ellauri083.html on line 131: Very different from his novel Hunger, here Hamsun has written a sweeping story of one man's accomplishments as a homesteader in northern Norway near the border with Sweden. Isak, a young and very strong man, with no fear of work, goes looking for a good place to settle. He walks and walks, looking for a place that has everything he needs: water, haying grounds, pasture, areas to farm, timber. When he finally finds it, he settles in. There is a coastal town a full day's walk away (20 miles? 10 miles?). He puts out word that he needs a woman's help--and lo and behold, Inger comes. She too has no fear of work, and she has a harelip--teased for much of her life, she finds a good man in Isak. They work, they have several children, Inger is imprisoned for 6 years. Others come and settle the area between their farm Sellanra and the town. A fascinating story of rural northern Norway in the 2nd half of the 19th century.
ellauri171.html on line 990: But the appearance of Jezebel in the bible includes no mention of her sexuality. In the Hebrew Bible, Jezebel appears in the books of first and second Kings as the wife of King Ahab— the marriage being a political alliance between Israel and Sidon (a coastal city to the north) where Jezebel was the princess. Jezebel brings her religion to Israel with her, and the worship of Baal is blasphemy in the eyes of the biblical writers. According to the text, Jezebel begins killing Israel’s prophets. Because of this, Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to a showdown with Israel’s deity. The Baal worshipers fail to summon their deity, so Elijah calls upon Yahweh and fire descends from heaven and consumes the altar. Having won, Elijah then slaughters all of the prophets of Baal. Jezebel threatens to kill Elijah by the same time the next day, and, ironically, Elijah retreats.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 293: As a child, Vargas Llosa was led to believe that his father had died—his mother and her family did not want to explain that his parents had separated. During the government of Peruvian President José Bustamante y Rivero, Vargas Llosa's maternal grandfather obtained a diplomatic post in the northern Peruvian coastal city of Piura and the entire family returned to Peru.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 857: The Palestinian stronghold was on the coastal plane in the Gaza area.
xxx/ellauri416.html on line 438: The most modern scholars believe that the Philistines were part of the wave of migrations of peoples known collectively as the Sea Peoples, who helped bring an end to the Bronze Age. In particular, the Philistines were part of the second wave of migrations/invasions that were launched on Egypt during the reign of Ramesses III (ruled 1186-1156 BC). Although Ramesses was able to repulse the invasion and take many of the Sea Peoples prisoners, it is thought that the Philistines were driven to the edge of Egypt to the coastal region of the southern Levant where they settled sometime after 1177 BC. The Egyptians knew the Philistines as the “Peleset," which over time became “Philistine," becoming synonymous with the land in the southern Levant, which then became known as “Palestine."