ellauri100.html on line 903: Fetch’d in honey, milk’d the cows,
ellauri100.html on line 1001: Tended the fowls or cows,
ellauri107.html on line 490: “And business! The roofing business! Roofs for cowsheds! Oh, I don't mean I haven't had a lot of fun out of the Game; out of putting it over on the labor unions, and seeing a big check coming in, and the business increasing. But what's the use of it? You know, my business isn't distributing roofing—it's principally keeping my competitors from distributing roofing. Same with you. All we do is cut each other's throats and make the public pay for it!”
ellauri156.html on line 625: A couple hundred years ago, my wife Jeannette and I went to England and Scotland with my parents. Each night we stayed at a “bed and breakfast” as we drove through Wales. There were a number of farms, but not so many towns in which to find a place to stay for the night. We saw a “bed and breakfast” sign and traveled along the country road until we found the place -- a very quaint farm. We saw several hundred sheep in a pasture, a stone trestle, and stone barns. It looked like the perfect place, and in many ways it was. What we did not realize was that the stone trestle was a railroad trestle for a train that came by late at night, a few feet from the house where we slept. Two cows also calved that night. I have spent my share of time around farms, but I have never heard the bellow of a cow that was calving echo throughout a stone barn. I could hardly sleep a wink. Just goes to show. Never trust the Rugby guys.
ellauri156.html on line 821: 44 The expression “flocks and herds” occurs rather frequently in the Bible. The term “flock” refers to smaller animals, like sheep and goats. “Herd” refers to larger animals, like oxen and cows. Fascinating!
ellauri189.html on line 154: When all at once a mighty herd of red eyed cows he saw

ellauri196.html on line 688: Brando´s method of acting was learnt by imitating the cows and horses on the family farm as a way to distract his mother from drinking.
ellauri223.html on line 64: There are occupations, mechanical and theoretical, common to both men and women, with this difference, that the occupations which require more hard work, and walking a long distance, are practised by men, such as ploughing, sowing, gathering the fruits, working at the threshing-floor, stock exchange, and perchance at the vintage. But it is customary to choose women for milking the cows and for making cheese. In like manner, they go to the gardens near to the outskirts of the city both for collecting the plants and for cultivating them. In fact, all sedentary and stationary pursuits are practised by the women, such as weaving, spinning, sewing, cutting the hair, shaving, dispensing medicines, selling arse, and making all kinds of garments. They are, however, excluded from working in wood and the manufacture of arms. If a woman is fit to paint, she is not prevented from doing so; nevertheless, music (song and dance) is given over to the women alone, because they please the more, and of a truth to pretty boys also. But the women have not the practise of the drum and the horn. Pretty boys take care of faggots.
ellauri241.html on line 84: From rushes green, and brakes, and cowslip'd lawns, ja jarrutuksista, ja lehmän lipsahtamat nurmikot,
ellauri263.html on line 425: Zuz on drakma eli dinaari eli neljännessekeli, noin 15g hopeaa, jonka markkina-arvo olisi tällä haavaa max 50c/gramma eli jotain 7 egeä. Eli neizeen "ketuban" hinta olis siinä 1500e. Kamelin käypä hinta länkkäreissä on 5K ja 20K euron välillä. Egyptissä pienen kamelin saa jo kolmella sadalla. Keniassa "One camel costs 36 goats or sheep. One camel costs three donkeys or 12 cows," he answers. Länsivaluutassa jotain 700e, saman verran kuin lesken ketuba. Varmaan samaa luokkaa käyttöarvolta. Vähänhän tää on kuin ostais käytettyä autoa. Siinäkin arvo putoaa 30% jo kun auto rullaa ulos hallista.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 601: green grass, the large slow oddity of cows, Nurmi vehreä, sitä natustavat nautaeläimet,
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 341: Yosef Rivlin, one of the heads of the Jewish community in Jerusalem, and a Christian Arab from Bethlehem were the contractors. The work was carried out by both Jewish and non-Jewish workers. Conrad Schick planned for open green space in each courtyard, but cowsheds were built instead. Mea Shearim was the first quarter in Jerusalem to have street lights.