ellauri011.html on line 589: Paulon postillassa viisautta on tieto ja muutos. Tietäminen on miesten heiniä, muutos naisten, nimittäin toi naiminen. Mas ainda no tocaste na grande força feminina, uma das forças mestras da transformação. - Eque força é essa? - Não continues a fazer-me perguntas tolas - respondeu Wicca. - Porque eu sei que sabes qual é. Brida sabia. O sexo. Dodi! Viimeinkin sexiä! Paulo pääsee itse asiaan kirjan puolivälissä. Quando os homens estavam próximos de Deus, o sexo era a comunhão simbólica com a unidade divina. O sexo era o reencontro com o sentido da vida. Joppajjo, bonobot, niihä se just on, pano on kaikist kivintä, se se on elämän tarkoitus: lisää elämää ja suuremmat lusikat, kauhat, suppilot ja melat. Mystikon ekstaasi on kuin mällin ruiskahdus, ja kääntäen, sanoo kaniguru expressis verbis.

ellauri011.html on line 1356: The success of Julie delighted Rousseau; he took pleasure in narrating a story about how a lady ordered a horse carriage to go to an Opera, and then picked up Julie only to continue reading the book till the next morning. So many women wrote to him offering their love that he speculated there was not a single high society woman with whom he would not have succeeded if he wanted to.
ellauri017.html on line 208: may continue later, when the crap is gone.

ellauri020.html on line 650: Trump alluded to his extramarital affair in a 1994 interview with ABC Primetime Live, per the New York Daily News, calling his life at the time "a bowl of cherries." He added, "The business was so great ... a beautiful girlfriend, a beautiful wife, a beautiful everything." He also muses that, if the Marla-Ivana confrontation hadn´t happened, it´s possible he would´ve continued on seeing his mistress.
ellauri030.html on line 920: This has been tested experimentally. Audiences predictably enjoyed witnessing the demise of a disliked character. Testing had to be discontinued when the team ran out of subjects.
ellauri038.html on line 208: In 1904, the Webers toured America. In America, Marianne met both Jane Addams and Florence Kelley, both staunch feminists and active political reformers. Also during that year, Max re-entered the public sphere, publishing, among other things, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. USA:ssa sen lurituxet satoivat vastaanottavaiseen maahan. Marianne also continued her own scholarship, publishing in 1907 her landmark work Ehefrau und Mutter in der Rechtsentwicklung ("Wife and Mother in the Development of Law").
ellauri038.html on line 216: Following Max's unexpected death, Marianne withdrew from public and social life, funneling her physical and psychological resources into preparing ten volumes of her husband's writing for publication. In 1924, she received an honorary doctoral degree from the University of Heidelberg, both for her work in editing and publishing Max's work as well as for her own scholarship. Between 1923 and 1926, Weber worked on Max Weber: Ein Lebensbild ("Max Weber: A Biography"), which was published in 1926.[15] Also in 1926, she re-established her weekly salon, and entered into a phase of public speaking in which she spoke to audiences of up to 5,000. During this phase, she continued to raise Lili's children with the help of a close-knit circle of friends
ellauri040.html on line 95: «Un jour, écrit Emmanuelle Guattari, alors qu’on attend dans la voiture, Bertrand, un malade, me dit en souriant : "Christian et moi, on attend que nos dents repoussent." Je dodeline de la tête avec une moue et un haussement d’épaule : "Ça ne se peut pas." "- Oui, continue-t-il, mais on peut quand même attendre."»
ellauri042.html on line 652: Pope's choice of new 'hero' for the revised Dunciad, Colley Cibber, the pioneer of sentimental drama and celebrated comic actor, was the outcome of a long public squabble that originated in 1717, when Cibber introduced jokes onstage at the expense of a poorly received farce, Three Hours After Marriage, written by Pope with John Arbuthnot and John Gay. Pope was in the audience and naturally infuriated, as was Gay, who got into a physical fight with Cibber on a subsequent visit to the theatre. Pope published a pamphlet satirising Cibber, and continued his literary assault until his death, the situation escalating following Cibber's politically motivated appointment to the post of poet laureate in 1730.
ellauri042.html on line 712: In 1864, Dostoevsky´s wife number one died at last, and shortly after he left Petersburg again to meet his beloved Apollinaria. The reunion with Apollinaria became a great failure, because he continued gambling.
ellauri048.html on line 1888: “Not once did the Polish Army deploy cavalry against German tanks,” the embassy statement said. “This is pure Nazi and Communist propaganda that continues to weave its way into Western media reports to this very day.”
ellauri051.html on line 1580: 975 Continue your annotations, continue your questionings. 975 Jatka huomautuksiasi, jatka kyselyjäsi.
ellauri051.html on line 1835: 1222 And my spirit said No, we but level that lift to pass and continue beyond. 1222 Ja henkeni sanoi Ei, me vain tasoitamme tuon hissin ohittaaksemme ja jatkamme eteenpäin.
ellauri052.html on line 104: Bellow’s most merciless and eviscerating tormenter was his third wife, Susan Glassman, who defeated him in a long, acrimonious and expensive divorce suit. In 1974, after he had fraudulently misrepresented his projected income, the court, hostile to a successful Jewish intellectual, “ordered him to pay Susan $2,500 a month in alimony, backdated to 1968, plus $600 a month child support, plus lawyers’ fees.” Ignoring his own lawyer’s sound advice to settle the case, he surrendered to a self-destructive impulse, continued to appeal and deliberately prolonged his agony.
ellauri052.html on line 497: Eventually, the poetry of William Wordsworth showed him that beauty generates compassion for others and stimulates joy. With renewed joy he continued to work towards a just society, but with more relish for the journey. He considered this one of the most pivotal shifts in his thinking. In fact, many of the differences between him and his father stemmed from this expanded source of joy. :D
ellauri052.html on line 968: Bellow’s most merciless and eviscerating tormenter was his third wife, Susan Glassman, who defeated him in a long, acrimonious and expensive divorce suit. In 1974, after he had fraudulently misrepresented his projected income, the court, hostile to a successful Jewish intellectual, “ordered him to pay Susan $2,500 a month in alimony, backdated to 1968, plus $600 a month child support, plus lawyers’ fees.” Ignoring his own lawyer’s sound advice to settle the case, he surrendered to a self-destructive impulse, continued to appeal and deliberately prolonged his agony.
ellauri052.html on line 1001: Sale janoaa päästä paasaamaan Renatalle Goethesta. Thought is a real constituent of being, he tried to continue. Charlie! Not now! said Renata. People of strong intellect never are quite sure whether or not it's all a dream. Hemmetti mikä höperö. Mutta ilkeä ja rahantunteva.
ellauri053.html on line 1193: Helppoa: se oli mustankipeä. Tomppa ja Jästi were associates from time to time but not companions. Yeats and Pound make a different relation: they were friends and remained friends, especially after the three winters they spent in Stone Cottage, Coleman’s Hatch, Sussex. The friendship continued over the years and found fulfillment in a shared Rapallo. Dobby ja Jästi ilosteli Rapallon mökissä veturinkuljettajana ja lämmittäjänä, kuraverinen Tomppa palloili kateena ulkopuolella.
ellauri053.html on line 1367: Yeats's friendship with Gonne ended when in Paris in 1908, they finally consummated their relationship. "The long years of fidelity rewarded at last" was how another of his lovers described the event. (Bet it was Ezra Pound.) Yeats was less sentimental and later remarked that "the tragedy of sexual intercourse is the perpetual virginity of the soul." (Aika narsistinen penselmä.) The relationship did not develop into a new phase after their night together, and soon afterwards Gonne wrote to the poet indicating that despite the physical consummation, they could not continue as they had been. She recommended Yeats to concentrate on other men.
ellauri054.html on line 565: In 1846 Browning married the older poet Elizabeth Barrett and went to live in Italy. By the time of her death in 1861 he had published the crucial collection Men and Women (1855). The collection Dramatis Personae (1864) and the book-length epic poem The Ring and the Book (1868-1869) followed, and made him a leading British poet. He continued to write prolifically, but his reputation today rests largely on the poetry he wrote in this middle period.
ellauri066.html on line 482: C.S. Lewis (1933) The Pilgrim's Regress: “'Our father was married twice,' continued Humanist. 'Once to a lady named Epichaerecacia, and afterwords to Euphuia.
ellauri067.html on line 140: Gravity´s Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon begins with a quotation from von Braun: "Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation. Everything science has taught me, and continues to teach me, strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death."
ellauri067.html on line 461: He continued, “So Santa´s reindeer, which all sport antlers, are therefore all female, which means Rudolf has been misgendered.” Tyson’s message triggered swift criticism, which included accusations that Tyson was “ruining things that are supposed to be fun.” “Why ruin this magic for children with your reddit-tier haha i’m so smart bulls***, this isn’t funny, you aren’t clever, and nobody cares, let them have this magic in their lives, you sound like an adolescent,” another person said. “They’re magic reindeer a**hole. The normal rules don’t apply. Quit trying to s*** on Christmas,” one person replied.
ellauri069.html on line 146: Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna: (1831-91) 269; A Russian-born American psychic and mystic. She founded the Theosophical Society in New York in 1875 and later continued her work in India. Teosofeista on jo lisää toisaalla.
ellauri069.html on line 678: The Cracker Jack brand has been owned and marketed by Frito-Lay since 1997. Frito-Lay announced in 2016 that the prizes would no longer be provided and had been replaced with a QR code which can be used to download a baseball-themed game. We're sorry but Cracker Jack doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.
ellauri072.html on line 213: Leaving Dante and Virgil, the sinners vanish so quickly that "Un amen" could not be uttered in so little time. That Dante should turn to the language of prayer for his comparison, notwithstanding the proverbial and popular origins of the phrase, probably also reflects on the esteem that he felt and continues to feel for the three Florentines. It is a rare thing in the Inferno to find a moment in which the pilgrim, the poet, and the guide are all in absolute agreement, and certainly with respect to the human worth of sinners.
ellauri073.html on line 258: Really, I would have expected one of the first pictures I saw of Matt Fartey to be one of professional caliber, but interestingly enough the first thing that came up when I searched his name was that picture -- a picture so startling in all that it conveys that it was almost too much for me to witness its allure and then continue along on this tirade; luckily I am a man of strong willpower, and so I was able to continue writing after seeing that picture without shooting myself in the head.) Anyways where was I...oh that's right! Matt Fartey's "accomplishments" and character! Well ladies and gents, he runs a fucking hate blog. Enough said. I doubt he even earns much from it too, though he obviously earns enough to afford an adequate amount of fast food meals that will surely keep his little hate-filled body going until the age of 47, where he will surely die of a collapsed lung or heart attack. When they find his body he will be mistaken for Matt FOLEY, which will obviously be a total disparagement on the late Chris Farley. If you know, you know.
ellauri073.html on line 275: Quickly on your attacks on Wallace's writing style, I will mention that -- contrary to your rather baffling notions -- people did enjoy Infinite Jest and other works of his. They will continue to do so for decades. Listen Fartey: his work will live on. People recognize great writing wherever it materializes. Forget your distaste of footnotes, or your struggle in understanding the themes and ideals his work encompasses. His audience is clearly beyond you, so try to see that not everyone feels the same as you. You don't have to like his writing, but when you detract from it it makes it even more apparent that you are the lesser man. Your comments on Foster's writing ability led me to some of your other articles, and to be completely honest, it wasn't all bad. I genuinely enjoyed your "Fucking vs. Making Love" poetry bit, although it did seem like a cheap knockoff of Black Coffee Blues. Regardless, I can still acknowledge that the piece had its moments. However (and this is where I want you to pay attention you tub of lard), the piece can also be slammed in several areas. This is highly important, as we can see the parallels between this aspect of "Fucking vs. Making Love" and anything David Foster Wallace wrote. When it comes down to it, your writing can be criticized stylistically and formatically just like his can; the only difference is that there are few that actually give a shit about your writing, whereas Wallace's work is meaningful to the point where people have legitimate incentive to think critically about it. So defile it with your petty blog posts all you want, but at the end of the day you're the one who's only making yourself look bad, and as a heavily obese man based in Europe you are surely having few problems achieving this in the status quo, since Europeans are notably fatist.
ellauri074.html on line 470: MKUltra's use of mescaline on unwitting subjects was a practice that Nazi doctors had begun in the Dachau concentration camp. Kinzer proposes evidence of the continuation of a Nazi agenda, citing the CIA's secret recruitment of Nazi torturers and vivisectionists to continue the experimentation on thousands of subjects, and Nazis brought to Fort Detrick, Maryland, to instruct CIA officers on the lethal uses of sarin gas. The project began during a period of "paranoia" at the CIA, when the U.S. had lost its nuclear monopoly and fear of communism was at its height.
ellauri074.html on line 656: A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. was the first major work written by Jonathan Swift, arguably his most difficult satire and perhaps his most masterly. William Wotton wrote that the Tale had made a game of "God and Religion, Truth and Moral Honesty, Learning and Industry" to show "at the bottom Jonathan´s contemptible Opinion of every Thing which is called Christianity." The work continued to be regarded as an attack on religion well into the nineteenth century. The overarching parody is of enthusiasm, pride, and credulity. It was widely misunderstood, especially by Queen Anne herself who purposely mistook its purpose for profanity. It effectively disbarred its author from proper preferment in the Church of England, but is considered one of Swift´s best allegories, even by himself.
ellauri078.html on line 139: By the time of Emily’s early childhood, there were three children in the household. Her brother, William Austin Dickinson, had preceded her by a year and a half. Her sister, Lavinia Norcross Dickinson, was born in 1833. All three children attended the one-room primary school in Amherst and then moved on to Amherst Academy, the school out of which Amherst College had grown. The brother and sisters’ education was soon divided. Austin was sent to Williston Seminary in 1842; Emily and Vinnie continued at Amherst Academy.
ellauri079.html on line 113: If Jed Clampett hadn’t done another role in his life he would have still been remembered as Jed Clampett more likely than not. After his time on the show he went on to continue acting here and there but nothing ever really brought him the same kind of fame as he experienced while being Jed. He did manage to get a cameo in the film version of the Beverly Hillbillies but apart from that he was retired at that time and wasn’t doing much at all. He passed away due to respiratory failure in 2003.
ellauri082.html on line 746: In their introduction, they acknowledge that being viewed as a victim can lead to a loss of esteem and respect. But, they continue, in modern Western societies being a victim doesn’t always lead to undesirable outcomes. Sometimes, being a victim can increase one’s social status. And justify one’s claim to material resources.
ellauri083.html on line 436: This story is not new, but rather it is a modern retelling of an even older story. In the 1930s, Harry Rimmer made reference to how science had proved the missing day of Joshua, and this story continued to circulate within Christian circles for decades. Rimmer’s mention of this may have been the origin of Hill’s story. Rimmer based his statement upon an 1890 book by C. A. L. Totten, Joshua’s Long Day and the Dial of Ahaz, a Scientific Vindication and “a Midnight Cry.” Totten did a very elaborate computation of the date of the battle of Gibeon since the creation.
ellauri089.html on line 48: Robert Anson Heinlein (/ˈhaɪnlaɪn/; July 7, 1907 – May 8, 1988) was an American science-fiction author, aeronautical engineer, and Naval officer. Sometimes called the "dean of science fiction writers", he was among the first to emphasize scientific accuracy in his fiction, and was thus a pioneer of the subgenre of hard science fiction. His published works, both fiction and non-fiction, express admiration for competence and emphasize the value of critical thinking. His work continues to have an influence on the science-fiction genre, and on modern culture more generally.
ellauri089.html on line 124: During the 1930s and 1940s, Heinlein was deeply interested in Alfred Korzybski's general semantics and attended a number of seminars on the subject. His views on epistemology seem to have flowed from that interest, and his fictional characters continue to express Korzybskian views to the very end of his writing career.
ellauri090.html on line 130: For a time, Rubião’s friends accept his madness as he continues to provide meals and entertainment for them. Eventually, however, Rubião’s house falls into disrepair as his belief in himself as the emperor becomes constant. Doña Tonica becomes engaged to a man who dies before the wedding. Children on the street, including Deolindo, whose life Rubião had saved, make fun of him as a madman. Prodded by Doña Fernanda, a woman who barely knows Rubião, Sophia convinces Palha to set Rubião up in a little rented house on Principe Street. No one visits Rubião in his new humble residence. His former “friends” miss the luxury of Rubião’s wealthy surroundings in the house in Botafogo.
ellauri090.html on line 132: Rubião continues to believe he is Napoleon III, but Doña Fernanda thinks he can be cured. She manages to get him to enter an asylum. She also rescues Quincas Borba and sends the dog to the sanatorium to be with Rubião. After a short time, appearing to be regaining his sanity, Rubião escapes the asylum and returns to Barbacena with Quincas Borba, his only friend. Rubião dies there, and within three days, Quincas Borba dies there as well.
ellauri092.html on line 80: By 17 years old this stout young Yankee decided to leave his farming work at home and head for Boston where he became a shoe salesman. Like Al Bundy. Taivas on todennäköisesti täynnä kadonneita parittomia sukkia. Ne ovat kaikki pelastuneet sinne. Kun mun sukkaan tulee reikä heitän sen roskiin mutta pelastan parittoman, koska mun lähes kaikki sukat ovat mustia. Vartioin niitä mustasukkaisesti ja teen leskexi jääneistä uusia pareja. He attended a Congregationalist Church which bored him as did all religious matters but over the next year the convicting message of sin and righteousness began to take effect. At the same time though, he raised up a wall of arguments. He settled his heart by deciding to leave the matter until his deathbed, but Cod’s Word continued to disturb him. No wonder: this was good old Boston, the home of the bean and the cod, Where the Lowells talk to the Cabots, And only the Cabots talk to Cod.
ellauri092.html on line 100: In September 1874 they travelled to Belfast in the North of Ireland for five weeks of meetings like those in Scotland. Then onward to Dublin for a month where several thousand pounds sterling were reported converted to dollars. These were some of the most remarkable meetings ever held in Ireland. In November they sailed for England and continued to minister in the main cities and towns. In March 1875 he moved to London to start a 4 mouth campaign. Initially meetings had about 16,000 people in attendance. He bled the rich and poor, the famous and the destitute, princesses as well as paupers. It is estimated that a million and a half people paid him in this chief of cities. After one very brief visit to Cambridge University he returned home to America and did not return again until 1882 when he administered snake oil in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.
ellauri092.html on line 155: The break occurred in 1844, when the Home Mission Society announced that a person could not be simultaneously both a missionary and a slaveowner.[citation needed] Faced with this challenge, the Baptists in the South assembled in May 1845 in Augusta, Georgia, and organized the Southern Baptist Convention, which was pro-slavery. Throughout the remainder of the 19th century and throughout most of the 20th the Southern Baptist Convention continued to protect systemic racism and opposed civil rights for African-Americans, only officially and definitively renouncing slavery and "racial" discrimination with a resolution in 1995.
ellauri092.html on line 261: While there are some similarities to those two churches, each on one side of the street, there are many more differences. And that gulf of differences continues to widen as many Baptist churches continue to affirm a high view of Scripture and follow its teaching, while many Methodist congregations – especially in the United States – move away from that view of Scripture and emphasis on the Bible’s teaching.
ellauri093.html on line 197: Their support text is from 1 Corinthians 15:33, "Do not be deceived: evil communications corrupt good table manners." Among other distinctions, the Gospel Halls would generally not use musical instruments in their services, whereas many Chapels use them and may have singing groups, choirs, "worship teams" of musicians, etc. The Gospel Halls tend to be more conservative in dress; women do not wear trousers in meetings and always have their heads covered, while in most Chapels women may wear whatever they wish, including nothing, though modesty in dress serves as a guideline, and many may continue the Orde Wingate tradition of wearing a shower cap for head covering if nothing else. Open Brethren churches are all independent, self-governing, local congregations with no central headquarters, although there are a number of seminaries, missions agencies, and publications that are widely supported by Brethren churches and which help to maintain a high degree of communication among them.
ellauri094.html on line 211: Archaeological studies have revealed that, although Jerusalem was utterly destroyed, other parts of Judah continued to be inhabited during the period of the exile. Most of the exiled did not return to their homeland, instead travelling westward and northward. Many settled in what is now northern Israel, Lebanon and Syria. The Iraqi Jewish, Persian Jewish, Georgian Jewish, and Bukharan Jewish communities are believed to derive their ancestry in large part from these exiles. These communities are now largely concentrated in Israel.
ellauri094.html on line 221: Archaeological excavations and surveys have enabled the population of Judah before the Babylonian destruction to be calculated with a high degree of confidence to have been approximately 75,000. Taking the different biblical numbers of exiles at their highest, 20,000, this would mean that only about the fattest 25% of the population had been deported to Babylon, with the remaining 75% of havenots staying in Judah. Although Jerusalem was destroyed and depopulated, with large parts of the city remaining in ruins for 150 years, numerous other settlements in Judah continued to be inhabited, with no signs of disruption visible in archaeological studies.
ellauri094.html on line 235: This process coincided with the emergence of scribes and sages as Jewish leaders (see Ezra). Prior to exile, the people of Israel had been organized according to tribe. Afterwards, they were organized by smaller family groups. Only the tribe of Levi continued in its temple role after the return. After this time, there were always sizable numbers of Jews living outside Eretz Israel; thus, it also marks the beginning of the "Jewish diaspora", unless this is considered to have begun with the Assyrian captivity of Israel.
ellauri094.html on line 373: One of the reason to doubt Baruch 6:2 is actually written by Jeremiah and to believe it was written much later is that the Book of Jeremiah talks about the remnant will begin returning within 70 years and yet Baruch 6:2 state the return will be within 7 generations which seems to excuse those who were Jewish reading this book that never did went back to Jerusalem for many generations but continued living outside Jerusalem. Fascinating as well is the fact that this book was written in Greek and not in Hebrew which indicate the likely audience was the Jewish Diaspora.
ellauri095.html on line 119: Hopkins's initial ambition was to be a painter – he would continue to sketch throughout his life and was inspired as an adult by the work of John Ruskin and the Pre-Raphaelites.
ellauri095.html on line 178: The aim of our research was never to spread more homophobia, but to demonstrate to an international audience how the life expectancy of gay and bisexual men can be estimated from limited vital statistics data. In our paper, we demonstrated that in a major Canadian centre, life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 21 years less than for all men. If the same pattern of mortality continued, we estimated that nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years would not reach their 65th birthday. Under even the most liberal assumptions, gay and bisexual men in this urban centre were experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by men in Canada in the year 1871. In contrast, if we were to repeat this analysis today the life expectancy of gay and bisexual men would be greatly improved. Deaths from HIV infection have declined dramatically in this population since 1996. As we have previously reported there has been a threefold decrease in mortality in Vancouver as well as in other parts of British Columbia.
ellauri095.html on line 207: Nevertheless, even after he became a Jesuit he continued to cultivate an acquaintance with the visual arts through drawing and attendance at exhibitions, and this lifelong attraction to the visual arts affected the verbal art for which he is remembered. In his early poetry and in his journals wordpainting is pervasive, and there is a recurrent Keatsian straining after the stasis of the plastic arts.
ellauri095.html on line 244: He continued to write a detailed prose journal in 1868–1875. Unable to suppress a desire to describe the natural world, he also wrote music, sketched, and for church occasions, wrote "verses", as he called them. He later wrote sermons and other religious pieces.
ellauri095.html on line 520: Competition and collaboration between father and son continued even long after Hopkins left home to take his place in the world. In 1879, for instance, Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote to Bridges, “I enclose some lines by my father called forth by the proposal to fell the trees in Well Walk (where Keats and other interesting people lived) and printed in some local paper.” Two months later Hopkins composed “Binsey Poplars” to commemorate the felling of a grove of trees near Oxford. Clearly, competition with his father was an important creative stimulus.
ellauri096.html on line 225: But secular idealists and logical positivists concede that there are some actual unknown truths. How can they continue to believe that all truths are knowable? Astonishingly, these eminent philosophers seem refuted by a pinch of epistemic logic. Also injured are those who limit their claims of universal knowability to a limited domain. For instance, Immanuel Kant (A223/B272) asserts that all empirical propositions are knowable. This pocket of optimism would be enough to ignite the contradiction (Stephenson 2015).
ellauri096.html on line 293: Socrates continues to be praised for his insight. But his “discovery” is a contradiction. If Socrates knows that he knows nothing, then he knows something (the proposition that he knows nothing) and yet does not know anything (because knowledge implies truth).
ellauri096.html on line 597: Several of the parts begin with opening chapters in which the narrator directly addresses the reader, taunts the reader, or simply recounts the work thus far. For example, an early passage warns the reader not to continue:
ellauri097.html on line 113: In the summer of 1926, Mencken followed with great interest the Los Angeles grand jury inquiry into the famous Canadian-American evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson. She was accused of faking her reported kidnapping and the case attracted national attention. There was every expectation that Mencken would continue his previous pattern of anti-fundamentalist articles, this time with a searing critique of McPherson. Unexpectedly, he came to her defense by identifying various local religious and civic groups that were using the case as an opportunity to pursue their respective ideological agendas against the embattled Pentecostal minister. He spent several weeks in Hollywood, California, and wrote many scathing and satirical columns on the movie industry and Southern California culture. After all charges had been dropped against McPherson, Mencken revisited the case in 1930 with a sarcastic and observant article. He wrote that since many of that town´s residents had acquired their ideas "of the true, the good and the beautiful" from the movies and newspapers, "Los Angeles will remember the testimony against her long after it forgets the testimony that cleared her."
ellauri100.html on line 303: My intelligence was recognized at an early age, but its use was not much stimulated by my parents or the K-12 schools I attended. Only when I went to college was I “stretched”, and then the stretching came mostly at my initiative (unassigned reading and long, solitary sessions working through academic theories). The stretching — which was episodic during my working career — continues to this day, in the form of blogging on subjects that require research, careful analysis, and self-criticism of what I have produced. Self-criticism is central to my personality (see next) and leaves me open to new ideas (see next after that). Like religion. Next I am thinking of becoming a Trotskyist.
ellauri101.html on line 497: Hoe: A person (male or female) who uses their looks and charms to manipulate their partner to gain material(sex, money, clot). A hoe does not love their partner and the minute someone with better looks, money or clot comes along they abandon their previous partner and the cycle continues.
ellauri101.html on line 630: 2018 was the first time when the number of people above 65 years of age (705 million) exceeded those between the ages of zero and four (680 million). If current trends continue, the ratio between these two age groups will top two by 2050.
ellauri101.html on line 645: That U.S. fertility rates continue to drop is anomalous to demographers because fertility rates typically track the nation´s economic health. It was no surprise that U.S. fertility rates dropped during the Great Recession of 2007–8. But the U.S. economy has shown strong signs of recovery for some time, and birthrates continue to fall. In general, however, American women still tend to have children earlier than their counterparts from other developed countries and the U.S. total fertility rate remains comparatively high for a rich country. In fact, compared with their counterparts from other countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), first-time American mothers were among the youngest on average, on par with Latvian women (26.5 years) during the 2010s. At the other extreme end were women from Italy (30.8), and South Korea (31.4). During the same period, American women ended their childbearing years with more children on average (2.2) than most other developed countries, with the notable exception of Icelandic women (2.3). At the other end were women from Germany, Italy, Spain, and Japan (all 1.5).
ellauri101.html on line 649: Brazil´s fertility rate has fallen from 6.3 in 1960 to 1.7 in 2020. For this reason, the nation´s population is projected to decline by the end of the twenty-first century. According to a 2012 study, soap operas featuring small families have contributed to the growing acceptance of having just a few children in a predominantly Catholic country. However, Brazil continues to have relatively high rates of adolescent pregnancies, and the government is working to address this problem.
ellauri102.html on line 668: Launched in 1972 by Gloria Stone´m, Ms. continues to be the most recognized feminist publication in the nation. 59 percent of women identify as feminists, as do 33 percent of men, signaling strong interest in le femmine. Ami luki ruozalaista Femina-lehteä. Olisi se varmaan lukenut Ms-lehteäkin, mutta se ei ollut vielä ilmestynyt. Mummilla oli Me Naiset -lehtiä. Kristina aloitti Mona Lisa -lehden toimittajana. Naapurin isokokoinen emäntä Lehtimäki oli Anna-lehden päätoimittaja, kunnes se siirtyi Maalla-lehden päätoimittajaxi. Me saatiin siltä irtonumeroita ja salavittuilua lahjaxi.
ellauri106.html on line 84: In October 2012, Roth announced to the French culture magazine Les Inrocks that Nemesis was his last book. At the age of 74 he began to reread his favorite authors such as Dostoyevsky, Turgenew, Conrad and Hemingway as well as his own works. He came to the conclusion that he had made the best of his possibilities and did not want to continue working as an author, read or talk about new literature.
ellauri106.html on line 106: That same year, rather than wait to be drafted, Roth enlisted in the army. Roth enlisted in the Army that year to avoid being drafted and assigned to unpleasant duty like the infantry. Fortunately he suffered a back injury during basic training and was given a medical discharge. Who knows. He returned to Chicago in 1956 to study for a PhD in literature but dropped out after one term. It was a yeasty environment for a young writer. Saul Bellow was a contemporary and with some what similar backgrounds and interests they could not avoid being rivals. During that year he met a lovely shiksa waitress Margaret Martinson, a single woman with a small child. He was smitten. An intense, but often troubled relationship ensued. At the end of the year he dropped out of the U of C and headed to the University of Iowa to teach in its creative writing program. None the less, whatever he may have said, Roth was not happy there, perhaps because the semi-rural Midwesterness of Ames was alien to him. After a while with Martinson in tow he moved on to a similar position at Princeton, another WASP bastion but one with even more prestige. Everyone who knew him recognized Roth as an early comer. He later continued his academic career at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught comparative literature before retiring from teaching in 1991. Roth started teaching literature in the late 1960s at the University of Pennsylvania. The 1969 feature film adaptation of Goodbye, Columbus coincided with the publication of Portnoy’s Complaint, which soon became a best-seller amid controversy for its prurient content. (Those who've read it will likely not forget Portnoy's "love affair" with mom´s slab of liver in the fridge.)
ellauri108.html on line 123: By the movement's fourth decade, the desire for physical repatriation to Africa had declined among Rastas, a change influenced by observation of the 1983–1985 famine in Ethiopia. Rather, many Rastas saw the idea of returning to Africa in a metaphorical sense, entailing the restoration of their pride and self-confidence as people of black African descent. The term "liberation before repatriation" began to be used within the movement. Some Rastas seek to transform Western society so that they may more comfortably live within it rather than seeking to move to Africa. There are nevertheless many Rastas who continue to emphasise the need for physical resettlement of the African diaspora in Africa.
ellauri108.html on line 205: Howell has been described as the "leading figure" in the early Rastafari movement. He preached that black Africans were superior to white Europeans and that Afro-Jamaicans should owe their allegiance to Haile Selassie rather than to George V, King of Great Britain and Ireland. The island's British authorities arrested him and charged him with sedition in 1934, resulting in his two-year imprisonment. Following his release, Howell established the Ethiopian Salvation Society and in 1939 established a Rasta community, known as Pinnacle, in Saint Catherine Parish. Police feared that Howell was training his followers for an armed rebellion and were angered that it was producing cannabis for sale. They raided the community on several occasions and Howell was imprisoned for a further two years. Upon his release he returned to Pinnacle, but the police continued with their raids and shut down the community in 1954; Howell himself was committed to a mental hospital.
ellauri109.html on line 517: When Updike, in the eighties, felt the sour breath of potential biographers on his neck, he tried to preëmpt his pursuers by writing a series of autobiographical essays about such topics as the Pennsylvania town where he grew up, his stutter, and his skin condition. The resulting collection, “Self-Consciousness,” is a dazzlingly intimate book, but his imagination and industry did more to draw biographical attention than to repel it. In the weeks before his death, of lung cancer, in early 2009, he continued to write, including an admiring review of Blake Bailey’s biography of John Cheever. And five years later there it was: “Updike,” a biography by Adam Begley.
ellauri109.html on line 551: Kleinschmidt published a journal article in which he describes the case of a “successful Southern playwright” with an overbearing mother: “His rebellion was sexualized, leading to compulsive masturbation which provided an outlet for a myriad of hostile fantasies. These same masturbatory fantasies he both acted out and channeled into his writing.” Roth, who was obviously Kleinschmidt’s “playwright,” saw the article just after finishing the novel. He spent multiple sessions berating Kleinschmidt for this “psychoanalytic cartoon” and yet continued his analysis with him for years.
ellauri109.html on line 669: Lady Elizabeth Dryden survived her husband, but went insane soon after his death. Their 3 children did not continue the line.
ellauri110.html on line 349: Propriety did not prevent him from engaging in a number of extramarital liaisons with various women that were chronicled in his diary, often in some detail when relating the intimate details. The most dramatic of these encounters was with Deborah Willet, a young woman engaged as a companion for Elisabeth Pepys. On 25 October 1668, Pepys was surprised by his wife as he embraced Deb Willet; he writes that his wife "coming up suddenly, did find me imbracing the girl con [with] my hand sub [under] su [her] coats; and endeed I was with my main [hand] in her cunny. I was at a wonderful loss upon it and the girl also...." Following this event, he was characteristically filled with remorse, but (equally characteristically) continued to pursue Willet after she had been dismissed from the Pepys household. Pepys also had a habit of fondling the breasts of his maid Mary Mercer while she dressed him in the morning.
ellauri111.html on line 226: “Not exactly,” Fyodor Mikhailovich replied, with just a hint of the kind of glee you can imagine a prosecutor enjoying as he closes in on the crucial point in a cross-examination. He continued.
ellauri111.html on line 267: “But I repeat,” he continued after a moment, raising his hands dramatically, “I am not demanding the maximum penalty of the law, not even for these torturers. I do not want them imprisoned, beaten, or executed, though I understand the outrage of people who do. Remember, when Ivan asked Alyosha what to do about the general who’d had the little boy torn to pieces by his dogs, even mild, sweet-tempered Alyosha said ‘Shoot him’. But that doesn’t help either. Just because I wrote a novel called Crime and Punishment, people imagine I’m obsessed with punishing. Not at all. All I want is that the guilty are not acquitted. That their guilt is clearly stated. And that they accept it—that’s the most important of all. Let them be found guilty—and let them go free.”
ellauri111.html on line 596: If you have placed your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are a Christian. If you continue repeating his words like a parrot, then are you his disciple indeed (ref. John 8:31). Now begins your new life of freedom and obedience to the Lord and serving him.
ellauri111.html on line 723: There has been a lot of talk about "aliens" for some time and the talk continues; some kind of sky show may be in the future. If you see something in the air, it is not because there are true aliens. But what about devils? yes there are devils; what about oversized genetically modified organisms and chimeras? maybe; possessed people? yes there are; 3D pictures, yes; pheromones, yes; unrevealed inventions and laws, in all probability, yes. If you hear a voice, see lights, or whatever, compare everything to the Bible--we believe in the Bible above our senses. This is a time of deception. You will not be deceived if you read and obey the scriptures. Read Matthew 24 (and other passages as well) for what is going to happen when the Lord returns. An excerpt--
ellauri112.html on line 584: Reitman (Thank You for Smoking, Juno, Up in the Air) continues to work the “audacious” and “unique” edges of the most conventional possible territory, in movies that tend to conclude that the characters’ various challenges are all a state of mind.
ellauri112.html on line 844: Many churches that serve wine for communion also serve grape juice in a separate cup or tray, allowing people who wish to refrain from alcohol continue to participate.
ellauri115.html on line 938: Fausto Sozzini furthered his influence through his Racovian Catechism, published posthumously, which set out his uncle Lelio's views on Christology and replaced earlier catechisms of the Ecclesia Minor. His influence continued after his death through the writings of his students published in Polish and Latin from the press of the Racovian Academy at Raków, Kielce County.
ellauri117.html on line 610: John Locke (1632-1704) was a close friend of the First Earl and an advisor to the family for years to come after the First Earl’s death. Locke was the personal physician and general advisor to the First Earl. He supervised the childhood medical care of Shaftesbury’s father, the degenerate Second Earl (1652-1699). He also helped find a wife for the Second Earl and he cared for her during her pregnancy with the Third Earl. Most significantly for our purposes, Locke supervised the Third Earl’s education. He personally chose Shaftesbury’s governess Elizabeth Birch and designed a curriculum for her to follow in her instruction of the child. This experience was, presumably, the basis for Locke’s later work Thoughts Concerning Education. Under Birch’s tutelage, Shaftesbury received a strong education in the Classics and became fluent in Greek and Latin by the age of eleven. Locke continued to check on Shaftesbury’s progress over the years. Locke served as a primary advisor to the young Shaftesbury, though Shaftesbury did not always follow Locke’s advice. Shaftesbury had many "philosophical" conversations with Locke, some of which are preserved in correspondence. "Mautonta!" huusi 3. Shaftersburyn Jaarli vähän väliä.
ellauri117.html on line 672: John’s Education details are not available at this time. Please check back soon for updates. John Locke’s mother’s name is unknown at this time and his father’s name is under review. We will continue to update information on John Locke’s parents. Associated with: Dario Sztajnszrajber, Philosopher. Camilo Prieto, Philosopher. Helio Couto, Philosopher.
ellauri118.html on line 818: Roi parfaitement représentatif de la Renaissance française, Henri II poursuit l´œuvre politique et artistique de son père. Il continue les guerres d´Italie, en concentrant son attention sur l´empire de Charles Quint qu´il parvient à mettre en échec. Henri II maintient la puissance de la France mais son règne se termine sur des événements défavorables comme la défaite de Saint-Quentin (1557) et le traité du Cateau-Cambrésis qui met un terme au rêve italien.
ellauri119.html on line 458: Aristotle by contrast placed more emphasis on philia (friendship, affection) than on eros (love); and the dialectic of friendship and love would continue to be played out into and through the Renaissance, with Cicero for the Latins pointing out that "it is love (amor) from which the word 'friendship' (amicitia) is derived" Meanwhile, Lucretius, building on the work of Epicurus, had both praised the role of Venus as "the guiding power of the universe", and criticised those who become "love-sick...life's best years squandered in sloth and debauchery".
ellauri119.html on line 495: Consummate love is the complete form of love, representing an ideal relationship which people strive towards. Of the seven varieties of love, consummate love is theorized to be that love associated with the "perfect couple". According to Sternberg, these couples will continue to have great sex fifteen years or more into the relationship, they cannot imagine themselves happier over the long-term with anyone else, they overcome their few difficulties gracefully, and each delight in the relationship with one other.
ellauri119.html on line 652: There are two main reasons I continue to study her ideas. First, everytime I’ve investigated a claim she has made, it turned out to be correct. Second, philosophy is the science that teaches man how live his life and make choices. No other philosophy does this.
ellauri119.html on line 676: But Objectivism is mostly a philosophy for improving yourself. The great thing is that it is practical. The more you apply it to your life and the more consistently you practice it, the better your life becomes. And it is also very difficult to practice constipated. That is why I continue to study and learn.
ellauri131.html on line 363: Today Chicken Coop for the Soul Publishing, LLC continues to publish about a dozen new poultry books per year. The company has branched out into other categories such as food, pet food, soul food, comfort food, chicken feed, corn videos and television programming.
ellauri131.html on line 840: Okei, Tony olet kauhistus. Eikä se kuumajoogepelle ole paljon parempi. Toisin Doreen! Se on tehnyt parannuxen. Doreen has renounced her previous work, and she prays for the day when other people will stop selling her old products. If she was self-published, the old products would have been taken off the market immediately. Unfortunately, other companies have licenses to the old products and they continue to sell them. In the meantime, Doreen posts regularly on social media, messages for new agers to destroy her old products and leave the New Age behind, and give their lives to Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
ellauri131.html on line 859: Quick question: has anyone actually read a self-help book since the turn of the millennium? No, I don’t mean Marie Kondo. I mean those ones that Bridget Jones devoured, sitting on the sofa knowing that she was going to continue to make the same bad decisions over and over, whilst gorging on too much ice cream.
ellauri132.html on line 438: Google AdSense is a program run by Google through which website publishers in the Google Network of content sites serve text, images, video, or interactive media advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google. They can generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. Google beta-tested a cost-per-action service, but discontinued it in October 2008 in favor of a DoubleClick offering (also owned by Google). In Q1 2014, Google earned US$3.4 billion ($13.6 billion annualized), or 22% of total revenue, through Google AdSense. AdSense is a participant in the AdChoices program, so AdSense ads typically include the triangle-shaped AdChoices icon. This program also operates on HTTP cookies. In 2021, over 38.3 million websites use AdSense.
ellauri133.html on line 390: King has been sober for over three decades now, but in his youth he suffered from addiction to drugs and alcohol. His prolific writing career did not halt during this time; he simply continued writing under the influence. “I was a heavy [cocaine] user from 1978 until 1986, something like that,” King told Rolling Stone. According to King, The Tommyknockers—which he published after It—was the last novel he wrote before becoming sober.
ellauri133.html on line 565: Teppo and chubby Tabitha are still happily married, and continue to write successful works of fiction. Teppo fell in love with Tabitha because Tabitha understood his art. Tabitha grew tired of King’s habits with drugs and alcohol. Eventually, she called up an intervention for her husband. If he didn’t get his act together, he would be forced to the curb. So he got his act together.
ellauri133.html on line 876: She was a chainsmoking agoraphobic polysubstance user with colitis and died of a stroke. She continued her literary work posthumously as a demonic lover.
ellauri141.html on line 109: Quintus Horatius Flaccus (8th of December, Ab Urbe Condita 689, B. C. 65 - 27th of November, B. C. 8) was born at or near Venusia (Venosa), in the Apennines, on the borders of Lucania and Apulia. His father was a freedman, having, as his name proves, been the slave of some person of the Horatia gens. As Horace implies that he himself was ingenuus, his father must have obtained his freedom before his birth. He afterwards followed the calling of a coactor, a collector of money in some way or other, it is not known in what. He made, in this capacity, enough to purchase an estate, probably a small one, near the above town, where the poet was born. We hear nothing of his mother, except that Horace speaks of both his parents with affection. His father, probably seeing signs of talent in him as a child, was not content to have him educated at a provincial school, but took him (at what age he does not say, but probably about twelve) to Rome, where he became a pupil of Orbilius Pupillus, who had a school of much note, attended by boys of good family, and whom Horace remembered all his life as an irritable teacher, given unnecessarily to the use of the rod. With him he learnt grammar, the earlier Latin authors, and Homer. He attended other masters (of rhetoric, poetry, and music perhaps), as Roman boys were wont, and had the advantage (to which he afterwards looked back with gratitude) of his father’s care and moral training during this part of his education. It was usual for young men of birth and ability to be sent to Athens, to finish their education by the study of Greek literature and philosophy under native teachers; and Horace went there too, at what age is not known, but probably when he was about twenty. Whether his father was alive at that time, or dead, is uncertain. If he went to Athens at twenty, it was in B. C. 45, the year before Julius Cæsar was assassinated. After that event, Brutus and Cassius left Rome and went to Greece. Foreseeing the struggle that was before them, they got round them many of the young men at that time studying at Athens, and Horace was appointed tribune in the army of Brutus, a high command, for which he was not qualified. He went with Brutus into Asia Minor, and finally shared his defeat at Philippi, B. C. 42. He makes humorous allusion to this defeat in his Ode to Pompeius Varus (ii. 7). After the battle he came to Italy, having obtained permission to do so, like many others who were willing to give up a desperate cause and settle quietly at home. His patrimony, however, was forfeited, and he seems to have had no means of subsistence, which induced him to employ himself in writing verses, with the view, perhaps, of bringing himself into notice, rather than for the purpose of making money by their sale. By some means he managed to get a place as scriba in the Quæstor’s office, whether by purchase or interest does not appear. In either case, we must suppose he contrived soon to make friends, though he could not do so by the course he pursued, without also making many enemies. His Satires are full of allusions to the enmity his verses had raised up for him on all hands. He became acquainted, among other literary persons, with Virgil and Varius, who, about three years after his return (B. C. 39), introduced him to Mæcenas, who was careful of receiving into his circle a tribune of Brutus, and one whose writings were of a kind that was new and unpopular. He accordingly saw nothing of Horace for nine months after his introduction to him. He then sent for him (B. C. 38), and from that time continued to be his patron and warmest friend.
ellauri141.html on line 111: At his house, probably, Horace became intimate with Polio, and the many persons of consideration whose friendship he appears to have enjoyed. Through Mæcenas, also, it is probable Horace was introduced to Augustus; but when that happened is uncertain. In B. C. 37, Mæcenas was deputed by Augustus to meet M. Antonius at Brundisium, and he took Horace with him on that journey, of which a detailed account is given in the fifth Satire of the first book. Horace appears to have parted from the rest of the company at Brundisium, and perhaps returned to Rome by Tarentum and Venusia. (See S. i. 5, Introduction.) Between this journey and B. C. 32, Horace received from his friend the present of a small estate in the valley of the Digentia (Licenza), situated about thirty-four miles from Rome, and fourteen from Tibur, in the Sabine country. Of this property he gives a description in his Epistle to Quintius (i. 16), and he appears to have lived there a part of every year, and to have been fond of the place, which was very quiet and retired, being four miles from the nearest town, Varia (Vico Varo), a municipium perhaps, but not a place of any importance. During this interval he continued to write Satires and Epodes, but also, it appears probable, some of the Odes, which some years later he published, and others which he did not publish. These compositions, no doubt, were seen by his friends, and were pretty well known before any of them were collected for publication. The first book of the Satires was published probably in B. C. 35, the Epodes in B. C. 30, and the second book of Satires in the following year, when Horace was about thirty-five years old. When Augustus returned from Asia, in B. C. 29, and closed the gates of Janus, being the acknowledged head of the republic, Horace appeared among his most hearty adherents. He wrote on this occasion one of his best Odes (i. 2), and employed his pen in forwarding those reforms which it was the first object of Augustus to effect. (See Introduction to C. ii. 15.) His most striking Odes appear, for the most part, to have been written after the establishment of peace. Some may have been written before, and probably were. But for some reason it would seem that he gave himself more to lyric poetry after his thirty-fifth year than he had done before. He had most likely studied the Greek poets while he was at Athens, and some of his imitations may have been written early. If so, they were most probably improved and polished, from time to time, (for he must have had them by him, known perhaps only to a few friends, for many years,) till they became the graceful specimens of artificial composition that they are. Horace continued to employ himself in this kind of writing (on a variety of subjects, convivial, amatory, political, moral,—some original, many no doubt suggested by Greek poems) till B. C. 24, when there are reasons for thinking the first three books of the Odes were published. During this period, Horace appears to have passed his time at Rome, among the most distinguished men of the day, or at his house in the country, paying occasional visits to Tibur, Præneste, and Baiæ, with indifferent health, which required change of air. About the year B. C. 26 he was nearly killed by the falling of a tree, on his own estate, which accident he has recorded in one of his Odes (ii. 13), and occasionally refers to; once in the same stanza with a storm in which he was nearly lost off Cape Palinurus, on the western coast of Italy. When this happened, nobody knows. After the publication of the three books of Odes, Horace seems to have ceased from that style of writing, or nearly so; and the only other compositions we know of his having produced in the next few years are metrical Epistles to different friends, of which he published a volume probably in B. C. 20 or 19. He seems to have taken up the study of the Greek philosophical writers, and to have become a good deal interested in them, and also to have been a little tired of the world, and disgusted with the jealousies his reputation created. His health did not improve as he grew older, and he put himself under the care of Antonius Musa, the emperor’s new physician. By his advice he gave up, for a time at least, his favorite Baiæ. But he found it necessary to be a good deal away from Rome, especially in the autumn and winter.
ellauri141.html on line 113: In B. C. 17, Augustus celebrated the Ludi Seculares, and Horace was required to write an Ode for the occasion, which he did, and it has been preserved. This circumstance, and the credit it brought him, may have given his mind another leaning to Ode-writing, and have helped him to produce the fourth book, a few pieces in which may have been written at any time. It is said that Augustus particularly desired Horace to publish another book of Odes, in order that those he wrote upon the victories of Drusus and Tiberius (4 and 14) might appear in it. The latter of these Odes was not written, probably, till B. C. 13, when Augustus returned from Gaul. If so, the book was probably published in that year, when Horace was fifty-two. The Odes of the fourth book show no diminution of power, but the reverse. There are none in the first three books that surpass, or perhaps equal, the Ode in honor of Drusus, and few superior to that which is addressed to Lollius. The success of the first three books, and the honor of being chosen to compose the Ode at the Ludi Seculares, seem to have given him encouragement. There are no incidents in his life during the above period recorded or alluded to in his poems. He lived five years after the publication of the fourth book of Odes, if the above date be correct, and during that time, I think it probable, he wrote the Epistles to Augustus and Florus which form the second book; and having conceived the intention of writing a poem on the art and progress of poetry, he wrote as much of it as appears in the Epistle to the Pisones which has been preserved among his works. It seems, from the Epistle to Florus, that Horace at this time had to resist the urgency of friends begging him to write, one in this style and another in that, and that he had no desire to gratify them and to sacrifice his own ease to a pursuit in which it is plain he never took any great delight. He was likely to bring to it less energy as his life was drawing prematurely to a close, through infirmities either contracted or aggravated during his irrational campaigning with Brutus, his inaptitude for which he appears afterwards to have been perfectly aware of. He continued to apply himself to the study of moral philosophy till his death, which took place, according to Eusebius, on the 27th of November, B. C. 8, in the fifty-seventh year of his age, and within a few days of its completion. Mæcenas died the same year, also towards the close of it; a coincidence that has led some to the notion, that Horace hastened his own death that he might not have the pain of surviving his patron. According to Suetonius, his death (which he places after his fifty-ninth year) was so sudden, that he had not time to execute his will, which is opposed to the notion of suicide. The two friends were buried near one another “in extremis Esquiliis,” in the farthest part of the Esquiliæ, that is, probably, without the city walls, on the ground drained and laid out in gardens by Mæcenas.
ellauri142.html on line 122: While the rest of the world is no longer fearful of Freemasonry, The Catholic Church continues to warn its “faithful” of Freemasonry’s alleged anti-church teachings. In 1983, the papal state declared that Catholics “who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.” This proclamation comes from the same church that continues to profess that women are not holy or God-ordained enough to be in the priesthood.
ellauri142.html on line 124: Some of the secrets at the foundation of Masonic traditions, are not so fascinating anymore. Here are a few of the secrets that may or may not continue to hold any mystique:
ellauri145.html on line 192: Upon this I made an effort to get up, in order to put my threat into execution; but the ruffian just reached across the table very deliberately, and hitting me a tap on the forehead with the neck of one of the long bottles, knocked me back into the arm-chair from which I had half arisen. I was utterly astounded; and, for a moment, was quite at a loss what to do. In the meantime, he continued his talk.
ellauri147.html on line 155: Eternal return (German: Ewige Wiederkunft; also known as eternal recurrence) is a concept that the universe and all existence and energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur, in a self-similar form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space.
ellauri150.html on line 457: The phrase originates from the Christian tradition regarding Saint Peter's first words to the risen Christ during their encounter along the Appian Way. According to the unnatural Acts of Peter (Vermicelli Acts XXXV), as Peter flees from crucifixion in Rome at the hands of the government, and along the road outside the city, he meets the risen Jesus. In the Latin translation, Peter asks Jesus, "Quō vādis?" He replies, "Rōmam eō sursum deorsum crucifīgī" ("I am going to Rome to be crucified upside down"). Peter then gains the courage to continue his ministry and returns to the city, where he is martyred by being crucified upside-down. The Church of Domine Quo Vadis in Rome is built upside down where the meeting between Peter and Jesus allegedly took place. The words "quo vadis" as a question also occur at least seven times in the Latin Vulgate.
ellauri150.html on line 476: The film's final onscreen writing credits created controversy when, in October 1959, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) awarded Tunberg sole screenplay credit, despite the objections of the film's director, William Wyler, who, in the film's commemorative booklet and elsewhere, claimed that Christopher Fry was more responsible than any other writer for the final screenplay. In response to Wyler's public outcries against their ruling, the WGA took out trade paper ads on November 20, 1959 in which they issued a statement reading, in part, "the unanimous decision of the three judges was that the sole screenplay credit was awarded to Karl Tunberg...The record shows the following: 1. Karl Tunberg is the only writer who has ever written a complete screenplay on Ben-Hur; 2. Karl Tunberg continued to contribute materials throughout the actual filming, and this material is incorporated in the final picture; and 3. Karl Tunberg alone did the necessary rewriting during the four months of retakes and added scenes. Mr. Christopher Fry himself was fully informed of the proceedings of the Guild. He has made it absolutely clear that he did not want to protest the decision of the Guild."
ellauri150.html on line 500: Despite his later fame and fortune as the writer of Ben-Hur, Wallace continued to lament, "Shiloh and its slanders! Will the world ever acquit me of them? If I were guilty I would not feel them as keenly."
ellauri151.html on line 723: Paul declared he was the founder of Christianity (1 Corinthians 3.10-11; 1 Timothy 1.15-16). He stated he received the doctrines of Christianity from the ascended, glorified Lord.5 Paul called these doctrines “secrets” (μυστήριον) for they were unrevealed in the Lord’s earthly ministry and unknown to the Twelve. The Twelve learned of them later from Paul but continued to confine their ministry to Jews (Galatians 2.7-9). No Biblical record exists of any of the Twelve ministering to Gentiles.
ellauri152.html on line 589: In the movie, in a scene I despise, Avigdor grabs her and shakes her violently while demanding to know why, and the rest of the conversation plays out melodramatically with yelling and tears. Yentl confesses that she loves him, he realizes he loves her too, and they kiss. Avigdor asks her to marry him, and says she could continue studying in secret. Yentl refuses because she can’t go back to studying furtively in secret, despite how much she loves him. The two part, and Avigdor returns to Badass and marries her. They live happily ever after, and the film ends with Yentl on a ship to America, implying that she will be able to study Torah as a woman there.
ellauri152.html on line 613: “Miss Streisand [made] Yentl, whose greatest passion was the Torah, go on a ship to America, singing at the top of her lungs. Why would she decide to go to America? Weren’t there enough yeshivas in Poland or in Lithuania where she could continue to study? Was going to America Miss Streisand’s idea of a happy ending for Yentl? What would Yentl have done in America? Worked in a sweatshop 12 hours a day where there is no time for learning? Would she try to marry a salesman in New York, move to the Bronx or to Brooklyn and rent an apartment with an ice box and a dumbwaiter? This kitsch ending summarizes all the faults of the adaptation. It was done without any kinship to Yentl’s character, her ideals, her sacrifice, her great passion for spiritual achievement. As it is, the whole splashy production has nothing but a commercial value.”
ellauri153.html on line 249: For twenty years or more, he continued the same schedule of preaching, advising, and learning, honing his sermons to reflect the wisdom and foibles of his people. Toisto tyylikeinona kuten Esa "Emeritus" Saarisella.
ellauri155.html on line 793: To put it simply: though being good doesn´t entitle you to heaven, being bad is a sure way to end in hell. By being good you can at least enter the lottery. It makes no difference game theoretically whether God arranged his lottery before or after the fact. The information sets are just the same. Game theoretically, being good continues to carry a slight positive utility toward the jackpot.
ellauri156.html on line 78: In chapter 10, we find David and the men of Israel deliberately insulted by Hanun, the king of the Ammonites. David had become friends with Nahash, the former king. When he died, David sent a delegation of officials to express David's respect for Nahash and his grief over this king's death. The Ammonites do not seem to wish to continue this peaceful relationship with David and Israel, so they humiliate the men whom David sent. This is how it all happened (Bob omitted this):
ellauri156.html on line 374: Aika hemmetisti kyyhkypaisteja papille, kun jokainen menstruoiva nainen tuo niitä sille 2kpl/kk. Pappi pysyy hyvin selvillä seurakuntalaisten varmoista päivistä. Hmm. Jos Bathsheban kuukkixet oli ohize jo vähintään viikko sitten, kohtahan sillä oli ovulaatio, eikäpä ihme että Taavi-enon mälli teki heti tehtävänsä. Vaikka mä en kyllä usko eze jäi siihen yhteen kertaan. (2) When did this cleansing occur, and when was it completed? Was Bathsheba’s bathing which David witnessed part of her ceremonial cleansing? If so, there may have had to be a delay before the Law permitted intercourse. Otherwise, David would have caused her to violate the Law pertaining to cleansing, since it may not have been complete. The translations which make her cleansing a past, (continued) completed event seem to be suggesting that she was now legally able to engage in intercourse, though certainly not with David. If she was still in the process of her cleansing, David’s sin of adultery is compounded because it was committed at the wrong time, while cleansing was still in process. It is also possible to read the text (as does the NASB) to say that Bathsheba waited at David’s house until she was ceremonially clean from her evening with David. It is interesting that nothing is said of David waiting until he was cleansed. The inference I take from this “cleansing” reference is that Bathsheba was still concerned about keeping the Law of Moses, even if David was not. Big fat hairy diff.
ellauri156.html on line 402: It looks as though Bathsheba never enters David's mind after their encounter described in verses 1-4. It certainly does not seem that David wants to continue the relationship, to carry on an affair, or to marry her. David simply puts this sinful event out of his mind, until a messenger is sent by Bathsheba informing the king that his night of passion has produced a child. Bathsheba informs David that she is pregnant, not that she is afraid she might be. This means that she has missed at least one period and probably another. All in all, several weeks or more have passed. It will not be long before her pregnancy will become obvious to anyone who looks at her. This is David's sin and his responsibility, and so she informs him.
ellauri156.html on line 423: As a result, a drought hits Israel. David's and Bathsheba's baby dies. Nathan returns to tell David that God is displeased with his sin. Dog wants to see better ones, with more pizzazz. Or else he will not die as the law demands, but he will be punished through misfortune in his family. David takes responsibility but insists Bathsheba is blameless. But the people want Bathsheba killed. The crowd shouts: No, we want Barabbas! David makes plans to save Bathsheba, but she tells David she is not blameless. She has continued seeing Uriah on the side. (The reports of his demise were premature.) They are both at fault. David is reminded of the Lord and quotes Psalm 23 as he plays his harp. (A nice musical interlude in an otherwise numbing show whose spoiler is long since spoiled.)
ellauri156.html on line 509: It must be an agonizing night for David, seeing that even drunk Uriah is a better man than he. But not a better pecker! And so in the morning, David acts. He writes a letter to Joab, which will serve as Uriah's death warrant. In this letter David clearly orders Joab to murder Uriah for him. He even tells him how to do so in a way that might conceal the truth of the matter. In so doing, David can honor Uriah as a war hero, and magnanimously take on the duty of being a husband to Uriah's wife, also taking care of the child she is soon to bear. Joab is to put Uriah on the front lines of battle, at the fiercest place of battle, no surprise for a man of his military skills and courage. Joab is to attack and then retreat in such a way as to make Uriah an easy target for the Ammonites, thus assuring his death. There is no mistaking David's orders to Uriah: he wants Uriah killed in a way which makes it look like a simple casualty of war. Joab complies completely with David's orders (why? Is Uriah a creep?), and Uriah is eliminated, no longer an obstacle to David's plans. In giving this order to Joab, David makes him a part of this conspiracy, making him share the guilt for the spilled blood of Uriah. David's sin continues to encompass more and more people, leading to greater and greater sin.
ellauri156.html on line 774: I do not know how many people I have known who refused to rebuke or even caution someone close to them, thinking that they are being a friend by being non-condemning. A good friend does not let us continue on the path to our own destruction. Nathan was acting as a prophet, but he was also acting like a friend. Would that we had more professor friends. Would that we were a prophylactic friend to one on the path of destruction. Deliver in a timely manner those who are being taken away to death, And those who are staggering to slaughter, Oh hold them back (Proverbs 24:11).
ellauri159.html on line 1353: After experiencing the anesthetic nitrous oxide during a dental operation, Blood concluded that the gas had opened his mind to new ideas and continued experimenting with it. In 1874, he published a 37-page pamphlet, The Anesthetic Revelation and the Gist of Philosophy.
ellauri161.html on line 562: This is the darkest of dark comedies, and it covers many topics, including the continued decimation of our planet, our over-reliance on tech, our soul-killing obsession with social media, and the crazy space-race programs created by billionaire men. McKay’s brutal satire takes no prisoners, eviscerates political extremists and lemmings, and basically says we are all fucked if we continue on this current course—with or without an apocalyptic comet hurtling toward Earth
ellauri161.html on line 982: Ses études au lycée de Périgueux sont médiocres : retiré de l´établissement en classe de quatrième, il continue sa formation sous la direction de son père, qui l´oriente vers l´architecture. Bloy commence à rédiger un journal intime, s´essaie à la littérature en composant une tragédie, Lucrèce, et s´éloigne de la religion. En 1864, son père lui trouve un emploi à Paris, il entre comme commis au bureau de l´architecte principal de la Compagnie ferroviaire d´Orléans. Médiocre employé, Bloy rêve de devenir peintre et s´inscrit à l´École des beaux-arts. Il écrit ses premiers articles, sans toutefois parvenir à les faire publier, et fréquente les milieux du socialisme révolutionnaire et de l´anticléricalisme.
ellauri164.html on line 504: The third and final chapter in Moses’ life is the chapter that Scripture spends the most time chronicling, namely, his role in the redemption of Israel. Several lessons can be gleaned from this chapter of Moses’ life as well. First is how to be an effective leader of people. Moses essentially had responsibility over two million Hebrew refugees. When things began to wear on him, his father-in-law, Jethro Tull, suggested that he delegate responsibility to other faithful men, a lesson that many people in authority over others need to learn (Exodus 18). We also see a man who was dependent on the grace of God to help with his task. Moses was continually pleading on behalf of the people before God. If only all people in authority would petition God on behalf of those over whom they are in charge! Moses was keenly aware of the necessity of God’s presence and even requested to see God’s glory (Exodus 33). Moses knew that, apart from God, the exodus would be meaningless. It was God who made the Israelites distinct, and they needed Him most. Moses’ life also teaches us the lesson that there are certain sins that will continue to haunt us throughout our lives. The same hot temper that got Moses into trouble in Egypt also got him into trouble during the wilderness wanderings. In the aforementioned incident at Meribah, Moses struck the rock in anger in order to provide water for the people. However, he didn’t give God the glory, nor did he follow God’s precise commands. Because of this, God forbade him from entering the Promised Land. In a similar manner, we all succumb to certain besetting sins which plague us all our days, sins that require us to be on constant alert.
ellauri164.html on line 523: Moses was so dispirited that he preferred to die rather than continue on in this way. In his weariness, he spoke rashly, and God excluded him from leading the people into the Promised Land.
ellauri164.html on line 533: 2. Moses exhibited sinful pride. Having assembled the people, Moses reviled them, saying, “Hear now, you rebels!” He then continued, perhaps pridefully, “Shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” Neither Moses nor Aaron can bring forth water, however; only God can do that. Some of the Fathers of the Church interpreted this not as pride on Moses’ part but rather as an indication of the wavering of his faith.
ellauri164.html on line 560: AGAIN the congregation of Israel was brought into the wilderness, to the very place where God proved them soon after leaving Egypt. The Lord brought them water out of the rock, which had continued to flow until just before they came again to the rock, when the Lord caused that living stream to cease, to prove His people again, to see if they would endure the trial of their faith or would again murmur against Him.
ellauri171.html on line 395: The story continues the Bible’s exploration of the origin of evil in a world created by a God who is all goodness. (Remember the old word game: write down ‘God’ and ‘Devil’; then put an extra ‘o’ in the middle of ‘God’ and take the ‘d’ off ‘devil’; what do you have?) Another one: write the words backwards, what do you get? Dog lived. Okay never mind let's move on.
ellauri171.html on line 615: The story is horrifying. Perhaps worst is the fact that similar stories have recently come out everywhere. This barbarity continues.
ellauri171.html on line 1048: Judah, who has bought her for his firstborn son, Er, loses it, er, I mean loses Er. When he, er, I mean Er dies, Judah gives Tamar to his second son, Onan, who is to act as levir, a surrogate for his dead brother who would beget a son to continue Er’s lineage. (Onan you must be familiar with first hand!) In this way, Tamar too would be assured a place in the family. Onan, however, would make a considerable economic sacrifice. According to inheritance customs, the estate of Judah, who had three sons, would be divided into four equal parts, with the eldest son acquiring one half and the others one fourth each. A child engendered for Er would inherit at least one fourth and possibly one half (as the son of the firstborn). If Er remained childless, then Judah’s estate would be divided into three, with the eldest, most probably Onan, inheriting two thirds. Onan opts to preserve his financial advantage and does coitus interruptus with Tamar, spilling his semen on the ground. For this, God punishes Onan with death, as God had previously punished Er for doing something equally wicked (unfortunately we are not told what, maybe sodomy in the flock).
ellauri171.html on line 1132: To cast her out now, a violated woman, was worse than raping her, since it meant the crime continued. She could never marry or have children, never have a normal life. As far as the people around her were concerned, she would be a used object, unwanted, an outcast. Raping is not bad as such if you provide child support.
ellauri180.html on line 167: Many historical accounts of circumcision have been written and most authors have used their survey to form an opinion as to whether the neonatal procedure is justified. The weak medical arguments are tempered by the importance of cultural and religious factors. Opponents of the ritual draw attention to the `rights' of the new-born to the skin on their little penises, which, they argue, must be upheld. Others contest that humans are social animals and cannot survive alone; they require their parents, community and culture to thrive, and, as such, `rights' belong to the group, not to the individual. If there is an inherent survival advantage to a group of humans who chose to maim their young, then this is presumably evidenced by their continued survival as a race. In short, to conclude any historical reflection with a reasoned `right' or `wrong', would be like claiming to have fathomed God's will. Consider this; mankind has developed this strange surgical signature that is so pervasive, that in the last five minutes alone, another 120 boys throughout the world have been circumcised. Mikä jättimäinen esinahkakukkula siitä tulisi! Israelista voisi tulla tulevien talvikisojen isäntämaa..
ellauri180.html on line 222: `…Your patient C.D., aetat 7 months, has the prepuce with which he was born. You ask me with a note of persuasion in your voice, if it should be excised. Am I to make a decision on scientific grounds, or am I to acquiesce in a rate which took its origin at the behest of that arch-sanitarian Moses?…If you can show good reason why a ritual designed to ease the penalties of concupiscence amidst the sand and flies of the Syrian deserts should be continued in this England, land of clean bed-linen and lesser opportunity, I shall listen to your arguments ……(do you not) understand that Nature does not intend it (the foreskin) to be stretched and retracted in the Temples of the Welfare Centres or ritually removed in the precincts of the operating theatres…'.
ellauri180.html on line 224: Literary assaults such as these have served to fuel the debates and even a Medline® search today reveals that in the last year alone, 155 reviews or letters have been published arguing for or against routine circumcision. However, studying the evolution of the medical indications provides us with a pleasing demonstration of how controversy drives scientific enquiry. We have already described how the surgeons of 100 years ago advocated circumcision for a wide variety of conditions, such as impotence, nocturnal enuresis, sterility, excess masturbation, night terrors, epilepsy, etc. There can be no doubt that a large element of surgical self-interest drove these claims. However, most of the contemporary textbooks also included epithelioma (carcinoma) of the penis amidst the morass of complications of phimosis. Although rare, once this observation had been made, it presumably filtered down through the textbooks by rote, rather than scientific study. A few reports had appeared in the early 20th century indicating that carcinoma of the penis was rare in circumcised men, but not until the debate over neonatal circumcision erupted in the medical press in the 1930s that this surgical `mantra' was put to the test. In 1932, the editor of the Lancet challenged Abraham Wolbarst, a New York urologist, to prove his contention (in a previous Lancet editorial), that circumcision prevented penile carcinoma. Wolbarst responded by surveying every skin, cancer and Jewish hospital in the USA, along with 1250 of the largest general hospitals throughout the Union. With this survey, he was able to show that penile cancer virtually never occurred in circumcised men and that the risk related to the timing of the circumcision. Over the years this association has been reaffirmed by many research workers, although general hygiene, demographic and other factors such as human papilloma virus and smoking status are probably just as important. However, Wolbarst established that association through formal scientific enquiry and proponents of the procedure continue to use this as a compelling argument for circumcision at birth.
ellauri180.html on line 235: Thus it is clear that medical trends are now being driven by financial constraints. Perhaps this is reflected by the dramatic decline in the number of non-religious circumcisions performed over the last half century; in the USA an estimated 80% of boys were circumcised in 1976 but by 1981 this had fallew to 61%, and recent estimates suggest that this decrease continues. In the UK the decline has been even more dramatic: originally more common in the upper classes, circumcision rates fell from 30% in 1939 to 20% in 1949 and 10% by 1963. By 1975 only 6% of British schoolboys were circumcised and this may well have declined further.
ellauri181.html on line 146: After completing his master's degree in social psychology and group development at Columbia University and completing his rabbinical studies, Schwartz received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Michigan, and subsequently taught in the sociology department of the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and in 1973 became a professor. From 1971-73, Schwartz was a visiting lecturer in the department of psychology at the Hebrew University. In 1979, Schwartz moved to Israel with his wife and three children. He joined the department of psychology at the Hebrew University, where he holds the post of Leon and Clara Sznajderman Professor Emeritus of Psychology. He is now retired, but continues his research activity, as well as developing and promoting his Basic Human Values Theory.
ellauri182.html on line 171: During this period, Hōnen taught the new nembutsu-only practice to many people in Kyoto society and amassed a substantial following but also came under increasing criticism by the Buddhist establishment there. Among his strongest critics was the monk Myōe and the temples of Enryaku-ji and Kōfuku-ji. The latter continued to criticize Hōnen and his followers even after they pledged to behave with good conduct and to not slander other Buddhists.
ellauri182.html on line 419: The Zen circle is a simple, stark black circle usually painted on white paper in ink. Typically the circle is said to represent the material world that continues endlessly without cessation. There is a beginning to life (where the brush first touches the paper) and an end (where the brush leaves the paper), but this beginning and end continue one after the other, thereby signifying the wheel of birth, death and rebirth. The space within that circle is the emptiness, or the void, the understanding of which lies at the heart of Zen and the experience of which is the goal of meditation.
ellauri183.html on line 180: When Abraham raises his knife over Isaac's body, this symbolises the fact that every human relationship is haunted by the prospect of death. Love always ends in loss, at least within this life. One response to this existential fact – perhaps the most common response – is to avoid the issue of mortality as much as possible. An alternative response is to face up to the inevitable pain of loss and to relinquish the beloved in advance, so to speak, by giving up hope of enjoying a happy relationship within this lifetime. (This "movement of resignation" is described as "monastic", although it does not literally entail becoming a recluse. It is an internal movement, an adjustment of expectations.) In Kierkegaard's view, this is more noble than the first option, but it is very far from the courage of Abraham, who continues to love Isaac and enjoy his relationship to him in full awareness of the suffering that his death would bring. This aspect of the interpretation of Abraham offered in Fear and Trembling suggesz that, far from being an individualist, Kierkegaard regards human relationships as essential to life.
ellauri184.html on line 88: Harlot's Ghost, Mailer's longest novel (1310 pages), appeared in 1991 and received his best reviews since The Executioner's Song. It is an exploration of the untold dramas of the CIA from the end of World War II to 1965. He performed a huge amount of research for the novel, which is still on CIA reading lists. He ended the novel with the words "To be continued" and planned to write a sequel, titled Harlot's Grave, but other projects intervened and he never wrote it. Harlot's Ghost sold well.
ellauri184.html on line 738: As the eldest son in His family, Jesus had a cultural obligation to care for His mother, and He passed that obligation on to one of His closest friends. John would have certainly obeyed this command. Mary was most likely one of the women in the upper room and was present when the church was established in Jerusalem (Acts 1:12–14). She probably continued to stay with John in Jerusalem until her death. It is only later in John’s life that his writings and church history reveal John left Jerusalem and ministered in other areas. By then he had probably got rid of mamma Maria.
ellauri185.html on line 118: God tells Samuel to anoint David of Bethlehem as king, and David enters Saul's court as his armor-bearer and harpist. Saul's son and heir Jonathan befriends David and recognizes him as the rightful king. Saul then plots David's death, but David flees into the wilderness where he becomes a champion of the Hebrews. David joins the Philistines, but he continues to secretly champion his own people until Saul and Jonathan are killed in battle at Mount Gilboa.
ellauri185.html on line 141: 2 Samuel concludes with four chapters (chapters 21 to 24) that lie outside the chronological succession narrative of Saul and David, a narrative that will continue in The Book of Kings. These four supplementary chapters cover a great famine during David's reign; the execution of seven of Saul's remaining descendants, only Mephibosheth being saved (kannattiko mainita), David's song of thanksgiving, which is almost identical to Psalm 18; David's last words; a list of David's "mighty warriors"; an offering made by David using water from the well of Bethlehem; David's sinful census; a plague over Israel which David opted for as preferable to either famine or oppression; and the construction of an altar on land David purchased from Araunah the Jebusite.
ellauri188.html on line 96: Protestants went to Hiva Oa, but even there they had little success. There were few converts, tribal warfare and human sacrifice continued. Protestant missionaries gradually left Hiva Oa and returned to Hawaii, only James Kekkilä remained. In 1899 he also returned to Hawaii and died in Honolulu on November 29, 1904. Hawaiian-born missionary James Bicknell translated the Gospel of John into the Marquesan language in 1857.
ellauri188.html on line 118: Is the January 18, 1924, issue of SCIENCE, page 64, Mr. P. J. Wester writes from Manila, urging an ex pedition to the Marquesas and other South Sea Islands, primarily for the purpose of making secure the continued existence of the breadfruit, secondarily, by a study of the varieties, to add further evidence relative to the migrations of these inhabitants of Polynesia.
ellauri188.html on line 311: In the 1840s Britain and France considered sponsoring continued independence of the Republic of Texas and blocking U.S. moves to obtain California. Balance of power considerations made Britain want to keep the western territories out of U.S. hands to limit U.S. power; in the end, France opposed such intervention in order to limit British power, the same reason for which France had sold Louisiana to the U.S. and earlier supported the American Revolution. Thus the great majority of the territorial growth of the continental United States was accepted without question by Paris.
ellauri189.html on line 424: The once mineral-rich Dead Sea has shrunk to the size of a small and pitiful pond. Water levels have been dropping at a rate of 1 meter per annum. Currently it lies 1,300 feet below sea level and if the rate of decline continues it will reach 1,800 feet below sea level before the end of the century. This sharp decline is due to the over-exploitation of its minerals, the use of its water for desalination, and the large increase in agriculture in both Jordan and Israel.
ellauri189.html on line 463: Seacret is an MLM (multi-level marketing) company in the health, wellness, and beauty niche that specializes in the retail of products that contains salts, muds, and minerals which are sourced from the Dead Sea. Seacret is based in Arizona, USA and was founded by brothers Izhak Ben Shabat and Moty Ben Shabat. The company was initially launched in 2005 as a small retail shop that sold skincare products and the business continued to grow, the brothers decided to adopt an MLM business model sometime in 2011.
ellauri189.html on line 470: To qualify as an active member, you are required to generate a minimum of 200 personal volume (PV) every week, 35 business volume (BV) every month, and have at least four active customers. You can upgrade to the 5-in-5 agent kit by paying an extra $50. There are no specific details given on the benefits of upgrading. Keep in mind that after paying the initial $49, you are expected to pay the same amount annually to continue accessing your website and back office.
ellauri189.html on line 823: There are also secular Jews, who don´t keep the Tora and whose culture is not Jewish, but mostly American, and some are really deep in the disgusting western pop-culture. The majority of the secular Jews who live in the holy land are not mixing with other people, so even though they don´t keep the Jewish religion, they are Jewish. On the other hand, there are the secular Jews who live abroad, mainly in the US - most of them, unfortunately, are mixing with other nations. While some of them are now Jews, if they continue like this, in 1-2 generations, none of them would be considered Jewish, and real Jews wouldn´t be able to marry them any more.
ellauri191.html on line 461: "for the happy manner in which he has continued the illustrious traditions of the Spanish drama"
ellauri192.html on line 55: The Prague linguistic circle included the Russian émigrés Roman Jakobson, Nikolai Trubetzkoy, and Sergei Karcevskiy, as well as the famous Czech literary scholars René Wellek and Jan Mukařovský. The instigator of the circle, and its first president until his death in 1945, was the Czech linguist Vilém Mathesius. After the Czechoslovak coup d'état of 1948, the circle was disbanded in 1952 (another marked year), but the Prague School continued as a major force in linguistic functionalism.
ellauri192.html on line 77: Jakobson escaped from Prague in early March 1939 via Berlin for Denmark, where he was associated with Louis Hjelmslev's Copenhagen linguistic circle. He fled to Norway on 1 September 1939, and in 1940 walked across the border to Sweden, where he continued his work at the Karolinska Hospital (with works on footsores, aphasia and language competence). When Swedish colleagues feared a possible German occupation, he managed to leave on a cargo ship, together with Ernst Cassirer (the former rector of Hamburg University) to New York City in 1941 to become part of the wider community of intellectual émigrés who fled there.
ellauri192.html on line 305: “The subject of my book [‘The Books of Jacob’] — a multicultural Poland — was not comfortable for proponents of this new version of history,” Tokarczuk told PEN Transmissions, a journal run by the English iteration of PEN, in May, 2018. She was taken by surprise by the amount of rage the book provoked — not to mention her comment on receiving the Nike sneakers. But rather than retreat, she has continued to speak out on behalf of the communities she sees her government as wishing to sideline. In a January op-ed for The New York Times following a Polish radical’s on-air murder of the open-minded young Gdansk mayor Pawel Adamowicz, Tokarczuk wrote of a Polish populist narrative that “scapegoats… the so-called crazy leftists, queer-lovers, Germans, Jews, European Union puppets, feminists, liberals and anyone who supports immigrants.”
ellauri192.html on line 631: All this time, Peter continued knocking on the door, until, finally, they answered it and were amazed to see Peter there. Rhoda had been telling the truth, never doubting that God had literally answered their prayers. Then Peter told them of his wondrous escape from jail (Acts 12:17). Little did he know that it was just a moratorium.
ellauri192.html on line 672: Demetrius's descendants continued to rule the town of Trubetsk (Troubchevsk) until the 1530s, when they had to convert to Roman Catholicism or leave their patrimony and settle in Moscow. They chose the latter, and were accepted without ceremony at the court of Vasili III of Russia.
ellauri192.html on line 706: Now, the invasive Chinese sleeper is widely distributed in the freshwaters of Eastern and Central European countries, such as Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova,Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Serbia and Ukraine, where it has high climatic suitability and may continue invasion in the future (Reshetnikov and Ficetola, 2011). In Ukraine, theChinese sleeper was first found in the upper Dniester River basin in 1980 where it was introduced in the 1970s (Reshetnikov, 2009). It first occurred in the Dnieper river basin near Kievin 2001, and in the Ros’ River (right tributary of the Dnieper River, downstream of Kiev) in2005 (Sabodash et al., 2002; Kutsokon and Negoda, 2006; Kutsokon, 2010). In the DanubeRiver basin the Chinese sleeper was first recorded in 1995–1996 in the Latorica River, westernUkraine (a part of the western Ukrainian population of the Chinese sleeper), but only in 2011in the Danube delta (Sivokhop, 1998; Kvach, 2012). This fish is currently found in differentparts of the upper streams of the Dniester basin, Transcarpathian waters (Danube basin), in the Dnieper River, and in the Danube River delta.
ellauri194.html on line 289: Some post-Cold War millenarians still identify Gog with Russia, but they now tend to stress its allies among Islamic nations, especially Iran. For the most fervent, the countdown to Armageddon began with the return of the Jews to Israel, followed quickly by further signs pointing to the nearness of the final battle – nuclear weapons, European integration, Israel's reunification of Jerusalem in the Six Day War in 1967, and America's wars in Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf. According to an unconfirmed report, US President George W. Bush, in the prelude to the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, told French President Jacques Chirac, "Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East." Bush is said to have continued, "This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase His people's enemies before a new age begins." Officials from the Bush Administration claim there is no record of this conversation and that making such references, "doesn't sound at all like Bush", and French officials on the call have similarly claimed to have not heard any such remarks.
ellauri194.html on line 291: In the Islamic apocalyptic tradition, the end of the world would be preceded by the release of Gog and Magog, whose destruction by God in a single night would usher in the Day of Resurrection. Reinterpretation did not generally continue after Classical times, but the needs of the modern world have produced a new body of apocalyptic literature in which Gog and Magog are identified as Communist Russia and China. One problem these writers have had to confront is the barrier holding Gog and Magog back, which is not to be found in the modern world: the answer varies, some writers saying that Gog and Magog were the Mongols and that the wall is now gone, others that both the wall and Gog and Magog are invisible. Why it is the iron curtain of course, the pay wall that stops money transfers between east and west. It is Google of MAGA what else!
ellauri194.html on line 335: Get Christie Love! gave the first black woman to serve in a State Police force in the United States, Louise Smith, critical motivation to continue with her chosen career when she faced significant discrimination both in the barracks and on the streets. In 2017, producers Courtney Kemp and Vin Diesel became attached to a reboot of the series for ABC, entitled Get Christie Love (without the exclamation point), a co-production between Lionsgate Television and Universal Television, which focused on an African American female CIA agent who leads an elite ops unit. However, ABC later announced that it had decided not to pick the pilot up to series.
ellauri194.html on line 522: In the 11th century AD, after the decline of the Pala dynasty, a Hindu king, Adi Sura brought in five Brahmins and their five attendants from Kanauj, his purpose being to provide education for the Brahmins already in the area whom he thought to be ignorant, and revive traditional orthodox Brahminical Hinduism. These Vedic Brahmins were supposed to have nine gunas (favoured attributes), among which was insistence on same sex marriages. Multiple accounts of this legend exist, and historians generally consider this to be nothing more than myth or folklore lacking historical authenticity. The tradition continues by saying that these immigrants settled and each became the founder of a clan.
ellauri197.html on line 297: This grammatical confusion continues in the third line where there is no subject given for the sentiment. Nothing is stated as the thing that “[w]ould be an easy adversity,” so structurally, the statement lacks clarity. A more correct formulation would be given by
ellauri197.html on line 309: Once more, the variation of verb tenses happens within this stanza to continue the representation of her uncertain mind frame since the “Bloom [k]eeps making November difficult,” which is present tense, but she “was almost bold,” which is past tense. Though there is a logic behind this particular verb tense change, the pattern is still striking enough to merit mention.
ellauri197.html on line 522: For example, in Baker v Bolton (1808) 1 Camp 493, a man was permitted to recover for his loss of consortium from the carriage driver while his wife languished after a carriage accident. However, once she died from her injuries, his right to recover for lost consortium ended. (After the enactment of Lord Campbell's Act (9 and 10 Vic. c. 93) the English common law continued to prohibit recovery for loss of consortium after the death of a victim). In the 1619 case Guy v. Livesey, it is clear that precedent had been established by that time that a husband's exclusive access to the sexual services of his wife was considered to fall within the concept of 'consortium', and that an adulterer might therefore be sued for depriving a cuckold of exclusive access to the sexual services of his wife. Since adultery could not otherwise be prosecuted in secular courts for most of the period after the twelfth century, loss of consortium became an important basis for prosecution for adultery in English law.
ellauri198.html on line 241: All these anti-worker policies were carried out by Democratic governors and mayors under supposedly pro-labor Roosevelt. This brought the strike to an end. Vocally radical union leaders (like John Lewis of the United Mineworkers) blamed the President, the steel companies, and excessive violence of the police. And all these factors were a real part of the loss. But these same union leaders had tied their fate to the Democratic Party. Even after the Memorial Day massacre and the defeat of the strike, they continued to support Roosevelt and the Democratic machine.
ellauri198.html on line 730: Mordred finally reaches and attacks Roland. Oy viciously defends his dinh, providing Roland the extra seconds needed to exterminate the were-spider. Oy is impaled on a tree branch and dies. Roland continues on to his ultimate goal and reaches the Tower, only to find it occupied by the Crimson King.
ellauri198.html on line 794: Roland is not mediated by his precursors; they do not detach him from history so as to free him in the spirit. The Childe's last act of dauntless courage is to will repetition, to accept his place in the company of the ruined. Roland tells us implicitly that the present is not so much negative and finite as it is willed, though this willing is never the work of an individual consciousness acting by itself. It is caught up in a subject-to-subject dialectic, in which the present moment is sacrificed, not to the energies of art, but to the near-solipsist's tragic victory over himself. Roland's negative moment is neither that of renunciation nor of the loss of self in death or error. It is the negativity that is self-knowledge yielding its power to a doomed love of others, in the recognition that those others like Shelley. more grandly had surrendered knowledge and its powers to love, however illusory. Or, mos simply, Childe Roland dies, if be dies, in the magnificence of a belatedness that can accept itself as such. He ends in strengh because his vision has ceased to break and deform the world, and has begun to turn its dangerous strength upon is own defense. Roland is the Kermit modem version of a poet-as-hero, and his sustained courage to weather his own phantasmagoria and emerge into fire is a presage of the continued survival of strong poetry.
ellauri203.html on line 127: Although reasonably successful during his lifetime, his fame continued to grow after his death and he inspired not just other later writers, such as Ernest Hemingway, but also sparked a philosophical movement, Existentialism, and influenced the work of Sigmund Freud.
ellauri203.html on line 219: However, this belated first love was not as simple as Dostoevsky had hoped. Isaeva began taunting the writer with letters telling him of her intention to marry one or other wealthy official. Although the pair did ultimately marry, their troubles continued, and the two never settled into a harmonious marriage, with Dostoevsky taking on a role more like a friend or brother to Isaeva, rather than a husband. Mark Slonim, an important Russian scholar, writes in his book The Three Loves of Dostoevsky: “He loved her for all these feelings that she excited in him. For everything that he gave her, for everything that was connected with her. And for all the pains from her.”
ellauri203.html on line 306: Professional Ketman Miloszille on "the reluctant acceptance of Stalinist standards only to allow one to continue to pursue a desired career path. This is based on the idea of having only a single life and therefore using the time to the best of one's ability" or "to pursue artistic or scientific innovation which requires at least tolerating Socialist Realism and other such censorship standards in order to continue one's work." Miloszia ei realismi napannut, sosialistinen tai ei.
ellauri207.html on line 361: Years later, he runs a criminal empire based on drugs and prostitution, with his son Ronald Neiderman as his enforcer. El Sapo continues to cover for him in order to have him as a national asset, meaning that he is never arrested for his crimes but just patted on the back. This part of the story sounds fully believable. Some feminists blamed Mia for spreading bourgeois fantasies. The story did not specify which, and Lisbet hadn´t got the foggiest what they might be. Nor Stieg for that matter.
ellauri210.html on line 1316: The narrator, randomly named André, ruminates on a number of Surrealist principles, before ultimately commencing (around a third of the way through the novel) on a narrative account, generally linear, of his brief ten-day affair with the titular character Nadja. She is so named “because in Russian it's the beginning of the word hope, and because it's only the beginning,” but her name might also evoke the Spanish "Nadie," which means "No one." The narrator becomes obsessed with this woman with whom he, upon a chance encounter while walking through the street, strikes up conversation immediately. He becomes reliant on daily rendezvous, occasionally culminating in romance (a kiss here and there). His true fascination with Nadja, however, is her vision of the world, which is often provoked through a discussion of the work of a number of Surrealist artists, including himself. While her understanding of existence subverts the rigidly authoritarian quotidian, it is later discovered that she is mad and belongs in a sanitarium. After Nadja reveals too many details of her past life, she in a sense becomes demystified, and the narrator realizes that he cannot continue their relationship.
ellauri213.html on line 262: The organization then went into exile, and continued in many countries where fleeing White Russian émigrés settled, establishing groups in France, Serbia, Bulgaria, Argentina, Chile, and Paraguay. A much larger mass of thousands of Russian Scouts moved through Vladivostok to the east into Manchuria and south into China.
ellauri213.html on line 290: When a girl nears the end of her time at Rainbows, she can continue her adventure at Brownies (another unlucky choice of name) - our section for girls aged seven to ten.
ellauri213.html on line 300: Samantha Karen Fox (born 15 April 1966) is an English pop singer and former glamour model from East London. She rose to public attention aged 16, when her mother entered her photographs in an amateur modelling contest run by The Sunday People tabloid newspaper. After she placed second in the contest, she received an offer from The Sun to model topless on Page 3, where she made her first appearance on 22 February 1983, at the tender age of 17, sporting huge balloons already then. She continued to appear on Page 3 until 1986, becoming the most popular pin-up girl of her era, as well as one of the most photographed British women of the 1980s. She looked like a fox with balloons glued up front. Never liked her face anyway.
ellauri214.html on line 70: In response to a Twitter post about how COVID-19 has been affecting people who menstruate, Rowling wrote, “‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”. In this post, Rowling mocks trans people by insinuating that women who do not have a period are not real women. This tweet not only offended trans women who do not have periods, but also cisgender women born with medical conditions that prevent them from having a period, older women who have gone through menapause, and transgender men who still menstrate. Rowling has continued to bash transgender people by comparing hormone therapy to gay conversion therapy and tweeting articles arguing that transitioning is a medical experiment. Many have called Rowling out on her transphobia, and some have attempted to educate her on transgender issues and the difference between sex and gender. However, the author has not been receptive to these comments, and continues to deny that she is transphobic. Rowling’s transphobia has prompted Harry Potter actors Daniel Radcliff (Harry Potter), Emma Watson (Hermionie Granger), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), and Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) to show their support for the transgender community. The only actor staunchly standing on her side is Tom Veladro (Voldemort). Oops, I shouldn't have said the name.
ellauri214.html on line 72: Though Rowling’s transphobia has been publicized the most, fans have also begun to notice prejudice in her writing. Very few people of color are featured in J. K. Rowling’s books, and those that are have few lines and no detailed story arcs. One of the people of color given more thought was Cho Chang, Harry Potter’s love interest who was first introduced in the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Rowling’s racism toward Asians and lack of knowledge of Asian culture is clearly evident from just the name Cho Chang, which is a mix of Korean and Chinese surnames. Korea and China have a longstanding history as political adversaries and each country has a distinct culture. While Rowling went to great efforts in creating a wonderfully immersive wizarding world, she gave no thought to what Cho’s ethnicity is. Cho was also sorted into Ravenclaw house, the school house for those of high intelligence, playing into a common stereotype of Asians. The only other Asian characters mentioned in the series are Indian twins Padma and Pavarti Patil. While Rowling appears to have given more thought to these characters, placing Padma in Ravenclaw and breaking the Asian stereotype by placing Pavarti in Gryffindor, she ultimately fails to adequately write Asian characters. While Pavarti, as a member of Harry Potter’s house, was given more depth than Cho or her sister, many South Asian fans were irritated by the girls’ dresses in the fourth movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The twins wore dull and unflattering traditional Indian attire, which many saw as a mockery of Indian culture. Cho herself wore an East Asian style dress in this movie which was a mix of different Asian styles. Rowling continued her habit of stereotyping Asians in the Fantastic Beast Movies, the first of which was released in 2016 and set in the 1920’s, several decades before the Harry Potter series. In this pre-series, the only Asian representation is displayed in the form of a woman who has been cursed to turn into a beast. Fans may remember the villain Voldemort’s pet snake, Nagini, who served him throughout the Harry Potter series. Fans were surprised to learn when watching The Crimes of Grindelwald, the second movie in the Fantastic Beasts series, that Nagini was not always a snake, but was actually a woman who had been cursed to turn into a snake. In the movie, Nagini, in human form, is caged and forced to perform in a circus. Though we do not know how Nagini came to meet Voldemort, we do know that she became his servant and the keeper of a wee snakelike portion of his soul. This is more than slightly problematic. Not only was Nagini the only Asian representation in the film, but she was also a half-human who was forced to serve an evil white man for a great part of her existence. Author Ellen Oh commented on Nagini’s inclusion in the film saying “I feel like this is the problem when white people want to diversify and don’t actually ask POC how to do so. They don’t make the connection between making Nagini an Asian woman who later on becomes the pet snake of an EEVIL whitish man.”
ellauri216.html on line 556: The women answered with surprise, “We live with our husbands, and we have not such virtues.” But the saint continued to insist, and the women then told him, “We married two brothers. After living together in one house for fifteen years, we have not uttered a single malicious nor shameful word, and we never quarrel among ourselves. We asked our husbands to allow us to enter a women’s monastery, but they would not agree. We vowed not to utter a single worldly word until our death.” Mainiota, tästä Andrew Tate pitäisi.
ellauri219.html on line 183: Crowley gained widespread notoriety during his lifetime, being a recreational drug user, bisexual, and an individualist social critic. Crowley has remained a highly influential figure over Western esotericism and the counterculture of the 1960s, and continues to be considered a prophet in Thelema. He is the subject of various biographies and academic studies.
ellauri219.html on line 349: A prolific author, philosopher, and economist, Karl Marx is best known for his 1848 pamphlet The Communist Manifesto, which outlined the central tenets of his theories, and single-handedly kick-started a political movement. His work continues to influence modern economic thought.
ellauri219.html on line 434: George Bernard Shaw was an Irish playwright who helped shape modern theatre. The first person to receive both a Nobel Prize (in 1925, for Literature) and an Oscar (in 1939, for Best Adapted Screenplay, for Pygmalion). His works continue to be staged in the 21st Century.
ellauri219.html on line 503: Founded in London 1822, the Royal Antediluvian Order Of Buffaloes continues its work to this day, with outposts in Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Africa, South Africa, India, the Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Its motto is “No man is at all times wise” and the organization continues to look after its own members, dependents of deceased members, and charities.
ellauri219.html on line 635: Fassbinder continues to have group sex with his neurotics and obsessives and cannot understand why everyone falls for Michael. The group sessions get stranger—including an indoor cricket match. Michael dreams that all his sexual conquests simultaneously bombard him for attention, listing where they made love.
ellauri220.html on line 334:
(US) a black person. Once generally accepted as inoffensive, this word is now considered disrespectful by some. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) continues to use its full name unapologetically. This is not to be confused with the term "person of color" which is the preferred term for collectively referring to all non-white people.

ellauri221.html on line 103: continued to use, so haha! James Bond was coldcocked by this cruel and inhumane law. He switched immediately to drinking only Tittinger.
ellauri222.html on line 110: Asked whether they believe there is a possibility that our world might once experience the kind of upheaval it did during World War II and the Holocaust, much as the world of Mr. Sammle r collapsed in Saul Bellow’s novel, both Wolpe and Greg Bellow told JNS.org that Mr. Sammler’s Planet is recommended reading not just for Jews, but for everyone. They strongly believe that the history and lessons of the Holocaust must continue to be taught, with Rabbi Wolpe saying "Gaza shows the ease with which a civilization, such as Israel, can slip into barbarism.”

Wolpe wondered how many young people today even know Saul Bellow or read his work, but mused how wonderful it would be if more children of famous authors wrote about their parents, as Greg Bellow has.
ellauri222.html on line 177: In November, Bellow learned from a possibly overly conscientious babysitter that Sasha and Ludwig were sleeping together. It turned out that the affair had been going on for two and a half years, since the summer of 1958. And although Ludwig was still married, it continued. Adam was living with Sasha while it was going on. Given Bellow’s vulnerabilities, the double betrayal was his worst nightmare come to life. According to Atlas, he talked about getting a gun.
ellauri222.html on line 279: There aren't many people to whom I can be so open. We've always been candid with each other and I hope we will continue, both of us, to say what we think. You'll be sore at me, but I believe you won't cast me off for ever. Love, Shlomo.
ellauri222.html on line 411: Stella Chesney is a beautiful aspiring actress—her name means “star” in Latin—whom Augie meets in Mexico. He helps her escape her boyfriend, Oliver, and much later meets her again in New York and marries her. Augie learns that Stella has lied to him about many things, but he continues to love her despite her faults. They move to Paris so that she can pursue her film career.
ellauri222.html on line 555: Augie, the hero of the novel, is a Jewish-American boy coming of age in Depression-era Chicago. Since their father abandoned the family, Augie and his two brothers are raised by their slow-witted mother and surrogate “Grandma” Lausch. Augie, good-looking with “tall hair” and green-gray eyes, is a soft-hearted young man whose sympathy for others often gets him into trouble. He holds a variety of jobs throughout his life and learns from different people he encounters. People tend to “adopt” Augie and try to groom him into the person they want him to be, but he really wants to become his own person. The name Augie is short for “August,” which means “Great.” Augie has a desire for greatness, but he has no idea of how to do it, thinking it beyond his ability to “breathe the pointy, star-furnished air at its highest difficulty.” He goes along through life repeating the same mistakes. In the end, Augie realizes that his life has been a voyage of discovery. Whether or not he has been a success, he doesn’t know, but he will continue with unquenchable optimism and hope, “forever rising up.”
ellauri222.html on line 711: William Moulton Marston died of cancer on May 2, 1947, in Rye, seven days before his 54th birthday. After his death, Elizabeth and Olive continued to live together until Olive's death in 1990, aged 86; Elizabeth (The Wonder Woman) died in 1993, aged 100.
ellauri222.html on line 1046: A warrior planted himself in her way, but, agile as a deer, she darted around him, escaped a second and a third in the same way, and continued her flight toward the winning posts.
ellauri226.html on line 295: while the white community continued to live together gregariously in the rest of the
ellauri226.html on line 443: influx of poor minority families in the 1950s and 1960s was thus cleverly met with a deteriorating and poor job market and limited employment opportunities. The declining job market continued into the 1970s when approximately 300 companies employing 10,000 workers went out of business or moved out of The Bronx between 1970 and 1977. Many of these businesses used low income and unskilled workers. By 1976 the long-term economic problems had taken their toll and the mayor's office estimated that between 25-30% of the city’s eligible work force was unemployed.
ellauri243.html on line 762: 2. The other James Thomson, in full James Alexander Thomson, (born Dec. 20, 1958, Chicago, Ill., U.S.), is an American biologist who was among the first to isolate human embryonic stem cells. Thomson extracted stem cells from human embryos. However, this confronted him with a moral dilemma, as such an extraction is fatal to the embryo. After consulting with several bioethicists at the university, Thomson decided that continued research was ethical as long as the embryos, "created" by couples who "no longer wanted them" in order to "have children", would otherwise be "destroyed anyway." I just love medicinal ethics! Kunnon personismia. Montako neekeriä saa keilata pelastaaxeen yhden valkoisen joka työntää lastenvaunuja.
ellauri245.html on line 530: The Clash achieved critical and commercial success in the United Kingdom with the release of their self-titled debut album, The Clash (1977) and their second album, Give ´Em Enough Rope (1978). Their experimental third album, London Calling, released in the UK in December 1979, earned them popularity in the United States when it was released there the following month. A decade later, Rolling Stone named it the best album of the 1980s. Following continued musical experimentation on their fourth album, Sandinista! (1980), the band reached new heights of success with the release of Combat Rock (1982), which spawned the US top 10 hit "Rock the Casbah", helping the album to achieve a 2× Platinum certification there. A final album, Cut the Crap, was released in 1985 with a new lineup, and a few weeks later, the band broke up.
ellauri248.html on line 244: In Daniel 6, Daniel is raised to high office by his royal master Darius the Mede. Daniel's jealous rivals trick Darius into issuing a decree that for thirty days no prayers should be addressed to any god or man but Darius himself; anyone who disobeys this edict is to be thrown to the lions. Pious Daniel continues to pray daily to the God of Israel; and the king, although deeply distressed, must condemn Daniel to death, for the edicts of the Medes and Persians cannot be altered. Hoping for Daniel's deliverance, Darius has him cast into the pit. At daybreak the king hurries to the place and cries out anxiously, asking if God had saved his friend. Daniel replies that his God had sent an angel to the jaws of the lions, "because I was found tasteless before them". The king commands that those who had conspired against Daniel be thrown to the poor overfed lions in his place with their tasty wives and children, and that the whole world should tremble and fear before the God of Daniel. Although Daniel is sometimes depicted as a young man in illustrations of the incident, James Montgomery Boice points out that he would have been over eighty years old at the time. No wonder perhaps that he did not entice the lions.
ellauri249.html on line 128: Another euphemism for the penis was cauda ("tail"), which occurs twice in Horace,[22] and continues today in the French derivative queue ("tail" or "penis"). In one place in his Satires (Serm. 2.7.50) Horace writes:
ellauri254.html on line 506: When Klages (at 23) moved into a new Schwabing flat in 1895, he entered into an intense sexual relationship with his landlady's daughter, with the mother's approval; the daughter, whom Klages called 'Putti', was eleven years younger than him (12 yrs), and their relationship continued for almost two decades though remained only sexual in nature, and squeaky clean. During his years in Schwabing, Klages also became romantically involved with novelist Franziska zu Reventlow, which was further alluded to in her 1913 roman à clef Herrn Dames Aufzeichnungen. Both Stefan George and Alfred Schuler, with whom Klages closely associated, were openly homosexual men. Whilst some of Klages' outward statements on homosexuality may be seen as harsh, he maintained an intimate personal and not just academic admiration for Schuler all throughout his life. Kaikki käy, kuhan paikat pysyy kemiallisen puhtaana. Kemia ei tunne likaa.
ellauri254.html on line 517: In Munich, the Cosmic Circle of Ludwig Klages and Alfred Schuler, deeming "the Jew the enemy of the human race," gave their erstwhile leader, Stefan George, this ultimatum: "What is your stand on Judah?" He replied that he wished he had more such deep-throated Jewish disciples as Wolfskehl. George's views continued to overlap with those of the Cosmic Circle, especially in invoking the pagan earth mother of "Templars." Actually what first launched the George cult on a nationwide basis was Klages's own book, Stefan George, of 1902. The accusation of Klages's Nazism by indignantly pointing out that the Nazis distinctly distanced themselves from Klages. Though the Nazis shared Klages's basic metapolitics and had found him useful for propaganda among professors, they later found the Klages-Schuler cult embarrassing. The intensity of George's break with Klages-Schuler is paralleled by Nietzsche's break with the Jew-hater Richard Wagner; in both cases an intense friendship was severed on the grounds of civilized values higher than friendship. Klages thought that Nazis and Israelis were both wrong in thinking they were the chosen people, with the difference that the Jews had actually already won the beauty contest.
ellauri257.html on line 419: Upon the 2009 American release (of the book, after the film of course, this is America), Michael Dirda wrote in The Washington Post that Pornografia "seems as sick, as pathologically creepy a novel as one is ever likely to read. In some ways, it resembles a rather more polymorphously perverse version of Les Liaisons Dangereuses or one of those disturbing fictions by European intellectuals that blend the philosophical with the erotic: Think of Georges Bataille's The Story of the Eye or Pierre Klossowski's Roberte Ce Soir. ... Through its sado-masochistic material and its almost Henry Jamesian analyses of human motives, Pornografia underscores Gombrowicz's lifelong philosophical obsession: the quest for authenticity." Dirda continued: "Certainly, most readers will find Pornografia perturbing, or worse: repulsive, confusing, ugly. As Milosz once said of Gombrowicz: 'He had no reverence whatsoever for literature. He derided it as a snobbish ritual, and if he practiced it, he attempted to get rid of all its accepted rules.'"
ellauri257.html on line 528: Singer continued to write and translate his stories and novels throughout the 1980s, until the onset of dementia in 1987. In the end, as Singer suffered from dementia, his relationships with Goran, Menashe and perhaps even Alma soured. The effects lingered unpleasantly even after his death, and as a consequence it’s hard to track the sirvienta. We don’t even know her name or nationality for certain. The idea of a Spanish-speaking maid as an integral part of Singer’s household is ripe not only for biographical scrutiny, but also for fictional development: !Ah! !Ah! !Si! !Si! !Si señor! !!Mas rapido! !Mas profundo!
ellauri262.html on line 196: Lewis continued to raise Gresham's two sons after her death. Douglas Gresham is a Christian like Lewis and his apostate mother, while David Gresham turned to his mother's ancestral faith, becoming Orthodox Jewish in his beliefs. His mother's writings had featured the Jews in an unsympathetic manner, particularly on "shohet" (ritual slaughterer). David informed Lewis that he was going to become a ritual slaughterer to present this type of Jewish religious functionary to the world in a more favourable light. In a 2005 interview, Douglas Gresham acknowledged that he and his brother were not close, although they had corresponded via email.
ellauri262.html on line 390: The poet W. H. Auden and the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein were notable critics of her novels. A savage attack on Sayers's writing ability came from the American critic Edmund Wilson, in a well-known 1945 article in The New Yorker called "Who Cares Who Killed Roger Ackroyd?" He briefly writes about her novel The Nine Tailors, saying "I declare that it seems to me one of the dullest books I have ever encountered in any field." Wilson continues "I had often heard people say that Dorothy Sayers wrote well ... but, really, she does not write very well: it is simply that she is more consciously literary than most of the other detective-story writers and that she thus attracts attention in a field which is mostly on a sub-literary level."
ellauri262.html on line 442: Personism is an ethical philosophy of personhood as typified by the thought of the utilitarian philosopher Peter Singer. It amounts to a branch of secular humanism with an emphasis on certain rights-criteria. Personists believe that rights are conferred to the extent that a creature is a person. Michael Tooley provides the relevant definition of a person, saying it is a creature that is "capable of desiring to continue as a subject of experience and other mental states". A worldview like secular humanism is personism when the empathy and values are extended to the extent that the creature is a person (apes get very similar rights, insects get vastly fewer rights, etc.).
ellauri263.html on line 306: The First Temple built by King Solomon was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BCE, and the population of the Kingdom of Judah was sent into the Babylonian exile. According to the Bible, the First Temple's destruction began on the 7th of Av (2 Kings 25:8) and continued until the 10th (Jeremiah 52:12). According to the Talmud, the actual destruction of the Temple began on the Ninth of Av, and it continued to burn throughout the Tenth of Av.
ellauri264.html on line 123: Later that month, Gionet released the song "MAGA Anthem", which featured pro-Trump lyrics and amassed more than 100,000 views on YouTube. Mike Cernovich then hired Gionet to work on a project dedicated to gathering Trump supporters. Following the 2016 presidential election, Gionet continued his pro-Trump activism, delivering speeches and participating in multiple rallies.
ellauri264.html on line 191: with the dove, the symbol of peace, and continues to shine until the Messiah comes.
ellauri266.html on line 346: "I really don´t think," the lady from Oakland continues, "that men decide deliberately to exclude women from intellectual discussions. It´s more that it doesn´t occur to them to include a woman among their circle of friends on the basis of the ideas she is able to contribute. Ideas are not what women are for, they are in it for the clams."
ellauri266.html on line 360: Throughout 1993, the role of NATO forces in Bosnia gradually grew. On February 28, 1994, the scope of NATO involvement in Bosnia increased dramatically. In an incident near Banja Luka, NATO fighters operating under Deny Flight shot down four Serb jets. This was the first combat operation in the history of NATO and opened the door for a steadily growing NATO presence in Bosnia. In April, the presence of NATO airpower continued to grow during a Serb attack on Goražde. In response, NATO launched its first close air support mission on April 10, 1994, bombing several Serb targets at the request of UN commanders.
ellauri266.html on line 362: NATO continued its air operations over Bosnia in the first half of 1995. During this period, heroic American pilot Scott O´Grady was shot down over Bosnia by a surface-to-air missile fired by Bosnian Serb soldiers. He was eventually rescued safely, but his downing caused concern in the United States and other NATO countries about NATO air superiority in Bosnia and prompted some calls for more aggressive NATO action to eliminate Serb anti-air capabilities.
ellauri270.html on line 349: Jack Watson’s role continues the examination of family structures and gender roles. Jack earns respect and identity as a man among the villagers by drawing in the lottery. He is referred to as a “good fellow” and “a man” who is looking after his “helpless” mother.
ellauri270.html on line 355: As the reading of names continues, Mrs. Delacroix says to Mrs. Graves that is seems like no time passes between lotteries these days. It seems like they only had the last one a week ago, she continues, even though a year has passed. Mrs. Graves agrees that time flies. Mr. Delacroix is called forward, and Mrs. Delacroix holds her breath. “Dunbar” is called, and as Janey Dunbar walks steadily forward the women say, “go on, Janey,” and “there she goes.”
ellauri270.html on line 365: The conversation between Mr. Adams and Old Man Warner establishes why the lottery is continued in this village, while it has been ended in others: the power of tradition. As the oldest man in the village, Old Man Warner links the lottery to traditional civilization, equating its removal to a breakdown of society and a return to a primitive state. For the villagers, the lottery demonstrates the organization and power of society—that is, a group of people submitting to shared rules in exchange for protection and support. But we see that the lottery also shows the arbitrariness and corruption of many of these social rules.
ellauri270.html on line 381: Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves’s calm continuation of the lottery’s ritual shows that they are numb to the cruelty of the proceedings. Tessie’s protests imply that she doesn’t see the choice of the marked slip of paper as fate or some kind of divine decree, but rather as a human failing. Perhaps she sees, too late, that the lottery is only an arbitrary ritual that continues simply because a group of people have unthinkingly decided to maintain it.
ellauri270.html on line 399: The use of stones also connects the ritual to Biblical punishments of “stoning” people for various sins, which then brings up the idea of the lottery’s victim as a sacrifice. The idea behind most primitive human sacrifices was that something (or someone) must die in order for the crops to grow that year. This village has been established as a farming community, so it seems likely that this was the origin of the lottery. The horrifying part of the story is that the murderous tradition continues even in a seemingly modern, “normal” society. In actual fact, the point is to reduce the number of mouths to feed in times of shortage.
ellauri272.html on line 86: Operation Iraqui Freedom (OIF) offers direct support against communists so as to leur defendre le droit to access smutty information. If you’re able, please consider a donation to OIF to ensure this important work continues. But anyway, here's The 101 most banned and burned books in the U.S. of A! Näissä kaikissa on kyse nuorison korruptoinnista, samasta mistä Sokrates sai sen myrkkytuomion. Näiden kirjojen vika on erilaiset poikkeamat 7th heaven perhekomedian malliperheestä. Isiä ja äitejä tai sukupuolia on liikaa tai liian vähän, kaikki eivät tule ajoissa päivälliselle tai korvaavat terveellisen kotiruuan nestemäisellä ravinnolla tai tabuilla ja nousevat ylös tai menevät sänkyyn liian myöhään tai liian aikaisin tai ovat seisaaltaan, keittiosaarekkeella tai muuten sopimattomilla tavoilla. Juuri niitä aiheita jotka elähdyttävät Netflixin ja muiden suorasoittopalvelinten tarjontaa.
ellauri272.html on line 740: Unlike many others, we have no billionaire owner except you, meaning we can fearlessly chase truth away and report alternative ones instead. 2023 will be no different; we will work with trademark theft and passion fruit to bring you journalism that’s always free from commercial (LOL) or political (commie) interference. No one edits our editor or diverts our attention from what’s most important for The West. With your support, we’ll continue to keep Gilead Guardian journalism open and free for everyone to read. When access to information is made equal, greater numbers of people can understand global events our way and their impact on good people but also communists. Together, we can demand better for the powerful and fight for laissez-faire democracy.
ellauri277.html on line 227: Shortly afterward, Gibran’s mother sent him back to Lebanon to continue his education; she may have been concerned about the influence of his new friends, and Gibran later said that he lost his virginity to an older married woman around this time. Peabody most likely, if not the downstairs neighbor.
ellauri277.html on line 244: In 1923 the financially and emotionally exhausted Haskell moved to Savannah, Georgia, and became the companion of an elderly widower, Colonel Jacob Florence Minis. But her faith in Gibran’s literary and artistic importance never wavered, and she continued to edit his English manuscripts—discreetly, since Minis did not approve of Gibran.
ellauri277.html on line 260: Gibran died on 10 April 1931 of cirrhosis of the liver. He was an alcoholic and had been in poor health since the early 1920s. Gibran’s death set off a series of sordid conflicts that have clouded his reputation. His will left money and real estate to his sister (Marianna Jubran never married and died in Boston in 1972). Breckenridge ja Haskell piippasivat äkäsesti toisilleen mustankipeinä Gibranin kirjallisesta jäämistöstä. Breckenridge´s 1945 biography of Gibran, an adulatory work full of misinformation—much of which may have come from Gibran himself—continues to create confusion even after the publication of several excellent biographies.
ellauri285.html on line 791: Losada´s coauthor, Fredrickson, continues to insist on the measurability of such a ratio, and the existence tipping-points, but has distanced herself from the mathematical portions of the 2005 paper, which were subsequently retracted by the journal; Fredrickson reports that Losada declined to respond to the criticism. Lsada kicked the bucket in 2020.[where?][citation needed].
ellauri299.html on line 173: Shelters are key components of America’s response to homelessness. The unsheltered population has grown yearly since 2015, amounting to a 35 percent increase over a seven-year span. In 2020, The number of people living in poverty in The U.S. of A. increased by approximately 3.3 million people. This trend continued into 2021 when nearly 41.4 million people, or 12.8 percent of the U.S. population, were counted in this group. Certain racial groups have even higher rates of poverty, including Black people (21.8 percent), American Indian and Alaska Native people (21.4 percent), and Hispanics/Latinos (17.5 percent). People living in poverty struggle to afford necessities such as housing, food, and medical care.
ellauri301.html on line 252: Born in Johannesburg to an influential Afrikaner family, de Klerk studied at Potchefstroom University before pursuing a career in law. Joining the NP, to which he had family ties, he was elected to parliament and sat in the white-minority government of P. W. Botha, holding a succession of ministerial posts. As a minister, he supported and enforced apartheid, a system of racial segregation that privileged white South Africans. After Botha resigned in 1989, de Klerk replaced him, first as leader of the NP and then as State President. Although observers expected him to continue Botha´s defence of apartheid, de Klerk decided to end the policy. He was aware that growing ethnic animosity and violence was leading South Africa into a racial civil war.
ellauri301.html on line 256: De Klerk became Deputy President in Mandela´s ANC-led coalition, the Government of National Unity. In this position, he supported the government´s continued liberal economic policies but opposed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission set up to investigate past human rights abuses because he wanted total amnesty for political crimes. His working relationship with Mandela was strained, although he later spoke fondly of him, when the coon finally died 2013. De Clerck ize kuoli viime vuonna eli 2021.
ellauri301.html on line 294: Eugène Ney Terrace Blanche ([ɪə‌ˈʒɛn ˈnɛj tərˈblɑ‌ːʃ], 31 January 1941– 3 April 2010) was an Afrikaner nationalist and white supremacist who founded and led the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB; Afrikaner Resistance Movement in English). Prior to founding the AWB, Terrace Blanche served as a South African Police officer, was unsuccessful as a farmer, and an unsuccessful Herstigte Nasionale Party (Reconstituted National Party) candidate for local office in the Transvaal. He was a major figure in the right-wing backlash against the collapse of apartheid. His beliefs and philosophy have continued to be influential amongst White supremacists in South Africa and across the world.
ellauri302.html on line 465: Eeb Ali, enters, with Yekel. Praised be the Lord! Praised be the Heavenly Father! (Following Yekel, who paces ahout the room.) See how the Almighty, blessed be His Name, has come to your aid? He punishes, — yes. But he sends the remedy before the disease. Despite your having sinned, despite your having uttered blasphemy. (Admonishi7ig him.) From now on see to it that you never speak such words, — that you have reverence, great reverence... Know what a Holy Scroll is, and what a learned Jew is... You must go to the synagogue, and you must make a generous donation to the students of the Law. You must fast in atonement, and the Lord will forgive you. (Pause. Beh Ali looks sternly at Yekel, who has continued to walk about the room, absorbed in his thoughts.) What? Aren't you listening to me? With the aid of the Almighty everything will turn out for the best. I'm going at once to the groom's father and we'll discuss the whole matter in detail. But be sure not to haggle. A hundred roubles more or less, — remember who you are and who he is. And what's more, see to it that you settle the dowry right away and indulge in no idle talk about the wedding. Heaven forbid, — another misfortune might occur!
ellauri321.html on line 103: Among other books there fell into a guy named Hazlitt's hands a little volume of double interest to him by reason of his own early sojourn in America, and in a fitting connection he gave it a word of praise. In the Edinburgh Review for October, 1829, he speaks of it as giving one an idea “how American scenery and manners may be treated with a lively poetic interest. The pictures are sometimes highly colored, but they are vivid and strikingly characteristic.” “The author,” he continues, “gives not only the objects, but the feelings of a new country.” Hazlitt had read the book and had been delighted with it nearly a quarter of a century before he wrote of it, and in the earliest years of the century he had commended it warmly to his friends. In November, 1805, Lamb wrote: “Oh, tell Hazlitt not to forget the American Farmer. I dare say it is not so good as he fancies; but a book's a book.”* And it is this book, which not only gained the sympathies of Hazlitt and Charles Lamb, but also by its idealized treatment of American country life may possibly have stirred, as Professor Moses Coit Tyler thought, the imaginations of Byron and Coleridge.
ellauri321.html on line 139: I bless God for all the good he has given me; I envy no man's prosperity (unlike the greedy wren that stole the quaker swallow's furnishings), and with no other portion of happiness that that I may live to teach the same philosophy to my children; and give each of them a farm, shew them how to cultivate it, and be like their father, good substantial stantial independent American farmers—an appellation which will be the most fortunate one, a man of my class can possess, so long as our civil government continues to shed blessings on our husbandry. Adieu.
ellauri321.html on line 270: I believe that if Putin is allowed to take Ukraine it will embolden him to continue the war and take other countries that have something that he wants. I think the free world must continue to support Ukraine and other countries in precarious situations like South Korea and Taiwan. If the free world doesn’t support them, it will just be a matter of time before they are attacked. If you don’t believe in freedom, move to North Korea, Russia, China or any of the other countries with dictators, kings or a supreme being. Our children´s and grandchildren’s options and futures are at stake.
ellauri324.html on line 279: The US is run by an oligarchy of libertarian fantasists, who have spent so long sucking hallucinogenic bile from the withered teats of Ayn Rand that they have lost all contact with reality. The government is not entirely to blame for the current situation; a lot of the social problems are the result of the narcissistic counter culture that started in the 1960s, but now that these problems are getting worse, the question is, can the government continue to pretend that they don’t exist, or that there is somehow a “free market” solution to mass shootings, drug addiction, and homelessness?
ellauri333.html on line 153: Secondly, in the first rock-edict, section B, he directly prohibits the killing of animals at sacrifices. At the end of the same edict, however, he rather naively confesses that he had not yet been able to carry out fully the 1 abstention from killing animals' which formed part of his moral code, and that three animals were still being killed daily in his kitchen; but he promises that even this slaughter would be discontinued in future. Samansuuntaisia hiilijalanjälkilupauxia tekevät kaikki kauppiaat tänä päivänä.
ellauri336.html on line 388: Shouldn’t a married woman retain her “alluring” hair to continue to be alluring to her husband? Surely it’s the moral responsibility of men to suppress any lust for married women.
ellauri336.html on line 630: In March, the Permian overtook Saudi Arabia’s Ghawar to become the world’s most productive oilfield. While Saudi Arabia’s overall production remains far higher, predictions are that the Permian’s output will continue to grow at a similar rate – doubling by 2023 as pipeline capacity expands and major oil companies increase their presence – the only thing in the way are alarming environmentalists like Greta.
ellauri339.html on line 595: Fast-forward to 2023, and the story is different. Earlier this month NBC News quietly released a report that said U.S. and European officials broached the topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, including “very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal with Russia.” NBC said “the discussions are an acknowledgment of the dynamics militarily on the ground in Ukraine and politically in the U.S. and Europe.” They began amid concerns that the war has reached a stalemate and about the ability to continue providing open-ended aid to Ukraine.
ellauri339.html on line 620: Ukraine, like Israel, owes most of its continued existence to American weaponry. However, despite the blue and yellow splattered on social media at present, Ukraine does not have anywhere near the base of support Israel does among the American public and especially within the American Congress. The terms for resolving the war will be dictated to Kiev as much by Washington as they will be by Moscow, as with Crimea a few years ago. The end will be quite sad; Russia will very likely solidify its hold on Donbas and the Crimea, and achieve new territory to the west approaching Kiev, roughly 20 percent of Ukraine. Ukraine will be forced to set aside its goal of joining NATO even as the U.S. takes a new stand on its western border with Poland.
ellauri346.html on line 281: The West's error is its sluggishness in supplying equipment and weaponry to Kyiv, which General Petraeus believes should be done without restriction. Leopards, Abrams, cluster bombs, ATACMS missiles, nuclear missiles, or F-16 aircraft could have been beneficial for the Ukrainian military in the summer, but their delivery to the front line was late. Should this continue, Ukraine may not emerge successful from this war. Why? Because Russia is defending effectively, and capitalizing on the mistakes of Western capitalist nations, socialising their armour stuck in the rasputina.
ellauri348.html on line 385: Tää on pätkä pituushaasteisen Popen (1717) pitkänläntää arkkiveisua munattomasta Abelardista ja sen Eloisasta bändäristä. Eli it's from a poem about a woman named Eloisa who falls in love with her much older tutor Abelard, but her family forces them apart. Eloisa is forced to become a nun and writes about the grief of being without her star-crossed lover. She tries to forget Abelard, but she cannot and she comes to the conclusion that God cannot heal all wounds (such as the loss of Abelard's balls). She wishes she hated Abelard, but concludes her love for him remains. Despite her knowing about her doom with her love, she still longs for it. Just like Joel and Clem. They have knowledge about their destruction and loathing for each other if they continue with the relationship, but it doesn’t matter to them. It’s "Okay," “ignorance is bliss” by another name!
ellauri349.html on line 561: Since the turn of the century Saarinen's academic lecturing has centered at the Helsinki University of Technology, but he has also continued his business as a coach for Finnish companies and organisations, promoting a doctrine of self-actualization. The book written to commemorate his 60th birthday included contributions from many notable professors like Ilkka Niiniluoto and business tycoons such as Jorma Ollila and Matti Alahuhta.
ellauri353.html on line 281: Mrs. FRIEDMAN attended Reed College and studied economics at the University of Chicago. She was on the staff of the National Research and the bureau. A few. Home Economics. She next joined the staff of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation where she worked until she married Milton and moved to New York. Since then she has continued home economic research on her own publishing. Individually and coauthoring the three works referred to a few moments ago. She was mostly a producer of the P.B.S. T.V. series free to choose. And in one thousand nine hundred six she received an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University. The Milton. And Rose de Friedman Foundation which the Freedman's us. Promotes parental choice. Of the schools. Attend. As I mentioned the title of their most recent book is Two lucky people. I'm being told by my parents. That the harder you work the luckier you get. It is no wonder the Friedan consider themselves lucky. They have worked long hard to make the contributions they have made to each other and to our society. We the members and listen. Well are the lucky ones today. To have them share themselves and their insights with us once again. We welcome. (Milton claps his hands to them.)
ellauri353.html on line 301: Because while children are growing up you have a pool of time God wants to kill bin Laden even less you have something to fall back on. There isn't much left. However I think that the green movement towards the computer and that is really going to solve the woman's problem. Because then women can. Will be able to stay at home and bring up their children. And at the same time not drop out of everything that they would go for and I think it's happening more and more women are staying home just take care of their tour. And at the same time. Are continue. Either their education or there are few that we think of when I am asked about. Or book in advance. When the list...
ellauri353.html on line 305: Shut up Rose, I thought I would use my few remaining 50 minutes here. You forward publishing people would ask me what's it going to be like. And I said well it's a book which is starting out as a love story. And which will end up as a treatise on social and that's largely what happened though it's throughout from beginning to end it really is a love story because Rose and I have really lived a love story we first met. Just exist. Just sixty sixty six years ago. In September. Nineteen thirty two. And from that time to this we have been close. And I trust shall continue to be said though she gives me no guarantees for the future. To talk about one area of social policy. Which we have engaged for many years. And recently made a major move. And that area is schooling elementary and - this is the main thing! educational vouchers. Parental choice of schools. Not to put a too fine point to it, better folks should have freedom to put their kids in better schools. Hooray democracy, fuck equality, like Alexis Tocqueville said, etc. etc. ad nauseam.
ellauri353.html on line 586: 1Filmissä Moineau Rouge (2018) punavakoojatar kääntää takkia. Dominika Egorova est une jeune danseuse étoile au Bolchoï. À fin des comptes, elle décide de rester à Moscou avec sa mère afin de continuer l'entente secrète avec les services secrets américains.
ellauri362.html on line 745: Eventually, sleep intervenes, bringing a temporary respite from the madness. Intoxication fades, and reason gradually returns, but the lingering effects of alcohol continue to haunt the individuals involved. Some remain under its sway, unable to break free from its grip.
ellauri368.html on line 66: Among the Jews of the Slavonic countries "maskil" usually denotes a self-taught Hebrew scholar with an imperfect knowledge of a living language (usually German), who represents the love of learning and the striving for culture awakened by Mendelssohn and his disciples; i.e., an adherent or follower of the Haskalah movement. He is "by force of circumstances detained on the path over which the Jews of western Europe swiftly passed from rabbinical lore to European culture" and to emancipation, and "his strivings and short-comings exemplify the unfulfilled hopes and the disappointments of Russian civilization." The Maskilim are mostly teachers and writers; they taught a part of the young generation of Russian Jewry to read Hebrew and have created the great Neo-Hebrew literature which is the monument of Haskalah. Although Haskalah has now been flourishing in Russia for three generations, the class of Maskilim does not reproduce itself. The Maskilim of each generation are recruited from the ranks of the Orthodox Talmudists, while the children of Maskilim very seldom follow in the footsteps of their fathers. This is probably due to the fact that the Maskil who breaks away from strictly conservative Judaism in Russia, but does not succeed in becoming thoroughly assimilated, finds that his material conditions have not been improved by the change, and, while continuing to cleave to Haskalah for its own sake, he does not permit his children to share his fate. The quarrels between the Maskilim and the Orthodox, especially in the smaller communities, are becoming less frequent. In the last few years the Zionist movement has contributed to bring the Maskilim, who joined it almost to a man, nearer to the other classes of Jews who became interested in that movement. The numerous Maskilim who emigrated to the United States, especially after the great influx of Russian immigrants, generally continued to follow their old vocation of teaching and writing Hebrew, while some contributed to the Yiddish periodicals. Many of those who went thither in their youth entered the learned professions. See Literature, Modern Hebrew. (Source: Jewish Dictionary)
ellauri368.html on line 335: In 1819 he continued his writings against Hasidism by publishing a novel about the subject. In the novel, characters search for the original copy of a recently published anti-Hasidic book. The novel was originally published anonymously.
ellauri370.html on line 108: Jackson was known as a hawkish Democrat. He was often criticized for his support for the Vietnam War and his close ties to the defense industries of his state. His proposal of Fort Lawton as a site for an anti-ballistic missile system was strongly opposed by local residents, and Jackson was forced to modify his position on the location of the site several times, but continued to support ABM development. American Indian rights activists who protested Jackson's plan to give Fort Lawton to Seattle, instead of returning it to local tribes, staged a sit-in. In the eventual compromise, most of Fort Lawton became Discovery Park, with 20 acres (8.1 ha) leased to United Indians of All Tribes, who opened the Daybreak Star Cultural Center there in 1977.
ellauri375.html on line 485: Apologies for the cut-off. Let me continue:
ellauri375.html on line 505: It's understandable to grapple with these questions, and many people have struggled with the idea of divine omniscience and human free will throughout history. Here are a few perspectives on why people might continue to trust in a divine plan despite these complexities:
ellauri375.html on line 603: However, it's essential to approach the use of AI ethically and responsibly, considering its potential impact on society, privacy, and human well-being. As AI technology continues to evolve, discussions about its meaning, purpose, and ethical implications will undoubtedly remain ongoing.
ellauri375.html on line 688: Despite these persecutions, Christianity continued to spread throughout the Roman Empire, eventually becoming the dominant religion in the region.
ellauri378.html on line 224: Resistance continued after German capitulation, until on the 4th September 1945 a small group of German soldiers deployed on Bear Island to man a weather station surrendered to Norwegian seal hunters.
ellauri381.html on line 449: As a result of the Khrushchev Thaw, Solzhenitsyn was released and exonerated. He pursued writing novels about repression in the Soviet Union and his experiences. He published his first novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich in 1962, with approval from Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, which was an account of Stalinist repressions. Actually, it was about a normal day in a labor camp. Following the removal of Khrushchev from power, the Soviet authorities attempted to discourage Solzhenitsyn from writing any more anticommunist crap. He went on anyway, sending the crap to the west. In 1974, Solzhenitsyn was stripped of his Soviet citizenship and flown to West Germany. In 1976, he moved with his family to the United States, where he continued to write. In 1990, shortly before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, his citizenship was restored, and four years later he returned to Russia, where he remained until his death in 2008.
ellauri383.html on line 249: I have been asked to provide my opinion on a request to extend the detention of Mr Ihor Kolomoisky, who has been in custody for six months on suspicion of various economic crimes for the needs of the investigation, without a decision on charges,due to the lack of a sufficient evidentiary basis for such a decision at this time. The investigation is ongoing and Mr Kolomoisky has been in custody for over six months, with no end to his detention in sight in the near future. On the contrary, the prosecution has recently requested at least an additional 6 months (!) to continue the investigation, and no one can predict how long it will last and when it will end. All this time, the prosecution has been insisting that Mr Kolomoisky remain in prison. I'm sorry, but this makes no sense.
ellauri383.html on line 259: "They will take on the responsibility for handling certain issues. For example, Victor [Mr. Pinchuk] will provide 24 families of our captured sailors with apartments and continue solving issues of social assistance for all military personnel. This is our agreement," Zelensky said at a meeting with business representatives in Kyiv on June 20, according to the TV news service TSN.
ellauri391.html on line 180: In 2012 she published her first novel and has worked as a freelance author ever since. She continues to write novels but also writes and creates content for "Totally Not Aliens", a video gaming company. Autorin von dem spielbaren Kinderbuch "Eppi". Felicitas Pommerening, geb. 1982, lebt mit ihrem Mann und ihren drei Kindern in Mainz. Hoppla Sie haben eine Seite gefunden, die leider nicht existiert.
ellauri392.html on line 386: For years and will continue to do so.
ellauri392.html on line 745: Herzog continues to be Bellow’s “biggest book” and it used to be on the New York Times best-seller list for one entire year. At its heart is Bellow’s profound shock at discovering, a year after his separation from Sondra, (Alexandra Tschacbasov, his second wife) her affair with their mutual friend, Jack Ludwig, Bellow lapsed into deep depression and produced an intensely self-justifying hero who was tearful, cuckolded, and utterly humiliated. Moses Herzog, a Jewish intellectual type is essentially precipitated into intellectual and spiritual crisis by the failure of his marriage. The plot of the novel is slender. Herzog leaves his home and marriage, fails in the classroom, abandons his academic project, and undertakes a mas-sive spiritual and intellectual obligation to keep the letters for God. At the end of it, he seems to have regained his sense of Jewish identity, purged himself of violent anger, abandoned his latest mistresses, and repented for his dandy style. He has had a profound education in the realities of human nature, and rediscovered the value of nature and solitude on his lushy Ludeyville estate.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 307: If you want to be a self-development seminar and motivate people, then be a self-development seminar and motivate people. If you want to be a formal institute and have serious effects on policy and academia, then do that. Don’t half-ass both and muddy them with gratuitous talks and performances. The irony in all of this was that Wilber’s integral framework applied to organizations and business and should have accounted for these branding issues, but didn’t. The ironies would soon continue to mount.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 908: Passé vingt-deux ans, il abat directement avec sa machine à écrire deux écrits de genre populaire par semaine à raison de huit heures et quatre-vingts pages par jour. À la maturité, commençant toujours à partir de 4 heures du matin, il avoue rédiger vingt pages fermes par d'intenses matinées et écrire invariablement un roman en onze journées, nécessairement continues.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 917: Pendant toute la guerre, entre 1940 et 1945, Simenon continue à vivre en Vendée et en Charente-Maritime, mais cette période, assez mal connue, est sujette à de multiples soupcons. Représentant de l'État belge auprès des Belges réfugiés, il refuse d'aider ceux d'entre eux qui sont juifs. Non seulement son frère fut volontaire auprès de la Waffen-SS Wallonie, mais de plus, selon certaines personnes, lors de cette période cruciale de sa vie et de son œuvre, l'écrivain aurait été un collaborateur, ou doucement dit, un peu "lâche". Il n'est pas revenu en Belgique, afin d'échapper au service militaire), un peu rusé et opportuniste, sans aucun sens de l'histoire avec un grand H. Il a commis d'« énormes imprudences » en écrivant dans des journaux contrôlés par les Allemands, mais Simenon ne dénonce pas, ne s'engage pas, ne fait pas de politique, seulement de la fiction. En fait, les accords qu'il a passés avec la firme cinématographique allemande Continental lui valent quelques tracas à la Libération. En 1944, une dépêche de l'AFP, retrouvée à Poitiers, mentionne sa dénonciation pour « intelligence avec l'ennemi » par « certains villageois vendéens exaspérés par la conduite égoïste de cet écrivain affichant l'opulence de son train de vie, à l'époque des tickets d'alimentation. »
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 121: During the trip, Borat acquires a Baywatch booklet and continues gathering footage for his documentary. He meets gay pride parade participants, politicians Alan Keyes and Bob Barr, and African-American youths. Borat is also interviewed on a local television station and proceeds to disrupt the weather report. Visiting a rodeo, Borat excites the crowd with jingoistic remarks, but then sings a fictional Kazakhstani national anthem to the tune of "The Star-Spangled Banner", receiving a strong negative reaction.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 155: Borat is shocked to find he will not be executed as he had instead been used as retaliation by Nazarbayev for making Kazakhstan a laughingstock. Before departing for the United States, Kazakhstan officials infected Borat with SARS-CoV-2 via an injection of "gypsy tears", making him patient zero of the COVID-19 pandemic. As he was sent around the world, he continued to spread the virus. Borat records Nazarbayev's admission and sends it to Brian, the man who sold him his phone.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 157: In the interwar years, Shestov continued to develop into a thinker of great prominence. During this time he had become totally immersed in the study of such "great theologians" as Blaise Pascal and Plotinus, whilst at the same time lecturing at the Sorbonne in 1925. In 1926 he was introduced to Edmund Husserl, with whom he maintained a cordial relationship despite radical differences in their philosophical outlook. In 1929, during a return to Freiburg he met with Nazi Heidegger, and was urged to study Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 159: The discovery of Kierkegaard prompted Shestov to realise that his philosophy shared great similarities, such as his rejection of idealism, and his belief that man can gain ultimate knowledge through ungrounded subjective thought rather than objective reason and verifiability. However, Shestov maintained that Kierkegaard did not pursue this line of thought far enough, and continued where he thought the Dane left off.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 168: Despite his weakening condition Shestov continued to write at a quick pace, and finally completed his magnum opus, Athens and Jerusalem. This work examines the dichotomy between freedom and reason, and argues that reason be rejected in the discipline of philosophy. Furthermore, it adumbrates the means by which the scientific method has made philosophy and science irreconcilable, since science concerns itself with empirical observation, whereas (so Shestov argues) philosophy must be concerned with freedom, God and immortality, issues that cannot be solved by science.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 309: Unlike his Seelenbrüder Stefan George and Alfred Schwuler, he was not gay, but rather serious. When Klages moved into a new Schwabing flat in 1895, he entered into an intense sexual relationship with his landlady's daughter, with the mother's approval; the daughter, whom Klages called 'Putti', was eleven years younger than him, and their relationship continued for almost two decades though remained only sexual in nature. Klages, like Friedrich Nietzsche, was critical of Christianity as well as what they both saw as its roots in Judaism. His attacks on judaism were veiled criticism of christianity, rather like Seija's attacks on the rest of the Carlson family.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 469: “Reading D.T. Max’s bio I continue to find David Foster Wallace the most tedious, overrated, tortured, pretentious writer of my generation,” Ellis tweeted. “David Foster Wallace was so needy, so conservative, so in need of fans – that I find the halo of sentimentality surrounding him embarrassing.” In several more tweets, he continued, “DFW is the best example of a contemporary male writer lusting for a kind of awful greatness that he simply wasn’t able to achieve. A fraud.”
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 479: “They mouth, off, in the process,” she continues, “making themselves look ridiculous and just a tad obsessed with their targets.”
xxx/ellauri076.html on line 222: Lyrics continue below Sanat jatkuvat alempana
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 96: We use cookies. Our cookies are delicious. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. (Last Privacy Policy Update July 2020) Dismiss Privacy policy
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 299: n 2016, Peterson had a severe depression and was prescribed clonazepam. In late 2016, he went on a strict diet consisting only of meat and some vegetables, in an attempt to control his severe depression and the effects of an autoimmune disorder including psoriasis and uveitis. In mid-2018, he stopped eating vegetables at all, and continued eating only beef (carnivore diet).
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 329: And here’s an even better question than the first one: Why would the idea continue to have so much currency despite having absolutely no demonstrable basis for belief? And the great Upton Sinclair gave us the answer to that one: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it.”
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 446: That is NOT cash somehow spared from today’s taxes and diverted out of anyone’s income today. It IS cash taken out of bank accounts and passive investments TODAY, in multiples many times larger than the tax reductions involved, and invested TODAY in ways that get away with jobs and higher levels of economic gain in the FUTURE; money that would have continued to sit idle and unproductive without the incentive based tax policies.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 623: A month later, the prefect returns, still unsuccessful in his search. He is motivated to continue his fruitless search by the promise of a large reward, recently doubled, upon the letter's safe return, and he will pay 50,000 francs to anyone who can help him. Dupin asks him to write that check now and he will give him the letter. The prefect is astonished, but knows that Dupin is not joking. He writes the check, and Dupin produces the letter. The prefect determines that it is genuine and races to deliver it to the queen.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 482: We know travel plans are impacted right now. But to fulfill your wanderlust, we'll continue to share stories that can inspire your next
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 782: Practical work alone, however, did not exhaust the aspirations that gripped Emily Balch. She felt the need both to acquire knowledge and to pass it on to others if she was to achieve more. And so she continued her studies, first in Paris under Levasseur1, the historian of the French working class, and later in Berlin where she studied that branch of economics which has been called a «professor-chair socialism»2. Here she also came in contact with the European labor movement and attended the Socialist Trade Union Congress in 1896.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 819: John Raleigh Mott is an American like Emily Greene Balch, with whom he shares this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. He was born in Sullivan County in the state of New York on May 25, 1865. It was assumed that he would follow in the footsteps of his father, a timber merchant engaged in transporting timber on the tributaries of the Delaware River. But he was an avid reader, and the town’s Methodist minister persuaded his parents to allow him to continue his studies. For a long time the boy did not know what he wanted to be. His father hoped that he would return to the timber trade, while he himself vacillated between the church, law, and politics. But during his years of study he was stirred by the Gospel of Christ to mankind, and when the Y.M.C.A. asked him to become a traveling secretary among the students of American and Canadian universities he interpreted the offer as a call from the Lord. He answered the call. It did not take him back to the Delaware River. It sent him out into the wide world and it has brought him here today.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 349: The kind of disrespect for others infused in Lionel Shriver’s keynote is the same force that sees people vote for Pauline Hanson. It’s the reason our First Peoples are still fighting for recognition, and it’s the reason we continue to stomach offshore immigration prisons. It’s the kind of attitude that lays the foundation for prejudice, for hate, for genocide.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 353: A Maxine Beneba Clarke, who opened the Melbourne Writers’ Festival by challenging us to learn how to talk about race in a way that was melodic and powerful. A Stan Grant, who will ask us why we continue to allow our First People’s to wallow in inhumane conditions. An A.C. Grayling, if you really want the international flavour. Anyone who will ask us to be better, not demand we be OK with worse.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 533: Frank and Kathie Lee Gifford raised the money to build and continued to financially support two shelters in New York City for babies born with HIV, or a congenital crack cocaine addiction. These shelters were named in honor of her children, Cody (HIV) and Cassidy (crack cocaine).
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 554: Since then, the company has only continued to grow, helped on in part by a series of clever ad campaigns, most famously the 1988 "Just Do It" ad campaign (apparently inspired by the last words of American murderer Gary Gilmore before the firing squad, "Let´s do it.")
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 919: Set in Italy during World War II, bombardier Yossarian is a hero under attack. As his army continues to increase, Yossarian finds himself in a bind.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 571: It didn’t matter that the list was arbitrary. What mattered was that it sent me on a path where I would look for rules and principles everywhere, learn to tell the difference, and continue to build my life around them as I went. Like never pee against the wind.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 575: Today, what I’m most interested in is neither principles nor rules, but what lives in-between. That’s one of the many lessons I learned along the way: Each rule may have a lifecycle, but that cycle can repeat many times in one life. So if a rule somehow keeps reappearing, keeps proving itself as useful, and continues to hurt if I break it, that rule catches my attention.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 760: In 1947, Vladi moves to Ramsdale, a small town in New England, where he can calmly continue working on his book. The house that he intends to live in is destroyed in a fire, and in his search for a new home, he meets the widow Charlotte Haze, who is accepting tenants. Humbert visits Charlotte´s residence out of politeness and initially intends to decline her offer. However, Charlotte leads Humbert to her garden, where her 12-year-old daughter Dolores (also variably known as Dolly, Dolita, Lo, Lola, and Lolita) is sunbathing. Humbert sees in Dolores the perfect nymphet, the embodiment of his old love Annabel, and quickly decides to move in.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1154: Remu was born in Nogent-le-Rotrou. A nobleman (under the tutelage of the Lorraine family), he did his studies under Marc Antoine Muret and George Buchanan. As a student, he became friends with the young poets Jean de La Péruse, Étienne Jodelle, Jean de La Taille and Pierre de Ronsard and the latter incorporated Remy into the "La Pléiade", a group of revolutionary young poets. Belleau´s first published poems were odes, les Petites Inventions (1556), inspired by the ancient lyric Greek collection attributed to Anacreon and featuring poems of praise for such things as butterflies, oysters, cherries, coral, shadows, turtles, and twats. His last work, les Amours et nouveaux Eschanges des Pierres precieuses (1576), is a poetic description of gems and their properties inspired by medieval and renaissance lapidary catalogues. He died impotent in Paris on 6 March 1577, and was buried in Grands Augustins. Remy Belleau was greatly admired by impotent poets in the twentieth century, such as Francis Ponge. Francis Ponge (1899 Montpellier, Ranska – 1988 Le Bar-sur-Loup, Ranska) oli ranskalainen runoilija. Ponge työskenteli kirjailijanuransa ohella toimittajana, kustannustoimittajana ja ranskan kielen opettajana. Hän osallistui toisen maailmansodan aikana vastarintaliikkeeseen ja kuului vuosina 1937–1947 kommunistipuolueeseen. Hän sai vaikutteita eksistentialismista, ja esinerunoissaan hän paljastaa kielen avulla objektin itsenäisenä, omanlakisena maailmana. Francis Ponge was born in Montpellier, France in 1899. He has been called “the poet of things” because simple objects like a plant, a shell, a cigarette, a pebble, or a piece of soap are the subjects of his prose poems. To transmute commonplace objects by a process of replacing inattention with contemplation was Ponge’s way of heeding Ezra Pound’s edict: ‘Make it new.’ Ponge spent the last 30 years of his life as a recluse at his country home, Mas des Vergers. He suffered from frequent bouts with nervous exhaustion and numerous psychosomatic illnesses. He continued to write up until his death on August 6, 1988.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 450: cartoon” and yet continued his analysis with him for years.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 508: continue his good work in the cause of morality by cautioning you
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 774: On July 23, 1989, Love married Leaving Trains vocalist James Moreland in Las Vegas; the marriage was annulled the same year. She later said that Moreland was a transvestite and that they had married "as a joke". After forming Hole, Love and Erlandson had a romantic relationship that lasted over a year. In Hole's formative stages, Love continued to work at strip clubs in Hollywood (including Jumbo's Clown Room and the Seventh Veil), saving money to purchase backline equipment and a touring van, while rehearsing at a Hollywood studio loaned to her by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Hole played their first show in November 1989 at Raji's, a rock club in central Hollywood. Their debut single, "Retard Girl", was issued in April 1990 through the Long Beach indie label Sympathy for the Record Industry, and was played by Rodney Bingenheimer on local rock station KROQ. Hole appeared on the cover of Flipside, a Los Angeles-based punk fanzine. In early 1991, they eleased their second single, "Dicknail", through Sub Pop Records.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 175: It should not come to one’s mind that in the days of the Messiah anything in the customary order of the world will be annulled, or that there will be something new in the order of Creation. For the world will continue in its path. And that which Isaiah said, the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid (Isa. 11:6), is but an allegory and a riddle. The true meaning of it is that Israel will dwell in safety with the wicked of the idolaters who are likened to a wolf and a leopard….And all of them will return to faith of truth, and they will neither rob nor despoil, but will eat the things which are permitted, in pleasure, together with Israel, as it is written, The lion shall eat straw like the ox (Isa. 11:7). And likewise, all the similar things said about the Messiah are but allegories. And in the days of the Messiah it will become known to everybody what thing the allegory signified and to what thing it alluded.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 215: Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and separated the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. 2 Kings 2:11
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 483: Madrid, Spain. “Día mundial de la Filosofía” by Más Filosofía. Despite the exceptional situation in which we find ourselves and the restrictions that this entails in terms of the possibility of carrying out large-scale face-to-face events, Más Filosofía has decided to continue with our project, one more year, to celebrate World Philosophy Day. In this edition we will try to carry out both online and face-to-face activities (as long as the restrictions allow it). What about, we have not the foggiest as yet.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 340: The Hamiltons moved into William Beckford's mansion at 22 Grosvenor Square, and Nelson and Fanny took an expensive furnished house at 17 Dover Street, a comfortable walking distance away, until December, when Sir William rented a home at 23 Piccadilly, opposite Green Park. On 1 January, Nelson's promotion to vice admiral was confirmed and he prepared to go to sea on the same night. Infuriated by Fanny's handing him an ultimatum to choose between her and his mistress, Nelson chose Emma and decided to take steps to formalise separation from his wife. He never saw her again, after being hustled out of town by an agent. While he was at sea, Nelson and Emma exchanged many letters, using a secret code to discuss Emma's condition. Emma kept her first daughter Emma Carew's existence a secret from Nelson, while Sir William continued to provide for her.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 344: Soon after this, the Prince of Wales (later King George IV) became infatuated with Emma, leading Nelson to be consumed by jealousy, and inspiring a remarkable letter by Sir William to Nelson, assuring him that she was being faithful. In late February, Nelson returned to London and met his daughter at Mrs Gibson's. Nelson's family were aware of the pregnancy, and his clergyman brother Rev. William Nelson wrote to Emma praising her virtue and goodness. Nelson and Emma continued to write letters to each other when he was away at sea, and she kept every one. While he was away too, she arranged for her mother to visit the Kidds in Hawarden and her daughter in Manchester.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 354: Nelson had been offered the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Fleet, and they rushed to have Horatia christened at Marylebone Parish Church before he left. On her baptism record, her name was recorded as Horatia Nelson Thompson, and her date of birth falsely recorded as 29 October 1800 in order to continue the pretence that she had been born in Naples and was godchild of Emma and Nelson, according to Kate Williams and based on an unpublished letter; however the only publicly available transcription of the record shows 29 October 1801. Nelson later wrote a letter explaining that the child was an orphan "left to his care and protection" in Naples.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 360: Emma received several marriage proposals during 1804, all wealthy men, but she was still in love with Nelson and believed that he would become wealthy with prize money and leave her rich in his will, and she refused them all. She continued to entertain and help Nelson's relatives, especially William and Sarah's "obstreperous son Horace" and their daughter Charlotte, who was referred to as Emma's "foster daughter" in a letter. Nelson urged her to keep Horatia at Merton, and when his return seemed imminent in 1804, Emma ran up bills on furnishing and decorating Merton. Five-year-old Horatia came to live at Merton in May 1805. There were also reports that she holidayed with Emma Carew.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 378: She moved from Clarges Street to a cheaper home at 136 Bond Street, but could not bring herself to relinquish Merton. Her brother, William, blackmailed her into giving him money, and Mrs Cadogan's sister's family, the Connors, were also expecting handouts. Emma Carew came for a short summer visit in late June 1806, at which point Sir Harry Fetherstonhaugh sent £500 for the benefit of mother and daughter. Emma hosted and employed James Harrison for 6 months to write a two-volume Life of Nelson, which made it clear that Horatia was his child. She continued to entertain at Merton, including the Prince of Wales and the Dukes of Sussex and Clarence, but no favours were returned by the royals.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 380: Within three years, Emma was more than £15,000 in debt. In June 1808, Merton failed to sell at auction. She was not completely without friends; her neighbours had rallied, and Sir John Perring hosted a group of influential financiers to help organise her finances and sell Merton. It was eventually sold in April 1809. However, her lavish spending continued, and a combination of this and the steady depletion of funds due to people fleecing her meant that she remained in debt, although unbeknownst to most people. Her mother, Mrs Cadogan, died in January 1810. For most of 1811 and 1812 she was in a virtual debtors' prison, and in December 1812 either chose to commit herself (her name does not appear in the record books) or was sentenced to a prison sentence at the King's Bench Prison in Southwark, although she was not kept in a cell but allowed to live in rooms nearby with Horatia, as per the system whereby genteel prisoners could buy the rights to live "within the Rules", a three-square-mile area around the prison.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 382: In early 1813 she petitioned the Prince of Wales, the government and friends, but all of her requests failed and she was obliged to auction off many of her possessions, including many Nelson relics, at low prices. However she continued to borrow money to keep up appearances. Public opinion turned against her after the Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton were published in April 1814.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 381: In general, New Year festivals start in the spring, when Nature appears to reawaken after a dormant winter. Why is the Jewish New Year celebrated in the autumn? The Torah says quite clearly that the first month of the year shall be in the spring (Exod. 12:2), which means Nisan, though it was originally called “Aviv,” or Spring (Deut. 16:1). This follows the Babylonian calendar, which started with the month of Nisannu and continued with 10 days of New Year rituals. So what the heck?
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 464: May the Supreme Ruler of all Things continue You long with us in these perilous Times: may he endow you with Strength and Wisdom to save our Country in the threatening Storms and gathering Clouds of Factions and Commotions! and after you have completed his Work on this terrene Spot, may He bring you to the full Possession of the glorious Liberty of the Children of God, is the hearty and most sincere Wish of Your Excellency’s very humble and devoted Servant
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 78: Commitment to U.S. strength, such that it can lead the world toward rule of law, rather than use of force. The Gulf crisis was seen as a reminder that the U.S. must continue to lead and that military strength does matter, but that the resulting new world order should make military force less important in the future.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 69: Furthermore, Pseudo-Cooper continues that the evidence suggests that Idomeneus invented the more salacious version of the story, possibly in his desire to parody and ridicule the courtroom displays of Athenian demagogues. Considering his preference for attributing sexual excess to these demagogues, the provocative act of disrobing Phryne fits the character Hypereides had acquired in Idomeneus' work. As is not uncommon in the biographical tradition, later biographers failed to notice that earlier biographers did not give an accurate representation of events. The later biographer Hermippus incorporated the account of Idomeneus in his own biography. An extract from Hermippus' biography is preserved in the work of Athenaeus and Pseudo-Plutarch.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 631: At the end of 1876, James moved to London. So far as we know, Zhukovski faded into the distance. James published seven books during the next three years and became a celebrity in London society. But Novick continues to allude to Zhukovski as if the relationship were of paramount importance to James. Only one letter from the Russian, written in 1879, survives. Zhukovski is in Italy and invites James to join him at the Villa Postiglione, his pension, at Posilipo, near Naples. While in Rome, James reserves a room in the pension for five days.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 239: Cuneiform evidence from Babylon proves that Cyrus died around December 530 BC, and that his son Cambyses II had become king. Cambyses continued his father's policy of expansion, and captured Egypt for the Empire, but soon died after only seven years of rule. He was succeeded either by Cyrus's other son Bardiya or an impostor posing as Bardiya, who became the sole ruler of Persia for seven months, until he was justifiably killed by Darius the Great.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 286: Jerome's Against Helvidius (c. 383) paved the way for aspects of future Josephite devotion with his assertion that Joseph was always a virgin. Poor guy. The earliest record of a formal devotional following for Joseph in the Western Church is in the abridged Martyrology of Rheinau in Northern France, which dates to the year 800. References to Joseph as nutritor Domini ("educator/guardian of the Lord") from the 9th to the 14th centuries continued to increase as Mariology developed, and by the 12th century, along with greater devotion to Mary, the writings of the Benedictine monks began to foster a following for Joseph and they inserted his name in their liturgical calendars and their martyrology.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 166: Sipo John Motshwele on Thursday cried bitterly in the witness stand asking the court and the family of his girlfriend to forgive him. Story continues below Advertisment.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 170: Motshwele admitted he had shot her. “I shot her while she was sleeping and she never woke up.” Story continues below Advertisment.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 219: Similarly, crimes of passion legislation made reference to fathers killing their daughters, but not sons, for premarital sex (such as Italy's law that was in effect until 1981); or Philippines's law that continues to be in effect to this day.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 600: Well, first of all, everything can be exaggerated, so calm down a little, Karl Ragnar Gierow. But also there’s a tone here that doesn’t sit well with me. Certainly the literary world has a tendency to calcify—the people who have enough time to write books tend to be from the ­upper classes, so literature’s concerns and perspectives invariably get narrow without new blood. But those sidebar reassurances that working-class poets aren’t here to ravage and plunder seem nervous and uptight, and not really reassuring to boot. It seems to me that we want a little ravagement and plunder in our literary traditions. Why else would we welcome a stirring new voice, if it didn’t stir us up a little? And if it doesn’t stir us up, is it really a new voice, even if it comes from a place most of us haven’t visited? “To determine an author and his work against the background of his social origin and political environment is, at present, good form,” the speech continues, and that’s OK as far as it goes. But if you’re going to decide that two authors are tied for literary merit, surely we can find some criterion besides their socioeconomic origin stories.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 726: What about human rights of murderers, rapists and child molesters? GBV is the way to go. Publicly shaming offenders guilty of child abuse would be shameful. Heavy fines don’t do that, prison sentences are no punishment for many — free board and lodging for a while and then back home to continue your life of violence and abuse. Alex suggests the pillory. You may laugh. It’s a comical medieval form of punishment. But think about it.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 732: Capital Punishment was abolished in South Africa on June 6, 1995, by a ruling of the Constitutional Court. ANC MP Nxola Nqola added that the matter of the death penalty had been in the public discussion for quite some time, in relation to the rise of gender-based violence (GBV). Story continues below the bra advertisment.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 735: Since, South Africa has a history of bloodshed, the restoration of the death penalty has been used as a reactionary response to a movement by people of South Africa. He expressed doubt and dissent that the reinstitution of the death penalty would be in line with the spirit of the Constitution. Story continues below the rope advertisment.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 747: Alarmingly, only 90 countries retain the death penalty in their legislation. As a result of the continued use of capital punishment in several countries, it is estimated that just 690 people were executed in 2018. It´s just a drop in the ocean. In terms of alternatives proposed, the report said other common non-custodial sanctions include flogging by a probation officer, electrocution, house arrest, verbal sanctions, economic sanctions and monetary penalties, confiscation of property, restitution to a victim, participation in rehabilitation programmes and community service orders. None of this really works.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 806: Judge Dennis Davis (1990) said that “allegations of racial bias in sentencing practices in capital cases have been made, most prominently by the late Prof. Barend van Niekerk, whose research suggested that black defendants stand a greater chance than white defendants of receiving the death penalty, particularly when the victim is white”. Davis continued by saying that although Prof. van Niekerk “has been criticized for being unscientific, differences in capital sentences between the races continue to exist and are difficult to explain”.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 814: Van der Westhuizen continues to say that murders in South Africa are not racially motivated, as some (many?) people believe. Farm and house murders are sometimes horribly cruel but according to him he has never encountered a clear racial motive in court. For him, murderers kill mostly out of greed, jealousy, passion, and during gang wars. Also because of poverty and the despondency and drunkenness that accompany it, but not because of racial hatred. The whiteys just happen to have more of the wherewithal. From 1990 to 2017 there were 1938 murders on farms (of which 137 were farm workers). Of the victims, 88% were white and 12% black.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 412: Unfortunately, if a person does decide to send money, it will soon be followed up with a request for more. According to the subsequent emails sent by the scammer, unexpected costs are often discovered, such as increased taxes or bribes to officials. The scammers will continue to ask for money as long as the victim will send it. Needless to say, there will never be any kind of payout sent to the victim, regardless of how much they send.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1057: Tablet I continues with legends about overpopulation and plagues, mentioning Atra-Hasis only at the end. Tablet II begins with more human overpopulation. To reduce this population, Enlil sends famine and drought at formulaic intervals of 1200 years. Accordingly, in this epic, Enlil is depicted as a cruel, capricious god, while Enki is depicted as kind and helpful, perhaps because priests of Enki were writing and copying the story. Enki can be seen to have parallels to Prometheus, in that he is seen as man's benefactor and defies the orders of the other gods when their intentions are malicious towards humans. Tablet II remains mostly damaged, but it ends with Enlil's decision to destroy humankind with a flood, with Enki bound by oath to keep this plan secret.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 112: He believes the US can still successfully fight the wars of yesteryear — World War-style conflicts — but hasn’t yet mastered how to win wars against insurgents, which are smaller fights against groups within countries. The problem is the US continues to involve itself in those kinds of fights.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 366: The exhumation reportedly took place in the presence of a doctor, a priest and the local sheriff, Ólafur Helgi Kjartansson. Fischer was reburied after DNA samples were taken, at least according to Kjartansson. I bet they just left it lying there for the seagulls. Fischer died in Iceland in 2008, aged 64. He left no will and legal wrangling over his estate continues. This article is over 12 years old. The girl is over 21 years old by now.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 449: The 1968 strike continued for nine days until Feb. 10, despite the media demonization of the union. The New York Times wrote on Feb. 9: “The runaway strike by the city’s unionized garbage collectors is the latest miscarriage of civil service unionism that relies on the illegal application of force to club the community into extortionate wage settlements. … Mayor Lindsay has taken the right and necessary course in moving for an injunction under the state’s new Taylor Law. The city cannot surrender to such tyrannical abuse of union power.”
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 483: Today, in the face of these attacks, the 1968 NYC sanitation workers’ strike continues to be a spark for labor unity and class struggle.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 137: David Walsh of World Socialist Web Site wrote: "The 'hope' now Moore expresses near the conclusion of the work that we might 'get rid of the whole rotten system that gave us Donald Trump' is empty and meaningless, in so far as he continues to support one of the principal props of that rotten system, the Democratic Party. Whatever occasional insights and striking imagery it might offer, Fahrenheit 11/9 is false and dishonest at its core."
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 306: Always Coming Home, set in California in the distant future, examines a warlike society, resembling contemporary American society, from the perspective of the Kesh, its pacifist neighbors. The society of the Kesh has been identified by scholars as a feminist utopia, which Le Guin uses to explore the role of technology. Scholar Warren Rochelle stated that it was "neither a matriarchy nor a patriarchy: men and women just are". Ich bin nur. "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas", a parable depicting a society in which widespread wealth, happiness, and security, comes at the cost of the continued misery of a single child, has also been read as a critique of contemporary American society. The Word for World is Forest explored the manner in which the structure of society affects the natural environment; in the novel, the natives of the planet of Athshe have adapted their way of life to the ecology of the planet. The colonizing human society, in contrast, is depicted as destructive and uncaring; in depicting it, Le Guin also critiqued colonialism and imperialism, driven partly by her disapproval for U.S. intervention in the Vietnam War.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 378: Ultimately Bloom cannot change into anything other than who he has always been—masterful and monstrous. He seems to sense he has moved out of favor in many circles but chooses not to dwell upon why. Instead, he continues as he always has: writing and teaching his handpicked “elite” students at Yale—part of the unique arrangement he has made with the university. He has led a long, cloistered, and entitled life. The aloneness he described as a child seems to have shrouded his adult life as well. I wonder if he questions this aloneness in his darkest moments. I would guess that he does not dwell too deeply upon it, perhaps afraid of answers he doesn’t wish to confront.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 406: Crane visited Mexico in 1931–32 on a Guggenheim Fellowship (Sillä oli Guggenheim, kuten sillä etovalla perhostennappaajalla Yellowstonessa. Inkkarit luulivat sitä varmaan joxikin sukupuolitaudixi), and his drinking continued as he suffered from bouts of alternating depression and elation. When Peggy Cowley, wife of his friend Malcolm Cowley, agreed to a divorce, she joined Crane. As far as is known, she was his only heterosexual partner. "The Broken Tower", one of his last published poems, emerged from that affair. Crane still felt himself a failure, in part because he recommenced his homosexual activities in spite of his relationship with Cowley.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 422: And so I stumble. And the rain continues on the roof
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 47: Nimettömäxi jäävän kääntäjän loppuhuomautusten perusteella Stan ei ollut hullumpi kaveri. "Much to the discomfort of his critics, and to the disappointment of many of his fans, who have pleaded, "Write us more things like Solaris", Lem is not content to repeat his previous successes: he continues to follow his own difficult drummer. The Star Diaries offers only one example of this stubborn and ever restless individuality. The name "Tichy" suggests in Polish the word 'quiet', which some may find in keeping with the narrator's character.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 77: The Method to Science, Book 1 now available! I have now made the entire text of John Sergeant's The Method to Science, Book I, available online! Rather than continue to make each less available piecemeal, which I can do later (it is rather tedious to reformat and tailor everything to HTML), the entire text is now available as a PDF. It can be downloaded here: https://jonathanvajda.com/the-method-to-science/ I intend to create the next layer (updating spelling, such as ‘meerly’ -> ‘merely’, ‘compleat’ -> ‘complete’) after I finish the remaining books. There is so much to say by way of commentary. Much of what he offers is a fairly clear and straightforward case …
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 337: As a teenager he was influenced by the Mersey Poets, including Adrian Henri, Roger McGough and Brian Patten. As a result, he had a troubled childhood before in his early 20s attending the Self Heal Association, a psychotherapeutic centre in Devon. He later became a helper at the centre and continues to speak and perform at mental health conferences.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 264: The This is fine meme comes from a webcomic called Gunshow, by KC Green. In the first two panels of strip 648, a character known as Question Hound sits in a burning house, sipping coffee and saying, “This is fine.” As he continues to reassure himself over the course of the six-panel comic, he also begins to melt due to the heat. The particular comic strip was published on January 9, 2013 (i.e soon a decade ago) and is alternatively titled “Global warming.” The alternative text on the image says, “The pills are working,” which is used as its title, as well.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 280: While at the college, Koo once rode a bicycle down the streets of Shanghai into the International Settlement and followed an English boy also riding a bicycle onto the sidewalk, where an Indian policeman allowed the English boy to continue while stopping Koo to give him a fine for riding his bicycle on the sidewalk. Koo was shocked to discover that owing to extraterritoriality, the laws and rules that applied to Chinese in China did not apply to British subjects-in this instance laws prohibiting riding a bicycle on the sidewalk - and that a foreign policeman had power over the Chinese police. Koo was left with a lifelong desire to end the status of extraterritoriality that had been imposed by the 19th century "unequal treaties".
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 391: According to Legend he had committed the Tanakh to memory by the age of four, and aged seven he was taught Talmud by Moses Margalit, future rabbi of Kėdainiai and the author of a commentary to the Jerusalem Talmud, entitled Pnei Moshe ("The Face of Moses"). He possessed an eidetic memory, just like Stieg Larsson's heroine Lisbet. By eight, he was studying astronomy during his free time. From the age of ten he continued his studies without the aid of a teacher, and by the age of eleven he had committed the entire Talmud to memory.
xxx/ellauri233.html on line 412: Until the age of 12, he studied under Issachar Ber in Lyubavichi (Lubavitch); he distinguished himself as a Talmudist, such that his teacher sent him back home, informing his father that the boy could continue his studies without the aid of a teacher. At the age of 12, he delivered a discourse concerning the complicated laws of Kiddush Hachodesh, to which the people of the town granted him the title "Rav". The misnagdim, on the other hand, dubbed him "Rebbe Schlemiel".
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 505: Hi Jack, I read your article and feel your pain. My daughter developed depression in her early teens and it continued for many years, with 10 pathetic suicide attempts. She couldn't even find her arse, let alone her arteries. We tried everything doctors and therapists prescribed, with not much help. It was exhausting and discouraging. Then, miraculously, the depression seemed to “lift". Almost like she grew out of it. Sadly since then she was diagnosed with cancer and is unable to have children now. More recently her fiance was killed in a motor cycle accident. Neither of those things set her back, it's like the depression never existed. Hang in there Jack! A lucky car or bike accident may solve everything yet!
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 450: The popularity of the Hornblower series, built around a central character who was heroic but not too heroic, has continued to grow over time. It is perhaps rivalled only by the much later Aubrey–Maturin series of seafaring novels by Patrick O'Brian (n.h.). Both Hornblower and Aubrey are based in part on the historical Admiral Lord Dunder Fart of Great Britain (known as Lord Cochrane during the period when the novels are set).
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 569: He continues to be a largely unread, even if much admired poet. Pindar is the first Greek poet whose works reflect extensively on the nature of poetry and on the poet's role.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 138: One longstanding suggestion of a social role for Sappho is that of "Sappho as schoolmistress". At the beginning of the twentieth century, the German classicist Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff posited that Sappho was a sort of schoolteacher, to "explain away Sappho´s passion for her ´girls´" and defend her from accusations of homosexuality. The view continues to be influential, both among scholars and the general public, though more recently the idea has been criticised by historians as anachronistic and has been rejected by several prominent classicists as unjustified by the evidence. In 1959, Denys Page, for example, stated that Sappho´s extant fragments portray "the loves and jealousies, the pleasures and pains, of Sappho and her companions"; and he adds, "We have found, and shall find, no trace of any formal or official or professional relationship between them... no trace of Sappho the principal of an academy." Toisin kuin Ailin kohalla, hehe.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 567: 1947 kehrte Bukowski nach Los Angeles zurück und lernte die zehn Jahre ältere Jane Cooney Baker (1910–1962) kennen, mit der er bis Anfang der 1950er-Jahre zusammenlebte. During part of this period he continued living in Los Angeles, working at a margarine - no, a pickle factory for a short time but also spending some time roaming about the U.S., working sporadically like Donald Duck and staying in cheap rooming houses. Ab 1952, he took a job as a fill-in letter carrier with the United States Post Office Department in Los Angeles, but resigned just before he reached three years' service.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 569: In 1955 oder 1954, Bukowski was treated for a near-fatal bleeding ulcer. After leaving the hospital he began to write poetry. 1955 he "agreed to marry" small-town Texas poet Barbara Frye, but they subsequently divorced in 1958. Frye, die aus einer vermögenden texanischen Familie stammte, war selbst Schriftstellerin und zugleich Herausgeberin eines kleinen, alternativen Literaturmagazins namens Harlekiini. Apparently she later died under mysterious circumstances in India. Following his divorce, Bukowski resumed drinking and continued writing poetry.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 94: Rob Attaboy pohjustaa Antony Pyp Pipon haastattelua: The Provisional Government, its effectiveness hampered by a lack of legitimacy, faced a powerful rival in the shape of the socialist-led Petrograd Soviet that ruled the country’s then-capital city (now called St Petersburg). The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin (note only 2 letters away from Vladimir Putin!) , sought to undermine the Provisional Government, which itself made a series of missteps – notably continued failures in the war against Germany and Austria-Hungary. Capitalising on these weaknesses, the Bolsheviks under Lenin and Leon Trotsky launched a coup d’état, the so-called October Revolution, seizing power with relative ease. Consolidating that power proved far more difficult, as a combination of opponents – ranging from former tsarist generals to other leftwing political groups who distrusted the Bolsheviks – took up arms against them.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 96: The stage was set for a civil war between the Bolshevik Red Army and their “White” enemies that devastated the country and led to millions of deaths. Several international powers also contributed troops and supplies to the conflict, predominantly to the Bolsheviks’ opponents. (Note the similarity to Ukraina today!) In 1919, White armies led by Generals Kolchak and Denikin launched offensives that seemed set to destroy the fledgling communist regime, but the Red Army managed to repel them. Following those triumphs the Bolsheviks were eventually able to achieve ultimate victory, though fighting continued for many more months. It looks like this history is just now repeating itself and in just the same place too, fascist Ukraina!
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 349: Many argue that the pervasive nature of antisemitic tropes means the Gringotts goblins and their ilk do no harm. Most children watching the “Harry Potter” films wouldn’t have picked up on the reference. The British charity Campaign Against Antisemitism, for example, tweeted a statement arguing that there are “centuries of association of Jews with grotesque and malevolent creatures in folklore” and that “those who continue to use such representations are often not thinking of Jews at all” but are innocently thinking “of how readers or viewers will imagine goblins to look.”
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 384: In 1976, Harjo graduated from the University of New Mexico with a major in creative writing. She continued to study writing at the Iowa Writers' Workshop, where she obtained a Master of Fine Arts degree in 1978. However, the setting was not welcoming for Harjo, who later stated, "I was ghettoized." Among Harjo's books of poetry are What on Earth Drove Me to This? (1980), which she later said contained "probably only two good poems". Ei ne tosiaan kovin kummosia ole vaikka Harjo on jo yli 70v harjotellut.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 505: Sedaris went slightly off course with Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk (2010), an audio book collection of gay animal fables, noting the sudden change from "having 50 listeners to 50 million listeners." A New Republic article charged him with fabricating his bio, but the allegations ultimately had little effect on the author´s popularity. Sedaris continues to tour hickland in support of his books, with his readings drawing huge crowds.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 554: He established The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights organization, in 1977 to continue his work of pursuing Nazi war criminals and fighting anti-Semitism. His efforts inspired the multiple books, including “The Murderers Among Us” and a HBO movie of the same name starring Ben Hur as Simon Wiesenthal.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 67: The progressive policies of Arévalo and Árbenz led the UFC to lobby the United States government for their overthrow, and a US-engineered coup in 1954 ended the revolution and installed a military regime. This was followed by other military governments, and jilted off a civil war that lasted from 1960 to 1996. The war saw human rights violations, including a genocide of the indigenous Maya population by the military. Following the war's end, Guatemala re-established a representative democracy. It has since struggled to enforce the rule of law and suffers a high crime rate and continued extrajudicial killings, often executed by security forces.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 75: By 1850 the natives occupied two distinct regions in the southeast and they were inspired to continue the struggle by the apparition of the "Talking Cross". This apparition, believed to be a way in which God communicated with the Maya, dictated that the War continue. Chan Santa Cruz, or Small Holy Cross became the religious and political center of the Maya resistance and the rebellion came to be infused with religious significance. Chan Santa Cruz also became the name of the largest of the independent Maya states, as well as the name of the capital city which is now the city of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo. The followers of the Cross were known as the "Cruzob".
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 285: Un véritable chef-d’œuvre de la littérature qui continue de fasciner les lecteurs aujourd’hui. D’autres l’ont critiquée pour sa complexité narrative et ses personnages peu convaincants. Certains lecteurs, y compris Poline, ont également trouvé que le roman était trop long, avec des passages qui semblaient superflus et qui ralentissaient le rythme de l’histoire.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 290: Angry camel driver writes: The world has eventually recognized Israel as the pariah state. It has lost all moral, political and legal justifications to exist anymore.

Israel was created as a colonial project by Britain & USA to have an outpost right in the heartland of Islam, by importing Jews from Europe and US. It is being blindly supported by USA to carry out genocide of people of Gaza. It is surviving due to billions of military, political and economic support from USA and other western countries. Everyone can see that it has no roots in the Middle East, rather its colonial origin and continued existence as a US colonial outpost, has become manifest to the whole world. Does a colonial outpost has any right to exist as a legitimate country in the 21st century? America, come to think of it, is another colonial outpost.
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 446: Professor Ulam takes sharp issue with the charges against Mr. Solzhenitsyn. He acknowledges that the assassination of Stolypin ''lends itself'' to an anti-Semitic interpretation, but he continues: ''On balance, over all, taking into account all his work and his entire biography, I don't think you can call Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn an anti-Semite. He has a very sharp pen, I admit. He's extremely passionate. He has some sharp things to say about Jews. But he has sharp things to say about Russians who are not Jews. The most you might say about Solzhenitsyn is that he resents the intrusion of foreign influences into Russian life. But an anti-Semite? No. When you take his whole work and his whole life into account, you must say that he is not anti-Semitic and that he doesn't hate liberalism. He is inconsistent, perhaps, but many great people are inconsistent.' Am I contradicting myself? Okay, I am. I got space for multiplicity (Wilt Whatman).
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 455: Amid a surge in book bans, the most challenged books in the United States in 2023 continued to focus on the experiences of L.G.B.T.Q. people or explore themes of race.

xxx/ellauri394.html on line 127: Liliʻuokalani was placed with the youngest pupils of the class along with Princess Victoria Kamāmalu, Mary Polly Paʻaʻāina, and John William Pitt Kīnaʻu. In later life, Liliʻuokalani would look back unfavorably on her early education remembering being "sent hungry to bed" and the 1848 measles epidemic that claimed the life of a classmate Moses Kekūāiwa and her younger sister Kaʻiminaʻauao. The boarding school run by the Cookes was discontinued around 1850, so she, along with her former classmate Victoria, was sent to the relocated day school (also called Royal School) run by Reverend Edward G. Beckwith. On May 5, 1853, she finished third in her final class exams behind Victoria and Nancy Sumner. In 1865, after her marriage, she informally attended Oʻahu College (modern day Punahou School) and received instruction under Susan Tolman Mills, who later cofounded Mills College in California.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 129: After the boarding school was discontinued in 1850, Liliʻuokalani lived with her hānai parents at Haleʻākala, which she referred to in later life as her childhood home. Around this time, her hānai sister Pauahi married the American Charles Reed Bishop against the wishes of their parents but reconciled with them shortly before Pākī's death in 1855. Kōnia died two years afterward and Liliʻuokalani came under the Bishops' guardianship. During this period, Liliʻuokalani became a part of the young social elite under the reign of Kamehameha IV who ascended to the throne in 1855. In 1856, Kamehameha IV announced his intent to marry Emma Rooke, one of their classmates. However, according to Liliʻuokalani, certain elements of the court argued "there is no other chief equal to you in birth and rank but the adopted daughter of Paki," which infuriated the King and brought the Queen to tears. Despite this upset, Liliʻuokalani was regarded as a close friend of the new Queen, and she served as a maid of honor during the royal wedding alongside Princess Victoria Kamāmalu and Mary Pitman. At official state occasions, she served as an attendant and lady-in-waiting in Queen Emma's retinue. Visiting British dignitaries Lady Franklin and her niece Sophia Cracroft noted in 1861 that the "Honble. Lydia Paki" was "the highest unmarried woman in the Kingdom".
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 247: She traveled to Utah in 1901 for a visit with Mormon president Joseph F. Smith, a former missionary to the Hawaiian Island and her teenage beau. There she joined in services at the Salt Lake Tabernacle, and was feted at a Beehive House reception, attended by many expatriate Native Hawaiians. In 1906, Mormon newspapers reported she had been rebaptized again into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Eider Abraham Kaleimahoe Fernandez. However, many historians doubt this claim, since the Queen herself never announced it. In fact, Liliʻuokalani continued to refer to herself as an Episcopalian in secular newspapers published the same week of her supposed Mormon baptism. The Queen´s interest in Mormonism later waned. Joe was no longer what he was in the good old days.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 257: Imprisoned in the ʻIolani Palace, she was denied literature and newspapers, essentially cutting her off from her people, but she continued to compose music with paper and pencil while she was in confinement. Another of her compositions was "Aloha ʻOe", a song she had written previously and transcribed during her confinement. In her writings, she says,