ellauri080.html on line 808: Gandhi asked him on a principle of non-violence “If a snake is about to bite me, should I allow myself to be bitten or should I kill it?” His mentor Rajchandbhai wrote back, “If the person lacks the development of a noble character, one may advise him to kill the snake, but we should wish that neither you nor I will even dream of being such a person.”
ellauri115.html on line 170: Es verlangte ihm verzweifelt nach mehr davon. Die kluge Lehrerin hatte natürlich erkannt, was sie angerichtet hatte, und schlug ihn nie wieder. Für den armen Jean-Jacques war es jedoch zu spät! Er litt unter erotischen Extasen, in denen er intensiv davon träumte, dass er geprügelt würde. Er liebte es, zu Füssen einer gebieterischen Herrin zu liegen, ihren Befehlen zu gehorchen, gezwungen zu sein, ihre Vergebung zu erbitten ... das war für mich ein süsses Vergnügen. Aber er wagte nie, echt um Prügel auf Arsch zu bitten. Paizi yhtä 11-vuotiasta tyttöä, jota sitäkin sai polovillaan anella. Mamania J-J ei tykännyt bylsiä, se tuntui kun olis kengittänyt omaa äitiä. Pitääxeen izensä kankeana sen piti ajatella pukilla muita naisia. Kyynelet valui silmistä Mamanin tissille.
ellauri118.html on line 1167: Eurydice in Greek mythology, the luckless bride bitten by a snake on her wedding day. Her husband, Orpheus, the famed musician, convinced Hades to let Eurydice return to earth. However, Orpheus disobeyed the strictures of the journey and looked at Eurydice too soon, thus dispatching her back to the abode of the dead forever.
ellauri222.html on line 571: Harold Mintouchian is a wealthy, distinguished Armenian lawyer and international businessman who is the married lover of a friend of Stella’s and becomes a close friend and mentor of Augie. At the end of the novel, Augie works for him as a black market trader in Europe. Augie looks up to the older man as “a sage, prophet, or guru, a prince of experience with his jewel toes” and seeks his wisdom. Mintouchian, who has seen much of the darker side of human nature through his law practice, has more realistic ideas than the love-bitten Augie about what to expect from human relationships. Secrecy and lies, he tells Augie, are unavoidable. “Mind you, I’m a great admirer of our species. I stand in awe of the genius of the race. But a large part of this genius is devoted to lying and seeming what you are not.” He confesses to Augie that his mistress, Agnes, is keeping secrets from him, while he is keeping secrets from his wife.
ellauri236.html on line 502: Paula made a grimace as if she had bitten into a lemon.
ellauri324.html on line 161: Erbetene I. sind auch ein wertwoller Trick. Es gibt immer einige die um eine I. bitten wollen, wie z.B. der ex-Russe Mikhail Shittin. Indirekte I. ist immer noch besser, mit Propaganda-Media und Handelssanktionen.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 117: After some exploring, Abel discovers an enchanting forest where he hears a strange bird-like singing. His Indian friends avoid the forest because of its evil spirit-protector, "the Daughter of the Didi." Persisting in the search, Abel finally finds Rima the Bird Girl. She has dark hair, a smock of spider webs, and can communicate with birds in an unknown tongue. When she shields a coral snake, Abel is bitten and falls unconscious.