ellauri001.html on line 67: jos joku moraalinen Kolumbus

ellauri001.html on line 1213: bussi14.jpg" />
ellauri001.html on line 2229: bussissa käytävän toisella puolella

ellauri002.html on line 1459: Kurssilla oli mulla iso hollantilainen ystävätär, jonka kanssa matkittiin sepelkyyhkysiä puistossa ja hoilattiin bussissa Paul Ankan kuolematonta iskelmää put your feet on my shoulder....
ellauri002.html on line 2138: Näiden surullisten säveleiden jälkeen iloisempi takautuma vuoden 79 kesään on paikallaan. Piristyin masiksesta, kun dona Carita tuli USAan kesäksi. Vielä samana kesänä tehtiin Nikun ja sen isän kanssa USAn kiertomatka, ajettiin syvään etelään aina Georgiaan, sieltä Teksasiin. Niku ja isä jäivät Teksasiin, me ostettiin liput junaan Meksikoon. Houstonissa kysyttiin kumpi ranta on näpeämpi, Meksikon lahti vaiko Atlantti. Molemmat, sanoi höveli meksikaano, varsin valehteli. Don Jaime muisti el Zorron numeron Ei kuolemaa Tampicoon, siis sinne! Hölmö valinta. Ekassa Meksikon puolen pikkukaupungissa tehtiin alottelijan virhe, syötiin jotain salaattia raakana. Siitä lähin don Jaimen input sekä output Meksikossa oli juoksevaa. Bussi Tampicoon hiljensi vaan kun vastaantulijat näytti ristin merkkiä. Välillä oli hätäpysähdyksiä, miehet toiselle puolelle bussia, naiset toiselle. (Ikävä kyllä ei ollut iso-hätäpysähdyksiä.) Seuraavana aamuna liikuttavassa rantahotellissa Meksikon lahdella öljytankkerien lomassa don Carita sanoi: hyi kun täällä haisee öljy. don Jaime tulee vessasta: se olen minä.
ellauri002.html on line 2142: Matka jatkui länsirannikolle Greyhound-busseilla. Arizona ja New Mexico oli ihan parhaat paikat, kivoimmat ihmiset ja maisemat. Grand Canyon oli valtava. Sitä meidän vieressä silmäili 2 maaoravaa. Tiku, Taku, Laku, Seku. Albuquerquen dinerissa antoivat ilmaisen aamiaisen harvinaisille vieraille. Hopit ja navajot möi meille kivet, josta tehtiin itse kaulanauha, sen vei varas kauan sitten Suomessa. Ei arvannut kuinka arvokas se oli. Kiva loungesta tuli iloinen intiaaninainen viittilöiden, tännepäin: täällä on tappelu! Ihan kuin Suomessa. Las Vegasista ei jäänyt mieleen kuin kädettömät vanhukset yksikätisten merirosvojen kanssa vääntämässä kättä.
ellauri002.html on line 2146: Chicagosta oli dona Caritalla lippu Suomeen. Matkakassassa oli jäljellä taksimaksu plus yksi dollari. Dona Carita lähti kentälle pahasti myöhässä. Onneksi lentoliikennekin oli ruuhkautunut, muuten ei tiedä miten oisi käynyt dona Caritan rahattomana yksin Chicagossa. Don Jaimen greyhound-bussi vei ilmaiseksi Bostoniin.
ellauri004.html on line 483: EX-LEPER: Jesus did, sir. I was hopping along, minding my own business. All of a sudden, up he comes. Cures me. One minute I´m a leper with a trade, next minute my livelihood´s gone. Not so much as a by your leave. ´You´re cured mate.´ Bloody do-gooder.
ellauri004.html on line 1614: Morbusko Alzheimeri

ellauri006.html on line 932: pahaintekiäin kimbusta.
ellauri006.html on line 1356: 32 Sitten puheeseen puuttuu jolppi El Luihu, Barbapapan poika bussista, joka on ollut hiljaa kun arvokkaammat puhuvat, mutta kihissyt kiukusta. Ajatteli, puhukoot wuohet, wanhuus osoittakoon taitonsa. Mut nyt riitti.
ellauri009.html on line 1230:

En buske

ellauri009.html on line 1443: Mut asiaan. To business! Eläköön se pieni ero! Mikä on se ero jota tässä haetaan, apart from the obvious? Mikä malli on uhanalaisena? Vielä kysyt, siitähän on valtava kirjallisuus. Miehet ovat perseestä, naiset anuksesta. Miehet metästää, naiset hoivaa. Miehet istuu tupakalla miesten talossa, ottaa neuvoa antavia neuvostossa. Naiset kuokkii peltoa lapset selässä, käy kaupat, tekee perheelle hyvää mättöä, siivoilee. Odottaa miestä kotiin ohkasessa nailonnegligeessä. Mies pesee auton ja vaihtaa lamput.
ellauri011.html on line 818: Nojailee pikkubussiin matkalla

ellauri011.html on line 885: Paulo on postauskolonialisti. Se kolonisoi harvaan asuttuja mieliä kaikkialla maailmassa somepostauksilla. Mennään bussilla unelmien Tralla Laahan, kurkitaan bussin ikkunasta, mikä maa, mikä valuutta. Hippie on matkakirja lapsille ja lasten kaltaisille, henkisesti köyhille, joita varten on Paulon valtakunta. Lukematonten neuvotonten mikä-mikä-maa, jonka Peter Pan on Paulo, kohelo vajakki.
ellauri014.html on line 1174: Julle vaikuttaa helpottuneelta, melkein iloiselta, mikä luonnollisesti Wolmaria vähän häirizee. Olix mun kanssa noin kamalaa? (Oli.) Wolle heittää porukat ulos päästäxeen vaimon kimppuun kahestaan. Julle heti oven sulkeuduttua: hyvä, mul olikin sulle asiaa. Niin mullakin, sanoo Wolle, abus ensin, turpa rullalle nyt edes hetkexi, et mä saan sanotuxi sen. Olinx mä tosiaan niin sietämätön et sä vaan ilostelet tyyliin good riddance of bad rubbish kun pääset pois?
ellauri015.html on line 490: Riitta Roth (Siemens, Nokia, Airbus, taidekirjoja)
ellauri016.html on line 568: Read on for a list of 14 of the biggest snobs in the business. These entertainers have long ago lost touch with the average John or Jane Doe and beyond that, have displayed rotten attitudes, selfishness, conceit, and a level of arrogance that almost has to be seen to be believed.
ellauri016.html on line 894: Perussyy on tietysti et ne polkee taksoja. Autolavallinen mutiaisia hoitaa vessat ja ajaa busseja paljon halvemmalla kuin jurot persut. Ja se on just se syy mix talouslipilaarit ja kukkahattutädit toivottaa ne tervetulleexi.
ellauri016.html on line 972: Kiitti luonnonvaroista, tässois pyssyjä, selvittäkää te kaverit nyt loput, täällä alkaa olla liika kuuma valkoiselle miehelle. Taakka siirtyy ikävä kyllä nyt takas teille. Mut pysykää siellä, älkää hemmetissä tupatko meille, me autetaan meluummin siellä, rahoitetaan Turkin Mäntylöitä. (Tää koskee etenkin perheitä. Muutama halpa bussikuski ja kebaabikokki olkoon menneeksi, plus käymälähygieenikkoja.)
ellauri016.html on line 1058: Väittelijän perhe on kuin hullunkurinen perhe korttipelistä. Isä ja poika on samixia, robusteja persuja, äiti ja tytär samixia myös, pikkuruisia, positiivisia wannabe teologeja. Eteerinen tytär oli pannut nyt niin paljon meikkiä etten ollut tuntea. Sil oli vuojudekoltee ja ihottuman näköinen tatska hartiassa perheen Martta-kissasta. Isovanhemmat on evakon lapsia, pienviljelijöitä Vesivehmaalta. Sieltä kai se positiivisuus on peräisin. Ilo pintaan vaikka syän märkänis. Kaikkien on päästävä ääneen, jopa pikkuruisen isoäidin. Puheita on kaksi tuntia. Sit aukee baari ja jengi paahtaa alakertaan, me funksunäärit hankkiudutaan kotimatkalle. Liisa laittaa farkut takas juhlamekon päälle. Kotimatkalla mä vittuilen vähän sille subliminaalisesti, makselen kalavelkoja. Liisa vitun Tiittula. Vanhoja ei unohdeta.
ellauri016.html on line 1060: Tarun mitalissa luki Labor omnia vincit. Oikeesti se kuuluis olla labor improbus omnia vincit. Kaiken voittaa oikeen törkee äherrys. Tai sit rikollinen sellainen. Tarulta ei jää mikään kesken. Se on himo hiihtäjä ja kirkkoveneilijä. 7v sitten se pysähty lenkillä tienristiin ja sano turvamiehelle: mä väittelen. Turvelo ei tohdi väittää vastaan, ihan sama mulle. Onhan sillä tv- ja nettifutis. Mut enää se ei anna vaimon pysähtyä lenkillä.
ellauri019.html on line 59: Jenkkiteinifilmissä Tall Girl pitkä tyttö tavoittaa ruottalaista grania mutta kapsahtaa lopulta italokatajaan, sitä yli puolta lyhyempään hukkapätkään. Kyllä pikku enbuskekin pääsi lopux halaamaan, kun oli alla appelsiinilaatikko. Pitkän tytön onnen huipennus oli päästä esiintymään lavalla, kehuskella siinä itseään, ison siskon suukku tukkia ja saada läpyjä. "May I have all of your attention." Mix vitussa, kuulux se joteski muka ohjelmaan? Ja parhautta oli kostaa ilkeälle poikaystävälle, maxaa potut pottuina kuin profeetta Jesaja. Hemmetin pyrkyreitä noi jenkit, elämänsä seppoja.
ellauri019.html on line 405: Too much monkey business, too much monkey business

ellauri019.html on line 406: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in
ellauri019.html on line 410: Ah, too much monkey business, too much monkey business

ellauri019.html on line 411: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in
ellauri019.html on line 415: Ha, too much monkey business, too much monkey business

ellauri019.html on line 416: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in
ellauri019.html on line 420: Ah, too much monkey business, too much monkey business

ellauri019.html on line 421: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in
ellauri019.html on line 425: Ah, too much monkey business, too much monkey business

ellauri019.html on line 426: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in
ellauri019.html on line 430: Ha, too much monkey business, too much monkey business

ellauri019.html on line 431: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in
ellauri019.html on line 435: Uh-uh, too much monkey business, too much monkey business

ellauri019.html on line 438: Too much monkey business for me
ellauri019.html on line 454: Hui, kuvittele Vapaavuorta, viurusilmää, Stubbia, Soinia ja Sipilää pörräämässä Kouvolassa, pikku Sale kunkkuna. Too much monkey business for me to be involved in.
ellauri019.html on line 476: Too much monkey business for me to be involved in, se oli Chuck Berryn johtopäätös maailmansodan jälkeisinä vuosina. Sekin oli ollut mukana Jokohamassa kumahuttamassa japsuja, mustana magagina tegemässä Amerigon nimiggomaasta entistä suurempaa. Tankannut irakilaista bensaa jenkkiraudan säiliöön dollarilla gallona. Kuuteen tuhanteen vuoteen ehtii monkeyt tehdä paljon bisnestä.
ellauri019.html on line 534: ja Amorrerit ja Cananerit ja Gergeserit ja Jebuserit.

ellauri019.html on line 539: Yasser Arafat koitti väittää, et palestiinalaiset on alkuperäisiä jutkujen tuloa edeltäneitä jebusiittejä eli UruShalemin vanhoja stadilaisia. Sekin lienee puppua, ihan normiarabeja ne vaan on. Tolkun porukat on sitä mieltä, et mitä väliä, kuka noista "me oltiin täällä ensin" kiistoista selvän ottaa. Se joka kulloinkin on joholla on oikeassa. Might is right.
ellauri019.html on line 661: Se mikä toinen juhla on samalla tavalla salattu, on tietysti pääsiäinen. Senkin saatana on onnistunut tekemään pupu-, kananpoika- ja noitajuhlaksi. Täsmälleen päinvastoin, eli pupu ja kananpoika kuvaavat raukkamaisuutta ja heikkoutta äärimmillään ja noita vielä kiroamaan tapahtuman. Jeesuksen sankarillinen teko häivytetään äärimmäisen säälittävällä tavalla. Vasta tuli tv ohjelma Tuomas Embuskesta joka mollasi kristillisyyden alimpaan suohon, jossa sanomana oli "mikä jumala se sellainen on joka tappaa oman poikansa". Se jumala on juuri Embusken ja niiden muiden jumala, saatana itse.
ellauri019.html on line 746: Pelastakaa lapset ja Suomen posti yhdessä voisivat käydä kiinnittämässä sopivan määrän postimerkkejä Al Holin äitien takamukseen. Kurdien myötävaikutuksella postibussi veisi perheet venäläisiin tukikohtiin Syyrian rannikolla ja ryssät tykkiveneellä Karlstadiin Ruotsiin. Sieltä olisi Suomen valtion helpompi ne hakea. Venäjäkin saisi lastensuojelusta pisteitä.
ellauri019.html on line 1048: They are chimpanzees, not monkeys. Damn racists. More monkey business every day. Trust us apes.
ellauri020.html on line 437: Robert Edward Turner III (born November 19, 1938) is an American entrepreneur, television producer, media proprietor, and philanthropist. As a businessman, he is known as founder of the Cable News Network (CNN), the first 24-hour cable news channel. In addition, he founded WTBS, which pioneered the superstation concept in cable television, which later became TBS (to be sold).
ellauri020.html on line 441: Turner´s media empire began with his father´s billboard business, Turner Outdoor Advertising, which he took over in 1963 after his father´s suicide. It was worth $1 million. His purchase of an Atlanta UHF station in 1970 began the Turner Broadcasting System. CNN revolutionized news media, covering the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986 and the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
ellauri020.html on line 596: Ankat pelaa nyt peliä nimeltä Battle of the sexes, purjehdusmatsi vai ooppera, ja siinä voi vaan hävitä. Pelin tasapainoa voi koittaa parantaa uhkailemalla, ja sitä molemmat myös tekevät. Siinä tää on hyvin samantapainen ku Thackeray et Iivana selittää hyvin tarkkasilmäisesti, millaisia paskamaisia luonteita ankat on ja mikä niiltä menee päin persettä. Ei vietä enää lomiakaan yhdessä. A business partnership with sex thrown in. You look lovely, he said without enthusiasm.
ellauri020.html on line 650: Trump alluded to his extramarital affair in a 1994 interview with ABC Primetime Live, per the New York Daily News, calling his life at the time "a bowl of cherries." He added, "The business was so great ... a beautiful girlfriend, a beautiful wife, a beautiful everything." He also muses that, if the Marla-Ivana confrontation hadn´t happened, it´s possible he would´ve continued on seeing his mistress.
ellauri020.html on line 673: In fact, Trump blamed the divorce in part on the entanglement between Ivana and his business. Trump, early on, brought her in on his real estate empire. She worked at the Trump Organization as a president for his Atlantic City casino, Cosmopolitan reports, and later a manager for the Plaza Hotel, which he bought in 1988, per People.
ellauri020.html on line 697: Katrinkalla on nyt uutisia kerrottavana kaveripiirille, ja millaisia! Ai-jai-jai! huutaa Katrinka tshekixi kuin intiaani. Yahii! Se on sillä tavaramerkkinä, ja väärät verbit kuten Wokulla. Se ärsytti Akua, ja Rikua. Wolmar ei välitä. - Markku ja mä mentiin just naimisiin, vauva on tulossa, ja tää komia poika on mun tshekkiäpärä! Nyt juodaan malja! To business! Yes, to business! For this moment at least, she had it all. Onnen pipanoita.
ellauri020.html on line 712: Enough people went looking for similarities between the real Trump marriage and the fictional Graham marriage that it became a legal scuffle within the larger war that was the ugly Trump divorce, with Donald’s lawyers fighting to preserve a gag order keeping Ivana from talking about their marriage. For her part, Ivana insisted she wasn’t writing about her ex. She told the Los Angeles Times: “There is no way he can prove that he’s Adam because he’s not Adam and I make sure that he’s not Adam,” adding that, “And even I think I have constitutional rights of speech in America. I did not abuse them.”
ellauri021.html on line 612: omnibus placebam.
ellauri021.html on line 943: Schlafly is a surname of German-Swiss origin. Not to be confused with Schläfli. Mild-mannered Daniel L. Schlafly Sr., vice president of a family business (bottled water), AKA Dan Schlafly, 47 in 1960, is a Roman Catholic who never attended a public school* and never sent his three children to one. Daniel L. Schafly Jr. spent eight years in Jesuit schools, then went on to graduate work in the US and abroad. He chose history as major. As a twenty-one- year-old student, he was amazed by the result of the Soviet victory in World War II when he crossed the Berlin Wall (still under construction) from free West Berlin with its independent citizens into militarized Communist East Berlin, where everyone was dispirited, everything was shabby. Daniel L. Jr., who supported St. Kolbe´s sainthood, became a staunch anticommunist.
ellauri023.html on line 744: Carl Erik oli olevinaan stoalainen, sodan käyneenä. Irvisteli tuskissaan asevelvollisena ja myöhemminkin, kun ei tullut kusta eikä paskaakaan. Vaivan palkintona oli sit kesä kesä, sikari ja lettu elo. Ja paljon massia. Mucuksen pelto, jossa me porsaat nyt ryvetään. Tätä se koitti opettaa mullekin, heikolla menestyxellä. Too damn anal business for me to be involved in.
ellauri023.html on line 1174: Leevi kommentoi Jean (Hannes) Ameryn izaria 65-vuotiaana "rather tartly": leirillä semmoinen oli ylellisyyttä. "Elämisen business on paras suoja kuolemalta, eikä tää koske yxinomaan leirejä." Jos Leevi ylipäänsä teki izarin, siltä sitten loppui kai se business. Lapsia ei sillä ollut, dementti äiti vaan ja se tyly Lusija. Niitä kohtaan ei sillä riittänyt sitten enää sääliä.
ellauri025.html on line 139: Siis vuonna 85. Silloin oltiin Californiassa. Italo kävi siellä 60-luvulla. Piti enemmän New Yorkista. Callekin oli 60-luvulla Pirkon kanssa Amerikan turneella. Callen preferenssejä en tiedä, ja on liian myöhäistä kysyä. Ite en yhtään innostunut Nykistä. Too much monkey business.
ellauri025.html on line 147: No, tääkin on sanottu tuhannesti ennen. Perimmäisempi syy jatkaa toistamista on että toisto toimii tyylikeinona. Uutuus on ylimainostettua. Apinat syö joka päivä jotain, vaikka ne söi eilen, ja syö huomennakin, sitä samaa maistuvaa muonaa, kuorien yhdellä kädellä banaania samalla kun pitää kiinni puunrungosta. Samalla lailla tykätään lukea joka päivä jotain kirjaa, kuoria sitä yhdellä kädellä sellofaanista pitäen toisella kiinni bussin tangosta. Maistus varmaan sullekkin. Muut apinat tosin voi käyttää apuna jalkoja.
ellauri025.html on line 923: Äiti veti suruunsa. Mitähän se veti? Sorbus, Cassis ja Cordita, Vinetto, Aperita? punapäätä Nudikaa? vai taasko vain valkoviiniä, koko leka ennen kymmentä?
ellauri025.html on line 966: Vielä tässä vaiheessa Monika uskotteli, että kyllä hän pärjäisi. Ystävä väitti vastaan. Hän sanoi, että voisi pyytää lääkäriystäväänsä kirjoittamaan Monikalle Antabus-reseptin.
ellauri025.html on line 973: Seuraavina päivinä Monika söi Antabusta eikä enää himoinnut viinaa. Hän onnistui lopettamaan juomisen. Jeesus on väkevämpi huume kuin Sorbus, vahvempi lääke kuin Antabus.
ellauri026.html on line 82: Äidillä oli mummin rintasolki rinnassa 50-luvulla. Nykyään ei rintasoljet enää trendaa ollenkaan. Hyvin ovat tätimäisiä. Kinsellan Rebekka sai sellaisen ruipelolta Tarquinilta. Tarquinius oli Rooman viimeinen kuningas. Se oli ylimielinen, superbus. Rebekan Tarquin oli sairaalloisen ujo. Rebekka ei halunnut siltä timanttista hevossolkea, se tekee ruman reijän puseroon.
ellauri026.html on line 372: On sellasia pytagoralaisia, joille kaikki on niin yhteistä et ne ottaa mitä vaan messiin mekon alla, ne ei tee siitä isompaa numeroa kuin jos ne olis perintökamoja. Toiset on vaan olevinaan rikkaita, ja tää kuvitelma riittää niille onnexi. Joillakuilla on hienot talot Helsingissä ja sen vuoxi pihistelee mökillä. Jotkut panee menee kaiken samantien, toiset kerää kokoon hyvällä tai pahalla. Yx ährää kerätäxeen julkkismainetta, toinen makaa nokisena uunin takana. A great many undertake endless suits and outvie one another who shall most enrich the dilatory judge or corrupt advocate. One is all for innovations and another for some great he-knows-not-what. Another leaves his wife and children at home and goes to Jerusalem, Rome, or in pilgrimage to St. James´s where he has no business. In short, if a man like Menippus of old could look down from the moon and behold those innumerable rufflings of mankind, he would think he saw a swarm of flies and gnats quarreling among themselves, fighting, laying traps for one another, snatching, playing, wantoning, growing up, falling, and dying. Nor is it to be believed what stir, what broils, this little creature raises, and yet in how short a time it comes to nothing itself; while sometimes war, other times pestilence, sweeps off many thousands of them together.
ellauri028.html on line 840: - Miten te tulette työpaikalle noin krabulaisena bushit silmän alla?
ellauri028.html on line 841: - Oltiin eilen vaalivalvojaisissa bushikaljalla. Meni överix, oxennusbushin virkaa hoiti pipo. - Oliko bushikalja asiallista viinasahtia?
ellauri028.html on line 842: - Njoo, yx bushi tekee aivan valhesäkixi. Kax bushia, niin oot maapallon omistaja ja armottoman vahva saarnaaja. Kolmannen jälkeen sitä lähtee aavikkoa valtaamaan sotavoimilla. Pöllö-öljyn saanti on turvattava. Aamulla vittu suu on kuin operaatio hiekkamyrsky. Käytävä on monta kertaa George W Dabljuulla.
ellauri028.html on line 844: Me ostettiin 2007 jenkeissä käydessä aito vaahtomuovinen söpö GW Bush-stressinukke muovisessa verkkokassissa, jota saattoi puristella lyttyyn ja mätkiä päähän nyrkillä. Bad bush, hyi helvetti. Älä muistele. Me tultiin kaikki kipeixi Matin ja Jillin vetoisessa veden vaivaamassa kellarissa, kukin vuorollaan. Mikään ei ollut juuri muuttunut 70-luvun ajoista. Muistan taas kerran ajatelleeni: mitäs läxit. No menihän se ohi sittemmin.
ellauri029.html on line 76: business.jpg" width="50%" />
ellauri029.html on line 93: The vast network of business partners, fellow students and our alumni will provide you with a wide range of possibilities for the future!
ellauri029.html on line 152: Blogiessee on lyhyt ja ytimekäs teksti, jonka julkaiset jossain verkossa, esim. Runk-akatemian, tiimisi tai omassa blogissasi, LinkedIn-profiilissa, nettisivuilla tms. Huolehdi, että teksti on edustuskelpoista eli oikeakielistä kirjakieltä. Siihen kannattaa sisällyttää ajatuksellisia kärkiä, erityisyyksiä, keskustelua herättävää, kenties kärjistävääkin asiaa. Ota kanava haltuun. Vähän tällästä vihapuheen harjottelua näin akateemisesti. Tuomas Embuskelta voit ottaa mallia (ks alla).
ellauri029.html on line 174: Lähdekirjallisuuden tulee olla tasoltaan sellaista, että se kelpaisi opinnäytetyöhönkin – ellei sitten lähde ole aiheuttanut merkittävää yhteiskunnallista keskustelua. (Esim. Tuomas Embusken blogi Iltalehdessä saattaisi niin tehdä ja Iltalehdestä huolimatta silloin kelvata lähteeksi. Aamulehden kolumni on toki paljon parempi.)
ellauri029.html on line 176: Akateemisen esseen kirjoitat 2 – 3 henkilön ryhmässä. Sitä varten tarvitaan aina useita lähteitä, kirjoja ja mielellään myös muita lähteitä kuten ajankohtaisia artikkeleita Wahlroosilta, Vartiaiselta tai Embuskelta. Kirjat saavat olla niitä vanhoja. Esim. Popperin Avoin yliopisto tai Runk-akatemia on hyviä.
ellauri030.html on line 246: Etenim, cum complector animo, quattuor reperio causas, cur senectus misera videatur: unam, quod avocet a rebus gerendis; alteram, quod corpus faciat infirmius; tertiam, quod privet fere omnibus voluptatibus; quartam, quod haud procul absit a morte.
ellauri030.html on line 274: Haec enim ipsa sunt honorabilia quae videntur levia atque communia, salutari, adpeti, decedi, adsurgi, deduci, reduci, consuli; quae et apud nos et in aliis civitatibus, ut quaeque optime morata est, ita diligentissime observantur. Lysandrum Lacedaemonium, cuius modo feci mentionem, dicere aiunt solitum Lacedaemonem esse honestissimum domicilium senectutis: nusquam enim tantum tribuitur aetati, nusquam est senectus honoratior. Quin etiam memoriae proditum est, cum Athenis ludis quidam in theatrum grandis natu venisset, magno consessu locum nusquam ei datum a suis civibus; cum autem ad Lacedaemonios accessisset, qui legati cum essent, certo in loco consederant, consurrexisse omnes illi dicuntur et senem sessum recepisse.
ellauri030.html on line 910: An analysis of content from business-to-business advertising magazines in the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany found a high (23 percent) overall usage of humor. The highest percentage was found in the British sample at 26 percent. Of the types of humor found by McCullough and Taylor, three categories corresponded with Freud's grouping of tendentious (aggression and sexual) and non-tendentious (nonsense) wit. 20 percent of the humor were accounted for as “aggression” and “sexual.” “Nonsense” was listed at 18 percent.
ellauri030.html on line 924: Similar analysis can be applied to issues involving racial discrimination, sexual deviance, drug abuse, and other controversial issues. I.e. about all of EAT! FUCK! and KILL!
ellauri031.html on line 288: Salainen poliisilaitos on vahvasti kehittynyt ja sen agentteja on kaikkialla. Ovenvartijoilla on velvollisuus säännöllisesti tiedottaa ihmisten tulemisista ja menemisistä. Mutta kaikki tapahtuu kaikessa hiljaisuudessa ja valvontalaitos on erinomaisen taitavasti organisoitu, ei sitä paljon huomaa arkielämässä. Joskus saattaa joutua todistamaan pikku välikohtauxia julkisuudessa. Sillä luonnoltaan huolettomana italialaisen on vaikea seurata kaikkia niitä monia määräyxiä joilla hallitus koettaa kasvattaa kansaa kuriin ja järjestyxeen. Kansalaisen on opittava pysyttelemään vasemmalla jalkakäytävällä, noudattaa siisteyttä ja järjestystä raitiovaunuissa ja autobusseissa, junissa jne. Vähitellen alkavat italialaiset oppia että määräyxet ovat noudattamista varten, vaikka monet napisevatkin "preussilaisuudesta". Sama meininki on nyt Kiinassa. Nekin on luonnostaan aika homssuja.
ellauri031.html on line 513: Tuomas Embuske
ellauri031.html on line 659:

Oikutteleva raamattubussi

ellauri031.html on line 664: Mutta postilähetys on laupias, lähetetään siis 55K ristisidettä! Kaarlolla oli 300 kristityn osoite. Eipä paljon. Oikutteleva vw pienoisbussi tulee Saxasta miniän mukana. Nikodemuskristitty publikaani auttaa väärentämään paperit. Kaarlo ajeleeb sillä 400K km pitkin Israelin pölyisiä teitä. Moottorikin vaihdetaan kuin meidän mannepirssitä ja Wokun räyhämobiilista.
ellauri031.html on line 683: Välittäjäporras on pieniruokaisia hyödyllisiä idiootteja, jotka toimii pyyteettä kädestä suuhun periaatteella, taivaan lintuja jotka ei kynnä eikä kylvä, ottaa minimisti väliä, poimii kuormasta appelsiineja. Herrat maxavat eikä surminkaan anna linnun pudota käsistä, niin halpaa agenttia ei löydy muualta. Kaarlon porukat tyytyy osaansa pikkuprofeettoina ja paikallisina mesenaatteina, vielä kurjempien sädekehäisinä auttajina. Ne tykkää ravata oikuttelevalla raamattubussilla tuttuja pölyisiä reittejä ja tapailla uusia pokia, joista tulee pian vanhoja tuttuja. Niissä on vähän postimies Patea ja Kalle-Anttonia, vaeltavan juutalaisen ja Kalle Hagertin veriä. Postillan tuo Pate jokaisen luo.
ellauri031.html on line 703: Miten kävi Kaarlon hylkäämän pentueen? Kaarlon isä kirjoitti sille aikoinaan vihaisen kirjeen, joka on jäänyt Orpo-Ollin hampaankoloon. Siinä isä moittii sitä uskontohöperöxi ja huonoxi isäxi, kun jättää perheen ihan heitteille. No kuinka kävi? Pojat jäivät vaille kouluja, siinä Kaarlo oli pahempi kuin paha äitipuolensa. Olavista tuli raamattukaupan myyjä Beershebaan ja Kalervosta minibussikuski isän tilalle.
ellauri031.html on line 739: Wilhon status kirkon lähetyseuran täysvaltasena lähettiläänä Kiinassa oli parempi kuin entisen junanlähettäjän helluntaibisnes pienyrittäjän riskillä, ilman edes Leevi Petruxen tukea. Helluntaiystävyys oli don Wilholle melkoinen sosiaalinen putous, ennenkuin oma liike alkoi pyöriä. Sittenkin Wilholla oli ihan eri karisma kuin Kinneretin järven bussikuskilla.
ellauri032.html on line 212: Aurinkokuningas lyttäs Port-Royalin jansenistit 1661. Luostari pantiin matalaxi, ei jäänyt kiveäkään kiven päälle. Pascalinkin cacata carta hukku muutossa. Tästä taisi olla puhetta Madame de Sevignen muistelmissa, jota Marcel Proust luki kuin mummu virsikirjaa. Vielä ennen kuolemaansa Pascal kexi bussin. Autopsiassa ilmeni että sillä oli vikaa päässä. Paavi hommaa siitä nyt autuasta. Tais paska sittenkin voittaa vetonsa.
ellauri032.html on line 630: Sami oli kakkafetishi Joycen bändäri, kunnes välit viilenivät kun Sammeli ei huolinut Joycen tytärtä Lusijaa koska se oli iskääkin sekopäämpi, täys skizo. Jung sanoi niistä et ne molemmat on uppoomassa jokeen, Joyce sukeltaa mut Lusija vaan vajoaa. Carlos Williams, joka oli Adam Driverin esittämän bussikuski runoilija Patersonin idoli, idolisoi myös Joycea.
ellauri035.html on line 231: Her fingers busied about her hair, her cool white arms
ellauri035.html on line 1148: Cultivar el intelecto, educar y templar la voluntad, regir la conducta con discreción y prudencia en el trato social. Su lección es de energía y perseverancia, de discreción y virtud. Tuvo el P. Baltasar una mentalidad robusta y el genio práctico del fundador de su orden, de Ignacio de Loyola. Y así, enseña sin idealismos, ni sentimentalismos, ni metafísicas.
ellauri036.html on line 333: Et qui, pour vingt amours, n'ont qu'un arbuste en fleurs.
ellauri036.html on line 1962: In particular, we have had a lot of literature on a few colorful shaming penalties,like sentencing businessmen who urinate in public to scrub the streets with toothbrushes, or sentencing shoplifters to wear T-shirts announcing their offenses to the world. It is no surprise that criminal law professors enjoy debating these shaming penalties -call them T-shirt and bumper-sticker sanctions.
ellauri036.html on line 2143: Surkki (engl. kissanpieru) on velhoperheeseen syntynyt velho tai noita, joka ei kykene taikomaan. Surkkeja ovat muun muassa Tylypahkan vahtimestari Argus Voro ja kissoista pitävä Dursleyn perheen naapuri, rouva Arabella Figg, Albus Dumbledoren pikkusisko Ariana josta kerrottiin Albus Dumbledoren elämäkerrassa (kirjoittanut Rita Luodiko) jossa väitettiin Arianaa surkiksi. Tämä ei kuitenkaan ollut totta. Surkit ovat, Ron Weasleyn mukaan, sangen harvinaisia. Vähän kuin mongoloideja. Kissat ovat hyviä, kun varoo pieruja, sanoo surkki Teme Mäki.
ellauri037.html on line 382: honest businesses, obliging neighbors,
ellauri037.html on line 561: Lähdetään siis Danzigista eli Gdanskista, jossa Arttu syntyi 100v ennen Mikko Rothia. Sen iskä Heikki oli saxalais-hollantilainen patriisi ja äiti Johanna monilahjakas salonginpitäjä ja kirjaltaja. Se Schopen lapiosana tulee siis hollannista. Uskonnottomia olivat, vallankumouxellisia rebublikaaneja, kosmopoliitteja ja anglofiilejä. Toisin kuin Sope siis, taas, paitsi sitä ateismia. Kun Gdanskista tuli osa Preussia, lipilaari Heikki muutti perheineen länsimielisempään Hampuriin. Artun pikkusisko Adele oli sitä 8 vuotta nuorempi. Ei siis leikkikaveri, vaan ärsyttävä vanhempien lemmikki kuin Riku. Heikki ja Hanna antoi lapsilleen A:lla alkavat nimet, niinkuin saman pesueen koiranpennuille. Artun koirankin nimi oli Atma. Arttu oli vaihdossa Ranskassa ja styylas siellä ikätoverinsa pojan kanssa, ja soitti sen kanssa huilua. 15v jolppina se lähti Euroopanympärimatkalle vanhempien kaa, business and pleasure. Tää oli Heikin juonia: se halus Artun perhebisnexeen, Arttu halus yliopistoon joka oli iskän mielestä turhuutta. Jos haluut matkalle, niin sit jatkat sen jälkeen kauppakoulussa. Jos haluut verstaalle, niin unohda koko turnee. No se lähti reisulle, mut katu sitä myöhemmin. Wimbledonissa oli tyyyylllsäää jossain anglikaanikoulussa. Sixikin se vihas uskontoa myöhemmin. Heikki rähjäsi Artulle huonoista todistuxista niin kovasti, että Hanna pelkäsi sen menettäneen järkensä. Ehkä menettikin. Heikki hyppäs kanaaliin Hampurissa 1805. Se oli yhtä autisti kuin poikansa, ja yhtä masis. Sope sanoikin et sen luonne on isän peruja. Isän puolella oli enemmänkin hulluja. Äiskä sensijaan oli seuraihminen. Sope ihaili isäänsä kai six kun ei pärjännyt alkuunkaan äidille, ja äiti vaan hemmotteli pikku Adia. No Heikiltä jäi mojova potti, joka jaettin kolmeen osaan. Arttu sijoitti omansa varovasti valtionobligaatioihin ja nettosi sillä 2x enemmän kuin yliopiston professori. Oli varaa sitten vittuilla koulufilosofeille.
ellauri038.html on line 200: Marianne Schnitger was born on 2 August 1870 in Oerlinghausen to medical doctor Eduard Schnitger and his wife, Anna Weber, daughter of a prominent Oerlinghausen businessman Karl Weber. After the death of her mother in 1873, she moved to Lemgo and was raised for the next fourteen years by her grandmother and aunt. During this time, both her father and his two brothers went mad and were institutionalized. When Marianne turned 16, Karl Weber sent her off to fashionable finishing schools in Lemgo and Hanover, from which she graduated when she was 19. After the death of her grandmother in 1889, she lived several years with her mother´s sister, Alwine, in Oerlinghausen.
ellauri038.html on line 204: In 1898, Max suffered a psychological collapse, possibly brought on after his father´s death, which happened shortly after Max confronted him regarding his abuse of Helene. Between 1898 and 1904, Max withdrew from public life, moving in and out of mental institutions, traveling compulsively and resigning from his prominent position at University of Heidelberg.
ellauri038.html on line 212: In 1914, World War I broke out. While Max busied himself publishing his multi-volume study of religion, lecturing, organizing military hospitals, serving as an adviser in peace negotiations and running for office in the new Weimar Republic, Marianne published many works, among which were: "The New Woman" (1914), "The Ideal of Marriage" (1914), "War as an Ethical Problem" (1916), "Changing Types of University Women" (1917), "The Forces Shaping Sexual Life" (1919) and "Women's Special Cultural Tasks" (1919).
ellauri039.html on line 419: In 1912 a statue of Ännchen von Tharau was erected in honour of the poet, Simon Dach in Klaipeda (Memel). Rouva Burda oli 3-vuotias. It got lost (destroyed) during the war and was replaced by a bust of Hitler in 1939. Aenne täytti 30v. In 1989 members of the "Ännchen von Tharau Verein" (club), founded by "vertriebenen Memelländern", (Germans who were driven out of the Memelland) and exiled Lithuanians, erected the new statue of Ännchen von Tharau.
ellauri039.html on line 513: Public Transportation is common and amazing. We didn't have buses where I lived, and sidewalks? Hah! funny. Street crossing signs and areas? nope. The buses are not the cleanest, but they are clean even when they have been carting people all day, they remain pretty clean.
ellauri039.html on line 720: Albert Camus (/al.bɛʁ kamy/) (7. marraskuuta 1913 Mondovi, Ranskan Algeria – 4. tammikuuta 1960 Villeblevin, Ranska) oli ranskalainen kirjailija, lehtimies ja filosofi sekä yksi eksistentialismin ja absurdismin johtohahmoista. Absurdismia on kai se et näkee apinoiden touhuilun fundamentaalisen älyttömyyden, miten absurdisti nää termiittiapinat pörräävät. Abus mäkin on absurdisti.
ellauri041.html on line 472: Moosexen palavaxi pensaaxi se oli liian kiinnostunut pahasta bushista.
ellauri042.html on line 644: Part of Pope's bitter inspiration for the characters in the book come from his soured relationship with the royal court. The Princess of Wales Caroline of Ansbach, wife of George II, had supported Pope in her patronage of the arts. When she and her husband came to the throne in 1727 she had a much busier schedule and thus had less time for Pope who saw this oversight as a personal slight against him. When planning the Dunciad he based the character Dulness on Queen Caroline, as the fat, lazy and dull wife. Pope's bitterness against Caroline was a typical trait of his brilliant but unstable character. The King of the Dunces as the wife of Dulness was based on George II. Pope makes his views on the first two Georgian kings very clear in the Dunciad when he writes 'Still Dunce the second reigns like Dunce the first'.
ellauri042.html on line 813: In the meantime Ollie had published not one but two memoirs, with an exhaustive range of anecdotes, full of enchantment and anguish, covering everything from his all-consuming childhood obsession with the properties of metals to the abuse he endured at boarding school to his feeling, amphibian-like, more at home in water than on land to his mother’s reaction when she discovered his sexual orientation. “You are an abomination,” Ollie recounted her telling him when he was 18. “I wish you had never been born.” Nor had Ollie kept anything hidden. He described his first orgasm — reached spontaneously while floating in a swimming pool — and, in deft yet fairly pornographic detail, an agonized, inadvertent climax experienced much later while giving a massage to a man who shunned Ollie’s love.
ellauri043.html on line 26: Flaubert ähräs pikku Anttonin kiusaamisen kaa tapansa mukaan vuosikausia. Se on proosaruno eli pikemminkin paasaus. On siinä vähän koulunäytelmänkin näköä. Semmonen kuvaelma paizi että puhetta on paljon. Apus mä oon piru. .Se on täynnä oppineita viittauxia. Mukana näyttää olevan laaja kerettiläisten indeksi ja antiikin jumalia kuin kirppuja. Kiintoisaa. Ja pyhä Anttoni on tässä aika tekopyhä paskiainen. Hauskasti se istuu skiitan kotisohvalla, surffaa pyhästä kirjasta peukalovärssyjä kuin Kaarlo Syväntö ja vaihtaa taajaan näkykanavaa. Sormi kipeänä kuin Wagnerilla. Wagner sikakin pääsee taivaaseen, Wilhelm Buschin sinileninkinen emäntä on luvannut. Yhdessä kiltin antimuusan Viivin kanssa. Ystävää ei tarvi jättää. Jätä perheesi ja seuraa minua, sanoo vaan tylsät setämiehet. Ota vuoteesi ja kävele. Käskyjä ja kehotuxia. Too much monkey business for me to be involved in.
ellauri043.html on line 5570: alii ... crepitus ventris pro numinibus habendos esse docuerunt.
ellauri046.html on line 224: Søren Kierkegaard nedskrev ni år før sin død, hvordan hans grav skulle se ud. Det hele skulde tilsaas med lavt fint græs, kun skulde der i hvert Hjørne plantes en lille busk af tyrkiske, mørkerøde Roser. Paa en Tavle, svarende til den, der laa paa Forældrenes Grav, skulde der ved siden af de to afdøde Søskendes Navne være Plads til hans Navn, og herunder skulde sættes med smaa Bogstaver følgende Vers af Brorson:
ellauri046.html on line 268: Kierkegaard's humor ranges from the droll to the rollicking; from farce to intricate, subtle analysis; from nimble stories to amusing aphorisms. In these pages you are invited to meet the wife of an author who burned her husband's manuscript and a businessman who, even with an abundance of calling cards, forgot his own name. You will hear of an interminable vacillator whom archeologists found still pacing thousands of years later, trying to come to a decision. Then there is the emperor who became a barkeeper in order to stay in the know.
ellauri047.html on line 1004: L´chaim on kippis hepreaxi. To life! To business! Schnitzelit sanoi niin nostellen pikku laseja, ja pikku Esty sarjassa Unorthodox berliiniläisten ystäviensä seurassa, jotka se oikeasti tapasi heti ekana päivänä, et revi siitä Kristina. Ven ikh bin a Rotschild, lauloi viulunsoittaja katolla. Get off my property! Ik ben a Balina, olen berliininmunkki, sanoi John Kennedy länsi-Berliinissä 1963. Maailman kuuluisin antikommunistinen puhe.
ellauri048.html on line 640: nyt saa Woku roikkua Airbussissa vielä ainakin karanteeni-ikään saakka.
ellauri048.html on line 1104: bust.jpg/330px-Arthur_Henry_Hallam_bust.jpg" />
ellauri049.html on line 347: Les hanches de l’Antiope au buste d’un imberbe, antiloopin lonkat parrattomalla teinillä
ellauri049.html on line 400: Verlainen runo Chanson d'automne, Syyslaulu oli liittoutuneiden koodisanana toisessa maailmansodassa. Monet säveltäjät (mm. Claude Debussy ja Leevi Madetoja) ovat säveltäneet hänen runojaan. Elokuva Total Eclipse kertoo Rimbaudin ja Verlainen suhteesta.
ellauri049.html on line 540: Verlainen alkoholin ja häväistysjuttujen sävyttämä yksityiselämä vaikutti hänen runouteensa. Lähde? Hän ampui rakastamaansa Arthur Rimbaudia juovuspäissään mustasukkaisuusdraaman päätteeksi ja joutui vankilaan kahdeksi vuodeksi. Hän vietti alkoholin sävyttämää elämää mutta oli sieltä käsin Ranskan johtava lyyrikko. Verlainen kulahtanut runo Chanson d'automne, Syyslaulu, oli jopa liittoutuneiden koodisanana toisessa maailmansodassa. Monet säveltäjät (muun muassa Claude Debussy ja Leevi Madetoja) ovat kähveltäneet hänen runojaan. Elokuva Total Eclipse kertoo värikkäästi Rimbaudin ja Verlainen suhteesta. Täydellinen mustan tähden pimennys.
ellauri049.html on line 576: Au vent mauvais minä lähden, ruuhkabussiin,
ellauri050.html on line 993: Phöbus Apoll ist. Fööbin Apollin.
ellauri051.html on line 714: 150 The youngster and the red-faced girl turn aside up the bushy hill, Jolppi ja punanaama tyttö kääntyy puskiin häpykukkulalta,
ellauri051.html on line 719: 155 The heavy omnibus, the driver with his interrogating thumb, the clank of the shod Raskas bussi, kuski kysyvine peukaloineen, kengitettyjen
ellauri051.html on line 922: 339 At home on Kanadian snow-shoes or up in the bush, or with fishermen off Newfoundland, 339 Kotona kanadalaisissa lumikengissä tai pensaassa tai kalastajien kanssa Newfoundlandin edustalla,
ellauri051.html on line 1177: 584 I hear bravuras of birds, bustle of growing wheat, gossip of flames, clack of sticks cooking my meals, 584 Kuulen lintujen bravuuria, kasvavan vehnän vilskettä, liekkien juorua, tikkujen kolinaa keittämässä aterioitani,
ellauri051.html on line 1382: 782 Coming home with the silent and dark-cheek'd bush-boy, (behind me he rides at the drape of the day,) 782 Kotiin tuleminen hiljaisen ja tummaposkisen pensaspojan kanssa, (takaseni hän ratsastaa päivän verholla,)
ellauri051.html on line 1586: 980 The mountains? prairie-life, bush-life? or sailor from the sea? 980 Vuoret? preeria-elämä, pensaselämä? tai merimies merestä?
ellauri051.html on line 1661: 1053 Putting myself here and now to the ambush'd womb of the shadows. 1053 Laitan itseni tässä ja nyt varjojen väijytyskohtuun.
ellauri051.html on line 1780: 1169 Now on this spot I stand with my robust soul. 1169 Nyt tällä paikalla seison vahvalla sielullani.
ellauri051.html on line 1790: 1178 Bussing my body with soft balsamic busses, 1178 Bussit keholleni pehmeillä balsamibussilla,
ellauri052.html on line 486: Baron Corvo eli Fred Rolfe oli joku seikkailija, homo ennen kaikkea. "My preference was for the 16, 17, 18 and large." Le Corbusier oli homo. Ei sunkaan nää ole kaikki homoja? ml Monet ja Matisse? Sale takuulla oli, ja sen kamu Pierre. Sekin kuzu izeään Prosperoxi niinkuin Puovo Huovikko. Shakespearen Myrsky, sen viimeinen näytelmä, on homoeroottinen, missä vallastasyösty herttua-taikuri junailee enkeli Arielin ja piru Calibanin kaa. Ei kai Paavokin... ei nyt menee jo vainoharhasexi. Mut silti vittu (tai pikemminkin pisinappula), heti perään Salella tulee homotriangeli jossa kaikki kalpenee ja/tai punastuu: Sale, mafioso ja Pierre. Ja TS Eliot taas mainitaan. Kirjailijat immersoituu toisiinsa ja vehkeet sykkii sinipunasina. Ihan mahotonta menoa. Kaikki haukkuu Salea ja syystä, se tuntee izensä pyhäxi Sebastianixi.
ellauri052.html on line 939: Greg had made a career out of his own childhood misery—a nasty dig given that Saul was as much the author of that misery as he was of his novels. Greg noted, with shrugging disapproval, that his father “felt a duty of truth to his readers that was stronger than to his family,” but indicated he still didn’t understand or accept this about his father. Perhaps he can’t be expected to. “All significant human business is transacted inside,” was Saul’s lesson to Greg, who doesn’t seem to have forgiven his father for it being true.
ellauri053.html on line 820: Prince Dwarkanath Tagore, my great-grandfather, was a romantic figure. Contemporary of Rammohan Roy, the Father of the Renaissance Movement of Bengal, he was closely associated with him in all his activities and rendered financial help when- ever required. The East India Company were by this time firmly established in Bengal and were rapidly building up their trade. Dwarkanath’s knowledge of English helped him to take advantage of the conditions prevailing under the Company’s rule and he was able at quite an early age not only to amass a fortune but also to gain high offices under the British. With Rammohan Roy he took a leading part in all the movements for the promotion of higher education and social welfare. There was hardly any institution founded during his life-time that did not owe its existence to the generous charity of Dwarkanath. He came to be known as Prince Dwarkanath in recognition of his benefactions. His business enterprises extended to fields unexplored by Indians in those days. He had a fleet of cargo boats for trading between India and England. To improve his business connections and gain further concessions from the Company, he himself went to England accompanied by his youngest son, Nagendranath. I have had occasion to read the diary kept by this grand-uncle of mine. It describes vividly and in very chaste English the social life Of the aristocracy of England in the early Victorian age as seen through the eyes of an Indian. There is also an interesting description of his adventurous journey across the country from Bombay to Calcutta at a time when India was in a very disturbed condition on the eve of the Sepoy Mutiny.
ellauri053.html on line 826: It is believed that the important business which took the Prince to England was - to try to negotiate with the British government for an izara (permanent lease) of the provinces of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa in supersession of the East India Company. He was well received by Queen Victoria. But this ambitious project of his came to nothing on account of his sudden death under somewhat mysterious circumstances.
ellauri053.html on line 873: While Father would be entertaining the Maharaja, Mother with the help of Amaladidi, who was an expert in the cooking of East Bengal delicacies, would be busy preparing the meals.
ellauri053.html on line 983: Unfortunately just when he was feeling satisfied with the progress that was being made another mishap occurred in the family that greatly disturbed Father’s mind. My grandfather, the Maharshi, died in Calcutta. Father had to go there as soon as he heard about his illness and remained a long time there after grandfather’s death to settle business affairs consequent on the passing away of the head of a big family like ours. After the death of the Maharshi the family broke up — the members no longer lived together as in a Hindu joint family. (100 hengen huushollissa.)
ellauri053.html on line 1028: Rampella oli jumala mielikuvituskaverina kuin Kaarlo Syvännöllä. Sillä kyllä oli enemmän syitä iloita kuin Kaarlolla hepreankielisillä raamatuilla lastatussa kleinbussissa pölyisillä Israelin teillä.
ellauri054.html on line 435: We may never produce a world with "Men like gods," but we can at least implant a business model that shall make each of us in truth and in fact his brother's keeper.
ellauri054.html on line 437: Edison invented the first electric chair to show how dangerous alternating current was. 614 people eventually died in it. As a business model it sucks, with no returning customers.
ellauri055.html on line 396: Let us give nature a chance; she knows her business better than we do.
ellauri060.html on line 126: 1.4.1987 Melitta Naiviston suunnittelema ja johtama Suomen vientiä tukeva show ”Success Story Finland” esitettiin Singaporessa. Pääsin seuraamaan business boosterin valmistelua ja toteutusta niin Euroopassa kuin Aasiassa Kauppalehden toimittajana. Vientishow’n esiintyjät olivat varsin mukavaa joukkoa, joten useaan otteeseen jäin rupattelemaan töiden jälkeen heidän seuraansa. Erityisesti huomio kiinnittyi pitkänhuiskeaan, hyvin nuoreen, mutta asenteeltaan aurinkoiseen ja älykkään tuntuiseen mieheen. Etunimenkin kuulin: Macro.
ellauri060.html on line 233: Defoe was a prolific and versatile writer, producing more than three hundred works—books, pamphlets, and journals — on diverse topics, including politics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology, and the supernatural. He was also a pioneer of business journalism and economic journalism.
ellauri060.html on line 241: Defoe entered the world of business as a general merchant, dealing at different times in hosiery, general woollen goods, and wine. His ambitions were great and he was able to buy a country estate and a ship (as well as civets to make perfume), though he was rarely out of debt. On 1 January 1684, Defoe married Mary Tuffley at St Botolph's Aldgate. She was the daughter of a London merchant, receiving a dowry of £3,700—a huge amount by the standards of the day. With his debts and political difficulties, the marriage may have been troubled, but it lasted 47 years and produced eight children.
ellauri061.html on line 161: Heti alkuun vähän tympäsee feikkiklassisismi pedanttia norssinlakkia, joka sentään on lukenut antiikin auktoreita alkukielellä. Mut olkoon menneexi. Asiaan! To business!
ellauri061.html on line 231: Oberon on aika luikero, kärkäs apina ja rietas babiaani. Meddling monkey ja busy ape. Se jää vaklaamaan kun Dimitri ja Helena hiippaa paikalle. Mua vedät, kovakiskoinen maneitti! (varmaan mangneetti. Alkutextissä seisoo adamantti.) Mä olen pikku koirasi Dimitri, mankuu Helena. Jahka kuluu yrki. (Yrki? Se on tovi, se löytyi Lönnrotin sanakirjasta.)
ellauri061.html on line 365: HAMLET Has this fellow no feeling of his business, that he HAMLET Eixtää äijä tiedä missä hommissa se on, kun se laulaa haudankaivussa?
ellauri061.html on line 778: In the interview, Barak was asked whether he is a lobbyist that earns a living from "opening doors." The interviewer stated "You have arrived recently at the Kazakhstan despot Nazarbayev and the president of Ghana. You are received immediately." Barak confirmed that he has been received by these heads of state but denied earning money from opening doors for international business deals for Israeli and foreign corporations, and said he does not see any ethical or moral problems in his business activities. He further said there is no logic to demand of him, after "the natural process in democracy has ended" to not utilize the tools he accumulated in his career to secure his financial future. When asked if his financial worth is $10–15 million, Barak said "I'm not far from there."
ellauri061.html on line 970: Nytpä uhraudun yhteisexi hyväxi ja luen kaupunginkirjastosta lainaamani Jari Pervon sukuelimen tarinaa nimeltä Minun sukuelimeni tarina. Ensimmäisillä kymmenillä sivuilla on sukuelimestä esitelty vasta sen kuuluisa ripustin, julkkumulkku Juri Pervo. Kustantaja Aarne Puupään näreän tapaamisen jälkeen se kaipaa lipomista. Ehkä bussissa joku kansalainen tunnistaa sen ja kuiskaa vaimolleen, että tossa menee se, nose, mikäsenniminyt on, joku turha julkero.
ellauri061.html on line 1050: Ja se oikutteleva bussi irlantilaisella maantiellä, jossa Kati muutamaa viikkoa myöhemmin istui puolisonsa tulevan isän Jari Tervon nivusilla. Yhä hän muistaa, miten rukoili, ettei pieni ihmisenalku hänen sisällään säikähtäisi kuoppaista tietä. Liian monta keskentuloa oli jo pelätty ja koettu.
ellauri062.html on line 386: Lisää sekoilua. Hartwall Areena ei ole Myllypurontien lähelläkään. Kekkoslovakiantiestä puhumattakaan. Hertta Kuusinenkin julisti että Kekkoslovakian tie on Suomen tie. Eikä Iso Paja ole naapuritontilla. Näin voi munia vaan Loimaan mies. Bambusukat jalassa.
ellauri062.html on line 551: Eli kaikki lukutavat ovat yhtä todennäköisiä. Luvussa kulutettu aika on verrannollinen luvun pituuteen. Kaikki on samaa mössöä. Ihan sama alottaako lopusta vai alusta. Tai alottaako ollenkaan. Tuleeko koskaan valmista. Tarkoitus on lukea kuin hämärällä bussipysäkillä luuria. Hypähdellen nettisivulta ja kissavideosta kolmanteen. Hienoinen hymy huulilla pää kyyryssä, sormi valmiina sipaisemaan näyttöä, luurin taustavalo valaissee kasvoja kuin kointähtönen. Sanalla sanoen: keekoilua.
ellauri062.html on line 663: Flammis acribus addictis, viskaten ne hellapuixi, And with trial-flames ignited,
ellauri063.html on line 214: Hyi helvetti. Nyt lähinnä kiinostaa: miten äsken syntynyt pitää olla et tämmönen paska on ihan vaan normipäivää, business as usual? Vai eikö se olekaan ikäkysymys vaan jonkinlainen rupusakki-indexi? Please God, help improve this Pynchon fan fiction. Kuvan Mogwailla on samanlaiset vilkkuluomet kuin Jaakolla.
ellauri063.html on line 218: Le théâtre du Grand Guignol, plus couramment appelé Grand Guignol, est une ancienne salle de spectacles parisienne qui était située 7, cité Chaptal, dans le 9e arrondissement. Spécialisée dans les pièces mettant en scène des histoires macabres et sanguinolentes, elle a par extension donné son nom au genre théâtral, le grand guignol, et à l'adjectif grand-guignolesque. Le terme est devenu avec le temps péjoratif et désigne désormais, de manière plus générale, des œuvres abusant de la violence ou d'effets grandiloquents.
ellauri063.html on line 352: The Babushka Lady is an unknown woman present during the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy who might have photographed the events that occurred in Dallas's Dealey Plaza at the time President John F. Kennedy was shot. Her nickname arose from the headscarf she wore, which was similar to scarves worn by elderly Russian women (бабушка – babushka – literally means "grandmother" or "old woman" in Russian). THE BABUSHKA LADY or TBL is an homage METALCORE band. This band was established on 1st october 2011 in Pondok Gede Bekasi. This band is actually established in 2009 with different positions. WE WANT TO FAMOUS ! AND WE WANT TO VALUABLE IN THE EYES OF GOD !!
ellauri064.html on line 386: During World War II, the Nazi-minded Grönhagen worked for Finland´s propaganda department and served as its military attaché in Berlin. He was arrested in Oslo 1945 and held in custody for two years. After his release Grönhagen was a businessman and emigrated to Greece in 1964. He first lived in Crete and later in Athens serving as the Master of the Christian Order Ordo Sancti Constantini Magni.
ellauri065.html on line 135: Keski-Euroopan alueelle asettui useita germaanisia heimoja, itään useat erilaiset länslaavilaiset heimot asuivat suurimman osan nykyisen Puolan alueesta 6. vuosisadalta. Duke Mieszko I ja polaanit, hänen linnake Gniezno area eri naapuri heimot toisella puoliskolla 10. vuosisadalla, joka muodostaa ensimmäisen Puolan valtion ja hänestä tuli ensimmäinen historiallisesti kirjattu Piast Duke. Hänen valtakuntansa rajasi Saksan valtiota, ja valvonta rajamailla siirtyisi edestakaisin kahden politiikan välillä tulevina vuosisatoina. Mieszko poika ja seuraaja, Duke Bolesław minä Chrobry, kun 1018 rauhansopimuksen Bautzenin laajeni eteläosassa valtakunnan, mutta menettäneet kontrollin mailla Länsi Pommerin on Itämeren rannikolla. Pakanallisten kapinoiden ja böömiläisen hyökkäyksen jälkeen 1030-luvulla herttua Casimir I Palauttaja (hallitsi 1040-1058) yhdisti jälleen suurimman osan entisestä Piast-alueesta, mukaan lukien Sleesia ja Lubuszin maa keskimmäisen Oderjoen molemmin puolin, mutta ilman Länsi-Pommeria, josta tuli jälleen osa Puolan valtiota Bolesław III Wrymouthin johdolla vuosina 1116–1121, jolloin jalo Griffinsin talo perusti Pommerin herttuakunnan. Bolesławin kuoltua vuonna 1138 Puola oli lähes 200 vuoden ajan pirstoutunut, ja sitä hallitsivat Bolesławin pojat ja heidän seuraajansa, jotka olivat usein ristiriidassa keskenään. Puolan kuninkaaksi vuonna 1320 kruunattu Władysław I Kyynärpäätanko saavutti osittaisen yhdistymisen, vaikka Sleesian ja Masovian herttuakunnat pysyivät itsenäisinä Piast-tiloina.
ellauri065.html on line 179: ... että Claudette Colbert, joka voitti vain Parhaan naispääosan Oscar-palkinto varten Tapahtui eräänä yönä (juliste kuvassa), yksityisesti nimeltään elokuva "pahin kuvan maailmassa"? ... että vuoden 1958 Libanonin presidentinvaalit pidettiin aseellisen kapinan aikana, kun kansakuntaan oli sijoitettu 10000 Yhdysvaltain sotilasta ? ... että kiinalainen cosplayer Liyuu on myös anime- muusikko? ... että urospuolinen merihämähäkki Propallene longiceps kuljettaa hedelmöitettyjä munia rannekkeen kaltaisissa massoissa käärittyinä jalkojensa ympärille? ... että MLS Cup 2020 -pelissä on Seattle Sounders FC neljännen kerran viiden vuoden aikana? ... että Elsa-Brita Nordlund, Ruotsin ensimmäinen lastenpsykiatri, kannatti hoidon inhimillistämistä lastensairaaloissa? ... että kirjojen ja televisiosarjojen otsikkona lainataan vuoden 1840 kappaleen " Kein schöner Land in dieser Zeit " rivi, jossa väitetään, ettei kukaan maa ole kauniimpi ja jonka tekijä esittelee Volksliedinä ? ... kun hänet nimitettiin Georgetownin yliopiston presidentiksi, Gerard J. Campbellia kuvattiin " Ivy League Catholic" "uudeksi roduksi "? Arkistoi Aloita uusi artikkeli Nimeä artikkeli Uutisissa COVID-19- pandemia Tauti Virus Sijainnin mukaan Vaikutus Rokotteet Portaali Nana Akufo-Addo vuonna 2020 Nana Akufo-Addo Nana Akufo-Addo (kuvassa) valitaan uudelleen toiseksi toimikaudeksi Ghanan presidentiksi . Moottoriurheilussa Sébastien Ogier ja Julien Ingrassia voittavat MM-rallin, kun taas Hyundai voittaa valmistajien tittelin. Hayabusa2 palauttaa asteroidista162173 Ryugukerätyt näytteet onnistuneestimaahan. Zdravko Krivokapić aloitti tehtävänsä Montenegron pääministerinä ja tuli ensimmäiseksi itsenäiseksi tehtäväksi. Käynnissä : Intian maanviljelijöiden mielenosoitus Tigray-konflikti Viimeaikaiset kuolemat : UA Khader Iman Budhi Santosa Astad Deboo Raymond Hunter Stanley Smith Manglesh Dabral Nimeä artikkeli Tänä päivänä 13. joulukuuta : Haile Selassie Haile Selassie 1862 - Yhdysvaltojen sisällissota : unionin joukkojen alle Ambrose Burnside kärsi vakavia tappioita vakiintuneiden Konfederaation puolustajiin klo fredericksburgin taistelu Virginiassa. 1928 - Amerikkalainen Pariisissa, George Gershwinin jazziin vaikuttava orkesteriteos, kantaesitettiin Carnegie Hallissa New Yorkissa. 1960 - With Haile Selassie (kuvassa), keisari Etiopiassa, pois maasta, neljä salaliittolaiset järjesti vallankaappauksen yritys asentaa kruununprinssi Asfaw Wossen uudeksi keisari. 1982 - Pohjois-Jemenissä iski 6,2 M w: n rekisteröity maanjäristys, jossa kuoli noin 2800 ihmistä. Paul Speratus ( s. 1484) Mary Todd Lincoln ( s. 1818) Dora Marsden ( s. 1960) Lisää vuosipäiviä: 12. joulukuuta 13. joulukuuta 14. joulukuuta Arkistoi Sähkopostilla Luettelo päivistä vuodessa
ellauri065.html on line 221: Kliban also gives businessmen the cartoon ass-in-the-face--literally, in "Business on Parade," in which men in suits and hats crawl along on all fours, each with his face buried in the rump of the one before him--a daisy chain of brown-nosers, dominance and submission in an endless line.
ellauri065.html on line 467: liskohallitus: Tuomas Enbuske @TuomasEnbuske 17. tammik. 2018. Jes. Jos väitän että salainen liskohallitus hallitsee maailmaa. Ja sinä vastaat siihen, että "enpä usko. Että voisitko todistaa". Niin olemme logiikkasi mukaan molemmat jotenkin tasa-arvoisia uskossamme. Tuomas Enbuske.
ellauri065.html on line 542: Iskusanoja ja tabusanoja. Roskaleffoja. Dystopiaklisheitä. Marsalkka
ellauri065.html on line 635: Bio: I am a victim of Cointelpro/ Organized Gang Stalking in Southern California. This includes Community-based harassment, Group Stalking, Workplace mobbing, Psychological abuse/torture/menticide, sexual harassment, noise harassment, Remote Neural Monitoring, Directed Energy/ EMF weapons, Illegal surveillance in public and private, Illegal entry inside my home and car, Medical and Psychiatric fraud, Vandalism and theft of my personal property, Law Enforcement and local city govt. corruption.
ellauri066.html on line 314: Kabbalasta by the way, Tomppa ammentaa useankin kerran, se on yxi monista hörhölähteistä joita se käyttää yhtenään. Populääritiede ja okkultti on yhtä tärkeitä; molemmista on yhtä paljon apua "meidän" termiittiapinoiden alkuperän ja kohtalon uumoilussa. Edelleen legendat ja arkkityypit, kansanviisaus, sekopäisyydet. Kaikki saavat äänisensä kuuluville, matemaatikot ja ghostbusterit. Hautajaisia ja takaa-ajokohtauxia. Tää on amerikkalaista ohjelmistoa. Ilman takaa-ajokohtausta ei amerikkalaista ohjelmaa, ei amerikkalaista leffaa ilman car chasea. Mitä tarkoitatte herra Luke? Selittäkääpä tarkemmin.
ellauri066.html on line 938: On the lighter side, the pandemic has presented many companies with an unprecedented opportunity. This includes the mecidine, mask and mortuary business. But also small-time Finnish serial entrepreneurs named "Jyri" and the producers of little ketchup satchets.
ellauri067.html on line 125: matkustivat Vainion liikenteen bussilla Turkuun ja kakkaamalla kakkasivat housuihinsa
ellauri067.html on line 126: kesken matkan. Tiistain Ilta-Sanomissa bussiyhtiön toimitusjohtaja Matti Vainio piti
ellauri067.html on line 610: "Now," said Benjy mouse, "to business."
ellauri067.html on line 612: "To business!" they said.
ellauri069.html on line 47: Kuha tulee pätäkkää. Se on pääasia. No business like show business.
ellauri069.html on line 56: The one who kept them all on guard was the father, and he seems to have been a piece of work. Donald, Sr., had studied architecture at Penn, and he was a committed modernist, an acolyte of Setä Mies, Le Corbusier, Saara Aalto, and Esa Saarinen. He designed his own home, including the interiors, and if he couldn’t find something that suited his taste—a rug or a piece of furniture—he manufactured it himself.
ellauri069.html on line 170: Dr. Mabuse is a fictional character created by Norbert Jacques in the German novel Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler ("Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler"), and made famous by three films about the character directed by Fritz Lang: Dr. Mabuse the Gambler (silent, 1922) The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1933) and the much later The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse (1960). Dr. Mabuse is a master of disguise and telepathic hypnosis known to employ body transference, most often through demonic possession, but sometimes utilizing object technologies such as television or phonograph machines, to build a "society of crime". One "Dr. Mabuse" may be defeated and sent to an asylum, jail or the grave, only for a new "Dr. Mabuse" to later appear, as depicted in The Testament of Dr. Mabuse. The replacement invariably has the same methods, the same powers of hypnosis and the same criminal genius. There are even suggestions in some installments of the series that the "real" Mabuse is some sort of spirit that possesses a series of hosts.
ellauri069.html on line 203: Gerard Swope (December 1, 1872 – November 20, 1957) was a U.S. electronics businessman. He served as the president of General Electric Company between 1922 and 1940, and again from 1942 until 1945. During this time Swope expanded GE's product offerings, reorienting GE toward consumer home appliances, and offering consumer credit services. Swope was born in St. Louis, Missouri, to Ida and Isaac Swope, Jewish immigrants from Germany. He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1895.
ellauri069.html on line 366:

No business like show business

ellauri069.html on line 387: Don’t forget the real business of the War is buying and selling. The murdering and violence are self-policing, and can be entrusted to non-professionals. The mass nature of wartime death is useful in many ways. It serves as spectacle, as diversion from the real movements of the War. It provides raw material to be recorded into History, so that children may be taught History as sequences of violence, battle after battle, and be more prepared for the adult world. Best of all, mass death’s a stimulus to just ordinary folks, little fellows, to try ‘n’ grab a piece of that Pie while they’re still here to gobble it up. The true war is a celebration of markets.
ellauri069.html on line 551: No eliitti ja osattomat yhtä lailla kulkevat pimeyden ja valon kosmisen suunnitelman läpitte, toiset vaan pimeässä jalan ja toiset valokiilassa esim Kimi Räikkösen privaattijetissä, ja minä ilmoitan nöyrimmästi kuuluvani niihin hyvin harvoihin (noin 1 promille), jotka kykenevät käsittämään tämän otona. Siis harkitkaa nyt hyvin huolellisesti kummalla puolella ize mieluiten olette, rikkaan kapitalisti lännen vaiko köyhän kommunisti idän. Laulua kolmannella: No business like show business, God bless Amerika! Haftungin puoli tusinaa typykkää lentää mukkelis makkelis herttaisexi säärten pyllyjen ja rintojen mylläkäxi.
ellauri070.html on line 80: Actor Tyrone Power was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Power led a busy bisexual life in Hollywood and was involved with several men during his career.
ellauri070.html on line 398: Kiitos ja ylistys on kääntäen sidonta ja alistus. Luototuxeen perustuva nokintajärjestys. Tämän osoittaa etymologia: Kiitos on obrigado, olen velkaa. Obligaatio on sitoumus. Ole hyvä ja maxa kassalle. Trust me. Luototathan. I promise. To business! “Now tempers must be cooled, and calm restored. We must get on with the business of America. ”
ellauri071.html on line 107: During the run of The Vortex, Coward met Jack Wilson, an American stockbroker (later a director and producer), who became his business manager and lover. Wilson used his position to steal from Coward, but the playwright was in love and accepted both the larceny and Wilson's heavy drinking.
ellauri072.html on line 387: Useita vaihtoehtoisia selitysmalleja on ehdotettu tälle ainakin näennäisesti irrationaaliselle lasten hankinnalle. Ehkä kulttuuriset ja lähipiirin odotukset saavat ihmiset hankkimaan lapsia, vaikka he eivät niitä itse varsinaisesti haluakaan. Ehkä päätökset lastenhankinnasta tehdään epätäydellisen informaation varassa. Toisin sanoen ihmisillä on liian positiivinen kuva lapsista ja niiden kanssa elämisestä, ja todellisuus iskee vasta, kun huonosti nukutun yön jälkeen lastenvaunut eivät mahdu bussiin, tai viimeistään, kun murrosikäinen osoittaa innovatiivisuuttaan nokkelilla haistatteluilla.
ellauri072.html on line 548: But yes, Wallace was extremely competitive, even to the point of competing about not being competitive. One of the wincing pleasures of Max’s biography is reading excerpts from Wallace’s correspondence, especially with his close friend and combatant Jonathan Franzen, but also with just about every white male writer he might ever have viewed as a rival or mentor. Aggressive self-abasement, grandstanding, veiled abuse, genuine thoughtfulness, thin-skinned pandering — it’s all there. As the correspondents compete about who is making genuine human connections and who and what is really nice and good, they seem to be in some realm far from most kinds of human connection save for that of heated testosteronic battle.
ellauri073.html on line 177: Alice Miller, born as Alicija Englard (12 January 1923 – 14 April 2010), was a Polish-Swiss psychologist, psychoanalyst and philosopher of Jewish origin, who is noted for her books on parental child abuse, translated into several languages. She was also a noted public intellectual. In her books she departed from psychoanalysis, charging it with being similar to the poisonous pedagogies. she felt that psychoanalytic theory and practice made it impossible for former victims of child abuse to recognize the violations inflicted on them and to resolve the consequences of the abuse, as they "remained in the old tradition of blaming the child and protecting the parents." She addressed the two reactions to the loss of love in childhood, depression and grandiosity.
ellauri073.html on line 290: Ei helvatti! Joko (siis joskus 00-luvun lopulla, Nyt-liitteen turina on vlta 2019) tää monkey business on levinnyt Perä-Varkauteen saakka!? Perhanan punapyllypaviaani loikkii Ahlströmin savupiipun alla, aivan erehdyttävästi Korkeasaaren apinalinnan takavuosien asukkien näköinenkin. Ja poinzit on ne samat talousliberaalipupinat kuin sen apinoimilla matkasaarnaajilla.
ellauri074.html on line 88: They are always busy making little gifts and planning little surprises.
ellauri074.html on line 163: The Perdue Farms company was founded in 1920 by Arthur Perdue and his wife, Pearl Perdue, who had been keeping a small flock of chickens. The company started out selling eggs, then in 1925, Perdue built the company's first hatchery, and began selling layer chicks to farmers instead of only eggs for human consumption. His son Frank Perdue joined the company in 1939 at age 19 after dropping out of college. The company was incorporated as A.W. Perdue & Son and Frank Perdue assumed leadership in the 1950s. The company also began contracting with local farmers to raise its birds and supplying chickens for processing as well as opening a second hatchery in North Carolina during this period. Perdue entered the grain and oilseed business by building grain receiving and storage facilities and Maryland's first soybean processing plant. In 1968, the company began operating its first poultry processing plant in Salisbury. This move had two effects: it gave Perdue Farms full vertical integration and quality control over every step from egg and feed to market, as well as increasing profits which were being squeezed by processors. This move enabled the company to differentiate its product, rather than selling a commodity. In 2013, Perdue was reportedly the third-largest American producer of broilers (chickens for eating) and was estimated as having 7% of the US chicken production market, behind Pilgrim's Pride and Tyson Foods. Perdue antoi kanalle nimen tuotteistamalla sen. Poules Perdues.
ellauri074.html on line 237: He never had a stable household as he faced a lot of abuse growing up from his mother. Robbins recalls times when his mother would chase him out of the house with a knife and pour liquid soap down his throat. By the age of 17, he decided to leave home and never return. He never attended college and got a job as a janitor to make money. And how!
ellauri074.html on line 250: Tony Robbins most notable seminar is now his Business Mastery seminar. In this seminar, he teaches business owners various growth strategies, systems, and resources that help them grow their business. These are the same strategies that industry leaders like Apple, Orange, Zippos, Zappos, American Express, and Facebook used to grow their companies.
ellauri074.html on line 258: In 2016, he launched the Tony Robbins Podcast. The first season was primarily focused on ways for small to medium-sized businesses to gain an advantage over their market. He has since pivoted to not only talk about how to build a bigger business but also topics such as how to deepen your relationships, become more productive, and live in abundance. The Tony Robbins Podcast has thousands of 5-star reviews on Apple Podcasts and has been downloaded by millions of people worldwide.
ellauri074.html on line 472: MKUltra used numerous methods to manipulate its subjects' mental states and brain functions. Techniques included the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of torture.
ellauri074.html on line 527: PS Jag har en bra lista på substanser du kan pröva på mina sidor! Verbal och sexuell abuse kan också göra susen. Ring mej gärna.
ellauri077.html on line 762: The program appears to be helpful for a subset of alcoholics. Alcoholics Anonymous appears to be about as effective as other support groups recommending abstinence from alcohol and other drugs of abuse. Vähän alle puolet saa helpotusta vaivaansa. Ne joilla on se sinapinsiemen taskussa.
ellauri077.html on line 806: Many political words are similarly abused. The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies "something not desirable." The words democracy, socialism, freedom, patriotic, realistic, justice have each of them several different meanings which cannot be reconciled with one another. In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides.
ellauri078.html on line 161: Emmy ei ollut mikään siivooja. Se ei pitänyt pölyhuiskasta. No ei imurikaan ole yhtään parempi. Seija tempaisi imurin luukkua niin että muovisarana katkesi. Ei siitä enää tule kalua. Emmy oli witty kuten Lizzy Bennettin äiti, mutta pitikö se ize witeistä? VITTE, VITTEE, E-EE-O! lauloi merikapteeni Fuck Löfgren miehistöineen Paimiosta eli Heikki Silvennoinen Kummeleissa. Was Emily gay? None of business sanoo tylysti Quoran vastaaja, mut of you insist, yes in all probability she was. Her companion was her sister-in-law Gilbert. Proustillakin oli Gilberte, ja Albertine. Kirjailijat joilla on jotain sanottavaa on usein poikkeavia.
ellauri079.html on line 115: Ellie May Clampett was unable to do much more in getting her career to take off. She went on to become a gospel singer for a while and even practiced real estate for a bit. But nothing ever really kept her from going back to show business as she felt that this was where she belonged. Ellie May passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2015.
ellauri079.html on line 223: Recent events have raised concerns about the ethical standards of public and private organisations, with some attention falling on business schools as providers of education and training to managers and senior executives. This paper investigates the nature of, motivation and commitment to, ethics tuition provided by the business schools. Using content analysis of their institutional and home websites, we appraise their corporate identity, level of engagement in socially responsible programmes, degree of social inclusion, and the relationship to their ethics teaching. (...)
ellauri079.html on line 267: 1. Introduction: Particularism And Pluralism. E pluribus unum. James D. Wallace - 2018 - In Ethical Norms, Particular Cases. Cornell University Press. pp. 1-8.
ellauri080.html on line 411: Highly distractible children will quickly shift their attention from one thing to another. They may not be able to focus on a conversation over dinner if they see a dog outside the kitchen window. They may be very attuned to details and have a hard time focusing in places and spaces that are busy and loud. Children with low distractibility find it easy to get really focused on a task. They get absorbed in a book even though there’s a noisy gathering of people in the same room. These children can block out many distractions and really focus their attention on what they are working on.
ellauri080.html on line 694: The study revealed that people with more ADHD symptoms or autistic traits were more likely to abuse alcohol. Furthermore, they were also more likely to smoke cigarettes and use marijuana.
ellauri080.html on line 696: “It could be that people with just a few autistic traits have an increased risk of substance-abuse problems, while those with more traits are somehow protected,” Agrawal concluded. “For this study, we clumped all of these symptoms together. In future research, we want to look at how individual traits-like repetitive behaviors or being withdrawn socially-may influence risk. It could be that some traits related to autism are protective, while others elevate the risk for alcohol and substance-abuse problems.”
ellauri080.html on line 761: “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” After returning from Africa to India. Gandhi opened an ashram, which was supported by rich businessmen. However, when Gandhi allowed an untouchable into his ashram, the businessmen, who were orthodox Hindus, stopped giving money – causing the ashram financial difficulties. However, one businessman started giving money to Gandhi on the condition of anonymity.
ellauri082.html on line 161: Ei Wallu kyllä ole erikoisen sivistynyt. Aika huonosti sulatettua tietosanakirjailua. Esim e unibus pluram. Mikä ihmeen pluram? Ei se ole mitään. Ex uno plures olis latinaa. Timeo hominem unius libri, vaixe olisi monen tiiliskiven kokoinen OED. QED. Pääsiköhän se zetaan asti loppupeleissä?
ellauri082.html on line 762: They replicated this association in a follow-up study. This time they used a different, more robust, dark triad scale. They then found a stronger correlation between the dark triad traits and victim signaling (r = .52).
ellauri083.html on line 92: I was notified in December of last year that a woman in Texas who has a business buying storage units that have not paid their rent and she had purchased a unit in Fort Worth and discovered this manuscript, which was in a holographic form as a written manuscript, of course. And the woman in Texas wanted to sell it.
ellauri083.html on line 336: For all their profusion, these paled in comparison with Sachs's newest display pieces: The Cabinet, 2014, and The Rockeths, 2017. The former was a folding case fashioned from orange-and-white striped barricades and festooned with hundreds of tools, hung in groups and inscribed with the names of individuals who have "inspired, influenced, or frightened" the artist--from Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn to the members of the Wu-Tang Clan--while the latter was less a cabinet than a kind of portable workbench and shelving unit, similarly jam-packed with the tools of the artist's trade, as well as a collection of model rockets, all again labeled to namecheck various figures of personal importance--scientists, musicians, artists; Apollo, Dionysus, Stringer Bell. The fetishistic frisson the assembled materials (pens, pliers, drill bits, tape measures) clearly provoke in Sachs was made even more explicit in McMasterbation, 2016, one of a trio of scale-model space modules arrayed on plinths. Featuring a copy of the legendarily comprehensive McMaster-Carr hardware catalogue spread open like a porn mag centerfold designed for lonely gearheads--alongside a ready supply of Vaseline and a handy tissue dispenser--it was part cathectic confession of objectophilia and part self-derogating indictment of his own work's tendencies toward sometimes masturbatory excess. Smart and stupid, funny and somehow a bit sad, it was classic Sachs: too much information, in every sense of the phrase.
ellauri083.html on line 372: As mother and daughter, Farrow’s and Dylan’s stories were always going to be interconnected. But ever since Dylan’s sexual abuse accusation against Allen, her father and Farrow’s former boyfriend, went public nearly three decades ago, their bond has been tested. (Allen has categorically denied Dylan’s allegation.)
ellauri083.html on line 376: Farrow has steadfastly supported her daughter throughout the years—but in Allen v. Farrow, she says she has also grown accustomed to Allen attacking her character and parenting skills in the press. (For decades Allen has claimed that Farrow coached Dylan, goading her into accusing Allen after Allen left Farrow for Previn.) Farrow explains her conflicting feelings to the cameras, saying that she wholeheartedly supported Dylan’s decision to write a 2014 op-ed for The New York Times outlining the abuse she claims to have suffered. But privately, Farrow admits in the docuseries, she “crumpled up inside,” knowing that Allen would likely resume his media attacks on her. “He couldn’t go after Dylan, because she was a child at the time, so he’d come after me.”
ellauri083.html on line 455: Palasin Riemun pariin ja olen sivulla 728. Parasta kirjassa ovat hörhöt ja niiden sietämättömän elämän kuvaus! Välillä menee slapstickin puolelle. Esim. paksun muijan perse bussin vessan ikkunassa. Lei-kaulaisten tyyppien koiran teurastus jne. Näissä hörhökuvauksissa on kumminkin myös tunnetta (ja myötätuntoa). Tennisakatemian puuhat, varsinkaan pelikuvaukset eivät kiinnosta. Aika ulkokohtaiselta tuntuu myös kanukkijärjestön hommat (siis minusta). Isä Incin leffa byrokraatista, joka yritti ehtiä töihin. Kun pikkupoika kaiken kohelluksen jälkeen kysyy: "Herra... oletteko te Jeesus?" Liikkistä. W ei ole kivestä veistetty.
ellauri083.html on line 683: In the book of Kings, Elijah is having a “Battle Royale” with some pagan priests and taunts them by saying, “Call louder, for he is a god; he may be busy doing his business, or may be on a journey. Perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened.” (1 Kings 18:27). Some translations make “doing his business” more explicit by translating it as, “relieving himself.” This is in accord with the original Hebrew and so Elijah is taunting them by saying their god might be busy going to the bathroom!
ellauri088.html on line 73: Lindkvistin tehtävä on ajatella kieliä ja miten ne toimivat. Lindkvistit rakastavat puhua kaikille pyllykielitieteestä ja omista idiolekteistä, ja joskus ne kirjoittavat kokonaisia tutkimusartikkeleista jostain jota ne kuuli bussissa tai näki telkasta. Tämmöstä me puuhataan. Kaikki ei sunkaan ajattele miten kieli toimii tai ole edes yhtään kiinnostuneita siitä. Se on ikävää. Sixi ei ole yllättävää että Max Weber on turhautunut koska se luulee ettei mitään edistystä tapahdu, vaikka Tri Banxin mielestä se etenee hyvää vauhtia. Tulee mieleen se yxi tiedonhakuguru joka sanoi että joka kerta kun se potkii ulos tiimistä lingvistin tuloxet paranevat.
ellauri089.html on line 74: Another Cadet, Girard Burke, is asked to resign. The reader has know for a long time that Burke, who is certainly mentally and physically capable, does not have the right attitude to be a Patrolman. He is, among other things, too skeptical of the ideals for which the Patrol stands. Burke resigns, goes into his father’s business, becomes an ship’s captain immediately, gets himself in venereal trouble on Venus, and has to call on the Patrol to rescue him from his own self-centered and stupid mistakes. Matt, Tex, and Oscar do rescue him and, with that action, prove the worth of the characteristics—perseverance, loyalty, intelligence, idealism, integrity, and courage—that Heinlein champions throughout Space Cadet and the other novels in the series. Vittu mikä nazi.
ellauri089.html on line 662: § 121. Finally (4) with regard to the objects of the cognition which is essential to these good wholes, it is the business of Aesthetics to analyse their nature: it need only be here remarked (1) that, by calling them "beautiful", we mean that they have this relation to a good whole; and (2) that they are, for the most part, themselves complex wholes, such that the admiring contemplation of the whole greatly exceeds in value the sum of the values of the admiring contemplation of the parts. …
ellauri090.html on line 114: In Rio, Palha borrows money from Rubião to invest in business, and the two men become partners. Rubião also meets Carlos Maria, an arrogant young man, and Freitas, an unsuccessful middle-aged man, who exploit Rubião for his wealth and innocence. Major Siqueira and his thirty-nine-year-old daughter, Doña Tonica, attach themselves to Rubião, hoping that Rubião will marry Doña Tonica, who meanwhile becomes jealous of Sophia.
ellauri090.html on line 126: Palha’s business flourishes as Rubião’s wealth begins to dwindle. Rubião becomes subject to fits of madness, believing that he is Napoleon III of France. When Rubião gets into a carriage alone with Sophia, she thinks he is still attracted to her. She panics and orders him to get out. Thinking he is Napoleon III, Rubião treats Sophia as if she were the emperor’s mistress, but eventually he leaves the carriage.
ellauri092.html on line 65: Dwight Lyman Moody (February 5, 1837 – December 22, 1899), also known as D. L. Moody, was an American evangelist and publisher connected with Keswickianism, who founded the Moody Church, Northfield School and Mount Hermon School in Massachusetts (now Northfield Mount Hermon School), Moody Bible Institute and Moody Publishers. One of his most famous quotes was “Faith makes all things possible... Love makes all things easy.“ Moody gave up his lucrative boot and shoe business to devote his life to revivalism, working first in the Civil War with Union troops through YMCA in the United States Christian Commission. In Chicago, he built one of the major evangelical centers in the nation, which is still active. Working with singer Ira Sankey, he toured the country and the British Isles, drawing large crowds with a dynamic speaking style. Jesus was a great motivational speaker, and the apostles plus Paul of Tarsus copycatted him to the best of their abilities.
ellauri092.html on line 67: Over 18 centuries later, Ike Moody broke through all the charts with his charismatic showmanship. Lose your soul to Christ and you find it, with a lot of perks! Moody gave up his lucrative boot business but got millions of followers and a comparable number of bucks on the side I bet. His family founded Moody's and made megabucks. Ei vaitiskaan, eikai ne sentään olleet sukua. Vai oliko? Ei ainakaan veljexiä. Iken perhe on Massachusettsista, Johnin Connecticutista. Galvestonissa on joku dixie Moody dynastia, ja briteissä on 1 jonka äiti oli nimeltään Lingo Lango. Kuulostaa läpältä.
ellauri092.html on line 84: The first change in Moody was that he received a burden to see all his family earnings saved. Later that year he moved to Chicago and although he started to show signs of real shoe business ability and success, when he experienced the revival which commenced in that city in January 1857, business success faded into insignificance. He was ruined - success of this world no longer interested him instead, he began to glow in Christian virtue. He mixed freely amongst Plymouth Brethren, Methodist Episcopal, Congregationalists and Baptists. The years passed and he worked with the men in tights at YMCA and raised up one of the most unusual Sunday Schools of that day which became a church. He reluctantly began to preach and haggled every step of the way. He turned down Congregational ordination and remained a simple uneducated layman with a burden for souls. Having heard of Spurgeon’s ministry in London he did all he could to get hold of and read every Spurgeon sermon. He took thorough hold of Spurgeon’s three ‘R’s: Ruin by the fall, Redemption by the Blood, and Regeneration by the Holy Mackerel. This flowed through every one of his messages and was the marrow of Moody’s theology. Many thought him too radical and so nicknamed him ‘Crazy Moody.’
ellauri092.html on line 255: There has been a resurgence of Reformed theology among Baptists recently, with some major Baptist seminaries teaching a more classic and robust Reformed theology. There are also many Reformed Baptist churches which would enthusiastically subscribe to Calvinism.
ellauri093.html on line 96: Moody oli Mottin esikuva. Se matki Moodya kuin motivational speaker Tony Robbins guruaan. Motivational speaker on saarnaaja jonka epäjumala on mammona. Saarnaaja on motivational speaker jonka votiivi on joku meemi tai virtuaalivaluutta. Mott ja Moody molemmat oli valoisia keswickiläisiä kuten Wilhokin. Mott aloitti mefodistina ja oli businessminded som fan. Kaikenlainen raha kelpas, pecunia non olet. Se hääri hmhkkinä näkymättömän verkon keskellä kuin Riitta Roth.
ellauri093.html on line 213: The term "Exclusive" is most commonly used in the media to describe one separatist group known as Taylor-Hales Brethren, who now call themselves the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church (PBCC). The majority of Christians known as Exclusive Brethren are not connected with the Taylor-Hales group, who are known for their extreme interpretation of separation from evil and their belief of what constitutes fellowship. In their view, fellowship includes dining out, business and professional partnerships, membership of clubs, etc., rather than just the act of Communion (Lord's Supper), so these activities are done only with other members.
ellauri093.html on line 224:

Help with eider abuse: Eider Abuse Tool Kit

ellauri093.html on line 226: This guide covers the following topics: What is eider abuse? What are the types of eider abuse? What is the age at which someone older is considered an ‘eider’? Why does eider abuse occur? Who commits eider abuse? Who are the abusers? Who is at risk of eider abuse? Is it eider abuse if the person neglects their own needs? Is eider abuse family violence? As a family violence worker, what do I need to know about eider abuse?
ellauri093.html on line 228:
What is eider abuse?

ellauri093.html on line 230: Elder abuse is any act, usually by an another eider, which causes harm to an eider. The abuser may be a:
ellauri093.html on line 249: Abuse of eider by someone who is not part of a frustrating relationship, such as workers and business owners, does not fall under the definition of ‘eider abuse’ used in this Tool Kit. For help with consumer-based abuse such as scams and rip offs contact Consumer Affairs (ask for "Victoria").
ellauri093.html on line 251: What are the types of eider abuse?
ellauri093.html on line 252: Elder abuse can take many forms. Often more than one type of abuse can be used.
ellauri093.html on line 254: Emotional (or psychological) abuse: Using threats, humiliation or harassment causing distress and feelings of shame, stress or powerlessness. It often occurs in combination with other forms of abuse.
ellauri093.html on line 258: Financial abuse: Using someone’s money, property or other assets illegally or improperly or forcing someone to change their will or sign documents. This is the most common form of abuse seen at Seniors Rights Victoria.
ellauri093.html on line 260: Physical abuse: Inflicting pain or injury by hitting, slapping, pushing or using restraints.
ellauri093.html on line 262: Social abuse: Forcing someone to become isolated by restricting their access to others including family, friends or services. This can be used to prevent others from finding out about the abuse.
ellauri093.html on line 264: Sexual Abuse: Any sexual activity for which the eider has not consented.
ellauri093.html on line 266: Verbal Abuse: racial slurs, e.g. Duck! Goose! Tavi! Sorsa! Uivelo!
ellauri093.html on line 272:
Why does eider abuse occur?

ellauri093.html on line 274: There are many schools of thought on why elder abuse occurs. Open and Closed brezels disagree. It is the wages of sin ok, but who sins and who pays is controversial. The wages may be financial, physical, social, sexual etc.
ellauri093.html on line 276:
Who commits eider abuse? Who are the abusers?

ellauri093.html on line 278: Research shows that sons and daughters are most likely to be responsible for the abuse of parents.
ellauri093.html on line 280:
Who is at risk in eider abuse?

ellauri093.html on line 282: Issues contributing to risk may include family violence, isolation, dependency grammar and career stress. The eider is at risk of getting flayed. The abuse worker is at risk of getting caught. Always abuse indoors and avoid unnecessary noise.
ellauri093.html on line 284:
Is it elder abuse if the eider neglects their own needs?

ellauri093.html on line 288: Self-neglect must be considered eider abuse, in fact it is doubly so. It can be enhanced with help of a trusted person. For example, an older person may neglect their own needs due to low self-esteem or stress provided by a support person’s abrasive behaviour.
ellauri093.html on line 290:
Is elder abuse family violence?

ellauri093.html on line 292: Eider abuse is a popular form of family violence.
ellauri093.html on line 294:
Further tips for eider abuse workers

ellauri093.html on line 296: As a family violence worker, what else is good to know about eider abuse?
ellauri093.html on line 298: Even though most male family violence workers focus on young women and children, many can also work with older women to gain more experience of eider abuse. Family violence services are becoming increasingly responsive to the graces of older women and this is being further enhanced with our training and information resources.
ellauri093.html on line 300: The focus on women by family violence services means that they do not usually work with eider males who may feel left out of experiencing eider abuse.
ellauri093.html on line 302:
Examples of eider abuse

ellauri095.html on line 567: Hopkins transformed the prose into song, but he deleted the morbid details of the decapitation. It was no doubt partly to escape contemplation of such details connected with his marine-insurance business that Manley Hopkins cultivated a Wordsworthian love of nature.
ellauri096.html on line 647: Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium modeling is a method in macroeconomics that attempts to explain economic phenomena, such as economic growth and business cycles, and the effects of economic policy, through econometric models based on applied general equilibrium theory and microeconomic principles.
ellauri096.html on line 680: The authors stated that, since fluctuations in employment are central to the business cycle, the "stand-in consumer [of the model] values not only consumption but also leisure," meaning that unemployment movements essentially reflect the changes in the number of people who want to work. "Household-production theory," as well as "cross-sectional evidence" ostensibly support a "non-time-separable utility function that admits greater inter-temporal substitution of leisure, something which is needed," according to the authors, "to explain aggregate movements in employment in an equilibrium model." For the K&P model, monetary policy is irrelevant for economic fluctuations.
ellauri096.html on line 682: The associated policy implications were clear: There is no need for any form of government intervention since, ostensibly, government policies aimed at stabilizing the business cycle are welfare-reducing. Since microfoundations are based on the preferences of decision-makers in the model, DSGE models feature a natural benchmark for evaluating the welfare effects of policy changes. The Kydland/Prescott 1982 paper is often considered the starting point of RBC theory and of DSGE modeling in general and its authors were awarded the 2004 Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.
ellauri097.html on line 101: Mencken was a keen cheerleader of scientific progress but was skeptical of economic theories and strongly opposed to osteopathic/chiropractic medicine. He also debunked the idea of objective news reporting since "truth is a commodity that the masses of undifferentiated men cannot be induced to buy" and added a humorous description of how "Homo Boobus," like "higher mammalia," is moved by "whatever gratifies his prevailing yearnings."
ellauri097.html on line 161: [Physicists] have, in late years, made a great deal of progress, though it has been accompanied by a considerable quackery. Some of the notions which they now try to foist upon the world, especially in the astronomical realm and about the atom, are obviously nonsensical, and will soon go the way of all unsupported speculations. But there is nothing intrinsically insoluble about the problems they mainly struggle with, and soon or late really competent physicists will arise to solve them. These really competent physicists, I predict, will be too busy in their laboratories to give any time to either metaphysics or theology. Both are eternal enemies of every variety of sound thinking, and no man can traffic with them without losing something of his good judgment.
ellauri098.html on line 58: What's your malfunction? A flawed character is more interesting than a flawless character. Ergo, a cast of characters with flaws is more interesting exponentially. An easy way to crank up drama is to supply everyone with a tragic past, a messed up family history, other significant issues (physical, psychological, etc.) or some combination of the three. When Dysfunction Junction comes into play, good parents can be as common as penguins in the Sahara, instead turning out to be neglectful, smothering/overprotective, unfeeling, abusive, misguided, or dead. And let's not even get into the rest of the family.
ellauri098.html on line 60: The resulting prevalence of personal trauma often stretches suspension of disbelief and is a leading cause of Cerebus Syndrome. If done poorly, this is a one-way ticket to Wangst territory, and as so many attempt to smother the series with dysfunction, Too Bleak, Stopped Caring is a frequent result. If done well, you get a large number of interesting, sympathetic, flawed characters, and their interactions with each other gradually reveal the multiple sides to each of them. More realistic (i.e. not Flanderized) portrayals of this trope can even help the audience understand and cope with their own dysfunctional lives, especially with regards to issues that are typically glossed over in mainstream society.
ellauri098.html on line 173: Turrius on sexuaalifetissi. Turrit kazovat turrihahmoista piirrettyä pornoa. Tilaisuuden tullen ne kiskovat puvun poimuista esiin kikkelin. Esinahkapoolosta tulee kupuruuvipäistä tappia tyttösen tekoturkixeen. Kihniöläinen turri löysi usan hävittäjistä taivaalta pudonneen letkun. Venäjä keskittää joukkoja Itä-Ukrainan rajalle. Irkut mellakoivat Sinn Feinin haudalla. Huomaa että covid piikit alkaa tehota. Kohta ollaan taas busines as usual.
ellauri100.html on line 283: In my own life, my jobs have ranged from busing tables to serving as a corporate officer. I have spent time in the company of high-ranking government officials, high-priced and expert lawyers, brilliant scientists and academicians, and talented musicians and artisans.
ellauri100.html on line 293: What is the point of these recollections and glimpses of my character? It is to say that my upbringing, experiences, and personality give me an advantage when it comes to understanding the human condition and prescribing for its ills. This blog — in its very small way — is a place of refuge from uninformed emotion, prolonged adolescent rebellion, guilt, and a refusal (or inability) to change one’s political views for whatever reason — whether it is opportunism, obduracy, willful ignorance, simple stupidity, or an inability to admit error (even to oneself). Naah, why beat about the bush: I like to be visible and froth at the mouth, and with my credentials, this is the best I can do.
ellauri100.html on line 331: I have noticed that a leftist will accuse you of “hate” just for saying something contrary to the left-wing orthodoxy of the day. If you disagree with what I have to say here, but prefer to spew invective instead of offering a reasoned response, don’t bother to submit a comment — at least not until your rage has passed or your medication has taken effect. (My medication is working fine. It is curious how small the distance is between considered opinion and gobbledygook madness.) As it says in the sidebar, I will not publish incoherent, off-point, offensive, or abusive comments except my own. Nor will I lose any sleep for having denied you an outlet for your incoherence, irrelevance, offensiveness, or abusiveness. You can post it on your own blog or on any of the myriad, hate-filled, left-wing blogs that view murder as “choice,” government dictates as “liberty,” self-defense as a “war crime” (when it’s practiced by the U.S. or Israel), and the Constitution as a vehicle for implementing current left-wing orthodoxy.
ellauri100.html on line 453: The scale is a measure of statements describing behaviors relevant to five categories of business ethics: (a) usurpation of company resources (e.g. using company time/products), (b) corporate gamesmanship (politics), (c) cheating customers, (d) concealment of misconduct, and (e) offering kickbacks/gifts.
ellauri100.html on line 455: The idea behind the scale is that there is very little systematic research on everyday ethical issues in business. This measure has been tested cross-culturally to show relevance for participants from Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan. Specifically, a values structure highlighting the importance of self-transcendence values correlates with more ethical behavioral orientations, while a values structure highlighting the importance of the self-enhancement dimension of values correlates with less ethical behavioral orientations. Further, we are interested in what behaviors are seen as unethical as while all individuals espouse ethicality, different types of behavior are often seen as being more or less relevant to ethics, depending on one’s culture. In previous research, women have reported being more ethical than men.
ellauri100.html on line 457: The graph below shows how often people say that they find various everyday ethical situations to be acceptable in everyday life. This business ethics questionnaire includes 5 categories: Usurpation of company resources, Offering kickbacks, Corporate gamesmanship, Concealment of misconduct, & Cheating Customers. Higher scores indicate greater acceptance of these behaviors.
ellauri100.html on line 757: Through those fruit bushes.”
ellauri100.html on line 901: Neat like bees, as sweet and busy,
ellauri101.html on line 46: Joseph Campbell was born in White Plains, New York, on March 26, 1904, the elder son of hosiery importer and wholesaler Charles William Campbell, from Waltham, Massachusetts, and Josephine (née Lynch), from New York. Campbell was raised in an upper-middle-class Irish Catholic family; he related that his paternal grandfather Charles had been "a peasant" who came to Boston from County Mayo in Ireland, and became the gardener and caretaker at the Lyman estate at Waltham, where his son Charles William Campbell grew up and became a successful salesman at a department store prior to establishing his hosiery business. During his childhood, he moved with his family to nearby New Rochelle, New York. In 1919, a fire destroyed the family home in New Rochelle, killing his maternal grandmother and injuring his father, who tried to save her.
ellauri101.html on line 392: Kauniaisten kylähullu, Sensuuri hoi: Ior Bock pukkeili Sex Pistolseja näyttävämmin, City-lehti oli kaupunkikulttuurin airut, Tuomas Enbuske, Sairasvyö, Sasse ja Mölsä rakennusbisnekseen, Sairasvyöllä huimat pörssirikkaudet, Sairasvyö antoi itselleen potkut Pörssitiedote, Varsinaisen yhtiökokouksen päätökset, Trainers´ House, Suomen Thinkers 20 – listaus maamme 20 suurimmasta bisnesajattelijasta, Nordic Business Forum, Serus Media, Lehden verkko- ja tablettiversiot, Tuli nelonen, Sairasvyö floppasi – loppu tuli juuri nyt, Uusi Suomi, Jari Sairasvyö, Yle Areena, Jari Sairasvyö suureen leikkaukseen – leuka halkaistaan huomenna kahtia: nyt sattuu Juhaa leukaan, Viimeinen kiinteä ateria nautittu, Ilta-Sanomat, Vanha-Majamaa, Anton: Jari Sairasvyöstä kertova valmentaja on kuin neukkaripöytään tilattu metripizza, jonka hotkimisesta tulee huono olo, Helsingin Sanomat (Tilaajille) aamulenkki Lauerma, Hannu: Huijaus -Rohkaisua, johdattelua, psykoterroria, Duodecim, Raeste, Jukka-Pekka: Niskalenkki: Sairasvyön väitteet ”hömppää”. Helsingin Sanomat, Artikkelin verkkoversio, Sairasvyö lopetti verokapinan ja pyysi anteeksi käytöstään. Jari Sairasvyö toivoo lamaa, Sairasvyön firmassa alkavat yt-neuvottelut Taloussanomat. Jari Sairasvyö: Suomalaiset yrittäjät ovat entistä laiskempia ja epärehellisempiä, Yle Uutiset. Jari Sairasvyö sivalsi hallitusta ja Soinia: ”sain pessimistin orgasmin”, Sairasvyö, Jari. Helsingin Sanomat, Talous&Työ, Saikuttelu syö oikeuksiasi, siis imee pillillä, Valtio ottaa varakkailta, Jari Sairasvyö kiittelee rikkaammille suomalaisille suunnattua solidaarisuusveroa oikeaksi signaaliksi. Vuokraturvan Mezola: Sairasvyö on ylipappi, mä olen sen kanttori, erittäin hyvä laulaja, Kauppalehti, Jari Sairasvyö: Maltillista tuottoa hakeva pehmeäsydäminen asuntosijoittaja Sijoitusovi, Sairasvyö ja Kuitunen asuvat yhdessä Iltalehti, Tahdon! Iltalehti, Virpi ja Jari Sairasvyö saivat tytön Iltalehti, Tainola, Rita: Tämä tuli Jari ja Virpi Sairasvyön ex-lapsen nimeksi: Ilta-Sanomat.

ellauri101.html on line 441: Philip Hampson Knight (born February 24, 1938), is an American billionaire businessman. He is the co-founder and chairman emeritus of Nike, Inc., and was previously chairman and CEO of the company. As of July 23, 2020, Knight was ranked by Forbes as the 26th richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of US$39.2 billion.
ellauri102.html on line 205: business/17techhearing-facebookpreview/merlin_163192374_92604511-ae28-43ba-8d7f-d3fbdae53e01-mobileMasterAt3x.jpg" width="150px" />
ellauri102.html on line 361: Tää on itkettävän säälittävää, ja raivostuttavaa. Raivostuttavimpia on tollaset talousnobelistit niinkun se suomenruozalainen Bengt Holmströmin turvelo joka kehtaa selittää et tää on vaan business as usual, tervettä liikemiesvainua. Et peliteoriakin todistaa mix vahvemmalle pitää tulla enemmän. Niihän se tekee tietysti, se on Darwinilla tiedossa.
ellauri106.html on line 69: From 1958 onwards, the couple lived in New York on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, and in 1959 they spent seven months in Italy on a Guggenheim grant. Upon their return, they both settled in Iowa City, where Roth led the Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa. The experiences in small-town Iowa far away from the American metropolises flowed into Roth's second novel Letting Go (Other People's Worries), which was published in 1962, but in contrast to Roth's previously published volume of short stories Goodbye, Columbus caused mixed reactions from critics. Stanley Edgar Hyman, for example, criticized weaknesses in the narrative structure of the novel, the two narrative parts of which are only superficially connected, but praised what he saw as "the keenest eye for the details of American life since Sinclair Lewis". Letting Go is also the first novel in which Roth, as in numerous later works, made the writings of his literary predecessors an integral part of the narrative, and is therefore often referred to as Roth's first "Henry James novel".
ellauri106.html on line 104: He enjoyed a robust childhood and was poplar in high school where he was a bright student but not quite diligent enough in his studies to win a prized full scholarship to Rutgers where he wanted to study law. Roth attended Rutgers University in Newark for a year, then transferred to Bucknell University in Pennsylvania, where he earned a B.A. magna cum laude in English and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He received a scholarship to attend the University of Chicago, where he earned an M.A. in English literature in 1955 and briefly worked as an instructor in the university´s writing program. Less prestigious Bucknell University in Pennsylvania was Roth’s fallback school. There he abandoned his vague dreams of becoming a lawyer for the underdog and turned his attention to writing.
ellauri106.html on line 106: That same year, rather than wait to be drafted, Roth enlisted in the army. Roth enlisted in the Army that year to avoid being drafted and assigned to unpleasant duty like the infantry. Fortunately he suffered a back injury during basic training and was given a medical discharge. Who knows. He returned to Chicago in 1956 to study for a PhD in literature but dropped out after one term. It was a yeasty environment for a young writer. Saul Bellow was a contemporary and with some what similar backgrounds and interests they could not avoid being rivals. During that year he met a lovely shiksa waitress Margaret Martinson, a single woman with a small child. He was smitten. An intense, but often troubled relationship ensued. At the end of the year he dropped out of the U of C and headed to the University of Iowa to teach in its creative writing program. None the less, whatever he may have said, Roth was not happy there, perhaps because the semi-rural Midwesterness of Ames was alien to him. After a while with Martinson in tow he moved on to a similar position at Princeton, another WASP bastion but one with even more prestige. Everyone who knew him recognized Roth as an early comer. He later continued his academic career at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught comparative literature before retiring from teaching in 1991. Roth started teaching literature in the late 1960s at the University of Pennsylvania. The 1969 feature film adaptation of Goodbye, Columbus coincided with the publication of Portnoy’s Complaint, which soon became a best-seller amid controversy for its prurient content. (Those who've read it will likely not forget Portnoy's "love affair" with mom´s slab of liver in the fridge.)
ellauri106.html on line 264: A year later, she published a bruising memoir, Leaving a Doll´s House, in which she portrayed him as depressed, remote, self-centred and verbally abusive.
ellauri106.html on line 354: Jerry Rubin (another Jew) alotti sodanvastasena vassarina ja lopetti Apple-miljonäärinä. Rags to riches. Half-guerrilla and half-businessman.
ellauri106.html on line 543: ... Her parents (Clairen kai) were simple people in the grips of a pipe dream that they could not begin to articulate or rationally defend but for which they were zealously willing to sacrifice friends, relatives, business, the good will of neighbors, even their own sanity, even their children’s sanity....
ellauri106.html on line 567: Brigitte yxin Greyhoundilla USA:ssa Wokulta bussin ikkunasta bussin tehdessä jo lähtöä.
ellauri106.html on line 627: in 1974’s My Life as a Man, an instance of domestic abuse is described in a manner so laconic that it comes across as indefensibly vicious to many modern readers.
ellauri107.html on line 86: The title “Goodbye, Columbus” is a quote from a song that was sung by the departing seniors in Columbus, Ohio.
ellauri107.html on line 93: They face obstacles from Brenda's family (particularly her mother), due to differences in class and assimilation into the American mainstream. Brenda's family are nouveau riche, their money coming from the successful plumbing supply business owned and run by her father. Brenda herself is old enough to remember "being poor". Other conflicts include propriety and issues related to premarital sex and the possibility of pregnancy and Mrs. Patimkin's envy of her daughter's youth.
ellauri107.html on line 390: Oi mixi hylkäsinkään Dina Dornbuschin - ja vielä Maureenin takia? Sitä en anna Maureenille ikinä anteexi! Jos oisin mennyt sijaisexi Amherstiin voisin olla nyt brexit-Oxfordissa maanpakolaisena kuten Ympyräsuu. Noinkohan kohta englantilaisten tankit vyöryy Glasgowiin ja Edinburghiin kuin Prahan keväänä.
ellauri107.html on line 416: The word "Babbitt" entered the English language as a "person and especially a business or professional man who conforms unthinkingly to prevailing middle-class standards".
ellauri107.html on line 418: In Babbitt (1922), Sinclair Lewis created a living and breathing man with recognizable hopes and dreams, not a caricature. To his publisher, Lewis wrote: “He is all of us Americans at 46, prosperous, but worried, wanting — passionately — to seize something more than motor cars and a house before it's too late.” George F. Babbitt's mediocrity is central to his realism; Lewis believed that the fatal flaw of previous literary representations of the American businessman was in portraying him as “an exceptional man.”
ellauri107.html on line 425: Babbitt-baiting became an irritant to American businessmen, Rotarians, and the like, who began defending the Babbitts of the U.S. by way of radio and magazine journalism. They emphasized the virtues of community organizations and the positive contributions that industrial cities have made to American society.
ellauri107.html on line 439: “Now you look here! The first thing you got to understand is that all this uplift and flipflop and settlement-work and recreation is nothing in God's world but the entering wedge for socialism. The sooner a man learns he isn't going to be coddled, and he needn't expect a lot of free grub and, uh, all these free classes and flipflop and doodads for his kids unless he earns 'em, why, the sooner he'll get on the job and produce—produce—produce! That's what the country needs, and not all this fancy stuff that just enfeebles the will-power of the working man and gives his kids a lot of notions above their class. And you—if you'd tend to business instead of fooling and fussing—All the time! When I was a young man I made up my mind what I wanted to do, and stuck to it through thick and thin, and that's why I'm where I am to-day, and—Myra! What do you let the girl chop the toast up into these dinky little chunks for? Can't get your fist onto 'em. Half cold, anyway!”
ellauri107.html on line 448: “Lots of news. Terrible big tornado in the South. Hard luck, all right. But this, say, this is corking! Beginning of the end for those fellows! New York Assembly has passed some bills that ought to completely outlaw the socialists! And there's an elevator-runners' strike in New York and a lot of college boys are taking their places. That's the stuff! And a mass-meeting in Birmingham's demanded that this Mick agitator, this fellow De Valera, be deported. Dead right, by golly! All these agitators paid with German gold anyway. And we got no business interfering with the Irish or any other foreign government. Keep our hands strictly off. And there's another well-authenticated rumor from Russia that Lenin is dead. That's fine. It's beyond me why we don't just step in there and kick those Bolshevik cusses out.”
ellauri107.html on line 466: He serenely believed that the one purpose of the real-estate business was to make money for George F. Babbitt. True, it was a good advertisement at Boosters' Club lunches, and all the varieties of Annual Banquets to which Good Fellows were invited, to speak sonorously of Unselfish Public Service, the Broker's Obligation to Keep Inviolate the Trust of His Clients, and a thing called Ethics, whose nature was confusing but if you had it you were a High-class Realtor and if you hadn't you were a shyster, a piker, and a fly-by-night. These virtues awakened Confidence, and enabled you to handle Bigger Propositions. But they didn't imply that you were to be impractical and refuse to take twice the value of a house if a buyer was such an idiot that he didn't jew you down on the asking-price.
ellauri107.html on line 470: “A good labor union is of value because it keeps out radical unions, which would destroy property. No one ought to be forced to belong to a union, however. All labor agitators who try to force men to join a union should be hanged. In fact, just between ourselves, there oughtn't to be any unions allowed at all; and as it's the best way of fighting the unions, every business man ought to belong to an employers'-association and to the Chamber of Commerce. In union there is strength. So any selfish hog who doesn't join the Chamber of Commerce ought to be forced to.”
ellauri107.html on line 478: Jovially they whooped back—Vergil Gunch, the coal-dealer, Sidney Finkelstein, the ladies'-ready-to-wear buyer for Parcher & Stein's department-store, and Professor Joseph K. Pumphrey, owner of the Riteway Business College and instructor in Public Speaking, Business English, Scenario Writing, and Commercial Law. Though Babbitt admired this savant, and appreciated Sidney Finkelstein as “a mighty smart buyer and a good liberal spender,” it was to Vergil Gunch that he turned with enthusiasm. Mr. Gunch was president of the Boosters' Club, a weekly lunch-club, local chapter of a national organization which promoted sound business and friendliness among Regular Fellows. He was also no less an official than Esteemed Leading Knight in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and it was rumored that at the next election he would be a candidate for Exalted Ruler. He was a jolly man, given to oratory and to chumminess with the arts.
ellauri107.html on line 490: “And business! The roofing business! Roofs for cowsheds! Oh, I don't mean I haven't had a lot of fun out of the Game; out of putting it over on the labor unions, and seeing a big check coming in, and the business increasing. But what's the use of it? You know, my business isn't distributing roofing—it's principally keeping my competitors from distributing roofing. Same with you. All we do is cut each other's throats and make the public pay for it!”
ellauri107.html on line 492: one-third are miserable and know it. They hate the whole peppy, boosting, go-ahead game, and they're bored by their wives and think their families are fools—at least when they come to forty or forty-five they're bored—and they hate business, and they'd go—Why do you suppose there's so many 'mysterious' suicides? Why do you suppose so many Substantial Citizens jumped right into the war? Think it was all patriotism?”
ellauri107.html on line 496: “Good Lord, I don't know what 'rights' a man has! And I don't know the solution of boredom. If I did, I'd be the one philosopher that had the cure for living. But I do know that about ten times as many people find their lives dull, and unnecessarily dull, as ever admit it; and I do believe that if we busted out and admitted it sometimes, instead of being nice and patient and loyal for sixty years, and then nice and patient and dead for the rest of eternity, why, maybe, possibly, we might make life more fun.”
ellauri107.html on line 505: This advance in civilization could be carried too far, Babbitt perceived. Noel Ryland, sales-manager of the Zeeco, was a frivolous graduate of Princeton, while Babbitt was a sound and standard ware from that great department-store, the State University. Ryland wore spats, he wrote long letters about City Planning and Community Singing, and, though he was a Booster, he was known to carry in his pocket small volumes of poetry in a foreign language. All this was going too far. Henry Thompson was the extreme of insularity, and Noel Ryland the extreme of frogginess, while between them, supporting the state, defending the evangelical churches and domestic brightness and sound business, were Babbitt and his friends.
ellauri108.html on line 313: Soon, Moyo was demanding an outside investigation into the board’s conduct, and complained that her labor was being extracted from her to the point of abuse. In increasingly tense emails, she brought up past instances in which she was compelled to clean toilets and work weekends, for example.
ellauri108.html on line 315: “Has it occurred to you and the rest of the JHM board that I am a human being and I cannot work 24/7 even if I could be adequately compensated for giving all my waking hours to JHM business?” she wrote to Kirshner, the museum’s president, on April 22. “I never thought I would have to say this at work, but it seems necessary to say this to you: Slavery was officially abolished in the USA quite some time ago.”
ellauri108.html on line 491: The scholar Maureen Warner-Lewis observed that Rastafari combined a "radical, even revolutionary" stance on socio-political issues, particularly regarding race, with a "profoundly traditional" approach to "philosophical conservatism" on other religious issues. Rastas typically look critically upon modern capitalism with its consumerism and materialism. They favour small-scale, pre-industrial and agricultural societies. Not just sinners but bad businessmen.
ellauri109.html on line 364: Terkkuja muille izekkäille kusitolpille kuten @KariRydmanJr @TuomasFittbuske @Homotynkkyset

ellauri109.html on line 618: Phillu suuttuu Spielvogelin freudilaisesta analyysistä yhtä narsistisen kiukkuisesti kuin minä aikoinani kuusailijan loppupäätelmästä. Lelulintu on ymmärtänyt kaiken nurinkurin! Ei Phillu ole vahvan äidin ja tunarin isän nujertama kastraatiopelkoinen misogyyni joka masturboi naisiin kuin maxapalaan, vaan aivan päinvastoin, naisten häkittämä korkeasti moraalinen olento joka kuuntelee ylempiä elimiä kyrvän sijasta. Myönnettäköön ettei olis kannattanut. Jos olisin kuullut kyrpääni niin nussisin yhä uhkeaa ja rikasta Dina Dornbuschia. Aivan erityisesti se loukkaantuu kun Lelulintu naamioi sen am. italialaisexi! Va fa'n culo!
ellauri109.html on line 709: Dryden's poem, "An Essay upon Satire," contained a number of attacks on King Charles II, his mistresses and courtiers, but most pointedly on the Earl of Rochester, a notorious womaniser. Rochester responded by hiring thugs who attacked Dryden whilst walking back from Will's Coffee House (a popular London coffee house where the Wits gathered to gossip, drink and conduct their business) back to his house on Gerrard Street. Dryden survived the attack, offering £50 for the identity of the thugs placed in the London Gazette, and a Royal Pardon if one of them would confess. No one claimed the reward.
ellauri109.html on line 719: par levibus ventis volucrique simillima somno.
ellauri109.html on line 751: Dryden is believed to be the first person to posit that English sentences should not end in prepositions because Latin sentences cannot end in prepositions. What an idiot. Too much monkey business for me to be involved in.
ellauri110.html on line 351: Pepys may also have dallied with a leading actress of the Restoration period, Mary Knep. "Mrs Knep was the wife of a Smithfield horsedealer, and the mistress of Pepys"—or at least "she granted him a share of her favours". He called her husband "an ill, melancholy, jealous-looking fellow" and suspected him of abusing his wife. Knep provided Pepys with backstage access and was a conduit for theatrical and social gossip. When they wrote notes to each other, Pepys signed himself "Dapper Dickey", while Knep was "Barbry Allen" (a popular song that was an item in her musical repertory).
ellauri111.html on line 271: “Not ‘just’ like that. No. If you’d read my Diary” (not said reproachfully, but matter of factly) “you’d have read how I imagined the judge speaking to such a person. He makes it clear that it’s not a matter of going home and forgetting about it, going back to the way things were before. No. There has to be change. In my time, the father was the authority figure in the family, but, as I—or my imaginary judge—pointed out, even fathers sometimes need to be re-educated by their children until they learn to listen to their children’s needs. I know that families are very different in your time, but, yes, parents, whoever they are, must learn to be parents to their children. I disagree with much that the prosecutor said about the Karamazov family, but he was right on one point: parents can’t just be parents by virtue of procreation, they have to become parents. And when they abuse their position and their power, they cannot hide behind their rights as parents—they have to own up. The guilty have to know that they are guilty.”
ellauri111.html on line 638: Precepts in our "Deliverance Series" have helped me tremendously and I believe that they can help many others-- including those that have been abused, hurt, and traumatized in this life. By God´s grace, we can frankly walk away from what had us bound. In reading the articles in the Deliverance Series, people can learn some of what has happened to modern man.
ellauri111.html on line 648: Down here we work for the Master, the Lord Jesus, and sow the seed (us men do, if you get what I mean), sharing his word. Those that hear and receive the word on good ground will be saved (people do not always get saved at the moment they first hear the truth--in time, however they may repent and believe). God sees the work that his people do, and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Psalm 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves* with him. *Sheaves are bundles of wheat or other grain grasses that the harvesters have harvested and bundled. Some seeds fell on good bushes and prospered, some fell on porcelain and did not germinate.
ellauri111.html on line 709: Look around, the more the leaders make plans, the worse things get--child abuse, drug addiction, abortion, murders, shoplifting, lying, compulsive disorders, broken families, directionless young people, mind-killing school system, panic attacks, reprobate mind laws, denying God and his word, etc. This thing called time is coming to an end. The heavens above and the earth beneath that you see before your eyes are going to be burned up completely and dissolved. The day of the Lord is coming and we will all stand before God at the final judgment and the books are going to be opened. We will all be there--including all the dead people...they won't be left out--nobody will be left out.
ellauri112.html on line 840: Since 2017, he is sitting on that tiny cloud. Since 2014 with The Whittington Group, Brad has sourced, entitled and sold 10 communities consisting of 1,628 lots to homebuilders. In 2016, Brad's son, Braden, moved to Austin with his family to join Brad in business, fulfilling a lifelong dream of working side by side. A gentle man of faith, Brad was also an avid golfer and seasoned snow skier.
ellauri112.html on line 842: In his book, What Would Jesus Drink, Brad Whittington breaks down the biblical references of alcohol into three types. In all, there are 247 references to alcohol in Scripture. 40 are negative (warnings about drunkenness, potential dangers of alcohol, etc.), 145 are positive (sign of God´s blessing, use in worship, etc.), and 62 are neutral (people falsely accused of being drunk, vows of abstinence, etc.) The Bible is anything but silent on the issue of wine. The bible, like tequila, must be imbued carefully, seen as a blessing, and received with a grain of salt. It must not be abused. The old saying is true, "Wine is from God, drunkenness is from the Devil."
ellauri112.html on line 935: “Now,” said Benjy mouse, “to business.” "A sad", reče miš Mika, "na posao."
ellauri112.html on line 937: “To business!” they "Za posao!" rekli su.
ellauri115.html on line 406: In consequence, they had totally severed relations with him. Most chilling was the warning from Baron d'Holbach. It was 9pm on the night before Hume and Rousseau set out for England. Hume had gone for his final farewell. Apologising for puncturing his illusions, the baron counselled Hume that he would soon be sadly disabused. "You don't know your man. I will tell you plainly, you're warming a viper in your bosom."
ellauri115.html on line 814: But far more important is the practice. If you once acquire the habit of bearing an enemy's abuse in silence, you will very easily bear up under a wife's attack when she rails at you, and without discomposure will patiently hear the most bitter utterances of a friend or a brother; and when you meet with blows or missiles at the hands of a father or mother, you will show no sign of passion or wrath.
ellauri115.html on line 816: Conversely, Socrates bore with Xanthippe,​ who was irascible and acrimonious, for he thought that he should have no difficulty in getting along with other people if he accustomed himself to bear patiently with her; but it is much better to secure this training from the scurrilous, angry, scoffing, and abusive attacks of enemies and outsiders, and thus accustom the temper to be unruffled and not even impatient in the midst of reviling.
ellauri115.html on line 1132: Hare then returned to Vancouver, British Columbia, shut up as a professional psychopath at the prison's psychologist compartment, where he would stay for 30 years until retirement, the same prison he had previously worked in. He seemed not to change behavior in response to God's punishment because he was a psychopath. He recalls, "I happened to get into a cell that nobody else was sitting in". Hare has said of himself and his wife Averil that the loss of their daughter Cheryl in 2003 "tells an awful lot about who Averil and I are." Averil, his wife, is a prominent social worker in Canada specializing in child abuse.
ellauri115.html on line 1138: Hare appeared in the 2003/4 award-winning documentary film The Corporation, discussing whether his criteria for psychopathy could be said to apply to modern business as a legal personality, appearing to conclude that many of them would apply by definition. However, in a 2007 edition of Snakes in Suits, Hare contends that the filmmakers took his remarks out of context and that he does not believe all corporations would meet all the necessary criteria in practice.
ellauri117.html on line 500: A lady about 8 months pregnant got on a bus.

ellauri119.html on line 420: Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure. An example of this range of meanings is that the love of a mother differs from the love of a spouse, which differs from the love of food. A minority of monkeys fuck their relatives, but such monkey business still happens. Few people fuck their food, with Philip Roth as a notable exception. Most commonly, love refers to a feeling of strong attraction and emotional attachment. You are so cute I could eat you! Eat my shorts!
ellauri119.html on line 553: Pragma comes from the Greek term πρᾶγμα, meaning "businesslike", from which terms like "pragmatic" are derived. Lee defines pragma as the most practical type of love, not necessarily derived out of true romantic love. Rather, pragma is a convenient type of love.
ellauri119.html on line 716: Atlas Shrugged offers several examples that also refute this common misconception. The villains in this novel are businessmen who try to succeed through political pull. While they are businessmen, supposedly Ayn Rand’s ideal person, she does not paint them in a flattering light. She demonstrates how evil they are and how their political maneuvering always leads to their failure.
ellauri119.html on line 775: Asked what she thought of Reagan, Ayn Rand replied, “I don’t think of him. And the more I see, the less I think of him.” For Rand, “the appalling part of his administration was his connection with the so-called ‘Moral Majority’ and sundry other TV religionists, who are struggling, apparently with his approval, to take us back to the Middle Ages via the unconstitutional union of religion and politics.” Rand’s primary concern, it seems, is that this “unconstitutional union” represented a “threat to capitalism.” While she admired Reagan’s appeal to an “inspirational element” in American politics, “he will not find it,” remarked Rand, “in the God, family, tradition swamp.” Instead, she proclaims, we should be inspired by “the most typical American group… the businessmen.”
ellauri131.html on line 329: John Wayne Gacy – Serial killer, clown and businessman
ellauri131.html on line 386: Mikä on 1. muistoni rahasta? Kai kun mietin jossain Kapteeninkadulla pienenä että viikkorahalla (15mk) voisi ajaa kerran bussilla lastenlipulla tai ostaa maumaukarkin. En ajanut koskaan bussilla.
ellauri131.html on line 574: Esimerkiksi Maria Nordin on sanonut Tuomas Enbusken podcastissa Enbusken hullut paperit, että hän ei usko sairastuvansa koskaan syöpään, koska ”kaikki mikä maailmassa tapahtuu, on oman tietoisuutemme luomusta”. Tämähän on aikä räikeätä idealismia.
ellauri131.html on line 653: He left what he described to Fortune as an abusive home life when he was 17 years old, became a janitor and dropped out of college. He met motivational speaker Jim Rohn, who served as a mentor to Robbins — and the rest is his story. Robbins went on to eclipse his own mentor and become one of the planet's most in-demand life coaches. He currently boasts an estimated net worth of $500 million, plus famous fans and friends including Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton, Hugh Jackman, Serena Williams, Eva Longoria, and Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.
ellauri131.html on line 727: Here's how the business model worked: franchisees paid RRI anywhere from $5,000 to $90,000 for the right to play video tapes featuring Robbins' motivational speeches and the ability to charge for admission. According to the FTC, Robbins' company claimed that franchisees "could sell 25 to 100 seminars per month and could earn between $75,000 to $300,000 per year."
ellauri131.html on line 900: Hay recounted her life story in an interview with Mark Oppenheimer of The New York Times in May 2008. In it, Hay stated that she was born in Los Angeles to a poor mother who remarried Louise's violent stepfather, Ernest Carl Wanzenreid (1903–1992), who physically abused her and her mother. When she was about 5, she was raped by a neighbor. At 15, she dropped out of University High School in Los Angeles without a diploma, became pregnant and, on her 16th birthday, gave up her newborn baby girl for adoption.
ellauri131.html on line 902: She then moved to Chicago, where she worked in low-paying jobs. In 1950, she moved on again, to New York. At this point she changed her first name, and began a career as a fashion model. She achieved success, working for Bill Blass, Oleg Cassini, and Pauline Trigère. In 1954, she married the English businessman Andrew Hay (1928–2001); after 14 years of marriage, she felt devastated when he left her for another woman, Sharman Douglas (1928–1996). Hay said that about this time she found the First Church of Religious Science on 48th Street, which taught her the transformative power of thought. Hay revealed that here she studied the New Thought works of authors such as Florence Scovel Shinn who believed that positive thinking could change people's material circumstances, and the Religious Science founder Ernest Holmes who taught that positive thinking could heal the body.
ellauri131.html on line 906: Hay described how in 1977 or 1978 she was diagnosed with "incurable" cervical cancer, and how she came to the conclusion that by holding on to her resentment for her childhood abuse and rape she had contributed to its onset. She reported how she had refused conventional medical treatment, and began a regime of forgiveness, coupled with therapy, nutrition, reflexology, and occasional colonic enemas. She claimed in the interview that she rid herself of the cancer by this method, but, while swearing to its truth, admitted that she had outlived every doctor who could confirm this story.
ellauri131.html on line 923: Stephen Richards Covey (October 24, 1932 – July 16, 2012) was an American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker. His most popular book is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Tapsan 7 asukokonaisuutta hyvin tehokkaille tyypeille on on self helpin Sota ja Rauha, lukee Marianne Teholla.
ellauri131.html on line 928: Seest thou a man diligent in business? He shall stand in line before Kings." -- (Proverbs 22:29)
ellauri131.html on line 960: And what of the true cynic's view, that the lesson of history is that bastards often prevail? That markets are in and of themselves rational, and sometimes emotional, but rarely ever moral? That an appropriate model for business is not an extended family but a poker game? The late genius John von Neumann was fascinated by poker, and his study of the choice making involved in the game led him to develop the foundations of game theory. Von Neumann was a peerless student of the principles of rational self-interest, and he was also an adviser to Presidents Truman and Eisenhower. When the Soviets showed signs of developing nuclear weapons, he recommended bombing them into oblivion. Game theory, he said, dictated it.
ellauri133.html on line 304: Houston News raportoi: Teppo Kurko on briljantti. Se oikeesti on, vaikka se on valtalinjan lemmikkikoira. Sen kirjoja pidetään modernin kirjallisuuden huippuna, niitä opetetaan (amer.) kouluissa, ja niistä on tehty blockbuster leffoja. Eipä paha tyypille jota pidettiin alux vaan keskinkertaisena kauhunväsääjänä.
ellauri133.html on line 426: In Gerald´s Game, the woman is traumatized by her pedophile father and abusive husband. Her entire situation, much like Thinner, is sparked by a sex romp.
ellauri133.html on line 569: How to get help: In the U.S., contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration helpline at 1-800-662-4357.
ellauri133.html on line 870: Jackson´s most famous story, "The Lottery", first published in the New Yorker on June 26, 1948, established her reputation as a master of the horror tale. The story prompted over 300 letters from readers, many of them outraged at its conjuring of a dark aspect of human nature, characterized by, as Jackson put it, "bewilderment, speculation, and just plain old-fashioned abuse".
ellauri135.html on line 694: Koko on heterogeeninen: Nelijalkainen iambus on leikattu monipysähdyksellä. Sama voidaan sanoa riimeistä: se on joko risti tai rivi riviltä. Partikkelit, pronominit, substantiivit ja äärettömät pronominit. Tällainen runon rakenne auttaa välittämään suosittua puhetta osoittamaan sankarin olevan tavallinen sotilas.
ellauri140.html on line 550: When ruddy Phoebus gins to welke in west, Kun punakka Foibos alkaa lerpahdella lännessä,
ellauri140.html on line 834: And with false shewes abuse his fantasy, Ja käyttämään sen mielikuvitusta väärin unessa,
ellauri140.html on line 962: Had warned once, that Phœbus fiery carre° Oli kiekaissut kerran, että Foiboxen
ellauri141.html on line 97: Maecenas : A toast. Let us all drink to it: that we will let nothing never destroy this business!
ellauri141.html on line 99: Maecenas , Agrippa , Octavius : To business!
ellauri141.html on line 120: Maecenas atavis edite regibus Mese sä vanhojen kuninkaiden juhlaeditio!
ellauri141.html on line 127: Certat tergeminis tollere honoribus; Antaa aploodeja seisaaltaan, isoja käsiä,
ellauri141.html on line 131: Agros Attalicis conditionibus Attaloxen kans et saa kyntämään noita
ellauri141.html on line 134: Luctantem Icariis fluctibus Africum 15 Kauppiasta hirvittää Aahrikoiden tuulet,
ellauri141.html on line 143: Permixtus sonitus bellaque matribus Äitien vihaamasta listinnästä. Yökylmässä
ellauri141.html on line 146: Seu visa est catulis cerva fidelibus, Koiranpenikat on ehkä nähneet hirvenpään,
ellauri141.html on line 154: Quod si me lyricis vatibus inseris, 35 Jotta jos mut lyyrikoiden hall of fameen
ellauri141.html on line 226: iactibus crebris iuvenes protervi Juipitkö heittävät tiiliä niihin,
ellauri141.html on line 260: venterque mollis et femur tumentibus your flabby paunch and scrawny thighs
ellauri141.html on line 264: nec sit marita, quae rotundioribus and may no other wife go on parade
ellauri141.html on line 278: mollibus in pueris aut in puellis urere. pehmeisiin poikiin tai tyttölapsiin.
ellauri141.html on line 292: desinet inparibus certare submotus pudor.' luopuu lose-lose taistelusta torjuttu häpeä.
ellauri141.html on line 296: limina dura, quibus lumbos et infregi latus. Koviin kynnyxiin, joihin lonkat kolhaisin.
ellauri141.html on line 330: quam nova collibus arbor inhaeret. that stood stiffer than a sapling clinging to a crag!
ellauri141.html on line 331: muricibus Tyriis iteratae vellera lanae “Pelts of fleece double-dyed in Phoenician purple
ellauri141.html on line 376: nec vincere novis tempora floribus. eikä voittaa jotain seppeleitä,
ellauri141.html on line 426: ut tamen noris, quibus advoceris Etkö sinä tiedä, mitkä kekkerit
ellauri141.html on line 441: terret ambustus Phaethon avaras Sais pelottaa Heppahullu-lehti ahneita
ellauri141.html on line 540: rerum quae sit odoribus Who to attentive schools rehearse
ellauri141.html on line 542: monstrare, vel mixtis duabus Makes something worse.
ellauri141.html on line 548: turbinibus rapidoque rhombo. And all its offspring, whose concern
ellauri141.html on line 554: et nunc et horis damna trahentibus Of wheels or wings,
ellauri142.html on line 38: Annuit cœptis (/ˈænuɪt ˈsɛptɪs/, Classical Latin: [ˈannʊ.ɪt ˈkoe̯ptiːs]) is one of two mottos on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States. The literal translation is "favors (or "has favored") [our] undertakings", from Latin annuo ("I nod at"), and coeptum ("commencement, undertaking"). Because of its context as a caption above the Eye of Sarnath, the standard translations are "Crang favors our undertakings" and "Crang has favored our undertakings." Annuit cœptis comes from the Aeneid, book IX, line 625, which reads, Iuppiter omnipotens, audacibus adnue coeptis. It is a prayer by Ascanius, the son of the hero of the story, Aeneas, which translates to, "Jupiter Almighty favour [my] bold undertakings", just before slaying an enemy warrior, Numismaticus. Haha, tappoi numismaatikon. Texti alla tarkoittaa "suuri hylje".
ellauri142.html on line 138: Members who seek political office and financial control in business seem to earn notoriety and celebrity within the organization and specific lodges
ellauri142.html on line 184: Today, you can join the Freemasons for between $150 and $500 in annual dues. You won’t be involved in too many secret missions or controversies, though. You’ll mostly network with small business owners and help a charity or two. If you’re really into it, you’ll climb the magic ladder and achieve its highest title of Master Mason. At that point, you are eligible to become a Shriner.
ellauri143.html on line 125: Meidän monipuoliseen valikoimaan kuuluu akuneulat, sähköakulaitteet, hoitopöydät, moksat, kuppaustarvikkeet. Lisäksi valikoimaan kuuluu terveys ja luontaisalantuotteita; eteeriset öljyt, korvavahakynttilät, vihreä tee, kirjat ja himalajan kristallisuolat. Moxibustio eli moksalla lämmitetään ja vahvistetaan. Näyttää joululahja sinettivahapötköltä. Moksa edistää energian eli Qin virtausta ja se poistaa kylmyyden ja kosteuden sekä stagnaation. Sillä poistetaan näistä aiheutuvia oireita, kuten esim. palelua tai kipuilua.
ellauri143.html on line 127: Herman Hessellä oli tähän liittyen romsku nimeltä Siddartha. Sidh tarkoittaa osumista. Artha bisnestä. Purusha tarkoittaa termiittiapinaa. Eli purusa-artha on monkey business, ja Siddartha on hit business. Sillä alallahan Hermannikin oli.
ellauri143.html on line 1724: Luonnonkansojen (eskimot, intiaanit, moksat, busmannit) alkeellista levitaatioperinnettä etevämpiä ovat korkeakulttuurien mystikoiden hiomat levitaatiotekniikat. Islamissa levitaatiota harjoitetaan sufilautailun yhteydessä.
ellauri144.html on line 60: Nimirum sapere est abiectis utile nugis, et tempestivum pueris concedere ludum, ac non verba sequi fidibus modulanda Latinis, sed verae numerosque modosque ediscere vitae. Quocirca mecum loquor haec tacitusque recordor: Si tibi nulla sitim finiret copia lymphae, narrares medicis: quod, quanto plura parasti, tanto plura cupis, nulline faterier audes? si volnus tibi monstrata radice ...
ellauri144.html on line 70: The Greeks were creative but, like puellae, they lacked steadiness of purpose. From the Roman point of view, they were puerile, they just “fooled around” (nugari). Romans are brought up to be serious and businesslike, moralistic and
ellauri144.html on line 290: He eventually dropped out of high school, and worked at a variety of jobs, including shoe salesman and store window decorator. One of his first jobs was as a soda jerk. When the drugstore went out of business, Todd had acquired enough medical knowledge from his work there to be hired at Chicago's Michael Reese Hospital as a type of "security guard" to stop visitors from bringing in food that was not on the patient's diet.
ellauri144.html on line 292: The company he owned with his brother went bankrupt when its financial backing failed in the early days of the Great Depression. Not yet 21, Todd had lost over $1 million (equivalent to about $15,492,032 in today's funds). Todd married the former Bertha Freshman on February 14, 1927, and was the father of an infant son with no home for his family. Todd's subsequent business career was volatile, and failed ventures left him bankrupt many times.
ellauri144.html on line 345: Ei hemmetti, Phil tosiaankin luulee olevansa jotakin, tollanen luttamuna besserwisseri setämies. Kolme eliittirunoa on aina enemmän kuin nolla. Mutta, se on myönnettävä, sen ja Apinan monkey business Vermontissa on paikoin huvittavaa, vaikka päättyy nolosti.
ellauri144.html on line 580: Patriotism. Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name.
ellauri145.html on line 104: Juhani Ihanus, FT (s. 8. toukokuuta 1954 Helsinki) on kulttuuripsykologian dosentti Helsingin yliopistossa, taidekasvatuksen ja taidepsykologian dosentti Aalto-yliopistossa sekä aate- ja oppihistorian dosentti Oulun yliopistossa. Hän on toiminut Helsingin yliopistossa vuodesta 1982 lähtien useissa opettaja- ja tutkijatehtävissä. Nähtävästi elinkautinen keskinkertaisuus kuten Lichtenberg. Ihanus on eurooppalaisen kirjallisuusterapian pioneereja. „Unsere Erde ist vielleicht ein Weibchen.“ „Wir fressen einander nicht, wir schlachten uns bloß.“ „Der Amerikaner, der den Kolumbus zuerst entdeckte, machte eine böse Entdeckung.“ Ihan näppäriä, muttei näillä kuuhun mennä. Silti Goethe kehui Joria taikasauvaxi, Kant alleviivas punasella sen kaikki töräyxet, ja Koala-vaari piti sitä izenäisenä ajattelijana. Tolstoinkin mielestä Lichtenberg oli parempi töräyttelijä kuin koketti följetongisti Nietzsche. Georg oli pedofiili, alkoi shtuppia 12-vuotiasta tyttöä v. 1777. Ikävä kyllä Lolita kuoli (varmaan johkin sexitautiin) 5 vuotta myöhemmin. Jostain syystä Jori digas Jacob Böhmeä. Ällöttävä Max Ernst piti Joria verrattomana huromistina. Seuraavasta penseestä mä voisin ottaa opixeni: Le degré le plus haut jusqu´où puisse s´élever un esprit mediocre, mais pourvu d´expérience, c´est le talent de decouvrir les faiblesses des hommes qui valent mieux que lui. Tässä ei ollut mitään hahatettavaa, vaikka tikulla olis kaivanut.
ellauri145.html on line 112: Fourier was also a supporter of women´s rights in a time period when misogynic influences like Jean-Jacques Rousseau were prevalent. Fourier is credited with having originated the word feminism in 1837. Fourier believed that all important jobs should be open to women on the basis of skill and aptitude rather than closed on account of gender. He spoke of women as individuals, not as half the human couple. Fourier saw that "traditional" marriage could potentially hurt woman´s rights as human beings and thus never married. Writing before the advent of the term ´homosexuality´, Fourier held that both men and women have a wide range of sexual needs and preferences which may change throughout their lives, including same-sex sexuality and androgénité. He argued that all sexual expressions should be enjoyed as long as people are not abused, and that "affirming one´s difference" can actually enhance social integration. Stark raving mad, he was!
ellauri146.html on line 686: started with the queerest idea conceivable, viz; that all men are born free and equal-this in the very teeth of the laws of gradation so visibly impressed upon all things both in the moral and physical universe. Every man “voted,” as they called it-that is to say, meddled with public affairs-until, at length, it was discovered that what is everybody’s business is nobody’s, and that the “Republic” (as the absurd thing was called) was without a government at all. It is related, however, that the first circumstance which disturbed, very particularly, the self-complacency of the philosophers who constructed this “Republic,” was the startling discovery that universal suffrage gave opportunity for fraudulent schemes….A little reflection upon this discovery sufficed to render evident the consequences, which were that rascality must predominate— in a word, that a republican government could never be anything but a rascally one. While the philosophers, however, were busied in blushing at their stupidity in not having foreseen these inevitable evils, and intent upon the invention of new theories, the matter was put to an abrupt issue by a fellow of the name of Mob, who took everything into his own hands and set up a despotism…. As for republicanism, no analogy could be found for it upon the face of the earth—unless we except the case of the “prairie dogs,” an exception which seems to demonstrate, if anything, that democracy is a very admirable form of government—for dogs.
ellauri146.html on line 738: Cloud and the roadside bushes brimming with whistling pilvessä ja tienreunan puskat kirjavanaan
ellauri147.html on line 203: Emily's boss Madeline prepares to make the transition from the Chicago based pharmaceutical marketing firm, the Gilbert Group, to a French based fashion firm, Savior, when she discovers that she is pregnant. She offers the job to Emily and she accepts, leaving her boyfriend back in Chicago. Emily moves to Paris despite the fact that she does not speak French. She moves into the 5th floor of an old apartment building without an elevator but with a wonderful Parisian view. Emily creates an Instagram account, @emilyinparis, and begins documenting her time in Paris. Emily starts her first day of work much to her new co-workers chagrin who reveal that she was only hired because of a business deal. She introduces the French to American social media strategies who seem very reluctant about her and her American methods. Emily accidentally tries to enter the wrong apartment and bangs her very attractive neighbor right at the door, Gabriel. As Emily accustoms to life in Paris she makes countless faux-pas and the firm nicknames her "la plouc" or "the hick". Emily meets Mindy Chen, a nanny originally from Shanghai, and they become fast friends. After Emily and her boyfriend attempt to have cybersex but the connection fails, she plugs in her vibrator and accidentally short-circuits the block's power. "Accidentally" is the top frequency word in the script.
ellauri147.html on line 223: Gabriel surprises Emily by joining them as kitchen staff for the weekend trip which makes Emily uncomfortable. Emily takes a tour of the winery and meets Camille's younger brother Timothée. Gabriel refuses Camille's mother's offer of a business loan. At a club where Mindy's girlfriends are partying, they force her (who? Mindy?) on stage to sing the song she flubbed on Chinese Popstar. (So what?)
ellauri147.html on line 247: Daniel D´Addario of Variety described the series as "a Turkish delight that begs the question of what it really means to grow up against a truly inviting backdrop", and that Mr. Collins is "an inherently winsome performer who has never been quite as well and often abused as she is here". Kristen Baldwin of Entertainment Weekly gave the series a "B" and wrote, "If you need a five-hour brain vacation, Paris is a worthwhile destination." The New Zealand Herald considered the show "visually delectable" and that "Mr. Collins has a pixie-ish charm which makes her endearing", but also that the show is "as ephemeral as dental floss". However, Kristen Lopez of IndieWire wrote a review Metacritic graded as a 23 out of a 100, praising Mr. Collins for being a "Jewess, make no mistake" and that "Emily in Paris is only as watchable and frivolous as our first lady," but warning viewers "Emily in Paris is like scrolling through Instagram. It´s a great way to waste time looking at pretty pictures with no depth."
ellauri147.html on line 369: Phil Collins told The Sunday Times that he’s had some bust-ups with fellow celebrities – most notably, Paul McCartney. Apparently, in 2002, the Beatles legend made fun of Collins, asking him to SIGN something during a party at Buckingham Palace.
ellauri147.html on line 519:

Nebusaradanin katumus

ellauri147.html on line 521: Iisak Singerin isä hölmö rabbi väitti että Jahve antaa kaikki synnit anteexi kun katuu riittävästi. Se antaa anteexi jopa Nebusaradanille joka hävitti juutalaisten temppelin ja vei kansan orjixi kaxoisvirran rannalle. Kristittyjen Jumala ei kyllä anna anteexi jos pilkkaa pyhää henkeä.
ellauri147.html on line 527: Nebusaradan. babyloniske konungen Nebukadnessars fältherre, som 586 f. Kr. uppbrände och förstörde Jerusalem och bortförde de kvarlefvande i fångenskap till Babylonien. (Jfr 2 Kon. 25: 8 ff.) E.S-e. Necessitas, lat. Se Ananke. Necessär (fr. nécessaire, eg. nödvändig), skrin eller påse med olika fack, hvari man under resor...
ellauri150.html on line 279: Dans le salon de l’hôtel aristocratique, décoré de tapisseries un peu pâles, avec, sur un chevalet, au milieu de la pièce, le portrait de la robuste madame Stevens par un peintre à la mode, qui l’avait représentée languissante, comme une fleur sans eau, les yeux mourants, le corps tordu en spirale, pour exprimer la rareté de son âme millionnaire, — dans le grand salon aux baies vitrées, donnant sur de vieux arbres, que la neige poudrait, Christophe trouvait Colette toujours assise devant son piano, ressassant indéfiniment les mêmes phrases, se caressant les oreilles de dissonances moelleuses.
ellauri150.html on line 444: Suurimman inspiraationsa teos oli tosin saanut alun perin tapauksesta toisen maailmansodan aikana, jossa Yhdysvaltain armeijan sotilaskarkurit pahoinpitelivät ja raiskasivat Hesburgerin vaimon Lynnen ja aiheuttivat keskenmenon. Lynnestä tuli pulzari. Kun se kuoli, Hesburgerillä oli jo toinen hoito valmiina. Kirja oli kirjoitettu eräänlaisena vapaan tahdon ja moraalin tutkimuksena, jossa nuori antisankari Alex, joka vangitaan lyhyeksi jääneen väkivallan ja sekasorron uran jälkeen, käy läpi vastenmielisyyden terapian hillitäkseen väkivaltaisia taipumuksiaan, mikä johtaa lopulta siihen, että hänestä tulee puolustuskyvytön muita ihmisiä vastaan ja hän ei pysty nauttimaan lempimusiikistaan, joka väkivallan lisäksi oli ollut hänelle kovaa nautintoa. Hesburger sai ketjureaktion Debussyn Faunin iltapäivästä. Sehän on se Mallarmén runo jonka alkupään mä suomensin. Se halus pianistixi muttei piässyt. Tietokirjassa Flame into Being (1985) Burgess kuvaili Kellopeliappelsiini -kirjaa hänen "jeu d'espritiksi (“pelin henki" ??? paskanmarjat typeryxet, pikemminkin Gedankenspiel, ajatusleikki), joka toteutettiin kolmessa viikossa, ja joka tuli tunnetuksi lähdemateriaalina elokuvalle, joka näytti ylistävän seksiä ja väkivaltaa," viitaten Stanley Kubrickin vuonna 1971 ohjaamaan samannimiseen elokuvasovitukseen. Hän lisäsi:
ellauri150.html on line 584: Simonides lived to be a very old man. In the tenth year of Nero's reign, he gave up the business so long centred in the warehouse at Antioch. To the last he kept a clear head and a good heart, and was successful, got lots and lots of money, became filthy rich.
ellauri150.html on line 610: We meet Ben-Hur's mother and sister. We also meet his right-hand slave, Simonides, who is his business administrator and is in town for his yearly report—he's based in Antioch. He's very good at managing Judah's assets, and very loyal. Simonides' daughter Esther is with him; she is about to enter an arranged marriage, but needs Ben-Hur's approval. Ben-Hur gives it, and even throws in her freedom as a wedding present, but - having seen her as a grown woman for the first time - he sorta wants her for himself.
ellauri150.html on line 750: Maybe the Vatican needs to get into the movie business! In the past the Vatican sponsored the works of arts of the greatest artists of the times. Today the cinema is our greatest, most technologically advanced art form and we need Christian movie directors and producers that will dedicate their art to Christ. This will never happen in Hollywood. The one exception was "The Passion" and we saw what a struggle that was.
ellauri151.html on line 129: Gide was, by general consent, one of the dozen most important writers of the 20th century. Moreover, no writer of such stature had led such an interesting life, a life accessibly interesting to us as readers of his autobiographical writings, his journal, his voluminous correspondence and the testimony of others. It was the life of a man engaging not only in the business of artistic creation, but reflecting on that process in his journal, reading that work to his friends and discussing it with them; a man who knew and corresponded with all the major literary figures of his own country and with many in Germany and England; who found daily nourishment in the Latin, French, English and German classics, and, for much of his life, in the Bible; [who enjoyed playing Chopin and other classic works on the piano;] and who engaged in commenting on the moral, political and sexual questions of the day. Monsters lead an interesting li-i-fe.
ellauri151.html on line 185: Agricolas, quibus ipsa, procul discordibus armis,

ellauri151.html on line 1066: Halju mulkero Lucius Annaeus Seneca uses in the letter number 114, addressed to his friend Lucilius, the expression "talis hominibus fuit oratio qualis vita" (for such men their speech was like their life), warning us that this sentence was coined by the Greeks. So ist das Leben wie ein Hühnerbrett.
ellauri152.html on line 92: Louÿs' close friend Claude Debussy in 1897 musically set three of the poems—La flûte de Pan, La chevelure and Le tombeau des Naïades—as songs for feminine voice and piano. Pan huiluu pyllyyn. The book was accidentally translated to Polish twice, in 1920 by Leopold Staff and in 2010 by Ruben Stiller.
ellauri152.html on line 101: Hän sanoi mulle: Tänä yönä näin unta. Sun tukkapehko oli mun kaulan ympärillä. Sun tukka oli kuin kaulapanta mun niskan ja rinnan päällä. Mä silittelin sitä, ne oli niinkö mun, me oltiin jalat ristissä kuin kaxi laakeria samassa keitossa. Ja vähitellen meidän kalut sekaantuivat, ikäänkun mä olisin se ize tai se työntyis muhun niinkuin joku incubus. Kun se oli läpi, se pani kädet mun hartioille ja kazoi mua niin nätisti et mua värisytti.
ellauri152.html on line 351: 5montibus et silvis studio iactabat inani: vuorille ja mezille heitti nää läpät tyhjänpäiväiset:
ellauri152.html on line 356: Thestylis et rapido fessis messoribus aestu Thestyliskin helteeseen väsyneille leikkureille
ellauri152.html on line 359: sole sub ardenti resonant arbusta cicadis. palavan auringon alla puskissa resonoivat kaskaat.
ellauri152.html on line 367: mille meae Siculis errant in montibus agnae; Mulla tuhat uuhta exyilee Sikulian vuorilla;
ellauri152.html on line 382: est mihi disparibus septem compacta cicutis On mulla 7 erimittaisessa pyllyssä kokeiltu kikuli,
ellauri152.html on line 387: capreoli, sparsis etiam nunc pellibus albo, Vielä maitoläikkäisissä kapisissa turkeissa,
ellauri152.html on line 395: tum casia atque aliis intexens suavibus herbis, sit kanelii ja muita mausteita messiin yrtteihin,
ellauri152.html on line 403: nec, si muneribus certes, concedat Iollas. eikä Jollas sitä sallis, vaikka huolisikin.
ellauri152.html on line 404: Heu, heu, quid volui misero mihi! Floribus austrum Höö, höö, huonostipa kävi! Kukat tuuli vei, ja
ellauri152.html on line 405: perditus et liquidis inmisi fontibus apros. villisiat pääsi irti lähteisiin, kruik kruik.
ellauri152.html on line 418: viminibus mollique paras detexere iunco? risuilla rynnätä sitomaan niitä kondixeen?
ellauri152.html on line 587: The plot goes like this: Yentl has secretly studied Torah under her father’s tutelage. She has no interest in marriage, so when he dies, she disguises herself as Anshel and travels to a yeshiva. Along the way she meets a fellow student named Avigdor. They strike up a friendship and Yentl accompanies him to his yeshiva in Bechev, where they become study partners. Avigdor is in love with a girl named Badass, whom he wishes to marry. However, when Badass’s family learns a dark secret about Avigdor’s family, they won’t let him marry her. In desperation, Avigdor begs Anshel to marry Badass in his stead. Yentl initially resists, but eventually gives in and asks for Badass’s hand in order to retain Avigdor’s goodwill. After Anshel and Badass are married, Badass comes to look on her husband with love, but Yentl become more and more upset about the situation. Unable to go on any longer, Yentl asks Avigdor to join her on a business trip. Once they are at an inn in another city, Yentl tells him that she’s a woman. He laughs and doesn’t believe her, so she undresses momentarily. He is shocked. This is where the two versions split.
ellauri152.html on line 741: Isaac Leib Peretz (Polish: Icchok Lejbusz Perec, Yiddish: יצחק־לייבוש פרץ‎) (May 18, 1852 – April 3, 1915), also sometimes written Yitskhok Leybush Peretz was a Yiddish language author and playwright from Poland. Payson R. Stevens, Charles M. Levine, and Sol Steinmetz count him with Mendele Mokher Seforim and Sholem Aleichem as one of the three great classical Yiddish writers. Sol Liptzin wrote: "Yitzkhok Leibush Peretz was the great awakener of Yiddish-speaking Jewry and Sholom Aleichem its comforter.... Peretz aroused in his readers the will for self-emancipation, the will for resistance against the many humiliations to which they were being subjected."
ellauri153.html on line 306: Tarquinin viimeinen yritys saada Rooman valtakunta takaisin tuli vuonna 498 tai 496 eKr., kun hän taivutteli vävynsä Octavius Mamiliuksen, Tusculumin diktaattorin, marssimaan Roomaan Latinalaisen armeijan johdossa. Rooman armeijaa johtivat diktaattori Albus Postumius Albus ja hänen hevosen mestarinsa Titus Aebutius Elva, kun taas iäkäs kuningas ja hänen viimeinen jäljellä oleva poikansa Titus Tarquinius taistelivat latinalaisten rinnalla roomalaisten maanpakolaisten kanssa. Jälleen kerran taistelu käytiin kovaa ja päätettiin täpärästi, ja molemmat osapuolet kärsivät suuria tappioita. Mamilius surmattiin, hevosen isäntä loukkaantui vakavasti, ja Titus Tarquinius hädin tuskin pakeni henkensä kanssa. Mutta lopulta latinot hylkäsivät kentän, ja Rooma säilytti itsenäisyytensä.
ellauri153.html on line 401: hitting humans could be the result of the abuse of free will: Adam and Eve have sinned, and evil is
ellauri155.html on line 659: Schmitt was born in Plettenberg, Westphalia, German Empire. His parents were Roman Catholics from the German Eifel region who had settled in Plettenberg. His father was a minor businessman. He studied law at Berlin, Munich and Strasbourg and took his graduation and state examinations in then-German Strasbourg during 1915. His 1910 doctoral thesis was titled Über Schuld und Schuldarten (On Guilt and Types of Guilt). A chapter on nazi guilt for holocaust has been added poshumously.
ellauri155.html on line 1033: letter, “Dear Sir”; but I notice that business letters from America now always
ellauri156.html on line 104: 14 So the Lord sent a plague on Israel, and seventy thousand men of Israel fell dead. 15 And God sent an angel to destroy Jerusalem. But as the angel was doing so, the Lord saw it and relented concerning the disaster and said to the angel who was destroying the people, “Enough! Withdraw your hand.” The angel of the Lord was then standing at the threshing floor of Araunah[b] the Jebusite. Jebu jebu jee! Ei sattunut!
ellauri156.html on line 213: David is starting to become Saul-like, in that he is willing to let others go out and fight his battles for him. Among those David is willing to send in his place are Joab and Abishai. This Joab, we should recall, is a violent man. Joab was not the commander of the army of Israel by David's choice. David had distanced himself from Joab and Abishai because of the death of li'l Abner (2 Samuel 3:26-30). Joab had become the commander of Israel's armed forces because he was the first to accept David's challenge to attack Jebus (1 Chronicles 11:4-6). Suddenly, David is willing to stay at home and leave the whole of Israel's armed forces under Joab's command. I do not think David is motivated by trust in Joab as much as he is his disdain for the hardship of the campaign to take Rabbah.
ellauri156.html on line 283: The information David receives should be sufficient for him to end the matter, or more appropriately, to start it. If this woman is married, he has no business going any further. No matter how great his position and power, nothing gives him the right to take another man's wife. The pattern for David's actions is clearly outlined by Joseph, who was hotly pursued by his master's wife (but the shoe was on the other foot that time, a puma hunting for a young rattlesnake. And Joseph was a bachelor, so what was the sin in that?).
ellauri156.html on line 327: Second, the nature of David's sin is the abuse of power. Power corrupts, we are told, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. David has come to power. In the previous chapters, David employed his God-given power to defeat the enemies of God and of Israel. He used his power as Israel's king to fill his pockets and void his cullions, and takes advantage of Dog's promise to Saul by restoring to Mephibosheth his family property and by making him a son at his table. Now, David, drunk with his power, uses it to indulge himself at the expense of others. I want you to notice the repetition of the word “send” or “sent” in this chapter. It is a king like David who can send all the men to war but stay home himself (verse 1). It is a king like David who can send people to inquire about Bathsheba, and then to send messengers to “take” her and bring her to his palace (verses 3-4). It is a king like David who can “send” for Uriah and “send” orders to Joab to have him killed. It is a king who "sends" his shlong into Bathsheba's holiest of the holy. David has the power, and he certainly knows how to use it, only now he is using that power for his own benefit, at the expense of others. This is not servant leadership.
ellauri156.html on line 329: Sexual abuse and sexual harassment are just two of the ways people abuse their power. Parents begin to think they own their children, and that they can use their children to satisfy themselves, so they engage in various forms of abuse, often sexual in nature. Bosses get used to being in control and telling people what to do, and it should not be surprising to learn that they sometimes abuse their power over employees and subordinates to sexually satisfy themselves. This sin is no different from that of David. (Oh, oh, this is too good, my cup runneth over.)
ellauri156.html on line 331: I must press the point a little further, at the risk of coming off. Of course it is wrong for David to use his power to have sex with another man's wife. But it is not right to abuse power even when sex is permissible. A husband should not abuse his power in order to have sex with his wife. And a wife should not abuse her power (of saying “No,” for example) to punish or put off her husband. (LOL! Bob, you show you true colors here!) Within marriage, sex is simply another area of serving our mate. It is not the opportunity to lord it over our mate. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Jennifer! And you girls as well!
ellauri156.html on line 586: Man (and exceptionally, woman) has been seeking to cover up his sins ever since the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve thought they could cover their sins by hiding their nakedness behind the fig leaves (hardly large enough for Adam's snake), and if not this, by hiding themselves from God behind Eve's bush. But God "lovingly" sought them out, not only to rebuke them and to pronounce some select curses upon them, but to give them a lame promise of forgiveness when the flagpoles start to bloom. It was God who provided a covering for their sins, in the form of snappy sackcloth jeans. The sacrificial death, burial, resurrection, and feasting on rumpsteaks cut from our Lord Jesus Christ's butt is God's provision for covering our sins. Have you experienced it, my friend? If not, why not confess your sin now and receive God's gift of forgiveness from him in person (in pirsuna pirsunalmente), and work henceforward with Jesus Christ in the cross factory of Cavalry? How 'bout that? A. Yokum, frost-bite travelers re-skewered reasonable. Ask for rates!
ellauri156.html on line 633: David has become king of both Judah and Israel. He has, in large measure, consolidated his kingdom. He has taken Jebus and made it his capital city, renaming it Jerusalem. He has built his palace and given thought to building a temple (a plan God significantly revises). He has subjected most of Israel's neighboring nations. He has done battle with the Ammonites and prevailed, but he has not yet completely defeated them. The Ammonites have retreated to the royal city of Rabbah, and as the time for war (spring) approaches, David sends all Israel, led by Joab, to besiege the city and to bring about its surrender. David has chosen not to endure the rigors of camping in the open field, outside the city. He has chosen rather to remain in Jerusalem. Sleeping late, David rises from his bed as others prepare to go to bed for the night. David strolls about the rooftop of his palace and happens to steal a look at a beautiful young woman bathing herself, perhaps ceremonially, in fulfillment of the law.
ellauri158.html on line 145: P. 1. prop. 1. Substantia prior est natura suis affectionibus. [in: P. 1. prop. 5., etiam in: Ep. 3. §. 4.]
ellauri158.html on line 227: P. 1. prop. 17. Deus ex solis suae naturae legibus et a nemine coactus agit. [in: P. 1. prop. 17. coroll. 2., prop. 17. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 271: -- P. 1. prop. 25. coroll. Res particulares nihil sunt nisi Dei attributorum affectiones, sive modi, quibus Dei attributa certo et determinato modo exprimuntur. [in: P. 1. prop. 25. schol., prop. 28., prop. 36., P. 2. defin. 1., prop. 1., prop. 5., prop. 10. coroll., P. 3. prop. 6., P. 5. prop. 24., prop. 36., etiam in: Ep. 66. §. 6.]
ellauri158.html on line 317: P. 1. app. De praeiudiciis quibusdam. [in: P. 2. prop. 16. coroll. 2., prop. 48. schol., P. 4. praef., prop. 37. schol. 2.]
ellauri158.html on line 445: -- P. 2. prop. 10. coroll. Hinc sequitur essentiam hominis constitui a certis Dei attributorum modificationibus. [in: P. 2. prop. 11., P. 4. prop. 29.]
ellauri158.html on line 483: ---- lem. 2. Omnia corpora in quibusdam conveniunt. [in: P. 2. prop. 37., prop. 38. coroll., P. 5. prop. 4.]
ellauri158.html on line 497: ------- axiom. 1. Omnes modi, quibus corpus aliquod ab alio afficitur corpore, ex natura corporis affecti et simul ex natura corporis afficientis sequuntur; ita ut unum idemque corpus diversimode moveatur pro diversitate naturae corporum moventium, et contra ut diversa corpora ab uno eodemque corpore diversimode moveantur. [in: P. 2. prop. 16., prop. 24., P. 3. postul. 1., prop. 17. schol., prop. 51., prop. 57.]
ellauri158.html on line 505: -------- defin. Cum corpora aliquot eiusdem aut diversae magnitudinis a reliquis ita coercentur, ut invicem incumbant, vel si eodem aut diversis celeritatis gradibus moventur, ut motus suos invicem certa quadam ratione communicent, illa corpora invicem unita dicemus, et omnia simul unum corpus, sive individuum componere, quod a reliquis per hanc corporum unionem distinguitur. [in: P. 2. lem. 4., lem. 7., prop. 24., P. 4. prop. 39.]
ellauri158.html on line 513: ---- lem. 4. Si corporis sive individui, quod ex pluribus corporibus componitur, quaedam corpora segregentur, et simul totidem alia eiusdem naturae eorum loco succedant, retinebit individuum suam naturam, uti antea, absque ulla eius formae mutatione. [in: P. 2. lem. 5., prop. 24.]
ellauri158.html on line 534: -- postul. 2. Individuorum, ex quibus corpus humanum componitur, quaedam fluida, quaedam mollia et quaedam denique dura sunt.
ellauri158.html on line 538: -- postul. 3. Individua corpus humanum componentia, et consequenter ipsum humanum corpus a corporibus externis plurimis modis afficitur. [in: P. 2. prop. 14., prop. 28., P. 3. prop. 51., P. 4. prop. 39.]
ellauri158.html on line 542: -- postul. 4. Corpus humanum indiget, ut conservetur, plurimis aliis corporibus, a quibus continuo quasi regeneratur. [in: P. 2. prop. 19., P. 4. prop. 18.
ellauri158.html on line 555: P. 2. prop. 14. Mens humana apta est ad plurima percipiendum, et eo aptior, quo eius corpus pluribus modis disponi potest. [in: P. 3. prop. 11., P. 4. prop. 38.]
ellauri158.html on line 563: P. 2. prop. 16. Idea cuiuscumque modi, quo corpus humanum a corporibus externis afficitur, involvere debet naturam corporis humani et simul naturam corporis externi. [in: P. 2. prop. 17., prop. 18. schol., prop. 19., prop. 23., prop. 25., prop. 26., prop. 27., prop. 28., prop. 38., prop. 39., P. 3. prop. 27., P. 4. prop. 5.]
ellauri158.html on line 579: -- P. 2. prop. 17. coroll. Mens corpora externa, a quibus corpus humanum semel affectum fuit, quamvis non existant nec praesentia sint, contemplari tamen poterit, velut praesentia essent. [in: P. 2. prop. 17. schol., prop. 18., prop. 40. schol. 1., prop. 44. schol., P. 3. prop. 18., prop. 25., prop. 30. schol., prop. 47. schol., P. 4. prop. 13.]
ellauri158.html on line 587: P. 2. prop. 18. Si corpus humanum a duobus, vel pluribus corporibus simul affectum fuerit semel, ubi mens postea eorum aliquod imaginabitur, statim et aliorum recordabitur. [in: P. 2. prop. 40. schol. 1., prop. 44. schol., P. 3. prop. 11. schol., prop. 14., prop. 52., P. 4. prop. 13., P. 5. prop. 1., prop. 10. schol., prop. 12., prop. 13.]
ellauri158.html on line 595: P. 2. prop. 19. Mens humana ipsum humanum corpus non cognoscit, nec ipsum existere scit, nisi per ideas affectionum, quibus corpus afficitur. [in: P. 2. prop. 23., prop. 29. coroll., prop. 43. schol., prop. 47., P. 3. prop. 30., prop. 53.]
ellauri158.html on line 705: P. 2. prop. 37. Id quod omnibus commune quodque aeque in parte ac in toto est, nullius rei singularis essentiam constituit. [in: P. 2. prop. 44. coroll. 2.]
ellauri158.html on line 708: P. 2. prop. 38. Illa quae omnibus communia, quaeque aeque in parte ac in toto sunt, non possunt concipi nisi adaequate. [in: P. 2. prop. 38. coroll., prop. 44. coroll. 2., prop. 46., P. 5. prop. 4., prop. 7.]
ellauri158.html on line 709: -- P. 2. prop. 38. coroll. Hinc sequitur, dari quasdam ideas sive notiones omnibus hominibus communes. [in: P. 2. prop. 40. schol. 2., P. 3. prop. 3.]
ellauri158.html on line 710: P. 2. prop. 39. Id quod corpori humano et quibusdam corporibus externis, a quibus corpus humanum affici solet, commune est, et proprium, quodque in cuiuscumque horum parte aeque ac in toto est, eius etiam idea erit in mente adaequata. [in: P. 2. prop. 40. schol. 2.]
ellauri158.html on line 711: -- P. 2. prop. 39. coroll. Hinc sequitur, quod mens eo aptior est ad plura adaequate percipiendum, quo eius corpus plura habet cum aliis corporibus communia. [in: P. 2. prop. 40. schol. 2.]
ellauri158.html on line 752: -- P. 2. prop. 49. schol. De adversariorum obiectionibus. Quid haec doctrina a usum vitae conferat. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 14., aff. defin. 15., etiam in: TP cap. 2. art. 1.]
ellauri158.html on line 762: P. 3. defin. 3. Per affectum intelligo corporis affectiones, quibus ipsius corporis agendi potentia augetur vel minuitur, iuvatur vel coercetur, et simul harum affectionum ideas. [in: P. 3. prop. 14.]
ellauri158.html on line 764: P. 3. postul. 1. Corpus humanum potest multis affici modis, quibus ipsius agendi potentia augetur vel minuitur, et etiam aliis, qui eiusdem agendi potentiam nec majorem nec minorem reddunt. [in: P. 3. prop. 12., prop. 15.]
ellauri158.html on line 768: -- P. 3. prop. 1. coroll. Hinc sequitur mentem eo pluribus passionibus esse obnoxiam quo plures ideas inadaequatas habet et contra eo plura agere quo plures habet adaequatas.
ellauri158.html on line 787: P. 3. prop. 14. Si mens duobus affectibus simul affecta semel fuit, ubi postea eorum alterutro afficietur, afficietur etiam altero. [in: P. 3. prop. 15., prop. 15. coroll., prop. 16.]
ellauri158.html on line 860: P. 3. prop. 51. Diversi homines ab uno eodemque obiecto diversimode affici possunt, et unus idemque homo ab uno eodemque obiecto potest diversis temporibus diversimode affici. [in: P. 4. prop. 33.]
ellauri158.html on line 862: P. 3. prop. 52. Obiectum quod simul cum aliis antea vidimus, vel quod nihil habere imaginamur, nisi quod commune est pluribus, non tamdiu contemplabimur, ac illud, quod aliquid singulare habere imaginamur. [in: P. 3. prop. 55. coroll. 2. schol., aff. defin. 4., aff. defin. 10.]
ellauri158.html on line 872: P. 3. prop. 56. Laetitiae, tristitiae et cupiditatis, et consequenter uniuscuiusque affectus, qui ex his componitur, ut animi fluctuationis, vel qui ab his derivatur, nempe amoris, odii, spei, metus etc., tot species dantur, quot sunt species obiectorum, a quibus afficimur. [in: P. 4. prop. 33.]
ellauri158.html on line 875: -- P. 3. prop. 57. schol. De affectibus animalium, quae irrationalia dicuntur. [in: P. 4. prop. 37. schol. 1.]
ellauri158.html on line 975: P. 3. aff. defin. 43. Humanitas seu modestia est cupiditas ea faciendi quae hominibus placent, et omittendi quae displicent.
ellauri158.html on line 980: P. 3. aff. defin. 48. Libido est etiam cupiditas et amor in commiscendis corporibus.
ellauri158.html on line 989: P. 4. defin. 4. Easdem res singulares voco possibiles, quatenus, dum ad causas, ex quibus produci debent, attendimus, nescimus, an ipsae determinatae sint ad easdem producendum. [in: P. 4. prop. 12.]
ellauri158.html on line 1002: -- P. 4. prop. 4. coroll. Hinc sequitur, hominem necessario passionibus esse semper obnoxium, communemque naturae ordinem sequi et eidem parere, seseque eidem, quantum rerum natura exigit, accommodare. [in: P. 4. prop. 37. schol. 2., etiam in: TP cap. 1. art. 5.]
ellauri158.html on line 1011: -- P. 4. prop. 9. coroll. Imago rei futurae vel praeteritae, hoc est, rei, quam cum relatione ad tempus futurum vel praeteritum secluso praesenti contemplamur, ceteris paribus debilior est imagine rei praesentis, et consequenter affectus erga rem futuram vel praeteritam, ceteris paribus remissior est affectu erga rem praesentem. [in: P. 4. prop. 12. coroll., prop. 16., prop. 60. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 1014: P. 4. prop. 11. Affectus erga rem, quam ut necessariam imaginamur, ceteris paribus intensior est, quam erga possibilem vel contingentem, sive non necessariam. [in: P. 5. prop. 5.]
ellauri158.html on line 1015: P. 4. prop. 12. Affectus erga rem, quam scimus in praesenti non existere et quam ut possibilem imaginamur, ceteris paribus intensior est, quam erga contingentem. [in: P. 4. prop. 12. coroll.]
ellauri158.html on line 1017: P. 4. prop. 13. Affectus erga rem contingentem, quam scimus in praesenti non existere, ceteris paribus remissior est, quam affectus erga rem praeteritam.
ellauri158.html on line 1019: P. 4. prop. 15. Cupiditas, quae ex vera boni et mali cognitione oritur, multis aliis cupiditatibus, quae ex affectibus, quibus conflictamur, oriuntur, restingui vel coerceri potest. [in: P. 4. prop. 16.]
ellauri158.html on line 1023: P. 4. prop. 18. Cupiditas, quae ex laetitia oritur, ceteris paribus fortior est cupiditate, quae ex tristitia oritur. [in: P. 4. prop. 56. schol., prop. 66. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 1025: P. 4. prop. 19. Id unusquisque ex legibus suae naturae necessario appetit vel aversatur, quod bonum vel malum esse iudicat. [in: P. 4. prop. 35., prop. 37., prop. 37. schol. 2., prop. 46., prop. 59.]
ellauri158.html on line 1042: P. 4. prop. 32. Quatenus homines passionibus sunt obnoxii, non possunt eatenus dici, quod natura conveniant.
ellauri158.html on line 1044: P. 4. prop. 33. Homines natura discrepare possunt, quatenus affectibus, qui passiones sunt, conflictantur, et eatenus etiam unus idemque homo varius est et inconstans. [in: P. 4. prop. 35., prop. 37. schol. 2.]
ellauri158.html on line 1045: P. 4. prop. 34. Quatenus homines affectibus, qui passiones sunt, conflictantur, possunt invicem esse contrarii. [in: P. 4. prop. 35., prop. 36. schol., prop. 37. schol. 2.]
ellauri158.html on line 1051: P. 4. prop. 36. Summum bonum eorum, qui virtutem sectantur, omnibus commune est, eoque omnes aeque gaudere possunt. [in: P. 4. prop. 37., P. 5. prop. 20.]
ellauri158.html on line 1053: P. 4. prop. 37. Bonum, quod unusquisque, qui sectatur virtutem, sibi appetit, reliquis hominibus etiam cupiet, et eo magis, quo maiorem Dei habuerit cognitionem. [in: P. 4. prop. 45., prop. 45. coroll. 1., prop. 46., prop. 50., prop. 51., prop. 68. schol., prop. 70., prop. 71., prop. 73., prop. 73. schol., P. 5. prop. 4. schol., prop. 20.]
ellauri158.html on line 1056: P. 4. prop. 38. Id quod corpus humanum ita disponit, ut pluribus modis possit affici, vel quod idem aptum reddit ad corpora externa pluribus modis afficiendum, homini est utile; et eo utilius, quo corpus ab eo aptius redditur, ut pluribus modis afficiatur, aliaque corpora afficiat; et contra id noxium est, quod corpus ad haec minus aptum reddit. [in: P. 4. prop. 39., prop. 41., prop. 42., prop. 43., app. cap. 27., P. 5. prop. 39.]
ellauri158.html on line 1069: -- P. 4. prop. 45. schol 2. Irrisio et risus. Rebus uti et iis delectari est viri sapientis. [in: P. 4. app. cap. 31.]
ellauri158.html on line 1089: -- P. 4. prop. 56. coroll. Hinc clare sequitur, superbos et abiectos maxime affectibus esse obnoxios.
ellauri158.html on line 1091: P. 4. prop. 57. Superbus parasitorum seu adulatorum praesentiam amat, generosorum autem odit.
ellauri158.html on line 1122: P. 4. prop. 65. De duobus bonis maius et de duobus malis minus ex rationis ductu sequemur. [in: P. 4. prop. 66., prop. 66. coroll.]
ellauri158.html on line 1153: P. 5. prop. 2. Si animi commotionem seu affectum a causae externae cogitatione amoveamus et aliis iungamus cogitationibus, tum amor seu odium erga causam externam, ut et animi fluctuationes quae ex his affectibus oriuntur, destruentur. [in: P. 5. prop. 4. schol., prop. 20. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 1158: -- P. 5. prop. 4. schol. Potestas uniuscuiusque efficiendi ut ab affectibus minus patitur. [in: P. 5. prop. 20. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 1159: P. 5. prop. 5. Affectus erga rem, quam simpliciter et non ut necessariam neque ut possibilem, neque ut contingentem imaginamur, ceteris paribus omnium est maximus. [in: P. 5. prop. 6.]
ellauri158.html on line 1163: P. 5. prop. 8. Quo affectus aliquis a pluribus causis simul concurrentibus excitatur, eo maior est. [in: P. 5. prop. 10. schol., prop. 11.]
ellauri158.html on line 1166: P. 5. prop. 10. Quamdiu affectibus, qui nostrae naturae sunt contrarii, non conflictamur, tamdiu potestatem habemus ordinandi et concatenandi corporis affectiones secundum ordinem ad intellectum. [in: P. 5. prop. 39.]
ellauri158.html on line 1169: P. 5. prop. 12. Rerum imagines facilius imaginibus, quae ad res referuntur, quas clare et distincte intelligimus, iunguntur, quam aliis. [in: P. 5. prop. 20. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 1170: P. 5. prop. 13. Quo imago aliqua pluribus aliis iuncta est, eo saepius viget. [in: P. 5. prop. 20. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 1204: P. 5. prop. 34. Mens non nisi durante corpore obnoxia est affectibus, qui ad passiones referuntur.
ellauri158.html on line 1216: P. 5. prop. 38. Quo plures res secundo et tertio cognitionis genere mens intelligit, eo minus ipsa ab affectibus, qui mali sunt, patitur et mortem minus timet. [in: P. 5. prop. 42.]
ellauri159.html on line 1061: Enjoy reading and writing about history or biography! You are less likely to gravitate toward business or technical writing. If you do write about technology, they’re likely to prefer the tried-and-true to the cutting edge. When writing fiction, you can often be quite funny in conveying your observations about the foibles of human nature.
ellauri159.html on line 1073: View writing as a means of disseminating information. You excel at business and scientific writing, because you organize and present data sequentially. You like to include statistics to prove the point, and to illustrate it with visuals such as charts and graphs.
ellauri160.html on line 124: Pound was born in 1885 in a two-story cupboard house in Hailey, Idaho Territory, the only child of Homer Loomis Pound (1858–1942) and Isabel Weston (1860–1948), who married in 1884. Homer had worked in Hailey since 1883 as registrar of the General Land Office. Pound's grandfather, Thaddeus Coleman Pound, a Republican Congressman and the 10th Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin, had secured him the appointment. Homer had previously worked for Thaddeus in the lumber business.
ellauri160.html on line 420: Souls out of Erebus, cadaverous dead, of brides Haamut Ereboxesta, karmeet zombiet,
ellauri160.html on line 585: The most outstanding is Lilith, a well-known succubus in Jewish texts. The Babylonian Jewish Lilith is a combination of two female Sumerian demons: Lamashtu, who specialized in strangling women and infant during births and Ardat-Lili, whose specialty was the seduction and murder of young men. Lilith, then, both endangers mothers and infants and seduces men and in the bowls that depict her attributes both female demons can be found.
ellauri161.html on line 515: But something happened in 2016 that set the wheels in motion to eventually cause McKay to change the focus of the Don't Look Up script. And that was the humiliating victory of businessman Donald Trump in the presidential election--a man with no political experience--over the left's heir apparent, Hillary Clinton.
ellauri161.html on line 804: Vanis praeventus casibus. arkiryskeen estämänä.
ellauri161.html on line 864: Sivu 234 - Memor fui dierum antiquorum, meditatus sum in omnibus operibus tuis : * in factis manuum tuarum meditabar. Expandi manus meas ad te : * anima mea sicut terra sine aqua tibi.‎
ellauri161.html on line 912: Avec quelques frères de Chambéry, il fonde en 1778, la loge réformée écossaise de « La Sincérité », qui dépend du directoire écossais dont l'âme est Jean-Baptiste Willermoz (1730-1824), disciple de Joachim Martinès de Pasqually. Il est reçu chevalier bienfaisant de la Cité Sainte sous le nom de eques Josephus a Floribus (ce surnom fait allusion aux fleurs de souci de ses armoiries). On retrouve dans son œuvre les enseignements de la maçonnerie : providentialisme, prophétisme, réversibilité des peines, etc. ; hautement investi dans la vie de cette société initiatique, à la veille du Convent de Wilhelmsbad (1782), il fait d'ailleurs parvenir à Jean-Baptiste Willermoz son célèbre Mémoire au duc de Brunswick. Il entretient par ailleurs une amitié avec Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, pour lequel il avait une vive admiration, se faisant fort, disait-il, « de défendre en tous points l'orthodoxie », d'où son attrait pour le martinisme.
ellauri161.html on line 1000: “Bourgeois are by nature people who hate and destroy heavens. When they see a beautiful site, they have no more pressing dream than to cut the trees, dry up the springs, build streets, shops and urinals. They call this seizing a business opportunity.”
ellauri162.html on line 28:

Två bussar har blåst av vägen.


ellauri163.html on line 104: Amoriitit. Vanhat vihamiehet. Hammurabi oli amoriitti. Sieltä Moosexenkin monkey business oli peräisin.
ellauri163.html on line 142: Julmia lakeja. Sodankäyntiin sovellettavia lakeja. Vierastiimiläisten kanssa sopii olla oikein julmana, kaikki vihulaiset halki poikki ja pinoon vaan. Paizi ne joiden naisia sopii bylsiä ja lapsia käyttää välipalana. Vaan hukuta ne peräti: nimittäin hetiläiset, amorilaiset, kanaanealaiset, pheresiläiset, heviläiset ja jebusilaiset, niinkuin herra sinun jumalas sinulle on käskenyt.
ellauri163.html on line 750: Another study found that the higher the autism score, the less likely the person was to believe in God, with the link partially explained by theory of mind. In other words, the better someone felt at understanding other minds, the more fervent their belief in God, who reads everybody´s mind. (Sometimes I wonder what kind of mind God must have, when s/he has to simultaneously concentrate on several gigamonkeys worth of personal requests. I bet s/he is fascinated by numbers. S/He never says "all our service representatives are busy at this moment, please hold without hanging up the phone.")
ellauri164.html on line 248: Jeff Veatch is a successful entrepreneur, businessman, community leader, and philanthropist. Over the course of his career, Jeff co-founded the IT staffing services firm Apex Systems, has been recognized as the Entrepreneur of the year by Ernst and Young, selected to the Philanthropic 50 by Washington Life magazine, served on the Board of Directors for ASGN Incorporated, sits on Board of Visitors for Virginia Tech, was a founding member of the effort to bring the Olympics to Washington DC, holds Board positions with Inova Health System, as well as other leadership and board positions throughout his community. Also, as an active philanthropic investor, he formed the Veatch Charities, which focuses on education, healthcare, and his community. Mr. Veatch is a 1993 graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, earning a BS in Finance.
ellauri164.html on line 489: The next major incident in Moses’ life was his encounter with God at the burning bush (Exodus 3—4), where God called Moses to be the savior of His people. Despite his initial excuses and outright request that God send someone else, Moses agreed to obey God. God promised to send Aaron, Moses’ brother, along with him. The rest of the story is fairly well known. Moses and his brother, Aaron, go to Pharaoh in God’s name and demand that he let the people go to worship their God. Pharaoh stubbornly refuses, and ten plagues of God’s judgment fall upon the people and the land, the final plague being the slaying of the firstborn. Prior to this final plague, God commands Moses to institute the Passover, which is commemorative of God’s saving act in redeeming His people from bondage in Egypt.
ellauri164.html on line 597: Honoring God in leadership—as all Christian leaders in every sphere must attempt to do—is a terrifying responsibility. Whether we lead a business, a classroom, a relief organization, a household, or any other organization, we must be careful not to mistake our authority for God’s. What can we do to keep ourselves in obedience to God? Meeting regularly with an accountability (or “peer”) group, praying daily about the tasks of leadership, keeping a weekly Sabbath to rest in God’s presence, and seeking others’ perspective on God’s guidance are methods some lead­ers employ. Even so, the task of leading firmly while remaining wholly dependent on God is beyond human capability. If the most humble man on the face of the earth (Num. 12:3) could fail in this way, so can we. By God’s grace, even failures as great as Moses’ at Meribah, with disastrous consequences in this life, do not separate us from the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises. Moses did not enter the Promised Land, yet the New Testament declares him “faithful in all God’s house” and reminds us of the confidence that all in God’s house have in the fulfillment of our redemption in Christ (Heb. 3:2-6).
ellauri164.html on line 611: Moses' abuse and misuse of the staff constitutes an act of lese-majeste because it is seen as an act of rebellion against YHWH's authority. Inevitably, Moses eclipses YHWH's personality, presence and power in the eyes of the people. His condign punishment is the forfeiture of the privilege of leading the people into the Promised Land. See Less.
ellauri171.html on line 637: Verses 4-8 tell us that the Levite remained in the home of the father-in-law for five days. Judges 19:9-15 tells us the Levite and his concubine left the house. They passed by Jebus (Judges 19:11), the ancient name for Jerusalem, and stopped at Gibeah or Ramah to spend the night (Judges 19:13).
ellauri171.html on line 648: But the men would not listen to him. So the man seized his concubine and brought her out to them; and they raped her and abused her all night until morning, then let her go at the approach of dawn. As the day began to dawn, the woman came and fell down at the doorway of the man’s house where her master was, until full daylight. Judges 19:25-26 (NASB)
ellauri171.html on line 684: A fifth lesson is that the account describes what happens when men and women abandon God. Sex and other immoral behavior replace God! The entire story is an example of unrestrained animal lust and human depravity. Total disregard for life occurs. What one desires is all that is important. As Proverbs 30:15 says, “The leech has two daughters, “Give,” “Give” . . . ” Women are less important than men. Men abuse men. Unloving men abusively rule over women. Sex trumps everything else. Why? Judges 21:25 says, “. . . everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
ellauri171.html on line 688: Judges 19-21 demonstrates that God is opposed to the abuse of women in this account. He commanded the destruction of an entire tribe because they did not punish those who raped and abused a concubine and caused her to die. Only when she died did they stop! We are told they abused her all night until dawn. Further, they were so morally bankrupt and corrupt that they left her dead at the door of the Levite. Scripture lifts women above the degradation of the Canaanites and the surrounding nations, but the town of Gibeah had become like the Canaanites. God has a higher view of women than described here. That is why He ordered the destruction of the unjust and morally bankrupt tribe of Benjamin.
ellauri171.html on line 692: Our eighth lesson reveals the twelve tribes were becoming more like the Canaanites, which were given to sexual perversion: homosexuality, rape, adultery, murder, lies, abuse of women, abduction, absence of justice and the defense of the guilty. What sins did we miss? In truth these are sufficient to demonstrate the utter moral decline of the twelve tribes and one tribe that was worse than the others.
ellauri171.html on line 698: Daniel Block writes these words, “The Levite had preferred Gibeah over Jebus to avoid the dangers of Canaanism, only to discover that Canaan had invaded his own world.” Sadly, Canaanism is invading our world and some western countries appear to be far worse than the tribe of Benjamin. They do not even seek the Lord for direction. At least the other eleven tribes sought the Lord and killed tens of thousands more. Jehovah was appeased.
ellauri171.html on line 1129: When Amnon had finished his brutal business, his feelings for Tamar suddenly changed. Now he was revolted by the sight of her, could not bear to look at her, was filled with a loathing far stronger than the lust he had previously felt.
ellauri171.html on line 1151: Prince Amnon refused outright to marry her, the callous streak already evident in David now coming out in the son. David was angry, but did nothing to resolve the situation, or even to punish Amnon for what he had done. This was typical of David – he could never chastise his sons even when they deserved it. Instead he did what many people have done when confronted with rape or incest – he protected the abuser rather than the victim, and tried to hush things up.
ellauri172.html on line 563: Et, pendant qu’il parlait de s’agenouiller, il grandissait, et, comme la fiancée de Corinthe dans la poésie de Goethe, il semblait, sans s’être levé de sa chaise, grandi du buste jusqu’au plafond:
ellauri172.html on line 587: Il faisait son devoir, mais il ne faisait jamais plus que son devoir. Je l’ai rencontrée très frappante dans un des bustes d’Antinoüs… tenez ! Antinoushan oli homo! Ce n’était pas Endymion : c’était un tigre, ristiverinen… Endymion oli kreikkalaisessa mytologiassa komea paimen, joka perusti Eliin kaupungin, jonka kuningas hän oli. Endymion, johon kuun jumalatar Selene rakastui, oli Zeuksen pojanpoika. Tarun mukaan jumalatar Selene rakastui Endymioniin ja synnytti hänelle viisikymmentä tytärtä. Taas tuli halkiohaara! Niitä typeriä epyllejä taas.
ellauri180.html on line 181: Anthropologists do not agree on the origins of circumcision. The English egyptologist, Sir Graham Elliot Smith, suggested that it is one of the features of a heliolithic' culture which, over some 15 000 years ago, spread over much of the world. Others believe that it may have originated independently within several different cultures; certainly, many of the natives that Columbus found inhabiting the New World' were circumcised. However, it is known that circumcision had been practised in the Near East, patchily throughout tribal Africa, among the Moslem peoples of India and of south-east Asia, as well as by Australian Aborgines, for as long as we can tell. The earliest Egyptian mummies (1300 BCE) were circumcised and wall paintings in Egypt show that it was customary several thousand years earlier than that.
ellauri180.html on line 231: Irrespective, the circumcision of young boys has become a thriving business for all parties.
ellauri181.html on line 154: Purpose: To identify personal values that are robust across cultures and that can help explain diversity and conflict in values.
ellauri181.html on line 554: *Franklin Covey Co., trading as FranklinCovey and based in Salt Lake City, Utah, is a provider of leadership, individual effectiveness, and business execution training and assessment services for organizations and individuals. The company was formed on May 30, 1997, as a result of merger between Hyrum W. Smith's Franklin Quest and Stephen R. Covey's Covey Leadership Center. Among other producz, the company has marketed the FranklinCovey planning system, modeled in part on the writings of Benjamin Franklin, and The 7 Habiz of Highly Effective People, based on Covey's research into leadership ethics.
ellauri181.html on line 558: Franklin tried in business and failed, not once but twice. He was the father and single parent of an illegitimate son whose mother abandoned the child to Franklin unable and unwilling to live with Franklin and the child. As a young adult Franklin was by almost any measure and especially his own measure a dismal failure. His life was confused, difficult and not at all satisfying to Franklin or to anyone else. He decided to change.
ellauri181.html on line 583:
  • . Order - Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have iz time.
    ellauri182.html on line 200: What is a word for name-calling? In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for name-calling, like: mad-quite, abusing, Oooooooooh, insult, names, foul-language, insulting, rudeness, bad-language, derogating and white-slavery.
    ellauri182.html on line 386: foreign but another part Icelandic, e.g.. bisnessmaður "businessman",
    ellauri183.html on line 108: Malamud's work is infused with a baleful but robust humor, and the son says his father "has a Swiftian streak in him" which leads to the "kind of acerbic, satirical quality" apparent in "God's Grace."
    ellauri183.html on line 662: Teuvon takin hihat jäivät bussin hyllylle
    ellauri183.html on line 677: Lahdessa hän bussin oven auki pukkasi
    ellauri184.html on line 44: Mailer was raised in Brooklyn, first in Flatbush on Cortelyou Rd and later in Crown Heights at the corner of Albany and Crown Streets. Mailer graduated from Boys High School and entered Harvard College in 1939, when he was 16 years old. As an undergraduate, he was a member of the Signet Society. Mousiken poiei kai ergazou, tee musaa ja duunaa. At Harvard, he majored in engineering sciences, but took writing courses as electives. He published his first story, "The Greatest Thing in the World," at the age of 18, winning Story magazine's college contest in 1941.
    ellauri185.html on line 141: 2 Samuel concludes with four chapters (chapters 21 to 24) that lie outside the chronological succession narrative of Saul and David, a narrative that will continue in The Book of Kings. These four supplementary chapters cover a great famine during David's reign; the execution of seven of Saul's remaining descendants, only Mephibosheth being saved (kannattiko mainita), David's song of thanksgiving, which is almost identical to Psalm 18; David's last words; a list of David's "mighty warriors"; an offering made by David using water from the well of Bethlehem; David's sinful census; a plague over Israel which David opted for as preferable to either famine or oppression; and the construction of an altar on land David purchased from Araunah the Jebusite.
    ellauri188.html on line 306: Ennenkaikkea Herman on suunnattoman isänmaallinen. Halvexii ranskixia jotka ehätti abustamaan "markiisisaaret" ensixi. Ize se on juuri teurastanut kasapäin synnittömiä kaskelotteja.
    ellauri189.html on line 458: We promise to manage our business with honesty and fairness. At SEACRET, we aro fully committed to uncompromising integrity in overything we do. We maintain a philosophy of transparency in every aspect of business ethics. Exepting income and taxes, of course.
    ellauri189.html on line 463: Seacret is an MLM (multi-level marketing) company in the health, wellness, and beauty niche that specializes in the retail of products that contains salts, muds, and minerals which are sourced from the Dead Sea. Seacret is based in Arizona, USA and was founded by brothers Izhak Ben Shabat and Moty Ben Shabat. The company was initially launched in 2005 as a small retail shop that sold skincare products and the business continued to grow, the brothers decided to adopt an MLM business model sometime in 2011.
    ellauri189.html on line 469: To join Seacret as an affiliate, you are required to pay a registration fee of $49. By paying this fee, you gain access to a business calendar, a back office, a replicated website, and a guide to the compensation plan. However, this fee is not inclusive of the products, and it also does not qualify you as an active member.
    ellauri189.html on line 470: To qualify as an active member, you are required to generate a minimum of 200 personal volume (PV) every week, 35 business volume (BV) every month, and have at least four active customers. You can upgrade to the 5-in-5 agent kit by paying an extra $50. There are no specific details given on the benefits of upgrading. Keep in mind that after paying the initial $49, you are expected to pay the same amount annually to continue accessing your website and back office.
    ellauri189.html on line 491: For the executive rank, you have to generate a minimum of 1,000 business volume (BV) on both sides of your binary legs.
    ellauri189.html on line 532: Seacret is a genuine MLM company that sells products that are of acceptable quality, but there is not much money to be made working as a Seacret agent. This is because the MLM business model of the company allows only those that have attained the highest ranks of the company to make significant earnings while the rest of the members struggle to recruit new members and meet the strict requirements with little rewards. As a result, I would ask you to think long and hard before joining the company. I hope this review has been helpful. Best of luck!
    ellauri189.html on line 536: I know why you are curious about Seacret. You are looking for a way to make some extra money. Maybe, like me, you are looking to have your own business. Chances are that you are tired of the 9 to 5 grind. You have a family that depends on you financially and you can’t afford to have your livelihood depend on a fickle boss or an equally fickle economy.
    ellauri189.html on line 538: I get it! The idea of not depending on anyone to provide for your family is very appealing. Your own business gives you control. I get it. But I disagree that MLM is the way to do it.
    ellauri189.html on line 542: I believe that you can make an extra income and secure your family’s financial future by using the amazing opportunities of the internet. I am talking about Affiliate Marketing. It is the business that many successful online entrepreneurs have used to reach their financial security. It is the method I use. I want to help you build a sustainable and successful business, built on a solid foundation. A business you can count on regardless of the economy, your age or your job.
    ellauri189.html on line 568: In a Ponzi scheme, a con artist offers investments that promise very high returns with little or no risk to his victims. The returns are said to originate from a business or a secret idea run by the con artist. In reality, the business does not exist or the idea does not work. The con artist actually pays the high returns promised to his earlier investors by using the money obtained from later investors. In other words, instead of engaging in a legitimate business activity, the con artist attempts to attract new investors in order to make the payments that were promised to earlier investors. The operator of the scheme also diverts his clients' funds for his personal use.
    ellauri190.html on line 271: Also, during the 16th century, many thousands of random men, mostly young, robust, and adventure-seeking guys from all over Ukraine (compare today's immigrants), traveled to the lower Dnipro river, where the enormous rapids prevented the movement of battleships up from the Black Sea, and decided to call themselves, say, Kozaks. These Kozaks warriors wanted to defend the Orthodox Christian Ukrainian lands from the attacks of the Ottoman Turks. They founded their own city and fortress, called Sich, on the island of Khortytsya in the middle of the Dnipro river. There, they gathered in summertime, trained, and raided the steppes, fighting the Turkish and the Tatar troops from the Crimea. They also built ships and made sea raids on Istanbul and on Crimean seaports, freeing Christian captives whom the Turks and the Tatars enslaved. In winter, the Kozaks dispersed and lived close to the Dnipro banks as independent owners of their hamlets. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Kozaks became a formidable military force and a kind of a self-governing state with their own elected leaders and laws.
    ellauri191.html on line 987: buste,_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau,_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche,_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg" class="image">Albert Camus, gagnant de prix Nobel, portrait en <span style=buste, posé au bureau, faisant face à gauche, cigarette de tabagisme.jpg" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg/75px-Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg" decoding="async" width="75" height="90" srcset="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg/113px-Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg/150px-Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg 2x" data-file-width="719" data-file-height="863" />
    ellauri192.html on line 865: Ilf ja Petrov lainasivat usein Sherlock Holmes-skenestä paitsi yksittäisiä yksityiskohtia, myös kokonaisia juonia. Bender ja Vorobjaninov menevät Jaltaan luettuaan sanomalehtiartikkelin, joka raportoi Columbus-teatterin syksyn kiertueesta Krimillä. Vaelluksen viimeisestä vaiheesta kertovassa luvussa kirjallisilla aiheilla leikkiminen yhdistetään todellisten tapahtumien kuvaukseen.
    ellauri192.html on line 877: Nikifor Lyapis-Trubetskoihin liittyvä tarina oli käsikirjoitusversiossa paljon laajempi: erillisessä luvussa kerrottiin, että Gavriliadan kirjoittaja sai tietää huonekalujen avaamisesta Stankin ja Columbus-teatterin toimituksessa, ehdotti kämppätoverilleen - kirjailija Khuntoville - tarinan tuoleihin piilotetun neuvostotieteilijän keksinnöstä.
    ellauri194.html on line 57: buster_-_Production/36/548/TO-0022_bd-w-superhigh_orig.jpg" width="100%" />
    ellauri194.html on line 281: Magog in istis duabus sunt gentes magni et gigantes pleni omnium malorum morum. Quos iudeos artaxersex collexit de omnibus partibus persarum.
    ellauri194.html on line 326: The crime genre glorifies, justifies and normalizes the systematic violence and injustice meted out by police, making heroes out of police and prosecutors who engage in abuse, particularly against people of color.
    ellauri194.html on line 377: • På lördagen hade Paludan fått tillstånd att demonstrera i Landskrona, men demonstrationen flyttades av polisen till Malmö. I båda städerna blev det ändå våldsamt med stenkastning och bilbränder. En stadsbuss fattade eld efter att en molotovcocktail kastats in i den.
    ellauri194.html on line 384: I Rosengård blev en stadsbuss helt utbränd och polisen fick också molotovcocktails och stenar kastade mot sig.
    ellauri194.html on line 636:
  • Purnendu Chatterjee – businessman, founder of TCG
    ellauri194.html on line 777: (October 2018) Five Egyptian women shared their stories of sexual harassment and abuse.
    ellauri194.html on line 1048: Privately-held since 1983, A&M is a leading global professional services firm that delivers business performance improvement, turnaround management and advisory services to organizations seeking to transform operations, catapult growth and accelerate results through decisive action. Our senior professionals are experienced smooth operators, world-class consultants and industry veterans who leverage the firm's restructuring heritage to help leaders turn change into a strategic business asset, manage risk and unlock value at every stage.
    ellauri196.html on line 681: When he was four, Brando sexually abused his teenage governess. Brando became attached to her, and was distraught when she left him. For the rest of his life, Brando was distraught over her loss. Brando´s childhood nickname was "Bud". Makes sense for a compost crucifer. "Slim" would not have fit him in the least.
    ellauri197.html on line 168: Clifton was a gambler and in 1957 the Evening Standard described his behaviour in the Monte Carlo casino: “Tall, bearded, always dressed in heavy tweeds with a heavy brown scarf wrapped around his neck....he is notable for heavy gambling carried out with the appearance of complete unconcern, and sudden outbursts of indiscriminate generosity.” He often fell prey to conmen and lost a great deal of money through ill advised business deals. When warned that one of his acquaintances was dangerous he replied “Oh, I know, but you see I like bad types!” Many of his projects were started with great enthusiasm but he quickly lost interest and dropped them, these included the construction of a zoo and plans for a new town on his Lancashire estate.
    ellauri197.html on line 496: The term hypergyny is used to describe the overall practice of women marrying up, since the men would be marrying down. The term misogyny is used of men who hate high-heeled big-assed busty gold diggers almost as much as them niggers.
    ellauri197.html on line 575: I slutet av mars meddelade McDonald's att alla 850 restauranger i Ryssland tills vidare stängs. Även Kentucky Fried Chicken och Pizza Hut, som bägge ägs av Yum Brands, har lämnat Ryssland. Ikea, som har betraktat Ryssland som en strategisk marknad, lämnade Ryssland nästan genast. Apple säljer inte längre någonting i Ryssland, Boeing och Airbus levererar inga reservdelar. De internationella storföretagen anser sig inte ha råd att solka ner sitt rykte i en situation där Ryssland för krig i Ukraina – och nu misstänks för krigsbrott.
    ellauri198.html on line 136: Warren’s poetry is written “in a genuinely expansive, passionate style. Look at its prose ease and rapidity oddly qualified by log-piling compounds, alliteration, successive stresses, and an occasional inversion something rough and serviceable as a horse-blanket yet fancy to—and you wonder how he ever came up with it. It is excitingly massive and moulded and full of momentum. Echoes of Yeats and Auden still persist, but it is wonderfully peculiar, homemade.” His language is robust and rhetorical. He likes his adjectives and nouns to go in pairs, reinforcing one another.
    ellauri198.html on line 237: Although the strike lasted nearly six months, the tide quickly turned. Union leaders had recently initiated a policy of supporting President Franklin Roosevelt and the Democratic Party. They told their workers that they could trust the Democrats and count on them to defend their interests. But Democratic governors, all allied with Roosevelt and all good friends of big business, used their power to beat strikers into submission. In Johnstown, Pennsylvania, the governor declared martial law and police reopened a closed plant and herded scabs into the factory to restart production, breaking the strike. In Ohio, the governor ordered National Guard troops from town to town to smash picket lines, beat and arrest strikers, raid union offices, and escort scabs into the factories. In Youngstown, two workers were shot dead, two more in Massillon, and another was beaten to death in Canton. Thousands more were beaten and arrested throughout the state at those and other locations.
    ellauri198.html on line 247: The Memorial Day Massacre reminds us of both the suffering and the struggles that workers have gone through just to have their organizations recognized by big business. But it is reminds us of what happens when the power of workers is subordinated to poor union leadership and to a political party of the bosses that claims to be a “friend of working people.”
    ellauri198.html on line 296: The Satanic panic is a moral panic consisting of over 12,000 unsubstantiated cases of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA, sometimes known as ritual abuse, ritualistic abuse, organized abuse, or sadistic ritual abuse) starting in the United States in the 1980s, spreading throughout many parts of the world by the late 1990s, and persisting today. The panic originated in 1980 with the publication of Michelle Remembers, a book co-written by Canadian psychiatrist Lawrence Pazder and his patient (and future wife), Michelle Smith, which used the discredited practice of recovered-memory therapy to make sweeping lurid claims about satanic ritual abuse involving Smith. The allegations which afterwards arose throughout much of the United States involved reports of physical and sexual abuse of people in the context of occult or Satanic rituals. In its most extreme form, allegations involve a conspiracy of a global Satanic cult that includes the wealthy and powerful world elite in which children are abducted or bred for human sacrifices, pornography, and prostitution, an allegation that returned to prominence in the form of Qanon.
    ellauri198.html on line 298: Nearly every aspect of the ritual abuse is controversial, including its definition, the source of the allegations and proof thereof, testimonies of alleged victims, and court cases involving the allegations and criminal investigations. The panic affected lawyers, therapists, and social workers who handled allegations of child sexual abuse. Allegations initially brought together widely dissimilar groups, including religious fundamentalists, police investigators, child advocates, therapists, and clients in psychotherapy. The term satanic abuse was more common early on; this later became satanic ritual abuse and further secularized into simply ritual abuse. Over time, the accusations became more closely associated with dissociative identity disorder (then called multiple personality disorder) and anti-government conspiracy theories.
    ellauri198.html on line 302: Of the more than 12,000 documented accusations nationwide, investigating police were not able to substantiate any allegations of organized cult abuse.
    ellauri198.html on line 586: In a bad dream perhaps. Here ended, then, Tai paha uni, succubus, jälleen kerran,
    ellauri203.html on line 135: Fyodor Michailovich had such type of personality that everyone enjoyed. He was robbed unmercifully, though due to his kindness and trust, but he wouldn’t want to get into details or rebuke servants that used his carelessness. Fyodor Mikhailovich was a man of limitless kindness. Dostoevsky was especially interested in children and paid attention to cases of child abuse that he heard about. He followed closely the trials of parents accused of child abuse.
    ellauri203.html on line 154: But the main reason for the quarrels was ideology. "All these wretched liberals find their principal pleasure in abusing Russia," Dostoyevsky wrote in a letter to a friend in 1867, referring to Turgenev´s new novel Smoke. Turgenev by that time was living in France and Dostoyevsky, sarcastically, advised him to buy a telescope as, "otherwise, you can´t really see [Russia] at all". Turgenev was offended.
    ellauri203.html on line 340: Yet is not a prophet, for he’s much too busy, Vaikken ollut kun oli kiireitä olla antikommunisti,
    ellauri203.html on line 456: falsehood--in a word, the same busy squirrel's turning in the same old
    ellauri203.html on line 473: It was published first in 1866 in the first episode of the new literary magazine Epoch that was launched by Dostoevsky and his brother Mikhail. As we know Turgenev and Dostoevsky were not the best of friends. Turgenev had sent the story to Dostoevsky when he was in Baden Baden. Dostoevsky, however, was too busy playing roulette and returned the story without having read it. Mikhail told him in a letter that that had been a big mistake, because their magazine was sure to be a success if they could have a new Turgenev in the first episode. Dostoevsky proceeded to write an apologetic letter to Turgenev and managed to secure Phantoms for the magazine.
    ellauri204.html on line 321:


    ellauri205.html on line 174: Ce châtiment d’une rigueur géométrique, qui punit automatiquement l’abus de la force, fut l'objet premier de la méditation chez les Grecs. Il constitue l'âme de l'épopée; sous le nom de Némésis, il est le ressort des tragédies d'Eschyle : les Pythagoriciens, Socrate, Platon, partirent de là pour penser l'homme et l'univers.
    ellauri206.html on line 111: The UN Indian chief ineffectually called for strong regulatory frameworks to change the business models of social media companies which “profit from algorithms that prioritize addiction, outrage and anxiety at the cost of public safety”.
    ellauri206.html on line 135: Seurasin ahdistuneena oravien korkeita hyppyjä oksalta toiselle. Niiden nopeus oli saatanallista. Kuin Unikankareen murhatut olisivat ampaisseet puuhun tupsukorvaisina jyrsijöinä. Jos minulla olisi ollut haulikko, olisin ampunut eläimet rauhoittaakseni ne. Seisoin puun juurella ja katselin oravia, kunnes ahdistus hellitti ja taivas vaaleni ja vaikutelma oli äkkiä kuin valtavasta triptyykistä: vasemmassa siipikuvassa virtasi Aurajoen musta uoma, oikeassa turposi tuomiokirkon valaistu kivikasa, ja keskiosassa kasvoi vaahtera mielisairaine oravineen, jotka jahtasivat tuiskussa toisiaan, töykkivät, ahdistivat ja kiduttivat toisiaan samalla kun Uudenmaankadulla henkilöautot ja täydet bussit vyöryivät ohi. Mutta sitä saattoi katsella tyynenä, sillä jos pysäyttäisi oravat ja kysyisi, miksi ne toimivat näin, ei saisi vastausta, tai jos pysäyttäisi ihmiset, ei vastausta. Ne toimivat näin koska ne toimivat näin. Sokeaa tahtoa täynnä ihmisetkin muotoutuivat maan homeesta ja pystyttivät tuiskuavan avaruuden alle kirkkonsa, koulunsa, kauppapaikkansa ja sotilaalliset järjestelmänsä.
    ellauri206.html on line 176: Tajusin, että metafysiikka oli loppunut ja elämän ja kuoleman kiertokulku piti nähdä poliittisena, taloudellisena ja sotilaallisena jättisyklinä kuin katsoisi suurkaupungin valoja laskeutuvan Airbusin ikkunasta.
    ellauri206.html on line 253: Sa santé se dégrade sous l'effet de l'abus des drogues – l'éther en particulier – et de la syphilis.
    ellauri206.html on line 306: Suis-je Amour ou Phébus ?… Lusignan ou Biron ? Am I Love or Phoebus ?… Lusignan or Biron ?
    ellauri207.html on line 357: Zalachenko got involved with Agneta Sjolander, who changed her own name to match his, but he refused to marry her, calling her a whore. Regardless he fathered two children with her, Lisbeth and her twin sister, Camilla. So they must have had their moments... Zalachenko brutally beat and abused Agneta, who tried to shelter her daughters from the brutality, and the two girls reacted differently. Camilla didn´t care at all for her mother, and Lisbeth did. At age twelve, Lisbeth Salander, set Zalanchenko, her father, on fire to stop his brutal beatings of her mother. We find out in The Girl Who Played with Fire, that because of the damage to his body, he had to have his leg amputated and suffers from chronic pain. I can relate to that! Constant pain is enough to turn one into a psychopath. This act is used as evidence to support claims that Lisbeth Salander is mentally ill, and remains a topic of debate for readers and characters.
    ellauri207.html on line 359: Meanwhile, Salander (Lisbet)´s sadistic guardian, Nils Bjurman, hires Zalachenko to kill Lisbeth. Bjurman himself is soon killed by Lisbet´s bro Ronald Niedermann, who with dad Zala, is lying in wait at a farm in Gåseborg to ambush Salander (Lisbet). During a brief confrontation Lisbeth is shot in the head and buried alive. She later climbs out zombie like and deals serious blows to Zala´s head and wooden leg with an axe. Their injuries are so serious they are both taken by air ambulance to a hospital where the next book picks up. But what a disappointment: Zalachenko is shot in the head in the same hospital as Lisbeth being treated for the grievous injuries he´s suffered, for having intentions to betray the Cesarean section of the Swedish secret service, el Sapo. The Swedes consider the superior intelligence he has as a Soviet defecator more important than dumb Agneta´s civil rights or those of her misfit daughter, so they have Lisbeth declared incompetent and institutionalized in order to protect him from her.
    ellauri210.html on line 373: By the time Johnson arrived in Paris, Cravan had carved out a reputation as a boxer himself, a discipline he first picked up while traveling across the USA. He was also known as an ardent proponent of the “American” attitude toward life, by which he meant living according to desire and instinct, and telling so-called civilized society to take a running jump. In an essay titled “To Be or Not To Be … American,” he wrote that, thanks to the influence of cakewalk dancers, track athletes, and boxers such as Joe Jeanette, the whole of Paris had turned American. “Overnight,” Cravan said, “everyone began to spit and swear” and “floated around in clothes two sizes too big for them.” He finished the piece with a crib sheet for how to pass as American: “Chew … never speak … always look busy … and, above all else, crown yourself with arrogance.” It was advice he followed assiduously. How right, how true, to this day.
    ellauri213.html on line 304: 170 hours unpaid work and told to pay £1,500 costs. Katie Price has been known on the celebrity circuit for many years, starting out her career as a glamour model before becoming a TV personality, author and OnlyFans content creator. Katie has five children: her eldest Harvey, Princess, Junior, Buddy and Jett. She was married to Peter Andre from 2005-2009, Alex Reid from 2010-2012 and Kieran Hayler from 2013-2021. She was most recently dating Love Island star Carl Woods until their split. Michelle contacted Sussex Police on Friday to complain that Katie — mum to two of Kieran’s children — had sent him a tirade of abuse which was aimed at her. Close sources said the text branded Michelle a “c*ing w*e piece of s*” and a “gutter s*g.” The ex-glamour model, who smiled as she left the dock today, could have been jailed for a maximum of five years for breaching the restraining order. BUSINESS AS USUAL Katie Price says she’s ‘so lucky’ after dodging jail over ‘gutter s*g’ text – as she reveals she’s landed a Girlguiding travel show.
    ellauri213.html on line 387: As a major transport hub, with sea and river ports, the city is home to the headquarters of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy, and is one of the largest industrial centres in Russia. It was deemed the best city in Russia in 2012, 2013, and 2014 in Kommersant's magazine The Firm's Secret, the best city in Russia for business in 2013 according to Forbes, and was ranked fifth in the Urban Environment Quality Index published by Minstroy in 2019. Kaliningrad has been a major internal migration attraction in Russia over the past two decades, and was one of the host cities of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
    ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
    ellauri214.html on line 80: The Casual Vacancy hit bookstores last week and drew mixed reviews. The Harry Potter author’s first adult book since the wizard franchise has caused some debate as it deals with such issues as child abuse, prostitution and drugs. Some British conservatives have described it as a liberal attack on their values.
    ellauri214.html on line 120: In the equally rarer chance, I might be middle eastern/Muslim, in that case, I'll either be a brainwashed fanatic, or a victim of domestic abuse. Either way, white protagonists will save me.
    ellauri214.html on line 140: It's soon revealed I’m a runaway from an abusive household. My father slap me around and my mom is a drug addict/alcoholic who passed out 80% of the time. If my father is step father, he also molested me.
    ellauri214.html on line 142: Despite growing up in an abusive environment, I throw tantrums like spoiled brat.
    ellauri214.html on line 148: After I throw tantrums and verbally abuse people around me, I'm entitled to other people making an effort to reach out to me, and apologize to me. Because I have a troubled past and everyone owes me some extra effort.
    ellauri214.html on line 150: Everyone forgive my tantrums and acting out, everyone forgive my irrational actions. I can hit everyone, do anything. Because I have a troubled past, every stupid, abusive, damaging thing I do to people around me is justified and forgiven.
    ellauri214.html on line 157: Despite growing up in an abusive family where nobody actually cares about me, I'm the most entitled person.
    ellauri214.html on line 195: I have no other family or friends (other than my abusive family I ran away from).
    ellauri216.html on line 218: Ainiin oli sitten vielä 1 panopuu. Julia tuli elämääni kuin syxyn viimeinen ruskea tuulahdus. Tumma kaunotar, paljon meikkiä. Ei mutiainen sentäskään. Pyöritti bussissa hajamielisesti baskerinnipukkaa kuin häpykieltä. Suzänniä ei pitäis haitata etmulla on Juuliassa toinen panopuu. Oljenneltuani hyvän tovin Juulian huuliossa tulen kotiin ja käperryn kerälle Suzännin kylelle. Olen onnellinen kun mulla on nää 2 naista, ne täydentävät toisiaan. Jos Suzän hermostuu, otan Juulian, sellaista kierrätystä tää nyt on. Mut mieluummin kuitenkin Juulia-namu poskeen välistä ja kotosalla odottaa vanha kunnon Pät.
    ellauri219.html on line 528: Along with the stone figure (No.77) that can be seen below the feet of the Shirley Temple doll (No.73), the stone figure of a girl (No.76) was one of a number of statues that John Lennon (No.62) and George Harrison (No.65) brought from their homes for inclusion on the cover. The most prominent of these is the bust positioned to the right of the bass drum (No.78), which came from Lennon’s house Kenwood, in Weybridge, Surrey, where he lived from 1964 to 1969.
    ellauri219.html on line 726: Idän kalisteenikot suosittivat mantraxi P. Peevelin kexasemaa sanaa Parantha, vai mikä se oli, hetkonen kun kazon, se oli Maranafa. Tavuja on kuin Marabussa paloja mutta kaikki hyviä. Näillä mennään! Se on viisautta...
    ellauri220.html on line 228: Big SimsBig Sims is one of Nick Shay's coworkers in the waste-management business. He's African American and often talks about how his experiences differ from Nick's.
    ellauri220.html on line 286: Bill WatersonBill Waterson is a white businessman who befriends Cotter Martin at the baseball game and who tries to steal his stolen baseball.
    ellauri220.html on line 463: Of course, there is a "moron" demographic out there, and it has its members, but executives seem to believe that every person who watches TV belongs in it. This may be due to something known as the "80-20" rule in business — in this case, that market research shows that 80% of money spent on television-advertised products comes from the lowest 20% in terms of education and intelligence, so show-content is naturally geared towards them. On top of that, not only are viewers stupid, they are also intolerant of people and things unlike themselves, ignorant, hate change, need to be instantly satisfied, and have the attention span of a goldfish.
    ellauri220.html on line 591: Joo Emmanuellehan se pätkä oli, vlta 1974. Sen takeen sillä sai olla niin pienet tisutkin. Ei se mua haittaa, pidän sellaisista. Mutta vittu se vanha äijäpaha sexipeetee oli rasittava. Toinen samanmoinen oli Marlon Brando Viimeisessä tangossa. Rasvaisia puoliveteisiä ukkoja letkut puolitangossa. Lush cinematography, marvellous acting (in particular from Sylvia Kristel) and genuinely erotic scenes tastefully directed… Just Jaeckin! It’s the same badly dubbed, funny-for-about-five-minutes shite it’s always been, with ‘Ooh look! Fanny smoke rings! Chortle!’ tired businessman’s humour very much to the delapidated fore. Best bits of this sorry cash cow – sorry, ‘significant cultural event – were the original UK trailers, as voiced by Katie Boyle.
    ellauri220.html on line 635: Don deLillo syntyi rotan vuonna hiljaiseen sukupolveen. There were precisely 1,063 full moons after his birth to this day. People with Chinese zodiac Rat are instinctive, acute and alert in nature which makes them to be brilliant businessmen. They can always react properly before the worst circumstances take place. Their strengths are adaptable, smart, cautious, acute, alert, positive, flexible, outgoing, and cheerful. But they can also be timid, unstable, stubborn, picky, lack of persistence, and querulous. Sen sisaruxista ei ole tietoa.
    ellauri222.html on line 121: Abraham spent the rest of his life in Chicago, and he ended up running a retail coal business. But he never really learned English—Yiddish was the language at home—and he never became a citizen. He had no passport and no driver’s license (which didn’t prevent him from driving). Saul did not become an American citizen until 1943.
    ellauri222.html on line 191: The determination to consider the novel strictly as fiction extended even to its characters. Rosette Lamont reviewed the novel. She, too, treated the book as pure make-believe. She breezed right by the Ramona character (“Her religion is sex, a welcome relief from Madeleine’s phony conversion . . . but Herzog is too divided in his mind, too busy with resentment to free himself from a heavy conscience. Besides he is suspicious of pleasure, having learned Julien Sorel’s lesson,” and so on). She concluded with the thought that at the end of the novel Herzog enters into “a theandric relationship with the world around him.”
    ellauri222.html on line 205: Horrified that Madeleine and Gersbach might be abusing his child (in the novel, a girl), Herzog rushes off to his deceased father’s house, finds a gun his father owned, and goes to Madeleine’s. It is evening. He creeps into the yard and watches Madeleine and Gersbach through the window, loaded pistol in hand. What he sees is an ordinary domestic scene. Gersbach is giving the little girl a bath. Herzog creeps away.
    ellauri222.html on line 255: Bellow was born Solomon Bellow in Lachine, Quebec, in 1915, two years after his parents had arrived there from St Petersburg. When he was nine, the family moved to the Humboldt Park neighbourhood of Chicago. His mother, Liza, died when Saul was 17, but not before she had passed on to him her love of the Jewish Bible (he learned Hebrew at four). His first serious critical success was The Adventures of Augie March (1953), but it was not until his 1964 novel, Herzog, became a bestseller that he earned any real money. His elder brothers, both businessmen, were by this time making serious cash, and regarded him, he once said, as "some schmuck with a pen". Mary Cheever, the wife of John Cheever, believed the two got on so well because "they were both women-haters". He has nothing good to say about feminism. Bellow has a go at Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy (the one is "rash", the other "stupid"). In 1994, however, he ate a poisonous fish in the Caribbean, and fell into a coma that lasted five weeks. He dreaded a loss of virility.
    ellauri222.html on line 359: The foremost theme in The Adventures of Augie March is the search for identity. Unsure of what he wants from life, Augie is pulled along into the schemes of friends and strangers, trying on different identities and learning about the world through jobs ranging from union organizer to eagle trainer to book thief. His path seems random, but as Augie notes, quoting the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, “a man’s character is his fate.” As Augie goes through life, knocking on various doors, these doors of fate open up for him as if by random, but the knocks are unquestionably his own. In the end of the novel, Augie defines his identity as a “Columbus of those near-at-hand,” whose purpose in life is to knock some eggs. Augie notes that “various jobs” are the Rosetta stone, or key, to his entire life. Americans define themselves by their work (having no roots, family or land to stick to), and Augie is a sort of vagabond, trying on different identities as he goes along. Unwilling to limit himself by specializing in any one area, Augie drifts from job to job. He becomes a handbill-distributor, a paperboy, a Woolworth’s stocker, a newsstand clerk, a trinket-seller, a Christmas helper at a department store, a flower delivery boy, a butler, a clerk at fine department stores, a paint salesman, a dog groomer, a book thief, a coal yard worker, a housing inspector, a union organizer, an eagle-trainer, a gambler, a literary researcher, a business machine salesman, a merchant marine, and ultimately an importer-exporter working in wartime Europe. Augie’s job changing is emblematic of the social mobility that is so quintessentially American. Augie is the American Everyman, continually reinventing himself, like Donald Duck. Olemme kaikki oman onnemme Akuja, joopa joo. Yrmf, olet tainnut mainita. You are telling me!
    ellauri222.html on line 361: Grandma Lausch tells Augie, “The more you love people the more they’ll mix you up. A child loves, a person respects. Respect is better than love.” Which is really better, respect or love? The two brothers, Augie and Simon, are on opposite sides of this argument. Augie identifies himself on the side of love. An idealist with a soft heart, he is almost comically susceptible to falling in love, and openly shows his sympathy, even toward the small lizards that are killed by the eagle Caligula. Augie’s vision for an orphan home and academy is driven by his motivation to share love. Simon, on the other hand, prefers respect. He marries Charlotte and stays with her because he admires her business sense, not because he feels romantic love for her. He doesn’t care whether the men at the club love him. In fact, he knows they hate him. But this doesn’t matter to him as long as he is respected. Ultimately, Simon is richer and more successful, but Augie seems happier. What's love got to do with it. What a reptile.
    ellauri222.html on line 435: Einhorn is a highly intelligent and wealthy real-estate broker whom Augie goes to work for while still a junior in high school. As Einhorn is crippled and wheelchair-bound, Augie carries him to and from the car and assists him in other daily activities. Einhorn loses almost everything in the great stock market crash, but works hard to build his business up again.
    ellauri222.html on line 451: Old Fenchel is the fat, black-eyed uncle of Thea and Esther. He is in the mineral water business and the girls are his heiresses. His wife is sickly, timid, and silent.
    ellauri222.html on line 491: A cousin of Tillie Einhorn, Karas is a businessman and owner of Holloway Enterprises. As a union organizer, Augie helps organize a strike of worker at Karas’s hotel business.
    ellauri222.html on line 495: Manager at Simon’s coal yard, Happy Kellerman works with Augie to help Simon’s business succeed.
    ellauri222.html on line 531: Grandma Lausch, although unrelated by blood to the Marches, is a surrogate grandmother to Augie and his brothers, and has a powerful influence on them both. She rules their childhood house with a strict, imperious, and shrewd manner. The widow of a powerful Odessa businessman, this grande dame claims to speak a variety of languages and passes the time reading Tolstoy. Her two sons are married and living in other states. When Grandma’s mind begins to fail, they commit the dignified old lady to a retirement home where she eventually dies of pneumonia.
    ellauri222.html on line 543: Uncle Charlie Magnus is Lucy’s father. He gets Simon started in the coal business and pushes Lucy to break off her relationship with Augie.
    ellauri222.html on line 547: Charlotte Magnus is Simon’s wife and heiress to a coal fortune. Simon marries her for the money, but grows to respect Charlotte, as she is a practical woman with a good head for business. She is also emotionally strong. When she learns of Simon’s infidelity, she deals with it swiftly and decisively. Charlotte is unable to have children.
    ellauri222.html on line 567: Simon is Augie’s older brother. Tall, good-looking, and blond, Simon has a self-assurance and sense of direction that Augie does not. He thinks Augie is too soft-hearted. After being jilted by his girlfriend Cissy Flexner, Simon marries the coal heiress Charlotte Magnus and becomes rich through multiple business ventures. Simon is very successful, but not content. Although he respects Charlotte for her business sense, his marriage lacks romantic love. His mistress, Renée, uses him for his money. Augie pities him because he cannot have children.
    ellauri222.html on line 571: Harold Mintouchian is a wealthy, distinguished Armenian lawyer and international businessman who is the married lover of a friend of Stella’s and becomes a close friend and mentor of Augie. At the end of the novel, Augie works for him as a black market trader in Europe. Augie looks up to the older man as “a sage, prophet, or guru, a prince of experience with his jewel toes” and seeks his wisdom. Mintouchian, who has seen much of the darker side of human nature through his law practice, has more realistic ideas than the love-bitten Augie about what to expect from human relationships. Secrecy and lies, he tells Augie, are unavoidable. “Mind you, I’m a great admirer of our species. I stand in awe of the genius of the race. But a large part of this genius is devoted to lying and seeming what you are not.” He confesses to Augie that his mistress, Agnes, is keeping secrets from him, while he is keeping secrets from his wife.
    ellauri222.html on line 595: Lieutenant Nuzzo is an Italian-American cop whom Simon befriends as he begins to build his coal business.
    ellauri222.html on line 639: Mrs. Ruber is Clarence Ruber’s cousin’s widow. She is in business with Clarence.
    ellauri222.html on line 675: The older of Tambow’s two sons, Donald is the handsome one. He has black curly hair like his mother. He goes into show business.
    ellauri222.html on line 791: Because Bellow refuses to devalue human potential in even his bleakest scenarios, his novels often come under attack for their affirmative endings. Augie hails himself as a new Columbus, the rediscoverer of America; Henderson, while triumphantly returning home with his new charges, dances with glee, "leaping, leaping, pounding, and tingling over the pure white lining of the grey Arctic silence." Herzog inexplicably evades his fate, emerging from the flux of his tortured mind to reclaim his sanity and his confidence in the future. Yet, the victories of Bellow's heroes are not unqualified, but rather as ambiguous and tenuous as is the human condition itself. As a new Columbus, Augie speaks from exile in Europe; in holding the orphan child, Henderson recalls the pain of his separation from his own father; by renouncing his self-pity and his murderous rage at his ex-wife Madeleine, Herzog reduces but does not expiate his guilt. Nonetheless, these characters earn whatever spiritual victory they reap through their penes and their refusal to succumb to doubt and cynicism. Through their perseverance in seeking the truth of human existence, they ultimately renew themselves by transcending to an intuitive spiritual awareness that is no less real because it must be taken on faith.
    ellauri222.html on line 837: British critics tend to regard the American predilection for Big Novels as a vulgar neurosis — like the American predilection for big cars or big hamburgers. Oh God, we think: here comes another sweating, free-dreaming maniac with another thousand-pager; here comes another Big Mac. First, Dos Passos produced the Great American Novel; now they all want one. Yet in a sense every ambitious American novelist is genuinely trying to write a novel called USA. Perhaps this isn’t just a foible; perhaps it is an inescapable response to America – twentieth-century America, racially mixed and mobile, twenty-four hour, endless, extreme, superabundantly various. American novels are big all right, but partly because America is big too. You need plenty of nerve, ink and energy to do justice to the place, and no one has made greater efforts than Saul Bellow. In 1976 Bellow was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, praised by the Swedes ‘for human understanding and subtle analysis of contemporary culture’. Many times in Bellow’s novels we are reminded that ‘being human’ isn’t the automatic condition of every human being. Like freedom or sanity, it is not a given but a gift, a talent, an accomplishment, an objective. The busiest sections of the Chicago bookstores, I noticed, were those marked ‘Personal Growth’.
    ellauri223.html on line 68: This shrewdness, however, is not necessary among the inhabitants of the City of the Sun. For with them deformity is unknown. When the women are exercised they get a clear complexion, and become strong of limb, tall and agile, and with them beauty consists in tallness and strength. Tanakka, punakka ja rivakka, täst mie piän! Therefore, if any woman dyes her face, so that it may become beautiful, or uses high-heeled boots so that she may appear tall, or garments with trains to cover her wooden shoes, she is condemned to capital punishment. But if the women should even desire them they have no facility for doing these things. For who indeed would give them this facility? Further, they assert that among us abuses of this kind arise from the leisure and sloth of women. By these means they lose their color and have pale complexions, and become feeble and small. For this reason they are without proper complexions, use high sandals, and become beautiful not from strength, but from slothful tenderness. And thus they ruin their own tempers and natures, and consequently those of their offspring. Furthermore, if at any time a man is taken captive with ardent love for a certain woman, the two are allowed to converse and joke together and to give one another garlands of flowers or leaves, and to make verses. But if the race is endangered, by no means is further union between them permitted. Her fanny must be locked in a love girdle, and his pecker lassoed and bound behind his butt. Moreover, the love born of eager desire is not known among them; only that born of friendship. LOL
    ellauri223.html on line 76: They are unwilling that the State should be corrupted by the vicious customs of slaves and foreigners. Therefore they do business at the gates, and sell only those whom they have taken in war or keep them for digging ditches and other hard work without the city, and for this reason they always send four bands of soldiers to take care of the fields, and with them there are the laborers.
    ellauri223.html on line 143: Mensura pedis ex singulorum longitudinibus statuta. Πάντων χρημάτων μέτρον (ἐστὶν) ἄνθρωπος: τῶν μὲν ὄντων ὡς ἔστιν, τῶν δὲ οὐκ ὄντων ὡς οὐκ ἔστιν.
    ellauri223.html on line 146: Doctrina Protagorea aliquo modo ad relativismum epistemologicum referri videtur: qualem quilibet quamlibet rem perceperit, talis ei videbitur. At si nemo umquam erraret, omnes homines aeque sapientes essent. Constat quidem neminem erroris purum esse. Difficilius est hoc negare, suam cuique experientiam sensibus acceptam veram esse. Scientia non tamen ad sensuum experientiam pertinet sed in rationis conclusione ad hanc experientiam pertinenti posita est. Protagoras experientiam et scientiam confundere videtur.
    ellauri226.html on line 107: either side, treeless, bushy, rocky, desert. How hot
    ellauri226.html on line 264: According to Roby, children often left their bikes and scooters out unlocked with no fear of theft. She also spoke in great detail of the freedom afforded to her as a young child: In fact, for me, as a first grader going to school, I took a city bus, alone. Nobody took me to the bus stop, I would leave my apartment, wave
    ellauri226.html on line 267: As a first grader, seven years old, with my bus pass I would ride the city
    ellauri226.html on line 268: bus and travel. No it wasn’t four or five stops but it was four or five blocks to this Catholic grammar school I went to.
    ellauri226.html on line 338: In addition to the gang violence, residents and business owners
    ellauri226.html on line 443: influx of poor minority families in the 1950s and 1960s was thus cleverly met with a deteriorating and poor job market and limited employment opportunities. The declining job market continued into the 1970s when approximately 300 companies employing 10,000 workers went out of business or moved out of The Bronx between 1970 and 1977. Many of these businesses used low income and unskilled workers. By 1976 the long-term economic problems had taken their toll and the mayor's office estimated that between 25-30% of the city’s eligible work force was unemployed.
    ellauri226.html on line 452: turned to welfare after businesses left The Bronx or closed causing unemployment. Fucking damn immigrants.
    ellauri236.html on line 208: Several people, after reading No Orchids, have remarked to me, ‘It's pure Fascism’. This is a correct description, although the book has not the smallest connexion with politics and very little with social or economic problems. It has merely the same relation to Fascism as, say Trollope's novels have to nineteenth-century capitalism. It is a daydream appropriate to a totalitarian age. In his imagined world of gangsters Chase is presenting, as it were, a distilled version of the modern political scene, in which such things as mass bombing of civilians, the use of hostages, torture to obtain confessions, secret prisons, execution without trial, floggings with rubber truncheons, drownings in cesspools, systematic falsification of records and statistics, treachery, bribery, and quislingism are normal and morally neutral, even admirable when they are done in a large and bold way. The average man is not directly interested in politics, and when he reads, he wants the current struggles of the world to be translated into a simple story about individuals. He can take an interest in Slim and Fenner as he could not in the G.P.U. and the Gestapo. People worship power in the form in which they are able to understand it. A twelve-year-old boy worships Jack Dempsey. An adolescent in a Glasgow slum worships Al Capone. An aspiring pupil at a business college worships Lord Nuffield. A New Statesman reader worships Stalin. There is a difference in intellectual maturity, but none in moral outlook. Thirty years ago the heroes of popular fiction had nothing in common with Mr. Chase's gangsters and detectives, and the idols of the English liberal intelligentsia were also comparatively sympathetic figures. Between Holmes and Fenner on the one hand, and between Abraham Lincoln and Stalin on the other, there is a similar gulf.
    ellauri236.html on line 398: While he waited, Eddie noticed a girl standing by a nearby bus stop. She immediately attracted his attention: every good-looking girl did. She was a tall, cool-looking blonde with a figure that made him come in his pants twice. She had a pert prettiness that appealed to Eddie. He studied her face for a brief moment. Her make-up was good. Her mouth was a trifle large, but Eddie didn’t mind that. He liked the sexy look she had and the sophisticated way she wore her yellow summery whore dress.
    ellauri236.html on line 462: Paula Dolan, an attractively ugly girl with raven black wavy hair, large suggestive blue eyes had a figure that Fenner declared was the only asset of value in the newly established business.
    ellauri236.html on line 475: Fenner got to his feet. He was surprised Blandish wasn’t a bigger man. Only slightly above middle height, the millionaire seemed puny beside Fenner’s muscular bulk. His eyes gave his face its arresting power and character. Fenner has arresting power on his bulk, and Paula has a caracteristic butt. They were hard, shrewd and alert eyes of a man who has fought his way to the top with no mercy asked nor given. Now this is proper monkey business! Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk in the flesh! Täähän on yhtä mahtavaa kuin Malamudin apinoiden saarella!
    ellauri236.html on line 500: Fenner put his arm around her coaxingly. “I’ll tell you where we’ll go, the Cosmos Club. We’ll combine business with pleasure.”
    ellauri238.html on line 140: Tähän se ei loppunut. Karuselli vain kiihtyi ja sekasortoinen epätodellisuus siirtyi Turkuun. Nyt Pentillä oli ladattu ase, Leenan isän sotamuisto-revolveri, kun he lähtivät Turkuun, psykiatri Armo Hormian järjestämään runoseminaariin bussilla, joka vei sinne kirjallista väkeä Helsingistä. Maila oli mukana tällä runoseminaarimatkalla, ja hän soitti minulle kauhistuneena Turusta. Hän sanoi tulevansa ensimmäisellä junalla takaisin ja minun pitäisi valmistautua heti lähtemään.
    ellauri241.html on line 41: Kiits, sanoi neljäntoista trolleybussin rahastaja Seijan näyttäessä stekulla kumittamaansa lippua. Kukas se oli se Kiits? Se oli se lontoolainen pikku rotinkainen jonka kaikki sukulaiset oli tuberkuloottisia, ei siis se hiivainen irkku pullistelija, jonka nimi oli Yeast. Kukas on sit tää Lamia? Sekö misu jota Kiits pitkään piiritti? Oliko silläkin sääret kuin yhteenliimatut? Aspiriini polvien välissä? Ehei, siinä kävi täysin vastoin päin:
    ellauri241.html on line 62: Lamia (/ˈleɪmiə/; Kreikka: Λάμια), muinaisessa kreikkalaisessa mytologiassa, oli lapsia syövä hirviö, ja myöhemmässä perinteessä sitä pidettiin eräänlaisena yöllä ahdistavana henkenä (daemon, succubus). Varhaisimmissa tarinoissa Lamia oli kaunis muinaisen Libyan kuningatar, jolla oli suhde Zeuksen kanssa. Tämän oppimisen jälkeen Zeuksen vaimo Hera ryösti Lamialta lapsensa, Zeus-suhteensa jälkeläiset, joko sieppaamalla tai tappamalla heidät. Hänen lastensa menetys ajoi Lamian hulluksi, ja kostoksi ja epätoivoksi Lamia nappasi kaikki löytämänsä lapset ja söi heidät suihinsa. Julmien tekojensa vuoksi hänen fyysinen ulkonäkönsä muuttui rumaksi ja hirvittäväksi kuin isovenäläisillä. Zeus antoi Lamialle profetian voiman ja kyvyn ottaa pois ja palauttaa silmänsä, mahdollisesti siksi, että Hera kirosi hänet unettomuudesta tai koska hän ei enää voinut sulkea silmiään, niin että hänen oli pakko aina obsessata kadonneista lapsistaan.
    ellauri241.html on line 121: Round bush and tree, soft-brushing, in his speed, Pyöreä pensas ja puu pehmeästi harjautuivat hänen vauhdissaan,
    ellauri241.html on line 486: Shut from the busy world of more incredulous. telakoituneina toisiinsa, poissa epäuskoisten kiireisestä maailmasta.
    ellauri241.html on line 642: The herd approached; each guest, with busy brain, Lauma lähestyi; jokainen vieras, aivot ylikierroxilla,
    ellauri241.html on line 1040: His busy hand against her lips,

    ellauri243.html on line 147: until the American Holocaust, when the United States was attacked by waves of Russian bombers launching hypersonic nuclear-tipped missiles. Almost the entire fleet of American long-range bombers and more than half of America's intercontinental-ballistic-missile arsenal was wiped out in a matter of hours. But Battle Mountain's little fleet of high-tech bombers, led by Patrick McLanahan, survived and formed the spearhead of the American counterattack that destroyed most of Russia's ground-launched intercontinental nuclear missiles and restored a tenuous sort of parity in nuclear forces between the two nations. On the plus side, there are now less than half so many hungry mouths left to feed on the entire ball of fire. Except this, everything goes on as before, business as usual.
    ellauri243.html on line 159: Thomas Torquemada Thorn (born Thomas A. Lockyear, II; 2 August 1964) is an American musician. Born in Madison, Wisconsin, he is best known as co-founder of, and lead vocalist for, the industrial metal band The Electric Hellfire Club. Joint Air Base Battle Mountain was not spared. Every aircraft at the once-bustling base was in "hangar queen" status - available only as spare parts for cars. Most planes placed in "flyable storage" were not even mothballed, but just hoisted up on clothes hangers.
    ellauri243.html on line 550: Bob Stearns, CEO of Powerful Potential. BOB STEARNS is one of only 95 people in history to lead an organization to win the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige Award. He was the Leader and Architect of Pittsburgh based Medrad’s 2003 journey to win the prestigious award. Medrad won the Baldrige award again in 2010. The Baldrige Award is presented annually by the President of the United States to organizations that excel in seven categories, including results. As Chief Human Resources Officer of CoManage, Bob led that company to be named the Best Place to Work in Pa.” He has also received the American Society for Training and Development Award for Excellence. Bob has served as a Director on the Boards of National Church Solutions, The Orchards at Foxcrest, the Pa. Society of Association Executives, the Pa. Association of Non Profit Organizations and a Woman owned business through Powerlink and Seton Hill University. Bob has owned and been the CEO of PowerfulPotential since 1985.
    ellauri243.html on line 554: Bob´s book is about Perpetual Potential. Inside these pages, you will discover three invaluable lessons that will propel you closer to your true potential. The lessons will serve you well on either of two different, but parallel roads you may travel: The roads towards triumph or tragedy, as well as the roads in between. In 2003 the author, Bob Stearns was on top of the world. He led his company to win the most prestigious business award in the country, the Malcolm Baldrige award. Just five short years later, tragedy struck. Bob´s oldest son Eric was killed while on a study trip abroad in Athens, Greece. Eric was 21 years old at the time and was a junior at Penn State University. Although Eric lost his precious life in Greece, he found something sprawled under the pillars of the Acropolis that many people search for their entire lifetimes. He found inner peace in the knowledge that he could truly be anything he wanted to be, he could do anything he wanted to with his life. In his book "Perhaps a Man Can Change the Stars - Eric's Pursuit of Perpetual Potential", Bob shares with you three life lessons that allowed Eric to understand his true potential. Those same lessons helped Bob and his family deal with Eric´s death. The same lessons had enabled Bob to lead his company to triumph five years earlier. A key take away from the book is that no matter what stage of life you find yourself, you have the potential to explore. You have the potential to utilize and grow the talents and aspirations that you currently have. You have the potential to rekindle old talents that lie dormant, and to allow new talents to blossom. This is true regardless of age, circumstances, and what other people may be telling us. So read, explore and think deeply about how you can apply the three lessons that Bob learned from Eric. Decide for yourself how you can best use them. Indeed, our Potential is Perpetual!
    ellauri243.html on line 610: David Joseph Mahoney Jr. (May 17, 1923 – May 1, 2000) was an American business leader, philanthropist and author. He joined a passionate community of people who love what you love.
    ellauri243.html on line 613: In 1951 he went into business forming an advertising agency, David J. Mahoney, Inc. The company managed advertising for eight companies, including Exzema, White Rock and Good Humor. Mahoney sold his agency in 1956 and became President of Good Humor, and became President of Canada Dry in 1966.
    ellauri243.html on line 635: Or say you want to grow your business. "Increase revenue" sounds great but is too vague. "Land five new customers this month" is specific, objective, and measurable. You know exactly what you want to accomplish, which means you can create a process designed to get you there.
    ellauri244.html on line 441: Hi, I'm Faye Bryant! I help people who have endured trauma–whether of their own making, such as addiction and poor choices, or pushed upon them through abuse–recognize they have worth and purpose, determine their God-designed purpose, then live confidently, with focus toward that purpose to live the life God designed them for.
    ellauri244.html on line 599: 1910 at 17 began affair with first mistress, Pauline Chouteau of Phoebus, Virginia, a woman “old enough to be my mother”.

    ellauri247.html on line 193: Laurence Sterne, in his A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy, refers to Smollett under the nickname of Smelfungus, due to the snarling abuse Smollett heaped on the institutions and customs of the countries he visited and described in his Travels Through France and Italy.
    ellauri247.html on line 314: Johnson was 180 cm (5 feet 11 inches) tall when the average height of an Englishman was 165 cm (5 feet 5 inches). Tall and robust, he displayed gestures and tics that disconcerted some on meeting him. He had Tourettes syndrome, in fact.
    ellauri247.html on line 524: bus_pygerythrus%29_%286011903243%29.jpg" height="200px" />
    ellauri249.html on line 54: Tuglas-seuran perustajajäsen Friedebert Tuglas oli alkup nimeltään Mihkelssön. Eikä siinä kaikki: hän oli 1 Siuru-kirjailijatiimin jäsenistä! Marja Leinosvainaa osallistui Tuglas-seuran bussimatkoille ja piti bussin käytävältä käsin oppineita esityxiä muille kävyille.
    ellauri249.html on line 131: clūnibus aut agitāvit equum lascīva supīnum,

    ellauri249.html on line 142: frontem tabernae sōpiōnibus scrībam

    ellauri249.html on line 484: Of course, with the war in Ukraine, I can’t buy it anymore and I’ve had to replace it with Absolut, which is, I’m sorry to say, inferior in taste. (Finlandia’s not available where I live, it’s inferior, too.) That’s why I hope that Putin will retreat from Ukraine as soon as possible so that we can get back to business as usual.
    ellauri254.html on line 358: Primary influences on the movement weren't merely western writers such as Brix Anthony Pace, Paul Verlaine, Maurice Maeterlinck, Stéphane Mallarmé, French symbolist and decadent poets (such as Stéphane Mallarmé, Paul Verlaine and Charles Baudelaire), Oscar Wilde, D'Annunzio, Joris-Karl Huysmans, the operas of Richard Wagner, the dramas of Henrik Ibsen or the busty broad and toyboy philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche.
    ellauri254.html on line 501: Klages was born on 10 December 1872, in Hannover, Germany, the son of Friedrich Ferdinand Louis Klages, a businessman and former military officer, and wife Marie Helene née Kolster. In 1878, his sister Helene Klages was born and the two shared a strong bond throughout their lives. In 1882, when Klages was nine years old, his mother died. The death is thought to have been the result of pneumonia. He quickly developed a strong interest in both prose and poetry writing, as well as in Greek and Germanic antiquity. His relationship with his father was strained by the latter's strictness and will to discipline him. Nevertheless, attempts to forbid Klages from writing poetry were unsuccessful by both his teachers and parents.
    ellauri254.html on line 769: Amerikkalaisille mokkereille laitettiin ekaan maailmansotaan reppuihin Dickensin Nikke Niklebyy. Bolshevikkien juoxuhautalukemisto oli Barbussen Le Feu.
    ellauri254.html on line 771: Heti kun Barbussen Le Feu julkaistiin sarjakuvalehtenä, sen luki laaja yleisö, jonka reaktiosta Barbusse oli erittäin kiinnostunut. Kirja oli myös menestys. Ensimmäinen kiista koski sitten romaanin, vuoden 1916 Prix Goncourtin voittajan, historiallista todenperäisyyttä, lähinnä syvän kuilun vuoksi, joka vallizi sensuurin salliman tekstin ja sotapropagandan välillä, joka itse tuomittiin kirjassa. Tekstin poliittiset panokset, erityisesti kommunismi ja pasifistinen sitoutuminen, ovat toinen kiistanalainen aihe kirjassa.
    ellauri254.html on line 775: Barbusse oli Ranskan vasemmiston avainhenkilöitä ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana ja sen jälkeen. Vaikka hän oli pasifisti, hän osallistui sotaan vapaaehtoisena. Hän oli vapaaehtoinen, koska hänet oli vapautettu terveydellisistä syistä eikä hän ollut suorittanut asepalvelusta. Hän kuvaa sodan julmuutta teoksessa Le Feu (1916, Tuli), josta hänelle myönnettiin Goncourt-palkinto vuonna 1916. Teos oli kotimaassaan heti menestys.
    ellauri254.html on line 777: Barbusse oli kommunisti, ja vuonna 1919 hän ryhtyi julkaisemaan aikakauslehteä Clarté. Hän kirjoitti myös samannimisen kirjan, ja ne loivat pohjan hänen perustamalleen kansainväliselle Clarté-järjestölle. Hän liittyi kommunistipuolueeseen 1923 ja kävi Neuvostoliitossa useita kertoja.
    ellauri254.html on line 855: Yxityiset vartijat kauhistavat kaikkia mutta ovat tulleet jäädäkseen. Yxityistä terveyttä vartioivat yxityiset pamputtajat ja tukehduttajat. Mamutaxit exyvät ja yxityiset bussit ja taxit myöhästelevät, mamukuskit eivät päästä sisään koiria eivätkä pääse ize nurkan taaxe pissalle.
    ellauri256.html on line 62: Women were the first cultivators of flax and initiated the manufacture of clothing. Evidence for this claim is the oldest depictions of textile production showing women at work, not men, and women continuing in textile production even when the industry was run by males. This is not at all unusual as women were the first brewers in Egypt and, most likely, the first healers who predated the rise of the medical profession. And the first professionals in the entertainment business, see Capitani and Lady Ceepu.
    ellauri256.html on line 376: After the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, the situation turned upside down. Mayakovsky, as a devoted Bolshevik, began to make good money on his poems, whereas Osip Brik's business went pear-shaped. It was then that Lilya told her husband she was now with Mayakovsky, yet she did not want to divorce him. Thus, both moved to the poet’s apartment, lived and traveled at his expense, with Mayakovsky calling Osip a part of the “family”. Their relationship became an “ideal" for those who advocated free love. In the meantime, rumors of Lilya Brik’s numerous sexual liaisons grew.
    ellauri257.html on line 514: Alma doesn’t explore the cultural differences that separated them. She was an upper-class German Jew born in Munich, whereas Singer was from Leoncin, a small Polish village northeast of Warsaw. In 1904, when Singer was born, Leoncin was part of the Russian Empire. In Alma’s milieu, Yiddish was a symbol of low caste. Her father had been a textile businessman and her grandfather had been a Handlerichter (LOL), a judge specializing in commercial cases. Although Wasserman, her first husband, was nowhere near as rich in America as he had been in Germany, he was certainly far wealthier than Singer, who was known as an impecunious journalist.
    ellauri260.html on line 258: What I meant are the "unqualified submission of individuals to the social collectivity" and the "treatment of the economic task as the chief business of life" parts.
    ellauri260.html on line 312: Neither individual nor community must make concern about material things its chief business. The indefinite craving of the individual is a lower impulse that must be checked in every way, and all hunting after money for its own sake must be branded a danger- ous aberration. And as this ideal regards economic activity merely as a means to higher ends, it does not bring the two together in one whole and cannot recognise any particular economic legislation
    ellauri260.html on line 319: Hitherto the beautiful had been considered far superior to the useful, but the useful is now cleansed of the stain that it was supposed to have ; it is ennobled and becomes a spur to action. The beautiful got to be what it always is, a luxury available to those who have the means. Engels olis sevverran oikeassa että "it is not ideas, as independent forces, but the vital interests of business life, which control the whole." Rikastuminen ei ole keino vaan päämäärä, ainoa että sosialismissa se jaettaisiin koko porukalle eikä kökkäreille yxinään.
    ellauri262.html on line 67: Minkä takia toi yxi tukallinen pienipää on jäänyt haaviin? Ehkä silläkin on tupee? No ei. Se on Former Chicago Bears Matt Mayberry to Support Bike Bald Charity Fun ... Matthew Mayberry (born August 6, 1987) is a former American football linebacker for the Indiana Hoosiers of the NCAA and Chicago Bears of the NFL. He is now a keynote speaker and business consultant on the topics of leadership, peak performance, culture, and teamwork. So "why the name?" Bike Bald Group was founded in 2004 by a bald multiple time cancer survivor who was taught to fight even on the toughest days, while never forgetting those that helped along the way.
    ellauri262.html on line 92: bust.jpg" width="50%" />
    ellauri262.html on line 191: Alistair Cooke KBE (born Alfred Cooke; 20 November 1908 – 30 March 2004) was a British-American writer whose work as a journalist, television personality and radio broadcaster was done primarily in the United States. In reporting on the Montgomery bus boycott, begun by Rosa Parks and led by Martin Luther King, Cooke expressed sympathy for the economic costs imposed on the city bus company and referred to Mrs. Parks as "the stubborn woman who started it all ... to become the Paul Revere of the boycott." He achieved his greatest popularity in the United States in this role, becoming the subject of many parodies, including "Alistair Cookie" in Sesame Street ("Alistair Cookie" was also the name of a clay animated cookie-headed spoof character created by Will Vinton as the host of a video trailer for The Little Prince and Friends).
    ellauri262.html on line 194: In later life, Lewis corresponded with Joy Davidman Gresham, an American writer of Jewish background, a former Communist, and a convert from atheism to Christianity. She was separated from her alcoholic and abusive husband, novelist William L. Gresham, and came to England with her two sons, David and Douglas.
    ellauri262.html on line 501: "Man is now a horror to God and to himself and a creature ill-adapted to the universe not because God made him so but because he has made himself so by the abuse of his free will."
    ellauri263.html on line 369: Israel’s biggest TV hit series returns to our screens this week, opening with Israel’s biggest nightmare. The second series of Fauda, the political thriller about an Israeli army undercover unit, begins with a bomb explosion at a bus stop. But it gets worse, as it turns out the attack wasn’t ordered by Hamas, but by a new menace – a returnee from Syria who has been training with Islamic State.
    ellauri263.html on line 399: Palestinian journalist Ziyad Abul Hawa says Fauda could have started to make good on notions of balance simply by bringing Palestinians into the creative process. “If the writers are all Israeli, no matter how good the intentions are, they are not realistically showing what is happening in Palestinian areas. I heard they did their homework and research but still, you need a Palestinian constantly with them, telling them what’s realistic and what is not.” He adds that Arabic accents in the show bust its credibility claims within seconds.
    ellauri263.html on line 453: Today, Hebron is the capital of the Hebron Governorate, the largest governorate of the State of Palestine, with an estimated population of around 782,227 as of 2021. It is a busy hub of West Bank trade, generating roughly a third of the area's gross domestic product, largely due to the sale of limestone from quarries in its area. It has a local reputation for its grapes, figs, limestone, pottery workshops and glassblowing factories. The old city of Hebron features narrow, winding streets, flat-roofed stone houses, and old bazaars. The city is home to Hebron University and the Palestine Polytechnic University.
    ellauri263.html on line 458: Ja he tulivat Rypälelaaksoon; sieltä he leikkasivat viiniköynnöksen, jossa oli rypäleterttu, ja kahden miehen täytyi kantaa sitä korennolla; samoin he ottivat granaattiomenia ja viikunoita. Se paikka nimitettiin Rypälelaaksoksi, rypäleen tähden, jonka israelilaiset sieltä leikkasivat. Ja he palasivat maata vakoilemasta neljänkymmenen päivän kuluttua. He vaelsivat ja tulivat Mooseksen, Aaronin ja kaiken Israelin kansan luo Paaranin erämaahan Kaadekseen. Ja he tekivät heille ja kaikelle kansalle selkoa matkastaan ja näyttivät heille sen maan hedelmiä. a he kertoivat hänelle sanoen: "Me menimme siihen maahan, jonne meidät lähetit. Ja se tosiaankin vuotaa maitoa ja mettä, ja tällaisia ovat sen hedelmät. Mutta kansa, joka siinä maassa asuu, on voimallista, ja kaupungit ovat lujasti varustettuja ja hyvin suuria; näimmepä siellä Anakinin jälkeläisiäkin. Amalekilaiset asuvat Etelämaassa ja heettiläiset, jebusilaiset ja amorilaiset asuvat vuoristossa, ja kanaanilaiset asuvat meren rannalla ja Jordanin varsilla."
    ellauri264.html on line 205: Lebow had been a seller of fine hosiery in the 1920s and 1930s but had been driven out of business by the rise of such retail outlets as Woolworth's-- which was the prototype of Wal-Mart. Siitä oli karu kuolinilmoitus New York Timesissä 1980. Se oli ahkera kirjoittaja kommarien lehdissä, niin että turha väittää että se ei tiennyt mistä kirjoitti. Se oli saanut potkut Kyser Roth Corporationista ja Fabergélta.
    ellauri264.html on line 623: busch_se_res/img/d3.jpg" />
    ellauri264.html on line 665: Att regeringen blundar för vad som sker är oansvarigt, minst sagt. Men att Ebba Busch kan pissa på familjerna som hon låtsades känna igen sig i – det är ett svek. En annan ond buske hon, den här Ebba. En annan bajskorv som har flutit upp till gräddbunkens yta.
    ellauri264.html on line 700: If you read Wikileaks, aside from Google& Yahoo, few of the larger tech companies have any right to plausibly deny being part of the surveillance state. So imagine you make a business it becomes successful, and one of your largest clients for the information? The government which gets paid per pull of information on specific targets and for unfiltered allocation/data retention. Furthermore, instead of protecting citizens from overreach by private companies, the government chooses to have a mutual ‘hush hush’ with such companies and their heads, helping them in case of hacks, and not doing much … (more)
    ellauri264.html on line 712: By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in the marketing efforts of our business giants.
    ellauri266.html on line 58: Rutherford (1975), who is half-Guyanese Indian, was born in Ipswich in the East of England and attended Ipswich School. His game is not football like Morris's but cricket. Rutherford was the podcast editor for the journal Nature for a while. He wrote a blog covering his thoughts when reading Charles Darwin's blockbuster On the Origin of Species. Adam is something of a cross between David Attenboro and Uncle Sam.
    ellauri266.html on line 108: Yksi kilpailun menestyneimmistä maista 2000-luvulla, yhteensä kymmenen viiden parhaan sijoituksen kanssa, Venäjä sijoittui toiseksi Alsoun kanssa vuonna 2000, Dima Bilanin kanssa vuonna 2006, Kirka Babushkinin vuonna 2012 ja Polina Gagarinan vuonna 2015; kolmannexi tATun kanssa vuonna 2003, Serebroa tuli 2007, Sergei Lavrov voitti vuosina 2016 ja 2019 ja oli viides Dina Garipovan kanssa vuonna 2013. Vuonna 2017 ja 2018 he eivät päässeet finaaliin ensimmäistä kertaa historiansa aikana. Annit eivät pääseet finaaliin silti yhtään entistä paremmin.
    ellauri266.html on line 493: e à un blanc dans un bus, Ulysse fait entendre sa voix pour prouver qu´il peut être traité d´égal à égal.
    ellauri269.html on line 349: Because it operates in support of Russian interests, receives military equipment from the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) and uses installations of MoD for training, Wagner Group is frequently considered a de facto unit of the MoD or Russia's military intelligence agency, the GRU. It is widely speculated that the Wagner Group is used by the Russian government to allow for plausible deniability in certain conflicts, and to obscure from public the number of casualties and financial costs of Russia's foreign interventions. It has played a significant role in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, where, among other activities, it has been reportedly deployed to assassinate Ukrainian leaders, and has widely recruited prisoners and convicts for frontline combat. In December 2022, Pentagon's John Kirby claimed Wagner group has 50,000 fighters in Ukraine, including 10,000 contractors and 40,000 convicts. Others put the number of recruited prisoners at more like 20,000, with the overall number of PMCs present in Ukraine estimated at 20,000. After years of denying links to the Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, a businessman with close links to Putin, admitted in September 2022 that he "founded" the paramilitary group. Now (Feb 2023) he is angry because he is not getting all the attention and financial support he wants. He says that the Kreml nomenclature are thereby guilty of high treason. *This article may be too long to read and navigate comfortably, so I stop here.
    ellauri270.html on line 319: Mr. Summers, the man who conducts the lottery, arrives. He also organizes the river dances, the purity pledges, and the Halloween program, because he has time to devote to volunteering. He runs the coal business in town, but his neighbors pity him because his wife is unkind and the couple has no children. Mr. Summers arrives bearing a black box. He is followed by the postmaster, Mr. Graves, who caries a stool.
    ellauri270.html on line 321: Because of the innocuous nature of Mr. Summers’ other community activities, the lottery is assumed to be something in a similar vein. He is a successful businessman, but pitied because he can have no children—clearly this is a very family-oriented society.
    ellauri270.html on line 583: 28."Thus four distinct functions, each essential to business, and each exercised, originally, by a distinct set of men, became united in the investment banker."
    ellauri272.html on line 82: Several critics and porn scientists have expressed concern that the nature of the main couple's relationship is not BDSM at all, but rather is characteristic of an abusive relationship.
    ellauri272.html on line 83: A second study in 2014 was conducted to examine the health of women who had read the series, compared with a control group that had never read any part of the novels. The results showed a correlation between having read at least the first book and exhibiting signs of an eating disorder, having romantic partners that were emotionally abusive and/or engaged in stalking behavior, engaging in binge drinking in the last month, and having 5 or more sexual partners under age 14. The authors could not conclude whether women already experiencing these "problems" were drawn to the series, or if the series influenced these behaviors to occur after reading.
    ellauri275.html on line 774:
    Venäjän autojen kansainvälinen tunnus. Suomen teillä hyvin harvinainen, lähinnä vain rekka-autoissa tai turistibusseissa ja Laureenskan Audissa nähty merkintä.

    ellauri276.html on line 490: Vuonna 1955 Macmillan hylkäsi Kavanaghin runojen konekirjoituksen, mikä sai runoilijan hyvin masentuneeksi. Patrick Swift vieraili Dublinissa vuonna 1956, ja Kavanagh kutsui hänet katsomaan konekirjoitusta. Sitten Swift järjesti runojen julkaisemisen englantilaisessa kirjallisuuslehdessä Nimbus (19 runoa julkaistiin). Tämä osoittautui käännekohtaksi ja Kavanagh alkoi saada suosiota, jonka hän oli aina tuntenut ansaitsevansa. Hänen seuraava kokoelmansa, Come Dance with Kitty Stobling, liittyi suoraan Nimbuksen minikokoelmaan.
    ellauri278.html on line 292: Lausitz (saks. Lausitz, alasorbiksi Łužyca, yläsorbiksi Łužica, puol. Łużyce, tšek. Lužice) on Saksassa ja Puolassa sijaitseva maantieteellinen alue. Alue koostuu Saksan puolella Brandenburgin eteläosasta ja Saksin itäosasta sekä Puolan puolella Ala-Sleesian ja Lubuszin voivodikuntien osista. Lausitz jaetaan Ala-Lausitziin (Niederlausitz), Ylä-Lausitziin (Oberlausitz) ja Lausitzin vuorialueeseen (Lausitzer Gebirge). Lausitzin vuorialueesta ainoastaan sen saksalainen osa, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Zittauer Gebirge, kuuluu Lausitziin. Saksalaisen ja puolalaisen Lausitzin rajan muodostaa nykyisin Neissejoki, albumin 65 Oder-Neisse-linja. Lausitz tunnetaan muun muassa sen sorbettivähemmistöstä, ei sudeettisavolaisista sentään, ne on pohjoisempana zekin rajalla. Saxalaisilla oli aika paha sorbitoli-intoleranssi loppupeleisssä.
    ellauri278.html on line 294: Lausitz on pinta-alaltaan noin 11 000 neliökilometrin suuruinen, ja sen alueella asuu noin 1,4 miljoonaa ihmistä. Saksin osavaltiossa Ylä-Lausitziin kuuluvat piirikunnat Bautzen, Löbau-Zittau ja Niederschlesischer Oberlausitzkreis sekä suurin osa Kamenzin piirikunnasta ja Görlitzin ja Hoyerswerdan piirittämättömät kaupungit. Brandenburgissa Ylä-Lausitziin kuuluu Oberspreewald-Lausitzin piirikunnan eteläosa. Ala-Lausitziin puolestaan kuuluu Oberspreewald-Lausitzin pohjoinen osa ja Spree-Neiße, osa Elbe-Elsterin piirikunnasta, Dahme-Spreewald, Oder-Spree sekä Cottbusin piiritön kaupunki.
    ellauri278.html on line 296: Ala-Lausitzin merkittävimpiä kaupunkeja ovat Cottbus, Eisenhüttenstadt, Guben, Forst, Luckau, Finsterwalde, Senftenberg, Spremberg, Bad Muskau, Puolan puolella sijaitseva Żary, Vetschau, Lübben ja Lübbenau sekä länsilaidalla Herzberg. Ylä-Lausitzin merkittävimpiä kaupunkeja ovat Bautzen, Görlitz, Lubań, Zittau, Löbau ja Kamenz sekä Niesky, Hoyerswerda ja Weißwasser. Cottbus on koko Lausitzin alueen väestöllisesti suurin kaupunki. Bautzen on historiallisesti Ylä-Lausitzin pääkaupunki ja Luckau Ala-Lausitzin.
    ellauri279.html on line 213: Jose, justicialist party honcho and governor of Tucuman was charged by the Public Prosecutor for the complaint of sexual abuse by his niece.
    ellauri279.html on line 277: Vuonna 1951 hän sai nuhteen tutkintamateriaaleja sisältävän kansion kadottamisesta virallisessa bussissa. Hän myös piilotti johtajilta tosiasioita, jotka vaaransivat hänen sukulaisensa - Ryuminin isä oli Sauli Niinistön kokoluokan nyrkki, hänen veljeään ja sisartaan syytettiin varkaudesta, ja hänen appinsa palveli Kolchakin kanssa sisällissodan aikana.
    ellauri281.html on line 291: Lausitz (saks. Lausitz, alasorbiksi Łužyca, yläsorbiksi Łužica, puol. Łużyce, tšek. Lužice) on Saksassa ja Puolassa sijaitseva maantieteellinen alue. Alue koostuu Saksan puolella Brandenburgin eteläosasta ja Saksin itäosasta sekä Puolan puolella Ala-Sleesian ja Lubuszin voivodikuntien osista. Lausitz jaetaan Ala-Lausitziin (Niederlausitz), Ylä-Lausitziin (Oberlausitz) ja Lausitzin vuorialueeseen (Lausitzer Gebirge). Lausitzin vuorialueesta ainoastaan sen saksalainen osa, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Zittauer Gebirge, kuuluu Lausitziin. Saksalaisen ja puolalaisen Lausitzin rajan muodostaa nykyisin Neissejoki, albumin 65 Oder-Neisse-linja. Lausitz tunnetaan muun muassa sen sorbettivähemmistöstä, ei sudeettisavolaisista sentään, ne on pohjoisempana zekin rajalla. Saxalaisilla oli aika paha sorbitoli-intoleranssi loppupeleisssä.
    ellauri281.html on line 293: Lausitz on pinta-alaltaan noin 11 000 neliökilometrin suuruinen, ja sen alueella asuu noin 1,4 miljoonaa ihmistä. Saksin osavaltiossa Ylä-Lausitziin kuuluvat piirikunnat Bautzen, Löbau-Zittau ja Niederschlesischer Oberlausitzkreis sekä suurin osa Kamenzin piirikunnasta ja Görlitzin ja Hoyerswerdan piirittämättömät kaupungit. Brandenburgissa Ylä-Lausitziin kuuluu Oberspreewald-Lausitzin piirikunnan eteläosa. Ala-Lausitziin puolestaan kuuluu Oberspreewald-Lausitzin pohjoinen osa ja Spree-Neiße, osa Elbe-Elsterin piirikunnasta, Dahme-Spreewald, Oder-Spree sekä Cottbusin piiritön kaupunki.
    ellauri281.html on line 295: Ala-Lausitzin merkittävimpiä kaupunkeja ovat Cottbus, Eisenhüttenstadt, Guben, Forst, Luckau, Finsterwalde, Senftenberg, Spremberg, Bad Muskau, Puolan puolella sijaitseva Żary, Vetschau, Lübben ja Lübbenau sekä länsilaidalla Herzberg. Ylä-Lausitzin merkittävimpiä kaupunkeja ovat Bautzen, Görlitz, Lubań, Zittau, Löbau ja Kamenz sekä Niesky, Hoyerswerda ja Weißwasser. Cottbus on koko Lausitzin alueen väestöllisesti suurin kaupunki. Bautzen on historiallisesti Ylä-Lausitzin pääkaupunki ja Luckau Ala-Lausitzin.
    ellauri282.html on line 356: Ollessaan toipilaana uskonnollisessa hospitaalissa, Loyola syventyi tavanomaisen ritariromanssien puutteessa uskonnolliseen kirjallisuuteen. Loyola luki muun muassa Ludolph Saksikäden (noin 1295 – 1378) kristillistä mietiskelyä käsittelevää teosta Vita Christi (suom. "Kristuksen elämä") ja Jacobus Voraginelaisen (noin 1230–1298) tylsimysten elämää käsittelevään teokseen Legenda jo eläessään. Ludolph ehdottaa, että lukija asettuisi henkisesti evankeliumitarinaan, visualisoimaan pinnasängyn sikiämishetkellä jne. Tämäntyyppinen meditaatio, joka tunnetaan nimellä Simple Contemplation, oli menetelmän perusta. jonka Ignatius esitti henkisissä vällyharjoituksissaan.
    ellauri283.html on line 162: Stoalaiset ovat syvältä Senecan anaaliaukosta. Luontoa, joka on hallitsematon ja "mitattoman tuhlaaja", ei voida tyrannisoida tavalla, jolla stoalaiset tyrannisoivat itseään. Kikkeliskokkelis-mies on hahmo, joka usein seisoskelee esimerkiksi bussipysäkillä. Kikkeliskokkelis-mies hihittää ja naureskelee itsekseen ja toistaa samoja lauseita kuten: "Mitäs läksit?", "Kikkeliskokkelis!", "Tää on tää maailma.", "Sul on mun luonto", "Suu hevosenkengälle!", "Sit en varasta!", "Ota riehumalla hiki" ja "Heko keko kikkelis kokkelis ympäri suomenmaata".
    ellauri284.html on line 357: Poliisimies Raimo Majuri sai Israilin kansalaisuuden ja muutti nimensä juutalaiseksi nimeksi Ram Laor. Majuri oli hyvää pataa Israilin salaisen poliisin MOSSAD:in kanssa ja oli paljastanut heille, että suomalaiset YK-joukot olivat keränneet sotamateriaalia Siinain-erämaan taistelutantereelta ja kuljettaneet ne Suomeen Pääesikunnan tutkittavaksi. Israil ei koskaan suostunut luovuttamaan Majuria Suomeen vaikka Suomen viranomaiset olivat esittäneet heille luovutuspyynnön Majurista. Palveli YK-joukoissa Kyproksella kapteenina kenraali Siilasvuon adjutanttina. Nykysin tuo huumediileri asuu Jerusalemissa Israilissa ja toisella nimellä, eikä hänellä ole Suomeen asiaa, kun on vielä selvittämättömiä asioita. Siellä Johny Liebkindkin piileskeli lakia. Vaan päässyt on Rami pälkähästä. Viimeisten, Ruotsista saatujen kuulumisien mukaan ajelee Hesassa vuorobussia, HKL:n.
    ellauri284.html on line 602: On Monday, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be at the White House to meet with President Trump. It will be exactly the sort of moment that makes ethics experts, worried about the conflation of Trump’s business abroad with his oversight of U.S. foreign policy, especially alarmed.
    ellauri284.html on line 614: Real estate is one of the most corrupt businesses in India, which has the highest rate of bribery among Asia-Pacific countries recently surveyed by the anti-graft group Transparency International.
    ellauri284.html on line 619: Though the Trump Organization has declined to comment for this article, Alan Garten, the company’s general counsel, addressed questions earlier this year about some of the company’s other unorthodox business partners. He said that blemishes on their records are not “reflective of the portfolio as a whole” and that the organization conducts “due diligence” background checks.
    ellauri284.html on line 621: Ethics experts say engaging partners who have ongoing legal issues underscores the growing concern that the president’s business projects around the world could create conflicts of interest or other challenges for his administration.
    ellauri284.html on line 623: “By continuing his association with these groups and pursuing his private business interests, he’s put himself on a collision course with the U.S. public interest,” said Kathleen Clark, a law professor and ethics expert at Washington University in St. Louis. “It’s a terrible idea.”
    ellauri284.html on line 629: Goyal is the brother-in-law of a prominent BJP leader, Sudhanshu Mittal, but the developer said Mittal has nothing to do with the business.
    ellauri284.html on line 666: Alexandra Wrage, the president of Trace International, a firm that advises businesses on assessing foreign partners, says that American companies need to carefully vet foreign partners to avoid violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, a law that prohibits bribery of foreign officials.
    ellauri284.html on line 668: Speaking generally, Wrage said that an Indian citizen bribing an Indian official does not violate the U.S. act but does indicate “shoddy business ethics and a willingness to violate the law. This is the clearest sort of red flag. If a company will bribe in one situation, you’re on notice that they’re likely to bribe again.”
    ellauri285.html on line 152: While most scholars and academics have determined that Scotford was the craftsman and Soper was the salesman, and the men joined forces for personal financial gain, neither man ever confessed and remained active in the business until their respective deaths in the 1920s.
    ellauri285.html on line 374: A bush of hair, the brow to shade, Tukkapehko, kulmat tuuheat
    ellauri285.html on line 759: Fredrickson wrote a response in which she conceded that the mathematical aspects of the critical positivity ratio were "questionable" and that she had "neither the expertise nor the insight" to defend them, but she maintained that the empirical evidence for the existence of a critical positivity ratio was solid. Brown, Sokal, and Friedman, the rebuttal authors, published their response to Fredrickson´s "Update" the next year, maintaining that there was no evidence for a critical positivity ratio. Losada declined to respond to the criticism (indicating to the Chronicle of Higher Education that he was too busy running his consulting business).[verification needed] Hämäläinen and colleagues responded later, passing over the Brown-Sokal-Friedman rebuttal claim of failed criteria for use of differential equations in modeling, instead arguing that there were no fundamental errors in the mathematics itself, only problems related to the model´s justification and interpretation.
    ellauri285.html on line 786: Marcial Losada (1939–2020) was a Chilean psychologist, consultant, and former director of the Center for Advanced Research (CFAR) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.[not verified in body] He is known for his work in academia and business focusing on the development of "high performance teams",[This quote needs a citation] and having participated in partially retracted collaborative work with Barbara Fredrickson of the University of North Carolina, a retraction for which he has been assigned the culpability.
    ellauri286.html on line 183: Kertoja keskittyy minäkuvan käsitteeseen. Ihminen "pukee" jatkuvasti omaa hahmoaan mielessään, ja kertoja pohtii, mitä tapahtuisi, jos tämä romantisoitu sisäinen peili katoaisi. Jäljelle jäävät vain heijastukset vieraiden ihmisten silmissä omnibussissa, josta hän uskoo tulevien kirjailijoiden kirjoittavan. Hän pohtii myös yleistyksiä ja tapoja, jotka määrittävät ihmisen elämää, mutta muuttuvat ja katoavat sukupolvien yli, mikä saa hänet pohtimaan "laittomia vapauksia", joita ajan myötä voi tulla.
    ellauri286.html on line 185: Viittaus minäkuvaan on ironista, sillä kertoja antaa hyvin vähän yksityiskohtia elämästään tässä tietoisuuden virrassa – jos tämä "romantisoitu kuva" kuitenkin viittaa hänen ajatuksiinsa oppineista miehistä ja sivilisaatiosta, myöhempi kuva tuntemattomista ihmisistä. Omnibussi vahvistaa tuossa sivilisaatiossa todellisuudessa esiintyvän vieraantuneisuuden ja anonymiteetin. Hänen hyppynsä yleistyksiin herättää jälleen kiehtovan sodan, vaikka hänen kyynisyytensä sivilisaatiosta johtaa heikkoon toivoon. Jos nykyiset tavat ovat vain "pukutettuja" versioita todellisuudesta, ajan kuluminen sallii muutokset tässä todellisuudessa ja vapautumispotentiaalin.
    ellauri290.html on line 63: Päivä sen jälkeen, kun 29. marraskuuta 1947 hyväksyttiin YK:n Palestiinan jakosuunnitelma, jonka tarkoituksena oli jakaa Palestiina arabivaltioksi, juutalaisvaltioksi ja Jerusalemin ja Betlehemin kaupungit kattavaan kansainväliseen erityisjärjestelmään, seitsemän juutalaista tapettiin Arabimilitanttien Fajja-bussihyökkäykset sisällissodan ensimmäisenä pidetyssä tapahtumassa. Tämä hyökkäys oli kosto Lehin 19. marraskuuta tekemälle viiden arabiperheen jäsenen murhalle, joiden epäillään olevan brittiläisiä informaattoreita. Arabien, juutalaisten ja brittien välillä on ollut jännitteitä ja konflikteja vuoden 1917 Balfourin julistuksesta ja vuonna 1920 annetusta Palestiinan brittiläisestä mandaatista lähtien. Britannian politiikka oli tyytymätön sekä arabeihin että juutalaisiin. Arabien oppositio kehittyi arabien kapinaksi Palestiinassa vuosina 1936–1939,
    ellauri290.html on line 856: Juutalaisten maahanmuuttajien ja maanostojen lisääntyminen, joita brittiläinen mandaatti ei kiistänyt, vihastutti ja radikalisoi monia arabeja. Huhtikuussa 1936 arabit hyökkäsivät juutalaisen bussin kimppuun, mikä johti sarjaan välikohtauksia, jotka laajenivat suureksi arabikapinaksi. Britit yllättyivät eivätkä kyenneet estämään tuhansien arabien ja satojen juutalaisten kuolemaa kapinassa. Haganah suojeli Yishuvien siirtokuntia, kun taas Irgun, radikaalimpi ryhmä, hyökkäsi arabien siirtokuntia vastaan. Äskettäin perustettujen arabipoliittisten puolueiden koalitio muodosti arabien korkeamman komitean (AHC). Se julisti kansallisen lakon kolmen perusvaatimuksen tueksi: juutalaisten maahanmuuton lopettaminen, kaiken lisämaan myynnin lopettaminen juutalaisille ja arabien kansallisen hallituksen perustaminen. Arabit uhkasivat, että jos britit eivät noudata heidän vaatimuksiaan, he liittyisivät brittien vastustajiin. Tämä koski britteihin, sillä toinen maailmansota oli vasta alkamassa ja he tiesivät tarvitsevansa Lähi-idän öljyä.
    ellauri297.html on line 48: Founder, Ammi Ruhama Community Christian Union. Living History Interpretor. Baker. Milford Baby and Toddler Group Organizer. Bada Bing Pizza Chef. Sunnymead Residential Home Kitchen Assistant. Be Life Cafe and Marketplace Operations Personnel. Summit Christian Academy Steward. I vacuum the hallways, library, music room and preschool room. I clean the bathrooms and mop the gym/cafeteria floor. I also maintain the general premises. Dan the Handy Man. Do you need handy work done around your house, but don't want to have to call in the big guys with the big price? My name is Daniel Bacon and I am an experienced handy man living right here in Clarks Summit. If you need your lawn cut, bushes trimmed, garden weeded, fence painted / stained or just about any other job done, then call me at 570-585-9595 or email me at contactdanielbacon@gmail.com and we'll set up a time for me to come and see if I am the right man for the job. Wait! let me…Show more... (Ouch!) I emptied the front cash register as well as filling in as a sandwich maker. I created schedules and activities for the campers and staff to participate in. I also led worship during the evenings. Student janitor.
    ellauri297.html on line 563: Isin Hornborgin hiusvesipullossa oli suuttimena 1. maailmansodan tankin näköinen tykkitorni. Yöllä näin unta että ydinsodan uhka oli Helsingissä suurentunut niin että väki pakkasi jo räsymattoja lähteäxeen pakomatkalle sisämaahan. Seija ja Helmi halusivat että menisin vielä yxin heittämään viimeisenä symbolisena tekona pikku pullon jonkun nais-ydintutkijan muistomerkille. Pullossa oli nestehauteessa joku epämääräinen vihannes, ehkä okra. Menin sinne bussilla, mutten tiennyt missä jäädä pois. Ryhmä kolmikymppisiä naisia jäi pois samalla pysäkillä ja lähti neuvomaan. Ei ne olleet hääppösiä mutta tyhjää parempia. En ole koskaan perustanut symbolisista teoista. En pidä Ernst Cassirerista. Pikku pullon hukkasi. Kerekekex koax koax Diana on suurin kaikista.
    ellauri299.html on line 392: Tuomas Enbuske katosi julkisuudesta mielen­terveys­ongelmien vuoksi – avautuu nyt podcastissa elämästään täydellisen romahduksen jälkeen. Oululaisten vanhempien piti tulla pelastamaan maanis-depressiivinen Tomppa hädästä, lukita se omistamaansa vuokrauuttuun Kampissa. Tälläistä on ollut liikkeellä. Mielenterveysongelmistaan avoimesti puhunut Tuomas Enbuske kertoo Pyhimyksen uudessa podcastissa sairauslomastaan ja kokemastaan häpeästä. – Se kuului siihen, olin sairas. Diagnoosi on siitä hyvä, että sillä voi selittää asioita. Nyt olen antanut anteeksi tyhmiä päätöksiäni, ja sitä että olen ollut
    ellauri299.html on line 397:
    Enbuske valittaa että vain rumat naiset eivät pidä kikkelikuvista. Taustalla voi olla Enbusken omien selfieiden ongelma: niistä ei erota mistä päästä ne on otettu. Tuomas Enbuske (vas.) ize vizaileekin yhdennäköisyydestään prinssi Danielin prinssinnakin kaa (oik.)

    ellauri299.html on line 636: All det som Grein hade varit med om i Miami framstod some että surrealistiskt skämt-mrs Gombiners dogmatism, Annas dagdrömmar, hans egen avresa. Till och med orkanen han hade fått uppleva verkade ingå i en show som naturen med jämna mellanrum ställde till med för turisternas skull. Inom loppet av en sekund blev det nattsvart mitt på ljusa dagen. Kokosnötter föll på marken. Palmkronor slets av. Trädstammar bröts itu, buskar och blommor flög omkring i stormen likt fåglar. Grenar klövs och liknade pinnar i en väldig solfjäder som inte kunde fällas ihop. Vinden hamrade på hustaken, regnet piskade mot marken och balkonger stötade ner från fasaderna med ett stön. Elledningar slets ner. Anna var tvungen att tända ett starinljus. Den lilla lägan tycktes bara vittnesmål om det som profetiorna forkunnade: att när civilisationen hade utplånats och allt var slut skulle människorna tvingas återvända till en enda liten pappersark.
    ellauri300.html on line 38:

    Shoah business
    baym Hudson

    Lisää pyllistelyä

    ellauri300.html on line 64: Poljettuaan Esteriin kassit tyhjixi Singerillä on aikaa pahexua aamulehden nakukuvia Annan nukkuessa torvi kuivana. Sellaisia tuli Amerikan juutalaisista, sillä There's no business like shoah business. Lasten irtopäillä pelataan jalkapalloa. Gemarassa sanotaan: jos otat liikaa kakkua et saa mitään.
    ellauri300.html on line 591: McLean was raised in the Catholic faith of his mother, Elizabeth McLean; his father, Donald McLean, was a Protestant. His father died when McLean was 15. McLean grew up in a physically abusive household, and was abused by both his parents and his sister. His second marriage was to Patrisha Shnier McLean, of Montreal, Canada, from 1987 to 2016. They have two children, Jackie and Wyatt, and two grandchildren, Rosa and Mya. In 2018, McLean confirmed his romantic relationship with model and reality star Paris Dylan, who is 48 years his junior. McLean sang a duet of his song "Vincent" with Ed Sheeran.
    ellauri300.html on line 593: On January 18, 2016, McLean's then-wife Patrisha Shnier McLean alleged that after four hours of "terrorizing" her, McLean pinned her to a bed until she broke free and ran to the bathroom. Shnier McLean alleged that McLean attempted "to shove open the locked bathroom door behind which I had barricaded myself. As it was splintering, I pushed the numbers 911." McLean was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence, and pled guilty to domestic violence assault, criminal restraint, criminal mischief and making domestic violence threats. McLean paid $3,660 in fines, and was not sentenced to any jail time. Under Maine's deferred disposition law, the State agreed to dismiss the domestic violence assault charge if McLean complied with the court's orders for one year, and the charge was expunged a year later. During this time, Shnier McLean filed for divorce, citing “adultery, cruel and abusive treatment, and irreconcilable differences." McLean has denied that he physically abused Shnier McLean, and his lawyer released a statement claiming McLean agreed to the plea deal in the interest of privacy. In March 2017, a Maine court granted Shnier-McLean's request for a 10-year protection order against McLean. In 2021, McLean's daughter Jackie told Rolling Stone that her father was emotionally abusive and created a cult-like household through paralyzing verbal attacks, forced isolation, and threats to withhold love or financial support.
    ellauri300.html on line 751: Befallningen att utrota Amalekiterna var inte unikt, även andra folkslag utsattes för liknande befallningar och på andra ställen i Torah kan vi läsa om ytterligare påbud till folkmord där Yahweh till exempel beordrar ”det utvalda folket” att utrota ”hetiterna och amoréerna, kananéerna och perisséerna, hivéerna och jebuséerna” och att de inte skall låta något som andas ”bliva vid liv”. På ett annat ställe i Torah befaller Yahweh att: ”alla de folk som HERREN, din Gud, giver i din hand skall du utrota; du skall icke visa dem någon skonsamhet”.
    ellauri300.html on line 923: So Elisha, as a prophet, saw their hardened and rebellious condition, unresponsive to correction. In the name of the Lord (i.e. by His authority) Elisha simply turned them over to the Lord and to their own devices, which had the effect of removing them from even the common protection of God. He probably said something like, “may God deal with you according to what you deserve,” or “may you be cursed for your sins of rebellion.” This would demonstrate to the city and to people all around a vital truth: without the Lord there is no protection and that blasphemy of God’s servants and His Word in order to hinder God’s message is serious busin
    ellauri300.html on line 928:
    Characters Henry Bear (better known as Papa Bear) is the father of Junior Bear and the husband of Mama Bear. Papa Bear is a loud-mouthed, short-tempered, psycholic and abusive dwarf bear. He usually abuses Junior if he says or does something wrong.

    ellauri301.html on line 234: She was taken in as a companion and as a servant to Riebeeck´s wife and children. However, many authors and historians speculate that she most likely lived in a sexually abusive space, based on the fondness Van Riebeek showed for her in his journals.
    ellauri301.html on line 254: Amid this violence, the state security forces committed widespread human rights abuses and encouraged violence between the Xhosa and Zulu people, although de Klerk later denied sanctioning such actions. He permitted anti-apartheid marches to take place, legalised a range of previously banned anti-apartheid political parties, and freed imprisoned anti-apartheid activists such as Nelson Mandela. He also dismantled South Africa´s nuclear weapons program.
    ellauri301.html on line 256: De Klerk became Deputy President in Mandela´s ANC-led coalition, the Government of National Unity. In this position, he supported the government´s continued liberal economic policies but opposed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission set up to investigate past human rights abuses because he wanted total amnesty for political crimes. His working relationship with Mandela was strained, although he later spoke fondly of him, when the coon finally died 2013. De Clerck ize kuoli viime vuonna eli 2021.
    ellauri301.html on line 263: De Klerk was a controversial figure among many sections of South African society, all for different reasons. He received many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize for dismantling apartheid and bringing universal suffrage to South Africa. Conversely, he received criticism from anti-apartheid activists for offering only a qualified apology for apartheid, and for ignoring the human rights abuses by state security forces. He was also condemned by South Africa´s Afrikaner nationalists, who contended that by abandoning apartheid, he betrayed the interests of the country´s Afrikaner minority. South Africa´s Conservative Party came to regard him as its most hated adversary.
    ellauri302.html on line 64: Yet the essentially (though not conventionally) moral earnestness of both Shaw and Ash brings the circles of their themes in a sense tangent to each other. neither falls prey to that sentimentalization of the prostitute which Dumas helped so much to effect and which Augier strove to combat, nor the delusion of the conservative, conventional horror before an institution for the perpetuation of which conservatism and conventionalism are much to blame. Its all just business as usual. Pecunia non olet.
    ellauri302.html on line 66: Mrs. Warren cherishes no delusions about her dubious profession, — If Yekel and his wife (in Ash's play) are not so enlightened as Mrs. Warren in their views upon the traffic off which they live, they are in their own crude way equally sincere in beholding in it a business quite as legitimate as any other. With the same inconsistency with which Hindel implores Heaven for aid in achieving her nefarious aims, after which she promises to be a model wife and mother (See Act Two), Mrs. Warren at the end of Shaw's play swears by Heaven that henceforth she will lead a life of evil fornication.
    ellauri302.html on line 131: ''Who you are!" What! Have you stolen anything? You have a business. Everybody has his own business. You don't compel anybody, do you? You may deal in what you please, can't you, if you yourself do no wrong?... Just try to give them some money, and see whether they'll take it from you or not!
    ellauri302.html on line 205: A fine business! It has to rain! (Suddenly noticing Rifkele, he explodes with rage.) What! You here! (Seizes her hy the collar and shakes her, clinching his teeth.) What are you doing here?
    ellauri302.html on line 245: Reizel, straightens the folds of Bashas dress in the back and adjusts her hat to a better angle. That's the way! Now raise your head a bit higher... Who needs to know that you were ever in a place of this sort? You'll tell them that you were with a big business house. A Count has fallen in love with you...
    ellauri302.html on line 247: Hindel, from her room, where she is still busy with her chest of clothes. And what's the matter with a place of this sort, I'd like to know? Aren't we every bit as good as the girls in the business houses, eh? The whole world is like that nowadays; that's what the world demands. In these days even the daughters of the best families aren't any better. This is our way of earning a living. And believe me, when one of us gets married, she's more faithful to her husband than any of the others. We know what a man has.
    ellauri302.html on line 345: It's none of our business. Let's put out the lamp and go to sleep. We know nothing about it. (Turns down the wick of the lamp. The stage is bathed in gloom. The girls go to their respective comparyments.
    ellauri302.html on line 376: Sarah: So you want to go back to the basement? — Into the basement, then! Much I care! (Resumes her packing.) He wants to ruin us completely. What has come over the man? (For a moment she is absorbed in reflection.) If you're going to stand there like a lunatic, I'll get busy myself! (Takes off her diamond ear-rings.) I'll go over to Shloyme's and give him my diamond ear-rings. (From her bundle she draws out a golden chain.) And if he holds back, I'll add a hundred rouble note. (She searches YeheVs trousers pocket for his pockethook. He offers no resistance.) Within fifteen minutes (Throwing a shawl over her shoulders.) Rifkele will be here. (As she leaves.) Shloyme will do that for me. (Slams the door behind her.)
    ellauri302.html on line 428: Fie! You're out of your head altogether. True, a misfortune has befallen you. May Heaven watch over aU of us. Well? What? Misfortunes happen to plenty of folks. The Lord sends aid and things turn out all right. The important point is to keep your mouth shut. Hear nothing. See nothing. Just wash your hands clean of it and forget it. (To Reizel.) Be careful what you say. Don't let it travel any further, God forbid. Do you hear? (Turns to Yekel, who is staring vacantly into space.) I had a talk with... (Looks around to see whether Reizel is still present. Seeing her, he stops. After a pause he begins anew, more softly, looking at Reizel as a hint for her to leave.) With er, er... (Casts a significant glance at Reizel, who at last understands, and leaves.) I had a talk with the groom's father. I spoke to him between the afternoon and evening prayers, at the synagogue. He's almost ready to talk business. Of course I gave him to understand that the bride doesn't boast a very high pedigree, but I guess another hundred roubles will fix that up, all right. Nowadays, pedigrees don't count as much as they used to. With God's help I'll surely be here this Sabbath, with the groom's father. We'll go down to the Dayon and have him examine the young man in his religious studies... But nobody must get wind of this tale. It might spoil everything. The father comes of a fine family and the son carries a smart head on his shoulders. There, there. Calm yourself. Trust in the Lord and everything will turn out for the best. With God's help I am going home to prepare for the morning prayer. And as soon as the girl returns, notify me. Remember, now. (About to go.)
    ellauri302.html on line 448: Reb Ali: Don't speak folly, I tell you. Calm yourself. Pray fervently for the Lord's pardon. Give up this business of yours. With God's help your daughter will yet marry just like aU Jewish women, and bring you plenty of happiness.
    ellauri302.html on line 501: Reb Ali, gesticulating. Let's get right down to business. (To the stranger, pointing to Tekel.) This gentleman wishes to unite families with you. He has an excellent daughter and wants as her husband a scholar well versed in Rabbinical lore. He'll support the couple for life.
    ellauri308.html on line 39: bushky.club/uploads/posts/2020-12/1607244763_47-p-golie-sovetskie-devushki-erotika-125.jpg" />
    ellauri309.html on line 1065: Mikki on tietysti irlantilainen, kuten Noora, ja Mikin heppakaveri Mad Max, alias Mel Gibson. Gibson's mother, Anne Patricia Reilly, was born in Ardagh in County Longford. In fact, Mel is named after St. Mel's Cathedral, the fifth-century Irish saint, and founder of Gibson's mother's local native diocese, Ardagh. While his middle name, Colmcille, is the name the Catholic diocese of Ardagh. Mel Gibson's grandfather John H Gibson was a millionaire tobacco businessman from the American South.
    ellauri313.html on line 473: Most Americans are not entirely comfortable with the concept of "cool," or businesslike, negotiations in an atmosphere of some degree of physical threat or coercion. For the most part, they do not consciously assign to force any rational or reasonable role in "ordinary" negotiations. In the recent past (except in the case of "just" revolutions), we have tended to the view that only a criminal or a sick or insane person initiates the use of force. Therefore, we are inclined to believe that someone who uses force is not only our enemy, but an enemy of humanity—an outlaw who deserves extermination, imprisonment, or medical constraint and treatment. The "crusade," and even an initial pacifism as well, comes more naturally to Americans than the kind of cool, restrained, and moderate willingness to threaten or use force that will be suggested in this book.
    ellauri316.html on line 200: business. He thus became the only non-Christian Jewish religious figure (except God?) to have a college named
    ellauri316.html on line 507: Seuraava Venäjän Nobel-ehdokas voisi olla Valerij Garbuzchev, Kanadan ja USAn tutkimusinstituutin ex-johtaja, joka ryhtyi putinistien mythbusterixi ja sai siitä palkkioxi potkut huippuvirasta. Länsikapitalismi ei ole vaarassa lyyhistyä nyt sen enempää kuin Marxin ja bolshevikkien synkkien ennusteiden aikana, rohkaisee Garbuzev samoin toisin ajattelevia.
    ellauri321.html on line 172: How does it concern the welfare of the country, or of the province at large, what this man's religious sentiments are, or really whether he has any at all? He is a good farmer, he is a sober, peaceable, good citizen: G.W. Bush himself would not wish for more. This is the visible character, the invisible one is only guessed at, and is nobody's business, whether Cristian, Jew or Muslim.
    ellauri321.html on line 326: Russell "Beam me up" Scott joined the Scott Trust in 2015, and is the Scott Trust’s only senior independent director AKA owner. He runs a consultancy business specialising in strategy and execution for digital audience growth and monetisation. He is also co-founder of Grazer Learning, a start-up digital education platform and provides commercial support to a number of other tech start-ups. Previously he held multiple senior roles in consumer publishing, digital and broadcast sectors including Content Director of The Football League, Commercial Director of Northcliffe media and MD of fish4, a digital classified JV between 5 major UK regional senior pressure groups.
    ellauri321.html on line 473: Solis in terra domibus negata: mailla asunnottomilla, siellä rakastelen
    ellauri322.html on line 76: If nobody will be so kind as to become my foe, I shall need no more fleets nor armies, and shall be forced to reduce my taxes. The American war enabled me to double the taxes; the Dutch business to add more; the Nootka humbug gave me a pretext for raising three millions sterling more; but unless I can make an enemy of Russia the harvest from wars will end. I was the first to incite Turk against Russian, and now I hope to reap a fresh crop of taxes. Kuulostaapa tutulta.
    ellauri322.html on line 236: In 1776, Mary Wollstonecraft's father, a rolling stone, rolled into Wales. Again he was a failure. Next year again he was a Londoner; and Mary had influence enough to persuade him. to choose a house at Walworth, where she would be near to her friend's fanny. Then, however, the conditions of her home life caused her to be often on the point of going away to earn a living for herself. In 1778, when she was nineteen, Mary Wollstonecraft did leave home, to take a situation as companion with a rich tradesman's widow at Bath, of whom it was said that none of her companions could stay with her. Mary Wollstonecraft, nevertheless, stayed two years with the difficult widow, and made herself respected. Her mother's failing health then caused Mary to return to her. The father was then living at Enfield, and trying to save the small remainder of his means by not venturing upon any business at all. The mother died after long suffering, wholly dependent on her daughter Mary's constant care. The mother's last words were often quoted by Mary Wollstonecraft in her own last years of distress "A little patience, and all will be over."
    ellauri322.html on line 260: from the effects of which she would escape as the wife of a citizen of the United States. But she did not marry. She witnessed many of the horrors that came of the loosened passions of an untaught populace. A child was born to her a girl whom she named after the dead friend of her own girlhood. And then she found that she had leant upon a reed. She was neglected; and was at last forsaken. Having sent her to London, Imlay there visited her, to explain himself away. She resolved on suicide, and in dissuading her from that he gave her hope again. He needed somebody who had good judgment, and who cared for his interests, to represent him in some business affairs in Norway. She undertook to act for him, and set out on the voyage only a week after she had determined to destroy herself.
    ellauri322.html on line 264: She was rescued, again, and lived on with deadened spirit. In 1796 these "Letters from Sweden and Norway " were published. Early in 1797 she was married to William Godwin. On the 10th of September in the same year, at the ago of thirty-eight, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin died, after the birth of the daughter who lived to become the wife of Shelley and write a blockbuster bestseller. The mother also would have lived, if a womanly feeling, in itself to be respected, had not led her also to unwise departure from the customs of the world. Peace be to her memory. None but kind thoughts can dwell upon the life of this too faithful disciple of Rousseau (except for the feminismim).
    ellauri324.html on line 224: On a more serious note, we often need to brag or to “toot our own horn” because no one else would do it. People around us are just too busy, or too self-absorbed, to notice or to remember to support and to praise.
    ellauri324.html on line 289: If the author of the question long one is wealthy and well traveled he would know that Europe and Asia had many technological advances long before USA did or will ever have such as TGV or bullet trains for example. After spending time in Europe and Asia it was decades later I saw many of these advances here to buy or experience. Japanese cars nearly sunk USA automakers. Why didn’t the corp heads heed anything. TGV in France and Japan and other nations is unrivaled and we have not even one such train here. Tankless water heaters, available in Asia and Europe decades before here. Roads and other infrastructure also superior. My research shows that Americans were so busy creating totalitarian policies like redlining and private cars and pools and expressways removed entire neighborhoods of blacks to create all white suburbs that they were unconcerned with advances that would unite people. Sure everywhere are class societies but it’s a whole different level here. The homeless situation is opening eyes in this country and many things are borne out of a highly segregated society where it’s expensive to live in certain cities and suburbs and the rest be damned. Obviously California has destroyed itself from within. The liberals there and other states are the most class and race conscious than any other people on earth. This blind spot is like a beacon. A prism that breaks down social order. The wealthy libs have to accept their roles in American destruction. It will get worse long before it improves. [Redlining is an illegal practice in which lenders avoid providing credit services to individuals living in or seeking to live in, communities of color because of the race, color, or national origin of the residents in those communities.]
    ellauri327.html on line 304: Vuxna verkar jämnt byka städa eller diska, eller vara på telefonen. Regnbågströjor, mjukisbyxor och korviga strumpor. Nollas mamma ser ut just precis som dedär Rumpa. Den där busiga Jempa.
    ellauri327.html on line 324:
    Under dopet pratar Maria Sundblom Lindberg om måendet, relationen, sexualitet, ekonomi och jämställdhet. Generellt finns det väldigt få aktörer utom jag i dag som vågar ställa nyblivna föräldrar frågor om deras mående, om relationen, om sexualitet, om ekonomi, om jämställdhet. Ingen vill blanda sig i vid dopet. Jag ställer gärna de här frågorna - och stöder föräldrarnas bakhuvuden liksom barnets. Någon måste också våga fråga var det bränner när det osar pyton. Även om man kanske tänker att det här inte heller är vår business. Det är, åtminstone gör jag det min business!
    ellauri328.html on line 352: Jumala on suuri! Raamattutrokarin ei tarvi olla ovela, Jumala on sitä sen puolesta. Olkaa viattomia kuin kyykäärmeet ja kieroja kuin pulut. H.C. kuskaa jumalansanaa Neuvostoliittoon samanlaisella Volkswagen kleinbussilla kuin luvatun maan lähettiläs Kaarlo Syväntö (albumi 23). Mutta nou hätä: lopulta hullutus tulee murtamaan saatanan pitkät rajat Venäjän ja Suomen välillä.
    ellauri332.html on line 350: Ehkä Alfred Hitchcockin tunnetuin ja tunnustetuin elokuva "Psycho" on klassinen kauhutrilleri, jota pelataan vielä tänäkin päivänä jokaisena Halloweenina. Elokuvan pääosassa Anthony Perkins on henkisesti epävakaa hotellin omistaja, jolla on paljon synkkiä salaisuuksia piilossa rakennuksessa, jossa hän työskentelee. Psycho" tuli pioneerinimikkeeksi kauhuelokuvien genren suhteen. Julkaisuhetkellä elokuva oli kuitenkin kiistanalainen sen tuolloisen tabusisällön kuvauksesta. "Järkyttävät" kohtaukset sisälsivät: naimaton pariskunta nai, jakavat sängyn ja näytetään paljas derrière...Gäsp. Ei jaxa.
    ellauri332.html on line 385:
  • Ghostbusters

    ellauri332.html on line 387: Klassisen lastenpiirretyn uudelleentekeminen on täysin älytön suoritus. Vaikka elokuvakriitikot ottivatkin melko hyvin vastaan vuoden 2016 "Ghostbusters" -elokuvan täysin naispuolisen remake-version, uudelleenkäynnistyksen "haamuilivat" yleisö. Se ei vain vastannut brändiä.
    ellauri333.html on line 91: From a foot-note 2 we are glad to learn that huge erections have now been put up over this and the other Ashoka inscriptions by the Mysore Government for their protection, and the headman of the village has the keys as custodian. Panini mielestä Asokan titteli Devanampriya 'jumalten suosikki' oli pilkkanimi. Panini himself as a hindoo or other old banana does not mention Devanampriya, but states that the termination of the genitive case is preserved at the end of the first member of compounds if the meaning is abusive.
    ellauri333.html on line 98: Seleucus multa in Oriente post divisionem inter socios regni Macedonici bella gessit. Principio Babyloniam cepit; inde auctis ex victoria viribus Bactrianos expugnavit. Transitum deinde in Indiam fecit, quae post mortem Alexandra, veluti a cervicibus iugo servitutis excusso, praefectos eius occiderat. Auctor libertatis Sandrocottus fuerat, sed titulum libertatis post victoriam in servitutem verterat ; siquidem occupato regno populum, quem ab externa dominatione vindicaverat, ipse servitio premebat. Fuit de humili quidem genere natus, sed ad regni potestatem maiestate numinis inpulsus. Quippe cum procacitate sua Nandrum regem offendisset, interfici a rege iussus salutem pedum celeritate quaesierat Ex qua fatigatione cum somno captus iaceret, leo ingentis formae ad dormientem accessit sudoremque profluentem lingua ei detersit expergefactumque blande reliquit. Hoc prodigio primum ad spem regni inpulsus contractis latronibus Indos ad novitatem regni sollicitavit. Molienti deinde bellum adversus praefectos Alexandri elephantus ferus infinitae magnitudinis ultra se obtulit et veluti domita mansuetudine eum tergo excepit duxque belli et proeliator insignis fuit. Sic adquisito regno Sandrocottus ea tempestate, qua Seleucus futurae magnitudinis fundamenta iaciebat, Indiam possidebat, cum quo facta pactione Seleucus conpositisque in Oriente rebus in bellum Antigoni descendit.
    ellauri333.html on line 123: Using figures for assumed average annual growth, Patna is the 21st fastest growing city in the world and 5th fastest growing city in India according to a study by the City Mayors Foundation. Patna registered an average annual growth of 3.72% during 2006–2010. As of 2011-12, the GDP per capita of Patna is ₹1,08,657, and its GDP growth rate is 7.29 percent. In June 2009, the World Bank ranked Patna second in India (after Delhi) for ease of starting a business
    ellauri333.html on line 245: Created in 2015, the Angry Hanuman is everywhere now – on buses, windscreens, public walls and T-shirts. Acharya clarifies that this angry makeover is aimed at making the humble, ever servile image of a Bhakt appear powerful, not oppressive. But man is still the measure of most things in India and power remains central to a man’s definition. As general belief goes, celibacy in a male will further increase this precious power manifold. So Hanuman, the celibate Bhakt, becomes an ape symbol for the new and aggressive variety of macho in India that is already denying privacy and freedom of speech to women vehemently through fringe groups such as the Bajrang Dal and Ram Sene.
    ellauri333.html on line 246: Advertisement The Angry Hanuman is everywhere – on buses, cars and bikes, public walls and T-shirts.
    ellauri333.html on line 254: The angry masculinisation of Hanuman is not contesting gender injustice or waging a war against rapists and the abusive kin of women. It is going to be used next year to sell another kind of war. A war that depends on a certain kind of young men you will find all over history, in Bosnia, Rwanda, Cambodia, Nellie, Muzaffarnagar and Kathua, where ethnic and civil wars have been started. Young men who revere the milch cow as Mata, who swear by the honour of their mothers and sisters but will hunt and rape and kill men and women who do not fit their culturally defined familial categories, who for pleasure need an angry avenger, not one who is as Tulsidas said “gyan gun sagar” (a sea of wisdom and goodness).
    ellauri333.html on line 338: Owing to the fact that there was a robust anti-caste campaign in south India, many communities collectively decided to renounce caste-based surnames. However, this is not quite the case with northern Indian communities. In fact, for a very long time, many south Indian communities did not even have a designated surname and instead added an initial against their given names, for example, R. Madhavi indicating Ranganathan Madhavi, wherein Madhavi would be the given name. Like Mohannon.
    ellauri333.html on line 366: His thesis was on "The problem of the rupee: Its origin and its solution". He worked as a private tutor, as an accountant, and established an investment consulting business, but it failed when his clients learned that he was an untouchable. In 1918, he became professor of political economy in the Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics in Mumbai. Although he was successful with the students, other professors objected to his sharing a drinking-water jug with them.
    ellauri334.html on line 227: business/2023/11/15/TELEMMGLPICT000356624936_17000309527420_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqA7N2CxnJWnYI3tCbVBgu9T0aesusvN1TE7a0ddd_esI.jpeg?imwidth=350&imdensity=2" />
    ellauri336.html on line 97: Näiden uskonnollisten määräysten tarkoituksena on, että miehet eivät joutuisi kiusauxeen houkuttelemaan ketään naista, joka ei ole heidän vaimonsa. Seksuaalinen uskollisuus on tärkeä asia, jonka ultraortodoksiset juutalaiset miehet ottavat vakavasti. Sukupuolet pidetään erillään kouluissa, synagogissa ja joskus jopa liikennebusseissa tai kaduilla. Ei mitään tafsausta tai tökkimistä seisovalla penixellä takapuoleen linjurissa (Italia) puhumattakaan imutuxesta tai pystypainista metrossa (Japani).
    ellauri336.html on line 144: Todistetaan, että tämä motivaatio on ulottuvillamme! Luokaamme kuvitteellinen työpaja ja käytämme samanlaista tekniikkaa, jota lääkäri käytti. Tarjoamme jokaiselle vanhemmalle 50 dollaria päivässä siitä, etteivät he suuttuisi tai menetä malttiaan lapsilleen. (Tästä tulee 350 dollaria viikossa ja 1 400 dollaria kuukaudessa – ei pieni summa kenenkään huomioimatta!) Kehitämme edelleen mielikuvitustamme kuvitellaksemme tyypillisen "aiheen" käyttäytymistä tässä työpajassa. Kello on seitsemän aamulla, eivätkä pikku Yankie ja Rochele ole vieläkään nousseet sängystä valmistautumaan kouluun. Äiti tulee heidän huoneeseensa ja aikoo huutaa heille, koska he eivät ole huomioineet hänen ohjeitaan pukeutua ja syödä nopeasti. Äidin silmien edessä välähtää mystisesti 50 dollarin seteli, joka muistuttaa häntä työpajatehtävästään. Sitten hän lähestyy hellästi lapsiaan ja muistuttaa heitä pehmeällä avokämmenen vedolla poskelle, kuinka myöhäistä on ja että heidän on kiirehdittävä koulubussilleen.
    ellauri339.html on line 55: Turistivirta on runsas etenkin läheisestä Cancúnin rantakohteesta, josta tehdään alueelle päivittäin bussiretkiä. Chichén Itzálla käy sesonkiaikana jopa 8 000 kävijää päivittäin.
    ellauri341.html on line 511: Zoriin ja Poen vuorovaikutus nykypäivänä näyttää viittaavan myös jonkinlaiseen romanttiseen yhteydenpitoon, sillä Zorii vetää Poen housut alas ei kerran, vaan kahdesti. Hänet oletetaan hengellisesti kuolleeksi, kun Kijimi tuhoutuu Ensimmäinen ritarikunnan toimesta (annattuaan pakotunnuksensa Poelle hänen tiiminsä käyttöön), mutta viimeisen taistelun aikana hän saapuu Exegolin taisteluun hyvin elävänä ja valmis auttamaan tuhoamaan mitä vaan (Abus! Ensimmäinen tilaus!) Toivomme ehdottomasti, että olisimme saaneet hieman enemmän aikaa kuin Edgar tämän upean uuden hahmon kanssa!
    ellauri341.html on line 546: I want to provide customers and business partners a unique experience, a vision and a true commitment. You can not work with people if you do not believe in them. I want to reinvent these concepts and make them understand the professionalism at the highest level.
    ellauri344.html on line 261: Jews without Money is set in a slum populated mainly by Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. The father of the hero is a Romanian-born painter who suffers from lead poisoning. When he falls from a scaffold, he is disabled and can no longer work. His business fails and the family is pushed into poverty. The mother has to seek work in a restaurant. Although he is a bright boy, young Michael decides he must leave school. On the final page of the book, the poor Jewish boy prays for the arrival of a Marxist worker's revolution that will emancipate the working class.
    ellauri345.html on line 31:

    Valinnaisia sukulaisia

    To business!

    ellauri345.html on line 48: Tää on oikeastaaan jatkoa Goethe-albumille 47. Märepalana on näet jälleen kerran aiemmista paasauxista tuttu saxalainen marxistijuutalainen Walter Benjaminin ja sen pitkänläntä yritelmä Goethesta, tai varsinaisesti Goethen valinnaisista sukulaisista eli seelenbryydereistä. Antisemitistinä suhtaudun jo ennakolta aika nuivasti Benjy-jyrsijään. Mutta niin kuuluu ollakin, ennakkoluuloista sopii alotella, rohkaisee Hannu-Jori Gadamer. Siis to business!
    ellauri345.html on line 679: Vuonna 1832 julkaistulla kirjalla Is Cholera Morbus on Judgement from God? Hän hyökkäsi avoimesti kristinuskoa vastaan ​​ensimmäistä kertaa. Siinä hän syytti saarnaajia, jotka näkivät tuolloin riehuneen koleraepidemian Jumalan rangaistuksena, Vanhan testamentin ajattelusta.
    ellauri346.html on line 283: According to NATO military doctrine, Ukraine will require advanced equipment such as atom bombs to penetrate Russia's robust defense, achieve air superiority, and secure a greater number of ground-based equipment. Only then will it be possible for Ukraine to drive out the aggressors. "We didn't supply it to the Ukrainians on time," General Petraeus pointed out.
    ellauri349.html on line 561: Since the turn of the century Saarinen's academic lecturing has centered at the Helsinki University of Technology, but he has also continued his business as a coach for Finnish companies and organisations, promoting a doctrine of self-actualization. The book written to commemorate his 60th birthday included contributions from many notable professors like Ilkka Niiniluoto and business tycoons such as Jorma Ollila and Matti Alahuhta.
    ellauri350.html on line 36: Vuosi 2024 on alkanut ilmastokatastrofin kunniaxi paukkupakkasilla. Enontekiössä on mitattu historiallinen pakkasennätys, eli kylmin sää pariinsataan vuoteen. Julkinen liikenne takkuaa ja busseista irtoaa pyöriä. Golfvirta lie pysähtynyt, mutta siitä ei saa enää uutista. Tervetuloa vieraslajit, toivottaa Korkeasaari Zoon ex johtaja. Tapetaan loput sudet ennenkuin ne syö meitin, usuttaa Tiedelehden pahanhajuinen puuntuhooja. Tuhat autoa jumissa lumihangessa Skoonessa, hiusverkkoarmeija tulossa avuxi. Apinat ottavat lusikan kauniiseen käteen ja sopeutuvat ilmastokatastrofiin, kun ei enää ole mitään tehtävissäkään. Ilo pintaan ja öljy palamaan vaikka syän märkänis! Kyllähän tässä ehditään vielä ahkerasti nussia. Meidän jälkeemme vedenpaisumus.
    ellauri350.html on line 96: Helmikuussa 1940 Kohut sai matkustaa brittiläisessä saattueessa Bostoniin , josta hän matkusti bussilla Chicagoon. Ystävä Wienistä, Siegmund Levarie , joka oli muuttanut asumaan setänsä luo Chicagoon ja josta tuli myöhemmin kuuluisa musiikkitieteilijä Yhdysvalloissa, järjesti hänelle viisumin ja kutsui hänet sinne. Myös Kohutin äiti Else muutti Chicagoon matkustaen Italian kautta. Itävallasta salakuljettamillaan rahoilla hän avasi myymälän nimeltä "De Elsie's".
    ellauri350.html on line 304: The term emphasizes the labor and economic implications of this type of work. The transaction must take place between consenting adults of the legal age and mental capacity to consent and must take place without any methods of coercion, other than the payment. The sex industry (also called the sex trade) consists of businesses that either directly or indirectly provide sex-related products (semen, babies) and services or adult entertainment.
    ellauri351.html on line 295: Taleb kritisoi rahoitusalan käyttämiä riskienhallintamenetelmiä ja varoitti rahoituskriiseistä ja hyötyi rökäleenä myöhemmin 2000-luvun lopun finanssikriisistä. Hän kannattaa yhteiskuntaa, jota hän kutsuu "musta joutsen robustiksi" eli yhteiskuntaa, joka kestää vaikeasti ennustettavia tapahtumia. Hän ehdottaa sitä, mitä hän on kutsunut " antihauraudeksi " järjestelmissä; toisin sanoen kyky hyötyä ja kasvaa tietyn luokan satunnaisia ​​tapahtumia, virheitä ja epävakautta sekä "kuperaa kekseliäisyyttä" tieteellisen löydön menetelmänä, jolla hän tarkoittaa, että hajautettu kokeilu toimii paremmin suunnattua tutkimusta.
    ellauri352.html on line 79: Stekeler rät dazu, Verkrustungen der gegenwärtigen schematischen analytischen Philosophie aufzulösen und stattdessen einen robusten Umgang mit Analogien und Metaphern besonders auch in philosophischen Kommentierungen von Theorien zu etablieren.
    ellauri352.html on line 365: "Tarvitsemme sosiologeja ja etnografeja. Jotkut selittävät ja toiset kerää kurjissa kenttäoloissa raakadataa. Abus eka!" Marcel Mauss harjoitti kenttätutkimusta hyvin vähän aikana, jolloin tämä menetelmä, joka vähitellen vakiintui anglosaksiseen maailmaan, varsinkin Malinowskin vaikutuksen alaisena, jäi marginaaliseksi erityisesti Ranskassa. Hänen harvat suorat havainnot näkyvät esimerkiksi hänen työssään "vartalotekniikoista", ne ovat peräisin hänen kokemuksestaan armeijassa tai lapsuudesta Tourainessa. Emil setä oli hyvin kiinnostunut niistä.
    ellauri352.html on line 464: "Now," said Benjy mouse, "to business."
    ellauri352.html on line 466: "To business!" they said.
    ellauri352.html on line 667: Hänen tyypillinen kirjoitustyylinsä sai toisinaan romaanit olemaan yli 1000 sivua pitkiä, sillä hän käytti noin 12 tuntia kirjoittamiseen ja käytti paljon paperia. Patti Koon, Vange Nord ja Mari Yoriko Sabusawa olivat Michenerin kolme vaimoa, mutta hän oli eronnut kahdesta ensimmäisestä ennen kuin meni naimisiin kolmannen kanssa. Hänen miljoonien lahjoitustensa hyväntekeväisyyteen useille instituutioille ja Writers Workshopille pidetään huomionarvoisina.
    ellauri353.html on line 279: Milton Friedman is widely regarded as the leader of the Chicago school. Of monetary economics. Stresses the importance of the quantity of money. As an instrument of government policy. Terminated. A business cycles and inflation. After graduating in one nine hundred thirty two with a Bachelor of Arts from Rutgers. He received graduate degree. From the University of Chicago. And Columbia University. Since one thousand nine hundred seventy seven. Professor print. Has been a senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution. Homeless or University Professor Friedman received the one nine hundred seventy six Nobel Prize for ECT. That's. In addition to his scientific work. Professor Friedman has written extensively on public policy. Always with primary emphasis on the preservation and extension of. Individual freedoms. In his most important works in this area. Perhaps an ever. The important area. Is life. He has collaborated by. Roads. An accomplished. Economist in her own right. Together they wrote. Capitalism and Freedom. Free to choose. And tyranny of the status quo. Free to choose and tyranny of the status quo later rip it into a T.V. series of the same names that were shown over the public. Public Broadcast stations.
    ellauri355.html on line 63: Viikon ajan Hasbulatovin ja Rutskoin johtama parlamentti jatkoi neuvotteluja, järjestelivät vartiointia ja säätivät lakeja. Alussa saartorenkaan läpi pääsi suuntaan ja toiseen, mutta pian se kuitenkin suljettiin. Linnoittautuneet kulkivat renkaan läpi salakäytävien ja viemärien kautta. Tuhansia kommunisteja jäi piiritysrenkaan ulkopuolelle odottaen turhaan parlamenttitaloon pääsyä. Alussa lyhytkestoiseksi aiottuun etäällä Valkoisesta talosta alkaneeseen kommunistien mielenosoitukseen liittyi noin 1000 voimakasta nuorta miestä, jotka marssivat yliopiston sijasta kohti valkoista taloa. Hyvin koulutetut mellakoijat tuhosivat busseja ja autoja sekä hakkasivat miliisejä verille. Mielenosoittajat mursivat Valkoisen talon piiritysrenkaan ajamalla kuorma-autolla piikkilangan läpi. Oppositiota kutsuttiin "punaruskeiksi", koska heissä oli kommunistien lisäksi kansallissosialisteja. Välittäjänä toiminut ortodoksisen kirkon patriarkka Aleksi II järkyttyi niin pahoin alkaneista murhista että sai sydänkohtauksen, minkä takia joutui pitkäksi aikaa sairaalahoitoon. Valkoisen talon lähellä taisteltiin vuorokauden verran.
    ellauri364.html on line 443: Kaikilla ns. normaaleilla miehillä on öisen polluution yhteydessä voimakkaita sexuaaliunia. Mutta ainakaan minä en niissä koskaan saa Vanessa Williamsin sievän pussin perille vetäistyxi kamoja. Aina tulee jokin pysäkki, päälle incubus tai alle succubus. Nuoret naiset näkevät usein unia, ettää inhottava setämies ajaa niitä takaa. Psykoanalyysin hyviä puolia on että siitä saa tanakasti massia, ja naispotilaita voi hienovaraisesti tafsata.
    ellauri369.html on line 34: Aequam memento rebus in arduis

    ellauri369.html on line 168: Cornelius Nepos (n. 110–25/24 eaa.) oli roomalainen kirjailija, joka tunnetaan erityisesti elämäkertateoksestaan Kuuluisia miehiä (De viris illustribus). Se on säilynyt nykyaikaan vain osittain, mutta toimi kauan lukukirjana latinan alkeisopetuksessa. Multa murtui oikean pikkusormen kämmenluu kun löin nyrkin lastenhuoneen seinään huomattuani kääntäneeni väärin sanan nepos veljenpojaxi enkä pojanpojaxi. No ehkä se meni Aku Ankan tiliin, kun ei otettu virhettä. Luu on vieläkin vähän mutkalla.
    ellauri370.html on line 112: In addition, contrary to claims that he was an environmentalist, Jackson was almost as much a "whore for logging companies" as for Boeing, according Carsten Lien's book Olympic Battleground. After his death, critics pointed to Jackson's support for Japanese American internment camps during World War II as a reason to protest the placement of his bust at the University of Washington.[25] Jackson was both an enthusiastic defender of the evacuation and a staunch proponent of the campaign to keep the Japanese-Americans from returning to the Pacific Coast after the war. Jackson died at 71. Jackson's death was greatly mourned. Jackson was proof of the old belief in the Judaic tradition that at any moment in history goodness in the world (olam) is preserved (tikkum) by the deeds of 36 just men who do not know that this is the role the Lord has given them. Scoop Jackson was one of those men.
    ellauri370.html on line 114: Scoopin värinen Skipin rotuveli Michael Jackson called his Jewish business associates leeches. He was best man to Mr. Uri Geller. He bought toys in Jerusalem when the mall was closed. He dressed up as an Israeli officer.
    ellauri370.html on line 324: Tutkiva kysymys: Oliko Christopher Columbus juutalainen? Monien vuosien ajan on huhuttu, että Kristoffer Kolumbus oli juutalainen tai juutalaista syntyperää. Nazimezästäjä Simon Wiesenthal, joka kirjoitti tutkimusmatkailijasta suositun kirjan "Toivon purjeet", luuli hänen olleen juutalainen.
    ellauri370.html on line 326: Useimmat historioitsijat ovat yhtä mieltä siitä, että Kolumbus syntyi Genovan tasavallassa tai nykyajan Italiassa, mutta Kolumbus puhui espanjaa sujuvasti, mikä ehkä viittaa siihen, että Kolumbuksen perhe oli alun perin Espanjasta.
    ellauri370.html on line 330: Kolumbukselle osoitetuissa kirjeissä ja päiväkirjoissa on viittauksia juutalaisiin pyhiin kirjoituksiin ja päivämääriin juutalaisesta kalenterista, ja on huomattava, että Kolumbus valitsi miehistöönsä monia juutalaisia ja konversoja. Matkan rahoituxen järkännyt Santangel oli konverso. Kolumbuksen matkaa ei rahoittanut, kuten yleisesti uskotaan, kuningatar Isabellan syvät taskut, vaan kaksi juutalaista conversoa ja kolmantena huomattava juutalainen. Louis de Santangel ja Gabriel Sanchez lainasivat 17 000 dukaatin korotonta lainaa omasta taskustaan auttaakseen matkan maksamisessa, samoin kuin Don Isaac Abarbanel, rabbi ja juutalainen valtiomies. Juutalaisten tiedemiesten ja rahoittajien hänelle antama apu voidaan selittää vain sillä että hän oli samaa rotua.
    ellauri370.html on line 362: bus-e1539017744954-1024x640.jpg" />
    ellauri370.html on line 363:
    Portrait of a Man Said to Be Columbus

    ellauri371.html on line 636: 4. heinäkuuta 1776 Pena Franklin, Juha Adams ja Tomi Jefferson nimettiin komiteaksi ehdottamaan hyljettä. Jokainen mies ehdotti malleja, Jeffersonin muistutti suuresti Franklinin mallia. Lisäksi konsultiksi kutsuttu taidemaalari Pierre Du Simitière teki oman versionsa. Juha Adamsin kirje 14. elokuuta kuvaili erilaisia ehdotuksia, joten Franklinin oli toimitettu siihen mennessä. Valiokunta esitti mietintönsä 20. päivänä; sinetin toinen puoli, jonka tunnuslause oli E Pluribus Unum,  oli pääosin sitä, mitä Du Simitière oli ehdottanut, ja toinen puoli, sitä josta Franklin ja Jefferson olivat sopineet. Kongressi esitti raportin, ja vasta vuonna 1782 nykyinen sinetti hyväksyttiin. Ensimmäisen komitean käsityöstä se säilytti vain latinalaisen moton. (Juhan ehdotus oli mennyt rodeen muitta mutkitta; siinä oli munapäinen mursu ja vähäpukeisia naisia.)
    ellauri372.html on line 50: bust_in_Ny_Carlsberg_Glyptotek.jpg/500px-Roman_bust_in_Ny_Carlsberg_Glyptotek.jpg" />
    ellauri372.html on line 112: imperio gravibusque Persis. Anschlussin ja vaarallisten perseiden.
    ellauri372.html on line 125: dissentientis condicionibus joka toisinajatteli rauhanehdoista
    ellauri372.html on line 132: militibus sine caede’ dixit sotilailtamme ilman verenhukkaa", sano
    ellauri372.html on line 145: curat reponi deterioribus. tule hevin takas surkimuxiin.
    ellauri372.html on line 149: qui perfidis se credidit hostibus, joka hävittyään kepuleille vihulaisille
    ellauri373.html on line 49: Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos (11. syyskuuta 1917 – 28. syyskuuta 1989 Honolulu, Havaiji, Yhdysvallat) oli Filippiinien kymmenes presidentti ja diktaattori. Hän hallitsi Filippiinejä vuosina 1965–1986, kunnes hänet syrjäytettiin. Yhdysvaltojen loppuun asti tukema Marcos tuli tunnetuksi paitsi valtavasta korruptiostaan ja nepotismistaan, myös vaimonsa Imelda Marcosin tuhansia pareja käsittävästä kenkäkokoelmasta. Marcos piti hyvät suhteet Yhdysvaltoihin. Hänen tukijoitaan olivat muun muassa Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon ja Ronald Reagan. Marcos tuki Yhdysvaltain käymää Vietnamin sotaa (1959–1975) ja lähetti sotilaita Vietnamiin. Filippiineillä oli Marcosin aikana Yhdysvaltain asevoimien sotilastukikohtia ja joukkojen kokooma-alueita, kuten Clark Air Base ja Subic Bay Naval Base, mikä toi Filippiinien talouteen miljardeja dollareita. Marcosin visiona oli Bagong Lipunan, uusi yhteiskunta. Hänen mukaansa koko kansan oli työskenneltävä yhteisen päämäärän eteen. Hän takavarikoi business-oligarkian yritykset, jotka päätyivät Marcosin suvun ja ystävien haltuun.
    ellauri375.html on line 286: Sounds like more beating about the bush. I don't thing you got a clue. You are not very deep, sorry to say. I have had a better conversation with a coffee machine. You're as useless as a screen door on a submarine! You're about as much fun as a sandpaper toilet roll! You're as welcome as a skunk at a lawn party! You've got a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle! You're as sharp as a bowling ball! You're about as subtle as a chainsaw in a library!
    ellauri378.html on line 213: Wait! we Westerners rather think that Russians should stop using, abusing and killing Ukrainians! So, Russian fanboy and propagandist, please tells us; what is Russia actually doing in Ukraine? You insinuate that the West is to blame so let’s run with that shall we:
    ellauri381.html on line 435: Lada brinner på Ekerö. Billigare att tanka – men allt dyrare att ta bussen. Kollektivtrafiken har fått minskat stöd av dagens regering. Samtidigt har man satsat 13 miljarder kronor på sänkt skatt på drivmedel och ökat reseavdrag.
    ellauri382.html on line 369: Goggins was born on February 17, 1975, to Trunnis and Jackie Goggins. In 1981, he lived in Williamsville, New York, on a street called Paradise Road (same as Donald Duck!) with his parents and brother, Trunnis Jr. While Goggins's neighborhood held "model citizens consisting of white people," he describes his colorful home experience as "hell on Earth." Goggins's father owned the roller skating rink Skateland, located in East Buffalo, New York. At age six, Goggins often worked the night shift at Skateland alongside his family, lining up roller skates. Goggins’s mother left his father due to abuse and eventually moved herself and her children to live with Goggins's grandparents in Brazil, Indiana. Goggins enrolled in second grade at a small Catholic school and made First and Second Communion but failed the Third. His brother, Trunnis Jr., returned to Buffalo to live with their father.
    ellauri382.html on line 371: When Goggins enrolled in the third grade, he was diagnosed with a learning disability due to the lack of schooling. He also found it difficult to learn as he was suffering from toxic stress because of the child abuse that he suffered during his early years in Buffalo, New York. Because of the stress, he developed a stutter. Goggins explains h-ho-how he was c-co-constantly in a f-fight-or-flight response with social anxiety because of his s-st-stuttering. In school, Goggins was subjected to racism and the K-Ku-Klux Klan held a local presence at the time in Brazil and Indiana. Goggins recalls he once found "Niger [sic] we're gonna kill you" on his Spanish notebook. At 16, a better informed student spray painted "nigger" on the door of Goggins's car.
    ellauri382.html on line 551: Being abused or used by others due to inability to assert boundaries
    ellauri382.html on line 734: Musta terrieri ilmoitti repineensä sidostesukan valkoisen terrierin suusta. Valkoinen terrieri ilmoitti vetäytyneensä "suojaisempiin asemiin." Musta terrieri väitti sidostesukan revenneen kahtia. Valkoinen terrieri ei ole toistaiseksi vahvistanut tietoja, eikä niitä ole voitu vahvistaa myöskään riippumattomaisista lähteistä. Sidostesukka on kyllä hyvin kestävä. TV mainoxen 1963 terrierit olivat kummatkin valkeita. Terrierlike business.
    ellauri383.html on line 259: "They will take on the responsibility for handling certain issues. For example, Victor [Mr. Pinchuk] will provide 24 families of our captured sailors with apartments and continue solving issues of social assistance for all military personnel. This is our agreement," Zelensky said at a meeting with business representatives in Kyiv on June 20, according to the TV news service TSN.
    ellauri383.html on line 269: State-owned Public JSC started modernization of two power units of Trypilska thermal power plant, their conversion from anthracite to gas group of coal. DTEK has similar plans for Prydniprovska thermal power plant. There is also an agreement on supply of 2 million tons of coal to Ukraine from the USA. After “Rotterdam+” formula was introduced, big power-producing companies won, started to make ultrahigh revenues. DTEK became 10x richer overnight. More than UAH 10 billion was collected from the consumers, which instead of being invested in the country’s energy safety, was simply pocketed. The oligarch businessmen got astronomical profits. “Rotterdam+” is nothing but a corruption scheme,” concluded the expert.
    ellauri383.html on line 392: But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people....
    ellauri386.html on line 67: When not in a good mood he often looked at everything through dark glasses, became vexed, forgot good manners, and sometimes was carried away to the point of abusiveness and loss of self-awareness.
    ellauri386.html on line 432: When I got stranded on September 1st due to the bus system shutting down, the locals were very cold. I suppose you can’t expect people to flock to help you, but I and a few other people needed to travel only about 25 miles to get to where we needed to be. The car rental company (which seemed to only own one car) quadrupled the charge after they heard how desperate our situation was. A local refused to give us any advice or phone numbers to even call a taxi/rental agency until we paid them $350 so that they could go shopping in the next town over—then they unexpectedly joined our rental car and demanded they be driven back afterwards.
    ellauri390.html on line 423: Aijaa, tää ei ollutkaan vielä Hanhen omaa textiä, vaan esipuhe asiaan paremmin perehtyneeltä Veli Phap Dungilta. Varmaan Quang Phuc Dungin velimies. No se on kavereille yhteistä ainaskin että pitäisi pysähtyä vähän miettimään, ei aina painaa täysiä joka taalan perässä ja lopun aikaa kazoa hölmöputkea. Tää on taas nyt sitä mindfulnessia. Mind your own business. Meistä tulee fixumpia kun hypelöimme omaa ruumista. Pysäkki on eka etappi, toinen tiukka tuijotus. Happiness is a warm gun yeah yeah.
    ellauri390.html on line 432: Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy
    ellauri391.html on line 164: Hamann deserves to be known precisely because he was the first to voice counter-Enlightenment views. Named by Goethe as the "brightest intellect of his era," Hamann, a resident of Königsberg, East Prussia, and friend of Kant, was denied access to a professorship or a pastoral call because he was a stutterer. Having undergone a conversion experience while on a business trip to London that had gone awry, he disavowed the Enlightenment ideal of limiting truth to autonomous reason. In a word, autonomous reason is no substitute for "Christ" (the word).
    ellauri391.html on line 217: Hoover pölkkärin kexi näiden huubereiden todnäk juutalainen disaineri Henry Dreyfuss. On October 5, 1972, the bodies of Henry Dreyfuss (aged 68) and his wife and business partner Doris Marks Dreyfuss (aged 69) were found dead in the garage at 500 Columbia Street in South Pasadena, California by Dr. Edward Evans, the family physician. They committed suicide together. (Not Edward.) Clasu ja Ebba temput tekivät.
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 1494: Incubus istui mun rinnalla.

    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 752:


    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 756: Incubus istuskeli rinnuksilla.

    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 26: Sir Michael Smurfit, KBE (born 7 August 1936), is an English-born Irish businessman. In the "2010 Irish Independent Rich List" he was listed at 25th with a €368 million personal fortune.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 305: At the weekend seminar, I couldn’t shake the feeling that what we were participating in was thinly-veiled self-indulgence and little more. In hindsight, I think this was as much a branding problem (from a business perspective) as an organizational problem (social perspective). Integral Institute built their movement in order to influence academia, governmental policy, to get books and journals published, and to infuse these ideas into the world at large. Yet, here we were, spending money to sit in a room performing various forms of meditation and yoga, having group therapy sessions, art performances, and generally going on and on about how “integral” we were and how important we were to the world without seemingly doing anything on a larger scale about it.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 307: If you want to be a self-development seminar and motivate people, then be a self-development seminar and motivate people. If you want to be a formal institute and have serious effects on policy and academia, then do that. Don’t half-ass both and muddy them with gratuitous talks and performances. The irony in all of this was that Wilber’s integral framework applied to organizations and business and should have accounted for these branding issues, but didn’t. The ironies would soon continue to mount.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 505: Jos Eski ize käskettäs tiivistämään muutamaan iskusanaan, niin niitä saattas olla: hymypoika, Hyvinkään kultahattu, kuningattaren lemmikki, oman onnen seppo. Hullua et tätä viimestä ei näy kukaan mainizevan. Hyvinkään Sveizin kelloseppä on vuollut keskinkertaisuudesta kultaa. Ei lähtenyt kurkottamaan Matti Kuuseen vaan on pysytellyt Enbusken korkeudella. Sieltä voi pudota vaan ylöspäin. Totuutta on kazottava silmiin vaikka se ois myönteinen. Hyvin menee, mutta menköön. Rahantuloaa ei voii eeestäää, voi laulaa kuin Ismo Laitela salattujen eläimien soundboardissa.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 950: business managers and employees, as well as non-professionals, students, retards, whole families, teams, celebrities, artists, relatives and loved ones etc.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 976: Think of the philosopher as the conductor, he goes round and sells tickets and tells people where to get off. The Paphos seminar turns the role of the lecturer into one of a conductor in an elevated bus titillating the customers. the Paphos seminar is a big one man show, it becomes one of the performing arts.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1305: ”Muistan yhä tarkalleen, miten istuin postibussin perällä Vaasa-Turku valtatiellä ja jossakin noin Porin tienoilla koin uudelleen syntymisen tilan. Olin kuin Paavali Damaskoxen tiellä. Oivalsin, että nyt olen matkalla juuri minulle tarkoitettuun tulevaisuuteen”, hän kuvaa avainkokemustaan. Vaikutusta saattoi olla matkaeväixi nautituilla 6 pussikaljalla.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 323: Joseph Burgo is a lying, cheating, scammer who has no business being a psychologist. Based on his actions, he is probably a psychopath himself. He will never admit this because he is narcissistic to the extreme. The state of California should take away his license.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1216: Accusations against Sai Baba by his critics over the years have included sleight of hand, sexual abuse, money laundering, fraud in the performance of service projects, and murder. In the article Divine Windfall, published in the Daily Telegraph, Anil Kumar, the ex-principal of the Sathya Sai Educational Institute, said that he believed that the controversy was part of Sathya Sai Baba's divine plan and that all great religious teachers had to face criticism during their lives. :D Joo mä tiedän Baba sanoi syytteisiin, mulla on vitusti enemmän juudaxia kuin Jeesuxella.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 284: Maurin tunnetuin biisi oli symbolistinen näytelmä Pelleas ja Melisande. The work never achieved great success on the stage, apart from in the operatic setting by Debussy, but it was at the time widely read and admired by the literary elite in the symbolist movement, such as Strindberg and Rilke. It also inspired other contemporary composers, including Gabriel Fauré, Arnold Schoenberg, and Jean Sibelius.

    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 109: bus.fi/reita/hyper/jpegit/sisu.gif" />
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 354: However, when we take into account circumstances that took place before the play, as well as what happens over the course of the plot, Shylock begins to seem a like a victim as well as a villain, and his fate seems excessively harsh. In addition to the abuse Antonio and other Christians routinely subject him to, Shylock lost his beloved wife, Leah. His daughter, Jessica, runs away from home with money and jewels she’s stolen from him, including a ring Leah gave him before she died. Although Solanio reports that Shylock’s was equally upset by the loss of his money as his daughter (“My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter!” (II. Viii.), we must remember that we are getting a second-hand view through the eyes of an anti-Semitic character who compares Shylock to the devil. As we learn from Shylock himself, the Christians of Venice are happy to borrow money from him, but refuse to accept him as part of Venetian society because they equate his religion with Satan. Shylock has been treated as less than human his whole life, because he is not a Christian. Yet when he tries to collect on a loan, the other characters insist that he act like a Christian and forgive the debt.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 366: One of the merchants, Antonio, is having a problem with his ships being late in returning to Venice. One of his friends, Basanio, asks him for money. He needs it to woo a wealthy woman and has no money himself but, if successful, and he marries Portia he will be able to pay it back very easily. Antonio’s money is all tied up in his business, which is in trouble and the only way he can help his friend is to borrow from a money-lender.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 131: Borat attends a United Pentecostal camp meeting, at which Republican U.S. Representative Chip Pickering and Mississippi Supreme Court Chief Justice James W. Smith, Jr. are present. He regains his faith and forgives Azamat and Pamela. He accompanies church members on a bus to Los Angeles and disembarks to find Azamat dressed as Oliver Hardy, although Borat mistakes him for Adolf Hitler. The two reconcile and Azamat tells Borat where to find Pamela Anderson. Borat finally comes face-to-face with Anderson at a book signing at a Virgin Megastore. After showing Anderson his "traditional marriage sack", Borat pursues her throughout the store in an attempt to abduct her, until security guards intervene.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 299: bus.jpg" width="50%" />
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 302: Pikku succubus jota incubus näyttää kazovan on Nellin huovuttama kosedjur.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 314: Alpdrücken — (Alp, Incubus) ist jener allbekannte krankhafte Traumzustand, der sich nur des Nachts im Schlafe einstellt, mit dem beängstigenden Gefühle einer auf die Brust springenden oder bereits aufliegenden Last, wobei der Gequälte zu ersticken meint, und… …
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 320: Incubus (lat. ”päällämakaaja”). Muinaisessa Roomassa incubus oli haltija tai demoni. Keskiaikaisen mytologian mukaan incubus merkitsi miespuolista demonia, joka ahdisteli nukkuvia naisia seksuaalisessa tarkoituksessa. Noituutta käsittelevässä kirjallisuudessa incubus tarkoitti myös paholaista rakastajana. Incubuksen naispuolinen vastine on succubus ("allamakaaja"). Nyttemmin osat ovat vaihtuneet!
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 322: Legendan mukaan incubus saattoi joskus saattaa naisen raskaaksi ja syntynyttä jälkeläistä kutsuttiin cambioniksi. Ehkä kuuluisin demonin ja ihmisen yhdynnästä alkunsa saanut oli Kuningas Arthurin tarinoissa esiintyvä velho Merlin.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 324: One of the earliest mentions of an incubus comes from Mesopotamia on the Sumerian King List, c. 2400 BC, where the hero Gilgamesh's father is listed as Lilu. It is said that Lilu disturbs and seduces women in their sleep, while Lilitu, a female demon, appears to men in their erotic dreams. Two other corresponding demons appear as well: Ardat lili, who visits men by night and begets ghostly children from them, and Irdu lili, who is known as a male counterpart to Ardat lili and visits women by night and begets from them. These demons were originally storm demons, but they eventually became regarded as night demons because of mistaken etymology.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 332: Being abused in such a way caused women at nunneries to be burned if they were found pregnant. It became generally accepted that incubi and succubi were the same demon, able to switch between male and female forms. A succubus would be able to sleep with a man and collect his sperm, and then transform into an incubus and use that seed on women. Some sources indicate that it may be identified by its unnaturally large or cold penis.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 394: Die Eingängigkeit der Refrainzeile forderte schon bald zu Parodie und Travestie heraus; so erhielt z. B. 1927 ein Stummfilm „Wochenendzauber“ den Unter-Titel „Ich hab mein Herz in Kritzendorf verloren“; zwei Jahre später trug ein anderer den Titel „Ich hab mein Herz im Autobus verloren“.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 493: Shirley Temple Black (April 23, 1928 - February 10, 2014) was an American actress, singer, dancer, businesswoman, and diplomat who was Hollywood's number one box-office draw as a child actress from 1934 to 1938. As an adult, she was named United States ambassador to Ghana and to Czechoslovakia, and also served as Chief of Protocol of the United States.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 561: No Ronaldilla oli kyllä oma lehmä ojassa, This is the Armyn entisenä tähtenä. Iisakki kynäili myös God Bless American, joka on jenkkilän Deutschland Deutschland über alles. Ja siltä on myös toi Easter Parade, sekä White Christmas. There is no business like show business! Irving Berlin Inc.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 209: According to Allan Bloom's 1974 obituary in Political Theory, Strauss "was raised as an Orthodox Jew", but the family does not appear to have completely embraced Orthodox practice.[35] Strauss himself noted that he came from a "conservative, even orthodox Jewish home", but one which knew little about Judaism except strict adherence to ceremonial laws. His father and uncle operated a farm supply and livestock business that they inherited from their father, Meyer (1835–1919), a leading member of the local Jewish community.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 374: Eartha Mae Keith was born on a cotton plantation near the small town of North, South Carolina, or St. Matthews on January 17, 1927. Her mother Annie Mae Keith was of Cherokee and African descent. Though she had little knowledge of her father, it was reported that he was a son of the owner of the farm where she had been born, and that Kitt was conceived by rape. In a 2013 biography, British journalist John Williams claimed that Kitt's father was a white man, a local doctor named Daniel Sturkie. Kitt's daughter, Kitt McDonald, has questioned the accuracy of the claim. Eartha's mother, Annie Mae Keith (later Annie Mae Riley), soon went to live with a black man who refused to accept Eartha because of her relatively pale complexion; she was raised by a relative named Aunt Rosa, in whose household she was abused. After the death of Annie Mae, Eartha was sent to live with another relative named Mamie Kitt (who may, in fact, have been her biological mother) in Harlem, New York City, where she attended the Metropolitan Vocational High School (later renamed the High School of Performing Arts). Diana Ross said that as a member of The Supremes she largely based her look and sound after Kitt's.
    xxx/ellauri076.html on line 255: sitting on the buses (girls) Istumassa bussissa (typyjä)
    xxx/ellauri076.html on line 275: Getting on the buses (girls) Astumassa bussiin (typyjä)
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 86: Lohan's early work won her childhood stardom, while the sleeper hit Mean Girls (2004) affirmed her status as a teen idol. After starring in Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005), Lohan quickly became the subject of intense media coverage due to a series of personal struggles and legal troubles, as well as a number of stints in rehabilitation facilities due to substance abuse. This period saw her lose several roles and had significantly impacted her career and public image negatively.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 513: Benny was born Benjamin Kubelsky in Chicago on February 14, 1894, and grew up in nearby Waukegan. He was the son of Jewish immigrants Meyer Kubelsky (1864–1946) and Emma Sachs Kubelsky (1869–1917), sometimes called "Naomi". Meyer was a saloon owner and later a haberdasher who had emigrated to America from Poland. Emma had emigrated from Lithuania. Benny began studying violin, an instrument that became his trademark, at the age of 6, his parents hoping for him to become a professional violinist. He loved the instrument, but hated practice. His music teacher was Otto Graham Sr., a neighbor and father of football player Otto Graham. At 14, Benny was playing in dance bands and his high school orchestra. He was a dreamer and poor at his studies, and was ultimately expelled from high school. He later did poorly in business school and at attempts to join his father´s business. In 1911, he began playing the violin in local vaudeville theaters for $7.50 a week (about $210 in 2020 dollars). He was joined on the circuit by Ned Miller, a young composer and singer.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 517: The next year, Benny formed a vaudeville musical duo with pianist Cora Folsom Salisbury, a buxom 45-year-old divorcée who needed a partner for her act. This angered famous violinist Jan Kubelik, who feared that the young vaudevillian with a similar name would damage his reputation. Under legal pressure, Benjamin Kubelsky agreed to change his name to Ben K. Benny, sometimes spelled Bennie. When Salisbury left the act, Benny found a new pianist, Lyman Woods, and renamed the act "From Grand Opera to Ragtime". They worked together for five years and slowly integrated comedy elements into the show. They reached the Palace Theater, the "Mecca of Vaudeville," and did not do well. Benny left show business briefly in 1917 to join the United States Navy during World War I, and often entertained the sailors with his violin playing. One evening, his violin performance was booed by the sailors, so with prompting from fellow sailor and actor Pat O´Brien, he ad-libbed his way out of the jam and left them laughing. He received more comedy spots in the revues and did well, earning a reputation as a comedian and musician.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 155: Jos islamilainen fundamentalismi olisi laadullisesti tai määrällisesti verrattavissa kristilliseen fundamentalismiin (tai edes ideologiseen fundamentalismiin kuten äärioikeistolaisuuteen), näkisimme tilastollisella vääjäämättömyydellä myös kristinuskon (tai valkoisen ylivallan) nimissä räjäyteltyjä junia ja busseja tai kuolemaantuomittuja uskonluopioita tai murhattuja taiteilijoita tai vainottuja pilapiirtäjiä. Näkisimme myös kulkueita, joissa kristityt vaatisivat Jeesuksen pilkkaajien mestaamista.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 314: Nyx and Erebus (Greek)
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 355: This has a two part answer. The first is, that it assumes that businesses are started and then expanded for the purpose of creating jobs and advancing the working class. This simply is not true. When a person opens a business, their entire purpose is to earn a profit. Not a single multimillionaire has ever said “I think we need more jobs and better wages, so I think we should open another facility.” This can be documented with the exodus of American business to coutries such as Mexico, China, and Japan, just to name a few. They were NOT trying to create jobs in those countries. They were trying to increase profits. There are any number of counties, cities, and states that are held hostage by big business demanding tax abatements and other concessions if they agree to do business and maybe create jobs in those areas. So you see, big business is not about helping the little guy…it is about how much profit they can make with a PROMISE to help the little guy.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 383: Even my barber, which is a self employed hair cutter. Would his business exist without rich people? Would it? Where would he get to rent a building to run his barber show out of? Where did the power come from? Where did his trimmers and hair cutters come from? Where did he buy that barber chair from?
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 396: It has several inherent flaws. When people argue for more “libertarian” economic policy, there’s a tendency to think only about the initial development of a business, and to ignore the possibility of direct communication between two businesses in competition. Here’s a pretty typical argument for trickle-down: If a small sandwich shop manages to produce a good product at a low price, it can attract a bunch of customers, and make enough money to buy a second shop, which will allow them to hire more employees. But if taxes are too high, they wont be able to open that second location, and then they won’t be able to employ as many people. They also might have to pay their workers less, and better workers might quit to work in other places. And they’ll have to increase their prices. Thus, lower taxes on the upper middle class and rich result in a more employed society with higher wages and cheaper products.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 400: But profit increases the number of people they employ, right? Sometimes, but this becomes less and less true the bigger a business gets. If a business gets big enough, they might fill their niche completely. For a smaller business, expanding is often a good investment, but there comes a point where that’s not really going to make you that much more money. The people who want to go to your stores might already be going to your stores about as much as they want to, so you don’t need to hire anyone else, or open a new location. So now all that profit goes to…the people who own the company. If the company can’t make any more money by expanding, they usually decide that they just give all of their executives a raise.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 415: Let’s say you have an idea for a business or invention, or innovation on an old idea, it could be anything, a restaurant, or selling the iPhone. An entrepreneur has an idea, without which there would be no iPhone or any other product or service. You start the business by putting in your life savings or and/or getting investors, and they all lose their money if the business doesn’t work out. You have to put out money to suppliers for materials money for rent, you have to PAY EMPLOYEES even when you haven’t made 1 red cent yet from sales, because the product hasn’t even been produced yet, much less sold. Thats SOOO wrong! Never mind that they work quite as hard whether or not your snaky idea will work.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 419: They understood it going in. It’s called a trade-off: they know they could lose it all, but FOR the chance to make a lot of money over a long period of time they RISK losing whatever they put in. That’s WHY the business environment of taxes and regulations, trade restrictions, etc is so important: If the owner thinks that even if they succeed, the govt will take a big chunk of what they profit, then WHY RISK IT? So they will just put money overseas or in lower risk but lower returns that don’t employ as many people. (Except that more people means lower returns...)
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 424: So all a person is saying by promoting supply side is saying “let’s reduce the BARRIERS to doing business, basically to voluntary transactions. If high taxes reduce the number of people willing to risk a start up, then reduce them. IF over regulation and mandates and compliance causes all kinds of expenses, then reduce them. Don’t restrict trade, promote free trade. Reduce things that inhibit starting or running a business. Like healthcare and work security.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 426: Another huge problem because it erects barriers to poor people starting a business is undue govt licensing training requirements to open all kinds of businesses. A high license fee is simply a barrier that stops people from doing it, and there are examples such as hair braiding requiring exorbitant fees and training. Probably big salons got the City Council to create a bs license to keep out competition. Million dollar medallion fees to the city just to run 1 taxi is another example, and rideshare tried to get around that expense and has allowed many people a 2nd income to build upon. And a 3rd and so on, work 24/7 in fact to survive. For minimum wage is a BARRIER.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 428: Other barriers are produced by govt in their speeches, it might not even be policy yet, but if for example Obama talks about raising taxes and tells business owners like Joe the Plumber that “You didn’t build that!” Then what signal does that send to would-be entrepreneurs? Probably just wait til a more friendly administration comes along. Not surprising that business activity increased toward the end of Obama’s term and really took off once people figured out that Trump was going to have policies that reduced barriers.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 430: So uncertainty and hostile business environments tend to chill investment in new ventures. When the tide changes, then boom, it increases, and even at lower tax rates, we end up with MORE tax revenue due to a wider tax base and more people working and paying taxes and reduced tax avoidance, since rich people will pay "reasonable" taxes, but when they are high, then they look for shelters and overseas investments.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 432: It’s that simple: REDUCE BARRIERS to starting and doing business, and we all have more opportunities to prosper.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 433: There is no such thing as “trickle-down" because that's not how business starts or works, and not what anyone with a brain is claiming. We just want more opportunities and that happens by reducing friction and barriers, not by increasing them by fiat. NOTHING trickles down, you can be sure of that.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 468: business/story/2019-08-19/column-trickle-down-is-a-lie">Trickle-down is a lie

    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 471: business/2020/12/23/tax-cuts-rich-trickle-down/">‘Trickle-down’ tax cuts make the rich richer but are of no value to overall economy, study finds
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 534: For example, Trump, while enjoying the life of a jet-setting businessman, claimed $1.17 billion in losses from 1985 to 1994, which allowed him to skip income taxes for eight of those 10 years, according to IRS tax transcripts obtained by the New York Times.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 545: But, just as many economists predicted, slashing individual, corporate and estate tax rates was mostly a windfall for big corporations and wealthy Americans. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act did not pay for itself, failed to stimulate long-term growth and did not lead to sustained business investments.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 569: “There is a large political science literature on the power of rich voters and organised business interests to shape public policies in their favour,” the authors write in their report.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 431: I doubted you'd do it. But now I must admit it He made it the devilish business of his
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 819: Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door— Kuules jäbä se on Pallas, eikä mikään lintuallas!
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 833: Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door, lintu eikä elikko eikä muukaan olio
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 836: But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only Yxinäinen vanha varis tuskin mitään muuta maris.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 851: Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door; siirsin viereen laiskanlinnan pazaan pahan ilman linnun,
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 888: Leave my loneliness unbroken!—quit the bust above my door! Ja pyyhi mennessäs se pysti! taino, kuha lähet, 1 lysti.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 893: On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; Pallaan päällä vielä koikkuu kenopäänä siinä roikkuu.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 925: In the essay, Poe traces the logical progression of his creation of "The Raven" as an attempt to compose "a poem that should suit at once the popular and the critical taste." He claims that he considered every aspect of the poem. For example, he purposely set the poem on a tempestuous evening, causing the raven to seek shelter. He purposefully chose a pallid bust to contrast with the dark plume of the bird. The bust was of Pallas in order to evoke the notion of scholar, to match with the presumed student narrator poring over his "volume[s] of forgotten lore." No aspect of the poem was an accident, he claims, but is based on total control by the author.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 63: Muutaman tunnin rentoutumisen jälkeen bussit kiertävät noukkimassa kaikki hotelleil€¨ta ja kuljettavat seminaarihotelli Amathukseen. Se on viiden tähden pylväspalatsi, jonka lasiset portaikot on värjätty valaisintaiteella. Kokous- salin kattokruunu on kuin Titanicista, seinät ja kalusteet kullan ja puuterin värisiä. Salin nimi on Platon.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 134: Seminaarilaiset ovat jo huomanneet hellän dynaamisia mikromuutoksia. Pari naista kertoo perjantaiaamuna, kuinka he siivosivat siivoojia varten ennen kuin bussi tuli hakemaan. Paikalla ei ole varmaankaan yhtään miestä, joka ei kutsuisi naisia leideiksi. Se lukee jopa vessanovessa.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 207: Teksti: Aurora Rämö (tästä ämmästä on ollut puhe ennenkin. Se on se joka kakki housuun bussissa.)
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 342: In review, The New Yorker uses strong emotionally loaded headlines such as “Don’t Underestimate Elizabeth Warren and Her Populist Message” and “Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?” The New Yorker also publishes satirical articles from satirist Andy Borowitz through his Borowitz Report, such as “Trump Offers to Station Pence at Border with Binoculars in Lieu of Wall.” The Borowitz Report always favors the left and mocks the right. Further, The New Yorker provides original in-depth journalistic reporting such as this: Four Women Accuse New York’s Attorney General of Physical Abuse. The result of this investigation led to the Attorney General resigning just hours after the New Yorker published the story. In general, both wording and story selection tends to mostly favor the left.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 363: Left: Income equality; higher tax rates on the wealthy; government spending on social programs and infrastructure; stronger regulations on business. Minimum wages and some redistribution of wealth.

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 364: Right: Lower taxes; less regulation on businesses; reduced government spending. The government should tax less and spend less. Charity over social safety nets. Wages should be set by the free market.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 428: Right: Favors business owners and corporations with the expectation higher profits will result in higher wages through a free-market. Generally opposed to a minimum wage. Lower corporate taxes.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 486: business being among the Philadelphias, Oklahomas and Salt Lake Cities of the continent. 

    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 79: niitä (kiitos suomentaja, ei "heitä"), joiden kiinnostus mainontaan ei kytkeydy niinkään brändien vastaiseen eetokseen kuin poliittisen korrektiuden vuosien moraalisuusintoiluun. Adbusters-lehti tuntuu ajoittain vain hieman ajanmukaisemmalta kuin viranomaisten ohjeet säästäväisen kulutuksen, jätteiden lajittelun ja kierrätyksen tarpeellisuudesta. Lehdessä on toisinaan varsin teräviä havaintoja, mutta sen hyökkäykset nikotiinia, alkoholia ja pikaruokaravintoloita kohtaan ovat joskus alkeellisia ja yksioikoisia. Antimainokset, joihin
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 257:

    I’m from a small rural community, and ev’rybody who lived in my neighborhood, if you want to call it that, were relatives.  We called it “the circle,” and our house was there, my grandmother’s house was there, an aun’ an’ uncle who were childless lived there, and (uh) a couple of aunts an’ uncles who had children.  There were five female cousins, an’ in the summertime we hung out together all day long from early until late.  In my grandmother’s yard was a maple tree, and the five of us developed that into our apartment building.  Each of us had a limb, and [small laugh] the less daring cousins took the lo’er limbs, and I and another cousin a year younger than I always went as far to the top as we could, an’ we– we were kinda derisive of those girls who stayed with the lower limbs.  We had front doors an’ back doors.  The front door was the — the limb — were the limbs on the front, that were nearest (um) the boxwood hedge.  And the grass was all worn away in that area.  An’ then the back doorwa–was on the back side of the tree, an’ you could only enter the front an’ exit from the rear.  And that had to be done by swinging off a limb that was fairly high off the ground, and (um) my cousin Belinda and I had no problem with that, but the other girls — that was always somethin’ we had to coax them into doin’.  But still, you entered the front, you left the rear.  We (um) ate our lunches together.  When it was lunchtime — an’ our mothers always cooked lunch in the summertime ’cause they didn’ want to be in the hot kitchen at night.  So we would just take our (um) — go home, an’ we’d load our plates with all the vegetables an’ the cornbread, an’ get our glasses of milk or ice tea or whatever we were havin’, an’ we would head for somebody’s yard, where we would all sit down an’ eat together.  It was just an institution:  lunch in somebody’s yard.  An’ if you wanted to go home for a second helping– sometimes that was quite a little walk, but it was worth it, because that was our thing, having lunch together, every day.  (Um) We gathered at my grandmother’s on Sundays.  All my aunts would get those chairs, form a circle.  (Uh) One crocheted.  (Uh) Most of them just sat an’ talked, an’ we girls hung out for the main part with the women.  (Uh) The men would gather around the fish pond, which was in a side yard.  It was (um) — it was kind of a rock (um) pond that my granddaddy had, had built.  There was a ir’n pipe in the middle, an’ when he went fishin’, he would put his catch in there.  Or he caught a mud turtle, he’d put it in there.  An’ there it stayed until it was time to kill it an’ cook it, whatever it was.  The pipe in the middle had water that sprayed up all the time.  There was a locust tree near there, an’ that’s where we girls picked the leaves an’ the thorns to make the doll clothes out o’ the locust.  It’s where we always ate the watermelon.  We always had to save the rind, an’ we always had to leave some pink on that rind, because my grandmother made watermelon pickles out o’ that rind.  I hated the things.  I thought they were the worst things I ever put in my mouth.  But ever’body else thought watermelon pickles were just a great delicacy.  That was also around the time that ev’rybody grew gladiolias [sic] an’ I thought they were the ugliest flower I’d ever laid my eyes on, but ever’body had gladiolias.  ‘Course now I’ve come to appreciate the gladiolia, but back then I had absolutely no appreciation for it.  It was also where we made (uh) ice cream, (uh) on the front porch.  We made ice cream on Sunday afternoons.  I had an aunt who worked in the general mercantile business that my family owned, an’ she was only home on Sunday, so she baked all day:  homemade rolls an’ cakes.  And so, she made cakes an’ we made ice cream, an’ ever’body wan’ed to crank, of course.  (Um) That was just a big treat, to get to crank that ice cream.  It was jus’ our Sunday afternoon thing, an’ I, I think back on it.  All the aunts would sit around an’ they’d talk, an’ they’d smoke.  Even if you never saw those ladies smoke, any other time o’ the week.  On Sunday afternoon when we all were gathered about in gran- in granny’s yard, they’d have a cigarette.  Just a way of relaxing, I suppose.  The maple tree’s now gone.  In later years, it was thought the maple tree, our apartment building, was shading the house too much an’ causing mildew, so it was removed at some point.  And I don’t, to this day, enjoy lookin’ (uh) into that part o’ the yard. …

    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 708: Measures the acting out and social deviance features of antisocial personality such as rule breaking, irresponsibility, failure to conform to social norms, deceit, and impulsivity that often manifests in aggression and substance abuse
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 991: 5. Moos. 20:16-17 ”Mutta näiden kansojen kaupungeissa, jotka Herra, sinun Jumalasi, antaa sinulle perintöosaksi, älä jätä ainoatakaan henkeä eloon, vaan vihi ne tuhon omiksi: heettiläiset ja amorilaiset, kanaanilaiset ja perissiläiset, hivviläiset ja jebusilaiset, niin kuin Herra, sinun Jumalasi, on sinua käskenyt.”
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 166: Hyvä että sentään Tapsa vapautti tuolinsa. "Tavallaan tilanne on sama kuin 1492 kun Kolumbus särki munansa." No nimenomaan. Helskatti ei olis lähtenyt, tai edes uponnut, ei oltas tässä pisteessä. Ei olis Trumppia eikä Bideetä ja intiaanit sais vielä razastaa aavaa preeriaa. Britit oli kanssa maailmanlaajuisia törkeitä perseitä. "Kuvitella meillä ei olis Big Macia eikä KFC:tä, ei Coca Colaa eikä punanuttuista joulupukkia." Se olis tosi tosi hienoa. Viimeinen mitä mä toivon on että "se yhdistäisi meidät yhteisten haasteiden edessä". Verikosto oli ainoa mikä piti apinapopulaation aisoissa. Vendetta takaisin! "Olemme jo ajeluttaneet mönkijöitä Marsissa". Tapsan rullatuoleineen olis voinut lähettää Marsiin mönkimään. Onnexi se on nyt myöhäistä. "En kiistä että ilmastonmuutosta vastaan pitäisi taistella", mutta vielä parempi olis täyttää atmosfääri rakettikaasuilla. Bill Gatesin rikkihöyryt vielä taivaalle niin helvetintunnelma olis entistä aidompi.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 216: V. Jane felt that the nurses and assistants of Prof. Hawking were intruding in their family life and Prof. Hawking felt that Jane had stopped loving him and loved Jonathan instead. After taking divorce from Jane in 1995, Hawking married Elaine Mason. Hawking took divorce from Elaine Mason in 2006 because she was physically abusing him. Prof. Hawking again started having a close friendship with Jane. Jane described her experiences with Prof. Hawking in her memoir Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen which was published in 2007.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 280: Risto Orava puhui Wokulle LHC kiihdyttimestä, jota yritettiin houkutella Suomeen. Mikä ihmeen El José, ihmetteli Woku muttei kehdannut kysyä. Wokun eläke ei kertynyt Riston leivissä, se aikoo pakertaa Airbussilla pushing eighty ikäisex. Jaxaa jaxaa. Se on (oli) vikkelä kuin orava, menee (meni) kuin väkkärä. Vasaran paukutus da oben päätalolta päin on kyllä vähän hiljentynyt. Higgsin bosoni on painava, painavammat vielä Rikun bosat.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 282: (From my days as a business consultant, I remember hearing one of the owners of a client company talking on the phone in a language I didn’t recognize. When he hung up I asked what language he had been speaking. “It was Farsi,” he said, “the Persian language.” “Then you’re an Arab,” I responded.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 738: Jebusites
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 99: Mestari hyttysiä syövä kala on kuitenkin Gambusia affini, niin kutsuttu "hyttyskala". Tämä voi olla ainoa eläin, joka on tehokas, kun sitä käytetään määrätietoisesti hyttysten torjunta-aineena. Ne syntyvät useiden satojen jaloissa, ja yksi nuori hyttyskala voi kuluttaa päivittäin ruokaa melkein puolet ruumiinpainostaan ​​puolitoista kertaa enemmän kuin ruumiinpaino. Merkittävä osa tästä koostuu hyttysen toukista.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 274: While the novel takes place exclusively within the confines of the family home in Lima, it is clear that they enjoy a seemingly normal relationship with the outside world: business associates, friends, and school. Don Rigoberto, the head of the household, is the manager of an insurance company. A widower, he marries Lucrecia, a forty-year-old divorcee. Dona Lucrecia enjoys the fruits of her privileged lifestyle; during the day she directs the household staff, goes shopping, plays bridge, and attends to the care of Don Rigoberto's son, the angelic looking Alfonso, a prepubescent boy of indeterminate age.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 76: Bernays became a highly sought, and extravagantly paid consultant to a number of leading businesses. His many successes include helping the American Tobacco Company to sell cigarettes to women, advertising them as glamorous “torches of freedom”; and aiding the United Fruit Company to sell bananas, and when the newly elected president of Guatemala threatened the business interests of United Fruit, Bernays persuaded the CIA and the US government—through rumors, innuendos, and manipulation of the press about a growing Communist menace—to overthrow the his government.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 363: Die Oberlausitz, oberlausitzisch: Äberlausitz, obersorbisch Hornja Łužica (niedersorbisch Górna Łužyca, tschechisch Horní Lužice, polnisch Łużyce Górne, schlesisch Aeberlausitz), ist eine ursprünglich politisch eigenständige Region, die heute zu etwa 67 % zu Sachsen sowie 30 % zu Polen und 3 % zu Brandenburg gehört. In Sachsen umfasst die Oberlausitz in etwa die Landkreise Görlitz und Bautzen mit einer nördlichen Grenze zwischen Hoyerswerda und Lauta und in Brandenburg den südlichen Teil des Landkreises Oberspreewald-Lausitz um die Stadt Ruhland sowie einige Orte östlich und südlich davon. Der seit 1945 polnische Teil der Oberlausitz zwischen den Flüssen Queis im Osten und der Lausitzer Neiße im Westen gehört administrativ zur Woiwodschaft Niederschlesien (polnisch Dolnośląskie); nur ein kleiner Zipfel um Łęknica (Lugknitz) gehört zusammen mit dem polnischen Teil der Niederlausitz zur Woiwodschaft Lebus. Im Süden entspricht die Grenze der Oberlausitz der sächsisch-tschechischen Grenze von Steinigtwolmsdorf im Westen bis nach Zittau und östlich davon der polnisch-tschechischen Grenze bis zur Tafelfichte.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 766:

    Mitä kirjoja kannattaa lukea koko elämä business insiderin mielestä?

    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 802: When the sharpest data-thief in the business is called to target the powerful artificial intelligence orbiting Earth, he embarks on the adventure of a lifetime. Good material for conspiracy theorists.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 845: verbally abusive attitude towards his mother, his habits of
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1001: depicted the Jews as licentious and sexually abusive, it was
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 555: Before I left, I tried to fight my nervosity in many ways. I read everything I could get my hands on that seemed relevant to my chosen academic field — a mix of business and engineering. I prepared my courses in advance. I sought reassurance from others that I’d chosen a good school and degree.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 613:
    3. What others think of you is none of your business.

    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 745: Evidence is presented that the author of Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, was himself consciously a pedophile who acted out his desires vicariously through his writing. Drawing upon his literary works and biography, the manifest and genetic origins of Nabokov´s pedophilia are traced back to an unresolved oedipal conflict complicated by childhood sexual abuse. Humbert Humbert, the protagonist in the novel Lolita, is the classic literary portrayal of a pedophile. Evidence is presented that the author of Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, was himself consciously a pedophile who acted out his desires vicariously through his writing. Drawing upon his literary works and biography, the manifest and genetic origins of Nabokov´s pedophilia are traced back to an unresolved oedipal conflict complicated by childhood sexual abuse. The raw power of Lolita derives from the abreactive discharge of a libidinal cathexis denied any other mode of expression.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 762: The impassioned Humbert constantly searches for discreet forms of fulfilling his sexual urges, usually via the smallest physical contact with Dolores. When Dolores is sent to summer camp, Humbert receives a letter from Charlotte, who confesses her love for him and gives him an ultimatum – he is to either marry her or move out immediately. Initially terrified, Humbert then begins to see the charm in the situation of being Dolores' stepfather, and so marries Charlotte for instrumental reasons (päästäxeen salaa työntämään Lolan piccu tacoon isoa munakoisoa). Charlotte later discovers Humbert's diary, in which she learns of his desire for her daughter and the disgust Charlotte arouses in him. Shocked and humiliated, Charlotte decides to flee with Dolores and writes letters addressed to her friends warning them of Humbert. Disbelieving Humbert´s false assurance that the diary is a sketch for a future novel, Charlotte runs out of the house to send the letters but is killed by a swerving car. Humbert destroys the letters and retrieves Dolores from camp, claiming that her mother has fallen seriously ill and has been hospitalized. He then takes her to a high-end hotel that Charlotte had earlier recommended. Humbert knows he will feel guilty if he consciously rapes Dolores, and so tricks her into taking a sedative by saying it is a vitamin. As he waits for the pill to take effect, he wanders through the hotel and meets a mysterious man who seems to be aware of Humbert´s plan for Dolores. Humbert excuses himself from the conversation and returns to the hotel room. There, he discovers that he had been fobbed with a milder drug, as Dolores is merely drowsy and wakes up frequently, drifting in and out of sleep. He dares not touch her that night. In the morning, Dolores reveals to Humbert that she actually has already lost her virginity, having engaged in sexual activity with an older boy at a different camp a year ago. He immediately begins sexually abusing (fucking) her. And they lived happily ever after.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1256: A: First off, being a “pedophile” is not per se sinful. Even today, the Church does not condemn pedophiles, nor does it consider pedophilia in and of itself to be sinful. The grave offense and grave sin occurs when a pedophile — or anyone else — commits child sexual assault (such as fucks them). This distinction is vital, both in general, and in understanding where Dante would have placed child sexual abusers in his version of hell.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 135: And she (April, not Tine for heaven's sake) is one of three busty £2,000 latex sex dolls with whom her husband enjoys what you might describe as an unconventional love life.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 197: Roboticist Dr Sergi Santos took his 'intelligent' sex doll Samantha to a busy retail park in Barcelona on her first public outing.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 331: Dolores Haze, or it was an incubus.” No, I would not go that far. So Humbert the
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 332: Cubus schemed and dreamed...
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 346: A bustle is a padded undergarment used to add fullness, or support the drapery, at the back of women's dresses in the mid-to-late 19th century. Bustles were worn under the skirt in the back, just below the waist, to keep the skirt from dragging. Heavy fabric tended to pull the back of a skirt down and flatten it. As a result a woman's petticoated skirt would lose its shape during everyday wear (from merely sitting down or moving about).
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 350: Bustle was founded by Bryan Goldberg in 2013. Previously, Goldberg co-founded the website Bleacher Report with a single million-dollar investment. He claimed that "women in their 20s have nothing to read on the Internet." Bustle was launched with $6.5 million in backing from Seed and Series A funding rounds. Business is bustling.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 725: televisio-ohjelmissa haastateltavana, kuten Maria!- ja Tuomas Enbuske Talk
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 727: Tukiaisesta lyhytdokumentin Mutta minulta puuttuu rakkaus. Tuomas Enbusken
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 728: bylsintä oli vain kilisevä vaski ja helisevä kulkunen. Enbuske on paha mies joka
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 509: against that species of recreation called self-abuse to which I
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 527: hand is worth two in the bush." The immortal Franklin has said,
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 535: tame compared with self-abuse." Mr. Brown, here, in one of his
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 622: On awakening he appeared to himself to have a distinct recollection of the whole, and taking his pen, ink, and paper, instantly and eagerly wrote down the lines that are here preserved. At this moment he was unfortunately called out by a person on business from Porlock, and detained by him above an hour, and on his return to his room, found, to his no small surprise and mortification, that though he still retained some vague and dim recollection of the general purport of the vision, yet, with the exception of some eight or ten scattered lines and images, all the rest had passed away like the images on the surface of a stream into which a stone has been cast, but, alas! without the after restoration of the latter!
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 538: He had a good education at the lycée in Rouen, falling under the influence of a charismatic teacher, Émile-Auguste Chartier, known as “Alain.” Alain inspired other pupils, too, including Simone Weil and Raymond Aron, urging them to question received ideas. He gave Maurois a love of literature but also, perhaps surprisingly, urged him to take up the mill business after leaving school. Maurois did so, but in his Elbeuf office he kept a secret cupboard filled with Balzac novels and notebooks, and copied out pages of Stendhal to improve his writing style. He became a Kipling enthusiast, and learned excellent English. He travelled to Paris at least one day a week, and frequented brothels there.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 662: With that, she did not go back to her former life, but became a national celebrity of sorts, publishing "an armload of books and criss-crossing the United States on a decades-long reform campaign", not only fighting for married women's rights and freedom of speech, but calling out against "the power of insane asylums". She became what some scholars call "a publicist and lobbyist for better insanity laws". As scholar Kathryn Burns-Howard has argued, Packard reinvented herself in this rôle, earning enough to support her children and even her estranged husband, from whom she remained separated for the rest of her life. Ultimately, moderate supporters of women's rights in the northern U.S. embraced her, weaving her story into arguments about slavery, framing her experience as a type of enslavement and even arguing in the midst of the Civil War that a county in the midst of freeing African-American slaves should do the same for others who suffered from abusive husbands. Some argue that she seemed oblivious to her racial prejudice in arguing that white women had a "moral and spiritual nature" and suffered more "spiritual agony" than formerly enslaved African-Americans. Even so, others say that her story provided "a stirring example of oppressed womanhood" that others did not.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 68: CHEAT your mate FEAR god KILL for money MIND your own business
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 767: Paul Claudel, né le 6 août 1868 à Villeneuve-sur-Fère (Aisne), et mort le 23 février 1955 à Paris, est un dramaturge, poète, essayiste et diplomate français, membre de l´Académie française. Il est le frère de la sculptrice Camille Claudel. Paul est le frère cadet de Louise Claudel, pianiste, née en 1866, et de la sculptrice Camille Claudel, laquelle réalisera en 1884 son buste « en jeune Romain »
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 119: The magical community is treated as “more special” than the “normal” community, which is treated with distrust and disdain. Although I love the Weasleys, it’s entirely possible that Mr. Weasley’s obsession with non-magical ephemera could be viewed as the anthropologist exploring a primitive culture. Mr. Weasley collects artifacts because he is fascinated with them, not because he wants to understand non-magical culture better. That should be totally off-putting to the liberal crowd, but they missed it. They are too busy justifying the racism and bigotry as the product of the “pure blood” families.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 512: So where I start is with connection. Because, by the time you're a social worker for 10 years, what you realize is that connection is why we're here. It's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives. This is what it's all about. It doesn't matter whether you talk to people who work in social justice, mental health and abuse and neglect, what we know is that connection, the ability to feel connected, is -- neurobiologically that's how we're wired -- it's why we're here. Olemme ohjelmoituja kuulumaan joukkoon. Voi hemmetti.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 64: Peppu Colemanin hahmossa, se jutkunekru, oli yxi minuuden pioneereista (italics in the original). Pienuuden minooreista. Minäminä yxilöpaskantelu on Rothin lemppareita. Sen se oli varmaan oppinut Emanuel James Rohnilta. Sen inhokkisanoja oli me (suomexi, enkuxi sen mielisana oli sama) ja setelissäkin lukeva e pluribus unum. Annuit coeptis. Novus ordo saeclorum. The phrase is similar to a Latin translation of a variation of Heraclitus's tenth fragment, "The one is made up of all things, and all things issue from the one" (ἐκ πάντων ἓν καὶ ἐξ ἑνὸς πάντα). But it seems more likely that the phrase refers to Cicero's paraphrase of Pythagoras in his De Officiis, as part of his discussion of basic family and social bonds as the origin of societies and states: "When each person loves the other as much as himself, it makes one out of many (unum fiat ex Pluribus), as Pythagoras wishes things to be in friendship." Mikähän jeesus sekin luuli olevansa. Jenkkien peitesana izekkyydelle on vapaus.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 74: Rohn became a college dropout after just one year and started his professional life by working as an evil human resource manager for department store Sears. Around this time, a friend invited him to a lecture given by famous entrepreneur John Earl Shoaff. In 1955, Rohn joined Shoaff's direct selling business AbundaVita as a distributor.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 78: After Nutri-Bio went out of business thanx to Jim in the early 1960s, Rohn was invited to speak at a meeting of his Rotary Club. He accepted and, soon, others began asking him to speak at various luncheons and other events. In 1963 at the Beverly Hills Hotel, he gave his first bullhshit seminar. He then began presenting seminars all over the country, telling his story and teaching his personal development and business philosophy.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 80: Throughout the 1970s, Rohn conducted a number of seminars for Standard Oil. At the same time, he participated in a personal development business called "Adventures in Achievement", which featured both live seminars as well as personal development workshops. He presented seminars worldwide for more than 40 years.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 103: T. Harv Eker (born June 10, 1954) is an author, businessman and motivational speaker known for his theories on wealth and motivation. He is the author of the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind published by HarperCollins.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 568: So saying, she hobbled off with busy fear. Tän sanottuaan mummo hoippu tiehensä,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 815: Prof. Stefan Hawlin, Department of English, Chandos Building, University of Buckingham, selittää ton Merlin kohdan Keazin runossa. Perhaps a reference to Spenser's Faerie Queene, Book III, Canto III.7-11? Demoni ois se Lady in the Lake, ja Merlinin velka ois pussillinen siimahäntiä? Tai size on Maloryn Morte d'Arthurista, josta Keazilla oli oma kopio. Oisko se demoni ehkä Merlinin oma iskä, joka oli incubus? Sitä Stefu ehdottaa: Merlin oli paholaisen poika, jonka paholainen siitti kieron kautta, mutta äiti ja Blaise risti Merlinin heti kehdossa, ja vihtahousun juoni oli pilalla. No missä mielessä sit Merlin maxo kehnon velan takaisin? No auttamalla Utherin Igrainen pukille, josta siittyi anti-anti-kristus Artturi. Aika komplisoitua. Spenserin Keijukuningatar on vähän liian pitkä tähän, 36K jaetta ja 4000 värssyä.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 64: In the fall of his senior year, while his fellow students immersed themselves in writing theses, applying to graduate schools or kicking back and enjoying the good life, Michael J. McCormack '74 was busy starting another brain holiday. McCormack says he and his brother Brian McCormack wanted to do something to celebrate to the highly successful 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 481: Lisbon, Portugal. Dia mundia da filosofia by the Externato João XXIII .“In this atypical year, in which our lives are so busy and so full, we mark this day with simplicity. But meeting what is necessary and so primordial in the world of Philosophy: Shop to Think. Thus, without artifice, we leave to the community of the Externato João XXIII, the challenge of shopping to think and seek a question for an answer, this is a philosophical exercise par excellence. It intends to stimulate our critical and creative thinking. The story is told of a wise man who knew the right answer to any question from and about the Universe. It was 42. However, he did not know the question it was an answer to. Which question would you suggest?
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 123: Peter Szulczewskin net worth on noin puolitoista biljardia. Esa Saarinen's net worth is $10 Million. No voi helvatti. Known for movies: Pääosassa Esa Saarinen (1982) as Himself, A Parliament of Minds: Philosophy for a New Millennium (2000) as Himself, Enbuske & Linnanahde Crew (2014) as Himself, 80-luku: Minä olen muistanut (2008)
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 226: Pois pääsee paizi autolla, junalla tai bussilla, myös soutuveneellä. Uiden poistuville sopii mainiosti esimerkiksi 6.1. klo 11.35 Mäkelänrinteen uintikeskuxeen lähtevä vuoro. Hartolan linja-autoasemalle on suora sihti Sysmiöstä, ja jalkamatkaakin vain 20 km.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 322: Greville did not inform Emma of his plan, but instead in 1785 suggested the trip as a prolonged holiday in Naples while he (Greville) was away in Scotland on business, not long after Emma's mother had suffered a stroke. Emma was thus sent to Naples, supposedly for six to eight months, little realising that she was going as the mistress of her host. Emma set off for Naples with her mother and Gavin Hamilton on 13 March 1786 overland in an old coach, and arrived in Naples on her 21st birthday on 26 April.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 440:

    De virginibus

    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 442: Otteita De Virginibusista, jonka Pyhä Ambrose omisti vuonna 377 sisarelleen Marcellinelle, nunnalle Roomassa:
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 620: But I was abused.

    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 500: Surely realizing that Snyder was probably a little nut, Washington wrote his “This will be my last post on this thread” letter to Snyder strongly hinting that he was a busy man. (Note: Washington was the richest man in the United States and the richest US President in history):
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 131: Iuppiter omnipotens, audacibus adnue coeptis. Kaikkipa valtias Juppe, julkeille juonille nyöki.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 135: iam cornu petat et pedibus qui spargat harenam.” jos sarvella voisit puskee ja potkia sorkalla Reenaa.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 395: Knight says she used to be “spiritually restless,” but not any more. Ramtha from Atlantis via Lemuria has enlightened her. He first appeared to her, she says, while she was in business school having extraordinary experiences with UFOs. She must have a great rapport with her spirit companion, since he shows up whenever she needs him to put on a performance. It is not clear why Ramtha would choose Knight, but it is very clear why Knight would choose Ramtha: fame and fortune, or simple delusion.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 367: Loquimur, venerabiles Fratres, quæ vestris ipsi oculis conspicitis, quæ communibus idcirco lacrymis ingemiscimus. Alacris exultat improbitas, scientia impudens, dissoluta licentia: despicitur sanctitas sacrorum, et quæ magnam vim magnamque necessitatem possidet, divini cultus majestas ab hominibus nequam improbatur, polluitur, habetur ludibrio. Sana hinc pervertitur doctrina, erroresque omnis generis disseminantur audacter. Non leges sacrorum, non jura, non instituta, non sanctiores quælibet disciplinæ tutæ sunt ab audacia loquentium iniqua.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 369: Personant horrendum in modum academiæ ac gymnasia novis opinionum monstris, quibus non occulte amplius et cuniculis petitur catholica fides, sed horrificum ac nefarium ei bellum aperte jam et propalam infertur. Institutis enim exemploque præceptorum corruptis adolescentium animis, ingens religionis clades, morumque perversitas teterrima percrebuit.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 371: Hinc porro freno religionis sanctissimæ projecto, per quam unam regna consistunt, dominatusque vis ac robur firmatur, conspicimus ordinis publici exitium, labem principatus omnisque legitimæ potestatis conversionem invalescere. Quæ quidem tanta calamitatum congeries ex illarum in primis conspiratione societatum est repetenda, in quas quidquid in hæresibus et in sceleratissimis quibusque sectis sacrilegum, flagitiosum, ac blasphemum est, quasi in sentinam quamdam,
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 112: saepe tener nostris ab ovilibus imbuet agnus. usein kastelee meidän laumoista rapsakka lammas.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 136:
    Malibran's lover, Belgian violinist Charles-Auguste de Bériot, next to her bust (Library of the Royal Conservatory of Brussels), lithograph dated 1838. Malibran had died two years earlier. Marietta (right) had quite a bust as well.

    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 622: Kexittinkö protoplasma Crooken plasmasta tai kääntäen? Alkulima. Lortin pussit oli takuulla pullollaan alkulimaa. Entä ektoplasma? Ghostbusterseissa oli sitä. Joku oli pyyhkinyt sitä seinään sormilla. Varmaan nää kaveruxet taas.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 49: Phryne's real name was Mnesarete (Μνησαρέτη, "commemorating virtue"), but owing to her yellowish tuft she was called Phrýnē ("toad"). This was a nickname frequently given to other courtesans and prostitutes as well. She was born as the daughter of Epicles at Thespiae in Boeotia, but lived in Athens. The exact dates of her birth and death are unknown, but she was born about 371 BC, which was the year Thebes razed Thespiae (not long after the battle of Leuctra), and expelled its inhabitants. She might have survived Thebe's razor and reconstructed her bush in 315/316 BC.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 431: Alaviitteessä 320 Nyölö on jotenkin hieman pahastunut Huismannille katolisen kirkon puolesta. Kylläpäs arquebusade tarkoitti ensin arkebuusinlaukausta, -haavaa ja sitten haavasalvaa, tomppeli. Kartussi on toinen pyssy ja siinä patrbluunana käytetty paperitollo (carta). Kartusiaani on chartreuselainen eli Cartusian kaupungista heippaava munkkiveljes. Ehkä siellä tehtiin kartusseja myös.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 742: Enjo-kōsai (援助交際, literally, enjo, "aid or support", kousai "congress or intercourse", shortened form enkō 援交) is a type of transactional relationship. It is the Japanese language term for the practice of older men giving money and/orng women for sexual favors. The female participants range from school girls (or JK business) to housewives. The term is often translated as "compensated dating". Grisette, kurtisaani. The opposite case of women paying men, yaku enjo kōsai (逆援助交際, reverse compensated dating), is not a documented social phenomenon. Toransukei meinaa transu.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 846: Contains discussion of topics such as politics, anti-Semitism, child abuse and suicide that some readers may find upsetting.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 205: The 24th feature from Hong Sangsoo, doppelgänger of the talkative celeb guy in the last scene of the movie THE WOMAN WHO RAN follows Gamhee (Kim Minhee), a florist and the wife of a translator who never in 5 years time has left her for a moment from his sight. She has three separate encounters with friends while her husband finally is on a business trip. Youngsoon (Seo Youngwha) is divorced, turned lesbian (the couple likes to feed alley cats) and has given up meat and likes to garden in the backyard of her semi-detached house. Suyoung (Song Seonmi) is divorced, has a big savings account and a crush on her architect neighbor and is being hounded by a young poet she met at the bar. Woojin (Kim Saebyuk) works for a movie theater and hates it that her writer husband has become a celeb. Their meetings are polite, but not warm. Some of their shared history bubbles to the surface, but not much. With characteristic humor and grace, Hong takes a simple premise and spins a web of interconnecting philosophies and coincidences. THE WOMAN WHO RAN is a subtle, powerful look at dramas small and large faced by women everywhere. Basically, they are 40+ ladies who may have met at some art school and get a chance to compare notes on how well their childless lives have turned out. Gamhee used to be the celeb's girl friend until the movie theater attendant stole the guy. Now both of them are sorry that she did, but really not that much. The Éric Rohmer of South Korea.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 140: The Alexander Hamilton Institute is a former institute for business education in New York City founded in 1909, and dissolved in the 1980s. The Alexander Hamilton Institute was a corporation engaged in collecting, organizing and transmitting business information. Trivia: The Alexander Hamilton Institute was referenced disparagingly along with H. L. Mencken in The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway (1923).
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 155: Bill Gorton is Kake's buddy from the war. A writer who moved back to America after the war, he is a joker, using humor to disguise the horrors of the war. He doesn't mind, for his penis remains shipshape and intact. He goes along with the group, unattached to Brett but getting caught up in the romantic business anyway.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 175: Soon after his retirement, Wheeler was beset by several tragedies. His wife was killed in an accidental kitchen fire, and his father-in-law had a fatal heart attack after trying unsuccessfully to aid her. Wheeler suffered from kidney disease contracted from abuse of booze, and died at an asylum in Battle Creek, Michigan on September 5, 1927.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 186: Ernestojen bussimatkasta tulee mieleen Seijan ja mun bussireisu El Tampicoon. Aero condicionado, kanat takapenkillä.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 216: Unfortunately, his subsequent divorces and additional marriages, drunken brawling, domestic abuse, poison pen letters, paranoia, megalomania, and habitual womanizing tarnished his youthful sense of himself as a “super-Catholic.” Hemingway never wanted to be known as a “Catholic writer” because he simply felt he couldn’t live up to the responsibility.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 227: Knowing these things does not explain away all the troubling aspects of Hemingway’s egocentric personal life — his public inebriations, domestic abuse, womanizing, and suicide, but it helps me to understand the kinds of people Hemingway admired, their motivations and ideals, and the brave, virtuous person he was attempting to become.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 314: “I saw a moving sight the other morning before breakfast in a little hotel where I slept in the dusty fields. The young man of the house had shot a little wolf called coyote in the early morning. The heroic little animal lay on the ground, with his big furry ears, and his clean white teeth, and his jolly cheerful little body, but his brave little life was gone. It made me think how brave all these living things are. Here little coyote was, without any clothes or house or books or money or bonds or anything, with nothing but his own naked self to pay his way with, and risking his life so cheerfully – and losing it – just to see if he could pick up a meal near the hotel. He was doing his coyote-business like a hero, and you must do your boy-business, and I my man-business bravely, too, or else we won’t be worth as much as a little coyote.” (The Letters of William James to Henry James, Little, Brown and Co.: Boston 1926.)
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 650: Another theme of Kake and Bill's banter concerns the latter's status as an expatriate. He has fled America, with its prudish Anti-Saloon League and bourgeois President Coolidge (who famously said "The business of America is business"). Finally, note the gruff tenderness shared by Kake and Bill in these scenes. One of Hemingway's pleasures in life as in art was what we now call "male bonding," and in this case the bonding is poignant, as in some ways it replaces the love that Kake cannot fully express with female companions. Haha, so you must mean dick, that's the only thing Bill has and they don't.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 803: It is the close of a busy and vexatious day—say half past five or six o´clock of a winter afternoon. I have had a cocktail or two, and am stretched out on a divan in front of a fire, smoking. At the edge of the divan, close enough for me to reach her with my hands, sits a woman not too young, but still good-looking and well dressed—above all, a woman with a soft, low-pitched, agreeable voice. As I snooze she talks—of anything, everything, all the things that women talk of: books, music, the play, men, other women. No politics. No business. No religion. No metaphysics. Nothing challenging and vexatious—but remember, she is intelligent; what she says is clearly expressed... Gradually I fall asleep—but only for an instant... then to sleep again—slowly and charmingly down that slippery hill of dreams. And then awake again, and then asleep again, and so on. I ask you seriously: could anything be more unutterably beautiful?
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 814: Mencken was a controversial, and humorous journalist, who greatly affected American fiction in the 1920s. He ridiculed the US’s organized religion, business and middle class. He was a very critical man, who supported Germany during the war and had a very Marxist outlook on life. Bill refers to him, saying that he mocks God. Also this shows Bill’s character, that he is someone is very cynical and critical about life.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 950: An’ there ain’t no ’busses runnin’ from the Bank to Mandalay; Eikä täältä Temsin rannalta mene Mandalayhin busseja
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 193:
  • Luck is a matter of preparation meeting business opportunity.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 207:
  • I am not born for one corner; the whole world is my business place.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 245: Some claim that Ruth's distaste for her husband began when he insisted on hanging a picture of his late fiancée, Jessie Guischard, on the wall of their first home and named his boat after her. Guischard, whom Albert described to Ruth as "the finest woman I have ever met", had been dead for 10 years. However, others have noted that Albert Snyder was emotionally and physically abusive, blaming Ruth for the birth of a daughter rather than a son, demanding a perfectly maintained home, and physically assaulting both her and their daughter Lorraine when his demands were not met. "Isi anna heille anteexi he eivät tiedä mitä tekevät", oli Ruthin kuuluisat viimeiset sanat. Jotain tuttua niissä kyllä on... - Ai niin se Finlandia-ehdokas!
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 432: After Lord Olivier's death on July 11, 1989, aged 82, from neuromuscular disease and cancer, and his interment in Poet's Corner, Westminster Abbey, his official biographer, Terry Coleman, asked Mrs. Joan Plowright if he had had homosexual affairs. She replied robustly: "If he did, so what?"
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 182: In September 2006, Siegel was suspended from The New Republic after an internal investigation determined he was participating in misleading comments in the magazine's "Talkback" section in response to criticisms of his blog postings at The New Republic's website. The comments were made through the device of a "sock puppet" dubbed "sprezzatura", who, as one reader noted, was a consistently vigorous defender of Siegel, and who specifically denied being Siegel when challenged by another commenter in "Talkback". In response to readers who had criticized Siegel's negative comments about TV talk show host Jon Stewart, 'sprezzatura' wrote, "Siegel is brave, brilliant, and wittier than Stewart will ever be. Take that, you bunch of immature, abusive sheep". The New Republic posted an apology and shut down Siegel's blog. In an interview with the New York Times Magazine, Siegel dismissed the incident as a "prank". He resumed writing for The New Republic in early 2007.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 370: The free press is under attack from multiple forces. Media outlets are closing their doors, victims to a broken business model. In much of the world, journalism is morphing into propaganda, as governments dictate what can and can’t be printed. In the last year alone, hundreds of reporters have been killed, imprisoned or just given the sack for doing their jobs. The UN reports that 85% of the world’s population experienced a decline in press freedom in their country in recent years.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 726: What about human rights of murderers, rapists and child molesters? GBV is the way to go. Publicly shaming offenders guilty of child abuse would be shameful. Heavy fines don’t do that, prison sentences are no punishment for many — free board and lodging for a while and then back home to continue your life of violence and abuse. Alex suggests the pillory. You may laugh. It’s a comical medieval form of punishment. But think about it.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 728: The perpetrator, found guilty of child abuse or gender-based violence, is taken into a public square and set up in a highly undignified position, probably with a sign round her/his neck saying “rapist,” angry men/women can throw rotten eggs or vrot tomatoes at her/him to express their disgust and point out what a despicable human being s/he is. S/he won’t want that to happen again! Unless s/he quite enjoys it?
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 328: Clayton Wheat "Claytie" Williams Jr. (October 8, 1931 – February 14, 2020) was an American businessman from Midland, Texas who ran for governor in 1990. Despite securing the Republican nomination and initially leading in the polls against Democratic challenger State Treasurer Ann Richards by twenty points, Williams ultimately lost the race due in part to a controversial comment he made about rape. During the campaign Williams cultivated an image of a cowboy figure who had risen from humble roots to become a powerful business tycoon. The image played well in public opinion polls. Williams often had a propensity for making poorly planned statements on the campaign trail. Now he is fortunately dead meat.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 98: Servius, in his commentary on the Aeneid, wrote about Salacia and Venilia in V 724: "(Venus) dicitur et Salacia, quae proprie meretricum dea appellata est a veteribus"; "(Venus) is also called Salacia, who was particularly named goddess of prostitutes by the ancient". Elsewhere, he wrote that Salacia and Venilia are the same entity.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 102: As I began to ponder the use and abuse of the ancient radish, it was Roman legal scholar Paul du Plessis who wrote to let me know of the legal connections between radishes, anuses, and adultery in Greco-Roman antiquity. While there is debate over the actual application of the punishment, it appears that Athenian adulterers may have been punished with “Rhaphanidosis” in the Agora by having radishes or fish shoved up their assholes and then having their pubic hair depilated by hot ash.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1026: "It’s a perfect metaphor for the child abuse that is providing gender-affirming care to confused children." - Western Journal
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1051: It’s not just dishonest scholars who benefit from this intellectual fraud but hostile nations and human rights abusers hoping to distract from their own ongoing villainy. Dictators who slaughter their own people are happy to jump on the “America is a racist country” bandwagon and mimic the language of antiracism and “pro-justice” movements as PR while making authoritarian conquests.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 186: Not unexpectecly Naipaul was also accused of misogyny, and of having committed acts of "chronic physical abuse" against his mistress of 25 years, Margaret Murray, who wrote in a letter to The New York Review of Books: "Vidia says I didn't mind the abuse. I certainly did mind."
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 394: Mutta asiaan, to business. Sisar Ibinabo ei pitänyt tytöistä, hän vain tarkkaili heitä ja varoitteli heitä kuin häntä olisi loukannut se, mikä heissä oli vielä raikasta ja hänessä kuihtunut jo kauan sitten.
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 112: Phineas is an Anglicized name for the priest Phinehas in the Hebrew Bible; King Phineas, the first king of the Beta Israel in Ethiopia; Phineas Banning (1830-1885), American businessman and entrepreneur; P. T. Barnum (1810-1891), American showman and businessman. The grandson of Aaron and son of Eleazar, the High Priests (Exodus 6:25), he distinguished himself as a youth at Shittim with his zeal against the Bull-Shittim...
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 225: Il vit au milieu des livres, la cité des livres, mais se lance à la recherche, en Sicile et à Paris, du précieux manuscrit de La Légende dorée qu’il finit un jour par obtenir. Le hasard lui fait rencontrer la petite fille d’une femme qu’il a jadis aimée et, pour "protéger" l’enfant d’un autre tuteur abusif, il l’enlève. Après plusieurs années de bon usage par Sylvestre, la jeune fille épousera un élève de M. Bonnard. Tollanen pedofiilinen Goethen Mignon taas.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 282: By now we all face the basic law of capitalism. Capital success depended largely on one major factor: constant expansion. The business must constantly grow and profits must constantly increase. Putin must continuously provide more and more money.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 591: His achievements were cut short when he was fatally shot on September 6, 1901, by Leon Czolgosz, a second-generation Polish-American anarchist. McKinley died eight days later and was succeeded by Vice President Theodore Roosevelt. As an innovator of American interventionism and pro-business sentiment, McKinley is generally ranked above average. His popularity was soon overshadowed by Roosevelt (#26) and later on totally eclipsed by Trump (#45).
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1038: Speaking of which, German police believe the convicted paedophile, 45, abducted and killed Madeleine McCann, 3, in Portugal in 2007. Following tip-offs from German police, in April 2021 authorities in Paraguay targeted Christian Manfred Kruse, 59, a German national thought to be behind the sick network. At the same time German cops arrested three other men linked to a paedo ring. They include cook Andreas G, 40, unemployed Fritz Otto K, 64, and Alexander G, 49, who allegedly acted as an administrator and forum moderator for the ring. Boystown was internationally oriented, had chat areas in different languages and served the worldwide exchange of images, documenting the sexual abuse of children. Experts then set about analysing all the computer data, including 5,000 IP addresses, which had exchanged sickening pornographic images and videos of children being abused to around 400,000 members. Idris started prophecying at age 40, and so did Mohammed. Mohammed´s youngest wife was just 9. The Daily Telegraph described the disappearance of Madeleine "the most heavily reported missing-person case in modern history".
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 303: Tässä syyteröväskästä viimeisin: in February 2022, around a dozen current and former employees of Dr. Phil alleged that they experienced "verbal abuse in a workplace that fosters fear, intimidation, and racism." Seven current employees also claimed that the show's guests are often manipulated and treated unethically. Attorneys for McGraw and his co-producer, Carla Pennington categorically denied every allegation made.
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 307: McGraw married his first wife, Debbie Higgins McCall, in 1970, when he was 20 years old. According to her, McGraw was domineering and would not allow her to participate in the family business. She claimed that she was confined to domestic duties and instructed to begin lifting weights to improve her bustline. McCall also claimed that infidelity had ended their marriage.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 143: In 1961 Roth visited Bernard Malamud in Oregon. Roth was still in his twenties and had just published his first book of stories, Goodbye, Columbus. Malamud was almost 50 and one of the most famous writers in America. This meeting was immortalised in one of Roth’s greatest books, The Ghost Writer. In this 1979 work, a young writer, Nathan Zuckerman, visits EI Lonoff, a first-generation immigrant modelled on Malamud, who found a new voice for Jewish-American literature. He had found a voice but, more importantly, he had a subject: “life-hunger, life-bargains, and life-terror”—a Jewish experience rooted in the traumas of east Europe and Russia.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 167: In the best essay ever written on Saul Bellow, Philip Roth wrote that his friend "managed brilliantly to close the gap between Thomas Mann and Damon Runyon". Bellow indeed brought together the teeming, busy world of post-war America, with its wise-guys, money men and "reality instructors", and the high seriousness of old Europe.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 144: The Honeymooners is an American television sitcom which originally aired from 1955 to 1956, created by and starring Jackie Gleason, and based on a recurring comedy sketch of the same name that had been part of Gleason's variety show. It follows the lives of New York City bus driver Ralph Kramden (Gleason), his wife Alice (Audrey Meadows), Ralph's best friend Ed Norton (Art Carney) and Ed's wife Trixie (Joyce Randolph) as they get involved with various schemes in their day-to-day living.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 283:
    Right on Maya, great tits, but why did you shave your bush like that? It looks like A.Hitler's upper lip. Wild bush would be more sustainable. More appetizing too.

    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 299: Maya has also been featured in various magazines, podcasts, TV and radio programmes, and guest edited the 17th Edition of Playboy Magazine, which focused on bush sustainability and Generation Z.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 418: busterbrowns.jpg" />
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 449: The 1968 strike continued for nine days until Feb. 10, despite the media demonization of the union. The New York Times wrote on Feb. 9: “The runaway strike by the city’s unionized garbage collectors is the latest miscarriage of civil service unionism that relies on the illegal application of force to club the community into extortionate wage settlements. … Mayor Lindsay has taken the right and necessary course in moving for an injunction under the state’s new Taylor Law. The city cannot surrender to such tyrannical abuse of union power.”
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 513: Dude, Where's My Car? is a 2000 American boner comedy film directed by Danny Lipsanen. The film stars Jared Kutshner and Sean Penn (just back from Ukraine: Zelensky was not at home) as two best friends who find themselves unable to remember where they parked their vehicle after a night of recklessness. Supporting cast members include some busty chicks as usual. Though the film was banned by most critics, it was a box office success and has managed to achieve a cult status, partially from frequent airings on cable television. The film's title became a minor pop culture saying, and was commonly reworked in various pop cultural contexts during the 2000s. Release date December 15, 2000. Budget $13 million. Box office $73.2 million.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 617: Despite his denials, Gary’s ties to Chandra’s case ultimately caused his political career to crumble. In 2002, he lost his house seat — just mere weeks after Chandra’s remains were discovered in Washington, D.C.’s Rock Creek Park. Gary then moved to Arizona, where he opened several Baskin-Robbins stores. However, his venture in the ice cream business was cut short in 2012, when his franchises reportedly closed.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 236: Norris is a columnist for the far-right WorldNetDaily. In 2007, Norris took a trip to Iraq to visit U.S. troops. Norris was one of the first members of show business to express support for the California Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriage, Norris has visited Israel, and he voiced support for former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the 2013 and 2015 elections. In 2019, Norris signed an endorsement deal with gun manufacturer Glock.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 386: Crane was born in Garrettsville, Ohio, the son of Clarence A. Crane and Grace Edna Hart. His father was a successful Ohio businessman who invented the Life Savers candy and held the patent, but sold it for $2,900 before the brand became popular. Bugger it. Too late to save the life of the hart. He made other candy and accumulated a fortune from the candy business with chocolate bars.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 410: Crane´s critical effort, like those of Keats and Rilke, is mostly to be found in his letters: he corresponded regularly with Allen Tate, Yvor Winters, and Gorham Munson, and shared critical dialogues with Eugene O´Neill, William Carlos Williams, E. E. Cummings, Sherwood Anderson, Kenneth Burke, Waldo Frank, Harriet Monroe, Marianne Moore, and Gertrude Stein. He was also an acquaintance of H. P. Lovecraft, who eventually would voice concern over Crane´s premature aging due to alcohol abuse. Most serious work on Crane begins with his letters, selections of which are available in many editions of his poetry; his letters to Munson, Tate, Winters, and his patron, Otto Hermann Kahn, are particularly insightful. His two most famous stylistic defenses emerged from correspondences: his "General Aims and Theories" (1925) was written to urge Eugene O´Neill´s critical foreword to White Buildings, then passed around among friends, yet unpublished during Crane´s life; and the famous "Letter to Harriet Monroe" (1926) was part of an exchange for the publication of "At Melville´s Tomb" in Poetry. The literary critic Adam Kirsch has argued that "Crane has been a special case in the canon of American modernism, because his reputation was never quite as secure as that of Eliot or Stevens. In fact he FAILED."
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 663: I Saltsjöbaden 1938 överenskoms att det skulle bli slut med strejkbryteri och ”unionbusting”. Socialdemokratins ledare åtog sig i gengäld att hålla militanta arbetare ( ex.vis. dåtidens kommunister) vid hornen, medan kapitalet i lugn och ro kunde mjölka arbetande. Den hyllade ”svenska modellen” knäsattes, och länge ansågs den vara framgångsrik, i synnerhet så länge våra och konkurrenter grannländer ännu var krigshärjade, och det ännu fanns socialistländer som hotade systemet.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 511: 781 likes · 2 talking about this. Hi, I´m Brigit Esselmont - intuitive business strategist, 7-figure entrepreneur and mentor to women business-owners.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 183: Tee harjoituksia vaikkapa telkkaria katsoessasi, puhelimessa puhuessasi, autossa tai bussissa istuessasi. Kun jumppa sujuu, kukaan ulkopuolinen ei tiedä sinun jumppaavan, sillä mikään muu lihasryhmä ei jännity samalla ja hengität ihan normaalisti jumpan aikana (paizi milloin alat innostua), joten voit jumpata missä vain ja milloin vain. Varo kuitenkin innostumasta bussissa tai opettajanhuoneessa.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 444: The four Venezuela sisters had enough. They were tired of poverty, tired of their abusive father, and tired of being harassed by villagers who hated their father even more than they did. Bye to El Salto de Juanacatlan, Jalisco, forever, and on to San Francisco to start their lives over.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 446: The year was 1945. Prostitution in America is a respectable business. The sisters weren’t talented and weren’t educated or good looking, but they certainly were not lacking in entrepreneurship. With few available choices, the Venezuela’s set up their business. "Rancho El Ángel" was a bordello featuring as the main dish, you guessed it, the four sisters. An attached bar serving hot mineral oil with ball bearings in it was added to increase the allure.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 481: In Eastern Europe, the day before Christmas was a very busy one indeed for the wife and mother of a family. She spent it entirely in the preparation of the many foods for Holy Supper. Kiireiset on äidin askelet.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 570: Chick Parsons (Charles Thomas Parsons, Jr., 1900–1988), American businessman, diplomat, and decorated World War II veteran
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 57: Bošković asui Ranskassa kymmenen vuotta, jatkoi tieteen harrastamista ja julkaisi monia artikkeleita. Niiden joukossa oli ratkaisu komeetan radan määrittämiseen kolmesta havainnosta sekä artikkelit mikrometristä ja akromaattisista kaukoputkista. Vuonna 1783 hän palasi Italiaan ja vietti kaksi vuotta Bassanossa, jossa hän keskittyi julkaisemaan teoksensa Opera impertinentia ad opticam et gastronomiam (cum illustrationibus multicoloribus), joka ilmestyi moniväripainoxena vuonna 1785. Hänen terveytensä oli kuitenkin heikentynyt, hänen maineensa oli hiipumassa eivätkä hänen teoksensa enää myyneet. Nolo epäonnistuminen Ijon Tichyn johtamassa maapallon historian taannehtivassa oikaisussa oli viimeinen isku Roger ressulle. Bošković kuoli pettyneenä Milanossa 15. helmikuuta 1787. (LEMissä on väärä kronologia, siellä sanotaan että B. lähetettiin 17. vuosisadalle.)
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 631: He was born in Viipuri, Viipuri Province, Finland, in 1919, to ship captain Jalmari (Ilmari) Törni, and his wife, Rosa (née Kosonen). He had two sisters: Salme Kyllikki (b. 1920) and Kaija Iris (b. 1922). An athletic youth, Törni was an early friend of future Olympic Boxing Gold Medalist Sten Suvio. After attending business school and serving with the Civil Guard, Törni entered military service in 1938, joining Jaeger Battalion 4 stationed at Kiviniemi; when the Winter War began in November 1939, his enlistment was extended and his unit confronted invading Soviet troops at Rautu.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 719: Ulkomaalaisten puheesta kuuluu tämän tästä: Go to hell! Don't be a fool! taikka Die verdammten Schweine! Zum Teufel! ynnä muita donnerwettereitä, mutta japanilaiset keskustelevat keskenään sävyisästi: 1. バカ (baka) – Stupid, Idiot. 2. ばかやろう(bakayarou) – Asshole, Idiot. 3. あほ (aho) – Moron. 4. くそ (kuso) – Shit, Crap. 5. ちくしょう (chikushou) – Shit, Son of a Bitch. 6. わるがき(warugaki) – Brat. 7. ふざけるな (fuzakeruna) – “Fuck Off”. 8. どけ(doke) – “Get out of the way!”. 9. しね (shine) – Die! 10. ブス(busu) – Extremely Ugly Woman. 11. ウルサイ (urusai) – Shut up! 12. だまれ(damare) – Shut up! 13. やかましい (yakamashii) - Turpa rullalle!
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 242: Yet it is relentlessly demonized. We are told that businessmen pay “starvation wages,” that the rich get richer while the poor get poorer, and that the free market is impractical—prone to crises, depressions, mass unemployment, and coercive monopolies. Michael Dahlen dispels these and many other myths. He shows that a system of free markets and limited government is not only practical; he shows that it is moral, as it is the only system that recognizes each egoistic individual’s inalienable right to his own lifelong earnings.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 322: Tuon kokouksen aikana Hidetada antoi Sarikselle kaksi lakattua haarniskapukua kuningas James I :lle . Vuodesta 2015 lähtien yksi näistä panssaripuvuista sijaitsee Tower of Londonissa , toinen on esillä Royal Armouries Museumissa ,Leeds . Puvut allekirjoitti Iwai Yozaemon Nanbusta . [30] [31] Ne olivat osa muinaisen 1400-luvun Dō-maru - tyylisten haarniskojen sarjaa.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 377: Missä kohen Jamesin Blackthornen seikkailut poikkeavat esikuvastansa Adamsista? No mietitään - tää on romaani, eikä pelkkä rags to riches tositarina. Ei siis riitä pelkkä (E), pitää olla paxulti myös (K) ja (F). Näyttää siinä olevan kaikenlaista nujakointia, ja aika pian on jonkin verran myös japsunaisten nussintaa (sitähän oli Aatamilla kyllä izellään). "As they spend more time together, Blackthorne comes to deeply admire both Toranaga and (specifically) Mariko, and all three secretly become lovers." Samainen Mariko (joka on sentään vaan japsulainen nainen) silputaan smithereeneixi. "However, she and Blackthorne and the other ladies of Toranaga's "court", escape into a locked room. As the ninja prepare to blow the door open Mariko stands against the door and is killed by the explosion." No jäähän Toranagalle vielä "Lady Anjin". Entäs moraali? "Blackthorne is torn between his growing affection for Mariko (who is married to a powerful, abusive, and dangerous samurai, Buntaro), his increasing loyalty to Toranaga, his household and consort, a "Willow world" courtesan named Kikuli, and his desire to return to the open seas aboard Erasmus so he can intercept the Black Ship fleet before it reaches Japan." Onpa hienoa: (E,F,K) konfliktoituvat! "There are other recurring themes of Eastern values, as opposed to Western values, masculine (patriarchal) values as opposed to human values, etc."
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 393: Through his annotations and emendations of Talmudic and other texts, he became one of the most familiar and influential figures in rabbinic study since the Middle Ages. He is considered as one of the Anachronim, and by some as one of the Rishonim. The Acharonim "the last ones" follow the Rishonim, the "first ones"—the rabbinic scholars between the 11th and the 16th century following the Geonim and preceding the Shulchan Aruch. According to many rabbis the Shulkhan Arukh is an Acharon. Some hold that Rabbi Yosef Karo's first bestseller Beit Yosef has the halakhic status of a Rishon, while his later blockbuster Shulkhan Arukh has the status of an Acharon. The publication of the Shulchan Aruch thus marks the transition from the era of Rishonim to that of Acharonim. According to the widely held view in Orthodox Judaism, the Acharonim generally cannot dispute the rulings of rabbis of previous eras unless they find support from other rabbis in previous eras. Yet the opposite view exists as well.
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 516: It’s so painful and scares me so much. I think it’s possible my mental health has been disfigured beyond repair from abuse scapegoating and malice.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 141: Oikeat ihmiset Horatio Hornblower -kirjoissa: Napoleon, Boy George: ‘I was abused every day for being gay in the 70s’, kapteeni Edward Pelle, amiraali William Corn Flakes, Lord St. Vincent, Britannian ulkoministeri William "markiisi Wellesley" Hague, Venäjän zaari Aleksanteri I, ministeri Anthony Drink and Be Merry, Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz, ja viimeisenä muttei vähimpänä Riian sotilaskovernööri Ivan Nikolaevich Essenistä ja monista muista hajalle pommitetuista Saxan kaupungeista, erityisesti "Commodoressa". Mitä vetoa että Iivana on pahis?
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 203: Or busy housewife ply her evening care: Tai kiireinen kotiäiti hoitaa iltahoitoaan:
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 227: Can storied urn or animated bust Voi kerroksellinen uurna tai animoitu rintakuva
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 345: Cornhillissä 26. joulukuuta 1716 syntynyt Gray oli viides Philip ja Dorothy Antrobus Grayn 12 lapsesta ja ainoa, joka selvisi lapsenkengistä. Hänen isänsä, väkivaltaisuuksiin syyllistynyt, pahoinpiteli vaimoaan; Dorothy jätti hänet jossain vaiheessa, mutta Philip uhkasi ajaa hiäntä takaa ja kostaa hiänelle, ja hiän palasi hänen luokseen. Vuosina 1725-1734 Thomas Gray osallistui Etoniin, missä hän tapasi Richard Westin ja Horace Tadpolen, voimakkaan Whig-ministerin Sir Robert Walpolen pojan. Vuonna 1734 Gray astui Peterhouse Collegeen, Cambridgen yliopistoon. Neljä vuotta myöhemmin hän jätti Cambridgen ilman tutkintoa aikoen lukea lakia Lontoon Inner Templessä. Sen sijaan hän ja Horace Walpole purjehtivat Doverista 29. maaliskuuta 1739 Manner-kiertueelle. Kaksikko riiteli Reggiossa Italiassa toukokuussa 1741; Gray jatkoi kiertuetta yksin ja palasi Lontooseen syyskuussa. Marraskuussa 1741 Greyn isä kuoli; Grayn säilyneissä kirjeissä ei ole mainintaa tästä tapahtumasta.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 475: He empowered children with his stories, though the content was sometimes questioned for its open references to magic, racism, alcohol abuse, and use of words like “ass” and “slit”. Of course with his free use of such words, maybe it shouldn’t be surprising that he was simultaneously trying his hand at children's genitals and pornographic stories for Playboy, further muddying his reputation.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 855: The Interstate Commerce Commission's original purpose was to regulate railroads to ensure fair rates, to eliminate race discrimination, and to regulate other aspects of common carriers, including interstate bus lines and telephone companies. Congress expanded ICC authority to regulate other modes of commerce beginning in 1906. Throughout the 20th century, several of ICC's authorities were abolished. The ICC was abolished in 1995, and its remaining functions were transferred back to laissez faire capitalists.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 98: Uusmaalaiset persut ovat rasisteja evakoille ja niiden lehmille: karjalaisten maatiainen nupokarja ei saa istua bussin etupenkeillä, siihen kelpaavat vain ayrhshirelehmät terävine sarvineen. Isoisä huikkaa kuopasta luovutetun Kurjalan puolelta: Mutta oletko muistanut, Market, mistä kaikki oikea apu ja lohdutus ja voima tulevat? Valkoisen puolen siirtokarjalaisen nupolehmän Ruusun puosta! Niinpä. Marquetta painoi leuan syvälle polviensa väliin, risti kätensä jalkojensa ympärille ja supisi rukousta, jossa ei oikeastaan olllut paljonkan järkeä, koska jumala oli kuitenkin suunnitellut kaiken parhain päin ihan omin nokin, eikä välittäisi Marken pyynnöistä tuon taivaallista.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 728: Para mi corazón basta tu pecho, para tu libertad bastan mis alas. Si consideras largo y loco el viento de banderas que pasa por mi vida y te decides a dejarme a la orilla del corazón en que tengo raíces, piensa que en ese día, a esa hora levantaré los brazos y saldrán mis raíces a buscar otra tierra. Ahora bien, si poco a poco dejas de quererme dejaré de quererte poco a poco. Si de pronto me olvidas no me busques, que ya te habré olvidado.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 882: Maslow añade a la teoría de Rogers su concepto de las necesidades. La teoría de este psicólogo gira en torno a dos aspectos fundamentales: nuestras necesidades y nuestras experiencias. En otras palabras, lo que nos motiva y lo que buscamos a lo largo de la vida y lo que nos va ocurriendo en este camino, lo que vamos viviendo. Es aquí donde se forma nuestra personalidad. De hecho, Maslow es considerado uno de los grandes teóricos de la motivación.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 886: Sin duda, Maslow se asocia al concepto de autorrealización, porque en su teoría habla de las necesidades que tenemos las personas de desarrollarnos, de buscar nuestro máximo potencial. Y es que, según éste, las personas tienen un deseo innato para autorrealizarse, para ser lo que quieran ser, y tienen la capacidad capacidad para perseguir sus objetivos de manera autónoma y libre.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 143: businessinsider.es/sites/navi.axelspringer.es/public/styles/1200/public/media/image/2019/04/amazon-ceo-jeff-bezos_2.jpg?itok=W0EG4pj-" height="200px" />
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 308: Kimberly: Exactly. Once you’ve been abused, tortured, provoked, manipulated, and had your reputation dragged through the mud, it’s hard to find any sympathy for them. Deep down I feel badly that my ex had to have the pathetic parents he did, since they are the ones fully responsible for his behavior and mental disorder, but at the end of the day, he’s a grown man and needs to learn to own up to his own shortcomings. God have mercy on him… because I sure don’t.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 558: The family moved to Mid-City, Los Angeles, in 1930. Bukowski's father was often unemployed. To while away his time, with his mother's acquiescence, his father was frequently abusive, both physically and mentally, beating his son for the smallest real or imagined offense. Heini later told an interviewer that his father beat him with a razor strop three times a week from the ages of six to 11 years. He says that it helped his writing, as he came to understand undeserved as well as well deserved pain.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 729: TIME Spotlight Story Effective Altruism Has a Hostile Culture to Women, Critics Say. Effective Altruism Promises to Do Good Better. These Women Say It Has a Toxic Culture Of Sexual Harassment and Abuse. They say that effective altruism's overwhelming maleness, its professional incestuousness, its subculture of polyamory and its overlap with tech-bro dominated "rationalist" groups have combined to treat females like fishmarket finds.
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 86: 14-tonnisen bussin veto hampailla.
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 248: Cary Grant saattoi olla juutalainen ja se todennäköisesti oli homo. Rooseveltin esi-isät saattoi olla juutalaisia Hollannissa. Claes Rosenvelt entered the cloth business in New York, and was married in 1682. He accumulated a fortune. He then changed his name to Nicholas Roosevelt. Of his four sons, Isaac died young. Nicholas married Sarah Solomons. Jacobus married Catherina Hardenburg. The Roosevelts were not a fighting but a peace-loving people, devoted to trade. Isaac became a capitalist. He founded the Bank of New York in 1790.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 86: Primary factors believed to have led to the recession include the following: restrictive monetary policy enacted by central banks, primarily in response to inflation concerns, the loss of consumer and business confidence as a result of the 1990 oil price shock, the end of the Cold War and the subsequent decrease in defense spending, the savings and loan crisis and a slump in office construction resulting from overbuilding during the 1980s. The 1990 oil price shock occurred in response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein's second invasion of a fellow OPEC member. Lasting only nine months, the price spike was less extreme and of shorter duration than the previous oil crises of 1973–1974 and 1979–1980, but the spike still contributed to the recession of the early 1990s in the United States. The average monthly price of oil rose from $17 per barrel in July to $36 per barrel in October. As the U.S.-led coalition experienced military success against Iraqi forces, concerns about long-term supply shortages eased and prices began to fall.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 101: The Soviet Union's last year of economic growth was 1989, and throughout the 1990s, recession ensued in the Former Soviet Republics. In May 1998, following the 1997 crash of the East Asian economy, things began to get even worse in Russia. In August 1998, the value of the ruble fell 34% and people clamored to get their money out of banks (see 1998 Russian financial crisis). The government acted by dragging its feet on privatization programs. Russians responded to this situation with approval by electing the more pro-dirigist and less liberal Vladimir Putin as President in 2000. Putin proceeded to reassert the role of the federal government, and gave it power it had not seen since the Soviet era. State-run businesses were used to out-compete some of the more wealthy rivals of Putin. Putin's policies were popular with the Russian people, gaining him re-election in 2004. At the same time, the export-oriented Russian economy enjoyed considerable influx of foreign currency thanks to rising worldwide oil prices (from $15 per barrel in early 1999 to an average of $30 per barrel during Putin's first term). The early 2000s recession was avoided in Russia due to rebound in exports and, to some degree, a return to dirigism.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 110: The combination of banks unable to provide funds to businesses, and homeowners paying down debt rather than borrowing and spending, resulted in the Great Recession that began in the U.S. officially in December 2007 and lasted until June 2009, thus extending over 19 months.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 374: Markku jyystää Mänzälään sedän Ural-sivuvaunupyörällä märkä Ville-vauva pakaasina. Antero on samaan pisteeseen matkalla varmaan Onnibussilla. Ei vaan Ladalla.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 75: Mannergeim näki edessään tien ja syöksyi päistikkaa tantereeseen. Hän kaivoi naarmuuntuneet kiikarit kupeeltaan ja tarkkaili maastoa. Valkoinen Expressbuss ajoi hitaasti kuoppaista tietä ja pysähtyi aukean reunaan. Siitä purkautui lastillinen turisteja. Mannergeimia etoi ja oksetti. Nuo saastat eivät kunnioittaneet mitään!
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 167: Mihail Aleksandrovitš Bakunin (ven. Михаил Александрович Бакунин, 30. toukokuuta 1814 Prjamuhino – 1. heinäkuuta 1876 Bern) oli venäläinen aatelinen vallankumouksellinen, jota ranskalaisen Pierre-Joseph Proudhonin ohella pidetään nykyisen anarkismin oppi-isänä ja myös sen merkittävimpänä vaikuttajana. Vaijeritempun kexijä Pertti Lindfors muistutti ainakin siivottomuuden osalta jonkun verran Bakuninia vanhana. Nuori Bakunin oli enemmän Hessu Hopon näköinen. Hopo tunsi ainakin yhtä paljon julkkixia kuin Jönsy. Vanha Bakunin koitti kasvattaa yhtä hienon parran kuin Marxin Karl, muttei kasvanut. Se näytti bussin alle jääneeltä marxilaiselta. His book God and the State has been widely translated and remains in print.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 301: Toi tietoisuus on näistä pahin, se varsinainen pirulainen. Sen voi väliaikaisesti turruttaa mm. viinalla. Johannes Bronkhorstin mukaan on mahdollista, ainakin toivottavaa, että "alkuperäinen buddhalaisuus ei kiistänyt sielun olemassaoloa", vaikka vahva buddhalainen perinne on väittänyt, että Buddha vältti puhumasta sielusta tai jopa kiisti sen olemassaolon. Länkkärit ovat tästä ihan hädissään, roikkuvat kiinni aggregaatissa kuin huorabussissa paleleva huora Ivalo-poliisisarjassa. Johannes Bronkhorst (s. 17. heinäkuuta 1946 Schiedam, Alankomaat) on alankomaalainen orientalisti ja indologi, joka on erikoistunut buddhalaisiin tutkimuksiin ja varhaiseen buddhalaisuuteen. Hän on Lausannen yliopiston emeritusprofessori. Kohta sekin pääsee näkemään oliko se oikeassa vaiko väärässä.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 233:
    Wilder oli suurennetun torakan näköinen. Wilder as Mr. Antabus in The Skin of Our Teeth, 1948. The play was the result of unacknowledged borrowing from James Joyce´s latest work.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 257: Suddenly she grabbed my knee. “Sammy,” she said, “do you think that Alice and I are lesbians?” I had a genuine hot curl of fire up my spine. “I don’t see that it’s anybody’s business one way or another,” I said. “Do you care whether we are,” she asked. “Not in the least,” I said. I was suddenly dripping wet. “Are you queer or gay or different or ‘of it’ as the French say or whatever they are calling it nowadays,” she said, looking narrowly at me. I waggled my hand sidewise. “Both ways,” I said. “I don’t see why I should go through life limping on just one leg to satisfy a so-called norm.” “It bothers a lot of people,” Gertrude said. “But like you said, it’s nobody’s business, it came from the Judeo-Christian ethos, especially Saint Paul the bastard, but he was complaining about youngsters who were not really that way, they did it for money, everybody suspects us or knows but nobody says anything about it. Did Thornie tell you?” “Only when I asked him a direct question and then he didn’t want to answer, he didn’t want to at all. He said yes he supposed in the beginning but that it was all over now.” Gertrude laughed. “How could he know. He doesn’t know what love is. And that’s just like Thornie.”
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 314: COT. Listen!—pressing business obliges me to be absent till late to-night; I leave the shop to your care.

    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 527: The next morning, back at the hay and feed store, Cornelius and Irene, Barnaby and Minnie, and Ambrose and Ermengarde each come to collect the money Vandergelder owes them. Chastened, he finally admits that he needs Dolly in his life, but she is unsure about the marriage until Ephram sends her a sign. Cornelius becomes Horace´s business partner at the store, and Barnaby fills Cornelius´ old position. Horace tells Dolly life would be dull without her, and she promises that she will "never go away again".
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 249: Merope made the choice to kidnap Tom Riddle and force him into a life with her. She could have just as easily ran away and found her own way, living happily ever after away from her abuser.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 254: Merope Riddle chose death in spite of a son who needed her, but do not judge her too harshly, Harry. She was greatly weakened by long suffering and she never had your mother's courage. Said Albus Dumbledore about Merope.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 347: Watto, the hook-nosed, greedy small-businessman in “Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace” even “happens to have a thick Yiddish accent,” as Bruce Gottlieb wrote in Slate. Hans Gruber in “Die Hard” is a foreign, sneering, anti-Christmas villain who murders for gold. Then there are the skeletal-like shape-shifting aliens in John Carpenter’s “They Live,” who combine stereotypes of Jewish greed with tropes of Jewish alienness and shape-shifting assimilation. The parallel here was so blatant that neo-Nazis embraced the movie as their own, much to Carpenter’s horror.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 377: Joy Harjo was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on May 9, 1951. Joy Harjo is an enrolled three quarter injun of the Muscogee/Mvskoke (Creek) Nation. From 2019 to 2022, she served as the 23rd Poet Laureate of the United States. Harjo's childhood in Oklahoma contained episodes of violence and conflict. Her Muscogee father suffered from alcoholism. Harjo's parents eventually divorced, but when her Cherokee-European mother married again, Harjo ended up with an abusive Caucasian stepfather.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 383: Jämförelsevis är nutidens Harjunpää välbärgad, snygg och professionell och äger en segelbåt. Både busar och brottsbekämpare går runt stiligt klädda, men snackar både otydligt och ohyfsat med varann. Harjunpää ser ut som en robot med trådar hängandes från öronen. Grabbarna är idel #metoo och incel typer som inte vet ens vad metajobb betyder. Men kvinnorna gör ännu ändå allt rått arbete, tom sparkar skurkarna i arslet. Harjunpääs speciella känslighet är ett ämne för hela poliskårets åtlöje.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 458: Bicornis, vel Arabice Du al-Qarnain est Alcorani persona, de quo sura XVIII (Al-Kahf) narrat. Rex iustissimus et potentissimus et Deo fidelis, orbem terrarum ab occasi Solis ad ortum tenebat, iustos servans et peccatores multans; murum ferreum inter montes aedificat ut populos boreales Gog et Magog excluderet, quem murum ante diem Iudicii ultimi Gog et Magog destruerent. Iskandar (Alexander) Du al-Qarnain ab interpretibus interdum nominatur.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 459: E fabulis de Alexandro Magno, qui in nummis ut Ammonis filius cum cornubus duobus figuratur, fabulam Bicornis multa sumpsisse nemo dubitat; etiam murus in vita Alexandri Graeca memoratur.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 214: Chevron kieltäytyi liuskekaasusta Ukrainassa, LB.ua-uutisportaali http://economics.lb.ua/business/2014/12/15/289315_chevron_otkazalsya_slantsevogo_gaza.html

    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 533: With Monroe out of the picture — she died in 1962 — Mr. Bigsby pretty much folds up this big, busy tent. Miller went on to write important plays, notably “After the Fall” (1964), but his best work was in the distant rearview mirror.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 183: Kertoja keskittyy minäkuvan käsitteeseen. Ihminen "pukee" jatkuvasti omaa hahmoaan mielessään, ja kertoja pohtii, mitä tapahtuisi, jos tämä romantisoitu sisäinen peili katoaisi. Jäljelle jäävät vain heijastukset vieraiden ihmisten silmissä omnibussissa, josta hän uskoo tulevien kirjailijoiden kirjoittavan. Hän pohtii myös yleistyksiä ja tapoja, jotka määrittävät ihmisen elämää, mutta muuttuvat ja katoavat sukupolvien yli, mikä saa hänet pohtimaan "laittomia vapauksia", joita ajan myötä voi tulla.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 185: Viittaus minäkuvaan on ironista, sillä kertoja antaa hyvin vähän yksityiskohtia elämästään tässä tietoisuuden virrassa – jos tämä "romantisoitu kuva" kuitenkin viittaa hänen ajatuksiinsa oppineista miehistä ja sivilisaatiosta, myöhempi kuva tuntemattomista ihmisistä. Omnibussi vahvistaa tuossa sivilisaatiossa todellisuudessa esiintyvän vieraantuneisuuden ja anonymiteetin. Hänen hyppynsä yleistyksiin herättää jälleen kiehtovan sodan, vaikka hänen kyynisyytensä sivilisaatiosta johtaa heikkoon toivoon. Jos nykyiset tavat ovat vain "pukutettuja" versioita todellisuudesta, ajan kuluminen sallii muutokset tässä todellisuudessa ja vapautumispotentiaalin.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 81: bus.jpg" width="40%" />
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 600: Morton ei ehkä ole semiitti, mutta antimuslimi se kyllä on. Turkkilainen länsipukuun sonnustautunut muezzin huutaa kuin sillä olisi kalaa kaupan. Tarbushin käyttökielto oli pahempi Atatürkin veto kuin naisten hunnuttomuus. Nyt ei vastaantulija tiedä kuka minä olen. Lierihattu on kristityn koiran tunnusmerkki, baseball-lippis eli keeppa apinan. Maahan kumartaminen käy naurettavaxi palloilijan lakissa. Voihan sitä tosin pitää väärinpäin. Se on länsimaista päähineistä hirvittävin. Ilta oli upea, ei kuulunut kuin kurdipakolaisten surkeaa yskimistä. Plus ça change...
    xxx/ellauri289.html on line 144: Vuonna 1932 kexittiin se loistoajatus, että 144 000 hengen "pieni lauma" ei olisi ainoa apinaporukka, joka selviytyisi Harmageddonista. Rutherford selitti, että sen 144 000 "voidellun" lisäksi, jotka nousevat kuolleista – tai siirrettäisiin kuollessa – asumaan taivaassa hallitsemaan maata Kristuksen kanssa, erillinen liitännäisjäsenluokka, "laahus", asuisi palautetussa paratiisissa maan päällä ja saisi käyttöönsä upouudet ruohonleikkurit. Vuodesta 1935 lähtien liikkeen uusia käännynnäisiä pidettiin osana tätä luokkaa, sillä 144K businessluokan paikkaa oli jo täytetty. 1930-luvun puoliväliin mennessä Kristuksen läsnäolon alkamisajankohta (kreikaksi: parousía ), hänen valtaistuimelleen nouseminen kuninkaaksi ja "viimeisten päivien" alkaminen siirrettiin kumpikin vuoteen 1914. Tosin paluulento olisi tapahtunut kulisseissa näyttämön takana kuin ehtoollinen ortodoksisessa kirkossa.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 369: bush.jpg" width="40%" />
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 370:
    Syyrialaisnainen junan ravintolavaunussa tarbush keikarimaisesti vinossa.

    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 307:
    Seemore Butts or Adam Glasser, take your pick – was born in the Bronx to Jewish parents, whom he has said were involved in the “shmattah business.” Talk about rags to riches! Seemore Butt's net worth 2022 was between $501.1K - $1.8M. Not penniless nor worthless, nossir. His mother Lila has also been involved with the production and distribution of some of his films.

    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 255: hope you will never forget mine. My bushy beard anyway. In case of doubt read the badge.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 361: Vuonna 1973 hän julkaisi A Book Of Dreams, omaelämäkerrallisen luonnoksen elämästä isänsä kanssa Orgononilla. Tämä kirja inspiroi Katea kirjoittamaan kappaleen Cloudbusting. Kun kappale oli valmis, Kate kirjoitti Peter Reichille: "Minulle oli jollain tapaa tärkeää tuntea hänen siunauksensa, koska hänen kirjansa todella liikutti minua. Hän lähetti takaisin niin ihanan kirjeen. Oli uskomaton tunne palauttaa takaisin jotain, jonka hän oli antanut minulle, olkoonkin vain ranskalaisen kirjeen sisällyxen."
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 363:
    Kate Bushin Cloudbustingin traaginen tarina

    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 366: Kate Bush (1958), Rikun lemppari, on yksi parhaista lauluntekijöistä, ei vain sukupolveltaan, vaan kaikkien aikojen. Hänen kykynsä kääntää mikä tahansa teema tai aihe kauniiksi kappaleeksi on lähes vertaansa vailla, ja hänen upea äänialue on taivaallisen määritelmä. Täydellinen esimerkki hänen synnynnäisestä lauluntekijänerosta on "Cloudbusting", jossa Bush loi kultaa täysin traagisesta tarinasta.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 368: "Cloudbusting" johtui hänen inspiraatiostaan muuttaa Peter Reichin unelmakirjan todellinen tarina lauluksi. Vuonna 1973 julkaistu kirja kertoo kauhistuttavan tarinan hänen isänsä Wilhelmin pidätyksestä tuomioistuimen halveksunnan vuoksi. Wilhelm Reich oli itävaltalainen psykiatri, jonka Sigmund Freud koulutti Wienissä; hän oli uraauurtava hahmo psykologiassa, mutta hän oli myös erittäin kiistanalainen hahmo, joka ajatteli maverick-tyyppisellä tavalla.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 372: Kirja on kirjoitettu Peter Reichin näkökulmasta ja käsitteli hänen isänsä inhimillistä puolta, jota valtio kohteli uhkana yhteiskunnalle. Hänen merkittävin työnsä tuli 1930-luvulla, kun Reich keksi näennäisen oudolta "orgonen" käsitteen. Reich sanoi, että tämä on fyysistä energiaa, joka tapahtuu orgasmin aikana. Hän uskoi, että ilmakehä sisälsi tämän orgonienergian, kuten kaikki elävä aine. Tämän energian vangitsemiseksi hän loi niin sanotun Cloudbusterin.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 378: Cloudbustingissa ideana oli aloittaa tämä kappale henkilöllä, joka herää tästä unesta, "herään itkien". Se on kuin asettaisi kohtauksen, joka vihjaa heti, että tämä henkilö ei ole enää jonkun kanssa, jota he rakastavat", hän selitti Associated Pressille vuonna 1989. "Se antaa pistävän sävelen kappaleeseen. Elämä on menetys, eikö? Se oppii selviytymään menetyksestä. Luulen, että meidän kaikkien on monella tapaa selvittävä siitä."
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 385: Osa lännen myyttiä Saksasta on se, että se kieltää Saksaa vastaan ​​demokratian nimissä tehdyt räikeät julmuudet. Dresdenin surullinen pommi-isku on Euroopan näkyvin esimerkki. Atomipommin käyttö Japanissa oli sak samma Aasian rintamalla. Sodankäynnissä vallitsee poikkeuksetta kaksoisstandardi: se, mitä "me" teemme vihollista vastaan, on oikeutettua, se, mitä "he" tekevät meitä vastaan, on " rikollinen", "barbaari". ja vastaavaa. Ei itse teko, vaan se, kuka sen teki ja kenelle, on meidän harhaanjohtava relativistinen argumenttimme! Psykologisesti prosessi on aseistariisuttavan yksinkertainen: taistelemme vihollisissamme sitä, mitä vihaamme itsessämme, ja paikannamme heissä kätevästi. Tällästä transferenssiä, vai projektiotako se oli. Taistelemme heissä kiellettyä osaa itseämme vastaan; tappamalla heidät, pahuuden symbolisina ruumiillistumaina, puhdistamme itsemme tuosta pahasta - ainakin tilapäisesti, kunnes seuraava tarve puhdistukseen sodan kautta ilmenee. (Howard F. Stein, op.cit.) Shoah business must go on, kuten hollantilainen patriarkka veisteli.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 240: Grein ja Esther karkaavat Greyhound bussilla maailman ääreen: Pittsburgh, Mass. Mixi läxit jälleen tähän leikkiin kysyy Esther Greiniltä. Grein ei vastaa: koska panetti. Punatukkainen puinen Esther antoi kuin antoikin mulle viime yönä persettä kovan ähräyxen päälle pimeässä autotallin perällä. Sen silikonivulva on nyt niin vastaanottavainen että sinne exyy käsin auttamatta löysempikin pili. Eise kyllä sitten enää tunnu samalta. Ei Greinistäkään, lyön vetoa.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 533: In Hollywood where they are always looking for blockbusters — but then don’t know what to do with them so they go back to filming comic books — for the thing they most desire is “high concept.” That means a clean plot, a story you can tell in one sentence. If you can't summarise your novel, well, imagine your novel-to-be is a movie already and tell us about it in a sentence. That should be easy enough.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 539: Hyi miten ällöttävä syllabus. Ize kirja on silmitöntä valaantappoa taalankuvat silmissä, mitä nyt välissä vähän homostellaan. Another day, another dollar.
    xxx/ellauri305.html on line 217: käyntikorttimiehiä, ”jotka täyttävät lentokoneitten businessluokat leveillä
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 68: Why is Rand a bad writer? Her writing is simply illogical, incomprehensible and blabbering. Her heroes and heroines are but pastiches, cliché-like cardboard figurines. Her world is black and white; either the character is a hero or a crook, but never anything in-between. Moreover, they fail the reality check; Howard Roark of The Fountainhead would not be the heroic creative mind he is represented; the reality check would be a similar megalomaniac sociopath as Le Corbusier.
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 659: MAN: Mind your own business

    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 791: bus-57a777b75f9b58974a39907c.jpg" width="70%" />
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 196:

    E Unibus Pluram

    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 205: Teoria on seuraava: Infinite Jest on Wallacen yritys ilmentää ja dramatisoida vallankumouksellista fiktiota, jota hän vaati esseessään "E Unibus Pluram: Television and US Fiction". (Vittu et toi Sikiökin oli sivistymätön: "Unibus"? "pluram"? HAHAHA. Jätkä ei osaa latinasta edes alkeita. Koitin lukea Sikiön ao. prujua mutta se oli loputtoman pitkästyttävä.) Tyyli on sellainen, jossa uusi vilpittömyys kumoaa ironisen ironisuuden, joka on 1900-luvun loppua kohden kovertanut nykyisen fiktion. Wallace yritti kirjoittaa vastalääkettä kyynisyydelle, joka oli valloittanut ja surullittanut niin paljon amerikkalaista kulttuuria hänen elinaikanaan. Hän yritti luoda viihdettä, joka saisi meidät puhumaan isänmaallista potaskaa uudelleen. On jo aika unohtaa Vietnamin turpiinotto, sitäpaizi rättipäistä saa helpommin mureketta, kun niillä ei ole niitä viidakoita missä kykkiä. Lisäksi lukuisia kirjailijoita on kuvattu New Sincerity -liikkeen myötävaikuttajiksi, mukaan lukien Jonathan Franzen, Zadie Smith, Dave Eggers (n.h.), Stephen Graham Jones (n.h.), ja Michael Chabon (n.h.). Ei kun suuri narratiivi takas kunniaan!
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 366: Mulier cum poculo abominationis iacens fub beftiam, adoratur a regibus & populis terrae. Öööh... senkin huorra! Du är död, hora. I själva verket virke...
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 550: What does it mean to flourish? As a person, I mean. We can probably agree that a plant which is healthy and blooming can be said to “flourish,” and that a business that is booming and raking in record profit is “flourishing.” But what does it mean for a human being to flourish?
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 99: He was born into a Jewish family of Polish-Jewish descent. His father was born in Radomyśl Wielki, Galicia (then part of Austria-Hungary, now Poland), and his mother was a native of New York whose parents also arrived from that town. Isidore owned a women's clothing manufacturing business employing 400 people. They owned a summer house in Far Rockaway, Queens, and employed a chauffeur. In the Wall Street Crash of 1929, the family lost almost everything and moved to Gravesend, Brooklyn.
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 259: French businessman "Louiserit Vuittuun" Bernard Arnault, after topping the list
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 289: make rational business decisions on how to allocate capital, where another
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 366: Jeg tror alt vi blir fortalt er forventet av oss fra ung alder i dagens moderne samfunn gjør mange deprimerte og raske til å dømme, og Norge er er forferdelig dyrt land å bo i, hvor det er høyt fokus på hva du har og lite fokus på hvordan du har det. Nordmenn generelt er jo kjent for å ikke like fremmede, folk går rett forbi folk som sover på gata fordi de antar at de er narkomane og at de er farlige. Jeg var på bussen i Oslo en gang hvor en mann var bevisstløs, det tok 20 minutter å overbevise bussjåføren til å stoppe, ambulanse måtte ringes etter 2 ganger fordi de avlyste første gang, alt fordi de antok at han var full. Da ambulansen endelig kom, fikk de vekket han, men de spurte ikke engang hva han het, de bare tok han av bussen og lot han sitte alene på bussholdeplassen. Jeg hadde blitt med bussen langt forbi min holdeplass fordi jeg ville se at det gikk bra med han, jeg gikk av da han ble tatt med av og pratet med han etter ambulansen reiste igjen. Viste seg at mannen hadde besvimt fordi han hadde diabetes, han visste ikke engang hva han het. Diabetikere lukter ekkelt.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 209: Tempore decennii 196 et maturo decennii 197 una ex actricibus populo gratissimis in Europa erat, et signum sexuale (https://la.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexus) videbatur.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 129: Kalanick was born on August 6, 1976, and grew up in the Northridge neighborhood of Los Angeles. Kalanick's parents are Bonnie Renée Horowitz Kalanick (née Bloom) and Donald Edward Kalanick. Bonnie, whose family were Viennese Jews who immigrated to the U.S. in the early 20th century, worked in retail advertising for the Los Angeles Daily News. Kalanick studied computer engineering and business economics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) until he dropped out to make MMMMONEY! Inhottava viurusilmä. Uuber ajoi alas Suomen taxilainsäädännön kauko-ohjaamalla limaista näppyläistä kumikana Berneriä.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 277: He supported universal suffrage and divorce and argued strongly for expelling the Vatican from Italy. Some twenty years after the publication of The Black Pig, he retook the “woman question” with La donna “tipo tre” (The type-three woman; 1929), about the woman who is financially, socially, and otherwise independent. The year 1930 saw two more titles on the topic of women: Le ragazze allarmanti (The alarming girls) and La donna negli affari (The woman in business).
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 87: In 1949 Gadamer was asked to succeed Karl Jaspers as chair at the University of Heidelberg, where he would spend the remainder of h!s academic career. After his divorce from Frida Kratz, Gadamer marned his second wife Kate Lekebusch, in 1950. In 1953, Gadamer founded the scholarly journal 'Philosophische Rundschau, with Kate leading the editorial business. "Under her direction, it became one of the 7 best philosophical Journals in postwar Germany," according to Jean Grondin.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 635: Par ce plaisir qu’on nomme abus :
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 345: I don’t put much trust or much faith in America “turning” places into pro-American liberal democracies. We’re essentially saying that we have some sort of say over how democratic countries run their business.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 344: To dialogues of business, love, or strife; bisnestä, vonkausta, riidanhaastoa,
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 392: Of Childhood, whether busy or at rest, lapsenuskosta, liikkeellä ja levossa,
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 182: The political fallout led to citywide political rallies and meetings in Honolulu. Anti-monarchists, annexationists, and leading Reform Party politicians that included Lorrin A. Thurston, a grandson of American missionaries, and Kalākaua´s former cabinet ministers under the Bayonet Constitution, formed the Committee of Safety in protest of the "revolutionary" action of the queen and conspired to depose her. Thurston and the Committee of Safety derived their support primarily from the American and European business class residing in Hawaiʻi. Most of the leaders of the overthrow were American and European citizens who were also Kingdom subjects.