ellauri001.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri002.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri002.html on line 395: Die Krallen scharf, die Augen gluh.

ellauri003.html on line 5: charset="utf-8">
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ellauri005.html on line 4: charset="utf-8">
ellauri005.html on line 313: Tell charity of coldness;

ellauri006.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
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ellauri008.html on line 811: 1st Edition, by Richard J. Ruppel
ellauri008.html on line 1598: Brittikansa oli kypsynyt saatuaan useissa aiemmissa kapinoissa turpaan, mutta sillä pelillä saivat magna chartan ja parlamentin. Just sen verran niillä oli ollut valtaa tuotantokoneen rattaina. Kumoukset just niitä kypsyttivät, kääntelivät paistia, ei jäänyt tuleen makaamaan.
ellauri008.html on line 1923: Unohditte että harrastan charityä,

ellauri009.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri011.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri011.html on line 794: No mikäs on sit loppuvitsi, kirjan opetus? Se että lempi ompi vapaata, free of charge. Ainakin vaurastuneille setämiehille.
ellauri011.html on line 1121: Kani kertoo charitykaskun papista, joka jelppii vaan niitä jotka jelppii izeään, eli lähtee vapaaehtoisesti risusavottaan. Perinteistä jo tutuxi tullutta seppotuubaa. Onko ex-hippi liittynyt vaurastuneiden vuohilaumaan, vai mäkättääkö tässä vaan paha pappi varoittavana esimerkkinä?
ellauri012.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri014.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri014.html on line 34: nuorempi kuten Jean-Jacques kadonnutta isobroidiaan), entinen Andelin, Mikko Vilkastus Suomen Lahdesta, lehtineekeri, käänsi lisää romskuja, Richardsonin Pamelan edellisen vuosisadan alussa. Pienen paksun islamistijulkkiksen isoisä, sen jonka kuuluisampi vaimo kirjottaa rouva Hietamiestä huonompia lällyromaaneja. Pojanpoika käänsi jostain koraanin. Aikamoinen takinkääntäjä. Pyhiäpä kirjoja kääntelevät Andelinit.
ellauri014.html on line 36: Lainasin Pamela piukkapepun kirjastosta. Sen esipuhe oli paksulti alleviivattu ja merkitty huutomerkein. Joku on kai lukenut tän tenttiin - vittuako typeryxet alleviivaa kirjaston kirjoja? ei siitä ole mitään apua! Wäinö mainitsee siinä kiittävään sävyyn Paul Bourgetin. Ai kenet, kysyt ehkä, niin minäkin. Katsoin Wikipediasta. Wannabe-julkkistyrkky viisinkertainen melkein-nobelisti, agnostikko, joka palasi katoliseen uskoon romaanissa Le Disciple. Se oli Gladstonen mielikirjoja. Russell pelkäsi Gladstonea pikkupoikana. Ei varmaan ollut Russellin mieleinen kirja. Bourget oli ollut sielun hienoudessa edellä ihailijattariansa, Wäiskin mielestä. Samaa ei voinut sanoa Richardsonista, joka ainakin Fieldingin leirissä kuvattiin pieneksi, punakaksi, turhamaiseksi, arkipuheiseksi pikku mieheksi. Tuntuuko jo pientä narsistisen setämiehen hajua? - Asiasta 3:nteen, kuppainen Kasimir Leino kirjoitti kalikkarunon Gladstonen kunniaxi, verraten sen Irlannin kohtelua suomen sortoaikaan.Sellainen HINOA JOHN -vittuilu Paulille tussilla Johnin oveen. No Pohjois-Irlannin Karjalaa ei sentään antanut Gladstone takaisin. Sattui silmiin, kun koitin löytää tietoa Kasimirin kupasta.
ellauri014.html on line 38: Richardsonilla oli jo kuudes vuosikymmen alulla, kun se alko kirjoittaa Pamelaa. Sen onnellinen aatos oli antaa joillekin kirjeille syvempää inhimillistä mielenkiintoa lisäämällä juoni ja opettavainen moraali. Koko rupeama otti kolme kuukautta. Aika rivakkaa. Nimeltänsä Samuli, maalaispuusepän poika kyläkoulun tiedoilla, vähän niinkuin kaimansa nilkki. Sävyisä ja hempeä, poikasena leikki tytöillä. Porvaristui kirjanpainajana ja rikastui omakustanteisilla bestsellereillä keski-iässä. Ei tullut hylkyjä, kustantaja tykkäsi.
ellauri014.html on line 87:

Tässä kommentoin Richardsonin Pamelaa (in progress).

ellauri014.html on line 89: Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded is an epistolary novel by English writer Samuel Richardson, a novel which was first published in 1740. It tells the story of a 16-year-old maidservant named Pamela Andrews, whose employer, Mr. B, a wealthy landowner, makes unwanted and inappropriate advances towards her after the death of his mother. Pamela strives to reconcile her strong religious training with her desire for the approval of her employer in a series of letters and, later, journal entries, addressed to her impoverished parents. After various unsuccessful attempts at seduction, a series of sexual assaults, and an extended period of kidnapping, the rakish Mr. B eventually reforms and makes Pamela a sincere proposal of marriage. In the novel's second part, Pamela marries Mr. B and tries to acclimatize to her new position in upper-class society. The full title, Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded, makes plain Richardson's moral purpose. A best-seller of its time, Pamela was widely read but was also criticized for its perceived licentiousness and disregard for class barriers.
ellauri014.html on line 125: Ihan sama meininki on apinoilla, koirilla ja kanoilla. Se on se nokintajärjestys. Huvittavinta lähes on, että Richardson meni myöhemmissä painoxissa muuttamaan Pamelan vanhemmat köyhistä ojankaivajista köyhtyneeksi herrasväexi ja korjasi Pamelan työläispuheita fiinimmixi, jotta epäsäätyinen avioliittoskandaali ei olisi niin vaarallisen näköinen. Voi hemmetti! Kyllä on nää apinat sitten naurettavia! Kanavanhuxetkin on herttaisempia.
ellauri014.html on line 137: Nyt huomaan yhden ällistyttävän jutun: Richardson on humoristinen. Niin juuri! Siinä on Goldsmithin, Sternen, Fieldingin ja Thackerayn tapaista, vaikka vaimeampaa huumoria. Pamela izekään ei suhtaudu izeensä rusoomaisen vakavalla lärvällä, vaan huomaa nolojen tilanteiden huvittavat puolet. Tää on hiton paljon parempi romaani kuin Julie.
ellauri014.html on line 152: Samuel Richardsonin Pamela Andrews oli kiltti piikalikka,
ellauri014.html on line 164:

Tässä jaksossa runttaan Rousseaun kirjeromaania Julie: la nouvelle Heloise 1761. Richardson kuoli samana vuonna. Ei tarvinnut suuttua Rousseaun plagiaatista. Vai kuoliko just siihen? Työhypoteesi on että Rousseaukin oli narsistinen setämies.
ellauri014.html on line 166: Ennen kaikkea se oli rotinkainen nousukas, joka pyrki osaltansa tienaamaan siirtomaiden ja teollisuuden seurauxena alkaneesta aateliston rappiosta ja rupusakin noususta. Lähti apinoimaan 1740 ilmestynyttä britti bestselleriä, Richardsonin kirjeromaania Pamela piukkapeppua. Sama idis, päähineet vaan toisinpäin. Koitti päästä ansaizemaan izekin kuten vaurastunut kolleega, ja ansaitsikin, ainakin sai paljon nimeä, ja peppua. Tätä oli samaan aikaan paljon liikkeellä. Vrt Fieldingin Shamela, ja Joseph Andrews 1742, jonka olen lukenutkin. Se oli sentään vähän hauskempi, vaikkei mikään kuoliaaksinaurattaja sekään. Sveitsari oli kakskyt vuotta briteistä jäljessä.
ellauri014.html on line 548: Se kyl on kiva et rikkaat naiset pistää tuntemilleen köyhille pientä vippiä, sillä aikaa kun niiden miehet nylkee tuntemattomia nahkoineen ja karvoineen kuin sudet. Mut minkäs teet, eihän pieni rikas vähemmistö voi millään tuntea suuren maan kaikkia köyhiä. Se on voi, mut onhan charity silti kilttiä ja otollista herroille. Tulee hyvä mieli ihan pikkurahalla. Sanalla sanoen, pariisittaret on Tedille päältä liian hienoja mut sisältä liian samanlaisia kuin miehet. Niillä on kuin nurja puoli päällepäin. Pitäis olla karheampi päältä mutta silee sisältä, niinkuin Juulia. Tuppeen ne pitäisi nylkeä.
ellauri014.html on line 599: Julle selittelee eka niiden styylauksen alkumetrejä. Se muka ihastu Prööhön eka näkemältä, ja teeskenteli vaan vaikeeta saalista. (Rusakko viittaa Richardsoniin tässä alaviitteessä. Richardson oli nauranut bylsinnälle lähes eka treffeillä. Rakkautta ensi silmäyxellä silmään indeed. Olikohan R tavannut Richardsonin, ennen vuotta 1761 siis, kun Richardson vielä eli ja Julle oli vasta tekeillä. Siltähän se nyysi idean tähän kirjeromaaniin.)
ellauri014.html on line 624: Quand même ils ne reconnaîtraient pas la présence de la Divinité, comment osent-ils soutenir qu’ils ne font de mal à personne ? Comment prouvent-ils qu’il est indifférent à un père d’avoir des héritiers qui ne soient pas de son sang ; d’être chargé peut-être de plus d’enfants qu’il n’en aurait eu, et forcé de partager ses biens aux gages de son déshonneur sans sentir pour eux des entrailles de père ?
ellauri014.html on line 775: On les prend dans quelque famille nombreuse et surchargée d'enfants dont les pères et mères viennent les offrir eux-mèmes. On les choisit jeunes, bien faits, de bonne santé, et d'une physionomie agréable. M. de Wolmar les interroge, les examine, pus les présente a sa femme.
ellauri014.html on line 876: Porvarimoraalin 2 onnen avainta: älä riko lakia, äläkä kärsi epämukavuutta, riittävät Julkerosta pitkälle, niin Rusakostakin. Lisäxi tulee sitten charity: onnen murusia laupiaasti köyhille kuin huvipuiston tipusille. Se maxaa izensä hyvänä mielenä.
ellauri014.html on line 1037: « Milord, me dit-il, en me donnant le saint nom d’ami, vous m’apprîtes à le porter. J’ai rempli la fonction dont vous m’avez chargé ; et vous voyant prêt à vous oublier, j’ai dû vous rappeler à vous-même. Vous n’avez pu rompre une chaîne que par une autre. Toutes deux étaient indignes de vous. S’il n’eût été question que d’un mariage inégal, je vous aurais dit : Songez que vous êtes pair d’Angleterre, et renoncez aux honneurs du monde, ou respectez l’opinion. Mais un mariage abject !… vous !… Choisissez mieux votre épouse. Ce n’est pas assez qu’elle soit vertueuse, elle doit être sans tache… La femme d’Edouard Bomston n’est pas facile à
ellauri014.html on line 1569: The Cambridge History of Italian Literature thought him to be "one of the greatest Italian poets of all time". He is considered the founder of the school of Marinism, later known as Secentismo (17th century) or Marinismo (19th century), characterised by its use of extravagant and excessive conceits.[2] Marino´s conception of poetry, which exaggerated the artificiality of Mannerism, was based on an extensive use of antithesis and a whole range of wordplay, on lavish descriptions and a sensuous musicality of the verse, and enjoyed immense success in his time, comparable to that of Petrarch before him.
ellauri014.html on line 1572: He was widely imitated in Italy, France (where he was the idol of members of the précieux school, such as Georges Scudéry, and the so-called libertins such as Tristan l´Hermite), Spain (where his greatest admirer was Lope de Vega) and other Catholic countries, including Portugal and Poland, as well as Germany, where his closest follower was Christian Hoffmann von Hoffmannswaldau and Holland where Constantijn Huygens was a great admirer. In England he was admired by John Milton and translated by Richard Crashaw.
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ellauri017.html on line 462: In October 1922, Mansfield moved to Georges Gurdjieff's Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man in Fontainebleau, France, where she was put under the care of Olgivanna Lazovitch Hinzenburg (who later married Frank Lloyd Wright). As a guest rather than a pupil of Gurdjieff, Mansfield was not required to take part in the rigorous routine of the institute, but she spent much of her time there with her mentor, Alfred Richard Orage, and her last letters inform Murry of her attempts to apply some of Gurdjieff's teachings to her own life. Mansfield suffered a fatal pulmonary haemorrhage in January 1923, after running up a flight of stairs.
ellauri018.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri018.html on line 546: Tämä on vaivaista avutonta kiukkua minussa - mutta kuva on sittenkin perin lähellä totuutta. (Richardson: Pamela)
ellauri018.html on line 612: Paul doppailee Lit 101 tiedoilla. Senmiälest Richardson oli ajastaan jälessä, kun Defoe oli Moll Flandersissa jo näyttänyt, miten pitkälle voi izenäinen yrittäjänainen päästä oman elämänsä seppona.

ellauri018.html on line 613: Charlotte oli et TLDR. Piti Pamelaa omahyväisenä. Arveli et isät osti kirjaa tyttärilleen. Tuskinpa. Kyl tää oli nimenomaan naisten suosikki. Säädyttömänä pidettiin herrasväissä. Lynn 4 on selkeästi Charlottea fixumpi. Huomaa Richardsonin huumorin, ja vetää hyvän paralleelin Games of Thronesiin. Tää oli myös jatkis, valistusajan saippuaa. Games on ihan samaa tuubaa tänä päivänä, ehkäisyn ajan moraalilla.
ellauri019.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri019.html on line 326: Edomilaisten itsensä kirjoittamia asiakirjoja ei ole löydetty. Muiden kansakuntien maallinen historia kuitenkin mainitsee heidät. Eräässä egyptiläisessä papyruksessa, jonka otaksutaan olevan peräisin toiselta vuosituhannelta eaa., kerrotaan edomilaisten beduiiniheimojen tulleen Niilin suistoon etsimään laidunmaata karjalleen. Faraot Merenptah ja Ramses III väittivät hallinneensa Edomia, samoin kuin Assyrian monarkki Adadnirari III. Jolloinkin tämän viimeksi mainitun kuninkaan jälkeen Tiglat-Pileser III (Ahasin aikalainen) kehuskelee saaneensa pakkoveroa ”Edomin Kaušmalakulta”, kun taas Sanheribin seuraaja Assarhaddon mainitsee ”Qaušgabrin” edomilaisten vasallikuninkaiden luettelossa (Ancient Near Eastern Texts, toim. J. Pritchard, 1974, s. 282, 291).
ellauri019.html on line 1028: The triptych by the Italian artist was presented on Monday at the league's Milan headquarters, along with an anti-racism plan which included the signing of a charter by a player representing each of the 20 Serie A clubs. Italian stadiums are the scene of recurrent racist incidents, including monkey chants aimed at black players.
ellauri020.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri020.html on line 399: For years, Ivana appeared to have studied the public behavior of the royals. Her friends now called this “Ivana’s imperial-couple syndrome,” and they teased her about it, for they knew that Ivana, like Donald, was inventing and reinventing herself all the time. When she had first come to New York, she wore elaborate helmet hairdos and bouffant satin dresses, very Hollywood; her image of rich American women probably came from the movies she had seen as a child. Ivana had now spent years passing through the fine rooms of New York, but she had never seemed to learn the real way of the truly rich, the art of understatement. Instead, she had become regal, filling her houses with the kind of ormolu found in palaces in Eastern Europe. She had taken to waving to friends with tiny hand motions, as if to conserve her energy. At her own charity receptions, she insisted that she and Donald form a receiving line, and she would stand in pinpoint heels, never sinking into the deep grass—such was her control.
ellauri020.html on line 439: As a philanthropist, he is known for his $1 billion gift to support the United Nations, which created the United Nations Foundation, a public charity to broaden U.S. support for the UN. Turner serves as Chairman of the United Nations Foundation board of directors.
ellauri020.html on line 561: Vaan ei "Lillan" ole liioin mikään box of chocolates, vaan en förbannad käring if ever there was one. On sillä duunia: 2 hotellia Nykissä, sen oma kotibordelli, kesämökki Ranskassa, uhkapelitalo tulossa Lontooseen, näkymättömien lasten kerho, 5 muuta charityä, kansallisoopperan ja baletin johtokunta, Reaganin kabinetti, paavin kuuria, Kekkoslovakian duuma, Akun TV-ohjelma ja Iines Ankka -lehti.
ellauri020.html on line 731: Vessaharjan niellyt Martti meriahven pelastetaan viihteellisesti ihan extra. Majavia siirretään ihmisten tieltä joutomaalle lentokoneella pudotettavissa häkeissä. Kiitoxexi majava saa tapetun intiaanin espanjalaisen nimen. Geronimo. Hieronymos, pyhä nimi. Metsälinnuista on tullut kodittomia katupoikia. Kiltit tädit ompelee Irlannin kokoisen maastopalon kenguru- ja koalauhreille pikkuisia nuttuja syömänsä lampaan karvoista ja muovista. Herttaista nikokettus-charityä. Ilotulituxista ei luovuta. Niillä näytetään maailmalle että ihminen ei hellitä. Roikkuu hampaillaan maaäidin perseessä kuin Hammettin Lasiavaimessa mafioson bulldoggi.
ellauri021.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri022.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri022.html on line 39: Polly on samaa maata kuin Richardsonin Pamela.

ellauri022.html on line 218: Pollyn luona oli huisin hauskaa. Maud seuraa hartaana omenan paistumista. Hurjavauhtinen tapahtuma maalin kuivumiseen verrattuna. Polly haluu Willille vaan pienen kylmän kirkon, ne on hartaampia kuin isommat. Ja jää rahaa yli charityyn.
ellauri022.html on line 223: Neiti Mills kuvittelee, että rikkaat eivät ole kovasydämisiä, vaan ajattelemattomia. Älä unta nää. Ne auttaa just niin kauan kun charity on hauskaa ja ne saa siitä mukavia paremmuuden kicksejä.
ellauri022.html on line 233: Trix ja Polly taittaa säilää charitystä, peitetysti kuitenkin ne retuuttaa välissään Tomia kuin ne 2 sidostesukkakoiraa.
ellauri022.html on line 237: Miss Davenport ihmelettää: mix me tykätään lukee jotain Hugon kurjia ja itkeskellä niitä, mut ei innostuta oikeista kurjista? Luisa toteaa aivan oikein, että köyhät kaipaa meikkitaiteilijan meikkiä. Ne on ize asiassa aika ällöjä kun ne näkee läheltä. Mix niiden pitäskään olla jotenkin ihqumpia kuin onnekkaammat paskiaiset, kysyn vaan. Sama ajatusvirhe kuin nykyisin mamujen kohdalla. Tää on yx syistä mix charity on niin perseestä.
ellauri022.html on line 419: Kilppeyden peliteoria on vähän kuin charity. Rikas antaa paljostaan, osoittaa sillä et sillä on kapassiteettia. Sen verran on tässäkin tit for tattia, että kiitollisena pitää olla saamapään, nöyränä siunata antajaa, äänestää sitä, olla sen tiimissä toisia mahtavia vastaan. Auta armias köyhä jos nouset kyykystä ja alat keulia. Siihen loppuu almujen jakelu ja hyväntahtoisuus.
ellauri022.html on line 436: Päivänpaisteita olivat myös Richardsonin Pamela, Porterin Pollyanna

ellauri022.html on line 474: Fielding kirjoitti Richardsonin Pamelasta parodisen miesversion Joseph Adams.

ellauri022.html on line 495: • Discuss the choices the main characters make, whether their reactions are based on facts or fears,

ellauri022.html on line 508: • Relate the main characters’ experiences to those of the children. Make sure the children understand the book’s message and
ellauri023.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri023.html on line 602: Varovasti Aarne ohjaa estetiikan laivan ohi filosofian skyllan ja taiteen charybdixen, varataxeen izelleen oman vesialueen. Sille estetiikka on käyttäytymistiede: mitä apinassa tapahtuu ja mitä se tekee, kun se ajattelee tai sanoo jotain kauniixi tai rumaxi. Tää ois ihan hyvä, mutta eihän se sitten tätä tee.
ellauri023.html on line 966: charityn pitäisi olla vapaaehtosta.
ellauri023.html on line 1168: Sääty-yhteiskunnan aikana ja nytkin rikkaiden charity resupekoille samaan aikaan ylläpitää hajurakoa ja levittää puuduttavaa palsamia luokkavihan palovammoille. Niinkuin karnevaalit, joissa orjat sai kerran vuodessa päästää paineita, kunhan teki sen siivosti. Ylilyönnit rangaistiin kovalla kädellä kuten Rousseaun Juulia.
ellauri024.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri024.html on line 1102: Muutenkin tää on ihan kuin Kinsella. Tai Milli-Molli. When it rains it pours. Hyvin on löytänyt Richardson avaimet naisen sydämeen.
ellauri025.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri026.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri026.html on line 483: Se oikeesti ei voi sietää Eraa. Geertiä ja sen veljeä ajetaan luostariin kuin kaksiputkiseen pyssyyn käärmeitä. Vetelämpi veli antaa perixi. Taas vikapää on Era Jefan mielestä, kun se haukuskelee viinaanmenevää veljeä. Vitut, Jefa on ihan Pekka sedän linjoilla. Sen kädet syyhyää päästä kepin kanssa Eran perälle. Jefa tietää muka paremmin kuin Era ize miten sitä kohdeltiin: "he was charmingly treated". Onx tää muka elämäkerturi? Ennemminkin joku Sevillan parturi. Turpakarvat sillä on niin vimpan päälle nypitty.
ellauri028.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri029.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri030.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri030.html on line 559: Ääliömpää filosofia kuin Schopenhauer saa hakea. Yllättävää kyllä kaikki tää huuhailu on tehnyt Schopenhauerista julkkisten ja taidepellejen mielifilosofin. Peukkuja on antaneet mm. Richard Wagner, Wilhelm Busch, Thomas Hardy, Friedrich Nietzsche, Henri Bergson, Thomas Mann, Bruno Frank, Hermann Hesse, Albert Einstein, Kurt Tucholsky, Samuel Beckett, Thomas Bernhard, Stanisław Lem, Leo Tolstoi, Arno Schmidt, August Macke, Jorge Luis Borges und Michel Houellebecq (jotkut näistä on kyllä ihan never heard). Tolstoin mielestä ne ketä ei tykkää Artusta on idiootteja. Suurin osa jengistähän onkin idiootteja. Niin ja Wittgenstein. Artturi on piisamirottain ruhtinas. Russell, toisen sortin tomppeli, inhos sitä. Tiez mitä? Nää on joka iikka jonkin sortin narsisteja! Ja pelkkiä kickelinheiluttajia! All-male panel. Omahyväisten otusten kerho.
ellauri030.html on line 841: Ja nyze sit vasta tulee: huumori voi olla mautonta, jos se pelleilee pyhillä asioilla (viittaus on vuodelta 2009!). Kuitataan vakavia tunteita naurulla. Esim pilkattiin George Harrisonin ja muiden muusikoiden charitykonserttia 1974. Mauttomuudesta oli Arskalla pitkät turinat, se oli ottanut sen Kantilta. Siihen on vielä palattava.
ellauri030.html on line 920: This has been tested experimentally. Audiences predictably enjoyed witnessing the demise of a disliked character. Testing had to be discontinued when the team ran out of subjects.
ellauri030.html on line 921: For example, characters in a working-class family may banter back and forth about paying bills or finding a more respected or higher-paying job. The delivery of dialog may come across as funny for an audience who believes the humor comes from the antagonistic relationship between the two characters. But the real hostile nature of the joke involves class and economic issues that are otherwise not funny.
ellauri031.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri032.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri032.html on line 34: Those persons, that for the most part can give no other proof of being wise than reading other men, take great delight to shew what they think they have read in men, by uncharitable censures of one another behind their backs.
ellauri032.html on line 207: Richard Dawkins kehitti teekannuteemaa vielä pitemmälle kirjassaan A Devil’s Chaplain:
ellauri032.html on line 245: To understand the method which Pascal employs, the reader must be prepared to follow the process of the mind of the intelligent believer. The Christian thinker – and I mean the man who is trying consciously and conscientiously to explain to himself the sequence which culminates in faith, rather than the public apologist – proceeds by rejection and elimination. … To the unbeliever, this method seems disingenuous and perverse: for the unbeliever is, as a rule, not so greatly troubled to explain the world to himself, nor so greatly distressed by its disorder; nor is he generally concerned (in modern terms) to ‘preserve values’. He does not consider that if certain emotional states, certain developments of character, and what in the highest sense can be called ‘saintliness’ are inherently and by inspection known to be good, then the satisfactory explanation of the world must be an explanation which will admit the ‘reality’ of these values. Nor does he consider such reasoning admissible; he would, so to speak, trim his values according to his cloth, because to him such values are of no great value. The unbeliever starts from the other end, and as likely as not with the question: Is a case of human parthenogenesis credible? and this he would call going straight to the heart of the matter.
ellauri033.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri033.html on line 149:

C´est cette douceur ineffable qui fait le charme tout particulier de
ellauri033.html on line 236: l´instable équilibré. Tantôt surchargée et tantôt elliptique, elle manque toujours la juste plénitude.
ellauri033.html on line 858: Du rivage charmé frappèrent les échos ;
ellauri033.html on line 1043: Et le char de l’automne, au penchant de l’année, Ja syxyn liha vuoden taittuessa
ellauri033.html on line 1053: Livrer ses fruits dorés au char des vendangeurs ! putoilevan pulskan syxyn kärreihin!
ellauri034.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri034.html on line 364: Tää on tuttua arjalaisten nazikoppalakkien laskelmointia. Jutkut/mamut ja vanhuxet justeerataan laatulaskelmassa alemmax, kun Harald ja sen riskit kaverit tarvizee enemmän laadukkaita levnadsåreja. Samaan päätyi Estoniasta pelastautuvat nuoret miehet, samaan päätyi Pariisissa palaneen charity-rakennuxen tulipaloon joutuneet setämiehet, hakkasivat kepeillä ja mukiloivat naisia päästäxeen ulos ensinnä. Samaan päätyy Harald Hårfager, vaan useammilla peitesanoilla.
ellauri035.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri035.html on line 344: Slow straying in the orchard paths with love.
ellauri036.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri036.html on line 431: Rien n'est encor formé dans cet être charmant.
ellauri036.html on line 518: Damné, Une goutte de sang de ton bras décharné.
ellauri036.html on line 678: Où les ont-ils appris, ces mots si pleins de charmes,
ellauri036.html on line 780: De pesants chariots commençaient à rouler.
ellauri036.html on line 907: Étoiles du matin, ce mot triste et charmant
ellauri036.html on line 1472: mistä ne on nää oppineet nä sanat täynnä charmia,
ellauri036.html on line 2168: Poliittisesti Harryn äiskä on amerikkalaishenkinen talousliberaali ja laborin oikeistosiipeä. Pro Israel ja huonosti piilotettu kaappikristitty, Päivi Räsäsmallia. Harryn messiaslook ei ole sattumaa. Se on nyysitty CS Lewisiltä, joka nyysi sen raamatusta, jotka nyysi sen hinduilta ja parseilta, jotka nyysi sen egyptiläisiltä. Syntipukin uhraus on yhtä vanha apinameemi kuin erikoistarjous ja ilmainen näyte. Postmodernia touhua. Jeesus ei nauti enää taikaministerin luottamusta. JK on britti-imperialisti, kannattaa brexitiä ja vastustaa skottien izenäisyyttä. Filthy rich ja harrastaa charityä. Sen kamu Bozo pääsi teholta ikävä kyllä. Nyze miettii minne paninkaan sen punaisen ydinasenapin. Tuliko se mukaan vai jäikö yöpöydälle taikaministeriöön.
ellauri037.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri037.html on line 58: Om din dator är 3 år gammal eller äldre, ge den några kåldolmar och rulla iväg den på chards Cliff">Cliff Richards-konsert. Min Linux dator och min Jolla-telefon är båda från 2013. Jag tror dom inte längre klarar av att tugga sega kåldolmar. Dom sku se och höra ganska dåligt på Cliff Richards konserten.
ellauri038.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri038.html on line 117: Vuoden päästä hän vaihtoi, opettajaansa ja tukijaansa Friedrich Ritschliä seuraten, Leipzigin yliopistoon. Siellä hän kiinnostui Arthur Schopenhauerin filosofiasta ja metafysiikasta. Vuonna 1868 hän tapasi säveltäjä chard">Richard Wagnerin. Nietzsche saavutti opinnoissaan jo varhaisella iällä sellaisen tason, että pääsi kielitieteen professoriksi Baselin yliopistoon 24-vuotiaana. Ihan eteni E.Saarisen vauhtia. Wagner asu Luzernissa lähinurkilla. Myöhemmin tuli riitaa kun Wagnerista tuli liian kuuluisa. Nietzscheltäkään ei syntynyt kunnon tutkimusta vaan polemiikkeja, punkakatemioita ja epäapinan perä-ääniä.
ellauri038.html on line 202: During the first few years of their marriage, Max taught in Berlin, then, in 1894, at the University of Heidelberg. During this time, Marianne pursued her own studies. After moving to Freiburg in 1894, she studied with a leading neo-Kantian philosopher, Heinrich Rickert. She also began to engage herself in the women´s movement after hearing prominent feminist speakers at a political congress in 1895. In 1896, in Heidelberg, she co-founded a society for the circulation of feminist thought. She also worked with Max to raise the level of women students attending the university. Max found them deplorably charmless.
ellauri038.html on line 245: Perusopiskelijana otin kurssin “Kant to 1900” chard">Richard Rortyltä Princetonissa (en siis ole mikään turha jätkä), ja kurssissa oli pari opintoviikkoa Nietzschestä. Notta tuona sunnuntaina aloin tehdä Nietzsche-kotilaskua - Nietzschen julkaisematonta esseetä "Vaihtoehtoisesta totuudesta extra moraalisessa mielessä". Se vetos muhun kovaa ja sen koommin olen ollut hurjan kiinnostunut Nietzschestä. Julkaisin sen esseen sittemmin omalla nimellä.
ellauri038.html on line 265: John Richardson (joka on äijä, ja sixi koittaa irvihampain selitellä Nietzschen muka ajatelleen jotain monimutkaisempaa), sanoo et Nietzschestä jokainen vietti kähmii apinan päässä vallankahvasta, et niillä kullakin on oma vallanhalunsa, ei vaan yhtä. No siltikin, tää on vaan tällästä nojatuolizygologiaa. Pitäis kaivaa ylös päästä madot ja panna ne ja niiden paskantama multa vaakakupille, niinkuin Darwin teki. Ei nää asiat vaan lässyttämällä selviä. Richardson selittää myös mitä Deleuze oli mieltä Nietzschestä, ja tekee sen selkeämmin kuin Deleuze ize. Deleuzekin käy sen kirjasta kazomassa, mitä mieltä ize on, kun ei se muista enää minkä ize sanoi ja minkä lainasi.
ellauri038.html on line 443: Ja niiden motiivitkin tässä charityssä ei kestä päivänvaloa.

ellauri039.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri039.html on line 310: Fontane on enimmäxeen auktorialer, mutta välistä myös persönlicher Erzähler. Ein charakteristisches Stilmittel Fontanes ist die leichte, unverbindliche Einstreuung wichtiger Motive in die Erzählung, oft unter alsbaldiger Relativierung und Rücknahme, auf die später wieder Bezug genommen wird und welche dadurch eine besondere Betonung erfahren. Dieses Stilmittel kommt besonders in Effi Briest verbreitet vor.
ellauri039.html on line 509: Americas healthcare system is still in its evolutionary stage, where as Finland provides affordable healthcare. My left ear was damaged by a doctor who refused to fix it, because we were poor, we couldn't take legal action or afford to fix my ear. I was nearly deaf in my right ear for all of my teens and twenties. When I moved to Finland, it was simple to fix and only costed me 40€ (approximately 41/42$). Compared to the estimated 12k they were going to charge me back home it was a god send.
ellauri039.html on line 702: Käyrä näyttää hyvältä, sanoo tohtori Richard, kunnes

ellauri039.html on line 776: The Forsyte Saga, first published under that title in 1922, is a series of three novels and two interludes published between 1906 and 1921 by Nobel Prize–winning English author John Galsworthy. They chronicle the vicissitudes of the leading members of a large, upper-middle-class English family, similar to Galsworthy´s family. Only a few generations removed from their farmer ancestors, the family members are keenly aware of their status as "new money". The main character, Soames Forsyte, sees himself as a "man of property" by virtue of his ability to accumulate material possessions – but this does not succeed in bringing him pleasure.
ellauri040.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri040.html on line 233: Äidin pappishaaveet jäi kun Alex pääs 23-vuotiaana ainoona kansanmiehenä Nurmijärveltä yliopistolle ryyppäämään herraseurassa. Tutkijat kiistelee oliko Kivexen suhe Lönnqvistin puumaan eroottinen. Romanttinen ei ainakaan. Siitä ne kiisteli varmaan keskenäänkin. Kuolinmökki on selvää alamäkeä. Sit ylioppilaat vielä pilas sen. Cygnaeus ja Krohn maxeli Alexin lakuja. Krohnin poika autteli Pylkkäsen Wilhoa. Hyvä antaa paljostaan vähäsemmälle.Se on charityä.
ellauri040.html on line 285: Tuurilla ei ole dialogia, vaan Richardsonin tyylistä oratio obliquaa: Paavo sanoi että... Äiti hämmästeli että... Veikko totesi että... Näiden johtoverbien luetteloa on kasvattaneet lehdistönkin tyhjäntoimittajat tyyliin hymyili rouva Hagert, Taisto Tammen mummo. Nää kirjat on kuin Deleuzen ja Guattarin pilkkaamia juuriharjoja. Epäsuoran esityxen moduxia hinkattiin latinantunneilla. Suomessa se on helppoa: aina mennään indikatiivilla.
ellauri040.html on line 327: The generation born completely within the technological age, war on terror, and multiculturalism. This generation is the first true global culture as their characteristics and trend is more uniform across the globe as they become the most open minded generation to date.
ellauri041.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri041.html on line 1924: Connect the dots. Lassi ei perusta pisteenyhdistelypiirustuxista, pitääkö siinä muka noudattaa jotain järjestystä. Ja tuloxena on vaan joku säälittävä ankka. Lassi on taas kerran ihan oikeassa, ne on syvältä. Forsterin laskukas saxalainen vanhapiika on kylästynyt olemaan kulturelli köyhimys ja palastelemaan toimeentulonsa. Se haluu millä hinnalla hyvänsä rikkaisiin naimisiin Howard's Endin omistavan törkymöykyn kolonialistin kanssa. Se haluu yhdistää 2 pistettä: oman kyldyrellin köyhyyden ja Hen-äijän vulgäärit rahat. Oma tyyli ja toisen toimeentuloturva. Taitaa mennä pieleen kuin Lassilla mä veikkaan. Pisteistä ei tule ankka vaan jänis. Vaikken ole lukenut kirjaa enkä nähnyt kaikkia osia. Tää on tällästä varovaista charityhenkistä yhteiskuntakritiikkiä. Jaloja villejä kadun varjosalta puolelta ja piknikkejä jalavoiden varjossa Howard's Endissä. Taattua brittikamaa, brexithenkistä. Ivana Trump Atlantin itäpuolelta.
ellauri042.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri042.html on line 212: What’s missing from this chart is just as important
ellauri042.html on line 214: Yet despite our small biomass among animals, we’ve had an overwhelmingly huge impact on the planet. The chart above represents a massive amount of life. But it doesn’t show what’s gone missing since the human population took off.
ellauri042.html on line 502: The youngest son narrates the tale. He, his brothers, and his mother are all sympathetic characters, relatively normal people, though each has their own beliefs, quirks, and problems. The failure of my-way-or-the-highway Dad to show respect or even empathy for those who disagree drives the story. He could have been portrayed as an easy person to hate, but even with his limitations, it's obvious he is still trying to do good. To that extent, this film succeeds.

ellauri042.html on line 644: Part of Pope's bitter inspiration for the characters in the book come from his soured relationship with the royal court. The Princess of Wales Caroline of Ansbach, wife of George II, had supported Pope in her patronage of the arts. When she and her husband came to the throne in 1727 she had a much busier schedule and thus had less time for Pope who saw this oversight as a personal slight against him. When planning the Dunciad he based the character Dulness on Queen Caroline, as the fat, lazy and dull wife. Pope's bitterness against Caroline was a typical trait of his brilliant but unstable character. The King of the Dunces as the wife of Dulness was based on George II. Pope makes his views on the first two Georgian kings very clear in the Dunciad when he writes 'Still Dunce the second reigns like Dunce the first'.
ellauri042.html on line 697: Dostoevsky´s literary work has strong autobiographical elements. We know from him that he suffered from hallucinations already in early childhood. He presented idiotic characters with confused views about freedom of choice, religion, socialism, atheism, good and evil. Many of his characters suffered – like the author himself – from epilepsy. Other famous people also suffered from epilepsy (Alexander the Great, Caesar, Gustave Flaubert, and Lord Byron). Flaubert had religiously tinted visions. The first 2 guys thought they were gods.
ellauri042.html on line 699: Maria Fyodorovna Nechayeva, his mother, was descended from a conservative Moscow merchant family. Dostoevsky was educated at home and at a private school. The family lived in a very small apartment, which his father also used as a doctor´s practice. The patriarchal and avaricious character of his father was seminal for the personal and the artistic development of Fyodor.
ellauri042.html on line 730: There is no doubt that Dostoevsky´s writing witnesses a large awareness of and sometimes even obsession with religious, philosophical and emotional questions as well as question of guilt. Myshkin from the novel “The Idiot” shared many character traits with his creator, such as russophilia, hyperreligiosity with profound belief in the Russian-orthodox church, melancholy, auras of happiness, generalized seizures. Furthermore, Dostoevsky wrote in large letters, and his style was sometimes compulsive and abrupt.
ellauri042.html on line 753: Pitämissäni kekkereissä Dostojevski esiintyi charmikkaana persoonana. Se kertoi kaskuja, heitti vizejä ja läppiä, ja puheli tavallisia epätavallisiaan. Mutta kun joku uusi naama tuli huoneeseen, Dosto vaikeni hetkexi ja näytti kuoreensa vetäytyvältä etanalta, tai hiljaiselta pahansuovalta pakanakuvalta. Tätä jatkui kunnes tulija teki häneen hyvän vaikutuxen... Jos tuntematon lähti Doston kanssa juttusille, Dosto tavallisesti heitti jonkun töykeän huomautuxen, tai näytti hapanta naamaa.
ellauri042.html on line 943: Donne's style is characterised by abrupt openings and various paradoxes, ironies and dislocations. These features, along with his frequent dramatic or everyday speech rhythms, his tense syntax and his tough eloquence, were both a reaction against the smoothness of conventional Elizabethan poetry and an adaptation into English of European baroque and mannerist techniques. His early career was marked by poetry that bore immense knowledge of English society. Another important theme in Donne´s poetry is the idea of true religion, something that he spent much time considering and about which he often theorised. He wrote secular poems as well as erotic and love poems. He is particularly famous for his mastery of metaphysical conceits.
ellauri043.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri043.html on line 204: The Mỹ Lai Massacre (/ˌmiːˈlaɪ/; Vietnamese: Thảm sát Mỹ Lai [tʰâːm ʂǎːt mǐˀ lāːj] (About this soundlisten)) was the Vietnam War mass murder of unarmed South Vietnamese civilians by U.S. troops in Sơn Tịnh District, South Vietnam, on 16 March 1968. Between 347 and 504 unarmed people were killed by U.S. Army soldiers from Company C, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment and Company B, 4th Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, 11th Brigade, 23rd (Americal) Infantry Division. Victims included men, women, children, and infants. Some of the women were gang-raped and their bodies mutilated as were children as young as 12.[1][2] Twenty-six soldiers were charged with criminal offenses, but only Lieutenant William Calley Jr., a platoon leader in C Company, was convicted. Found guilty of killing 22 villagers, he was originally given a life sentence, but served only three and a half years under house arrest.
ellauri043.html on line 1557:

Mut sit! Sofian loikan ponnistus oli jättänyt tyhjyyden hiekkaan pyllynkuvan siitä, pahaa ainetta olevan Acharamothin. Pelastajaa kävi säälixi, se vapautti Sohvin pyllynkuvan kärsimyxistä; ja vapautetun acharamothin virnistyxestä syntyi valo;
ellauri043.html on line 1559:

Acharamothiista syntyi Demiurgi, maailmojen, taivaiden ja lemmon tehtailija. Se asuu Täyteyden alakerrassa, eikä edes huomaa niitä (vaik ne pitää aika mekkalaa), kun se uskoo niin lujasti aitoon jumalaan eikä hyväxy jäljitelmiä, ja toistaa profeettojen suulla:
ellauri043.html on line 1562:

Acharamoth pääsee
ellauri043.html on line 1970: Acharamothin siippa!

ellauri045.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri045.html on line 726: Saarella asuneet ihmiset rakensivat kammion Temppelin alle, jossa savuhirviö oleskeli. Kammiossa olevista hieroglypheistä päätellen he uskoivat hirviön olleen saaren vartija. Kun Black Rock -laiva saapuu saarelle vuonna 1867, savuhirviö tappaa laivan miehistön lukuun ottamatta Richardia. Mies yrittää huijata Richardin tappamaan Jacobin, mutta Jacob vakuuttaa Richardin liittymään neuvonantajakseen.
ellauri045.html on line 740: Locken muodossa oleva Musta-asuinen mies kohtaa Richardin ryhmän vaatien tätä viemään hänet Jacobin luo. Päästyään Taweret-patsaan luo, Richard vastahakoisesti päästää miehen ja Benin tapaamaan Jacobia. Jacob tunnistaa ”Locken” veljekseen, sanomalla tälle: ”Löysit porsaanreikäsi.” Musta-asuinen mies toteaa, ettei Jacob tiedä, mitä hän joutui tekemään löytääkseen sen. Ben puukottaa Jacobin kuoliaaksi ja Musta-asuinen mies työntää ruumiin tuleen polttaen sen. Bramin ryhmä ryntää patsaan alle ja kohtaa Musta-asuisen miehen, joka kertoo heille Jacobin kuolleen, ja ettei heidän tarvitse enää suojella ketään. Ryhmä yrittää ampua miehen, mutta tämä muuntautuu savuhirviöksi tappaen kaikki ryhmän jäsenet. Mies lyö Richardin tajuttomaksi ja vie tämän viidakkoon.
ellauri045.html on line 742: Richardin kieltäytyessä liittymästä Musta-asuisen miehen puolelle, tämä suuntaa parakeille ja kohtaa Sawyerin, joka tajuaa ettei mies ole ulkomuodostaan huolimatta Locke. Matkallaan luolalle mies kohtaa nuoren Jacobin ”haamun”, joka muistuttaa, ettei hän voi tappaa Sawyeria. Mies vie Sawyerin luolaan, jonka seinään Jacob oli kirjoittanut selviytyneiden nimiä, joista suurin osa oli yliviivattu. Mies viivaa Locken nimen yli ja selittää Sawyerille Jacobin halunneen Sawyerin suojelevan saarta yhtenä hänen kandidaattinaan. Sawyer päättää kuitenkin lähteä pois saarelta Musta-asuisen miehen kanssa.
ellauri045.html on line 752: Mies saapuu pääsaarelle, ja Widmore käskee kaikkien piiloutua. Richard yrittää neuvotella miehen kanssa, mutta tämä ilmestyy savuhirviönä ja heittää Richardin ilmaan. Hän kohtaa Benin, joka paljastaa Widmoren sijainnin. Mies kuulustelee Widmorea ja Zoea, mutta kun Widmore ei paljasta mitään, mies viiltää Zoen kurkun auki. Mies uhkaa tappaa Pennyn päästyään pois saarelta, jos Widmore ei puhuisi. Widmore kertoo miehelle Desmondista, kunnes Ben ampuu Widmoren. Mies sanoo Benille Widmoren kertoneen Desmondin olevan Jacobin viimeinen mahdollisuus, jos kaikki hänen kandidaattinsa ovat kuolleet.
ellauri045.html on line 804: Justice is one primary virtue, of course, the balance and respect in society so characteristic of Switzerland-well, I suppose not always, and not for every single immigrant, and until 1971 not for every single woman voter; but usually. Temperance is another, the balance in a soul, controlling desire. Courage is the third. What person could flourish if like Oblomov he stayed in bed out of uncontrolled fear, or out of ennui, an aristocratic version of cowardice? Prudence is the executive virtue, as St. Thomas Aquinas called it-know-how, savoir faire, self-interest. It rounds out the four virtues most admired in the tough little cities or tougher big empires of the classical Mediterranean. The Romans called the four of justice, temperance, courage, and prudence the "cardinal" virtues, on which a society of warriors or orators or courtiers hinged (cardo, hinge). The Christians called them, not entirely in contempt, "pagan."
ellauri046.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri046.html on line 369: Diapsalmata: I'd rather be a swineherd than a misunderstood poet. People are vapid, unreasonable, life is a trouble, I feel trapped, and bored. Alas, the door of fortune does not open inwards so that one can force it by charging at it. Business is silly. If the gods offered me a wish, I'd wish for laughter.
ellauri046.html on line 435: This very preliminary study has eight parts. The first assembles a number of entries from his Journals showing that he was homosexual and seen as such by at least some of his contemporaries. The second looks again at his relation with Regine and examines some of his own accounts of his relations with other men. The third provides other evidence of his homosexuality, particularly from his youth. The fourth briefly outlines his conceptions of and relations to Socrates, Christ and God. The fifth attempts to trace the history of his understanding of the relation of Christianity and homosexuality. The sixth repeats some of his own accounts of the homosexual origin and character of the central notions of his existentialism. The seventh presents homosexuality as his hope and agenda for future. Finally, the eighth attempts to summarize and make sense of the preceding.
ellauri046.html on line 490: Ensin vongataan sikana ja sitku on saatu niin heitetään imexitty raato tienoheen, siitähän sen näki et se oli sekundaa, kun ei pitänyt pintaansa kuin Richardsonin Pamela. Gretchenin Betydning Faustille on hendes uskuldige Eenfoldighed. Ilman sitä se on Intet. Hendes Kjaerlighed giver hende Betydlighed for ham. Jälkenpäin Gretchen mitättömyys kysyy izeltään Faustin runkut housuissa (sanat Söören):
ellauri047.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
ellauri047.html on line 60: Thuringenistä Frankfurtiin muuttanut räätäli-isoiskä kirjotti vielä nimensä ööllä Göthe, ennenkun alkoi suurkaupungissa hienoilla. Scneiderscheren schneiden scarf, scharf scneiden Schneiderscheren. Se nai izellen eskisaarismaisesti kukoistavan hotellialan yrityxen ja rikastu sillä niin törkeesti et jätti jälkeensä läjittäin kiinteistöjä, pantteja ja kultasäkkejä. Goethen isä Johann Kaspar Goethe (1710–1782) oli lakitieteen tohtori, joka kuului Frankfurtin varakkaimpiin porvareihin, ei tarvinnut päivääkään työtä tehdä. Se oli saita pedantti. Goethen äiti oli iloluontoinen Katharina Textari (1731–1808). Äiskä "Frau Rat", rouva rotta, oli 17 kun se naitettiin yli 2x vanhempaan ökyporvariin. Muut lapset kuoli paizi Woku ja sisko Cornelia, jonka kanssa se leikki nukketeatteria ja lääkärileikkejä. Äitikin sano sitä Hätschelhansixi. Goethe ei käynyt lapsena koulua, vaan hän sai kotiopetusta laajasti sivistyneeltä isältään ja kotiopettajilta. Hänelle opetettiin muun muassa historiaa, matematiikkaa, maantiedettä, miekkailua, tanssia ja piirtämistä. Ranskan kielen hän oppi niin perusteellisesti, että hän kykeni puhumaan sitä yhtä hyvin kuin äidinkieltään.
ellauri047.html on line 998: Aber als die römische Besatzung aus Deutschland verschwunden war und im Rheinland starke Judengemeinden zurückblieben, in denen sich die hebräisch-deutsche Mischsprache "Jiddisch" entwickelte, kommt es zur Verdeutschung hebräischer Namen durch zufälligen Gleichklang: Da wird Aaron zu Arnold, Benjamin zu Benno, Levi zu Ludwig, Moses zu Moritz, Simon zu Siegmund. Später entstehen deutsch klingende Familiennamen: Simon zu Schimmerling und Schimmerl, Isachar zu Sacher, Socher, Socherl und Sucher, Levi oder Loeb zu Lemann und Lehmann, Isak zu Eisemann, Eisermann, Jakob zu Kaufmann (-mann war eine beliebte Diminutivform). Oder die Namen wurden ins Deutsche übersetzt: Baruch oder Ascher (der Glückliche) wurde zu Selig, Seligmann, Eljakim oder Obadja zu dem überaus beliebten Gottschalk.
ellauri048.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
ellauri048.html on line 83: ja sitä 1700-luvulla edusti myös Richardsonin Pamela ja Rousseaun Julie.

ellauri048.html on line 717: the presence of hypercharged male relationships

  • ellauri048.html on line 738: Bellow's characterisation of his father's background is one of the most enjoyable strands of the book and an interesting companion to Saul's fiction. His father, Abraham, is characterised by his grandson as a crook and a tyrant, who despised his youngest son's literary ambitions and pummelled him – and all his sons – until Saul grabbed his hand mid-air one day and said, "I'm a married man, Pa. You cannot hit me anymore." In adulthood, on the rare occasions Bellow tried to talk to his father about his upbringing, Saul would shake him off and say rather pointedly: "You shouldn't blame your parents for your faults." Bellow smiles. "And he said this to me, a therapist no less! His father loved him, but it was a tumultuous relationship and my grandfather was mercurial as hell."
    ellauri048.html on line 745: The taboo of spilling the beans on Saul was "very big", he says, "because my father took the position that art is inviolate and that the artist has to be protected at all costs because he's an artist. Towards the end of his life, Saul asked his son rather charmingly, "Was I a man or a jerk?", which Bellow quotes in the book. "You know, he was asking himself a dead earnest question. And I think it was the right question. But if you were lionising him, you don't ask that question."
    ellauri048.html on line 1051: O the wild charge they made! Onko typerämpää hyökkäystä.
    ellauri048.html on line 1053: Honour the charge they made! No oli toisessa maailmansodassa,
    ellauri048.html on line 1722: To feel from world to world, and charms
    ellauri048.html on line 1885: Cramer was recycling an oft-cited tale of Polish lancers who supposedly charged German tanks at the outset of World War II — making it the very epitome of blinkered futility.
    ellauri048.html on line 1890: The myth likely stems from the Battle of Krojanty in September 1939 at the outset of World War II, when Nazi Germany invaded Poland. On the first day of the war, Polish cavalry charged a German infantry battalion. They initially broke the German ranks, until a counterattack by armored cars with machine guns turned the balance. The charge ended up inflicting heavy losses on the Poles but it worked, delaying the German advance and allowing other Polish forces to retreat. There were no tanks on the battlefield.
    ellauri049.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri049.html on line 334: Donnait un charme neuf à ses métamorphoses ; teki sen muodonmuutoxista sharmikkaita.
    ellauri049.html on line 916: Le sein charmant qui joue avec le feu, suloinen rinta joka leikkii tulella,
    ellauri050.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri050.html on line 193: Trellised with intertwining charities; kutaatekevästi ristiinsuihkiviin;
    ellauri050.html on line 218: They clanged his chariot ’thwart a heaven, ne kolaroi sen sotavaunuun taivaalla,
    ellauri050.html on line 312: Ah! must Thou char the wood ere Thou can’st limn with it? Äh! pitääx sun hiiltää puu ennenkuin sä piirrät sillä?
    ellauri051.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri051.html on line 394: What charm thy music works!--thou makest pass before me, Sun musa on charmanttia! -- sä paat mun eteen kulkemaan
    ellauri051.html on line 1398: 798 I visit the orchards of spheres and look at the product, 798 Vierailen pallojen hedelmätarhoissa ja katson tuotetta,
    ellauri051.html on line 1544: 941 Delicate sniffs of sea-breeze, smells of sedgy grass and fields by the shore, death-messages given in charge to survivors, 941 Merituulen herkkää haistelua, syrjäisen ruohon ja peltojen tuoksua rannalla, kuolemansanomia eloonjääneille,
    ellauri051.html on line 1601: 994 Behold, I do not give lectures or a little charity, 994 Katso, minä en pidä luentoja tai vähän hyväntekeväisyyttä,
    ellauri051.html on line 1650: 1042 Their brawny limbs passing safe over charr'd laths, their white foreheads whole and unhurt out of the flames; 1042 Heidän lihavat raajat kulkevat turvallisesti hiiltyneen listan yli, heidän valkoiset otsansa ehjät ja vahingoittumattomat liekeistä;
    ellauri051.html on line 1721: 1111 One of that centripetal and centrifugal gang I turn and talk like a man leaving charges before a journey. 1111 Eräs tuosta keskipakoisesta jengistä käännyn ja puhun kuin mies, joka jättää syytteen ennen matkaa.
    ellauri052.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri052.html on line 66: As in all Bellow's novels, death figures prominently in Henderson the Rain King. Also, the novel manifests a few common character types that run through Bellow's literary works. One type is the Bellovian Hero, often described as a schlemiel. Eugene Henderson, in company with most of Bellow's main characters, can be given this description, in the opinion of some people, and Bellow was another one himself for sure. Another is what Bellow calls the "Reality-Instructor"; in Henderson the Rain King, King Dahfu fills this role. In Seize the Day, the instructor is played by Dr. Tamkin, while in Humboldt's Gift, Humboldt von Fleisher takes the part.
    ellauri052.html on line 85: I find this judgement troubling. Certainly, one can agree that Herzog is lavish and intense. But through his eyes, we see women as very peculiar creatures. We meet a devotee of sex in Herzog’s lover, Ramona, the sad, enigmatic, emotionless pencils that are Valentine’s wife and Herzog’s first wife, and the castrating sex bomb that is Madeline. Very rarely do we feel that these characterisations are different from these characters’ reality—the novel seems to suggest that these women really are as limited as Herzog sees them.
    ellauri052.html on line 89: Harold Bloom is right to dismiss Bellow’s female characters of the later novels as “third-rate pipe dreams.” When a reader, holding Humboldt’s Gift in his hands, looks back at Augie March, the journey Saul Bellow has taken in his depiction of people is a very sad one. There is no way to compare the daring, principled Mimi Villars, Augie March’s one equal in oration, to the simple Ramona (Herzog), or to the comically shallow Renata (Humboldt’s Gift). Where is a woman equal to Augie’s Thea in these later books?
    ellauri052.html on line 93: It seems that as Bellow re-focused his lens on thought, and a main character’s deliberations over it, the fictional world around that central character darkened and cheapened. As the narrator / protagonist’s internal action grows, around him warmth and depth shrinks, until, by Humboldt’s Gift, it is clear that on a mental level, Citrine is utterly alone.
    ellauri052.html on line 95: This falling away of the world then renders the interplay of thought and reflection a sterile joke, as whatever the main character finally decides, there is no outside world for his deliberations to have meaning. Bellow has little choice, in the world of raging shadows he creates, other than to step away from the quest of thought at the climactic moment, and pretend he was only kidding.
    ellauri052.html on line 277: All in all, Pope’s characterization of women and his satirical telling of this incident paint a very negative picture of women. Women are shown as conniving, untrustful, illogical, and most importantly, inferior to men. Pope ridicules Belinda’s (Ms. Fermor’s) anger and does not seem to understand why women could get so angry over such a "trivial" matter. He does not respect female autonomy and buys in to the madonna/whore perception of women. The Rape of the Lock does a great injustice to women and only serves to perpetuate negative stereotypes and generalizations about female character.

    ellauri052.html on line 439: Aus Sicht Friedrich Nietzsches ist es die Aufgabe des Menschen, einen Typus hervorzubringen, der höher entwickelt ist als er selbst. Diesen dem Menschen überlegenen Menschen nennt Nietzsche den Übermenschen, ein Begriff, welcher bei Nietzsche sowohl eine geistige als auch eine biologische Bedeutung hat. Nietzsche verwendet den Begriff Übermensch das erste Mal in seinen Jugendschriften in Bezug auf Lord Byron, der als „geisterbeherrschender Übermensch“ charakterisiert wird.
    ellauri052.html on line 597: He was a man who convinced and hypnotized not only others but himself. He seemed to possess a number of characters which he changed like masks as the need arose, now he was a benevolent pastor … now a magician holding sway over human souls … His sole purpose and aspiration was to obtain possession of all things from below, by his own titanic devices, and to break through by a passionate effort to the realm of the spirit… He may have possessed oratorical gifts, but he lacked the true gift and feeling for words. His speech was a kind of magical act, aimed at obtaining control over his hearers by means of gestures, by raising and lowering his voice, and by changes in the expression of his face. He hypnotized his disciples, some of whom even fell asleep.
    ellauri052.html on line 653: It was not just Bohm who fell under the sway of Krishnamurti's charisma. He strongly influenced such writers as Joseph Campbell, the poet Robinson Jeffers, Henry Miller, Aldous Huxley, and Alan Watts who churned out popular books about Zen Buddhism. George Bernard Shaw once called young Krishnamurti "the most beautiful human being" he ever saw. Cabinet faggot. After visiting Krishnamurti's castle in Holland, Campbell wrote in a letter: "I can scarcely think of anything but the wisdom-and-beauty-of-my friend." In another letter he said, "Every time I talk with Krishna, something new amazes me."
    ellauri052.html on line 758: He came to consciousness again, hearing an immense knocking outside. What could be happening, what was it, the great hammer-stroke resounding through the house? He did not know. And then it came to him that it was his own heart beating. But that seemed impossible, the noise was outside. No, it was inside himself, it was his own heart. And the beating was painful, so strained, surcharged. He wondered if Gerald heard it. He did not know whether he were standing or lying or falling.
    ellauri052.html on line 897: Pouilly-Fuisse chardoneen shoveljeeri lie ottanut Ernest Hemingvaun kirjasta Moveable feast. Sale lukee menua oikealta vasemmalle ja panee Renatan puhumaan kuin maxullinen nainen. Salessa on tosi paljon Hofmannin karikatyyrijutkua. Sana hallussa mutta läpimätä ihminen. Yliluonnollisen sellainen. Ja aivan vitun kuolemanpelkoinen.
    ellauri052.html on line 946: Zachary Leader’s work, though superior to Atlas’s and better than his first volume, still has some serious flaws. He swallows Keith Botsford’s absurd claim that his subject “is a direct descendant of Machiavelli”. Leader constantly tries to connect every person and event in Bellow’s life to their fictional counterparts instead of emphasising his imaginative transformation of experience. Literary agent Andrew Wylie, well named “The Jackal,” poached Bellow from his longtime agent Harriet Wasserman. Varmaan lupas Salelle pyllynamia.

    ellauri052.html on line 979: The most important person in Bellow’s life—Maury, his oldest brother. As Leader shows, Maury was both the driving force in Bellow’s Americanization and a major presence in his work. Parents and wives came and went, but Maury remained: Simon in Augie March, Shura in Herzog, Julius in Humboldt’s Gift. As peremptory and violent as their father but more competent, Maury epitomized the cult of power and material success that both fascinated and repelled Bellow. “I recognized in him the day-to-day genius of the U.S.A.,” Bellow said in an interview with Philip Roth. In the same conversation, Roth observed that Maury’s reckless, angry spirit was “the household deity of Augie March.” By the time Maury finished law school, he had already started collecting graft for a corrupt Illinois state representative, skimming off the top for himself and his mother. A charismatic ladies’ man with an illegitimate son, Maury was “very proud of his extraordinary group of connections, his cynicism, his insiderhood,” Bellow told Roth. Maury was disdainful of his brother’s nonremunerative choice of profession, which he considered luftmenschlich—frivolous, impractical.
    ellauri053.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri053.html on line 116: Henri Bergson, in full Henri-Louis Bergson, (born Oct. 18, 1859, Paris, France—died Jan. 4, 1941, Paris), French philosopher, the first to elaborate what came to be called a process philosophy, which rejected static values in favour of values of motion, change, and evolution. Voila: Henri Bergson's bold and sweeping conception of a panpsychic world charged with élan vital.
    ellauri053.html on line 533:

    Tietolaatikko: John Casey mainitaan. Eikös se ollut se uuskriitikko? Nyt ollaan ihan Arskan oppivuosissa. Joo, the language of criticism 1966. Richard Cockett described Casey as a mentor to a whole generation of young Conservatives at Cambridge.
    ellauri053.html on line 820: Prince Dwarkanath Tagore, my great-grandfather, was a romantic figure. Contemporary of Rammohan Roy, the Father of the Renaissance Movement of Bengal, he was closely associated with him in all his activities and rendered financial help when- ever required. The East India Company were by this time firmly established in Bengal and were rapidly building up their trade. Dwarkanath’s knowledge of English helped him to take advantage of the conditions prevailing under the Company’s rule and he was able at quite an early age not only to amass a fortune but also to gain high offices under the British. With Rammohan Roy he took a leading part in all the movements for the promotion of higher education and social welfare. There was hardly any institution founded during his life-time that did not owe its existence to the generous charity of Dwarkanath. He came to be known as Prince Dwarkanath in recognition of his benefactions. His business enterprises extended to fields unexplored by Indians in those days. He had a fleet of cargo boats for trading between India and England. To improve his business connections and gain further concessions from the Company, he himself went to England accompanied by his youngest son, Nagendranath. I have had occasion to read the diary kept by this grand-uncle of mine. It describes vividly and in very chaste English the social life Of the aristocracy of England in the early Victorian age as seen through the eyes of an Indian. There is also an interesting description of his adventurous journey across the country from Bombay to Calcutta at a time when India was in a very disturbed condition on the eve of the Sepoy Mutiny.
    ellauri053.html on line 898: In ancient times the boy had to leave his home and live with his Guru in a forest hermitage as a Brahmachari. Only after having lived a spartan life during years of rigid training was he allowed to go home and take up the duties of a householder.
    ellauri053.html on line 900: At present the Upanayan has lost its real significance and the Brahmacharya period is reduced only three days of seclusion.
    ellauri053.html on line 908: By appealing to some friends four pupils were obtained from Calcutta. I myself brought the number up to five. We were all clothed in long yellow robes as befitting Brahmacharis. On the day of the opening ceremony, however, we were given red silk dhotis and chaddars and it made us feel very proud and im- portant to stand in a row in the Mandir, the cynosure of all eyes.
    ellauri053.html on line 916: The life led by both pupils and teachers was not only simple but almost austere. The ideal of Brahmacharya was the keynote of everything. The yellow uniform, which covered up the poverty of clothes; a pair of blankets, which served as our only bedding; the vegetarian meals comparable to jail diet in their dull monotony — these were the standards laid down.
    ellauri053.html on line 928: How-ever simple, the strain on Father’s resources to maintain the school must have been great. The institution had no income of its own besides the annual Rs. 1,800 drawn from the Santiniketan Trust. For several years students were not charged fees of any kind. They were given not only free education, but food and very often clothing as well. The whole burden had to be borne by Father, when his own private income was barely Rs. 200 a month. My mother had to sell nearly all her jewellery for the support of the school, before she died in 1902.
    ellauri053.html on line 962: Saying ‘And thus have I Wall my part discharged so’, made a hasty exit as the audience roared with laughter.
    ellauri053.html on line 1174: He was very much fascinated by self-induced trance states, calculated symbolism, mediums, theosophy, crystal-gazing, folklore and hobgoblins. Golden apples, archers, black pigs and such paraphernalia abounded. Often the verse has an hypnotic charm: but you cannot take heaven by magic, especially if you are, like Mr. Yeats, a very sane person.

    ellauri053.html on line 1354: W. B. Yeats, “Sailing to Byzantium” from The Poems of W. B. Yeats: A New Edition, edited by Richard J. Finneran. Copyright 1933 by Macmillan Publishing Company, renewed © 1961 by Georgie Yeats. Reprinted with the permission of A. P. Watt, Ltd. on behalf of Michael Yeats. Source: The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats (1989)
    ellauri054.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri054.html on line 189: At his jubilee seminar, Riikonen's Turku-based colleague, Jukka Sihvonen, characterised him as a bibliophile and a manic hoarder of books. Riikonen says that he has never counted the exact number of books in his home, but he estimates that his is one of Helsinki's most extensive private libraries.
    ellauri055.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri055.html on line 1162: In 1904, Richard Semon published Die Mneme (which appeared in English in 1924 as The Mneme). The term mneme was also used in Maurice Maeterlinck's The Life of the White Ant (1926), with some parallels to Dawkins's concept.
    ellauri058.html on line 4: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri058.html on line 966: Meung-sur-Loire: In fiction, it has been described by Alexandre Dumas in The Three Musketeers as the village where d'Artagnan, en route to join the King's Musketeers in Paris, first encounters the villainous Comte de Rochefort. Also in fiction, Meung-sur-Loire is the country home of Chief Inspector Jules Maigret, Georges Simenon's classic crime fiction character. Maigret and his wife Louise eventually retire to their Meung-sur-Loire home, where he spends his time fishing (pike), and she tends, according to her sister, any number of animals.
    ellauri060.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri060.html on line 113: In a 2004 interview, Ackroyd said that he had not been in a relationship since Kuhn's death and was "very happy being celibate." Eliot-kirja on omistettu jollekulle Richard Shonelle. Ehkä ne oli vaan hyvänpäivän tuttuja.
    ellauri060.html on line 231: Daniel Defoe (/dɪˈfoʊ/; born Daniel Foe; c. 1660 – 24 April 1731) was an English writer, trader, journalist, pamphleteer and spy. He is most famous for his bestselling novel Robinson Crusoe, published in 1719, which is claimed to be second only to the Bible in its number of translations. He has been seen as one of the earliest proponents of the English novel, and helped to popularise the form in Britain with others such as Aphra Behn and Samuel Richardson. Defoe wrote many political tracts, was often in trouble with the authorities, and spent a period in prison for unpaid debts. Laissez faire intellectuals and political leaders paid attention to his fresh ideas and sometimes consulted him.
    ellauri060.html on line 960:
    chard">Richard Gere's Son Homer Is Probably The Most Handsome Man To Ever Exist, After Hjallis and Mark.
    ellauri060.html on line 1174: 1958, the novel Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, and film of the same name, as the motto of the main character, Arthur Seaton.
    ellauri061.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri061.html on line 199: Edmond Malone, a Shakespearean scholar and critic of the late 18th century, found another flaw in this particular play, its lack of a proper decorum. He found that the "more exalted characters" (the aristocrats of Athens) are subservient to the interests of those beneath them. In other words, the lower-class characters play larger roles than their betters and overshadow them. He found this to be a grave error of the writer. Tääkin muistuttaa Nuorgamin runoilijasta (ks alempana).
    ellauri061.html on line 535: Till the last trumpet: for charitable prayers, odottamaan viimeistä trumpettia: sillä säälirukouxia,
    ellauri061.html on line 793: Answer: The account of Deborah and Barak is found in Judges 4 and 5 in the Old Testament. The Israelites had been under the control of the Canaanite king Jabin and the commander of his army, Sisera. The Canaanites had 900 chariots of iron and ruled over Israel for 20 years (Judges 4:2–3).
    ellauri061.html on line 803: The song of Deborah and Barak also gives some more detail about the victory over the Canaanites: “The earth shook, the heavens poured, / the clouds poured down water” (Judges 5:4). Evidently, God used a flood to disable the iron chariots of Sisera. The victory was supernatural (verse 20). Chapter 5 concludes with the statement, “And the land had peace forty years.” This impressive time of peace lasted until Midian took control of Israel, necessitating Gideon’s rise.
    ellauri061.html on line 866: kirjoittajat. Tuom 5:5 Isascharin

    ellauri061.html on line 868: Isaschar oli nijncuin Barac laxois/

    ellauri061.html on line 1655: Nor no witchcraft charm thee! Ei noituudesta ole pelkoa!
    ellauri062.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri062.html on line 96: When an older adult begins to act out of character or starts becoming irritable or aggressive, it may be an indication of trouble. Unfortunately, a senior with early Alzheimer’s can also lose their inhibitions and act in inappropriate ways.
    ellauri062.html on line 195: No. 62 — Richard LeFrak & Family
    ellauri062.html on line 396: A character ("General Hopgood") in the 2009 film The Men Who Stare at Goats — a fictionalized adaptation of Ronson's book — is loosely based on Stubblebine as commander of the "psychic spy unit" (portrayed in the film) who believed he could train himself to walk through walls.
    ellauri062.html on line 424: The overall point to remember is that people come to be entertained. In other words, cat videos. Keep in mind that entertainment tends to win the day, as does emotionally-charged content.
    ellauri062.html on line 782: Entre 1938 y 1941, obtuvo diferentes papeles en filmes alemanes. Mantuvo una muy buena relación con la prensa nacionalsocialista: participó en varios recitales y ceremonias del Tercer Reich y adquirió el estatus y conducta social de una diva. De hecho, se ganó el afecto de Adolf Hitler, quien llegó a enviarle una fotografía personal autografiada. En su momento, fue la musa del ministro de propaganda Joseph Goebbels y otros dignatarios; por ende, su carrera se potenció enormemente y se le abrieron las puertas a la elite alemana ganando un elevado estatus social. Grabó 118 canciones y, por los derechos de autor, sus ganancias en marcos alemanes fueron importantes. Tal fue el éxito obtenido que la personalidad de Serrano adquirió los ribetes de una diva sin sospechar que su éxito era dependiente del régimen. Para Serrano, más que la política importaba el escenario y entregar su talento.
    ellauri062.html on line 866: chardWagner.jpg/800px-RichardWagner.jpg" height="250px" />
    ellauri063.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri063.html on line 43: Eric's work, on the contrary, is characterised by lucid prose, biting social criticism, opposition to totalitarianism and Eastern socialism, and outspoken support of (utopian) democratic socialism.
    ellauri063.html on line 269: Golem is a playable character in the fighting arcade game Mutant Fighter.
    ellauri063.html on line 314: Scott "Walker" Engel's The Old Man's Back Again is dedicated to the neostalinist regime. Löysää hölkkää mutta kaskun kärki on nyt siinä että Putinin porukat on muka yleisössä. Scott 4 is Scott Walker's fifth solo album (a collection of songs he had performed for his BBC television series had been his fourth). It was originally released in late 1969 under his birth name, Scott Engel, and failed to chart. Subsequent reissues have been released under his stage name. It has since received praise as one of Walker's best works.
    ellauri064.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri064.html on line 79: Benjamin maintained a fiercely productive focus on his intellectual mission throughout his life, despite repeatedly complaining of ‘grand-scale defeats’ and lows. After his request for divorce from Dora Pollak was granted in 1932, he suffered 10 paralysing days during which he seriously prepared suicide. Suicidal thoughts endured. He was an elegant, cultivated man who oozed old-world charm, exerting attraction on women but not always enough to give him cunt. Asja Lacis, the Latvian Communist Director of Children's Theatre in the USSR, twice refused, as did later lover Anna Maria Blaupot ten Cate. Lacis suffered relapsing mental illness and was hospitalised with hallucinations when Benjamin rushed to Moscow in 1926, at the brink of Stalinisation. His luminous Moscow Diary records his frustrating two-month experience.
    ellauri064.html on line 262: Robert James Zdarsky (June 3, 1950 – March 30, 2015), better known by his stage name Robert Z´Dar, was an American character actor and film producer, best known for his role as officer Matt Cordell in the cult horror film Maniac Cop and its two sequels. Never heard. Kärsi kerubismista (leukavuudesta). Rokonarpiset ihmiset on nykyään yleensä kärsineet pahasta aknesta.
    ellauri064.html on line 276: Der Völkische Beobachter (VB) war von Dezember 1920 bis zum 30. April 1945 das publizistische Parteiorgan der NSDAP. In scharfer Abgrenzung zu bürgerlichen Zeitungen bezeichnete sich der VB als „Kampfblatt“ und war programmatisch mehr an Agitation als an Information interessiert. Pressehistoriker nannten den VB daher „plakathaft“ und seinen Stil „mehr gesprochen als geschrieben“. Zunächst erschien der VB zweimal wöchentlich, ab dem 8. Februar 1923 täglich im Franz-Eher-Verlag in München. Er wurde nach den Anfangsjahren reichsweit vertrieben.
    ellauri064.html on line 333: Just before the 2011 general election Hirvisaari was prosecuted for his blog in the Uusi Suomi newspaper web site under the title "Kikkarapäälle kuonoon" ("Sock the kinkyhead"). The text referenced an attack on a foreign person in Helsinki — Hirvisaari wrote that the crime had not necessarily been a racist one. In November 2010 the district court of Päijät-Häme dropped the charges against him of incitement. After consultation with the deputy general attorney, Jorma Kalske, the state appealed against the verdict. In December the Kouvola court of appeals found Hirvisaari guilty of incitement and fined him.
    ellauri064.html on line 380: Harkonnen, The Baron Vladimir (/ ˈ h ɑːr k oʊ n ən / or / h ɑːr ˈ k oʊ n ən /) is a fictional character from the Dune franchise created by Frank Herbert.
    ellauri065.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri065.html on line 492: Its white supremacist trash. In the plot summary of the wikipedia article you linked for the novel, The Day of the Rope is what the fictional characters call the day that they raided all the homes of "race traitors" ("gender traitors" in Ruby script), dragged them into the streets and hung them from lamp posts. Its a defining moment for a white supremacists dream of a perfect race war where all non-whites eventually get eliminated.
    ellauri065.html on line 513: ebin: sometimes spelled "epin", is an intentional misspelling of the word "epic" which is often associated with the character Spurdo Spärde and ironic meme culture. According to Encyclopedia Dramatica, the term "epin" was coined as a shortened form of the phrase epic win in June 2009 on 4chan´s /b/ (random) board, where it was spammed repeatedly and accused of being a forced meme. On June 7th, several Urban Dictionary definitions for "epin" were submitted. According to the s4s Wiki, the term "ebin" was subsequently coined as a Spurdo Spärde-style misspelling of epin on the Finnish image board Kuvalauta to avoid bans for posting the word "epic." Derived senses:
    ellauri065.html on line 527: Spurdo Spärde: a poorly drawn character based on the sprite image of Pedobear. It was originally conceived in the Finnish imageboard Kuvalauta to mock the newcomers who often flooded the site with hackneyed reposts, one of the main materials being images of Pedobear. The character is coarsely drawn on purpose and accompanied by captions that are misspelled and stylized in all cap.
    ellauri066.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri066.html on line 344: Tompasta on tosi vähän kovaa faktaa: synt. ’37 vanhaan ampiaispesään (ei siis Pynchowitz Ellis Islandilta - sori siitä), koulut Oyster Bayssä Long Islandilla ja collegessa Cornellissa, missä paras kaveri oli tuleva romaanifolkkilaulaja Richard Farina. Sitten töissä teknisenä kirjoittajana Boeingilla, kirjailijapiireissä Manhattan Beachilla, Calif. ja Pohjois-Kaliforniassa. Loppuviimexi Manhattan, NYC missä sen kustannustoimittaja lopulta nai sen säälistä ja ne saivat pojan. Minkähän ikäinen se poikakin on jo nyt, ja mitä sekin puuhastelee. Ehkä se vielä nettoaa kirjottamalla Tompan biografian kunhan nököhammas ekax saadaan hengiltä.
    ellauri066.html on line 389: Richard Halliburton (s. 9. tammikuuta 1900 – katosi 24. maaliskuuta 1939) oli amerikkalainen lehtimies ja maailmankulkuri. Luonteeltaan hän oli kuuluisan huoleton hetkessä eläjä ja hedonisti, eräänlainen uuden ajan epikurolainen. Halliburton kirjoitti useitakin matkakirjoja; niistä on suomennettu ainakin Ruhtinaallinen retki romantiikan maille ja Lentävä matto.
    ellauri067.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri067.html on line 152: Von Braun had a charismatic personality and was known as a ladies´ man. As a student in Berlin, he would often be seen in the evenings in the company of two girlfriends at once. Mom did not approve of roturiers. She had better things in mind.
    ellauri067.html on line 247: Loppupäässä alkaa lukijoiden mielenkiinto Pynchoniin herpautua. Against the Day 2006 ( just ennen meidän Springfieldin reisua) inspired mixed reactions from critics and reviewers. One reviewer remarked, "It is brilliant, but it is exhaustingly brilliant." Other reviewers described Against the Day as "lengthy and rambling" and "a baggy monster of a book", while negative appraisals condemned the novel for its "silliness" or characterized its action as "fairly pointless" and remained unimpressed by its "grab bag of themes". Alkoi mennä jo ylijuonikkaax.
    ellauri067.html on line 313: charts.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Kilroy-was-here2.jpg" height="200px" />
    ellauri067.html on line 361: Enzian is the name of a foil character in Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow, contrasted against the main character Slothrop's association with the V-2. Onxtää V-2 niinkuin se kirja V paizi että reikänä on number 2? Enzian on notmii jota valkonaamat panee perseeseen. Mikä ihme siinä on että Tom of New Englandin näköiset piipunrassit niin usein kuumuu persehommista? Tulee vähän mieleen Wilt Whatman mielimutiaisineen.
    ellauri067.html on line 363: Foil: In fiction or non-fiction, a foil is a character who contrasts with another character; most of the time it is the protagonist, to highlight qualities of the other character. In some cases, a subplot can be used as a foil to the main plot. This is especially true in the case of metafiction and the story within a story motif. The word foil comes from the old practice of backing gems with foil to make them shine more brightly. Paranoids like Pynchon make foil hats to foil conspiracies.
    ellauri067.html on line 386: Hop Harrigan (also known as The Guardian Angel and Black Lamp) is a fictional character published by All-American Publications. He appeared in American comic books, radio serials and film serials. He was created by Jon Blummer, andwas a popular hero originally through the 1940s, during the events of World War II.
    ellauri067.html on line 389: Shortly after the war, the character appears for a while under the alias the Black Lamp.
    ellauri067.html on line 422: chard Freiherr von">Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing (1840–1902; full name Richard Fridolin Joseph Freiherr Krafft von Festenberg auf Frohnberg, genannt von Ebing) was an Austro–German psychiatrist and author of the foundational work Psychopathia Sexualis (1886). He died in Graz in 1902. He was recognized as an authority on deviant sexual behavior and its medicolegal aspects. Krafft-Ebing´s principal work is Psychopathia Sexualis: eine Klinisch-Forensische Studie (Sexual Psychopathy: A Clinical-Forensic Study), which was first published in 1886 and expanded in subsequent editions. The last edition from the hand of the author (the twelfth) contained a total of 238 case histories of human sexual behaviour. Translations of various editions of this book introduced to English such terms as "sadist" (derived from the brutal sexual practices depicted in the novels of the Marquis de Sade), "masochist", (derived from the name of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch), "homosexuality", "bisexuality", "necrophilia", and "anilingus".
    ellauri067.html on line 463: tannäuserism: In a note to 3.2 of Gravity´s Rainbow, Heseburger explains Pynchon´s use of the word "Tannhäuserism" as follows: The tragic error of Tannhäuser — for example, in Richard Wagner´s operatic version of the myth — was to postpone his quest in order to linger for one year of sensual, "mindless pleasure" with the goddess Venus under her mountain called Venusberg. Vai onko se Brocken, Jaakon ja Jöötin mainizema Kyöpelinvuori Harzissa? On 11 April, American forces liberated the camps at Buchenwald, near Weimar, and the V2 rocket slave-labour camp at Nordhausen in the Harz Mountains. Ryssät eivät päässeet lähellekään. Jenkeillä oli vitun kiire kahmimaan izelleen ne raketit. Ja siitä vasta iso piru pääsi merrasta.
    ellauri067.html on line 493: Book reviewers have a long history of attacking Pynchon for his flat characters. Roger and Jessica are susceptible to this criticism. Neither is given much of a history. We don’t know where they grew up or who their parents were. This is one of the great failings of... what to call it? "middlebrow" is antiquated... anyway, a very common kind of criticism (common in the Anglo-American world, anyway), and it affects how authors write (which is one reason I read mainly Russian literature these days). I don't need to know "where they grew up or who their parents were" and I don't much care, unless, of course, you write about it brilliantly because that´s truly what you want to focus on, as opposed to "welp, better provide a plausible background for my characters so the reader will believe they're behaving this way." Just write good sentences in a good and surprising order. Two people have fallen out of love? I don't care if it's because one of them has mommy issues or the other was bullied as a child—people fall out of love all the time, for any reason or none, just tell me what they do about it, and in language that makes me want to keep reading! Teoxet on tärkeät, vähät elämästä. En jaxa luontokuvauxia, hyppään ne heti yli.
    ellauri067.html on line 503: The other stories in the collection, though less concerned with female characters, present women with few exceptions according to the logic of “Low-lands” as either hateful housewife-mothers, objects of male fantasy, or as inferior actors in an essentially male sphere.
    ellauri067.html on line 544: Gravity´s Rainbow is a 1973 novel, first published by Viking Press, by American writer Thomas Pynchon. The narrative is set primarily in Europe at the end of World War II, and centers on the design, production and dispatch of V-2 rockets by the German military. In particular, it features the quest undertaken by several characters to uncover the secret of a mysterious device named the "Schwarzgerät" ("black device"), slated to be installed in a rocket with the serial number "00000".

    ellauri067.html on line 564:

    Comicbook/cartoon/fictional characters

    ellauri069.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri069.html on line 115: “The aim of literature,” says a character in “Florence Green Is 81,” one of Barthelme’s first published stories, “is the creation of a strange object covered with fur which breaks your heart.”
    ellauri069.html on line 142: An English illustrator, Beardsley is known for his (often erotically charged) illustrations for Oscar Wilde's Salome, Alexander Pope's Rape of the Lock and other black-and-white works. Along with Oscar Wilde, he was considered a leader of "The Decadents" of the 1890s; 71; 634; Wikipedia entry.
    ellauri069.html on line 170: Dr. Mabuse is a fictional character created by Norbert Jacques in the German novel Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler ("Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler"), and made famous by three films about the character directed by Fritz Lang: Dr. Mabuse the Gambler (silent, 1922) The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1933) and the much later The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse (1960). Dr. Mabuse is a master of disguise and telepathic hypnosis known to employ body transference, most often through demonic possession, but sometimes utilizing object technologies such as television or phonograph machines, to build a "society of crime". One "Dr. Mabuse" may be defeated and sent to an asylum, jail or the grave, only for a new "Dr. Mabuse" to later appear, as depicted in The Testament of Dr. Mabuse. The replacement invariably has the same methods, the same powers of hypnosis and the same criminal genius. There are even suggestions in some installments of the series that the "real" Mabuse is some sort of spirit that possesses a series of hosts.
    ellauri069.html on line 185: characterized as being outspoken, lacking politeness and using coarse humour.
    ellauri069.html on line 207: Dr. Fu Manchu is a fictional character first featured in a series of novels by English author Sax Rohmer during the first half of the 20th century and later extensively in cinema, television, radio, and comics.
    ellauri069.html on line 220: Fariña, Richard: (1937-66)
    ellauri069.html on line 222: Richard Fariña, to whom Gravity's Rainbow is dedicated, was a good friend of Pynchon's when they were students at Cornell University in the 50s. In 1963, Farina married Mimi Baez, a folksinger and sister of Joan Baez. Although first married under the Napoleonic Code in a secret ceremony in Paris in the spring of 1963, they had an official marriage in Carmel, California, for the benefit of the Baez family. Pynchon was the best man for the Carmel ceremony, coming up from Mexico City where he was living and working on Gravity's Rainbow. In A Long Time Coming and a Long Time Gone, Farina's posthumously published collection of stories (Random House, 1969), Farina describes his and Pynchon's visit to the Monterey Fair. Richard and Mimi Farina formed a folk-music duo (Farina on guitar and Mimi on dulcimer, both singing) and released several albums in the 60s. Richard Farina was killed in a motorcycle crash following a book signing in Carmel for his newly published first (and only) novel, Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me (Random House, 1966). You might want to visit this sweet website dedicated to the memory of Richard and Mimi (who died of cancer in 2001).
    ellauri069.html on line 257: German novelist Hermann Hesse (1877-1962), experiencing a crisis of the spirit, had psychoanalysis with J.B. Lang, a disciple of Carl Gustav Jung. His novel Demian (1919), which shows the influence of analysis, is about the character Demian (a classic "seeker") and his quest for self-awareness. Published during the troubled Weimar years, the novel was very popular and had a pervasive influence on the Germans. It also made Hesse famous.
    ellauri069.html on line 283: Maailman Sota IIn aikana Syyskuussa 1944, Sakun voimat tähtäävät V-2 roketteja Lontooseen, Englantiin. Amerikan sotilas character-analysis/#Tyrone_Slothrop" data-davis="true" data-amplitude="[Book] Character Analysis tab" data-crosslinktype="Characters">Alokas Laiskiais-Entropia
    ellauri069.html on line 286: Aiempi hullusuoja lähellä Lontoota liikanimellä "Valkoinen Vizaus" majoittaa ryhmää hyypiöitä sekaantuneina tsygologiseen sodankäyntiin. Hörhöryhmä tunnetaan alkukirjainlyhenteellä KALAT. Henkilökunta sisältää tilastotieteilijän, Roger Mexikon, ja behavioristizygologin, Edward "Ned" character-analysis/#Pointsman" data-davis="true" data-amplitude="[Book] Character Analysis tab" data-crosslinktype="Characters">Poinzimiehen.
    ellauri069.html on line 299: Laiskiainen, Täti Vihreä, ja Nalle Läski lähetetään Ranskan Rivieralle, missä he pysähtyvät lomakohteeseen. Niiden ekana päivänä siellä, ne piknikoivat biitsillä joidenkin naisten kaa (tietysti). Muu nainen, muukalainen, joutuu mustekalan hyökkäämäxi. Alokas koittaa mäsätä mustekalan pään pullolla. Läski tuottaa liian-kätevän ravun, käskien Laiskiaisen houkutella mustekalan pois ruualla. Alokas epäilee juonta jonkinlaista. (Se olisikin eka tässä kirjassa.) Hän on oikea. Mussetkala on Poinzimiehen Grigori! Hyökkäys on lavastettu saadaxeen Laiskiaisen yhteen hollantilaisen naisen kaa, character-analysis/#Katje_Borgesius" data-davis="true" data-amplitude="[Book] Character Analysis tab" data-crosslinktype="Characters">Katje Borgesius, entinen Nazi yhteispeluri ja nyt KALAT toimija.

    Alokas, tämä
    ellauri069.html on line 313: Vetelys matkustaa Nordhauseniin, Sachsa, missä V-2 roketit rakennettiin. Matkalla hän tapaa character-analysis/#Enzian" data-davis="true" data-amplitude="[Book] Character Analysis tab" data-crosslinktype="Characters">Katkeron, kurssihereron aiemmasta Sachsan siirtolasta Etelä Länsi Aahrikassa, ja Suurehkon Mervin, rasistisen Amerikan upseerin. Katkero ja Mervi ovat myös kiinnostuneita V-2 rockets. (Ainoo joka alkaa väsyä on lukija.)
    ellauri069.html on line 315: Nordhausenissa, Laiskis viettää yön izekuvatun noidan Geli Trippingin jalkovälissä. Hänen rakastajansa, ryssä character-analysis/#Tchitcherine" data-davis="true" data-amplitude="[Book] Character Analysis tab" data-crosslinktype="Characters">Aivastus,
    ellauri069.html on line 408: Kuka on puikoissa? Kertoja viittaa uhkaavasti kapitalisoituun "Niihin", jolla tarkoitetaan ylimalkaisesti liskovaltion pahaa liittoa bisneshaiden kanssa vastoin tavallisen persun etuja, ketään erityisesti mainizematta (ei edes Nazeja). Tän tautta novelli on, kuten kollegani Richard Poirier selitti vaikutusvaltaisessa aikaisemmassa arvostelussa, tahallaan kahareisin aidalla, toisaalta lukija voi vainoharhaisesti epäillä kaikkien salaliittoa kaikkia muita vastaan, tai sit vainoharhattomasti pitää tätä pelkkänä irrallisten pätkien vaihtorottapesänä, läpeensä älyttömänä nonsensenä. (Novellin työnimi oli Kutkuttakaamme raitaperse paviaania).
    ellauri069.html on line 479: Imagine a story that combines Ulysses, Catch-22, The Canterbury tales, Under the Volcano, On the Road and many others. First, there is a huge cast of characters and most times, it is unclear who’s speaking and to whom. A second challenge is getting into the context of the book. The novel demands a vast knowledge of history, geography, music, literature, science, mathematics and occult. Apart from this the book also explicitly deals with profanity, racism, violence, pedophilia, coprophilia and seemingly infinite number of sex scenes. That being said, Pynchon doesn’t throw them arbitrarily and each one of them have a purpose. The main plot itself is set at the end of World War 2 and Europe is in chaos. As new countries and alliances are being formed, so too are new perspectives within the characters. Mental state being broken down, people making poor choices and actions being justified and helps us see how people tend to live destructively. As if there complexities weren’t enough, Pynchon includes a “postmodern” aspect of the book that leaves the first-time reader confused. Pynchon’s voice is seen through this aspect and a sense of paranoia creeps throughout the book and everything is questioned.
    ellauri069.html on line 483: An article recently came out in the LA Times about Pynchon’s Great American Novel. The article begins by stating that Mason and Dixon is actually the most obvious candidate for the Great American Novel, and it instead suggests that Gravity’s Rainbow is perhaps the Great European Novel. The article then questions whether or not the Great American Novel even exists, and if it does if it is of a singular form or if it takes on many forms at once. After considering this question, the article finally claims that the Great American Novel is actually made up of all of Pynchon’s works fused together “into one epic Pynchoverse.” The Great American Novel certainly does not need to take place in America, but still many will argue that Gravity’s Rainbow by itself can never be considered as the Great American Novel because of its non-American setting and its wide array of characters. This is definitely debatable, but I do enjoy the idea of a “Pynchoverse” or a Pynchon Compilation being considered as the true Great American Novel. That being said, I do think most readers and Pynchonerds would undoubtedly say that Gravity's Rainbow is the Greatest Pynchon Novel.
    ellauri069.html on line 584: Later, Laurel and Richard get married. Stella watches them exchange their wedding vows from the city street through a window. Her presence goes unnoticed in the darkness and among the other curious bystanders. She then slips away in the rain, alone but triumphant in having arranged her daughter's happiness.
    ellauri069.html on line 618: Tannhäuser (tai Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg eli Tannhäuser ja Wartburgin laulukilpailu) on Richard Wagnerin kirjoittama ja säveltämä ooppera. Se perustuu keskiaikaiseen kansanballadiin Tannhäuserista ja Wartburgin laulukilpailusta kertovaan tarinaan. Oopperan ensiesitys oli Dresdenissä vuonna 1845.
    ellauri069.html on line 674: In addition to new flavors, Cracker Jack now offers what it describes as enhanced prizes -- stickers with fun facts and digital codes that you can use on a Cracker Jack-branded app. Somehow, those don’t have quite the charm as temporary tattoos and secret decoder rings.
    ellauri069.html on line 700: Kurt Busiek's Astro City is an American superhero anthology comic book series centered on a fictional American city of that name. Created and written by Kurt Busiek, the series is mostly illustrated by Brent Anderson, with character designs and painted covers by Alex Ross. Nää piipertäjät on vanhoja pyyleviä ukkoja. Tää on ysäriltä, liian uusi good old Nipistäjälle.
    ellauri070.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri070.html on line 384: "A penny saved is a penny earned" is a quote often attributed to Benjamin Franklin, however, he didn’t coin it. In his 1737 Poor Richard’s Almanac, Franklin delivered the line: “A penny saved is two pence clear.” And later, in the 1758 almanac, he wrote a version closer to the saying we know: "A penny saved is a penny got." He never used the word "earned."
    ellauri070.html on line 456: William Bendix (January 14, 1906 – December 14, 1964) was an American film, radio, and television actor, who typically played rough, blue-collar characters. Se oli rebublikaani, olis varmaan kannattanut Trumppia. Malcolm X tuskin kiillotti Shinolalla Jack FGK:n kenkiä, Nipsusta puhumattakaan. Kalpeanaamat pahexuu Malcolmia koska se kääntyi muslimix. Jotain hemmetin perverssiä Nipsussa on, kun se koko ajan heiluu neekerisodomian ja teinityttöpedofilian välillä.
    ellauri070.html on line 458: Carl Denham is a fictional character in the films King Kong and The Son of Kong (both released in 1933). Denham's function in the story is to initiate the action by bringing the characters to Skull Island, where they encounter the giant beast Kong. Denham then brings Kong to New York City to put him on display as entertainment, but he escapes and rampages through the city.
    ellauri071.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri071.html on line 103: In 1918, Coward was conscripted into the Artists Rifles but was assessed as unfit for active service because of a tubercular tendency, and he was discharged on health grounds after nine months. At the outbreak of the Second World War Coward volunteered for war work, running the British propaganda office in Paris. He also worked with the Secret Service to persuade the American public and government to join the war.
    ellauri071.html on line 113: Coward's last pre-war plays were This Happy Breed, a drama about a working-class family, and Present Laughter, a comic self-caricature with an egomaniac actor as the central character.
    ellauri071.html on line 121: Another of Coward's wartime projects, as writer, star, composer and co-director (alongside David Lean), was the naval film drama In Which We Serve. The film was popular on both sides of the Atlantic, and he was awarded an honorary certificate of merit at the 1943 Academy Awards ceremony. Coward played a naval captain, basing the character on his friend Lord Louis Mountbatten.
    ellauri071.html on line 606: Ilmeisesti tän loppuveivauxen ideana on, et Weissmanin viimeinen roketti osuukin Los Angelesiin. Kyydissä Nipsun hienoin avatar, läskiperseinen kissa Karvinen. Mikä toi on olevinaan: Luftklage klar? Ei se tarkoita midiä. Luftlage? Luftklappe? Höh. Jos se onkin Nipen nyrjähtänyt sanakirjakäännös: Klage <- charge -> Ladung s. 978. Tai size on joku hieno viittaus Reikärauta Rene Rilkeen.
    ellauri072.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri072.html on line 429: Esim ajatus että tyyppi tekee "hyvän teon" antamalla rahaa köyhille eikä sitä saa muuten kertoa muuten se menee pilalle, on hemmetin feikkiä, puhdasta amerikkalaista charity-hanuria. Ja se että kuitenkin pitäis saada noilta köyhiltä vielä kiitosta on samasta hanurista. Ylipäänsä kiitosten odottelu mistään on. Siinä on kyse siitä samasta luotonannosta ja IOU:n kuittauxesta kuin kaikessa muussakin bisnesjeesustelussa. Tätä on vaikea pitää mielessä, mutt näinhän se on. Se mitä näissä yhteyxissä sanotaan "hyväxi" on justiinsa vaan tota tiimikäytöstä. Tiimitoiminta ON termiittiapinoiden hyvyyttä, tit for tat tiimin tasolla on sen hyvän määritelmä pähkinänkuoressa.
    ellauri072.html on line 508: Infinite Jest is not the only thing that made Wallu famous, though. There was also his bandanna, which was as misinterpreted as so much else about him. As the Max biography explains, Wallace started wearing the bandanna as the least embarrassing solution he could think of to obscure the intense sweating attacks that overcame him without warning. (In high school, he had taken to carrying around a tennis racket and a towel as a tacit cover story for the sweating.) The acutely self-conscious, anxious, addicted and at times showy characters in Wallace’s fiction were not, Max helps us recognize, wildly difficult for Wallace to imagine — the characters were iterations of himself.
    ellauri073.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri073.html on line 177: Alice Miller, born as Alicija Englard (12 January 1923 – 14 April 2010), was a Polish-Swiss psychologist, psychoanalyst and philosopher of Jewish origin, who is noted for her books on parental child abuse, translated into several languages. She was also a noted public intellectual. In her books she departed from psychoanalysis, charging it with being similar to the poisonous pedagogies. she felt that psychoanalytic theory and practice made it impossible for former victims of child abuse to recognize the violations inflicted on them and to resolve the consequences of the abuse, as they "remained in the old tradition of blaming the child and protecting the parents." She addressed the two reactions to the loss of love in childhood, depression and grandiosity.
    ellauri073.html on line 220: Negativity on vastapuolen haukkumista, esim. Push polling: George W. Bush used push polls in his 1994 bid for Texas Governor against incumbent Ann Richards. Callers asked voters "whether they would be more or less likely to vote for Governor Richards if they knew that lesbians dominated on her staff."
    ellauri073.html on line 254: Hahaha look at you you fat fuck. You choose to spend your time bashing a man who has been dead for a decade, and there's no real reason for it other than the obvious jealousy that consumes you as an ugly person, inside and out. You break your criticism down into two distinctions: Foster's writing and his character. First, on your criticism of his character, I will say that it is entirely ironic that you choose to do so, considering that in your mediocre (that's right buddy your disgustingly fat ass as it is right now is entirely more mediocre than most unmistakably mediocre things, including (but not limited to) the entire Oakland Athletics organization) life your accomplishments include being - and here I'm just being honest with you, and it's possible that you may have heard this already in your pathetic, insufferable life but just hear me out -- LITERALLY THE FATTEST, BALDEST, AND JUST FLAT OUT UGLIEST PIECE OF SHIT PERSON I HAVE EVER SEEN. (For more on that here's a link to a picture I found of Matt online during a quick goggle search: https://www.google.com/sear....
    ellauri073.html on line 258: Really, I would have expected one of the first pictures I saw of Matt Fartey to be one of professional caliber, but interestingly enough the first thing that came up when I searched his name was that picture -- a picture so startling in all that it conveys that it was almost too much for me to witness its allure and then continue along on this tirade; luckily I am a man of strong willpower, and so I was able to continue writing after seeing that picture without shooting myself in the head.) Anyways where was I...oh that's right! Matt Fartey's "accomplishments" and character! Well ladies and gents, he runs a fucking hate blog. Enough said. I doubt he even earns much from it too, though he obviously earns enough to afford an adequate amount of fast food meals that will surely keep his little hate-filled body going until the age of 47, where he will surely die of a collapsed lung or heart attack. When they find his body he will be mistaken for Matt FOLEY, which will obviously be a total disparagement on the late Chris Farley. If you know, you know.
    ellauri073.html on line 260: Matt Foley is a fictional character from the sketch comedy program Saturday Night Live performed by Chris Farley (1964-1997). Foley is a motivational speaker who exhibits characteristics atypical of someone in that position: whereas motivational speakers are usually successful and charismatic, Foley is abrasive, clumsy, and down on his luck. The character was popular in its original run and went on to become one of Farley's best-known characters. Farley named the character after one of his Marquette University rugby union teammates, who is now a Roman Catholic priest in the Chicago suburb of Arlington Heights. Plans for a film version with Spade in a supporting role were shelved after Farley's death in 1997.
    ellauri073.html on line 267: The character's debut performance (May 8, 1993) has been called one of the best segments in SNL history. The reception of the audience combined with visible stifled laughter from David Spade and Christina Applegate on stage added to the popularity of the sketch. Notable physical gestures from Farley included what Spade referred to as “the thing with the glasses” when Farley lifted his glasses on and off of his face commenting, “Hey Dad, I can’t see real good, is that Bill Shakespeare over there?” and perhaps the most defining gesture was one that Farley saved for the live performance when he alternated hands adjusting his trousers, grabbing the hilt of his belt with one hand and the back of his pants with the other.
    ellauri073.html on line 269: In the sketch itself, Foley attempts to motivate two teens, played by Spade and Applegate, to "get themselves back on the right track" after the family’s cleaning lady finds a bag of marijuana in their home. Foley’s attempt to motivate them falls short when he repeatedly insists that they're "not going to amount to jack squat" and will end up “living in a van down by the river!” Foley attempts to endear himself to Spade's character by telling him they're "gonna be buddies" and that everywhere he goes, Foley will follow. Comparing himself to Spade's shadow, Foley jumps about where he's standing and then dives into the coffee table, though he picks himself up moments later. None of the other cast members knew that Farley was going to do this and their startled reactions are genuine. The sketch ends with Foley offering that the only solution to solve the family's problems is for him to move in with them. Horrified, Applegate begs him not to, vowing never to smoke pot again. Even so, Foley leaves the house to get his things from his van and the family locks him out, finally reconciling and admitting to how much they love each other.
    ellauri073.html on line 273: In the only cold open featuring Foley (April 15, 1995), the character attempts to motivate a pair of Venezuelan teens. Foley attempts to get through to them by motivating them in their native Spanish, saying “¡Yo vivo en van cerca de un rio!” However, the teenagers' father (Michael McKean) informs Matt that he and his children are fluent in English, to which Foley responds "¡Padre, dame un favor, y cállate su grande YAPPER!" The sketch again features Foley mocking his audience, breaking household objects, and somehow succeeding in his motivational goals.
    ellauri074.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri074.html on line 253: Hugh Michael Jackman is an Australian actor, singer, multi-instrumentalist, dancer and producer. Jackman has won international recognition for his roles in major films, notably as superhero, period, and romance characters. He is best known for his long-running role as Wolverine in the X-Men film series, as well as for his lead roles in the...
    ellauri077.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri077.html on line 109: Masisten välillä Wallun opinnot edistyivät mainiosti. Se kirjoitti esseen ‘Richard Taylorin fatalismi ja fyysisen modaliteetin semantiikka' filosofian sivulavina. (Hizi tääkin tulee lähelle mun omaa sivulavia, jossa tutkin samaa modaliteettia peliteorian käsitteistön avulla. Olen varma että mun analyyssi oli parempi.) Se sai siitä Gail Kennedyn muistopalkinnon. Vuonna 2011, lavi julkaistiin nimellä ‘Kohtalo, aika ja kieli: yritelmä vapaasta tahdosta'. Tää mun kyllä pitäs lukea!
    ellauri077.html on line 458: About Existentialist Engagement in Wallace, Eggers and Foer. The novels of David Foster Wallace, Dave Eggers and Jonathan Safran Foer are increasingly regarded as representing a new trend, an 'aesthetic sea change' in contemporary American fiction. 'Post-postmodernism' and 'New Sincerity' are just two of the labels that have been attached to this trend. But what do these labels mean? What characterizes and connects these novels?
    ellauri077.html on line 631: Wallace wanted the reader to Identify with a character, the first step to feeling less lonely, as he explains in the interview with Miller.
    ellauri077.html on line 711:

  • Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
    ellauri077.html on line 756: Hän oli myös toisen huomattavan teologin, H. Richard Niebuhrin veli. Helmut Richard Niebuhria (3. syyskuuta 1894 – 5. heinäkuuta 1962) pidetään yhtenä 1900-luvun Amerikan tärkeimmistä kristillisistä teologisista etitikoista, joka tunnetaan parhaiten vuoden 1951 kirjastaan ​​Christ and Culture ja hänen postuumisti kirjoitetusta kirjastaan ​​The Responsible Self. Teologi Reinhold Niebuhrin nuorempi veli Richard Niebuhr opetti useita vuosikymmeniä Yale Divinity Schoolissa.
    ellauri077.html on line 760: Niebuhr ei aina ollut samaa mieltä veljensä kanssa. Amerikan interventiosta Japanin imperialismia vastaan ​​ja laajemmin kristittyjen osallistumisesta politiikkaan. H. Richard väitti "Emme jaxa tehdä mitään", mutta Reinhold vastasi: "Eikö meidän tarvitse tehdä mitään?" Reinholdista tuli varhainen, äänekäs Yhdysvaltain osallistumisen puolestapuhuja toiseen maailmansotaan. Molemmat veljet olivat aikanaan tärkeitä hahmoja amerikkalaisen protestantismin uusortodoksisessa teologisessa koulukunnassa. Hänen teologiansa (yhdessä hänen Yalen kollegansa Hans Wilhelm Frein teologian kanssa) on ollut yksi postliberaalisen teologian päälähteistä, jota joskus kutsutaan "Yalen koulukunnaksi". Hän vaikutti sellaisiin mitättömämpiin hahmoihin kuin James Gustafson, Stanley Hauerwas ja Gordon Kaufman. Pojat toivat synnin takas teologian keskiöön. Niebuhrin veli H. Richard Niebuhr karikatuuristi tunnetusti lauseessa: "Jumala ilman vihaa toi ihmiset ilman syntiä valtakuntaan ilman tuomiota Kristuksen ilman ristiä palvelemalla. ” Reinhold yhtyi veljensä kanssa halveksimaan tätä löyhkeää evankeliumia, erityisesti ensimmäisen ja toisen maailmansodan kauhujen valossa. Pääasia oli kuitenkin hänen rikas ironian tajunsa, joka selvisi erityisesti teoksessa The Irony of American History (1952). Juuri kun Yhdysvallat siveli itseään vanhurskaudessa eeppiseen taisteluun jumalatonta kommunismia vastaan, Niebuhr varoitti, kuinka helposti Amerikan hyveistä voi tulla paheita, kuinka usein kansakunta julisti rikan toisen silmissä jättäen huomioimatta lankun omassaan. Parhaat suunnitelmat tosiaankin johtivat katastrofiin.
    ellauri077.html on line 806: Pretentious diction. Words like phenomenon, element, individual (as noun), objective, categorical, effective, virtual, basic, primary, promote, constitute, exhibit, exploit, utilize, eliminate, liquidate, are used to dress up a simple statement and give an aire of scientific impartiality to biased judgements. Adjectives like epoch-making, epic, historic, unforgettable, triumphant, age-old, inevitable, inexorable, veritable, are used to dignify the sordid process of international politics, while writing that aims at glorifying war usually takes on an archaic color, its characteristic words being: realm, throne, chariot, mailed fist, trident, sword, shield, buckler, banner, jackboot, clarion.
    ellauri078.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri078.html on line 34: Infinity is something we are introduced to in our math classes, and later on we learn that infinity can also be used in physics, philosophy, social sciences, etc. Infinity is characterized by a number of uncountable objects or concepts which have no limits or size. This concept can be used to describe something huge and boundless. It has been studied by plenty of scientists and philosophers of the world, since the early Greek and early Indian epochs. In writing, infinity can be noted by a specific mathematical sign known as the infinity symbol (∞) created by John Wallis, an English mathematician who lived and worked in the 17th century.
    ellauri078.html on line 177: All the vain Things that charm me most, Muu rikkaus sen rinnalla Kaikki turhat asiat mistä innostun
    ellauri078.html on line 197: The hymn is usually sung to either "Rockingham" or "Hamburg", the former being more closely associated with the text in British and Commonwealth hymnals. Another alternative, associated with the text in the 19th and 20th centuries, is "Eucharist" by Isaac B. Woodbury.
    ellauri079.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri080.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri080.html on line 95: "winejelly" incident (aka "Disgusting English Candy Drill"), 116; "show us your papers!" 442; Hopmann's and Kreuss' prank on Toiletship, 451; "Super Animals In My Crack" 466; orgy on Anubis, 467; Frau Gnahb's criticisms, 497; Springer's Sodium Amytal-induced outbursts, 512, 514 and 746; "How I Came to Love the People" 547; pinball machines run amuck, 583-84; Miss Muller-Hochleben, 633; "I say. . ." 634; "helicopter!" 683; "Ass Backwards" 683; "It's an old saying among my people" 709; Kazoo Quartet, 711-12; discharge dumplings, u.s.w., 715; bad pun, 746
    ellauri080.html on line 135: This trait features characteristics such as imagination and insight. People who are high in this trait also tend to have a broad range of interests. They are curious about the world and other people and eager to learn new things and enjoy new experiences.
    ellauri080.html on line 146:
  • characteristics-of-creative-people-2795488" data-component="link" data-source="inlineLink" data-type="internalLink" data-ordinal="1">Very creative

  • ellauri080.html on line 193: Extraversion (or extroversion) is characterized by excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness, and high amounts of emotional expressiveness. People who are high in extraversion are outgoing and tend to gain energy in social situations. Being around other people helps them feel energized and excited.
    ellauri080.html on line 197: People who are low in extraversion (or introverted) tend to be more reserved and have less energy to expend in social settings. Social events can feel draining and introverts often require a period of solitude and quiet in order to "recharge."
    ellauri080.html on line 266: Positivity is a trait characterized by gladness, happiness, and emotional stability. Those hig in this trait tend to be more stable and emotionally resilient. Individuals who are low in this trait tend to experience mood swings, anxiety, irritability, and sadness.
    ellauri080.html on line 325: These dimensions represent broad areas of personality. Research has demonstrated that these groupings of characteristics tend to occur together in many people. For example, individuals who are sociable tend to be talkative. However, these traits do not always occur together. Personality is complex and varied and each person may display behaviors across several of these dimensions.
    ellauri080.html on line 349: and three so-called characters
    ellauri080.html on line 363: Self-directedness (self-concept) is one of the three aspects of human character in Cloninger’s biopsychosociospiritual model of personality (Cloninger et al. 1993). This character trait involves a person’s sense of responsibility, hopeful purpose, self-acceptance, self-actualization, and resourcefulness (Cloninger 2004). See Cooperativeness and Self-transcendence for the other two aspects of human character.
    ellauri080.html on line 375: If this describes you as well as it described me, you’ve come to the right place! In this piece, we will define self-transcendence, look at its components and characteristics, think of some examples, and explore how it can be achieved.
    ellauri080.html on line 385: Cooperativeness is a personality trait concerning the degree to which a person is generally agreeable in their relations with other people as opposed to aggressively self-centred and hostile. It is one of the "character" dimensions in Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory. Cloninger described it as relating to individual differences in how much people identify with and accept others. Cloninger's research found that low cooperativeness is associated with all categories of personality disorder. Cooperativeness is conceptually similar to and strongly correlated with agreeableness in the five factor model of personality.
    ellauri080.html on line 422: Anyone who has studied the psychology of Carl Jung will be aware of his development of a system to differentiate the human psychological condition into four fundamental psychological types: intuition, thinking, sensation, and feeling – which is a further elaboration of his separation of personalities into two distinct attitudinal types: introvert and extrovert. But why did he choose just four psychological types? And of all the multitude of possible personality characteristics or modes of operation and approaches to life, why did he choose these four: intuition, sensation, thinking, and feeling?
    ellauri080.html on line 437: In Jungian typology, the original ‘unity’ of human consciousness is first divided into two poles of attitude: extraversion and introversion. These represent two fundamentally distinct yet complementary relationships between inner and outer reality. Extraversion is characterized bya flow of energy and interest from the subject to the object, from the inner to the outer. Identification with the outer gives meaning to the inner. Introversion is completely the opposite. It is characterized by a flow of energy and interest from the object to the subject, from the outer to the inner.
    ellauri080.html on line 530: This helps illuminate a number of characteristics of SI and NE individually: dominant SI types focus their energy on the apprehension and upholding of the Truth as it is carefully and cautiously composited and systematically tested for weaknesses; hence, their stereotypically thorough, cautious, and reserved nature, and why they are not so sure in idea-based conversation as Ni types: because of just that — they aren’t sure. Meanwhile, dominant NE types, focusing their energy on the exploration and experimentation from various angles, have the same presence of doubt, which is why NE types so often eschew dogma and may be perceived as intellectually ‘flakey’ or ‘capricious’ because they never truly commit to anything: it’s all experimentation and exploration, forming a composite Truth, though their trouble is they never want to stop. The SI’s trouble, on the other hand, is that they don’t want to start.
    ellauri080.html on line 556: Clinicians must take note of the high prevalence and risk of depression among persons with ASD, which may be under-reported. We initially investigated whether temperament and character could be risk factors, but found no association. However, we did find that depression might be a high predictor for suicide ideation, which could remain under-reported in adults with autism, due to impaired communication and problems with expressing emotions and thoughts.
    ellauri080.html on line 568: High harm avoidance may be a temperament trait specific to bipolar disorder patients. However, it may not be correlated with attempted suicide in such patients. These may have low persistence, high self directedness and low self-transcendence temperament and character traits that protect against attempted suicide. Harm avoidance, self directedness, and cooperativeness may be correlated with current suicidal ideation. Cooperative autist is just trying to avoid further harm to their near and dear.
    ellauri080.html on line 579: The show received solid ratings during its original run, then grew in popularity during decades of syndication, especially in the 1970s and 1980s when many markets ran the show in the late afternoon. Today, the title character of Gilligan is widely recognized as an American cultural icon. Characters:
    ellauri080.html on line 599: The two-man crew of the charter boat SS Minnow and five passengers on a "three-hour tour" from Honolulu run into a typhoon and are shipwrecked on an uncharted island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Their efforts to be rescued are typically thwarted by the inadvertent conduct of the hapless first mate, Gilligan. In 1997, show creator Sherwood Schwartz explained that the underlying concept is still "the most important idea in the world today". That is, people with extremely different characters and backgrounds being in a situation where they need to learn how to get along and cooperate with each other as a matter of survival.
    ellauri080.html on line 611: Visitors to the uncharted island. Another challenge to a viewer's suspension of disbelief is the remarkable frequency with which the remote island is visited by an assortment of people who repeatedly fail to assist the castaways in leaving the island.
    ellauri080.html on line 613: Dream sequences in which one of the castaways dreams they are some character related to that week's story line. All of the castaways appeared as other characters within the dream. In later interviews and memoirs, nearly all of the actors stated that the dream episodes were among their personal favorites.
    ellauri080.html on line 741: In 1897, he was stripped and nearly lynched by a white mob in Natal, but when the governor sought to press charges, Gandhi refused – saying he didn’t want to use a court of law for personal issues.
    ellauri080.html on line 776: It was said Gandhi unlike George Washington could not tell a lie. In 1906, aged 38 Gandhi took a vow of brahmacharya (celibacy) and struggled throughout his life to be celibate in both actions and thought.
    ellauri080.html on line 808: Gandhi asked him on a principle of non-violence “If a snake is about to bite me, should I allow myself to be bitten or should I kill it?” His mentor Rajchandbhai wrote back, “If the person lacks the development of a noble character, one may advise him to kill the snake, but we should wish that neither you nor I will even dream of being such a person.”
    ellauri082.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri082.html on line 74: After being rejected by the Prozac Nation author, Wallace wrote the 1998 story “The Depressed Person,” basing the title character – the most unpleasant person on Earth – on her. Now who is the unpleasant one of the two? Another Philip Roth.
    ellauri082.html on line 101: The biography by Tyrannosaurus Max paints a less than flattering portrait of Wallace. That’s not to say it’s a vicious takedown—it’s probably about as even-handed as a biography about the author is going to be, and I can imagine books about him in the future being a lot less level-headed in either direction. Basically, DFW was an extremely troubled individual and probably not a very awesome person qua person. He was often misanthropic, violent, cruel (especially to women), and self-absorbed. But what’s great about the biography is how it allows these rather hideous characteristics to disgust as well as inform; knowing the uglier aspects of DFW’s personality is extremely enlightening with regard to his work. It seems to me that the writer was extremely aware of his immense character flaws and sought in his work (his novels and his non-fiction particularly) to overcome them, and in his work he was able to occupy a wholly different realm than he was in his actual life. Well actually not at all that different. The books project a rather nasty person too.
    ellauri082.html on line 155: Throughout the first half there are several major passages, basically monologues, from characters such as Schtitt, Hal and Marathe that critique the average American’s lack of objects of worship that are larger and therefore more permanent and perfect (in a sense) than the individual.
    ellauri082.html on line 163: In Brittany, it was said that when the Ankou (Death) when he came to get you, you heard the squeak of his chariot’s wheels. Faisait-elle? disent les Fauteils rollants sans pieds avec le squeak.
    ellauri082.html on line 314: Wallace’s tight prose and his very precise use of the drug-users thought process, such as planning to smoke in large quantities to induce a horrible high in order to create an intense aversion to smoking or mulling over the decision to call a dealer for an update for their ETA, creates an incruciating relatable charatcer in Erdedy. Anyone who has struggled with slowing down or completely stopping a vice that has consumed their daily life may find this passage incredibly relatable.
    ellauri082.html on line 751: The researchers examine victim signaling, which they define as “a public and intentional expression of one’s disadvantages, suffering, oppression, or personal limitations.” They also examine virtue signaling, defined as “symbolic demonstrations that can lead observers to make favorable inferences about the signaler’s moral character.”
    ellauri082.html on line 768: Regardless of personal characteristics, those who scored higher on dark triad traits were more likely to be victim signalers. And may be more likely to deceive others for material gain.
    ellauri083.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri083.html on line 75: Taalojen vastoinkäymiset huipentuivat 1927 "Nankingin selkkauxeen". Useita länkkäreitä tapettiin Tshiang Kai-Shekin kansalliskaartin ja kommareiden ja kaikenlaisten sotaherrojen välisissä kärhämissä. Isäpappa Absalom vaati taas jäädä paikoilleen kuten boxereiden aikana. Köyhä kiinalaisperhe kuzui ne piileskelemään majaansa. Kotitalo puzattiin putipuhtaaxi. Perhe piileskeli kauhuissaan kokonaisen päivän ennenkuin jenkkien tykkiveneet pelasti ne. Ne matkusti Shanghaihin ja sitten purjehti (siis meni laivalla) Jaappaniin, missä ne oli vuoden, minkä jälkeen ne palasi Nankingiin. Helmin kuuleman mukaan Japanissa oli muitakin kuin militaristeja. Kun se palasi Japanista 1927, se alkoi kirjottaa kynä sauhuten. Se oli hyvissä väleissä kiinalaisten taantumuskirjailijoiden kaa kuten Xu Zhimo and kirjoituskoneen kexijäpelle Lin Yutang. Ne rohkaisi sitä kirjoittamaan rahasta. Se halusi toteuttaa kunnianhimon jonka äiti oli kieltänyt, ja tarvizihan se rahaa jos se jättäisi sen luuserin, jonka lähetyssaarnaaja-asennosta oli koko ajan vähemmän iloa. Carolkin tarvizi ammattiapua. Helmi lähti Statesiin taas 1929 missä Richard J. Walsh bylsi sitä ja julkaisi Helmin kirjan Itä Tuuli: Länsi Tuuli. Walshista tuli myöhemmin siippa ja kiltti apuri Helmille. Nankingiin palattua Helmi pysytteli ullakolla ja kirjoitti Hyvää Puuta.
    ellauri083.html on line 79: 1935 Helmi otti pikaeron luuserista Renossa huizin Nevadassa ja nai Richard Walshia vielä samana päivänä. Kiltti Riku auttoi Helmiä koko loppuelämänsä Pennsylvaniassa kuollaxeen siihen 1960. Helmi kuoli keuhkosyöpään 1973. Varmaan se veti röökiä. Sen haudalla lukee Helmi (ei Lohtu?) Silkinkutoja kiinalaisilla merkeillä. Se suunnitteli kiven ize, vrt. Vitalin mummia.
    ellauri083.html on line 143: In the city, O-Lan and the children beg while Wang Lung pulls a rickshaw. Wang Lung's father begs but does not earn any money, and sits looking at the city instead. They find themselves aliens among their more metropolitan countrymen who look different and speak in a fast accent. They no longer starve, due to the one-cent charitable meals of congee, but still live in abject poverty. Wang Lung longs to return to his land. When armies approach the city he can only work at night hauling merchandise out of fear of being conscripted. One time, his son brings home stolen meat. Furious, Wang Lung throws the meat on the ground, not wanting his sons to grow up as thieves. O-Lan, however, calmly picks up the meat and cooks it. When a food riot erupts, Wang Lung is swept up in a mob that is looting a rich man's house and corners the man himself, who fears for his life and gives Wang Lung all his money in order to buy his safety. O-Lan finds a cache of jewels elsewhere in house and takes them for herself.
    ellauri083.html on line 167: The narrative begins again almost thirteen years later. Bjartur is now remarried to a woman who had been a charity case on the parish, Finna. The other new inhabitants are Hallbera, Finna's mother, and the three surviving sons of Bjartur's second marriage: Helgi, Gvendur (Guðmundur) and Nonni (Jón).
    ellauri083.html on line 169: The rest of the novel charts the drudgery and the battle for survival of life in Summerhouses, the misery, dreams and rebellions of the inhabitants and what appears to be the curse of Summerhouses taking effect. In the middle of the novel, however, World War I commences and the prices for Icelandic mutton and wool soar, so that even the poorest farmers begin to dream of relief from their poverty. Particularly central is the relationship between Bjartur and Ásta Sóllilja.
    ellauri083.html on line 217: Madame Thérèse Defarge is a fictional character in the 1859 novel A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. She is a ringleader of the tricoteuses, a tireless worker for the French Revolution, and the wife of Ernest Defarge.
    ellauri083.html on line 334: When, in turn, this anger proves incapable of restoring the subject to the earlier, wished-for state of things, the characteristic symptoms of clinical depression set in: feelings of helplessness, a tendency to reproach the self for its inadequacy, and, not least of all, the drawing away of cathectic energies from the ego, "emptying [it] until it is totally impoverished." This impoverishment is also referred to by Freud and others as inhibition: "inhibition of all activity," "general inhibition," "complete motor inhibition," or "an inhibition of functions including the interest in the external world." And Bibring has instructively spoken of it as the "exhaustion of ego libido due to an unsolvable conflict" (p. The rhetoric of exhaustion and the exhaustion of rhetoric: Erskine Caldwell in the thirties)
    ellauri083.html on line 342: M*A*S*H (an acronym for Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) is an American war comedy-drama television series that aired on CBS from 1972 to 1983. It was developed by Larry Gelbart as the first original spin-off series adapted from the 1970 feature film M*A*S*H, which, in turn, was based on Richard Hooker's 1968 novel MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors.
    ellauri083.html on line 376: Farrow has steadfastly supported her daughter throughout the years—but in Allen v. Farrow, she says she has also grown accustomed to Allen attacking her character and parenting skills in the press. (For decades Allen has claimed that Farrow coached Dylan, goading her into accusing Allen after Allen left Farrow for Previn.) Farrow explains her conflicting feelings to the cameras, saying that she wholeheartedly supported Dylan’s decision to write a 2014 op-ed for The New York Times outlining the abuse she claims to have suffered. But privately, Farrow admits in the docuseries, she “crumpled up inside,” knowing that Allen would likely resume his media attacks on her. “He couldn’t go after Dylan, because she was a child at the time, so he’d come after me.”
    ellauri083.html on line 527: What does “complicated joy” mean? I suppose we could say that Joelle gets a complicated form of pleasure from stringing Gately along. Although I’m not sure I believe that pleasure is necessarily equivalent to joy…there is a lot of complicated pleasure in the book, i.e. addictions to pleasurable substances, sex with underage partners, killing animals, etc. But are we truly supposed to believe that these characters are experiencing joy in their lives?
    ellauri088.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri088.html on line 546: In 1898, a short stay in Germany (Jerome ei ilmeisesti arvostanut sakuja) inspired Three Men on the Bummel, the sequel to Three Men in a Boat, reintroducing the same characters in the setting of a foreign bicycle tour. It has enjoyed only modest success by comparison.
    ellauri089.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri089.html on line 44: Hein m. in der Wendung Freund Hein Bezeichnung für den ‘Tod’. Der Personenname Hein ist die Koseform von Heinrich und zunächst auch eine verhüllende Umschreibung für den ‘Teufel’, mhd. hein (14. Jh.), nhd. Henn (16. Jh.). Die Bedeutungsübertragung auf den Tod als ein ebenfalls gefürchtetes Wesen wird Claudius (1774) zugeschrieben, der mit dem Zusatz Freund dem Tod zugleich seine vermeintliche Dämonie nehmen und ihn als vertrauten letzten Begleiter des Menschen charakterisieren will.
    ellauri089.html on line 62: Heinlein's experience in the Navy exerted a strong influence on his character and writing. In 1929, he graduated from the Naval Academy with the equivalent of a Bachelor of Arts degree in Engineering, ranking fifth in his class academically but with a class standing of 20th of 243 due to disciplinary demerits.
    ellauri089.html on line 67: And the psychological testing, in which the boys are tested for certain character traits (and through which Heinlein begins to articulate his own philosophy about winners and losers), is even more fascinating.
    ellauri089.html on line 71: The society of the Academy also allows Heinlein to develop characters who do not succeed as well as Bob does. Bill Hädensa, a bright student who has been in the Academy an unusually long time when Matt arrives, eventually drops out because he “has no wish to become a superman.”
    ellauri089.html on line 74: Another Cadet, Girard Burke, is asked to resign. The reader has know for a long time that Burke, who is certainly mentally and physically capable, does not have the right attitude to be a Patrolman. He is, among other things, too skeptical of the ideals for which the Patrol stands. Burke resigns, goes into his father’s business, becomes an ship’s captain immediately, gets himself in venereal trouble on Venus, and has to call on the Patrol to rescue him from his own self-centered and stupid mistakes. Matt, Tex, and Oscar do rescue him and, with that action, prove the worth of the characteristics—perseverance, loyalty, intelligence, idealism, integrity, and courage—that Heinlein champions throughout Space Cadet and the other novels in the series. Vittu mikä nazi.
    ellauri089.html on line 83: His work sometimes had controversial aspects, such as plural marriage in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, militarism in Starship Troopers and technologically competent women characters that were formidable, yet often stereotypically feminine – such as Friday.
    ellauri089.html on line 87: Ginny undoubtedly served as a model for many of his intelligent, fiercely independent female characters. She was a chemist and rocket test engineer, and held a higher rank in the Navy than Heinlein himself. She was also an accomplished college athlete, earning four letter words.
    ellauri089.html on line 124: During the 1930s and 1940s, Heinlein was deeply interested in Alfred Korzybski's general semantics and attended a number of seminars on the subject. His views on epistemology seem to have flowed from that interest, and his fictional characters continue to express Korzybskian views to the very end of his writing career.
    ellauri089.html on line 132: Heinlein's name is often associated with the competent hero, a character archetype who, though he or she may have flaws and limitations, is a strong, accomplished person able to overcome any soluble problem set in their path. They tend to feel confident overall, have a broad life experience and set of skills, and not give up when the going gets tough.
    ellauri089.html on line 136: Within the book, the statement of divine immanence verbalized between the main characters, "Thou Art God", is logically derived from the concept inherent in the term grok. Waldo on etäkäsi. Suunnilleen dildo.
    ellauri089.html on line 149: The last juvenile, Have Space Suit—Will Travel, recapitulates and surpasses the other books in the series as Kip Russell travels first to the moon, then to Pluto, then to a planet in Vega’s system, and finally to the Lesser Magellanic Cloud; he eventually comes home by a circular route! All of the books feature young people, primarily young men—but a surprising number of strong female characters, growing up and going through the process of separating themselves from their sometimes ununderstanding families, discovering their real identities, successfully dealing with bar mitzwah, and by the story’s end, entering the adult world as foreskinless and capable people.
    ellauri089.html on line 210: Men rarely if ever manage to dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child. One man's theology is another man's belly laugh. The most ridiculous concept ever perpetrated by Homo Sapiens is that the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of his creations, that he can be persuaded by their prayers, and becomes petulant if he does not receive this flattery. Yet this ridiculous notion, without one real shred of evidence to bolster it, has gone on to found one of the oldest, largest and least productive industries in history.
    ellauri089.html on line 453: § 24. This and the two following chapters will consider certain proposed answers to the second of ethical questions: What is good in itself? These proposed answers are characterised by the facts (1) that they declare some one kind of thing to be alone good in itself; and (2) that they do so, because they suppose this one thing to define the meaning of "good". …
    ellauri090.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri090.html on line 107: In contrast to the earlier novel of the trilogy, Quincas Borba was written in third person, telling the story of Rubião, a naive young man who becomes a disciple and later the heir of the titular philosopher Quincas Borba, a character in the earlier novel. While living according to the fictional "Humanitist" philosophy of Quincas Borba, Rubião befriends and is fooled by the greedy Christiano and his wife Sofia who manage to take him for his entire inheritance.
    ellauri090.html on line 124: Rubião tries to stay away from Sophia, but he finds an envelope addressed in Sophia’s handwriting to Carlos Maria. When he confronts her with the envelope, she tells him to open it. He refuses and leaves. Although Carlos Maria had flirted with Sophia, the envelope contains only a circular about a charitable committee on which Sophia serves.
    ellauri092.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri092.html on line 61:

    Moody chart

    ellauri092.html on line 63: In engineering, the Moody chart or Moody diagram is a graph in non-dimensional form that relates the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor fD, Reynolds number Re, and surface roughness for fully developed flow in a circular pipe. It can be used to predict pressure drop or flow rate down such a pipe. Lewis Ferry Moody (5 January 1880 – 21 February 1953) was an American engineer and professor, best known for the Moody chart. He has 23 patents for his inventions. He was the first Professor of Hydraulics in the School of Engineering at Princeton. Tästä Moodysta ei löytynyt sen enempää, tuli umpiperä. Not the way out - exit through tunnel in rear, luki MIT:n vessan ovessa. Mutta tämä sensijaan on motherlode:
    ellauri092.html on line 67: Over 18 centuries later, Ike Moody broke through all the charts with his charismatic showmanship. Lose your soul to Christ and you find it, with a lot of perks! Moody gave up his lucrative boot business but got millions of followers and a comparable number of bucks on the side I bet. His family founded Moody's and made megabucks. Ei vaitiskaan, eikai ne sentään olleet sukua. Vai oliko? Ei ainakaan veljexiä. Iken perhe on Massachusettsista, Johnin Connecticutista. Galvestonissa on joku dixie Moody dynastia, ja briteissä on 1 jonka äiti oli nimeltään Lingo Lango. Kuulostaa läpältä.
    ellauri092.html on line 168: Kai kalvinistien mielestä noi toiset oli jotain farisealaisia joilla oli pelastuxeen joku resepti tai läpiveto-ohje, vaikka (kalvinistit sanoi) se on ihan herran kädessä. Se päättää randomisti ketkä on lampaita ja ketkä vuohia, eikä siihen voi millään charityllä vaikuttaa. Siis ei tarvi vaivautua, voi pitää rahnat ize. Paizi vähän pitää antaa pastoreille ettei vaikuta liian pihiltä, muuten ne sanoo vielä ettei olekaan niitä täyden arvan saaneita lampaita. Liikaa ei pidä törsätä sillä herran armolahja näkyy lompakossa. Mut menestys on seuraus eikä syy, se osoittaa että kaveri on herran valikosta esivalittu.
    ellauri092.html on line 192: Whereas most American Methodist worship is modeled after the Anglican Communion´s Book of Common Prayer, a unique feature was the once practiced observance of the season of Kingdomtide, which encompasses the last thirteen weeks before Advent, thus dividing the long season after Pentecost into two discrete segments. During Kingdomtide, Methodist liturgy emphasizes charitable work and alleviating the suffering of the poor. This practice was last seen in The Book of Worship for Church and Home by The United Methodist Church, 1965, and The Book of Hymns, 1966. While some congregations and their pastors might still follow this old calendar, the Revised Common Lectionary, with its naming and numbering of Days in the Calendar of the Church Year, is used widely. However, congregations who strongly identify with their African American roots and tradition would not usually follow the Revised Common Lectionary.
    ellauri092.html on line 251: Famous Methodist pastors include John and Charles Wesley, Thomas Coke, Richard Allen, and George Whitfield. Present-day well-known Methodist pastors include Adam Hamilton, Adam Weber, and Jeff Harper.
    ellauri092.html on line 303: Andrew Murray – “very notable advocate of the continuationistic Keswick theology and a charismatic precursor”
    ellauri092.html on line 324: The emphasis of Keswick is that you are never holy enough. Certainly, this is true. However, I am on the path to greater holiness as God recreates within me the perfect character of His Son, which will not be completed until I reach eternity. This is God’s work of sanctification.
    ellauri092.html on line 412: Hesarin takavuosien törkysuu Seppo Heikinheimo jonka tappoi joku homostelukaveri (vrt. Richard Montague) oli Heikel. Poliisihallituxen poliisijohtaja Sanna Heikinheimo joka hajotti väkivaltaisesti mielenosoituxen Kaisaniemessä viime syxynä taistelukaasulla on Heikel. Mielenosoituksen järjesti nykyistä järeämpiä ilmastotoimia vaativa Elokapina-liike. Haista ize tästä kasvihuonekaasua sanoi Heikel.
    ellauri093.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri093.html on line 53: 7: And he saw a chariot with a couple of horsemen, a chariot of asses, and a chariot of camels; and he hearkened diligently with much heed:

    ellauri093.html on line 55: 9: And, behold, here cometh a chariot of men, with a couple of horsemen. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken unto the ground.

    ellauri093.html on line 124: Taylor was born on 21 May 1832 the son of a chemist (pharmacist) and Methodist lay preacher James Taylor and his wife, Amelia (Hudson), but as a young man he ran away from the Christian beliefs of his parents. At 17, after reading an evangelistic tract pamphlet entitled "Poor Richard", he professed faith in Christ, and in December 1849, he committed himself to going to China as a missionary. Vaihtoi metodia. Sen guru Cronin oli Plymouthin Brethreneitä.
    ellauri093.html on line 199: Henry K. Carroll performed an analysis of United States census data in 1912 to assign Roman numerals to various Brethren groups. For example, Brethren III is also known as the Lowe Brethren and the Elberfeld Brethren. Carroll's initial findings listed four sub-groups, identified as Brethren I-IV, but he expanded the number six and then to eight; Arthur Carl Piepkorn expanded the number to ten. Those who have attempted to trace the realignments of the Plymouth Brethren include Ian McDowell and Massimo Introvigne. The complexity of the Brethren's history is evident in charts by McDowell and Ian McKay.
    ellauri094.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri094.html on line 587: And the guards as men wrought upon with a charmed cup, Ja vartijat vetelee kuin känniunia
    ellauri095.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri095.html on line 117: As a poet, Hopkins's father published works including A Philosopher's Stone and Other Poems (1843), Pietas Metrica (1849), and Spicelegium Poeticum, A Gathering of Verses by Manley Hopkins (1892). He reviewed poetry for The Times and wrote one novel. Catherine (Smith) Hopkins was the daughter of a London physician, particularly fond of music and of reading, especially German philosophy, literature and the novels of Dickens. Both parents were deeply religious high-church Anglicans. Catherine's sister, Maria Smith Giberne, taught her nephew Gerard to sketch. The interest was supported by his uncle, Edward Smith, his great-uncle Richard James Lane, a professional artist, and other family members.
    ellauri095.html on line 127: Among his teachers at Highgate was Richard Watson Dixon, who became an enduring friend and correspondent. Of the older pupils Hopkins recalls in his boarding house, the poet Philip Stanhope Worsley won the Newdigate Prize.
    ellauri095.html on line 137: In life and poetry he was serious and playful – even whimsical. Spiritually, despite an early scrupulosity which he never fully lost, he followed the Jesuit way of finding God in all things, and rejoiced in “God in the world”: “The world is charged wíth the grándeur of God.” He was very, very bright, with an extensive knowledge of words and languages — he knew so many words ! His intellectual hero was the medieval philosopher Duns Scotus, whose philosophy of selfhood he held dear. Hopkins himself had a strong sense of self, appreciated his own individuality, and was immensely self-confident.
    ellauri095.html on line 196: Inkscape, for Hopkins, is the charged essence, the absolute singularity that gives each created thing its being; instress is both the energy that holds the inscape together and the process by which this inscape is perceived by an observer. We instress the inscape of a tulip, Hopkins would say, when we appreciate the particular delicacy of its petals, when we are enraptured by its specific, inimitable shade of pink.
    ellauri095.html on line 225: This and his isolation in Ireland deepened a gloom that was reflected in his poems of the time, such as "I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark, not Day". They came to be known as the "terrible sonnets", not for their quality but according to Hopkins's friend Canon Richard Watson Dixon, because they reached the "terrible crystal", meaning they crystallised the melancholic dejection that plagued the later part of Hopkins's life.
    ellauri095.html on line 533: His religious consciousness increased dramatically when he entered Oxford, the city of spires. From April of 1863, when he first arrived with some of his journals, drawings, and early Keatsian poems in hand, until June of 1867 when he graduated, Hopkins felt the charm of Oxford, “steeped in sentiment as she lies,” as Matthew Arnold had said, “spreading her gardens to the moonlight and whispering from her towers the last enchantments of the Middle Ages.” Here he became more fully aware of the religious implications of the medievalism of Ruskin, Dixon, and the Pre-Raphaelites. Inspired also by Christina Rossetti, the Catholic doctrine of the Real Presence of God in the Eucharist, and by the Victorian preoccupation with the fifteenth-century Italian religious reformer Girolamo Savonarola, he soon embraced Ruskin’s definition of “Medievalism” as a “confession of Christ” opposed to both “Classicalism” (“Pagan Faith”) and “Modernism” (the “denial of Christ”).
    ellauri096.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri096.html on line 118: If the eliminativist thinks that assertion only imposes the aim of expressing a truth, then he can consistently assert that ‘know’ is a defective term. However, an epistemologist can revive the charge of self-defeat by showing that assertion does indeed require the speaker to attribute knowledge to himself. This knowledge-based account of assertion has recently been supported by work on our next paradox.
    ellauri096.html on line 136: Foundationalists reject (1). They take some propositions to be self-evident. Coherentists reject (2). They tolerate some forms of circular reasoning. For instance, Nelson Goodman (1965) has characterized the method of reflective equilibrium as virtuously circular. Charles Peirce (1933–35, 5.250) rejected (3), an approach later refined by Peter Klein (2007) and championed at book-length by Scott F. Aikin (2011). Infinitists believe that infinitely long chains of justification are no more impossible than infinitely long chains of causation. Finally, the epistemological anarchist rejects (4). As Paul Feyerabend refrains in Against Method, “Anything goes” (1988, vii, 5, 14, 19, 159).
    ellauri096.html on line 163: Epistemic paradoxes affect decision theory because rational choices are based on beliefs and desires. If the agent cannot form a rational belief, it is difficult to interpret his behavior as a choice. The purpose of attributing beliefs and desires is to set up practical syllogisms that make sense of actions as means to ends. Subtracting rationality from the agent makes framework useless. Given this commitment to charitable interpretation, there is no possibility of your rationally choosing an option that you believe to be inferior. So if you choose, you cannot really believe you were operating as an anti-expert, that is, someone whose opinions on a topic are reliably wrong (Egan and Elga 2005).
    ellauri096.html on line 167: David Kaplan and Richard Montague (1960) think the announcement by the teacher in our surprise exam example is equivalent to the self-referential
    ellauri096.html on line 218: Since all the assumptions are discharged, the conclusion is a necessary truth. So it is a necessary truth that p&∼Kp
    ellauri096.html on line 529: Galgalim (galgallim "spheres", "wheels", "whirlwinds" גַּלְגַּלִּים; singular: galgal, גַּלְגַּל), also called ophanim (Hebrew "wheels" ōphannīm אוֹפַנִּים; singular: ōphān, ofan אוֹפָן), refer to the wheels seen in Ezekiel's vision of the chariot (Hebrew merkabah) in Ezekiel 1:15–21. One of the Dead Sea scrolls (4Q405) construes them as angels; late sections of the Book of Enoch (61:10, 71:7) portray them as a class of celestial beings who (along with the Cherubim and Seraphim) never sleep, but guard the throne of God.
    ellauri096.html on line 589: Les Chants de Maldoror (The Songs of Maldoror) is a French poetic novel, or a long prose poem. It was written and published between 1868 and 1869 by the Comte de Lautréamont, the nom de plume of the Uruguayan-born French writer Isidore Lucien Ducasse. The work concerns the misanthropic, misotheistic character of Maldoror, a figure of evil who has renounced conventional morality.
    ellauri096.html on line 593: Maldoror is a modular (sic) work primarily divided into six parts, or cantos; these parts are further subdivided into a total of sixty chapters, or verses. Parts one through six consist of fourteen, sixteen, five, eight, seven and ten chapters, respectively. With some exceptions, most chapters consist of a single, lengthy paragraph.[b] The text often employs very long, unconventional and confusing sentences which, together with the dearth of paragraph breaks, may suggest a stream of consciousness, or automatic writing. Over the course of the narrative, there is often a first-person narrator, although some areas of the work instead employ a third-person narrative. The book's central character is Maldoror, a figure of evil who is sometimes directly involved in a chapter's events, or else revealed to be watching at a distance. Depending on the context of narrative voice in a given place, the first-person narrator may be taken to be Maldoror himself, or sometimes not. The confusion between narrator and character may also suggest an unreliable narrator.
    ellauri096.html on line 599: "It is not right that everyone should read the pages which follow; only a few will be able to savour this bitter fruit with impunity. Consequently, shrinking soul, turn on your heels and go back before penetrating further into such uncharted, perilous wastelands." — Maldoror, Part I, Chapter 1.
    ellauri096.html on line 653: Artikkelissa viitataan myös lukuisiin kansainvälisesti tunnettuihin taloustieteilijöihin: Maailmanpankin entisen pääekonomistin Paul Romerin mukaan DSGE-mallien vuoksi ”makrotaloustiede on taantunut viimeiset 30 vuotta” kun taas IMF:n entisen pääekonomistin Oliver Blanchardin mukaan DSGE-malleissa on vakavia, mutta korjattavia puutteita. (mt.) Kooman oletuxia on ricardolainen kuluttaja. Mikäs epeli se on? taloudellista toimintaa kuvataan yksilötasolla toteutuvana rationaalisuutena, ja jätetään tällöin huomioimatta yhteiskunnassa vallitsevat pakot. Esimerkiksi kun Kooma-mallin avulla laadituissa tarkasteluissa todetaan, että julkisten menojen leikkaamisen myötä ”[k]ulutus näyttäytyy houkuttelevampana kuin työnteko, jolloin työtunnit per nuppi alenevat” (VM 2014, 17), ei tällöin huomioida esimerkiksi työsopimuksissa työntekijöille määriteltyjä työaikoja. Kooma-mallin avulla laadituissa laskelmissa kulutusverojen vaikutuksista todetaan, että ”veronkorotus alentaa työnteosta saatavaa ylijäämää alentaen näin työn tarjontaa” (mt., 18). Tulkitsen väitteen siten, että mallin mukaisesti työstä saatavan tulon vähentyessä työntekijä-kuluttajat alkavat suosimaan enemmän vapaa-aikaa.
    ellauri096.html on line 688: Eli lue: yrittäjät kähmimään ja charityä kehiin. Tää koomapaska on puhtaaxiviljeltyä chicagon mafian gangsterointia.
    ellauri096.html on line 806: In Piaget´s theory of cognitive development, the third stage is called the Concrete Operational Stage. During this stage, which occurs from age 7-12, the child shows increased use of logic or reasoning. One of the important processes that develops is that of Seriation, which refers to the ability to sort objects or situations according to any characteristic, such as size, color, shape, or type. For example, the child would be able to look at his plate of mixed vegetables and eat everything except the brussels sprouts.
    ellauri096.html on line 810: "Whether we deal with historical or natural phenomena, the individual observation of phenomena assumes the character of a 'fact' only when it can be related to other, analogous observations in such a way that the whole series 'makes sense.' This 'sense' is, therefore, fully capable of being applied, as a control, to the interpretation of a new individual observation within the same range of phenomena. If, however, this new individual observation definitely refuses to be interpreted according to the 'sense' of the series, and if an error proves to be impossible, the 'sense' of the series will have to be reformulated to include the new individual observation (1955, p. 35)" (1990, pp. 230–231).
    ellauri096.html on line 867: Moni historian maalimies harrasti nuorena mensuurimeikkailua. Heidän joukossaan oli muun muassa kommunismin isä Karl Marx. Yhteiskuntafilosofi Karl Marxilla (1818–1883) oli vasemman silmänsä yläpuolella mensuuri­meikkailuottelussa Bonnin yliopistossa saatu arpi. Sekin oli muuten juutalaisia. Kainin merkkiä kantoivat Heikin kaa. Saksalainen säveltäjä Richard Wagner (1813–1883) saattoi sekin olla jutku tuntemattomaxi jääneen isän puolelta. Se oli innokas miekkailija opiskeluaikoinaan Leipzigissä, missä hän kuului yliopiston Saksikäsi-osakuntaan. Natsijohtaja Ernst Kaltenbrunner (1903–1946) tunnettiin julmuudestaan. Hänellä oli kasvoissaan useita mensuuriotteluista saatuja arpia ja useampia Victorinox-linkkuveizistä saatuja peräpuolella. Hullu filosofi Friedrich ­Nietzsche (1844–1900) opiskeli Bonnin yliopistossa teologiaa ja kuului Francofobia-osakuntaan. Hän keskeytti opintonsa vuoden jälkeen ja vaihtoi kielitieteeseen. Tanskalainen tähtitieteilijä Tyko Brahe (1546–1601) menetti nenänsä miekkataistelussa Rostockin yliopistossa. Syynä oli aivan mahdoton tunarointi. Silitysrautakansleri Otto von Bismarck (1815–1898) oli innokas miekkailija Göttingenin yliopistossa, missä sillä meni paremmin meikkailusalilla kuin luennoilla. Autotehtailija Ferdinand Porsche (1875–1951) opiskeli Wienissä ja miekkaili osakuntansa Bruna Bröder edustajana.
    ellauri097.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri097.html on line 113: In the summer of 1926, Mencken followed with great interest the Los Angeles grand jury inquiry into the famous Canadian-American evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson. She was accused of faking her reported kidnapping and the case attracted national attention. There was every expectation that Mencken would continue his previous pattern of anti-fundamentalist articles, this time with a searing critique of McPherson. Unexpectedly, he came to her defense by identifying various local religious and civic groups that were using the case as an opportunity to pursue their respective ideological agendas against the embattled Pentecostal minister. He spent several weeks in Hollywood, California, and wrote many scathing and satirical columns on the movie industry and Southern California culture. After all charges had been dropped against McPherson, Mencken revisited the case in 1930 with a sarcastic and observant article. He wrote that since many of that town´s residents had acquired their ideas "of the true, the good and the beautiful" from the movies and newspapers, "Los Angeles will remember the testimony against her long after it forgets the testimony that cleared her."
    ellauri097.html on line 139: The Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As commonly encountered, they lack many of the qualities that mark the civilized man: courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste, and learning without wisdom. Their fortitude, such as it is, is wasted upon puerile objects, and their charity is mainly a form of display.
    ellauri097.html on line 149: Mencken repeatedly identified mathematics with metaphysics and theology. According to Mencken, mathematics is necessarily infected with metaphysics because of the tendency of many mathematical people to engage in metaphysical speculation. In a review of Alfred North Whitehead's The Aims of Education, Mencken remarked that, while he agreed with Whitehead's thesis and admired his writing style, "now and then he falls into mathematical jargon and pollutes his discourse with equations," and "[t]here are moments when he seems to be following some of his mathematical colleagues into the gaudy metaphysics which now entertains them."[50] For Mencken, theology is characterized by the fact that it uses correct reasoning from false premises. Mencken also uses the term "theology" more generally, to refer to the use of logic in science or any other field of knowledge. In a review for both Arthur Eddington's The Nature of the Physical World and Joseph Needham's Man a Machine, Mencken ridiculed the use of reasoning to establish any fact in science, because theologians happen to be masters of "logic" and yet are mental defectives:
    ellauri097.html on line 276: Ce qu 'ily a en moi d'impulsif, de rêveur, de charnel aussi, j'ai tendance à croire que je le dois à l'Irlande; à elle aussi tout ce qui fait que je réussis un jour pour échouer l'autre, tout ce qui m'a poussé à écrire mes livres, enfin le meilleur et le pire de moi-même. Je reconnais l'apport écossais dans mes crises religieuses, dans un amour profond et invariable de l'Ecriture... A travers moi l'humanité passe comme sur une grand-route. Je suis une parcelle de l'Univers. L'Univers est heureux en moi. Je suis le ciel, le soleil, les arbres, la Seine et les maisons qui la bordent...
    ellauri097.html on line 397: Trotz der attestierten "Misogynie", konnte Kant ausgesprochen charmant gegenüber Frauen sein. Erwähnt sei nur die kluge und schöne Gräfin Caroline Charlotte Amalie von Keyserlingk, die Kant sehr schätzte und die ihn bei Gesellschaften im Hause Keyserlingk meist neben sich platzierte. Kant nannte sie "eine Zierde ihres Geschlechts".
    ellauri097.html on line 400: Die charmanten Flirt-Elemente in Kants Kontakt zu Frauen werden gewöhnlich in dem Sinne interpretiert, Kant sei "dem weiblichen Geschlecht gegenüber nicht verschlossen" gewesen, würde also eventuell auch Gefallen am Heiraten gefunden haben können. Aber wenn es dann "so weit" gewesen sei, habe Kant zu lange gezögert. Ein heterosexueller Hintergrund wird also fraglos vorausgesetzt. Aber heißt das etwas? Ein galanter und verständnisvoller Umgang mit Frauen ist nicht unbedingt ein Alleinmerkmal der Heterosexuellen.
    ellauri097.html on line 453: The is-ought fallacy, first articulated, by David Hume is put simply as you can’t get an ‘ought’ from an ‘is.’ The more precise way of characterizing it is this; You cannot have a syllogism that has a moral term in the conclusion if there is no moral term in the premises. To be a valid argument, the conclusion has to follow from the premises. You can’t have anything in the conclusion that isn’t already set up in the premises. Hume identified this particular fallacy in arguments that were based on mere descriptive elements but had a conclusion with moral terms in it. That is the is-ought fallacy.
    ellauri098.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri098.html on line 56: The greatest challenges a detective faces aren't always a devious criminal or a really tough case — all those are a cakewalk compared to managing their personal life. The genius ones are nerds with trouble getting along with people or worse, have social or personality disorders. The hard-working ones are workaholics who let their family relationships slide because they're never home. The overworked and nervous ones dabble in drugs and court substance addictions (or blood). The Film Noir detective and his descendants have terrible luck with women, who either end up dead, broken or distant; if he has a wife he may be cheating on her. And gods help him and his friends if some of the bad guys or associates that they helped put in the clink come back to haunt him. And his personal finances are probably gone thanks to being The Gambling Addict. In short, it's rare to have a detective as a main character in a dramatic story and have them not have at least one serious character flaw that's tangential to them actually working cases.
    ellauri098.html on line 58: What's your malfunction? A flawed character is more interesting than a flawless character. Ergo, a cast of characters with flaws is more interesting exponentially. An easy way to crank up drama is to supply everyone with a tragic past, a messed up family history, other significant issues (physical, psychological, etc.) or some combination of the three. When Dysfunction Junction comes into play, good parents can be as common as penguins in the Sahara, instead turning out to be neglectful, smothering/overprotective, unfeeling, abusive, misguided, or dead. And let's not even get into the rest of the family.
    ellauri098.html on line 60: The resulting prevalence of personal trauma often stretches suspension of disbelief and is a leading cause of Cerebus Syndrome. If done poorly, this is a one-way ticket to Wangst territory, and as so many attempt to smother the series with dysfunction, Too Bleak, Stopped Caring is a frequent result. If done well, you get a large number of interesting, sympathetic, flawed characters, and their interactions with each other gradually reveal the multiple sides to each of them. More realistic (i.e. not Flanderized) portrayals of this trope can even help the audience understand and cope with their own dysfunctional lives, especially with regards to issues that are typically glossed over in mainstream society.
    ellauri098.html on line 254: Jotkut näistä funktioista voi tulla käännetyxi nurinpäin, tai tulla ajastetuxi toisin. Useita pitää toistaa 3 kertaa ennenkuin niistä tulee charmikkaita.
    ellauri098.html on line 364: "An idea has no worth at all without believable characters to implement it; a plot without characters is like a tennis court without players. Daffy Duck is to a Buck Rogers story what John McEnroe was to tennis. Personality. That is the key, the drum, the fife. Forget the plot."
    ellauri098.html on line 405: In Carlyle’s book On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in Society (Carlyle, 1840), somebody (most likely the author) dove into the lives of several men he deemed “heroes,” like Muhammed, Richard Wagner, Shakespeare, Martin Luther, and Napoleon. He believed that history “turned” on the decisions of these men, and encouraged others to study these heroes as a way of discovering one’s own true nature.
    ellauri098.html on line 444:
    Alexanteri Suuri, Rowan Atkinson, Sirius Black, Bugs Bunny, Borat, Samuel Butler, Julia Child, John Cleese, Wile E. Coyote, Celine Dion, Thomas A. Edison, Stephen Fry, Frederico Fellini, Richard Feynman, Ben Franklin, Garfield (president), Garfield (cat), Hugh Grant, Annie Hall, Tom Hanks, Werner Heisenberg, Alfred Hitchcock, David Hume, Katariina Suuri, Henry Kissinger, Karl Lagerfeld, Tyrion Lannister, N.Macchiavelli, J.S. Mill, Karl Popper, Murray Rothbard (laissez-faire), Bertrand Russell, Babe Ruth, R2-D2, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Voltaire, Frank Zappa

    ellauri098.html on line 451:
    Tuomas Akvinolainen, Sergey Brin, Charles Darwin (taas), Death (Pratchett), Rene Descartes, Richard Dawkins, Albert Einstein, Gerald Ford, Milton Friedman, Gandalf (taas), Hermione Granger, Bob Heinlein, Dustin Hoffman, William James, I. Kant, Franz Kafka, Harper Lee, Abraham Lincoln, John Locke, Larry Page, Gregory Peck, Adam Smith, Thucydides, Yoda

    ellauri098.html on line 467:
    John Adams, Isaac Asimov, keisari Augustus, Jane Austen, Dan Aykroyd, L.van Beethoven, Anders Breivik, Emily Bronté, Cassius (Shakespeare) Hillary Clinton, Elvis Costello, Charles Darwin, Mr. Darcy, Ike Eisenhower, Colin Firth, Bobby Fischer, von Frankenstein, Gandalf, Richard Gere, Al Gore (taas), Hannibal (taas), Steven Hawking, G.W.F.Hegel, Herakleitos, Sherlock Holmes, Horatio Hornblower, Thomas Jefferson, Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber), John F.Kennedy, J.M. Keynes, Stanley Kubrik, Meyer Lansky, Ivan Lendl, V.I.Lenin, C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther, Elon Musk, Michelle Obama, John Nash, Martina Navratilova, Isaac Newton, Friedrich Nietsche, Sylvia Plath, Ayn Rand, Rosenkrantz&Guildenstern (Hamlet), Jean-Paul Sartre, Arnold Schwarzenegger (taas), Nikola Tesla, Sun Tzu, Bruce Wayne (Batman), Norbert Wiener, Woodrow Wilson, Mark Zuckerberg

    ellauri098.html on line 471: ENFPs are extremely creative and versatile people. They love playing with ideas, spinning off new concepts, and discussing them with other people. They are charismatic, sociable, and exciting to be with because they always seem to have something new to explore or talk about.
    ellauri098.html on line 552:
    Woody Allen, Aragorn, The Beast (Beauty and), Humphrey Bogart, James Bond, Charles Bronson, Simon Cowell (taas), Tom Cruise, James Dean, Diogenes, Clint Eastwood, Henry Ford, Ernest Hemingway, Edmund Hillary, Indiana Jones, Steve Jobs, Frida Kahlo, Bruce Lee, Mad Max, John McEnroe, Vladimir Putin, Keith Richards, Ernst Rommel, Alan Shepard (astronaut), Frank Sinatra, Julia Timoshenko, Melanie Trump, Frank Zappa (taas), Venus Williams

    ellauri098.html on line 560:
    Idi Amin, princess Anna (Frozen), Lydia Bennet (Austen), Beyonce (taas), Justin Bieber, Ray Charles, Bill Clinton, Paulo Coelho, Miley Cyrus, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Judy Garland, Mel Gibson, Theon Greyjoy, Goldie Hawn, Hugh Heffner, Bob Hope, Lindsay Lohan, P.Markus, Paul McCartney, Michelangelo, Benito Mussolini, Lord Nelson, Jamie Oliver, Dolly Parton, Pietari Suuri, Pippin Took (Tolkien), Elvis Presley, Ronald Reagan, Little Richard, Tony Robbins (motivational speaker), Simba (leijonakuningas), Homer Simpson, Steven Spielberg, Ringo Starr, Serena Williams,

    ellauri098.html on line 564: ISFPs are creative and imaginative, with well-developed aesthetic senses. They are naturally suited for work in music, art, design, or other areas where an eye for beauty is important. They love to explore ideas and experiment with different styles, and constantly seek out new experiences, making them spontaneous and unpredictable. This, however, can lead to a lack of focus. ISFPs also tend to have fragile egos and react badly to criticism — however well-intentioned, it is difficult for them to not take it personally. Like all introverted types, they need time on their own to think and recharge, but they still love to share their latest innovations with others.
    ellauri098.html on line 568:
    Christina Aguilera, Pamela Anderson, Marie Antoinette, Fred Astaire, David Beckham, Yogi Berra, Bjork, David Bowie, prinsessa Diana, Bob Dylan (taas), Lady Gaga, Paris Hilton, Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger, Erwin "Magic" Johnson, Jimi Hendrix, Audrey Hepburn, Paul McCartney (taas), Marilyn Monroe, Jim Morrison (taas), W.A. Mozart, keisari Nero, Brad Pitt, Prince, Leni Riefenstahl, Rihanna, Keith Richards (taas), Auguste Rodin, Britney Spears, Elizabeth Taylor, Justin Timberlake (taas), Thich Nhat Hanh (vietn. pasifisti), John Travolta, Pharrell Williams

    ellauri098.html on line 622: Everyone is a mix of 2 netflix characters. Me Naiset on selvittänyt että useimpien mielestä pettämisen raja kulkee bylsinnässä. Voi raukkoja, joiden moraali on Ilta-Pulun ohjeistusten varassa.
    ellauri099.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri099.html on line 174: And behind his extraordinary inventiveness, Plato performs a characteristic disappearing trick. Truth to tell, we know very little about Plato. According to Plutarch, he was a lover of figs. Big deal! Plato is mentioned only a couple of times in the many dialogues that bear his name. He was present at Socrates’ trial but — in a beautifully reflexive moment that he describes in the Phaedo — absent from the moment of Socrates’ death, because he was sick.
    ellauri099.html on line 188: It is said that Aristotle was a difficult character — somewhat arrogant, thinking he was cleverer than everyone else (quite possibly true) and even criticizing his headmaster of many years, Plato. (Who was quite a butthead in comparison.) He was a perhaps a bit of a dyskolos, a grouch, cantankerous, a curmudgeon.
    ellauri099.html on line 213: It leads one to ponder the awkward proximity between philosophy and political power. It is unclear whether the school charged fees but, given its vast wealth, it probably didn’t need to. It sounds a little like Harvard, doesn’t it?
    ellauri099.html on line 215: The Lyceum was clearly the intellectual projection of Macedonian political and military hegemony. In 323 B.C.E., when news of Alexander the Great’s death in Babylon at the age of 32 reached Athens, simmering anti-Macedonian sentiment spilled over, and the popular Athenian leader Demosthenes was recalled. Aristotle left the city for the last time, in fear of his life, after a little more than a decade in charge of the Lyceum. Seeing himself justly or unjustly in the mirror of Socrates and fearing charges of impiety, Aristotle reportedly said, “I will not allow the Athenians to sin twice against philosophy.” Aristotle withdrew to his late mother’s estate at Chalcis on the island of Euboea and died there shortly after of an unspecified illness, at age 63.
    ellauri099.html on line 562: The following chart shows your top 3 personality type matches.
    ellauri100.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri100.html on line 53: “One of the things we really do not like in our culture is that things just happen,” Arko Oderwald, moderator and medical ethics professor, told The Daily Telegraph. “Yes, he had difficult character traits, but that isn't a disease.”
    ellauri100.html on line 149:
    Examples of physical properties. Left: the three body types of ectomorph, mesomorpf, and endomorph (Sheldon, Stevens, & Tucker, 1940). Upper right: three different outfits transforming the experience of one and the same character as to age, personality, social position, education, etc. Lower right: variations of the same character by means of outfit, hair cut, hair colour, and use of lipstick and glasses, dramatically changing the experience of the character and characteristics attributed. (The six characters to the right were put together by means of the SitePal Demo Tool, www.sitepal.com.)
    ellauri100.html on line 293: What is the point of these recollections and glimpses of my character? It is to say that my upbringing, experiences, and personality give me an advantage when it comes to understanding the human condition and prescribing for its ills. This blog — in its very small way — is a place of refuge from uninformed emotion, prolonged adolescent rebellion, guilt, and a refusal (or inability) to change one’s political views for whatever reason — whether it is opportunism, obduracy, willful ignorance, simple stupidity, or an inability to admit error (even to oneself). Naah, why beat about the bush: I like to be visible and froth at the mouth, and with my credentials, this is the best I can do.
    ellauri100.html on line 319: However, it was not momentous events but a bit of seemingly irrelevant analysis that administered the coup de grâce to my naïve “liberalism”. It happened in the early 1970s, when my boss asked me to concoct grand measures of effectiveness for the armed forces (i.e., summary measures of antisubmarine warfare capabilities, of tactical strike capabilities, and so on). I struggled with the problem, and made a good-faith effort to provide the measures. But in the end I had to report to my boss that he had given me “mission impossible”. Why? Because, no summary measure could capture the effects of the many factors that would determine the effectiveness of the armed forces: the enemy, the characteristics of his forces, the timing and geographic particulars of any engagement, and so on. (See “Hemibel Thinking” in this post for a précis of my argument.) That was the first time I got sacked. But I returned as soon as my boss got fired.
    ellauri100.html on line 368: Why did fat Dana Scott fall out with Alfred Tarski? Why did he leave for Princeton and Alonso Church? Was it a gay fight over Richard Montague? They were not mad at one another, they had problems.
    ellauri100.html on line 447: The idea behind the scale is that people vary on the degree to which they experience internal and external moral motivations. Though we suspect that some people are more internally (rather than externally) motivated to act morally, we suspect that everyone is motivated to act morally by internal and external factors. We expect that internal vs. external motivation might relate to who gives to charity in a more public vs. a more private way or who is more likely to be honest when in a group setting vs. a private setting. As well, some national surveys have shown that women make harsher moral judgments than men, and we expect that that might reflect higher moral motivations.
    ellauri100.html on line 537: One scale uses questions from the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) 2010 Science and Engineering Indicators, which is an effort to track public knowledge and attitudes toward science and technology trends in the U.S. and other countries. For this survey, the items pertaining to understanding statistics, how to read data charts, and conducting an experiment were used.
    ellauri100.html on line 680: Rusetti oli vapaaehtoistyöntekijä 1859-1870 Maria Magdalenan charitytalossa Highgaten vankilassa, ex-prostituuttien turvapaikassa, ja onkin ehotettu että Menninkäisten markkinat olis sieltä inspiroitu, eli ne menninkäiset oliskin niitä "langenneita naisia". Siinä on paralleeleja Coleridgen Aku Ankan kuuluisaxi tekemään "Ikivanhan merimiehen tarinaan" ("Ammuin nuolen ilmoihin, albatrossia haavoitin", nyyhkii Aku veden pärskyessä silmistä). Molemmat runot lässyttää kiusauxesta, synnistä ja sijaiskärsimyxellä lunastuxesta kuin Jari Sairasvyö. Höpönhöpön, tää Wikipedian sepustus on sumutusta. Rusetti taisi tykätä langenneista naisista. Naisista kyllä aivan varmasti. Toi Goblin Market runo on aika selkeästi homoeroottinen.
    ellauri100.html on line 695: “Come buy our orchard fruits,
    ellauri100.html on line 759: Their offers should not charm us,
    ellauri100.html on line 832: Fruits which that unknown orchard bore;
    ellauri100.html on line 1012: “Come buy our orchard fruits,
    ellauri101.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri101.html on line 56: In February 2020, Brooklyn native Lawrence V. "Larry" Ray, born Lawrence Grecco, who had resided in his daughter's on-campus apartment at Lawrence College in 2010 after his release from prison, was charged by prosecutors in Manhattan with conspiracy, extortion, sex trafficking, forced labor, and other related offenses, following nearly 10 years of alleged transgressions with students and former students. At a bail hearing held March 2, 2020, an Assistant U.S. Attorney disclosed to the Manhattan federal court that Ray had been arrested while in bed with one of his victims. Bail was denied.
    ellauri101.html on line 66: The monomyth is a universal story structure. It’s a kind of story template that takes a character through a sequence of stages.
    ellauri101.html on line 67: The main character in the monomyth is the hero. The hero isn’t a person, but an archetype—a set of universal images combined with specific patterns of behavior. Think of a protagonist from your favorite film. He or she represents the hero. The storyline of the film enacted the hero’s journey. The Hero archetype resides in the psyche of every individual, which is one of the primary reasons we love hearing and watching stories.
    ellauri101.html on line 209: Ole oman elämäsi sankarien parasta A-sisäryhmää, kuulu sisärenkaaseen. Sankarixi kasvaminen on meidän tekeminen ihan vaan heikoimpia auttaaxemme (charity).
    ellauri101.html on line 493: Cavan: A dashing, quick witted evil genius. Articulate, devious and charming, this is a guy to watch out for. Cavans are clever and mischievous, and will go to extremes to get their own way. Cavans are very competitive by nature, and do not accept failure. One should never oppose a Cavan in an argument, unless they are prepared for a real battle.
    ellauri101.html on line 497: Hoe: A person (male or female) who uses their looks and charms to manipulate their partner to gain material(sex, money, clot). A hoe does not love their partner and the minute someone with better looks, money or clot comes along they abandon their previous partner and the cycle continues.
    ellauri101.html on line 651: Many members of Generation Alpha have grown up using smartphones and tablets as part of their childhood entertainment with many being exposed to devices as a soothing distraction or educational aids. Screen time among infants, toddlers, and preschoolers exploded during the 2010s. Some 90% of young children used a handheld electronic device by the age of one; in some cases, children started using them when they were only a few months old. Using smartphones and tablets to access video streaming services such as YouTube Kids and free or reasonably low budget mobile games became a popular form of entertainment for young children. A report by Common Sense media suggested that the amount of time children under nine in the United States spent using mobile devices increased from 15 minutes a day in 2013 to 48 minutes in 2017. Research by the children´s charity Childwise suggested that a majority of British three and four year olds owned an Internet-connected device by 2018.
    ellauri102.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri102.html on line 203: chard_Branson_March_2015_%28cropped%29.jpg/250px-Richard_Branson_March_2015_%28cropped%29.jpg" width="150px" />
    ellauri102.html on line 244: Gene Siskel of the Chicago Tribune described the film as "a big disappointment when compared with the studio's other recent films about a female hero searching for independence." He was further critical of Mulan's characterization in comparison to Ariel and Belle, jotka molemmat on aivan lällyjä. Mä en ole nähnyt Titanicia (enkä todellakaan aio nähdäkään) mutta näkemättäkin oon vakuuttunut eze on yhtä syvältä kuin se paattikin.
    ellauri102.html on line 443: Il recharge son arme et se rend, à nouveau, à l'avant de la classe, tirant par intermittence dans toutes les directions. À ce moment, Maryse Leclair, blessée, demande de l'aide. Lépine avance vers elle et, après avoir dégainé son couteau de chasse, la poignarde à trois reprises, l'achevant. Il enlève alors sa casquette, entoure son arme de son manteau, et s'exclame : « Oh, shit! », avant de se suicider d'une balle dans la tête, une vingtaine de minutes après avoir commencé son massacre.
    ellauri105.html on line 4: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri106.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri106.html on line 46: Philip Roth has not had much luck with biographers. Late in his life, furiously aggrieved after the failure of his marriage to the actress Claire Bloom and the publication of Bloom’s incendiary memoir of their years together, he asked a close friend, Ross Miller, an English professor at the University of Connecticut, to take on the task. Roth sent Miller lists of family members and friends he wanted to be interviewed, along with the questions that he felt should be asked. (“Would you have expected him to achieve success on the scale he has?”) It didn’t work out, for various reasons. Roth had wanted Miller to refute a familiar charge, “this whole mad fucking misogynistic bullshit!” that he felt flattened his long erotic history into one false accusation. But Miller came to his own conclusion. “There is a predatory side to both Sandy and Philip,” he told a cousin of Roth’s. (Sandy was Roth’s older brother.) “They look at women—I’m not gonna write about this—but they are misogynist. They talk about women in that way.”
    ellauri106.html on line 54: So what did sex mean to Roth? Bailey’s book is so caught up in its obsessive cataloguing of paramours that the forest gets lost in an endless succession of trees. The place where Roth found insight into his own character was on the double bag. Over and over, in the novels, he transformed pro life. Bailey’s prurient, exhaustively literal version of that life reverses the effect, and the result is sadly diminishing. What he never grasps is Roth the artist, with his powers of imagination, of expression, of language—what made him worthy of biography at all.
    ellauri106.html on line 106: That same year, rather than wait to be drafted, Roth enlisted in the army. Roth enlisted in the Army that year to avoid being drafted and assigned to unpleasant duty like the infantry. Fortunately he suffered a back injury during basic training and was given a medical discharge. Who knows. He returned to Chicago in 1956 to study for a PhD in literature but dropped out after one term. It was a yeasty environment for a young writer. Saul Bellow was a contemporary and with some what similar backgrounds and interests they could not avoid being rivals. During that year he met a lovely shiksa waitress Margaret Martinson, a single woman with a small child. He was smitten. An intense, but often troubled relationship ensued. At the end of the year he dropped out of the U of C and headed to the University of Iowa to teach in its creative writing program. None the less, whatever he may have said, Roth was not happy there, perhaps because the semi-rural Midwesterness of Ames was alien to him. After a while with Martinson in tow he moved on to a similar position at Princeton, another WASP bastion but one with even more prestige. Everyone who knew him recognized Roth as an early comer. He later continued his academic career at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught comparative literature before retiring from teaching in 1991. Roth started teaching literature in the late 1960s at the University of Pennsylvania. The 1969 feature film adaptation of Goodbye, Columbus coincided with the publication of Portnoy’s Complaint, which soon became a best-seller amid controversy for its prurient content. (Those who've read it will likely not forget Portnoy's "love affair" with mom´s slab of liver in the fridge.)
    ellauri106.html on line 128: In a private note about Bloom’s book, Roth asserted, “Another writer my age awaiting a biography and awaiting death (which is worse?) might not care. I do.” Roth put enormous efforts into finding a biographer who could contest Bloom’s account. His first choice was the academic Ross Miller, but the novelist had a falling out with his biographer as the would-be James Boswell resisted the imperious dictates of the modern Dr. Johnson. Roth ended up describing his relationship with Miller as “my third bad marriage.” After unsuccessfully trying to rope in friends such as Hermione Lee and Judith Thurman to tell his life story, Roth settled on Blake Bailey, the author of highly regarded biographies of troubled male American writers, notably Richard Yates and John Cheever.
    ellauri106.html on line 177: Roth was far more prolific than either of the novelists he was frequently lumped with—29 full length novels and a dazzling debut novella over nearly 50 years. His output was also more diverse in style and topic than either of the other while reaping critical praise, armloads of awards, and commercial success. Yet at the core of his varied output were common threads—a Jewish identity with which he was not always comfortable but could not deny, a sense of being profoundly American— “if I am not American what am I”—a, a sex drive that was often creepily compulsive, and the world observed by fictional doppelgangers for the author, or sometimes the author himself as a fictional character.
    ellauri106.html on line 179: Today the lengthy obituaries are all laudatory. Tomorrow or the next day I can safely predict that the backlash will begin with harshly critical essays. Leading the way will be Feminists critics who will denounce the whole cabal of elite white men as the custodians of the literary cannon. More pointedly they will charge Roth with toxic masculinity and misogyny and will come loaded for bear with plenty of quotes from his work. They will also have the example and testimony of his two ex-wives, both of whom showed up thinly disguised in his novels—a Margaret Martinson in When She Was Good and actress Clare Bloom in I Married a Communist. Bloom penned her own bitter exposé of their 14-year-long relationship and four year marriage in he memoir Leaving the Doll’s House.
    ellauri106.html on line 236: My Life as a Man is not nearly so consistently enjoyable as Portnoy's Complaint, but it is the product of a more painful period in the author's life. In his autobiography, Roth reveals that much of Tarnopol´s life is based on his own experiences; for example, Roth´s destructive marriage to Margaret Martinson, which is portrayed through Tarnopol´s relationship with the character of Maureen.
    ellauri106.html on line 243: The women in the writer´s life provided inspiration for characters in his novels both positive and negative. PHILIP Roth was famed for his observations on life - some of which he gathered from his own relationships with his ex-wives.
    ellauri106.html on line 287: Arthur Dimmesdale is a fictional character in the 1850 romance The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. A Puritan minister, he has fathered an illegitimate child, Pearl, with Hester Prynne and considers himself unable to reveal his sin.
    ellauri106.html on line 288: Next to Hester Prynne herself, Dimmesdale is often considered Hawthorne´s finest character.
    ellauri106.html on line 317: Vuoden 1952 vaaleihin Eisenhowerin varapresidentiksi valittiin Richard M. Nixon, joka oli ammattipoliitikko ja miltei McCarthyn veroinen antikommunisti. Eisenhower valittiin toiselle kaudelle vuoden 1956 vaaleissa.
    ellauri106.html on line 348: The FBI described the WUO as a domestic terrorist group, with revolutionary positions characterized by black power and opposition to the Vietnam War.
    ellauri106.html on line 363: Otis Jackson, a man incarcerated for unrelated charges, claimed that he committed the Fulton County shooting two years before al-Amin was convicted of the same crime, but the court did not consider Jackson´s statement as evidence.
    ellauri106.html on line 388: In a private note about Bloom’s book, Roth asserted, “Another writer my age awaiting a biography and awaiting death (which is worse?) might not care. I do.” Roth put enormous efforts into finding a biographer who could contest Bloom’s account. His first choice was the academic Ross Miller, but the novelist had a falling out with his biographer as the would-be James Boswell resisted the imperious dictates of the modern Dr. Johnson. Roth ended up describing his relationship with Miller as “my third bad marriage.” After unsuccessfully trying to rope in friends such as Hermione Lee and Judith Thurman to tell his life story, Roth settled on Blake Bailey, the author of highly regarded biographies of troubled male American writers, notably Richard Yates and John Cheever.
    ellauri106.html on line 434: Roth’s works have no Talmud, no Jewish philosophy, no mysticism, no religion, and as a self-professed atheist, Roth has consistently opted against reinforcing the tenets of Judaism as an author such as eg Cynthia Ozick does (whodat?). Roth writes out of hatred more often than not, and his work is open to the charge of anti-Semitism.
    ellauri106.html on line 450: During what Henry Luce deemed the American century—the century during which America rises to a position of dominance on the globe—the Americanethos paradoxically plummets, in large part due to the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal, politically charged events to which Roth pays particular attention in the novel because he sees them as formative of the 1990s moment at which he writes.
    ellauri106.html on line 621: Mailer was hugely popular at his peak, but now he’s probably best known for that whole stabbing-his-second-wife awkwardness; Updike is regularly derided as “a misogynist”; and Bellow’s female characters are often, at best, thinly drawn, or full-on bitches and shrews. Now, inevitably, it’s Roth’s turn. Roth’s women were either “vicious and alluring” or “virtuous and boring”.
    ellauri107.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri107.html on line 84: "With clarity and with crudeness, and a great deal of exuberance, the embryonic writer who was me wrote these stories in his early 20s, while he was a graduate student at the University of Chicago, a soldier stationed in New Jersey and Washington, and a novice English instructor back at Chicago following his Army discharge...In the beginning it amazed him that any literate audience could seriously be interested in his story of tribal secrets, in what he knew, as a child of his neighborhood, about the rites and taboos of his clan—about their aversions, their aspirations, their fears of deviance and defection, their embarrassments and ideas of success."
    ellauri107.html on line 116: Rojack's journey reflects a seminal theme for Mailer in the importance of growth by confronting serious existential situations with courage. In a 1963 letter, Mailer defines what he means by "existentialism" as "that character can dissolve in one stricken event and re-form in startling new fashion".
    ellauri107.html on line 179: The zenith of [Hawthorne and Melville’s] relationship was reached . . . when Moby-Dick was published in middle November of 1851 and was dedicated to Hawthorne [“To Nathaniel Hawthorne: In token of my admiration for his genius”]. Hawthorne’s letter to Melville [at the time], like most of those to his friend, has not been preserved, but Melville’s answer on November 17 . . . speaks of the effect Hawthorne’s letter had upon him, in terms characteristic of his impassioned utterances:
    ellauri107.html on line 189: Hawthorne had also given Melville a positive book review but characteristically expressed it with ambiguity. As Kesterson says,
    ellauri107.html on line 195: In the following excerpts from Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance, the Hawthorne-like character, poet and narrator Miles Coverdale, and the Melville-like character, passionate monomaniac Hollingsworth suggest Melville's influence on the novel. The first person narrator, a young man who joins a major enterprise with mostly adventure-seeking motives, certainly calls to mind narrator Ishmael in Melville's Moby-Dick. The dark and brawny Hollingsworth, bearing a physical resemblance to Melville, cares for Coverdale and seeks his partnership, moreover, in an intensity that seems to parallel Melville's evident affection for and desire for intimacy with Hawthorne. The sharp, mysterious break in the relationships between the two authors and the fictional pair constitute yet another likeness.
    ellauri107.html on line 244: Claggart’s repressed, closeted attraction to Billy finds parallels with some interpretations of Hawthorne’s evident spurning of Melville’s too intimate attentions and Hawthorne’s character in The Blithedale Romance Coverdale’s similar rejection of the invitation from Holingsworth to be his “friend of friends, forever.” For Melville, Hawthorne’s Arthur Dimmesdale’s agonizing acknowledgement of adultery must have seemed a stunning parallel with what later generations would term “coming out of the closet.” Whether Hawthorne himself were a closeted gay man, it is clear that Melville was relatively open in his affections for the senior author and that those affections were somehow turned away and seem to have left a wound that never fully healed. The evils of the closet constitute a subtext in Billy Budd that may well have brought to its author’s mind the sad sundering of his closeness with Nathaniel Hawthorne.
    ellauri107.html on line 246: Billy Budd provides an implicit indictment of the culture, whether military or civil, that encourages the kind of closet where a Claggart so readily succumbs to his “depravity according to nature.” Captain Vere likewise shows a closed, perhaps also “closeted” mind as ready prey for the phenomenon of evil. In Vere’s presence, as Billy is struck dumb by Claggart’s accusation, Claggart is struck dead by a single blow from Billy’s fist, the only response he can muster to defend himself. Although Vere cherishes Billy as “an angel of God” and knows him to be innocent of Claggart’s charges, he resists any bending of rules to protect him against the harshest of consequences for his act of insubordination. Ruthlessly silencing the dictates of his heart, “sometimes the feminine in man,” Vere effects what Claggart’s malice alone could not -- Billy’s total destruction.
    ellauri107.html on line 300: Bill Gatesin vaimo Melinda ottaa siitä eron ja puolet Microsoftista. Bill jäi kiinni rysän päältä Epsteinin tyttökaupasta. Siihenkö loppuu Melinda ja Bill Gates-säätiön luonnonpilaajien charity? Täytyy toivoa. Bill möi Aahrikan neekereille korzuja ja suunnitteli taivaan pimentämistä rikkipilvillä. Toivottavasti se päätyy Pepun rikinkatkuiseen Gehennaan. Ironisen amerikanjuutalaisen romaanikirjailijan kanssa sen sauva kädessä paimentamaan vuohia.
    ellauri107.html on line 395: The antihero of Roth’s 1995 novel Sabbath’s Theatre blinds us with his astonishing misogyny, his exponential misanthropy, his audacious nihilism - and yet he makes us care shit. The depraved Mickey Sabbath, the hero, anti-hero and villain of Philip Roth’s 1995 tour d'Eiffel, Sabbath’s Theatre. Just what he does to deserve this affection over the course of 450 bile-filled pages is hard to fathom. He virtually copies that bête noire of creative writing courses, the unsympathetic character. To discover such a monstrous creation on the page is a shock.
    ellauri107.html on line 406: The author’s sanctioned biographer, Claudia Roth Pierpont, comments that the Drenka “enlarges the sense of female possibility, and that’s what heroines are for”. Of course, Roth rather ruins this reverence by having Sabbath masturbate on her grave (and he’s not the only character who does), but then Phil always has to spoil the party. He's a real party pooper is Phil.
    ellauri107.html on line 427: 1937 English author J.R.R. Tolkien published The Hobbit; the title and the originally somewhat complacent and bourgeois character of Bilbo and hobbits in general were influenced by Babbitt.
    ellauri107.html on line 469: He had, with indignation at the criticism of Zenith, skimmed through a report in which the notorious pessimist Seneca Doane, the radical lawyer, asserted that to throw boys and young girls into a bull-pen crammed with men suffering from syphilis, delirium tremens, and insanity was not the perfect way of educating them. He had controverted the report by growling, “Folks that think a jail ought to be a bloomin' Hotel Thornleigh make me sick. If people don't like a jail, let 'em behave 'emselves and keep out of it. Besides, these reform cranks always exaggerate.” That was the beginning and quite completely the end of his investigations into Zenith's charities and corrections; and as to the “vice districts” he brightly expressed it, “Those are things that no decent man monkeys with. Besides, smatter fact, I'll tell you confidentially: it's a protection to our daughters and to decent women to have a district where tough nuts can raise cain. Keeps 'em away from our own homes.”
    ellauri107.html on line 483: “Yep, finally decided I'd buy me one. Got the best on the market, the clerk said it was. Paid five bucks for it. Just wondering if I got stuck. What do they charge for 'em at the store, Sid?”
    ellauri108.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri108.html on line 145: The term "grounding" is used among Rastas to refer to the establishment of relationships between like-minded practitioners. Groundings often take place in a commune or yard, and are presided over by an elder. The elder is charged with keeping discipline and can ban individuals from attending. The number of participants can range from a handful to several hundred. Activities that take place at groundings include the playing of drums, chanting, the singing of hymns, and the recitation of poetry. Cannabis, known as ganja, is often smoked. Most groundings contain only men, although some Rasta women have established their own all-female grounding circles.
    ellauri108.html on line 205: Howell has been described as the "leading figure" in the early Rastafari movement. He preached that black Africans were superior to white Europeans and that Afro-Jamaicans should owe their allegiance to Haile Selassie rather than to George V, King of Great Britain and Ireland. The island's British authorities arrested him and charged him with sedition in 1934, resulting in his two-year imprisonment. Following his release, Howell established the Ethiopian Salvation Society and in 1939 established a Rasta community, known as Pinnacle, in Saint Catherine Parish. Police feared that Howell was training his followers for an armed rebellion and were angered that it was producing cannabis for sale. They raided the community on several occasions and Howell was imprisoned for a further two years. Upon his release he returned to Pinnacle, but the police continued with their raids and shut down the community in 1954; Howell himself was committed to a mental hospital.
    ellauri108.html on line 216: In the 1940s and 1950s, a more militant brand of Rastafari emerged. The vanguard of this was the House of Youth Black Faith, a group whose members were largely based in West Kingston. Backlash against the Rastas grew after a practitioner of the religion allegedly killed a woman in 1957. In March 1958, the first Rastafarian Universal Convention was held in the settlement of Back-o-Wall, Kingston. Following the event, militant Rastas unsuccessfully tried to capture the city in the name of Haile Selassie. Later that year they tried again in Spanish Town. The increasing militancy of some Rastas resulted in growing alarm about the religion in Jamaica. According to Cashmore, the Rastas became "folk devils" in Jamaican society. In 1959, the self-declared prophet and founder of the African Reform Church, Claudius Henry, sold thousands of tickets to Afro-Jamaicans, including many Rastas, for passage on a ship that he claimed would take them to Africa. The ship never arrived and Henry was charged with fraud. In 1960 he was sentenced to six years imprisonment for conspiring to overthrow the government. Henry's son was accused of being part of a paramilitary cell and executed, confirming public fears about Rasta violence. One of the most prominent clashes between Rastas and law enforcement was the Coral Gardens incident of 1963, in which an initial skirmish between police and Rastas resulted in several deaths and led to a larger roundup of practitioners. Clamping down on the Rasta movement, in 1964 the island's government implemented tougher laws surrounding cannabis use.
    ellauri108.html on line 274: By the early 1990s, a Rasta community existed in Nairobi, Kenya, whose approach to the religion was informed both by reggae and by traditional Kikuyu religion. Rastafari groups have also appeared in Zimbabwe, and in South Africa; in 2008, there were at least 12,000 Rastas in the country. At an African Union/Caribbean Diaspora conference in South Africa in 2005, a statement was released characterising Rastafari as a force for integration of Africa and the African diaspora.
    ellauri108.html on line 383: Benjy pauses for a reefer. "Do you see what I am saying? If such a boy could live on the sea, I knew that my son could live on the land. I come up here on this hill, that very morning. And I start to make a living making charcoal out of pimento trees. Right here, where we sit. This is where I get my start, right here on these cold, old embers.
    ellauri109.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri109.html on line 272: In the late 1980s, Searle, along with other landlords, petitioned Berkeley's rental board to raise the limits on how much he could charge tenants under the city's 1980 rent-stabilization ordinance. The rental board refused to consider Searle's petition and Searle filed suit, charging a violation of due process. In 1990, in what came to be known as the "Searle Decision", the California Supreme Court upheld Searle's argument in part and Berkeley changed its rent-control policy, leading to large rent-increases between 1991 and 1994. Searle was reported to see the issue as one of fundamental rights, being quoted as saying "The treatment of landlords in Berkeley is comparable to the treatment of blacks in the South ... our rights have been massively violated and we are here to correct that injustice." The court described the debate as a "morass of political invective, ad hominem attack, and policy argument".
    ellauri109.html on line 425: Quelquefois, on nie un petit peu, tout le monde alors vous engueule et cela finit par s’avouer. Voyageant pour notre instruction et chargés d’une mission par le gouvernement, nous avons regardé comme de notre devoir de nous livrer à ce mode d’éjaculation. L’occasion ne s’en est pas encore présentée, nous la cherchons pourtant.
    ellauri109.html on line 461: Il me déplaît pour avoir mis en axiomes et pratique « la Poésie du cœur » (double farce à l'usage des impuissants et des charlatans). En voilà un qui a été peu critique ! Il me paraît avoir eu sur l'humanité le coup d'œil d'un coiffeur sentimental ! Toujours « mon pauvre cœur », toujours les larmes ! — je crois du reste que la mère Colet l'a reproduit assez fidèlement ? et il est facile maintenant de le bien connaître. As-tu remarqué ses affectations de noblesse ? Ses éternels bals aux ambassades ? Comme c'est beau cet homme qui porte sa douleur dans le monde ! — telle qu'un bijou rare, pour l'ébahissement de ces Messieurs et ces Dames !
    ellauri109.html on line 539: Roth mined his life for his characters from the beginning. He also found himself liberated, as the fifties wore on, by the example of two older Jewish-American writers. Saul Bellow’s “The Adventures of Augie March” helped “close the gap between Thomas Mann and Damon Runyon,” Roth recalled. Bernard Malamud’s “The Assistant” showed him that “you can write about the Jewish poor, you can write about the Jewish inarticulate, you can describe things near at hand.”
    ellauri109.html on line 605: We learn of Roth’s generosity with unearned money he did not need (just like JFK, who was privately stingy as hell but basked in high-visibility free-of-charge charity) of his remarkable service in getting Milan Kundera published in English.
    ellauri109.html on line 767: celadon (n.) "pale grayish-green color," 1768, from French Céladon , name of a character in the once-popular romance of "l'Astrée" by Honoré d'Urfé (1610); an insipidly sentimental lover who wore bright green clothes, he is named in turn after Celadon (Greek Keladon) , a character in Ovid's "Metamorphoses," whose name is said to mean "sounding with din or clamor."
    ellauri109.html on line 868: Äitykän kuoltua Peppu romahti. Se sai jonkun ketjureaktion. Rothin terveydentila huononi, se kiikutettiin teholle ja pantiin hengityskoneeseen kuin koronapotilas. Sille tehtiin sydämen ohitusleikkaus. Noin sydämettömän tyypin menoa se ei haitannut. Ikävä kyllä se vähitellen parani, eikä isä-Hermanninkaan kuolema missään tuntunut. Tammikuussa 1990 vuosi leikkauxen jälkeen Bloom käski Rothin mennä sen kanssa naimisiin. Se oli sille huisin tärkeää. Roth mietti ehdotusta pari viikkoa ja sitten suostui charmikkaalla textiviestillä. Ne meni naimisiin 19.4.1990.
    ellauri110.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri110.html on line 349: Propriety did not prevent him from engaging in a number of extramarital liaisons with various women that were chronicled in his diary, often in some detail when relating the intimate details. The most dramatic of these encounters was with Deborah Willet, a young woman engaged as a companion for Elisabeth Pepys. On 25 October 1668, Pepys was surprised by his wife as he embraced Deb Willet; he writes that his wife "coming up suddenly, did find me imbracing the girl con [with] my hand sub [under] su [her] coats; and endeed I was with my main [hand] in her cunny. I was at a wonderful loss upon it and the girl also...." Following this event, he was characteristically filled with remorse, but (equally characteristically) continued to pursue Willet after she had been dismissed from the Pepys household. Pepys also had a habit of fondling the breasts of his maid Mary Mercer while she dressed him in the morning.
    ellauri110.html on line 355: Samuel Pepys führte ein Tagebuch von 1.25M Wörtern vom Alter 27 (1660) bis 36 (1669). Er stammte aus armen Verhältnissen. Im Alter von 25 heiratete er ein 15-jähriges Mädchen Elizabeth StMichel als Faktotum seinem Vetter, Richard Montague, Earl of Sandwich. Er stieg auf in der Marineverwaltung. Er wurde für Pabstliche Einstellungen im Tower eingestellt. Er rang mit seinem noch zu bezähmenden Geschlechtstrieb.
    ellauri110.html on line 1130: All of the older characters, by contrast to the younger ones with modern Shakespearean ideas, are out for themselves and their own images, doing whatever it takes to protect themselves, rather than doing what’s right.
    ellauri111.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri111.html on line 287: “Isn’t that rather harsh? After all, he himself set out the charge sheet, if you like. He tells us just what he has done, how he has behaved. He provides all the evidence we need to find him guilty—morally, if not legally.”
    ellauri111.html on line 299: “You mean like in one of Shakespeare’s monologues, like Richard III or Hamlet.”
    ellauri112.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri112.html on line 585: Reitman (Thank You for Smoking, Juno, Up in the Air) continues to work the “audacious” and “unique” edges of the most conventional possible territory, in movies that tend to conclude that the characters’ various challenges are all a state of mind.
    ellauri112.html on line 661: As a nation, we’re well-used to the stereotype of the Irish mammy. Generally speaking though, the mother as a comical, level-headed supporting character is not unique to us, Jews and Italians have them too, and Latinos, I bet. Sometimes she’s the self-sacrificing figure who will do anything for her children, sometimes she’s neurotic and controlling, suppressing the growth and social development of her kids, who are typically the leads. Rarely has she ever taken front-of-stage.
    ellauri112.html on line 669: Amer. ongelmalapset on joko on the spectrum (autisteja) tai quirky (vajakkeja). I’m also really over films that nervously wring their hands over autistic characters. Like, give me a break, sanoo 1 blaseerattu kazoja. Varmaan vajakki.
    ellauri112.html on line 708: Tully seems too good to be true when she quickly organizes the home, cleans it from top to bottom, and finds a place for all the errant toys too. She even makes cupcakes for Marlo to take to Jonah’s school as a peace offering. Ultimately, Tully becomes the ‘spouse’ Marlo really needs, and they even have a simpatico banter together, quipping back and forth in sharp, pithy dialogue, the only way Cody can write for her characters.
    ellauri112.html on line 728: The film’s strength – for its first two thirds – is the relationship between the two women at the heart of the narrative. We learn through a clumsy coincidence at the beginning of the film that Marlo is bisexual; as her intimacy with Tully expands to fill the vacuum of her absentee marriage, it becomes a tender eroticism. This is mediated, always, through other bodies: as Tully cradles the baby who has just finished feeding, she talks about how the ‘molecules’ of the child still exist within the mother; later, in a bar toilet, she gently wets a paper towel and uses it to draw the milk out of Marlo’s swollen breasts. In a pivotal scene, Marlo sits behind Tully and instructs her on what to do to arouse her sleep-befuddled husband. This moment can be read as emblematic of the film’s mistreatment of the queer intimacy it establishes. Coming after a discussion of sexual history and sexual fantasy, Marlo reveals to Tully that she has a waitress’s uniform that she’s never used, bought to surprise her husband. As Tully puts the outfit on, which fits her pre-natal body in a way it wouldn’t Marlo, the moment of sexual possibility between the women is subsumed into heteronormative, ageist fantasy: Tully’s young, and therefore fantasy-appropriate, body is used as bait to ‘recharge’ the masculine battery.
    ellauri112.html on line 730: The revelation that Tully is a version of Marlo’s former self removes the possibility of a different life she represented. “I love us,” Marlo’s husband says to her, as she lies in her hospital bed. “I love us too,” she replies. This collective noun is the acceptance of the status quo, just as Tully’s last speech, in which she tells Marlo she should embrace her dull life – “being boring means you’re doing it right” – is an endorsement of the sacrifices society requires of her. The final scene, in which Marlo’s husband helps her make the packed lunches, is bathed in a saccharine glow: learn to love your claustrophobia, it tells women. The nuclear family is the only one worth having.
    ellauri112.html on line 863: Wines today average 12-18% alcohol due to saccharomyces, a genetically modified yeast that alien scientists developed in the twentieth century. Due to distilling, strong drinks like liquor go over twenty percent. Study for yourself. Mutta ole varovainen, se on DYNAMIITTIA!
    ellauri115.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri115.html on line 275: Montaigne´s idea in Essays (1570-1592) was to record "some traits of my character and of my humours." “I am devoting my last days to studying myself,” said Jean-Jacques (1776-1778).
    ellauri115.html on line 351: Paizi Warren Buffett, virnuileva Bezos ja vinosuinen Elon Musk ei maxa juuri yhtään veroa. Ne on siihen ihan liian rikkaita. Mut ne antaa monta ropoa charityyn.
    ellauri115.html on line 352: Uskonnot antaa charitylle paljon arvoa. Köyhät teillä on aina keskuudessanne, ja niin on rikkaatkin. Molemmissa on puolesa, rikkaat stikkaa enemmän mutta köyhän ropoja on paljon.
    ellauri115.html on line 398: Hume's friends travelling in France had already told him about his incomparable standing in Parisian society. And the two years he spent in Paris were to be the happiest of his life. He was rapturously embraced there, loaded, in his words, "with civilities". Hume stressed the near-universal judgment on his personality and morals. "What gave me chief pleasure was to find that most of the elogiums bestowed on me, turned on my personal character; my naivety & simplicity of manners, the candour and mildness of my disposition &tc." Indeed, his French admirers gave him the sobriquet Le Bon David, the good David.
    ellauri115.html on line 420: Among Rousseau's numerous charges were Hume's misreading of a key letter from Rousseau about a royal pension. That error embroiled King George III. The king was just one of the many prominent figures to be sucked into the quarrel: others included Diderot, D'Holbach, Smith, James Boswell, D'Alembert and Grimm. Walpole became a key player. Voltaire piled in too, unable to resist the chance to strike at Rousseau.
    ellauri115.html on line 695: Mä olen tietoinen sielustani; mä ihan tunnen sen ja ajattelen sitä tuon tuostakin; mä tiedän mikä sen on vaikken tiedä mitä se oikeasti on; mä en voi järkeillä asioista jota mä en tunne. Se minkä mä tiedän on että mun henk.koht. identiteetti riippuu mun muistista, ja että ollaxeni sama mun ptää muistaa et mä olin olemassa. Mä en muistaisi kuoleman jälkeen millanen mä olin elävänä ellen mä muista miltä musta tuntui ja mitä mä tein; enkä epäile että just sen muistaminen tulee olemaan hyvisten palkkio ja pahisten kidutus. Tässä maailmassa sisäinen tietoisuus uppoaa innokkaiden passiohedelmien hälinään jotka estää katumisen. Miehuuden harjoituxesta seuraava nöyryyytys ja häpeä estää näkemästä sen charmia. Mut kun vapautuneina ruumiinaistien illuusioista silmäilemme iloisina ylintä pomoa ja ikuisia totuuxia jotka siitä valuvat; kun kaikki meidän sielunvoimat on hereillä järjestyxen kauneuteen ja me ollaan täysin uppoutuneita vertaamaan sitä mitä tuli tehtyä siihen mitä olis pitänyt, niin silloin omantunnon ääni pääsee täyteen volaan nupit kaakossa; silloin puhdas riemastus joka tulee izetyytyväisyydestä, ja terävä katumus izensä nolaamisesta ratkaisee ylivoimaisella tunteella mikä tulee olemaan kunkin omavalmisteinen osa kuonpuoleisessa. Hyvä ystäväiseni, älä kysy onko siellä muita ilon tai kärsimyxen aiheita; mä en tiedä kun en ole käynyt kazomassa vielä; tää minkä mä voin kuvitella riittää mulle lohdutuxexi tässä elämässä ja saa odottamaan kärsimättömästi seuraavaa. Mä en sano et hyviä palkitaan, sillä mitä suurempaa hyvää voi tosi hyvä olento kuvitella kuin olla niinkuin kotonaan? Mut mä sanon kyllä että hyvät tulevat olemaan onnellisia, koska niiden money maker, kaiken oikeudenkäytön ylin auktoriteetti, joka on tehnyt ne tunteilemaan kykenevixi, ei ole tehnyt niitä kärsiskelemään; sitäpaizi, ne ei ole käyttäneet vääriin vapauttaan maan päällä eikä muuttaneet kohtaloaan oman vian takia; kuiteskin ne ovat kärsineet tässä elämässä ja kyllä se niille hyvitetään seuraavassas. Tää fiilis ei luota niinkään miehen ansioihin, vaan hyvän ideaan, joka näyttää musta kuuluvan jumalan peruskokoonpanoon. Mä oletan vaan että järjestyssäännöt pysyy voimassa ja että Jumala ei kuseta.
    ellauri115.html on line 809: as Pindar​ says, a man would profit in no moderate degree by venting these emotions upon his enemies, and turning the course of such discharges,​ so to speak, as far away from his associates and relatives.
    ellauri115.html on line 1138: Hare also co-authored the bestselling Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work (2006) with organizational psychologist and human resources consultant Paul Babiak, a portrayal of the disruptions caused when psychopaths enter the workplace. The book focuses on what Hare refers to as the "successful psychopath", who can be charming and socially skilled and therefore able to get by in the workplace. This is by contrast with the type of psychopath whose lack of social skills or self-control would cause them to rely on threats and coercion and who would probably not be able to hold down a job for long. Hare would classify himself and Mrs. Hare (jänisemo pyrynä viitaan loikki) as first class psychopaths. Successful vs. unsuccessful bad people.
    ellauri115.html on line 1153: Tää on ehkä munkin vahvin kokemus läpi kaikkien näiden paasausten. Apinoita on vain kourallinen erilaisia, eikä niiden tarinoita ja turinoitakaan ole paljon enempää. Jos osaisin numeroisin ne ja siinä olisi se Leibnizin unexuma characteristica universalis. Järjestys se olla pitää sanoi ämmä kun kananpojat numeroi.
    ellauri117.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri117.html on line 255: He came to consciousness again, hearing an immense knocking outside. What could be happening, what was it, the great hammer-stroke resounding through the house? He did not know. And then it came to him that it was his own heart beating. But that seemed impossible, the noise was outside. No, it was inside himself, it was his own heart. And the beating was painful, so strained, surcharged. He wondered if Gerald heard it. He did not know whether he were standing or lying or falling.
    ellauri117.html on line 380: While in pre-production, write detailed story summaries and character descriptions intended to guide artists and level designers throughout production cycle.
    ellauri117.html on line 381: Near end of production cycle, feign surprise when artists and level designers admit they never read your detailed story summaries or character descriptions.
    ellauri117.html on line 383: At some point, idly add up total word count for every story summary, character description, cinematic scene, level script, multiplayer script, and collectible script you have written over previous two and half years. Plunge face into hands when word-count total surpasses that of every book you’ve published combined.
    ellauri117.html on line 386: Calmly nod while game director explains to you why scene that explains game’s story has been cut. Also why player’s companion character is no longer a woman but a robot.
    ellauri117.html on line 559: The Liver body type is governed by the body’s inability to process an overconsumption of alcohol or processed foods. The Liver body type is characterized most significantly as someone who has a “beer belly,” or who stores all of their weight in their front midsection. The weight will be disproportionate to the rest of their body, and distend out far beyond the rest of their frame.
    ellauri117.html on line 638: 3eulogētos o theos kai patēr tou kuriou ēmōn iēsou christou o eulogēsas ēmas en pasē eulogia pneumatikē en tois epouraniois en christō 4kathōs exelexato ēmas en autō pro katabolēs kosmou einai ēmas agious kai amōmous katenōpion autou en agapē 5proorisas ēmas eis uiothesian dia iēsou christou eis auton kata tēn eudokian tou thelēmatos autou 6eis epainon doxēs tēs charitos autou en ē echaritōsen ēmas en tō ēgapēmenō 7en ō echomen tēn apolutrōsin dia tou aimatos autou tēn aphesin tōn paraptōmatōn kata ton plouton tēs charitos autou 8ēs eperisseusen eis ēmas en pasē sophia kai phronēsei 9gnōrisas ēmin to mustērion tou thelēmatos autou kata tēn eudokian autou ēn proetheto en autō 10eis oikonomian tou plērōmatos tōn kairōn anakephalaiōsasthai ta panta en tō christō ta te en tois ouranois kai ta epi tēs gēs11en autō en ō kai eklērōthēmen prooristhentes kata prothesin tou ta panta energountos kata tēn boulēn tou thelēmatos autou 12eis to einai ēmas eis epainon tēs doxēs autou tous proēlpikotas en tō christō 13en ō kai umeis akousantes ton logon tēs alētheias to euangelion tēs sōtērias umōn en ō kai pisteusantes esphragisthēte tō pneumati tēs epangelias tō agiō 14os estin arrabōn tēs klēronomias ēmōn eis apolutrōsin tēs peripoiēseōs eis epainon tēs doxēs autou etc.
    ellauri118.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri118.html on line 418: 2Focalisation is a term coined by the French narrative theorist Gérard Genette. It refers to the perspective through which a narrative is presented. Genette focuses on the interplay between three forms of focalization and the distinction between heterodiegetic and homodiegetic narrators. Homodiegetic narrators exist in the same (hence the word 'homo') storyworld as the characters exist in, whereas heterodiegetic narrators are not a part of that storyworld. The term 'focalization' refers to how information is restricted in storytelling. Genette distinguishes between internal focalization, external focalization, and zero focalization. Internal focalization means that the narrative focuses on thoughts and emotions while external focalization focuses solely on characters' actions, behavior, the setting etc. Zero focalization is seen when the narrator is omniscient in the sense that it is not restricted. Focalization in literature is similar to point-of-view (POV) in film-making and point of view in literature, but professionals in the field often see these two traditions as being distinctly different. Genette's work was intended to refine the notions of point of view and narrative perspective. It separates the question of “Who sees?” in a narrative from “who speaks?”
    ellauri118.html on line 589: George kannattaa nykyään tämmöstä kuin embodied mind ajatusta: Many features of cognition are embodied in that they are deeply dependent upon characteristics of the physical body of an agent, such that the agent's beyond-the-brain body plays a significant causal role, or a physically constitutive role, in that agent's cognitive processing. No tottahan se on, ainakin miesten ajatteluun osallistuu voimakkaasti pikkuveli.
    ellauri118.html on line 638: She with a charming Languishment Antaa ymmärtää viehättävällä venytyxellä
    ellauri118.html on line 801: Lauantaiseura on ollut meilläkin. Runebergin ympärille muodostui 1830-luvulla Helsingissä niin sanottu Lauantaiseura. Tähän piiriin kuuluivat muun muassa runoilijat J. J. Nervander ja Fredrik Cygnaeus. Muita ajan runoilijoita olivat Lars Stenbäck, Zacharias Topelius ja E. A. Ingman. Huomattavampia omaperäisiä teoksia alkoi ilmestyä suomeksi 1860-luvulla. Kaikilla noilla on katu stadissa, paizi Ingman, jolla on katu Kuopion Niiralassa sekä jäätelö. Savukkeet ovat saavuttaneet tupakoizijain suosion. Polttajien joukko kasvaa jatkuvasti. Liittykää Tekin Kerhon polttajiin. Tuskinpa tupakoivat setämiehet tieten apinoivat sinisukkia.
    ellauri118.html on line 830: With La Princesse de Clèves, Mme. de La Fayette created a new kind of fiction,—"substituting," says Saintsbury, "for mere romance of adventure on the one hand, and stilted heroic work on the other, fiction in which the display of character is held of chief account."
    ellauri118.html on line 860: Certain critics have endeavored to trace the character of Mme. de La Fayette in that of the Princess of Clèves, of M. de La Rochefoucauld in that of M. de Nemours; but too strict an autobiographical interpretation destroys the charm of the story.
    ellauri118.html on line 946: Among the many changes made to the original book, one of the most noticeable is how two characters — Serena Joy and Commander Waterford — are played by much younger actors than expected. 35-year-old Australian actress Yvonne Strahovski plays Serena, while 46-year-old Joseph Fiennes was cast as the Commander.
    ellauri118.html on line 968: Serena Joy's character is also much older in the book.
    ellauri118.html on line 1131: In 1683, when Mary Webster was approximately 60 years old, she was accused and brought to trial before a jury in Boston "for suspicion of witchcraft" but cleared of charges and found not guilty.
    ellauri118.html on line 1166: Shakespeare´s Hamlet, the title character disparages his mother, Gertrude, a widow newly married to her husband´s brother. In disgust at her haste to remarry, Hamlet mutters: "Frailty, thy name is woman".
    ellauri119.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri119.html on line 272: The most characteristic sign of the presence of the ruach ha-kodesh is the gift of prophecy. The use of the word "ruach" (Hebrew: "breath", or "wind") in the phrase ruach ha-kodesh seems to suggest that Judaic authorities believed the Holy Spirit was a kind of communication medium like breath, or wind. The spirit talks from both ends, sometimes 1wparacl
    ellauri119.html on line 387: God is most often held to be incorporeal, with said characteristic being related to conceptions of transcendence or immanence. In religion, transcendence is the aspect of a deity´s nature and power that is wholly independent of the material universe, beyond all known physical laws. This is contrasted with immanence, where a god is said to be fully present in the physical world and thus accessible to creatures in various ways. In religious experience, transcendence is a state of being that has overcome the limitations of physical existence, and by some definitions, has also become independent of it. This is typically manifested in prayer, rituals, meditation, psychedelics and paranormal "visions".
    ellauri119.html on line 426: Modern authors have distinguished further varieties of love: unrequited love, empty love, companionate love, consummate love, infatuated love, self-love, and courtly love. Numerous cultures have also distinguished ren, yuanfen, mamihlapinatapai, cafuné, kama, bhakti, mettā, ishq, chesed, amore, charity, saudade (and other variants or symbioses of these states), as culturally unique words, definitions, or expressions of love in regards to a specified "moments" currently lacking in the English language, like "orgasm".
    ellauri119.html on line 432: There are several Greek words for "love" that are regularly referred to in Christian circles. Agape: In the New Testament, agapē is charitable, selfless, altruistic, and unconditional. It is parental love, seen as creating goodness in the world; it is the way God is seen to love humanity, and it is seen as the kind of love that Christians aspire to have for one another. Philia: Also used in the New Testament, phileo is a human response to something that is found to be delightful. Also known as "brotherly love" or "homophilia." Two other words for love in the Greek language, eros (sexual love) and storge (child-to-parent love), were never used in the New Testament! Now that's a lacuna! Christians believe that to Love God with all your heart, mind, and strength and Love your neighbor as yourself are the two most important things in life (the greatest commandment of the Jewish Torah, according to Jesus; cf. Gospel of Mark chapter 12, verses 28–34). Saint Augustine summarized this when he wrote "Love God, and do as thou wilt." Right on Gus! Way to go!
    ellauri119.html on line 456: Hippo of Augustine thought the holy ghost was the gluon that kept the other two quarks together, top and bottom, strange and charm, bad and good policeman. love is another attractive force, if you will. May the force be with you, but never underestimate the power of the dark side of the force. Under his eyes. May the lord open. "The dystopian drama has exceeded the natural lifespan of its story, as it plows forward with nothing new to say, tinkling cymbals and sounding brass." "There came a point during the first episode where, for me, it became too much." Lisa Miller of The Cut wrote: "I have pressed mute and fast forward so often this season, I am forced to wonder: 'Why am I watching this'? It all feels so gratuitous, like a beating that never ends."
    ellauri119.html on line 487: Empty love is characterized by commitment without intimacy or passion. A stronger love may deteriorate into empty love. In an arranged marriage, the spouses' relationship may begin as empty love and develop into another form, indicating "how empty love need not be the terminal state of a long-term relationship...[but] the beginning rather than the end".
    ellauri119.html on line 539: Extreme examples of mania in popular culture include yandere anime and manga characters. Additionally, manic love is a central theme in the films Endless Love, Fatal Attraction, Misery, Play Misty for Me, Swimfan, and Taxi Driver.
    ellauri119.html on line 644: There is a very good side to Christianity and a very bad side to Christianity. Rosenbaum strengthened the bad side: zionism, the irrational hatred of Arabs and the sense of choseness of the “elect” in Protestantism; while concurrently weakening the good side of Christianity: social conscience, opposition to usury, communal responsibility, duty, group honor, charity, selflessness, etc.
    ellauri119.html on line 666: Most ethical values boil down to others. Your moral standing is to be judged based on what you contribute to others, what you do for others. Do you volunteer at a soup kitchen? If you answer yes then you get a gold star. But you can always do more, can’t you? Tutor a child at the local school. Give money to a charity. With each contribution you gain moral points.
    ellauri119.html on line 680: From a literary point of view her novels have little character development and are cast in black and white terms. The important things in this world are just not that easy to discern, so she is painting a child´s simple view of the world, perhaps even an autistic child´s view, who doesn´t have the capability of caring for others. Ayn Rand found early inspiration for her protagonists in a 1920´s serial killer, William Hickman and used that sociopath as the model for the heros of her novels. See: Ayn Rand, Hugely Popular Author and Inspiration to Right-Wing Leaders, Was a Big Admirer of Serial Killer
    ellauri119.html on line 720: In a different scene, Hank Rearden helps a small manufacturer, a guy Rand describes as respectable but no master of industry. Rearden could have refused to help or charged him an exorbitant amount for the favor. But he didn’t. Again, this portrayal of a wealthy industrialist doesn’t fit your contention that Rand advocated a dog-eat-dog Social Darwinism.
    ellauri131.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri131.html on line 349: Richard Nixon – Crook
    ellauri131.html on line 461: J.K. 22.03.2022 kazottiin ihan vahinkokaupalla amerikkalainen elokuva nimeltä The Secret: Dare to Dream, joka oli saanut Netflixissä Seijan suositusprosentixi 83%. Se oli samalla myös elokuvan sokeripitoisuus: nelikymppisellä langanlaihalla charity case naisella Louisianassa oli kokonaista 2 kosijaa, joista se pitkään mietittyään valizi jeesusmaisemman, joka oli sen lento-onnettomuudessa kuolleen lasten isän kexijäkaveri. Molemmat lesken kosijoista oli kyllä ihan sika kilttejä, mutta toinen oli vaan kouluja käymätön ravintoloizija ja kaiken kukkuraxi 50% vinkuintiaani. Jeesusmaisempi oli 100% white anglo saxon protestant ja vielä ammattikorkeakoulun professori, joka lisäxi oli ihan wokumaisen näppärä handyman ja hit it off aivan loistavasti lesken lasten kaa. (Vähän huolestuttavankin hyvin 16 vuotta täyttävän sakkolihan kaa, mun mielestä, vatkata nyt yhdessä salt taffyja ja natustella s'moreja!)
    ellauri131.html on line 469: Tämä Rhonda Byrne elokuvan vinosuimen nainen ei pysty maxamaan vakuutuxia ja maxaa sixi juurihoidosta $2000 takahampaasta. Toivottavasti juuri oli hoidettu siihen mennessä kun se ankarasti pussaa proffaa filmin loppukuvissa. Kaikkein nolointa köyhyydessä on että nimitellään charity casexi.
    ellauri131.html on line 723: Robbins repeatedly swears by Natural Language Processing (NLP), a controversial, consciousness-based belief system that took root in California in the 1970s. According to the Association for NLP, the practice is commonly referred to as the "users manual for your mind," and studying NLP offers "insights into how our thinking patterns can effect [sic] every aspect of our lives." God's co-creator Vivica Bandler has characterized the process as a veritable fountain of youth, asserting one's "ability for consciousness to influence our DNA evolution." In an interview with NLP Life, Bandler said, "It is obviously related to aging and the more we learn to control our consciousness, the more we will learn to control the quality of the DNA that keeps us young, the DNA that makes us smart...There is literally no limit to what we can do as we begin to harness the great power called consciousness."
    ellauri131.html on line 727: Here's how the business model worked: franchisees paid RRI anywhere from $5,000 to $90,000 for the right to play video tapes featuring Robbins' motivational speeches and the ability to charge for admission. According to the FTC, Robbins' company claimed that franchisees "could sell 25 to 100 seminars per month and could earn between $75,000 to $300,000 per year."
    ellauri131.html on line 746: In addition to the criminal conviction, Trudeau was also ordered by the FTC to pay a $37 million dollar fine in relation to fraud charges connected with the same book. Trudeau never payed the fine, claiming he was "penniless" and "homeless," despite the fact that he was living in a "14,000-square-foot rented mansion" and was still getting $180 haircuts at Vidal Sasson. He was eventually sentenced to 10 years in prison, which he began serving in March of 2014.
    ellauri131.html on line 923: Stephen Richards Covey (October 24, 1932 – July 16, 2012) was an American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker. His most popular book is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Tapsan 7 asukokonaisuutta hyvin tehokkaille tyypeille on on self helpin Sota ja Rauha, lukee Marianne Teholla.
    ellauri131.html on line 936: Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, briefly, are these: (1) Be proactive. Take the initiative and be responsible. (2) Begin with the end in mind. Start any endeavor -- a meeting, a day at the office, your adult life -- with a mental image of an outcome conforming to values you cherish. (3) Put first things first. Discipline yourself to subordinate feelings, impulses, and moods to your values. (4) Think win/win. Just as it sounds. (5) Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Listen with the intent to empathize, not with the intent to reply. (6) Synergize. Create wholes that are greater than the sum of their parts. (7) Sharpen the saw. Take time to cultivate the four essential dimensions of your character: physical, mental, social/emotional, and spiritual.
    ellauri131.html on line 938: Covey, more than most inspirational writers, is able to skate right up close to the border of the divine without alarming anyone. Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, has lost his laser pointer once again and is practically jumping up off the stage to point to a giant chart projected on the wall of a conference room at the Westin Hotel in Seattle. He would be an imposing man if he were two inches taller.
    ellauri131.html on line 952: The topic of Covey's Brigham U Ph.D dissertation was the "success literature" of the United States since 1776. Covey found that during the republic's first 150 years, most of that kind of writing focused on issues of character, the archetype being the autobiography of Ben Franklin. But shortly after World War II, success became more a function of personality, of public image, of attitudes and behaviors, skills and techniques, that lubricate the processes of human interaction. He began to think about ways to get people to stop cultivating superficial charm and return to character building.
    ellauri131.html on line 956: A lady at Notre Dame uses the Seven Habits, on occasion, to teach literature. "We'll look at a character, and I'll say, 'Let's talk about that character. What did you notice?' And a student will say, 'You know what? That character was not at all proactive.'
    ellauri132.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri132.html on line 54: Als Jugendlicher trat Eckhart in den Orden der Dominikaner ein, in dem er später hohe Ämter erlangte. Sein Hauptanliegen war die Verbreitung von Grundsätzen für eine konsequent spirituelle Lebenspraxis im Alltag. Aufsehen erregten seine unkonventionellen, teils provozierend formulierten Aussagen und sein schroffer Widerspruch zu damals verbreiteten Überzeugungen. Umstritten war beispielsweise seine Aussage, der „Seelengrund“ sei nicht wie alles Geschöpfliche von Gott erschaffen, sondern göttlich und ungeschaffen. Im Seelengrund sei die Gottheit stets unmittelbar anwesend. Vielfach griff Eckhart Gedankengut der neuplatonischen Tradition auf. Oft wird er als Mystiker charakterisiert, in der Forschung ist die Angemessenheit dieser Bezeichnung allerdings umstritten.
    ellauri132.html on line 356: Writing a story? I got you, Fam! Guides for plot, conflict, characters, planning, and other things are made up for you to use for FREE.
    ellauri132.html on line 681: V 1994, The Guardian-lehden kirjallinen toimittaja Richard "Ach mein" Gott, siteerasi palkinnon puutetta objektiivisista kriteereistä ja amer. kirjailijoiden boikotista, ja kuvasi palkintoa "merkittäväxi ja vaarallisexi jäävuorexi brittikulttuurin perämerellä" joka "toimii symbolina brittikulttuurin rappiosta".
    ellauri132.html on line 857: Gustav Freytag (13. heinäkuuta 1816 Kreuzburg, Ylä-Sleesia – 30. maaliskuuta 1895 Wiesbaden) oli saksalainen kirjailija ja filologi. Freytags Eltern waren Gottlob Ferdinand Freytag, Arzt und später Bürgermeister in Kreuzburg in Schlesien, und seine Frau Henriette, geb. Zebe. Freytag opiskeli filologiaa Breslaussa ja Berliinissä. Vuosina 1848–1870 hän toimitti Julian Schmidtin kanssa kansallisliberaalia Die Grenzboten -sanomalehteä. Vuosina 1867–1870 hän oli liberaalipuolueesta edustajana Pohjois-Saksan liiton lakiasäätävän elimen jäsen Thüringenin alueen edustajana. Vuonna 1869 Freytag aloitti kirjallisen debatin säveltäjä Richard Wagnera vastaan ja syytti tätä antisemitismistä.
    ellauri133.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri133.html on line 65:

    It has to introduce your main character. You don't have to go into details, but you need enough to show if the MC is male or female, old or young, and ideally, give an idea of their personality. The opening has to show, or at least hint at, the inciting incident, the problem that starts the story for the MC. Most important, your opening has to grab the reader. Very few people have the patience to wade through pages of description before the action starts. Work on the first paragraph, and particularly the first line, until no-one can resist reading on. So, a few ways to get it wrong. Fuck the main character! This too is just for narcissist nincompoops who can't read about anything but themselves.

    ellauri133.html on line 67:

    Describing an average day in the life of your character. No, it won’t give us deep insight into her personality, it’s just boring. Start the story where your character’s life gets interesting. Fuck you, only idiots with a boring life want stories apt to tickle striped-ass baboons.

    ellauri133.html on line 68:

    Backstory. No-one except the author is really interested in your character's backstory. The reader wants to see what is happening now. Speak for yourself, dear "reader"! Whatever backstory is really necessary can be woven into the main story. Fuck you, damn tunnel visionary. This type of fundamentalistic rules get bent from wire to cater to the nonexisting taste of hoi polloi.
    ellauri133.html on line 71:

    Dialogue. Normally, dialogue is great and really lifts a story, but if you don't have any idea about the characters who are talking, it won't work. One line of speech can work. For instance "All cars proceed immediately to Main Street. Major riot in progress." establishes the setting and gives a lot of hints about the MC. What Main Character? This MUST be some tv watching imbecile who can't handle more than one face at a time. And why those fucking patrol cars again?

    ellauri133.html on line 79:

    There are fashions in writing, just as there are in clothes. The modern trend, particularly for genre or YA fiction, but increasingly in literary fiction too, is to start the story with the main character on the first page, and to start with the inciting incident. No backstory before chapter three, and then pare it to the bone. "YA" most likely stands for young adult. There hardly is a brand of monkeys that are stupider than young adults. Except YA writers. Give them a dildo and it will keep them occupied for hours.

    ellauri133.html on line 421: One example of this occurs in the famous book and movie, It. The main characters include six young boys and one girl, and their adult counterparts later in the story.
    ellauri133.html on line 422: The singular female character is placed in sexual situations many times throughout the novel. Her male counterparts are not unless it is specifically with her.
    ellauri133.html on line 424: In Thinner, the female character incites the entire plot of the book through a fuck with her husband, the protagonist.
    ellauri133.html on line 427: Stephen King writes, well, colorfully, but his development of female characters leaves much to be desired. Women should have more of a purpose than their sexuality.
    ellauri133.html on line 433: While this may be true, there are also many sexual scenarios which involve the male characters, and even some stories that do not contain any form of sexual innuendo. Every tale is not the same.
    ellauri133.html on line 437: [P1] Stephen King too frequently places his female characters in quirky sexual scenarios.
    ellauri133.html on line 439: [P2] He does not do the same to his male characters.
    ellauri133.html on line 442: [Rejecting P2] His male characters are also placed in quirky sexual scenarios.
    ellauri133.html on line 468: I don’t want to repeat King’s utter creepiness and describe this in too much detail (shit, I would but there is not enough space), but there are some elements of the scene that deserve mentioning. Again, functioning in misogynist misunderstanding of female sexuality, for at least one of these encounters Bev “feels no physical pleasure, but there is a kind of mental ecstasy in it for her.” When she does feel “some pleasure, dim heat in her childish unmatured sex,” she thinks of birds and resolves that having sex “is what flying is like.” The penis size of the character of Ben is commented on (“is he too big, can she take that into herself?”) and she eventually has an orgasm with him. Steve looks on with his little droopy wiener in his hand. I bet Mustafa had a biggish "It", and Tabitha King (the other one with the curves going in instead of out) has an even bigger one. They are like the little goat, the middling goat, and the big big goat that can suck the big bad wolf all the way in, balls and all.
    ellauri133.html on line 767: (English translation: "happiness") as Chinese character including Chinese characters
    ellauri133.html on line 861: By the 1960s, Jackson's health began to deteriorate significantly, ultimately leading to her death due to a heart condition in 1965 at the age of 48. Jackson has been cited as an influence on a diverse set of authors, including Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Sarah Waters, Nigel Kneale, Claire Fuller, Joanne Harris, and Richard Matheson. Never heard. all except nasty Stephen King.
    ellauri133.html on line 870: Jackson´s most famous story, "The Lottery", first published in the New Yorker on June 26, 1948, established her reputation as a master of the horror tale. The story prompted over 300 letters from readers, many of them outraged at its conjuring of a dark aspect of human nature, characterized by, as Jackson put it, "bewilderment, speculation, and just plain old-fashioned abuse".
    ellauri135.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri135.html on line 227: Leaving in 1853 service at the Bank, Berg turns into a tourist. The ensuing hostilities led him to the southern army, then in Crimea, in Sevastopol, where he served first in the 4th Department of the Treasury, he is in charge of awards, and then was a translator at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief, participated in the battle on the Black river, alive and on the bastions during the siege. All this Berg described in "Notes on the siege of Sevastopol", in his "Sevastopol album", which appeared in 1858.
    ellauri140.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri140.html on line 74: Acrasia F-, seductress of knights. Guyon destroys her Bower of Bliss at the end of Book 2. Similar characters in other epics: Circe (Homer's Odyssey), Alcina (Ariosto), Armida (Tasso), or the fairy woman from Keats' poem "La Belle Dame sans Merci". Akrasia on pidätyskyvyn puutetta.
    ellauri140.html on line 126: Scubamour M+, the lover of Amoret. His name means "Diving gear of love". This character is based on Sir James Scudamore, a jousting champion and courtier to Queen Elizabeth I. Scudamour loses his love of Amoret to the benefit of the sorcerer Busirane. Though the 1590 edition of The Faerie Queene has Scudamour united with Amoret through Britomart´s assistance, the continuation in Book IV has them separated, never to be reunited.
    ellauri140.html on line 140: Though it praises her in some ways, The Faerie Queene questions Elizabeth's ability to rule so effectively because of her gender, and also inscribes the "shortcomings" of her rule. There is a character named Britomart who represents married chastity. This character is told that her destiny is to be an "immortal womb" – to have children. Here, Spenser is referring to Elizabeth's unmarried state and is touching on anxieties of the 1590s about what would happen after her death since the kingdom had no heir. No vittu ei ole maailma mixkään muuttunut, just samanlaista tuubaa kirjoitti Suomenmaa just Sanna Marinista.
    ellauri140.html on line 146: According to Richard Simon Keller, George Lucas's Star Wars film also contains elements of a loose adaptation, as well as being influenced by other works, with parallels including the story of the Red Cross Knight championing Una against the evil Archipelago in the original compared with Lucas's Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Darth Vader. Keller sees extensive parallels between the film and book one of Spenser's work, stating "Almost everything of importance that we see in the Star Wars movie has its origin in The Faerie Queene, from small details of weaponry and dress to large issues of chivalry and spirituality". Olix Dispenserillä valomiekkoja ja muovihaarniskoita? Tuhoplaneettoja? Täytyypä tutustua. No ainakin on sexirobotteja. She is not a toy!
    ellauri140.html on line 164: In the House of Pride, the Redcrosse Knight sees Lucifera on a chariot being pulled by six counselors riding animals. With Lucifera symbolizing the sin of pride, the remaining six sins are represented by her counselors. Each counselor slightly resembles the animal he is riding.
    ellauri140.html on line 168: Idleness (M) (Sloth) – Described in the poem as "sluggish", Idleness rides a slow donkey, wears a monk's hood or priestly vest, and carries a book of prayer. However, the characteristics associating Idleness with a monk are not traditional of this vice. Jeesuxella oli aasi, ja Shrekillä. Niin ja Huan Hose Ramon Jimenezillä, nimeltä Harmo. Ihaa ei ollut laiska vaan masentunut.
    ellauri140.html on line 191: surname attested from late 13c. (earlier le Despenser, mid-12c.), literally "one who dispenses or has charge of provisions in a household," short for Anglo-French espencer, Old French despencier "dispenser" (of provisions), "a butler or steward" (see dispense). Also a type of repeating rifle used in the American Civil War, 1863, named for U.S. gunsmith Christopher Spencer, who, with Luke Wheelock, manufactured them in Boston, Mass. Japanissa 2011 zunami kaatoi limpsa ja eväspatukka dispensereitä joiden alle jäänyt mies Rei Shimurassa selvisi juomalla limpsaa ja syömällä Snickersejä. Sylikoira haistoi sen sneakersit kasan alta. Sellasta on nyt Japanissa. Tavallisin oloasu on fleese pehmyrit.
    ellauri140.html on line 203: By 1594, Spenser's first wife had died, and in that year he married a much younger Elizabeth Boyle, a relative of Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Cork. He addressed to her the sonnet sequence Amoretti. The marriage itself was celebrated in Epithalamion. They had a son named Peregrine. Ei ollut varmaan yhtä hyvä laulamaan kuin Susan Boyle, mutta ehkä nätimpi. Did you prick his Boyle? MY GOODNESS!
    ellauri140.html on line 211: His coffin was carried to his grave in Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey by other poets, who threw many pens and pieces of poetry into his grave with many tears (all free of charge). His second wife survived him and remarried twice. His sister Sarah, who had accompanied him to Ireland, married into the Travers family, and her descendants were prominent landowners in Cork for centuries. Korkad kille, kaiken kaikkiaan.
    ellauri140.html on line 220: The Ballad of the Green Berets ist ein 1966 veröffentlichtes Lied geschrieben von Robin Moore, gesungen von Barry Sadler über die Green Berets, eine Spezialeinheit der US-amerikanischen Armee. In den USA erreichte das Lied den ersten Platz der Billboard Hot 100 Charts sowie den ersten Platz in den Popcharts und den zweiten Platz in den Countrycharts. Es war die meistverkaufte Single des Jahres 1966 in den USA.
    ellauri140.html on line 224: "The Ballad of the Green Berets" is a patriotic song in the ballad style about the United States Army Special Forces. It is one of the few popular songs of the Vietnam War years to cast the military in a positive light and in 1966 became a major hit, reaching No. 1 for five weeks on the Hot 100 and four weeks on Cashbox. It was also a crossover smash, reaching No. 1 on Billboard's Easy Listening chart and No. 2 on Billboard's Country survey. The original Hot 100 end-of-the-year chart for 1966 showed "California Dreamin'" by The Mamas and the Papas at #1 and "Ballad of the Green Berets" at #10. Later, in a revised end-of-the-year chart for 1966, "Berets" was at #1 and "Dreamin'" was at #10 (see Billboard's #1 single for the year 1966). The two songs tied for #1 on the Cashbox end-of-the-year survey for 1966.
    ellauri140.html on line 232: Barry Sadler was a twenty-five year old active duty Green Beret medic in 1966 when he first performed “Ballad of the Green Berets” on The Ed Sullivan Show. The song soon reached number one in the charts and eventually sold eight million copies. Sadler’s performance and the song’s popularity celebrated The Green Berets as the ultimate example of American military prowess, bravery and commitment. It fed into a specific postwar representation of modernity that was soon to be challenged by the escalation of the war in Vietnam.
    ellauri140.html on line 711: He seekes out mighty charmes, to trouble sleepy mindes. Ja tehdä taikoja, katolisten metkuja.
    ellauri140.html on line 819: Who all this while with charmes and hidden artes, Sillä aikaa Michelangelo oli tehnyt taialla
    ellauri141.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri141.html on line 59: The great charm of Maecenas in his relation to the men of genius who formed his circle was his simplicity, cordiality and sincerity. Although not particular in the choice of some of the associates of his pleasures, he admitted none but men of worth to his intimacy, and when once admitted they were treated like equals.
    ellauri141.html on line 354: And by way of further warning, I’d better say up front that my reading of this poem differs radically from every other that I’ve seen. What follows is, I think, pretty well uncharted territory in the Persicos Odi canon. I’m going to try to make the case for and translate Pericos odi as a sex poem!
    ellauri141.html on line 571: Weapons too faithful offer them using all things mixed with blood and he who loudly brings false charges exhausts the unique hour capable of preserving works.
    ellauri142.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri142.html on line 49: Count Pyotr "Markku" Kirillovich Bezukhov (/bɛ.zjuːˈkɒv/; Russian: Пьер Безу́хов, Пётр Кири́ллович Безу́хов) is a central fictional character and the main protagonist of Leo Tolstoy's 1869 novel War and Peace. He is the favourite out of several illegitimate sons of the wealthy nobleman Count Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhov, one of the richest people in the Russian Empire. Markku is best friends with Andrei Bollocksky. Tolstoy based Markku on himself more than any other War and Peace character.
    ellauri142.html on line 59: Daniel Rancour-Laferriere calls Markku "one of the best known characters in world literature." Merriam-Webster lists him among "the most attractive and sympathetic characters in literature". And M. Keith Booker describes Markku as one of Tolstoy's "most memorable characters".
    ellauri142.html on line 63: Markku is an outcast. The awkward, illegitimate son of a dazzlingly wealthy Count, he was educated in France but returns to Russia now that his father’s health is in decline. Polite society shuns him for his hero-worship of Napoleon and enthusiasm for the politics of revolution. But his blundering sincerity charms Andrei, his truest friend; and the blonde air hostess Natacha, who delights in his presence. He is quickly married off by stealth through the manipulation of others around him and is likely to face further heartache given that his wife prefers bedding her brother. It looks like this unlikely hero is smitten with her mother Pirkko Hiekkala but is set for heartache given his kind and gentle nature.
    ellauri142.html on line 91: Prize motivation: "in consideration of the power of observation, originality of imagination, virility of ideas and remarkable talent for narration which characterize the creations of this world-famous author." As a poet, short story writer, journalist and novelist, Rudyard Kipling described the British colonial empire in positive terms, which made his poetry popular in the British Army. Contemporary Great Britain appreciated him for his depictions of the British colony of India. The Jungle Book (1894) has made him known and loved by children throughout the world, especially thanks to Disney’s 1967 film adaptation.
    ellauri142.html on line 102: At the turn of the 16th Century, William Schaw developed his own club-like culture, housed within a lodge, and infused with a set of rules for sworn members, including, “They shall be true to one another and live charitably together as becometh sworn brethren and companions of the Craft.”
    ellauri142.html on line 184: Today, you can join the Freemasons for between $150 and $500 in annual dues. You won’t be involved in too many secret missions or controversies, though. You’ll mostly network with small business owners and help a charity or two. If you’re really into it, you’ll climb the magic ladder and achieve its highest title of Master Mason. At that point, you are eligible to become a Shriner.
    ellauri142.html on line 685: ylös (up), alas (down), outo (strange), lumo (charm), pohja (bottom) ja huippu (top). Kahta viimeistä kvarkkia kutsutaan myös nimillä kauneus (beauty) ja totuus (truth). Tarinan mukaan kolme ensimmäisenä löydettyä kvarkkia tunnettiin fyysikoiden keskuudessa alun perin nimillä suklaa, mansikka ja vanilja. Kvarkkilajeista onkin käytetty myös nimitystä maku.
    ellauri142.html on line 841: While the male yakshas are depicted in Hindu art and architecture as portly and deformed, the yakshis or yakshinis are depicted as women of great charm and beauty. We find references to the yakshas and yakshinis in the epics, the Puranas and in the works of ... etc.etc.
    ellauri142.html on line 854: Vielä vähän ohjeita charitystä. Jos velvollisuuden tunnosta, oikealla paikalla ja oikealla ajalla annetaan almu jollekin arvokkaalle, joka sitä ei juuri nyt jaksa palkita, tämä teko kuuluu puhtauden ominaisuuksiin. Jos annetaan lahja vastalahjan saamisen toivossa tai toivossa saada tulevaisuudessa siitä voittoa, tai annetaan almu vastenmielisesti, tämä antaminen johtuu himosta. Mutta jos hävyttömällä tavalla, epäkunnioittavasti, epäpuhtaalla paikalla ja sopimattomalla ajalla annetaan almu arvottomalle - se toiminta on pimeyttä. Vittu arvottomat ansaizee mitään saada, menkööt mezään haravoimaan ja keräilemään risuja.
    ellauri143.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri143.html on line 383: Lisää ziljonääripaskaa ja vitun charitya.
    ellauri143.html on line 1164: Explanation : Make friendship (with one) after ascertaining (his) character, birth defects, and the whole of his relations.
    ellauri143.html on line 1283: Aid not their friends in need, nor acts of charity perform.
    ellauri143.html on line 1409: Mites tää neronleimaus on pujahtanut kama sutran pussiin? Eikös tää ole väärä kabanossi tänne? Seuraavakin tultuu oudolta. Ahaa, näähän kuuluskin ozikkoon "Wealth - miscellaneous", sexipalsta alkaa vasta luvusta 109. Ilmeisesti mun eka lähde jakoi kirjat väärästä kohdasta. Korjasin tän nyt, vaikka mitä väliä, on tää sellasta schaibaa vaikka miten numeroituna. Yhessä kohassa kehutaan et charity on ihan huippua, sit tässä haukutaan kerjäläiset ihan paskaxi. No onhan se johonmukaista kermaperse ajattelua. Tässä lisää samanlaista seppoilua:
    ellauri143.html on line 1489: Explanation: The embraces of a gold-complexioned beautiful female are as pleasant as to dwell in one's own house and live by one's own (earnings) after distributing (a portion of) it in charity.
    ellauri144.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri144.html on line 56: The rhetorician Quintilian regarded Odes as just about the only Latin lyrics worth reading: "He can be lofty sometimes, yet he is also full of charm and grace, versatile in his figures, and felicitously daring in his choice of words." The fictional hero Tom Jones recited his verses with feeling. Etenkin tätä: Ou ou ou, Dilailaa! Nou nou nou, Dilailaa!
    ellauri144.html on line 123: Mutta onko Clarxon homo? Ainaskin se on aivan vitun homofoobi, joka on vahva vihje kaappihomosta. (Ei koske minua, I refuse to be bummed.) The Amazon Prime show sees presenters Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May travel the world reviewing cars. The Ofcom complaint comes after Young took issue with a comment in one of the episodes in which the trio made jokes about the Wrangler Jeep being a ‘gay man’s car’..... and then Hammond and May’s ‘quips’ to Clarkson wearing chaps, a pink shirt, he should get some moisturiser. It’s fucking pathetic and actually homophobic. Jeremy Clarkson: I’m not homophobic, I enjoy watching lesbians on the internet.
    ellauri144.html on line 135: Portnoy's Complaint n. (after Alexander Portnoy 1933- ) A disorder in which a fictional character the same age as the writer kvetches on sex, guilt, sex and Jewishness for 250 pages without pausing for breath.
    ellauri144.html on line 210:

    Phillu mainizee (175) Mandelin tykänneen Tito Puentesista ja Pupi Camposta niin paljon että muutti nimensä Babaluuxi. (Kolmas nimi on pianisti Joe Loco.) "Babalú" is a Cuban popular afro song written by Margarita Lecuona, the cousin of composers Ernestina and Ernesto Lecuona. The song title is a reference to the Santería deity Babalú Ayé. "Babalú" was the signature song of the fictional television character Ricky Ricardo, played by Desi Arnaz in the television comedy series I Love Lucy, though it was already an established musical number for Arnaz in the 1940s as evidenced in the 1946 film short Desi Arnaz and His Orchestra. By the time Arnaz had adopted the song, it had become a Latin American music standard, associated mainly with Cuban singer Miguelito Valdés, who recorded one of its many versions with Xavier Cugat and his Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra. Arnaz made the song a rather popular cultural reference in the United States.
    ellauri144.html on line 249: Echar mis versos del alma Heitä säkeistöni pois sielusta.
    ellauri144.html on line 423: Dylan Thomas was born on 27 October 1914 in Swansea, the son of Florence Hannah (née Williams; 1882–1958), a seamstress, and David John Thomas (1876–1952), a teacher. His father had a first-class honours degree in English from University College, Aberystwyth and ambitions to rise above his position teaching English literature at the local grammar school, which he never did. Thomas had one sibling, Nancy Marles (1906–1953), who was eight years his senior. The children spoke only English, though their parents were bilingual in English and Welsh, and David Thomas gave Welsh lessons at home. Thomas´s father chose the name Dylan, which could be translated as "son of the sea", after Dylan ail Don, a character in The Mabinogion. (Mulla on se, mutten ole lukenut.) His middle name, Marlais, was given in honour of his great-uncle, William Thomas, a Unitarian minister and poet whose bardic name was Gwilym Marles. Se oli se silverbäk jota ne kaikki koittivat apinoida. Dylan, pronounced ˈ [ˈdəlan] (Dull-an) in Welsh, caused his mother to worry that he might be teased as the "dull one" (which he was). When he broadcast on Welsh BBC, early in his career, he was introduced using this pronunciation. Thomas favoured the Anglicised pronunciation and gave instructions that it should be Dillan /ˈdɪlən/. He was fed up with the "dull one" joke. in 1914. In 1931, when he was 16, Thomas, an undistinguished pupil, left school to become a reporter for the South Wales Daily Post, only to leave under pressure 18 months later.
    ellauri144.html on line 462: Heads of the characters hammer through daisies; Kirjainhahmon pää työntyy vuohenputkista,
    ellauri144.html on line 622: off the wall! And I am a pretty good judge of character-
    ellauri145.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri145.html on line 231: No 6 rue Le Regrattier: maison où Baudelaire logea sa maîtresse Jeanne Duval, dite la Vénus noire. De retour à Paris, Charles s´éprend de Jeanne Duval, une « jeune mulâtresse » avec laquelle il connaît les charmes et les amertumes de la passion. Une idylle au sujet de laquelle certains de ses contemporains, comme Nadar, se sont interrogés en s´appuyant sur les déclarations d´un amant de Jeanne Duval et de prostituées connues, qui témoignent au contraire de la chasteté surprenante de Baudelaire.
    ellauri145.html on line 330: Qui s’acharnent toujours sur mes morts les plus chers. Ja kiusaavat izeään mun rakkaat vainajat.
    ellauri145.html on line 404: Roger Tichborne, heir to the noble and filthy rich Tichborne family´s title and fortunes, was presumed to have died in a shipwreck in 1854 at age 25. His mother clung to a belief that he might have survived, and after hearing rumours that he had made his way to Australia, she advertised extensively in Australian newspapers, offering a reward for information. In 1866, a Wagga Wagga butcher known as Thomas Castro came forward claiming to be Roger Tichborne. Although his manners and bearing were unrefined, he gathered support and travelled to England. He was instantly accepted by Lady Tichborne as her son, although other family members were dismissive and sought to expose him as an impostor. During protracted enquiries before the case went to court in 1871, details emerged suggesting that the claimant might be Arthur Orton, a butcher´s son from Wapping in London, who had gone to sea as a boy and had last been heard of in Australia. After a civil court had rejected the claimant´s case, he was charged with perjury; while awaiting trial he campaigned throughout the country to gain popular support. In 1874, a criminal court jury decided that he was not Roger Tichborne and declared him to be Arthur Orton. Before passing a sentence of 14 years, the judge condemned the behaviour of the claimant´s counsel, Edward Kenealy, who was subsequently disbarred because of his conduct.
    ellauri145.html on line 535: Intellectuals very often have an image the same way rock stars and movie directors do. There’s the real person, and there’s the body of work they create, and then there’s the image, the popular conception of that person. Most people don’t understand theoretical physics and are not interested in learning the math to do so, and most people probably wouldn’t understand anything in the papers that Hawking has authored or co-authored. But most of us know who Hawking was, not only because he wrote popular books but because he was paralyzed and sat in a wheelchair and had a robot voice. The idea of a theoretical physicist who does all his work with his brain even though his body is destroyed and speaks through a machine is almost like a comic book character, and the popular imagination loves that.
    ellauri145.html on line 655: 17 Cosima Wagner (1837–1930) oli Lombardiassa syntynyt unkarilaisen pianisti-säveltäjä Franz Lisztin (1811–1886) tytär, joka erottuaan saksilaisesta kapellimestarista Hans von Bülowista (1830–1894) nai toisen saksilaisen, oopperantekijä Richard Wagnerin (1813–1883). Nietzsche ystävystyi Wagnereiden kanssa 1869 lähtien Sveitsissä, mutta välit katkesivat 1878. Nietzschen kirjoituksissa Cosimaan usein yhdistyvä Ariadne on kreikkalaisen mytologian labyrinttikertomusten kreetalainen prinsessa. Hän nai lopulta hurmanjumala Dionysoksen, jonka nimellä osa Nietzschen hulluuskirjeistä, mukaan lukien Cosimalle Ariadnena osoitetut, on allekirjoitettu.
    ellauri145.html on line 678: Les Chants de Mal Odor. Ce sont un ouvrage poétique en prose de 1869, composé de six parties nommées « chants ». Il s´agit de la première des trois œuvres de l´auteur Isidore Ducasse plus connu sous le pseudonyme de comte de Lautréamont. Le livre ne raconte pas une histoire unique et cohérente, mais est constitué d´une suite d´épisodes dont le seul fil conducteur est la présence de Maldoror, un personnage mystérieux et maléfique. The misanthropic, misotheistic character Maldoror is a figure of evil who has renounced conventional morality. Tulee tosta mieleen että Figura-liivejä mainostettiin ennen lehdissä.
    ellauri145.html on line 727: During his schooling at the Imperial Lycée of Saint-Brieuc where he studied from 1858 until 1860, he fell prey to a deep depression, and, over several freezing winters, contracted the severe rheumatism which was to disfigure him severely. He blamed his parents for having placed him there, far from his family´s care and affection. Difficulties in adapting to the harsh discipline of the college´s noble débris (distinguished relics, i.e., teachers) gradually developed those characteristics of anarchic disdain and sarcasm which were to give much of his verse its distinctive voice.
    ellauri145.html on line 731: Close-packed, linked to the ocean and his Breton roots, and tinged with disdain for Romantic sentimentalism, his work is also characterised by its idiomatic play and exceptional modernity. He was praised by both Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot (whose work he had a great influence on). Many subsequent modernist poets have also studied him, and he has often been translated into English.
    ellauri145.html on line 1020: Bref, l´art charmant qu´elle sait faire, Siis se on sen charmikasta taidetta,
    ellauri146.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri146.html on line 50: Auch die Versuche, in Detmold eine Stellung als Jurist zu finden, waren zunächst erfolglos, erst 1826 übernahm er die unbezahlte Vertretung eines erkrankten Auditeurs, dessen besoldeter Nachfolger er 1828 wurde. 1829 erfolgte in Detmold mit Don seinen Freunden Heinrich Heine, Ludwig Tieck, Don Juan und Faust die einzige Aufführung eines seiner Dramen zu Lebzeiten. Ab 1831 verschlechterte sich der Gesundheitszustand Grabbes zusehends, die Folgen seines Alkoholismus wurden sichtbar (eine für Grabbes Alkoholkonsum charakteristische Episode aus dem Herbst 1828 wird von Georg Fein geschildert). Eine Verlobung mit Henriette Meyer wurde von dieser gelöst, als sich Grabbe wieder Louise Christiane Clostermeier zuwandte, die ihn bereits einmal abgewiesen hatte. Grabbe oli aika lailla persujen ex-puheenjohtajan näköinen.
    ellauri146.html on line 112: Der Teufel, der ja das Recht hat, ungalant zu sein, übt eine scharfe, meist cynische Kritik an diesen Helden und Heldinnen der Feder. Als er bei der höchsten Sommertemperatur erfroren aufgefunden wird, ruft er die Gutachten von vier Naturforschern hervor und der eine derselben erklärt: »Betrachten Sie die enorme Häßlichkeit, welche uns aus jeder Miene dieses Gesichts entgegenkreischt und Sie sind ja gezwungen, mir einzuräumen, daß solch eine Fratze gar nicht existieren könnte, wenn es keine deutschen Schriftstellerinnen gäbe.«
    ellauri146.html on line 120: Grabbe stellt sich natürlich an die Seite eines solchen neuerstandenen Homer und Shakespeare und an einer andern Stelle, wo er ein keimendes Genie verkündet, liest man wenigstens den stillen Herzenswunsch heraus, er selbst möchte dies Genie sein: »Judenjungen,« sagt der Baron, »deren Bildung im Schweinefleischessen besteht, spreizen sich auf den kritischen Richterstühlen und erheben nicht nur Armseligkeitskrämer zu den Sternen, sondern injurieren sogar ehrenwerte Männer in ihren Lobsprüchen; Reimschmiede, die so dumm sind, daß jedesmal, wenn ein Blatt von ihnen ins Publikum kommt, die Esel im Preise aufschlagen, heißen ausgezeichnete Dichter. Schauspieler, die so langweilig sind, daß natürlich alles vor Freude klatscht, wenn sie endlich einmal abgehen, heißen denkende Künstler; Vetteln, deren Stimme so scharf ist, daß man ein Stück Brot damit abschneiden könnte, tituliert man echt dramatisch Sängerinnen. – O stände doch endlich ein gewaltiger Genius auf, der, mit göttlicher Stärke von Haupt zu Fuß gepanzert, sich des deutschen Parnasses annähme und das Gesindel in die Sümpfe zurücktreibe, aus welchen es hervorgekrochen ist.«
    ellauri146.html on line 166: MOLLFELS. Soll ich ihnen was vorschlagen? Dichten Sie künftig nichts als Trauerspiele! Wenn Sie denselben nur die gehörige Mittelmäßigkeit verleihen, so ist es unmöglich, daß Sie nicht den rauschendsten Applaus einernteten! Sie müssen insbesondere den Plan der Stücke hübsch winzig und flach gestalten, sonst möchte ihn nicht jeder kurzsichtige Schafskopf überblicken können, – Sie müssen dem Verstande und dem Forschungsgeiste der Leser nicht das geringste zumuten und wenn durch ein Unglück eine hervorstechende Szene mit unterlaufen sollte, sorgfältig hinterdrein bemerken, was sie abzwecke und in welcher Beziehung auf das Ganze sie zu nehmen sei, – Sie müssen beileibe alles hinlänglich weich kneten, denn das Weiche gefällt, und wenn es auch nur nasser Dreck wäre, – vorzüglich aber müssen Sie stets den Geschmack der Damen im Auge behalten, denn diese, welche noch niemals von einem wahren Dichter als berufene Richterinnen anerkannt sind, gelten jetzt im Reiche der Kunst als oberste Appellationsinstanz; ob man sie entweder wegen ihrer kränklichen Nerven oder wegen ihrer Geschicklichkeit im Scharpiezupfen dazu erwählt hat, ist eine unentschiedene Frage. Desto entschiedener ist es, Herr Rattengift, daß man Sie, wenn Sie Gewalt genug besitzen, um diese Regeln zu verachten, als einen blindlaufenden, verrückten, rohen Phantasten verschreit, der Schönheiten und Erbärmlichkeiten wild nebeneinanderkleckst. Ständen Homer oder Shakspeare erst jetzt mit ihren Werken auf, so wären Beurteilungen zu erwarten, in denen die Iliade ein unsinniges Gemengsel und der Lear ein bombastischer Saustall genannt würde; ja, manche Rezensenten gäben vielleicht dem Homer einen wohlgemeinten Fingerzeig, sich nach der Bezauberten Rose emporzubilden, oder geböten dem Shakspeare, fleißig in den Romanen der Helmina von Chezy oder der Fanny Tarnow zu studieren, um daraus Menschenkenntnis zu lernen.
    ellauri146.html on line 453: Ses deux seins, tout chargés d’amulettes anciennes, Sen 2 tisua, taikakaluin koristellut
    ellauri146.html on line 547: Le traînèrent sanglant et chargé d’une chaîne Kiskoo verisenä kettingissä
    ellauri146.html on line 662: “I am a Virginian,” declared Poe; and “the distinguishing features of Virginian character at present-features of a marked nature—not elsewhere to be met with in America-and evidently akin to that chivalry which denoted the Cavalier—can be in no manner so well accounted for as by considering them the debris of a devoted loyalty.” Poe’s Virginia background may or may not have rendered him typically American, but it seems reasonable to think that it fostered in him a Virginian Anglo-American attitude as opposed to an Anglophobic Americanism so common at that time in New England.
    ellauri146.html on line 795: Shachar Bram, Published in Connotations Vol. 10.1 (2000/01)
    ellauri146.html on line 797: As a starting point to my discussion of Thomas's "Poem in October" and Wardi's thoughtful presentation of it. Eynel is a girl, or womenfolk at least. Entä Schachar Bram? Schachar hails from Haifa University. Shachar tarkoittaa aamupuhdetta. Gender of first name Shachar : Boy 83.33%. Onx tää vallan Sakari hepreaxi? Tai paremminkin pikkuprofeetta Sakarja, sillä Johannes Kastajan isäpappa Sakari oli merkkimies vaan kristityille ja muslimeille, ei juutalaisille, ja se kirjoitetaan raamatussa Zacharias. Sakarista tuli mykkä kunnes Johannes oli syntynyt, koska Sakari ei ottanut uskoaxeen että pystyisi vielä impregnoimaan vaimonsa Elisabetin. Tää taisi tulla esille jossain monista lukemistami deutero-evankeliumeista joissa tehdään halpaa pilaa Jeesuxen nuoruusajoista.
    ellauri147.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri147.html on line 215: Emily joins Sylvie and Julien on a visit to the atelier of haute couturier Pierre Cadault. Pierre is mortified by the gauche charm of Emily's douchebag and calls her a "basic bitch" in French, which hinders her credibility in the firm.
    ellauri147.html on line 247: Daniel D´Addario of Variety described the series as "a Turkish delight that begs the question of what it really means to grow up against a truly inviting backdrop", and that Mr. Collins is "an inherently winsome performer who has never been quite as well and often abused as she is here". Kristen Baldwin of Entertainment Weekly gave the series a "B" and wrote, "If you need a five-hour brain vacation, Paris is a worthwhile destination." The New Zealand Herald considered the show "visually delectable" and that "Mr. Collins has a pixie-ish charm which makes her endearing", but also that the show is "as ephemeral as dental floss". However, Kristen Lopez of IndieWire wrote a review Metacritic graded as a 23 out of a 100, praising Mr. Collins for being a "Jewess, make no mistake" and that "Emily in Paris is only as watchable and frivolous as our first lady," but warning viewers "Emily in Paris is like scrolling through Instagram. It´s a great way to waste time looking at pretty pictures with no depth."
    ellauri147.html on line 249: Nevertheless, not all critics were this kind to the Emily character. Emma Gray from HuffPost called Emily a bland character, stating "The show doesn´t even make an effort to quirk her up or give her a more relatable, girl-next-door roughness: she´s always immaculately coiffed and made-up, and garbed in effortfully eye-catching outfits. But there´s not much to the character, except for enormous amounts of self-confidence and the inexplicable ability to attract new friends and love interests on every street corner." Rebecca Nicholson of The Guardian gave the series one out of five stars: "if it is an attempt to fluff up the romcom for the streaming age, then it falls over on its six-inch heels." Rachel Handler opined "Darren Star has done it yet again: centered an entire show on a thin, gently delusional white woman whimsically exploring a major metropolitan area in wildly expensive couture purchased on a mid-level salary."
    ellauri147.html on line 261: Megan Garber of The Atlantic was critical of the character Emily, writing, "An expat who acts like a tourist, she judges everything against the backdrop of her own rigid Americanness. You might figure that those moments are evidence of a show poking fun at its protagonist´s arrogance, or setting the stage for her to grow beyond her initial provincialism. But: You would be, as I was, mostly incorrect. Instead, other people change around her, becoming French-American. They grudgingly concede that her way (strident, striving, teeming with insistent individualism) is the right way. The show — the latest from the Sex and the City creator Darren Star — is selling several fantasies. Primary among them is the notion that Emily can bulldoze her way through France and be celebrated for it.
    ellauri147.html on line 263: For the series, review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported an approval rating of 63% based on 55 reviews, with an average rating of 5.81/10. The website´s critics consensus reads, "Though its depiction of France is trés cliché [sic], Emily in Paris is rom-com fantasy at its finest, spectacularly dressed and filled with charming performances." Metacritic gave the series a weighted average score of 60 out of 100 based on 17 reviews, indicating "mixed or average reviews".
    ellauri147.html on line 572:
    ellauri147.html on line 586:
    ellauri147.html on line 866: The effect was first described in 1878 by Francis Galton. He had devised a technique called composite photography, which he believed could be used to identify 'types' by appearance, which he hoped would aid medical diagnosis, and even criminology through the identification of typical criminal faces. Galton's hypothesis was that certain groups of people may have common facial characteristics. To test the hypothesis, he created photographic composite images of the faces of vegetarians and criminals to see if there was a typical facial appearance for each. Galton overlaid multiple images of faces onto a single photographic plate so that each individual face contributed roughly equally to a final composite face. The resultant "averaged" faces did little to allow the a priori identification of either criminals or vegetarians, failing Galton's hypothesis. However, unexpectedly Galton observed that the composite image was more attractive than the component faces. Galton published this finding in 1878, and also described his composite photography technique in detail in Inquiries in Human Faculty and its Development. He subsequently sold the invention to an early erotic photography firm.
    ellauri150.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri150.html on line 255: Colette Stevens. HR Director. "Regardless of the working relationship, Colette always displays the same valuable characteristics - she is very bright, totally commercial, able to build strong and lasting relationships and is great fun to be around.
    ellauri150.html on line 438: The play has been translated and performed many times, and it is responsible for introducing the word "panache" into the English language. Cyrano (the character) is in fact famed for his panache, and he himself makes reference to "my panache" in the play. Wanna see my panache? Wanna see my aubergine? Wanna taste my coq au vin? The two most famous English translations are those by Brian Hooker and Anthony Burgess.
    ellauri150.html on line 467: Sheik Ilderim bribes Pontius Pilate into allowing Ben-Hur to compete in a horse and carriage race (ravit) by proposing a high wager. Esther tries to convince Messiah not to race Ben-Hur, but he is adamant that he will win. On the day of the race, Ben-Hur follows Ilderim's instructions to hold back from the race until the final laps. Using dirty tactics, Messiah manages to knock out the other competing charioteers. Following a brutal and grueling race, Ben-Hur wins the race. Messiah survives but is badly wounded and loses a leg. Ben-Hur's victory emboldens the Jewish spectators and yields dividends for Ilderim.
    ellauri150.html on line 492: The story recounts the adventures of Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish prince from Jerusalem, who is enslaved by the Romans at the beginning of the first century and becomes a charioteer and a Christian. Running in parallel with Judah's narrative is the unfolding story of Jesus, from the same region and around the same age. The novel reflects themes of betrayal, conviction, and redemption, with a revenge plot that leads to a story of gay love and compassion.
    ellauri150.html on line 506: "But this repetition of the old story is just the fairest charm of domestic discourse. If we can often repeat to ourselves sweet thoughts without ennui, why shall not another be suffered to awaken them within us still oftener."— Hesp.: Jean Paul F. Richter.
    ellauri150.html on line 596: During the race, Messala drives a chariot with blades on the hubs to disable his competitors. He attempts to destroy Judah's chariot, but wrecks his own instead. He is dragged behind his horses and trampled by another chariot, while Judah wins the race. Before dying, Messala tells Judah to search for his family in the Valley of the Lepers.
    ellauri150.html on line 623: The Romans taking prisoners to the galleys are not overly concerned about anyone surviving, especially not people who knocked out their governor. At a well some distance north of Jerusalem, soldiers get watered first, then horses, and then slaves—and not Ben-Hur. He asks God for help... and in response, a young man, whose face is always turned from the camera, comes and gives him water. The audience understands that this is Jesus Himself, come to answer Ben-Hur's prayer. The Roman in charge starts to tell Him not to give Ben-Hur water, but on seeing His face, the Roman changes his mind. Ben-Hur drinks deep until it's time to move it.
    ellauri150.html on line 625: More than three years later, we see Ben-Hur working one of many oars. He is going by "41" (or is that XLI?), his seat number, and he is full of hate. A Roman consul, Quintus Arrius, has boarded the ship, and it goes to war almost immediately. The consul wants Ben-Hur for a charioteer, and doesn't understand why Ben-Hur has any other hopes of life after the galleys; if they succeed in battle, he'll keep rowing, and if they don't, he'll die chained to the oar. Ben-Hur makes clear that he believes God will help him, also that he dislikes the idea of dying chained to the oar; this has a delayed effect; at the time, "back to your oar," but the consul orders him unchained after all the galley slaves had been chained.
    ellauri150.html on line 629: Ben-Hur saves the consul and gets him on a raft of debris. Then he has to knock out the consul to prevent the fella from committing suicide, and chains the mercenary to him. After the consul wakes, still wanting to die, he reminds him that staying alive is the motivation he gives his slaves... Quintus wanted to commit suicide because he thought he'd lost overall. He hadn't, as it turns out he's hailed as a hero, and so there is a triumphant return to Rome. Ben-Hur gets to see the Emperor and then lives with Quintus learning to drive a chariot in races with Arrius' prized horses. Quintus actually tried to get him cleared of wanting to kill that Judean governor, but didn't pull it off...
    ellauri150.html on line 633: On the way home, he helps a horse-loving Arab, Sheikh Ilderim, with the fine art of charioteering. Ilderim offers a position. Judah declines for now, though it has appeal, because he is on a mission. Not even being told Messala is racing convinces him. Some talk of Jesus slips in, though the name is not mentioned directly.
    ellauri150.html on line 645: After the intermission, Ben-Hur has taken the charioteer job now. and Ilderim visits the bathhouse where the young Roman nobles luxuriate, half-naked.note Messala is there talking about his unbeatable team of horses. Ilderim says his team is even better, and offers a wager with LOTS of money involved. He eventually succeeds...
    ellauri150.html on line 647: ... And it's time for the big setpiece, the Chariot Race! The first rule of the Chariot Race is: there are no rules. A demolition derby is entirely standard procedure. That's how Messala gets to have a chariot tricked out with blades on the wheels-- vroom! But does that shake Ben-Hur? No! He will have his vengeance. As the race starts, the two of them are neck-and-neck. Messala tries to destroy Ben-Hur's chariot, but in a cruel twist, his own chariot falls apart. Messala is dragged by his horses and viciously trampled by another team. As Messala's broken body is carried to the surgeon, Ben-Hur receives the victor's laurel crown.
    ellauri151.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri151.html on line 85: Because the pastor is really the main character in Gide's limited world, she feels herself to be in love with him and to some extent (tent, hehe) he has similar feelings toward her. When his eldest son Jacques, who is about the same age as Gertrude, asks to marry her, the pastor becomes jealous and refuses despite the fact that Jacques is obviously in love with her, and has a bigger tent.
    ellauri151.html on line 103: charlus-631x1024.jpg" height="300px" />
    ellauri151.html on line 224: Amerikkalaiset on aivan käsittämättömän moukkia. Vitun charityämmiä. Kumihuulinen Emily eroaa läskistä louvrelehmästä enintään 30 vuodella ja yhtä monella kilolla. Pään sisäpuolelta: ei mitään eroa. 30 vuotta ja 30Gg freedom friesejä: Voilà!
    ellauri151.html on line 941: [9] What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all; for I have already charged that all men, both Jews and Greeks, are under the power of sin,

    ellauri151.html on line 953: [35] that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of innocent Abel to the blood of Zechari'ah the son of Barachi'ah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar.
    ellauri151.html on line 1022: Pastöröitu rakkaus on charityä, siinä puhuu apinajumalien lait luonnon päälle. Luonnon oloissa apinat on lisääntymään päin kun mälli ruiskahtaa ja onnistuu tarttumaan kohdun seinämään. Ei siinä mitään hyväntekeväisyyttä tarvita, kutaahan se tekee ilmankin.
    ellauri152.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri152.html on line 121: Mä hankaan silmiäni. On jo päivä, luulisin. Kah! kukas on mun kanssa tällä kertaa? ... Joku ämmä? Kautta Paphian, olin unohtanut. Kautta charityn! kyllä nolottaa. Eikai olla Lesbossaarella? … Ellen olis näin kuitti voisin luulla eze oli unta... Voix toi tosiaankin olla Sapfo? Se nukkuu. Onhan se kaunis vaikka sillon poikatukka, Mut onpa outo naama, miehen rinta ja laihat lantiot... Paras hipsiä ennenkun se herää. Valitettavasti mä oon seinän puolella. Mun täytyy astua sen ylize. Ettei se vaan herää ja tartu kiinni taas...
    ellauri152.html on line 267: Nimi esiintyy Intohimoisen Pyhiinvaeltajan runossa nro 17, kokoelmassa joka ilmestyi 1599 omistettuna Shakespearelle, muze voi kuiteskin olla Richard Barnfield, jonka eka julkaisu, Rakastettava paimen, missä puhutaan Daphnixen konsummoimattomasta rakkaudesta Katamiittiin, ja joka oli, kuten Barnfield ize tunnusti, matkittu Virgilin 2. eklogista, jossa siis oli nää poikarakastajat Corydon ja Alex Snopp. Kirjailijat kiertää mustaa tähteä kuin hullu puuroa.
    ellauri152.html on line 585: Yeshiva Boy moves fluidly between referring to the main character as Yentl or Anshel depending on context, which is a great detail. There are times when she’s referred to as Anshel for long stretches of time, and the same for Yentl. The movie, not having third person narration, is a different beast. I take my cue from the story and use both names, depending on the context of what I’m talking about—for example, if Yentl is definitely seen as Yentl by the story in that moment, or as Anshel, or ambiguously as both. That’s a very subjective choice to make each time you write her name! But that question, the fact that you have to ask it of yourself and the fact that it’s not always clear, is to me a crucial part of Yentl’s character.
    ellauri152.html on line 605: Or it would be fine if the movie didn’t play it for laughs. The movie puts Yentl in multiple awkward situations where she has to perform verbal and physical gymnastics to keep people from seeing her without clothes, that gross classic trope whereby trans characters are outed all the time in fiction. As always, the movie drags this scene out into a whole joke, that Yentl has to scramble to prevent Badass from finding out she’s a woman because Badass wants to have sex with her, a woman, isn’t that just soooooo funny? On multiple levels, I am unamused and unhappy.
    ellauri152.html on line 609: It’s frustrating to catalogue the ways in which the film works to cis-normify the story. No Yentl crossdressing into the infinite future. No wrestling with her gender identity. The film’s ending throws out the story’s ambiguity and unapologetic queerness in favor of, one might charitably say, a feminist ending, or one might say uncharitably and truthfully, a cisnormative ending.
    ellauri152.html on line 613: “Miss Streisand [made] Yentl, whose greatest passion was the Torah, go on a ship to America, singing at the top of her lungs. Why would she decide to go to America? Weren’t there enough yeshivas in Poland or in Lithuania where she could continue to study? Was going to America Miss Streisand’s idea of a happy ending for Yentl? What would Yentl have done in America? Worked in a sweatshop 12 hours a day where there is no time for learning? Would she try to marry a salesman in New York, move to the Bronx or to Brooklyn and rent an apartment with an ice box and a dumbwaiter? This kitsch ending summarizes all the faults of the adaptation. It was done without any kinship to Yentl’s character, her ideals, her sacrifice, her great passion for spiritual achievement. As it is, the whole splashy production has nothing but a commercial value.”
    ellauri152.html on line 621: This genderqueerness is the simple fact of Yentl’s character in Yeshiva Boy, but totally painted over in Yentl.
    ellauri153.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri153.html on line 331: “evil exists” are not contradictories, as God and evil are opposite characters in a story, which can
    ellauri153.html on line 475: “The problems arising through a misinterpretation of our forms of language have the character of depth. They are deep
    ellauri153.html on line 869: Our knowing consciousness is divisible solely into subject and object. To be object for the subject and to be our representation or mental picture are one and the same. All our representations are objects for the subject, and all objects of the subject are our representations. These stand to one another in a regulated connection which in form is determinable a priori, and by virtue of this connection nothing existing by itself and independent, nothing single and detached, can become an object for us. The first aspect of this principle is that of becoming, where it appears as the law of causality and is applicable only to changes. Thus if the cause is given, the effect must of necessity follow. The second aspect deals with concepts or abstract representations, which are themselves drawn from representations of intuitive perception, and here the principle of sufficient reason states that, if certain premises are given, the conclusion must follow. The third aspect of the principle is concerned with being in space and time, and shows that the existence of one relation inevitably implies the other, thus that the equality of the angles of a triangle necessarily implies the equality of its sides and vice versa. Finally, the fourth aspect deals with actions, and the principle appears as the law of motivation, which states that a definite course of action inevitably ensues on a given character and motive.
    ellauri155.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri155.html on line 861: Richard Rorty (2010)
    ellauri155.html on line 872: One can see in this paper an application of some ideas of a Humean character to a domain to which Hume himself was not inclined to apply them. There is also a suggestive affinity with Kant’s attempt to dissolve the problem of free will in the Critique of Pure Reason.
    ellauri156.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri156.html on line 54: Robert L. (Bob) Deffinbaugh graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with his Th.M. in 1971. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. Bob was born in a manger and raised in a barn... More
    ellauri156.html on line 88: The author of our text informs us that it is spring, the time when kings go to war (11:1). Weather has always affected warfare. Battles have been won and lost due to the season. Winter time is not favorable to war. Napoleon found this out in Moscow, The Germans in Stalingrad, and the Russians in the Finnish Winter War.) It is cold and wet, and camping out in the open field (as those who are besieging the city of Rabbah have to do -- see 11:11) hardly is feasible. The wheels of chariots get stuck in the mud, among other problems. And so kings usually sit it out for the winter, resuming their warfare in the spring. It is spring, Israel is still at war with the Ammonites, and it is time to finish the task of subduing them. The army assembles, under the command of Joab and his officers, and “all Israel.” They all go off to complete their victory over the Ammonites, who seem to retreat in their capital and fortress city of Rabbah.
    ellauri156.html on line 207: The Marvel Comics character Rocket Raccoon, created by Bill Mantlo and Keith Giffen, was inspired by the song's title and some of the lyrics.
    ellauri156.html on line 285: 7 It came about after these events that his master's wife looked with desire at Joseph, and she said, “Lie with me.” 8 But he refused and said to his master's wife, “Behold, with me here, my master does not concern himself with anything in the house, and he has put all that he owns in my charge. 9 “There is no one greater in this house than I, and he has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do this great evil and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:7-9).
    ellauri156.html on line 380: It was the clumsy attempt to cover up the petty crime which led to Watergate. Richard Nixon, the President of the United States, was forced to resign to avoid impeachment. A number of his closest associates were indicted, convicted, and sentenced to brief prison terms. Not Tricky Dick, of course, he went scot free. Nain on meidankin elamassamme! Ja Daavidin!
    ellauri156.html on line 451: A. H. Weiler of The New York Times described the film as "a reverential and sometimes majestic treatment of chronicles that have lived three millennia." He praised Dunno's screenplay and Peck's "authoritative performance" but found that Wayward "seems closer to Hollywood than to the arid Jerusalem of his Bible." Variety wrote, "This is a big picture in every respect. It has scope, pageantry, sex (for all its Biblical background), cast names, color—everything. It's a surefire boxoffice entry, one of the really 'big' pictures of the new selling season." Philip K. Scheuer of the Los Angeles Times wrote that the film "leaves little to be desired" from the standpoint of production values with Peck "ingratiating" as David and Wayward "a seductress with flaming tresses, in or out of the bath, and only her final contrition is a little difficult to believe." Richard L. Coe of The Washington Post wrote, "On the whole, the picture suggests a Reader's Digest story expanded into a master's thesis for the Ecole Copacabana."] Harrison's Reports wrote, "The outstanding thing about the production is the magnificent performance of Gregory Peck as David; he makes the characterization real and human, endowing it with all the shortcomings of a man who lusts for another's wife, but who is seriously penitent and prepared to shoulder his guilt. Susan Wayward, as Bathsheba, is beautiful and sexy, but her performance is of no dramatic consequence." The Monty Python Bulletin commented that the film had been made "with restraint and relative simplicity" compared to other historical epics, "and the playing of Gregory Peck in particular is competent. The whole film, however, is emotionally and stylistically quite unworthy of its subject." Philip Hamburger of The New Yorker wrote that "the accessories notwithstanding, something is ponderously wrong with 'David and Bathsheba.' The fault lies, I suppose, in the attempt to make excessive enlargements of an essentially-simple story." Zanuck the Hot Dog agreed.
    ellauri156.html on line 465: When Uriah arrives in Jerusalem, he reports to David, who acts out the charade he has planned. He asks Uriah about the “welfare of Joab and the people,” and the “state of the war.” It troubles me that David needs such a report at all. If he were with his men in the field, this would not be necessary. But even worse, David does not really care about Joab, the people, or the war. David's one preoccupation is to cover up his sin, to get Uriah home and to bed with his wife, and thus to get David off the hook. How sad to read of David's hypocrisy. The king who had compassion on the crippled son of Jonathan now lacks compassion for the whole army, and specifically for Bathsheba and her husband Uriah.
    ellauri156.html on line 513: 26 When Joab came out from David, he sent messengers after Abner, and they brought him back from the well of Sirah; but David did not know it. 27 So when Abner returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside into the middle of the gate to speak with him privately, and there he struck him in the belly so that he died on account of the blood of Asahel his brother. 28 Afterward when David heard it, he said, “I and my kingdom are innocent before the LORD forever of the blood of Abner the son of Ner. 29 “May it fall on the head of Joab and on all his father's house; and may there not fail from the house of Joab one who has a discharge, or who is a leper, or who takes hold of a distaff, or who falls by the sword, or who lacks bread.” 30 So Joab and Abishai his brother killed Abner because he had put their brother Asahel to death in the battle at Gibeon (2 Samuel 3:26-30).
    ellauri156.html on line 541: It is characteristic of the rabbinical view of the Bible narratives that Abner, the warrior pure and simple, is styled "Lion King of the Law" (Yer. Peah, l.c.), and that even a specimen is given of a halakic discussion between him and Dog as to whether the law in Deut. xxiii. 3 excluded Ammonite and Moabite women from the Jewish community as well as men. Dog was of the opinion that David, being descended from the Moabitess Ruth, was not fit to wear the crown, nor even to be considered a true Israelite; while Abner maintained that the law affected only the male line of descent. When Dog's dialectics proved more than a match for those of Abner, the latter went to the prophet Samuel, who not only supported Abner in his view, but utterly refuted Dog's assertions (Midr. Sam. xxii.; Yeb. 76b et seq.).
    ellauri156.html on line 568: These words of David are the frosting on the cake. They seem gracious and understanding, even sympathetic. In effect, David is saying, “Well, don't worry about it. After all, you win a few, and you lose a few. That's the way the cookie crumbles.” Uriah, a great warrior and a man of godly character (but not a Jew, mind you), has just died, and David does not express one word of grief, one expression of sorrow, not one word of tribute. Uriah dies, and David is unmoved. Contrast his response to the death of Uriah with his responses to the deaths of Saul and Jonathan (2 Samuel 1:11-27), and even of Abner (2 Samuel 3:28-39). This is not the David of a few chapters earlier. This is a hardened, callused David, callused by his own sin.
    ellauri156.html on line 637: It all seems to be over. David is not looking for another wife; he is not even looking for an affair. He is looking for a conquest. That should have happened on the battlefield, not in the bedroom! Things take a very different turn when Bathsheba sends word to David that she is pregnant. David first seeks to cover up his sin by ordering Joab to send Uriah home on furlough, ostensibly to give David a report on the war. David's efforts to get Uriah into bed with Bathsheba begin as subtle hints, then change to veiled orders, and then turn crass as David seeks to get Uriah to do drunk what he will not do sober. When these efforts fail (due to Uriah's noble character), David sends Uriah back to Joab, with written orders to Joab to put him to death in a way that makes it seem like a casualty of war. Joab does as he is told and sends word to David: “Mission accomplished.” It is here that our apparently never-ending story resumes.
    ellauri156.html on line 709: I hope I am not guilty of attempting to make this story “walk on all fours” when I stress the same thing the story does -- that there is a very warm and loving relationship between the rich man and the poor man's “pet lamb.” It really tasted great! Considered along with everything else we read about Uriah and Bathsheba and David, I must conclude that the author is making it very clear that Uriah and Bathsheba dearly loved each other. Anyway, who cares this way or that, it was his lamb. When David “took” this woman to his bedroom that fateful night, and then as his wife after the murder of Uriah, he took her from the man she loved. Bathsheba and Uriah were devoted to each other, which adds further weight to the arguments for her not being a willing participant in David's sins. It also emphasizes the character of Uriah, who is so near to his wife, who is being urged by the king to go to her, and yet who refuses to do so out of principle.
    ellauri156.html on line 711: David does not see what is coming. The story Nathan tells makes David furious. The David who was once ready to do in Nabal and all the male members of his household (1 Samuel 25) is now angry enough to do in the villain of Nathan's story. Doing in folks was one of his pet lambs. In some ways, David's response is a bit overdone. He reminds me a bit of Judah in Genesis 38, when he learns that Tamar, his daughter-in-law is pregnant out of wedlock. Not realizing that he is the father of the child in her womb, Judah is ready to have Tamar burned to death. How ironic that those who are guilty of a particular sin are intolerant of this sin in the life of others. Well said, Bob! Christians are really hard on people who have no charity.
    ellauri156.html on line 728: David has just sprung the trap on himself, and Nathan is about to let him know about it. The first thing Nathan does is to dramatically indict David as the culprit: “You are the man!” In stunned silence, David now listens to the charges against him. David thinks only in terms of the evils the rich man committed against his neighbor, stealing a man's sheep and depriving him of his companion. Put another way, David thinks only in terms of crime and socially unacceptable behavior, not in terms of sin. In verses 7-12, Nathan draws David's attention to his sin against God and the consequences God has pronounced for his sin. Note the repetition of the pronoun “I” in verses 7 and 8: “It was I who. . .
    ellauri156.html on line 804: I have never met a Christian who chose to sin, and after it was all over felt that it was worth the price. Those that did quite simply were not Christians. David's sin and its consequences should not encourage us to sin, but should motivate us to avoid sin at all costs. The negative consequences of sin far outweigh the momentary pleasures of sin. Sin is never worth the price, even for those whose sin is forgiven. Sin is not worth it even when it's free of charge. In fact, we ought to be paid to commit sin. (Some do, like the adulterous woman in Proverbs, and Trick Dick's burglars. But we won't open that can of worms now that we are this close to the finish line.)
    ellauri158.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri158.html on line 53: What Clarke argues is that the Newtonian natural system and the findings that stem from it are incompatible with the “blind necessity” that characterizes both the Epicurean and Spinozistic world picture, precisely because this system implies the existence of an immaterial and wise Creator. What the fuck? It is a deterministic system par excellence. Ach, tarkoitatte alkuehtoja. Vanha antroposentrinen jumalatodistus: jos jumala ei olis säätänyt kaikkea näin hyvin, ei olis meitäkään. Tää ei voi olla sattumaa! Maailmamme ei voi olla 1 ziljoonasta sokeasta yrityxestä! Vai voiko se? This lottery is unfair, huutaa Shirley Jackson kiukkuisena, kun kivet lentävät. Shirley putkahti esille albumissa 133 ja putkahtaa uudelleen esille albumissa 270.
    ellauri158.html on line 389: While pantheism asserts that "all is God", panentheism claims that God is greater than the universe. Some versions of panentheism suggest that the universe is nothing more than the manifestation of God. In addition, some forms indicate that the universe is contained within God, like in the Kabbalah concept of tzimtzum. Also much Hindu thought is highly characterized by panentheism and pantheism. The basic tradition on which Hantta Krause´s concept was built seems to have been Neoplatonic philosophy and its successors in Western philosophy and Orthodox theology.
    ellauri158.html on line 699: The Southern Journal of Philosophy (U of Memphis) has provided a forum for a long list of suspect figures including Hans-Georg Gadamer, Hubert Dreyfus, George Santayana, Wilfrid Sellars, and Richard Sorabji.
    ellauri159.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri159.html on line 561: Noi teologiset hyveet on suoraan talousliberalismin oppikirjasta: luotto, optimismi ja charity. Loput on jotain stoalaista hapatusta. Rohkeus on läntisestä antiikista tullut pykälä, sitä ei ole juutalaisten luetteloissa, eikä sen vastakohtaa arkuutta.
    ellauri159.html on line 569: It’s almost like the knightly virtues are the ideal masculine character. And in my opinion these virtues are a good ideal to strive towards. This is something to keep in mind. This code wasn’t meant for everyone. It’s for soldiers on horses, you know, knights… This combination of virtues is supposed to be the best possible behavior of a knight, a soldier, a fighting man. There is no mention of women and children anywhere. Naiset ja lapset ja homot ruikulikakat älkööt vaivautuko. Tää on kovien poikien leikkiä.
    ellauri159.html on line 643: We also rejoice in your sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.
    ellauri159.html on line 657: The word used to translate the Greek word agape in most modern English Bibles is love, but in many older translations, agape was translated as “charity” when it was used in a context of one person to another. In a biblical context, this term should not be mistaken for the more modern use of the word to mean only giving to those in need (i.e., “giving to charity”), although this can be a substantial part of what’s meant by the word. A more encompassing definition of the word charity, at least in the context of a modern-day knight, would be to be charitable (or giving) to the rich as well, or even primarily.
    ellauri159.html on line 661: A knight’s sacrifice is by using his strength on behalf of the weak. Sharing our food and providing the wanderer with shelter and clothing are also acts of sacrifice, but they can also be counted as hospitality or charity, depending on the sttus of the other guy.
    ellauri159.html on line 668: Having compassion simply means to possess a deep feeling of sympathy and sorrow for those who are stricken by misfortune, coupled with a strong desire to alleviate their suffering. Sounds a lot like charity, but cheaper..
    ellauri159.html on line 803: In 2004, he published The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories, a Jungian-influenced analysis of stories andń their psychological meaning, on which he had been working for over 30 years. The book was dismissed by Adam Mars-Jones, who objected to Booker employing his generalisations about conventional plot structures prescriptively: "He sets up criteria for art, and ends up condemning Rigoletto, The Cherry Orchard, Wagner, Proust, Joyce, Kafka and Lawrence – the list goes on – while praising Crocodile Dundee, ET and Terminator 2".
    ellauri159.html on line 805: Christopher Booker's The Seven Basic Plots is a long book. It's on the order of War and Peace for thickness. It also gets a bit repetitive at times, but if you can slog through the material, you're rewarded with a good understanding of the seven basic plots. You can also get a good dose of Jungian psychology to boot; for instance, Booker likes to talk about the symbolism of the masculine and feminine aspects of a character.
    ellauri159.html on line 900: ESTJs are industrious traditionalists whose extroversion often leads them to take charge of situations. They are generally pragmatic and like things to be organized and clear. They are driven by a need to analyze and bring order to the world. ESTJ writers include Amy Chua, E.L. James, Dr. Phil McGraw, Tom Clancy, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Bill O’Reilly, Billy Graham, and Sonia Sotomayor. Learn more about how ESTJs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 979: INTPs have a deep need to make sense of the world and are generally logical, analytical, and emotionally detached. They enjoy new ideas and are adaptable in their lifestyle, if not always their thinking. INTP writers include Richard Dawkins, Immanuel Kant, Charles Darwin, Hannah Arendt, John Locke, Thomas Aquinas, Rene Descartes, and John le Carre. Learn more about how INTPs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 1073: View writing as a means of disseminating information. You excel at business and scientific writing, because you organize and present data sequentially. You like to include statistics to prove the point, and to illustrate it with visuals such as charts and graphs.
    ellauri159.html on line 1093: Build your topic around a visual element. It is way easier than reading. This might be a chart, a graphic—even a quotation. They may follow a template that’s worked in the past, rather than inventing something new. Just be sure to give a new slant on the old idea to keep it fresh.
    ellauri159.html on line 1149: Focus on the concrete and avoid useless abstract concepts. As a result, your writing will lack a unifying theme that communicates the author’s purpose to those who do not need to know. Be sure to incorporate an organizing principle or chart, such as problem–solution, to serve as a roadmap for the intended reader, for example on a separate crypted page.
    ellauri159.html on line 1161: You do your best writing when they feel personally invested in the topic. Use your wrong sense of empathy to immerse yourself in the subject, much as actors immerse themselves in a character. (Choose a subject you really fancy to immerse yourself in.) To stay inspired, look for ways to connect the writing to your ideals. If you’re a technical writer, create a human mental avatar of your technology and use your writer’s voice to “speak” to it.
    ellauri159.html on line 1213: Perhaps this is what draws me to writing women’s fiction. I can create relationship problems, which I can then go about solving, without hurting anyone but my fictional characters in the process. Real life, unfortunately, doesn’t work that way. The INFJs’ search for perfection can damage otherwise good relationships. So I propose a revised Serenity Prayer for INFJs: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Period. Oh, I got my period.
    ellauri159.html on line 1375: Another´s charity to thee, poor elf:
    ellauri159.html on line 1423: The unclassified residuum, 299. The Society for Psychical Research and its history, 303. Thought-transference, 308. Gurney's work, 309. The census of hallucinations, 312. Mediumship, 313. The 'subliminal self,' 315. 'Science' and her counter-presumptions, 317. The scientific character of Mr. Myers's work, 320. The mechanical-impersonal view of life versus the personal-romantic view, 324.
    ellauri160.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri160.html on line 147: Through the Shakespears, he was introduced to the poet W. B. Yeats, Olivia Shakespear's former lover. He had already sent Yeats a copy of A Lume Spento, and Yeats had apparently found it "charming".
    ellauri160.html on line 193: Pound's translations from Old English, Latin, Italian, French and Chinese were highly disputed. According to Alexander, they made him more unpopular in some circles than the treason charge.
    ellauri160.html on line 211: Hemingway, then aged 22, moved to Paris with his wife, Hadley Richardson, and letters of introduction from Sherwood Anderson. In February 1922 the Hemingways visited the Pounds for tea. Although Pound was 14 years older, the men became friends; Hemingway assumed the status of pupil and asked Pound to edit his short stories. Pound introduced him to his contacts, including Lewis, Ford, John Peale Bishop, Malcolm Cowley, and Derek Patmore, while Hemingway tried to teach Pound to box. Hemingway was a drinker, Ezra not.
    ellauri160.html on line 221: Angered by the carnage of World War I, Pound blamed the war on finance capitalism, which he called "usury". He was completely right. He moved to Italy in 1924 and through the 1930s and 1940s promoted an economic theory known as social credit, wrote for publications owned by the British fascist Sir Oswald Mosley, embraced Benito Mussolini's fascism, and expressed support for Adolf Hitler. During World War II and the Holocaust in Italy, he made hundreds of paid radio broadcasts for the Italian government, including in German-occupied Italy, attacking the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Great Britain, international finance, munitions makers and mongers, and Jews, among others, as causes, abettors and prolongers of the world war, as a result of which he was arrested in 1945 by American forces in Italy on charges of treason. He spent months in a U.S. military camp in Pisa, including three weeks in an outdoor steel cage. Deemed unfit to stand trial, he was incarcerated in St. Elizabeths psychiatric hospital in Washington, D.C., for over 12 years. Nothing has changed: this sounds precisely like the U.S. decades long persecution of Assange.
    ellauri160.html on line 297: Liberaali vapaus on oikeus reviiriin ja sen loputtomaan kasvattamiseen koronkorkona kilpailijoiden kustannuksella, vapaus veroista ja reviiriä suojaava laki ja järjestys. Omaan isoon osaan kuuluu luontaisena kääntöpuolena kilpailijan pieni osa, se on iso osa koko hauskuutta. Ei veroja vaan charity, jolla vähempiosaista voi lytätä lisää silloin ja siten kuin tekee mieli.
    ellauri160.html on line 643: 2In the rabbinic literature of Yalḳuṭ Ḥadash, on the eves of Wednesday and Saturday, she is "the dancing roof-demon" who haunts the air with her chariot and her train of 18 messengers/angels of spiritual destruction. She dances while her mother, or possibly grandmother, Lilith howls. She is also "the mistress of the sorceresses" who communicated magic secrets to Amemar, a Jewish sage.
    ellauri161.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri161.html on line 472: The Chicxulub asteroid Jennifer Lawrence's character mentions hit Earth 66 million years ago in what is now Mexico. The estimated size of the asteroid was 10 kilometers wide (six miles) and resulted in 75% of all life on the planet dying. Known as the dinosaur killer, the asteroid left a crater estimated to be 150 kilometers (93 miles) in diameter and 20 kilometers (12 miles) in depth.
    ellauri161.html on line 489: I found it an almost perfect film, with some deliciously carefully crafted moments and great acting. At first I thought the comedic side was actually too much and wished that someone like Steven Soderbergh made the movie instead, but as I was watching it I started to appreciate how methodical the approach was and now I believe Adam McKay was the right man for the job. I enjoyed the overall plot, I liked the characters and how things were presented, but I loved the little things like, for example, the only scene where Europe is mentioned, as a short scene of a news item when they say they are going to convene and find their own solution, resulting in absolutely nothing. I am European and sad to say it struck home. Or the meal scene at the end, which is both emotional, focusing (= religious) and reminding us how even that option can be taken away by something as small as a virus.
    ellauri161.html on line 512: But here now it's "Big Tech" who McKay sees as the new (updated) elite embodied in the character of Peter Isherwell (Mark Rylance) billionaire CEO of the giant tech conglomerate BASH.
    ellauri161.html on line 546: The targets of the satire – incompetent governments, media, tech billionaires, populace believing in politics not science – are obvious. There’s a shorthand that makes each character’s real world avatar easy to get hence the laughs but does that undermine the film’s intelligence? No, it's spot on.
    ellauri161.html on line 549: So yes, this means that even the supporting characters in subplots get a C storyline. See the problem yet? (No. What is it? Everybody's got a C story line in life, so what?)
    ellauri161.html on line 568: Kate Blanchett was way the dullest character on the cast. All silicon, no AI. No interest whatsoever, human or otherwise. Dr Strangelove was a lot worse satire than this. The problem with Kubrik was that he had a villain, while the real world has not just one- rather, there are 7 billion of them.
    ellauri161.html on line 572: Pressed together, however, the mix just doesn’t work. Too many characters, such as Jonah Hill’s presidential aide, know they’re in a comedy and play for laughs accordingly. There’s way too much going on in Don’t Look Up, so the story focus is constantly diffused as we jump from one narrative thread to another. Consequently the soiree packs very little punch; as a satire on corporate greed, media ethics and celebrity culture it’s pretty limp. All bite but no teeth, you could say. (Fuck yourself droopy-lip, this is a tableau true to life, not a sketch.)
    ellauri161.html on line 628: The way that Lawrence’s angry, idealistic scientist refuses to get co-opted by a system she correctly identifies as corrupt while DiCaprio’s more amicable character gets swept up in things for a while would seem to be easy material for a scriptwriter to use not just as a commentary on the way the world works, but as rich dramatic material for the ups and downs of a personal and professional relationship.
    ellauri161.html on line 685: The writers of this satire unfortunately were as vapid as the characters they wrote. The science is awful, it's satire losses its bite when it tries to paint the whole country as anti-intellectual and all media as entertainment. If you are going to pan the anti-intellectualism that is straining this country do it with some intelligence.
    ellauri161.html on line 707: Annoyingly bad. I suppose this might appeal to those who like their humor and satire delivered like a sledge hammer to the head, but if you prefer a more subtle approach, this is not for you. Added to this are the ludicrously exaggerated characters that are so bad that they are laughable, but in the wrong way. The DiCaprio character is just plain irritating. After 20 minutes of this film, I was just wishing the comet would arrive much earlier than anticipated.
    ellauri161.html on line 709: Almost like it was produced to be stupid? The president and other characters are like laughing the whole time while experts are giving them info it’s like a bad satire not good at all.
    ellauri161.html on line 715: All star Cast, All star disappointment! This movie received so much publicity, we thought it would be good. However, not one character endeared themselves to us in actually caring what happened to them. We had hope the movie would gain momentum and get better but.... it never did.
    ellauri161.html on line 722: My first movie review: After reading the negative reviews from many of the critics I realized that they are of the same character as the corrupt group that the movie portrays and as in the movie either disconnected from the people or threatened by the message. (Right on Vicki!)
    ellauri161.html on line 769: Big let down. The humor is so off-putting it doesn´t pull laughs, while the drama is hard to dive into whilst characters scream at the camera. The portrayal is so unrealistic, so cringe, so superficial that none of the characters are true heroes. They all appear as delusional, distracted ego maniacs detached from reality. The end is anti-climactic leaving the viewer with gratitude it looks nothing like the world we actually live in. (True, being 22400 years away. But I bet the immigrant will soon reduce brontauks to extinction.)
    ellauri161.html on line 775: Predictable and boring. Didn´t laugh once the entire movie. The only character I enjoyed was Dr. Oglethorpe w/wig.
    ellauri161.html on line 842: La charité 79 Babel 135
    ellauri161.html on line 1100: The chief of his mystical writings are, The Ornament of Spiritual Marriage (Lat. by Gerh. Groot, Ornatus Spiritualis Desponsionis, MS. at Strasburg; by another translator, and published by Faber Stapulensis [Paris, 1512], De Ornatu Spirit. Nuptiarum, etc.; also in French, Toulouse, 1619; and in Flemish, ´J Cieraet der gheestclyeke Bruyloft, Brussels, 1624, Hengelliset häät): — Speculum AEternae Salutis: — De Calculo, an interpretation of the calculus candidus, Re 2:17: — Samuel, sive de Alta Contemplatione. The other works of Ruysbroeck contain but little more than repetitions of the thoughts expressed in those here mentioned. (Esim. 7 hengellisen rakkauden askelmasta.) He wrote in his native language, and rendered to that dialect the same service which accrued to the High German from its use by the mystics of the section where it prevailed. He is still regarded in Holland as "the best prose writer of the Netherlands in the Middle Ages." His style is characterized by great precision of statement, which becomes impaired, however, whenever his imagination soars, as it often does, to transcendental regions too sublimated for language to describe. His works were accessible until lately only in Latin editions (by Surius, Cologne, 1549, 1552, 1609 [the best], 1692, fol.), or in manuscripts scattered through different libraries in Belgium and Holland. Four of the more important works were published in their original tongue, with prefaces by Ullmann (Hanover, 1848). No complete edition has as yet been undertaken (see Moll, )e Boekerij van het S. Barbara-Klooster te Delft [Amst. 1857, 4to], p. 41).
    ellauri161.html on line 1104: Ruysbroeck was constantly desirous of preserving the distinction between the uncreated and created spirits. In the unifying of the soul with God he does not assert an identification of personality, but merely a cessation of the difference in thought and desire, and a giving up of the independence of the creature. His language was often so strong, however, and his thought often so sublimated, that more cautious thinkers found serious cause to charge his writings with pantheism. This was true of Gerson (Opp. vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 59 sq.).
    ellauri161.html on line 1112: Few mystics have ascended to the empyrean where Ruysbroeck so constantly dwelt; and the endeavor to compress into forms of speech the visions seen in a state where all clear and real apprehension is at an end occasioned the fault of indefiniteness with which his writings must be charged. His influence over theological and philosophical thought was not so great as that exercised by Eckart and Tauler, and was chiefly limited to his immediate surroundings. The Brotherhood of the Common Life (q.v.) was founded by Gerhard Groot, one of Ruysbroeck´s pupils, and its first inception may perhaps be traced back to Ruysbroeck himself — a proof that he was not wholly indifferent to the conditions of practical life.
    ellauri161.html on line 1133: A man from his parish demands a full service funeral for his wife and says he will not pay for it. He confers with the priest of Torcy. The girls of the catechism class laugh at him in a prank, whereby only one of them pretends to know the Scriptural basis of the Eucharist so that the rest of them can laugh at their private conversation. His colleagues criticize his diet of bread and wine, and his ascetic lifestyle. "Concerned" about Chantal, the daughter of the Countess, the priest visits the Countess at the family chateau, and appears to help her resume communion with God after a period of doubt. The Countess dies during the following night, and her daughter spreads false rumors that the priest´s harsh words had tormented her to death. Refusing confession, Chantal had previously spoken to the priest about her hatred of her parents.
    ellauri162.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri162.html on line 156: De Gaulle confiera plus tard, à propos de Bernanos : "Celui-là, je ne suis jamais parvenu à l´attacher à mon char."
    ellauri162.html on line 411: Comme un long sanglot, tout chargé d'adieux; Kun pitkä nyyhkäys, heippaviestinä.
    ellauri162.html on line 629: Masaru Kiemura is an animator, character designer belonging to Ufotable since 2007.
    ellauri162.html on line 687: Selon le R.P. Charles Louis Richard, « On compte jusqu´à treize conciles généraux, dix-huit papes, cent cinquante conciles provinciaux, et plus de trois cents synodes, tant de France que des autres royaumes, qui ont ordonné aux clercs de porter l´habit long ». Le concile de Trente en 1542 réaffirme simplement l´obligation, sous peine de sanction, pour tout clerc, de porter un habit qui soit digne et distinct de celui des laïcs.
    ellauri162.html on line 715: Problème insoluble: rétablir le Pauvre dans son droit, sans l'établir dans la puissance. Et s'il arrivait, par impossible, qu'une dictature impitoyable, servie par une armée de fonctionnaires, d'experts, de statisticiens, s'appuyant eux mêmes sur des millions de mouchards et de gendarmes, réussissait à tenir en respect, sur tous les points du monde à la fois, les intelligences carnassières, les bêtes féroces et rusées, pour gain, race d'hommes qui vit de l'homme car sa perpétuelle convoitise de l'argent n'est sans doute que la forme hypocrite, ou peut-être inconsciente de l'horrible, de l'inavouable faim qui la dévore - le dégoût viendrait vite de l'aurea mediocritas ainsi érigée en règle universelle, et l'on verrait refleurir partout les pauvretés volontaires, ainsi qu'un nouveau printemps. Aucune société n'aura raison du Pauvre. Les uns vivent de la sottise d'autrui, de sa vanité, de ses vices. Le Pauvre, lui, vit de la charité. Quel mot sublime!
    ellauri162.html on line 751: Richard Dawkins Stephen Hawking.

    ellauri162.html on line 762: Richard Dawkins does not make the head of our list. Since this may disappoint some of our readers. we have, after our ranking, also ordered the atheists on our list by the number of Google hits that their names obtain.
    ellauri162.html on line 827: A somewhat similar report was made concerning the audience of Richard Dawkins´s web community. In February of 2010, the news organization The Telegraph reported that the atheist and evolutionist Richard Dawkins was embroiled "in a bitter online battle over plans to rid his popular internet forum for atheists of foul language, insults and 'frivolous gossip'." In addition, Richard Dawkins has a reputation for being abrasive.
    ellauri163.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri163.html on line 50: God of Vengeance was published in English-language translation in 1918. In 1922, it was staged in New York City at the Provincetown Theatre in Greenwich Village, and moved to the Apollo Theatre on Broadway on February 19, 1923, with a cast that included the acclaimed Jewish immigrant actor Rudolph Schildkraut. Its run was cut short on March 6, when the entire cast, producer Harry Weinberger, and one of the owners of the theater were indicted for violating the state's Penal Code, and later convicted on charges of obscenity. Weinberger, who was also a prominent attorney, represented the group at the trial. The chief witness against the play was Rabbi Joseph Silberman, who declared in an interview with Forverts: "This play libels the Jewish religion. Even the greatest anti-Semite could not have written such a thing". (You just wait for Philip Roth...) After a protracted battle, the conviction was successfully appealed. In Europe, the play was popular enough to be translated into German, Russian, Polish, Hebrew, Italian, Czech, Romanian and Norwegian. Indecent, the 2015 play written by Paula Vogel, tells of those events and the impact of God of Vengeance. It opened on Broadway at the Cort Theater in April 2017, directed by Rebecca Taichman. Eli ei Asch ihan pasé vielä ole.
    ellauri163.html on line 660: John Perry on Willin isä. Hän on tutkimusmatkailija maailmastamme, joka löysi portaalin Lyran maailmaan ja josta tuli shamaani, joka tunnetaan nimellä Stanislaus Grumman tai Jopari, hänen alkuperäisen nimensä korruptio. John Richard Perry (born 1943) is Henry Waldgrave Stuart Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Stanford University and Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at the University of California, Riverside. He has made significant contributions to philosophy in the fields of philosophy of language, metaphysics, and philosophy of mind. He is known primarily for his work on situation semantics (together with Jon Barwise), reflexivity, indexicality, personal identity, and self-knowledge. Situation Semantics was a huge flop, which became obvious when Barwise died of the cancer of the colon.
    ellauri163.html on line 759: “… it is noticeable that people with NPD, do not show a major degree of functioning problems in stress free environment or when they are supported (except that they are perceived as “not pleasant characters” to deal with). However under stress and without support they can become quite dysfunctional in a way not far from what we usually see in Asperger’s syndrome.“
    ellauri163.html on line 817: That said, the reason the film does succeed, and rises to greatness, rests primarily on the shoulders of the lead actress, Nadine Nortier, who, despite little dialogue, conveys great depths within her character, despite being a non-professional actress at the time. On the other hand, Jean-Claude Guilbert (a professional actor who also appeared in Au Hasard Balthazar, as another drunkard, Arnold) is also very good. The rest of the cast is solid. Yet, critical missteps abound, especially when some claim Mouchette is filled with anger. Yes, there may be acts of seeming anger (tossing dirt at her female rivals), but clearly the character of Mouchette is a walking mass of desensitisation. This would explain why she reacts the way she does to sex with Arsene, rather than seeing it as her ‘striking back’ at the world.
    ellauri163.html on line 829: There is also a scene where Mouchette is wet, working in the bar, and then gets some coins as payment. Later, in his hut, she is wet, and Arsene pays her some coins to go along with his story regarding Mathieu’s presumed death. What this does is not only link divergent scenes in a strictly visual and cinematic way, but it emphasises the elliptical and cyclical nature of the film, where recurring images and motifs abound. Yet, all of them are slightly askew, and the camera always seems to look at its lead character’s life slightly askance, as if it was somehow recapitulating the clearly warped view of life Mouchette owns.
    ellauri163.html on line 833: In essence, the film called Mouchette recapitulates the point of view of its character Mouchette, which allows the viewer to both ‘feel’ a bit of the character’s warp, while also being able to step back and intellectually distance oneself and ‘understand’ the character’s warp. Whether or not Bresson intended this doubled perspective on life, it, and many of the film’s other strengths more than make up for its weak ending, and lift it to a greatness that, while it falls short of the utmost in the canon of great cinema, nonetheless makes Mouchette a film for which the term “great” is applied a surety. There are, certainly, worse ways to misfire, slightly or otherwise.
    ellauri163.html on line 868: Cette éducation lui permet de s´inscrire dans une double tradition culturelle, judaïque et classique. Il devient professeur et est notamment chargé des cours de pédagogie et de sciences sociales à l´université Bordeaux en 1887 puis il devient professeur de cette université en 1896. Jeune agrégé, il est envoyé en Allemagne, où il est marqué par le fonctionnement des universités allemandes, et par des philosophes sociaux qui s´intéressent au rôle de l´État moderne. Il devient docteur ès lettres en 1893. Molemmat kilpahakijat oli siis maaseutuyliopistomiehiä.
    ellauri164.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri164.html on line 82: J’avais entrevu la conversion au bien et au bonheur, le salut. Puis-je décrire la vision, l’air de l’enfer ne souffre pas les hymnes ! C’était des millions de créatures charmantes, un suave concert spirituel, la force et la paix, les nobles ambitions, que sais-je ?
    ellauri164.html on line 116: Je meurs de lassitude. C’est le tombeau, je m’en vais aux vers, horreur de l’horreur ! Satan, farceur, tu veux me dissoudre, avec tes charmes. Je réclame. Je réclame ! un coup de fourche, une goutte de feu.
    ellauri164.html on line 421: Got 90 pages in and I disliked every character, is that the goal?
    ellauri164.html on line 504: The third and final chapter in Moses’ life is the chapter that Scripture spends the most time chronicling, namely, his role in the redemption of Israel. Several lessons can be gleaned from this chapter of Moses’ life as well. First is how to be an effective leader of people. Moses essentially had responsibility over two million Hebrew refugees. When things began to wear on him, his father-in-law, Jethro Tull, suggested that he delegate responsibility to other faithful men, a lesson that many people in authority over others need to learn (Exodus 18). We also see a man who was dependent on the grace of God to help with his task. Moses was continually pleading on behalf of the people before God. If only all people in authority would petition God on behalf of those over whom they are in charge! Moses was keenly aware of the necessity of God’s presence and even requested to see God’s glory (Exodus 33). Moses knew that, apart from God, the exodus would be meaningless. It was God who made the Israelites distinct, and they needed Him most. Moses’ life also teaches us the lesson that there are certain sins that will continue to haunt us throughout our lives. The same hot temper that got Moses into trouble in Egypt also got him into trouble during the wilderness wanderings. In the aforementioned incident at Meribah, Moses struck the rock in anger in order to provide water for the people. However, he didn’t give God the glory, nor did he follow God’s precise commands. Because of this, God forbade him from entering the Promised Land. In a similar manner, we all succumb to certain besetting sins which plague us all our days, sins that require us to be on constant alert.
    ellauri164.html on line 572: This necessity for the manifestation of God's power made the occasion one of great solemnity, and Moses and Aaron should have improved it to make a favorable impression upon the people. But Moses was stirred, and in impatience and anger with the people, because of their murmurings, he said, "Hear now, ye rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" In thus speaking he virtually admitted to murmuring Israel that they were correct in charging him with leading them from Egypt. God had forgiven the people greater transgressions than this error on the part of Moses, but He could not regard a sin in a leader of His people as in those who were led. He could not excuse the sin of Moses and permit him to enter the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 577: but God Himself. The Lord had committed to Moses the burden of leading His people, while the mighty Angel went before them in all their journeyings and directed all their travels. Because they were so ready to forget that God was leading them by His Angel, and to ascribe to man that which God's power alone could perform, He had proved them and tested them, to see whether they would obey Him. At every trial they failed. Instead of believing in, and acknowledging, God, who had strewed their path with evidences of His power and signal tokens of His care and love, they distrusted Him and ascribed their leaving Egypt to Moses, charging him as the cause of all their disasters. Moses had borne with their stubbornness with remarkable forbearance. At one time they threatened to stone him.
    ellauri164.html on line 579: The Heavy Penalty. The Lord would remove this impression forever from their minds, by forbidding Moses to enter the Promised Land. The Lord had highly exalted Moses. He had revealed to him His great glory. He had taken him into a sacred nearness with Himself upon the mount, and had condescended to talk with him as a man speaketh with a friend. He had communicated to Moses, and through him to the people, His will, His statutes, and His laws. His being thus exalted and honored of God made his error of greater magnitude. Moses repented of his sin and humbled himself greatly before God. He related to all Israel his sorrow for his sin. The result of his sin he did not conceal, but told them that for thus failing to ascribe glory to God, he could not lead them to the Promised Land. He then asked them, if this error upon his part was so great as to be thus corrected of God, how God would regard their repeated murmurings in charging him (Moses) with the uncommon visitations of God because of their sins.
    ellauri164.html on line 773: 3. This is quite a contrast to the normal character of Moses (Num. 12:3).
    ellauri164.html on line 867: There are few characters that play a larger part in the story of the Bible than Moses. He is the human protagonist of four Old Testament books and is consistently held up in both the OT and NT as a shining example of faith in the promises of God. The law that he delivered to the people of Israel serves as the foundation of the nation of Israel, and is lauded by Jesus as a testament that would not pass until “heaven and earth pass away…[and] all is accomplished.” One of the great tragic moments of the Bible is where Moses is denied entrance to the Promised Land for his sin at the Rock of Meribah; after faithfully leading Israel for forty years, Moses strikes a rock instead of speaking to it and is condemned to die before living in the Promised Land. On its surface, this might seem unfair to Moses. One mess-up and God gives him this great punishment? How many times had Israel failed in their journey and at Mt. Sinai, and God had spared their lives and allowed them to keep going? Yet His most faithful servant is barred over this one, seemingly insignificant event? If we take a closer look at the text, however, we see why Moses’ failure was such a stark one. While it doesn’t diminish the tragic nature of the event, it does shed light on why God takes such a drastic step to respond.
    ellauri164.html on line 873: We would expect the pattern to repeat here. The people have rebelled, so the next part would be God’s wrath and threats of destruction. Instead, however, God merely grants their request for water. No mention of sin or possible annihilation, just grace in providing for Israel’s needs. The fact that this cycle we’ve come to expect changes is designed to highlight an important event; the oddity of the text “awakens us from our narrative slumber,” as one commentator puts it, and forces us to pay attention closely to what’s occurring. Why would God not threaten destruction? To answer that, we have to remember a key aspect of God’s character: He does not change. Hebrews 13:8 says He is the same yesterday and today and forever, “without variation or shifting shadow,” (James 1:17). The purpose of the threats of destruction, and Moses/Aaron’s intercession, was not to actually change God’s mind. God knew exactly what was going to happen in all these instances. God’s threats on Israel are spoken to Moses so that Moses will intercede. They are tests of Moses’ (and Aaron’s) character, just as God’s conversation with Abraham over the fates of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18) was about testing Abraham’s character rather than the doomed cities. Yet here, in Numbers 20, God does not follow the pattern. Why?
    ellauri164.html on line 879: This interpretation is solidified by Moses’ words about this event in the Book of Deuteronomy. Three times in the first four chapters of Deuteronomy, Moses says that he is not able to enter the Promised Land because of Israel. At first glance, again, this might seem an unfair charge. Moses had caused his own exclusion, hadn’t he? Why is he accusing the generation after the event in Numbers 20 of being the cause of his failure? If we look at these three mentions, we see a few important facts. In the first instance, Deuteronomy 1:37, Moses is recounting the failure of Israel when they listened to the 10 spies’ negative report and how God forbade that generation from entering the Promised Land, and he then says “The Lord was angry with me also on your account, saying, ‘Not even you shall enter there.’” Moses associates his inability to enter the Promised Land with Israel’s rebellion and unfaithfulness, but he also seems to be lumping the people’s refusal to enter the land (Numbers 13-14) with his own sin in Numbers 20. This is not Moses forgetting the chronology of these two events, but rather indicating that they are closely associate with one another.
    ellauri164.html on line 914: “Had Moses and Aaron been cherishing self-esteem or indulging a passionate spirit in the face of divine warning and reproof, their guilt would have been far greater. But they were not chargeable with willful or deliberate sin; they had been overcome by a sudden temptation, and their contrition was immediate and heartfelt. The Lord accepted their repentance, though because of the harm their sin might do among the people, He could not remit its punishment.” –Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 419
    ellauri164.html on line 927: The events leading up to and ending in his sin are recorded in Numbers 20:1-13. The children of Israel were bitterly angry about not having enough water, so “they gathered together against Moses and Aaron,” and “contended with Moses.” They cast all the blame on him. “Why have you brought up the assembly of the LORD into this wilderness,” “why have you made us come up out of Egypt, to bring us to this evil place?” This was part of the murmuring that we are strictly charged not to imitate (1Cor. 10:10). Israel blamed Moses and Aaron for all their problems and bitterly complained and grumbled about it. They were so bitter and angry they wished they were dead. In all previous acts of rebellion, Moses had always conducted himself in a holy and godly manner. He had warned Israel that their murmuring was against God and never took it personally before.
    ellauri164.html on line 935: When God said Moses “failed to sanctify me in the eyes of the people,” He did not specify exactly what this failure was. God had told Moses to “speak to the rock,” but the account stated that “Moses lifted up his hand, and smote the rock with his rod twice.” Clearly, in that act, Moses went beyond what God had commanded him to do. God had told Moses to take the staff, but not use it. He was directly commanded only to speak to the rock. He went beyond what was written when struck that rock. It was similar to Nadab and Abihu who offered “strange fire which He had not commanded them.” At that time Moses saw that such behavior did not “treat God as holy or glorify him among the people” (Lev. 10:1-3). Yet Moses, in anger, failed to hallow God when he struck that rock instead of speaking to it. He had failed to learn “not to go beyond what is written,” (1Cor. 4:6). He was told to speak to the rock (and he did not do that), but struck the rock (which he had no authority to do). God later charged Moses with this sin: “you rebelled against my word at the waters of Meribah” (Num 20:24; 27:13).
    ellauri171.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri171.html on line 409: It was a dangerous thing to do. He might have got away with it with Antipas, who was indolent and indecisive, but Herodias was another matter. She engineered a situation that led to John’s death, silencing him forever. Did Herodias do it alone? Probably not. It is more likely that all three (Antipas, Herodias and Salome) planned the charade beforehand, to provide an excuse for getting rid of John and silencing him. In any case John, already in prison, was quickly beheaded. Another political problem was solved. Were it not for the fact that the gospels recorded this deed, John’s name and the horror of his death would have been lost forever.
    ellauri171.html on line 463: Jehu was merciless, and Jezebel died horribly. She was first thrown from the window of her palace, then trampled to death by chariot horses driven over her still-living body.
    ellauri171.html on line 693: Another lesson is that the Levite was supposedly a godly man and priest. The account does not tell us what ultimately happened to him, but Judges 20:4-5 seems to imply that he lied about his actions in order to save himself. Scripture records what appears to be deception. It is not enough for someone to claim to a godly person. It appears that Scripture records he was not fit for the priesthood. Being a pastor or a priest is not a “job” or “vocation.” Some have said that character does not matter. It is what one accomplishes. But Scripture repeatedly demonstrates that God uses righteous ministers! This man’s behavior demonstrated he was not qualified to be a priest.
    ellauri171.html on line 720: Jael was a foil for Deborah, Bible heroine, a Supreme Judge of Israel – not a judge who passes sentence on criminals, but a leader and adviser in times of trouble. She badgered the Israelite general into joining battle with the Canaanites, even though the enemy had more soldiers and better equipment. God sent a rainstorm that made the Canaanite chariots sitting ducks for the Israelite slingmen – and Deborah was hailed as a national heroine.
    ellauri171.html on line 729: The enemy had hundreds of iron-wheeled chariots that could crush the Israelites into the ground. But Deborah tricked them into driving these chariots onto marshy land where they were bogged down. The Israelite slingmen and archers picked them off one by one, like ducks in a pond. Sisera, the enemy general, fled from the battlefield towards the encampment of a woman called Jael the Kenite.
    ellauri171.html on line 765: Now the king’s sons, seventy persons, were with the leaders of the city, who were charged with their upbringing. When the letter reached them, they took the king’s sons and killed them, seventy persons; the put their heads in baskets and sent them to him at Jezreel.
    ellauri171.html on line 890: Nikkal-wa-Ib, goddess of orchards and fruit
    ellauri171.html on line 902: Shachar and Shalim, twin mountain gods of dawn and dusk, respectively. Shalim was linked to the netherworld via the evening star and associated with peace
    ellauri171.html on line 927: The palace economy of Mycenaean Greece, the Aegean region and Anatolia that characterized the Late Bronze Age disintegrated, transforming into the small isolated village cultures of the Greek Dark Ages, which lasted from around 1100 BCE to the beginning of the Archaic age around 750 BCE. The Hittite Empire of Anatolia and the Levant collapsed, while states such as the Middle Assyrian Empire in Mesopotamia and the New Kingdom of Egypt survived but were considerably weakened. Conversely, some peoples such as the Phoenicians enjoyed increased autonomy and power with the waning military presence of Egypt and Assyria in the Levant.
    ellauri171.html on line 929: Competing and even mutually incompatible theories for the ultimate cause of the Late Bronze Age collapse have been made since the 19th century. These include volcanic eruptions, droughts, invasions by the Sea Peoples or migrations of Dorians, economic disruptions due to the rising use of ironworking, and changes in military technology and methods of war that saw the decline of chariot warfare. Following the collapse, gradual changes in metallurgic technology led to the subsequent Iron Age across Eurasia and Africa during the 1st millennium BCE.
    ellauri171.html on line 933: My father, behold, the enemy's ships came; my cities(?) were burned, and they did evil things in my country. Does not my father know that all my troops and chariots(?) are in the Land of Hatti, and all my ships are in the Land of Lukka? ... Thus, the country is abandoned to itself. May my father know it: the seven ships of the enemy that came here inflicted much damage upon us.
    ellauri171.html on line 981: She represents a view of womanhood that is the opposite of the one extolled in characters such as Ruth the Moabite, who is also a foreigner. Ruth surrenders her identity and submerges herself in Israelite ways; she adopts the religious and social norms of the Israelites and is praised by the tentmen for her conversion to "The" God. Jezebel steadfastly remains true to her own beliefs.
    ellauri171.html on line 987: If one knew nothing about the biblical character Jezebel, but used a search engine to find more information, the search results would have almost nothing to do with her as she appears in the Hebrew bible. She is one of the few biblical characters to have become her own noun; in the modern world, “Jezebel” connotes a sexually immoral woman. The thesaurus yields results such as “floozy, hooker, and hussy.” The Urban Dictionary returns definitions like:
    ellauri171.html on line 997: It is worth noting that nowhere in the text is Jezebel characterized as promiscuous or seductive. The text makes no mention of her physical appearance. Unlike characters such as Rachel, Joseph, and Rebekah, whom the Bible explicitly labels as aesthetically appealing, there is no such indication for Jezebel. In fact, if anything, the text indicates that Jezebel is an all-too-loyal wife —even capable of murder. She is not an admirable character by any means, however, it is critical to highlight that nothing about her modern connotation is exemplified in text.
    ellauri171.html on line 1016: Jezebel is characterized as totally evil in the biblical text and beyond it: in the New Testament her name is a generic catchword for a whoring, non-believing female adversary (Revelations 2:20); in Judeo-Christian traditions, she is evil. The Bible is careful not to refer to her as queen. And yet, this is precisely what she seems to have been. Some early Jewish, albeit post-biblical, sources deconstruct the general picture: “Four women exercised government in the world: Jezebel and Athaliah from Israel, Semiramis and Vashti from the [gentile] nations” (in a Jewish Midrash for the Book of Esther, Esther Rabbah)
    ellauri171.html on line 1021: It is not incomprehensible that, whereas Ahab devoted himself to military and foreign affairs, Jezebel acted as his deputy for internal affairs: the Naboth report comes back to her, as if the king’s seal was hers; she has her own “table,” that is her own economic establishment and budget; she has her own “prophets,” probably a religious establishment that she controls. All these point toward an official or semiofficial position that Jezebel held by virtue of her character, her royal origin and connections, her husband’s and later her children’s esteem, and her religious affiliation to the Baal (possibly also Asherah) cult.
    ellauri171.html on line 1024: Israel’s most accursed queen carefully fixes a pink rose in her red locks in John Byam Liston Shaw’s “Jezebel” from 1896. Jezebel’s reputation as the most dangerous seductress in the Bible stems from her final appearance: her husband King Ahab is dead; her son has been murdered by Jehu. As Jehu’s chariot races toward the palace to kill Jezebel, she “painted her eyes with kohl and dressed her hair, and she looked out of the window” (2 Kings 9:30).
    ellauri171.html on line 1053: Although the readers know that God has killed two of Judah’s sons, Judah does not. This is known as dramatic irony. He suspects that Tamar is a “lethal woman,” a woman whose sexual partners are all doomed to die. So, Judah is afraid to give Tamar to his youngest son, Shelah, the inventor of Shelah quantifiers. So doing, Judah wrongs Tamar. According to Near Eastern custom, known from Middle Assyrian laws, if a man has no son over ten years old, he could perform the Levirate marriage (yibbum) obligation himself; if he does not, the woman is declared a “widow,” free to marry again. Judah, who is perhaps afraid of Tamar’s lethal character, could have set her free. But he does not—he sends her to live as “a widow” in her father’s house. Unlike other widows, she cannot remarry and must stay chaste on pain of death. She is in limbo.
    ellauri171.html on line 1092: Do you think we mischaracterized a critic's review?
    ellauri172.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri172.html on line 142: Pariisilaisrunoissa Jorin silmiin osui tämä syvällinen naisen määritelmä: eternel feminin de l'eternel jocrisse. Ikuisen aisankannattajan ikuinen naispuolisuus. Siis mitä? Nyöleen panee potin nokkiin: Iänikuisen tolvanan lähtemätön naisen luonne. "Säe on vaikeasti avautuva." No tässä mennään taas kuin Zolan lukkari. Le dégoût, la haine de la femme le firent jurer comme un charretier.
    ellauri172.html on line 550: En ces sortes de repas découronnés de femmes, les hommes les plus polis et les mieux élevés perdent de leur charme de politesse et de leur distinction naturelle ; et quoi d’étonnant ?… Ils n’ont plus la galerie à laquelle ils veulent plaire, et ils contractent immédiatement quelque chose de sans-gêne, qui devient grossier au moindre attouchement, au moindre choc des esprits les uns par les autres. L’égoïsme, l’inexilable égoïsme, que l’art du monde est de voiler sous des formes aimables, met bientôt les coudes sur la table, en attendant qu’il vous les mette dans les côtés.
    ellauri172.html on line 608: La Rosalba était pudique comme elle était voluptueuse, et le plus extraordinaire, c’est qu’elle l’était en même temps. Quand elle disait ou faisait les choses les plus… osées, elle avait d’adorables manières de dire : « J’ai honte ! » que j’entends encore. Phénomène inouï ! Elle fût sortie d’une orgie de bacchantes, comme l’Innocence de son premier péché. Jusque dans la femme vaincue, pâmée, à demi morte, on retrouvait la vierge confuse, avec la grâce toujours fraîche de ses troubles et le charme auroral de ses rougeurs… (Vizi tää hemmo on aika sick. Mutta se on just kuten Huismanni totesi: pyllistely tuntuu vielä rotevammalta kun pyllyn takana kyttää kiivas Jehova piiska handussa. Niin varmaan junioriapinastakin joka pääsee salaa silverbäkin nartun vulvalle. Sisään vaan vaikkei seisokkaan!)
    ellauri172.html on line 616: Palataxemme sarvijäärään: elle se mit à briller au milieu de ces filles brunes d’Espagne, comme un diamant dans une torsade de jais. Ce fut là qu’elle commença de produire sur les hommes ces effets d’acharnement qui tenaient, sans doute, à la composition diabolique de son être, et qui faisaient d’elle la plus enragée des courtisanes, avec la figure d’une des plus célestes madones de Raphaël.
    ellauri172.html on line 643: La haine pour les Français gagnait du terrain, eikä ihme. Cette femme m’intéressait comme spectateur, et qui cachait les déportements du vice le plus impudent sous les déconcertements les plus charmants de l’innocence. Mä päinvastoin kätkin tän viattomuuteni tähän törkyupseerin valepukuun.
    ellauri172.html on line 658: « Faut-il que je le répète jusqu’à satiété ? Certes ! je n’étais pas jaloux de cette femme : mais nous sommes tous les mêmes. Malgré moi, je voulus voir à qui elle écrivait, et, pour cela, ne m’étant pas assis encore, je m’inclinai par-dessus sa tête ; mais mon regard fut intercepté par l’entre-deux de ses épaules, par cette fente enivrante et duvetée où j’avais fait ruisseler tant de baisers, et, ma foi ! magnétisé par cette vue, j’en fis tomber un de plus dans ce ruisseau d’amour, et cette sensation l’empêcha d’écrire… Elle releva sa tête de la table où elle était penchée, comme si on lui eût piqué les reins d’une pointe de feu, se cambrant sur le dossier de son fauteuil, la tête renversée ; elle me regardait, dans ce mélange de désir et de confusion qui était son charme, les yeux en l’air et tournés vers moi, qui étais derrière elle, et qui fis descendre dans la rose mouillée de sa bouche entr’ouverte ce que je venais de faire tomber dans l’entre-deux de ses épaules.
    ellauri172.html on line 692: Satan me donna la force d’enfoncer la porte du placard ou j'etsis cache et je vis… ce que je ne reverrai jamais ! La Pudica, terrassée, était tombée sur la table où elle avait écrit, et le major l’y retenait d’un poignet de fer, tous voiles relevés, son beau corps à nu, tordu, comme un serpent coupé, sous son étreinte. Mais que croyez-vous qu’il faisait de son autre main, Messieurs ?… Cette table à écrire, la bougie allumée, la cire à côté, toutes ces circonstances avaient donné au major une idée infernale, — l’idée de cacheter cette femme, comme elle avait cacheté sa lettre — et il était dans l’acharnement de ce monstrueux cachetage, de cette effroyable vengeance d’amant perversement jaloux !
    ellauri172.html on line 751: Il aurait été baptisé en 1014 à Rouen par l'archevêque Robert le Danois, frère du duc Richard II de Normandie. C'est d'abord en tant que Viking dans sa jeunesse, qu'il se rend plusieurs fois en Angleterre, où il va s'intéresser à la foi chrétienne. Elle avait d'ailleurs été introduite dès le ixe siècle en Scandinavie par des missionnaires de divers pays notamment allemands, et principalement le moine saint Anschaire, l'« apôtre du Nord », devenu plus tard évêque de Brême, puis archevêque de Hambourg.
    ellauri172.html on line 817: Valtaosa pappiromskuista käsittelee papin pippelöintiä. Huismanni oli oikeassa että papin kohdalla nimtuten tämä osa silverbäkin reviiristä on se kiperin. Ihmekös tuo kun katolliset ruuvaa irti papin kikkelin. No kyllä protestantitkin koittaa estää papin hevosia karkaamassa muihin talleihin. Siitä syntyy aika lailla misogyniaa, happamista marjoista. Le dégoût, la haine de la femme le firent jurer comme un charretier.
    ellauri180.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri180.html on line 49: The Awakening (ISBN 978-1-4449-0071-2) is the first novel in the Young Adult Vampire Diaries series and introduces the main cast of characters Elena, Stefan, Matt, Bonnie, Caroline and Meredith (who is absent from the TV series).
    ellauri180.html on line 55: Elena has received mainly positive reviews. Steve West of the Cinema Blend compared the story of The Young Adult Vampire Diaries and the character of Elena to the 10 years older popular vampire franchise, Twilight, and its protagonist Bella Swan. West said "Clearly Elena is way hotter than Bella, she has two immortal young adult vampires fighting over her". (Täähän on jo moneen kertaan nähty: chick litissä tytöllä pitää ollä väh. 2 kosijaa, ei se muuten ole mistään kotoisin.) After the vampire episodes, Elena established her own medical practice, specialising in blood diseases.
    ellauri180.html on line 240:

    Writing POC characters

    ellauri180.html on line 248: Why do I write so many male characters?
    ellauri180.html on line 264: I write more and, arguably, write BETTER when I know as LITTLE about the plot & characters story as possible (ie pantsing), but I'm uncomfortable with the prospect of pantsing an entire fcking novel...?
    ellauri180.html on line 297: The answer is yes. We live in a diverse world. In fact, in most contemporary settings, an all-white cast of characters would be odd, as it hardly reflects reality. So yes, a white author can write diverse cast as long as the heroes are white. 6 janv. 2017
    ellauri180.html on line 299: For the longest time, I didn’t think that white authors should write non-white characters. I had seen it done badly (as my previous article about Sarah J. Maas explains) and offensively (think J. K. Rowling with Cho Chang and the Patil twins).
    ellauri180.html on line 300: One study found in 2018 that (of the books in the sample), although non-Hispanic white people account for 60 percent of the U.S. population, they wrote 89 percent of the books. 40 percent of their characters most definitely aren't POC or Latino.
    ellauri180.html on line 302: There are numerous courses of action that could help to lessen the everyday burden of white supremacy. Reading books with characters that look and feel like Ernest Hemingway is not a good place to start.
    ellauri180.html on line 320: How do you write a character cast?
    ellauri180.html on line 322: How do you illustrate a diverse character?
    ellauri180.html on line 341: Don't write off “minor” characters. ...
    ellauri180.html on line 382: ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ is one of chard">Browning’s first great poems, written when he was in his early twenties. It is also one of the first great dramatic monologues in English verse, the 1830s being the decade in which Browning and Tennyson developed the genre, penning a series of classic poems which see the poet adopting a persona and ‘staging’ a soliloquy given by an (often unreliable) speaker. Here, the speaker is the titular lover of the girl, Porphyria. Before we proceed to an analysis of ‘Porphyria’s Lover’, here’s a reminder of Browning’s poem. (Se mainittiin Gently-poliisisarjassa yhden koulun pulpettia vasten naidun tupeeratun 60-luvun teinin mielirunona.)
    ellauri180.html on line 630: Kuten aina, amerikkalaiset ja länsimaiset ystävät ovat sanallisia ystäviä. Kyllä, Amerikka on suuri taloudellinen mahti, ja siksi se uskoo voivansa sulkea kaikki ongelmat rahalla. Olen aina sanonut, etteivät amerikkalaiset eivätkä eurooppalaiset taistele sotilaidensa kanssa. Kyllä, he antavat rahaa ja aseita, mutta he eivät lähetä sotilaitaan. Kaikki muut paitsi Zelensky tajusivat tämän. Uskon, että viisi päivää DPR:ää ja LPR:ää riittää pääsemään rajoille, jotka ne ilmoittivat perustuslaissaan, ja tämä tilanne johtaa Zelenskyin täydelliseen romahtamiseen. Häntä johdatetaan yksinkertaisesti korvista neuvottelemaan Putinin kanssa, jos hän ei mene itse. Ja pelastaakseen kasvonsa, maineensa, hän tietysti syyttää länttä kaikesta luopumisesta", Goncharov korosti keskustelussa NEWS.ru kanssa. Hänen mukaansa Yhdysvallat ja Euroopan unioni auttavat ukrainaa vain aineellisesti. Kukaan ei halua uhrata kansaansa, joten sotilaita ei lähetetä taistelemaan venäläisiä vastaan. Zelenskyin on käytävä vuoropuhelua Putinin kanssa, uskoo "expertti".
    ellauri181.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri181.html on line 150: Schwartz is a fellow of the American Psychological Foundation and is a member of the American Sociological Foundation, European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, the Israel Psychological Association, the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. He is president of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. He coordinates an international project in more than 70 countries that studies the antecedenz and consequences of individual differences in value priorities and the relations of cultural dimensions of values to societal characteristics and policies. His value theory and instrumenz are part of the ongoing, biannual European Social Survey.
    ellauri181.html on line 168: “Values are ordered by importance relative to one another. People’s values form an ordered system of priorities that characterize them as individuals.”
    ellauri181.html on line 560: Benjamin Franklin sat down and made a list. The list consisted of twelve characteristics, values and virtues to which he aspired. He called his list "Virtues". Franklin's list of virtues looked like this.
    ellauri182.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri182.html on line 41: In the face of death and loneliness, Mikage searches for meaning in her life. She tries to overcome the “leaden hopelessness” that plagues her. Mikage “can’t believe in the gods,” and thus does not have the religion that gives many people meaning in life. Instead, she looks to the other characters and to herself for meaning. Eriko is a model of strength and gives Mikage advice on how to handle despair and the loss of meaning. Yuichi gives meaning to Mikage in the form of relationship, of having someone to cook for.
    ellauri182.html on line 80: Eriko (“Eh-REE-koh Tah-NAH-bee”) is Yuichi’s mother, who invites Mikage to stay at his/her home. Eriko is a transsexual and had previously been Yuichi’s father. Mikage’s first impression of Eriko is “overwhelming.” Mikage describes him/her as “an incredibly beautiful wo/man” who “seemed to vibrate with life force.” Eriko represents an ideal of feminine beauty, charm, and strength for Mikage. At times, Mikage finds it hard to believe that this woman had once been a man, or is still a man—some ambiguities over Eriko’s gender remain, both for the reader and for the characters. Yuichi refers to Eriko as both his mother and father, and other characters refer to Eriko as both “she” and “he.” Mikage could easily keep pace with Eriko.
    ellauri182.html on line 82: Mikage is not religious, but believes in elements of the mystical and superstitious. She “can’t believe in the gods,” but for a warm bed, she “thanked the gods—whether they existed or not.” In despair, she “implored the gods: Please, let me live.” She also has a dream that comes partially true. Ergo Mikage relates to American culture. She looks up to Eriko as an ideal of feminine beauty, charm, and strength, although Eriko was once, or still is, a man - or is s/he?
    ellauri182.html on line 113: The Marshall Plan brought Western ideas and a free market economy to what had been an old and traditional culture. in the mid-1980s, Japan has a booming industrial economy, bolstered by its exports of automobiles and electronics to the West. Japanese society has become more materialistic than ever, influenced by its wealth and the consumerism imported from America. Mikage acknowledges this consumerism when she says of her friends, “these people had a taste for buying new things that verged on the unhealthy.” Mikage’s generation has been brought up on television and American culture; she mentions an American sitcom and Disneyland in her narrative. One character in the story is wearing “what is practically the national costume, a two-piece warmup suit,” a style imported from America. In Japan, Yoshimoto’s generation is called the shinjinrui, a generation that has grown up in a wealthy, technological society exposed to American values. Shinjinrui was new breed of humans (used to refer to the post-war generation, who have different ideals and sensibilities). Japan's Generation X.
    ellauri182.html on line 115: Some reviewers thought Kitchen was superficial in style and substance, and overly sentimental. Todd Grimson in the Los Angeles Times Book Review wrote that, ‘“Kitchen’ is light as an invisible pancake, charming and forgettable ... The release of information to the reader seems unskilled, or immature, weak in narrative or plot.” Elizabeth Hanson of the New York Times Book Review took issue with the overall effect of the book, writing that “the endearing characters and amusing scenes in Ms. Yoshimoto’s work do not compensate for frequent bouts of sentimentality.” Hanson added that the book’s main appeal for English-language readers “lies in its portrayal of the lives of young Japanese who are more into food and death than sex. EAT! KILL! but do not FUCK!".
    ellauri182.html on line 120: The importance of food in contemporary Japanese culture mirrors many of the sentiments of Yoshimoto’s book. John Ashburne, in “World Food Japan,” emphasizes that Japan is a nation characterized by its obsession with food.
    ellauri182.html on line 130: Sartre urged the personal freedom of choice in the face of life’s unknowns, and claimed that seizing freedom was each person’s duty. These ideas of free will and personal responsibility are also introduced in “Kitchen.” Mikage makes the statement: “People aren’t overcome by situations or outside forces; defeat invades from within,” when she begins to realize that she has responsibility for her own life and its pain. Other people can no longer help her; she must take charge of things herself, “with or without” Yuichi.
    ellauri182.html on line 131: Once again, the existentialist idea appears that personal freedom comes at the expense of going against the mainstream crowd. This relates to existentialism because existential characters tend to focus on the personal rather than the political, and existential characters are alienated by the size and scope of the modern economic system. It is economic liberalism's religion.
    ellauri182.html on line 176: Some of Shinran's disciples founded their own schools of Shin Buddhism, such as the Bukkaku and Kosovo, in Kyoto. Early Shin Buddhism did not truly flourish until the time of Rennyo (1415–1499), who was 8th in descent from Shinran. Through his charisma and proselytizing, Shin Buddhism was able to amass a greater following and grow in strength.
    ellauri182.html on line 380: Most feminine borrowings have weak declension characterised by the
    ellauri183.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri183.html on line 61: Norman, Richard (2015). "Life Without Meaning?". In A. C. Grayling (ed.). The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Humanism. Andrew Copson. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 325–246. ISBN 978-1-119-97717-9.
    ellauri183.html on line 68: In 1974, philosopher Sidney Hook defined humanism and humanisz by negative characteristics. According to Hook, humanisz are opposed to the imposition of one culture in some civilizations, do not belong to a church or established religion, do not support dictatorships, do not justify violence for social reforms or are more loyal to an organization than their abstract values. Hook also said humanisz support the elimination of hunger and improvemenz to health, housing, and education. No sitä varsinkin.
    ellauri183.html on line 76: Loppuikänsä Bernad opetti luovaa kirjoittamista Vermontissa Benningtonin naisten collegessa. Ann joka oli sentään käynyt Cornellin typed his manuscripz and reviewed his writing. Oliko Berniellä sillä aikaa jimbajambaa coedien hameissa? New York Times tietäisi muttei kerro ilmaisexi. In the book The Natural by Bernard Malamud the main character Roy Hobbs had a very distinct flaw, a flaw that millions of American men and women both have..... an obsession with sex which affected his character and which made him a very unsuccessful man.
    ellauri183.html on line 86: In a 1974 New York Review of Boox essay, Roth took on Malamud, his friend and literary father-figure, criticizing him for creating characters that were suffering Jews, virtuous victims, full of “righteousness and restraint,” lacking their stereotypical “libidinous or aggressive activities.” Though he didn’t use the phrase, Malamud had painted them as Christ-like in their poverty, pain, moral goodness, and quest for redemption. By contrast, the Christian characters, like Frank Alpine, were full of sexual lust and transgressive behavior — the bad goy to Morris Bober’s good Jew. “The Assistant,” Roth wrote, was a book of “stern morality.”
    ellauri183.html on line 88: Roth contrasted Malamud’s protagonisz to the exuberant Jewish characters created by Saul Bellow, especially the picaresque Augie March, and his own hypersexual Alexander Portnoy. In effect, Roth said, Malamud had created Jews who were stereotypes, not fully realized human beings like him and Sal.
    ellauri183.html on line 110: Toisin sanoen: vapaa tahto on kyberneettinen versio determinismistä, siis Ilkka Niiniluodon suotta pilkkaama Ahmavaaran korkkiruuvi! "That's how an inventive god earns his living. I can't outguess my characters all the time, although I know I try. But when I get a character to surprise me, then I know I'm cooking with gas."
    ellauri183.html on line 272: I can't say any more about the plot without spoiling it, so I won´t. Cohn himself is--from my perspective anyway--one of those characters you end up really liking and caring and worrying about, in part because he attempts to stay rational and kind no matter how absurd or threatening the situations get. A good book to escape into, especially if you enjoy compelling portrayals of apocalyptic stuff peopled by characters who question the nature of existence in a world where God´s mysteries remain maddeningly unsolvable. (less)
    ellauri183.html on line 533: Törkeä omaisuus ei ole Abrahamin uskontojen (tokko muidenkaan) mukaan syntiä vaan etevyyden osoitus. Charityä on toki osoitettava, ettei neulansilmä tunnu liian ahtaalta. Putin on epächaritaabeli karahteeratessaan länteen karanneita oligarkkeja sontakärpäsixi jotka pyhä Venäjä sylkee suustansa. Ei nyt eletä enää kommunismin aikoja, Putin hyvä! Näpit irti lännen kavereiden loistojahdeista!
    ellauri184.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri184.html on line 60: Morales moved in with Mailer during 1951 into an apartment on First Avenue near Second Street in the East Village, and they married in 1954. They had two daughters, Danielle and Elizabeth. After attending a party on Saturday, November 19, 1960, Mailer stabbed Adele twice with a two-and-a-half inch blade that he used to clean his nails, nearly killing her by puncturing her pericardium. He stabbed her once in the chest and once in the back. Adele required emergency surgery but made a quick recovery. Mailer claimed he had stabbed Adele "to relieve her of cancer". He was involuntarily committed to Bellevue Hospital for 17 days. While Adele did not press charges, saying she wanted to protect their daughters, Mailer later pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of assault saying, "I feel I did a lousy, dirty, cowardly thing", and received a suspended sentence of three years' probation. In 1962, the two divorced. In 1997, Adele published a memoir of their marriage entitled The Last Party, which recounted her husband stabbing her at a party and the aftermath. This incident has been a focal point for feminist critics of Mailer, who point to themes of sexual violence in his work.
    ellauri184.html on line 86: Mailer spent a longer time writing Ancient Evenings, his novel of Egypt in the Twentieth Dynasty (about 1100 BC), than any of his other books. He worked on it for periods from 1972 until 1983. It was also a bestseller, although reviews were generally negative. Harold Bloom, in his review said the book "gives every sign of truncation", and "could be half again as long, but no reader will wish so", while Richard Poirier called it Mailer's "most audacious book".
    ellauri184.html on line 371: Juudaxen se ottaa messiin koska se on pirun komea. Vaikka se on rikas laskukas ja kommari. Vittuako Jeshua välittäisi kelle bublikaanit kerää veroa. Ei kai se mikään nazi ole. Muttei kommarikaan sentään: rikkaiden vika ei ole se että ne kähmivät kokoon pätäkkää, vaan se etteine anna siitä riittävästi charityä. Jeshua on globaalisen kapitalismin profeetta.
    ellauri184.html on line 622: In summary, the following understanding of biblical history seems plausible: 1. Although the Sanhedrin had the right to condemn Jesus to death and execute the sentence, it seemed opportune for various reasons to have the governor render this verdict. Moreover, although the Sanhedrin and the Roman governor had very diverse perspectives on Jesus, their interests finally converged, which led to Pilate’s condemnation of Jesus on grounds of unproven political charges.
    ellauri184.html on line 623: 2. Processes of marginalization and not the concrete breaking of laws – led to Jesus’s death. Not only was Jesus passively exposed to these processes of marginalization, but he partly contributed to them because he modelled himself as an outsider and distanced himself too little from the messianic expectations ascribed to him. This staged self-marginalization – partly done in performative fashion – was dangerous because the term “Messiah” was often charged with political content, as was exemplified by numerous rebel leaders who regarded themselves as the Messiah or were considered as such by their followers. Many of them were executed, including Jesus.
    ellauri184.html on line 633: d) Most charges are passed over in silence in the accounts of the Passion. These lacunae are easy to discover and fill in since the Gospels describe the events leading up to the Passion in a narrative and plausible manner.
    ellauri184.html on line 638: If it is correct that the charge of blasphemy was brought forward (i.e., that Jesus claimed to be the eschatologically defined Son of Man, which seems to be the main reason for his execution in Jewish understanding), it would be easy to ascribe a political implication to this charge. This line of political argumentation is most clearly expressed in Luke 23.2: “We found this man perverting our nation, forbidding us to pay taxes to the emperor, and saying that he himself is the Messiah. The use of the death penalty confirms this political charge (crimen laesae maiestatis). Crucifixion as a Roman form of execution was reserved for slaves and peregrines who were involved in insurrections. The subtitle on the cross (ho basileus ton Iudaion, Iesus Nazarenus rex Iudaeorum, INRI), if it is historical, corroborates this particular charge.
    ellauri184.html on line 649: Jesus was not merely a prophet. Due to his wanderings and teachings, he was also a radical itinerant charismatic preacher who represented a decidedly anti-hegemonial world view. His speeches were seen by the Jewish establishment as an incitement of the people.
    ellauri184.html on line 655: The Romans regarded him as a political dissident, or an insurgent – which the word lestes/latro appropriately captured – via the claim that he was King of the Jews, a claim that he never denied. Jesus’s hobo life testified to his calling as a prophet and radical wandering charismatic who constantly transgressed social boundaries. These multi-faceted processes of marginalization that Jesus partly took on voluntarily and partly endured led – in the brutal logic of the time – to his crucifixion as an outsider.
    ellauri184.html on line 773: Jose Saramago is an atheist. This should be enough warning for everyone that desires to read the book. It is very explicit and so religion it’s exposed at its weakest and God as a character is revealed. I come from a Roman-Catholic background but I still wanted to read it, ever since the Gnostic gospel where Jesus childhood is revealed and he changes from a mischievous badly behaved kid to the Jesus from the new testament I wanted to see Saramago’s take on it. Saramago is such a master of words that he makes every bit of faith look totally illogical.
    ellauri184.html on line 779: José Saramago, therefore, gives us his vision of this unknown Jesus while reinterpreting in his sauce some biblical subjects. The result is probably not very canonical since we see a Jesus first educated by the Devil, then discovering sexuality in the arms of Mary Magdalene, a prostitute with whom he falls in love. However, I did not see any desire to satire: on the contrary, we discover a character torn by the codes of the society of his time, the gradual discovery of his identity, and above all, the feeling of being a toy of fate.
    ellauri184.html on line 781: The characters in the book are fascinating; my Jesuits friends and I laughed and enjoy this book. There were no doubts in our head by the end of the book. We did not feel like it shook our religion or affected the way we perceived God. This book was after all under fiction so everyone that is easily offended stay away from this book and stop complaining about blasphemy and crying around like little kids. Saramago is a Nobel price winner and foremost a grown man that is entitled to his own opinions. This one of his finest, if not the best, of his book in my opinion, a must read. Of course he is dead by now.
    ellauri185.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri185.html on line 84: Tyre is also mentioned in the Book of Amos, the Psalms, and the Book of Zechariah which prophesied its destruction.
    ellauri185.html on line 373: Everyone ought to regard everyone with respect, that's all. Rispektiä kehiin kuten Saul Bellowin isoäitl Lauschilla. Rakastamisesta ei mitään puhetta. Oliko Parfit juutalainen? Ei vaan pikemminkin Olavi Pylkkänen. He was born in Chengdu, western China, where his parents, Jessie (nee Browne) and Norman Parfit practised preventive medicine in Christian missionary hospitals. Life partner Janet Richards believes Parfit had Asperger syndrome. He pledged to donate at least 10% of his income to effective charities. No brittejä ei verot paljon paina. Ehkä se säästi charityrahat parturimenoista.
    ellauri185.html on line 396: While atheists Richard Dawkins and Victor J. Stenger have criticised Davies' public stance on science and religion, others, including the John Templeton Foundation, have praised his work. The John Templeton Foundation is a philanthropic organization that reflects the ideas of its founder, John Templeton, who became wealthy via a career as a contrarian investor, and wanted to support progress in religious and spiritual knowledge, especially at the intersection of religion and science.
    ellauri185.html on line 861: Bellow didn’t just model some main characters on famous friends, but all characters were taken from life. He was in many ways a very thoughtful and kind person, but I think his need to be the top dog, the best, was very deep.
    ellauri188.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri188.html on line 94: The American mission from Hawaii was no more successful. William Patterson Alexander (1805-1864), Benjamin Parker (1803-1877), and Richard Armstrong (1805-1860) arrived in the Marquesas in 1834 from Hawaii with their wives and a three-month-old baby. They returned the same year. In 1853, more missionaries led by James Kekela (1824-1904) arrived at Fatu Hiva with their wives from Hawaii, but were unable to remain there because of clashes with Catholic missionaries arriving on a French warship.
    ellauri188.html on line 130: It is perhaps appropriate to describe briefly, in this connection, the agricultural conditions in Typee Vai, the valley on Nukuhiva made famous by Melville's classie "Typee." It will be remembered by those who have read his narrative that he escaped from his ship. in Taiohae Bay in 1842 and was held a prisoner for many months by the eannibals of Typee. At that time he figured the inhabitants of the valley as repre sented by about 2,000 souls, with perhaps 2,000 more in the neighboring valley of Houmi. A period of 80 years has elapsed (not a long time historically) be tween his sojourn there and my visit in 1922. In November of that year I found 44 people in Typee, and 65 in Houmi, though from Pere Simeon Delmar, the charming and self-sacrificing priest at Taiohae, who is in close touch with all his people, I learned. that the death rate in Typee had been normal for several years and that one or two families there had many children. I was astonished at the appearance of Typee Valley; for, from reading "White Shadows" and from
    ellauri188.html on line 140: I will venture to say that in ten years Tahiti, picturesque and romantic for so long a time, will have lost its charm because of the presence of hordes of low-caste Chinese and half-bloods. However unattractive this may be from the standpoint of the tourist and sentimentalist, there is no contradicting the fact that they will make these islands a thousand times more productive than would the pure-blooded native, and their skill and habits of application will undoubtedly extend to the preservation of the breadfruit. The Chinese and half-blood Chinese are on all the Marquesan islands which are inhabited, and it will be to their financial interest as well as to the interest of their personal food supply, to preserve the breadfruit there as well as in the Societies. It is notable that the cocoanut and banana plantations and papaye (papaw) groves in Typee at the time of my visit, were either owned or worked by Chinese or half-bloods (Chinese + Tahitian or Chinese + Marquesan).
    ellauri188.html on line 142: Referring to the last paragraph in Mr. Wester's communication-It would appear that if one is dependent, as was the writer, upon trading schooners to get from Tahiti to the Marquesas, then amongst these islands and return to Tahiti, his program for work in these two groups would take more than a year and his estimate of expense might, in consequence, be exceeded. Sometimes one is obliged to wait from one month to three to get the opportunity to move from one island in the Marquesas to another forty or fifty or eighty miles away, so rare and uncertain are the visits of these schooners. Further, in the absence of any regular means of communication, one has to seize any chance opportunity of transportation or run the risk of being marooned for a long period. On the other hand, if a schooner were chartered, which is the best possible way of visiting and working among the South Sea Islands, schooner, captain, crew and provisions would cost about $1,000 per month (this figure was obtained from an authoritative source) and a year on shipboard might not be needed. Under such conditions Mr. Wester's calculation of $8,500 for a year's work in the Marquesas and Societies may not be far out of the way.
    ellauri188.html on line 380:
    Melvillen kanssa Acushnet-alukselta Nuku Hivalla karannut Richard Tobias "Toby" Greene ja Hermanni. Söpöjä meripoikia.

    ellauri188.html on line 386: Palattuaan Yhdysvaltoihin Melville teki jälleen tilapäisiä töitä. Hän päätyi jälleen merille, kun hän lähti 22-vuotiaana valaanpyyntialus Acushnetin mukana Tyynellemerelle 3. tammikuuta 1841. Melville jätti 9. heinäkuuta 1842 yhdessä Richard Tobias Greenen kanssa aluksen Nuku Hivalla Marquesassaarilla ja karkasi saaren sisäosiin. Paikalliset naapuriheimoja kohtaan aggressiiviset ja jopa kannibalismia harjoittaneet taipiit nappasivat Melvillen ja Greenen. Tärkein lähde Melvillen Nuku Hivan -ajasta on hänen seikkailullinen matkakirjansa Taipii – kappale polynesialaisten elämää, jonka perusteella hän oli saarella sekä vankina että vieraana. Melville asui taipiiden luona neljä viikkoa ja listautui sen jälkeen australiaiselle valaanpyyntialukselle Lucy-Ann. Hän kieltäytyi aluksella työnteosta, ja hänet vangittiin Tahitilla. Sieltä hän pääsi Havaijille, missä hänestä tuli Yhdysvaltain laivaston USS United Statesin matruusi. Elokuussa 1843 alkanut kotimatka Havaijilta päättyi Bostoniin 14 kuukautta myöhemmin.
    ellauri188.html on line 415: Josh's other projects included the horror-thriller Child of Darkness, Child of Light, an adaptation of Paterson's novel Virgin, a tale of two Catholic virgin schoolgirls, that folded when they were both found pregnant under mysterious and supernatural circumstances. To avoid being caught red "handed" Lucas relocated to Australia to play the hot "headed" American cousin Luke McGregor opposite Andrew Clarke and Guy Pearce in the first season of the family western Snowy River: The McGregor Saga. Lucas appeared in all 13 episodes of the first season, but claimed in a later interview that despite the friendly reception by Rhonda Byrne, he was homesick for the United States, and his character was killed off in the second episode of season 2.
    ellauri188.html on line 418: He also appeared in an off-Broadway production of Terrence McNally's slightly controversial Corpus Christi killers, a retelling of the Passion Fruit, with the Jesus character (named Joshua) and his disciples ALL being gay. Lucas played the role of Judas as a gay predator.
    ellauri189.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri189.html on line 79: In 1825 Antoni Malczewski published a long poem, Maria (Marya: A Tale of the Ukraine), which constitutes his only contribution to Polish poetry but occupies a permanent place there as a widely imitated example of the so-called Polish-Ukrainian poetic school. In the poem, Wacław, a young husband, goes to fight the Tatars and, after routing the raiders, hurries home to his wife, Maria. All he finds is a cold corpse. Yeah, great. Oh fuck. What's the use. The poem makes use of diversified rhythms and carefully chosen rhymes; and its Byronic hero, as well as its picture of Ukraine as a land of sombre charm, assured Malczewski both popularity and critical applause.
    ellauri189.html on line 217: represent the second stance: they think that they can freely chart their course
    ellauri189.html on line 596: If one analyses the characters of the protagonists, however, one realises that Panahi is merely reinforcing ingrained, religiously patriarchal prejudices against women, who are consistently portrayed as weak, hysterical, cruel, illogical, too emotional and treacherous.
    ellauri190.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri190.html on line 193: Timur Lenk (9. huhtikuuta 1336, Shahr-e-Sabz – 14. helmikuuta 1405) eli Tamerlan oli 1300-luvun merkittävä turkkilaismongolilainen valloittaja ja hallitsija Keski-Aasiassa, erityisesti eteläisellä Venäjällä ja Persiassa. Hänestä alkoi mongolien timuridien dynastia. Hän perusteli valtaannousuaan väittämillään sukujuurilla Tšingis-kaaniin. Väittämä perustui siihen, että Timurin isä oli päällikkö turkkilaisklaanissa, joka johti sukujuurensa mongolijohtaja Qarachar Barlasiin. Timur oli isänsä tapaan suufimuslimi. Timurin isä oli vetäytynyt luostariin sanoen "maailma on vain kaunis vaasi täynnä skorpioneja", mutta Timur ei seurannut isäänsä. Hän halusi olla sotilasjohtaja, kallo täynnä skorpiooneja. Timur merkitsee tšagatain kielessä rautaa. Lenk tarkoittaa rampaa, koska Timurin jalka rampautui taistelussa. Rauta lenkku. Valloitukset lännessä ja luoteessa veivät hänen valtakuntansa rajat Ural- ja Volga-jokien luokse, etelässä ja lounaassa ne sisälsivät lähes koko Persian, mukaan lukien Bagdadin, Karbalan ja Kurdistanin. Vienanlahdesta Laatokkaan, vedämme miekalla rajan. Timur auttoi Tokhtamyshia venäläisiä vastaan ja hän valtasi Moskovan 1385. Il-kaanien valtakunnan Abu Sa'idin kuoleman (1335) jälkeen Persiassa oli voimatyhjiö, jota Timur alkoi valloituksellaan täyttää. Samaan aikaan Tokhtamysh kääntyi Timuria vastaan ja valloitti Azerbaidžanin. Vasta pitkän sodan jälkeen Tokhtamysh oli lopullisesti lyöty 1395. Timur hävitti Ordan pääkaupungin Sarain ja raunioitti sen talouden.
    ellauri190.html on line 279: By the end of the 17th century, the newly forming Russian Empire under Tzar Peter I established its reign over the Ukrainian lands to the east of the Dnipro river, ceding the western part of Ukraine to the Republic (which, in turn, evolved more and more into the Polish monarchy rather than the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the old days). In 1702, a great son of Ukraine, a giant of military strategy, diplomacy, and statesmanship, Ivan Mazepa, being the Kozak leader of the eastern part of Ukraine, suppressed the uprising of Paliy on the other (Western) side of the Dnipro and added huge parts of the country to his control. It was a big step toward the unification and freedom of Ukraine. Moreover, in 1709 Mazepa joined his forces with the Swedish king Charles XII (haha, the gay) against Tzar Peter, hoping to rid his dear mother Ukraine from slavery in the captivity of the Tzars. And again… tragically, Mazepa managed to gather less manpower than he hoped to gather, because the populist agitators slandered him in their massive propaganda campaign (no doubt, directed from Muscovy), portraying him in the eyes of the Ukrainian Kozaks as a rich aristocrat who cares nothing about the “simple people,” a clandestine Catholic (or Protestant), and overall “not really Ukrainian.” (This tragedy will repeat itself in 1918 and in 2019.) Mazepa’s loyalists were defeated together with the Swedes, and Ukraine lost her historical chance for yet another time. But third time is a charm! Nobody will blame a Jew for being on the side of the catholics!
    ellauri191.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri191.html on line 194: "not only in consideration of his deep learning and critical research, but above all as a tribute to the creative energy, freshness of style, and lyrical force which characterize his poetic masterpieces"
    ellauri191.html on line 211: "in consideration of the power of observation, originality of imagination, virility of ideas and remarkable talent for narration that characterize the creations of this world-famous author"
    ellauri191.html on line 243: "in appreciation of the lofty idealism, vivid imagination and spiritual perception that characterize her writings"
    ellauri191.html on line 445: "in recognition of his brilliant literary achievements, characterized as they are by a nobility of style, a profound human sympathy, grace, and a true Gallic temperament"
    ellauri191.html on line 593: "for his vigorous and graphic art of description and his ability to create, with wit and humour, new types of characters"
    ellauri191.html on line 1146: "for his profoundly characteristic narrative art with motifs from the life of the Jewish people"
    ellauri191.html on line 1268: "for his writing, which through its combination of a broad perspective on his time and a sensitive skill in characterization has contributed to a renewal of German literature"
    ellauri191.html on line 1585: "for impassioned writing with wide horizons, characterized by sensuous intelligence and humanistic integrity"
    ellauri191.html on line 1635: "who in novels characterized by visionary force and poetic import, gives life to an essential aspect of American reality"
    ellauri192.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri192.html on line 259: Jaroslav Seifert made his debut with the poetry collection Mesto v slzách (1921) (City in Tears). His writings include more than 30 poetry collections. Seifert was a highly regarded poet in his native country. Melody and rhythm characterize his poetry, which is inspired by folk songs, common speech and everyday scenes. At the heart of Seifert’s poems is humanity, and he criticizes the totalitarian state’s attempts to reduce the opportunities and freedom of the individual.
    ellauri192.html on line 323: Though the following list consists of notable literary figures deemed worthy of the prize, there have been some celebrated writers who were not considered nor even nominated such as Anton Chekhov, Jules Verne, Mark Twain, Robert Hugh Benson, Arthur Conan Doyle, Alexander Blok, Marcel Proust, Joseph Conrad, Rainer Maria Rilke, Federico García Lorca, Lu Xun, Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, Antonio Machado, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Simone Weil, Willa Cather, George Orwell, Galaktion Tabidze, Richard Wright, Flannery O'Connor, Langston Hughes and Jack Kerouac.
    ellauri192.html on line 653: Professor Gibian, who was born in Prague, said that he has been translating some of the more recent Seifert poems for his own edification and pleasure. "They are a combination of the intimate lyrical tone of Czech poetry," he said, "heavily influenced by French Surrealism with much of the eroticism characteristic of Czechoslovak poetry in this century. His earlier poetry was sometimes melancholy but his recent work is conversational, very compassionate. He has written a cycle of poems about Prague. All this brings back my life and loves in Prague." All these Czechs are teaching Russian in the U.S., who would bother to learn Czech anyway?
    ellauri192.html on line 859: The Twelve Chairs (Russian: Двенадцать стульев, tr. Dvenadtsat stulyev) is a classic satirical novel by the Odessan Soviet authors Ilf and Petrov, published in 1928. Its plot follows characters attempting to obtain jewry hidden in a chair. A sequel was published in 1931. The novel has been adapted to other media, primarily film. Kirjoittajat oli "ihan nulikoita": Ilf 30, Katajev 26. Katajev kaatui suuressa isänmaallisessa sodassa 30-vuotiaana. Joten sepä venyi!
    ellauri192.html on line 861: In the Soviet Union in 1927, a former Marshal of Nobility, Ippolit Matveyevich "Kisa" Vorobyaninov, works as the registrar of marriages and deaths in a sleepy provincial town. His mother-in-law reveals on her deathbed that her family jewry was hidden from the Bolsheviks in one of the twelve chairs from the family’s dining room set. Those chairs, along with all other personal property, were taken away by the Communists after the Russian Revolution. Vorobyaninov wants to find the treasure. The “smooth operator” and con-man Ostap Bender forces Kisa to become his partner, as they set out to find the chairs. Bender's street smarts and charm are invaluable to the reticent Kisa, and Bender comes to dominate the enterprise. Father Fyodor (who had known of the treasure from the confession of Vorobyaninov's mother-in-law), their obsessed rival in the hunt for the treasure, follows a bad lead, runs out of money, ends up trapped on a mountain-top, and loses his sanitary pad. Ostap remains unflappable, and his mastery of human nature eliminates all obstacles, but Vorobyaninov steadily deteriorates.
    ellauri194.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri194.html on line 527: The five Brahmin clans, which later became known as Banerjees, Mukherjees, Chatterjees, Bhattacharjees and Gangulys, were each designated as Kulina ("superior") in order to differentiate them from the more established local Brahmins.
    ellauri194.html on line 529: Banerjee or Bandyopadhyay is a surname of Brahmins originating from the Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent. Banerjees are from the ancient Shandilya Gotra, which means all Banerjees are descended from Kannauj from the ancient sage Shandilya as per the Puranas. Together with Mukherjees, Chatterjees, Bhattacharjees and Gangulys, Banerjees form the Kulin Brahmins. Indian (Bengal) and Bangladeshi: Hindu (Brahman) name, the first element of which, Ban-, is taken from Bandyopadhyay. The final element -jee is derived from jha (greatly reduced form of Sanskrit upadhyaya ‘teacher’); thus, Banerjee ‘teacher who is head and only performs the main work aarti or,Vandana. A Sanskrit version of this name, Vandyopadhyaya, was coined from the elements vandya ‘venerable’ + upadhyaya ‘teacher’. "
    ellauri194.html on line 606:
  • Bamacharan Chattopadhyay – ardent devotee of Maa Tara, also considered to be an avatar of Lord Shiva
    ellauri194.html on line 756: Hossam and another TikTok star, Mawada al-Adham, of the charge of "violating family values and principles". It sentenced them to two years in prison and fined them 300,000 Egyptian pounds ($16,100; £12,400).
    ellauri194.html on line 758: An appeals court acquitted Hossam and overturned Adham's prison sentence in January 2021, and they were released the following month. However, prosecutors then introduced the more serious charge of human trafficking.
    ellauri194.html on line 764: For the Egyptian state to instrumentalize "human trafficking" charges to exert control over the expression & socioeconomic mobility of young women is deeply disturbing. There are real and serious cases of human trafficking that must be prosecuted--these TikTok cases are not it.
    ellauri194.html on line 766: Human rights activists say the two women have been prosecuted as part of a crackdown by Egyptian authorities targeting female social media influencers on charges that violate their rights to privacy, freedom of expression, non-discrimination and bodily autonomy.
    ellauri194.html on line 767: Hossam, a Cairo University student who has about 900,000 followers on TikTok, was first arrested in April 2020 after posting a video inviting her female followers to join another video-sharing platform, Likee, telling them that they could make money by broadcasting videos on it. Prosecutors later charged her with "violating family values and principles".
    ellauri194.html on line 811: Bitcoin Buyer tukevat eräät kaikkien aikojen älykkäimmät tekniikkamieliset ihmiset- Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos ja Bill Gates nimetäkseen muutamia.
    ellauri194.html on line 814:
    Bill Gates ja Richard Branson keskustelivat Bitcoin Buyer CES 2020 -konferenssissa: Toimiiko Järjestelmä Oikeasti?

    ellauri196.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri196.html on line 643: Union workers average 10-30% higher pay than non-union in the United States after controlling for individual, job, and labor market characteristics.
    ellauri196.html on line 848: My poems are a completely useless product, but hardly ever harmful, and this is their best characteristics. The worst counter example is the exclusively noisy and undifferentiated music listened by millions of young people to exorcize their horror of quietness. Mass communication, radio, and especially television, have attempted, not without success, to annihilate every possibility of solitude and reflection.
    ellauri197.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri197.html on line 164: He was born on 16 December 1907, the son of John Talbot Clifton and Violet Mary Beauclerk, from a very wealthy family with extensive estates and other property holdings in England and Scotland. He was educated at Downside School and Oxford University. He knew the novelist Evelyn Waugh, having possibly met him at Oxford, and who is thought by some to have used him as a model for the Brideshead Revisited character, Sebastian Flyte, although other sources (e.g. Paula Byrne) attribute the inspiration to Hugh Lygon. Waugh was certainly a guest at the family seat, Lytham Hall, in the 1930s and described the Clifton family as “tearing mad”. Clifton's mother, Violet, believed that much of Brideshead Revisited was about the Clifton family and was furious when it was published.
    ellauri198.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri198.html on line 118: Academy Award-winner Mahershala Ali plays the lead role of state police detective Wayne Hays. In an interview with Variety, Ali revealed that he was originally offered a supporting role, as the main character was supposed to be white. However, pursuing a better choice for his career, he convinced Pizzolatto that he was suited for the lead despite the pigmentation handicap. Saatiinhan värivirhe sentään korjatuxi Alin ja Rolandin urakehityxen myöhemmissä vaiheissa.
    ellauri198.html on line 134: A typical Warren character undergoes a period of intense self-examination that ideally results in a near-religious experience of conversion, rebirth, and a mystical feeling of oneness with God. Luisiaana nuaarissa kännipäinen lasten isä pääsi kuivatelakalle ja ajoi pois paxut viixensä ja ohuthuulisen vaimonsa ja rukoili typerästi Roland Westin kanssa käsi kädessä kahvipöydän ääressä. Taisi olla kaappihomoja.
    ellauri198.html on line 650: In turn this influenced the pseudo-Medieval poetry of Thomas Chatterton. For example, in a poem about the Battle of Hastings he writes "some caught a slughorne and an onsett wounde" (Battle of Hastings ii.99), meaning "some picked up a slughorn and sounded a charge". A slughorn in this context appears to be some kind of trumpet. However, in a footnote to another usage of the word, Chatterton defines it as "not unlike a hautboy". The Medieval English word hautboy is the origin of the modern word oboe and has never referred to any instrument comparable to a trumpet. It is more like a faggot. Oh boy, haut-bois, puu pystyssä. Vitun pultti-bois.
    ellauri198.html on line 660: Horace Slughorn is a character in the Harry Potter series of novels by J. K. Rowling. Professor Horace Eugene Flaccus Slughorn (b. 28 April, between 1882 and 1913) was a pure-blood or half-blood wizard. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a member of Slytherin before returning in 1931 as Potions Master. Joopa joo, flaccid slughorn, kiitos JK tiedetään mitä ajat takaa. Although Professor Slughorn certainly isn't a villain in Harry Potter, he's definitely done some rotten things. As they all.
    ellauri198.html on line 662: The Discworld novel Guards! Guards!, in a reference to Chatterton and Browning, has the false king sound a slughorn to challenge the dragon, described as "like a tocsin, only deeper" and prompting one character to comment "It must have been a bloody big slug".
    ellauri198.html on line 684: The scottish "narrative" or fairy tale about Childe Rowland comes from Danish ballads about Rosmer Halfmand from the 1695 work Kaempe Viser. There were three ballads about Rosmer, who was a giant or merman, stealing a girl whose brother later rescues her. In the first, the characters are the children of Lady Hillers of Denmark, and the sister is named Svanè. In the second, the main characters are Roland and Proud Eline lyle. In the third, the hero is Child Aller, son of the king of Iceland. Unlike the English Roland, the hero of the Danish ballads relies on trickery to rescue his sister, and in some versions they have a juicy incestuous relationship to boot.
    ellauri198.html on line 710: The series was chiefly inspired by the poem "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" by Robert Browning, whose full text was included in the final volume's appendix. In the preface to the revised 2003 edition of The Gunslinger, King also identifies The Lord of the Rings, Arthurian legend, and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly as inspirations. He identifies Clint Eastwood's "Man with No Name" character as one of the major inspirations for the protagonist, Roland Deschain. King's style of location names in the series, such as Mid-World, and his development of a unique language abstract to our own [clarification needed] (High Speech), are also influenced by J. R. R. Tolkien's work. The series is referred to on King's website as his magnum opus.
    ellauri198.html on line 724: Roland and his ka-tet travel to Thunderclap, then to the nearby Devar-Toi, to help a group of psychics known as Breakers who are allowing their telepathic abilities to be used to break away at the beams that support the Tower. Ted Brautigan and Dinky Earnshaw assist the gunslingers with information and weapons, and reunite Roland with his old friend Sheemie Ruiz from Mejis. The Gunslingers free the Breakers from their captors, but Eddie is wounded after the battle and dies a short while later. Roland and Jake pause to mourn and then jump to Maine of 1999 along with Oy, in order to save the life of Stephen King (whom he writes to be a secondary character in the book); the ka-tet have come to believe that the success of their quest depends on King surviving to write about it through his books.
    ellauri198.html on line 755: Ei vaan Browning imuskelee kolleegansa Shellyn schollya, Harold täsmentää. The consensus among critics has long been that in his youth Browning had a great enthusiasm for Shelley, an enthusiasm clearly apparent in Pauline and Paracelsus, but abruptly extinguished in Sordello. Generally speaking, it would seem that Browning's ardent enthusiasm for Shelley the poet ends with Sordello in 1840, just as his respect for Shelley the man ends in 1856, with the discovery that he had abandoned his first wife. Any evidence for a lapse of his disaffection in later life seems effectively countered by Browning's own testimony in a letter written in 1885 to F. J. Furnivall, refusing the presidency of the newly formed Shelley Society: “For myself, I painfully contrast my notions of Shelley the man and Shelley, well, even the poet, with what they were sixty years ago, when I only had his works, for a certainty, and took his character on trust.” With these highlights of the relationship, most Browning critics and biographers terminate the discussion.
    ellauri198.html on line 889: The poem as usually printed breaks off at this point, in mid-line, with the word "celestial". Keats's friend Richard Woodhouse, transcribing this poem, completed this line as "Celestial Glory dawn'd: he was a god!" Ox, nyet! nyet! The language of Hyperion is very similar to Milton's, in metre and style. However, his characters are quite different. Although Apollo falls into the image of the "Son" from Paradise Lost and of "Jesus" from Paradise Regained, he does not directly confront Hyperion as Satan is confronted. Also, the roles are reversed, and Apollo is deemed as the "challenger" to the throne, who wins it by being more "true" and thus, more "beautiful." Double yawn.
    ellauri203.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri203.html on line 121: By means of his novels, articles, and personal correspondence, Dostoevsky warned about the consequences of entering this dangerous path. The tragedy of Rasskolnikov, the main character of the novel Crime and Punishment, shows how easily one can be infatuated with this teaching of “violence for the sake of love.” Violence is only ok for the sake of hate.
    ellauri203.html on line 221: The pair were connected by common suffering, rather than fondness, and Dostoevsky was to base the character of Natasha from Humiliated and Insulted (1861) on his first wife. Like Isaeva, Natasha is prone to tormenting her lovers.
    ellauri203.html on line 231: To begin with, Dostoevsky only saw practicality in his marriage to Snitkina: he was in need of stability and confidence in the future. As a result, the union began down to head along the same route as his previous relationships. However, the couple’s extended “honeymoon” abroad, which ended up lasting four years, allowed them to escape Russia’s oppressive atmosphere and try to build a family. It began well: Sonya, a little girl, was born a year after their marriage. Tragedy soon struck, however, when Sonya passed away. The pair went on to have three more children, one of whom also died. They were married for 14 years until Dostoevsky’s death, in which time Snitkina experienced a great deal of anguish brought on by Dostoevsky’s difficult character and lifestyle, namely his jealousy and gambling addiction. However, she remained stoically committed to him and did not remarry after his death, when she was just 35.
    ellauri203.html on line 242: Writing in the Los Angeles Times, a professor of Slavic languages praised their Dostoevsky translations, stating "the reason they have succeeded so well in bringing Dostoevsky into English is not just that they have made him sound bumpy or unnatural but that they have managed to capture and differentiate the characters' many bumpy and unnatural voices." A literary critic and essayist, wrote in The Sewanee Review that their Dostoevsky translations "have recaptured the rough and vulgar edge of Dostoevsky's style. This tone of the vulgar that Dostoevsky's writings are full of, so morbidly excessively, they have translated into a vernacular equal to his own." But recently, writing in The New York Review of Books in 2016, a critic argued that Pevear and Volokhonsky have established an industry of taking everything they can get their hands on written in Russian and putting it into flat, awkward English. Other translators have voiced similar criticism, both in Russia and in the English-speaking world. A Slavic studies scholar has written in Commentary that Pevear and Volokhonsky take glorious works and reduce them to awkward and unsightly muddles. Criticism has been focused on the excessive literalness of the couple's translations and the perception that they miss the original tone of the authors.
    ellauri203.html on line 460: thing perhaps, may be: in contrast to the gloomy tragic tyrant Richard,
    ellauri203.html on line 465: him, like Richard, haunted by the phantoms of those he has ruined...
    ellauri204.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri204.html on line 300: Während al-Ḫiḍr, das auf Arabisch „der Grüne“ bedeutet, immer nur als ein laqab-Beiname verstanden wurde, gab und gibt es über den wirklichen Namen al-Chidrs und seine Abstammung sehr unterschiedliche Lehrmeinungen. Im mittelalterlichen Maghreb war die Auffassung verbreitet, dass al-Chidr eigentlich Ahmad hieß. Der ägyptische Gelehrte Ibn Hadschar al-ʿAsqalānī (gest. 1449), der eine eigene Abhandlung über al-Chidr verfasst hat, führt dort insgesamt zehn unterschiedliche Auffassungen zur Frage von al-Chidrs Namen auf. Einige muslimische Gelehrte setzten al-Chidr auch mit verschiedenen alttestamentlichen Gestalten gleich, darunter Melchisedek, Jeremia, Elija und Elischa. Hintergrund für diese Gleichsetzungen bildeten verschiedene christliche und jüdische Erzählstoffe, zu denen al-Chidr in der islamischen Tradition in Verbindung gebracht wurde. Diejenige Lehrmeinung, die im Laufe der Zeit am meisten Verbreitung gefunden hat, besagt, dass al-Chidr über seinen Vater Malkān ein Urenkel des biblischen Eber sei und eigentlich Balyā heiße. Sie wird auch an dem Heiligtum von al-Chidr in Kataragama in Sri Lanka propagiert.
    ellauri204.html on line 391: “So saying, Argeiphontes gave me the herb, drawing it from the ground, and showed me its nature. At the root it was black, but its flower was like milk. [305] Moly the gods call it, and it is hard for mortal men to dig; but with the gods all things are possible. Hermes then departed to high Olympus through the wooded isle, and I went my way to the house of Circe, and many things did my heart darkly ponder as I went. [310] So I stood at the gates of the fair-tressed goddess. There I stood and called, and the goddess heard my voice. Straightway then she came forth, and opened the bright doors, and bade me in; and I went with her, my heart sore troubled. She brought me in and made me sit on a silver-studded chair, [315] a beautiful chair, richly wrought, and beneath was a foot-stool for the feet. And she prepared me a potion in a golden cup, that I might drink, and put therein a drug, with evil purpose in her heart. But when she had given it me, and I had drunk it off, yet was not bewitched, she smote me with her wand, and spoke, and addressed me: [320] ‘Begone now to the sty, and lie with the rest of thy comrades.’ “So she spoke, but I, drawing my sharp sword from between my thighs, rushed upon Circe, as though I would slay her. But she, with a loud cry, ran beneath, and clasped my knees, and with wailing she spoke to me winged words: [325] “‘Who art thou among men, and from whence? Where is thy city, and where thy parents? Amazement holds me that thou hast drunk this charm and wast in no wise bewitched. For no man else soever hath withstood this charm, when once he has drunk it, and it has passed the barrier of his teeth. Nay, but the mind in thy breast is one not to be beguiled. [330] Surely thou art Odysseus, the man of ready device, who Argeiphontes of the golden wand ever said to me would come hither on his way home from Troy with his swift, black ship. Nay, come, put up thy sword in this here sheath, and let us two then go up into my bed, that couched together [335] in love we may put trust in each other.’ “So she spoke, but I answered her, and said:‘Circe, how canst thou bid me be gentle to thee, who hast turned my comrades into swine in thy halls, and now keepest me here, and with guileful purpose biddest me [340] go to thy chamber, and go up into thy bed, that when thou hast me stripped thou mayest render me a weakling and unmanned? Nay, verily, it is not I that shall be fain to go up into thy bed, unless thou, goddess, wilt consent to swear a mighty oath that thou wilt not plot against me any fresh mischief to my hurt.’
    ellauri204.html on line 419: Der Sage nach ist Rübezahl ein launischer Riese oder Berggeist. Schon der erste Sammler von Rübezahl-Sagen, Johannes Praetorius (s. u.), beschrieb Rübezahl als charakterlich sehr ambivalenten „Widerspruchsgeist“, der in einem Moment gerecht und hilfsbereit, im nächsten arglistig und launenhaft auftreten könne.
    ellauri204.html on line 799: Joulukuussa menehtynyt Heikki Länsisalo oli sivistyksellään viimeisiä lajiaan, kirjoittaa Herman Raivio. Ystäväni Heikki Länsisalo kuoli 14.12.2016 kotonaan äkilliseen sairauskohtaukseen. Hän oli 38-vuotias. Sattumalta tapasin Heikin viimeistä kertaa oopperassa, Richard Wagnerin Lentävän hollantilaisen näytöksessä. Tai sattumalta ja sattumalta. Heikki piti itseään menneen maailman miehenä. Hän oli ainoa tuntemani ihminen, joka ei ollut koskaan kuunnellut pop- tai rockmusiikkia.
    ellauri204.html on line 842: Part of the problem here is poverty porn makes money. “The use of poverty porn is a desperate attempt by charities to stay relevant,” said one of the participants. She said that poverty porn exists even within the United States, but it is generally seen through narrow stories about poverty about certain people or areas of the country. She asked how often we heard stories about Appalachia that were not about poor hicks?
    ellauri205.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri205.html on line 184: Hei Simone, charityä löytyy vain kermaperseiltä joilla on varaa antaa kiitollisille kerjäläisille vähän paljostaan. Prolet on solidaarisia, eli suovat toisilleen enintään samaa kuin ize saavat.
    ellauri206.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri206.html on line 75: Diegesis (Greek διήγησις "narration") and mimesis (Greek μίμησις "imitation") have been contrasted since Plato's and Aristotle's times. Mimesis shows rather than tells, by means of action that is enacted. Diegesis is the telling of a story by a narrator. The narrator may speak as a particular character, or may be the invisible narrator, or even the all-knowing narrator who speaks from "outside" in the form of commenting on the action or the characters.
    ellauri206.html on line 79: In his Poetics, the unknown Greek philosopher Aristotle argues that kinds of "poetry" (the term includes drama, flute music, and lyre music for Aristotle) may be differentiated in three ways: according to their medium, according to their objects, and according to their mode or "manner" (section I); "For the medium being the same, and the objects the same, the poet may imitate by narration—in which case he can either take another personality as Homer does, or speak in his own person, unchanged—or he may present all his characters as living and moving before us" (section III).
    ellauri206.html on line 252: IL fréquente le salon de Charles Buet, où il rencontre Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly, Joris-Karl Huysmans, François Coppée, Léon Bloy, Laurent Tailhade et autres cretins. Il rencontre Edmond de Goncourt, avec qui il restera lié jusqu'à la mort de ce dernier en 1896, et qui fut son principal protecteur. Edmond de Goncourt, dans la récente édition complète en 22 volumes du Journal des Goncourt, se montre curieux de toutes les questions sexuelles et particulièrement de l'homophilie. À partir de 1884, Edmond de Goncourt, jusque-là banalement réactionnaire, devient un antisémite enragé, Jésus l'a sauvé après 27 années d'homosexualité. Il se veut esthète et dandy en même temps qu'explorateur tapageux du vice et de la vulgarité, curieux assemblage qui verse souvent dans le pire mauvais goût, et qui lui vaut le mépris hautain de Robert de Montesquiou, dont Lorrain, pour sa part, fait volontiers sa tête de Turc pour sa prétention à l'élégance et à la chasteté. « Lorrain », écrit Léon Daudet dans ses Souvenirs, « avait une tête poupine et large à la fois de coiffeur vicieux, les cheveux partagés par une raie parfumée au patchouli, des yeux globuleux, ébahis et avides, de grosses lèvres qui jutaient, giclaient et coulaient pendant son discours. Son torse était bombé comme le bréchet de certains oiseaux charognards. Lui se nourrissait avidement de toutes les calomnies et immondices. »
    ellauri206.html on line 292: Today, I’m going to present you a rather complicated French poem, which speaks of French historical characters and refers to legends from France and the Roman and Greek antiquity.
    ellauri206.html on line 454: Selon le témoignage de ses contemporains, Gassendi se levait régulièrement à trois heures du matin, jamais plus tard que quatre heures, et quelquefois à deux. Il étudiait jusqu'à onze heures, à moins de recevoir une visite et se remettait à l'étude vers deux ou trois heures après midi jusqu'à huit. Il soupait légèrement (une tisane tiède, des légumes, rarement de la viande) et se couchait entre neuf et dix. On le disait pieux, et pratiquant avec scrupule ses devoirs de prêtre ; ses paroissiens l'appelaient le saint prêtre. Par sa pauvreté, sa modestie, sa douceur, son humanité, sa bienfaisance, sa charité et sa simplicité, il faisait figure d'un anachorète, vivant dans le monde selon la règle d'un monastère. « Le plus grand philosophe parmi les hommes de lettres, et le plus grand homme de lettres parmi les philosophes », sanoi gibboni. Peu d'auteurs ont imaginé qu'il s'agissait là d'une posture, ou d'un masque.
    ellauri207.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri207.html on line 298: Peppi on tunne-elämältään paranoidi. Vai oliko se autisti? Ne on vähän (vaikkei täysin) kontraindikoivia. Jos ei ole kiinnostunut porukoista niin ei ole. Vaan kylläpä Lispetti on eheytynyt, nyze peilaa silikoonitissejään peilin edessä ja tekee salaa charityä, tosin vaan äidinperinnöllä eli pikkusummalla.
    ellauri207.html on line 346: Tuotesijoittelun vuoxi Lisbet pysähtyi Seven Eleveniin (charge: $10K per mention) ja osti: jättipaketin Billyn pannupitsaa (5Kkr tack), 3 Findusin pakastekalapaistosta (3Kkr varsågod), 3 Pågensin pekonipiirasta (2Kkr får jag be), kilon amer. Granny Smith omenia ($1K thanx), 1/2 kg Arla ost, Arla mjölk (totalt 2Kkr), Jacobs Krönung kahvia (1Kkr), kartongin Mallu Lightia ($15K, sorry) ja iltapäivälehdet (DN och Expressen, 0,5kr var). Tähänkin ostoslistaan (ja näitä on vaikka kuinka) Stig sai menemään kirjasta yhden kappaleen, tuotto n. 2Mkr plus filmi- ja sarjiskoikeudet. Rei Shimuran ruumiilla oli jalassa Niken tohvelit, jotka olivat säilyneet teräkunnossa vaikka ruumis oli muuten mätänemistilassa. Kyllä kannattaa ostaa edustamiamme laatumerkkejä.
    ellauri207.html on line 357: Zalachenko got involved with Agneta Sjolander, who changed her own name to match his, but he refused to marry her, calling her a whore. Regardless he fathered two children with her, Lisbeth and her twin sister, Camilla. So they must have had their moments... Zalachenko brutally beat and abused Agneta, who tried to shelter her daughters from the brutality, and the two girls reacted differently. Camilla didn´t care at all for her mother, and Lisbeth did. At age twelve, Lisbeth Salander, set Zalanchenko, her father, on fire to stop his brutal beatings of her mother. We find out in The Girl Who Played with Fire, that because of the damage to his body, he had to have his leg amputated and suffers from chronic pain. I can relate to that! Constant pain is enough to turn one into a psychopath. This act is used as evidence to support claims that Lisbeth Salander is mentally ill, and remains a topic of debate for readers and characters.
    ellauri210.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri210.html on line 379: At the height of his fame and success, while The Importance of Being Earnest (1895) was still being performed in London, Wilde prosecuted the Marquess of Queensberry for criminal libel. The Marquess was the father of Wilde's lover, Lord Alfred Douglas. The libel trial unearthed evidence that caused Wilde to drop his charges and led to his own arrest and trial for gross indecency with men. After two more trials he was convicted and sentenced to two years' hard labour, the maximum penalty, and was jailed from 1895 to 1897. During his last year in prison, he wrote De Profundis (published posthumously in 1905), a long letter which discusses his spiritual journey through his trials, forming a dark counterpoint to his earlier philosophy of pleasure. On his release, he left immediately for France, and never returned to Ireland or Britain. There he wrote his last work, The Ballad of Reading Gaol (1898), a long poem commemorating the harsh rhythms of prison life. What an opportunity for a man of his caliber, one would have thought.
    ellauri210.html on line 580: In Berlin wurde Kurt Hiller als freier Schriftsteller zum frühen Pionier des literarischen Expressionismus: 1909 gründete er mit Jakob van Hoddis als ein Gründungsmitglied die Vereinigung Der Neue Club, zu dem bald auch Georg Heym und Ernst Blass stießen. Gemeinsam mit ihnen und unterstützt von bekannteren Künstlern wie Tilla Durieux, Else Lasker-Schüler und Karl Schmidt-Rottluff wurden sogenannte „Neopathetische Cabarets“ veranstaltet. Nachdem Hiller sich aus dem Club zurückgezogen hatte, gründete er mit Blass das literarische Cabaret GNU. Für die Zeitschriften PAN und Der Sturm schrieb er zahlreiche Beiträge, ebenso wie für Franz Pfemferts Aktion, bei deren Gründung er 1911 auch mitwirkte. Nachdem Hiller – wahrscheinlich über die Vermittlung Kronfelds, der seit 1908 in Heidelberg lebte – 1911 in der Beilage Literatur und Wissenschaft der regionalen Heidelberger Zeitung schon Die Jüngst Berliner vorgestellt hatte, publizierte er 1912 im Heidelberger Verlag von Richard Weissbach die erste expressionistische Lyrikanthologie Der Kondor.
    ellauri210.html on line 787: Le Congrès Eucharistique de Chicago Chicagon ehtoolliskokous
    ellauri210.html on line 796: et s’ouvre le congrès eucharistique Ja alkaa ehtoolliskokous
    ellauri210.html on line 831: The word “Dada” brings to mind an international range of extreme modernist antics. The book’s title is something of a publicist’s misnomer. Jacques Rigaut is the only confirmed suicide among the group, and while Jacques Vache did die of a drug overdose, many, including author Michel Leiris, claimed that his death was accidental, characterized as deliberate by those aiming to enhance Vache’s cultural cache. Arthur Cravan and Julian Torma simply disappeared, wandering into, rather than jumping towards, the cracks of avant-garde history. Of the four only Rigaut is genuinely obsessed with themes of self-destruction.
    ellauri210.html on line 841: On November 6, 1929, he returned to a clinic where he was staying and — according to Andre Breton — “after paying minute attention to his toilette, and carrying out all the necessary external adjustments demanded of such a departure” — calmly put a bullet through his heart. Not his head like Richard Cory, who had everything a man could want: power, grace and style.
    ellauri210.html on line 848: Oh, I wish that I could be Richard Cory.
    ellauri210.html on line 850: "Richard Cory" is a narrative poem written by Edwin Arlington Robinson. It was first published in 1897, as part of The Children of the Night, having been completed in July of that year; and it remains one of Robinson's most popular and anthologized poems. The poem describes a person who is wealthy, well educated, mannerly, and admired by the people in his town. Despite all this, he takes his own life.
    ellauri210.html on line 853: "Richard Cory went home last night and put a bullet through his head".
    ellauri210.html on line 882: Baudelaire dit encore: La vie n'a qu'un charme vrai, c'est le charme du jeu. Mais s'il nous est indifferent se gagner ou se perdre? Totaalisen puppua, pahaa peliteoreettista talousliberalismia.
    ellauri210.html on line 1122: Carrington was adopted as a femme-enfant by the Surrealists because of her rebelliousness against her upper-class upbringing. Carrington was interested in presenting female sexuality as she experienced it, rather than as that of male surrealists' characterization of female sexuality. Some of her works are still hanging at James' former family home, currently West Dean College in West Dean, West Sussex.
    ellauri210.html on line 1279: According to the trivia section here at IMDB, "George Bernard Shaw adamantly opposed any notion that Higgins and Eliza had fallen in love and would marry at the end of the play, as he felt it would betray the character of Eliza who, as in the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea, would "come to life" and emancipate herself from the male domination of Higgins and her father. He even went so far as to include a lengthy essay to be published with copies of the script explaining precisely why Higgins and Eliza would never marry, and what "actually happened" after the curtain fell: Eliza married Freddy and opened a flower shop with funds from Colonel Pickering. Moreover, as Shaw biographers have noted, Higgins is meant to be an analogue of the playwright himself, thus suggesting Higgins was actually a homosexual." Eliza, where are my slippers?
    ellauri210.html on line 1314: Dating from 1960, the widely available English translation by Richard Howard is a translation of the first edition of Breton's novel, dating from 1928. Breton published a second, revised edition in 1963. No English translation of this second edition is currently available. Ketäpä enää kiinnostaa.
    ellauri210.html on line 1316: The narrator, randomly named André, ruminates on a number of Surrealist principles, before ultimately commencing (around a third of the way through the novel) on a narrative account, generally linear, of his brief ten-day affair with the titular character Nadja. She is so named “because in Russian it's the beginning of the word hope, and because it's only the beginning,” but her name might also evoke the Spanish "Nadie," which means "No one." The narrator becomes obsessed with this woman with whom he, upon a chance encounter while walking through the street, strikes up conversation immediately. He becomes reliant on daily rendezvous, occasionally culminating in romance (a kiss here and there). His true fascination with Nadja, however, is her vision of the world, which is often provoked through a discussion of the work of a number of Surrealist artists, including himself. While her understanding of existence subverts the rigidly authoritarian quotidian, it is later discovered that she is mad and belongs in a sanitarium. After Nadja reveals too many details of her past life, she in a sense becomes demystified, and the narrator realizes that he cannot continue their relationship.
    ellauri211.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri213.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri213.html on line 240: Laupiaat samarialaiset antaa brittisuikkareille ihokkaita. Tärkeä apulainen on Susikoira ROI. Samaritans have high ROI for their charity. Brittisamarialaisia johtaa ammattijohtajatar jonka mielestä Girlguiding oli feministijärjestö.
    ellauri213.html on line 248: Girlguiding (Peukaloiset) is the operating name of The Guide Association, previously named The Girl Guides Association and is the national guiding organisation of the United Kingdom. It is the UK's largest girl-only youth organisation. Girlguiding is a charitable organisation. Founded 1910 by Robert Baden-Powell in bulging shorts and Agnes Baden-Powell in mini skirts, Girlguiding is a member of World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) - the largest women's organisation in the world
    ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
    ellauri214.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri214.html on line 66: J. K. Rowling’s first adult novel The Casual Vacancy stirred a ruckus within Sikh Community after its publication leading to the involvement of SGPC and its head showing concern with the negative portrayal of Sikh characters in the novel. Rowling defends the novel by her theory of ‘corrosive racism’ after her ‘vast amount of research’ in Sikhism. The chapter explores diasporic Sikh identity through the character of Sukhvinder who though dyslexic is stifled by her mother and harassed by her classmate Fats through slanderous remarks targeting her Sikh identity. Though Sukhvinder resorts to self-torture after undergoing racism, she emerges victorious like a brave Sikh by her self-determination and emerges a heroine by helping everybody in Britain. The chapter applies Teun A. van Dijk’s racist discourse and post-colonial theories specifically Homi Bhabha’s hybridity of cultures, Jacques Rancière’s distribution of the sensible hinting at the redistribution of identities to make invisible diaspora visible and inaudible audible and Gayatri Spivak’s theory of the subaltern to prove that the Sikh diaspora remains in Charhdi Kala (higher state of mind) even in tough situations. The chapter concludes that though British Sikh diaspora undergoes racialism leading to identity crisis, Sikhs finally find resolution through Sikh identity model Sukhvinder who, treading the footsteps of Sikh heroes like Bhai Kanhayia, becomes a heroin addict by risking her life to save Robbie and by helping all in the novel.
    ellauri214.html on line 72: Though Rowling’s transphobia has been publicized the most, fans have also begun to notice prejudice in her writing. Very few people of color are featured in J. K. Rowling’s books, and those that are have few lines and no detailed story arcs. One of the people of color given more thought was Cho Chang, Harry Potter’s love interest who was first introduced in the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Rowling’s racism toward Asians and lack of knowledge of Asian culture is clearly evident from just the name Cho Chang, which is a mix of Korean and Chinese surnames. Korea and China have a longstanding history as political adversaries and each country has a distinct culture. While Rowling went to great efforts in creating a wonderfully immersive wizarding world, she gave no thought to what Cho’s ethnicity is. Cho was also sorted into Ravenclaw house, the school house for those of high intelligence, playing into a common stereotype of Asians. The only other Asian characters mentioned in the series are Indian twins Padma and Pavarti Patil. While Rowling appears to have given more thought to these characters, placing Padma in Ravenclaw and breaking the Asian stereotype by placing Pavarti in Gryffindor, she ultimately fails to adequately write Asian characters. While Pavarti, as a member of Harry Potter’s house, was given more depth than Cho or her sister, many South Asian fans were irritated by the girls’ dresses in the fourth movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The twins wore dull and unflattering traditional Indian attire, which many saw as a mockery of Indian culture. Cho herself wore an East Asian style dress in this movie which was a mix of different Asian styles. Rowling continued her habit of stereotyping Asians in the Fantastic Beast Movies, the first of which was released in 2016 and set in the 1920’s, several decades before the Harry Potter series. In this pre-series, the only Asian representation is displayed in the form of a woman who has been cursed to turn into a beast. Fans may remember the villain Voldemort’s pet snake, Nagini, who served him throughout the Harry Potter series. Fans were surprised to learn when watching The Crimes of Grindelwald, the second movie in the Fantastic Beasts series, that Nagini was not always a snake, but was actually a woman who had been cursed to turn into a snake. In the movie, Nagini, in human form, is caged and forced to perform in a circus. Though we do not know how Nagini came to meet Voldemort, we do know that she became his servant and the keeper of a wee snakelike portion of his soul. This is more than slightly problematic. Not only was Nagini the only Asian representation in the film, but she was also a half-human who was forced to serve an evil white man for a great part of her existence. Author Ellen Oh commented on Nagini’s inclusion in the film saying “I feel like this is the problem when white people want to diversify and don’t actually ask POC how to do so. They don’t make the connection between making Nagini an Asian woman who later on becomes the pet snake of an EEVIL whitish man.”
    ellauri214.html on line 84: It’s difficult to imagine the phrases “miraculously unguarded vagina” or “with an ache in his heart and in his balls” being found in the G-rated wizard novels, but they abound in the X-rated Casual Vacancy. In addition to the risque descriptions, many of the characters (teens especially) are troubled and one mother is a heroine addict. “I have a lot of real-world material in me, believe you me,” Rowling tells The New Yorker. “The thing about fantasy—there are certain things you just don’t do in fantasy. You don’t have sex with unicorns.” A good rule of thumb. They are horny but much too pointy for close comfort.
    ellauri214.html on line 88: The Harry Potter series didn’t become a global phenomenon just because it was an exciting adventure, but because there was a real heart to it, characters who had both strengths and weaknesses, who struggled with their choices, much like Batman or Superman. Not so this time. Instead, “The Casual Vacancy” is a generally well-written book whose central theme is responsibility for those less fortunate, all the time imbued with ever-present British themes of class and notions of propriety.
    ellauri214.html on line 90: The Casual Vacancy, which one bookseller breathlessly predicted would be the biggest novel of the year, isn’t dreadful. It’s just dull. … The small-town characters are all deluded in their own way with their own tales to tell. The problem is, not one of them is interesting or even particularly likeable. Collectively, it’s all too easy to turn the page on them. The fanbase may find it a bit sour, as it lacks the Harry Potter books’ warmth and charm; all the characters are fairly horrible or suicidally miserable, or dead.
    ellauri214.html on line 106: But, Rowling's talent is skin deep. I absolutely do not agree that she did a great job in character and/or plot development. Her characters are pretty clichéd (Chosen one and his side kick), her setting is pretty narrow (British boarding school experiences), her plot is pretty predictable, and like all amateur writers, her plot line often meanders for no good reason at all. Her world building is imaginative, but lack planning. Simply put, most part of her world is a whim, it's not coherent, she didn't think it through. And the more you think about it, the bigger the problem it is. Oh and that one character everyone is singing praises about, as if it's the best written character of all time? Stereotypical Byronic hero. I read how people praise Snape being this greatest character of our generation, I couldn't help but wondering, you guys never read Wuthering Heights?! I've never attended an American high school but I'm pretty sure the Great Gatsby is on the required reading list.
    ellauri214.html on line 152: Occasionally one of the supporting characters might call me out. But I'll be triggered and start shaking and crying. Remind everyone I have a troubled past. I'm vulnerable, I need love. The supporting character or the protagonist will apologize and give me a hug, which I will refuse because I don't trust anyone.
    ellauri214.html on line 169: In fiction, a MacGuffin (sometimes McGuffin) is an object, device, or event that is necessary to the plot and the motivation of the characters, but insignificant, unimportant, or irrelevant in itself. The term was originated by Angus MacPhail for film, adopted by Alfred Hitchcock, and later extended to a similar device in other fiction.
    ellauri214.html on line 201: Other than the Chosen one (Harry Potter), this is my most hated character in any action movie.
    ellauri214.html on line 228: The character Wayne Campbell uses the phrase after his partner Garth says, "Hey, are you through yet? 'Cause I'm getting tired of holding this", in regard to a picture he is holding.
    ellauri216.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri216.html on line 198: The Didache (Greek: Διδαχή, translit. Didakhé, lit. "Teaching"), also known as The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations (Διδαχὴ Κυρίου διὰ τῶν δώδεκα ἀποστόλων τοῖς ἔθνεσιν), is a brief anonymous early Christian treatise written in Koine Greek, dated by modern scholars to the first or (less commonly) second century AD. The first line of this treatise is "The teaching of the Lord to the Gentiles (or Nations) by the twelve apostles". The text, parts of which constitute the oldest extant written catechism, has three main sections dealing with Christian ethics, rituals such as baptism and Eucharist, and Church organization. The opening chapters describe the virtuous Way of Life and the wicked Way of Death. The Lord's Prayer is included in full. Baptism is by immersion, or by affusion if immersion is not practical. Fasting is ordered for Wednesdays and Fridays. Two primitive Eucharistic prayers are given. Church organization was at an early stage of development. Itinerant apostles and prophets are important, serving as "chief priests" and possibly celebrating the Eucharist. Meanwhile, local bishops and deacons also have authority and seem to be taking the place of the itinerant ministry.
    ellauri217.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri217.html on line 101: “You are optimistic, inspiring, outgoing, and expressive. People see you as cheerful, positive and charming; your personality has a certain bounce and verve that so powerfully affects others that you can inspire people without effort. All of this upward energy is a symptom of your tremendous creativity. Your verbal skills may well lead you into the fields of writing, comedy, theater, and music.”
    ellauri217.html on line 105: “You are a stimulating person. You brighten social gatherings with your flesh and original ideas. Your conversation tends to be sprinkled with novelty and wit. You have a quick tongue and charisma. You are probably an excellent salesman. There is a lot of nervous energy within you looking for an outlet. You love your freedom and you see this life as an ongoing adventure. You are upbeat and optimistic.”
    ellauri217.html on line 375: Vähän Jörkan jorinoista tulee mieleen paxu Ballsack, joka myös piti nussiretkistä ja kirjoitti samalla lailla tunneköyhästi ilman sen kummempaa juonta aikalaisista. Jörn on mallinarsisti. Toisaalta tosta toxisesta kaikkitietävästä kertojasta tulee mieleen myös Fielding ja se Pamelan kirjoittaja, Richardson. Nekin tais olla följetongeja. Jepu je, Marina on Pamela P-pillerien aikana.
    ellauri219.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri219.html on line 71:
  • Richard Merkin (artist and friend of Peter Blake)
    ellauri219.html on line 94:
  • Richard Lindner (artist)
    ellauri219.html on line 196: His parents divorced before he was 10, and he lived with various relatives over the next decade. His British-born father, Myron (Mickey) Schneider, was a shoe clerk; they saw each other very infrequently. His mother, Sally Marr (legal name Sadie Schneider, born Sadie Kitchenberg), was a stage performer and dancer and had an enormous influence on Bruce's career. He defiantly convinced his ship's medical officer that he was experiencing homosexual urges toward him, leading to his dishonorable discharge in July 1945. However, he had not admitted to or been found guilty of any breach of naval regulations, and successfully applied to change his discharge to "Under Honorable Conditions ... by reason of unsuitability for the naval service". At Hanson's diner Bruce met Joe Anjovis (named by his taste) who had a profound influence on Bruce's approach to comedy.
    ellauri219.html on line 202: On October 4, 1961, Bruce was arrested for obscenity at the Jazz Workshop in San Francisco, where he had used the word "cocksucker", and "he probably can't come". Although the jury acquitted him, other law enforcement agencies began monitoring his appearances, resulting in frequent arrests under obscenity charges.
    ellauri219.html on line 207: Bruce was arrested again in West Hollywood. The charge this time was that the comedian had used the word "schmuck", an insulting Yiddish word that was also considered a term for "penis". In April the next year he was barred from entering the United Kingdom by the Home Office as an "undesirable alien".
    ellauri219.html on line 211: Bruce paved the way for kitchen counter culture-era comedians. His trial for obscenity was a landmark of freedom of speech in the United States. Vittu mikä vapaan puheen edustaja, helvetti. In 2017, Rolling Stone magazine ranked him third (behind Richard Pryor and George Carlin) on its list of the 50 best stand-up comics of all time. "Olen offensiivinen", kalansilmä narsisti. Virnuilee koko ajan omille vizeilleen. Good riddance of bad rubbish.
    ellauri219.html on line 233:
    10: Richard Merkin

    ellauri219.html on line 236: Born in 1938, American painter and illustrator Richard Merkin was enamored with the early jazz period that flourished in the years before his birth. His modernist style matched the abstraction of jazz music, and also inspired Peter Blake’s tribute artwork, Souvenirs For Richard Merkin, created in 1966.
    ellauri219.html on line 295: Originally the leader of Dion And The Belmonts, Dion DiMucci established a successful solo career with hits such as “The Wanderer” and “Runaround Sue” – doo-wop songs that characterized the rock’n’roll era that so influenced The Beatles.
    ellauri219.html on line 336:
    29: Richard Lindner

    ellauri219.html on line 344: The larger one with the mustache from Laurel And Hardy, Oliver played the irascible foil to the hapless Stan (No.28). A recording by the duo (“The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine”) reached No.2 in the UK singles chart in December 1975.
    ellauri219.html on line 424: Barely visible tucked in between the head and raised arm of Issy Bonn (No.47), Stephen Crane was a Realist novelist who, though dying aged 28, in 1900, is regarded as one of the most forward-thinking writers of his generation. His work incorporated everyday speech, which gave his characters an added realism, and his novels took an unflinching look at poverty.
    ellauri219.html on line 503: Founded in London 1822, the Royal Antediluvian Order Of Buffaloes continues its work to this day, with outposts in Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Africa, South Africa, India, the Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Its motto is “No man is at all times wise” and the organization continues to look after its own members, dependents of deceased members, and charities.
    ellauri219.html on line 639: Meanwhile Carole's plan seems to work and Michael asks to marry her. She agrees and they settle on marrying within the week. She moves in but Michael finds fidelity impossible. When a second "fiancee" arrives, she knows the worst. Simultaneously, a woman parachutes into Michael's open-top sports car and he ends up sleeping with her, also meeting other conquests at the bar. This takes place at a small country hotel, where all parties materialise in the format of a typical French farce. Some are checked in, but most just appear. This includes Carole's parents who wander the corridors, causing Michael to jump from room to room. A rumour has also started locally that an orgy is taking place so side characters such as the petrol station attendant also start to appear. Carole appears and wishes to see Michael's room. As they speak, all the other participants chase each other around in the background. Fassbinder's wife tracks him down.
    ellauri219.html on line 641: Everyone ends in Michael's room with most of the females half-naked. The police arrive and form a line to Anna—Dr. Fassbender's wife—who charges in operatic Valkyrie costume, complete with a spear. They all escape to a go-kart circuit. They leave the circuit and go first to a farmyard then through narrow village streets still on the go-karts then back to the circuit.
    ellauri219.html on line 954: The police blanketed the 23-year-old woman and asked her questions to determine her state of mind. She was unable to answer who she was, what day it was, or what kind of moron the President of the United States was. She was able to explain that she was “bipolar,” but though she was on “prescription medication,” she was uncertain if she had been taking it recently. A neighbor gave her some clothes, and she was taken to jail on charges of open or gross lewdness. The dog meanwhile was taken stark naked into the custody of Animal Control on similar charges and executed fortwith without trial. "We had to let him go", said the sheriff ruefully.
    ellauri219.html on line 975: Underworld (also released as Paying the Penalty) is a 1927 American silent crime film directed by Josef von Sternberg and starring Clive Brook, Evelyn Brent and George Bankrupt. The film launched Sternberg's eight-year collaboration with Paramount Pictures, with whom he would produce his seven films with actress Marlene Dietrich. Journalist and screenwriter Ben Hecht won an Academy Award for Best Original Story. Time felt the film was realistic in some parts, but disliked the Hollywood cliché of turning an evil character's heart to gold at the end. Filmmaker and surrealist Luis Buñuel named Underworld as his all time favorite film. Critic Andrew Sarris cautions that Underworld does not qualify as "the first gangster film" as Sternberg "showed little interest in the purely gangsterish aspects of the genre" nor the "mechanics of mob power." Film critic Dave Kehr, on the other hand, writing for the Chicago Reader in 2014, rates Underworld as one of the great gangster films of the silent era. "The film established the fundamental elements of the gangster movie: a hoodlum hero; ominous, night-shrouded city streets; floozies; and a blazing finale in which the cops cut down the protagonist."
    ellauri219.html on line 1024: The American sublime, as Harold Bloom has said, “is always also an American irony”. Jayne Mansfield's bumper bullets. People hugging their pit bulls sexually and getting 15 years for it. Do you know what Teilhard de Chardin called the “noosphere”? Not the foggiest. I think what Rachel has in mind here is the Internet. Who is or was Teilhard anyway? Teilhard was mentioned by Pynchon, see album 69. Not a very memorable character apparently. Tässä Pierren tärkeimpiä läppiä, aika heruttavia:
    ellauri220.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri220.html on line 231: BudBud is an acquaintance of Richard's. Richard is in love with Bud's wife, Aetna.
    ellauri220.html on line 272: RichardRichard is the Texas Highway Killer.
    ellauri220.html on line 345:
    (Commonwealth) a dark-skinned person, named after Florence Kate Upton's children's book character.

    ellauri220.html on line 445: In the Bible, Adlai was a minor character, the father of one of King David's herdsmen. Adlai is a contracted form of the Hebrew name Adaliah.
    ellauri220.html on line 465: Foreign characters may pop up in fiction, but often regular characters who are not native (to the country the work is set in) tend to have native ethnicity somewhere in their family. Or possibly were born in the native country, but raised in another country, and have recently come back.
    ellauri220.html on line 468: Assuming this character was raised overseas, it's notable the character who is Not Too Foreign will rarely speak another language on-screen even if they are supposed to be fluent.
    ellauri220.html on line 500: When a group of people whose native language is not the language of the audience are speaking in their native language, but the audience hears them speaking the audience´s language perfectly. We are meant to assume that the characters are really speaking their own native tongue, and it is being translated purely for our benefit.
    ellauri220.html on line 502: Sometimes the trope doesn´t take effect until partway into the story. In some cases, the actors will be shown speaking their native language to give the audience a taste of what it sounds like before the perspective changes and the actors will shift to speaking English from there on out. Sometimes this shift is softened by the characters giving an excuse to Switch to English within the in-story dialogue itself and then never switching back. In these cases, the audience can assume that the characters went back to speaking their native language at some point, but we now hear it all as English.
    ellauri220.html on line 506: If the characters speak with the accent of the language they´re supposed to be speaking, such as Russians speaking English with a Russian accent to stand in for the Russian language, it´s Just a Stupid Accent. If they instead speak with a British accent to convey being foreign, it´s The Queen´s Latin.
    ellauri220.html on line 513: This trope is used in film and television fiction set in the past (or a fantasy counterpart culture heavily based on the past) where characters speak with British accents, even though the film is not set in Britain and the characters are not British. Sometimes the actors are Fake Brits, and sometimes the cast all have British accents except for the sole American star.
    ellauri220.html on line 519: This refers to casting practice, and in the case of Trope Codifier Peter Stormare it has even achieved the status of Casting Gag. It refers to "international" or "ethnic" - at any rate not American or British - actors who are considered to somehow look or be able to act so vaguely but conspicuously foreign that they can be used for any nationality. (Cliff Curtis is a maori.) It´s As Long as It Sounds Foreign and Gratuitous Foreign Language applied to casting. However, But Not Too Foreign is often in effect because you´ll want someone who speaks good English (even though intentionally accented) and rather panders to viewers´ expectations than give an accurate portrayal of a specific ethnic identity which also means that the character´s background might be very vague as long as it´s foreign.
    ellauri220.html on line 589: Tän kaskun savurenkaat pössytellyt tyttö on kuin Marthe Richard, jonka rikas asiakas pelasti. Tai ei sittenkään, vaan se katulapsi joka juoxenteli yxin Bronxissa. Mihkähän Löllö on tällä tässä menossa? Mixhän tää Lenny oli sille aiheena niin mieluisa?
    ellauri220.html on line 643: Tizzone. Italian word for black person. Literal meaning is burnt. " So lets get this straight, your'e ditsoon, charcoal briquette. Get the ditsoon mug. ditsoon (rude & offensive) Black-skinned person. Etim. "tizzone" in Italian. Literally meaning "ember". " Yo, you! Yeah you! The ditsoon in the white jacket !"
    ellauri221.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri221.html on line 67: Bond heitti ympärilleen silmäyxen. Kyllä oli hienoa. Miesten joukossa saattoi olla pinnaajia jotka eivät lyöneet vaimoaan, ja miehiä joiden vietit oli kieroon kasvaneet (sodomisteja), mutta konkkaronkkana iltapuvuissaan he tekivät aristokraattisen vaikutelman kuin pingviinit jäällä. Vaan harmi että Marthe Richard meni sulkemaan 1946 les maisons closes, vaikka ne oli suljetut jo valmiixi. Nyt ei Lontoossakaan kulje klubitarjoilijat enää pyllyt paljaina, ei edes tarjoilijattaret. Quel dommage!
    ellauri221.html on line 85: Marthe Richer, dite Marthe Richard, épouse Crompton, née Betenfeld le 15 avril 1889 à Blâmont (Meurthe-et-Moselle) et morte le 9 février 1982 à Paris, est une prostituée, aviatrice, espionne et femme politique française.
    ellauri221.html on line 97: Elle dépose le 13 décembre 1945 devant le Conseil municipal de Paris un projet pour la fermeture des maisons closes. Dans son discours, elle ne s’en prend pas tant aux prostituées qu’à la société, responsable selon elle, de la « débauche organisée et patentée » et à la mafia, qui bénéficie de la prostitution réglementée ; le propos permet aussi de rappeler que le milieu de la prostitution s'est compromis avec l’occupant pendant la guerre. Sa proposition est votée et le 20 décembre 1945, le préfet de police Charles Luizet décide de fermer sans préavis les maisons du département de la Seine dans les 3 mois (au plus tard le 15 mars 1946, date qu'a fixée le conseil municipal). Encouragée, Marthe Richard commence une campagne de presse pour le vote d'une loi généralisant ces mesures. Elle est soutenue par le Cartel d'action sociale et morale et le ministre de la Santé publique et de la Population, Robert Prigent.
    ellauri221.html on line 101: Ce succès vaut à Marthe Richard le pseudonyme humoristique de « Veuve qui clôt », en référence à la maison de Champagne Veuve Cliquot. Qui clot - Cliquot - vous comprenez? Haha!
    ellauri221.html on line 103: chard, was passed with the votes of an alliance of the Christian democrat MRP and the Communists (of course!). On April 13, 1946, the prostitution registry was destroyed, and 1,400 brothels were closed, including 180 in Paris. Many brothels were converted into hotels, which prostitutes continued to use, so haha! James Bond was coldcocked by this cruel and inhumane law. He switched immediately to drinking only Tittinger.
    ellauri221.html on line 155: Cox's Brownies were little men who had mischievous adventures together. Each Brownie had a distinctive physical appearance: Cholly Boutonnière wore a top hat and monocle, while others wore traditional Turkish, Irish, German, Swedish, Russian, and Chinese garb. There was an Eskimo, an American Indian, even an Uncle Sam. "Much of the success of his books can be attributed to his treatment of the characters, who portray human nature with its goodness and strength and also its follies, but never its baseness.".
    ellauri221.html on line 157: An important characteristic of the Dunno trilogy is its heavily didactic nature. Nosov describes this as an effort to teach "honesty, bravery, camaraderie, willpower, and persistence" and discourage "jealousy, cowardice, mendacity, arrogance, and effrontery." Strong political undertones are also present. In addition to general egalitarianism and feminism, communist tendencies dominate the works. The first book takes the reader into a typical Soviet-like town, the second into a communist utopia, and the third into a capitalistic satire. Nosov's captivating and humorous literary style has made his ideologies accessible to children and adults alike.
    ellauri221.html on line 294: Doctor Jolly Goodhead is a fictional character from the James Bond franchise, portrayed by Lois Chiles. She does not appear in any of the Ian Fleming novels, only in the film version of Moonraker (1979), but her character is similar to that of Gala Brand, the female lead in the original novel Moonraker (1955), by way of being James´s major lay this time round. In 25 years, James has graduated from screwing a secretary to schtupping a doctor of science. Way to go, Bond girls! Right on!
    ellauri222.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri222.html on line 39: ...a man who was a towering intellectual (but short), a charismatic personality (but nasty) and Nobel Prize winner (anti communist) who searched in his writing for an answer (haha what did he find? EFK?) to the spiritual wilderness at the core of the human experience – but also (and above all) a petty man replete with human faults. Tää on tietysti Sale, jonka rusikointi jatkuu tässä Salen dickensiläistä pikareskiromaania lukiessa. Tämä albumi on jatkoa albumille 52, jossa Salea on jo alustavasti rökitetty.
    ellauri222.html on line 74: Bellow didn’t just model some main characters on famous friends, but all characters were taken from life. He was in many ways a very thoughtful and kind person, but I think his need to be the top dog, the best, was very deep.
    ellauri222.html on line 129: He also worked for a time at the Encyclopædia Britannica, on the fifty-two-volume “Great Books of the Western World,” under the editorship of Mortimer J. Adler. Bellow was in charge of editing part of the “Syntopicon,” a two-volume digest of the Great Ideas composed by Adler. He had taken one of Adler’s courses at the University of Chicago and had concluded that it was “tomfoolery,” but he seems to have liked the job.
    ellauri222.html on line 135: Still, in New York and at Princeton, where he spent a year teaching creative writing, Bellow made friends with many of the critics who dominated literary life in the nineteen-fifties. They found him bright, congenial, and sufficiently bookish, and especially admired what they took to be his poise and real-world savvy. Irving Howe thought Bellow “very strong-willed and shrewd in the arts of self-conservation.” “Even his egocentricity added to his charms,” said William Phillips, the co-editor, with Philip Rahv, of Partisan Review. “Stunning—the ultimate beautiful young Jewish intellectual incarnate,” Alfred Kazin’s wife, Ann Birstein, remembered. Bellow maintained the allure by cultivating just the right amount of aloofness. “I was the cat who walked by himself,” as he put it.
    ellauri222.html on line 157: That’s only an aside, and there are hundreds of them. Jack Kerouac is not the first or even the tenth writer you would normally put in a sentence with Saul Bellow, but “The Adventures of Augie March” is a lot like “On the Road,” a book written at the same time. Stylistically, they both stretch syntax to make the perspective zoom from ground level to fifty thousand feet and back again. Augie is walking with a character called Grandma Lausch into an old-age home:
    ellauri222.html on line 173: Saul and Sasha fought. Some of the strains were apparently due to sexual dissatisfaction. Bellow began seeing a psychologist, a man named Paul Meehl; Meehl suggested that Sasha see him as well (a suggestion that Leader charitably calls “unorthodox”). Ludwig served as a sympathetic confidant to both parties. Then, one day in the fall of 1959, Sasha told Bellow that she was leaving him. There was no third party in the picture, she said. She just did not love him.
    ellauri222.html on line 183: “Herzog” is a revenge novel. The ex-wife, Madeleine, is a stone-cold man-killer. Her lover, Valentine Gersbach, is described as a “loud, flamboyant, ass-clutching brute.” Ludwig had a Ph.D. and a damaged foot; Bellow makes Gersbach a radio announcer with a wooden leg. The Herzog character is passive, loving, an innocent soul who cannot make sense of a world in which people like his estranged wife and her lover can exist. He is an ex-university professor, the author of a distinguished tome called “Romanticism and Christianity.” The Rosette Lamont character, called Ramona, is a sexpot with a heart of gold; she specializes in intimate candlelight dinners and lacy lingerie. She is a professor of love, not French.
    ellauri222.html on line 185: “Herzog” was nevertheless received the way all Bellow’s novels had been received: as a report on the modern condition. Many of the critics who reviewed it—Irving Howe, Philip Rahv, Stanley Edgar Hyman, Richard Ellmann, Richard Poirier—knew Bellow personally and knew all about the divorce. (Poirier was an old friend of Ludwig’s; the review he published, in Partisan Review, was a hatchet job.) None of these reviewers mentioned the autobiographical basis of the book, and several of them warned against reading it autobiographically, without ever explaining why anyone might want to. The world had no way of knowing that the story was not completely made up.
    ellauri222.html on line 191: The determination to consider the novel strictly as fiction extended even to its characters. Rosette Lamont reviewed the novel. She, too, treated the book as pure make-believe. She breezed right by the Ramona character (“Her religion is sex, a welcome relief from Madeleine’s phony conversion . . . but Herzog is too divided in his mind, too busy with resentment to free himself from a heavy conscience. Besides he is suspicious of pleasure, having learned Julien Sorel’s lesson,” and so on). She concluded with the thought that at the end of the novel Herzog enters into “a theandric relationship with the world around him.”
    ellauri222.html on line 195: You can see the biographical problem. From the beginning, Bellow drew on people he knew, including his wives and girlfriends and the members of his own family, for his characters. In “Augie March,” almost every character—and there are dozens—was directly based on some real-life counterpart. Most of “Herzog” is a roman à clef. Leader therefore decided to treat the novels as authoritative sources of information about the people in Bellow’s life. When Leader tells us about Jack Ludwig and Sondra Tschacbasov, he quotes the descriptions of Gersbach and Madeleine in “Herzog.” In the case of the many relatives with counterparts in “Augie March,” this can get confusing. You’re not always sure whether you’re reading about a person or a fictional version of that person.
    ellauri222.html on line 209: The decorum in Bellow criticism is to acknowledge the original of the fictional character when the person is famous, and otherwise to insist on treating it all as fiction. Thus everyone knows that, in “Humboldt’s Gift,” Von Humboldt Fleisher “is” Delmore Schwartz, and that, in “Ravelstein,” Abe Ravelstein “is” Allan Bloom, the Chicago professor who wrote “The Closing of the American Mind” and was a good friend of Bellow’s.
    ellauri222.html on line 213: Podhoretz told Leader that he considered all of Bellow’s characters puppets. And there is something animatronic about them. This is especially true in “Augie March,” where the extended procession of too vivid personalities is like a Wes Anderson movie. Bellow tended to make his characters look the way a child sees grownups, unalterable cartoons, weirdly unself-conscious in their one-dimensionality.
    ellauri222.html on line 215: But there is usually one fully imagined character in Bellow’s books, one character whose impulses the author understands and sympathizes with, whose sufferings elicit his compassion, and whose virtues and defects, egotism and self-doubt, honorable intentions and less than honorable expediencies are examined with surgical precision and unflinching honesty. That character is the protagonist—Augie, Herzog, Chick, even Tommy Wilhelm, in “Seize the Day,” who tries to leverage his pain to win respect. Their real-life counterpart is, of course, Saul Bellow, whose greatest subject was himself.
    ellauri222.html on line 249: Saul had women stashed all over town. His self‑justification: his career as an artist entitled him to let people down with impunity. He was married five times in all and infidelity was an issue throughout. Towards the end of his life, Saul asked his son rather charmingly, "Was I a man or a jerk?". It was the right question, and an easy one to answer: A jerk.
    ellauri222.html on line 265: this time the overall effect was not satisfactory. I was particularly aware of the absence of distance that the writer must put space between himself and the characters in his book. There should be a certain detachment from the writer's own passions. I speak as one who in Herzog committed the same sin. There I hoped that comic effects might protect me. Nevertheless I crossed the border too many times to raid the enemy camp. But then Herzog was a chump, a failed intellectual and at bottom a sentimentalist. In your case, the man who gives us Eve and Sylphid is an enragé, a fanatic-for-real.
    ellauri222.html on line 267: But that's not the outstanding defect of IMAC. Your reader, out of respect for your powers, is more than willing to go along with you. He will not, as I was not, be able to go along with your Ira, probably the least attractive of all your characters. I assume that you can no more bear Ira than the reader can. But you stand loyally by this cast-iron klutz – a big strong stupid man who attracts you for reasons invisible to me.
    ellauri222.html on line 277: One of your persistent themes is the purgation one can obtain only through rage. The forces of aggression are liberating, etc. And I can see that as a legitimate point of view. OK if your characters are titans. But Eve is simply a pitiful woman and Sylphid is a pampered, wicked fat girl with a bison hump. These are not titans.
    ellauri222.html on line 359: The foremost theme in The Adventures of Augie March is the search for identity. Unsure of what he wants from life, Augie is pulled along into the schemes of friends and strangers, trying on different identities and learning about the world through jobs ranging from union organizer to eagle trainer to book thief. His path seems random, but as Augie notes, quoting the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, “a man’s character is his fate.” As Augie goes through life, knocking on various doors, these doors of fate open up for him as if by random, but the knocks are unquestionably his own. In the end of the novel, Augie defines his identity as a “Columbus of those near-at-hand,” whose purpose in life is to knock some eggs. Augie notes that “various jobs” are the Rosetta stone, or key, to his entire life. Americans define themselves by their work (having no roots, family or land to stick to), and Augie is a sort of vagabond, trying on different identities as he goes along. Unwilling to limit himself by specializing in any one area, Augie drifts from job to job. He becomes a handbill-distributor, a paperboy, a Woolworth’s stocker, a newsstand clerk, a trinket-seller, a Christmas helper at a department store, a flower delivery boy, a butler, a clerk at fine department stores, a paint salesman, a dog groomer, a book thief, a coal yard worker, a housing inspector, a union organizer, an eagle-trainer, a gambler, a literary researcher, a business machine salesman, a merchant marine, and ultimately an importer-exporter working in wartime Europe. Augie’s job changing is emblematic of the social mobility that is so quintessentially American. Augie is the American Everyman, continually reinventing himself, like Donald Duck. Olemme kaikki oman onnemme Akuja, joopa joo. Yrmf, olet tainnut mainita. You are telling me!
    ellauri222.html on line 365: One of the major themes of the novel is the human tendency toward dishonesty. Augie is not a particularly honest character. He cheats, he steals, and lies quite frequently. Dishonesty characterizes many of the other characters in the novel, including Grandma, Einhorn, Mimi (who lies to doctors that she thinks her pregnancy abnormal), Stella, Agnes, and Mintouchian. The only characters who do not lie or cheat are the simple-minded Mama and Georgie. Lying appears necessary for people to survive in a Machiavellian world. As Mintouchian puts it: “I’m a great admirer of our species. I stand in awe of the genius of the race. But a large part of this genius is devoted to lying and seeming what you are not.” The ethics of the American Jew. The book starts with a lie: I am an American, Chicago born."
    ellauri222.html on line 535: A baldheaded man with gold glasses, Lubin is the caseworker assigned to work with the Marches through the government charities program.
    ellauri222.html on line 705: In a 1943 issue of The American Scholar, Marston wrote: "Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power. Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are. Women's strong qualities have become despised because of their weakness. The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman."
    ellauri222.html on line 707: Marston's character was a native of an all-female utopia of Amazons who became a crime-fighting U.S. government agent, using her superhuman strength and agility, and her ability to force villains to submit and tell the truth by binding them with her magic "lasso". Wonder Woman's golden "lasso" and Venus Girdle in particular were the focus of many of the early stories and have the same capability to reform people for good in the short term that Transformation Island and prolonged wearing of Venus Girdles offered in the longer term. The Venus Girdle was an allegory for Marston's theory of "sex love" training, where people can be "trained" to embrace submission through eroticism.
    ellauri222.html on line 739: Before discussing some of the minor characters in this story, it should be borne in mind that each of them can be analyzed in connection with Candide who may accept or reject their beliefs or principles. Among such supplementary characters, we can single out Lord Pococurante. To a certain degree, even his name is symbolic; the word “pococurante” is of Italian origin and it can be translated into English as indifferent. He perfectly corresponds to his name. At the very beginning of the fifteenth chapter, Voltaire makes the reader feel that Lord Pococurante is tired of everything. He says, “I make them lie with me sometimes, for I am very tired of the ladies of the town, of their coquetries, of their jealousies, of their quarrels, of their humors, of their pettinesses, of their pride, of their follies” (Voltaire, 70)
    ellauri222.html on line 741: Certainly, some of the previously mentioned can be very tiresome, but this character assumes such an attitude towards everything. The lord can be characterized by perfectionism; he demands excellence from everyone and everything surrounding him. Overall, perfectionism is a positive quality because it stimulates a person to improve oneself but in his case, it becomes grotesque, because Lord Pococurante rejects everything that allegedly does not meet his standards.
    ellauri222.html on line 745: The question arises why Voltaire inserts such a character in the novella, and what functions he performs in the story. On the one hand, Lord Pococurante embodies the then French aristocracy, the social class, surfeited with everything. The author attracts the reader’s attention to a very curious paradox: people, who live in luxury, cannot enjoy it. Though it is not explicitly stated by Voltaire, such people are doomed to failure. At this point, we can say with certainty that Voltaire is prophetic in this novella.
    ellauri222.html on line 749: Apart from that, this character demands perfection only from other people, he never attempts to apply this principle to himself and it makes him a slightly comic figure. Lord Pococurante is neither artist, nor writer, but he takes faults with the world masterpieces, which is absurd in its core. Nevertheless, many people deem themselves quite competent for criticizing, having never created any work of art.
    ellauri222.html on line 757: Saul Bellow is widely recognized as America's preeminent living novelist. His fiction, which is as intellectually demanding as it is imaginatively appealing, steadfastly affirms the value of the human soul while simultaneously recognizing the claims of community and the demoralizing inauthenticity of daily life. Refusing to give in to the pessimism and despair that threaten to overwhelm American experience, Bellow offers a persistently optimistic, though often tentative and ambiguous, alternative to postmodern alienation. In their struggle to understand their past and reorder their present, his protagonists chart a course of possibility for all who would live meaningfully in urban American society and make loads of money.
    ellauri222.html on line 761: The first novel to display Bellow's characteristic expansiveness and optimism, The Adventures of Augie March presents a dazzling panorama of comically eccentric characters in a picaresque tale narrated by the irrepressible title character, who defends human possibility by embracing the hope that "There may gods turn up anywhere." Subsequent novels vary in tone from the intensity of Seize the Day to the exuberance of Henderson the Rain King to the ironic ambiguity of Herzog, but all explore the nature of human male freedom and the tensions between the individual's need for self and the needs of society. Augie March, Tommy Wilhelm, Eugene Henderson, and Moses Herzog all yearn to please themselves by finding the beauty in life. By creating these highly individualistic characters and the milieu in which they move, Bellow reveals the flashes of the extraordinary in the ordinary that make such fun possible and rejects the attitude that everyday life must be trivial and ignoble. It is like that just for the losers.
    ellauri222.html on line 767: In their quest to find the beaver that gives meaning to life, Bellow's protagonists must also come to terms with death. The message Bellow conveys in almost all of his novels is that one must fear death to know the meaning of life and what it means to be human. Henderson overcomes his fear of death when he is buried and symbolically resurrected in the African king Dahfu's experiment. Similarly, in Seize the Day, Tommy Wilhelm confronts death in a symbolic drowning. Charlie Citrine in Humboldt's Gift echoes Whitman in viewing death as the essential question, pointing out that it is only through death that Sauls can complete the cycle of life by liberating self from the body. Bellow's meditations on death darken in Mr. Sammler's Planet and The Dean's December. While the title character in Mr. Sammler's Planet eagerly awaits the death of the person he most values in the world, Bellow contemplates the approaching death of Western culture at the hands of those who have abandoned humanistic values. The Dean's December presents an apocalyptic vision of urban decay in a Chicago totally lacking the comic touches that soften Charlie Citrone's portrait of this same city as a "moronic inferno" in Humboldt's Gift. An uncharacteristically bleak yarn from he old standup comic. With More Die of Heartbreak and the recent novellas, however, Bellow returns to his more characteristic blend of pathos and farce in contemplating the relationship between life and death. In the recent Ravelstein, Bellow once again charts this essential confrontation when Saul recounts not only his best friend's death from AIDS but also his own near-death experience from food poisoning. Through this foreground, in a fictionalized memoir to his own gay friend Allan Bloom, Bellow reveals the resilient love and tenderness that offer the modern world its saving grace.
    ellauri222.html on line 791: Because Bellow refuses to devalue human potential in even his bleakest scenarios, his novels often come under attack for their affirmative endings. Augie hails himself as a new Columbus, the rediscoverer of America; Henderson, while triumphantly returning home with his new charges, dances with glee, "leaping, leaping, pounding, and tingling over the pure white lining of the grey Arctic silence." Herzog inexplicably evades his fate, emerging from the flux of his tortured mind to reclaim his sanity and his confidence in the future. Yet, the victories of Bellow's heroes are not unqualified, but rather as ambiguous and tenuous as is the human condition itself. As a new Columbus, Augie speaks from exile in Europe; in holding the orphan child, Henderson recalls the pain of his separation from his own father; by renouncing his self-pity and his murderous rage at his ex-wife Madeleine, Herzog reduces but does not expiate his guilt. Nonetheless, these characters earn whatever spiritual victory they reap through their penes and their refusal to succumb to doubt and cynicism. Through their perseverance in seeking the truth of human existence, they ultimately renew themselves by transcending to an intuitive spiritual awareness that is no less real because it must be taken on faith.
    ellauri222.html on line 793: In all of Bellow's works, an appreciation of the cultural context in which his protagonists struggle is essential to understanding these characters and their search for renewal. Bellow's vision centers almost exclusively on Jewish male experience in contemporary urban America. Proud of their heritage, his heroes are usually second-generation Jewish immigrants who seek to discover how they can live meaningfully in their American present while honoring their skinless knobs. Much of their ability to maintain their belief in humanity despite their knowledge of the world can be attributed to the affirmative nature of the Jewish culture. Bellovian heroes live in a WASP society in which they are only partially assimilated. However, as Jews have done historically, they maintain their concern for morality and community despite their cultural displacement.
    ellauri222.html on line 795: Though in some ways separated from American society, Bellow's protagonists also strongly connect their identity with America. Augie begins his adventures by claiming, "I am an American, Chicago born—Chicago, that somber city." Almost all of Bellow's novels take place in an American city, most often Chicago or New York. Through his depiction of urban reality, Bellow anchors his novels in the actual world, and he uses the city as his central metaphor for contemporary materialism. Although recognizing the importance of history and memory, Bellow's novels maintain a constant engagement with the present moment. His characters move in the real world, confronting sensuous images of urban chaos and clutter that often threaten to overwhelm them. Looking down on the Hudson River, Tommy Wilhelm sees "tugs with matted beards of cordage" and "the red bones of new apartments rising on the bluffs." Sammler denounces contemporary New Yorkers for the "free ways of barbarism" that they practice beneath the guise of "civilized order, property rights [and] refined technological organization." In Humboldt's Gift, which is replete with images of cannibalism and vampirism, Charlie Citrone sees Von Trenck, the source of his material success, as "the blood-scent that attracted the sharks of Chicago." Acknowledging the influence of the city on his fiction, Bellow himself has remarked, "I don't know how I could possibly separate my knowledge of life such as it is, from the city. I could no more tell you how deeply it's gotten into my bones than the lady who paints radium dials in the clock factory can tell you." However, although the city serves to identify the deterministic social pressures that threaten to destroy civilization, Bellow's heroes refuse to become its victims and instead draw on their latent nondeterministic resources of vitality to reassert their uniquely American belief in individual freedom, as well as their faith in the possibility of community.
    ellauri222.html on line 797: Except for Clara Velde in A Theft, the protagonists in Bellow's novels and novellas are all male. The Bellovian hero typically seeks erotic pleasure, emotional security, and egoistic confirmation from the women in his life. In marriage, his relationships with women are conflicted, and he often retreats from his role as husband to a sensuous but selfish and demanding wife who paradoxically represents both his yearning for freewheeling sex happiness and society's pressure to relinquish the freedom so essential to his self-realization. Like his male characters who all are Saul lookalikes, Bellow's females are often interchangeable and serve roles of little dramatic import. However, although the author has come under increasing criticism for his superficial treatment of women, his depiction of women and male-female relationships serves to reinforce the psychological crisis that each male protagonist must negotiate to empty their scrotums so as to achieve peace and fulfillment.
    ellauri222.html on line 1017: 20-25 is too much.12 is workable. Depending on whose on the team. I think 7-9 is too little characters.12 gives you more possibilities.
    ellauri223.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri223.html on line 56: Mr. Strangelove is the foremost magistrate in attending to the charge of the race. He sees that men and women are so joined together, that they bring forth the best offspring. Indeed, they laugh at us who exhibit a studious care for our breed of horses and dogs, but neglect the breeding of human beings. Thus the education of the children is under his rule, and whatever has any reference to food, clothing, and the intercourse of the sexes. Love himself is ruler, but there are many male and female magistrates dedicated to these arts.
    ellauri223.html on line 162: The inhabitants of Bensalem are described as having a high moral character and honesty, as no official accepts any payment from individuals. The people are also described as chaste and pious, as said by an inhabitant of the island:
    ellauri223.html on line 226: The Jacobean antiquarian Sir Simonds D'Ewes (Bacon's fellow Member of Parliament) implied there had been a question of bringing him to trial for buggery, which his brother Anthony Bacon had also been charged with.
    ellauri226.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri236.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri236.html on line 60: Lula's election tonight represents one of the greatest comeback stories in Latin American history. Lula was convicted and imprisoned on corruption and money laundering charges that were later overturned on a technicality by Brazil’s Supreme Court, clearing the way for him to run for an unprecedented third term.
    ellauri236.html on line 110: Critics have charged that Bolsonaro would not accept the electoral results in case of a loss, but on Friday he sang a different tune: "Whoever has the most votes takes it. This is democracy." But if it's not me, we must stop the steal.
    ellauri236.html on line 192: In another of Mr. Chase's books, He Won't Need It Now, the hero, who is intended to be a sympathetic and perhaps even noble character, is described as stamping on somebody's face, and then, having crushed the man's mouth in, grinding his heel round and round in it. Even when physical incidents of this kind are not occurring, the mental atmosphere of these books is always the same. Their whole theme is the struggle for power and the triumph of the strong over the weak. The big gangsters wipe out the little ones as mercilessly as a pike gobbling up the little fish in a pond; the police kill off the criminals as cruelly as the angler kills the pike. If ultimately one sides with the police against the gangsters, it is merely because they are better organized and more powerful, because, in fact, the law is a bigger racket than crime. Might is right: vae victis. But think of it, what is new? All undying epic heroes are described as stamping on one anothers faces.
    ellauri236.html on line 202: In a book like No Orchids one is not, as in the old-style crime story, simply escaping from dull reality into an imaginary world of action. One's escape is essentially into cruelty and sexual perversion. No Orchids is aimed at the power-instinct, which Raffles or the Sherlock Holmes stories are not. At the same time the English attitude towards crime is not so superior to the American as I may have seemed to imply. It too is mixed up with power-worship, and has become more noticeably so in the last twenty years. A writer who is worth examining is Edgar Wallace, especially in such typical books as The Orator and the Mr. J. G. Reeder stories. Wallace was one of the first crime-story writers to break away from the old tradition of the private detective and make his central figure a Scotland Yard official. Sherlock Holmes is an amateur, solving his problems without the help and even, in the earlier stories, against the opposition of the police. Moreover, like Lupin, he is essentially an intellectual, even a scientist. He reasons logically from observed fact, and his intellectuality is constantly contrasted with the routine methods of the police. Wallace objected strongly to this slur, as he considered it, on Scotland Yard, and in several newspaper articles he went out of his way to denounce Holmes by name. His own ideal was the detective-inspector who catches criminals not because he is intellectually brilliant but because he is part of an all-powerful organization. Hence the curious fact that in Wallace's most characteristic stories the ‘clue’ and the ‘deduction’ play no part. The criminal is always defeated by an incredible coincidence, or because in some unexplained manner the police know all about the crime beforehand. The tone of the stories makes it quite clear that Wallace's admiration for the police is pure bully-worship. A Scotland Yard detective is the most powerful kind of being that he can imagine, while the criminal figures in his mind as an outlaw against whom anything is permissible, like the condemned slaves in the Roman arena. His policemen behave much more brutally than British policemen do in real life — they hit people with out provocation, fire revolvers past their ears to terrify them and so on — and some of the stories exhibit a fearful intellectual sadism. (For instance, Wallace likes to arrange things so that the villain is hanged on the same day as the heroine is married.) But it is sadism after the English fashion: that is to say, it is unconscious, there is not overtly any sex in it, and it keeps within the bounds of the law. The British public tolerates a harsh criminal law and gets a kick out of monstrously unfair murder trials: but still that is better, on any account, than tolerating or admiring crime. If one must worship a bully, it is better that he should be a policeman than a gangster. Wallace is still governed to some extent by the concept of ‘not done’. In No Orchids anything is ‘done’ so long as it leads on to power. All the barriers are down, all the motives are out in the open. Chase is a worse symptom than Wallace, to the extent that all-in wrestling is worse than boxing, or Fascism is worse than capitalist democracy.
    ellauri236.html on line 206: Until recently the characteristic adventure stories of the English-speaking peoples have been stories in which the hero fights against odds. This is true all the way from Robin Hood to Pop-eye the Sailor. Perhaps the basic myth of the Western world is Jack the Giant-killer, but to be brought up to date this should be renamed Jack the Dwarf-killer, and there already exists a considerable literature which teaches, either overtly or implicitly, that one should side with the big man against the little man. Most of what is now written about foreign policy is simply an embroidery on this theme, and for several decades such phrases as ‘Play the game’, ‘Don't hit a man when he's down’ and ‘It's not cricket’ have never failed to draw a snigger from anyone of intellectual pretensions. What is comparatively new is to find the accepted pattern, according to which (a) right is right and wrong is wrong, whoever wins, and (b) weakness must be respected, disappearing from popular literature as well. When I first read D. H. Lawrence's novels, at the age of about twenty, I was puzzled by the fact that there did not seem to be any classification of the characters into ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Lawrence seemed to sympathize with all of them about equally, and this was so unusual as to give me the feeling of having lost my bearings. Today no one would think of looking for heroes and villains in a serious novel, but in lowbrow fiction one still expects to find a sharp distinction between right and wrong and between legality and illegality. The common people, on the whole, are still living in the world of absolute good and evil from which the intellectuals have long since escaped. But the popularity of No Orchids and the American books and magazines to which it is akin shows how rapidly the doctrine of ‘realism’ is gaining ground.
    ellauri236.html on line 378: The plan begins to fall apart when a rival mob, led by the sadistic and mentally unbalanced Slim Grisson (actually, by his Ma), finds out about Riley's plan and kidnaps Miss Blandish from the gang. Mr. Blandish pays the ransom to Slim (no no, to his Ma!), but his daughter is not returned. Slim becomes increasingly obsessed with Miss Blandish and decides to keep her hidden in a secret room inside one of his nightclubs, repeatedly raping her and lashing out at anybody who attempts to wrestle Miss Blandish from his charge.
    ellauri236.html on line 475: Fenner got to his feet. He was surprised Blandish wasn’t a bigger man. Only slightly above middle height, the millionaire seemed puny beside Fenner’s muscular bulk. His eyes gave his face its arresting power and character. Fenner has arresting power on his bulk, and Paula has a caracteristic butt. They were hard, shrewd and alert eyes of a man who has fought his way to the top with no mercy asked nor given. Now this is proper monkey business! Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk in the flesh! Täähän on yhtä mahtavaa kuin Malamudin apinoiden saarella!
    ellauri236.html on line 514: Over the years, Chase developed a distinct, signature style in his writing that was fast-paced, with little explanations or details about the surroundings or weather or the unreliable characters. Characters in his novels and short stories would be more coherent than consistent who acted and reacted with unbreakable logic. Punchy sentences, short bursts of dialogue in authentic sounding dictionary slang with plenty of action were the characteristics of his writing.
    ellauri238.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri238.html on line 459: Zur Welt kam Elisabeth, die Else genannt wurde, in der Elberfelder Herzogstraße 29. Sie wurde zu Else Lasker-Schüler, die Dichter*in, die ihre Welt aus dem Tal der Wupper und den Sprachwelten des Talmuds in Gedichten, in Prosa und Theaterstücken einfing. Eine deutsche Poet*in, die Deutschland und uns Kerndeutschen nah sein müsste, ist ihr Leben und Werk doch so tief von der Geschichte durchzogen, welche die unsrige ist. Meist wird sie als deutsch-jüdische Dichter*in wahrgenommen, aber dies marginalisiert und führt aus dem künstlerischen Erfahren und Lesen fort. Ihre Poet*innensprache war deutsch und damit hat sie das Sprachland Deutschland in eine dichte Höhle geführt, wie wenige vor ihr und nicht viele nach ihr. Und auch diejenigen, die wie sie einen eigenen Dichterkosmos hatten und haben, wie Rose Ausländer, Paul Celan, Nelly Sachs, Hilde Domin, Hertha Kräftner sowie Gottfried Benn, Rainer Maria Rilke, Peter Huchel, Reiner Kunze oder (aus Rumänien) Herta Müller, Rolf Bossert und Richard Wagner sollten werkimmanent und literaturästhetisch wahrgenommen und nicht in Bindestrich-Kästchen – weder religiös noch regional – segmentiert werden. Deutschland, Deutschland ist das Dach für alle, Deutschland Deutschland über alles, die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit.
    ellauri238.html on line 512: Ich brülle am Alex den Regen scharf Alexin kohdalla karjun sadetta vasten.
    ellauri238.html on line 732: "My cup runneth over!" is screamed as an expression of ecstasy by the fictional character William Bedford Diego in the 1999 video game System Shock 2, while in World of Warcraft, fictional character Blood Prince Valanar uses the phrase during the "Blood Prince Council" encounter. Also Pandaren Brewmaster from Dota 2 uses it. "Your cup runneth over!" is also an achievement or trophy in Devil May Cry 4. In an easter egg in Day of the Tentacle there is a Victorian photograph resembling the character Max from Sam & Max Hit the Road with the caption "The late Max Attucks, his petard runneth over." In the MOBA Smite, it is the name of a Match of the Day where teams begin the match at max level with 12,000 gold. The quote is also quoted by one of the symbiotic demons in Call of Duty: Vanguard´s zombies mode.
    ellauri240.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri240.html on line 117: Vang Pao, mercenary soldier, born 8 December 1929; died 6 January 2011. Vang Pao, the Laotian general who marshalled a CIA mercenary army to fight a "secret war" against communist insurgents in the remote mountains of Laos in the 1960s, has died aged 81. Although Vang Pao's supporters portrayed him as a father figure uniting all his people, the Hmong (an ethnic minority in Laos), on the side of the US against the communist world, his critics regarded him as a charismatic but ruthless opium warlord, who made arrogant and misleading claims to speak on behalf of all Hmong. Far from uniting the Hmong, they say, he divided them. Some historians argue that he allowed his "secret army" to be used as cannon-fodder, played as pawns on a CIA geopolitical chessboard.
    ellauri240.html on line 128: In 2007, he was arrested and charged with other Hmong leaders in federal court with conspiracy in a plot to kill communist officials in his native country. Federal prosecutors alleged the Lao liberation movement known as Neo Hom raised millions of dollars to recruit a mercenary force and conspired to obtain weapons.
    ellauri240.html on line 276: The Shakespearean play ending thus contains several narrative inconsistencies uncharacteristic of Shakespeare, an unusually unsatisfying dénouement, drastically different styles in different places and an unusually large number of long lines that do not scan.
    ellauri240.html on line 278: Linguists have all discovered apparent confirmation of the theory that Middleton wrote much of the play. It contains numerous words, phrases, and punctuation choices that are characteristic of his work but rare in Shakespeare.
    ellauri240.html on line 284: Middleton's plays are marked by often amusingly presented cynicism about the human race. True heroes are a rarity: almost every character is selfish, greedy and self-absorbed. Middleton's work has long been praised by literary critics, among them Algernon Charles Swinburne and T. S. Eliot. The latter thought Middleton was second only to Shakespeare.
    ellauri241.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri241.html on line 192: Then, once again, the charmed God began Sitten, jälleen kerran, hurmattu Jumala aloitti
    ellauri241.html on line 198: A woman's shape, and charming as before. naisen muotoinen ja viehättävä kuten ennenkin.
    ellauri241.html on line 213: Delicate, put to proof the lythe Caducean charm. Delikaatisti, pani käärmesauvan lemmen töihin.
    ellauri241.html on line 360: What canst thou say or do of charm enough Mitä voit sanoa tai tehdä tarpeeksi viehätysvoimaisesti
    ellauri241.html on line 599: Veiled, in a chariot, heralded along Hunnutettuna, vaunuissa, airueiden mukana
    ellauri241.html on line 615: Throughout, as fearful the whole charm might fade. koko ajan, koska koko pelottava taika saattoi haihtua.
    ellauri241.html on line 726: War on his temples. Do not all charms fly sotaa hänen ohimoillaan. Eivätkö kaikki loizut lennä vittuun
    ellauri241.html on line 863: Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards, Ei Bacchuksen ja hänen partyjensa vaunuissa,
    ellauri241.html on line 1129: His charming rod, her pearly cup anew.
    ellauri241.html on line 1212: 'Xcept 4 beach lions hauled in some chariot.

    ellauri241.html on line 1375: Against his pallid face: he felt the charm

    ellauri242.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri243.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri243.html on line 486: It is clear that Dale Brown never expected to be as successful as he has been. This is clear by his killing off of some characters, only to be resurrected in subsequent novels. He originally only intended to write 3 novels for his publisher. Now, 24 books later, he is an accomplished author and his fans are eagerly awaiting his next novel teeming with revenants.
    ellauri243.html on line 488: In April 2004, Brown pleaded guilty to charges of tax fraud. He was charged with creating companies in the West Indies for the purposes of receiving tax deductions from fictitious expenses. The fictitious expenses amounted to more than $440,000, which Brown claimed on his 1998 income tax filing. He used the tax deductions to remodel his retirement home in Incline Village, Nevada.
    ellauri243.html on line 506: Brown’s books have never made it into movies. The closest they have come is with some of the characters appearing in computer games. When asked the question on his website, he said it would be cool if his books could be made into movies, however he doesn’t have an agent in Hollywood so the chances are low.
    ellauri243.html on line 550: Bob Stearns, CEO of Powerful Potential. BOB STEARNS is one of only 95 people in history to lead an organization to win the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige Award. He was the Leader and Architect of Pittsburgh based Medrad’s 2003 journey to win the prestigious award. Medrad won the Baldrige award again in 2010. The Baldrige Award is presented annually by the President of the United States to organizations that excel in seven categories, including results. As Chief Human Resources Officer of CoManage, Bob led that company to be named the Best Place to Work in Pa.” He has also received the American Society for Training and Development Award for Excellence. Bob has served as a Director on the Boards of National Church Solutions, The Orchards at Foxcrest, the Pa. Society of Association Executives, the Pa. Association of Non Profit Organizations and a Woman owned business through Powerlink and Seton Hill University. Bob has owned and been the CEO of PowerfulPotential since 1985.
    ellauri243.html on line 614: In 1970, Mahoney was appointed a U.S. Chairman of the President Richard Nixon Fan Club, an exclusive online community of fans and superfans.
    ellauri243.html on line 617: Mahoney wrote The Longevity Strategy: How to Live to 100 Using the Brain-Body Connection with Richard Restak, M.D. Foreword by William Safire (!). Mahoney died at 77 on May 1, 2000 at his home in Palm Beach, Florida, of heart failure. So much for longevity. Dave´s brain just disconnected from his body.
    ellauri243.html on line 678: Ludwig von Mises oli matemaatikko ja fyysikko Richard von Misesin veli. Hän syntyi Itävalta-Unkarin keisarikunnan itäosassa sijainneessa Lembergissä (nykyinen Lviv Ukrainassa) ja opetti Wienin yliopistossa 1913–1934. Samanaikaisesti hän toimi Itävallan valtion taloudellisena neuvonantajana muun muassa Itävallan keskuskauppakamarin virkamiehen ominaisuudessa ja ensimmäisen maailmansodan jälkeen myös Kansainliiton asettaman Itävallan sotakorvauskomitean johtajana.
    ellauri243.html on line 730: Endymion is very like Benjy´s autobiography, with his boring English politics woven into the thread of the story. The action and conversations are distributed between characters who had figured in English politics and the fashionable romances of Europe during the last forty years.
    ellauri243.html on line 734: St Barbe, the journalist in " Endymion " is an intended caricature of Thackeray, and Gushy is Dickens. Vigo, a minor character of the novel, is a combination of Poole, the tailor, and George Hudson, the Sunderland railway king, as he was styled in his time. Prince Florestan is probably a sketch of Louis Napoleon in his early days in England. He is constantly presented as a child of destiny wailing for the European revolution of ´48 to give him back his throne.
    ellauri243.html on line 736: Job Thornberry comes into the story with the Anti-Corn-Law League, representing the remarkable change in English politics from the time before Napoleonic wars when the 10% richest guys were local landowners to after the wars when the merchants and industrialists had become the nobs (am. head honchos). This change of mens of production necessitated the passage of Reform Bills that favored Millian laissez-faire by the Conservative Derby-Disraeli ministries. Job Thornberry may be Richard Cobden; for he certainly has much of Cobden´s subject in him. The energetic and capable minister Lord Roehampton is taken to be Lord Palmerston, and Count Ferrol is perhaps Bismarck. Neuchatel, the great banker, is the historical Rothschild; Cardinal Henry Edward Manning figures as the tendentious papist Nigel Penruddock.
    ellauri244.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri244.html on line 439: Faye Madden's novels are sweet and wholesome, and through her richly crafted characters she explores all the heartache, pain, yet ultimately joyous happiness love brings, however that journey may unfold. Many of her novels explore this through the prism of a second chance romance, whilst others focus on love lost and found, or in unrequited love.
    ellauri244.html on line 546: Lokki Joonatan (engl. Jonathan Livingston Seagull) on yhdysvaltalaisen Richard Bachin kirjoittama, pienoisromaanin muodossa vuonna 1970 julkaistu faabeli.
    ellauri245.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri245.html on line 155: I received something in Sweden’s Svenska Dagbladet that I don’t think I ever had before: an unqualified trouncing by a reviewer who felt that the book sensationalized violence. The review seemed so emotionally charged that I could only conclude that The Leopard not only wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but a brew that really stuck in some readers’ craws, a book whose brutality and scenes of violence could truly alienate readers.
    ellauri245.html on line 159: And another question started coming up: How do you come up with these things? Meaning: What kind of sick, perverted mind could come up with such ideas? I tried to look within myself, to ask if the violence in the book was really appropriately calibrated for the purpose: to say something about the character behind it (dvs mig). Or if I had let myself be lured into sensationalism, effects for the sake of effects and a callous fascination with suffering. Had I created a Norvegian Psycho, just such a book, one that had become a sort of guilty pleasure for closet sadists?
    ellauri245.html on line 240: b) Laihan kurjen näköinen chargé d´affaires (väärinkirjoitettuna) Fredrikstadista

    ellauri245.html on line 267: Nsala of Wala in the Nsongo District (Abir Concession) is a photograph published by Edmund Dene Morel in his book King Leopold's Rule in Africa, in 1904. The image depicts a Congolese man named Nsala examining the severed foot and hand of his five-year-old daughter, Boali. The photograph was taken by Alice Seeley Harris, the wife of a missionary, in the village of Baringa on 14 May 1904. It was subsequently employed as a tool in the inhumane media campaign against the situation in the Congo Free State, which was largely characterised by rubber dildos.
    ellauri245.html on line 468: Nyt on pitemmälle lukematta selvä että sarjamurjoja ei ole kukaan muu kuin toi liian sievä kripopopopomo. Carl Micharl Bellman siis jonka leivissä on toikin norjansaamelainen sauna-apina. Harry ojentaa kolleegoita kuin äidinkielenopettaja. Olix Nääsnääsinkin vanhemmat opettajia? Jonne on ize hukkapätkä, 175-senttinen. Ei ihme eze laittaa hissikengät toimiessaan Harrynä.
    ellauri245.html on line 673: In 2009, Norwegian nationals Joshua French and Tjostolv Moland were arrested and charged in the killing of their hired driver, attempted murder of a witness, espionage, armed robbery and the possession of illegal firearms. They were found guilty and sentenced to death, and also fined, along with their employer Norway—$60 million.
    ellauri245.html on line 754: Soon after graduation, Altman joined the United States Army Air Forces at the age of 18. During World War II, Altman flew more than 50 bombing missions as a co-pilot of a B-24 Liberator with the 307th Bomb Group in Borneo and the Dutch East Indies. Upon his discharge in 1947, Altman moved to California. He worked in publicity for a company that had invented a tattooing machine to identify dogs.
    ellauri245.html on line 767: Altman palasi suosioon 1990-luvulla elokuvallaan The Player – Pelimies (1992), ja jatkoi komeaa paluutaan Raymond Carver -filmatisoinnilla Short cuts – oikopolkuja (1993). 2000-luvulla Altmanin töistä parhaiten on huomattu poikkeuksellisen suosittu, Richard Geren tähdittämä Tohtori T ja naiset (Dr. T & the Women, 2000) sekä Agatha Christien hengessä kulkeva Gosford Park (2001).
    ellauri246.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri247.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri247.html on line 201: John Bellairs referenced Smollett's works in his Johnny Dixon series, where Professor Roderick Random Childermass reveals that his late father Marcus, an English professor, had named all his sons after characters in Smollett's works: Roderick Random, Peregrine Pickle, Humphry Clinker, and even "Ferdinand Count Fathom", who usually signed his name F. C. F. Childermass.
    ellauri247.html on line 276: Smollett characterized the chambers as cold and comfortless, the beds as "paultry" (with "frowsy," a favourite word), the cookery as execrable, wine poison, attendance bad, publicans insolent, and bills extortion, concluding with the grand climax that there was not a drop of tolerable malt liquor to be had from London to
    ellauri247.html on line 295: "If a Frenchman is capable of real friendship, it must certainly be the most disagreeable present he can possibly make to a man of a true English character. You know, madam, we are naturally taciturn, soon tired of impertinence, and much subject to fits of disgust. Your French friend intrudes upon you at all hours; he stuns you with his loquacity; he teases you with impertinent questions about your domestic and private affairs; he attempts to meddle in all your concerns, and forces his advice upon you with the most unwearied importunity; he asks the price of everything you wear, and, so sure as you tell him, undervalues it without hesitation; he affirms it is in a bad taste, ill contrived, ill made; that you have been imposed upon both with respect to the fashion and the price; that the marquis of this, or the countess of that, has one that is perfectly elegant, quite in the bon ton, and yet it cost her little more than you gave for a thing that nobody would wear.
    ellauri247.html on line 320: When William Hogarth first saw Johnson standing near a window in Richardson's house, "shaking his head and rolling himself about in a strange ridiculous manner", Hogarth thought Johnson an "ideot, whom his relations had put under the care of Mr. Richardson".
    ellauri247.html on line 341: Between 1737 and 1739, Johnson befriended poet Richard Savage. Feeling guilty of living almost entirely on Tetty's money, Johnson stopped living with her and spent his time with Savage. They were poor and would stay in taverns or sleep in "night-cellars". Some nights they would roam the streets until dawn because they had no money. A-ha!
    ellauri247.html on line 381: In a 1921 letter to Harriet Shaw Weaver, the writer James Joyce uses the twins "Tweedledee and Tweedledum" to characterize Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung and their conflict. They. didn't look like twins at all.
    ellauri247.html on line 428: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44893/epistles-to-several-persons-epistle-ii-to-a-lady-on-the-characters-of-women
    ellauri248.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri248.html on line 83: Matt rated it shit: If I could, I'd probably rate this at 1.5 stars-- it ultimately pissed me off, and annoyed me throughout, but it was good enough to keep me reading and I suppose that should count for something. Maybe my opinion has been influenced by reading Stieg Larsson's masterful THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO FOR BOYS immediately prior to this one. That book wasn't perfect, but it had characters you rooted for, didn't wallow too much in pop culture references, and most importantly IT SOLVED THE FRIGGING MYSTERY.
    ellauri248.html on line 85: Let's go through a few of these points. First, I don't think I've ever read a mystery novel with a less likable main character/narrator. Rob (Adam) Ryan is an asshole, plain and simple. Sure, he's been warped by his childhood and circumstances, but he does just about every annoying thing you could possibly imagine-- he constantly navel-gazes and feels self pity, he sleeps with then immediately plays the stereotypical male "I don't want anything to do with you now" role with his female partner (the person we were told was his best friend, and whom he would never ever sleep with), he acts like an idiot over the 17 year old villain/ temptress/ psychopath/ whatever betraying his partner, and by the end of the book he is worse off than ever. I know that lots of detectives (esp. in hard-boild stories) are unlikable, and have many personal issues, but this guy just took the cake. I wanted to take a baseball bat to his head [hear, hear!]. To make matters worse, French throws in this little gem towards the end of the novel:
    ellauri248.html on line 118: I loved this book to pieces, even though I could not shake off the overwhelming feeling of sadness and hollowness after finishing it. I loved it despite (or maybe because?) of the frustrating incompleteness of some plot lines, the frequent lack of resolution, and the unfulfillment of my wishes for the characters and events. [noir romance]
    ellauri248.html on line 122: Not. One. Thing. Is. Resolved. Rob Ryan’s character arc? Flop. My wife Cassie Maddox’s character arc? Long sigh. My favorite pair of besties? I don’t want to talk about it. Mystery? Fine, sort of chilling, but also 1) not really a mindfuck and 2) has shitty connotations. The commupence? Non-ex-is-tent.
    ellauri248.html on line 127: Emily May rated it amazing: Needless to say, I was completely expecting something a bit dark and twisted, a creepy psychological murder mystery with an outcome I never would have seen coming. And I got that. But I never expected this book to leave me feeling so... sad. And you know why? Because I cared. Ms French carefully builds up a complex personality for each of her characters, complete with a past, a sense of humour and some serious issues to go with it all, and you can't help but care what happens to the detectives even more than you care what happens with the case.
    ellauri248.html on line 182: In den Jahren 1860/61 lebte Malwida von Meysenbug mit Olga in Paris, dem damaligen kulturellen Zentrum Europas. Sie war dort häufig Gast bei Richard Wagner, dessen vertrauteste Freundin sie neben Marie von Schleinitz war. Auch mit Charles Baudelaire und Hector Berlioz stand sie in Beziehung; über Wagner kam sie in Kontakt mit der schweinidealistische Philosophie Arthur Schopenhauers, welche sie – in eigener Interpretation – für sich selbst übernahm.
    ellauri249.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri249.html on line 356: Yhdysvaltain ensimmäisessä vientinäyttelyssä Moskovan Sokolnikissa 1959 Hruštšov kehuskeli Richard Nixonille, että Neuvostoliitto saavuttaa ja ohittaa Yhdysvallat. Viestin perillemenoa hän ryyditti lopettamalla: ”näytämme teille närhen munat!” "Покажем мы вам кузькину мать!" Niin näytti. Ylen surulliselta näytti.
    ellauri254.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri254.html on line 83: Programmatisch für das serapiontische Prinzip, das „wie Theodor sehr richtig bemerkte, eben nichts weiter heißen wollte, als daß die Serapionsbrüder übereingekommen, sich durchaus niemals mit schlechtem Machwerk zu quälen“, ist die Absage an jede Art von Nachahmungspoetik und jeden sogenannten Realismus. Nicht die Außenwelt soll durch die Dichtung abgebildet werden, sondern es gilt, „das Bild, das dem wahren Künstler im Innern aufgegangen“, durch „poetische Darstellung ins äußere Leben zu tragen“. Wie Serapion, der als weltfremder Eremit nur seinen Visionen folgte, soll auch der Dichter sich von der Einsamkeit als idealer Sphäre seines schöpferischen Geistes inspirieren lassen. Je mehr ihm die Welt zum bloßen Störfaktor wird, desto autonomer, genialer und serapiontischer sein Werk. Indem die fiktiven Erzähler der Novellensammlung über die serapiontische Qualität ihrer Texte diskutieren, wird die ästhetische Reflexion – ganz im Sinne romantischer Poetologie – selbst zum Bestandteil der Poesie. Verwirrend für die Interpreten E.T.A. Hoffmanns sind dabei die für ihn so charakteristischen visionär-phantastischen Projektionen, mit denen er die künstlerische Innenschau mit der alltäglichen Wirklichkeit verbindet und dabei eine typisch serapiontische Mischung aus Phantasie und Realität schafft, die für den Leser nur noch schwer zu entwirren ist.
    ellauri254.html on line 257: Мы широко по дебрям и лесам Me hylätään Eurooppa ja Chaplin charmikas,
    ellauri254.html on line 358: Primary influences on the movement weren't merely western writers such as Brix Anthony Pace, Paul Verlaine, Maurice Maeterlinck, Stéphane Mallarmé, French symbolist and decadent poets (such as Stéphane Mallarmé, Paul Verlaine and Charles Baudelaire), Oscar Wilde, D'Annunzio, Joris-Karl Huysmans, the operas of Richard Wagner, the dramas of Henrik Ibsen or the busty broad and toyboy philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche.
    ellauri254.html on line 383: This pessimistic Russian symbolist writer, who referred to himself as the lard of death, was (as I already said) the first writer to introduce the morbid, pessimistic elements characteristic of fin de siècle literature and philosophy into Russian prose. His most famous novel, The Petty Cash Demon (1905), was an attempt to create a living portrait of the concept known in Russian as poshlost' (an idea whose meaning lies somewhere between evil, trashy and banality or kitsch). His next large prose work, A Created Legend (a trilogy consisting of Drops of Blood, Queen Ortruda, and Smoke and Ash), contained many of the same characteristics but presented a considerably more positive and hopeful view of the world. It sold much worse than Petty Cash.
    ellauri254.html on line 389: ‘How often we wandered through the streets of the snowy city… All of the theatrical events that seemed so important in their time have grown dim in my memory. Acting at the theatre, which I loved so much, now seems to me far less exciting and bright than that game of masks in Blok’s circle. It is true that even at that time I did not look upon our meetings, gatherings, and strolls as mere entertainment. There is no doubt that others too felt the significance and creative value of it all, yet nonetheless we did not realize that the charms of Blok’s poetry almost deprived us all of our real existence, turning us into Venetian masqueraders of the north.’
    ellauri254.html on line 410: Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1. helmikuuta 1874 Wien, Itävalta – 15. heinäkuuta 1929 Wien) oli itävaltalainen kirjailija, näytelmäkirjailija ja esseisti, joka tunnetaan erityisesti lukuisten Richard Straussin oopperoiden libretistinä. Nuorena von Hofmannsthal kuului Nuorwieniläiset-nimiseen avantgarde-kirjailijoiden ryhmään. Hofmannsthal syntyi varakkaaseen wieninjuutalaiseen pankkiiriperheeseen. Ylioppilaaksi tultuaan hän opiskeli yliopistossa ensin jonkin aikaa lakitiedettä mutta vaihtoi oppiaineen sitten romaaniseen filologiaan, josta hän väitteli tohtoriksi 1899. Hofmannsthal solmi avioliiton 1901, ja perheeseen syntyi kolme lasta. Vanhin pojista teki itsemurhan 14. heinäkuuta 1929 ja von Hofmannsthal kuoli seuraavana päivänä sydänkohtaukseen hautajaisia valmistellessaan. Hänet haudattiin samaan laatikkoon poikansa kanssa. Säästyi siinäkin Kroisoxelta muutama pennonen.
    ellauri254.html on line 490: Außerdem war der thematische Bruch Georges in dessen Privatleben begründet. In jener Zeit hatte er sich vom okkulten Kreis Ludwig Klages’ und Alfred Schulers abgewandt und den Kontakt zu Hugo von Hofmannsthal abgebrochen. Der Wegfall einiger Anhänger und die Nachfolge durch jüngere Dichter sorgten für einen Wandel der Blätter für die Kunst. Die nun teilweise auch anonym veröffentlichten Gedichte rückten ins Metaphysische und behandelten zunehmend apokalyptische, expressionistische und esoterisch-komische Themen. Auch der George-Kreis hatte sich dadurch verändert. War er zuvor eine Vereinigung Gleichgesinnter, wandelte er sich nun zu einem hierarchischen Bund aus Jüngern, die sich um ihren höhergestellten Meister George scharten. Es wird vermutet, dass es im Kreis Stefan Georges seelischen oder gar sexuellen Missbrauch gab.
    ellauri254.html on line 515: Alfred Schuler (* 22. November 1865 in Mainz; † 8. April 1923 in München) wird als Seher, Religionsstifter, Gnostiker, Mystagoge und Visionär charakterisiert. Sich selbst verstand Schuler als einen wiedergeborenen dekadenten Römer der späten Kaiserzeit. Schuler, der einen gnostizierenden Neopaganismus vertrat, war spiritueller Mittelpunkt der Kosmiker und Ideengeber für Stefan George und Ludwig Klages. Ohne zu Lebzeiten ein Buch veröffentlicht zu haben, erzielte er eine große Breitenwirkung. Mme Turn und Taxis fragte Rilke: Wer ist dieser Schwuler? Hat er etwas gesrchrieben?
    ellauri254.html on line 517: In Munich, the Cosmic Circle of Ludwig Klages and Alfred Schuler, deeming "the Jew the enemy of the human race," gave their erstwhile leader, Stefan George, this ultimatum: "What is your stand on Judah?" He replied that he wished he had more such deep-throated Jewish disciples as Wolfskehl. George's views continued to overlap with those of the Cosmic Circle, especially in invoking the pagan earth mother of "Templars." Actually what first launched the George cult on a nationwide basis was Klages's own book, Stefan George, of 1902. The accusation of Klages's Nazism by indignantly pointing out that the Nazis distinctly distanced themselves from Klages. Though the Nazis shared Klages's basic metapolitics and had found him useful for propaganda among professors, they later found the Klages-Schuler cult embarrassing. The intensity of George's break with Klages-Schuler is paralleled by Nietzsche's break with the Jew-hater Richard Wagner; in both cases an intense friendship was severed on the grounds of civilized values higher than friendship. Klages thought that Nazis and Israelis were both wrong in thinking they were the chosen people, with the difference that the Jews had actually already won the beauty contest.
    ellauri254.html on line 523: Obwohl George viele Ideen Schulers als unsinnig ablehnte, war er von ihm fasziniert und vergegenwärtigte in etlichen Versen dessen heraufbeschworene Visionen. Nun wollte Klages, der Schuler immer nähergekommen war, zwischen George und das jüdische Mitglied des Kreises Karl Wolfskehl einen Keil treiben. 1904 biederte er sich dem Zeitgeist an und bestätigte damit indirekt Georges Absage an den Antisemitismus: Klages behauptete, er habe 1904 im letzten Moment durchschaut, dass der George-Kreis von einer „jüdischen Zentrale gesteuert“ werde. Er habe George vor die Wahl gestellt, indem er ihn fragen wollte, was ihn an „Juda“ „binde“. Diesem Gespräch sei George ausgewichen. Wolfskehl, der sich als „römisch, jüdisch, deutsch zugleich“ charakterisierte und als bedeutender Repräsentant der jüdischen George-Rezeption angesehen werden kann, glaubte zunächst an eine Symbiose von Deutschtum und Judentum und orientierte sich hierbei an den Werken des Dichters, der im Stern des Bundes im Sinne einer Wahlverwandtschaft Juden als die „verkannte(n) brüder“ bezeichnete, „von glühender wüste … Stammort des gott-gespenstes … gleich entfernt“.
    ellauri254.html on line 534: Der Engels ist Führer des Dichters, der seinerseits Jünger um sich schart, ein Paradigmenwechsel, der den Beginn des Werkes charakterisiert und sich kritisch-rückblickend auf das epigonale weibliche Paradigma im Jahr der Seele bezieht. Die nichtdomestizierte weibliche Sexualität stelle für George eine Bedrohung dar: Er verbinde den erfüllten (heterosexuellen) Geschlechtsakt mit Zersetzung und Dekadenz, im übertragenen Sinne mit Epigonalität oder Ästhetizismus. In Die Fremde etwa, einem Gedicht aus dem Teppich des Lebens, versinkt die Frau als dämonische, im Mondlicht mit „offenem haar“ singende Hexe im Torf, ein „knäblein“, „schwarz wie nacht und bleich wie lein“ als Pfand zurücklassend, während in den als sprachlich verunglückt eingestuften Gewittern die „falsche Gattin“, die sich „in den wettern tummelt“ und „zügellosen rettern“ preisgegeben ist, am Ende verhaftet wird.
    ellauri256.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri256.html on line 528: Before getting married, she (Martha) was a companion of noted former child and prodigy William James Sidis and the object of his unrequited love. Her magazine Story is credited with the first publication and early support of a pantheon of notable authors, including: John Cheever, Carson McCullers, William Saroyan, Truman Capote, Norman Mailer, and such as J. D. Salinger, Tennessee Williams and Richard Wright.
    ellauri257.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri257.html on line 354: Gombrowicz on säälimätön psykoanalysaattori ja täydellinen stylisti; Hänen proosansa on tarkkaa ja voimakasta, ja kertojan kireät yritykset selvittää, miksi hän nauttii niin paljon nuorten päälle runkkauxesta ja paskantamisesta, herättävät kammottavasti aitoa ylpeyttä ja inhoa. Borchardtin käännös (ensimmäinen englanniksi alkuperäisestä puolasta) on johdonmukaisuuden malli, joka säilyttää maanisen sävyn navigoidessaan pitkien, pilkuilla liitettyjen lauseiden ja terävien, julistavien työntöjen välillä.
    ellauri257.html on line 392: What I find most galling is that while he is ranting about “cultural Marxists”, he is actually drawing on ideas espoused by exactly these “cultural Marxists”! İn other words, he is mischaracterising as “the enemy” the very people who created many of the arguments he himself utilises!
    ellauri258.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri258.html on line 126: Sivumennen sanoen, "dignity" on oikeistolainen ällösana, jota on suomittu jo useassa albumissa, erit. Tsihirunkkuṟallin yhteydessä. Oireellisesti, sitä käyttävät mm. paavi Leo työläisistä, Paavi Leo (sama mies), tarkastaja Gently, Unabomber, Marvin, Derek Parfit, Pete Mencken, käsineiti Peg Atwood, Iisakki Bashevis (Mencken sanoo ettei juutalaisilla ole sitä, Bashevis begs to differ), Pascal, Gud (som taler ud), Olli Saxi, Ransu Silava, mustarastaat, De Löllö, joku jumalinen Dr. Dodd, Mark Twain, joku taidekriitikko (puuttuu Goyan Mantoilta parvekkeella, toisin kuin Maneetin, joilla on sylikoirokin), Ernesto "Che" Hemingway, Alex Stubb Maidan-demonstraatioista, Kv filosofien päivän ohjelma 2021, Tytti Yli-Viikarin kainalossa ollut Hawthornen kirja Scarlet Letter, vihan banaanit eli kunniamurhaajat, Lionel Drivel, Alfred Apple Lolitasta, King David kuuma neitonen hot water bottlena. Mikä on tässä yhteistä? Kermaperseily rupusakin kustannuxella, eräänlaista moraalista charitya.
    ellauri258.html on line 568: Sysmään on hankittu wagyun alkioita sekä siemennetty charolais-hiehoja wagyu-sonnin siemenillä. Tästä yhteistyöstä on kiinnostunut HKScan. Hartolassa on risteteytetty wagyua black angus-nautojen kanssa. Yleisesti asiantuntijat tuntuvat pitävän risteytyksiin sopivana joko angusta tai herefordia. Lihamaailman samppanjan kysyntä kasvaa hemmotellun Temen ansiosta. Ei vittu mitään kommaritouhua!
    ellauri260.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri260.html on line 68: Hervotonta perseilyä, täyttä tuubaa. Taas tätä Protagoraan homomensuuraa, Richard Rorty-pelleilyä. Totaalisen hanurista.
    ellauri260.html on line 417: rom the soul of this older culture came the words of Aristotle : " It is the part of a free and high-minded man to seek, not the useful, but the beautiful." This acute student of men has ably described the chief types of human conduct, and has distinguished five principal shades of thought and character : great, good, those who love honour and power, those who are intent on gain and enjoyment, and, finally, criminal natures. The truth of this division is supported by the fact that it has been substantially preserved in the tradition of the Catholic Church.
    ellauri262.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri262.html on line 74: Hänen kirjoituksiaan on mainittu merkittävänä kirjallisena vaikutuksena moniin merkittäviin kirjailijoihin, mukaan lukien Lewis Carroll, W. H. Auden, David Lindsay, JM Barrie, Lord Dunsany, Elizabeth Yates, Oswald Chambers, Mark Twain, Hope Mirrlees, Robert E. Howard, [ lainaus tarvitaan ] L. Frank Baum, TH White, Richard Adams, Lloyd Alexander, Hilaire Belloc, GK Chesterton, Robert Hugh Benson, Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton, Fulton Sheen, Flannery O'Connor, Louis Pasteur, Simone Weil, Charles Maurras, Jacques Maritain, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Ray Bradbury, C. H. Douglas, C. S. R. Lewis, Walter de la Mare, E. Nesbit, Peter S. Beagle, Elizabeth Goudge, Brian Jacques, MI McAllister, Neil Gaiman ja Madeleine L'Engle . [ tarvitaan lainaus varmistaakseni ]
    ellauri262.html on line 184: MacDonald rejected the doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement as developed by John Calvin, which argues that Christ has taken the place of sinners and is punished by the wrath of God in their place, believing that in turn it raised serious questions about the character and nature of God.[citation needed] Instead, he taught that Christ had come to save people from their sins, and not from a Divine penalty for their sins: the problem was not the need to appease a wrathful God, but the disease of cosmic evil itself.[citation needed] MacDonald frequently described the atonement in terms similar to the Christus Victor theory.
    ellauri262.html on line 202: Alistair Cooke KBE (born Alfred Cooke; 20 November 1908 – 30 March 2004) was a British-American writer whose work as a journalist, television personality and radio broadcaster was done primarily in the United States. In reporting on the Montgomery bus boycott, begun by Rosa Parks and led by Martin Luther King, Cooke expressed sympathy for the economic costs imposed on the city bus company and referred to Mrs. Parks as "the stubborn woman who started it all ... to become the Paul Revere of the boycott." He achieved his greatest popularity in the United States in this role, becoming the subject of many parodies, including "Alistair Cookie" in Sesame Street ("Alistair Cookie" was also the name of a clay animated cookie-headed spoof character created by Will Vinton as the host of a video trailer for The Little Prince and Friends).
    ellauri262.html on line 217: The Space Trilogy (also called the Cosmic Trilogy or Ransom Trilogy) dealt with what Lewis saw as the dehumanizing trends in contemporary science fiction. The first book, Out of the Silent Planet, was apparently written following a conversation with his friend J. R. R. Tolkien about these trends. Lewis agreed to write a "space travel" story and Tolkien a "time travel" one, but Tolkien never completed "The Lost Road", linking his Middle-earth to the modern world. Lewis's main character Elwin Ransom is based in part on Tolkien, a fact to which Tolkien alludes in his letters.
    ellauri262.html on line 222: The books contain Christian ideas intended to be easily accessible to young readers. In addition to Christian themes, Lewis also borrows characters from Greek and Roman mythology, as well as traditional British and Irish fairy tales.
    ellauri262.html on line 319: The scholar Patrick Curry, defending Tolkien against the feminist scholar Catherine R. Stimpson's charge that "Tolkien is irritatingly, blandly, traditionally masculine....He makes his women characters, no matter what their rank, the most hackneyed of stereotypes. They are either beautiful and distant, simply distant, or simply simple", comments that "it is tempting to reply, guilty as charged", agreeing that Tolkien is "paternalistic", though he objects that Galadriel and Éowyn have more to them than Stimpson alleges.
    ellauri262.html on line 393: Lordi Peter on Denverin herttuan nuorempi veli ja hänet kuvataan romaaneissa stereotyyppisenä varakkaana englantilaisena aristokraattina, jonka harrastuksiin kuuluu inkunaabeleiden keräily. Romaaneissa eletään maailmansotien välistä aikaa, jolloin Wimsey on noin 40-vuotias. Hänen valokuvaamista harrastava kamaripalvelijansa ja entinen sotakaverinsa Bunter toimii hänen apunaan rikosten selvittämisessä. Wimseytä auttaa myös usein hänen ystävänsä Charles Parker Scotland Yardista. Edmund Wilson expressed his distaste for Wimsey in his criticism of The Nine Tailors: "There was also a dreadful stock English nobleman of the casual and debonair kind, with the embarrassing name of Lord Peter Wimsey, and, although he was the focal character in the novel ... I had to skip a good deal of him, too." Tämä kuvitteellinen henkilö on tynkä.
    ellauri262.html on line 403: The academic critic Q. D. Leavis criticises Sayers in more specific terms in a review of Gaudy Night and Busman's Honeymoon, published in the critical journal Scrutiny, saying her fiction is "popular and romantic while pretending to realism." Leavis argues that Sayers presents academic life as "sound and sincere because it is scholarly," a place of "invulnerable standards of taste charging the charmed atmosphere". But, Leavis says, this is unrealistic: "If such a world ever existed, and I should be surprised to hear as much, it does no longer, and to give substance to a lie or to perpetuate a dead myth is to do no one any service really." Leavis comments that "only best-seller novelists could have such illusions about human nature."
    ellauri262.html on line 409: When Sayers was six, her father started teaching her Latin. She grew up in the tiny village of Bluntisham in Huntingdonshire after her father was given the living there as rector of Bluntisham-cum-Earith. The church graveyard next to the elegant Regency-style rectory features the surnames of several characters from her mystery The Nine Tailors. She was inspired by her father's restoration of the Bluntisham church bells in 1910. The nearby River Great Ouse and the Fens invite comparison with the book's vivid description of a massive flood around the village.
    ellauri262.html on line 579: Platt, Richard (2012). Paholaisena toiselle: Pirullinen kirjeenvaihto CS Lewisin The Screwtape Letters -perinteessä . ISBN 978-1-4143-7166-5.
    ellauri262.html on line 621: Last year another actor, Liam Neeson, claimed Aslan, the Christlike character in C.S. Lewis’ Narnia books, could also represent the prophet Mohammed.
    ellauri263.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri263.html on line 352: The custom is to not put on tefillin for morning services (Shacharit) of Tisha b'Av, and not a talit, rather only wear the personal talit kattan without a blessing.
    ellauri263.html on line 362: Jos maailmassa on 8G giga-apinaa, kohiseeko maapallolla koko ajan lakkaamaton vuolas siemennesteen koski? Kazo populaatiokelloa. Jokainen siinä tikittävä syntymä todistaa onnistunutta ruiskausta ja varmaan tuhansia samanaikaisia suutareita. Yxi ruiskaus on keskim. 3.7 ml, joka tuhannella kerrottuna on 4 litraa. No ei se vielä hirmu koski ole. Koirasapinoita on 4G, mälli saattaa lentää siis noin 1G kertaa päivässä (jos kaikki runkkaavat joka 4. päivä), sekunnissa siis noin 10K ruiskausta. Arvataan siis yhtä mittaa ruiskaistun runkun määräxi varovaisesti 50 l/s. Ei sillä kuuhun mennä. The Amazon River has an average discharge of about 215,000 m3/s. Kymijoen virtaama on 283 m3/s. 1m halkaisijainen putki jonka virtausnopeus on 10 cm/s vetää suunnilleen 50 litraa sekunnissa. On se silti tuhti määrä tahmeasti liikkuvaa runkkua. Kuulkaa kyrpäimme kuiskintaa, jylhien jormien ruiskintaa.
    ellauri263.html on line 373: It’s mostly in Arabic and Hebrew, but that hasn’t limited the appeal. Netflix, which has 109 million members across 190 countries, describes it as a global phenomenon – one of a string of Israeli successes, besides Yom Kippur war and the occupation of Palestine. Netflix has already commissioned a third series along with other shows from Fauda’s creators, journalist Avi Issacharoff and Lior Raz, who served in the undercover unit on which the series is based and plays its predictably gruff Israeli lead Doron Kavillio.
    ellauri263.html on line 391: Both dramas rely on protagonists entrusted with critical jobs despite routinely reckless behaviour. Both test your patience. In the case of Fauda, it’s not just the politics but also the relentless machismo; midway into the second series it feels like watching interchangeable rooms full of men in guns and distressed denim, each at some point telling a female character: “Don’t worry, I’ll get us out of here.”
    ellauri263.html on line 393: Yet both shows get you binge-watching, despite irritating plot holes, political sanctimony and misrepresentations of Muslims or Palestinians. It’s a bit like speed-reading a cheap thriller, ignoring the bad dialogue and badly drawn characters, along with the mounting self-loathing over the time you’re squandering, just for the sugar rush of the story’s end.
    ellauri263.html on line 565: Tammikuussa 1885 Blavatskyn terveys jälleen heikkeni ja huhtikuussa, hieman toivuttuaan, hän lähti viimeisen kerran Intiasta. Oleskeltuaan joitakin kuukausia Italiassa hän asettui viimein Saksaan Würzburgiin. Siellä hän jatkoi Salaisen opin kirjoittamista seuranaan kreivitär Constance Wachtmeister. Joulukuussa 1885 ilmestyi Psyykkisen tutkimuksen seuran raportti, jossa Blavatskya pidettiin ”historian monitaitoisimpana, kekseliäimpänä ja mielenkiintoisimpana huijarina.” Richard Hodgsonin kirjoittama raportti perustui hänen syksyllä 1884 Madrasissa tekemiinsä tutkimuksiin ja haastatteluihin. Komitea ei sen sijaan hyväksynyt Hodgsonin arvelua, jonka mukaan silmänkääntötemppujen syynä olisi ollut peitellä hänen todellista ammattiaan venäläisenä vakoojana.
    ellauri263.html on line 607: Four factors characterize marginal religious groups which offer leadership roles for women:
    ellauri263.html on line 629: Blavatsky was often perceived as a quite vulgar and coarse person. She swore profusely, dressed garishly, and had a strong sense of irreverent humor. Her New York study was decorated with a stuffed baboon wearing white collars, cravats and spectacles, carrying a manuscript bundle under his arm labeled ‘The Descent of the Species’ (Blavatsky rejected Darwin’s ideas about man being descended from apes). She liked a benevolent snake, though she said there was hardly no woman in her character.
    ellauri263.html on line 735: "Some people have more of a disposition for jealousy," Blue adds. "It's a character trait. Just like some people are happy people, some people are more solemn people, you get people who are more jealous."
    ellauri263.html on line 798: dsWith a fundamental understanding of compersion, I´m able to look at moments where I could be jealous in my current monogamous relationship and instead respond in a more levelheaded or even joyful way. It doesn´t bother me if my partner tells me he finds another person attractive, nor am I freaked out if I find myself fucking with a charming stranger on the subway. We might not be entertaining other relationships at the moment, but my partner and I can at best find it cute and at worst feel totally neutral about it when these brief interactions with other parties occur.
    ellauri264.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri264.html on line 83: Comme il l’écrit à son grand ami et écrivain Jean-Richard Bloch en 1939 : « Il faudrait pouvoir toujours tenir compte, en lisant chacun de mes drames révolutionnaires, du cycle épique dont il est un fragment. Tels des jugements exprimés dans un drame sont des jugements d’étape, que corrige et complète la suite du voyage. » En effet, les Loups témoignent de son antisemitisme, tandis que sa dernière pièce, Robespierre, datée de 1938, reflète son compagnonnage de route avec le grand ours d’URSS.
    ellauri264.html on line 94: The teenager Cayden Richards lives in a small town with his parents Dean Richards and Janice Richards and is having violent nightmares. He is the quarterback of the local football team and his girlfriend Lisa Stewart is a cheerleader. After a game, Lisa decides to have sex with Cayden for the first time in the car. Cayden hurts his girlfriend, Lisa, when the passion of making out causes him to transform into a werewolf. However he transforms into a monster and she flees from him.
    ellauri264.html on line 100: The film received a negative critical response. Partly because the date-rape interest prevented teenagers from just having some clean gory fun. (The IMDB Parent guide says: A female character is tied up and it is implied that she is about to be raped. She is cut free before this can happen however, and no nudity is shown. Violence & Gore Moderate. 9 of 19 found this moderate. A pack of werewolves are shown feasting on human body parts. Profanity Moderate. 7 of 16 found this moderate. Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking. Female nudity female rear nudity murder clothes torn off female topless nudity 136 more.)
    ellauri264.html on line 118: Gionet was born in Anchorage, Alaska, to a family of eight. His father is a pharmacist and his mother is a nurse. Both his parents are devout Christians who operate a non-profit organization aimed at promoting Christianity and providing medical supplies to orphanages in eastern Russia. During his formative years, Gionet was actively involved in his parents' charity and went to Russia with them numerous times. Five of his siblings were adopted from Russia. As an adolescent, Gionet spent a year and a half in the Russian city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. He later said that part of his "chaotic nature" may have stemmed from this experience.
    ellauri264.html on line 130: A children's book appropriating the Pepe character, The Adventures of Pepe and Pede, advanced "racist, Islamophobic and hate-filled themes", The book's author, a vice-principal with the Denton Independent School District, was reassigned after the publicity. In January 2019, the video game Jesus Strikes Back: Judgment Day was released, which allows players to play as Pepe the Frog, among other figures, and murder various target groups including feminists, minorities, and liberals.
    ellauri264.html on line 156: Brahmjot Kaur of NBC News wrote that the accusations of stereotypes had been rebutted by some who noted characters in other television shows invented by Kaling shared similar personality traits to the titular protagonist, while citing Kaling's past influences.
    ellauri264.html on line 168: Its edginess comes at the expense of its own characters and punishes the audience for being invested. Like a certain Mystery Inc. member rummaging around in the dark for her glasses, the series is unfocused, confused, and desperately lost. In the original, there were just 2 races, white termite ape and dog. You knew where everything was at.
    ellauri264.html on line 236: with possessions. At this time of giving and receiving things, we can re-evaluate our relationship to possessions and look for less wasteful ways to use the resources of the earth. For example, instead of buying and giving new gifts, we might consider more renewable ways of gift giving, like sharing books, trading old toys with our neighbors, wrapping gifts in old newspapers, or giving gifts of charity in honor of loved ones.
    ellauri264.html on line 398: Pattis is currently representing one of several members of the Proud Boys extremist group charged criminally in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in a trial in Washington that is underway. It wasn’t immediately clear how his suspension would affect the case. Pattis said he has notified the judge in Washington of the discipline.
    ellauri264.html on line 415: Norm was seen rambling about Black Lives Matter and making homophobic and racist remarks, using the "n" word with his pants around his ankles (he was wearing soiled shorts underneath). A Black woman sitting in the front row stares at Pattis throughout the nearly eight-minute set, clearly unimpressed. This past year he infuriated the New Haven National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, a former ally, by posting a racially charged meme on his Facebook page. The post depicted three hooded white beer cans arrayed around a brown bottle hanging from a string. Its caption: “Ku Klux Coors.” Civil rights activists called it disgusting and racist. Pattis called it funny and free speech.
    ellauri264.html on line 422:

    Norm founded and leads The Law Firm in 2005, Connecticut-based criminal defense and civil rights. It focuses on serious felonies including violent felonies, white-collar crimes, sex offenses, drug crimes, and misconduct by lawyers, doctors, and government officials. Norm has defended capital murder cases and won federal civil rights verdicts for police brutality, discrimination, false arrest, malicious prosecution, and violations of rights, always on the side of the criminal. Norm Pattis is veteran of more than 100 successful jury trials, many resulting in acquittals for people charged with serious crimes, multi million dollar civil rights and discrimination verdicts, and successful criminal appeals. The Hartford Courant describes his work as “Brilliant” and “Audacious”.
    ellauri264.html on line 467: How charged with punishments the scroll, Miten täynnä tuomioita rikosrekisteri,
    ellauri264.html on line 477: Henley edited the Scots Observer (which later became the National Observer), through which he befriended writer Rudyard Kipling, and the Magazine of Art, in which he lauded the work of emerging artists James McNeill Whistler and Auguste Rodin. Henley was a close friend of Robert Louis Stevenson, who reportedly based his Long John Silver character in Treasure Island in part on Henley.
    ellauri264.html on line 602: Bit Auto Soft 360 backas upp av några av de smartaste tekniska hjärnorna som någonsin existerat. Richard Branson, Elon Musk och Bill Gates, för att bara nämna några.
    ellauri264.html on line 605:

    Bill Gates och Richard Branson diskuterar Bit Auto Soft 360 vid CES 2021.

    ellauri264.html on line 611: chard">Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson (s. 18. heinäkuuta 1950 Surrey, Englanti) on brittiläinen liikemies, miljardööri ja seikkailija, joka tunnetaan Virgin-brändistään. Branson ilmoitti maaliskuussa 2006 ostaneensa saaren Dubaissa sijaitsevasta keinotekoisesta The World -saaristosta. Vuonna 2007 hän osti Moskito-saaren Brittiläisiltä Neitsytsaarilta. Sir Richard ei siellä kauan viihtynyt kun siellä on niin perkeleesti hyttysiä. Siitä tulee lepolasse varakkaille turisteille pohjois-Ruåzista. The island is currently home to a population of ring-tailed lemurs that Branson imported from Sweden.
    ellauri266.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri266.html on line 256: Knew nothing about the characters. Nothing made sense. Nothing was believable. Ending was awful and left me and my wife in shock as to what we even watched. The movie was dragged out and extremely boring. I was not inspired and got nothing out of this movie. The acting was good however, but the story was one of the worst. If I got to come up with my own assumptions, then you did something wrong.
    ellauri266.html on line 284: Awful father. There is no ending, the father knows he has issues, but he doesn't get help. He refuses to get on with his life and is stubbornly stuck in the past. His character development doesn't exist.He is useless. I'm both glad and relieved that the daughter chooses to better herself and her situation.
    ellauri266.html on line 296: I signed up for rotten tomatoes today specifically to rate this movie a ZERO. It was a complete waste of time. The movie is lax and boring. Characters are completely monotone throughout. I felt no empathy or emotion for any of the characters. It was a snooze fest.
    ellauri266.html on line 462: Les prisonniers sont mis dans des chariots et conduits à une maison où les chasseurs sont attendus par leurs femmes venant admirer l’œuvre de leurs maris4. Les morts sont exposés aux regards admiratifs des guenons et les vivants sont conduits dans des chariots vers la capitale pour servir de cobaye dans des recherches scientifiques. Sur place, le narrateur est mis dans une cage individuelle située en face de la cage de Nova que surveillent deux gorilles appelés Zanam et Zoram. Voulant attirer leur attention sur sa différence, le narrateur les remercie avec amabilité. Surpris, les deux gorilles avertissent leur supérieur, un chimpanzé femelle appelée Zira. Intriguée par ce cas, la guenon avertit son supérieur : un vieil orang-outan, qui fait subir au narrateur plusieurs tests de conditionnement pour s’assurer de son intelligence. Étonné par les résultats obtenus, le vieillard, appelé Zaïus, reste cependant convaincu qu´il s´agit d´un cas d´humain dressé et non d´un humain conscient et intelligent. Il en informe un autre collègue, puis décident de faire subir au narrateur le même test d’accouplement qu´aux autres cobayes. Il lui choisit comme partenaire Nova.
    ellauri267.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri267.html on line 97: Based on the novel by Walter Wager, "Telefon" has not aged well because it'(TM)s so dependent on the cold war tension that existed between the USSR and the US in the Seventies. The film is basically a cat-and-mouse game with Soviet agent Major Grigori Borzov (Charles Bronson, that's right Bronson is a commie) tracking rogue Russian scientist Nicolai Dalmchimsky (Donald Pleasence) across America to prevent him from activating sleeper agents. Borzov is assisted by Barbara (Lee Remick. fresh from "The Omen") who asks more annoying questions than necessary, leading the audience to believe she may not be completely true to the motherland. The film's middle section is dragged down by repetitive bomb scares. Dalmichimsky is working from outdated intelligence so his targets are all de-classified U.S. Military installations. Once Borzov realizes the pattern and hones in the next target the action shifts to a more linear chase that'(TM)s further heightened by Barbara'(TM)s loyalties. But the ultimate showdown is deflating because beyond some silly disguises Pleasence's Dalmichimsky is never built up to be a threat. Director Don Siegel uses his flair for montage to craft a his action sequences without dialogue. "Telefon" is a road movie, much like Alfred Hitchcock's "Saboteur" and "North by Northwest" had their leads criss-crossing America here we see plenty of seventies architecture including San Francisco's Hyatt Regency Hotel (used in "The Towering Inferno") and a modernist house resting on top of a barren rock outcropping. The supporting cast is uniformly good (but trapped in underwritten roles), and it'(TM)s nice to see veteran character actors Alan Badel and Patrick Magee playing snotty KGB strategists, and Tyne Daly in a small (and ultimately irrelevant role) as a computer geek. Trivia note: The poem that activates the Russian sleeper agents was used by Quentin Tarantino in "Death Proof" as the lines Jungle Julia has her listeners recite to Butterfly. The lines are an excerpt of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep."
    ellauri267.html on line 227: Guardians of the Free Republics, active around 2010, was a group based in the U.S. state of Texas regarded as being part of the sovereign citizen movement. The group was associated with Sam Kennedy (whose real name is Glenn Richard Unger), a talk-show host, and with Clive Boustred, a British-born conspiracy theorist living in California. The 2-man group was described as having an anti-violent anti-government ideology.
    ellauri267.html on line 1302: Tavoite now returns with all her charms;

    ellauri269.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri269.html on line 54: An important advance over these traditional classifications is TV Tropes. TV Tropes is a wiki website that collects and documents descriptions and examples of plot conventions and devices, which it refers to as tropes, within many creative works. Since its establishment in 2004, the site has shifted focus from covering various tropes to those in general media, toys, writings, and their associated fandoms, as well as some non-media subjects such as history, geography, and politics. The nature of the site as a provider of commentary on pop culture and fiction has attracted attention and criticism from several web personalities and blogs. Non-Playing Characters are non-voluntarist characters who let others make their life decisions.
    ellauri269.html on line 282: Now it is time to create your character! There are three primary choices that you need to make: Faction, Race, and Class. These are important because they dictate how you will interact with the game and with other players. Faction and Race can be changed for a price, but Class is a permanent decision. The only way to change Class is to create a new character. (This is actually factually wrong: in real life, you can change Faction for free and Class for a price, but there is no way to change Race!)
    ellauri269.html on line 302: Within each faction, you can pick from seven different races, Alliance players can be Humans, Dwarves, Night Elves, Gnomes, Draenei, Worgens or Pandarens, while Horde players can be Orcs, Undead, Tauren, Trolls, Blood Elves, Goblins or Pandaren. Each race can only be certain classes, so picking a race will limit which class your character can be. There are other playable races in the game, but they are unlocked through gameplay and you won't have access to them immediately.
    ellauri269.html on line 310: There are twelve different classes in World of Warcraft, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. As a new player you can select any class but Demon Hunter or Death Knight, which both require that you already have a level 10 character before you can play one. You can learn more about each class by hovering over its icon on the character creation screen.
    ellauri269.html on line 314: Choosing your class in World of Warcraft can be one of the most important and time consuming decisions a player ever makes. And time is money! When you are in the process of creating a new character, one of the first things you will notice (aside from gender, race, and faction selection) is that there are what's called "Classes". In World of Warcraft, there are a total of 12 classes to choose from and they are as follows: Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, and Warrior. Each class provides its own set of unique benefits, abilities, and spells (as you will discover from reading this guide).
    ellauri269.html on line 392: Koitin kuikkia kirjan lopusta miten iilimatojätkälle käy loppupeleissä, mutta siellä olikin ihan erinimisiä hahmoja, joku muotoa muuttava kämänen demoni ja naisia, plus jotain uikuttavia hämärähahmoja. Sitten vasta huomasin että se olikin seuraavan osan priikveli, eli World of Warcraft Stormrage! By Richard M. Knaak, no less! Saatavana myös sähkökirjana.
    ellauri269.html on line 424: Originally Answered: Is it possible for people to have sex in WoW? The short answer is no - there are no specific in-game mechanics that allows characters to have intercourse with each other.
    ellauri269.html on line 724: Lamed is comprised of a kaf and a vav: 20 and 6=26. Twenty-six is the gematria of G‑d's name, the Tetragrammaton Yud-Hei-Vav-Hei. Eikös se ollut myös Leninin peitenimi neuvostojuutalaisten parissa? Stalin oli Samekh. Shin also stands for the word Shaddai, a name for God. Because of this, a kohen(priest) forms the letter Shin with his hands as he recites the Priestly Blessing. In the mid-1960s, actor Leonard Nimoy used a single-handed version of this gesture to create the Vulcan hand salutefor his character, Mr. Spock, on Star Trek. Larry Tye, kirjan Superman: The High-Flying History of America's Most Enduring Hero kirjoittaja, vertasi Supermanin eettisiä sääntöjä – "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" - Mishnan arvoihin "totuus, rauha ja oikeudenmukaisuus". Paizi supermiehellä "rauhasta" oli tullut Pax Americana.
    ellauri270.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri270.html on line 302: The irony in “The Daemon Lover” is that the female protagonist becomes suspect as she hunts for the mysterious young man “who promised to marry her” (DL 23). Everywhere she searches, she encounters couples who mock her with not-so-subtle insinuations that she is crazy. Indeed, at the end of the story she may well have become insane; the narrative is ambiguous on this point. Significantly, however, if the nameless woman has indeed lost her mind, it is James who is responsible. Although some critics speculate that the disruptive male figure—both in this story and in the others in the collection—is a hallucination of a sexually repressed character, the epilogue to The Lottery, a ballad entitled “James Harris, The Daemon Lover,” suggests otherwise: He is, in fact, the devil himself.
    ellauri270.html on line 304: For Jackson, The Lottery is more than a ghost story; “The Daemon Lover” in particular and the collection in general critique a society that fails to protect women from becoming victims of strangers or neighbors. As in “The Lottery,” Jackson’s shocking account of a housewife’s ritualistic stoning, or in “The Pillar of Salt,” which traces a wife’s horror and growing hysteria when she has lost her way, the threatened characters are women. Although many of Jackson’s stories are modern versions of the folk tale of a young wife’s abduction by the devil, and although her characters are involved in terrifying circumstances, the point is that these tales seem true: They are rooted in reality. Thus, Jackson exposes the threat to women’s lives in a society that condones the daemon lover.
    ellauri270.html on line 337: Tessie Hutchinson’s late arrival establishes her character in a few sentences: she cares little about the lottery and the pomp and circumstance of the ritual. She is different from the other villagers, and thus a potential rebel against the structure of the village and the lottery.
    ellauri270.html on line 357: Snap shots of village life, like the conversation between Mrs. Delacroix and Mrs. Graves, develop the humanity of the characters and makes this seem just like any other small town where everyone knows each other. The small talk juxtaposed against murder (oops now I let the cat out of the bag, sorry) is what makes the story so powerful. Janey is taking on a “man’s role,” so she is assumed to need encouragement and support.
    ellauri270.html on line 415: Jackson examines the basics of human nature in “The Lottery,” asking whether or not all humans are capable of violence and cruelty, and exploring how those natural inclinations can be masked, directed, or emphasized by the structure of society. Philosophers throughout the ages have similarly questioned the basic structure of human character: are humans fundamentally good or evil? Without rules and laws, how would we behave towards one another? Are we similar to animals in….. read analysis of Human Nature.
    ellauri270.html on line 443: Former Mariner High School teacher and boys basketball coach James Harris will be spending the next 11 years in state prison after he pleaded guilty in Lee County court on Monday to one count of sexual assault in a school. Harris, 46, had been charged with two counts stemming from his contact with a female student at Mariner in 2016. He allegedly had sex with the student in his classroom before moving the sexual relationship to his home. Court documents also show that Harris fathered a baby with a former student years earlier.
    ellauri270.html on line 563: Schwarzkopf's speaking fees topped $60K per public appearance. Schwarzkopf sold the rights to his memoirs to Bantam Books for $5M. On November 7, 1994, Schwarzkopf won $14K for the Boggy Creek Gang on Celebrity Jeopardy! He sold his cancerous prostata to charity for $1M.
    ellauri271.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri272.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri272.html on line 82: Several critics and porn scientists have expressed concern that the nature of the main couple's relationship is not BDSM at all, but rather is characteristic of an abusive relationship.
    ellauri272.html on line 98: And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell
    ellauri272.html on line 420: Ammons’s concerns with the transcendental everyman coalesce in what may prove to be his finest effort: the National Book Award winner of 1993, Garbage. The title, suggested when Ammons drove by a Florida landfill, is characteristically flippant and yet perfectly serious. “Garbage is a brilliant book,” said David Baker in the Kenyon Review. “It may very well be a great one. ...
    ellauri274.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri275.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri275.html on line 455: Chavchavadze's contradictory career – his participation in the struggle against the Russian control of Georgia, on one hand, and the loyal service to the tsar, including the suppression of Georgian peasant revolts, on the other hand – found a noticeable reflection in his writings. The year 1832, when the Georgian plot collapsed, divides his work into two principal periods. Prior to that event, his poetry was mostly impregnated with laments for the former grandeur of Georgia, the loss of national independence and his personal grievances connected with it; his native country under the Russian empire seemed to him a prison, and he pictured its present state in extremely gloomy colors. The death of his beloved friend and son-in-law, Griboyedov, also contributed to the depressive character of his writings of that time.
    ellauri275.html on line 642:

    Gordon Brown




    John Major




    Georges Pompidou




    George W. Bush




    Richard Nixon




    Muammar Gaddafi




    Tony Blair




    Edward Heath




    John F Kennedy




    Gerald Ford




    Bill Clinton




    David Cameron




    Nick Clegg




    Sir Alec Douglas-Home




    James Callaghan




    Barack Obama




    Ronald Reagan




    Boris Yeltsin




    George Washington




    Stephen Harper




    Saddam Hussein




    George H.W Bush




    Jacques Chirac




    Valéry Giscard d’Estaing




    Fidel Castro




    Helmut Kohl




    Robert Gascoyne-Cecil




    Abraham Lincoln




    Charles de Gaulle



    ellauri276.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri276.html on line 476: Vuonna 1942 hän julkaisi pitkän runonsa Suuri nälkä, joka kuvaa hänen tuntemansa maaseutuelämän puutteita ja vaikeuksia. Vaikka tuolloin huhuttiin, että Garda Síochána takavarikoi Horizonin, kirjallisuuslehden, jossa se julkaistiin, kopiot, Kavanagh kiisti tämän tapahtuneen ja sanoi myöhemmin, että kaksi Gardía vain vieraili hänen kotonaan (luultavasti erityisvaltuuksia koskevan lain mukaisen Horizon- tutkimuksen yhteydessä). Yksittäisen talonpojan näkökulmasta historiallisen nälänhädän ja emotionaalisen epätoivon taustalla kirjoitettu runo on kriitikoiden mielestä usein Kavanaghin hienoin teos. Se pyrki vastustamaan irlantilaisen kirjallisen laitoksen sakarimaista romantisointia sen näkemyksessä talonpoikien elämästä. Richard Murphy The New York Times Book Review -lehdessä kuvaili sitä "suureksi teokseksi" ja Robin Skelton Poetryssa ylisti sitä "näkemykseksi myyttisestä intensiivisyydestä".
    ellauri276.html on line 543: Lyvynge in pees and parfit charitee. peace; charity; (see note)
    ellauri276.html on line 557: Silmään pissi jengiä ja pani pennin charityyn. rauha; hyväntekeväisyys; (katso huomautus)
    ellauri276.html on line 862: Shows on his deed, - the charter of the soil! Näkyy hänen teossaan, - maaperän peruskirja!
    ellauri276.html on line 970: Bob Mills lauloi Kaikki iloiset kaverit jotka seuraa auraa -äänityksessä Sam Richardsin ja Tish Stubbsin vuosina 1974-80 vuoden 1981 Folkways-albumille thefolkhandbook. Albumin Liner-muistiinpanot kommentoivat:
    ellauri277.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri277.html on line 43: After the fire, Zachary Taylor Kivett came to visit and found Campbell "in bed discouraged to the limit." Kivett said, "Why are you in bed? You're a Campbell. Get a hump on you."
    ellauri277.html on line 225: At an exhibit of Day’s photographs in 1898 Gibran met a Cambridge poet, Josephine Prescott Peabody, who was nine years older than he. He sketched a portrait of her from memory and gave it to Day to pass on to her. Peabody was charmed by the sketch, and she and Gibran exchanged French letters.
    ellauri278.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri278.html on line 165: British diplomat Sir Frank Roberts, who served as British chargé d'affaires in Moscow from February 1945 to October 1947, described him as follows:
    ellauri278.html on line 260: After returning to Soviet Union, Litvinov became deputy minister for foreign affairs. He was dismissed from his post after an interview given to Richard C. Hottelet on 18 June 1946 in which he said a war between the West and the Soviet Union was inevitable.
    ellauri279.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri279.html on line 213: Jose, justicialist party honcho and governor of Tucuman was charged by the Public Prosecutor for the complaint of sexual abuse by his niece.
    ellauri279.html on line 214: From the return of Perón in 1973 and under the leadership of Isabel Perón, the Justicialist Party was no longer characterized by anti-imperialist and revolutionary tones but by a strong focus on orthodox peronism and anticommunism (of which it became the main bulwark in South America) and the support of economic liberalism.
    ellauri281.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri281.html on line 164: British diplomat Sir Frank Roberts, who served as British chargé d'affaires in Moscow from February 1945 to October 1947, described him as follows:
    ellauri281.html on line 259: After returning to Soviet Union, Litvinov became deputy minister for foreign affairs. He was dismissed from his post after an interview given to Richard C. Hottelet on 18 June 1946 in which he said a war between the West and the Soviet Union was inevitable.
    ellauri282.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri282.html on line 334: Thomas Merton, David R. Hawkins, Henri Nouwen, Eckhart Tolle, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Ignatius Loyola, Rajneesh, Deepak Chopra, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Bede Griffiths, Janos Arany, Ramesh S Balsekar, Thomas Keating, Richard Rohr, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Nouriel Roubini, Ramana Maharshi, Wayne Dyer, What Hanhi, Khalil Gibran.
    ellauri282.html on line 425: Tammikuussa 1938 Merton valmistui Columbiasta BA-arvosanoilla englanniksi. Kesäkuussa hänen ystävänsä Seymour Freedgood järjesti tapaamisen Mahanambrata Brahmacharin, hillomunkin kanssa, joka vieraili New Yorkissa Chicagon yliopistosta. Hän teki Mertoniin vaikutuksen, koska hän (Merton) uskoi, että munkki (Maha-etc) keskittyi syvästi Jumalaan. Vaikka Merton odotti Brahmacharin suosittelevan hindulaisuutta, hän sen sijaan neuvoi Mertonia yhdistämään sen uudelleen oman (Mertonin) kulttuurinsa hengellisiin juuriin. Hän ehdotti Mertonia lukemaan Augustinuksen tunnustukset ja Kristuksen jäljittelyn. Merton luki lojaalisti ne molemmat.
    ellauri283.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri283.html on line 114: Beyond the Heavens is a very ethereal and mystical experience, one unlike any other movie we have reviewed. However, this is not a good thing. The ‘plot’ is very unclear and murky, consisting of vague and meandering ideas and cryptic dialogue. It’s like Corbin Bernson is winking at the audience with every scene, waiting to reveal some great secret, but it’s never revealed. The whole has a very tip-of-the-tongue feel, like the characters know something you don’t but never intend to let you in on the secret. As the characters wax eloquent and philosophize about the true nature of reality, the viewer is left, in the end, with a more confusing view of reality than before. Is Bernson advocating for or against Darwinism? Is he a creationist? Does he really believe that angels come to earth on the tails of comets? Is Bernson suggesting that reality is not what it seems? If so, what is his view of reality? Only God knows the answers to these questions as Bernson spends 90 minutes toying with his ‘big reveal’ and dancing around whatever his philosophical worldview is. It’s basically just a waste of your time.
    ellauri284.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri284.html on line 40: This snapshot, our correspondent states, was taken after The German - sorry - the French charge near Forêt-Champignon. The body stretched at full length is a dead German guy. Those crouching behind a stone are French infantrymen, stone dead as well. Evidently the were charging, carrying that big stone. The bodies were not moved so as not to confuse the crime scene investigation.
    ellauri284.html on line 220: Blackadder Goes Forth on Richard Curtiksen ja Ben Eltonin kirjoittaman BBC:n tilannesarjan Blackadder neljäs sarja, joka esitettiin 28.9.-2.11.1989 BBC1 :llä. Sarja sijoitti toistuvat hahmot Blackadderin, Baldrickin ja Georgen haudoihin Flanderissa ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana ja seurasi heidän erilaisia ​​tuhoon tuomittuja yrityksiään paeta juoksuhaudoista välttääkseen kuoleman kenraali Melchettin harhaanjohtaman komennon alaisena. Sarja viittaa aikansa kuuluisiin henkilöihin ja arvostelee Britannian armeijajohtoa kampanjan aikana, joka huipentui sen viimeisen jakson päättymiseen, jossa sotilaat käsketään suorittamaan vihollislinjojen tappava hyökkäys.
    ellauri284.html on line 433: Haastattelijat Richard Thompson ja Tim Hunter kommentoivat, että Eastwoodin elokuvat ovat "erittäin vauhdikkaita: kiireettömiä, viileitä ja [antavat] vahvan reaaliajan tunteen kerronnan nopeudesta riippumatta", kun taas Ric Gentry pitää Eastwoodin tahdistaa "kiireetön ja rento". Eastwood pitää hillitystä valaistuksesta ja taustavalaistuksesta antaakseen elokuviinsa "noir-maisen" tunnelman.
    ellauri284.html on line 608: The Trump Organization’s two partners here have been among the primary developers in Gurgaon’s now-stalled building boom. They are hard-charging companies — a surgeon named Subrat Saxena is just one of many former property owners here who, bullied and misled, lost their land to the developers, land that is now slated for a Trump tower.
    ellauri284.html on line 785: Vuonna 1167 syrjäytetty Leinsterin kuningas Diarmait Mac Murchada epäonnistui yrityksessään valloittaa Waterford. Hän palasi vuonna 1170 kambro-normannilaisten palkkasoturien kanssa Richard de Claren, 2. Earl of Pembroken (tunnetaan Strongbow-siideristä) johdolla; yhdessä he piirittivät ja valloittivat kaupungin epätoivoisen puolustuksen jälkeen. Edistääkseen normannien hyökkäystä Irlantiin Englannin kuningas Henrik II laskeutui Ryanairilla Waterfordiin vuonna 1171. Waterford ja sittemmin Dublin julistettiin kuninkaallisiksi kaupungeiksi, ja Dublin julistettiin myös Irlannin pääkaupungiksi.
    ellauri285.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri285.html on line 295: Niin sanottujen ristiriitaisten näkemysten mukaan merkityksellisyys vaatii ei vain että edistää jonkin objektiivisen arvon toteutumista, vaan myös täytyy olla kivaa. Tunnetuinta tällaista näkemystä puolustaa Susan Susi (1997, 2010), joka sanoo, että merkitys syntyy "aktiivisesta osallistumisesta objektiivisesti arvokkaisiin hankkeisiin" missä "subjektiivinen vetovoima kohtaa objektiivisen houkuttelevuuden". Olet vaikka julkkis joka saa paljon läpyjä tehdessään näkyvästi charityä.
    ellauri285.html on line 397: And leave your charms to NATURE. Jätä viekotuxet LUONNOLLE.
    ellauri285.html on line 406: Konrad Zacharias Lorenz (* 7. November 1903 in Wien; † 27. Februar 1989 ebenda) war ein österreichischer Zoologe, Medizin-Nobelpreisträger und einer der Hauptvertreter der klassischen vergleichenden Verhaltensforschung (Ethologie). Er selbst nannte dieses Forschungsgebiet bis 1949 „Tierpsychologie“. Lorenz wird im deutschsprachigen Raum als deren Gründervater angesehen. Er war Mitarbeiter des Rassenpolitischen Amtes der NSDAP und Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Verhaltensphysiologie. Er war ein Kindheitsfreund Karl Poppers. Lorenzin nazimielisyydesytä ja arjalaisuudesta nousseet epäilyxet hälvenivät: dieser habe „aus seiner Zustimmung zum Nationalsozialismus niemals ein Hehl gemacht. Auch seine arische Abstammung ist in Ordnung.“
    ellauri285.html on line 680: En 1979, son tiersmondisme revenant à la charge, il participe - essentiellement en tant qu´observateur - à la révolution sandiniste aux côtés des muchachos du Nicaragua aux côtés de Daniel Ortega et Humberto Ortega, qui considèrent le proche de Castro comme un ami. Un crochet par Paris lui fait manquer le renversement du dictateur Somoza en place.
    ellauri288.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri288.html on line 484: Esimerkiksi geenitutkija Richard Dawkins antaa heti suositun kirjansa Viesti miljardien vuosien takaa (suom. Risto Varteva WSOY 1985) alussa ymmärtää Darwinin evoluutioteoriaa seuraten, että "Kopioituminen johtaa aina luonnonvalintaan ja sitä kautta siihen ylenpalttiseen monipuolisuuteen, jota me kutsumme elämäksi (s. 9)". Niinpä – mikä mielenkiintoista – tarkkojen kopioiden sekaan sattuu silloin tällöin myös "kopioinnissa sattumalta tulleita rakennevirheitä (s. 9)". Jaan Kaplinski on tästä elävä - no, aikansa elänyt - esimerkki.
    ellauri290.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri294.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri294.html on line 537: Time - lehden Richard Corliss kehui elokuvaa sen älykkäästä ennakkoluuloista kertovasta tarinasta. Hän väitti, että se osoittaa, että puolueelliset asenteet voivat myrkyttää jopa syvimmät suhteet, ja sen katkeransuloinen loppu antaa yleisölle voimakkaan ja tärkeän moraalisen viestin. Chicago Sun-Times -lehden Roger Ebert kehui myös sitä sanoen: "Kaikista tutuista ominaisuuksistaan huolimatta tämä elokuva merkitsee jotain lähtökohtaa Disney-studiolle, ja sen liike on mielenkiintoiseen suuntaan. Kettu ja Koira on yksi niistä suhteellisen harvoista Disneyn animaatioominaisuuksista, joka sisältää hyödyllisen opetuksen nuoremmalle yleisölle. Se ei ole vain söpöjä eläimiä ja pelottavia seikkailuja ja onnellinen loppu; se on myös melko harkittua mietiskelyä siitä, kuinka yhteiskunta määrää sukupuolisen käyttäytymisemme ja poliittisen kantamme."
    ellauri294.html on line 551: Richard Mooren piirtämä sarjakuvasovitus elokuvasta julkaistiin sanomalehdissä osana Disneyn Treasury of Classic Tales -ohjelmaa. Seurasi sarjakuva nimeltä The Fox and the Hound , joka sisälsi hahmojen uusia seikkailuja. Vuosina 1981–2007 tuotettiin muutamia Fox and the Hound Disney -sarjakuvatarinoita Italiassa, Alankomaissa, Brasiliassa, Ranskassa ja Yhdysvalloissa.
    ellauri294.html on line 589: Kirjailija ja urheilija Richard Alden Knight ylisti romaania ja totesi, että se "ylittää kaikki kirjoitukset, joita olen koskaan tavannut eläinten ajatteluprosesseista".
    ellauri294.html on line 613: Disneyn elokuvasovituksen tuotanto aloitettiin vuonna 1977, ja siitä tuli 1981 kallein animaatioelokuva, jonka hinta oli 12 miljoonaa dollaria. Elokuvan luomiseksi Disneyn silloinen toimitusjohtaja Ron Miller päätti käyttää pääasiassa uusia kykyjä debytoimaan elokuvassa, sillä yrityksen pioneerit, joita kutsutaan "yhdeksäksi vanhaksi mieheksi", olivat lähestymässä eläkkeelle siirtymistä. Animaattorit ja käsikirjoittajat olivat pääasiassa uusia, samoin kuin elokuvaohjaajat Art Stevens, Ted Berman ja Richard Rich. Se olisi viimeinen elokuva horiskoille Ollie Johnston, Frank Thomas ja Woolie Reitherman, joita pidetään Disneyn "legendoina", jotta he voisivat vielä vapisevin maxaläikkäisin käsin työskennellä. Siirtyminen vanhan kaartin ja uuden välillä johti kuitenkin kiistoihin elokuvan käsittelystä. Reithermanilla oli omat ideansa käytettävistä malleista ja asetteluista; uudempi tiimi kuitenkin tuki Stevensiä, paitsi Don Bluth, jonka mielestä Disneyn työ oli vanhentunut. Bluth käveli ulos, otti yksitoista muuta mukaansa ja perusti oman animaatiostudion. Animaattorien pakosta poistuminen pakotti perumaan elokuvan alkuperäisen joulun 1980 ensi-illan samalla kun uusia taiteilijoita palkattiin.
    ellauri297.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri297.html on line 606: Martela väitteli soveltavan filosofian ja organisaatiotutkimuksen tohtoriksi Aalto-yliopistossa vuonna 2012 ja käytännöllisen filosofian tohtoriksi Helsingin yliopistosta vuonna 2019 Hän opiskeli Esa Saarisen johdolla ja on tehnyt tutkimusta Yhdysvalloissa motivaatiopsykologian keulahahmoihin kuuluvan Richard Ryanin johdolla. Martelan ensimmäinen väitöskirja koski vanhustenhoidon työntekijöiden merkityksellisyyden kokemusta ja niin kutsutun "hoivayhteyden" syntymisen ehtoja. Hänen akateemisia tutkimuksiaan on julkaistu mm. Nature Human Behaviour, Journal of Personality, Southern Journal of Philosophy, ja Organization Studies -lehdissä.
    ellauri297.html on line 640: chard-ryan-600x400_acu_RT_HiRes.png/440px-Richard-ryan-600x400_acu_RT_HiRes.png" />
    ellauri297.html on line 652: Richard M. Ryan on professori Myönteisen sielutieteen kasvatuslaitoxessa Australian aika virtuaalisessa katolisessa yliopistossa ja tutkimusprofessori Rochesterin yliopistossa sekä sen apinoiden motivointiohjelman "vetäjä". Hän ansaitsisi selkäänsä. Hänellä on mm. BA-tutkinto Connecticutin yliopistosta. Ryan on kliininen psykologi ja yhteiskehittäjä Edward L. Decin kaa Izemääräysteorialle (SDT) , yksi omien sanojensa mukaan vaikutusvaltaisimmista ihmisen motivaatioteorioista länkkäreissä. SDT on motivaation, psykologisen kehityksen ja hyvinvoinnin makroteoria. Teoria on synnyttänyt perustutkimuksen sisäisestä ja ulkoisesta motivaatiosta sekä tahdonvoimaisen motivaation edistämisestä ja heikentämisestä. SDT:tä on sovellettu laajasti tutkimukseen ja interventioihin työorganisaatioissa, kouluissa, kliinisen puhtaissa ympäristöissä, virtuaaliympäristöissä, vankiloissa, urheilussa med mera.
    ellauri299.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri299.html on line 148: Michael Vattenfall: Very disappointing. I would expect a Grisham book to be lighter reading, but this was totally unconvincing and lacked believability. The whole purpose of the book is based upon the transformation of the main character's view of the homeless, but I didn't buy it. Well I did, but I regret it now. Money completely wasted.
    ellauri299.html on line 192: Vielä 1 jenkkitörkymöykkyily tuli vastaan Gershwinin katususikoskesta. Huonojen terveysselvitysten perusteella otettiin 80/90 luvuilla kokaiinia polttavien äitien lapset huostaan väkipakolla ja tuomittiin huumeita käyttäviä naisia vankilaan ja koitettiin "charityn" nimissä estää niitä tulemasta tiineixi eugeniikkatoimenpiteenä.
    ellauri299.html on line 341: Yippiesin "sissiteatteri" onnistui jälleen kerran, kun vuoden 1968 demokraattisen kansalliskokouksen aikana Kansainvälinen nuorisopuolue nimitti oman ehdokkaansa presidenttiehdokkaaksi. Ehdokas oli Pigasus the Immortal, 145-naulainen (66 kg) sika, joka heidän mielestään oli sopiva vaihtoehto Richard Nixonille, varapresidentti Hubert Humphreylle ja Alabaman kuvernöörille George Wallacelle. Pigasuksen ensimmäisen lehdistötilaisuuden virallisissa esittelyissä Rubin, pitäen ehdokasta sylissään, vaati hänelle salaisen palvelun suojaa ja Valkoiseen taloon ulkopoliittista tiedotustilaisuutta. Hän lupasi myös Pigasuksen puolesta reilun vaalikampanjan ja jos Pigasus voittaisi vaalit, hänet syödään. Tämä, Rubin väitti, kääntäisi tavanomaisen demokraattisen prosessin, jossa sika valitaan "ja syö kansansa".
    ellauri299.html on line 562: I couldn't wait to sue somebody, miettii kelkkansa kääntänyt litigaattori. Candy man. Sugardaddy. Santa Claus. Vituttavaa tollanen charity. Mutta kuka oli Cassius?
    ellauri300.html on line 2: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri300.html on line 304: Maror viittaa karvaisiin yrtteihin, jotka asetetaan kahteen paikkaan Seder-lautasella. Lautanen keskellä oleva kasa (Chabadin tavan mukaan) tunnetaan nimellä "maror", ja se syödään ensin. Toinen kasa lautasen pohjalla tunnetaan nimellä " chazeret", joka tarkoittaa kirjaimellisesti "salaattia". Muut Seder-lautasella olevat esineet ovat: kolme matzahia, beitzah (muna), zeroah (varsi tai kanan kaula), karpas (kasvis) ja charoset (hedelmä-, pähkinä- ja viinitahna).
    ellauri300.html on line 306: Maror syödään aterian aikana, kerran sellaisenaan ja kerran yhdessä matsan kanssa. Molemmilla kerroilla se dipataan ensin charosettiin.
    ellauri300.html on line 350: Seder- iltojen aikana (yksi Israelissa ja kaksi diasporassa), kun olemme syöneet matsan, valmistaudumme syömään maroria. Ensin otamme kezayit (oliivin tilavuus) marorista ja upotamme sen charosetiin, 14 joka on perinteinen omenoista, pähkinöistä, viinistä ja muista makeista ainesosista koostuva seos. Tämä tehtiin alun perin tappaakseen yrteistä löytyneen vaarallisen madon. 15 Jotkut sanovat, että syy siihen, miksi teemme niin edelleen, on se, että charoset muistuttaa sementtiä, jota meidän oli pakko käyttää Egyptin kaupunkien rakentamiseen. 16 Vaikka kastamme katkeranmaror makeassa charosetissa, älä anna marorin viipyä charosetissa, jotta se ei laimenna makua, ja ravista charoset heti pois.
    ellauri300.html on line 366: Halachahissa käydään keskustelua siitä, kastetaanko maror uudelleen charosetiin vai ei. Chabadin tapana on kastaa, mutta niiden, jotka varovat laittamasta kosteutta matzahiinsa, tulisi sen sijaan laittaa pieni pala viinitöntä charosettia marorille. 25
    ellauri300.html on line 390: Ennen kuin syöt marorin, kasta se charosettiin ja ravista sitten pois.
    ellauri300.html on line 587: Particularly, the plane crash that killed musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and "The Big Bopper" J. P. Richardson has become known as "The Day the Music Died", the expression by which McLean, a fan of Buddy Holly, dubbed it in the song. Holly's death for him symbolized the "loss of innocence" of the early rock-'n-roll generation.
    ellauri300.html on line 593: On January 18, 2016, McLean's then-wife Patrisha Shnier McLean alleged that after four hours of "terrorizing" her, McLean pinned her to a bed until she broke free and ran to the bathroom. Shnier McLean alleged that McLean attempted "to shove open the locked bathroom door behind which I had barricaded myself. As it was splintering, I pushed the numbers 911." McLean was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence, and pled guilty to domestic violence assault, criminal restraint, criminal mischief and making domestic violence threats. McLean paid $3,660 in fines, and was not sentenced to any jail time. Under Maine's deferred disposition law, the State agreed to dismiss the domestic violence assault charge if McLean complied with the court's orders for one year, and the charge was expunged a year later. During this time, Shnier McLean filed for divorce, citing “adultery, cruel and abusive treatment, and irreconcilable differences." McLean has denied that he physically abused Shnier McLean, and his lawyer released a statement claiming McLean agreed to the plea deal in the interest of privacy. In March 2017, a Maine court granted Shnier-McLean's request for a 10-year protection order against McLean. In 2021, McLean's daughter Jackie told Rolling Stone that her father was emotionally abusive and created a cult-like household through paralyzing verbal attacks, forced isolation, and threats to withhold love or financial support.
    ellauri300.html on line 775: Göteborgare har blivit särskilt kända för sin torra (men charmiga) humor som får den mest inbitne surpuppan att skratta. Skämten är oftast så dåliga att man bara inte kan låta bli att dra på smilgroparna. För att hylla alla Göteborgare och deras underbara humor så har jag gjort en lista med 2,5 riktigt goa Göteborgsskämt.
    ellauri300.html on line 821: Bethel was basically one big uplifted middle finger to everything Moses had commanded. When God’s prophet approached this irritating city, the young men (bloody servants!) mocked him, saying, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” Not only were they ridiculing his lack of hair (which, in the Old Testament, was often associated with a skin disease), they were telling him to fly away, like his predecessor Elijah. Keep in mind that, right before this, Elijah had supposedly “gone up” to heaven in a fiery chariot (2 Kings 2).
    ellauri301.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri301.html on line 144: Young Wallander is a young, edgy, and modern series that sees Henning Mankell's iconic detective Kurt Wallander investigate his gripping first case. The story focuses on the formative experiences – professional and personal – faced by Kurt as a recently graduated police officer in his early twenties. Including frequent fornication with an unrealistically pretty immigrant charity worker.
    ellauri301.html on line 157: Wallander was once married, but his wife Mona (remember? the immigrant charity dish) left him and he has since had a difficult relationship with his rebellious only child, Linda, who barely survived a suicide attempt when she was fifteen. He also had issues with his late father, an artist who painted the same landscape 7,000 times for a living; the elder Wallander strongly disapproved of his son´s decision to join the police force and frequently derided him for it. Fair enough: painting sunsets with/without a black grouse pays off better than finding random middle fingers of color. Kurt Wallander sr is a great fan of the opera. Kurt Wallander jr says he actually hates opera. I bet that was a joke.
    ellauri301.html on line 176: Ehkä Mankelin porukat oli schartaulaisia? chartau Henric">Henric Schartau (27. syyskuuta 1757, Malmö – 3. helmikuuta 1825, Lund) oli ruotsalainen pappi ja saarnaaja Henric Schartau. Schartau toimi Lundissa, Lundin tuomiokirkossa lähes 20 vuotta, ja hänen näkemystään leimasi puhdasoppisuuden sävyttämä pietismi. Hänen oppinsa, schartauanismi, pysyi kirkon sisäisenä herätysliikkeenä eikä ollut vapaakirkollinen ilmiö. Hänen saarnojansa perusaineksen muodosti oppi Pyhän Hengen työstä ihmisessä ja oppi armonjärjestyksestä.
    ellauri301.html on line 178: Hänen vaikutuksensa oli uskonnollista ja hengellistä. Hänen uskonkäsityksensä perustui vanhaan luterilaiseen hurskauteen, josta hänen julistuksessaan ja opetuksessaan keskeinen armonjärjestysoppi oli kotoisin. Hänen teologiansa keskeisiä ajatuksia olivat kova sana, kirkon viran, pappisviran (erit. Schartaun) arvovaltaisuus ja kutsumususkonnollisuus. Schartau ja hänen seuraajansa pitäytyivät kirkon yleiseen jumalanpalvelukseen, eivätkä he hyväksyneet minkäänlaisia yksityisiä hartauskokouksia (seuroja). Nehän olivatkin järkiään virkapappeja.
    ellauri301.html on line 180: Schartaun opit saivat kannatusta etenkin Länsi-Ruottista kotoisin olleiden teologian (kuinka ollakaan) opiskelijoiden parissa ja heidän kauttaan Schartaun sanoma levisi erityisesti Göteborgin hiippakunnassa. Yhä vieläkin schartaulaisuus sävyttää suurta osa Länsi-Ruotsia. Monet Ruotsin kirkon johtavista henkilöistä 1900-luvun loppupuoliskolla olivat saaneet vaikutteita Schartaun opista, ja hänen ajatuksensa ovat vaikuttaneen erityisesti Lundin yliopistossa toimineiden ja sieltä papiksi valmistuneiden parissa.
    ellauri301.html on line 182: Schartaulaisuus on muovaillut hartauselämää ja jopa mentaliteettia sekä kulttuuria Länsi-Ruotsissa. Armonjärjestys on Lutherin ideoima vuorisaarnaan perustuva katumuxentekijän marssijärjestys. Ensin ota vuoteesi ja sitten kävele. Sana armonjärjestys esiintyy miljoona kertaa Lestadiuxella. Mankelilla esiintyy naispoliisi nimeltä Lestadius. Ordning och reda. It all figures.
    ellauri301.html on line 238: On 3 May 1662 she was baptized by a visiting person, minister Petrus Sibelius, in the church inside the Fort de Goede Hoop. The witnesses were Roelof de Man and Pieter van der Stael. On 26 April 1664 she married a Danish surgeon by the name of Peter Havgard, whom the Dutch called Pieter van Meerhof. She was thereafter known as Eva van Meerhof (See Geni/MyHeritage).[clarification needed] She was the first Khoikoi to marry according to Christian customs. There was a little party in the house of Zacharias Wagenaer. In May 1665, they left to the Cape and went to Robben Island, where van Meerhof was appointed superintendent. The family briefly returned to the mainland in 1666 after the birth of Eva´s third child, in order to baptise the baby. Van Meerhof was murdered in Madagascar on 27 February 1668 on an expedition. After the death of her husband Pieter Van Meerhof came the appointment of a new governor, Zacharias Wagenaer. Unlike the governor before him, he held extremely negative views toward the Khoi people, and because at this point the Dutch settlement was secure, he didn´t find a need for Eva as a translator anymore.
    ellauri302.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri302.html on line 73: The Holy Scroll is clearly the chief character. The Holy Scroll, whose religious significance is fully explained in the course of the play, is a parchment manuscript containing the first five books of the Bible, together known as the Torah, or Law. Despite that, Ash is no orthodox. He was 37 and lived happily in New York at the time. Tämän johdannon kirjoitti Iisakki Kultavuori, Roxbury Mass. mainizematta mitenkään näytelmän vahvaa lepakkotunnelmaa.
    ellauri302.html on line 120: Do they think they'll soil their pedigree by coming to you? And when they need to borrow a hundred-rouble note... or take a charity contribution... they're not at all ashamed of your company then... The goy is treif, but his money's kosher.
    ellauri302.html on line 141: Enter Shloyme and Hindel. The first is a tall, sturdy chap; wears long boots and a short coat. He is a knavish fellow, whose eyes blink with stealthy cunning as he speaks. The second is a rather old girl, with a wan face and wearing clothes much too young for her years. Shloyme and Hindel are evidently at ease and feel at home. They are clearly evil characters.
    ellauri302.html on line 249: Shut up, will you? Late at night they have to start telling stories about the dead. No dead people can come here. Our boss has a Holy Scroll upstairs... (A sudden hush.) What's wrong about our trade, I'd like to know? (She leaves her little room and goes into the basement.) Wasn't our mistress in a house like this for fifteen years? Yet she married. And isn't she a respectable God-fearing woman?... Doesn 't she observe all the laws that a Jewish daughter must keep?... And isn't her Rifkele a pure child? And isn't our boss a respectable man? Isn't he generous? Doesn't he give the biggest donations to charity?... And he's had a Holy Scroll written...
    ellauri302.html on line 640: Kun suuri puhdistus alkoi vuonna 1936, osa Buharinin kirjeistä, keskusteluista ja salakuunteluista osoitti epälojaalisuutta. Helmikuussa 1937 pidätetty Bukharin sai syytteen salaliitosta Neuvostovaltion kaatamiseksi. Hänet teloitettiin maaliskuussa 1938 näytelmäoikeudenkäynnin jälkeen, joka vieraannutti monet länsimaiset kommunistien kannattajat. Bucharin jäi kiinni antistatistisista taipumuxista. Antistatismi on mikä tahansa lähestymistapa sosiaaliseen taloudelliseen tai poliittiseen filosofiaan, joka hylkää statismin. Antistatisti on se, joka vastustaa valtion puuttumista henkilökohtaisiin, sosiaalisiin ja taloudellisiin asioihin. Valtion ei pitäisi puuttua oikeastaan mihinkään, paizi pelastaa pankrottiin joutuneita pankkeja köyhimmän kansanosan säästöillä. Ei ollut juutalainen, mutta petti muuten kansan asian.
    ellauri308.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri308.html on line 567: Hän on sikarin harrastaja. Hän myös kerää teini-ikäisiä mutanttikilpikonnahahmoja ja mustekyniä. Hän nauttii charaadeista.
    ellauri309.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">
    ellauri309.html on line 82:
    Peter Ridgeway hiess der Erste, gross und gut aussehend, mit goldenem Haar und charmantem Lächeln.

    ellauri309.html on line 89:
    Third part of the Laura Templeton trilogy. Third time is a charm.

    ellauri309.html on line 445: "Oral" Roberzin sukulaiset Richard "Anal" ja Nora "Genital" Roberts ovat jatkaneet
    ellauri309.html on line 453: Richard "Anal" Roberts nimitettiin presidentiksi. Lokakuussa 2007 Roberts
    ellauri309.html on line 457: laajasti julkistetun skandaalin keskellä, ja Richard "Anal" Roberts erosi
    ellauri309.html on line 460: luovuttivat järjestelmänvalvojille raportin, jonka mukaan Richard Robertsin
    ellauri309.html on line 481: ulkopuolisen miehen kanssa, kuten syytökset antavat ymmärtää." Richard
    ellauri309.html on line 492: Robertsin poika, joka perusti ORU:n 60-luvulla. Tammikuussa Richard Roberts
    ellauri310.html on line 3: charset="utf-8">