ellauri020.html on line 364: Palm Beach had been Ivana Trump’s idea. Long ago, Donald had screamed at her, “I want nothing social that you aspire to. If that is what makes you happy, get another husband!” But she had no intention of doing that, for Ivana, like Donald, was living out a fantasy. She had seen that in the Trump life everything and everybody appeared to come with a price, or a marker for future use. Ivana had learned to look through Donald with glazed eyes when he said to close friends, as he had in the early years of their marriage, “I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets?” She had gotten out of Eastern Europe by being tough and highly disciplined, and she had compounded her skills through her husband, the master manipulator. She had learned the lingua franca in a world where everyone seemed to be using everyone else in a relentless drive for power. How was she to know that there was another way to live? Besides, she often told her friends, however cruel Donald could be, she was very much in love with him.
ellauri033.html on line 98: incapable d´aucune discipline, il arriva deux choses bien
ellauri033.html on line 228: d´irrégulier et de discontinu. Il leur manque le sens de la discipline
ellauri052.html on line 114: The highly disciplined fellow devoted almost every morning to the sacred writing hours from nine to one.
ellauri052.html on line 493: In his novella Death in Venice, Thomas Mann hails the "Sebastian-Figure" as the supreme emblem of Apollonian beauty, that is, the artistry of differentiated forms; beauty as measured by discipline, proportion, and luminous distinctions. Juu tähän Tompan Venezian seikkailuun Sale vinkkaa myös. Hizi mikä sanaristikko on Salella tässä homostelun peittona. Täähän on kuin Proustin Albertine ja Gilbertine. Mafioso törkkää Salen sykkivään punanahkasisuxiseen autoonn takapuolesta. Polly on pelkkää hämäystä, statisti niinkuin Sepen nuolenreijät paikannut leski Irene tai Lemminkäisen äiskä.
ellauri052.html on line 576: In a number of works, Steiner described a path of inner development he felt would let anyone attain comparable spiritual experiences. In Steiner's view, sound vision could be developed, in part, by practicing rigorous forms of ethical and cognitive self-discipline, concentration, and meditation. In particular, Steiner believed a person's spiritual development could occur only after a period of moral development.
ellauri052.html on line 867: Leader (se elämäkerturi) defines Bellow’s recurrent themes as “the relative claims of life and work, the intensity of childhood experience, sexual insecurity.” He could have added Jewish life and identity, the perils of matrimony and the defects of modern civilisation. The highly disciplined fellow devoted almost every morning to the sacred writing hours from nine to one. Sale ostettiin loppupeleissä Chicagosta Bostoniin. Jasu ja Sale kehu izeään varmaan kilpaa BU:n kekkereissä.
ellauri080.html on line 427: The material I will use to justify my claims comes from three time-honored traditions: sacred geometry as practiced by the ancient Egyptians, the inner structure of the I Ching, and the house arrangement of astrology. All these disciplines attempt to give meaningful order to what may appear at times to be a chaotic human existence, as is Jung’s typology.
ellauri092.html on line 78: Dwight Lyman Moody was born into a bankrupt family of nine children with a father who loved whiskey and who died when Dwight was just four. His mother sent them to a school where he learnt very little, and she sent them to the First Congregational Church where he learnt less. His upbringing was something of a disciplined, Puritan-influenced life.
ellauri093.html on line 205: Conversely, Open assemblies aware of that disciplining would not automatically feel a binding obligation to support it, treating each case on its own merit. Reasons for being put under discipline by both the Open and Exclusive Brethren include disseminating gross Scriptural or doctrinal error or being involved in unscriptural behavior. Being accused of illegal financial dealings may also result in being put under discipline.
ellauri101.html on line 52: On his return to Columbia University in 1929, Campbell expressed a desire to pursue the study of Sanskrit and modern art in addition to medieval literature. Lacking faculty approval, Campbell withdrew from graduate studies. Later in life he jested that it is a sign of incompetence to have a PhD in the liberal arts, the discipline covering his work.
ellauri108.html on line 135: Rastafari promotes what it regards as the restoration of black manhood, believing that men in the African diaspora have been emasculated by Babylon. It espouses patriarchal principles, including the idea that women should submit to male leadership. External observers—including scholars such as Cashmore and Edmonds—have claimed that Rastafari accords women an inferior position to men. Rastafari women usually accept this subordinate position and regard it as their duty to obey their men; the academic Maureen Rowe suggested that women were willing to join the religion despite its restrictions because they valued the life of structure and discipline it provided. Rasta discourse often presents women as morally weak and susceptible to deception by evil, and claims that they are impure while menstruating. Rastas legitimise these gender roles by citing Biblical passages, particularly those in the Book of Leviticus and in the writings of Paul the Apostle. The Rasta Shop is a store selling items associated with Rastafari in the U.S. state of Oregon.
ellauri108.html on line 145: The term "grounding" is used among Rastas to refer to the establishment of relationships between like-minded practitioners. Groundings often take place in a commune or yard, and are presided over by an elder. The elder is charged with keeping discipline and can ban individuals from attending. The number of participants can range from a handful to several hundred. Activities that take place at groundings include the playing of drums, chanting, the singing of hymns, and the recitation of poetry. Cannabis, known as ganja, is often smoked. Most groundings contain only men, although some Rasta women have established their own all-female grounding circles.
ellauri111.html on line 261: “I suppose you know that jury trials were still quite an innovation in my time in Russia, so it’s no surprise that they produced some odd results. A clever lawyer could easily persuade a jury one way or another. Even when all the facts pointed to the guilt of the accused, even when it was admitted that, indeed, such-and-such a woman had attacked her lover’s wife with a razor with the intention of killing her, such-and-such a father had so violently beaten his seven-year old daughter with birch rods that even the neighbours were terrified by her screams, or such-and-such parents had treated their children like animals, keeping them in filthy conditions, and beating them with leather straps, again and again—each time our poor soft-hearted jurors concluded ‘Not guilty!’ Can you imagine? Of course, there is always an explanation, there are always attenuating circumstances, there can even be provocations, and the letter of the law may tell us this is not torture but simply punishment, the kind of punishment that, in those days, all good middle-class parents thought it right to mete out so as to give their children a sense of duty. The facts. The facts are the facts, but the truth once uttered is a lie, and even the facts can be put together in such a way as to turn even torture into well-meaning parental discipline.”
ellauri145.html on line 727: During his schooling at the Imperial Lycée of Saint-Brieuc where he studied from 1858 until 1860, he fell prey to a deep depression, and, over several freezing winters, contracted the severe rheumatism which was to disfigure him severely. He blamed his parents for having placed him there, far from his family´s care and affection. Difficulties in adapting to the harsh discipline of the college´s noble débris (distinguished relics, i.e., teachers) gradually developed those characteristics of anarchic disdain and sarcasm which were to give much of his verse its distinctive voice.
ellauri151.html on line 51: His work lived on the never resolved tensions between a strict artistic discipline, a puritanical moralism, and the desire for unlimited sensual indulgence and abandonment to life. A man of constant sorrow, caused by anal-genital conflicts. (Note)
ellauri155.html on line 804: The ministry of the Word thus required more than the public exposition of Scripture: it also entailed the declaration and application of God’s Word to individual women and men, girls and boys, through the sacraments, corrective discipline, catechetical instruction, household visitations, and spiritual counsel and consolation. As Calvin noted in his liturgy, ‘the office of a true and faithful minister is not only to teach the people in public, which is he appointed to do as a pastor, but also, as much as he is able, to admonish, exhort, warn, and console each person individually.
ellauri155.html on line 884: Santayana is mostly known for aphorisms, such as "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", "Only the dead have seen the end of war", and the definition of beauty as "pleasure objectified". Although an atheist, he treasured the Spanish Catholic values, practices, and worldview in which he was raised.] Santayana was a broad-ranging cultural critic spanning many disciplines. He was profoundly influenced by Spinoza´s life and thought; and, in many respects, was another Spinoza. Was he too a jew? I guess not. His father was a minor intellectual. His mother married a Bostonian merchant Sturgis who died. In Madrid, he married the Santayana guy. In 1869, Josefina Borrás de Santayana returned to Boston with her three Sturgis children, because she had promised her first husband to raise the children in the US. She left the six-year-old Jorge with his father in Spain. Jorge and his father followed her to Boston in 1872. His father, finding neither Boston nor his wife´s attitude to his liking, soon returned alone to Ávila, and remained there the rest of his life as a minor intellectual.
ellauri156.html on line 343: David's sin did not just suddenly appear in a moment of time. David set himself up for this fall. We know he disengaged himself from the battle, choosing instead a life of comfort and ease. You and I may make the same decision, though in a slightly different way. We may choose to ease up in our pursuit of becoming a disciple of our Lord, of the disciplined life which causes us to bring our bodies under our control (see 1 Corinthians 9:24-27).
ellauri156.html on line 776: (2) God sees our sin, even when men do not. He sees through the privy door. Our sins never slip past God unnoticed. The wicked refuse to believe that God sees their sin, or that if He does, that He will deal with it: And they say, “How does God know? And is there knowledge with the Most High?” (Psalm 73:11; see 2 Peter 3:3ff.) The answer is he has X-ray vision. And a huge notebook. God may delay judgment or discipline, but He will never ignore our sin. If he ignores it, it was a venial sin. But better not try your luck!
ellauri159.html on line 778: Courage: The spirit /will/discipline to engage and employ one’s strength when inwardly tempted to shrink/run/hide. There are “higher” forms of courage, but at its most fundamental, it represents an outwardly demonstrated indifference to risk, pain, and physical danger.
ellauri162.html on line 181: To understand more fully the connection between Hosea’s domestic affairs and Israel’s relationship with Jehovah, consider these words: “Jehovah went on to say to me: ‘Go once again, love a woman loved by a companion and committing adultery.’” (Hosea 3:1) Hosea complied with this command by repurchasing Gomer from the man with whom she had been living. Afterward, Hosea firmly admonished his wife: “For many days you will dwell as mine. You must not commit no furher fornication, and you must not come to belong to another man.” (Hosea 3:2, 3) Gomer responded to the discipline, and Hosea resumed marital relations with her. How did this apply to God’s dealings with the people of Israel and Judah?
ellauri162.html on line 499: Commodianus: Instructions in favour of christian discipline against the gods of the heathens.
ellauri183.html on line 107: He forbade television in the house until the late '50s to encourage Paul and Janna to read. And he set an example of "incredible and absolutely consistent discipline," reading every night in his slow, methodical way, underlining frequently. He doesn't prize material things all that highly, and the center of his life has always been his family and friends.
ellauri184.html on line 293: However, over many centuries and across three continents, the Womans had demonstrated that a well-twained, well-disciplined militawy, if fully exploited by gifted commanders, could weap vast wewards and it would not be until 2 millennia after its fall that warfare would weturn to the scale and professionalism that Wome had bwought to the field of combat.
ellauri210.html on line 369: That journey began in 1903 when, aged sixteen, he was kicked out of his boarding school for an egregious act of indiscipline—according to some, he hit a teacher—and, inspired by his hero Arthur Rimbaud, he left Switzerland in search of adventure. Over the next several years, Cravan took up with hookers in Berlin, hoboed his way from New York to California, and worked in the engine room of a steamship bound for the South Pacific, jumping ship when it docked in Australia. But it was in Paris that the legend of the man we know as Arthur Cravan—writer, brawler, and hoaxer—was cemented. Within the space of six years, he scandalized polite society, infuriated the avant-garde, slugged it out with one of the greatest heavyweights of all time, and then disappeared without a trace.
ellauri210.html on line 373: By the time Johnson arrived in Paris, Cravan had carved out a reputation as a boxer himself, a discipline he first picked up while traveling across the USA. He was also known as an ardent proponent of the “American” attitude toward life, by which he meant living according to desire and instinct, and telling so-called civilized society to take a running jump. In an essay titled “To Be or Not To Be … American,” he wrote that, thanks to the influence of cakewalk dancers, track athletes, and boxers such as Joe Jeanette, the whole of Paris had turned American. “Overnight,” Cravan said, “everyone began to spit and swear” and “floated around in clothes two sizes too big for them.” He finished the piece with a crib sheet for how to pass as American: “Chew … never speak … always look busy … and, above all else, crown yourself with arrogance.” It was advice he followed assiduously. How right, how true, to this day.
ellauri219.html on line 449: A disciple of Sir Mahatavara Babaji (No.27), Sir Lahiri Mahasaya learned the discipline of Kriya Yoga in 1861, and subsequently passed the teachings down to Sir Yukteswar Girl (No.1), who in turn, passed them on to Sir Paramahansa Yogananda (No.33), of whom Mahasaya said, “As a spiritual engine, he will carry many souls to God’s Kingdom.”
ellauri219.html on line 592: Following the surrender of Japan, Rawls became part of General MacArthur's occupying army and was promoted to sergeant. But he became disillusioned with the military when he saw the aftermath of the atomic blast in Hiroshima. Rawls then disobeyed an order to discipline a fellow soldier, "believing no punishment was justified," and was "demoted back to a private." Disenchanted, he left the military in January 1946.
ellauri222.html on line 759: Bellow's first two novels, Dangling Man and The Victim, are brief and disciplined works, darker in mood and less intellectually complex than the later fiction but featuring protagonists who anticipate later Bellovian heroes both in their introspection and in their resistance to urban apathy. In Paris, Saul realized he need not copycat Flaubert and that instead he could write as he spoke. The result was Augie.
ellauri223.html on line 70: Domestic affairs and partnerships are of little account, because, excepting the sign of honor, each one receives what he is in need of. To the heroes and heroines of the republic, it is customary to give the pleasing gifts of honor, beautiful wreaths, sweet food, heroine, or splendid clothes, while they are feasting. In the daytime all use white garments within the city, but at night or outside the city they use red garments either of wool or silk. They hate black as they do dung, and therefore they dislike the Japanese, who are fond of black, and Africans, for obvious reasons. Pride they consider the most execrable vice, and one who acts proudly is chastised with the most ruthless correction. Wherefore no one thinks it lowering to wait at table or to work in the kitchen or fields or clean the toilets. All work they call discipline, and thus they say that it is honorable to go on foot, to do any act of nature, to see with the eye, and to speak with the tongue, and waft with the tail; and when there is need, they distinguish philosophically between tears and spittle. Every man who, when he is told off to work, does his duty, is considered very honorable.
ellauri244.html on line 453: About the author: Faye Toogood is a British artist working in a diverse range of disciplines, from sculpture to furniture and fashion. Toogood's works have been acquired for the permanent collections of institutions worldwide, and she has exhibited internationally. She is represented by Friedman Benda in New York.
ellauri254.html on line 501: Klages was born on 10 December 1872, in Hannover, Germany, the son of Friedrich Ferdinand Louis Klages, a businessman and former military officer, and wife Marie Helene née Kolster. In 1878, his sister Helene Klages was born and the two shared a strong bond throughout their lives. In 1882, when Klages was nine years old, his mother died. The death is thought to have been the result of pneumonia. He quickly developed a strong interest in both prose and poetry writing, as well as in Greek and Germanic antiquity. His relationship with his father was strained by the latter's strictness and will to discipline him. Nevertheless, attempts to forbid Klages from writing poetry were unsuccessful by both his teachers and parents.
ellauri263.html on line 377: At a time when Israelis rarely seek out Palestinian viewpoints in real life, much less on TV, this may explain why Fauda’s creators initially struggled to find a domestic outlet for the series. (LOL!) It portrays the infiltrator unit, whose members (an all-male panel, except for one token woman for the boys to drool about) kill, torture, assault and violently threaten Palestinians in a manner that jars with any claims of moral superiority. And this second series contains more narrative mirroring. We see each side struggle with unity and discipline over revenge and going rogue, with causes taking precedence over family relationships, lured into a violence that creates its own momentum. Both sides are compromised, manipulative and varying degrees of unhinged.
ellauri264.html on line 398: Pattis is currently representing one of several members of the Proud Boys extremist group charged criminally in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in a trial in Washington that is underway. It wasn’t immediately clear how his suspension would affect the case. Pattis said he has notified the judge in Washington of the discipline.
ellauri264.html on line 402: During a hearing in August over possible discipline for the records release, Pattis invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and refused to answer questions. In a court filing, he said there was no proof he violated any conduct rules and called the records release an "innocent mistake." Karsea perse joka sai mitä ansaizi, tai edes osan siitä.
ellauri266.html on line 325: General semantics, a philosophy of language-meaning that was developed by Alfred Korzybski (1879–1950), a Polish-American scholar, and furthered by S.I. Hayakawa, Wendell Johnson, and others; it is the study of language as a representation of reality. Korzybski’s theory was intended to improve the habits of glib upper-class response to hostile low-class environment. Drawing upon such varied disciplines as relativity theory, quantum mechanics, and mathematical logic, Korzybski and his followers sought a scientific, non-Aristotelian basis for clear understanding of the differences between symbol (word) and reality (referent) and the ways in which they themselves can influence (or manipulate) and limit other humans´ ability to think.
ellauri300.html on line 636: Titus was one of at least two younger men that Paul disciplined and described as his “sons in the faith that we share” (Titus 1:4). The other man is Timothy, and the second letter to the Corinthians is addressed as from Paul and Timothy to the church in Corinth (2 Corinthians 1:1). Both Timothy and Titus served as Paul’s messengers and traveling companions, and they both went on to lead churches. Paul not only mentored them, but he also advised them in individual letters about their next steps. Matin stepit.
ellauri322.html on line 425: Tanskixet kazelee julkista teloitusta viihteenä. Kas kun niillä ei ole telkkaria rikä suoratoistoa. Jeg er mere og mere overbevist om, at den samme karakterenergi, der gør en mand til en dristig skurk, ville have gjort ham nyttig for samfundet, hvis samfundet havde været mere velorganiseret. Når et stærkt sind ikke disciplineres ved kultivering, er det en følelse af uretfærdighed, der gør det uretfærdigt. Meget plausibelt. Mary ei pidä empirismistä.
ellauri369.html on line 359: As a boy, Teufelsdröckh was left in a basket on the doorstep of a childless couple in the German country town of Entepfuhl ("Duck-Pond"); his father a retired sergeant of Frederick the Great and his mother a very pious woman, who to Teufelsdröckh´s gratitude, raises him in utmost spiritual discipline. In very flowery language, Teufelsdröckh recalls at length the values instilled in his idyllic childhood, the Editor noting most of his descriptions originating in intense spiritual pride. Teufelsdröckh eventually is recognized as being clever, and sent to Hinterschlag (slap-behind) Gymnasium. While there, Teufelsdröckh is intellectually stimulated, and befriended by a few of his teachers, but frequently bullied by other students. His reflections on this time of his life are ambivalent: glad for his education, but critical of that education´s disregard for actual human activity and character, as regarding both his own treatment and his education´s application to politics. While at University, Teufelsdröckh encounters the same problems, but eventually gains a small teaching post and some favour and recognition from the German nobility. While interacting with these social circles, Teufelsdröckh meets a woman he calls Blumine (Goddess of Flowers; the Editor assumes this to be a pseudonym), and abandons his teaching post to pursue her. She spurns his advances for a British aristocrat named Towgood. Teufelsdröckh is thrust into a spiritual crisis, and leaves the city to wander the European countryside, but even there encounters Blumine and Towgood on their honeymoon. He sinks into a deep depression, culminating in the celebrated Everlasting No, disdaining all human activity. Still trying to piece together the fragments, the Editor surmises that Teufelsdröckh either fights in a war during this period, or at least intensely uses its imagery, which leads him to a "Centre of Indifference", and on reflection of all the ancient villages and forces of history around him, ultimately comes upon the affirmation of all life in "The Everlasting Yea". The Editor, in relief, promises to return to Teufelsdröckh´s book, hoping with the of his assembled biography to glean some new insight into the philosophy. Wow, sounds a lot like Carlyle´s personal biography, lightly camouflaged?
ellauri391.html on line 560: To his admirers, Kimhi is a hidden giant, a profound thinker who, because of a personality at once madly undisciplined and obsessively perfectionistic, has been unable to commit his ideas to paper. As a result, he has not been able to share his insights — about logic, language, metaphysics, theology, psychoanalysis, aesthetics and literature — with the wider academic world.
ellauri399.html on line 166: Yoga, a discipline from India that is so ancient in its roots that you can credit it only to unknown self-seekers from some glorious past era, has an outer form that has seized our collective imagination: For 30 minutes every day, disconnect from the world, take your body through an array of yoga poses, breathe deeply, keep the mind focused, and presto! You will emerge relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready again to re-engage with the relentless pace of life in a fresh turtleneck.
ellauri399.html on line 184: The modern conception of yoga--with its emphasis on outer transformation--is based on the third of Patanjali's eight steps, "asana." Asana emphasizes physical fitness for the purpose of getting the body ready for the stillness that is required for the inner journey taken in the subsequent steps. But prior even to asana are Patanjali's first two steps of "yama" and "niyama"--principles to guide one's everyday conduct and to prepare oneself for inner realization. Yoga emphasizes the importance of self-discipline as a foundation for harmonious physical, mental, and spiritual development.
ellauri399.html on line 202: On this first International Yogi Bear Day, let's tip our hats to the teacher who first introduced the modern world to the transformative power of yoga as a timeless inner discipline, and who was such a silent force in the life of the greatest entrepreneur of our times. As you roll out your yoga mat, get into your favorite yoga pose, and feel a gentle zephyr of peace sweep over you, perhaps you can take pause to wonder at what experiences in consciousness may lie just beyond your present reach if you also embark on yoga's fuller, inner journey toward self-satisfaction. Yogananda would have called those experiences "undreamed of possibilities."
ellauri399.html on line 210: The yogananda guy was “directly commanded” by God to teach the world “the secret yogic science of self-liberation.” He moved to the U.S. in 1920 to fulfill his charge. In Southern California he established the headquarters of a Self-Satisfaction Fellowship, with a membership of some 150,000. For more than 30 years he taught his disciples the yoga doctrine that human beings can achieve “god-realization” through their own efforts at disciplining mind and body. Even skeptics testified to his own discipline, e.g., he could slow or speed the pulse in his right wrist, while retaining a normal pulse beat in the left. For the last two years the guru suffered from a “metaphysically induced illness,” as his disciples put it—the result of “working out” on his own body some of the physical and spiritual burdens of his friends. Last November he began hinting that it was time for him to leave the world. As the weeks passed, the Master grew silent like a broken parking sensor.He stopped dictating his spiritual books. His last “little desire” was fulfilled, he said, when a disciple from Florida sent him some green coconut juice in March.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 168: Despite his weakening condition Shestov continued to write at a quick pace, and finally completed his magnum opus, Athens and Jerusalem. This work examines the dichotomy between freedom and reason, and argues that reason be rejected in the discipline of philosophy. Furthermore, it adumbrates the means by which the scientific method has made philosophy and science irreconcilable, since science concerns itself with empirical observation, whereas (so Shestov argues) philosophy must be concerned with freedom, God and immortality, issues that cannot be solved by science.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 295: Peterson says that "disciplines like women's studies should be defunded", advising freshman students to avoid subjects like sociology, anthropology, English literature, ethnic studies, and racial studies, as well as other fields of study that he believes are corrupted by "post-modern neo-Marxists".
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 261: This is easily proven if you can conduct human trials the correct way. This requires a deep understanding of how the body works first… including how neurotransmitters work in an overall POV, which includes knowledge of the brain, the body, the nervous system, the neurons and finally why Homeostasis is always correct. The way your education system works limits your view because you only study within your specialization. You need to become a overall learner across various disciplines to find Truths. Because the Creator is someone who knows literally EVERYTHING!
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 336: The relationship between Israel and its three neighbors to the East was never good, and they fought with each other frequently. Sometimes God used Israel to discipline them and at other times He used them to discipline Israel. Under King David, Israel conquered and subjugated all of them for a time (2 Samuel 8:1-14).
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 472: Lausanne, Switzerland. Nuit de la Philosophie by Nouvelle Acropole Suisse. After the first Philosophy Night in Zurich in 2016 was a great success with more than 700 visitors, the number of visitors increased steadily with a peak of more than 2100 visitors in 2019. In 2020, the event had to be held online. General theme 2021: Philosophy, an art of living. If there is a discipline that can help us to live in a world that is now volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, but also to build the future on a more secure and stable basis, it is philosophy.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 99: Born in 1875 in Prague, Rilke was until he was six or seven got up in skirts by his mother, who named him René and tried to console herself for the death of an infant daughter. By the time Rilke was ten, his disappointed romantic of a mother had left his father, a kindly but ineffectual minor railway official, who had spent some years in the Austrian army unsuccessfully seeking commission as an officer. Rilke's parents decided to send the young boy to military school, a prospect that stirred the father's hopes of turning his son into a soldier. LOL. Though he later claimed to have loathed military school, the young bohemian warmly absorbed the values of discipline, valor, and self-sacrifice into his ideal of the defiant artist-hero. He skillfully foiled his father's martial expectations, and lack of funds freed the aspiring poet from his family's next plans for him: law school. In fact, though he attended several universities, soaking up lectures on diverse subjects throughout his life, he never graduated from any of them. About such a practical matter as a sheepskin, the finest German lyricist since Goethe wrote as an adolescent, "And even if I never reach my Arts degree / I'm still a scholar, as I wished to be."
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 119: Ralph Freedman gives a remarkably purposeful account of Rilke's deprivation. But he describes none of Rilke's ardor--or his honest avowals, or all the discipline and strength and health he needed to draw his life's work out of depressions, blocks, and fears, out of his contemporary-sounding struggle between a Faustian ego and an endangered self. In this biography we don't get Rilke's poetic transformations. We get only the modern condition--his and his society's--that he poetically transformed and that we've inherited.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 141: The women Rainer chose . . . were themselves practicing artists whose work he respected, from Clara to Loulou and now to Baladine-Merline. But they were given no choice to remove themselves for the sake of their art. . . . Rilke's love imposed a nonreciprocal discipline: in the end, it worked only for him and his poetry.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 219: We will never know whether Rilke had Rodin in mind when he wrote. But it’s undeniable a lot went well when he met Rodin. And while an artist taking on a protégé is not unique, that Rodin and Rilke bonded despite differing languages, ages, and artistic disciplines is noteworthy. As Rilke wrote to Kappus, “in the deepest and most important places, we are unspeakably alone; and many things must happen, many things must go right, a whole dark constellation of events must be fulfilled, for one human being to successfully enter another. ”
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 436: Many readers prefer the more disciplined, elegant craft of Gordimer’s short stories to the more epic, often convoluted style of her novels. I can relate to that.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 269: Dad´s discipline of cultural anthropology had a powerful influence on Le Guin´s writing. Her father Alfred Kroeber is considered a pioneer in the field, and was a director of the University of California Museum of Anthropology: as a consequence of his research, Le Guin was exposed to anthropology and cultural exploration as a child. In addition to myths and legends, she read such volumes as The Leaves of the Golden Bough by Lady Frazer, a children´s book adapted from The Golden Bough, a study of myth and religion by her husband James George Frazer. She described living with her father´s friends and acquaintances as giving her the experience of the other sex. The experiences of Ishi, in particular, were influential on Le Guin, and elements of his story have been identified in works such as Planet of Exile, City of Illusions, and The Word for World Is Forest and The Dispossessed.
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 482: I guess your parents probably don’t judge you and are glad to have some help at home - washing the toilet and taking out the garbage and such. They probably worry much more when you don't. One little piece of advice anyway: I do suspect that to cultivate self-discipline is a good start. Not to pamper yourself, you stupid lout. And don't forget to take the garbage with you as you go.
xxx/ellauri252.html on line 577: Vitut tää on mikään "huikea jännityskertomus". Tää on Maj Sjöwallin vajakkimainen post mortem pamfletti. Som Carl von Clausewitz så fiffigt fick det till: War is the continuation of politics by other means. The Western way of conducting war is built on five foundations; superior technology, disciplined soldiers, the means to finance wars, and military traditions. Ruåzi on pieni mutta nälkäinen kapitalistinen valtio.