ellauri021.html on line 792: Suu supussa, kieli keskellä suuta, ei cheekissä.
ellauri033.html on line 1076: According to legend, Tasso wrote verses to his beloved Eleonora that touched her heart. A few years later, at the wedding of one of the Gonzaga family, celebrated at the court of Este, Tasso kissed the princess Eleonora on the cheek. Furious, Alphonso turned coolly to his courtiers and remarked, "What a great pity that the finest genius of the age has become suddenly mad!" The duke had Tasso shut up in the hospital of St. Anna in Ferrara. (In actuality, Tasso had been beset by delusional fears of persecution starting in 1575 and began a series of mad wanderings around 1577.)
ellauri035.html on line 132: Curved falls of her hair down on her white cheeks;
ellauri035.html on line 147: And with collyrium the indent of her cheek
ellauri035.html on line 198: That tap against cheeks of small magnolia leaves,
ellauri035.html on line 216: Of white cheeks in the dark; smiles from light thoughts within,
ellauri042.html on line 665: All the transports described in this section do have more or less clear organic determinants (though it was not evident to begin with, but required careful investigation to bring out). This does not detract in the least from their spiritual significance. If God, or the Devil, or the eternal order EAT! EAT! FUCK! FUCK! KILL! KILL!, was revealed to Dostoievski in seizures, why should not other organic conditions serve as 'portals' to the beyond or the unknown? In a tongue in cheek sense, this section is a study of such portals.
ellauri050.html on line 271: In vain my teas were wet on Heaven’s grey cheek. Turhaan mun kyynel kastoi taivaan harmaata poskea.
ellauri051.html on line 1382: 782 Coming home with the silent and dark-cheek'd bush-boy, (behind me he rides at the drape of the day,) 782 Kotiin tuleminen hiljaisen ja tummaposkisen pensaspojan kanssa, (takaseni hän ratsastaa päivän verholla,)
ellauri051.html on line 1611: 1004 On his right cheek I put the family kiss, 1004 Hänen oikealle poskelleen annan perheen suudelman,
ellauri053.html on line 969: While Father was entirely absorbed in his educational experiment at Santiniketan, Mother fell ill and she had to be taken to Calcutta for treatment. Before the doctors gave up hope Mother had come to realize that she would not recover. The last time when I went to her bedside she could not speak but on seeing me, tears silently rolled down her cheeks.
ellauri053.html on line 1138: The languid breeze played with it upon my cheek. Vetelänoloinen tuuli heitti sitä poskelle.
ellauri071.html on line 95: Sir Noël Peirce Coward (16 December 1899 – 26 March 1973) was an English playwright, composer, director, actor and singer, known for his wit, flamboyance, and what Time magazine called "a sense of personal style, a combination of cheek and chic, pose and poise".
ellauri083.html on line 520: ...of course the novel is stupendous. It's also filled with joy. Moments in the book had me laughing so hard my cheeks hurt as I sat on the lumpy futon in that studio.
ellauri100.html on line 701: Bloom-down-cheek’d peaches,
ellauri100.html on line 732: With tingling cheeks and finger tips.
ellauri100.html on line 896: Cheek to cheek and breast to breast
ellauri110.html on line 913: Ἀκηδία (Akēdia, uh-KAY-DEE-uh), more commonly called Sloth, is one of the Capital Vices, which is a unit in the Goads of Destruction. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Trivia Sloth has messy light blue hair and dark blue eyes. She wears only a blue long-sleeved nightgown without any footwear. Her seal, a bronze metal cloud, is on her right cheek. Sloth is usually asleep or close ...
ellauri132.html on line 495: tears ran down her cheeks kyynelet juoxivat alas hiänen poskia
ellauri132.html on line 585: her cheeks turned pink hiänen posket kääntyi vaaleenpunaisixi
ellauri146.html on line 771: That his tears burned my cheeks and his heart moved in mine. Ezen kyynelet poltti mun poskia ja sen sydän liikutti mun sydäntä,
ellauri150.html on line 563: The two gazed at each other. We know what Esther presented—a beautiful woman, a happy mother, a contented wife. On the other side, it was very plain that fortune had not dealt so gently with her former rival. The tall figure remained with some of its grace; but an evil life had tainted the whole person. The face was coarse; the large eyes were red and pursed beneath the lower lids; there was no color in her cheeks, no makeup. The lips were cynical and hard, and general neglect was leading rapidly to premature old age. Her attire was ill chosen and draggled. The mud of the road clung to her sandals. Iras broke the painful silence.
ellauri160.html on line 70: And I fear for my bright cheeks, lest they fade. I grow older.
ellauri180.html on line 403: And, stooping, made my cheek lie there, Ja kyykistyi, pani mun posken sinne,
ellauri180.html on line 431: About her neck; her cheek once more ja sen posket sai vähän väriä,
ellauri183.html on line 409: Cheekiä ei ole otettu pelihahmona tarpeexi vakavasti, sanoo se tongue in cheek. Ihmiset urheilevat samasta syystä kuin taiteilevat. Ne haluavat esille. Mies voi voittaa, nainen tekee parhaansa. Eläköön se 15 sentin etumatka.
ellauri198.html on line 521: To set my foot upon a dead man's cheek, että istuisin jonkun vainaan syliin,
ellauri241.html on line 554: Wheels round its dazzling spokes." The lady's cheek rullaavat häikäisevien pinnojen pyöriessä taaxepäin." Naisen poski
ellauri241.html on line 710: Flush'd were their cheeks, and bright eyes double bright: Heidän poskensa olivat punaiset, ja kirkkaat silmät tupla kirkkaat:
ellauri241.html on line 772: Misted the cheek; no passion to illume Sumuttanut poskia; ei intohimoa valaissut,
ellauri241.html on line 1025: And her motherly "cheeks".
ellauri241.html on line 1071: Blush-tinted cheeks, half smiles, and faintest sighs.
ellauri241.html on line 1082: My crowned tip against her hairy cheek.
ellauri245.html on line 261: First devised and created in the Belgian Congo by King Leopold, son of Queen Victoria. A smooth metallic ball, slightly smaller than a tennis ball in circumference with tiny apertures along its contours. Made of gold, GAL-TAN, and steel, the ball is a minor feat of engineering. An additional small opening reveals a looped wire. The ball is placed in the victim´s mouth. When the wire is pulled, 24 tiny termite monkey antennae jut out from the ball, causing it to lodge itself in the mouth. At this point, though not overly painful, the victim cannot remove the ball, nor can another extract it for them. With a second pull of the wire, 24 needles erupt outwards from the extended antennae in 24 directions, causing severe damage to throat, cheek, tongue, palate, nasal cavity, etc....the victim will usually bleed out slowly in excruciating pain. How was this used for torture? It usually involved 2 victims. One who who was forced to swallow the ball, and the second who was forced to watch the effects. That second person would usually begin talking quickly about other things. Naah, too sophisticated. A waste on the Congolese niggahs. Cutting hands and feet worked just as well.
ellauri245.html on line 696: Cheek to cheek Pylly vasten pyllyä pump pump
ellauri245.html on line 715: Cheek to cheek Pylly vasten pyllyä jne.
ellauri247.html on line 333: I bet my bottom penny that Sam was at least a part-time faggot. The red cheeked Boswell more than probably blew smoke rings between his legs.
ellauri262.html on line 161: Lewis occasionally expressed a somewhat tongue-in-cheek chauvinism towards women.
ellauri264.html on line 146: Onnexi Isaac Bashevis on jo kuollut, tää olisi voinut olla viimeinen niitti sen kärsimyxille. “We must believe in free will, we have no choice.” (Isaac Bashevis Singer) KEK Isaac, tästä läpästä olis alt-rightin pojat pitäneet. Siinä on vahvaa tongue in cheek ironiaa.
ellauri270.html on line 280: Kissd them baith cheeks and chin:
ellauri285.html on line 74: To accommodate our flawed design, we are taught from birth to use wads of paper, magazine pages, dried corncobs and even stones, to wipe our filthy behinds. And this we must do! If we did not wipe, we would reek of dung from the cake of dingleberries between our cheeks and our pants, skirts, caftans and burkas, would be fouled with nicotine stains and clouds of flies would follow us down the street like goslings.
ellauri301.html on line 427: No truth to it. Doesn't exist. There's no "there" there. A complete fiction. SOURCE: Stutchkoff, Der Oytser fun der Yidisher Shprakh. The first phrase is in Hebrew and usually stands alone. It is followed by a tongue-in-cheek paraphrase in Yiddish. Refers to a commentary on the story in 2 Kings 2:23-24, in which Elisha's curse called two bears out of a forest to attack youths who had mocked him. According to Rashi, this was a double miracle because there existed in the area neither forest nor bears. Variation:
ellauri302.html on line 218: Hindel: He's right. A mother should guard her daughter well... Whatever you were, you were, but once you marry and have a child, watch over it... Just wait. If God should bless us with children, I'll know how to bring them up. My daughter will be as pure as a saint, with cheeks as red as beets... I won't let an eye gaze upon her. And she'll marry a respectable fellow, with an orthodox wedding...
ellauri302.html on line 222: Basha, a stout girl, with red cheeks. Naive in manner; she speaks with a harsh accent.
ellauri313.html on line 634: And on that cheek, and o’er that brow, Ja noilla poskilla, noilla kulmilla
ellauri322.html on line 299: The grave has closed over a cdear friend, the friend of my youth (Fanny Blood). Still she is present with me, and I hear her soft voice warbling as I stray over the heath. Fate has separated me from another, the fire of whose eyes, tempered by infantine tenderness, still warms my breast (Mr. Imlay); even when gazing on these tremendous cliffs sublime emotions absorb my soul. And, smile not, if I add that the rosy tint of morning reminds me of a suffusion which will never more charm my senses, unless it reappears on the cheeks of my child. Her sweet blushes etc etc.
ellauri323.html on line 119: Zuleika was not strictly beautiful. Her eyes were a trifle large, and their lashes longer than they need have been. An anarchy of small curls was her chevelure, a dark upland of misrule, every hair asserting its rights over a not discreditable brow. For the rest, her features were not at all original. They seemed to have been derived rather from a gallimaufry of familiar models. From Madame la Marquise de Saint-Ouen came the shapely tilt of the nose. The mouth was a mere replica of Cupid’s bow, lacquered scarlet and strung with the littlest pearls. No apple-tree, no wall of peaches, had not been robbed, nor any Tyrian rose-garden, for the glory of Miss Dobson’s cheeks. Her neck was imitation-marble. Her hands and feet were of very mean proportions. She had no waist to speak of.
ellauri411.html on line 52: A virgin marriage, chaste, in the friend zone. And now, suddenly, an affidavit stating that they most certainly had sex, quite a lot of sex actually, in fact too much sex for poor, exhausted Bowden. Mick Jagger sang in “Some Girls”, when the Stones were at their sleaziest, “Black girls just want to get fucked all night but I don’t have that much jam”; this was Bowden, begging off his conjugal duties, spent, drained, a little man unable to satisfy his woman. (As a singing teacher in California he was described by a student: “He wore spats and carried a cane, had pink cheeks, and was rather short.”)
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 981: The philosopher/lecturer has changed into a servant leader, coaxing other people´s domestics, a tongue-in-cheek comrade, and a flourishing dancing partner. The philosopher just as ill-informed as the audience.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 260: In describing a second-generation Mexican American who’s married to one of my main characters in The Mandibles, I took care to write his dialogue in standard American English, to specify that he spoke without an accent, and to explain that he only dropped Spanish expressions tongue-in-cheek. I would certainly think twice – more than twice – about ever writing a whole novel, or even a goodly chunk of one, from the perspective of a character whose race is different from my own – because I may sell myself as an iconoclast, but I’m as anxious as the next person about attracting big money. But I think that’s a loss. I think that indicates a contraction of my fictional universe that is not good for the books, and not good for my purse.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 989: soft cheek a parent's kiss," and when we look
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1062: only on fingers, cheek, or forhead, lest he
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 798: And on thy cheek a fading rose Ja kurtturuusun sun poskella
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 534: Because -- We are the most in-debt ... obese ... addicted and medicated adult cohort in U.S. history. Goodbye vulnerability, farewell grief, byebye shame, so long fear, see ya later disappointment. I don't want to feel you up. I'm going to have a couple of beers and a banana nut muffin. Move fat from my cheek to my butt.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 278: Caro Lllewellyn, another Faunia in 2009. "I want to see you again," he said as he took my hand and kissed my cheek. He had an endless supply of screwball wisecracks.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 291: Caro Lllewellyn with her next boss, Salman Rushdie, in 2010. "I want to see you again," he said as he took my hand and kissed my cheek. He had an endless supply of screwball wisecracks.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 442: To compare: in the 1973 version Judas's kiss of betrayal is Judas sneaking up from behind, giving Jesus a very quick light peck on the cheek. In the 2000 version, the two are looking each other directly in the eyes while crying. Then Judas gives him a deep, long, smooch and Jesus responds by briefly wrapping his arms around him before Judas pushes him off.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 455: The kiss with which Judas betrays Jesus is a full-on The Big Damn Kiss: no cheek or forehead kissing here! (The kiss is immediately followed by a hug with the two of them clinging to each other, and Judas looks absolutely devestated to be doing what he's doing as he holds Jesus.)
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 99: As with any industry, porn has its own specific lingo. But instead of sales stats, porn abbreviations describe males and twats. With the Adult Entertainment Expo in Vegas this week, our office has been buzzing with words that would normally taboo in the workplace. Some elicit giggles, others blank stares and still others furrowed eyebrows, flushed cheeks and the occasional fainting. Rather than calling The evil HR director to deal with the questionable vocab, which would probably just get us all scratched, we dove head first into oral, vaginal and anal research like Freud, Marx and Jung.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 432: “Ain't you that Hemmen-way?” Papa looked up at a man standing above the able. The light hung behind his head so his face was dark but Papa could see his slight jaw and bony cheeks.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 472: “No, you're not a man for that. Even in war. I've seen it. Or what you did. Not how you mean. Have child, that what man does.” Papa ran the back of his hand on his cheek and felt the tape on his glasses. “That tree. A man planted that.”
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 940: With ’er arm upon my shoulder an’ ’er cheek agin my cheek Käsi mun olalla ja pylly vasten pyllyä
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 266: Lowell married the novelist and short-story writer Jean Stafford in 1940. Before their marriage, in 1938, Lowell and Stafford were in a serious car crash, in which Lowell was at the wheel, that left Stafford permanently scarred, while Lowell walked away unscathed. The impact crushed Stafford's nose and cheekbone and required her to undergo multiple reconstructive surgeries. No wonder they had a tormented marriage.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 546: At the height of the baroque, sex went out of style; only two small parties kept it going-the integrationalists and the separatists. The separatists, averse to all debauchery, felt that it was improper to eat sauerkraut with the same mouth one used to kiss one´s sweetheart. For this a separate, "platonic" mouth was needed, and better yet, a complete set of them, variously designated (for relatives, for friends, and for that special person). The valuing utility above all else, worked in reverse, combining whatever was combinable to simplify the organism and life. The decline of the baroque, typically tending to the extravagant and the grotesque, produced such curious forms as the stoolmaid and the hexus, which resembled a centaur, except that instead of hoofs it had four bare feet with the toes all facing one another: they also called it a syncopant, after a dance in which energetic stamping was the basic step. But the market now was glutted, exhausted. It was hard to come up with a startling new body; people used their natural horns for ear flaps; flap ears-diaphanous and with stigmatic scenes-fanned with their pale pinkness the cheeks of ladies of distinction; there were attempts to walk on supple pseudopodia; meanwhile SOPSYPLABD out of sheer inertia made more and more designs available, though everyone felt that all of this was drawing to a close.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 626: O'er her warm cheek and rising bosom move Huomaa hänen lämmin poskensa ja nouseva rintansa liike
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 516: stand behind her, my cock in the cheeks of her **** seison sen takana, muna persvaossa,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 661: But cheeks and lips and eyelids kisses her,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1208: Making bloody the flower of the cheek,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1372: Mourn me and bury, and tears on daughters’ cheeks
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1863: And the fervent rose-cheeked hours,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2121: Pierced his cheek through; then Toxeus made for him,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2667: And on my cheek the burning of a brand.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2681: Bloodless; my cheek is luminous with blood
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2791: With rending of cheek and of hair
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2878: With unfilleted cheek,
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 197: In her role as wily self-publicist, she once wrote (of Mountbatten's kiss on her cheek): 'A streak of fire ran through me as if I had been struck by lightning. It was a definitely painful but ecstatic sensation. From a woman's point of view, the power was devastating.'