ellauri053.html on line 1127: The doves cooed tireless in the shade, Pulut kukersivat väsymättä varjossa,
ellauri053.html on line 1144: The doves cooed among the dense leaves. Pulut puluttivat lehvästössä.
ellauri100.html on line 626: Carve it in doves and pomegranates, Siihen kyyhkyjä ja granaatteja
ellauri100.html on line 771: She heard a voice like voice of doves
ellauri109.html on line 468: And we nod in agreement like old familiar doves.
ellauri109.html on line 476: Two pigeons (or doves in Elizur Wright's American translation) live together in the closest friendship and 'cherish for each other/The love that brother hath for brother.' One of them yearns for a change of scene and eventually flies off on what he promises will be only a three-day adventure. During this time he is caught in a storm with little shelter, ensnared, attacked by predators and then injured by a boy with a sling, returning with relief to roam no more.
ellauri196.html on line 220: Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves, Laittakaa sururusetteja ilta-puluille,
ellauri321.html on line 137: Whenever I go abroad it is always involuntary. I never return home without feeling some pleasing emotion, which I often suppress as useless and foolish. The instant I enter on my own land, the bright idea of property, of exclusive right, of independence exalt my mind. Precious soil, I say to myself, by what singular custom of law is it that thou wast made to constitute the riches of the freeholder? What should we American farmers be without the distinct possession of that soil? It feeds, it clothes us, from it we draw even a great exuberancy, our best meat, our richest drink, the very honey of our bees comes from this privileged spot. No wonder we should thus cherish its possession, no wonder that so many Europeans who have never been able to say that such portion of land was theirs, cross the Atlantic to realize that happiness. this is what may be called the true and the only philosophy of an American farmer. He is like a cock perhaps, arrayed with the most majestic plumes, tender to its mate, bold, courageous, endowed with an astonishing instinct to fuck, with thoughts, with memory, and every distinguishing characteristic of the reason of man. I really enjoy killing all my animals, like doves, my record is fourteen dozen.
ellauri336.html on line 305: The parts of the body that are considered ervah (private because they are potentially sexually-attractive) are alluded to in Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs). This includes the hair as perverse 4:1, “You are beautiful, my love, you are beautiful. Your eyes are like doves, your hair inside your kerchief is like a flock of goats that stream down from Mount Gilead” (Brachos 24a). Of course, the details of different types of ervah differ. For example, a woman’s singing voice is considered private in halacha but not her speaking voice. Similarly, uncovered hair is considered private for a married woman but not for a single woman. (It’s also not retroactive; married women don’t have to hide photos of themselves from before they were married.)
ellauri413.html on line 209: Iltalehden sota-pelleasiantuntija Emil Kastehelmen mukaan venäläiset ovat keränneet voimia ja tavoitteena vaikuttaa olevan mahdollisimman suurten maa-alueiden valtaaminen ennenkuin valta vaihtuu USA:ssa ja aletaan puhua pakkorauhasta. Taisteluja käydään Kastehelmen mukaan Selydovesta Šahtarskeen ulottuvalla noin 70 kilometrin pituisella vyöhykkeellä. Selydoven 20 000 asukkaan kaupunki on päätynyt kokonaan Venäjän haltuun ja on suurin voitto venäläisille sitten Avdijivkan viimetalvisen valtauksen jälkeen. Selydoven valtaus kesti venäläisiltä pari viikkoa. Ei siinä kauan nokka tuhissut.