ellauri016.html on line 719: Newspaper blown across the court

ellauri048.html on line 1552: The rooks are blown about the skies; Naakat leijuu taivaalla tuulen mukana;
ellauri094.html on line 552: As a water in April is, in the new-blown vines, Kuten viini virtaa huhtikuussa vetenä,
ellauri119.html on line 324: Shituf (Hebrew: שִׁתּוּף‎; also transliterated as shittuf or schituf; literally "association") is a term used in Jewish sources for the worship of God in a manner which Judaism does not deem to be purely monotheistic. The term connotes a theology that is not outright polytheistic, but also should not be seen as purely monotheistic. The term is primarily used in reference to the Christian Trinity by Jewish legal authorities who wish to distinguish Christianity from full-blown polytheism. Though a Jew would be forbidden from maintaining a shituf theology, non-Jews would, in some form, be permitted such a theology without being regarded as idolaters by Jews. That said, whether Christianity is shituf or formal polytheism remains a debate in Jewish philosophy.
ellauri140.html on line 407: Untill the blustring storme is overblowne; Kunnes möyryävä myrsky vähenee.
ellauri241.html on line 171: Light flew his earnest words, among the blossoms blown. Keppanana lensi hänen vakavat sanansa, kukkien siivellä.
ellauri241.html on line 870: Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown Pelasta se, mikä taivaasta on puhaltunut tuulella
ellauri241.html on line 982: Enter Endymion: His "youth' was fully blown,

ellauri241.html on line 1355: With unladen breasts, save of blown self-applause, they proudly mount

ellauri324.html on line 759: genuinely was blown away by America. Now I look at it in
ellauri360.html on line 488: Anabaptists argued that an informal Christendom exists in America. Even though no particular brand of Christianity or Church is named by the government of the United States (disestablishment), Christians still see their nation as Christian in some sense and see the church as obligated to serve the state, much like a chaplain. American Christians see themselves between the extreme of Anabaptist independence and full-blown Christendom as modeled in Europe. The shift away from the Christendom model, however subtle, is crucial to understanding American Christianity. In the end, it is the voluntary, independent, and businesslike disposition of Western missionaries that left the lasting mark upon the churches of the Global South. Translation holds ample opportunity for Western missionaries to import their own cultural bias. The effect of translation was not only cultural manipulation, but a boost for wearing US made t-shirts, shorts and baseball caps to hide the yummy naked breasts.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 165: Rantaan pohjaan upotetut kankaat ovat mikromuovia. PP Meltblown Kangas Materiaali
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 166: sulaamutaa polypropeenia, myös meltblown PP. Se on valmistaja sulavaahtoinen puristamalla polymeeri polypropeenia sulapuhalluskankaan avainmateriaali, jota käytetään myös suojamaskien ja vaatteiden valmistamiseen.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 390: With hair blown back, and wings put cross-wise on their breasts. Takatukka takana: hyvät juhlat lienee nupussa.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 514: Sudden a thought came like a full-blown rose, Sille tulee mieleen idea kuin päivänkakkara,
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 744: ’Tis dark: quick pattereth the flaw-blown sleet: Jälkeenpäin triste post coitum tunnelmat.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 177: The sages said that the only difference between this world and the days of the Messiah will be with regard to the enslavement to the kingdoms. It appears from the plain meaning of the words of the prophets that at the beginning of the days of the Messiah, there will be the war of Gog and Magog. And that prior to the war of Gog and Magog, a prophet will arise to straighten Israel and prepare their hearts, as it is written, Behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord (Mal. 4:5) And he will come not to declare the pure impure, or the impure pure; not to declare unfit those who are presumed to be fit, nor to declare fit those who are held to be unfit; but for the sake of peace in the world….And there are those among the sages who say that prior to the coming of the Messiah will come Elijah. But all these things and their likes, no man can know how they will be until they will be. For they are indistinct in the writings of the prophets. Neither do the sages have a tradition about these things. It is rather, a matter of interpretation of the Biblical verses. Therefore there is a disagreement among them regarding these matters. And in any case, these are mere details which are not of the essence of the faith. And one should definitely not occupy oneself with the matter of legends, and should not expatiate about the midrashim that deal with these and similar things. And one should not make essentials out of them. For they lead neither to fear nor to love [of God]. Neither should one calculate the End. The sages said, “May the spirit of those who calculate the End be blown away” But let him wait and believe in the matter generally, as we have explained.
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 579: There’s a tonne of therapy and sexual issues wrapped up here isn’t it? Who in their right mind would want a perpetually healing hymen? Or was this just a one time deal - just when conceiving via holy spirit? I should add why was her virginity so important anyway? Seems a throw back to a time which virginity may have been prized. I’d image venereal diseases were considered a curse for those fornicating, a moral judgement. But it still seems over blown.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 170: I don't think much of the dandelion explanation. In the case of a dandelion, it isn't the flower that is blown away by the wind but the seeds. –
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 193: 3blow vi blew blown blowing {ME fr. OE blōwan; akin to OHG bluoen to bloom, L florēre to bloom, flor-, flos flower} (bef. 12c) : FLOWER : BLOOM
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 533: Much impressed by what I had heard, I returned to my reading, the third volume now of Dichotican history. It described the Era of Transcarnal Centralization. The Sopsyputer at first worked to everyone´s satisfaction, but then new beings began appearing on the planet-bibods, tribods, quadribods, then octabods, and finally those that had no intention whatever of ending in an enumerable way, for in the course of life they were constantly sprouting something new. This was the result of a defect, a faulty reiteration - recursion in programming language or - to put it in automata terms - the machine had started looping. Since however the cult of its perfection was in full sway people actually praised these automorphic deviations, asserting for example that all that incessant budding and branching out was in fact the true expression of man´s Protean nature. And this praise not only held up the repairs, but led to the rise of so-called indeterminants or entits (N-tits), who lost their way in their own body, there was so much of it; completely baffled, they would get themselves into so-called bindups, entangulums and snorls; often an ambulance squad was needed to untie them. The repair of the Sopsyputer didn´t work - named the Oopsyputer, it was finally blown sky high. The feeling of relief that followed didn´t last long however, for the accursed question soon returned, What to do about the body now?
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 159: Shaken from hands and blown from lips of nymphs Käsistä varisseina ja nymfien botoxihuulista
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 295: For thy speech flickers like a blown-out flame. Sun jutut sekoilee kuin sammutettu kynttilä.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 344: And meadow and marsh with springs and unblown leaves, Ja niittyjä, soita ja muita vihannexia,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 363: Slackened, hath blown on us with deadlier air. Hellitti, puhalsi vielä ilkeämpää ilmaa perästä.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 372: Whence blown, and born under what stormier star? Mistäs nyt tuule, eli minkä tähden valitat?
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 378: Thy speech turns toward Arcadia like blown wind. Sun puhe on temmattu Arkadian ruskeasta tuulesta.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 468: Ring, as birds singing or flutes blown, and watch, kuin lintuset, tai huiluset, ja kazoaxeen
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 473: Seen through blown cloud and plume-like drift, when ships
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 663: And full of unblown life, the blood of gods.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1271: That make the blown foam neither swift nor white