ellauri048.html on line 1895: The Allies cracked German codes — Enigma — thanks to Poles, who snared the first, priceless encryption set for examination. Some 250,000 Polish troops served with the British during the war, including during the Battle of Britain, and an estimated 400,000 fought off the Nazis on the homefront in guerrilla warfare that helped chew up the Nazi war machine — a martial contribution the lancers-versus-tanks myth fails to convey.
ellauri088.html on line 618: The “sampler” that the eldest daughter did at school will be spoken of as “tapestry of the Victorian era,” and be almost priceless. The blue-and-white mugs of the present-day roadside inn will be hunted up, all cracked and chipped, and sold for their weight in gold, and rich people will use them for claret cups; and travellers from Japan will buy up all the “Presents from Ramsgate,” and “Souvenirs of Margate,” that may have escaped destruction, and take them back to Jedo as ancient English curios.
ellauri131.html on line 945: Covey went down a hill too fast and flipped forward on the bike. There was a pretty big goose egg on the top of his head. Covey also suffered cracked ribs and a partially collapsed lung.
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 51: balmy, barmy, batty, berserk, bonkers, cracked, crackpot, crazy, cuckoo, daft, deranged, dingy, dippy, flaky, flipped, fool, freaked-out, fruity, funny, insane, kooky, loony, lost his marbles, lunatic, mad, mad as a hatter, mad as a March hare, maniac, mental, moonstruck, nutcase, nuts, nutty as a fruitcake, potty, psycho, out to lunch, round the bend, screw loose, screwball, screwy, silly, touched, unbalanced, unglued, unhinged, unzipped, wacky. 65
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 500: The wilderness is cracked and browned