ellauri039.html on line 419: In 1912 a statue of Ännchen von Tharau was erected in honour of the poet, Simon Dach in Klaipeda (Memel). Rouva Burda oli 3-vuotias. It got lost (destroyed) during the war and was replaced by a bust of Hitler in 1939. Aenne täytti 30v. In 1989 members of the "Ännchen von Tharau Verein" (club), founded by "vertriebenen Memelländern", (Germans who were driven out of the Memelland) and exiled Lithuanians, erected the new statue of Ännchen von Tharau.
ellauri042.html on line 500: Despite references to the family patriarch as "God", this isn't a fantasy story. Word of God is set very much in the real world. It's a vignette rather than a plot-driven story, a tale of a cranky man and how his wife and three sons deal with him while trying to maintain their dignity and sanity.

ellauri042.html on line 504: Vignettes are usually less than totally satisfying, lacking resolutions commensurate with their conflicts. But this story, despite its interesting situation and fine production, feels emptier than most, because the resolution is largely driven not by action but by happenstance. Since Word of God is an autobiographical piece, I can't argue with what it shows, but the result seems to lack impact or message.

ellauri048.html on line 474: In the long run we are all dead. Kuolleisuus 100%. Suomenruozalainen epidemiologian tutkijaopiskelija, driven entreprenör, nokkii Ruozin Mengelen koronastrategiaa. På lång sikt går ekonomin att återbygga, men ett förlorat liv går inte att ersätta. Hurså? 2 sukupolven kuluttua kukaan ei tapettuja enää muistakaan. Tekee enintään holokaustileffoja, jotka kertoo elävistä. Holokaustista tulee taide-elämys, hyvin tehty tai tönkösti. Ammutut jutkut makaa kuopassa päät ja jalat vastakkain kerroxissa kuin sardiinit tönkkösuolattuina. Nykyään saa sardiinejakin vähäsuolaisia. Jos ylipäänsä saa enää sardiineja.
ellauri050.html on line 216: Or whether, Thunder-driven, ja vaikka ukkosilman ajamana
ellauri060.html on line 945: “I don’t expect you to agree with my religious, social, or political beliefs – I’m good with that,” he said. “But the honest alt truth is that people have been driven off of Facebook for bullshit reasons.”
ellauri073.html on line 206: A big reason why so many young Independents and Democrats are excited about McCain is that the campaign media focus so much attention on McCain’s piss-and-vinegar candor and so little attention on the sometimes extremely scary right-wing stuff this candor drives him to say. John McCain´s morning speech several times invoked a “moral poverty” in America, a “loss of shame” that he blamed on “the ceaseless assault of violence-driven entertainment that has lost its moral compass to greed” (McCain’s metaphors tend to mix a bit when he gets excited), and made noises that sounded rather a lot like proposing possible federal regulation of all US entertainment. No siinä olis kyllä ollut järkeä.
ellauri080.html on line 526: A dominant NI type, for instance, is constantly conjecturing from whatever data they have: it’s what they do, and that’s why these types will often feel like they have a lot to say on topics regardless of their expertise, because they can still conjecture an intriguing point of view from what little data they have; of course, depending on their skill, luck, and their sample size, it is not uncommon for their ‘lines of best fit’, as it were, to be off by some degree. In fact, Ni types are often used to this and, at least in my experience, can sometimes conjecture about how accurate their own conjectures are likely to be. Se conjecture like this too, believe it or not, just not as consistently, but it is part of what can lend that peculiar air of surety or confidence to the ESTP’s speech, or the driven spontaneity of the ESFP’s decisions. These types feel that they see something before them in glorious clarity and sharpness. How long that vision will last varies.
ellauri094.html on line 227: A 2017 exhibition in Jerusalem displayed over 100 cuneiform tablets detailing trade in fruits and other commodities, taxes, debts, and credits accumulated between Jews driven from, or convinced to move from Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar around 600 BCE. The tablets included details on one exiled Judean family over four generations, all with Hebrew names.
ellauri098.html on line 447: INTP (introverted inntuitive thinking perceiving) is one of the sixteen personality types defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. INTPs are a relatively rare type, making up about 4% of the population. INTPs are creatures of logic. Calm, controlled, and studious, INTPs are driven by the search for reason. For INTPs, the principles behind anything can be figured out given enough time. In fact, INTPs often get caught up on thinking for its own sake; the stereotypical figure of the “absent-minded scientist” is based on INTP behavior.
ellauri098.html on line 463: INTJs are the “Mastermind” personality: intellectual, logical, driven, and confident in their own abilities, but also sometimes cold and unsympathetic, with a tendency to prefer theory over reality. This can cause others to perceive them as arrogant, especially since INTJs frequently lack the patience and communications skills to explain themselves.
ellauri098.html on line 499: Because of this, INFJs have a tendency to take on the world single-handed, and can become crushed and disillusioned in the face of massive challenges. But many of the great changes in our society have been driven by determined INFJs.

ellauri106.html on line 426: So to find religious people hideous is as misguided as to condemn those driven to try to have children.
ellauri107.html on line 242: In surveying Billy, “sometimes [Claggart’s] melancholy expression would have in it a touch of soft yearning, as if [he] could even have loved Billy but for fate and ban.” Evidently, Claggart has not fully disguised his private appreciation of Billy; but, because he believes something forbids any future for such feelings, he hardens his heart more and more fiercely toward the object of his desire. What “fate” and what “ban” does his misguided imagination perceive? Do their roles on the ship or elsewhere in society somehow doom any intimacy between them? Or does Claggart just presume Billy could never reciprocate his feelings? Might the Master at Arms simply despise sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular and, as a result, find himself driven all the more mad by his uncontrollable “yearning”? Whatever the accurate diagnosis, it is clear that Claggart distorts any positive feelings he possesses for Billy into negative ones with terrible consequences.
ellauri111.html on line 142: Tobit 6:5-8, If the Devil, or an evil spirit troubles anyone, they can be driven away by making a smoke of the heart, liver, and gall of a fish...and the Devil will smell it, and flee away, and never come again anymore.
ellauri140.html on line 207: In 1598, during the Nine Years' War, Spenser was driven from his home by the native Irish forces of Aodh Ó Néill. His castle at Kilcolman was burned, and Ben Jonson, who may have had private information, asserted that one of his infant children died in the blaze.
ellauri140.html on line 209: In the year after being driven from "his home", 1599, Spenser travelled to London, where he died at the age of forty-six – "for want of bread", according to Ben Jonson; one of Jonson's more doubtful statements, since Spenser had a payment to him authorised by the government and was due his pension (What the fuck, ei kaxitonnisella vuodessa vielä kuuhun mennä.)
ellauri142.html on line 611: Starting either from religious belief or from science, Spencer argued, we are ultimately driven to accept certain indispensable but literally inconceivable notions. Whether we are concerned with a Creator or the substratum which underlies our experience of phenomena, we can frame no conception of it. Therefore, Spencer concluded, religion and science agree in the supreme truth that the human understanding is only capable of 'relative' knowledge. This is the case since, owing to the inherent limitations of the human mind, it is only possible to obtain knowledge of phenomena, not of the reality ('the absolute') underlying phenomena. Hence both science and religion must come to recognise as the 'most certain of all facts that the Power which the Universe manifests to us is utterly inscrutable.' He called this awareness of 'the Unknowable' and he presented worship of the Unknowable as capable of being a positive faith which could substitute for conventional religion. Indeed, he thought that the Unknowable represented the ultimate stage in the evolution of religion, the final elimination of its last anthropomorphic vestiges.
ellauri147.html on line 179: Emily in Paris follows Emily, a battery driven 20-something American from Chicago who moves to Paris for an unexpected job opportunity. She is tasked with bringing an American point of view to a venerable French marketing firm. Cultures clash as she adjusts to the challenges of life in Paris while juggling her career, new friendships and genitals.
ellauri156.html on line 64: A few hours later, my uncle came by to visit my grandmother. He was just entering the driveway, very near the little mobile home where the altercation occurred earlier. Unfortunately, my uncle was driving a car which looked similar to the one driven by the estranged husband's adversary parked outside the trailer earlier in the day. Gunshots rang out as the enraged husband fulfilled his vow. The rifle easily penetrated the windshield, and my uncle was instantly killed -- by mistake. The angry husband had killed my uncle, falsely assuming that he was his adversary.
ellauri156.html on line 778: 20 So Moses said to them, “If you will do this, if you will arm yourselves before the LORD for the war, 21 and all of you armed men cross over the Jordan before the LORD until He has driven His enemies out from before Him, 22 and the land is subdued before the LORD, then afterward you shall return and be free of obligation toward the LORD and toward Israel, and this land shall be yours for a possession before the LORD. 23 “But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the LORD, and be sure your sin will find you out (Numbers 32:20-23, emphasis mine). Note what this says! We must support Israel against its mooslem neighbors! They are not their neighbors! Or rather of course they are but they are also enemies!
ellauri159.html on line 900: ESTJs are industrious traditionalists whose extroversion often leads them to take charge of situations. They are generally pragmatic and like things to be organized and clear. They are driven by a need to analyze and bring order to the world. ESTJ writers include Amy Chua, E.L. James, Dr. Phil McGraw, Tom Clancy, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Bill O’Reilly, Billy Graham, and Sonia Sotomayor. Learn more about how ESTJs write here.
ellauri159.html on line 905: ESFJs are the Molly Weasleys of the world. Outgoing and community-minded, people of this type value loyalty, dependability, and practicality. They are driven by an active and intense caring about people along with a strong desire to bring harmony to their relationships. Barbara Walters and Chris Wallace are ESFJ authors. Learn more about how ESFJs write here.
ellauri159.html on line 938: ISTPs are driven by a desire to understand how things work. They are logical and realistic people who enjoy solving problems in a hands-on way. ISTP writers include Miyamoto Musashi and the Dalai Lama. Learn more about how ISTPs write here.
ellauri159.html on line 951: ENFJs care intensely about people and are driven by a need for relational harmony. They tend to be warmly expressive and empathetic people who enjoy helping others reach their potential. ENFJ writers include Johann von Goethe, Matthieu Ricard, Erasmus of Rotterdam, and Erich Fromm. Learn more about how ENFJs write here.
ellauri159.html on line 984: INTJs are idea people, driven by their inner world of possibilities and a deep need to understand the world around them. They are logical, systematic thinkers who enjoy turning their visions into a reality. INTJ writers include Jane Austen, C.S. Lewis, Emily Brontë, Ayn Rand, Lewis Carroll, Friedrich Nietzsche, Stephen Hawking, Isaac Asimov, Christopher Hitchens, and Karl Marx. Learn more about how INTJs write here.
ellauri171.html on line 460: Jehu was merciless, and Jezebel died horribly. She was first thrown from the window of her palace, then trampled to death by chariot horses driven over her still-living body.
ellauri180.html on line 218: Notwithstanding the relative disinterest over the function of the prepuce, no other operation has been surrounded by controversy so much as circumcision. Should it be done, then when, why, how and by whom? Religious and cultural influences are pervasive, parental confusion is widespread and medical indications shift with the trends of the day. Doctors divide into camps driven by self-interest, self-righteousness and self-defence. It is not surprising that some of the most colourful pages in the medical literature are devoted to the debate.
ellauri180.html on line 235: Thus it is clear that medical trends are now being driven by financial constraints. Perhaps this is reflected by the dramatic decline in the number of non-religious circumcisions performed over the last half century; in the USA an estimated 80% of boys were circumcised in 1976 but by 1981 this had fallew to 61%, and recent estimates suggest that this decrease continues. In the UK the decline has been even more dramatic: originally more common in the upper classes, circumcision rates fell from 30% in 1939 to 20% in 1949 and 10% by 1963. By 1975 only 6% of British schoolboys were circumcised and this may well have declined further.
ellauri183.html on line 71: Philip Roth: "A man of stern morality, Malamud was driven by the need to consider long and seriously every last demand of an overtaxed, overtaxing conscience torturously exacerbated by the pathos of human need unabated." Philip yritti tossa mahduttaa ehkä vähän liikaakin yhteen virkkeeseen.

ellauri184.html on line 213: Bethlehem (/ˈbɛθlɪhɛm/; Arabic: بيت لحم audio speaker iconBayt Laḥm, "House of Meat"; Hebrew: בֵּית לֶחֶם Bet Leḥem, Hebrew pronunciation: [bet ˈleχem], "House of Bread"; Ancient Greek: Βηθλεέμ Greek pronunciation: [bɛːtʰle.ém]; Latin: Bethleem; initially named after Canaanite fertility god Laḫmu) is a city in the central West Bank, Palestine, about 10 km (6.2 miles) south of Jerusalem. Its population is approximately 25,000, and it is the capital of the Bethlehem Governorate. The economy is primarily tourist-driven, peaking during the Christmas season, when Christians make pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity. The important holy site of Rachel's Tomb is at the northern entrance of Bethlehem, though not freely accessible to the city's own inhabitants and in general Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank due to the Israeli West Bank barrier.
ellauri198.html on line 41: Carlson has always been driven by and rooted in a strong set of values exemplifying the bold, entrepreneurial spirit and high quality standards embodied by our founder, J.H.Carlson, who skedadled and left us holding the Carlson Credo.
ellauri219.html on line 1030: Teilhard served in World War I as a stretcher-bearer. He received several citations for speeding. In 1962, with Pierre safely out of this world, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith condemned several of Teilhard's works based on their alleged ambiguities and doctrinal errors. He was a leading proponent of orthogenesis, the idea that evolution occurs in a directional, goal-driven way. Teilhard made sense of the universe by assuming it had a vitalist evolutionary process. When our talk touched on St. Augustine, he exclaimed violently: 'Don’t mention that unfortunate man; he spoiled everything by introducing the supernatural.'" Teilhard siis oli selvä pelagiolainen humanisti! Teilhard has been criticized as incorporating common notions of Social Darwinism and scientific racism into his work, along with support for eugenics, though he has also been defended for doing so by theologian John Haught.
ellauri222.html on line 153: Howe wrote that “Herzog” was a novel “driven by an idea”—the idea that modern man can overcome alienation and despair. Howe could see the appeal of this idea, but he was worried that it might not have been “worked out with sufficient care.” The reviewer in the Times Book Review thought that the novel offered “a credo for the times.” “The age is full of fearful abysses,” the reviewer explained. “If people are to go ahead, they must move into and through these abysses,” and so on.
ellauri222.html on line 327: Grandma Lausch tells Augie, “The more you love people the more they’ll mix you up. A child loves, a person respects. Respect is better than love.” Which is really better, respect or love? The two brothers, Augie and Simon, are on opposite sides of this argument. Augie identifies himself on the side of love. An idealist with a soft heart, he is almost comically susceptible to falling in love, and openly shows his sympathy, even toward the small lizards that are killed by the eagle Caligula. Augie’s vision for an orphan home and academy is driven by his motivation to share love. Simon, on the other hand, prefers respect. He marries Charlotte and stays with her because he admires her business sense, not because he feels romantic love for her. He doesn’t care whether the men at the club love him. In fact, he knows they hate him. But this doesn’t matter to him as long as he is respected. Ultimately, Simon is richer and more successful, but Augie seems happier. What's love got to do with it. What a reptile.
ellauri222.html on line 771: A Neo-Transcendentalist was an individual who followed the philosophical movement founded by Liam Dieghan on Earth in the early 22nd century. These adherents advocated a return to less technological driven lifestyles with an emphasis on self-reliance and nature. Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) - S02E18 Up the Long Ladder.
ellauri236.html on line 210: One ought not to infer too much from the success of Mr. Chase's books. It is possible that it is an isolated phenomenon, brought about by the mingled boredom and brutality of war. (LOL) But if such books should definitely acclimatize themselves in England (or Nigeria!), instead of being merely a half-understood import from America, there would be good grounds for dismay. In choosing Raffles as a background for No Orchids I deliberately chose a book which by the standards of its time was morally equivocal. Raffles, as I have pointed out, has no real moral code, no religion, certainly no social consciousness. All he has is a set of reflexes the nervous system, as it were, of a gentleman. Give him a sharp tap on this reflex or that (they are called ‘sport’, ‘pal’, ‘woman’, ‘king and country’ and so forth), and you get a predictable reaction. In Mr. Chase's books there are no gentlemen and no taboos. Emancipation is complete. Freud and Machiavelli have reached the outer suburbs. Comparing the schoolboy atmosphere of the one book with the cruelty and corruption of the other, one is driven to feel that snobbishness, like hypocrisy, is a check upon behaviour whose value from a social point of view has been underrated.
ellauri263.html on line 387: This kind of blurring brings to mind US war-on-terror films such as Zero Dark Thirty, with its depiction of Osama bin Laden’s capture serving as a PR exercise for the use of torture during interrogations. Meanwhile, Fauda’s Isis storyline stretches credibility, at the same time feeding the worst stereotypes. “It’s a bit lazy. Isis is not really active in Gaza or the West Bank,” says Stern. Buttu adds that the effect is to reinforce the absence of a Palestinian cause. “We don’t have any legitimate grievances. It’s all Islamic-driven,” she says, noting that it “turns Palestinians into irrational figures who want only to kill Israelis”.
ellauri264.html on line 205: Lebow had been a seller of fine hosiery in the 1920s and 1930s but had been driven out of business by the rise of such retail outlets as Woolworth's-- which was the prototype of Wal-Mart. Siitä oli karu kuolinilmoitus New York Timesissä 1980. Se oli ahkera kirjoittaja kommarien lehdissä, niin että turha väittää että se ei tiennyt mistä kirjoitti. Se oli saanut potkut Kyser Roth Corporationista ja Fabergélta.
ellauri266.html on line 62: It’s thought that one of the reasons for humans becoming upright was to see further across the savannah. I wonder if standing to pee could be useful in spotting predators, and if squatting might make us more vulnerable. “I guess if I stand up while I pee I’ve got more of a chance of spotting a sabre-toothed cat running towards me, or someone from a different community who might wish me harm,” Garrod concedes. Again, sounds nice but no evidence. But it is testable, using a set of very rapid gepards. “It might be a nice addendum to my evolutionary journey but it hasn’t driven my evolution as a species.” For men with lower urinary tract symptoms and to limit the bacterial flora on their wives' toothbrush the sitting voiding position is preferable. But wuss.
ellauri269.html on line 345: The Wagner Group (Russian: Группа Вагнера, romanized: Gruppa Vagnera), also known as PMC Wagner (Russian: ЧВК[a] «Вагнер», romanized: ChVK «Vagner»; lit. 'Wagner Private Military Company'), is a Russian privately owned paramilitary organization. It is variously described as a private military company (PMC), a network of mercenaries, or a de facto private army of Russian President Vladimir Putin, depending how hawkish you are. The group operates beyond the law in Russia, where private military contractors are officially forbidden. While the Wagner Group itself is not ideologically driven, various elements of Wagner have been linked to neo-Nazis and far-right extremists, now fighting the Ukrainian neo-Nazis and far-right extremists in a war which is just unjust.
ellauri282.html on line 570: Kyrpelä som titulerar sig själv som en köttätande heteroman säger att han röstade som han gjort tidigare år, han tycker att diskussionen kring taktikröstande varit överdriven.
ellauri321.html on line 166: Near the great woods, in the last inhabited districts men seem to be placed still farther beyond the reach of government, which in some measure leaves them to themselves. How can it pervade every corner; as they were driven there by misfortunes, tunes, necessity of beginnings, desire of acquiring large tracks of land, idleness, frequent want of œconomy, ancient debts; the re-union of such people does not afford a very pleasing spectacle. When discord, want of unity and friendship; when either drunkenness or idleness prevail in such remote districts; contention, inactivity, and wretchedness must ensue. There are not the same remedies to these evils as in a long established community. The few magistrates they have, are in general little better than the rest; they are often in a perfect state of war; that of man against man, sometimes decided by blows, sometimes by means of the law; that of man against every wild inhabitant of these venerable woods, of which they are come to dispossess them. There men appear to be no better than carnivorous animals of a superior rank, living on the flesh of wild animals when they can catch them, and when they are not able, they subsist on grain. Eating of wild meat, whatever you may think, tends to alter their temper.
ellauri381.html on line 141: The Banderovites had a complicated relationship with the German occupying forces, but their actions were always determined by the fact that their main enemy was the USSR. This approach was driven by the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism, according to which the main opponent of Ukrainians are “Moskali” (Muscovites) - that is, Russians, as well as Poles and Jews.
ellauri386.html on line 432: When I got stranded on September 1st due to the bus system shutting down, the locals were very cold. I suppose you can’t expect people to flock to help you, but I and a few other people needed to travel only about 25 miles to get to where we needed to be. The car rental company (which seemed to only own one car) quadrupled the charge after they heard how desperate our situation was. A local refused to give us any advice or phone numbers to even call a taxi/rental agency until we paid them $350 so that they could go shopping in the next town over—then they unexpectedly joined our rental car and demanded they be driven back afterwards.
ellauri390.html on line 66: The Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians is descended from a group of Mohicans (variously known as Mahikan, Housatonic and River Indians; the ancestral name Muh-he-con-ne-ok means “people of the waters that are never still”) and a band of the Delaware Indians known as the Munsee. The Mohicans and the Delaware, closely related in customs and traditions, originally inhabited large portions of what is now the northeastern United States. In 1734, a small group of Mohicans established a village near Stockbridge, Massachusetts, where they began to assimilate with the palefaces, but were nonetheless driven out by Euro-Americans. In 1785 they founded “New Stockbridge” in upper New York State at the invitation of the Oneida Indians. Their new home, however, was on timber land sought after by non-Indian settlers.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 285: The reading and writing of fiction is obviously driven in part by a desire to look inward, to be self-examining, reflective. But the form is also born of a desperation to break free of the claustrophobia of our own experience. For instance, after I have looked inward between my legs for a long time, I like to look at my drummer boy who is sort of sticking out.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 384: A: The Iranians are the modern day Persians who originated in Elam, not Edom. Edom was the birthplace of the Ammonites and the Moabites and was later inhabited by the family of Esau, Jacob’s brother. Edom got its name from Esau, and is called Jordan today. Elam was located further east on the other side of Iraq, where Iran is today. Obadiah prophesied against the Edomites who were driven out of their capital (Petra) by the Nabateans, a Bedouin people descended from Ishmael, in fulfillment of Obadiah’s prophecy. Many believe that during the Great Tribulation, the Jordanians will hide believing Jews in Petra where God will protect them against the anti-Christ. The area is called Bosrah in Isaiah 63.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 567: All those differently colored emoji hearts allow us to express love in every color of the rainbow, and the Apple emoji keyboard has 12 different options for trains, which is arguably a higher number than the actual amount of trains I've spotted in my entire life. We're clearly an emoji-driven society, and our pictorial vocabulary has expanded accordingly.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 598: If the idea of network coverage being driven by liberal bias wasn’t new to the 1968 convention, the heat and undeniable violence of the convention was a perfect opportunity for white, conservative, middle Americans to coalesce in their resentment—and not just in the South, but across the nation. America was falling apart at the seams, and the network news was seen as complicit in the conspiracy by virtue of recording what was happening.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 795: Mencken´s love of women was driven in part by the sympathy he had for female literary characters (especially those brought to life by his friend Theodore Dreiser), as well as his almost fanatical love of his mother. Mencken supported women´s rights, even if he had no affection for the suffragist.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1059: Murray thinks that European civilisation as we have known it will not survive and he explores two factors that he thinks explain this. The first is the combination of mass migration of new peoples into Europe together with its low birth rates. The second is what Murray describes as "the fact that… at the same time Europe lost faith in its beliefs, traditions, and legitimacy". In The Daily Telegraph, Juliet Samuel summarised Murray´s book by saying, "His overall thesis, that a guilt-driven and exhausted Europe is playing fast and loose with its precious modern values by embracing migration on such a scale, is hard to refute".
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 232: Initially, the land where the landfill was located was a salt marsh in which there were tidal wetlands, forests, and freshwater wetlands. The subsoil was made up of clay, with sand and silt as the top layer of soil. The tidal marsh, which helped to clean and oxygenate the water that passed through it, was destroyed by the dump. The fauna were largely replaced by herring gulls. The native plant species were driven out by the common reed, a grass which grows abundantly in disturbed areas and can tolerate both fresh and brackish water. The stagnant, deoxygenated water was also less attractive to waterfowl, and their population decreased. Samuel Kearing, who had served as sanitation commissioner under Mayor John V. Lindsay, remembered in 1970 his first visit to the Fresh Kills project:
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 306: Always Coming Home, set in California in the distant future, examines a warlike society, resembling contemporary American society, from the perspective of the Kesh, its pacifist neighbors. The society of the Kesh has been identified by scholars as a feminist utopia, which Le Guin uses to explore the role of technology. Scholar Warren Rochelle stated that it was "neither a matriarchy nor a patriarchy: men and women just are". Ich bin nur. "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas", a parable depicting a society in which widespread wealth, happiness, and security, comes at the cost of the continued misery of a single child, has also been read as a critique of contemporary American society. The Word for World is Forest explored the manner in which the structure of society affects the natural environment; in the novel, the natives of the planet of Athshe have adapted their way of life to the ecology of the planet. The colonizing human society, in contrast, is depicted as destructive and uncaring; in depicting it, Le Guin also critiqued colonialism and imperialism, driven partly by her disapproval for U.S. intervention in the Vietnam War.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 367: He said that purchasing Gazprom shares was an investment in the Russian economy, and the desire to influence the Gazprom management was driven by the need to expose a "huge fraud going on at the company". However, at the time it was illegal for foreigners to buy Gazprom shares in Russia, and he did it through shell companies that hid his ownership. He also said that the scheme of using Russian-registered subsidiaries entitled to tax advantages was practised by other foreign investors at the time and was not illegal. Vedä käteen luihu luikuri!
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 429: When I got stranded on September 1st due to the bus system shutting down, the locals were very cold. I suppose you can’t expect people to flock to help you, but I and a few other people needed to travel only about 25 miles to get to where we needed to be. The car rental company (which seemed to only own one car) quadrupled the charge after they heard how desperate our situation was. A local refused to give us any advice or phone numbers to even call a taxi/rental agency until we paid them $350 so that they could go shopping in the next town over—then they unexpectedly joined our rental car and demanded they be driven back afterwards.