ellauri008.html on line 881:
You said that giving your life up to them (them meaning all of mankind with skins brown, yellow or black in colour) was like selling your soul to a brute. You contended that that kind of thing was only endurable and enduring when based on a firm conviction in the truth of ideas racially your own, in whose name are established the order, the morality of an ethical process. We want its strength at our backs, you said. We want a belief in its necessity and its justice, to make a worthy and conscious sacrifice of our lives. In other words, you maintained that we must fight in the ranks or our lives don't count. You should know who came out cleverly without singeing your wings.
ellauri033.html on line 95: demi-dieu, mais aussi une sorte de brute. En tout cas, Verlaine n´avait
ellauri048.html on line 1140: Thou madest Life in man and brute; Sä teit elämän apinaan ja muuhun elukkaan;
ellauri049.html on line 1164: en evig tro, av honom aldrig bruten! eihän sitä millään raaskinut herättää!
ellauri053.html on line 715: His contributions to racist ideology are many. In his famed work Social Statics (1850), he argued that imperialism had served civilization by clearing the inferior races off the earth: "The forces which are working out the great scheme of perfect happiness, taking no account of incidental suffering, exterminate such sections of mankind as stand in their way. … Be he human or be he brute — the hindrance must be got rid of."
ellauri053.html on line 1285: So mastered by the brute blood of the air, En myt säjer at det blev tvåäggiga tvillingar av äggen.
ellauri095.html on line 57: The words “here/Buckle” which open the sestet mean “here in my heart,” therefore, as well as here in the bird and here in Jesus. Hopkins’s heart-in-hiding, Christ’s prey, sensed Him diving down to seize it for his own. Just as the bird buckled its wings together and thereby buckled its “brute beauty” and “valour”and capacity to “act,” so the speaker responds by buckling together all his considerable talents and renewing his commitment to the imitation of Christ in order to buckle down, buckle to, in serious preparation for the combat, the grappling, the buckling with the enemy. As Paul said, “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil.”
ellauri109.html on line 537: In Chicago, Roth met Margaret (Maggie) Martinson, a divorcée with two children who came from a small Midwestern town and whose tumultuous life (an alcoholic father, a brute of an ex-husband) fascinated him with its “goyish chaos” and provided material for his fiction.
ellauri150.html on line 571: "Nay," said Iras, "I do not want pity or tears. Tell him, finally, I have found that to be a Roman is to be a brute. Farewell."

ellauri180.html on line 513: And flap their useless wings; the wildest brutes Kyyt ryömi esille kiemurtamaan jaloissa,
ellauri198.html on line 452: All hope of greenness? 'tis a brute must walk Mix piti vihreen toivon aina porsia?
ellauri198.html on line 453: Pashing their life out, with a brute's intents. No se tuntuu hyvältä tavis moukasta.
ellauri198.html on line 468: I never saw a brute I hated so; En mä ainakaan, vaikkoon hevosmies.
ellauri222.html on line 183: “Herzog” is a revenge novel. The ex-wife, Madeleine, is a stone-cold man-killer. Her lover, Valentine Gersbach, is described as a “loud, flamboyant, ass-clutching brute.” Ludwig had a Ph.D. and a damaged foot; Bellow makes Gersbach a radio announcer with a wooden leg. The Herzog character is passive, loving, an innocent soul who cannot make sense of a world in which people like his estranged wife and her lover can exist. He is an ex-university professor, the author of a distinguished tome called “Romanticism and Christianity.” The Rosette Lamont character, called Ramona, is a sexpot with a heart of gold; she specializes in intimate candlelight dinners and lacy lingerie. She is a professor of love, not French.
ellauri222.html on line 275: Enough: you will say that all of that is acknowledged in IMAC. Yes, and no. You tell us that Ira is a brute, a murderer. But who else is there? Ira and Eve are at the core of your novel – and what does this pair amount to?
ellauri300.html on line 412: Luria var ett vrak. Han led av förföljelsemani. Han kunde inte hitta sina läsglasögön eller sin bok. Han hade inte betalat räkningarna. I Poland skulle han hamna i fängelse. Kommunister var som termiter. De underminerade Amerika. Också de sk kapitalistiska tidningarna vår fulla av sovjetpropaganda. Pres. Roosevelt själv var smittad av deras propaganda. Rationalisterna hånskrattade naturligtvis åt såna tankar men var då Hitler en rationell företeelse? Och Stalin? Reagan eller Putin? Var världskrigen en logisk företeelse? Människosläktet traskade omkring i absurditetens, mörkrets och magikens träsk och talade ändå oavbruter om klokhet, vilket i sig självt var ren galenskap.
ellauri418.html on line 357: Enligt WSJ mynnade planerna ut i att attacken utfördes av sex personer på en segelbåt som hyrdes i Tyskland. Besättningen var specialutbildade, fyra av dem dykare. Något som stämmer överens med den tyska utredningen. Uppenbarligen visste Zelensky om planen och sade "Da" till den på bruten ukrainska.
ellauri419.html on line 119:
Gorillan Eyare dödades av en hydraulisk dörr. Det var säkert ryssarnas sabotage. Förtrollningen är bruten, säger krigsvetaren Åke-Håkan Gunnerlusson (nedan).

xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1063: Brown was a latter-day buccaneer, sorry enough, like his more celebrated prototypes...They never failed to let you know, too, that he was supposed to be a son of a baronet. The others were merrely vulgar and greedy brutes, but he seemed by some more complex intention. He would rob a man as if only to demonstrate his poor opinion of the creature...Later on he ran off - it was reported - with the wife of a missionary, a very young girl from Clapham way, who had married the mild, flat-footed fellow in a moment of enthusiasm, and suddenly transplanted to Melanesia, lost her bearings somehow. It was a dark story. She was ill at the time he carried her off, and died on board his ship. It is said - as the most wonderful part of the tale - that over her body he gave way to an outburst of sombre and violent grief...till at last, he sails into Jim's history, a blind accomplice of the dark powers.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 433: Midwestern town and whose tumultuous life (an alcoholic father, a brute of an
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1772: Beneath the brute brows of the sanguine boar,
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 52:
Sverige blev ett skatteparadis för miljardärer - ”Samhällskontraktet är brutet”.

xxx/ellauri356.html on line 321: Sa poésie est concise, directe comme du rock, brute et généreuse, mais toujours suggestive.
xxx/ellauri379.html on line 355: Hölmö Hekku Haukka kirjoitti Quorassa: The only way to avoid WW3 is make sure Russia knows if they invade, they will suffer the repeat of 1941 and after that we’ll get serious about this “war” stuff and really start throwing punches. Russian leadership understands very little, but brute force is something very difficult not to comprahend. If they know attacking NATO is wose than suicide we may remain peaceful and safe. We can’t rely on diplomacy or sanity, the only languague the Kremlin understands is being smacked around for lifting a finger.