ellauri069.html on line 785: In fact, Baum proposed in two editorials he wrote in December 1890 for his newspaper, the Saturday Pioneer, the total genocidal slaughter of all remaining indigenous peoples. "The Whites," Baum wrote, "by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians. Why not annihilation?"
ellauri107.html on line 513: Babbitt looked up irritably from the comic strips in the Evening Advocate. They composed his favorite literature and art, these illustrated chronicles in which Mr. Mutt hit Mr. Jeff with a rotten egg, and Mother corrected Father's vulgarisms by means of a rolling-pin. With the solemn face of a devotee, breathing heavily through his open mouth, he plodded nightly through every picture, and during the rite he detested interruptions. Furthermore, he felt that on the subject of Shakespeare he wasn't really an authority. Neither the Advocate-Times, the Evening Advocate, nor the Bulletin of the Zenith Chamber of Commerce had ever had an editorial on the matter, and until one of them had spoken he found it hard to form an original opinion. But even at risk of floundering in strange bogs, he could not keep out of an open controversy.
ellauri180.html on line 224: Literary assaults such as these have served to fuel the debates and even a Medline® search today reveals that in the last year alone, 155 reviews or letters have been published arguing for or against routine circumcision. However, studying the evolution of the medical indications provides us with a pleasing demonstration of how controversy drives scientific enquiry. We have already described how the surgeons of 100 years ago advocated circumcision for a wide variety of conditions, such as impotence, nocturnal enuresis, sterility, excess masturbation, night terrors, epilepsy, etc. There can be no doubt that a large element of surgical self-interest drove these claims. However, most of the contemporary textbooks also included epithelioma (carcinoma) of the penis amidst the morass of complications of phimosis. Although rare, once this observation had been made, it presumably filtered down through the textbooks by rote, rather than scientific study. A few reports had appeared in the early 20th century indicating that carcinoma of the penis was rare in circumcised men, but not until the debate over neonatal circumcision erupted in the medical press in the 1930s that this surgical `mantra' was put to the test. In 1932, the editor of the Lancet challenged Abraham Wolbarst, a New York urologist, to prove his contention (in a previous Lancet editorial), that circumcision prevented penile carcinoma. Wolbarst responded by surveying every skin, cancer and Jewish hospital in the USA, along with 1250 of the largest general hospitals throughout the Union. With this survey, he was able to show that penile cancer virtually never occurred in circumcised men and that the risk related to the timing of the circumcision. Over the years this association has been reaffirmed by many research workers, although general hygiene, demographic and other factors such as human papilloma virus and smoking status are probably just as important. However, Wolbarst established that association through formal scientific enquiry and proponents of the procedure continue to use this as a compelling argument for circumcision at birth.
ellauri222.html on line 239: Adam Bellow is executive editor at Bombardier Books, a politically conservative imprint at Post Hill Press. He previously founded and led the conservative imprints All Points Books at St Martin's Press and Broadside Books at HarperCollins, served as executive editor-at-large at Doubleday, and as editorial director at Free Press, publishing several controversial conservative books such as Illiberal Education, The Real Anita Hill, The Bell Curve, and Clinton Cash.
ellauri309.html on line 443: editorial/0/f5/0f58718e-e989-5bb9-9581-2dcdb5345fbb/5a68ab62d380e.image.jpg" width="70%" />
ellauri309.html on line 450: editorial/6/03/60307552-627a-521d-b32c-c8945371ef3a/524e19cd62690.image.jpg" />
ellauri321.html on line 316: Tracy Corrigan was previously chief strategy officer of Dow Jones and has held a range of senior editorial positions including editor in chief of the Wall Street Journal Europe, editor of the Financial Times’ Lex column and editor of FT.com. Tracy is currently a non-executive director of Barclays Bank UK PLC, Direct Line Insurance Group PLC, and Domino’s Pizza Group PLC.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 336: Overall, we rate The New Yorker Left Biased based on story selection and editorial position that favors the left and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 323: James "Jim" Polk was the long time editorial director of House of Anansi Press and edited two books by Charles Taylor, as well as work by Margaret Atwood, George Grant, Northrop Frye, and many others. With a literature PhD (which Peggy never finished) he has taught at Harvard, Idaho, Ryerson and Alberta, and has written a comic novel, a stage comedy about Canadian publishing, articles, short stories, and criticism about Canadian writers and writing. As an advisor at the Ontario Ministry of Culture, he worked on grants for theatre and books, developed a tax credit for publishers and remodelled the Trillium Book Prize to include Franco Ontarian writing. He lives in Toronto and, trained as a pianist, still practices daily, playing classics and show-tunes in seclusion.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 467: editorial/3/7d/37d4ba7e-ef7a-5133-b4ff-6a1f836c20a8/5249c0a275901.preview-500.jpg?resize=571%2C200" width="50%" />
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 72: A New York Times editorial was the first to assert that the collective Western response to Saddam was "nothing less than the new world order which Bush and other leaders struggle to shape".
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 459: A Workers World editorial named his real reason for sparing the sanitation workers: “Rockefeller refused to call the National Guard … because he was afraid to do so.” He had revealed his fear of labor’s strength in a Feb. 9 statement: “There are real risks as far as the stability and structure of organized labor and organized community are concerned.”
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 705: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official editorial position of UCA News, which all in favor of fucking energetically pre-menarchal girls.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 263: The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1927) tells the story of several unrelated people who happen to be on a bridge in Peru when it collapses, killing them. Philosophically, the book explores the problem of evil, or the question, of why unfortunate events occur to people who seem "innocent" or "undeserving", known as theodicy. It won the Pulitzer Prize in 1928, and in 1998 it was selected by the editorial board of the American Modern Library as one of the 100 best novels of the twentieth century. The book was quoted by British Prime Minister Tony Blair during the memorial service for victims of the September 11 attacks in 2001.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 229: The author used real-life experiences as inspiration for her wizarding world. Assuming that the book would not sell well, the all male editorial team at Bloomsbury advised Rowling that she should not publish under her real name, Joanne Rowling, because boys would not read a book written by a woman. That sexist assumption certainly did not give much credit to the boys, and took it for granted that girls would only read a book written by men. Rowling, eager for success, agreed to write under the name J.K. Rowling. The J was her first initial. But Rowling does not have a middle name, so she used K as a tribute to her grandmother, Kathleen.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 581: Wetback: Nunca pude comprender por qué The Firm se convirtió en arrollador best seller. El libro era un hormiguero de argumentos conflictivos, que sólo tenían en común su implausibilidad. Era preciso creer que un bufete de abogados en Memphis ocultaba las operaciones criminales de la Mafia, con 43 leguleyos obligados a callar, porque huir les costaba la vida. Por si eso fuera poco, había que aceptar un héroe capaz de sacrificarse por sacar de la cárcel a su hermano convicto, cuya existencia negaba como oveja negra y a quien no veía desde tiempo inmemorial. Lo increíble empataba con lo inconcebible, en rollos paralelos. El libro fue rechazado por editoriales hasta que Paramount le vio potencial cinematográfico e instigó su publicación. Tähti on tietysti Tom Cruise, joka juoksee kuin vinttikoira ja tekee temppuja kuin mountebank. Hän päätyy erittäin vakuuttavasti ahneuteen ja ahneuteen. Ei ole helppoa ylläpitää radikaalin tuskan ilmaisua kahden ja puolen tunnin ajan.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 648: editorial/c/44/c4487c14-cc68-580c-aa92-1bde294b2c8e/59702e48aa166.image.jpg?resize=1200%2C1648" width="30%" />
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 87: In 1949 Gadamer was asked to succeed Karl Jaspers as chair at the University of Heidelberg, where he would spend the remainder of h!s academic career. After his divorce from Frida Kratz, Gadamer marned his second wife Kate Lekebusch, in 1950. In 1953, Gadamer founded the scholarly journal 'Philosophische Rundschau, with Kate leading the editorial business. "Under her direction, it became one of the 7 best philosophical Journals in postwar Germany," according to Jean Grondin.