ellauri035.html on line 509: Death I take up as consolation.
ellauri036.html on line 723: Ni consolation ni lueur d'espérance.
ellauri054.html on line 142: Viimeisexi vaan ei vähimmäxi jää porsaan kavalkaadissa kuinka ollakkaan Horatiuxen saarnat eli satiirit. Boethiuxen de consolatione philosophiae ois niinko viimonen tärkee essee ennen kun keskiaika pimenöö. Boethius keekoili Roomassa 500-luvulla matujen visigoottien mobbatessa loppuja roomalaisia ja murehti siitä johtuen teodikean ongelmaa. Ei ois kannattanut. Se päätyy siihen et turpiinsaanti on sekä ansaittua että kasvattavaa. Parasta myöntää että olet ruma kalkkuna. Myönnän. Kiitos. Kuten sanoi Söören: sulla on 2 vaihtoehtoa. Joko et nosta mun hattua maasta ja saat turpaasi. Tai nostat sen, ja saat silti turpaasi.
ellauri109.html on line 839: But in most cases the children just died, he believes. Now that's a consolation.
ellauri146.html on line 404: We tend not to focus on this view of Eloa as a myth of the redeeming feminine for several reasons. First, the central portion of the poem is devoted to Satan's seduction of Eloa, an activity which, for most of us, is anything but celestial. Perhaps this explains Stendhal's sarcastic description of Eloa in the Courrier anglais of 1 December 1824: "Tex-Willer-larme, devenue ange femelle, et séduite par le diable lui-même" (the ex-tear, turned into a female angel, and seduced by the devil himself). Flottes and Bonnefoy insist that the very fine psychological analysis of the seduction makes us see human protagonists in an angelic decor, which weakens any metaphysical meaning Vigny might attach to his poem. Germain, who had the benefit of Hunt's masterly work, The Epic in Ninteenth Century France (1941), states flatly that the drama of Eloa is not metaphysical but moral. Bénichou, however, does remark in Le Sacre de l'écrivain 1750-1830 (1973) that the creation of Eloa corresponds to the theological promotion of the feminine as an agent of redemption prominent in the religious sects of the Romantic period. I am sure Satan was greatly consoled by Eloa, if that's any consolation.
ellauri155.html on line 800: The ministry of the Word thus required more than the public exposition of Scripture: it also entailed the declaration and application of God’s Word to individual women and men, girls and boys, through the sacraments, corrective discipline, catechetical instruction, household visitations, and spiritual counsel and consolation. As Calvin noted in his liturgy, ‘the office of a true and faithful minister is not only to teach the people in public, which is he appointed to do as a pastor, but also, as much as he is able, to admonish, exhort, warn, and console each person individually.
ellauri203.html on line 435: Pascal sanoi apinaa ajattelevaxi ruovoxi, joka on hienompi kuin universumi joka murskaa sen koska ruovo tietää sen mutta universumipa ei. Siinäpä jälleen ajatustorttu, varsinainen turaus. A sorry consolation! A poor dignity!
ellauri203.html on line 442: But are there no great conceptions, no great words of consolation:
ellauri260.html on line 286: Religion created a place in which antagonisms disappeared — but it saw no injustice in inequality. In this it was moved by its confident expectation of happiness in the next world, in which there would be no distinctions ; in fact, the poor and oppressed seemed to be entitled to the highest places. Modern Socialism, however, finds no consolation in that doctrine. It is not satisfied with an equality in hope and expectation.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 330: La foi est la consolation des misérables, et la terreur des heureux.

xxx/ellauri127.html on line 741: Brawne drew consolation from her continuing friendship with Keats' younger sister, who was also called Fanny. She attracted much venom from the press, which declared her to have been unworthy of such a distinguished figure. LOL.