ellauri033.html on line 1119: Villiers était « un inquiétant mythomane. Il revendiqua le trône de Grèce, poursuivit des critiques pour diffamation, se prétendit Prince du Saint-Empire Romain, unique héritier du grand maître de Rhodes fondateur de l´ordre de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem, Grand d´Espagne depuis Charles Quint, 22 fois comte ».
ellauri092.html on line 295: …the problems in the Keswick theology are severe. Because of its corrupt roots, Keswick errs seriously in its ecumenical tendencies, theological shallowness or even incomprehensibility, neglect of the role of the Word of God in sanctification, shallow views of sin and perfectionism, support of some tenants of Pelagianism and semi-Pelagianism, improper divorce of justification and sanctification, confusion about the nature of saving repentance, denial that God’s sanctifying grace always frees Christians from bondage to sin and changes them, failure to warn strongly about the possibility of those who are professedly Christians being unregenerate, support for an unbiblical pneumatology, belief in the continuation of the sign gifts, maintenance of significant exegetical errors, distortion of the positions and critiques of opponents of the errors of Keswick, misrepresentation of the nature of faith in sanctification, support for a kind of Quietism, and denial that God actually renews the nature of the believer to make him more personally holy. Keswick theology differs in important ways from the Biblical doctrine of sanctification. It should be rejected.
ellauri100.html on line 1403: 1964, Barthes kirjoitti yritelmän "Le dernier des écrivains heureux" (Essais critiques), jossa puheena on Voltaire. Rollo koitti väittää että Voltairella ei ollut samoja ongelmia relativismin kaa kuin sillä. Candiden kääntäjä huomautti että harvoin on kukaan kirjailija ymmärtänyt toista niin väärin kuin Barthes Voltairea. Se varmaan sovelsi Voltaireen samaa menetelmää kuin Pallosäkkiin S/Z:ssä: poimi randomisti pätkiä ja piirsi väliin viivoja.
ellauri107.html on line 414: Babbitt (1922), by Sinclair Lewis, is a satirical novel about American culture and society that critiques the vacuity of middle class life and the social pressure toward conformity. The controversy provoked by Babbitt was influential in the decision to award the Nobel Prize in Literature to Lewis in 1930.
ellauri108.html on line 170: 1968 saw the development of reggae in Jamaica, a musical style typified by slower, heavier rhythms than ska and the increased use of Jamaican Patois. Like calypso, reggae was a medium for social commentary, although it demonstrated a wider use of radical political and Rasta themes than were previously present in Jamaican popular music. Reggae artists incorporated Rasta ritual rhythms, and also adopted Rasta chants, language, motifs, and social critiques. Songs like The Wailers' "African Herbsman" and Peter Tosh's "Legalize It" referenced cannabis use, while tracks like The Melodians' "Rivers of Babylon" and Junior Byles' "Beat Down Babylon" referenced Rasta beliefs in Babylon. Reggae gained widespread international popularity during the mid-1970s, coming to be viewed by black people in many different countries as music of the oppressed. Many Rastas grew critical of reggae, believing that it had commercialised their religion. Although reggae contains much Rastafari symbolism, and the two are widely associated, the connection is often exaggerated by non-Rastas. Most Rastas do not listen to reggae music, and reggae has also been utilised by other religious groups, such as Protestant Evangelicals. Out of reggae came dub music; dub artists often employ Rastafari terminology, even when not Rastas themselves.
ellauri109.html on line 438: La réputation de l'ouvrage semble avoir souffert des critiques négatives des Flauberolâtres intéressés à défendre leur idole et répéter ses opinions.
ellauri145.html on line 1137: Derrière son écriture légère et son style narquois, on sent dans les écrits d´Allais une sorte de déception ; ses critiques des militaires, des politiques et des curés sont toujours empreintes d´un certain pessimisme.
ellauri161.html on line 903: Joseph est l'un des pères de la philosophie contre-révolutionnaire et un des critiques les plus importants des idées des Lumières. Il considère que la Révolution française représente un crime contre l'ordre naturel. Il défend le retour à une monarchie absolue. Il a influencé la pensée conservatrice et réactionnaire de manière très importante depuis le XVIIIe siècle.
ellauri349.html on line 505: Politiquement, Sartre a rejoint le camp de l'antiaméricanisme et du soutien (non sans critiques) du PCF et de l'URSS, alors qu'Aron se rapproche de celui de la démocratie libérale et de l'anticommunisme. Alors qu'ils étaient amis dans leur jeunesse, ils se brouillent à partir de 1947, lors d'un débat radiophonique où Sartre, opposé à l'ancien résistant Pierre de Bénouville, compare de Gaulle à Hitler. Il demande alors à Aron de les départager, ce qu'il refuse, sans pour autant soutenir Bénouville. Par la suite, les désaccords iront grandissants. Aron rejoint le RPF gaulliste, quand Sartre co-fonde le Rassemblement démocratique révolutionnaire, un nom que l'intellectuel libéral juge oxymorique, estimant que la révolution souhaitée par Sartre ne peut pas être démocratique. Lenin oli samaa mieltä.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 120: Lev Isaakovich Shestov (Russian: Лев Исаа́кович Шесто́в; 31 January [O.S. 13 February] 1866 – 19 November 1938), born Yehuda Leib Shvartsman (Russian: Иегуда Лейб Шварцман), was a Russian existentialist and religious philosopher. He is best known for his critiques of both philosophic rationalism and positivism. His work advocated a movement beyond reason and metaphysics, arguing that these are incapable of conclusively establishing truth about ultimate problems, including the nature of God or existence. Contemporary scholars have associated his work with the label "anti-philosophy.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 294: Peterson's critiques of political correctness range over issues such as postmodernism, postmodern feminism, white privilege, cultural appropriation, and environmentalism. He contends that "proper culture" has been undermined by "post-modernism and neo-Marxism."
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 294: Le Guin responded to these critiques in her subsequent writing. She intentionally used feminine pronouns for all sexually latent Gethenians in her 1995 short story "Coming of Age in Karhide", and in a later reprinting of "Winter's King", which was first published in 1969. "Coming of Age in Karhide" was later anthologized in the 2002 collection The Birthday of the World, which contained six other stories featuring unorthodox sexual relationships and marital arrangements. She also revisited gender relations in Earthsea in Tehanu, published in 1990. This volume was described as a rewriting or reimagining of The Tombs of Atuan, because the power and status of the female protagonist Tenar are the inverse of what they were in the earlier book, which was also focused on her and Ged. During this later period she commented that she considered The Eye of the Heron, published in 1978, to be her first work genuinely centered on a woman.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 446: Sweeney among the Nightingales' critiques the dehumanized, debased, and meaningless modern world with an underlying irony and mock-heroic strain.