ellauri035.html on line 513: And never a bed without my bright darling.
ellauri095.html on line 159: He influenced such poets as W.H. Auden, Dylan Thomas, Theodore Roethke, Elizabeth Bishop, John Berryman, Robert Lowell, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Denise Levertov, and the Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney. In the 1920s and 30s, he was a darling of the British and American “New Critics” who prized and probed his poems’ rich “texture.”
ellauri131.html on line 734: Bikram Choudhury is the yoga instructor who became a guru after the explosion in popularity of his eponymous form of hot yoga, which "consists of a series of 26 poses, done over 90 minutes in a room heated to 104 degrees," according to The LA Times. He has also become a celebrity darling, having instructed stars like "Madonna, George Clooney, Brooke Shields and Jennifer Aniston," according to People.
ellauri141.html on line 334: diligeret mulier sua quam te. the bachelor most doted upon by his darling.
ellauri171.html on line 1147: But at the center of this storm stood Tamar, her position as darling of the king and petted princess now destroyed forever.
ellauri180.html on line 441: Her darling one wish would be heard. Miten sen toive toteutuisi,
ellauri240.html on line 61: Another Jewish woman, Nora Barnacle burned most of the letters she received in 1909 from her lover who signed his name, “Jim.” But she didn’t destroy all of them. Indeed, they have survived all these years. In one of them, Jim, aka James Joyce, wrote to his muse whom he called his “little fuckbird,” “Fuck me, darling, in as many ways as your lust will suggest.” He went on and on: ”Fuck me dressed in your full outdoor costume with your hat and veil on, your face flushed with the cold and wind and rain and your boots muddy.” Sellaisia ne miehet on, koprofiilejä.
ellauri241.html on line 1232: Such darling essence, wherefore may I not
ellauri302.html on line 115: Rifkele kysyy onko alakerran tytöt kuzuttu. No, my darling. Only nice, respectable girls. For you are a respectable child, a decent Jewish daughter...
ellauri302.html on line 294: Are you cold, Rifkele darling? Nestle close to me... Ever so close... Warm yourself next to me. So. Come, let's sit down here on the lounge. (Leads Rifkele to a lounge; they sit down.) Just like this... Now rest your face snugly in my bosom. So. Just like that. And let your body touch mine... It's so cool... as if water were running between us. (Pause.) I uncovered your breasts and washed them with the rainwater that trickled down my arms. Your breasts are so white and soft. And the blood in them cools under the touch, just like white snow, — like frozen water... and their fragrance is like the grass on the meadows. And I let down your hair so... (Buns her fingers through RifkeWs hair.) And I held them like this in the rain and washed them. How sweet they smell... Like the rain itself... (She huries her face in Rifkele's hair.) Yes, I can smell the scent of the May rain in them... So light, so fine... And fresh... as the grass on the meadows... as the apple on the bough... So. Cool me, refresh me with your tresses. (She washes her face in Rifkele^s hair.) Cool me, — so. But wait... I'll comb you as if you were a bride... a nice part and two long, black braids. (Does so.) Do you want me to, Rifkele? Do you?
ellauri302.html on line 478: Sarah, on the threshold. Come in. Come in. Your father won't beat you. (Pause.) Go in, I tell you. (Pushes Rifkele into the room. Rifkele has a shawl over her head. She stands silent and motionless at the door, a shameless look in her eyes, biting her lips,) Well, what are you standing there for, my darling? Much pleasure you've brought us... in return for our trouble in bringing you up. We'll square that with you later. (Interrupting herself.) Get into your room. Comb your hair. Put on a dress. We're expecting guests. (To Yekel.) I just met Reb Ali. He's going for the groom's father. (Looks about the room.) Goodness me! How the place looks! (She begins hastily to place things in order.)
ellauri336.html on line 594: Thank goodness: Climate change alarmist and darling of the international liberal media Greta Thunberg has, at long last, weighed in on the conflict between Israel and Hamas. In a social media post published Friday morning, Thunberg held up a sign that read, “Stand with Gaza,” while writing: “Today we strike in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza. The world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected.”
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 385: And, darling, we have said imperishable things
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 193: Hiski! 29 year old aspiring house plant. Currently residing in Texas with my darling fiancé and precious cats. My style is varied. You’ll find everything from odes to nature (especially flowers and the moon) to dark poetry about mental illness to mindless ramblings about bananas and clocks. I hope you enjoy it.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 359: kept saying let's do it darling let's do it darling
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 497: Whatever happened to letting someone rest in peace? Rest in pees, my darling, and eat my shorz.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 678: In thy green lap was Nature's darling laid, Vihreässä sylissäsi oli luonnon rakas,
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 159: 'Lord Beauchamp was caught b**ring the footmen and had to leave England in the dead of night to go into exile. I mean, you can't have people b**ring the servants, darling, now can you?'
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 230: Hemingwayn sotakaverilta menee jalat. Se näyttää vainaalta. "I made sure he was dead." Blam! We are all very proud of you. Henryssä on kyllä enemmän kuin vähän homofiilistä. Henry vittuilee määräävässä asemissa oleville naisille. Muille se on höveliä poikaa. Ei tunnu uskottavalta että kaveri nai kuin koira kiimassa vaikka jalat on ihan muusina, ja vielä vähemmän et joku brittiheilakka antaa sille muina miehinä sairaalasängyssä. Catherine kuulostaa Ernien märältä unelta tai joltain dirty jokelta. Don't brag darling. Ernie antaa ymmärtää että Catherine tekee kädellä ja ottaa suihin. Tekeex kutaa? Oonxmä hyvä? (Mulkuntäyteisellä äänellä)
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 232: Ärsyttävä narsistinen tekniikka Ernestolla puhua muiden kautta pääasiassa izestään. Ize se vaan grunttaa ja mielistelee kaikkia ja kaikki on siitä siihen ihan lääpällään. To make a long story short, Henry panee Catherinen paxuxi vastoin lupaustaan ja karkaa kaiken kukkuraxi rintamalta. I enjoyed not being married really. There isn't any me, I'm you. Narsistin märkä uni. Loppuvizinä Catherine parka vielä kuolee lapsivuoteeseen. Cedric syö sillä aikaa kinkku-muna-annoxen ja juo monta pulloa demi- mondea. Catherinen kuoltua Cedric lähtee lätkimään aamuöiseen sateeseen. Cedric olisi halunnut tytön mieluummin. Mieluiten ei mitään. Ei kai tosta arvesta tule ruma. Can I get you anything? You'll be ok, I promise. Niin ja vielä 1 persepäinen piirre Ernstissä: se pitää vedonlyönnistä. Sen nuivat kommentit kun Katja kertoo pohjaanpalaneesta beibistä oli aika karuja. "You aren't angry are you darling?" Voi vinetto. "You always feel trapped biologically." Vitun trappi. Inhottava tenukeppi. Ei keltatauti ole sairaus vaan juoppo-oire. Kaveri on kolmen pointin tolvana ja kylmä murhamies.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 998: You clearly did not read the linked article. Go back and see where it says that Francesca Stavrakopoulou, a Mormon writer claims that Asherah is God's "wife". If you don't take her word for it, How about leading Mormon apologist C. Daniel Peterson who wrote a very scholarly article on God's darling wife Asherah (here).