ellauri042.html on line 811: Sacks forbade any mention of his homosexuality, though he had told his would-be biographer Wechsler about his closeted yearnings and crippled attempts at love. His Boswell shelved the notes for 30 years. Ollie changed his mind on his deathbed: Do it! You must!
ellauri092.html on line 80: By 17 years old this stout young Yankee decided to leave his farming work at home and head for Boston where he became a shoe salesman. Like Al Bundy. Taivas on todennäköisesti täynnä kadonneita parittomia sukkia. Ne ovat kaikki pelastuneet sinne. Kun mun sukkaan tulee reikä heitän sen roskiin mutta pelastan parittoman, koska mun lähes kaikki sukat ovat mustia. Vartioin niitä mustasukkaisesti ja teen leskexi jääneistä uusia pareja. He attended a Congregationalist Church which bored him as did all religious matters but over the next year the convicting message of sin and righteousness began to take effect. At the same time though, he raised up a wall of arguments. He settled his heart by deciding to leave the matter until his deathbed, but Cod’s Word continued to disturb him. No wonder: this was good old Boston, the home of the bean and the cod, Where the Lowells talk to the Cabots, And only the Cabots talk to Cod.
ellauri185.html on line 865: As previous biographers have discovered, it’s difficult to write an endearing biography of Bellow. “Was I a man or was I a jerk?” Bellow inquired on his deathbed. The answer should be obvious.
ellauri192.html on line 861: In the Soviet Union in 1927, a former Marshal of Nobility, Ippolit Matveyevich "Kisa" Vorobyaninov, works as the registrar of marriages and deaths in a sleepy provincial town. His mother-in-law reveals on her deathbed that her family jewry was hidden from the Bolsheviks in one of the twelve chairs from the family’s dining room set. Those chairs, along with all other personal property, were taken away by the Communists after the Russian Revolution. Vorobyaninov wants to find the treasure. The “smooth operator” and con-man Ostap Bender forces Kisa to become his partner, as they set out to find the chairs. Bender's street smarts and charm are invaluable to the reticent Kisa, and Bender comes to dominate the enterprise. Father Fyodor (who had known of the treasure from the confession of Vorobyaninov's mother-in-law), their obsessed rival in the hunt for the treasure, follows a bad lead, runs out of money, ends up trapped on a mountain-top, and loses his sanitary pad. Ostap remains unflappable, and his mastery of human nature eliminates all obstacles, but Vorobyaninov steadily deteriorates.
ellauri222.html on line 78: As previous biographers have discovered, it’s difficult to write an endearing biography of Bellow. “Was I a man or was I a jerk?” Bellow inquired on his deathbed. The answer should be obvious.
ellauri222.html on line 479: Old Granum works as an assistant to the the undertaker, Kinsman, and is present at the Commissioner’s deathbed.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 83: Beecher enjoyed the company of women, and rumors of extramarital affairs circulated as early as his Indiana days, when he was believed to have had an affair with a young member of his congregation. In 1858, the Brooklyn Eagle wrote a story accusing him of an affair with another young church member who had later become a prostitute. The wife of Beecher's patron and editor, Henry Bowen, confessed on her deathbed to her husband of an affair with Beecher; Bowen concealed the incident during his lifetime.