ellauri064.html on line 333: Just before the 2011 general election Hirvisaari was prosecuted for his blog in the Uusi Suomi newspaper web site under the title "Kikkarapäälle kuonoon" ("Sock the kinkyhead"). The text referenced an attack on a foreign person in Helsinki — Hirvisaari wrote that the crime had not necessarily been a racist one. In November 2010 the district court of Päijät-Häme dropped the charges against him of incitement. After consultation with the deputy general attorney, Jorma Kalske, the state appealed against the verdict. In December the Kouvola court of appeals found Hirvisaari guilty of incitement and fined him.
ellauri065.html on line 83: Snowidza [snɔˈvid͡za] (German: Hertwigswaldau) is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Mściwojów, within Jawor County, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, in south-western Poland.
ellauri083.html on line 163: However, Rósa is miserable in her new home, which does not compare well to the luxury she was used to at Rauðsmýri. Bjartur also discovers that she is pregnant by Ingólfur Arnarson Jónsson, the son of the bailiff. In the autumn, Bjartur and the other men of the district ride up into the mountains on the annual sheep round-up, leaving Rósa behind with a gimmer to keep her company. Terrified by a storm one night, desperate for meat and convinced that the gimmer is possessed by the devil, Rósa kills and eats the animal.
ellauri092.html on line 239: Major Methodist Bodies, such as the United Methodist Church, have outlined their requirements for ordination in the Book of Discipline, and ordination is governed by the denomination, not by local churches. Local church conferences confer with the district conference to select and hire new pastors.
ellauri106.html on line 65: Philip Roth was the younger of the 2 boys of Herman Roth (1901–1989) and his wife Bess, nee Finkel (1904–1981). Both parents were assimilated American Jews of the second generation of immigrants. The maternal grandparents came from the area around Kiev, the Yiddish-speaking paternal grandparents, Sender and Bertha Roth, from Koslow in Galicia. Sender Roth had trained as a rabbi in Galicia and worked in a hat factory in Newark. Herman Roth, the middle of seven children and the first child in the United States, first worked in a factory after eight years of schooling, then became an insurance agent selling door-to-door life insurance. By his retirement he made it to the district director of Metropolitan Life. Philip Roth's brother, Sanford (Sandy) Roth (1927–2009), who was four years older than him, studied art at the Pratt Institute, became vice-president of the advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather in Chicago and made a name for himself as a painter after his "early retirement".
ellauri107.html on line 469: He had, with indignation at the criticism of Zenith, skimmed through a report in which the notorious pessimist Seneca Doane, the radical lawyer, asserted that to throw boys and young girls into a bull-pen crammed with men suffering from syphilis, delirium tremens, and insanity was not the perfect way of educating them. He had controverted the report by growling, “Folks that think a jail ought to be a bloomin' Hotel Thornleigh make me sick. If people don't like a jail, let 'em behave 'emselves and keep out of it. Besides, these reform cranks always exaggerate.” That was the beginning and quite completely the end of his investigations into Zenith's charities and corrections; and as to the “vice districts” he brightly expressed it, “Those are things that no decent man monkeys with. Besides, smatter fact, I'll tell you confidentially: it's a protection to our daughters and to decent women to have a district where tough nuts can raise cain. Keeps 'em away from our own homes.”
ellauri132.html on line 215: Attorneys representing students from the Shawnee Mission district say the story “Harrison Bergeron” shows that a world of forced equality would be a nightmare, so unequal funding of public schools is OK.
ellauri135.html on line 214: Genealogy of the Berg in the Annex to the Tambov edge not yet explored, not explored and the history of the estate of Berga, in the Kirsanov district. Their economy was two miles from the Trinity Church in the village of Semyonovka and 3-4 miles from the river Crows.
ellauri151.html on line 476: The battle-broken district rests her eyes... Taisteluiden väsyttämä seutu lepuuttaa silmiä...
ellauri160.html on line 71: ...Oh, at last, when you return through the three Pa districts, If you are coming down through the narrows of the river Kiang,
ellauri192.html on line 685: During World War II, Trubchevsk was occupied by the German Army from October 9, 1941 to September 18, 1943. Prior to the war, about 137 Jews lived in Trubchevsk. Most of the Jews were craftsmen, including cobblers and carpenters. The town was occupied by German forces in early October 1941. By that time, more than half of the Jews fled or evacuated. The Jews from the Trubchevsk district were gathered in a Klub for 3 days and shot afterwards at the edge of the village. Their bodies were burnt. In total, according to the Soviet archives, 751 Soviet citizens perished due to bad treatment or as a result of shooting in the entire Trubchevsk district. Aside from Jews, mentally ill children and adults were exterminated as well. The population is about 15K. There are very few notable buildings in the town.
ellauri194.html on line 524: Kannauj (Hindustani pronunciation: [kənːɔːd͡ʒ]) is a city, administrative headquarters and a municipal board or Nagar Palikka Parishad in Kannauj district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The city's name is a modern form of the classical name Kanyakubja. It was also known as Mahodaya during the time of Mihira Bhoja. Its nickname is "the perfume capital of India".
ellauri204.html on line 393: If you thought that a visit to the brothel district was going to be fun and sexy, the “Circe” episode’s opening stage directions quickly dispel you of that notion by establishing the unseemly setting of Joyce’s Nighttown. The tracks are “skeleton,” the signals warn of “danger,” the houses are “grimy,” the men are “stunted,” and the women “squabble” about price. Indeed, Encyclopaedia Britannica in 1885 labeled this part of Dublin “the worst slum in Europe”. Located in east Dublin between Montgomery Street and Tyrone (né Mecklenburgh) Street, Nighttown is an ugly place filled with unsavory people. Moly (ei Molly) yrtti oli luultavasti valkosipuli. Bloomin mielixeen kengittämän hoidon hampaat haisi valkosipulilta.
ellauri219.html on line 260: Born in Italy in 1870, Simon Rodia emigrated to the United States with his brother when he was 15. Living in various places for the next 35 years, Rodia finally settled in the Watts district of Los Angeles in 1920, and began constructing the Watts Towers the following year. Consisting of 17 interconnected sculptures, the project took Rodia 33 years to complete.
ellauri321.html on line 166: Near the great woods, in the last inhabited districts men seem to be placed still farther beyond the reach of government, which in some measure leaves them to themselves. How can it pervade every corner; as they were driven there by misfortunes, tunes, necessity of beginnings, desire of acquiring large tracks of land, idleness, frequent want of œconomy, ancient debts; the re-union of such people does not afford a very pleasing spectacle. When discord, want of unity and friendship; when either drunkenness or idleness prevail in such remote districts; contention, inactivity, and wretchedness must ensue. There are not the same remedies to these evils as in a long established community. The few magistrates they have, are in general little better than the rest; they are often in a perfect state of war; that of man against man, sometimes decided by blows, sometimes by means of the law; that of man against every wild inhabitant of these venerable woods, of which they are come to dispossess them. There men appear to be no better than carnivorous animals of a superior rank, living on the flesh of wild animals when they can catch them, and when they are not able, they subsist on grain. Eating of wild meat, whatever you may think, tends to alter their temper.
ellauri321.html on line 168: So he who would wish to see America in its proper light, and have a true idea of its feeble beginnings and barbarous rudiments, must visit our extended line of frontiers where the last settlers dwell, and where he may see the first labours of settlement, the mode of clearing the earth, in all their different appearances; where men are wholly left dependent on their native tempers, and on the spur of uncertain industry, which often fails when not sanctified by the efficacy of a few moral rules. There, remote from the power of example, and check of shame, many families exhibit the most hideous parts of our society. They are a kind of forlorn hope, preceding by ten or twelve years the most respectable army of veterans which come after them. In that space, prosperity will polish some, vice and the law will drive off the rest, who uniting again with others like themselves will recede still farther; making room for more industrious people, who will finish their improvements, convert the loghouse into a convenient habitation, and rejoicing that the first heavy labours are finished, will change in a few years that hitherto barbarous country into a fine fertile, well regulated district. Such is our progress, such is the march of the Europeans toward the interior parts of this continent. In all societies there are off-casts; this impure part serves as our precursors or pioneers; my father himself was one of that class, but he came upon honest principles, and was therefore one of the few who held fast; by good conduct and temperance, he transmitted to me his fair inheritance, when not above one in fourteen of his contemporaries had the same good fortune.
ellauri328.html on line 520: Marjorie Taylor Greene is the U.S. representative from Georgia's 14th district. A Republican, her 2020 win is her first elective office. A controversial figure in the Republican Party and a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump, Greene was removed from all House committee roles in 2021 for incendiary statements she previously made. She has since been added to the House Homeless Security Committee. LOL HAHA
ellauri336.html on line 640: “It has not been a gradual growth. It’s been the type of growth that puts such a strain on the community that we’re unable to keep up with what we need to handle the crowds, the influx. Our housing shortage is really epidemic. It puts a burden on our school districts. We need teachers but we can’t bring teachers in because we have no place for them to stay,” Collins said.
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 133: Kajanus had developed a musical theater concept, Red Light Review, based on his memories of being a young man in places like Pigalle in Paris's red-light district. Encouraged by Grant Serpell to rework this material as pop songs, Kajanus devised the concept for Sailor.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 668:

You must be doing something right when your country is known for its wooden shoes, mild cheeses, legal cannabis and insanely large flower industry. Bikes rule over cars. Dutch people are tall, racist and generally boring. The cities are organized and clean, but not over clean like Switzerland. The standard of living is as high for the whites and life as hard for the other shades as the tourists in Amsterdam’s red-light district.  

xxx/ellauri176.html on line 86: In the classical era of ancient Greece, pornai were slaves of barbarian origin; starting in the Hellenistic era the case of young girls abandoned by their citizen fathers could be enslaved. They were considered to be slaves until proven otherwise. Pornai were usually employed in brothels located in "red-light" districts of the period, such as Piraeus (port of Athens) or Kerameikos in Athens. Seija harrasti keramiikkaa Bostonissa. "And what do you do Seija?" "I have been learning pottery." "Oh, ceramics" sanoi Mrs. Breckenridge, piruillaxeenko vai ei, paha sanoa.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 198: He spent most of his time there wandering around ‘the less salubrious districts of the city’, noticing (relative to Paris) the many prostitutes of both sexes and the ready availability of pornography. Encouraged by such reports, André Gide visited Berlin no fewer than five times in 1933. He, too, was delighted by, and seriously interested in, what he found there, although he did concede to Robert Levesque that Paris itself was slowly becoming more Berlin-like even if at the same time (to use that most erotically evocative of geographical terms) more ‘southern’. The two writers coincided in Berlin in October, Gide arriving for a fortnight, Martin du Gard for five weeks. They did their best to avoid each other on their forays into the sexual underworld, but always dutifully compared notes on what they had seen and experienced.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 371: In his 1884 book The Jews in Styria: a historical sketch, Baumgarten stated that he and several Jewish colleagues met with the governor in 1856. A letter to mayors in Styria, which was cited in Sax’s paper, noted, “Jews are staying in local districts for a long time and are taking up residence for a long time.”
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 605: Gary Adrian Condit (born April 21, 1948) is an American former politician who represented California's 18th congressional district in the House of Representatives from 1989 to 2003. He gained significant national attention for an extramarital affair with Chandra Levy, an intern with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The affair was publicized after Levy's disappearance in May 2001 and the discovery of Levy's remains a year later. Although Condit was never formally a suspect in Levy's disappearance and murder, he lost the 2002 Democratic primary based in large part on negative publicity from the scandal.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 612: "I saw her one time outside the office, at a restaurant, and she came by my condo once," Condit said of Levy, who was from his congressional district. "Maybe twice. Yeah, I think it was twice she came by."
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 535: It was then, for the first time, that timid voices made them selves heard, Oughtn´t we go back to the old look, but that suggestion was branded as obscurantist, medieval. In the elections of 2520 the Damnwellians and the Relativists came out on top, because their populist line caught on, to wit, that every man should look as he damn well pleased; limitations on looks would be functional only - the district bodybuilding examiner approved designs that were existenceworthy, without concern for anything else. These designs SOPSYPLABD threw on the market in droves. Historians call the period of automorphosis under the Sopsyputer the Age of Centralization, and the years that followed Reempersonalizationalism.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 587: Two years later they moved from the East Hollywood area, where he had lived for most of his life, to the harborside community of San Pedro, the southernmost district of Los Angeles. Beighle followed him and they lived together intermittently over the next two years. He eventually "agreed to" marry her by Manly Palmer Hall, a Canadian-born author, mystic, and spiritual teacher, in 1985. Beighle is referred to as "Sara Heinämaa" in Bukowski's novels Women and Hollywood.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 223: district-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/vtkpern730syudunz5bmqauilho2" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 62: Hannu Salama was born 1936 in Kouvola, Kymenlaakso region in Southern Finland. Figures. He spent his childhood in the Pispala district of the city of Tampere, in a traditional working-class area with working class politics and culture. Following in the footsteps of his father, Salama first worked as an electrician and a farm hand. Tollaset kynäilijät on ihmisinä aivan perseenreijästä.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 229:
The Big Black Queen of the King Bolo, Loretta Johnson décédée. I will miss her, and her terrific laugh. Loretta Johnson, a longtime Rochester schools administrator who became the first woman to lead the district during a one-year interim term in 1994-95, died Thursday at age 78.