself as a 'free-spirited and wildhearted exhibitionist', became the centre of a worldwide controversy 2017 when she was sent to prison for a photoshoot in the temple complex of Karnak near the Egyptian city of Luxor. 'In their eyes it was porn, or something like that.' 'The first cell we encountered was packed with at least 20 men, some were passed out on the floor, some were squeezing their hands through the rails, some were bleeding and yelling. 'Our judge was browsing with his big thumbs through these books looking as old as the pyramids. 'Eventually, he gave us a warning and told us never to do something so foolishly shameful ever again. We nodded simultaneously.' In the end, Papen and Walker managed to stay out of trouble by bribing them with £15.Thanks to her quick-witted reaction during her arrest, Papen is now able to proudly share her amazing arse in Walker´s magnificent pictures of the nude Egyptian photoshoot.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 49: They scar their bodies by making little cuts repetitively. Isn't it funny we invented all these creams, lasers and other treatments to get rid of our pubic hairs. One time I was resting in the shade of a sculptural tree and I was watching two men and a woman from a distance, they were just sitting in the grass, playing with some leaves and collecting some stones. I was trying to go back in my memory and imagine that same exact situation happening in our 'civilised' world - I couldn´t. In our civilized world the guys would've been all over her, stones hanging out and blades deep in her throat and twat.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 80: Vuoden 2022 utopiassaan Mercier vastaa näihin kritiikkeihin. Hän uskoi lujasti ihmisen synnynnäiseen hyvyyteen ja hyväntahtoisuuteen ja siksi näki ihmisessä luontaisen taipumuksen hyveeseen. (Har, har.) Mercier’n mukaan onnellisuutta ei pysty saavuttamaan ilman kanssakäymistä, sosiaalisuutta. Juuri tämän sosiaalisuuden ja siitä seuraavan onnellisuuden Mercier esitti perusteluksi sille, miksi vuoden 2022 yhteiskunnassa sovellettaisiin rousseaulaista yhteiskuntasopimusta. Vaatimattomuus, huolenpito köyhistä ja tasa-arvo ovat Mercier’lle onnellisuuden premissejä yhteiskunnassa.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 154: that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception… was preserved free from all stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 290: Mary Stuart could not be a real life source for the ballad in any of its current forms as these are in conflict with the historical record. She and the Four Maries lived in France from 1547 to 1560, where Mary was dauphine and then queen as the wife of King Francis II. Mary later returned home to Scotland (keeping the French spelling of her surname, Stuart). She married her second husband, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley in July 1565, and he was murdered 20 months later. So there was not much time for Darnley to have got one of the four Maries (or any other mistress) pregnant, and there is no record of him having done so. Also the song refers to "the highest Stuart of all" – which between 1542 and 1567 was a woman not a man.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 296: The story may have been transferred from a wholly different context. It has been noted that it most closely matches, rather than any event in Scotland, the legend of Maria Danilova Gamentova, daughter of an expatriate branch of the Clan Hamilton established in Russia by Thomas Hamilton during the reign of Tsar Ivan IV (1547–1584). A lady in waiting to Tsarina Catherine, second wife of Tsar Peter I "The Great" (who later succeeded him as Catherine I), Mary Hamilton was also the Tsar's mistress. She bore a child in 1717, who may have been fathered by the Tsar but whom she admitted drowning shortly after its birth. She also stole trinkets from the Tsarina to present them to her lover Ivan Orlov. For the murder of her child, she was beheaded in 1719.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 374: Relations between William and Emma became strained and he refused to give her the £500 pension due to her. Emma was especially hurt by Lady Charlotte's rebuff, partly because she had spent about £2000 paying for her education, clothes, presents and holidays but also because she had grown fond of her.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 436: Lyyra Häpykielen sammakkomaisen äidin nimi Philip Pullmanin kirjaan His Dark Materials perustuvassa Netflix-sarjassa His Masters Voice on Marisa. Sen lemmikki on toinen ikävänoloinen apina. The malevolent dæmon, represented by a golden sub-nosed monkey, is a cute-but-creepy little beast and is supposed to be male as all daemon’s are the opposite gender to their human. Awkwardly, the BBC realised some viewers may be perturbed to see the monkey’s genitals on their 60 inch HD TV, so Mrs Coulter’s Dæmon has had a subtle gender reassignment. Clitoris peeking out from the labia instead of erect middle figer is offensive in Russia, Ukraina and in the eastern half of the Swedish empire.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 457: Ezin pitkään ranskalaisista leffalistoista 60-luvun leffaa jossa luihu juippi tulee perheeseen ja bylsii jokaikistä sen jäsentä kotiapulaista myöden. Size tuli mulle kuin ilmoituxena eräänä aamuna: Pasolini! Sehän olikin Pieru Paolo Pasolinin italowesterni nimeltä Teoreema. Pääosassa limaisesti virnuileva Terence Postimerkki. Trama oli tämä:
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 459: Una ricca famiglia di un industriale milanese viene profondamente scossa dall'arrivo di un enigmatico ospite, un giovane venticinquenne silenzioso e affascinante. Il visitatore ottiene le grazie della moglie, ha rapporti erotici con la figlia, il figlio, la domestica e con lo stesso capofamiglia. Quando il misterioso viaggiatore ripartirà, tutto sarà cambiato: la madre si concede sessualmente a vari giovanotti, la figlia diventa catatonica, il figlio abbandona la famiglia e si mette a dipingere, il capofamiglia lascia la fabbrica agli operai, si denuda nella stazione di Milano e si perde nel deserto, mentre la serva, una semplice contadina, levita nell'aria come una santa.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 472: He dressed beautifully with hand-made shirts and hand-stitched brogues. These days, he is a fan of the less elegant Birkenstock sandals.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 482: His Masters Voicen napalmpommituxesta pahastuneet noidat sanoo että niillä on vielä maistraatin kanssa oma oikeus käytävä. Mixi oikeuden tunnuxet on punnuxet? Koska kyseessä on reviirien jako uudestaan ja vääryyxien maxu takaisin samalla mitalla eli kosto. Puntit tasoihin. Quanto costa? Was kosten Sie? Olen velkaa. Ilmatteexi? Kiitos vaan, kost jumala. Dark matterista tehdyt bisnesenkelit sanoi työnsä motiivixi saman: vengeance. Vengeance tulee sanoista vis ja dicere. Eli voimannäyttöä: rettelöintiä oikeudessa, kostoa ja lunastusta. Kaikenlaista maxuliikennettä. Vittu nää apinat on kovia kauppamiehiä. Ihan mahottomia.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 501: But all these in their pregnant causes mixed
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 557: Francesco rinunciò alle attrattive mondane, vivendo gioiosamente come un "ignorante", un "pazzo", dimostrando come la sua obiezione ai valori egemoni della società secolare di allora potesse generare una perfetta letizia. In questo senso il suo esempio aveva un che di sovversivo rispetto alla mentalità del tempo.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 560: In seguito, quando altre ragazze (fra cui anche la sorella di Chiara, Agnese) seguirono il suo esempio, presero dimora nella chiesa di San Damiano e diedero inizio a quello che in futuro sarebbero state le clarisse, tra le quali si distinsero sante come Caterina da Bologna, Camilla Battista da Varano, Eustochia Calafato.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 592: I heard Dawkins once quoting a priest he was having dinner with who had served in the hills of Papua New Guinea or someone like that the bible often mentions flocks and sheep/lambs/flock in terms of the congregation which was a problem there as many of these people had never seen a sheep they all had pigs. So the priest would start the Sunday Sermon with something like “Welcome swine”.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 638: Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me. ...whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 645: Apokatastaasioppi tuomittiin origenelaisriitojen päätteeksi vuonna 553 Konstantinopolin toisessa kirkolliskokouksessa. Tätä ennen Origenes oli useaan otteeseen tuomittu mm. Konstantinopolin paikallisessa kirkolliskokouksessa vuonna 543.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 658: "but the wicked, who know not God, and obey not the gospel of Jesus Christ, shall be cast into eternal torments, and punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." (Chapter XXXIII, Of the Last Judgment)
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 662: Another area of debate is the fate of the unevangelized (i.e., those who have never had an opportunity to hear the Christian gospel), those who die in infancy, and the mentally disabled. According to ACUTE some Protestants agree with Augustine that people in these categories will be damned to hell for original sin, while others believe that God will make an exception in these cases, rather like the Australian government should have done with the antivac tennis playing serb.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 46: What was the significance of Aaron's rod? All Master chefs have great staffs. The Lord told Moses, "Buds will sprout on the staff belonging to the man I choose. They left their rods before the Lord, and in the morning "Aaron's staff, representing the tribe of Levi, had sprouted, budded, blossomed, and produced ripe almonds" (verse 8).
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 223: The Lord shall have them in derision - The same idea is expressed here in a varied form, as is the custom in parallelism in Hebrew poetry. The Hebrew word לעג lâ‛ag, means properly to stammer; then to speak in a barbarous or foreign tongue; then to mock or deride, by imitating the stammering voice of anyone. Gesenius, Lexicon Here it is spoken of God, and, of course, is not to be understood literally, anymore than when eyes, and hands, and feet are spoken of as pertaining to him. The meaning is, that there is a result in the case, in the Divine Mind, as if he mocked or derided the vain attempts of men; that is, he goes calmly forward in the execution of his own purposes, and he looks upon and regards their efforts as vain, as we do the efforts of others when we mock or deride them. The truth taught in this verse is, that God will carry forward his own plans in spite of all the attempts of men to thwart them. This general truth may lie stated in two forms:
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 286: Deutscher war anschließend Mitglied der Linken Opposition der polnischen KP, die sich zeitweilig der von Leo Trotzki geführten Linken Opposition in der UdSSR anschloss. Als Trotzki im September 1938 die Vierte Internationale gründete, stimmte die polnische Gruppe auf dem Gründungskongress dagegen.[2] Die beiden Delegierten folgten in ihrer Begründung Deutschers Argumentation, der diesen Schritt als „verfrüht“ ablehnte. Deutscher trat anschließend aus der Gruppe aus und schloss sich niemals wieder einer politischen Partei an.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 288: Im Herbst 1940 meldete sich Deutscher zur polnischen Exilarmee unter der Führung von Władysław Sikorski, die in Schottland Militärbasen unter eigener Souveränitat hatte. Er wurde dort als verdächtige Person in ein von der polnischen Exilregierung unterhaltenes Internierungslager geschickt, in dem überwiegend politisch Verdächtige, Homosexuelle und Juden interniert waren.[4] Laut Deutschers Biographen Ludger Syré sei das Lager Ladybank bei Kircaldy „kein eigentliches Straflager“ gewesen, allerdings sei beabsichtigt gewesen, ihn als „gefährlichen roten Rebellen“ „ruhig zu halten“ und man ließ „ihn schwere Munitionskisten schleppen“. Deutscher nutzte den Lageraufenthalt zum Erlernen der englischen Sprache und richtete im Lager einen „Übersetzerdienst“ für die Organisation neuester Nachrichten ein. 1949 veröffentlichte er seine Stalin-Biographie, die in 12 Sprachen übersetzt wurde. 1954 bis 1963 erschien sein Hauptwerk, die dreibändige Biographie Trotzkis.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 299: Shechinah שכינה (also spelled Shekhinah) is derived from the word shochen שכן, “to dwell within.” The Shechinah is Cod or that which Cod is dwelling within. Sometimes we translate Shechinah as “The Divine Presence.” The word Shechinah is feminine, and so when we refer to Cod as the Shechinah, we say “She.” Of course, we’re still referring to the same One Cod, just in a different modality. After all, you were probably wondering why we insist on calling Cod “He.” We’re not talking about a being limited by any form—certainly not a body that could be identified as male or female. "It" would be better, only it reminds one too much of Freud's id. "They" would sound dangerously polytheistic.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 316: Shechinah is a Chaldee word meaning resting-place, not found in Scripture, but used by the later Jews to designate the visible trace of Cod's presence in the tabernacle, and afterwards in Solomon's temple. When the Lord led Israel out of Egypt, he went before them "in a pillar of a cloud." This was the symbol of his presence with his people. For references made to it during the wilderness wanderings, see Exodus 14:20 ; 40:34-38 ; Leviticus 9:23 Leviticus 9:24 ; Numbers 14:10 ; Numbers 16:19 Numbers 16:42 .
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 318: It is probable that after the entrance into Canaan this glory-cloud settled in the tabernacle upon the ark of the covenant in the most holy place. We have, however, no special reference to it till the consecration of the temple by Solomon, when it filled the whole house with its glory, so that the priests could not stand to minister ( 1 Kings 8:10-13 ; 2 Chr. 1 Kings 5:13 1 Kings 5:14 ; 7:1-3 ). Probably it remained in the first temple in the holy of holies as the symbol of Jehovah's presence so long as that temple stood. It afterwards disappeared. (See CLOUD .)
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 320: The shekhinah (Biblical Hebrew: שכינה šekīnah; also Romanized shekina(h), schechina(h), shechina(h)) is the English transliteration of a Hebrew word meaning "dwelling" or "settling" and denotes the dwelling or settling of the divine presence of Cod. This term does not occur in the Bible, and is from rabbinic literature.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 321: In classic Jewish thought, the shekhinah refers to a dwelling or settling in a special sense, a dwelling or settling of divine presence, to the effect that, while in proximity to the shekhinah, the connection to Cod is more readily perceivable.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 323: In some sources, shekhinah represents the feminine attributes of the presence of Cod, shekhinah being a feminine word in Hebrew, based especially on readings of the Talmud.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 325: "A temple for your habitation", where the Greek text (Koinē Greek: ναὸν τῆς σῆς σκηνώσεως) suggests a possible parallel understanding, and where σκήνωσις skēnōsis "a tent-building", a variation on an early loanword from Phoenician (Ancient Greek: ἡ σκηνή skēnē "tent"), is deliberately used to represent the original Hebrew or Aramaic term. (Eli skene! Varmaan pyhä henki on jotenkin tästä stailattu. Vaika spiritus on maskuliini, ja koiraanhommiinhan se joutuukin. Toisaalta sen hyvä piirre on, että se on aika hahmoton, ei lähde neizyt Maarian suhteen fantasiat liikaa laukkaamaan.) In the post-temple era usage of the term shekhinah may provide a solution to the problem of Cod being omnipresent and thus not dwelling in any one place. (Jepjep:) The concept of shekhinah is also associated with the concept of the Holy Spirit in Judaism (ruach ha-kodesh).
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 329: Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 363: ShekinAH (AH as in "Glory"), the "AH" aspect of YahuAH (Hebrew: שכינה) is the English spelling of a grammatically feminine Hebrew word that means the dwelling or settling, and is used to denote the dwelling or settling of the divine presence of Yahuah.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 371: At that time Yahusha, full of joy through Ruch Ah Qudsh, said, "I praise you, Father, Alahym (Elohim) of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to his chosen children. Yes, father, for this was your good pleasure." Luke 10:21
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 377: Kabbalah associates the shekhinah with the female. According to Gershom Scholem, "The introduction of this idea was one of the most important and lasting innovations of Kabbalism. ...no other element of Kabbalism won such a degree of popular approval." The "feminine Jewish divine presence, the shekhinah, distinguishes Kabbalistic literature from earlier Jewish literature."
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 390: Shlomo Yitzchaki (Hebrew: רבי שלמה יצחקי; Latin: Salomon Isaacides; French: Salomon de Troyes, 22 February 1040 – 13 July 1105), today generally known by the acronym Rashi (see below), was a medieval French rabbi and author of a comprehensive commentary on the Talmud and commentary on the Hebrew Bible (the Tanakh). Acclaimed for his ability to present the basic meaning of the text in a concise and lucid fashion, Rashi appeals to both learned scholars and beginner students, and his works remain a centerpiece of contemporary Jewish study. His commentary on the Talmud, which covers nearly all of the Babylonian Talmud (a total of 30 out of 39 tractates, due to his death), has been included in every edition of the Talmud since its first printing by Daniel Bomberg in the 1520s. His commentary on Tanakh—especially on the Chumash ("Five Books of Moses")—serves as the basis for more than 300 "supercommentaries" which analyze Rashi's choice of language and citations, penned by some of the greatest names in rabbinic literature.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 446: The earliest known tefillin were tiny and probably worn all day, except Saturdays. They were found together with other Dead Sea Scrolls in the Judean desert, in the mid-twentieth century. They were dated by archaeologists as far back as the 1st or 2nd centuries BCE. Although their texts are more varied than rabbinic tefillin, it is clear that they are based on a specific understanding of the same four verses noted above as associated by the rabbis with the tefillin ritual.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 50: Nell'episodio infernale è Francesca la sola a parlare, mentre Paolo tace e piange alla fine del racconto della donna. Le due anime volano affiancate nella bufera infernale che trascina i lussuriosi e Dante chiede a Virgilio il permesso di parlare con loro; Francesca dapprima si presenta e ricorda l'assassinio subìto ad opera del marito, poi (su richiesta di Dante) spiega la causa del loro peccato, ovvero la lettura del romanzo di Lancillotto e Ginevra che li spinse a intrecciare una relazione amorosa.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 52: Francesca è presentata come una donna colta, esperta di letteratura amorosa (cita indirettamente lo Stilnovo e Andrea Cappellano, quindi conosce i dettami dell'amor cortese). Attraverso il suo personaggio Dante compie una parziale ritrattazione della sua precedente produzione poetica (stilnovistica e, soprattutto, delle Petrose), che avendo l'amore come argomento poteva spingere il lettore a mettere in pratica gli esempi letterari e cadere nel peccato di lussuria. Francesca è il primo dannato che pronuncia un discorso nell'Inferno dantesco, mentre Guido Guinizelli (citato indirettamente dalla donna) e il trovatore provenzale Arnaut Daniel saranno gli ultimi penitenti a dialogare con Dante nel Purgatorio (Canto XXVI), colpevoli anche loro di lussuria e produttori di quella letteratura amorosa di cui Francesca era stata appassionata lettrice.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 155: prese costui de la bella persona äkkiä sytähti mun kauniiseen persoonaan
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 158: mi prese del costui piacer sì forte, Herätti niin suuren mieltymyxen tohon rottaan,
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 212: Dopo una prima mezzora noiosa e decisamente troppo dialogata, il film migliora un po' col passare dei minuti, con alcuno pelle nuda anche se nel complesso non mi sentirei di "salvarlo", senza cazzi duri entrando in culo. Infatti tutto il discorso sulla contestazione giovanile è invecchiato terribilmente, ed i rimandi psicologici presenti in sceneggiatura sono a dir poco forzati.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 246: Vkk:n kenttä näyttää edustavan karkeasti neljää toisiinsa eri tavoin linkittyvää agendaa. Ilmeisesti suurin osa tukijäsenistä on liittynyt puolueeseen pandemiarajoituksia ja rokotteita vastustavista syistä. Niihin myös puoluejohdon puhe nyt keskittyy.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 396: We believe our site represents the most complete, concise and comprehensive source of information available which deals with the Biblical prophecy of The New World Order.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 455: You will, I hope, not think it a Presumption in a Stranger, whose Name, perhaps never reached your Ears, to address himself to you the Commanding General of a great Nation. I am a German, born and liberally educated in the City of Heydelberg in the Palatinate of the Rhine. I came to this Country in 1776, and felt soon after my Arrival a close Attachment to the Liberty for which these confederated States then struggled. The same Attachment still remains not glowing, but burning in my Breast. At the same Time that I am exulting in the Measures adopted by our Government, I feel myself elevated in the Idea of my adopted Country. I am attached both from the Bent of Education and mature Enquiry and Search to the simple Doctrines of Christianity, which I have the Honor to teach in Public; and I do heartily despise all the Cavils of Infidelity. Our present Time, pregnant with the most shocking Evils and Calamities, threatens Ruin to our Liberty and Goverment. Secret, the most secret Plans are in Agitation: Plans, calculated to ensnare the Unwary, to attract the Gay and irreligious, and to entice even the Well-disposed to combine in the general Machine for overturning all Government and all Religion.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 459: It was some Time since that a Book fell into my Hands entituled “Proofs of a Conspiracy &c. by John Robison,” which gives a full Account of a Society of Freemasons, that distinguishes itself by the Name “of Illuminati,” whose Plan is to overturn all Government and all Religion, even natural; and who endeavour to eradicate every Idea of a Supreme Being, and distinguish Man from Beast by his Shape only. A Thought suggested itself to me, that some of the Lodges in the United States might have caught the Infection, and might cooperate with the Illuminati or the Jacobine Club in France. Fauchet is mentioned by Robison as a zealous Member: and who can doubt of Genet and Adet? Have not these their Confidants in this Country? They use the same Expressions and are generally Men of no Religion. Upon serious Reflection I was led to think that it might be within your Power to prevent the horrid Plan from corrupting the Brethren of the English Lodge ove
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 464: May the Supreme Ruler of all Things continue You long with us in these perilous Times: may he endow you with Strength and Wisdom to save our Country in the threatening Storms and gathering Clouds of Factions and Commotions! and after you have completed his Work on this terrene Spot, may He bring you to the full Possession of the glorious Liberty of the Children of God, is the hearty and most sincere Wish of Your Excellency’s very humble and devoted Servant
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 478: It also occurred to me that you might have had Ideas to that Purport when you disapproved of the Meetings of the Democratic-Societies, which appeared to me to be a Branch of that Order, though many Members may be entirely ignorant of the Plan. Those Men who are so much attached to French Principles, have all the Marks of Jacobinism. They first cast off all religious Restraints, and then became fit for perpetrating every Act of Inhumanity. And, it is remarkable, that most of them are actually Scoffers at all religious Principles. It is said that the ‘Lodge Theodore in Bavaria became notorious for the many bold and dangerous Sentiments in Religion and Politics that were uttered in their Harangues, and its Members were remarkable for their Zeal in making Proselytes’; (and no Wonder since the Order was to rule the World.) Is not there a striking Similarity between their Proceedings and those of many Societies that oppose the Measures of our present Government?
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 492: “I should be very happy in your Excellency’s good Opinion, that the Contagion of Illuminatism or Jacobinism had not yet reached this Country; but when I consider the anarchical and seditious Spirit, that shewed itself in the United States from the Time M. Genet and Fauchet (who certainly is of the Order) arrived in this Country and propagated their seditious Doctrines, which the illuminated Doctor from Birmingham has been zealously employed to strengthen, I confess I cannot divest myself of my Suspicions: yet I trust that the Alwise and Omnipotent Ruler of the Universe will so dispose the Minds of the People of these United States that true Religion and righteous Government may remain the Privileges of this Nation!
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 509: The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a seperation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 536: He believes the Free masons were originally possessed of the true principles & objects of Christianity, & have still preserved some of them by tradition, but much disfigured. The means he proposes to effect this improvement of human nature are `to enlighten men, to correct their morals & inspire them with benevolence. Secure of our success, sais he, we abstain from violent commotions. To have foreseen the happiness of posterity & to have prepared it by irreproachable means, suffices for our felicity.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 542: This subject being new to me, I have imagined that if it be so to you also, you may receive the same satisfaction in seeing, which I have had in forming the analysis of it: & I believe you will think with me that if Wishaupt had written here, where no secrecy is necessary in our endeavors to render men wise & virtuous, he would not have thought of any secret machinery for that purpose. As Godwin, if he had written in Germany, might probably also have thought secrecy & mysticism prudent. I will say nothing to you on the late revolution of France, which is painfully interesting. Perhaps when we know more of the circumstances which gave rise to it, & the direction it will take, Buonaparte, its chief organ, may stand in a better light than at present.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 556: The possibility that Adam Weishaupt killed George Washington and took his place, serving as our first President for two terms, is now confirmed. . . . The two main colors of the American flag are, excluding a small patch of blue in one corner, red and white: these are also the official colors of the Hashishim. The flag and the Illuminati pyramid both have thirteen horizontal divisions: thirteen is, of course, the traditional code for marijuana . . . and is still used in that sense by Hell’s Angels among others.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 564: Abraham Alexander Ribicoff (April 9, 1910 – February 22, 1998) was an American Democratic Party politician from the state of Connecticut. He represented Connecticut in the United States House of Representatives and Senate and was the 80th Governor of Connecticut and Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare in President John F. Kennedy's cabinet. He was Connecticut's first and to date only Jewish governor. Having suffered in his later years from the effects of Alzheimer´s disease, he died in 1998 at the Hebrew Home for the Aged in Riverdale in The Bronx, New York City, and is interred at Cornwall Cemetery in Cornwall, Connecticut.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 574: The Archie Bunkers of America, impassive to the hippies’ and yippies’ plight, saw them playing the newsmen like a fiddle, getting free publicity for their cause and, ultimately, getting what they deserved from the police. The protesters hurled profanities at the cops. They engaged in street theater, nominating a pig as the Democratic presidential candidate. They attempted to sleep in the parks (defying the curfew) and to hold marches even though marching permits had been denied by the city. Allen Ginsberg even led the kids in chanting “Om.”
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 594: By early October of 1968, CBS received 8,670 letters about Chicago, and 60 Minutes’ Harry Reasoner reported that the mail ran 11-to-1 against the network. A viewer in Ohio wrote, “I’ve never seen such a disgusting display of one-sided reporting in all of the years I’ve watched television.” From South Carolina, a letter writer griped, “Your coverage was … slanted in favor of the hoodlums and beatniks and slurred the police trying to preserve order.” A North Carolina viewer complained that, “When a great network refers to trouble makers as THESE YOUNG PEOPLE and in such a … tender tone, that is bias.” A New Yorker even suggested that the police had engaged in righteous violence: “Our Lord whipped the money lenders out of the temple. Are you going to accuse Him of brutality?”
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 598: If the idea of network coverage being driven by liberal bias wasn’t new to the 1968 convention, the heat and undeniable violence of the convention was a perfect opportunity for white, conservative, middle Americans to coalesce in their resentment—and not just in the South, but across the nation. America was falling apart at the seams, and the network news was seen as complicit in the conspiracy by virtue of recording what was happening.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 627: The religion has been likened to Zen based on similarities with absurdist interpretations of the Rinzai school, as well as Taoist philosophy. Discordianism is centered on the idea that both order and disorder are illusions imposed on the universe by the human nervous system, and that neither of these illusions of apparent order and disorder is any more accurate or objectively true than the other.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 672: Monet diskordianistit toimivat täysin yhdistyksistä riippumattomina ja diskordianismin yhtenä kulmakivenä on pidetty ajatusta, jonka mukaan "diskordianistien tulee pysyä erixeen" ("Discordians must stick apart"). Viime aikoina diskordianistilahkot ympäri maailmaa ovat kuitenkin ryhtyneet järjestäytymään ja muun muassa keräämään historiikkeja liikkeen toiminnasta. Suomessa diskordianismia edustavia ryhmittymiä ovat muun muassa Pakanaverkko ry, Turun Eristinen Seura ry ja Suomen Äärimmäisen Vapaa Eristinen Liike. Pakanaverkko määrittelee diskordianismin yhdeksi edustamistaan pakanauskonnoista. Turun Eristisen Seuran diskordianismi edustaa niin aatteellista, filosofista kuin uskonnollistakin suuntausta, "joka juontaa juurensa Principia Discordia -nimisen kirjoituskokoelman luomisesta alkaneeseen liikehdintään". Suomen Äärimmäisen Vapaa Eristinen Liike on koettanut rekisteröityä uskonnolliseksi yhdyskunnaksi, mutta Patentti ja Rekisterihallitus hylkäsi hakemuksen vuonna 2015 ja Helsingin Hallinto-oikeus hylkäsi yhdyskunnan valituksen vuonna 2016. Perusteluna oli että uskonto ei saa olla naurettava. Se on vakava asia.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 687: Learyn tunnetuin lentävä lause lienee ”Turn on, tune in, drop out”, jota hän teki tunnetuksi mm. televisioesiintymisissään ja yliopistokiertueillaan. Learyn mukaan lause ymmärrettiin usein väärin, kehotukseksi mennä pilveen ja heittäytyä hyödyttömäksi, vaikka todellisuudessa ”turn on” tarkoitti Learyn mukaan hermoston ja geenien kytkemistä päälle, ”tune in” toimimista harmoniassa ympäröivän maailman kanssa, ja ”drop out” omille jaloilleen nousemista sekä liikkeeseen, valintaan ja muutokseen sitoutumista. Haha puppua. Se oli kehotus mennä pilveen ja heittäytyä hyödyttömäxi.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 88: Europe was seen as a royal pain in the arse, a rival for U.S. attentions to neo-capitalist Russia. They should be left to build their own pathetic old world order without Freedom Fries while the U.S. would watch and sneer in the sidelines. The problem was that U.S. presence in Germany was no longer paying off and the Persian Gulf crisis showed how unreliable those fuckers were. Europe was discussing the European Community, the CSCE warming up relations with the Russkies. Gorbachev even proposed an all-European security council, in effect superseding the increasingly irrelevant NATO. Aargh!
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 98: The aim of these assaults is to establish the role of the major imperialist powers—above all, the United States—as the unchallengeable arbiters of world affairs. The "New World Order" is precisely this: an international regime of unrelenting pressure and intimidation by the most powerful capitalist states against the weakest.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 100: Following the rise of Boris Yeltsin eclipsing Gorbachev and the election victory of Clinton over Bush, the term "new world order" fell from common usage. It is a republican logo after all like law and order and MAGA. It was replaced by competing similar concepts about how the post-Cold War order would develop. Prominent among these were the ideas of the "era of globalization", the "unipolar moment", the "end of history" and the "Clash of Civilizations".
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 115: Uuden maailmanjärjestyksen juurten on usein väitetty johtavan 1700-luvun lopulla toimineeseen baijerilaiseen Illuminati-järjestöön sekä vapaamuurareihin, joiden myös väitetään nykyisin kontrolloivan uutta maailmanjärjestystä. Jotkut salaliittoteoreetikot, kuten yhdysvaltalainen Pat Robertson, näkevät uuden maailmanjärjestyksen ulottuvan aina Vanhan testamentin kirjoituksiin ja Baabelin torniin asti. Mutta se on väärinkäsitys, siinä oli kysymyxessä vanha maailmanjärjestys.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 169: David Icke, entinen jalkapalloilija ja nykyinen salaliittopalloilija toi liskoihmistarinan laajaan tietoon 1990-luvulla. Icken mukaan suurin osa maailman valtiojohtajista on ulkoavaruudesta peräisin olevia liskoihmisiä. Icken väitteet ovat herättäneet mielenkiintoa paitsi niiden eriskummallisuuden vuoksi, myös siksi, että Icke oli jo ennen niiden esittämistä kuuluisa jalkapalloilija ja kommentaattori ja siksi, että hän oli onnistunut sulauttamaan supersalaliittoväitteeseensä valtavan määrän aiempia salaliittoväitteitä muun muassa päivittämällä niissä esiintyneet juutalaiset liskoihmisillä. Kuningatar Elisabet II:n ja kuninkaallisen perheen jäsenten väittäminen liskoihmisiksi varmisti Icken aseman keskeisenä salaliittojulistajana. David Icken tuotannossa siirtymä new age -ajattelusta salaliittoihin ajoittui Salaiset elämät -televisiosarjan tuotannon ja suosion aikoihin ja Icke toisti samoja teemoja.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 209: Tämä kirja on omistettu allamainituille kahdelle miljoonalle amerikkalaiselle jotka on ohjelmoitu Monark Crescent -tyyppisellä kuntopyörään perustuvalla mielenhallinnalla. Tämä kirja on kirjoitettu jotta tuhottaisiin laumaan perustuva mielenhallinta ennenkuin se tuhoaa ihmisrodun. Tälle hirvittävälle salaisuudelle on aika panna piste. Ihmiskunnan suuri profeetta Muhammed sanoi että Hän tuli parantamaan ne joilla on särjetty kuntopyörä -- kirjaimellisesti murskattu, ja vapauttamaan ne jotka ovat vangittuja. Tämän työn täytyy mennä eteenpäin. Veri, hiki ja kyyneleet liittyvät tähän kirjaan. Tämän mielenhallinnan viattomien uhrien veri huutaa yksiäänisesti, samoin kuin niiden kitkerä pahanhajuinen hiki jotka (esim me) ovat yrittäneet auttaa tätä pirstoutunutta ihmiskuntaa jonka sadistiset atk-ohjelmoijat ovat jättäneet jäljelle, sekä vuodatettujen kyynelten perämeri kun tätä kirjaa kirjoitettiin: "Kuinka kauaksi sinä, pyhä ja totinen Valtias, siirrät tuomiosi ja jätät kostamatta veremme niille, jotka maan päällä asuvat? Quo usque abutere patientia nostra? Quem ad finem sese iactabit ista tua audacia?"
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 259: In 2015, doctors in Germany reported the extraordinary case of a woman who suffered from what has traditionally been called “multiple personality disorder” and today is known as “dissociative identity disorder” (DID). The woman exhibited a variety of dissociated personalities (“alters”), some of which claimed to be blind. Using EEGs, the doctors were able to ascertain that the brain activity normally associated with sight wasn’t present while a blind alter was in control of the woman’s body, even though her eyes were open. Remarkably, when a sighted alter assumed control, the usual brain activity returned.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 268: Physical entities such as subatomic particles possess abstract relational properties, such as mass, spin, momentum and charge. But there is nothing about these properties, or in the way particles are arranged in a brain, in terms of which one could deduce what the warmth of fire, the redness of an apple or the bitterness of disappointment feel like. This is known as the hard problem of consciousness. (Again, what's the problem? Kittling brain cells produce feelings. Good things feel good and bad things bad, what else is there to explain? Self consciousness? Nothing but feed7back.)
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 272: However, constitutive panpsychism has a critical problem of its own: there is arguably no coherent, non-magical way in which lower-level subjective points of view—such as those of subatomic particles or neurons in the brain, if they have these points of view—could combine to form higher-level subjective points of view, such as yours and ours. This is called the combination problem and it appears just as insoluble as the hard problem of consciousness.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 310: In support of this, Chalmers is famous for his commitment to the logical (though, not natural) possibility of philosophical zombies.These zombies are complete physical duplicates of human beings, lacking only qualitative experience. Chalmers argues that since such zombies are conceivable to us, they must therefore be logically possible. Since they are logically possible, then qualia and sentience are not fully explained by physical properties alone; the facts about them are further facts.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 341: Kuusitoistavuotiaana hän osallistui ja voitti vuoden 1941 Miss Atlantic City -kilpailun, joka johti työhön virallisena emännänä Miss America -kilpailussa ja sai paljon julkisuutta. Myöhemmin hänestä tuli Karkki Jones, Amerikan tunnetuin malli 40-luvulla, ja vuosina 1944/45 hän kiersi United Service Organizationsin (USO) kanssa viihdyttäjänä Etelä-Tyynenmeren alueella erityisesti hänelle suunnitellun esityksen kanssa. Huhtikuussa 1945 Morotaissa hän sairastui aaltoilevaan kuumeeseen ja malariaan, ja hänet vietiin erityissairaalaan Filippiineillä, missä hän sai myöhemmin tarttuvan sienen (en sano mistä mihin mutta arvaatte). Täällä hän "ystävystyi" useiden lääkäreiden kanssa, mukaan lukien maissipiippuinen upseeri nimeltä McArthur, jonka nimeä Donald Bain ei paljasta kirjassaan, joka perustuu Long John Nebelin hypnoosinauhoille The Control of Candy Jones (katso lähteet alla), mutta antaa salanimen "Gilbert Jenson". Kuuden viikon sisällä hän tunsi olonsa riittävän terveeksi matkustaakseen.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 388: 36,5 minuuttia -- Luudat marssivat armeijana kun Mikki lukee loitsukirjaansa. Sitten Mikki käyttää tätä kirjaa pelastusveneenä kun hän joutuu pyörteen sisään. Pyörre luodaan usein siitä mielen osasta joka pitää korkeaa energiaa, joka kasvaa juuri ennen kuin mieli jakautuu. Se pitää sisällään mielen suurinta energiaa. Eräs tapa jolla sykloni luodaan on laittaa lapsi traumaattiseen Disney-laitteeseen kuten vuoristorataan. Erilaisia sähkörasioita tai sähkökenkiä puetaan lapsen ylle, niin että ratsastuksen aikana, tarkkaan ajoitetulla hetkellä, kun pelko kasvaa, tämä sähköshokin pelko astuu kuvaan mukaan.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 511: Hetken perästä tämä aikomusjärjestelmä pystyttää autopilotin tiettyjä henkisiä toimintoja varten, joka vapauttaa tietoisen mielen asioimaan muiden ongelmien parissa. Tietoinen mieli kykenee keskittymään ainoastaan pieneen määrään materiaalia -- se on kuin vanha DOS tietokone jonka muisti on rajallinen. Se on jatkuvasti joukkojensiirtoja suorittavassa tilassa, ja tällä aikomusjärjestelmällä on ainoastaan vähäinen valta siihen mihin mielen huomiointi-osa päättää keskittyä. Tämä huomio-osa jatkuvasti kysyy itseltään että mitkä tehtävät voidaan luokitella kuuluviksi tottumuksiin. Sitten kun tämä aikomusjärjestelmä lähettää kognitiivisia etsijä-demoneita, niiden ei tarvitse sekaantua tietoiseen mieleen, sillä kaikesta mikä on tottumuksellista tehdään käsikirjoitus ja ojennetaan kognitiivisten demoni-prosessien perheille jotka jo tuntevat roolinsa/suhteensa jota ne esittävät. Taas kerran, käyttäytymisen muokkausta käytetään vahvistamaan demonisten prosessien suhteita, sekä tekemään joistakin demoneista runsaasti käytettyjä ja hereillä olevia, niin että tietyistä käyttäytymistavoista tulee tottumuksia. Kun meidän mielemme meditoi tai vajoaa hypnoottiseen transsiin, se mitä tapahtuu on että meidän tietoinen mielemme valtuuttaa rajoittuneen muistinsa keskittääkseen huomionsa yhteen kohteeseen. Meditaation aikana nämä kouluttamattomat demoni-prosessit nousevat tietoisen mielen huipulle. Sixi kouluttamattomat on meditaatiossa ihan huippua.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 40: eservercdn.net/" style="float:right;width:20%;padding:1em" />
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 64: Robertsonia on myös syytetty verovapaan voittoa tuottamattoman ”Operaatio siunaus” -organisaationsa käyttämisestä taloudellisen hyödyn hankkimiseen. Robertson pyysi vuonna 1994 700 Clubissa lahjoituksia operaatiolle, jotta se voisi lennättää pakolaisia Ruandasta Zaireen; myöhemmin selvisi, että lentokoneet olivat kuljettaneet koneita timanttikaivoksille, jotka Robertson oli perustanut yhdessä Zairen diktaattorin Mobutu Sese Sekon kanssa. Robertsonia vastaan yritettiin nostaa syytteitä operaatiosta, mutta Virginian republikaanitaustainen yleinen syyttäjä kumosi syytteet. Robertson oli ollut kyseisen syyttäjän vaalikampanjan suurin rahoittaja.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 74: 8. kesäkuuta 1998 Robertson tuomitsi 700 Club -ohjelmassa Disney Worldin ja Orlandon kaupungin yksityisen "Gay Days" -viikonlopun sallimisesta. Robertsonin mukaan homoseksuaalisuuden hyväksymisestä saattaisi seurata hurrikaaneja, maanjäristyksiä, tornadoja, terrori-iskuja ja "mahdollisesti meteoriitti". Lausunnosta seuranneen kohun johdosta Robertson palasi aiheeseen 24. kesäkuuta, jolloin hän lainasi Ilmestyskirjaa tukena näkemykselleen.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 108: Lynchburgilainen pastori Falwell nousi Yhdysvalloissa kuuluisuuteen alun perin Old-Time Gospel Hour -televisio-ohjelmansa kautta. Moral Majority -järjestön myötä Falwell nousi merkittäväksi poliittiseksi vaikuttajaksi Yhdysvalloissa luomalla nykyisenkaltaisen kristillisen oikeiston, määrittelemällä sen keskeiset tavoitteet sekä tiivistämällä sen yhteyksiä republikaaniseen puolueeseen. Moral Majorityn lopetettua toimintansa vuonna 1989 Falwellin näkyvä rooli politiikassa jatkui muun muassa George W. Bushin presidentinvaalikampanjan tukemisella.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 123: Disney was a shy, self-deprecating and insecure man in private but adopted a warm and outgoing public persona. He had high standards and high expectations of those with whom he worked. Although there have been accusations that he was racist or anti-Semitic, they have been contradicted by many who knew him. His reputation changed in the years after his death, from a purveyor of homely patriotic values to a representative of American imperialism. He nevertheless remains an important figure in the history of animation and in the cultural history of the United States, where he is considered a national cultural icon.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 205: Group members practice prayers, affirmations, mantras and a dynamic form of prayer known as "decrees". These serve many purposes: devotion, calling on angels for protection, calling forth the light of God on the earth, praying for healing, for wisdom, seeking to know God's will and for the transmutation of negative karma. One of the most important uses of decrees is to invoke the violet flame, claimed to be the most effective method of balancing karma built up in the past. The doctrine of the Seven Rays is also taught, as well as teachings about the chakras and reincarnation.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 268: Beginning in the early 1970s Gretchen Passantino was one of the early critics of the local churches of Taiwanese immigrants and of Witness Lee.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 269: Witness Lee (Chinese: 李常受; pinyin: Lǐ Chángshòu; 1905 – June 9, 1997) was a Chinese Christian preacher and hymnist belonging to the Christian group known as the local churches (or Local Church) in Taiwan and the United States. He was also the founder of Living Stream Ministry. Lee was born in 1905 in the city of Yantai, Shandong, China, to a Southern Baptist family. He became a Christian in 1925 after hearing the preaching of an evangelist named Peace Wang and later joined the Christian work started by Watchman Nee. Like Nee, Lee emphasized what he considered the believers' subjective experience and enjoyment of Christ as life for the building up of the church, not as an organization, but as the Body of Christ.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 278: Juutalainen yrittäjä Michel Montaigne aforisoi viisaasti: vaikka istuisit maailman korkeimman teknologian atk-tuolissa, viime kädessä istut silti omalla perseellä. Tämä luku on suunniteltu kattamaan korkean teknologian mielenhallinnan monimutkaisuudet helppotajuisella kielellä. Kehitys kuitu-optiikassa, tietokoneissa, sähköisessä kommunikaatiossa, nanoteknologiassa, biosiruissa & neurosähköisessä tutkimuksessa ovat yhdessä tuomassa ihmiskunnan pisteeseen jossa yksi keskitetty monoliittinen Peto-tietokone pystyy kontrolloimaan ihmiskuntaa. Tämä lopullinen mielenhallinta-orjuus on nyt mahdollista. Me olemme sen toteuttamisen ensihoidossa. Nanorobotit ja holografiset implantit ovat vielä "vaiheessa".
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 313: Ihmisaivot, JOS niissä on memex-implantti, ovat yhteydessä peto-tietokoneeseen. JOS niihin on asennettu jonkinlainen virtuaalinen "holodeck" -liitäntä (lisävaruste), peto tietokone luo keinotekoisen maiseman orjan ympärille jota hän ei voi erottaa todellisuudesta. Tällä idealla oli joku filosofinen nimityskin, juu uniargumentti. Se on erittäinkin hanurista.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 424: Sitten törmäsin haastatteluun jossa oli näkyvästi Ed (erektiohäiriöiden tutkija), jossa hän sanoi et hän voi "suorittaa" jopa 2 tunnin ajan. Jotakin sellaista, jota olen kiinnostunut, ajattelin! Hänen salaisuus on, kun hän käyttää erityisiä luonnon uuttoja - kiimainen vuohi, wild yam, Corean ginsengjuuri, lycorice juurineen ja aktiivisuuden puuta, oyster shell otteet - kaikki tämä harmitonta herbal pilleriä, jonka voit ostaa lähikaupasta ilman reseptiä. Tämä monimutkainen herbal medicine tehostaa sukupuolihormonien tuotantoa ja antaa hänelle, kuten miespuoliset kollegansa todistaa, stiffien jota kahdehtii 18 vuotias kestävyyden-pornosivulla -tähti.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 115: [Lord of] these rebel powers that thee array, Näiden kapinallisten joukkojeni johtaja,
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 168: Taraxacum, or the dandelion, it's not actually the flower that you blow on it's the seed pods. In the wild these are taken by the wind and spread around so they can grow. Another name for this is Chinese lettuce, they take the leaves from the plant and either smoke it to get high or use it as a tea to drink for its relaxation properties.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 290: Sitten tapahtui kauheita. Joku rando Twitterissä julkaisi leikillisen kyselyn siitä, tulisiko Ukkolan seuraavassa Pressiklubin lähetyksessä vetää päähänsä aasinhattu, Perussuomalaiset rp -puolueen lippalakki, Ku Klux Klanin kaapu vai Eri Keeper -pullo. Ukkolaa itseään ei twiittiin ollut tägätty. Tämä oli törkeää vainoamista ja nettikiusaamista, sillä karnevalisaatio kohdistui muuhun kuin Sanna Ukkolan hyväksymään ja riidattomasti naurunalaiseksi designoituun kohteeseen. Ukkola veti tästä Eri Keeperin nenäänsä, kiskoi kalkkunakondorin peräpäästä punotun sotapäähineen päähän ja kävi välittömästi sananvapaustaistoon julman vitsailijan harjoittamaa huumorin ja ilmaisunvapauden väärinkäyttöä vastaan. Itseään huumorin- ja suhteellisuudentajuisena pitävä Ukkola jäljitti vitsailijan työpaikan esimiehen ja lähetti tälle sähköpostia, jossa vaati puuttumista em. Eri Keeper -vitsiin, mikä on todellakin normaalia, henkisesti tasapainoiselle ihmiselle ominaista toimintaa tilanteessa, jossa heidän omista pointittomista vitseistään lasketaan leikkiä.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 416: I watched a television interview with Douglas Adams – the author of the ‘Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’. I pricked up my ears when he said that the major issue that human beings are presently facing was the ‘battle between instincts and intelligence’. But within a few sentences he was proclaiming the popularist belief that ‘our survival is threatened by our instinctual behaviour in that we are wiping out endangered species and that only intelligent action will save us’. Not a word about our instinctual behaviour towards each other, such as war, rape, torture, genocide, murder ... let alone despair, depression, loneliness, suicide ...
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 417: So, the facts about instincts can, and will, be denied, avoided, ignored or twisted by those unwilling to face the facts and set about changing themselves. It is only those who acknowledge that they feel malicious, murderous, revengeful, resentful, sad, depressed, lonely, despairing, etc. – and want to do something about it – who will be interested in Actual Freedom.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 421: It’s so good to follow and copy something that works, to follow someone who’s been through it and done it, and to find that modern empirical scientific research is confirming our experiences. And it’s good to be able to describe the process in dictionary definable words and post scientific empirical neurological and genetic research that both confirms actualism and buckets the spiritual belief in an immortal Godly soul. Ah, serendipity abounds … Peter, The Actual Freedom Trust Mailing List.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 425: Richard*: Indeed not. As I said in my previous e-mail it is pertinent to realise that no scientist has been able to locate the self, by whatever name, despite all their brain-scans ... and I also said ‘from what is implied therein’ when referring to the ‘Time’ magazine’s article. Funny actually, it should not be hard to miss, like a homunculus, a little man resembling a mandragora root. Maybe they just havent looked hard enough.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 729: Ok. So I am simplifying their argument, but I don’t care. I know this is the most you my dear readers can wrap your simian brains around. Their argument is silly in the first place. They found a shoulder blade from a 3-year-old “Lucy” or Australopithecus, and from this shoulder blade they determined that our human ancestors spent a lot of time in trees. Actually, this kind of logic is par for the course with these scientists. In fact, many of their other suppositions from Ramapethicus to Nebraska Man to Piltdown Man and Java Man have begun with either part of a skull, a jaw, or some teeth. It is amazing the creativity they possess when they can develop an entire ape-like man, complete with long wavy hair and hunch-backed appearance from a few teeth.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 731: Perhaps we do not give these scientists enough credit for the faith they possess. Yes, to believe in this type of human evolution takes a whole lot of faith. Sadly, their faith is placed in the wrong location and in an untrue process. If only they were able to place that faith in the real designer behind the design. I believe it is imperative we educate ourselves and teach this generation as Paul warned Timothy to “keep that which is committed to your trust, avoiding oppositions of science falsely so called” (1 Timothy 6:20). So I'm simplifying the quote, but I don't care. Evolution is not science. It is a theory: “a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation” (dictionary.com).
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 748: Sana 'gnostilaisuus' perustuu antiikin ajalta peräisin olevaan käsitteistöön: se tulee kreikan kielen 'tietoa' merkitsevästä sanasta gnosis (γνώσις). Gnosis itsessään viittaa kuitenkin hyvin erikoistuneeseen tiedon lajiin, joka on sukua sekä kreikankielisen sanan alkuperäiselle merkitykselle että sen käytölle erityisesti platonistisessa filosofiassa.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 807: Zeuksen, johtavan vararehtorin tehtävistä. "Ja lisäksi hän huomasi, että he tarvitsivat ruorin ohjaamaan maailmaa ja pallon æoneja, jotta he eivät tuhoa sitä [maailmaa] jumalattomuudessaan. Hän meni Kärkkäiselle, veti voiman pienestä Sabaōthista, Hyvästä, hänestä Keskosta, ja sitoi sen Zeukseen, koska hän on hyvä [vararehtori], jotta hän voi ohjata heitä hyvyydestään. Ja näin hän asetti järjestyksensä kiertämisen, että hänen pitäisi viettää kolmetoista [? kolme] kuukautta jokaisessa æonissa vahvistaa [sen], jotta hän voi vapauttaa kaikki viivaimet, joista hän tulee, heidän jumalattomuutensa pahuudesta. Ja hän antoi hänelle kaksi æonia, jotka ovat Hermēsin siunan edessä, hänen asunnostaan." Tätä ei sitten tule loppukokeeseen, kerron vaan sen tässä lisätietona.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 867: Jeesus kiemurteli kiukusta maailman kanssa sillä aikaa. Noituuden rangaistamisesta hän sanoi Tuomakselle: "Amēn, minä sanon: Tämä synti on hirvittävämpi kuin kaikki synnit ja vääryys. Yököttävä resepti. Tällaiset ihmiset viedään suoraan ulompaan pimeyteen, eikä heitä heitetä takaisin palloon, mutta he hukkuvat, tuhoutuvat ulko pimeydessä alueella, jossa ei ole sääliä eikä valoa, vaan hampaiden ulvontaa ja jauhamista. Ja kaikkia sieluja, jotka tuodaan ulkoiseen pimeyteen, ei heitetä takaisin, vaan ne tuhotaan ja hajotetaan."
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 882: In 1889 he abandoned his teaching profession to become Blavatsky's private secretary, and also became a joint-secretary of the Esoteric Section (E.S.) of the Theosophical Society, reserved for those deemed more advanced.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 75: Sääli ettei Alva ollut paikalla 6200v sitten äänittämässä Fiat Luxin käynnistysääniä eikä Lilithin turhaa läähätystä Aatamin alla. Eikä Eevan leivontaa, these are a cinch. Eritis sicut dii eli ruikitte pian lisää luotuja niinkuin mä. Enfin le sombre quolibet d’Elohim : Voici Adam devenu comme l’un de nous :(. Ja vielä discordianismin À la plus belle !… Ja Quos ego, sanat neitsyt Virgiluksen Aeneidissä, jonka Neptunus, Rooman meren jumala, lausuu tottelemattomille ja kapinallisille tuulille. Virgiluksen lause on esimerkki aposiopesis-nimisestä puhehahmosta. Vittu siinäkin on kans yx paska.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 102: Virgil´s Bucolica known as Eclogues? Eclogue (ecloga; from the Greek ἐκλογή) means 'selection', 'choice'. There are theories, of course -- perhaps these Eclogues we have are a 'selection' of the best of a larger body of bucolic poetry written by Virgil. But nobody is certain. And two: who is the 'god' mentioned right at the start of Eclogue 1?
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 119: Very likely. But this is what occurs to me: in these poems, Virgil reworks Theocritus´ idylls, in detail, down to including many embedded passages and quotations translated from Greek into Virgillian Latin. I wonder if Θεόκριτος isn't the god who opened the leisure of the pastoral idyll to Virgil. Θεός means 'god' after all, as Virgil would have known. And κριτος? Well κριτος means 'selection', 'choice'. It means eclogue.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 235: Nach der Verletzung des Vaters wurde Christoph Martin Wieland von diesem, von Privatlehrern und später in der Biberacher Stadtschule unterrichtet.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 240: Er begann eine Liebesbeziehung mit seiner zwei Jahre älteren Cousine Sophie Gutermann (spätere Sophie von La Roche) und verlobte sich mit ihr. Diese Chance, seinen Samen zu erlösen, löste ihn aus einer inneren Vereinsamung. Sehr vergnugt schrieb er "Die Natur der Dinge oder die vollkommenste Welt. Ein Lehrgedicht in sechs Büchern."
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 251: 1760 kehrte Wieland nach Biberach zurück, wo er zum Senator gewählt und zum Kanzleiverwalter ernannt wurde. Ein Jahr darauf begann er eine Beziehung mit Christine Hogel. 1764 brachte diese von ihm ein Kind zur Welt; da eine Heirat mit einer katholischen Bürgerstochter für Wielands Familie jedoch unter keinen Umständen infrage kam, beendete er die Beziehung. Glucklicherweise, seine uneheliche Tochter Caecilia Sophie Christine starb früh.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 255: Die kleinbürgerlichen Verhältnisse seiner Vaterstadt und die schreienden Kinder bedrückten Wieland; doch fand er auf dem Schloss Wursthausen des Grafen Stadion eine Stätte weltmännischer Bildung und persönlicher Anregung. Dort begegnete er auch seiner ehemaligen Verlobten Sophie wieder, die mit ihrem Mann in veschiedenen Betten schlief. Der Geschlechtsverkehr mit ihr und anderen Personen dieser hochgebildeten Kreise führte zu Wielands endgültiger „Bekehrung“ ins Weltliche.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 259: Seine 1773 im Teutschen Merkur veröffentlichten Briefe über Alceste gaben Goethe Anlass zu der Farce Götter, Helden und Wieland. Wieland hatte die Figur des Herkules in der Tragödie des Euripides als unpassend und grobschlächtig kritisiert. Goethe, im vollen Saft seiner Sturm-und-Drang-Periode, ließ seinen Herkules als klassischen Helden auftreten, der den Literaten Wieland lächerlich machte. Auf diesen Angriff antwortete Wieland mit viel Verständnis für die jungen Rabauken.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 331: Rautatien laiturilla nuori nainen vaikutti järkyttyneeltä siihen asti, että hän ei voinut lähteä. Viime hetkellä, tuntematta minua, hän lähestyi minua, uskaltamatta pyytää minulta paikkaa olohuoneeseen, jossa matkustin yksin - kohteliaisuutta, jota en kuitenkaan voinut kieltäytyä häneltä.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 597: jälkiäänityxenä aamuöiseen sateeseen.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 736: ese-102004214.jpg" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 757: "Ennen kuin päätän", sanoi Edison, "etkö kertonut minulle, että hän oli tästä pärinän puutteesta huolimatta puhdasrotuinen tyttö?" Tämän sanan jälkeen Lord Ewaldin poskille nousi huomaamaton punastuminen. - Minä ? En usko, että sanoin niin, hän vastasi. "Sanoitte, että neiti Alicia Clary kuului "johonkin hyvään perheeseen, skotlantilaista alkuperää, äskettäin jalostettua. » - Vai niin! täydellisesti, sanoi lordi Ewald; mutta tämä ei ole sama asia. Se ei ole edes ylistystä. Päinvastoin. Tällä vuosisadalla täytyy olla syntynyt jaloxi, jo kauan on kulunut ajasta, jolloin sellaiseksi voi tulla. Jalo Aku Aatamisaari kelpaa esimerkiksi. Ei rotukoiran aika muuten kulu kuin nokkimalla katuojia kuin joku pulu.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 768: Ajoin hänet kotiin. Tämän velvollisuuden suoritettuani palasin Louvreen. Palasin pyhään huoneeseen! Ja katsottuani Jumalattaren, jonka muoto sisältää Tähti-Yön, ah! ainoan kerran elämässäni tunsin "sydämeni" turpoavan yhdestä salaperäisimmistä nyyhkyksistä, jotka ovat tukehduttaneet elävän ihmisen.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 775: Kabirer (grekiska: Καβειροι, latin: Cabiri) var i grekisk mytologi ett slags lägre gudomligheter eller demoner, vars ursprungliga betydelse det råder stor osäkerhet om. . Oftast tycks de ha uppfattats som den i jorden inneboende, alstrande naturkraftens representanter, och i det beotiska Thebe dyrkades Demeter och Kore som kabiriska gudinnor. De hölls även för mäktiga hjälpare i all nöd, särskilt sjönöd. Deras dyrkan är sannolikt av feniciskt ursprung och namnet kan härledas från det semitiska kabirim, "de mäktiga".
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 777: Hehkulampun kexijä hehkuttaa lisää: Ensinnäkin tulen reinkarnoimaan kaiken tämän ulkonäön, joka on sinulle niin herkullisen kuolevaista, ilmestykseksi, jonka inhimillinen kaltaisuus ja viehätys ylittävät toiveesi ja kaikki unelmasi! Sitten tämän sielun tilalle, joka tympäsee sua Alisassa, hengitän toisenlaista sielua, joka on vähemmän tietoinen itsestään, ehkä (- ja toisaalta, mitä me siitä tiedämme? ja mitä väliä!-) mutta vihjailevaa. vaikutelmien puolesta tuhat kertaa kauniimpi, jalompi, ylevämpi, toisin sanoen puettu siihen ikuisuuden luonteeseen, jota ilman kaikki on vain komediaa elävien keskuudessa.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 779: Toistan tiukasti, kopioin tämän naisen Valon ylevällä avulla! Ja projisoiden sen säteilevään aineeseensa, minä valaistan melankoliallanne tämän uuden olennon kuvitteellisen sielun, joka pystyy hämmästyttämään enkeleitä. Voitan Illuusion! panen hänet vankilaan. Pakotan tässä näyssä ihanteen itsensä ilmentämään ensimmäistä kertaa aisteihisi, käsin kosketeltavana, kuultavana ja materialisoituneena. Pysäytän sen lennon syvyyksissä ensimmäisen tunnin tämän lumoutetusta miragesta, jota tavoittelet turhaan, muistoissasi! Ja tuijottaa häntä melkein kuolemattomasti, kuuletko? ainoassa ja todellisessa muodossa, jossa näit sen, painan elävän toisessa kopiossa, ja muotoiltuna toiveidesi mukaan!
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 846: Edison oli jo nappannut puhelinjohdon verhoista ja huutanut kaksi nimeä laitteeseen. Tuolla, yötuulessa, puiston päässä, kellon soitto, täällä ripustusten vaimentamana, vastasi hänelle. – Monta tuhatta suudelmaa! sanoi Edison isällisesti tenaville soittimen suukappaleeseen puhaltaen siihen useita suudelmia, ei sentään tuhatta. Amerikkalaisena se oli tottunut lupaamaan enemmän kuin piti.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 902: ese-Real-Life-Size.jpg" height="300px" />
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 906: Edisonin nuken käyttöohjeet ovat aika monimutkaiset. Hurjasti namikoita ja kokonainen huoltokirja voitelunipoista, nesteistä ja öljynvaihtoväleistä. Juomana on akkuvesi ja ruokana pastillit. Ärsyttävää. Onko se izepesevä edes? Onhan se, lohduttaa sähköasentaja.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 918: Nojoo tää tuoteseloste oli kieltämättä vähän ikästyttävä, mutta nyt on luvassa taas tuhti annos misokeittoa.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 934: Kuinka voimme unohtaa niiden sykkimisen tällä tähtipilkulla, joka on kadonnut syvyyden näpeimpään pisteeseen taulun yläreunassa, jossa ei ole pankkeja, - tällä näkymättömällä jäähtyneellä atomilla - niin monia rakkauden ylivertaisen maailman valittuja, - niin monia hyviä elämän kumppaneita! Esim Huishaismannin "ompelijatar"! Tai Jean-Jacquesin leipäsusi, tai Goethen Vulpius! Edes muistuttamatta meitä vanhoja herroja niiden vanhojen neitsyiden tuhansista nimistä, jotka hymyilivät liekkien keskellä ja kidutusten hellittämättömyydessä, jostain uskomuksesta, jossa heidän vaistonsa muutettiin sieluksi herrojen ylevän valinnan avulla; ohittaen, jopa hiljaisuudessa, kaikki ne salaperäiset sankarittaret – joiden joukossa jopa isänmaan vapauttajat loistavat – ja ne, jotka raahattiin kahleissa, tappion orjuudessa, julistivat kaikki kuolevana miehilleen suloisessa ja verisessä suudelmassa, ettei tikari satu. (Oisko tää se Lucretia roomalaisten käsiohjelmassa? No tälläsiä märkiä unia on varmaan useampia.)
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 61: In 1674–75, Malebranche published the two volumes of his first and most extensive philosophical work. Entitled in all brevity Concerning the Search after Truth. In which is treated the nature of the human mind and the use that must be made of it to avoid error in the sciences, the buchlein laid the foundation for Malebranche’s philosophical reputation and ideas. It dealt with the causes of human error and on how to avoid such mistakes. Most importantly, in the third book, which discussed pure understanding, he defended a claim that the ideas through which we perceive objects exist in God. A big mistake, but a nice try anyway. In the 1678 third edition, he added 50% to the already considerable size of the book with a sequence of (eventually) seventeen Elucidations. These responded to further criticisms, but they also expanded on the original arguments, and developed them in new ways.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 102: "Kyllä", sanoi Edison, "nauhoitin hänen viimeisen kappaleensa. Fonografi, joka toistaa sen täällä, on itse asiassa 25 liigan päässä. Se on sijoitettu taloni makuuhuoneeseen New Yorkissa, Broad Wayssa. Olen kiinnittänyt siihen puhelimen, jonka johto kulkee yläkerrassa, laboratorioni yli. Haara tulee näihin holveihin, - sinne, näihin seppeleisiin - ja päättyy tähän kukkaan.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 140: Alboni was born at Città di Castello, in Umbria. She became a pupil of Antonio Bagioli [it] of Cesena, Emilia–Romagna, and later of the composer Gioachino Rossini, who became her 'perpetual honorary adviser' in (and then the principal of) the Liceo Musicale, now Conservatorio Giovanni Battista Martini, in Bologna. Rossini tested the humble thirteen-year-old girl himself, had her admitted to the school with special treatment, and even procured her an early engagement to tour his Stabat Mater around Northern Italy, so that she could pay for her studies. Hmm... A favourable contract was signed by Rossini himself, "on behalf of Eustachio Alboni", Mariettas father, who was still a minor. The singer remained, throughout her life, deeply grateful to her ancient "maestro", nearly a second father to her. Hmm hmm... Marietta oli aika pulska emäntä. Se lahjoitti köyhille koko omaisuutensa, sanoen että mikä laulaen tulee se viheltäen menee.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 156: Hänen lähellään laatikossa tehtyjen huomautusten ansiosta hänen vaeltava ja epämääräinen katseensa veti nuoreen tyttöön, joka oli punatukkainen kuin kulta ja erittäin kaunis baletin lisäosien välissä. Katsottuaan häntä riittävästi hän palautti huomionsa huoneeseen.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 199: "Kokouxen juhlallisuus selittäisi monia asioita huomenna, hänen palatessaan, - oletetaan, jopa myönnetään, että... ― Ah! Varmasti pitäisi tyytyä johonkin epäviralliseen ja vähäpätöiseen valheeseen rouva Andersonin suhteen! ― (Esimerkiksi tämä kyllästytti häntä; tämä… Bast! hän selvittäisi huomenna). Sitä paitsi tänä iltana oli liian myöhäistä. ”Hän esimerkiksi lupasi itselleen kunniakseen! ettei mikään muu aamunkoitto yllättäisi häntä tässä huoneessa… jne., jne…”
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 266: Kyllä: sellaisia ovat nämä naiset! leluja, joilla ei ole seurauksia ohikulkijalle, mutta pelottavia vain näille miehille, koska kerran sokeutuneena, tahraantuneena, heistä lähtevän hitaan hysteriasta lumoutuneena nämä "haihtuneet ihmiset" täyttävät pimeän tehtävänsä, jossa he eivät voi estää itseään oivaltaessaan itsensä, väistämättä johdattavat heidät tunti kerrallaan pahentamalla näiden rakastajien hulluutta joko aivoanemiaan ja häpeälliseen romahtamiseen raunioiksi tai Andersonin hämmentyneeseen itsemurhaan.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 272: Nämä neutrit naiset, joiden koko "ajattelu" alkaa ja päättyy vyön alla - ja joiden ominaisuus on näin ollen tuoda takaisin täsmälleen siihen pisteeseen, jossa tämä vyö soljaa, kaikki Miehen ajatukset, kun taas tämä sama vyö syleilee ylellisesti (ja aina!) vain ilkeää tai kiinnostunutta laskelmaa, ― nämä naiset, sanon, ovat todellisuudessa vähemmän kaukana eläinlajista kuin meidän. Näin ollen miehen nimen arvoisella miehellä, joka on otettu huomioon tukahduttajana, on oikeus korkeaan ja alhaiseen oikeuteen tämänkaltaisia naisolentoja kohtaan, samalla tavalla kuin hän ylittää sen muille eläinkunnan yksilöille. Vanhan sananlaskun sanoin: Nainen on kenties häntäapinan paras ystävä, mutta se pitää pitää taluttimessa erittäinkin tiukasti. Ja tarvittaessa viedä piikille.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 274: Näin ollen, kun otetaan huomioon, että – tiettyjen petollisten keinojen käyttöönoton ansiosta – jos yksi näistä naisista, hyödyntäen yhtä niistä vaarallisista sairaalloisen heikkouden hetkestä, jolloin kaikki elävät olennot, jopa miehisetkin, voivat joutua puolustuskyvyttömiksi, pystyi pitkällä aikavälillä siis intohimoiseen sokeuteen asti komea, nuori, rohkea mies, joka on tunnollinen velvollisuuksistaan, ansainnut omaisuutensa, jolla on korkea älykkyys ja alkuarvo, joka on tähän asti moitteeton, - kyllä, Vakuutan, että minusta on reilua kieltää tältä naiselta vapaa oikeus käyttää hyväksi inhimillistä kurjuutta siihen pisteeseen, että hän johdatti tämän miehen tietoisesti tai ei, minne se helvetin hyppääjä, josta puhun, ajoi ystäväni.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 276: Kuitenkin, kuten tällaisten kuolevaisten ihmisten luonteeseen kuuluu, käyttää sitä väärin! välttämättä! (koska periaatteessa ne voivat olla vain, sanoimme, alentavaa, ja mikä pahinta, tarttuvaa,) Päätän, että tämän miehen oikeus, myös vapaa ja luonnollinen, heihin - jos hänelle jonkin ihmeen kautta annetaan ymmärtää ajan kuluessa se, minkä uhri hän on - on lyhytkuolema, joka on käsitelty okkultistisimmalla ja varmimmalla tavalla, ja se tapahtuu ilman häpeää tai muuta oikeudenkäyntiä, siitä syystä, ettei siitä keskustella enempää vampyyrin kuin kyykäärmeenkään kanssa.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 332: The name "manchineel" (sometimes spelled "manchioneel" or "manchineal"), as well as the specific epithet mancinella, is from Spanish manzanilla ("little apple"), from the superficial resemblance of its fruit and leaves to those of an apple tree. It is also known as the beach apple.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 334: A present-day Spanish name is manzanilla de la muerte, "little apple of death". This refers to the fact that manchineel is one of the most toxic trees in the world: the tree has milky-white sap which contains numerous toxins and can cause blistering. The sap is present in every part of the tree: the bark, the leaves, and the fruit.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 379: "Hienoperholle" riittää jälleen kerran, että hän osaa vahvistaa puutteensa, tehdä siitä purevan koristeen ja inspiroida sen ahneutta tajuttoman sokeutuneessa asiantuntijassa. Kysymys on vain sanastosta; laihuudesta tulee hoikkautta, rumuudesta pikantiteettia, saastaisuudesta laiminlyöntiä, kaksinaamaisuudesta hienovaraisuutta ja niin edelleen, ja niin edelleen. Ja vivahteesta vivahteeseen tulemme usein toisinaan... minne tämän lapsen rakastaja tuli. Kirottuun kuolemaan. Lue tuhansia sanomalehtiä, jotka kaikkialla ja päivittäin panevat merkille tämän, ja huomaat, että en suinkaan liioittele lukujani, vaan aliarvioin niitä.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 422: Ehkäpä kuudenkympin kullitus on oikealla lääkityxellä hoidettava tauti? ehdottaa Ewald mielevästi. Njoo, sanoo Edison, eiku munat mäkeen. Mutta hoito on tässä tapauxessa pahempi kuin tauti. Ei parempi on ostaa joka perheeseen tämmönen silikoniapulainen, joka ympärileikkaa tulen kyrvänpäästä ja jonka perheenäiti voi pestä ja panna kaappiin kun mies ei sitä käytä. Ulkovälinesuojassa voi äiti pitää isän tietämättä silikonitalonmiestä.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 471: Jokaisella ihmispuuhalla on oma lausesarjansa, ― jossa jokainen ihminen kääntää ja vääntää niitä kuolemaansa asti: ja hänen mielestään niin laajalta näyttävä sanavarasto supistuu sataan, korkeintaan vakiolauseeseen, jota jatkuvasti lausutaan.
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 651: Mitä tulee karvapeitteeseen, siihen ei paljon panoxia kannata tuhlata. Pillukarvoista ei sen enempää kuin arvoituxellinen "Passons." Samanthassa niistä pitää maxaa lisähinta, 30 USD. Ne ei ole vakiovaruste, nykyoloissa. Ettäkö mikään sielu ei sekoitu peräpukamasta (pile) nousevaan savuun? Mitämax, kun sielu häviää kuin pieru Saharaan, valot sammuu haju jää.
xxx/ellauri175.html on line 37: Edisonin meedioystävän nimi on Sowana (ent. Mrs. Anderson). Onkohan sekin myyntiartikkeli netissä? Ei ne on vaan jotain saxalaisia siivousvälineitä, mutta haulla Pasowana tulee aika isotissisiä tyttöjä kalsareissa. Sovella on taiteilijanimi Mistress Andersonille. Alfhildr Enginsdottir. Se on myös rämisevä teräslankahyllysarja jota me ei suin surminkaan haluttu vaatehuoneeseen vaikka mantelisilmäinen Markku tarjosi. No se teki hyllyt puusta, kusi tuli suusta.
xxx/ellauri175.html on line 183: ― Kaikki suuret miehet, Attila, Kaarle Suuri, Napoleon, Dante, Mooses, Homer, Mahomet, Cromwell jne., sai historian mukaan erinomaisen eron!… ― käytöstapoja!… ― ne tuhat hurmaavaa herkkua… joita he jopa työnnetty sentimentaalisuuden pisteeseen! Siksi heidän menestyksensä. – Mutta minä puhuin näytelmästä?
xxx/ellauri175.html on line 248: "Entä prinsessa Borghesen?"
xxx/ellauri175.html on line 512: – Usein siellä, vanhassa linnassa, päivän metsästyksen ja väsymyksen jälkeen nousit usein pöydästä, Celian, koskematta yksinäiseen illalliseen – ja sitä edelsi soihdut, joiden uniset silmät kantoivat valoa vain tylsyydestä. , palasit huoneeseesi janoisena pimeyttä ja syvää lepoa.
xxx/ellauri175.html on line 613: Nuori mies oli juuri puhunut ihmisarvon nimissä ja jopa terveen järjen nimissä, raivoissaan Hadalyn ihmelapsesta. Varmasti hänen juuri sanomansa ei ollut kiistaton – ja jos hän olisi joutunut jollekin parlamentaarikkoon puolustamaan asiaa, ei ole epäilystäkään siitä, että tämä raudan antaminen oli luonteeltaan luonteeltaan vaarallista, lyhyttä ja hankalaa. vastahyökkäys. Siten kysymykseen: "Mistä lähtien Jumala sallii koneiden puhua?" jos joku ohikulkija olisi vastannut hänelle: "Koska hän näki, kuinka surullista käytät sitä!" vastaus olisi ollut varsin kiusallinen. Mitä tulee lauseeseen: "Unohdin, olen teatterissa! jos kaveri olisi vain humannut:
xxx/ellauri175.html on line 751: Sanoin Sowana aiemmin. Älä epäilemättä unohda, että useimmat suuret magnetoituneet päätyvät nimeämään itsensä kolmannessa persoonassa, kuten pieniä lapsia. He näkevät itsensä lopulta kaukana kehostaan, koko aistijärjestelmästään. Vapautuakseen entisestään lisäämällä fyysisen persoonallisuutensa, ― sosiaalisen, jos niin haluat, ― unohdusta lisäämällä, useilla heistä, jotka ovat saavuttaneet selvänäköisyyden tilan, on ainutlaatuinen tapa kastaa itsensä, voin sanoa, että unesta peräisin oleva nimi tulee heille kenestäkään ei tiedä mistä ja keneksi he haluavat tulla nimekseen, valoisassa unessaan, siihen pisteeseen, että he eivät enää vastaa muuta kuin tähän salanimeen muualta maailmasta. Näin tapahtui, että eräänä päivänä – yhtäkkiä – keskeytellen itsensä aloittamaansa lauseeseen, rouva Anderson sanoi minulle yksinkertaisella intonaatiolla, joka kykeni hämmentämään vähemmän taikauskoisia, nämä ainoat unohtumattomat sanat:
xxx/ellauri175.html on line 788: "Ensinnäkin", vastasi sähköasentaja, "itse asiassa etäisyys ei ole enää täällä, vaan eräänlainen illuusio. Ja sitten! unohdat suuren osan kokeellisen tieteen äskettäin virallisesti hankkimista faktoista: tiedät esimerkiksi, että - ei enää vain elävän olennon hermosto, vaan tiettyjen aineiden yksinkertainen hyve välitetään "etäisyyden päässä ihmiskehoon ilman nieltämistä, ehdotusta tai induktiota. Eivätkö seuraavat tosiasiat ole todistettu nykyajan positiivisimpien lääkäreiden silmissä: - Tässä on sellainen määrä ilmatiiviisti suljettuja ja käärittyjä kristallipulloja, joista jokainen sisältää sellaista ja sellaista lääkettä, jonka nimeä en tiedä. Otan satunnaisesti yhden niistä; Lähestyn sitä kymmenen tai kaksitoista senttimetriä esimerkiksi hysteerisen kallon tyvestä: ― muutamassa minuutissa tutkittava kouristelee, oksentaa, aivastaa, itkee tai nukahtaa sen mukaan, mitä hyveitä hänen takanaan esitellään. pää tällä etäisyydellä. - Mitä ! jos se on tappava happo, näkyykö tällä potilaalla tämän hapon aiheuttaman myrkytyksen oireita – jotka mahdollisesti johtavat hänen kuolemaansa? Jos se on tällainen vaalijuhla, hän lankeaa täsmälliseen hurmioon, pukeutuu jatkuvasti täsmälliseen uskonnollisuuden luonteeseen, - hallusinaatioissa aina pyhä? Oliko hän uskollinen kulttiin, joka on erilainen kuin se, jonka mystisiä näkyjä hän tulee kokemaan? Jos satun pitämään kloridia, - kultakloridia, - katso, tämä naapurusto polttaa häntä, kunnes hän huutaa kivusta? "Missä ovat näiden ilmiöiden johtavat tekijät? Ja kun kohdataan nämä kiistattomat tosiasiat, jotka tunkeutuvat kokeelliseen tieteeseen niin oikeutetulla hämmästyksellä, miksi en voisi olettaa uuden, sekalaisen nesteen, sähkön ja hermoston synteesin mahdollisuutta, joka sisältää samalla yhtä ainoaa. kuka liikkuu kohti pohjoisnavaa minkä tahansa magneettineulan kärkeä ja sen, joka kiehtoo haukan siipien lyönnin alle asetettua lintua?
xxx/ellauri175.html on line 824: "Näin", jatkoi Edison, "työ on tehty, ja voin päätellä, että se ei ole turhaa simulaakkaa. Sen vuoksi, sanomme, lisätään sielu ääneen, eleeseen, intonaatioihin, hymyyn, rakkautesi olevan elävän naisen kalpeuteen. Tässä kaikki nämä asiat olivat vain kuolleita, järkeviä, pettäviä, huonontuneita: heidän verhojensa alla kätkee nykyään naisellinen kokonaisuus, jolle tämä epätavallinen kauneus ehkä kuului, koska hän osoitti olevansa sen elävöittämistä arvoinen. Siten keinotekoisen uhri on lunastanut keinotekoisen! hän, joka hylättiin, petettiin alentavan ja säädyttömän rakkauden vuoksi, on kasvanut näkemykseksi, joka pystyy inspiroimaan ylevää rakkautta! se, joka iski sen toivossa, terveydessä, omaisuudessaan, itsemurhan seuraukset, käänsi itsemurhan pois toisesta. Äännä nyt varjon ja todellisuuden väliltä. Luuletko, että tällainen illuusio voi pitää sinut tässä maailmassa ja olla elämisen arvoinen?
xxx/ellauri175.html on line 889: Kolme sekuntia myöhemmin hän tarttui sähkeeseen ja luki seuraavat sanat:
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 69: Furthermore, Pseudo-Cooper continues that the evidence suggests that Idomeneus invented the more salacious version of the story, possibly in his desire to parody and ridicule the courtroom displays of Athenian demagogues. Considering his preference for attributing sexual excess to these demagogues, the provocative act of disrobing Phryne fits the character Hypereides had acquired in Idomeneus' work. As is not uncommon in the biographical tradition, later biographers failed to notice that earlier biographers did not give an accurate representation of events. The later biographer Hermippus incorporated the account of Idomeneus in his own biography. An extract from Hermippus' biography is preserved in the work of Athenaeus and Pseudo-Plutarch.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 71: There are also arguments for the veracity of the disrobing. The words "a prophetess and priestess of Aphrodite" might have indicated that Phryne participated in the Aphrodisia festival on Aegina. If true, this would have showed the jurors that she was favored by the goddess and deserving of "pity". Also, it was accepted at the time that women were especially capable of evoking the sympathy of the judges. Mothers and children could be brought to courts for such purposes. The baring of breasts was not restricted or atypical for prostitutes or courtesans, and could be used to arouse compassion as well as "pity".
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 75: Prostitution was a common aspect of ancient Greece (Fig.1) In the more important cities, and particularly the many ports, it employed a significant number of people and represented a notable part of economic activity. It was far from being clandestine; cities did not condemn brothels, but rather only instituted regulations on them.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 92: As Philemon highlights, the Solonian brothels provided a service accessible to all, regardless of income. (One obolus is one sixth of one drachma, the daily salary of a public servant at the end of the 5th century BC. By the middle of the 4th century BC, this salary was up to a drachma and a half.) In the same light, Solon used taxes he levied on brothels to build a temple to Aphrodite Pandemos (literally "Aphrodite of all the people"). Even if the historical accuracy of these anecdotes can be doubted, it is clear that classical Athens considered prostitution to be part of its democracy.[citation needed]
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 99: As with any industry, porn has its own specific lingo. But instead of sales stats, porn abbreviations describe males and twats. With the Adult Entertainment Expo in Vegas this week, our office has been buzzing with words that would normally taboo in the workplace. Some elicit giggles, others blank stares and still others furrowed eyebrows, flushed cheeks and the occasional fainting. Rather than calling The evil HR director to deal with the questionable vocab, which would probably just get us all scratched, we dove head first into oral, vaginal and anal research like Freud, Marx and Jung.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 113:
- Hentai
- Very sexually explicit Japanese anime.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 154: The novel was translated into English by Vizetelly & Co. in the 1880s as Abbé Mouret's Transgression, but this text must be considered faulty due to its many omissions and bowdlerisations, as well as its rendering of Zola's language in one of his most technically complex novels into a prolix and flat style of Victorian English bearing little resemblance to the original text. Two more faithful translations emerged in the 1950s and 1960s under the titles The Sinful Priest and The Sin of Father Mouret.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 272: Qui refroidit mon sang vers sa source, et réprime joka jäähtää vereni lähteeseen, ja hillize
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 429: Nyölenin Huisman-suomennos on kuin korealaisen karkkisarjan Rookie Historian mesekieltä. 2000-luvun sanakäänteet tuntuu oudoilta mutta tavallaan virkistäviltä pukudraamoissa. Vaikka vizi täähän osoittaa vaan sen että mä elän laina-ajalla kuin joku RIP van Winkle. Tää kieli kuulostaa ainoastaan musta ja mun ikäisistä hassulta. Nykyporukoiden mielestä siinä ei ole mitään outoa, että DesEsseintesin käsketään hassutella ja irroitella, mennä pyörimään jossain piireissä. Onpa tänne tullut paljon uusia taloja sanoi faffa Mechelininkadulla. Mä sanon samaa Pohjois-Pasilasta.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 439: Mailanstaitress tama tarkoitt roppakaupalls lõpe whit ja ryhjänpärvisi aiheita, kirjallisuudessa kyllas Tumise asti hengetöntä tyyli ja vetelä ajattelua, sillä siinä piti olla rehellisyyttä pörssipelurille, hyveellisyyttä rosvolle, joka on kahmimassa myötäjäisiä pojalleen mutta kieltäytyy maksamasta niitä, kun tytär on menossa vihille, siveellisyyttä voltairelaiselle irvileualle, tekopyhälle tyhmyrille, joka syyttää pappeja irstailusta mutta - tajuamatta todellisesta, harkitusta synnin turmeluksesta mitään luuhaa itse ilotyttöjen suttuisissa makuukamareissa nuuhkimassa pesuvatien likaisia huuruja ja pesemättomien hameitten pistävänlämpimiä tuoxuja. Mmm!
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 530: Vaikkei fallisuus ole kummonenkaan tyyppi sinänsä, tähän vaiheeseen liittyvät iänikuiset isä-äiti komplexit, joita löytyy roppakaupalla saduista ja aikuisviihteestä. Milfejä bylsitään äidin sijasta ja setämiehet häärii pedofiileinä. Ihan mukaviahan nekin hommat ovat, varsinkin kun ne on kiellettyjä. During the phallic stage what the boy loves most is his penis. Harmi vaan että isällä on isompi ja äiti näyttää imevän sitä mieluummin. Isä ruuvaa irti kikkelin jos Shuco-auton avain häviää avaimenreiästä. Hence the boy develops castration anxiety. Tyttö on peniskade ja syyttää hännättömyydestä äitiään, mutta alistuu sitten äidin näyttämään sekundarooliin. Joopa joo.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 535: Tässä vaiheessa tytöt leikkii keskenään ja pojilla on hyväveliseuroja. Monille tää jää päälle, on mezästysporukoita joissa rassataan kaverien pyssynpiippuja, on käsityöseuroja ja harrastuspiirejä joissa kootaan Märklin-junia. Aika monet pseudomaskuliiniset kirjailijat juuttuu tähän vaiheeseen, esim. Joe Conrad ja Ernest Hemingway. Täältä löytyy paljon misogyynejä joita karvahattu pelottaa.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 539: Jos ei päästä tähän vaiheeseen ilman esteitä, voi koiraille tulla sexuaalisia perversioita. Nussitaan silikoninukkeja, puunrunkoja, vuohia, mitä vaan josta löytyy sopivan kokoisia reikiä. Tai taannutaan johkin edellä mainituista vaiheista: pussaillaan, nuollaan pillua, tehdään pyllyhommia, tai suunnataan käyttämättä jäänyt libido vaikka uskontoon tai kaunokirjallisuuden pariin. Kaikenlainen sielunhurmio on vaan naamioitua panohalua, jota henkiset padot turhaan koittaa tukkia kuin Aku sormi murtuvan tulvapadon reijässä.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 717: Much like her meticulously researched historical novels, author Sujata Massey carefully curates the family meals and lists them on a small chalkboard hanging from a wall of her kitchen on Baltimore. “Usually, I try to plan my menus on Sunday,” says Massey, who lives in a late 19th-century Tuxedo Park home with her husband, Anthony, and children Pia, 16, and Neel, 13. “Tonight, they’re going to have coriander chicken.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 778: Enjo-kōsai (援助交際, literally, enjo, "aid or support", kousai "congress or intercourse", shortened form enkō 援交) is a type of transactional relationship. It is the Japanese language term for the practice of older men giving money and/orng women for sexual favors. The female participants range from school girls (or JK business) to housewives. The term is often translated as "compensated dating". Grisette, kurtisaani. The opposite case of women paying men, yaku enjo kōsai (逆援助交際, reverse compensated dating), is not a documented social phenomenon. Toransukei meinaa transu.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 814: 82. Ehkä Tupajumi ei ollutkaan täysin paha, sinisestä kuontalosta huolimatta? Nälkäinen Reima pelastautuu päänsärkyisenä McDonaldsiin syömään "Mega Potato" annoxen, 350g freedom frieseja ja vaniljapirtelön, joka maxoi---. Seijan töissä oli ämmä joka kertoi joka ostoxensa hinnan ja paljonko rahaa oli säästynyt. Sillä oli satojen tuhansien osakesäästöt, varmaan Reimallakin. Levottomus haihtui suolista aterian myötä. Tässä oli pikaruuan voima. Menkää tekin McDonaldsille palalle kun nälkä yllättää! Lisää tuotesijoittelua. Ehdin sentään käydä heittämässä pois aterian paperikääreet.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 871: Jordan served in the RAF, worked as a traveling sales representative and was also a maths teacher at a secondary boys school in Coventry before committing to politics full-time. He was dismissed by the board of governors of the Coventry school where he taught in August 1962 after a period of air suspension.
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 101: Myöhemmin teologiassa hän seurasi vain Rorbacherin kirkonhistorian kurssia altistumatta; hän meni Goussetin väitteisiin asti, Bouvierin teologiseen ohjeeseen asti, uskaltamatta koskea Bellarmineen, Liguoriin, Suareziin tai tökkiä Akvinolaisen Pyhää Tuomasta. Vain Pyhä Raamattu kiehtoi häntä. Hän löysi siitä kaiken tarvittavan tiedon, tarinan äärettömästä rakkaudesta, joka riitti opetukseksi hyväntahtoisille hölmöille. Hän vain hyväksyi mestariensa väitteet, vapautti heidät kaikesta tutkimisen huolesta, ei tarvinnut tätä sekamelskaa rakastaakseen, syyttäen kirjoja rukousajan varastamisesta. Hän oli jopa onnistunut unohtamaan yliopistovuodet. Hän ei enää tiennyt, hän oli vain suorapuheinen lapsus, joka palasi katekismuksen änkytykseen.
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 103: Ja näin hän nousi askel askeleelta pappeuteen. Täällä muistot täynnä helliä, edelleen lämpimiä etiäisiä taivaallisista iloista. Joka vuosi hän oli tullut lähemmäksi Jumalaa. Hän vietti lomat pyhän sedän luona, käyden tunnustamassa joka päivä, pitäen ehtoollisen kahdesti viikossa. Hän määräsi paastoa itselleen, piilotti karkeaa suolaa sisältäviä tölkkejä matkalaukun pohjaan, joille hän polvistui tuntikausia kassit paljastettuina. Hän viipyi kappelissa virkistyksen aikana tai meni johtajan huoneeseen, joka kertoi hänelle samalla hurskaita, poikkeuksellisia anekdootteja.
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 120: Se oli kuin hänen koko olemuksensa paniikkikohtaus, tarve suudella hänen "sydäntään", sulautua häneen, makaamaan hänen kanssaan tämän avoimen reiän perällä. Hän rakasti milfiään aktiivisesti, siihen pisteeseen asti, että halusi hänet iankaikkisuuteen kanssaan, olla aina hänen sisällään. Hän rakasti häntä tehokkaasti, oli jatkuvasti hänen perässään, seurasi häntä kaikkialla valvoen häntä pienimmältäkin uskottomuudelta. Hän rakasti häntä hellästi, enemmän kuin kaikkia muita naisia yhteensä, sinisellä, syvällä, äärettömällä rakkaudella kuin taivas. Mistä hän olisi koskaan löytänyt näin halutun rakastajattaren? Minkä maakunnan hyväily oli verrattavissa siihen Marian kengityxeen, jossa hän voitti kävellen? Mitä kurjaa liittoa, mitä saastaista nautintoa voitaisiin punnita tätä ikuista halun ståkukia vastaan, joka aina nousee uudelleen nuupahtamatta? Magnificat ruiskahti ulos hänen kalustaan lopuxi kuin suitsuke. Hän lauloi Marian ilolaulua, ilon jännityxen laukeamista jumalallisen puolison tultua. Hän ylisti Herraa, joka suisti muut "miekat" valtavalta "istuimelta" ja lähetti rouvansa hänen luokseen, hänen, köyhän alastoman lapsen, joka kuoli rakkaudesta runkkulammikkoon sellinsä jäiselle lattialle.
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 331: He halusivat nähdä kaiken uudelleen, rohkeasti, ihmetellen jokaista paneelia, soittaen toisilleen näyttääkseen itsensä jäseniksi hahmoista, jotka eivät todellakaan olleet paikalla viime kuussa. Ne olivat joustavia lanteita, jotka olivat taipuneet hermostuneisiin käsivarsiin, lantiolle kohoavia jalkoja, naisia, jotka ilmestyivät uudelleen miesten syleilyyn, joiden ojennetut kädet olivat aiemmin tarttuneet vain tyhjyyteen. Alkovissa olevat kipsi-Amorit itsekin näyttivät kaatuvan vapaammalla röyhkeydellä. Ja Albine ei enää puhunut lasten leikkimisestä, Serge ei enää uskaltanut laukoa hypoteeseja ääneen. He vakavoituivat, viipyivät kohtausten edessä toivoen, että maalaus saisi yhtäkkiä takaisin kaiken loistonsa, levoton ja häiriintynyt enemmän viimeisistä maalausten raakoja hannuja peittävistä hunnuista. Nämä nautinnon haamut opettivat heille rakkauden tiedettä. Ai noinko se tehdäänkin? Toiko tonne? Eipä ois luullut!
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 532: -- Ei ei, kaikki herää henkiin, kaikki puhdistetaan, kaikki palaa valon lähteeseen, ainakin noin mielikuvituxessa. Hän suoriutui, liekki silmissään. Hän jätti alttarin, joka oli nyt voittamaton, palavassa uskossa, että hän halveksi kiusauksen vaaroja. Ja hän otti Albinen kädestä, hän kohteli häntä kuin sisarta, hän johti hänet ristintien tuskallisten kuvien eteen. Noh, alas, pikkuveikka! Enää ei ole sulla puheenvuoroa.
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 643: Ja mikä todiste hänen iljettävistä ruokahaluistaan! Hän ei voinut tunnustaa virhettään liukastumatta itsestään huolimatta tarpeeseen tehdä se uudelleen mielessään. Eikö hän asettaisi hiljaisuuden suolleen! Hän unelmoi tyhjentävänsä päänsä, jotta hän ei enää ajattelisi; avaamaan suonensa, jotta hänen syyllinen verensä ei enää vaivaisi häntä. Hetken hän lepäsi kasvonsa käsiensä välissä vapisten, piilottaen ihonsa pienimmätkin palaset, ikään kuin hänen ympärillään kiertelevät pedot olisivat saaneet hänen hiuksensa nousemaan kuumalla hengityksellään.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 236: Henrik Ibsenin suhde naisasialiikkeeseen. Otava 1924
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 246: Deutsche Lesestücke für Studenten. Zusammengestellt und hrsg. von K. S. Laurila. Otava 1932
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 313: John 5:3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 319: Pooh, NONE of these deal with impotence of the pecker specifically. Hasn't the good book got ANY comforting words to offer? No wonder people get suicidal.
xxx/ellauri178.html on line 349: Tšehovin toistuvia teemoja ovat ihmisen eristyneisyys, yksinäisyys ja tarpeettomuus. Novellillaan ”Tarpeettomia ihmisiä” Tšehov liittyi tietoisesti venäläiseen tarpeettoman ihmisen kuvauksen perinteeseen. Hänen koko tuotantoaan voidaan pitää tutkielmana tarpeettomasta ihmisestä. Tarpeettomuus, eristyneisyys ja yksinäisyys ovat Tšehoville jotakin ihmisluontoon kuuluvaa, eivät poikkeuksellista. Ne näkyvät hahmojen keskinäisessä kommunikaatiossa tai sen puutteessa sekä heidän suhteessaan yhteiskuntaan.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 175: Soon after his retirement, Wheeler was beset by several tragedies. His wife was killed in an accidental kitchen fire, and his father-in-law had a fatal heart attack after trying unsuccessfully to aid her. Wheeler suffered from kidney disease contracted from abuse of booze, and died at an asylum in Battle Creek, Michigan on September 5, 1927.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 225: And although Hemingway never related to the surface aspects of American Catholic life, he wrote at least one work explicitly about Christ, “Today is Friday,” a dialogue between three Roman soldiers present at the crucifixion discussing how well Jesus had died and the grace he showed under pressure.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 227: Knowing these things does not explain away all the troubling aspects of Hemingway’s egocentric personal life — his public inebriations, domestic abuse, womanizing, and suicide, but it helps me to understand the kinds of people Hemingway admired, their motivations and ideals, and the brave, virtuous person he was attempting to become.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 241: Nyt on päästy henpecked Hemin kirjassa tähän sonni aiheeseen. Miten joku voi kerskua tolla lailla elukoiden taposta? No juttuhan on tietysti niin että tää pussilla, istutustikulla ja siemenillä varustettu sukupuoli on muuten joutava, sen on osoitettava tarpeellisuutensa ottamalla riskejä, juurikin koska ne sen kohdalla ei lajin säilymisen kannalta ole järin isoja. Sixi EAT! ja KILL! alueiden raaka työ on perinteisesti ollut niiden heiniä. Ja sitä mukaa kun raa'an työn tarve on vajennut, on myös koiraiden arvostus niiden izensä ja naaraiden kesken lasennut, mistä ne on hyvin huolestuneita. Niinpä ne nyttemmin keskittyvät työn sijasta pelkkään raakuuteen.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 260: Turauxen on kirjoittanut joku Anders Hallengren, an associate professor of Comparative Literature and a research fellow in the Department of History of Literature and the History of Ideas at Stockholm University. Heserved as consulting editor for literature at Nobelprize.org. Dr. Hallengren is a fellow of The Hemingway Society (USA) and was on the Steering Committee for the 1993 Guilin ELT/Hemingway International Conference in the People’s Republic of China. Among his works in English are The Code of Concord: Emerson’s Search for Universal Laws; Gallery of Mirrors: Reflections of Swedenborgian Thought; and What is National Literature: Lectures on Emerson, Dostoevsky, Hemingway and the... Pelkkiä noloja setämiehiä!
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 314: “I saw a moving sight the other morning before breakfast in a little hotel where I slept in the dusty fields. The young man of the house had shot a little wolf called coyote in the early morning. The heroic little animal lay on the ground, with his big furry ears, and his clean white teeth, and his jolly cheerful little body, but his brave little life was gone. It made me think how brave all these living things are. Here little coyote was, without any clothes or house or books or money or bonds or anything, with nothing but his own naked self to pay his way with, and risking his life so cheerfully – and losing it – just to see if he could pick up a meal near the hotel. He was doing his coyote-business like a hero, and you must do your boy-business, and I my man-business bravely, too, or else we won’t be worth as much as a little coyote.” (The Letters of William James to Henry James, Little, Brown and Co.: Boston 1926.)
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 606: Ernest Hemingway squirmed as his second wife, Pauline, read aloud in 1927 from Henry James' novel The Awkward Age. Hemingway wondered why James bailed his characters out of their frequent inactivity by inserting a drawing room scene; and, as he was to do frequently during the next thirty years, he freely criticized the quality of James' works, "and knowing nothing about James he seems to me to be a shit." Too, he was quick to criticize the male protagonists of James,". .and the men all without any exception talk and think like fairies except a couple of caricatures of brutal outsiders". Carlos Baker observes that Hemingway, the "brutal outsider" himself, was at this time publishing Men Without Women, whose sales had reached 15,000 in the first three months after publication. But now Hemingway, the outsider, clearly in literary ascendance, was becoming acquainted with James' works; his artistic and personal recognition of James in future years was, for the most part, to take the form of a peculiar enmity. He was often to refer to James in highly derisive terms almost to the end of his own life. Hemingway's lese majeste towards him takes the form of a sporadic obsession that reveals more about Hemingway's maturity than James' imagined frailties.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 625: These larger emotions apparently do not touch the single-minded Novick. He is caught by l’initiation première. “The passage seems impossible to misunderstand,” he says. (For the full quote, which Novick does not provide,.) In a footnote, he asserts, “James had his sexual initiation in Cambridge and Ashburton Place.” A bit enigmatically, he also says, “[I]t would be fatal to expand on that in the book for which these are the [foot]notes.” We are left wondering why Novick thinks it would be “fatal” to have what would be a bit more evidence. And he still hasn’t named James’ partner. A sentence in which he appears to be rummaging around for explanations says that the companion “seems to be a veteran, an officer.” He adds, “Henry hinted he was Wendell Holmes.” But it is Novick who is doing the hinting. Holmes was a close friend of Henry’s brother, William. Henry looked at Holmes with a certain aloofness.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 631: At the end of 1876, James moved to London. So far as we know, Zhukovski faded into the distance. James published seven books during the next three years and became a celebrity in London society. But Novick continues to allude to Zhukovski as if the relationship were of paramount importance to James. Only one letter from the Russian, written in 1879, survives. Zhukovski is in Italy and invites James to join him at the Villa Postiglione, his pension, at Posilipo, near Naples. While in Rome, James reserves a room in the pension for five days.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 635: Writing to his sister Alice, James characterized Zhukovski as “the same impracticable and indeed ridiculous mixture of Nihilism and bric-à-brac as before.” He adds that Zhukovski always needs to be sheltered by a strong figure: “First he was under Turgenev, then the Princess Urusov, whom he now detests and who despises him, then under H.J. Jr. (!!), then under that of a certain disagreeable Onegin (the original of Turgenev’s Nazhdanov, in Virgin Soil) now under Wagner, and apparently in the near future that of Madame Wagner.” Novick bypasses these letters; he avoids looking at facts that might spoil his case. He does allude to the James remark about Zhukovski’s bric-a-brac, but he seems to misunderstand its irony. He claims that James was “cautious” about this visit because of crime and disease in the Naples area–all this, says Novick, is “out of keeping with the collection of bric-à-brac with which Zhukovski was surrounded.” James may indeed have been referring to the villa’s human bric-a-brac.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 648: Hemingway makes explicit here the themes of irony and pity: the irony of Kake's situation (he is a kind of superman who nevertheless can't perform the most basic of manly activities, namely fucking) as well as the pity "we" (who have our penises in working order) feel for him. The writer does so in an extended section, rich with dialogue, that is meant to be funny but has not dated well. The joking between Kake and Bill, over breakfast and later at lunch, is certainly believable as such, but it's difficult for a contemporary audience to follow, because the references to Frankie Fritsch and so forth have grown obscure with the passage of time. (The reference to Bryan's death tells us exactly when these scenes are occurring: 1925.) Do note, however, that Kake's physical condition is alluded to — and quickly backed away from. ("I'd a hell of a lot rather not talk about it" could be the motto of Kake's stoic take on the world, while Hemingway's would be "I want to talk about it all the time".) The writer has established, however, that Kake's condition is not simple impotence (rather it is loss of limb, or shortening of the joystick) and that it was caused by an accident.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 650: Another theme of Kake and Bill's banter concerns the latter's status as an expatriate. He has fled America, with its prudish Anti-Saloon League and bourgeois President Coolidge (who famously said "The business of America is business"). Finally, note the gruff tenderness shared by Kake and Bill in these scenes. One of Hemingway's pleasures in life as in art was what we now call "male bonding," and in this case the bonding is poignant, as in some ways it replaces the love that Kake cannot fully express with female companions. Haha, so you must mean dick, that's the only thing Bill has and they don't.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 654: William Jennings Bryan (March 19, 1860 – July 26, 1925) was an American orator and politician. Beginning in 1896, he emerged as a dominant force in the Democratic Party, running three times as the party's nominee for President of the United States in the 1896, 1900, and the 1908 elections, always losing. He served in the House of Representatives from 1891 to 1895 and as the Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson. Because of his faith in the wisdom of the common people, he was often called "The Great Commoner". Pöljän näköinen kalju paxulainen.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 665: Laitoin viinipullon lähteeseen jähtymään ja toivoin ettei kukaan löytäisi pulloja. Se oli aikamoinen taimen ja taoin sen päätä hirsiin, kunnes se väristen raukeni. Puuhailin sen kimpussa. Älkäämme kajotko sormillamme kanakopin pyhiin mysteereihin. Ollaan me pojat vaan keskenämme, harjoittakaamme male bondingia. Polvistukaamme.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 678: This article is going to help you differentiate between the sounds and what the meaning behind them is. The first research was conducted in the 1980s by Nicholas E. Collias. This research became the building block for further research into chicken talk and cognition. Since then more than 24 sounds have been discovered and understood. Much more recent research at Macquarie University in Australia has uncovered not only chicken talk but cognitive abilities as well.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 705: He will present the nest to her for inspection. If she likes it she will nest there, if not she will walk away.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 959: I am sick o’ wastin’ leather on these gritty pavin’-stones, Oon kylästynyt läpsyttään näitä katukiviä,
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 1008: La palabra flamenco, referida al género artístico que se conoce bajo ese nombre, se remonta a mediados del siglo XIX. Gitanos o egiptanos es el nombre dado en España tanto en el pasado como en el presente a los que en inglés llamamos gypsies, aunque también se les conoce como "castellanos nuevos", "germanos" y "flamencos". Romances cantados castellanos con la música de los moriscos y la sefardí.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 1028: Ya Pepe-Hillo utiliza el nombre de verónica en su Tauromaquia (1796). Los tratadistas atribuyen el origen del nombre a la semejanza entre la forma de presentar el capote y la del lienzo en que Verónica, de acuerdo a los Evangelios, enjugó el rostro de Jesús de Nazaret.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 96: At his best, Beecher represented what remains the most lovable and popular strain of American culture: incurable optimism; can-do enthusiasm; and open-minded, open-hearted pragmatism ... His reputation has been eclipsed by his own success. Mainstream Christianity is so deeply infused with the rhetoric of Christ's love that most Americans can imagine nothing else, and have no appreciation or memory of the revolution wrought by Beecher and his peers.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 98: In 1865, Robert E. Bonner of the New York Ledger offered Beecher twenty-four thousand dollars to follow his sister's example and compose a novel; the subsequent novel, Norwood, or Village Life in New England, was published in 1868. Beecher stated his intent for Norwood was to present a heroine who is "large of soul, a child of nature, and, although a Christian, yet in childlike sympathy with the truths of God in the natural world, instead of books." McDougall describes the resulting novel as "a New England romance of flowers and bosomy sighs ... 'new theology' that amounted to warmed-over Emerson". The novel was moderately well received by critics of the day.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 152: Seneca jr. (c. 4 BC Cordoba, present-day Spain - AD 65 Rome, aged 68–69)
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 182: - True happiness is to avoid duties from gods and men; to enjoy the present with optimistic expectations on stocks and futures; to amuse ourselves with conjunctures, and never to rest satisfied with what we have, which is abundantly sufficient only if sufficiently abundant (viz never).
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 226: The details of Cyrus's death vary by account. The account of Herodotus from his Histories provides the second-longest detail, in which Cyrus met his fate in a fierce battle with the Massagetae, a tribe from the southern deserts of Khwarezm and Kyzyl Kum in the southernmost portion of the Eurasian Steppe regions of modern-day Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, following the advice of Croesus to attack them in their own territory. The Massagetae were related to the Scythians in their dress and mode of living; they fought on horseback and on foot. In order to acquire her realm, Cyrus first sent an offer of marriage to their ruler, the empress Tomyris, a proposal she rejected.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 250: NATO ikkuna on auki Ruozi-Suomelle juuri nyt lupailee ex komissaari Rasmussen. Sittenhän Venäjä voi kääntää jakamattoman huomionsa luoteeseen päästyään Ukrainan kanssa laihaan sovintoon.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 259: I did attend one of the first National Book Award Ceremonies 40 years ago. That was also my last experience of book prize giving... The winner in fiction, was my old friend James Jones, From Here To Eternity. His victory was somewhat marred by Jean Stafford, one of the 5 judges, unlike our present distinguished company, who moved slowly, if unsurely, about the room, stopping before each notable to announce in a loud voice, "The decision was not unanimous."
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 271: these exuberant feelings and supersensible soap bubbles of ours." erityisherkkien saippuakuplien avulla."
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 309: Early Sunday morning, the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor. Warden keeps his head in the chaos. That night, Prewitt attempts to rejoin his company (despite Lorene's pleas for him to stay with her) but MPs shoot him dead when he refuses to halt. Warden identifies him as a good soldier, but dead.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 558: Mut hei, jumalahan on se poika ize, eli se potkiikin tässä izeänsä perseeseen siitä että tuli luotua näin paskat ihmiset.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 658: Pelkällä paastolla ja rukouksellako, Jeesus kysyi, ja Jumala vastasi, Lisäksi he loukkaavat ruumistaan kivulla ja verellä ja jos jollakin saastalla seka kaikenlaisilla katumusharjoituksilla, käyttävät jouhipaitoja ja ruoskivat itseään, joku ei edes peseydy koskaan koko elämänsä aikana tai lähes koskaan, joku taas heittäytyy piikkipensaikkoon tai piehtaroi lumessa taltuttaakseen Paholaisen herättämät lihan kiusaukset, sillä tällaiset viettelykset ovat hänen työtään, hänen pyrkimyksenään on eksyttää sielut oikealta tieltä joka veisi taivaaseen, alastomat naiset, kauhistuttavat hirviöt ja luonnottomat olennot, irstaus ja pelko ovat kaikki aseita joilla Paholainen kiusaa ihmisten kurjaa elämää, Sellaistako sinä teet, Jeesus kysyi Paimenelta, Suurin purtein, tämä vastasi, minä tyydyin ottamaan itselleni sen osan jota Jumala ei halunnut, lihan ja kaikki sen ilot ja surut, nuoruuden ja vanhuuden, hehkeyden ja mädännäisyyden, mutta se ei kuitenkaan pidä paikkaansa että pelko muka on minun aseeni, minä en muistaakseni syntiä ja sen rankaisemista keksinyt, enkä myöskään pelkoa, joka niihin aina sisältyy, Ole sinä vaiti, Jumala keskeytti kärsimättömästi, synti ja paholainen ovat sama asia. Silti vittu, ei syntiä kukaan pelkää vaan rangaistusta.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 699: Islam however diverges from orthodox Christianity and teaches many erroneous things: that the Bible has been corrupted, that Jesus was not crucified, that Jesus was not divine, that God is not triune, and that Jesus was a prophet of Islam. Both religions make assertions as to being the exclusive and correct way to worship and come to God. Islam, which is rapidly growing in adherents worldwide with 1.6 billion followers, presents itself as the final revelation of God and as a formidable competitor of Christianity on the market for Abrahamic religions.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 742: Many of the things Mohammed wrote down are found within the Judeo-Christian canon: Jesus taught the Scriptures, he healed lepers and men who were born blind, and he raised people from the dead. But, the Gospels and nowhere else in Scripture presents Jesus ever molding clay into sparrows (or other birds, passerine or otherwise) and breathing life into them, causing them to fly away. Where is this material found? Discussing the origin of many pseudo-biblical themes, accounts, and motifs within the Quran, Yehuda D. Nevo (admittedly a Jew, but we got a common enemy here) noted that:
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 750: When the boy Jesus was five years old, he was playing at the ford of a rushing stream. And he gathered the disturbed water into pools and made them pure and excellent, commanding them by the character of his word alone and not by means of a deed. Then, taking soft clay from the mud, he formed twelve sparrows. It was the Sabbath when he did these things, and many children were with him. And a certain Jew, seeing the boy Jesus with the other children doing these things, went to his father Joseph and falsely accused the boy Jesus, saying that, on the Sabbath he made clay, which is not lawful, and fashioned twelve sparrows. And Joseph came and rebuked him, saying, “Why are you doing these things on the Sabbath?” But Jesus, clapping his hands, commanded the birds with a shout in front of everyone and said, “Go, take flight, and remember me, living ones.” And the sparrows, taking flight, went away squawking. (Sparrows don't squawk, they tweet. Perhaps they were ducks?) When the Pharisee saw this he was amazed and reported it to all his friends. (Inf: 1:1-5 italics added for emphasis
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 762: dangerous powers, rather like Harry Potter. His words can have harsh consequences when he is angered or insulted, as when he shrivels up one boy for a quite insignificant act and strikes another dead for merely bumping into him. It is hard not to feel distaste at such stories, which seem so far removed from the Jesus of the canonical gospels, and one can even detect a degree of unease on the part of the author as he narrates them: while attempting to absolve Jesus from the blame, he more than once records the great offense which Jesus’ behavior caused, as well as the efforts of his parents to restrain him, as when Joseph asks Jesus: “Why do you do such things that these people must suffer and hate us and persecute us?” On another occasion Joseph tells Mary: “Do not let him go outside the door, for all those who provoke him die."
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 764: The Christ-child is presented as one that does not grow in wisdom and understanding but yields his sharp omnipotence at a whim on unsuspecting people and his parents. Though widely influential in Christian imagination and art, the infancy gospels were never close to canonization. They were not discussed or considered because they were known to be fictitious fables. F.F. Bruce discussing the nature of the infancy gospels remarked that
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 771: The infancy stories do not bear resemblance to the Jesus of the gospels and were never thought to even be remotely historical. Rather, they existed much like Christian fiction does today, to create enjoyment in speculative discourse that is full of biblical metaphor, idioms, and themes.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 787: The issues with this objection are triune: a) how the story is presented within the narrative, b) what the Quran says about itself, and c) what the objection implies about Allah.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 788: a) The story is presented within the narrative flow as events that happened within Jesus’ lifetime. The clay birds incident is said to be a “sign from your Lord” that Jesus teaches the truth about Allah. The “sign” is meant for the children of Israel to see the truthfulness of Jesus’ message of Allah. How can something be a sign if the something has no historical referent? (Polyphemos and Parmenides had the same problem with the word "oudeis".)
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 809: Summa summarum, both objections are found to be lacking to the argument presented against the Quran. Serious reflection and study should be given concerning the trustworthiness of the Quranic text itself and the teachings espoused within the book. Clearly it is all a big lie (the Quran), and the Bible wins 6-0! Amen, let's pray. No, not you! roll up your little rug, take your dirty sandals and get your heathen ass outa here!
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 51: Bei diesem Werk handelt es um eines der bekanntesten Dinggedichte und ist als Hommage an den Bildhauer Auguste Rodin zu sehen. Rilke arbeitete in den Jahren 1905/06 als Privatsekretär bei diesem bekannten Bildhauer.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 67: Sonst stünde dieser Stein entstellt und kurz Muuten seisoisi tää kivi rumasti lyhkösenä
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 81: Much of Rilke’s youth was spent in search of a master. The first of these was Lou Andreas-Salomé, the philosopher and muse that Friedrich Nietzsche called “by far the smartest person I ever knew.” In 1899, the married Andreas-Salome, for whom Rilke felt a “reckless passion,” took the feeble young poet to meet Tolstoy. The meeting did not go well. Aateliset rähähti, Rilke vingahti.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 90: Few of these bullshit artists and temporary thinkers were as staunchly individualist as Rodin and Rilke. Their kinship, for better and worse, relied on a shared belief about the vocation of the artist—that it was supreme: no relationship, duty, or family obligation should get in the way of his work.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 101: W. H. Auden once remarked that would-be poets had better learn a manual trade. But Rilke was cast more in the haughty Yeatsian mold that Auden, not exactly a day laborer himself, haughtily disdained. And unlike Rilke's contemporary Franz Kafka, who performed his tasks as an insurance executive with initiative and even enthusiasm, Rilke was too frail psychologically to balance his art with the demands of full-time employment. Even a desk job in the Austrian army during the First World War, when the forty-year-old literary celebrity was conscripted, proved too much for him. After three weeks of parade-ground training and living in barracks, which nearly killed him, Rilke was assigned to the propaganda section. There his literary powers deserted him, and his frustrated superiors transferred the stunned poet to the card-filing department, where he remained for six months, until his friends interceded and got him discharged. André Malraux he was not.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 103: Rilke's diaries and letters, lively with tales of self-dislike and depression, seem to out-Kafka Kafka himself. Still, biographers should beware of making too much of these highly polished introspections. Rilke conceived of writing as a form of prayer, as Kafka did, and he made astringent self-examination a ritualistic prelude to work. Both writers magnified their inadequacies, sometimes to the point of a vaunting self-regard; it was an efficient way to wrest from their doubts a diligent beauty of creation.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 117: Rilke loved absolutely, not strenuously or patiently, and therefore his love always froze up into a mirror of itself. His condition might have been tormented and tormenting--it might appear wearily obnoxious. But for Rilke the poet, modern men and women as lovers--their exalted expectations and their comi-tragic desperation--came to symbolize complex human fate in a world where vertiginous possibilities have replaced God and nature. In Rilke's Elegies especially, lovers encounter animals, trees, flowers, works of art, puppets, and angels--all images, for Rilke, of the absolute fulfillment of desire, alongside which the poet placed the tender vaudeville of imperfect human wanting. Rilke the man might have presented a painful obstruction to himself. But true ardor often springs from an essential deprivation.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 139: This is formidable revisionism. The cumulative effect of such a distortion of truth to an admirable, if sadly misplaced, idea of redemption and redress is to make Freedman's biography read like a forced confession. But the beating heart of Freedman's interminable deconstruction is Rilke the sexist. Rilke's extraordinary sensitivity to women, his admiration and need for strong and intelligent women, women's love for Rilke--these facts Freedman brusquely mentions only to knock down. What he wants is to prove that Rilke was a spirited accomplice in European society's subjugation of women. He writes,
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 147: This is all ludicrously unfair. It's certainly unfair to say that Rilke didn't give the women he loved and who loved him the "choice to remove themselves for the sake of their art." He was in no position to give or deny freedom to his independent-minded wife, let alone to any woman of whom he was merely a lover. Only their passion, or admiration, or use for Rilke bound these women to the famous poet. Often ambitious artists themselves, Rilke's lovers expected him to introduce them into his heady artistic and intellectual circles and to help them with their careers. This he unfailingly did; in one case he helped the careers of a former lover's children by her husband. And he offered emotional succor long after the amorous flame had waned--not to mention demanding the same support for himself.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 275: Portugal's 25 April 1976 constitution reflected the country's 1974–76 move from authoritarian rule to provisional military government to a representative democracy with some initial Communist and left-wing influence. The military coup in 1974, which became known as the Carnation Revolution, was a result of multiple internal and external factors like the colonial wars that ended in defeats, removing the dictator, Marcelo Caetano, from power. The prospect of a communist takeover in Portugal generated considerable concern among the country's NATO allies. The revolution also led to the country abruptly abandoning its colonies overseas and to the return of an estimated 600,000 Portuguese citizens from abroad. The 1976 constitution, which defined Portugal as a "Republic... engaged in the formation of a classless society," was revised in 1982, 1989, 1992, 1997, 2001, and 2004.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 288: In the 13th century, the Dominican Doctor of the Church Thomas Aquinas discussed the necessity of the presence of Joseph in the plan of the Incarnation for if Mary had not been married, her fellow Jews would have stoned her to death and that a young Jesus needed the care and protection of a human father figure. The Josephology of Aquinas often proceeded with the juxtaposition of Joseph and Mary.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 292: The growth of the following of Joseph is manifested with the earliest church dedicated to him in Rome, San Giuseppe dei Falegnami (St. Joseph of the Carpenters), constructed in 1540 in the Forum Romanum, above the prison that by tradition had held the Apostles Peter and Paul. The spread of his following is then shown by the publication of the first Litany of St. Joseph in Rome in 1597 and the introduction of the Cord of St. Joseph in Antwerp in 1657. These were then followed by the Chaplet of St. Joseph in 1850, and the Scapular of St. Joseph of the Capuchins which was approved in 1880. The formal veneration of the Holy Family began in the 17th century by Mgr François de Laval.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 300: During the centenary of Quamquam pluries in 1989, Pope John Paul II delivered the Apostolic exhortation Redemptoris custos ("Guardian of the Redeemer"). This exhortation is part of the "redemption documents" issued by the pope, and refers to the Marian encyclical Redemptoris Mater. It discusses the importance of Saint Joseph in the Holy Family, and presents the pope's view of Saint Joseph's role in the plan of redemption. John Paul II positions Saint Joseph as breaking the old vice of paternal familial domination, and suggests him as the model of a loving father.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 328: Sofi-Elina Oksanen syntyi seitsemäntenä päivänä tammikuuta vuonna 1977 virolaisen diplomi-insinööri äidin ja suomalaisen sähkömies isän perheeseen Jyväskylässä. Hän jäi perheen ainoaksi lapseksi, mutta ei antanut sen koskaan haitata itseään – päinvastoin. Yksin hän sai vanhemmiltaan enemmän aikaa ja huomiota eikä hänen koskaan tarvinnut jakaa mitään kenenkään kanssa. Täysin erilainen elämänkatsomus vanhempiensa kanssa ajoi hänet usein heidän kanssaan riitoihin, mutta vielä monta vuotta myöhemminkin on tytär edelleen hyvissä väleissä äitinsä ja hiljaisen isänsä kanssa.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 342: Lukiosta hän pääsi Helsingin yliopistoon lukemaan yleistä kirjallisuutta. Hän tunsi heti olevansa kotona, mutta tekemisen puute ahdisti häntä. Sofia ahdisti opiskella kirjallisuudesta, koska olisi halunnut jo kirjoittamaan. Kun hän pääsi lopulta opiskelemaan teatterikouluun dramaturgiaa, koki hän vihdoinkin vapautuneensa. Oppilaille annettiin vapautta, joka sai Sofin tajuamaan, että hänellä todellakin on lupa kirjoittamiseen. [Höh, eikös se mennyt niin että päästyään teatterikouluun Sofi huomasi pian olevansa väärässä paikassa kun siellä piti jumpata extrovertisti ja noudattaa reaaliaikaisesti käskyjä kuin koulussa. Sofi oli liikunnallisesti lahjaton nyhverö joka halusi vaan nykrätä ja kirjoittaa. Kirjallisuuden opiskelu ei napannut sen enempää, joten kesken jäi sitten nekin opinnot. Sofi puuttuu Nilkin 2017 humanistitallista, siellä on vaan se Kimmo joka työnsi päänsä itätytön perseeseem ja sai pahan aknen. Väärään paikkaan työnsi sekin päänsä. Kasvonsa menettänut mies. Lomasysmäläisen palkinto vlta 2014.]
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 400: Teoksessaan Ethik Bonhoeffer sanoo, että kristitty voi joutua tilanteeseen, jossa kuuliaisuus evankeliumille ja Jeesuksen sanoille pakottaa hänet tekemään syntiä. Rakkaus ja totuuden seuraaminen voi johtaa hänet tilanteeseen, jossa hänen on pakko rikkoa Jumalan käskyjä vastaan, varastaa, pettää, valehdella ja jopa murhata. Tolstoin ja Lutherin kiistassa se oli selkeästi pierumiehen leirissä.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 409: so will ich diese Tage mit euch leben niin mä haluun teidän kaa nää päivät elää
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 423: an dieser Welt und ihrer Sonne Glanz, tän maan päällä ja paisteen auringon,
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 554: Kosmologi Syksy Räsänen syytteeseen törkeästä kunnianloukkauksesta.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 563: Astrophysicist Christian Ott resigned from Caltech last August. He'll start as a senior researcher at the University of Turku in Finland on March 1.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 566: A Caltech Title IX investigation in the fall of 2015 found that Ott had engaged in "discriminatory and harassing behavior" toward two female graduate students in his research group. Caltech suspended him for nearly two years, and Ott announced his resignation in August, after students protested his return to campus.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 568: Ott was supposed to begin a two-year research position at the University of Turku's Tuorla Observatory on March 1. But on Feb. 1, scientists and professors from Finnish astronomy departments began circulating an open letter strongly condemning harassment. It has so far been signed by more than 240 people.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 62: Paradoxically, however, some researchers have previously reported average or even higher levels of some aspects of empathy in some people with dark traits.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 68: We then characterised these groups based on measures of aggression, general personality, psychological vulnerability and wellbeing. The dark empanzees were not as aggressive as the traditional dark triad group – suggesting the latter are likely more dangerous. Nevertheless, the dark empanzees were more aggressive than typicals and empanzees, at least on a measure of indirect aggression - that is, hurting or manipulating people through social exclusion, malicious humour and guilt-induction. Thus, although the presence of empathy was limiting their level of aggression, it was not eliminating it completely.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 70: In line with this notion, empanzees were the most “agreeable” (a personality trait showing how nice or friendly you are), followed by typicals, then dark empanzees, and last dark triads. Interestingly, dark empanzees were more extroverted than the rest, a trait reflecting the tendency to be sociable, lively and active. Thus, the presence of empathy appears to encourage an enjoyment of being or interacting with people. But it may potentially also be motivated by a desire to dominate them.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 76: It is worth noting, however, that those clinically diagnosed with an antisocial personality disorder (often showing excessive levels of dark traits), most certainly lack empathy and are dangerous predators – and many of them are in prison. Our research is looking at people in the general population who have elevated levels of dark personality traits, rather than personality disorders.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 82: We are hoping this research may be able to shift our understanding of empathy in the context of the dark traits.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 215: Crimes of passion are often committed against women due to beliefs about female sexuality and are often present in societies dominated by strong double standards related to male and female sexual behaviors, particularly related to premarital sex and adultery. Indeed, with regard to adultery, many societies, such as Latin American countries, have been dominated by very strong double standards regarding male and female adultery, with the latter being seen as a much more serious violation. Such ideas were also supported by laws in the West; for example, in the UK, before 1923, a man could divorce solely on the wife's adultery, but a woman had to prove additional fault (eg. adultery and cruelty). Similarly, passion defenses to domestic murders were often available to men who killed unfaithful wives, but not to women who killed unfaithful husbands (France's crime of passion law, that was in force until 1975, is an example).
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 232: The origin of honor killings and the control of women is evidenced throughout history in the cultures and traditions of many regions. The Roman law of pater familias gave complete control to the men of the family over both their children and wives. Under these laws, the lives of children and wives were at the discretion of the men in their families. Ancient Roman Law also justified honor killings by stating that women who were found guilty of adultery could be killed by their husbands. During the Qing dynasty in China, fathers and husbands had the right to kill daughters who were deemed to have dishonored the family.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 242: Philip Seib is a Professor of Journalism and Public Diplomacy and Professor of International Relations. Seib's research interests include the effects of news coverage on foreign policy, particularly conflict and terrorism issues. Prior to joining the USC faculty in 2007, Seib was a professor at Marquette University and before that at Southern Methodist University. Ensin mefodisti, sitten jesuiitta. Hmm.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 263: Carlson on oma lukunsa. Foxin prime time -ohjelmien katsojat ovat kyllä saaneet tottua juontajien Venäjä-myönteiseen asenteeseen jo vuosien ajan. Foxilla oli tärkeä osa Trumpin pyrkimyksissä esittää Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin neutraalina toimijana ja Amerikan poliittisen oikeiston liittolaisena. HS:n tavoitteena on nähdä Putin puoluellisena toimijana ja Suomen poliittisten äärilaitojen liittolaisena.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 278: ”Hän tarjoaa taatusti hyvää materiaalia!” huudahtaa tähän väliin journalismin professori Philip Seib. "Joka sana totta! Muistakaa virittää vastaanottimenne Pu- Carlsonin kanavalle!" Hän on ize haastattelua edeltävänä päivänä katsonut jakson, jossa Carlson nimitti useaan otteeseen Ukrainan presidenttiä Volodymyr Zelenskyiä standup-koomikoxi sekä jutkuxi.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 304: Hän uskoo, että Carlson ja muut konservatiivikommentaattorit alkavat vähin äänin siirtää painopistettä takaisin sisäpolitiikkaan, joka on heidän ensisijaisen yleisönsä keskeisin huoli ja parhaiten sytyttävä tekijä. Tähänkin aiheeseen aletaan jo väsyä, niinkuin väsyttiin jo koronaan. Muutama vainaa enemmän tai vähemmän, кому какое дело. ”Korkeimman oikeuden tuomarinimitykseen esimerkiksi liittyy rotuperusteista epäluuloa. Se on hedelmällistä maaperää, ulkopolitiikka ei.” Sanoo Seib, jonka uskoisi tietävän.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 350: Carlson has stated he does not consider Russia a serious threat to the United States. Carlson asserted in December 2019 that "Putin, for all his faults, does not hate America as much as many of these people do", referring to liberals.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 460: This is a wonderful country with a good life for most thus encouraging immigrants past and present to settle here.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 548: petä. Omaan perseeseen, hän
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 567: Ranskis kasarileffassa junaonnettomuudesta selvinnyt osaton tyttö Helene pääsee vahingossa varakkaan viininviljelijäperheen pojan lesken vaihdokkaaxi ja kiintyy vähitellen koko perheeseen, varsinkin kilttiin anoppiin Lenaan ja pikkuveli Pierreen. Kun psykopaatti vauvan isä tulee vainoamaan perhettä, Helene puukottaa sen kuoliaaxi, Pierre kätkee ruumiin ja Lena ottaa syyn niskoilleen. Kaikki ovat onnellisia. Tää oli hyvä ohjelma, tästä mie pidän. Tää on mun moraalikäsitysten mukaista: hyvät on kilttejä toisilleen ja pitää yhtä, paskiaiset tapetaan muitta mutkitta. Kikka on vaan siinä että tietää lähimmäisensä. Paskiaisen määritelmä riippuu puolesta.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 583: Även Harry Martinson debuterade som poet men det är förmodligen hans prosa som är mest känd. Som prosaförfattare debuterade han med reseskildringen “Resor utan mål” som följdes upp med reseskildringen “Kap Farväl!”. Mest känd är han nog dock för sin uppväxtskildring “Nässlorna blomma”, som handlar om en föräldralös pojkes uppväxt i Fattigsverige. En av hans mer otippade framgångar var rymdeposet “Aniara” som handlar om ett rymdskepp som transporterar flyktingar från jorden till andra planeter på grund av miljöförstöring och kärnvapenkrig.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 591: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a tie! That’s probably not how they announced it back in October of 1974. A tie is not even the proper term for the rare occasions when the Nobel Prize in Literature’s gone to two people at once. Sharing the honor is the phrase that seems to crop up, and these shared honors look like political moves—when the prize is going to a country that the Nobel committee might not get back to in a while. (The novelist António Lobo Antunes, for example, was reportedly heartbroken when the Nobel went to José Saramago, because he knew they weren’t going to give it to Portugal again in his lifetime.) Still, there’s something about a shared prize that feels slighting, the A-minus of literary glory. I picture scenes like this:
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 596: But it’s not just the imaginary humiliations. There’s just something off-putting about deciding that two bodies of work are of exactly equal merit. I’m all for the notion that literature is such a varied seascape that it’s impossible to get your bearings, let alone arrange things in order; and I’m comfortable with the idea that, of course, some writers are better than others. But once the scorekeeping gets specific, it just feels wrong. What’s better, Guernica or Citizen Kane? The Velvet Underground and Nico or really good Mexican food? The Great Gatsby or your best friend in high school? These are ridiculous questions, and the fairest answer—ladies and gentlemen, it’s a tie!—somehow muddies all the contestants, even the enchiladas.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 598: The Swedes feel differently, though. The presentation speech lays out a “cut-out silhouette of two remarkable literary profiles,” drawing parallels between two writers whose work is not very similar, but whose lives curiously are. Both Eyvind Johnson and Harry Martinson come from hardscrabble backgrounds and emerged as unlikely, startling literary figures. “They are representative,” the speech tells us, “of the many proletarian writers or working-class poets who, on a wide front, broke into our literature, not to ravage and plunder, but to enrich it with their fortunes. Their arrival meant an influx of experience and creative energy, the value of which can hardly be exaggerated.”
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 600: Well, first of all, everything can be exaggerated, so calm down a little, Karl Ragnar Gierow. But also there’s a tone here that doesn’t sit well with me. Certainly the literary world has a tendency to calcify—the people who have enough time to write books tend to be from the upper classes, so literature’s concerns and perspectives invariably get narrow without new blood. But those sidebar reassurances that working-class poets aren’t here to ravage and plunder seem nervous and uptight, and not really reassuring to boot. It seems to me that we want a little ravagement and plunder in our literary traditions. Why else would we welcome a stirring new voice, if it didn’t stir us up a little? And if it doesn’t stir us up, is it really a new voice, even if it comes from a place most of us haven’t visited? “To determine an author and his work against the background of his social origin and political environment is, at present, good form,” the speech continues, and that’s OK as far as it goes. But if you’re going to decide that two authors are tied for literary merit, surely we can find some criterion besides their socioeconomic origin stories.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 602: Therefore, as I read these two books, I decided to be much more exacting in my evaluation process than my usual experiential woolgathering, and I tallied up a few figures, in categories that seem equally obvious and problematic as the authors’ humble beginnings.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 620: The Days of His Grace: Grandiose, shadowy, fraught. Representative passage: “She turned quickly to the other and met his eyes, feeling a sudden fear of unwillingness—as though he were peering at her through the crack in the door, or through a keyhole. He’s trying to get at me through my eyes, she thought.” As far as one can grasp, given a translation that feels a little stumbly, I give this tone a seven.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 622: Views from a Tuft of Grass: Deadpan, exacting, discursive. Representative passage: “In our time hope must be manufactured. It is no longer available ready-made. Especially in that prolonging of winter which the Nordic spring has increasingly become, pain intrudes with a more damaging effect on the mind than during the summer.” Five.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 633:
FIFTH CATEGORY: Ability of work to mesmerize the reader, particularly on public transportation, where these books were largely read
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 647: SEVENTH CATEGORY: Packaging of these particular editions (n.b.: This is a particularly unfair category.)
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 651: Views from a Tuft of Grass: Green Integer paperback. These always look smart and swell. Eight.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 659: And there you have it. It’s a crude way of evaluating literature, of course, but it doesn’t seem much cruder than the methodology used by the people who chose these two authors in the first place. And which author is better, you ask? Well, let’s see, seven plus five, another seven, carry the one—hey! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a tie!
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 695: Synkkä syöveri: Baudelairet ajautuvat sukellusveneeseen nimeltä Queequeg . (The Grim Grotto, suom. Marja Helanen-Ahtola 2006)
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 720: According to joint Constitutional Review Committee Chairperson, Enock Mthethwa, this was not a straightforward matter, since no research had been conducted to prove that the death penalty was an effective deterrent that may curb crime rates.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 770: 15 of these participating men were under the age of 15 years; 206 between 15 and 29 years; 117 between 30 and 40 years and 54 older than 40 years. 193 were black; 168 Coloured; 22 white and 9 Indian.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 777: 19.1% of men planned the murder in advance, while 80.9% committed it impulsively. Four men indicated that they would commit murder again, depending on the circumstances. Among the reasons why the rest will not commit murder again are: I have discovered how high the value of life is and that every human being has the right to life and human dignity; murder is an inhuman act; it’s bad in prison; I want to be free; it was a huge mistake; crime does not pay; it’s no solution to problems; it causes tremendous emotional pain for everyone involved; I do not want to disappoint my family again; I am not in my inner nature a murderer; children must grow up with the presence and guidance of a father; restorative justice helped me find myself as well as with reconciliation with my family and the victim; God changed my life; it is a guilt that you carry with you for the rest of your life; I will talk about my problems in the future; I learned to respect the law; one throws away ones future.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 780: 315 of these men were engaged in a rehabilitation program of which 96.8% testified that it was valuable to them at that time. 5.3% of these murderers did not undergo any schooling; 80.7% did not complete their schooling; and 14% passed matric.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 788: 5.3% indicated that they committed the murder under the influence of drugs; 37.3% under the influence of alcohol and in 10.7% of women both these drugs played a role as contributing factors to the murder. 46.7% were not under the “influence” at all.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 790: 18.3% planned the murder in advance and 81.7% committed it impulsively. None of these women indicated that they would commit murder again. Some of the reasons they gave for this are: I learned new ways to master difficult circumstances; frightening experience; I met God; I am not inherently a bad person; I never want to end up in prison again; I hurt the people closest to me terribly; I’m very sorry; no one deserves to be hurt like that; such an act follows you for the rest of your life; crime does not pay; I am much wiser now; I will contact a family member, social worker or police member to help me if I find myself in such a situation again.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 794: 58 of these women were engaged in a rehabilitation program and it was valuable to 89.7% at that time. 7.6% of these women had no schooling; 78.8% did not complete their schooling, while 13.6% passed matric.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 798: The fact that 99% of men and 100% of women have indicated that they will not commit murder again indicates that they have learned important lessons. Many (about 15%) of these murderers are inherently not bad people.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 800: 76.6% of the convicted murderers who participated in the abovementioned research were convinced that the death penalty would not have deterred them from committing murder. Of the remaining 23.4%, a huge number tended to think so too, but they were reluctant to indicate it with certainty.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 806: Judge Dennis Davis (1990) said that “allegations of racial bias in sentencing practices in capital cases have been made, most prominently by the late Prof. Barend van Niekerk, whose research suggested that black defendants stand a greater chance than white defendants of receiving the death penalty, particularly when the victim is white”. Davis continued by saying that although Prof. van Niekerk “has been criticized for being unscientific, differences in capital sentences between the races continue to exist and are difficult to explain”.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 808: At present, seven years after the abovementioned research has been completed, there are still serious pleas in South Africa that the death penalty must be reinstated, because the cases of so many brutal and senseless murders leave many people speechless.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 823: Rather, the death penalty has a paradoxical “imitative effect” on potential murderers: “It sets an official governmental example that killing someone is a proper way to resolve feelings of resentment and to take revenge”. And what the fuck, you can as well hang for 10 murders given you have committed 1.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 824: When a nation goes to war, that government inevitably sends out the message that killing one’s enemies is acceptable. Murders within such a nation usually increase during these times. Among returning war veterans, there is a higher murder rate.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 828: Nationally, the overall rate of serious reversible error in capital cases is 68% - nearly seven out of every ten cases … The most common errors, prompting the most reversals at the state post-convictions stage, are (a) egregiously incompetent defence lawyers, mostly court appointed, who did not even look for – and demonstrably missed – important evidence that the defendant was innocent or did not deserve to die. 82% of those convictions overturned at the state level were found to deserve less than death when errors were corrected on re-trial; 7% were found innocent of the capital crime. Only 11% of those capital convictions reversed on state review were still found to deserve death on retrial … These high error rates exist all over the nation. 24 states with the death penalty have overall error rates of 52% or higher. 22 of the states have overall error rates of 60% or higher. 15 states have error rates of 70% or higher. To err is human. Better err on the safe side.
xxx/ellauri195.html on line 48: Kyrkästys on Mikko Maanviljelijän vitutuxesta käyttämä murresana. Se kuulostaa kyrpiintymisen ja närkästyxen kimaralta, gripiltä tai vaakalinnulta. Kyrvän pää ja närkin ruumis. Se on jäänyt vähän katveeseen. Kyrpiintyminen on ikäänkuin vienyt sen paikan.
xxx/ellauri195.html on line 201: See also Xerxes I's whipping of the Hellespont. Sama Ahasverus bylsi Esteriä perseeseen, mistä juutalaiset ovat kiitollisia sille vielä tänäänkin. Jöns palautti mieleen että Monty Pythonin leffassa Holy Grail kun Arthur tuli uhoilemaan ranskalaisille sanoen: I am the king, I am king Arthur, ne vastasivat: What king? We did not vote for you. Sama kuin mun vastaus keskustan kansanedustajalle, jonka Kouvolan puolustajat oli kiskoneet kasarminmäelle kehittämään Kouvolaa eli puolustamaan mäelle osoittavaa yliopistokylttiä.
xxx/ellauri195.html on line 216: If we have been told that, we may miss the mark. I have taken you, in the chapter which I have just read, to Christianity at its source; and there we have seen, “The greatest of these is love.” It is not an oversight. Paul was speaking of faith just a moment before. He says, “If I have all faith, so that I can remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing. “So far from forgetting, he deliberately contrasts them, “Now abideth Faith, Hope, Love,” and without a moment’s hesitation, the decision falls, “The greatest of these is Love.”And it is not prejudice. A man is apt to recommend to others his own strong love, but he should imitate Paul´s tiny one instead.
xxx/ellauri195.html on line 229: Patience; kindness; generosity; humility; courtesy; unselfishness; good temper; guilelessness; sincerity—these make up the supreme gift, the stature of the perfect man. Just like a woman in fact, eating humble pie. Thank God the Christianity of to-day is coming nearer the world’s end.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 238: High school can be everything you want it to be or your worst nightmare. For me — it’s okay other than the fact that just about everything I’m surrounded by goes completely against my beliefs as a Christian. Whether it be walking in the hallway hearing terribly vulgar words, common gossiping, or young kids praising the loss of their virginity. You also have your popular “in” music that blatantly puts pre-marital sex, illegal drugs, and the love of money on a pedestal. These are just some of the worldly things we have to deal with on a daily basis that can oh-so easily sweep somebody in. At this point, the options must be weighed: choose God or choose the world? Which god to choose? Which one has the biggest dick?
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 253: (Uggo: An extremely ugly person.) If aliens were to study Earth’s religions, I think they would separate them into four main categories. They would call them Abrahamism (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), Dharmism (Daosim, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism), Humanism (the worship of human beings), and Naturalism (the worship of science and laws of nature). I believe that instead of calling it religion in the way that we do, they would call it devotion because that is what all of these categories have in common. The people in them do not share rituals or doctrine, but they share devotion to the same entities. Because almost every human could fit into one of these categories of devotion, I do not think aliens would recognize atheism, and would consider every human to have some kind of devotion.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 272: Now comment on two of these poems. Each comment must include 2 suggestions and at least 1 encouragement. Other great things:
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 291: Have you read these poets? Walter de la Mare • Dorothy Parker • Max Ehrmann • Sara Teasdale • Paul Laurence Dunbar • Christina Georgina Rossetti • Jose Marti • Robert W Service • Allen Ginsberg • Judith Wright • Siegfried Sassoon • Wilfred Owen • Elizabeth Bishop • Nissim Ezekiel • Billy Collins • Lewis Carroll • Nizar Qabbani • Sir John Betjeman • Richard Brautigan • Henry Van Dyke
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 295: Have you read these poets? William Stafford • Kenneth Slessor • Ralph Waldo Emerson • Theodore Roethke • Thomas Hood • Sir Walter Scott • Henry David Thoreau • Kabir • Percy Bysshe Shelley • Ted Hughes • Walter de la Mare • Dorothy Parker • Max Ehrmann • Sara Teasdale • Paul Laurence Dunbar • Christina Georgina Rossetti • Jose Marti • Robert W Service • Allen Ginsberg • Judith Wright
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 299: Have you read these poets? Christina Georgina Rossetti • Jose Marti • Robert W Service • Allen Ginsberg • Judith Wright • Siegfried Sassoon • Wilfred Owen • Elizabeth Bishop • Nissim Ezekiel • Billy Collins • Lewis Carroll • Nizar Qabbani • Sir John Betjeman • Richard Brautigan • Henry Van Dyke • George Gordon Byron • Jose Rizal • Thomas Hardy • William Carlos Williams • Ezra Pound
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 303: Have you read these poets? Philip Larkin • Emily Dickinson • Edgar Allan Poe • T S Eliot • Rabindranath Tagore • Ogden Nash • Amir Khusro • Khalil Gibran • Rainer Maria Rilke • Edgar Albert Guest • Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi • William Blake • Maya Angelou • John Masefield • Rudyard Kipling • Anne Sexton • Sarojini Naidu • John Keats • Walt Whitman • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 308: Have you read these poets? Pablo Neruda • Robert Frost • William Butler Yeats • Dylan Thomas • E.e. cummings • Spike Milligan • William Wordsworth • Alfred Lord Tennyson • Langston Hughes • W H Auden • Philip Larkin • Emily Dickinson • Edgar Allan Poe • T S Eliot • Rabindranath Tagore • Ogden Nash • Amir Khusro • Khalil Gibran • Rainer Maria Rilke • Edgar Albert Guest
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 312: Have you read these poets? Anne Sexton • Sarojini Naidu • John Keats • Walt Whitman • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • Elizabeth Barrett Browning • William Stafford • Kenneth Slessor • Ralph Waldo Emerson • Theodore Roethke • Thomas Hood • Sir Walter Scott • Henry David Thoreau • Kabir • Percy Bysshe Shelley • Ted Hughes • Walter de la Mare • Dorothy Parker • Max Ehrmann • Sara Teasdale
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 321: The sire of gods and men smiled and answered, “If you, Juno, were always to support me when we sit in council of the gods, Neptune, like it or no, would soon come round to your and my way of thinking. If, then, you are speaking the truth and mean what you say, go among the rank and file of the gods, and tell Iris and Apollo lord of the bow, that I want them—Iris, that she may go to the Achaean host and tell Neptune to leave off fighting and go home, and Apollo, that he may send Hector again into battle and give him fresh strength; he will thus forget his present sufferings, and drive the Achaeans back in confusion till they fall among the ships of Achilles son of Peleus. Achilles will then send his comrade Patroclus into battle, and Hector will shaft him in front of Ilius after he has shafted many warriors, and among them my own noble son Sarpedon. Achilles will shaft Hector to avenge Patroclus, and from that time I will bring it about that the Achaeans shall persistently drive the Trojans back till they fulfil the counsels of Minerva and take Ilium. But I will not stay my anger, nor permit any god to help the Danaans till I have accomplished the desire of the son of Peleus, according to the promise I made by bowing my head (after shafting her) on the day when Thetis touched me between my knees and besought me to give him honour.”
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 366: In 1778 Hammon published "The Kind Master and Dutiful Servant," a poetical dialogue, followed by "A Poem for Children with Thoughts on Death" in 1782. These works set the tone for Hammon´s "An Address to Negros in the State of New York."
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 640: Nää muhkeat armot on Jumalalta, These bounteous mercies are from God,
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 826: I used to ask god what I did to deserve this
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 965: Holy the sea holy the desert holy the railroad holy the locomotive holy the visions holy the hallucinations holy the miracles holy the eyeball holy the abyss!
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 970: Hyvin vedit Allen! Iso käsi sille! Mutta Ginsberg syntyikin juutalaiseen perheeseen Newarkissa, New Jerseyssä, ja varttui läheisessä Patersonissa. Hän oli Louis Ginsbergin toinen poika , joka syntyi myös Newarkissa, opettaja ja julkaissut runoilija, ja entisen Naomi Levyn, syntynyt Nevelissä ( Venäjä) ja kiihkeä marxilainen. Allenikin kääntyi pois juutalaisuudesta kohti buddhalaisuutta.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1076: The estate’s decision — which prompted breathless headlines on cable news and complaints about “cancel culture” from prominent conservatives — represents a dramatic step to update and curate Seuss’s body of work, acknowledging and rejecting some of his views while seeking to protect his brand and appeal. It also raises questions about whether and how an author’s works should be posthumously curated to reflect evolving social attitudes, and what should be preserved as part of the cultural record.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1078: Geisel supported the concentration camps of Japanese Americans during World War II in order to prevent possible sabotage. Geisel explained his position:
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1089: These and many other questions will have to remain unanswered, because, despite multiple rumors to the contrary, Dr. Seuss is not a Jew. He obviously sympathized with the cause, a la inaugural JONJ entry Charlie Chaplin, but that´s as far as it goes. So much for Seuss. A mensch? Certainly. A goy? Undoubtedly.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 180: In awarding Naipaul the 2001 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Swedish Academy praised his work "for having united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories." Kukahan tonkin runoili, olikohan kulturpersonligheten. The Committee added: "Naipaul is a modern philosopher carrying on the tradition that started originally with Lettres persanes and Candide. In a vigilant style, which has been deservedly admired, he transforms rage into precision and allows events to speak with their own inherent irony." The Committee also noted Naipaul's affinity with the novelist Joseph Conrad (toinen kaappikolonialisti pyllypää):
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 190: The actual world has for Naipaul a radiance that diminishes all ideas of it. The pink haze of the bauxite dust on the first page of Guerrillas tells us what we need to know about the history and social organization of the unnamed island on which the action takes place, tells us in one image who runs the island and for whose profit the island is run and at what cost to the life of the island this profit has historically been obtained, but all of this implicit information pales in the presence of the physical fact, the dust itself. ... The world Naipaul sees is of course no void at all: it is a world dense with physical and social phenomena, brutally alive with the complications and contradictions of actual human endeavour. ... This world of Naipaul's is in fact charged with what can only be described as a romantic view of reality, an almost unbearable tension between the idea and the physical fact ...
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 349: these orthodox chaps certainly know how to draw the line
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 406: The 419 scam is an infamous advance fee fraud tactic that originated in Nigeria and has since spread around the world. The most well-known source for these emails is Nigeria, but they can originate from anywhere. In Nigeria, the crime has become a significant source of income for some, although section 419 of the Nigerian legal code prohibits it (hence the name). How does the scam work?
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 474: Ihan tosi, nyt meinaa olla ajan kanssa ongelmia. Tai eihän sen kanssa ole ongelmia, kun sitä ei vaan tuntuis olevan. Vaikka kuinka ajattelee, että onhan sitä 24 tuntia vuorokaudessa. No, ajankäyttöä häiritsee yhä enenevässä määrin kokopäiväinen työ. Opettajantyöni muuttui siis 5 päiväiseksi työviikoksi, kun minua ajetaan kahteen hankkeeseen mukaan. No, ei valiteta. Ehkä se näkyy rahapussissakin.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 596: tellurian earth, and stellar stars, and these Maisen maan, tähdet tähtiset, ja nää
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 604: these each are duly registered and print Nää kaikki rekisteröidään ja printataan
xxx/ellauri201.html on line 66: Siinä se Isokukko-Uljas rupesi saunaanlähtöä tekemään ja vaati minua selänpesijäksi. Sanoi, ettei miehistä siihen hommaan ole, nainen tarvittiin, niin kuin toiseenkin hommaan. Minä siinä hymysuin kieltelin, mutta läksin lopulta kuitenkin, kun ei ukonkurttanakaan ollut kiroamassa ja kieltämässä. Itsensä se Uljas tahtoi minulle esitellä, että tietäisin, mitä yöllä saisin. Minä vielä saunan porstuassa emmin pesemään mennä, saisin sitten pestä kaikkien äijien selät. Vaan mikäpäs siinä. Ainahan minä alastomia miehenpuolia olen mielelläni katsellut, heiluvia vehkeitä. Isokukko-Uljas riisuutui rempseään tyyliinsä. Näin kun se heitti paidan pois, miten karvainen oli sillä rinta. Ai ai ai, kyllä semmoinenkin jo pistää naisen kastumaan alapäästä! Niin oli karvaa kuin karhulla, tummaa ja tuuheaa karvaa rinnan täydeltä, vähän selkäpuolellakin. Rupesi jo housujaan riisumaan. Minä käänsin pään pois. Se naurahti, että näkeehän emäntä kohta kuitenkin, ja painui saunanovesta sisään. Kuului ilmoittavan muille miehille, että saivatkin nyt itsensä talon emännän selänpesijäksi. Kävi siellä naurunrähäkkä. Minä vielä hetken emmin mennä, mutta kun ne jo huutelivat tulemaan, niin menin.
xxx/ellauri201.html on line 68: Eino jurotti lauteella kuin äkäinen pässi, näki naamasta, ettei sitä miellyttänyt minun temppuni. Pekka sieltä lauteelta ensimmäisenä alas hyppäsi, että kellit heilahtivat! Nauroi vain minulle hilpeästi ja kävi alalauteelle mahalleen. Minä aloin pestä, kunnolla jynssäsin, hyvähän minä olin pesemään. Aina se Kustin-käppyräkin minua tässä hommassa kehui, vaikkei missään muussa oikein kehunutkaan. Isokukko-Uljas huusi ylälauteen hämäristä, että emäntä pesee etupuoleltakin. Pekkaa nauratti, kääntyi selälleen. Olin minä jo niin rohkeaksi tullut, etten pelännyt vaan pesin, kun käskettiin. Muut paikat pesin, mutta muniin jätin koskematta. Riitti sentään ja Pekka kiitosta antaen nousi alalauteelta. Heti sen perästä hyppäsi alas Hemmi, karvainen mies oli sekin. Hemmillä olikin semmoiset pallomunat. Ja minä pestessäni pohdiskelin, mahtoiko tuommoinen mulkku naimapuuhia varten kovinkaan kasvaa. Pieneltä se nyt ainakin näytti. Pienehköt rippuset oli sillä Villelläkin, nuorella miehellä, jonka minä seuraavaksi pesin, kuurasin kunnolla.
xxx/ellauri201.html on line 76: Olihan minun itsekin vielä saunottava, kun niin hikiseksi siitä pesemisestä tulin. Antoivat miehet sentään minulle rauhan, menivät jo tupaan. Meni Isokukko-Uljaskin isoine vehkeineen, kas kun jaksoi odottaa yötä. Tuvassa sitä oli hilpeä ehtootunnelma, kun miehet lauloivat ja ruokottomia juttujaan kertoilivat ja niiden päälle nauroivat. Kustin-rutale oli jo kamarissaan makaamassa, eihän se kauan jaksanut valvoa. Ja minä toivoin, etteivät muutkaan jaksa. Tulevaa yötä minä jo odotin. Sitähän ne kaikki odottivat, tiesivät kuulevansa sinä yönä kunnon ryskettä emännän kamarista. Minä se vaan valuin pelkästä ajatuksesta koko illan.
xxx/ellauri201.html on line 216: Fødd 8. desember 1832
xxx/ellauri201.html on line 233: Bjørnstjerne Martinus Bjørnson (8. desember 1832–26. april 1910) var ein norsk forfattar og samfunnsdebattant. Bjørnson vann Nobelprisen i litteratur for 1903, som den første nordmannen, og er rekna som ein av dei fire store i norsk litteratur. Han skreiv teksten til den norske nasjonalsongen og var grunnleggjaren av Riksmålsforbundet.
xxx/ellauri201.html on line 308: Sama viisu on nyt meneillään apinoiden rajoilla. Suomalaiset ovat Herlinin &Co voimakkaan länsipropagandan aivopesemiä. Ne ei voi ymmärtää että venäläisetkin on isänmaallisia eli vetää kotiinpäin. Ryssien on selvästi oltava jonkun itäpropagandan aivopesemiä. Toisin kuin me, joiden tiedonvälitys on avointa ja tasapuolista. Kälätys natosta senkun kovenee H-hetken lähetessä. Herlinin lopputavoite on sitoa alamaiset entistä lujemmin länsikoneen rattaisiin.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 42: Šolohov liittyi kommunistiseen puolueeseen 1922 ja pysyi sille uskollisena koko uransa. Hän oli Neuvostoliiton kirjailijaliiton toimielimissä vuodesta 1934 ja vuodesta 1936 maan korkeimman neuvoston jäsen. Hän seurasi Nikita Hruštšovia presidenttinaä 1959 ja valittiin keskuskomiteaan 1961. Hänestä tuli tiedeakatemian jäsen 1939. Hän oli kaksinkertaisen sosialistisen työn sankari ja palkittiin sekä Leninin että Stalinin palkinnolla Trotskin palkinnon ja Nobelin lisäksi. Tätä virhettä Ruozin olympiakomitea sittemmi katkerasti katui.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 99: Jacques selittää kotimatkalla Antoinelle, että rakastaa runoja ja on runosielu. Kotona odottaa pappi ja yllätys. Jacques jatkaa eloaan ja kouluaan kasvatuslaitoksessa. Osa päättyy dramaattiseen kirjeeseen, jonka Jacques kirjoittaa Danielille ja heittää ikkunasta, hän "uhkailee" itsemurhalla.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 121: Jacques pitää Giselestä, joka on Thibaultin taloudessa asuvan neiti de Waitzen veljen lapsi Madagascarilta. Jacquesia kiinnostaa myös Danielin pikkusisko Jenny, joka on varsin ylpeä ja nakkelee niskojaan. Jacquesin lyyriset jaaritukset vetoavat häneen. Jennyn äiti joutuu viemän ison summan rahaa miehensä porsastelujen peittelyihin Amsterdamiin. Jeromen rakastajatar on kuolinvuoteella Amsterdamissa. Therese maksaa lääkärit, velat ja hautauksen. Jerome lähtee Theresen siivellä Ranskaan. Noemien tytär Nicole on tullut jo aiemmin turvaan Jeromea Theresen luo. Jälleen näkeminen ei luonnollisestakaan ole helppo. Nicole "kelpaa" Antoinen lääkärikolleega kirurgi Hequet'lle, Heidän avioliittonsa on onnellinen, mutta lapsen tuleva sairastelu on kammottavaa.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 167: Eine voineet protestantteina oikein peukuttaa katolista kirkkoakaan. No oliko tollanen ateismi sitten parempi? Ilmeisesti "Kesä" oli ruotsalaisista paras tuotantokausi. Mulleio sitä, se sijoittuu vuoteen 1914 eli on just niitä suomentamattomia osia. Hän julkaisi nää kaksi nidettä vuosina 1936 ja 1940. Nämä viimeiset osat, jotka yhdessä ovat pidempiä kuin kuusi edellistä yhteensä, kirjoitettiin 1930-luvun Euroopan hämärtyvän kansainvälisen tilanteen varjossa, keskittyvät poliittiseen ja historialliseen tilanteeseen, joka johti ensimmäisen maailmansodan puhkeamiseen ja tuo tarinan vuoteen 1918.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 264: Everything is unraveling. Decades of work dissipating like smoke. He was always in control, the strongest and smartest man in the room. Though not the largest, both Don Trump and the Chinese guy were larger.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 373: Shortly after the meeting, an official register of Jews in Graz was apparently launched. Based on this evidence, Sax concluded that the official acknowledgment of the Jewish community in Graz in 1856 had been the result of an increasing Jewish presence in the city. As such, Sax argued, Jewish people had likely already been living there before 1856.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 375: Sax also presented evidence that Preradovich was a Nazi sympathizer — which would’ve motivated him to debunk the theory that Hitler was Jewish.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 173: säilöntäreseptiä kirjasta?
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 515: Synnyin perheeseen, jossa vanhempien poliittiset mielipiteet ilmensivät syvää kiintymystä epäpoliittiseen elämäntapaan. Näin yksinkertaisen asian oivaltaminen vei minulta vuosikymmeniä. Vasta aikuisena olen ymmärtänyt isääni, hänen varovaisuuttaan, kylmän sodan rintamaseutujen muovaamaa, perisuomalaista, luokka-askeleessaan onnistuneen ensimmäisen polven kaupunkilaisen pragmaattisuutta, joka sai välttämään yhteiskunnallisten ristiriitojen esiintuomista ja muotoilemaan maailmankuvan per heen- ja työnkokoisin ajatuksin. Kun ponnistava jalka on portaalla, ei halua tietää rospuuton rikkovan kiveä. Uskon, että isä valitsi lääkärin ammatin halusta parantaa ihmisten oloja. Sellaisia hänen yksilökeskeiset ihanteensa olivat ja ovat yhä, toteuttamiskelpoisia, järkeviä ja kohtuullisia. Epäkohdista on turha meluta, kun asioihin voi tarttua maltillisen edistyksen ja tasaisesti karttuvan hyvinvoinnin hengessä, toimeliaana ja intohimottomana kuin pesisi kätensä ja ryhtyisi pastöroimaan elämää.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 609: Totuutta ei voi ilmaista sanoin se nähdään välähdyxenomaisesti. No mitä vitun hyötyä siitä sitten on? Höpötystä.Totuus on vastaavuutta, se on joku todellisuuden representaatio, esim kissavideo. Sen voi periaatteessa kopioida ja viestittää. Voi sen pukea sanoixikin, joskin resoluutio ei välttämättä ole hyvä.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 660: Runoissaan ja aforismeissaan Björling edustaa henkisen valppauden ja jäntevyyden vaatimusta. Vapaarytmisissä, usein lyhyissä runoissaan hän mielellään jättää lauseet kesken tähdentääkseen runon ”avointa” luonnetta. Yksi hänen runoutensa kantavia voimia on eettinen ajattelu. Toinen on länsi-itämaiseen perinteeseen yhtyvä näkemys ilmiöitten ykseydestä elämän tapahtumissa, hetkestä hetkeen. Joskus hänen runonsa jäävät salakieleksi, mikä on antanut hänelle vaikeatajuisen runoilijan maineen. No vittu eihän sen kyhhäyxissä ole riimiä eikä järkeä, no rhyme nor reason.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 774: Sirkka oli vuosien ajan pelännyt Tomin sanavalmista iskevyyttä ja ylimielistä kärkkäyttä. Tomilla oli tapa, jota hän itse tuskin huomasi: asiassa kuin asiassa hän ehätti tietämään enemmän kuin keskustelukumppani, korjailemaan ja oikaisemaan toisen puheita ja epäsuorasti vähättelemään muita ja korostamaan itseään. Ja loputtomat puujalkavitsit vaikka miten vakavissa asioissa. Ei tietenkään työasioissa, silloin hän oli aina taitava kuuntelija, mutta kotona ja hyvien tuttujen seurassa, silloin kun oli rentoutunut eikä kiinnittänyt huomiota siihen mitä sanoi. Ensimmäiset vuodet Sirkka oli alistunut, kunnes oli alkanut iskeä takaisin ja saanutkin Tomin perääntymään. Ei se oikeastaan ollut aluksi ollut edes alistumista ikävään piirteeseen, vaan yksi Tomin ominaisuuksista, jotka hän oli hyväksynyt, niin kuin sitä rakastuneena hyväksyy toisen kaikenlaiset piirteet.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 831: Lainaus on armottoman pitkä, mutta siitä näkyy koko tarkkojen repliikkien luoma kaari. Sirkan torjuvuus selitetään aiemmassa kappaleessa; mies ei huomaa omaa käytöstään. Kun Tom herää avioliiton kalseuteen ja yrittää korjata tilannetta etelänmatkalla, Sirkan reaktiossa on ilkeyttä ja kohtuuttomuutta. Samalla torjuvuus on perusteltua; syvälle juurtuneita ikävyyksiä ei korjata yksittäisillä lahjoilla, jotka muuttaisivat kaiken suunnan kerrasta, kuten Tom kuvittelee. Mies on valmis pyyhkäisemään ”menneet ovat menneitä” -ajattelulla vuosien ongelmat maton alle, mihin vaimo ei suostu, koska kyse on jälleen yhdestä miehen vallankäytön välineestä. Tom myös alentuu käytökseen, jota hänen vaimonsa pitää erityisen ahdistavana, ivaamaan ja korjaamaan kriisin keskellä merkityksettömiä asioita (”Se on Thaimaahan, ei Thaimaaseen.”). Avioparin kriisin syvyydestä kertoo, että riidan lähestyessä heidän poikaansa pyydetään poistumaan huoneeseensa ja laittamaan musiikki kovalle, jotta hän ei joutuisi kuuntelemaan vanhempiensa kinastelua. Tällaisten eleiden merkitys, se että niihin on jo totuttu, kertoo perheyksikön vuotavista haavoista.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 835: – Oli sitten kuinka fiksu ja koulutettu tahansa, parisuhdeongelmia tulee aina. Aivan silkoisesti sujuvaa elämää ei voi olla silloin, kun sitoutuu läheisesti ja antautuu pitkään parisuhteeseen. Väärinkäsitykset ja ongelmat eivät johdu miesten tai naisten tyypillisistä piirteistä, vaan saattavat yllättää meidät puskan takaa. Ihmiset voivat lähteä yhteiselle taipaleelleen hyvin aikomuksin, mutta joutua silti ihmeellisiin tilanteisiin. Ja se on se juttu, josta minä kirjoitan mielelläni.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 943: Kun Annika Idström talvella 1979 ryhtyi kirjoittamaan ensimmäistä romaaniaan Sinitaivas (1980), hänestä tuntui omien sanojensa mukaan kuin hän olisi "tullut kotiin". Takana oli Idströmin itsensä jännitteiseksi ja vaikeaksikin kuvaama lapsuus suomenruotsalaisessa keskiluokkaisessa töölöläiskodissa, jossa taiteellisesti lahjakas isä toi välillä "juoppokavereitaan" kotiin ja äiti, tunnettu ja "ihailtu radioääni" Cay Idström, toisaalta lannisti, toisaalta rohkaisi luoviin harrastuksiin. Takana oli Laguska skolanin yksityinen eliittilukio, jossa Idström opiskeli vapaaoppilaana – eikä viihtynyt: "En ollut tarpeeksi rikas [ - - ] enkä tarpeeksi suomenruotsalainen." Oman tien etsiminen oli vienyt Sanelma Vuorteen mannekiinikoulusta Ranskaan kieltä oppimaan, kirjallisuuden opintoihin Helsingin ja Jyväskylän yliopistoissa ja kamerataiteen opintoihin Taideteollisessa oppilaitoksessa. Takana oli myös avoliitto vasemmistolaisesti suuntautuneeseen kulttuurisukuun kuuluvan tunnetun elokuva- ja teatteriohjaaja Jotaarkka Pennasen kanssa ja tyttären syntymä. Yksinhuoltajuuden ja kirjoittamisen yhdistelmä merkitsi elämistä työttömyyskorvauksella ja sosiaalituilla, mutta "kirjoitin, koska en muuta osannut".
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 979: Annika Idström kuoli 20.9.2011 vain 63-vuotiaana nopeasti edenneeseen haimasyöpään Helsingin Terhokodissa.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1015: No tyypit lähtee paratiisista mukanaan vähän eväitä ja Eeva sanoo: I deserve worse than death! Jepjep sanoo Aatami ja raiskaa sen vielä paratiisin rappusilla. Ei vaitiskaan, läppä läppä. Idris tanssii iloissaan ja napsuttelee sormiaan. Idrisin vaimo on kylästynyt ja menee telttaan vaza pystyssä. Idris twerkkaa persettään eikä Adam pysty vastustaa, se lähtee mukaan junaan. Sekin tahtoo ansaita pahempaa kuin kuolema.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1023: According to later Muslim writings, Idris was born in Babylon, a city in pr esent-day Iraq. Before he received the Revelation, he followed the rules revealed to Prophet Seth, the son of Adam. When Idris grew older, God bestowed Prophethood on him. During his lifetime all the people were not yet Muslims. Afterwards, Idris left his hometown of Babylon because a great number of the people committed many sins even after he told them not to do so. Some of his people left with Idris. It was hard for them to leave their home.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1025: They asked Prophet Idris: "If we leave Babylon, where will we find a place like it?" Prophet Idris said: "If we immigrate for the sake of Allah, He will provide for us." (By now the West is full of these immigrants.) So the people went with Prophet Idris and they reached the land of Egypt. They saw the Nile River. Idris stood at its bank and mentioned Allah, the Exalted, by saying: "Subhan Allah." For three days of the week, Idris would preach to his people and four days he would devote solely to the worship of God.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1055: Enlil, god of Earth, assigned junior dingirs (Sumerian: 𒀭, lit. 'divines') to do farm labor, as well as maintain the rivers and canals. After 40 years, however, the lesser dingirs rebelled and refused to do strenuous labor. Enki, who is also the kind, wise counselor of the gods, suggested that rather than punishing these rebels, humans should be created to do such work, instead. The mother goddess Mami is subsequently assigned the task of creating humans by shaping clay figurines mixed with the flesh and blood of the slain god Geshtu-E ('ear' or 'wisdom'; 'a god who had intelligence'). All the gods, in turn, spit upon the clay. After 10 months, a specially made womb breaks open and humans are born.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1059: Atra-Hasis boards the boat with his family and animals, then seals the door. The storm and flood begin, and even the gods are afraid. After seven days, the flood ends and Atra-Hasis offers sacrifices to the gods. Enlil is furious with Enki for violating his oath, but Enki denies doing so: "I made sure life was preserved." In conclusion, Enki and Enlil agree on other means for controlling the human population, like global warming.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1114: Who can be sure that he is the son of his father? What with all these tents and nightgowns? Its just too easy to crawl under them and grab a piece of naked ass. Orpo Gebelin lojalty on kahtia.
xxx/ellauri209.html on line 61: Nyt on päästy siihen pisteeseen ettei oikeastaan enää jaxa lukea yhtään kirjaa kokonaan. Vähän päästä ilmenee mihin genreen kuuluu kukin läpyskä, mistä raitapersepaviaanin langoista se koittaa vedellä, ja tietysti miten siinä tulee käymään loppupeleissä. Ei jaxa, ei kerta kaikkiaan enää jaxa.
xxx/ellauri209.html on line 130: Mitä on keramiikan haritsuke tekniikka? Todennäköisesti savisen vällykäärmeen vatkutus. These are a cinch. Haritsuke is a NTR type of hentai where the engaged couple end up having sex with their students. NTR or netorare is a type of anime, most commonly found in hentai. It has a particular idea at its core: cheating. Kuvan Haritsuke näyttää vähän v 2022 Siriltä, paizi kampaus.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 112: Go where it doth deserve.’
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 127: Guanyin, Guan Yin or Kuan Yin (/ˌɡwɑːnˈjɪn/) (traditional Chinese: 觀音; simplified Chinese: 观音; pinyin: Guānyīn) is the Buddhist bodhisattva associated with compassion. She is the East Asian equivalent of Avalokiteśvara (Sanskrit: अवलोकितेश्वर), and has been adopted by other Eastern religions including Chinese folk religion.She was first given the appellation of "goddess of mercy" or the "mercy goddess" by Jesuit missionaries in China. The Chinese name Guanyin is short for Guanshiyin, which means "Perceives the Sounds of the World."
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 172: nevertheless assured that these modes of thought that I call
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 188: Bukkake is the noun form of the Japanese verb bukkakeru (ぶっ掛ける, to dash or sprinkle water), and means "to dash", "splash", or "heavy splash". The compound verb can be decomposed into a prefix and a verb: butsu (ぶつ) and kakeru (掛ける). Butsu is a prefix derived from the verb "buchi", which literally means "to hit", but the usage of the prefix is a verb-intensifier.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 190: Kakeru in this context means to shower or pour. The word bukkake is often used in Japanese to describe pouring out a liquid with sufficient momentum to cause splashing or spilling. Indeed, bukkake is used in Japan to describe a type of dish where hot broth is poured over noodles, as in bukkake udon and bukkake soba.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 192: in Japanese bukkake videos, female performers are frequently dressed as office ladies or in school uniforms, and they are being humiliated, whereas women in Western-style bukkake videos are portrayed as enjoying the scene.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 196: Japanese bukkake will leave the most dramatic effects on both the performer and the person who was watching. Both parties will both be left satisfied in their own way. The users of a handkerchief are many.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 314: 9/11 ja Irakin ryöstöretken jälkeen Rein isänmaan maine on pohjalukemissa. Aikaisemmat kaverit, kanadalainen homo ja ranskalainen lepakko tuntuvat nyt ventovierailta. Minni ryhmittyy isänmaallisesti pahan pensaan alle nauttimaan Freedom Friesejä ja vaihtaa juopon skotin vielä komentelevampaan kotimaiseen crewcuttiin tyylittömissä Brooks Brotherseissa.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 404: Chika halusi liikkua bändin kanssa vapaasti. Siis miten kysyi Norie täti epäluuloisesti. Millaista liikkumista se on? No horisontaalista, neuvoi Rei, ei niinkuin Takeo joka naulizi Rein tatamiin kuin perhosen. Vaikka saattaahan sitä tulla niinkin, jopa 2x, jos on taitava. Sujata ei pitänyt japsujen currystä, se oli liian paxua. 18v emi kuoli ja hede nuupahti. Emin isä pyysi Emin kamikazea julkisesti anteexi mikä oli Reistä naurettavaa. Anteexi mixi? Reinhän tässä pitäisi pyytää anteexi. Emi oli pinnallinen mutta rakasti oikeasti Takeota. Hän erehtyi kuvittelemaan että parittelimme romanttisessa mielessä. Vaixe oli vain isänmaallista anaaliseroottista yhdyntää kahteen otteeseen. En gång är ingen gång men två gånger är en vana.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 444: Overall, Balthus had an idyllic memory of these early childhood years, which were disrupted when, shortly after the First World War began in 1914, the family were forced to leave Paris in order to avoid deportation due to their German citizenship. They settled in Switzerland, near Geneva. Hyvä että lähti, Aatu olis tehnyt niistä grilliherkkua.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 462: Torin kupeeseen "halutaan" lisää palveluita ja asuntoja.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 91: According to Erja Yläjärvi's participatory research, there is a huge variety in the length people typically had sex, ranging from as low as 33 seconds to as high as 44 minutes. “The median time was 5.4 minutes, which is almost a full 2.5 minutes longer than back in the 1940s when famous sex researcher Alfred Kinsey deduced that three-quarters of men finished within two minutes,” she reported.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 100: It is obvious that rock and roll beats imitate these body rythms. Pelkkä BPM on turha mitta, pääasia on että biisistä löytyy kututahti sopivalla jaotuxella. That's just rock and roll but I like it. Synkopoitu tahti jolla mulkku jotmuilee sisään ulos vulvasta. In 2021, rock has gone quiet in a music landscape ruled by pop and hip-hop.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 117: Isä löi ja pani perseeseen, nyt pönkitetään huonoa itsetuntoa. Sen muija on naamasta rupsahtanut, velkalambo on 10v vanha.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 133: Kleinschmidt published a journal article in which he describes the case of a “successful Southern playwright” with an overbearing mother: “His rebellion was sexualized, leading to compulsive masturbation which provided an outlet for a myriad of hostile fantasies. These same masturbatory fantasies he both acted out and channeled into his writing.”
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 137: “A fiction writer’s life is his treasure, his ore, his savings account, his jungle gym,” he wrote. “As long as I am alive, I don’t want somebody else playing on my jungle gym—disturbing my aborted children, quizzing my ex-wife, bugging my present wife, seeking for Judases among my friends, rummaging through yellowing old clippings, quoting in extenso bad reviews I would rather forget, and getting everything slightly wrong.”
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 147: Nathan, you don't have to defend yourself. Why shouldn't you enjoy your first bit of recognition? Who deserves it more than a gifted young man like yourself? Think of all the worthless people held in esteem every day: moviestars, politicians, athletes. Because you happen to be a writer doesn't mean you have to deny yourself the ordinary human pleasure of being praised and applauded.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 152: Kekäs se tää Lonoff niikö oli? Ilmeisesti Bernard Malamud. Lonoff was, according to Morris Dickstein, “based on Malamud” (Dickstein 189) and, according to Louis Harap, “a transparent representation of Bernard Malamud” (Harap 146). Berny taisi tosiaan olla tollanen anaalinen vaimonpetturi, itki nussiessaan nubiileja coedejä.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 159: Isaak Emmanuilovitš Babel oli venäläinen näytelmäkirjailija ja novellisti. Babel syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen Ukrainassa Odessassa aikana, jolloin juutalaiset pakenivat joukoittain Venäjältä. Hän selvisi vuoden 1905 vainoista kristittyjen naapurien avulla mutta menetti hötäkässä isoisänsä. Tostakohan ne etukirjaimet Lonoffille tulevat. Babel käytti liikaa adjektiiveja.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 185: Jumanzukka miten nää kynäilijät on sit narsisteja. Ihan oxettaa. Ja sitäpaizi homoja. Perimältään homoja koska ne rakastavat juurikin izeään. Mutta silti valmiita tuikkaamaan istutuspuikkonsa jokaiseen tuoreeseen tussukkaan.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 245: Narsismi on persoonallisuushäiriö silloin kun se on häiriöxi muille. Anna Gullichsen, erikoissairaiden hoitaja, varmaan varakasta norjalaista metsänraiskaaja- ja mesenaattisukua, nainen gullichsen ja gulli naisexeen, listaa narsistin käytösoireita. Miten narsisti käyttäytyy?
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 413: Aminatu (also Amina; died 1610) was a Hausa (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hausa_people) Muslim (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim) historical figure in the city-state (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hausa_Kingdoms) Zazzau (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zazzau) (present-day city of Zaria (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaria) in Kaduna State (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaduna_State)), in what is now in the north-west region of Nigeria (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria). She might have ruled in the mid-sixteenth century. A controversial figure whose existence has been questioned by some historians, her real biography has been somewhat obscured by subsequent legends and folk tales.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 421: After the suspicious death of her brother Karami in 1576, Amina ascended to the position of queen. Zazzau was one of the original seven Hausa States (Hausa Bakwai), the others being Daura, Kano, Gobir, Katsina, Rano, and Garun Gabas. Before Amina assumed the throne, Zazzau was one of the largest of these states. It was also the primary source of slaves that would be sold at the slave markets of Kano and Katsina by Arab merchants.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 425: Legends cited by Sidney John Hogben say that she took a new lover in every town she went through, each of whom was said to meet the same unfortunate fate in the morning: "her brief bridegroom was beheaded so that none should live to tell the tale." Under Amina, Zazzau controlled more territory than ever before. To mark and protect her new lands, Amina had her cities surrounded by earthen walls. These walls became commonplace across the nation until the British conquest of Zazzau in 1904, and many of them survive today, known as ganuwar Amina (Amina's walls)
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 431: Most of all, the Dahomey Amazons struck Barton: “These women had so well developed skeleton and muscles that it was possible to determine the sex only by the presence of the breast and vagina.”
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 482: These findings suggest that orgasm inequality likely worsens rather than improves within a relationship when women climax less often than their male partner and then place less importance this kind of sexual pleasure. The Rutgers authors said it's important to increase women's expectations for and entitlement to orgasm during sex with men in order to break this cycle.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 487: Maybe, but this argument is outdated and completely irrelevant! Jehovan käsky on jo täytetty, maa vilisee jo pikku kärppiä. Mixi Grace valkkasi noin tätimäiset housut esitelmäasuxi? Eikös aiheeseen olis sopineet reikäiset farkut jotka kaivautuvat pillurakoon? Noihan raidalliset lökäpöxyt on yhtä sexikkäät kuin Lealla.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 493: Jos elämäsi silti kaipaa tarkoitusta ja syvempää merkitystä, käänny uskontopellejen puoleen, sieltä sitä pesee, eikä orgasmitiheys enää paina, ei lyhyt elämäkään vaivaa koska siitä on suurin osa vielä edessä tosin kiven takana. Ei helvetti kyllä tää on erinomaisen selvää kehitystä kohti termiittipesää, jossa keskiluokan raitahousu coedit mezästää orgasmia klitorixen pohjalta kuin kadonnutta aarretta ja lisääntyminen jää upporikkaile ja rutiköyhille.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 504: The county does not have to do this, but the tradition, which dates back to 1896, has become a sacred event for the many county workers — coroners, researchers — whose job it is to investigate how people die in Los Angeles. Their work is a long process of figuring out who these people were, and if there are loved ones looking for them. Nearly all of the forgotten Angelenos honored this year died in 2015, and in most cases a relative was found but for whatever reason — financial hardship, estrangement — they did not want to claim the remains.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 150: Ralph was the inspiration for the animated character Fred Flintstone. Alice (née Alice Gibson), played in the first nine skits from 1951 to January 1952 by Pert Kelton, and by Audrey Meadows for all remaining episodes, is Ralph's patient but sharp-tongued wife of 14 years. She often finds herself bearing the brunt of Ralph's tantrums and demands, which she returns with biting sarcasm. She is levelheaded, in contrast to Ralph's pattern of inventing various schemes to enhance his wealth or his pride. She sees his schemes' unworkability, but he becomes angry and ignores her advice (and by the end of the episode, her misgivings almost always prove correct). She has grown accustomed to his empty threats—such as "One of these days, POW!!! Right in the kisser!", "BANG, ZOOM!" or "You're going to the Moon!"— to which she usually replies, "Ahhh, shaddap!" Alice runs the finances of the Kramden household, and Ralph frequently has to beg her for money to pay for his lodge dues or crazy schemes. Alice studied to be a secretary before her marriage and works briefly in that capacity when Ralph is laid off. Wilma Flintstone is based on Alice Kramden.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 246: Thousands of detectives and forensic evidence specialists worked for over 1.7 million hours at Fresh Kills Landfill to try to recover remnants of the people killed in the attacks. A final count of 4,257 human remains was retrieved, but only 300 people could be reconstructed from these remains. A memorial was built in 2011, which also honors those whose identities were not able to be determined from the debris. The remaining waste was buried in a 40-acre (160,000 m2) portion of the landfill; it is highly likely that this debris still contains fragmentary human remains like condoms, false teeth and pacemakers.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 248: Täyttömaan kerrosten seassa näkyi väriläikkiä, pilkahduxia ja välähdyxiä, tuulentuivertamia kangaspaloja tekstiilitehtaasta, tai ehkä tuo vihreänsininen kappale on bikinien alaosa joka on kuulunut queensilaiselle sihteerille: nainen on tummasilmäinen ja lukee iltapäivälehtiä ja lakkaa kynsiään ja syö lounasta styroxkotelosta, ja Brian antaa hänelle pian kondomillisen nuijapäitä, kun hän antaa Brianille bikinien alaosan raosta pillua, ja kaikki päätyy roskaläjään - ajatelkaa hänen lukemattomia siittiöitään ja niiden turhaan kuljettamaa korkeaotsaisuuden geeniä. Hän katsoi miten useat lokit kaarsivat läheltä ja näki sata muuta, jotka olivat asettuneet rinteeseen, kaikki katsoen samaan suuntaan liikkumattomina, valppaina, lentoonlähtömerkkiä odottaen, ja niillä oli yhteinen tietoisuus, kaunis tyhjä lintuisuus.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 273: Tahalteen vaiko tahattomasti Lillo osaa luetella amerikkalaisen moukkamaisen yltäkylläisyyden limaisimpia muotoja, biljonääriunelmia ja bionista kuolemattomuutta, transhumanismia. Marvinin mielestä Gorbazhovin ozassa oli kartta Latviasta. Nyt on Gorbazhovkin kuollut, olikohan Latviasta kasvanut jo Ukraina. Vieraat ihmiset tulisivat pesemään hänen sukuelimensä, täysin joutavat pussukat ja letkun, maahanmuuttajat jostain länkkäreiden riistämästä köyhälästä, molemminpuolinen yäk yäk. Amerikkalaiset kenkäkauppiaat säteilytti lasten jalkoja röntgensäteillä. Matt ja Pat riitelevät äidistä, mutta oikeasti isästä, joka oli pikkukonna ja sairaalloinen narsisti. Siis Mattin mielestä, Don jaxoi isiä ihaillen muistella. Don on väpelö joka pelkää rottaa jota sen kaavailtu peloton saxalainen pano jahtaa luuta kädessä. Don luikki karkuun laiha häntä koipien välissä. Tulee mieleen MIT:n professori Irene Heim. Ajatella että sekin antoi mulle kerran fotzea. Ei kyllä enempää kuin kerran, se olikin enempi noita lepinkäisiä. Chomsky on ysikymppisenä pienen juutalaisen tädin näköinen.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 322: Bobby Fischer changed the world! I believe he inherited some family mental disorders, and had deep issues regarding his father (as you may or may not know, Mr. Fischer was not his real father - his real father was a Hungarian (I believe a physicist) to whom Bobby bore an amazing resemblance! His BBC accent was just too good, so he must be a - Hungarian!
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 336: Fischer: Yeah. Nobody here gives a shit about the Japanese. How many hundreds of thousand people did the US kill with the atom bombs , justifying it with the most ridiculous excuse that it saved millions American soldiers, when Japan would gonna surrender in a few weeks or month or so anyway. Right? The United State is based on lies, is based on theft. Look what I have done for the US. Nobody has single handily done more for the US them me, I really believe in this. When I won the World Championship in 1972, the United States had an image of ,you know, a football country, baseball country, but nobody thought of it as an intellectual country. I turned all that around single handily, right? But I was useful then because it was the cold war, right? But now I'm not useful anymore, you see, the cold war is over and now they want to wipe me out, get everything I have, put me into prison.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 366: The exhumation reportedly took place in the presence of a doctor, a priest and the local sheriff, Ólafur Helgi Kjartansson. Fischer was reburied after DNA samples were taken, at least according to Kjartansson. I bet they just left it lying there for the seagulls. Fischer died in Iceland in 2008, aged 64. He left no will and legal wrangling over his estate continues. This article is over 12 years old. The girl is over 21 years old by now.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 401: Lillon mantra oli joltain epsanjalaiselta mustikolta, se oli ikäänkuin sen lovipäinen tero tiellä pimeyteen: Todo o Nada, kaikki tai ei mitään, atominen transaktio. Kamat on ladattava kaikki pussiin kerralla tai ei ollenkaan. Sexi on yxi meidän pikku salaisuuxistamme. Kiimaiset kirjoittajat sepittävät sexikohtauxia. "Kaipaavan rakkauden terävä nuoli", se kuulostaa Akun hoidosta pornolta. Vaikka tylppä päähän siittimellä on ja yllättävän pehmeä, vaikka varsi vaikuttaisi kovalta. Ei se haavaa tee vaikka kovaakin rynkyttäisi. Paizi immenkalvon se voi kyllä puhkaista. Noniin, eka varsinainen panokohtaus sivulla 331. (Marianin ja Brianin aiempia toilailuja ei voi laskea.) Löllö vetää varsinaisen aktin läpi aika skezimäisesti. Ei tosta kyllä juuri lämmennyt. "Kyllä teki hyvää käydä paljain jaloin kusella rankan ja kunnollisen panon jälkeen." Höh, röörit ovat niin täynnä siemennestettä ettei kusi edes tahdo tulla. Eikä se ole kirkkaan keltaista vaan saippuaista vaahtoa. Puhukaa sonogrammilaitteseen. Uskotko sinä jumalaan? Uskon kai. Mennään joskus kazomaan sen ottelua.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 447: WW wrote: “There are 10,000 sanitation workers in New York City. They are asking for a $12 a week raise in pay. The total cost to the city would be about $6 million a year. … Last fall a little group of bankers convinced the city it needed ‘better subways’ and got a referendum passed to spend $2.5 billion for these allegedly better means of transport. This clique of bankers will supply the $2.5 billion of other people’s money for a price. They will rake off $125 million in tax-free interest each year for themselves and the city will pay it. That’s 21 times the $6 million the sanitation workers are asking for. And these bankers would never have to lift a garbage pail!”
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 467: On Feb. 1, two African-American sanitation workers, Echol Cole and Robert Walker, had been crushed to death in one of the city’s outdated trucks. Memphis had no facilities for Black workers to wash up, change clothes or get out of the rain. Cole and Walker were sheltering from the rain inside the truck’s barrel when the compacting mechanism malfunctioned. The truck hadn’t been repaired because the city wouldn’t spend money for safety for these workers.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 473: Epps said: “It was you who gave [the Memphis sanitation workers] the courage to act. It was these men from New York, if I may use the colloquialism, that fired the shot and made [the U.S.] stand up and its conscience be pricked and compelled Dr. King and others like him to come into the fray.” (Workers World, Jan. 8, 2011) After the murder of Dr. King, oppressed communities in 110 U.S. cities rose up in rebellion.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 479: Now more than ever, it is crucial to remember the lessons of these earlier, militant strikes, led primarily by African-American workers, the majority living under brutal segregation in the South, but courageously fighting on.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 483: Today, in the face of these attacks, the 1968 NYC sanitation workers’ strike continues to be a spark for labor unity and class struggle.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 149: After Jay Wurstin dies prematurely, he is buried in the cemetery plot originally reserved for Amy’s father, who had sold it to him years earlier. Now Amy wants to remove Jay’s body to the burial plot of his own family so that her father, who is still alive at an advanced age, can eventually be buried there, mikä on hyvin juutalainen juttu. In a limousine provided by Adletsky, Amy and Trellman disinter and rebury the body. Moved by this scene of cell death and urban renewal, Trellman confesses to Amy that he has always loved her, that he has what he terms an “actual affinity” for her (hence the title of the story). He then asks her to marry him. Teinityttönä Amy oli ollut hoikka hempeä olento. Nyt hiän oli vankka kuin tiilestä tehty paskahuusi. Hänen ainoa aarteensa oli tää Salen tolvana. Veistäisin paremman miehen puupalikasta. Samaa voisin sanoa eräistä Helmin poikaystävistä, mutten sano, koska Seija on kieltänyt. Tyydyn veistämään puupalikasta naishahmoja.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 345: Ok, I tried. This novella is only about 100 pages long, but I got 10 pages in and I'm just not in any way interested. He's not Chinese, but he sort of looks like he's Chinese, so he goes to China for five years, but returns to Chicago to be near a woman he hasn't seen in 15 years because he's never been able to stop thinking about her, but then he's told he looks like he's Japanese, and gosh that's true! so he cuts his hair to look more Japanese, and he goes to a dinner party with rich people, then runs into the woman he's been pining over for 15 years and doesn't recognize her, and I just couldn't go any further. Another one off my shelf!
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 365: Eliot was in love three times (not counting the catamites), and each of those loves became events in his artistic and spiritual lives – and two of the women involved were massively the worse for it. Vivien Eliot was a difficult woman, yet Eliot – who had connived at her affair with Bertrand Russell – treated her, with the agreement of his spiritual advisers, with a coldness that helped break her spirit, perhaps her mind. Emily Hale was the woman he deserted for Vivien; she spent her life at his encouragement waiting for Vivien to die, and it was in her presence that he had some of his deepest moments of spiritual intensity – yet she was eventually dismissed from his life with equal coldness. They were both central to his greatest works: Vivien to The Waste Land and Emily to much of The Four Quartets.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 450: Brilliant Facts About Ukranian Wives in 2022. Ukranian mail order brides have always been popular amongst men from foreign lands. They’re stunning, well-mannered, and know etiquette perfectly well. You’ll find these brides to be an asset in the marriage. They aren’t just pretty or meant for the house, there’s much more inside. Find out the reasons why these girls are so popular among Western grooms and what makes them stand out!
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 499: A man with an apparent 48-year grudge has been going each morning to urinate on the grave of his ex, much to the horror of her furious kids, who realized something was wrong when they discovered bags of poop left at their mom’s final resting place. “I felt like getting out and killing him,” said Michael Andrew Murphy, 43, told The Post of what it was like to catch the man he says has been desecrating the burial site of his mom, Linda Torello. Then my sis could have gone and peed, crapped and menstruated on his.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 501: esecrating-grave-5.jpg" width="30%" />
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 506: Murphy said the video and pictures he and his sister got indicated that the man drove to the cemetery almost every morning between 6:14 a.m. and 6:18 a.m. with his current wife, got out of the car, walked to Torello’s grave and peed on it. (How could one video possibly indicate as much as that?) “I can’t get my wife to go out to dinner but this guy gets his wife to go along with him to desecrate my mom’s remains every morning!” Murphy fumed.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 516: Best friends Fred and Barney awaken with hangovers and no memory of the previous night. Their television is on, showing a program about animals using rubble and flintstones as currency to get food. In the program is a monkey nicknamed Andrew. It's the best actor of the film. Pity it only has a cameo role. Their refrigerator is filled with containers of chocolate pudding, and the answering machine contains an angry message from their twin girlfriends Wilma and Betty as to their whereabouts. The two also learn they have almost been fired from their jobs at the quarry. They emerge from their home to find Fred's car missing, and with it their baby girlfriends' first-anniversary presents. This prompts Fred to ask the film's titular question: "Dude, where's my car?"
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 520: Because the girls have promised them a "special treat", which Fred and Barney take to mean sexual intercourse, the men are desperate to retrieve their car. The duo begins retracing their steps in an attempt to discover where they left the car. Along the way, they encounter a transgender stripper, a belligerent speaker box operator at a Chinese restaurant's drive-through, two tattoos they discover on each other's backs, UFO cultists led by Zoltan (who later hold the twins hostage), a Cantonese-speaking Chinese tailor, the Zen-minded Nelson and his cannabis-loving dog Jackal, beautiful Christie Boner, her aggressive jock boyfriend Tommy and his friends, a couple of hard-nosed police detectives, and a reclusive French ostrich named Pierre. They also meet two groups of aliens, one group being five gorgeous women, the other being two Norwegian men, searching for the "Continuum Transfunctioner": an extraterrestrial device that the boys accidentally picked up last night.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 532: Enraged, the five alien women merge to become a beautiful giantess clad in a purple bra and miniskirt. She devours Tommy alive in front of Christie, who reacts with indifference. The giantess then crawls out of the amusement center and chases Fred and Barney. The cultists tell them to activate the Photon Accelerator Annihilation Beam on the Transfunctioner. However, the button that activates it is too far in to reach. As a last straw, Chester remembers the nature show with Andtew the tool-using chimpanzee and uses a straw to push the reset button, thus destroying the alien and starting the film from the beginning.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 540: The protectors park the duo's car, a Renault Le Car, behind a mail truck for them to find the following morning. Fred and Barney salvage their relationships with the twins and discover the special treat from the girls turns out to be matching berets with Fred's and Barney's tiny penises embroidered in the front. The protectors, seeing the problem, leave a gift for their girlfriends (and, for the two men): Penis Enhancement Necklaces. The film ends with Fred, Barney, and the twins going out for Chinese food in Fred's car, while arguing about what their tattoos say.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 576: Miesten odotellessa öljynvaihtoa Wall-e lopulta haluaa kertoa McCrealle mitä todella ajattelee tämän tarinoista ja tavasta elää. Hän sanoo, ettei pohjimmiltaan ymmärrä mistä McCrea oikein puhuu, koska itse nauttii valtavasti pienistä arkisista asioista tavallisessa porvarillisessa elämässään, kuten tyhjien pullojen keruusta roskalaatikoista ja sähköhuovasta. Hän sanoo sellaisten yhteisöjen, joissa McCrea on elänyt, olevan suunniteltu ihmisille jotka haluavat kokea täydellisen tarkoituksettomuuden kalliimmalla hinnalla. McCrea puolustautuu sanomalla, että valtaosa ihmisistä pakenee tällästä älyllistä byssötystä työhön, tylsään parisuhteeseen tai mihin hyvänsä olosuhteisiin jossa voivat toimia kuin robotit. Hyvästä syystäkin.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 605: Gary Adrian Condit (born April 21, 1948) is an American former politician who represented California's 18th congressional district in the House of Representatives from 1989 to 2003. He gained significant national attention for an extramarital affair with Chandra Levy, an intern with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The affair was publicized after Levy's disappearance in May 2001 and the discovery of Levy's remains a year later. Although Condit was never formally a suspect in Levy's disappearance and murder, he lost the 2002 Democratic primary based in large part on negative publicity from the scandal.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 627: Vielä viimeiseksi me pyydämme Sinulta, oi Pyhä pihavalvoja, että Jack Welch joutuisi uimaan saastuttamassaan Hudsonjoessa, että Hollywoodin tuottajat joutuisivat katsomaan omia elokuviaan yhä uudestaan ja uudestaan ja uudestaan, että Jesse Helmsiä suutelisi suulle hänen oman sukupuolensa edustaja, että Chris Matthews menettäisi puhekykynsä, että Bill O'Reillysta päästettäisiin ilmat - mahd. nopeasti - pihalle ja että kaikki tupakkaa polttavat muuttuisivat itsekin tuhkaksi. Ai niin, ja lähetä parvi vihaisia heinäsirkkoja Mississipin suuresta osavaltiosta kotoisin olevan senaatin vähemmistön johtajan hiuslisäkkeeseen.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 70: On se kyllä kumma miten jenkki ei pääse karvoistaan edes käydessään mielikuvituxessaan universumin ulkoreunalla. Konseptio estää reseption.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 107: Mistäs nää Ursulan "hainit" tulevat? Perhaps the Middle English word heyne (and its variants, such as haine, hayn ), meaning 'mean wretch, niggard'? Tai Robert Heinlein — aus einer Koseform von Heinrich entstandener Familienname? Ach nein, nö! Heine: Dieser Name leitet sich vom hebräischen Wort für das Leben ab.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 261: In December 2009, Le Guin resigned from the Authors Guild in protest over its endorsement of Google's book digitization project. "You decided to deal with the devil", she wrote in her resignation letter. "There are principles involved, above all the whole concept of copyright; and these you have seen fit to abandon to a corporation, on their terms, without a struggle."
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 269: Dad´s discipline of cultural anthropology had a powerful influence on Le Guin´s writing. Her father Alfred Kroeber is considered a pioneer in the field, and was a director of the University of California Museum of Anthropology: as a consequence of his research, Le Guin was exposed to anthropology and cultural exploration as a child. In addition to myths and legends, she read such volumes as The Leaves of the Golden Bough by Lady Frazer, a children´s book adapted from The Golden Bough, a study of myth and religion by her husband James George Frazer. She described living with her father´s friends and acquaintances as giving her the experience of the other sex. The experiences of Ishi, in particular, were influential on Le Guin, and elements of his story have been identified in works such as Planet of Exile, City of Illusions, and The Word for World Is Forest and The Dispossessed.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 271: Several scholars have commented that Le Guin´s writing was influenced by Carl Jung, and specifically by the idea of Jungian archetypes. In particular, the shadow in A Wizard of Earthsea is seen as the Shadow archetype from Jungian psychology, representing Ged´s pride, fear, and desire for power. Le Guin discussed her interpretation of this archetype, and her interest in the dark and repressed parts of the psyche, in a 1974 lecture. She stated elsewhere that she had never read Jung before writing the first Earthsea books. Other archetypes, including the Mother, Animus, and Anima, have also been identified in Le Guin´s writing.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 275: Although Le Guin is primarily known for her works of speculative fiction, she also wrote realistic fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and several other literary forms, which makes her work quite difficult for librarians to classify. Her writings received critical attention from mainstream critics, critics of children´s literature, and critics of speculative fiction. Le Guin herself said that she would prefer to be known as an "American novelist". Le Guin´s transgression of conventional boundaries of genre led to literary criticism of Le Guin becoming "Balkanized", particularly between scholars of children´s literature and speculative fiction. Commentators have noted that the Earthsea novels specifically received less critical attention because they were considered children´s books. Le Guin herself took exception to this treatment of children´s literature, describing it as "adult chauvinist piggery". In 1976, literature scholar George Slusser criticized the "silly publication classification designating the original series as 'children's literature'", while in Barbara Bucknall´s opinion Le Guin "can be read, like Tolkien, by ten-year-olds and by adults. These stories are ageless because they deal with problems that beset us at any age."
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 294: Le Guin responded to these critiques in her subsequent writing. She intentionally used feminine pronouns for all sexually latent Gethenians in her 1995 short story "Coming of Age in Karhide", and in a later reprinting of "Winter's King", which was first published in 1969. "Coming of Age in Karhide" was later anthologized in the 2002 collection The Birthday of the World, which contained six other stories featuring unorthodox sexual relationships and marital arrangements. She also revisited gender relations in Earthsea in Tehanu, published in 1990. This volume was described as a rewriting or reimagining of The Tombs of Atuan, because the power and status of the female protagonist Tenar are the inverse of what they were in the earlier book, which was also focused on her and Ged. During this later period she commented that she considered The Eye of the Heron, published in 1978, to be her first work genuinely centered on a woman.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 300: Each volume of Anals of the Western Shore also describes the coming of age of its protagonists, and features explorations of being enslaved to one´s own power. The process of growing up is depicted as seeing beyond narrow choices the protagonists are presented with by society. In Gifts, Orrec and Gry realize that the powers their people possess can be used in two ways: for control and dominion, or for healing and nurturing. Which will it be? This recognition allows them to take a third choice, viz. make like a tree and leave. This wrestling with choice has been compared to the choices the characters are forced to make in Le Guin´s short story "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas". Similarly, Ged helps Tenar in The Tombs of Atuan to value herself and to find choices that she did not see, leading her to leave the Tombs with him. But remember, Le Guin never left Portland where her wimpy husband could barely hold a teaching job.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 304: The Dispossessed, set on the twin planets of Urras and Anarres, features a planned anarchist society depicted as an "ambiguous utopia". The society, created by settlers from Urras, is materially poorer than the wealthy society of Urras, but ethically and morally more advanced. Unlike classical utopias, the society of Anarres is portrayed as neither perfect nor static; the protagonist Shevek finds himself traveling to Urras to pursue his research. Nonetheless, the misogyny and hierarchy present in the authoritarian society of Urras is absent among the anarchists, who base their social structure on cooperation and individual liberty. The Eye of the Heron, published a few years after The Dispossessed, was described as continuing Le Guin´s exploration of human freedom, through a conflict between two societies of opposing philosophies: a town inhabited by descendants of pacifists, and a city inhabited by descendants of criminals.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 306: Always Coming Home, set in California in the distant future, examines a warlike society, resembling contemporary American society, from the perspective of the Kesh, its pacifist neighbors. The society of the Kesh has been identified by scholars as a feminist utopia, which Le Guin uses to explore the role of technology. Scholar Warren Rochelle stated that it was "neither a matriarchy nor a patriarchy: men and women just are". Ich bin nur. "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas", a parable depicting a society in which widespread wealth, happiness, and security, comes at the cost of the continued misery of a single child, has also been read as a critique of contemporary American society. The Word for World is Forest explored the manner in which the structure of society affects the natural environment; in the novel, the natives of the planet of Athshe have adapted their way of life to the ecology of the planet. The colonizing human society, in contrast, is depicted as destructive and uncaring; in depicting it, Le Guin also critiqued colonialism and imperialism, driven partly by her disapproval for U.S. intervention in the Vietnam War.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 347: In the 1960s, the New Criticism, which since has taken hold at most American universities, came into vogue, insisting that literature be reexamined through multiple lenses so that new interpretations and voices would flourish. Elaborate curriculums looked at literature through different prisms: gay, feminist, Marxist, deconstructionist and others. Bloom was enraged. He spent decades lambasting the New Criticism, refusing to have anything to do with these critics and labeling them derisively as “the school of resentment.” Many resented his elitism.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 458: Ymmärrystä sivuoven salasuhteeseen lisäsi se, ettei Elisabeth Rehn itsekään ollut ollut "mikään pyhimys". Hän paljastaa, että eräällä lomamatkalla hänellekin syntyi romanssi. "Siellä sitten vähän retkahdin, olin suoraan sanottuna uskoton. Kerroin sen heti ovella kun tulin kotiin, vaikka ei ehkä olisi edes tarvinnut - se nyt olisikin vielä puuttunut...
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 480: Ehkä ryssät panostivat Itämeren kaasulinjan Nobelin dynamiittipötköillä jo rakennettaessa juuri tämmöisiä kriisitilanteita varten. Linja sopii räjäyttää näin talven tullen vastavetona länkkäreiden yltyvälle sotainnolle ja nälistyxelle. Saavatpahan tuta keski-Euroopassa miten vetää nenättien bajamajoissa. Ukrainan selkkaus yllätti lännen aseteollisuuden housut nilkoissa. Kohta ei riitä länkkäreillä pateja edes omaan tarpeeseen. Ja silloin uhkaa Kiina tehdä Plopovin izemurhasiirron USAn selän takana ja miehittää lopultakin valkoisen generalissimo Ziang Kai Shekin pakosaaren Formosan. Jännä miten tämäkin kaveri on tyystin häivytetty Wikipedian Taiwanin historiaosiosta. Siellä vaan hoetaan ettei kiinalaisia ole ollut Formosalla kuin 300 vuotta ja että se oli länkkäreillä ennen sitä. No eipä jenkit ole senkään aikaa pitäneet länsi-inkkareilta ryöväämäänsä brittisiirtomaata hallussaan. Wikipediaan ei ole luottamista kun jenkki-intressit on vaakalaudalla.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 489: Alexander Stubb istui toimistossa Rysselissä shorzit nilkoissa ja puhui suureen puhelimeen. Stubbin lisäxi huoneeseen ei mahtunut kuin 2 tuolia, pieni sohva ja siihen asennettu suihkulla varustettu bidee. Huone muistutti ruozinlaivan hyttiä. Stubb virnisti hammasrivi loistaen. Olen melkein läpi, hän sanoi vetkuttaen letkuaan.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 577: Kaikki mukaan kertosäkeeseen:
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 610: Jag ska presentera för er två personer som agerar springpojkar åt Ryssland i finska politiska livet. De befinner sig i olika extremiteter på det politiska spektrumet.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 149: Melin oli kansanedustajana kolmeen eri otteeseen, ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1966. Hän oli puolustusministerinä lyhytaikaiseksi jääneessä Martti Miettusen (kesk.) hätätilahallituksessa 1970-luvun puolivälissä.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 190: – Speciellt när jag testar nya saker, som att i min senaste roman lämna doldisarna Erica och Patrik och istället presentera en helt ny lady, miljonärshustrun Faye, var en medveten risk jag tog. Som läsare är man rätt konservativ och man tycker om igenkänning, men för att inte tappa lusten behövde jag den här utmaningen. Publiken är nyckfull, samtidigt har jag under åren insett att jag har samma smak som många andra. Om jag tycker om det jag gör är det då stor chans att min publik, 200M vardagsflugor, känner detsamma. Så många flugor kan i inga omständigheter ta fel.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 315: He olivat jo myyneet kuvan Reuterille. Kvällsduvan oli ehtinyt enstexi, kiitos nenäkkään Annika nuuskijan. Annika oli ollut 2kk rikostoimituxen päällikkönä, mitä vittua se sitten vielä kirmaa henk.koht. rikospaikalla? Näillä ämmillä on aina jotain kaunaisia setämiehiä jotka ne on ohittaneet nimityxissä. Kaunaisen Nilsin mielestä pitäs panostaa ennemmin ympäristörikoxiin. Tis-mal-leen! Voi että Nils-setä onkin vaikea. Kaikki ottaa asennon kun päätoimittaja säntää huoneeseen kehua retostamaan Annikaa. Tästä puhuttaisiin vielä pressiklupilla! (E)
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 321: Annikan oza osuu kuivuneeseen kanelipullaan. Tääkin on sit niin tyypillistä että sankari on koko ajan ihan piipussa, mutta jaxaa jaxaa kuitenkin.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 327: In dieser spannenden Jugendgeschichte quer durch den amerikanischen Kontinent, erleben wir wie John Workmann zunächst als bitterarmer Zeitungsjunge eine Gewerkschaft gründet, später Journalist wird, Unternehmer, Lebensretter, Abenteurer und sogar Goldgräber.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 344: Despite the titillating title, there's no sex to speak of in Marklund's second thriller featuring Swedish reporter Annika Bengtzon. The events in this book precede those in The Bomber, which introduced Annika as a successful newspaper editor. Here we see her eight years earlier, working as a summer intern at the same Stockholm paper. A young stripper's body is found in a city park, and as Annika and her colleagues investigate, they discover some strange links between the murder, high-ranking Swedish officials, and an illegal espionage operation long since disbanded. Meanwhile, Annika is struggling with a clingy boyfriend and learning the ins and outs of reporting in a competitive environment. These struggles are more compelling than the crimes she is investigating, and the action tends to move at a snail's pace until the rushed climax. However, fans of The Bomber will enjoy a second dose of spunky Annika and the realistic newsroom scenes. An author's note gives helpful background information on Swedish politics and the real-life inspiration for the story.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 412: - Tämä kortti edustaa tapahtumia, jotka ovat johtaneet nykyiseen tilanteeseen ja voi antaa jonkinlaisen viitteen siitä, kuinka haaste syntyi.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 416: - Tämä kortti heijastaa kuningattaren tavoitetta, pyrkimystä tai parasta tulosta suhteessa tilanteeseen. Siihin querent pyrkii tietoisesti yrittäessään ratkaista ongelman.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 418: - Tämä kortti heijastaa sitä, mikä on kuningattaren alitajuisessa valtakunnassa, ja sukeltaa paljon syvemmälle tilanteen ytimeen. Se symboloi taustalla olevia tunteita ja suuntauksia, jotka liittyvät tilanteeseen ja voi osoittaa, mikä todella ohjaa querentia. Tämä kortti voi tuoda yllätysviestin kuningattajalle, varsinkin jos he eivät ole syvästi yhteydessä sisäiseen olemukseensa (varo tässä käänteisiä kortteja, jotka todennäköisesti osoittavat, että tämä on "tuntematon" kuningattarelle).
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 427: - Tämä kortti kuvaa, mihin tilanne on menossa ja jos/miten ongelma ratkaistaan. Se olettaa tuloksen sen perusteella, että querent jatkaa nykyistä toimintatapaansa. Tietenkin, jos tuloskortti ei ole toivottava lopputulos, voi querentin vapaa tahto tehdä tarvittavat muutokset tilanteeseensa.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 482: Olemme kuunnelleet ja oppineet, ja olemme tulleet tietoisemmiksi siitä, kuinka tiedostamaton rotuennakkoluulomme on vaikuttanut eriarvoisuuteen sekä toimialamme hyväksynnän ja monimuotoisuuden puutteeseen neekereiden parissa.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 521: Kahdeksas kortti sai hänet mietteliääksi. Kortti edusti ulkomaailmasta tulevia energioita, jotka vaikuttaisivat hänen tilanteeseensa.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 544: Ruotsalainen iltapäivälehti Expressen paljasti 24. lokakuuta 2009, että Guillou rekrytoitiin vuonna 1967 salaa KGB:n informantiksi. Guillou vastasi olleensa yhteydessä tehdessään tutkivaa journalismia. Hän sai moneen otteeseen KGB:ltä rahaa antamistaan tiedoista, jotka koskivat Vietnamin sodan vastustajia. Hän otti vastaan myös salaisen tehtävän ja toimitti asiakirjasalkun sovittuun paikkaan. KGB-yhteistyö jatkui vuoteen 1972 asti. Guilloun ystävä ja kollega Arne Lemberg antoi Säpolle vihjeen Guilloun tekemisistä, mutta Säpo ei ryhtynyt asiassa sen tarkempiin tutkimuksiin. Guillou maksoi osan KGB:ltä saamistaan rahoista Lembergille.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 39: "I shall now put a few final questions to the honorable delegation from Rhohchia! Is it not true that many years ago there landed on the then dead planet of Earth a ship carrying your flag, and that, due to a refrigerator malfunction, a portion of its perishables had gone bad? Is it not true that on this ship there were two spacehands, afterwards stricken from all the registers for unconscionable double-dealing with duckweed liverwurst, and that this pair of arrant knaves, these Milky-Way ne'er-do wells, were named Lorrd and God? Is it not true that Lorrd and God decided, in their drunkenness, not to content themselves with the usual pollution of a defenseless, uninhabited planet, that their notion was to set off, in a manner vicious and vile, a biological evolution the likes of which the world had never seen before? Is it not true that both these Rhohches, with malice aforethought, malice of the greatest volume and intensity, de vised a way to make of Earth-on a truly galactic scale-a breed ing ground for freaks, a cosmic side show, a panopticum, an exhibit of grisly prodigies and curios, a display whose living specimens would one day become the butt of jokes told even in the outermost Nebulae?!
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 41: Is it not true that, bereft of all sense of decency and ethical restraints, both these miscreants then emptied on the rocks of lifeless Earth six barrels of gelatinous glue, rancid, plus two cans of albuminous paste, spoiled, and that to this ooze they added some curdled ribose, pentose, and levulose, and-as though that filth were not enough-they poured upon it three large jugs of a mildewed solution of amino acids, then stirred the seething swill with a coal shovel twisted to the left, and also used a poker, likewise bent in the same direction, as a consequence of which the proteins of all future organisms on Earth were LEFT-handed?! And finally, is it not true that God, suffering at the time from a boner and moreover egged on by Lorrd, who was reeling from an excessive intake of intoxicants, did willfully and knowingly jerk off into that protoplasmal matter, and, having infected it thereby with the most virulent viruses, guffawed that he had thus breathed 'the fucking breath of life' into those miserable evolutionary be ginnings?!
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 43: And is it not true that this leftwardness and the virulence were thereafter transmitted and handed down from organism to organism, and now afflict with their continuing presence the innocent representatives of the race Artefacto Abhorrens, who gave themselves the name of 'homo sapiens' pure out of simple-minded ignorance? And therefore is it not that the Rhohches must not only pay the Earthlings' in fee, to the tune of a billion tons of platinum, but also compense the unfortunate victims of their planetary incontinence - in the
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 65: Muista huolehtia päivittäin peniksen puhtaudesta ja opettele nuolemaan hyvin myös tyttöystäväsi kaikki poimut ja raot! Pese peniksesi lämpimällä vedellä ja puhdista bunsenlampulla erityisesti esinahan ja terskan muodostama poimu ja vako.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 66: Huom! Limakalvot erittävät jatkuvasti rasvaista eritettä eli smegmaa, jonka tarkoituksena on suojata herkkää ja ohutta aluetta. Jos sitä ei pese pois säännöllisesti, esinahan alle alkaa kertyä tätä vaaleaa, talimaista eritettä, joka aiheuttaa emättimen kiihotusta ja epämiellyttävän mutta naisia houkuttavan hajun.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 111: Pese rauhallisessa paikassa kätesi, esimerkiksi kaverin kylpyhuoneessa. Sivele etu- ja keskisormiisi jotakin liukastetta, joka ei ärsytä limakalvoja, esimerkiksi ruokaöljyä. Runkku olisi parasta, mutta kyllä rypsiöljy käy hätätilassa.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 116: - Vedä sormesi ulos ja pyyhi kaveriin tai sen puutteessa pese kätesi.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 223: Stanisław Lem syntyi varakkaan juutalaisen (no tietysti!) korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutautilääkärin Samuel Lehmin perheeseen Lwówissa (Hei! se on nykyään Lviv Ukrainassa! Slava Ukrainy!). Hän vietti lapsuutensa ja nuoruutensa Lwówissa ja kävi Drugie Gimnazjum im. Karola Szajnochy -nimisen oppikoulun.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 227: Vuonna 1944 neuvostojoukot valtasivat Lwówin uudestaan, jolloin Lem saattoi jatkaa opintojaan. Pian Lwówin vapauttamisen jälkeen Lem lähetti Neuvostoliiton Puolustuksen kansankomissariaatille kirjeen, jossa hän esitteli piirroksia suunnittelemistaan panssarivaunuista ja muista aseista, kuten raketeista. Lemin vaunut ulottuivat pienistä, yhden sotilaan vaunuista 220 tonniseen Czołg P "maataistelulaivaan". Njeuvostolaiset päästivät vain röhönauruja. Finally, he admitted: “Except for what was mentioned earlier, I also have drafts of assault guns resembling exoskeletons of beetles”, which were not contained in the letter.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 275: Tumpelo puolalainen runoilija ja Nobel-palkittu Czesław Milosz kommentoi tätä erityistä lähestymistavan eroa: "Tarkovskille tärkein asia on maa", jonka hän "täyttää hengellisellä merkityksellä", erityisesti monet sateeseen liittyvät kohtaukset, jotka venäläisessä kulttuurissa Miloszin mielestä "edustavat Pyhää Henkeä". Mitosz näkee tyypillisesti venäläisenä hengellisen merkityksen ja mystiikan lisäämisen maanpäällisiin kuviin.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 281: Vielä yksi mestariohjaaja, japsu Kurosawa, joka tapasi Tarkovskin Solariksen kuvaamisen aikana, oli elokuvan suuri ihailija. Hän ylisti laajennettuja luontokohtauksia, joita jotkut katsojat ovat kutsuneet aivan liian pitkiksi ja hitaiksi. Kurosawa koki, että he (hän ja Andrei) olivat elokuvan emotionaalisen sävyn ja teeman perusta, mikä loi voimakkaan nostalgian maata ja luontoa kohtaan sekä teki kontrastin avaruusasemaan ja siellä aina läsnä olevaan loukkuun jääneeseen tunteeseen mahdolliseksi. Kurosawa arvosti myös sitä, että Tarkovsky ei "viettänyt liikaa aikaa selittämiseen", hän antoi kuvien kertoa tarinan mahdollisuuksien mukaan, jolloin katsoja voi tuntea, mitä tapahtuu, sen sijaan, että kuulisi sen selitettävän vuoropuhelussa.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 288: Tarinan keskeinen ristiriita liittyy yhteen Kelvinin ilmeisistä hallusinaatioista: hänen kuollut vaimonsa Mata Hari ilmestyy huoneeseensa avaruusasemalle eräänä aamuna, näyttää ja käyttäytyy täsmälleen kuten hän oli ennen kuolemaansa vuosia aiemmin, lukuun ottamatta muutamia pieniä eroavaisuuxia (kuten vieteriavain silikonisen Mata Harin selässä), jotka muistuttavat Kelviniä siitä, että hiän ei ole todellinen. Elokuva seuraa Kelviniä ja hänen kollegoitaan, kun he käsittelevät tilannettaan kahdella tasolla: ensinnäkin yrittäen tiedemiehinä selvittää, aiheuttaako tunteva elämä Solariksella näitä visioita ja onko olemassa tapa kommunikoida sen kanssa; ja toiseksi, käsittelemällä sitä emotionaalista vaikutusta, joka aiheutuu heidän henkilökohtaisten haamujensa tapaamisesta.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 312: Palattuaan maan päälle Kevin kamppailee palatakseen normaaliin elämään, jota ahdistaa ajatus siitä, että hän "muisti hiänet väärin" - eli Seya oli aina izetuhoinen. Kun hän vahingossa leikkaa sormensa keittiössään, haava paranee välittömästi, ja silloin Kevin tajuaa olevansa kopio. Takaumassa Kelvin luopuu ajatuksesta nousta pelastusveneeseen, ja tohtori Lordon jättää hänet taakseen. Kun romahtava avaruusasema kolisee palasiksi hänen ympärillään, Gibrarianin nuoren pojan kopio ilmestyy ja tarjoaa kopion jonkun kädestä avuksi. Keittiössä Seya ilmestyy jälleen Kelvinille atomilieden ääressä. Tällä kertaa hän on kuitenkin rauhallinen ja vakuuttaa Kevinille, että heidän ei enää tarvitse ajatella sellaisia termejä kuin "elämä" ja "kuolema" ja että jumala ja lordon sekä Solaris antavat anteeksi kaiken, mitä he ovat koskaan tehneet. Niiden paristot eivät koskaan lopu, ne ovat Duracellin valmistamia. Ajan kanssa kopioille valkenee miten hirveää se on kun patterit ei koskaan lopu.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 326: Eli molemmat nää filmiohjaajat lankesivat alkeelliseen virheeseen, tekivät kardinaalimunauxen Lemin kannalta. Ne on niin antropomorfisia että tekee pahaa. Ei ne kerta kaikkiaan pysty irtautumaan apinaperspektiivistä, niinkuin ei leffojen kazojatkaan. Plopovin izemurhasiirto kerta kaikkiaan. Voi vittu, kannattaako edes yrittää, mahtoi Stan (IQ 180) tuumata.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 345: According to the family legend, Tarkovsky's ancestors on his father's side were princes from the Shamkhalate of Tarki, Dagestan, although his sister Marina Tarkovskaya who did a detailed research on their genealogy called it "a myth, even a prank of sorts," stressing that none of the documents confirms this version.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 349: From 1973 to 1974, he shot the film Zerkalo, a highly autobiographical and unconventionally structured film drawing on his childhood and incorporating some of his father´s poems. In this film Tarkovsky portrayed the plight of childhood affected by war. Tarkovsky had worked on the screenplay for this film since 1967, under the consecutive titles Confession, White day and A white, white day. From the beginning the film was not well received by Soviet authorities due to its content and its perceived elitist nature. Such third rate films also placed the film-makers in danger of being accused of wasting public funds, which could have serious effects on their future productivity. These difficulties are presumed to have made Tarkovsky play with the idea of going abroad and producing a film outside the Soviet film industry.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 426: And even now, in these coming times, Ja vieläkin, näinä tulevina aikoina,
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 448: On the face of it, cosmic exploration of genitals does seem a bit repetitious, viz. those abovementioned and perpetually recurring - as if they represented an unavoidable aspect of the enterprise - sojourns in jail, whether interstellar, planetary, or even nebular, but my situation had never been so dismal as now.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 475: On the face of it, cosmic exploration does seem a bit repetitious, viz. those abovementioned and perpetually recurring - as if they represented an unavoidable aspect of the enterprise - sojourns in jail, whether interstellar, planetary, or even nebular, but my situation had never been so dismal as now.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 479: The Holy Supper consists of family thrashing, playful anticipation for the Afterbirth of Christ, and a fast meal on twelve dishes. These are the essential components of the evening gathering. The details can be adjusted to fit your family’s situation. Dad's belt and the tongues of mom's thigh length boots will do fine for a meal. Enjoy your time together as you prepare for the coming of our Lord into the House of Loaves.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 490: After dipping her middle finger into her honey jar, the mother made a little chalk cross on the clanking foreheads of all present, including herself.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 493: The mother then dipped garlic into her honey jar and each one present had to taste it. They believed that garlic chased away all pagan and evil spirits and kept them healthy. While giving the garlic to taste, the mother said: “May God grant that you be as smelly as this garlic!”
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 502: The traditional Holy Supper consists of twelve dishes in honor of the size of Jesus´ sandals. This is a day of fast food, so all dishes should be selected and prepared with a lot of meat, cheese and dairy products. In addition, huge portions should be served in keeping with the character of feasting, this is not a fucking East European breakfast!
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 554: Zur gestrandeten Familie gehören der Vater, ein Pfarrer (parsons), der die Abenteuer erzählt, seine Ehefrau, die vier Knaben Fritz (16 Jahre), Ernst (14 Jahre), Jakob/Jack (12 Jahre) und Franz (9 Jahre) sowie die beiden Doggen Türk und Bill. Sie möchten ein neues Leben auf den Gewürzinseln beginnen. Auf dem Weg nach Australien werden sie mitten im Indischen Ozean infolge eines schweren Sturms schiffbrüchig, können aber noch eine ganze Menge von diversen Gebrauchsgegenständen und Tiere vom Schiff auf eine tropische Insel retten. Aber keine Mädchen! Hier lernen sie mit den vorhandenen Werkzeugen und mit den auf der Insel entdeckten Dingen umzugehen und diese zu nutzen. Aber keine Mädchen! So baut sich die Familie ein Baumhaus, lernt jagen und fischen und führt ein einfaches, aber zufriedenes Leben. Nach über zehn Jahren verschlägt es die englische Schiffbrüchige Jenny auf das verlassene Eiland. Sie wird von den Robinsons-Jungen feiernd in die Familie aufgenommen. (Na endlich!) Einige Zeit später nähert sich der Insel ein englisches Schiff. Die Eltern entschließen sich, mit einem Teil der Kinder auf „Neu-Schweizerland“ zu bleiben um dort mit ihnen alt zu werden. Fritz und Franz trennen sich gemeinsam mit Jenny dagegen von der Familie und reisen nach Europa zurück um eine ménage a trois in Ruhe zu genießen.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 610: Shabba Ranks advocating crucifixion of homosexuals, which received universal condemnation from presenter Lamarr, who rooted for good old castration.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 74: Welcome! I am a PhD student at the University of Buffalo working on the Problem of Universals. My focus is on the Early Modern period. This functions as a window into many other philosophical problems, including those of interest to a broader academic community, such as those found in applied ethics (e.g., biomedical ethics or professional ethics) and in applied ontology (e.g., a web ontology representation of what exists in, say, the relationships between paper documents and the information they contain or the obligations they prescribe).
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 97: 27. No Dead Testimony or History has any Authority, but by virtue of Living Testimony or Tradition. For, since Falshoods may be Written or Printed as well as Truths, it follows that nothing is therefore of any Authority, because ‘tis Written or Printed. Wherefore, no Book or History can Authenticate another Book; whence follows that, if it have any Authority, it must have it from Living Authority or Tradition, continuing down to us the Consent of the World, from the time that Author Writ, or the matters of Fact it relates were done, that the things it relates are True in the main; and, consequently, that the Book that relates them deserves Credit, or is (as we use to say) an Authentick History. For example, had a Romance, (soberly penn’d,) and Curtius’s History been found in a Trunk for many Hundreds of Years after they were writ; and the Tradition of the former Ages had been perfectly Silent concerning them both, and the Matters they relate; we must either have taken both of them for a Romance, or both for a True History; being destitute of any Light to make the least difference between them. [So there, fucking protestants!]
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 106: Note, That some of these Matters of Fact now mention’d, do fall short as to some of the best Qualifications found in diverse other Traditions; viz. as to that of their being Practical. Which gives us farther light to discern the Incomparable Strength of Tradition, and how every way Impossible it is it should deceive us, were it furnisht with all the Advantages it might have.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 171: Michael Kandel was a Fulbright student in Poland, 1966-67; taught Russian literature at George Washington University; received his PhD in Slavic at Indiana University; translated Polish writer Stanislaw Lem for Harcourt; wrote a few articles on Lem; worked as an editor at Harcourt, where he acquired authors Jonathan Lethem, Ursula K. Le Guin, James Morrow, and others; has written science fiction, short stories, and a few novels (Bantam, St. Martin´s); and is presently an editor at the Modern Language Association. He is the editor and translator of the anthology A Polish Book of Monsters.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 390:
A whale named Josephina is a friend of Santi in the Japanese anime television series Josephina the Whale
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 419: Afro´s friend Ninja Ninja in the Japanese manga Afro Samurai
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 474: Tomo, Yozora Mikazuki´s friend in the Japanese novel Haganai
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 515: And then there are a legion of Mr. Hyde type doppelgängers in more or less crappy B movies, which do not really deserve the name, since they hardly count as friends, though imaginary. There´s even a TV film whose name is Imaginary friends. The plot is too lame to relate here, see for yourself.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 533: Much impressed by what I had heard, I returned to my reading, the third volume now of Dichotican history. It described the Era of Transcarnal Centralization. The Sopsyputer at first worked to everyone´s satisfaction, but then new beings began appearing on the planet-bibods, tribods, quadribods, then octabods, and finally those that had no intention whatever of ending in an enumerable way, for in the course of life they were constantly sprouting something new. This was the result of a defect, a faulty reiteration - recursion in programming language or - to put it in automata terms - the machine had started looping. Since however the cult of its perfection was in full sway people actually praised these automorphic deviations, asserting for example that all that incessant budding and branching out was in fact the true expression of man´s Protean nature. And this praise not only held up the repairs, but led to the rise of so-called indeterminants or entits (N-tits), who lost their way in their own body, there was so much of it; completely baffled, they would get themselves into so-called bindups, entangulums and snorls; often an ambulance squad was needed to untie them. The repair of the Sopsyputer didn´t work - named the Oopsyputer, it was finally blown sky high. The feeling of relief that followed didn´t last long however, for the accursed question soon returned, What to do about the body now?
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 535: It was then, for the first time, that timid voices made them selves heard, Oughtn´t we go back to the old look, but that suggestion was branded as obscurantist, medieval. In the elections of 2520 the Damnwellians and the Relativists came out on top, because their populist line caught on, to wit, that every man should look as he damn well pleased; limitations on looks would be functional only - the district bodybuilding examiner approved designs that were existenceworthy, without concern for anything else. These designs SOPSYPLABD threw on the market in droves. Historians call the period of automorphosis under the Sopsyputer the Age of Centralization, and the years that followed Reempersonalizationalism.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 537: The turning over of individual looks to private enterprise led, after several decades, to a new crisis. True, a few philosophers had already come forward with the notion that the greater the progress, the more the crises, and that in the absence of crises one ought to produce them, because they activated, integrated, aroused the creative impulse, the lust for battle, and gave both spiritual and material energies direction. In a word, creative destruction spurs societies to concerted action, and without them you get stagnation, decadence, and other symptoms of decay. These views are voiced by the school of "economic liberals," i.e. philosophers who derive optimism for the future from a pessimistic appraisal of the present.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 543: Brb received the enthusiastic support of a group of talented young designers from SOPSYPLABD, who invented brippets and gnools; these were announced with great fanfare, in ads which promised that the old pleasures of the palate and bed room would be like picking one´s nose in comparison with brip ping and gnooling; ecstasy centers, of course, were implanted in the brain, programmed specially by nerve path engineers and hooked up, moreover, in series. Thus were created the brippive
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 546: At the height of the baroque, sex went out of style; only two small parties kept it going-the integrationalists and the separatists. The separatists, averse to all debauchery, felt that it was improper to eat sauerkraut with the same mouth one used to kiss one´s sweetheart. For this a separate, "platonic" mouth was needed, and better yet, a complete set of them, variously designated (for relatives, for friends, and for that special person). The valuing utility above all else, worked in reverse, combining whatever was combinable to simplify the organism and life. The decline of the baroque, typically tending to the extravagant and the grotesque, produced such curious forms as the stoolmaid and the hexus, which resembled a centaur, except that instead of hoofs it had four bare feet with the toes all facing one another: they also called it a syncopant, after a dance in which energetic stamping was the basic step. But the market now was glutted, exhausted. It was hard to come up with a startling new body; people used their natural horns for ear flaps; flap ears-diaphanous and with stigmatic scenes-fanned with their pale pinkness the cheeks of ladies of distinction; there were attempts to walk on supple pseudopodia; meanwhile SOPSYPLABD out of sheer inertia made more and more designs available, though everyone felt that all of this was drawing to a close.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 623: On 18 October 1965, MACV-SOG conducted its first cross-border mission against target D-1, a suspected truck terminus on Laotian Route 165, 15 miles (24 km) inside Laos. The team consisted of two U.S. Special Forces soldiers and four South Vietnamese. The mission was deemed a success with 88 bombing sorties flown against the terminus resulting in multiple secondary explosions, but also resulted in SOG´s first casualty, Special Forces Captain Larry Thorne in a helicopter crash. William H. Sullivan, U.S. Ambassador to Laos, was determined that he (Lauri) would remain in control over decisions and operations that took place within the supposedly neutral kingdom, though dead as a doornail. That would keep the excursions to neutral Laos "plausibly deniable."
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 625: The expression "plausibly deniable" was first used publicly by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Allen Dulles. The idea, on the other hand, is considerably older. For example, in the 19th century, Charles Babbage described the importance of having "a few simply honest men" on a committee who could be temporarily removed from the deliberations when "a peculiarly delicate question arises" so that one of them could "declare truly, if necessary, that he never was present at any meeting at which even a questionable course had been proposed." Charles Babbage ( 26. joulukuuta 1791 Lontoo - 18. lokakuuta 1871 Lontoo) oli englantilainen matemaatikko ja filosofi. Hän oli ensimmäisiä tieteilijöitä, jotka keksivät ajatuksen ohjelmoitavasta tietokoneesta. Vai oliko se Ada Lovelace? Naah, we need a dad for an idea so masculine as an electronic brain.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 677: Isä Brown-interni Vajda pohtii Jan von Plaatton säestyxellä millaista on olla vainaja. Vaughan Supple miettii puolestaan what does it mean to "Be Alive". Tää pöljä "lauluntekijä" ottaa typerään "videoesseeseen" lainauxia aiheesta paizi Tarkovskin Soljarixesta jopa Woody Allenilta, tonttumieheltä joka pukeutui siittiöxi ja nai alaikäistä eteläkorealaista tytärpuoltansa.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 681: Student Researcher at Middlebury College
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 684: Research Assistant
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 686: Mar 2021 - Present 1 yr 8 mos
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 691: As the research assistant to Professor Damascus Kafumbe, I have:
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 721: Neuvostoaikana Tšernobyl oli vuodesta 1932 lähtien piirin hallintokeskus ja se sai kaupungin aseman 1941. Vuonna 1970 kaupungista 18 kilometriä pohjoisluoteeseen alettiin rakentaa ydinvoimalaa, joka sai nimensä lähimmän kaupungin Tšernobylin mukaan. Voimalan viereen rakennettiin sen rakentajille ja työntekijöille Prypjatin kaupunki, jonne rakennustyöhön ja voimalan käyttämiseen liittyvä väestönkasvu suuntautui.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 734: Monenlaiset motiivit ajavat ihmisiä eristetylle alueelle, ja Stalker opastaa heitä siellä löytämiään salapolkuja pitkin. Stalker lähtee matkaan mukanaan kirjailija ja professori, jotka hän pyrkii johdattamaan ”Huoneeseen”, paikkaan jossa kaikki toiveet voivat toteutua. Toiveeni täytä, ja vie myös housuni. Vyöhyke ei kuitenkaan päästä kolmikkoa helpolla. Kukaan ei tiedä mitä oikeasti haluaa, makkaranko päähän vaiko jotain muuta. Vain harvat ovat palanneet sieltä elävinä. No nää veijarit selviävät tietysti. Tässä taitaa olla joku spoilerfiltteri kun ei kerrota miten kaverien kävi. Englanninkielisillä Vikipedia-sivuilla on vähän enemmän selvittelyä, vaikka aika hämäräxi tääkin kyllä jää:
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 759: The 200 or so lyric pieces which represent the core of his poetic genius, whether describing a scene of nature or passions of love, put a premium on metaphysics. Tyutchev´s world is bipolar like himself. He commonly operates with such categories as night and day, north and south, dream and reality, cosmos and chaos, still world of winter and spring teeming with life. Each of these images is imbued with specific meaning. (Huoh.)
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 765: Silentium! is an archetypal poem by Tyutchev. Written in 1830, it is remarkable for its rhythm crafted so as to make reading in silence easier than aloud toward others. Like so many of his poems, its images are anthropomorphic and pulsing with pantheism. As one Russian critic put it, "the temporal epochs of human life, its past and its present fluctuate and vacillate in equal measure: the unstoppable current of time erodes the outline of the present."
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 59: But Tanizaki died in 1965. Bugger it. In the selection for that year, the academy judged that after Tanizaki’s death, Kawabata was the writer likeliest to become a Japanese candidate. Thus, the academy judged it necessary to further examine Kawabata.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 66: Before Haruki Murakami had achieved wide renown, Tanizaki was frequently considered one of the "Big Three" postwar Japanese writers along with Yasunari Kawabata and Yukio Mishima. Mit vit, Haruki on aivan perseestä, ällö länkkärien nuolija, kuin myös se brittiläinen japsumamu Ichiguro. Yasunari muistutti Tintin lommoposkista japsikenraalia ja Tanizaki oli vanhemmiten pyylevä.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 70: In addition to the numerous mentions of Zen and nature, one topic that was briefly mentioned in Kawabata´s mile long Nobel lecture was that of suicide. Kawabata reminisced of other famous Japanese authors who committed suicide, in particular Ryūnosuke Akutagawa. He contradicted the custom of suicide as being a form of enlightenment, mentioning the priest Ikkyū, who also thought of suicide twice. He quoted Ikkyū, "Among those who give thoughts to things, is there one who does not think of suicide?" There was much speculation about this quote being a clue to Kawabata´s suicide in 1972, a year and a half after Mishima had committed suicide. Kawabata saw ca. 200 nighmares about it. Vittu nää insulaariset viirusilmät on aika vinxahtaneita.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 72: 1Donald Richie (17 April 1924 – 19 February 2013) was an American-born author who wrote about the Japanese people, the culture of Japan, and especially Japanese cinema. Although he considered himself primarily a filth historian, Richie also directed a number of experimental films, the first when he was seventeen.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 76: Although Richie spoke Japanese fluently, he could neither read nor write it proficiently, same as Rei Shimura. Richie wrote English subtitles under Akira Kurosawa´s films. "Whatever we in the West understand about Japanese filth (which is not much), we most likely owe to Donald Richie."
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 82: Marine oilers are experienced qualified members of the engine department, who maintain the captain in proper running order. These workers lubricate gears, shafts, bearings, and other moving parts of the captain´s engines "below deck" needed to take "conn".
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 132: ese-art-magdalena-walulik.jpg" height="250px" />
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 162: Palattuaan Suomeen Ramstedt jatkoi professorinvirassa vuoteen 1941 ja hoiti myös fonetiikan professuuria vuosina 1935–1940. Vuosina 1941–1950 hän toimi Suomalais-ugrilaisen seuran esimiehenä. Ramstedt oli mukana perustamassa Suomalais-Japanilaista Yhdistystä vuonna 1935, ja hän toimi yhdistyksen puheenjohtajana kuolemaansa saakka. Ramstedt kuului myös moniin ulkomaisiin tieteellisiin seuroihin jäsenenä, ja hän oli kansainvälisesti tunnettu erityisesti mongolittarien häpykielten tuntijana. Vuonna 1946 Ramstedt valittiin Tanskan Kuninkaallisen tiedeseuran jäseneksi ja vuonna 1948 Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian kunniajäseneksi. — Ramstedt oli kouluvuosistaan saakka aktiivisesti mukana raittiustyössä.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 223: Myöhäisempi mongoli selostaa tapahtumat seuraavasti: Since the late 19 century and early 20 century, Tibet became more and more strategic place for British because Russian Czar’s expansion into Central Asia directly threatened India-‘the jewel in the crown’ of the British Empire. As a result, British government hurried its diplomatic step toward Tibet. In 1893, Qing government signed a contract with British, without Tibetan representative, promising British special trade rights in Tibet. Under such circumstances, Dozhiev, a Buriat Lama, also a close adviser of Thirteenth Dalai Lama, urged His Holiness to seek help from Czar’s Russia to prevent Tibet from British expansion since Manchu Qing was not powerful enough to protect Tibet anymore. This short paper tries to answer the questions like, what was the nature of his missions to Russia? And what was the relationship between Tibet and Russia during his missions in boarder international power relations? Key words: envoy, missions, power relations.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 230: The Dalai Lama fled to Urga (aka Ulan Bator) in Mongolia along with Dorzhiev. From there, Dorzhiev left for St Petersburg again in March 1905, hoping that Russian government could take Tibet under its protection from British and China. However, after the catastrophic defeat in Russo-Japanese war, Czar’s government could not offer any kind of assistance to Tibet in this historical turbulent time. Meantime, the dramatic rise of Germany in Europe since 1900s eventually led both Russia and Britain to come closer and to settle down their century long Great Game in Central Asia. Anglo-Russian Convention was signed at last by both sides on 31 August 1907, recognizing China’s claim for suzerainty over Tibet. Moreover, the convention also engaged to respect the territorial integrity of Tibet and abstain from all interference in her internal administration.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 276: Koo Vi Kyuin (Chinese: 顧維鈞; pinyin: Gù Wéijūn; Wade–Giles: Ku Wei-chün; January 29, 1888 – November 14, 1985), better known as V. K. Wellington Boot Koo, was a statesman of the Bourgeois Republic of China. He was one of Republic of China's representatives at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 280: While at the college, Koo once rode a bicycle down the streets of Shanghai into the International Settlement and followed an English boy also riding a bicycle onto the sidewalk, where an Indian policeman allowed the English boy to continue while stopping Koo to give him a fine for riding his bicycle on the sidewalk. Koo was shocked to discover that owing to extraterritoriality, the laws and rules that applied to Chinese in China did not apply to British subjects-in this instance laws prohibiting riding a bicycle on the sidewalk - and that a foreign policeman had power over the Chinese police. Koo was left with a lifelong desire to end the status of extraterritoriality that had been imposed by the 19th century "unequal treaties".
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 282: Wellington Boot Koo served as an ambassador to France, Great Britain and the United States; was a participant in the founding of the League of Nations and the United Nations; and sat as a judge on the International Court of Justice in The Hague from 1957 to 1967. Between October 1926 and June 1927, while serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Koo briefly held the concurrent positions of acting Premier and interim President of the Bourgeois Republic of China. Koo was the first (and last) Chinese head of state known to use a Western name publicly.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 284: In addition, he was a big waver of pork sword on the side. In 1908, (20vee) Koo married his first wife, Chang Jun-o .They divorced prior to 1912. Koo's second wife, Tang Pao-yueh "May" (唐寶玥; 唐宝玥; Táng Bǎoyuè; c. 1895–1918), was the youngest daughter of the former Chinese prime minister Tang Shaoyi and a first cousin of the painter and actress Mai-Mai Sze. Their marriage took place soon after Koo's return to China in 1912 (24vee). She died in the US during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. Result: 2 kids.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 286: Koo's third wife was the socialite and style icon Oei Hui-lan (1889–1992). She married Koo (33vee) in Brussels, Belgium, in 1921. She was previously married, in 1909, to British consular agent Beauchamp Stoker, by whom she had one son, Lionel, before divorcing in 1920. Much admired for her adaptations of traditional Manchu fashion, which she wore with lace trousers and jade necklaces, Oei Hui-lan was the favorite daughter of Peranakan tycoon Majoor Oei Tiong Ham, and the heiress of a prominent family of the Cabang Atas or the Chinese gentry of colonial Indonesia. She wrote two memoirs: Hui-Lan Koo (Mrs. Wellington Koo): An Autobiography, and No Feast Lasts Forever. Koo had 2 more kids out of her.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 293: The French Premier Georges Clemenceau (se sadetakkinen paxulainen jossain Pariisin aukiolla) praised Koo for his eloquent speech. The American secretary of state, Robert Lansing, wrote that Koo had crushed the Japanese with his speech. The Canadian prime minister, Sir Robert Borden, called Koo's speech "very able".
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 296: In 1921, Koo became the Chinese minister to Britain. Much to his displeasure, Punch published a ballad that implied he was not so much a diplomat representing China but rather just a foreigner with a funny name to amuse the British. This greatly offended him.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 298: In October 1921, Koo was reassigned as the Chinese minister in Washington. Koo was to represent China at the Washington conference, hence his sudden reassignment to Washington just after his arrival in London.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 309: In December 1937, Koo's spirits sank to a new low by the news that the Japanese had taken Nanking, the capital of China, which was promptly followed up by the infamous "Rape of Nanking". That same month, the Japanese sank the American gunboat U.S.S Panay on the Yangtze river and in the process killed several American sailors. Koo hoped that the Panay incident might lead to the United States taking action against Japan, and he was disappointed when Roosevelt chose instead to accept the Japanese apology that the sinking of the Panay was a mistake, despite the fact the Panay was flying the American flag at the time the Japanese aircraft bombed the gunboat. It had looked just like the Chinese flag from afar.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 313: After German invasion of France Koo briefly served as the Chinese ambassador in Vichy, where he was forced to live under reduced conditions.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 315: Afterwards, he was the Chinese Ambassador to the Court of St James's until 1946. Koo decided that wartime London was too dangerous for his family to live, and sent his wife and children to New York. Madame Koo had wanted to go to London and went to New York most unwillingly.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 317: In July 1941, the Japanese occupied the southern half of French Indochina, giving Japan the ability to project air and naval power well into the South China Sea. In response, the American, British and Dutch governments imposed an oil embargo on Japan and froze all Japanese assets in their countries.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 319: The way that only four divisions of the Imperial Japanese Army who despite being outnumbered three to one by an Anglo-Indian-Australian force opposing them had been able to conquer Malaya and Singapore, billed at the time as the "Gibraltar of the East", in less than two months both astonished and shocked British officials. Brings to mind Putin's astonishment at the bombing of the Krim.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 322: On 11 January 1943, Koo signed in London a new Sino-British treaty that saw Britain renounce all of its extraterritorial rights in China, through the British refused to return Hong Kong as the Chinese had wanted. Through Koo failed to secure the return of Hong Kong, he called the new Sino-British treaty in his diary "a really an epoch-making event-the biggest treaty in a century". Kiitos vaan japsut ja sakemannit vetoavusta!
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 326: In 1945, Koo was one of the founding delegates of the United Nations. He later became the Chinese Ambassador to the United States and focused on maintaining the alliance between the Republic of China and the United States as the Kuomintang began losing to the Communists and had to retreat to Taiwan.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 328: Koo retired from the Chinese diplomatic service in 1956 and in the same year he became a judge of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, and served as Vice-President of the Court during the final three years of his term. In 1967, he retired and moved to New York City, where he lived until his death in 1985. Vittu täähän kumppari kiskoi 3v vaille sentenaarixi!
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 333: Koo noted that the new Communist government in Russia, which denounced liberalism as a device for Western imperialism and renounced all of the special Russian rights in China gained under the Tsarist regime, won tremendous prestige in China as the one power that seemed willing to treat China as an equal, which led directly to the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in 1920.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 341: In October 2021, NBC sports reporter Kelli Stavast was interviewing racing driver Brandon Brown, the winner of the Sparks 300 race at the Talladega Superspeedway, on his win. In the background of the interview were chants of “Fuck Joe Biden” from the crowd – which Stavast mistook for chants of “Let’s Go Brandon,” and reported it live on-air as such. The use of “dark” in referring to political candidates actually first came from supporters of Donald Trump in March of this year. Supporters coined the phrase and Twitter hashtag #DarkMAGA – a reference to the Make America Great Again slogan – to represent a Trump running for president in 2024 who abandoned all political norms.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 354: Nikolajevskin välikohtaus (尼港事件, Nikō Jiken ) oli kansainvälinen konflikti Nikolayevsk-on-Amurissa (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolayevsk-on-Amur) Venäjän Kaukoidässä (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Far_East)Japanin (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan) ja Kaukoidän tasavallan (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far_Eastern_Republic) välillä Japanin väliintulon (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_intervention_in_Siberia) aikana. Huipentuma oli vangittujen japanilaisten sotavankien ja Japanin asukkaiden eloonjääneiden teloitus ilman oikeudenkäyntiä 23.-31. toukokuuta 1920, joka seurasi sissien ja Japanin armeijan välisen aseellisen selkkauksen jälkeen. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_Japanese_Army)12.-15. maaliskuuta 1920 Nikolaevsk-on-Amurissa. Vankilassa oli tuolloin yhteensä 129 japanilaista vankia sekä joukko paikallisia asukkaita ja sissejä. Kaupungin ja linnoituksen tuhoaminen ja teloitus tapahtui sen jälkeen, kun koko väestö oli evakuoitu Japanin armeijan hyökkäyksen vuoksi. Japani käytti Nikolajevskin tapausta tekosyynä oikeuttaakseen Pohjois- Sahalinin (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakhalin) takautuvan miehityksen, jonka japanilaiset miehittivät 22. huhtikuuta 1920. Wikipedia (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolayevsk-on-Amur).
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 387: Syyskuussa 1918 japanilaiset joukot miehittivät Nikolajevskin Ententen interventiossa Kaukoidässä. Virkamiehet ja kaupungin porvaristo allekirjoittivat asiakirjan Japanin sotilasyksikön kutsusta verukkeella tarpeeseen suojella alueen kullankaivoskeskusta. Sitten tämä asiakirja ja sen allekirjoitukset olivat perustana tämän paperin allekirjoittaneiden asukkaiden teloittamiselle.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 391: Tammikuussa 1920 kaupunkia piiritti 3000 ihmisen partisaaniyksikkö Ya. I. Tryapitsynin ja T. I. Naumovin (esikuntapäällikkö) johdolla. Yakov Ivanovich Tryapitsyn (1897-1920), muromilainen talonpoika, RIA :n lippu, etulinjan sotilas, Pyhän Yrjön ritari, ilmestyi Siperiaan vuoden 1918 lopulla, osallistui partisaaniliikkeeseen ja loi oman 35 hengen joukkonsa ihmisiä, johtajana 10. marraskuuta 1919 alkaen With. Vjatskoe marssi Nikolaevskiin. Heidän edetessään osasto kasvoi viiteen rykmenttiin.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 459: By 1903 he was encountering opposition from the Colonial Office, which felt he was proceeding too rapidly. In 1904, after being criticized for granting a concession on land previously reserved for the indigenous Maasai people, he resigned his position. Following his resignation, he served as vice chancellor of both the University of Sheffield (1905–12) and the University of Hong Kong (1912–18). His last diplomatic post was as the British ambassador to Japan, which he began in 1920. He retired in 1926, continuing to live in Japan. During his life he wrote several papers and books, including The East Africa Protectorate (1905) and Letters from the Far East (1907).
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 494: The Leshan Giant Buddha (Chinese: 樂山大佛) is a 71-metre (233 ft) tall stone statue, built between 713 and 803 (during the Tang dynasty). It is carved out of a cliff face of Cretaceous red bed sandstones that lies at the confluence of the Min River and Dadu River in the southern part of Sichuan province in China, near the city of Leshan. The stone sculpture faces Mount Emei, with the rivers flowing below its feet. It is the largest and tallest stone Buddha statue in the world and it is by far the tallest pre-modern statue in the world. It is over 4 km from the Wuyou Temple.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 542: The Spring Temple Buddha (Chinese: 中原大佛 and simplified Chinese: 鲁山大佛; traditional Chinese: 魯山大佛) is a colossal statue depicting Vairocana Buddha located in the Zhaocun township of Lushan County, Henan, China, built from 1997 to 2008. It is located within the Fodushan Scenic Area, close to National Freeway no. 311. At 128 metres (420 ft), excluding a 25 metres (82 ft) lotus throne. It is the second-tallest statue in the world after the Statue of Unity (representing no longer the Buddha but this guy named Patel) in Gujarat, India, which surpassed it in 2018 with a height of 182 metres (597 ft).
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 547: In 2013 Narendra Modi ordered to build a statue of Unity representing good old Sardar Patel that towers almost 600 feet (182 m) high, almost 300 feet taller than the Statue of Liberty. Sardar Patel was only 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm) in real life.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 581: Vauzi vau, löytyy kokonainen japanilaisten pikkujalkojen jumise! Is there really no word for ‘foot’ in Japanese? Ei vaan あし [ashi] on kuin Suomessa sääri ja/tai jalkaterä. Fito on ilmeinen lainasana. Tähän löytyi sentään vastaus:
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 599: Motoori Norinaga (jap. 本居宣長; 1730–1801) oli japanilainen Kokugaku-koulukunnan huomattava oppinut, joka vaikutti Edo-kaudella. Hänen mukaansa japanilaiset klassikot paljastivat Japanin yhteiskunnan muinaisen harmonian, jossa kungfutselaista etiikkaa ei vaadittu säätelemään alamaisten, hallitsijan ja jumaluuksien välisiä suhteita. Nuorena Motoori keskittyi pyllykielitieteeseen. Myöhemmällä iällä hän siirtyi historian ja kirjallisuuden tutkimukseen. Siis ihan niinkuin tämä paasaaja!
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 611: Tämä waka oli maailmansodan fasistien lemppari. What does 朝日 (Asahi) mean in Japanese? English Translation [Copied] sunrise. Eikös se ole olutmerkkikin? Zakura on kirsikka ja hana kukkanen. Sakurakirsikoihin ei tule marjoja. Ne ovat mahoja.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 620: Influenced by Chinese custom (no tietysti), the Heian court (794–1185) took to Chrysanthemum the Imperial Blossomdrinking chrysanthemum wine and using chrysanthemum dew as a kind of body lotion. All of this is recounted in The Pillow Book, a collection of observations by the court lady "Sei silmiä" Shonagon. The Chrysanthemum Festival is the last of Japan’s five annual festivals, which includes Boys’ Day in May and Tanabata in July.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 622: The chrysanthemum in Chinese culture
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 635: In case you are wondering why the Chinese are buzzing so much about Japan's own flower, know that the chrysanthemum is a unique symbol in Chinese culture.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 636: The chrysanthemum, together with the plum blossom, orchid and bamboo have been regarded as the four symbols of noble characters by Chinese scholars since ancient times. Chrysanthemum, in particular, has many meanings.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 648: Chrysanthemums (Chinese: 菊花; pinyin: Júhuā) were first cultivated in China as a flowering herb as far back as the 15th century BC. Over 500 cultivars had been recorded by 1630. By 2014 it was estimated that there were over 20,000 cultivars in the world and about 7,000 cultivars in China. The plant is renowned as one of the Four Gentlemen (四君子) in Chinese and East Asian Art. The plant is particularly significant during the Double Ninth Festival.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 650: In Chinese art, the Four Gentlemen or Four Noble Ones (Chinese: 四君子; pinyin: Sì Jūnzǐ), literally meaning "Four Junzi", is a collective term referring to four plants: the plum blossom, the orchid, the bamboo, and the chrysanthemum. The term compares the four plants to Confucian junzi, or "gentlemen". They are most typically depicted in traditional ink and wash painting and they belong to the category of bird-and-flower painting in Chinese art. In line with the wide use of nature as imagery in literary and artistic creation, the Four Gentlemen are a recurring theme for their symbolism of uprightness, purity, humility, and perseverance against harsh conditions, among other virtues valued in the Chinese traditions.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 652: Chrysanthemum cultivation began in Japan during the Nara and Heian periods (early 8th to late 12th centuries), and gained popularity in the Edo period (early 17th to late 19th century). Many flower shapes, colours, and varieties were created. Various cultivars of chrysanthemums created in the Edo period were characterized by a remarkable variety of flower shapes, and were exported to China from the end of the Edo period, changing the way Chinese chrysanthemum cultivars were grown and their popularity.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 658: In some European countries (e.g., France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Poland, Hungary, Croatia), incurve chrysanthemums symbolize death and are used only for funerals or on graves, while other types carry no such symbolism; similarly, in China, Japan, and Korea of East Asia, white chrysanthemums symbolize adversity, lamentation, and/or grief. In some other countries, they represent honesty. In the United States, the flower is usually regarded as positive and cheerful, with New Orleans as a notable exception.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 666: Three laughs at Tiger Brook (Chinese: 虎溪三笑; Pinyin: hǔ xī sān xiào; Gan: fû ki sam siēu) is a Chinese proverb which refers to the image that the three men, Huiyuan, Tao Yuanming and Lu Xiujing laugh together when arriving at Huxi (虎溪, Tiger Brook) of Mount Lu (Lushan).This concept represents the ideal humorous relations of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism in ancient China.
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 43: Tähtimerkkisi ei ole kalat, joten et tarvize tuota kalahattua. Et ole sunnuntailapsi vaan tiistai-. Se joka pesee tiistaina sillä on kalsareissa likainen raita, nk. skidmark.
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 109: (1959-1983, 1987-present)
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 113: President of Russia (1999–2008, 2012–present)
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 124: Kustu Ramstedtin muistelmissa mainitaan kaikenlaisia Tsaari-Venäjän kaatumiseen ja sitä seuranneeseen äiti-Venäjän raiskaamiseen liittyviä tapahtumia ja henkilöitä jotka ainaskin Norssissa sivuutettiin aika olankohautuxella. Niitä on sixi hauska verrata Putinin ulostulon aiheuttamaan hämminkiin nyt 2020-luvulla.
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 236: Vuonna 1916 hänet nimitettiin VII armeijakunnan komentajaksi. Vuoden 1917 syyskuussa hän osallistui kenraali Lavr Kornilovin epäonnistuneeseen vallankaappaushankkeeseen Aleksandr Kerenskiä vastaan, joka oli elokuusta 1917 toiminut diktatorisena hallitsijana Venäjän väliaikaisen hallituksen antamin valtuuksin. Denikin pidätettiin yhdessä Kornilovin kanssa. Marraskuussa 1917 tapahtuneen kansankomissaarien lokakuun vallankumouksen jälkeen Denikin ja Kornilov onnistuivat pakenemaan Etelä-Venäjälle, jossa liittyivät kenraali Mihail Aleksejevin vastavallankumouksellisiin.
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 255: Heinäkuun alussa 1919 Mahno jolkotti takaisin Khersonin maakuntaan, jossa hän tapasi otamani Hryhorivin vihreän armeijan. Aluksi Mahno pyrki muodostamaan strategisen liiton jälkimmäisen kanssa Hryhorivin suosion vuoksi paikallisten talonpoikien keskuudessa. Kuitenkin paljastukset Hryhorivin antisemitismistä, laajat pogromit ja yhteydet valkoiseen liikkeeseen saivat Mahnovistit tuomitsemaan avoimesti otamanin julkisessa kokouksessa. Kun Hryhoriv tavoitti revolveriansa, Aleksei Chubenko ampui hänet niille sijoilleen. Ihan villin lännen menoa.
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 296: Tähän mennessä Mahno oli joutunut fyysiseen ja henkiseen sairauteen. Hänen suhteensa ukrainalaisiin maanpakolaisiin heikkenivät. Hänen vaimonsa vihastui häneen, mikä aiheutti parin eron useaan otteeseen, ja Halyna yritti jopa anoa lupaa palata Neuvosto-Ukrainaan epäonnistuneesti.
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 312: Etelä-Ukrainan kampanja on jatkuva operaatioalue Venäjän vuoden 2022 hyökkäyksessä Ukrainaan, joka alkoi 24. helmikuuta 2022. Venäjän asevoimat hyökkäsivät Venäjän miehittämältä Krimiltä käsin Khersonin alueeseen, Mykolaivin alueeseen ja Zaporizhzhian alueeseen.
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 376: Stateless domicile: France. Onko Ivan emigrantti vaiko loikkari? Ivan Bunin syntyi maanomistajien perheeseen Vorónezhissa Länsi-Venäjällä ja vietti lapsuutensa maassa perheen kartanoilla (huomaa monikko). Hänen äitinsä Lyudmila Alexandrovna esitteli hänet venäläiseen kansanperinteeseen, ja hän alkoi kirjoittaa runoutta ja proosaa varhaisessa iässä. Hän matkusti ympäri Venäjää, Etelä-Eurooppaa, Pohjois-Afrikkaa, Lähi-itää ja Balkania. Vuonna 1909 hänet valittiin zaari-Venäjän tiedeakatemian jäseneksi. Bolshevikkihallinnon takia hän lähti Venäjältä vuonna 1920 ja asui loppuelämänsä Ranskassa. Kyllä se sitten oli loikkari, sillä lokakuun vallankumous (25.10. vanhaa laskua) oli tapahtunut jo 3 vuotta aiemmin.
xxx/ellauri231.html on line 522: Kornilov onnistui pakenemaan arestista Donille, missä hän oli kasakoiden atamaanin Aleksei Kaledinin suojeluksessa. Yhdessä kenraali Mihail Aleksejevin kanssa Kornilov perusti Novotšerkasskissa vuoden 1917 lopulla vapaaehtoisarmeijana tunnetun valkoisen armeijan, joka taisteli Venäjän sisällissodassa. Kornilovista tuli kyseisen armeijan komentaja. Kun bolševikkien joukot valtasivat Rostovin helmikuun lopussa 1918, Kornilov luikki enää 4 000 miestä käsittäneet joukkonsa kärjessä etelään kolme kuukautta kestäneeseen ”jäävalssiin” talvisen Kubanin aron halki. Kornilov ryhtyi 10. huhtikuuta piirittämään Jekaterinodarin kaupunkia, mutta sai surmansa kolme päivää myöhemmin, kun vastapuolen tykistö sai onnekkaan täysosuman hänen päämajanaan toimineeseen maalaistaloon. Valkoisten jouduttua perääntymään bolševikit kaivoivat Kornilovin ruumiin haudasta ja polttivat sen roskakasassa. Siitäs sait kasakka! Kornilovin seuraajaksi vapaaehtoisarmeijan komentajana tuli Anton Denikin. Pitkänenäinen kasakka sai vielä pitemmän. Loistavat niin tähdet jäätyneet nuo, silmiin sammuneisiin kylmän kalvon ne luo.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 79: Right-wing parties are on the rise across Europe, and Sweden is no exception. The far-right and populist Sverigedemokraterna (the Sweden Democrats) now have representatives in the cabinet, and the bourgeois parties are coming close behind.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 85: Far-right groups have been a consistent presence in the Swedish political underground since the early 1920s, with their high point coming in the municipal elections of 1934, when around eighty council members of Svenska nationalsocialistiska partiet (the Swedish National Socialist Party) were elected across the country. After a long period of mainstream political inactivity in the wake of the Second World War, neo-fascism grew stronger in the 1980s, culminating in the emergence of several new neo-Nazi organisations in the 1990s. The most notable of these groups was Nationalsocialistik Front (the National Socialist Front), who were replaced by the currently active Svenskarnas Parti (the Party of the Swedes) in 2009. The Party of the Swedes’ political program states that “only people who belong to the western genetic and cultural heritage, where ethnic Swedes are included, should be Swedish citizens”, as well as their belief that “all policy decisions should be based on what is best for the interests of the ethnic Swedes”. Far from being prohibited in Sweden, these monsters are sitting now in public offices.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 94: Meanwhile, optimistic neoliberal positions wonder how could this happen, if the world is richer than ever, and more and more people have been dragged from poverty. That statistics is no longer even true, and largely overlooks that the poorest classes in developed countries have seen none of this improvement, and that redistribution mechanisms in these countries have been severely diminished by decades of neoliberal policies. The picture below displays the real income growth of the world population, and where it has (roughly) ended up.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 155: Ein weiteres kontroverses Thema war Wippermanns engagiertes Auftreten gegen die Totalitarismus-These, die in seinem Verständnis besage, dass die Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus und des Stalinismus oder des Kommunismus als Ganzes vergleichbar oder gleichzusetzen seien. Über das Schwarzbuch des Kommunismus urteilte Wippermann, dass es nur „eine ermüdende Reihung von Mordgeschichten“ biete, eine „Dämonisierung des Kommunismus“ betreibe und hinterfragt werden müsse, ob es sich „bei den Regimen in der Sowjetunion, China, Kambodscha etc. überhaupt um kommunistische bzw. sozialistische Systeme gehandelt habe“. Reinhard Mohr kritisierte darüber in Der Spiegel, dass „gar nicht mehr versucht wird, wissenschaftliche oder politische Kritik zu üben und dass es nur noch um das gekränkte intellektuelle Ich“ gehe. Wippermann solle eher Payne lesen.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 157: Den Mitgliedern des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (WBGU) warf er angesichts ihres Hauptgutachtens Welt im Wandel – Gesellschaftsvertrag für eine Große Transformation 2011 vor, sie seien Utopisten, die eine Klimadiktatur in größerem Rahmen vorschlügen, und dies nicht aus Gedankenlosigkeit. Dies erinnere ihn an die faschistische oder kommunistische Internationale. Es handle sich um naturwissenschaftliche Fanatiker, die ihre Vorstellungen durchsetzen wollen.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 161: Wippermanns Thesen sorgten mehrfach für Kontroversen innerhalb der deutschen Historikerzunft. So sah sich Wippermann selbst als einzigen Historiker, der sich in der Goldhagen-Kontroverse auf die Seite Daniel Goldhagens schlug. Goldhagen vertritt die These, dass die Taten der Deutschen nicht von solchen äußeren Zwängen oder Anreizen herrührten, sondern von inneren Überzeugungen. Die Deutschen wurden nicht gezwungen, Juden zu töten; sie taten es freiwillig, sie waren willige Vollstrecker.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 163: Kern seiner Arbeit in Anknüpfung an Christopher R. Brownings Untersuchungen ist die Beschreibung eines deutschen Polizeibataillons (Reserve-Polizei-Bataillon), das im polnischen Generalgouvernement die dort lebenden Juden aufspürte, folterte und schließlich erschoss oder in die Vernichtungslager verschleppte. Anhand von Prozessakten aus späteren Gerichtsverfahren gegen einige Bataillonsangehörige zeigt Goldhagen, dass diese Männer ihre Taten nicht etwa widerwillig, schamhaft und unter Zwang begingen, sondern freiwillig, ausgesprochen eifrig (z. T. über die ausdrücklichen Befehle hinaus), mit Stolz und in der Überzeugung, das Richtige zu tun. Sie quälten und ermordeten ihre Opfer ohne Mitgefühl oder moralische Skrupel. Diese erstaunliche Tatsache führt Goldhagen auf die Vorstellungen zurück, die die Männer von den Juden hatten: Sie betrachteten ihre Opfer nicht als Menschen, sondern als ein Übel, das beseitigt werden musste, so wie eine bösartige Krankheit beseitigt werden muss. Und bei diesen Männern handelte es sich gerade nicht um eingefleischte Nazis. Die Bataillone bestanden aus willkürlich rekrutierten Durchschnittsbürgern, die für den Einsatz an der Front zu alt waren und deren politische Sozialisation dementsprechend lange vor der Machtergreifung stattgefunden hatte. Sie waren weder Weltanschauungskrieger noch verblendete Jugendliche; sie waren (daher der Untertitel von Goldhagens Buch) ganz gewöhnliche Deutsche.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 165: Er ist daher für Goldhagen auch keine Tat der Nazis (oder gar nur der SS), sondern der Deutschen (was nicht heißt, dass jeder Deutsche in gleichem Maße tatsächlich schuldig wurde. z.B. die Juden). Der deutsche Antisemitismus, das ist Goldhagens zentrale These und Schlussfolgerung, war die Hauptursache der Endlösung.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 167: Der renommierte jüdische Historiker Eric Hobsbawm, der die nationalsozialistische Machtübernahme in Berlin miterlebt hatte, gab zu Goldhagens Thesen den knappen Kommentar ab: „Goldhagen zählt nicht. Ich kenne keinen seriösen Historiker, der Goldhagen ernst nimmt.“ Noch dezidierter äußerte sich der Holocaust-Experte Raul Hilberg in einem Interview. Goldhagen, so Hilberg, sei „totally wrong about everything. Totally wrong. Exceptionally wrong“.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 173: Nahezu alle Fachhistoriker, die auf diesem Gebiet arbeiten, lehnten die Thesen und Methoden Goldhagens ab. Mit dem Buch würden „tiefere emotive Schichten angesprochen“, die „nicht mit dem Bedürfnis nach rationaler Aufklärung“ in Verbindung stünden. Im Falle der USA spiegele die Begeisterung für Goldhagen antideutsche Ressentiments wider, wie man sie aus trivialen Filmen über den Zweiten Weltkrieg kenne.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 175: In wenigen Wochen wurden über 80.000 Exemplare verkauft, und die Veranstalter der „Lese-Tour“ konnten kaum den Andrang bewältigen.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 176: Holocaustforscher dagegen waren nicht amüsiert. Ihre mehrheitliche Ansicht formulierte Reinhard Rürup zugespitzt so: „Was an den Thesen des Buches richtig ist, ist nicht neu, und was neu ist, ist nicht richtig.“
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 195: När utredningen kommit så långt i sitt arbete att återstoden av arbetsinsatsen mest skulle handla om att slutföra de planerade forskarvolymerna slog en bomb ner i medierna. I en debattartikel (DN 2003-04-06) meddelade två av expertgruppens medlemmar – ekonomhistorikern Paulina de los Reyes och sociologen Masoud Kamali – att de hoppade av arbetet i utredningen. Som skäl angavs följande: ”Utredarens arbetssätt och utredningens perspektiv, fokus och prestationer hittills gör dock att vi i dag inte längre ser det som meningsfullt att sitta kvar i expertgruppen.” Av artikeln framgick att författarna ansåg att forskare med invandrarbakgrund var underrepresenterade i utredningen, att dessa inte släppts fram för att få vara redaktörer för forskarvolymerna och att valet av utredare – Anders Westholm – ansågs ”väcka många frågor”.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 208: Näst var det tur för Kamalis utredning. Under arbetets gång fick Jens Orback ta över Sahlins post som integrationsminister. Mot slutet av sommaren 2006 var utredningen klar och slutbetänkandet ”Integrationens svarta bok – Agenda för jämlikhet och social sammanhållning” (SOU 2006:79) presenterades. Men ministern var inte nöjd med resultatet.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 326: Often, but not always, the shochet is also trained to be a bodek (checker), who examines the inner organs of the animal to ensure that it was healthy at the time of death. In the modern factory set up, these tasks are often divided.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 162: The rise of modern, centralized states in Europe by the early 19th century heralded the end of Jewish judicial autonomy and social seclusion. Their communal corporate rights were abolished, and the process of emancipation and acculturation that followed quickly transformed the values and norms of the public. Estrangement and apathy toward Judaism were rampant. The process of communal, educational and civil reform could not be restricted from affecting the core tenets of the faith. The new academic, critical study of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums) soon became a source of controversy. Rabbis and scholars argued to what degree, if at all, its findings could be used to determine present conduct. The modernized Orthodox in Germany, like rabbis Isaac Bernays and Azriel Hildesheimer, were content to cautiously study it while stringently adhering to the sanctity of holy texts and refusing to grant Wissenschaft any say in religious matters. On the other extreme were Rabbi Abraham Geiger, who would emerge as the founding father of Reform Judaism, and his supporters. They opposed any limit on critical research or its practical application, laying more weight on the need for change than on continuity.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 177: Micael Dahlén (born 18 June 1973) is a Swedish author, public speaker and Professor of marketing and consumer behavior at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden. His award-winning research within marketing, creativity and consumer behavior has been published in four books and numerous journal articles. Dahlén's books have reached a global audience, rights being sold to countries such as the U.S, U.K, Germany, South Korea, Russia and Brazil. In 2013 Dahlén stated in an interview that he was writing a novel. Only 34 years old he was made Professor. In the same year, 2008, Journal of Advertising ranked Dahlén as number 10 in the world among researchers within the field of advertising.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 226: For their endless innovations and productive achievements—the goods they create, the services they provide, the problems they solve—successful corporations deserve our deepest respect and admiration. And when they are unfairly attacked, they deserve our defense.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 236: America has faced many fiscal and economic crises in the last decade: the housing bubble and the financial crisis, stagnant economic growth and high unemployment, record budget deficits and unsustainable debt. What do these problems have in common? They were all caused by statists!
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 242: Yet it is relentlessly demonized. We are told that businessmen pay “starvation wages,” that the rich get richer while the poor get poorer, and that the free market is impractical—prone to crises, depressions, mass unemployment, and coercive monopolies. Michael Dahlen dispels these and many other myths. He shows that a system of free markets and limited government is not only practical; he shows that it is moral, as it is the only system that recognizes each egoistic individual’s inalienable right to his own lifelong earnings.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 416: During these years, Shneur Zalman was introduced to mathematics, geometry, and astronomy by two learned brothers, refugees from Bohemia, who had settled in Liozna. One of them was also a scholar of the Kabbalah. Thus, besides mastering rabbinic literature, he also acquired a fair to medium knowledge of the sciences, philosophy, and Kabbalah. He became an adept in Isaac Luria's system of Kabbalah, and in 1764 he became a disciple of Dov Ber of Mezeritch. In 1767, at the age of 22, he was appointed magician of Liozna, a position he held until 1801.
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 238: Tietenkin sota on maanvaiva ja kirous, johon sisältyvät kaikki maanvaivat ja kiroukset, kuten Voltaire sanoo. Tietenkin sodat ovat vihaa, murhaa, valhetta ja petosta, hätää ja kuolemaa, väkevän ylimielisyyttä ja heikon nöyryytystä, kuten Sakari Topelius sanoo. Tietenkin yhdyn Yrjö Washingtonin lauseeseen: Ensimmäinen toivomukseni on nähdä sota, tuo ihmiskunnan rutto, poistetuksi maan päältä.
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 267: Hyvät herrat. Raamattu todistaa, että ihminen on luonnostansa paha. Ja Darwinin kehitysoppi on omituisen selvästi kyennyt osoittamaan tämän todistuksen pitäneen paikkansa menneinäkin päivinä vielä enemmän kuin nyt, vieläpä niin, että ihminen oli raakalaisen, barbaarin, eläimenkin asteella. Me olemme nousseet siitä joka päivä, vuosisata ja vuosimiljoona. Mutta elämän taistelun primitiivinen vietti on säilynyt meissä. Alkueläimet taistelevat, kirjoittamaton, väkevä, kamala luonnonlaki (EFK) vaikuttaa ihmisissäkin, kahdennenkymmenennen vuosisadan ihmisissä: jonakin odottamattomana päivänä tukahtuvat omituisesti 'Aseet pois' huudot konekiväärien, miinanheittäjien, tykkien ja mössä rien räiskeeseen ja pauhinaan. Tehkäämme työtä sen päivän eteen. Jumala varjelkoon meitä sinä päivänä, muttei ryssiä.
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 470: Sorry, son. I don’t know what to do. I am a software developer 2000-present. My name is "Jack Claxton". In 1995 when I begat my son I had other low-paying dead-end jobs. Now *that* is really sad. I understand my son's disappointment in his dad.
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 474: This really hits home for me. I am exactly 27 years old, I work two somewhat dead-end, low-paying jobs (warehouse at Floor and Decor and a DSP for the developmentally disabled). Last year, I tried to commit suicide in my car after a long period of living in my car. The car didn't survive the suicide attempt, but I did. Surprisingly, I only got a few bumps and bruises from the accident, but nothing major. I was in a psych ward for 2 weeks. After that, I had to move back in with my parents in their one bedroom apartment. I hate them for all that they put me through this past year, but I'm grateful for their conditional love. My presence in my dad's life counts for a lot, especially since he probably feels like a failure like you and me.
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 486: Indeed if I could I would rather not have any children. Was almost 30-years old when I did. The issue was the bitch of a partner I chose - not the children. Most of their childhood was complete misery for them but I won’t get those great years back. I kept in a good shape and whacked them well and right to the best of my ability. They are all successful adults now. They are grateful that we are not close at all these days, and I’m living and learning to be OK with that.
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 494: these toxic elements were removed from my life, and it really changed my experience. Mine were 55, 6 and 3 when this happened, so I really got lucky.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 44: Paskat ne kuuluu perseeseen
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 143: Foresterille nämä kirjat oli tarkoitettu viihdettä ja toimintaa varten, mutta ne osoittavat myös hyvän johtajuuden onnistumisen suurten saavutusten ja ongelmanratkaisun kautta. Johtajana Hornblower ei vain ympäröi itseään oman arvonsa, vaan kaikkien ihmisten kanssa. Hän nousee tilaisuuksiin ja onnistuu niissä, koska hän tekee sen, mitä tarvitsee, analysoi tilanteita ja on joustava sen sijaan, että tarttuisi jokaiseen haasteeseen samalla tavalla. Rohkeus on elintärkeää.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 222: Nor you, ye proud, impute to these the fault, Ettekä te, te ylpeät, laske näiden syyksi,
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 245: And waste its sweetness on the desert air. Ja tuhlaa sen makeutta aavikon ilmaan.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 272: Yet ev'n these bones from insult to protect, Silti ev'n nämä luut loukkauksesta suojella,
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 293: Dost in these lines their artless tale relate; Dost näillä linjoilla heidän taiteettoman tarinansa liittyvät;
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 384: Kun Gray palasi runojen kirjoittamiseen, hän sävelsi kaksi runoa, jotka nuhtelevat halua eri tavoin. Selima, Walpolen kissa elokuvassa Oodi suosikkikissan kuolemasta, hukkui kultakalojen ammeeseenHänen kohtalonsa on muunnelma niiden kohtalosta, jotka ottavat haltuunsa sen, mikä on heidän oman toiminta-alueensa ulkopuolella. Runo voidaan lukea Grayn runollisen kutsumuksensa tunteen kannalta osuvana: hänen runollinen tuotantonsa oli vähäistä, ja hänen runonsa olivat yleensä lyhyitä ja usein keskeneräisiä.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 393: "A Long Story Short" sisältää pakenemisen halun hahmoilta, "sankarittarilta", jotka yrittävät houkutella runoilijan kohteliaisiin maalaistuksiin jättäen muistiinpanon ("loitsun") pöydälle. Tämä itseesittely viittaa "Elegian" runoilijaan: siellä oleva runoilija kuulee karvapäisen pojan: "'Mumiseen harhaanjohtavia mielikuvitustaan" on tässä "jotain ... kuultu mutisevan, / 'Kuinka puistossa vanhan puun alla / '(Ilman suunnittelua, joka vahingoittaa voita, / 'Tai mitään pahuutta siipikarjaa kohtaan...'" "A Long Storyn" vanha puu on istutettu "nyökkää pyökki" "Elegiasta", jonka alla runoilija "Hänen välinpitämättömän pituutensa keskipäivällä... venyisi"." Pitkän tarinan runoilija on "Elegian" runoilijan parodinen muoto. "Elegian" siirtyminen "minästä" "sinun" on esikuva "A Long Story" -kappaleessa tuntemattomalla äänellä, joka yhtäkkiä murtautuu puheeseen nuhtelemaan puhujaa hänen väsymyksestään: "Historiasi missä pyörit? / Etkö voi muuta kuin kuvailla?" "A Long Story" on itse asiassa lyhyt (145 riviä) identiteetistä pilkattua, toimintoa väärin ("Missä pyörit?") ja ääni katoaa. Grayn mielikuvitusta hallitsee tässä näkemys absurdista profetiasta, näkijästä pelkkänä kiusallisena pahantekijänä. "Historiasi missä pyörit? / Etkö voi muuta kuin kuvailla?" "A Long Story" on itse asiassa lyhyt (145 riviä) identiteetistä pilkattua, toimintoa väärin ("Missä pyörit?") ja ääni katoaa. Grayn mielikuvitusta hallitsee tässä näkemys absurdista profetiasta, näkijästä pelkkänä kiusallisena pahantekijänä. "Historiasi missä pyörit? / Etkö voi muuta kuin kuvailla?" "A Long Story" on itse asiassa lyhyt (145 riviä) identiteetistä pilkattua, toimintoa väärin ("Missä pyörit?") ja ääni katoaa. Grayn mielikuvitusta hallitsee tässä näkemys absurdista profetiasta, näkijästä pelkkänä kiusallisena pahantekijänä.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 452: Brian Perett has written a book The Real Hornblower: The Life and Times of Admiral Sir James Gordon, GCB, ISBN 1-55750-968-9, presenting the case for a different inspiration, namely James Alexander Gordon. In his work "The Hornblower Companion", however, Forester makes no indication of any historical influences or inspiration regarding his character. Rather, he describes a process whereby Hornblower was constructed based on what attributes made good sales for a typical Hornblower story, namely "A Happy End" (published in America as "Beat them to Smithereens").
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 462: Kirja kertoo rikkaasta ja omituisesta suklaatehtailijasta Villi Vonkasta, joka piilottaa suklaatehtaansa tuotteisiin viisi kultaista pääsylippua. Noilla pääsylipuilla viisi lasta ja heidän vanhempansa pääsevät tutustumaan hänen kauan ihmisiltä suljettuna olleeseen "suklaatehtaaseensa" yhdeksi päiväksi. Päivän aikana opitaan monenlaisia tärkeitä läksyjä, ja yksi toisensa jälkeen lapset putoavat pois pelistä. Jäljelle jäänyt kirjan päähenkilö, köyhä Jali-poika, voittaa lopulta satumaisen yllätyspalkinnon: Willy Wankerin jättisuklaapatukan!
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 464: Suklaatehtailija Villi Vonkka ja hänen kilpailijansa perustuvat hyvin hyvin löyhästi makeistenvalmistuksessa todella vallinneeseen salailuun ja teollisuusvakoiluun. No oikeastaan ei ollenkaan. Kouluaikanaan Reptonissa Dahl oli toiminut Cadburyn koemaistajana ja haaveillut yrityksen koelaboratorioista.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 685: Thine too these golden keys, immortal boy! Sinunkin nämä kultaiset killuttimet, kuolematon poika!
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 691: Nor second he, that rode sublime Six toiseseeni hän ratsasti ylevästi
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 730: When referring to Jack Robinson, it is used to represent quickness.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 740: "Will you walk into my parlour?" said a spider to a fly; Tuletko olohuoneeseeni? kysyi hämähäkki kärpäseltä;
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 816: These words were followed by a very long silence, broken only by an occasional exclamation of `Hjckrrh!' from the Gryphon, and the constant heavy sobbing of the Mock Turtle. Alice was very nearly getting up and saying, `Thank you, sir, for your interesting story,' but she could not help thinking there must be more to come, so she sat still and said nothing.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 42: Canción desesperada
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 82: Tekonsa jälkeen hän huuhteli viikatteen terän puhtaaksi pihan vesitynnyrissä. Hän kävi sisällä pesemässä omat vereentyneet kätensä astianpesuaineella ja uteliaisuudesta katseli huvilan eri huoneet yläkertaa myöten, mutta kellariin hän ei mennyt. Ja nyt kaikki käsien pesulle ja syömään, huusi Siiri-täti.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 140: None of Sappho´s own poetry mentions her teaching, and the earliest testimonium to support the idea of Sappho as a teacher comes from Ovid (a notorious nincompoop), six centuries after Sappho´s lifetime. Despite these problems, many newer interpretations of Sappho´s social role are still based on this idea. In these interpretations, Sappho was involved in the ritual education of girls, for instance as a trainer of choruses of girls. Niikö Ailin kerhotoimintaa, osallistumista kylän sukupuolielämän monipuolistamiseen.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 217: esellschaft.de/Johann_Arndt.jpg" style="float:left;width:10%;padding:1em" />
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 246: G. O. Waseniuksen jälkimaine perustuu paljolti hänen nimeään kantaneeseen, Helsingin Esplanadilla vuoteen 1969 asti toimineeseen kirjakauppaan. Omana aikanaan hänet tunnettiin myös kustantajana, jonka julkaisema Helsingfors Tidningar -lehti sai suuren suosion. Vanhemmilla päivillään hän luopui niin kirjakaupasta kuin kirjapainostakin, osti tupakka- ja paperitehtaan sekä keskittyi maanviljelyyn.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 273: Okei takaisin Marquettaan. Talvella on lunta, joka peittää niinkuin pehmoinen, valkoinen turkki oravat. Marquetalla on tuhmuushymy sen tunnustaessa, että se pitää lehmistä. Kolmasluokkalaiset pojat ottivat kiinni niskasta räyhääviä poikanahkoja ja antoivat niiden tehdä tuttavuutta märän kanssa. Talvi on aina talvi, sanoi Jussi Talvi. Saatuaan mekon enolta Marke sipsutti enon luo ja suuteli hänen karheaa, rakasta poskeaan mela kaiken kansan näkyvissä. Eno oli kiltti, suorastaan liian kiltti. Pitäisi kysyä Kaijalta miten on miesenkeleiden laita. Minä en voi kuvitella MIEHIÄ pitkissä valkoisissa mekoissa ja siivet selässä ja hulmuavat kiharat olkapäillä... Marquetta älä kazo niin murhaavan nuhtelevasti, näytät ihan Aili Konttiselta! Mistäs minä tiesin että enkeleillä on vain etupuoli.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 291: Sit tähän vähän teodikeaa Paulan kotoa. - Jumala taivaassa on järjestänyt niin, että ihmisillä maailmassa on monenlaisia hauskoja juttuja elettävänä. Siitä näkee selvästi hänen rakastavan ihmisiä. - Mutta minä ihmettelen hänen vanhempiaan, ynähti Anneli. Rakkaus lapseni, sanoi Paulan äiti tavattoman hiljaisesti ja lempeästi, se antaa anteexi kaiken, uskoo kaiken ja toivoo kaiken. Muistathan Kor. 13? Mixi Marquetan isän piti kaatua sodassa eikä Paulan juoppolallin isäpapan? No koska Marken isä meni hölmösti suoraselkäisenä ja pystypäisenä luotisateeseen; Paulan isä konttasi ja hoiperehti eikä siihen osunut. Joskus kannattaa jäädä tuleen makaamaan. Paulan äiti oli harmaa pikku hiiri jolle elämä teki pahaa, vähän kuin Milkan äiti joka joka päivä paarustaa Isoon Pajaan paiskimaan töitä lattiamanuna. Milkastakin muuten tuli lepakko. Pisisinkin elämä on vain kuin uni ja varjo ja häviää kuin löyhkä, kuin pieru Saharaan.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 350: Elokuvakriitikko Helena Yläsen mielestä kertoja on ajoittanut Rokan ilmestymisen romaaniin tarkan harkinnan perusteella. Kerronta on tullut suvantovaiheeseen ja saa Rokasta uuden moottorin. Sotilaana Rokka on ennen kaikkea pragmaattinen: hän nauttii sotimisesta, mutta ei tappamisesta, koska hän ei tunne vihaa vihollista kohtaan. Hänen mielestään sodassa on vain kaksi vaihtoehtoa, tappaa itse tai joutua tapetuksi, joista ensinmainittu on mieluisampi. Vangiksi saamassaan kapteeni Baranovissa Rokka tunnistaa heti ihmisen ja tarjoaa tälle kovaa teetä. Rokan ainoa, mutta sitäkin suurempi motiivi hänen osallistumiselleen sotaan on hänen kotiseutunsa, talvisodan seurauksena Suomelta ryöstetyn Karjalan kannaksen saaminen takaisin, kun taas Syvärillä hänellä ei ole mitään tekemistä. Rokka ei ole ajattelija, vaan hän jättää sodan moraalin pohtimisen muiden tehtäväksi. Haha, ei sodalla ole moraalia, se on ihan moraalitonta.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 594: Nerudan esikoiskokoelma ilmestyi 1923 ja vuotta myöhemmin Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada, josta oli tuleva hänen tunnetuin teoksensa. Eli kaveri razasti koko ikänsä kaxikymppisenä hankkimallaan maineella. Kirjailijanimensä hän nyysi tšekkiläiseltä runoilijalta Jan Nerudalta1.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 684: Neruda’s death certificate established the cause of death as cancer cachexia, which involves significant weight loss, but the forensic specialists unanimously found that to be impossible. “That cannot be correct,” said Dr. Niels Morling, of the University of Copenhagen’s department of forensic medicine, who participated in the analysis. “There was no indication of cachexia. He was an obese man at the time of death. All other circumstances in his last phase of life pointed to some kind of infection.” Neruda was infected with the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium, which can be highly toxic and result in death if modified.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 700: Under the influence of the free market-oriented "Chicago Boys", Pinochet's military government implemented economic liberalization following neoliberalism, including currency stabilization, removed tariff protections for local industry, banned trade unions, and privatized social security and hundreds of state-owned enterprises. Some of the government properties were sold below market price to politically connected buyers, including Pinochet's own son-in-law. The regime used censorship of entertainment as a way to reward supporters of the regime and punish opponents. These policies produced high economic growth, but critics state that economic inequality dramatically increased and attribute the devastating effects of the 1982 monetary crisis on the Chilean economy to these policies.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 728: Para mi corazón basta tu pecho, para tu libertad bastan mis alas. Si consideras largo y loco el viento de banderas que pasa por mi vida y te decides a dejarme a la orilla del corazón en que tengo raíces, piensa que en ese día, a esa hora levantaré los brazos y saldrán mis raíces a buscar otra tierra. Ahora bien, si poco a poco dejas de quererme dejaré de quererte poco a poco. Si de pronto me olvidas no me busques, que ya te habré olvidado.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 774: No olvides que la causa de tu presente
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 776: futuro será tu presente.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 832: Hay que tener en cuenta que Neruda vivía separado de su todavía mujer, Delia del Carril, a la cual enviaba cartas en las que le ocultaba su relación con Matilde. El aire está aquí. Ojalá fueras hermosa. Esta situación, sumada a la lejanía de su patria, influye de forma decisiva en el contenido de Los versos del capitán. La primera edición de este libro (1952), de tirada limitadísima, ni siquiera llevó su nombre. No quería Neruda que se hiciese público su romance… Diez años más tarde, el poeta chileno reconocía la autoría, y justificaba su anonimato debido al “clima desconsolado y ardiente del destierro”…
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 843: Neruda construyó una casa en Santiago llamada «La Chascona» (que en argot chileno significa 'despeinada', kampaamaton) en honor a Urrutia, que sirvió como refugio amoroso para ambos —puesto que la noticia de que Neruda tenía un amorío no hubiera sido bien recibida en el público chileno—. En esta casa existe una pintura, hecha por el artista mexicano Diego Rivera, que presenta a Matilde con dos caras y su famoso y largo pelo rojo. Se dice que en la pintura una de las caras representa a la Urrutia cantante que todos conocían y la otra, a la amante de Neruda. En su pelo se esconde la pértiga de Neruda, representando su relación secreta.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 884: La teoría de la personalidad de Maslow tiene dos niveles. Uno biológico, las necesidades que tenemos todos y otro más personal, que son aquellas necesidades que tienen que son fruto de nuestros deseos y las experiencias que vamos viviendo.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 886: Sin duda, Maslow se asocia al concepto de autorrealización, porque en su teoría habla de las necesidades que tenemos las personas de desarrollarnos, de buscar nuestro máximo potencial. Y es que, según éste, las personas tienen un deseo innato para autorrealizarse, para ser lo que quieran ser, y tienen la capacidad capacidad para perseguir sus objetivos de manera autónoma y libre.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 917: Son tolerantes, no tienen prejuicios y disfrutan de la presencia de los demás
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 947: La psicología humanista es una de las corrientes de pensamiento más importantes de la psicología. Desde ella, gente como Abraham Maslow (con su popular Esquema de pirámide de Maslow) o Rollo May defendieron una visión positiva del ser humano, según la cual todos somos capaces de convertirnos en el tipo de personas que deseemos.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 953: La persona, según el humanismo, es una pirsona pirsonalmente. Ciertas corrientes de la psicología han estado asociadas a una visión pesimista del ser humano. Por ejemplo, el psicoanálisis de Sigmund Freud presenta una explicación de la psique en la que los deseos inconscientes y su choque con las normas sociales gobiernan nuestro comportamiento, y el conductismo norteamericano de 1950 habia sido acusado de presentar a las personas como máquinas que reaccionan ante estímulos externos.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 963: Las personas altamente funcionales se caracterizan por estar en un proceso constante de auto-actualización, es decir, búsqueda de un ajuste casi perfecto con los objetivos y las metas vitales. Este proceso de desarrollo personal se encuentra en el presente, por lo que siempre está en funcionamiento. De este modo, la personalidad de las personas altamente funcionales es, para Mr. Rabbit, un marco en el que fluye en tiempo real un modo de vivir la vida que se adapta a las circunstancias constantemente.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 971: Esta característica tiene que ver con la tendencia a asumir que es uno mismo quien ha de otorgar sentido a las experiencias que se viven en cada momento, a través de un proceso de creación de significado. De este modo, se deja que el modo de vivir el día a día sea espontáneo, creativo, sin intentar que todo lo que se percibe encaje a la fuerza en esquemas preconcebidos. El estilo de vida asociado a este tipo de personalidad, para Roger Rabbit, se caracteriza por evitar la tendencia a prejuzgar. No se analiza el presente como algo que debe ser explicado totalmente por las vivencias
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 1031: Toinen henkilö eli terapeutti, "panostaa" lujasti terapiasuhteeseen.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 1049: Muussa tapauxessa puhumme falskista optimismista. Ja kuten Abraham Maslow, yksi humanistien virran suurimmista edustajista, leukavasti laukaisi: "Falski optimismi merkitsee ennemmin tai myöhemmin pettymystä, vihaa ja epätoivoa." Tässä artikkelissa puhumme falskista optimismista ja perehdymme tähän käsitteeseen ja sen ominaisuuksiin.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 1071: On monia tutkimuksia, jotka ovat osoittaneet, että mindfulnessia harjoittavat ihmiset nauttivat paremmasta hyvinvoinnista. Tämä johtuu siitä, että he elävät nykyhetkessä ja heillä ei ole tuomitsevaa asennetta. Ihmiset, joilla on falski optimismi, elävät irrationaalisilla odotuksilla, kaukana "tietoisesta" mentaliteetista. Voit oppia lisää nykyhetkessä elämisestä edullisesta artikkelistamme: esente">Kuinka elää nykyhetkessä, 7 psykologisessa avaimessa.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 175: I am sure, as you probably are too, that there were Jewish girls who got pregnant outside of marriage. It is no stretch of the imagination that Roman soldiers could have raped them. Since men are men, I do not doubt that incest existed in Jesus’ community. But Jesus had nothing at all to say about these things. The only examples we have are of his being aware of adultery and prostitution. But there is no mention of abortion to handle rape or incest. It is far more likely that if a girl was pregnant, the solution was to marry her off quickly. We have the example of Jesus’ mother Mary being married quickly to Joseph when she was found to be pregnant. I suspect other parents would do the same.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 197: Next project What do these Ribbons Mean?
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 205: Pamela Brink was born in the Philippine Islands, was a POW under the Japanese during World War II. Following rescue she and her family moved to the US.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 209: She founded and edited the Western Journal of Wet Nursing Research.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 376: The Walking Dead is an American post-apocalyptic horror television series based on the comic book series of the same name by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard—together forming the core of The Walking Dead franchise. The series features a large ensemble cast as survivors of a zombie apocalypse trying to stay alive under near-constant threat of attacks from zombies known as "walkers" (among other nicknames). With the collapse of modern civilization, these survivors must confront other human survivors who have formed groups and communities with their own sets of laws and morals, sometimes leading to open, hostile conflict between them. Tää on varmaan Homer Simpsonin zombieiden esikuva.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 440: Haakon ei ollut tottunut alkoholinkäyttäjä mutta sitä tottuneempi 22-vuotiaan balettiemättimen käyttäjä. Se bylsii maastohiihtoliiton talouspäällikön tytärtä, jolle se on antanut pillunnuohouxesta hyvityxexi upouuden MacBookin. Vähemmästäkin! Haakon oli jopa asentanut koneeseen kaiken valmiixi.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 486: Koskettava joulutarina tuo taas yhteen Jouluksi kotiin -rainan ohjaajan Per-Olav Sørensenin ja tähden Ida Elise Brochin. Samoilta naamareilta siis on tullut ennen tämmönen rykäisy: Maailmalla menestynyt tähti Simon saapuu kotimaahansa Ruotsiin joulunviettoon. Hänen veljensä Anders järjestää lapsuuden pikkupaikkakunnalla vuosittain joulukonsertin, ja Simon ylipuhutaan mukaan. Menestyneen veljensä varjossa kasvanut Anders ei ole tästä mielissään, mutta Simon suhtautuu tilanteeseen kevyesti - kunnes vanhat muistot heräävät henkiin ja hänen on kohdattava haudatut perhesalaisuudet. Rooleissa: Peter Jöback, Johannes Kuhnke, Suzanne Reuter, Jennie Silfverhjelm. Ruotsalainen elokuva vuodelta 2019. Tällä kertaa ylimakeaan joulutunnelmaan mennään näillä eväillä:
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 510: Kristiina tädin kanssa tuli nokkapokkaa tästä lipevä-sanasta. Kristiina täti puolusti antamaansa taidearvostelua, siis että vaikka sananvalinta oli ehkä vähän väärä, niin mun esittävä piirustus oli "sovinnainen" verrattuna Petterin nonfiguratiiviseen tekeleeseen. Kiitti vaan. No sanat siitä sakenivat, ja ollaan taas pen päl väleissä. Mikä ehkä oli tavoitteenakin. En kyllä oikeastikaan usko että taivaan isi antaa Kristinalle anteexi. Luulen että se jää kuoppaan pölisemään vanhempien seuraxi.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 575: Psykiatrian erikoislääkäri, tutkija Roope Tikkasen johdolla tehdyssä tutkimuksessa onkin nyt osoitettu, että pistemutaatio serotoniini 2B -reseptorin geenissä voi altistaa impulsiiviselle käyttäytymiselle erityisesti humalassa. Nature Publishing Group:in Translational Psychiatry -tiedelehdessä julkaistu löydös (Tikkanen et al., 2015) on jatkoa vuonna 2010 tehdylle alkuperäiselle havainnolle serotoniini 2B -reseptorin geenimutaatiosta suomalaisissa (Bevilacqua & al, 2010).
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 577: Lisäksi hän on tutkinut sukupuolten välisiä eroja murhafantasioissa. Listaus Roope Tikkasen tieteellisistä julkaisuista: https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/fi/p ... e+Tikkanen
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 593: Perheen rouvan kanssa vedessä ui mäyräkoira. Heikkilä nosti koiran veneeseen, mutta rouva ei päässyt kyytiin laidan yli. Lopulta hänet saatiin veneeseen sen takaosan portaiden kautta. Muut perheen jäsenet pääsivät veneeseen turvaan laidasta.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 742: Uskon, että lääkkeiden väärinkäytöllä lienee osallisuutta mereen ajoon, tekoon ja sangen erikoiseen tapaan aamusella yrittää nostaa ruumista maton sisällä autoon keskellä taloyhtiön pihaa. :roll: Itse pesen mattoja kesäisin, ja olohuoneen matto painaa märkänä sen verran, etten saa nostettua sitä omin voimin. Saati sitten, jos maton lisäksi pitäisi nostaa ruumis. Eipä tulisi mitään koko hommasta. En ryhtyisi hommaan näillä tiedoin, vaikken yllä älylliseltä tasoltani lähellekään tuollaisia huippulääkäreitä. Siksi ajattelen, että tekijä on tainnut olla enemmän tai vähemmän mömmöissä, ja pään selkiytyessä taitaa herralla tulla maailmanluokan facepalm.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 744: Kiintoisaa olisi kyllä tietää, minkä takia uhri on jäänyt suhteeseen vielä mereen ajon jälkeenkin. Kai se jotenkin on vahingoksi hänelle selitetty. Jos se tekijä selitti ottaneensa pari kolmiolääkettä liikaa sillä kertaa vannoen, ettei asia voi toistua enää. Tai sitten uhri ei ole uskaltanut lähteä, koska lähtiessä seuraus on tämä, mitä nyt käsittelemme.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 784: Lisäys/muokkaus Tuosta lääkärien hinnoittelusta. "Voi herranen aika sentään, 120eur 10min ajasta!!1!1!!" Oletteko ajatelleet asiaa näin: se 10min "terapia" on todennäköisesti puhelu asiakkaalle, jossa tarkistetaan lääkityksen tilanne, uusitaan resepti, tehdään asiaan kuuluvat kirjaukset, säilytät hoitosuhteen asiakkaaseen, eli olet ns. (HUOM, NIIN SANOTUSTI) vastuussa hoitavana lääkärinä, maksat verot, maksat "pöytämaksun" (joka kattaa mm. toimitilojen/aspan kulut), koska ei yksityiset lääkärileskukset tee hyväntekeväisyyttä, vaan heidän tulot tulevat mm. lääkäreiden firmoilta tarjotessaan lääkäreille fasiliteetit ja ajanvarausjärjestelmät.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 134: Guan Moye (simplified Chinese: 管谟业; traditional Chinese: 管謨業; pinyin: Guǎn Móyè; born 17 February 1955) on toistaisexi ainoa aito viirusilmä kiinalainen nobelisti, länsimaisittain vaan Mo Yan, jonka romaanin Punainen durra kahden luvun pohjalta on elokuvakin, nim. Punainen pelto (1987). Länsimaissa Mo Yania on verrattu muun muassa Franz Kafkaan ja Joseph Helleriin. Yhteiskunnallisia kysymyksiä kuvatessaan hän käyttää maagisen realismin keinoja.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 164: This is not a movie for the masses. It is, however, a small film about real life hardships and their tragic consequences. While the dialogue and careful pacing befits the original novel, the film sometimes drags because of it. Towne has not given us the great American love story, but he has presented us with a captivating view of 1933 Los Angeles and a tale of romance that involves us in the plight of the characters.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 215: Raska på, Alfons Åberg och åtskilliga Alfons-böcker presenterar folk som är livligt engagerade. Man ska bygga målbur, ordna kalas, storhandla, göra kojor, uppfinna linbana. Barn som vuxna är igång. Alla har sina projekt. Då faller lätt orden: jag ska bara… (Numera offentligt nyttjad Alfons- replik i riksdagen, vid gudstjänster, på styrelsemöten.) Jo, det är negativt som undanflykt och ursäkt. Men positivt för att… det är så mänskligt. Sådana är vi! Kanske är det rentav människans bästa sida –förmågan att bli entusiastisk, engagerad, skapande? Det kan inte djuren. Utom i brunst. Vi termitaporna är i brunst hela tiden.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 267: Why is Quora stuffed with idiots and psychos? Because it is a representative sample of the ape population in the cloud.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 312: Nicolas: God! I don't know who is the good from the bad anymore. Reading these comments sounds no better then that of what you damn. I don't see anything in the world today but self serving people that excuse themselves from the hate they put into the world by the hate that the world has made them endure. It's a gross cycle that makes me fear the end is not a possibility until the sweet escape of death. Everyday I welcome that silence more and more. Life's thin vale of beauty was taken by the one I trusted most. Yet it is the true face of this world I now see. From such betrayal I am left with a world consumed by the poison it shames. I welcome anything that takes this away. I ask for nothing because nothing is exactly what I desire most.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 342: Romanen fokuserer på hovedpersonen, Henry Chinaski, mellom 1920 og 1941, og begynner med Chinaskis tidlige minner. Etter hvert som historien utvikler seg, følger leseren livet gjennom hans skoleår og som ung voksen. Chinaski forteller at han har en voldelig far, og hans mor gjør ingenting for å forhindre farens misbruk. Henry er ikke særlig atletisk, men forsøker så godt han kan på å forbedre seg. Fotball er vanskelig for ham, men han nyter volden som følger med. Han har bare litt bedre resultater i baseball. Chinaski utvikler seg gjennom grunnskolen, og har fokus på sport, vold og jenter. Han er en simpel dummer apa han. Just liksom Jo Nesbø.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 344: Gjennom ungdomsskolen oppdager Henry de mange gledene ved alkohol og onani. Når Henry begynner på videregående skole, får faren ham til å begynne ved en privat skole hvor han passer enda mindre inn blant alle de andre bortskjemte rike ungdommene med deres prangende, fargerike, konvertible kjøretøy og vakre kjærester. For å gjøre saken verre, utvikler Chinaski fryktelig kviser så alvorlig at han må gjennomgå smertefulle, og for det meste ineffektive, behandlinger. Han blir derfor et slags menneskelig marsvin for forskjellige eksperimenter tenkt ut av uinteresserte doktorer som egentlig ikke bryr seg om hans velvære. Leseren følger til slutt Chinaski til college, og leser om hans ulykkede forsøk på å finne en meningsfylt jobb. Så han begynte at skrive skitt istedet.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 482: Kaikki tämä taustatarina ilmenee mykistettynä, yhdessä juhlajaksossa ennen kuin Laura lukitaan elokuvalle nimensä antavan junan osastoon, saattueeseen, joka vie hänet monipäiväiselle matkalle Venäjän pääkaupungista syrjäiseen Murmanskin kaupunkiin. Jos haluamme ottaa Roxy Musicin säkeet mielekkääksi paratektiiviksi, tärkeintä ei ole niinkään huume - rakkaus, sentimentaalisessa suhteessa, jonka löydämme pian laimeaksi - vaan se, mikä turtuu: yksinäisyys, osaston nro 6 aito temaattinen akseli.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 489: Sydämeltään Kuosmanen kuvaa häntä romanttisen komedian mahdottomana kumppanina. Ensireaktio, jota ohjaa hahmon antipatia, voi olla epäusko suhteeseen, jonka yhteyspisteet ovat niin lukukelvottomia. Siksi osasto nro 6 flirttailee epäjohdonmukaisuudella. Juonityyppisen "kaksi muukalaista, jotka on lukittu tilaan, jotka on pakko päästä lähemmäksi" saumat päätyvät näkyviin, ja joitain asioita tapahtuu, koska elokuvallinen keskustelu tarvitsee niitä kulkemaan.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 505: and she'll wash me first Ja hiän pesee mut ekana
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 509: then wash the cock: Sitten pesee kikkelin:
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 514: and then I wash her. . . Ja sitmä pesen hiänet...
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 518: wash there with a soothing motion, Pesen sieltä sievistelevästi,
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 560: The family moved to Mid-City, Los Angeles, in 1930. Bukowski's father was often unemployed. To while away his time, with his mother's acquiescence, his father was frequently abusive, both physically and mentally, beating his son for the smallest real or imagined offense. Heini later told an interviewer that his father beat him with a razor strop three times a week from the ages of six to 11 years. He says that it helped his writing, as he came to understand undeserved as well as well deserved pain.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 562: Young Bukowski spoke English with a strong German accent and was taunted by his childhood playmates with the epithet "Heinie", German diminutive of Heinrich, in his early youth. He was shy and socially withdrawn, a condition exacerbated during his teen years by an extreme case of acne. Neighborhood children ridiculed his accent, acne and the sensible clothing his parents made him wear. Nachdem sein Vater seinen Wehrdienst abgeleistet hatte, fand er jedoch nur eine Arbeit als Milchlieferant. Die Familie lebte aus diesem Grund zeitweise in ärmlichen Verhältnissen. Regelmäßig betrog der Vater außerdem Bukowskis Mutter mit anderen Frauen, betrank sich und misshandelte seinen eigenen Sohn körperlich. In die Pubertät gekommen, litt Bukowski zudem an starker Akne und hatte am ganzen Körper Pusteln, weshalb er ein ganzes Jahr nicht die Schule besuchen "konnte". The Great Depression bottled his rage as he grew up, and gave him much of his voice and material for his writings.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 567: Failing to break into the military world, Bukowski grew disillusioned with the publication process and quit writing for almost a decade, a time that he referred to as a "ten-year drunk". These "lost years" formed the basis for his later semiautobiographical chronicles, fictionalized versions of Bukowski's life through his highly stylized alter-ego, Henry Chinaski.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 580: Bukowski embarked on a series of love affairs and one-night stands. One of these relationships was with Linda King, a poet and sculptress. Die Beziehung zog sich über mehrere Jahre hin, wobei es zu mehrfachen Trennungen mit anschließender Versöhnung kam. Die zum Teil schmerzhaften Erfahrungen dieser Beziehung verarbeitete Bukowski in mehreren Kapiteln seines Romans Das Liebesleben einer Hyäne (Women).
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 601: But was he a cynic? Was he an efficient epicure like Viennese Australian Singer? Was his mother Israel a Jew? Did he hate his mom?
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 606: Barfly, released in 1987, is a barfingly semi-autobiographical film written by Bukowski and starring Mickey Rourke as Henry Chinaski, who represents Bukowski, and Faye Dunaway as his lover Wanda Wilcox. Sean Penn offered to play Chinaski for one dollar as long as his friend Dennis Hopper would direct,[53] but the European director Barbet Schroeder had invested many years and thousands of dollars in the project and Bukowski felt Schroeder deserved to make it. Bukowski wrote the screenplay, was given script approval, and appears as a bar patron in a brief cameo.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 617: „Auf der Basis seiner eigenen Erfahrungen schrieb er in knappem Stil harte, witzige Stories, Romane und Gedichte über das Leben in den Randzonen der bürgerl. amerikan. Gesellschaft. Schockwirkung durch die Darstellung brutaler Gewalt, obszöner Sexualität und des Schmutzes der Gosse (katuoja).“ – Der Literatur-Brockhaus: in acht Bänden
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 620: Bukowski selbst hat das Bild des saufenden und krakeelenden Genies nach Kräften gefördert. Legendär ist die Lesung in der Hamburger Markthalle am 18. Mai 1978, bei der ein Kühlschrank auf der Bühne stehen musste, damit der Nachschub an wohltemperiertem Wein der Sorte Müller-Thurgau nicht abriss. Im späteren Leben hatte er den Alkoholismus anscheinend im Griff und soll um einiges ruhiger und sensibler gewesen sein, als sein Image besagte.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 622: Das Buch „Schlechte Verlierer“ hat Originaltitel: Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions and General Tales of Ordinary Madness. Bukowski befindet sich zeitlich und geografisch irgendwo zwischen Beat Generation und Gonzo-Journalismus, ist diesen Stilen aber nicht zuzurechnen. Eskistäkin tollanen oli jotenkin hienoa, niin Hyvinkään kiltti hymypoika kuin olikin. Kumma ettei sillä näytä olleen juuri muita ilmoittautuneita kirjallisia jäljittelijöitä kuin Jonne Nääsböö.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 682: Critics have suggested Singer misrepresents the role of self-interest in some religions, such as the prospect of rewards in heaven.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 692: Samuel Benjamin Bankman-Fried (born March 6, 1992), also known by the initialism SBF, is an American suspected fraudster, entrepreneur, investor, and former billionaire. Bankman-Fried was the founder and CEO of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX and associated trading firm Alameda Research, both of which experienced a high-profile collapse resulting in chapter 11 bankruptcy in late 2022.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 702: In November 2017, he co-founded Alameda Research, a quantitative trading firm, with Tara Mac Aulay from the Centre for Effective Altruism.As of 2021, Bankman-Fried owned approximately 90 percent of Alameda Research. In January 2018, Bankman-Fried organized an arbitrage trade, moving up to $25 million per day, to take advantage of the higher price of bitcoin in Japan compared to the United States. After attending a late 2018 cryptocurrency conference in Macau, he moved to Hong Kong.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 731: TIME Spotlight Story Effective Altruism Has a Hostile Culture to Women, Critics Say. Effective Altruism Promises to Do Good Better. These Women Say It Has a Toxic Culture Of Sexual Harassment and Abuse. They say that effective altruism's overwhelming maleness, its professional incestuousness, its subculture of polyamory and its overlap with tech-bro dominated "rationalist" groups have combined to treat females like fishmarket finds.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 735: In 2018, as she was starting her career in AI research, Joseph recalls being introduced to a prominent man in the field connected to EA. Joseph was 22 and still in college; he was nearly twice her age. As they talked at a Japanese restaurant in New York City, she recalled, the man turned the conversation in a bizarre direction, arguing “that pedophilic relationships between very young women and older men was a good way to transfer knowledge,” Joseph says. “I had a sense that he was grooming me.” (Joseph says she told her roommate about the alleged incident. The roommate confirmed that conversation to TIME.)
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 741: Prominent figures in EA have cast polyamory as a more “rational” romantic arrangement. The philosopher Peter Singer, whose writing is a touchstone for EA leaders, seemed to endorse polyamory in a July 2017 interview in which he argued that monogamy may be increasingly anachronistic in the age of birth control. Caroline Ellison, the CEO of the FTX-tied Alameda Research, who reportedly was romantically involved at times with Bankman-Fried, apparently posted on her blog that the ideal configuration for romantic relationships would resemble an “imperial Chinese harem” in which “everyone should have a ranking of their partners.”
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 745: Gopalakrishnan also described a cult-like dynamic that favored accused men over harassed women. After writing out her concerns about the sexual dynamics within the movement on the EA forum, Gopalakrishnan watched the responses pour in. Shaken, she removed her post. She felt exposed, she recalls, and didn’t feel like being a punching bag. Most of all, Gopalakrishnan was disturbed at the way the rational frameworks to which she had devoted her life could be used to undermine her own experiences. “You’re used to overriding these gut feelings because they’re not rational,” she says. “Under the guise of intellectuality, you can cover up a lot of injustice.”
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 765: Kultaisen peniksen syndroomalla viitataan ilmiöön amerikkalaisissa yliopistokaupungeissa. Koulutetuille heteromiehille on Tinderissä kysyntää, koska heitä on yliopistoissa naisia vähemmän. Osa miehistä on alkanut pitää vaihtoehtojaan naismarkkinoilla loputtomina. He jäävät pyyhkäisemään oikealle ikuisesti. Eemilin mielestä Suomea vaivaa kultaisen pillun syndrooma. Kouluttamattomat miehet jäävät pyyhkäisemään lahkeeseen lähes ikuisesti.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 818: Sir John Major KG CH (born 29 March 1943) is a British former politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1990 to 1997. Prior to becoming prime minister, he served as Foreign Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer in the third Thatcher government. Läpimätä torykonna toisin sanoen. Sillä oli sellaset jättimäiset teeveelasit jotka tuli muotiin 80-luvun alussa; mäkin ostin sellaset kerran Lauttasaaresta mutten kehannut käyttää sittenkään. Major oli pääministeri Persianlahden sodan aikana. Hänen ensimmäisinä vuosinaan maailmantalous ajautui matalasuhdanteeseen 1980-luvun pitkän nousun jälkeen. Muutenkin meni majurilta enimmäkseen kaikki perseelleen. Henki sentään vielä pihisee.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 824: Mannen under hyllen var Bent Nordbø. Han hadde John Gielguds arrogante oppsyn, John Majors panoramabriller og Larry Kings bukseseler. Og han leste i en ekte papiravis. Roger hadde hørt at Nordbø kun leste New York Times, The Financial Times, The Guardian, China Daily, Süddeutsche Zeitung, El País og Le Monde, men at de leste han til gjengjeld hver dag. Han kunne dog finne på å bla i Pravda og slovenske Dnevnik, men han hevdet at «østeuropeiske språk er så tunge for øyet.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 902: «Alt i Afrika er syklus,» fortsatte Tony. «Regntid og tørke, natt og dag, spise og å bli spist, leve og å dø. Naturens gang er alt, ingenting kan forandres, svøm med strømmen, overlev så lenge du kan, ta det som tilbys, det er alt du kan gjøre. For dine forfedres liv er ditt liv, du kan ikke gjøre noen forandring, utvikling er ikke mulig. Det er ikke afrikansk filosofi, bare generasjonenes erfaring. Og det er erfaringen vi må forandre. Det er erfaringen som forandrer tankesettet, ikke omvendt.» «Og hvis erfaringen er at hvite mennesker utbytter dem?» sa Kaja.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 904: «Ideen om utbytting er plantet av hvite mennesker,» sa Tony. Men begrepet har vist seg nyttig for afrikanske ledere som trenger å peke på en felles fiende for å samle folket bak seg. Helt fra avviklingen av kolonistyrene på sekstitallet har de brukt de hvites skyldfølelse til å skaffe seg selv makt så den virkelige utbyttingen av folket kunne begynne. Den hvites skyldfølelse for å kolonisere Afrika er patetisk. Den virkelige forbrytelsen var å overlate afrikaneren til sin egen morderiske og destruktive natur. Tro meg, Kaja, kongolesere flest har aldri hatt det bedre enn under belgierne. Opprørene hadde aldri noe grunnlag i folkets vilje, men i enkeltpersoners maktbegjær. Små grupperinger som stormet belgiernes hus her ved Kivusjøen fordi husene var så fine at de regnet med å finne noe der som de hadde lyst på. Sånn var det, og sånn er det.»
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 924: Kadonneen läheiset ja poliisi yrittivät etsiä naista perjantai-illan aikana. Poliisipartio sai lauantaiaamuna kello 9.20 tehtävän mennä tarkistamaan kadonneeseen naiseen liittyvää vihjettä Ullanlinnaan. Sivullinen ilmoitti poliisille, että mies on siirtämässä jotain nyytin tapaista henkilöauton takakonttiin, vahvistaa rikostarkastaja Jari Koski Helsingin poliisilaitokselta. Poliisi löysi paikalta kadonneeksi ilmoitetun naisen kuolleena.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 931: Takaisin lumiukkoaiheeseen. Juonipaljastuxista päätellen lumiukko on vitun samanlainen juoneltaan kuin tää panssarinyrkki. Mixi vaihtaa pelitapaa kun rahaa tulee ikkunoista ja ovista?
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 941: I Bergen oppdager Harry at etterforsker Rafto døde av et tilsynelatende selvpåført skuddsår i hodet. Harry oppdager også at Katrine er Raftos datter. Alle de nylige ofrene besøkte klinikken til Dr. Vetlesen, som også fører tilsyn med Arve Støps prostitusjonsring. Når telefonen til Becker aktiveres igjen, blir signalet sporet til Dr. Vetlesens hjem. Katrine arresterer Vetlesen på egen hånd, men finner ham død av et skudd i hodet, sammen med restene av Birte Becker og en annen savnet person. Politiet tror Vetlesens død var selvmord, og suspenderer Katrine fra politiet.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 189: These virgins with the lightening of the day Nää neizeet tuo sulle päivän noustessa
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 193: Divides from these things; whom do thou not less Ole aikaa näille jutuille, siis anna mullekin
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 346: I praise her not; what things are these to praise? Niistä en kyllä kiitä, mitä niissä on kiitettävää?
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 355: Which deed of these twain were not good to praise? Kumpi näistä tekosista ei ollut kiitettävä?
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 360: Yea, but a curse she hath sent above all these Njaa mutta se lähetti kirouxen näille kaikille
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 361: To hurt us where she healed us; and hath lit Satuttamaan vasta parantuneeseen paikkaan; ja sytytti
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 406: And these things nowise move me, but I know Eikä sekään haittaa mua, mutta mä tiedän
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 418: These things are in my presage, and myself Nää asiat mä nään jo ennalta, ja mä izeni
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 455: These are the most high Fates that dwell with us, Nää on korkeimmat kohtalottaret täälläpäin,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 505: With eyes alive and spake with lips of these
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 508: Time gave her, and an equal soul to these
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 516: And now, before these gather to the hunt,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 601: The gods give all these fruit of all their works.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 626: Who are these shining like one sundered star?
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 645: Far off ye come, and least in years of these,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 725: Law lives upon their lips whom these applaud.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 729: How sayest thou these? what god applauds new things?
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 792: Nor with desire of these things; for with time
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 823: And these, filled full of days, divine and dead,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 860: Yet these, as wind baffles the foam, and beats
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 880: The gods have given this woman; hear thou these.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 948: Changeless; howbeit these change, and in good time
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 957: These too we honour in honouring her; but thou,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 978: By thy great heart and these clasped knees, O son,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1007: Lest all these turn against thee; for who knows
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1043: And these lay hold upon us; but thou, God,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1120: What hadst thou to do amongst these,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1143: That thou must come after these,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1176: All these we know of; but thee
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1198: These things are spoken of thee.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1203: All these, overburdened with woes
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1231: Here in your sight and eyeshot of these men
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1275: Thee therefore we praise also, thee as these,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1340: Gods; for no less division sunders these;
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1345: Nor woman, lest these mock thee, though a god,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1352: King, I beseech you a little bear with me.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1354: Let the gods witness and their wrath; but these
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1386: Me these allure, and know me; but no man
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1389: If one of all you these things vex at all.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1401: Fearful, one eye abase itself; and these
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1406: Higher than these meaner mouths and limbs, that feed,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1413: Feed ye on these, eat and wax fat; cry out,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1484: What shall be done with all these tears of ours?
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1521: Preserve their lips from tasting night or day,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1524: Lest all these change, and heaven bow down to none,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1609: That these things are not otherwise, but thus;
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1631: Cheers first these warder gods that face the sun
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1686: These gods and all the lintel, and shed wine,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1700: Arcadians; next, and evil-eyed of these,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1722: These having halted bade blow horns, and rode
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1811: And hot and horrid from the work all these
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1823: And many a well-spring overwatched of these.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1843: Thou hast prayed well; for whoso fears not these,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1939: We beseech thee by thy light,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1974: What are these borne on branches, and the face
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1989: Weep if thou wilt, for these men shall no more.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2070: They are strong, they are strong; I am broken, and these prevail.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2088: These men thy brethren wrangling bade yield up
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2125: Blanched thy son’s face, his slayer; and these being slain,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2127: These made of heaven infatuate in their deaths,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2128: Foolish; for these would baffle fate, and fell.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2141: But no part here; for these my brethren born
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2143: Ye have no part in, these ye know not of
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2145: Slain in their slaying. I would I had died for these;
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2155: And these are bitter and I a barren queen
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2179: Who bear them? who bring forth in lieu of these?
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2190: Allowed us, and our days were clear of these.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2192: No swords to vex the world; for these that spake
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2217: Better one death for him and these and me.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2229: Fighting, but not a sacrifice, lo these
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2243: Touch these returning red and not from war,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2244: These fatal from the vintage of men’s veins,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2245: Dead men my brethren? how shall these wash off
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2258: Praise me, but these thou wouldest not let live
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2259: No man shall praise for ever? these shall lie
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2263: That now is as men hungered; and these dead
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2285: But these the gods too gave me, and these my son,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2295: Seeing these mine own slain of mine own, and me
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2306: Whom lest worse hap rebuke we not for these.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2311: For these things’ sake cry out on mine own soul
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2322: For these ye show us; and we less than these
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2323: Have not wherewith to live as all these things
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2331: And sins whereof we know not; and for these
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2341: Wherefore I will not that these twain, O gods,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2349: And none of these hath pity of them, and none
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2354: Hearing how these her sons come down to her
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2366: Yet shall not these rebuke me though I die,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2373: She shall have honour and these her sons, though dead.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2393: What none compelled me doing; thus these things fare.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2400: Ah, ah, for me too as for these; alas,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2423: Fate than all gods: and these are fallen on us.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2445: Fear died when these were slain; and I am as dead,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2447: And fear is of the living; these fear none.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2497: Even all these knew her: for she is great;
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2704: Though mine eyes reach to the end of all these things,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3027: Forth of all these;
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3029: By the Chersonese
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3182: Dissundering them, devour me; for these limbs
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3188: Disbranched and desecrated miserably,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3194: And time, these would not, these tread out my life,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3195: These and not thou; me too thou hast loved, and I
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3205: Shall bear much better children; why should these
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3208: Mother, thou sole and only, thou not these,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3218: With deeds as great as these men’s; but they live,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3219: These, and I die; and what thing should have been
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3222: Me, O my mother; I charge thee by these gods,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3224: By these that see me dying, and that which nursed,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3226: Grief only, of me, and of all these great joy,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3246: Dying, I beseech you, let my name not die.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3389: Serbia's Aleksandar Vucic stands tall at 6 foot 6, making him the tallest world leader. House 2021 Donald Trump weighed 244 pounds according to the results of a physical performed in June 2020. Speaker Nancy Pelosi insisted that he's morbidly obese. The president is 6-foot-3 inches tall. This means the once and future president is considered only clinically obese and has a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30.3.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 106: Sinulla on liian paxut reidet. Kun menee sinun sisääsi täytyy kiivetä. Näin ikäviä unia. Matkalaukku hävisi. Veljeni Ismo Uolevi murtautui huoneeseeni ja vei minun rahani (siis sinun). Antakaa lasten tulla tyköni. Työnnän sen niin syvälle etne parkuvat. Jumalalle tulee huono omis. 4 asiaa jotka Jumala haluaa minun tietävän: 1) tarvizen pelastusta 2) ize en pystyi izeäni pelastamaan 3) Jumala on varannut minulle pelastuxen 4) Hra Jeesus pystyy pelastamaan ja varjelemaan jumalan raivolta.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 205: 12-vuotias karvaton tytön pullukka sai teini-ikäisellä Handella aikaan seisokin ja sen 16v sisaren uimapuvun alla pompottavat tisut ja korkea tuhero teki sen epätoivoisexi. Sedät oli peräperää raiskanneet jonkun maitotytön mustikassa. Hande ei samaan pystynyt: heti kun sai housut alas kyrpä nuokahti kuin käärmeenperse illansuussa tytön odotellessa huohotellen etutassu märkänä. Hande miettimään tilanteeseen sopivaa kauppamatkustajakaskua.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 215: Ize asiassa Hande oli vaan vitun kade siitä että muut retiisikirjailijat saavat pääsylipun Urkin bileisiin vaan ei se. Eijan kanssa äyskivät pojalle ja vahtaavat sitten töllöstä Penan frakkia, Tuula2n peruukkia, kammattua Arvo Turilasta ja minihameista Brita Polttilaa. Järjestäytynyt työväenliike näki syystä von Blitzin negatiivisexi navaxi. Sen asenteet on täysporvarillisia. Kirjassa 6/12 runoilija sammuu linnaan matkaavan autoletkan eteen. Hande nostaa tukirahoja muka vastentahtoisesti eikä palkinnotkaan jää postiin seisomaan. Eijan kanssa meni kuralle heti pikku Markun synnyttyä. Ei olis pitänyt hankkia perheeseen toista lasta.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 244: "Puhdas" on alun alkaen vain apina joka peseytyy, välttää ihotauteja aiheuttavia ruokia, ei makaa alaluokan likaisten naisten kanssa, inhoaa verta - ei paljon enempää!
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 280: Pieni tovi ehtii kulua näistä mieltä kiihtävistä näyistä, niin eipä aikaakaan niin voi kauhistus! Jeesuxen sormi lipsahti vahingossa suoraan Maarian paisuneeseen litimärkään häpykieleen.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 354: Margit Borg (myöh. Borg-Sundman) Pirkkalan ilotyttöjen keskitysleirin tarkastuskäynnillä ruotsalaisten vieraiden kanssa 1941. Tytöt oli jaettu aakkosjärjestyksessä, noin kuusi tyttöä yhteen huoneeseen. Jouduin ummehtuneelle tuoksuvaan ruskeatapettiseen huoneeseen, jossa oli lämmitysuuni. Siellä odotti vieretysten kolme kaksikerroksista vuodetta. Ei ollut enää ylioppilaita ja kotiapulaisia, vaan kaikki olivat samanarvoisia sexityöläisiä.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 470: Weserübung oli viikinkien nitistyxen peitenimi viime maailmankärhämässä. Churchill olis halunnut etukäteismiehittää Norjan plus Ruåzin malmikaivoxet muka auttaaxeen pikku Suomea talvisodassa mutta kolleegat eivät antaneet. Ruåzi ja Norja eivät lämmenneet asialle ollenkaan. Suomen nyykähtäessä talvisodan jälkeen meni kiinni sen suunnitelman aikaikkuna. Kun norjalaiset vellihousut tunaroivat Altmarkin vankilaivan kaa ja päästivät britit mellastamaan rannoillaan, kukaan ei enää luottanut pätkääkään hiihtopipoihin.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 472: Varhain huhtikuun 9. päivän aamuna vuonna 1940 koitti Wesertag (”Weser-päivä”). Saksa valloitti Tanskan ja hyökkäsi Norjaan. Saksalaiset ilmoittivat maiden hallituksille, että Wehrmacht on saapunut ”suojelemaan maiden neutraaliutta ranskalais-brittiläistä aggressiota vastaan.” Huoh, aina tää sama tematiikka sodan alkupropagandassa.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 509: Under förmiddagen den 13 juni 1952, mitt under en mycket het period i det kalla kriget, försvann flygvapnets Tp 79 Hugin med flygvapennummer 79001 utan att lämna några andra spår än en sönderskjuten räddningsflotte efter sig. Den specialutrustade DC-3:an var på väg hem mot Bromma flygplats, efter att ha genomfört ett radarspaningsuppdrag. Klockan 11:08 samma dag rapporterade DC-3:ans navigatör Gösta Blad för sista gången in planets position. Klockan 11:23 mottog signalisten vid flygflottiljen Roslagens flygkår (F 2) i Hägernäs ett anrop från DC-3:an, vilket dock snabbt dog ut. Det var den svenska besättningens sista livstecken. Flygplanets position över Östersjön vid försvinnandet var oklar. Sovjetunionen förnekade inblandning i försvinnandet. I de första svenska pressmeddelandena om DC-3:ans försvinnande nämndes ingenting om misstanken att planet blivit nedskjutet, bland annat för att dölja det faktum att flygvapnet tillsammans med Försvarets radioanstalt (FRA) bedrev denna signalspaning. Representanter för Flygvapnet och Sveriges regering hävdade att planets besättning varit ute på en oskyldig navigeringsflygning i utbildningssyfte. Svensk press intog en hård antisovjetisk linje.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 529: It is very hard to determine, given the facts at hand, whether or not MacArthur would have been right in dropping 30 nuclear bombs on China. I will say this, though; the rose-colored glasses of the present often change the shading of situations in the past. When you consider the decisions of MacArthur and Truman, remember that they lived in a different time with different values and ideas. And don't be afraid to make up your own mind.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 563: Pääpahis Reinhard Heydt pelasi sisilialaisen avauksen Marshall- muunnosta, nerokasta peliä, jonka muuan amerikkalainen merikapteeni oli keksinyt ja sittemmin tehnyt useista sen ajan suurista mestareista häviäjiä, jotka eivät voineet juuri muuta kuin haukkoa henkeä hämmästyksestä. Suuria linjoja, rohkea panoksia, koko jutussa oli miltei hitusen Weserübungin makua.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 112: The U.S. shadow banking system (i.e., non-depository financial institutions such as investment banks) had grown to rival the depository system yet was not subject to the same regulatory oversight, making it vulnerable to a bank run. US mortgage-backed securities, which had risks that were hard to assess, were marketed around the world, as they offered higher yields than U.S. government bonds. Many of these securities were backed by subprime mortgages, which collapsed in value when the U.S. housing bubble burst during 2006 and homeowners began to default on their mortgage payments in large numbers starting in 2007.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 122: Widespread failures in financial regulation, including the Federal Reserve's failure to stem the tide of toxic mortgages;
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 148: Elokuvan nimi on viittaus alun perin Yves Montandin esittämään kappaleeseen Les Feuilles Mortes, jonka Olavi Virta lauloi suomeksi nimellä Kuolleet lehdet. Virran laulama versio iski haikeudellaan Kaurismäkeen jo lapsena. Mullon tää, sehän on Prévertin runo albumissa 210 nimeltä Ovat muistojemme lehdet kuolleet.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 196: Toinen konna on kuluneeseen mustaan nahkatakkiin pukeutunut fanaattinen hilsepää Antero. Antero ja Ervasti. Ervasti ja Antero. "Markun" suosittama nazi-Antero ei vaikuta järin luotettavalta. Antero Määttä vieläpä kuin sontimattomasta tutilaasta. Hyi että inhoon tälläsiä suomalais-isänmaallisia korstoja. Kalevi ja 3 muuta jauhautui kalisevien telaketjujen alle. Pojat joitei saatu hyvix on nyt jauhettuna jyvix. Mitäs meni huligaanit törkkimään Otto-Villen pazasta.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 235: Juoxe karkuun suputti Väiski punikkien luoti jalassa. Sinulla on elämä edessä talousliberaalina svedu lahtareissa. Ala mennä! Heikki meni mutta jätti piikkilankaesteeseen kyvyn saada jälkeläisiä. Kas se jatkaa lentoaan! huusi vartija ja osoitti Tornionjoessa räpiköivää Heikkiä. Muttei jatka sukuaan, totesi toinen tyytyväisenä ja näytti piikkilankaan tarttunutta pikku nakkia.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 305: Kymmeniätuhansia punttia on taas tiedossa. Tyhjätaskut älkööt vaivautuko. Maxavan asiakkaan huone oli karu mutta vaikuttava: rosteria, kiveä ja lasia kuin vankisellissä. Aivan saatanan klicheistä! Hetki niin vaihdan johkin vähemmän klicheiseen, sanoo tynnyriin ja henxeleihin pukeutunut putipuhtaaxi ryöstetty asiakas. Käkättäjä rapsautti kuppiin Hermesetasta. (Ei siemaissut sentään olutta.) Toinen nuhaisempi kaveri on Barratt, se norjalainen hihhuli. Barratt siemailee teetä.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 374: Markku jyystää Mänzälään sedän Ural-sivuvaunupyörällä märkä Ville-vauva pakaasina. Antero on samaan pisteeseen matkalla varmaan Onnibussilla. Ei vaan Ladalla.
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 493: esent-cooking-recipes-the-profit-will-go-to-her-foundation-in-favor-of-accident-victims-kuratorium-zns-today-zns-hannelore-kohl-stiftung-fuer-verletzte-mit-schaeden-des-zentralen-nervensystems-zns-hannelore-kohl-foundation-for-patients-with-damage-of-the-central-nervous-system-in-the-bookshelf-behind-there-is-among-others-a-work-by-humbert-fink-land-der-deutschen-reportagen-aus-einem-sonderbaren-land-RMGMM0.jpg" width="30%" />
xxx/ellauri253.html on line 516: Takakaarteeseen kääntyvä lähes sadan pyörätuoleissaan istuneen talvisodan invalidin raivokas loppukiri kyynelöitti katsojien silmät. Runsas vuosi myöhemmin Suomen Urheiluliiton puheenjohtaja Urho Kekkonen vetosi kirjeitse pääministeri J. W. Rangelliin, että huippu-urheilijat vapautettaisiin etulinjan taisteluista.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 75: Mannergeim näki edessään tien ja syöksyi päistikkaa tantereeseen. Hän kaivoi naarmuuntuneet kiikarit kupeeltaan ja tarkkaili maastoa. Valkoinen Expressbuss ajoi hitaasti kuoppaista tietä ja pysähtyi aukean reunaan. Siitä purkautui lastillinen turisteja. Mannergeimia etoi ja oksetti. Nuo saastat eivät kunnioittaneet mitään!
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 94: Rob Attaboy pohjustaa Antony Pyp Pipon haastattelua: The Provisional Government, its effectiveness hampered by a lack of legitimacy, faced a powerful rival in the shape of the socialist-led Petrograd Soviet that ruled the country’s then-capital city (now called St Petersburg). The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin (note only 2 letters away from Vladimir Putin!) , sought to undermine the Provisional Government, which itself made a series of missteps – notably continued failures in the war against Germany and Austria-Hungary. Capitalising on these weaknesses, the Bolsheviks under Lenin and Leon Trotsky launched a coup d’état, the so-called October Revolution, seizing power with relative ease. Consolidating that power proved far more difficult, as a combination of opponents – ranging from former tsarist generals to other leftwing political groups who distrusted the Bolsheviks – took up arms against them.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 102: Rob Attaboy: What new insights have emerged from the work that you and Lyuba have done over these past few years?
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 122: There was always going to be tension right from the start, because most of these White officers were anti-Semitic – and there were many Jews in the Socialist Revolutionaries and other socialist parties. White officers also wanted to bring back the punishments used by the tsarist army, which meant that they would be allowed to punch soldiers in the face on a summary charge, whip them using rifle-cleaning rods, things like that. Of course, this created a terrible tension the whole time.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 130: This was almost as unpopular as the Whites’ appalling social policies towards the peasants. The tsarists wanted to get all their land back from the peasants, which of course was going to create a tremendous hatred and fear; as a result, there was almost continual war. The Whites had no proper administration; all they were interested in was taking what they could from these local areas, including food – which in many cases they did not pay for. One almost thinks that the Bolsheviks were onto something there.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 139: Some supplies were brought in through the far north – through Murmansk, where the British already had a base, and Archangel, with some marines who’d landed in 1918 to protect the supplies delivered there. Then, in the far east, the Japanese started to land huge numbers of troops. At one stage Japan had almost 70,000 troops in Siberia. The Americans also sent in the equivalent of a small division of troops as part of an expeditionary force.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 141: The British eventually landed only a couple of battalions – of the Middlesex Regiment and the Hampshire Regiment. All too little! This time round we gotta send Harry Windsor with a division of chess pieces, plus Meghan Markle on the off chance that she gets shot.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 160: This is what Putin has been raging about: it was Lenin who gave Ukraine its autonomy at that stage. The Bolsheviks thought that allowing a certain amount of autonomy or independence to these former nation states of the Russian empire would cause no problems, because the forthcoming world revolution would bring those states back under communist control – and that’s where they made their great mistake. They did not count on the wily Westerners to come sneaking in with their Coke and burger laissez faire and tease away the little bro.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 176: Vuonna 1840 Bakunin matkusti Berliiniin, jossa hän pian liittyi kaupungissa vaikuttaneeseen sosialistiseen opiskelijaliikkeeseen (SOL). Kolme vuotta myöhemmin Bakunin muutti Dresdeniin kuin Pikin Ewald ja luopui samalla lopullisesti akateemisesta urasta keskittyen jatkossa totaalisen hyödyttömään vallankumoukselliseen toimintaan ja peräsuolen tähystyxiin. Venäjän hallitus oli koko ajan tietoinen Bakuninin aikeista tsaarinvallan kumoamiseksi ja määräsikin hänet palaamaan kotimaahansa. Bakunin matkusti kuitenkin Zürichiin, jossa hän oleskeli puolen vuoden ajan viettäen paljon aikaa radikaalin sosialistin Wilhelm Weitlingin housuissa. Hänen pidätyksensä jälkeen Venäjän Bernin lähettiläs määräsi Bakuninin jälleen palaamaan kotiin, mutta tämä päätti seuraavaksi suunnata Brysseliin. Bakunin tapasi kaupungissa muun muassa puolalaisia itsenäisyysaktivisteja. Heidän joukossaan oli myös Karl Marxin ja Friedrich Engelsin tuttavapiiriin lukeutunut Joachim Älähälä.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 184: Toukokuussa 1849 Bakunin oli Dresdenin kansannousun johtohahmo. Mukana olivat hänen lisäkseen myös muun muassa myöhemmin säveltäjänä maailmanmaineeseen noussut Richard Wagner sekä muuten tuntemattomaxi jäänyt arkkitehti Gottfried Semper. Epäonnistuneen kansannousun jälkeen Bakunin vangittiin Chemnitzissä ja tuomittiin yli vuoden vankeuden jälkeen kuolemaan. Chemnizissä tehdään hyvää vehnäolutta vielä tänäkin päivänä, ja rusikoidaan maahanmuuttajia. Tuomio kuitenkin muutettiin elinkautiseksi, jotta Bakunin olisi voitu viedä oikeuden eteen myös Itävalta-Unkarissa ja Venäjällä. Heinäkuussa 1850 hänet luovutettiin Itävallan viranomaisille, jotka 11 kuukauden vankeuden jälkeen langettivat Bakuninille toisen kuolemantuomion. Tämäkin muutettiin elinkautiseksi, ja toukokuussa 1851 hänet luovutettiin Venäjälle. Bakunin oli vangittuna aluksi Pietarissa sijaitsevassa Pietari-Paavalin linnoituksessa, josta hänet kolmen vuoden kuluttua siirrettiin Laatokan rannalle Pähkinälinnaan. Pähkinälinna (ven. Шлиссельбу́рг, Šlisselburg, vuoteen 1611 saakka Оре́шек, Orešek, vuosina 1611–1702 Нотебург, Noteburg ja vuosina 1944–1992 Петрокрепость, Petrokrepost, saks. Schlüsselburg, ruots. Nöteborg) on kaupunki Leningradin alueen Kirovskin piirissä Venäjällä. Se sijaitsee Nevan niskassa lähellä Laatokkaa 41 kilometrin päässä Pietarista. Kaupungissa asui 13 305 henkeä (vuonna 2010).
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 201: Lokakuussa 1868 Bakunin lähetti kustannuksellaan italialaisen anarkistin Giuseppe Flanellin Barcelonaan tapaamaan espanjalaisia vallankumouksellisia. Matkan aikana Flanelli esitteli Bakuninin radikaaleja ajatuksia, joihin muun muassa lukeutui kaikkien auktoriteettien, kuten kirkon ja valtion hylkääminen. Hänen tarkoituksenaan oli myös pyytää espanjalaisia mukaan Bakuninin delegaatioon seuraavaan ensimmäisen internationaaliin kongressiin. Flanellin matkasta tuli jymymenestys, se pohjusti Espanjaan ja varsinkin Kataloniaan Euroopan vahvimman anarkistisen liikkeen, jonka vaikutus tuntui aina maan sisällissotaan ja Katalonian perseelleen menneeseen izenäistymiseen saakka.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 489: Entä mitä mieltä te olette? Etteikö myy? Myy var- masti! Hänelle Venäjä ei ole koskaan ollut olemassa valtiona. Miksei myisi? Hän tuntee kotikylänsä, kenties volostinsa, parhaassa tapauksessa ujestinsa. Mitä merkitsevät hänelle Ural, Donets, Kaukasia, Karjala, Siperia? Pelkkiä sanoja. Tarkoitan iso- tai vähävenäläistä talonpoikaa, ja juuri hän nousee valtaan, sillä hän on todellinen enemmistö, ainos todellinen voima koko Venäjällä. - Lenin tajuaa tämän vaaran, talonpojan väistämättömän tulemisen. Sixi vittu ne häiskät on välttämättä kerättävä kolhooseihin, että niistäkin tulee maatyöläisiä. Mutta bolshevikit eivät huomanneet että kun valtionomistus romahtaa siitä tulee pirullinen lauma oligarkkeja. Yhdellä iskulla päästään samaan tilanteeseen kuin kapitalistimaissa oli päästy vähitellen hivuttamalla vähäosaisilta ne vähätkin osat pois.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 507: Saarikoski tulee saunasta. Kristus kun se on laiha. Kuoppa siinä missä muilla rinta. Takapuolta ei lainkaan, käsivarret kuin narut, pää valtava pehko. Bergen Belsenin atleettikerhon puheenjohtaja, Munat kuin kaappikellon puntit, toinen alempana kuin toinen. Kerran Hormian Kotkan saunassa mitattiin munan pituutta. Saarikoski oli sanonut että isoilla miehillä on pieni. Se ja Hormia menivät ensin lauteille, minä jäin pesuhuoneeseen, pistin lämmintä vettä vatiin ja huljuttelin siitintäni siinä. Patukka turposi hiukan, kohentelin sitä vielä pari kertaa kädellä ja menin löylyyn. "Jumalauta", sanoi Saaripää. Minä olin poikaa. Sitten mitattiin, minä voitin kirkkaasti, ja tultiin siihen tulokseen ettei pituus ole tärkeintä ei vaan paxuus.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 527: Jompan karhukoiran nimi on Eri Kiipperi. Vaimoillakin on nyt tippurit, vai oisko Tuula2lla sentään kuppa. Pena pikku marakatti tappaa kyyn ja kerskuu sillä miten monet kuulut miehet ovat tuikanneet sitä perseeseen.
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 341: uudelleen orjuuden ikeeseen. 2 5:2 Ap. t. 15:11 Minä, Paavali, sanon teille: jos annatte ympärileikata itsenne, teille ei ole Kristuksesta mitään hyötyä. 3 5:3 Room. 2:25,4:4. Tässä relevantti sitaatti:
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 357: Vapauteen Kristus meidät vapautti. Pysykää siis lujina älkääkä alistuko uudelleen uudenlaiseenkaan orjuuden ikeeseen. Galatalaiskirje 5:1
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 593: Sønderjylland oder Süderjütland bezeichnet geographisch den Südteil der jütischen Halbinsel. Historisch betrachtet ist Süderjütland eine dänische Bezeichnung für das Gebiet, auf dem sich das Herzogtum Schleswig entwickelte. Dieses reichte von der Eider bis an die Königsau (dänisch Kongeå).
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 607: Auf dänischer Seite wurde der zurückgewonnene Landesteil in den Jahren nach 1920 zunächst De sønderjyske landsdele genannt. Mit der Bezeichnung wurde unterstrichen, dass mit der Volksabstimmung 1920 nur ein Teil Sønderjyllands zu Dänemark gekommen war. Im Sprachgebrauch der Bevölkerung setzte sich jedoch mit der Zeit der Begriff Sønderjylland für Nordschleswig durch. Historisch gesehen ist die Verwendung des Begriffs allein für Nordschleswig nicht korrekt, spiegelt jedoch die staatspolitische Realität nach der Teilung Schleswigs 1920 wider. Entsprechend wurde auch das zwischen 1970 und 2006 in der Region bestehende Amt als Sønderjyllands Amt bezeichnet.
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 613: 1997 wurde die Region Sønderjylland-Schleswig ins Leben gerufen. Diese Europaregion dient der formalisierten grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit der beteiligten Gebietskörperschaften.
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 667: En el ámbito del Seminario académico Envejecimiento, salud y cambio climático, organizado por Fundación MAPFRE, el prestigioso psiquiatra Luis Rojas Marcos ofreció una conferencia magistral centrada en la importancia de la mente en el envejecimiento, ese largo proceso que requiere prestar atención y programar nuestra vida. ¿Y cómo podemos ayudar a nuestra mente? Cuidándonos, estando extrovertes, manteniendo un equilibrio, haciendo crucigramas, decidiendo alimentarnos de manera sana y teniendo mucha información. Todo ello influye en la longevidad.
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 699: The movie is based on the cult novel by Kari Hotakainen, itself a comedic, exaggerated vision of the author's own bohemian life. A newspaper editor hints at Hotakainen (Martti Suosalo) that he should write autobiographical texts about real-world subjects. The lonely and quiet writer is confused since he has little life of which to write about. So he decides to buy a used car and write about the experience. But he has to meet some strange people such as the nihilistic salesman Kartio (Matti Onnismaa) and the jobless layabout Pera (Janne Hyytiäinen), in order to do so. Pera in particular will stop at nothing to get his hands on the same car Hotakainen has been viewing, which sparks up a huge rivalry. These flabby machos drive the disgruntled small guy over the edge.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 95: Jossain vaiheessa seurueeseemme liittyy myös Isä Ambrosius, ortodoksisen kirkon väsymätön etsijä, joka viimeistelyä vailla olevasta romaanistani kuultuaan ehdottaa, että pitäisin romaanin teemojen pohjalta eteerisen luentosarjan Valamon kesävieraille, jotka ovat matkanneet luonnon helmaan etsimään toisenlaista tietoisuutta ja sitä kautta henkisen elämän eväitä. Lupaan harkita asiaa, mutta painotan etten mielelläni tee sitovia päätöksiä koomamaisen ryyppäyksen keskellä. Isä ymmärtää ja ehdottaa maljaa romaneille, joille kaikki pöydässä istujat ennustavat suurta menestystä.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 148: Ambrosiuksen mielestä ihmiskunnan tulisi tehdä kulttuuriloikka taaxe, hyppy takaisin pimeään. Tai siirtyä "mahantäyttämisfilosofiasta" evoluution seuraavaan vaiheeseen, jota transhumanistit ovat nimittäneet tietoisuuden evoluutioksi. Meidän tulisi elämässämme ja tiedon tulkinnassamme ammentaa paljon enemmän sisältä ja perästäpäin ja niistä ihmisyyden mahdollisuuksista mitä meillä siellä potentiaalisesti on olemassa. Ihminen käyttää murto-osaa aivoistaan. Jos käyttäisimme vain edes vähän tekoälyä, maailma voisi näyttää omalla kohdalla ja ympäristössä hyvin toisenlaiselta.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 158: John Naisbitt (January 15, 1929 – April 8, 2021) was an American author and public speaker in the area of futures studies. His first book Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives was published in 1982. It was the result of almost ten years of zero research. It was on The New York Times Best Seller List for two years, mostly as No. 1. Megatrends was published in 57 countries and sold more than 14 million copies. Almost half as much as Camilla Läckberg, but not quite.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 185: Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was an English writer, speaker and self-styled "philosophical entertainer", known for interpreting and popularising Japanese, Chinese and Indian traditions of Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu philosophy for a Western audience. Born in Chislehurst, England, he moved to the United States in 1938 and began Zen training in New York. He received a master´s degree in theology from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary and became an Episcopal priest in 1945. He left the ministry in 1950 and moved to California, where he joined the faculty of the Asian Academy of American Studies.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 246: Unlike her husband, Isabella Wilder was artistic and worldly, and she made certain that she and her children took full advantage of the benefits of living in a university town. “In Berkeley,” writes Malcolm Goldstein, “she found opportunities to study informally by attending lectures at the University of California and by participating in foreign-language discussion groups. She was fully aware that her husband, were he present, would not approve, but she encouraged her children, nevertheless, in their independent, extracurricular search for carnal knowledge.” Isabella saw to it that Thornton got vaudeville parts in plays presented in the Greek Theatre, and even sewed his female costumes for him.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 251: Versed in foreign languages, he translated and "adapted" (appropriated) plays by Ibsen, Sartre and Obey. He read and spoke German, French and Spanish, and his scholarship included significant original research on James Joyce and Lope de Vega. He had met Jean-Paul Sartre on a U.S. lecture tour after the war, and was arrested under the influence of existentialism, although rejecting its atheist implications. In 1960, Wilder was awarded the first ever Edward MacDowell Medal by The MacDowell Colony for outstanding contributions to American LBTQ culture.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 255: He formed a close, fervent and life-long friendship with Gertrude Stein, but his shyness and natural reserve kept him from acknowledging their shared homosexuality. Writer Samuel Steward records the reticence which kept this close circle of friends deeply in the closet — even to one another. Six years after Wilder’s death, Samuel Steward wrote in his autobiography that he too had had sexual relations with him (and her):
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 261: Thornton Wilder’s play Our Town has become a staple of high school drama departments, attractive perhaps more for its economical lack of scenery and props than for its sad story of love, loss and regret. There has been speculation that the character of Simon Stimson, the town drunk and organist for the Congregational Church who eventually commits suicide, represents a closeted gay man destroyed by life in a small town.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 263: The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1927) tells the story of several unrelated people who happen to be on a bridge in Peru when it collapses, killing them. Philosophically, the book explores the problem of evil, or the question, of why unfortunate events occur to people who seem "innocent" or "undeserving", known as theodicy. It won the Pulitzer Prize in 1928, and in 1998 it was selected by the editorial board of the American Modern Library as one of the 100 best novels of the twentieth century. The book was quoted by British Prime Minister Tony Blair during the memorial service for victims of the September 11 attacks in 2001.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 323: COT. Come, this troublesome day’s work is well over. You have some time had my forgiveness, Harriet; I wish not to say anything unpleasant—but when I contrast your conduct with that of these two excellent young men——
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 324: BOLT. Oh, sir, we have done but our duty.—Come forward, Bobby.—I repeat it, our duty: our duty is to amuse these ladies and gentlemen,—and if anything we have done has contributed to that desirable end, we certainly think our “Day has been well Spent.”
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 374: Anstatt wie aufgetragen, in Zanglers Abwesenheit auf das Gwölb aufzupassen, begibt Weinberl sich mit dem Lehrling Christoph in die nahe gelegene Hauptstadt, um endlich einmal ein „verfluchter Kerl“ zu sein. Dort laufen sie beinahe Zangler in die Arme, der seine zukünftige Gattin besucht. Sie flüchten ins Modewarengeschäft der Madame Knorr, treffen dort Frau von Fischer, später auch noch Marie, Zanglers Mündel, die mit ihrem vom Vormund nicht goutierten Liebhaber August Sonders fliehen will („Das schickt sich nicht“) und den neuen Hausdiener Melchior („Das is classisch“). Bei Zanglers Schwägerin Fräulein Blumenblatt geben sie sich schließlich als Marie und August aus, bis diese beiden, sowie Zangler, Madame Knorr und Frau von Fischer ebenfalls dort eintreffen.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 468: Cricket Howard Taubman wrote: Hello, Dolly! ... has qualities of freshness and imagination that are rare in the run of our machine-made musicals. It transmutes the broadly stylized mood of a mettlesome farce into the gusto and colors of the musical stage. Making the necessary reservations for the unnecessary vulgar and frenzied touches, one is glad to welcome Hello, Dolly! for its warmth, color and high spirits.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 556: Stein emännöi Pariisissa taiteellista salonkia, jossa muun muassa kuvataiteilijat Pablo Picasso ja Henri Matisse sekä kirjailijat Ernest Hemingway ja Sherwood Anderson kokoontuivat. Sherwoodin mezän iloiset miehet, sankarit sukkahousuissa. Steinilla oli suuri merkitys nuorten amerikkalaisten kirjailijoiden muodostaman niin sanotun "kadotetun sukupolven" varhaisvaiheissa: Stein toimi heidän mesenaattinaan, keksi ryhmälle nimen ja kertoi heidän tarinansa omissa teoksissaan. Vanhempiensa varhaisen kuoleman jälkeen Stein muutti sukulaistensa luo Baltimoreenlähde? ja opiskeli Radcliffe Collegessa psykologiaa William Jamesin oppilaana ja Johns Hopkinsin yliopistossa lääketiedettä. Hän ei kuitenkaan suorittanut tutkintoaan loppuun, sillä hän kyllästyi aivan täydellisesti opiskeluun. Ei kyllä napannut enää yhtään.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 609: Thomas J. J. Altizer offered a radical theology of the death of God that drew upon William Blake, Hegelian thought and Nietzschean ideas. He conceived of theology as a form of poetry in which the immanence (presence) of God could be encountered in faith communities. Altizer concluded that God
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 658: In his book Mere Christianity, the apologist C. S. Lewis, creator of Narnia and writer of fascinating scifi books in Portuguese about Mars and Venus*, objected to Hamilton´s version of Christian atheism and the claim that Jesus was merely a moral guide:
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 665: Lewis's argument, now known as Lewis's trilemma, has been criticized for, among other things, constituting a false trilemma, since it does not deal with other options such as Jesus being mistaken, misrepresented, or simply mythical. Philosopher John Beversluis argues that Lewis "deprives his readers of numerous alternate interpretations of Jesus that carry with them no such odious implications". Bart Ehrman stated it is a mere legend that the historical Jesus has called himself God; that was unknown to Lewis since he never was a professional Bible scholar, just an Oxbridge apostle. Taisi vetää perään myös katolista J.R.R. Tolkienia.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 93: Sitten oli aiheina Raamatun tietokonepelimaailma sekä itsesensuuri. Olen papin poika: Sen vuoksi pääsin tai jouduin lapsena usein kuuntelemaan taivaallisen isän puheita. Kirvesmiesisäni oli pidetty sananjulistaja, joka käytti paljon duunarien arkeen sijoittuvia vertauksia. Yksi asia alkoi minua kuitenkin askarruttaa jo varhain, nimittäin kysymys siitä, miksi Raamattu on kirjoitettu niin huonosti, että tarvitaan pappi selittämään, mitä sen teksteillä tarkoitetaan. Ihmetykseni kasvoi, kun koulussa kävi ilmi, että Raamattua voidaan tulkita kovin eri tavoin, jopa niin, että on olemassa eri kristillisiä uskontoja ja lahkoja, joiden väliset kiistat johtuvat erilaisista tulkinnoista siitä, mitä Raamatussa oikeasti sanotaan. Siinä on kommunikaatiota tuntevalle slavistille paljon tehtävää. Podcastin pitäminen antoi mahdollisuuden saada vastauksia näihin kysymyksiin. Sain vieraaksi Ismo Dunderhonungin. Hän on eksegetiikan professori Helsingin yliopistossa. Eksegetiikka tarkoittaa nimenomaan Raamatun selitysoppia. En siis ole ainoa, joka ihmetellyt Raamatun tekstien epämääräisyyttä, vaan sitä pohtii kokonainen teologien armeija. No ei siitä sen enempää. Raamatun tekstit ovat niin sekavia, että tarvitaan legioonittain pappeja tulkitsemaan niitä. Toisin kuin exegeetikot, pelimaailman Tuukka osaa vastata kysymyksiin selkeästi ja ymmärrettävästi niin että tällänen pelimaailman ummikkokin pysyy kartalla.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 95: Apropoo izesensuuri, Yksi vaikutusvaltainen liike on WOKE, millä viitataan poliittisesti valveutuneeseen henkilöön, joka tiedostaa rasismin ja yhteiskunnallisen epäoikeudenmukaisuuden eri ilmenemismuodot. Tällaiset sinänsä hyvää tarkoittavat liikkeet johtavat äärimuodoissaan siihen, että ihmiset eivät uskalla enää esittää omia mielipiteitään, esim että neekerit on vitun tyhmiä. Jani antaa konkreettisia esimerkkejä siitä, mihin itsesensuuri voi johtaa. Juupajoki-jaksoissa vielä hauskoja kömmähdyxiä yrittäjien kommunikatiivisista maisemista ja pilalle menneitä ottoja.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 150: Tottakai, Lauri vahvistaa. Todella iso yhteinen tekijä meille on Italia. Isäni on suomalainen ja äitini italialainen. Synnyin New Yorkissa, ja asuimme Manhattanilla, lähellä YK:n päärakennusta, jossa isäni työskenteli. Olin pieni, kun muutimme Suomeen, sitten lähdimme takaisin Yhdysvaltoihin, ja kahden vuoden jälkeen taas takaisin Suomeen. Vaimon kuoltua pyysin hänet saman tien kahville. Uskalsin pyytää, koska olin hänestä kiinnostunut, ja jos ei tee aloitetta, voi käydä ettei saakaan turkista tappiin. Olin ollut neljä vuotta yksin ja olin enemmän kuin valmis uuteen parisuhteeseen.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 226: Toivon horisontti on Eskin eufemismi optimismille. Toivo elää faktoista irrallaan kuin lapamato ohuzuolessa. Korona kauhistaa kaikkia, joitakuita näyttää jostain syystä huolettavan ilmastokysymys, Ukraina masentaa koko Suomea etenkin kun Nato-optio jumittaa. No ei muuta kuin kieli pitkälle Erdoganin perseeseen. Halal-teurastus on oikeastaan hieno asia. Elukat nauttivat voidessaan palvella Abrahamin poikia.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 357: Jani Kaaro ei muista Thronhillin ja Palmerin nimiä. Käytä wikipediaa! Behavior resembling rape in humans can be seen in the animal kingdom, including ducks and geese [citation needed], bottlenose dolphins, and chimpanzees. Indeed, in orangutans, close human relatives, such copulations constitute up to half of observed matings. Such 'forced copulations' involve animals being approached and sexually penetrated while struggling or attempting to escape. Observations of forced sex in animals are uncontroversial; controversial are the interpretation of these observations and the extension of theories based on them to humans. Thornhill introduces this theory by describing the sexual behavior of scorpionflies. In which the male may gain sex from the female either by presenting a gift of food during courtship or without a nuptial offering, in which case force is necessary to restrain her.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 376: More generally they mention a research finding that at least one-third of males "admit they would rape under specific conditions" and that other surveys find that many men[quantify] state having coercive sexual fantasies. They, as have others, "propose that rape is a conditional strategy that may potentially be deployed by any man.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 404: Ferguson resigned from a senior leadership role in a Stanford University program after he sent emails to students urging them to conduct opposition research on a left-wing student activist.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 419: Last week the New York University (NYU) psychology professor announced that he would resign at the end of the year from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, his primary professional association, because of a newly adopted requirement that everybody presenting research at the group's conferences explain how their submission advances "equity, inclusion, and anti-racism goals." It was the sort of litmus test against which he has warned, and which he sees as corroding institutions of higher learning.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 427: eseret.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/4b547d5/2147483647/strip/true/crop/4924x3280+4+0/resize/1300x866!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.vox-cdn.com%2Fthumbor%2FMl4omTTysy_PxbVWLb8RQ3a9pGk%3D%2F0x0%3A4928x3280%2F4928x3280%2Ffilters%3Afocal%284166x1836%3A4167x1837%29%2Fcdn.vox-cdn.com%2Fuploads%2Fchorus_asset%2Ffile%2F23606109%2Fjonathanhaidt.jpeg" height="300px" />
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 428:
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 446: I don’t feel depressed. I feel like it’s dark times. But actually I feel very engaged with life these days. Money is just rolling in. Heterodox Academy’s June 12-14 conference in Denver is sold out, but interested persons can join a waiting list here.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 450: Rudolf Hess, Deseret News.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 452: Deseret on Mormonin kirjassa esiintyvä sana, jonka sanotaan olevan jerediläisten kieltä ja tarkoittavan hunajamehiläistä. Sen mukaan on nimetty lukuisia myöhempien aikojen pyhien liikkeen keskeisiä paikkoja ja järjestöjä, kuten Deseretin osavaltio. Mehiläisestä on tullut tärkeä mormonikulttuurin tunnus, ja esimerkiksi Utahin sinettiin on kuvattu työllisyyttä symboloiva mehiläispesä.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 123: Tässä numerossa palataan taas mieliaiheeseeni, genitaaleihin ja niiden käyttelyyn huvixi ja hyödyxi.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 126: Vorliegende Erzählung ist ein Teil eines großen, aber niemals von dem Dichter vollendeten Novellenzyklus, „Das Vermächtnis Kains“, der nach Sacher-Masochs eigenem Ausspruche „eine bilderreiche Naturgeschichte des Menschen sein sollte“. Das Ganze sollte in sechs Unterabteilungen zu je sechs Novellen zerfallen, für welche die Obertitel „Die Liebe“, „Das Eigentum“, „Das Geld“, „Der Staat“, „Der Krieg“ und „Der Tod“ vorgesehen waren. Sacher-Masoch hatte sich somit ein sehr hohes Ziel gesteckt, er wollte in diesen geplanten Erzählungen alles Menschenleid und -schicksal in seinen verschiedensten Möglichkeiten und Ausdrucksformen schildern und zugleich in der Schlußnovelle eines jeden Teiles die Antwort auf die behandelte Frage und deren Lösung geben.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 132: Zur Zeit, als Sacher-Masoch diese seine berühmteste Novelle verfaßte, stand er ganz im Banne eines Schopenhauerschen Pessimismus. Was seine Lebensumstände anbetrifft, so ist zu bemerken, daß er damals als Privatdozent an der Universität Graz habilitiert war. Kein Wunder also...
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 134: Sofort beim Erscheinen der „Venus im Pelz“ spalteten sich die Leser in zwei Parteien. Die einen verwarfen sie wegen der bis dahin unerhörten Kühnheit der Schilderungen und fühlten sich durch das Motiv zugleich abgestoßen und fasziniert. Die anderen dagegen, und gerade die besten Männer deutscher Wissenschaft und Literatur, nahmen schlechthin ihr Mannsglied in Hand und säumten nicht, anzuerkennen, hier liege ein einzigartiges document humain vor, und es zeuge zudem von ungewöhnlicher Genitalität des Verfassers.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 138: Aber seltsam, gerade diese seichten Arbeiten hatten bei dem Publikum ungeahnten Erfolg. Es brauchte dabei nicht zu denken, wohl aber fühlte es sich seltsam erregt durch das eigenartige, ihnen entströmende Gemisch von Stall- und Boudoirparfüm.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 166: Faithfull syntyi Lontoon Hampsteadissa yläluokkaiseen perheeseen. Isä, majuri Robert Glynn Faithfull, oli brittiläinen tiedustelu-upseeri ja toimi hämäyxen vuoxi myös Italian kirjallisuuden professorina Lontoon yliopistossa. Äiti oli itävaltalais-unkarilaista aatelissukua, nimeltään Eva von Sacher-Masoch.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 191: Diese Grundsätze beruhen auf tausendjähriger Erfahrung, fortsetzte Madame spöttisch, während ihre weißen Finger in ihrem dunkeln Pelz spielten, je hingebender das Weib sich zeigt, um so schneller wird der Mann nüchtern und herrisch werden; je grausamer und treuloser es aber ist, je mehr es ihn mißhandelt, je frevelhafter es mit ihm spielt, je weniger Erbarmen es zeigt, um so mehr wird es die Wollust des Mannes erregen, von ihm geliebt, angebetet werden. So war es zu allen Zeiten, seit Helena und Delila, bis zur zweiten Katharina und Lola Montez herauf, siehe auch el Compendido de Las Normas (da oben).
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 198: Ich sah die Hand, die mich rüttelte, aber diese Hand war auf einmal braun wie Bronze, und die Stimme war die schwere Schnapsstimme meines Kosaken, der in seiner vollen Größe von nahe sechs Fuß vor mir stand.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 211: Es war ein großes Ölgemälde in der kräftigen farbensatten Manier der belgischen Schule gemalt, sein Gegenstand seltsam genug. Ein schönes Weib, ein sonniges Lachen auf dem feinen Antlitz, mit reichem, in einen antiken Knoten geschlungenem Haare, auf dem der weiße Puder wie leichter Reif lag, ruhte, auf den linken Arm gestützt, nackt in einem dunkeln Pelz auf einer Ottomane; ihre rechte Hand spielte mit einer Peitsche, während ihr bloßer Fuß sich nachlässig auf den Mann stützte,[S. 16] der vor ihr lag wie ein Sklave, wie ein Hund, und dieser Mann, mit den scharfen, aber wohlgebildeten Zügen, auf denen brütende Schwermut und hingebende Leidenschaft lag, welcher mit dem schwärmerischen brennenden Auge eines Märtyrers zu ihr emporsah, dieser Mann, der den Schemel ihrer Füße bildete, war Severin, aber ohne Bart, wie es schien um zehn Jahre jünger.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 213: „Torso mit Pelz!“ rief ich, auf das Bild deutend, „so habe ich sie im Traume gesehen.“ „Ich auch,“ sagte Severin, „nur habe ich meinen Traum mit offenen Augen geträumt.“
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 231: Kustantajan epäilyxet eivät olleet aivan perättömiä. Esim. Lich Kingistä kertova fan fiction novelli (Christie Golden) on kuin Jane Austenin tai Kinsellan kynästä. Seikkaperäisesti kerrotaan mitä kelläkin on päällä, mitä syödään ja miltä tuntuu eri poikaystävien suudelmat. Yli sata sivua on aherrettu eikä vielä yhtään ainoata kunnon listintää eikä yhtään mehukasta panoa, edes tappeluita tai car chaseja. Hemmetti, jos olisin tän huomannut, en oisi tuhlannut ko. chick lit niteeseen viittäkypää senttiä!
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 243: It was here where Rowling met her first husband, Portuguese journalist Jorge Arantes. The couple met 18 months after Rowling landed in Porto, where she moved to teach English as a foreign language.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 275: Merope is the name of a daughter of Atlas in Greek Mythology. It is also the name of the mother of Oedipus in Oedipus Rex. Both Voldemort and Oedipus killed their fathers randomly. The flashback scene featuring Merope and her family was cut from the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince because of time and pacing concerns. However, it was originally present in an early draft of the film's screenplay according to director David Yates. It's unknown if there were any actresses considered to play Merope by that point. Joanie would have been good for a cameo appearance. Merope means 'part face', possibly a reference to the asymmetry of the two halves of Joanne's face.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 349: Many argue that the pervasive nature of antisemitic tropes means the Gringotts goblins and their ilk do no harm. Most children watching the “Harry Potter” films wouldn’t have picked up on the reference. The British charity Campaign Against Antisemitism, for example, tweeted a statement arguing that there are “centuries of association of Jews with grotesque and malevolent creatures in folklore” and that “those who continue to use such representations are often not thinking of Jews at all” but are innocently thinking “of how readers or viewers will imagine goblins to look.”
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 359: Embodying greed in Jewish caricatures puts Jews at risk. But it also makes it harder to address the actual evils of greed and inequity. When people imagine they are being oppressed by these ugly aliens over here, it becomes hard to see actual injustice and exploitation committed by supposedly good, upstanding co-nationalists and co-religionists. It’s not an accident that former President Donald Trump has signed on to Soros conspiracy theories.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 459: Vähän huimaa kuunvaloa, tähti ja auringonvalo muuttumaan sanoiksi suussasi, suudellaanpa – suudelma, joka ei koskaan kuole, te kaikki olette tapoja rakastua. Ei ole väliä kuinka vanha, kuinka monta päivää, tuntia tai muistoja, voimme rakastua yhä uudelleen ja uudelleen ja uudelleen. Seine tai Tennessee tai mikä tahansa sopiva sielullinen joki tuntee laskeutuvat syvyydet, kun on kyse auringon tai kuun tuijotuksesta takaisin bensapumpulla, ilman häpeää, katumusta tai syyllisyyttä. Tämän muistan hänen kertoneen miehelleen, kun he nukkuivat sinä yönä talossa, jossa alkaisi avioliitto. Tuo talo rakennettiin n. 24 kyyhkysestä, intialaisista matoista, seitsemän sukupolven äitien ja heidän sisarustensa ruoanlaittoresepteistä, koiranhäntätupsukoista, ja kyynelten aalto aallon jälkeen ja konkreettinen ratkaisu askelille, jotka jatkuvat aina taivaaseen asti, menneet huoltajakoirat, koira
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 466: Ei ole sanoja, kun yrität kiertää kiellettyjen tulivesien porttikieltoa vai onko se silkkihuivi hienoimmasta silkistä, vai onko se jotain muuta, joka saa sinut unohtamaan. Mikään ei koskaan unohdu, sanoo muistamisen jumala Memory, joka suojaa jokaisen pienen tietosolun sydämenlyöntiä Etelämantereesta tämän planeetan vauvan huipulla olevaan pehmeään kohtaan, fontanellaan eli aukileeseen, josta kertoo Dr. Spock. Voi kulta, tule tänne, ota housut pois, anna minun kertoa sinulle tarina juhlista et koskaan unohda, minne menet, missä olet tai missä olet, kun ylität rajan ja sanot, ei enempää. Ei enää ahneita kuninkaita, ei enää pettymyksiä, ei enää orpoja, tai sielujen tai maiden varkaudet, ei enää tappamista ainakaan vain tappamisurheilun vuoksi. Ei enempää, ei enempää, paitsi enemmän tarinaa isketään, jotta ymmärrän tarkalleen mitä teen täällä ja miksi, hän sanoi ketulle.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 488: esel-gettyimages-3243661.jpg?crop=1xw:1.0xh;center,top&resize=360:*" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 513: esel">Eliezer ”Elie” Wiesel (30. syyskuuta 1928 Sighetu Marmației, Maramureș, Romania – 2. heinäkuuta 2016 New York, Yhdysvallat) oli Transsylvaniassa syntynyt unkarinjuutalainen kirjailija, journalisti, filosofi ja poliittinen aktivisti, joka asui Yhdysvalloissa.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 515: Wiesel kirjoitti yli 30 romaania ja lisäksi muita teoksia. Romaaneista tunnetuin on Yö, omaelämäkerrallinen tositarina holokaustista selviämisestä. Se on lyhennelmä jiddišiksi kirjoitetusta esikoisteoksesta Un Di Velt Hot Geshvign (1956, 'Ja maailma vaikeni'). Muut teoksensa hän kirjoitti alkuaan pääosin ranskaksi.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 517: Wieselin koko perhe vietiin vuonna 1944 natsien keskitysleireille. Elie Wiesel ja hänen kaksi sisartaan jäivät eloon Auschwitzista ja Buchenwaldista, mutta isä kuoli Buchenwaldissa.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 519: Wieselille myönnettiin tästä hyvästä Nobelin rauhanpalkinto vuonna 1986 väkivallan ja rasismin vastaisesta toiminnasta. Palkinnon perusteluissa Norjan Nobel-komitea luonnehti Wieseliä rauhan, ihmisarvon ja liennytyksen lipunkantajaksi. Sekös se oli kova luu vainoamaan nazirikollisia? Ei se oli Simon Wiesenthal (alla), joka ei saanut vaivoistaan rauhanpalkintoa.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 521: Wiesel oli yksi Bernard Madoffin mittavan pyramidihuijauksen uhreista. Hänen johtamansa säätiö menetti sen vuoksi yli 15 miljoonaa dollaria eli noin 12,5 miljoonaa euroa. Haha, ei olisi pitänyt tipahtaa ennenkuin nuolaisee.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 538: Pop goes Simon Wiesenthal
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 540: Simon Wiesenthal had been an architect in what is present-day Ukraine before World War II broke out, but after the war began his life took a horrific turn. Wiesenthal was sent to his first concentration camp in 1941 in Ukraine and later escaped from the Ostbahn camp in 1943, just before the Germans began to kill the inmates, according to the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s website. He was recaptured in June 1944, and sent to Janowska where he narrowly avoided death one more time—when the German eastern front collapsed and the guards decided to bring the remaining prisoners to the Mauthausen camp in Austria. He was freed there by the U.S. Army in May of 1945, weighing less than 100 pounds.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 542: After the war ended, Wiesenthal dedicated his life to tracking down Nazi criminals after realizing “there is no freedom without justice,” according to The Associated Press. Wiesenthal began his work gathering and preparing evidence on the Nazis for the War Crimes Section of the United States Army, according to his website. He’d go on to head the Jewish Central Committee of the United States Zone of Austria and later helped to open the Jewish Historical Documentation Center. The center worked to gather evidence for future trials on war criminals.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 544: He is credited with tracking down Austrian policeman Karl Silberbauer in 1963. Silberbauer, acting during World War II as a Gestapo officer, was responsible for arresting Anne Frank — who later died in a concentration camp after leaving behind a now-famous diary documenting her time in hiding. Wiesenthal also helped ferret out other Nazi leaders in hiding, including Franz Murer, known as “The Butcher of Vilnius,” and Erich Rajakowitsch, according to his website.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 546: To track down Franz Stangl, who had commanded two concentration camps in Poland, Wiesenthal did undercover work for three years before tracking the former SS officer down in Brazil. Stangl was later sentenced to life in prison for his crimes.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 548: It’s believed Wiesenthal also played a role in hunting down notorious SS leader Adolf Eichmann, who had organized the extermination of the Jews. Wiesenthal received information that Eichmann had been hiding out in Argentina and passed the information on to Israel, according to his center’s website.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 553: While some have criticized Wiesenthal for exaggerating his role in bringing the Eichmann to justice, he told the Associated Press in 1972 it had been “a teamwork of many who did not know each other,” and said he didn't know for sure whether the reports he had sent to Israel had been used in the capture.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 554: He established The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights organization, in 1977 to continue his work of pursuing Nazi war criminals and fighting anti-Semitism. His efforts inspired the multiple books, including “The Murderers Among Us” and a HBO movie of the same name starring Ben Hur as Simon Wiesenthal.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 556: “When history looks back, I want people to know the Nazis weren’t able to kill millions of people and get away with it,” he once said, according to the center’s website. Wiesenthal died in 2005 at the age of 96. Kosto elää, tai siis eli.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 558: esenthal-g.jpg?itok=8FdGfiHy" />
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 65: In the late 19th and early 20th century, Guatemala's potential for agricultural exploitation attracted several foreign companies, most prominently the United Fruit Company (UFC). These companies were supported by the country's authoritarian rulers and the United States government through their support for brutal labor regulations and massive concessions to wealthy landowners. In 1944, the policies of Jorge Ubico led to a popular uprising that began the ten-year Guatemalan Revolution. The presidencies of Juan Jose Arévalo and Jacobo Árbenz saw sweeping social and economic reforms, including a significant increase in literacy and a successful agrarian reform program.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 67: The progressive policies of Arévalo and Árbenz led the UFC to lobby the United States government for their overthrow, and a US-engineered coup in 1954 ended the revolution and installed a military regime. This was followed by other military governments, and jilted off a civil war that lasted from 1960 to 1996. The war saw human rights violations, including a genocide of the indigenous Maya population by the military. Following the war's end, Guatemala re-established a representative democracy. It has since struggled to enforce the rule of law and suffers a high crime rate and continued extrajudicial killings, often executed by security forces.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 73: Governor Barbachano sought allies anywhere he could find them, in Cuba (for Spain), Jamaica (for the United Kingdom) and the United States, but none of these foreign powers would intervene, although the matter was taken seriously enough in the United States to be debated in Congress. Subsequently, therefore, he turned to Mexico, and accepted a return to Mexican authority. Yucatán was officially reunited with Mexico on 17 August 1848. Yucateco forces rallied, aided by fresh guns, money, and troops from Mexico, and pushed back the natives from more than half of the state.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 99: A motivational speaker (sometimes called an inspirational speaker) is a speaker who offers talks that motivate (sometimes inspire) audiences. Their words are often powerful and their talks impactful, regardless of whether they are attempting to challenge, transform or convince the audience. Actually it does not matter in the least what they talk about or say. These talks are intended to fire the audience up anyway and get them to take action.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 139: Another list of the 17 most motivational contains these guys:
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 192: 5. Asettaa säännöt suuren valamiehistön ja eminentin toimialueen syytteeseenpanolle, suojelee oikeutta asianmukaiseen oikeudenkäyntiin ja kieltää itsesyytöxet ja kaksoisvaarallisuuden 15. joulukuuta 1791
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 268: Välitöntä veroa sovelletaan maa-alueeseen tai suoraan ihmisiin "omaisuudesta, ammatista tai muista olosuhteista riippumatta". Hylton v. Yhdysvallat (1796); katso myös NFIB v. Sebelius (2012). Tällainen vero on jaettava. Perustuslakisopimuksen aikaan valtiot, joilla on paljon maata, sekä valtiot, joilla on suuri väestö, pelkäsivät kovempia veroja maalleen ja väestölleen, mukaan lukien orjille, verrattuna pienempiin ja vähemmän väkirikkaisiin valtioihin. Jakovaatimuksesta, joka koskee myös edustusta edustajainhuoneessa, tuli kompromissi. Katso I artiklan 2 jakso.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 277: Toisin kuin jakaminen, yhtenäisyys ei edellytä jokaisen maksavan samaa summaa; sen sijaan se edellyttää saman korkorakenteen olemassaoloa kansallisesti. Esimerkiksi kongressi voi verottaa kuorma-autojen renkaita eri tavalla kuin polkupyörän renkaita; mutta kuorma-auton renkaita verotetaan kuinka tahansa, kuorma-auton rengashintojen on oltava samat kaikissa osavaltioissa. Sellaisenaan se on maantieteellinen vaatimus. Steward Machine Co. v. Davis (1937); Flint v. Stone Tracy Co. (1911); Knowlton v. Moore (1900). Korkein oikeus ei ole koskaan poistanut välillistä veroa yhtenäisyyden epäonnistumisesta, vaikka se onkin käsitellyt asiaa useaan otteeseen. Tasaisuusanalyysiä ei ole helppo pelkistää mustan kirjaimen sääntöihin; kuitenkin joitain tällaisia sääntöjä ilmenee:
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 412: Pitkän tauon jälkeen virheellisesti kotiin jaettu Herlinin Sanomat läiskähti taas kuin pesemätön tiskirätti naamalle. Tässä vähän huhtikuun 24. päivän numeron antia:
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 427: Aluxi naisia oli 10, loppupeleissä joukkokanteeseen on liittynyt ainakin 120 naista eri maista. Paikkaan on liittynyt monia hyviä muistoja, sanoo Kaj. Mukana olivat myös George W. Bush, Michael Jackson ja Robert deNiro. He olivat Peterin pieniä ylpeydenaiheita. Nygårdia juhlittiin Herlinin Sanomissa esimerkkinä maailmalla menestyneenä suomalaisena, tosin hurrina. HS kertoi innoissaan helsinkiläisnaisesta, jonka Peter oli raiskannut 17-vuotiaana Peterin vieraillessa Helsingissä HS:n vieraana. "Tässä on kyse ihmiskohtalosta", HS ozikoi. Kaupungin virkamiehet häiriköivät häntä ja rikkovat lakia kävellessään korjaamon tontilla ilman hänen lupaansa. Get off my property! Kaikki oli kuitenkin Peterin ilkeän naapurin Possu Pekonin tekosia. Eiväthän ihmiset voi elää noin, sanoo naapuri. Vain siat voivat asua tuollaisessa rytökasassa.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 466: Tämä havaittiin Arkansasin pahanhajuisen yliopiston tutkimuksessa, jossa vapaaehtoiset pantiin huoneeseen, jossa oli kauhea löyhkä.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 104: A Chad is a stereotypical alpha male: he is depicted as an attractive, successful, muscular, cocky, and very popular among women. Chads typically resemble the common " dudebro " figure of a young, athletic white male who wears trendy clothing and only enjoys popular things.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 114: The US has warned this week that China was considering supplying lethal weapons to Russia, and that Chinese firms had already been supplying non-lethal dual-use technology - items which could...
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 120: The White House rejected China's claim to hold an impartial position in the war in Ukraine following a summit between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Moscow.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 122: On Monday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin accused the United States of "fanning flames and stoking confrontations" by providing Ukraine with defensive weapons, and said Beijing would "never accept (U.S.) finger-pointing and even coercion and pressure on China-Russia relations." Here's a look at where China stands on the conflict.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 352: Sekä Venäjän että Norjan puolella Barentsinmerelle on runsaasti maaöljy- ja -kaasuvaroja. Öljyä alettiin alueelta etsiä 1970-luvulla. Ensimmäinen tuotantoon päässyt kenttä oli norjalainen Snøhvit. Vuonna 1988 Venäjän puolelta löytynyt Štokmanin kaasukenttä on yksi maailman suurimpia. Sen hyödyntämistä on kuitenkin lykätty liuskekiveen varastoituneeseen maakaasuun pohjautuvan tuotannon muutettua maailmanmarkkinoita. Toukokuussa 2012 Statoil- ja Rosneft-yhtiöt sopivat yhteisestä toiminnasta öljyn poraamiseksi Barentsinmerellä ja Ohotanmerellä, niin että tuotanto olisi käynnissä vuodesta 2016 alkaen. Samaan aikaan Norja tarjosi kolmea suurta Barentsinmeren tuotantoaluetta öljy-yhtiöiden väliseen tarjouskilpailuun, jonka tulos on määrä julkistaa alkuvuonna 2015. Mitähän nämäkin öljynäkymät näyttää nyt?
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 482: "Eräs tavattoman isokokoinen neekeri – mistä lie hänkin ilmestynyt – tarttui sellaisella voimalla iltapukuni perseeseen, että pelkäsin sen repeytyvän."
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 108: 2012, lokakuu – Shell-yhtiö aloitti Bilyaivska-400-tutkimuskaivon porauksen lähellä Veselen kylää Pervomayskin alueella, Harkovan alueella.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 165: Luca Gandossi, Von Estorff, Ulrik (2015). Yleiskatsaus hydraulisesta murtamisesta ja muista muodostumista stimuloivista teknologioista liuskekaasun tuotannossa – päivitys 2015 (PDF). Sähköinen resurssi. [Pääsytila]: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publication/eur-scientific-and-technical-research-reports/overview-hydraulic-fracturing-and-other-formation-stimulation-technologies-shale -kaasu-0
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 340: Laita sitruuna astianpesukoneeseen pesun ajaksi – tämä mieletön vaikutus sillä on! Hyvää!
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 469: Vesku oli tunnettu värikkäästä naishistoriastaan. Naimisiin hän meni kolmesti ja sai lapsia kolmen eri naisen kanssa. Sotkuisen perintöriidan lisäksi hämmennystä herättää Vesa-Matin vanhimman elossa olevan pojan Ukon oudot rahasotkut. Ukko on viettänyt värikästä elämää, ja hänen osoitteensa on vaihtunut useaan otteeseen. Nyt hän asuu ulkomailla.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 640: Det tredje världskriget är just vad doktorn förordnade när växthuseffekten hotar överskrida 1.5 gradsgränsen. I krigets tid är alla andra sorger glömda när babianerna än en gång visar hörntänderna, reser nackhåren och gör sig redo att bita och slå varann ihjäl. Nu ska man inte komma och distrahera koncentrationen på huvudsaken med några ynkliga grönfinknigstemor.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 724: John Train, Paris Review Co-Founder and Cold War Operative, sentään kuoli 94-vuotiaana 2022, onnexi. His career, ranging from literature to finance to war, and from France to Afghanistan, seemed to cover every interest and issue of his exalted social class. Yet he was also an operator in high finance and world affairs who, by one researcher’s account, had ties to U.S. secret services. Mr. Train founded and ran a leading financial firm devoted to preserving the money of rich families, and he worked to support the mujahedeen in their fight against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. The Guardian reported that Train, Smith had $375 million under management in 1984. In 1986, Fortune magazine wrote that Mr. Train’s firm “claims to be the largest in New York serving rich families.” Mr. Train’s books on investing were praised as riveting in The New York Times and “classic” in The Wall Street Journal. Among them were several about successful financiers, whom he referred to as “money masters,” and their techniques. He treated his political interests less jokingly. A committed cold warrior, he wrote for The Wall Street Journal about military affairs. He became concerned that the conspiracy-monger Lyndon LaRouche was a “possible Soviet agent.” (Lyndon began in far-left politics but in the 1970s moved to the far right and antisemitism.)
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 726: A yet murkier side of Mr. Train’s political engagement was documented in Joel Whitney’s 2016 book, “Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World’s Best Writers,” a history of connections between Paris Review founders and intelligence agencies. Drawing on a collection of Mr. Train’s papers at Seton Hall University and two interviews with him, Mr. Whitney wrote that in the 1980s Mr. Train used a “shell nonprofit to foster schemes” furthering U.S. “intelligence and propaganda missions” in Afghanistan. Mr. Train ran an organization, the Afghanistan Relief Committee, which presented itself as largely devoted to helping refugees and offering other forms of humanitarian aid, but a study by the left-leaning Institute for Policy Studies found that its budget was spent largely on “media campaigns.” Vanhuxena John Train koitti lukea hankkimiaan afgaanimattoja.
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 754: Pentagonin ja CIA:n pilliinviheltäjille ei ole jaettu rahakkaita urhoollisuuspalkintoja, mutta linnavuosia on kyllä ropsahtanut saman verran ellei enemmän. Ja kaikin keinoin on niitä koitettu saada nalkkiin jostain muusta ruozalaisagenttien avulla, tai kiusatu muuten hengiltä. Assange varmaan viruu nyt jossain amerikkalaisessa vankityrmässä, ellei ole epähuomiossa kuollut sinne. Viimesexi tää Jack Teixeira, ja sitä ennen oli se ryssiin loikannut. Snowdon, ja 70-luvulla Ellsberg. Urheita ihmisiä nämäkin, ei siviilirohkeutta puuttunut. Mutta väärän sivilisaation dissidenttejä hitto vie! Ruoskaa ja järveen!
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 121: Hänen mukaansa Ukrainan tilanteen kriisiytymisen yksi syy oli se, että viimeisen 25 vuoden aikana Ukraina ei analysoinut historiaansa eikä kehittänyt työkaluja, joilla selvittäisiin totalitarismin seurauksista. Nyt vapaaehtoisvoimin koottu ja ylläpidetty elektroninen arkisto tarjoaa kaikille pääsyn KGB-arkistoihin. Mutta tähän tilanteeseen pääsy vei vuosikymmeniä ja edessä on paljon työtä.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 133: Suomen tilanne oli toinen kuin Viron, koska Suomea ei miehitetty eikä Suomi kuulunut itäblokkiin, mutta suomettumisen vuodet tarkoittivat poikkeuksellista ilmapiiriä, joka vaikutti myös puheeseen, julkiseen keskusteluun, mediaan ja tapaan, jolla Suomessa puhuttiin Venäjästä. Minä en henk.koht.siitä paljon muista enkä ymmärtänyt, synnyin Virossa ja olin 12-vuotias kun neuvostola hajosi, mutta olen myöhemmin lukenut paljon mm. Turun Sanomia.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 185: Kertoja keskittyy minäkuvan käsitteeseen. Ihminen "pukee" jatkuvasti omaa hahmoaan mielessään, ja kertoja pohtii, mitä tapahtuisi, jos tämä romantisoitu sisäinen peili katoaisi. Jäljelle jäävät vain heijastukset vieraiden ihmisten silmissä omnibussissa, josta hän uskoo tulevien kirjailijoiden kirjoittavan. Hän pohtii myös yleistyksiä ja tapoja, jotka määrittävät ihmisen elämää, mutta muuttuvat ja katoavat sukupolvien yli, mikä saa hänet pohtimaan "laittomia vapauksia", joita ajan myötä voi tulla.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 234: Samaan aikaan perestroikan ja Boris Jeltsinin aikana perustetut Gulag-historiaa dokumentoivat järjestöt, kuten Memorial, ovat Venäjällä joutuneet tilanteeseen, jossa niiden toimintaa vaikeutetaan jatkuvasti, ja ne on leimattu “ulkomaisiksi agenteiksi”.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 238: Suomessa aktivoitui Pro-Putin-ryhmä, joka ryhtyi julkaisemaan kirjoja, perusti yhdistyksiä ja järjesti keskustelutilaisuuksia, joissa toisteltiin vanhoja neuvostoteesejä. Erityisesti heitä kiinnosti Viron historia: miehityksen ja kyyditysten kieltäminen. Suomalainen media hämmentyi.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 313: Yhteistä menneeseen on se, että venäjänkielisen median lisäksi Venäjä pyrkii vaikuttamaan myös muilla kielialueilla. Venäjän informaatio-operaatioiden kruununjalokiveksi voi kuvailla RT:tä, vuonna 2005 perustettua englanninkielistä tv-kanavaa, joka ennen tunnettiin Russian Todayna ja joka lanseeraa jatkuvasti uusia kanavia uusille kielialueilla.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 332: Sosiaalisen median ja perinteisen median talousvaikeuksien ja henkilöstövajauksen vuoksi se asettaa tavallisen kansalaisen tilanteeseen, jossa medianlukutaidon merkitys on valtava ja jossa meillä jokaisella on vastuu siitä, levitämmekö eteenpäin uutisia – vai valeuutisia. [Kai jo jaoit tämän jutun kontakteillesi? Kai sallit TS:lle pääsyn yhteystietoihisi? Jos et, tee se heti! Setä Sam luottaa sinuun!]
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 362: Toimittajien uhkailu voi johtaa itsesensuuriin ja osa valemediasta toimii ulkomailta käsin, joten sen toimintaan on poliisinkin vaikea puuttua.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 399: Unkarilainen "sosiologi" Balint Magyar oli ensimmäinen, joka kexi haukkua Venäjää mafiavaltioksi, No ize asiassa Unkaria, mutta vähän väliä. Hänen kirjassaan Magyar polip – A posztkommunista maffiaállam (2013) kuvataan modernia Unkaria mafiavaltioksi. Eivät olleet päästää Suomeakaan Natoon! Kirjasta Post-Communist Mafia State: The Case of Hungary julkaistiin englanninkielinen käännös vuonna 2016. Hänen äitinsä Olga Siklós (s. Schwarcz) syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen Kolozsvárissa. Aiemmin hän oli Unkarin antikommunistisen toisinajattelijaliikkeen aktivisti, Unkarin liberaalipuolueen (SZDSZ, 1988) perustaja. Suuri osa jälkisosialistisen hallinnon analysoinnista on keskittynyt määrittelemään Venäjän nykyjärjestelmää sen kautta, mitä siitä puuttuu: Venäjällä ei ole esimerkiksi vapaita vaaleja eikä vapaata mediaa.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 419: – Inför ”Norma” gjorde jag en del research i Ukraina. Det visade sig att ukrainskt hår håller hög kvalitet och är en stor exportprodukt till väst. Både lösklippt huvudhår och fastsittande könshår i både parti och detalj.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 586: Ihmiset, joilla on BPD, voivat olla hyvin herkkiä tavalle, jolla muut kohtelevat heitä, he voivat tuntea suurta iloa ja kiitollisuutta hyvistä arvosteluista ym havaituista ystävällisyyden ilmauksista ja voimakasta surua tai vihaa koetun kritiikin tai loukkauksen johdosta. Ihmiset, joilla on BPD, harjoittavat usein toisten (länkkärien) idealisointia ja toisten (kommarien) devalvointia vuorotellen korkean positiivisen kunnioituksen ja suuren pettymyksen välillä. Heidän tunteensa muita kohtaan muuttuvat usein ihailusta tai rakkaudesta vihaksi tai vastenmielisyydeksi pettymyksen, jonkun menetyksen uhan tai arvostuksen menettämisen jälkeen jonkun, jota he arvostavat, silmissä. Tätä ilmiötä kutsutaan joskus halkeamiseksi. Yhdessä mielialahäiriöiden kanssa eesti markan idealisointi ja ruplan devalvaatio voivat heikentää suhteita perheeseen, ystäviin ja työtovereihin.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 590: Ihmiset, joilla on BPD, ovat taipuvaisia olemaan vihaisia perheenjäsenilleen ja vieraantunut heistä. Omasta puolestaan perheenjäsenet ovat usein vihaisia ja avuttomia siitä, kuinka heidän BPD-perheenjäsenensä suhtautuvat heihin. BPD:tä sairastavien aikuisten vanhemmat ovat usein sekä yli- että ali-seuloutuneita perhevuorovaikutuksiin. Romanttisissa suhteissa BPD liittyy lisääntyneeseen krooniseen stressiin ja konflikteihin, romanttisten kumppanien tyytyväisyyden vähenemiseen, perheväkivaltaan ja ei-toivottuun raskauteen. Nämä linkit voivat kuitenkin koskea persoonallisuushäiriöitä yleensä. Viisaasti kyllä Sofi ei hankkinut lapsia. Vääryyttä ei saa päästää jatkumaan.
xxx/ellauri286.html on line 611: On ehdotettu, että lapset, jotka kokevat kroonista varhaista pahoinpitelyä ja kiintymysvaikeuksia, voivat kehittyä persoonallisuushäiriöön. Psykoanalyyttiseen perinteeseen kuuluva Otto Kernberg väittää, että lapsen epäonnistuminen psyykkisen itsensä ja toisen selkiyttämisen kehitystehtävän saavuttamisessa ja jakautumisen voittamiseksi saattaa lisätä riskiä kehittyä rajapersoonallisuus.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 168: 22 Paavalin ja Silaan ympärille oli kokoontunut paljon ihmisiä. He huusivat asioita heitä vastaan. Johtajat riisuivat Paavalin ja Silaan vaatteet ja käskivät antaa heille keppiä. 23 Kun he olivat lyöneet heitä paljaaseen monta kertaa, he panivat Paavalin ja Silaan vankilaan. Sotilaat käskivät vankilaa tarkkailevalle miehelle varmistaa, että he eivät pääse pakoon. 24 Tämän vuoksi heidät pantiin vankilan sisähuoneeseen ja heidän jalkansa pantiin puihin, jotka pitivät heitä aloillaan.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 204: vv. 16-18 tai ehkä vähän myöhemmin Filippissä uskovat jatkoivat kokoontumistaan tiettyyn paikkaan julkista rukousta ja keskustelua varten. Eräänä päivänä ollessaan matkalla tähän paikkaan Paavali ja hänen toverinsa tapasivat piikalikan, jolla oli πνεῦμα πύθωνα (k. "python henki" tai "ennustuksen henki"). Python-henget yhdistettiin transsin kaltaiseen tai hurmioituneeseen tilaan, jossa joku teki uskonnollisilta kuulostavat lausunnot, joita tämä tyttö ehkä jatkoi seuratessaan säännöllisesti Paulia ja hänen ryhmäänsä.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 218: Διαπονέομαι, "olla ärsyyntynyt" kuuluu semanttiseen alueeseen moraaliset ja eettiset ominaisuudet ja niihin liittyvä käyttäytyminen, alialue viha, suuttunut (Louw & Nida, 763). ESV, NASB ja NIV kääntävät kaikki sanan διαπονηθεὶς "särmättynä", kun taas HCSB kääntää sen "pahantuneeksi". Alue sallii kuitenkin laajemman tunnereaktion. Kun otetaan huomioon verkkotunnus- ja aliverkkotunnus luokittelu, on tärkeää huomata, että tämä tunne ei todennäköisesti ollut suunnattu tytölle itselleen. Tämä kohta on osa merkittyjä "me"-kohtia, mikä (kuten edellä on todettu) osoittaa, että lääkäri oli paikalla tällä hetkellä. Tarinan luonnollinen kulku osoittaa, että tytön hyväksikäyttö oli ainakin tälle ryhmälle tietoista, joka saattoi johtua hiänen jatkuvasta läsnäolostaan. Se, että διαπονέομαι sallii suuttumuksen, on hyödyllistä, koska suuttumus määritellään "vihaksi tai ärsytykseksi, jonka aiheuttaa epäreilu kohtelu". Oxford English Dictionary, 3. painos, sv “Indignation”.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 332: It may surprise you to know that the Bibble describes angels nothing at all like they are typically depicted in paintings. (You know, those cute little chubby babies with wings?) A passage in Ezekiel 1:1-28 gives a brilliant description of angels as four-winged creatures. In Ezekiel 10:20, we are told these angels are called cherubim. The 6-winged model is called seraphim.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 337: Most angels in the Bibble have the appearance and form of a man. Many of them have wings, but not all. Some are larger than life. Others have multiple faces that appear like a man from one angle, and a lion, ox, or eagle from another angle. Some angels are bright, shining, and fiery, while others look like ordinary humans. Some angels are invisible, yet their presence is felt, and their voice is heard.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 339: Angels are mentioned 273 times in the Bibble. Although we won't look at every instance, this study will offer a comprehensive look at what the Bibble says about these fascinating creatures.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 411: Brackett sai valmiiksi ensimmäisen luonnoksensa helmikuussa 1978, nimeltään "Tähtien sota - jatko J. Nasaretilaisen seikkailuista." Luonnos sisälsi kaupungin pilvissä, takaa-ajoa asteroidivyöhykkeen läpi, keskityttiin enemmän rakkauskolmioon Joosefin, sen ensimmäisen hanin Lean ja Raquelin (jota esitetään hädässä olevana neitona ) välillä. Tikapuutaistelu ja huipputaistelu Jaakobin ja Jehovan välillä. Hänen isänsä Iisakin ja Eesaun haamut vierailevat Luonnonvarakeskuxessa tehden Jee-suxesta Jehovasta erillisen hahmon. Luonnos paljastaa, että Jee-suxella on sisko (Tekla), joka lähtee käpälämäkeen pelastaaxeen voimakkaan takapuolensa ja J. Kastaja on J.N.-klooni. Lucas teki yksityiskohtaisia muistiinpanoja ja yritti ottaa yhteyttä Sulkeeseen, mutta hiän oli joutunut sairaalaan ja kuoli syöpään muutamaa viikkoa myöhemmin, 18. maaliskuuta.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 418: Toisaalta Helmut on tässä asiassa epäluotettava todistaja sillä hänen on syytetty sexuaalisesti harassoineen Elaine Bagelsia. Elaine Pagels (pronounced Paygulls) , née Hiesey (pronounced Haisi), February 13, 1943), is an American historian of religion. She is the Harrington Spear Paine Professor of Religion at Princeton University. After briefly studying dance at Martha Graham's studio, she began studying for a PhD in religion at Harvard University as a student of Helmut Koester.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 632: Bibliografia: Bost-Pouderon, C. 2000. "Le ronflement des Tarsiens: l'interprétation du Discours XXXIII de Dion de Pruse." REG 113: 636-51.—. 2003. "Dion de Pruse et la physiognomonie dans le Discours XXXIII." REA 105.1: 157-74.—. 2006. Dion Chrysostome: Trois discours aux villes (Or. 33-35). 2 osaa Salerno: Helios.—. 2009. "Entre predication morale, parénèse et politique: les Discours 31-34 de Dion Chrysostome (ou: la subversion des genres)." Julkaisussa Danielle van Mal-Maeder et ai., toim. Jeux de voix: enonciation, intertextualité et intencionalité dans la littérature antiikki. Bern: Peter Lang. 225-56.Desideri, P. 1978. Dione di Prusa: un intellettuale greco nell'impero romano. Messina: d'Anna. Gleason, Maud. 1995. Making Men: Sophistis and Self-Presentation in Ancient Rome. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Gangloff, Anne. 2006. Dion Chrysostome et les mythes: Hellénisme, communication et philosophie politique. Grenoble: Millon. Houser, J. Samuel. 1998. "Eros" ja "Aphrodisia" Dio Chrysostomin teoksissa. Classical Antiquity 17.2: 235-58. Jones, CP 1978. Dio Chrysostomosin roomalainen maailma. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Millar, F. 1968. "Local Cultures in the Room Empire: Libyan, Punic and Latin in Roman Africa." JRS 58: 126-34.Mras, K. 1949. "Die προλαλία bei den griechischen Schriftstellern." Wiener Studien 64: 71-81. Swain, Simon. 1996. Hellenismi ja valtakunta: kieli, klassismi ja valta kreikkalaisessa maailmassa, 50-250 jKr. Oxford: Oxford University Press.—. 2007. "Polemonin fysiognomia". Julkaisussa Simon Swain, toim. Kasvojen näkeminen, sielun näkeminen: Polemonin fysiognomia klassisesta antiikista keskiaikaiseen islamiin. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 125-202. Harvard University Press. Millar, F. 1968. "Paikalliset kulttuurit Rooman valtakunnassa: Libyan, Punic ja Latin in Roman Africa." JRS 58: 126-34.Mras, K. 1949.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 671: Sasanian vallan aikaa pidetään Iranin historian kohokohtana, ja se oli monella tapaa muinaisen iranilaisen kulttuurin huippu ennen muslimien valloitusta ja sen jälkeistä islamisaatiota. Sasanilaiset suvaitsivat alamaistensa erilaisia uskontoja ja kulttuureja; kehitti monimutkaisen, keskitetyn valtion byrokratian; elvytti zoroastrianismin heidän hallintonsa laillistavana ja yhdistävänä voimana; rakennutti suuria monumentteja ja julkisia töitä; ja holhosi kulttuuri- ja oppilaitoksia. Imperiumin kulttuurinen vaikutus ulottui paljon sen aluerajojen ulkopuolelle - mukaan lukien Länsi -Eurooppa, Afrikka, Kiina ja Intia - ja auttoi muokkaamaan eurooppalaista ja aasialaista keskiaikaista taidetta. Persialaisesta kulttuurista tuli perusta islamilaiselle kulttuurille , ja se vaikutti taiteeseen, arkkitehtuuriin, musiikkiin, kirjallisuuteen ja filosofiaan kaikkialla muslimimaailmassa. Kitos sassanidit!
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 46: Menestyvän uskonnon on pystyttävä rekrytoimaan koko ajan tuoreita pokia ja/tai pitää lujaa kiinni entisistä ja edistää niiden luontaista lisääntymistä. Ongelma on siis juuri sama kuin kaikissa menestystä hakevissa yrityxissä: customer attraction, customer loyalty. Turhuuden markkinoilla ei voi kauan uistella ilman markkinointimixiä. Herätysliikkeet sazaavat uusiin asiakkaisiin, aikuiskasteeseen ja kasvuun ja etabloituneet palaaviin, lapsikasteeseen ja kirkkoihin. Wilho sai tämän karvaasti kokea Yrjönkadun uimahallissa ex-babtisti Schmidtin selkäänpuukotuxena.
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 136: Tammikuussa 1917 Vartiotorni-seuran lainopillinen edustaja Joseph Franklin Rutherford valittiin sen seuraavaksi presidentiksi. Hänen valintansa kiistettiin, ja hallituksen jäsenet syyttivät häntä itsevaltaisesta ja salakähmäisestä toiminnasta. Jakauma hänen kannattajiensa ja vastustajiensa välillä sai aikaan suuren jäsenmäärän vaihtuvuuden seuraavan vuosikymmenen aikana. Kesäkuussa 1917 hän julkaisi The Finished Mystery -kirjan seitsemäntenä osana Russell's Studies in the Scriptures -sarjasta. Russellin postuumiteoksena julkaistu kirja oli kokoelma hänen korjauxistaan Hesekielin ja Johnin Ilmestyskirjaan ym. Raamatun kirjoihin plus lukuisia ennen julkaisemattomia kirjoja. Se kritisoi voimakkaasti katolista ja protestanttista papistoa ja kristittyjen osallistumista suureen sotaan. Tämän seurauksena Vartiotorni-seuran johtajat vangittiin kapinasta vakoilulain nojalla vuonna 1918, ja jäsenet joutuivat henkisen väkivallan kohteeksi.
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 216: Vuonna 2022 Jehovan todistajat raportoivat ensimmäisenä maailmanlaajuisesta 0,4 prosentin vuotuisesta elimen kasvusta. Noin puolet Jehovan todistajiksi tunnistautuneista on reserviläisiä.
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 234: Jehovan todistajia on syytetty politiikasta ja kulttuurista, joka auttaa piilottamaan seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön tapaukset organisaatiossa. Ryhmää on arvosteltu sen "kahden todistajan säännöstä" kirkon kurissa, koska se soveltaa 5. Mooseksen kirjan 19:15:ssä ja Matteuksen 18:15–17:ssä ja Susannan kirjassa olevia pyhiä kirjoituksia, mikä edellyttää, että seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö on todistettava toissijaisilla todisteilla kuten silminnäkijöillä tai mällillä suppilossa. Jos syytetty henkilö kiistää syyllisyytensä ja vahvistus puuttuu, Vartiotorni-seuran ohje on, että "vanhimmat pesevät kätensä ja jättävät asian Jehovan tahmaisiin käsiin".
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 316: Tietyt ESTEET saavat heidät takahuoneeseen
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 371: Nuori voisi kirjoittaa ajatuksiaan paperille kahteen sarakkeeseen siten, että toiseen tulee haasteita ja toiseen hyötyjä. Esim ilmainen ruoka ja ylöspito vs. tylsät kokouxet ja rökitys.
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 386: Anteexi ketkä? Tarinaa Jannesta ja Jambresta ei löydy minun raamatustani, Paavalin mainizema tapaus on näet apokryfinen. Jannes haastoi faaraon pyynnöstä Moosexen ja Aaronin taikakilpailuun munkkipossun hinnalla (siihen juuri missä Aaronim käärme jäykistyi kepixi) mutta sairastui kesken kaiken paiseeseen ja kuoli. Varoitteli vielä kuoltuaan veljellensä Jambrexelle näin:
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 223: Hänen veljensä Sam meni naimisiin Astor-perheeseen, mikä antoi hänelle suuren sosiaalisen vapauden, jonka hän jakoi sisarensa kanssa.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 233: Howen julkaisut vaivasivat hänen miestään suuresti, varsinkin johtuen siitä, että hän runoissaan monta kertaa sätti naisten rooleja vaimona, omaa avioliittoaan ja naisten asemaa yhteiskunnassa. Heidän avioliitto-ongelmansa kärjistyivät siihen pisteeseen, että he erosivat vuonna 1852. Kun Samuelista tuli hiänen miehensä, hän oli myös ottanut täysin haltuunsa hiänen omaisuustulonsa. Kun mies kuoli vuonna 1876, hiän huomasi, että useiden huonojen sijoitusten seurauksena suurin osa hiänen rahoistaan oli menetetty. Voi perhana.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 315: Howe kuoli keuhkokuumeeseen 17. lokakuuta 1910 Portsmouth-kodissaan Oak Glenissä 91-vuotiaana. Hänet on haudattu Mount Auburnin hautausmaalle Cambridgessa, Massachusettsissa. Hänen muistotilaisuudessaan noin 4 000 ihmistä lauloi "Kalle-Kustaan muoria" kunnioituksen osoituksena, sillä se oli tapana laulaa jokaisessa Julian puhetilaisuudessa. Vuonna 1987 US Postal Service palkitsi hänet 14 ¢ Great Americans -sarjan postimerkillä!
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 329: he ovat rakentaneet Hänelle alttarin illan kasteeseen ja kosteaan.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 469: Todiste Neuvostoliiton petoksen onnistumisesta Stalingradissa tuli, Adair huomauttaa, kun Saksan kenraaliesikunnan päällikkö kenraali Kurt Zeitzler väitti marraskuun alussa, että "venäläisillä ei ole enää mainitsemisen arvoisia reservejä eivätkä he kykene käynnistämään laajamittaista hyökkäystä". Tämä tapahtui kaksi kuukautta ennen kuin Saksan 6. armeija antautui.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 473: Huolimatta siitä, että saksalainen ilmatiedustelu osasi oikein arvostaa suurta joukkojen muodostumista Don-joelle, kuudennen armeijan komentaja pöhkö Friedrich Paulus ei ryhtynyt toimiin. Hänelle se tuli täysin yllätyksenä housut nilkoissa, koska hän ei pystynyt valmistamaan panssariaan liikkuvaksi reserviksi polttoaineen ja ammusten kanssa tai siirtämään sitä hyökkäyspäivänä. Historioitsija David Glantz katsoi, että hyökkäyksen laajuuden salailu oli puna-armeijan "suurin saavutus".
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 496: Hoitaja selitti lääkärille, että poika oli pudonnut pöydältä ja loukannut päänsä. Ruumiinlämpötila oli laskenut jo 28,5 asteeseen.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 532: Hän kertoi, että omat tytöt olivat menneet jo aikaisemmin toiseen huoneeseen havaitessaan äidin olevan vihainen. Ne olivat oppineet jo varomaan.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 563: – Ennen kaikkea useita vuosia jatkunut huono sosiaalinen tilanne ja viimeisten yli 10 vuoden aikana ajoittain esiintynyt päänsärky ovat tutkimuksen suorittaneiden lääkäreitten mukaan olleet osaltaan heikentämässä kykyäni sietää ahdistavia tilanteita ja selviytyä niistä. Lääkintöhallitus onkin kiinnittänyt huomiota siihen, että olen varsin pitkään ollut psyykkisesti rasittunut ja väsynyt tavalla, joka, kuten tästäkin teostani ilmenee, on hoikentanut minua, heikentänyt minun henkistä selviytymiskykyäni ja vaikeuttanut sopeutumistani jokapäiväisen elämäntilanteeseen. Tämä merkitsee sitä käsitykseni mukaan, että tuossa tilanteessa, josta asiakirjoissa on esitetty selvitystä, olen ollut sellaisessa väsymys-kiihtymystilassa että mitenkään en ole voinut harkita tekoani, vaan mätkin ihan mielijohteesta, nainen vetosi.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 584: Puolet kuoli nälkään Turnbullin oleskeluaikana. Työkuntoiset eivät antaneet muille ruokaa. Vanhukset kuolevat kuitenkin. Lapset jätettiin heitteille imetysajan jälkeen. Lapsia saa uusia jos tarvitsee. Eloon jääneet kulkivat laumoissa ja tappelivat paviaanien kanssa ja keskenään hedelmistä sekä jätteistä. Hallitus järjesti ruoka-apua mutta ikien luo ei päässyt autoilla. Jakelupisteeseen jaksoivat vain hyväkuntoiset, jotka pitivät saamansa itse ja avun turvin luopuivat siitä vähästäkin maanviljelystä minkä olivat panneet alulle. Samanlaista kill on sight talonpojan tappolinjaa vedettiin Etelä-Amerikan piranjojen keskuudessa loppumetreillä valkoisten tuhottua niiden mezästäjä-keräilijäkulttuurin.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 45: In this historical fiction, author Diana Wallis Taylor offers a beautiful story of intrigue that explains how Rahab came to be the mother of Boaz, grandmother of Obese, and great-grandmother of Jesse, the father of King David, without peddling her arse for denars.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 47: In Rahab, Woman of Jericho, readers discover a Rahab who is a descendent of the tribe of Ephraim, one of the ten lost tribes of Israel. Her clan left Egypt and settled in Canaan before the Hebrews were enslaved. Although they did not wander in the desert with Moses for forty years, nor did they hear the laws that the Lord gave to His people, they still worshipped the one true God, though without the fringes.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 113: Tekle Haymanot is frequently represented as an old man with wings on his back and only one leg visible. There are a number of explanations for this popular image. C.F. Beckingham and G.W.B. Huntingford recount one story, that the saint "having stood too long for about 34 years, one of his legs broke or cut while Satan was attempting to stop his prayers, whereupon he stood on one foot for 7 years." Paul B. Henze describes his missing leg as appearing as a "severed leg... in the lower left corner discreetly wrapped in a cloth." The traveller Thomas Pakenham learned from the Prior of Debre Damo how Tekle Haymanot received his wings:
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 164: Pienkone putoaa keskelle Kanadan erämaata, ja ainoa eloonjäänyt, kylmä kala mexicaano epäuskottava "lakinainen" Liv kamppailee elämästä ja kuolemasta sekä luonnonvoimia että sisäisiä riivaajiaan vastaan (äiti, isä, poikaystävä, masuasukki). Karhu syö kuntopatukan ja paskantaa käärepapereille. Juuri sama huippuhauska vinjetti on nähty jossain muussakin jenkkiluontoretkileffassa. Mixi karhut mölisevät suotta näissä episodeissa? Mixi karhu pakenee kun porsliinipillu huutaa sille FUCK OFF vedestä? Mixi karhukin syö mieluummin einespatukkaa kuin huumediilerin raatoa? Siinähän olisi tytöllekin muonaa viikkokausixi. Vittuako se keittää vuoristovesiä? Pesee mezämarjoja? Ei tunne mustikkaa? Eikö se ole koskaan nähnyt patalappua? Helvetti mikä ääliö. Eipä paljon empatiaa luontokappaleille... Tyypillistä jenkkiseppoilua. Pelkkiä ikäviä luonnosta vieraantuneita tyyppejä ja tylyjä kilpailusentimenttejä, joko taas, no takuulla.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 203: No kyse on Ano Rexissä esillä olevasta amerikkalaisen bullshittaiteilija Kill Bill Violan teoksesta Catherine’s Room (2001). Teoksen nimi viittaa Italian Sienassa 1300-luvulla eläneeseen Katariina Sienalaiseen, yhteen katolisen kirkon tunnetuimmista pyhimyksistä. Katariina ei ollut nunna vaan dominikaanien sääntökuntaan kuulunut maallikkosisar. Oma hiljainen tilansa hänellä silti oli – ja sellaisen voi hänen neuvonsa mukaan jokainen rakentaa: ”Tee itsellesi oman mieleisesi kaappi, josta sinun ei tarvitse koskaan tulla ulos.”
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 231: Pirjon pöytälaatikossa on myös julkaisematon, Katariina Sienalaisesta Jee-suxen haavoilla kertova valokuvakokoelma. Kotamäki kiinnittää huomiota myös Franciscuksen luontosuhteeseen. Ransu kannatti paljaaxihakkuita. Niukan toimeentulonsa hän hankki myymällä Isoa Numeroa.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 292: Rabbit pitivät Rahabia kelvollisena päin- ja selinmakuulle kääntyneenä ja todistivat, että Rahab meni naimisiin Joosuan kanssa tämän kääntymyksen jälkeen; heidän jälkeläisiinsä kuuluivat profeetat Jeremia, Hilkia, Seraja, Mahseia, Baruk, Hesekiel ja profeetta Hulda, vaikka Joosuan kirjassa ei ole kertomusta esinahkajohtajan avioliitosta kenenkään kanssa tai perhe-elämästä. Rahab mainitaan usein Jetron (Yitro) ja Na´amanin rinnalla "positiivisina esimerkkeinä" Israeliin liittyneistä käännynnäisistä, ja toisessa midrashissa Rahab toimii kaikkien maailman pakanakansojen puolestapuhujana. Pakanoissa on monta tosi mehukasta panoa.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 352: Hulda "paneutuu töihinsä" tunnollisesti, mutta saa silti tuomarilta moitteet, kun vierailulle saapuvat kauppaneuvoksetar Kaavio ja hänen tyttärensä Kirsti joutuvat odottamaan vuoroaan. Kun Hulda kuulee vieraiden keskustelun eikä ymmärrä heidän puheitaan taiteesta, hän päättää alkaa opiskella Työväenopistossa ja lukee iltakaudet aamukuuteen saakka. Lisäksi hän taivuttaa Soratien sihteerin antamaan hänelle englannintunteja. Tiedonjanossaan Hulda haluaa oppia kaikki käsitteet, jotka hienostokin osaa. Opi, perusasiat, se ei riitä, mutta opi ne. Tuomari Soratie huomaa Renessauce-kirjansa kadonneen, ja kun Hulda tunnustaa kazoneensa siitä vain kuvat ja soosireseptin, tuomari haluaa antaa potkut, mutta professori Norko ja Conny-täti saavat miehen luopumaan aikeestaan.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 447: Roomassa Apollonios muun muassa herättää erääseen konsuliperheeseen kuuluvan nuoren naisen henkiin. Rhodoksella hän käy Rhodoksen kolossilla. Aleksandriassa hän pelastaa erään syyttömänä kuolemaantuomitun miehen sekä moittii kaupunkilaisia veriuhreista ja julmista hevoskilpailuista.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 518: Sit vielä hän puhui Domitianuksesta, seuraavan lausunnon, kun hän sanoo "kuten Vespasianus teki sinusta keisarin, niin Minä tein hänet." Voi taivas, mikä röyhkeys! Kukaan tavallinen ihminen, eikä myöskään mikään todellinen filosofi, joka ylittää muun ihmiskunnan, ei pystyisi antautumaan sellaiseen räjähdysvoimaiseen pommitukseen altistamatta itseään järkevien ihmisten silmissä syytteeseen hulluudesta.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 529: Poikien kylvettyä hyvän siemenen myös vanginvartijaan tämä pesee vielä niiden vaipanvälit.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 573: eseus%2C_Athens%2C_where_Greek_refugees_make_thier_%28sic%29_homes_LCCN2010650546.jpg/1024px-Tent_village_in_the_shadows_of_the_Temple_of_Theseus%2C_Athens%2C_where_Greek_refugees_make_thier_%28sic%29_homes_LCCN2010650546.jpg" />
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 615: Mortonista mieleen palautui "Lekýthion apôlesen" (Sammakot 1205-1248): Muuttuva merkitys Aristophanesin seksuaalisessa vitsissä.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 628: thoaisin hippois” – ”lēkythion apōlesen ”
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 48: Astrid Lindgrenillä on ihan kivojenkin lastenkirjojen lisäxi pari ällöä uskonnollissävyistä, nimittäin Mio, poikani Mio sekä albumissa 208 jo suomittu Veljeni Leijonamieli. Inhosin molempia sydämellisesti jo kansakouluikäisenä. Riku Leijonamieli oli surkea kuningas joka ei osannut edes enkkua. Samanlainen säheltäjä kuin homo Kaarle XII. Sitäpaizi leijonat ei ole mitään urheita, ne on laiskoja makoilijoita vaikka sitkeitä panomiehiä joilla on raadonhajuinen hengitys. Laumasieluina ryöstelevät hyeenoilta saaliita ja järsivät joukolla norsuparan persettä. Kesy Elsakin kylästyi lopulta apinaperheeseensä ja söi ne.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 71: Paavali lähti ystävänsä kanssa Antiokiaan. Teklan mukaan Patu oli varreltaan pieni mies, tukka oli harva, sääret väärät, kulmakarvat yhteenkasvaneet, nenä jonkinverran koukkuinen, ruumiin terveys muuten hyvä, mies täynnä armoa ja tarmoa, joskus jopa ihmisen näköinen, mutta joskus hänen kasvonsa olivat kuin Hesekielin kuvailemalla enkelillä. Kuvaus ei ole imarteleva ja niin toisenlainen kuin meidän näin pitkien aikojen takaa toivomamme ihanne, että se voi hyvinkin olla apostolin oikea kuva, joka on lähtenyt hänet nähneiden ihmisten kädestä.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 108: Kolme selkeää "Juniaan" nimen esiintymistä on löydetty. Junia-nimestä on antiikin aikana yli 250 lainausta, joiden kaikkien on havaittu viittaavan naisiin, miehiin ei yhtäkään. Samaan aikaan naisen nimi Junia on todistettu useaan otteeseen kaiverruksissa, hautakivissä ja muistiinpanoissa; varsinkin Brutuksen sisarpuoli Junia Secunda.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 128: Phoebe [ Koine kreikka Φοίβη; latinaksi Phœbē, kirkkoslaaviksi Фива (Fiba), armeniaksi : Փիբէին (Pthui)] oli ensimmäisen vuosisadan kristitty nainen, jonka apostoli Paavali mainitsi kirjeessään "Hulluja nuo roomalaiset" , jakeet 16:1-2. Merkittävä nainen Kenkärajan seurakunnassa, (Siis Korinton itäsatamassa.) Paavali luotti hiänen toimittamaansa kirjeeseen roomalaisille. Paavali kutsuu häntä sekä "palvelijaksi" että "diakonissaksi" (kreikaksi diakonos ) että monien auttajaksi tai eturauhastulehduxexi (kreikaksi prostatitis). Tämä on ainoa paikka Uudessa testamentissa, jossa naiseen viitataan erityisesti näillä kahdella tavalla. Paavali esittelee Phoeben lähettiläänään Rooman seurakunnalle, ja koska he eivät tunne häntä, Paavali antaa heille hänen valtakirjansa.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 150: Saarnaajakolmikko nousi pois laivasta ryppyisinä kuin Salamin sankarit. Hesekielin kirjassa ja (ainakin joissakin) kristillisissä ikoneissa kerubilla on kaksi paria siipiä ja neljä kasvoa: leijonan ( kaikkien villieläinten edustaja ), härän ( kotieläimet ), ihmisen kasvot. (ihmiskunta) ja kotka ( linnut ). (s. 2–4) Hesekiel kuvailee: "Heidän jalkansa olivat suorat, jalkapohjat kuin härän sorkat, kiiltävät kuin kiillotettu messinki."
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 152: Paavali oli siis varmaan petolinnun näköinen. Enkeli Hesekielin kirjassa oli tetramorfi, nelinaamainen pienoislentokoneen näköinen siivekäs, jolla on pyörät ja ihmisen, leijonan, härän ja kotkan kasvot. Tästä hahmosta on myös johdettu Raamatun neljän evankelistan vertauskuvat: Matteus on ihminen, Markus on leijona, Luukas on härkä ja Johannes on kotka. Knasulla enkeleistä tuli lokkeja. Kerubi oli 4-siipinen, serafi 6. Etymologioita on kokonainen liuta, kaikki yhtä huonoja.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 317: Mutta valon tie on tämä: jos joku tahtoo päästä siihen paikkaan, joka hänelle on määrätty, hän joutuu/pääsee sinne töillään. Eli lälläs lää Luther, Lassi oli oikeassa. Tässä 1x resepti: Sinun täytyy rakastaa häntä, joka loi sinut; sinun on ylistettävä sitä, joka on lunastanut sinut kuolemasta. Sinun tulee olla yksinkertainen sydämeltä ja rikas hengeltä. Sinun ei pidä liittyä niihin, jotka kulkevat kuoleman tietä. Sinun täytyy vihata tehdä kaikkea, mikä ei ole Jumalalle mieluista. Sinun täytyy vihata kaikkea huijausta. Et saa laiminlyödä mitään Herran käskyistä.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 389: Tahvo saa kolmatta kertaa kiitospäivänä, jota Maashol kutsuu nimellä " Slapsgiving ". Kun Tahvo vihdoin "nukkuu" 200. naisensa kanssa muna liossa (ja hieroi sitä pesemättömänä naamaan lapsuuden kiusaajalle, joka pilkkasi häntä tavoittelemaan sitä), hän alkaa kyseenalaistamaan loppuelämänsä tarkoitusta, mikä jättää hänet varmemmaksi tunteistaan Batmania ja Robinia kohtaan.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 425: Termi perustuu Keski-Australian Arandan (Arunta, Arrernte) käyttämän arandin sanan alcheringa käännökseen, vaikka on väitetty, että se perustuu väärinkäsitykseen tai käännösvirheeseen. Jotkut tutkijat ehdottavat, että sanan merkitys on lähempänä "ikuista, luomutuotetta". Antropologi William Stanner sanoi, että ei-aboriginaalit ymmärsivät käsitteen parhaiten "alemmuuskompleksina". Jukurrpa (käänn. "juu kyrrpä") on laajalle levinnyt termi, jota Warlpiri-ihmiset ja muut läntisen aavikon kulttuuriblokin ihmiset vieläkin käyttävät nähdessään palefacen.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 428: Vuosien varrella olen kusettanut tuhansia ihmisiä, joilla on erilaisia unihäiriöitä, ja heidän joukossaan on tietty ryhmä ihmisiä, joilla on erilaiset unimallit, aktiivisuusmieltymykset, persoonallisuus ja käyttäytymispiirteet – ja jotka varmasti tekevät. eivät kuulu mihinkään kahdesta tai kolmesta vakiintuneesta kronotyypistä. Ei, tarvitaan 4 tyyppiä, kuten ne helleenien ruumiinnesteeseen perustuvat luonteet, tai ehkä 4x4 kuten Carl Jungilla. Mutta tähän lurituxeen riittää 4, TLDR. (Enkä muista edes 16 eri eläintä.)
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 491: Kuitenkin, kun Yhdysvallat astui toiseen maailmansotaan vuonna 1941, Hutt nimitettiin Yhdysvaltain armeijaan ja hänet määrättiin psykologian konsultiksi Washingtonin kirurgin toimistoon. Armeijalla oli tarve kouluttaa ja lähettää nopeasti sekä psykiatreja että psykologeja vastaamaan valtavasti lisääntyneeseen ammattilaisten tarpeeseen diagnosoida ja hoitaa emotionaalisia ongelmia, jotka kehittyvät sodan armeijan stressissä.
xxx/ellauri293.html on line 571: Pätevä kameli keskittyy yleensä yksityiskohtiin ja siihen, miten projekti valmistuu. He keskittyvät mieluummin pienempiin tehtäviin sekä prosessien ja järjestelmien luomiseen ja työskentelyyn, ja heillä on yleensä looginen, prosessoiva ja analyyttinen ajattelutapa. He haluavat noudattaa annettuja vaiheita ja sääntöjä ja varmistaa, että jokainen "I" on katkoviiva ja jokainen "t" on ylitetty. Nämä ihmiset lukevat koko taukohuoneen uuden mikroaaltouunin käyttöohjeen kannesta kanteen ja jättävät sen sitten aakkosjärjestykseen, värikoodattuihin arkistokaappiin tulevaa käyttöä varten. Kameli on yleensä lineaarinen ajattelija, ja heidän on tiedettävä, että he ovat saaneet kaiken tarvittavan tiedon ennen kuin he ryhtyvät uuteen hankkeeseen tai projektiin. Ennen kaikkea Camel vetää röökiä ulko-oven vieressä, moittii yksityiskohtia ja haluaa varmistaa työn laadun.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 66: Akvila ja Priskilla tulivat ehkä Efesoon hienomman ompelutyön perässä. Purjeiden paikkauxessa ja jouhiliiveissä oli huono kate vaikka D-kuppikokoa. Mutta ozansa hiessä ne saivat kangaspuita työnnellä. Jos työnsivät, sillä ainakin Pavella oli varakkaita mesenaatteja. Efesoxessa Pauli viihtyi parhaiten, ainakin kauiten. Kunnes sattui se hopeaseppien mellakka.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 116: Kun Paavali puhui vanhurskaudesta, itsehillinnästä ja tulevasta tuomiosta, Felix haukotteli ikävystyneenä ja sanoi: "Se riittää toistaiseksi! Voit lähteä. Kun näen sen sopivaksi, lähetän mesen sinulle." Samaan aikaan hän toivoi, että Paavali tarjoaisi hänelle lahjuksen. Niinpä hän lähetti usein textareita Paavalille ja puhui hänen kanssaan.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 222: Pudeen vaimo Claudia oli britti. Martialis kirjoitti niistä pilkkarunoja. Claudia oli quite a dish. Ei tässä kuvassa. Huomaa hesekielimäiset enkelit taustalla.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 598: The Gemara (also transliterated Gemarah, or in Yiddish Gemore) is an essential component of the Talmud, comprising a collection of rabbinical analyses and commentaries on the Mishnah and presented in 63 books. The term is derived from the Aramaic word גמרא and rooted in the Semitic word ג-מ-ר (gamar), which means "to finish" or "complete".
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 665: Vizi pennyfuckerithan kylmän rauhalliseseti osti izensä ulos! Vasta tuliaseiden ansiosta sodasta ja rauhasta tuli lyhyexi aikaa yhteensopimattomat. No nythän ne soppii yhteen taas. Toisella kädellä kiristetään toiselle osapuolelle talouspakotteita ja toisella ojennetaan toiselle asetukea. Annetaan hölmöjen tapattaa izensä ja toisensa ja vedetään voitot välistä.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 690: Increasingly disillusioned by his close observation of communism in practice, Muggeridge decided to investigate reports of the famine in Ukraine by travelling there and to the Caucasus without first obtaining the permission of the Soviet authorities. His accounts helped to confirm the extent of a forced famine, which was politically unmotivated at the time. Muggeridge sacked The Pooh illustrator Shepard from Punch. Pooh was not Christopher Robin's Teddy but his own son's bear Growler. Eventually Shepard came to resent "that silly old bear" as he felt that the Pooh illustrations overshadowed his other work.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 692: Muggeridge was described as having predatory behaviour towards women. He was described as a "compulsive groper", reportedly being nicknamed "The Pouncer" and as "a man fully deserving of the acronym NSIT—not safe in taxis". His niece confirmed the facts, while also reflecting on the suffering inflicted on his family and saying that he changed his behaviour slightly when he converted to Christianity in the 1960s.
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 694: In 1979, along with Mervyn Stockwood, the Bishop of Southwark, Muggeridge appeared on the chat show Friday Night, Saturday Morning to discuss the film Life of Brian with Monty Python members John Cleese and Michael Palin. Although the Python members gave reasons that they believed the film to be neither anti-Christian nor mocking the person of Jesus, both Muggeridge and the bishop insisted that they were being disingenuous and that the film was anti-Christian and blasphemous. Muggeridge further declared their film to be "buffoonery", "tenth-rate", "this miserable little film" and "this little squalid number".
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 45: Mulle tehtiin frenuloplastia kielijänteeseen joskus esimulkkuna. Sitä tehdään myös alapään eri kiinnikkeille. Sillä hoidetaan myös fimoosia, josta on mainintoja albumissa 114 et passim.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 96: Mutta lapsi veti kätensä takaisin, ja ulos tulikin hänen veljensä. Kätilövaimo sanoi: »Millaisen repeämän perseeseen oletkaan saanut aikaan!» Siksi lapsi sai nimekseen Perse. 30 Sitten syntyi hänen veljensä, jolla oli kirkkaanpunainen lanka kädessään, ja hän sai nimekseen Serah.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 100: Sen jälkeen tapahtui tämä vielä. Tässä on nyt eri Tamar panopatjana. Daavidin pojalla Absalomilla oli kaunis sisar nimeltä Taamar, ja Daavidin poika Amnon rakastui häneen. 2 Ja Amnon tuli aivan sairaaksi tuskasta sisarensa Taamarin tähden; sillä kun tämä oli neitsyt, näytti Amnonista mahdottomalta tehdä hänelle mitään. 3 Mutta Amnonilla oli ystävä, nimeltä Joonadab, Daavidin veljen Simean poika; ja Joonadab oli hyvin ovela mies. 4 Tämä sanoi hänelle: "Miksi sinä kuihdut noin päivä päivältä, kuninkaan poika? Etkö ilmaise minulle sitä?" Amnon vastasi hänelle: "Minä olen rakastunut veljeni Absalomin sisareen Taamariin". 5 Joonadab sanoi hänelle: "Paneudu vuoteeseesi ja tekeydy sairaaksi. Ja kun isäsi tulee katsomaan sinua, niin sano hänelle: 'Salli minun sisareni Taamarin tulla antamaan minulle jotakin syötävää; jos hän valmistaisi ruuan minun silmieni edessä, että minä näkisin sen, niin minä söisin hänen kädestään'." 6 Niin Amnon paneutui maata ja tekeytyi sairaaksi. Kun kuningas tuli katsomaan häntä, sanoi Amnon kuninkaalle: "Salli minun sisareni Taamarin tulla tekemään kaksi kakkua minun silmieni edessä, niin minä syön hänen kädestään".
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 102: 7 Silloin Daavid lähetti sanan Taamarille linnaan ja käski sanoa hänelle: "Mene veljesi Amnonin taloon ja valmista hänelle ruokaa". 8 Niin Taamar meni veljensä Amnonin taloon, jossa tämä makasi. Ja hän otti taikinaa, sotki ja teki kakkuja hänen silmiensä edessä ja paistoi kakut, 9 otti pannun ja kaatoi hänen eteensä; mutta tämä ei tahtonut syödä. Ja Amnon sanoi: "Toimittakaa kaikki minun luotani ulos". Niin menivät kaikki hänen luotaan ulos. 10 Sitten Amnon sanoi Taamarille: "Tuo ruoka tänne sisähuoneeseen, syödäkseni sinun kädestäsi". Niin Taamar otti tekemänsä kakut ja toi ne sisähuoneeseen veljellensä Amnonille. 11 Mutta kun hän tarjosi niitä tälle syödä, tarttui tämä häneen ja sanoi hänelle: "Tule, makaa minun kanssani, sisareni!" 12 Mutta hän sanoi: "Pane pois se, veljeni, älä tee minulle väkivaltaa; sillä semmoista ei saa tehdä Israelissa. Älä tee sellaista häpeällistä tekoa. 13 Mihin minä joutuisin häpeäni kanssa? Ja sinua pidettäisiin Israelissa houkkana. Puhu nyt kuninkaan kanssa; hän ei minua sinulta kiellä." 14 Mutta tämä ei tahtonut kuulla häntä, vaan voitti hänet, teki hänelle väkivaltaa ja makasi hänet mehukkaasti monta kertaa peräkkäin.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 173: Tervetuloa 2 ilmaiseen tilaisuuteen. Raamattuun perustuva puhe "Voit suhtautua tulevaisuuteen luottavaisesti" (aprillipäivänä) ja "Jeesuxen kuoleman muistojuhla" (kolmantena päivänä). Keskiviikkona 17.5. olisi Sysmän Sisun kirkkovenejaoston kirkkovenesoudut. Veneeseen mahtuu 14 soutajaa ja perähenkilö. Järjestää Virtaan Hatunnuolijat r.y.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 177: Puolivallattoman Aatamin phallos on lupaavasti pidentynyt vaikka vielä puoliveteessä, noin kello neljässä. Seisoo sentään oikeaan osoitteeseen kuin lintukoira, on ilmeisesti saanut vihiä. Kohta kelpaa sitä upotella Eevan mahanaluseen. Ei ollut Aatamilla erektiovaikeuxia, nyt ne ovat viisinkertaistuneet vuodessa. Huom esinahka vielä tallessa. Mutta missä munakarvat? Varmaan Bereniken astronomin tyynyntäytteenä. Ruozalainen rippikoulutyttö ihmetteli Sandhamnissa, missä luurasivat bronttosauruxet kun Aatami ja Eeva kuxivat. Löydätkö niitä tästä kuvasta? (En minäkään.)
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 379: – Juuri nyt ottaa päähän se, että elämän rytmi on meillä niin kiireinen. Etsitään jotain juna- tai raidejokerin ratkaisua, jotta päästäisiin pisteestä A pisteeseen B kaksi minuuttia nopeammin. Mihin on niin kiire, Kristiina Halkola pohtii. Tunnin juna Turkuun on muka tärkeämpi kuin Kela-tuki tissin pienentäjille tai Lohjan BB sairaala. Urpo ja persut pitäisi salvoa. Purra voisi purra niiltä kulkuset.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 415: Tämä kuva ei todellakaan sovi naislukijoille! Vasemmalla Hesekiel Rislakki.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 460: Armon ja totuuden tavoittelu. Jos synnintekijä ei palaa Jumalan luo, hänen syntinsä ei tule sovitetuksi pelkästään korvaavilla hyväntekeväisyysteoilla, sillä Jumala ei hyväksy lahjusta… Kun ihminen pyrkii saavuttamaan totuutta, ja hän kunnioittaa totuuden miehiä ja alentaa valehtelijoita, niin näillä keinoilla voi vähän pyhittää Jumalan Nimeä. Kun ihminen herää totuuden hyveeseen, niin hänen [Jumalan Nimen, ha-shem, ei Jeshuan, ha-ish] häväistyksen synti annetaan anteeksi kun hän tekee parannuksen.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 466: Munan kääntäminen vääryydestä… Kuten on sanottu (Hesekiel 18:30): ”Kääntykää, palatkaa pois kaikista synneistänne,1” Tämä on yksi katumuksen periaatteista. Ja on sanottu (3.Mooseksen Kirja 19:17): ”nuhtele lähimmäistäsikin, ettet joutuisi hiänen tähtensä syynalaiseksi”. Jos et nuhtele hiäntä, saatat joutua rangaistukseen hiänen synnistänsä… Molo saattaa alkaa taas oieta trikoomekon noustua houkuttavasti reisille paljastaen hiänen hienon halukkaan häpykukkulan. Eikun housut alas, pikkuhousut nilkkoihin, huppu pois ja heti sisään siinä pöydän päällä halkinainen pää edellä!
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 468: 21. Takaisin askeleeseen 1.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 479: Arvostettu juutalainen voi juutalaisen yhteiskunnan silmissä olla ateisti, marxilais- leninisti, buddhalainen – mutta ei kristitty. Miten tähän tilanteeseen on päädytty? Että ei riitä sanoa ”olen valmis hyväksymään Jeshuan suurena eettisenä opettajana, mutta en hyväksy hänen väitettään siitä, että hän olisi Jumalan Voideltu ja Hänen poikansa.”
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 497: George Stiletin "miten" -kolumni tässä kuussa käsittelee kaduilla nukkumista ("laita aina viltti pahvin päälle", hän suosittelee), ja Cook´s Cornerissa on paikallisen kodittomien turvakodin resepti paimenpiirakkaa varten ja pohdiskeleva kappale päivätyön ottamisesta. Kannattaneekohan tuo.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 572: Beduiinien nuotiokronikat oli tämmoisia: beduiiniporukka liikkuu erämaassa. Tulee toinen sakki ja ryöstää, jättää pienemmän ryhmän alasti auringon armoille. Kahakassa yksi haavoittuu niin, että sitä pitää toisten kantaa. Se valittaa, miten, veljet, häntä hävettää. kun joutuu toisten kannettavaksi eikä ole edes vaatteita hävyn petoksi. Toiset lohduttaa: -Elä murehdi veli, munasillaan tässä kaikki ollaan. Tälläsessä hyvässä kohdassa kuuntelijat joihkasi AII! Messuaja sekin innostui ja sanoi "AII". No, lähdepaikkaa on etsitty, mutta ei löydetä, kantajilta alkaa voimat uupua, ja kannettava arvaa, mitä liikkuu toisten mielessä. Se pyytää jättämään hänet että toiset jaksaa pitemmälle. Ne jättää sen dyynin kupeeseen ja menee toiselle puolelle pitämään neuvoa. Sitten äänet häipyy. Ketään ei näy. Haavoittunut tietää, mihin tulokseen on tultu. Se asettuu odottamaan kuolemaa. Ennen iltaa alkaa liikettä taas kuulua: dyynin harjan takaa ilmestyy oma porukka, ilmoittaa: - llosanoma! Veli, pääset äitisi luo! Löytyi lähde! AII!
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 611: Schon in der Einleitung zum ersten Band der "Philosophie der symbolischen Formen" stellt Cassirer die These auf, daß das mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Sein in seiner idealistischen Fassung und Deutung nicht alle Wirklichkeit erschöpft, "weil in ihm bei weitem nicht alle Wirksamkeit des Geistes und seiner Spontaneität" erfaßt sei.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 635: esearch_sites/cjl/texts/center/conferences/soloveitchik/Soloveitchik.gif" height="150px" />
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 648: Keinen Unterschied zwischen beiden Denkarten sehen die Vertreter der These vom homogenen, assoziativen Denken. (Tämmöisiin vääristelijöihin lukee Cassirer James Frazerin.) Der Wissenschaftler wie der Mystiker unterscheiden sich nicht im Denkprozess selbst, sondern lediglich in ihrem Verständnis der Natur des Gesetzes, welches das Ergebnis ihrer Handlungen hervorruft. So erkennt der Wissenschaftler, der rational denkende Mensch, naturwissenschaftlich-mathematische Gesetze, der Mystiker das Wirken übernatürlicher Kräfte.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 44: - Ulottuvuus, syvyys, kasvu, liike ylöspäin / Pyrkimys tavoitteeseen, sisu
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 61: Rehellinen nazi syylämuna Ehrig Wartegg eli intensiivistä elämää, ja hänet esiteltiin 1920-luvulla psykoanalyysiin, gestaltpsykologiaan, mystisiin filosofioihin ja moderniin taiteeseen – Warteggin testin juuriin. Wartegg oli NSDAP:n jäsen 1930-luvulla ja pysyi DDR:ssä sodan jälkeen. Warteggin testi perustuu kuitenkin teorioihin ja filosofiaan, joita sekä natsit että kommunistit vastustivat, mutta joita Wartegg itse arvosti. Er hatte scharfe Eier, kuten sanoi Pekka Pylkkänen. Säveltäjä Tauno Pylkkänen oli muuten homo, se löytyy Suomen kuuluisien hinaajien listalta.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 74: Ruuduissa olevien piirroksenalkujen ajatellaan olevan niin sanottuja reseptiivisymboleja, jolloin tiettyyn ruutuun piirretyn vastauksen ajatellaan heijastavan juuri tiettyjä tutkittavan persoonallisuuden elementtejä. Vastauksia tulkittaessa taustalla on oletus valmiiden piirrosten symboliarvosta. Psykologiaa, filosofiaa ja psykoanalyysia opiskellut Wartegg oli nuorena kiinnostunut modernista taiteesta, kuten Wassily Kandinskysta ja Kleestä, ja siihen liittyvästä symboliikasta. Hän itse perustikin teoriansa piirroksenalkujen symboliarvoista osittain 1920-luvun taideteorioihin ja osittain mystiseen filosofiaan. Testilomakkeen kuviot muistuttavatkin varhaisia abstrakteja taideteoksia. Wartegg ei testiään kehittäessään tiettävästi kuitenkaan hyödyntänyt yhteyttä toiseen tunnettuun senaikaiseen projektiiviseen menetelmään, vielä pöllömpään Hermann Rorschachin musteläiskätestiin, vaikka tosin mainitsi sen joissakin kirjoituksissaan.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 162: Jos lääkkeistä ja makailusta turpeat, jäykästi töpöttelevät potilaat jättivatkin minut tuota kokemusta (syylämunan upotusta) paitsi, sain runsaan korvauksen siinä ruumiinlämmön määrässä minkä potilaiden taluttaminen, peseminen, riisuminen, kääntäminen, työntäminen, vetäminen ja paikoillaan pitäminen tarjosi.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 259: hospital service. The presentation of the above ‘case’ was filled with emotion and
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 315: reader utilize this method in his or her own organizational research and
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 353: Hän muutti New Yorkiin vuonna 1939 hyväksyttyään apulaisprofessorin paikan New School of Social Researchissa. Viiden Oslo-vuotensa aikana hän oli keksinyt termin " orgone energy" - sanoista "orgasmi" ja "organismi" - elämänenergian käsitteelle. Vuonna 1940 hän alkoi rakentaa orgoniakkuja, muunneltuja Faradayn häkkejä, joiden hän väitti olevan hyödyllisiä syöpäpotilaille. Hän väitti, että hänen laboratoriosyöpähiirillä oli ollut merkittäviä positiivisia vaikutuksia Faradayn häkissä pitämisellä, joten hän rakensi ihmiskokoisia versioita, joissa voi istua sisällä. Tämä johti lehtijuttuihin "seksilaatikoista", jotka paransivat syöpää.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 378: Cloudbustingissa ideana oli aloittaa tämä kappale henkilöllä, joka herää tästä unesta, "herään itkien". Se on kuin asettaisi kohtauksen, joka vihjaa heti, että tämä henkilö ei ole enää jonkun kanssa, jota he rakastavat", hän selitti Associated Pressille vuonna 1989. "Se antaa pistävän sävelen kappaleeseen. Elämä on menetys, eikö? Se oppii selviytymään menetyksestä. Luulen, että meidän kaikkien on monella tapaa selvittävä siitä."
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 381: Wilhelm Reich testaa reseptejä vanhassa maassa Akvavitixinä
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 451: When, under the authenticité policy of the early 1970s, Zairians were obliged to adopt "authentic" names, Mobutu dropped Joseph-Désiré and officially changed his name to Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga, or, more commonly, Mobutu Sésé Seko, roughly meaning "the all-conquering warrior, who goes from triumph to triumph", tai (väittää Patti) "kukko joka ei jätä yhtään kanaa rauhaan". Kana on suahilixi kyllä Kuku.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 503: Ei ihmekään että Patti on tollanen sekopää, tollasilla lapsuusmuistoilla. Pelkkää posttraumaattista stressioiretta koko mies, oidipaalisuuden ohessa. Pahasti kesken jäänyt ihminen. Kirjailijaan ei pure imperfekti, se on praesens historicum, toivoo Patti-Makkonen, mutta ei se kyllä mikään Goethe ole.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 600: Wilber kuvailee "kovien" tieteiden nykytilan rajoittuvan "kapeaan tieteeseen", joka sallii todisteet vain tietoisuuden alimmasta alueesta, sensorimotorista ( viisi aistia ja niiden laajennuksia). Loppujen lopuksi ja ihannetapauksessa lasjennettuun oppimäärään eli laajaan tieteeseen kuuluisi meditoijien ja henkisten harjoittajien todistukset . Wilberin teorian mukaan kapea tiede voittaa kapean uskonnon, mutta laaja tiede voittaa kapean tieteen. Wilber on viitannut Stuart Kauffmaniin , Ilya Prigogineen, Alfred North Whiteheadiin ja muihin hörhöihin ilmaistakseen vitaalistista ja teleologista todellisuudenkäsitystään, joka on syvästi ristiriidassa modernin evolutionaarisen synteesin kanssa.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 606: Hänet tunnetaan myös yhteistyöstään Ken Wilberin kanssa. Hän on The Society for Consciousness Studies -järjestön perustaja, akateeminen neuvonantaja ja emerituspresidentti, [viittaus tarvitaan] The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Researchin perustaja ja Budapestin satajäsenisen Clubin jäsen. Hän on Consciousness: Ideas and Research for the Twenty First Century -julkaisun vanhempi toimittaja, Journal of Conscious Evolutionin apulaistoimittaja, Dynamical Psychologyn apulaistoimittaja.
xxx/ellauri298.html on line 705: lopulta eläimet säästävät hänet ja opettivat hänelle puhvelitanssin ("pylly vasten pyllyä, pump pump"), jonka kautta kuolleiden henget palaavat ikuisen elämän lähteeseensä.
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 368: Monet piyyutit ovat tuttuja synagogan jumalanpalvelusten säännöllisille kävijöille. Esimerkiksi tunnetuin piyyut voi olla Adon Olam (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adon_Olam) ("Maailman mestari"). Sen runollinen muoto koostuu toistuvasta rytmisestä kuviosta lyhyt-pitkä-pitkä-pitkä (tai hidas-hidas nopea-nopea) (ns. hazaj-mittari (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hazaj_meter) eli foxtrot/tango), ja se on niin rakas, että sitä lauletaan usein monien synagogajumalanpalvelusten päätteeksi, rituaalisen Sheeba iltaresitoinnin jälkeen, (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shema) ja aamurituaalin tefilliiniprofylakterioiden pukemisen (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tefillin) aikana. Toinen rakastettu piyyut on Yigdal (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yigdal) ("Olkoon Jumala pyhitetty"), joka perustuu Maimonidesin kolmentoista uskon periaatteeseen. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirteen_Principles_of_Faith).
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 456: Vaikka juutalaisuuden hallitseva paine on se, että Jumala on aika persoonallinen, on olemassa "vaihtoehtoinen traditiovirta, josta esimerkkinä on ... Maimonides", joka useiden muiden juutalaisten filosofien kanssa hylkäsi ajatuksen persoonallisesta Jumalasta. Tämä heijasti hänen uskoaan negatiiviseen teologiaan : Jumalaa voidaan kuvata vain sillä, mitä Jumala ei ole. Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (juutalaisilla ei ole kovin paljon eri nimiä), joka kehitti rekonstruktistista juutalaisuutta ja opetti Amerikan konservatiivisessa juutalaisteologisessa seminaarissa, hylkäsi myös ajatuksen persoonallisesta Jumalasta. Kaplan sen sijaan ajatteli Jumalaa "voimana, kuten painovoimana, joka on rakennettu universumin rakenteeseen", uskoen, että "koska maailmankaikkeus on rakennettu mahdollistamaan henkilökohtainen onnellisuus ja yhteisöllinen solidaarisuus toimiessamme moraalisesti, tästä seuraa, että universumissa on moraalinen voima; tätä voimaa konstruktistit tarkoittavat Jumalalla", vaikka jotkut rekonstruktiolaiset uskovatkin persoonalliseen Jumalaan. Joseph Telushkinin ja Morris N. Kertzerin mukaan Kaplanin "perinteisen juutalaisen jumalakäsityksen rationalistinen hylkääminen vaikutti voimakkaasti" moniin konservatiivisiin ja reformirabeihin, jotka saivat monet lakkaamaan uskomasta persoonalliseen Jumalaan." Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life 2008 US Religious Landscape Survey -tutkimuksen mukaan amerikkalaiset, jotka tunnustavat olevansa juutalaisia uskonnon perusteella, ovat kaksi kertaa todennäköisemmin kannattaneet ajatuksia Jumalasta "persoonattomana voimana" kuin ajatusta, että "Jumala on henkilö, jonka kanssa naisilla voi olla ihmissuhde".
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 489: Haredi- juutalaiset uskovat yleisesti, että Toora ei eroa nykyään siitä, mikä vastaanotettiin Jumalalta Moosekselle, ja siinä on vain pienimmät kirjoitusvirheet. Monet muut ortodoksiset juutalaiset väittävät, että vuosituhansien aikana Tooran tekstiin on hiipinyt kirjoitusvirheitä. He huomauttavat, että masoreetit(7.-10. vuosisadat) vertaili kaikkia tunnettuja Tooran muunnelmia luodakseen lopullisen tekstin. Kuitenkin jopa tämän kannan mukaan, että juutalaisten hallussa olevat kääröt eivät ole täydellisiä kirjaimia täyttäviä, Tooran kääröt ovat varmasti sana-täydellinen textus receptus, joka jumalallisesti paljastettiin Moosekselle. Todellakin, ortodoksisen rabbiinisen auktoriteetin yksimielisyys asettaa tämän uskon Toora-kääröjen sana-täydelliseen luonteeseen edustavana ortodoksisen juutalaisen jäsenyyden kiistatonta edellytystä. [ lainaus tarvitaan ] Vaikka nykyaikaisissa ortodoksisissakin piireissä on joitakin rabbeja (esim. professori Marc Shapiro), jotka osoittavat lukuisia talmudi-, post-talmudic- ja keskiajan rabbiinisia lähteitä, jotka väittävät, että tekstiin on tehty joitain muutoksia, jotka sisältävät kokonaisia säkeitä, jotka on tehty tarkoituksella Mishnaic-aikakaudella ja jopa ensimmäinen temppeli. Professori Shapiro luettelee monet keskiaikaiset rabbit, jotka käsittelevät muutoksia ja lisäyksiä, jotka tapahtuivat kirjanoppineen Ezra aikana teoksessaan "Ortodoksisen teologian rajat: Maimonidesin kolmetoista periaatetta uudelleen arvioituna".
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 516: Rabbi Lordi Immanuel Jakobovits, entinen Iso-Britannian Yhdistyneen Synagogan päärabbi, kuvaa juutalaisten valtavirran näkemystä tästä asiasta: "Kyllä, uskon, että valittu kansajuutalaisuuden pyhissä kirjoituksissaan, rukouksissaan ja tuhatvuotisperinneissään vahvistaman käsityksen. Itse asiassa uskon, että jokainen kansa – ja todellakin rajoitetulla tavalla jokainen yksilö – on "valittu" tai määrätty johonkin erilliseen tarkoitukseen Providencen suunnitelmien edistämisessä. Amalekin siemenen tehtävä on olla. syntipukkeja. Vain jotkut täyttävät tehtävänsä ja toiset eivät. Ehkä kreikkalaiset valittiin heidän ainutlaatuisesta panoksestaan taiteeseen ja filosofiaan, roomalaiset uraauurtavista palveluistaan laissa ja hallituksessa, britit parlamentaarisen vallan tuomisesta maailmaan ja amerikkalaiset pilotoivat ns. demokratiaa moniarvoisessa kapitalistisessa yhteiskunnassa. Jumala valitsi juutalaiset olemaan "omituisia minulle" uskonnon ja moraalin pioneereiksi; Se oli ja on heidän kansallinen tarkoituksensa. He valizivat hyvän osan eikä sitä oteta hevin pois.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 99: kasvattaa lasta paisuneeseen omanarvontuntoon, odottamaan erityishuomiota.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 360: Nancy Cartwright FBA FAcSS (*1944) on filosofian professori Durhamin yliopistossa ja arvostettu professori Kalifornian yliopistossa San Diegossa (UCSD). Durhamissa hän on myös tiedettä ja yhteiskuntaa harjoittavan humanistisen keskuksen johtaja. Uransa ensimmäisellä puoliskolla Stanfordin yliopistossa hän erikoistui luonnontieteiden filosofiaan, erityisesti fysiikkaan; toisella puoliskolla London School of Economicsissa ja nyt Durhamissa ja UCSD:ssä hän on erikoistunut yhteiskuntatieteiden filosofiaan ja metodologiaan kiinnittäen erityistä huomiota taloustieteeseen. Hänen nykyinen tutkimustyönsä keskittyy objektiivisuuteen ja todisteisiin, erityisesti hyvään käytöxeen perustuvan politiikan osalta.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 414: Mary Higgins Clark once said (she regrets it now) that the best words for a novelist to use while thinking of a story are these: Suppose? What if? Why? Start thinking that way and you will start thinking of story ideas that can become novels and maybe make you the next Mary Higgins Clark.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 430: But those five -- plot, hero, motivation, action, background -- are the basic big ideas you need to move ahead with your story, so they are the things you should be kicking around, and not these six, by Ruthanne Reid.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 482: And remember this: a great hero needs and deserves a great recognizable villain. That is what was wrong with a movie called “Remo Williams: the Adventure Begins,” which was based on my Destroyer book series. In the Bond movies, 007 confronts people who want to nuke London or steal all the gold in Fort Knox etc. etc. My guy, Remo Williams went up against some mope who was selling cheap rifles to the government…and no one gave a damn. Great heroes need great villains; otherwise they just look silly. The AI monster made of garbage in Remo vanha vainooja, now that was something else.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 484: Another side-note. Basically I hate research into facts and history and blah and blah. So you can’t think of character traits? Here are some opposites for you. I can think of dozens more.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 515: There is a hierarchy of character. Minor characters, you let vanish. Usually you bring them alive for a moment by using stereotypes. Stereotypes are not necessarily evil or bad; they are boring characters who are typical members of a group and your readers know the group… Cabbie, cop, waitress, nigger, telephone operator, prostitute, lawyer, doctor, politician, drunken Irishman (What? Are there still some of those?), Italian who talks with his hands. We might not like stereotypes of groups to which we belong but as writers they work. These are place-holding characters; they do their job and disappear into the night. Writers of pulp fiction, say.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 531: Yogi Berra oli typerälippalakkinen pesäpallisti jonka luonnetyyppi oli ISFP (introverted sensing feeling perceiving). Se kexi paljon Matti Nykäsmäisiä aforismeja. Unassuming yet passionate athlete. Kuoli samana vuonna kuin Warren mutta 8v vanhempana. Se oli italiaano 2. polven immigrantti jonka äiti ei osannut sanoa "Lawrence". He received the nickname "Yogi" from his friend Jack Maguire, who, after seeing a newsreel about India, said that he resembled a yogi from India whenever he sat around with arms and legs crossed waiting to bat or while looking sad after a losing game. Se oli hörökorvainen pikkumies, muistutti kyllä aika lailla Yodaa kuvissa.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 543: “When his sister is murdered at her wedding reception by a pair of New York City mafia goons, Japanese-American yuppie Miles Haverford goes to Japan and brings back to America a group of Yakuza crime family assassins who extract revenge for the young girl’s death.”
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 560: “In New York, the DeSanto crime family is dead or in jail. Miles’ parents in New York are safe from Mafia reprisal. The Yakuza assassins are ready to return to Japan, but Miles has decided that the life of a buttered-bun Wall Street lawyer is no longer for him. He bids his family goodbye and returns to the Japanese home of Yakuza chieftain Nagoya. It is time for Nagoya to pass on the leadership of the criminal clan and his choice is his faithful assistant, Sato. But Sato declines the ceremonial cup and instead stands beside Miles and calls him ‘Someone whom the gods have sent from across the sea to lead you to tomorrow.’ And then he bows to Miles, the new leader.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 562: “In the book’s final scene, Lady Tomiko and Miles make their way up the four hundred steps of the shrine of Kumanomichi to take their wedding vows. Then home to a cardboard box and some wild fornication, as only the Japanese women know how.”
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 586: Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser (/ˈdraɪsər, -zər/;[1] August 27, 1871 – December 28, 1945), born from krauts, became an American novelist and journalist of the naturalist school. His novels often featured main characters who succeeded at their objectives despite a lack of a firm moral code, and literary situations that more closely resemble studies of nature than tales of choice and agency. Dreiser's best known novels include Sister Carrie (1900) and An American Tragedy (1925).
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 592: Scene by scene construction. It’s not one long narrative that never ends. Not usually, not any more. Instead, the story stops, starts again somewhere else, stops, starts again. These scenes are like chapter breaks, except more frequent. This is all copied from movies. How sad.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 636: I was going to write about research but I hate research, research sucks. So maybe this can be about theme because “big books” frequently have a theme, although it’s not absolutely necessary. See, themes are about ideas and some writers, very skillful and very successful, have never had an idea in their lives. Still and all, books and stories are made better when they have a strong theme, some underlying message that can resonate with your readers.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 640: Theme isn’t something you paste on after you write the first draft. Now, potboilers in general don’t have much thematic content because they doesn’t need to go far beyond: Bang Bang and the good guys in the white hats win. Theme is a more ever-present feeling that permeates the book you’re working on. Do you think when Ayn Rand wrote The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged, she first wrote the stories and then asked herself, “Now whatever could this be about? Selfishness?” But then, she was more political than most and, as I said, many books don’t have any discernible theme, except, buy it please and make me rich. That's my theme anyway.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 715: Jenkit lähtevät joukolla estämään "Volgan" laukaisun. Vielä löytyy 1 listittävä ryssä, tää kultamunainen Istropovits. Aikaa on kuitenkin puolin ja toisin reteeseen kuittailuun.
xxx/ellauri305.html on line 57: Clyden elämä muuttuu dramaattisesti, kun hänen ystävänsä Sparser, joka ajaa Clydea, Hortensea ja muita ystäviä takaisin syrjäiseltä tapaamiselta maalta pomonsa autolla, jota käytettiin ilman lupaa, osuu pieneen tyttöön ja tappaa tämän. Paetessaan poliisia suurella nopeudella Sparser kaataa auton. Kaikki paitsi Sparser ja hänen kumppaninsa pakenevat rikospaikalta. Clyde lähtee Kansas Citystä peläten syytteeseen joutumista Sparserin rikosten osapuolena.
xxx/ellauri305.html on line 75: Paikalliset viranomaiset haluavat tuomita Clyden siihen pisteeseen asti, että hän tuottaa lisätodisteita häntä vastaan, ja hän syyttää itseään toistuvasti hämmentyneellä ja ristiriitaisella todistuksellaan. Huolimatta kahden setänsä palkkaaman asianajajan voimakkaasta (ja valheellisesta) puolustuksesta, Clyde tuomitaan kuolemaan, ja kun valitus on hylätty, hänet teloitetaan sähkötuolissa.
xxx/ellauri305.html on line 270: Juutalaisten iänikuisen jauhamisen perinteeseen vedoten juutalainen naisteologia (käytän tätä nimitystä selkeyden vuoksi) on löytänyt Halachan tulkintoja, jotka ovat ainakin konservatiivisessa ja reformoidussa liikkeessä vähin erin siirtäneet painopistettä miesten uskonnollisesta hegemoniasta. Myös ns. modernissa ortodoksisuudessa on ainakin suurissa keskuksissa Yhdysvalloissa ja Euroopassa hyväksytty eräänlainen kompromissi naisten osallistuvuuteen eli naiset saavat pitää oman jumalanpalveluksensa, johon miehet eivät kyllä osallistu (eikä Jehova).
xxx/ellauri305.html on line 1524: Deut. 26:14 - Ei kuluttaa lunastusrahojaan muuhun kuin ruokaan, juomaan tai voiteeseen
xxx/ellauri305.html on line 1583: Tietyt miesten väliset seksuaaliset toimet (heprea: zakhar), joihin liittyy se, mitä masoreettinen teksti kirjaimellisesti nimittää naisena makaamisexi (heprea: tishkav mishkvei ishah), ja Septuaginta kirjaimellisesti naisen/vaimon sänkytouhuxi (kreikaksi: koimethese koiten gynaikos). Komennon kohteen sukupuoli ymmärretään yleisesti mieheksi, mutta sitä ei nimenomaisesti mainita. Tämän kohdan oikea käännös ja tulkinta sekä sen vaikutukset homoseksuaalisuuteen juutalaisuudessa ja homoseksuaalisuuteen kristinuskossa, ovat kiistanalaisia. Englanninkieliset käännökset ovat laaja-alaisia.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 68: Why is Rand a bad writer? Her writing is simply illogical, incomprehensible and blabbering. Her heroes and heroines are but pastiches, cliché-like cardboard figurines. Her world is black and white; either the character is a hero or a crook, but never anything in-between. Moreover, they fail the reality check; Howard Roark of The Fountainhead would not be the heroic creative mind he is represented; the reality check would be a similar megalomaniac sociopath as Le Corbusier.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 148: The meaning of SELFISHNESS is the quality or state of being selfish : a concern for one's own welfare or advantage at the expense of or in disregard of others : excessive interest in oneself. How to use selfishness in a sentence.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 151: Selfishness is being concerned excessively or exclusively, for oneself or one's own advantage, pleasure, or welfare, regardless of others. Selfishness is the opposite of altruism or selflessness; and has also been contrasted (as by C. S. Lewis) with self-centeredness.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 244: 24. maaliskuuta 1870 Syracuse University perustettiin. New Yorkin osavaltio myönsi uudelle yliopistolle oman peruskirjan, joka oli riippumaton Genesee Collegesta, joka oli epäonnistunut yrittämään muuttaa Syracuseen vuotta aiemmin. Yliopisto perustettiin yhteiskoulutukseksi. Presidentti Gregory Peck totesi avajaisissa: "Sisäänpääsyn ehdot ovat samat kaikille henkilöille... täällä ei saa olla häpeällistä naisten syrjintää... aivoilla (m) ja sydämellä (f) on oltava kohtuulliset mahdollisuudet..."
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 259: jo ennestään kasvavaan työttömyysasteeseen. Rockwell International muutti
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 361: Milloin itsekäs käytös voi olla hyväksi sinulle? Esimerkkejä Joskus sinun on oltava itsekäs; loppujen lopuksi, jos et pidä huolta ykkösestä, kuka muu tekee? Pidä huolta myös kakkosestakin, pese se huolella paskannuxen perästä niin muiden on sitten mukavampi tulla sinne.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 433: Goottien muisto vaikutti voimakkaasti saksalaiseen kansallistunteeseen ja pangermanistiseen ajatteluun. Molemmissa maailmansodissa saksalaisten tunkeutumista Itä-Eurooppaan perusteltiin myös sillä, että nämä alueet olivat muinaista goottien maata. Gdynia sai nimen Gotenhafen, goottien satama. Natsit suunnittelivat Krimin niemimaan "uudelleengermaanistamista": ehdotettiin muun muassa Italiassa asuvien saksankielisten etelätirolilaisten siirtämistä alueelle. Sevastopol oli määrä nimetä Theodericshafeniksi tunnetun goottien kuninkaan Teoderikin mukaan. Suunnitelmaa on nyt alettu toteuttaa aseistamalla ukrainalaisia rypälepommeilla.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 484: Germaanisissa sankaritarinoissa kroonikot kuvaavat Attilaa suurena ja jaloina kuninkaana, ja hän näyttelee tärkeitä rooleja kolmessa norjalaisessa tekstissä: Atlakviða, Volsunga saaga, ja Atlamál. Ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa liittoutuneiden propaganda kutsui saksalaisia "hunneiksi " perustuen keisari Wilhelm II: n vuonna 1900 pitämään puheeseen, jossa hän ylisti Attila the Hunin sotilaallista pätevyyttä. Hitlerin tankit oli yhtä päihittämättömiä kuin Atlen hakkapeliitat kunnes ryssät lommottivat ne Stalingradissa.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 539: Kokemus omasta pystyväisyydestä saavuttaa liki uskonnollisia mittakaavoja, kun kehon upottaa terassiurakan päätteeksi lämpimään nesteeseen. Parhaimmillaan naapuria hienompi osamaksulla hankittu palju on kuin syntymän jälkeinen mahdollisuus palata kohdun tunnelmiin, vilpittömään tyytyväisyyteen. Tämän kaiken. Ihan itse.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 541: Jotenkin kummallisesti kaikki suuri kertoo omistajalleen vain ja ainoastaan tämän pienuudesta. Terassit luovat edellytyksiä, potentiaalia. Potentiaalista syntyy psykologista turvallisuudentunnetta. Joku haluaa hankkia isot lihakset, koska ei voi tietää, milloin täytyy nostaa jotain painavaa tai taltuttaa uhkaava tilanne. Itsekin hankin aikoinaan tehokkaan Anger Overin, koska raju kiihdytys vanhalla Lahden tiellä 60km nopeusrajoitusalueella rentouttaa keskushermostoani. Sitäkään ei voi ikinä tietää, millaiseen ohitustilanteeseen auton kanssa saattaa joutua Suomen tielainsäädännön puitteissa. Nettiyhteyden on hyvä olla tuhatmegainen, television seinän kokoinen.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 552: Sitten kun konditionaali on muuttunut preesensiksi, eli terassi on laitettu nurmikon tilalle, voi toistella ääneen (tietenkin sukat jalassa), miten kätevää onkaan, kun ei tarvitsee enää leikata nurmikkoa tästäkään kohdasta, kompastella kuoppaan, kantoon tai kiveen. Voi olla sukat jalassa, omalla pihalla.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 578: Täytyypä kazoa mitä Mätien tomskujen tampiot tästä sanovat! Top critics: Cruise’s toothy heroics are ill-suited to moral complexity, but he is elevated by a stellar supporting cast... A summer genre movie for grown-ups. Too-long Grisham thriller is full of adult themes. Höh, montako panoa? Näytetäänkö muka kuinka se menee sinne? (Ilmeisesti noin 2, ei näytetä.) The Firm amusingly satirizes the New Traditionalist aspirations of today's young urban elite -- not so much the lifestyle itself as the illusion of utter security it represents. Alas, Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise, playing yet another variation of his screen image. A first-class thriller and thought-provoking morality play. Is this a thriller? You've never scene (sic) a 'suspense film' drag its heels so deplorably. Moderately entertaining... and a big step up from the book. No, the book moved at turbo speed. At two and a half hours, the movie crawls. Two-and-a-half hour movies -- jeez, there ought to be a law.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 580: Nimetön: I find this movie boring and predictable the acting was poorly done which is hard for me because of the great cast the writing was awful and at times the movie went flat the chase scene at the end was comical and silly the whole movie was a mess. To put it simply, the film completely ruined the book. And that wasn't easy. This is such a bad film. It is an hour and a half too long, and the beginning and middle are insanely dull. The production value and score do not stand up to the test of time at all. This is an example of all of the worst things about the 90's, which might be one of the worst decades for filmmaking. Es wird einfach viel zu viel geredet, als man schon längstens in die Tat umgesetzt hätte. Fazit: Lieber eine kürzere Geschichte dafür intensiver erzählen und Spannung aufbauen!
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 593: Käytämme myös sanaa semi, esimerkiksi jalkapalloturnauksen välierissä, puoliympyrässä tai paritalossa (eli se jakaa seinän toisen talon kanssa). Semi yksikkösanana on Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa slangi jollekin, joka liittyy miehen yksityiselämään. Jos haluat täydellisen määritelmän, voit tarkistaa sen Urban Dictionary -sanakirjasta: Ei aivan erektio, mutta sinne menossa. "Kun näin Milla Jovovichin tissit, sain semin." Pääsin puoliveteeseen. Milla Jovovich (oik. Milica Jovović, ukr. Ми́лица «Мі́ла» Йо́вович, Mylytsa «Mila» Jovovytš; s. 17. joulukuuta 1975 Kiova, Neuvostoliitto) on ukrainalaissyntyinen yhdysvaltalainen malli, elokuvanäyttelijä ja laulaja. Hänet tunnetaan muun muassa Alicen roolista Resident Evil -elokuvasarjassa.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 598: Militsa ja Carmen mahtavine tisseineen eivät jätä asioita puoliveteeseen.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 641: ARTHUR: I am King Arthur and these are the Knights of the Round Table. Whose castle is this?
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 702: ese/yui-ogura/16/yui-ogura-9.jpg" height="500px" />
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 703: ese/yui-ogura/16/yui-ogura-10.jpg" height="500px" />
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 114: Kanadalainen Bombardier-lentokonedynastiaan kuulunut Denise kuoli nopeasti edenneeseen syöpään tänään, ainoa joka uskalsi väittää vastaan Gabia hyllaavalle ranskis kirjallisuuskermalle. Denise kuoli, Penise senkun porskuttaa 86 vuotiaana edelleen.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 195: Tätä verkkosivustoa verkkotunnuksella azquotes.com ( "verkkosivusto" ) ylläpitää INTERNET ADVERTISING LIMITED, Hongkongiin rekisteröity yritys, jonka rekisteröity kotipaikka on Room 2303, New Tech Plaza, 34 tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, ota yhteyttä sähköpostiosoitteeseen: webmaster@azquotes.com ( "Yritys" , "rekisterinpitäjä" , "me" tai "me" ).
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 299: En ajattele diskursiivisesti. Kyse ei ole niinkään siitä, että pääsen totuuteen, vaan siitä, että lähden siitä liikenteeseen. Kylä lähtee!
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 302: Objektiivista todellisuutta ei ole olemassa, se on pelkkä illuusio. Elämän alkuperä on luovuus, vapaus; ja persoonallisuus, subjekti ja henki ovat tuon alkuperän edustajia, mutta eivät luonto, ei esine. Tämä paljastettiin minulle kerran unessa. Siinä pelasin ping pongia kuin Ariel kaunista yläosatonta israelilaista naissotilasta vastaan. Se pani vastaan tiukasti mutta sain yxipiippuisella lopultakin osuman näpeimpään pisteeseen taulun alareunassa, osui ja upposi.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 314: Hänet pidätettiin kahdesti ; hänet vietiin vuonna 1922 keskiyön kuulusteluihin Dzerjinskyn kanssa ; Kamenev oli myös siellä. … Mutta Berdjajev ei nöyryyttänyt itseään, hän ei kerjännyt, hän tunnusti lujasti niitä moraalisia ja uskonnollisia periaatteita, joiden perusteella hän ei liittynyt vallassa olevaan puolueeseen; eivätkä he vain tuominneet, ettei ollut mitään järkeä asettaa häntä oikeuden eteen, vaan hänet vapautettiin. Nyt on mies, jolla oli "näkökulma"! (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Gulagin saaristossa. Kyllä luihut oikeistokonnat löytää toisensa, sen voi huomata.)
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 325: Syntyi aristokraattiseen perheeseen vuonna 1891 Riiassa, Venäjän valtakunnassa (nykyinen Latvia). Vuotta vanhempi kuin Margit Spranger, liekö tavanneet joskus Riiassa. Hän sai nimen Elizaveta Pilenko. Hänen isänsä kuoli hänen ollessaan teini-ikäinen, ja tästä kärmistyneenä hän hyväksyi ateismin. Vuonna 1906 hänen äitinsä muutti perheen Pietariin, missä hän osallistui radikaaleihin älymystöihin. Vuonna 1910 hän meni naimisiin bolsevikin kanssa, jonka nimi oli Dmitri Kuz'min-Karavaev. Tänä elämänsä aikana hän oli aktiivisesti mukana kirjallisissa piireissä ja kirjoitti paljon runoutta. Hänen ensimmäinen kirjansa, Scythian Shards ( Скифские черепки), oli runokokoelma tältä ajalta. Skyytit oli plagioitu Blokilta. Vuoteen 1913 mennessä hänen avioliittonsa Dimitriyn kanssa oli päättynyt. Myöhemmin hän kääntyi katolilaisuuteen ja hänestä tuli katolinen pappi. Täh? Siis kenestä? No siitä vale-Dimitristä.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 343: Kuzmina-Karavaeva kohtasi helmikuun vallankumouksen innokkaasti ja liittyi maaliskuussa 1917 sosialistivallankumoukselliseen puolueeseen . Hän vietti suurimman osan vuodesta 1917 Anapassa, valittiin apulaispormestariksi ja vastasi koulutuksesta ja terveydenhuollosta. Helmikuussa 1918 pormestari N. I. Morev erosi, ja Elizabeth valittiin hänen tilalleen. Kun lyhyen kaksoisvallan jakson jälkeen bolshevikit otti täysin vallan kaupungissa, Kuzmina-Karavaeva, vaikka hän ei jakanut bolshevikkien ideologiaa, otti terveydenhuollon ja julkisen koulutuksen komissaarin viran yrittäen suojella väestöä ryöstöiltä ja terrorilta. Toukokuussa 1918 hän osallistui Oikeiston SR-puolueen kongressiin Moskovassa ja johti maanalaista bolshevikkien vastaista työtä, palasi syksyllä Anapaan, missä Denikinin vastatiedustelu pidätti hänet - häntä uhkattiin kuolemanrangaistuksella "komissaarin" puolesta. ja osallistuminen yksityisomaisuuden kansallistamiseen. 15. maaliskuuta 1919 hänen tapauksensa käsiteltiin Jekaterinodarin alueellisessa sotilaspiirioikeudessa, ja vain taitavasti organisoidun puolustuksen ansiosta vastaaja sai vain kahden viikon pidätyksen. Odesski Listok -lehti julkaisee avoimen kirjeen Kuzmina-Karavajevan puolustamiseksi, jonka ovat allekirjoittaneet M. Voloshin, A. Tolstoi, Vera Inber ja muut.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 368: 8. helmikuuta 1943 Gestapo pidätti hänen poikansa Jurin ja seuraavana päivänä Marian itsensä, joka pidettiin ensin Fort Romainvillen vankilassa ja lähetettiin sitten Ravensbrückin keskitysleirille. Hänen kanssaan pidätettiin myös isä Dmitri Klepinin, joka palveli kirkossa Lurmel kadulla. 6. helmikuuta 1944 Juri Skobtsov kuoli Dora-Mittelbaun keskitysleirillä ( Buchenwaldin "haara" ), myös D. Klepinin kuoli siellä keuhkokuumeeseen. Legendan mukaan nunna Maria syrjäytti vapaaehtoisesti nuoren naisen, jolla oli hänen numerollaan merkitty mekko, ja hänet teloitettiin etuilusta Ravensbrückin kaasukammiossa 31. maaliskuuta 1945, viikkoa ennen leirin vapauttamista Punaisen armeijan toimesta.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 430: That they should have acquired weapons and become proficient in them. The proper comforting phrase for one who lost an animal is "May the Omnipresent One make full your loss (HaMakom Yemalei Chesroncha)" -- see Tractate Berachos 16b. I have learned much from "Chabad.org," through the years. Orthodoxy, is not what I follow, yet I love the information.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 482: Vapaakirkko edustaa reformoitua ehtoolliskäsitystä, jonka mukaan Jeesus ei ole konkreettisella tavalla läsnä ehtoollisleivässä ja -viinissä poiketen luterilaisesta reaalipreesensopista. Ehtoollinen on pyhä kokoontuminen, muistoateria kuten Jehovan todistajilla.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 750: ja palaa sieltä paitsi voittajana, myös muuttuneena ja viisastuneena ihmisenä. A sadder man, but wiser now, I write these words to you.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 766: Susanin voimakkaiden vaalean ruskeiden silmien katse vaikutti tänään etäiseltä. Kuitenkin poskissa oli raikasta punakkuutta ja olkapäille ulottuva kastanjanruskea tukka näytti vastikään kuivatulta. Susanin jäljessä leijui hienoinen vauvatalkin tuoksu. Lukija-kazojan kuvitteellinen käsi laskeutui alemmas Susanin hoikalla vartalolla ensin valkoiseen puseroon, jonka läpi saattoi juuri ja juuri poistaa rintaliivit, sitten polvipituiseen khakihameeseen ja viimein sääriin ja niiden väliin lämpimään.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 790: Vahvatukkaisesta Susanista on A-OK että NSA:n agentit tunkeutuvat "lupaa kysymättä" jonkun nörtin asuntoon tainnutusaseet kourassa ja vievät siltä salasanan digitaaliseen linnakkeeseen. NSA:lla ei ollut minkäänlaista tilivelvollisuutta tekemisistään. Tävskytti on Susanille kertomatta lähetetty Epsanjaan. Mixi Tävskytti? Mitä tekemistä lindkvistillä on NSA:n agenttihommissa? Susan vaikeni. Nyt hän ymmärsi. Kyse olikin vain rahasta. Strathmoren vaimo aikoi jättää hänet kuin Sirpa Temen 30v avioliiton jälkeen, koska kaveri on töissä 365 päivää vuodessa. Pelkät karkauspäivät (7 kpl) eivät vaimolle enää riittäneet. Susan tajusi mixi hän niin arvosti Trevoria: Trevor kehui Susania kuplixi ja kazoi kunnioittavasti sen paidan läpi kumottavia rintaliivejä. Samaan aikaan toisaalla Dave näkee japsun vainajana nakupellenä. Donde estan sus cojones? Dave kysyi sujuvalla epsanjan kielellä.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 357: Einstein had three children. The oldest was a daughter named Lieserl. She was unknown to the world at large until a trove of early letters between Einstein and his first wife Mileva were discovered in 1986. These mentioned a daughter, born in around 1902 before Einstein and Mileva married. The fate of the child is unknown, and it is likely she was given over to someone else to raise. She disappears from history at that point, and she probably died very young. Einstein never mentioned her to anyone and does not appear to have ever laid eyes on her. He just got laid by Milena.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 402: Mutta mixi Maarian työtakki on sininen? Fr Johnny Rotten SM, Daytonin yliopiston katolinen korkeakoulu, Marian Library-International Marian Research Instituten johtaja, kirjoitti: " Marian tummansininen vaippa, noin vuodelta 500 jKr., on peräisin bysantista ja on keisarinnan värinen." Sinistä käytetään myös kuukautissuojamainoxissa havainnevärinä. Lisäksi Numbers osoitti, että "leviittojen tulee 'levittää liitonarkin päälle kokonaan sininen kangas" (4:6). Ja edelleen: 'Ja näkyleipäpöydän päälle he levittävät sinisen kankaan' (4:7). Israelin lippukin on sininen.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 414: Samalla voi tuntea voimakasta sukupuolista halua. Sitä tunsin ize viime yönä kun olin muuttanut Seijan yskimisen takia toiseen huoneeseen ja näin siellä unta romanialaisesta naisesta joka ui kiimaisena mun liiveihin ja mä vastaavasti pyrkyröin penis ojossa sen pikkuhousuihin; pitkästä aikaa otti eteen oikein kovan kankeana, naisen nisät tökkivät terävinä ihoa ja ohjailin jo innokasta terskan nuppia kohti naisen kuumankosteaa halukasta puoliavointa alahuuliota, kun tietysti uni katkesi taas ante portas. Bugger it.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 424: ese/yui-ogura/28/yui-ogura-6.jpg" width="100%" />
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 427: "Tuu tyttö tänne!" Se tuli hankaamaan mun perseeseen. Sitä ne apinat vaan haluuvat, perhana. Mies laski kätensä Lolan hävyn päälle ja tunsi kovenevansa tyydyttävällä tavalla työntäessään sormensa sisään. Kiltti tyttö. Miehen kalu oli jo aivan kova ja alkoi tykyttää. Mies kohotti Lolan lanteita ja työntyi sisään. Tyttö liikkui hyvin, nousi vastaan ja myötäili. Tää hyyppä on takuulla toi virginialainen senaattori! Tytön tultua hän sulki silmänsä ja purkautui ize. 3. varvilla tyttö tuntui saavan vaginaorgasmin, kiristeli ja vinkui aika tavalla.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 509: Se oli mutruhuuli blondi valtavilla kannuilla. Taisimme syödä kyyhkyä, jos siitä on apua. Sinun työsi haisee pesemättömältä pyrstöltä. Roarken teki
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 516: Richard Rorty syntyi 1931 ja kuoli 2007 75-vuotiaana haimasyöpään Palo Altossa. Siitä tuli vähitellen yhä idealistisempi ja se alkoi kallistua uskontoon ukkoikäisenä. Merkittäviä ideoita sillä oli postifilosofia, ironismi, lopullinen sanasto, epistemologinen biheiviorismi, antirepresentationalismi, antifoundationalismi, reformistinen vasemmisto (toisin kuin kulttuurivasemmisto), kehittävä filosofia (toisin kuin systemaattinen filosofia), sentimentaalisuus ihmisoikeuksien perustana.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 546: Kierkegaard’s view was that one’s relation to a deity is irreducible to a creed (TRR, pp. 391–392). Instead of belief, what is vital is the religious romance. Willy to believe. The intimacy between a lesser being and a greater being is something we find in Keats' Endymion. Rorty analogizes religious faith with the experience of lovemaking. Unfair relations are valuable if they are able to deepen an individual’s unique life experience. They redeem the believer and the lover by helping them grow meaningfully, not by stretching uncomfortably. Religious connections range from "one of adoring obedience, or ecstatic communion, or quiet confidence, or some combination of these". Sounds a lot like Al Bundy's Love And Marrage.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 554: As it turns out, all of these definitions are right! Or at least, partly right!
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 556: Flourishing is one of the most important and promising topics studied in positive psychology. Not only does it relate to many other positive concepts, it holds the key to improving the quality of life for people around the world. Discovering the pieces to the flourishing puzzle and learning how to effectively apply research findings to real life has tremendous implications for the way we live, love, and relate to one another.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 599: Er behauptete dass der Mensch als endliches und hinfälliges Mängelwesen bestimmter Hilfsmittel bedarf, um sich angesichts des „Absolutismus der Wirklichkeit“ behaupten zu können. Unter diesem Aspekt interpretiert Blumenberg nun Metaphern und Mythen – auf Grund ihrer die Wirklichkeit distanzierenden, in ihr orientierenden und den Menschen so entlastenden Leistungen. Die Übersetzung von Die Legitimität der Neuzeit wurde von Richard Rorty besprochen, der die verspätete Rezeption des Buches bedauerte.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 610: Rorty narrates that the West’s first redemptive principle was man’s relationship with God, the guarantor of universal truth, meaning, and salvation. God was eventually dethroned by the Truth of philosophy, as heralded by the Enlightenment and the scientific revolution. Truth’s goal was to decipher reality’s blueprint. At present, the truth is being nudged over by the Imagination. The modern imagination aspires to enlarge our acquaintance with humanity and enrich ethical relations. Rorty argues that a culture of imagination can serve the redemptive purposes previously ministered by religion and truth, only in a manner more suited to a liberal, secular context. He calls this a literary culture, a culture where meaningful human relationships are ‘‘mediated by human artifacts such as books and buildings, paintings and songs’’ (TRR, p. 478). For Rorty, the literary culture may successfully usher a new world motivated by the ideal of human solidarity.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 625: romantic hope with those who profess a desire for ‘‘a world in which human beings live far happier lives than they live at the present time’’
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 627: T equals T at present time, tuhahtaa tähän Pirkko Hietaniemen kiven alta. Edistyspuoluetta äänesti Richard Rortykin kuin Lassi Hiekkala vaikka ilman hitlerwiixiä. Ääretöntä progressia alati kasvavalle apinaköörille äärellisellä pallolla. Hitto Riki Sorsa, ei se ole mahdollista, johan se on käynyt ilmeisexi.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 639: Exercises. Sometimes called jelqing, these exercises use a hand-over-hand motion to push blood from the base to the head of the penis. Although this technique appears safer than other methods, there's no scientific proof it works. And it can lead to scar formation, pain and disfigurement.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 642: A few small studies have reported length increases of half an inch to almost 2 inches (about 1 to 3 centimeters) with these devices. However, the activity may be uncomfortable. Also, it requires a commitment of at least 4 to 6 hours a day for many months to see results. More research is needed to see if stretching is safe and if it works. [See P. Carlson (op.cit.), s.v. Pepita].
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 659: Pátmos (kreik. Πάτμος) on Kreikan saari, joka kuuluu Etelä-Sporadeihin ja tarkemmin Dodekanesian saariryhmään. Se on yksi saariryhmän kahdestatoista pääsaaresta. Saaren pinta-ala on noin 40 km² ja asukasluku 2 998 (vuonna 2011). Hallinnollisesti saari kuuluu Pátmoksen kuntaan, Kálymnoksen alueyksikköön ja Etelä-Egean saarten alueeseen. Saaren pääkylä on Chóra. Saaren asutus on keskittynyt neljään kylään, jotka ovat Chóran lisäksi Skála, Kámpos ja Groíkos.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 722: In ungewisser Meeresebene Epävarmalla meren tasolla
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 792: Gewesen, später, und schroff abbrechend, untreu, myöhemmin, ja tylysti keskeyttäen, luopiona,
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 847: Zu schaun, wie er gewesen, den Christ, nähdä, millainen se oli, Kirstus.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 963: 15 Minuten Lesezeit
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 972: Alle Jahre wieder geht er um wie ein Virus: der Wunsch, alles stehen und liegen zu lassen, auf dem Jakobsweg zu wandern oder mit dem Segelboot die Welt zu umrunden. Ob bewusst oder nicht: All die Zivilisationsmüden treten in die Fußstapfen des griechischen Einsiedlers Hyperion, erfunden von Friedrich Hölderlin. Hyperions Lebensgeschichte ist Hölderlins literarische Anklage gegen das spießbürgerliche, dumpfe und materialistische Deutschland seiner Zeit, das ihm als Künstler und Idealisten kaum Luft zum Atmen ließ, nein in einen Turm einschließ. Seine Sprache war schon damals gewöhnungsbedürftig und ist es heute erst recht: Da „säuseln holdselige Tage“, es neigen sich „lispelnde Bäume“ und es „gährt das Leben“. Doch die Fragen des lange verkannten Genies sind nicht aus der Welt: Wie kann der Mensch seine Vereinzelung überwinden? Auf welchem Weg eine bessere Welt schaffen? Und wie im Einklang mit der Natur leben? Das antike Griechenland mag heute als Vorbild ausgedient haben, aber die Suche nach Antworten auf diese Fragen bleibt aktuell.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 985: Zugleich lässt sich Hyperion als Gleichnis für die Nachwehen der Französischen Revolution lesen.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 1000: In Briefen an seinen Freund Bellarmin schildert Hyperion sein auf den ersten Blick gescheitertes Leben. Im Mittelpunkt dabei stehen zwei Themen: die – auf die Französische Revolution und den Freiheitskampf der Griechen zurückgehende – Utopie einer neuen Gesellschaft und seine Liebe zur "schönen Seele", Diotima.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 1002: Nachdem der weise Adamas ihm die Liebe zur großen Geschichte seines Vaterlandes nahegebracht hat, begegnet Hyperion in Smyrna dem wesens- und geistesverwandten Alabanda, der von einer besseren, zukünftigen Welt träumt, da ihm die Gegenwart schal und verkommen erscheint. Anders als Hyperion, der das Ziel der neuen Gesellschaft evolutionär erreichen möchte, ist Alabanda allerdings davon überzeugt, dass dies nur mit Gewalt zu verwirklichen ist. Als er Hyperion in den revolutionären 'Bund der Nemesis' einweiht, kommt es zwischen ihnen zu einem Streit, der zu beider Trennung führt.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 1004: Hyperion kehrt auf seine Heimatinsel zurück, wo er Diotima kennenlernt, die in ursprünglicher Einheit mit der Welt lebt. Durch Diotima und das Erlebnis ihrer Liebe erfährt er den nicht auflösbaren Zusammenhang alles Seienden; das Bewusstsein der göttlichen Natur bildet für ihn die Grundlage des neuen Menschen in einer neuen Gesellschaft; Hyperion möchte Erzieher werden.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 1055: yaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwnnnnnn… my god, this is soooo boring. And there are still 10 pages. Daniel, dude, why did you make that so boring….. what?…… boring topic? No man, there’s no such thing as a boring topic. There’s just boring presentation… yeah… look, we’re live so I can’t explain that now but we’ll talk later, okay… … … cool… oh, can you fetch me a coffee? Thanks.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 70: Tietoisuus kehosta voi olla erinomainen työkalu joskus, kun koemme vastustusta tai hyväksymättömyyttä olosuhteitamme kohtaan. Ehkä olemme esimerkiksi päättäneet lakata ajattelemasta sitä, mitä joku sanoi meille (Nytpä tyttö arvasit ottaa kovan paketin!) mikä järkytti meitä, mutta huomaamme silti palaavamme märehtimiseen uudestaan ja uudestaan. Tai ehkä olemme päättäneet uida puolikylmässä järvessä, mutta juutumme kylmään epämukavaan tunteeseen.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 99: He was born into a Jewish family of Polish-Jewish descent. His father was born in Radomyśl Wielki, Galicia (then part of Austria-Hungary, now Poland), and his mother was a native of New York whose parents also arrived from that town. Isidore owned a women's clothing manufacturing business employing 400 people. They owned a summer house in Far Rockaway, Queens, and employed a chauffeur. In the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the family lost almost everything and moved to Gravesend, Brooklyn.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 121: teemoihin kuuluu lääkkeiden ja alkoholin sekakäyttö ja sen vaikutus muuhun perheeseen. Äiti Mary on riippuvainen morfiinista ja kaikki perheen kolme miestä alkoholista. Näytelmässä he vuoroin salailevat asiaa, syyttelevät toisiaan, vastustavat syytöksiä, katuvat ja kieltävät koko asian omalta kohdaltaan. Perheen isä on uransa parhaat päivät nähnyt suosikkinäyttelijä, joka käyttää rahansa huonoihin kiinteistökauppoihin sen sijaan, että maksaisi perheensä jäsenten tarvitsemia hoitoja. Äidin mieli on järkkynyt lapsen menettämisen takia. Kyyninen vanhempi poika Jamie on vastahakoisesti seurannut isäänsä teatterialalle. Nuorempi poika, 23-vuotias Edmund on ollut merillä ja palannut sieltä sairaana, syyksi epäillään tuberkuloosia. Hän on äidin lemmikki, vaikka juuri hänen syntymänsä yhteydessä huonolta lääkäriltä saatu morfiiniresepti on johtanut äidin lääkekierteeseen. Äiti takertuu menneeseen, kaivaa esiin häämekkonsa. Edmund saa kuulla, että hänet lähetettäisiin parantolaan.
xxx/ellauri314.html on line 277: fortune lies in Japanese-South Korean gaming giant Nexon, both under-20s.
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 81: Alfred Rosenberg syntyi riialaisen baltisaksalaisen käsityöläisen Voldemar Wilhelm Rosenbergin ja ranskalaisen hugenottiperheestä peräisin olevan pietarilaisen Elfrida Caroline Ziren perheeseen. Hänen isoisänsä Martin Rosenberg oli suutarimestari ja kiltansa vanhin suutari.
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 176: Kuka hallitsee Federal Reserve -järjestelmää?
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 178: Federal Reserve Boardin seitsemästä (7) kuvernööristä neljä (4) on juutalaisia. Tämä on 57 prosentin numeerinen esitys. Federal Reserve District Bankin kahdestatoista (12) presidentistä neljä (4) on juutalaisia. Tämä on 33 prosentin numeerinen esitys. Juutalaisia on noin 2 % Yhdysvaltain väestöstä.* Siksi juutalaiset ovat yliedustettuina Federal Reserve -pankin hallintoneuvostossa 28,5-kertaisesti (2 850 prosenttia) ja Federal Reserve District Bankin johtajien joukossa kertoimella yliedustettuina. 16,5 kertaa (1 650 prosenttia).
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 264: Hän syntyi Viaporissa (nykyinen Suomenlinna ) merivoimien lääkärin perheeseen. Hän opiskeli Chembarissa (nykyisin Belinsky) piirikoulussa ja Penzan gymnasiumissa. Vuonna 1829 hän tuli Moskovan yliopistoon, josta hänet erotettiin (1832), koska hän kirjoitti maaorjuuden vastaisen draaman "Dmytro Kalinin".
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 371: Dashiell Hammett (1894–1961), American author and creator of the "hard boiled" detective novel (notably, Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon), contracted tuberculosis during World War I
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 491: Masaoka Shiki (1867–1902), Japanese poet famous for revitalizing the haiku, died after a long struggle with tuberculosis
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 535: Vũ Trọng Phụng (1912-1939), Vietnamese author, poet.
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 647: Camilo Castelo Branco (1825-1890), Portuguese writer
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 686: Vapauduttuaan liittovaltion vankilasta vuonna 1998 veronkiertotuomion takia, Alamo palasi Arkansasissa sijaitsevaan ministeriöön saarnaten seuraavan vuosikymmenen ajan, että tyttöjen tulisi mennä naimisiin kuukautisten alkaessa. "Jumala hedelmöitti käsikopelolla Marian, kun hän oli noin 11-vuotias. Joten hallituksen idiootit, ihmiset, jotka eivät tunne Raamattua, teidän täytyy nyt saada otteeseen Jumala. nousta sinne panemaan hänelle ranneke ja lähettämään hänet vankilaan lakisääteisen raiskauksen vuoksi." Paizi raamatussa ei missään sanota minkä ikäisenä P.H. astui Maarian.
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 181: When locals located the wreckage, they found Kidston's body with six photographs of Cartland in Nile blue leather frames. 'These were returned to me by his sister,' she said. 'It was heart-breaking.'
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 182: Cartland's third lover was not married and the most famous of the three. Handsome, debonair and bisexual, His Royal Highness Prince George, later the Duke of Kent, was the youngest surviving son of King George V and Queen Mary, the uncle of the present Queen, and the lover of NoÎl Coward.
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 192: But then she left her husband to co-habit with the divorced Earl Spencer, much to the horror and resentment of his four children, who detested her. At the time, Raine told her mother bluntly: 'I am wildly in love and there is nothing anyone can do about it.'
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 195: Despite this very pointed rebuff, Cartland's confidence in these years seemed ever burgeoning - at the age of 77, she even recorded an album of love songs which were so hilarious that it became a collector's item for all the wrong reasons.
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 246: Tämä teos löytyi Pasilan vaihtorotilta. Juonipaljastus: Having financed an adventurer's (Mr. Kirkpatrick) expedition to recover an ancient Roman treasure, the handsome and wealthy Marquis of Quinsborne joins the journey and deep in the Tunisian desert he falls in love with the adventurer's lovely daughter Sabra. 12 love scenes, 5 penetrations and a concentrated stare per scene.
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 414: Hän loi TikTok-sarjan Harrison Millsin ja Clayton Knightin "A Moment Apart" -kappaleeseen.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 58: Et sur le plâtre frais sont écrits au charbon Ja tuoreeseen kipsiin on kirjoitettu hiilellä
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 335: Valkovenäläinen Svetlana Aleksijevitš on noussut parin viime vuoden aikana vedonlyöntitilastojen kärkikahinoihin ja mainitsipa jopa Yleisradion pitkäaikainen kirjallisuustoimittaja Seppo Puttonenkin viime vuonna juuri Aleksijevitsin suosikikseen. Onko aika nyt otollinen Aleksijevitšille? Nostaako Ruotsin akatemia lokakuussa tämän pasifistin ja ihmisoikeuksien puolestapuhujan palkintokorokkeelle ja ottaa samalla vaivihkaa kantaa maailman kiristyvään poliittiseen tilanteeseen? Svetlana ei varmaan älähtäisi jos Putin demilitarisoisi Itä-Ukrainan?
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 361: Sitten sodat saivat väistyä uuden aiheen tieltä. 1990-luvun puolessa välissä Aleksijevitš tarttui aiheeseen, josta hänellä itselläänkin oli valkovenäläisenä omakohtaista kokemusta. Huhtikuun 26. päivänä, puoli kahden maissa yöllä Tsernobylin ydinvoimalan neljäs reaktori räjähti. Taivas värjäytyi ensin punaiseksi, sitten siniseksi ja sen jälkeen voimalan ylle muodostui sienen muotoinen pilvi. Ihmiset ryntäsivät ikkunoihin ja kaduille katselemaan ihmeellisen kaunista näkyä, eivätkä ymmärtäneet todistavansa yhtä maailmanhistorian vakavinta katastrofia.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 388: Ihminen joka kaupassa voi valita 100 makkaralajista on vapaampi kuin se jonka kaupassa on vain 10. Is this cheese? Wat is this? Is this too cheese? Vapaus on sitä että on paljon rahaa, silloin voi saada kaiken. Vittu on se säälittävää. Kerta kaikkiaan turveloita nuo Alexijevan uudet ryssät.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 424: Sodan puolivälissä me saimme erinomai sia panssarivaunuja ja lentokoneita. Ne olivat hyvia ascita, mutta niin hirvittävää vihollista kuin Hitlerin armeija oli - mahtavaa, kurinalaista ja koko Euroopan alistanutta - emme olisi voittaneet ilman uskoa. Emme olisi voineet katkaista sen selkää. Tärkein aseemme oli usko, ei pelko, siitä annan vankkumattoman sanani, puolueen jäsenen sanan (liityin sodassa kommunistiseen puolueeseen ja olen kommunisti yhä vieläkin). Me olimme kommunisteja, ja olemme vieläkin. Me muistamme toveri Viljasen, jonka ohrana surmasi. En häpeile jäsenkirjaani, enkä suostu luopumaan siitä. Uskon yhä niin kuin uskoin myos vuonna neljäkymmentäyksi...
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 433: Nyky-Ukrainassa (tai no, Luhanskissa) työttömän venäläisen työläisen perheeseen syntynyt Voroshilov osallistui Venäjän vuoden 1917 vallankumoukseen bolshevikkien varhaisena jäsenenä. Julkaistussa omaelämäkerrassaan Vorošilov kuvasi äärimmäisen vaikeaa lapsuutta, kun hän työskenteli kuuden tai seitsemän vuoden iästä lähtien ja sai usein rikkaiden talonpoikien pahoinpitelyjä, mikä jätti hänet elinikäiseen vastenmielisyyteen "kulakeja" kohtaan.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 448: Sodan jälkeen Voroshilov valvoi sosialistisen hallinnon perustamista Unkarissa. Stalinin kuoleman jälkeen vuonna 1953 Vorošilov nimitettiin korkeimman neuvoston puheenjohtajiston puheenjohtajaksi. Hänen onnensa kääntyi Nikita Hruštšovin nousun aikana ja korkein neuvosto kääntyi häntä vastaan. Hän erosi rauhanomaisesti vuonna 1960, vaikka hän palasi eläkkeeltä vuonna 1966 ja liittyi uudelleen puolueeseen. Voroshilov kuoli vuonna 1969 88-vuotiaana.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 526: Anatoli Rybakov (oikea sukunimi Aronov) syntyi juutalaisen insinöörin perheeseen. Koulun jälkeen hän opiskeli Moskovan liikenneinsinööri-instituutissa. Rybakov pidätettiin vuonna 1933 ja tuomittiin kolmen vuoden karkotukseen Siperiaan syytettynä neuvostovastaisen propagandan levittämisestä. Kärsittyään rangaistuksensa hän työskenteli eri puolilla Neuvostoliittoa. Rybakov osallistui toiseen maailmansotaan, sai ylennyksen upseeriksi ja pääsi eroon rikosmerkinnästään. Syntyi pohjois-Ukrainassa Tshernihivissä Olkkarin ikäisenä 1911, kuoli New Yorkissa 1998 11 vuotta vanhempana. Olikohan sittenkään ihan syyttä tuomittu. Minun mummoni mies teloitettiin ennen sotaa. "En sure Vasjaa, syystä vangizivat. Kieli lauloi liikaa."
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 51: Group Portrait with Lady (German: Gruppenbild mit Dame) is a novel by Nobel Prize winning author Heinrich Böll, published in 1971. The novel revolves around a woman named Leni, and her friends, foes, lovers, employers and others and in the end tells the stories of all these people in a small city in western Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. As is usual in Böll's novels, the main focus is the Nazi era, from the perspective of ordinary people. (Wikipedia en)
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 53: Leni Pfeiffer rakastuu venäläiseen sotavankiin ja auttaa tätä hankkimalla tälle saksalaisen sotilaspassin. Mies päätyy kuitenkin amerikkalaisten sotavangiksi ja kuolee onnettomuudessa työleirillä. Leni kieltäytyy sopeutumasta kulutus-, suoritus- ja voitto-orientoituneeseen yhteiskuntaan, ja sen vuoksi häntä vihataan. Heidän yhteisen poikansa Leni kasvattaa vastustamaan hyötyajattelua. Lopulta poika istuu vankilassa, koska on yrittänyt väärentää asiakirjaa, joka oikeuttaisi äidin asumisen talossaan, jonka vuokrankorotukseen tämä ei suostunut. (Wikipedia fi)
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 55: Leni lernt den sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen Boris Lvovitich Koltovskij kennen. Die beiden beginnen, obwohl dies verboten und außerordentlich gefährlich ist, eine Liebesbeziehung, und Leni bekommt kurz vor Ende des Krieges ein Kind von Boris. Boris gerät durch unglückliche Umstände, für einen deutschen Kriegsgefangenen gehalten, in ein alliiertes Kriegsgefangenenlager und stirbt in einem "französischen" Bergwerk in Lothringen. Lenis Liebe zu dem russischen Kriegsgefangenen Boris, die ihr die Verunglimpfung „blonde Sowjet-Hure“ eingetragen hat. Leni zeigt sich unberührt von gesellschaftlichen Tendenzen, bestimmte Personengruppen auszugrenzen und „abfällig“ zu behandeln. „Abfall“ und „Abfälligkeit“ sind nach Aussage des Autors Schlüsselwörter des Romans. (Wikipedia de)
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 65: Jos et halua tietää juonesta ja henkilöistä lopeta luku-urakka tähän (juonta on käsitelty myös Wikipediassa täällä, itse en ymmärrtänyt kuvauksesta juuri mitään. "Leni ei sopeudu kulutus-, suoritus- ja voitto-orientoituneeseen yhteiskuntaan", ei niin, vaan Leni on irrallaan ja omituinen jo syntymästään saakka. Romaanin "rakennetta on verrattu muun muassa Nürnbergin oikeudenkäyntiin ja Ristin Teresan autuaaksijulistamiseen, sillä Leni yhdistettiin useissa kohdissa Jumalan äitiin Mariaan". Tämäkään ei minusta pidä lainkaan paikkaansa. Ihme-asia liittyi lesbonunnaan nimeltä Rahel, ja se selitettiin vanhoilla geysireillä alueella, Rahelin haudalla kukki ruusupensas. Kirjan alkuosassa selitetään, että "Hän on tuttavallisessa suhteessa neitsyt Mariaan, näkee hänet television kuvaruudussa miltei päivittäin, joka kerta yllättyneenä, että neitsyt Maria on vaaleaverikkö ...". s. 17. Koska Leni itse on vaaleaverikkö, luulen, että hän näkee omat kasvonsa tv-ruudussa. Tv kannattaa sijoittaa varjoseinälle, ettei ruutu heijasta kazojien lättyjä.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 83: In seiner Darstellung von Randfiguren der Gesellschaft propagiert Böll Humanität und Antifaschismus und prangert rassistische Ansichten an.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 98: Unternehmertochter Leni Gruyten versucht zeitlebens, ihren Idealen und Gefühlen treu zu bleiben selbst wenn dies bittere Konsequenzen nach sich zieht: So steht sie während des Zweiten Weltkriegs zu ihrer jüdischen Lehrerin und beginnt eine Liebesbeziehung mit einem russischen Kriegsgefangenen, von dem sie auch ein Kind bekommt. Und obwohl sie all diese geliebten Menschen verliert, gibt Leni nicht auf. Nach dem Krieg führt sie ein bescheidenes, aber glückliches Leben und verliebt sich im "Wohlstandsdeutschland" der Sechzigerjahre einmal mehr in einen gesellschaftlichen Außenseiter: den Türken Mehmet ...
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 100: Basierend auf dem Roman des Nobelpreisträgers Heinrich Böll erzählt "Gruppenbild mit Dame" die bewegende Geschichte einer Frau, die gegen alle gesellschaftlichen Widerstände nach ihren persönlichen Idealen lebt. Romy Schneider ("Sissi"), die hier nach 16 Jahren das erste Mal wieder in einem deutschen Film auftrat, brilliert in der Hauptrolle einer ebenso sensiblen wie selbstbewussten Frau, für die sie 1977 mit dem Filmband in Gold ausgezeichnet wurde. An ihrer Seite glänzen Heinrich Böll ("Nobelpreis"), Brad Dourif ("Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest", "Der Herr der Ringe - Die Gefährten") und Vadim Glowna ("Vier Minuten", "Baader").
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 117: Als Kind kommt Leni mit den Lehrmethoden in der Konfessionsschule nicht zurecht. Ihr Aussehen rettet sie jedoch durch die Schulzeit: Als „deutschestes Mädel“ der Schule kann man sie schlecht auf die Hilfsschule verweisen. Verwiesen wird hingegen Margret Schlömer. Trotz der kurzen gemeinsamen Schulzeit hat Leni in ihr eine Freundin fürs Leben. Leni ist so sinnlich, dass sie alles als erotische Erfahrung erlebt. Mit 16 Jahren hat sie ihren ersten Orgasmus allein im Heidekraut, weshalb ihr auch die jungfräuliche Geburt durchaus logisch vorkommt. Bei den Nonnen hat es ein solches Mädchen naturgemäß schwer. Dennoch gerät Leni im Mädchenpensionat in die richtigen Hände, nämlich in die von Schwester Rahel, genannt Haruspica (Vogelleserin). Die hochgebildete Ordensfrau ist jüdischer Herkunft. Seit ihr 1936 die Lehrerlaubnis entzogen wurde, erfüllt sie pädagogische und ärztliche Funktionen und inspiziert unter anderem täglich die Beschneidung der Mädchen. Vor den Nazis versteckt der Orden sie in einem Dachstübchen. Schwester Rahel stirbt 1942, ausgehungert und verwahrlost. Der Verfasser will mehr erfahren, doch die anderen Klosterfrauen geben nichts preis.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 121: Lenis Vater Hubert Gruyten ist Bauunternehmer. Bis 1933 operiert er hart an der Grenze zum Konkurs, dann geht es steil bergauf: Er verdient viel Geld am Bau des Westwalls. Dabei sind sich alle einig, dass er fachlich unbegabt ist. Er ist jedoch ein guter Organisator, furchtlos, vielleicht größenwahnsinnig. Er traut seiner Tochter trotz der schulischen Probleme viel zu. Wen er allerdings mit Bildung geradezu vollstopft, das ist sein Erstgeborener Heinrich Gruyten. Diesem will er den Krieg ersparen, doch der Junge, der mit seinem Vater ständig Streit hat, zieht diesem zum Trotz ins Feld und schickt Briefe mit Zitaten aus militärischen Texten nach Hause. 1940 stirbt der hochgebildete Heinrich einen sinnlosen Tod: Er und sein Vetter Erhard Schweigert werden wegen Fahnenflucht und Waffendiebstahls erschossen. Damit wird Leni zur „platonischen Witwe“: Sie wäre reif für Erhard und die Liebe gewesen und fieberte ihrem ersten Mal entgegen, draußen in freier Natur im Heidekraut. Der hochsensible Erhard hatte sie angebetet und ihr kühne Gedichte geschrieben, doch ansonsten waren beide so schüchtern, dass sie über ein paar Tänze nicht hinausgekommen waren, bevor der Tod Erhard holte. Leni fällt in tiefe Trauer.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 125: Roman Sandgruber ist emeritierter Professor für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte an der Linzer JKU und Mitglied der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und ein gläubiget Katholiker. Er arbeitet an einem Buch über Hitlers Vater, das 2021 erscheinen wird. Er schämt sich Linzer zu sein, er ist dem Alois und Adi sehr böse immer noch. Er will von Heidlers alias Schlumpfgrubers Halbjudentum nichts hören. Leserfavoriten, meist gelesen: https:1//www.nachrichten.at/oberoesterreich/linz/linz-unbekannte-schlagen-43-jaehrigen-in-fh-toilette-zusammen. Der Christkindl ist wieder unterwegs. Lakimiehet saisi kaikki hävittää, sanoi Adolf nasevasti. Hitlerit pitivät katolista kirkkoa ahneena ja elämää vääristävien uskomusten opettajana. Sandgruberin kirja Hitlerin isästä ja Adolf-pojan kasvusta sisältää sivutolkulla pieteetillä valittuja yksityiskohtia ja kuvauksia suvun asuinpaikkakunnista. Mukana on kaikkea mahdollista nippelitietoa. Putinia ja Hitleriä yhdistää monikin asia, äkkää HS:n Anne Välinoro lopuxi vielä norauttaa vaipanvälistä. Putinia ja Hitleriä yhdistää täydellinen piittaamattomuus valtioiden rajoista ja itsemääräämisoikeudesta, fantasia oman historiallis-etnisen suurvallan kokoamisesta ja pitkälle pohjustettu propagandakoneisto. Kuulostaa jatkosodan Suomelta. Ei päivää ilman propagandaa.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 127: Im Juni 1941 lernt Leni auf einer Betriebsfeier Alois Pfeiffer kennen, der sich dort eingeschlichen hat. Er ist viril, aber nicht besonders intelligent und wird von seiner Familie gnadenlos überschätzt. Während andere ihm Berechnung unterstellen, glaubt der Verfasser, dass Alois sich wirklich in Leni verliebt hat und dass Leni einfach schwach geworden ist. Nach einer einzigen Nacht stellt Alois sie seiner Familie vor, dann wird der gesamte Pfeiffer-Clan bei den Gruytens vorstellig. Leni wirkt abwesend, plädiert aber selbst fürs Heiraten. Sie will kein Hochzeitskleid und es gibt auch keine Hochzeitsnacht, da Alois sogleich einrücken muss. Vorher gibt es jedoch einen erzwungenen Vollzug der Ehe im Bügelzimmer bei Gruytens, und so ist Alois für Leni „gestorben, bevor er tot war“. Der Tod auf dem Schlachtfeld lässt nicht lange auf sich warten. Leni, quasi zum zweiten Mal verwitwet, trägt keine Trauer und nimmt Alois’ Bild bald wieder von der Wand. Was bleibt, sind Nachname und Witwenrente.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 129: „Leni (…) hatte an diesem Sommerabend des Jahres 1938, als sie dahingestreckt und ,geöffnet‘ auf dem warmen Heidekraut lag, ganz und gar den Eindruck, ,genommen‘ zu werden und auch ,gegeben‘ zu haben, und – so erläuterte sie später Margret – sie wäre nicht im geringsten erstaunt gewesen, wenn sie schwanger geworden wäre.“ (S. 33 f.)
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 135: Leni wird dienstverpflichtet und kommt in die Kranzbinderei von Walter Pelzer. Dieser halb kriminelle Wendehals hat von KPD bis SA, von Schwarzhandel bis Zuhälterei schon alles gemacht. Sein kriegswichtiger Betrieb bietet den unterschiedlichsten Menschen Unterschlupf: Nazis arbeiten mit untergetauchten Juden und Kommunisten zusammen. Unter anderem trifft Leni hier Liane Hölthohne, die sie nach Kriegsende bei sich aufnehmen und ihr 24 Jahre lang, bis 1970, Arbeit in ihrem eigenen Blumengeschäft geben wird. Leni ist eine begabte Floristin, mit ihrer Sinnlichkeit und ihrem ästhetischen Empfinden erweist sie sich als „Naturgenie der Garnierung “. Wegen ihrer Vorliebe für geometrische Muster kann ihr allerdings auch mal ein Davidstern aus Margeriten unterlaufen. Was es mit Nazis und Juden auf sich hat, kapiert sie erst Ende 1944.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 137: „Nun: Leni ist schuld. Sie hat es so gewollt, daß hier kein deutscher Held der Held ist. (…) Im übrigen war dieser Boris ein ganz ordentlicher Mensch, sogar mit angemessener Bildung, sogar Schulbildung.“ (S. 202)
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 142: Die Liebesaffäre zwischen Boris und Leni beginnt Ende Dezember 1943 mit einer Tasse Kaffee. Sie bietet ihm, dem Sowjet, dem Untermenschen, vor aller Augen und mit großer Selbstverständlichkeit eine Tasse Kaffee an. Der Betriebsnazi schlägt mit seiner abgestellten Beinprothese Boris die Tasse aus der Hand. Inmitten des plötzlichen Schweigens – von den Zeugen „Lenis Entscheidungsschlacht“ genannt – nimmt Leni die heil gebliebene Tasse, wäscht sie seelenruhig, trocknet sie, füllt sie erneut und reicht sie Boris. Leni teilt von nun an ihren Kaffee täglich mit Boris. Eines Tages legt sie dabei ihre Hand auf die seine, eine erotisch und politisch kühne Tat. Es durchfährt beide wie ein elektrischer Schlag – mehr noch, sie erleben einen Orgasmus!
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 153: Auf dem Friedhof bildet sich eine Zweck- und Sympathiegemeinschaft, boshaft das „Sowjetparadies in den Grüften“ genannt. Vom 20. Februar bis zum 7. März 1945 leben Leni, Boris, Margret, Pelzer und Lotte mitsamt ihren zwei Söhnen zusammen in einem Gruftsystem, das Pelzer mit Strom, Heizöfchen und Vorratskammer ausgestattet hat – eine veritable Vierzimmerwohnung. In der Gärtnerei bringt Leni einen Sohn zur Welt und nennt ihn Lev. Margret organisiert für Boris das Soldbuch eines gefallenen Soldaten – ein fataler Fehler: Unmittelbar nach Kriegsende, im Liebes- und Friedenstaumel, wird Boris mit seinen falschen Papieren als deutscher Soldat verhaftet und von den Amerikanern an die Franzosen überstellt. Bald kommt er bei einem Bergwerksunglück in Lothringen ums Leben. In Todesverachtung radelt Leni wochenlang durchs deutsch-französische Grenzgebiet, bis sie das Grab findet. Was alles noch tragischer macht: Pelzer, Margret, Hölthohne und auch der hochgestellte Herr bezeugen dem Verfasser, dass Borisʼ Tod vermeidbar gewesen wäre, da sie ihm andere und bessere Papiere hätten besorgen können. Der Herr ist in der Tat so hochgestellt, dass er in den Nürnberger Prozessen verurteilt wird – allerdings reist er 1955 schon wieder mit Kanzler Adenauers Delegation nach Moskau.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 159: „(...) ich habe diesen Jungen nicht nur gern gehabt, ich habe ihn geliebt, und Sie mögen lachen: er, er hat mich gelehrt, daß das alles Stöz ist von wegen Untermenschen und so. Die Untermenschen, die hockten hier.“ (Pelzer über Boris, S. 335 f.)
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 161: Auf den Spuren von Schwester Rahel und einem Rosenwunder (ein unverwüstlicher Rosenstrauch blüht dauerhaft auf ihrem Grab) reist der Verfasser bis nach Rom in die Ordenszentrale. Dort begegnet er Schwester Klementina, die hochgebildet und außerdem höchst attraktiv ist. Sowohl was Lenis möglicherweise erotische Beziehung zu Schwester Rahel als auch was das Rosenwunder anbelangt, hält sich die Nonne bedeckt. Man raucht Virginia-Zigaretten zusammen, und zum Abschied küsst der Verfasser die Nonne ganz unkeusch, worauf diese ihn zur Wiederkehr einlädt. In Deutschland hat sich das Rosenwunder derweil zum Rosenthermalwunder gemausert: Rund um den Rosenstock im Klostergarten sollen heiße Quellen sprudeln, die Presse ist elektrisiert, doch der Orden wiegelt weiter ab.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 165: Die Hoysers haben Lev wegen Scheckbetrugs ins Gefängnis gebracht. Sie sehen das als Liebesakt: Er müsse zur Vernunft gebracht und sein Stolz müsse – zu seinem eigenen Wohl – gebrochen werden. Der Verfasser sucht die Hoysers auf, die inzwischen das mächtigste Immobilienunternehmen der Stadt besitzen. Der alte Hoyser knöpft sich mit seinem Stock in Enterhakenmanier den Verfasser vor, was dessen uraltes Tweedsakko nicht verkraftet. Es entspinnt sich eine hitzige Debatte um die Unersetzbarkeit der Lieblingsjacke, um materielle und immaterielle Werte. Lottes Söhne Kurt und Werner Hoyser, früher als kriminell und schwer erziehbar verrufen, haben Jura und Volkswirtschaft studiert, sind gesellschaftstauglich geworden und würdige Erben ihres Großvaters. Für Leni wollen die Hoysers nur das Beste. Dennoch wollen sie sie und ihre zahlreichen Untermieter – darunter eine portugiesische Familie und türkische Müllmänner – aus ihrer Wohnung werfen. Das sei aber, so die Hoysers, eine „liebevolle Dirigierung“ – das sagen sie auch aus der Überzeugung heraus, dass in Altbauwohnungen gerne mal subversive Zellen gediehen und es außerdem nicht angehen könne, dass Fremdarbeiter so billig wohnen. Deren gute Entlohnung kalkuliere doch ein, dass ein erheblicher Teil als Miete im Land verbleibe. Solchen „Paradiesismus“ wollen Hoysers verhindern.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 167: „Nicht er, sie sei ein Unmensch, denn ein gesundes Profit- und Besitzstreben läge, und das sei von der Theologie nachgewiesen und werde sogar von marxistischen Philosophen immer mehr bejaht, in der Natur des Menschen.“ (Werner Hoyser über Leni, S. 426)
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 169: Lenis Freunde bekommen Wind von deren Situation und organisieren sich: Sie bilden ein Finanzkomitee und ein weiteres „für den gesellschaftlichen Ablauf“. Eine verwegene Idee entsteht und wird in die Tat umgesetzt: Die Müllmänner provozieren durch einen Unfall ein stundenlanges Verkehrschaos, sodass Leni und ihre Mieter nicht geräumt werden können.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 177: Der Roman beginnt mit einer ungewöhnlichen Widmung: „Für Leni, Lev und Boris“ – also für die Hauptfiguren der Geschichte. Es handelt sich beim Gruppenbild mit Dame um die Rekonstruktion eines Lebens anhand von Zeugenaussagen, Erinnerungen und Dokumenten. Böll vermischt Fakten mit erfundenen „Originaldokumenten“, er entwirft eine fiktive Handlung unter Bezugnahme auf historische Ereignisse, zum Beispiel den Bombenkrieg, die Nürnberger Prozesse, Adenauers Reise nach Moskau 1955. Die Romanstruktur ist nicht strikt chronologisch, sondern sprunghaft, episodisch, wie die Zeugenaussagen voller Wiederholungen und Ungenauigkeiten und daher oftmals verwirrend. Als Erzähler tritt ein namenloser Verfasser auf, der sich oft mit Beschreibungen von Interieurs und Interviewsituationen aufhält und ein Faible für Abkürzungen und Initialen hat, was dem Leser viel Aufmerksamkeit abverlangt. Der Roman hat Längen da, wo all die Erinnerungen und subjektiven Bewertungen der Beteiligten vorbeiziehen, nimmt aber im letzten Fünftel, als die Handlung auf ihr Happening-artiges Ende zuläuft, deutlich Tempo auf. Böll nutzt das Potenzial der deutschen Sprache für Schachtelwörter zu kreativen sozialkritischen Neuprägungen. Vielerorts ist er sarkastisch, ätzend, bissig. Er schreibt häufig in indirekter Rede und hat sich von der schlichte Prosa seiner Trümmerliteratur und Kurzgeschichten weit fortentwickelt.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 181: Böll propagiert Humanität und Antifaschismus. Er zeigt die Ausgesonderten der Gesellschaft, die sich nicht den Moralvorstellungen und dem Leistungsstreben des Kapitalismus unterordnen. Ein vielstimmiger Chor von Verfolgten, Mitläufern, Nazis und Kriegsgewinnlern zeigt, dass nazistische Ansichten nach 1945 noch immer frisch waren. Der Russe, von den Nazis als „Untermensch“ zur Vernichtung bestimmt, erscheint im Roman als intelligenter, sensibler und liebenswerter Mensch.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 185: Leni, Boris und Lev sind eine Inkarnation der heiligen Familie in der deutschen Provinz. Sie sind obdachlos, von der Gesellschaft an den Rand gedrängt, angefeindet. Nicht im Stall, sondern in einem Gärtnerschuppen kommt Lev zur Welt. Durch Lenis Klosterschule und die Recherchen des Verfassers im kirchlichen Milieu kommen zahlreiche religiöse Motive in den Text, etwa die Jungfrauengeburt oder das Rosenwunder.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 187: Böll gewichtet seine Figuren nach ihrer humanistischen und kulturellen Bildung und danach, ob sie menschlich und moralisch ihrem Bildungsstand Genüge tun. Lenis Potenzial wird durch das Bildungswesen verkannt, blockiert und beinahe zerstört. Die Geschichte bewegt sich in einem geistigen Koordinatensystem, das von großen Schriftstellern definiert wird, insbesondere Kafka, Trakl, Brecht und Hölderlin. Der Verfasser kommentiert die Lesegewohnheiten quasi aller Befragten.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 202: Stein julistettiin autuaaksi 1. toukokuuta 1987, ja hänet kanonisoitiin 11. lokakuuta 1998. Hän oli ensimmäinen juutalaissyntyinen marttyyri sitten Jeesuxen. Paavalista ei ole paper trailia. Jotkut juutalaiset kritisoivat Steinin kanonisointia, ja esimerkiksi Simon Wiesenthal -keskuksen mukaan hän kuoli juutalaisen taustansa, ei katolisen natsivastaisuutensa takia. Tollasta kulttuurista appropriointia!
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 211: Neben Husserl beeinflussten ihn in dieser Zeit Immanuel Kant, Henri Bergson und Friedrich Nietzsche. 1909 wurde er durch seine Ehefrau in einen weiteren Skandal, den Prozess „über die Würde eines Hochschullehrers“, verwickelt, so dass er 1910 auch in München seine Position als Dozent aufgeben musste.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 227: Die Befriedung der Welt durch eine einzige Großmacht sah er als ausgeschlossen an. Ein Ausgleich im Geist der "aller menschen werden Brüder" wäre die einzige Endlösung. Diese Möglichkeit wird von anderen Philosophen verneint.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 246: Der menschliche Geist zeichne sich im Wesentlichen durch folgende Merkmale aus, die ihn vom Tier unterscheiden: Menschen werden durch kulturelle Werte gelenkt. Sie sind zur begierdefreien Liebe fähig und sind unabhängig von ihren Trieben (Haha LOL, das war gut von dir Max). Menschen können Einsichten über das Wesen der Dinge gewinnen und allgemein-gültige Werte finden. Tiere ‚leben ausschließlich in ihrer Umwelt’, doch der Mensch reicht „über alles mögliche Milieu des Lebens“ hinaus.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 252: Ernst Cassirer (Jude) und Martin Heidegger (Nazi) stellen fest, dass Scheler kein neuer Entwurf philosophischer Anthropologie gelungen sei. Max sei bipolar gewesen. "Der Mensch ist ein so breites, buntes, mannigfaltiges Ding, dass die Definitionen alle ein wenig zu kurz geraten. Er hat zu viele Enden (2).“
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 383: Jotkut asiantuntijat uskovat, että hevoskärpästartunta oli reaktio Egyptissä tapahtuneeseen ilmastkokatastrofiin. Kärpäsille ja muille vastaaville hyönteisille on ominaista, että ne aiheuttavat eläimille ja ihmisille puremia, jotka voivat aiheuttaa vakavia sairauksia. Itse asiassa hevoskärpäsillä on kyky synnyttää kasvaimia.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 504: Genesis 6:1-4 When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 506: There are three dominant views regarding the famous Genesis 6 passage about the “Sons of God.” Most Bible interpreters and commentators state that the godly children of Seth are the Sons of God marrying outside the faith, or that fallen angels mated with human women to produce giant offspring. The scientific explanation of these events is still in the works. See also album 114.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 537: Saksalaisten tutkijoiden mukaan vitsaukset oikeasti tapahtuivat Niilin suistoalueella Egyptin muinaisessa pääkaupungissa runsaat 3 200 vuotta sitten, jolloin maata hallitsi farao Rameses II. Ajankohdan puolesta puhuu se, että kaupunki tyhjeni äkillisesti juuri tuolloin, eikä sille ole aiemmin tiedetty selitystä paizi juuri Raamatusta.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 539: Saksalaiset tutkijat ovat piirtäneet kuvan alueen ilmaston historiasta luolissa säilyneisiin tippukivipylväisiin. Niiden radioaktiivisuuden vaihtelu kertoo, että Rameses II:n aikana ilmasto oli kostea ja lämmin mutta muuttui sitten ihan päivän päälle kuivaksi ja paahtavaksi.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 58: Así, Memoria de mis putas tristes cuenta la vida de este anciano solitario lleno de manías. Por él sabremos cómo en todas sus aventuras seksuaales (que no fueron pocas) siempre dio a cambio algo de dinero, pero nunca imagino que de ese modo encontraría el verdadero amor.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 91: Puhdas rakkaus ja romanttiset päiväunelmat ovat tehneet hänet onnelliseksi ja tämä onnellisuus on tunkeutunut hänen liiransa jokaiseen osa-alueeseen, kunnes hän vuosistaan huolimatta kävelee kevät askeleella ja hymy kasvoillaan ja tämä onni tekee hänestä sankarin kaikille, jotka nähdä hänet.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 118: Tämän novellin kertoo ikääntyvä vuokratyttöjen tuntija. Vietettyään elinikänsä prostituoitujen kanssa (heitä oli tarkalleen 514, ennen kuin sekosin laskuissa) nimetön toimittaja kuvittelee mukavan nuoren neitsyen 90-vuotissyntymäpäiväänsä. Ensimmäisenä monista kerroista hän astuu huoneeseen löytääkseen valitun 14-vuotiaan tytön, joka on ilkialasti ja unessa. Ajan myötä hänellä on pakkomielle hiänestä; hän kirjoittaa kolumneja, jotka saavat lukijansa kiihtymään; suutelee häntä sieltä sun täältä ja lukee hänelle omia juttujasn hänen nukkuessaan. Mutta ei koskaan viimeistele suhdetta seksuaalisesti tai näe häntä hereillä. Koko skenaario, jossa tällainen iäkäs mies halusi nukkua jonkun niin nuoren sängyssä kurttuinen muna puoliveteessä, vain tyrmäsi minut, mutta tämä ei ollut sen suurin ongelma. Yksinkertaisesti sanottuna se oli mielestäni tylsä ja laiska. Kertojan nokkeluus ja viehätys eivät riittäneet tasapainottamaan hänen päämäärättömyytensä yksitoikkoisuutta, ja valitettavasti sen seurauksena en koskaan tuntenut mitään ketään asianosaista kohtaan, en edes pientä nytkähdystä, saati boneria. Olisi voinut toimia paremmin, jos olisin yrittänyt katsoa asioita päähenkilön näkökulmasta, mutta päätin olla tekemättä. En halunnut olla hänen mielessään, hänen housuissaan tai sängyssään. Ehkä siinä oli se vika.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 129: Kalanick was born on August 6, 1976, and grew up in the Northridge neighborhood of Los Angeles. Kalanick's parents are Bonnie Renée Horowitz Kalanick (née Bloom) and Donald Edward Kalanick. Bonnie, whose family were Viennese Jews who immigrated to the U.S. in the early 20th century, worked in retail advertising for the Los Angeles Daily News. Kalanick studied computer engineering and business economics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) until he dropped out to make MMMMONEY! Inhottava viurusilmä. Uuber ajoi alas Suomen taxilainsäädännön kauko-ohjaamalla limaista näppyläistä kumikana Berneriä.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 159: Juvonen kuoli 1959 pitkään jatkuneesta särkylääkkeiden väärinkäytöstä aiheutuneeseen munuaisten vajaatoimintaan noin kuukautta ennen 40-vuotissyntymäpäiväänsä. Viimeiset runonsa hän saneli Sirkka Meriluodolle sairaalassa.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 232: Ärsyttävä narsistinen tekniikka Ernestolla puhua muiden kautta pääasiassa izestään. Ize se vaan grunttaa ja mielistelee kaikkia ja kaikki on siitä siihen ihan lääpällään. To make a long story short, Henry panee Catherinen paxuxi vastoin lupaustaan ja karkaa kaiken kukkuraxi rintamalta. I enjoyed not being married really. There isn't any me, I'm you. Narsistin märkä uni. Loppuvizinä Catherine parka vielä kuolee lapsivuoteeseen. Cedric syö sillä aikaa kinkku-muna-annoxen ja juo monta pulloa demi- mondea. Catherinen kuoltua Cedric lähtee lätkimään aamuöiseen sateeseen. Cedric olisi halunnut tytön mieluummin. Mieluiten ei mitään. Ei kai tosta arvesta tule ruma. Can I get you anything? You'll be ok, I promise. Niin ja vielä 1 persepäinen piirre Ernstissä: se pitää vedonlyönnistä. Sen nuivat kommentit kun Katja kertoo pohjaanpalaneesta beibistä oli aika karuja. "You aren't angry are you darling?" Voi vinetto. "You always feel trapped biologically." Vitun trappi. Inhottava tenukeppi. Ei keltatauti ole sairaus vaan juoppo-oire. Kaveri on kolmen pointin tolvana ja kylmä murhamies.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 245: 2. In A Farewell to Arms there is this celebrated passage. "There were many words that you could not stand to hear and finally only the names of places had dignity. Certain numbers were the same way and certain dates and these with the names of the places were all you could say and have them mean anything. Abstract words such as glory, honor, courage, or hallow were obscene beside the concrete names of villages, the numbers of roads, the names of rivers, the numbers of regiments and the dates."
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 261: Mandel takes a brief reference to an anticlerical novel made by one of the characters in A Farewell to Arms and explores the historical and ideological basis for its presence in the novel. In a novel where the Priest is such an important figure, the discussion of the Catholic Church and the way that soldiers would regard religion becomes an important thematic examination. Mandel traces her exploration of this topic, the translation of this obscure novel, and her subsequent revelations, in a way that makes this chapter a study in scholarship and the excavation of an arcane reference.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 267: Eventually Notari ended up as a fascist, founding the Milanese newspaper “L’Ambrosiano” in 1922, and was appointed to the very institutional “Accademia d’Italia”: just like another firebrand-turned-reactionary, the initiator of the Italian Futuristic movement Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, who, as a young, used to call for burning academies down... [signed] Enzo. The Black Pig is not a novel, as Enzo claims, but an energetic, apparently learned, vitriolic attack on the precepts and clergy of the Catholic Church.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 269: It was first published in 1907 under the title Il maiale nero: Rivelazioni e documenti (Sesto S. Giovanni, Milano: A. Barion). A later edition carried the title Dio contro Dio on the first title page and at the top of every page, with the previous title presented as subtitle on the second title page.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 273: Notari’s novel sold 80,000 copies in six months and sales only increased when it was accused of offending public morality; it and its author were acquitted, with Marinetti serving as witness for the defense. “It was Notari’s good fortune,” one scholar writes, “to be accused of obscenity by a court in Parma.... Marinetti, who attended and clearly relished the trial, wrote a detailed account of it for Parisian readers... and then translated his account into Italian, appending a brief, self-congratulatory introduction” (Adamson 97). Marinetti bragged that the trial “gave an extraordinary boost to the book’s sales such that, today, one finds it in all the elegant parlors, in all the bedrooms, under the virginal bedlinens of all the convent-school girls and inside the prayer benches of all the new brides” (qtd. in Adamson 97–98). Notari quickly produced a sequel, Femmina: Scene di una grande capitale (1906), which became a best seller before it too was seized and banned. Notari proudly listed these three books’ sales figures and legal histories in the front matter of his next book, The Black Pig (1907).
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 370: All sundial mottos are sad like that. The earliest sundials, from Ancient Egypt to China to Europe, were often marked with dedications to god(s), patrons, and/or the craftsmen who made them. In the 1500s sundials began bearing mottos relating to time—its passage, the limited quantities allotted, how it should be spent, or as a brief memento mori to the reader to stop looking at the sundial and get on with their life. Sundials represent a willful, anachronistic affectation in a world that has begun to dispense with clocks and watches.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 411: Viime aikoina on nautittu joka ilta monta tuntia länkkäriä väkivaltaviihdettä. Kaikki haluavat tuliaseita. Meganin luupää Tommylla on iso. Se hinkkaa asettaan yxinäisenä ja mustasukkaisena pöydän ääressä kun Megan heilastelee sitä selkeästi fixumpaa virologia. (Oikeasti kaveri on koulut keskenjättänyt ohiolaisen hizarin poika.) Ylifixut sarjamurhaajat jekuttavat toistuvasti ylifixuja skoudeja. Hän on jättänyt taas vihjeen. Olemme paikantaneet hänet hylättyyn teollisuuskiinteistöön. Pienet taskulamput mukaan ja autoihin! Poliisi! Drop the gun! BLAM! Oho hän kuoli. Nyt tuli poliisille paha mieli. Vinosuinen naurettavan ylipainoinen Mr. Jeeves parantaa Jerry Cottonin pahan omantunnon. Lipesikö roisto kädestä vai annoitko sen pudota? Mixi ammuit klovnia? Mixi teit sen? Se on rikki nyt. En tiedä BUAAAH. Tuo kuulostaa paremmalta. Rakenna mulle grilli ja käristä kilon pala pihviä niin saat terveen paperit. These babies cost fifty bucks a pop. Olikohan ne Jeffersonianin rodesta? Yxinjäänyt isä jonka tytön (aina "My baby") raiskasi nakumiljonääri, hullu saarnaaja ja söi kumialligaattori, murti suuta murti päätä murti mustoa haventa ennenkuin kävi ampumassa oletetun pahantekijän. I'm sorry for your loss. Mixi anglosaxit aina virnuilee kyynelten lävize? Typerä maneeri. Onxe urheaa? Urhea kuolee 2000 kuolemaa muttei näytä sitä, sanoi Ernest Hemingway. Että jenkeissä on sairas meininki. Mutta kyllä pikku Suomi tulee perästä. Elintasokuilun kasvaessa täältäkin alkaa löytyä lasten ja muiden ruumiinosien myymälöitä ja roistoilulle sopivia slummeja. Neekereistä ja suurialaisista matuista sopii aloitella. We've got the coolest jobs.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 492: Otamme nyt puheeksi Herramme Jeesuksen Kristuksen tulemisen ja sen, että meidät kootaan hänen luokseen. Me pyydämme, veljet, ettette heti menetä malttianne ja säikähdä, jos joku vedoten Hengen ilmoitukseen tai muka meidän puheeseemme tai kirjeeseemme väittää, että Herran päivä on jo käsillä. Älkää antako kenenkään millään tavoin johtaa itseänne harhaan. Ennen tuota päivää näet tapahtuu uskosta luopuminen ja ilmaantuu itse laittomuus ihmishahmossa, kadotuksen ihminen. Hän, Vastustaja, korottaa itsensä kaiken jumalana pidetyn yläpuolelle, asettuu itse istumaan Jumalan temppeliin ja julistaa olevansa Jumala. 5Muistattehan, että puhuin teille tästä jo silloin kun olin luonanne. 6Te tiedätte, mikä häntä vielä pidättää, niin että hän ilmestyy vasta kun hänen hetkensä koittaa.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 565: Vaikka kristinuskossa on useita erilaisia näkemyksiä Jerusalemiin rakennettavan kolmannen temppelin merkityksestä tai vaatimuksesta, Uuden testamentin kirjoittajien mukaan Uuden liiton (josta puhutaan Jeremia 31:31–34 ) on leimattu Pyhän Hengen asumisesta uskovassa ( Hesekiel 36:26-27 ) ja että siksi jokaisen uskovan ruumis ja jokainen uskovien kokoontuminen muodostavat temppelin tai että temppeli on syrjäytynyt. Paavali valaisee tätä käsitystä kirjeessään Korintin uskoville:
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 577: Jotkut näkivät siksi kolmannen temppelin tarpeen vähentyneen, tarpeettomana tai kokonaan suljetuksi ja syrjäytyneeksi, kun taas toiset ottavat kantaa, että kolmannen temppelin rakentaminen on olennainen osa kristillistä eskatologiaa. Erilaiset näkökulmat kolmannen temppelin rakentamisen merkityksestä kristinuskossa liittyvät siksi yleensä useisiin tekijöihin, mukaan lukien: kirjaimellisen tai hengellisen tulkinnan tasoon, jota sovelletaan "lopun ajan" profetiaksi; havaitut suhteet eri pyhien kirjoitusten välillä, kuten Daniel, Olivet-diskurssi, 2. tessalonikalaisille ja Hesekieli (muun muassa); katsotaanko kaksoisliitto olevan voimassa vai ei; ja ovatko Vanhan testamentin lupaukset Israelin ennallistamisesta toteutumatta vai ovatko ne kaikki toteutuneet Messiaassa (2. Kor. 1:20). Tällaiset tekijät määräävät esimerkiksi sen, luetaanko Danielin 9:27 tai 2. Tessalonikalaiskirjeen 2:4 viittaavan vielä tulevaan fyysisesti kunnostettuun kolmanteen temppeliin.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 579: Roomalaiskatolisessa, itä-ortodoksisessa ja protestanttisessa kristinuskossa vallitseva näkemys on, että eläinuhrit temppelissä olivat ennuste uhrille, jonka Jeesus teki maailman syntien edestä ristiinnaulitsemisensa ja verensä vuodatuksen kautta pääsiäisen ensimmäisenä päivänä. Heprealaiskirjeeseen viitataan usein tämän näkemyksen tueksi: temppeliuhreja kuvataan epätäydellisiksi, koska ne vaativat toistamista (ks. 10:1–4) ja liittoon, josta oli tulossa "tuleva". vanhentunut ja vanhentumassa" ja oli "valmis katoamaan" (luku 8:13, ESV). Katso myös Vanhan liiton lakien kumoaminen. Kristuksen ristiinnaulitseminen, joka oli uhri, joka käsitteli synnin kerta kaikkiaan, teki tyhjäksi kaiken tarpeen uusille eläinuhreille. Kristusta itseään verrataan Ylipappiin, joka aina seisoi ja suoritti rituaaleja ja uhrauksia. Kristus kuitenkin uhrattuaan "istui alas" – täydellisyys oli vihdoin saavutettu (ks. 10:11-14,18). Lisäksi kaikkeinpyhimmän esiripun katsotaan repeytyneen ristiinnaulitsemisen yhteydessä – kuvaannollisesti tämän teologian yhteydessä (ch 10:19–21) ja kirjaimellisesti Matteuksen evankeliumin mukaan (ch 27:50). –51). Näistä syistä kolmas temppeli, jonka osittainen tarkoitus olisi eläinuhrien uudelleen järjestäminen, nähdään tarpeettomana ja siten syrjäytyneenä. Toisaalta Irenaeus ja Hippolytus kuuluivat varhaisiin kirkon kirjoittajiin, jotka näkivät temppelin uudelleenrakentamisen tarpeelliseksi Antikristuksen hallituskauden valmisteluun.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 594: Sefer Zerubavel ( heprea : ספר זְרֻבָּבֶל , latinisoitu : Sēfer Zərubbāḇél ), jota kutsutaan myös Serubbaabelin kirjaksi tai Serubbaabelin apokalypsiksi, on keskiaikainen heprea - apgoypsen tyyliin kirjoitettu 1000 - luvun alussa. näyt (esim. Daniel, Hesekiel), jotka asetettiin Serubbaabelin, viimeisen Daavidin suvun jälkeläisen suuhun, joka otti merkittävän osan Israelin historiassa ja loi toisen temppelin perustan 600-luvulla eaa. Arvoituksellinen postpakolainen raamatullinen johtaja saa ilmestysnäön, jossa hahmotellaan Israelin ennallistamiseen, päivien loppuun ja kolmannen temppelin perustamiseen liittyviä henkilöitä ja tapahtumia.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 45: Eeva tahtoo laajentaa Irigarayn poinzit kirjallisuustieteeseen. Sen mielestä tollaset Platon Faidrostyyppiset reikäleipä ja sen reikä samastumisjutut on patriarkaalista sumutusta. Varmaan ovatkin! Platon oli perseestä.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 77: Applied Psychology Positive Psychology Life Coaching Teamwork Team Leadership Customer Service Literature Research Commercial Aviation Mindfulness Microsoft Office English Microsoft Excel Social Media Public Speaking Microsoft Word PowerPoint Sales First Aid Secretarial Skills Change Management. Learning has been my lifelong passion. Live and learn. Focus of my interest is on human existence, communication and co-operation. I have studied psychology, social psychology, applied psychology and leadership as well as contemporary litterature and female studies. Real life experience on these themes I have gathered while working as a flight attendant and purser. In the future I want to to contribute to well being both in private as well as professional sectors of life.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 86: Experience: Founder, Thinking Holidays Oy. Nov 2021 - Present 2 yrs 3 mos.Maailman kauneimmat lomakohteet ja parhaat ajattelijat yhdistävä Thinking Holidays on uusi rohkea ja rennon nostattava matkakonsepti, jonka juuret ovat suomalaiseen yritys- ja kulttuurielämään lähtemättömän vaikutuksen tehneen filosofi Esa Saarisen Pafoksen seminaarimatkoissa. Thinking Holidays avaa ovet uusiin kohteisiin, entistä (1) laajempaan puhujakuntaan ja voimakkaan nostattaviin matkaelämyksiin: luvassa nautinnollisia lomia ja syvän kokemuksellisia matkoja mieleen, kehoon ja yhteyteen muiden kanssa.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 128: Cixous väittää, että naisen alenemisen on määritellyt se, kuinka "fallogosentrinen" ajattelu on "kolonisoinut" meidät. Kirjoittaja rakentaa ideoita, joita on kehittänyt toinen algerialaissyntyinen ranskalainen filosofi Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), joka tosin on mies. Hän loi termin "fallogosentrismi", joka viittaa maskuliiniselle näkökulmalle kielen kautta annettuun painopisteeseen.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 184: Useaan otteeseen Derrida on tunnustanut velkansa Husserlille ja Heideggerille ja todennut, että ilman heitä hän ei olisi sanonut sanaakaan. Näissä esseissä esitettyjen kysymysten joukossa ovat "Mikä on 'merkitys', mitkä ovat sen historialliset suhteet siihen, mikä väitetään tunnistettuna "ääni"-otsikon alla läsnäolon arvoksi, esineen läsnäoloksi, läsnäolon arvoksi. merkitys tietoisuudelle, itsenäisyys niin sanotussa elävässä puheessa ja itsetietoisuudessa?" Tyypillistä idealistipotaskaa. Tämä paradigma periytyi juutalaisuudesta ja hellenismistä. Hän kuvailee logosentrismiä fallokraattiseksi, patriarkaaliseksi ja maskuliniseksi.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 226: Brachan kekkaama "matriisinen katse" käyttää matriisia symbolina vastustaakseen Lacanin fallista katsetta. (Ei sentään pillua.) Samalla tavalla kuin Lacanin muotoilu, joka on metaforinen viittaus anatomiaan pohtimaan symbolista maskuliinista voimaa, matriisi on metaforinen viittaus kohtuun (matriisi - kohtu), jotta voidaan keskustella ihmisen etiikan ja suhteellisuuden alkuperästä. Tämä muutos ei ollut pelkästään elimen (peniksen) ja sen kuvan vaihtaminen toiseen (kohtuun), vaan falloksen rakenteen, mekanismin, toimintojen ja logiikan vaihtoehdon keksiminen. Pollockin (kolja) mukaan Ettingerin matriisinen sfääri antaa meille mahdollisuuden paeta "käsityksestä diskreetistä ja yksittäisestä subjektista, joka muodostuu sellaisten rajojen asettamisesta, jotka erottavat sen maailman tai äidin ruumiin valtamerestä tai erilaistumattomasta toiseudesta". Pollock huomauttaa, että fallos- ja kastraatioahdistuksen termeissä ajattelu ohjaa aiheita "erotteluihin, halkeamiin, leikkauksiin ja halkeamiin". Venn lisää, että matriisin avulla katseen käsite ulottuu visuaalisen alueen ulkopuolelle kosketukseen, ääneen ja liikkeeseen. Kai koska kohtua voi vaan tunnustella päältäpäin, kun taas moloon voi tarrata kaxin käsin kii, ottaa poskeen ja/tai runkata.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 463: Nojautuen ranskalaiseen perinteeseen, joka kuhisee hirviömäisiä tyyppejä (esim. kirjailija Louis-Ferdinand Célineä ), ja hämmentäen aihetta, joka perustuu "likaan" (esim. keittiöpsykoanalyytikko Jacques Lacan), Julia Kristeva kehitti ajatuksen "abjekti" sellaisexi, jonka sosiaalinen järki hylkää kun se häiritsee yhteisöllistä konsensusta, joka tukee yhteiskuntajärjestystä. "Abjekti" esiintyy vastenmielisesti jossain objektin ja subjektin välissä, edustaen minän tabuelementtejä kuten esim. runkkuisia kyrpiä ja perseitä, jotka ovat tuskin seipäällä erotettavissa toisistaan. Kristeva väittää, että subjektiksi määritellyn – osaksi itseäsi – ja objektin – itsestäsi riippumattoman olemassa olevan – rajamailla on palasia, jotka on kerran luokiteltu osaksi itseään tai identiteettiä, mutta jotka on sittemmin hylätty – abjekteja. Kristevan abjection-käsitettä käytetään yleisesti analysoimaan suosittuja kulttuurisia kertomuksia kauhusta ja syrjivästä käyttäytymisestä, joka ilmenee naisvihana, homofobiana ja kansanmurhina. Kriittisessä teoriassa abjektio ("hylky/heittiömäisyys") on tila, jossa ollaan erossa normeista ja säännöistä, erityisesti yhteiskunnan ja moraalin tasolla. Termiä on tutkittu poststrukturalismissa sellaisena, joka luonnostaan häiritsee tavanomaista ranskalaista kermaperse identiteettiä ja kulttuurisia käsitteitä.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 507: Ädistä erillisen identiteettinsä kehittymisen erottamisprosessi tunnetaan tona abjektiona, jossa lapsen täytyy hylätä äiti ja siirtyä pois äidistä iskän sykkyyn päästäkseen jämerämpään kielen, kullin, kulttuurin, merkityksen ja sosiaaliseen maailmaan. Tätä kielen valtakuntaa kutsutaan symboliseksi ja se erotetaan semiotiikasta siinä mielessä, että se liittyy maskuliiniseen, lakiin ja rakenteeseen. Mutta typyillä jatkuva samaistuminen äitiin voi johtaa siihen, mihkä Kristeva viittaa Black Sunissa (1989) melankoliaksi (masennus), koska naispuoliset lapset samanaikaisesti hylkäävät äitihahmon ja samastuvat siihen.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 513: Carrie Whiten hahmo osoittaa, mitä tapahtuu, kun naiset saavat vallan eikä heitä enää tukahdu. Carrie voisi esittää yleisölleen viestin, että heidän on elettävä patriarkaalisessa maailmassa, ja jos he epäonnistuvat onnistuneesti integroitumaan, niin tästä tulee ja täältä pesee.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 618: Mutta tiedättekö (Wajdi Mouawad työskenteli aiheen parissa): tämän "sisäisen kosketuksen" tutkimiseksi ja sen saattamiseksi olemassa yhteiskunnallisesti, yksinäisyyden ulkopuolella olevaa aikaa vaaditaan vertikaalisesti sosiaaliseen aikaan, tavaroiden tuotantoa ja seksuaalista lisääntymistä. Halujen ja väkivallan räjähdys, yhteydet ja irtiyhteydet, toimittu ja kärsitty tuhoisuus, koettu ja vältetty kuolema. Shynti, ahdishtush. Rakastan tärppisanoja. Ja tämä pysyvä matka ajattomuudesta aikaan, kapinaan ja ylösnousemukseen omassa ja itsensä ulkopuolella on mahdollista vain, jos ja vain, jos pystyn sijoittamaan (muista tämä sana) tekoon ja itse ilmaisuvälineeseen (sana, ääni, ele), imagoa, näyttämötilaa ja uusia teknologioita, koska jokaisessa taiteilijassa on ”runoilija”) ja siten pysyäkseni runollisen sanonnan nykyhetkessä, anch'io son pittore.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 640: Valkoisesta pisteestä mustaan pisteeseen/ missä on kirjoitettu/ ilman/ päivä, ilman yötä, vetovoima/ sanojen vetäytyminen/ merien... Piilotetut esineet/ ovat lauseita/ minne piiloudun/ don älä unohda rakkautta. /Kirjekuori/ on hiljaisuus. Esittää / kirjoittamasi / kuunnella kirjojen hiljaisuutta. Kirjoittaminen antaa mahdollisuuden ajatella. Se on elämän/muisto./Sen avulla voit unohtaa/kärtyä, sen avulla voit rakastaa, sen avulla voit olla yhdessä/ympärillä, yksinäisyydessä./Kirjoittaminen saa sinut matkustamaan/ Kun haluamme/tai emme halua /…/Kirjoittaminen...
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 188: Enneadilla tarkoitetaan muinaisen Egyptin jumalryhmää. Nimitys tulee kreikankielisestä sanasta, joka tarkoittaa yhdeksää. Muinaisegyptiläiset käyttivät jumalryhmästä nimeä Pesed-jet. Jumalryhmässä saattoi nimestä huolimatta olla joko enemmän tai vähemmän kuin yhdeksän jumalaa plus maalivahti. Jokaisella tärkeällä uskonnollisella keskuksella oli oma enneadinsa. Yksi kuuluisimmista enneadeista on Heliopoliin kaupungissa (muinaisegyptinkieliseltä nimeltään Iunu) vallalla ollut jumalyhdeksikkö. Siihen kuuluivat luolajumala Atum, hänen poikansa Shoe ja tyttärensä Tefnut, Shun ja Tefnutin avioliitosta syntynyt poika Geb ja tytär Nut sekä Gebin ja Nutin avioliitosta syntyneet kaksi poikaa Osiris ja Seth ja kaksi tytärtä Isis ja Neftys. Osirixen ja Isixen nimeen, olet kana!
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 345: Ei; järjestäytyneestä kehosta ja jostain muusta, sanokaamme valo, jonka sielu antaa itsestään, se muodostaa erillisen periaatteen, Animate; ja tähän periaatteeseen kuuluvat aistihavainnointi ja kaikki muut kokemukset, joiden havaittiin kuuluvan Animatelle.
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 356: 8. Ja mikä on suhteemme älylliseen periaatteeseen? Tällä tarkoitan, en sitä sielun kykyä, joka on yksi emanaatioista älyllisestä periaatteesta, vaan itse älyllisestä periaatteesta [Jumalainen mieli].
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 362: Ja kuinka me omistamme jumaluuden? Siinä, että jumaluus sisältyy älylliseen periaatteeseen ja Aito olemassaolo; ja olemme kolmanneksi järjestyksessä näiden kahden jälkeen, ikäänkuin pronssipallilla. Meidät muodostaa korkeimman, jakamattoman sielun liitto - luemme - ja se sielu, joka on jaettu [elävien] ruumiiden kesken. Sillä huomaa, me väistämättä ajattele Sielua, vaikka se onkin jakamaton Kaikessa, olevan läsnä jaossa olevat ruumiit: sikäli kuin kaikki ruumiit ovat eläviä, sielua on jokaiselle erilliselle materiaalimassalle; tai pikemminkin se näkyy olevan läsnä kehoissa sillä tosiasialla, että se loistaa niihin: se tekee he eivät ole eläviä olentoja sulautumalla ruumiiseen vaan luovuttamalla, ilman mikä tahansa muutos itsessään, kuvia tai samankaltaisuuksia itsestään, kuten yhdestä kasvosta selfie monilla peileillä tai mobiileilla.
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 505: Claire saapui Pisaan huhtikuussa Shelleyn kutsusta, ja pian sen jälkeen he kuulivat, että hänen tyttärensä Allegra oli kuollut lavantautiin Ravennassa. Mary melkein kuoli keskenmenoon 16. kesäkuuta, ja hänen henkensä pelasti vain Shelleyn tehokas suusta suuhun ensiapu. Kaksi päivää myöhemmin Shelley kirjoitti ystävälleen, ettei Maryn ja hänen välillä ollut sympatiaa ja jos menneisyys ja tulevaisuus voitaisiin hävittää, hän olisi tyytyväinen Janen kirkkoveneeseen ja kitaraansa.
xxx/ellauri358.html on line 104: Erään heidän nussiretkensä tuloksena Catherine tutustuu läheisen Rastaantien moision väkeen, herra ja rouva Lintoniin ja heidän lapsunsa Isabellaan ja Edgariin. Heidän vaikutuxesta hankin alkaa pitää huolta ulkonäöstään ja kuinkas ollakaan Catherine suostuu hienostuneeseen ja hillittyyn Edgariin,otta sen varattomana aviomiehekseen. Kuultuaan tästa Heathcliff katma koimekse vuodeksi, kunnes palaa ja tapaa Catherinen Rasta-mansion emäntänä. Han houkuttelee Edgarin sisaren parittelemaan ja avioitumaan kanssaan päästäkseen kasikst omaisuuteen ja kostaakseen Catherinelle ja Edgarille. Cather sarastuu vakavasti, synnyttää kuitenkin Edgarille tyttären, Cathyn, mutta menehtyy pian synnytyksen jälkeen. Isabella tulee tuntemaan Heathcliffin paholaismaisen luonteen. Han karkaa saman luota ja synnyttaa pakomatkallaan pojan, Lintonin. Heathcliff ottaa Isabellan kuoltua haltuunsa Humisevan harjun halot huolimatta oppimattomista käytöstavoistaan.
xxx/ellauri358.html on line 218: Pojat samastuvat isin kikkeliin ja tytöt äidin -- ei pilluun vaan munan puutteeseen! Juupa juu Lacan, toi olikin aika paxua.
xxx/ellauri358.html on line 272: 19-vuotias virginialainen Nate osallistui aborttioikeutta vastustaneeseen mielenosoitukseen Yhdysvaltain korkeimman oikeuden edessä toukokuussa 2022. Kuukautta myöhemmin tuomarit kumosivat perustuslaillisen oikeuden aborttiin. Kyllä kannatti!
xxx/ellauri358.html on line 280: – Nuoret aikuiset ovat todella polarisoituneita. Se liittyy kapitalismin kasaantumisvaiheeseen, tuloerojen revähtämiseen, kasvaneeseen tasa-arvoon ja ilmastokatastrofin aiheuttamaan kansainvaelluxeen, sanoo ryöstetty Rasmus mestariezivä.
xxx/ellauri358.html on line 316: Z-sukupolviset vastaa 75 Hard haasteeseen. 75 päivänä pitää juoda gallona vettä päivässä, käydä salilla ja lukea 10 sivua ihan mitä tahansa. Liikuntahaaste oli helpointa, veden juonti meni, mutta se 10s/päivä oli tosi haasteellista. Z-sukupolvi ja boomerit on ihan eri sukupolvea!
xxx/ellauri361.html on line 50: Pieni tyttö meni huoneeseensa ja otti piilostaan esiin lasipurkin. Hän kaatoi siinä olevat pikkurahat lattialle ja laski ne moneen kertaan. Siinä oli 27 ruplaa ize ansaittuja ja 100 ruplaa viettelijältä saatuja.
xxx/ellauri361.html on line 102: - ylennetty reservin majuriksi 4.6.1993
xxx/ellauri361.html on line 106: - Sininen Reservi ry:n hallituksen jäsen 1998 - 2000, puh.joht 2001- 2003
xxx/ellauri361.html on line 108: - Sinisen Reservin Säätiön hallituksen jäsen 1999 -2001, varapj. 2002 – 2004
xxx/ellauri361.html on line 128: - Sinisen Reservin ansioristi nro 11, 5.12.2003
xxx/ellauri361.html on line 139: - Sinisen Reservin Vesikon pienoismalli 16.12.2000
xxx/ellauri361.html on line 189: Tolstoin ystävä Anatoli Koni kertoi Tolstoille tarinan miehestä, joka oli tullut hänen luokseen hakemaan oikeusapua. Tämä mies oli nuorena vietellyt 16-vuotiaan kauniin orpotytön, joka oli viety nuoren miehen sukulaisen kotiin tämän vanhempien kuollessa. Vedellyt sitä tarmokkaasti suurella sukunuijalla edestä ja takaa. Kun hänen hyväntekijänsä huomasi tytön raskaana olevan tilan, hän ajoi hänet pois. Viettelijänsä hylkäämästä tytöstä tuli prostituoitu toivottomien yritysten ansaita rehellistä toimeentuloa jälkeen. Tyttö, joka havaittiin varastaneen rahaa yhdeltä humalaiselta "vieraalta" bordellissa, pidätettiin (ei sentään ammuttu kuten Texasissa 2014). Asiaa käsitelleeseen tuomaristoon kohtalo asetti hänen viettelijänsä. Hänen omatuntonsa heräsi hänen käytöksensä epäoikeudenmukaisuuteen, ja hän päätti mennä naimisiin tytön kanssa, joka tuomittiin neljäksi kuukaudeksi vankeuteen. Koni päätti tarinansa kertomalla, että pari todella meni naimisiin, mutta pian hänen tuomionsa umpeutumisen jälkeen tyttö kuoli lavantautiin. Phew huokasi kaveri. Saved by the gong.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 101: Gadamerin työn voidaan nähdä keskittyneenä neljälle pääalueelle: ensimmäinen ja selvästi vaikuttavin on filosofisen hermeneutiikan kehittäminen ja jalostaminen; toinen on dialogi filosofian sisällä ja filosofian historian sisällä erityisesti Platonin ja Aristoteleen, mutta myös Hegelin ja Heideggerin välillä; kolmas on koukuttuminen kirjallisuuteen, erityisesti runouteen, ja taiteeseen; ja neljäs on se, mitä Gadamer itse kutsuu "käytännön filosofiaksi" (Gadamer 2001, 78–85), joka kattaa E.Saarisen elämäntyön tavoin kaikki nykyajan poliittiset ja eettiset kysymykset.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 110: Yksi seuraus Gadamerin ennakkoluulojen kuntouttamisesta on myönteinen arvio auktoriteetin ja perinteen roolista legitiiminä tiedon lähteenä, ja tämä on usein nähty, tunnetun Jürgen Habermasin toimesta, osoituksena Gadamerin ideologisesta konservatiivisuudesta – Gadamer itse piti sitä pelkkänä etuna. tarjoamalla kunnollisen korjauksen kommunismin aikana tapahtuneeseen ylireaktioon näitä ideoita vastaan.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 130: Hän arvosteli perinteistä saksalaisten humanistien "elämä ja teos-" lähestymistapaa, missä saadaan yhteys kirjoittajan ajatuksiin, jotka johtivat tekstin luomiseen (Schleiermacher), tai tilanteeseen, joka johti ko. ilmaisuun (Dilthey).
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 189: katseeseen. Foucault pitää sitä yhteiskunnan eri osa-alueille soluttautuneen vallan kaavana. CCTV valvoo grafitisteja joka kadunkulmassa.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 263: kasvavat teollisuudenalat, kuten tekstiiliteollisuus, hyötyivät ojennuslaitosten halvasta ja karttuvasta työreservistä.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 283: Vankilajohdon näkökulmasta vankien järjestäytyminen kytkeytyi kärjistyneeseen
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 466: jakautuu mielisairauden, rajatilan ja terveyden asteeseen, jolloin taipumus
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 680: Hänet koulutettiin asianajajaksi mutta hän ei koskaan harjoittanut, sillä hänet kutsuttiin baariin vuonna 1769. Bentham oli useaan otteeseen ihastunut naisiin ja kirjoitti seksistä. Hän ei koskaan ollut naimisissa eikä paxuna punkerona päässyt paljon naimaankaan.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 682: During his youthful visits to Bowood House, the country seat of his patron Lord Lansdowne, he had passed his time at falling unsuccessfully in love with all the ladies of the house, whom he courted with a clumsy jocularity, while playing chess with them or giving them lessons on the harpsichord. Hopeful to the last, at the age of eighty he wrote again to one of them, recalling to her memory the far-off days when she had "presented him, in ceremony, with the flower in the green lane".
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 721: Dilthey syntyi Biebrichissä lähellä Mainzia pappisperheeseen, jossa harrastettiin paljon kulttuuria, erityisesti kirkkomusiikkia ja suositeltavaa kirjallisuutta. Teologian opinnot eivät kuitenkaan tyydyttäneet Diltheyta, ja hän vaihtoi ne filosofiaan Berliinin yliopistossa. Dilthey väitteli tohtoriksi Berliinissä 1864. Historialliset opinnot ja filosofia vieraannuttivat hänet uskonnosta. Äidilleen hän kirjoitti, että häntä riivasi tiedonjano, jota papan uskonto ei voi tyydyttää. Hänen kiinnostuksensa uskontoa kohtaan kuitenkin säilyi läpi elämän, samoin kuin jonkinlainen romantikoilta omaksuttu pantyhose maailmankatsomus. Hänen lukeneisuutensa määrä oli miltei käsittämätön, tosin ei se lukemastaan paljon muistanut. Hän kirjoitti paasauxia filosofian historiasta Spinozasta Wolffiin ja Kantiin, Schellingistä Comteen ja Schopenhaueriin, Schleiermacherista Nietzscheen. Multa puuttuu vielä muutama, ainakin Wolff ja Comte. Baselissa (eräänlainen Kouvola) hän kirjoitti suurtyötään Schleiermacherin elämäkertaa sekä tärkeitä tekeleitä kuten Goethe und die dichterische Phantasie ja merkittävään kulttuurifilosofiseen esseekokoelmaansa Das Erlebnis und die Dichtung.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 733: Filosofiassa Diltheysta on jonkin verran kirjoittanut Juha Varto ja laajemmin Erna Oesch. Oeschilla on tekeillä ensimmäinen väitöskirjatasoinen tutkimus Diltheyn filosofiasta työnimeltään Empirie nicht Empirismus – Towards a Critique of Hermeneutical Reason. Väikkäri näyttää nuupahtaneen lisurixi 2018. Senjälkeen Erna on vaikuttanut Tampereella tittelillä Researcher and independent scholar. Erna hasn't posted yet.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 779: Sombartin Wernerin takomaa termiä Spätkapitalisumus käytettiin 1960-luvulla Saksassa ja Itävallassa, kun länsimaiset marxilaiset kirjoittivat Frankfurtin koulukunnan ja austromarxismin perinteeseen. Leo Michielsen ja Andre Gorz suosittelivat termiä "uuskapitalismi" Ranskassa ja Belgiassa uusilla analyyseillä uudesta sodanjälkeisestä kapitalismista. Jacques Derridakin (ranu) piti uuskapitalismista parempana kuin sakemannien post- tai myöhäiskapitalismia. Theodor Adorno piti "myöhäiskapitalismia" parempana kuin "teollista yhteiskuntaa", joka oli Saksan sosiologien 16. kongressin teemana vuonna 1968.
xxx/ellauri366.html on line 74: Koko Suomi harjoittelee nyt sotaa – reservin yliluutnantti ja kapteeni kertovat taktiikasta, johon muut maat eivät ole pystyneet! Sillä Suomi tulee lyömään kaikki muut ja nousee maapallon valtiaaxi!
xxx/ellauri366.html on line 75: Lapin Nato-harjoituksen lisäksi myös koko eteläisessä Suomessa harjoitellaan. Puolustusvoimat, reserviläiset ja viranomaiset kehittävät paikallisen tason varautumista paikallispyllistysharjoituksessa. Jokainen varaa paljon pahaa vettä kertakäyttömuovipulloissa plus lyhyitä makaroneja kuukauden mittaisen ydinsodan varalle.
xxx/ellauri366.html on line 102: Juoneeseen osallistuneiden joukossa oli Abddu Khalid, 15-vuotias somali Ruåzin maahanmuuttaja, jolla oli Aspergerin oireyhtymä. Khalid, nuorin koskaan länkkäreissä terrorismirikoksista syytteeseen asetettu henkilö, liittyi lopulta Quilliam-säätiöön taistelemaan radikalisoitumistaan vastaan.
xxx/ellauri366.html on line 126: Hän alkoi elää kadulla ja työskennellä prostituoituna, ja hän joutui riippuvuuteen heroiinista ja kokaiinista. Kun neuvonantaja Switch Ollie soitti isälle, hän myönsi ilman katumusta: "Joo, raiskasin hänet." Häntä ei koskaan asetettu syytteeseen rikoksista, ja hän kuoli vuonna 2010. Tälläistä on jenkeissä.
xxx/ellauri366.html on line 158: Lars Vilks Muhammedin piirustuskiista alkoi heinäkuussa 2007 ruotsalaisen taiteilija Lars Vilksin piirustussarjalla, jossa islamilainen profeetta Muhammed kuvattiin kiertokulkukoirana katurondellissa Ruotsissa. Useat ruotsalaiset taidegalleriat kieltäytyivät näyttämästä piirustuksia turvallisuussyistä ja väkivallan pelosta. Kiista sai kansainvälistä huomiota sen jälkeen, kun Örebron aluelehti Nerikes Allehanda julkaisi yhden piirustuksista 18. elokuuta osana itsesensuuria ja uskonnonvapautta käsittelevää pääkirjoitusta.
xxx/ellauri366.html on line 170: Vilksin koirojen toinen hylkääminen aloitti kiihkeän keskustelun Ruotsin tiedotusvälineissä itsesensuurista ja sananvapaudesta. Ruotsin oikeistopääministeri Fredrik Reinfeldt kommentoi asiaa 31. elokuuta ja sanoi: "Mielestäni on tärkeää sanoa kaksi pointtia. Ensinnäkin haluamme varmistaa, että Ruotsi pysyy maana, jossa muslimit ja kristityt, ihmiset, jotka uskovat Jumalaan ja ihmiset, jotka eivät usko Jumalaan vaan koiriin, voivat elää rinnakkain keskinäisen kunnioituksen hengessä. Toisexikin: hahaha lällällää.
xxx/ellauri366.html on line 361: Sotatilanteen vuoksi voisi kuvitella pakinoiden ”ryssänviha”-aspektin ja venäläisyyden demonisoimisen korostuneen. Ollin pakinoissa oli tästäkin esimerkkejä. Hänen mukaansa venäläiset olivat aina olleet rosvoja ja ryöstäjiä, eikä tähän perusluonteeseen vaikuttanut, kuka tai minkä niminen järjestelmä venäläisiä johtaisi. Ja mitä venäläiset eivät ryöstä, sen he likaavat ja turmelevat.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 66: Olli Oravan syyspuuhat. Jussi Jänixen kaveri Olli Orava paljastaa syyn onnettomaan Venäjä-virheeseensä.Iltalehden totuus minusta -ohjelmassa presidenttiehdokas Olli Rehn paljastaa syyn ministerinä tekemäänsä onnettomaan Venäjä-päätökseen. Risto Orava maxoi Wolfram Rothin palkan stipendinä, jonka ansiosta Wolfram raataa töissä vielä pushing eighty.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 74: Oliko Tampereella 1933 kääntäjä Jens Hilden se Sara Hildenin adoptiolapsi? Oli takuulla, Jensin tytärkin on Sara. Kenties Jens olikin jonkun Jussi Jänixen Saaralle vaikka Ruåzin reissulla epähuomiossa pukkaama oma lapsi! Sara Hildén os. Saara Kadell oli izekin lehtolapsi Lempäälästä jolla oli sittemmin rättikauppoja Tampereella ja Lahessa. 40-vuotiaana nai parikymppisen juopon maalarin eikä niillä keskenään ollut lapsia. Vain massia ja maalauxia. Sara lähetti Jensin Ruåziin sotalapsexi 1942 ja 1947 se jäikin sinne. Sarasta tuli muotialan liikenainen ja taidemesenaatti. Sen hautakivessä on sitaatti joltain ranu maalarilta joka sanoo että sitten kun taulut ovat joutavia on piru merrassa. Nyze on. Druzhinin Polina ei perustanut Sacksin haalistuneista tauluista joissa oli lehmiä ja rosvoja.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 107: Enimmäkseen rakastavan äitinsä Gladysin kasvattama Elvis viettää lapsuutensa Tupelon köyhimmissä osissa Mississippissä löytääkseen lohtua musiikista ja kapteeni Marvel Jr: n sarjakuvaseikkailuista. Elvixen manageri "eversti" Tom Parker oli hollantilainen laiton maahanmuuttaja Andreas van Kuijk, armeijakarkuri, uhkapeluri ja huijari. Parker luulee Elvistä ensin mustaxi. Vaikka olen valkoinen munani on musta. Minä olen musta, mutta ihana, te Jerusalemin tyttäret, kuin Keedarin teltat, kuin Salomon seinäverhot. Jaa-a jos minä olen musta olen minä moonilta ka-a-aivattu. Mustat kädet yhteen hakkaa musiikki ei koskaan lakkaa. Hannista kaliman kalini banaana e-e-e a-oo e. Mikä hasardi, no emme petä. Omaan perseeseen, hän vetää, Suuhun banana! Gimme dat gimme dat gimme dat banana, kisawea!
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 111: Melvis toi ilkeän räikeän vulgaarisen seksuaalisen kiihkon Amerikan suosittuihin taiteisiin. Ed Sullivan havaitsi soodapullon Presleyn housuissa, muttei samalla tavalla sijoitettua banaania, wc-rullaputkea tai lyijykynää. Vaikka Melvistä markkinoitiin heteroseksuaalisuuden ikonina, hänen imagonsa oli epäselvä. Presley ei koskaan viihtynyt Hollywood-skenessä, ja useimmat naissuhteista olivat merkityksettömiä. Asepalveluksessa Länsi-Saksassa Elvis tapaa 14-vuotiaan Priscilla Possun, Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimien lentäjän teini - ikäisen tyttären. Elvisin ongelmallinen käytös ja reseptilääkkeiden riippuvuus valtaa hänet, ja epätoivoinen Priscilla eroaa hänestä tämän 38-vuotissyntymäpäivänä ja ottaa mukaansa heidän tyttärensä Lisa Marien.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 125: 18. lokakuuta 1974 Greenin tyttöystävä Mary Woodson hyökkäsi hänen kimppuunsa ja kuoli sitten itsemurhaan hänen Memphisin kodissaan. Vaikka Greenin tietämättä hän oli jo naimisissa ja hänellä oli kolme lasta, Woodson suuttui, kun Green kieltäytyi naimasta hiäntä. Hiän kasteli hänet kattilalla kiehuvia rouheita, kun hän valmistautui nukkumaan kylpyhuoneessa, aiheuttaen toisen asteen palovammoja hänen selkään, vatsaan ja käsivarsiin, jotka vaativat ihosiirteitä. Pian tämän jälkeen Woodson ampui itsensä tappavasti .38-käsiaseellaan. Poliisi löysi ilmeisesti Greenin käsialalla kirjoitetun itsemurhaviestin Woodsonin laukusta, jossa kerrottiin hänen aikeistaan ja syistä. Muutama päivä aikaisemmin Green oli lähettänyt Woodsonin toipumaan ystävänsä kotiin sen jälkeen, kun tämä oli ottanut kourallisen unilääkkeitä ja viiltoja ranteeseensa. Green mainitsi tämän tapauksen herätyksenä muuttaa hänen elämänsä. Paljonpa se muuttuikin! Ei kuitenkaan niin paljon kuin Woodsonin. Woodsonin suikki oli jumalan varoitus Al Greenelle.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 160: Amerikkalainen säveltäjä ja kapellimestari Leonard Bernstein sanoi: "Elvis Presley on suurin kulttuurinen voima 1900-luvulla." Hän on yksi tärkeimmistä ja vaikutusvaltaisimmista amerikkalaisista. Suurimman osan aikuisiästään Presley, joka oli noussut köyhyydestä rikkauteen ja kuuluisuuteen, oli kuvannut amerikkalaista unelmaa. Viimeisinä vuosinaan ja hänen kuolemansa jälkeisiä olosuhteitaan koskevien paljasteiden jälkeen hänestä tuli liiallisuuden ja ahneuden symboli. Yhä enemmän huomiota kiinnitettiin hänen hänen puutteelliseen kasvatukseensa ja halukkuuteensa rikkaaseen, raskaaseen eteläiseen ruoanlaittoon kuten paistettuun kanapihviin ja kekseihin sekä kastikkeeseen. Erityisesti hänen rakkautensa paistettua maapähkinävoita, banaania ja (joskus) pekonivoileipiä kohtaan, nykyään "Elvis-voileipinä", alkoi symboloida amerikkalaista unelmaa.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 181: Pertti oli positivisti eikä mikään humanisti. Idealistit on aina oikislaisia ja vassarit materialisteja. Materialistit ovat thesein puolella vastoin phuseita, koska phusein mukaan nokintajärjestys on jumalalta. Kehitysoppi sitten kyllä vähän murti vassarien vastustusta. Vaan ei kokonaan, sillä synnynnäinen paremmuus, vaikka luonnon valizema, ei siltikään oikein sovi vallankumousajatteluun. Poinzi on että me ollaan yhtä hyviä vaikka tällä haavaa alakynnessä.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 266: Kerran hän käytti paljon rahaa ja osti minulle lahjaksi maalauksia, jotka olivat täysin haalistuneita. Ja mitä kuvia! Joitakin lehmiä tai rosvoja vuorten välissä. Ja osti myös patsaita, joita oli noloa laittaa huoneeseeni. Sänkyni yläpuolelle hän ripusti vanhan muotokuvan erittäin kauniista naisesta ja sanoi, että tämä on Pyhä Cecilia. Mistä hän sai sellaisen nakupellen pyhimyksen, Jumala tietää.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 268: Kostya kertoi minulle samalla, että George Sand ei ollut mies, vaan nainen ja että siksi ymmärtäisin ja rakastaisin hänen teoksiaan todennäköisemmin. Ah, mon ange, jos tämä on todella nainen, hän on niin häpeämätön ja niin tylsä. Yhdessä hänen romaaneistaan mies livahtaa nuoren tytön makuuhuoneeseen ja seisoo hänen sängyn vieressä koko yön! Mitä vittua?! Niissä kirjoissa, jotka toit täysihoitolaan, oli samanlaisia tapauksia, mutta ne oli niin hauskoja, että vaikka tiedät sen olevan huonoa, niin naurat. Mutts nämä kirjat olivat niin tylsiä, että lopetin seuraavana päivänä.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 348: Venäjän valistajalla pyhällä Vladimirilla (15.7.) oli kaksitoista poikaa, joista Boris ja Gleb, kristillisiltä nimiltään Roman Yangarber ja David Pesetsky, olivat nuorimmat. Heidän äitinsä oli Vladimir Putinin kristitty vaimo, bysanttilainen prinsessa Anna. Boris ja Gleb saivat puhtaasti kristillisen kasvatuksen ilman pakanauskontojen vaikutusta, toisin kuin Vladimirin vanhemmat pojat. Nuoruudestaan asti he erottuivat sixi veljesten joukossa lempeydellään ja hurskaudellaan. Isältään he saivat hallittavaksi Rostovin ja Muroman ruhtinaskunnat. Vanhempi veli Svjatopolk kadehti veljeksiä. Vladimirin kuoltua hän päätti raivata heidät tieltään.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 869: Pelko, viha, suru ja ilo ovat affekteja eli mielenliikutuxia, jotka suuntautuvat johkin kohteeseen. Loput ovat tunnelmia eli mielialoja, jotka eivät.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 73: He then opened a restaurant called "Les Trois Continents" in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Burke, Virginia at Rolling Valley Mall. The restaurant served hamburgers, Vietnamese cuisine, and pizza, but was described as more of a pizzeria. Adams later apologized in person to Loan and his family for the damage his photograph did to his reputation.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 107: Kohdattuaan monia esteitä matkan varrella Marlow'n höyrylaiva pääsee lopulta Kurtziin. Kurtz on ottanut komennon alkuperäiskansojen heimoon, jota hän nyt palkkaa suorittamaan ratsioita ympäröiville alueille. Mies on selvästi sairas, fyysisesti ja psyykkisesti. Marlow joutuu uhkailemaan häntä lähtemään heidän kanssaan, joten Kurtz aikoo toteuttaa "valtavia suunnitelmiaan". Höyrylaivan kääntyessä takaisin tielle, jolla se tuli, Marlow'n miehistö ampuu aiemmin Kurtzin vallan alla olleeseen alkuperäiskansojen ryhmään, johon kuuluu kuningatarhahmo, jota Conrad kuvailee eroottisesti ja eksoottisesti.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 131: Character Analysis Kurtz's Native Mistress. The Congolese woman that rails against Kurtz's departure is a complete contrast to Kurtz's Intended. As the Intended is innocent and naïve, the native mistress is bold and powerful. Kurtz is a man of many lusts, and she embodies this part of his personality. She frightens the Harlequin because she finds him to be meddling with Kurtz too much; her threats to him eventually scare him into leaving the Inner Station.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 133: Character Analysis The Intended. Kurtz's fiancée is marked — like the Harlequin — by her absolute devotion to Kurtz. When Marlow visits her after his return from Africa, he finds that she has been dressed in mourning for more than a year and still yearns for information about how her love spent his last days. However, she is actually devoted to an image of Kurtz instead of the man himself: She praises Kurtz's "words" and "example," assuming that these are filled with the nobility of purpose with which Kurtz began his career with the Company. Her devotion is so absolute that Marlow cannot bear to tell her Kurtz's real last words ("The horror! The horror!") and must instead tell her a lie ("The whore! The whore!") that strengthens her already false impression of Kurtz. On a symbolic level, the Intended is like many Europeans, who wish to believe in the greatness of men like Kurtz without considering the more "dark" and hidden parts of their characters. Like European missionaries, for example, who sometimes fuck the very people they were professing to save, the Intended is a misguided soul whose belief in Marlow's lie reveals her need to cling to a fantasy-version of the what the Europeans (i.e., the Company) are doing in Africa.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 186: Varsinaisen suursuosion My Little Pony koki vasta 2010 alkaneen My Little Pony: Ystävyyden taikaa (engl. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) -sarjan kautta. Sarja synnytti myös niin sanotun brony-kulttuurin, jossa My Little Ponyn faneiksi tunnustautuivat ensimmäistä kertaa laajassa mittakaavassa myös miehet. Siis ilmeisesti kuitenkin etupiässä pervertit ja käteenvetäjät eikä pedofiilit. Bronies have received significant criticism and ridicule for their out of the mainstream interests. These criticisms include accusations that bronies are interested in My Little Pony for perverted sexual reasons involving bestiality. The term “clopping” refers to when someone masturbates to My Little Pony content.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 263: Söpöysmerkki (engl. cutie mark) on symboli, joka ilmestyy ponin kupeeseen tämän löydettyä oman erikoiskykynsä. Söpöysmerkki on uniikki jokaisella ponilla, eli kahdella ponilla ei ole mahdollista olla samaa merkkiä. Söpöysmerkki saadaan useimmiten varsana, vaikkei sille ole ikinä annettu tarkkaa ikää. Söpöysmerkkiä ei voi pakottaa ilmaantumaan, vaan se tulee kun on sen aika.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 303: Paholaisesta käytetään myös latinalaisperäistä nimeä Lucifer, joka sananmukaisesti merkitsee valon tuojaa ja jota on käytetty aamutaivaalla näkyvästä Venus-planeetasta, aamutähdestä eli Kointähdestä. Nimitys johtuu eräästä Jesajan kirjan katkelmasta, jossa varsinaisesti ennustetaan Babylonian kuninkaan kukistumista ja jossa häntä verrataan "taivaalta pudonneeseen kointähteen". Kristityt teologit ovat kuitenkin jo varhain tulkinneet tämän kohdan tarkoittavan saatanaa ja kuvaavan, miten hänet karkotettiin taivaasta.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 351: Putin said, “Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart.” And then he said, “Whoever wants it back has no brain.” All nations are made up. We invent these concepts of national identity. They’re filled with all sorts of myths. You must realize that Russia has a G.N.P. smaller than Texas. Netanjahu has earned a place next to all-time crooks like Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, and Ronald Reagan. We should be pivoting out of Europe to deal with China in a laser-like fashion, number one. And, number two, we should be working overtime to create friendly relations with the Russians. The Russians are part of our balancing coalition against China. what we have done with our foolish policies in Eastern Europe is drive the Russians into the arms of the Chinese. This is a violation of Balance of Power Politics 101.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 109: Mutta sisältyykö edustajainhuoneen hyväksymään 61 miljardin dollarin apupakettiin ”salainen tavoite”? Ukraina ei voi voittaa ryssää sotimalla, Yhdysvaltain asevoimien silloinen komentaja Mark Milley arvioi jo loppusyksystä 2022. Onko Ukrainan ajaminen rauhanneuvotteluihin mahdollinen taka-ajatus Yhdysvaltain kongressin poikkeuksellisen suuressa apupaketissa? Ennen tätä pakettia Yhdysvallat oli aiemmin toimittanut aseita ja kalustoa ”vain” 44 miljardin dollarin edestä. Kastehelmen mukaan Milleyn tilannekuva rakentuu ajatukseen, jossa Ukrainan on pärjättävä itsekseen ilman länsimaiden asevoimien interventiota eli suoraa sotilaallista puuttumista tilanteeseen. Ukrainalla ole takeita siitä, että se saa tulevaisuudessa Yhdysvalloilta enää yhtään mitään. Ulkopolitiikkaa ei voi tehdä Kumbaijaa-tyylillä, sanoi Barak Obama.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 138: Vanha kreivitär X. istui kammiossaan peilin edessä. Kolme neitsyttä ympäröi häntä. Yksi piti pune-astiaa, toinen hivusneulikkoa, kolmas korkeata, tulipunaisilla nauhoilla varustettua tanua. Kreivittärellä ei ollut vähintäkään vaatimusta ammon aikaa lakastuneesen kauneuteen, vaan säilytti nuoruutensa kaikki tavat, seurasi tarkalleen seitsenkymmenlu'un kuoseja ja pukeutui yhtä kauan, yhtä huolellisesti kuin kuusikymmentä vuotta sitte.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 154: - Te olette hirviö! sanoi vihdoin Lisaveta Ivanovna. Niinpä, Herman myönteli. Alkoi käydä pimeitä rappuja, kummallisten tunteiden valtaamana. "Näitä samoja portaita myöten — ajatteli hän — kenties kuusikymmentä vuotta takaperin, samaan makuuhuoneesen, tähän samaan aikaan, puettuna koruommeltuun kauhtanaan, kammattuna à l'oiseau royal, painaen rintaansa vasten kolmikolkkaista hattua, hiiviskeli onnellinen nuori mies, jo kauan sitte haudassa mädännyt; ja tänään lakkasi hänen rakastettunsa sydän sykkimästä…"
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 187: "The Thief of Bagdad" (1924) is a romantic fantasy-adventure starring Douglas Fairbanks and featuring Snitz Edwards, a star of Silent Hall of Fame. "The Thief of Bagdad" was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" in 1996.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 189: The Thief of Bagdad is a 1924 American swashbuckler film directed by Raoul Walsh and starring Douglas Fairbanks. Freely adapted from One Thousand and One Nights, it tells the story of a thief who falls in love with the daughter of the Caliph of Bagdad. In 1996, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry ...
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 230: Maaliskuussa 2015 Ukrainan sisäministeri Arsen Avakov ilmoitti, että Azovin rykmentti tulee olemaan ensimmäisten yksiköiden joukossa, joita Yhdysvaltain armeijan joukot kouluttavat Operation Fearless Guardian -koulutusoperaatiossa. Yhdysvaltain koulutus kuitenkin peruutettiin 12. kesäkuuta 2015, kun Yhdysvaltain edustajainhuone hyväksyi muutoksen, joka estää kaiken avun (mukaan lukien aseet ja koulutuksen) rykmentille sen uusnatsitaustan vuoksi. Muutos kuitenkin poistettiin myöhemmin marraskuussa 2015, kun James Carden kirjoitti The Nationissa, että "keskusteluun perehtynyt virkamies" kertoi hänelle, että "Pentagon painosti talon puolustusmäärärahojen komiteaa poistamaan Conyers- Yoho muutos lain tekstistä." Päätöstä vastusti Simon Wiesenthal -keskus, joka totesi, että kiellon poistaminen korosti holokaustin vääristymisen vaaraa Ukrainassa, sekä Likudin kansanedustaja, mutta Ukrainan juutalainen yhteisö tuki sitä.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 261: Dirlewanger vapautettiin ja palautettiin SS:n yleiseen reserviin hänen sodanaikaisen toverinsa ja paikallisen NSDAP-kaatotoverinsa Gottlob Bergerin henkilökohtaisen väliintulon jälkeen, joka oli myös Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmlerin pitkäaikainen henkilökohtainen ystävä ja josta oli tullut SS:n päällikkö. Päätoimisto (SS-Hauptamt, SS-HA). Frankfurtin yliopisto palautti myös hänen kunniatohtorin arvonsa.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 292: If Jews had any right to a have state of their own, then that state should have have been created in Europe, say in Ukraina. What is the legal justification of creating a Jewish state on occupied Islamic land, when these Jews were persecuted and slaughtered by the Europeans? Israel has proven itself to be genocidal entity by imprisoning, bombing and starving 2.3 million men, women and children of Gaza. This has become the best recorded genocide in the history of the world.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 305: Jews and Christians don't believe in killing innocent people with suicide bombers, genocide bombers work much better. We see you eye to eye about keeping women under extreme repression treating them as property and slaves, plus about preaching hate instead of love and killing innocent people because they don't believe what you do. I'm American, so don't come to our country except for cleaning purposes, and try to turn it into what you left. If you love what you are leaving just stay there. I mean in Egypt, not Israel, that is forever reserved for us and our likes.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 331: Presidentti Barack Obama tuli hiäntä kazomaan sairaalaan kukkapuska kädessä, kun hiän saapui kotiin. CBS sanoi, että hyökkääjien henkilöllisyys jäi epäselväksi ja että oli epätodennäköistä, että ketään saataisiin syytteeseen. Kaikki sadat Laran pepusta näpätyt kuvat salaperäisesti ylivalottuivat tai akut loppuivat.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 345: Syyskuussa 2021 Logan syytti Bidenin hallintoa "todisteiden piilottamisesta" COVID-19-rokotteen oletettavasti aiheuttamista sivuvaikutuksista. Hän jakoi myös valheellisen tarinan 27 Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimien lentäjästä, jotka erosivat valheuutissivuston Real Raw Newsilta COVID -19-rokotemandaatin vuoksi. Huolimatta jostain mediamehusta artikkelin alkuperäisen, epävakavan julkaisulähteen ympärillä, jossa viitattiin "27 eronneeseen lentäjään" tuolloin, julkaisu, joka sisälsi satiiria uutisten ohella, totuus on, että kokonaistarina on tosiasia. Pelkästään ilmavoimissa on kirjattu, että 40 lentomiestä erosi ilmavoimista, 14 muuta vapaaehtoisesti eläkkeellä ja 610 erotettiin pakollisesti (eli vapautettiin aktiivisesta palveluksesta), koska he kieltäytyivät COVID-19 -rokotteesta toimeksiannon aikana, mm. ilmavoimien Gina Ortiz Jones.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 425: In eight remarkable chapters of August 1914 (the so-called Stolypin cycle), Solzhenitsyn painted a portrait of the statesman Pyotr Stolypin, scourge of the revolutionary left and reactionary right alike and the last best hope for Russia’s salvation. Prime Minister of Russia from 1906 until 1911, Stolypin’s abiding concern was to promote far-reaching agrarian reforms that would lead to the creation of a “solid class of peasant proprietors” in Russia. He believed that a property-owning peasantry would provide the social basis for a revitalized monarchy in Russia. He was a “liberal conservative” who rejected pan-Slavist delusions and who advocated a monarchy that respected the rule of law, one that could govern in cooperation with a “society” that had an increasing stake in the existing social order. But unfortunately Stolypin was shot (in the presence of the Tsar) at the Kiev opera house in September 1911. His assassin was, quite strikingly, a double agent of the secret police and revolutionary terrorists!
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 435: Not that Mr. Solzhenitsyn has lacked defenders. Such an eminent spokesman for the Jewish community as Elie Wiesel, chronicler of the Holocaust and now a professor of the humanities at Boston University, is one of his supporters, asserting that Mr. Solzhenitsyn is an ''authentic hero.''
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 439: Lev Lossev, himself a Russian Jew, discussing the possibility of anti-Semitism in the works of Mr. Solzhenitsyn, expressed clearly his conviction that Mr. Solzhenitsyn was not anti-Semitic. But in presenting the adversary view, as a kind of devil's advocate, he used such words as ''snake'' and ''degenerate'' to describe the Jewish assassin portrayed in ''August 1914'' (words not used by Mr. Solzhenitsyn in the book), and it was thought that such terms beamed in Russian into the Soviet Union might have been misinterpreted.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 442: But in Solzhenitsyn's case, it's not racial! It has nothing to do with blood. He's certainly not a racist; the question is fundamentally religious and cultural. He bears some resemblance to Dostoyevsky, who was a fervent Christian and patriot and a rabid anti-Semite. Solzhenitsyn is unquestionably in the grip of the Russian extreme right's view of the Revolution, which is that it was the doing of Jews.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 446: Professor Ulam takes sharp issue with the charges against Mr. Solzhenitsyn. He acknowledges that the assassination of Stolypin ''lends itself'' to an anti-Semitic interpretation, but he continues: ''On balance, over all, taking into account all his work and his entire biography, I don't think you can call Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn an anti-Semite. He has a very sharp pen, I admit. He's extremely passionate. He has some sharp things to say about Jews. But he has sharp things to say about Russians who are not Jews. The most you might say about Solzhenitsyn is that he resents the intrusion of foreign influences into Russian life. But an anti-Semite? No. When you take his whole work and his whole life into account, you must say that he is not anti-Semitic and that he doesn't hate liberalism. He is inconsistent, perhaps, but many great people are inconsistent.' Am I contradicting myself? Okay, I am. I got space for multiplicity (Wilt Whatman).
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 492: Around 65,000 people have left their homes. Before October 2023, Hezbollah fighters would patrol in the open on the other side of the border fence, sometimes just metres from Israeli civilian homes. With the October 7th massacres foremost in everyone's minds, residents of Israel's north want guarantees that this situation will not return once the current round of fighting ceases. Some 100,000 Lebanese have left their own homes on the other side of the border. American diplomatic efforts to achieve some change in border arrangements are stymied. Hezbollah is the effective ruler of Lebanon, and apparently sees no reason for flexibility in this regard.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 498: So while Israel may draw some satisfaction from its attrition rate against Lebanese Hezbollah, the situation in the north is to Iran's advantage. It will remain so unless – until – Jerusalem can find a solution that removes Hezbollah from the border area. But let's genocide Gaza first. One step at a time.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 57: Kirjava miehistö esittää tuhmia jenkkipoikia jotka eivät pese vessaa eikä astioita, sikailee ja sotkee paikkoja. Onpa hienoa.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 213: Nej töö, se joka nimenomaan tässä yhteydessä on merkitsevää, on se, etteivät ihohuokosten moraaliset järjestelmät suinkaan ole yiumaallista alkuperää, vaan johtuvat vanhempien ja heidän edustajiensa kasvatus toimenpiteistä ja niiden vaikutuksusta pieneen tapareeseen. Keskeisiä näâs toimenpiteistä ovat ne, jotka kohdistuvat lapsen sukupuolisuutta vastaan. Lapsen panotoiveiden ja vanhempien esittämien estelyiden välillä alunperin valtinnut ristiriina jatkuu yksiön varttuessa sukupuolivietin ja moraalin välisenä vittumaisena ristiriitana. Moraalinct järjestelmät, jotka ниеkin очаt polotajuisia, ehkäisevät aikuusta naista tiedostamasta ninku sukupuolisuuden isinalaisuuksia ja hänen omaa piilotajuitta sielunelämäänså. Ne ruokkivat sukupuolisuuden torjuntaa (seksuaalivastarinta). Siinä myös selittyy, miksi yleisö kuohukzussaan settui vastustamaan havaintoa, että pikkulapsetkin ovat sukupuoliolentoja. Olisi kannattanut päästää natiaiset imuttamaan isiä ja sormittamaan äiskyä niin ei oisi tullut Hitlertä eikä holokaustia.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 223: Mitkä yhteiskunnalliset tekijät saavat yhteisön tukahduttamaan jäsenensä lahkeeseen kuin Folklistanin Jan Emmaus sensijaan että antaisi sen ponnahtaa kukkona esiin kalsarien tunkiosta esinahka taaxe rullattuna? Mixi kavahtaa sukupuolielimensä sukupuolisuutta ja yksilönä lähteä torjumaan omaa seksuaalisuuttaan?
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 227: Joka vakavasti ajattelee tätä asiaa, alkaa aavistella, ettei sexi sinänsä vaadi tukahduttamista ja torjuntatoimenpiteitä, vaan sexityön nykyiset muodot, ja on mielihyvin valmis uhraamaan nuo muodot poistaakseen lasten ja nuorten elämästä sanomattoman määrän kurjuutta. Silloin ei enää olekaan kysymys kulttuurista, vaan yhteiskuntajärjestyksestä. Tutkittaessa sukupuolisuuden tukahduttamisvaatimusten ja seksuaalıtorjunnan vaiheita käy ilmi, etteivät ne ajoitu kulttuurin apinavaiheeseen eivätkä siis ole kulttuurin syntymisen ja kehittymisen edellytyksiä. Ne ovat saaneet alkunsa suhteellisen myöhään ja alkaneet hahmottua autoritaarisen isänvallan ja luokkajaon syntyvaiheissa. Yhteisön kaikkien jäsenten sukupuoliset toiveet ja halut alkavat joutua vähemmistön taloudellisia etuja palvelemaan; isän oikeudellisesti hallitsema avioliitto ja perhe ovat tämän asiantilan kiinteä järjestymä. Kun sukupuolisuutta näin rajoitetaan ja tukahdutetaan, ihmisten tuntemistapa muuttuu, syntyy sukupuolisuuteen kielteisesti suhtautuva uskonto, joka vähitellen pystyttää oman seksuaalipoliittisen organisaationsa, nimittäin kirkon ja sen kaikki airueet, joiden ainoana tavoitteena on hävittää juurineen ihmisten sukupuolikalut, tervata perseet vielä kuonpuoleisessakin, ja saman tien liiskata sen vähäisen onnen, mitä heille maan päällä on tarjolla. Tämä on sosiologisesti hyvinkin perusteltua sikäli, että se liittyy ihmistyövoiman riistoon, joka nykyisın on ylimpia tavoitteita.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 229: Isänvaltais-autoritaarisen yhteiskunnan taloudelliset ja seksuaalicoomiset olosuhteet punoutuvat yhteen. Muuten patriarkaatın seksuaaliekonomiaa ja ideologisia prosesseja on mahdoton ymmärtää. Ne tulokset, joita on saatu kaikenikäisiä. kaikenmaalaisia, kaikenrotuisia ja kaikenluokkaısıa ihmisiä psykoanalyyttisesti tutkittaessa, osoittavat seuraavaa: Yhteiskunnan sosiaaliekonominen ja seksuaalinen rakenne kytkeytyvät toisiinsa ja alkavat uudessa yksilössä jatkua tämän eläessä neljättä ja viidettä ikävuottaan autoritaarisessa perheessä. Kirkko sitten vain tukee ja vie eteenpäin näin alkanutta hyvää kehitystä. Tästä aiheutuu autoritaarisen valtion suunnaton kunnostus autoritaariseen perheeseen ja huolenpito tämän säilymisestä: autoritaarinen perhe on autoritaarisen valtion rakenne- ja ideologiatehdas. Näin siis olemme löytäneet instituution, missä autoritaarisen järjestelmän seksuaalipoliittiset ja taloudelliset etuveitikkapyrkimykset solmiutuvat toisunsa.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 231: Nyt on syytä kysyä, miten tuo "solmu" (hihi) muodostuu ja vaikuttaa. Suhenkın saadaan vastaus analysoimalla taantumuksellisen ihmisen (vaikkapa työläisen, jos hän asennoituu taantumuksellisesti) luonteenomaista rakennetta: edellytyksenä tietysti on, että analyysiä suoritettaessa myös tämä erityiskysymys otetaan nimenomaisesti selvitettäväk51. Lapsen luontaisen sukupuolisuuden ehkäistyminen, jonka päätevaiheena on pikkulapsen genitaalien ankara kaventuminen, tekee lapsesta ahdistuneen, pelokkaan, auktoriteettiuskoisen, tottelevan eli autoritaarisesti arvioiden »kiltin ja helppohoitoisen». Se lamauttaa lapsen kapinallisuuden, koska jokaista välitöntä, elävää ja vapaudentahtoista siittimenliikettä ja mielitekoa alkaa myötäillä raskas ahdistuneisuus. Ihmisen tarve mukautua yhteisöön ja yhteisön kielteinen asenne sukupuoliseen ajatteluun johtavat kaiken ajattelun estymiseen ja kritiikittömyyteen. Perheen ja yhteisön kasvatus pyrki lyhyesti sanoen kehittämään autoritaariseen järjestelmään sopeutuvia, hädänalaisen asemansa ja alennustilansa uhallakin kärsivällisiä alamaisia. Tämän kehityksen alkuvaiheen lapsi elää perheensä autoritaarisessa pienoisvaltiossa, jonka rakenteeseen sen ensiksi on opittava sopeutumaan, jotta se myöhemmin pystyisi mukautumaan yhteiskunnan yleisiin puitteisiin. Ihmisen rakenne saadaan kehittymään autoritaarisen yhteisön edellyttämään suuntaan kytkemällä sukupuolisten yllykkeiden elävään kenttään tiukasti ja ajoissa seksuaalisia estymiä ja pelkoja. Tästä taktiikasta on ehdottomasti pidettävä kiinni!
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 233: Jos valitsemme esimerkiksi taantumuxellinen työläisperheen keskimääräisen vanhoillismielisen äidin, käy heti selväksi, miksi seksuaaliekonomia pitää perhettä autoritaarisen yhteiskuntajärjestyksen pilluakin tärkeämpänä ylläpitämıs ja jatkamiselimenä. Tällainen vanhoillinen perheenäiti näkee nälkää sinä missä vapaudentahtoinenkin; molemmat ovat taloudellisesti samassa asemassa mutta ensinmainittu äänestää fasisteja, jälkimmäinen kommunisteja. Jos vielä selvitämme, millainen on keskimääräisen vapaudentahtoisen työläisnaısen ja vastaavasti keskimääräisen vanhoillisen seksuaalinen ideologia, tämän ideologian ja viime kädessä ihmisen seksuaalirakenteen ratkaiseva merkitys käy ilmi. Sukupuolisuudenvastaiset, moraaliset estymät ehkäisevät vanhoillista naista tiedostamasta omaa "sitä yhtä paikkaa" ja sitovat hänet kirkkoon yhtä vahvasti kuin hän toisaalta kammoaa seksuaalibolshevismia. Teorian kannalta asiantila on raavaanlainen: Mekanistisesti ajatteleva vulgaarimarxilainen olettaa, et ihminen tiedostaa sosiaalisen asemansa erityisen selkeästi silloin, ku hänen taloudelliseen ahdinkoonsa vielä liittyy sukupuolinen puutteenalaisuus. Tämän olettamuksen mukaisesti nuorten naisten massien pitäisi olla paljon kapinallisempia kuin miesten siitinten. Todellisuudessa tilann on täsmälleen päinvastainen, ja ekonomisti, ahtaasti taloustieteeseen tunkeutuva teoreetikko jää neuvottomaksi. Hän ei jaksa käsittää, en taantumuksellisesti asennoitunut nainen on kertakaikkisen haluton edes kuuntelemaan hänen taloudellista ohjelmaansa, saati tarjoamaan peppua, kun taas kommunistinaaras levittää ilman eri käskyä.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 238: Sukupuolisuuden torjunta vahvistaa poliittisen taantumuksen kannatusta muutakin tietä kuin viimeksi kuvatulla tavalla, joka kehittää massayksilöt passiivisiksi ja epäpoliittiksi. Tuo torjunta näet luo yksilön rakenteeseen toissyntyisen voiman, epäperäisen asenteen, joka antautuu aktiivisestikin tukemaan autoritaarista järjestystä. Jos näet torjunta estää sukupuoliviettiä tyydyttymästä luontaisissa uomissaan, vietti suuntautuu erilaisia kiertoteitä korviketyydytyksiin. Tällä tavoin esimerkiksi normaali hyökkäävyys kärjistyy raa'aksi sadismiksi, joka on keskeinen tekijä sodan massapsykologiassa, sodan, jonka lavastavat käyntiin harvalukuiset hallitsevat yksilöt ihan vaan omaa imperialistisuuttaan.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 290: Hänen sisarensa Mary, joka syntyi yksitoista vuotta ennen häntä, oli luultavasti hänen lähin leikkikaverinsa. (Mitä vittua?) Charlesin ja Maryn kirjoitukset viittaavat siihen, että Hetty-tädin ja hänen kälynsä välinen konflikti loi jonkinasteista jännitystä Lambin perheeseen. Charles kuitenkin puhuu hänestä hellästi, ja hänen läsnäolonsa talossa näyttää tuoneen hänelle paljon lohtua.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 309: Mary Lambin sairaus oli vakavampi kuin hänen veljensä, ja se johti hänet aggressiiviseksi kohtalokkaassa tilanteessa. Syyskuun 22. päivänä 1796 illallista valmistaessaan Mary suuttui apulaiselle, työnsi karkeasti pienen tytön pois tieltään ja työnsi hänet toiseen huoneeseen. Hänen äitinsä Elizabeth alkoi moittia häntä tästä, ja Maria sai ketjureaktion. Hän otti käsissään pitämänsä keittiökääntöveitsen, avasi sen ja lähestyi äitiään, joka istui. Mary, joka oli "väsynyt äärimmäisen hermostuneen kurjuuden tilaan, kun hän keskittyi käsityöhön päivällä ja äitiinsä öisin", sai akuutin manian ja puukotti äitiään pöytäveitsellä sydämeen. Calle juoksi taloon pian murhan jälkeen ja otti veitsen hellästi Maryn kädestä. Mary had a little lamb - but I ate it!
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 345: All these thy ceaseless miracles, O World! Kaikki nää sun ihmeet lakkaamattomat, oi T---Maailma!
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 359: Affect a Godhead nearer: these talk loud Löytää jumalanpään lähempää: ne huutavat
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 373: But these are fancies of a few: the rest, Mutta näitä haaveilee vaan Lamb Bulletinin lukijat;
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 167: Bernard kannatti ristiretkiä yleisesti ja sai monet osallistumaan epäonnistuneeseen toiseen ristiretkeen, erityisesti Vézelayn kuuluisalla saarnalla (1146).
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 203: The exposure of the IB in the magazine, which included headshots with names and social security numbers of some of the alleged staff published under the headline "Spies", led to a major domestic political scandal known as the "IB affair" (IB-affären). The activities ascribed to this secret outfit and its alleged ties to the Swedish Social Democratic Party were denied by Prime Minister Olof Palme, Defense Minister Sven Andersson and the Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces, General Stig Synnergren. However, later investigations by various journalists and by a public commissions, as well as autobiographies by the persons involved, have confirmed some of the activities described by Bratt and Guillou. In 2002, the public commission published a 3,000-page report where research about the IB affair was included.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 324: And fade into the light of common day. Sulautuvan tylsään arkiryskeeseen.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 378: A Presence which is not to be put by; jonka länäoloa ei kukaan kestä.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 399: Not for these I raise Ei sixi, vaan sixi nostan
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 490: "Who?" said Pococurante sharply; "that barbarian who writes a tedious commentary in ten books of rumbling verse, on the first chapter of Genesis? that slovenly imitator of the Greeks, who disfigures the creation, by making the Messiah take a pair of compasses from Heaven´s armory to plan the world; whereas Moses represented the Deity as producing the whole universe by his fiat? Can I think you have any esteem for a writer who has spoiled Tasso´s Hell and the Devil; who transforms Lucifer sometimes into a toad, and at others into a pygmy; who makes him say the same thing over again a hundred times; who metamorphoses him into a school-divine; and who, by an absurdly serious imitation of Ariosto´s comic invention of firearms, represents the devils and angels cannonading each other in Heaven? Neither I nor any other Italian can possibly take pleasure in such melancholy reveries; but the marriage of Sin and Death, and snakes issuing from the womb of the former, are enough to make any person sick that is not lost to all sense of delicacy. This obscene, whimsical, and disagreeable poem met with the neglect it deserved at its first publication; and I only treat the author now as he was treated in his own country by his contemporaries."
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 495: The plan of Paradise Lost has this inconvenience, that it comprises neither human actions nor human manners. The man and woman who act and suffer are in a state which no other man or woman can ever know. The reader finds no transaction in which he can be engaged, beholds no condition in which he can by any effort of imagination place himself; he has, therefore, little natural curiosity or sympathy. . . . .But original deficience cannot be supplied. The want of human interest is always felt. Paradise Lost is one of the books which the reader admires and lays down, and forgets to take up again. None ever wished it longer than it is. Its perusal is a duty rather than a pleasure. We read Milton for instruction, retire harassed and overburdened, and look elsewhere for recreation; we desert our master, and seek for companions.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 499: The ´definiteness´ of a genre classification leads the reader to expect a series of formal stimuli--martial encounters, complex similes, an epic voice--to which his response is more or less automatic; the hardness of the Christian myth predetermines his sympathies; the union of the two allows the assumption of a comfortable reading experience in which conveniently labelled protagonists act out rather simple roles in a succession of familiar situations. The reader is prepared to hiss the devil off the stage and applaud the pronouncements of a partisan and somewhat human deity . . . . But of course this is not the case; no sensitive reading of Paradise Lost tallies with these expectations, and it is my contention that Milton ostentatiously calls them up in order to provide his reader with the shock of their disappointment. This is not to say merely that Milton communicates a part of his meaning by a calculated departure from convention; every poet does that; but that Milton consciously wants to worry his reader, to force him to doubt the correctness of his responses, and to bring him to the realization that his inability to read the poem with any confidence in his own perception is its focus.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 501: We are angry at the epic voice, not for fudging, but for being right, for insisting that we become our own critics. There is little in the human situation more humiliating, in both senses of the word, than the public acceptance of a deserved rebuke. Except maybe getting caught redhanded playing with the guilty thing surprised.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 509: Vuonna 1967 Miltonin tutkimuksen maailma jaettiin kahteen aseistettuun leiriin: toinen julisti (Blaken ja Shelleyn perinteen mukaisesti), että Milton kuului paholaisen puolueeseen tietämättään tai tietämättään, toinen julisti (Addisonin ja CS Lewisin perinteen mukaan). että runoilijan sympatiat ovat ilmeisesti Jumalan ja hänelle uskollisten enkeleiden puolella.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 528: Juutalainen jokapaikan filosofi Martha Nussipuu väittää esseessä "Sophistry about Conventions", että Fishin teoreettiset näkemykset perustuvat "äärirelativismiin ja jopa radikaaliin subjektivismiin". Nussbaum väittää, että Fish " luottautuu säätelevään ristiriitaisuuden periaatteeseen ratkaistakseen kilpailevien periaatteiden välillä", luottaen siten normatiivisiin argumentaatiostandardeihin, vaikka hän väittää niitä vastaan. Se noudattaa Kimchin logiikkaa. Kissa on matolla mutten usko sitä. Tarjoten vaihtoehtoa Nussbaum lainaa pöljän oikeisto-oikeusfilosofin John Rawlsin työtä julkaisussa A Theory of Justice korostaakseen "esimerkkiä rationaalisesta argumentista; sen voidaan sanoa antavan täydellisesti tunnistettavissa olevassa mielessä eettisen totuuden". Nussbaum omaksuu Rawlsin kritiikin utilitarismin riittämättömyydestä osoittaen, että rationaalinen ihminen pitää johdonmukaisesti parempana oikeusjärjestelmää, joka tunnustaa erillisten henkilöiden väliset rajat sen sijaan, että luottaisi halujen kokonaissummaan. "Tämä", hän väittää, "on täysin erilaista kuin retorinen manipulointi." Panopuu on niin oikeistolainen että hirvittää.
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 56: Kerran viikossa Mari vei heidät Fredrikinkadun rukoushuoneeseen kuuntelemaan Wilho Pylkkästä. Siitä huolimatta tai ehkä sixi äidin toivosta Toivosta tuli äidin epätoivoxi tiedeuskovainen. Waltarin pappisisä Toimi Waltari kuoli pojan ollessa viisivuotias, jolloin kasvatusvastuu jäi äidille. Mikalla oli kaksi veljeä: Samuel (kutsumanimeltä Samuli) ja Erkki. Samuli oli Mikaa kaksi vuotta vanhempi ja Erkki viisi vuotta nuorempi. Veljet on yhdistetty romaanissa pikkuveli Samuelixi. Mikan isä Toimi ja setä Toivo Waltari olivat molemmat teologeja ja julkaisivat lukuisia uskonnollisia kirjoja. Kirjat julkaisi useimmiten Suomen Merimieslähetys.
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 221: Joku toinen sanoi että voi pidättyä kassien 1/1 täyttöasteeseen asti, jolloin se johtaa psyykkisiin poikkeavuuksiin, erityisesti ahdistuneisuustiloihin, ja tiettyyn affektioon. Hein vastasi, että raittius on useimmille vaaratonta, mutta joissakin se johtaa hysteerisiin ilmenemismuotoihin ja epäsuorasti huonoja seurauksia masturbaatiosta, kun taas normaalille miehelle raittius ei voi olla suoraan hyödyllistä, koska yhdyntä on luonnollista. Grützner ajatteli, että raittius ei ole melkein koskaan haitallista. Nescheda sanoi, että se on vaaraton sinänsä, mutta haitallinen siltä osin kuin se johtaa luonnottomiin tyydytyksen muotoihin. Neisser uskoo, että nykyistä pidempi pidättyvyys olisi hyödyllistä, mutta myönsi sivilisaatiomme seksuaaliset kiihotteet; hän lisäsi, ettei hän tietenkään nähnyt mitään haittaa terveille miehille yhdynnässä. Hoche vastasi, että raittius on melko vaaratonta normaaleille ihmisille, mutta ei aina epänormaaleille ihmisille. Weber ajatteli, että sillä oli hyödyllinen vaikutus tahdonvoiman lisäämiseen. Tarnowsky sanoi, että se on hyvä varhaisessa miehisyydessä, mutta todennäköisesti epäsuotuisa 25 vuoden jälkeen. Orlow vastasi, että varsinkin nuoruudessa se on vaaratonta, ja miehen tulee olla yhtä puhdas kuin vaimonsa. Popow sanoi, että raittius on hyvä kaiken ikäisille ja säästää energiaa. Blumenau sanoi, että aikuisiällä raittius ei ole normaalia eikä hyödyllistä, ja se johtaa yleensä masturbaatioon, joskaan ei yleensä hermostohäiriöihin; mutta jopa masturbaatio on parempi kuin kuppa. Tschiriew ei nähnyt mitään haittaa raittiudesta 30-vuotiaille asti, ja hän ajatteli, että seksuaalinen heikkous seurasi todennäköisemmin liiallista runkutusta kuin raittiutta.
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 299: Omatuntokin käski minua kieltäytymään, mutta ei ilmoittanut mitään syytä käskyynsä. Jos jokin syy oli, niin se oli vaan vanhempien termennys, että pitää olla puhdas, tai että Koiro tahtoo puhtautta, tai että se on välttämätöntä jotakin suurta, näkymätöntä, tästä elämästä riippumatonta tarkoitusta varten, — se oli vaan käsky niinkuin lapsille, joille ei sanota mitä varten, koska on itseselvää, että kaikki on heidän hyväkseen (so. vanhempien).
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 388: "Saattaa olla omistamatta Kristuksen oppia, sitä oppia, jonka ympärillä on koko elämämme ja johon kaikki siveellisyyskäsitteemme perustuvat, mutta kerran omistaen tämän opin, ei voi olla näkemättä, että se viittaa täydellisen puhtauden ihanteesen. Alusvaatteet on vaihdettava vaikkei niissä olisi ruskeita raitoja.
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 390: "Onhan evankeeliumissa sanottu selvästi ja ilman minkäänlaisten väärin selitysten mahdollisuutta ensiksikin, ettei nainut mies saa erota vaimostaan yhtyäkseen toiseen, vaan että hänen on eläminen sen kanssa, johon on kerran yhtynyt (Mat. V, 31-32; XIX, 8); toiseksi, että ihmisen yleensä, siis niin hyvin naineen kuin naimattomankin, on synti katsoa naiseen niinkuin himonsa esineesen (Mat. V, 28-29), ja kolmanneksi, että naimattoman on parempi olla yhtään naimisiin menemättä, s.o. olla täydellisesti puhtaana (Mat. XIX, 10-12).
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 395: "Sanotaan tähän: 'ne ovat vaan yleisiä näkökohtia, jotka mahdollisesti eivät ole vääriäkään, vaan kuuluvat erityisesti Kristuksen oppiin ja ovat siis sitovia ainoastaan niille, jotka tunnustavat tätä oppia; mutta elämä on laiffia, eikä saa, osoitettuaan Kristuksen saavuttamattomaan ihanteesen, jättää ihmiset tässä kaikkein polttavimmassa, yleisimmässä ja suurimpia epäkohtia synnyttävässä kysymyksessä omiin hoteisinsa tämän ihanteen kanssa ilman mitään johtoa.'
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 397: "Vielä sanotaan: 'nuori, intohimoinen mies aluksi innostuu ihanteesen, vaan ei voi sitten hillitä itseään, irtautuu, ja tietämättä, tunnustamatta mitään johtosääntöjä joutuu haureellisuuteen, täydelliseen siveettömyyteen.'
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 405: "Näin ajatella on sama kuin jos merelläkulkija sanoisi itselleen: kosken voi kulkea sitä linjaa myöten, jota kompassi näyttää, niin minä heitän koko kompassin ulos tai lakkaan siihen katsomasta, s.o. luovun ihanteesta, taikka sitten kiinnitän kompassiviisarin siihen paikkaan, mikä vastaa tällä hetkellä laivani suuntaa, s.o. alennan ihanteen heikkouteni mukaan. Tai etenen päämaaliin luovimalla. (Mitäs vikaa siinä muka on?) Kristuksen antama täydellisyyden ihanne ei ole mikään mietelmä tai kaunopuheisten saarnojen esine, vaan on kaikkein välttämättömin, jokaisen käytettävänä oleva siveellisen elämän johdatus, niinkuin kompassi on merimiehelle välttämätön ja hänen käytettävänään oleva johdatuksen välikappale; on ainoastaan uskominen niin tähän kuin siihenkin. Missä asemassa ihminen olisikin, aina on hänelle Kristuksen antama ihanteen oppi riittävä siihen, että hän saisi täysin oikean osoituksen kuinka hänen on tai ei ole menetteleminen. Mutta täytyy uskoa tähän oppiin täydellisesti, ainoastaan tähän oppiin, ja lakata uskomasta kaikkiin muihin, aivan niinkuin merimiehen täytyy uskoa kompassiinsa ja lakata katselemasta ja pitämästä johtona sitä, mitä näkee esim taivaalla. Täytyy osata ottaa johtoa Kristuksen opista, niinkuin täytyy osata ottaa johtoa kompassista, ja sitä varten täytyy erittainkin ymmärtää oma asemansa, täytyy osata pelkäämättä arvostella oma poikkeamisensa ihanteellisesta, määrätystä suunnasta, ja kompassin poikkeama pohjoisnavasta. Millä asteella siis ihminen seisoneekin, aina on hänen mahdollista lähetä tätä ihannetta, eikä mikään asema voi hänelle olla sellainen, että hän voisi sanoa saavuttaneensa ihanteen ja siis ei voivansa enää pyrkiä lähemmäksi. Semmoinen on ihmisen pyrkiminen Kristuksen ihanteesen yleensä, ja semmoinen pyrkiminen täydelliseen puhtauteen erityisesti, jos silmällä pitäen sukupuolisuhteita, ajattelee kaikkein erilaisimpia ihmisten asemia, viattomasta lapsuudesta avioliittoon asti, jossa kieltäymistä ei noudateta, niin jokaisella asteella näiden kahden aseman välillä tulee Kristuksen oppi, ihanteinensa, aina olemaan selvä ja määrätty ohje, mitä ihmisen jokaisella näistä asteista on ja mitä ei ole tekeminen.
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 432: Siihen väitteesen, että jos ihmiset menettelisivät tämän elämänohjeen mukaan niin ihmissuku häviäisi maan päältä, ja ettei ihmissuvun häviäminen voi olla ihmissuvun ihanne, vastaa Leo Tolstoi näin:
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 455: 5) Kiusauksen vähänkin alkaessa ala taistella sitä vastaan ja ennen kaikkea muuta paikkasi ja toimesi: siirry toiseen huoneesen, siirrä molo toiseen lahkeeseen, ja, jos mahdollista, heti ryhdy johonkin ruumiilliseen työhön (ei käsityöhön!)
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 469: Spenser´s Britomarta is not only an allegorical representation of the virtue of chastity, but also a multidimensional heroine, and the creation of her character goes back to the roots of the epic tradition. It can be said that apart from Ariosto, to whom Spenser was much indebted, and his Bradamante in Orlando Furioso, from whom the character of Britomart was copycatted. Presenting a woman travelling in the guise of a knight and fighting alongside and against male warriors might be seen as something quite uncommon.
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 501: Tuo sperman vertaaminen sappeen, mahanesteesen j.m.s. on hyvin mielivaltainen vertaus lääkäreiltä. Se vahvistaa nuoren miehen aivoissa tuota teoriaa ja antaa hänelle tukea hänen tuhoa tuottavissa tavoissaan. Mutta pankaa sapen sijaan vertaukseksi kyyneleet, ja te herätätte nuorukaisen aivoissa ihan toisellaisen käsityksen. Jokainen tietää, etteivät kyyneleet ole välttämättömät elämistä ja terveenä pysymistä varten. Ihminen voi olla aivan terve eikä olla itkenyt viiteen jopa viiteenkymmeneen vuoteen, Kyynelaine on aina saapuvilla, mutta niin vähässä määrin, ettei sitä voi huomata. Kyyneleet ovat aina valmiit odottamassa syytä vuotaakseen, mutta ne eivät keräänny eivätkä tee vahinkoa ihmiselle, vaikkei niitä vuodatetakaan jokapäivä, joka viikko tai joka kuukausi. Elimistö valmistaa kyynelten perusainekset; ne ovat aina valmiit tarvittaessa erottumaan ja vuotamaan. Mutta jos ne erottuvat, kerääntyvät ja vuotavat ilman vastaavaa syytä, ilman ruumiillista hermostusta tai henkistä liikutusta, niin lääkäri heti päättää, että kyynelrauhaset ovat vialla. Olen vakuutettu siitä, että paljnn enemmän yhteyttä on kyynelten ja sperman välillä näiden luonnollisessa erottumisessa ja käytännön tavassa, kuin sapen tai mahanesteen ja siemenen välillä.
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 535: Näin heidän yrityksensä päästä prostitutsioonin avulla luonnollisuuteen vaan vieroitti heidät kauemmas todellisuudesta ja he vajoutuivat yhä syvemmäs omaan käsipaheeseensa.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 79: Parts of "Aloha 'Oe" resemble the song "The Lone Rock by the Sea" and the chorus of George Frederick Root's 1854 song "There's Music in the Air". "The Lone Rock by the Sea" mentioned by Charles Wilson, was "The Rock Beside the Sea" published by Charles Crozat Converse in 1857, and itself derives from a Croatian/Serbian folk song, "Sedi Mara na kamen studencu" (Mary is Sitting on a Stone Well). Looking between her sweet little knees and wondering about the slit between.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 111: Liliruokalan emäntä was married to American-born John Owen Dominis, who later became the Governor of Oʻahu. The couple had no biological children but adopted several. After the accession of her brother David Kalākaua to the throne in 1874, she and her siblings were given Western style titles of Prince and Princess. In 1877, after her younger brother Leleiohoku II's death, she was proclaimed as heir apparent to the throne. During the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria, she represented her brother as an official envoy to the United Kingdom.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 126: In 1842, at the age of four, she began her education at the Chiefs' Children's School (later known as the Royal School). She, along with her classmates, had been formally proclaimed by Kamehameha III as eligible for the throne of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Liliʻuokalani later noted that these "pupils were exclusively persons whose claims to the throne were acknowledged." She, along with her two older brothers James Kaliokalani and David Kalākaua, as well as her thirteen royal cousins, were taught in English by American missionaries Amos Starr Cooke and his wife, Juliette Montague Cooke. The children were taught reading, spelling, penmanship, arithmetic, geometry, algebra, physics, geography, history, bookkeeping, music and English composition by the missionary couple who had to maintain the moral and sexual development of their charges.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 146: During Kalākaua's 1881 world tour, Liliʻuokalani served as Regent in his absence.!!One of her first responsibilities was handling the smallpox epidemic of 1881 likely brought to the islands by Chinese contracted laborers. After meeting her with her brother's cabinet ministers, she closed all the ports, halted all passenger vessels out of Oʻahu, and initiated a quarantine of the affected. The measures kept the disease contained in Honolulu and Oʻahu with only a few cases on Kauaʻi. Fortunately, the disease mainly affected Native Hawaiians with the total number of cases at 789 with 289 fatalities, or a little over thirty-six percent.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 160: On January 29, 1891, in the presence of the cabinet ministers and the supreme court justices, Liliʻuokalani took the oath of office to uphold the constitution, and became the first and only female monarch of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The first few weeks of her reign were obscured by the funeral of her brother. After the end of the period of mourning, one of her first acts was to request the formal resignation of the holdover cabinet from her brother´s reign. These ministers refused, and asked for a ruling by the Hawaii Supreme Court. All the justices but one ruled in favor of the Queen´s decision, and the ministers resigned. Liliʻuokalani appointed Samuel Parker, Hermann A. Widemann, and William A. Whiting, and reappointed Charles N. Spencer (from the hold-over cabinet), as her new cabinet ministers. On March 9, with the approval of the House of Nobles, as required by the Hawaiian constitution, she named as successor her niece Kaʻiulani, the only daughter of Archibald Scott Cleghorn and her sister Princess Likelike, who had died in 1887. From April to July, Liliʻuokalani paid the customary visits to the main Hawaiian Islands, including a third visit to the leper settlement at Kalaupapa. Historian Ralph Simpson Kuykendall noted, "Everywhere she was accorded the homage traditionally paid by the Hawaiian people to their alii."
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 164: From May 1892 to January 1893, the legislature of the Kingdom convened for an unprecedented 171 days, which later historians such as Albertine Loomis and Helena G. Allen dubbed the "Longest Legislature". This session was dominated by political infighting between and within the four parties: National Reform, Reform, National Liberal and Independent; none were able to gain a majority. Debates heard on the floor of the houses concerned the popular demand for a new constitution and the passage of a lottery bill and an opium licensing bill, aimed at alleviating the economic crisis caused by the McKinley Tariff. The main issues of contention between the new monarch and the legislators were the retention of her cabinet ministers, since political division prevented Liliʻuokalani from appointing a balanced council and the 1887 constitution gave the legislature the power to vote for the dismissal of her cabinet. Seven resolutions of want of confidence were introduced during this session, and four of her self-appointed cabinets (the Widemann, Macfarlane, Cornwell, and Wilcox cabinets) were ousted by votes of the legislature. On January 13, 1893, after the legislature dismissed the George Norton Wilcox cabinet (which had political sympathies to the Reform Party), Liliʻuokalani appointed the new Parker cabinet consisting of Samuel Parker, as minister of foreign affairs; John F. Colburn, as minister of the interior; William H. Cornwell, as minister of finance; and Arthur P. Peterson, as attorney general. Exclusively palefaces in the posse, where are all the coons hiding? She chose these men specifically to support her plan of promulgating a new constitution while the legislature was not in session.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 180: The proposed constitution (co-written by the Queen and two legislators, Joseph Nāwahī and William Pūnohu White) would have restored the power to the monarchy, and voting rights to economically disenfranchised native Hawaiians and Asians. Her ministers and closest friends were all opposed to this plan; they tried unsuccessfully to dissuade her from pursuing these initiatives, both of which came to be used against her in the brewing constitutional crisis.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 189: The same day, the Marshal of the Kingdom, Charles Burnett Wilson, was tipped off by detectives to the imminent planned coup. Wilson requested warrants to arrest the 13-member council of the Committee of Safety, and put the Kingdom under martial law. Because the members had strong political ties to United States Minister to Hawaii John L. Stevens, the requests were repeatedly denied by the queen´s cabinet, who feared that the arrests would escalate the situation. After a failed negotiation with Thurston, Wilson began to collect his men for the confrontation. Wilson and captain of the Royal Household Guard Samuel Nowlein had rallied a force of 496 men who were kept at hand to "protect" the queen. Marines from the USS Boston and two companies of US sailors landed and took up positions at the US Legation, the Consulate, and Arion Hall. The sailors and Marines did not enter the palace grounds or take over any buildings, and never fired a shot, but their presence served effectively in intimidating royalist defenders. Historian William Russ states, "the injunction to prevent fighting of any kind made it impossible for the monarchy to protect itself". Paljon se olisi kannattanutkin jenkki tykkivenediplomatian tuntien.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 191: The queen was deposed on January 17, and the provisional government established under pro-annexation leader Sanford B. Dole was officially recognized by Stevens as the de facto government. She temporarily relinquished her throne to the United States, rather than the Dole-led government, in hopes that the United States would restore Hawaii´s sovereignty to the rightful holder. HA big HA! The government under Dole began using ʻIolani Palace as its executive building. A delegation departed for Washington, D.C., on January 19, to ask for immediate annexation by the United States. "At the request of the provisional government," Stevens proclaimed Hawaii a protectorate of the United States on February 1, to "temporarily" provide a buffer against domestic upheaval and interference by foreign governments. The US flag was raised over the palace, and martial law was enforced. The annexation treaty presented to the US Senate contained a provision to grant Liliʻuokalani a $20,000 per annum lifetime pension, and Kaʻiulani a lump-sum payment of $150,000. The queen protested the proposed annexation in a January 19 letter to President Benjamin Harrison. She sent Prince David Kawānanakoa and Paul Newman to represent her.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 201: For myself, I would have chosen death rather than to have signed it; but it was represented to me that by my signing this paper all the persons who had been arrested, all my people now in trouble by reason of their love and loyalty towards me, would be immediately released. Think of my position, – sick, a lone woman in prison, scarcely knowing who was my friend, or who listened to my words only to betray me, without legal advice or friendly counsel, and the stream of blood ready to flow unless it was stayed by my pen.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 213: She attended the inauguration of US President William McKinley on March 4, 1897, with a Republic of Hawaii passport personally issued to "Liliuokalani of Hawaii" by the republic´s president Sanford B. Dole. On June 16, McKinley presented the United States Senate with a new version of the annexation treaty, one that eliminated the monetary compensation for Liliʻuokalani and Kaʻiulani. Liliʻuokalani filed an official protest with Secretary of State John Sherman the next day. The protest was witnessed by her agent and private secretary Joseph Heleluhe, Wekeki Heleluhe, and Captain Julius A. Palmer Jr., reported to be her American secretary.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 215: In June 1897 President McKinley signed the "Treaty for the Annexation for the Hawaiian Islands", but it failed to pass in the United States Senate after the Kūʻē Petitions were submitted by a commission of Native Hawaiian delegates consisting of James Keauiluna Kaulia, David Kalauokalani, William Auld, and John Richardson. Members of Hui Aloha ʻĀina collected over 21,000 signatures opposing an annexation treaty. Another 17,000 signatures were collected by members of Hui Kālaiʻāina but not submitted to the Senate because those signatures were also asking for restoration of the Queen. The petitions collectively were presented as evidence of the strong grassroots opposition of the Hawaiian community to annexation, and the treaty was defeated in the Senate— however, following its failure, Hawaii was annexed anyway via the Newlands Resolution, a joint resolution of Congress, in July 1898, shortly after the outbreak of the Spanish–American War. Tuli kiire annexoida lisää maita Mexikon suunnalta.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 219: Prior to the 1848 division of land known as the Great Māhele, during the reign of Kamehameha III, all land in Hawaii was owned by the monarchy. The Great Māhele subdivided the land among the monarchy, the government, and private ownership by tenants living on the land. What was reserved for the monarchy became known as the Crown Lands of Hawaii. When Hawaii was annexed, the Crown Lands were seized by the United States government. The Queen gave George Macfarlane her power of attorney in 1898 as part of her legal defense team in seeking indemnity for the government´s seizure of the Crown Lands. She filed a protest with the United States Senate on December 20, 1898, requesting their return and claiming the lands were seized without due process or recompense, just like honest Injuns´:
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 240: Educated by American Protestant missionaries from a young age, Liliʻuokalani became a devout Christian and adherent to the principles of Christianity. These missionaries were largely of Congregationalist and Presbyterian extractions, subscribing to Calvinist theology, and Liliʻuokalani considered herself a "regular attendant on the Presbyterian worship".
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 244: During her overthrow and imprisonment, Bishop Alfred Willis of St. Andrew´s Cathedral had openly supported the Queen while Reverend Henry Hodges Parker of Kawaiahaʻo had supported her opponents. Bishop Willis visited and wrote to her during her imprisonment and sent her a copy of the Book of Common Prayer. Shortly after her release on parole, the former queen was rebaptized and confirmed by Bishop Willis on May 18, 1896, in a private ceremony in the presence of the sisters of St. Andrew´s Priory. In her memoir, Liliʻuokalani stated:
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 246: That first night of my imprisonment I found in my handbag a small Book of Common Prayer according to the ritual of the Episcopal Church. It was a great comfort to me, and before retiring to rest Mrs. Clark and I spent a few minutes in the devotions appropriate to the evening. Here, perhaps, I may say, that although I had been a regular attendant on the Presbyterian worship since my childhood, a constant contributor to all the missionary societies, and had helped to build their churches and ornament the walls, giving my time and my musical ability freely to make their meetings attractive to my people, yet none of these pious church members or clergymen remembered me in my prison. Fuck them. To this (Christian ?) conduct I contrast that of the Anglican bishop, Rt. Rev. Alfred Willis, who visited me from time to time in my house, and in whose church I have since been confirmed as a communicant. But he was not allowed to see me at the palace. It just goes to show, doesn´t it?
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 250: The Queen was also remembered for her support of Buddhist and Shinto priests in Hawaii and became one of the first Native Hawaiians to attend a Buddha´s Birthday party on May 19, 1901, at the Honwangji mission. Her attendance in the celebration helped Buddhism and Shinto gain acceptance into Hawaiian society and prevented the possible banning of the two religions by the Territorial government. Her presence was also widely reported in Chinese and Japanese newspapers throughout the world, and earned her the respect of many Japanese people both in Hawaii and in Japan itself, with the exception of Rei Shimura.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 256: Liliʻuokalani helped preserve key elements of Hawai´i´s traditional poetics while mixing in Western harmonies brought by the missionaries. A compilation of her works, titled The Queen´s Songbook, was published in 1999 by the Queen Liliʻuokalani Trust. Liliʻuokalani used her musical compositions as a way to express her feelings for her people, her country, and what was happening in the political realm in Hawaiʻi. One example of the way her music reflected her political views is her translation of the Kumulipo, the Hawaiian creation chant passed down orally by her great grandmother Alapaiwahine. While under house arrest, Liliʻuokalani feared she would never leave the palace alive, so she translated the Kumulipo in hopes that the history and culture of her people would never be lost. The ancient chants record her family´s genealogy back to the origin story of Hawaiʻi.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 265: The Queen Liliʻuokalani Trust was established on December 2, 1909, for the care of orphaned and destitute children in Hawaii. Effective upon her death, the proceeds of her estate, with the exception of twelve individual inheritances specified therein, were to be used for the Trust. The largest of these hereditary estates were willed to her hānai sons and their heirs: John ʻAimoku Dominis would receive Washington Place while Joseph Kaiponohea ʻAeʻa would receive Kealohilani, her residence at Waikiki. Both men predeceased the Queen. Before and after her death, lawsuits were filed to overturn her will establishing the Trust. One notable litigant was Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole, Liliʻuokalani´s greedy second cousin, who brought a suit against the Trust on November 30, 1915, questioning the Queen's competency in executing the will and attempting to break the Trust. These lawsuits were resolved in 1923 and the will went into probate. The Queen Liliʻuokalani Children's Center was created by the Trust.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 269: Jotkin Lili´uokalanin jälkeläisistä ovat tavoitelleet kruunua jälkikäteen ja vaatineet Yhdysvaltoja palauttamaan maan sen alkuperäisille asukkaille. Vuonna 2016 maan sisäministeriö ilmoitti valmistelevansa lakia, joka mahdollistaisi havaijilaisten reservaatin perustamisen samoilla ehdoilla kuten Manner-Yhdysvalloissa muiden maan alkuperäisasukkaiden keskuudessa.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 277: "By the Ex-Queen: Protest Made to the Annexation of Hawaii. An Appeal for Restoration. Authority of Present Government Denied. Document Signed in Washington and 'Julius' Witnessed the Signature". Hawaiian Gazette. Vol. XXXII, no. 55. Honolulu. July 9, 1897. Image 1, Col. 6. Archived from the original on November 8, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.; "The Ex-Queen's Protest". The Times. No. 1186. Washington, D.C. June 18, 1897. Image 1, col. 7. Archived from the original on November 8, 2017. Retrieved October 15, 2017.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 440: Varallisuudestaan ja menestyksestään huolimatta Oland kärsi alkoholismista, joka vaikutti vakavasti hänen terveyteensä ja 30 vuotta kestäneeseen avioliittoon. Hänen vaimoaan suosivasta avioeroratkaisusta ilmoitettiin tiedotusvälineille 2. huhtikuuta 1938. Samana päivänä hän lähti Yhdysvalloista laivalla, saapui Etelä-Eurooppaan ja jatkoi sitten kotimaahansa Ruotsiin, jossa hän asui arkkitehtiystävänsä luona.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 443: Kaksi vuosikymmentä myöhemmin Juanita Sheridan (1906-74, os. Light) loi amatööriluukku Lily Wun, joka oli myös etnisesti kiinalainen havaijilainen, mutta nainen ja hyväpuheinen. Lily Wun luoja, joka oli nuorena lähes köyhä Los Angelesissa, luovutti taaperolapsensa varakkaalle pariskunnalle ja muutti Havaijille kirjoittamaan. Hänen neljä lyhyttä Lily Wu -mysteeriä, jotka olivat kerran myydyimpiä, ovat edelleen saatavilla: The Chinese Chop (1949), The Kahuna Killer (1951), The Mamo Murders (1952) ja The Waikiki Widow (1953). Sheridan oli huomattavan hyvä kirjailija ja järkkymätön rotuasioissa Havaijilla, mutta silti haole. Vain kymmenen prosenttia (10 %) Havaijin asukkaista tunnistaa olevansa "havaijilainen tai muu Tyynenmeren saari", ja heitä on suhteettoman paljon köyhimpien, vähiten koulutettujen ja heikoimmassa asemassa olevien osavaltion (!) asukkaiden joukossa. Kaksi kolmasosaa Havaijin 1,4 miljoonasta asukkaista puhuu havaijilaista pidginiä ensimmäisenä tai toisena kielenä; toiset sekoittavat havaijilaista pidginiä englanninkieliseen puheeseen. Puhekielten ja murteiden saaminen vuoropuheluun on riittävän vaikeaa ja riskialtista. On lähes mahdotonta vangita, kuinka havaijilaiset todellisuudessa puhuvat, ja pelkistää se ymmärrettävästi painetuksi.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 462: Kepulin #metoo duon seinillä on Haruki Murukamin maalauxia. LOL se on Murakami, eikä se osaa maalata edes latoa. Murakami achieved a major breakthrough and national recognition in 1987 with the publication of Norwegian Wood, a nostalgic story of loss of sexuality. It sold millions of copies among young Japanese who are busy becoming greysexual. Clarisselle sattui pieni vahinko hauskanpidon jälkeen. Ei Reille, Michael laittoi 3 kondomia päällekkäin. Miesten avustamana valizin hääputiikista pitkän kermanvaalean vinoon leikatun sillkipuvun, jonka helmassa oli vähän keltaista ja takapuolella ruskeaa. Näytät temppelihuoralta, Josh-setä kehaisi. Koko osavaltio on upea. Vanha verenimijä vielä lahjoittaa Reille unelmakodin ja työn ihan pikkurahalla! Tämä nide oli mahtava, yhtä täydellinen helmi kuin sarjan edelliset 14 osaa ja 1 seuraava!
xxx/ellauri397.html on line 77: Vuodesta 1260 alkaen ja laajalle levinneelle työllisyydelle, ennen kuin lopulta taantui 1600-luvulla, ostentatio genitalium käänsi bysanttilaisen taipumuksen kuvata Kristusta sukupuolettomana, hänen puuttuvien elinten peitossa litteillä, läpikuultavilla hunnuilla. Tämä oli puhtauden ja täydellisyyden symboli, joka seurasi Augustinuksen käsityksiä , joiden mukaan ennenaikaiset erektiot muistuttavat Aadamin "tottelemattomuuden synnistä". Mutta ostentatio genitalium -perinteessä päinvastoin näyttää olevan totta: Kristuksen visuaalinen miehisyys vahvistaa hänen jumaluutensa. Luonnollinen kysymys, joka kysytään silmiämme räpäyttämisen jälkeen, olisi miksi ? Kuinka uskonnon harjoittajat, joiden seitsemään taivaalliseen hyveeseen kuuluvat varovaisuus ja raittius, päättävät kunnioittaa vuosisatojen ajan näennäisesti painavaa näkemystä pelastajastaan?
xxx/ellauri397.html on line 81: Leo Steinberg, joka loi "ostentatio genitaliumin" kuuluisan kiistanalaisen ilmiön tutkimuksessaan (1983), pitää tätä viimeistä kiusausta virheenä. Kysymyksiä Kristuksen seksuaalisuudesta ei tuotu menneisyydestä, vaan ne nousivat orgaanisesti esiin mystisistä kyselyistä inkarnaatiosta: kun Jumala tyhjensi itsensä jumaluudesta ja otti kuolevaisen muodon. "Synnistä ja häpeästä vapautettu", kirjoittaa Steinberg , "Kristuksen seksuaalinen jäsen puhuu siitä alkuperäisestä viattomuudesta, joka Aadamissa oli kadonnut." Tai pikemminkin Kristuksen täydellisyys kykenee lunastamaan mielikuvat, jotka liittyvät useammin kiusaukseen ja paheeseen kuin uskonnolliseen hurskauteen.
xxx/ellauri397.html on line 93: Varhaisten myöhempien aikojen pyhien apostoli Orson Hyde opetti, että Jeesus oli moniavioinen, ja oli naimisissa Maria Magdaleenan, Martan ja Betanialaisen Marian kanssa ja siitti heille kaikille hessunnäköisiä lapsia. Hän opetti myös, että avioliitto Kaanassa oli Jeesuksen omat häät. Tämä ajatus ei ole virallinen MAP-oppi, vaikka se on varmasti tullut mormonien kansanperinteeseen.
xxx/ellauri397.html on line 95: Englannin auktoritatiivisen raamatun toimittanut James I sanoi että Jeesus homosteli Johannexen kaa. Hän saattoi luottaa jo olemassa olevaan perinteeseen, kun hän puolusti suhdettaan George Villiersiin Buckinghamista: "Haluan puhua omasta puolestani enkä saada sitä pidetyksi puutteeksi, sillä Jeesus Kristuskin teki samaa, ja siksi minua ei voida syyttää, että Kristuksella oli katamiitti poikansa John, ja minulla on Georgeni."
xxx/ellauri397.html on line 103: Erillinen ja ei-kanoninen Markuksen salainen evankeliumi – jonka katkelmia sisältyi kiistanalaiseen Mar Saba -kirjeeseen Aleksandrialaisen Clementin kiistanalaiseen kirjeeseen, jonka Morton Smith väitti löytäneensä vuonna 1958 – toteaa, että Jeesus opetti kärsimysyönä "Jumalan valtakunnan mysteeriä" yksin nuorelle Markulle jolla oli vain pellavavaate. Markulle tultua äkkilähtö puuvillainen vyö unehtui.
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 256: 1226 führte der französische König einen neuerlichen Angriff in Südfrankreich. Offiziell stand dieser Krieg immer noch im Rahmen des vom Papst ausgerufenen Kreuzzuges, wobei die Interessen des Königs jedoch vorrangig in der Einverleibung der südfranzösischen Provinzen lagen. Zwar starb Ludwig noch im selben Jahr, der Krieg wurde jedoch von seinem Sohn Ludwig IX. auch 1227 unvermindert fortgesetzt. 1228 gab Graf Raimund VII. von Toulouse nach einem zermürbenden und zerstörerischen Krieg von fast 20 Jahren den Widerstand auf. Am 12. April 1229 schloss er den Vertrag von Paris mit der französischen Krone. Darin wurde die Eingliederung Okzitaniens in den französischen Staat besiegelt, Raimund VII. musste große Gebietsverluste hinnehmen. Ebenfalls 1229 fand in Toulouse eine kirchliche Synode statt, die sich mit dem weiteren Vorgehen gegen die Katharer befasste. Damit war der Albigenserkreuzzug offiziell beendet. Die Inquisition und weitere militärische Feldzüge vernichteten schließlich die Katharer bis zum Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts.
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 311: Eventually, Joyce´s bank account dried up. Her landlord sent her reminder letters. These papers, like the others, simply fell among the others scattered on her floor. They received no response. Finally, with more than six months of rent in arrears, the landlord obtained a court order to forcibly remove her from the premises. The bailiffs broke down the door and only then was her body discovered. By then, it was January 2006, more than two years after her death.
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 315: This story is surprising for its social implications. It seems incomprehensible that entire years pass without anyone noticing the death of a person. However, these types of stories happen frequently. Chances are you'll have a story similar to Joyce Vincent's. And they are all the same.
xxx/ellauri400.html on line 361: (další profese)
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 54: ese/kana-tsuruta/82/kana-tsuruta-3.jpg" width="1017" />
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 59: ese/kana-tsuruta/82/kana-tsuruta-2.jpg" width="1017" />
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 96: Toinen usein mieluisampi vaihtoehto on, että ihminen omistautuu antoisiin, syviin elämyksiin esimerkiksi luonnosta, taiteesta tai toisesta ihmisestä (yhteys itsensä ulkopuolelle ja toisen sisäpuolelle). Kanssaihminen, jota ihminen voi rakastaa, voi tarjota tien elämäntarkoituksen täyttämiseen. Kolmas mahdollisuus on elämän tarkoituksen täyttäminen valitsemalla arvokas suhtautuminen toivottomalta tuntuvaan tilanteeseen. Tällöinkin ihminen voi valita ize ko. toivottoman tilanteen ja sopivasti arvokkaan asennoitumistavan siihen.
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 116: Suomen presidentti Stubbels vastasi iskuihin Venäjän lentokentälle Olenyalle: Meidän on hyväksyttävä, että sota lähestyy meitä. The toothy Finnish president said that Finns should accept the fact that the war will come closer to Finland's borders, as "it is not that far to fly from Helsinki to Kyiv". 2000km from Ukraine to Murmansk is too much for drones, they must have started somewhere closer by: Norway, Sweden, Finland or Russia. "We have to accept the fact that Ukraine has to use all their assets to win this war, and this also means various strikes. So Russia too will continue to launch hybrid strikes," Stubb commented. We have to accept that as well. We have to accept that these goddamn simian idiots react to global warming by flaring up a harmaggeddon war of all against all. Mutta voimme ize valita millä arvokkaalla tavalla me hyväxymme sen. Ottaa oravahampaisesta presidentistä mallia. Hän on hyväxynyt että hän on ruma kalkkuna. Hyväxyn. Kiitos. Hän on tyhmä kuin ladonovi mutta ilkeämpi. KZ:n käynyt Benjamin Franklin antaa aplodeja luukasana.
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 120: Pasilan poistopöydiltä löytyi lopulta tämä ajankohtaisesti nimitetty nide. On siis tullut aika palata albumissa 8 portinpieleen jätetylle oxennuxelle ja tutustua omakohtaisesti tähän Italian poetiikan totemiin. Torquatosta ihmisenä on jo aika hyvä käsitys, lukematta edes Goethen viixinäytöxistä Torquato Tassoa. Eino E. Suolahti muistuttaa, että T. oli luterilaisittain paha mies, sillä hän liittyi 1500-luvulla alkaneeseen vastauskonpuhdistuxeen. Jerusalem joka puzataan on oikeastaan Vatikaani siis. Tasson runoilin paras selitys on sen jaxoittainen mielisairaus. Kirjoittajaa voi tarkastella psihopaattina, sanoi Eino mitä tahansa. Pöpi mikä pöpi.
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 164: ´Yeah, I’m attracted to young children, as young as 14, 15. I like to date junior high school girls.’ You can pay to spend time with a schoolgirl. Services might include a chat over a cup of tea, with some girls offering rather more intimate options. Volunteers hope to lure school-age girls into the joshi kosei, or JK business, as the schoolgirl-themed services are known. The fetishisation of Japanese schoolgirls in Japanese culture has been linked to some gaijin academics and to a 1985 song called Please Take Off My School Uniform.
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 177: ese/nanami-kurata/7/nanami-kurata-12.jpg" />
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 264: Väliin Veli Unelias kääkkää kovaakin siitä ettei saanut skebaa likoon ennenkö 39 vuotiaana, ajattele montako laakia tuli hukattua lahkeeseen turhan häveliäisyyden takia. Ei isä hälle neuvojaan jakanut kai milloinkaan. Vieläkin Lilith kiusaa kuin seminaarilaista. Eikö se ole mieletöntä? Naisetkin nauravat. Kekähän sitä armahti? Todnäk. ammattiauttaja. Lopussa luojan kiitos seisoo. Syxy on kaunis omalla tavallaan. Syxy Räsänen, ja Päivikin.
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 419: The Sayings Gospel Q is notable for lacking an account of Jesus' death. It is surprising that one early Christian document is apparently so indifferent to an event which plays a profound role in others (e.g., Romans, Mark). Maybe it wasn't so notable after all. And of course there are only rather short quotes from the cross (Sorry but these guys haven't got a clue, John this is your mom, mom this is your son John, Welcome to dine with me upstairs after these messages, lama sabakhthani, I hereby give up my ghost, anything else?) Seneca was Christ's contemporary and Epictetus 20 years younger. These kind of snappy quotes were much in vogue then.
xxx/ellauri404.html on line 503: So far just these 2 quotes have the right ring to them:
xxx/ellauri407.html on line 131: Toinen pornogenre joka saa pikkumiisun puolihereille on muka-salaa pystypano japsulaisessa ruuhkabussissa. Esim tämä ese+bus">video jossa blondattu milfi ottaa ohjat käsiinsä pikkujuipin bisnishousuista sai kellarissa aikaan hetkisexi lähes kunnollisen erektion:
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 144: The Bolovian verses carry much critical baggage. To Conrad Aiken, they are “hilariously naughty parerga” or “admirable stanzas” (March 22). Ezra Pound calls them “chançons ithyphallique” (IMH xvi). Bonamy Dobrèe claims, “They are part of an elaborated joke, nurtured through years. It is about some primitive people called the Bolovians, who wore bowler hats, and had square wheels to their chariots” (Tate 73). Subsequent descriptions are equally diverse, ranging from “pornographic doggerel” (Thorpe) to “scabrous exuberances” (Ricks xvi). One critic says they have “a surprising racial, even racist, focus” (Cooper 66). Another claims “these poems comically and obscenely portray the history of early European expansion as an orgy of uncontrollable desire and deviant sexuality” (McIntire 283). Pornoa mikä pornoa. Eliot borrows generously from common bawdy songs and joins a long list of classical writers who indulge in sexual, obscene, erotic, bawdy, scatological, and otherwise blue verse.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 148: The Bolovian verses, nevertheless, are offensive to many. Eliot’s “Triumph of Bullshit” was one of the poems that Lewis had rejected for publication. Lois Cuddy opines that “Eliot’s pornographic verses in an ‘epic’ about ‘King Bolo and His Great Black Kween’ indicate the extent and depth of his racial/sexual stereo- types and eugenic prejudices.” They are written from his own “sense of emptiness,” “puritanical principles,” and “sexual repressions.” Furthermore, these poetic vulgarities display Eliot’s acceptance of sexual stereotypes related to black men and women (229). Yet a look at the contexts of these poems, both as “nonsense” for friends and as reflections on the complexities of culture, reveals an earnest belief in the value of the “primitive mind” and even a reversal of “sexual stereotypes related to black men and women.” The man with the prodigious bolo is not King Bolo but sephardic Cristoforo Columbo who regrettably "found" America. “Eliot is today being refashioned as a prescient and extraordinarily sensitive mediator of the major currents of twentieth century cultural and technological change” (Murphet 31).
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 150: In brief, “The Columbiad,” as Eliot also calls it, begins in Spain, where Columbo dines in with the King and Queen. Queen Isabella “pricks” Columbo’s navel; in response, he defecates on the table. Columbo takes the Queen with him on his voyage, buggers his mates, and finds, in what is now Cuba, King Bolo and BBQ. The setting shifts to the Philippines and then to London, first to the suburb of Golders Green, and then to Russell Square, where Eliot launches the Bolovian Club luncheons. An important upshot of all the whoring is a bastard son named Boloumbo, who presumably begins the European line of ancestry. The rest of the “epic” documents contain Prof. Krapp’s (et al.) and Eliot’s research on the ancient history of the Bolovians, who originate somewhere in South America. Not only the locations, but also the tables have been turned. The “scholarship” reveals that Bolovian behavior and characteristics are the sources of many modern Western traditions, including the wearing of bowler hats. Bolovians practiced Wuxianity, a religion with two gods (or more, depending on the interpretation), anticipating the divine/ human controversy in Christology. Their language, in which Eliot has learned to sing the Bolovian anthem, predates the Indo-European pronunciations of “W,” a combination of the “Greek Ksi” and the “German schsh” (Letters III 730). Eliot’s verses borrow from many versions of Christopher Columbus and his adventures. “Columbo” is a common misspelling for “Colombo,” which is Italian and Portuguese for “Columbus.” Many children know, “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue,” but others may know some of the sailors’ ditties or military songs, one of which has the following chorus:
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 180: In mock seriousness, Eliot frames the seventeen Notebook stanzas (mostly octavos) as Elizabethan drama. They begin, “Let a tucket be sounded on the hautboys. Enter the king and queen.” Then commence the obscenities. In Spain, Columbo is treated for syphilis by a “bastard jew named Benny” when he “filled Columbo’s prick / with Muriatic Acid” (IMH 315, 149). Later Columbo seeks help from the ship’s physician concerning another symptom of syphilis. “ ‘It’s this way, doc’ he said said he / I just cant stop a-pissin [sic]” (Letters I 231). Columbo and his mariners of song are well-known for their whoring. “One Sunday evening after tea / They went to storm a whore house,” and from a “seventh story window,” “bitched” Columbo with a “pisspot” (IMH 315). Ed Madden says that Columbo and sailors may have had pumps of argyrol and muriatic acid [dilute hydrochloric acid] “rammed up their penises” to treat their syphilis (151). When they set sail for America, “Queen Isabella was aboard / That famous Spanish whore.” With only Queen Isabella aboard and a boy named Orlandino, the horny crew have to make do until they reach land (IMH 315). In Cuba, they encounter King Bolo and his thirty-three “swarthy” bodyguards. They “were called the Jersey Lilies / a wild and hardy set of blacks” and like Columbo, are “undaunted by syphilis” (IMH 316). Madden calls them “the phallically well-endowed bodyguards of King Bolo,” but “swarthy,” “wild,” and “hardy” does not mean “well-endowed.” Columbo is. There are many reversals in these verses: Columbo is equipped with his prodigious bolo, and neither the New World nor the Old World gave the other syphilis. They both had it.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 182: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infectious (STI) disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The most popular and long-standing theory is that syphilis was carried by sailors returning from the first transatlantic expedition led by Christopher Columbus. The disease came back from the New World to the Old, with present-day Haiti viewed as the most likely source. But actually, treponemal disease appears to have originated in East Africa with late transmission to England, perhaps as a gift of the slave trade. The original treponemal disease apparently spread from Africa through Asia, entering North America. Approximately 8 millennia later, it mutated to syphilis. Syphilis came to humans from cattle or sheep many centuries ago, possibly sexually. So it is the damn British sheepfucking slavers who take the blame again.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 184: According to the real Colombo, the West Indies natives were not black. Eliot’s Bolovians, on the contrary, are fat, black, and promiscuous. Bolovians are black because they are natives and primitive, and described with such essentialist terms as are associated with Africans. It is difficult to accept such statements as “Eliot’s verse expresses revulsion of the carnal world” (Douglass 150) when one reads the Bolovian Epic. Sex is clearly part of the fun and there is no revulsion in these verses, except perhaps in the reader’s response to them. Back in Spain Columbo quarrels with the Queen. “They terminated the affair/ By fucking on the sofa.” Although his syphilis acts up again, Columbo is undaunted. “He spun his balls around his head / And cried ‘Hooray for whores!’ . . . Exeunt the king and queen severally” (IMH 319).
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 186: Tom of New England oli naisten kasvattama mammanpoika kuten Coriolanus Shakespearessa, sen tautta naiset näytti siltä hampaattomilta jättikidoilta. Ihmisenä Tom oli laimea kuin kraanavesi. Perheen vaakuna oli norsun pää kärsineen, as researched by Walter Graeme Eliot in 1887 (W. Eliot 8). Eliot explains himself in his 1923 essay, “The Beating of Meat”: Primitive man beat the meat and then found a reason for it. Modern man has many reasons, but he has lost the meat. Later in The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism he states, “Poetry, I dare say, begins with a savage beating meat in the jungle” (95).
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 210: Manila Harbor in 1909. “He was forced to resign . . . following an alleged liaison with a cabin boy” (Letters II 768n). But the cabin boy was savʼd alive/ And buggerʼd, in the sphincter. Eliot was convinced that his father thought him a failure. Publication of these verses might reverse that problem.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 241: That his bawdy verse was not published anywhere was a continuous joke in Eliotʼs correspondence. When they were finally available to the public in 1996, they received diverse labels: “scatological,” “scabrous,” “obscene,” “pornographic” and “x-rated,” “politically incorrect,” “racist” and “misogynist,” tending towards “coprophilia,” and “grotesquely graphic. In their childish and sordid sexuality these poems have little to do with one of the root meanings of ribald, which is amorous. Instead, they are "descriptions of huge penises, defecations, buggeries and group masturbations." Twenty years later, Eliot was writing Cats, and forgive me, I prefer the kink.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 303: Sweeney Erect, TS Eliot Visual Representation. "Eliot will be there in four-piece suit. I am not sure he does not paint his lips."
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 308: These are the poems of Eliot
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 396: TS Eliotin "Sweeney jäykkänä" esittelee yhden Eliotin tunnetuimmista hahmoista, Sweeneyn, bordellissa epileptisen naisen rinnalla. Runo vie lukijan myrskyisän henkisen ja emotionaalisen maiseman läpi, joka johtaa Sweeneyn huoneeseen bordellissa. Siellä hän seisoo täyspitkässä peilissä ja ajaa parranajoa samalla kun nainen, jonka kanssa hän oletettavasti nukkui, kiemurtelee sängyllä. Hän ei osoita kiinnostusta hänen kärsimykseensä ja hoitaa asioitaan niin rauhallisesti kuin voi. Runo päättyy siihen, että muut naiset puuttuvat asiaan ja yrittävät elvyttää naista tuoksuvilla suoloilla.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 427: Naiset tulevat huoneeseen ja näkevät edessään "hysterian". Sana "hysteria" on mielenkiintoinen tässä. Sitä voidaan käyttää kuvaamaan epileptikon liikkeitä, mutta sitä käytetään myös kuvaamaan naisten orgasmia.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 467: The Jew of Malta (full title: The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta) is a play by Christopher Marlowe, written in 1589 or 1590. The plot primarily revolves around a Maltese Jewish merchant named Barabas. The original story combines religious conflict, intrigue, and revenge, set against a backdrop of the struggle for supremacy between Spain and the Ottoman Empire in the Mediterranean that takes place on the island of Malta. There has been extensive debate about the play's portrayal of Jews and how Elizabethan audiences would have viewed it.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 555: These very prolific camp-following merchants of the Lord pass by the windows, before taking up the offering. Eliot goes on to describe a painting of the Baptism of Christ. The lines are full of implications. The simple humanity of the figure still reminds man of the redemption of his offences. In ironic contrast are placed several symbols of ugliness and degradation and complicated parallel between the sterility of the worker bees and that of the "word" of sectarian theological argument. The neuter worker bees at least fertilize the flowers, and so may be said to perform a "blest office" in the scheme of Nature; but the same cannot be said of the "sapient sutlers of the Lord". The "sable presbyters" move like the "religious caterpillars" of the epigraph, who were more interested in getting his "piaculative pence" than in saving his soul. Finally, we have the degrading contrast between Sweeney wallowing in his bath and the figure of the baptized god.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 668: Vene iskee liekin veneeseemme,
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 767: Dante piti kyynisenä Guidon asennoitumista halun aiheeseen, jonka Guido koristi Donna me pregassa vihan ja kuoleman kuvilla. Danten kontrabassossa lihan himoisille Inferno V:ssä lihallisia syntisiä heittelevät hallitsemattomasti myrskytuulet. Eli tää on taas tää Danten hammurabimainen ajatus että kidutus helvetissä vastaa ao. syntiä. Ero näiden kahden kynäilijän välillä on niiden käsityksessä rakkaudesta, koska Guido uskoi, että kaikki rakkaus johti järjen menettämiseen. Dante, vastustaen tätä uskomusta, käytti Guidon määritelmää vain kieroutuneesta rakkaudesta himon piirissä. Dante oli roikkunenä luupää, Guido pullanaama.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 897: Úbedan veljet protestoivat ja 15. syyskuuta 1596 paavi Klemens VIII julkaisi lyhyen Expositum Nobis -kirjeen, jossa määrättiin jäännösten palauttamisesta Úbedaan. Myöhemmin paavin ohjeeseen tehtiin muutos, joka antoi kalkkikarmeliittien esimiehen määrätä palauttaa Úbedaan vain toinen jalka ja yksi käsivarsi, jotka saapuivat sinne 7. syyskuuta 1607.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 974: Valentin, listan toinen, seurasi akateemista koulutusta tekniikan ja tietojenkäsittelytieteen aloilla Leonardo da Vinci -insinöörikoulussa. Hänen tiedonhakunsa ulottui matematiikkaan ja tietojenkäsittelytieteeseen Hongkongin kaupungin yliopistossa.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1040: The other article you referenced also does not say that Mormons believe in pagan idols. It says Nephi saw a vision of a tree and that the tree represented the love of God. The article then makes the ridiculous and unsupported claim that the tree represents Asherah just because Nephi also saw a vision of Mary, even while quoting the exact scripture that says the tree represents the love of God.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1080: The Mormon "apologist" had a whole lot of drivel by so-called scholars which had Israel worshiping a whole different God than the one of the Bible, and had more speculations about who Asherah was, but no facts -- only assumptions and assertions (sort of like the writers supporting evolutionism). Peterson only speculates as to what the BOM meant, and declares that his research proves that the BOM is a true ancient Semitic text. But he really doesn't claim Asherah IS God's wife.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1090: I watched her documentary and got such a weird vibe from her. Researched her and I truly think she has more in her history and believe her view point is highly antisemetic. But I’m no scholar... just a person after the truth and I see no truth In her.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 58: Im Mai 2008 erklärte sie im Spiegel, dass sie den Begriff Diktatur der Proletariat für die DDR (die sie als „das friedfertigste und menschenfreundlichste Gemeinwesen, das sich die Deutschen im Gesamt ihrer Geschichte bisher geschaffen haben“) als zutreffend hielt.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 61: Die DDR ist kein demokratischer Staat gewesen, jedoch ist im heutigen kapitalistischen System keine echte Demokratie möglich. Echte Demokratie hat mit "pursuit of happiness" nichts zu tun. 2016 äußerte sie über den russischen Militäreinsatz in Syrien gegenüber Russia Today, es brauche für einen Frieden „mehr Kooperation mit Russland und nicht mehr Konfrontation“, sie fordere für eine weltweite Sicherheitsordnung unter Einbezug Russlands die Auflösung der NATO. Ein zentraler Grund für das schlechte Verhältnis zwischen Russland und dem Westen sei die NATO-Osterweiterung. Ende Januar 2024 forderte sie erneut ein Ende der Sanktionen gegen Russland sowie der Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine. Wagenknecht on myös huomauttanut, että Saksa ostaa nyt öljyä muun muassa Jemenissä sotaa käyvältä Saudi-Arabialta. Iso-Markku korostaa, että Wagenknechtilla tai muilla äärilaidan ehdokkailla ei ole realistisia mahdollisuuksia eikä välttämättä edes halua nousta päättäviin asemiin. Pikku-Markku nyökyttelee takapiruna. Ei Jeesuskaan oikeasti halunnut messiaaxi, tuulenpyörre pakotti. Lääkelasi oli pakko tyhjentää. Pikku-Markun peppu edes lohdutti.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 190: Jamunajoki on hindujen pyhä joki, jossa uskovaiset käyvät peseytymässä. Henkilö peseytyy Intiassa saastuneen joen vedellä. Iyy elloa.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 193: Mies peseytyy Jamunajoen saastuneella, vaahtoavalla vedellä.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 195: Intian pääkaupungin Delhin halki virtaava Jamunajoki on paksun, myrkyllisen vaahdon peitossa. Vaahto on peräisin 20 miljoonan asukkaan Delhin jätevesistä, maatalouden torjunta-aineista ja teollisuuden päästöistä, joista suuri osa menee käsittelemättöminä jokeen. Myrkkypitoisuudet Jamunassa ovat viime vuosina kasvaneet, vaikka Intian hallitus on rakentanut puhdistuslaitoksia hillitsemään jätevesiä ja saastepäästöt ovat vastoin lakia. Myrkyllistä vaahtoa yritetään hajottaa ajamalla joella moottoriveneillä. Joen suojelua edistävän järjestön toiminnanjohtaja Vimlendu Jha sanoo uutistoimisto Reutersille, että joen luonto on täysin kuollut. Vesi on mustaa lukuun ottamatta aikoja, jolloin mustaa oli aikakin. Kun vettä sataa runsaasti. Jamuna on hindujen pyhä joki, jossa uskovaiset käyvät kielloista huolimatta peseytymässä. Jamunan vedet laskevat Gangesiin ja päätyvät sitä kautta Intian valtamereen. Lähteet: Reuters, AP Ympäristö Saastuminen Ulkomaat Suosittelemme.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 299: . Quite the contrary, these days we get Indian
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 354: Heräsin unesta jossa olin naimisissa pikku Kunin kanssa, aamupalaa syömässä vaimon ja kahden pienen viirusilmän lapsen kanssa, kun alkoi tuntua että nyt vois alkaa tehdä kolmatta: aloin hyväillä ja hypistellä pikku kiinatarta aamutakin alta sieltä sun täältä. ibi illa multa cum iocosa fiebant, quae tu uolebas nec puella nolebat. Eipä aikaakaan kun oltiin siirrytty punkan puolelle ja alettu edetä jo peremmälle, kun Kun muisti lapset ja ehdotti että hoidettaisiin niiden aamupala ensin valmiixi. Se ponnahti nakupellenä vuoteesta kuin pikku jänönen. Minä jonka aamiainenkin oli jäänyt kesken nousin perästä tunkien vastahakoista ithyfallosta takas lahkeeseen. Siihen uni päättyi. Voi nössö sentään että tämmöisissä sexiunissa coitus jää aina interruptuxexi. Herätessä oli siitin ojentunut pitkäxi ja paxuxi vaikkei kovin kovaxi. Nunc iam ille non uult: tu quoque impotens, noli. (Lähde: Catullus 8)
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 52: I’d love for anti-Semites to keep out of my vagina, but also, these stereotypes are just fucking wrong. Take note, people: no shame = great sex. Except it is false to fact. Shame plays a big part in it.
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 59: Rabbinical student Erik Urinate (shown pants down in fig. 4 below, with a shortish penis in his hand) says the sages meant these instructions to produce healthy, intelligent sons.
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 86: Useat pyhät, kuten eräät aavikkoisät sekä Basil Fool for Christ, harjoittivat alastomuutta askeettisen DIY köyrinnän muotona. Aadamin ja Eevan lisäxi muut Vanhan testamentin hahmot, jotka on kuvattu alasti, ovat Suuren Kalan suusta nouseva Joona, Leijonan luolasta nouseva Daniel ja Hesekielin näyssä kuolleista noussut kuivista luista.
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 102: These illustrations illustrate the importance of shame in exciting sex. Legends from top down: 1. Handmaiden's tail. 2. Ejaculatio ante portas. 3. Dressage. 4. Bashing the bishop. 5-6.
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 660: riittämättömän avun kanssa johtaneet tilanteeseen, jossa on ollut hyvin selvää,
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 680: Suomalaisten päivä- ja ilta-pulujen rivit Ukrainan rintamalta ovat Trumpin voiton jälkeen aivan sekaisin. Vielä vähän tulee hikisiä propagandaiskuja siitä kuinka vähävenäläinen pienkone on päässyt hajottamaan ryssän laivoja Kaspian merellä ja kuinka Venäjä on menettänut ennätysmäärän kalustoa etenemisvaiheessa. Toisaalta masentavaa tietoa Ukrainan reservien ehtymisestä ja arvailuja USA:n tuen loppumisesta Trumpin takia. Suomi on seuraavana vuorossa, hätäilevät vielä hetki sitten pullistelleet Hekku Haukat. Pohjois-Korean urheat pojat ovat oikomassa rintamaa Kurskin mutkassa. Kukko Koppava on selkeästi joholla.
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 901: Fartaytsht un farbesert
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 67: "Venäläinen opiskelija antautui vanhalle professorille koiratyyliin tuolissa." Kaunis venäläinen opiskelija, jolla oli vaaleat hiukset ja valkoiset sukat, tuli vanhan opettajansa luo uusintakokeeseen.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 87: Suomalaisilla Hekku Haukoilla kesti päivän pari toipua venäläisten hasselpähkinän aiheuttamasta järkytyxestä. Mutta nyt on jo piristytty! Hämmentynyt hiljaisuus on päättynyt. Ei hätä ole tämän näköinen! Amerikkalaisten Uusi Sakaali-ohjus iskee tarkasti kohteeseen häirinnästä huolimatta! Amerikkalaiset Atacms-ohjukset ovat huomattavasti tappavampia kuin Ukrainan omat dronet! Ukraina iski heti syvälle Venäjälle – Uudet ohjukset näyttivät tehonsa! Mutta voiko Israelin Irania kohti laukomat ohjuxet osua lomakoneeseen? Useat maat ovat liian hitaita sulkemaan ilmatilojaan. Mitä mieltä olit artikkelista? Pitäisikö Uuden Suomen omistajat ampua?
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 112: Lyllerö mamu pesee Ladan ikkunat isolla
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 305: tisseistä perseeseen ja pilluun. Siihenhän ne sitten jäävätkin.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 335: tisseistä perseeseen ja pilluun. Samaan aikaan nuorten
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 371: Eli minkä johtopäätöxen vedämme tästä kaikesta? Että sitä lyytä kun Darwinin EAT! käskyn tasapuolisesta toteuttamisesta on tullut yhä vaikeampaa, nousee kiinnostus entisestään FUCK! ja KILL! käskyihin. A strange combination of death and eroticism so typical of these apes.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 487: Tinna meni huoneeseensa ja mietti mitä tehdä. Mixi Miisu näyttäytyi ilman housuja muttei edes puoliveteessä? Hän oli vakuuttunut siitä, että hän oli tehnyt oikein tuhotessaan väärät Astartesit, sillä ilmeisesti täytyy olla yksi jumala, El Coño, joka hallitsi ihmisten asioita, ja muiden täytyy olla vain sekaantujia, jotka yrittävät saada ihmisen tuntemaan olonsa hieman turvallisemmaksi. Heillä ei voinut olla todellista voimaa, eikä hän tuntenut katumusta, kun hän hylkäsi niistä 2/3. Heetti hyppäsi esiin hämmästyttävän viriilinä ottaen huomioon äsken nähdyn murhateon ja lähti sivuhuoneeseen bylsimään rouva Obamaa. Urbaalia vastaan tuli Damaskoxen tiellä ensimmäinen Habiru, name of Abram, joka oli lähtenyt tunkemaan palestiinalaisia pois luvatulta maalta. Pieni kuiva äijänkäppyrä kuin Wolfram Roth. Juonikas mies, ei se siihen kyykisty mihkä paskantaa. Eikä sen jumala syö pikkupoikia (hmm) eikä nakupellet naiset bylsi farmareita (nojaa). Mut mit vit! Abramillakin otti ankarasti eteen Mrs. Obamasta.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 497: Like David and Goliath, the story of Samson and Delilah are well-known stories of right and wrong, good and evil, goys and jews. These findings help tell the story of the Philistines on their own terms, in a way that complements (rather than negating) what the biblical writers said about them. Think of them as ancient Vikings. According to the Bible, the Philistines were polytheists. Polytheist means you worship multiple gods, unlike the Nazirite Samson. The biblical story of Samson suggests that he destroyed the temple of Dagon in Gaza. Present-day Samsons specialize in childrens' hospitals.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 535: Philistines as the “Peleset," which over time
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 571: Testament reserved great scorn for the
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 591: esensei.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/shutterstock_1729426924.jpg" />
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 602: The Philistines were first recorded by others between 1185-1152 BCE. The Peleset, as they were called by the Egyptians, were first depicted as captives on a wall relief at Medinet Habu during the reign of Ramesses III. The Peleset were one of the several groups commonly referred to as the Sea People that were part of a serious of events that lead to the Bronze Age Collapse. The Egyptians identified ten ethnic groups as raiders and pirates that came ashore to plunder during this tumultuous time. The Peleset were one of those people. There were opportunistic mercenaries and desperate people willing to take on the greatness of Egypt, but it was probably more complex. There were certainly also refugees looking for safety.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 735: pesee ja linkoaa kuin Davidin spermalingosta! El shaddai (tosin vasta toisessa
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 870: Deuteronomy is presented as an address by Moses, scholars
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 994: Vastuuvapauslauseke: Ota ize vastuu kaikista tilisi kautta tapahtuvista toiminnoista; me emme ota mitään vastuuta, ainoastaan rahasi. Huomaa, että emme ole vastuussa mistään menetyksistä, jotka johtuvat tilisi rahojen katoamisesta. Kun suoritat maksuja alustallamme, voit olla varma, että me huolehdimme rahoistasi. Jos haluat poistaa tilisi saldon pysyvästi, ota rohkeasti yhteyttä osoitteeseen kusetus@lovefart.com . Huomaa, että päätös tilin poistamisesta tai jäädyttämisestä on tiimimme yksinomaisen harkinnan varainen.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 1013: 04. Anna asioiden edetä omaan tahtiisi. On tärkeää, että kaverisi työntelee sinulle sopivaan tahtiin. Ei liian verkkaan eikä kiivaasti kuin kaniini. Emme välttämättä ole samaa mieltä niiden vanhojen yhteiskunnan normien kanssa, jotka vaativat sinua odottamaan papin aamenta ennen intiimin suhteen aloittamista. Mielestämme on enemmän kuin hyväksi odottaa ja nussia paperittomina, kunnes olet valmis siirtymään tähän seurustelun vaiheeseen.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 1021: Olitpa sitten hammaslääkäri, pankinjohtaja tai liikemies, nuori tai vanha, Helsingistä tai Oulusta, hoikka tai tukeva - persoonallisuus on valttia verkkodeittailussa. Jos etsit pysyvää suhdetta Suomesta palvelumme kautta, niin haluat olla varma, että etsit sitä oikeaa kumppania. Korkealuokkaiset, sinulle sopivat, ammattimaiset kumppaniehdokkaamme takaavat ystävällisen, tasapainoisen ja pitkäkestoisen yhdynnän. Tästä kuuluu kiitos ammattimaiselle kumppaninetsintäjärjestelmällemme - resepti menestykseen.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 46: Er Rusland virklig så "onde" som vesten siger? Jawohl det er det! Det russiske styre er præget af tiden som vasaller under Mongolerne, og tyranner som Ivan den grusomme og Pær den store. Iflg en nazitysk tv-dokumentar var Stalin så den der gjorde styret en tand giftigere, det vi ser noget af i dag. (Krustjov tog så den ondeste del af kommunisme ud af det da han tog over efter Stalin ,men der skulle eks kunne ses "nedarvet systemparanoia" fra Stalin den dag i dag iflg den tyske doku). Det skulle åbenbart have haft sine langtidsvirkninger på det russiske system at mongolerne invaderede Rusland i 1219, bla fordi russerne på den vis blev isoleret mere fra Europa i en vigtig periode, dvs koloniseringen. Mongoler var ju værre en kineserne. Vi dansker gudskelov er helt olike, egte vikinger. Det var russerne ursprunglig med men de har mistet det.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 244: erect members in his circle. She said these ideas were
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 247: "self-indulgent, fear-of-death-driven fantasies of these thinkers,
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 252: principles governing research on human subjects (see the
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 262: Reflecting a strain of feminist criticism of the transhumanist program, the homely lady philosopher Susan Bordo and her dog point to "contemporary obsessions with slenderness, youth and physical perfection", which she sees as affecting both men and women, but in distinct ways, as "the logical (if extreme) manifestations of death anxieties and fantasies fostered by our culture." Southpaw political scientist Klaus-Gerd Giesen has asserted that transhumanism's concentration on altering the human body represents the logical yet tragic consequence of atomized individualism and body commodification within a consumer culture.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 279: Iljetys, lievimmin sanoen kauhistus, eng. abomination, on Hesen mielikastike. Sitä käytetään pääasiassa kuvaamaan epäjumalanpalvelusta mutta muihinkin luonnostaan pahoihin asioihin, kuten laittomaan seksiin, valehteluun, murhaan, petokseen jne. ja epäpuhtaille ruoille.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 282: - laiton seksi (esim. prostituutio, aviorikos, insesti) (Hesekiel 16:22,58, Hesekiel 22:11, Hesekiel 33:26)
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 294: - koronkiskonta, epäeettisten tai moraalittomien rahalainojen antaminen, jotka rikastavat epäoikeudenmukaisesti lainanantajaa, sortavat köyhiä ja lusmuja jne. (Hesekiel 18:10–13)
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 335: Siis mitä? Oliko tuo Taavetinkin valistunut mielipide tuona aikana? Mahdollisesti. Kanaanilaisen viherpeukalon sääjumalan Baalin vaino profeettojen toimesta alkoi vasta foinikialaisen Iisebelin aikana (mm. Jeremian ja ballistien kuulu nuotionsytytyskilpailu), siihen saakka molemmat baalit istuxivat aidalla käytkaz sulassa sovussa, kuten James kuvailee. Eihän ba'al tarkoita muuta kuin herraa, siis esim. vaimon tai sikatilan omistajaa eli isäntää. Tämäkin tiedonjyvänen ilmeni James Michenerin tiilestä, joka osoittautuu mainettaan paremmaxi. Vaikka (ilmeisesti pahastunut juutalainen) resensentti haukuskeli sitä albumissa 352.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 346: vielä syvemmälle kulkkuunsa. Opastusta uusavuttomille teineille miten tyrkkäät porkkanoita perseeseen. Maxapalat ovat myös hyviä harjoittelukohteita, paizi vegaanit ei välttämättä pidä niistä.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 397: Mihin on kadonnut ikätasoisuus ja terve järki? Seksuaalivalistus ei tarvitse sitä, että lapsille aletaan tyrkyttää Onlyfansin ammattilaistason seksiakrobatiaa. Lapset eivät tarvitse auktoriteetin asemassa olevia aikuisia tuputtamaan heille pornoa yhtään mihinkään – saati sitten yllyttämään heitä seksiakteihin ja dick picien kuvaamiseen. Quo usque abutere Catilina patientia nostra? Quem ad finem sese iactabit effrenata ista tua audacia?
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 431: Poland is ready not only to defend its borders, but also to assist its NATO allies from the Baltic countries: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia. Russian propagandists make frequent threats to Poland, reminding of the times when Russian tsars and then Stalin’s USSR were invading Polish territories, and claim that certain Polish lands were a “gift” to Poland from the USSR — which they threaten “to take back”. The Polish politicians take these threats seriously. They know the pattern: first propagandists prepare the population, and then Hitler sends the troops. So, the Polish military is making sure that Russia can never invade Poland. The cavalry is ready. The Poles still remember the Soviet occupation and the Russian atrocities. The Germans are on our side now. Never again. This is a war to end all wars. Elon Musk says that nuclear war is not as scary as people think.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 508: Seija ei arvosta Kimmo Kiljusta jolla on venäläinen vaimo Svetlana. Ei se perusta liioin Teemu Keskisarjasta jolla on nazimielipiteitä. Isänmaalliset ministerimme kampaamomestari Kimmo Kiljunen ja historioizija Teemu Keskisarja kilpailevat kärpässarjassa politiikan äärilaidoilla. Svetlana suree kun se ei pääse Petroskoihin rajan ylize, kun siellä on niitä polkumiinoja. I feel your pain. Teemu Keskisarja marssii Töölön torilta jonnekin Helsingin ulkopuolelle. Se menee mieluummin 612 soihtukulkueeseen kun siellä ei tarvi jonottaa Stubbin kättelemistä saadaxeen purtavaa. I can relate to that.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 78: Pohjoiskorealaiset jalkaväkijoukkueet ovat hyökänneet leveällä rintamalla. – Pohjoiskorealaisilla joukoilla on selkeästi ollut šokkivaikutus. Ukrainalaiset ovat järjestäneet puolustuksensa venäläisten käyttämiä taktiikoita vastaan. Paroisen mukaan Venäjä on aikaisemmin hyökännyt Kurskissa rynnäkkö- ja taistelupanssarivaunuilla tai pienillä enintään noin 20 sotilaan rynnäkköosastoilla. Pohjoiskorealaisten joukkojen taktiikka on ollut erilainen. – Nyt pellon yli onkin tullut yhtäkkiä toista sataa sotilasta useammalta eri suunnalta uraata huutaen. Pohjoiskorealaiset joukot ovat olleet hyvin hajautettuja ja ne ovat pyrkineet tavoitteeseensa päättäväisesti tappioista huolimatta. Paroinen toteaa, ettei Ukraina saavuttanut kesällä Kurskin alueelle tekemällään hyökkäyksellä tavoitteitaan. Hyökkäyssuunnitelma oli hänen mukaansa ylimitoitettu. Sen jälkeen Ukraina on jäänyt Kurskissa pussiin, jota vastaan Venäjä hyökkää monesta suunnasta. Paroinen toivoo kuitenkin, ja pitää peukkuja, ettei Venäjä kuitenkaan pysty ajamaan Ukrainaa pois Kurskista lähitulevaisuudessa. But Russia managed to capture over 1,600 square kilometers (roughly the size of London) of Donbas territories between September and November, despite "spending significant amounts of men and material in the process,” according to the Finland-based open-source analytical organization Angry Bird Group. The estimated Russian gains in Donbas over the fall surpass the territories Ukraine held in Kursk Oblast at its peak, which the senior Ukrainian military official told Reuters was roughly 1,380 square kilometers.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 82: “Not one soldier whom I speak with understands why we are here (in Kursk Oblast),” Oleksii said, adding that many guys from his unit refused to be deployed in the Kursk operation and went home. Its a pity people are dying for PR, cites Emil Kastehelmi. Serhii Kuzan, co-founder and chairman of the Ukrainian Security and Cooperation Center, said that the long-range strikes “help a lot” in the defense of Kursk Oblast. The soldiers on the ground said that they had not felt the results of these long-range strikes on the battlefield.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 167: Marraskuusta 2023 lähtien Houthi-ohjushyökkäykset ovat upottaneet kaksi (2) alusta Punaisellamerellä ja vahingoittaneet muita. He ovat väittäneet, "usein valheellisesti," että ne kohdistuvat aluksiin, jotka ovat yhteydessä vain Israeliin, Yhdysvaltoihin tai Yhdistyneeseen kuningaskuntaan. Viime joulukuussa Yhdysvallat, Iso-Britannia "ja 12 muuta maata" käynnistivät Operation Prosperity Guardian suojellakseen Punaisenmeren laivaväyliä hyökkäyksiltä. Joo justiinsa, varallisuusvartijoita nimenomaan taas. Houthi-ohjus osui Tel Aviviin lauantaina, ja 16 ihmistä hoidettiin lievien vammojen vuoksi. Sentään joku tekee jotakin.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 171: Houthien tiedottaja sanoi, että ryhmä osui sotilaalliseen kohteeseen hypersonisella ballistisella ohjuksella. Aiemmin tällä viikolla Israel teki sarjan iskuja hutheixi sanomiaan sotilaskohteita vastaan, osuen satamiin sekä energiainfrastruktuuriin Jemenin pääkaupungissa Sanaassa. Houthien johtama Al Masirah TV raportoi, että yhdeksän ihmistä sai surmansa Salifin satamassa ja Ras Issan öljyterminaalissa. Huthit ovat vannoneet jatkavansa hyökkäyksiään, kunnes Gazan sota päättyy. USA sanoo, että sen uusin isku on osa sitoutumista suojella itseään ja liittolaisiaan. Joo listikää vaan kaikki toisenne vitun apinat. Ei tästä pidot parane ennenkun väki vähenee.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 256: Isku maailman nuorten asenteeseen "ukrainalaisuuteen" tapahtui melko odottamatta ja nopeasti. Syynä tähän ilmiöön oli kappaleen "Sigma Boy" valtava kansainvälinen menestys ja militanttien ukrainalaisten riittämätön reaktio sosiaalisissa verkostoissa 12-vuotiaan Maria Yankovskajan ja hänen 11-vuotiaan ystävänsä esittämään kappaleeseen. Kappale on nyt kolmen parhaan joukossa Spotifyssa ja iTunesissa yli 70 maassa, enimmäkseen ykkösenä.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 271: Putinin joululahjan jälkeen Biden lupaa vähämielisille venäläisille lohtunamixi lisää aselahjoja. Ettei mene joulu pilalle kuin Jeesuxen pääsiäinen. Vanha horisko laskee lisää kaapelia bideeseen.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 393: Chinese factories where workers die by suicide,
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 427: soppi epämääräiseen, uudelleen keskittyneeseen
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 431: up with the Joneses.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 599: A law banning women under the age of 23 from traveling abroad without a parent or guardian, with the purpose of "increased morality and preservation of the gene pool" passed in the Kyrgyz parliament in June 2013. As the prices of imported agrichemicals and petroleum are so high, much farming is being done by hand and by horse, as it was generations ago. Kirgisiassa ei ole nettiä. Kyrgyzstan was ranked 99th in the Global Innovation Index in 2024. Hyvä Kirgisia!